20C British Novel: James Joyce Dubliners (1914)

20C British Novel: James Joyce Dubliners (1914) Major Writers in English and American Literature class 11

Transcript of 20C British Novel: James Joyce Dubliners (1914)

20C British Novel:

James Joyce Dubliners (1914)

Major Writers in English and American Literature

class 11


James Joyce

Irish novelist and poet

One of the most influential writers in the

modernism of 20C

Born in Dublin, Ireland…

Later spent most of life outside Ireland…

Nevertheless, his imaginative world in his

literary works deeply rooted in his

hometown Dublin

ex) Dubliners (short story collection, 1914)

1882: born in Dublin, Ireland

1888-1898: Educated at Catholic schools:

Jesuit boarding school (elementary),

Christian Brothers O'Connell School in

teen age

1898-1903: attended University College

Dublin, studying English, French, Italian,

active involvement in theatrical and literary


Chamber Music (poems, 1907)

Dubliners (short story collection, 1914)

A Portrait of the Artists as a Young Man

(novel, 1916)

Ulysses (novel, 1922)

Finnegan’s Wake (novel, 1939)

1941: died of ulcer, during his stay at Zurich,


Buried in the Fluntern Cemetery near Zurich Zoo

Grave of James Joyce

in Zurich-Fluntern

Statue of James Joyce

on North Earl Street, Dublin

Ulysses has been called “a demonstration and summation of the entire [Modernist] movement” (Maurice Beebe 1972)

In 1999, Time Magazine named Joyce one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century, and stated; “Joyce ... revolutionized 20th century fiction”

In 1998, the Modern Library, U.S. publisher of Joyce's works, ranked Ulysses No. 1, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man No. 3, and Finnegans Wake No. 77, on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century

Bust of James Joyce

in St. Stephen's Green, Dublin

모더니즘 문학을 주도한 대표적인 소설가

Epiphany (현현, 에피파니)

현실 속에서 자아의 본래 모습을 망각하고 살아가지만, 어떤 평범한 사건과 부딪치는 일순간, 자아의 두터운 각질이 균열을 일으키며 그 틈새로 본질을 드러내는 찰나를 극적으로 포착하여 독자에게 또는 주인공 자신에게 드러나게 함

Stream of Conscious (의식의 흐름)

등장인물의 내면 의식 또는 잠재의식을 서술상의 표층으로 끌어올려, 개인의 주관성에서 삶의 진실을 포착하려함

Bust of James Joyce

in St. Stephen's Green, Dublin


Dubliners (1914)

Dublin, Ireland

아일랜드의 역사적 상황

영국의 식민지 자유 유린, 억압

영국의 정치적 지배, 경제적 수탈 아일랜드 사회 전반의 정체

부패한 아일랜드 가톨릭 성직자들

친영 교단이 아일랜드 애국지사 Charles Stewart Parnell 궁지에

몰아 죽임 국민들 사이에 갈등, 내분 조장하는 분위기

Historical Background

Congregation of Christians Brothers

A worldwide religious community within the Catholic Church

Christian Brothers, as commonly known, chiefly work for the

evangelization and education of youth.

Irish Christian Brothers are strong supporters of Irish

nationalism, the Irish Language and Irish sports. In most of their

schools in Ireland Gaelic football and hurling were encouraged as

opposed to other sports.

Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa


An Irish Fenian leader and prominent member of the Irish Republic

Brotherhood (IRB)

The Fenians, both Fenian Brotherhood and IRB were

fraternal organizations dedicated to the establishment of an

independent Irish Republic in 19C and early 20C

Brief Info.

Collection of 15 short stories

Naturalistic depiction of the Irish middle class life in Dublin, early 20C

At the time of the peak of Irish nationalism

Searching for a national identity

Intention of Writing

“My intention was to write a chapter of the moral

history of my country, and I chose Dublin for the

scene because that city seemed to me the center of


I have written it for the most part in a style of

scrupulous meanness.

아일랜드에 만연한 소외와 정신적/도덕적 마비 상태를 ‘적나라하게’ 드러냄으로써, 아일랜드인들의

문제점 진단

‘a style of scrupulous meanness’ (가차없는 적나라함) 더블린의 중산층 및 중하층 시민들의 마비된 삶 노출 이를 잔인할 정도로 가차없이 정확하게 기술…


Stories begin with stories of youth, progress in age to The Dead

Division of collection: Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity, Public Life

더블린 사람들의 각 면모를 통해 보편적 인간상 보여줌

유년, 청소년, 장년, 대중생활 전형적 더블인 사람들의 모습 제시

“ I have tried to present it to the indifferent public under four of its

aspects: childhood, adolescence, maturity, and public life.”

“I always write about Dublin, because if I can get to the heart of

Dublin I can get to the heart of all the cities in the world. In the

particular is contained the universal.”

Stories in Dubliners


The Sisters… After the priest Father Flynn dies, a young boy who was close to him and his family deal with it only superficially

An Encounter… Two schoolboys playing truant encounter an elderly man

Araby… A boy falls in love with the sister of his friend, but fails in his quest to buy her a worthy gift from the Araby bazaar


Eveline… A young woman abandons her plans to leave Ireland with a sailor

After the Race… College student Jimmy Doyle tries to fit in with his wealthy friends

Two Gallants… Two con men, Lenehan and Corely, find a maid who is willing to steal from her employer

The Boarding House… Mrs. Mooney successfully maneuvers her daughter Polly into an upwardly mobile marriage with her lodger Mr. Doran

Stories in Dubliners


A Little Cloud… Little Chandler’s dinner with his old friend Ignatius Gallaher casts fresh light on his own failed literacy dreams

Counterparts… Farrington, a lumbering alcoholic Irish scrivener, takes out his frustration in pubs on his son Tom

Clay… The old maid Maria, a laundress, celebrates Halloween with her former foster child Joe Donnelly and his family.

A Painful Case… Mr. Duffy rebuffs Mrs. Sinico, then four years later realizes he has condemned her to loneliness and death


Ivy Day in the Committee Room… Minor Irish politicians fail to live up to the memory of Charles Stewart Parnell

A Mother… Mrs. Kearney tries to win a place of pride for her daughter, Kathleen, in the Irish cultural movement, by starring her in a series of concerts, but ultimately fails

Grace… After Mr. Kernan injures himself falling down the stairs in a bar, his friends try to reform him through Catholicism

Writing Style

Use of neutral language, neither hyperbole nor emotive

Simplicity and specific geographic details of Dublin

Create realistic setting

Tie the reader’s understanding of people to their environment

Multiple perspectives serve to contrast the characters in Dublin

Theme of ‘Paralysis’


사회적, 개인적 소외에 의해 야기된 Dublin 사람들의 정신적 마비의 실체


인간의 지각, 감각 능력이 ‘마비되어 버린 상태’

뚜렷한 목적 없는 수동적인 삶, 의지 박약, 희망 상실된 삶

사회에서 인간의 고립, 대화/이해의 단절, 표현력 부족

정신적, 도덕적 마비로 나타남

소외와 마비의 원인

가톨릭 제도의 형식적 의식과 모순이 지배하는 종교적 상황 교직의 권위, 성직자의 의무로 경직된 형식화, 제도화

영국 지배하 식민지 상황 국민들의 패배, 피해의식, 억압적인 환경에서 탈출하려는 뚜렷한 의도가 없는 마비된 의식을 가진 소외된 삶

Theme of ‘Epiphany’

A sudden revelation of truth about life inspired by a seemingly trivial


[가톨릭] 예수 공현(公顯 ). 예수가 이방인인 세 동방박사를 통하여 메시아임을 드러낸 일

Theme of ‘Epiphany’


그리스어 ‘epiphaneia 나타남’에서 유래 ‘현현’ ‘계시’

1월 6일, 부활절/크리스마스와 함께 기독교 교회에서 가장 오래된 3대 축일

아기 예수가 동방박사로 대표되는 이방인에게 처음 자기 모습 드러낸 일


“By an epiphany he meant a sudden spiritual manifestation, whether in the vulgarity of speech or of gesture or in a memorable phase of the mind itself.” (by James Joyce)

일상의 저속한 말/몸짓 등 에서 갑자기 떠오르는 정신적 계시

일상의 특정 상황에서 동작, 대화 등 통해 평범한 현실의 본질이 드러나는 순간


더블린 사람들이 일상적 경험에서 자신이 처한 현실상황을 인식하고 자신의 도덕적/지적/정신적 마비 상태 깨닫게 되는 자아인식의 고통스런 공간




A boy living with his aunt and uncle in a dark, untidy home in Dublin, once the residence of a priest, now deceased.

The boy is infatuated with his friend’s older sister, never having the courage to talk to her. Finally she speaks to him, asking him if he is going to attend a bazaar, the Araby. When she indicates that she cannot attend, he offers to bring her something from the bazaar.

On the night he is to attend, his uncle is late coming home. By the time the boy borrows money from his uncle and makes his way to the bazaar, most of the people have left and many of the stalls are closed. Looking for something to buy his friend's sister, the boy overhears a banal young salesgirl flirt with two young men. When the disinterested salesgirl asks him if he needs help, he declines, and he walks through the dark, empty halls, disillusioned with himself and the world around him.

Story of a boy who falls in love with the sister of his friend, but

fails in his quest to buy her a worthy gift from the ARABY bazaar


소년은 부모 없이 리치몬드 가의 삼촌댁에서 산다.

소년은 이웃집 친구 Mangan의 누나를 짝사랑한다. 소년이 매일 몰래 바라만 보던 그녀가 먼저 말을 걸어온다. 그녀는 주말에 더블린 외곽에서 열리는 동양 풍물 바자 ARABY에 가고 싶지만, 학교의 피정 (기도와 묵상, 종교적 가르침으로 일정 기간 마음을 수련하는 가톨릭의 행사) 행사로 갈 수 없다고 한다. 소년은 자신이 ARABY에 가게 되면, 그녀에게 뭔가를 사다 주겠노라 약속한다.

예정했던 토요일 밤, 소년은 삼촌이 여정에 필요한 용돈을 주기를 기다리지만 삼촌은 소년과의 약속을 잊고 늦게 귀가한다. 어렵게 용돈을 받은 소년은 장이 모두 닫을 무렵인 밤 9시 50분이 되어서야 ARABY 바자에 도착한다. 바자에서 소년이 본 것은 그가 기대했던 이국적 신비스러움이 아니라, 남녀의 저속한 대화다. 이러한 세속적 현실에 실망하여 소년은 누나에게 약속한 선물을 사지 못한다. 자신이 허영에 조롱 당한 짐승이 된 것처럼 느껴진 소년의 두 눈은 고뇌와 분노로 타오른다.

Story of a boy who falls in love with the sister of his friend, but

fails in his quest to buy her a worthy gift from the ARABY bazaar

Mangan’s Sister

Idealized lady & Ideal Romantic Love image of ‘Virgin Mary

Spiritual Desire Physical & Mundane Desire

(young salesgirl’s flirt with young men in the bazaar)

Life Death (somber description of the Dublin life)

“The light from the lamp opposite our door caught the white curve of her

neck, lit up her hair that rested and, falling, lit up the hand upon the railing.

It fell over one side of her dress and caught the white border or a

petticoat, just visible as she stood at ease. ”

(description of Mangan’s Sister)

‘Quest’ Romance

A protagonist’s adventure toward the bazaar, ARABY

Chalice = Blood of Jesus Christ; 성배(聖杯)

Sacrifice of the original sin for the Rebirth/Salvation

Image of a crusade or pilgrim to win religious love for God

Expected value of ARABY

Destination of the adventure; eastward movement

Light, Hope, Spiritual & Religious Salvation

Completion of Romantic Love

Winning over the love for Mangan’s sister

“I imagined that I bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes.”

Epiphany at ARABY

두 남자와 여자점원의 하찮은 대화 엿듣게 된 소년

여자의 ‘거짓말’(fib) 이라는 단어 듣는 순간, 소년이 신성시했던 사랑에 대한 실상을 번개처럼 깨닫게 되는 epiphany 발생

자신의 사랑도 한낮 ‘거짓말’에 지나지 않는가!

순간, Mangan’s Sister 여점원과 같은 위선적 세속의 여인으로 둔갑

신성화된 Mangan’s Sister = 허상

At the door of the tall a young lady was talking and laughing with two

young gentlemen. I remarked their English accents and listened vaguely

to their conversation.

“O, I never said such a thing!”

“O’ but you did!”

“O, but I didn’t!”

“Didn’t she say that?”

“Yes, I heard her.”

“O, there’s a… fib!” (Lovers’ Conversation at ARABY)

Epiphany at ARABY

Darkness에 대한 소년의 지각: 빛(환상) 없이, 자신과 자신이 속한 세계의 적나라한 현실을 분명히 통찰 scrupulous meanness!!

허영에 몰리고 조롱 당하는 한 마리 짐승 = 자기 자신

Mangan’s Sister 에 대한 사랑 = 환상이 이끈 허영의 산물

신성하고 순수한 사랑이 현실에 없음 오직 남녀의 수작 뿐…

더블린의 정신적/도덕적 마비, 대영제국에게 몸을 판 타락한 아일랜드의 영혼 내면화 마비된 더블린 사회의 현실을 통한 epiphany

I heard a voice call from one end of the gallery that the light was out. The

upper part of the hall was now completely dark. Gazing up into the darkness

I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes

burned with anguish and anger.

Epiphany at ARABY

The boy realizes his disillusionment with his concept of ideal love when he attempts to buy a token of love for a young girl. In the ARABY bazaar, the boy recognizes the vanity and falsity of ideal, romantic love

Place of Vanity = emptiness

Awakening to the illusion of life

Disillusionment of Romantic Love

(Mundane lovers’ flirting: Irish salesgirl, English men)

Boy’s growing alienation with his family, religion, the world around him

Theme of Irish nationalism… employ Irish legends to indicate the vast discrepancy btw. the idealized view of the girl and the harsh reality of the bazaar Myth of O’Donovan Rossa


Boy is awakened to the reality of the Romantic Love

He sees himself “a creature driven and derided by vanity”

Spiritual Paralysis

The spiritual paralysis is expressed in the exterior counterpart: “my eyes

burned with anguish and anger” Physical Paralysis

“Grazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided

by vanity.; and my eyes burned with anguish and danger.”

(Ending of ARABY)

Paralysis Epiphany

낭만적, 환상적 현실인식 = 영원히 자아 깰 수 없는 자기기만

소년은 자기기만에서 벗어나 현실을 직시하게 됨

더블린 사람들의 현실인식 결여 = 정신적/도덕적 마비(paralysis) 징후

마비/자기기만에서 벗어난 현실 직시 = 식민지 현실의 억압 벗는 길

소년은 epiphany 각성(self-awareness) 통해 새로운 출발 가능성 보임

“Grazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided

by vanity.; and my eyes burned with anguish and danger.”

(Ending of ARABY)

Images & Symbols

Image of BLIND

Closed at one end (막다른 길) 막막함, 답답함…

출구 없는 식민지의 정치적 현실 반영

삼촌 집에 얹혀살고 있는 소년의 현실

Vacuum of Foresight, Discernment, or Moral Intellectual Light

(비전, 분별력, 도덕적/지적 판단력 부재)

더블린/아일랜드 전체의 정신적, 도덕적 마비 상징

Blind한 환경에 살면서 그것을 깨닫지 못하는 blindness

“North Richmond Street, being blind, was a quiet street except at the hour

when the Christian Brother’s School set the boys free. An uninhabited

house of two storeys stood at the blind end, detached from its neighbors

in a square ground.”

Image of BROWN

더블린 사람들의 paralysis와 decay 상징

활기 없는 어두운 빛깔의 더블린(사람들) 모습

더블린 사람들의 Death-in-life (생중사) 상태 상징

겉으로는 경건하게 종교에 순응하며 사는 것처럼 보이나

그들의 종교는 이미 영적으로 마비되고 부패 (paralysis and decay)

“The other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them,

gazed at one another with brown imperturbable face. The former tenant of

our house, a priest, had died in the back drawing-room. ”

Images & Symbols

Image of the Dead Priest

Decay/Death of religion

Spiritual and moral paralysis of Dublin

Image of Air, musty & Old useless papers…

Lifelessness in Dublin’s life

Death-in-life situation

“The former tenant of our house, a priest, had died in the back drawing-

room. Air, musty from having been long enclosed, hung in all the rooms,

and the waste room behind the kitchen was littered with old useless


Images & Symbols

Image of Garden… Central Apple Tree

황량한 정원 아담과 이브가 추방된 이후의 타락한 에덴 동산

Image of Rusty bicycle-pump

생명의 바람을 넣지 못하는 무용지물

그대로 남겨진 죽은 신부의 방과 유품들…

더블인 사람들이 떠안고 있는 죽은 종교의 유산…

그에 순응하며 과거에 묻혀 살아가는 그들…

“The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple-tree and a

few straggling bushes under one of which I found the late tenant’s rusty


Images & Symbols

Flaring streets = Mundane Life

She = Holy and Spiritual Life, Idealized and Religious Love, Virgin Mary

Her name = Prayer, Religious Hymn, Spiritual Salvation

Boy sees himself on a crusade to win her love. He then imagines himself the

instrument of her love

“These noises converged in a single sensation of life for me: I imagined that I

bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes. Her name sprang to my lips at

moments in strange prayers and praises which I myself did not understand…

But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers

running upon the wires”

Images & Symbols

Boy is confused about his feelings of guilt caused by his religion and his

feelings towards the girl

Joyce seems to saying that to be truly free is to be free of religious


“One evening I went into the back drawing-room in which the priest had died.

… Some distant lamp or lighted window gleamed below me. I was thankful

that I could see so little. All my senses seemed to desire to veil themselves

and, feeling that I was about to slip from them, I pressed the palms of my

hands together until they trembled, murmuring: “O love! O love!” Many times.”

Images & Symbols

주인공 소년의 ‘첫 사랑’ 통한 정신적 성장과정

소년이 처한 아일랜드의 도덕적/정신적 부패 조명

소년이 끝내 자신의 현실과 조국이 처한 암담한 현실에 눈 뜨게 됨 묘사

성인이 된 화자가 어린시절 겪었던 일읠 화싱하는 수법

성인이 된 화자의 내적 독백, 의식의 흐름 통해 마비된 아일랜드 사회를 풍자적/냉소적 묘사
