A. c. Jordan. (:>isoorta.tion fo the J:.:.A.Dogreo in

~omo ~ oo.tures of the Fhonetie and G ramrnt.Lti cal S tructure of. . aca. by A. c. J ordan. (:>isoort a.t ion f o the J:.: . A.D ogreo in ica.n S tudiee) .

Transcript of A. c. Jordan. (:>isoorta.tion fo the J:.:.A.Dogreo in



( 1) A 'bird' a Ezs 'View of the A,rea.

l3aca ia spoken chiefly 1n llt . Frere district, but a fairly large

numb&" of l3ncaa, ~o claim to apeak :naca, 11 ve in Umzimlchulu district ,

and about a thousand live in the district of l!t . Ayliff'. Ac cording to

van /armelo, thsrc are roughly 10,050 Daea tax- payers in Yt.Frare, 4, 500

in Ums1mkhulu, while those in t . Ayliff number lese than 1,ooo. In none

of these three districts is Baea t.he only dialect spoken. t , Frere has a

considerable number of' Elu6ia who s p eak I:luGi , Ut , Ay1iff' is prGdominant)y

Xeai6e-speak".ng, and "there probably is no place where the native J'llllll

population consists of so nany small units and diftf!rent elements ae the

Umzir.alfuulu district" . The Baca diolect is the:reforo contiguous with

&lmost ev~y other llguni dialect spoken 1n the Transkei1 fott the south

1.e 1nhab1 ted by .. pondom1ee:s , the aouth- eaat and the east by l:pondoa , while

standard oaa too taerto ita own 1n1'luence on this dialect chiefly

through church and school , ?1lere Baoa, like all the other non- 11 terary

dialects , is beine stifled to death,,

( 2) Collection of ~teria.:L. ~

In vi m1 of these vario,.s }'Otantie.l tnnuenceo, great caution h ad to

be exercised in collecting, sifting and verifying Jnaterial• tor the

intention was, as tar ~a possible, to record the purest f orms, In

l t . Frore, at leea t , tbere are fifteen contiguous Daoa- speald.ng loeations

including four of nomtJ tketJ e' s (t:poza)which 1a the moot priml tive Ba.oo.­

speaking area. Assuming that the leaet innuenoed forms ot this dialoct

were to bcyound in this area , I decided to get in touch w1 th the nanrest

t poza _ncaa , and theae I found ln l"odderfontein na.et 1here moat ot the

materia l i n this disserta tion wa.e collected a t intervale over a period of 'f£6.ft'b

two A between April 1940 and :y 1942, I found a Tery benevolent m!'D 1n

l!r. Cll:t'ford, the C~d l{anager , himself a student of Eantu cul. ture 1J1

general, and of the Xhosa language in particular.

lly chief informants were Sioa.nula !!dodi, NXbavu I.:nnkumbu,

l~plnunla ~pi tJhane , Nc:tul1 " 1k1 and ~vaDgeli ~ratiwane - all f'rcmt

UomtJ eketJ e'e except tb last one Who came from " chiea.na•a. s..-araJ.

other Eaoas tro th•e two ar e an well f'ro t~simldlulu and L!t . Ayllff'

came end went , but »teee fiTe !!len I found alwaye ready to sl t for hours

w1 th me , whether during a week-and or over a long stretch of time durins



At Easter- tide, 1942, I went to ~t. ?rere to veri~ doubtful in~orm­

ation. I was there ~or a f ortnight, spending three days at Lubacweni

where I met Chief Gikhanda and one of his councillors , and the rest of

the time with Chief' Vla6ane, eon of 11nchisana, con of lla.khawul a . At

Lugangeni (UnChisana's) I had occasion no t only to l i sten ~o , and taka

part in, i nkundla cases, but aloo to go very carefully over mt',t eria l

gathered each day with various in~ormants including Chief v'E-.6ane himaelf1

his uncle l~ohi and my kind host Abner Novukela, P. teacher who, on

account of his mother 's good influence, is very proud of Baca and is

recognised by all the Bacas in llilchi aana.' a area aa one of the best speak·

ers of Baca.

( 3) The Text.

As the title implies , at this stage I am not embarking on a complet(

text- book of Baca, but am attempting to make an exposition of those not

phoneti c and grammatical :features of Baca that areJ\ shared with standard

Zulu and standard Jlliosa. Stress hao therefore been laid on the different­

iae o~ Baca. Uy i nves t i gation reveals that the rtost rama.rkable difference~:

are chiefly phonological and morphological, and that syntactica l

di fferences are pr a ctica lly negligible in quantity. For ~.is reason, no

section of thie dissertation is devoted to syntax as such. Perhaps there­

fore , a more suit~ble title would have been "Some Features of the Phonetic rwto~ f:'J,olo~ic.Al

and C!'JS t l c:e.J. Structure of Baca"a but since under some of the headings

it has been found necessary to give a fairly detailed account of the

synt act ical use of certain f orms , the present title ought t o be accept-


(4) Soundshi f ting.

The following are the sound- sriftings that distinguish Baca :t'rom

"" Zulu and Xhosa on the one hand, end bring it nearer to b~azi on the


( a ) Primary Plosives.

Ur-Bantu t > tsh. e. g. - tshathfu (three) , letsha (bring ).

- (b) Vowels .

u 1 ~i or 'f. e . g . isi ti 6a (pool ), in' somi (fable) .

.. a ) a or a. e. g . tshnndza. (love), phasi (below) .

(c) Nasal Compounds.

·X All contl"~'".n~ un~wal. O. t'\e. &....sw v~o.., ])rErt 1elb .. ~ • .l..• i-t. -.. t ~ "" 1l I'IJ • - •

, J r • • • ltl


(c ) _Nasal Compounds .

Ur+Ban tu nd · > ndz. e. g . 1 indza (guard) , indza6 a (matt E~~r).

" nt ;> nt s . e, g . 1n t sa6a (mount ain) , i nt sambo ( thong) •

. (d) Vowel I nfluenc e on Consonants ,

Ur-Bantu t i ~shi~ e. g . -tsh i (eay) , umtsh i (tree),

" tu >th4!'1.·. "" "' e . g. - tb!lathfU (three) , .. t h fuma. (s end ),

• " '1 >t1 • o. g. umti (vill age) , t i - (reflexive affi x ) •

" 1t .)ti • o. g. 1m uuti ( goa t) , tw.hJ.uti (gravy),

( ?) _ ~rasal Cmgpounds before Close Vowels ,

Ur-Bantu nd"'t)nti, e~ s. inkunti (bUll ) , ~th:funti ( slla.d e ).

" mb! )nti. e. g . Tn ' hla.nti { f1sa ) .

( ~ ) ~~al Compounds of ni,

Ur-Bantu n i +s > n' e• e, g, 'fn•s ord ( f able ), iln' euku (days ),

" ni t-f > rp' f • . e. g. 1IJ' :rene (bab oon) , l ilJ' fUdvo (tor t oises ).

" ni+hl. >n'hl, e, g , et fn ' hla.n u ( fi ve) , Un' hlo6o ( s or t s ) .

( ~ ) Q..o~eonA.nts b ef or e Semi- Vowels.

Ur-Bantu twa th:f'Wa, e, g, thfwala (b ear ), im.pe thtwana , dimin, of (maggot) ::::.&::~~

" 1Ja ) ta • e.g. kha t shata., CCJ.Usati vl!t of khatshala. (be tired),

v eta, causativ~ of ~ {appear),

n twa >nt fwa, e, g, intfwana , d1m1n, of intf o ( thing ) ,

umntfwana.,dimin, of umntfll {person).

nclWa > ndzwa or ndvwa, e.g. tshandzwa (be loved),umsindvwana ,

dimin , of umsindvo (noise)

Some of th•se!fre further discussed in rela tion t o morphology.

( 5) Taketa or Tshe:fula ?

These sound- shi f tings alone distinguish Baca f rom all the Nguni

dialects spoken in the Transkei, except Ntlangwini(isiZa.n'Fji,ae the Baca

people call 1 t ). To my s eTeral i nformants who bad never heard Swazi

sJ,~oken - in f a ct, onl y those who hav e b een t o the mines h ave h eard

Swazi -- I r ead extra cts 1KE from Dr. EngelbreCht's Swazi Texts with

Notes. I t~d t ranscribed t h es e extracts i n order t o give the impression

tha t they were specimens of :Ba ca that I had collected elsewhere. !Tot one I

of the inf ormant s , h owever, f a iled to detect the morphological •'''*'*** differences, and the remark a l ways wae, "Ave kuhisiBaca leso•( That is not

Ba ca) • on learning that 1 t was Swazi, they invari ably r amarked, •Kantsi

na~Swazi aya tshefula J " (So the Swa~is t ehefula too!) And this brings u~


sonant)! is n~l bu t inau dible , ~cept ill the speech of Ba.caa who hav e

b~en influenc ed by 113!'31 11.ng pranunci ~.tion" o f standa:rd Xhosa. In f a ct. I

am c.onvi n ced tha "'; ! n c'Jnverca.tiC\n r..mnt il i"~. areo.te nacas drop the nasail. ~

concona.nt bofore !,~h1,(phon 4-) J inet~ac: o~ 1!1' f'Un~~vo, 'in' simbi , :t:::ml4a ....... ...., ~ .,..,. in'hlo~o . onP oft J::t l · :Jc>.!"o ifundvo , i oimb i , i !:J o :o 1:espoctivel y , But as

30on as a s:pt~· ·or ::1otic9d tlw. i I .::.ws atrainin,g r::.y ear to M tch avar7

sound, tt ~ ne.s :.l b sccoe tRG E• umU):)eJ qui ta audibl e,

Tho cJrc-~st~no c:; in which tl:e :.tilt h i gh !'orwl?.r d V<'Wal i s ne.3alized

~.nd th auccoec:.i ng na.sa l conson!l.flt 9o"ftened are dia cuased i::a Chapt er 1 11

~ .cept in tht~ ch'lptm-,w~erc t...lJ.e vowel is zr.a.rked- , I have used the s ame

symbols for +.:t:.ese eoun1s u.s for the pri n cipal members 111 of their

r espective Phon~es,

( 6 ) I n:ftluence of Contirt.nous :!~gwl1 :;)i alects.

In ~ci1isar~ ·s ~e~ many foroign phonetic and morphologica l ~lament

e.re to be !:Luard. This 1:! du e to aeV!)l·e.l cauaes , of h ich I rray wention

th follo-rlngz-

( i) a. large !II"....D.ber c-r "e:cl.ightened" :Bacas who have been tauVl.t to look

down up on their mother- t on&"lle.

( 1i) i nter-marriage with n i ghbouring tri b es .

(ii i )tmmigrants from nei~bour1ng tribes .

Uy ho e a t ~okothwan~ having been favourably situated for a con­

a i<l~a.~le knowledge o'£ %ml at least th.t"ee of the other dialects, I ·wa3

in a p oa i t ion to detect !!lost of the f orms that Ba ca a.llares with them as

against stand d :Y.hJs a , At Chi ef 'llfa6ane ' s 1nkund1a I heard such forms­

as 90 m'hruti ( that goa t) , lfwem J!~'l!._(in that hut ) 1111lieh I lm~ to ba ·

l~pondo, !hatfh i (horse) • i tShurni (ten) which I b knew to be 1lpondom1se,

and ~S!,].wa(besr) , ~n4J.eka(provide for expected gu~t)which I knew t o

be P.l·..t61. · ,._, ts

d th- forms were indignantly rejected b~· my ~orman ae These an o ._

1,_.,. 6--" -i" (the speech of recant arri vale or "ui ~land ere' ·

"ukuboba kwacf AQ- UIILioU

i d-.a all such a s non~aca :forms. On the othar hand there

I have d scar l:JU .a

the Negative Pa.et Subjunctive, the inclusive• are features in c011111on, e,g.

and the Nep.tive in -'!:!-1 the last shared with Imperative Subjunctive

. e f orme I refer to h ave been often olaeaed a.s l!pondo only. Yost of C:? ... c~". c ,-r Xfiff'. "icrr£"""fL

• In Tsolo O. -tAtri~ xrd:.d£&UnJ!1"*' ' l.iWtptfi: ) ~lbnlnxzaxx~~ t ansposi tion. Cf.hlinzeka( Zulu-Xhosa ,and ov~y likely a · ca se o r h linteka(Ba ca.) •

of Ba ca ,

1 . e s peech sounds of 1 'l do not differ much f'ro!ll thoo e of'

stt..nd d ll.ooa and standard ulu • .hiXccpt f or the naoo.li~ed 1). aid-

-vowel a and the nr>sali z ed ll i gh- forw d vowel !, tho vo J. oys t i s

the sam J the conson~nt s yot includea thre e hetoro. r co.n ic orupoun<' o

w. ich are not :found in - osa. nnd Zul u . tr co a compound a have

more than one articu a tion, it is not easy to g ive t h pr c i se bri ef

n~ea . I ave therefore tried to d scribe th as closel y ~s poss i b l

g i v i ne th tentative names w1ich I expect will aound as c l umoy to

otJ1ors a s tr y do to me,

The Vowels.

are nino vowel s i n n a ca , viza-i

i , r, e' l ' a , a, ~ , 0 ' u.

3,- i(h i gn f orward vawel )

~. a imitsh i (tre s) J 1a iti6n (:pool) a tahina ( e) J ilive (country ) .

4,- ! <nasalized h i gh forward vowe1} ,

, : u f ene (baboon);~ vo ( education)J'inso 1 ( fabl o )J ino imb i ( i ron

i oko (P d) ; l nhl aka {doors) ,

TI1i o vowel is f ound 1;, foro a na.o preceding a v oicoleoo denti-labi~ l

f ricative or a voic eless alv olar fri cQtive ,

5,- .2. (the close mid- foi'\ urd vowel} ,

, z et~u ( ~bovo) ; iXh gu (old mnn) Jleti (those) J umaeBent i( work) .

6,- _!.. ( th open mid- forward vowel) ,

-::x, I UO e (opoon)Jukh leketJhane (fa.lconh i nkwallkwe (b oy ) ,

7,- !. (the low vowol) ,

Ex, a 6amba (s ize) J ~aca (a acn) 1 khamoo {go)Jtsha thf'u ( thr ee ) ,

8 ,- i (th e nasalized low vowel) ,

Thi s i s a v ry r e vo el , so far found in two ords only, I t i o

followed by th voiceless fricc. tive !!_ which nuot ori g i n lly Lt vo

b een p r ec d by a no.sa.l in t h ose t o ords,

e wor e e a pl1As1 (b low) 1 e - a i ( a t the bot t o ) ,

i.S i s w 11 lmown, tho corr spendi ng fords in osa a nd ulu r t a in ·

na e 1 ,

9,- a ( the op en ~id- ack vowel) ,

!x, z idvolo (lrnee)J 1 thfole ( Clll f' )J umgodla. (bag ), el poza (: poz·. ) .

l O,- 0 (tll o close mi d- ba ck vo :cl) ,

1 uovu (r d ) Jgodvuka (eo l ome) J i n t fombi (mai den ) a loeu ( thi s ) ,

11.- !:!. (the h i gh b a ck vowel ) •

i>c, z ama:f'utsha (fat )J -u6udze ( l ength )J Ulutsh i ( r od )J u.mntf'u ( p eroon) .

(!!) Tlosives.

( i ) Velart1 .

The Cons or-anta ,

1 2, - ~ (the radie~ v elar :plosive) ,

: Beka (:put)abid olm (be con:fused)Jinja.ka.ti (bitch }; ulrudl.a ( fo od) ,

1 3,- !'( th ejective velar plosive) .

: i nka6 i (ox)a iinkoto {grains)l - nk'.llu (b i g) ,

14,- kh( the aspirated vel p l osive) .

~ ~ - kha (draw)a kha a (kick ), ka.khUlu (grea.tl.y )a ukhuni ( f'i re- wood)

15, - & (the voice~ v elar plosive) .

-~. ~ ugadvugadvu {s un- dri d pumpkin cili :ps )a g ijima (run )agwe6a (jud[;e)

umgogodla (bony animal ) •

( ii ) Alveolars ,

1 6, - 1 (the r adioal alv eolar :plosive) ,

, : - t a (come )a t eka (get a \ life )J umti (village), i t olo (y sterday) .

17.-t ' (the ej eetive vaol~ plosive) ,

- , : enta (do) J umlente {leg) J iinti:ph o (claws) .

18 , - th ( th e aspira ted alv olar pl osive) ,

• ' thn.tha ( taJr h thetha (argue )a :.mathidaJ.a (misg i v i l18s )a

i s i pha (thumb) .

19 , - d ( t e voiced alveol ploaivo) .

I~. : edUJ i (at t11e ~)otto )J na.and i (here it is )abida. ( confuse) .

no. -( iii ) Li-l abi a ls.

20,-p_ ( e radical b i - l e.biaJ. expl oa1Te) . Thi s se to oc cur onl y

in l>orrowoo wor~.s.

• ' ipeni (penny) a i pondi (pound) .

21 .- ~· (the ejective bi- l abi al axplosive) .

•' pathfo ( treatm nth umponge ( c ough}J i im:pondvo (h orns )a

in:.}>o:f'u ( ele.nd)a fr l wampu (pauper) .

22,- m (the aapira tod b i - l ab icl. explos ive ) .

1 hloni Pha (h l onipbn) J phe1a. (be f'i n i ohed) J i pro iko ( ng )a pcola

(be cool ) l pbuma (eo out ) .

23 - b ( the voiced b i - 1 ~biv.l expl os ive) . . -


. 1 ba~a (write} J beka (look ) ; boba (speak) 1 bul.a ( thresh ). --~--,-

24.- §. ( the bi- la'J?ial i.z:7pl osiv e) .

I a6antfU (people)J oeka (put) J - i n i (twO) J 6ona ( see) J6uya (return

( iv) liasaJ.s.

25.- m (the b i - l abial. nasal) •

• 1 ~ti (wa ter )J mema (invite )a - m tahi (pregnant )Jumona (jealousy) .

26.- !! (syl labic m) . It i s f'ound mostly before fricatives and

plosives before whiCh preceding ~- has been elided.

1 t.tm18ti (woman), umsiti (sooth umthfombo ( f ounta.in);umldlatshi

(space in between) .

27 . - mh. (the aspirated b i-labial. nasal) .

1 umhana (mother}, mhemha (carry on the b a ck) .

28. - m (the denti-labi a l nasal , phon. '"?) • It is found befor e the

voiced denti- l abial frica tive !:. i n the combination Y9tv}.

1 imvula (ra in}, im't"elaphi (source}, im'rumelwano (agroane:nt) .

29. - !!. (the syllabi c denti- labia l nasal) . It is f ound bef ore the "

voiceless denti-labial~ ! • This i s a vsry sof t denti-labi al

nasal , almost inau ible amoilB the Bacas of t;poza..

:1x:. 1 1m.fene (baboon}, imf'e (sweet r eed), imf'undvo ( learni ng) .

30. - !'!(the alveolar nasal) . It is found before all vowels as well

as in the combinations n;t , nte, njl. ndz, 1!91·

· • • umana. (oon) J anini (a t day- time}, enta (do )J i ntsa6a (mountain)J

ukundinga (to fiy) 1 1ndza6a (matt c-) J amandla ( otrength) •

31 . - !'! (the syllabic aJ. veola.r naaa1) • It is found befor e the

voiceless h omorganic frica.t1Tea !. and _ . Among the Bacas of

llpoza, this nas , like the denti- l abial before !. i e al.l but

imperceptibl e .

1 insim1 (!ield) J i nsomi (fable) J iirihlaka (doors) J 1nhl1tiyo (heart )1

i nhloko (head) .

32. _ n:t: (the palatal nasal, phon. 'f'l) . It is :found b efore vowel s as

well a s in ejectiWe combinations before h omorgani c affrica t es •

• ~ umnyati (basket )a unyoko (your mother h i ntJ engul.a (•llllfi ipoon h

i nja ( dog ) .

33• _ gyh ( the a~pir ted pal.at nasal) • This is a very ra..e s ound.

1 - nyhenti (many) .

34 •• n ( the v el ar ~snJ. , phon. r; ) • It i s :found befor e the h omorgan-

i vea

: unonkal nkal a. (crab ) 1 - nlrulu (bi g ) J ugqga (h ill) J ngembili (ahead).

(v) _j ica tives.

35.- t (the voiceless denti-labial fr icative) .

: - fa ( d i e )J i sife(:field of sweet reed)J umi'ana (yoUDB man)J .ttrn.fo

( gentl saan)J t'Ula (PK f orag&) J f'utshi {again ) .

36.-1: (the voiced denti-labi frica t i ve) . (open) .

: Ta l a (close) J ilive (country) 1 iliv i (voice) J Tala (*I#*MX)

37.- ~ (the voiceless a lveolar fricative) .

1 i sand1a (hand)J senga (milk)J i sicamba (mat )a sote : (never J )

susa (remoTe ) l 6oniswa (be sh own) .

38.- 1 (the voiced Teolar :fri catiTe) . cept in pla c e namen and

in h omorganic compounds this sound is very rare.

1 e!.:poza ( a t llpoza.)J ehaza ( explainh inchaza (round beer- drinking

vess el) a i dikazi (concubine) .

39.- (.[ (the voiceless palatal. fricative) .

h. a ihaJ i (horse)J J i ya ( l eave behind), iJumi (tan) .

40.- } (the voiced pal a tal floiea tive) . -1 3 aca (be l ean) 1 1,u6a (br~nvn clay used f or dress i l'lg women' a hai r ) 1

ng~;waca. ( in the evening) .

41.- f ( the VOiceless Telar fricati ve) . -I faDqa ( surround), barateka (fall whole length )a t"Oxi8a (wi thdraw),

rula (pull) •

42.- ~ (the voiced velar frica tive) .

: gragrUB (growl )J grama (eat mealies in their staJ lea )agruzulca (be bruise~

43.- £ (the voiceless glottal fricative) . I t i s v er y rare.

J l:uhuta (let in draught) a he ( of s triki on the h ead) .

44.- £ (the voiced glottal fr1cativef 7phon. h ). 1 ihaJ 1 (horse )a is ihula (fool )a huvre (it is you) .

~- r (the rolled aJ.veo1ar frica.tive) . This is f ound only i n

borrowed wor ds. ntile •school• Daca.s use this sound, the ill1 terate

ones translitera t e it to !_. Thus "school " Bacas s a y ioren.11( orang.

umatrasi (mattress) , while the i lliterate say 1olen.11, umatilaai r -.P.

(vi) La~eraJ. COD8onapte.

46.- 1. ( tbe voi ced alveolar l.a teral) .

& 1 a (sl eep h i l itJ e ( atoJSe )t l etaha (brf.ne h uluti (bark uaed as fibre ) .

47!- !!.! (the voi celess f ricative a.l. veolar l a teral , phon. ,.f.).

a ~anhla (tooth gap )J h l eka ( l aue;h)a amehlo ( eyes ) .

48. - 2!, (the voiced fr icativ e alv eolar l a t eraJ.t, . phon. ~ )

: i dJ.anga (vul.ture )J ind1e8e ( ear )J dlisa (pois on )J d1\!l.a (pass) .

(e) Compound Consonants,

( 1 ) IIomorgani c Compounds or Affrica tes.

( i ) Labial Affri cates.

49.- !!!:! (the voiced denti - l abial. aff'rieate, phon. ")cLv) .

: 1mvula (rain )J imvel a.pb.i (sourceh amahl amvu (ferns) .

50. -( ii ) Alveol ar At~ricatea .

50. - 1@. (the voiceless alveol ar a1'trioa.te, ejeotiv e) , I t i s

found in its simpl e form and i n the combination p~a.

1 t e itaa (ooze) , !tints! (rods) a intsa6a (mountain).

51 .- !!I! (the aspi rat ed alveolar affri cate) . It i s f'cnmd .110etl y 1m*.

b efore froDt vowels.

1 t abandsa ( love ), t ahemba (truat )J - tshi (a~)J pbetaha (compl ete) ,

This atfrioata is never found before back vowels excspt in a few

i deophones , e. g . 1!h!!, (of' p itch darkness ) .

5 2.- ~ (the voiced alveolar at'trieate) , It is f ound before front

vowels .

~~·'*"** udsadse (aist sr )a - dzala (old )a akudzeni ( far away)a

kwedsini (you b oy) .

Betore back vowels thi e affricate is found only in a fs

i deophonee , e . g . ~(of' making a bee-line) .

Thi s affricate is f ound also in combination wi th the h omorganic

nasal. I!,.

1 i ndza6a (matter) eada (get marri ed, of a woman )a i q8Ddza ( egg) ,

53 . - n91 ( the voiced l a t eral alveol ar affrica t e, phon. ncif)> 1 indlala (starvat i on), i ndlel a (way), i ndlondl.o (spec!• of mamba )

i n dl.u (hut) .

( 111 ) Palat al Mtri cat es.

54.- 1( {the voicel ess pala tal affrica t e , ej active) .

1 itJalo (calaba.ah h UitJ e (s tone )J JutJwa (be f inished) .

I t is also f ound in combi nation w1 th the h omor ganic naaal p on. ~

1 entJ a (n ew)J intJaka (mealie f lowar)J 1ntJ~ago (nicotine) .

55.- t{h (the aaplra t 34 palatal. affricate) . t ( 1 t .-•a Child) a t Jh i aa (burn) a -tjho ( aay so) .

1 umtJhua • 8 .....

56.- .1. (tbe voiced p a l atal a ffri c a t e , phon. d) ) .

1 j emela {glere at) J cija (te1l lies) J ij~ (be ar) J gej a (mis s) .

It is also found in combination with ~e h omorganic ns.ea ll" •

1 i~ja (dog) J manje (now) J injongo (atm) •

.. st ( i T) Vel ar Affricates.

5 '7 . - !g" (the voicel ess velar affricate) .

1 krala ( hi te-faced) J lq-weba (tan h i des) J lq-weJ.a ( scratch)

kro6a (peep) .

( 2) Hetarorga.nj.c Compoppdsa

The main c onsonants under this heading are combi cations ~

of &lveol plosives with denti- l abial fr i cati ves , the voic eless

plosive combining with the voi celess fricat i ve and the voiced ;p••• l

pl osi ve with the voi ced fri cative. To produce a s ound of a.ny of

these combinations, the upper teeth slightl y t ou ch the lower lip

simultaneously wi th the aJ.veol ar plos i on. The l.reath escaping

f orci b l y as a result of the pl osion causes frict ion b etween the

lower lip and the UJ!per teeth . The sound thus produ c ed n::a.y b e

voiced or voiceless , or o..sr ·pa.t-u£ •

58. - tf (the voiceless alveolo- danti- labial co~und, ejective) . -This sound i s very rare in its i ndependent form, bUt i e very

c 021100n 1n conjunction with the alveol ar nasal.. It i s followed by

back vowel s or by the b i - l abi a l semi- vowel.

1 -ttf olo (arrow), int:f'o ( thing~ 1 UIIDlt f'U (p erson )a umnttwana (child ) .

59.- dT {the vo i ced alveolo- denti- l abi el. compound, ej active) . -I t i s foun<l befor e back vowels and before the b i - l abial semi- vowel.

I t i s also :round i n conjunc tion wi th the alveolar nasal.

1 idTol o (knee)J i ndTodza (man)a umlandvu ( debt)a i s i dvuli (ant­

heap h d'YWa6a (forage for f iro t - f'ru i t c eremony) .

60.- .1al! {the aspi r a t ed alveolo- denti- 1 ab i al compound) .

I t i s f ound before back v owals and be:f'or e the b i - labial a.U .. v owU.

1 impath:fo (treatmenth -t ahathfU (three), t hfuma (scmd)J

thtwala ( carry) •

61.- l!:hl (th e aspira ted Yelar- paJ.a tal compound ) .

Only one word, as far a.e I have b e an ~b~s to investi gate, contains

this s ound. ':'hia ia khJilr:hSa (strike) . ~pondo baa a aimilar word

lrhri tSh& wi tb. the aame meaning, and standard .Dloea. ha.s the word•

kh'!'it[ha (shower) and JlllldrRit[ho (beating shower) .


t:y opin ion i s that the Mpondo- lOlasa f orm i s the orig inal on e

and that "tl1e Baca f orm i s a r esult of r~ciprocal ass imil a t i on , The

a s p i :-a t ed ve l ar pl osi ve in ~1e f'i rs·i; oyll ab l e ass imilat ed tha palatal

1 whi ch Tl.J.B ori g i nally i n the second syllabl e , and the pal a t al frica tive

el ement in th3 second syllable has assimila t ed the b i - l ab i a l s aai - vowel

~ i n the i'irst syllable. Thus a-

khwi _::, khJ 1 , a.nd tJha > khJ a , nnd therefore khwi tJha > kh} ikhJ a.,

kno the Bacaa of Lpoza. the plos ion of ~o f irs t s yllabl e in

thi s word i s prec eded by a r oundi ng of the lips , and simultaneous with

wi th the plo3 i on i s a sharp wl thdrawa.l of the cornars of the mouth, the

r esUlt being an i ndet ermi nat e !:. i n the :fi rst syllable. I think ·Ghis is

further evi denc e o:f a previous exi stence of ~ i n this syl~able. •

62. The r pholog ica.J. Influence of t 'he 1Tasa1p on Pl a in Consonants ,

( i ) Implosives ,

Under nasal influence the b ilabi a l implos i v e e, becomes ~.

a 8aml:a.na. (h old each other)

- Bi n i ( two)

8ol eka (land )

6umba (moUld)

( ii ) • i ca tives .

::> imbambano (dispute) .

~ etimbi n i ( two) •

::>imboleko ( l endi ng ) •

.>imbUmba ( compact mat t er ) ,

Of the voiceless f rica tives only the palatal. is made ej ective by~ a pre-

c eding naaaJ.. !Tasal + J 7 ntJ .

1 uJiyi (ey ebrow) >11ntJiy1 (eyebrows ), Jukuma (move )> intJukumo .

Bef ore the voiceless denti- labi al fri cati ve f., and the alv eolar frioativ~

!. and hL the nasal is so soft t hat it is XU. all but inaudible, . . es p ecially a t Lpom. It the nasal i s preceded by the h i gh- forward vowel , this vowel is dist inctly this Towal is distinctly naaaliZedJ but the fricative its elf is not

infl.uencoo by the n al. Thus a-

( a ) Na.e e.l + !:, ::> lif, (phon. rt'J' f J • a t'tmdza (learn) > iJDf'UndTO ( learni ng) , phon. !''1 :&mdT~.

t anela (ought to) > imf&Delo (obligation) , phon. ~ t'an61;:>. -uf'udvo (tor t o i se) > i~dTo . ~ tortoises ) , phon. i *)' :f"UdT:)•

(b) lraaal+ !.7 DS• ( phon. n ' s l .

1 aalel a (remain ) > tnsalel a (remnant) , phone rn'saleta.

us16a (fea ther) ~11nsi6a (:feathers) , phon. Tan ' a116a. usuku ( d"') > iinaultU (days ) , phon. tin' a'*tl.

' ....___ ____.,

( o ) lTasal+ !:! -;>!!l!L phon, n:(._ .

1 uhlanga (incision) > 1inh1a.nga ( incis ions) , phon. l1n~a,ga.

- hl.anu (five) > etinhl.anu (five) , phon. etintl--anu.

uhl.o6o ( sort) ~iinh1o6o (sorts) , phon. !'an~».:> .

( 2) The voiced frica tives ~ !!!, (phon. f)) and l are aJ.l made ejective by

a preceding nasal. Thus a-

(a) !TasaJ. H ? m,v , phon. '1>~~

1 uvalo (breastbone) > iimvaJ.o

ul.uvi (grey hair ) >i timYi

(b) NasaJ. + !!! 7 ~ pt,on. Jld~.

(breastbones) , phon. ia~~vai? •

(grey hairs ) , phon. i ti;~vi.

• 1 dlal.a (play) ~ indlal.o (play) , phon. ind ~~ •

(c) N&J;~al + 3 :>sJ., phon. rp.' • 1 j amelana ( glare at each other) > inj~elwano (mutual hatred) ,

phon. il)d )am6iwan ~. •

jonga (aim at) injongo (&im) , phon. il)<i~~ •

The voiced a.l.Teolar t"rica.tive ~ never occurs ini tiaJ.ly 1~ its simple

:torm and therefore is neTer preceded directly by a nasal. The s~e

appl1~s to all v~lar and glotta l fricativej 1 whether voiceless or voic

(111) . Aspirates .

Aspira tes become eject1ve under nasal i nfluence. Thus a­

(a) llaaal + m ~ ' p:t~n. JQIIt.mp' .

1 uphawu (mark) ~ iimpawu (marks) , phon! i aDJI) ' au•

uphondvo (horn) > iim.pondvo(h orns ) , phon. i amp'~dTQ.

(b) 1:-aaa1 + ~ > l!k. phon !lk' • 1 khatshata. ( a:msparate) > inkatshato ( d isturbance) , phon.i?~\a.t$~

uldleleketJhane (:talcon) > iinkelelcetJhane (:tal.cona ) .phno.ia~ t ~~

( c) llaaa.l T l!h > B!!, phon. nte '.

a-tahathfu (three) ? etintsathf'U ( t.hre~. phon. etinte ' a.:t.hfu.

ulutshi (rod) > itintsi <:ode) , phon. itizlta ' i .

(d) !Taaal + :Y!! ~ n!U phon. !!ott' •

1 uthtuli (duat) > 11ntf'uli(clouds of dust) , phon. ian t :t'u:li.

uSuthfongo(sleep) > 11ntf ongo (~ lf&ttar in the eyee) , phon.

iant:r ·~~·

thtomba (sprout) ,.intfamb! (maiden) , phon. intf' dmbi.

Although the aspira ted pala tal affrica te tJh ~iets , there do not sesn •

to b b any incid ences of nasal influence on it.

fill!PB !htJ:a t!enC¥1» p§tW§@ mg n yw;}'!9i g :tr t cat • a,~ ...

63. The Relatlcmahip between the Alveolar Mtricatea tah dz and the Heterorga.nie Compounds t.h:t, 41:,. .:=~ ::.:.t

The Daea aspirated alv~olar a:tfrieate !!!! ( < U:r-Bantu !) can only

be followed by front vowels. :Bef ore back vowels ~becomes !l!L.

This is sec 1n the formation of' nouns of Clue 9 (standard cl.aasi:tioat-10' . form verbs ~ding in t!!ha, when :tiDal. -a becomes -2,. Here lJB. becom• ~

k.• phataha (baDen e) >impatldo ( treatme11t)

chi tab& (spend) >1nc1 thf'o ( expeDdi ture)

phetsha ( conc1ude ))aiiiPhetfho ( ccmcluaion)

COll81der also the follow1Dg•-

V vb. Ver)b. Id!Cll?hgL

ootsh& (walk alcntl.y) cothfota(walk lazily) cothf'o-cothf•-:·

nqutaha (cut short) nqutahua(N8Uteforml nquthfU.

The ?Oiced eJ.v•~ar at:tr~cate 4! ls derived ~ Ur- Eantu 1 .

( nt-1> nds, and ndz-n) CZ ).

:But 4!. , like S!l1 , can be follcnrecl only by f"rcmt ~ala. l3efore back

TOWels dz becamea '-1:. •

In the formation of l'l01ID8 of Claaa 9 :trom verbs, wh• final - A becom• -1»

4!. beomea d!'. .. Ex. a tehNidza (love) > •11111aDctro (love)!

ncedsa (help) )18lcedft (aaeiatance)

qada(peroeiTe) >mqb.cmdTo {pec~tia).

llote &lao thhpd• (uri.Date) , Pi;bt!n'!' (urille}. It ls quite :poaeible

that liii!WogdTo(p.U.•} alao comes from tht!mclza. and tbat ua1mUati011

ot TOWels haa ta.km plac e.

(1) Dwta:La ...

64. - o (the plaiJl dmtal click) .

Ex.• icala (aide)J 1a1.,..,... (-.t) aoela (b~) I u8uoopho ('brala) .

65. - eh (the aapift.ted detal cli ck).

' ' cluma (hit) J che6a (ab-.r) J cbw~ (n.Te) .

~6. - no (the D&aal deatal click) .

JU. a -11081li (-ll ) J aoa (ef atl cJdng f'u't) J need~ (help) J iuwad.d(book)

5?~ - ach (the aeplrated nasal detal a11ek) .

' 1 lncha ( grua) J iDohube ( :tlr8t-tru1 t cer m:ill)) J ..-mclm ( H1lr).


68.- a£ ( t 'l-l e voiced denta l clit".k) .

: goazoa (elope)a - gce1u (se-Ten)J i gcok've (ahic-Jcen) .

em.-(ii) Falatals.

69 .- !l (the p l ain pala to- al.veolar click) .

~ a iaa.8atSJ. (drop), iaela (group) umgwaqo (road) .

70.- ah (the aspirated pa.lato- alveolar click) .

z iq~inga (trick) J u6uqhatuta (officiousn~s) a qhela (be uaod to ) .

71.- ru1. (the nasal palato- alveol ar cliclc) . St'lllq))

I inaswe (pipe) J inQina (hoo~)a isinaundvu ( tree-~w ttw•) .

72.- noh( the aspirated nus pa1a to- a1veolar cl ick) .

z inqhaluj e (smooth round stone )a inahina (witness )a inqhumbo(wrath)

73.- &9. (the voiced :pal.a.to- alveolar click) .

I!!x. 1 egqa (jump over }J gqila (of falling over }Jumgquaa (manure) .

··-(iii) LateraJ.s .

?4.- ~ (the plain l a teral click) .

1 is1xathfu8& (shoe)JixeJa (time), xina. (defeatllll h iboxo (gat~post\

75.- ~ (the aspirated l a teral click) .

1 i.xhala (anxiety) J b:hegu (old man) 1 xhola (hurt the rJYe) .

? 6.- rw'the na.sal lateral click) .

1 in.~ a (wow1dh 1Jmano (thi-.:st)a minxa (clutch)J umnxeaa(graas rope

'77.- ~ (the aspirated nasal laterrl.l cliok) .

1 nxh&IZB (be angry), un:mawu (pot), in;'(hiwa (b3g)an:xholiaa. (scold) .

78.- 6:! ( th!:: voiced J.R.teral click) .

a ili gxa (forest); g;:otjha (axpsl)J gxuzzn (be startl ed by p3in) .

'79 . _ The 1l.orpholog1oa.1 rnnuence of the Napal on Click Consonanta.

(a) Unier nsaal influence the p1a1.n _ cl ieka s_.g,~ become upi rat ed

nasal clicks. 9. ~nella Sl ~ naha & , m9l•

a calula (anal.yee) ~ inchalulo ( -:Lys ~- 8) .

c ir.ga (think) > i i nChi.ne& ( though ta) .

ondza (porceiTe) ) i:nqhondvo (mind) .

qumba ((be wrath:t\i.l} > inQhumbo (wrath) .

xa.6 ana ( auarr el ) > 1nxha6ano (quarrel) .

xel a. (report) ,tnxhelc (report) .

BUT u cephe (spoon) > 11nc~1~) (spoons) .. -uqaqo.si(ri dge) iinqaq~si (ridgea ) .


(b) The a spi r a t ed clicks ch, ah , xh, become nasal clicks (non- a s p ira t '

under n al i nfluence. gh :> DCJ gh :> !!S.J Bl ?' nx.

• • n t tw'ham t wet "' ra chi tsha ( spend ) > i ncithfo ( expendi ture,l waste)

ehaza (expl ain) ) incazelo ( expl anati on)

ahu6a (proceed) >inqu6o (procedure)

qhatsha (cheat) >1nqathfo (cheating )

xhaaa (support) ;>inxaso (support)

xhamJ eka(make efforts in vain) > inxsml eko (vain efforts )

ao. - Palatalization.

This a ffects (i) nouns in the locative f ormation. (ii) nouns

and qualificatiTea in the diminutive :t'ormation and (iii) verbs 1n

the passive f ormation, As these will be 1U.l.ly discussed under the

appropriate headings , let i t suffice merely to s t ate here thata-.

As i s well known, pal a t al iza tion arfects Chiefly bi- l ab i als ,

but i n the Eaca diminutive :t'ormation, as in Zulu, a1 paJ.a ta.l.i zation

affects the alveolar nasal as wel~. n > ny,

81 . :gl.ision.

In addi t ion to the elision of initial and final vowel s , there

is a great deal o:t' elision of whole syllables, evan i n the speech

of inkundla. orators. In r egard to the elision of the 1ni tia:L vowel

Baca reTea.ls nothing neW', The i nitial vowel i s elided ( i ) i n the

vocative f or.cation, (ii) after a demonstrative pronoun, ( iii)in nouns

of Class la after the possessive formatiTe ka, ( i v) aft er absolu t e

pronouns of the l et and 2nd persons aDd (T) aft er emphat ic absolu t e


Ihtamples a-

l'' Ita apha, mntfwana ndzini. ( Come here, child ) .

(ii ) leli thfole (this calf) .

(ii i )unyawo lulalmhaDa (my mother ' s f oot) •

( iT) tshina ma.Baca (we Bacaa )

(T) ~ona 6eai (the real i nhabitants) , . " \

In regard to the elision of the f i nal. vowel , i n a ddition to t h e

wel l known elisions of the vowel of the subjeotival concord before

vowel- Terb stems, and that of the l ocati Te formative !!l before

nouns of Class l a , tlle f ollowing standard elis i ons are worth notinga~


(i ) ~ision of the f i nal vo~el of a monosyllab ic demonstr a t ive

pronoun before a qual i fica tive whose i n i tial vowa1 i s i denti ca l with

th ~ vowel o f the demons trative.

' • 1 lo omncani > 1' on:ncani ( t.lli s li t tle one)

lo omnye

l e enhl.e

? 1' omnye

::>1' enhle

( this other one)

(this fine one )

le' et1mbin1 >1' etimb ini( these two) .

(ii) ~lision of the f i nal Towel of the locative dam6nstrative adv erb

~· ( < l apha ) before locatives in .!:- •

1 l a ' . end1ini :>1' endl.ini (here i n the hut ) .

l a ' amsamo ) 1' snsamo (here opposite the door) .

l a ' etul.u >1' etul.u {here at the top ).

uometimes i n the spoken J.a.nguage only context distinguishes between

the f orms of ( ii) and those of phrases consisti ng of da:nonstrati ve

pr onouns and nouns of certain classes. Compare the two phrases i n each

of the f ollowing pairs a-

' e:nhl.oko (here on tlle head)

e nhloko (this h ead)

h' es16aya (here in the fold)

e' si6aya ( this :fold)

, . et16unu (here on the buttocks)

e ' ti6UDU (these buttocks) . . ~1sion of S;z;LJ:ables ~

cept f or the two words ~1J1khJa and ·inkomo referred to at

and of this section, elision ot syllables is confined to f i nal

s yllables, as far as I haTe been able to ascertain.

ision of the final eyl.lab let takes place a-


( 1 ) In the t.nFroga tiTe noun u6api'? when it is at the end of a

sentence. The tone of ~· in this case is raised t!> the level. of tha t

of the elided -!!! • 1 . z Ukhamba naaa' ? ( i tb whoa are you going?-

Y.a.ntei iinkomo leto hetika8a' ? (And whose di d the cattle :ba:JI . ..XX pr oTe to be? )

( i1) In the demonstra.tiTe adTerbe J.apba and ngapha, -~ i s Tery often

elided. Thus lapha ~~· and gtapha ~~· • ( 11 i) If a damonstratiTe pronoun precedes a noun whose f irs t syllable~ k

1s i denti cal w1 tb the final syllabl e of the pronoun, the final syllable

Of the pronorm i s !l•AYI elided. , tindlu (thes e huta)

a l eti tindlu ~le

let! tandl.a > le' tandla. ( t.h ooo hando ) .

1ouu ·w nJ.u lo • uul o.lu ( th se bea.dn) •

loku lrudJa ) lo' kudla (this food) .

In o. d1 t!on. i t ay b e mention that tho first aylla1>l.o o f the

word Y.t:J:ildl{a. is parhapo alweya olidod wan -~. a fXlllhasie 18 on ita

junet. 'Ihua a. Baca. would say:-

. , a. n d i yo. VUl:la ul-utoh1 ru;l!EJsbJ):.bJq. (7ee. I admit that I d i d a tr 0 hin) otl'Uek

KlmJaJ.o njo w1oob61ia kahle. (And I *!*''?him fU11) .

Styeva ukutohi uW41fikhl1la. (Va do undaratand that you s t ruck 111m) .

F".odzi ke um•-:J17J e ngantt'oni? ( t 1 th VJ!w.t did you atrke h im?)

t an 64"tr a ins t cc of aliaion is :f'otmd 1n wat has b ocOClo

an idiOf!Ultie uso o1: tho noun 1nkCEO 'be.f'ol"e o posaoaeiv~yako~et.bf!.!,

Ynlro!?!l!!. :m.kczyvppQ. heneY"ar a. naca alludes to a beast to 'Whi ch the

ovmer is very D~Jdh o:tta.clloo, . t . •""~ • . .., · ·~· . .... . inkopg becomes ~

(tho l>e&Jt to icb I v ary grently nttnchod)

;::.1 'm' akolrafjo (the b t to m ich he i o vary much n tto.ehed) .

? 1 'm' a.kowanu (the boe.at t o Wich you nro wary Jllleh nttnched) .

It i s to b not tJ1.0t 1 ' m' a}fm!etnf!VDJ:O\m.;o/=ll~arTgny are etareot y:pod

phrD.Ooo , and their usc !s extandod to lloroee.

• ' dnndildlWel.elo 1 'm' llkoWeth1\1 • t r was ridina the blacJ horvo to which I r:lllch at tl..ched

\n.oGole nge' m' a.ko'lm5o Qkraln. {n o has o:fferod De 'Qhita-tacod bora or ox t.o L , i h io mn a.tta ed

Iph1 1 ' ' akowanu cr,pbGla-ndle?( .• hero is tho k- r brigb.t ear d brigbt 1:111zaled ox of \7h1ch you nriJ oo proud?)

rr.n. _ 1c 1d1 t1o use of pll:nPP is uned only for EDJ.o antrlllla.

B2. Vowf1 !ID.17i!On.Y• n-te opt 1n r opect to lo tivas. llll.8 nothinc n• to rovool h ero.

In reG d to other aspecrt;& a t• 1Uus~tiom will 8Uf1"1ctte

(1) Coal•ceoc ea(lhal l )1a + iJlkOBl > l enko•l ' of tlle chief)

( mnasi) a 't llJDiltt\?ana')«!JJlti'\rMB.( of the chUd)

( U ) i olon akU +- oo5awo '>koo08110 (to our f'at'hars)

( Ddl + •ta > llde'ta. ( I do) .

( 111) Consonaatlll1JSntloD:(ta4111) 1 • am ,.,._ (of me) .

u .._ op. ~ Wl\Y8(h& wet).

{iv) s!JdlatloaJ

·llen a f orma ive i s pr ef ixed t o a locative in .!.- , so that the fin

v o el of the f ormati v e and i nitial _!- are j~a-posed, the followi ng

r Ules are obs erveda-

(i ) ·l.he ±a f ina l vowel of the indefinite l oca tive formative~­

coalesces wi t h i nitial ~ of til e locative •

: nga--t-emnyango > ngemnya.ngo (by the door) .

nga r endlini ;> ng endl ini (by the hut) •

naa~etulu :> ngetulu (on the summit) .

i ll Jdkaxfi•alx ••~•tlcw

( ii ) Preloca t i v e -~- i e preplaced to initial !,- of a loca tive when the

l ocative i s preceded by (a) the conj unctive f ormativ e ~- , (b )by the

possessive concord and (e) by the subj eetiva l concord in a copula tive

predi cati ve.

I (a) na ~ emt1n1 ~nakemtini {even at the v i l l age ) .

n a. + eLutateni ~nakeLutateni (even at Lutat eni ) . .f.,o...,

(b) wa +' emt i n i > wakemti n i (~ a str ange l and) .

ya i'"' -,.poza ">yake!..po za (of poza) .

{e) u+ ejiki ni 7 ukej i k i ni (he :J.s in a beer party ) .

s i+ eGoli > sikeGol i (we are in the mines ) .

8 3 . Tone.

Si n ce :Ba ca h as nothi new to re'f'eal in this c onnection, a • ftlff

illustr a tions of signific~ tone will suffice.

l._o,) Sema.ntic Tone.

e l J lU M 'fl'*l

w x•••1 n ouns.

em .-.o .aJ.an ,1 (on the s i des) 1

i s i f ana (group of young man) 1


1 1an ~ani (at the l aw- court)

,ia i :t' ,an ,a( small sweet reed gardan ) .

:tundz ,a (learn) 1 :f\t tnd zp. ( spoonl:t'eed)

\1kw ,etht\lk ,a (to swear) 1 pkwetht' tUk ,a. (to b e startl ed) .

'uk ,uJ. ,ingan ,a( to vie with each other ) W1k ,ul. iDg t&Jl& (to be equal)

r a c ellaneoua.

1z¥ tshi (trees )

,1ai'1ie ( tribe ) ' '

ngal.e(by means o-r th i s on ) 1

imi:J,ee ( 1 t }'!.as stopped) 1

1m1 tsh t1 (she 6ia pregno.nt)

1i~ve ( that h e may hear us) .

DQ&le(on the othllr side) .

,imi]ee( that 1 t may grow).

/ ;)

(b ) Gr ammnt ical Tone,

~ a n q enif3 (I do) ; ndenta ( I doi ng) ,

ndi~be (that I may go) ; ndild:umille { I went) ,

andihl1oniphe( let me hl.onjhpa h 18Ddihlotb.Phe ( 1 et her respect me )

(c) Emotional Tone,

5ATe elidla ijiki, (He doea not drink beer) ,

tAve elidla ij iki! (llpw he drinks beerZ )

Bnjani i ntfambi ? ( 1hat sort of g irl! )

l~o.ni intfombil ( .. nat a girll )

84, Tr&.nsposition.

This may or may not be, a feature of :Baoa. So f a r only one word

has been diacoTered tl1at i s reeoJJnisabl e as a certain case of trans­

position. 'i'hia is the word intedlana ( cow that haa l atel y calTed),

The ZUlu and ~oaa forma are indleza.ne and i ndleza.na respectiv&ly,

om tha Ba.ca syattn of sound- shifting we shoUld th~refore dedu'We

indletana • It is obTious that ~ and ! have c.llanged places, and tha t

!ndletana has by tr&naposition become iptedlana,

c g;£~6 CCC ~

" ... 'l'he semi- Towel::a shoul.d haTe coma ln under"0onsopta: but were overl ooked.

'l'h•• are the bi- labial s.U-v~~ '!. e. g . lwena (you) .chit&llwa(b~ apen'9

and the ~atsl. a-.1- TOWel % e. g . 7en.&(he) , Ji,a (l•Te babil;.d) .

(a) Cl assoo o f ouns •

Chapter I I .

The Nolm.

lhe followi ng are the :Baca. noun-class prefixes , s i de by s i de wi th

the hypothetical Ur - Bantu noun- class prefixes t o which they corresp ond s _

Cl ass 1 .

.. • • • • •


• "

" • •

" • • • • • •




1 2.

1 4.

Ur - Bantu.




1 1-


ut -

l u-



"\)U -



aa~ (plur. of l. )

imi- (pl ur. of 3. )


ama- (pl ur. of 5. )

i ai-

i t i- (pl ur. of 7 . )

i (n )- '

i ti{ll)- (pl ur. of 9 & 11. )





If we take singular and correspondi ng pl ural aa one and the same

olaaa , we have ei ght ol aaaes of nouns corresponding exactly to t:J.e

Zul:u- Xhosa ones. e give both :tull and contra cted forma aa :followaa-

sswm1v · Flury .

Cl ass 1. ua- aaa-

• l a . u - oo-

• 2. ua- iai-

" 3. Ui-,1- ama-, ame-

• 4 • 1s1-, 1• - it1-, 1t-.

• 5. 1(:U)-,1- 1t1 (~)-, 11(N)-,11-

Exampl es.


Cl ass 6. ,..tl.u-, Ul-, u-

• 7. u&u- ,ua-. • a. uku- , uk-

Cl ass 1.


umnttu (pers on)

UJDf'at1 (woman)

umSuthf\t ( so tho)

umelaphi (healer)

lmlenti ( do e:r )

Claa• la.

u6awo ( ta ther)

unonkala- nkal a ( crab}

Cl ys 2.

umtah1 ( tree)

umtb.hnt1 ( shade)

umlente ( l eg)

Cl aae 3.

111Te ( count ry)

1litJ e ( a tone)

1 tJ alo ( oalabash)

i dTolo (knee)

Cl y t 4.

1s1ldnra6akati (widow)

1a it16a (pool)

iaalukati (old woman )

iaandl a (hand )

CJ.ase 5,

in<Uu (hut)

inja (dog)

imbuutl (goa t )


Pl uraJ.e

1 t 1(ll)-, 11 (1T)-

., ..... _









oononkala- nkaJ.a


i mi thf'unt 1

lmil ent e


amat J e



1 t ildlwaaa.kati

it1t 16a t ital.ukati


i t indlu

1 t inJa


i ngudvudYU( ground h om b ill) i ingudrudvu

inqawe (pipe )

i cawe ( church)



SSYeral nouns of thie class take the pretix of Clue 3 in the pltm. 1


e . g . i ndvod za (man ) ' mnadvodzaJ ~-,-t {littl ) , m a.nynna e girl ) mnankat o.nyana1 i nsimi {f i eld) ) amas imi • i nko ( _ ... , _. ) ) ~ nya.ne young VQ.L.a. amankonyane


ulutshi (rod)

Class 5.

Plura l :a.

i tintsi

uluti (bark used as f i bre) No plural.

u tipho(finger nail)

us16a (fea ther)



A ~ew nouns of this class t a.ke the plura l prefix o£ Class 3 ,

e. g. utwane (toe) > amatwane 1 u Sendze (spleen) > amaSendze

Claas 7.

u 6udzakwa (drunkennness)

u6uthfongo(el eep)

u8 mls. ( 88e)

u5omi (lite)

Cl ass a.

u..kudls. ( f ood)

ulad'a (death )

(b) Prefixal cy:;d Suffixal Nomipal. Formatives.

-------__ .,. ___ _



(1) Preftxal .. Tbe prefixaJ. f ormatives are as f ollo ea ­

( 1) The locative formative !!!- • ~-, .!-•

e. g . ku8awo ( to my father) , lcullganu (at Mganu) , kwralTomtJ eketJ e( at xY+" tj wll

Oa t NoatJeketJe' a) , . ktriallJanyelwa (at I:janyel wa' a) , '"po za (at J.:poza) ,

eCaa~zi (at Cada&i ) .

As is well known, al.l these formatives signify at, from, to, mat I n on . =:.1-.

( 11 ) The conjunctive f ormative ~· signifyi!lg and• together w~ th.

e.g. na.Ba.ntfu (and the people) , netinja (along wi th the dogs~ •

( iii)The instrumental f ormative ~-, signifying by meaps of .

e . g . ngomkhontfo (by means of an a.saega.i ) , ngemi tsh i( by means of herbs ) .

{iT)T.he indefinite pr elocative formative ~,signifying naar,~ ~

n e i ghbourhood of. . . e. g . ngem:fuleni (near the r ivsr) , nga.kt.ll:gamt (near I:ganu) .

h ) The compound f ormatives n.1 enga- ( 11k~ and Mnnga- (aa big aa ) . . . e . g . njengekati ( l ike a oat) , ag&DgembuUti (as big as a goa t ) .

(Ti·) The ;,eeasiYC f ormat i Ve& Ia... and a-o . e • .r .. ]cambana ( 0~ m..v: mother) aaJnQJ3~.ca (of the Bacae ) • -----------------------------


( 2 ) ~uffixal . or.mntives .

( i ) • e l oca t ive suffi x -!!! 1 whi ch i o aJ:waya ecpl oifed i n. con~

j unction wi th tho prefi x ~- •

e . g . enkomeni ( to/in/fron/on the b t ) .

( ii ) • e diminutive suffix - !!m!: •

e. g . injana (little dog) .

( iii ) The :.t.. augmenta.tive/fsninine suffix - ka.ti • --e. g . umtshikati (big tree) , injaka.ti (bitCh) .

The prefixal for.mativoa do not cause any phonetic changes on the

a t of th nouns e..~copt thoae duo to vowel h a.raony • J ince these 2

aro very well known and ha.ve moreoTar bean dealt wi th under at head-

i " • i t i o not necessary to dwell. on t.h h ere. The suff ixal f orma.tivos, -!!1.-ka:X:WLII:J[, on the other hand, caus e the chang e k:noum as pala t al i zati on.

~'his i s tr . ted ful.ly under "Forms of tho : ... oun" i n the next chap t er .

""' orms of the l.oun.

1i s i s formed by eli dine the initial VO"'fel of the noun.

o. g. umfBti (woman) ;>mfati (woman)

To be n orc emphatic , the vo tive JdDIKX:t~ of conmon nouno

io f ollowed by ndzini# o. g . ~ati ndzini (thou wo~) •

. hen nouns of class l a are en:ployed 1tJ.tarject1vely i n the

vooa t1vo fortl thoy undargo the follov i ng changes : -

( i) L"ouns andi in - !. ,-~ or - 1 change the final vo·Rol to JDX - ge,

ana. (mother) > mlwnoo ~

., 6 endze > Laa endzee"

~guGombini > llgu6ombinee J

( 1i ) :...ouns endi ng in - g_ or - !! aubsti tute .. - !:!!,! f or the f i nal vowel.

e vowel ell


> "'otshel.olwee1

> lonsukwee!

es are not obs erved ( 1) i n impoli t e or angry speoch,

d ( 11 ) i f th voc tiv at th nd o f the sentenc e , that 13 , w. Ell

i t is no long r mor l y int _ ~j oti v e .

Thu s re s ay& Nomt shelel.wee! uy~lo Ulayi ? (: ... omt shel l o , er e i n your , _ .a. .... ,..GJ_elo • ( 1 f th .. -0• ---- :fa ther? ) : ut z u yl.hlv ...u.ayi , o:znlOW-~ here s your a er, "" .:.-:r..:>h

j u t : Uy lo Ulay i , r o t Ethel lo cl { ;n. ·.~~· i ,.. 7 vu:.r .fath r , 0 :romt oh l elo? )

( 2 ) The Toeoosai v - orm.

The Posaessiv ~:. ,· .,q ·' h ~ Con co:::-J anpl oyad before n ouns of Cl a s s 1 .Ji s as ... ~ollO\Ts: _

J i ar • Fl ura l .

Cl a ee 1 . ka- aka-a 2. ka.- ka-

• 3. lika- ka-.

" 4. ai tika--• 5. lea- tik

• l uka- tilm-•

" 7;/. num- ----• a. lruka-

- mpl ca z-

Clnae 1 . o tJ eketJ e (!'"omtJ eket; e ' e s on).

oomana Ga.ka.!~omtJ eket J a ("7orntJ etJ e' s aoiUJ) . n

2. umti kaVintbi (Vimbi ' a k:r ),

imi ti kaVimbi (Vimbi ' s kr a). ,. .

3 . i tJalo ltkutbrma ( my mother ' s caJ.abaah) .

I! 1.. (my mother ' s calabashes ).

4. isi~e s i kaDzi kwayo ( ~zikw~o ' • eet- reed g d n ).

i t i fe tikaDzikwayo {Dzi kweyo ' s aweet~reed gardens) .

5. i nkomD karojen1s 1 (rej anisi ' s beast) .

i i nlco tiknro) enisi (r eJeniai ' a ~cattl e) .

6 . ubmnbo l ukaliomtahelelo (:Tomtshelelo'a rib) .

i~bam o t i Karromtshel l o (~amtShelelo ' s ribs ) .

7. U.;Ut i uuka.Ndzaua (_,dza6a' • 1 tchcra.1"t) .

a. ukufa Jruka . zikane ( zikane' s death) .

e gener Poss•ss iv Concord i s as f oll o- aa -

SiJWUla r . Pl uraJ..

Cl aas 1 . .. 3a-

.. 2. wa- ya-

• 3 • l a- a-. • •• ea.- ta-

• 5. ya- t a-

" l wa- t a-• .

" 7 • 6~ --. .. a. kwa- --.

mpl ca : -

tnnana Wcnkosi ( the son of tJ1e cni ef) ,

1 tJ alo lomnttwan: (the bh ild ' s calabash).

11mbambo t enj a (tho ribs oX tho dog) .

Ukudl.a. l."Wa.ma.dvodza (men ' s food. )

!he Jbphatic ~oosessivo,


Thi s i s :formed by prefi xing a vowel to the or d i nary p osses s ive

f onna. Th ae vow!'l s are a.s follows a-

Si ngyJ:ar. l'lura.l.

Cl e 1. o- a -

• 2. o- .. • 3. e- a-

" 4. e-

• 5, e- e-

N 6 , ·- e-

" ?. o-

• s. o- -. ~mmleez-

likaaawo ( of my :father) > elikaOawo .

o~ the chi ef) >ee enkos i ,

60lllfati o~ the woman) > o8ol'da ti,

T.he a tic Ioss~se ive ei ther pr ecedes or replaces the poeseaaee: -

1haJ1 liknoa~o (my father ' s horse) .>eJ.ika6awo iha.J ii •'••'lt•• t. 1sixatll.:ru a senkooi ( th chi of' s ahoe})osenkos i i sim. th:fuGa.

:U.6utsh1 oom:fati (the woman' s witchcraft) > o omfati u u ta 1.

I~ it i a obvi ous who or what ~~e possesses i s , the noun signityi the

Poss eaaee i o "understood", e, g. elika awo (~father' s ) .

el enkos i (the Chief's ).

odamfa ti ( the o ~ ' s ).

The possessi ve :rorm may prefi x the f ormatiTes k»- , !3!!-, ~-,Ma,ooa- and

~a-. --~1 s ,_

kwolU:a£>nwo ihaJ i (on my fa.thar ' s horse).

llelornntf'wa.nn i t$ 0 (even the child '~ calabash) .

llgooomfati u6ut shi {by means 0~ the ~ODk~n ' s Wi tChcr af t },

ne:ango elcati

nj ensaw nko o

t s i (ns muCh s n ea t ' s s prine) .

a 1 (like eow milk) ,

[ 3) ~ e ~oc~tive f or.m.

To f o........ t.~l 1 t i 1 · ~· - oca v~, ~ s subs tituted f or the ini t i vowel of the

noun , c~d tho final vowdl i s substi tut d ~or aa f ollows: -

• oni i:; ouboti tutcd for final - a or f inal - e • - -e. g. i ntsaBa >•iifaflenl (mountain ), iJ.ive .>eiiveni ( country )

- i n i f or f inal -!

e. g. umtahl > emt shini (tree) .

- weni f or ~inal -~

e. g . i boxo > eboxwani (gat o- post)

- win! ~or f inal -~

e. g . i s i s11 > i swinl (be1ly ).

Thi s rul.e i s a ccompanied by the f ollowi ng d i :fi cations a-

( a) lTouns of Cl ass 5 plur. tha t ordinarily t ake the contracted prefix

!_i (IIl- take e :f'ull pr efix in the locatiTe :form :-

e.e. 11nko o (cattl e)

iinka8 i ( oxan)

) eti nkomoni.

) e t inka.Bini.

(b) Nouns of" Cl ass 6 s i ng. an plur. that take contra ct ed p :fix u - i i ( )·

ordinarily , t ake th e full pref i x 1n the loca.ttve: -

e . g . unyawo (toot) ::>elunyawcmi.

utwane (toe) >elutwaneni.

iinyuwo (foot) > etinyawenL.

iintwane (toes ) >etintwaneni.

(c) If th f i n syllable conta ins a l abi a l f ollowed by a back vowel , .

the au:ffix drops ~ and - en1 , -lni are ••14• tt••wcl sucst i tuted f or fin~l

-a and - B. respect! vely.

e. g. into bo (rope) ~tsambani J 1gu6u (water- pot) > eguD i n1.

utipho( f"inger- nail J >eiutiphmiJ Wnl.omo (mouth) >emlomml.

ind Z 3WO ( p l a c s) ' andz.n.weni 1 i s ilch 8'IJ'U (gap ) > eeilc.hewi n i .

i s ifo (di se G) ~ifeni J ili:f'U ( cloud) ) el. i :fi n i .

(d) If" the f i n syllabl e cont ains _ or mE, followed by -~ the b ilabia l

i o i n som caaeo pal.at iz d.

6 > tJ , e . g . i dvo6o (Jungle) > edvotJ eni .

U tl o6 o ( e tmm'ler) )'ehlotJ eni .

ib>nJ , e . g . itS! !ll:lbo (b one) > etshenj eni .

umt: fo bo( f "unta in) > ti"Jlt.l'l f of!..jeni •

.• B. A1 t1 o 1 the a spira t ed ilabial pl oa i ve m is not ordin'l.ril y

Pal at i zed, one wor d n:hlophe (White ) > amh.Jotih eni. (obriously) .

(e) Prop r names of places that e not also c ommon nouns do not ..

take the locativw ou1'fix, but thooe that are also collmlon nouns gener all y

take the s~f'ix.

e. g . poza ; eCa.Oazi 1 vuzi J tjhazi J -ph ba .

-..1; eLUgangeni C uganga ( h ill); el.uba.cvrani Cubaco ( desolation) .

eTh:fol eni <1 th:f'ol e( calf'); e.:. bodl. ani <1mbodl.a( wild ca t ) .

( f') ':be f ol lowing are some of tho common nouns t h at do not t ake the

l ocative sU:ff'i.x 1-

umnyango (entrance) >emnya.ngo J i tilco (hearth)

i 6unti (for ead)

inhl.oko (head)

u6usuku (night )



) enhloko

> e8usuku

J isirlaya{:f'old)

J ikha.ya. (home )

J ukwindl.a( autumn)

) ehl.antaneJ i mini ( day- timo)

> etiko.




>anini. The f ollowing are no found excl usively in the locati ve f orm. Th y

have lost thei r i danti ty aa nouns enti rely , and are tharfore clas i f i ed

as adve.rbs l -

ertdle t in the open vel d) J ekhatshi (inside) J ej eya (across) J anbili (in

front) , etulu (on to~above ) .

The l a.s t :tour, however, are f ollowed by the possessive f orm, the

concord Empl oyed bei ng that of the lost Class 17 •

e . g . eJ eya komf'Ula ( a crose the r i ver) J eklu~tohi komti ( i nsi d e the villag~

fhen f ollowed by a possessive, snbil i and etulu drop the :t1nal

SYllabl e , and etulu f\trthar changes f'i nal. -Y. i nto -!·

l'hu s 1 flllbili > •b1. and etu1u >!!1.

e. g . embi kwesi 6aya (in f'ron~ of the f old), eti kwetht'u (above us) .

(g) n-ouns of' Claas l a take the pre:ti xal formati ve !!!.- ( the f i nal vowel ~

bei ng el ided) i nstead of' the :forma.tivea consi der. under (a) to {f ) .

e. g . kuuawo (to my father ); kooVimbi (to Vimbi and h i s companions ) •

(h) ~e possessi ve concord of the lost Cl ass 1 7 ,m -, i s pr e:ti.xod to

nouns of Class l a s i ngular to convey the idea o:t "at/to/:trom the place of~

Here the i n! t i vowel ot the notM i s el i ded before 2.!,-.

e. g . kwa.Lnchi s a. ( a t chist..na' s )J laramalume ( a t m;y mother ' s brother ' s) .

I:t the conjuncti ve f ormati ve D!; or the possesi ve concord i s prefixed

to a noun 1n the lo t i ve f.'o in .!.-• to avoi d hia tus , k- i s prepla ced to

1ni t1a.l .!- •

e . g . nakel'hlotj hani ( even a t ot jheni) Jumnt:tu wak , bobo {person hom I.:o.bo bo ) •

. I f the i ndef inite :preloca t i v e f ortJa.tive n&!:- (in the ne~bourhood of' )

is Prefi..~ed to a lo t ive in ,!- , f i nal - !, of the f ormative coa.l.eacea wi th

~ ~ia.l !!- of' the loca tive •

e. g. ngemny o (by the door) J ngemfuleni ( near the r iv r ).

( 4) The Diminutive Forp.

Th.is is formed by the use of the suffix - ana. The rules are as f'ollwws~

(a) If' the final vowel of the noun ie a front vowel. , -ana 1• aubat i tut ec:l.

e. g. ili (forest) ) iligxana. (little forest)

ikati (cat) >Uatana (kitten)

i gcolcwe (chicken) >tgcokwana( small chicken).

( £ vo41nl r ) If' the f'1na1"of the no• is a back vowel :preceded by a consonant

Other than a b i-labi or ~e denti-labial., the tinal vowal is changed to

-~- before - !Yl!! i s su1'fixed.

e. g . amebl.o (eyes) .>ameblwana (small eyes)

inJt,ndvo (mind)>inqhond'nVana (lit Ue understanding)

ixhegu( old man) >iJdlegwana ( contanptible old ma:V tiny lld man)

'UJI.Int:l\t (person) ) umnttwana (child) .

( o ) It the f inal v el of the ••••• noun is a back •owel preceded b y a

Pllre denti-labial or by the semi-vowel. -~, -~ is substituted f or the

tina]. vowel. . .

e. g . i s if'o ( diaea.ee) )isifana (alight disease),

ilifU(cloud) )d~if'ana (small cloud)

amavo (tales) vana (11gb t tal ea)

11n~(beard) > 11ndzen.na (little beard)

unyawo (foot) ) unyawana (small f oot)

unxhawu (pot) >nnxtuurana ( 11 ttl e pot) •

(d) If' the f inal syllabl e haa l aa 1 ts consonant, ! becomes s11 before

SUbstituting~ -~

e. g . um:t'ula (river) ..>1lla:tU<Uana (little stream)

indlel a (route) >lndledl&Da (path) .

( e) If the conso,6umt of' the f inal s yllabl e i s a b' · l abial, that con­

sonant becomes a palatal. befor-e suffixing - ana.

8 > tj 1 ingu8o (blaiilcet) > lngutJ ana ( smal.l blanket) .

ph) t$h l ucephe (•poon) ~cetJhana ( small ~poon) .

b >~ a inaube( f iro t fruit c eremony) >lnchuJana(e~e, b y minor chief')

• >ny 1 umlamo (mouth) > umJ.onyana (small mouth) .

:f~:j : ~a:m~f 1per) ~~a:t~arsmM!n~m!ible paup er)

(f) If the consonant of the final syllabl e i s the al.v eol ar nasal n . -

pa.lata.l iza~on t akes p l a ce before eubsti tuting - ana.

n >ny r i sU:huni ( l og of wood) ~isikhunyana ( small log o f wood) .

Lote 1 . apY!Oa ~s a redupli cati on of - ana. I t f orms doubl e 4i• i+a t

d1m1.nuti ves of nouns. It i s :Jiam found in su ch nouns as umf'nnYlHlf!( tiny

Young man) , the diminutive f orm of um:f'an~yoUDg man) , wh i ch i n i t sel f

i s the diminutive :form of um:f"o.

!Tote also the nolUl i pka.ta.n;yapa (lit tle girl ) , :tram hypotheti cal inkatana

s til l :found in li tara.ry Xhos a as i nkazana (woman, as di sti nguished from


note 2. Some nouns are f'ound only in the diminutive f orm. Such a

noun i s um6ulu1rundl.!'M& (puppy.l. from hypothet ica.J.. um6ululrundlu. s ome

11guni d i alec t s haTe the f orm tllllDup<UW!l1a( l:pondom.ise) . Literary 088

has both umBundlu ( l ittle dog) and l.DD8undlwane ( l itl e dog that cannot

Yet s ee) . ihat the or i g inal. f orm was , it i 3 di f 1'1cul.t to say.

Note 3• In the dtminutiTe fo~tion, adject i ves and r el atives

f'ollo the same rules as the nouns.

e. g . r - khulu (b i g) ') - ldmdlwana .

- dzal.a (old) > - d zadlana.

- mh1ophe(white) ) -mhl.otJh~

- n oani (small ) ) -nc~

- 6ovu (red) . Uot e ~ r nos y1l.abi c s t -.. are not a.f'feoted '!>Y pa.l.a t aJ. i sation .

Thus a -ll ~ugly) >-6M!nr and !Jlm1 ( 1mp1) ) 1mpap§oe

Uote 5 . Baca, l ike Zulu , f avours diminutiTe f orms of qual. i f'i ca t i ves

atter d iminut i Te f orms of notms.

e. g . i nlcat J ana esunctnra.na ( sma.ll dark- red ox ) .

inkatanyane. .Wl ana (a pr etty litt l e gir l )

Note t>. s ometimea the diminut ive suffix i s atta ched t o the quali:f-ie­

a tiTe only , the signifi cance being exactly e same aa tha t o f the :form

under No t e 5 .

e. g . 1nka51 esundTW'an& (small dark- red ox) .

umb• odovana ~ligh~ complexioned young fellow) .

( 5) The Awpnepta.t1Te Fo:na.

Thi s is f ormed by meane of the suf~ix -D.a! e . g . 1nkomo (boas t ) > 1nkomokat1 (big beas t ).

~t1 (woman) ~UII'l.fatikatl (b i g oman).

I f the noun i e f ollowed by a aualif'ica tive, the suffix is att ached

only to the qu i f'ica t ive. " . .,

e , g . umfa t ulukati (Rig woman)

mnt sh i omdzekati (~ very tall tres)

The suffix - kati i s c.J.ao empl oyed as a f eminine suffix.

e. g . inja (dog) > 1nja.kat1 (bi tch)

umldnre (:father- i n - l aw) 7 umkhwekati (mother- in-law ).

l;'o te 1. As a f EIDinine suf fix , -!!!:!!. i s :found in a few wor ds that

have l ost the i r independenc e s impl e nouns and are only f ound in the 1tt1 hi nf, f orm.

e . g . i sal.ukati ( o~d woman) (" hypothetical i s aJ.u..

i eildlwa6akati (widow) <: hypothetical i s ill:h a.aa.

1faD ]lete 2. Colour quali fi ca ti v ee employ the su ffix -~ after nouns

s i gni fying the names of female ani mals.

e . g . imati ewasaltati (bl a ck cow with white abdomen)

i thfokati el i kfalakati ( white- fac ed hei fer) .

(n , B. 1 thfokat1 i s the :femi n i ne of ithfol~ .

Sol!letimea such a qUal i f'i cati v e i s used as a subst antive.

e. g . 1lungakat1 eJ.igwanelle (bi g - uddered b l ack- and- white cow).

D1•t1nction of s~

Thi s chapter ms:y as well. conclude wi th a brief r eference to

d i s t i nction of sax. Beeides the employment of the suffix - kati , sax is

di s ttnEuished by « l wttwc t

" ( 1 ) distinct t ermn, e . g , in<\odza (rlB.Il) 1 umt'at i (woman )

(1i ) a special t sr.m f or a male , e. g . impongo (h e-goa t ) .

{iii)the t erms inlgmti (male ) , ima.ti ( t anale that has h ad yol.Ulg} ,

1nsikat1 {t amale ) . ; po~&e 'b&i~~

Thes e are f ollowed by g eneric t e.rma ••''**** i n the 1 '1 t e form.

e . g . inkunt ' snkomo (bull) , tmat ' SDbuuti {&he-goat ) .

liote the elis ions.

Chapter rv.

The Pronoun,

lher e ar f our t ypes f) f pronouns, Tiz. a~

( a ) The Ahsoluse{ s impl e and emphat i c ) .

(b ) ~e D onstrati v e.

( o ) nte :unumera t i ve ( three t ypes ) •

(d) The Possessi ve.

Since most of these do not differ i n :form f'rom those of ZUlu- :xn.osa, i n

most cas es only tabl es wil l be giv~

(a) Tabl e of Absol ute Pronouns (Simpl e ) .

Singular. Plural..

l et Per s on mna tshi na / tsh ita

2nd Parson wsna n ina

3r d Pers on 1 . y en a 6cna

2. won a yon a.

3. lena wona

4. son a ton a

5. yona tona . 6. lona t one..

7. 6ona ----a. kona ----. Tabl e of Absolu t e Pronouns (:Jnphatic ) .

l e t Parson ---- ----. 2nd Person --- ---3rd Person 01.1. eyerna a&ona

2. owona eyona

3 . elona awona

4. esona etona

5. eyona etona

6 . ol ona etona

7. o6ona -----a. ekona --..... -.

In ito simpl e form, the abso~ute pronoun may b e modi f'ied in meaning

by the use of pr efi:xnl f ormat i Tes. t en precoded by these f'romatives,

the :pronoun drops t.~e :final eyll.abl e ... -1!1! The resUlting flmDa are

theref'ore as f'ollo~ a-

Si ruruJ.ar. FJ:ur!J:.

l et Pers on -m- - t shi

2nd Person - we - ni

3rd Person Cl . l . -ye - 60

2 . -wo - yo

3. - lo -wo

4. - s o - to

5. -yo - to

6 • -lo - to . 7. -so ---a. -ko ---.

The conjtmctiTe :t•••tlc formative ~ and the i ntJ trumantaJ. :formativ

n&!- do not undergo any a modi f ica tion of f orm when prefi xed t o the

absolute pr ononu. . .

e. g. nam (with me) , natshi (with us ) , na6o (wi th them) , nako (wi th i t)

ngawe(by means of you) , ngal.o (by means of it) .

But the locative f ormative hJ!- t akes the f orm !£!!.- i n cert a in

claaaes . The rule is as f'ollows a-

It the Towel of the subj ectival coDcord o:f the class is L t:le

locative f ormative asaumea the f orm 2!- 1 if the vowel of the aubjec t ­

i Tal concord i s any other V07el than ! , the locative formative r emai ns

lm,-. ( The lst person singul.ar, as is usuaJ.ly the case i n Bantu

pronouns , i s not coTsred by this ruleJ.

In the f ollowing t able the subjectiTal. concord i s given 1n

bra ckets to illus tra t e the rule.

S1wru1ar• Plurtll..

1st Person kum1 (ndi) kwitahi (si )

2nd Person lanre (u) kwini (ni)

3rd Person Cl .l. lruye (u) llu6o (6&)

2. lartro (u) kwiyo (1)

3 • kwil o(li) kuwo (a ) .

4 • !cwiao(si) kwito (ti) . 5 • ltwiyo(i) lclri to (ti )


6e ktrll o(lu) kwito ( t i )

7. ltu6o (6u) ----a. kuko (n ) ---~-

!rote. Claaa G sing. takes the :form !5!!- most probabl y by f alse analogy Wi th c~ 3 s i ng.

~e :fo a r e the same when !;!!- i o co8J)ound ed wi th !Um-·

e. g . Dgakwilo n a.J i ( n ear the h or s e ) , ngak1rito i t i ndl.u (near tho huts ) .

The J:Je t ic Pronoun may als o t ake the prefixal f ormati ve s . The

f i nal vowe~ of a prefi xal f ormat i ve coaJ. escea with the i n i tial v owel

o f the pronoun.

e. g . na + oyena .>noyen&J nga -t e·t ona > ngetona.

·~llen k!!- i s prefixed t o tho emphatic pronoun , !! i s el i ded b ef ore i nitial.

!.- , and b ~omes before i n i t i al. a.- or ~ • The tabl e i s theref or e as

f ollows a-

Si ngular. Pl ural.

Cl ass 1 • koyena .kwa6ana . 2. ~a.aa lcweyona . 3. kwalona brawona

4 • kwesona kwetona . 5 • ltweyona. kwetona . 6. kolona kwetona

7. ko6ona --------a. kolcona -------

1:he :forma are the same when ~- is compounded wi th na- • e. g. ngakoyena JID'lt :f'U (near the very per s on ) .

nga.kwawona madvodza ( n ear the v ery men ) .

(b) Tabl e of Demonstrative Pronouns . . QJ

. 2nd Pos ition. 3r d Pos i t ion. a . l s t l'os i t i op .

1. a; lo lowe l cnra P • l a.6a l a.Do l a6aya .

2. s. l o l owo l owa P • l e l eyo l eya


3. s. l eli l elo l eli ya P • l a lawo l awa .

4. s~ l.eai loeo l eai ya P. l eti l et o l eti ya

s. s; l e l eyo l eya P. l eti l eto l et i ya

6. a• lolu l ol o l oluya P. leti leto l etiya

7. s. l o6u l o6o lo6uya ~

l oko lokuya. a. •• l oku

The aboTe t ab l e g ives the f'Ull f orma o f the aamonetrati~e Pron~

'I'he fU1l to~ of the 2nd and 3r d Peei tione e always used, whether thE

the demonstra tiTe precedes Or :follows the DOllD, or whether the cun is -~ .. ~~~~· .. ~·~·~~+=t=-'miPJ';J;a.t'**'f•~•~J~•~•~••oi .. IE~••~~ merel y iJr:lpl i od. 1£ JESIZ& :~~

If the demonst r a tive of any pos i t i on pr ecedes

1~ t~aJ. vowel of the noun 1o elided.

~.g. Lesl:r sic~.mba hosE;m. (That mat i s mine) .

Is1cam"Lu 1!!!2, hesam. (~e mat i s mine) .

the noun, the 1.

&etirn m.buuti tidla ama.fiele (Those ~oats are :feedi ng on

Itmbuuti leti xa tidla ama6el e am. ( " Leao sif i ye l aphc.. (LeaTe that one her ej-

Leti ya heta.klva.t:janyel wa. (Those are anyel r.a ' a) .

The full :forms of the 1st demonstrative ore used as f ollo\vs a-( ) demo l1~r~4/ive 1 lhen the ,~, ei thor as subj ect or a.s ob ject, s t ands alone.

e. g. ~ ha8a.kwi tshi. ( These are my compatriots . )

Ti 6eke l ap t onke l etJ.. (Put all these here) .

•• >



( t1 ) \>'ban the demonstrati ve i s ;preceded by, and i s in appos i t i on to , the


e. g . Iboxo ~ l ephul.we h i ni? (\7hat broke the gate-poa t?­

U6Ublalu 6- l o6u 6uyak~ l apha. (Leave my beads h ere. ) -( 111) ihen the notm implied, whether preceding or f ollowing the •••a

d~nstrat1ve, belongs to one of t:ta•weak"clasaes.

e. g. ~ Jdo uqbmnb. phi ?( 'here do~ thi s gentlsna.n come rrom?+

~ nkomo yayitel~·o i ll:ts:tlina. (7his btk'Uit was born deformed) .

Imitshi !! yayihelmi .. a d ailc&ne. (These herb~ were lrad zU:ane•a) .

Amadvodza l a wanyat ahi ae. (Gi ve these nnn c.&. dri nk) . -( iv) ··hen the ds:1ons t ra:.ti ve prec edes a JiiiAilX:&f g••••l • poun *• '• •• of

Cl aaa 3 e tngu.le.r, Cl ass 5 plural, Cl ass 6 Singular or p l\lral that

normally t akes a con tracted pr efi x ( 1. e . pol ysyllabie s t em of these

classes ) .

e. g . ~ haJ 1 l al1lo6ol o eTj hUilgWana. (Thi s horse hnd b een ot't'ered as lo6ola a t TJh~na).

Let1 nkomo tivela phi ? (\"'her e ~Te these cattle been?+

Lolu h l aka ~JB. lulungi swe. (Let thi s door be r epair d) .

Leti Lkeleketjhane tifuBa amagcokwe. (These falcons are - f ini shing the chicklllS ) • .

~e Contract ed l e t Dpops tra tiye • . Before netms of "weak" cla.ases the l e t Damonstrative i s used 1n

· 13e.fot-<t-fnll i n aJ..1 circumst anc es. JJ.as:et;e noUDS of othar class• the J. 1st

Demons tra tive i s made monosyllabic by elidi ng the s econd syllabl e

befor~e £.l.l nouns other thtlll those cone:idared under ( iv) aboTe.

t abl e will i l l ustrate this a-

S1J1BU1ar. l!lo mfati .: lo mtati ( tht a woman )

2.1o mti :a lo mti (this vil l.age)

3. l el1 11 tJ e)'J.e ' 11 tJ • (this stone)

4. l es1 e16aya .>le' si6aya( thi s fol d)

5• 1 8 ndl.u :::rle ndl.u (thi s hut)






J 6!lolu l utahi ")J.o' l utahi ( thia rod)

'1. lo6u 8ubl al.u)!o' 6uhl.alu( these beads) 1

a . lolru kudla .>J.o ' kudl.a ( this tood) .

3 1

• :Plural •

l a.&a 6a:ta ti >la ' 6afa t 1 ,

l e miti =le aiti .

l a ma.tj' e :: l a matJe.

l eti t16aya ">l e ' t i 8aya.

leti tin<llu > l e ' tinUu.

l eti t1nta1 > Ie' t i ntsi .


~e tendency then is to make the dsnonstrati Te monosyll ab ic b af'ore aJ.l

nouns • Be:tore nouns of llyeak" cl asses 61ision i s not necesaary b ecause :Before

the demons trative i s already monosyllabic.~ the nouns given under ~

(iy) the f\tll f orms are necessary bec>se concordi a! agreement JID.lSt be

Observed, and since the mttre prefixes are elided , c?ncord can only be

Obsery&d by restori ng the last ayll.able of the pron01m. Otherwise there

lrol.lJ.d r esUlt such absurd forms sa le' haf1 1 l e ' nkomo ( c:t. the singuJ.a.r form~

(o ) The -.humarative lj!onoun.

The roots of the three typea of umara tive pronllllnS are a& :follows a­

... 1!&! ( s i gni fying "&1.1 • 1 , - dv-:..ra or - dzi ( s i gni!yiDg "onlyt' OJ? nsJ.ono" )

&nd l11lmeraJ. 1'"oots tram two Upwards ' ci t:nifying raboth ~' , Aall tl-...r()e" , •l'.J.l

•a11 :tiTe" etc. The nuaeral rooto t ake a. prefix in concordial agreement

1r1 th the noun fl:Jpli ed.

The followirl8 is the table of. ~e ..:numeialtivtJ Prono~ with r c ot -!!£!a-

Sipgu1ar. Pl la"aJ...

l et Parson ndonke sonko

2nd Pers on wonke nonke

3r d Person Cl . l . wvn1:e 6onl:e

2. wnlce yonl=e

3 • l onke u/onl:e .

•• eoJJke tonka .

5. yonke tenl:e

6 • lonke tonke . .

7. 6onke ..----a. koiJce

___ ., __ . T.b.i a proDO'Ull 11&'7 a-

(1) . s t and alone aa subject or object . :t (,11.£ """ k~IJ~ riJa-0· e. g . ~lll'~ Gaya :yati l "YY ~ nt o. 1

(11 ) . . .. ka.t 11 tehe lQlilao to¥~ l eto. (L ~ h~r 1 tho o hare) .

tr subj 80't or obJ oct . Q noun in eJ·I)P<l~Git!cn, 'fill

• o gone to n bsor--.clrink)

• • •

Rd11 :U 6 !ld,az:l :l:Onkt. { • • • • • . ) . ( ~~)~e<te or :toll on abaolute 1111••---• or dt11Zl0%Wtrat1v

I.eti W;Jcq t11nhGo tlt'~ (

~ 1~ 1 live looom . (

th.ooe are LlY ca!t1 ) .

th1a it=~ om" :Z'Iltb lend) .


The f'oll~ is the to.blc of !.D.IIW!l~:rativ ... roouns ~th root -dJ!JI-41'&

l.ot 7" n

2nd l' son wedna/ wedzi

3%"d F6l"SO!l Cl. l . yecmm/yedzl

•d'f'WD/wodld. 3. l octrtro/1oc!.d

4. eoc!Tvm/ sodz1

5. ~yodz1

G. loc!vlm/lodz1

7. ~dzi

a. ~at

Ths two f'cmmt .


soc:i"r'cm/ sodzt


i!odvw&/ oodzi

yo yod&l



todvwa/ to4z1



is proDDUn a.:lDlot aJ.weyu f'ollowa a - predioa.tivo Ol'ld

P:"eoectee the noun tgtli ed.

g . U1'1ke mp ........ o wclr..t1n1. ( Tho stranaer arrived. all alone).

~ the nmm tak the fir!st pos1";1on 1n tho 3Cil'teacm then the precUoate

aonea beb'3e11 the Dmm .:nd the rono . . e. 'Ch:ro wa..'ltCB'tini ufl.ka ;radf1• ( e etrangsr e.rr1v~ e.l.OD •

~ the nanu 1s aeraly l i ed, tbe :n-onoun f'nllowa 1: predicat ..

• 6auyatshe ~a! la6 • ( 1 ot tbos drink by +.h elv• ) •

Ve:y rarely th ~ ~oll

PGs i t10D in tbe •umteoe. . .

th noun whan the l nt tar takas the first

c. Inkoai YOdJ'!m ayt'hobi .,...la. (7be ch1o1' alone do• not try ems• ) .

Ulll- the implied te ed• this prcmouD nwer lJ%"eced88 the verb.

at a1 eut

oluto !rono

con co t SUC2

or roots hL6S a <!oubl o :pru:fh, th

t :leal w1 • e f irot sylla.bl& of tho Simpl e

eeccn be a contr t ed form of the adject1-na

1s :fo

lldln-~ (~u..~ h ouse) - a t UDod 1n gr et

SU8o 1n1 r J3l.cnkCJto ) •

~a abOY description pplies Ollly to th tirn t ~ivo n araJ.s t:dd •

ore a.dj eeti.,. • e 11t11ns:rals at.oTe ~1Ye, vbich aro oit.har noUl'J3 or xa1s tbt

~'elativaJ, <!o not take a doubl prefix • Those that nouns aubsti tut

a JXrefix i dentic th tl1o f irst s yllable o-r the ab ol.uta prono

1 :11 t1a1 Vi a1 or th prot

QJ. «»'lt to the r a t1v at

Tllosa that nro r alat i v prafix this

!n th roll t bl the ntnaral roots - ts.hQtht'q ( thre c.dJ. ~t

-a<qll ( e89"8l, rel.n.tive) B!ld JJ'mi · ( ten, ncnm) a:re \;8 aa 1Uutzat101111a-

'l'llbl e t.h a4.1 ect1ynl root - tehat,M);. . . Strplsr. E!Pml•

l et r DOll - souatshathf\l

2Dd P - noUatalul.t.hf'u

3rd F ar801l Cl.L - 0 tahatbft&

- Y' tshath1U

3. - watntohat.hf\1

4. - toti tsbatfhu

s. - tonto t.h..~

• - tontoa.th1U ..

'1 . oautabatl"..tU ....-----------s. kokutabatb.ftl ----------.... .

mable w1$b r!l t1yo FOOt -s,cgly. -~ sa.qez:. P'lDn1-

lat Fareca - aogoQn

~ .... - nosct\lu . -

3rd Person Cl. l . - 8ogoel.u

- yogcalu

s. - ~go lt)

4. - toBc 11

5. - togoelu

• - toso~u . .,. &opel1l .-..-.. -e. kogea111 ---- •



~e Poas ono1m 1 p ooi posa oive roots tor the lat

2nd parBOil (s • &. :plur. ) d ~or Cl.aas 1 sins. e rest o~ the roo~

th o o~ tho abooluto ;pronoun aa 8 111

ad ~ter the pra1'1lca.l f o tiT • To th o roo mDI pr fixed th

»ooo sive concord.

TaN gotp.

lD't P ar OD .. d P on

- 0

- yo

ndiluse lronod1 • ( I har takan tho ep~e ot. ey o:x to tho dipp!nc- SU»erviaor).

~IIOba Dttbtu as en 11. ( Our 80D.S work 1n the nd) .

I hiJc tlllU 'ticD.a ph1' ( •a do your tt1e c;rase?~J

YOWol is

the 1n1 t1a.l v ol of the noun signifyit:')a the l)Osseaso

1s 1, or 1l r octiTely • o eJ>ov rul. , t:Rf!IV , 1o no't c:ut te

ar. tory lno 1 t f'nlla to ocwer a. Cl la plur. lieithar do

the rul ~.at 1 t io tho TOW.:!. of' the noun pr 1Jl that cleterm1noe the

ol: 0

ot th1B notm, for tho 8 o r It Uld therefore

tter to oay " cordiD tho subJ t1v. concord ot tho

, .......... " jz & a .:z hao for it 'Y0\7el

(11\Y' 80118) J -~e 1a1 bB (his t) J

! or ll•

0 0 (their ldnd) l




~on tho o~ope) •

• • )

fizec! tbGUt ~f1 p leoe roec.rdiDG the pnacn.us.

.. a. lqlle],l 'thf'ol• (to tl118 OBlfhJ91la' Dnttll (to th • p eopl.e)


ww • akatl (w t widotr) tDillo ' an tbeoo

e MAldi:ra tiJIJa (by m•:aw

~....,.r..' tiDtlll (by ••ns of these rode).

). bOOds)

o nw protS.Xect. I~ th • i o

any lo tiT • II''*''*• oers3Unot1..-e or 1ns attal impl.1oat1on,

tho to tl..- 1 preftxed to tllo nboo1ut

o. Icala 11 Mteb' •"%•• ( t th bl of ua} .

Ita DU2. Wit' 1Uiblatt1. ( XrinB_ all. tho go ts}.


~~~-. •n z!d••e. ( ~ to • eJ.ono) .

• al.1 :flT ) •

tt..- ~~e used, eum tho ..,...

.. ( I

Vhapt ar v. The Qu i f ioa t ive1

Undeo:- this h CC!di ng we sh all deal bri efiy wi th the Adje c t iv., the . _

Rel ati v e and the Numeral . There is nothi ng n ew about t hese three, and %kd

thera f ore i t has not been f ound n9cassary to dsvote a Chapter t o eaCh.

( l ) 1lle _Ag;J e~tive,. The eoncorda are aa :follorsa-

Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. e. 7. a. Sing• om-, om-, ali-, esi-, e-, olu-, o6u-,oku- • -

~ ~ ..

Plur. a.Ga-, e-, ama-, eti-, eti(N)-, eti(H)-, - , ••

nte f'oll are the coJIIDOnest adjectival r oots : -

- dze (long/tall) , - hle(beauti:fUJ.) , - lchulu (bi g) , - 8i (ugJ.y/ba d ) ,

- dza:ta (ol d) , - :titjhane (short) , - noani (small ) , -nj e (so many, indi cated

by :fi ngers) , - tJha (new) , - nyheati (many) , - ngakhi (how JOO.ny) , and

lll.Un-.Ia from mt to five! viz. - nye (one) , - 6 i ni (two) , -tshathf'u (three)

-ne (four), -hlanu (five) .

The adjective -~p is used as an illustra t ion.

stns. 1. um:tati omldtulu (stout woman)

2. tlmtahi omkhulu (big tree)

3. u~.tJ e e.lild1ulu( big stone)

4. i sitiSa aaikhulu (big pool)

s. inja ankulu (bi g dog)

• ' J


' • a. utabango oluklm1u(big eaolosure) 1

' • u&uso o6ukhulu (big faee) • e. Ukut'a okulchulu(sarious disease) '

Plw· &Sat'ati atlakbulu( s tout women)

1m1 t shi anildml.u( b i g tre• )

amat~e amakbUlu( b i g atones)

1tit i 6a etild'l.Ul U (b ig pools )

i tinja eti nkulu (bi g doga )

iintsango etinkulu(bi g enclosures)


-----------~-----D'ote a The adJective -a.t! i s not to be confUsed ri th the rel.a t ive of the

aame :t-oot. The ad.Jective -D.t.!. is used in count i ng on the f ingers. . -e. g. oma.dTodza '!!P' ' (so lDB.ZIY ••~ - the actual DUmber being i ndi cat ed

by the :tirlgsrs .

itikhwanalcati etinJe (so many widows) .

( 2) !he Rela tiyo.

The concords are a a f'ollows •-. Cl aae 1. 4. s. s. a. Si!Jg. o- o- ali- ol u - o8u- olru-

Plur. --~ eti- et1- et i - -- ---

~ I

The stems that take the Relative Concord nay be classified ·~ s f ollows a-

( ~) . True relati ve stema~ i~d~.~clan ~ ~um e ~a. ls '>e.v~ (~1ce-l'-') , ~9ht L-.., xhc .., Jo)

e.g. 1nka61 asund'Yu (a dark- red ox ) .

Ulnbla6a o6oYU (red clay-) •

1 th:flkati el1kraJ.a.kati (a white- f'aoed heifer)

inkunti ecola ( a black bull w1 th a whit~ abdomen and a white spot on the· palvis) .

imbuuti ehJ.ophe (a white goat) .

1 j i ld. e7:' !!!J!cbH ( a our beer) •

( . ) ~M"" ,a,. s, · ~n ~bQ _, ~ Q ( LI ~h,. h OY' SL S)

? _IToun s tems, including the numeral~ dx ~ nine, 1m llpWarde a-

e. g . anabJ 1 aaitb.tu:pba ( six hor ses) .

i tindl u et1s1 th:fWe§a (nine huts ) •

1ndza6 a ~u'h;tungu (a p a infUl af'f'air J •

ubldla olmmgdr.i ( pal.ata'ble food) •

~~6o !!§Pti (a wet blanket, litsr~J )

ilm.ti !Jlhela- nd1e (a dark- red cow with br~ght-red JIIU&&le and aa.ra).

(litar~, a wild- cockroach- coloured cow) .

( o ) DemonstratiTe Ralativeea-

Th•e have three posi t i ona like the demonstrative pronouns .

l et Position

- ngaka


,?pd Position.

- ngaka

- njalo

e . g . indvodza mga.lg:\ ( a can of such age) .

amak!m'81'lkw $ !!llJ..! (such boys ) •

3rd Poa 1 t1 Rae

- ngakaya


In the fir3t po:dticm - qga.ka may t ake the doubl e diminutiv~ su:f':fix.

e.g . u.ttf'wan._"l onsakanyana ut'una ni ejikini?

( 1hat does suah a sm&ll chi~d want in a bear party?1

!hs r e l a tive and noun atenat (naturally- ccJ.uding iJUJilerala ) may taJce the

diminutive suf'f'ix. black

e. g . inkuntana ecola.pa ( a ""' ''* ,. •• bul.lock:Jri th a 'Wh1 t a abdomen and a whi te spot on the pelvla) .

ukudla w•andp.na (a deli cate dish) .

~e col our a ttributes 11BY also t ake the_ f'aminine su:ftix wlum they

q~~ify nouns s i gn1:f;ying tEII&l.e a.n.iml.l a .

e.g . 1 th:f'okati eJ.ilcralakati (a wh1 te- f'a ced h e i:ter)

1ma.t1 !QoTUlcati (a r ed cow)

( d) l1oUll8 preceded by pref'iaA :fonnativee. . . e.g . UJD.f'at1 opo u Jll.e (a k1Di waam )

lati ovet»J o p i (the Till888 by tlu~t r1 T ell" ) •

( ~) Verbs 1 whi ch are i nflected.

e.g. 1.mib ob1almn i phila ( a wide- awake you:ng f ello,r) .

i ndvod e::yotJ i we (a drunken msn) .

(:t) CopuJ.c.tivee . . . e. g. um:tati ohi sinyemfll ( an untidy warmn) .

inkomo ahisil ima (A de:tormecl) .

( ~) . 211 AdTarbs.

e. g . umti olee. (a :ta r-away vill.age) .

i t i nt.fi etil apha ( things that are here) .

( 3) Dl e NuaeraJ..

~ere are only tbr&e roote that take the numeral concord, Tiz.

-.b--2 (other/of a di:trarent ld.nd) , -!:!!? (o:t what ldn~t~ , -~?(whicb.?) ,

the l a st prspl acing an 1n1 t i al vowel to the concord.

The table ot the numeral concord is a.s :follows a-. . . . Cl ue 1. 2. 3. ... 5. 6. 7. a. Sing. m-/wu-, m-/wu- , 11- s i- (yi- ) l u- 6u- ku ..

&a-, ~-/yi-,~/wa-, ti-1 t i - t i- - -•111?.§. i s the only r oot that ~as the aboTe forms as . they e tcmd, aa :follows~


Cl ass 1. -b_.llrlDbe

2. ~tV'wuabe

5. yimbe

6. l umbe

7 . 8umbe

a. kumbe

nur. 6ambo

m1mb eVYimbe






.... -..... 1041 H bJt M !! NMX CMMMMf4JCho; a MWWdJW ~-··flU II MWWW

""'1!1?.! •Y prec ede fir f ollow a nolm. 1be DOUJ'l under goes no i n.fiect1on i f

~ ~ t f ollowa ~ but drops the 1n1 ~1al Towel i f 1 t precedes -llb~a

e. g. W!ftbl 1DIIIlt:f"u ( 11cae othar parson) .

1pbe u6 • dze (acae othar spleen)

6ant:ru f!pte ( di:trermt peopl~ )

t bdlu t t p)e (di:t':t'artnt lmta ) .

Bet'ore-ak!! n01m11 or Clue 6 s ing. tha t normal.l.y talce the contracted

~~lx 1.- replace this 'by the ordinary pre:t'1x JDinus the in1 ti&l Towel.

e.g. lllk1nm1 l UIIbe (a d1ff••t piece qt wood) lu&mdze l11111be(a d1:rtar•t eplemJ .

Ilza:mp1 ee o f tJ1e u se of ~ ~-

!lab o urnntf'u anga.cin£a nj alo. (Same otltf\1" ~era on may think ao ).

T1mbe 11ntf omb 1 tir&Ji ta n a.na. ee tandzil e. (Some maidens r emain hyoterioED. . eYen a.ft !lr marriage )

etiea 1\US andze ll.Uii>t. (He brocht a d i f fereb t spl een) .

n1na ma.uje niboba. ntf'o yimbe. (You llre no-w scussing sO.ething dif ferentJ

• !Q.? takes no concord in Cle.aa 5 sing. In Claeaes 1 sing •• 2 sing. &pl.ur • •

81ld 3 plur. -!l!? takes the former of the :am &1 tsrnative f orms shown in

the table, ae follows , ..

Sins. ~

Claaa 1 • Jani? 6an1? .

2. mni? ain1?

3. l ini? aazsi ?

"· a1n1? t ini? . 5 • - Di? t1n1? . 6. l urd? tini?

,,_,, 6un1? -----a. lami? ----

, r•· · KK:b tJtax+++i+f •D!? alwa.,ys f ollc 1D the noun 1 t qWll1f'1oo. The notm may retain or drop A

t.Jr. ir~ ti&l -rowel. . . t s eA of child?.}.

nd'a. t i n i ? { a t sort of newa? )

p l eo o :f tho us e o:f ~? t~

l.o m:ta t i l":atel a JJnt:f\~ana E!,? (What m1.s tl:.a s~ of tho child born of thi s WOJDaD?}

Ean:te niboba n dza.Oa tipi?( t nfJl"71l did thoy fin d you d1r.cuaeing1')

Hinko:mo ni l eyo oy! tshengile?{ he.t. 1c thP. O'l.X o f' t,n, b.a.P.st you bought?) -~pho kudla ~?(/.hat s ort of :food d id they give you? )

-»h!? takes the ooncor ds aa shown 1n the tabl e and to them preplacea 8 .

v ow~)~~~'-Towel , a-. - .t- or J.- ocoording ~ tne~uoJeotival conccrd of' the noun

<IU&l.i f'i ed i a • 1 or 1! l'•pect1'f'al.7•

~e tabl e i a thsrdore sa :t'oll.owa a-. ~¥· ~

Cl ue le tillpht ? I ' 2~ 0JilPhi? / owuph1? -.lphi eyiphi ? 3; allpbi' amaphi ?/ awaphi? 4; es1pbi? et 1Pbi? 8; qiphi ? et1ph1' 6~ oluphi? etipn1? 7; o8uphi? ------a. okb»hi? ------

•J!b!! atanda alone.th• no• being underatood, precedeo a nODD, l.n ":"hich oaae the noun i s not 1ntleoted, :t'olloWB a noa, in which caae thW\ltftrel ot the nODD 1e drou "'

Chapter v-r •

.!ka e Vtlrb.

( I ) I..in~o 1' o:r "'-'-!oO o_ " E!ruu .

T.h.e v erbs in Baca are di vided into two ca t egories , v i z . 1 •

(l ) ~ose with primitive stems.

( 2 ) Those witlJ,i stems de:rivad f r om (1 ) a.nd :from other parts of speech.

Prlmd tive vorb stems ganerally ZIDI ( a ) &.re di s syllab ic (b) uagi n

w1 t.h a consonnnt and ( o ) md i r . the vowel -~;.

e.g . tPhD.lldze ' l ove), khamba (go ) 1 x.ln£". ( de:t'eat ) , boba (speak) •

13t.:tt there are some mono;:,ylla.bia stems.

e. g . •pha ( cive) , -~a (die ) , - s a (dawn ) , - dla (eat ) , -tj aha (burn) ,-khn

(draw) .

Thare e.re also stsns whi ch begin w1 th a vowel , whi ch vowel i s

l a tent in sC' e c es.

e. g . - Stta ( do ) , - akha (build) , - (i)ta (como) , - {i)Ta. (hear) .

There ere three whose s tems end in a vowel. othe1." tllan - !_.

These are a- - a ti (know) , - tShi (a~) , -tj h o (aJF so ) .

There ere a SYeral polysyllabic stEillB whose f'ina.J. s yllabl e 0~

deriva t ion e~ts or shows that they are derived s tems whose suff'i.x

has . become part of' the stan.

e. g . - el.apha (heal) , - ebl.u1a (divide) , dvundTU6ala (cl imb t o the summit)

6ophel.a (bind) , lrhwelala (ri de) • ../'

In ZUl.u-JChosa the two l ast retain thoir primiti ve atwa :forms 6opQ,a and

!chwllA,, the torms Gollbel.a and lh!'eleJ.a bei n g applicative.

Derived v erb stema are usually polysyllab iw. There ar e three main

Varieties of' these, viz. a-

(a) Those derived from other verb stems by affixes (derivat i ve spec i es ) .

(?) Those deri ved from nouns and qua.J. i f1 tives.

e. g. lrhalipha (be braTe) <u6ukhali ( sharpness )

hloniph& (shun) < uhloni (bashfulness)

limala(bs incapacitated) <isilima (deformed p erson or a.rlb£!.1)

khulupha.la (grow) (-khulu (big)

( c ) Ideophon io derivatives. Irost o~ these have -a_ as f i nal s yl l abl e .

e. g. khuphuka (serge } ( khuphu.

dzath:t'lka( snap)

kwilikiJ e1a(thraw)

( dzathf'u.

< kril i kiJ 11

cothf'ota (wol.k s lowly)(cothfo-cotht'o.

(II) Deriya t i v e Sp eci !m•

c ept to:- the - ana , - £l!!l!a ref err ed t o a t the end o f thi s section

end f or 4if~erenc ue t o sound- Shi fti ng, the dori v nt ive spec i es in

Ba a:;.'"e i dcn t ical with thooe f ound in Zulu- Xhos

( 1 ) ':'he Paaai v •

In gen 1 thi s i s forr.led by inserting -!:- before the f i nal Towel

of: the verb st

e. g. 6ona. (see) > 6omra1 chi teha (spend) ;> chitehwaJb eka ( look ) '> bekwa

'!hi e rule i s acc ompani ed by the f ollowing modif i cati onsa-

( a) l!ono eyllabic verbs , vowel verbs IIIIll • i••:t11Atc rlth latent i nitia l

v O!el and di esyllabi c vowel. Terbs i no ar- t -.!!!. before the f i nal v owel .

e . g . - dla (eat )I> dli tra J - tJba (burn) > tJhi wa; -tJho > tJh i wo.

- ( i)ta(coue) > - ( i )tiwa J - U. )va(hea.r) >-U.)n ..,·aJ - akha(build ) >akhiwa

(b) Verbs ·'-hat take the full nuffix - iJ.e i n t.l'.e :per f ect subs t i tute - '!:­

f or the 1 of the ouf':fi~ (have curs ed)

e.g . - qalile (hc!vo bet:,"Un ) ) - qa.li weJ - th:fuldl o .,_ > -tt4f'ul.'-w~.

Not e ; 'lha v er-b .:">ula.J.C\ (kill ) whose perfect f ol'D i t i s 6yl.e l e f oll s

thi s rule i n the ~ent a s rel l as in the perfect tonae.

6ul3l.a. (kill ) > 3ulaw

5Ulcl e(ha.ve ki l l ad) ) u" lErn'e ·

(c) Talatalization of b i - l abial consonants takes pl a.c o b e.f'ora -!!- •

a ~ ~s , qhu a (drive ) ) ahutJvaJ Ju3a (fi n i sh ) ) JutJwa.

b > J 1 b oba ( apeok} >uoJ"'a 1 quba(wallow) > J'tjwa.

ph~JhJ phepha\ dodt;a )>phetJhw&l el&pba (heal) ? elatJhwa.

m > ny p tjwama. ( t a ste) > eJwa.nyna.J thf'uma (selld ) > th funyws..

mb)llJ J3amba. (h ol e!) > oa.njwa 1t shemba (trust l:>tshenJ11rn..

(d) A 'b i - l a-oieJ. i ~. a finsl syllable cf t!le etem i s l'~a.taliaed even ·

i f • aa a r eaul t of the eddi tion of a cuff!x. the b i -lab ial i s n6 l onger

i n tl:.e f i nal syl lable •

ue8• qhu 6ala (drive f or ) > qhu t J el~o.1 thf'lunela ( s end f or ) > thf'UII;yel.wa

bobi sa (caus e t o spe&k~ ) bojiswa.

( e ) SeYet r al polyeyll.ab i c Tarbs n ou u s ee\ as s imple s tEIDB are a.tf'eoted by

by pa.l ata.limtion l ike tb.a ~srbs considered unc\er ( d) .

e. g . xa6ela (chop ) > xat S el.waa :t'Umbntsba ( cl eneh J ) tunJa tllhwa.

f'Umaoo ( find) >f'unyanwaa 6ophela. (b ind ) ') 6otj'h elwe..

( 2 ) The lldlltc .

The cODDOneat suffix i s -B. but o. tew verbs take - akaJ.a .

e.a. rr• , ( •1 • } 2 al:s• ll

e. g. tshan~ (J.ove) >tshandZskaJ 't'Ula (opea) >wlelc&. -6ona (see) > Bonaka.la J - (i)va (hear} >vakala.

( 3) The Alplicati vt, •.

The suffix is - ela.

e. g • . lima (plough) ) limelaJ 6amba (seize) > 6amb ela.

( 4) The Causative.

The commonest suffix is -~sa , but several verba endi ng i n - !.!! ""Mga

-!!:. t o -~ Ur - Bantu ~~.

e. g. nyatsha(drink) >nya tshisa J dvwa6a(forage) >dvwa61sa.

kbat ahala (b e t ired ))kbatshata a vela( app~) )veta.

:.. ,.. " Notea V c •"'•• ' • q Ur - Bantu :t sometimes ex.t.e innumce on the vowel o't

the precedind sy11abl e , and partial assimilation takes place.

e . g , dvundYU6ala( climb to summ1 t) > dvund"f'UB eta.

tudvuma.la (be warm) >:rudwmeta.

~)The IDtan@iTe.

The md'fix ie - i s isa

e.g. baka (look} >beldsiea 1 6uta ( a sk) ) Sutisisa.

( 6 ) 'i'he Recipr ocal.. . . The suffix is - ana.

e. g. ld'l.$ ikh) a ( strike ) > kh$ U:h$ ana.a qondza {understand) > qondzana .

('1 ) The Revqeiva.

The suff'~es a.r e -Yl!.t - y;tuJ.a., sfo e. t..l e.s

This w fftx is almost confined to a few verba ending in - !\l.i, cc: ; val. a ( ) , (e) th:f'wala( carry) , end1cla ( prepare bedding) •


These form the reve:re1ve by aubsti tuting -!!!!. far -ala •

Thus 1 va l a ( cl oe e) > vul a ( op an ) 1 endlala( prepare b adding) > mdlula .

The ver~ tehel a (pour 1 t akes - ulU].a in t.'te rsversive • •f\

t ehela ( P~W) ::> thfulula ( pour out)

(Four t he ab.E.ng e from tsh to j:h! of'. C'h. I , 63• P• 9) e ..

'The T&"b pbaka ( d i ah up f ood) t akes -Yl!!: in the reY:tesive.

pha.ka (dish up food) ) phakul.a (remov e dishes after meal) .

(8) 'The Diminutive.

This i s f ormed by reduplicating the verb s tem.

e. g. gina (be s trong) ) gina-gina (be f airly s trong )

hleka (laugh) >hleka-t...leka (lau gh diff idently)

llonosyl l abic verbs insert -tl- between the etsm elements .

e. g. -~ (rain) ) nayina (rain slightly) .

Polye71labic •tema place the tiret two ay1labl .. of the atem be'tore


4-3 the stem.

{ ~)

e. g. 6oniaa (Bhow) > 6ona-Bon1aa (Show a little).

Some other &apects of the verbal derivative sp~ies._

There a..re some verbs which are now found in the neuter and eauf' ative


forms only. These have the neuter form 1n - el£8• &'" - ulm., ana. the

causative form 1n -~ -!!1!. or -ust:..

qhekeka (be cracled)

ephuka (be brokcm)

ncothfuka (be pulled out)

plumcnuka (be turned about) jih • "* "fw\a god'YUlca ( go home)

Tho ~:fixes - !l!. and -niaa.


qheketa ~ cause to crack)

ephul.a (cause to break)

:acothf'ul.R. (cause to -oa pulled· out)

pheadwJ.~ (cause to turn a~~

god'VU8a (cause t6 go home).

l~)Baca has tJ1e verb . (,_)ma (not to give) , This ie a transitive '*erb. The

suffix -~ makes 1 t intranal ti ve •

.. g .. U6ecela n1 a8antfu 1~ .trlanant:l

(\'Jhy do you refuse the people meat? You are v~ stingJ)

This reminds one of the Sotho ~ (not to give) , t~a(be sti ngy-).

FUrther reeearch may _prove that there artl other verba JD&de intn.Daltive

by the suffix -ne.. (/,) -

Another remarkable su.!fix ie -!'!!!.!:. . e.g. (e)tl:t'Uka(awear) > ett'hulcapi Ba.


One of the speakers (in fact the def'endent) involved in a l awauit S.: a t ),

C}-ef Wa6a.ne' e inl9m4la during the Easter v eeJc. 1942, aa14, • Lo !dati . .. ·: ,,

ukhuphuka 1' antaaSeni, adze at' odvund'Vl.16ala ngetulu, eth1'uka, ftbtp!septp;.

( '!'hie woman climbs up the hill tmtil she reaches the lll.llalit, nearing,

and swearing 1nd1aar1mi nately, )

The form ethfultap1ea ie not, aa woUld be expeoted, a comb iDa t l on of the

Rec6pr ooal and the Causative Specie& I that would be eth:f'uld.a!IJ.St( cause to

awea.r at each other) . I tr100. to investigate /. fUrther on thia euf'fix

whan the l pkgndla "roseu, but could gat no other 1nau.no• . A11 I can

say at preeent ie that the suffix -!!!.!.!. cannot be suffixed t o any and

t!IYflrY v erb.

N. B. Though I haTe giTen the au'ftixes aa - na, - niaa, they are more

probably - ana, -We a.

The Refiexi.Te Affi~

The Refierlve AN'ix is · - !!-· ••«• ukuboba ( t o speak) ) ukut1bobela (to sp e for onasel f) .

ChJ:~I?t er V'I..!•

The Verb (continwWJ.

Ccm.tusa.tion of the Ver\.

Si nc e this is not a text- book of grammar, i t has not bean f ound ­

necessary to give e minute descripti on of ~e Terb&.l c:onoom a. Thea o •

w..· e not different from thos e of Zul.u-.'Xhosa. Regarding the moods and t enses , the paradigms haTe been found sufficient in ~at oasas1 and th e

tabl e of concords is given be-C'or e each paradi~ 111 h €Pt. .,~"e. ssa.ry.

In this secti on special attention is drawn t o the two distinct

forms of the negatiTe conJugation in the indica.ti'Ye and the participial

aa well as in the relati Te constructicm. 1'he f irst f orm in all theee

casee will be the ordinary - negatiTe f orm found in most llantu

l anguags , naaely , prefixing a negatiTe format i Te to the sub j eoti val

con cord and eubsti tuting a negatiTe suffix for the f i nal vowel of the

Yerb. This is i deatioal. with the Zulu-Ahosa form.

s . g . ndi ya khamba (I go) , andi kl•ambi (I am not goilJe ) .

ndi :ya boba (I speak) ~dibobi (I am not spealdng) .

In Baoa th .. form i s uaed almost exclusively llhm the verb has n o

adJunct or obJ eot. In other words, as f a r ia the i ndicative i s con­

c a:t:nect. this f ora correspondo to the l ong form of the pos itiv e •

The aeoend form, ~hose formation will be describe l a ter, i s 7Ia ed

• • • • 4 .••• &l.JDost excluei vely when the Terb has an o~J eot or adJunct,

the anphasi !l being on the latter. For int erest i t m:J.Y b e amti oned here

tha t the sec'>na fo~ 1o f ound l n lipcmdo too, although d etails ot. l ta

:runction there have not bam i mestigated ...... .. ", .. ethsr Baoa haa "borr owed" thi s f orm from lipondo or v!ce Tars a i t is

' no t poaaible to aa y \1Dt11 a thOl.'OUgbi;J' study o! l!pcmdo has be• made•

(a) The W i pi t iT!.

Ezampl • • Pt e1t1y e. n,.t txt.

ukukhaD& (to c• ) ulamga.ldu:abi

ultw•ta { to do) u'Jnmgmti

ukwa t i ( 1.o m ow) ubmgati

ukudllwa ( to bQ ea.tm) ukungadl.1wa


J,o Jllfo uya kwa_ti 1lk\.myat shel.a indlom.

( Th1& aan lmowa h ow t o t " ead the war-d~oe) •

Ulcur,.gabUi i tintfo kahla lnaldnra. om61. (It i e a bad h abit not to loolr,8 a t things well)

( b ) 'l'he Impera tive ,

The :foll o are the rules f or the formation of the imperat1vea-

( 1) Dissyllabic an d JIOb'&Yllabi c verbs , whether vowel. or cons onant

T~~ , use tho simpl e stem ending in -~ as the impera tive s~ngul.ar,

e. g. lfhamba (go ) , roxa (wi thdraw) , esula (wipe) , enta (do) ,

The B aa o~ Luga.ngeni prefi x z- t o diss:yll.a~c and pllysy.Llabic

vowel v erb stems,

Thus 1 esula .>yeaula , .)enta > Yenta.

( i 1) Vowel T b s whose initinl. Towel i s l a tent use the simpl e stem

with the l a t ent TOWel • rweal.ed • •

e, g . t'~ (come) >ita., (stand) >1mat l4Ya (hear) .>iTa.

. . ~· baoaa of Lugangen1 pre~1x %,- to th~ "reTeal.ed" Towel.,

-- I lj)ta >yi ta.. l: >Y~ma, ( 1 )va .) yi Ta.

( 1i 1 ) llonosyllab1c Terb stsna pre~i.x !- to the verb sts •

e. g , - dla ( t) > idla, -lrha( dritr) >1kba, - tJho (say so ) ? 1 t J h o,

The Bacaa of Lugang.U prefix n- to the verb staa.

Thus 1 -dla ~dla, - kba > yikha , - tJho >Y1 tJho,

( i T) The im.pera.tiTe pl ural i s f ormed by sui"f1rlng -n! to the s ingular . f orma i n all eee,

e.g. lrbamba :> khambani

eaul.a, yeeula > esulani, yesula.ni

1ta,yita ~ 1 tani, y1 tani

1dla1 yidla >tdlani, yidlani '

(T ) When preceded by the objecti'Yal concord or by the refi arlTe ~ix

!!. the impera tiTe changes the ta:rminal - !; o~ the at• into -~

e . g. 6aaba( eei ae) > m6amb..t.: , a6ambmi (seize him)

i dla (eat) > ytdle, yidleni ( eat it)

ruJ,a (pull ) )ts t i -ruJ,e , tifU].eni (pull yoursalt/ youra el.vee ) .

(vi) Daca, l ike Zulu- :xhoea.. ha.e no corresponding negatiTe 1mparat1Te.

To a:preea the n egat1Te imper t iTe, the Terb stEI!l muaa , Jl!llapi (remoTe

i s used 1mper tiTely before the intinitive form of the Terb bei.Dg . n~~tiTed. The k ot !!!».- and the f inal vowel of mu~a.JIIUianl are elided

e , g, 6uta ( aalc) ~JIIUa'uu6uta; 8utani ') JDUBan1uu5uta.

dlala (pl a y }>.ala ' uudlal&.J dlalani , muaan' uudlala.

( c ) The Indi cat i ve.

The tetases o~ the Indio ti~ are follows a-. (1 ) hima.:ry TmB!p&

Present ~Long & Short) , Perf ct (Long & ort ), Paat, SSmpl o) , tmoe {Lcmg

& Short) .

( 2) Secopd.a.ry Tepa•a

Recent Peat Continuous J Reruote Paat Continuous

Recent Past p_.:rect J Remote Paet Ptl:deot

Recent Paat Cnntanplatedf R ote Past ContWJ_a ted . ( 1 ) The Preomt Tge (Loag O!"Jil} .

The tabla o:r concords 1a a s f'oll owa t-. . . . 1st P. 2lld P. 1 . 2. 3. 0 .. s. 6. 7. a.

Sing. ndJ.- Jl- \t- u- 11- a1- 1- l u- 6u- leu-

Plur . a1- ni- 6a- 1- a- t1- t l- t1- -- -The ooncol'd of the tiTS i s the same, bu~ baa '!!!• and &-1ar of the 2nd and 3rd pe:rsODa reepect1T~y.

Pge1t1n .

ndiya JEbamba (I sa go~I go )

( yoo are go1JJWyou )

(he i s ~ing/he so•)

l1sat1y -.

SDdf 'k'upn))l




The Pr•wt Tmse (Sh9rt Foml•

:Before e df.Dar7 coaaGD81lt Yar'bll the eoncozda azoe the ..,.. ae be~o,.e,

1n the aiDg-

tboae t MIDil 0

. \!


e the 1 1'0DlJ 1M t bef'ore e1 .,..,. the oonoorda are aa :rou ..... . . . . 0 . a. l.at Pe :ad. P. 1. 2. 3. '· 5. 6. 7. a. SlDa. Dd- ,... fll"!> .... .. 1- ·-. 7- l w- - kw-/k-

~ n- - Y- a/e/o t- t- t- - -The OODoord. of Clua 8 l a a - before TOWel Tarbe b~ 1D a-• ..-.111114 k- btltore wwel TerbB beet~tng 1Ja 1.-e

The concord ot C1Ma ~ plar. 1a hJ:-• 2.- before ft'Wel Tell'1lll :tHe~•'• ill

..-,Jt-•st'- r •pea'\1Tel7e

A8 far a~~ the poa1t 1Te CO$ga.t1oD i s OODCanled,Ba do• uot difte with . . ZUlu-Xhosa. 'l'he uepUTe1 hftwe, rfteal.a a n• :teature. It baa b..a :t....S

DM MBUT tharefore to giTe the tabl• separa tely 1D e4er to giye M.1

treatalaDt to the n egat i Tee

{ Sluprt Fm&l•-

ndUhaaba (I so), Ddenta ( I de) , lldODdl• (I :t.rM4)

The Ilega.ti"te o f the Present (Short Foml ...

~e negative of the Preseot Ind11catiTe1 Short Form, i s

Charac~erised by the defective verb ~~e. tever its original signific-

ance, this verb i s now used exclue ivel.y to for~ the neGative of c ertain . tenaea and moods , and one of t hese is the Presa1t Indica.tive, Shor t Fonn.

for ~a1i;.-t-'lh1s Ttrb is n n aYer apart from s ome negative ~ or other of thft verb.

To f orm the Present Indi tive , :Jhort Form, ihe negative formative

!!.- is pJmtixed to -Te . In this tcmse, the n ogativa f ormative may or may

not -oe f ollowed by t he subj ect i vaJ. co:1cord. Tho z:te.1n verb f oll Oifs -Te.

and is in the Participial l!ood, l'react Tm:.sa. Since the main v arb t akes

the S'.ibj ectival concord i~'l the l!a:rticipial l!ood, the concord is optional . before - Te.- Thus, in the f irst p arson, for ~stance, the form is e1 ther

aTe nd1 t l!lB.in verb or and1Te ndi-tma.in Terb•

The forms are ther~ore 2!l f ollows a-

1st Pe a(ndi)Te nclfkba.m'bs(I am not going) . 2nd.P. a(wu)ve u')baa'm. (lOll are not going)

3rd PJ.. a(ka)ve Ubamba.{ he is not soin&)

2.a(wt~)ve 1Jlcbmnba (it is not goins)

~.a( li )Te lilrnamba( it etc.

4ea(si)Te sikbamba.(it etc, . . ~ , P..( y1 )Te il<hambe- (it eto. .

6. a(lu)ve lulrbBJdba. (it etc ..

7! a( s+ef 61l]c:'tw.mba. (it etc.

8• a( kl1 )Te kulr:bamba (it etc.







f lur.

a( si)ve s1ld1RJDba

a(ni )ve nl'Jcbamba

a(6a)~ 6ekhamba

a(yi)ve +ba a( 118. )Te alduiJ!Iba

a(ti)To tikhamba

a ( ti)vo tikhsmba

a( t1 )ve tikhamlJB

-~.----..... ~-- .... ~---

In a simple atatsent , this form, like the corresponding poa1 tlve , 1a

-.pl oyad ~an the Terb is f ollowed by an adjunc, 1n the foBl ot: obJ eot or

adverbial atensicm. • ' hOt

e.g. A(k)n 641JlY3tlsha ngob~iko· ('l'he:r are" dr1nlr11'@ ~cording to aut..).

a(ai )Te siB1lta l.,o ntfe. ( l e are not uldng that ) .

14 ..,e6enti a(wu)ve ukhambe. lr:.ehl.e. (This work is not going on wall).

Incbam e11lrul u a( yi )Te 1Dyatah1ea kahl e. ( A big pot is not ~orta~ to drink fi"on) .

' With, or without, an adjUDct, t.h1a f orm is used to mq.r •• • aala .. u.cm. e.g. A(:ta)Te eyiDyatahela 1Ddl.aJ (How bl:av ely h e treac:a the wa.r-daoel)

A(ka)To eld'lmnb&J (\'lha.t a Tagabond h e iaJ )

... I:UI f-" edt~._f;;,t6 fo i'""''~J -~ ,whe Th tY' ll~ rba f ",.. tttJn - ve rba.-11 o.tte

a.lwo.ys ,·11 f1, £ PtJ. r> il'c ijl ~ a- ' M 4tJ t{,

The PErfect Tense (Lops Foxp).

The CC/I.!COrds are the &~ those oozployed i n the Pres8t'lt . The table is

as i ollawsa-

Pos i t i n . N!fija tiTe.

l et P. ndikhambUe (I baTe gon e}

atd P. pldwmbUe (you baTe gone)

1 . 'ulchambu e ( he he.s gone)

2. ukhambU e ( i t mo gone )


The Perfect Tenae (Shor t Foml .

This f orm is alw83"8 11aed when the verb baa a.n adj unct. Its n ezn,tiTe is

also characteris ed by the defect ive v erb - !:,! , which 1s f ollowed by the

Jrain Ter b in the Particip ial l!ood, Perfect Tense , Short Porm. -n anpl oys

the subj ecti val concord in exactl y the s ame ~ as in the Pres ant • . Pos i t ive. E'g.tiyt.

l s t P. n dikhambe nd edzi (I went a.l.one ) .d.i )Te ndi kbe.mb e ndedzi

a( WU )Te UkbarJb e WOOZi

a(:ka)v e elcbambe yedzl

a(wu)ve ukbambe wodzi

2nd P • ,.uchambe wezdi . . 3rd P . 1 . 'ukha.mbe yedzi

2. ukhambe wodd

3. 11khambe l odzi

Further :iixampl es 1 -

( you went alone )

(he want al.one)

(it went a lone }

(it et c. ) ,. '. a( ' )ve ~bambe lodzi


A(nd.A )v e ndibeke ena. (I am not looldng a t youJ A(6a}ve 6e:fi ke i t olo. ( I t wae not yesterday tha t thsy arrived.).

Le mbuuti a (yi)ve ihJ.intelwe We~~tP-. (It was not i n y our honour tbat this

goa t was slaughtered) .

The Lone Form y f ollCJ\'7 - !,! whee the nega t i ve i s usocl in an ~clama.tory

sens e.

e.g. A(m)v e ebob i l e l cr.ro mi'o1 (ITo 'I well that man apokS:)

A( 6a)ve 6eceSU e l a.Ba 6antf"w&na 6a.khoJ (How healthy these your ch111%wl ar~)

The Past Tsse (Simpl e) .

The concor dB ~e the same thos e of the Present , Shor t :5"orm, ns Employecl

b~or, TOWel v srb a. The n ega t iTe of the Pu t '.i'enae is ~ aharaetllrie ecl b7 . . the defective vsrb ta ~ This seSlS to b~ the only :ttmcti on o:f thie Terb.

I t i s not preceded by any concord• but 1s followed b7 the S\7ff1.xal -UTe

:fo~ti v e - I!&! 1 !.Apse l a .. :follCJWed b y the main verb i n the ltlbj11Dct1Te


The Mbl e i s as f olloW'S a-

Pos i t iye. l1 ega t1'I~

1st P. ndalcbamba (I went) tange n dikhambe . 2nd p. pta.k1wmba (you went) tang e u'kttambe

Cl . l . 'wa.khamba (he vent) tanga akhambe

2. walchamba (it went) tang e uk:ha::nb e

3. l aldla.mba (it etc. ) tange likhambe •

The Past Tense haa en:!.y one form in its prima-ey- for.c, and t.."lla f orm is

anployed whether tho V~U"b has an adjunct or not.

( iv) The ::&tture T '31lse ( Imme-iiate) .

Thi s i s cha.racterlsed by the verb -~ , to which 1a prs:fixerl the aubj eet­

i TaJ. concord as for the Presont T ensea - !!. i s thsn folloW'ed l)y the sbnpl a

ve:rb- stem. The negative is f ormed - in two wa,s, one the ";rall.- known way

by nega.iiiving -~ aa for the Jresant TenGe , eliding the fin~ vowel of

-~(which is - i i n the nego.tiv-a) followed by the ~ut"erb 1n the

In.t~itiTc with -k- e id~

e. g. Positive.

n di ta khamba (I am about to go)


mdi t ' uukhaniba.

t i ~ ~-=ba (they are about to c o) ati t •vuJCbam'ba.e

""* d The posi tiTe f orm above i e used whether or not the var.b m e an

adjunct. The corr('Sponding neJ&3.tive i s used when the verb ms Df) a.d..ftmct.

The other f orm of the n egative is chara cterised by -n • Th1a Terb. i s.

preceded by the prefixal negativ e f ormative !_• wi th or rlthout the concoa d

aft er i t • in exaotl_.y the a e vra.y as 1n the Present, Short Form. •u i s

them p l a c ed before the positi ve form above, and this changes int o the bd

Parti cipi al r Ode

The t ab l e i e as f ollcrna-

Posi t i ye U se.ti Te

l et P. ndit a khalrtbl ns.e(l sha.l.l go with you) a{ndi )ve ndita. kb.amba naweJ

2nd F. ~ta lrllam: a na.ye ( you will go witb h im) a(wu)ye uta khamba. naye.

Cl. 1. \ita khambe. nn:we(he will go with you) a(ka )Te eta. JCha.mba. naw ..

etc. etc.

Further JJxailpl es a-

A( 6a )Te Bet c. hlintelwa Jnbuut i . (l1o goat i s 1ng to b e elaught c:-red 1n thei :r ~-•••t honour) .

Av e n d i t a 'toba i ntfo end.ingayati . (I ehal l not s£.y what I do not know) .

Leli j i ki ave 11 nynt shwa huwe wedzi. (This b e er i P not g oing t o be drunl b y you alone).

\71 thou t an ad.1unct, this· f ora i s used i n an excamatory s .u.e. e.g . ATe Jeta khJUhj'waJ , What' a hiding they are going t o get J )

The Futur e Tens e (Ranote ).

The REJnote future is f ormed ~ as f ol.lowsz-

( i ) Prefix the subject i val concord to - l!! as in the Present Indi cativ e,

Long f orm.ttti e. g . ndi l_!! • ( ii ) Lot the main v erb f olliiW i n the

lnfini ti v e Form minus the i ni tiaJ. vmt el of the i nfi nitive.

e. g . n d i ya kukhamba. ( iii ) i de ~ the vowel of the sub j ecti val concord

i f the concord bas a consonant, aa wellp the z of -~

e. g . ndiya ) n da. ( i v ) U.i de t h e E.- of the in~ini t i ve. e. g .

kukhwnba ) uldlamba. • ( T ) Insert -~- b etween a - a nnd ~- to avoid h i a tus.

e. g . nd.awukhambn. This i s the Ranote Future, pos i t ive.

~ Ln'• The nega t i ve i formed i n t wo wap . The first , which i s u s ed

when the v erb has no adjunct, i s formed by negat iving -m in the

regular way. e. g . ndi~ ) andiyi. Fi nal -! i s eli ded, and ;t is followed

by the infinitive f orm of the mai n v erb minus initial uk- • -e. g . andiyukhamba. The forma are therefure ru.. I ollowsa-


n dawukhamba ( I shall go )

p yawnkbamba (you will go )

tiyawukhamba(they will o )


3lldi yukhamba


at i tukha:m.b&.

The second f orm of the negative , which is employed wheT- the verb has an

adjlmct, i s cha.ra.ct eri tJed by ~which is f ollowed by the main v erb in 1l

the rartic i p i • o~ =fut~tt(, ~~t\Sf-·

'Ihe f orms are £' S f ol l ows a-

Poai tive. Nesative,

ndawukhamba nawe(Iihall go with you) \ a( ndi )ve nd~ba :aa:we .

p.ya khamba naye(you il~o with hirl)~(wu )ve uyawukhamba .- ~e.

\a-awukhamba nawe(he will o with · ou)~(ka)ve eyawuldl.amba nawe.

etc. otc .

_ c Eocondc~:!':V '.:'ons~ of t.he I ndicative.

cept f or tho neg t i ve i n . - v e , th~ ~ con dnr y TfVlS es do not dif'f'er from

the Xhosa Se.condru-y ':.'enaes. Since the us e of - ve baa b e en 1m.d e clear in - . connection wi t.h t1l !'rirn.ry Ttms es , details are no longar n eceeeary. All ·

that wil l be dono thor .t ore i s t o give the t ablee. the n...ga tive f on. in

-nt being g i Ten b elow the regular f on..

Bowl !'


( T) The Recent Pant Cobtinuous,

Po ol t i ve.

6end1khtlmba (I s goi~ }

(you \\Bre goh , )

Del ikhamba ( 1 t wr:.s going)


andi ngal:hamb1

{ 6 ending eve ndikhamba.

u 6unga.khal61b1

ia61Dlg eve uldu£ba.

f e11nga1iharnbi

is 3lingeve lildum~"ba ete.

(vi) ':'he • ccen~. Past I'arfcc~.

Pos itive .

6 endikhembile (I had gono) (e endingn.khambanga

&end1khmnbe ( If a n ) l6 endingfJf"e ndikhambe

ruld!mnbila (you md gone) r6ungnl<homba.nga

u6ukhsmbe ( " t1 ) u uungeve \ lbe

~ elikhambile (it had gene ) 6 el.ingc.klumlbanga

l elingeve likbambe. elikbmnbe (• • • ) etc. etc.

t;::' The Recent Paat ContanplatQd.

Pos i t i ve.

6 endi ta kbamba. (I a about to go)

. u6uta khamba (you were about to go)

eG eta kha:mba (he was about to go)



6 endings. tuukb.amba

1s ending eve ndi w. kbamba


1u1J·.mg eve uta kb CD.Dl,)a r anga. tuujchamba

leu eng ave eta kha:moa . etc.

(rt11) TJ-1e Remote Fast Continuous.

~ ooi t1ve.

ndandikhamb& (I was going)

wawukhamba \you ware goi~ )

wayeldlemba (he was goi ng )




~dandingaYe ncli.khmnba


{waw\1~~p-e ukhamba


t wayengfrt"e skhambe. etc.

( 1x) The n a t e l y t :rarfoct.


ndandikhamb11 e ( I had gone)

r watlve.

nA D.~. MwaJdlambt;I.DD. n~eYe n d1El1 lbile

(x) ':'he R ote Past _9ont€11Il?l a ted.

1"os i tive. Yegative.

ndandi t a k h J1

i't'awu t a k:l:w.:n'ba

wayet'l. kh.amb:l


a (I was about to go)

\you were a·bou t to co )

(ho was abcut, t o go)


{:da ndingevc ndi kha.mba

swawunga. tuukhamba

l llWUilgeve ut a k..lw.mba

wayenga tuukho.mba

{wayer:ageve et a khamba . etc.

lT. B. It w!l.l MTe been noticed that i n aJ.:t the Secondary T~nsee, the

n"lgativo :formative before -~ is om!-, whose final. - !, becomes - !, by


(d) The Subjupctive •

Thi s rcood has two tenses, the Present and the P~ t .

(i) ~e Present.

The table of the Pr sent '.:'EMoe 1a ~ f ollows: -

Posi t1ve,. 11ega-6;iT!e

ndikhambe ( that I ray go) ndinga.khambi

uldl8J11be (that you may go) ungakhambi

al<hambe ( t ~ may go) angrud'l.J.1lllbi. etc. etc.

The Imnarlltive us o /of tho Subjunctive.

The Present Subjunctive, w1 th the help of the prefixal fo .,fl.tiv c ~-, i s

used 1mpe'!"o.t1vely in t e at and 3rd Parsons.

e. g. mao~ ~e! (l et th goJ )

Jlla 16uye: ( 1 et it come back1 )

If the eubj ~tival nonc-:>rd i tho.t of the l3t Person ? lura.l , two differ~

forms a r e rose!'bl ~. On i P tJl e r lt..r one, like the emopl ea given above,

and 1 t s1en1i"ies ''we two:t •

e. e . :mR sikhambe! (let you end me go ). fWO

ma siy16ambe~ (Let us~ seizo it! ) --.~·

The o ther i s a kin<i of inc13iTe plural , such as is found in 'Sotho• and ~t

s 1(pl1:f1ee •you others and yeel:r• This i s formed by e\dfixing • :41 to abe

Qaxclus i Te" fo~

e. g . ma sUhambeniJ (l et you others and m;;sel.f go 1 )

JJil siy1Bam'hani1 (let you others and myself sei ze it~ )

But i n the n egat i v e there is only one f o:rm_ Both ma sikhambe aad

ma a i kbmpbmJ:, b ecome Jr..a siMJ,k'hN!Jbit l et us , two or more, not go ) .

~ lo"' t"cl 11-ls• Itt HI L4bi a.-~ Mt;ioHclo ,.,i~ '

( ii )Tpe Past .

The Past Sub juncti ve , posi t ive , is f ormed in the wel.l- k:nown way f ouni i n

Zulu- Xhos The nega.tiTe1 on the other hand, i s ~orm d by »'*I'•••• insert~ -nm.- b efore the verb- stem, and changi

The t ab l e is as f oll a :-

the f i m.l vowel into -! ·


l stP. ndakbamba ( I ant)

2nd P • l'akhamba (you went)

01.1.~ :ba (he went) etc.

Exampl es &-

U6awo watshi un ndiye, ko a mna nd.Bngart.

(Uy ~ather tol d me to go , but I did not go) .




'wanga.K!lambi . etc.

l1damf\lna, nd.a.nga.m5oni. ( I l ooked t or him (but ) did not ••• hia).

Iinkomo tal ahlem , ngoila waauka Wal'l@i:ti baki kahl.e.

( The oa.ttle went astray because ha did not look a:tter them pr op erl y . )

Thi s ~ora of the E'ega.tiTe Paat Subjunct ive 1a CCDIIIDOn to a naral ot 'tl**XiJ* * ' a4 1g1 ww t w a wp\Mi j l wx O•• 'fwwww) wlj · the llguni dialect s spokea in the Transkei , Jalll: e. ua i , J!pondo and

I:pondomiae, am baa otten azmoyed t eachers and axnminers •poor Xhoaa" I

~e Pez:ticjpial ¥oo~

This baa f our tenaea, Tiz. a- Presmt, i erf eot (J,ong & Short}, Paat, Future.

Be:fore consonant Terbe 1 the concords are the same aa those t ound 1D Zulu-

Xhosa • before nos y1l.abic and vowel Tarbs ~""" f orms are i deoti oal w1 th . those f ound in Zulu. That i s , the :-1.- or -!!.- inserted in Xhoaa before

the Terb-st• 1s not f ound in 13aoa. In &t2: the Present , the Parfeot aDd

the Future, Baca baa two f'orma llf 1n the n861 tiTe conjuga.ti~, the t irst

being the ordinal'y one , and the s econd being the f orm in -~ The Put

aaploys the Telrb B in the ne&atift t ax f'ollowad by the nep.tlTa I& M''l . tarmati Te - D&A aa 1n the Indi• tiT .. .

( 1 ) The h:Mct. •


l at · P • acUJcM..,. ( I golDg}

2Dd p . , • .,gba. (you go~ }

3rcl P. ekbamba (he goillg)




1:""ambl [:diJ:S: n d i)bewM



UDgwe 1•lrtwwba


t ...... elt.BIIba .-too

( 11 ) 'lb• P81."f ect.

Poei t 1Te.

l et P . ~1kbamb1le ( I harillg gon e )

{nd1kbambe ( • • " )

~d P. c::~a

~ Cl.l.~ile

{eJttmnbe o.t~ .

(you haTing gone)

( . n tl )

(he having gone)

.. " )

( i i i) The ture.

Hs a t1Te.


l ndingeTe n di lcbambe


[ s.gan Ubamba e'" c...

Post tty e.. llep. t1 Te.

1st P.

2nd Pe


Thamlp1 ea a-

( I ,about to go)

(you , about to go)

(he, about to go)

ndillSl ttm'kba:mba

{~..,. ndita llhaml>a

unga tutJkbamba,

{ungwe uta 'Jcbam'ba


t eagft'e eta. lcbamba. etc.

s t rike . .. , . ,, a6af'aU 6eta TOTS. 1j1k1. ( e azori Tecl wh ea the 1nae11 were about to strain the beer),

Eta kha.n:Yela D.je kunc edz.a n1 ulnmButa?( Since he is go~ t.o deiV' what iB the use o'£ aeld.Dg him? )

lli t i .xbaml a Dje , n diMe.-• ndita bob& 1ntfo tmgEill.auga n.1e.

(You labour 1n Taln, s i nce I am not going to say what baa not ha.ppaDed ).

.t:Jnd1nqaml.ele , Jld1ngwe nd1ta boba kaldmlu.

( You haTe out me ahd) altb~ I -.e not gj~ t D ape8k at lSigth) .

( iT) '!he Fyt.

Pos 1t 1ye.

1st P • ndakbamba (I haTing gone )

(you haTiDg go11e)

3r d P. \ raldu&ba (he haTing gone) etc.



nd1JJ&B. tange ruU khcmbe

unga tange lJ'kbnmbe

mgatange · akbunbe etc.

,U:tl:ta uyihlo-mllhulu '!!!a klldzaJ.a. (You arrbe l ong after your grmdtathC' t death ) . .

( lit . You arri Te, ,aur grandfather haTing died long ago ).

Si :f'i ke t ahi.Da inkamo tp.hl.in a ~~geveld edlulUe.

( Je arr i Tecl a week a:tter the b east had been sl aught ered)

(lit . We arrived, the beast hart~ -beat s l aughtered i n the prft'ioua weu~

Leti ndsa&a ei tiT& :tu4-.la tadl.ulae (We l earn thia n-to ..... j f tl, ~ , t kA. (, fa IE d ,

(f~ The Potenti al•

There are tlmee t enses o-r thi s od, v i z. z­

Preeent, Recent Past , Rs ote Past .

This tens e i s chara cteri sed by the f ormatiTe !!im• whi ch pre c edes the Terb­


f 1 ) The Present Tepa;,


1s t P. ndingakhamba (I c an go)

2nd P . unga.khamba (you can go) •1 ,

lt••Y.,~a.lcbamba (he c an go)

a. ungakhQmba (it n go) •tc.

( ii ) The Recept Past .



alrUDgekbamb i


awungekbambi etc. .

Poe1t1ye. l1egat1Tt-

l st P. 6 m d1Dgakbamba.{I could haTe gone ) 6andiDge'Jcbamb1

2nd P . u6unga.khamba (you could hav e gone) ufit.U~gelctvunbi

Cl. l . e6eragakhamba (he coul.d haTe gone)

2. uB,mgakh.allba ( 1 t could haTe gone) etc.

( i ii ) The RSilOt e Paat .

Pt s1t1ye.

e 6eagekbambi

u 6ungakbmnb1 etc.

Ns a tiye.

l et P. ndandi ngakhamba (I could have gone) ndand.iDgelcbawb1

2nd P. · w&li'UDgakhamba (you could lBTe gonel) wawuzageJrbamb i Cl. l .

l w• *'• wayangalduunba (he could h aTe gone) way~ekbambi

2. wawungalchamb a ( 1 t could hav e gon e) w&W~~Dgelr!vuDbi eto etc.

6 •• t '"'*''***'****'• (g) The Coutt yept.

This mood i s charaoterie ed by the f ormat1Te ~ which is pretb:ed to the

subJ ect1TS1 concord. The subj ecti val concord 1.8 the aaae u that of the

Parti ci p i al Uood, u oept f or cer tain modifioe. tiona i n r ecognition of TOWel

l awa. 'l'he ContiDgEDt od hall t our tEI1S• , Vis. z-

Preeent, Perfect (I.oDg & Short ), Reoeat Paat Perfect, Reaote Po.at Perf'eot.

( 11 The Pteeent.


l et P. ngeudi kbaa'ba ( I ahould go)

2nd P. ag.uldlaaba (you should go )

Cl.l.ngeyekbamba (he should go ) et c.




ngeyenga.lchaab1 etc.

( 11 ) The P~ect.

sts1t1ye. l egat1ve.

let P. ~end1kbamb1le (I should have gone) jne;an~a

(ngEI'ld1khambe ( • " " 11 ) ~endingeve ndi'khrunbe

2nd P. ~ewkhambUe(you should have gone) (188WI'lga]cbambBDga

~ewukhambe ( • " tt n ) 1Psewungeve ukhambe

Clol o caye)bsmbUe(h8

syekbambe ( "



" " Q

" ) ~eyenga»umibanp.

11 ) {ngeyeagSYe ekhambe


( 11) The Reemt Paet Perfect.


1 st P. ~e6andildlaab1le(I

lngeaead1ldlaabe ( ' . ~

2nd P. Sng~bile(you

lng~e ( • . ~

3rd P. f88JekhambUe( he

~6 e elcbNDbe( • etc.

sh"'-lld have gone)

• II " )

should have gone)

" " n )

• tl " )

n " .. )


nge6 endingaldlambenga.

fnge681ldi.DgeTe ndikbambe ~


k~f!l're ukbambe


bes e mg8Ye elcbambe etc.

' • ' ••a Posl t1ye..

( 111) ~e Remote Past Per:rect.

n sat1xe.

1 st P • ngE!Ildand t lcbnmbU a ( I shoUld ha.ye gona) CE!Il"andillgalcbmibanga

~endandikhambe ( • " " 11 ) endandinBeve n dikhambe

2nd P0 c......ukhambile (you " u }ng~

) t~SW&W\IDgeTe u]ctu1mbe ewawulcbambe ( • • • • ~rd P. tngeorayel!M~Dbil_e ( he • • • ) ngewayegakbamballga

){~•ay-.gsn Ubaabe ~ewayeldlmDbe ( " • " .. etc. etc.

~lea of the use of the Contingent l!oOdJ-

l~geoi 1khamba khona manj e u6a u endihuwe. (If I wee you I shoUld go now. } ""'""gendildlBmbe naye u8a 6endiDemaJ.1 . (If I had m..d money I should have

gone w1 th hl.m) . USa 6end1:khom. pgendimldl{ikhl1le. (I~ I bad bean there I :Jhould bave

giTaD h im n. hiding) . usa SeoenaDlhaJ 1 ne;eo~eYe Sete ngeanyawo. ( If they had horsesey ShoUld not have come on f oot. ) U6a oendisati ukutahi uya yituna age6and1te nayo. (Iiad I knmm that you needed i t I shoUd haTe brought 1tl n'ewayeteke kudza.la u6a. ei>enee'lkomo. ( f he had cattle e should haTe been married long agol . Ut>a tmllM wam eBe pr1la pgendinseve ndidzelt!lwe lmn8aJca ha5a~

( If my eon wer& still liT1ng I ahould uot be cont-.aed ao -ah by · young men) .

U6a yayingsMlo 1.Jrd tllhi yakhe ngpayefele kul.ep Ddzawo. (Had hie herbs not bean thsre he ahoul have died on thi spot ) . USa 8end1yat1 imbamballo yenu ngepdigpe pd16uta kuwe. (If I knew the cause of your quarrel I should not be asking you ).

(h ) The Re].a.tiTe Constructi on.

Without any suggestion tha t the Relati ve 1s a mood, but f~

conTeniEilce , I di-scuss the Relative Const11Jct 1on in this cllapter.

It has to be notetd that l3a.ca. has ~ r el.at iTO suffix -&2. oorresponda

1ng to Zulu- XJ:o - l!2.f and to Sotho -~This suf'fix 1s empl.oyecl in the

Pres ant Tans e.

e. g . Andiyiva l eyo ntfo oYibobaJco. (I do not hear what you are s aying) .

Wcta intto a.rltshapdmko. (He does what he lilcee) .

l3ut -!2. i s not suffixed in the fol lowing circumstances a-

( i ) When the varb has an adjunct and no objeoti'tal concord. That 1s , when

€11lphasi s is laid on an adjunct.

e. g.At5af'&Dl &5adJ.a ijild. a.ndi5ateba.ndz1. (I do not l ike ~ mea who drink beer) •

Um:ro ot e.1ca intfambi Slhlel (A man who is eogaged to a t ine . girl' )

( 11) llhen the verb h&.s a ~ogressive or coluslv e i:npl ication. . . e. g. a6ant f'U a5a.syipa. ( p80})1 e 1lho e till. dance)

~'(e P..~ 'N'j f'b lndvoclza epe il!lt (the IQl who is alrefl4TA~leepi.Dg )

(111 ) In the negative conjugation, 1rrespeoti7e of adjunct or 1mp11,.t1on. . . e. g. a5ant fu a6a.pgcypateh1 (p88Ple who 6 not drink)

Huye Ulllbs tgld.inlgg!Bt1. (He is the fellow I don' t kncnr) .

'lhe \1110 of the Var1g Tges ~ the E.eJ.at1ye Cogtraptiop.

( i ) The Presmt.


Simpl e IppJ S.oat1Bla

1mmtf'* olMuPJ'ba.l:e (the -.Jt 1lbo 1a golDg)


'UIIDtftl o]!tl•ba ma.nJe( the mn 11ho 1s golr.8 now) lllmt1U ougen •""Dba ~· !)'0Cf!lt1 Ye Impl.ioat1cm..

a&atat1 a6aaanyateha (W01118D who sUll drink)

l!tHI Owing t o the a4Terb ial colouring of -e- , the nep.UTe in -D. b

poaa1ble 1n the procreee1n 1mpl.1•t1on whether the varb baa an a,dJ1mot . or not.

Ullf'&Da oae •e& • 'ta (a yo~ JIBD who i s alre~ WOl"kiDg)

lllllf'ana. ose eseBcata eGoli umtaua -.gekaae6ent1 eGol1 •cJ.ualn

llotea The D9-~1'Ye 1n -:m i~S not Ulled 1n the »'\(Ct .. 'lilf Dlplloat1• of

ot the Preact.

( 11) The Parfept .

Posit1ye. E'egat ivo.

Simple Imoli oa t1on. indvodm elel.e( the .rmn who i s sleeping)

indTodza alele u6uth1"ongo

indTOdza. engaJ.alaDga

indToda~sngeye Uale u5uthfongo

( the DlD who is f ast aa~eep )

Prosrgsi T o IJnpl1oat 1cm.

tndvodza esal el e (the JD!l!1 mo i s s\u sl esptna)

i indTodza. anga.aa.la18llg8 \indvod.zs. m gerve iaal.el.e .

Bote the negative in -n in spito of the absence of a.n 3dJunct.

cluaiTe Imp1ioat1on.

inc:lYodza ee e 11 el.e (the man who i s already s l eeping)

• r " 4 ,. , . • - •.• • • . • • • • • • • •· • • ~ • • • , _. •

One 1Dfol'm8Dt told me that the form &!!e e e tl.lle ... is acceptabl e

ev-en i f there ia no adjunct.

( iii ) The JPtve.

Simple Imp11cpt1gp.

a3a.ntf'u a6a.tn f i la (p eople wilo arc about to co o)

la6a.nt f u a.flanga ~Uta caSo.ntfu n.Bangevc B,..t.e. fika .

l"'' note that t!le nega t ive in - !,! i s acc eptable oven 1:f' there 1s .. &d.junct.

a6antfu a6aaa. ta. tika (people llio are still to come)

at>ant:f\1 a6aJIPBa ta f Un lapha (p eople l'iho are still t o come h ere)

a6ant fu a6 a.ngaa .... tuu.fi.ka

a 5ant f'u a6angas a tuufika. l apha

n ote tha t the :frar negative 1n -n i s not acceptabl e h are.

~clusiTe Izqplioe. ticm.

aua:nt!'U aBase Bet a fUa a8ont fu. W>aDgekatuuf'ikn (people who are Uroady about to come)

One 1nf o1'1119.nt tol d me tllat the negatiTe f orm e.5apgne s e Beta f ika

i s acc eptable even 11' ther is no adJtmct. i th t.m a djunct. of course.

the negative i n - D. is a.cceptab~e. '1'h1a would be !!&A.Pf[eY8 s e Beta f ilra

pep1e (who ar e not y et about to. come now ).

a6 e.nt:f\l a5akhomba (people who want)

( 1T) 'nl e Pyt.

a&aatt\1 aBakba•ba ka.d ze (peopl e who went lat e )

a 6ant:tu a.Banga tange f)alcham'be

a6anp taDge 6alhambe ACM!o&-'1

a5a.nU'u • • • , .. ..,.

J:'OSl~lTe .. f<.C?.C e nr .Negati T e a (vi ) The trmete Pas t Contiuou s .

Stmpl e Implicati on.

umntfu o6 ekhamba. ( t he J"JWn who was going)

• , •,.•••~"• : •_••••• · •· .. • · • ~

umntf'u o6ekhamba nawe (the mnn who waa goir~ wi th you )

:Frogressi v e Implicatio~t.

umntfu o B esa.kt.amba (the ma.n who waa still going)

UlDDtf'U. o6 es e.khamba nawe (the llRn who was sti l l going wi th y ou)

umn tfu oS enga.khambi

umnt:ra ouengeve ekham nawe

umntfU o6 engasakhambi

umntfu ou engasSTe ekbamba nawe

Not e that the negative i n - ve is acc eptabl e i n the progressive implicati>"t:

~elusive Implication.

umn t f'u o6 ea eyeltbamba (the man llho was already going)

umnt:ru o6 engekakhambi

umnt:ru o6 es eyokhamba nawe (the zm.=1 who wo.s already going wiD you)

Reo tilt

umntfu o8 m1geve s eyekhamba. nawe

(Tii )

umnt1'u o6 ekhamb1le { tlle man who h~d gone)

o engakhamb anga.

umntfu ob eugcrve eldlambe nawe

Progressive lmplicat1on .

mnnt f'U oB esak~JBmbile (the nnn who bad s till gone )

umntfu. o6eaakhambe nawe ( the llEU1 who had still gone w1 th you)

elusive Implicati on.

umntfu o6eseyeldlambU e (the :us.n whohad already gon e )

lmtlt1"u o6eseyelrhambe nawe ( the man who had not yet gone with you)

umntf'u o3 eogEJV'e esakbambe na: e

umntfu oB engekaldlambi

Ulmltf'u o6engeve a ayeJrbambe nawe

(vii i ) '::lle Recent Past Contgnpl ate

Simpl e I;pl ica t iop.

Ullllt f'u o6eta khcmba ( the man wh o ns c.b out t o go )

\lllmttu o6et a khamba nawe (the man vmo wa.e ab out to go th you)

\DIJiltfu o6 aogtl tuuldw.mba

umnt fU o6engErVe eta kbamba nawe

Prosreeai ve Implica t i oD.

t.mmtf'u o6esa ta. ldlomba (the man "«'bo was s tUl abou t o go)

umnt :f'U o6eaata ldlamb a. nawe (the man who was s till a bout to go

with you )

1Iot3 the aboance of the negative in -n.

lDIDltfll oo engasatuukhemba

lm:lltf'U o 3 engaaa tuukhamba nawe __,

Toe1t 1T •

urnntf'u o j .,oy _ t:-. ld1 lbn. (the n :-.ilo . alre::ldy about t o o )

l.D!m'tfU o8osayetn. kh...~a nm-; { tbe .n llto v.ae aJ.rer-~ ~bout t o go

with yau)

Ulllltfu awnyeldwm'ba. (the mn . _o !7U!J ing)

uzmtfu owo.yengn f'.mbi IUl: e (tha man mo vm.a not co with a)

FJoqeae1Te Ig:l1oqt1op.

urmtfU ouayoonkbnmba FfPII (the 11nn 1ho o ~till o1ng)

UD'lt:f\1 ownyangaaa)tuzbi e ( tb linD !lo "Wan no long en' goj wit!t you)

umtfU ~"Jeyel-":lamb (the InOl1 \!to e nl.raa.dy go1 )



-umntf\1 owo.yekb Ue (the J:llft mo ~nd gone)~

tm~ntftl cnray~ tb n-.r.-7~ (the m.n .l!lo hod ne w1 th you)

l)=osrw1Te IJgplion t l sg.

\m1tf\1 ovaytl!J;;"\Mt lbll 0 ( the JlnJl ®o had otUl

uomt fu oway~e ~&we (the Who bad o t i ll no w1 th you)

5g11uglye !m11o;$1og.

uatt i'U ow~oosyeldvrobile gztfU ~elmkb 1 (the DEUl ~0 had a1r sady SOD )

-·--· eyolch • DD.W8 .ho llt\.d not yPt gono with you)

wmttfu t1'118.Ytm8 0 B Cfye&ll.UII:illle


(x) ':he Rat Fas t Cont . l at.a,.

Sil!pl e !l!w:J1oat1og.

tmfttfn ~~ 1rb na.we (the J!nJ1 :.o as about to •




umnt_ ~ atuu»wmb


Rxolusiya Impl1qat1op.

umnt:fu o5eaeyeta khamba

(the ~~en was al.rea.d.y abo t to go)

lZII!rJ.t:rtt o&eseyeta lCb.amba naY umnttu o6 eageYe aeyeta (the man 'Who was already about ~o kba:mba nawe

go with you} . (Till) The Reote Paat Contimlous.

St-ftle lmpl1oat1op.

umntfU owayeldlambe. ( the man who wae going)

\Biltftt owe.yekhemba nawe (the man who waa going w1. th you)

Progr•aive Impllest1~

UDttf'U owayaea'd?amba umntfU 0'\I'&Yeag&.salCbambi (the man who was stUl. going)

~tfU away aeekbambA nawe Ulllllttu owaymgaawe ---(the maD who wae stUl going vi th you) nawe

Exc1ualye lpa?llcatlcm..

Ullllltfb owa.yeaeyekhamba ~ti'U. owe.ycgelraldym'b1 (the t:ru1 who W28 already golzl8)

UlllltfU OW8\Ve&e'.Y"e)t!E&ba na.we UIIJiltfU owayeagSYe aaye'Mwtba (the :aan who was already goi ng na.7e

with you) (iEl The Rwte Paat Pcfect.

Sbrple Implioe.tio;.

~tfU cnrayel<hambile ( the JIEJl who hod gone)

18alttu ~e nawe (the an who bad gone 11'1 th you)

Progreaoive Impl.i ca. tlg.

aaDtfu owqosakhamb1le .-nttn owa,yengasaldlaabaDp. (the .an who YY a till away)

umnt:tu cnm.yeea.khBl!lbe Dawe umntf'u owayeagne •aJ0t88be D&We (the an who was stUl away with you)

l!glglve !pp1 l@tlcm..

~t:na Ofl&788f1Y•)bm6Ue ( tbe •n who had a.lre&47 gone)

~tfu eway•eye»taa'be Jt&we ~ttu oway-awe • ..,..eMI_,'ft w (the aan who hacl --*~ gcme With 1ft) ·

(x) The R•te Paat Contgaplated.

.mtfU CJW&78t& kbamba (tbe an who wae about to go }

1m111t:nt owateta lhamba us e tamtftl ~n'3 eta 'Mwl'lMl (the - 1lbe wu a'Mat tO .. with you) D&We


Proqessive Implicpatiop.

U8ltfU owayesall'h•ba (the man who waa s till going)

'l.DimtfU owayeaa•a]cb,_,. D&We (the man who was - ~ going

with you)

llote the absence of the nega tive in -n. ExcJ.tsiye Implioa.tiop.

Ulllllt:tu owayes eyekbamba (the man who wae already goiDg)

UIIIDt:t'U cnrayes eyelcbamba D&We (the man who was already going w1 th you)

umntfU owayangaaalcbambi

uamtfu cnra;y.agaaalcbambi D&We

uamtftl cnraymgeYe aeye'lcbaaba nawe

· Aa t ar as the claaaification of the use of the Rela tive Conatruct­

ion are concerned, :Baca h nothi new to reYeal. Illustrative ..,.,.,lea

of the d1Ti•iona will tharef'ore auff io

(i) SUbataative qualified aa aubject of the relative predicate&-~ .

tllllltt'Cl olr:hul.el.e kulonina akalungi. (A teraon who is brdJtht up by his mother' a peoJ)le ruwer doee well.)_,

Hini le engce 1' md11ni? ( 1hat is thia that baa entered the hut?)

llaal.i 1haJ i elingalr:hwelwa hlDIIDttu. (Hare ia a horae that c811 be riddc by a fellow. )

( i1 )SUbstantive qualified aa obj eet of the rela tive predicate in etteota­

HiDkatauyaaa ~diyati. . . (She ia a gtr!r'uaed to boY~.

A8ant:fU endillga6aqondzl kahle h&la8o u8atJh oko. (The people whCIIIl I do not underataDd well are thoae you mean)

K1ra.'kublllib• end.ima. tiko. (It wu a fellow I mew. )

( 11i) Sub•tantive qu i:tlecl brought

relative predicate a-

li'dl&one ldlaap. elimaphiko madze l1Dd1nga. etl k'nll. (I s aw a 'ft1 ture who•• 'tt'iDp were lo~~g fiyiDs abo'Ye •••)

satllta eligxt!lli el:bdtshi aikhul.U. ( • came to a toreet llhoae tre• wee big.)

Le Dko81 ebaJ 1 lih1atJ iwe hU6a' ' (Who ia the chief whoae horae has been stabbed?

(iv) Substantive brought into copulative relation.ahip with the relative


lla&D4i i~a. cdelatJhlra hl,o. (B.-e 18 the doctor by whom I waa h-.J.ecl. )

Ulltatl a&a.JutJwe huye hu.olokata~~a. (The,..._ by wham they haTe bee tln.l8hed [ . e. beritcb~ia the

daughter·i~lsw. )

Hllelo 1qhiDp •anced.,. hUo. ('Dlat la the pl&D by which we w.-e -.de noo•atu.J..)

( T) SUbstanti Te brought into adverbial r4ationahip w1 tb the rel&tiTe


I.oca.t1Tea IhaJ 1 end1ktnrelele ktrilo li6oTU. (The horse on U!ich I am riding is brotm. )

IaatrumeatalaUmkhontto mrahlatJwa ngawo ullcapluqi kwa.lcuhowakhe. · (The spear with which IIca~ was stabbed waa hie own. )

CoDJunct1Teaii~a atike nato t18uhl~ (The news he has brought io sore.)

li~ .. with which he has come

.-eloLU&er-comparison a wanting.

Poeitio~ a I11Ti SDdiae eti ktralo hileli. {~ conteation is thi•• ) , lit. The word on which I aa dall

standing is t.bie.


CJ!pter VIII.

lbe VFb ( ooptinUed.l

Dtf1c1mt Verbs.

The ~or1 ty of the daticieat Tarba i n Bace. are followed e1 thar by

the SV.bjunctiTe or by the Participial Jlood, but a f• are fol101red by

the I!rlini ti Te.

(1) l)ef'1o1•t Verba- followed by the SUbjunct1Te&-. t

-k\. -m a 'l'he tom -a is used per~ivel.y to 1nd1 te •i:t you pleue;

•3uat thio once" , •:tor the time be1Dg• • . . . .. S. !&a Afmd1 tJ m' 1Dyaa1. !Juat tell me the truth~

Q. uyi6811lbe J nd1yeta. ( 14 it for the tiae beiJJg J I • o•'ng)

The fora -U. 111 ued 1n direot e~t•mta or queeticma to indioate

"happadag at acrm.e time or otluu·• • . . . .... ll4f):e nd16a8one la.So 6ata ti. (I ecaetiaee see those wcac.)

B&t• 6atjhaa na ukutahi aama! (Did they a t ~ tille aak you to oome in?)

-~ 1 1ad!•t1na •to happm a t lut• •

.. g. Xjra4H b&&omra ~ w•b6l. (At 1aat the track o:t aD ax wu discoTared).

m'.:L.al.w,n1 WB4M wateka! (Did i'e1•4l"'"fn1 get married at laaU)

-$1~d{M 1 1n41eat1ng "happabg aoensr tban expect~ or pr .. turel.T' .

e. g. Ilrnrele eti6ot$hwa aae ti t{het{ha tinqutabek .. b~ow~ ·

(Hair tbat is c••• with n 2

'a a1q fall• pr..atural.7.)

Leto nUCIIIbi ttaU tlta t{h!'\fha tedse Jliaelapha •···•••• eGell.

(These girls of yuura ril.l quiekly get married. lihUe 7VU are atiU

here 1n the ... JIIlDea~

- AllYS 1 ladl•tlq •to h&pp• sca1n•, •to happen subaequ•tJ.,.-, or lat..C . . . . .... ~tehi II& p418pe atttayateh .. (He 1Drit• me to haTe aDOUl_. driDk.) . . .

Slta gma eiylblawal.e 1.,. atf .. (We aball make oompllaaat1a tor 1i1uli& later em.)

- '-A I iad•tillc •to ha:pp• a t :nzu~-. or iJl 't'atn• . . . . . .. g. Jfua ' )!tg• ubob .. (Do DDt ~--at J"N'dww. )

If•• ,ahllatwa le llbmlt1. ( Thie pat hu be• alauabttrrecl 111 nJ.Ja.)

- -- 1 •te ha!P»• :aa:»eotedl3'f, •to ~ UIIW1e~ • .. s. Yupke yrda 1.,... D'kwm iDgeltatal.l. ('rhat Oft 1Dla;peot~41ed beten

1 t ha4 ha4 ~ .,.,.... )

Upkt ll&altbae D&8811tftl a& .. Al.a. {Yft 1111riael.y snl4 'the aele peepl.e}


~ 1 •to hal'JH!Il te do, or to hliPP••·

e.g. gs@'le afike IWit!la nja *'"*'"*"' nt•mribmns.• (He~ &rriw thia · afternoon. Tf!lry l~al.7

'"" SipSPbl e si)bJ UhJ e teh1 ta Usahlelr:a nj el

(We mq happED to giTe you a hi~ whilo yott are still langb1ngJ) . 'rhe 'f'er'b -~ 1e al~ in the lkJteatiaJ. llood.

( 2) Defici•t Verba f ollowed by ihe Participial od&-

-lt)p 1 llldiaa.ti.Dg • to do or happen oontiJluall.y, of ottm•. . . . .. g. 'ol.m esuJ,a hiaitnB (He ottm suffare ham a sore cheat. )

llUm nUokotiaa aatblo l.apba Dg8lli?

(~ do ,n oonttmaaJJy oaat yoUr q this ~

..,.... 1 1Ddioating "llapptming or do at illtar:vala:

e. g. :m W!Qt eyikhJ ilch) a etalumgea.i ago u. (Ht at intar"f'als ~ve it a tlDraclt em the tbigb. with a switch.)

tppt ub.ta iabtmtl leto ndicbt adiBuye.

llft 8Dd again oaat aa qe 011 the sa-ta untU I ret"ur.zl. )

-~,Sebe a ladieatillg•to happen or do ._ !SaaJly• •

. • ' I • • ' • •a·• -. . .... Lo ab• a41,ta •Giha pd1alcbJ1ldl$U .. (I abaJl hit th1• te.u.cnr at JD

J.aat) . lla vnp.lo6oll 113 .. lt atf..-..1 b--*ftlha ipacoiawt ha881Q"8 a&altt~J .

( It ,.u do not lo'bola t.h1a airl w1ll. f'1Da.l.l.y be abdllcrtect by oth• fellnw.) .

.. llote tbat -Rh'\?l!e. 1• &lWQW tollcnrt4 b7 the Psrfeot TillS.. 11h• ••

aa a def1o1•t ... _.,._

~-a ladleatllla • te happm ~ dO nemigbt•, 11t. •4mm• • .. 84t IaU'IE1 k!ya 1eatJh11 .. (The girl abaoaaded. oya:might.) . .

Lit_ It d.a'D.td the girl haTi.Dg abe.-.ed.

lla Ala uftle lapba 11 llka&a''

(It ywa die h«re OTC'Rigbt wUl be respcmalble'Pf

Jlott that u a d.et1ol•t .,._., 1Jl 1a al~ followed by the Perfect T-.e.

(3) Det1o1•t Verba tollcnrec! by the In.:tin1tl'f'-!­

.&il:ll:l=- a 1Jld1oat1Da •to happ• o~ do aa a rule"•

.. g. .,,,,..., APr=' )Vlctnr&Lel (He do• aot WRlalll" ride.) . A8a1'at1 &au• uk1aanana ua 6ateY& l.11kl.

(Ait a ftlt ,.... 1m1 te ** •• another 1ihm th.ry atraia ,...,. )

llote ( 1) the .UaleD of the 1D1 tlal. ftW'el of the 1Dt1D1 tTt in U.olllte

aeptlGDt \?)'p'll!la 1Datea4 of •nl'-'J!la .( 11) 121• regUlar nep:ti'Ye

ce" ta'n "''lt 11r 1a ued. 1nt•cbana•'bl7 w1 t:11 the DtiPtiTe 1n -u in ,.cten.u*t • ..,.. • the nle, howeyar 1• aet el.ear ,~or eertda •titlet•t ••lie a•_. :akt


-tahtgla.a a indicati~ •-:;o I-9rtake so!1fA'Ibat of a oertain ac-tion or state: . . .. ..

e.g. L1tlb8Dd• ulama-yiDa• (It is raining etlll81dlat. )

Le' aU1rBDB e11:tb'P4• ulal6a mb1ophe, mttnra aa1$u6i.

(This aniJDal. partakes acaCIIf.aat ar 1lh1 teneaa, but is not quite 11h1 teJ . ~ .

In concl.UIIiOJl refarmee may be made te tboae detect1Te Terba 111h1ah

are used "de:t1o1stly" caluaiTel.y in the negative conJllgatiOD.

:Bea1d• -n and -B. whiCh haTe already bem ~et with in the chapter on

OODJuption. there 1a 111! indianthlg•Dft'es-•. It 1s o:tte uaedl in

r~ar•ce to fUture time, and is o:tte ~oyed instead ~ the regaJ.ar

'!*7*' Future TillS&. in ~tlo ~egaticm.

e.g. §JIU ruU'kbawbel ( GoJ Jlwar1)

Probably the Terb-at• is :-11. , O% the s•• -B that 1a uaed. 1D the

negatiTe ot the Paat Ind1oatiTe. Scae of the other llgzi dialeotll m the ..... Traukei a.c. llpoDd.aia .. haTe the tom.- 10611 PdiiOA• (~t~) ad ., .. lpCiiaoy (r-te), &Dd 11 terar.r Xhosa baa the fo1S em ,.,., The tom 12M woal.d thare:tore aea to be all axtrane caae of el.ia1-.

' •••••• 4 •

aa()'i k)•H >•au .. >u.a ( a ... u>o )

The~ oorr~d1Dg Baoa foDl would the, ot course be ~ •

~tez: IX. . The opuJ.at1ye.

(I) CowJ.at1yes (rca P9lil18 ..

The rules tor the fo:rmatlon ot impe:rscmal copulatiTee are as followaa­

(1) lloun ot all claesee, tbat take the tuJ.l prefix ot their claee,

preplaoe 11- tO the noun-prefix.

Thusa Ulltatl (wamaD) .)humtatl 1 a6atat1(women) )ha8at'at1~

umtahi (tree) >lmatah1 J imltahi(treea) >himit~i.

UlTe(ooUDtr,-) >hlllTe J UI&Te(OOUiltrlea))bamaTe.

laUba( O%"l}'Ple))hlallimaJ 1 tlltJDA( orpple.,)hl til~.

lD.1 a (dog) ~blDJa J 1 t1Jl.1a( doge) )hi tlDJa.

Ulutllhi(rod) >hulutah1J itlntal(roda) }hit1Jltsi.

u6ub]alu(beada) >bu&uhlal.UJ---------­

ukudla (food) .)hukudla 1 ---------____ _. .... ~-

(2) !TWBa o'f Clue 3 abc. that take the oontraoted pre'flx !-,and ncnma . of Clu• ~ sl!lg. that take the contzaoted pre'flx ll-• pr~oe 1,-, not ll•

Thusa lha$1 (horse) .)l.iha$11 lgcoktre (chicles) >11gcolar~

u'Jctmnl( tirftood)ltulchuniJ uhl ala\ (door) )lubl&Jr:a.

(3) NOUDB of Clua 5 p~ur. and Olaaa 6 plur. that take 'the coatraotH

pre'f!-X ll(l!)-, prepla.oe 1- to the prefix.

'l'hua& linkomo (oattle) )tlln'kWme J 11Dtt•b1 (maidens) >tliJlttoabS.. '

11Dktml( firewood) >ttSnlaJni 1 llnblaka (doors) )'tltnb]ab..

Rnm;pl• o'f the uae o'f CopUlatlTea tr• nounaa-. 'tN&clslkaae wa&ul&wa ha&t+'h._, (lla4sJ.lame wae r:slaill by the Th•bU•) . . L1fb- hlaU'm- (Th1a b-t la a cu-lpple.) ·

ukudla nita kuphlwa h.HpDko~ (You are going to be ted. by ynr aothen~ . . Be6e116ele lijtY',. (They delayed 1n a bea-c!rink.)

The rule tor the fonat1en ot the D~B&t1Te ia aa tollowaa-

To the J»>81 tlTe fora prefix _., •d let tble be }JJ'eoed.ecl by Hie

'l'huea h18tat1 >aTe _,_,a t1 {1t 1e ut a,....~

h1ll1 t8hi ~e kllhi:al tah1 { 1 t ia not tre•• )

lv]ctnud >aTe bJ.v)tnmt ( 1 t ia not t1r.nod. )

Penoll&l Copulat1na are ton.ed ~ nOUD8 b.r pret1:rlng1 to tbA 1»­,....,,.,,et£ l'RHDal. "JN].8tlna fon18 1 the 81lbjeot1TB1 oenoord ot the no1111 ....

~ :~.~;~~~

Thuea ~at1 >Ulmm:tati (ahe ie a wa~DBD)

ha6afa tl >68ha6a~ ti ( • .,. ve wac)

h1$U!ma )lhiallima ( it is a cripple) .

h! t111ma. >t1hi t111ma (they are cripples. )

The negatin is formed by prepl a cing a -ve. with or without the concord · J,~d t'l t- ,o .. Lor d..

of the noun - :a tTe, to the personal posi ti Te f orm 1n the

Fart1cip1&1 Kood.

Thus& uhum:tatl .)a(k&)ve ehUmfat.i (ehe is not a woman) .

6aha.Oaf'ati >a,( 6a)Te 6eba6afat1(they are not wamea).

1hiaU1ma >a( y1 )ve ihlsil!Jas ( 1 t is not a cripple) •

tD1tU1ma. .>a(ti)Te tihitilima (they are not oril)ples) . Recmt -

The 'n 11 and Remote Past to:rms za of the il!lperaonal copU].atiTe are .· ~

f'ol"'l~ by pr~tx1ng !ml-, k1r§h.- respectively to the impersonal poait)-e


ThUs 1 lnmlta tl


> 6 alcuhum:te. ti ll t wo.a a woman) ·~kwa.lalblafat1 • " " " ) , BelruhitinJa it ...a. dop) ) ltwakuhitin.ja • " • ) •

The peraonal 1a formed by prefixing the subJ ecti Tal concord of the J10UD

t ~!o l,~d b1. tht- ~.~ n t-OYJti- • • liHa u ~:pulati-Te to the auxillarlee - l!. -D. ~oording t6 teue. fbi•

ls thea prefixed to the aimple blparaoD&l forma.

Thua a btn1ma1 .)e&ebtnnal(he ._. a ehld).

~·s.t• . " " ).

The lmperaoD&l negatln Reoct Uld R..ote Put are formed by prefixing

JMll-t lRrakg- respeetlT~Y to •MIJ• Thla ia followed. by & - plua the

at..ple ilil;pcaoD&l f'«ma.

Thua 6ekuba8atat1 > &elmngn'e lmb•6atatl ( 1 t wu not wee).

ltnlaJha6afat1 >kwalamgne lcub.a5afnt1(1t waa not woac) • . &elmht tlnja )8ektrngeYe :tubltiDJa (it w.e not dop).

k'n.kllb1 t~a > knlamgne kuh1 tiD.j a( 1 t w.a not dop) .

8 eblulrh1mi ~ itlninceYe kuln,.,_S ( 1 t waa not t1r-o4) • Put

The peraaal nep.t1Te ,.1a tOl'"laed by pretSxtns the nbJectlTSl. C8JlCOr4 • ,;..,; JIU Of Tht. LQ.)1 t-D "''"'

ot 'the DOUil -~ ..-.,..M.1Te to the aurtl1ar1ee -!!. • D ac•~ te . . teaae. 'l'hla is the preflzed to -M•t. The pC"aonal. copalat1Ye fcma


Thue a e6tb1nkoal >-tB-cSYe ebtnkea1 (he •• not a chi.t)

wayehlDkoal ~--"• ebinkoai(he • " " " )

8e6tllaJNLlr'1oa1)6eSengeTe 6eb•mekbeal (they wve not ch!Ma)

6 fJ

( Ia} cm'•tiya 1)jlll POUpiJ 1p the loqattre fom.

IalpsreODal. oopUlatiTee are ~ed. f'rom nouns in the locat1Te fora by.

prefi:d.Dg g- to the locatiTe. To &Told hiatus,-&- is inserted betwec

the aubJeot1Tal concord &- and initial ,t- of tbe locatiT

Tlnuu •tini(at the village) )kuk•t1n1 (it is a t the Tillage).

aldlaya( at home) )kuke.'kbaya ( 1 t 1s hame) .

ltulibonda (at l1bon4a.)

baKe&11 (at ali' e)

)lcuk:Ulfbcm.da.( 1 t is 4lt Kbon~).

)k:ulcwa:llaaJ.i( it ia Uaali' e) .

The negati Te ~· fomed by prepla.c1Dg !:::I.!fw1 thout any conoor~ to the

poeitiTe tom.

ThUs. lcuk•till1 >aTe kukelrtlfti (it is not at the Tillaae). . >ave lmkekhaya (it is not home) .

)aTe lcu1mllbonda( 1 t is not J!bonda) •

.)&Te ltUlamllaal1( it 1a not l.!aal.i ' • })l.aoe).

The Reo•t and R.ute Paat, poai tiTe, a:re formed by preplaciDg b-.Ba­rupectiTe:ty to the poaitiTe.

'l'lmaa kuk•tini )6eblcemtin1 (it was at the Tillage).

)ltwalaakemtiDJ.(lt wae at the ~ce) •

..,WkUhaya .>e Uukokhaya ( 1 t waa .. hame) • . >ltlralalkekhaya(it waa hcae) .

laJkullbond& >fseknlmllbonda(lt waa a end&) • . )larakukultbonda( 1 t waa llb0Dc!8).

The Reeent aDd Reote Put, nesatiTe, are toraed b7 preplaemg §J&­

palql- r~jeotiTel.y to -vne. and letting this precede the Pr•et ,


nmaa 6ekuk.tin1 >B411nznaerre kuk•tW (it was not at the Tillace)

ltnlcuk•tlni >ltwa.kuDBerre lmlcetW.(lt wa.e not at th~ T1llase).

a ekUkekha:ra >a 41lnznaeYe kukelr:ha,.a (it waa not h•e).

kwa]alkUha,a )ltwa.kuDgeYe kuke'kh.,.a( it waa not h••).

Bekvlmll'bcm4a )6elrungne ltukullboada(1t waa not ll'boll4a) • .

~da )kwalamgerre kull:u14bea4a(it waa not UboJicla).

&emkw~&ll >B411nznaerre laalarallaall(it wae not ball'• pl.aee}.

Jtwa,ltUknl{aali >ktra.mngwe kulara.Vaati ( 1 t waa not Kaall' • »].aoe).

p_..oDAl aapal.s.tlTee are formed :tr• MlUUI in the looatiTe fara b7

pr~lxiag the aubjecti'ftl concord to the n~ in the loaat1Te tor.. the coacord being that of the noun implied.

"" To avoid hia.tua, -k- is insertecl between the sub~ect1Tal. concord and

1ni tial e- of the looat1Te. -Thus a •••\•

etini ~lld1k•tin1 (I am 1n the village) •

\8 a'khaya ..>\akUhaya (he is at home).

~81li ) tikemf"Ulci( they a:oe em the riverside) .

lmlibonda > ntkullbonda { ygu are at Ybonda).

kwalfaali >'.la.kwa.Usal.i (they are a t l!sa.li' s) •

The negat1Te is formed by preplacing a - Te, with or withOut the ooncord . o~ the noun 1mp11ed, to the positive tona.

n1kullbonda 6ak I:OwaYaal.i

) a(ndi)ve nd1ket1n1 (I am not

) a(ka)Te eke»laya(he ts not at home).

~a(nl)ve n1lmllbonda(you a:re not at J.tbonda) .

> a(6a)Te 6ell:waU'aal1(they ue not at llaal1' a) .

'l'he Reo..t aDd R.ate Paat, peaiti-...ate formed by the use of the

auxtliari• - §.1.-D r eapeot1Tel7 With the concords of the notm 1m;pl1ed..

Thia i e »retizect to tbe peno~ peal t1Te form.

ThwJ a ndlk•-tl nl >eendikemtini (I was in the vUlage) •

..)ada(ye)adik•tilli( Iwae in the Tillage) .

6ake.kha:va >se&ekekha.ya(t.bq w-.re at home) .

)6a.8ekekbaya(they wee at home) .

t1kfiii1Ulllli >61t1kelltul4Wli (they were at the riverside) .

>tat:re)ttkemt\llei(they ware at the riverside) .

The Reoent ad Raaote Past, llec&tln, are formed by the uae at the

awd.l1ar1ee b. D. reapeot1T~ with the cODoord of the notm im.pli~

This 18 preplaoad. to • pB!"!t. which ia followed by the positive fora. ,

Thuaa led1k•ti n1 .>&tadincne Dd1k•t1n1( I was not in the Tillage) .

6et1keldla7a .>6ettagwe ttkellha.,.a (they were not at home)

6a6ekwallaa11 ~(ye)a-c.,.e 8~a11(they .._.e not at llaal.tA~

( Ib) Copul.at i T• fNa llOUDB in the P08f .. 81T• :toga. •· H• e we t 1D4 only the !mpersoD&l. t~ra • It M formed by pret1x'~~g ll-

to the llD1Dl 1D the poaaeea1Te :rea.

'.Oluaa elika&&WO (1111' :tathen'a) > heJ.1ka6awo (it ts my fathar'e)

..,...t f'WaD&( tbe oblld'a) >hillr ... ttnaa(It is the eb.Ud'a)

o8ubl'aa11 (lie all ' •) > ho811bHaa11 ( 1 t is llaali' •)

~e a ep.t1n b :tonlecl aaeU,. lU. the neptlve fd the illpera•D&l

t era w1 th DOUD8 ill their ablple foB~.

·~· Pt. r-So ha. / CtJfultt 1. Vej a. re f>tH$ 1·b.(.. /n /J,~ fsl 4- ~ ... ,{ 'PLr>1.o,s,SJin9· ~ ·J · .., II,-;., " k a. ft/1 ,., C,ht S.l., <L L I a.~ j\1 ..., t.h,·sa.. 1u2-'s); 1 U hoka &t ~ [ /..tJ .,4Sl. ¢"£ t.Ht~


In ~e pocaessive f~ hO\Tever, -n ie n£Tar procoded b y the subjectiv41


Thuaa h e11ka6mro >ave lmhelika6awo ( it io no t J!!3 f at::ler' s).

>aTe lmhawenkos i ( the-.r are not the chi • a) . h.awenkoBi

The Paat Tenses are &lao fo:rmed qui tc r egul.arly l i ke thos e of the simple

f orm.


Poe1t1ye. Ns at1ve.

6ekuhelU:aBan (it was rq t ther's ) ;> elnmgwe :tuha11laL6awo.

6akuhawekoel (they Wftl"e the ahief'a ) > elnmgeve kuhawlllkoa1.

kwaltuhal.Ua.Sawo ( 1 t 1m8 Jll3' f thar • s ) > lara.lau2geve kllha11.lal6aw.

L."Walr:Uhawankoai (they were the chief' e) > kwalrungeye kuhawar:akoa1.

( II) CopUla tlyee fl:'CliQ Pron?UH•

{a) FrOIIl Absolute Pronoupa, The rUle f ar tb formation 1a as tollwaa­

To the Absolute Pronoun mlrma the 8\d'fix -a. prefix Jl- f ollowed b7 a

TOWel ae followa a-

(1) in the lat pca011 eiDplar, 1!. •

(11) in all other ••• the Tcnrel cd the eubjeotlYBl concord (lr••t

lDdioatlTe)of the cl.ua of the noun implied b7 the pronoun_

The forms are therefore aa followa a-

Sip g. PJ.v. let Psra. ll1lm h1tah1

2nd Pare. huwe h1D1

Cl..l • huye ha6o . 2 • hmro hi~ . 3 • hilo halro . 4 • hiao hi to . f; • hi yo hite . 6. Jmlo hi to

7. lm6o --a. hub --

Pcacmal oopulatiT• JIIB.Y be f ormed by pretixiDg the eu~JectlTal ooncord ·~

the 1st aDd 2Dd paraODB aDd a. Clua 1 al.Dg. and plur. to the a'boYe 'f~. . . e.g. Ddilnaye (I at he) , aiba8o (we are thq) , &ahito (the;y are thq) .

The :ror.atlon of' the negatlTe le 110 .. ao clear that 1lluetrat1Te tabl•

will be .u'f~lcient.

let Pfrr

2nd Pars.

Sl ngnl.P_r .

' •*''''*•

ave :kulmwe

Plll.Xl~. , •. , .... aTe kuhi tehi

aTe kuhin1

Cl.l. aTe lazhuye nTe kuha.Oo

2. aTe kuhuwo aT kuhiyo

etc. etc.


"Q1;ma't1o pronominal copuJA.tives are o~ed by prt)f'ixing h.- to the

aJZ.Phat1 c pro:coun.

Thus a

The negativ~ is fo?med in the o e wr;.y aa tha t of tho Simple Abeolute.

Thus: h oyana .>ave lmhoysna, halona .;)ave mhelonaf}lo6ona .)aTe kaho&~

r.i'he ~a.t T&'lSSB ez~ qu1t9 plain · d need not be ex.pl.a1nod.


los1t1Tt. ll£?:t1..-q.

(it ·.as I}

kwalalhi tshi { 1 t 1rn "":8)

a iJnmg<N~ la1lmm

ktm.kunge'f'e kuh 1 tah1

D"akuheyona.( do.

(b ) Formatiop of CopUl.a.tiv e trom D.ol:lstra tivs Pronouns

The rul. e for the formation 1a a a 1'ollowa:-

'l'o th~J full 4-.ctnstrativa pref'ix o yllable vi th ~ as in1 tia1 p.1:\on e. The

TeWel to110'111ng h- ia th a~• the TOWel of' tho subj ectivnl. conoord

{Pr•ont Ind1 tive) of the class of the noun implie~ by tbe pronoun.

The t&hle is there:tore as :t'ollowaa-

l at Po!l t 1op.

hul.o hal&6a hul.o hUe h1l el.i hsl.a h1lea1 hileti bil e hlleti htl.o1u hUet1 hulo6u hnlokn

;m4 Poeition.

hulcnro hala8o hulOf'O hilfqO hllalo bal.&WG hileeo hileto hilqo hUttto ~olo hileto h1alo&o blal.oko

The tor.mat ton of the negat1Te is elear.

"Rnlllpl•a- ATe kvhile adft4S&e (It 1a aot tbia Jll8lle)

3!:d Poei t1op.

lmlowa hal.a.Gaya lmlcrR. hilfiY& hilel1ya bala1ra hilMiya hileti;ra h11.,-a h1let17& hulo1u,a hilett.,a hulo&'IQ'&· hul~

ATe lmbal a,a an tnt_ (It ia not yolllller people. )

AT e kuhUeto tlirt81. (It 1e DOt those rods. )


These are fmomecl b7 p~ef'1rl 1!.- to the pronoun in th~ aaeaaiva fcma.

nnwa tl.am > hel . • ...... oletht'u > el~ fu

awal:ho J cnr >how etc.

D' tiTe: aTG Jrubel (it is not Jlline 1 J n kuhcJ.~ (it 1u not oura )

aYe kuhowa'tho ( 1 t 18 not yottrB) nve !:ubowam( 1 t is DO'\ youra).


8ebahelal (lt

&ekuhel.t.b.fta ( l t



~(lt .... yo\iri) ~ ~

-~.au ( tt -.a ,..,. ) kwalamgeya a mbow--.

( 4) :PO'!'JI&,19D o( Co;pala,ly!l tna . ~at! ~e FnM!"W•

Ia the peeltlTe l3aea do• Mt dlft• with z-]v-Xboaa. t ill tbe aecatl~•


aisonke ( o ~,. ell th ' I

17QD]ce (it 1 aJ.1 1ibe:ro)

Dd!adH&i I alaDe)

l.Uo4a1 ( lt 1a alaao)

U t.ib1D:l('be1:h nzoe toc..ther 1

&•1.-ke(we ••• all thre)

111,_ge (it._. all there)

&•'51Moclst( I -. alolle}

e11le4d ( 1 t wu alene)

&..U to.biJil (bOth ••• together)

R \!PatS,.


D' ,ny.

a( 1 }•• cil.lOJike

a( J1 )ve 1yollk-.

&(1141 )"1'8 lldlDdedd.

a(l•• lUodd

a( t.i )va ti t~lDl

--" •1•~· iDs o t y onke

81Jd1 Jtaf!N a;lf ndo4D.

el.t,..no lilodzl

e~ut 'dat

-1--*• (w were all ._,, tocelll•) ••'•"'• ailiollke

DC!SIIM.......S(I w.a al.-) Ddaadt~e Jldt.....,~

taU....,lld( both • •• tes•••) ta-tt.aswe tlt.Nnt!

..,.,.«+hla•(all tin wee tec.aae) qn•we .-.:•a-a.


(III) For1!19.tion of Copul.a t!Tea :f'rOJD J.4.1 !'9~ivee end Relatives.

'l'heee do not differ :trom those of ZUl - - o • The only diff :mco is ~

in the neaa.t1 e . A faw UlU3tratiTP- ~mp


mkbn.lu {he i s b1 ... )

~ 1Dlle (it 1o tina )

W:.11 therefore suffic


a( ka )v e Slkhulu

P.{yi)ve 1nble


matshatb.f'u( thal" e are three of +JlEm) a( )'Ye tDBtahatb:fu

u6o'YU(he 1s r ed) a(ka)ve e5cnu

16UL~ungu (it 1a •ore)

ama.nti (they re w.t )

e3CEJ&61ni (there t•ere two)

tat1mrvmdz1 ( they were nice)

a( y1 )ve i oubl.UDgU

a(wa)ve t1.

to. tiDgeTe t1 maudz1.

(IV) .Formation of Copulative~~ frca .. al • •

Of the tbree numeral.a -m!f -1!!.? and • -abg onl.y the first haa complete

ftmncopul a.tive fonDS. 'l'heoe e form by }n"efoxing h;- to the mnaral eon­


'l'h1la a Ql&lph.1? owuphi? > homuphi? howuph1? (which one 1e he?)

a&aphi! >ha aphi? (which on• are they? )

Copll.a.tiv~ y b s formm f:ro:n - Ill,? "tt.u , the preceding concord impl.1 • & · CJ'r' Clfts' SSI"t15 ·

noun of Claa•. 1 •ing• or Claaa 3. plur?\fhis _is done by. ~ref1xill6 a- to the

ft•• oonoorde IY' Cla.-ss 5 ~,·~ ~ - 1,'1- , ·~ ~r e.f'l ~d 1o -~ . .

Thwn ~' .>!ami? (of what tribe 1a he?}a ••nt. ? >huwu1~ (11h&t tribe _ ni ? 7 hi.,; ? (&)) ~at ,·& i-f!) . ar they?)

The other cla6aea tto not l'srmi t of copul.a t1vee . I f ~ copuletiv e hu to b~

f01'~' tl. noun ia me.de ruJ.~;Yive, and -;1? i s u- qual.1t1oat1Te.

e.a. ha(jautiU 5&111? (whn.t peopl e e.re they? ) !huP'ltahi mni?(what wood is it?)

- too CW~.n only function ifi tin.

e.g. beme•hd rambc (they e.re diffe:rmt la~ds).

bll8uao 6umbe ( 1 t 1a a d1 'tf cr t oe) •

liatural.ly tb.sru oan be no n tlve for.. of IIUIIleral copulatlv•.

The lrllaediate and Remote Paat are fol'Wle4 by prepl&olng 6.,_ , knb- to

f~ of th& Pr•lllt•

e. g. &.mhel.l phi? (which Olle wu 1t!h knbbn1Jih1!(11hlab OnH ._.. theTf)

&eltubulrn1?(wbat tribe .... he!) t lLirablb-_.t?(what tribe wee thqt).

PG"SOII&l oop111at1v. aa.y be formed by Jll'efixtng the aubJeoti'ftl ooacord of

of the MUD flllr-11 e4 to the impllreOD&l ror.. e. g. hUIID1? > ~~? (to what tribe dp b~HI')

hcnnzphi? ,...monpbiJ (which •• are ,.na!)

(\') Forms.~ion of Copy13_~1v~ 1'rem Attr!t.'b.!.a

Isperacmal copUla t1 Tea may be formed from certain a dverbs by pre:tixil'J6

&,-till: to the adT«rbiaJ. farm.

T!msa apha ~lml.aphg.f:lt is hereh ~it)hane >kukutitjhane(it is nea-)

~~oo oommenc~ in ,t- ina art -E.- after !!!- • e.g. etulu ,_kuket6lu (it is w the t op )Jokudzeni >lmkekudzeni(ii; !a far)

'l'ho Dega.tlve is formed by prepl.acing ~ 'ritlwu t the sub jecti'VB.l con-


Thus t kuJ.a}h"'ta > avo ku.1.apba ( i t is not hsre)

kllketulu ave :tu1:etuJ.u ( i t is not on t.ho top}

Past T ena es 1

::0£ t1Te.

8 o.kul~~ ( 1 t wae here)

6~1tShP.no (it "'as nec.u· )

Baktm.gtWe kula.pba.

6 e.kungeve k1.1kuf1 tJm..ne.

Gekukllkudzani{it s far u"uay) 6akuJ:lceve lmkakudzem.

l~"'tiliotulu ( 1 t .s on tb.e top ) lrna.kut~ ve 1..\lketuJ.u.

Personal OOJnl l fl tives ma~ be formed by pre1'1x1ng the aubj ecti Tal concord adverbi al

of the noun imp::!.i ed to the :ro~.

e. g. ndilapl:la. ( I e ) 1 6a.kufit$heue (they are ne:u-)

6etiketulu ( they ~"'..ZO e a t t..b e top}, yekekudzEi(ha was far away) .

The negE"~tive is formed by p:reJ~hoins E.:.•V with or without the suoject-

1w.l aoncord , to the pes ! tive f orma.

.. g . a( Ddi )Te n41lcpha ( I


not here)l e\T• 8e'tetul.u(they are ut at tne top)


5etU'etulu( iihay were at the top) 6ot1ngn3 t1ketulu.

wayekebldz.U(he wae far away) yangeYe ekeltudzeai.

(Va) !fi!:tln D1piOD!trat1ve ~' tivWJ.

• lf!t Position. Cl.l 8. ftiiiiCil

· p • ll~a

2.2• D8JI8U · p· nand1

~.s; !all ·J>;. '18Dka

.&.s; -..1 ·p• atl

5.s. ..-1 ·p· ne.nt1

s.s; D&lu ·p· D&ti ••s• -.au a. s. nalru

2p4 Pos1t 1yn. Dango D&Gt ~ Dantlo Dal.o nanko 11880 Dato -de DllllW DB1e nato ... nab

~rd l'o~itt?op ... DIIDSQ.Y& D&&aya IIBII8'Q'a n3llcliya nal.1ya n~ya r.aalya x:atiya aandl,a JIBDti,. DB.l1Q'& z:atlya. na81Qa" ~.

(VI) Formation of Copul.atiyw tr• Con.fimctiog.

Copul.atiTee &re formed tram conjtmctioDB by pre:t'Axing the subJ ectival

~D?Ord )9!- to the CO~Wlation_

e.g. ~ lo mfatt elidtlcazi lamphela na?

( Ie it becsabe this wOJDaD 1a a mere concubine?)

ll~a ~ lmqala ukD6a

( •wgo~'tf&oa • is whan darkness begins. )

Int:f'o md11'lga.yitahaDds1 mlmtahi ndibd a.6e ebob

(What I obJect to 1a tbat he ahoul.d speak Tdlile I Bll1 speaking. )

KwaZUlu lgllaphct aaqbawlm khona!.

(ZUluland 1B Vlhare we CEUI1e traml.

EWI:hom laallmpa.ko lapha'

(Is it only now that you are m111d~ here?7

The neptin is formed by prgplacing ~without a concord to the

poaitin fol"'lle

e.g. Aye lamgoSa elidilcazi. (It is DOt because ehe is a conoubine)

Aye kukhona ma~. (It 1e not only now that we are ..uHDg.)

(VII) ±he ~owJ.atiTe ue ~ the Cop.11mct1Te Fomatin M to aiep1fY

poaawei.,. -.4 cd.at•ae.

Personal copule.t1Tea are fonaed. 1JI:.- by preplacing the oonjunctiTe

formatin 2- to a noun, and p~fixing the aubJecti"Bl concord of the -

noun a1gn1ty1Dg the posa•aor • This aipifl• poaseasion. th~ poa•••H

b~ bldiOtltecl by the noun to which a- 1a prepl ed.

e.g. DdiD--.J.i (I haTe moneyh \mawmdla (he is atro~ag ) .

The De(Ptin fd the abon woul.d be M'"""'~· .,;pppumdls§ rapectiTel7

if the aopalatin predioa.t1Te had DD a4Juaa"- If, howft'ar, th•• ,_. • . act.111Dcrtl t the aep.tin wolild be &{P41)Te p4lp 'I· a(ka)ye ....,.na. lllperao-.1 oopulat~T- are fonted by preftxiJig &.- to pa- =tpnp , to

aipif)' •th..-e ta• •

.. g. lampJ.i laJila..(tbere le monq hare), lmpal\apttq aa~-t1(th .. e are .a~ pee»le)

The llti8B tin ~ formed by prepla01Dg I::Y.! ,wt. tbMit uq coDOOrd .J to the

poe1t1Te fCinle

e. g. ATe lam.a.li l apba. ( Th•e ie DO JIIOIUI,Y b_. .. )

ATe klmallanttu. a581Qh•t1. (Th_.e are •t -.z17 people. )

U the oopal.&'t1Te preclioatlve hs.a DO a4Jmlct. the 1Di tla.l "f'OWel of the

J1M1D elaett;,t follodDg Jl!.• ia e114ed. iD the *4Aiee iBIJUII"'Ioaa.l llec&U~

.ad A:18 11 DOt -.pl..,e4. e.g. ahM&atftl (th..-e are ao peopl~J

')p==ll(lhee 1~ ~ .,n~) o

Ttt1. CGFJ!.tin....~~~..dl~

Dle copula ti Te yerb -sa. So -.r we han bee discussing JlCIIl-Tarb copulat1T•·•• ncnr came to the

Tarb -b (be) 'flhich in :Baca, as 1D other !Tguni lSDgUag•, 1s used in

ocm3unot10Jl with the non-Tarbnl copulat1Tea.

COD.1p8at1on o'f the Terb -sa. . Ptt1t1ye.

uku&a( to be)


Sbg; (y)16a(be) Pl111"e (y}16an1

Pz:wmt 1Ddloa.S1n.

JAit P. n416a (I av'becoae) . 2DdJI>. ,.Sa (,.. •/ • )

Cl.l. baa· ( • ia/ • ) etc.

P!rfeot Ipd1oat1Te.

ltt P. nd16e(I waa/ beoaae) . 2lld P. ,a&e (you .. _..; beoaae) . . CJ..l. 'a&e (he -./ becaae)


Pyt Ia41oatiTt.

let P. acla&a (I waa / b.-e) . 2D4 P. ,..Sa (,.na war~ beoaae)

SrdiJ. \rasa (he..,; beoaae) S » etc.

let P. a41ta 6a( I am abou't to be)

s~.:r .. 'ata. &a(he 1• .:;::!111 .to.

. . ) . . )



and151/a(ad1)n Dd15a

awutU/ a(w)Te uaa

alta8i/ a(:ta)Te .sa. etc.

and15111l8!'/ a( nd1 )Te nd16 e

awuarmga/ a( wu )Te u5 e

aka&&DP/ • a(lr:a)Te e&e. etc.

taDge nd18 e •

t.Dge u8e.

a( nd1 )Te nd1 ta 8a.

a(wu}Te uta 6a.

a( ka )Te eta &a. etc.

Rwte ftl!ip;re Ipd1ca\Ue.

let P. ncl&Wa6a (I BhaJ.l 'be) a(nd1)Tt Dda:n8a!

aact P • 1/17& wu.6a (,.,. w1ll be) a( w )Te Qa 1ftl8&e

;,r#J!• • wa6a(he • • ) a(ka)Te .,a wu&a.

- Repwt Pyt CwttPP9!l! Ip4ioaS1y•

lat P. 8md16a(I h a.'bltually a /beoaae) 6wd.!DpYe Dd18a.

21l4 P • ,.SU6a( ,.nl habitually w•.tb-e) u81JDCSY8 u5a.

3rctW- e8e6a(~e habitually ....; 'beeaae) e8-a«e e8a. .te.

/ ?


Reomt Pyt C91ltwplated.Ipd1cat1ye.

lat P. 6ed1ya wu.5a (I shou1d haTe be.vbecome) &•di.Dgft'e ndiya 'ft&a. . . 2Dd P. u81Q&. W116a (you 1f0Ul.d baTe beSJ/ " ) . 3rd P. e6 eyt. wu&a (he

etc. • • • I • )

u6ungwe ~ WU6~

e6eageYe fJya wusa • etc.

Rwte Patt ContirmOUI. Ipd1gat1ye..

lat P. ndaDd16a (I habitually / beaame) ndalldingctYe nd16a.

2nd_ P~ ,..usa (you habitually wer.;'became)

Cl.l. \raye6a· (he ha.bitaally wa.,l beoaae) etc.

fiiUIUDgft'e ..

\rayeagf!IYtt e6a. etc.

Rwte Pyt cmWJ?l.ated.e Ind1cetiTe.

lat P. ndalldiya wu&a (I should have bee/become) ndandingeTe ndi,a wa8a.

2nd P. I'DI()&. wu6a (,au 'WOUld haTe bee/beccae) . . Cl. l . 'my..,a 'fnl6a (he would ha~e bee/become) waymceye 8)a 1NSa.

etc. etc.

PJ:wwt SUbj)mctiye.

lat P. ad16e (that I 118.7 b-.'beo1111e)

2Dd P. u8 e ( tba t yvu may b./beccae)

01. 1 . a8e" ( tbat he JIIB.Y b~eccae) do.

•"" Put 8JtbJlmot1yo.

lat P! adda(/ beoaae)

2Dd P. ,.,.aa (aDd you beoaae)

01. 1. \raaa · ( 8114 he beoaae) ... PJ:wwt Paz:Uc1Rial•

l•t P. Dd18a (I becvwtng)

21ld P. 118a (Y'C* b.,_.hag)

3rcl P • .Sa (he bf'O«Whag) eto.

PKtnt Partltbia.l ..

l at P • nd16 e ( I haTillg bee/beccae) .

Pgt Part1c1R1a.J...

l •t P. Dda&a (I haTiDs bee/becaM) . fad P. wa6a (:YOU ha'rias b--.lbec•e) . .

01. 1. a& a (he ha'riDg :b.-/beo«ae) etc.



anga.&1. etc.



'tnmsa&i. eto •

•sasaap. etc •

Poe1t1D. Future Pa.rt1c1p1aJ..

l at P. ndi ta 6a. (I, about to be/became)

2nd P • uta 6a (you, about to be/became) . . 01. 1 . «~ta 6a · (he, about to b~ec=e)


Prwwt pqtct1al.

let P. ndtnp.6a (I caD be)

2nd P • 1mp.6a (you 0811 be)

Cl.l.anga5A (he aa.n be) etc.

I•!diate PMt Pttwtlal.

let P. 6andlnga6a (I oould bev' baTe bee) . ~4 P. u&1JII888a (,.,a couJ.d b_.l haTe bee)

01.1. e6 mca&a (he could bev' baTe bee) . eto.

Rwte Pyt P,t•t1at.

let P. adaDdtnp&a (I oo11ld bev'ba.Te bMD)

2nd P. wl • p&a (yn ccnald b~e :bee)

Cl.l. 1fa7-aa8& (he could btVbaTe bem) eto.

Pr•m c.ttn'•'­let P • JJplld16a (I ahouJ.d be) . 2n4 P. ~~g..WSa (you should be)

Clel agqe&~(he ehcnald be) -.. Pwrfid Cwt1•mt•

ndingeTe ndita Sa.

ungeTe u ta 6a.

ellg8'f"8 ilta 6 eto.



n]amge&l. etc.

6 ead1Dae61.

u6unge81 • .



wa.yeagf.NS 1. etc.

let Pe asedlle (I ahoald baTe bee/beccae) Dgatd1nga.6aaga• . 2114 Pe as8ft8e (yea sh8uld haTe b._,lbeoame) Dg8WUDga6anp.• . .

R"wt Put Ptrf'Mt CgttvmS,.

lat P. nse6md16e(I ahoul.d haTe b._lbeocEe) qe&mdinga&aap.

2llc1 8114 3rd pRe• •-• aa t'or Sillpl.e pefect aboTe. Iad.n.lte

Rzpt t PyS !•h's Cwtjvw\.

laS P. J18~a8a (I should haTe beat/becae) . :?ad P. •.&...•a (yn ahoal.d baTe b~-.e)

• · T~ he • • • I • Cl.l.DS.Iraaa ( )


ac•d!Bptaaa• Ddiae.


aaqeasatalas• aa .. ... Rzpte Pyt PR'ffi\eCtRtt••t.

1-' P. as-..daudi6e {I should !lava b-./beccae)

2114 Pe aawwaae (you ahoalcl haye •-lb---.) q....aap~ C1eleDS8n.Ye6e( !If' " n

,, IUuag:a.tiTe uamDles of the use of the copUlatiTe Terb -6~ . Na ndikEIDBllpondw~ pd15a bin'kosl.

(When I am in Pondoland I became chie:t. )

i . e. I ~ greatly respectod.

ATe JY.ta 6a bamaJrhopi knleli liTaJ

(You are not go1ng to l"Ulars o~ this lancU)

lld1ta §a hiaioaka. kudse lalBe nini?

(P.ow lo~ aa I going to be servant?)

Wveta 6a billkosi na ku.:t'e uyise.

(He was ~l!Jg to be ruler after h1a t a.ther'e dee.th.)

Na •i'ktuwbe. ngenqwelo e6 e6a lmmlc'hokbeli.

(What Ye traTelled b7 ox-wagon he used to be leader. )

Ua2tf11 cpn&a h111hula hu-e-st.

(The paraon who wae toollah 1f&ll C-.81. )

Na uk•"'atahini ,~ icD.a tnyama, u6a 11Bacl~ )

(Whil.tt you are in our Jll1d8't •t a•t, and be a Baca.) .... . lbla aTe DdUrutab.anda ulcu6a hinkptl.

(I do not like to be ehier. )

· Saqala ea&a •tb14•' a mr. e8uta. lcnro m5uto.

(We begaa to haTe m:lagi'YiDge whea he aSked that question.)

Wpga&i nanbJ on1 ne wma. na oc.olokataDa 6a.kho 6 eku5ona uyotJ iwe?

(ADd,_.. you not shamed whm your· ~-in-law t»1md you drm2ll:? )

KalOJta. Dkoel• -.nUU tye e§a D!!'!bl op1 aa fO'OtJ iwe.

(R•Wher• o chi~ • that one baa no atlllle ot shame when one 1a drarJk. )

ARPA• »topa ekbays ~waca.

t• way be at bCIIIle in the .,. • ., ~~g. ) -

_pit 119&1.1 Dje ulaJciji-. ulalhnela n1 ukulwa?

(S1Doe he Wftl.d be the tint M to ran awa:r wby doea he want to ~ght? )

AFkbollfB. atahi &Te lalta Sa ft'P'hlbe IIIUJ.3• lalphetahe uWa5aDe DJe.

(The Chrl ati- aq there ia solDc te be DO ftrat-tfti:t c••q at all.

DGW that Wa8&De is cbiet. )

Aaati J uklltahi atJho DPD1. uge6a uyite dllab.laaD& e6eia 11Q! lnQ111illl

b4ld. .tUhOlY&e

fwe 40 M t Ja1GW 1lby they aay· 110, tor ft"C hie rfatbar ll!lchiaall& Uecl to , .. ~1\ .

hol d the tint-1ft! t oer-.oDY', 1D te ot ~ beiDg a Chrlatla. )

.j!t' 'rh1a partiGUJ.u aample brings up the qtleet1tm whether we are r i ght la r car41Ds 111a u pot atial. Mod-e '•• 'Dll•• u 1 t at•da, i a def'iDi te 17 Partlci pJil ~

Ad"''i ~ y b claos1t'1 . ~ 1 ~ ~ tiyo Mvsbg~

Chapter XI.


~oll s-

;ay). fu 1 (too lo~ again) . la(here) .

? ) , 11.18111? (how!) .

e.g. layi?(w!lare?~. la. (t

aje(so) • pb1? ( arct?.f. n1n1! (

~-· 'fMJJ:'$ bo aubd1rtded into ·.-....... .n ce

Afte+'bs of 71mqa •

MaM (too 1ona/ ~).

.. 'UUbl. ala ftltsb1 dlint . ( Do not r._"l!Js too lo lDdocml) .

gtpt? ( lllhm? ) .. 6atilce DiD1? ( 011 did your o arr1T~ )

A4tC)p .: ~,.

;J.pit('tlh~). 'l'.l1k 1e ~ lUtRJI"T'oantive adT

eoPI].a,Sft pt'edl•t1..-• •

8e ~· :::sa\"0100 taklr1n1 tS:}S-!l? (

Jill' ( maa.•a?) ! Aa 1nt~rr

pre<llos.Uv.. . .

• 0 the ttl ~

.. g. Le ~ ,uhe Jl!!' ( ere do• th1a nUT.,)

lP.. (~ cm.y).

g. Ndl'bal::. l!i- (I aa go

:1& (bee) •

.. c. ~ ~· '*.• lte l!lt(Let

MY_, ?1' t r;., ...

a.tt. ( o).

a.s. ( Y) a1,;At (Stand eo) •


~arb ~ fJn'ee positio · s- D3.!. .. m~~ ~~.,

W?Jt(~~. AD 1Dtaft'Ogat1T adTarbe

.. BS)tml6e &1flllt(U.. 414 ,_ h.ftlf) ~r~

( 2) liGalliJ bal.oastraf? to 1


.. ._ JaJIIa (h••) . lapbe (thee). Jia7&(10JIIar), JI'N'dl• (wta14•) • . • •

.. g. n *• PbnfL (I'd 1 t dewa) . SlT.ta W'!EF (\Je ban 'bee th_. .. )

(3) ~· ...... Gel.blTdy ..


.. a. l ale(;yaatardq) • •wnp'heJ.o (oJ.f.ossth ). . . .


(4) JlOUDS tald.Dg the t!OBtiTe initial vowel ,t- and most of them used now

cclusi val.y as adverbs.

e.g. exelei(on the left) , emra (bebind) , mdle(in the open veld),

edaai(at the bottom) eJ eya (acroaa) , embill(in front) , etulu(on top) ,

ekhatshl ~ iDJJide), eblantane ,( at middaY'), tmini(at da31-tiJile), ekudzeai

(tar 8111ay) • Adverbs •••• in (2) 81ld (-1) are mostly a4Terbe of Place. A fw are adTar'be of . Tiae. . .

• •. • • • • 1 • • • . • • • • • · 1 • . • '_ • ' • r • ' • •

e. g. Leto •bauti nditiJiy~ ~tahi. (I left those goats in41de.)

Ku'bf-swa 41laptape,. (JH]ld.ng wU1 be done at midd8\Y) •

• (~) .lln:IUI .odiflecl by dropping the lnltial. vowel, and used adverbially.

e. g. 6111Din1 (reomtly), 6uoal.a (aaide) :tuqala (at first) , -ntsamb.­

(in the af'tsrnoon) , ~ela (only) , Jll)ela (ctirel.y) 6ume(reat1eeal.y) ,

- ( &1 together not) •

Th•• are .,atl.y ad'Yarbe of ~auer, but a f• are adverbs of Time or P1ae '

e.g. ToDke etakritahi t16eke 6uoaJ.a. (Put al1 those belonging to ua aaide). ~~40 .

,..,. jik1. aalinyataba 6•• (..:a m tbat besr we drank rest1•a1y). . . TaliS• n41118one _,.(I did not see him a~ an). AmalQ.u61 atilce sumfni '""... lmle' live. (The Hlubia arrived here

quite reomtly • )

( 6) lloua •t- preced~ by the fomatl ve usa- and in this form used

.xclua1T.ty aa adYarbea-. .

.. s. liP,.. (at trillgbt),DgC~~~~ao (to ~rMW), ugononqane (at m14da7)•

yPopqM• 1• th~ l3aea word for the tink;T. 'lhe idea is "when the t~ is

heard OT«rh-.4" .

AU the a4Tarba 1Jl thia olaa• a:oe actTarb• of 1 Time. . . .. s. La' 6ata.Da 6a:t'ike J16C8-.,..( 'l'heee youDg mea arrl!ed at twilight.)

Sisuke e»la,a 1180-aaMia(Ye left h•e at ld.4da7•)

Jlotea The aa.- OODIIicl_.ed. 1DI4ar ( 6) 1.a not to be confUsed 1f1 th the i.D-

4ef'Wte prelooat1Te f'cn"Wat1Te ~(ln the aei&b~ of) whlab mQ'

be prefixed to leoat1T• in ~ .. g. ••b111. v~u.

(') Qua11~oat1Tee preceded b7 the fol'BILtive &-e'l'heee are all aclTC'be

et lf.allll81'1-

.. g. )a)tm.lu (gr•t:Ly), ka81(badly) , kah1e(w.U) , ka1Qhet1(~. tla•),

bllDi (t;rioe), kaclze(l!-te) , kanpka(•o .. cb) , Jtaaoani(a little) .

e.g. Jru '•otja ;gppbl ~'t tell 11• •• •aht)

UadtltbJ Uh.f • '"''umti. (He •truak ae .a117 U.•• )

to t2l1s olaae1ft tlclll we han

hur clNJeee , TJ.a. :-

(1) ~ or.f.Uab1c 1d~es • . .. B- tot ell..,•)• ma. (of fJUdd dlsa!Jpearcnce), · (of' Nltnc 4-.1)

~~~a (of ~it dazb ) al(~f

1tea ) •

J'1 (o~ 8Wld8nl.y •1~ lt - · '-·1

Mldde errscmce), ~ (err •

( 2) D!ae,U. lc 1deopbon

.. s. DAR (oi' bar&tlns), pa (ot M''4N6» Mltng le legth) ,

)lml(of'. •tabbias rith a spear). ftlet (of' eettl!Dg dowll) , I!C'(of oaatlBg

- ~~.r~). ( ~) 'l'r1Q11ab1c 14eopbca•• . . .. a.JQ111.11.!( o'! en~ oft) l='m( ar lHdcbtns).

( 4) Q.wtdr1aJ1].abie 14eopbcm•• . . .. s. seleb4Jr(ot J!Bklng a BUdde. DOt.a,. lrru:ptlcmlp[he6e1e(of S].l~

.oot'bl:r OIIC) , toooq.m(of lilMP~ eft1117).

(b)~ to taae.

1t 1s 11td.tlun• neo•ea.ry ~ po•alble to

of tcme poealbl. A11 tbat wU1

be dGae tb•tltore 1a to lr.ad1 te a f•• ~~~ Sll , IIIla (of 11zt wmtng 1Jl a atalctJ.t lw~l OOUHe),~ (2) I.Gw-1wela~ :Snr .till (of the al 8114• of a 81l&ke)

( 3) 4-l«ela&, Sbt-r (4) Jll6-or1•lllst llll (of h1tt!JJB so to p1'0(!aee a h~ NUDd ~),

em tbe hea4).


(1) X.W.riii!Jigl ,.,,_?IF,)• (of wa1ktng with a 11JIIp), W"-. ( 2} ~18ftll Q.rl!a. 'b!!Fi1J, ~-

(~) :tew-f'aU!DBI gltah1(o1' a ataDe droppills), sgale (o~ t'a.11bts cwe) , fM•

(4) 4-hl.llllga petu(o1' Plunstna 1Jlto wat•) . 1)1r'ln)j.

(1) :r..w-f'a111Dgl !IDl!l• w .... (2) Jl14-f'a:1tJI8a aga&t(o1' the ~Bart go.Uop ~ a boree) • . Si'Ptk'21nM1M (1) X.O.fa11lzlci).Sl'Hjl(or t'brow1.Ds a nick), ~ Gp&or..a.

Illg1pt1Te :r:;pppl.ee of' ~ lf!ia ar :tdeop.'JOnoo.

I.elo hn.$1 ~ kwasa lltshe ~ y the rrdDs that horae lEd dis p eared)

one. oayetobi sg! ngal.e krl-...loG"'"""• ( • 8e.l;' him D'Udd~ erg1Dg on the otb.ar aida of the t~•t).

t:~~e:ngom 1r8Cla y. (IrlBtontan sly he tell toDe d )

&tala 6Rf?ofim ~ttnna.(Be e1 t peaeeNI.ly a cbU )

IJdeMva. 'baD J18GI'Gct~Ga'tto. (I tabbed him deep w1 th a spea:r. ) ngo.Ulat hU

Gt.l•hMfle eatJho ,.,.~(Vi th a burst we t 1DJ )

~e t oll ~ e a t • w

•1;bft$ia ( abRtfle al )

Ut'h"'P( smp, o~ a ntrbcl) .) dzat!

pmGab!'3! (~o n1ppod)

41d'O?\ (ba tared)

JrdlfJ13ele (tbl-w) .... .. .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . gl .. Jka (drop)

he eo• lim~Pln&lJ.mpbs into the l11lt.)

'J'lj r, t;cm,t;- ~ "~ ~

'lh .. e ., three 't\VP• d ~. nz. ·­(a) Pr!a1 tl'Ye CcmJunoUarw.

(b) otlter Parte of Speech. wchangect m ~ · used th a COD31mct1Te . ftmctlcm.

( o) Othc Parts o~ Speoah JDOU1f1ed in fo

'l'hoee UDdf!l' (a) a:n 11JIUn]ly noD-lnflumcS.ng.

'2A"'»le!t I-

1[pp1fl (31ft, e.r ).

Yea u~ ulaltsld ~o:ci• lmnt.l1 kaclze nd!mbaldle • ., . ...,

(n o th1!!lm I df»t ... ~ an t I ve bee wa.tebt.:ng ~f"or eame time) .

tpytPl (JDO.l .. ecrra:r, fitrtber ).

Ft&tnb' Ddl tab:mdza uk\lat.l ~ yale D();a,t;

(~~ l w t to kDOilf the 'tNth ot this ttar. )

Uud~ ( ~) thee are th~ tollo -

( 1) v e'ba1 ID1'1D1 u .....


llttfl tJftke csab1 urrtj e 1 ~~ ndwa.&

( H he a:rrlna. bef'n>e-. divulge this D

I)Rt*' (that).

(I realin·~t t.M.e ea.ttJ.o died.)

(U) ProDIPm-.

;ptn+ (~)

to •

. .

Jlcl1~ latl S... 1Qha_ P4m a"f'e DCU.,atl .nma Ddzawo nhl•~o ~

(I kDDe hie Dta.. bUt I dO DO't laDr 121e pia~ ce hit l.iva. )

lfP!Ddl!ace&a ]BQW aw DUJnat.Jl..._ b14-.

( x abCJUld Jlel» ,_ 11at I do un bun ,_ weu. --~ ) . (lll) Adta'bi. . . lllallilla1••-.,. ,,, , ... ,

.. IE'• b ,rul!l - · et-n ~»bi' r

( w!d.dl .. y.- &»eet - - aoeept.!)

-('lila). •

.... bt•l• ·•18eli• .. Jr.Ubo3"* l..:t . .

. ~llr•.U. --- .. 'a se• I• i.t p-. ... •A1e a 'llaa ~ - -a)

6ei'U:eJCo. (I~ 11J -~- they arriv ) . a~-. { G.l:! the 'bottez- 0


l1s:.4ez (e) "f!e ftM. 'tb.e roll ·-. • cnm dar! - U

IM!Si. ( ft'\JD 1f).

lptkl ~1 .. 1 ts ~r.mblJ.e

( en 11" he 1e not go~, I per on lly shall so. )

Thill OOIJjmlCtiOD 18 UBecl OCUTelO.t1T to algn1fy e1 t.b~ ••• or.

e.s. na unga8cma uo6a buC.ai iho:yana

( It ,.,u halJPCft to see e1 th C 1 or Si.h.o)'BDa, :tad:!: call him hel!" )

ppQa (beoense).

Dlam416rabe 1\il.a QBO&\ naku ee D4itb1Utb1'umala.

(It OCD 388117 overtake 1!8 becat~se I ol.ready tr lbl )

a.1 I pgoJla ( 8060rd1Dg Q8)

ll!.a Jr.went! cs nj e MO tJI]mal 1bob11 t (L.t tb1JJgu be done as the chlaf baa c=ma· )

1'he aboTe are all <larlTed rram !Jcph.Ae we baft alr~ s the teDd ... r.w

1D Baea i.e to e114e the -k- of the 1nf1nit1Te JJ2'e1'lx. TbJa l!!l ¥J!5is\

>• +a" >noou T t1lsJ16ft a > mp&'-

•' a "'-** • (the cla.7 wh~) s tta &oDua wt1 • ~u...vae

( 1 shall ~ I r~) ~ .

nr•= (the~ whea) .

Toake le' Untfo t~~ti\JB. m1mM &a"'UDB k&b1

(All. tbeae tb~DP .... ~u be reetifte« the 7eiJZ w!!ea we shall have n gvoc1

ban'est. )

(11) PronGadJW!l. D~ tiT••

Mb (u-artb'Jl-).

ND b s. GaTOX• &o6a81n1 kulelo ~-.-.

( *•erthel- let tbe 'both w1:thcm. tba.t et t entJ

ke]e1sP (JM~~~r}.

l!IJph .,..e uta ~ ~

(~.., ar•'t ,_golDS witb l..bt/)

cppts: m . The InterJection.

Interjections :rm.y be classi fied as followea­

(1) Primitive Interjections. . . . e. g . awu1 (hal.lo1 ) ,h¢1 ( IJ say1 ) , ngawu-ngawu.l (hurrahJ ) , ld-ki1J

~ . .. -

(braT01,} ma;ye1 (alas! }, :manoo! (alaal ).

( 2 ) Other Part s of' Speech used interjectively. These may be fUrther

subdivided aa f'ollows a-

(1) Nouns used 1nterjeetivel y.

These ma.y be vocatives, e . g. mfol (JIBD? , mskbos1J ( ha il, chiefs!)

The vocative may be preceded by a primiti ve interjection, . . .. .

e. g. we , mto1 (hi, ma.nl) , ee, ma'kboall (h~il, c.h ,-efs !) .t

The vocative may be followed by the vocative f ormative nq.a.m. ~

e.g. mf'o nc:JJnU

(il) Proncnms used interj ectively, e.g. wenaJ (you:)

(iii )The imparati'!'e of verbs used lntarj eetively, e.g . suka1 (poo!l1) ,

dzedm« get away: ) •

(3) SUbstantival phrases.

e . g. ndlu-nkulu1. (baU , 0 eenl ) , lit. 13ig House' •

thfole l enkunti(bail, thou brave onel l , lit. Calf' of' a bull!

(4) Imperative · predi~tive ~asee.

e. g . lua l~~boah1 ), ~it. Get awa.y from hare:

Itehi gu1 ( Gang way1 )

( 5) Subj uncti Tal predica. ti vn preceded by the subj ecti val concord ot t:m

2nd peraon.

e. g. Waf'al (Dimger1 ) , l it. You dieJ

ll.,at ahel-.&1 (Danger beb1ncUJ , lit. You are being run OTer1

Th•e are the OOJIIDOneet types of intarjectiOIUI. It IIBY be mentioned

tbat besides theee, Baca, l1lce all other l anguages, may employ any

part of speech as an intarjectlon 1n certain circumstancee.