




By :

Nur Annisa

Students Number : T20186125




JUNI 2022







Presented as partial fulfilment of requirements

For the degree of bachelor in Islamic Education (S.Pd)

Teacher Training and Education Faculty

English Language Education Program of Study

By :

Nur Annisa

Students Number : T20186125



NIP. 197001262000031002



This is to certify that undergraduate thesis Nur Annisa entitled “The

Implementation of Teaching Writing Skill in Narrative Text by Using Short

Movies: A Case Study at Eighth Grade of SMPN 3 Genteng” has been approved

by the board examiners as the requirement for the bachelor degree in English

Education Department.


Date: 17th of June, 2022

The board of examiners


Dr. Indah Wahyuni, M.Pd

NIP. 198003062011012009


Sandi Ferdiansyah, M.Pd

NIP. 198503192019031004


1. Sofkhatin Humaida, M.Pd.,M.Ed., Ph.D ( )

2. H. Moch.Imam Machfudi,S.S.,M.Pd., Ph.D ( )

Approved by

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

Prof. Dr. Hj. Mukni’ah,M.Pd.I




ت اقدامكم ن تنصروا الل ينصركم ويثب ا ا منو

ين ا ذ

ها ال اي


“O you who believe! If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and

make your foothold firm”1

1 Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali and Muhammad Muhsin Khan.Translation of the Meanings of

The Noble Qur’an. Madinah.p.688



I proudly dedicated this thesis for:

1. My beloved Father and Mother

Big thanks to my beloved father and mother for their support,

motivation, love, and prayer for me to finish my thesis.

2. My younger brother and my younger sister who always give support,

attention, and prayer for me.

3. My beloved best friend, “Ridadyah Wilujeng” who always cares,listens

all sighs, gives supports and prayer for me.

4. For all big family of my class (Jung Pajungan Class) who always gives

support, attention, motivation, love and prayer.

5. My close friend, Isna Inayati Elma, who has helped in successfully of

the whole my parts in this examination.

6. All my teachers of kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school,

Islamic Boarding school, and this university who have giving me

knowledge and science sincerely and patiently.

7. All people who has kindly giving me spirit and prayer.

By all those, I have been built as who I am today; Thanks without

any limit for all those, May Allah give all of you more than what I have

got to be.



Firstly, thinks and all praises due to Allah SWT for giving me blessings,

mercies, health, opportunity, and inspiration to finish my thesis. Secondly,

Sholawat and Salam are always delivered to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who

has guided us from the darkness to the lightness and brought us from the stupidity

era to the lightness era.

The researcher realized that this thesis would not finish without help and

guidance from other people. Therefore, I would like to express the greatest

gratitude to the following people:

1. The Excellency, Prof. Dr. H. Babun Socharto, SE. MM. as a Rector of

State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember who has given opportunity

for me to study in this institute.

2. Prof. Dr. Hj Mukni'ah, M.Pd.I as the Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teacher Training State Institute of Islamic Studies of Jember who

has facilitated me to study in this faculty.

3. Mr. As'ari M.Pd.I as the Head of English Education Department who

has giving motivation and encouragement sincerely and patiently.

4. My advisor, Mr. H. Moch. Imam Machfudi S.S.,M.Pd,Ph.D who has

kindly helped, guided, and supported me during the writing of the thesis

sincerely and patiently.

5. Mrs. Ninuk Indrayani,M.Pd as an academic advisory lecturer who has

kindly guided, helped and supported all things during these years.

6. All lecturers of English Department, who have given me knowledge.

7. The headmaster of SMPN 3 Genteng, Mr.Drs.Hasan Marsuki who has

kindly given me an opportunity and helped the research

implementation fluency.

8. The English teacher and whole of students at grade VIII C of SMPN 3

Genteng who had kindly helped in implementation of this research.

I really realize that this thesis is far for being perfect. However, I

do some points from the research findings those still give benefits. The

researcher hopes the thesis will be useful for readers and other researchers

who need it.

Jember, 14th of June 2022

Nur Annisa



Nur Annisa,2022: The Implementation of Teaching Writing Skill in Narrative Text

by Using Short Movies: A Case Study at Eighth Grade of SMPN 3 Genteng

Keywords: Writing, Narrative Text, Short Movies.

Writing is one aspect of skills in English that must be learned by students.

Writing has been considered as the most difficult and complicated language skill.

Writing requires hard thinking to produce notion, words, sentences, paragraph,

and composition. Therefore, the importance of teaching and learning writing skill

needs to be conducted correctly and clearly. Short movie is one of the solving

media in teaching and learning writing as short movies provide many facilitative

attributions to support the teaching and learning process in writing narrative text.

The research focuses, are: 1) how is the steps of teaching writing skill in

narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng? 2) what are the advantages of

using short movies in teaching writing skill in narrative text at year eighth of

SMPN 3 Genteng? 3) what are the disadvantages of using short movies in

teaching writing skill in narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng?

This research aims, are:1) to describe the steps of teaching writing skill in

narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng.2) to describe the the advantages

of using short movies in teaching writing skill in narrative text at year eighth of

SMPN 3 Genteng.3) to describe the disadvantages of using short movies in

teaching writing skill in narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng

This research employed qualitative research with case study design. Data

collection methods used were observation, interview, and document review. To

analyze the collected data, the researcher used Miles Huberman and Saldana

theory which consists of three steps: data condensation, data display, and

conclusion drawing or verification. While for the checking of trustworthness is

triangulation of technique and sources.

The result showed that the steps which has been used by the English

Teacher was oriented to Stoller (1988) steps. The steps are: 1) pre-viewing

activity, 2) viewing activity and 3) post viewing activity. The advantages of using

short movies in teaching writing skill were relevant with Harmer’s statement.

They are: 1) seeing language in use, 2) cross-cultural awareness, 3) power of

creation and 4) motivation. The disadvantages of using short movies in teaching

writing skill, are:1) 1) movies create fixed space as it runs during periods, 2)

movies are not always suitable to the all lesson, 3) movies are poor at presenting

abstract, non-visual information.




Cover ....................................................................................................................... i

Approval Sheet ....................................................................................................... ii

Approval from Board Examiners .......................................................................... iii

Motto ..................................................................................................................... iv

Dedication .............................................................................................................. v

Acknowledgment ................................................................................................. vi

Abstract……………………………………………………………………... ...... vii

Table of Content .................................................................................................. viii

List of Tables .......................................................................................................... x

List of Appendices ................................................................................................. xi


A. Research Background ................................................................................. 1

B. Research Questions .................................................................................... 8

C. Research Objectives ................................................................................... 8

D. Significance of the Research ..................................................................... 8

E. Definition of Key Terms ........................................................................... 9

F. Research Outline ..................................................................................... 10


A. Previous Research ................................................................................... 12

B. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................... 18


A. Research Approach ................................................................................. 37


B. Location of the Research .......................................................................... 38

C. Subject of the Research ............................................................................ 38

D. Data Collection Methods ......................................................................... 39

E. Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 40

F. Data Validity ........................................................................................... 42

G. Research Procedures ................................................................................ 44


A. Research Findings ................................................................................... 45

B. Discussions ............................................................................................. 52


A. Conclusions ............................................................................................. 59

B. Recommendation .................................................................................... 60

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 62




Table 2.1 The Similarities and Differences of Previous Research ........................ 17

Table 4.1 Research Findings ................................................................................. 51



Appendix 1. Authenticity Statement of writing

Appendix 2. Research Matrix`

Appendix 3. Description of the Object

Appendix 4. Students’ Interview Transcripts

Appendix 5. Research Instruments

Appendix 6. Observation Reports

Appendix 7. Observation Reports of Focus Group Discussion

Appendix 8. Lesson Plan

Appendix 9. Interview Transcripts of English Teacher

Appendix 10. Focus Group Discussion Transcripts

Appendix 11. Observation Result of Students

Appendix 12. Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian

Appendix 13. Surat Keterangan Selesai Penelitian

Appendix 14. Research Journal

Appendix 15. Researcher’s Bibliography




A. Research Background

Education is a basic necessity for human. Everything which can be

heard, felt and done by human is called by education. The education has a

main role in advancing country quality as the education taught the students

from many aspects and subjects. English has been a compulsory subject to be

learnt in education in Indonesia. As English is not the mother tongue for

Indonesian, it certainly will be rather more difficult to be mastered. Therefore,

it is important to implement the teaching and learning process by creating

positive situations, like interactive, inspirational, fun, challenging, motivating

and giving chance for creativity of the students.

As it has written in (Government Regulations) PP Number 57 Chapter

12 verse (1), states: The learning process which purposed at Chapter 10 verse

(2) letter b be held in learning situation which: a. interactive; b. inspirational;

c. pleasant; d. challenge; e. motivates the students to participate actively; and

f. provide sufficient space for initiatives, creativity, independence according to

talent, interests, and physical and psychological development learners.2

On the top of that, the implementation of teaching and learning by

using information and communication technology actually has been enforced

in secondary education before the appearance of COVID – 19. Specifically, in

teaching and learning of information and communication technology subject.

2 PP RI No.57. (2021). Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Retrieved from Kementrian Pendidikan,

Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi: https://jdih.kemdikbud.go.id/


It can be concluded that information and communication technology has been

a basic requirement and essential aspect of education in global context. It

seems more evidently since the online teaching and learning has been enforced

in educational in Indonesia.

Everything has a good and bad component. Beside the implementation

of online teaching and learning has been running fluently during two years, it

also has some deficiencies. Essentially, all teachers have been giving the best

efforts as they could as an educator in pandemic era. Nevertheless, in spite of

that, teaching and learning by online is definitely different with face-to-face

learning. The students’ control of study was disorganized. The students are

forced to study independently at home. The next problems are appeared. There

will be a misunderstanding between the students’ understanding about the

material and teachers’ perception. It will greatly affect to the students’

achievement. Especially to the English subject.

Generally, students commence to receive the English Subject at

elementary school. English Subject has been included in the compulsory

course in primary and secondary education in Indonesia. It is important to

realize that in Indonesia, English is only learned at school but is not used in

daily life. This shows that English is only studied in theory and science rather

than practical directly. This phenomenon certainly gives effects to the concept

of learning an English language: in which learning English has 4 language


skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.3 The effects appeared because

the students are accustomed to listen, to speak, to read and to write by English

only in a period of school.

The teaching and learning by using an interesting media has become a

major role in enhancing students' abilities in English Subject. Despite of that,

the teacher role in teaching and learning also has great influences for their

enhancement. There are some factors which include into the teaching and

learning process, they are: learning material, methods, media, strategy, et

cetera. Those points will support the teaching and learning process to achieve

the learning target and to ease the students in enhancing their skill on writing,

speaking, reading and listening.

This research was conducted to discover the students’ enhancement at

writing the narrative text. The students require the suitable media for learning

to attract their desire in enhancing their ability in writing narrative text. There

are some media which can be utilized and appropriate with the online teaching

and learning.

This research is mainly focused on writing skill because writing is

considered as the most difficult and complicated language skill to be learned.

Writing requires hard thinking to produce notion, words, sentences, paragraph,

and composition. It is one of the English skills to be mastered by the students.

Through writing, we can transfer our ideas and information on the paper with

3 Byslina Maduwu,S.Pd,”Pentingnya Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah,” Jurnal Warta

Edisi: 50, Oktober 2016, ISSN : 1829 - 7463


good sentences.4 The main purpose of teaching writing is that the students are

expected to be able communicate accurately and appropriately in form of


It also stated at the regulation of number 20 of 2003 concerning the

National Education System Chapter III Sub Chapter 4 Number 5, “Education

is organized by developing a culture of reading, writing, and arithmetic for all

citizens.”5 It also strengthen by the statement in Holy Qur’an verse, in Surah

Al – Alaq ( 1 – 5 ) as follows:6

م رب ك الذى خلق را باس ١ – اق

علق ناسانمنا خلقالا - ٢

رم كا ٣ – اقارأا وربك الا

٤ – الذيا علم بالاقلم

ناسان ما لما يعالما ٥ - علم ا لا

“(1) Recite in the name of your Lord who created; (2) Created man

from a clinging substance; (3) Recite, and your Lord is the most

Generous; (4) Who taught by the pen; (5) Taught man that which he

knew not.”

Writing text has a difficult process and needs mastery of grammar,

vocabularies and generic structure of the text. However, writing text must be

studied by students as what had written in the curriculum.7 The importance of

enhancing the writing skill ever been written in the Curriculum 2013 that the

competency standard consists of behavior, understanding and skill. The

4 Kartina Rambe et al,”The Effect of Using Short Movie on Students’ Achievement in Writing

Narrative Text,” Jurnal Litera: Fakultas Sastra Darma Agung Vol. I, No. 2, Oktober 2019: 250 5 UU number 20 of 2003, Article 3 6 L.S Wenny. Literasi Informasi Berdasarkan Surah Al- Alaq.(E-Journal UIN Imam Bonjol,2021) 7 Kartina Rambe et al,”,The Effect of Using Short Movie on Students’ Achievement in Writing

Narrative Tex,”. p.251


understanding and the skill itself include of social function, language text and

element linguistics.

Unfortunately, the learners still have difficulties in writing, such as the

problems of language, cognitive and content.8 Writing is an activity which

involves a presentation of written expression, ideas or reports. It also utilizes

the structure of language, elements of linguistics, and developing the

sentences which must be arranged into cohesive and coherent text.

Walsh states,” Writing is important because it is used extensively in

higher education and in the workplace. If students don’t know how to express

themselves in writing, they will not be able to communicate well with

professors, employers, peers, or just about anyone else. Much of professional

communication is done in writing: proposals, memos, reports, applications,

preliminary interviews, e-mails, and more are part of the daily life of a college

student or successful graduate.”9 It can be noted that people who has

accustomed to write constantly and fluently, they have a great capability. The

great capability is built from a great willingness and efforts. It can be started to

teach the students in school. The appropriate learning media will support the

students’ ability and students’ ambitious in mastering the writing skill.

Smaldino, Lowther and Russell divided the media into six types

namely, text media, audio media, visual media, video, manipulative, and

people. Text media is an alphanumeric character that may be displayed in any

8 Nidya Indrilla and Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, An Approach in Teaching Writing Skills:

Does it offer a new insight in enhancing students’ writing ability, LLT Journal:Yogyakarta State

University Vol.21 No.2 ( 2018) p.125. 9 Blanka Klimova,The Importance of Writing,INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH:University of

Hradec Kralove Volume 2, January 2013: 9


form such as books, posters, whiteboards, and computer screens and so on.

Audio media is everything that can be listened like the sound of people, music,

mechanical sounds, noise, and so forth. Visual media includes diagrams on a

poster, an image on a white board, a photo, a picture on a book, a cartoon and

so on. Video media is a media that displays movement including DVD,

computer animation and so on. Equipment media is a medium that can be

touched and held by students. Person media can be teachers, students, or field

experts. 10

Narrative text is a text of an activity or story in the past time. For the

example; fairytale, legend, myth, fable, et cetera. The structure of narrative

text, there are: orientation, complication, resolution and reorientation.

Narrative text is a kind of text that exactly to tell the activities or events in the

past, it shows problematic experience and resolution meaning to amuse and

usually meant to give moral lesson to the readers.11 It can be noted that

narrative text is a kind of amusement story which followed by giving the

moral values inside the story implicitly or expressly. The text in form of

narrative text are attracting the students when the learning teaching process

because most of people are fond in watching a movies. The short movies are

appropriate media to support the students’ enhancement in writing narrative


10 Fabio Testy Ariance Loren, Andayani, Budhi Setiawan,”The Use of Learning Media on

Listening Skill in Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Language”Jurnal Bahasa dan

Pembelajaran Bahasa Vol.11 No.1: 3, July 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.24036/ld.v11i1.7625 11 Rodearta Purba, Improving the Achievement on Writing Narrative Text through Discussion

Starter Story Technique. (State University of Medan, 2018),p.29.


A short movie is included into audio visual method in which the

students learn through movie. There are some short movies which provided a

subtitle and there are some short movies do not provide the subtitle. In this

research used the short movies with a subtitle to help students in upgrading

their vocabularies. According to harmer, there are four advantages movies in

teaching writing, those are: One of the main advantages of the movie is that

students do not just hear the language, they see it too. This greatly aids

comprehension, since, for example, general meaning and moods are often

conveyed through expression, gesture, and other visual clues. Therefore, it can

be observed how intonation can match facial expression.12 As evidenced by

that statement, short movies provide an audio and visual attributes which can

contributes to the students’ learning process.

The beginning of the research was caused by the researcher’s pre-field

which has done by surveying to the location of the research. The title was

obtained by the problems of the students’ difficulties in learning writing skill.

The English teacher subsequently displayed that the students was the eighth

graders of SMPN 3 Genteng was the students which has been doing the

teaching and learning process by online mode or study from home for two

years. Therefore, the English teacher would like to implement the learning by

using short movies as the students had accustomed to learn by using video at


12 Suparwoto Sapto Wahono & Ulfa Khodijatul Qodriah, Improving Students’ Writing Skill Using

English Movie with Subtite(IAIN Jember: International Journal of Scientific and Research

Publications, Volume 9, Issue 12) Page 595


Considering all those statements, the researcher would like to do

research of the steps in using the short movies to teach writing narrative text

by means of the qualitative research approach under the title,” The

Implementation of Teaching Writing Skill in Narrative Text by Using Short

Movies: A Case Study at Eighth Grade of SMPN 3 Genteng “ .

B. Research Questions

Based on this background, it can be concluded that the problems that

will be discussed in this research include:

1. How is the steps of teaching writing skill in narrative text at year eighth of

SMPN 3 Genteng?

2. What are the advantages of using short movies in teaching writing skill in

narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng?

3. What are the disadvantages of using short movies in teaching writing skill

in narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng?

C. Research Objectives

Based on the questions above, the purposes of this research include:

1. To describe steps of teaching writing skill in narrative text at year eighth

of SMPN 3 Genteng.

2. To describe the advantages of using short movies in teaching writing skill

in narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng.

3. To describe the disadvantages of using short movies in teaching writing

skill in narrative text at year eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng

D. Significance of the Research


1. For Researcher

This research is used by researchers to describe the advantages and

disadvantages in showing and clarifying changes in the narrative text

writing skills of eighth graders in teaching and learning activities using

short movie. This research is also used as a researcher's experience in

making scientific works.

2. For Educators

This research can contribute to educators in obtaining detailed

analysis and views on the advantages and disadvantages in teaching and

learning activities using short movie. The results of this study are intended

to be a reference and guide in learning activities.

3. For Institutions

It is hoped that this research will become new information for school

residents, especially SMP N 3 Genteng in knowing the steps, advantages

and disadvantages of using short movies in teaching writing.

E. Definition of Key Terms

The definition of key terms is applied in obtaining views of important

terms that can be used as a reference in this research with the aim of not

causing misunderstanding of the concept of terms or meanings as the

research's goals. The terms that must be emphasized in this research include

the following:

1. Writing Skill


Writing is one aspect of skills in English that must be learned by

students in terms of choosing, assembling and arranging words or

sentences in English properly and correctly. Writing involves words,

syllables, punctuation, grammatical, and the other elements of text which

must be arranged good and correctly.

2. Narrative Text

Narrative Text is a kind of text which consists of orientation,

evaluation, compilation, and resolution. Narrative texts usually tell about

story that actually happened or imaginary story. Narrative text can be

formed of fairy – tales, legend, myths, fable, folklore, et cetera. The text of

narrative text is stories which have been happened and finished in ancient


3. Short Movies

Short movie is any motion picture that is short enough in running

time not to be considered a feature film. Short film is under 10 minutes

long, it can show several times in a single class and students are able to

acquire detailed familiarity with the film which is important in anabling

students to critically engage with the material on a meaningful level.

F. Research Outline

The research result is presented in 5 chapters. The first chapter is an

introduction that consists of research background, research problems, the

scope of the research, research objectives, research benefit, definition of

terms, and research outline.


The second chapter is a review of related literature which consists of

previous research and theoretical framework.

The third chapter is the research method which consists of research

design, source of data, research instrument, data collection technique,

instrument validity, data analysis technique, and research procedures.

The fourth is findings and discussion which consists of a description of

the research object, research findings, and data analysis, discussion on the

result of data analysis.

The fifth chapter is the conclusion which consists of a conclusion and





This chapter consists of the Previous Research and Theoretical Framework.

A. Previous Research

In this study, there are some similarities and differences between this

research and several previous research.

1. Nurul Jannah’s research in 2019 with the title, ”Students’ Perception on

the Use of Short Movie Media in Retelling Story”.

The research purposes to find out students’ perception on the use

of short movie media in retelling story. The research was qualitative

research. The location of this research was carried out on class Social 2

with 35 students. The research instruments were questionnaire and

interview. The research was done at SMAN 4 Pekanbaru. The result of

questionnaire and interview showed that the students had a positive

responds to the use of short movie media in retelling story. Therefore,

students have a positive perspective on the use of short movie media and

are felt helpful to them. Besides that they also get some benefits from

using short movie media in retelling story such as confidence to speak in

front of, easier to communicate with the teacher and friends and also in

remembering vocabularies.13

13 Nurul Jannah,”Students’ Perception on the Use of Short Movie Media in Retelling Story”

(Universitas Islam Riau’s Thesis, 2019).


2. July Trisnani, Oikurema Purwanti, and Ali Mustofa’s research in 2021

with the title, “The Use of Animated Short Movie in Teaching Writing

Narrative Text to Facilitate Students Critical Thinking Skills for Eighth


This research is to find out whether the application of animated

short movie can ease the learning for students to write narrative texts or

not. In order to response it, the researcher chooses qualitative as the

research design. The result of the research showed that the teaching

writing narrative text using animated film affects the students’ ability in

writing the narrative text significantly. It can be noted that animated film

has a strong effect in teaching students writing narrative text. This media

could make the students involve actively in teaching and learning process

by finding the information based on the animated film, which were used as

the idea to write the text. The animated film helped students in improving

their vocabulary and grammar to support their writing production.

Therefore, students cannot only improve their writing score but also enjoy

the learning activity which was provided by the teacher in infrequently did

writing practice. Therefore, by doing the exercise given in the second

treatment which was replacing the underlined word into the correct form

of verbs, students could be able to write the sentences grammatically.14

14 July Trisnani, Oikurema Purwanti, and Ali Mustofa. The Use of Animated Short Movie in

Teaching Writing Narrative Text to Facilitate Students Critical Thinking Skills for Eighth Graders.

(Jurnal Education and Development Vol.9,No.1, February 2021)


3. Khoirul Rizki Abdia’s research in 2016 with the title, “The

Implementation of Animated Short Movie in Teaching Writing Narrative

Text to The Tenth Graders of MAN Sidoarjo.”

The purpose of this study are to analyze the implementation of

animated short movie in writing narrative text and the students’ responses

about this medium. The subject of this study was the tenth graders of

MAN Sidoarjo at class of science (IPA) 1 which consist of 38 students.

The researcher took all of the students in that class as the research subject.

The researcher used qualitative study to present the data. The researcher

used three data instruments to collect the data such as: observation,

questionnaire and interview. The result of the implementation of animated

short movie in teaching writing narrative text was good. It proved by the

students’ score, they got a good score and they were enthusiastic more in

the class. And the result of the students’ responses on the implementation

of animated short movie in the teaching writing narrative class is positive.

It took a noted from the result of questionnaire and interviews the students.

The students are interested in animated short movie and they agreed if

their teacher teach by using animated short movie as media. 15

4. The title of the research is “The Implementation of Animated Film as

Media to Teach Writing Narrative Text to the Eighth Grade Students of

Junior High School“.

15 Khoirul Rizki Abdia,”The Implementation of Animated Short Movie in Teaching Writing

Narrative Text to The Tenth Graders of MAN Sidoarjo” (Muhammadiyah University’s Thesis,



The research was done by Fatimatus Zahroh in 2014. The purpose

of this study was to describe the implementation of animated film as a

media in teaching writing narrative text to the eight grade student and the

problems are faced by the teacher in teaching writing narrative of using

animated film text to the eight grade student of SMP N 1 Bangkalan. This

research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects are the teacher

and the students of VIII G SMP Negeri 1 Bangkalan. The instruments

which are used in this research are observation checklist, field note,

interview and questionnaires. The results of the application of film

animation in teaching writing narrative text are said to be successful.

Almost all students can write narrative text well in the application of

animated film in teaching text narrative get a positive response from

students. And the problems faced by teachers in teaching narrative text

using animated films, one of which is that students find it difficult in

capturing the intent of the speaker in the animation of the film. In

conclusion, from the application of film animation in teaching narrative

text, it gets a positive response from student. By using animated films as a

medium in learning to write narrative text, it can be increase students'

motivation and enthusiasm in learning narrative text. And it can be

concluded that this media used in teaching narrative text in the classroom

is very interesting and fun.16

16 Fatimatus Zahro,”The Implementation of Animated Film as Media to Teach Writing Narrative

Text to the Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School” (State University of Surabaya’s Thesis,



5. The title of the research is “Students’ Perspectives in Writing Narrative

Texts Using the Animated Film”. The research was done by Muhammad

Dwiyan Aditiya in 2022.

This research investigated the students’ responses to narrative text

through the animated film. The place of this study was one of the public

schools in Yogyakarta Province. The subject of this study was eleventh-

grade students. The type of data of this study was

qualitative data. The technique of collecting data used in this study was

the observation checklists and interview guidance. Furthermore, the

technique of analyzing this study's data used descriptive statistics and

descriptive analysis. The observation showed that the students’

perception of the students’ interest, attention, activeness, and

concentration improved. Besides, the interview result showed that the

animated film brought a sense of happiness and a reduced sense of

distress among the students during the learning activity. The animated

film was also considered a medium to replace conventional teaching

methods, e.g., teaching books. The animated film was also a trigger for

the students to give their attention during the ongoing class. The

animated film was also regarded as an innovation in class activity

(including teaching methods, learning ideas, and learning atmosphere)

so that the class became alive. 17

17 Muhammad Dwiyan Aditya,”Students’ Perspectives in Writing Narrative Texts Using the

Animated Film” (Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies, Vol.9, No.1,February 2022)


Table 2.1

The Similarities and Differences of Previous Research


The Researcher, Year

and The Title of


Similarities Differences

1 Nurul Jannah, 2019,

”Students’ Perception on

the Use of Short Movie

Media in Retelling Story”

-The research

involves the short

movies media.

-The research is



- The research

was done at

Class Social 2

of SMAN 4


- The research is

applied at the

tenth grade of

SMA Harapan


2 July Trisnani, Oikurema

Purwanti, and Ali

Mustofa,2021,” The Use of

Animated Short Movie in

Teaching Writing Narrative

Text to Facilitate Students

Critical Thinking Skills for

Eighth Graders.”

-The research is

using Animated

Short Movie.

- The research is



- The research is

applied to students

at eighth grade.

-The research

purpose is to

find out whether

the application

can ease the


learning or not.

3 Khoirul Rizki Abdia,2016,

“The Implementation of

Animated Short Movie in

Teaching Writing Narrative

Text to The Tenth Graders of

MAN Sidoarjo”

-The research is

using Animation

Short Movie.

-The research is



- The research is

applied to

students at tenth


4 Fatimatus Zahroh, 2014,

“The Implementation of

Animated Film as Media to

Teach Writing Narrative

Text to the Eighth Grade

Students of Junior High


-The research

media by using

Animated Film.

- The research was

done as the



- The research was

done at eighth


-The research

purpose was to

describe the


of animated film

as a media in

teaching writing

narrative text to

the eight grade


5 Muhammad Dwiyan

Aditya, 2022, “Students’

Perspectives in Writing

Narrative Texts Using the

Animated Film”.

-The research

media is using the

Animated Film.

-The research was

done in qualitative

-The research

was done at

eleventh grade.

- The research

purpose is to


research. investigate the


responses to

narrative text

through the

animated film.

The uniqueness of this research that made is distinct from the previous

studies was the focus of research. Most of previous studies above used the

research focus to investigate or to describe whether the research was successfully

or not. While in this research, used the research focus to describe the steps,

advantages and disadvantages of using short movies. Furthermore, the material,

the subject, and also the level of school were also different.

B. Theoretical Framework

1. Writing Skill

a. The Definition of Writing Skill

There are four skills in English Language, they are writing,

reading, listening and speaking. Writing is considered as a difficult

skill than other skills. Writing is an activity of choosing, arranging, and

stringing words into good and correct sentences. Therefore, in writing,

the writers have to notice the steps in writing process.

Jeremy Harmer states, “Writing is a way to produce language

and express idea, feeling and opinion.”18 It means writing is a process

to deliver through media. ”Writing is a process that we write is often

heavily influenced by the constraints of genres, then these elements

18 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing. (Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2004), p.31.


have to be presented in learning activities.”19 It explains that writing

has a heavy influences to the readers depends on the genres.

In conclusion, writing is a process of delivering idea, feeling,

expression and thoughts through media. The media can be a computer,

a laptop, a paper, et cetera. The writing is a productive activity. The

product of writing can be found in a blogs, electronic journal,

newspaper, magazines, brochures, et cetera.

According to Sanggam Siahan also “Writing as one the four

language skills requires or group of readers, it involves the application

of grammatical knowledge which includes the sentence patterns,

vocabulary, or diction and cultural understanding of the target


Writing is one of the four skills –LSRW (listening, speaking,

reading and writing) in language learning. It is the system of written

symbols, representing the sounds, syllables or words of language, with

different mechanisms - capitalization, spelling and punctuation, word

form and function.21 In writing process, students require the

understanding of the function of a whole writing devices. The students

are obliged to understand the use of written symbols, punctuation

mark, capitalization et cetera.

19 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, p.86. 20 Yusmita Harahap, Improving Writing Skill by Using Pictorial Story Media at SMPN 1 Batang.

(State Institute for Islamic Studies Padangsidimpuan’s Thesis.2019) p.10. 21 Ms. Satya Sri Durga & Dr. C. S. Rao,” Developing Students’ Writing Skills in English - A

Process Approach” ISSN : 2456 – 8104 Issue 6 Vol.2 (2018)


As the statement has shown, somebody have to master in

applying the grammatical knowledge which consists of sentence

patterns, vocabularies, diction or articulation and cultural

understanding to get the target of a good writing. Moreover, somebody

have to identify of written symbols, syllables, mechanisms –

capitalization, spelling and punctuation, et cetera.

That is called as writing activity which is a written expression

or information that requires accuracy and patience in order to get the

writing competitiveness to reader appeal and can be interpreted in

depth by the reader. On other hand, somebody have to practice a lot

and continuously in order to get a good writing.

b. Components of Writing

The good writing skill can be analyzed to group and varied skills.

Heaton divided components writing into five main areas. They are

grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, content and organization.22

1) Grammar

Grammar concerns about the ability to write correct and

appropriate sentences. The writer has to give attention for

preposition, tenses such as using of verbs, nouns, adjective, also

conjunction and articles. It is very important to the writer to clarify

the correct usage of point grammar because reader will be difficult

22Rahmad Risan dan Hasriani G. Using Juxtaposing Pictures in Improving Descriptive Writing

Skill of the Second Year Students of SMAN 3 Enrekang. Journal of Language and Literature 14(1)

October 2019. http://journal.unnes.ac.id/


to understand it. It has a great influence so, we have to reread and

review what we have written.

2) Mechanics

It is related with the ability to use correctly words to the

written language such as using of capitalization, punctuation,

spelling. It is very important to lead the readers to understand or

recognize what the writer means to express. The use of favorable

mechanics in writing will make the readers easy to the group to

conveying ideas or message of writing. The explanation as follows:

a) capitalization, the use of capitalization can clarify the ideas. If

the sentences are not capitalized correctly, ambiguity and

misunderstanding will appear. It also helps to differentiate from

sentences to others. The words which are capitalized at beginning

of: the name of people, organization, first and last word of title. b)

Punctuation. Punctuation can help the readers to identify should be

taken as a unit of meaning and suggest how the units of it relate to

each other. c) Spelling. Using of spelling has three rules; they are

suffixes addition, plural formation and the change of certain words.

3) Content

The content of writing is about the ability to think creatively

and develop thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information. It

should be clear to the readers. So, they can understand what the

messages convey and gain information from it. Also, the content of


writing should be well unity and complete because the

characteristic of good writing has unity and completeness.

4) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an essential part of compose writing. The writes

need vocabulary mastery well to express or write their ideas. The

effective using of words or vocabulary in writing must be relevant

with the topic to let the readers perceive and feel it. Someone who

lack of vocabulary will be difficult to compose what they are going

to express but appropriate words will help writers to compose


5) Organization

Organization is the ability to develop ideas and topic which

relevant in a united form. On the other hand, it concern in ways of

writer to arrange and organize the ideas or messages in writing.

There are many ways in process of organization writing involves

coherence, order of importance, general to specific, specific to

general, chronological order and spatial pattern.

c. The Writing Process

Writing is a process to produce a written product. Oshima and

Hogue23 state, “Writing is never a one-step action; it is an ongoing

creative act.” According to Oshima and Hogue, there are four steps of

writing process, they are:

23 Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue,Introduction to Academic Writing. (The Longman Academic

Writing Series: Pearson Education, 2007), p.15 - 18.


Step 1 : Prewriting

Step 2 : Organizing

Step 3 : Writing

Step 4 : Polishing (Revising and Editing)

1) Prewriting

Prewriting is a way to get ideas. In this step, writers choose

a topic and collect ideas to explain the topic. There are several

techniques you can use to get ideas. In this chapter, writers will

practice the technique called listing. Listing is a prewriting

technique in which people write the topic at the top of a piece of

paper and then quickly make a list of the words or phrases that

come into mind.

2) Organizing

The next step in the writing process is to organize the ideas

into a simple outline. The writer of our models wrote a sentence

that named the topic and told the main idea. At the first sentence,

he listed the two main ideas and any other words and phrases from

the list that gave more information about them.

3) Writing

The next step is to write a rough draft, using the outline as a

guide. Write a rough draft as quickly as it can without stopping to

think about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Just get the ideas

down on paper. It will probably see many errors in the rough draft.


This is perfectly usual and acceptable- after all. This is just a rough

draft. People will fix the errors later.

4) Polishing (Revising and Editing)

In this step, you polish what you have written. This step is

also called revising and editing. Polishing is most successful if you

do it in two steps. First, attack the big issues of content and

organization (revising). Then work on the smaller issues of

grammar, punctuation, and mechanics (editing). A peer editor is a

classmate who reads your paper and helps you improve the content

and organization.

d. Types of Writing

Since written communication was created at least 6,000 years

ago, writing has changed greatly from primitive pictographic word-

pictures on clay and wood to the many types of writing now enjoyed.

Writing comes in dozens of types and style, depend the purpose of the

writer. One way to examine writing is to divide writing into specific

types or genres. There are five broad genres that most subcategories of

writing can be placed into, although much writing can spill over into

more than one. Mark Applegate writes five types of writing as


24 Mark Applegate.”Five Types of Genre in Writing,”The Classroom.May 10,2019,



1) Expository Writing

One of the most practical types of writing is writing to

explain things. This explanatory form is commonly employed in

school in the form of the standard five-paragraph essay, research

papers and comparisons. Also in this category are biographies,

"how-to" pieces and character sketches. The purpose of this genre

is to explain and examine a person, place, thing or idea in a way

that gives the reader a more thorough understanding of the topic.

2) Journals and Letter Writing

Writing to communicate is an early writing style that has

undergone changes in the technological era. This sometimes less-

formal method of writing includes letter writing, email, text

messaging, personal and professional journals, blogging and

business or personal written communication. This genre tends to

focus on the individual personality and intent of the writer more

than explaining something and is more personal than older forms.

It is also more likely to be written in first person than other genres.

3) Persuasive Writing

Sometimes, writing has a more pointed purpose. Writing to

persuade involves offering not only facts but also a slant that

directs the reader to make a commitment or decision. While

spanning many diverse sub-genres, this writing always attempts to

lead the reader to do what the writer requests of him. Examples of


this genre include promotional and political advertisements,

merchandise or other reviews, propaganda, letters in the editorial

section of a newspaper and fundraising letters.

4) Descriptive Writing

Sometimes, writing is performed simply to express

emotion, display feelings or merely as a fun exercise. Writing as art

encompasses many topics and may or may not have a deep

meaning or purpose. The value, appreciation and translation of this

work can vary greatly by who reads it. Poetry is the classic

example of this genre, although fiction, nonsense writing and text-

message emoticons can also fall into this category. This category

can spill into the other genres but will typically look much

different in the process.

5) Narrative Writing

Another genre is the story. Since the days of primitive

communication such as cave paintings and hieroglyphics, people

have attempted to document what has happened in their lives.

These stories may or may not be true, because they are told from

the writer's prospective. Narrative, story-telling writing catalogs

events for current and future readers to explain the events from a

specific prospective. Examples of this genre are short stories and

narrative works, as well as autobiographies and histories.


2. Narrative Text

a. The Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative is any written English text in which the writer wants

to amuse, enter people, and to deal with actual or vicarious in different

ways. Narrative is a text containing five components: orientation,

evaluation, complication, resolution, and reorientation by which a

writer amuses, entertains, people and to deal with actual or vicarious

experience. The orientation is the beginning of the text. Its function is

to set scene and introduces the participants. The second is the

evaluation. It is a stepping back to evaluate the plight. The third is the

complication in which the crisis arises. The fourth is the crisis resolved

for better or for worse. The fifth is the reorientation. It can be

optimal.25There some of narrative text followed with an animation

picture or video and there some of narrative texts are shown with


b. The Generic Structure of the Narrative Text

The generic structure of narrative text involves the character

with define personalities/identifies, and creates images in reader’s

mind and enhances the story. It also focused a text on a series of

action. According to Siahaan in Rodearta (2018), states that generic

structure of narrative text established the character, setting and time.

The steps for constructing a narrative text are:

25 Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement in Narrative Text

through Team Practice Technique,(International Journal on Language, Research and Education

Studies:Medan,2019), Vol.3 No.3,p.496.


Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants

Evaluation : a stepping back evaluate the plight

Compilation : a crisis arises

Resolution : the crises is revolved, for better or for worse

Re-orientation : optional26

c. Types of Narrative Text

A class list of narrative that was cited on Tatum Ariesya's thesis, they

are :27

1) Adventure: a story that includes exciting and dangerous events that

characters have to solve; e.g. junior detective stories.

2) Horror story: a story which attempts to scare the reader or listener

with frightening events but which usually ends happily; e.g.


3) Romance: a story which deals with romantic love. There are some

obstacles in the way but true love usually wins out in the end.

4) Fairy tale: a well-known story from folklore for children which

often involves fairies or other magical characters.

5) Epic : a story which deals with big themes and heroic

achievements and events that are larger than real life': e.g. Iliad.


26 Rodearta Purba, Improving the Achievement on Writing Narrative Text through Discussion

Starter Story Technique. (State University of Medan, 2018),p.29. 27 Tatum Ariesya Akmala, The Use of Animated Film to Improve Students’ Ability in Writing

Narrative Text.(Semarang,2011),p.20


6) Moral tale: the stories which explicitly attempt to teach people

about the right way to behave; eg traditional fables from folklore.

7) Myth or legend: stories which belong to a particular ethic group

and which attempt to explain the way of nature and the universe,

e.g. Aboriginal legends.

3. Short Movies

a. The Definition of Short Movies

Short film is under 10 minutes long, it can show several times

in a single class and students are able to acquire detailed familiarity

with the film which is important in anabling students to critically

engage with the material on a meaningful level (Donaghy,2014). A

short film is a film production type which makes effort to achieve the

theme it addresses in a short time and therefore arranges its structure in

an impressive way. The usage of short films can ease for educational

purposes at the time of their production and throughout the process of

consumption.28 A movie is one of the visual aids that can be used in a

writing class. It makes lessons more fun. It can also be used to create

situation for writing classes more clearly, that the students have big

enthusiasm in teaching learning process.

Movie or film is a term that encompassed individual motion

pictures, the field of movie as an art form, and the motion pictures

industry. Movies are produced by recording image from the world with

28 Lale Kabadayi, The Role of Short Film in Education,(Ege University Turkey,2012),p.316.


cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or special

effect. In fact, movie can fulfill different function for learners at

different level of proficiency. For beginning learners it can provide

examples of authentic language use in limited context of use. For

higher level students, movie can provide variety, interest, stimulation

and help to maintain motivation. Harmer state, "Motivation is

essential to success that we have to want to do something to succeed at

it. Without such motivation we will almost certainly fail to make the

necessary effort."29 It can be concluded that students with a motivation

will encourage them to their efforts to get success.

According to Stoller30, there are some activities in learning

writing through the short movie:

1) Pre-viewing Activity

In this activity, the students prepare to view the short

movie. The teacher gives the brainstorming to develop the

students’ background knowledge about the narrative text.

2) Viewing Activity

Viewing activity is to facilitate the actual of a video. In this

activity, help the students to focus about the character, setting and

plot of the story. The short movie is show until the end and the

teacher can play the short movie twice at that time.

29 Dwi Gitawaty,The Correlation Between The Students’ Learning Motivation and Their

Achievement in English.(Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta,2010) 30 Stoller F.1988. Films and Videotapes in the ESL/EFL Classroom.(U.S. Department of Education Office:Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC))p.9.


3) Post viewing Activity

In this activity, the students will write the narrative text

based the information that they got when they watch the short


b. The Type of Movie

Bordwell and Thompson that was cited on Retno Ayu’s thesis

defined the types of movie of film as follows. 31

1) Documentary Film

A documentary film supports to present factual information

about the world outside the film. As a type of films, documentary

films present themselves as factually trustworthy. According to

Bardwell and Thompson there are two types of documentary films,

they are: a). Compilation films; produced by assembling images

from archival sources. b). Direct cinema; recording an on event, as

it happens‟ with minimal interference by the filmmaker.

2) Fictional Film

A fictional film presents imaginary beings, places or events.

Yet, if a film is fictional, that does not mean that it is completely

unrelated actual. For one thing, not everything shown or implied by

the fiction films needs to be imaginary, a typical fictional film

stages its events; they are designed, planned, rehearsed, filmed and

31 Retno Ayu, The Use of Animation Movies For Developing Students Writing Skill of Narrative

Texts.(Semarang States University,2011).p.25-27


re-filmed. In a fictional film the agents are portrayed or depicted by

an intermediate, not photographed directly in documentary.

3) Animated Film

Animated films are distinguished from live-action ones by

the unusual kinds of work that are done at production stage.

Animation films do not do continuously filming outdoor action in

the real time, but they create a series of images by shooting one

frame at a time. The types of movies will influence to the students’

enthusiasm to watch and learn. Therefore, the teacher should select

the right movies which will be given for students’ learning.

4. The Advantages of Using Short Movies

One of the important factors for the successfully teaching and

learning process is the students’ interest. The students’ interest in learning

can be built from the learning media, learning strategy and learning

method. Realizing that narrative text is a kind of amusement text, it can be

concluded that short movies can be one of the interesting media to support

the English teaching and learning. Harmer states that the advantages of

using film in teaching and learning process are: 32

a. Seeing language - in- use

One of the main advantages of film is that students do not just

hear language, they see it too. This greatly aids comprehension, since

for example, general meaning and moods are often conveyed though

32 Dyah Setya Nur Astiti. Improving Ability to Write Narrative Text Using Animation Movies of

the Eleventh Grade.(Yogyakarta State University’s Thesis,2012)


expression, gesture and other visual clues. Thus we can observe how

intonation can match facial expression. All such, paralinguistic

features give valuable meaning clues and help viewers to see beyond

what they are listening to, and thus interpret the text more deeply.

b. Cross – cultural awareness. A film uniquely allows students to look at

situations far beyond their classrooms. This is especially useful if they

want to see, for example, typical British ‘body language’ when inviting

someone out, or how American speaks to waiters. Film is also of great

values in giving students a chance to see such things as what kinds of

food people eat in other countries and what they wear.

c. The power of creation

When the students make their own film as media in teaching

and learning process, they are given the potential to create something

memorable and 20 enjoyable. The camera operators and directors

suddenly have considerable power. The task of filmmaking can

provoke genuine creative and communicative uses of the language,

with students finding themselves doing new things in English.

d. Motivation

For all the reasons so far mentioned, most students show an

increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language in

use as well as hear it, and when this is coupled with interesting tasks.

Based on Harmer’s statement, one of the advantages of using

short movies in teaching and learning is the students’ motivation can


increase which proven by the level of their interest. Students can learn

the language directly by watching as its pronunciation of the figure in

short movies. The students’ understanding become easier as it showed

together with the actions.

Another theory came from Machfudi which states,” There are

three kinds of motivational strategies enacted by the teachers of

English in the rural areas East Java including giving rewards, positive

feedback, and increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. These three

elements of external motivation indicate that the motivation plays a

significant role in engaging students to learn English. “33

The important of students’ motivation as it can encourage

students to learn maximally. Motivation can be built from intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation while which has written above were students’

motivation that can be built through extrinsic. In this part, the teachers

have a main role to conduct the motivational strategies.

Giving rewards is one of interesting situation of many people.

Moreover, for student it such an activity of giving rewards or giving an

appreciation of student’s achievement. Giving rewards can be formed

of compliment or present. Positive feedback also will increase

students’ motivation as they got positive responses which no hurt their

effort but still can improve their knowledge. Building students’ self-

esteem and students’ self-confidence are the obligation of the teacher,

33 Mochammad Imam Machfudi,”Issues and Challenges in Maintaining Motivation to Learn

English in Rural Madrasah Context”(IAIN Jember: International Journal of English Teaching,

Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2016) page 1


too. The teacher is expected to help to build students’ self-esteem and

students’ self-confidence. It can be formed of delivering that the

student has the ability to pass it or to speak it or to write something.

The implementations of using short movies are expected can

improve students’ motivation by watching and listening directly

through the movies. The students who get the motivation will repeat or

imitate the actions directly.

Beside the advantages, use video as a medium also has several

disadvantages. The first disadvantage is during playing video, teachers

cannot explain any material because it can disturb students’

concentration. Here, the teacher does not have any activities when the

students focus on video. The second disadvantage is the students

cannot understand the video well if it is played too fast. The third

disadvantage is if the listening equipment has bad quality, the students

cannot hear the sound of the video satisfactory. This thing would

become a problem for the students in learning the lesson. The last

disadvantage is generally, the equipment is expensive. The teacher

should concern this thing to apply video in the classroom. Sometime

the school does not have any equipment to play video in the classroom.

5. The Disadvantages of Using Short Movies

The implementation of teaching and learning writing narrative text

by using short movies are positively giving many advantages. Beside the

advantages, the short movies are also has deficiencies. Sharon et al also


point out the limitation in using video. Firstly, it creates fixed pace.

Although video can be stopped for discussion, this is not usually done in

group showings. Because the program runs at a fixed pace, some viewers

may fall behind while others are waiting impatiently for the next points.

Secondly, although video is advantageous for concepts that involve

motion, it may be unsuitable for other topics where detailed study of a

single visual is involved (e.g., a map, a writing diagram, or an organization

chart). The last, video is poor at presenting abstract, non-visual

information. The preferred medium for words alone is text.34 The

deficiencies which has been pointed out by Sharon above were the

deficiencies those included into the advantages those can be solved by the

learning strategy of the teacher in which the teacher has the obligation to

create and find a way out to prepare, teach and evaluate the learning well.

34 Sharon et al.,2019.Instructional Technology and Media for Learning.(United States: Pearson





Research methods are the tools and techniques for doing research.

Research is a term used liberally for any kind of investigation that is intended to

uncover interesting or new facts.35

A. Research Approach

This research is qualitative research using case study type. It collected

qualitative data through observation, interviews and documentation. The

qualitative approach was chosen because this research aims at providing the

teaching and learning of writing skill by using short movies.

Qualitative research is a means for exploring and understanding

the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem.

The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures data

typically collected in the participant's setting data analysis inductively

building from particulars to general themes and the researcher making

interpretations of the meaning of the data. The final written report has a

flexible structure. Those who engage in this form of inquiry support a way

of looking at research that honors an inductive style, a focus on individual

meaning and the importance of rendering the complexity of a situation.36

35 Nicholas W.2011.Research Methods.(New York:Routledge).p.1 36 Cresswell, JW.2009. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approach. (SAGE



B. Location of the Research

The institution which is chosen to be the research location is SMPN 3

Genteng. It is located in Jl.KH.Kholil No.1, Jalen Village,RW.02,Krajan I,

Setail, Genteng, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java.

The supporting reasons in implementing the research based on the

English Teacher information, they are: 1) Students at year eighth is taught by

using short movies in narrative chapter, 2) Students at year eighth in this

semester are students who underwent online schooling for the past two years,

3) Students at year eighth receive the English course at a particular day.

C. Subject of the Research

The research subjects were obtained through purposive rather than

random sampling. Purposive rather than random sampling, explains that the

selection of research subjects is not done randomly but based on a specific

purpose. Regarding that variations of the collected information are found and

information wasted can be avoided.37

The research subject is one of the research sources. The subjects in this

research are:

1. The English Teacher of Eighth Graders Students in SMPN 3 Genteng

The English teacher of Eighth Graders Students in SMPN 3 Genteng is

Mrs. Suparti,S.Pd who has conducted the teaching and learning writing

skill by using short movies.

37 Hardani M.Si et al.2020.Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif.(Yogyakarta:CV Pustaka

Ilmu Group).p.261


2. The Eighth Grade of SMPN 3 Genteng

The Eighth grade students as the participants which had involved in

teaching and learning by using short movies. The eighth grade students

were used in collecting data through observation, interview and


D. Data Collection Methods

The qualitative data were collected from observation, interviews and

documentation. They were in the forms of field notes, interview transcripts,

and document review.

This section explains the researcher collected the data and explained

the tools used in data collecting methods in the research. The researcher went

directly to the field to explore data following the focus of the study. To get

data that was relevant to the problems discussed in the study, the data

collected must be representative.

1. Observation

Observation is an activity of observing of natural occurs and objects

in research. In this research, the researcher used non-participant

observation. This method, the data collected is behavioral data in the sense

of the results of observations of the behavior of the subjects studied, not

the opinion of the subject being studied. One of the characteristics of the

non-participant method is indicated by not there is interaction and


communication with the subject under study.38 The researcher took a note

about how the teacher implemented the movie in teaching, the location of

research, and the situation in the classroom.

2. Interview

The use of this method indicates the occurrence of communication

between the researcher and the subject of research. The interviews are

used to support data that has been collected through observation. The

researcher used the non-structural interview in the research. Non-structural

interview gives freedom to researchers to determine the scope of

information to be explored so that researchers have the freedom to expand

or change questions that will be asked to the research subjects.

3. Document Review

Document review is used to collect data from source documents

and records. Documentation used with the reason that this source is always

available and cheap, rich contextually, relevant and fundamental in the


E. Data Analysis

Data analysis techniques used in qualitative research include transcript

of interview results, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation and

triangulation. From the results of data analysis, conclusions can then be


38 Hardani M.Si et al.2020.Metode Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif.(Yogyakarta:CV Pustaka

Ilmu Group).p.264


According to Miles, Huberman and Saldana theory are three stages as

follows: 39

1. Data condensations

Data condensation is the process of selecting, focusing,

simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written

up field notes or transcriptions. The data condensations or transforming

process continues after fieldwork until a final report is completed. Here

will be explained more detail about the process in data condensation as


a. Selecting

According to Miles, Huberman and Saldana, the researcher

must act selectively, that is, determining which dimensions are more

important, relationships which one might be more meaningful, and as

consequence, what information can be collected and analyzed.

b. Focusing

Focusing data is a form of pre-analysis. At this stage,

researchers focus on data related to the formulation of research

problems. This stage is a continuation of the data selection stage. The

researcher only limits based on the formulation of the problem.

c. Abstracting

Abstraction is an attempt to make a summary of the core,

process, and statements that need to be maintained so that they remain

39 Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis (3rd ed.). California:

SAGE Publications.p. 31-32


in them. At this page, the collected data is evaluated, especially those

which that has been collected evaluated also relating to the quality and

adequacy of data.

d. Simplifying and Transforming

The data in this study are further simplified and transformed in

various ways, namely, through rigorous selection, a summary of the

brief description, classifying data in one broader pattern, and so on.

2. Data Display

The second major flow of analysis activity is data display.

Generically, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of

information that permits conclusion drawing and action. Looking at

displays helps us to understand what is happening and to do something

either analyze further or take action based on that understanding.

3. Conclusion Drawing

The third stream of analysis activity is conclusion drawing and

verification. From the start of data collection, the qualitative analysis is

beginning to decide what things mean- is nothing regularities, patterns,

explanations, possible configurations, casual flows, and propositions. In

this step, the data has been concluding into the interpretation between the

results of data collection technique and data sources.

F. Data Validity

The study can be accounted for and trusted by all the need to be held on

the validity of the data. The goal is to prove that what researchers have


observed is in the field. To test the validation of research, the method of

validity data is essential to use. Triangulation is the legitimacy of data used.

In this research, the researcher used source triangulation and technique

triangulation. Source triangulation used different sources to get the same data.

It used to check the information which was taken from different times, the

emphasis was on the source of data not in the data collecting method or others.

Technique triangulation was done by collecting the same data by using

different techniques or methods of collecting data. The emphasis was on the

use of different data collecting methods to indicate the same source to test data

validity. The steps were four, namely:

1. Comparing observational data with the results of interview.

2. Comparing observational data with the contents of related document.

3. Comparing with the English teacher says about the classroom activity with

what students say.

4. Comparing the results of interview with the contents of the related


Associated with triangulation of data collection techniques,

researchers should combine three data collection techniques that are

believed to be able to produce reliable data in-depth and detailed, namely

interviews, document review, and observations.


G. Research Procedures

In qualitative approach, there are some stages done by the researcher.

In general, the steps in a research are as follows:40

1. Pre-Field Stage

a. Prepare the field plan

b. Choose a research field

c. Manage permits

d. Explore and assess the state of the field

e. Selecting and utilizing informants

f. Prepare research instruments and equipment

g. Research ethics issues in the field

2. Field Stage

a. Understand the research background and self-preparation

b. Entering the field

c. Participate in collecting data

3. Data Processing Stage

a. Data reduction

b. Data display

c. Data analysis

d. Drawing conclusions and verification from previous activities

40Umar Sidiq & Moh. Miftachul Choiri.2019.Metode Penelitian Kualitatif di Bidang

Pendidikan.(Ponorogo:CV Nata Karya)p.47




This chapter reports the results of the research which consists of the

description of the research findings and discussion.

A. Research Findings

1. The Steps of Teaching Writing by Using Short Movies

The steps of teaching are included into an important element in

teaching and learning process. The steps must be appropriate with learning

media and learning material in order to implement the teaching and

learning effectively and successfully. The students’ achievement after using

the short movies was increased. It can be proven from the students’

enthusiasm, students’ attention and students’ content of writing. The short

movies positively had given a good impact for the students. The existence

of implementation the teaching and learning narrative text by using short

movies is to enhance students’ writing skill in narrative text. The English

teacher changed the media as the strategy in teaching and learning process.

As expressed by Mrs. Suparti as an English Teacher of Eighth Grade


“As has been implemented, the implementation of narrative text

learning using printed stories has results that are still felt to be

lacking. The next strategy to improve students' writing skills in

narrative texts can be by changing the medium or the method. Since

this narrative text is more in the form of story text, the use of short

film media is my main choice in the narrative text learning process

at the next meeting.”41

41 Suparti, interview, Banyuwangi, April 20 2022.


According to the observation by the researcher and Mrs. Suparti, the

students were exciting since the teacher prepared the tools and devices of

watching short movies. The students had been wondering how the teaching

and learning that day will be implemented. After the teacher explained that

they will be given a short movie for studying on that day, the students were

happily and manage their seat comfortable. Some students offered a help to

the teacher like preparing the screen and tidying the electric socket. The

teacher then delivered the rules when watching the short movies. The

students listened carefully and agreed the regulation. It also expressed by

the student namely Dika. He expressed:

“That, Miss. Very amazing and what is it, interesting. Because it's

like watching TV, right? and this is a movie. For those during the

pandemic, most of the videos were about materials and

assignments. So, it's a bit more difficult, moreover, we did not

meet the teacher directly, Miss."42

According to Dika statement can be noted that watching movies

were attracting his attention and raise his enthusiasm in learning English.

The implementation of teaching and learning narrative text by using short

movies ran well and orderly. The students were entertained by the movies.

Some of them were also imitating the words or sentences which are uttered

while the short movies played and the others were laughing to their friends’

reaction of the movies. The teaching and learning process seemed pleasant

and conducive. The students enjoyed the movies. Moreover, some students

from other classes were taking a peek of the activities in that class. They

42 Andika, interview, Banyuwangi, March 31 2022.


are the students which has permission to go to bathroom. It can be noted

that short movies attracted students’ attention.

Step to the next session are the assignment from the teacher. The

students asked the teacher to replay the short movies as they feel that once

playing was still less in depth understanding. Then, the teacher replayed the

short movies until three times and it has been enough by the students. After

that, the students did the assignments seriously. According to the

observation from the researcher, the students seemed easier in writing. It

can be seemed through their speed and the amounts in writing narrative

text. The enhancement has been occurred in this situation. As expressed by

Mrs. Suparti as an English Teacher of Eighth Grade stated:

“Yes, of course. A lot of improvement had happened to the students.

In terms of students’ enthusiasm, their activeness and their

achievement in writing narrative text. Students were seemed to catch

a lot of material in this lesson. Students write a little faster and more

than the previous learning using print story media. Their main

improvement is the students' understanding of the narrative stories

so that students can write narrative texts using their language

properly and correctly.”43

The statement was true. As the observation which has been

conducted by the researcher, that the students were attracting to the media

which the teacher bring. The students’ speed in writing the narrative text

was also seen by the researcher. The researcher concluded that the teacher

used three steps in teaching writing skill. First, the teacher did the pre-

viewing activity. In this session, the teacher prepared the tools and material

for the students. The teacher also explained a brief explanation of the

43 Suparti, interview, Banyuwangi, April 20 2022.


material and movies. Secondly, the teacher stepped to the viewing activity

in which the teacher played the movies and students paid attention to the

movies. Thirdly, the teacher did the post viewing activity. Post viewing

activity is the activity in which the students were writing the narrative text

of the movies based on their understanding.

2. The Advantages of Using Short Movies in Teaching Writing Skill in

Narrative Text at Year Eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng

The data taken from observation showed that the using of short

movies in teaching students’ writing skill positively gave some advantages.

They are: First, the students were managed well, properly and enjoy during

the teaching and learning. The students are lot of attention to the short

movies. They learned to understand independently during the short movies

played. Second, the teaching and learning process ran effectively in which

the whole attributes of short movies helps the students understanding more

about the material. Third, the short movies about the narrative text mostly

are provided in very interesting form that attract the students’ focus to the

teaching and learning process. Fourth, students learned some aspects like

pronunciation, vocabularies and the art of writing through short movies.

Fifth, the short movies can be the refreshing media for the students in

teaching and learning process. Like: for implementing a small teaching and

learning in a particular time which involves short movies as the media. As

expressed by Mrs. Suparti as an English Teacher of Eighth Grade stated:

“The use of short films really can attract students' attention. Since, I

entered the class. Ma'am, you can see for yourself, right? They were


immediately excited and responsive to help prepare the tools. The

students looked excited. Then, when watching the short movie, the

children can read the subtitles while watching the action of the story.

This will make it easier for them to remember the storyline of the

movie. So, in writing, the list of values and contents of their writing

is better than the previous study.”44

This was also strengthened by student namely Dika. He stated:

“Yes, Miss. Because studying with short movies feel enjoy and

pleasant. The plots movies help for arranging the words by our


The students said that learning by using short movies ease his

understanding through the plots movies which are showed. The other

statement came from student namely Clarabel. She said:

“The advantage is the students can learn enjoy and directly learn the

examples by watching the film.”46

The student delivered that the short movies can give examples

through watch it directly. Icha then added:

“Yes, Miss. I can learn through the movies and its subtitle.”47

Based on those statements from the teacher and students, it can be

took a note that short movies provide the facilitative attribution to support

the teaching and learning writing skill. This statement was strengthened by

the student namely Iqbal. He stated:

“Short movies can ease the understanding because usually it

provides the subtitle, too.”48

44 Suparti, interview, Banyuwangi, April 20 2022. 45 Andika, interview, Banyuwangi, March 31 2022. 46 Clarabel, interview, Banyuwangi, March 31 2022. 47 Icha, interview, Banyuwangi, March 31 2022. 48 Iqbal, interview, Banyuwangi, March 31 2022.


The other expression came from student namely Elsa. She stated:

“First, using short movies in studying makes happy and enjoy. We

understand more. Little by little. Slow but sure. But, sometimes

there are vocabularies which I don’t know its Indonesian


3. The Disadvantages of Using Short Movies in Teaching Writing Skill in

Narrative Text at Year Eighth of SMPN 3 Genteng

According to Mrs. Suparti stated that using short movies are also

has its drawbacks. Aside from so many advantages, the use of short movies

still has the disadvantages or problems. Like: First, the tools are totally

dependent on the electricity in which if the power failure happens, then the

movies directly stop. The teaching and learning process will be obstructed.

Second, It is necessary to attend carefully to the all tools such as speaker,

screen projector and connecting cable in order to run the short movies

smooth and controlled because sometimes the tools mentioned suddenly are

getting troubles. Thirdly, the silence which appeared when the short movies

were playing caused the students to get sleepy. It was expressed by the

English teacher. She stated:

“One of the deficiencies of using this media was the silent situation

during the movies played. Some smart students might be understood

directly without any explanations from the teacher. But, the other

which has range from medium to low capability certainly feel

difficult in understanding. But, it was not very bad as this was the

short movies. I could interrupt little as the movie stopped to make

sure that the students had understood with the story.”50

49 Elsa,interview, Banyuwangi, March 30 2022. 50 Suparti, interview, Banyuwangi, April 20 2022.


Therefore, in teaching and learning process by short movies, it is necessary

for the teacher to interrupt to pull out the voice. It can be formed in a brief

explanation of the passed short movies or questions to make sure the

students’ understanding about the movies.

Table 4.1

Research Findings

No Focus Findings

1 Steps of Teaching Writing The steps of teaching writing were: 1)

pre-viewing activity, 2) viewing

activity, and 3) post viewing activity.

2 Advantages of Using Short


The advantages of using short movies,

are: 1) seeing language-in-use, 2) cross

cultural awareness, 3) power of creation

and 4) motivation.

3 Disadvantages of Using Short


The disadvantages of using short

movies, are: 1) movies create fixed

space as it runs during periods, 2)

movies are not always suitable to the all

lesson, 3) movies are poor at presenting

abstract, non-visual information.


B. Discussion

This section discusses about the result in the findings. Here the discussions:

1. The Steps of Teaching Writing by Using Short Movies

The teaching and learning process in Indonesia has a regulation and

in its implementation is supervised by the Ministry of Education. The

teaching and learning process must be conducted accordance to the

guidelines. The steps of teaching are also included into the element in

conducting the learning process. The steps of teaching writing which had

used by the English Teacher, was adapted from Stoller. There are some

activities in learning writing through the short movie:51

a. Pre-viewing Activity

In this activity, the students prepare to see the short movie. The

teacher gave the brainstorming to develop the students’ background

knowledge about the narrative text.

b. Viewing Activity

Viewing activity is to facilitate the actual of a video. In this activity,

help the students to focus about the character, setting and plot of the

story. The short movie is show until the end and the teacher can play

the short movie twice at that time.

c. Post viewing Activity

In this activity, the students will write the narrative text based the

information that they got when they watch the short movie.

51 Stoller F.1988. Films and Videotapes in the ESL/EFL Classroom.(U.S. Department of Education

Office:Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC))p.9.


Based on the findings and theory above, it was concluded that the

steps of teaching writing at eighth graders which has conducted by Mr.

Suparti matched the theory of classroom activities by Stoller. The steps

must be compatible to the media which teacher used. Moreover, it must be

customized with the allocation time of the teaching.

2. The Advantages of Teaching Writing by Using Short Movies

After doing the data collecting technique such as observation,

interview and Focus Group Discussion, the researcher found there are

many advantages of using short movies to enhance students’ writing skill.

First, short movies can inspire students’ learning enthusiasm. It was

supported by the statement of one student namely Icha. She stated that

learning by using short movies can inspire her enthusiasm because it is not

like a kind of learning as usual. The statement was also strengthened from

student namely Elsa. She stated that watching movies is makes happy and

enjoy. They could understand more of the material.

The teaching and learning by using short movies for narrative text

certainly is perfect combination in which narrative text generally

constitutes a kind of stories text.

It was relevant to harmer statement which has written in a previous

chapter that there are four advantages movies in teaching writing, those are:

One of the main advantages of the movie is that students do not just hear

the language, they see it too. This greatly aids comprehension, since, for

example, general meaning and moods are often conveyed through


expression, gesture, and other visual clues. Therefore, it can be observed

how intonation can match facial expression.52

Students’ enthusiastic in teaching and learning process can be seen

from their interest to begin the class. The students seemed impatient to

learn by using short movies. Since the teacher stepped the class, the

students were curious, happy and continuously asked the teacher about the

learning that day. Some students directly stood from their seats to help the

teacher preparing the devices of watching short movies. The students did

that in order to speed the preparation up caused by their impatient of

beginning the watching. The students were spirit by preparing the devices

quickly with their smile.

The students’ motivation has been built little by little. It can be

proven from their opinion in interview and focus group discussion. The

students delivered their satisfaction in learning by using short movies. It

seems like they were watching in cinema. The students were entertained by

the jokes of the movies so that the class was running effectively as the

students were attending the learning well. Some students were repeating the

movies’ pronunciation reflex in the middle of movies’ running as it was in

humorous scene of the movies. The others were repeating these students,

too. Indirectly, they had been motivated to memorizing the words by their

own willingness. The other proof was proven in the next class, there some

students seemed happily and spirit but while the class began, they were

52 Suparwoto Sapto Wahono & Ulfa Khodijatul Qodriah, Improving Students’ Writing Skill Using

English Movie with Subtite(IAIN Jember: International Journal of Scientific and Research

Publications, Volume 9, Issue 12) Page 595


asking for using the short movies again. It was broken as it was the day for

the students to submit their week assignments.

Machfudi wrote in his journal that the success of language learning

has been credited according to student’s levels of motivation. He also wrote

that the teacher is challenged to always build students’ self-esteem, by

building good rapport in order to create non-threatening atmosphere53. It

was relevant with the occurrence which has written in previous paragraph

that the teacher has tried much in building students’ motivation in learning

English. In evaluation session of teaching and learning by using short

movies, the teacher gave the student who has answered her question, did

not care true or false, all students who had tried hard to answer the

teacher’s question. It can be seen that the teacher has done her obligation in

building students’ motivation by giving rewards as the statement of

Machfudi. In another side, the English teacher was also doing a positive

feedback to student which has less right of answer.

As the whole results of data collection has been written, the using of

short movies in enhancing students’ writing skill in narrative text positively

has given many advantages to the teaching and learning process. The

advantages of using short movies, are:

a. The short movies can be media for teaching the other chapter in

appropriate material.

53 Mochammad Imam Machfudi,”Issues and Challenges in Maintaining Motivation to Learn English in Rural Madrasah Context”(IAIN Jember: International Journal of English Teaching, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2016) page 1


b. The students’ achievement has been enhanced s they can learn by

using audio visual media.

c. The students’ understanding increase than before.

d. The students’ memories of the vocabularies stronger.

e. The students’ learning in four skills at once. They are: the students

read the subtitle; the students listened the pronunciation; the students’

speaking from their repeated the sentences and the students’ learning

in writing narrative text in a paper.

Harmer also state that using short movies gives advantages. They

are: 1) seeing language-in-use, it means the students can learn the language

directly when it was using in short movies, 2) cross cultural awareness, the

students can realize that the differences of language is one of the various

culture, 3) power of creation, the students might develop their imagination

and creativity after watching the movies and 4) motivation, motivation can

be seen from students’ enthusiastic during class.

3. The Disadvantages of Teaching Writing by Using Short Movies

The disadvantages can be defined as the deficiencies of something.

The deficiencies generally can be solved by the strategy, technique and

media. Therefore, in its implementation of using short movies in media to

enhance students' ability in writing skill thus can be run well. As it has been

written, besides the advantages, using of short movies also has the



That statement was relevant with Sharon’s statement that it creates

fixed pace. Although video can be stopped for discussion, this is not

usually done in group showings. Because the program runs at a fixed pace,

some viewers may fall behind while others are waiting impatiently for the

next points. Based on the researcher’s observation concluded that the

implementation of teaching and learning writing skill in narrative text by

using short movies indeed need to stop the movies once a while in order to

ask the students about their understanding. Some students were seen sleepy

in a particular scene of the movies.

The same topic of the deficiency of using short movies, both teacher

and researcher have some ways to solve by doing strategic stopping in

particular situation to ensure the students’ concentration and understanding

of the movies. However, this is the obligation and the duty of the educator

to find a way out of the problems in teaching and learning.

The using short movies also have the deficiencies in which these

deficiencies can be the evaluations for the next teaching and learning

activity. They are:

a. The using of short movies is very depending on electrical devices. If

some problems happen, it can be the problem and obstacles of

implementing the teaching and learning.

b. In some situations like the monotone story plots will give sleepy

impacts to the students.


In order to solve those deficiencies, the teacher can use the strategy


a. Preparing and checking the whole condition of devices in order to

prevent the problem and obstacles occurs.

b. The teacher need to stop the movies once a while for asking the

students about the movies in order to ensure their understanding and to

combine the teaching and learning process media with the teacher’s





A. Conclusions

This chapter presents the conclusions of findings and suggestions for

the English teachers, the students, and the other researcher.

According to qualitative research with observation, interview, and

documentation which it has done at eighth graders of SMPN 3 Genteng by the

title, “The Implementation of Teaching Writing Skill in Narrative Text by

Using Short Movies: A Case Study at Eighth Grade of SMPN 3 Genteng” can

be concluded, there are as follows:

First, the steps of teaching writing by using short movies at eighth

graders of SMPN 3 Genteng, are: 1) pre-viewing activity is the activity in

which the students were given a brief explanation about the material and

movies before it played, 2) viewing activity is the core activity in which the

students were watching the movies, 3) post viewing activity is the activity in

which students wrote the narrative text based on their understanding.

Second, the advantages of teaching writing by using short movies at

eighth graders of SMPN 3 Genteng, are: 1) seeing language in use. The

students directly learnt the language and meaning through the action, 2) cross

– cultural awareness, 3) power of creation and 4) motivation.

Third, the disadvantages of teaching writing by using short movies at

eighth graders of SMPN 3 Genteng, are: 1) movies create fixed space as it


runs during periods, 2) movies are not always suitable to the all lesson, 3)

movies are poor at presenting abstract, non-visual information.

B. Recommendation

Based on the results and conclusion which positively indicate that

there is positive effect of the teaching and learning narrative text by using

short movies, there are several important things that can be suggested in the

last report of the paper and it is hopefully can be useful for the reader,

especially :

1. For the teacher

a. Writing mostly known as a difficult skill. Teacher of English Subject

should be able to develop their technique in order to build students’

enthusiasm in learning. The short movies can be one of the interesting

media to support the teaching and learning as it provides audio, visual

and subtitle those can help students in their learning.

b. Short movies as one of the audio visual media can be used to teach in

another skill of English. It can be used also in implementing the

teaching and learning in other genres of chapter.

c. The use of short movies must pay attention to the allocation time of

teaching and learning with the duration of the movies in order to

synchronize the implementation of teaching and learning run fluently.


2. For the Future Researcher

a. Researchers hope that this research can be useful for future researchers

as an additional reference, especially in research on teaching and

learning English by using short movies.



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UU number 20 of 2003, Article 3

Wenny,L.S.Literasi Informasi Berdasarkan Surah Al- Alaq.(E-Journal UIN Imam


Zahro, Fatimatuz.The Implementation of Animated Film as Media to Teach

Writing Narrative Text to the Eighth Grade Students of Junior High

School. State University of Surabaya’s Thesis.2014.


The undersigned below:

Name : Nur Annisa

NIM : T20186125

Study Program/Major : English Education Department

Faculty : Faculty and Teacher Training

Institution : UIN KH Achmad Siddiq Jember

Place and Date of Birth : Palu, 24th March 1998

Adress : Setail, Genteng, Banyuwangi

Hereby declares that the content of the thesis entitled “Enhancing

Students’ Writing Skill in Narrative Text by Using Short Movies at Year Eighth

in SMPN 3 Genteng” is the result of my research/work, except in part referred by

the source.

Jember, 14th of June 2022

Stated by

Nur Annisa


Research Matrix

Title Variable Indicator Source of Data



Research Questions



of Teaching

Writing Skill in

Narrative Text

by Using Short

Movies: A

Case Study at

Eighth Grade

of SMPN 3


1. Teaching

Writing Skill

2. Short


1. Teaching Writing


a. The steps of

teaching writing skill

by using short movies

2. Short Movies

a. The advantages of

using short movies in

teaching writing skill

b. The disadvantages

of using short

movies in teaching

writing skill

1. The students

of VIII Graders

at SMPN 3

Genteng in year

2021 – 2022

2. Supporting


The English

Teacher of VIII


1. Data Collecting

Method :

a. Observation

b. Interview

c. Document


2. The research is


Approach with

case study design.

1) How is the steps of

teaching writing skill in

narrative text at year eighth of

SMPN 3 Genteng?

2) What are the advantages of

using short movies in teaching

writing skill in narrative text

at year eighth of SMPN 3


3) What are the disadvantages

of using short movies in

teaching writing skill in

narrative text at year eighth of

SMPN 3 Genteng?

A. The Description of the Object

1. A Brief History of SMPN 3 Genteng

SMPN 3 Genteng was established at year 2002. Then the following year

until 2021 in a row position of headmaster was held by several names.

Following are the ranks of the principal of SMPN 3 Genteng:


The Data of Teachers Name of the School

Drs. Sutiyono, MM.M,Pd (2002) – (2004)

Drs. Irham Mubarok (2004) – (2006)

Drs. Syamsudin (2006) – (2008)

Drs. Sugiyanto (2008) – (2012)

H. Saroni, S,Pd.MM (January 2012 – June 2012)

Jarot Abdul Rosyid,M.Pd (2012) – (2016)

Teguh Lumekso, S.Pd (2016) – (2017)

Tukimun, S.Pd (September 13th,2017) – ( January 2020)

Subandi, S.Pd (2020) – (2021)

Drs. Hasan Marsuki (2021) - present

2. Geographical Location of SMPN 3 Genteng

The geographical location of SMPN 3 Genteng is located in Jl. Kh. Kholil

No. 1 Jalen-Setail, Setail, Genteng District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java

Province. The details have the following restrictions:

North Side : Resident’s Gardening

East Side : Residents’ Housing

South Side : Residents’ Housing

West Side : Residents’ Housing

3. School Profile

a. School Name : SMPN 3 Genteng

b. School Address : Jl.KH.Kholil No.1

Village Name : Setail

District : Genteng

Regency : Banyuwangi

Province : East Java

c. No. Telephone : 0333-848120

d. NPSN : 20525654

e. Accreditation Level : A

f. Name of Principal : Drs. Hasan Marsuki

g. Year Established : 2002

h. Land/Building Ownership Government Owned

Land Size : 6200 M2

Number of Classes : 16

Number of Laboratories : 3

Number of Library : 1


The Data of Teachers Name of the School


1 Drs. Endi Rudiono Matematika PNS

2 Teguh Lumekso, S.Pd Bahasa Inggris PNS

3 Waridah, S.Pd Bahasa Indonesia PNS

4 Imam Mukodim,S.Pd I P A PNS

5 Lulut Retno Dewi, S.Pd I P S PNS

6 Iskanudin,S.Pd Seni Budaya PNS

7 Suyono,S.Pd PJOK PNS

8 Suparti,S.Pd Bahasa Inggris PNS

9 Ratnawati S,Pd Bahasa Inggris PNS

10 Drs. Imam Khoiri I P S PNS

11 Amin Faizatul Ummah,


Bimbingan dan



12 Dra. Marsuni Kristiawati Bahasa Indonesia PNS

13 Drs. Nur Salim Matematika PNS

14 Drs. Hasan Marsuki PKn PNS

15 Tutus Istikhomah, S.Pd Matematika PNS

16 Eko Pratiwiningsih, S.E I P S PNS

17 Dra. Siti Khofifah PKn PNS

18 Suryadi, S.Pd PJOK PNS

19 Erna Herawati, S.Pd Matematika PNS

20 Moh. Hanapi, S.Pd I P A PNS

21 Malik Afan Ali, S.Pd I P A PNS

22 Ikoatul Anisah, S.Pd.I P A I PNS

23 Ma’rupin, S.Pd P A I PPPK

24 Ocita Dian Antari, S.Pd I P A GTT

25 Ratno Hermawan, S.Pd Bahasa Indonesia



26 Arif Fransinata, S.Pd PJOK



27 Ary Agung Wicaksono,

S.Pd Bahasa Inggris


28 Siti Wafiyah, S.Pd Prakarya GTT

29 Hanif Ulfah Fauziah,S.Pd Bahasa Indonesia GTT

30 Rosichan Sari, S.Pd Prakarya GTT

31 Yessy Nur Hartati, M.Pd Matematika GTT/Diterima


32 Alfan Efendi, S.Pd Bimbingan dan



33 Age Mahardika


Bahasa Jawa GTT/Belum

masuk dapodik

34 Dinda Faefindari,S.Pd Seni Budaya GTT/Belum

masuk dapodik


The Data of Employees Name of the School


1 Sudarto Koordinator TU PNS

2 Siti Ngaisah Karyawan-K2 PTT

3 Mohammad Asrofi Karyawan-K2 PTT

4 Mohammad Mundir Suprapto Karyawan-K2 PTT

5 Imam Mustakim Karyawan PTT

6 Agung Ihwahyudi S. Karyawan PTT

7 Eka Rahayuningtyas Karyawan PTT

8 Moh. Ulil Wahyudi Karyawan PTT (Belum

Masuk Dapodik)

9 Indiana Zulfa Karyawan PTT (Belum

Masuk Dapodik)

10 Triyas Giyo Husodo Karyawan PTT (Belum

Masuk Dapodik)

4. Vision, Missions, and Objectives of SMPN 3 Genteng

a. Visions

Formation of a Religious, Achievement, Environmentally Friendly, and Global

Insighted Generation

b. Missions

a. Implement and optimize school curriculum development

b.Implementing the development and innovation of technology and

informatics-based learning resources.

c. Carry out the development and innovations of classroom management and

management models.

d. Carry out the development of standards for achieving graduate competency

mastery every year.

e. Carry out the development of participation in academic and non-academic


f. Carry out professional development of the competence of educators and

education staff.

g. Carry out the development of sophisticated and relevant educational and/or

learning infrastructure

h. Carry out the development of a conducive learning environment

i. Carry out the development of internet networks for students, educators and

education staff.

j. Carry out the development of making RPS every year for the short, medium

and long term

k. Carry out the development of school administrative completeness

l. Carry out the development of the implementation of School-Based

Management (SBM) regarding school independence/autonomy,

transparency, accountability, participation/cooperation, flexibility,

continuity both regarding programs, finances, program outcomes by the

school management

m. Implement an effective professional office administration and management


n. Carry out community participation mobilization (empowerment of school


o. Carry out extra-curricular activities.

p. Creating a climate of Islamic culture for all school members

q. Carrying out religious activities that are programmed in a planned, directed,

regular and sustainable manner, the implementation of which can

collaborate with the closest Islamic boarding school or religious institution

r. Implement learning and guidance effectively so that students can develop

more optimally.

s. Carry out local content curriculum development

t. Conduct Classroom Action Research (PTK/PTBK) training for teachers


R : Researcher

S : Student (Clarabel)

R : Do you like English?

S : Yes, I like it.

R : Why?

S : Because English is fun.

R : Which part of the English subject that you feel difficult to learn?

S : Hmm.., by mixed language, no problem, Miss?

R : Oh, sure. It’s okay

S : Actually, for me, writing and speaking is the hardest because both of

them need to attend (untuk memperhatikan) the tenses,Miss,hehe

R : Okay, good. Then, which part of English subject that you feel easy to


S : Not easy sih, Miss. Maybe, better part (Yaa mungkin sedikit lebih bisa).

It means, like reading and listening.

R : How do you study deeply English at home? By memorizing or making a

summary or doing exercise or something else?

S : I make a little summary every lesson in sticky note. At home, I read it

several times before the next class. Memorizing and doing exercise when

the teacher obliged us to memorize and doing exercise. Hehe ( she smile so


R : Good. That has been a good habit. But, you might improve it more, do

you understand?

S : Yes,Miss..

R : So, what do you prefer for learning media at class? By using PPT, E -

learning, or by using some short movies?

S : I love of my English teacher voices because it is hard and firm. That

makes me awake,hehe. But I’d like to learn short movies. It feels enjoy

and I can exactly look to the screen in front of the class.

R : Okey, so,does your achievement increase if learning uses media?

S : I think, but I don’t know, it is true or false. I just feel easier in writing it


R : Have you ever studied in class using short films? How often?

S : ever, Miss. Before pandemic but I forget how many it did.

R : Does the short film make it easier for you to understand the material?

S : Yes, Miss. The movies were not very long duration and it was clear for

the storyline.

R : Can using short movies increase your enthusiasm for learning?

S : Yes, Miss. Of course. It feels different situations in learning at class.

R : Can using short films make it easier for you to rewrite stories?

S : Yes, Miss. If I forget the words, I remember the action then I write by my


R : Does your achievement in writing increase if learning uses short film


S : I think yes,Miss. I feel that I can write more than before.

R : In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using

short films to improve students' narrative writing skills?

S : the advantage is the students can learn enjoy and directly learn the

examples by watching the film. The disadvantage is if this media used

every time, maybe it will be bored, Miss.

R : Researcher

S : Student (Icha)

R : Do you like English?

S : Yes, I like it.

R : Why?

S : Because English is fun and the language form is unique.

R : Which part of the English subject that you feel difficult to learn?

S : I think, same with Clarabel. I feel difficult at speaking and writing skill in

English. And also in part of composing and its grammar, Miss.(susah bagian

ngarang dan bicaranya, Miss).

R : Which part of English subject that you feel easy to learn?

S : So, the rather easy are listening and reading.

R : How do you study deeply English at home? By memorizing or making a

summary or doing exercise or something else?

S : I underlined the important point in my English book then I read it at


R : What do you prefer for learning media at class? By using PPT, E -

learning, or by using some short movies?

S : I loved my English teacher’s voice, too. In media, I prefer use short


R : Does your achievement increase if learning uses media?

S : Yes, Miss.

R : Have you ever studied in class using short films? How often?

S : Yes, Miss. I remember twice before pandemic.

R : Does the short film make it easier for you to understand the material?

S : Yes, Miss. I can learn through the movies and its subtitle.

R : Can using short movies increase your enthusiasm for learning?

S : Yes, it can. Because it looks like I am not studying in the school as usual.

R : Can using short films make it easier for you to rewrite stories?

S : Yes. Even I do not know about its correct or not.

R : Does your achievement in writing increase if learning uses short film


S : I think so. Because I realize that I get my ability increased when writing

it again.

R : In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using

short films to improve students' narrative writing skills?

S : Rather same with Clarabel, short movies make me spirit in starting class

and attending the lesson carefully. But short movies cannot be used in every time

because can make bored.

R : Researcher

S : Student (Elsa)

R : Do you like English?

S : I like but little, Miss.

R : Oh, really? Why?

S : Because Iam not really mastering (tidak begitu menguasai) English and

hard for me, Miss.

R : How about the teacher? Does the teacher’s explanation clearly for you?

S : Apa, Miss? Eh, what Miss?

R : How about the teacher? Did she explains clearly?

S : Yes, Miss. If in the class, I feel really understand. But at home, I forget.

R : Which part of the English subject that you feel difficult to learn?

S : Almost all maybe, Miss. Sometimes hard in vocabularies which I don’t

know its meaning, Miss.

R : Which part of English subject that you feel easy to learn?

S : I think, I like to learn about vocabularies and parts of speech.

R : How do you study deeply English at home? By memorizing or making a

summary or doing exercise or something else?

S : Can you repeat, Miss(Gimana, Kak)? Eh, Miss? Don’t be quickly (Jangan

cepet – cepet), Miss, hehe

R : Bagaimana cara kamu mendalami Bahasa Inggris dirumah? Dengan

hafalan atau membuat rangkuman atau mengerjakan latihan atau dengan

cara lain?

How do you study deeply English at home? By memorizing or making a

summary or doing exercise or something else?

S : ooh, I read the English book, Miss. And do my assignments once a while

if it is obliged or I am in a good mood.(Dan mengerjakan tugas sesekali

jika diwajibkan atau ketika saya sedang moodnya baik.)

R : Oh, I see. So,what do you prefer for learning media at class? By using

PPT, E - learning, or by using some short movies?

S : By short movies, Miss. I think, it is Amazing and well for understanding.

First, using short movies in studying makes happy and enjoy. We

understand more. Little by little. Slow but sure. But, sometimes there is

vocabularies which I don’t know its Indonesian language.

R : Does your achievement increase if learning uses media?

S : achievement ?

R : apakah pencapaianmu meningkat jika pembelajaran menggunakan


S : Yes, Miss. Of course. Because it completes the process of studying at


R : Have you ever studied in class using short films? How often?

S : Yes, Miss. Ever.

R : How many times?

S : hmm, forget Miss. The important is before pandemic.

R : Hmm, okay. Does the short film make it easier for you to understand the


S : Yes.

R : Can using short movies increase your enthusiasm for learning?

S : What is it(apa itu), Miss?

R : bisakah penggunaan film pendek meningkatkan kesemangatanmu dalam


S : Yes, of course.

R : Why?

S : Because we can study with watching movies. It is so happy, Miss.

R : Oh, really? Okay. Can using short films make it easier for you to rewrite


S : Yes, little by little, Miss.

R : Does your achievement in writing increase if learning uses short film


S : Yes, Miss.

R : In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using

short films to improve students' narrative writing skills?

S : First, using short movies in studying makes happy and enjoy. We

understand more. Little by little. Slow but sure. But, sometimes there is

vocabularies which I don’t know its Indonesian language.

R : Well, good. Thank you for your nice answer. you may go back.

S : Okay, Miss.

R : Researcher

S : Student (Iqbal)

R : What is your name?

S : Iqbal, Miss.

R : Ok, Iqbal, are you ready?

S : Yes, Miss.

R : Do you like English?

S : Yes, I like English.

R : Why?

S : Because English is important, Miss

R : Important? What kind of important?

S : Yes, because in many games online, eh.. online games ya, Miss? Anu

Miss, uses English.

R : Do you like to play online games?

S : Yes, Miss. But after finishing my work of course.

R : Good, Iqbal. So, do you like English because it is important to know the

rules in online games?

S : No, Miss. Hehe. For playing games and for getting a good marks.

R : Are you sure?

S : Yes, Miss. Really

R : Well, Iqbal. Which part of the English subject that you feel difficult to


S : Nothing, Miss. Hehe. No, Miss. Kidding. I get rather difficult in writing

(Saya agak sulit di writing),Miss. And also speaking. But , if speaking I can still

just speak up (kalau speaking itu masih bisa ceplos ini itu). My teacher said the

grammar can be thought at least (belakangan). But, in writing, tenses must be

right, Miss.

R : Which part of English subject that you feel easy to learn?

S : I like reading and listening because we just stay without any thinking to

make a words or sentences

R : How do you study deeply English at home? By memorizing or making a

summary or doing exercise or something else?

S : I prefer doing exercise, Miss. Rather lazy to read and write. What else,

memorize. Hehe..

R : What do you prefer for learning media at class? By using PPT, E -

learning, or by using some short movies?

S : I like use those all, Miss. The important one, the teacher still stays to

explain again.

R : Does your achievement increase if learning uses media?

S : Yes, of course, Miss.

R : Have you ever studied in class using short films? How often?

S : Ever, Miss. But forget, how many times. It was before pandemic.

R : Does the short film make it easier for you to understand the material?

S : Yes, it does. Because short movies can ease the understanding because

usually it provides the


R : Can using short movies increase your enthusiasm for learning?

S : Yes, Miss. Very increase, Miss. I like watching. hehe

R : Can using short films make it easier for you to rewrite stories?

S : I think it right because I can write while remembering the movies.

R : Does your achievement in writing increase if learning uses short film


S : I wish I can. After watching movies, do writing become easier although I

do not know the marks.

R : In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using

short films to improve students' narrative writing skills?

S : The advantage is the study become enjoy and happy. The students

understand much to the lessons. The disadvantages, sometimes feels sleepy, Miss

when waiting the change of scene.

R : Well. Done. Good answer. Thank you, Iqbal. You may go back.

S : Thank you, Miss.

R : Researcher

S : Student (Dika)

R : The last, what is your name?

S : My name is Dika.

R : Ok, Dika. Would you put your mask off? I cannot listen your voice.

S : Harus ya, Miss? Hehe. So shy, Miss.

R : Yes, of course. No, no need to shy. Just remove it from your face ! ok?

S : Yes, Miss

R : Well, Dika. Do you like English?

S : Yes, I like.

R : What do you like from English?

S : Because English is pleasant. English mostly found in online games and

also Hollywood movies. We need to learn it much.

R : Good. So, which part of the English subject that you feel difficult to


S : Honestly, writing and speaking are the difficult because we have to serve

it correctly, Miss.

R : Which part of English subject that you feel easy to learn?

S : I mostly like listening like listening music or conversation. Reading as

usual, we usually commanded to read and then look for the answer from

the text.

R : How do you study deeply English at home? By memorizing or making a

summary or doing exercise or something else?

S : I like doing the exercise and memorize little by little, Miss.

R : What do you prefer for learning media at class? By using PPT, E -

learning, or by using some short movies?

S : I prefer by short movies, Miss. Exactly collect the assignments without

through online. Hehe.

That is, Miss. Very amazing and what is it, interesting. Because it's like

watching TV, right? and this is a movie. For those during the pandemic,

most of the videos were about materials and assignments. So, it's a bit

more difficult, moreover, we did not meet the teacher directly, Miss.

R : Does your achievement increase if learning uses media?

S : I think so because I feel easier when write it again.

R : Have you ever studied in class using short films? How often?

S : Ever, Miss. Twice or three times before pandemic.

R : Does the short film make it easier for you to understand the material?

S : Yes, Miss. Because there is the subtitle

R : Can using short movies increase your enthusiasm for learning?

S : Of course yes,Mam. Because learning by using short movies more enjoy

and pleasant.

R : Can using short films make it easier for you to rewrite stories?

S : Yes, It can. The storylines were helping in writing the words by our


R : Does your achievement in writing increase if learning uses short film


S : Yes, Miss. Achievement in writing, Miss. More than before.

R : In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using

short films to improve students' narrative writing skills?

S : in my mind, the advantage of using short movies is helping the students

and teacher in learning English happily. Beside, short movies can entertain, too.

The disadvantage maybe, the tools are really bergantung pada kestabilan listrik,

posisi monitor dan LCD, et cetera. Sorry, Miss. Bahasanya campur – campur.


R : No, no. It’s Okay, Dika. Your answering very good. Thank you very

much, you may go back to your class.

S : Okay, Miss. Thank you.


a) Observation Guide for English Teacher


1 The teacher prepared

the class well

2 The teacher

conducted the

classroom well

3 Teacher used the

time effectively

4 Teacher gave

evaluation after class

5 Teacher asked the

difficulties to the


6 Students’ feel

enthusiastic to the


b) Interview Guide for English Teacher

1. Do you think that the use of appropriate media is important in teaching and

learning process?

2. Why did you choose the printed story for the first media in teaching and

learning narrative text before using short movies?

3. Had the students achieved the satisfactory result for the assignments?

4. That was your reason Mrs. for implementing the teaching and learning by using

short movies?

5. Do you often use the short movies in teaching and learning for another chapter?

6. What is your opinion during the implementation of teaching and learning

narrative text by using short movies?

7. It was successfully right, Miss? In your opinion, does it has any deficiencies?

c) Observation Guide for Students


1 The student preparation

before class

2 Student’s behaviors

during class

3 Students’ activeness in


4 Students’ interest to the


5 Students’ activity in

doing assignments

d) Interview Guide for Students

1. Do you like English? Why?

2. Which part of the English subject that you feel difficult to learn?

3. Which part of English subject that you feel easy to learn?

4. How do you study deeply English at home? By memorizing or making a

summary or doing exercise or something else?

5. What do you prefer for learning media at class? By using PPT, E - learning, or

by using some short movies?

6. Does your achievement increase if learning uses media?

7. Have you ever studied in class using short films? How often?

8. Does the short film make it easier for you to understand the material?

9. Can using short movies increase your enthusiasm for learning?

10. Can using short films make it easier for you to rewrite stories?

11. Does your achievement in writing increase if learning uses short film media?

12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using short films to improve

students' narrative writing skills?



Day : Tuesday

Date : March 22th, 2022

Time : 07.00 - 08.20 a.m

07.00 – 07.03 : The teacher entered the class and greet the students.

07.03 – 07.07 : The teacher asked the students to tidy their seat up and prepare

for praying

07.07 – 07.15 : The teacher delivered the brief explanation of the chapter that

day, that was about narrative text. Once in a while, the teacher

asked the students to keep silent during the explanation

because some students were very noisy and bother the other


07. 15 – 07.21 : The teacher prepare and share the printed story to the students.

07.21 – 07.37 : The teacher read the story slowly and clearly. Once in a while,

the teacher always makes sure that the students understood the

plots of the story. The teacher also translates the difficult

vocabularies to ease the students in understanding. The

students were suggested to underline the difficult words.

07.37 – 07.57 : After that, the teacher commanded the students to read for

several times during 20 minutes.

07.57 – 08.00 : The teacher instructed the students to answer the questions

which are provided under the story. After that, the students

also obliged to rewrite the by their own understanding.

08.00 – 08.15 : The students were doing their assignments well and quiet.

Some students were discussing with their students. Some

students were concentrated with their own paper.

08.15 – 08.20 : The teacher asked the students to submit their paper in front of

the class. Then, the teacher rechecked the students’

understanding through oral evaluation related to the story.

After that, the teacher delivered the moral value inside the

story then followed with the closing of lesson that day. Finally,

the teacher close the lessons by reciting Hamdalah together,

greet the students and went out of class.



Day : Tuesday

Date : April 5th, 2022

Time : 07.00 - 08.20 a.m

07.01 – 07.05 : The teacher entered the class and greet the students as usual.

07.05 – 07.09 : The teacher asked the students to tidy their seat up and prepare

for praying

07.09 – 07.17 : The teacher delivered the brief explanation of the chapter that

day, that was about narrative text in which the students will be

taught by using short movies. The students seemed enthusiasm

and wonder of the short movies.

07. 17 – 07.24 : The teacher prepare the tools and the material for watching.

The teacher was also helped by the students in preparing.

Some students arranged the chair and table for the LCD.

Some others were also preparing the screen and projector of

the LCD.

07.24 – 07.54 : The teacher played the short movies while the students were

watching silently. Once a while, the teacher stopped suddenly

the short movies in order to make sure that the students were

really watching the movies carefully or not.

07.54 – 07.57 : After that, the teacher commanded the students to write the

story by their own understanding. Suddenly, some students

asked the teacher to replay the short movies once more to

strengthen their memory in writing.

07.57 – 08.00 : The teacher delivered to the students their assignments to write

the narrative text from the short movies.

08.00 – 08.15 : The students were doing their assignments well and quiet.

Some students were discussing with their students. Some

students were concentrated with their own paper.

08.15 – 08.20 : The teacher asked the students to submit their paper in front of

the class. Then, the teacher rechecked the students’

understanding through oral evaluation related to the story.

After that, the teacher delivered the moral value inside the

story then followed with the closing of lesson that day. Finally,

the teacher close the lessons by reciting Hamdalah together,

greet the students and went out of class.


I. Subject Identity

1. Name : Clarabel Labitta Zahra

2. Class : VIII - C

II. The Implementation of Observation

1. Day : Tuesday

2. Date : March 29th, 2022

3. Time : 07.00 – 08.00 WIB

4. Observer : Nur Annisa

III. The Method

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method

IV. General Observation

The student was ready at her place after the first period of school

rang. The student sat quietly. It shows that the student has been ready

for the interview. The students listened well to the observer. It shows

that it seemed she has good understanding for listening. She was rather

nervous as she was chosen as the first interviewee. She answered word

by word slowly at first but become rather fluently at last. She answered

briefly, concisely, and clearly. The student has a polite and graceful

character so that the process of observation and interview with her goes

well and fluently. The student told that she like to learn English not

only by memorizing but she must understand the material of English.

The student followed the rules of observer said. The students

expressed her joyful in learning English. She also joins the English

Course which is one of the compulsory extracurricular of eighth graders

in that school. She expressed happily that joining the English course

makes her increase in vocabularies, understanding the tenses of English

and gets an earlier preparation to know the additional material of

English. Moreover, the student seemed interest to learn English as she

said that learning and knowing English is fun. Those of all her activities

are also supported by her parents so that she has a beautiful positive

vibes in learning in that school.

V. The Result of Focus Group Discussion

1. Indicator : Properties Variable

2. VG : Very Good

3. G : Good

4. E : Enough

5. L : Low

6. VL : Very Low

No Indicator VG G E L VL

1 Talkative √

2 Answer fluently in English √

3 Communicative √

4 Confident √

5 The achievement in writing √

6 The achievement in speaking √

7 The interest of English √

VI. Description

The student is one of the clever and diligent students in the eighth

graders of SMP Negeri 3 Genteng. She answered the questions well

with a good words and good delivering by using English. The subject

delivers communicatively and expresses her ideas well without any

jokes with other. The subject was polite and graceful. The student

listens and participates well to the other students and the observer.

I. Subject Identity

Name : Icha Yulia Rahma

Class : VIII – C

II. The Implementation of Observation

1. Day : Tuesday

2. Date : March 29th, 2022

3. Time : 07.00 – 08.00 WIB

4. Observer : Nur Annisa

III. The Method

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method

IV. General Observation

The student seemed has no different much with the first subject in

character. The second subject seemed tends to be quiet but her

personality seems polite and graceful. The subject delivered that she

likes to learn English as English has unique language than our mother

tongue. She wondered between the written and the utterances could be

different in English. The student realized the importance of learning

English as English is the universal language. Moreover, the English in

this time mostly used in movies, domestically and abroad.

The student delivered that learns reading, listening, writing and

speaking of English are fun. Although sometimes it feels hard, she

enjoys the learning because as the time runs, she believes that certainly

she will pass it. Talking about writing, the student honestly told that

writing might be rather difficult than other. Many ideas run in her

thought but when she holds the pen to write, the ideas disappeared.

Moreover, in writing many factors those must be attended by the

students. Including the using of tenses which she has not memorized all

yet. For her, writing randomly without any rules might be easier but it

feels bad. Over all, the second subject concluded that she loved English.

V. The Result of Focus Group Discussion

1. Indicator : Properties Variable

2. VG : Very Good

3. G : Good

4. E : Enough

5. L : Low

6. VL : Very Low

No Indicator VG G E L VL

1 Talkative √

2 Answer fluently in English √

3 Communicative √

4 Confident √

5 The achievement in writing √

6 The achievement in speaking √

7 The interest of English √

VI. Description

The student is one of the clever and diligent students in the eighth

graders of SMP Negeri 3 Genteng. She answered the questions well

with a good words and good delivering. It seemed she answered

honestly and gets interest much to learn English deeply. The student

was embarrassed at first but become enjoy at the middle of discussion

until the last. The student participates well to the discussion and did

not appears the jokes with other students.

I. Subject Identity

Name : Rinik Kris Diana

Class : VIII – C

II. The Implementation of Observation

1. Day : Tuesday

2. Date : March 29th, 2022

3. Time : 07.00 – 08.00 WIB

4. Observer : Nur Annisa

III. The Method

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method

IV. General Observation

The student was ready at the place as her other friends. The student

sat rather far from the observer. The student seemed so shy but could

not be quiet. The student answered the questions by rather jokes with

her next friend. It might be seemed that the student enjoy the discussion

although it might be more makes her confident with her jokes together

with her next friend. The student delivered that she is not really likes

English actually. Even though, her friends recognized her ability in

English. So, when the student said that she is not really likes English,

the other friend refuted her answer by delivering that this student is

good in English.

The student also said that she do not follow the English course

extracurricular as she do not interest in learning English. She follows

the other extracurricular. Nevertheless, she enjoyed the English subject

as the teacher explains creatively, firm and straightforward. She

acknowledge that for her, the whole of learning parts in English, she

enjoyed it well and learning English sometimes feels difficult and

sometimes feels so easy.

V. The Result of Focus Group Discussion

1. Indicator : Properties Variable

2. VG : Very Good

3. G : Good

4. E : Enough

5. L : Low

6. VL : Very Low

No Indicator VG G E L VL

1 Talkative √

2 Answer fluently in English √

3 Communicative √

4 Confident √

5 The achievement in writing √

6 The achievement in speaking √

7 The interest of English √

VI. Description

The student seemed rather quiet type. Even tough, it seemed also that she

was good in writing skill. The student was not really good for answering or

discussing whereas she is included into a good students mark in English.

The student answered and discussed by discussing first with her next

friend. Nevertheless, this student is cheerful and playful. She looks really

enjoyed her life no matter how hard it is.

I. Subject Identity

1. Name : Miftahul Jannah

2. Class : VIII – C

II. The Implementation of Observation

1. Day : Tuesday

2. Date : March 29th, 2022

3. Time : 07.00 – 08.00 WIB

4. Observer : Nur Annisa

III. The Method

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method

IV. General Observation

The fourth female student named Miftahul Jannah. This student is

a friend which sat next to Rinik (the third female student). As the

explanation before, Miftahul seemed has a similar character with Rinik.

It can be seen through the discussion occurred, both of them were

creating jokes each other. But it was just a little joke. it did not bother

much to another student. In this situation, mostly, between Rinik and

Miftahul were helping each other to answer the question from the

researcher. The researcher caught that both of them might be felt

difficult in arranging words.

This student also told that she is not really like English too much.

She acknowledge that she feels enough capable in following English

class. She realize that her ability is enough well to save her marks in

English subject. She is not following the English course as Rinik did.

The student told that learning English or learning the other difficult

course need the strong determination, comfort and enjoyment. Those

will ease her learning English quickly. The student did not like the

writing skill but did not hate it. She will like to or not is depending on

her mood.


The Result of Focus Group Discussion

1. Indicator : Properties Variable

2. VG : Very Good

3. G : Good

4. E : Enough

5. L : Low

6. VL : Very Low

No Indicator VG G E L VL

1 Talkative √

2 Answer fluently in English √

3 Communicative √

4 Confident √

5 The achievement in writing √

6 The achievement in speaking √

7 The interest of English √

VI. Description

The student is one of the smart students in the eighth graders of SMP

Negeri 3 Genteng. She answered the questions by using bilingual and

combined with little joke with her friend. It seemed that the student is the

type of enjoy person. She enjoys the situation and followed the discussion

casually. Even though, the discussion became nature and not bored.

I. Subject Identity

1. Name : Moch. Iqbal Adira Madi Jaya Kuswanto

2. Class : VIII – C

II. The Implementation of Observation

1. Day : Tuesday

2. Date : March 29th, 2022

3. Time : 07.00 – 08.00 WIB

4. Observer : Nur Annisa

III. The Method

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method

IV. General Observation

The first male student called Iqbal. As the other student, he has

been ready in the place after the first bell period rang. First, it seemed

that he feels uptight. He was doubt in answering honestly the questions.

Then the researcher make sure that it just a little and relax discussion in

order to get the information from them. He began to follow the

discussion well and it turned out that he is a kind of funny person. He is

a good joke creator. Nevertheless, the student has a good character. He

is polite and gracious.

The other students acknowledge that he is one of the clever and

diligent students in the class. Iqbal delivered that the key of mastering

the school subjects is the people need to love the subjects first. The

earlier step is trying to find the interest spot in each subject. He told that

he likes every part in English because of the teacher. The teacher

teaches them very good with a various method and media. Besides that,

the teacher has a big voice and clearly explanation. It is a very

supporting combination in learning.

V. The Result of Focus Group Discussion

1. Indicator : Properties Variable

2. VG : Very Good

3. G : Good

4. E : Enough

5. L : Low

6. VL : Very Low

No Indicator VG G E L VL

1 Talkative √

2 Answer fluently in English √

3 Communicative √

4 Confident √

5 The achievement in writing √

6 The achievement in speaking √

7 The interest of English √

VI. Description

The student is one of the clever and diligent students in the eighth

graders of SMP Negeri 3 Genteng. He answered the questions well

with a good words and good delivering by using English. The subject

delivers communicatively and expresses her ideas well without any

jokes with other. The subject was polite and graceful. The student

listens and participates well to the other students and the researcher.

I. Subject Identity

1. Name : Dizi Mahendra Syah Putra

2. Class : VIII – C

II. The Implementation of Observation

1. Day : Tuesday

2. Date : March 29th, 2022

3. Time : 07.00 – 08.00 WIB

4. Observer : Nur Annisa

III. The Method

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method

IV. General Observation

The student has a different character with the previous subject. Dizi

is rather quiet than other. He was seemed nervous when the discussion

began. The student seemed rather confused in delivering his ideas.

Nevertheless, actually the student is included into the diligent student in

the class. The student is obedient and respectful to the teacher. He also

not included into a circle in which cause a noisy in the class. The

student likes to write the summary of the learning to ease his study at


The student also seemed rather shy at first. He sat rather bend over

with the shoulders’ position were rather uptight. Before the question

turned into him, he seemed was thinking another topic. Then the

researcher tried to give the question randomly, the student seemed

startled. A minute after that, he tried to deliver his statement. It might

be rather hard for him to talk with someone new. Therefore, the

utterances were rather mixed with Indonesian. Even though, all his

sentences were delivered well and clearly. The student said that he

prefer in writing than speaking in general. For him, writing can express

easier than speaking which must be interacted with other person.

V. The Result of Focus Group Discussion

1. Indicator : Properties Variable

2. VG : Very Good

3. G : Good

4. E : Enough

5. L : Low

6. VL : Very Low

No Indicator VG G E L VL

1 Talkative √

2 Answer fluently in English √

3 Communicative √

4 Confident √

5 The achievement in writing √

6 The achievement in speaking √

7 The interest of English √

VI. Description

The subject was very polite and calm. He was not much in talking and

answering. Nevertheless, he keep silent and paid attention well to the

discussion and delivered something if it necessary or if it was asked to

him. The student was seemed has quiet character but he was also seemed

understood and diligent in English subject.

I. Subject Identity

1. Name : Andika Alvay Janva

2. Class : VIII – C

II. The Implementation of Observation

1. Day : Tuesday

2. Date : March 29th, 2022

3. Time : 07.00 – 08.00 WIB

4. Observer : Nur Annisa

III. The Method

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Method

IV. General Observation

The student sat on the bench in a school garden. He came and sat

together with the other student. He sat quietly and no words out without

question or command. He is seemed like a polite and obedient student.

He paid attention well to the researcher and his friends when they were

getting conversation with the researcher. He is seemed happily and

enjoyed to follow the discussion.

Andika is one of the clever students in the class. Not only good in

English, but also for other subjects. He is talkative and funny. He

acknowledged that he likes to learn deeply about English. For him,

learning English is amazing. Most of the people are good in using

English. It can be seen through the content creator in some applications.

Besides, learning English can help people to know the commands

which are available in game online. Andika has been accustomed to

learning English mostly through online games. He is not very good in

writing correctly but he loved to always learn and learn as the teacher is

one of his favorite teacher.

V. The Result of Focus Group Discussion

1. Indicator : Properties Variable

2. VG : Very Good

3. G : Good

4. E : Enough

5. L : Low

6. VL : Very Low

No Indicator VG G E L VL

1 Talkative √

2 Answer fluently in English √

3 Communicative √

4 Confident √

5 The achievement in writing √

6 The achievement in speaking √

7 The interest of English √

VI. Description

The student is one of the clever and diligent students in the eighth

graders of SMP Negeri 3 Genteng. He answered the questions well

with a good words and good delivering by using English. The subject

delivers communicatively and expresses his ideas well without any

jokes with other. The subject was polite and graceful. The student

listens and participates well to the other students and the researcher.


Subject : English

Class : VIII

Semester : II

Skill : Writing

Topic of Discussion : Narrative

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 menit

I. Competence Standard

1. Understand the meaning in short functional teks and monologue text in form

of recount, narrative and procedure in the daily life context.

II. Basic Competence

1.1. Responding the meaning in in short functional teks and monologue text in

form of recount, narrative and procedure accurately, fluently, and

acceptable in the daily life context which involves: recount, narrative and


III. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to understand about the concept of narrative text

2. Students are able to understand about the narrative text

IV. Indicators

1. Students are able to tell about the generic structure and language features of

narrative text

2. Students are able to make a simple narrative text

V. Learning Materials

A. Narrative Text

Characteristic: using to to produce language and express idea, feeling and


B. Generic Structure of Narrative text :

1. Orientation is refered to introduce the participants or the characters of the

story with the time and place set.

2. Complication is the crisis of the story. If there is no crisis, the story is not a

narrative text.

3. Resolution is the final series of the events which happen in the story. The

resolution can be good or bad.

Example :


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived

with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very

badly. One day, they were invited for a grand ball in the king’s palace. But

Cinderella’s stepmother would not let her go. Cinderella was made to sew new

party gowns for her stepmother and stepsisters, and curl their hair. They then went

to the ball, leaving Cinderella alone at home.

Cinderella felt very sad and began to cry. Suddenly, a fairy godmother

appeared and said, “Don’t cry, Cinderella! I will send you to the ball!” But

Cinderella was sad. She said, “I don’t have a gown to wear for the ball!” The fairy

godmother waved her magic wand and changed Cinderella’s old clothes into a

beautiful new gown! The fairy godmother then touched Cinderella’s feet with the

magic wand. And lo! She had beautiful glass slippers! “How will I go to the grand

ball?” asked Cinderella. The fairy godmother found six mice playing near a

pumpkin, in the kitchen. She touched them with her magic wand and the mice

became four shiny black horses and two coachmen and the pumpkin turned into a

golden coach. Cinderella was overjoyed and set off for the ball in the coach drawn

by the six black horses. Before leaving. the fairy godmother said, “Cinderella, this

magic will only last until midnight! You must reach home by then!”

When Cinderella entered the palace, everybody was struck by her beauty.

Nobody, not even Cinderella’s stepmother or stepsisters, knew who she really was

in her pretty clothes and shoes. The handsome prince also saw her and fell in love

with Cinderella. He went to her and asked, “Do you want to dance?” And

Cinderella said, “Yes!” The prince danced with her all night and nobody

recognized the beautiful dancer. Cinderella was so happy dancing with the prince

that she almost forgot what the fairy godmother had said. At the last moment,

Cinderella remembered her fairy godmother’s words and she rushed to go home.

“Oh! I must go!” she cried and ran out of the palace. One of her glass slippers

came off but Cinderella did not turn back for it. She reached home just as the

clock struck twelve. Her coach turned back into a pumpkin, the horses into mice

and her fine ball gown into rags. Her stepmother and stepsisters reached home

shortly after that. They were talking about the beautiful lady who had been

dancing with the prince.

The prince had fallen in love with Cinderella and wanted to find out who

the beautiful girl was, but he did not even know her name. He found the glass

slipper that had come off Cinderella’s foot as she ran home. The prince said, “I

will find her. The lady whose foot fits this slipper will be the one I marry!” The

next day, the prince and his servants took the glass slipper and went to all the

houses in the kingdom. They wanted to find the lady whose feet would fit in the

slipper. All the women in the kingdom tried the slipper but it would not fit any of

them. Cinderella’s stepsisters also tried on the little glass slipper. They tried to

squeeze their feet and push hard into the slipper, but the servant was afraid the

slipper would break. Cinderella’s stepmother would not let her try the slipper on,

but the prince saw her and said, “Let her also try on the slipper!” The slipper fit

her perfectly. The prince recognized her from the ball. He married Cinderella and

together they lived happily ever after.

VI. Learning Method

Explanation, asking question and exercise.

VII. Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description Allocated


Pre Activity

- Teacher opens the online class by

greeting students “Assalamualaikum

warahmatullahi wabarakatuh”,

“Good morning students, how are you


- Teacher lead students to pray

- Teacher read the attendance sheet

- Teacher informs the students the

indicators of the learning and

15 minutes




- Teacher gives stimulating questions

that lead to the topic (Well, everybody

please open your English book page

12. Anyone know about the If

Conditional?) ( English Book )

- Teacher explains the material.

- Teacher shares the printed story and

explains the story.

- The students were given an

assignment by the teacher.

5 minutes

40 Minutes

15 Minutes



- Teacher gives evaluation about the


- Teacher gives the conclusion about

the story.

- Teacher close the class by greeting

“Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi

wabarakatuh”, “See you next time”

5 minutes

VIII. Learning Media

A. Source of Material

1. Interlanguage, an English Course book for Junior High School Students

Year VIII, publisher: Grasindo

B. Teaching Aids

1. Printed story

2. White board and boardmarker


Subject : English

Class : VIII

Semester : II

Skill : Writing

Topic of Discussion : Narrative

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 menit

I. Competence Standard

1. Understand the meaning in short functional text and monologue text in form

of recount, narrative and procedure in the daily life context.

II. Basic Competence

1.1. Responding the meaning in in short functional teks and monologue text in

form of recount, narrative and procedure accurately, fluently, and

acceptable in the daily life context which involves: recount, narrative and


III. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to understand about the concept of narrative text

2. Students are able to understand about the narrative text

IV. Indicators

1. Students are able to tell about the generic structure and language features of

narrative text

2. Students are able to make a simple narrative text

V. Learning Materials

A. Narrative Text

Characteristic: using to produce language and express idea, feeling and


B. Generic Structure of Narrative text :

1. Orientation is referred to introduce the participants or the characters of the

story with the time and place set.

2. Complication is the crisis of the story. If there is no crisis, the story is not a

narrative text.

3. Resolution is the final series of the events which happen in the story. The

resolution can be good or bad.

Example :

VI. Learning Method

Explanation, asking question and exercise.

VII. Learning Steps

Activity Activity Description Allocated


Pre Activity

- Teacher opens the online class by

greeting students “Assalamualaikum

warahmatullahi wabarakatuh”,

“Good morning students, how are you


- Teacher lead students to pray

- Teacher read the attendance sheet

- Teacher informs the students the

indicators of the learning and


16 minutes

Main Activity

- Teacher prepared the tool for

watching a movie

- Teacher played the short movies.

- The students were given an

assignment by the teacher.

3 minutes

34 Minutes

18 Minutes



- Teacher gives evaluation about the


- Teacher gives the conclusion about

the story.

- Teacher close the class by greeting

“Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi

wabarakatuh”, “See you next time”

5 minutes

VIII. Learning Media

A. Source of Material

1. Interlanguage, an English Course book for Junior High School Students

Year VIII, publisher: Grasindo

B. Teaching Aids

1. LCD, Projector

2. Laptop, Short movies

Interview Transcripts of English Teacher

E.T : English Teacher

R : Researcher

Day : Wednesday

Date : April 22nd 2022

R : Assalamu’alaikum Mrs. Suparti.

E.T : Waalaikumsalam, you may come in.

R : Thank you, Mrs. Well, the purpose of my arrival today is to ask your

helps for giving me information through interview. Do you have any time


E.T : Yes, I have. Now is a half past eleven. It still has 30 minutes remaining

for praying dhuhur.

R : Thank you, Mrs. For the first question, do you think that the use of

appropriate media is important in teaching and learning process?

E.T : That's right. Of course, learning really needs media. Blackboard, chalk

and eraser are also learning media. However, the selection of the right

learning media is also important to consider. To get the learning process

can run effectively.

R : Oh, I see. So, why did you choose the printed story for the first media in

teaching and learning narrative text before using short movies?

E.T : Well, I use printed stories as the first learning media to be able to analyze

student achievement when students learn narrative texts using printed

stories only without pictures. From this meeting, besides being given the

task of writing stories, students are also required to answer several

questions in the text.

R : And then, had the students achieved the satisfactory result for the


E.T : I don’t think so, Students' achievements when using printed story media

without any pictures at all, there were some students who wrote only a few

sentences from the original story which was almost one sheet of HVS

paper. There is also a child who is known as a diligent student, he can

write up to 1 or 2 short paragraphs of the story. In terms of language, the

size is also medium to low. Regarding clarity and coherence with each

other, I'm sure they actually understand the storyline but it's difficult to

write it down.

R : Oh yes, umm so, that was your reason Mrs. for implementing the

teaching and learning by using short movies?

E.T : Precisely. As has been implemented, the implementation of narrative text

learning using printed stories has results that are still felt to be lacking.

The next strategy to improve students' writing skills in narrative texts can

be by changing the medium or the method. Since this narrative text is

more in the form of story text, the use of short film media is my main

choice in the narrative text learning process at the next meeting.

R : Yes, Mrs. Movies seemed good. But, do you often use the short movies

in teaching and learning for another chapter?

E.T : Not at all. In using short films, it is also necessary to properly pay

attention to the context of the material to be explained. It is possible that

all materials in learning English use short films according to the material.

For example, regarding notices or cautions, choose a short film that

explains the notice or caution. If the material is about recount text, it

means looking for a short film that explains about recount text. However,

of course if you only use one medium for all the material, it will feel

boring and reduce the enthusiasm and creativity of students.

R : Ok, Mrs. So, what is your opinion during the implementation of teaching

and learning narrative text by using short movies?

E.T : The use of short films really can attract students' attention. Since, I

entered the class. Ma'am, you can see for yourself, right? They were

immediately excited and responsive to help prepare the tools. The students

looked excited. Then, when watching the short movie, the children can

read the subtitles while watching the action of the story. This will make it

easier for them to remember the storyline of the movie. So, in writing, the

list of values and contents of their writing is better than the previous study.

R : Yes, Mrs. It is true. I saw the students were curious and attracting to your

devices. It was successfully right, Miss? In your opinion, does it has any


E.T : Yes, Alhamdulillah. The students’ scores were also enhanced. But, using

short movie also has its deficiencies. Like: First, the tools are totally

dependent on the electricity in which if the power failure happens, then the

movies directly stop. The teaching and learning process will be obstructed.

Second, It is necessary to attend carefully to the all tools such as speaker,

screen projector and connecting cable in order to run the short movies

smooth and controlled because sometimes the tools mentioned suddenly

are getting troubles. Thirdly, the silence which appeared when the short

movies were playing caused the students to get sleepy.

R : Ah yes, I see. But, actually it can be solved Mrs. You have done your

best teaching and learning at that time.

E.T : Oh, yeah, I think so, hehe. So, is there any question more?

R : Umm, I think enough Mrs. for now. Later, I will come again if it is

necessary. Thank you very much, Mrs. for sparing your time and I am

begging your pardon for disturbing your activities.

E.T : It’s okay, Child. May Allah ease your progress, Aamiin. Be careful on

your way.

R : Aamiin. Thank you Mrs. Wassalamu’alaikum

E.T : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.


Day/Date : Tuesday/March 29th 2022

Chief : The Researcher ( Nur Annisa ) (R)

Members : - Clarabel Labitta Zahra (CL)

- Andika Alfay Janva (AA)

- Dizi Mahendra Syah Putra (DM)

- Icha Yulia Rahma (IY)

- Miftachul Jannah (MJ)

- Rinik Kris Diana (RK)

- Moch. Iqbal Adira Madi Jaya K. (IQ)

R : Okay, Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi

wabarakaatuuh.( students answering the greeting). Well, my name is

Annisa. I am here for observing and collecting the data for my research.

So, I need your helps for giving me some informations. Can you?

Members: Yes, Miss .

R : Good. So, this like a discussion. You may up your hand or exactly

answer my question. Then we can discuss it together. So, step to the first

topic. Do you like English? From Clara first.

CL : I like, Miss. Because English is fun and learns English is important

because it has been an universal language. Both in oral or written


R : Good, Clara ! the other? You, next to Clara. Icha, right?

IY : Yes, Miss. Me,too. For me, English is unique.

R : Why?

IY : Yes, as it different between words and pronunciation.

R : Good. And then does the English Teacher ever use the short movie as

learning media?

DM : Umm, it looks like not short movies, Miss. It seemed video of learning

material. Is it right, bal?

IQ : I think so. We often got the videos through online applications, Miss.

R : Ah, I see. During pandemic, right?

RK : Yes, Miss. But the videos were just material of learning. So, we such a

listening radio. Learning but not face to face.

R : So, do you get the point of material?

AA : Little, Miss. Learning by online was very different with direct learning.

Rather hard in understanding the material.

R : Okey. So, all of you need an interesting media for learning English?

MJ : Of course, Miss. Whatelse, if once a while we watch a movie, hehe.

DM : Ah, It seemed good.

R : The teacher has not given the short movie yet? So, what does the teacher

usually use for teaching?

CL : Anu, Miss. The teacher teaches usually use the PPT, English Book or

paper. Sometimes also she brought the sound system for listening chapter.

IQ : Yes, Miss. Even though many media, the teacher explains never out of

the English book.

R : Well, what is your favorite media from the teacher?

IY : Anything, Miss. I prefer the teacher’s voices because her voice is firm

and loud. So, I can stay awake. Hehe

AA : Ah, that is also. Sometimes makes the teacher rather angry is fun, Miss.

Because her voices made us awake.

R : Ahh, I see. So, what is in your mind about short movie?

CL : Movie but has short duration.

R : Good answer, Clara. Do you attracted with that? Dizi? Try to answer!

DM : Ah, yeah. Umm, I think so because movies are fun.

R : Just it?

DM : Movie can give us like subtitle, pronunciation and visual to learn.

Complete in one media.

R : Very good. So, Icha? Do you want a say something?

IY : I think if we watch a movie, it will increase our spirit in learning.

Besides, we can imagine it again for remembering the actions.

R : Good answer, Icha ! Okay, childs. The time is over. I think enough here

for today, once I need your suggestion again, I’ll call you.

AA : Ah, so fast right?

IQ : Ha.ah, after a moment, the third period will ring.

R : Thank you so much for your nice attention and activeness. You may go

back to your class. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.

Members : Okay, Miss. See you. Waalaikumsalam warahmatullaahi


Observation Result

Observation Result

Observation Result

Observation Result

Interview with English Teacher Interview with Student

Focus Group Discussion Focus Group Discussion

Observation Interview with Student




Researcher’s Bibliography

Personal Information:

• Full Name : Nur Annisa

• NIM : T20186125

• Gender : Female

• Place, Date of Birth : Palu, March 24th 1998

• Address : Genteng – Banyuwangi

• Religion : Islam

• Department/Majors Courses : Language Education/English Department

• Email Address : [email protected]

Education Background:

2005 – 2011 : MI Salafiyah 01 Jalen

2011 – 2014 : SMPN 01 Genteng

2014 – 2018 : Islamic Boarding School Gontor for Girls 2nd Campus Ngawi