1976-08-13 - Orange Coast Pilot.pdf - City of Newport Beach


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Transcript of 1976-08-13 - Orange Coast Pilot.pdf - City of Newport Beach

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Strikes ...

~ily l'llOI '1191• lty lllclMlr<I IC-•••

1-~-.4llU1RFER-WSSES HANDS UP FOR BALANCE AS WALL OF WATER COMES DOWN AROUND HIM IN NEWPORT BEACH rh• RHt of the Ride Was Bumpy tor Weve Rider et Newport's 18th Street Thursday

Wild Chase Follows

Father-Son Melee FRI DAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 13, 1976

~ ... NO 11'. 4 HCTIOMS, w "AG«S

.Accused· edic reeway · hase at

·-100 MPH A falher·aon disi>ute that erupt·

ed in a Santa Ana market early today ended In Mission Viejo 3S minutes la ter when a suspe<.1. was tackled by police as he raced ac"* an open field .

Sudwlched betwean the argu· rHnl and arrest was a wild JS. minute auto chase at what poUce said were speeds up to 100 mph.

By the time the son combatant in the fathe r ·son fracas wos . handcuffed In the Miuk>n Vic.'JO neld, 12 law enforcement patrol unttl from four police jurlsdlc· UoDI hed, at some lime1 joined th wild chase.

Why was the suspect Oeeln1f• " I don' t want no damn cops

stopping me," was the.' explano doa he gave ouestlng Santn Ana police officers.

Whether h e w a nted to be stopped or not. 23-year-old Jory k evin Quinn, of 16551 Thames Lane, Huntington Beach, was.

And as Quinn headed buck to CSff CHASE, Pa1eiU>

Weat•er Moming low c louds fo in·

crease. otherwise mostly fair on the coast Saturday. 1U1bs near 70S. lows to ~7. ..

- INSIDE TOD"~ Tiro '°'"'i nlr~r•

start fd a.I to t11dld o Grttfc rntomnd and nidfd • n h o ffHth•gl o11 Beach reek ~ club niatf'Od. nr Dmly Pilot '• )hchad Po.ak~ch tdb "'*' ,, hoppnfd °" ~ Cl of the W~ek~er

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A Little Qelp ·.18-foot _ Benefit for Suif Victim_ - Wa¥es

By ANNE COOPER 01 Ille O.Uy "41e1 -

Bob Casey. a June araduate or El Toro High School, is gel· ting the " beach bum" tan again lhal his mother says be always had but he' s gelling it in a w~eelc hair a t a Downey re · habllltaUon center.

Casey was body surfing s«>n afte r graduation al Diver 's Cove In Laguna Beach when his head struck the sandy bottom. The di ve into a wa ve had broken his neck.

Casey' s high school friends are holdin1t a dance tonight at 8 p.m. at Los Alisos Intermediate School to raise fund to help mee t m edical expenses. The school is at 25171 Moor Ave In Mission Viejo. The Calico Jack Bnnd, led by Casey's fri end. Rick Duval. wall provide the music

Casey 's mother. Mrs . Arthur Cassidy. 23141 El Toro. said her on may not have lo gave up has

plans lo work an the shttt metal Jnd welding fi e ld .

" Bob's been filll'd with hand

braces." s he said, "and hjs therapi.all say be may achieve sufficient dexterity to do sheet metal work and wekUng. If not. they will train him For related adminiltTative work."

Casey's doctors have told him to expect a slx·monlh stay at the rehabilitation center, with increasingly longer visits home as his family learns to assist him.

" We have to be able to move ttim from the car to the house " his mother said. " Also. he has to be moved regularly from one position to anothe r, so he won't hove tissue breakdown - or ' bedsores· as It 's commonly known.''

Mrs . Cassidy said her son's spirits are very ttiith. One re­ason for that , s he said, is that his friends have stuck by him and ~lven him 0 lot or SUPPort.

.. Bob ' s thrill ed about the donce." s he said. " He wonted more than anything to show up ttims<'lf as a s urprise. but un· fortunately lhal just Isn 't possi· ble yet. "


Ot .. Dally ...... -Surf ·Starved wave rider§,

waiting expectantly since word or Hurricane Hyacinth began circulating on the beaches earlie r this week, got. their wish Thursday as waves up to 18 feet s lammed into the Orange Coast.

Whil e s urfers te rm e d Hyacinth a blessing, Or ange Coast lifeguards called ber a curse, pulling nearly 1,200 sur· fers and swimmers from lhe roamin_g surfllne.

The big surf, s pawned by Hyacinth off the coast or La Pai. Mex.. is expected to continue through today , d iminishing to normal levels by Saturday, ac· cording to lifeguards.

Newport Beach lifeguard U . Logan Lockabey said guards pulled 545 swimmers from the was hing. m ac hine like ocean Thursday. setting a new record ror one·day rescues in Newport.

-Serves All Interests• " Thursday was pretty wild,"

he said. " We eel an all·Ume re· co rd for m os t s ingle du y rescues."

Coast Bill Backed By Irvine Company

.Th• previous record, set June 20, 1976, was 416 rescues.

There were more spectators than body s urfers al the Balboa Peninsula's Infamous WedRe Thundaf. as lh1ck » foot waves crashed within feet or the beach.

Spectators were out In record number .. a l Newpor\ '11 18lh

Raymond Watson, president or the Irvine Company, today an· nounced the company's endorse­ment or the Smith blll. the s urviv· ing coastal control measure In the Assembly.

Watson said he conveyed the compan y ' s s upport of th e · measure. SB 1277. to its author Sen. Jerome Smith CD.&ratoga1 and Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy C D·San Francisco> on WedMSday prior to the approval of the bill by the Asembly Way and Means Committee.

" As th e Smith bill h as emerged, we feel it is a workable bill serving all interests- those deslrous or protecting the coast and those who own coastal pro­perty, '' Watson declared .

"The best indication ol how well bal anced th e bill h a s become Is that during my meet· Ing*' in Sac r a mento with the Sierra, Club. the Planning and Conservation League and with development interests, none

could claim the Smith bill as Street a lso, watching In awe as theirs all had to make con· wave r iders churned across cessions ." glassy 15 to lA·foot waves.

Watson said his company Laguna Beach life1uards bellve' that coast protection rescued 243 people Thursday In leg is I ali on i · n•vU.able-ana-....m~~..\9..14· foot surf. necessary. Surfers at Brooks and Thalia

The endor.sement o( the Smith Streets enjoyed 1la11y waves bill by the land company comes that held up just lone enouch for as the firm Is propsoing develop- fasl rides. T hole beaches were rtenl plans for the 10.000 acres clOffd to scuba divers and other between Corona del Mar and areas were restricted for swim· Laguna Beach. ming, due to the surf size.

Watson noted that the plan tor Al least one surfer suffered a the area which was recently en· broken leg in Laguna's crashing doned by the county plannina shorebreak. commlulon culminated a two- Huntington Beach lifeguards yeer pl....Ung proce.. pulled •50 swim men from 10.

" We hed lo ensure lbat the foot waves alone city and stale goals and objectiv• ct.veloped ·beaches. A 15-knol aide curnnt. by TICMAP could in feet be im· caused by poundllll waves, 1¥85 plemenled under the proposed blamed for the high num• of coastal legislation." Watson re.cues ln Huntington. said. Su Clemente lilecuardl re-

" We believe \he Smith bill ii in Ported 139 rescues, with surf at harmony with the results ot the TrefU,ar Street, a popular aw• • coastal ar~a planning process," iDI ere.a, tn the five to 10 foot he 1aid. ranse . ~

~Was I:iar

.. ............ OUT OF THE RACE Rep. W•yne Hays

Hays Drops Congress Bid -Health Bad

EAST L IV ER POOL, Ohio <AP J - Rer. Wayne L. Buys. w h ose r e a ti o n s hl p wH h Elliabeth Ray sparked a con· 1ressional payroll-sex scandal , today dropped his bid for re · election, citing health rea11ons and " harassment. " , '

He had said Thursday he wus consJderlng ending hjs cam paign lf he thought It would wipe wt Miss Ray 'a chances for more publicity.

The 65--year-old Oemocrut sub· mitt.eel his cam paign withdrawal stetement to the Columbiana

By TOM BARLEY OI-O•lty .-! ... "•ff

Dr. Wayne Le~ter Robinson·~ lawyers ca lled to the wit~' stand a rt Orange County Jail prisoner who testified Thursday that " hit man" Anthony Scalise told him a dlrrerenl story than the one Scalise told In court.

George Edward Hufford, 42, a Long Beach man who is awaiting trlal on char ges or assault with a deadly weapon , was brought from the jail to the witness stand In Judge J .E .T . "Ned" Rutter 's courtroom Immediately after Lhc accused Irvine physician cotrt­pleted three days of testimony.

Defense attorney Ed Georgr identified Hufford as one or four j ail prisoners who have taJked Lo Scalise. 29, in the county jail.

Hufford told the jury thal Scalise told him shortly after the Las Vegas man wa.<J brou~hl to Orange County by federul or ricers last month that he was " working a new kind or scam" when Roblnsou, 42, was arreble<l last Feb. 25 on c har~<·s of isollclt in~ his wife 's murder,

Scalise tcsllrlcd (or the pro secutlon that Robl n!Wn hired him with a<iown payment ot SI0,000 to kill his wire .

Hufford aald Scalhui told him lhut he uctuully worked for both Dr. and Mrs. Robinson during the seven weeks that ended wlt h Robinson's arreHl " nnct ployed one orr a11alnst the other ull the

· time." The jail prl'!oncr said. Scalise

told him thol he truvtls the coun try looking for scpnruted couplCM who ca n use his 11crvicc!'I lo

County Board or E lections here . similar situations where IOfl(C In a ataLement-u~ i.n sums of money are involved;

Washington, Haya ~~d I ~this Hufford said Scalise told him with a heavy heai:t .and said he '4fttat he had collected $2,000 from h~ plenned lo ret1rem 1978. Mrs. Janice Robinson, 38, in ad

However , the current state or dlUon to the 110,000 paid him by my health coupled wllb the her estranged husband. hara11meat- my famUy and I And the jail prisoner told the have taken from the \Yasbin(Clon }ury that Scalise told him t hat Poet have led me to conclude that " there will be a lot more to come I should step d~? at ~ end or when the doctor goes to prison myCUJTentterm, besaid. and I can get back to Mrs .

The P~t broke the story on Robinson." Miu Raf• ctiuces that Hays Hufford said Scalise told him kept ber on a H~ committee during their conversaUons in the peyroU et • 114,00l a year selary ffll block that he lntends to be IOlelJ to prO\'lde bhn with sex. the caretaker al Mrs Robinson's

"The pollla ahO'lr I'd win, but I Newport ~ach home once Dr . don't wa~t lo tlH that woman Robinson has been l~prisoftd ~ c11enee to make an •P· and he (Scalise> " has beaten lite ~." Heys said Tbunday federal rap." tn•lnterview. Deputy District Attorney Jay

CSee RAYi OUT, Paae A.2) (See DOCTOR, Page A.2) • • • • t



ot Ca11rerou?

r Growth~~ n

l .. !~~.~~,t~~~~~ from Dtftnsc Secttlar)' Donald rense. new back from a Mlchlaan Bumlfeld'• th)•roid 1land today. vauUon Thursday al\tr Navy and a Penta~on spoke.man Hid doctor• decided was necessary \o doctors hive " a blab degree ot ~rate. co,nfidcnce" that it wu not un· ''The nodule waa d1sconred cerous. durlnc \be secretary's annual

Pentagon s pokesman Alan ptiy1ic1l ea1mtnation of Aug. 3 Woods. reportlnc after and4." spokesman Alan Woods Rumsfeld 's two·boar and .O· told.,.,..sme11. Qfljnute operation, said pre· '11\e results ol an examin:ition ~lnary studies iDdjcate the b)• thyroid scan were received t lssue r emoved lrom tbe earlier this week." secr~ary 's neck .. was a benign Rumsfeld smokes a pipe. but nodular goiter. .. Woods said " I gather it 's unrelat·

Woods said that, as in all ed to that ... such surl)cal uses. more ex· Rumsfeld is expected lo re-

........... GROWTH Rl!MOYEO

DetenM Chief Aum-..ct

Gas· Price Scheme? U.S. Judge Asks Gulf Oil Probe

WASHINGTON <AP> - A Federal Power Commission tFPC) judae tod1y r tcom· ~ed lh•t the Justice Depart· meot inveat11ate the OuJt Oil C«p. and a natural a:as ~er for poaalbl• criminal eonsplracy.

ft'PC Administrative Law Judge Ray mond M. Zimmel found that Cutr failed to deliver to an inters tate Ph>eline the volume of gas req\lired under an FPC certificate.

Zimmel also said inartion on the part of the pipeline gas buyer. Texas Eastern Transmission Corp., or Houston. " strongly hints at a conspiracy by the two to withhold gas f rom the in· .

terstate markt-t until the pnce hos bffn driven up, in violation of rfderal antltrUJt laws."

The judge recommended that the ft'PC rder the cue to the Justlcf' Department for l n· ''~Jtlu,tlon ud •pproprlate criminal 1ctlon. Ther~ waa no immediate com­

ment from either company. Zimmet's decision i111ubj«t to

FPC review. and the parties named have 30 days to r&.le excep. lions to the decision.

'fhe decision taid lbat in 1963. the commission authori&ed Gulf to sell Texas Eastern a total of 4.4 trillion cubic feet ol gas to be de­livered in dally volumes ol from SOO million to 625 million cutMc

maximum amount o11 ... U the com1>4ny failed to comply, he coatlnued, the PPC lhoukt move qainat Gulf In feder1I court to compel performance.

The Judfe aald that when lbe FPC en ed Gulf'• propoaed cert£flcate amendment. tht com· mlulon contended that Gulf rould not be rel\eved ol lta obll&a• llons a t th e t1tpen 1e of ra~payers.

"Tbtte l• utterly no JustJnca· Uon for Gull em.. lo aoqe con· 1umen lbrough h1'her prices or to escape ita obligtUonl • aome recenur contrived ecoaoanl~ theory,' Zlmmeuaw.

tensive tests will be made but main in the naval ho•pi&al for a that " the doctors indicate to me few d ays a nd then. holth (.bey have a high decree of con- permitting. may vlslt the ndence in the preliminary iJl. Repu6lican N•Uonal CooYentloo dicatlOnJ." iA K.auu City om Wedneeday

Rumtfeld, mentioned as a . IDdThunday. possible Republican \•ice pre- lbat would be Use first Ume in aidential caod.lda&e. will remain 2IO Jeart &.bat a defeme secntary

Judge RejecJs Plea For Accused Killers

feet. . Deliveries began in 1964, the

decision said. and in 1971 Gulf soueht to amend its c:ertificate to ra1se lbe price. The commission denied the request.

Zimmet said in late 1975, the FPC became aware Gutt was not delivering the certified volumes ol gas and initialed a sbow cause proc:eedinc a,ainst Gull and Tex· asEutem.

Kansas Youth Identified as

Marine Victim iJ6 the boapital reeovery room ha& attended a Dau.al J'IOIJUcaJ 9'~migbt and is expected to go coaveatlon •xcepl to testify ~ck to work by next week, before platform committees on ~oods said . · 'T.he se<:retary's mllitary ~licy mat~. tondition is coa•idend to be Rum.,-eJd'• cloae association tatWactory. " he added. wttJI President Ford over the

Three Navy doctors, includinC paat 10 years has s parked tbe chief of s11rgery, opeTated •AHUlation that he might be °" •umsfeld •t the National taps>ect as Ford' s running mate Naval Medical Cent.er lo nearby UUsyttr. Bethesda. Md.~ and removed However. associates have dis· the right lobe of the dtfense unled.th ... ..,. .... ,,: . .. secretary 's thyfl*r aiid a~ ...aa~ _co ...._..s...wnu.Y. ed tube called an "lslhmus." Rums reld. became defense

l'tfrs. Rumsfeld was at the secretary nearly rune months hospital during the operation. ago, after Ford fired James Woods said. S~hluin1er becauae ol dif·

Rumsretd had shown no si.gn rerences over policy and budget or any illness before doctors dis· issues. Rumsfeld was Ford's top covered a growth on his thyroid aide before moving from the gland early this month.. White House to the Pentagon.

t I

f 'ro• Pa~AI ..

DOCTOR ON TRIAL. • • ~oseley asked Hufford how be felt about snitchers - prisoners

ho report conversations or other prisoners to authorilics in r~turn for leniency m their own cases. · Hufford appeared to miss the

ppint of the question. Ile com , roentcd. while Judge Rutter

1 t;uard LeatlA_ · ~minY-Boat

&riMed broadly, that he " gets along fine !"Ith them, I guess. Just as long as they don't bother me."

Plans for the calline ol three other jai l p r isoners to t he Robinson trial courtroom ap­peared \O mi!lfire while Hufford w u bein& led back t.o his jail cell,

It wu learned outside the courtroom that the planned ap· ptarMCe ol a prisoner identlrled by URley 1ll Thomas Hester, 29, ol Looi Beach, is now unc:er· ~b.iec:Uoos 10...hh ~arance by his attorney.

Motion' to dismiss murder maraes and to delete several ad· ditima.I alJegations against five mea accused or the killings of a Sumet Beach couple have been d e ni e d i n Orange Cou nty Superior Court action.

Judge Robert P . Kneeland has . delayed until Wednesday dJs. cussion of additional pretrial mo­tions filed by lawyers for Deonis Casey. Jones, 32, also known as ~nnis Maloney. llM SantJago Drive. Newport Beach; William Craig Tibbits, 21, ol Orange and three Lone Beach men: ,Rooald Carl D'Orio and Thomas Harden Hester , both 29, and Richard Wayne Sooter. 28.

Jury selection ht the trial of the fh•e defendant$ Is expected to begin later t his month in Judge Kneeland's courtroom.

Codefendant Roger Keith Davis, 29, Long Beach. bu been granted a separate trial on iden· lical charges and will be as­signed to another courtroom next month.

All six m en were booked on murder charges following \he killings last Nov. 8 ol Ronald Cauwels . 27, and Janet Mae Metz. 34, who shared a home at 168'1 Bayview Drive, Sunset Beach ..

Jt is alleced that Helt« used a macbinecun to kill Mn. Metz and that Cauwels was fatally wounded V(llb a banc'!"1&l traced lo Tibbits.

Authorities claJm that a gang was dispa~hed to- the ~mw Drive h om e after Cauwels robbed a number of patrons ol a local drug ring at gunpoint and

Hester , 24, of LQo1 Beacli, bas been granted a separate trtai on kidnapine charges. Murder charges filed against Thomas Hester 's younger brother have been dismissed.

Zimmel recommended that Gulf be given l ess than one moath to begin ~verint the

Trouble Gift to Mamon Sparb Scare

VACAVILLE CAP) - It was CIDly . a teddy bear and a Polish travel book. But, ob. whit it dld to tbe prison routine!

Authorities for a while '"'11.rsday tboqht aomeoae was trying to send a bomb Lo convicted mUI murderer Charles Manson. -

THE EPISODE ST.utTED when a ebecldn& device al tbe Callfomla Medical Facility 1ndlcat.d tbe packqe '*'' tained w~. GulU'ds moved the packace to a safe area and covered ll witb sandbap.

Into lbe act was sent a speelally trained dog from Travis Air Foree Base. Tbe dog went into what prison 1ulhorities termed a ''cJasslc alert" po1IUon - makin& them think they had a bomb on their hands.

The five-by-elgbt·inch package, with a return addr ess in Poland, was. taken to a nearby orchard by the Concord Police Department bomb squad, which opened it and found \he toy and the Poliab book.

.JAMES 1.ER•A.N, 11IE VacHille police chief, s lid wires inside the teddy bear may have set olf the cbeclting device. Tbere wu no word C111 wblt prompted tbe doc lo eo into its ''dasdc aled. •• ·

Kamoa. 41, wu ecmYkMd in the 119 alayiap of aetreu Sharon Tate and six ot.bd's. He was moved trom Folsom to

- - -tms-prtson 40 miles west ol Sacramen~i.lt lle.y-to-wwleEgo-­PIYC:hiatric 1tudy •

CAMP PENDLETON <AP> -The Marine Corps has identified a recruit who collapsed and died while on a lour· ll\lle march Thur1d1y as Pvt. Terry A. StudebakerofLeawood.Kan.

A apoke.sman said Stllftbeker, 18. was among a group ol men· from Ute San Dlego Marine Corps Reenilt Depot at Camp Pendleton foi· tralning.

T-h-e s po-k-e-s m an aal~ Studebaker was de.cl when the beHcopttt that evatuated hJm re­ached the Navyilqlonal Medical C«lter at Pendleton.

An autopsy has beenorderedto determine the cauaeof dtalb.

It w1s the second traintn1· ttl1led miabap al Pendlttoa in .. m1nyday ...

WedDeaday. a hand INDlde ex­plosion wounded Pvt. B. G . Jimlnea.17,ofCompton.caUf. He was litted in 1ood ~ondlUon Thursda.y after under&olng aur­gery to remove crenade Crag· ments from his abdomen.

Tickets Set For Clemente


Outdoor Play Ticlceta a re now on 1ale lor San­

CI e nren trs La 'eriatlanlta paseant, an outdoor play debut· log Au . 20. -niey m~a=-':y,,...,.-=--=p.,.,u~r~·tllie-San Clemente Chamber of Com· merce. 1100 N. E l Camino Real. ~nto Diego

·SAN DIEGO IAPI - A British ntt'l'<.'httnt -s-hl-p-w.a~ed..Jnto ptirt here after her mast~r rf'­uorkd a possible mutiny aboard. the Coast Guard said today.

. ~r is one or 5ix dftMdanta betnt tried for the murder ol a Sunset Beach couple lest Nov. 12.

The trial of fin ol thole def en· dants is .. J>.t.W.J. conct.uett d in Judge Robert P . Kneeland 'a courtroom on the same floor.

carried off marijuana valued at D 1•1. Ba ·G

~CX:o, the·u -ongtnal sus~I=--0 I JCS-. r- as the Bank of San Clemente, 121 Avenida Victoria, or the Bicen­lennlak~e.anLOJUu,JlJ

The J .V. Clyne . a 583-fool bulk t•;ir rie r , was escor-tl'd to an .1nchoroge off Coronado Island lor lht• n11ithl. s aid Lt. Arthur Prcnrh of the Coast Guard s la· titlfl at Long Beach.

F rl..' n c h s aid t .. c Briti s h Conl)ulutc in Los Angeles had J."ked the Coall t Guard to monitor ··:1 vol)sibl e m,iitiny 1dtualion" .1ho-.rd the ve!>sef. : 111• said the master of the ship

r:n 1o rled thnt 24 ' C h ines e ~rewmcn " have l ocke d thenisel\'rs In the mesa room and tK·gun r huntin i.l and sin~lng." : f1th.'t'n non·Chinese crewmun

aboard we- re on the brid ge , B'rt•nch said . " but the master re· 1fnnt-dl) frar<'d for their ~afrly, J.-. we ll 31'1 his own. They didn't tllk<'O\'l'I' th <> s hip at all. .. : 1-' t l'llC' h 1'll id the ru~ltr Pl.

~rowlcr und a helicQpt lo r from

1 e Scrn Diego C'o~ Gu~u·d sta· 1 0 11 lot· atcd thr :>hip :.> miles ofl ~n Diego und escorted it to port. · ,\fl('r th<' lih•tJ unchol'«I, of·

ncrnl-s from u s. C\rlt<>m<. the Co1&.'t Guar~ Marlnr surety Of· 0 Cl ' ;111d rt' prcs rntath·t• O( lh<' '1'11p' s own~rs went ubonrd , e'rC'nr h said. .


DAILY PILOT t .. ().- Ufl•I 0.111 l';lol • .,.ti\ _ , ,, " rMCMMG fN' ..... , fN• t '• I\ ""9il•\IW"G . .. ,,. ( ,.,,,..,., t .. ,. ,,..,""'.,.., (tif"I~ ~ ... .,.,_ "'* ...,, ... N -IY """""" • •IWY t" ~t.t ~··'•· N.-• Mll Ot~f'. t'f~t"'-ilitw"' ... "' .. ' °""'.i" iv . .... . ., • • ~ . ........ -. ....... .... l...,._ 11o .... 1#11 ""'' . ..... .. , .......... ,..,. ,, """"''~ Siit*-'6i~•--"""" ....... ,,,. .. ~ __ .,. - " .. Pll Vw>llMt St_. Ce• lfl'M ... ~·-•'2'1'

Aobert N. WM l't._ •• 1 .......... -J•t k A. Curley --

..,,.. Ptf..,_M •NI GoWt"' Ma....., Thomas KffYll


Tl'lomH " · Murptllne ..,.,...,,,..,.,, .... Cherin H. loos RkMrd P . ... 11

\,. . ~ .

Moseley dismissed Hurrord'a testimony as " worthJeu'' lhortl1 after Judge Rutter called three· day weekend break and predict· ed that the jail prisoner's atary would have no impact on the jury.

rounded up by sheriff's omcers in the wake of the Sunset Beach killings will be used as prOSCC'!· tion wllllesses in both trials.

Alan Daryl Irving, 29, ol Long Beach. and Mi chael Anthony Petrone. 33. or 3027 Rcyce Lane. Costa Mesa. have been ~romised a one year county jaiJ term on each or the two murder counts for their cooperation.

Another indictec. David Leroy


He questioned Robinson at length Thursday on the physi clan's repeated denials ol ~ prosecution claim that he hired Scalise to klU Mrs.·Robinson and thus resolve the dispute over $2 million in assets held by the COU· pleascommurtllyproperty. CHASE

Robinson told the jury in the • • • closing moments or his long Santa Ana handcutffd in the rear aesslon on the stand that he seat ol a patrol unit, he was being ~lieved Scalise and hb wife charged with assault witb a de· were in le11guttokill him. adly weapon on a police o((icer.

lie testified that the gun found The deadly weapon was a 1967 in his possession when he was ar· model car that police said raced rested Dt a Santa Ana service sta· throu1tb red lilthts and stoo slens lion was for his protection and he as it led Santa Ana and Costa believed that the district al · Mesa police as well as Sheriff's torney's investlgat.ors and santa and California Highway Patrol i\na poli ce who pursued him unltA on tho long chase. uround tile gas pum1) on foot According to Santa Ana police were hired klllen. Sgt. Richard Murg, Quinn " five

Robinbon told the Jury he knew or 111x times" attempted to d111· Scalise was lyln& when Scalise courage his purs uers by runnln~ told blm In scvtral taped themoffroadways. telephone conversntlons pla)'\'\I Bul It wasn 't unlll his auto bHk to the jury that Mric went into a spin and stalled :stop RoblnM>n was cfoad aa the doctor a curb near marguentc parkway had ordered. and Felipe Road thatthepurauers

" I knew she wasn't dead." comered thelrprcy. Robinson said. " I knew ahe was " When we responded to the dis· at a motel with Scalise and \urbance at the Newhope Street Scalise himself told me when I market. we s imply wanted lo end handed him Sl.000 in the men·11 It. Why h~ Jumped in hi• car and room at the aervlce station thol tried to race off I don't know," Jan was fine ." sold Murg.

And Or. Robinson told the Jury As the chase neared La~n lor the fourth time in the triaJ ; " I Canyon. highway p;,t~ officer• till care for her v«)' much. I blocked the canyon to ovoid a

love her." · poaslble crash on Its winding Mrs. Robinson \old the jury in road. Murr reportt'd.

the pros~ution phue ol the trial lbaub.e....w_as shocked whcD s~- ~f'ro• Page ' ' · ' mtl Scalise for lunch a t the Velvet Turtl~ in Ne.<p0rt Beach HAYS OUT. and WM told by him that he had • been bind by her husband to kill her.

SM told the jury that she and Scalile Oed from IJae atH for four d ays because Scalise be:lieved that police would pick up hina u~ as• fed«al Md ttat~ paroke if he •PP"*hed them about Robinsoa.

But Roblt1s011 told \he ,Jury Thursday that M bdeftd daring thoee four cl&J• that Scalise ud his wile ·~ llriftl ~ in motels an4 plu..,-.. mtardft'.

He explaiald ..,.... q\ltltion­inl ~at la« was lnaured lw szoe.ooo wMc•1 ... ~ ...... w11 s.affic:M81 ._..,.. for 1u. wtre.

The resignation means Hays. the former chairman of the in· Ouentia1 House Admjnlslrnlion Committee . will lea\·e office when hi s t e rm expires in January.

1>esplte Ule pubHclty of his re· latiombip with t.llss 'Ray. Hays defeated lour-time chall~nger Nick Kannlck In the June 8 Primary in his bid for a 1~ term lnomce.

House Demoeral1 der><>s~d Kart from l"• committee chlirmanslllp alter Mm Hays d\arjtd th•t H•ys kept htt' on O.e payroll In • clene.i poeition ~ ..... •M Hid ahe couldn't ~..atbeonlyworitabedkt• .. ~·..,..... . .

Solution - Utility MONTEREY CAP> -

California will run short ol gas energy unless poUUcal barriers are broken and work begins by next year on new n.a.ural gas pro­jects, a utility olric lalsays.

Joseph R. Rensch, president of Pacific LlgbUng Corp., the parent firm of Southern Callfomia Gas Company i11ued the warning Thursday in a keynote address to a statewide meeUng ol Carpen· ters Union, A FL-CIO.

Rensch said that wit.hoot new gas s upplies, industries will be forced to close, industrial jobs will be lost and homeowners will run short.of heating gas.

He said bls firm hu proPOSed

four m.;or gas supply proJectS which a re being delayed by gov· em mental approval processes.

" When these industrial Jobs begin to disappear, olhen are not far behlnd, and among those most critically affected are the build· ing trades,•• he said.

Rensch called on the carpenters to help dispel fallacies plaguing the· gas industry 's efforu to a l· leviate the threatened shortages.

" We've reached the point where Californ ia must go further than just stopping the creation oC roadblocks to energy projects." hP "aid. " ll must take POSilivo steps to expedite these projects or we are not going to make it."

Too Much? Too Little?

Avenida Del If ar. -Play dates are Aug. 3' aod 21,

27 aQd 28 and S~pt. 3 and 4. all wUh an 8 : IS p.m . curtain time.

The pageant will be staged in n natural amphitheater In the San Clemente foothills.

Directions to the pageant : Take the San Diego t"reeway, ex· It Camino de In Estrella and follow the s igns to the arches en· trance of the San Clemente· Cristianila Bowl.

The pageant depicts events leading to the first California baptism.

Baby Shark Dies SAN DIEGO CAPI - A baby

great white shark accidentally captured and turned over to Sea World has died.







DEN'S ~11111i:iiisiillitiiin:~custom draperies

linoleum • wood floor uc.NO.nom

1663 P'lACfNTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CAllF. 92627 • PHONE 6'6·.4931 - 646·l3SS

Valley Councilinan Wins League Post

o.lly ................

SECOND TERM SET League PrHktent Scott

Brown Gets Policeman's 4t Rights Bill'

SACRAMENTO <AP> - A poticemen·s " bill or rights" which would prohibit maridatory lie detector lests of officers sus­N>rtf'rl nf wronL?doine is on Gov. Edmund BrownJr.'sdesktoday.

It won final legislative ap· proval Thursday on votes or 604 In the Assembly and 24·11 In the Senate.

The measure's author. As· semblym an Jim Keysor < D· Sepulveda >. said the governor had agreed to sign lhe bill . Brown earlier relused lo sign the pieasure, raising the wrath or police offlcer~roups.

Brown, pro 'sed the Peace Of­ficers Rcseurc Association dur· lng his 1974 campaign for gov· emor that he would support such ·a measure.

Sen. David Roberti <D·Los Angeles> spoke for the bill on the Senate noor, uylng it " treats jaw enforcement officers as first· class citizens"• by giving them the const.itullonal rights others have.

; Se n . Robe rt Presley (D· Riverside), a former un• dersherlcr, uid the bill "goes too tar."

Another opponent . Sen . ..-Newton Russell <R·Tujunga >,

said police should be required to take polygraph tests when SUS· pected or wrongdoing.

" An innocent person on the 'police force has no reason to be •afraid or a polygraph," he said.

But Sen. Ralph Dills <D· Gardena) questioned why a lie detector test should be," lhrust on a policeman when we know very well you can't fotte that on the ·most heinous murderer" without bis~ent.

'fteeel••• ....... ..._, .. race•

Fountain Valley City Coun­cilman George Scott wa& nominated Thursday night to a seeond term as president of the Orange County LeagueofClties.

His name was the only one placed in nomination by a nominating committee as a pre­lude to next month's aunual elec· tioo of league officers. · And, there were no nomlna· tioaa from the floor at the league meetint in Fullerton.

The Fountain Valley city coun· cilman inherited tbe league'& presidency...lut-ApriLwblle ser-v· m, u first vice president.

He was boosted into the top~ spot when former San Clemente mayor and lea1ue president Art Holmes waa defeated in a~ re­election bid.

Completing this year'• slate or nominees are Santa Ana City

·Councilman John Garthe, the nominee for first vice president, and Cypress City Councilwoman Alice McLain, the nomination committee's choice for second vice president.

Art Festival In Clemente?

A high rankin& city of. ficial said 'l'hunct.y the end of Laguna Beach art festivals would be a good idea - for San Clemente.

San Clemente acting Mayor Donna Wilkinson com mented on the Art Colony's plannlnc com· •missioa mu1in11 over ~ to end traffic COQlestion durin1 art festival time.

One altemative tbe com· misalon Is conaklerinl is endinl them.

Mrs. Wllklnaon said that'd be just fine . " I would Uke San Clemente," she aald, "to be the lint In line to pick up the Festival of the AIU. If the traffic'• too muth for (LacunaMJ, I'm sure we could bindle it quite nicely.' '

HEALTHY OR DEADLY? -Futlnc i s gainin& som e popularity today, as promoters of the practice claim It cleans out the body. Some doctors, on the other band, say going for long periods without food can be a dangerous thing. St.,r writer Jo Olson inlerv\ewed people oo bolh sides ot the issue. Her fiadlnp will be ilLLbtl1Ltl.~._

PIER UFE - Other cities have bad sucNas in renovating waterfroata ao San Clemente city orrtclals are investlgatinc private management for the municipal pier. Starr writer Phil 'Bolmarin updates the necoUa·

Clemente Examines XMovies

X-rated movies being shown at one San Clemente motel 4ot mixed reviews from the eaty council Thursday.

The city i• investl•atlnl c'· ble eoatrola for such eat~b· menu. One San Clemente motel. the Riviera. eurrem.Jy feawres waterbeda aad a choice ol Ulree adultfilma.

Councilman BW Walk• IUI· 1eetec1 that the cl~._. with rules and repla I09VDln&

,-IU.CILoperatlom.._ -Walker 1akl operatan of the

Riviera ml1ht be med u coaaul· . tanta. since they appanatly run

a clean operation. COuneUman Tony Di Giciriiiiil

nearly jumped out of bis seat al that statement. ·

"Ob, come on, Councilman Walker." Di Giovanni said, raia· ing his voice, "I know that ll'a not clean! "

Walker responded that be meant that the motel presented no nuilanee to the city.

Aulatant City Attorney. Michael Bartlett. mediated. say. ing, "Well, perhaps not clean in every .... or the word ...

Walker pat tbe brakes on com. menu <bal there mi&bt be a way lo Prftent ·an1 more X-rated motels or clole the Riviera. " I don't waat to promote lbat type " bulblw In towa," be said. "I just want to ... tbat they have the right to do bualaess."

Di Giovannl remained uneon· vinced. "It would be nice if we could find some way of ellminat.­iD1lhem," lie said.

A "!port from the city attcmey ii ctUe in a month.

Seizures "Legal' SAN DI EGO CA P> _)A

Superior Court Judge· bas hled that the Hlzure of business re­cords from the office of C. ArnboltSmitb w H legal.

Judie Robert W. Conyers held 11Manday that there were some erron in search warrants issued to the dlstriC!l attorney'• office. but the warrants 1Ull made "non· technical common aenae."

KIDS AND HOSPITAIS-Tbe combinalion can be frllliteninl to both child and parent, so one <>ranee Coast hospital bu belUft welcoming children to special lours . Pbotoa by Richard Koehler of the Daily PUot staff ncorclonesucb vlall .

Surfers streak across smoking wave at Big Corona Stale Beach as the other half of the wave breaks inside the Newport Harbor entrance (right) . Big surf kept the swimmers out Thursday making it a field

........... ...... , ....... ,.,

Petunias ASsoimD COLORSIM

ILOOM Reg.,,.

• • ·.

OM.V Pll.OT A3

day for surf-starved board surf crs. The 8 ... to 10-foot waves were generated by Hur· ricane Hyac inth off Mexico. She whipped up the waves before dwindling out herself. Thanks a lot, Hyacinth.


1-------The boss will Shoot us when he Sees This -----.....

Camellia Trees

&arnreenAsh ~ ........ , ..

.... ......

... $7.tf $299

s10" Stepping Stones and Curbing ~

s13" Moss for HcnJlng Baskets




COSTAMISA 6 .a.a..3925 PATIOIHOP ..,. .. 2 .. 10J

ITIMMHM: ......... ........ U1tc• l•lcJl -

•Mla'rllllTl ..... &IMI..._


GVNS OF AVGVST <Part 21 : So what did you cxp~c l '! Everything has a Part 2 these days. from Godfathers to Enter· tainment.

Mosl folks In our ,.,ion. in fiact . are shuddering these dafs

. in the anticipation ot Property Taxes. Part 2.

Anyway. when last we met on the Guns of August I Part J >. members of the surfing fraterni · ty in our area were skulking on lhe beaches, convinced lhat the waves they used to ride had

• taken a permanent vacation lo : Australia. Nothing • ·oold con.

·: ,·ince them otherwise. ••· Meanw h il e. however. thi s •. sterling journal had reported the

• " eKistence o( a condition some 700 .:· miles off the Baja Culifornla :·· coastline, known as Hurricane :!· ttyacinth. This a tmospheric di&· ~ turbance was kicking up tM ·. ocean early this week far out at

sea .

IT WAS SUGGESTED by some coastline obs ervers. including

...... you r correspondent. that ~ H_racinU.'s churninj about might

: caus e the s ud to return • · hereabouts . It did not happen

··:· Wednesday. Then wave action · • was on the Increase yesterday. •• Today, however . the guns or •: August really arrived. TIM! super :- surf was booming. : Every Volkswagen on Pacific

Coast ·Highway had two sur· fboards s trapped to its lop this

· morning. • Before this weekend is out YoU • can anticipate there will be a lot

\ ·; of broken plastic pieces wasfUnl •. ashore from the Pacific. Not to

mention a fe w bent bodies. • . All we really need now is some • s uper -heated in land weather

· :: ove~ the weekend to brin g ! . streams of beach visitors and our

; lifeguards will have thelr hands full .

. IT'S NOT J UST the big sun ~· that brlnaa the trouble . As with • most of thetie storms. riptides • kick up loo :lnd the unwaf')' find

~;. themselves noaUnc out to1...ard 0:· Senta Catalina lsl...S at a rather ··: rapld'pace. 1: . Even before the surf reached • • 1t11 heavy proportions of today. ·:· our coastnl lifeguards Thunday .;: were pulling haples victims out • ·of the wate r as fast as they could :_: go fetch them. :;: Laguna, Beach. for example . • : recorded roughly 200 rescues on ··: its som ewhat limited strand. ln • ; Newport Beach, guards were try.

• mg lo keep folks oul of the water • unless lhey were equipped with

. s wim fins and looked like they : knew what they_ were cS?ing.

Wha t we rea lly need this time of year Is to publish a handy

: guide for the inland nallanders ·: :<1 0 th ey could judge for

· • themselves when or • ·hen not to ·::enter the old Pacific.

First . this brief imt.rucUonal ·:: rorm should tell them to ao ahead : : and approach 1he edge ot tche · · water. Afte r testing tbe tem­::: perature with a toe. enter the <· water up to the knees. Then ad· ·: · vance lo waist level. : .: ::: HAVING REACHED this point

: ()f wetness. the visitor should be • : instructed to gaze oot to sea a t : the waves risin.i outthere.

. ·: Nexl lnstructton 11 easy. From ::that vanta1e. If the lnland vlallor ' .hu to s tretch his neck and look ~up to flnd the top ol the waves ,it's time for him to tum around a nd remove thal pale body from ~he sea.


,.,, .. ,_ .. REFINERY a.AST VICTIM GIVEN MEDICAL AID At Leeat 10 Deed H MHaive Bleat Hlta Pl•nt

111 Wake of Riots

Thp mack Leailers Held In S. Africa JOHANNESBURG. South Africa (AP> - A number of top black

l~ade_rs were rePo~ arrested by security police today in the wake or rtots m black townshiP> ootslde Cape Town in which at least 29 blacks were killed and some JOO injured.

Black sources s aid those detained included Mrs. Winnie Mandela. 42. wife of idlprisoned black na-tlonaliBt Nelson &tandela. leader ( J ol tbe banned African National /N SH ORT Con1ress (ANCL

Police Minister James T . Kruge r said last week the ANC • may be partly responsible for the upheavals in black. townships across South Africa in recent weeks. Security police have not· confirmed tbe arrests, rePorted· ly made under the detention· wilbout-trial pro\'isions ot the re· Ct'Dl.ly enaded lntemaJ Security Act. ..... ~ .,,,. ..

WICHITA. Kan. (API - Police are dttllning to reveal what they consider to be the motjve for the

Toll of Raid On Guerrilla Camp Reveal,ed

JOHANN ES BURG . South Africa CAP> - The Mozambique government c laimed today that tit least 618 persons were killed ln a Rhodesian raid on guerrilla camps i n side Mozamb iq u e earlier t his week . double the fi1ures reported by RMdesian aulhorilies four days ago.

The Rhodesiwn government Tuesday in announcing the raid said 300 black nationalist guer· rillas were killed along with 30 Mozambican s o ldiers a nd to civilians .

In Durban . South Afr1cun Forelan Minister Hllgard Muller expressed concern al the esciala· lion of violence in neighborin~ Rhodesia which he said could give Ule Soviet Union and Cuba an excuse for further interve n· Uon In Afri,ca.

sniper killing of three people and the wounding of s ix others at a downtown hotel.

But. relatives and acquain· l ances or 19-year-old Michael Soles. who is accused or the s hootings, expressed surprise Thunday at his arftlt for the violeftce. "What'• .hlU)l)efted ii 110111ethtn1 t hal is not OJ hJA owa doi:og becuuse we know Mlke. and this isn ' \ the Mike we know, .. Soles' father, James Soles ot Sand Springs. Okla . told re· porters

K.ld1t•p 11-t WALTHAM , Mass. CAP> -

Two m en wanted in Connection with a series of New England bombings were being sought by police for an unsuccessful kidnap attempt on the president o r Polaroid Corp.

A police bulletin alerted East Coast authorities to watch for two men we aring dungar~. de­nim jat'kcts a nd caps and drivint a 1976 t' ord van painted yellow with blue stripes 1be vehicle had Massachusetts lleense · plates

V.S. Tar~l.ed COLOMBO. Sra Lanka CAP > -

The United States ls expe«ed to come under fire for its Polley in at least three areas - Korea. Puerto Rico and the Panam:r· Canal - at the s ummit meeting or nonaligned nations.

Criticis m also seems Ukely for American 1upport of Is rael, the operations of American multina· tional corporations and Washington'• aid and economic cooperation policies .

Siege ·by Storms Eases Tlwnikrstomu Linger in Upper Mithoost

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Refinery Explodes • At Least 12 Crushed i i i Blast

• • CHALMETTE, La. lAP ) - An uplOfllon ripped through a 30· story tower al the Tenneco 011 Co. refiner>'• mas~ the men a nd metal Inside it. Twelve workers were kllled and at least lOlnjured.

Autborilies said they believed two more m en were dead in lht' wrecked tower after the Thurs day night explosion. but their bodln had not been rt."COver.ed. A crew worked through the night · moving me tal plates by hand. searching for the bodies.

A SPOKESMAN for Tenneco said the cause of the blast was not tnown. One workman said we lding was being done and there mjgbt ha\•e been a gas leak.

It was the second exploslon in lhe tower within a week, the St. ~mard Parish sheriffs office said . However. a T enneco spokesman said today lhere bad been no explosion last week and the m en were doing routine maintenance work. At least two dozen men were workine in and around the tower Thursday night. the sheriff's olfice s aid.

" There's no way oltelling what happened to the guys inside." said Larry Cupit, who was work· Inc in the area of the~xplosion . " It looked like It blew •l lhe top and everything just came down inside It.''

TifE--sROClr or Die explosion was felt as far as two miles away. There was no fire. · " Some of the victims were Just blown apart." said Dr . Hewitt Thlan. chief of surgery at ChaJmette General Hospital. " It was imposslb!e to identify some orthem." ·

The victims were employed by Tenneco and Delta Field Erec-

Tijuana Chief Cans Officers

T IJUANA. Mexico <AP I Police chief Antonio Escobedo s uys he has fired 200 omcers from the city 's 700·member force in the last seven months.

Of the 200 oflieers fired:- 40 v.·ere fired for taking bribes from Tijuana nightclub ownes-s and for iporing -prosjtution and other c.-rimes. Escobedo said. Tbe rest were fired for vlolat.lng v.rlous department rules.

All those who were firt'd h1we been replaced. said Escobedo. a former Tijuana bus inessmµ n \\i th no prior police eKperience

lion Co .• • subcontroctor ut the plant.

Tht sl lo · like t O'A' t'r , or .. ,·es.ael." is used In tht' relinlni proces to separate pttroleum in· to heavy lubricating oil and lighter fuel s .

The refln('ry is abciut 10 miles down the Mississippi River from the center of l'\e,.• Orlnns.

THE TOWEil in which the men dif'd is one of a fit-Id ol similar structures Jammed together and linked by cut walks and pipes In a

compleK that stretc._;S I nuf( mll" alona the rlnr.

Th<' tower wa partitioned by 200 metal plntt's 18 int~ apart like the noor. or a hotel. Men were workln1i1 from the top dJ th.~ bottom or the lower r('p1&lrln~ nnd replacing the plates when thl' blast OC<'urrt>d.

Paul Montelepre . nd mini trator of the Chalmetle ho pltal, said the names or lht• dead • ·ould not be releasl>d until posith•e idt>nllncution could ~ made of all of thcf!l .

Moslem Vengeance Vowed/or Defeat

BEIRUT. Lebanon <AP 1 -The Palestinians aod lhcir leftist Mo s lem Leban est> allie s threatened today to a\'enge lhe fall of the Tai Zaatar Palestinian camp and vowed that Lebanon's ci\'il • ar would continue.

Palestinian l eacer farouk Kaddouml said his men would "aven1e Tai ·zaatar elsewhere

Jn Lebanon.·• Le!Ust papers said_ the Moslems might ·•escalate ffghlinc in Christian-held moun~ lain areas." through which -Moal•m vlnagu..<ll'~ AIU sc:.tt. tered .

" Lebanese will have lo bruce for a protracted war," said Kamal Jumblatt, the Moslem leader or the Lebanese leftists.

. " We must brace ounelves for more shocks. s imilar to that of Tai ZaatarA · •

"Our prmrti dut y now Is to c l up a strong popular army to re­sist the Syrian invasion and to liberate eaptured areas . We will bave lo -'reslst partition . becauae a Christian state in our midst WO\,\ld turn OUl to be another l sr~el in the heart of the Arab region."

The fall of .T a i Zaatur · con· solidated the area with lhe Chris · lian .hinterland north or the capital . 1 •

Chr istiao militi a men fought nropup actions today against isolated Pockets of defenders in the' i4-acre' camp. PaJcsUnlan sot1rces said scattercKt hand·lo· -hand figblin1 t'onlinued but ad· milled that the camp had been conquered.

Hours 3'ter Tai ·Zaatar fell. Moslem ~unmen or the Am· bushers militia laid siege to lhe Assyrian quarter in the heart of

' Moslem Wes t Beirut . The Am' bushers accused lhe quarter's 3.000 Christians of supJ>Orlinl!• " Christian at rocilies" agains t re• fugecs from T,al Zaatar.

Deadly Virus Sigris Found By Canadians 1'0R,~NTO <AP I As health

officials here hunt for hlfldreds o( people who muy ha\'e bee~ er.­posed lo a deadly African fever , another uncofnmon disease. diphther~a. has claimed the fife oC a ~7-year-old woman.

The health- officials Qre lookln~ for 400 persons who flew from Brlt:aln 11 days ago on a plaflc wilh a woman suspected of hav· ing highly contagiou~ La!is? fever. Hers Is the fi rsl suspccled case of th~ fever In Canada and she "as been hospitalized h r~ Ln strictlsola,ion .

A Spokes man for Toronto Wi! s tern Hos pital s aid ttl e ' dlphlberia· victim . whom he d id nol identlfy. dred Thursday a~hc hospital. He said she had en discha rged from the nosp tal Aug. 2. was readmitted Au . s and complained the next day fa sore throat. A day later she fell acutely ill. · ;

AlthQjagh Toronto Western has not been ~laced In quarantine. access has been restricted and tests were being conducted on staff and other pntients ror signs of lhe highly infectious disease.

. .

.. ..

He Speaks FOi' You Gloomy Gut I• your IPOk••m•n bec• u•• you end other D•lly Piiot re•ders put words In hi• mouth.

Have ,Ou got a pet grlev•nce? L•Y It on Gu•. Remember to stick to laauee-no penonel etteck• .

Juat write to Gloomy Gus at th• Dally Piiot, Box 1MO, Cost• Mee•, C•Htornl• 12121.

Then ·wetoh for your Gua. He appe•re dally on the edltorlal page of th• Dally Piiot .

He apeaks tor you, In the

DAILY PILOT • 842·4321

r 1

---·· ...... ---

SAN RAFAEL <APl - The State or Callfornla spent 16 months an<t more than $2 million to convict three men who were a lready imprisoned, two witb life sentences.

Three or the Snn Quentin Six were round guilty Thursday in con.necc.1on with un Aug. 21, 1971, ncape attempt ot the prison that len six persons dead.

Johnny L. Spain. who is serving a life sentence for murder, was convicted or kllJlng two prison guards and eonsplrln1 with black revolutionary Ge<>rae jackson to escape. Jackaon was shot dead by a guard during the incident.

THE •A•IN COUNTY aud[tor' .. atill eompWaa the bill for whal wu the long .. \ 91i-6Ml &~al 1ii ~allfornia history . It has reached 11.1 -.m1on and will probably increase by Sl~.000.

More than U00,000 was spent M rtportln~ and transcribine 22.000 pages of testimony. J"ry feet • Including 24 days ot hotel bllls durin1 the Sc· quntered jury's deliberations - came to nearly $100,000. Eilbl)'·lbree witnesses were ulle<I.

All slx delen<Unts were acc used of killing three guards and two iamates and C<¥l.SPlring to escape. Spain was convicted of the shooting deaths of guards Frank De Leon. 44, and J ere P. Graha m. 39.


belit'ved lo be hidfng in O..ada. allegedly i; rnu.: cled a piMol to J acltsQ9' tht' dlly of whut prosecutor" aald was.an esc1,utt· att• m1>I I

ACCORDING ·ro the pl'OSt'CUtlOll0

1! ~·"' Ja<'l~on pulll-'<l the s rnus: ,.eh.'d a:un on t• ~uurd ln lb\' ~'*~ 1mum security block IU\Q onl~red him to cwn all the cells. tree ing about :IO lnmutu.

The defense t-ontf'nded that Ult' Maths retuttud from consp1rncy bt prlsoo at~11rdis lo.&et Jack1iCln up ror kill in11 . J u(•kson wus tt militant advocate ot prison reform .

One defendant. Pind l . . s aid Uu.i bloodbuth "' tt:­enginee r<'d by prison guurd"i. and that J :ackson grabbed the gun a rtcr n gunrd pulled it on him .

Bodies lde 11tified DAVID JOHNSON and Hugo Pinell, who acted as

his own attorney, were found guilty of assaulting Ptisoo cu.ards duringtbe20-mlnute melff, San Quen· tin's bl~iest escape attempt. Pinell is serving a life sentence for rape. Johnson is serving one to 15 years

NONE OF THE defendants was convicted of the slaying of guard P aul E. Krasenes, 52, and inmates John Lynn, 29, and Ronald L. Kane , 28.

Pinell w .. s round guilty or cutting the throats of guards Charles Breckenridge and Urbano Rublaco Jr., both of whom survived and testified against him. Johnson was convicted of ass aulting

ALL TUE dere ndants claimed they were chosen a l random for prosec ution and denounced the trial a s u politic•l •xerc ise lo satisfy demands that s omeonl' be convicted ror the kUUngs. They argued that thert• was too much confusion to be certain or what hap ~ned.

for bur1lary . .~ The 39-day search for Mary Gorman, 21. (left) and Victoria Bezore, 31, has ended with dis· ' covery or their badly decomposed bodies ne ar Sa~ta Cruz. Police say they found the murder woop0n . Santa CruJ earned the title .. Murder Capital" after three mass slayers killed 26 people there in the early 70s.

Three other men. Lou.ls Talamantes. Fleetz Drumgo and Willie Tate, were acquitted of 3 charges.

Smtenclng for those convicted was set for Sept.

Breckenridge. . One defendant has yet to be tried. Radieal

Oakland attorney Stephen Bingham was a lso charged with murder and conspiracy. but disap· peared the d ay of tbe escape attempt. Bingham,

'l'he core or the p~ecution was the testimony or lbe former guards who s urvived despite cul lhroati..

JO. Maximum punishment for each would be life in Their dramatic. o ften gory accounts dre w strenaous protests ftom the defense team . prison.

'Suieide Best' Wulow Asked Only lmhpemhnce LOS ANGELES (AP > - Alexan·

drine Herrmann. a 70.ycar-old widow, was unwUt;ng to. trade her indepen· dt'nce ror the .. toctflte and slow de· ath" of a nursing home. ·

When s he Joit her independence after county c hecks allowing her to hire a housekeeper were c ut off. s he took an overdose of m<..'<licalion, a nd

i . " I do not w ish to lake my h ft>." read

a note grasped in Mrs. Her rmann's hand. " but see no other alternative."

" I'm very sor ry she comm1lled suicide," said we lfare offi cial Chris Cooper. but " our act ion was right. ..

Side• A r e D u.i y 1lll Day PASADENA (AP > - Mart.fan skies

o\·er the Viking 1 lander are laden with dust that blurs the sun in new pie· lures shown today, much like s mog over a large city on earth.

As the sun got lower in the sky in sue -

· Patty Trial . ·Tactic Same

LOS ANGELES <AP I - Th e verdicts in the t rial of William and Emily Harris will not affect plans for Patricia Hears t 's defense in her trial on the sam e charges, Miss Hears t 's

- a ttorneysays . Boston attorney Al Johnson :.:-.11d 10 I an interview Thursday that convic·

• tion of the Harrlses for robbery a nd

I kldnaping and their acquittal on as · s ault charges had not changed his ap· proach to Miss Hearst's J an. 10 trial.

Johnson. who previously represent· ed Miss Hearst in Sun Francisco dur· iniz her trial on federal bank robber v charges. reaffirmed that his client would not e nter a guilty plea to t hl' s ame kidnaping. robbery a nd assaul t 1ndlclment th at covered the llarriscs

THEY WERE ACQUl'ITED of six assaults that have been admitted by ~1iss Hears t.

The 22.year-old heiress is currently undergoing psychiatr ic t ests in a federal prison in San Diego prior to sentencing on the bank robbery con· \'lctfon.

Saying there had been no offer or a "deal" by Dist. Atty. John Van ck Kamp, J ohns on s aid he will usk the dis missal of all charges a~ainst Miss

· Hearst . · Me anwhile, the ll ar r ises a r 11

scheduled to remain in Los An~e l ei. until sentencing Aug: 30, their lawyer said.

lnvit~s you to its 1st Annual

Summer Sale SAT. and SUN.

( State J ce.ssive picture.s. it became fa.inter because its rays were passing through increasing quantities or dust. The dust made or fine red particles blown from the.$urface.. tinted the sky.a.pin color . The obscuration was compared I to the San Francisco Bay areas .

CWJt ody f'fgll t Mor~d VENTURA <AP> - A custody bat· I

tie between a Vie tnamese mother who g a ,·e up he r two sons and the I American bachelor who adopted them 1s expected to be fought in Connecticut courts.

A c us todi a l hearing he re was pos tponed by temporary Superior . Court Judge Lawrence Storch art er he learned th at Connecticut authorities had s tayed c riminal proceedings agajnst William Popp, who married the boys' mother. Lan, four months ago.

J a il f'or BUld n g RfMfl LOS ANGELES <AP> _: A Superior

Cour t j ud ge ha s 1mposed fines ranging from SlSO to SS,000 as well as three years probation on 12 pers~os accused or staging phony trafrlc acci· dents to bilk seven insurance com·' pan1es of S48,350.

Sixleen persons were originally in· dieted by the county grand jury laa\ March. however. charges against two were d ismissed and one remains at large. f 'ear• For H I• Liie

VA CAVILLE <AP > - William . Carter Spann. a neph&w o f

Democratic presidential candidate J immy Carter . says he fears for his life and wants to be transferred from the sta\e prison where he and ~fellow orisoner who alle mpted to he)p him su!f ered s upcrfircialstab woon~J

But prison officials aay they are UD· C'ertain whether Spann, 29, was at · tacked or if he inflicted the wounds. himself.

No-puff Bill OK/ SACRAMENTO (Ar> - An ''Indoor

Clea n Air Act" ~rving half the seats In planes. trains and man,y public buildings for non-smokers has been seni to Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.

It also would restrict smoking to lobbies of publicly owned buildings used for_ enlertainment exceet for_ sporting events.

Na.vs the time to trade in PJr old color TY. Its \YOrth BIG $$$ when you trade up to an RCA ColorTrak Console. We've teamed up with RCA to offer you this value.packed trading deal. Get BIG $$$ for your old color TV while enjoying all the fantastic advantages of famous RCA . ColorTrak Console TV. It's ~s most advanced. mo~ . automatic TV ever! So. if your old color TV has " had it," now's the time to trade. It'll never be worth more tt\an i t is right now, during RCA TRADES FANTASTIC!

• • . toward the purchase of a 1977 25 .. diagonar RCA ColorTrak Console with convenient push·button tuning. Each set has all the great RCA ColorTrak features. Choioe of cabinet styles. Includes GA790 series Mid GA830 series.

. ~-------------~ 1 bl may get even more 1 1.. on yoUr trade-in if: 1 I 0 11·1 en RCA color TV I I 0 II has a good picture I I 0 If a less then 7 years old · I I 0 lt'a a console, and I I 0 It ha a 2 1" d iagonef picture or IM'gef'. I


. • • • towat'd the purchase of a 1977 25" diagonal RCA ColorTrak Console with Remote Control or ColorTrak Control Center. Each set has all the fantastic features of·RCA ColorTra'k-pl\Js the convenience of chairside operation . Choice of cabinet styles. Includes GA720R Remote Control series ancl GA935-936-938DA ColorTrl'lk Control Center models.


. . . toward the purchase 6f a 1977 25" dlag0nar RCA ColorTrak Console from either the GA702-70~708 series or GA720 series. Each set features oil tho tantaatic advan•oes'Clf RCA ColOl'Trak. Seven models to choose from.

Now at the• participating RCA Dealers



The Generous OCTD Dlrecton of the Orange County Transit Dlatrlct

decided two weeks qo t~ district would not take advantage of the so-called property tax windfall created by the unexpected sharp increue in assessed value throughout the county.

That was good news. However, transit district Chairman Ralph Clark

ahnOUnced a few days later the district would drop its tax rate only one.quarter of a cent.

Whoopee! That brings the OCTD's property tax nte all the way down to 4.25 cents from 4.5 cents per SlOO of assessed value.

For the owner o( a $60,000 house. it. comes to a grand total of 37 cents less on t.be total tax bill for the year.

Since the district can look forward to an 18.7 percent increase in assessed value, lhe token reduc· lion doesn' t mean much to anyone.

Granted, the OCTD's tax rate is low to begin with and what its directors do won't have any significant. impact on homeowners' tax bills.

Nonetheless, in keeping with the spirit oC the · times, OCTD directors should do more than slice .0025

from the district's tax rate.

Don't Write, Phone Patrons of auto repair shops may have noticed a

large sign urging them to call a toll-free number U·~·952·S210) if they wish to register a complaint about the repair service with the Bureau of Auto Repair in the state Department. of Consumer Alf airs.

The auto repair llne ls Jus t a sample of California ·s toll-free hotline system that adds af prox­imately Sl mllliooayeartothestate's phone bil .

The average call, according to a recent Depart· ment ol General Services survey, costs Sl .62. But telephone advice handed out by the stale Health and Wel!are Agency costs the taxpayers an average of $8.57 a call . This service was started to aid Vietnamese refugees and their sponsors, but It has ex· pa.oded t.o include advice given in 60 languages, ln· eluding Tagalog, Cantonese and Estonian.

Many of the agency's calls involve the Depart· ment oC Benefit P~ments which bas 22 consultants answering the hot.line.

Other toll-free state lines offer information on taxes, hig~way conditions, weather forecasts and smog readings.

One state university spends up to $600 a month for a WATS line to give high acbool students, parents and counselors - all ol whom presumably could >Vrite and read - informatioo about the university system.

Some of the WATS lines are not available to the general public, bUt are used by such state bodies as the Energy Commissim and the Justice Department to exchange inf onnation with private industry and other government agencies.

Why the vast majority of the coDsumer calls could not be handled by calls to local and resional state offices I isled in lhe phone book, and why the U.S. Postal Service could not be used for other, less urgent queries, is difficult-to see.

That million-dollar phone bill is enough to con­vince any taxpayer that a 13-cent letter ought to be_ more t.b.anadequ.ate


To maintain this service, the bureau pays $5,000 a -month--f or-five ~lines-in the stat~'"S-Wide Area T elephone Service (WATS> which enables citizens anywhere in the state to call Sacramento for advice and assistance.

But perhaps we are regressing to the age when human beings coinmwlicated exclusively -through pictures and the spoken word. 'Yeah? Well, first Jet me show a contract I already have!'

An Old Prejudice Wavers

ART HOPPE ) • The first time l ,.,. Jimmy

Carter was at an old people's rally Illa Loni Beach public park. ~"• moved th?PPh the crowd •Mini bands eMy, Mlf· ~ontained arace , and ~ ipade his way _ ) ~P to th e rostrum. He • .cijusted the .. lcrophone ( be was shorter than I Ip! expected > ~began to talk. I was lhocked. For he spoke with a 8outhern accent.

I had read everything I coold ftnd to read about Mr. Carter. r mew be was from lhe South. But r had thought little about it. 1 Simply wasn't prepared for a na· tjonally acceptable presidential e:andidate who sounded like Strom Thurmond, George Wallace or Bull Connor.

As I listened to Mr. Carter's soft. drawled·out, ear-pleasing pronunciation of familiar polltlcaJ phrases . I realized for the first time that I was pre. Judlced -:- prejudiced aealost Southerners.

I GREW up ln a Northern liberal family that believed in raci al equalily. The first Southerners I got to know were fellow enlisted men bl World War U. Being enllattd men, mott were from pQOr or rnodelt back· croonds with hllb tthool educ•· don~ nt best. The upy word "nl•· ter" was a s taple ln thelr ~ocabularies. We had UlUe in ~mmon.

During the slxtl• I wM • ftl'· Yftnl sups><>rter of the frHdora ftdeni and civil rl•hb muc._... ( WaA hOrl'l(led by the bigoted •niter and brutallly or the Southern whlle11 In UtUe Rock, BlrminJ(ham and Selma.

On the rare occasions I &raveled in the &>uth during \hose years to cover dtmonstra· bons or Political candidates. I found that Northern reporters .,ere all too orten rreeted wlth 1us pic lon ond hos tility by nervous Southern whiles.





Loob like the union bcmes have finally protecled their workert into starvation with their atrikes and demuda.


.._ .. c-.-~.,, ...-..-.. -~ ....... ... ,,_ ................. __ ........ 0-, ........ ..,.__

t wrote column afte" CGlumn atllcktng Southerners as desplcable ueiata and au11est· ing, only halt in Jest. that the one military mistake we made dur· tnc the Civil war•• winnina it.

Wben I heard • Southern ac­cent, I immediately laslUmed the speaker was a l'ed·necked Ku Klux Klan fanaUc unW proven otherwise And I secretly •I· ished the reeling of superlcSl'ity this gave me. For I was as pre­judiced io my way as were most of them in theirs,

. I REALIZED this only when I heard Mr. Carter speak. For be ia certainly no racist. He says there is a new South and these are new times . I think he's right. Passions in the South have cooled and the cilueos or South Boston ha\'e proved Northerners can be as intolerant as were the citizens oCSelmaadecadeandrnoreago.

And as i llatened to him oo television or addressing the de· legates - I found that I bec11me Ina and less conscious of his ac· nlftt and more and more atten· Uve to what he waa aayin11. Grtdua.lly. he became 1.. and leu a Southerner to me md mor• aad more 1imply another Pr-'d .. Ual cuclld*.

In the months to come, we will Ill pow lac!reaabtllY f amlliar with Mr, Carter. \ffe -wlll 1et to lalow blm .. we alwl)'I 1tt to llaow our PH•ldeaUal can· dktMel. And tM nn remWar m becomes to .... the lea dif. '9r1M he wlll be.

Sq I am 1lad Mr. Carter ... cldtd to run. The country h .. been bitterly divided by un· reuonlna emotions f« 200 year1. But now, while I may not vat.for Mr. C•~r, It won't be becaUM oC hla accent.

And If 1 am •ble to rid myself o( this long-held prejudice. so may others. The country would be far the better ror It. And ao would I .

- , Workers Ma11 Need More la~enti.,es

Soviet Manpower Crisis Seen WASHINGTON - Barring W>o

foreseen improvements, I.be Sov· iet Unlon is beading for a m~ power crisia. which may foree the Kremlin to relax its com­muni.at dlacipliae and offer the worten m«e capit.allatic incen· tive..

Thia la tbe concluaion of America's top Soviet manpower expert , Dr. ~ Murray ••alaba.cb-. wbo bu just completed one of tbe moll im­portant demo-1 rap hi c studies ever done on the Soviet Union.

According to Dr: Fesbbach's calculations, Russia can expect a criUcal manpower ahortqe by 1983. There Is statistical irony in the year . It comes the yqr before " 1984," the Ume and title or George Orwell 's famous satire. Orwell described a Stalloesque police state, whose citizens couldn't make a move without government sanction.

Butlf Dr. Fesbbach'sconliden­tial 1tudy la correct, the Ruuian people may be able to IOOleD the Orwellian grip and gain mort' freedom in 1983 Thia ls wbat it may take to overcome tht' man. power shortage and .Umulate productivity.

Dr. Fetbbach has baaed bis conclusions on a p1lnstalc.lng study or Soviet census figures and other obscure documents. Tbe atudy wu commissioned by the Joint Con1re11i onal Economic Committee whkh will make It public In late~mbcr. ll waa co.autbored by Dr. Felbback ud Steven R.lpawy.


Tbe · Soviet population trends indicate that the population ls aglng and &bat there aren't enough youq people to pick •up the wort tools. 1be Europeaa Ruaalam. wbo have· pl'Oduced mCNJt at U.. alrilled ......................... ,.. ms babJDd tile c.tr..a Asian minorlti• lD popullltka arowth.

The mlnoril.1 races, eccordi.Qg to Feshbacb, abo ralst leaving home to work 1D distant factories and fieldl. Nor do they want to 10 to the Cblnese border to build up the population for a CODfrootaUon with the Chinese.

The 4.5 mlllion-man Soviet· army draws of.I the youth, who need to be trained to nu the mid· die-level jobs. The housing 1horta1e, with buabands and wives cooped ln tiny apartments, hu also discouraged women from haviq babies.

TO MAINTAIN AN .ciequate work fbrce, each famlly muat ~roduce at leaat 2.2 children. Soviet families have drop~ below lhia figure in some parta or European Russia.

Many Russian women, ac­customed to working, don't want more children. Even the " pro. natal" steps now being taken won ' t produce working-aged children until well into the 19908.

The manpower crunch wiU pro. bably hit the farms rant. where p.roducllvlty already bu fallen so low that the Soviet.a must im· port food to feed the 2:i6 mllUon populaUon.

In lhort, tbe Soviet Union won't have the mus workers needed to meet production demands, and a reverH "1114" may bit the country by 1983.

BISHOP'S CHAu.ENGE: In d.lctatonhlpe around the world, the cler1y llave defended the downtrodden and the persecuted. Catbollc priests and Protestant mlnlaten alike have risked their ll"9 &o briq ua evidence oC tort.... la auell ~triea u Brull, Clalle, CUba, lndJa ud Iru.

Now many of the 81 Catholic bilbope ln the Pbllippines, meet­ing secretly, have drafted a manifesto condemMftl the aup­preuioo of human rights by President Ferdinand Marcos. A copy baa been smuggled to us.

Marcos and his wire, Imelda, have courted the Roman Catholic Church, which bas a religious bold on 13 percent Cl the PbiJlp· pion' '° million people. The MarcoHS have had some success in placatinc the conservative Cardinal Jaime Sin.

But now most of his bishops have taken a courageous stand acainst the abuses they have wit· nesaed. They have denounc:e4 the heavy superstructure oC secret police, informers and corrupt generals, which Marcos hu Im· posed upon the country.

BE RAS centralized political power and put "the whole naUon under the control oC one man," the biahopa declare. Vet the of· ficlal corrupUon be promJaed to eradicate "1oea on unabated.." It is accompanied, they say, by "violence and terrcnlin1. too, since lhe military are the only people licensed to carry arms."

The bishops tell oC t.orturc In

Marcos' stockades. Political 1us· peel s have " practically no rights, " the manifesto alleces, .. l and> arbitrary arrests are matched by arbitrary deten· tloos." Prisoners are held for months without charges.

The press is "sycophantic" and the populace is docile, the bishops report. "We are fast becomln& a natibn ol sheep, " they lament. --The..man.il.nto also..al.Leces that "cam .. for youths, 18 years and under, have been started," In J three cities. Others reportedly 1 are In the planning stage. "The regimen In those camps," say the bishops, Is "reminiscent oC Hiller's Youth Movement oC the '3l>s and the Red Cuards of China."

THE PRELATES describe "sy.stematlc indoctrination" In the camps , "borde ring on. brainwaahtng" and leading lo an undisguised personality cult of President Marcos.

The stirring manifesto, com· pleted on the Phllippines' ln· dependence Day, June 12, Is divided into 37 sections dealing with every facet of Philippine JiCe : family , youth, laborers, farmers ; political prisoners, stu­dents, even aliens and squat~s.

The churchmen charge that labor leaders, for example, " languish in jail only al the pleasure of the government ror as long as tbe 'State of Emergency' lasts." The right to strike has also been suppressed "in flagrant violation" oC free labor principles .

The bi s hops call for dis· cusaions " in peaceful and order­ly way ." But they urge ln rintlng language : " Let the people be heard. Lot the people decide."

Bank. Patrons 'Forget' Millions Can you lma1tne anyone hav·

lnc several thousand dollars in the bank rOl'1ettlng all about It? Well, It hap.,_na all the Ume. In faet. so many people areatrickcn wtth thl• kind or amnesia that the state wUI spend a quarter of a mOUoo dollars this year In er. fort. to locate and return such money to the rlgbUul owners.

The state's " guardian" role in locating forgetful depositor s stems from a 1951 enact­ment known a1 the un · claim~ pro­perty law . Under ill pro· vlalona banks were required to report bank" llC«IUDts dor· mant IS years to tbe State Controller. He then, tJwouih advertising and other IMtboda, attempts to find the de· poeltort or their rightful heirs. It acme can be "found the money coea Into the state cctrft'I but the riebt to claim contlnuel forever.

The money involved la not peanuts. Durln1 the past three ynn more than 112 mlWoa bas been turned over to tbe state• by tbe banks. 0Yer OM third oC t.hat .... ..... ..... • .., ... OWIMl'S tbroug tbe state's efforts. Nett.her •• th• llldi\'kWal •c·


counts small potatoes, 10me run­nln1 as high u $8,000. Not.,.. tbe · owner• filthy rich but often qed and needy.

PRIOR to the 1958 law the money •Imply became a windfall to the banks. Most made no errort to locale the owners. (How dlf· rn·ent it 11 when cne owee the bank money.)

Thia "pocketing" ol .,._ltcn money al most brou(bl diluter to one Ca11Cornla bd a quarter century back wben heirs ,to

·- several mllUona ~ lo •lalc• their claim. In­terest over halt a C!Clillmy all but banknlpted tM bank. Tiie money wHn•t readily b.Ulded over either but was the •IUeet of a draaced oul. court baUle.

Altbou1h the incident. hap· pened years earlier II. may have had some effect in J>Olntint the need lor the 1958 law. Howevn-, that law did not solve the pro­blems. Many of the banks aP­parenUy were atlll uawillln1 to let 10 of their une•rned W1ndlalll. Many failed llO report dormant accounts and others wt~d accnatd llltwnt when

sutTenderlng the lundt to the state. Some even eroded the prln· clpal by deducting tervlcc Chari•·

TllDI!: pr1cUce1 were given a Hvere setback recently by Sacnmenlo Superior Court Judi• Irvine Perl..a ln rulln1 on a .Wt bnMlaht by llU Ccintroll« Kenaetll Cory .._alnlt the 8ank of America and Security Pacutc National . He declared ' 1lt •Imply la inconceivable tt..t tbe plal11Uff banks, buln1 uaed the de· poelton' money to earn money f« themselves, truly believe that they not only 1bouJd not pay ln· terest on the accounta Involved but that they •re entlUed to Im· poee a aervlce char1e when the fundt .,.. turned over to the Con· troll•". He called that reason· ing the " Chutzpa" princ1ple, a Yidctilb term for bruen nerve.

And a 1975 amendmenl to the law reducinc the reportln1 period to eeven yen will permit owners to be more euUy loca~ ed. Al10 acreement by lhe federal pvernment to..ubject au nauonal banka to the state law atwa llale auditors accaa to the reeordl "'tbole bub.

TRS 81Tl1ATION then IP· pean to be bapptly reeolv.t.

One wonders then why more ef.

fort la not made by tho "friend· ly" banken? ThO!le with credit card11 know the bombardments made lO encourase their actlvo use . Shouldn' t bankt try to k"p their cu1tomer account.I allvc and avoid the burden on the iJt.le? Perhaps now lhat the pro· m or not dotni ao has been eliminated lhcy wlll.


DAILY PILOT ~ N. Weed. Ptibtitlwr

Tllmnot Ktt11fl , ~:dUor 8or&ora Krtf~lt,

f:dllorlal Page Editor

The edltori1l p1ge of the Dally Pilot seeks to Inform and 1timul1te ruders by l)l'eHntln1 on this p11e diverse commentary on loPic• ol lnternt by ayndlctl· eel column11u and c1rto.ilea, by pt(7¥idlnic • forum for readers' views and by present1n1 t.bl• new1p1per'1 opinions md lcle111 on curttnt t~lu. The editorial Op!Nonl ol the Dally Pilot appe11' only lo the editorial column at the t4P ol th• paae. OplnlON ex· ~ by the columnltlt and Hrtooniltl end lttltt writmi are tWr own tnd no~ ot tMlr views b)' the Dally Pilot lbould be laf•rrtd .

Friday, Auaust 13, 1978

Quntiotu, AtUtcers

:Vaccine F~ee For Swine Flu

• WASHJNGTON (AP> - The swine l.nfluerua vacclnatloll prosram

aiped into law Thw'sday by President Ford will make the vac· ~lnatJona available to all Americans al no char1e. Here, in queaUoo and answer form, •~details about the pro1ram.

The detaila were provided by Mike While. a public informaUon of· fleer i n the Department of Health, Education and WeUare's awme nu office.

Q. WBEaE MAY I receive the vaccination?

A. Individual state and local health departmenu are setting up their own vaccination sites. Check with local health depart­ment.a to determine specific

( M$DICINE .J locatio~~ and times. Private pbysicl~s may also administer the vaccinations .

Q. How much must I pay for the vaccinations '!

A. THE VACCINATION is be· in& provided .free and each pro­ject administering the shots is being called u~n to set up sites where they wall be given at no charge. However , some may ask for contri butions . Private physicians also will receive the vaccine atno cliarge bat may charge patients for administer · in& the shol or for the office visit. Government contracts are still being neg otiated with manufacturers, but $105 m illion has been appropriated to pay for the vaccine. ·

Q. What are the possible ad­verse reactions?

A. Fever, ranging from 100 degrees to 104 degrees for

1 several days, soreness in the arm and redness around the location w~e.re tbe vaccination is ad­marustered.

Q. When will they occur?

A. WITHIN 48 HOuas after the shot is administered.

'Q. What are the chances Pl de­veloping an adverse reaction?

A. In clinical tests, 1.9 percent of those administered the vac· cine developed a fever.

Q. What are my chances ol de­veloping swine influenza from the vaccination!

A • .N....,.,,__

Q. ARE THE SIDE EFFECl'S worse than the disease?

A. According to tests, they are not.

Q. Who would be most likely to develop an adverse reaction?

A. People wbo are allergic to ens. because the vitua in the vaccine is cultured in ega.

A. THE V "CCINAnON IS be· ing recomibended for everyone over ~ years of age, with only one shot required. Researchers are still trying to determine dosage for persons under 2S, for whom a vaccination and a boo9ter shot may be required.

Q. How effective will the shot be?

A. Tests indicate it will be 85 percent effective, meaning Ulat 85 percent of the persons receiv­ing the vaccination will have suf. ficient immunity to be protected from swine influenza.

Q. ARE THERE ANY special precautions, such as not eating, that l should take before receiv Ina the vaccination!

A. No. Q . Whal H my ~aoaal

physician advises me againal re ceiving the vaccination?

A. The swine flue office would assum-e the physician ha.a 1ood medical reuons for such advise

CSee fUJ SHOT. All)

....... e1 •• Actress Rosalind Russell . who underwent sw-gery last week lo replace her right hip joint, is said to be steadily improving by doc­tors al UCLA Mediacl Cen­ter.

THE HOUSE WAYS AND Means Committee, wbi,ch writes the U .S tax laws, is seeking public comment.a on these and otbei tax measures. 1'be commit­tee aaya that it wlll take testlmoa7 OD them Aue. 28.

Other toplca of the pendint tax lqialation ranae from producing beeJ at home to making public tlMo number of people with in· come over $200,000 wbo paid little or DO federal income taxes.

D iane Von Furstcnberg's into

something new again. Sleepwear!

Bullock's South Coast Plaz~ Sao


Fro m a collection full of her

signnture Oair for com fore

and dash, a polyester kn it gown, embroidery trimmed.

In blue. Sizes P,S,M, $34

Con temporary Sleepwear

• Friday. Auqust 13, 1978

Greylwund Racing ·sick Fundraiser?

SAN FRANCISCO <Alf, - The virtues and vices or areyhound doa racing were hashed out Mre in the first pubUc batUe over Prop. 13, the California doa racine i.nlUaUve which aoes to the votert in Noven\ber.

Geor1• Hardie. the meuure'a s\roQlest backer, squared otr with C1arlea A. O'Brien, a apokesman for People Against Prop. 13 .

Hardie told the members or a Commonwealth Club committee Warren cloted the last track in that 1reyhound racin1 would . El Cerrito," be said. tteate a Sl billion industry a.nd 10.000 jobs, corral millions or dollan in tax revenue and pro­vide a different form or en­tertainment in California.

" THEaE'S NO difference between bettin1 on ereyhounds and betting on horses, the stock market or life insurance, .. the Hollywood public relations man said. " It 's all gambling."

O'Brien, a former chief deputy attorney 1eneral and a 1974 can­didate for attorney gener a l . countered that the measure would make a wealthy monopoly for Hardie and bis backers. He claimed greyhound gambling in other states has been plagued by mobtter corruption.

" We haven't bud dog racing in California in 38 years, since Earl

"nDS PROPOSAL IS a bl& scam."

A third opinion was tossed lnlo tbe debate when the Rev. Fred Wilken . a Methodist minister from the San J oaquin Valley town or Sanger, joined the two at the podium and denounced all forms or gambling.

Yosemite Camping


PARK (AP > - A high·country campground at Yosemite National Park, closed this week when n earby creek waters dropped too low to provide pro· per sanitation, will reopen today with a newly installed pump.


El'llftele Gene Hackman joins Marlon Brando in Alexander Sa lki nd upd ate of 'Super:man. • The actor will play evil enemy of 'The Man of Steel ,' who has not been cast.


Select from a large collection of. high quality upholstery all at reduced prices. You may also special-order upholstery in your ch~ice of style and cover at reduced prices.

During our summer sale many groups from Drexel. Hcrrtage. Henredon and.Baker are promotionally priced. Stop in soon.




1727 WeaLchfl Dr. 642·2050


TORRANCE- LAGUNA BEACH 23649 Hawtnome Blvd. 378-1279

a--·t•t· '"° ~5 Nor1h Coast Hwy • 9•--6551

41 rwt.V PILOT

ly Phil lnterlandi ....

Tax ·Break Urged· Hoy New UC/ Vice Chancellor uague Backs Coastlin. 'Control

John C. lloy or Santa An11. vice chancellor for s tudent artalrs at the University of Calltoml •

Sy GAllV GRANVILLE Ol IM 0.llr l"I• iUtf

Resolutions colling for propert,y tax reforms ud local control of thtl coastline were endorsed Thursday nJ1ht by the Oran1e County League or Cities.

Tbe tax reform s tance sp0nsorcd by Fow\ta&n Valley 11.nd lhe coastal con­Uol potiUoa aponsored by San Juan Capistrano and Weslln.instcr were amoai 13 resohaUons adopted by the lea,ue.

solut ion, Fount.a.in Val&ey City Coun· cllma.n Al Holllnden ln a dlscwis lon talked or a dual aue11ment roll system.

Under s uch a system, resldenUal property would be bpt on a separate roll and no\ subject to rampunt infla-tion.

Irvine, has OOt.'n uppolnt•

ORANGE COUNTY eel vlce chancellor ror un­lveralty and student uf. falnat UCI.

In announcing the ''I'" pointmtnt Chancellor

F• h Dan1el G . Aldri ch J r . 18 said, " Vice Chancellor THE COASTAL r esoluti o n \ Youth

acknowledges a need for prudent J mana1em e nt of California ' s · CJi • S l

Hoy will asaumc overall responsibility for the

coastline. me e generation of resoW'<'cs during UCl 's second de­cad e for n o n · But. according to the resolution.

there should be more elected local of­fi c ials on r e gional coastal com­missions.

In County governmentally ruodcd · educational programs

and facilities ."

FOUNTAIN Vi\LLEV"'S resolution called for an overhaul of the slate's prop e rt y ta x l a ws t o protec t homeowners from skyrocketing inOa- ·

.._ __ 0_ .... _ . __ "" __ ....... ... _ .. _ ... _ .._ _ _________ 8_ ·1.3 .. lion that forces assessed values and,

as a result, tax bills up. And, the resolution continued, re·

gionaJ commissions should have con· trol only over coast areas having a regional significance and not areas under the control of local agenc:les.

A summer youth fishing program sponsored by the Orange County En· viromental Manaae· ment Agency <EMA> will begin with special ansling clinics Aug. 21 at

Hoy will continue to be responsible for the dircc• tion, development and implementation or stu· dent affains programs at UCI.

ltAYIN YIOl.A lt All E H, a JS ¥- ·~-I

tf Sow'" a...tq :.llW C• lttOr N._ M\s-d '11'!' ' AUQV\t 11 ,.,, ,_._. ·~ '°"' ., •~d ~ •- G'•"°'°"'· Cu• 0 ICn •* ol ,...,n u.,.,.. 1 nc1 ¥••• o oe .. ,. 01 ~·~ Pt1v•r• Mr V•<ft ..,.. ¥ Id L 5:"""'' L .. u .. 4 S.Kll Mott,..,y, ~fff UQt.AM De .c:P\ Mort\Hf'I dJr.<·

:: \ TAU a l tlt ". f' A!OCll lCIC t . SfAU8E ll, •• • ;.r.1 of ' ""'" "'" • · C• 011t ol O.• •n

t:Lt\t tt. ' '" S1.1rv lwd bv 1\1~ w 1f .. "''' · •• o d•~HJht er \. Ooro1,,., er 01 W<fth , •~d II Oltl ,.._ OI

• i• M•. C• • two ~ '-'•'~ /luJJOr•v ~ 0.S ()tUa .+OO (fA<A C_..w CVM.bt

.. t tl•Mt\ • Q' • "oc riioorM .-no l

.. ~ 0'~"-i lOrtt\ fwt\l(t r-' • n"c.n • ftdn 1 I 00 AM, lhll 8•-•Y O,,..; Wtlh Atv Jo"" A lt..,vtll om. C.liit "l '"' •" "' • "'' M4rMf A • \ t Jllliemor1• • P • r k 8e ll 8 ro• Cw• 1 Jl!llr lv.t.r y cf1r• <W'

~= \ CHWAtllT-Z : • E SfEl..LC W \C HWAAn ot U ~I C.. O•lt OI Clt alh ·~ IJ, • • ~rVt'#fd by h t r t-iu,~. J~ ~ X""'~"' · "°"'· SI• ""*" Sc- rtl ~ to<OM cltl ""'~' •"" P a ul 'S<- •lt • - .11 le• d.tUQhl e r Sa""'• C...tn

I F ulf1 r 10 I"\ , l Qt•" d <httd re-ft;, two

Olhtr \ , &• n W t l111M r o OI 0.11•\, •4t\ tuw:t Sol We tt'\btilrq o t An.t'W•m ,

" ''· llO\t On1• 0 1 H oll•-· ht ·• L,Alwj l . S•'•" .,..,""41"\, &I'd L•M

• ~·• rU, • " o r Oa ll tt\ , l • • • s. . Jtn lc .. ..., , . IWld tfr•d •v A"911'1 IJ •EGO PM P, c••·c v .. .,. 1:- • .,.,., • a.r,.,rd IC.ff'MI olt •<' at1""J,. f f\tU• : M. PMtf•< V •w M • mor .. t l P~, . ... ...,.,., , 8••<f't C• . P• (th ( V••• • Ml>ttv*Y d1re<t O.-\.. :·


orona del Mar 673-9450 Costa Mesa 646·2424


110 Broadway C6sTeMeu-­



Laguna Beach 49Hl41 5

San Juan Capistrano 495· 1776 •


Cemetery Mortuary Chapel

3500 Pacific View Ortve Newport Cali fornia

• 644·2700


HOME 7801 Bo Isa Av c:­

Westm1 nster 893-3525


Huntington Beach 536-6539

___ , ___ _ For the Record

Though details of such a legislative revamp weren't included in the re-

Mile Square Regional IN ms NEW position

N;guel .... an Gets Park in Fountain Valley Hoy will be responsible a; Jri~ and Aug. 28 at Laguna for the UCI girts and cn­

Ntfuel Re1ional Park. dowment program. the _._ Annual Fund and the de· Ton Transit Post .;~s:~·:::.~~1::;: velopmut and main-r will aerve as program tenance of relationships

~ sites for th&- clinics and with govenunental, cor-Brian L. Pearson. :n, of Laguna Niguel, has f i s h i n g d e r bl ea porate, industrial and

"'"uo~cun been named chietengineer of the Orange County scheduled for mld· c 0 mm u n l t Y 0 r · " 11"J"1'" - Transit 01'str1' ct Sept.ember. ganizatlons .

111av. Joye• • nd ca r1 ; 'r:Qsre11, • In tddltion he will HUi • M -llobO!r l E . K E• ™ · - · • Co-sponsors or the . .h d c ~ '-• • ..... 111c11• rct "''"'°""· Pearson, who for the past five years wu seruor clinics and derbles are o v ~ r • ~ e t e n · ~~=."~h~-:. ::~ ~ : 1• • .• "':! ,.,...~. r-+ransportation enflneer for the Southern Cellfonlil--tn e W-e s~ eT n 8 u • mini1tcation of s uch, de· s...cir.,. .... AllEll1 1..1,. , 0o<\illclHv91\ r..~·: . ~~, -:.\\\• Rapid Transit District, will be responsible for Association and Zebco _velopmenl oraanizati.ons -o~ .. H• .. 1, H11..oeNB11ANo r. ,.,, . ; • ''•\ ~·:. managing a growing staff of-OCTP enilneers and "-- 0...... as the UCI Foundauon, ~:~~~':!O:~" E

0:,:;';;, t; ... ·.:.:;, ~· • ~\~~ supervis in1 several engineering projttts, accord· ......,._.a .,.... which serves as the "?"'·

GAllONEll F rectM . • n el '6•0IJ. kl~·· .. • •. ,~~.".'.. ing to Edward F . Loritz, district general manaJer. Dv-·NG THE ,.'1:-•cs, profit aaeney to receive PAl..l'-' E 11 . J u ct• .... . .,,,.. •net • ••'' • ' • .. "'IWll g1·n - and ~-quests to the

11-rtL A TW ELL G<>ry~- t 0 •' fl1•e,~Jt:..~ hi h b ( l'h 1~ ~ ""'" ' ... ; ; : LOl'ez. v 1e1 .. 1a 11 - ~·'•,• ,1t1:t~J1 1,• r. "WE CONDUCTED AN extensive search for a ~-·~ U e1tn9 wa • !!.:. unlveraily: the Chan-.1rne1. f'ENTON, J•" 1"h ....,Oefti• ~\t\ ._,,_.•1. • '1~• capable person to fill the chief engineer position. 11"""a °"a .m . .. 11a cellor'a Club, an Or· *i11~}:,~\.~~' i .. :"!n~o~•~ 1•'\~· ft.'/1/~'1.1,.~~ We believe Brian Pearson wm add creaUy to the conclude atl 1

1:30 p.Um .. ganization of Individuals M.c- i , e 1..iz.A1..D(.. •••oor• """' ~ \ •/ f11 ,' • I.~' district, especially du.rinc this critical time of ex· proft!sslona nslruc on who by their support ol ..... wt"""'· " ONSOH. Mllrr J-1 "l.'•l .,:n nded 1 C 1 ill . , will be provided ln knot tJCI both financi' ally __ _. 6,ncl c 1111orc1 1ue• n• : SAY, J••" ...._ pa construct. on o our permanent ac lies/ 1 h k 11 ., ... Lo 11lu . .. .. Kenntll• Edw••CI : etaEF ENGINEER Loritz added. ty DI' 00 s. n ea. mor• llY asslal the Un· A1a.1E. CM•I•• e.,.. ... - Ott><• tackle, caalln1 and fllb· lversity toward achlev-'"~re" · J ... nne • "" a- P.: Nigu•f'• P••raon During his iUnl u senior transportation ing. Prizes will ahlo be ing its ultimate object.i~ CM1t1sr e: HSl! N. Har vell• "'· • ..., - --------- englneer al lbe SCRTD, Pearson was dire"'tly ln· awarded following the ol educational cxcellen· * " I'.; C-41"1101.L, 094'-0..lu: ~ •-•l-• 11MOAos, s.ne1•• J . • no ""''""' e .; volved ln tbe development of lbe San Bemardlno ~ ........ c e ; the I n du s t r I a 1 HURi.CY, G• • Y E •riCI G- M. ; Fr E n.~ ...'.-a ... ..... _ al lr •·t ..... - •• t- whl h M c MAH O N, 0 11 .,. "'' " ' anct eeway xpress auaway auu uu.n;i- m...,or IUllic 1be clinics are open to ~ a ""'• c serves _ ._, Gor-: 1(100. M«_. o. programs. · )'OUDlalen between the u a link between the :,: ':':'! .. i':· or~"g:~°e~';;;'"~ ,.,.....,.; D"rlJllt aaes Of eicbt and 16 and Orange County J:>u.-sincss _ , .. , • ..., o..v.1 .. w . NAP1..ES. ••w•.,.,e· IDS EXPEalENCEALJM»lncludes three years parental permluion and lndustrial communi· 0o ... ':'~ife""::~!.~:~"~nc1 "- J : as a senior projects engi8eu for an architectural- rorma must be flllecfout. ty and the UCI campus. Mill Ell, S.nctr• Ywon ... -Clwr~ Se~. ed enstneering firm, two years as a civil en1lneer for and the Big I Boosters, Ltroy : $LAUGHTU, ca•ooyn .,,., 1ue1lC the City or Pasadena and two years with the Participants can ~ which supports the UCl :C.";:11=~=·1.HN, 1°"' icte1 i American Bridge Division of U.S . Steel ' reciaterbymailtoYouth inlercolle&lale ~lhlelk

SelSUMs,'=~~ ~· .... W.llet '- For Heist Jr .. ALI.I"', 5111, .. , ~. tftcl SIMWt

~.;,~':.i.~!~!:'~:: An meaal hnmlarant s.-v• v1uA. 1.,., .. 1A_.i,,_ who admitted lo the :i-~...!!::=::: ==:- courtroom tllat Ile " ........... ,, a.: col.•'+'. robbed a mu at ladle-~~·~~'::~~'. ~~.:~.~ -::~·::~ point wbllt be was 1Mng c .... .,.., ~••on : 1111 &1 ,.o. CNr 11>t1t him a lift from Long

Corporation. CUilie, care of West.em program. Bau Association, P.O. Box 2027, Newport Beach. 113863. Name, ad­dress, phone nam~r.

Pearson bolds a maater•a de1ree ln civil enctneerln1 from Callfanua Slate Unlvenky. Los Anaeles. and a bacltelor'a desree from San Jose

-stale tTnlvenlt.Y. Be nve1WWi Illa .u •• Jackie, ad ~· Jefhy, 3, In LagunaNlpel. :.=-::i::..:-

HOY, WHQ join ed the tJCI atarr ln 1969, has served on several n-atl•••I ~d~at-ional commlulona apo"!<J"ed

VICE CHANCELLOR UC Irvine'• Hoy • .:·

by the U.S . Departmen\: or Health, Education amt: Welfare , th e Coll ege: Entrance E xamination: Board and the Eduution; Co mml S$ i On o r thr, States. He is a trust4.'C fl· the NatiOnal Scholarshls>= Service and Fund for Ne·: gro Students and a mell\~: be r o r the Boa rd of.:· Educators of the Ccnte~~ for th e Stud y or the American Presidency. ..J:.le J.tlM_Jllllb9r of lh •

book "C h oo sin g a: College" and coeditor ot " The Effective Ptesj.; dent," a forthcomin& col~ leclion of analyses d viewpoints by n atlonall~ prominent political corn..: menlators which werti first presented al n UCJ: o· m po iJ i u m o n the: American pres idency. •

HOY SERVED A» secretary of the board~ directors and chalrmac\ of the development corn'¢; mlllee of the Auessm~ Treatment Services Cerf': ter , a n allernativ; Juvenile justice system In Newport Beuch, and is, a member or the Com·' munit.y Advisory , Boant for KOCE-TV. lie was ti: founding member of thi; Council of the Com~· munities or Jrvine fnd: was one or 12 n ~ corpol'•lors of the~ty ~ l "ineia 1971. ~ =

E H~~~~~ROM °"' ... .-- Beach to San Diego has "-' Chari• >. s ¥ 1t H, ou1"'"" been sentenced to eight - o.rv Ew•• "'"'"E iC !>, Jo1W1 t . months in Orange Coun· - .. lh l.,. Lett . HAAO I N, Victor!• LYM ..... J_, M lc .... 1: CAHILi.. ly Jail. £-HOt!M<IJr. •nCl~rl•; l.AN• 0 1s , 1..•01e1 w. 11 t•m • net w r11yn SUperlor Court . Judge Jt<t• : G llAHllM, Syl .. 11 El""' -Ao11e1a 0 1e 11 : 1UA IJ TE11. on•• Richard Beacom im· 111111•9"1 lAiM aroill•""'°ncl Eclwoft; _ .. J u RU Ofol. w1111 .. n o •"d no v . pos ..... sentence on uan ~wvtR. 0>•• 1et1u""o. •• e1 Cornelio Beltran, 32, also

MOI 1110 , K•t'fl t f\Q ....... . ""'•"· kn L D . I • • c.ooN. M••••·tt A••o .... d own as arry arue "' • 1 , " c1 ""' • < .. • .. • • Guerero. Beltra" was ~:.:.!:4'a~~~N~~':'1 ·~: ... =~~ placed on three 'years

Huntingto · Jobs Open

AppUcations will be accepted until Friday at s p.m. for two full-time job openings with l.be Huntington Beach Em· ployment and Tralnina AdminJstuUon.

• . Free pad.dog ·:1

mn't free an}11llore~ .. •nd 5i..ron L J O HN SON. "'' • • • probation which will be ~"",::..'!~;1'.!'.., ... ·J~~~:, r;,<;;:,.: served in his native Mex-•ntt f Ow• r CI M ; SH E P H E R O, ico. O•M • I • L' . .. .. ""• LOU I U , 0Gl l!\ 8 Y. K• lhl••n , •nd -· .. MhEA,JHniw M • ncti.ovi. F. Beltran was a rrested

\ HllF NS r,,.,..., _.,0 "''G'"'" in the Costa Mesa area l co 11 .. ., ... . N •c ,.o• • • Jr • n d after Jorge Guillermo , .,,., ... AM , WILU•M~. "''•*"•«• Hul'rta was robbed of_, "'"" ••1<1 " "" J•'11"" v u RC.VN. and dumn" d a l the s t'de >i••" \ ..... J •nnllt( H lll lORE:R, I'~ 11 • .- .. d r • • Cl Jun r ... , . , . ; or the freeway. Huerta ~~~:' ·~~;~·O:,:.~~ J':.!°!: told officers a knife was J- 1 11 • 010110 . K•• ... 1.. ~ held at his throat by the 1.. ...... f " omo . l l AlS. "'"°'' d r d t d I th r •• i•ttein " " " c 11. , 1, , 0ou, 1... e en an ur ng c •VIC VHARA, V• -0tno lf...O... - robbel")'.

The openings are in the ar e as of concrete finisher (1927·11,H4 per month ) and maintenao• ce worker ($756·$927 per _ month. >

The positions require Huntington Beach re­sidency and 30 d ays prior un e mployment. Ap· plication! will be accept. ed at the Employment and Train ing Center, 520 Pecan Ave .

. ·~====================;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===~=~i ;~ WE'RE IA Yl•I A WHALE OF A


.. !f .. .. :: :~ ' • .. ::



• §tua1t~s 4" qenflofnef1


' ' 675-1717




It isn't the parking costs that are kllltng you. It's the cost of getting there and.back that's reaching the breaking point

The Federal Department of Transportation estimates that. depending on the make and year of your car, It costs you ~ an average of $90 to $130 a month to drive a 40-mile round-trip to work and back every day. And if you don't use your car darfng die day It sits in the parking lot, a wasted asset.

~ ..... 1a1or .,.....,. call 54'J..UU. 6 AM to le PM ., .. ..,__.IAMto SPMoa•H•••·

The Orange County Transit District has the economical answer to the dilemma. Take the bui to work and back. For

• a 25¢ or 50¢ fare. you can go anywhere In Orange County. Af\d ~ou won't even have to look fora parking space wtieftyou get there.


. . . , .. ·! ~ : . . .. · . .. .. .. :: .. ·' .. ... . . .. .. .. !• .. .. ·: .. . •


.. FnCS.y. August 13. 1976

















DUI .... PllCE




A~ OU~ LOW DISCOUNT PRICH 6 x 6 FT •....• _ .•.• 5.11 !A. DESERT STONE PATTERN 10 x 6 FT .......... 1.51 EA.







tc1;::;;:;-•SC.,U:~!!:.!~;. c ELI A' INATES THAT ~ f~NT \YI "t LOOt< PllC(


. SPRAY ENAMEL 12 Oz. Aerosol, Can



~.;.=~ii: OUBR PR91CE













99 BAL.


•12. 12 IN. •EMe<afO








69~~ • CUTWITH



• SCAutll.ABLE e1~0UR OR'tlltG •USE ON ANY INTERIOR WALL ----~r""!IP"!E~--!"l'mi--... T"l~rl""-1


=~~~~-·· SAVE 5096 on













OUR LOW l'RIC! 3 5c I A.


- c OUA LOW 'RICE 19


so. VD.

g!~.~!~~.=~~~FI~~~ .~~'Js! l'Ol V LOOM II




- Sa~-~na . coo~~.. .2.f9!'98 1 Bllt. SO. OF WARNER IOCLHll 1 BLIC. EAST 0, lfU>OKHURST (BETWEEN TAFT• KATELLAI

TSLE....aNl 171•1 541.4507 T£Ll!l'tf0fill 17 " 1533•1507 TEL!f'HONE 17141111·2301

la Habra COIUllA WHITil!A • IDAHO

2 BLKI. IE. Of' l!ACH-HACIENOA TILlf'ttOIM l21a •1<11•


Aapirin Still a Wonder 11 DLl'l'SINCllOllN

~Dr •• h ··= =. d&lemma. It'• laav..., • llr• la "If/All

adJOUrwUere­,... to ..... fire Ht· ......... beea\IM It •·ill ••11 up the kitchen ftlor. It's not exadly like tUt. but my wile sullen from lhe .. fir• and pain" ~.u.nu..

819• refuses aspirin .:I llfllfer• needlemly. Why'! Because she bas t4e a d o r b e a r d ltmewhere tbat uplrin ill a dantefOUI druc. She

(~] la afraid abe will bl.S to

• death ll .abe takes It. Or, lbe might get an ulHr.

)leanwbile, she takes Mpirin substitutes which don't help mucb. I can't convince her to use •pirin. Will you writ.e aomethine that may ~aqehermiDd?- .... c.

OOWNBNT: &appo1e I •1-tbat- for at~le..t-75 ~-- upirin bu been r.cocnlaed aa a wonder *111· AAd even centuri• before this people with bead~bes and other dis­eomforta found relief by chewing the bark ud leaves ol dM willow tree. oontaimnc quantiLies d 1cetyl ulkyJic acid (aspirin J. Ancient

• Jtomans used willow ~k t.oovercome fe\•er: • Alto tell your wife. Mr. C .• that aspirin acts an ~ and inflammation .. well u on r!yer. Meet othef pain·kil~JS don't bave alt then" healing ~es.

: LATELY. ANOTREa even more potential Mnetttor aspirin is being Mudied. It prevents ab­dormal clumping ol the platelets in the blood. ~· •• postulate, m~y

, frevent format.ion of •ot• <U.romt.h wblcla may cause attac~ or coronary. thrombosis, atrokes or kidney dis· ease. 1 Thtte are only a few

specific times when )'OUt' wire should not try aspirin : ihbe has severe allergies , espeeially asthma ; if abe alrudy t.as an ulcer : iJ there ls any treatment in pro-1 re ss usinc blood· lhinninl drugs.

Frld!f, August 13. 117'1

Fonilm Marcli, To Own Drum

•1 BOB 11IOM"8 LOS ANGELES <AP> - " J>QlJUcs is Jane's g:e - •M doee lt much _,.tttt than I enr could. ...Uution la 11\Y Minlll. ud lt'• just as lm·

portan&. U we don't communicat~. all of u1 oa tb1s •arth miaht as well throw in tbe towel.••

A banfoot Peter Fonda was expowsdiq in bla Rite at tbe Beverly WUabire Hotel. For such a tadbln m•. Henry Fooda certablly 1pawned two talkati .. offlprioa.

PBTEa FONDA HAD COMI TO town to help ope• a.11 aew American-lnteraatioaal film , ,.F l•ewodd,'' a sequel to lllthael Oridlkln's IUC· ~ "Weatworld." His anival bad beeG delayed because or lb• bar vest on bis lloataaa ranch.

" We'ft '°' 1Z acres of~. IO ol barley and 85 of gruinc land," said the actor. " l let my neighbors arau tbeir cattle. then I get to take a caJr at lhe end ol tbe Hasan. We've also got a vegetable ,... where we grow e\•erylhing we need."

He also Jives on bis 80·f9ot yacht. the Tatoosb. now anchored at Labaina , H awaii, wbere he w orked at communicating. Some critics wonder how much social content can be found in such a falm as "Dirt.J Mary, Craz;y Larry.··

" I did the picture because I knew i t would be exciting to watch." ~d Fonda ... " It is in­credf bly e"'-e rta1rung, and for that reason re­\iewers have attacked

fOtl)A it. Reviewers don't like forays into entertainment.

"IT WAS A GOOD EXERCISE FOR me; J ..._ to act ataimt 11 car stunts. And i&. was also tOllll for alldieaca. Somd'tinc must lane heft tMn. because people went to see it ftve times. "l'bat'I the way you cet •millioa eamiags on a pidure." · Fonda bas a ~e of the profits, hence can afford to keep the Tatoosb at aocbor in Lahaina.

He aho bad a big chunk of tbe 1• " Easy Rider," which he produced and wblcb dlanced the face of the mm industry for a time. .l.-

.. 'Euy Rider' made me a d1rect tbreat to a lot ol people," he remarlcecl "It eave independent pro­ducers a lhot in the •mat a tilne when tbe blC studios••• ntlllUas evt!l'J'\billl. ''

... IP SHE IS free from thae, it's likely Ae can bile upirtn without fear. Taken arter a meal or with milk, it's unlikely she will have a~y atomach upset. If you and I haven't been able to ronvincc her, Mr. C., perhaps her own clod.or can.



For Mr. J.: Nuclear pocemakera aren't a "dream. of the ruwre ... Approximately 1,400 nuc lear pacemakers have already been Im· planted In pallenll sincc April 19'10. There have been no battery failures. This type of pntt'maker should bt tM choice fCX" young 06" middle·•£~ in· d1vidu111 .

••• . OCC Expand8 Classes Dur Dr. 8telmcnlllt: I

can't underataftd ll. Why will people keep on 1moklng or drlnkintl or ·10vereat1n1 wheD they .know tho bad habit may :actually 1horlen their : lives? - Mr. L. : COMM ENT: P..-1\QI :thl1 bit of wladom by :Wlnston CburchUl ii the ~~tr: "We wUl fOftlO :our necH1llle11, but not our pleasures.· '

SANDISGO CAP) - Dan'tt.U.,am .r.mo~;e ops8l0r J9T)' Rueter tJaat · movi~ want man W'Mlt9CIGl• ; rare. He tried ll ror sbc weelta and !.almost lost hl11birt. he says. ' Rucker. who nms tlM Shoftue ; CiMma In th• communil)' of Spring : Valley. about 10 mil• eaudte..t or :'San Die10. 1111 he fipred that : parents n~ed somepilft lo ~ke • their children during tM •mmer .... __ ...._ . : ........... • ? so ro• llX weeks, ... twltctied ' rtom tueb rums aa "All A'-t&ex" t.o • movies Uh "Robin ud llsi•" Md · h'tftC'h O-eetion n. ··

In ... ab w.-.. a.cker said he lost Sil .•.

fl•ckera •rid a.t wrote chic

aceacies and aodal ctubl to ldvertiae the switch and dropped his llcket prices rtom $3.50 to Sl.50. At certain hours, be even ottend two admissions for Sl. He broufht In bands ; he brouicht ln vaudevl1le acts ; be broucbt in more PG-rated movies.

''I WAS PLANNING to 10 90 days wilb ~PG sncmn •lone• I m1de SO percnt of ex..-_ bul I didn't even do lhat." he said.

Now, he's back to X-ratcd films . acaiD ... bl&llneu ii boomlnl·

" 'l'be first WfdiMldaY nlPt tbat we - beU to X '1, we dkt a land oll'ice business," said Racks. "Moat ot the repJars came back wllh smiling fatea .. tMd. ·1 told,... .....

THE FONZ ' I'm Not Leavtng'




" ,. . - --.......,..-. ' Friday. August 13, 1976 DAIL v PILOT A I I

Del~gates _Get Ad,,tsory J Watch/or Buffalo Charges, Rattleanake&

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP> -Advice lo dt1lega\es and others comln1 lo Kansas City for next

Antismoke Ad Funding

Endorsed SACRAMENTO CAP> - Gov.

Edmund Brown Jr. has •CJ'~ to spend SZ million from the state's cash surplus on antiamoklng ad· vertisements if the leplature approves. a state senator says.

wen '1 political conventiOr. - If )'OU find a ratUesnake un·

der your bed, du what you t.GUal· ly do under such clrcwnstan· ces .• .

- IF A BUFFALO char,es down the road at YoU. look him slrai&ht' In the eye. This never falls lo deflect his course ...

- A decent recard loir the c ustoms ol the country la 1raclous a.nd prudent. Yw may not need your cun durint your en· tire stay, but appearancea are a whole lot ln the W eat. . .

Ttle Kansas City Chamber ot Commerce speaking? Hardly.

Arlen Greaorio CD-San Mateo) THE CHAMBER PROCLAIMS teportedthatbehasamendedhh such s uperlatives as ; " Big l~Clalation lo remove a penny·a· enough to be exciting. Small carton increase in the cigarette enough to be livable. Young tax to financ e antismoking enough to be beautiful and campaips. · dynamic - yet old enouch to be

GREGORIO'S AMENDED cr;acefullyproudandbistoric." proposal to use cash surplus The above advice, and more funds still needs legislative ap- like it, comes from the July l , proval and is scheduled lo be 1900. issue of The Kansas City

=ma. The cooveation ball down 90 days before the

July 4 1tart. There wu tallt ot putUn1 the meelln1s into a aupenlaecl teal. But the hall WU rebuilt: the lut hammer blow coincided wtth the ftnt blow ol tbe1avel.

"Tbe way to call a bellboy at tbe tavern ia with a alx-ahooter," the Star advised. " One abot: ice water ; two 1bots: pie; three abotl : town t.opks; rwr abotl : a aooctcicar."


FLU SHOT • • and will not 1ive advice on this questioo.

Q. BOW SOON CAN I get the shot! Bis Plea tor S•tet11

A. The swine nu office hopes • the vaccine wiU be available by Lewis Jackson, 6. or Vanceuver. Wash:, late September for the general wants to make sure drivers know why public in California and that the they should drive safely after his puppy,

Herbie. was struck by a passing car. Herbie is recovering.

beard Tuesday in the Assembly St.ar. It was t~n~ue·in·cheek ad· WaysandMeansCommiUee. vice f o r v111tors lo the vaccinations can begin at thal 1-----------------------'----~-----------­

Brown opposed the tax .m---De1noc1 atic National Convention crease for tbe_.same reason that here tbat year. · be vetoed a Gregorio bill last It was headlined: "Manners year to boostthe liquor tax to pay and customs in Kansas City : A for an alcoholism program: a code of instruction and advice de. vow not to raise taxes. signed especially for tbe bright

Gregorio originally proposed young men or tbe eut.en press to pay the cost or the antismoking wbo have been telling all about campaign with a state cigarette us "in advance oL t.beir eoming lo tax increase of two cents a the convention." carton.

t--~-,AiiT£it-,-&R-E66RIO lowered the proposed tax to 1 cent a earton, but still ran into op-position from Brown. ,.

The senator said be doesn't mind eliminating tbe tax from bis bill, as long as the advertising eampai,gn gets funded.

The bill ia SB 1444.

THEN, AS NOW, Kansas Gitian5-WOl'ried-about~ town image. Now they &et tired ol tbe cliebe that everything is up lo date in Kansas City, because they know it ls. ·

The 1900 article probably was ln retaliation for things tbat bad been written about tbe city which, admittedly, bad Mme

time. Q. For bow loog will the pro­

gram continue? A. No terminatloa date has

been set, but it will most likely continue Into December.

Q. BOW MANY PEOPLE will receive the vaccinationa? .

A. The government is prepar­ing to make tbem available to all 215 million Americans, but no one IS sure OW IJiilijf wnnieK tbem.

Q. Will other influenza vac­cinations protect me against swine flu!

A. No, and by the same token swine nu vaccine wllJ not protect •cainst other nu vinases.

NewDnig Used on Cancers



- A woman afflicted witb breast cancer is the first recipient or an ex· perimental dnlJ that r& aearchen hope will fight cancer without destroy­.inc the ·patient's bone marrow. _ The Food and ~ Administration (FDA> has 1iven Georgetown University's Lombardi Cance~ Research Center permission to give the drug, chloro1otocin, lo humans for the first time. The breast cancer patient at the Lombardi center alreadv has begun taking the drug . . tea CENTER says It

• expec:t.I\ to put from 9 t.O 27 advanced cancer patients,on the drua dur· Ing initial clinical tests

· that could Jut six to nine months . Afterwards ,

•more extensive human t ests may begin at Georgetown and possibly se v e ral other in · atllutions.

NEW GARDEN SHOP HOURS! Sat. 8:30 to 6 p.111. - S•. I 0 to S p.m.



• Handmade braided Jute



ass .• ... 10.n

" We hope c hloro· zotocln. the com ­pound we developed with studies at the National Cancer Institute, will prove a moat effective cancer t reatmen t without major toxic ef· rects on bone marrow," said Dr. Philip S. Sehein, chi ef of th e center 's division of medical on· colocy.

• 5 4 .. long with beads • Assorted colof•

.... ... ....... A popular outdOof' pin tt.t can be .-,Ced to lndoora. 3 Giiion Size

Current anticancer · druis. numbering about 30, often d a m age de· 11cate bone marrow as well as cancerous cells. Bone uarrow prbduces the white blood cel11 necessary to the body's defense against dlseue.

School Pre• Rights Dead

SACRAMENTO <AP) - Le1tslaUon 1uar&n· teeln1 Fint Amendment freedom of the press to public achoot new1papfr1 baa been killed by the Callfornla Senatf.

The Aasembly·passed bill 4ied on a 11·21 vote.


99¢ • New Shipment • Many v•1elles and colont to dlooM "°"' .




399 NOW ..... "

GLASS BELTED TIRE SPECIAL T~ General Jumbo 780. The "'"' lire you'll see on many 1976 new eors.

Feeturong two glasa belts and• two-ply oolwetltf cord body.

... -- '"'". h t -w f .. .. .. -- ,_. .... , .. 165A13 $4UI $1.83 18!A14 Sii.ti $2.30

1751"3 $47.tl $1.92 19~14 SI.a.ti SU3 165flf4 141.fl sua 165Al6 UUI $2.04

'16111 4 141.tl ".oe




695114 •• .. JAii s119s F78xl4 780 • · s25ts J71xl4 w/w s29•s





Whit8walls Sllel Belld Redials

Now .. Papullr Pricel! 0."4•11't Ov1•·Slffl lladlat It *''9Md Willl radlll rlt'f -- lat '°"' ............... _,, Ooctr '°' -" ... '°"'°"' ...0 --- llllla lor ...... --


We ldjdtt c1sttf. camber, toe-in. and toe-out lettings to car m1nuhcturer ·a .tpeelfiutlona. .

* 11111 SPEED *. •&L

*IA~ ·*


. . 1· ..

. Su1•Ung: Baek A:gain on a New Wave •1cmn•u ........ .._

··~ ........ ,,._ ..... ..,,,.,U.S.A." - Brim ...... ,... .... ..... mid-. peak or about a.cm boardl a year lo • boentl ln 19'72. SinN tbea. be says 1U.. have ••pro. sreutvely been 1eu.ial 1tre1a1er." cUmbiDt to 1,400 &owda lut year, witb laticipated 1U.. WI year oC

It •• 1m Md ema-fed nn.aU hllb aebool 1ms z.oooA.d tbe fortitn marbt ii Napoalible for part bopoed to tile HrtMldlial falMUo ol tbe Beach BoJS o1 t1aat iMreue. Kouler aays he recently l'ffeived wtllle u..&r l8Dllloebd boyftitladl twawct \be New· r # ...._.dUUoll.ablllcNpnloeatclaawave. •order rom Japu aor • boatds. one ol the

...,.... ~ ........ over tbe aatioD's lar'8t •incle orden the company hu ever re· 11 .,_., ud lielct '*-I Joeb, p&.w ll•u ceived. Fraace, IarMI and Braail also are rePQrt.iac ....,.. _.be~ ''WODdJ" ltauc. • .,._ ... rweordaales. ... • 111111 aclMd Plll'ttlll laU &om IMU llomca la Hawaii. w.._. anc•tnt Polynealant de· to~ Beaela n-omow~co'ruaoa. velooed UM art ol ridUll Uw wav.- eenturiea qo,

BJ.._ ..... _.• ._en b1Cb acbool proms 1urfln1 bat been Pll1 o1 tfie Wand's culture and , .. _ • everyday lift I« bundreda ti yean. ._. aurflnc • wave ol Intl.we bad ftatteaed, • ,.... werN ••111 aurrer Fred Hem ....... ...... clwellen to lerlGua panult ol tbell' _ ,__ •

evolv .. illle a •ideb' PGPllar recreational adivlty . ' 'Some people 10 ·~ Jm& Wle otben 10 Ud play loll or ...,...ball," said ffeauniQp, • businessman wbo bu beeD a leadial promoter ol professional sw1iq.

Veteran H11ntbaston Beach llre1uard Bill Ricbardaon a1ao 1.-N'ftq Ml come ol aae.

"ll '1 Mtu.d tlowa. 8'11lDel1men come down and io 1urfln1 befwe work la tbe mornln1. People are into it for wllat II la - a sport." me•.,._ .... die aew .. beadlnc ror the waves don't quite meet tbe boom day numbers when ••you practically had to buy a Uckel to 1et a wave." Sul he notes more areu have opened up lo swfen, 1preadtn1 them over loncer atretchea of beach .

Another lon1-Ume aurr watcher, Dennis

MeCarbery of tbe Loi Anl•ln County Departmeat of Beaches, belle,•es u.e sport ls bee9mlnc lncreu· inllY popular.

"Tbe radness ol It tapered off. bul lhe numbers are continuing to increa e. " says McCarbery. " ne.,.ndlng on who you talk to, they say there are · between S00,000 and one million aurhra In Soutbem CalifonUI. ''

Mri:arl»ry tlaa.ks Ute relun to lhe waves Is 11 positive move away trom tho drut·centered youlh culture of tbe late 60s.

And lhe racl that more blacks and women are taltlna their turn on the wav•s Is a &ood 11l1n, he says. Basically. though, lh<'re 11re just a lol more people of all sorts out ror surtina.

With a touch of nostalgia, McCarbery notes. "Everybody 's singlng ·utUeSurfer Girl' a1aln." iPtff«t wavet wlUJetbe~olaUd·AmaiHIOQlbt ..___.Jr. nPol'U that •wflnl on the ialanck hu

ldlMityelaewbere. ~----------------------------------------------------------------..------------, But now, aurfllll ....._. ..... •A7 ta. boom ii beOnDial all over apla. A aurfl.Da NMlnante la uaa.r- way. not only in califwnia. bm acrau tbe coatry and worldwide.

Tbe aplnt or surflal .._ ...uowec1, lboueb, aa11 ......,. uy tbey hope tbe kind fl eqlaltatioe tbal plaped tlae sport Ill tbe • isn't repetUd.

i.a-e ca,... llJ me ol the oldtimera comiac back. Canon, 13, tre.ted Malibu replan of the early 80I to demomtrationa oC bis celebrated n01e­ridin1 aklll, where he'd " Hane 10''.

"The 1uy1 al the beacb are talk1ac about this kind of renaiaaance,'' M)'I Canon, who plans to tum hi.s eaercy back to shapinc surfboards.

Dean Torrence it IOinc bKk, too. la the 60s be was ridin& the crest of surfln& popularity as one· ball of the duo Jan and Dean, wilh bit songs Jike "SUrf Cit " and " Honolulu Lulu."

'h;:r_;I away from his career in graphics, Tor· rence ia becomiq more involved in the ag1in· popular swfln& sound. Surfing, be aays, " ia bigger tban it was at its peak back in the ll&Os. But so far, it's not bein1 explol&ed like It waa ••. hopefully the-­exploiters won't comeback."

The Beach Boys, one of the most durable or the 60s surfin1 groups, are driftinc bM to their old sounds after several years of musical diversion. It may be a new audimce that recently packed Anaheim Stadium to bear the boneyvoiced group, but the new audience wants lO bear the old sone.s.

fll• makert alM are reportedly eager to re:al> the benefita or surfing's new popularity. A nostalgic " American Grafftli" loot at tbe surf world la sup­posedly ln the worb, as well u a rum story of Canon. And or coune there's tbe current box-offiH smuh, "Weauard" which, while not dealiac direc· tly with surfing, revives some ol that California fun. 'n·aun ima1ery behind t.be80s ' surfing craae.

Surfer lla1azine, the bible or surrin1 aftcioPdoe. reports its worldwide circulation bas grown steadily rrom a low ol about 70,000 in t.be ear­ly '10I to just over 120,000 this summer.

The East Coast has seen • definite boom in surf interest.a recently. "Surfiq UI twice as popular es it wu back In the 60a." says Jerf Zertel oC a Vircinia Beach. Va., surf shop.

"It hH Jast beomed in lhe past couple of years. and this summer has been great for business,' ' be Slid.

West Coast surfboard sales are on the rise too. Hobie Surfboards of Dana Poinl is one of lhe grand· dads of the industry - In business since the early $09. Production at Hobie peaked al 800 boards a month in 191'7. droppine to a I" or perhaps 7S

------~·-•lllllm&llialba..,.b 111.._ -Now tlle lntenalkmal outW ta back up to •

boards a month. maybe more, accordinc to Hoble'a Jack Cantu.

At Jacebs S.rfboank in Hennon Beach, co. owner Allyn Kossler says sales declined from a

Child Acting Hoax Bared

LOS ANGELES CA P l - A ma1aline that claimed il would f.'Y ror chlldrea's photolraphs and lauMh their ac:t Ill and modeling careers has been rlaed $2.500 and ordered lo .,._,, an equal amount tn co.art COltl.

Hollywood Spotllte Pbo&o Mafiaalne allo was

~.~.-:t.'!': solicited children'• photocrapbt.

modeliaf, .. Depll&J Ally. Gea . Mlebael Bcltwin aald. "Tbat '1 not the ....,_. of the comP89)'. ne purpose i• lo IOIRit peaple to p1y Sl4.t5 fer tllll company 'a aouveir brocbures. ''

s.perior Court ludee Pro Tem Leo S. IUdl ar­dered tbe Endno-baed rann co .,., ~ fine,.. ~ lo-tlle ..... .... Thi ... Ned: ''$3SDre­terma of a atlpulated w a r d • W a n t e d : Judlment slped by the Cbtlclrea '• P•ote1. ftrm and tbe state ml· ffoU.ywood Spotllte Pbaeo tamey 1eneral'1 oftk:e. Ma1a11ae w aatl yov

cMJd'• pbo(o to be .. A SPOKES•AN for eluded ID lta Hlll .....

• tbe ......... tald it bat . ..... will be diltribut.ed beea complyln1 wllb to lldvertiMn .U ._. term. of tbe ftlllMnl GI"~ tllit O.itecl States." der for nearly three

an, altbou1h the com· llotwln aaid tbat alts couent «Cler applicants sent in a iuued unUI ,.._, and a~ llillt

,....,. t"Ompay weuld•= .. a.u;, tW to .. \Mm a ·------dona 't auilt broell 1bowlll1 tbe

~ _.-. Jolie 1D picture.

. . t

,...:. •( . _\,,_..""-

~ 1._,.J~',!-.;{

~'"J ~ cf .



TRAY 8"x24 .. 3•• 8"xS·4•7


You can hcne lt lD clear or aaobd and I tblnk It'• a tough Yinyl plmtlc (don't qaol9 me Dow). KIC9 Idea for acldlag more Indoor plants. Hardware DOt lDcluded.


97c PACKOF.4

12 .. xl2"'



47' 1ra1r

You are aaltlng how anyoae can ..U 'ffnyl for thla price. (am anawerln9. It can't be done, but,...,. doing tt cmpow. We don't bow better.


CLF.All 47c f& 57'

··~~xlr AKTIQUE 67' Ah, what a beauty, and wbat It does for a room. Maha It ..... twt~ era big. So ecur to put up. witll MU-aclbeal'" tabs.

... ,.

.. "" ... ,...

.. -- ·-

- -

GRAffDOR BI-FOLD DOORS All Jl'N'h1•1aecl no atcdD.lag, ao palatlag, DO big protect. Complete with quality JlardwaN. l'r blgb. (Tbe hardWGN or the door?)








,., I



VERTICAL SUDING Are you ready for this? Ko folding door. no aide allcllDg. but a full openlng and the door all~ cmd cntaf• Holda lD GDf position. Easy lut number.




4~ lfk:. to bock qut cm aaattlacti'" 'riew. to add a llttJe atmCMpbeN to your patio. to bnnia the gamf1e OD taeeday Dftt.



SGAL 9 97. ~ lt ataya black·~ ages. (Keep your.,.. him folb. lt'• - old Abell ancl pea .,...., Swab lt OD. protect• tbeaartace.







~COLORS "lo.1813

. ffo.1803


No. 1616-1608.. ....... . 144

New deal. you can peel a little for a light tack or peel all the backing and notblng but dpa:mite wW NIDOTe lt. Pretty stuff.



700 Non-ruattng llOIMthlag and . 90metbJ.n9. I thlDJr JOU get lbe stand too. (Don't quote me again. you bow &ow I am aDoUt factL)


·I -~ Pure Med. or at leaat n.44%, the re.Ii. dirt. Wow. you ought to ... thl• atuff germlnate aound• obecene).



4•?. so.n. COYIUOE

W..WW9letf0Gbwrdleaeed wltllout....ua1Dtraioe'-teed ltf..._.AloetorlM-r.


·Education "Reform: Is It on Target?

BEA ANDEUON ............ Tbe educational ayatem's his·

tory for the past 2S )'Hrs has beea to keep the aea very calm and everyone placated, claimed Dr. H. Glenn Davia, auoc1ate s tate superintendent, elementary educaUcm.

However, be said, " We paid a price-that of the voters voting Uldown.

" We must open up." Speaking at a UCI Extension

course. Parent s and Teachers . .. A New Partnership, Dr. Davis cliscussed Implementation for Education Reform.

Most teachers, he said, have been taught to teach curriculum instead . of understaDdlng the learning process and environ· ment, and teaching children to learn.

" If we are to be consistent with the ph ilosophy that all in · dividuals are different we have to deal with the differences.

"But the way the structure I~ ... be said, ··it assumes all children

Friday, August 13, 1976

The first person to

earn a masters degree from

a U.S. college in campanology

and carillon performance is

Kare1 Keldermans,

who succeeds his father as carillonneur

for the Springfield

Park District.

" .

.. and teachers are alike. mov ed from a close ldu·

" ltCloesn'l make HnM." tlfication to lsolation." POWEa AT THE TOP Schooll didn't do what they

Today, the struct11re puta the could have to rebuild iden· power at the state lecWature. tlfication, 'Dr. Davluaid. It 's a directive syst~ where W!ten parents are Involved in poUcy ls set atthe top and schools schools, s uch as in ECE, Or. enforce it. Davis said the educational pro-

" I say this is a weak con· cess lareinforced In the home. atruct." " JJ' time, I believe that

Dr. Davis believes power participation will be should be with the people. which strengthened and it will do away 1s provided in the Early wit.btheunllateraldedslonsnow Childhood Education program. It belnc made by the st.ate board. gets parents involved and they " ln my judgment every school work as partners with teachers, can benefit <from ECE>." be !aid. h .d

1 ....... ..1 To 1et It, each school must pro-

~ ower, e sat , .s UK' energy ... __ \lide a-needs assessment,. be ex._ the people reach111g a solution plained and ma.king commitment.. \\'.Ith This ·involves teachers and teachers and parents working parents getting together to toeether, we get at the differen- eva.luate needs and write criteria ces and plan the process on what onhowtheywillbemet. should be done. Allhougb ECE prioriUes are to PA&TNERSHI~ . improve reading and mat.h, Dr.

The concept 1s to rebuild t.he Davis explained that if these pro-partnership of parents a nd grams are a ll right, t.ben the teachers which was dissolved af· funds can be used in other areas. ter World War II. Wit.h all the 0.EAR INTENTION con~~ruclion that ro11?.wed , ' ' If you are clear about what fam1hes became mobile . They you intend to do to and for

. 81

children, there's a greater pro­---.ua.JJJ·w·f..), olthalhappening ··

Asked how do you gel parents involved, Dr Davis cited an ex· ample where a principal of a school went eut to the communi· ty. assessed needs and provided t.he vehicle to meet a major one.

This brought motbers into the school, he said, and now piey have a large corps ol support.ave volunteers.

" If you decide to work with parents, you must be strong with honesty and trust ," Dr. Davis saM:l, quollos State Superinten· dent Wilson Riles' statement that " If you trust people to be strong, they really will respond."

In evaluating your program,

Dr. H. Glenn Davis (center), associate state superintendent, was honored

at a reception after his lecture at UC/. Hosts are Mr. and Mrs.

Don Woodward.

prime questions lo contmually ask a re Are we on target? Are we doing what we are supposed to? Do we need to modify? If so, how?

·are ove rdu e , w1 ma e a signi(icant contribution and a~ lo the teacher role

]finUni n ow lo educale parents t*>re and letting parents be ad· vocatesforeducat1on. ,

" Don't let It threaten you. Try il."

Ahd, he believes, we should in· vest more in adult education.

OBSERVE While eva luating, he said

" Don't overlook the power a'nd lej(itimacy of observation. Use t.hat kind of information in yovr prosram. and use ob&erva\ions and insights or the parents.

However1 he s aid. "you might be like me when I became a principal and had to learn brand new how to get my kicks.

" I t you ever believe education enda with high· school or college, understand we have written ourselves off with the world powers.

" If the observation is accurate, you need lo deal with it. If It is not, you need to deal with it anyway."

· 'Instead or gettin1 strok6 from the children, I was getting them from adults and it look me a while to n>allie It.

"Education Is a continuing pro· cas.

" Ahd, only when we al'e deal· Ina with alternatives are we deal· trig with individual differences," which. he said, ECEdocs.

An emerging trend, he sa.ld, is paraprofessionals. " I WnJi they

''The moment you add more to your .classroom , you will have dual strokes." he promised. PAll&NTS A ADVOCATES " ll pr ov Ides l he greates t

degree orrreedom . .. Dr. Davi s a lso advocated

A Reml- Bell Ringer_ SPRINGFIELD (AP) - Concertist Karel

Keldermana' name rings a bell only in the more esoteric circles of American musicology. But his accompllabmenl reverberates through its an· nals.

Keldermans is t.he first person to earn a master's desree from a college in the United States for campanology and carillon perform an· ce. In simple tenns, Ulat 's bell ringing .

After two years' study abroad, he return home a few weeks ago to accept his degree Sangamon State University and a post as carillonneur for the Springfield Park Dis · t.

Four limes a week he clim oft in the Thomas C. Rees Memorial Ca n - one of 165 such Instruments int.he nation - and tolls a 66-bell concert.

Just lo keep the record straight, lbere is one other pe r s on with a masters degree in theoretical campanology from a U.S. coUe1e. but it ' s not in cari llon performance. And the University of Michigan offers a bachelors degree, but no m asters program.

Kelde rmans' s tudies, s upervised by Sangamon Stale in a course he designed himself. covered the art of bell playing from casting to clapper.

. " It's like studying any other musical instru· menl," he said in an interview. " You have to know things like harmony. theory, how to read notes and count lime. I also studied theoretical stuff - how belts are cast,. t.he mechanism, techniques. the types of keyboards. The paper I

did was on comparing the foundry techniques of the Hlh century with the 20th ce11tury."

CarUlopa 1ot their start in Belgium, Holland and nortJlenl Prance in the 1500s. ··Actually it de­veloped ouL 'OI about two or three bells that were hung la city balls to warn the city or fire , flood or invasion," Keldermam aaid. " Then somebody got to meu&al arotmd with them . About 1450 they -dec:ided to add a keyboard."

Over the years the instrument died out. Generals lik~ Napoleon found the bells a good f.ciu~or brah cannons and the instrument was q ve ..

" tt•s re.tly revived," he said. " It wasn't un· til this ee,....r)' that they discovered how to cast bells like they used to. It really got started up agaia ilt-Belglum around 1900."

Keldermllns besaa to study the carillon In his teens uncler h1I fat.her. a Belglum·born carillonneur of 40')rears' tx~rlence who had the Springfiel(I l~ until be lost it to bis son. . .

Oeap1te tile 1lllllnlment's massive size. one doesn'tneed a tot of muscles lo play.

" You play It with yovr little finger, " Kelttennans said. "You've•got rout hand in the form of a fist. It's just a ruck o the wrist .. You" little rancer is the only lhlng t.hat bits the keys. If you know how to play correctly, 1l doesn't re· qulre1lrencth."

Unfortunately there ls not enou1h money In carillon concerts to9'1Pport a fellow and his faml· ly. So Keldermans must work another job. He's employed by the largest producer and consumer of bells In the world, t.he telephone company.

Marriage: Contract Wif hout Guarantees

,, I

BJ DENNIS McLIEUAN °' ....... ,.... .... Everyone has heard ol the pro­

verbial aevd·year itcb. That's the Um• in a marriace

when, aa in the popular comedy of the 1950s, a husband'• (or wife ' s> attention stra1s t o 1remer pastures.

Couples are, for a varl~ ol re­aaons, prone to divatte when they bit tbe seven-year mart. But the lint two')'e .. are Just u potentially threatening to marital harmony.

Approximately 40 percent ol U. clJvorce acUou are lDitWed ID the flnt Jt m_.. ol 111ar· ~ .... s.,a Rldwd B. Stuart. ftD, wbo II stadytnc diWl'f'e ~emnltJle.

Staart was 1pukln1 on .......... 'X're•tmenl of llarital DlleoN to the 200 ~-... ~ .. at the roilference' cm teclaatq•ea of marrta1e ud family eounaellnl la Colla llesa.

OM ol the reuom tberi ~so

many divorces in the first two years. he said. is becauae couples have a sec ret marria1t con· tract- a master undent8Dding-of whal the married relaUonship will be like.

But the terms of the contract ol\A!n are not met.

SECaETCONTUCI' Stuart told of a man with rapid·

ly deterioralin& vision who mar· ried bis nurse. Their Mrret con· traet wu that be would eo blind and she would be ldl .,_,

After a IUC!ceMN ciperatkJn, the mu regained lli9 8itlll but Ute marria1e eaded in three yean.

• ·ne aituat.iea eha111ed ..t lhe a.aic acnem•t •• • loaler' a wort1n1qreea12t. .. •aall.

A study ol aes roe. during couttina. he said , re~nw that three moaths before ...,,...,. tile WOIU8 smiled ._...., at the man and le.,.ed ~ hlm wflllle walkin1. The maa QP9Md the ear door ror her and helped bet OD wllb ber coat.

And three months al\er tbe weddlna?

&he was opening her own door and putting on her own coat. She leaned away while they walked and the sweet smile WU cone.

NO PROMISES " Did he promise lo help her on

wit.h her coat the rest of bis life" No Did she expect him to help beronwlthher coat!Yes."

The reason for the behavior cbqe is open to speculation, be a.id. But, be noted. courUblp ls larae-ly a time of deeeptlon. ~ pie, like eomplblH , sell tMmHI•• .. rill eamtlhip. II~ ~a( -*e tt ,_

the lnardl• of tile ftnt two , .... tmd to siabllile. O JSltl ~ ••YUiii cllil41rft. whidll brtlCI tbelll doler to,ether. Mid .... wife. do .... 111 ..,. ·llome to &Me ter• of tbem. bffomes ...-llkallydepef t rt .. •varc:a iaer••• apln

dwrlac .tr.e 1ean wMea ~· ehtldren start lolnl to aebool 1aeveo )'Un). when tbe laat

cbUd enters school (about 14 yean) and when the last One lHves home (24·26 years I.

Stuart noted that most divorces for people In their mid-409 lo mld·50I are initiated by men. The h&11band realizes he's not going to make a mlllion dollars or be president of the United States .

FOCl18awas ''The man questions who he Is

and where he ls. There is a loss or fOl'lltn tbe relatlonllllp.' •

hrlnc the ,..,. when the dl6ldrm 10 te selMlol or leave blme, tbey are 1 .. of a unlfying ••• ta the nlaliomhi,. 'l1lle .., • •• role cUAlel duriq this Ume ..S neatuan1 abe klMI btr job.

It ii IMC .. 11'7 .... the .Ve to ft-ell..,._. alnific8.DCe id her life, Stuert. aahf:

Wll8e tM ll••a•fl• ~vttll IDGlt ~ 1118 "I Lcwe You1

1" (lfO .. buUdlna ........ cl HIW.c• ., flOlll .... Job- ... wUt, ... lio ..,_ II r~ hen from IMr ~drm, expects to get the



maj ority of h ers from her husband wh icfl ts not the cue.

The wife who Is expcrlenclng u c hange tn roles has three choices :

-She can cut down on what she is asking for from her husband. " If she does that she becomes clinically depressed."

-she can 1et it from someone else.

--Qie can 1et a job which wlll make her, according to Stuart. l'DO{e 18'erestlng (she'll have more to talk a bout> and be more feminlne. . )

ldNl&L IOllS ·en.ere are no supports for

femftdbtty for the wife wbo slaya bome all a1 serubbin1 noon. Htr Jobi afe mental and n · petjtive. SM doesn't have lo look good or f~ to do them.••

Stuart that the workln• woman wlJI no longer be com· plete ly depeadent. •·10 oar C1lltuni people who produce more mofteY eam more respect than lbolewho s pend It."


He believes it Is Important for lho8e having marital dJtncultiea in the flnl two yeana ol marriage to find oul what the courtship promites were. He also he lps them recover "some of the al· tracllveneas and cloeeness" they had before the marriage.

To do this he asks the eouples what they liked about each other, wbicli .telvts them a chance to hear positive things. They also are uked what they would like the other to do more often.

OO•MITMENT To build up their m.unbUng

eommhment to each other, Stuart aaka them lo make a list ol what they feet the other would do

• ll be or she loved them (rubblna her back, aakln1 him how hla day went). •

They a re told to do at least 10 of the items per day for a week, checking off on the lilt every time the othe.r penon does one • to they know what they're get­t1ftl.





Dedication to Poor Enriches Her Life

•1 GEoace: w. CO•NELL ..............

PHILADELPHIA lA P ' - To Motbe r TeNla, lite poor are u.e 1reat ones, the c.-ar11eous. noble and ~- . 'Suth dlpity. sutb ,......_.," ahe aaya. In Umn abe sees tbe DWioe ima1e. ~Y auffer, yea. bUt that, Loo, lite ~ ls U.eGod.

"He made him..., the hencry OM, lbe home-1 .. and naked, un•ant· ed one." she says. "We meet hJm In disguise in tbefacea oClbe poor."

Mot&er T e r esa. a srnaU. rraglle , s lightly stooped nun or 67, whole wo r k am.ong th e ·•poorest of the poor" in Ca lcutta . India . has crown into the world· wide Missionaries of C h a r i t y. s eems to radiate that same self· lessness which s he fmm in those who h ave nothing.

A gr ieving compassion lines her race. and when sbe smiles, it seems as if tbe licht wells up from aome shadowy , unlorgot. ten place of tears.

alob•I aa lb ering or Roman Catholics cen· ttted on falth in Cb.Nt's real pre sence in the bread and wine of the eucharls t . or holy com­munlon, Mother Teresa cave several talks and interviews.

" People have told us that we spoil the poor wilb our work." she said. " It is good to have at least one congregation tbat spoils th e poor because everybody is always spoiling the rich."

S h e told graphic 1tories or work with the desperately poor. of a ramily of eight which. on b einl "iven so m e rice. first shared it with hungry ne ighbon before eating ; or a s tan'ing woman v.•ho died sayint ' ' thank you" s imply foe being picked up from tbe str eet and shown some concern.

" She cave me much more than I gave her,"

Mother Teresa said . ··She 1ave her gratetlll love." Strangel y. she s aad. that rever ed giv. Inc la the case v.•ith the poor. 'Tbey clve much more th a n we give them." . Mother Teresa . born in Vuco.lnia, began her work ln Calcutta lo 1946, and the order she foun .• 4ed now laas 1,300 sisters '90ritlnC among the poor in • rountries. • ith 76 le prosari um s, 28 children ' • homes. 32 ho6~ala ror the dying.

A' ualice." she said. ' 'Is one to the poor because they are poor."

Cillnc J esu.s's words that what people do to the poor, they do to him. she urged, " Make your homes anolber Nazarf'th wbere J esus can come and rest awhile."

About women 's rights, she remarked , " Perhaps women are not so good at being creal. but can be yeal at doing good." NATURALLY SOFT

Turned -h ack locks frame the face in natural. easy do created b y Paris s t y lis t Yvan-Guillame for fal l. Hair is cut lock by lock a nd dried with comb and flat brush. Wings are tipped a shade lighte r .

Teens 'n Tobacco

Warnings Cited A milhon cop ks of th~ pre1>nratloms can be used

Ameri can C~1n cer t o p rot ~c t th e lips Society's n t•w co mic aflall\.'il o,·~r·CXll08ure to book about tel' tHlt: •• wlnd or :;un . amoklnti now an· lk·m.: C1.:arette smol..'4nt: also cbstribut~ 11aUonw1de . is cited as a 1m mc SUS·

The bQok. t illed " Tulo. J><'Cl in oral cnnci.'r . " It inJl ca Chl•nce With /\o :.:ubJecti mouth tl~s~ to Chance to \\ In," 1:. wnt· rcpN1tt'<I c~ntnct with Ir­ten both an Sl'unt-.h und r ltunt!I , not only Ill the EO$lish and lb of 1nt1•r1·~1 i;mok~· but ht•at from lo junior and :tC'n10r t11.:h burning cigarette puax1r. swdents. " In fncl . th e com·

The e.tory is about n binalion of hea "y Nmok· aroup or student~ who Ing and a lcohol r1tiscs • gather for ham burj.t('rs the risk of oral cancer," and soft drinks . When the booklet says. one of the girls lights <> Oral cancer 1s eal'ly for cigar e tt e a bo~ com· a dentist or phy '1cian lo plains and s pa rks ~1 da:>- ~pot and Is eas ily treated cussion about smoking. in its early stages .

Another new booklet . called " Word of l\louth." g1\'es facts about oro.11 Cr.om B 1 cancer. r 1 ,

"The key word for pro­tection 1s modern lion." the bookle t says. "That's bec uuse some of the things we eat and dnnk a r e i rritating to the mouth. caus ing changes that could lead to can· ce r."

For ex ampl t> . pre· fe rence for piping hot foods or scaldin& hot rof · fee is a habit that should be modified.

Heavy liquor intake al s o a ffects m o uth tissues adversel y. the booklet says .

Cream o r s unblod~

Contract " They mus t ch3nge

their behav ior before th&y can reel heller," Stuart said .

Once they feel com­mitted to e ach other , they are taught, among other techniques. how to commuoicnte constr;uc­tively <slamming doors in anger , for example, is ouu.

Stu a rt b <' l iev<'s a th<'rap1sl rs not ready to reduce confli c t s until \hese changes 3rc mode.

SM was repea~y re­ferred to as a " saint" at tut week's International Eucharist ic Congress here and crowds of peo. pie tra iled her about, seeking to press her hand or simply to touc!l her white sari, the habit olberorder.

Aries: Intuition on Targ He describes marriage

us being an unstable un· ion under th e direct beha,·ioral cont rol of the spouses. They have the responsibility for pre· serving the s t ubility of the relati on s hip and making it as rewarding as possible.

Throu g h her, that customary Eastern im· pulse to share or absorb the " karma" or some ho­ly person by gettin g near them. seems to ha\•e been transported into the West .

"The poor do not want your pity," s he says . "They want your love. But do we see them ? Do we know them? IV~ we 'With the m ? Wt..n we

By SYDNEY OMAllR ings" may do so - on


yo ur b e ha lf . B e \'e r s at ile . willing lo diversify. Give full play

ARIES ( Marc h 2l · to intellectual curiosity. April 19 >: Y o u get LEO (July23-Aug. 22 >: favorabl e att ention , Be specific - check de. more so than in r eeent tails. be aw3re of baste past. Cycle is high and issuts . Long-r ange view your judgment, intuition is necessary . By working are on target. hard now. you " free"

TA UR US (April 20· you rs elf for ultimate May 20>: Light is thrown travel, creativity . educ a· on areas previous ly tion. darkened. Be willing to VUlGO (Aug . 23-Scpt. move ahead in a more in· 22 >: Concern wltb hJdden d e pen de n t m an ner . matters is indicated .

Cement agreement with one you know to have your best inte rests at heart.

SCOR PIO CO ct. 23· Nov. 21 ) :· You m3ke con· cessions and this 1s ron· structive. You need not gi\'e up principles in or­der to be am iable.

SAGl'M'ARIUS (N O\'. 22-Dec. 21): CreaU\'ity, in volvem ent, the im· printing of your style, ·de· sires - these form part of montage . Change , travel , romance are featur.ed.

r ightly belongs to so­meone e lse.

AQUARI US (Jan . 20-Feb. 18) · Short trip might be featured. Close neighbo r o r r e lati ve commands trme and at.· tention. Be independent. not arrog ant . Li ste n withoµt makin g maJur commitment.

PISCES ( l" eb . 19 · March 20 ): Money, col· lecllons. preservln#! of assets - these fnctors could now be of maJor imp0rtance.

" Whenever people get married they exp«.1. to gafo more than they put in. That's the problem. They have to work al it . There arc no guarantees.

"Couples always will fight. But for mos t , con· met is an act of despair. We turn them around to minimize it or contain it ...

• come berore God. he will judge 'us on v.•h al we have been to the poor, on what we have done to the poor."

• Mother Teresa : Crowds follow her and call her the saint

GE•INI <May 21.June. - Lo6t obJecl c.o"ld be-20> : Career . prestige, loc.ated. Money, as It af. standing in commuruly fects partner or mate, ls - these are emphasized. ai.o spotlighted. Some of your desires are UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct . fulruled. 2 2 > : s p o t li g h t o n

CANCE R (June 21 · partnership. contracts, July 22) : O n e with long-term relationships . authority to •·pull str· Go s low. Be diplomatic.

CAPalCO•N <Dec. ~ ................ ~ ........... ~ ...... ~ ... ~~ ...... 22-Jan. 19 >: Finlsh pro­ject. assignment - get rid of loslng proposition. Refuse lo be intimidated by one who sings the blues . You n eed not carry a burden which


Rolerf Creec~ ' t

Al the Congress , u of the poor.

Divorce: Can Split Be Mended?

Expert Styling fo r Men & Women.

f/J~'YMlkl /01 ~zetta's


DEAR ANN: We would appreciate it if you would prtnl the encloe«f story. It is our fervent hope that two special people will read it and think

We're s t111 hoping for a happy ending - even a.ft.er n.ine long years.

1107 ---Ad.. Newport Be9Ch • .640-4740

La~ders '-~.·· -. .. iiiii ... .._iiiiii_..--of us. . Thank you for your consldcrallon, Ano. -


o.:All HOPI NG: So am I . Please keep me pN&ecl II aad wltea thett is a recoaclliatloa. Time can be a great hea ler .

DEAR ANN LANDERS : A few years ago Paul and I went lo Tijuana, Mexico, and engaged a Mexican lawyer wbo said he could get Paul a divorce and marry us alJ at once. Jt sounded very uncomplicated and weweredelighW!d.

(Ann - - DESIGN

NINE YEAltSOF DIVORCE Once upon a Ume there were: l. A mother and a father. 2. Two 1ets or grandparents. l. Two sets of creat-annctparenta. 4. Bunches of aunts and uncles. s. A whole lot of cousw. We re member your Ont puppy, your letten

from camp. putting your first bikes toaether, havin& your pictures t aken, your tonsillec· tomles. your teddy bears. your two summers in f1orida. the family birthday parties, t he holiday aifu and your excitement a t openln1 the packages.

But wben you were In the third and firth 1rades there came the " divorce."

Arter that there was only · 1. One motht'r and• stcpfolher . 2. One father and a stepmother . 3. Two stepbrothers.

Paul filled out a Jong questionnaire and signed lt. The lawyer declared Paul offr cially divorced the moment he affixed hts signature to the questionn aire. We were then marned by the · sam e man .

Eighteen d3ys after Paul and I relurned to C31ifomla, we received the divorce pap(!rs and the wedding certificate. On the wedding certtncate Wall .!It.amped " Mar ried by Proxy."

Paul and I would like lo start a family but we want lo m ake sure we are legaJJy married. We alto want lo m ake sure Paul is orricially divorced from his rlrsl w ife. My mot.her sa id from the

beginnlng that it sounded phony and now we are beginning lo think she mi&bt bave a point. _

Can you enlightenus?-BILKED MAYBE?

DEA a MAYBE: If lt't a ~ .,..._ yap waat. Uae SoaUa-of.tJte.border qmckln smell "5hy. Yoa Deed. U.S. lawyer - ud I llope JOU ge\.e Immediately.

Teaching your lcldl •bout the l•m ol Ule can be easy or awkward. Ann Landen'• new booklet, " How, What and When to TeU Your Child About 5ex" can spell tbe difference. Send 50 cents in coin. along with a tqnc. stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request, to Ann Landen, P .O. Box 1400, E l1lo, Ill. «ll.20.

WORKSHOP Bring us your design needs and problems. Our professional staff will advise you.

S•Hi ... Wil le Held ..... 11·19, 10 ...... to 11 :30 CLllL



549-1197 • ._,..s.oo


But none of the " before" people were around because your mother divorced EVERYONE. not Ju.st your father . Your " before " memor ies vanished. They were replaced with new things . AU the pa1l wu turned into " bad tlmea" and "bad people."

UPHOLSTERY ..., .. w .. ....... ltJ!H.._. ... ._ MEAT SALE BY THE TRUCKLOAD

Now you are 18 and 20. and your ' 'before" folks Qray that one day you will realize your mother's words were not true and those " before" people never leR you ln thoucht. prayer or heart when you klds were taken away from all ol us.

c.-. ---· ••

c.111•2-5111. Pul a few word• to work for u.

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LOS ANGELES - Jerry West , Jerry Tarkanlan and Bill Sharman have all been named in publis hed reports as Jack Kent Cooke's choice to coach the Los Angeles Lakers this season. ·

But Cooke, the Lalcers' owner, said Thursday that no one has signed a contract to coach hjs Na· tional Basketball Association team.

M1eeS•le•? SACRAMENTO - The state

Senate bas approved sale or wine in ball parks. stadiums or col· iseuma duri ng professional sporting events.

The measure returns to the As· sembly for action on Senate amendments.

The bill is AB 445&

Effaobt /tf e•n Oa11 ATLANTA - Mayor Maynard

Jackson proclaimed Thursday "Edwin Moses Day" in honor of the Olympic 400-meter high hurdles champion from Morehouse College.

Mo.es , who broke the world re­cord while winning the gold medal a t the Montreal Games with a 47.62 clocking, also was re · warded with a parade from his school to a downtown Atlanta park.

wn'Rntdl• P--'•"·-2'

-"- E"'°"' tPt but ~tCl...O, C-t SNw ( P l lle•t Te~-,_., A• l<I 1 S

Mtl\ - P•lll'IOfl I P I lletl Ak',._, • 4, ,.., . '''°"' W•lh 'P) bf At T l t16( .. A .. 11 ....... r I)

¥>- - T .. 9 ... r tlen E \ tr11 181 11<•1 SN'" W»ltO -J 4-1.•h•--

lA• ....... , 12. S.. DI_ ti WO-" - Cn•h flAI tw•t .... 11.0or • I,

H!>tl- ·Stw•t CSOI - · ,_. l'_lt .. I Mfl\ - y...,, ISO I i..•I ,.._ .. , .-~. y.-r .

C..W tSO> ""' lt• l~IOl\·llllt4 J. Wo• d -CAWll'LVU tl • I """''~-I ( <hU 1 , .. ~-\'< -c....i.-1.ulr IL.Al !Ifft SI-I

C-10 \ue>e• tlebro • U • - C•••l\.lul• t lA l ••t ,,,..,,o .. ~• 4 -l uo .i S.n O•eoo

New-look Weiskopf •

SUrvives Silly Shots BETHESDA. Md. tAPI - Tom

Weis kopf said he was stalldng orr the course in the Westchester Classic las t Month - hia fourth pullout of the year - when l\i. al· teotion was arrested by a small boy walking behind tum.

"There w 3 $ (his kid - it wasn 't 31\ything be s aid or did." ex· plained the talented but highly volatile pro from Columbus. Ohio. •·but l made a vow to myself right there l wouJd ne ver walk out or another tournament unless I was very ill or badly in· jured.

" I thought or my two kids - s and 3 years old. l r eallzed I was a man in a fishbowl. I am in the public eye. I have to be careful what l s ay and do.

·· r made another resolution - I would neve r backhand a putt again as long as I live."

It's a new Tom Weiskopf - all the tempests. temper tantrums and blowups behind him, be says

* * * ~lr\t "°"""'° MOft \ Thund•'t "' ... liltft PG• C""mPIO"\ll•P o" lM "'°' n JS-111. 1,0S. y.,.o C.O.W,.ttw~I Country Cl"° C:O..W• T°""W••~kOC>t f - K lle C..1 - 91" Je<•Y M<Gte Cllarlr•C-v 1..H Eld tf H•lt trw 1n ~~M3Yf'• JtKrY P•t~ 8oo lA!<>do• Muc• Mor t•r C,...-y P •e1• r L..rt. Tr•v•no DonJ•tt~r 'I/ Oo .. Sto< klOO CiiDC>• c.u .... 6111 (;o.lhn' Tom W•t\Ort LVftlotl 0.Yt c:tG,.• ft.t)m J •<k N 1ck l • u. AOd Fu•"t1" Arnold P•1mit1

~c.o·· Eels.-<! .... Cr ... \ ....... JoMS<l\lff -C....l.ill!Y• l(~tntl lMteJ'

8"" " ""' Gt-1« Jon4>'\ A1~-~l4' 8'11<• •• ,,., Do<> - ... "9" .. OoAP.tOeell

, .. ,. _., UJl­l4Jl .. ),0).1 .. ,..,._ JJ.U-M J,o.~· J'-l5-JS- :1'­lA-lS-. • • •» .... ll v - ro :u :i. - 10 nu ro ,. )0 - 10 :u ll> -10 lS )\ -10 ,. » - 1'0 Jr u - ro JI D-IO )O·lS 11 Jl·ll - 11 »> 11 lJ.Jl-11 •» II ).I Jr II »-U II J1 ,. II •H 11 >o-JS-11 Jr J.t-11 i.»-11 ,.U- 11 lS ll> - 11 >H I> II


TO FEATVRE DH PHOENIX - The designated

hille r rule of t he American League will find its way into the 1976 Wor ld Series following baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn's decis ion Thursday.

Kuhn b roke a deadlock between the Amerlcan al\d Na· Lional circuits over the use of a designated bitter in Series com· petition.

The rule has been in effect In the American League since 1973, but has been rebuffed by the Na· tionals since the out.set

Kuhn rejected a 1>roPoSal that the rule be permitted in the All-star game. noting liberal sub· stitutions a re used anyway.

The des ignated hitter rule in the Series will be used in alternate years

- who carried o one-stroke ltad nto the second roWld of the S8th PGA Coif Ch a mpionship todny over the long ''"d exhausting Congressional Country Club course.

" l don't know whether l will win or not/ he s~ud . '' But I as · sure you I am plt1y1ng this toumamcot with an entirely dif· ferenl attitude . I have prepart-'d m a dlrrerent way. I haven 't practiced much. I h:.ve worked on m y concentration. armed myself with po alive thoughts."

Playing brillia ntly but making a couple of what he called "silly s hots.·' th e 6· fool ·3 fo rm e r Ontish Open champion fired a fi ve -under·par ~ to edge young Tom Kite of Austin. Tex .. and Lil· Ue kno"•n optomt:tnst Dr. Gil Morgan tied at 66.

... On a muggy da) which s uw

Congressional 's par 70 broken 11 times and tied by nlnt• men. l,t'<' Elder. the first black lo pl ay an th e M ast t> r s. pl ealoe d h1 11 sometime golfing partner , Prest· dent Ford . by t ying Charles Coody and Je rry McGee ul 68.

1-' ivt' players were at 69, anclud· ing rookie Jerry Pule. the r t.' IAn· ing U.S. and Canadian Ope n champion ; forme r .S Opl'll king Hale Irwin . Mark !lay<',, and rank outsiders Bob Zender and Mike Morley.

Defending cha m pion J ac k Nicklaus, gunning for his 17th major crown, shot a 71 as did the man he succeeded tll the pmna· cle or the ga m e. •&-year -old ArnoJd Palme r , who ha.' never won a PGA title .

Stoaabof!h l11jured

Longley Hits QB Then Quits Cainp

THOUSANDS OAKS <AP) -The ''Mad Bomber" has struck again.

Res e r ve Dall as Cowboys quarterback Clint Longley. who gameo tne nickname after an er· rant pass bounced off a coaching tower . aimed a not·so-errant right at the head or team captain and starting quarterback Roger Staubach Thursday.

Slaubach s aid he reeled against the s t andup scales in the training room, sustained a gash requiring stitches over his left eye. He called LongJey's assault a " gutless deal ."

" He waited 'til 1 had m y s houlder pads up over my head and couldn' t even see him,'' re· called Staubach from Dallas' Na· tional Football League training camp. " He hit m e over the eye ... l got the cut when I hit the scales. I was stunned, then some teammates held me back from going after h im."

Slaubal'h said LoogJey's fron· Lal assault was strictly a hit-and· run affair.

The " Mad Bomber" im · mediately l eft camp and Cowboys officials s aid be was s uspended " without pay or benefits."

" ll was his way ol saying good· bye for now. He had his bags a lready packed and a ll bis money with him ," said Staubach. " It 's unbelievable and it was pre­meditated. lie had ref~ to at · tend a t eam meeting earlier and had refused to a nswer any ques· lions"

s aid Staubac h. " Drew couldn ' l even hear him and I confronled him <Longl eyJ about it. That's when it really started.··

However. Staubach revealed that the storm clouds 'had been gathering for rnme time between the two lit er all y battling quarterbacks .

··Clint started off in June and refused to communicate with me or Danny White," reve a led Staubach referring to tht' r1rst­stri ng punter and lh t' now second-string quarterback. " Ile wouldn't work out with us in Dallas and he refused to com· municate with me."

Staubacb said Longley went through the non-communication routine with other players last season.

" This year he pulled it on myself and Danny White,•• s aid the forme r Navy star and Viel· nam veteran.

Staubach s aid he thought Longley might be affected by pressure from White.

" This guy's going to be one or the_premier quarterbacks in th National Football League," s aid Slaubach ..

White will get a chance to strut his stuff Saturday night when the Cowboys entertain Denver in Dallas' home opener.

Cowboys coach Tom Landry said Staubach. sporting stitches. will start the contest. with White scheduled lo replace Longley as the second-half quarterback.

I APWor ... i.


In All Divisi•tns

MV-Swirnrners Holding Lead

PH I LADE L PHI A- J es'se Vassallo and Brian Goodell of the Mis s ion Viej o Nadad o r e s finished 1·2 Thursday in the 400 individual m edley al the AAU Nationa l Swimming Cham · pionships at Kelly Pool here.

race is much duM•r M1ss1on Vie· jo has MS Tht' Central Jerse} Aquatic Club ,... closl' belund with 127

In the men s tl•am standings the Nadadorcs lead with 128. San· t a Clara Swim Club has 111 and the Randy Reese Swim Team 1s third with 101.


Connors Advances

Longley had been quoted as s a y ing Staubach provoked Thursday's one-punch fight by pushing some c hairs al him. ··Thul ·s a complete l ie," res ponded Staubach.

The two s tro n g -armed quarterbacks had also engaged in a round of fisticuffs Tuesday, with Stnubach declared the win· ner. lie was on top of Longley when as si s tant coach Dan Reeves interve ned.

As he storm ed out of camp, Longley said, " My fight is with Roger Staubach nol with the Dallas Cowboys. Staubach's a player just like I am. He's not a coach. He's been on my case since camp started.

.. All I've got to say lo the Cowboys is play me or trade me."

In the combined team stand· ings the Nadadores lead with 176 points whi l e s econd plac e S uburban S wim C lu b o f Philadelphia has 173 .

The 14-year·old Vassallo won in 4 : 28 .34, a nd t e ammate Goode ll , a doubl e #{old medal winner al the Olympics, touched in4 :30.89. Aching Back No Hindrance

INDIANAPOLIS CAP> - Top· seeded Jimmy Connon shrugged off an aching back and beat Vic· tor Amaya 6 ·2, 7·S Thursday while No. 2 Guillermo Vilas a nd No. 6 · Harold Solomon became the first players to advance to the quarter-finals In the U.S. Clay Courts tennis tournament.

Connors twl1led bis lower back in a furi ous conteal against Australian Colin Dibley Wednes· day night and won when Dibley retired with leg cramps in the third act.

"I would have won It anywa.y." Connors said Thurad~. " I was leading 3.0 at the time.'

The back w•s still botherinl' Connors in hi• match a11aln1t Amaya, and a fterward , Connors indicated he ml1ht withdraw from doublH compeUUon.

Ray Moore, the No. 12 seed from South Africa, suffered a 6·2, 1·6, 7.5 loss (o Solomon In a third round m atch he felt he should have won.

Vila!\ had an easy time beating Dick Crealey &· l In the flr1t set and lead ing the second J-0 when

Dodgers Battle

Cubs in Chicago CHJCAGO- Doug Rau is ex·

pec.'lcd to take the mound for lbe Lo& Angeles Dodgen Saturday when they face the Chicago Cubs in Wrigley Field in the third aam e of the current series.

The two tea m s met in a doublehe.der this aftemoon with Burt Hooton and Tommy John pitching for the Dodgers.

Saturday's game will be broad· cast on KABC (790) beglnnin& at ll: lS.

Prior t.o today's doubleheader. •the Dod&ers bad won seven of eicht sames with the Cum. The fow--came aeries ends Sunday md concludes play between the two teams lids 1ea1C1L


Creeley retired due to the sUning heat and a s light leg cramp.

In o the r matches, eight h· seeded Brian Gottfried dumped Bill Scanlon. 6·3. 6·2: No. 9 Onny Parun held off Jairo Velasco, Hl, 6-4. and No. 15 Ricardo Cano topped Michael Wayman, 7-6. 6-4.

Staubach said Tuesday's en· counter oc~urred because or something Lonf'le y said to Drew Pearson, a wide receiver.

" I wouldn' t even r~peat it,''


The Nadadores a lso lead in the women 's team standings, but the

Ryan Loses 15th

Different S~ript, But Sarne Results ..

Ryan just figured at was the law of averages .

" Heck." the California pitche r reasoned Thursday night. " last ti me they ~ot e ight runs for me and it wasn 't enough. I don't think l have~t lO romplaln."

So Ryan dldn\ complain. lie just suffered In re lative s ilence. A 10th inning broken-bat single hy Fred Lynn or Boston drove in the winning run and then Jim Rice made a perfect throw from

An9~I• Slat.-AllG41mH Oll l(MPC171fl

Auo II Milw11U• ... fl C•lllOflll~ Awo u MUw1tuk• • •t C'• lltOtn'• Awq U Mllw•v• o•I C•llla<IW•

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tt Up"'

left field to cut down Lee Stanton at the plate with the potential tY· inc run and e nd the game. pin· ning a 15th loss <2·1 I on Ryan, who lost out in a masterful pitching duel against Luis Tiont.

" I lhou_ght I made a perfect pitch to Lynn." Ryan said.

It was so good, in fact , it broke Lynn's bat but the Red Sox out ffelder stUI managed to send a looper over second base to drive home rookie Butch Hobson wtth the deciding run and enable Boston lo salvage the Unal game ol the three-game series.

Tiant, the old master, receipt· ed for his 12th victory. but the best Boston pit.ch or the nigh\ was made by Rice la the 10th inning.

" If the umpire had been calling that , It would h ave been a strike. " said Stanton.

Stanton was al second base with two out In the 10th when pinch hiller Tommy Davis erounded a ainale to left. Rlee

was on the ball quickly and madt• a pe rfect throw lo catc her C&rlton Fis k, who had the ball in plenty of time LO lag out the Slid· mg Stanton,

" lie made a pe rfect play.'' sa id Angels mannger Norm Sherry. " I was surprised to see him gel lo the ball so fast but m a situation llkt> that you have to ~lVe it your bcllt s hot and try to st'Ore. ·:

Of bis gam e-winning hil. Lynn 11nid, " It 's the law or averagc11. We were due lo huve one drop 10 ror us.

" Ryan was very toogh. Those first two pitches he threw me in. the 10th wer.e so good I couldn 'l even swing al them."

Tianl, who finis hed with a s ix· :1itter. struck out three and walked two. Rya n fanned nine llnd walked (our. but two of those wallts resulted in Boston runs .

Hobson led off the 10th w1lh a walk a nd moved to second on a sacrifi ce before scor ing on Lynn's single.


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And in the 200 freestyle the Nadadores · Casey Converse rinis hed thirct in 1:52.78, just edgf'd out by Ma rk Greenwood ~r fo' resno ( 1 :52 .21 J and Olymp1<' gold m eda list J ohn Naber at I :52.53.

Goode ll a n<! Vassalo we n • fourth a nd iuxth :it the l'nd of the butterfly in the ando, but Vassallo took control an the backstroke.

The lfllcnled Puerto llacan had a two-body lt•ad over Goode ll · after the bal'k .ind lengthened IL after the brea i>tstroke.

Goodell cu m c on fo close the d1:.tan~·e 1n the free, but 1t was too late . Vai.irnllo '!\ m a rk ~ould have qualified him fnr thl' Olympie team and he betterl'<I his best time by fi ve seronrls Greenwood '~ defeul or Naber

, wus perhnp!t thl' bh!uesl surprise ofthe evenln i.t .

In the women 's competition. lhe M1s!\ion Vu:Jo Nt1dudore11 A team ruushed ttcr ond In the 400 'medley re l a ,v. t lock111u In ut 4 24.89.

Marya nne <irnhum . Mnrclu Morey. Va leri{' Le <• ond M<•Ura Cum1)IOn tcanH•d rorlhc/\ 'is,

., \

• .

Inland ·Five )lolds .On For l 00-99 TriuRlph

USC Can't Handle Burly Long Beach

By &OGER CARLSON, OfllWO.llf~ ... ,~

The Orange County •AJl·stara. a band ol re­l'ently graduated players alone with current prep aces, lost a 100.99 over · Ume decision to a similar eroup from the San Bernardino arH Thurs· day night at Huntlnicton Beac h·s 'Edison High Sehool.

The basketball 1rame wu held berore a crowd ot 800 In the first of a twin bill be ne fit t o Lionel Purcell . who g uided Edison Hll(h 's bask~ball fortunes for one season ~fore May when Puree II succumbed to a heart at­tack.

Two evenly m a tched crews. who have played together durJng th e Oly mpic Development Le.)lgue a t Cal State ( Los Angeles > under lntema· tlOl\81 rules, fought to a standoff at 88 in reguJa. lion and all or the Orange Coast a r ea 's products turned in nifty efforts .

Bob Vogelsan g, the Edison s tandout under Purce ll, bit his first four attempts from different comers or the court to get the Orange County

ByED BURGART firstperiod. quintet off to _a good 0t11M o.11, ,.11.0••11 Ye t. the likes of Clifton · start.

Form er Ca l State PondexteroftheChicago He finis hed with 16 <Long Beach > basketball BuJls and brother Roscoe points and turned in a sl.al:S.-took...on the rol!? L were-loo much for USC. tood flQf:>I" game on both bouncers Thursday rughl Roseoe. in pa r ticular, ends of tbe court. and hammered ex-.use dazzled the rans in the · J im Elenz or Santa. athle~es. 109·105, I!' a final period, getting two Ana's Mater De i clicked ~ne(1t .game at . Edison dunks and displaying a twice with buckets to put Hi g h i n Huntington grin as wide as J immy thegame intooverlime. Beach ._ Carter's . Phil Dunkelberger or . Playin1before800.fans Rcecoe ended with 23 HuntlnJton Beach and in a game for t he Lionel points while Georae Fountain Valley's Bret Purcell scholarship fund, Trapp ~r Detroit , another Wilkinson came through the Long Beach players muscle case, added 21. in the clutch. s howed USC why they Boston's Glen McDonald, '* · * * would be al~ost un~· sinking LS footers aa easy 0r-c-." '" ' ble in wrestling or box.ing as bitting layups . bad 20. •• " "' .. rln1s. °""'••o.•940r , o 1 •

Overcoming the Tro- '"-.. ~~.''"~ ,,. ... :'~"""' ! ~ ~ ,~ Jans' finesse in the first -~ o o s • vot t1""'9 • o J ' •

quarter . the muscl'e· ::-=:;:,.,. ,: ; : ~ =~•nvtOft : ; ,~ bound Long Bea c h ,,_ • • • • 1111<''""''' • , n quintet, led by the Pon- ~.=••1.. ! : ; :: ' 'fof.,. ,: " ,: " dexter brothe r s. took T•- •o • , ,, ·~••• ""' " command i n sid e the J~!1':: ~ .~ ,! 1~ w iot1e•<1• 1

1: 1; "! : perimeter in the second UK""' o..v•• , o , , period, Pe.II I~ I~ ": I~ Pol" 10 I 4 11

Trailing 20-17 after the w H•PM• 10 o , '° ~:~~- ~ ~ · ~ ~ first nine minutes-the ~;:!:.... ,. ·~ : ~ ~ ~g .... "•" : o J 10 teams played four nine- .._._rt • , 2 10 ""'"'•" 0 : ~ ~ minute quarters- Long CN11m•11 11 t ' !: T• ••'' .. • ,, 100

Beach outscored USC w~::;. ,: ,! ,: ,01 :::~::.:-Oft°'_:~ eo"""· *"' 34- 11 1n tne aecoo quarter and led, 51-36, at hatrlime.

Afterwards, it was strictly one-on-one, slam dunk basketball as use

And J im McCloakey of Coata Men '• Estancia H.lah and bound ror use. led the Orange County team with 23 points and stole the ba ll with 11 seconcls lert In overtime.

But his assist to Cl I-' •·A t o-player of the y~ur Michael Wiley went ror naught when the hitter mlu ed from J2 feet Wld the Inland a ll·sluns, led by Clare m on t 's Ilob Fossum , held on for the win.

Ocean View tll&h or ll unt l n1ton B eac h coaches Larry Pach«o and Jim Harris handlt'd the Orange County team1 which held a 72·65 leaa with 7:30 left before the win n ers made thei r move behind Fossum, La M i radn 's Doua W\dtfeldt, San GorjlOOiO (San Bernardino ) HJgh'1 Phil Pol ee. and E isenh o wer H ig h of Rialto star Ron Lott.


UCI Cagers Open With Long Beach

Coach Tim Ttfl ·s UC I r vine Ant eulers basketball t ea m will open the 1976· 77 season at Ca l State t Lo ng Beach > on Tuesday, Nov. 30 before returning lo Crawford Hall to play UC San Die10 Friday. Dec. 3 in the first or 14 home encounters .

The Anteate rs have added Ca l S tat e ( Fullerton ) again this season along wi th a ho me encou nte r with Puget Sound, winner or the NCAA Divis ion II Li·

_tie l~year. UC l llVINe

l<iH . Nov :IO - •I t•I St• .. 11..ofto Becl\I

l'r l , 0.<. J -VC ~" 0 1eoo Mon . Dec • Unlvi''"' ' ' of _ ,,.

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l l'W ... IOftl. - Tllun , Oot tt JO •t ..,.,.

Slole four,..,...,.t

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Ufti nr\.lty. Thvr\ • J•"· tl - UttU,••tl tt or

MtS\OUl'l fl(•nws C•ty l S.Ot . Jan O Univ 01 Ho<llW•n

ColOt..,o T11 <\ , J•" · 11 C •I Slal e

fNortnr1dJOt ) !>.ti , Jo" n U"• • o• Mn 0.-T u~\. J •n 7 S titl N o r l nt rn


T11tt . J"ob I t l\•<O St•I• Thfl'\ # '•b J •1 C r1 l9h10_, U<11,..,.n, S •t •• F e b s - t•• S l• U

10.,ersflel<ll Tll6., l'eb I · UC Rlnr \ldot Sal • Feb. 12 ol C.I Pott fS.n Luo

Ob<sool Tu e> • Fe1> . U - •I C•I !ot•I•

(Hotll>rlctoe I l'rl , F•b •t-t.os • ...,.,._ ll<IPt l•I Sal , J"el>. "- t Ul\lv ol »n 0.f'QO Sal. l'el> l• -.1 CllaP"'•" '°'""'°

A h o m c · and · ho me se ries with Freddie Goss 's UC Riverside Highlanders is also in· eluded a long with return games with Cal State CBakersfleld J and Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) a ft e r se veral years absence.

OCC Gals Post Win

Liz Ludwig scored 20 points in leading Orange Coast College to a 44.32 victor y ove r Golden West College Wednesday night in women 's sum· mer basketball league action a t Cypress College.

Dee Eric k son con· tributed 10 points to the Orange Coast total with Sharon Campbell high for the GWC Rustlers with 11 points. ·

0. .... llWHIUll ,, It ...

Ol•n l 0 I t &town o • 1 • (Arnp~ll 4 l I II M<Lt.,. 4 0 4 I C..lrOlll I 0 1 ' 1 Burro..• 0 1 0 I

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never threatened . clO!iing the gap only In the final minute . "YOU'LL LIKE DOING BUSINESS

O.llJ l'llot l'IM4•• ., ltlO•,. Drakt

ln the second quarter, Long Beach utilized the muscles of its burly 240·250·pound rorwar& to scor e one driving layup after another. For those wh o r elish statistics. Long Beach sank 15 of 24 field goal at tempts in the second period while the thin, rail ·lik e Troj ans only connected on 7 of 20


use began the contest with si x ..p layers but ended with seven when George Watson walked on the court early in the

MAZDA M~!~~~~~ue ~~~~!,s 1 g 7 5 ~~.~~.tI't 1:: .:· ::::~·~·~:;'.:'II ]i .~·

Cleveland 55 S6 .495 12 New York 59 57 .509 17 Detroit 54 S8 .482 131 , Chiugo S2 64 .448 24

CLOSE-OUT ~~°!'ukee ~ :r :: :~: :. ~~~=I :~ :: :~ ~


CASH IACK . • $400

·· NOW





West DMsloe w,,, Dlv .. lon Knnsas City 68 44 .607 Cincinnati 75 40 .652 Oakland 61 ' 53 .535 8 Dod1er1 61 52 .MO 13 Minnesota 56 56 .500 12 Houston 58 S8 .496 18 Texas 54 58 .482 loll San Diego 5f\ 61 .479 20 Angels 50 6S .435 19' i Atlanta SJ 62 .461 22 Chicago '48 63 .432 191.+i San Franc111co 49 68 .419 27

T11wrtN, 't~ lht ... y 'tk9"• t••,...1•11<11, h •o • .,,.,.D,"°) Nt w Vor • O ..... Yo•- If. M1-,.I• ' t•ll' IM •l1t ClllC4100J 11<>\lon J, C•lll~l\t• I 10 '""'"" AllA!llA • , Pllll Atltlplll•) °""""" 4, Mllweu-o l Only O"''"'' 'l<""Clul•CI °"'•o•,...,K-uteo '"••'tO•_,

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2629 HARBOR BLYO, COST A MESA 5'0-54130


Fnd!y, Augus113. 1976 OMLY PILOT 8 $

DeIMar For Del Mar \.Barracuda Los Alamitos

Racing Entries .......... , ................

PIQT aACe - • ·~--. > ,... - • W. Cl•IM1 .... l'WM ...... o ..... i... ll'rk • " ' ·,.,' " • f tlUeo\ l "°'CHH-1 Ill "Wrl .. I l •- 10...uNll II • ()qMWlllWl• 1v......-... 1 '" ~ .. ,- ... 1 '" _ _. eW111 l"'l'ICeyl 11• ''""°"' l l)lnl<Ol•I a ll l Oowlll<I Wiece 111 • ...i,.u '" ~ l()llVKt~l 11-

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Race Results .. T-...,,

Pt UT llACI - • '"'*"' t & • .. ~ .. • _._,, c.m ".....,... 111\wwUIOI, Mtl-. Oellt!M l .... 6'111

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otd ,,..i,..,. <Oil• & .... ~ ci.. ....

..,.. ... ....., cvw.-;~ s 40 uo WlwNallw IV.••-•t 11 • ,.., ......,_,,411_, ls-M ..... 1 ,.

, ,_ I )U l l Al• .. 11 - Tr ... n..•t. l .. llol.,

l.eew , y1llt11I lt• l r , a ..... ~ • W.-T .. l'I

Mt Krall>< ... \ U laet .. - ""'-' ' M .._ & I

Wtw-, ,.W\1" .M'

11•T11 •AC• - • ""'- 11.11..­& .... ,,, 1 .,.., • •• , & ... Al ..._ .. ~,,,, .. C>Mci...,1.11 tsi-n.•llt• I

1100 HO 110 .,,,....,,... ,,., ... 01 hf ,. ....... 0-11"•---ll •• Tl _ _ ,...,, ,

Atw "'" - ,_,., $tar. .......,..~ o...... '-Ml'f" ""u••. Glr tbll '-"<k


""'''™ •lie• - • ""*""- ) ........ ... -"""' .. ~ ....... ~''°' .. ..,. IPl.,.cet

Oc>IMuO... l~erl

Ito 1M Hil

Wtlf Statlell lCaMDMI Time - I "21) . ,.., 11 ... - Heel• s. ... 5111' _,..,

L•1'*, MfOlllY GfHI, I' m a Tr•wiel• No •<relc ... • u lut1•-4·41..a 1111utt..- • I · oo. ......... "94'l.M.ll.. ..

Hit Again Barratiada ahowtd up

bl larae DWDben ln \he fl.sh cou.nu ol Art · a Land· inl and Davey 's Locker on Thursday wltb warroer water \ em-1Mtraturn glvlna hope5 for an extended run.

Art's Lan4mA reports that barracud a wer e taken on the hair-day boat near lhe ateam plant in Hun ti ngt on Beach while Davey's Loc k er out of the PavUion say11 their big· gest catch ca me on the all -da y boat at the horseshoe kelp beds .

The run th is week wu lhe luge.st in recent weeks for Orange Coast area landings. OA•A WMAaP 1'1 •ntltt\ , 7'~

Ull<O oau. s ba"41<11<1•. ) llOl><IO 1

M lfM .. roo ""' · n ,...O..,•'· '°' _ .. , ... "'"°-" '"""•! '" ,,, __ ,.t ( Pll'ICa.I Ill

Po\lllw...,_, IOllv.n~ Ill

~" °""" , ....... , '" POVllOI aACE - OM ml ... 1 I. •

..... •Id -lclt9 <•41• .. .. ..._ ~UlOO.

l"'I -wusoo. • o.-- lMcHer..,.1

• .., J 40 l.00 4.jO l.40

. J.to lt\Mt,,.°'1111 lfore l c..nt•y h .... 1011 ..... 1 T- -1 • Ali.o """ - CM!tr•' I \l•lll<t., ,....,

&oy. K.f\oe&en .. , \._eu"6M, Al'Ntft41' '

•10MT1C •AC• - II\ M•lhon lurl 1 .,.., ottt & .,. • .4>,ttowa11<01o. ~ ,.,,, .. SAN OtllOO - t40 • .....,,. tit

eltNcor• Jbl...Clnh•,,..JY•l-•I ......... I. • • • , .. - ,. ~

1,. -Ito, JO ytltollrte•I, I 111 ... hn NM, n cehcooan, 10l1Mtt• <"""

• 60 )AO SAlf f>IOltO Cl~i ..... I - 11• • .o S.40 anQ!er 1 . na ....,, . , ...,., "110n1111. Ju

~·1-......... .... ftle9lll lS-... ...... 1 P h'4W' (Goftr•ltrl

r1- - 1.m 1s s 10 ,.,lco INt~s. 1 yel towtan. 110 rocll cod,

I M llll<IC (UNI SI, U ....... I - 91 ""91en: 110 1Ntrr•c .. e1.a, Ul rocll. cod, n c• llco oeo. J ...,1111<11. 10..,.., C>aU,

Sir Al• • - IV•l<Nll TIWI'~ A_ple!llY COlfll<t la l .,.,,~, t4iller IMerwl Skytharov IMtH••tutl Mt C- lcampa O

"' -·· NO KI•I<,_.

l"OU llTM llACI - II / It ""'"- l ...... 0411 1111i.1 1>rtll '" (Ailil. a.1m1,..

Alto 11.,. - AdVIM!dly, ~tlfttlor\ Ett0" t i II

Ho"raltllff •110ftlto lllWl"Ollf IO••U' l l.,e<kerl I~

TV S-.•l•r IM1H>01I P\lfe WMrio< l~me .. r l

Ptn11 a ACE - OM m ll• M hwf 1'.111 .. , ...... , . . J .... , °'"' .. ...... c1•"''...i••1o-•'· p .. , .. 11s.ooo.

PurwUOOO J Hllllo ( Offtl<Olal 1S t0 :IO • t0

S.l.,.r 5ll1> (Ma-Myl $.«! HO

" ' "'" a Ac• - 1\ 0 "'' '".,.'"'' > ......, ... .,....,,.,.,.., is11.on111>, ' " year old 11111e1. Sl••ter 61-..C•. "''"° ban . I wltite ... bau, 21 •ot• '°ll'W ltOOO. COO.. I IWllOUt. IAr l 'O - ts .onaler• JM> Gin l~arl Ltl J .0 2 t0 JOI - racu4•, 11• - llO, l1) telt<.0

- Je<UI (-Her .... ) l.AO UptoJYlltt IOllv., .. 1 IO «I • 40 °"'"·Sro<k<od.

A<tr•1 • I- ti 11' Tl- -1.~IS ....,_ T•Y'll tT-1 J 00 UAI. el.ACM - 20J a1191ff'\. 10'

S.... Je~l l wat IP •f'UY I 111 Also . ... - , • • , ...... (Oftl"'''

Pn"'n" It• l"ltll Htr, I0..,.,11 '°""' M'\S

,_ - 1.JOJfS ..,, a t11cla, 10 llofllto, lS ~ l>e\ JI. S

futcMO<'• IP iffcal 11• Joll \lert IOllva•nt '"

AIM> flla n - Sl>OwY Ce,,., P•t O' l'er· M llOlll. Jf rotlc <od, )) '"'°'-"'"'· ·~11. Ga• ... , , ,, • • O.lt.e ~. ..... - Ill Mlfltr'\: ""°"''' 1 W1'CI

Do01Ma991e f~r>•) 111 NO~••t<,,_s 8•d tloldl• lliu, IO!lelltwl, 1t maotrel.

My•lery- (Toro l 11• NO \( r .. 1<11•• l.C*O • • • CM , .. ,_ .. I ...... , - n CN•0tt'\S!lr IM<H••9uel • I ll

l'll'TM a ACI - One 111l1t. > 1tar Olrb C•••rn1119 ..... .. ""°° U laacu .:c.~11 GI• & 1·U, .. envterfr-1\11 ba•tllCuO• . 1 "'' llNI, 9

Mlet. N ldttU oe. - •to, JI - c 1ter11. IChlMll'1 - I real •• ' ~001 I G<w11ai.11 11' V~ (~mailer) Ill

;;~;gir:::· ' ;; Los Al Results SllfTN a ACE - OM ml ... J feol'

old m .. 0.fl COllS & teldlnQ .. Pllf .. .. ~ N<r••Sl•ult l'Mn• I $1W- P.op""I Cforol H.cNIOflY IMCH4'r9"t ) Olfl,..r Ctau INl lH>Ol I ................ IP.ftCey l Cl• .. , L.O IV4'1tfll.,.14'1 !Of ... ,_, 111 ........ , ,

111 11• ... Ill Ill

'" "' Sr.l l llTM llAC• - OM ...rle J --1. ""· Cta lm l"f. PurMS-. Cl<tilftlft9 Pr lc U JS.000.'10.000. Ptr - h ly Kl'191tl IOllv•rnl 11• COwooy Bob fS-m•k••) IU Pr!Menl' I• lVtr~•al 11' SfN<t 0.la I Mena I II• Goti.te IOfnlcotal »I ll Tnnl VP 1P,nc•y I "'

Et0t4TH a ACE - •h••toftg\ l­- & "" H•nd•UP ........ U S.000 ......., llt"f (ro"°YH•nOlt~ F•M~ IF"••I Ill llVOUPrH., fSl!Mmall., I Ill ~ l'lrt (Ver~rat HJ Li91>lfll"f-•I• (M<H•r.-J 1n Ol..._io I Toro) 1 IJ Cl'trr, A, .. , ( Plnc ayl 110 S,,wtootll I Gon,•IH) 111 At POtW•t Goocll I Pttrce I llt Tll lln MlllOfl IMent l IU

PetThwrsdo Cleat, Trao Put

Pl llST llACI - UO Y••O'- ) nar ~ 6""' Cla lmlnt Purw MOOG. Slc1olOIMMnCI CCltrl1wl

• to •. ., l.., l'nA0011oJay 11 ... 11,J s.oo l.., Oro c .. t n , .. ,..,,I n.oo

Time - 11 11 Also Ren - Rh yt""' Ovstt<, >tot

Sltot CU1• 1¥, Otwrt 1,.,.,,-a.., ~ltlfl11"9

Scra1<- - u.-i1 u •OHta ~Slty .. CM- a , . ._. .....,..,,.,, ..... ,u ....

S• CONO llAC• - UOY•'°'->­Olds. AJIOWllll<t. Por 111119'. '°""° '3100 Miu T• T Te l lWl(fWff)

uo no -.1wmawtr n ...... ,.. . . 20 Mr . .i.1 _,.Jr, (ACl.tlrl

rrme - 11.n AIW .. A - EHY 8 19 lted, Plosll,

01PSY' S ......,, '#1~"6. flit (.tin. -...1e, Liii..,.., Owl<'tft Date

Soattllt<l - Mlu lleuvre u •••ct• ,.,. A ..... " • · ----·""·"· .. SIVUfl'" •Us - JSO .,..,,._ J

- old~ & ..... Onsllotd • •--· P\lfw\1000. OKll.e lat (l(nlglltl n.• 10, .. JettlMN!dtcll !Hartl L.O J.ntJlm°""""f t e ... 11.s1 Tl-- 17.M

s ... i.• 2A Now.ra te,.., l'orW 0...efls IHarll 400 JAO, Mla Aolloitor IA""9fll U0 .. CMfTM •ACE - 110yargJy-

T•me - II 01 o111t 1. ...,. O t1ml119 • ...., .. '1100. A.I,. It.,. - • .,..,.~MIU DyMeitGee lOtUMINI ~Cf, War C .. y • •• UO

Ho K tfl<,._, • lllSlret tSom ITt .. JtKtl ...0

TMlllD a ACe - HO YI'"'· J Yta• £~~.;.~ CMyloU Ola /NltNft\. PvrwSUOO. Al .. .... - • •• P iiiot, 'Tl• TOUQll, .............. ,,.,.,.,_,, 10.to SM 400 l(oot~.V•lefotP111eo. WlndJ-T all< Abolll II Ottrll 4..0 l to ,,., hk• ao. 18r-•I S..20 · Ho w:r• lot""'

lllNTll •ACI - Ontmlleonturt. l Tl - - llff • .. •U<ta - .. o,..... Ott",_ ... .,Old,"'"-•"'-' Purwl l0.000 AIM . ... - 0o1 .. ,., ... Wlrwfy "'"'s.tll.,.WMl.M. N<Olll lf c-r IGoll,.i.ll llJ "-ckel, Htt1111. Go l'or 01-. f'aekeC Partt fTorol llJ -.,...,. ,. E .. y , •o"'9All< _ ._, s _ _ , IO•ril'tol"aJ ,.,_. Trki"-u-H1 Z.<I• •C.-•I llJ Scral<- - Illa e lollby, lrne Ettelt1< l'l1t9 IP lncey l 111 Tlr>y, .....,,.1, Y .... Liii 8olel llOll(t\atll I Pleru I 111 oas EM •tY (Slloemaur I Ill r~•• Tlmo l ll•mi••t l 1u [IOO•-S....O..r51 IVtrteraJ 111 Oo•ilaoto IM<t4a•oue l "'

OM·-l•Ou~ltr IW.UOftl

... '"" •.&<• - - vera 3 .,._ - Cl• IMI- 111w~eJI ... l'l<kle Oeolitllo IOt LoMIN I

SJ.to 20.«I tD 60 L..cky MIO CTttHwtel 11.00 IO.:IO S.V_,...OMT'-~•) f2,IO


Clinic Due Mea TrH ( leftli\)

.J ·Tl- - 1' ... Alw lt•11 - Mot1He ,_,_...,, OIC

The A m e r l c an At.:'~~':: '00·1t•11t·n._.. Ph • --•- S l National Volleyball Y81~ e

I . ' ll Pll'Tll llACe - ~ yerdl. 1.,...,, Assoc ation w 1 apomor - & ... Merlff ..... -.. Pw.- P hysi c al• fo r all a clinic at M a ri n a Hilb U100. · •ootball plauen at "-ta . H . t Be h r too.o ICt• et'l•I H .20 ~.tO , 20 I ' ,, ~ an unllng on ac or H•ndP•Otd IW••dJ uo t . ., :Mesa's t:atanCJta HJgb gir ls and boys from s-11 1r •• ,. .. ,., uo arealatedforWednesd~ 11 l o T.- - JI ...

• o . . ,.., 11 ... - _.,.,,.1-1 c- , ~ ...,eninC at6 tD' the wrea · It will take place from aooin . .. .,.,,.,. w .11. ; · ..-- ~· ·

S d · h bo Ho K,.1<1111 inl room. 9·3 atur ay an t e ys Grid candidates should gymnasium and the cost ''xr" uc1 Jso ,.,"' r - brinl their activities slip ts Sl per person. For Oldltf1-anc• ot•• •110•-.. f'llne andSZ rurt.herinformation.c~•.-UIOO.~~~~~~~~~--~~-· ~~~~~~--i 892-8488.

Wo•«-• '• Goll · llllAOOWt..A•tt: OC

f iwtft Hot t\ fo~rn• Mtftt . F1r\t " ''"' ·I J'rtea Sil•rrma"' JS, ) W•~ .. Wtllt•ms . l6\ 'l

S«OM l' ft41'f I Olorlt eot-. .14 l II J W•elMd, :k• 1. J. VI" W• llM • 11*'

Tlltrd " 1t9M - 1 Dorl• Col.,.r, ~ 1 "" J~"'" S1••'- Polly Mw .. .i , • ~11 8-1 •e' 41




24 X1/9s



- ID) • ne t•" I bl"' "" ' """· I ,..1-.. 1. 171 Otrra cu OI, 0 DOnllO , .. <•ll<O IN>\,.,'°'" t od

ocaa •ltO U .. ~ - flo, IJJ kflPINU, I Wl1ti.tHOKS. I IWllbUt, I) ro<I< cod

.. , .... .. ,. -::.:. fllllC.­...... ,..,,..., ,,,.. ... .... ~ .Oii ... _ _....


Race Entries .. .,, ....... ,

Plnl Pffl I • <leO Pt•ST ltACe JIO •••II\ J tt••

tl!dt & UO Cl<11mlf\9 Pw~ SlllOO , ... """8 .... , . '''°°

CIMollra1n l lt-llfflll , Wl((l1 °'"'" Twe f ll lC llarll t l , O l • l t 0.0dlt I A•wtlll " Oo ln Ma 11 18..,~•1: lto<l.t l Sit"'" ,.,_,I, ,._ ....,,. •MM-II , C...r .. Joe L• .- (Mll<"tltl 111111 ... a.ou..r IMfle\I O<M CIKfl IC•-•I O.e1e¥J• IK"""' I

S.CONO llACI .00 u •• ,,..., - Cla•"""' ,..,, .. UIOO O"""'"' Pt K• .. IOO 0..-nOo l l l ll'\l"'I · llOllQll M11t

.... IW••• • · H• y 8111oy 8wddt

Cycle Action

Goes Tonight Bobby Sch1urti. cur·

rentJy Lbe hottest rider on lhe circuit. will lead the Ventura Sharks against the Eagles tonight as the speedway motorcycles resume ac­tion at the Orange Coun· ty Fafrarounds in Costa Mesa.

Gales open at 6: 30 with the first race at 8: 15.

Schwartz, a teenager from Santa Barbara, has catapulted himself into the lop 10 in spffdway action in recent outings. He is joined by Sonny Nutt e r and Danny Becker on the Ventura roster.

The Orange County Eagles have been noun. dering and currently are at the bottom of the stan· ding,s with a 9-20 record. Ventura is 14-17 8ffil iS fn third place.

IWIC ... 111 1.111'• 11~ •0 l lC ...... l: • o'f "°"""' IAMl• I. s-G.Mltlll Jtl ' ".,"

TMlltO at.el >SO Y~t d• 1.,..., tit mtitlllft" Cla lmlflf l"vrw 'lllOO, O..imlftO Pr1ca J IO,llOO

Sw.e 1 IY .. lldbyt (W.,e l ; Go ,..,..,.., ll"•ty l ; llollln f Nly (iolfll IWtl-1, T t ,.., ( llOllQ" I Sillllft $"tt1• IC•rt oaa l. Oelllly Me•• IU-1; Tltv" Clltr .. r ,.,_,, Oolt1 Mot1Mf IC•o-rl, "-*''"' IC lt ( Mltc lltll l. Vt •t•r'• l.vc • u ....-.1

l'OllarM aACI - .otv•"' ,.,...., 01<11 6 Ill' Cta1m1.,. ~w MOilO c1 .. ml1\9 Prl<t ' 10.000.

HM' IW•l>Ofll , 0t AMIYtt-Y !Myint , 11.c- Oft ~" t~•I . H<d Altrtt ( ltOlftll l. OOUJ C:OP1

""'" .. '· Gr- ... I••"'"' 111nM Ill.Cl JJO Y•rti l.,..,

_ ...... "''-""'' ........ . 1000 l'•tr ti 0 10 lfrtuwr•I. Or

T • 1t11a11\ IW• Uon l , Mr (•P•I I C•••o rel . A lly111m lc P11ylth C 8 r o o ' 1 l . M r C • O t • 0 • ( It. lllk lll<lhl . l 1111e Tiny Gt Olarll , o...c1,.ea11 IMrt•tJ .

$11CTlt aAC:I - JIO y.,o J .,.., oto\ Allow<IM• ""'" l~

Jtt Do,. ICttr l\.MI , " "" ...... """'l'°"l ; H'9f>-~l l~J , 1'9cul 8ar CN•9"t tH•rll , V- $o V•1,. IMy1t\J, 5"" $1\IM IT<......,. I, Wl<' td W•HtOt 18.-11; Je1 '-Y ICMdOU I . HI A<e°"""'"I (- r l, Low,l(lfll-• 1cr • ...-1.

SIVINTM •ACE - S-• fl'~ ) ., .. , Old\ & 111), Pvrse \ 10,-.-

KIPIY" Orvm l l(nl9ll\I ; 0..llV Pf"r IW•rdl; r .. Oh ITrHJ,.rtJ . Al<KlllC l llan• •I. Twfn Jel IC•r<101• I , IC... Go t My' :\I, FOiiy llullll IL• ........ I

•10t4TM ae.c• - 170.,•nh.>­°"" I. up, Cla lml"f P- S2j00. Cl.,mlft9 Prkt '3000,

Niii M•llel ICl•• i u t l ; Gracia lfrwul , Oii 0-.rte IW#tctl, 110<' "' Se• ((ardor• I. GrOO•Y Gru""'y ICrt- 1; l tao 8rolller 1 8rtal&~>. Mo•l•I I.OU (lroo-•lttdl ; Sllorl Ro<ktltl.IP"am l

NtNTM aACI - .00 Y"d\. I .-.. Old> Clalml119 Pvrw nSOO O•lmlne Pt l<OISOO.

Ma ntul lier \ ICr ••t• r l , S.l.,,OfOOd l '#udl ; Mr. MMla• IC.rdo1el, lk••"" IMllcllefl) ; .M\ "'-'~' ..... «:.lu.J.&.MJ • .Al Jlo1 \ t4arll : e .. a lt Gi rt t erootnl. Wtatllff Ot .._ lAClalr l .

0 124 ftc.._lllliiiiiiiill ............. \





FIA.Y 1Jtw.w__. ., ... ......... 117~111

' '

Once eg.tn our faff ooffedlOl'I of "9tled suits Is offer9d In tolida, *"* Ind ~ TheM WOOi and dactOn and WOOi .. .._ tailored In ~·· Nt\lfal thoulder model, witl Mt )'OU .,.,, • en tll&mPfe of good -. •

- .... WM-.••9"1&. 17th & lrW18 ,.,._ • 'Mlstdfl Pima

Newport 8-d} . 645-0792

,_, IUSTl'I ~YE ... NIY"\111~ ~




I ll ( I ... $ ........ ..., 6'5-1264


Saturday, August 14th . 10:00AM

Hawaiian Leis Ille Nastase and Margaret Court.


(714) 1'0•290

BUY or LEASE & the ultimate

driving machine

Sales - Service - Lease Specialists Excellent Sele<:tion of UIN Imports

We Lease New 4' Used Cars


& !840! Muauerile Parkway tS.D. freeway at Averyl MISSfON-VIEJO Ul-tf4f

am.11st ,_..,.. ... , ,.,.., , .. """ Kff_r r-C.'• Coo11 .. $pot•'" Ct""' Al••" •• .., ,_ L,...,.,.,, U ... SIALll Ml Pow '"'• y..., Ceel ... $yt ..... Stwo •"- L"h • t..o .. OI y..,11 . .... c..i.... Uta,

flST fllSI • " fw c..i. .. s,,, ... OI 0••' (ir ... ,HVUlt ~ ....... 0w f• A C\-4 a"""• $,••-. II ll •

--. ~ -....... .. ~, ... ............ , ...


' • I


Got a problem'' Tht n wrllt to Poi t>u,.n POI waJl cut rl'd tape. gtttmg the anru1f'1'.r and action you ~td to 101~ rneQwht>f m gwemment and bu.ft. neu. Moil your que81&0n$ to Pat Dunn At Your Sermce, Orange Coo.st Dady Pilot . P 0 . Bor 1560, Coito Mesa. CA 926'26 tncl.ucU your telephoM number. Tiu: rolumn op~or1 doll11 er,·t'pt Soturdays.

DefJMflfl••fl R~ftf fl DEAR PAT: WjUyouplcaserepeatthe herbre·

medy for gelUng rid ol pesk~ bu1s that a re brought home from the market tn cereal, flour. s pices and other dry foodJ?

J .C .. Newport Beach Bay IHYH Hd b-cs cloll' t ml'I. Dried nMmary

leaves allO work •tU. SU.rt_. wtdl fresllly cleued ldkt.eta •Mint aM scaUtt bay luves oa ubiaet *lwa Abe place a few• tGp ol er iatkle dly 1oec1· prodlld boxn. You cu keep aew graia bftdes lnm iandJa1 you kJklla by frenillg dry foods ad spleH 2' Mars before Rerage. Foed materials aJao cu be ateriUud Ill u oven foT St •ill•tes a& 141 degrees, or lzt degrees for two ltou..n. Pat dly feeds ill c•taillers WW. ti«ht·O&dng Uds. ud keep eapMards dry hd deu. MOl"e detaUed illferma· .dam b coataiaed ill u.e bookJd,. " Comm• Putry Peat.I aad Tlleil' eo.&rol" (AX'f.Jt7), available from tlle Agrtc•lturaJ Eldftsloo Service, 1 ... S. Harbor Blvd., AHlleim '2815.

lt'atcla Rqalr S•afu . DEAR PAT: t' m ailed a watc,Jt to Unisonic·

Products Corp. In New York on Muc h 25 and irY t ured it for SSS. I later sent the company a certified letter asking when 1 would receive my repaired watch. My le tter was returned with a note saying the watch had never been received. 1-filed-arrin ~ance claim, but have not been able to collect the as.

V.M .. Santa Ana FaJO. Beamon, ol the U.S. Postal Service's Of·

fiff of the Coaaamer Advocate, explained lbat tbe Polta1 Service refased to par lbe claim you filed bttaae die records illdtcated yo11r wat.dt hd beell delivered. Val.aonic, lloworr, claimed It did aol re· cel.e YMr watch utll May, two moatlas after you Mat I&. Yoar ••tell DOW has been repalred and re· &tined to yH. Problems cooceraiag iaHruce daJmt w aoadellvery ol mail-order mercllancllte may be 1eat to tlle USPS. Office ol Ul1e C.anmer Advecaw, Waslllagtee, OCZ02SO.

&u9 •• . ala~ E~•~ . DEAR PAT: I have always wanted contact lenses, but several of my fri ends who wear them have trouble with eye imtation. I 've heard that soft lenses will be available soon. What kind of a wait will I have before I can get them?

P.W .. Dana Point . Prebably a long one. The Food and Drug Ad·

mlabtratlon recently n-jected Warner-Lambert Co.'1 appllcatlon to market soft conlad lenses. Tiie FDA aalcl that an ackqua&e mf'tbod for users to dis· baled lite leaaea had DO& bee.a provldf'd.

SC•rll•9 .~fte Pl•••• DEAR PAT: la there any way l can sterilize

sand or vermiculite for starting new plants! I 'd alS() like to know just where a cutting should be made for a starter plant a nd how long mos t cuttings take t.o root.

A E .. Mission Viejo Sud or vermiculite can bt> stcrillled by beating

It ill u oven 45 mlautes to an hour at IM degrees. Take you cutting with a sharp ka.lfe just below a jol9& e•t•l•l•C roar or fin leaves. Put the ntllag la a Natal.Iler filled witb sterilized wet saltd or venniullte and seal ll in a plastic bag. Store out ol the au whf're the t.emperatutt will ltOt rtse abo•e 71 depea. After abotd a •ffk. test tbe cutUac's roo& deulopment by pulUng genUy. U tlaere'• re· .a.tuce, the new plaat has rOOUJd alld It cu be plaa&.ed la potting MU.

eo .. 11.~r S11r"l"af DEAR PAT : While visiting in the East. I saw a

very interesting television progrnm about s mall­clalms court. This was one or a sl!rles of " Consumer Survival Kit" pro~rams dcnJing with consumer Issues. Supple mental booklets were offered for each or the l!UbJeCtS broadcast. I wrote down the subject Information a nd booldetorderin& address, but I lost \t. Can you rind it for me?

. R. E., Huntington Beach "Cona11mt'r Sun1val KJl" Information can be

rtq~tf'd by wrlllag to Maryland Center for Publlc lkvadcuttag, Owhlg1 Miits, MD Zl117.



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PILOT PRINTING P. 0 . Box 1580 Cott• Mesa, c.ttfomt• 92828

• -.. )

PSA Execs Smile Too Little Bill ...

Mood Begin to Match Bright Plane Colors Coast Costs Snwller


!: ... . . . . ByOO GSl'O. E -..... ,.,.....

The arin~ on the snouts of Pacanc Southwest AJrllners aren 't the only ~mil uruund PSA, • ·hert' lllt>OU like financial storm clouc.b ure p;as~in& .

Eucutlvea or the mtra -~u111orn1a carrier cndit. Wllllam R. Shrimp, the pilot tumed board chairman, wllh Jeltlsonln~ dead weight und pulling PSA out ol U.1 economic l#lls pln or the last several years.

TREIB B E LIEF IS BACKED by PSA's 1976 first·hal( r eport . t:illued a fow weeks at:o. It 's the best in four years.

Earnings in the sjx month topl>e<i $3 mlHlon. or ~cents a s hare, on revl•nues exceeding $81 million.

A year ago at th.is lime, PSA was reporting a loss of more than SJ. I million, or 98 cents a .share, on revenues of $71 m1Jllon.

" IT'S GRATIFYlNC ( CO""' -..u ) to be back in the block 1 • .S JJI ER column, even though u -good deal of 1t Is un. returned gains," said Paul Barkley, senior vice president for finance.

While the s ky looks brighter, Barkley and others agree PSA ls nowhere near the profit stratosphere it achieved in the 1960s.

For instance, almost $1 .4 million or the $3 million r eported came from the s ale or the last Boe· ing 7371 the line was not using. . rHEN, TOO, PSA IW two big ~1011 jets sit·

ting m storage on a desert strip in Anzona. PSA is locked into a S4 miJlion-a.year lease on thest! un­productive pieces of equipment..

Barkley says Air Siam may acquire one of the planes. but the deal hasn't materialized. PSA also is committed to a $71 million contract with Lockheed (or three more of the planes the company concedes it was a mistake to have ordered.

About $18 million ln PSA funds are lied up In de· posits on the air cr aft. Perhaps PSA can sell them , perlrapnlot. .

NOR DOES THE IMPROVED profit picture take into account operating losses in the bot.el and broadcasti ng fi elds. PSA last year wrote these non­profit deals off, but oot all the properties have been peddled as yet.

The airline sold KEZR in San Jose and the lslancUa Hotel in San Diego um.. month. But t.bet'e are no takers right now for the Queen Mary Hyatt Hotel aboard the famous vessel in Long Beach, or the aging Hotel San Franciscan ln San Francisco.

PSA 's profitable position rifbt n~ it attribut­ed to a recovery ol air travel following the re­ceessed economic period ol the last several years and fare tncreues grant.eel by the at.ale Public Utilities Commission earUerthls year.

PSA LEASES nu: QUEEN Mary for $65,000 a year and has considerably more invested in im­provements on· board. It pays almost $364,000 a year for a lease it bolds on the San Franciscan.

PSA began expansion and diversification al a time four years ago when It looked like the s ky was the limit.

Computer The/t Target

Pinkerton's, Inc., has anDOUDttd a aew in· vestigative service to help American business n.ht the growing wave or computer the~. which the com­pany aald is reaching epidemic proportions.

Edward C. Fay, vice president·investlgaUve services. said his department is orrerine in-depth screening or c mployes with access to computer re­conls before lhey a re employed and during employ­mmt.

THE SERVICE IS designed especial))' for banks and ins ura nce companies. wbicb are vulnerable to computer -assisted e mbezzlement and fraud , according to the company.

Accurate figures on computer theft are diffiealt toreacb because fourouloffivecases go unreported. However. the average loss ia estimated at $1 million by the U.S . Commerce Oepartment, t~ay said, with 100 undetected computer-related crimes in pro­gress for every one that is reported.

Fay said background checks will not prevent computer theft but are designed to reduce losses by weedlng out the bad risks. He said employers should wat.ch especially for the following " warn.inc signs" in employes:

- Are known lo gamble heavily . - Are overdrawn frequently 1n their personal

bank accounts . - Have a liv;ng style In excess of their known

Incom e. - Have family financial problems . - Avoid taking vacations. - Are known lo u.5e drug!!.

Ernn& Gallar4o ha." t>ctn named vice president and m• n•aer or Ornnge Cc:>unty income property loan production ror Wells Fargo Mort~a•e C.ntpaay. He Is a formtt as11ist anl vice pr~ldent and department manager. He joined Wells Fargo in l9'7S.

• David T . BlaakeMom M s joined Ctty,Natlonal

Baak as r egional vice pres ident o f th e Or ange Co u nt y a r cu a nd manager of the Newport Reach olfice.

He has more than 13 years of banking eltperlc nce In vanou~ management positions with two banks in Orange COW'll.)' Md Los Ana~es.

He is a m em her of the Gre.ter Irvine Indus trial League and Commerce Associates, th e " 525" Club and the Balbo• Bay Q ub. .U•tta•MOllM

City Nellon a l w"as established in 1~ and has 2S otrices serving Southern CaJlfornJa.

• .la.a W. llomKk. HUntlnfrton Beach. has been

promoted to vke president and manager at the Huntington Bucb oll1cc of S«•rtty Paeme Baak. He is former manager of the bank's Fountain Valley office.

• Al•• Ta11 Dana Point. has been named prodvel

manajer fOT Teto.k AUalr't line of fixed, rotary and togf'le awit ch attenuators.. The firm is in Lquna Beach. He Will be r tt1P.Onsible few s ales. market.Jog and overall prol'itabihty or the line.

"Tbe~ was no .uch tbln1 as failure for PSA." Barkley H)'I of those dayi, when J . f1oyd Andrev.•g, a flashy eit· Royal Air ft'~ pilot and co.rounder or PSA. wu board chairman..

ITWASANO&£WSWH0 developedthev1vid ­although perhaps clash.in& - oran1e. pink a nd red color schf'm e ror 'PSA planes a nd ordered smUc.>e painted on their noses.

l t also wu bls ldea to bedeck s tew1rdc1us in bot panu or the same colors, an action which brought crlttcism fro m the stewardessei; themselves. who felt that l~y were being exploJted. theunifo.rmsnow a.remoresedate.

Som~ PSA officials believe Andrews· ideas -like gettin.' into broadcasting, hotels a nd reol·a ·cars - mlghl have clicked if there hadn 't been unexped· ed developmeAts.

FIRST CA•E THE NATIONAL econom ic downturn. which saw a big dropoff in air travel.

Then, airUnes in gen«al were bit hard by an almost three-fold lncttaae in the cost ol jet ruel as a result ol the Arab oil embareo.

>..an intra-state carrier, PSA is not regulated 'by the CivU Aeronautics Board and can c harge lower rat.es. It can't transport pusengen outsjde Calllornia, but that'a oby. California is a big s tate with many major cities and a travel-oriented population.

SO, PSA HAD PSOJECTEO Lt would carry 1.5 million passengers between Loe Angeles and San Francisco alone in lt7S - hence the decision t o or­der the LlOlU. The fipres were over-optimistic and were nearly one-half millioo more passengers than actually achieved oo that route.

SAN t'RANCISCO tAP> - Som~ of the low~t utility bllls in the nation are ~lllJ: p11d by residents or Los AnReles, San Oieao and San Francisco, aecordJn.: to an annual :1urvcy by the Callfornl11 Public UUlltlcs Commh111ion <PUC> shows.

The survey of 2S muJor cities lnc lud<.'d C03· ts or natural g:as. elt~·

triclty and t~lcphones (---------) throl.lih June 30 for a C 0 NS ll MER t)•plcal home. _ _ .

SAN FRANCIS()() ra nked lowest with u total monthl.Y b lll of$26. l 1.

Los Angeles was fourth lowest it with 131. 7• . and San Diego sixth lowest with $32.68.

For a basic monthly bill or 70 therms of gas, 300 kllowatt hours of electricity and one · party flat rate t elephone service. the n3llonul average on June 1 was $38.33, up $3 from a year ago, the sur vey showed.

• t . • I

I : :f : . -. ~ . ~ .. . .. '


. . • I .

: I WGHEST IN THE nation was New Yorlc . • ~

City. with a total monthly bill of $68.04, whHe :11

Boston was second highest at $66.89. : • Compared with the previous year ftscal · ·

year. a Sa.n Fra ncisco homeowner paid 4 cents more or $26.11 , lowest oC any of the cities.

In Los Angeles the typical bill was up $1.78 a month from a year ago.

SAN DIEGO ~ were up 50 cents u month rro m 1975.

• • I

.. 1

:! ·~

' • • .. . .. •• •• ,. ~ : ' . . , ~president of the CaUfomla PubUc UUllties

Commission (PUC>. which regulates PSA, thinks investments outside its prime field a nd faulty manaaemenl decialons were what bu.rt PSA the moat.

San Francisco's electric r ates for 300 kilowatt hours actually dropped from $9.27 to t!J.18 because of rate restructuring for the "liCeline" con cept. Lifeline is a basic minimum ene rgy need below which r ate in· creases are not appUed, the PUC said . ' ...

' 'PSA's problems result.eel from its nonairllne investments and bad maoagement aeclaklns," said the PUC's.David W. Holmes. " If PSA bad stuck to the airline buineu, lt'd be tbe beaJthleat carrier in the U.S. today: •

eo•a SAID THE PVC had been against rare increues asked by PSA.. but undttttood the plight ot tbe line &Del sraated the appllcatlona. A 9 per· cent bike came 1D lelJAIMY.

Despite the lliCher fares whlcb are helping PSA 's revenue plc&:ure. la carryln& more

Gas rates for 70 therms increased by 15 - ceota-lor-t.hos&-u1ing lea than lifeline a mountil

in San Francisco, the survey showed. For San Fra ncisco the typlcal bill was

$11.25 for gas, $9.16 rorelect.ric.

LOS ANGELES WAS $12.25 for gas a nd S13.79 for electric, and San Diegoans paid ~.06and $13.92.

Telephone service cost $5.70 in all three three cities.

All major utilities ha\le general rate in· cttue applications pending, PUC President. David Holmes said.

. . ..... .. .. . 4, . ... " ' I ' .. .. ~ l .

paaelllerl DOW. • --------~~~~~~~~~~-J . I . I

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• ' ................................... 11111........................................... : MUTUAL FUNDS

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'·: . I . .

Friday'• Afternoon Prices


Franchl1e1 Sue SAN DIEGO (AP> - Hold_,. ol 17

Foeomat rranchlaes have riled • SS million dama1e suit allestni Fotomat Corp. bu en1a1ed In unlair trade practices and la dl1crlmlnatlnc qainat franchl1t holden.

Tbe owners or rranchltts of P'ototnlt ftJm develCJPlna and camera 1UPP11 1toret In San Ditto, Orange ari4 Loa An11lea counlJet claim Fotomat 11 tryln1 to ellmla1te fraDCblse operations and replace u..m witb company-owned ttons.

Tbe 1a1t, meet iD ~ Court CJD ftundaJ end aot yet Ml for a bear· lal, IMkl &D lnJUDCUoe to keep Potomat froml open1n' comp1111 .._la lraeclalled diltrtcta.

SEC to 8ta1 Mam AKRON, Oblo <A P > - The

SecartU• ud EscbaDCe Commiuioa (SEC J bu llJ'ffill not to &iH fontp 1ovenmnta det1U1 or Goodyear ovfrleM •ctlvltles without court aP­proHI, the Goodyear Tire and Rub­ber Co. said Thurada)'.

The accord , reached In Akron federal court Tbund11, meant that Goodye1r wtn comply 1Vtt1' u SEC 'subpoena and that the ..-1 wW modify-auch docuanea to eovtr oalJ the "" years eacllq 1175 ....._. ol the 10.year period ortclnaUY ~ Goodyear aaya.


frlday, Auqu~t t3. t971S s DAIL V PILOT 87

ltlid·9ear Tips

Aid Payments Can Backfire

By SYLVIA PORTEil l..od ma SM••

This year 's boolta In Social Security bton~nts may bt' a bonanza ror someone who 1tt.11upport - but a trap for tht1 person doing the 1upportint. Th• hiahtr btndlls mQY cocsl the taxpayer.supporter a $750 dependency deduction : a new tu credit and a medical expense deduction.

Aa an Illustration, a son who supports his mother may get a dependency deduction

Money's Worth

for her only if she has a 1 gross income ol leas '-...,JIMI-. _____ _

than $750 a year and he provides more than hall her support. Example: laat yur. the mother received Social Sec:uri·

ty benelits or $3,0SO and had no other income. To help her out. the son paid all her medical and dental bills in excess or Medicare - a total ol s:uoo. Results : the son gol a depen· dmcy deduction ol $150 and also deducted the $3,100 In medical expenses.

REASON : SOCIALSEClJRJTY benefits aren't counted for the 1ross income tesl and the son contributed more than hair his mother's support.

As a further example, let's say the son contributes the same S3,100 this year. bul another boost In Social Security benefits <lied to the cost or living index I increases the mother's benefits to $3,150 In 1976. She spends the entire amount on her support. Here's what happens:

- The son winds up a loser. He forfeits the $750 depcn· dency deduction and the credit, because he didn 'l contribute more than half her ,1upport. He aJso loses the S3, 100 in medical deductions. ... .

- THE MOTHER GETS NO benefit from her depen. dency exemption since she has no income from which to de· duel it .

- The only winner is the Internal Revenue Service. But w1Ch lftt proper tu stra~regy, boU'I mother and son

can benefit.

BY TAKING ACl10N NOW, THE son can make sure he nails down the entire S3,8SO·plus in deductions by being positive he contributes moce than halt her support in 1976. By starling early and gMna bis mother a few dollars extra each week and by rechecking his figures before yearend. he can confirm whether he hu contributed more than half her support.

A spe<:ial twist in the area or dependency deductions is the government·approved ·'unit rule.•· Here's how th al unit rule allowed one taxpayer who contributed to the support or his parents to parlay a cash ouUay Into two extra depen· dency deductions.

In this instance. PrenUce-Hall explains. the total sup· port of the taxpayer's retired parents came to $4.100 for the year The taxpayer paid $2,100. and the other $2,000 came Crom his father 's Social Security benefits. The taxpayer c laimed both $750 dependency deductions - one for his father. one for mother.

RESULT: THE TAXPAYER WINS. For dependency purposes. unless a ta.xpayer proves otherwise, he must treat both parents "as a unit." If proof is lacklns. it ls assumed that every dollar his fat~ and mother receive - whether from the taxpayer or otherwise - Is spent equally on each.

Sine~ the taxpayer has provided more than halt of their support together, he get.a exemptions for each.

But say his father 's Social ~urity is Sl.680 and bis mother 's is $840. He provides $1,300 for support. Under the unit rule. that ·s split equally, $650 for his father. S6SO for his mother. So he provides less than half the support for both. The unit rule knocks out any exemptions for him and he winds up with zero deduction for support.

BUT BY USING ntE RIGHT strategy, he can get the deduction for his mother·s e~empUon. He should allocate his support paymenta sol~y tf> his mother and keep careful records to prove his alloc:aUon. Because he has specifically nllocated support payments, the unit rule does not apply and he saves his mother's exemption.

He should pay his mother's expenses directly for clothing, medical bills, etc. and ask her to have bills made out to her and pay these by checks. He or she should keep bills and cancelled checks as proor. She should send him her yearend bills promptly, so he can make out and mail his chttks before yearend and have them count for 1976.

Caution : Because Social Sec:urity benefits are now geared to the cost ct living and they keep going up, the son may have to contribute more cash each year to meet the more-than-halt support teat and pr«ect his dependency de· ducUons.

Bertea Reports New Systems Contracts

Bertea Corp .. Irvine, has reported contract awards from Boeing a nd a contract award from Grum man American, totaling • . 2 mlUlon.

The firtl Boelne award Is for inboard and outboard elevator nl1ht coatrola for the 747 alrcrart totaling S3.4 m1Ulon. Thia ii a follow-on to orders prevlou1ly supplied to Boeing.

The second contract la for spoiler actuators for the Boe· int m aircraft tol• llnC $1 million. This Is a new product not previously 1uppUed to Boelna. An option ror additional hardware totaUnf $1 mllllon was alto awarded.

The Grumman American award la for follow-on orders for Gulf1Lream II hardware t.ot1Jln1 S0.8 million.

Bert.ea manulact&U'el hydraulic control s)'11lems for commercial and mUltary aircraft.

Plus Products Gains Plus Produetl, lntne, ha reported net Income ol

tlff,000, or 12 cent.a a Iha.re, and De\ 11la ol '3,374,000 for the three months ended June 30.

Thlt represent.a a 72 percent increase In net f ncome from lt'7,000, or 1 cenu, for the comparable period a year a10 and a fain oft percent in 11lea rrom the 13,102,000 ror the lf'IS 1tte>nd quart.er.

For the ''" inontbl ended June 30, Plus Product.a bad net Income of saa.ooo. equal to 11 cent.a. •ad net .... "' •.m.ooo.

Varian Gets Contract Vari•• Data llldlilMl, lmne. bu bem JIHn a mo.ooo

~•ct from tb• 0.-al Senices Administration for data proc .. lne. Tiie eoabect will be performed over a period from Od. 10, 1'71. IOSep&. •,Im.

. . . •

. . IO

• • ..



F11d9, Augus1 13, 1971

Radio Cliimnel We~e11d Ya c llt lng Cale ndar

. Cuts the Wait By ALJION LOCltA8£Y

o.111 .............. 1.o+IO aaot.CH VACHT CLUI - .... Ill Fttllli" lll• ll"l'°IWI llOR, l'HR I', MOR I', C<ti t}.

Boaters with marine r edkll aboard will be af. • Ne*Poft H"'borYecllt Oub ttlU be -.t to the International forded some relief from long waits for s ltip-to·shore Luders-16 net'l s tarting Saturday for the 30t1' championship re· calla wilb the operation ol a new VHF public cor- i ,alla which Htends through next WednH day. It will be the first respondence station by the Dana Point Marine time s ince 1971 th t Newport Harbor bu bffn the scene of tbe Ttlepbone Company. · Lliders -16 Jntnnationals.

Known as Channel 84, the new St'rvice provlcks BOATING And "hlle the Luders sailors are 1oln1 bead-to-head over an shlf to shore and shore to ship communication that Olym~ac course oft the Santa Ana River J etty, NHYC will also wU relieve much ol the traffic on San Pedro, San start a fleet or ()('ean r acers on the Mb race of the current Diq o, Redondo Beach and Santa Barbara mar ine Ahmanson and Corkett series. The lOR yachll are seeklne the ~hannels. Boa F Ahman on trophy and the Corkett kudoa Is up for grabs by the

The Da na PoW OlaM el 84 offers marine ting irm Midget Orrshore Racing Fteet - yaehla 30 feel and under. operalor aervlce not available throuch other " wire line carriers . ., They include mesaa1e holding, Opens in Lido IN OTH E R LOCAL ~UNG activity, Bahia Corinthian forwardlnc , actioa requeslS. safe ar rivaJ reports Yuchl. Club wall betconducung two small boat events - the and the relaying of replies. w est s a i I c 0 r P .. moonlight race kr<awn as the Luna del Lido race for Lldo-145

manufacturer or • lmeof tonight, and the " L" Boat Invitational for Udo-14.s, Lasers and DUETOTHESTAnONlocaliaphlgbatopSan· fib erg l ass crui s ing Lehman· l2S Saturday and Sunday. 8olh regattas are on insjde

tiaao Pu k in Orange County - at an elevation of sailboat hu opened fl the bay courses. 5,887 feet - solid two-way radiotelephone VHF new retail outlet in Udo The UCI Sailing Association will conduct the Western ''line ol sight" coveraaie far in excess or other VULace. 3448 Via Aporta. Regional Championship for the Shields Class Saturday and Sun· coastal stations In Southern California can be J anet Steele, a veteran day with entries limited to collegiate sailors. achieved. cruiser will manage the Down Dana Point way, Capistrano Bay Yacht Club will

c.t 3015-y, ..... ~ ... , CINO HARBOit YACHT C\.VI - oo,..,., O.r llWll•l"""'I· S.1vrcl• Y. """4Qy ( .. 401011 ..

' ....... s. ....... , s-.ty WINOJ AMMt: ltS YACH TClUe 1.-Mo,. ""9oll• IS-h • ..,,_.. '°"''"' Lfhuot.11¥ l'ACl l'IC MAR INI RSIACtH ClUl'I """lt...,_relll'fl "ffl-UI S.0111100 CAl.ll'ORN IA VACHT Cl.Va c .......... 1 ... 11olll10<W>I, ~ ... ,.,., , ~. !.AHTAMOHICA YAC'4 T(l.V8 - WYC cvc-s.-1<1- •<K• .. -· ..._.. ...... MHIA CORINTH IAN VACt41' 0.V8 '-""" •1 l.14't •-..tt• 11.1-.u 1 leNV I. .... lft

"'•!,£!!~~ ~~;:~~· =-~t~1''"'~~ - eor~ell \.ef._. H9 S llOR MORr I s.lllf.UY, 5-•y

CAl'l~TRANO 8AY YACHT (.LU8 - ..._ __ , R09•ll• HOR, "4RI', MORfl '-111tHy,

~l1 s.t.ILING • SSOCIATION - - ..... s::c ~•llip ISMeUl\I $1olllfcl•r. SUftcNr. SANTA CL A!t4 AACI NGAS50CIATION OolOtumS.rlft. S..l11rd•Y Sll.Vl'.RGATe VA.C'4 T Cl.Utl AllQY\I S.rl4t\ IJr StlllOll ~llHO.Y. Com-• '• S.rM<•

150>4 1'1 S.lllf<l•y. Svncl•y $0UlHWE1'T€R lt YACHT Cl.U8 COOOft.\dO hi-• . ..... .. 1en1 ••tt. S<lh1rdo rrtft(~ S..••• l l'HA l' I ~~y. OC EANSIDE YACHT Cl.VB ~WPS.t1~\ I PH RFI S.....Uy MI SSION BAY YACHt Cl.VB - J ___ lorwr"'"' SW\°"• ---llll-W£Sf1.Al(E YAC'4T CLUB l..6cll<'\ 0.YR_ll.,S.lU"dav S11mm•r S.Orlet S-.f SANTA 8ARIAA4 SAI LIHGCLV8 Tom J«, _0.. 0-~IOft s.ron. w.-. VE NTURA VACHt c1.ve- --S..-S.l\llotY. s-.,

c . ..... w.-alwr l..olP "'V'>l •114 •••IY monl<nQ IOwc- . Ol_.,se _, S.1wrd~Y l.'9fll v•r l.i>l• w•"°'"'°'N ... ._,, H'911•S.lllnler "'1 ... - 10, C .. •l• I t...,.perAlll"tl wlll ·-WI-•• - 11 Inland tom-ll11rt>

• •ll r- bel- .OM\011 The•">l .. l-•el11rt W1llbe•I.

Si.•, Meo•, T l df!• Engineering studies and field tests indicate n e w store which celebrate its firs t annJversary as a Southern California Yachlioe Channel 84 has the widest range of coverage or any will feature a ll of the Association affiliate with an Anniversary Regatta featuring IOR known maritime VHF station in the fr~ worlfi, ac· m er c handise offered MORF and Pertormance l{andicap Racing Fleet yachts. . ~=::-"



• IOp m •• 11 01• m . \

cordlng to company olficials. E ven low·powered throug h the Westsail band·held portable ship stations bave been known mail order catalogue. llEllE IS THE SOlJTllERN California Yachting Association =:~:=, to experience wide coverage through Channel 84. Store hours will be from calendarfor the weekend: • &K....o low

l •Um I 1 11 Op m •• '.,, m. I I 11 .... .... >•

Vessels with antennas mounted a t places leq lOa m to6 pm dail ot.l..M\IYOS u v Y•C'4Ta.ua ..... t::"'.,,, ~=" ~~~••wui.-1u m . w1u11 "" m ~thec~~m~ ''hlg~t po~ abo~'' ha~,--·-· _· __ ·_ · __ ,_· ~-~-v ________ -_ _ ·~--~---~----~-~-~-~-~-·-~-------~-~ __ ,_••_~_•_1 '_·"_P_~_._,._~_•_1 •_•_•_m ________ _ _ experienced a degree ol service not avaHable throu1 b publi c s t ations operating a t lower elevations. _

AS WITH ALL PUBLIC coastal stat ions, it is necessary to establish an account with the company for billing purpose. This ia done by personal contact with a field representative, or more easily by direet mail. All that i1 required is that the shjp station operator complete a registration form and submit a fee ol $12 for the initial year. No registrations will be taken by telephone. - -

The $12 fee includes an allowance or 10 lhree­minute .. radio link" charges ($10 worth) so r e­gistrants are only being charged S2 to establish an account .

In addition to registration, the ship rMlio mast be equipped with the Channel 84 Crystal ud have the frequency measured by an FCC licensed technician.

HEllE IS A SlllPUnED ra te schedule : All calls use a " radip UAlt" char1e of $1 for the

fi rst three minutes and 30 cents for each additional minute or fract ion. Local calls lo the Capistrano Valley exchanges or 493, 495 and 496 are at no extra charge. All other calls take the radio link charge plus the " land line" charge necessary to~omplete a ship or shore originated call.

The height or the new station means that many areas such as the " back side" or some offshore Southern California islands - formerly considered to be " blind spots " - are well within the coverage of Channel 84 .

Should a vessel have need for communication with the Coast Guard, harbor masters , port authorities, yacht cluus or other persons ashore and be unable to reach Other coastal stations because of their location, r adjo power or busy channel con· ditions. the extended range of Channel 84 may mue the difference and avert the expense of cos Uy s ine le sideband r adio equipment. '

TIIE DANA POINT MARINE operator a lso monitors the International safety, calling and dis· tress frequency. Channel l6. Because of the elev a t· ed location or the Dana Point station and its associa ted extended range. the safety sy1t.em ror a ll yttF equipped boats is expanded for the benefit or

1 all concerned. There is no charge for dlstreas calls. Another unique feature of Channel 84 is that a

··beep a lert" is available throuqh the company's af· fill ate, Industrial Communications Service.

Additional information and registration forms may be obtained by writing Dana Point Marine Telephone Co. . 1651 E. 4th Sl . . Santa Ana, 92701, telephone 547-1250.

L M. Boyd

Rhuh~rbing Off Stage Some scenes in plays in the days of

William Shakespeare. even then .as now, called for the dull roar or an nn«ry mob in the background. To create this ru.mble, a ll hands ofr11ta1te were directed to chant the word " rhubarb" r t>peatedly . No other set of syllables seemed to work quite so well to bui ld that ominous noise. " Rhubarbing" was wr\t· ten into the stage directions of counUeM dramas. Our Language man says it was where

we got the name for a nose· to-nose ar i ument between a baseball manager and an umpire.

Pretty cool customer. that llank Aaron . Yo~l Berra wa11 catching, and In acco rd a nce w ilh h is custom ol taJklnlJ to the b atters . he told Ha nk, " Hey man. the trademark

on your bat is down." Hank replied, " I didn't come to the plate to read."

KATE SMITH Q. " How much does Kate Smith weigh,

Louie?" A. Would be inappropriate to report the

weight of a lady. sir. and only a cad, an un· mlt11ated cad, would do so. Can quote Miss Smith hersell, however, as saying she has lost 8S pounds in the last three years and Intends to lose another 25 shortly .

• Nole it claimed in print that the average

Americ.n aoldler durin& the R"oludonarJ War was slightly taller than lhe avu age soldiel' durinl the ClvU War. n.at's not right. The written rtt0rds might tndkate such, but what they don ' t show Is the fact tha t RevoluUoaary soldiers were measured witb their boots on, tbe Civil War soldiers barefoot. Hetpt of tbe aver~e ta.year-old man 100 yees aeo was Ow.feet, nve. Toda1, it'• nve-feet, 9.2. ..

Did I tell you the inside al an igloo will be Just about 50 de1rees warmer than the outside alt!

Addras Mail to L.M. Bopt, PO. Bo.r 15'0, ColteM~.a ....


Not only does oyola ma e four or the lougheSt roug -est, most dependable trucks around. but trying to de-

•••• cide ~ cJ our four models to buy can be one of the

....... • ......_ toughest decisions you·11 ever make. That's because all ·four are built with a rugged, welded-steel frame. And that makes them strong enough to cany up to 1,1()(). pound pay-loads-a truck full of furniture, farm supplies

""'11111•-lll"" •••• °'three full-sized.dirt bikes. Tmlk llboUt pcMll'. Evert Toyota truck comes with the r8'v'Olnlonary 20A po.yer plant. our 2.2-litre aluminum read ovemead_cam engine with the biggest cisplacement and highest tOfque rat-ing in its dass. Designed f rem the ground up to give

maximum powe< and still meet emission controls withot.t adding a lot of extra hardware. The 20R will take you

frcrn Oto 55 in a quick 11.8 seconds. And combined with the electric fuel pump and Our durable 5-speed overdrive transmission it's a perf 0<mance story that's tough to beat.

Tmlk lbout 1 tough choice. We off er the widest selection of trucks in our class. Each one with man-sized cabs that offer

mom head, shoulder and hip room th~ our leadjng ecm­petitor. Wi" you choose our Long Bed with an optional 5-speed

transmission or our SA-5 Sport Truck Long Bed with a standard 5-speed 01Jerdnve? Or our 4·speed models ..--· _ available on either the regular°' long Bed?

••-•- Or our SR-5 regular bed with a standard

5-speed? Or v.oold you rather have our op­tional automatic transmission on both bed sizes'? It's all avail able and it's all up to you. Tllk about service. That's the one thing that isn't tough. There are 1,000 TO/()la dealers -'=*~~Ei:~E=~.t all across America staffed with Toyota trained mechanics ready to give you the qualily service qualily trucks deserve. INe believe we make the toughest qualily line of trucks in the v.<>r1d. That's what gives us the conh- • dence to say ... if you can find a better built truek than a Toyota ... buy it!

• ~

• • ~ I

.. • I

. I

• .

. .


·screen ~o Stage: · Coast Plays Adapt

By TOMTITIJS OflM0.1111'• ... -

wnen a sc reenwnter adapts a stage pl ay for the mo\11~. one of hls first concerns is lo "~n 1t up" - t hat IS , add some scenic var iety by playing several scenes in dirferent locations . Which may explain why more plays are made into mo,·ies than ' 'ice versa .

Yet transform ing a film into a stage \'ehlcle is far from un·

• precedented t Neal Simon added another jewel to hls •crown by adapting ''The Apartment" Into '' Promises. Promises" 1. It j ust makes things a little tougher for the director a nd cast on the theater level

Two exam ples of the screen-to­stage metamorphosis are being presented by a pa ir of Orange Coast community theaters. one openin g tonight, the other on Tuesday . Th ese a r e " The

LAURA BLACK (LEFT) PLAYS THE 8CHEMING !VE Su••n O'Connell Appeera ••the Blackmalled W"•

n1sdom ol E ve," taken from the Oscar-wlM ing movie " All About Eve." .nd '"Sugar," from the memorable mm com«ly ''Some Like It Hot."

For both producine groups, the lr\line Community Theater with " Eve " and the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse with "Sugar," it is their toughest technical test to date. ''Sugar " iii a full -scale musical comedy with a rive-piece orchestra, while 'Eve" is an episodic drama s pread over 20 scenes and silc separate staging areas.

" Thinca are goin1 on all over the place." says Colla Mesa director Patl Tambellini as she puts the finishing touches on '-'Sugar." ··we-ha \·e-set buikting in one corner of the theater. sew­ing machines going in another and rehearsin& all over the · audit«ium.··

roa PATI, WHO ltarted the Ci•ic Playhouse almost a do1en years a10. it •sher mmt amllitioua undertaklnc. Musicals auch u " Stop the World, I Want To Get OU' and ' ' Mianie's Bo)'I" have been presented at the pla)'houle, a ~verted World War 11 llMm· bly hall on the Orance County Faircrouncts, but neither waas quite so am bilious as " Sugar."

The title of the musical refers to the lead s inger in an all-girl band , c irc a l931 <remember Marilyn Monroe in "Some Uke It Hot .. ! 1. Joining her in the spotlight are a pair ol musicians who have accidentally witnessed lhe St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago - played on the screen by J ack Lemmon and TOl\Y Curtis.

Al Costa Me s a. Stan Wlaslck and Bnd Eatrtn are the

Instrumentalis ts who take r eCuge in the female orchestra by play­ing in drag. The role ol Su&ar is being played by Molly Bryan­McLeod. with major supporting performances by Beth Titus us tll e b a nd l e ad e r , J ack Will e nba c h e r a s the ba nd manager and Mario Pellegrini os a dirty old man with a yen for one oC the disguised re(U&ees.

Completing the Costa Mesa cast are Daryl lndes. J im Stroup, An ge lin a M osco , Da w n Hamilton. Tracy Andersen, Ann Bowes, Diana Behl and Beverly Allen. Robert Watson is musical d irector with Diana Spencer choreographing theshow.

About a mile a"u y, on the out· skirts of Costa Mes.a...Jhe lr\'i oe Community Theater is r aising the curtain uns upe rstiliously tonight on ''The Wisdom or Eve" a t th e Y o uth S er v i ces Association theater at Bristol Street and Red Hill Avenue.

This building has been home for the Irvine 11roup since last rail. but is s cheduled for de· molition following ICT's October production, " When You Comin' tlack, Red Ryder? " In the mean· time, the Irvine pl~ers . who have had slx home bases in as many years. are performing in the YSA facility, which doubles as a Boy Scout meeting place.

AS WILL BE the case at Costa Mesa, the ln•inc drama is set in many loca tions with, as lechnlcal director Chuck Benton observes, "enough lightlni;i cues for an en· tire season," Set designer David Lon' has created the sharply de· nn.ect backdrops .

The s how is a lour de force f~ its three leadlnic actressea. who assume · the charaden created on the screen by Belle Davis,

DB Hoek Elub Bears Up By MICHAEi~ PASKEVICll

Of I~• D•lly l'llel St.ttf

For the most part, the 1n­tellectu a l stimulation pro,•ided by the Or an"ge County music scene can be compared to:

A. A disc uss ion ort world economics by Charo.

8 . A c ross·<:ountry tnp with Monty Hall and Howard Cosell.

C. T wo w eeks on the pro bc>wlers lour.

Answer : a ll of the aboYe. The problem lies in the laclt of

a cons ist ent Clow of headline acla. Exctudlrrg the occasional extravaganzas at the Anaheim Convention Cente r or Angel Stadium, most top performances require an hour'• drive to Los Angeles to see ... f' acln11 fKl miles of freeway doesn't make t•njoylng o concert any.easier.

The lack of name entertain· menl seems s tronge, ronsadetln~

Orange Count y has a bc>ut l.6 milli on r esid ents and Is the country 's ninth lar(fi\t record­buying market.

HOWEVER, THE Golden Bear is prtwidln1 some reDer. at least for the youth 1n.,t:et. During the past few months this small club across from tbe pier in Hunt· In~ Beach ,has featured top t a lent ran g ing from blues IUitarist 8 . B. King to comedian Steve Martin.

Th e G-o ldc n Be• r i s e n alle rn a tl,· e to the " m ee t market" a tmosphete prevalent at many nightc lubs. IMtead, the emphasis Is on ltstenlng to a performance In a casual set· t i n 1: . Th e Colden Bea r Is Without 8 dance noor, Stand.Up bar or lounge. thus eliminating a now or people which might block a


listener's view of the club'asmall, triangular stage.

A search for what tnllkes the club lick puta one in the dark ct&b­bylltole that serves aa the olfice ol the club' • 28-year-old owner. Rick Ba biracki The office is clptteted with trade journals . news papers , promotional albums llnd basic tooh ol sur· vival like shaving gear and con­tad lent solution.

The only inungnaous ele ­ment in this setting is Babiracki himself. a casually dra, ed, long­haired 111an possessing neither the fat ci&ar nor the pinstripe suit \bat fits the image oC night club owner.

IT'S S P. M., nil'! unolfidal start of another day for the Golden Bear. Babir•ckl haaJUltchec~ed in and his Introduction Is cut short by a phone call. For that


matter , th e interview w a s chopped up by no less than 30 uUa in tw• hours.

The Mark-Almond band has. cancelled it.a dales at the club. Seema the piano player for this English group couldn't get hls vha ren e w e d and Th e Quicksilver Messenger Service has canceled fQr the upcoming weekend becau•e of insufficient rehearsal.

EACH CALL borders on the bizarre. but It becomes evident that Ba biracki feeds on Utis e nerg y as h e c ha ins mok es. laughs and occasionally glances upward as if seeklng divine aid.

He is on the phone quesUonin& an a gent ab o ut an erratic pe rform e r ' s p ast behavior. " Yeah. laal time he was hel"'e he wore a CB radio on bis bell and stopped In the middle of his songs to bea.r police calls," Babiracki says. •

Money tmeraes as the major theme for a ll concerned : the performer. the &fCenl and The Golden Bear. The prices quoted for a group ror one night r anged from $75 to Sl.000.

With so much fi nancial Oex· lblllty, there Is plenty of room for haggllnl( over o group's worth. Babiracki a 11k11 an agent ror a fi1ure . " OK. now take that figure and divide by two," he auys.

SOMEHOW, between calls. ltle Interview takes place. Babiracki describes himself a.11 a " persona­ble guy." " Just ask the people wilO used lo work for me," he deadpans.

H e h ap p e n e d upo n t he ownership of The Golden Bear in rou.ndabout fashion. While he and Illa brother Chuck were vacation· ln1 In Athens four years qo, the pair developed a penchant for ouzo can anlse-navorect lqueur' and 10U\1lakl <a tYJ>e ol Gniek lunbsandwlch J. Tbeydeddedto introduce 1ouvlaki lo Orange County and, upon their return, bqan ·~ting ror a location.

the brothers came upon a vau nt lot next lo The Golden Bear but ended up buying the 49-year-old Bear building In· stead. " Things got bad from there." Babiracki says.

Lack of e xpe r i e nce and c~ibilih' could have made tlliftp Yft"Y difficult for the new owaen ol a former hip hangout &hat chlftled owners almost u

Arts I Dining Out Entertainment

Fr1d9Y, August 13. 1978 DAILY PILOT

STAN WLASICIC (C!NTER) PLAYS A FUGITIVE IN DRAG He Jotna AIMetnlll• Band on the Beach i.

Anne Raxte r and Celeste Holm. Ann Coss man is the famous Broadway actress, Laura Black the opportunis tic ingenue and Susan O'Connell the playwright's wire coerced into apening the right stage doors for Miss Black.

Major s upporting assignments are taken by Robert Sax as the playwrl&bt, C.T . Wiseman as the producer -d lr eclor and Marlin .. Fuchs as the stage manager.

Completing t he Ir vine company are Kris Hagen . Larry Eldon. Enid Phillips and IAWs Crwn

"The Wisdom of Eve" opens tonight for three weekends ol Fr• · day and Saturday perforprnncc.>s with reservations a l 557·7297 . "Sugar" opens Tuesday fOf" fhe striugbt perform ances. lhroujth " ext Saturday with rcser v11llons at ~·ml. Curta in time Is 8:30 for both produc tions .

0.11, l'llel ,..,. ...... ,

COAST ROCK SCENE FINDS FOCUS AT GOLDEN B!AA Hunltngton Beach Club Defied Odd• Ag•ln1t Succeat.

often aa acts and, in its final 1Jtages, offered belly dunclng.

Babiracki opened the present Golden Bea r in M11y, 1974, and It appea r s thal his aagresslve entrepreneur na ture ha11 been a

· key to the c lub's surpris ing sut' · cess. I le s ays he has thrown a few ovenlem .:endinl( band manajtcrs out the ba ck door und rcfU.4'cs to lndut1e contr act riders culhn11 ror p11yment to Inc lude a case of Dom Per lgnon or other s uch fringe benefits .

" l'VE TRIED to establish the consistency tha t t carry into my o wn life. " h e say s . T his philos oph y c o m bln ed wit h creative bookings and the local need for l(ood music has made The Golden Be ar lhc lop lhow In town.

There have been threats oC competJllon but they have never a.e.. fuUIUed. So the Bear is in a posltJon where musicians come to It In hopes ol tapping the poten· lially lar1e record sales to be found in Orange County.

With busi ness appa r ently thriving. Babiracki plans to close the club for two or three weeks in the fall to remodel the building. A balcony will Nlarice the aeaUn1 capacity from 300 to 500 and plans inc lude a loun1e with a videotape syat.esn presenting the show u It happens.

Babiracki notes that, altboqla lbe Bear will be adding a lounge.

It will be seJ)arale from~ miln room to ret ain the cu11~ dtn· b1encc. • . , "•

AS 5 P .l't . APPROACllf.lt tht! already manic nature rA th~ of lice Intensi fies. The phom.• t•ulls incr cas (' , 11r<'omp11ni e'I hy u stn•um of pco1>lc rilin~ Into the• offlt'e lo announce confi rm9'i0n11 of dates. IJorrow u 1u1lr vf 14'1->r'I or conduct other routir'lf busl· nes11.

A prc81 ugc nl rcprc..tttfni;c Mort Sahl Is on t he line. "Mbrt Sa h I '! W as n ' l h c CJ~ i' " c Putna m 's ru n n i ng mite' " Babiracki n1'ks .

Meanwhile , things arc fnovlnl{ more leisurely In the main rtlOm. Th e r o a d c r ew . r...o r country /w~stern 1H11gcr Ni<Y Hobbs is prepurlnl( for • IOind cheek as The Golden Bear't'.'llprf oC 20 begins to a rn ve r.t k.

The staff includes wo&~. cooks. ticke t handlers and and ll1ht O{H!ra tors . Boo 11 and Chuck Babiracki arf g the essentia l st a ff .

CHUCK, ZJ, refc?rs to athnllelf as " Head Cofer ." He ovtrllffl many or the small details BUCh as arran1in1 extra power for 1 loud band. A sudden power .e takes \be punch out o( 1 • rock band and makes • hftitant about returniq.

Becky Hall heads the llUb' (8eeGOLDEN, Pase ct> .

• • .. I


t . I

* 'rtd!t· AYgult 13. 1979

:·.•. '•' .

Olympic 1oW ...W.wlMiaS ..... Pesiy Flemin1 will •tar an the Ice Follies, wlaich •HI be •t 'f'be Fonam la laClewood Sept. 8 tbrouch 19. Ticht• al 13.n to • .'15 are now on Hie al s:kketron and II~ :*· with eoine dla· · munu available lot tbiJ .

.,:. .... ,,.,.. ...... • · · A "c~•I• ol Unt mumkak ii offered by t.he NlerW\ Cirie 1JCM Opera CompQY th~h

rial motorcycle maneuvers and HrOltllUca -.re tbe spedalty of .._ _...

tymptans, OM of the attraettaDI at Ringling Brothers Barnum and Balley

cus. which is playing now through flday at the Anaheim Convention Cen· . On Wednesday, the circus moves to Long Beach Arena, where it will ron·

ue through Aug. 22.

• its seuon tickets. To be ~led win be SOUth Paclllc, Oct. IZ, 23, 29, 30 and 31andNov. s4ft4 I ; " Showboat," feb. l& 19, 25, 21 and ff and lhrch •ands; ud .. Wett Side Story," May Z7 and as and Juno. 4, s. to and n .

SeNC>n tickets for adults range from $'7.50 to SlS; for ahadenla 12 lo 22. from 16 to $13.SO. and for children from $4.SO to $9. lnformaUoo is available by e1Um1 ..,.1732 betwttn noon and 5:30 p.m . weekdays or by wriUnc lhe light opera at 1.513 W. Ash Ave., FUilerton, CA 92633.

,,...,, t:relt • t:••1r111 ~ramiat.s and hobby cra fts men are eligible

to enter • competition that will be part or lhe Ceramic Hobby Crafts AslOC:iat.es show Au1. 19-Z2 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Entries, with fees from Sl to tsdependinc on size, may be taken to the convention center between 9 a .m. and 8 p.m . Tuesday, and may be picked up Aug . 22 between I and 8 p.m.

Tickets to tbe awards breakfast at 8 a .m . Aua. 21. lncludins a LM Vesu·atyle show featur· int Dennis Day, coet $8.SO. Reservations as well u diKounl tickets lo the exhibit are available by ca1Un1 752-1696 (refular admission la $2.25 adults and 75 cmts children 6-16) . All funds beoefit City or Hope Medical Center and tbe Junior Blind.

I'~ Pa.,ifi•• C••~rl• Six frff dance and music events oo Sunday

afternoons will be of'(ered in the hall of the Los Anceles Music Center Pavilion, Sept. 12 lbroqh Oct. 11. Groups to offer minl·concerts will in· t-hade the San Francisco Ballet. the Sequoia Str· lq Quartet, tbe Aman Folk Ensemble, t.he Soloniou Comvany/Dance. the African Music Ensemble and lbe Bella Lewitzky Dance Company. Panel discussions will begin at 2:30 p .m. and demonstrations or conce rts at 3 p.m.

'Reserv a tons may be obCainecfby wriUncthe Music Center Dance A.ssociaUoo, 13S N. Grand Ave., i.o. Angeles, CA. 90012, and enclosing a stamped . selr-addreued envelope . AelervaUons for one event only may be obtained · by each applicant.

0.•NS I• tlw .4 r•• Tbe performance arts will be reatured in

duaestbb rail atOran&eCoast and Golden West coUeaes. The OCC Symphonic Chorale, which

---. from 7 to 10 p.m. Tuesdays, will lour Europe next June ln edditloo loofferin1 concert& Qec, 3, April 1 alld May 22. Information is availa­ble by calllnt 556·5640.

At G WC. Nannette Pistole Brodie will offer a new choreoguphy class. Other groups open to community memben range from lhe symphonic band and • studio symphony croup t.o the com­munity chorale. Registration lnrormation is available by call~ the registrar at 118Z·ffil.

Pl•••C••,,e•••,. .. Two quite dilferent piano compet.it.ioaa have

been announced, ooe for JOUDI IOlo fa!:d'w and tbe otber for pluo emembles (def u two ~udonepi-phiJoedbytwo.,....).

n. NaUonal Pl.- Enlemble Competition wiO lie 1pouond .at llattll~ bl tM UnlvenitJ of SoutMrn Color.SO enter fOI' dMt Creative and Pertonnln.I Arts. Plan.lats must be 29 or under. Finl prire is $1.500 and aec:ond prise is $'700. lnformaUon and applications (which must be returned by Feb. 11 with an entrance f~ ol Sl5 per pair of contestanl.s) can be obtained by wrtt.lnc to Markowski and Cedrone, 2109 North Drive, J>Ueblo, Colocado, 81008.


<From Pate CU pro..OOon department. It's ber

monitor the rttOrd com­~ to m ab sure they are Iha up their end by runnin1 if) spots ror upcomlna


or example, lhei-e are plans an airplane banner ad

rnpalgn to promote Doug haw. A c roesJChl111aJ would n what 300,000 fewer people Id ltnow about the show. 1 the clock winds toward 6 .. Becky Hall la now given the

ol locaUng the headliner,


...... c.-. ..... , ... l7141 t1MIM

folk &ultarist Eric Andenon. An­derson was last seen nine months before, travelin1 oa a Greyhound bus ln a wicker basket (QO one is sure why be chose tb.tt unutual coatainer to ride uu. " Another potential basket case for T'M Golden Bear," Rick Babiracki jokes.

BV I: lS. AND&UON bas""" located. asleep, at a nearby hot.el. The &how wW 10 on u 9Cheduled, with UM doors Open· An,atlp.m.

Rick Babiracki deddes to 1et off lM hotline Tor a r.w minulefl


and grab a bite lo eat before re­turning lo catch the show. Ile says he's accJlmated to the pressure but he's also uncertain how long be ' ti stay in the business.

Both Rick and Chuck Babiracki expr,ued interest in laking some time ol'f lo return to Europe. possibly to get In · spiraUon for a future project. There's a chance they may move Into the import/ export business. Then again, there's atlll a vacant lot next to the Golden Bear, a perfect spot for a souvlak l restaurant.

Auguit 1•tt' ~15th· 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. ADMISSION FREE

I I l I

Jn addltion. th• Put"blo Symph6ny AuoclaUoa i• sponsorine a young artists piano competition as part ol ita Mozart Fe U\•al. Level J ii for planisll 25 and under. Level ll for pianists 17 and under. First prtae Is MOO and 1~ Is DOG ln Level I ; ln Level 11 , first prize Is • S200 scholarship. AppUcaUon deadline I Dec. I. Details are available from the usoclatlon at l 11'1 Late Ave .. Pueblo, Colorado, 81004.

Sa• Dlege Ev.Ml• Performances ol lntettat in San Diego late r

this month will Include: tleetwood Mac. 8 p.m. Aug. ZS at the Sporta Arena, lime lo be announ­ced 0 ·224-41761; the Israel Pbilharmonlc. 7 p.m . Aue. 2t at Civic Theater 0 ·236·65101; and Lebanese and Syrian dances, noon Lo 4 p.m. Aue . 29 al lhe Museum ol Man in Balboa Park. fl'ff with museum admission 0 ·239-2001 ).

•radtlc Oc~rt11r••' Tic"•'• Seats eo on sale Monday at Mutual Agencies

for the Stephen· ·Sondheim musical ''Pacific Overtures," which was named the best mus ical or 19'18 by the New York Drama Crit ics Circle. The ori&inal Broadway cast wlll be brought ror the limited engagement opening Aug. 31 at the Los Angeles Music Center Pavilion. The run will close Oct. 16.

Opera f• Sa• Diep Some season tickets. al $20 to $58, are still '

available for the San Diego Opera's 1976·77 season. Productions will be Verdi's " Otello''with Joo Andrew and Lynne St.row, Menotti 's "The Saint of Bleecker Street" with Loma Haywood. Beverly Wolf( and Enrico di Giuseppe; " Die Ftedermaus • • wilf\ Johnna Meier and David Rae Smith. "Gotterd•~tnenanf" with Anna Grttn and Alberto Bemedi~, ~. "La Traviata" wltt\ kverly Silla and wuna., llcl>onald. Add.iUonaL Information la availabJe ~writing lo San Dlero Opera, P .O. Box llM, Sall Dieso. CA 92112, or by calliq 1·232·'1US · between 10 a .m. and 4 p.m. weekdays .

let·~ Go gailJng ••• 1M llAUTlflUL DAMA POINT H•llOI




.. 111 ... ,., ..... ..__,_....._.,CA. ..... 171494t'"6177


To Pla.g Su11day Jazz great Stan Kenton will conduct his orchestru at 8 :30 p.m. Sunduy in the Orange Cons t College Auditorium. 2701 FairYiew Road. Costa Mesa . Admission is S4. He will then teach u week-long jazz clinic. which will be climaxed by a joint student-Kenton concert at 7 p.m. Aug . 20 in the auditorium, with tickets at $3.





•TODAY (FRI.) .......... .... 3:00& 8:00 PM • TOMORROW (SAT.).11 :bO AM. 3:00 & .8:00 PM •SUNDAY (AUG. 15) ••.• . ..• 1:30&6:00 PM •MONDAY (AUG. 16) .....•.. 3:00&8:00PM • TUESDAY (AUG. 17) •• •..... 3:00 8c 8:00 PM

All Se«1 A--...d

$3.75 - 54.76 16.75-Se.76 Tu lncludld

SAVE S2.00 ON KIDS UNOER 12 e Todly IFri.13:0018:00 PM e Tomoirow (S.tJ 11 :00 AM t Monday l :00 a 8:00 PM

• TUltdltvec 3:006 8:00PM

TICKET'S NOW ON SALE AT AL L TIC KETRON OUTLETS l1Wl11dln1 $11n: W•rdl cl Th• llro•dwr, • A LL MUTUAL 1t•l11e1n *""""' hell# Stlfff 1131 $ , Hiii, L.A./ • WALLICHS MUSIC CIT'I' STORES I ALL LllERTY AGENCIES • CONVENTION CENTER BOX OFFICE •

UH yo11r 81nlc A'ln•riclfd or "'"" Ch1r11 ., lo x Olfi" • FOR TICKET INFORMATION CALL (114) 635 • 5000


f / '

Song, Supper Combined Claeckinl out a new entertain·

ment. aocl dlnlnc venture in ~ Beach last • ·eek, we ,..._... about lhe old nursery 1111,.. aad tbe liUle boy who had to ... forhiuupper.

Bu& our ex~rien~ differed qal .. radically from hia ; inlltead GI taavia1 to nerciH our creaky vocal eorda, we were treated to some &real 1ingin1 by olhel"I •It.lie we ate ooraupper.

nu. pleaaant policy uniUna food and m uaic wu maldngltsde· but aa tbe laletl house feature at Amelia 'a r estaurant, 3300 W. Coalt Ht1bway <at Newport Boulevard), Newport Beach, &U-NM.

KYEa\' NIGHT now, starting at to' clock. lt 's possible lo drop by Amelia 'a and partake of a special late supper menu while you're allo bel.n& entertained by a top­notch performer.

Apart from the regular dinner service in the main dining room, these new wares are being offered In the restaurant 's Capri cocktail loun1e. Which should make it a favorite for the Orange Coast's many late s nacke rs and night owls.

The sm a ll but select supper menu provides a choice er five entrees : eggpl ant parmigiana, $UO; Italian sausa11e. peasant style, S4.2S: pasta shells. filled with cheese and a meal s auce, S3.7S: meatballs Neapolitan, cuaerole, $3.25; antipasto plate , SZ.75.

Since the entertainment is a seven-nigbls·a ·week affair, two performers s hare the duties : Chriatian Eric is front and center Sund~ay andl'Uesday:­Ello Mauro t akes ove r the spotlight Wednesday through Saturday.

TO LAUNCH Amelia's new en· terprise, how e ver, both e n· tertainers were on hand for the opening night fes tivities. As 3 con­eequence we were afforded a n op· portunily to see and hear two superb performers in the course ol one evening.

Both Elio and Christian are llncers of note a nd each supple· menta that talent with firsl·rate guitar playing. This still is evi· dent in everything from quiet folk sonca lo a rousing selection like "The Impossible Dream."

Elio, whose powerful baritone voice can also be soft and romantic, ls a native of Abbruuo.

Out 'n ' About ........ ....., Italy . and bee an slnalnc pro­fnRonally at tbe aae of .15. He Uaa la el1bt lancuqes and his repertoire coven an aatonlablng variety of IOGIS.

In addition to &lvlng concttta al'OUlld tbe world, he hu recorded a number of a lbums for RCA· Victor. with fOW' oC them makln& the besl·Mller llat In Araentina and Europe. His most. r ecent album. ··Souvenir of Naples," is •tbe Repriaelabel.

liateraaUonal clubs and hotels .. ere Elio has performed include the Acapulco Hiiton, Hant Kana Hilton, Manila's Nile Club and the Copa Cabana in Tokyo. He has also appeared on t.eleviaioo with bis own shows in Usboo, lbe BBC in Londoo, RAJ in Rome and the Jack Paar show on NBC.

ORANGE COUNTY and Calllomla ~gagements have in· eluded the Dis neyland Hotel, Newporter Inn. Villa Nova, Kona Kai Club <San Diego), Rancho La Costa, Hollywood Palladium. Marina del Rey City Club and La Quinta Country Club (Palm Spr· ings >. In Las Vegas be has been seen at the Fr9fttier, tlllton In· ternalional and Flamingo Hotels .

Alter Christian Eric's first set, we learned that be too is a multi· talented s inger and guitarist with an international background. ~ a child be performed on Swedish and Norwegian radio programs

-and later altended lhe--RoyaJ Conaerv atory of Music l.n Madrid.

While in Spai n, he studied clusical guitar with Regino Sainz de la Maia, a conte mporary or Andres Seeovia . He a l s o performed al the American Embassy in Madrid, as we ll as singing on several ol the city's r adios taUons.

SINCE C OMING t o this country, Christian bas enjoyed s u cces s w itb hi s unusual troubadour style, together with h1a ability t.o sing in 13 languages, creatin& a close rapport with bis audience.

Christian bas become well known In Orange County from bis appearances at the Newporter IM, Saddleback lM, Newport Beach Tennis Club and Balboa Bay Club, a m ong others.

.,, ................ -

SUU another I a cet cl Christian· s talent Is thal of com~r. Re writes many of hiis numbers and bas scored IHms and TV com· merciaJs . .,.

If you prefe r a n earlier, com· plete dinner be fore catching Christian or Ello In the Capri lounge , Amelia 's regular bill of fare offers more than t~'<> dozen JtaUan and s eafood specialUes. Sttvict gels unde r way a l 5 ·30 p.m. Monday t.brough Saturday, and aUp.m . on Sunday.

CANNELLONI, $6.25. has a savory filling of turkey, veal. beef, eggs a nd cheese, topped with a whit~ wlne sauce . New England c lams . herbs a nd a sherry butter sauce highlight one of three varieties of Unguinl, 16.75,

Veal GrotUno. S7.95. presents medallions of veal sauteed lo h e rbs, le m o o butt e r and mushrooms , a ccompanied by pasta. The tab for saJUmbocca all a Florentino <a combination of veaJ, prosciutto, cheese and salsa bianea ) is SS.

Lady sole, $7.95, is a Ford Times macazlne award·winning dish for Amelia's. It is comprised of sole with bay scallops, Alaska c ra b meat and sauce Claire almondine .

Amelia 's a lso serves lunch, Monday through Friday, from 11:30 a .m . to 2 :30 p.aL Sunday champagne brunch is a regular feature from 10a.m. to3p.m.

SINGING AT A-. IA'S Baritone Ello Mlturo

t 'Ea~ 'Bini eMenu t -f SEAYID DAILY ONTIL 7:00 P. M. t


t A. SHllMP TtMPUIA , .. KSAME CHICKEN t A INMI• ~ COl!lblnllion of


11:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M.

-IMIH~ end.....,.,.,._. SU$

t L 11:MPUIA surooo DINNDt t httertty 9"'ifllp and llleil ol IOM dWed in I bet!., lllld ~

t lo 1 fOldln petfectlon SUS t C. IHllMP TtM"'lA

~,,..,_fed wltfl v-..o·a

t ~.-..and-..lrled t .. I ......... '*"' bf.- SUS


t ~belt~......, INohd t 10 pie ... '/04ll dllCrinllnatlftt tMte tUS t RICE 80\JP Of' TH! DAY TtA t

t •n•at11 t t

#60 Fashion Island, Newport Center t Reservations honored: 644-4811 t COME IN AHO IE OUR HONORED GUHT t ,, ............. _



Enjoy late supper and romantic guitar m11s1c m the old world atmosphere of the Capn Lounge. .....,,,._,,_


3~ W. Cooit lll11hwo11 at Newport Dlvd Newport &och






12. BAUIOA • 10I MAlll It. 8Al80A PtEA •I~

Fridll'f• Augusl 13, t 97e DAii. y PILOT A

. [ __ T_im_e_s_l_Pl_ac_e_s __ )

Childreri' s Musical Show Set Tonight


' P USS IN BOOTS' - Children's musical, 7:30 o'clock tonight, 2:30 p,m. Saturday and Sunday. Youth Theater Workshop at Laguna Beach High School. 625 Park Av~. . Laguna Belich. $1.SO adults. $1 childre n . .aN-0743 afternoons.

JOHN STEWART - 8:30 and 11 o 'clock tonight through Sunday at The G~den Bear. 306 Pacific Coast Hieb way. Huntington Beach. SS. 536-9600.

'TilE WISDOM Ot' EVE' - Drama. torught throu gh Aug . 28, 8 :30 p .m . Fridays and Saturdays. Irvine Community Theater, Bristol Street al Red Hill Avenue, Costa Mesa. $3. 557·7297.

ANAHEIM COMMUNITY BAND - 8 o'clock tonight at Peahon Park Theater, Lemon and Sycamore streets, Anahejm. Free.

MUSIC OF THE ... AND '711 - Briggs and Healey Ensemble, 7:30 o'clock tonight at Lions Park, 18th at Park Avenue, Costa Mesa . Free.

CANYON - Rock gr()llp. 8 o'clock tonight and Aug. 20 and 27 at Edison Center, 21377 Magnolia, Huntington Beach. SL

-~uoP MUSI By the-Garden Crove Communi~ ty Concert Band. 8 o'clock tonight at the Com­munity Meeting Center, 11300 Stanford, Garden Grove. Free.

STARBUCK - With Prall and McClaln, 9: IS and 11 : 15 o'clock tonight at Disneyland. Also Freddy Martin and his orcbest.ta, 8: lS p.m. to 12:30 a .m . today and Siturday. $4.SO adults, $UO children.

THE LENNON SISTEU - At Knoll's Berry Farm, Buena Park. 7, 9 and 11 o'clock tonight through Sunday, 8 and 10:30 p.m. Monday throu&b Wednesday. $3 adl.llls, $1.SO children.

•PJNJAN'S aAINBOW' - Musical, 8 o'clock loftlcht and Saturday al Fullerton College n-eater, 321 E . Chapman Ave. , Fullerton . $2.SO adult.a, $1 .50 students. senior citizens with Gold Key Card .17}-8001, ext. 11, or m-8101.

""l'llE SUNSHINE BOYS' - Comedy, '1 p.m. din· ner, 8: 30 curtain Fridays, Saturdays and

...., .......... Dining • Dancing in the Round

-n.. Bobbv Cni!I Show,. !man.lnint Tua dlN S..

Guest lolt Slips For R..vatio•

840-&123 >. . , ~


4 .... H21 411-sm So.Ila Coat'• Filteta C..UU..


JM fOMIT Aft. LAGUNA.uat .,._. , ...

We9re llaVlng aPllRTV. •• at your placel

Sundays now throu&h end of August at lhe Hol!:...,._ day Inn, Brl•tol Street at lbe San Dieao Ft'MW~· Colla Men. $10. 557-3000. _

D&AllA - " The Elfert of Gamma Rays on .a,1 · ln·the·moon Marl&~ds." 8:30 o 'clock toollhl..".. Saturday and Aue. 11-21 at the San Clemente Commwllty Theater, 30a Avenlda Cabrillo, San Clemente . •92·°'*· 'SOUTH PAC ... IC' - Musical, now lbrou1h Oct. 30 al Sebutaan'1 West Dino« Playhouse. 14G Avenida Pico, Sy Clemente. $9 .50·$13 . 9~ •ta•ll«IO. •

• • :t

RINGUN~ aaOTllEllS CIRCUS - 3 al1i1 o'clock tonlthl; lt t.m .. 3 - a p.m. Saturd l :30 and I p.m. Sund91, 3 and 8 p.m, Monday · Tuesday at the Anaheim Convention CenLW. Also. Wednesduy through Aug . 22 at the IAM Beach Arena, 300 E . O~an, tong nea~I[ $3.75-58.75, $2 less for children under 12. Tlcltets at ageaclet. ~

' FANTASTIC ANIMATION FESTIVAL' FUma. now throu1h Aug. 21 at Laguna M Theater, 6" Laguna Canyon Rolld, La Beach. 7:30 and 9:30 p.m . Tuesday.Sund p.m. m atinee weekends. $2.S>. Gt-8021.

AT TH E G&EEK THEATER - The modores, tonight ; Boz Scaggs, Saturday SUnday ; Charlie Rich and Jim Stalford, day; Harry Belafonte, Tuesday through Au Tickets al Mutual, Tlckelron and Llb acencies.. ·

AT UNIVERSAL AMPIDTllEATEll - B Manilow. with Lady F1ash, tonight thrCM11h day ; Paul Williams and The Righteous 8 Aug. 20-22. Tickets at agencies.

CONTINUING IN LOS ANGEL~- ''AM Jubilee," through Sunday at Am bass Auditorium; "Kismet;" throu~h Aug. 21 at Dorolhy Chandler Pavilion; "The Robber B groom." through Aug. 29 at the Mark T Forum; "Equus," through Sept. s at th~ I initoa Hart/ord Theater: "The Wiz," thr Sept. 11 at the Ahmanson Theater : " A Ch Une," throu1h OcL 3 al the Shubert Theater .


'SATUllD~Y IN '111E PARK' - Festival puppeU, clown, fashion show, Saturday a nd day at South Cout Village, on Sunflower acrou from ScNlh Coast Plaza. Costa Mesa . exhibit o1 Bantam and Austin can, Sunday Free.

HAYDN OaCHESTEA - Music by Ha Scbu~rt. Boyce and MQzart, 8:30 p.m . Sau.1 at First United Methodist Church, 1'8 T Street., Seal e.ach. Part ol Seal Beacb Cha Miiiie F•Uval. 12.

BOB. raANX AND RAV - Vocal croup pr In& popular lunea, 8 p.m. Saturday al Pe Park Tbeater, Lemon and S)'camore at Anaheim. SI.

RABBIT SHOW - California Giant

c&ee otJTDOOa, Pace en

Hf ti.re or telcehelM

STAG .. · CHINESE W.~ :.

Ill 21st Pl., Newport Beech ORW. J.tUI ~· -..... .. Mw.lptD..,_w., ..... U...1:00..,., '• ' _ .. _, .. __


ge·f f ucini::.: ORANGE COUJllTY'S FINEST . ,

ITAi.JAN DINING , More Than !iO Entr~

LUNCH 11:30to2:30Tues.·Frl. DINNER Tues. thru Sun. Sto 10:30


1131 BRISTOL, ne1r Newport 81¥d., Cosu Mm

1s1-1111 m •


Go ahead- Invite the ouests. 'lt>tJ orovide the oeople -

and we 11 • Make the part¥' with 11 vanet1es of dehciOUW different 1>1zza. frostv soft dnnks. salads. even napkins!

, Vour guests wlll IOllC ME-N•ED'S crtsoier crust tangy sauce and soeoal blend of six lastv cheeses.

Just Olve us a call. Wtthln minutes V0011 be

seMOO Pfplng.hot ME-N·EO'S

And, vou'H IOYc the ease and convenience. Ho~, No fuss.

rt 'S ltl delivered noht to vour door- Just in time f0< the partv1

oiua. cnspysalad and cool ml? beverages. ftne n-


PARLO I .. or... G'"'9n CftM IM1 astflfHst# S~-1116 .......... -8"0!1lltll MMN

' I

.~ ....

. ' . ••• I•

. Rock Bands Cross-pollinate


l ...... fr•• $1.95 --~'ti 4 .... Priwll "'1y FICifieilltt • '


11171,AClf'IC C~ST HlltY .. HUtmNGTOH llM:H

AESIEAVATIONS 12131112·1321

~,,.... ... tt. ~orr10 - · -·-·-·-o.

Ihe Velvet Turtle Is A Sped al Lunch . It's your one real break in an alwa}'!

too crowded day. Make the. most of it. With lunch at the Velvet Turtle.

En;oy a generous drink while you choole from 26 out.ttnnding lunches. Like crab and avocado salad, f ilet of sole, ht.art)' sandwiches, and the chef's special stt4k. All at very affordable lunch time prices.

Now ioin us for Saturday luncb in Newport Beach.

In Ntwport .Btitlcb .. aclOSS from the Marriott on Newport Cutttr

Drive We.st. ~5313.

We honor A merlC4n ?preu eJ other major atdir ctrcb.


Specftll L-t ••..,... $Z. IO Monday th~ Friday 11 :30 to 1 :30

Judy Collins, who has won fame as a singer, songwriter and mm maker, will perform Aug . 24 -26 at Universal Amphitheater at Universal Studios north or Hollywood. Tickets are available at agencies.

llCICSHA COCKTAIL L()\fMGE Featuring Exotic Trooteal Onnks

llOO ADAMS fet .....,., COSTAMISA

................... lllUlaO~ST

tAt CIJ 'T 1 6)1.JOJO 146-ltJJ 14 .. IHl


1 eK Tl +It EC R .eH J>E vft

lood with good \'iLmlions ••• delicious nnlul'1ll ingrtdienls prtpnrtd fresh nnd f rogront Ly mum. grallt proplt ud sm~ milh smiling rhn"!' ho1tPmndr irr rm•· l.,.d, '"'1nd • frrs~ f nul pies

~IUt llWU..:t .wlJ. ~JI-" ti CU·.

MOD. tiUu sat. tl:(IO lill 10:011 P"1673-1292 and au•t '1:1lfJ lill IO:OO 2721 C. g.~9• g.,. .. 11,rmor


Te .. lxdtllMJ Mew Sa11d1 of


DIMNB fllOM 1.-P.M. MMHTL Y 1117 W .... tM Ir .. Newport.._. 645-5222

& Station Saloon

I 0:30 to 3:00 Five Selected Items Stana with A Cocktalf

and ends with a beverage (nc>l'Hlco"ollc) of your chOlce


. C714J..-.~



CmNESE .FAMILY DINNER $2.75 I ,... ,.,.... Cf'or two or•••.,......,


'D•nclng a E"'*talnmlllt ""· & s.t. Nltft . -onN1DAY8A •RIC-

JN COIOlfA DEL MAR v ....... 1 llJlB. CO,Vf.HJGHWAY ~

N..,. ll~Arthur Blvd. . R-AURAJn'S JT141m·ll19 -• · •. . We PromiM Good rood



14!1 E. JTth STREET Ntat Gr1nd Ave. . cn.,~•11



TIIE DI~~ . ~ (.Azrporter C/nn





FROM 10 AM • 3 PM * Captain's Table Coffee Shop SERVING H HOURS



ll!!!l!i!!!!!!!i 132770



1 107 JambOree Road, Newpcn Beach (714) 844-1700

. 21111 ........ '-""" .... 141-1,177

. . •


Still Singi11g . The long.tasting quartet The Lennon Sis·

tcris will per for""m at Knot~~ Berry F &Fm in Buena Park at 7. 9 and 11 :30 o 'clock tonight and . 8 and 10:30 p.m . ~tonday through Wednesday. Admission is SJ for adults <:ind SI .50 for children.


Fnda A ust 13 1976 DAILY PILOT

Eastwood Film Mi.sfires TV DAILY LOG By KA111E B:TAACY cameru. Still. in the true Easl.,,.ood rastuon.

~ .... ~11 ~......... .. slow·talklng , rast-dra"'ing, 11tecly·e){'Ci Wales Be punctual ror Tht- Outla'4 J o ey Wales lOVff 'em and leaves ·cm. or kil ls 'em

- the first live minutes or the f1lrq &Ive )OU tht> Chier Dan Georae 1• a un~hevable as entire back1round u lo what cau1>ed ham to l•Y Wales In the role ot 1 l9lh century lndlan with u down his hoe U.. ravor of the gun strictly 20th century i.ense or humor Out be does

Wlthou\ lhll knowledge, you'll be tempted to 1 think he '• ju1t phun mean. Becau e Wales live~ prov de some la uahs. by the reud. He 11 ii one-man army in an enti rely SONDaA LOCKE Is the helpless. innO<'ent incredible fashion 11,.hlte &irl whom Wales chooses over the more ro·

When the ClvU War ends he refuses to sur· llli1Uc and slron11 Indian woman, thu keeplnR rendu and fol' two and a ha lf hours 1s pursued everything In conservah\'e bal ance . acroe1 three 1late1 by the Kan6as Redleg& or the "The Outlaw J osty Wales' ' 1s ba ed on tht• Union Army. Alon& the way he kills hundreds , book " Gone to Texas" by Forre6t Cartf'r. with never wasting a bullet. never missing a target. &crffnplay by Phil Kuufman and Sonia Chernus never undere1tlmaUng hh. foet> Cwho always Rated " PG ." seem to line up convenimtly to be killed >.

BUT THESE is I.he other i.lde of Wales . the Pageant to Be on TV lonely man who also collects a dog, a prostitute. t"·o cute Indians . a '4hirnsical wtute gir l. an ir· " Pa1eant or the Masters.' ' a behind-the· rilating granny, a Mexican and some uns uc · scenes look at Laguna Beach 's famous r e · cessrul prospectors lo keep him company creation of artwork with living models , will aar at throughout his campaign. 9 p.m . Wednesday on KOCE ·TV, Channel 50.

Unlike Clint EaJt"'OOd's previous cowboy The pro1ram will repeal Aug. 22 at 10 p.m . films, wbieh he direrted and starred in , " J osey " Pageant or the Masters" will focus oo lhe Wales" lacks discipline and concentrated high performers in the pageant. looklng al the drama, making it an embarrass ing production. elaborate makeup process. the placement and An excess or live and t.lead bodies clutters the m echanics necessary to make the production creen. s_econd(lry character ~ rsnai.~~--t.echnicall)'__pede_ct and an actual QUllnl te·

developed a nd period a uthenticity is over· hearsal. shadowed by the noisy confusion. -------------------

In the beginning ol the rilm, the credits a re shown on a background of a wild-eyed, pistol· s hooting, bloodthirsty mob galloping down on the

Indian Baskets Shown Exclllng

Fm-Flied Advenbn! -12:35-

-~ ,--· 'NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN BASKETS'­Today thru Oct. 5 at the Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main SL. Santa Ana. With druwin_g_s b )fans Hofmann. Also. lecture and slide presentation on Indian bas kel m a king by Or. Charles E. Rozair e ol lhe Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. 2 p.m . Sunday, w1lh basket clinic. 3 to 4 p .m . Sunday to Identify or discuss baskets. Regular hours : 9 a .m. to S p.m . Tuesday· Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m. Sundays, plus 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday and Tfiursday e\•en1ngs. f' r ee.

EXCHANGE SHOW Works by The Pas adena Artists Concern. Salurday through Sepl. 7 at The f1oating Wall. 215 N. Broadway. Santa Ana. 6 to 9 p.m . Mondays and Tuesdays. 1 lo 5 p.m . Saturdays a nd Sundays. Free.

ABSTaACT ART DEMONSTRATION - By Donna Ha nna , 7 :30 p.m. Thursday for Artists Association or llunlington Be.Jch l'\orth. Murdy Park Center, Warner A venue at Golden West Street, Huntington Beach. Free, open to public.

MAalNE PHOTOGRAPHS By Edgar S. Gilchrist . now through Aug 31 at Los Angeles Federa l Sa v,ings .. 3201 Newport Bl\ d .. Newport Beach. 9 a. m . to 5 p . m. Monday· Thursday, 9 a . m to6p.m . Fridays. Free.

ART LECfVRE "Communicatang Love m the Market Place." by f'r . Ed,nrd Wrobleski . 8 p.m , Thursday at The Upper Level, 3105 Villa Wa)-. Cannery Village, Newport Beach. tree. 673-2491 for r eservations .

HE&CUIAN£Ull EXCAVAnONS- Books. let · ters, maPfl and guides to t8lh century rascination with diggings at Pompeii and Herculaneum . now through Sept. 17 at The J . Paul Getty Museum. 11985 Pacific Coast ffighway, Malibu. 10 a .m . l () S p ,m. weekdays . Free. reservations requl red by wrltin& above address or calling (213 1 454 -~l.

FESTIVAL OF ARTS - Now through Aug. 29, 650 Laguna Canyon Rood , Laguna Beach. Noon lo 11 :30 p. m . dally, with Ball et Pacifica performances a t s p.m . Sundays . 50 cents adults, 10 ce nts children.

SAWDUST FESTIVAL - Arts and crafts , now throuati Aug . 29, 93S Laguna Canyon Road.


B 0 B WHITE Formerly Wlth THf PlATIERS




9:00 P .M.·2:00 A.M.



2699 Hcwbor c..ta Mesa SCS.1112


I ' ' ·'''' ' " " "' ' ·""""' 111 I Ill.I \\II '"'"· '-"'"'' J11tl llu l111· ( J I '~'l'I"'"

I '<II HI \I \\II 'I j \ 11 t•~IUI 11.tl'M

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S\ basf "111 S W\St ·- . ... ' ., ..........................

~-:::.-, ... .; · ~ I

~' ~ ,,~~-~~ ~...... ,. ... ,.. .. For t•ckea intormot1on

8 1 e-.crvo11ons ~all (7 14) •'2·9950 1 '0 A VE. PICO

SAN CLEMENTE ····· ·········· .... ······

S\Nsildn·s ll'>\St : I · - • . •

····· ······················

(2alleries I Exhibits

Laguna Beach. 10 a.m . to midnight daily 50 cents.

ART·A·FAI& - Traditional art, now through Aug . 28 at 595 S . Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. tO a .m. to 10 p.m . Sunday-Thursday, 10 a .m . toll p.m . Fridays and Saturdays. f"ree. . ART FILM - About Laguna Beach artist Marco Sassone, 7, 7:30 and 8 p.m . Tuesday, plus 2 p.m . Aug. 18-27 al the Laiuna Beach Museum or Art, YJ7 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Reception for a rtist during Tuesday performances. Free.

CERAMICS, HOBBY SHOW - Aug. 19·22 at the Anahei m Convention Center, sponsored by Southern California Ceramics Hobbycr a rt Association. Benefits City or Hope, Junior Blind. S2.2S adults. 75 cents children 6·16. Discount tickets available by caJUng 652·1896.




ISHO .... SIWLY J:tt. 1:11 .. ,.._,,..,__.,... ·-··--•·s

SO. COAST PlW "U( • 11 u•w ... 1 ms­


1111'$ CIOMJIO MMS. .... ...... ,,,,...

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···~·~··············~···· • A•llATID ADULT MOVI~> : • MOW M COSTA ...sA ,. : IEL·CONAn MOTEL • ,. CLO• c•cunc.atOi""n • WATll .. , • •JUI HAllOl IL¥D. • 145-0647 • •••••********************


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lllOWM AT Cl• &M.ltl9 COin. NAT • , ..... .. ......

A I '.\u o n I hP •,.ir1H· Progr11m

The Devil .. Miu Jones

1 :00 • ~ ' D 1U l I 11 1~111111 • 5"Clll ! lll1'1e ma. :

- 1:30- ::: 111 lhN: ''Sailtr • ·• (com)-~d ltwlS, Skley~

2&00 ·::--~ ......... Ille" '41 - Caty eo.r. Barw1 SI Wafltr 8't11NA •Al•·•tPt si-: ...... W••••· ~ "P1tler11," "

~ ........ si-: "l1lt ~ .. , ...... ....... ..

-3:45-• Mttlt: lCl ... ,.., (di•) '61- Sltvt rorml, S1~"WID

7:00 as--r~ II '2V t'1 Cfl G f.1111111111'9 m....-• (IJll (JJ) 31 ........ (J) Gift .. "'* .. ... ..... , .. ,. es.....Sb1't

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10100 • on m fl) ,._.,... D l21) CtJ 1111,._ tf , .. ' e (Qlct)) Ha.- llld e lllM: CCl "JIMI D8' Iii I U.. Gel 1111" (clll) '69-Boyer, Roberl TaJlor .... : "StlJtlll .. ttle (d11) ·~J-Rllo~ fltllltftl • llttle: " Mtfl't C1tt11t1 (llU) ·~J-Stt,itt• M(llall,. iNIMllf ...... .........

-IO:JO-e H m nt1 • ..... e ... : CCl "l1lt .... Cdt•) '67- Doll 11111111Y, C.1.11

·=~°" ... .DldrllC.....,

11100 e. Cl1J (J) {] , If ... ' = .... £1) lllllle: "l1lt W' (*') • ,...... Ooltl4. "'111• Cllwfl. ·= )8Ullllmf

-11:•-• tm ... llllln :JC8 W)8Alllricll ... ta ....... • Dectrlc c:.,..,

KOCE Television (5 ~.,......, ..... ,, . ...., .......... , ....... ., . ..._ ....... '··----~ ... ,,...~ .................

Fn<tay Ausiust 13. 1976

:Disc Fuses I

Music . Styles By MJCRA.EL PASl(EVJCU

Ol-DMlrPl ... Jt.ff

A music studio I• a pliable tool that can ah.ape, hi1bll&hl or ruin a final prodi.act. When an art.lat walk• lolo a studio he ls raced with poten· tial beMfill or pitfalls as numerous aa the com. blnationaon a mlxinc board.

Stomu Yamuhta 's "Go" (lw l and ILPS-9381), reaturlne Steve Winwood aod MJcbael Shrieve, ls an album that ti.ally realizes the capaclty or a studio to crt:ate intriguing and often stunning efrecta.

Com poser and string.synthesizer wizard Yamashta ls tbe catalyst for this lush classical· rock collaboration that may erue any doubts about the validity ofthl,type of music.

''GO" CAPTV&ES symphonic grandeur in a rock and jaaz fusion that seldom succumbs to flatness or pretentiousness. Yamasbta's lex· hared sound landscapes a.re capable of transport· tnc one from the dark recesses of outer space to a desert at sunrise.

Simply use your imagination and ienore the liner notes tha t direct you to ploy side two first in order to grasp the roncept mythical charac· ter crossing a lloe between reality and the fantasy world or nature. Just because an album is esoteric shouldn't mean it requires a story line. to rationalize Ill exillenc:e.

" Go" marks the welcome return or Steve Wlnwood. making bJs first appearance s ince the demise or Traffic. Winwood's unusual voice is in fme form , contributing much to the emotional and ethereal atmosphere. His singing and percussive organ playing on " Man of Leo' ' serve to reaffirm Winwood's place among rock's finest talents.

FORMER RelWTI to Forever guitarist Al DiMeola and ex·Saotana drummer Michael Shrieve a lso m ake their presence felt. DiMeola ~out rapid bunts of shimmering-notes at will -and Shrieve provides s tellar percussion throughout.

Synthesiaer player Klaus Schulze and bassist Rosko Gee round out a collection or superlative musicians who play aa if directed by tome unseen force .

A few words of caution. Any album that breaks est.ablilbed barriers Is bound to alienate a creat number of llateners. And "Go" is an avant· 1arde mood album that demands repeated listen· lnp to rrup lt.s free.form rhythms and or­chestral subtleties.

StiU, take a chance and pick up a copy of " Go." Sit back and relax. preferabl y with headphones on. then prepare yourself for sou.nds unlike any beard before. This may be the music ol the future .


"OllVMM'" INJ ..... ,...,.MAllMI"'·

'ANGERNAILS SCRAPING A BLACKBOARD' Vocellat end Hermonlca Pleyer Ivers

''Peter hers" (Waner an.. BS2930) Alt.bough Gary Wright turns in an adequate

producUon and keyboard backup JOb, there is lil· Ue that can be done to ovett0me a Jack of talent on Ivers' part.

Peter Ivers is a harmonica player and vocalist whose egocentric compositions a re de­signed to recapture the spirit of lost innocence by way of simple pop arranaements. He's not even close.

"You used to be Stevie Wonder. and 1 was a Magnavox

I pulled you tbrou&h hard limes and rising costs."

Perhaps there's more here than meets the ear. It so, pleue Jet me know.

The moat aagravallne thing about this turkey is Ivers' voice-e simpering, coy whine that ls irritati.n,t rather than cute. His acreecbes JU:UlbQul u aioYable_ as fin&cm&UIJttaPiU a blackboard.

As a friend put lt after bearing the openlnc track, " I 'm sorry Alice": " I think I know why Alice left." Enoqb said ..


''" 7:1 S.tt:30 11:30

SAT 14-1-7:05 t:1 .. 11:15

IUN 1.S-5-7:05 t:to





Rural Kids Get Theater

THETFORD, Vt. <AP> - Transforming country schools into one-day theaters. a troupe or actors is aetting the stage for a lively lntroduc· Uon to the world of arts for many Vermooters.

Children are enthralled by the rare taste or live theater provided by tbe·Parlsb Players and their programs or work.shopt and plays.

" It's amailng," said •ctor John Griesemer. " We go into these schools and lhe kids hove never seen a play before. They ask us when we' re going to be on TV. Everything in thelr world is related lo te levision.

"THEY R EALLY get into it, especially t.hc younger ones because they aren't so conditJoned against expressing themselves." he said.

1be Players recenUy became one or n hand· Cul of community theatftl to gain federal fund­ing, winning a $45,000 grant to tour rural atretches of Vermont. One-room schoolhouses and county fairs are frequent stops on the troupe's itinerary.

Tbe Players began about 12 yean ago as a s mall colJectloo of residents performing one.act dramas and medieval mystery plays for friends and neighbon.

The repertoire. actors and audience s lowly grew unW last year when the troupe staged 130 performances or 30 different productions, rang. ing from Shakespeare to Tennessee Williams to locally written revues.

THE SHOWS drew large crowds to Thel. ford 's tiny, unheated Grange Hall, wb1ch boasts a " two-boler'' outhouse backstage.

Along with the rave reviews came the ln­novaUve idea of puttiQg a troupe ol lix actors and three directors on the road. Stale and feder al of· ficials worked with the IJ'OUP to win financinc.

H&JOm lllJl>Ha IN~IC

l>mlYllV .... bM•IG•snew

· ·---~ ....... mEl>I> Ht•• ....

1>1&m1 BAlllW





AUGUST 3t THRU OCW 1e .,._, ... I .. ..., 1"' Um - Sl 15, $ 50. t 7$, 11 00; Fri. I s.t. -s. u 6 2s. Os ins .,, .... , i • . w...-su~ os, •ts, r.rs: su. - u ts ~ oo. 1 so . • u . . .... , , 1 , , .... , ........ 11

PAVILION llC2X OfflCE. ,AClrlC Slf.llCO. n7 MUSlC CTNTER S Nill ' IU MUIUAt AGCHC IES (Ctll 0 U001'>fH> '""""°''" 6Z7·n'I tor ou 1n1 ·~otq! ~.,into t1U1 fl'A'V I LION wtllt Cl\llC llGHT OPUA. 13$ N G1Mi Ave , " ' l. A.. CA to012-tn-11111•n·USO .......... 111-1111

- .. - •• JUI• _. ....... _., ... .... .,. ----·-OATOl!Nt •Dr•Hm.-. _, ... _ .. , ---­..... "' ...... .. , .. .._....,

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..... ·-U1·- ---· .. -~ .. ._ MOM111111 , ....... -......... -· .. ·---'

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... -....... ~ .... -..... ....... ....................... ,.. OMMll.,.......t•• ........... r; ................... ... fWllly"" ....... ~ ....,.~-.



1l'1DDWN _ ....... ..... , ... --·-..u ......... - ...... _ --·----.. llft'll '"' llft ..

--­llM ...... ..... .... , ............ .,..... __ ........... -· ... , ............

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--·-- . ---~Ul&TN ..... ,. ......


~tu= Sla.,er DeeDec Bridgewater joins J oe Williams, Roland Ha nna and the New York J az.z Quarte t a l 11 p.m. Saturday on " At th Top." a (lrcsentution ot KCE'f, Channel 28.

Positively Last (PG)


VAU.IY vtaw Al CMAHIAN • OAllOCN a i.ov t .... ..,.

~ ... , ... 7:30 1:45

"" ........ ., ............... _. ---...-...---·-"·-·-

NUllCll l ~,,_ .. _......... ,-.. -~ o(Jt

® ......... ., .... "" .... ..... ...,..., .. ,.,, ... ... .,,

,....,. or ... • •-.\ ... ... ... , ... 0 .. ....

........... . .. .. . h . ...... ..

MON.FRI 7:05-t:OS


FROM Fash ion Island Newport Bea_ch



Friday August 13, 1978 DAIL V PILOT (;7 \


'elher land r a bbit , aturda) a l Fashion Island. 1ns1de Ne\C>port Center Orn e. NeY..por t Beach.

ANl'IQUE AUTO SHOW 11:30 a .m. to 3· 30 p.m. Saturday a r FashJon Square, !\l ain Str H t at the Garde n Grove l"reeway, Santa Ana. F'ree

AT TH E HOLLYWOOD BOM'L 8 30 o'clock eacb n ight. Lorin Hollande r , p ianis t , and Catherine Malflt ano, soprano, Saturday : lrllak Perl man. violinist . Tuesday a nd Thursday. Sarah Vaui; ha n and movie mus ic. Aug . 2 1 Tickets at agenl'les


STAN KE NTON In concert, 8:30 p.m . Sunday at Orange Coast College Auditorium. 2701 Fair view Road. Costa Mesa S4. Tkkc~ at OCC Bookstore a nd F ine Arts o m ce. 556-5629.

BAND CONCERT arde n Grove Commuruty Band. 6 p.m . Sunday at Euclid Pa rk. 12762 Main St ., Garden Grove. F'ree.

M'OODY itE&MAN : ts p .m. to 12:30 a .m Sunday through .Aue . 21 at Disneyland ; The Hudson Brothers , 9: 15 and 11 : 15 p. m. Sunday through Aug. 20. $4.SOaduJts. S3 child ren.

BLUEGRASS CONCERT - Buckho rn, string band with Dobroist David Dias, 2 p.m. Sunday and Aug. 22 at E scape Country, in Trabuco Canyon three miles past O' Neill Park. $2. 497·3547.

·--°""--- WAH -..U • IClll IClllTOFFlllON. "THI SAILOR WHO fill FIOM QIACI

WITH 1'MI 51A• llON-FRI 7:20-9:20 SATllUN 1 :204:20-l:20-7:JO.t:20-11 :20




OUTDOO& CONCE• T - Henry Brandon and his orchestra. 9 p.m. Mond-.y at Fashion Island , Newport Cente r Drlvt', Newport Beach. Fr l'e

T UESDA\ '.AlJGU rf 17

·suGAll ' - Mus1cal. 8 30 p.m Tuesday through Aug. 21 al CostM Me:.n Civic Playhouse on t he Ora.nae County •' a ir grounds . Fwr Drive in Cost a MHa. S3 wee knights. $3 SO 1-"tlduy and Saturd11y niehL, . 556-5391.

DOUG KEllSllAW 8 :30 and 11 p.m . Tuesday and Wednesday at The Golden Dear , 306 Paellil' Coast Highway. Huntington Beach. 536·9600.

SUMMER STARUGlrr ERENADE 8 p.m Tuesdav at RecreatJon Park, Se\'cnlh und Park 3,·enues. Long Bench. with the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra and Jonathon Mack. tenor . and Gary Bac hlund, bantone. Conducted by Don Ray. \213 1436·7953.


BLUEG RASS MUSIC Abe Bro" n and Cnnyon Grass. 7 p. m . Wednesday at South Coast V1lla gl' . on Sunflower St reet across from South Coast Plaza, Cost a Mesa. Free Bring chair or blanket

FESTIVAL STRI NG ES. EMBLE Music by Bach, R . Stra uss and Mendelssohn, &. 30 p.m . Wednesd3y a t the First t.:n it cd Methodist Church , 148 Tenth St. , Seal Beach. S2.


OllUS HILLMAN - Thursday at lhe Golden Bear. 306 Paciric Coast Hiahway. HunUncton Beach. S36·9600.

.,..\MING OF TH E SffllEW' - Comedy. 8 p.m. Aug. 19-21 and 2t·28 al Pearson Park Theater, Syca more nnd Lemon streets, t\nahelm . Sl . 533·5278.

DAVID BR ENNER - ComedlAn. 8 1tnd 10:30 p.m . Thursday: 7. 9and1l p.m. Au11 . 20·23 : 8 and 10: 90 p.m . Aug. ·24·25 a l Knot t's Derry Farm , Buena Park. $3 adults, SI.SO children.

JOHN HARTFORD-Bluegrass musician. 7:30 p.m. Thursday on the arc~ms west of the Speech, Music a nd Drama Building at Ca l State f'ullcrton. 800 N. State College Blvd., FUiierton. Free.

t ' RIDA\', AUGUST2t

JORN KLEMMER-Aug. 20-22 at The Golde n Bear. 306 Pacific Coast Highway, HunlJnston Beach. 5.'J6.9600

JAZZ CONCERT - Stan Kenton and students, 7 p.m Aug. 20 a t the Ora nge Co3sl College Auditorium . 2701 Fain i ew Road. Cost a Mesa . S3. 556-5629.

ROCK CONCERT - Kiss, Tl'd Nugent. Montrose , at Anaheim Stad ium. l p.m . gates open, 3:30 con-cert Aug. 20. SlO ad\•ancc. $12.SO al door . Tickets .1 al Ticketron, \\' a llichs .

·' I ~, - ~/


.. ~·- ~~IHlllla 1i~ f11 1~1m1. i.iiM!UH!: , i.nn1 lc.'*'IUlll WIMI l lll lJl lUlll W!ll ~ l Msil ftllR m·hai11u· · .,(j NmL-QIMl~IH::::

f &..... -- - - »... , .... ~ . 'Ullf ff't ...... , .... , .. t= -~-0~1 t•1_..,, ..... t-•t#UJ - ._ · .... .. • - •


....... MICHA£l SAAftAllN °' ....... NOAMMH IJUltTON·ONt'f .US£Y •JOWi DIJtWN



' 1 • A

l • •



DAil. V PILOT Fttday. August 13 1978

. . Bluegrass Coarert Abe Brown (above left> and his group Canyon Grass will play at 7 p.m. Wednesday at South Coast Village on Sunflower Street across from South Coast Plaza. Costa Mesa. The outdoor concert is free. Visitors should arri\•e early and bring a chair or blanket. Food service is available.

Success Unexpected

Blues Singer on the Way Up •1 uaY CAMP8£U, .. ~ ... "' ..... , ..

Thelma H o uston t.houlht you bad to be di.scoverflt by the 11me you were 11 to become a star.

Now, ahe uys . " I think th i n&• happe n when they're supposed to hap­pen and tbey don't hap­pen before they're sup· posed lo."

Sbe has a recordjng contract with Motown. And that compan')' , wbkh broucht its former 5lnger in the Supremes. Diana Ross. to stardom. in the movie ''Lady Sing~ the Blues ." ii. going to star Miss Houston as Bessie Smith in an up· cominc film .

picture . " S t eal on Home. " la out as a alngle record.

Thelma Houston. with btr alert race and sue· c-eulon of Ji vely t•· presslons . doesn 'l look much over 18 but her son 11 12 and her daughter 15.

l'LUI ''TMll~D" ·.-a... ....

And she was Sht> got u job sln&ln~ on a Slmday afternoon itt the 1-' uctor) m Los Angelt's Marc Gordon. manager ol the

5th Dimension , was lhert' . liked her. became her managc-r and in l9W aot he r a contra<'l at ARC-Dunhlll lh'cordll

S.eMl&.t llritlri•.....,_ ..


Coler tit





OOMER by Wa F. lrown _.Mel CCISSOft

~lo!G.S F'R()ltl 1\tE

n I '~O"l6 U IENT ea:x CS' OtNE5E fMl.Cl50Pll'I'


UNITED Feature Syndicate Tllu"4M(1Pv.ultSclMd:

AOlOSS lt11her t Mldt 1 U l"'or1m111

48 Argue ttiu lng 4 9 COHiii 1101se .....

6 !lull la I 2:0,n:ana: ~rrtrfit Irland 53 o""rrtnct

IUCey 5• lnt1fl1ced 1' - NI H y1rn1 l50tlortH 551<nol 110-ly 56 Ch°" onto

IOPll· ""'" lttital td OltCH 11 lflrlt: Prefht 5 7 Baluwy 18Melp .mployM 1t•y lnl1r 58Ht 1tll'lgno tE 11•·· ... 1-0 IClild ol lndtnl1llon1 nf'Oll• _.., "'

ANO ~~£ Pll:> 'QJ 60 /Qol 'bJtl ~'(~~,


IMltltt 5g Hn11t llvtd '°"°"Y one 2 $'lo city more .,..,, to Protrlldino 33 Collr1 slends 3 tf\ltd 60 Ivan -·· llltlttl tlll 38 Hurl roeka II • °'' ttio let Movtt· I t EllPI•• 37 Prtdeltr·

"''" tnlktr de'fotlon to llllntd 5 lettntd 81 Surllct 12 C41ne«nlnQ. 3g Ruin . IAll11T1 l1tn deorenlon 2 wordl 49 fUf lrader 1

Cll)lll l 13 Suffla llurdlHt ah11110 1t11 DOWN mnnilg 10 42 00ll«a

lltlt 1 Metemule'a 21 Tlmetablt, concern S'9tl<1Ment11 tow lor lllOlt 43 Crtwmeti

" .. tdttnt 2 Corn broad 22 Valdlmll 45 Engt11n .. l)eOt 11911 3 Skin lhd'I MIC>Otl I. ll1t CHI! ~rcolem UlytnOY •6 lhowing. lor

b 111n9 I IT ... 2• F0111tltcl lllOft ........... 4 ec ... ~ltcH 4 7 Wlcil l!OIHI ....... mu11e111 ...,,tall in1trumtnl 25 '" 48 Sow '" totltr Rom1n submlulOn lltd 5 .••••• CUI godcltlltl 49 Nu ta ~- Went 10 2& Color SO Genllt _,... aleec> we>sltll 6 F1net1cel 2 7 Maple L1111f lllower 7 Former G1rdllns ... "''' Brlllsll :.>8 Biii ol1111 Aeforl twH colony 29 Forwlfd ~IOI., e UIUmllt 30 P11tor1I

• M1kta 3 t Wike

person 51 Elysium 52Cl1111d to

dtOilft 5<llngenu1lv

by Ernie ...,., .. .,



by Charles M. SdU1 -------~

l ~WG~f r MOMT MAVf BUN, LM'IL TJ.fl f)lf'( THh'

JACl(·KfoJIF'EP A Tl'AILI~ ... .

Frld!Y. Augu t 13, 197~ OAIL V PILOT (I

1"MA1" KIN~ 0,. jOM.-...AI N.1"

W CA ... &,.tV• WITM.1

by Ferd Johnson )be.I 8ET ! WJ




• ,...--llfl " I doft 't.-OW wtlm I've .... 1 fatllicMI *- tltOA- thcre

n .sn't OM fllldrcu I'd e.tier._ '°SCI i11to,"



. I I i

I ' l


FriO.y August 13, 1979

1973 International

Scout 27'

lt74 V.W.IM With 4 cyl .. 4 aoeed. recfio & heatt<. cute lltlle red car. Lie. 878-LRP.

1974 POID PINTO IUNAIOUT with autOrNttlc. rldlo. hellter. Cute little car with Ins then 31 .000 m1lff. One :c:l. at $1 thll pnce, (18 ) \


4'1'f ...... ,

NEW 1976

CAPll AT SJ796 FUU. PllCI.


$41°"764'!.~oVi pnce ~ 1a1 I k. S4910.52 defened payment pu ~ !Ole & IC. ond f.nonce chorQM for 36 rnoni+. on opprovol o f yo1>1 qood Cfed11 AfllNoA peocltltOQe f'O!t1 I ) 18\. S.. G<.E.CSIU 1015

....... ttDll.lftlYt Sc>ott coupe with full mncMrd

equipment. Own it tocMv s.t. GA.ECSR21071


Loaded with all the equipment. Super strong running car. A bargain II lhl1 price. (35eELW)



I-ceded with Ill the eQulpment Including epMd oontrof, Super driving cs. (213COP)


va, Ollie. - • Iott • .., c• .. ,,.._ - .... *" "*· <Mw~ • AM/fM .......... lfOIMOfl

•4599~ 72¥WIUS

3 SIAT , ,,...., ,.,.,~ ..... ,.....,


. '2599 :-:.!:. 74FORDLTD

4DOOI v1 ....... - .1ec1 . .w, ,._,......,




va. - ..._. '-1. •""' . ............... ''""°'







m FOllLTl2DILIT. s199 :.::. ~ ""'plw • ....., . ........ ,,.,_ ... ,,....,_ ..... ____ DOWN _ .. ,,,, .. ,,"" _ _..._


VI,-~•• ,._...., ........ VI . ..... _ , .... eltl9M.. NA/PM-......,, WSW • ._.._. .......................

...... --. ........ (121"*1 (l77UZ)

'3 299 :-:.::. •3999 :-:.::. ~3899~ 75Flll 73 FOii PllTO 75 CllEYIOl.ET WC1•gOT STATION WAGON CAMAIO

VI, ..... .._., '-1. • ._, • .... ., ..... ,..._.... ......... _ ............. ",,.... IJl2GIVl

•4499~ '1999~ 74FOID 741EICURY ~ COUGMW ., ... .................. va, "·' " .ir. , .$., ' · Ollc 1 .. ' · wi.. .. ...... .._ .... , .......... WSW'' f . ...... ..._._., ._..,,., ~ ''""'' '27.H:-:.:. '4399:-u::.






1800cc eng., W$W tires, 4 spe«I, tool kit, 60 amp battery, · wheel covers. tint.Cl glaM, extwlor cnu-up pockoge. (Stock # 1603) (S.. # SGT ARC03646)



75FOID OIANADA 4 DOOi •cyf . ttldr ..... ..... low Mifet, owle. ltlHlt ., 011 CIN._• 'I• WSW tn., tinltd .... I ...... ted, tedio&..._ ...... --. f62'MWX) , 1121.ltOI

'3399~ .. '2499~;:. 75FORDWTE 74PLYIOUTH

2 DI. HAllDTOP ' ouma VI, ..... fad °"• ,... . ._"'9 va,-...._ ,._...., ..

& ......... M.H. wsw-.-r! -'· ~,..... .......... ................ -1324Mff) ..... .-,i .... fO'WJ)

•4599~ '2499~-=-'75 BUICI


A ---if 5 a .. UUllPT. MOWS _ ............. "" ....... -...... ..




:New Task A88igned

, llaj. Gen. A. W. O'Doa· nell, command in1 ceneral, Third Marine Aittraft Wine. El Toro, bu tilo auumed com­mandoflhe ••lr$t Mwi.ne

Friday, Augu~t 13, 1976


l'tC'ftTtOU' ..,.,... .....,.naTa ... .,.

n.. IOll-118 ,,.,..,. I> CllONlf lloltl--.. K• l•l • •• t op• 11111,.1•11•••1 ............ ... ' ••Atul, c:.w- •1 .....,, C.,.._911 t?~J

l 11• 0 A A.NH CMIHL£L, H t ,.,_, c .. - .... - . c..1-­~1

fNl - "t!S l l• C- 11(1 .. I llY 1111 ""' ~

U .. OA&NN (lMEUU. ' "h u.1- m • •• .,, ... "" '~ 111e

CIMl\ty c:Jfi'' ot Or- """"• °" AmpblbJous Force <J ~ .. MAJ.•>. ~.,_ ~- , .. ~, o.i1, "'Joi.

~t. ttlt

He replaced Maj. Gm. 1_~ __ , .. _ ll._20_·_' '_· _ .. _,. ___ aa-__ ,. f,:: .o. Mize, wbo retired ~r more than 32 yevs PtlBUC NOnCE iif.~tive duty. Miie a.150 1----------

tommanded the First ':.~'."r:!~:::r Marine Division i&l Camp "- ~t>t - '°" " ~""" Pendleton. ""'".:,:ei..io C• flte\MI•'· u. w "'~ -----------·I '"-.C.0Ut_..M. C.I. t i.I•

PUBLIC NOTICE Vlrgl"'• a. Arftold, •7• WllloQI" C.l• - .C• I t l t.21 ------------1 '~· .... 1 .... . ... ("'411><1•.J • • <HI If\> .,. .... _

Vlr'9tfll• • • "'"°" lll.I\ - - ,..., Oled ""' '" llW

C....ly Cl••k ' ol C)t - (.ountY °" ~1.1~

6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8


The Bi&P:st MarbtP*• on the Or-.. Coat


led htote •.•.• • • 1000-2999 tentola .......... 3000-.4699 luwu. ,,..,, ..... & finonciel ..• •..... . SOOO·SCWt

One Call Service FMt CNdit Approval

...n. " - •cho: '" .... . . IQOO.I099 Lott & ·~ .. •... 5050-:M'n .... ' --..... • ...... 6000-6099 ,.,....... •••••••• fCI00.9099 1""'9yMent & Aut...-..s & ....,

otieft .•..•• 7000.7199 Transpottatieft ••.• 9' .. "'9

BROIS: A.t.ria .._..c-..Cktt.eir My ... ,..,....

~.~~ ....... 1~.~.~ ....... ~.~~ ...... . .... ,.. tOb •••ral IOOZ Ge•ral 1001

,..... ······~· DAILY PILOT ..

••••••••••••••••••••••• AHUMI $41,000

FHA LOAN BeautHu l u p i r a ded bom~ Walking di tanc<1,1

~··········· ··········· .....•................. Ge•r.. I 002 Ge•ral I 002 ..............................................

ill YOU 4 •'MIAYY'7 I( so. you may wlsh lo consider Utls large 8 bed.room home on the l.ido l!sle bu.ytront. Pool. guest house. sawia. ramous nam~ win~ cellar . Thl' 90 f't . bolyfront lo\ is worth well ovt-r hnlf ol tht! $89S.OOO asklnlt pric<'. If you r eally Jo,·e your boa& park it here.



Wllltyfortt.eftrst urnct ........... Ollly. tn ~ h o11vl n ~ c1•nlcr , Dl•llleAof.....,. .......... c •.

5chools oud iOlf \'ourt-e~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ccn1rml"l kilch~n with : J n~<' fi.lmlly aNa O\'t!I'• •••rel 1001 ., .. ,., 1002

Mlitlwr's Notice: llST Mft .. Pt.AM ... THI aUFFS loo In s: t~v.,rej pulit" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• All I d d .,.. ond 11nni c ur 1.1v y :in . !'\'u est1.ite a vertis 1: Quiet cul de sac street. A rare find. Show 1tus ho mo to rour JUIT RIDUCIO

1 ~~ ~~~r.~~~af ;.~? M eticutously maint ained by ad.alt fussy buyera a.nd th..-y ' ll $2100 !!! ~o::':a.:i' llo ubtni: Al't of 196 ow n e r s : 3 Bdrms .. 21t'l bas ., bu.Y 1t!Cat1~,e767 .. forawi5c honwb11yt<r : " ' wh1t·hmakei. 1t illegaJ t con v'ersation pil w/fi r epl ace . ~1 "' 11 ->· •11 • UN• ~ u•. ·r• 4bdr ms . or 3+{'onvrrt. A rah• rind In t h li. ·•d\•Art ise " a n y p r a 't l S rift Do [~ 11~1·11 !~1 den. Oil quie t . \' UI tl~ s nr bt•n ut lfu l. cuoven l1•111 u " " Communa y poo . lv;r,500. 20% wn. • .. " ·! , .. b t h fltrcnce . hm1tat lon, o ' street . C' l~e to lilt' wat\lr :ll'ea ; '- " ' r mi- .. " a l>.

d15cmmna lion batted on ZI 11 -~ ... l..t . ~ j & borderm~ 1111 a rea of with a . ~wec 1) 11 111 vh•w I •· · MIWPOltT C..._ M& 644-4910 . -•-••••- "A" hom<' d"\t•lo1m1enl f1·om h v1ng & fllm 1lv ral•c. co or, reug1on. ttex, ~·- " ~ c.. , t I f

or na11onal origin . or un - - new purk l>•ke IP,11ls · rms . .,.. l\l>c• wn c 1 rom mll'ntion lo make any LEASE 11ood :;rh uo\11 . Sfl.000 t h \• 11H ludl' d p a t io such prefenmce. lim1ta· •••"4 IOOZ •••rel 1002 RecenU)' in vested for $107,!.'i)IJ. lion, or discrimination." ••••••••••••••-••••••• •••••••••••••-••••••• • muny exlr11s. A .: rt>ut 2107 Alt• Vaata

FORTUN"TE OPTION value alSGS.000 Opn Sat/ S.A. 1-5 This newspaper wm nol Ne~rt Duplex " c f C I rth knowint:ly accept a n y DISCOVERY Anxious owner wlth va· • • 0 8$W0 IY !s'!~:er~~l:h'isf?: v~!1!~ ~a~ay.~~~e~~o~t~~~ ~~:S~ 1~~tt11~':-~f'. ~~~! T'::J! ~0':!~;:~~ ~c~:~h lffffon •40·0!~ l~LiT!1~ti••l tion of thelaw. Newport Beurh duplex yard,3 bedroon)S,family h o m e ove r l o o k i n g 4llOROOM @t?,- ........ ;;11

Hot.Mt for Sat• oUe rs greal .appre<:iat ion room a nd sepa rate dln· Newport Harbor. need s AT $55,000 IN • 67


• " ~enliul. It s a two.story In g room I o r a nolhe r some pa int and scrub· HU ... Tl ... GTO ... ICH .. '"•'""• L', , ••

1 11,,, .

1 .•

11 \J

••••••• • ••••••••••••••• wttb 2 bed rooms a nd 2 be'.'droom ). SG6.500. Call bing, but the owner 1s re· " " " ,. '' ,. ' ' f OOZ ~at~ on each floor il.nd &'73·8550. udy lo dt•ul. CALL quick- Giant shade lrcei. Sh c ll t!I'

••• •••••••• ••••••• ••••• it 's like new. Full pnce <>'IN 1119 .irHo., ·...>h• "'"' ly S5G·2660 this bright cheery hom e. - '* SPECTACULAR •

·~~:elD .:=i: l• IHNM ·~~IES ~i~rt~f~~~i .~u~~~.~~~~,. A long country lane NEW HOMIS and punehnA. Used brick OPEN SAT / SUH 12·6 ~ed beneath an um· In vesto rs o pp ly. Will A.Y.$5.7 tO.Q firt.>plael'for those winlel' 21!1 N

1\ 1',\ tTa k e v.

~-----..JiJttlta-ot-towering trees tfil·d~oll~e-ti<H1-of BAV-UIEWll -- • ewntn :s.S-cparare"faml· l\olill•tJ oJIV:tlel Oro > leads .to thi s rus ti c <'ertifie d di a m o nds & ii I .. Only ..J left . Formal tile ly room. covered wood 1~ hdrmi1.


2 bath, 1~

hldeway. Big wooden 3 ..!tern stones for home In l\facnlficent 5 bedroom e nt ries . C hoose you r patio a cct>nts low m ain lcun rm, d in r m , llv rm, bedronm ranch sits on II . 8 · & C · M · a r e 11 • home, upgraded tllruout; c arp e t. Used b r l ck tcnance yu rt! with fr tu l

11rnt dee, \! t1 lry fountain

I (


P. I L 0


c L A s s I F I E D

6 4 2 • 5 6 1 ·8

enormous ~a acre! Ex· 536·0272eves . Gourmet kitc he n with fireplaces. Vaulted c•cil- t rees flurry• It wun ' l &l· ,,.ll·as. eculive entry to sweep- t · • t 3 in1ts. AM lf'M i!'torcom . last . M2·2S3:'i · ••• "''" • o SlST soo i n1 l i viag room . BIG CANYON c':s':::~11 5f:~:·~~ep~:es. Huge master swdles. Two ortN1110 · 111 •uN' '' '1111 I\:.., ·~- ~--·- · Gou rm et kllcben , ( . I I d and three be rooms . [8' I Ra.re Bordeaux mode l. pro ess1ona an scup· Ov 'zed ,, O> 11~~·11·~ separate Mom-Jn·Law 3bd, 3ba, lg master bu Ill&, beautiful put10 over · en1 .,arages . n· , I quarters . Soaring vaultedeeillngw/aunken looking water. boat s lip crele d riv t' s . S hake . · ;• • s tai rcase l o bedroom bath , s uns hine kilc h. and pier. You'll fall in roofs . Room for nv park· ,· .. ..... , •• 1 -eomi l ex 1 A rustle 'ove with It!! This ho me ing. Locatt•d in heu rt of -- - -

overlooks celantt.'<I patio • Hunt1'n"'on Beach "" II para ise 1., horse coun· d ls truly Cor the mo<ie rn " ' · "" V S II & prof. In scpd. >' • By nowM2 2US MEW USTIHG

tr y . • cant . e e r owner, $145,000. Agents up·to•date ho1tess who oPfN111~ · 11s.•VN•o e1 M<" de1pera,e. Try $7,•00 + 3..-. Call for wknd l oves to e ntertai n . EASTStDE C OSTA

~~~~~;~~~!~~~~~ a:::a STOIY S240.~i4M141 [:e$1l~lltll =:~~~~lt·~~f;~1~~~~ ll&Ji •NEWPOltT , -•••H•1•.,.. ping . Large lot with ulle>

~~lllJEl' Vacant11i1~!~Y Con· 3huge ?:a~zi!!s o~ Ira ~~1; :;;;es.

JUNITS dornin.lurn ideally local· lot. Beller aec tou ay. -RE•• ·rv-e d . Walk to sc hool. '46-1711 ~

S Br Hse + New Duplex, super plush. E . Side C.M. $1311,000. 548·9673 a.I\ SPM ownr. agt.

Includes pool, bilUards, •

lluana 4t Tenni•. Owner ,... """ • • · . I · lounge, pavilkln, jacuul, ••a C,.....DIT10HID I I bad to move North Anx· IY THI SEA . 1- Want Ads ious to sell . Tuke advan· ' Bedroom, 2~ balh con· -~~~~~~!_-

C II 546 2313 do near t he ocean ror MOWISTHETIMI ta~N,,~t· 11-s ;U"1 ro 81 N<'ro Yt'•r round 1whnming. SPAMISHISTATI

I« job aeeken to checJc II Family r0<>m and dining ... Z.toO. 'I• ACIE lb Da.ll.y_l!.iJo..1 Help m 3 decks Beautiful -Wanted classification. If roo • · ~ , · 'Cul · de ·'&_.c s h e lterS' the job you wllJll is not b' decorated. 1 ool. ten· private court yards! the re you mi&ht coo·~~~~!!!jljl(!lj!lflfl nis courto ~nd .;..mi:~e Spanish marble entry 1 tder offe ring your rrJ~1· "Y • · tF~!'_d• d~d.obe wall:.' servtces with a n ad ln PlllFBtllO Ol'fNh1i . 11s 1VNroar11rerr -ta uung room 1·

t h e J 0 b w a n t e d ~ I lites Cantlna kllcben l cate&or)'. Phone'42·S678 R~SfTSIDI • ·1.lil•llll.J VaulUd ceilings accent

l~:=======:::::-·· I 3 B "' am room , t; Jj£tijli Spanish archways and beautlCully upgudcd , , om•••••-- s ec I u de d s tudy ! light and 1iry family ' Separate Camily room. A home . Completely r e - GOLF COUttSI 3·bedroom Casa on huge modeled kitche n with v. acre . Won't la s t new appliance&. Ne w ISTATE weekend · try uny offer . carpeting and drapeii. $1JJ,OOO 847~10 Oversiled pool and nice Executive home for l.rg Cl'lllf111•· 11sru~iro8t'Nrel•

e ntertainme nt a r e a . fami ly, r harm or open !:till 1fLI ~~~~~ s~:~~ciate ! ~~i:£~i;~::l:::~rt~~ .~ll~ft)j~

"'""'"' S...M f4>rever view. Call toda y 'f-- on this new offering. BACK IN REALTORS MS·~91·

Is a QOOd day to acfvertlte In the Deity Pilot . c..-tled Sectk>n.



Balboa Coves. <I Bdrms. & famil y rm .. 4 boths ; 2 lovl' IY patios. S andy beach . d ock for 42 l't. boat. Sl7!l,SOO 6'7J.36113 673·8086 eves.

associated ii '1 " l fl•, ~ .. I\ l T ( 1 i./ ,

; , "" Qq h •> I ' ,,.,,

'ounli murnrll exec cpl dt•llh'('fl 10 h Oll!!<' &It & curv fur )'Our h~1111c . Xlnl rd1t . !HM · Qi 17 C \ ' Cl> .

673 3'11 1 1Sally I doy!I



'" t ht•


S~\\ci}}A-!~~s· Tllot l11trit•;119 WOif/ Go1H witll • Cl1t1dlt ------ ..... " ftA• • . 'Ol&.MI

• ;_ ,o_ .....,, ol llw fW' ICIO~i.d -41 .... ..,.. .. '°"" hN• _ .. -d•


r I I I I I·

It S C A N I L I I I

I N Y D A D I ~ I I I

' l \

f !" M old fft•ft '•"'*"'• ., M.e

Plelll\I of ~1rl\ • t "'Y !Ml bvt , ... Otlfl I ~t ert too old IO

~ Ill DAT

,_ ________ *""... • ••

I· ~:::-.... ~~ I I I r I '--'--'---..a.~. - ......., i. ... - ,...., ~ ......

SCIAM-UTS A.twen .. C'-Mflc.tiM IOIO


Walker t; lee Real tsrare

YOUR BOAT •.• OR CAMPER. thru your own boat gate .. en· joy the beautiful patio

ea.a.MISH MAMSIOM with buillin brick BBQ _.-"'J s urrounded by s pli t ON HILL c.dar renclng. Thi s

POOL-HACH Costa Mesa 3·bcdroom 2 SS9.900 bath home is idcul for

Wr.ougbl iron .entry to outdoor living and conve· huge 11 vlng room with nlenl to schools a nd :.hop· vaulted ceilings a nd fl oor ping. Only $48,000. Dy up· t o ceiling fl r e p 1 a <'C . polntmenl only.

Dramatic gulle ry . We t IA jGuail ~ bar. Spiral s t ni r<'ai;e lo • PIGC9 . sparious ma~tcr sui te & ...._ Ll­c hlld r e ns qu a rt ers • ..-.-r..,...._ <.:ourmet klt<!l1t!n. Ulne. /<600 ouJ'sl•'f!t;., am" Lui1h h•rr11rl'11 lllJ ll R V ~ ror thli; dcc:orutor ·i; <IC· S IR·S49,5001 li~ht. 00:\ 111111. •SSUME $274 MO.

"""" '119

' ' ''IJ" ,.,~, ''' ,. 61/ 0;. LN-YACAHT

1 • ae·111 ~:i~.~~::::.·~ --- chlldrt1n 'i1 playhuu1w . No

IASTSIDE now loon ('Ot1t t1 n n u~ IE UTY llumpllon or 1J1 ~·.. v 1\

A lm111 ! $Z74fmo. flUYll 1111 ! Cle11n 4 bdrm, 2 bn. ho me Call fiuit - 762·1700. In v<>Pul 11r lorot inn Wulk ni>r" 1,1, . ,, 1 rVN1n ~• ,,,.,, , to 5cllool~ & 11 hoppln 11.

u1ke 10 bc 11 1:1i . t·om e jW ll~11·11· lJ1 hqmc & re lllX In jncuui. 1 '. i)' Jt Nt'wly ll11ltd ul S00,000. 1 ~~:J.-li.i •• 111 •• li.llii.-IJ 5'~·9'91. .!Jr

Wal~.1:1 I'. l 1;c ffllill I !i lH ft:

RBUCIDll OW N t: R ' S MOTl · V/\TEO! r •• r~ t! ' br home, beaut fnrn rm.

=~--1 for mu I d in rm . qule~ FLUOR Ptor LE lreeli.ned lltrt'Cl . Hurr~.

10 min to Irvine, 5 n.tr. own e r mu at. mov e: . not 182 500 but $62 500 6'15·0303 VA OK. Ownr, 842·1U8 . FOltHT OLSON IMC

- 1002 .... ,.. 1001

a: 11111 ILlllS aa.


VIA LJDO NORD -.BA YFRONT Wllh Pier & Slip. Great View of Bay. 2 Story 5 Bedrooms, Wet. Bar Te.rrace Deck. Fabulous ffome for Entertaining, Now $318,000 • 881DOVER DRIVE &31·1800

·Easy Partners!

9249 8-18

I ' . I.

t 'I

lr., 1ff ,....; .... 1Tf ""'-r'-

Storybook Doll!



Oeh~h\ 311 •au • Ith lhi\ onChAnl1np , \ luffed doll!

Sho'• Jbllul 1 1.111en~' tAll end looks u i i atie lu•l sleo· pcd 0111 111 t cltthl's l~vor1t• bOokl run lo mokt •nd lo t1ve! P1I. WIT ~1101n lritm. di · recllon$ tor doll, clot~e. $1.00 ror tacit Ptllern. Add

On• of lht pleuv10 of sew· 354 e1c11 p111em for f11i.\<lus ln1 IS PICklnr. '3b11c 101 '" 1lrmall •nd hand!fn1c. S111~ lt1 outfl~ ll~t l h•JI 1r, 11111 tc comt>lnt mu111~01or•d &ff1Pt$ Allee 8rOQk l .,,lh lOli d p•nl\ Cny s~ .. ! Nff<jlll()rtlt o .. pl . 105

P1l11ted Pattern 9249. Mims' D•11y Piiot Sim 8. 10, 12. 14, 16. 18 . 80• 163, Olcl Ohel11oa Sta . Silt 12 (bu\t 341 lop 7 y1rdl New Yofk , NY 100 1 t Print 45-lnth. o•nl\ 7~ ya1d1 Na ll'le . AdOrto. Zip, St nd $1.00 for ucn oalttrn. Peuiw n Number Add 35<' for e-c~ pattern :or MORE tlltn em btfor•! 20C first.class airmD• I. !landlln~ designs pl111 3 ''" printed ln· StM 1'1 slcle NEW )978 NUDl CCRAff Marian Merlin CATALOG! "" ewtytlll111, 75c. Pattern Oept. 442 Crtellet wltll ~9· t.00 Daily Pilot Crtclltt I Wlffrth 1.00 232 Wtrsl 181h St , New 111"1 ~ ltlflU • f,00 .. ,,,. c.-., 1.llO York, NY 100 11 . P1lnt Sew + lalt IMl US NAME. ADDRESS . ZIP, """9,.illt 9'" UO S I Z E a n d S T Y I. E '1ntr Cttefltt a. ~,01 NUM8EA .... ,,.. Cltdet 1tt11 _ 1ANI h ,.. laew llew te att t tllltlllt Ctedlet .... ·- JO """" ""' ....... "' l11Nlt............ . uo • ... lllMfllrter httfnl l111tMt ......, IMl .. SI .DO Cit.NI-cit, ct.,.. iltSltt "' ~ Ifft llM . __ .$t .00 lrM ~ ef '"' elltlet. Cl__.. ~· ltt .St,• ltN "- 11.t 12 '1'111 AfPln f '2 • - 1Dc S.. - WI l tt• SUS 1..a rA II ""'9 t i . ...-94 lnblllt ...... Crafts JIM lllle'"9 ...,.._ :'J to• ladllt f11111tt1 119' . St.• 1t hllb llf f~ i i Mic ...... ...... .... 11.M ... , .. ; • Jltfr ... ••





....... ,.,.Wt J .......... W. ............ Wt , ...... ,.,.Wt ..._..,.,.Wt , .......... Wt r- Fr•day. Augusr t3. 1976 DAll.VPll.OT _...

...................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!E!lr

._,_, 100281•1.. 10021-nll l .. Je1u.. IMI .._,.. IMZ G••r.t 1002 HMMtForS. , ..... ,_~ ..._..Fors. ~ ........................................................................................................................................................................................ ···············~_,., ... t• M4tto I 024 C06h Meto I 024 °" leec .. ',40

HAR I OR VIEW HOMES .......... •••• •• ••••••• •••••••••••••• •• •• ••••• •••••••••••• •••• ••••••• BAY & BEACH REALTY ~::a'l:it~~',~~i~el~°!el&}o~!:i ~~~ TWOS~~:.:0•01.iUTY - dining. On private lot - Comm. MESA YERll CREAMPUFf o uut\ru l e 1.1 t'\l\l\' u

OPE .... s•t I 5 pool & park Just s teps away . BY OllAIER homt. 1'tu., c hatl1\U( l\ igh " "" • • Near-new appliances, ceramic kit. nn oultt:d (•t:ihn g, bv y

210 I E. IALIOA ILVD. floor. puri fied dri nking wate r . Hidden 2 story extra lanre 4 bedrm 11hi.kc. lov~l>' lornull din. '~ ly 2 Balboa p · f Ci - •- hoche . Wnlk·in ,.l~et.s , formal dlnln~ rm .. Ir ~ to m rm ~ve ·story oant custom water so lener, gas rep1t w sep " w tooll C'l-plc. t>t>cotatt•d built hom e. just steps to your private BBQ. OPEN SAT. & SUN. 12·5 rm. argc family rm. 3 ba. New plus Jikt-> u model. r rlv111h' beach & boat ramp en NewPort Bay or PM. 19'6 PORT CARNEY. {Z10) carpetinJt . Wet.bar, beautiful pool. rock r\IQ' )'3rd f('lr <'hfldrcn . wide ocean beach with fine swimmlA.t TlllllllC TOwt•tOMI Joyn ,._,64J.1Jll wa terralls & j:tcuiii. Overlooks f\ltu.re w oo 't lasl. Ms-9491 •

"body surfins. Private tennis club ii ·Recentl y r e done Mon aco with MACMAl-'lltVIMI REALTY 1' .. airvit!W ttc1:1onal Park_ Owner bas


11 - •- - a vailable 3 .Bd.rms •- .,._ ... master s uit .. down.stairs a n d two purchased new homt>. " HOT TO ~ • .,... hmllY rm . SlSS,000 • • or.m• . .. e . bedrooms ups"tairs. All new decor plus MOVE. .. •_ ' I J 3car garage. built·in vacuum, rolorful • 111r• 1001 •••ral I002 Off..-MAtStH.000 ~ --·~·~

ti C ....................... ........................ ~ ...... HOUSI .... , ...... I ltau


High above ConJna dtl Mar. almost new 3 . bdrm., family rm. & formaJ dinjng rm .• with panoramic view. Best priced home a t $10.S.OOO INCLUDING LAND · <not leasehold >. T urn up Spyglass Hill Dr .. o(( oC San Miguel

- - -~-- ---\

IOOZG1Mr .. 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

pa os and Big anyon ambiance. Call --U"O - ._.. ·.-- • Nf.WCUSTOM umo:s to see (call to see what ambianc~ ATTIMTIOM 201tSw•Drt .. HW177 2 o r :. l\ r ' ll , 1 b:.1 means>. w,N• !' r':.}~ ·X .P · A·N· Dd 2 Duplexes ~~ w/fl'))lc 's. calh~-dra 1 ce11.

· ·G iaU\• •r 1n~r,~h· inf¢l' bltn TV ., phon\' in th~ addltion1tJ s ole$ $36,000 heh outlc-u. ki1 r h••o:1 w/h 11 nd represtnt~wcs- l~'O for Vista 11~11. 2 Uedrooms 0tN W.to I 024 Co1te Meso I 02 rt.nlsht..--d c11binelt1. $$?,000 n -sidenuul lillll!t. & Ollf' ea l.' h . All 11a r i;c p la y •••••••••••••••••••n•• •••n••••••••••••••••• whlle th<'y lnst . Cot a MW C'ommcr<: 1ol s 11rd11 a nd s detached G I L Wcst!lidc Rt•alty. lht• diVlS!On l'le usc call / or ti.irages. Long term l\.'· • • oan MESA VERDE S.·2323 Ref. a..101 appo1.nlmcnt. (J ean Cole nunls m o<'fupancy. No 4 + Family Rm. -:- --

U~l(.)UI: OOMt:I REALTOR~ 675-6000

2443 bst Coast Highway. Corona del Mar

-- -- --- -- -- - ·-- ---.... , .. 10021

Ga•r .. or Oon Von G11ldern 1 care . no bookklleP · Available to a11yooc. 10~ TRI l£Yfl

1002 COLIOFHEWPORT ini; t propert» manage- interest G.t. us:.umublt< • \. CUL..01-SAC •••••••••••••••-•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• REALTORS mcot docs it all. Very low loan. S f ear old young ex· L.:lvlsh • ~drQOm, :r bath 3 Bedroom, 2 ball\ with

675·5511 ilown OK. Seller wUI help erutlve. Entry hull . 3 with 2 fl replnces & large new carpe ts thruout l>... I ~ .. ~ ---~ - - flnll1'Ce· Call us on this b.a t h s . b i g b r i c k view dt'Ck for eleaant en· Near schools, nll atore & eJ.id,oJ~{f, . moneymaker. C1 rep lll c c, dr e am te rtaining. Like oew freeway . Quiet sare

Dacrffnf DMuplex l~UPER~) :~~~tTe~~d~·~~~-'f.~~~ s;~prekt:~ngg &v:tuat):I c\~~~·~ t$6i~9!~io~~~ WA18ROMT

New-under construction ; contemp. Cape Cod, 4 BR. 41/z ba ., playrm. or 5th BR .. 2 frplcs . oak nrs., lndscpg. Pier & float. $360,000

Lido Nord . 6 BR. or 4 BR. & 2 BR. apt. On sandy beach . $295,000

osfa esa OMES has jus t been l isted. S95.ooo s..16~. Th'\s be ;i!l'led eellll\ g hurry, Dl\R . r a il t62· 777t -~~==~~~~ ~au\y 1s JUSt ttie hom e lM&W.a..er,C.lliL 540·1'720 • -tor Grandma. All on ont: ,.._. 10 11erti.ete..ut 'II - . story and walking di!>- 549· 1655 - I I Ii tan~ to WestcllfC s hop· · . •

ping too. Let the rent l~~~~~~~~~1~=~~!!!~~~1 help pay ,the mortgage . • ......._ P-.1.-. . ...l- ' 007 '' # I Ill Colton.lo" Dy appointme n t only . -o -­WlLL £..'{CHANGE Only ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4B R . 2 8 A . VA · OK . 10'7o down. Reduced! S Br, 3 ba , nr. $49,75Q. W / s ide C.M. 4 BDRM. HUGE fam .rm.

boy &ocean. S164,500 P ILOT REAL ESTATE .Metio Verde home: 3273 "3" IRAHD MtW1

...,._ :itarshall Rily 675 - -- • - OPEN ~at/Sun J-4, or I ... M_.. d · ~

137 VIA HA VIE OP84 SAT /SuM. I ·4 4 Bdrms.. lge . priv. patio; SO ft .,

..-..--.str.eeL-to.- s t.r.eet._ .Owner wrn finance with low down. S162,000

II ,n .. -1. ~ 4 BR. 3 ba .. $137.000 540.CIMS Nlnnesot a orr G 1s le r . Custom homes just c~m ·

Pl- H~w<l fln. J Br 2 Ba ca ll a nytime , S48·3209 P .:teu. . vuern up alt; - a•YfROuT r d ' · · bl. • ~ qua.lil..Y w1lh vaulted ce1l-PI ap•rtilt• ""' "' orm rnc. cpts . tns. ~'l. i nu 3 b drm hug e

752_...,0 · 2 Br . 2 . B a . Co n do . fplc . a ss um e VA or ? x.":'!..~~tlU master. Soll:earth\ones. 1.ooou,\1UtWWP011tW1CH Punoram1r v.1~~ . s ub · 549"3139 ·.as--- --- A Vllluc, ONLY $31,900! - - ~~':rlp8~'jfo/- b{t&· 3-Br-2-Bao,flew-pafot.-cplfl, Won'l lasl ! 1168'445'

!::::~ .......... !~~ !::::~ .......... !~~ VA TOWERS lnd.scpd : .. + Guest .. orr le"" r-~ ;} ! 11,. i YOUASKID FOlm-

BILL GRUND Y, REALTOR I l •1 Y'' l• [!,,., ' • ~' '1 ') bill

~ ... I

104 VIA HAVIE OPEN SUM. 1·4 l---------t J IO l''ERNANDO gar. $$1.500 Owne r /Agt. ,,_ ......-..ica. c.X<' us v POOL 1 !01\~E in . large

4 Bdrms .. d e n / ll. brary wi·th frplc .. · JUST IEOUCED OP EN SAT & SUN 631·2111 listing ! Out$tanding award-winning . prestige M•GMIFIC-..T A bl - bdrm. Mesa \'t'rde doll ho Lo t rd

formal din. rm.: Teak kitchen, Oak I - iiia. "' -"' ssuma e ~~~· Ow ne r <213 EAST6IDE l:ustom 4 Br 2 house. Dining .family rm . Pl~~~u r:S"::'~~n ~ f: h i. flrs .. s undec ks . S210.000 f~ ---~ SANDPOINTE OR NOorLODOWNon a --- Bu , tpt s . drps . d bl Covered patio ~ew cuslomiied from ceillna.

~ LOCATION new VA loan. ooth1s im· CONDOOHBAY garage . l, g e pati o , batbroom i.. 8ea11t1f u to floor. Family rm , 4 ----=- ·_. Prime location. Ideally macuJate 3 bedroom , 2 $67 ,950. Ow n e r / Altt carpet i.. d r ape s. bdrm. gorgeous atri um. JUST REDUCED s ituated 10 pride of batb hom e with brick East view of bay, l,br. 631·2711 wallp11ptir. Only~9.9SO. Roman bath. wa llpo11 per •

. . a nd lhe owner Sa) s. ownersb.ip area. Magnifi· firepl ace double Rarage 2ba, J>OOI. subterrama n - - JLM WELLS REALTOR stooe t'P. 1-'or thll well ' 'Letssellir " 3t>t.droom cent home beau11rut1y imd fresh paint In and prkng, boat s hp avail. 557·6264 979·2631 q u alified executive • · upgraded itnd tastefully out.Ask'o$49.950. 67S5_,8.;!~ _o , b y owner . ~AJ1QQO THREEONALOT buycr. 714 / 968-4456 a~ den charmer on 3S ft. appointe d plu.s huge ... .,.,;J<N .rt"t

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I aUnddo bl~n'~~lkot'w~ths ost!a~·~ed bonus room ., Fam lly C ,..,_. M I 02 Hrrry! C•'t Lost! Separate units, sc111m1l \J p E R S 11 A R p 8 y ~ ..... " m oom Corm Id Co I! ==i\ CM'OMun _. Lovelv 3 br home on yard.~. good area ~ 812.000 OWN R •••r• 100 Getler.. 1002 glass accents. Now of. r '. a ine. u~- I ••••••••••••••••••••••• J 642~ Agcn lmmac 4 Br, 2 Ba t\o e. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• fered at SJ4S.OOO. t!'>' kitchen. Air cond•· p ~La.- TURN l(EY . _ shady t ree· lined street. Lo pool. pallo, gall B~Q.

64" 9900 tu.med and intercom 9 ap•I .-a ., Large lot . w/ rcar yard 3br , 2!hba . :!', g a r + ., CUSTOM 112 v- throughout plus 3 car ;;.;:; PERFICT access. 645·7221 s uper bonus rm Up, On lg corner lot. Close lo

LI.Ye In A Park! ACIEESTATE t/1..fil-'IJ.l,<W.tt garage. Muc h , muc h MOOOIM&nM MACN On1 •-- to c t ' CENTURY 2l 1trad~$ . Xlra .s • . New m ajor shopplngcent<'r& l IDRM RANCH mo r e . Owner bought - y 1

-"" aro a lOl'I WESTCLI FF REi\l.TV Kitchen Crpt. S6S.OOO. s t• h I ti . 1 n c I u d In B Thlsranch style homcon $56000 valley Realty· a nother II~ m11 11l go. Park. 1'nimmaculate re· T erm:.. tO • .•. do wn Colde n w~st Coll ege . huge l26 x l 90 lot h a~ • Call now. 544.2313 . • cently rem odeled 2100 v S&t.500. lowering tre es . Wide Tree lined approa«h \0 oPfN llt O• llHUN10tiN~I · Di« Canyon Condo Sq. Fl. 3 BR + den~ 3 B•, MESA VERDF. 3hr. 2ba, ~~39..!.~· OP EN HOUSt: . lown;. , lush pla nting. 4~· th 111 d e li ghtful m i n i --~ -

1.• I uwg home. Formal Omlnc . FR .. by owner. 561 ,500. Sun. Aug t5. IOAM • .al?:\I.

~f ~rr:~~~~ t' ~1a ;~~b :?i~f:w 1:~t~.n ~:~ P~':f.. pt~~:~:! .: ll~ft;ll Yersa~lles Model ~::'~[~. s~i~-:a l' I~~~ -!213 Iowa . C: M. ~'8l_!~ ~!:'!!:~! ........ ~~.~~ 15'1i2 ~=~~~~~y· ~11;

REAL BARN with gue~ t ranct' . J. n r~e fa m~ I > uuo- 550 OOO .~ ~---·-~·-- Outstanding 4 bedroom. bellevabtestoragc . , - -- -quarters + works hop. sliA'd ll\'1ng room w1\h "' -. • 412 bath Big Can yon ••dllsive Hstt.g MEA.R Commercia l !and. 3.11 ~6.Ml<> lovt'IY like nu Con· &estolter1r1s. $195.000. wall or glass View or Co~y 3 bedroom - 2 bath horne. _Mu~b SOllght after 644-721 I llCl"eS aloni; Co;ist Hwy. do. 2 bdrm . t h ba . pool. Opeft HOUM Suft I .5 s pruwhng i: rounds :inrl home. Need~ some TLC. c..- parft e!K' unit Wttb spectacular IACK BA y OwMr 11 will <'On6ide1 968·3708 Owner . H.B.


20th'5t CM fru11 orch:ird Country Assu mabl e VA loan . CUSTOM view of tb6 Golf Course. Popular Eastsidc"Cos ta tleu'!!e . Sale or jmnt vcn .._ ______ ... _

• k1tcbu n11186ive s lone Prlct'd at s.1$.650. Cull f0&' - Co:&y .den wjtb llttPJace · '"' '" Ror McCardle fir e.,lace t:>in in& room appointment. &46·711 1 Not realty but.. .so com· opens to courtyard area ~esa.- Quiet~- cukde.·.sac. . SUPER1fOU$£

lle9ltor II •o Hew has pe((ged wooden floor . Of1N tt1 q , .,s,v11o!f 1, ct• pletely upgrad~ und <'JC· wilb a bealed. jacuui !~~- ~!r1~iotu~r!:°~sg ~ AMCHOUSI . -Cot .. Meto541·77Zt Separate wing for l'Wli~1·1;·~1 :if*lrere~~~ ca1or .\,t~~~~: ~pa. EnjoyexecuUveli~" TW"UOUSES bedrooms p lu.s family IUVa•-....-s "Uaths. Cor " Olrly old --------m1secluded mast!lr s ui t(! ---...M ... t._ look' f · lit •bl 1ng at Its best m this v-n r oo m . l og i 'S i i e d '""-'"'~' men and clean young - - - and ch\ldr~n·M <1u11rt crs. ., j ~ or 1ub ~ ~ dramatic 3700 . sq . ~t . I VJ LOT-3t•.•t• fireplace. countrv (7141496-771 ~ ladie1'". 4 t:Ktr o l:irg<' ---------t llUJ'l'V ! f'irsl to see get.. • m.s .. a , an home. Ea11y walking d 11· " ., " " bedroo ms. FORM AL OCUHFtlOHT this unique find : 963-7881 - ~at dtnml. don t m iss l ance t o Big Can yon beam ~lings , fireplace, . . ldtchen. bu1 l~· ins. C'Ov· d ining room . Spaclou~ """lu•"" tripla v ·

3 bdrm r;:,,,, ,,, q,,, ' ' ~<N 10 11 '~f OCEAN VIEW this property. Too m.any Country Club a nd recrea· neat house in front . 2BR erect patio & !>Ont park· Owner Brand new Tr'I fa m i 1 Y r oo m w I th

'"" "" "~ · " features to adverllsei . I ·1• · .... 20 000 2ba new Wilt over 4·ea.r i n , f; ,. P r i c e d plex. 2bd, 2ba. wulk i "

t~o :!·bdrm , 2 huth rcn· ----···-··- spacious tn ·ll'vel condo 64Ml61 garaire.ta-0200 MO·l 720. 67s.S666. TOCYAVatSB:?,950. 2 buth own(•r 's unit plu:; [9 li~1.11.~1 -i:-rul.Y lux~ry 11\•u>g. Call 546-~ · uon ac1 ,ties. - • ro sell l ast , utrn. Call c 1 ose l !! . S 123 • 5 0 0 11replace & wet bar. See

\als . Xlntcond S289.000. '. . ·I b ~~~vef~c!fi~n~ i~::::i:t :.~=~RvlEWlilL~ · li-· Bl. .962·Vi71 Vch1xe duple>. , 2 bdrms . location W/\'iew or bay & FIXER UPPER B Toro I OlZI I 2 bu .. bit· ins. rrplc .. i 4 IHM +POOL ocean Don't wail to en· FaDtaltic view of b uy & ....................... 1 I 1


e:at'h -u n1t . Super s un Exr e llent F .V. home, joy lhe goodllfe646-77ll. NeWportCenter- Swim'g "# ltnC•forwla" BEAUTIFlJL:fBrtiome.11-!!! __ _ de(·k 4 Cur gara i:e famrm. cov pat io, heat · COSTAMESA pool. lrg llv rm, 4BR, ·· deep \;'I the woods ofl , $189,500 ! cd pool. All new tw>me CHAIMEI 2bll . Needs work, bring Lake Forest , spaeiou~,~--------

~:!'!:'"0P· reatures. F.V 111. Ca ll l llDIOOM N.1. CONDO ~°i':.~~l"a\~~~;~i60~oly OPEN HOUSE. ~= .. S:.i~~]."g areas, NEYER 675 7060

~-\7S4or968· 337I 2 IATH C o mp . r edecorat e d _ 14STSIDE * • * Nestled a mong trees in Wtthe bestof everyUung. Large family home 4 br. fo.otcHnValley 1034 OCCUPIED * * ---------i beautiful homey area of 28R 2ba. fplc . bltns , lrtra Country F rench 3 yr old , 2 ba, family & d ining rm, ••••••••••••••••••••••• . * .

Scll Lhlni:s fn~ t with Oail) Pilot Want Ads

Walker t:: lP.e Real f state

.._,... I 002 &1Mr.. I 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

macnab I lrvtna raalty

FIHllt HOMl5 flOM $f0f,SOO TO s1.200.ooo

MIA T -VllW-.. W Brand new l ·Story, 2 bedroom. 2 bath townhome on front.row or Big Canyon Golf Course. FabuJous VIEW! Complete newkltchen. Pool

- jacuui - tennis - security gate. Sl2.S.OOO. L.arry [)yer642·8235. <Zll >

WAH ur TO OPPOITUMITY! It's knocking in the Corm of a s uper duplex I 1 a.tr block to beach! Great potential ror weekly rental during season. Lots or charm & well priced at $130,000. AppL only. Bob Owens 6't2·8235. <Zl2)

IATCllST Custom built - 3 bedroom. den w /wet bar - formal dining room -f amiJy room home w /2 fireplaces. s epara t e paneled study & professional l~aping. Sl09.SOO. Vic Jashins ki 642·8235. (Z13>

IAlRONr LOT! On Harbor Island Dr. - the m06t desirable lot in Promontory Bay! Top location on the lagoon ! S167 .soo. .J anf' Frazee 642·8235. <Zl4 )

II• CAMTOM LOT! New exc.lusive listing ol chokest lot w /s pectacular view! $159. 750. 8ob Owens 642-.823.S. CZlS>

NEWPORT Costa Mesa P l1r.1h up· - nice c rpt s , drps & 4 BR, 2'h Ba, 2 Frplcs . llunny breakfas t nook. HUfe 5 br. 3 ba, .spiral graded f'a mily home. wallpapers. Nr major Bread Oven , Ope n P r o(. l ndscpd . Ope n JUST LISTED sta1~ase beauty. Fan.

BEACH complete with central a ir s hop'I(. IMMACULATE. Beam, Wood n oors, Ca· House Sunday 12to6. 3 Bedroom. shake roof t.as~ic k>cation . Elegan~ly conc'Jilioning. Com pletely 565.000. nyon Sectosic>h, T~ecs, 645-3474 outsb.ed lol with hug designed for lux ury IH'·

3 Bed /p I new wlfe·s aver kit chen . JACOISRIALTY Cree k. 0<'ean V iew, Bi ya rd a nd ga r<ien Ing +allthe moderl) ~On· room OD Ma 11s ive famil y room 675-6670 Brick Patio, $248,000. • I Cera mic entry . Large venienees . Priced below TrC(!llned slreet. m any with s k )' ligh t . Built-in Owner . Lie. Salesman. I I , 1 kitchen und family room replacement value • . p o tent ial s Entry Dar· B·Q surrounded by 640-7773 • Privacy ga lore Only Westside Realty,lnc encl08ed porch. Large deck.Ing tor those fun . •SPECIAL* 165,900. · 84e-2l23 R.f .. IOJ r ear po r c h . ea.sy l o summer nig.bts . A lol of ft ROl~•'TS RE"' T enclose for lar11e family houSe f~l\8 httlc I · 6MOO l .urge 20earoom Con· CAMEO-. 159' AL Y SPRINGVIEW r oo m . Se p ara t e ~171~1ce. Call t udu y d ttml n iu m . S qu eaky ... Hi gh land s mo s EastsidQ 2 br. fple, lovel,y 841·1611 4 BR breakfas t area. Dlnang .L ~1111119 ., 1 \lt.W1tOl't 1<u • dean. New carpets & p eaee f'ul location . clean home. SSS.SOC>. Big ,~~~~~~~~~I ln LR. One bedroom in fteshpaint. l'h Batb. Big E nl a r ged 3 bd r m . • big yard Be s t Joe.. $5 I 500 knotty pine could be of· [W!lt~1·11·~1 covered patio . Db l e formal dining & 2 garde treelinecht. Ca ll Century P11rkl)de single story 4br , • •

toorLit'aerm.8A.P0ri1bv~t111ut~P:b~.~r1~ •• ~.1rndg. . :M ; aarage. Pool/clubhouse. rooms. A special horn 21S41Hl68 or833·9060. encl polio. Bushard & Walkin g dlstanct- t o .., J " ' - I : Asking only $41,000. Call for priv1cy lover i1. You · - ES VE-IDE Edlnger . 83!Ml392. beaut . Wc~lmlnste1•

54f>· ll5l , own t~e s uper s ized lot . M A Moll. Near Ele m. & Jr. too! s1.15.ooo S&i.ooo n-1..:de Estate rn"h. " perfect ramlly

MAGMIPICEHT UN•enfty l..ety Sharv 3 br fa mily home nn UI home on a quiet rorner WATllFtlOMT 300l E . Clltllw)' 673.651 in greet loc. Tastel'ully EXTRA SHARr 4 bdrm lot. lo a l_ove ly es\ab·

SJ75,000 - -- decorated. i\ ne w lh1 Ung. & lam. populor mode l 21 lls hcd nc 1g hborl;Qod .

I;==~~~~~~~ 5 Br hmc . Mas111 w- ltvlng hi Mel o I 02 D- Uourke. Rllr, 541>-llf!SO d ()S(l to 11cbools 4' &hop 'g. Cull us now Lo ~ thht

room 3 urr1>unded b )' ••••••••ff•••••••••••• --~- - Xt~ lrR lot·rm for pool. hr11.nd new llAlinA. · wate.r . Nestled 11 m onA QUIET Naturul c abinet.fl. Pron · 644·71 I I tree. at beaut. tnd~cprl l BR + Fam MESA VHDE EASTSIDl dt-oot11~. A brand n1.1

1 UNITS ear<ten w1covt1rcd brick tt..af,fOO By owner 3 li:l bdrm11 .. rrei!lige iiri•n . Vt•r y lill tinit for only S72 .~. patio 4r dctk tending to ~ ra m.rm .. 2 Ol>lc3 .. very cleon 4 Br .,. Fnmil). CALl..962-77St

Five years old with your owl\ pvt dock. ftCll l Enjoy lhi8' <;ost u M Cll ll c lea n . As k in l<t $71 .000. S7 I ,5<1() INT'~·E:.!'I !=TWO ft!_ Spa nlAh archit rt·t un! , ty s pccitil onr nr 11 k ind homl.' with hm:<- rumlly 3155 Medclra. S46-092S. 3 Br i na rtani·h i<t yle p .. rksi .. ~ M_.4'1 .,... fl.. t C tile roof. 11'<'hc11. c i4' Wil l Prlv•te IK'n.ch & t <'nnt~ 1•m. open bt-11m t•1•1hng. homt'. " • .,.. · "" ,..,. • ., lbr, nr )Coch. t,a ue11t11. tradcupor seltoutr1~ht . dub. Ltik<' f'' orr :ct by Swedltill ri>k. covered ' F:L ·DY Own~r-$4l.500. M.4,900. 11alc by owner. 4 lw. {Bl 6 houses w i>rlc , c 1.1l ·dc ·

$135 000 SSIS4'17 p11t10. Plu!! alley a cce.«s R l Jl om1• "Clean · SOUTHLAHDEIS 11l41M4·1086 81C. princ only. $67,000.

• owner · for your motorhornc or Pnfnt.ed." 2 Br. I bl. T all ..... ~.,~,. _ 1_ ..... C .. •ll Coll 002·4237


"',;&ANYTIME. i 1Joat. lful'1")',ca ll~·Sll80 person '• llltchen. Y'tlcd • a • ..... _ ATTN. LANDLORDS 5QxlU'. f'r uit / 011i1 . - 3 Dedrm, corner lot wit WAUTOllACH W«' n~ 1t11linf(I' on your 6'2-8223. 1~58EP.J5A1T0F.N. boat ••le. Super ruo 3 or 2 oa 11 e uJ·do·uc rent&b. Renters waitln&. rv ~ aha rp Natu ral woo •~ irnm ~ • 900 9 .. AtJ. y owner. 2br , d.-n, , .,., to qblifled buyer, ra11t e1bin, t1. VACANT - ~r982~UM ' · '

·~~~~~~~~~'I-- 671740f ba.wrk 1hp. enr lot. wrk ~crow. Vucont 4 DR, 2 ~5.1100, -- -------1· --· - shop. 20lT Maple 148.SOO. ba, like new. prime IOC'. 1.Aadtinmr::' tAtate BY OWNl-.:R Glen M11r,

I002 fla:s al 1002

Cla~lfied Adi 642-Ml78 414.-z:& Mkht• ~.ooo. 1ubmU •uiJl • t)' 4 or 1 ~ ea. vie, all. Owtwr. 5-t:\ a90A or u......a~ -.. ... 10-4

8rookhurtt &. Adam11, ... ,.., ••••••••••••••••-••••• •••-•••••••••••••••••• ~ M?-2200 ~...-• •• mo\le In cond. W /xt r11s .

TAR G A'ZEK fll.. . . ····~················· Corner lot. 'J'rlr or boat

Btutrs Z·Plan. Seclusion or free standing condo. Bri-"'· spa.-. well deeorated : many u.tru. 4 Large bdrm$., dining rm .. family rm. + bonus rm. Sl05.000


r,;;;:..:.:.!.:.:~--.a. a..\Y a. .o&U EAST'SfOE owni s.48·3053. 3 BR. 2 ba. lrg lot , n o • 11C(ess. Prine. onl)' . Open 1:/- '•°""'~"""' ~ 20R. form . dlra . llrdwd 3 units. 41 Mi to tx:h. hee Sat & Sun Noon t11 To..:::!":::-to1.,...S:111tdcly. nr. drp, paUodeep R2 lot *7&,000, Agl. Mf·3166. 5PM. Ot by a ppt only • ...d-"t~iriOto......-n 10122 Sh a ngrl La Dr. ;-':":~.~:'° 61 1~ ,....llASTStDI LAMDMAll M2·»tJor$$6,1001, j~ ~~t-' ti~""" COSTAMISA Mewlltr,Jlte SIACUFF :~: !H~ :::-• 3 Bedroom . 2 b 1 th. LlndAc:aped, dff:Ol'ated. 1 Br's + lrg corMr IOC. ; lt!:;' r,:"- formal dining rm. largt le.~ land. By owner. Many Jt\fH. e&U kente . .......... )tt.. OI Qi. mMll'I' ~drm. Covered m.500. 20102 Swansea. 8. y 't 0 0 0 0 ,:~· ~- .,..,..., p1Hior&Jble~ar. Conctett 640-~orlltll-833.t. O~ Owne.r'1 etcr. 5M·ea84: 110..- ,.:...,.... m==:t pad for \'Oml)(•r , boat. Sat/Sun . 1~ _ 842-nlJ. , at_. :~ ::..t• m~ etc. ,\Ji.) Q('Ct'M. '61.1100 , - - __,_. :~~... ~~ ~~ o.e .. w 1·5 l.llQuestaV1lla. 3br. ZN. BYOWNER. •BR,2 lta . :1=.,. 1' ~ ., ~f~ 449 M~o block wall btttr, Oeam LaC'laHta " La Palma " .,..., ,,......_. , • ._ c:e1ling,.. WOOd d.ec:ll 6 ()pen llou9eSat/Suo l Z.4 ,.,,, ..... IV - loyMc ... laUlce . e,, o wner , 981..7452 • fn:"... fi::'-- :1 =.. .... 1810 .... ,.,. 53M32l. •

iJ~ ~S,2- ~E:...... ColtlfMHa 541·7"72' $44,IOO I $41,HO! , · 2'>1, et1el0eed · brltll n.., ~~.. tsOHo• OAJLV DOUBLE! tncd yd., attached patio., r,t-- ~~.::.,• ~r:.., Both IT'e W1nneral clrttt:.~pta. • •moat n_.. ,.,.. M>-... FREEDOM HOME 38R, hoaMhold f'llrnja ...... ift. I:~ ::;::, :::::.,. 2.car gar . $46.7SO/ la4. Oclrms 63 Bdrmt d$IOYe, nfria, 1Qaisr• ~ ® 6\- J" • . assumable. loan . PlLO IOlll SU•l(I ..a-er ._ RAft C.U cc22••) ~GM MMm '1,_.. REALESTATt. 5"'0·06$5 Unit.ed8kn64&-?414 9.\i.oo1i.('2u')'~ ..



.. _H_..__DAl_ L_Y_Pl_L_O_T ________ Frl_d!t __ A_uo_us_1_1_3._1_9_7S ~.~.~ ....... ~.~!!'!.-~ ... 1~.~~••••••• ~~.~~ ...... ,~~~.~~ ....... ~ .............. ..

...... hr W. ,_ W. , ...... ,_ W. ~ IHclt 10 ......... .._.. I Mt Mes pwt IMc• INt ..._ ,,..,.,., JOOO-.C- r,..,_rty 2000 HollMt ,_,,,.,.cl

...................... ···················~··· ....................... ·•·····•·············· ................................................. , .....••...••........••.......•........... ·············· ·····~··· · ·=.... . ..... __ .,.,... .... . ........... >••• "- 104 ·~·- 104 ...................... " PRIVATE oflJa-9 t lltfrTS PllCI DOWN. • •••••••••••••••••••••• :•

··~· .. •••••-•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Btoa1)1

d"!°°' ..... Tu,rtlerock " ·· C.'?.~_M1~~lTY ·,'.1 • l Sl2.tl0 U 1,000 3 nr . :i ua. l ,., 0 ry Mu\l• •

B .. n.a...,1S f'l-.-t an ... <& vu, m rm.. ~•l)3uvu ll ""can cw :1 4 S IJ0.000 S.W. " hi" IHl vutlu. Lllll• . • _. · ~L cila,rm .. S car au.r .. pro rrl~• fll 1; bncb . c: l'°' t' 7 $275,000 $51,000 l ~laml :>-11 to u It\. Jatio . 'ttr Sb L.tlf ff: 11lona l lndscp , new ll'ONC IS curil)' l{lllcS, 2 Wby Waltror •1..- fUtUr,. lO I • ._JO OOO $S7 IOO mo i.i7:1 !Hiii

paJnt & C'PI 'II · \lacunt. pools, lcnma. In 111..Ua:-! u~ "' - , , ftelast Aliratftinf. Aslungm.&00. IJy o" nr .. LAOOON 'ill. LAS . s Comctoyo u ? Meetithatr.way! t Sltl.000 s.w.. llllN>aPMffi•ut• 1101

BUY a lovely HAW TOWtlttoMI ~~1erra i..eao Rd · ~~o~~r:r::r:r~~ IU- _ 11! SJtO.ooo Seid. •••••••••••••••••••••••

Mfore AuJ:us t 16th and recc:~ve a t.'Ci, blt·la kltch. • n cxta ~ a SIJS.000 • S71,110 vi~( &0~111 ;'111~~' ;scl!!:~~d:> U,000 allowanc e to be applied to Ri;OUCF.0$2000 lletlne~~won tuaer Bay front 2 bdrm., 1 bath up ; 2 bdrm. 14 $400,000 S7f.OOO OH . 1 ti.,1 .. vvol. .111 clos ing coats dovm p ay m ent o r RanchoS,anJo:.qwn home. Qu.ltlc Occupan. & 2 baths down. Super sandy beactt. JO SUS.000 SOLD modt•rn l'on''' l\ ll'nt·o · decorating-Ch 00se one! J BR, H • ba !~i:-;~1~ v1tc:;.'~~~ruur ~tu~12~;g~o~e~n£. Redu ced to $247,000 JO S1IO,OOO SOLD. ~1GOOM0 \' l"1rh• i .... and 3BR. 2V..ba. Pool. rec. c lub. sauna, rrulla1oua aru or lnc ..... <714>499 •211 · LOT OfftclS SU0.000 140.000 1tr~1lt>u:i y & u,.,.,~h Stl(au jac~~zi, boat s lip uvoil. Nr. schOC?ls & ~i~ ~~ ~,:u~~ TRIANG1,f: 11m1sr.- Design you r own home on r are. ,._•myo"'-n...,l1t.d.bo••I w1111cr lt \• 111111 o,·,•1111 s h o p g, und so much more. I- r o m plea.a• leave na me . Pvt ro~1d le11d .. to th '- un· large lol. Seller wUI help finance . '""" l ur. 3 ua. 1\111\ $58,700. lo S62,SOO. CW, 10% ...._ Call numbe.-r. Jque lrb nxular houso of $96 000 C 0 M p [,. ET E L y F I N 1S 11 E O lurm~hl·•I . vrnnt• hN1t h for an appolntmenL rfidwood. L'edar & 11 tonc. • ''TURN·KE\''' PROJECTS ... 1. 11 be l0t: t!Ollnhl 01:,~w

DEERFIELD The htories arc ron1wct· ...

i am cd by a d~ular 11t11l r LIDO REAL" sold o r CXt'h anJtcd. 'f'rude up a nd JlCl 1 .. 1 rs~ 2Hr. lqlk Mllllh'l'"" ITT QUICK POSSi;SSION With woodtn Cl:nt~r pule. lJ77 ¥1-LWe. M.I. 6'7 .. -7 .. 00 2 0 0 ·,~ n Jl pr cc i u l i 0 n and I 0 11r !>dll.Wli. '::lll) mn , • ~ N.:w Park llom1•. :!Br, eapped with at<learple>.· - • maintc n a n "e . liYAPP01N1' ••L'NT l N va 1I ~ 11 1:: 1 J 111:.'7 1;i1~ ·

frml O.R. f•m rm. ""' · h~IUJJ roof. Tbe sunken " m c. • REAL TV tNC. SS9 ·$687 or 640·0l66 . ll\tn& roonl has on<· or OUR OFFICE ONLY (No drive·bY~. CorottacklMor JIU

714/ .... 1)71 pluni Jl'ave nanH• two nalur11l 1tont- rplc '1 "-wpottleedl 1069 ... •,..-tleecll 1069 please. ) .................... .. . ----- -------------1 nu111btr. as weU as a deck with • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .! Dr hm1• 11r b(•Jl'h, ndull"' •oclt 1041 some ocean & canyon oo <'h1lth ('nnr Jle\-4 , $300 ................. 104


UNIQUE!! 3 Bedroom + hmily room + 1nolhcr 0 in·lllw u nlt wllh ~ «'pornt {l kitchen ete. Super for that collc{lto s tudent loo. Great H . B. loco lion $51.900.

illagP RPal Estate " ~ · .• " t ... • • • • <


Call U To Arrange Showlni: W~t.side Realty. lnl'


,........,,. \'i ews . The t< u 11 tom DOV& SHORES n73 \34.1\

\ R C ll I T £ C T S kitche n h as buLc hl'r 1600~Dr. Co1to MeH 312" PRICE Jl E R S 0 N i\ L block tops & natural ly-...__ •• •••••••• • • • •••• ••••• •

mahogany cabine t :. -SL &SHED RESIDENCF. Spacious 4 Ct-dar lS used for ~anel · Save $20,000. o n a home that is one o r a Ru-.t1c :.lutho l'\lll.1 ):1', ..

A Bdrm., 3 bath l"um . f 3 u k · d U · ( ) · . & rms. If: yord. Prl\11~) $ t ,i50 On th is DI · home . 2 Ctrc~lo c e s. mi:tneveryroom . u r 1n • nlqu e o r I V tn g """""--• olLt t Inc , rt 200 SlllO mo Wall'rµ; I i()tl MACULATE 3 BDR M .• 2 ~t-'um, saun~. ~ yll1lhtt1. & 2 Ba of unusuol quality enterta1·nme nt . Conte m porary des1·gn _._- • IA

0 • o... rope Y · · ' '

"",, ~ o • · d · ,, •- h t •••••••••••••••••• • •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Santu Jsnbt.~ l > ~ l !S:1 ·""r~t HA IN T UR"r LEROCK . many decks, redwood • esi.,n ~ w n you arf' by local architect. Redwood & glass Mobile HCHM• .,... S "'L"' Ave. _ __ ()v.nt• r has added many thruout. $1'19,SOO. Open lookin11 for• co II J Im . H . h b · 1 · rv "' 5 1-:XTRA.5 for your enJuy· M00tt. 49H382, t:vu or e xterior . l g ea m c e 1 l n gs, Foor Sale II 00 CAT ALINA ISLAND 1.of1Mo leach J 141 "' en l o n d n 0 w i 5 Sundoy 1·5. U35 Regatta . Sat. " Sun. panoram ic view of back b ay. 4 BR, 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• •••

H_ e 1 M I f 7 Units. inromc Sl9.200 n . k'liXIOUS to ffiO\·c to h1~ ---:-"'. OPE'.' HOUS"' Ba . • 2 ra m . rm 's, seclude d mas ter . . I • I e rom ocean " ···r s11~ 000 11r Wiii $.'?35. Ut1I frl'\' (,3ra!(c. bo ood b ~ iWll ·" ... In aduJt pk l2x60 2 br .,cu · .,, · :,w,ooo?!.~ . •. ~ fi ~D uy al N Sunday, l ·SPM. 141~ Mar bdrm s uite includes frplc, luxurio·us 1~ ba w1en'cl paoo wet' tr.1de fnr mromr proper· S 1 n a I t' s o lo. -· "'"' ..,._ Vista Way. lOH Cer · m aster bath , d ressin g area, c ustom bar • tvinOr:ingct:ounty. Bearhrombcr . t ' L''' ·

• 1020So Coe•1Hwr • 94-as'9 ntos. ) Mult1.1e,•el, 2700 tile jacuzz i & sauna. Price $249,500. & ~;~~f:.~~-.,2,~h~~ Wortcf W i• lroken G3l ·::.\lu •HILLTOr• sq. fl .• views from every Savings good until 8 /3 1(76 on 9 /1(76 536-4844. '60.4410

room, 3br , den, din rm, . 11 b 1. ed B l Beautiful 3·le\ el lhlltop open beamed ce11l11i;s . house WI e 1s t . · Y appt on Y · Mobil~ llomc sni;I. 12.x!iO THREE UNITS home w 'view. 3br. 2ba. mission tile Bonus. 2 646.6900 o r 644-4684. Irvine l\tc:idows Top level : Liv. Dln·g, se par ate d ou b le For mfo caJISS1·S079

Newport leach 1169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Mo. 11·ntal. u~1 ~ <l l1vl'\'!>, Newly rurn 3 br hOllM~. t; itl'i:.i.511 Of' l:! l :l 17\HI ~'l)?\I kitchen area. Incl frptc. garages .. $139,500 Easts1'de c M

wet bar. bolcomcs, fully SKIELO REAL ESTAT I:! "-wport ..... I 06,."-wport leech I 069 RARE OPPORTUNITY • • Insulated. S72.900 By - 494.-003 • ••••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••• Choice of mobile homes Own\•r 's X·lru lul"J:t.' 3 S:tSO :1 ll r 011 I h' ow n e r . 675 · 3606 o r - - --- lo local fa m ily park. bedroom 1 bath home Penrnsuln . Wu1tc r r\·n

1111.5"J"a0•• ... "--I ~67 Av · 1 b f h 1 with flrepln te nm.I fresh t a t. Ava i l. Ut ll /711 . T" .. aclou v-. .., , ~w.: lV1M£ ~· 1 o. a1 e ore sc oo SEt: h b Ch- B ., ·-------- &..Jl-Hi91et I 05 Oc·--frut Nerrt ... begins. Dir, Liz, 830-0521. p11int· AN[) . Two I 673·2125

t eery4 r.- - - --- EE WlllT EWAT ER· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vtnl - '1'9'' ~m. 1 b11lh un1ls.oll -N--1-.,- ,---.. R Ba,openlh•ingorea, dis· HEAR THE SU RF Blue 1.- tJ:-.. ,. EX CLUS IVE V ILL A on lar"e lol. Uwnns l'Wport :. ie · ml('\~ ' 1• thtctively upgraded In· OIANIMOOELS Lagoon \'tl las 3BR


3BA. ~Una·~ Beautifully d ecorated 4 Bdrm, 3 bath, WEST 2 king aiic bdrms. mo,·1ni Mu l> t He .it fplc. p.in<'lt-<I. w \ ' 'P1' · s ide & out. cl0$e to ~t<hls CLOSE-OUT tennis. pools, pr1va1e the choice community famil y rm , 3. Yr o ld home on the air, elec ktchn. tinted ~y.950 .. By appolntml!nt ~~~~~~=~~~7:.~·ail ~pl "4 pk.s. 1&4.900. Owner Tokt- ,·our <'hoi<'e 3 bea c h, ga ted a r ea . FOR oceanfront. Fantastic, ever · c hanging wlndo14'S, s s tar park. UUJ

8'2-6916 gorge00s 3 bdrm . prf' · BOND GALLi;R\' Of LAGUNA NIGUEL $2 dJr,Ut, 83iHlS21. Beaut 3b r , 3bo . l 'ool. \"IOUS model home loaded HOltlES. 831·9.all PROPERTIES whitewater view . . . . . . . . . • • • I0,000 BLOCK TO BEACH 2br , 1£ Qua~I 1:1~1 h.~(). ok J\larlJWf).

9"M I 044 w ' l h e x P e n s i ' ' e Vie Vie Vie CALL Skyline, 12 wide w /Cull t.le IPI- ~rea S7SO l!!ie 6-llJ· 1355 ••••••••••••••••••••••• a menilica · wh1rh In· R wb, w, hw Laguna Niguel Realty THUIS. & AU. 1· 4 P.M. expando xlnt s to ra"e ..___::t=.. L 1 r " 1 elude upgrodrd <'arpets, 3B • 3 a, CUblA>m ome. 496-4040 UO· SOSO 260% WIST OCIAtROMT ' " . ..--. ~ ~-- ovely >ay ront ,_, ~r .

PRESIDENT drupes. alr-t•ondttloning Sauna , s hutters , ex · dlr,U:t, 830·0521. 7S2·WH l'rplc. Gil lur ·I lll'ovk. & fWly lllndscapcd , with p e n sive <'arpets & ~-=:::. MOOCIUMUl HI llACM \Vint~ronly . 673·300:1

HOME automallc sprinklers ; or wallpaper Shows hke u SAMD & SIA llM.TY 67MIOO Newport le h --- - -- -a new l! bdrm. Walden model $159,900. Agt CIC 4·Plcx-very lri.t upls. 3 br OCEAN I-' It ONT 1 Br •

... in the hills or ln·ine. model under construe · 673-760 I Toww & Comtry W...W y.., lellne? 2 br, 1 br. 5130,000. Own S32S : l Dr, $300. gnr '"'· Spect a cu lar \'leW · tlOfl 11nd ready (or OC· GolfCOW'H ... ..,_,....... 10" ............. '°'' S&qieFor~I ub ··~~BaOI 675·5205• 67~ ·3824 ~i.~~3 furn Wint er fa ntast ic londscopin° · Aun-•ncy m Sept. Bolh ex· Li: 3 Br . 2~'i Ba. ocun· N"l"'""l "oU Coursn and ·r-- -r-- • r..., uxe Y tue Y Du I I l d .. '" ,... f 1 ...... u .. ••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • · p ex. x n con .. ne"' - ---tropical gardens s ur· cellenl bu~ s • hurry and canyon ' ' 1ew.s. rp c. Countr y Club· J"ormal 3 Bedmu ai view- boa Expensively upfraded. 2 cpts, drps, & paint lnMdl' For l..en~ by o" nl' r . 3 nr, rowKl palio and hitbted call loda>' decks. pnllos, h1JnJwood dining room. h /f pool, mooring avail, \S' boat OPEN SAT /SUN l2·8 Bedrms, 2 ba +, den. & 901. 2 2bdrm units. e · 2 Da. $<'pt to J une l , l .1do fdantam, forthPulumate noor11. pm·ac)'. immcd 4BR. 2 "'-ba Model <'Ond. A sle" I at S1 30,000 l&30 Port Abbey Place Must seetobehe\•c . Pnv w/ lnc l 1uragc & vd Saods6-t2·55.>4 lnarac1o~h,•ini;11nd en· oct<upancy Save Sin $179.SOO. o....i.er""~"~"OU\ llJ\RDORVIEWHOMES patio. Comm . Pools - $64,$00. Ca ll for a1)pt. -~ lf'rtalnln.: Jluite maste ne >Cl 2 wks, buy direct J ay w. Ye.ats n utty ..,.,. • .....,.,...,., Maclt. Slips avail. Mtent 642.2334 Ba)'Nhor~ wint11r rento l,. suite and l'pa rate from own e r S96,SOO. 317U CoaslJlwv TNllSE "· 36' DOCK POITOAHO 640..-0905 • - N1()(! 3l/r, 2ba, compJ""'·

I d t.I 494 5873 or 49-4 786S ' • "' POOL, bonus rm w /both. I 1 t b b h uc u . c guc•t :. u1te ' . So. Laguna 499.2337 3br, 2\A,ba. fp, 2 ca r gar . Nicelyldscpd. Fee. c ~c o I" ' oy we .~orml'I din in~. fam1 ly~~~~~~~~~i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J.:::::..::::.:~:-::-:::.::..:::.:: a .OOOOwnrS4HG4s SS6·138Z Agt . 2-tXSa, 2 BR. 2 Ha , adlt s. TWO TalrUXIS 646-6722. SJ001mo. room one'.I walk· ln wet LUSCIOUS $56,000 s tar p a rk . San J ·uan In x lnt San Cle ment --Ei\ST8LUI-' "' bar. Other aml'nltlcs to · Lovely 2Dr. 2 ba Condo. tMrbor Vltw HCNM Wntdlff W JPooj Capo. Encl. pct yrd . locat ion. Both In xlnl 3 nn d & numtrous lo mention .. chocolate Ut'J>t'l lnc In Cstm dLiv rm w/ Crplc. wanted by doctor d irect· Outalde entertalnin1 . S24 .500 . 498 ·851S o r cood. Must amll nl one • 3 Ha. b lU Y lam CALL today for uo ex· l1vln1 rm & fa ..n. r m.. Dswshr, a te oven, elcc lyfromow~. 581-1477 corne r lot w / tre ea. ~af\. 6pm due to coah shortuge. rm. D/ W. frplc, pool lbl, clutlve showlnJt, m~kt~ lh1s 4 bdrm .. :?\s aar dr o pnr D is c--ctou. U l 1 lh. Bo th trlpl exes fo ~~,:~~t.99wlr loci.

bo. townhome a special i 1 1 b. · NEWPORT SHORES by ~Br 3 Ba vFnagmnRmis 24 Loh/ $144,500. Owner. (714 )

lr "" l ' " Bt .. Ah" h ·'~· .. e r m n a. t n1 uye ra . - ....... ~ Br , ._ blk t r~ 1500 •------.. • --- ... ..._ 30S4l V•• -corona. Lai v • ._.,.._. . .. •• fplc's + BBQ $t-at;5oo ... .,..... 644.0163 ='""'Pl llJhts ocean ,.ll'w. 3

~;:. l_~~dntf~ ti~'~! llftDreSSiYe Niauel, BtrM~ ~ach. S'5·0423. Ope 541.ru9 . ' ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• br. 2 li11. Glassed rrf' ' lltthl 1-; ~ten Il e brick F.mc:ram Bay \ 'U home n. . Pac ifi c Ocea n View 2 Br, l Da . North C.~ . room. New ~alnt & crp1 • ork m entry cmirt It offers pm·ary . .>ard & Miu&o.Vr-t- IO

1 ONTHlllACH lARBOR•Vl£W HOMES Cemetery . NB. 2 lots Plush ca rpeting, recenl ()unmt bnr k pat io. ~TS. ·

h:lc~atlo l ' im l':irk patw area. M BR has i.1t· ...... 6 3 Br 2 Ba 2 story hom Ill 0 1l aao11lc Section> for paint thruout yd & pallo Ms-6331 or SS7-8717 , I uni; r-m. w,fplc:. 4 BR. ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · c BY OWNER aale to qualified buyer. cJ 5463729 '

LUS1fr0'1 S79, i tS'J.500 Open HOU5e Anytime in minl cond. 6802 Ocean· Fantastic 180 deg views Rulonable551.fi042 en · ear. · "-'" U..fwftl•hed •Bdrm, Dn1nn "m ~ 3 BR.2 BATHS. front. Open house Sal. Br 3 Ba Fam Rm lU ... ITS ~ " " ll· lonly ! 1' ' ,_, .. _ ' lel "" •••••••••••••••••••••••

Beaut Counlt)' Kitchen 552·7000 $1l16,950 Ml-<1698 Pnl rf1 H w m111y xtras ... c u..aut Pr rf1 1600 3 Dr l~e + Nc:w Duplex General lZ02 Low Maintenance Yard PORTOFfHO ~64~15._.0 P1 ~-I • .!_.Pf• • 1 8 B Qi.n; ••••• ~:!•••••••••••• super plush. 1i-:. Side c.M: ... ••••••••••••••••••••

$2500 dn .Ca ll 559·568'1 THE . ·· . . LAGUNA AWARD Wtt4Hlt4G -l a ..... ca...., .. or o ma • S1J8.000. 548·9673 aft 5PM RENTALS wkdYI or 641>-0IGG. please VI LL £,CE · . . Custom dc~igncd for lhe HOMI OPB4 HOUSI & pn;:cayg~n•- pleat'"' Ll~UID A TING ownr, ngt. . lellven11ml' &number fli · · discnmlnallnttexecutlve Su-r .. x"'#O homa ror sal'"' ".. " 2 p 1uE · I

RE "LTORS "' e "'" " Super buy In Nwpt Sl55,000 m • commercia Duplex.VA·$62.000. In <· Corona de l l\lur arcu . OP&ISAT/ SUH2-S n "'bodeslresthedrama& by owner. Madrid Mdl Shores Walk to beach By 1pptonly 644-4239 lots(orsale orlease an EI ~/mo Ca11Century21 Jasmine Creek br:intt ---------1 excitement o r • unique 640. Won 1976 NaUooal · • Toro 830-377i 586-3500 · • 1012P .... S..,O•I. MIAT21DRM home. A billia rd rm . . Oul g n Award f o r poo&a,tennis. 4br,3ba, POlTOFINO Tol~Rltn or . 548-U61or 833·9060 newhomes. 2&<len, tv. o

T ..... reck,._J Qlh(. lime. great cul de hu ge s unken ba r . landscaplni. •Br, Faml· with a ll extr u . Open * * . fireplaces. formal d111 Campus View 3 BR. d in. sac location. New : cpl.!!. scu lptu re d pool " lyrm,2\-. b .. t2600sqft >. howleSaU,SUn l·Sorun· VlEWOFBIGCANYON COSTAMISACOa Se THREE~NALOT l lni:: use of vool. J:icutll • fa m llv rm s . Super point, • pnnklers. patio, jacuu.1, are JUlt a few o Wood paneling, air cond, tit told. 336Colton, N.B. 2.700 sq. fl . Huge lol, 17 .. S...___... • pa rate units, scpara & tenrus courts.

~ _ .. _ t he I 't I thi "•rt:l Home Oriental lodacpd , fish '""" yards,• good Costa ll.lcsa aharp cxtc.lOwnhome. lnu:.f'p 'a , mmed occpy. l Ullury •Pp · n s wallpa~r . cpl '1 thru· ~w Cat ~·y. N.Sh- _,., Bonsa•~. JaAu••I •. 3 SlOC'H & VIC. cor. for area . $72.000 Coron11 dnl Mor·Dunlex :\

llSTLOCATIOH! SS2 .~00 . Q14•ner-Drk r . ltte. ocean view home. out. Many extras. .....,.. - •• ""'"' .. ' .... • 642-6368 /\ t " •· nsT DICOll

~ sm Call for a n excluslv degree vu of Saddleback 6'2·3850 waterfall flowing into bldg. For user or de· gen bedroom 2 1~ bath~. ex· -------1 s howing OfCt<r ed al II S1 2S OOO swlmmln1 l aaoon . veloper. $350,000 :'llew Const Cusl Dplx cellcnt condition $450

llSTLHOSCPG! RY OWN~R 3 Br 2 Ba . $255.000 . "~~ lueSatiSunl().6 ISNCIALLY Phone: 644--0046. OPEN WetleyH. TeylorCo. ' Nwpt Sho.rca. si3o.ooo' mth. PrfcedatSOS.SOO form din or den, fp lc. 26&6l Saliur. NICI!! HOOSESUNDAY, l2to H.w;c,llTCINTER Princ. only. Bkr. 840·1441 Evel~~ .. c."~~land !:~ ..


t7•Pl'"d" "'·"° !H·r- ~fa•lonVi.jo ,......, Lobo,., condo Uvln• In lPM. lT .. Portllanloloh 644~910 II om e · II o 'b o • ...,.. .,..,... .,._ ~ u"" .......,u-~ N e w p 0 r l e e a c h Circle, Newport Beach. 8 UNITS on 3.2 a cres No. Hiith13nds·3 Bedroom, 2 IlllJMnn~W "-wport leech I 06' Westcurr area. Walk ~ BY OWNER. COMMERCIAL r ente rs San Diego Co. $1700. m bath. $<ISO. mth .

..... _ .. 776

BY OWN t; n Univ Pk . 3 •H· :llOO ••••••• •••••••••••••••• major sho~plng Like wanted . New bldg . income. 11 55,000. OW COLEOf:NEWPORT ~ ., B 2l .... L · ll o· C I ....... 2 DR 2 2 · t ' a ys h ore• by ow nr . Paclficeo.st Hwy, Daoa 8 1't".4. l/149 · 0615 o R•"'LTORS

r , , "" · r am m , in W & ...., TO By O\\'ncr . htirm n1 2br, 2'""- If 1' la.. pa IOI, Trans ferred - hous Point. Realty, donutshop 1n42.3233 6s.75· 5S 11 llm. on arl'enbell , n r "'"' 21>3 + ramrincondo. l y . ae · C can DI ovens , J(oes t o bk r Mon . In n ow. Five s hop s - -pooJ S71,UOO t.52·793-1 IUILO MOW1 new. tli •!ltly up11raded. \M111ni Ware stove top, Red~ to g175 900 4bd 11 bl R d J Loh for 1.a. 2200 - - --•110Q Buy thtJ ocean/n nyon SM.930, I Rlpll~e Crt bar. frptc:.: pool. l60.000 2~a. ram.rni w·Jwe , ~n v~ryefinlJ~~ •~oot!:c ••••••••••••••••••••••• J Ill • 2 IA • NIW

,,.. tT 'L_fl ),,,,,,,e Ranc ho S.1n J on quin vil'wlot&,t'lapprowt.1 Opcn HouseSal/Sun. l-5. llVllLYCRIB>OM bnr, 2800sq.ft. Gd bay lease No pe rcentage . Lake fla vasuLotnrLakl' DICI< Lii -k~(U SU.ll Townhomf' , n ew Hy plaN for 2280 aq. n .. 3 646-4727. a..tton 64,·2411 \rtew. amenities Inc l ex· D a v Id so n R e a lly . 80xl50. $7,SSO an.er 5 pm, /\dull & chitin ,. lG. no ------ owner Oorirtous view Bdrm. cus t om ho mt Back ba)' , 3br, 2\;ba , t e.ntJve use of wood, roe 831-0655 wknds onyt1me008·2485. Jlt'l'I , bltn2', II h.1r, d 1~p . Irvine Terr nce· Dovu. Upgrade . IJltns. d'l'!' , s.is.ooo. furm din. ram rm . pool OWHUGOIHG- frplc., luxmastcrauile . - - dshwshr , cpts, drpii. J\C, 3BR 2ba, nll up1iradcs. Wa It . ~ vea / Wk n ti ' .... ORIMS llALTY SUS,500. C.alltl42.0430. ..out or country. Harbor bath .• beam ceilings, Im Prl m e Co mm ere I a I MountaN., Deatrt, patio, enc i.tu r , K38·1754, Walk l he) v ti & 752 A239or Refs ·~ 8075 " Vlcw· l'ortoflno. Super ported tile, pvt bcha. Leased Property. S11n Rnort 2400 M4·7778or 12 lJ>tl22·~7!1 11 , b n ~ 11

b :* 1 d ~<'op , - - - _ ..-:........:. * 494-1057 * Last ch~ncc lo be stepa pool with cover{od deck Great for family &i: enter Clemente. Income $8700. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. . a r ch ltet't . o1u OOQ . a .__

5 J..--..& - - from b4'och In" cottage aron : fin ished ~nu~ ll1 lnlng. 2811 Dayshor Pricc$00,000. 498·3413 Cabin o l Crl'cn V11llcy 1'\Js rl NM l"/\ DOWS

-~.Ml<BM?/113-1·4721 .MC- • ..... ,..... MOVllM NOW! c:ut lc tor on ly S6U1 room : best location ! Or. N.B. S48·0SM. Ope L.ake, tor. acrlJll& from 4 llr, 21'1 1111 , """· formrif Nlo.WI 8 yowner. Ganlen Ch1&rmln112 hdrm honrn Hurry on thl 11 o n e , ChrlsllneW.3307 Sal /Sunl·S. htTh••Offff•d the Ski Uowl, ov1•r lh1• dm, nf'w pu111l. <lrll!I &.

CALIP. HOMIS I vcl. Step tin h v rm . with 1ov1JIY 0<'11on VIC11>'8, Uruker 6<10-4!>SO 1076

Hr.Hew,.,t Plff hlll to the Ink" Vny ohl cpts . I ll rrplc w/ con. 39R 2b11. walk to schll" 2Br + dcn. 2 b11 . SUPt:R In 3 wood sy l f'lllna . 1!: ..-6 c1...... ll,T70Sq. n. comm. hlda. but fun S26.SOO vcri.allon IHl' ll , good ldlnli tts. Wood dcckl4, VI EW I All up11 ntte11 l>cllghtful a1m 1en'I , li:e. Nrwport Croat , 3 OR . .., ' Owncrnnancad Salisbury Realty SC'hls, cl02'1' lo POOi & •ftlllrp home, priced to SM~. Ph ll.U.3000 s kyllalllet.I kit Ch l' n , tas1etully doc .. w/ p1nel· S400000Tot1lf>rfre • 673·0000 • 1>ark.on qwc:t r ul·dMli<', Mll.-.eoo. All\. ~~~~~~~~~ apac1ous utlhty room . Ina. w~t ·bar. S7S,OOO ~ 0,.. HoMe R.;ALONO!lllCS

1 ri

1 k 1 ,,~ SSOO nlU. $3l-l ll2'_1 __ _

'7•760 I '1t1nl'd 11.101111 window I< i\i,:cnt U2·9023 ~ s.t/ S... l·S Brokert ll7S-6700 Alll U ou11 •11 " 11" •' .....,n 1·•-..., l•06 ... EXCITING• f I 11 II MG d 3 n do. Arrowhcucl , z br. 2 - ..

• rp c . n v in J rm . MIWPOITSHOHS (8 m/\"n "·'"''' e 4"" rano a 17"" Hnu110 o" C·2 lot. t:M. hn . .. ·urn . ~i.!1~.11 nwn1•r, ••••••••••••••••••••••• JUSTllDUCID 4 l:Jr hom.., In the ''Tht llt'amed cc-lhn111 thruou1 a.·-•oy the o~n look In -f(QA~ ~ 8 ea c h l r on l Co n . Sc I I I I e a • " o r G44·8m. N•:w Sp1n15h 5tylr w t Yr

'l'·Rock Aroadmoor Plan Rant'h" orff'rl " huge Jte:ady for lmmc:d. oc ""'"' domln lum . Enjoy the p1 rtnerahlp. ~1611 or - - & opco llenm coil. 4Bll I, J Br 2 BA. Fam Rm, mot rr bd rm w It h c: upancy. 195.000 ~.~{~; ~~gc ~a~~o·&2~!t **I •YSHORIS 1urflng scene from )'.OU D'Jll-8716 I /\c: r 41 lol Cn 11 fornlu : :Jba, yrly $600 mo. I.ORA ma111 uparados, owner. tlrcpl aet . l11e fa m lly U'TIH... a tor uitc. Nen r l)Cctn . "' front row patio. Th11 J'lm.·11. Altro1, t:1•I for VANCI-: IU,1'rt, 111:14<1('2 • ,500olfer . W-8"6 room, & n tt'pl1co in liv• ..• 'fO ntE QUIET, In ..,.3 900 J UST LISTED. 38R 2bo bedrm, 2 bath adult Con· Cffdo•IRl••t/TOW"• u lc or t r11dc $2500.

- ---------1 1naroom. All oflhl1.+11 thl~ l1 bdrm .,?. hoth, • • · buutlfully dec:or a led do often 1400 11q ,l\. o -..ators• 1700 75Ml63. J Jiit. 2 no., wllh paUo.

F.AUf.ASJIC•. very larae tot. H~rry ? hilltophome, featur11111a Dr a m atic 2.uy . A· home, Ir.: m st r 1ullc. 11hfi:rluxury. Th\:owne ••••••••••••••••••••••• --'ltt... St:OOOn unnut1lh1e "" "" Won ' t last lon1n Call Uvinc rm. with beamed kltch for the icourmot. h 11 add c d m • n CL-•-- Loclltloft ...

10 llurbor k eolty 1113-4400

Tbla cor&eo\11. complete· 551-2000 ceill na. frplc .. bll · ln fl'ram cf: 3 ~· !_ tba . many JCtrU. $1~000. a ftWl'llllet and haa areal -.w lxc"-cJe 2 0 - - , --;::._,-1207 '1 up1rlded Yak Plan In WICH I' •tty boob.helves • a deck for Acro11e rom .....,., • t'fl 2581 CIRCLE uRIVlt ly lnereued th• atorag ln WestcUtf area. Walk· •••••••••••••••••••••• • ""'-•

pl"tlltl1tlov. College Park (.ft dlnlnit or tnltrt•lnln(l. n la . Wa lk to beac h. OPEN SUNDAY M space. Tll4! complex In lnl diltan« to Wu tcllf f 1 Ac re lot Californ ia ..... bl1 bdrm•. faml· BdrJN on lower levtl f73.SOO COA$1' PIOPRT•s clud48 clubhouse. pool , Pfoia·Lovcil)' a bedrm Pines. l\ltrU'I, Ca l. rnr dup. Rnr, 11ndk, lnccl bi r oo m w /wet bar. TURTLEROCK ~~to a very privet~ CAYWOOD llALTY 67).5410 e t c. Pri ced r lttb l a C'.ondo with fple. tt bui lt• ulc or tri.ad e . $2$00, yrd. partial buy ~low. 'IUkfutnook ln kttche-n patlowllhluahplanllnlll. •541-1290• m.500. Ins. RC'Criarrator Is In· 751·1163 $3<!S/ mo yrly ul ll In· 4c formal d lnlnJ room. IRO .A·DMOOR Matr bdrm has Ila own Bluff• Townbouu By C.11 492·5413 e lud ed . Im m1 e ulat e - eluded. Ava II fl · l · '11i . IUl that'a not all . ne ~ frplc'. Quality contlr\lc· WAhTE1RFR01NTP~t 11)' Owner, 3 br, 2'Aa ·ba . CENTURYl!I 1wimmlngpoolJutllllepa Va c 11nt l ot nr . b c h , 673·3280. /\M Orf'VeA. ~· ••Io n a ll y G,...Ylew! uonlhruout. •.&00 co c:e ocatlon . Sharp. Sellorleue. otc tromlti.front~h. Sff L• 11 una . Trude for ~

aped gardens •c-· M.n I, Sbr, fam '"'1 mint COMOO UnoblRtructedl l v$1elwl9. OOOSml 752"800, Rcs640-2083. ROD F"MlLYT 7 -..,M lhlJ lodayl $.\2, • du.plcx or ? <21~ ! 78~7 CoroM .. M• U2 ftDtlhebtauUMPoolll cond , u p• r a dea , b" -armift11 bdrm. unit hse ·2 o . • . "' " . anu V 0 0 EL C 0 • •• •••••••••••••••••••• - CilJI SU 21111(> .. # V il 714""2~ AOLfCOUISI •BR 2b• home wm.as· R£ALTORS • ... ...... J •""-" JNL'Cl' ... , ... K - • · • ow n e r • A v • 11 for with 1reat atm01~re. . la a':ro.. the strttt from lam rm + eep din rm ls 549.9341 W..ted 2900 Ten';;t; • c•n:;.b ' & "'Pnol RANCH IEALn po11e11lo n Au f 20. Ous1om abutters. ••tra IY OWMH an answer to prayer. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OR 28 t .

_ ________ , s9f.SDO. U48 S e ru btilt·llt1IHpln11pacel ll•borVlewMonte10 ~~l~~rdl ~rihombc. V.-Y8ood a,,.aandWith...._,,.,.,.., 200 nvu tors oppty . Will tux'urlo~a~ S7(15~/~~: Ele n a . Ope n Houu livin& rm. Low monthly 4 Br 2 .0. xlnt home • . n. ve 'I • lillle t>rtatJvc ablllt •••-••••••• .. •••••••• trade co ll ecllo n of 6'13·7001 A"" . Most Beautiful S.t/9un. lt ·S. NSo2541t. CH Incl. gas. water, ln· t«aUo. iuasoo wlOI Zl03 Anniversary Laoe \Mae2800 sq. ft. can be TIMITOTaAOI certif ied diamond~ le - ---'-"'--' --- -

'fti-level homt l" lr-vlne. n.ERIV'V 3 Br 2 Be. suraMe, out.aide main· Ind 1i1.ui4 da11 . or call $56-8lSl , ~ALE ahowplace. O*fter 1•••· Tri& .. lo lar&er uit it item alot'tClt ror homo In Beaut duplx. 2Br . I ~ ba, .. f If ! U ""'"' wnance. SS0,000 --~ f\7 p u W\Tu.NER, owner 1 U · l "' • 000 "' JI B •· C M f I So ...1 b or yourse P· Fam Rm+ atrium --·• • · c1111lveaat. ncarea, aa .. 1 • • t»W! Moni appreclaUOn • · • · · a r ea . 1'1> . +xtru. · "' wy.

ft fa i:al11 room Sun 14 . Call ISl·OJSl OPIM SUM. I ~4 Tlll~~X·Walk to 11hope now for Information i11h lo buy one lllory. 4 2 BR, 1 ba. fo'rpl, we t b81', = carpet Ulruout. w/land. 9Pen hse Sat•~ more tax ahel~. Cal 5.16-0272, f'v~. S400 mo. M91SOI.

:f::~ :a:;.~~ d°:!·; u o ME w 1 TH 'lier l'•f'LASS Hill 60IW • ...._ll..._ =-= ~0':8~': UOMSISTATIS RK house, Lake rorat. patio. Ava11. SepL 10\h.. qp9Hr. beaut. awaa EVERYTH IN G I 4 ,..___ Kia I Bdrm .. l ba \b ~atb oee lBK·Ntvtr vat.ant. ~ll832 beam ceiUn«a. SIG·2880 $37$mo. 640·7433

f draP"· Belcony lo front Bdrma. 2 '-\ S. . form. 1105N.C-Hwy .. ~ ~Port Be1cb'1 fiHI bouH, bl~c:,ean . Call for details. HOW IS THI TIMI Unlvetsity Pnrk Ill , or s:m. 2 br. garage, alnales 6'clouble paUo ln rur. 4 din. rm .. fa m. rm. AIC. 494•1177 cllllom homttlles. on lbt •• WALi& BERnlA HENRY tor Job seekers to check Terral'C 3 UR. A!lcnl for ok. t 'ff. Ii'• S ba. Hurry A call. auna. ulb. t'elllnp, ,·ery top of SPYl lHa HUI . ...... ·yy


1•00 R~ORS 492,4121 lhe Daily Piiot Help own use. (211) 9'3·9796 Main Renta ls , 640-5370 a.- bric.It patio w/perm. gas SPICTACULAI WiU btli ld to suit. From -. .- • _ Wanted ctauUic:atlon. 111------ - - -i---------

··aaa.H HllJY BBQ. 1on water. AND m1too. tM job you want ts Pvt r>lY wanta lrg 2 11ty IF YOU ~..,.. auu. prol. cl«orated, T /0 . 8 )' OCIAMY•W Sp)'llass HllS•lesOfe lmmac Jbr.2tHt. 8!cluded c...,...._. 107 tite r • Jou mia b t. con· hom4' In 118 for under hive 1 aervlce to oner: • owne r . 112.soo. Ope• New excllln 1 lu xury UBodeaaBay Orivo frd . blO lndscpn1. C.ll •••••••• .. •••••-••••• ald er otrerl n ~ you S?s.ooo. PrlnclpalJ only. ortooda lo aell. Pl9tean ~. 2W Condo. Mew Slll/SUn 12·5. 3IJ2 Hem · townhomts. 2 • 3 Br. 2\\ NCYo11C>rt Beach evu. 14$·24'4. Open BY OWNF.R 3 Br Condo, aervlcee wltb Ill •d 1 lf7.s66S. ad in the Dally Piiot - ....... pool r.cu .. ln1w1y (Tll• Colo•J ) Ba. from •USO. 5~ It l-"114>644· UZI Sat/Sun. 1.$. ma Sylvia .... CpC.i, d'1)8, &i: air. t b . J 0 b waft t e Claullied S.Cl&oe IG.lllO. Ml-41131. ssi.oao ~dowllOMSU Lane. A~. Call5M-S322orQ1.0SOS category. Pbone142-58'18 Want Ads CallM2· Phone'42-M71.


t f' .

.......... ,. ' itiul ..._.. ... ,. h••d ~ ...... u ........ ,d j ....... ~ . ......_ ... ,. hh•• ......_ ...... , t d Ffld!Y· "uous' 13. •97'6 DA.ILYP1Lor n · •••••••••••••••••••••• eeee•e•••••ee .. eeeeeeee ••••eeeeeeeeee ......... eeeeeeee••eee ............ eeeeeeeeeee•eeeeeeeee ~& • t IL..&.-

-HeUUHHeee•ne leodi l26f 4tf Iwata....... ~ lwllh u.r... ~ •W .. I - • ' C:.W .. Mer l22J tt ll __ .. _.. JMOIWilitt••eda 114 ~leeclt lJ4 .._.,......_.. lUt .......... • ............ - .................. - ................................ ~ ....................... ............................................. . ................. ~-· ·;;.~·i~··.;;·c:~~~·~·:·~ WATl!>RFR·O;;;··~~··· oa leecti 314 ........ 114 l tuullatt• ..... lt'40 PW M. 2bd + den +M(' ~lrftl/l<'«'nl \ it>w, I,; tlt)..1l ..,h p d bl gar. ~ n ,, u' Iii & ' ~ •••••-•••••••••• ••••• ••••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • - ,_ lA ll'\aM Tet · 1 br • Arcb Bay. IH mo ummcr, ~ ) r l)

11q 1 · ;....,~ 0

·• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• rau. ~~C). AJO . Dkr ll9li l~ bt' ~T~ lll'.1\JI .....,.,mu mun .... OW .~.~ "' nl MO AH •

• - " liil"'ll ~ Br. l~e l e O<'t'd )1ttd , Br. 2 b1 coodo l..p - @ So.el Hwy. a br. s be. den. rdnc It lllU\ f lnrlud. &:r:adtd. Adult rpl. No 2.,~:.....~ ~,·..,:•n NNCW(>(lc ~ ~ dinnn. beam cln&, Crµlc, Lu.a. C.)1\ S.U049'7·2292 pets. $3SO. $48.Wl --~· .. ' mo. 0 tt- . Qllt CREST - LM t'7S.34ll - -- - - All\ . IU·~ M __:_ . OPEN HOUSE r~Ul..Y l'aoorarnlc ~a f;aslb lufr • 4Rr , 3b11 Buel\ Poub·l \:llllli a l)r

4 Br 2h 8:1 . 1'<1m &t Fotft I CUST \ a t w I r om I ht i. ,.....nhau. lil tns " pool den 3 ba Crpk l&u .i.tmt- FOURPLEXES Dln Rm. 2 fpk"•· r111 n OA 1l.r:1m•U<'~ ll )' dclilf:nt'd $~9$ mo. 844 ~$12 " r m.' 147~ ht, Int + laalUc view. *° IH in lhr\"' .\ bd homt· Por 6135119____ ~inty f'!ll3l9 cld• • rdur • pool ~-uplc with M:n'>lllVt> lm· H . \ ' llOM ~. J>alermo --i1+41oM 111.t BRAND llW DELUXE .ii:t•1 '! who <'11 n a p . 41\r & t-'R & vaew. l'W C......_.. 3176

.w. ba, rrvtt . pool. z n . ., d.rp~. crpt.s. near UCI

11rt'<'l•l t< ttw ac:;tht'l lC mo. ~-7093 ur~ m o ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Jlue ~ le t- ff re- - - - - - Br 2h Bu SP¥<'e ror frrell<'e'> Pk lt>l' t~ Vt'S , H.V. HOMES. 1110 ~f: . boat fl ~mPer. 11tor11ae 4~, ~1 Vie~. Lur&e yard, 48r11 rm. w• Lk to bcb. $.150.


OPEN HOUSE OCC. SC Pina. $430/Mo l ...... fwwwr: ~Al .......... & ('all $41-~U. - -----t • .-... aura Sl1 tw--

SNGL JUIE, 2 Br 2 Ba . fpk. new de«<, dbl 1ar SUI J asmine . $52$ . m.1957

4' f a m ltm . S71!S.mo. 492.6243 1 t\r 3 Ula , " " l beb. tennl$ SS2·7083ot 64,MT10 - ------~~~~ .. ,•.~:!:~u~ tu JBr. 2'\Rm ·rwnbm. Up· S- J.,.


""" .,.., "" ----• i:Taded " clean. Pool, • C41pi1tr.o l271 L_,... M'9lef llS2 sauna. prk. No pets. •••••••••••••··~:;·~··· ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. 5-45 3359 &848·2600. 2BR Duplex. cu e •S llC,

• d 2 b w---.:; o· ... __ b dbl gar. b1.c bk yd., Ind!")

BRAND NEW-ID.UXE! o.. . ............ ····- ....... - ............

3224 Slater & Beach, ll8. West on Slater of£ Beach one block, ri j{ht on Keelson to Cul·de-Sac ... ,...tlw1ilpl&l!

1.EAS~. 3 H rm It a\t!n runt 4 """It · 3 r . fis<'ll 's . S!t!O. mo. tTH l bo~. uhlrm. 2 cargar, l.1tuyrd. Ava1l. now. lyr 8 3l · 22TO (9 - Spm• I

ll1tww•1ra. ••••••••••••••••••••••• p~o $300. 495.Q'nl _L;;e. Agt 752-7501 bel_!:.S_ 4~.5887 eves. ·l ••u• ....... ...,._. & 1 ~ .••••.•.....•.. . un.-S Br 2 Bo, form a l dl11 ran . epu. bllo., l pl , fnccl . ~30 lt1cl gl'dlnr or 549·3139 __

West Nrne Condo. 20r. w TElUo~RONT. P ier & W ..__._ ~----3-"'-91 2°- • m....a ""CUp" nnv float 3 ~rm formal H.._S.,..- "'

•J •.-o .. ,_.._ .. ..toald ,_. ••• •••••••••••• . •• • • SZ71.. • •I .... _ ...... ,,. .... ~ • •••• ••• ••• •••••• ••• $200.

l>t.l , tm "-"'-• · ~- """ ..a r- - · 2 b •"..._... ••••••••••••••••••••••• $350/n'o 494.9473 ......, rm, a uu, W / W Will Consider Children AYAILAUG. 15 J 8.R. 2ba, fenced )ard. frvlc. few blka lo bcac~. Calll Rultor, Paul Coud '62-6142

By: Kent Regers Realty · cpl.I, fpk. dble gmr .• n 48r. 2Ba_. frplc. 2 palios. Miuioll V. 3267 qs. S600 mo . yrly lse J ust pu1nled. Avail now. ••••••••••••••••••••••• only. Barrell R eally , $400. No fee. A.ct. SS2 See these loveJy apartments - they are close lo Central

Park & recreation & shopping. schools, freeways . Bike to beach!

llttTALS &.12-5200 or963.o708 MISSlON VIEJO· l RV. Tuwnbouse. 3 BR ., 2 ba. , HcMIMs f'Undshecl or 842-9249 or 848-8300 Single family fro m $32S. wshr /dryer . ref rig. New Uafwtlist.d 310

aent or lease ~mo old . NO FEE- AGT gag..9978. paint ; pool. patio ; nr. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~:~~·~!::: fa~i~ AN 3 Br 2 & , oov'd Hoaii:. 3 Car ga r . Adlu. FUm. part. fum or un-

CR<>S.5 STREETS: Slater & Beach. Huntington. Beach - ; West on Slate r off Beach ooe block, right on Keelson lo :: .•

rm w/wet bu. form a l patio. fncd yard, culde· "25Lse. G42·5333 rltr rum. 2 br, 2 ba, compl. ..,. 586 195 l•----iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ upgraded. M usl be adl cul·de·sac. FOLLOW THE SIGNS!! "

diN•1. xlnt a~a. iSSO sac. S37S wtr.,... · l 3 BR. or 2 BR. & den , over 40 yrs. Single o mo.~orss.2·97S2 - 3-bd-. - l"-.b-.. -. cpl:>, drps. 2bliilh:. . $$SO Mo. m a rried . Sml pel ok .

.. $36.S. J Br + Dfl. 2 b<a. noi;e. fncd w 12 paalloS. 3 BR. 2 Ba., S600 Mo. Boat & t.rlr storage. 2' frpl , bllns. d/w. nu cpts, oeleocll 324 9"iM 1244 k i d s o k , $3$0 . 2 13 / CoroudeUlar sect y. Y;a ml o c ean

By: Kent l91ers Realty 142-9249•141-8300 paint ltl/out. (H alecresl l ••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• .(2 1-4582 $1,000,000 rec. & bobby

MJ.2221 ; (m s&·646·966&) Br. 2 & . 1., ram rm . ' ul RENTALS - .. _::-;:--3


facil. From $415 to $475 " ' _.. a mo . H u nt l n g l o

Super aul condo. 3 br. 2 ly ~uippcd kit . rrplc CJ Single Family Homes Landmark. 536-8749 ba. frvlc . poof.Nr. shop& rm & h \' rm. t•haldrc JBR.! Ba . ;··· .. . 5425 iew bay&occ1n 2700sq ~. 613·23321673-3313 pets OK. ui.y muin l /2'tden,2ba ... .. .. S4.2S n. 3 bl", den, 3 ba. $150. • •••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 p rdenlng, a vail 9-1-76 3 BR. 2 Ba. . . . .. . 1425 &&24?82 ·

548.3869 3 Br. 2 ba coodo. frplc , 9G2~or&l2~ J BR. 2Ba. . .... s.c!Si_;_ __ ..;.•------1 •H•••••••••••••••••H Apehac•fla j •id ........ .......

palio Ir pool. dbl gar ., 2 "'- M" 0 w n 3 BR. :? 83 · · · · · $435 BLUF~ Condo le ases CHil.._A COVE, 2 BT 2 Ba ... •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••-•••••• Adlllts. $375. 6-U· llM .. r ...... ',,.)>. . ' t BR. 2 Bl · ···· ··$US St "'rtind at •~"5 f I 2 Adlts J pets. Children OK BK 2~Ba $<ISO .. " _... pc, car gar. on >M.wporileech 37" CoroM .. Ms l122Cost .... o 3124 MESA VER DE 4 Br. s pot mo. 960-~ 4 · · . • A~ent . 644·1133 • S425mo. 673-7537 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••• ••• · ' • • ••••••••••••••••••••• ,__ C .. ld ---------·14BR, 3 ba... 725 - ---- - • S So. ofHwy.; 3BR . . 3h.i.

O'K: ioel~~·w:i1crre~ NEW homi> 1 llr 2 &, Townhomo do Isle 4br . ?bra

1ho cne . •S13CAMN5Da:htVltE o.,t.•s Fvnt l5 ON THE BAY·Be11ut.1ful 1 den & family rm Still(

It! d th 0 it :-.:r 2 RR. 2 Ba.. S38S All elcc. kit . . rp c , so. • •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm. Condo. , pn vale Mo/ll;!ase. Parll\ion e Crdnr pd. $465. ~s.91W2 . n !I , rps. n •

1• • 2 BR , 2"'t Bu ~9S patio. A\•ui l 9 ·1. Yrly. THI ILUFFS l Br rompl. furn w / util pool, e levator, pa rk 'g . for M- · .. ~r·in -l~w . A\•a l1


)40.1720agent bch & school!> ~uo mo I I d ""''"' • ------- w iiirdnr ~~ without 3 BR. 2 Ba... . . $.125 Gil-133.l : 673-4798 l..ge. 3 BR. s pbl eve en Washing le d rying facll View aU rms. ~. mo. 8124/78

2 Dd.rm $260 Beautiful, s pac ious •new apt.s. Pool. pvt. paalios. • M t: s A v ER o E 3 9lllHi623 or 2l:J·830-0463 l BR. 2 Ba.. . $450 ~ - -- UD.ll ; bell orly area. Avail. from St'pt. lSlh t or 1395 + sec!Uity, dun. Askfor J an or Mike

b edroom . 2 b a th . 3 BR. 2i., ua . s n s E as lbluff l'nd un i t. i:reenbelt vlew. Redtt. lc Jun e 15th . New p o r Ina . SC HANTZ . Ofc . DAY&BEACH b uillinll. 2 firepla ce:. . lean 3 hr. 2 ba. cpt" 3 BR. 21., Ba . 5650 fo'abulous \ 'lev. · 3 BR. N s pQlless. Avail now. $650 Beach. '250. mo. llM· 1'4-4384/ Eves. S3'7-4!M8 REALTY C7S· quiet slttt't. ~ drps. ft>nct•d ~·uni S31 -'RR. 21'1 Ba . SSOO pets LcQ~C • HASTINGS a. CO. between 8·$ Mon.Fri

Adults, no pels. 3.."9 A voudo. C.M GIG OlllU or () 12·'100S

• COLLEG L", P.\ RL' 3 mu :Jill..&~ ,\f.!l ~o Cet'. .. BR. 212 BJ . $SZ5 Balboa Penin Tn·lt'\:e l, n-ai·~ ~ ---------10ceanfronl Yearly S450 otto M•sa 3124 r n 1-dr. Crom be<1cb.. Nice nc ..... D o.,t.•n Uafw'w 160 2Br. 2Ba. " 'asher . dryer. . ....................... LOFT IDIM APT

bedroom . 2 bnth . den . ~~ sec 3 n r I '• U.1 new $350 Yrly . Agt •BAYSHORES• •••••••••••••••••••••• dishwasher , eocl o6ed Ntwaduttw1uerfr11nt ap ~~O'U'{.e~ta~c0~· T ~110 .. frplc. pool. t l•n Gis.1642 4bd, 3ba. Long Term. s br. m 33rd Sl, New o r . no p e ls. 3T 13 in Mesa Vcrdt>. lkl,au t(CIJ I l mmNliutt• Ol'CU$lttney

Pvt 1lut10. fr.r'"· ru11 kh<' hens. PM & r~<' room. I yr lstl


3 b d . 111s. pauo, lndr) . tl-ll. Nr T CREST 645-6685 lleach. S36Smo. Close l< Seashore. 673~78 l~ n ds cn p l n ~ . f~ xcep

" c room heh" Ralph$, 963.f\675 or NEWPOR . beach Garage Waahin taonally r lrh Int erior-;, ~•th . . butlli ns, pool. GT~·tl0'.!3 3 Qr, 2'h Ba . ocean vie.w, UDO lSLE LEASE... 6 dty·in

1 facil. Stove Ocean Vaew. Beaut. 2 br. 1&2 bdrm:i rrom $275

i-cuu1. Two years old - adlls only DO pets. Jrly Sharp, 3 beclrm , 2 story, · · Call C ba, patio P a rk Nwp\ Meso Verde Vlll11s. J HAYLOFT APTS $t50. New 3 BR for lc;i,.c. I UI 1se open lo r ight par\)'. Ylew or b ay , private refr. utll. lncl. I s ublease T t'nnas, s p11 ~lesa Verde Urive ~Mt.l.

CALL 556-2660:'-lo t'f'e to beach. 2 B• . t' rpb 838-2880 beadl. man~ wife or 814 ·~ belw.cn 8 "' ~m. Com1llel cly Curn C o a ta U o.i 11 14) ~~~~~i:::·~;~~

SELECT drp ... l·Hl11s 1H• ar1•11 CREST2 8

adullma~Oft.ly. Nopets. Moo·Frl Dish es . hnt'n i- , etr ~0-8871. Sal& Slln l0-4 !l~J 1'11rt t'I ) 11<' Ur or 11.s"h ,._ NEWJ><?RT . · r , _,., month. Call SUperb 2 Br. t Ba. new crpt"I mos. or more . Aclulltc. n Be 1 11 1 d ti45-0143

PROP~RtlES cull :! 13 J:!:? 172 1 dj)' .., u""MflV5Da·I...,. den. 2, Ba . h•Kh ly up HomesReall y. 549-8655. drps . Adults. n o pets . pets . Reis. rcq . ™>Cl autlu > an :.cape ---· 11'\ !Jti.<t.5335 l'\'l'll for info graded Condo . .Mirrored Encl ar 1762 Crest 640-4868 aank:o l Yi>e adult 06Pt.s 2 br dw11~lu1n . No pet: •.

).l~A \· EnOF. Jbr , 2bn, - - CLEAN ,, Ur . new t'pts. wrdrobe drai . dbl 11elf 2 Br H~ Ba, cpts. drps, moot ~ M 1250 mo 1-2·3 Br Dis hwas her $215 per m o nth . 7tu W / W c pts, drps . dt~ · br, 112 ba. blln!l. dNhwhr , lndscp'd , frt- • h pain t. clean oven. ttar dr opnr. stove. relrlg. AO pets . &&2~ • • . . Beacon Bay 1 Br, •ar, encl. gar .. en~. Gas S!Uilim¥r. :.45·3190. h~-shr .. t'nCI p;1t lo. dbl rrpts. dpr.1. frµlc. rlcon H\ ail immi.'d • nn pets. p\t leruus, Jacu&d, pool, S32S yTly. 4llb St. 673-6..'>'75 patio . $300 mo yrly . water pd. Pool. )lar .. (ncd yd .. x.lnt cond. ~~ mo ~i ll:lil S3'.J5 9ti2·531'9 grdnr $450 mo 645-8672 L.-t.wa..-.1 Avail. 8/lS 4.9441939 LA MAMCHA APTS S15!J. Ulll pd l br • 111" Ava11 9 l . $i20. ~o 33';(t b - - Condo, Blllffs3 Br1~ Ba. Apwlw411fsrwnw._.... 778Scoll P lu<'e , CM phan1·cs. f'<'C

l'l ll' v. 2 b e d rm l 11 1 t\r . 2 i1ton• houw fu St:WPORT HEIGllTS fplc. pallo. eomrn. poor, ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCUMVllW 642,5073 ~Rentals.~ q.l.thshide

~ br. patio & gar . S'l lO rn cl wawr & gurdnr ,\ 11la... ,

I nopeta. t'1H372

Lamlmarl-. T11 " nhom1· ~uw. !i iC prnr ln1hcpd ;\(• wt~ dl.'t·uratc d 3br · nr shops. schls S4.2S mo . ..... lslmd 3706 Dix Cum. 3rd a tor)' 3 Ur. 2 - - -- l Br. stove &. rt'frlg. new l~aut iutult co m Pll' A ma1n1 . Ila' R llQ. SltlS 2b;a houi.t> on q ulcl nreet. 640-()192, S0-6541 ••••••••••••••••••••••• n:i. 100' from ~ond . 2 car ept.s le drps, sno Adolts, r ool. Jat1U1I W 0 mo. ~2-029vl.'\l'' Plo:.h crplnl,!. l "U&lmdrps Bachelor a pt l) \l U · parking. 7301 Seashore nopels . ~.mo ,\l{l ~o ' "'' ,\ ,.k & p11pl' r :., pane li ng . Harbor View, 3 bdrms. 2 trance & baal~ Sl6S mo Dnvc. Winl<' r . $450 mu 6"a· l926 r Poolsld4 3br +loft. 2'• b:1. for K a rl•n . 1111:1 <l!) !J3 Nl·w :tbr . Sl'I> chn rm . hrdwd f1001111 , btO lawn. ba. 2021 Pt. Prove nce. 8733731evea; 645·3768toshow -- -8424474 h11othly ur,gr arli.'d . Wood· :H 50 / m o y r I y. u n . M45 Mo. 6'4-5922 Aflcr __ • _ _:.___ ----- i:AWe1y lg2br lower. Jdc"I

super eoodo. vie Irvine

11 Unh•. 1 yr o ld . m an y llARP 3BR 2ba home

bn!;ht c heerful khc h. <Jin J I l'a . lrg h \ rm ~ frple Mlle to bt'a<'h $380 mo 171 t I S-18-9427

b r Id g e . HS u I mo rurnls hl'd . 64S·22lti or Aul(. l 7lh.: 314 : S36-2134 YEARLY $350 mo. Deluxe $175. Ulil pd. On the und loc. No pet.s. 2885 Mon· :'>51 23!19 5'8-3396. Her ore Au&. 11th. 2 Sr w /sar par kio& . J .. ce doul. Apl A. 0'79·2531

uraa incl 2 · c-r Jtia 1' /qlen<> r $425. 839-281 O. --- -

67$.3063 Ma.in Rentals. 540-5370 - --VIEW OF LEASES AVAIL. RACK BAY. roomy 3bd, 3 BR . 2'-" ba Condo . HK

We offer the follo\\ln)! 21 : h.1 . frplc . pool. $hor1 Carpels. cl.rps, dble car. -....PHiat .. • 3707 Luxurious 2 br, 2 ha . PIMEC 0Ct;AN &CITY fine PrnPl'r1•<'S . or loni lse . $S50. ~ •larbOr Ill_ Disl. $495 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail. Sept. 2 to Dec. l<I . UYIS UP Ute. h rithl. airy, new 2

3 Rr 2 ba fo mrm S.1115 or675-IJUI. luse. Avall Sept. Phon ,.,._...,. Mo. tomo. U9-tlf7 TOmMAME br, 2 ba, Crplc, dshwhr, S2t.S. 2 br . i;ara11e. fned , kjckQk. t 'ee

Main Rentals. $4-0-S.170 bd Condo N1rt> area . p ool . rclr 11: . lo\ ru.hcr dl")'Pr. :H .111 :-.Cpl l. $350 . 8~ 2 · 17~6 0 1

• · H 540-US~ Alt ,,_ • "'"" • 1----------t Over S(kl tall trcr<1 a ncl 1n1raite. jacunl. 646·9S20 3 Br. 2 h:ilhj SJ!IS .,~ Easlblutr 3 br. 2~ bacon· arry, . Bach opt, yrty rental. Sl6S. UW free. Near th 1 o s l r e am s w 11 h ~145-8256

N ew dupl ex . ~ Rr . cpls/d rps. fn cd yd , child OK . $22~ . P

~ Ar . 2 ha. fom rm SIQ do. 6 to s mo lsc. $550 3 Br. 21-\ Ba, near aolr, util pd. 5225. mo. 926 E. beach Beac hcomber. waterh ll s c re ale 11 MEW_l_R_l_IO _ _ A_"_ S_ .1 Br . 2ha . dlnrm s.t50 mo. 64Hl565 fltihJypainled, -$395mo. 81lboa8Jvd. 675""5S3 Fee 631-2011 r " la x ·1no s e ll ln• for DACJl6.1 BR

2 l3 , 6111-7615 3 Br. 21., ba , fa m . 5475 152-t710wll:nds7S2-Mtl --· -------1 ... " "

•I llr . 2h ha . ram $..\25 Dix Bayfront Condo. 2 Br, Coate Mete 3724 :your spacious new 1-or lBR W /LOl-'T Fr. $185 "5·3-WS ---------·ftUl8 2 br dup. Kids. peL, , lbr a pt. Vry larce. Enc stn.cles ok. •·ee. a Br, din & ram rm!' S53S 2 Ba, wet bar. l5IS be. NWPT SHOR ES. 31 ••••••••••• •••••••••••• 12· bedroom apartment. Frplc, pool , jacuui, car.

615-8014 or ~512' c.dar St. A·Frame cot $31.SO WIK & u, •From $22.0. F'u rn1ture relri l I.Del. Gas Ii wal~r &araae. $200/mo. Ca.II ~am Rentals. 540 S370

842..i:JOO. > s~ . cle3n. Just Jia1nled .. br. 2 ba house. rncd) rd . SW.~.

. tqe.SBr. SCS0. 4934761 .. Studlo lrl BRApt.s 1avallable. ~m all p~U pd. 645-4411 552·7000 l.Br Condo W /den, dtn • TV & Maid Sttv Avail ~ A:~st:1JY

00 Of~b!-,B"'"r_up_pc·-r-. _c_rp_ls_,-dpr.;-::--:.

TH L__ • -.·. .. ureit , 2'11ba.1love.. trash Bllib home. Just~. •Phone Serv Htd pool ;ral .. rv ·i:,~ "d.·. c· os l a water pd. $250. mo. 374 A Nice 2 Br house. fncd )'d newly decorated. 2S4

L l'Omp . Recenll" con BR. 2'11 b a . L oe. 0 .,... .... __ .,._:...:.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• r " .. n WoodJ nd ,,.., "'7""' VILLAGE. . · · str ucted. tenrus "courts, greenbelt. Comm. pool. .~~':,~;:;tes G1aeral 3802 Mesa. Phone 545·2300. a · .,... ...... Onqe. SZtO mo. 548·4017•-------­

BR. I L!: Sa. ran~o & · pool, nr bcoch. ~ mo. Vacant. i.e ... ssas. Act

2376 N rtv

81 d ·c~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Duplex 2 br, 1 ba. new cpl. REALTORS 675 0123 -.78'18 64f l.2'71 Ev ewpo v • "" 31a TUSTtu• C..sade llermosa drps, stv, refrig. Avail

..__ · • 548-t7$Sor645-3967 • • " (2) 2br Studio Apts. 1 9/1. Pref. middle aae SHARP 4 Br 2 ~. lplr oven. O W, di , p . 2 t•11r - -bllnS on quiet cul de sac . 1tar. encl patio. hrek bf)q . Avail. Now. $400. S57·7848 boal ftlll t. huatl' hckyr<I

% Br Coedo In Mesa Ve rd MIO riMl ·1:1 111 SISO sec Villas. SH$. No pe t:s _&. clt.1llln '1ot deµ 814. ~~I:\ Open SUllday 2-SPM 0 ~UP Im Cl.t-;AN e.1tU M2•128Saf\6PM 3 llr. 11, na. fr1Jf<' . allt')

Macnab· Irv me tH: \I.TY t'O\I PA :\ Y


w boat ac<'ess. near l h•1I On fulrwa~" l m m a rul11h' 4 .. IOOM & Gruha m . U50 mu ltnor ho S 1111 Joaq111 n 2

J~ balh, ramify room . &17 26.:l:! bedroo m, dcn & 2 both fireplace . W11lk to flOOI - -- - - townhouM' .. , t<'ulltom de· unnll, sauna, jar u£&1 . potlcss 4 br. 2 ba & f 11m cor . l'ool Ja cuui ttc. etc. AU lochadcd lo rm on r ul ·de·u c Nr ~/Mo. c7.21) SUS per month, school . 5450. M7 1811.3 t\en or lle len lla rtkly

Kt;V K RAL TORS 3 HDRM & POOL 642~5 --- '*'- 4"ll Nt'ar Martn1 H.I Rh . S3ll<I e~~-~~~~~ LOVF.LY M ~A Vf.R D mo r .. u 78ti6 n r 2 n a TWnhme . r a rk IUOllLANDS llOMF.· V l t 11 •I t d 11 family-a ll hli: r<)()mS. Stor)' & nr lluanc w 1fucd P~~l. o r~r;. . ";;~1;a ~o: firct>l1 l'e$, l usb lclarpg. ytl, cl<Hi~ ~o 5c h.ool

1s R& Ch1ld_1no pct, . ~2l

Ava il. Stpt 1 . Mr , 11hopp1nl{ in S . t-; . I Mt')CJ' A.:l SS6-Gl71 0 SdO. mu IOUli Con'uh1 \lnlv Pnrk 1'100 n 3HH .... • lion 96:l .t:.M6 sln1tl fam • rt'•t IOl'ale

wctb:tr 8 / t' f1m rm COLLECf. PARK . 42 3Z44 $.5410 lw rt'frrcnw Princet o n . 1 blk of ••••••••••••••••••••••• $5 1 · IOS9or llfi3 .~ Harbor. !l Br I ~ "" Gl'L' L ..... , .,, ... ..,.. 3 Ur 2 u - - -•· R r 1 5395 '"'""~ .... ... 11 L...- .. ecllia 1241 ~~18 m • P c · hw . .. 'rplc .• no pets. $-l ts.1•••••••••••••••••••••••

mo l ~c. W.8181. RENT A.LS Sparkling abd . Zbo . lt uoc ho Su n J o1tquln LAGUMA llACH «khwabr. Lotd yd .• frplc. , Spa.rklln1t ne w San J oo• 1 3 BORM at • 'AM RM ='~4!"m~~"rt•> · <ll~n mode-I. up.,.r ltv('I, 2 bath hom e . ·w / W -----·---·--... v 1M~ . Zbd & d en c a r pe t s It drtpes .,_,..... 122 CUU~rdral <'t'lllna lrllP· Swedl1 h flrep l11 co •••••••••••••••••••••• 11rad c d . $S!U . m o . OUTSTANOINGOCEAN CtJST. l\H, open beams. GiS.::700ort79-lll8T It Vll..LAGK VIEW.

(pc, 214r2Ba.Vlew. IJ2$. Rrnnd new vlrw , 2br, Mo. ll.lm/unf. 486-7315 O!l)'I Univ Prk 1'he Tor· 2. Studio apt. Z 8 1.t\S. T

' '.


3214 rta~e. Nr poot.' $3TO/mo. HEAt:H. 1 blk . rrom Pot

.., --:r 21'"· '"12- tS•t o r (714 ) t e r y Sh ack . O WNF. "•••••••••••••••••••• ". " " ' PAYS ALL UTl t.rTIES

W AU( m 19'9. Sl65 Mo. l o Mlle S\Urt Park. Raft<'bo Sa.11 Joaqu.1.n 3Br, s. Spacious 3 BDRM R~rotect 3ftr. z bl, 2~.Ba . Abeo bst Vit i FA.'llfLY HOME. Bull frplc: MW rpts dra pc!S ttoU 1reen TS1.a32 m 2 le .-el Lire. llv. rcn ""i •. : h ' w/firepfffe. Thls hom " &•W IU er SUO mo. RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN hu m•anifltt-nl OCEA ..,._., Agnl. no fee. 3 Dr. I'-' Ba. popular Sa It COASTLINE VU.

2 Story, • BR. 2 BA. fa m Luis Rey Model. V .. w. Mo. r 111 , 11u a>' e X\ r as . Joli toune. Jake. a val 4. RusUc cedar sblnt $&95/mo. 9'3-4567 nr, ~ is. 1IZSo. W7·~ home . Lee. aundeck1 r. . m.uu fireplace . d lula • rm .

• bill· ln ll: lt cben. Ao u New 3 bednn Devonwnod FOR L&ASE • Univ Pk. • ctiknt f•m. bome. sn el!leC bon'le. FR. wet bar. Br. 2~ Ba, f• m rm. 2 I t) Mo. form d loe, uparaded twollomc , $$2· t4U or MISSION llALTY tbt"9CNt. ,_/mo. Ast. m ·TOOO. 1185S 0$l ftwy La1una

Npt. ShoN'I . 2 BR. coov. Harbor View Palermo. Adull.ll & cblklND ove r w / Cire placc, $320. J a dlt s . No pets. 568 den. Wa lklobeacb , etc . Br. ssu . mo . iocl lehWehJ-Z .. 16. Nopets. Bltns, brkfst wilboutnreplaceS310. Plume r Sl . S250mo. Jack $Utl/ Vrly. t\.l(l . ~- 1.290 prdener. 586-3007 Bltu, w/w, Clrps, pooi ba r . dis p, A / C. O/ W. baths, range & oven, dis d ays 642·02l2; 546·Z2T7,

- ---- $225. Adlls , no pets crpt., drps, lndry Cac. pvt bwasher. l'Wwport leecli 32" Mewport•ecti J2" t4W!l71 p u t10, e ncl. .inr. ltV 160W. Wiison. $180. mo. l .& 1 Dr. refrig, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••1------ ---1 i. lo raic . Waler pd . bltans, q uiel, no pelS.

macnab I trvtna raaltg

THI COYI Luxur ious 2 bedroom, 2 bath condominium complete w/seeurity gate & a ll t he features for elegant living, $750 / mo. Holly Markas 644.QOO. CZ16 >

"MONACO'" Harbor View .Homes 2 or 3 bedroom near pool, park & school. lmmed. occupa n cy . $550 / m o . Donna God~hall &44·6200. (Zl7)

MIW IA "110MT Beautifully decorated Promontory Bay residence w /slip lot lg. boat. 4 bedrooms. lamlly room. elcc. kitchen w / brklst. room on bay. Yrty. ba sis-unrurn .-incl. gardener at $2000/ mo . Avail . f mm ed . Cathy Scbweick~rt 642-8235. (Zl8)

OM THI -.cu couasa At Big Canyon! Brand new 2 bedroom, 2 bath townhome end unil on the ground level. Sell-cle•n . ovens. compactor, fireplace, wet· bar, pool ;;Jacuu.i - tennis court - gua gate. $700/mo. yrty. or s ubmit.. Barbara Wright 644-6200. (Z 19)


l&Z ... Trtn 1!38-l754or (213J92'..!28i9 MESA VERDE area . ~------$150 lo $165. Cu & wale - - --- - Home atmosphe re 2 & • . • pd. No kids / pcls. 133 £ lolboa lslaftcl 3106 brdeluxeapL'I. 546·1034 Uiil:2 Br % Da, fully cpt.d . lGlh St. 642.12165 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -- drl>fl, blln s tove , lge e11cl

2 DRY~ARLY DeluHMewUnit1 pollo, ndullli, nopet.a. 424 l er. furn. adults no ..... ls NO n.,......, .... u ... 0 2 Hr st udio, 'II Da dwn , Ford Rd .

..- .,...,.. ~.- ... ' 1"'2 ba up. Alrlum , fa m ------ ---~~is.wa lk t o a bopa 673.·S'73lt:VES rm. frplt', patio twnhsc Beaulirul Spaciou s 1---- - ----1..._ Pe 'p • 3107 desi&n. $.175. No pcta. privat(', 3 Br 2 Ba. pool,

lbd furo apt, newly de ••••••••••••••••••••••• Knox St. Nwpt nets ch ildren welcome. " o coraled, prefer mlddl Duplex : 2 Br, 1 o a. area. 642.-2389. pet.s. $32.S mo . 548'4885

$a~i:; :S c~~~~r.c:i:.s garage1 yrly. $28.'i mo Spac lou.!1 s br townhouse 2 Br, very 1>rl vate, cpl.I>. · • Avail ~ept. 6"·7!1U? or 2 ba frplc, r>alio, pool. drpa. r efrli: & • l v . S(>Oh'

IHll.,. ..... leech l74 f!!.S~ l~eves. Aduiu , o pe ts. $300. furn iture. Qulet •duU .. •••••••••••••••••••••• c-i....,._ 1etlCl9 311 I 645-338l . No ~l!I . Nr. We1M:U(f

( ..,.... Ccnt1.ir. All utll pd. s.tn. Dt:AUT1F UL l br U ••••••••••••••••••••••• EA5J'SIDl!i adult 1&2 Dr 642-C~'ltl apt.a $170 ~ $180. Spaanl• Oceian Vu · Brand N e w $200-~. Llko new. Pool•--------­J\Yl1c bkta. Plnvtdencl a

1ar 2br/2bl , blt1U1, Crplc, 20' no peta. 111 E . 22nd. st Ueluxe 3 RR . 2 Ba, patio.

poo . 1111una1. _ "!1 11d

1' ti ~llo. $350. 496-42!12 &45-7S13or644-o8'71f frplc, 1 m cblld.ren ok

no pcia. 1 .... 1 r.H - --- - S300 536 m 21 1.n. t blk W. of Beach o CoroM .. Mar JU CASA VJC"rORt A - ' . :.. ·--- -Slate r ll42·'TM8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l ,2Wbr, DeluxoUnfur. Nt:WL.Yl>P.CORATEO

Harbor Paclf\c S tud I or Jl'urn. 1a1/wtr pd. 2 hr YI/ Mar 1216. New cpl· .., Aduftl•NopetaS.C. a•te hlc:d yd-wa ler pd. 222lt

pool, jo.eunl, l hlk II ""v Pooi, r.erm, elevalora " U" Plarunllu. Call beach . By m o. or l ~o ~ AS Vlctorta, 642-1970 lll'lwn 1-5. 630-4120 m.nu c.21a> 1J,. i.·r;o•

~ .. ~ :0.ti .-.. 3124" eo.t•...... lt24 ............ . ........•.................................•.. •••••••••••••••••••••• CORONADt:LNAll

WIMTll llMTALS 2 Br To.mhouse. frplC' Pool. tennis, ronllnenla l

~~ block to the buch, br<•alcfast. Some ocean Ii • wlnunln1 pool & ample C11L1lloa v le wa. Close to puklna. St11d lo1·Slt shoppina &i fin• beach. mo. Ir pent.houses-Pt 644-:!Xll\ mo. Availa ble Sf-pt . 1st~~~~~~~~~ t akl n a r uervaUon ii· NOW!

/"\.J EUJ EL.. L Assoc1atE s \ l"''"'"""' UAC~ 4U 6\Uj

BEAUT. a Or 2~ Bl, dplx patJo. ttar. nu cpt.c. S4 mo. '94!. 673-Ull Agt.

t>UPLEX 3 Br m B• FP View. above China cove adults . ms mo. 492-1112

Must See to Appreciate Spac. l br dplx s.IOO , f7U306.f7~ ...

~.-rt.... "" Z Br. l Ba Apt. So. ofHW)' •••• ••••••••••••••••• Adults. no ~· S2ti 1DO INTO BSACH REN :2"~~ E~. ~knds .

Hikearot1nd neadycoaapleml _ _PineaeekV&.ge

No fee. Mt ror ~n Pbone4t4:m3l llU-48U1&2-UJ-4 e ase ne• Smoll:etre~ 1 __________ 1

htlhff. 2bd. ~. pool, Vry tharmh•I I s tory club bse, $315. ~·~ a.-, Ma, 2ba. a frs>lcs

Pier for 50' boa. Sandy beach. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Sl:wlO/mo. yrty. Lynne R~ll ~- (7.20)

TAL 1-. blk to ocean. ------­Very c le an 2 Br dplx un 3 BR . 2 DA. s teps l it,. New '""'· 9 mO!I lse , ti.ach. View of bay Ite l ' • rtq'd . 675·U38 ; t>uch. Avall9-1.17lH288 •aut Sbd uee time

• ' 1Chlbhle ~ pool priv. Top ...... .-. -.tn-4. l'O(lt 4 br. fa m rm natural wood pauclia

din rm. 1 ba. ne"' r ft>l thnaout, ~I a. IT'OO¥ VI• • of U.C I. Leue floors, trg ll"ft&, U. bloc Ga,._.., water . a 11 from ~•n. north end -.. pd b1 owMr. ~Cl no p et•. cpl!! pre f ~·~ • >rmo.C.114!M·ml.


.rg 2 br, % ti. . car N ~an. S320 Yrly. ~ N~une. 64S·S8'72 or 11 325-.~tt.

fantastic V'ew. 2bd be hme, p vt stree t. aval Sell' 4. tmo.. 98!0.mo. Yrl y .. $700 . m o 2131921-11«



H DAILY PILOT fncsay Auqust l3 1971

Add U ... Build iL.Olaper lt...Hammer It ... Caroet lt ... Cement 1t.. .Wire 1t...Hoe lt ... Clean it ... Move it...Press i t ... Paint it ... Nail IL.Plaster it ... F lx It. .. SERVICE DIRECTORY

....... • .,. ..,.. Senk• ...... t1•• y ..... /P .. rt.t ........ /W.. , ... y .... .,. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ················~····· ..•...........•.....•.......................• ················•····· ......................•.•....•.....••.••••• , ..

.\PPLlANCE R•~PAIR SJO -~n>lce Call m•>~·242l

.. ,.att .... •••••••••••••••••••••• tNFANT CAin; my hQm\.' l..akt t'ore t 11reu. Cull tJme. 681 71:.ti urt l<!noon

· 11rl'lpoo &i e.tcam cl\•an on~rete . ~arpentry , J APANf- 1-; 1-:XPt;;RT M O\ In ' Ch:anup11 Plat l:llock. Urltk. Sluml)llton WALLPi\N: RING. PATCtl PL\STE lllNG 1n1: ~olor bn•hlcnen. . muun r)' . • tucco. hm , Landilnpto &G1td4lotna tk-d truck Rototilhnc. Walls & Plo.ntt'r. F.:\ II kind,, "·ork "uu. •• Al.LT\'PJo:.~ · • .,.bt r•rPl• to min C2131 4:t90021, 846-7 <.:aUMll SUl2 Re:uonable75l·S:SO JWrtly 1n:1t•llrd Wo r1' Yree e~t• Call Norm Fre.cEiot ~°'~

CANO!'\' TV S\'C CO. l t ttotit 841rvlcit

11t .. 'air t>riee> 900- 1'33 t>k-11th tle11n lh rm, dtn a Ii. for Uon --- Ci~rantet'd C.all Davc 8M 371», 675 r~il --:--. • -rro" hall $16 "''rm Cle••• YrdMai.t. ll:iulln.almovana;. cleanup oov. Sl)t'clally prit'ed - ---- H~R' Nl'.l\T t'i\TCH n. S7 so. c~h SJU, cbiur SS • TO)I J O · t;s • C:UI Wike $'8 l!CH:> $71up Tre.,worl. , reH. w 9800" 635 si · rrot~lonal P11inllnl:!. In· J OUS & T t:x ·r It•: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Guar .:hm p.•l odor Crpt 0P~C't~~ !"~t'·~l~~-~ . !~,.d1~ood6 -- t'w , ftte est ~¥·4"7 --- tenor ~ 1-:xterior. t~rtt• f'rl>e l-!sl . 893 1<$311 CERAMI ' Tllo. New fl

1 ""'• .. ~ .. ,.., .• " '"" 0 • 11bt'll,•ro & S()M. t:xpr Mo•lltt P.i.1lm1hl4'. 646 531S - -- rmdl t'r ~=-\ / Sml Job!J n:p.;11r I~ )r• e J>r - 1111rdcnn. t' rcc cits HcMn4tc...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Homes - Addit io n • " 'o l1:0111 e 636· 2'28 • 4' "'u r k m > 11 e tr rt e t Adcht1~n~ llc inooehn11 llt'll.M)llUbl,• . b<IG-4tiS4 .. n ••••••••••••••••• ••••• MOVlNG? Lcl l: e>1pr "d l'11int1n.i lnttrior It ex· Rl'stuc co O\'t' r blot k ~moo

Lovin!:( cart•, lnf11nt to ~l ·illOI Hlotk I. !<.lump tone l pm Wint a REALLY Cl. F.AN mtn OlO\'t' you K ai. tenor. Qu11Hty work. lo "'1t ll 1> t-•r1>c ci11 . IQ~ ff'I, day or C\' l'"' H f'111o ·1111K"t furn rin·.: '•oft Walb Clob, li73 t~ - -- HOUSE" Call Glnaha Rds. 998-8Qor5l5·11583 . pl'lcc. Kl•n673 1100 ro\{'S. 58G·4802. T'"S..-.lce Brookhun.t11\d11mi. Liil ale rma i5 uv 10 yri. m l!lectrical Maintumuncr, l1 l111111n1t II Girl . Pree .-i.l• 64~ 513' - 1 E ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• daiGll-'7580 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.11ndi.ca 11e . .. ·r ce 1-;11 t . ' PllO!o~ MOVING . l..owt•11 ntcri~r/ xt. A,·,.: r~in •-.. ll\!OIO\' lll i- trln\mln s

• , 0eof1.le 11>~1\J. ~5·'7072 CleaninJ hot• e~ & 11part rl.\tcs. UQf • Li<' ln~rd ~'O, " r 1·st , till pnC't'S incl••••••••••••••••••.••••• runin , r;c\l c:1t . l.lo'd' c-....ter ......t/ Co..c,.te llONP-'iT RF.l.llArR·L·f, r mcnb. ~asonabl1' rutt':s , Cure Wa) 1> 113<& l ':Oil, 1 vulnt642·311).I llOM t-;sAVt;KS· ~IJ)' 1n!u1'\ld. 6<ll·l.'Ua ' ....................... ...................... 1\ll I ) JW Jobi.. " t:t f! GtMrol s..-.vic•• ~341 11 )'11 I'lumbln" & llcitlni:

· Carpentry. Add o~ 11l1t-0 • • . , • i1 m. 11 $1:t.!IO hr Call Ed •••••••••••• •••• •••••• • ---- - LH Ut Pro•• Fr{..- ••i1tlmatci1. honc!)t & , ~mmcrdul. Lie. fret• :f!~N~TtF:t ~O~l:HCt.1I IH7·99V2orUonSJGl~!I. HANOYl\tAN fl omc·s & Rehullle&t-:mc1\'ut . W~l> P ........ /P.,.ri•uJ W•GlveYo.MOff rehublc 11ervkc. $HI hr. ~• .~h·c .uv the ~hip! ~t . C.15·3439 •7 A • li n > • A Ph Coni.tlerHi ous or bi -monthl y Lied ••••••••••••••••••••••• 847-0383 llofi\ & :\I C l.1 ~t 11 111 chh1.afltd.

blc tone. ~rick ·" t i! ., rruft111nan MS GM8 96().2'.)J'I :if\ a. l' J illl ·Kepalr 35 )' r'! 1n For Yow W...y ! . . Shiv to i.hort' t hOlti.1 VJLIO!>,ct('. 640· 13-l:) :area . wotkmirn1thin 6ll· 5l5lA11yffWM Plumber. Repair.Rcplp(' 642·0018.

....... ~ ............... CARPENTll\'. Vaintm(t ....._..., ,. l nstallution &Sen·itc:. St rattly C.:u&tom Addi or W..-C, & Ce.-..ps & mmor repair.. 1-'ret• •••••••••••••••••••••• _!.~;i;rT . .. ~!~_·7~~·nnl of Ill) WALLPAPt:R G. Gidley tH:! 931 --------• l101111. Rc1>ll1ri.. ct' mt'nt •••••:•.••••••••••••••• 1'"reet''t 642 9907 1$Um:itH. ~s I IOtJ Fln•plac-c-s-Plantt'r'i • "~ _, _, REM OVAL USI THI "' ork. d.oo~ hun.: . t-:TC I. EE M. JJ\H\ 1:-. . • Dnetc Concrete Pat io PoW Yow CasHe Re.pon:.1ble llieh School IMOCW & aepeir DAILY PILOT Res1dcnllJl, com merr1.1I Add11>ons &Hcmo<.h.>~mg. ' ~u .. & . GA HAGE S1n11ll.• femllll.' . non Block Walb BBQP1t. i.tudcnl, ex pe rienced. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... &ST & stores oU.c·e remodel· !Ill:? 5.'>73 Ltc 31t CLl::,\~liPS. ,Lne _h 11 ul- , lnoker, mature ~ra Her F.sls646-0464 ,·er ut. l ·i.ly, S:.>95 S3 SO p hr. Ca ll Greg , lily home Im pron! "" mg. Qu.1 t·k scn1te. qu.al GERuolCL' • SO~ ". '' '"~ Fn-ccst.IH6-l616 i. lud c nt J\u1I Co • 2-stySJSS. tnt. $3Srm 963·72Ulafl. 6 pm . ments. hC',:!Syrsexp Fr llSUL,... work Pahlmbo Con,tr . " "' "" ,, h l BLOCK . !>lumpston Pncei. mcl mtr"li labor -- - --- F · • 11

0 •Mmbru n9 ,..,2831 1 ,\Jd1llon·i· Remod"hn" E:1.pr J ap11neseG11rdent ou1te •Pt pct 1>1t ing Guor. 1n:.r. treeest ......,__ est . air pri ce. Ca SHvlCI .. .,.. ~"' " .. • 1 1 ·52.\-~ "1111.s. brick. stone plan ~ Ken-I ca r e 6-12 · 177 Y Lie lJ121~i? <.:omp maintenance • - tt'rs. co nert'te . Ve r) Ted636·708SorS5:!·0L34 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C\'CStwknd DIRICTORY

C.,.,.t S.nice ~·121;o t;iJ-tiC~ cleanup F'r t.>i.t re as . ....... reas free ei.t Bob PETEflS PAINTING P;\ TIO Co\'ers. Roowood ••••••••••••••••••••••• lhro iSl· l937 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7!i0-9ii.a E r dl'(:U QualJly " Ork. re- ~IOfl- For Result Car11e t t\l an will 1.1y ll L' f t' )l.\='i & SO'.\' - ___ -· xpr rcas r ate ree <'- • C II r our" ' min c Remodel. cab1 ne i:. . Y,\R D & GA R AGF. Sl2•Lood 6 0 ., • al>pricts. Lk3l506S Ph ....................... .;J'IC'rvace a · Repairs clN1111 11,: too ' r'>rm1ca641 ·75911.~-l~I CU :A:S ' PS. Lilt haul <.;etR1dofUni.1)lhtly To· a Oa1h• Pilot ~!..: ll _ enc~,.().$51! &&6·T72 l or64~003.a . REPAJRS-,\l.LTYPES 642·5671 Guar.,.·orkatb1iu:1:r~J\' ·· ing . 1-' ree e!> l Pet TH1\SH&Dt:BRlS Class1CiedAd tobuy sell Ha\ e some1hing to sell• Reasonuble.fr\'t't:i.t . hc lat. JJJ ">"!:. t~r l' t 6-t5·~6 Sell 1dh.• item!__~ 2:'6·~01 College Student•5.48-t>t28 °'rent something. ' Cla. s 1fied uds do tl well. Want ad results 64.2·567 Walt 830-5020 nnyt1me


Af a lwww .. 1 ........_ .... lwwwat1 u.twa. Apa lww11ta FwwillMcl ewtah to Share 4300 Offic• RNtal 440 Mort9agu, Tn11t &.oat & Fomcl SlO Schoell & •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,, &.htfwiwi1lled 3900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deedi 5035 •••••••••••••••••••••• ............ 7001 Cott. Meao 3124 leacll 1141 Newport leacll 3169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ingle M •F or l'Ouple to Altr 2 rm office nvuil ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND: Vic ot lka,·h & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT IEACH s h a re la r i; c hou se Superior A ve, Cost 2ND TD MONEY Atlanta, rem Kecshound Your child can learn to Patlo l\pl a Br 11 , Ra S Drop a lk'hlllc Into thc $135. L'lll pd. Near buy. 2 Bedrms. bltns, frplc w/ s pect t11.• ul ar OC'ea n Mesa 646·1684 8 ·30·5:30 • • mix . A ppr ox H \. r e ud . Tutoring b y

· · · - · Fee. O .... THEW&TER \ lew Lagun a Bea c h Terms be low market, 536·8201. qu:dllledtchr. G44J.7638 Coai,l Pluia Arl'a . rl' Ocean from your Apt ~al Rentals MO..WO " "" 499-2032 lluliMss ltNtal 445 pvt (unds , p e r s onal -derora ted, adll.'l . no pets U>ru.c Luxury, secunty. · n • some dock use S{SOmo. •••••••••••••••••••••• service in your home or FOUND: blk Doxie. mule. European '"Old Masters" 042-°"61art4 :30 PM Mature adults. 317SS Cst. S2SS . t: t1 I. pd . Patio , FI ND A ROOMMATE .._.EWPORT llE &CH ore. 675-4494 Bkr. 24 hrs . Vic. Beach & lle il. H.B. painting !ic:hool for Adv. , --- • 11" > · 49U 2835. 1uterfrooU'ee. 3 Bedroom 2 bu th " 1th .f.ROEESSlONALLY ' " ~ JWkOlSO ort ..studcnts..J::or.. lnJo~ '

~lr. r l>ai i,~t~11 . ~h.il! - Mam Rentals. :>-iO·WO ocean view S425 mo. llouse-Malts Unlimited Stons or Offices •QUICK CASH• l : Reward . Alaskan Call 64S-4840, rm . 703 rps. pal o. rp c · •am \\'alk tu beac:h. St85 t;ul --- 832·4134Since 1971 N r Co us t JI w y T.D. L...s

1 't r W J

r ). , ihhwhr . .:~tr pd Smitlcuk. 1-' l'l' l..Jdo-2 br b11yfront apt . 21ledroom den. und Riversld~Ave 470to l Ma amul e " ., am . .ted, 70 i Aduhs. 52~0 2650 P.ldcn. .\tu an Rentals. ~O·S370 St,. & refr1i: Yrly hie. ocun view $3JO mo Furn house, hld pool. sq fl , w ii 1 re m ode 1 El Dorado MortMa~e Co. hea rtsick, scar frnt leg ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!n1t F . W -3125 -- ~00. 675·-1&.16 frplc. nr. OCC. UCI. S.C. Reasonable rent. J e rf") l213) 670.3160 collc.?et 493.7254 lonor student desires typ. • - - Nt>\\I) rlcl•orat..'<l ):ardc ---- JACOIS REALTY Plaza. S130. S46·~ll W.mn, Rltr (213)477-7001 or l7l4> 968-6546 FOUND ing J>OI. or temp uslQn·

:"EW & nll'e 1 br. pool. f11. upt. I br uni urn !\o pets . Sl35 lb a turkey but ,,.. G C( I hdl~ . no pets From S2"l5 2 blks beac:h Walk t t'heap' Beachcomber 675·6670 Tiredolliv1ngalone~ Lov- lldKtriol R...tel 450 ZND T.D. LOANS White mnle Poodle ~nl. en ° sk lls. F.V. ~~3798 s hops & rei.taurant:. Ft-e 631·2011 ---- - 4000 ely 2 bdrm F'~m Nwpt •••••••••••••••••••••• Combmahon real estaie SantaAnaarea~7-309S 96..1·


Just decoraled . hr.ind s:l)(). +uul C:ill&.i0-4230 ='iWPTJIGTS.newumt.s ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beach. 962-2151,644-2618 6400Sq. ft a ll orp11rt & pe rsonal prope rt)' 'ound · B T bb &Mature Apt m a na1e r .. "' loans on r esid ences, ...... · L rown 1a Yh rt wants small unit In C.M..

newm:.1de. Lge2br apt WideOceGRViews Br2Bat~'llhse S37Smo eepmi;rms$60·SlOSmo. NptCrest Tennis.swim. n•!ll\'YPo~Cr apa rtm e n ts & co m · •mill'. ge mae, so or H 8 Xlnl r efll \\".side. W w cpti.. dpr:.. l br luxury apt !'.:stat House S350 mo. MS-4931 All S50 wk Share kit/· Ot'l'an \ "U Nd rm mate to HESTER-DROWN mercial properties . $5000 hair cat. Jlunl Bch. S36-002·1 all new appln!>. ="o pet II\ m g G ardi•ns. pool WATERt.RO~T CONDO. bath Shown Mon·Sat s~~ 3BR 3BA lux condo &As.soc . • Inc. K33·1178l to $100.000. Statewide 546-1377. ------- 1 S220. Ill pd 552 117 CIO!>C to b<';ich & :.hop 2550 sqrt S8SO mo Sid ·only Call art lpm furn. 552.3974 e\·es I()()()' INDUSTRIAL Finance 772-8601 FOUND: Olk fem Lab. · 1uer·llouse, pct.II. Day/ . betwn 6&10pm pini:. S:US mo Incl. uul. tie ll\'a1I Agt .,4 f;.t0-8l-49 Refs req 'd SSG·~ or ---- -- - Costa l\h -su. Near New, Cerritos It Temple 11111 week / month. kc II ab~. '

!bdrm. Enclosed gar Rm 1\d ult~ 111 1 4ti S3 o 548·SOM ft<IG 5789 Pvl' A lllMIRC......tl/ Dr. Laguna. 494·4439. Retired mihtliry, 48 )IN • h i . d ... ~Hi017 pa cio us n e w 2 & --. -h Office antot 4400 ' P~/ 491.17H . old. 768·3778 1or was er "' 11·er 1• Bdrms 2 bu th unit ROOMS ~ wk up wit ••••••••••••••••••••••• R...tah W..ted 460 Lott & FMd ""' chUdn,,!!_ or a>e!!_ 642·33i9 OIJllftO Hiquel f. r t kitchen S37 .SO wk up •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• F 0 u N D : 1,. l' m \ pt M1r. 12 units or less 1

LOVELY l.1:e 3 Rr. newly •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~t)~~':'e~:~~;:."de · !pl.". ~-97Mor G4S-39G7 Retired t'Ouplc nd short Lost & ~ 5)00 Auslrialian Shep. no tail , yrs exper irnme loc. ausl· redtc&t'rpt 'd , 1dt•allo1•.f BrovlS. pool Clos~to~t. vclopment lmmed e>e· Work1n 1: mun . kit chen termfurnrentulin N.D ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 yr , Eldon A\•e, Cl\I . ness man, NBs73·43117. No pets. 97!>·2531. 28~ \"1eJo & oet-an. 1-· ro cupa nc:y 1'' am1lles & pn\•1leges. private en urea Approx Nov thr LOST : July. blk male 642·7989. I ~lendozu . Apt. .\ . S265. 200 11 Alom a. or pets i1cceptcd S33S up. trance . $153 pe r mo ~~- ,..._.. f'eb. Approx $400/ mo Chihuahua pup. Reward. LOST· l\lal y 11 w Lab W..ted 7100

Crown Vullcy. 1131 ·0857 t>'75·4911 Brkr 497·2014 ,.._ Prefer CdM . 898-1062. Call 646·5716. afl 4pm. hok ·• lei eVol 11 t ; ••• ••••••••••••••••••• LOVELY LG!': I llr \"er\' -- - ,/'1- c e r co ar, c. n G •OSI IO ,. clean. ideal loc ~o t•N; Mistioft Viejo 116 12 Blk b~h Unsla1rs 3 br. Mesa Verde a t trnctivc. ~""-- Bus iness Family·Adult. Lollt : Dlk/ Brn Tli:cr rem. Och. Main P ost Ofc. •AAAA I T NS r SIOO mo 070 :1s:11 211115 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ua. rrplc . .car. ultns . luqtc room for employ'd ./'=::: .- desire larAc s or hom Cat. Mts /J or Nwpt urea. 840· 1924 or 1146 · 358 Architedwel Mcndotu. Apl A. Ur. Ah~o \ ' 11111 View. $\25. Yrly l~e 640-6140. adult.$30wk97!1·96S6 ,1,.......,...,. w/pool or 4 & dcn +fa n eward , 898 - 4912 . anytime Dreft._

t'<'nlr:ll 111r. upi:rnd1·d. tZ7 •~th St -- · rm Lease S Y. Hunt 557 7100 COMtnlC l"-/S.cy $200. 2 Br, blan,. J>ool. s:iis mo 58().3007 -- -- - .I Block rrnm beach. S2!I • · • · • • OST · Fema le Oranee ...,.. ,1dult ov','r :!I. l\IJ fl''t" - Deluxe Apt 2bd , 2ba. perwk 000·2626aft8PM . ington Bch.,N .... · p~ or t;SAD. LOST : M Irish Set . Tabby k itten. NewJ>Ort Employ~rs PayAllFeell 325J. t7lllPI a rt11.\M wport .. och 3169 bllllb , frplc , 2 patius Lea,·e msg, Hntg Bcll. •DlOFREf:RENT• ~:~:at:'~~~e r~~11 1:: Nwprt Bcb / C!lt area . Rivlcra,CM. 548-8969 ~n::~:s~~~=~~

""--- P-'-" 3126••••••••••••••••••••••• pool a\a1l. S390 "~'e ·-- - - -- - - - 1-2·3 Rm orfices from & rare ' To S47S. P Red collar. W/ lit'. May $50•EW"ID NewPortllea b 833~190 - - PAaKNIWPORT eall838·0826 Hoom for rent , pvt bath. Sl3S per m o . Adj . 536·3135 be ort. Also ~KC No. •-' " 1 "' kh CallforApptc/ E.t b '65 '• •n•••••••••••••••••••• APARTMENTS - kitchen privlcdttcs. Call A1rporte r Hotel. No lcuse t11tooed unde r hmd leg. If ~l. 8/7 v c . Di:o<> urst a Lo,·ely2Dr. :!ba . ncwdt• r) a Dull y Pilo l.yn nc . S47 6068 o r rcq1133-3223Tilnoon Prof. hsepntr v.•ants hsc returned will m ake it ~Ada~~ll1~· F e'Rlrlsh Acco.tlacjClerll cor. frpl . 1.11lll ont) :-. n Lu~ury~p~n~Ji lt\IOI! Class1f1ed 1\ d 'r bu) , :.el SS2·052ll __ _ • w/)ard. Trade fi x-up fo worth your while . Return r:~tefyrs oolde ~te :!~r Expe r ie nc e d lo do pets. $:!\t!I 1 Ur $215. Ga11 overlookmg the watt"r or rent someth ni: f'rce rm & brd in ex 60' PH SQ FT reas. rent. Bruce 64s..s:J76 so we can be ha PPY A · w M h t bel. icneral accounUni nl· & wtr 1ld 4!Nl 7379 EnJOV $7SO 000 hea lth chanAl' for babys1Umg 10 llll7 WESTCLlFt'·ND le•iMH/lllYHt/ again. 645-0334. 962~~ days ~-lei:. . Ing, typing a nd all ~lat.

2 Br 1 Ba. \er) elcan. spa.ii1wimmani:pools.1 3176 )•rboy. NpBch condo+ AGT. ~&1·5032 ,._e 2 maledogs. Germ e d t asks . Must be cpl.". drps, rl'fn~ h.11hh .. 'CI aennis rourts plw> •••••••••••••••••••••• PoQI. student pre f'd. Call I SO I W•itcliff Dr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shep m ix, 1-brwn/wht. In Laguna Beach versaUle and flexible $250 mo ;,sr. 547 mile~ or b icycle trails oct.:,\."11 \ ' IEW DUPLEX eves. 4·7. 642·3399 .... . luNMsa l ·blk/tan. Reward. Back well lo ved Germ an For Inte rview call Vera f

l)ut11ni: . s hurrleboard . :-\cw from S295 Call Ho+efs Mot.ls 4100 NewportOF'ffiin~nc1SalCtr Opport.ity 5005 bayarea . ~2408. Shephe~d m ix puppy 846·1371H.8 . LARGE & CLE,\:-. 3hr, . rroqucl l:ind2hcdroo Dian•· . 498 0232 o ...... ; ................ &....w.g . c• pee• " Dutchess" Generous ~..-..-- -ba w)d. Garug" 532!1 plan :. a n d 2 :- t ory 492-~ , • Call onS1te Manager •••••••••••••••••••••••t·emale Silky Terrier. reward offered . Call - - - ---.-,~o IH' l> 675 5205 o1 lownhouscsfromS32!JSO, ~ - SUNNYACRESMOTEL l1l4>642·3lllcx1246 •ALUMIN\JM FNDRY Found in Sea Te rr3ce, Alit'e494-<M28orlve mes A/Cond /Designr toS8hr 6'1~38:!I •1 k h *""°" ~.60. dbl (lor 2) $110,000downtakesover Laguna Niguel 493~ 494.9349 RC<lept/Typist to$7M

Panoramic: ocean vlrw. Vry lrg dlx 2br. 2ho, rrplc. lndry . balron~'. n pt:lll , I ch ild O K $J0() mo 4!l8·2H7

NICE 2 BR ·s. $23.'i & S 255, Nr. Dano lla roour. tn· qu!._r~ 445 Oak St. 4!14-611.aB

t. eclric ILC ens . c-.1 ..___ 317 $1160 Queen(lor 2) oauxEOFFtCES • CANDYSllOP& . OfcServsfSecy 1725 pr1,•a t e p:it 1o s or ..,..s • .-- · · - c .. w "-or bill conies. carpeting ••••••••• ... ••••••••••• Kitchenette -Pool· Phone Comm I & indsU s paces. Ice Cream S24,000 .FOUND o c a a poo , t : 8/9 RE ARD. P / 8 UCJJy ...... Pcd/l/nAslu

50r F,.,.t,o


EAN Vu 3 B 3 8 Svc 200 2000 n A I • SCHOOL. reading-111kMI female, gray & bm. Vic COt'ker, solid black male . """ "" draJk'ncs Subterranea · r 8 to sq. · 5 ow •BEER BAH. H.8. Nort h Cos ta Mesa. Vic Osa & Margueril lrvinePergonnelA1enc, ' porkini: with clc,·ators. cpts. drp~. bltns, s-14 2376 Newport Blvd. CM. us 30" sq. rt. Wig Niguel & •BUILD HOW SUPPLY 556-0149. 3359 Marigold Prkwys. <Mission Ridge) 488 E. 17th Costa Mesa Optional maid ser vice mo. Avall9 / l /76. 55l · l 53'7 5-48·9755 Mission Viejo are as . • SCllOOL,pvtJr/Srlll Cr .• C.M. 831·1'41 Sulle224 6'2·1471 Just north ()( t-'us hio 4200 Handy to S. D. Frwy. SERV N Island at Jamboree an "9nNslMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call8.11· l400 •HMABISD17160 ·• .n .CM FOUND · FI u Cf yl.!~~~------~~~~~~~~~~ San Juaqu1n lhlli- Road, orUaf-.ntisMd )90 SUMMER beach rental , 2 MS4i10 ran~0-0608 Blk&Whte dog, beige col· ..,...es 515 A.DMINISTRA.TOtt Telcphonu C7 14)(l.t4-l90C ...................... Br. Y2 hlk to ocean. Sips NEWPORT CENTER · lar, nea taf, Vic Linda .. •••••••••••••••••••• Educational e d it.or for rent al informa t ion. THE EXCITING 8, S2SO wkly. 675·6138 PR~STtGE OFCS Artist 's agent looking fo l1le NB. 673-91149 Drinking problem? writer, teache r Leading f

Hwtllftttonleoch 114 PALMMISAAPTS. J offices avail. in artis t s w / unu s u a CallAlcoholHelpline nat ' I corresp achool •••••••••••••••••••••• lbrapt.bltns. pool. Crplc , MINUTESTON PT OCEANrRONT BACH. beauttrully decorated mediasofart . Alsolook· Found : Kitten. Oran11e1 2"hrsaday83S·3S30 seeks quoliflt..-d teacher Condo . 3 Oil . , ,., hu . near oce1111• ~\dull~. no OCH. Avail. "kly. 8/7 to 9/11 su.llt>. Full services in· ing for enamel on t'Oppe male. w/whl flea oollar.1- ,.-----'-----1 to edit & write eorreap ;vculy . Chlld r\/n 0 1\ J>C'L~S2 IO mofi..IG·S!ll ll:1ch. l&2Blt 15Qwk. G73·2493 elude : Library , con· paintlnu . 499·3169 o Vlt': So. CstHwy/Moun· MASSAGE t'O\lrse lessons lnavarie Pool , tcnn111 , close If l 'PPER UUPLl-:X 2 Br ;,: from$19S. ference rm , JBM copier , wri te PO Box 1091 lain Rd. Lac. 494-11697 tr of vOt'allonal nekll rb0016. No p<'llil $.'125. Ila ~\'w1Y decor ·e1 l blk Adulls. No Pel!> STE PS TO OCE1' N & sec r e t a ri a l s pa ce. LagunaBeach,Ca . FOUND· Male Irish Set FIGUREMODaS Ed.IUng&c/orwriUng ex

.- \lll.673·G210 her S P ) l fr ' hC'h No pct,. 2 1561 Mesia Dr. ~k 1A:![p 1!19:~ r~ .~;: ~";:~~ ~l~r~ 1~10(~~ 4tj 8/5. J~mboree Rd. 6 ESCORTS per., " evidence ofablli ~... 0 U I W ... tl Prwrcc·t . S wpt Shor{·~ 15 Blks East or Newport ,, ... ""14 644 ~"" .. Mele Bison. N.B.175-1340. OUTCA.U OHLY ty req'd. Secondary or .,~,... 1 r . .. P3 0

" $330 c 11 646 6355 nlvd > '""""' """"' post aecondary teachlna :'4i.~":ci 123117 tlunllnat<>i wc-8912 a .

0 S46 9ltf.o ucach apt by " 'eek, $225. SPECIALTY LOST: Wht/blk cat, blk 631·3111 exper des ired. MA or

A\allable NOW. 1 doors FOR LEASE tail, wJit body w / blk BA r eq ' d Teac:htnf 3 nr. 2 b.i. S.lSS Hltl1t1 3 Or. 2 ba. blk to bth, 2 en 10 beach. 675.685() l OFFtCIS RESTAURANT a pot ~. Fem. Spyalass AIOITIOH crtdentlal pre r 'd S1 Jl:itio. ent'I i:ur. Adll!i m aar Dnleon) , Nu l)(>l SIS5 MO EACH Will sell or exchnng mu aru. Loved" mis· CounseUn1&Rererral S8500 w 11 2.000 depend· peu ~ 8836 ~s) rly r'°':! 1603 Balboa lite I br bch apt Fine COSTA MESA Loe h• ll h·proflt restauran sect very much. Want.I Preg. \,est-avail. wknda Ing on qualtrlcallona

- - 3 8 .. u ... 11 d k 1175. wk A\Rll 11121 to 752-1 700 with vlrtuall" no ""m· back. 644-933$. lMHrHelpllne547·1M95 Sendletter or appllcatloll l4t 2 hr, 2 h;;a , IJILn~ . 1:ur ' r blk'"· ''O:"'· •11~ ;;c . 911 t S.l:Z.~;1;75.51110 ""lltlon In th~ a ru",v ro LOST R"ddlsh brn ,.. PREGNANT' Ii rei.umc to Director ol )d Hr h okhur .. 1 11 to can A) 1 ... --DIVJSION. "" " '" Edu ca tion , No Hamilton ""'I.I ,,.11 yrlv $4~m~ 615·700_2 _ On t•enln6ulo next to .... ~ ..... ~... . rash, home. income p Chow • i,., Shepherd . Cari n g c ontld e ntla Ameri ca n Corru pon· I ... u s2u IHI 90811 .... ________

1111 oc<'Un . boy It 1t•11n111 perty. coins,ctc. male dog & blk Ii tan counseling & r eferra l dent'll School. PO Box

963-Gl 11 SIA WIND COHDO rourt11 2 br, cum pl. furn. Call Dane Wllh ilo Dachshund. Sant o An1 Abortion. a doption :zao. Newport R.: iH'h, C. Dl1HltctlY• AcMt Slet>J)IJ 0 673 9034 :ifl 4 'lt ==~ Ills area. ru 557-2971 keeploa. 921663. I U IS I br. pool , child ok

1-'t'\l 1\111in R'1 nt 11li1, M0·53'70

$170 2 br. 2 ba. anr Pool l\1(15ok. l''eo.

M11ln ltent:ils. 5'10 ·~370

; Tn.r. SdcTn0. 21bal ... MOOCH APAITMIHTS pm__ •: eves. Al>CARE 547· I • "' ....u-- ............. 4250 Offlcc s pace - R"'' "XING M ""SAO... ~pt mgr , mature c pl only. , 3 an .. 2 bnthll. nc twccn 4 Outlltnncl inll beam~d Yee- ....- I · IV ~ l..()ST Barlent Pedestal ~' ·-· u. Ok husband lo work

bt•uch & bay $3'1S Yrly ~1lln 11 apt plnn~ uv111I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Professional Am Bldg. n2•"20 Winch, 1 of a ma tched BobJa mes·Llc Mosaeur 979 3376 6 11256 2 rm. 1bu,p001.$390Yr furn ~r unfur n fo'orRcnt · R1• lle11r cabln,1 _ ___ 49-M2112 .... -.ui.. MMM pair w / speclal 1ear 0Utull9flm·9J>m ' '

45· I

2 DI\ .. 2 haths. $400 Ooch/ MF . 1 br. 2 br. 2 2 bdrm. cpu. fircplcc, re S..ccen Loc.tfon DOG ICIMHIL raliot. J(cia..-. Ii chain : 494·5111 PT MGR. l.ovely 12 unit. buth. as. 962 0$10. W lk t , trl from Ardell. Rew1rd for .,.XCESSIVF. DRINKING Ideal ror active retired, t'ROM S2301uS29~mo. -- a 0 pos. 0 cc , i 'antast lt' opportunity , inroleadl.n1torecovery. "" " Ref'ut.oq 'd . 646·6421. ·

!l Pr21, nn, Din Km . lt'u U{lhlcd tcnnlll court ic , 2 R"'8h to si..r. 4i00 restaur111\lS & bankN. gift ahop or vet'a office. &4.2·2932. ruins lives Rm. fpk . p11tio, nr ~chl l!lnry, dubhlll', bllhortls. ••••••••••••••••••••••• t; 17th St.. C.M. 28R Iba home. prim ---------~• W11ntl0Slop? ptM11n11gor . 30to50yr1.

associated park . No 11c t 1. 13g5 , • h c1 u f' 21 ~" "h" r• n ..... h•"' 1125 & 5250 comm'I arrcal(c nr. N.D. LOST· 8/9/76, Sprtncr.r Dt.'TOXU'lCATION & No children or -ts. ,...,.,.

aw.mm.nit . >' r O•ll Pfi. 1" " "''" a " lu• '" ' CMll l"' '·R'bl"'tt I I II •· hi lt""llADILITATION ""' ir• ~ft291 •--------. ~ym. !lupcrh t.-ak/ouk 1r.u . $120 mo. l!il + lut. .. .,,., • " morketplaco. S lft~ .000. Spane . ver • w le 9 ,.. +phon~ + u lary. 67 un·

tt " • •'" I .... IJ • \ ' 1-•

• I\ ~ '

N renta l furn iture ovoll . 4t ll pd, Avnll. Sept Isl R 7114;,.6_!~-61Co00 OWC ill TV. Ait. fTIO", fem. I love htr & Call us 24 -llraa day lttC.M. 541.~ SliS. K1t111 a, pt'ts ok. ell Newport Crt> t Condo Sorry. no pcU. Mar)' J o. !;u r. J ohn . e11 o'"'""u tP.:..__ 6 7 l-760 I mlll!I her " Chelaea" Lott South Coa;it beach. Beachcombe r Luxurious 3 BR. 2'' ba. p I I CM 968 U086 !l6ft 5233 rt In J.aa. Victoria Bch. Community ll01pllal ARTll, LERY PH. Ul·21>tl S415Mo. A ... . &4$.117ll SSS 1f);,~ ~~' '~n . II ~RJMt; Ok Space>, CdM Htaurant. Pina take f'luac t•ll Wendy So.La1una1·499·13lJ DAT/\ COMPUTER

'" 1 • 4 • : ...! -- ----- ~ean View. c·pts. drps. out Sandwich route, new 49'1·2165 REWARD' N o e x P e r I e n c e

A.DULT·SICLUOIO Bayrront plu4'h b11cheln Nwpt Frw>•._ south l WJ\NTEO 2 m:alc1' or 1 a mple p11rk in~. 3500 ..,.,ulp. E·Z tcrm1. xlnt •SPIRITUAL READER ~tary. Uarnlotom· .. Br 2 tl4 patio c lu n M•• eo rt ....... B • k e r • r 1 C h t 9 t · ... ri Devine Pro .... rtlh ...... •,.,...,. do• Au• 9 UCI Fully Ucensed • d •· t artll'·rr • • . .,_. a t p Vj? - Paulanno. Open 9·6 malt'. 1 rem. 21·35 yrs. lo 1""1•" ...... 7•11 """ ' l11c, prl re ~duced ro IAl'J• . .. 9 • N r;J c I I pu .. e .... or "' ~rbch/1h<>pe SZTOmo mo.642.-0282orS48 3869 - ~hare huflc 4 Dr Ocean· _ ,,,. " qu.lc lt ule in t.11 11una C • ra P u a R e d 312 • am no Rea bat~ry. Mull, mtdlca • - ---*- 1279 __ 1 o.:A;°. A,,011 ~or 1011 HST IUY front dpl unturn. 10' For rent small Htwport Bch. Ideal ror couple. ~8be~.m3a~, •i:s ~o ~~meote. F°!~~fi ; houtll\i· dental pro·

llngc 3 br. a ba v.•1)'11rd Park Newport Call IMTOWH "et~ar . .... 11cemaker . 2 Ctnter orflce. Balcony. $14 , 000 491 . 3137 o aga r o ma . =· ~r-~!ff~rm:.1. V~pri~ate~Hr l!~~ 640 · 113 19 or ie:u · Singles. 1&2 Br. rum & ~~~~ · ~~r~ud·~:~h~: No. tomo. 640-4502 ~2311 =c::~b~rrie. •CttllST1AMDA.TIM• maturity. Ai kaboutour llll(ton ar ur. ... me$~J:e. untum .• incl r rpts. d1111 no peL'I, no perm . kids . FURNISH ED OFFICE EAUTY SllOP "' the • Call KRJS 7$2-0312 .. pm Delayed Entry Pro1ram . .._t296or!M0-2811 --- & complete blln kltt'~M 5270 mo uc:b 675-~5 FOR RENT El Dorado country Xlnl Income. FOUND pa ir o f mens -.... ......._...., .. L A.rmyOpportunlO .. ....,_ n 4 2 Br. 1'~ bta to"nhous + $1 million 1n recrta· ewonoltnds Plaza Co(( Frwy at La No s.11 t>ieio County. 11laHd, brown fram e. ,_.._,. " Colt.a Mna 540-IOIS

•••••••••••••••• •••••• style. bltns, cpls. drps. lion - TE N IS (pro Ii: p •) - _ .,, 831 _ 11 t n ..-S or l 1742·1233 f 'rl. af\emooo, So. Cat .. or l.he lltlleextraa santa Ana St2·2'» p;il.Jo. hld pool. Adults. pro·shopl tompllmcn· wanted 2 rem lo share a .. -"""' "" PlaiaB111&o.,. 675·U20. loOUtcallMauaae Hunt. Reh IG·tlZI

l.cho S.. no pets. $225. ~-2682 ta.ry lessons. swunmlng, Npt.. Cnt rondo. 117$ + aterlronl Exec. om cea I Call 751·JA1 Join the Pt'OPle JOI.uh.... Stucholoftapt health d ubt.iolfrlnvln •a ut ll.Acrossfrompool, It 2 Rm 6U1tes 341 0,,u...., SOii f o und : Beacle , Pu~ . who'vejoinecltbeArmy

Rent.Jn• from l280 Harbor V1ev.• area . Ideal range. Color lv the11trc. lenrus. Don63Hl8lS Bayside Dr .. Newport •••••••••••••••••••••• amaJI 1pprox 2 mos. V c. •KAREN'S* ·' .. ult ....... l.caslnd pre rrrtlell. BBQs fr Sunday ..__fth. A• . . 61~161 o11alion! Tremendoua ln· Cobrillo, olf Newport Bl, 0' """ALL M aaaAo• t. m1r. apl + utU. JO to "" ,._ "' forbus mcu pror. penion. y od I ...,.... ~ CM~ ua.. ,_., "' At. h ... -...1 ,iew now ln a pl'es llg No pets . Pullman kit. n.iJl(h. Sorry, nooneun· oung m erl\ cou& e vestment. 20 acre prime • m.nao 50 yra. "" UI-- to Ir vi n e c om munll y. share patio garden area. der2llioopett. Moolht wanted to &h:are 4 r .... --------•l 1a nd, El M 1r ag e . FOUND: Pet crow. M-•-----------1 werk. No chlldrea/ peta. ~r Peraola . Culvt Pool fl clubhou e pnvgs , month occl6p 1 n c1 hom e. Lacuna Bch. mE COLONY now has Callhtterms. No broken. Identify. lndJanopolla l»•lta. H.B. Ml.UOO 11 ;)UQIMirg. 2 blocks 50, roommate ser1lce avail 49'7·2079 Profeulonal Executive _,.. Brkhnt/H.B. S36-1se1• of San Die10 Prwy . =~I 1:~e~t~~g<.ex':e~\ Models open dally 10 7. •~M-·_F_a_ha_rt_lrt-_..-.,-R-bout-e~i s ult ea • v ail in ,,.... Beaut. eopper fl'ff l Hav ASS

1TM. ~S

UHlOO phone )~ wipool. Newport Beach. downtown LagunaMl...,.•llS. IOJILOST: While Samo1 aCoppetcraftp•rtJnow ------------1 · - ---• OokwoodGardcnApta 1150 646.2803 Beach. Ample parkina. mate. Al"lll to " Sammy" No pollahlna Young, dyumlt aatea ~IHdl ll t Br. newly decor. S2.5 1---- - -----1 Forinlo. call4tf·242t •••••••••••• .. •••••••• Vlcol8eaoh/Sl1ttt, KB needed. 112·2'710 women w/ al .... l I,,. ••-•••••••••••••••••• mo. inclds utl l. \'tatty. NcwportRf>at'l\Nortb remaletosharenke Jlbd~~~~~~~~~~I L0••901 Sl.OrewlU'd. LilUeboy' S.CWC... uper . n eeded ror ZBr. 2811, fobuk>ull ocean 0.11<1)492-3710 1180lrvl.nt<•l16t.b) twelnlrvme. $140+ut.ll.

80ut view ore. Ta~ M~ fO pet. 5S7-1Cll7. 14 women's eo11tempw117

v•. 532$/8 m05 l11" -- (114)645 0550 M1·2SC)4. .. . .. -J. • - 1 . 11'1' · aval Alie MTD L...a .. In Fuldoa hla ..... 2Br. Iba, ocean ' 'lcw N~'"WPORT ll .. 5 2 Br ...... ... • ,. F T , .._ Loll Au. lOlh Brown New Club formin", "o •........ • ... _.., + -,.. • b ,._ R •· •ll'ftl trm111nc:e 1~ - · • • ,, ._. --# ....... m. QOO / t m oti he . n Ba. patie, aar. o lde Ne"port BuchSoulh G<-nt to ttl•re 2 br apt .or su ...... ~pt. • C white female Terrle modern 1ophlstlcatt Apply , A•r••H, 11 ehildttn. 1dlta. no peu . S2U 1TOOt6'.bSl tat Dover> w.ume C,M . $130 + Tele})honc a nswerlnc ,


2171 Mlf.

14• :-...

11 ~~.:.-1.~!.~ 18 Iba touplu • 1 1nal u . Fashloe lalaad, Jea w

ftM317 S'8~ t7H l 6'2.&l70 lllJLC.11 645-Ti&4, avail . • 2510, - ncw-an.1.-- t97.a79 c.11144.aQZ,

I • ,.


... w_....,_ 71 w_... 71 11 oo ~ w •• ~ ••••• ?.'.~ ..... ~~ ..... ?!.~ .r::;;;ul muaser IO;;~~·;;;;; COOK. relltC. da1 N•GLASS lYM-.P/TIMI ~W-.4 7l1NefpW-.4 JIMNefpW ~ Nee d e aper ' d b o at nlahta. The Beach llOUI ~,. o••...._MM Dly 1blll tor mtdlca· ... ~~~~... .J ... ••••·---·• •••••••••••••• ... ...... •••••••••••••• •••••••

• C I c...... Inn c 11 fl 3 30PW - - UMs. N tH Verde Conv. ot m <NI ~ · a n d wac b Deli very . Scrvlc~ Sll At d~nt, .. ,.,, carpmt,c,., llalb pay. • 11

• • • ANO NAK&R. Xlnl op: Locale ccut1ve lookln.g KES•ln morn nas. Xlnt p/Ume irn eyd s hlfl . $ ite•, Ca ll for a ppi . ll4 / Day work wk. LoU ol 4&t·t'T07, H kfor Gabb) por . ror an ex pc: r d l l'°61),MI C'.enter St, C M. forparu lmtH5ot'1ole SUCCISSFUL poa. Approx u hN wk. O/t lmo pa,y , Pd vaci.,

. "3<tt21. 0 v e r · l Im t · A P P I>' . waltrnu·•· onr cral\.sman. SAiary ope,n. VN 1·11 5'1pervUM>t need Call a n s. 873-47M c .... .....___ Offl Info call ~5·014$ Muat bo ''X pC' r 'd, Med We~hall Corp , 2T for any •b.10. Carru~• Appl.)• In perJon. 1132 E. lmm.-d. $ d1ays wk. Call .. 0 ....,.._ ce 1-- Tll tl'~ . Apply In peAon.

ACa to motlve M a eh ln la Ml'C«mldc , C M. &.-.i.urant 620 A'enJdi Pomocua.S.A _.-807$ " ER OKSK • Alu.st be has openlnu ror : As1 SIAMS SS Jlli!O llarbor Uh'd. C.M. JlU V)' duty preferred. c. . taper 'd In omce: up • Ocl•t t'I . Nl'W or (')( W05l,3ait C~p. bulldtr or - - - -Xlnt opportunity with OATMAJMTB4AHCI .!!_co,8-n lemuoll'._ GB4aAL OFACI MAIO pho. For •"Pl. call pen cn«'Cl. Llet• ru1tod r~a t h• fa n t>i. t uu111 in a Ser,·lcc Sta . Help, h ll.' crowu;iar company, Paid .,\IU & part ·Um•. 2 po11 COOK.S•WAITERS Typos. boc>kkecplnJ de- Full tlml' . l\irk wood BarryW••t estal<' 11 l u p t>o plt aa llboatll hu l rom• d. ant't'h' I work, f/limo. 421

· · benefi t• . S11lary opu HOH op~ n . ll51ply a l F.xpcr, ottded full ume slrable. Small pleasant Motel 4030 E. C-0.ut llwy, II 1·t2 IZ " dcome. You ha\'C )'OU v 11 c ll n c 1 c 1 r o r ShHb 11vull. Apply, ~ t7f4 ) '3oH6S7 Catypa10 Salhnc Auoc Apply &D ~r&on llem · Nw"' Ctr ofrs . Ask ror CdM '13~ Newport stoH .. ""' own p rl Vll lu d ea k &CDm•ln'»t!, w/at ll'int w Coaal llwy, NB ~UTOS"'LISM"'..,. ~8 WH l Coa•t llwy , inawa>• RH t.ourant l! l? 8ryce.140..~- phone . Sam11 lot'llt1on t l >r exswr. in a.all Him , -

A ,.. •" N . • tU.7100. Mu in u Ave. Ua lbo1a - aids, Apply Tho lno a t PAIT TIME Y\'lrl r.~ccllont <'om ln i on henvy du ty Sorvlca Sta t ion need <I; £xperlent'ed.,referAd 00ATS b land. Ca . GIMMALOfflCI Laauna. 211 No. Cou t Galher1niplanalurta for 111lie1lona11IH. Ooodw11lk m ec h1n o. Mu8t h ave m a n w / ux per : U ri.

But Not NecetHI")' Tralnec. lmmed. Open· Hwy •• Laauna Ueocb A.ale N b II SS S8 h •N . Good rererr&ih •• Ca l Your 0 11. n toohi. A1,ply to • . 1~m. lt~fi rt•q d. 393 F« new and .-1!4. Must PAIT·TIMI WOa• C:O.mctac cll',r k for H ln.ic . Ulu typlnii. S47S per for Mn . <iobatl 18°:. J!1~~ t•$4.per r. for 1ntuvarw. A• k roa J ohn Vyn. 1fi38 Plactn· P.. 17th St. Co 'la l!_~

• tw a " ao aeuer " . Hard tlou1twlvc1. 1tudent dn.11 • lor e ~;\.p not nee mo. lf.30 5. CaJJ for appl 8 111 Loc~nmycr. Ol'ncr ~D~Ot.ta Mt :.. STUDENT • Clean cut ._ workln 1: , relia bl e ~ looking for pa rt.Li m P /1'. M7 ~I. 846-3315. M.AIMT. WOIKll P 11rt umc mi.chmi:s t Job Ul60Ny'ti port Blvd. CM ' EC KKTAll y n til'd t'd dciwndublo. 21 or over . • '<loll to mako n\Oney• • <ortt'!' W11nt to earn xtr Cou ed for fu ll ti me a.tudcnt 646·~<18. evc~ · G73 4 ~'11

1 k h •

1 1 t for dully light rleian up

Volume d•alcnhlp wltll morwy! Westull Corp n~.ir Girl want • n GENt:RAl~ OP'F ICE SYS6-S'927~to. Nl"ed help immcd Call a c r a rl!e a r or _..,.. k Petr d p / t1me Appl )' A •• · COMCllTI , · -- P rod uc tion Ol'pt of 1luri11~ AM. S3.00 pe1 hr,

lop pay, a ll tr ln1e1. n..-.::w. p /11me wor en l • , ~ • ppuance M"rvacC' <'Om· 900-<ITllS_ an ert>pm_. -- A. l.S"'LIS "rowln" "on•tru. flrn' Call Mr . Ken Bt1n1wt . tioouaplan, demo plan. • paint. c leao " dct a l C1tJ)la.nM ikesFashl'ry. pany has lm m cd1 Dtl' IHHISHH .- .. .. " • ,, . p lenty of a d vertising. boot.a. Work hrs conve 115 W. l~h St . CM openJng. l tll'phone t'IC· $92'T·S1144 Mo. PIX Ans. SM"Yice Uc'd. Uwlc'd Requlreu.lnl knowlettae L>t wn ~ AM & S VM .

• Apply ln pet'iOft to Steve nient tor you on an on Count•r Ci irl , plthne. A per. bookk ·cpin1, bac k· Ope n lnu w it h TU F. Ortde. co exper. prcf'd. FrH 14 de In contract :1dm1n .. l )'P• ~69orSSll_:!_!tlG _ _ _ & rrar. J im Smllb or c•ll buls Waac S?.~ ply Stu Bursrrii. m w itround. IJt~ \)'ping. 13.~ CITY 0 1-· 11UNTINGTON Pd wh1ll! tra1nin1t.Da)'i . T -'-'-- C J 1n11 & Cll'MCll l 1kllli1 mnn· Summtor help In 5ml boat <iordon Schock. hr. C11ll~b. M cDooold 19thSl C M h r . Kll t hlun Uaa lcy RE AC H EMPLOY · evtt & wknds . ~OKC.11 r_.., •"• doto ry . S;il11 r y c o m• conat , s tudents pre·

llllUJO ~9·9711 , ext 47 or appl ' . 6<12-0360 NF.NT &r TKAIN INO bel" n 9am & 4pm M-F. memur11blc wllb UJ)('r. Ct"rttd , 81J:?~. uun N FORD to Secu".'tY Guard , 275COUNTER CIRL. na.lbollG IRL FRIDA Y. t ype , A DMI N IST R ATI ON. IWO-lllO. •Personal in:5t ruction Contact Mar)' Ann a t --- - - --- -

2.atOS. Mala _McCorm1cla: , Costa Mesa . Jslanll: f\all or P /Time . ............ lite bookkeeplna . Both requ1 ro 30 d llys PIX ..... L "'--. •M ana11eml'nt oppo1

rty's ~2591 btwn l & 3PM S W t 0Tr•<:., ,1

11 .... ~.,01S1~ R D

a t Warner IWS.5006 ~_:r~. r~'d. , .Anal-"'· prior unemployment & ,. _........ • tollifC. Comm1u on SICllT"'RY " • ..-.,.... ,,.. """' •.... llB ... , td•n"y ~ppll" P /T ime da us & eves, • Uc'd training !wki ,. Prior exp. nee. Xlnt lyp.

OOATS C u s t o d I• n · C hur c h , llOll ro. Irv ne area. Send '"1 " " · f ... o· wknds a mu~l . No exrwr cl~otart lmmed. Quahfi~ ~rson lo work Ing sk i Ila req . Salary

THI W u 1 "'ID pJllm•. "'·n •-• Davs wk· re:sumc & tall"'' r-uire· lions will be accepted al ,.... \lo 1\'1r.• Pres. of mnJo AVON

Tllh I If fHI cool. : Ea"' rnc>MJ. meet pco : pie, aa10 conCadenre. Cal • 5*7041orZeoitb7-\3S9. ::~~~~~ • •BabyslUer needed, start 1 Sept13, 2:30 to S.30. 0

.. _ "' "" "'" , 1 '' itr'd d th e E mploymen t & necessary, pd whi le • On the job lralntni: com mt'ns urate w /c~ 11 YoclltDMliott ly Cllll4l»-8061. tnents to1 C 01i~~l ePllat Training Cente r , 520 trn ining . E.O. E. Vic • Many top otrice loc's fbrok\'rngvlirm. l\lu:.t f•or phone interview. WILLARDCO. no. 495 co .,.. y 0 • p HD 1 1 s Orit nite Co . Ai rport. No llccnse nc.-c tu apply ust & accurate typist cont act : t:v(' St ilson .

Deliverym e n fo r l.A PO Box 1680, Cost a Aecan. 3 h ·1~~ l pm 557-7777 llD CAIPET W/ know le d .:e o r die $40-7640 Communication 11200 C09dor Time:. 1n N.8 . & C.M. )Jesa. Ca 921626. ugus~J~ 53i~ HALTOIS t•J.tltl t op h o n e u Ii a ge compo n en t s , 30.llO ,__....Valley $250 per mo. ~·174o. GU RDS PIX OPlttATOR For details call Lind() Sta1Jst1rul back&round Airway Ave, Costa Mesa

ll.i11 0peoln.:s ln 't'he o...t.i .. It... A P /llme eves & days . 1nsuranceexper . helpful, 1-'ollowin '1 Coi te!(o rl~s : O rt hodo n t~~ 1 : rra cc . Co1taMeso Management Good hnc, no exper. nee. Restaurant 1.:all 6"4·9111 d k to TalPHOHEWOlk Lt;AD~tt.:.N , EXP ER 'D N t' w p 0 rl Bl' a c h . PermancnL F\111 & Va rt· PEOPLE PERSON W1ll tram Some °" knds Growing com pa ny n<h Judy. No ex per. nt'cess. · No

tAll Phase:.> Time Phone & t ransp re Exec. looking .ror part· Involved. Gd benefits of· short order '-'OOk. Xlnt s~IET ... IY selling. l'hone from your """'GlNL' INSTALLERS Orthodontic e'<per . re· · . . t 1 t I f IS"' "' ~ 4 I d .. ~~ "' · .... ,. , qd Retired welcome me a s soc1 a e n ued. EOE. 833·3333. growlh potenLlaJ. Call ow. trs J)l'r a:t• ., FINISH CARPENTERS qi.Dr"'' · "'"2'2040· Cali 546-0274, ore h~ 10-2: wholesale supplies. •ully . tMG-8808 For t'f~ . la w fi rm. N ay wk. Steady work

..., ._J.r..insp. N.B. 642·9969 af

··~· n .. b•"'i' ter mv home. liv 4 Day Work Week 0 ...,. .. L 11rR-•VICI! Closed Wed capitalized. 673·2223. PBX OPERATOR. Stock legal exper. nee. Typln~ Salary unll mlted. Bopu:s

. ,n .'C:~ t . 2 ... c hildr e n Bonus& MedkalPlans ...,.,,. - . ' B r okerage O tf ! c e . New reslaurantopenlngs It s h a must. Goo •·rin ee be nefi ts, hrly • 2. upm, CM. 642·l4M Pa1dHohday1 CO.OIDIHATOI. GUYS&GALS M.-oger perm ane nt port t ame . Serv111glunch&dlnner benefit s. Ca ll Chrl wage. Call t714 )63S·31il0 ~==~~:.:=.~=:-:---;J~~~~~~~~~ Pel"liOll with front ortice Ml.s5ion Viejo1 El Toro Growins, dyuam ic Jr . .:xpcr operator , pleasant lnter v1ew111g Mon· F'ra 64~ 9311.. . betwn 1oam & 2pm. 1]3bysiller. my home, dent a l >1 dm1ni1tral 1on area . to work a fewhouni specially1torc seeksex· NB s urr o u n d i n gs . 10am to3pm for dys per week . U l son BOOKKE EPER exJJCr. nt;e<Ied to work in· a day . P'\lnJob. EarnSZS pe r m anager for new 6:30AM -12 noon. Cal l w111tres:ses SECIETARYjPT·TIMI TaEPHOMESALES m os . 646-2052 . Cost ' New restaurant lookln howle with our Orange to SSO ptir week. For store In major center S1ndy, 640-14GO Cooks llri. 9·:S. t)'pmg, riling. (SJ2Sl Exper. prererred. >-Jes<>. for restaurant onent~ Co. dental clients & more information phone C.M. area. Must have ex· Rusboys '1'111 train. schl v:a t'a tlo Also. Supervisors pos t·

- --- ------t full charge bookkeeper c u s t o m e r serv ac:e 83().081.3 per In w o m e n s J r PerfedWortu.HJ Booltkeffper rr co . Hro o k hurs t taonopen ln 2 wks . Start· ~ABVSITtER. full time Xlnt "·or~corulA 5'1n r:epreseolallves. We o(. Equ~I Oportunity fuhlona. l'·or intervi.H' Houn Apply an person only at Adams loc. 002·~ Ing salary Sl 25 wkly & aft school my home day. Monday off. Appl ler a c:areeroppor. wlth a • E I r cal1 2l3/341!·9SlS. 8:J0.2 :30 or Pragcrs Bell & Crown. - ffllme. Hunt- Beh oft, for 12 yr old. Cl! area ln person .. Pracers Bell major So. Catl r. Data mpoye S:3().g:30 l4 04l Beach Bl v d , SECRETARY tBea c h • Talbert) ~3914 Cr ow n · 14041 Beat p~sing fi rm for an in· HAIRDR ESSING Manlcurial / Rec:ept.lonlst Work 6 hrs a day earning Westminster . (formally Ute bookkeepina. & typ 848·9434 for info. •I t

- ------- - • Blvd, Westminster. telhgent, highly molav11t· ASSlST. Part t ime working into r. a. -r hr in pleasant the Ha ' Penn.>• Inn>. in&. $3.00 to $3.~ per hr..1------ ---• ''"'BYSl1TER needed ror d •- . I . _..., ..- \VI II l . F II t ime TIUll

pn Bo kk Of Cl k e • art1 c u a t e in · Guaranteed lo s ta rt szs. full. Salary. commission, s ur r o un di n gs . De al ram. u . • . 2 girls. 10 & 13 yrs wit o eeperJ " er dlv ldual who is ex· p/d»y +. Must be lie. benefltaopen. 548-8520 w/ tbe p ub lic in our Restaurant, mature help S-47-4418 Exper new a ccoun\ &

'I •

work Ina mothe r . La Open mall , post books · ~ 1 d u I h 1 needed days & nites for - -------- • 1 Ni"uel, )! Viejo area other clen cal duties. N pcnenc n ea ng w t o&!H-9729 ror lnterv ew. Irvine ore reprl'sentinc • . • St:CR~:TARY td l..-r personne needed .. people. Please call Pete M.ASSAtiE TIME TI m e L Ir e H 0 0 k I • fast food serv. Apply a t for LaJ:una llllls o re. ()f

492·9S77 smoker. &tart $2.SO pe Meade t714> $46-6080, or HAii STYLIST: Youna lady U8·2S> for Dyn a mic persooalll y 21401 Brookhurst. HH art RECEPTIONIST t-'lrst National Ba nk of hr. Apply , lOam ·2pm send re11ume to : IDS· Eatabl la be d s puc:ioua l• <ritima•e lull Um-: poQi· l Uk 1 t .. ..-.. 2PM Sharp, typing, S.H. xlnt OrQng" Co. "i1 in or 1 .. r

Babysitter need ed. M) On·Site l'hotographks D e nt 8 1 pr a c t 1 c e ~... • M c :" mos e Y 0 sue ... ~. · cond In Irv. Complex .. "' " " home . B rook h u rs t ~K Logan Ave,C.M. Syst• m• , PO Box 5..,7, Lido Isle Salon ls now ti on in Cos t a c u lnt.crestcdhousewi ves &Restaurant Calll4arale 5$?·8200 l'Xper ln bunklnglsRci r1" Adams. HB. Teenage "' " • leasing apace. Please lleulth Spa . No exp. nee. students seeking perm. lHD COOIC quircment. Call • II . OK. Fl? 11ummer, P AFETERIA WORKER, P.O. Box 577 Cotta Mesa. call 673-1970 ask for Pat Wti llet\d to school. Earn PoSIUoos c111 833>309,. Imm·.,.

0, ... u n" Ex- r. Sec re tary , lntell l gen1 Cole, lOt E. Chapmun,

durin& scl\19A·402l8 Da ys 8 hrs . P tT1m Ca. 92627. or Marty. wh1leyouleam. Applyor 'd..., . ...- • . ... ..- w / op e n mind . Ear Oranae Ca . Ph. 639..$000 '------ ------t woman fro m tl·3PM. a DENTAL RF.CEPT. caU any aft. or eve. 2112 PIST COMTIOL req • Apply in person. while learning at m y tX· E.O.t: . Babysitter m y hom ply in person. llug~e For bus y P ed odont ic H~~ ti.a rbor Bl. Costa Mesa. Stud y Jo i> tor right VictorHugo tnn,361Cllff pensc. Income growthi---------eveninga. references re Alttraft. soo Supenor . Pract ice In C.M. Area Call 751-3680. 645-3433 person No ex per . nee. Dr, Laa. Bch. E . O. E. w/ofc. Ma ll resume to

_q;....ui_red __ . 968 __ -u.._ 2 _ __ -t Nwpt lkh. lnter vlewln Exper n~ call Nancy ELP WANTED. Ill /fo' MAT UR E W 0 MAN Profit sharing & group Rest.aurant PO Box 663, Corona de JJabys ltt i n c tlr l i t 8AM -8:"5Mld•llY 64-5$80 ' Coob. Apply In cr,noo, p / tlm e \o welcome ~allh. Apply F ri. 8·12• llOILllMAH Mar, C. 92625

Uoyd P est Control, $64 housekeeping , m a tur amp er & Tr 1 DentalAssls lant Kentucky FriedC 'cken, oewcomera 6 contact Dyer Rd, Santa Ana. lm~ed. opening. Exper. SECRETAllY tor Real woman In CdM a rea , full Tradesmen tor cabinets. f'ron l olc. ~X""r 'd , Lacuna Beach. merchianl.$. Fl tixlble hrs. req d. Apply In person. E~latc: co . In F' a i;hlo lime posit ion 644·719 r ram er s. de I a 11 6«-0032,.- lotel front desk clerk Ne"!.Jar, llle typing. P"t C.trol Opr Vac..~or llRugoh IEnnO. 36!. Cll!f Island. Must ha\•e 4 Y

' eves. aluminum ~k1nners . Ap-1- - -------·1494.6574 ask ror desk 547....,.... Must be 21 yrs or over . Dr. La& c · · · c:.. exper .• type GS-70 wpm. Babysiller needed in I" ply. MaJorway, 851 W. D~NT;\L ASSISTANT mana&er. MEDICAL.FRONT Bondablew/l1ood dnvlng RITAILSALISMAM s.~ 80·90 w p m. C al Vly. Must lnve children 18th St. C.M. Preventive dental prac. OFFICE record. No expcr. nt"c. 1 1 hf h' ~ileen,640·0123.

•------ - - -- needi. t' ha i ra lde team llotel night a uditor. NCR W ill t I Good 11111 W1upcr. n h G "~ •0 ·m---- - - - - - - • _7_s.2.cM __ 2l_ w_knd:.84_ 2_·3i_38_.1 as hi er . t' Oo cesslon . member. 2'\ d• Y&· Call 4200 or cumputer exper Exper'd onl)', m113t know• C4~1~9-t;:S n. . a: o n t e m Po r a r Y Secretary wanted , yn11.

doorman. Min. aae. l8 .,...., ..,,,,., ,_,.d. a - um• to 1cu So. lhe peg board. ln.s. bill· i.poruwear. Good salary. at tractive , light ty ping 8abys 1tler, ma tur d .....,....,." ·--. .... " ~ ,., .. • .....01-a1-· well d I womon to sta)' an rant 21 yrs •\pply in person. al- Cs l 11 w y Laguna .. ,.. '''"~ ...... • Apply, Kenneth Lloy o no ex per nee. Will tra n. hrs ptwk. Ph wkdll y, ly, 3·11pm. Saddlcback ENT AL R ~CE P T .. Beach, 92651.' Call betwen 2 It'· Mon· Nev.1>0rt . 2'700 W. Coos c.M. Orm. SMO mo. CAI aft . Spm . o r w knd Valle)' Cinemas. Sad· mature woman. 4 011y FrlM2-I* PHONE SALES tlwy. NB Or call642-4 lorappt. 548·2272.

l"utl- · . 64 ... 21..., dleb3rk Pina. El Toro week. ~Im 2 yrs exl)('r. HomeMiew/JGRltor e\'~s. 1 • " "' "" "" ud El'"' S I •~2 5.,,." r-· --- - - --- -"fStcunty Guard San Jua

The Reuben E.ln

Now Toking Appllcatlon5 l''or


Apply In Person Only 3-5PM

IS I I. Coast Hwy Newport leech

Babysitter nr Cd)I Elem for I i.trond grader. 2· ,..M wkd ays . 675·45&(

n • 10l'O C~fary open . v • • rvv . F /Ume, exper. prd·d . MEN'S Phone S a les p eopte .i---------1 Capl1trano Co. n eed " area "'-valesrent Hosp. Apn.. male or female, 16 to 65 ·~--------CASHIER ""'' .. RN part Ume J?uard . Must.1- - -----

DESIGMllS ly Park Superior, 1445 CLOTHING years of age. Guaranteed have state SllC. I .D. card . ree kids want pia no, E"<per 'd Retail. Perma. ~perior Ave. NB. wu3es or commiss1oru1. Un iforms furni s hed . d b It · 1 nent. L1 I e b k k pn I · & DIAFTSMllH Sat- s-clalial 250 East 17th Street, COORDINATOR Rell rees a rcepl able ~m, Nr a~san''Ca::;u!~~l: Chasan 's, SoCoastPlna. Highest quallly m il itary lousekeeper Aide for~ Must be-e~enced In Suite O. Co:.ta Meu. 979-2880 K-M~n. Afl&, 496.2757 .

D~~obmyasnlllotrer2. bomyas .t uLor 54<Mtill. & lndustnal de:il11n work y r o ld h a nd icappe d all phases or m e " ' Q between 5:00 &8 :30 p.m. hll ·7:302A M sh irt . Mu,stl---------1~;__ _ __ .;__...;_ __ " In dl•ital & hno r hali\h wom11n. Lite hsewrlt & .. " 646-4223 a ve y rs t xper. SICUllTY OFCIS OW TRUCK ORIVEJ> Alisos area. S81..tti30 af CASHIEtl p ow"e r lr a n a i s tor cookinc . llve· ln . Mu111 clothing. Outstandin g Equ3IOpportunlty s upe rvision in a c ute 1 Ml E . 'd Ap 1 G & w

_6_·--- ------1 J , Her be r t II a 11 circwt.s . Small arowin.: Drive. Eves/wkndt ott. company benefits " 'Ith Employer hospilll Contact Mrs Full lie P /t me. dnlghl x~ • : ~ 1 In

' ' t'Ve8.

--------~ J ewellers l nt~rviewma e I e c t r o n l c: m • n u r . )49.()179, n cellcnl pay plan. App Jensen, . 642-2'734, Cost~ shift. Mature. ~elired o To g, 17l rv e. I tor c:uh icr & ofll ce w / 0 u t s t n n d I n g ly In pent00 .•... J .C. P EN· M es a M em o r i a I pen.sioners '?ref d. Phon_,_N_._e_. - ----- -

' , BANKING pe rs onne l Ap ply In lechnolOfCY must ~pand Housekee per/ Babysitter NEY. LACUNA HlLLS llospit al. 301 Vlctori & car req d. Plant I TUXIDO DIPT 'e; . TELLER 11\'l'!IOn t011n1 t il noon. 32 en~anccl"ln it fitert. C.omc over 18, car essential. MALL. 581·1700. Phone Sc1llclton. <S> re· C.M. F.. O. E. :£~:xi~~~~~ip~.rFr~ ' Need girl p/time m~rns . ~ j Downey $ 11 \'tnll • Loa t·ui. tuon Squun1. Santa grow w / us ! I EOE > Moo-Fri 9-6. 494· 1690 F.quol Oppor Employer liable people needed , 18 Mon &t Tues. Sears Costa Mesa. Also. C 1 • • hu an opening in 1t._A_n_a_. ---·- - --t DICC IMMEDLATE OPENING & over w/exper. prefd. IM'S-LVH'S f/Ume In Westminster or

r' ~ta Mn a branch for AS HIER , n u d 11 g . 22!01S.E . Maln St Stnw Hat P ina Pal• ce. MGR PET STORE :!C::~~.4&":i9lb'~ 11~~1; Practlcals&OrderUes Secy/GlrtPridey p/time m orns. Cathy , , p/llme Teller. Savings gresslve. pen1on w lules Irvine - 1714 I ~6-4731. 3 2 O 9 5 C a m I n o 3 540-546' needed for hospital star ror new company. MUI ~3333. ext 341. ! • : Loan or banking exper ability. WOllnit lo worktn DlllCTOI Capistrano. San Juan Troplc:I Fl.sh 642·M22 pm, · relief&privateduty. Ex· be expr'd. Cd. oppor. t_. ________ _ C.' prefd. CallAJr. McCa ret ai l m a rin e hrd wr ' Cap., hu partumc&dull P h o t o Lab . Col o r per. Req'd. All shlHs, rut gr o w w / Co . Gd ' •• m •t54%·742%. E.O.P.. s tore. Good bendil s . Girls Club or La.:una Ume po1illons now avail· MILL SHAPMMAM Darkroom Opr : Wiii or p / Ume. Wu tclif personallty/appcaranc TYPISTS

Mu.st be neat & bondable. Beach. Most hne • P· ble. We are a fun family Wnltail Corp. hos Im· t ri ln. lmmed. openint. NursM Reilat.ery, 161 important. Salary

. I ' i; I I

I I l •


Ap pl y 0 11 AM 900 pllt'able m a naae ment rest aurant with 11rut med opening for a Mill Some photography. Non WestcUfr Dr., Ste. 212. per mo to start. P h : M I Repro IAMQUIT MANAGll WC.1tiat Jl~y. NB. ' capa blll llc!l, l'XJ)cr In pride in our products & Shaperman w/5·6 )'1"5 ex· smoker. Apply In person N.8 . 63l-06l0. Raymond Betwn 9om


0 E x pc r ' (J only . Mu working with children & people. U you enjoy pt.'0- per. Xlnt benerils , high 10am·2pm. $2.~ per hr to noon. 6'2·71MO. Alt 7pm Hr P" Verde Coun try <.:l u bJ CASHIER relat '!d education. AP· pie, bave an out-going pay. 4 day work wk, App- s larl , exper 'd h igher . R.N.'t 640-9245. ~MTS ·MTSC Contact Peal JI a nte MI P t ll e M b"I pllrallons lit Girls Club : personality. and are 18 lY to. Security Guard . 275 On·Slte Photogra phies, Part/Ftrlme. O.R. exp. SICY 19-~ / Cleri&Typl1tl li.M. 549.0377 Car w::~ 17~ "Tu~l:ne 1470 Temple Terr1tce, years of aite or older. wr McCormick l\\·c, C.M. 1240K Logan Ave, C.M. Days only. No cell o 1• -~

C M 646.0j48 • Lag Bch. II :30·5:30 M-F. n\iQht have what you are wknds. HB. 842·1426. Major So. Calif Bult er · Battery worker S3 per hr

No expt'r . necusu y Call S..0·9992

· Deadllne AUJ Z6 lookina fo r . Apply In lumber needed for new Developer needs expr' Cl&JCAL HILP per'IOn betwu n 2·5 doily. conatructlon. Only ex· SALES purchasing secretary. I

f /tlme Girl •"r lday posl · Dlredorof An EqU<ll Oppc>r Motor Route penenccd need apply. .,, ....... ,,, Mobr retldenual construction. BEAUTICIAN WANTED tion. Sail's. AI P. rece1>· Nun~Ser•lce F.mployerM ·.. 642 1643 At h o m e . E x p c r ' d Wlllbedealing dJrect.w

144 Cled Skilled N rsl\g nina to deli ""' of t t ph 11 it t sub·contractors . Pleas eo.ta Mesa Area tlonlst. tyl)lnJ 40 wpm "' Ii i I II .. f'lu t Immediate full lime open· ope r . Vt!. ,. PRESSMAN c e one so c or o se .and r,..,ume •-•alary re ~ 1575 & 1 r d lies r or ty n u nc op Dally Pilot In Newport up eppt.11 for large re· "" ..... • .. -----·----"'<! min m


0 " u ~ par ror ex~r'd l)t! rson ings 111 •hipping dept or Du ch, of\crnonns 3:30 to Expu'd AB Dick p ut able move r . XI n qulrement to Ad 586. Dal

BEAUTICIA N. wantt•d Advance"hent oppor. okr Xlnl n alf worklnacon: lra ma.a l order co. Noexp 5·30 and Saturdoy and Opr. Good worklng conds money for RESULTS! ly Piiot, P .O Box 1560 I indl v. w 0 c• n wor ... 1 ·~- be fl A nee Apply In person l & Insur plan 8118-2111 II""- CoetaMeaa, CA926218 pref m ddle Aged lady wlmin fillP\l rv151on. Call ~ ...

1• &a

1":ry ','"_ ne Vta.

11 P 18490 Banda lier Cl re.< &tnday morn ng11 . Ap· · · ca ...,tty, S46·2272.

Muat know pin r url• cu• 11671 r urp• A k for p y 1llft\rn~lon II e)' proxi mate ly U25 per Wkdys. ·.;_--1--------- -t 1 ..,.,.,. o •· 11 c · 11 ll I sa82 Fountain V• llc)' Corner month earninl( ll . Phont' S oles Ca r e er · 11 lud S..,M....,.

VOLT ,,, .... "( .... ,... ... ....... '.

lt41C..,..Drhe 54 .. 4741

!Across From Oran11e Co. Airport l

Equal Oppor Employer fl n it~ r wavin g . A so Anl'.I Powe I. All i e d ,onv . os p

0' or Bandall er & .:11111 . tor " "p o ln t nl "n t . / time Sa lu . S40· S71 work . Sl75wk.·uptostart Need e nthusiastic, at·

mnc1crn • l>hna. Tu• ·t'r1 As ph a lt P i v in ; Co . Ne.,.man A \IC, JIB. Ph fl«JU8tl t .. ... " kl M I d ea s tu t: Cull evl's htwn 1> :30 L·,..unlOpu••r EmploL_r r . "4255.51. ~2·4321 as k for Mr w up. l'f!, a' 's . r'Uller8rush968-8378 tractive, persona lity + TYPIST

" " ,... • f • M p k · d c n t s · Ev e s I • l person to man•gc ou . 7 : 311.~-4006 ON U T S hop llf•lp lmmedlatdull tlme opcn· Concr or • r. ar s. :J68.8378 53tM104 SALUGIRL small lady 'i& apecl11ll Nccd 11ood typlnl( ablhty CLERICAL p/tlme, A it. No exper: lnl(S In • hipping dept of t:quul Op~rtunlty ' . t"uJl or p/tlmc. Must be 11hop. Must hive exper In G oo d P " Y & x. I rl t

BEAUTY No cxpor. n('ceta. No ncce as . t ' e m nlt> , aae la r11c mail order co. No Emp oyer ~ceptlonlst-G lrl Frld11y a ble to work wknds , h1d1'• RTW, a bletol>ulld employee benefit pki: In Milin&. Phone from your 23~ Apply tn penon eitp nee. Apply In penon, Able t o work wknd11. 19.-2.5. The Peralmmo rollowlng , xlnt sa lary elude• coat of II vi nit hom<', 4 hrs prr day. S Mr. Donut. 135 E. J7tb st: 1"480 Daodaller Clre. Mwil h11vc knowledae o Tree. 229 Marine Ave, +Incentive. &!nclits u lary od justmentg, H

SALON Day wit. Study work. Costa Mesa t "ountain Valley. ( Om er NATURAL itcn'I a viation. Salary llalboa laland. futur e . fnt.c rvl e wln lntl'rcMed , call Jlebo, Salary unllmltf'<I. Bonus. · or Banda lie r 4c Ellis . open. The Avl11tlon Co. a t llta rl• Mon. 10.0, Ma. 54? ·544S.

MANA"(R f' rl ng• be nefih , hrl)' DRIYRS WAMTID 063-llllfl. SAHDWICHH Meadowla rk Airport , SALESMAN Worbol, 895,5705• Silly' Slate ~ arm lm1urancc g wagt'. Call tnc l 8.U·• to, '.\len or Women fT P ltlme t'OUnter help. ex· 11.B. 846·7576. T

4 I I O I r I Sh 0 p C:om11a nlcs

Ouls tandlntc bene rlts betwn IOam & 2Pm lttui1t be2.'l<lor u\ler * JA~ OllAL * per'd. Appty In person w Ill t.e c. t.e J333 llyl11nd Ava paid vacauon, 1norl lerk. Growth position In Apply lnPen on Ex per d floo r man , •fl 2pm, 2233 f alrvicw llClf'TIOMIST PIPIOYS etun a r o r . Costa Men s harlntl . r etirement med i lu otc for pc-n1on YeilowCelt _Jlflime. S3hr. 971>-892:3. Rd, C.M. Mu11t know how to type. · AUTO S U rPLIE s tiervl c:e SlatJoo Attcn· t;qunlOppnr~mploytir medlCll l " dtnta l w/bat ic otc 1kllls wlllln1 ll~J Slat.er Avenue Lady or m•n & wllct to N l RN D · tiift Apply in person, ID:J:l e. STORE dant, eJCpc:r 'd . Day - --more. Must do hai r. Al to lorn. Call Frank •"oontaln Vall y care for e lderly lady. re'ff:r.ntvN P.M ~Yr:il.t. Pomona. S.A. Eitcellent workinft condl· E.a. F\111 & p/tlmt. Al> • TYPIST f'Hponaa In conndence . ....... ,,.... - - - R- b ..... • • •I For ln n..autlfully rA"'"""'rat..,. EC E PT . L• a s h I a I. t•--- •- opportun l ies ror ply, Shell Station, 17th Hea vy phonea. IPronft Rcply toClasalrl~adno . .,_.. ' "· El.Et"l'RONICS n iCH te';'~caii5M-2802. · ;;'c111\le1. v~~"tlon '&Financi al Sv cs rlrm . a'd::.;c:cmc nt. t .l be; ·al lrvlne, N.B. t>es~ LH ~fn~~be~~ 719. c/o Dally Piiot , .ct..ERK·Mln t yr ofc ex· bl or 2nd Ciu s FCC lie, 11lck lenvt'. Garfield Care R e cc pt / Secy, Front e mployee bcnc'1t11 In· r\llcc St.a Altf'ndant run ~l~c n · · BoJt iseo. Colt• Meta per. Job req 's s taHslical nq 'd , Ma nne c tc:c Let-I Sdy /ttcpt Convelescent Ho1pltal. desk. Expci r '<l . ad rcra, clud41 hollplta lliatlon In· &t p /tlmc. D•Y• "nlte11 , -· -· ------ -eaur. 92t.218 t1pln1 . aptitude fo r tronkaexper. r~cfd . Ca l Xlnt t y pill. Ma chine 7781 Gerflekl Ave. H.B. t ypln& 60 wpm . Ca ll surance. li le lnaun ncc & sal&r comm. 673·3320. al.t Parklnl Att.,eClldant.

- - - ------t fl&um&knowledaeoflO m.4!032 forlnter vwappt tranacriptlon ; no aleno. Pb847·"7l Ellffn,M0-017.3. pension fund . 6 Day Steady. l'' lexlble hra ---------key. 4 :30pm to tam. Wllho Electronics. Pleasant per sona lity. week. Nowthniscboolyr, si.~.o

BEAUTY Cirowln1 co. w/xlnt co Lido Parle Or. NB Min. 2 ,)'rt Calif. logul OPFICI CLIRK .E. Sales Apply In Pe~on J)t!r hr. '40-743'1 beoet1i.. Ph: 644·4360cllt ESCROWTRAINEE ex p . Salary c om · Well establlaed textile SEl.llNCOME l~tBeach Blvd 3'6. Good tv-'nt. a mbilloo mensurate w/exp. S1nla Arm In NpBch df'atlna In WKSTMJNSTER BUY AITRY.SS.tS. Top pey •

OPERATORS ' t"' Ana Call 835-41212 htl I " II ,, •· ba"k PIOP£RTY benefits. Apply be\w• 3 & CLllUC TYPIST and pel'llOMble. ~pty. . ~~kin~ ;111;ri:.~ ioo1c1;, SALISPlltSOt4S 6 p m , D c n .n y • 11

Best •hot> In \OWft. We Xlnl opportunity for l'(l· for training and • van LVN·Chorae. (/limo 3-lt ror qualified c leri cal " you're already s ue · Ne c d l' d r 0 r I 0 n I SRL Rnlaurant 52t Avenldo need operators w/follow· cen.t hit h acbool grad ceCJoment. '1~2725 Alk ro & r e lic t 3·1 t . Rt lie I person for permanent ~rw at aellln& houses, establish~ om ce . Nat'I. Pico, San Clem. inp . H.lah commlaslona w/ aec r e l ul al a kl ll1 . • d1argc LVN l M ' ex· I.... ... ..• 1 advertlsln1t. Iota of lead.I , ---- ..... -

kl P Id •'-· _... 'd Aldes a ll bin• e mployment. Apt t .... e ot are a aaletman, ....., . O ... AN over 40, f /Ume. wee y. a vaca...,. .... Tn>e 90w'pm. ahorthanv Ex per Goll Cou ra per x · tor lll\lret tr tome typ. neH man or clubwoman member of three llatlna "" • botlda)"ll. medical fr •n· desirable, aood aram· Mechanic. •Int workl 846-7764, Ina. l!xper not nee, wUJ new lo real eatate, learn aervl~. A1k for Allee TRADE MU8l be a vall on~ hrs.

t a l lnauraoce . life In· maUcal " 1pellln1 ablll· cond. aalary & benerit.s . train. Call MS-1066.. to MU high S lnve•tment Crowley for Individual betwn &am It m dnltc. suranco. reUr.men.t plan l)', SU.rt 115.W mo. Pb. ror Cont•rt •~rlnttndant. LO ... roperU Ith the oroe Tr a Int n ti , B 0 N 0 PBX exper. bt lpCul. Rt'IS & prollt sharina. Want t appt.60-4110 S. A. Country C lub, A" OFnCt;llELP ~e W'UJ :ain lf you~re a GALLERY OP' HOMES, • • • • nee. Health Ina. lncld • . '. ~r.v. ~~! aeeuritJ 7 c~sTIUCTIAA.I 714/SU-823$ PIOCISSOI J . H....,. w l n Der . 0 u r a a I ea La.gun• Nlt uel. Pl·94ll N.8. olc. 145-0338.

VT" ~ Downey Savln11 It Loan H.m ..._,.,, quad r up I e d from ~=~;~ SUPT .. DIMT i~?nR!nT:1~1~!f twanopendln1 .~ldno1ran1e Now lnt.ervlewinJ at So. 15mllliontheflnt year }..O Fri~·.:t~~·N:c:'x~~ THE ,.:;;-511·7700 Major So. Callfonda de· carpeted area. w / PM Co. for In "' ua ' ex Coast Plue loeaUon for 120mllUon la11t yur. es-. '* " Will tuln. A per hr. DAIL y PILOT

veloper nuda tract music. M1t1l have pa. perienced ln procenlna pam, p/lhne olc help, to 100-:'o c ommlaalon Forlnfo callS.'7-7208 CLASSIFllD 'SqualQswllorEmployer auperi.nteocleDllaW1ln Oence to work w/mk conveetlonal loans. Sav· Some tws • wkndi re. apllt.. PresUaJous omces, _ _ __ • - --- -

- - ------- •area. Mlnlmwn lS yrs millieture pam und~ a Ines• loan or mort1a1t cfd. Apply In pe rsoe near Oranae Coun\7 ndwlt b Route, mak SICT10M

••ulY Optorator N suel U.lr r .. hioas

t.a1ona Nll\ltl Nell male o r r t m •••rat7llal ro r b uu • •Ion . 4tt· 2221 or

Hprr. OD •ite 6 otr 11le. banltin1 bacqround pre- betwa JOam a l2 noon Airport. Call or wrtte 175. week+ eommlulon, Sinale ramllJ V.A ck• ~::_coft;,P!,r:'fcne:! ft>rred. Typing roqulttd oaly. Doa Berman. QUAIL EltabUabedacct.a. Noex· lithe ta htd bocalNtl seed re XJnt ulary • beneJiu PLACE PROPF.ftTIES per MC. WUI tr.In. Cal IU~ lo AdNo.m. OaUy =r1!· Top pay ... Co. c an personne l (71' MS YOU INC. roran appotntmenl. 751·2515. betlpm•5pm. Pi lot, P .0 Bo• lHO _ ......:._ 1 _ _.c.. ~rorfurtllerlnto. .._ _,, to off mo '75a·ll20. 1400 Quall

.. - __,.. - F.qual Oppor Employer nave I'"''.,..~ er or Street. Newport Buch coua-eaa. CA- nos i:. Caraetle A" e· ~to te.11, pJac1 an ad Ca 92860 ' ave somethina JOU wa

fa"41t traw tn t $.A ta lhe Dall 7 rll o t . • toaeUT Class ified acts


om an w / nursln1 exp wntd ror lofant ~ " ll~ haewrk. Da)'t la hrs Oex. NB.144.-,. ·

~·RaJ tedlnolotlat. fem. needed for sm radiOIOIY om~ located In Newport BHch. Mutt bl ARRT' CRT. Call '42.ftt4 ror West. .a Daily Pl • Have eomethln1 lo tell . ~ Std.Jon , • , SELL Idle kerm witJa il well - Call NOW a All. to..,.. Clualllcd adl do It well. NZ-5171. l>aUT Pilot lusined Ad IGWll. T -.sna. •Pf&

DI DAIL y PILOT Fm'!!(, AUQutt 13. 117t : -ii' W. IOI. --.-S. IOH,. .. - IOI .. ~:__ & Onjeu lotO ...... Power 9040 iloeh. s,..4 & ••••••••••• •v••••••••• ~•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• Sid tOll

Met~•••w ...... ·. 1020"'-.. Y• ICMl ~FamUySale! 11'\irnilutt Pauo Hie Sot tam·3pm. MiutSell l Bta11lllul1Y restored llP· ZODI C !-•••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ....................... ~ .......................................... c lot be• . mhc . Joi lO)S clothes " misc. S.lut rut TROPICAL ri1¢hl piano~ or 8 /0 * A 'T5 u · T ahiti. Jl5 HP _ .... , IOtl°"Jmoal frame •et $1 81.ck6whl\e(tmalep:g· Cr)!St.al: Little 81,boa &e&.St C1~. 190 Bock•ter nSH AOUARIUM. Ft1t .a94 Olll.2 Port·A·Mari.ne 640-2010 M~n.o. SI.I equip + ti.h ••••••••••••••••••••••• cm. szoo. MKM Craine ~~ro a ...... lJland Sat Suo on)JI · ..... ioctuded11 t..lnA& $100 finder U 8SO Clrm • . • • ..... · - - • · · '' • · ~r sharp UI' Glallpitr, ' • -!lhm, $200.~ . ~ wMba«o.~n f'UILICAUCTIOM Horws 1060 or l•t • trde for 1 F'or s:alo upnJ;ht pl100, IO HP Mrrc Pwr lllt ~lc..,;8.;... ______ _ ~~~= ::!~ ~fl~ Ou1·1 kbwano 10" blcy· not "-•· muat find 10' " MANY f'I · t! ITEMS OF ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~nl afl~r • wkdaya :S~1f all

673'8°'8 0

' DY, Vlllo' r;.1dlo, 2 ttn1t1'. 'iG :ll' Nordic L>C 460 jet. 11nltt.nl u S.ho ~o~I~ c:-S., idnt ~.MO. Call Ing home. '4J·HU or ESTATE JF.W£LKY , Sm1l1WhltePONY Ol'aQJthnewHkends. caoop)'. boal cov + <."omp tund~m lrlr. c1&1l 'l o'"':~n" ... : qutilJ *'lid. Afl 5:30 M-4Z9:S ART OBJ ~CTS, AN . Siaddletbndlo loci. SlOO Al\)'ooe latt'rftled in bl4,Y Ptawr Plano, PHtorf'd & xtru. Gd llsbmi; or llkt , Int. W.'M 130 t)' "~~:O~ vlsatallo ~ & CUU.tkltlmse\•er TIO ' f.S. f' INEFURN .• Ph$36.3'm in& I & quan l llle ~ Nfmllhed , tt• heartci Trlr. All brand newt •·.-1-, -,.,--,- .- 11- 0

- R-N_ F._T_ "" t..ocat~d 'at lil El ---=:i--' 1030 541 .. 204 ETC. PllONt: FOR IN· • • ao1 o Man a 1 o I t a c 1 1 awrec. $1795. Mi-.tOSC F'rt•sh waler on\)'. SUt$. l • " • • • ....-...-- ' f' O " 8ROCllUKt: ---.. , 714/M'i.5!23 833-~7$ Bcrt-kley Jet, tol'\14$0.

l::1m100 lttal" Maiu. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loveable male k1lle11. ~- ••••••••• • • •••••••••••• . l'la I 0,k lupricht - & .,...RA Sl lAftf I be a u l . y e I I o w et:Ux t!S-11: 14150 mm 5hots box lralned wUI WANTED 4 malll't'SIH, • boxtpr IUl ~v I. mport Crom"' • · t yr olt, w 1m11lchln1,1 lrullor.

f'UlllC AUCTIOM Takumar. 3.1/ lSS mm neute'r644.0139 • A\11 14. 15. lOam. Sliver, TOP C S i!\&.11. $20 ea. or $JSO lo1 En1&land 48 " p iano Dulfle ld 20' elec, yellow IOQOO/bslofr. $40-4176 . -. Takumar. 7 ntlel'I, CBL.. w~dinu:ms. loys, bab)' A ,II DOLLAR alf, 1lnl cond. Malchln1 497-3811 canopy $8000 fl rm .

M~-..y I' ~Nf. !Tl{~S OF JU.S .. s.i.n SUD. Cilmeta 3p.boco•enk lonlhalr lt\'m.s. Muell new. 10..:u PA I~ t 0 R Y 0 U R hdbcs., dreucr, mirror 6 . 673•76'10. 8 :31~4. 675-2922 T rt t•--t-~STATI-. JF, W•.L RV , .0..1 .. ncaHI! lcuth•r""'"' kttWnt K•muola Dr 118 JF.'Wl::LRY, WATCHF.S, nt 0 ht1land $50 Plitno Ooilcy ul)rlgbt, al\$PM.,wkn<b ._ •• ·-ART OOJY.C'1'S , AN· ~" ' " _,., • . ART OBJECTS. COLD. " ' 1omo "cD rv1n11 '' • •••••••••••••••••••••• 'flQUfo::S, l"INI'.. l''URN cue, trl · pod . S3J~ 64f>-097S 8GIJ.W83, S lL Vt-:R St; tWI CE F'rlt1ldalrc wahr/dryr m11lchlng bench. S500 14' PleasureDoal. Trlr.35 C~.S•/ '"'"l"' ' l O • '0 ' G-&&~1. • ~ • xlnt cond.. ~ ea. or $1~ ,, ... Hw~ ll ti) t • I . ..... 5 lt..;...a t 110 ... ~ . l I NL .. It IN MosLba.nApeo. tollood flNE tUR N " AN · both. Mrisnovox <'OMOJ( v........... . x r• c ean, .... . -~g~ llHOC ll URE .1C1 nnon Aulo. Macro homew/yard.All•lwl:$. llitrlc;.1,~~l~:o~~aru, TIQUES. 64S- 2200 recor(lplayerw/approx. Klmbllll oonsol,• piano, ~~\II. ••••:••••••••••••••••••

Zoom M · 814, eluc, ~2. l\1aaro300 d rt blk h'<>P CASH I PAil> F'OH 100 records $7$, lluits yra old xlnt eood '8C)Ot?$' LUHRS 1968 Ule cl Pop up Wheel Camper n... 0 11>uptir•I. Late.st model, ., . I e. vac • cleaned & wropped lll't .,.,.,.• • I b d r . I ' Sii)& S. + enclosed paUo.

l .,.,aut. ak dm. tables. xl nt . •cuu. $ l U _.,kJU.(,'N, lwht. 2 rt'dd l!lh , cuum. che l oC dnwen YOUR OLD GOLD & 9xl2S1S G Id 13 13• SlS 'M4·S·..... f Y rl i:c . 1berg ass, ~l706al\7PM . one• ornately cuved. Sl6-22M free to good home . tan. gasollno tatnk, roun< DIAMONDS. 900-2"31. Brwn g 1~ SJ~ •81 ., ~ MllC.._:._1 IOt• '8300. Ca.11<&00.SG:'.H _ Jl'.'rl'. cond. G Match1n1 Trained. 847.$87%. water bed fr1tm1:. etec~. x · · u, ..... -...., - ··1.. . l01'1'<'11bov\'rcaml)(•r1lps o o k rh. arc autht'otlc NIKON t-;quap. Oodles. lnc ranite top, mut l'lca~ iu•ntock 107$ 9xl2. SlO. Blue lSxlS. $23. ~··•:•••••••••••••••••• 14

8 Fbrgls, v llull. 85 11 P 6. SS60 lnc lda • hur·lfl hwber Poll' . farm it em~ motors II lenJea. J>p, iGd home a MUST! l Y.a yr ror sailboat. Colemu ••••••••••••••••••••••• G'T3-8CM7 Sewing Machine Coller Johnson 0 / 8, &ill trlr. JacU. 536·19-tO for " .i ll ilecor. !lfasc. fi7S~orSST·1100 remKeeshow'.ldcna.Call lantern, buck knife. cor Reg. Morgan mare, broke IRVJ.Nt: COUNTRY u~n A&nl iweds p~rty Supt>r clean. $2,000. -·.....:....;....~~...,;.... ___ _ ll:JJ S:W 55-820L oor table. ihrung lable to ride ~ drive. blk CLUB MEMBERSHIP wilb acceploble ~i:ed•t le 837·1957. "73 D1uun. new 1-Paclc

- - Cah IOl~ ,_ •. IO$O foldma bac>ele tread I< parade Morgan geldin&. BlO · llJ3.l244 assume 12 remamtn& U~ t8' LYMAN Full cmpr. muny iclra1. Xlnt P1:.ino lllool. 1:?', Dou11h ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·--• footaewlon marhloe •41 Ena. WesterQ (Tl4) per mo payments on 1 I ' covers, cond.496..Qeu6. lbl, porcelain lop. TIC· BURM""'""' KITT"""S ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pl • • 331HOU .......,,, C-... l~tr like new $4$0 Sing. er very c e:an. fJny lamp ~eMl """""' • <;.H Y )'mouth. etc, etc. Sat ._ - " C Id T b •- .,_ .. 6'13-8927 vw camp r '6!1 xlnt.

• - CFA rea11tued *•I BU * * le maybe Sun 273 E 20tt 2drawer aasort de ts 0 en ouc • ""w · - d • te:M20$ Costa Mesa . . Ducks. white Pelting. 8 s ub total~. shows co:ect Completely a utomalh t29' Commen cal Sport F·as· con ' pop lop, $2100. Antique Roaewood · Good used Fllrn.ltw-e & ducks, l Drake, layln& ch.age tis many other zi1·ug, stretch sl~td her. G C)'I Cbrys cro"n· _~_;_4567.;__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~.~:~:~n ~~:bst ;f~: Pgelsrts~ra•nd . Kmitotetn~.olorr~- AellpplianSEcLLesf°or~c! will 5z 12·18 Used Clothing $2. Af'\6, 55'1-91116 features. S6SO value. Will sewing machine : ''?.' S1S radio. depth hn1ter, '76 Dodae Bubble · Top

.. .. .. · ~ • or · H i11h Qual Desnc 1 ri will discount for cash . xtras . S4SOO. 6~:?·7837 cam r van Self · ~ available. wormed & MASTlllSAUCTIOM !asbaoos. Fam . Mki Mkc•l••w 1010 sac fice, $38S. 64S-t920 lmmaccond,fullyguar dars SS7.Sl67eves contarned under wlu·

c:ornpletc Set Hand paint' shots. 638-9308 646-1616 la IJJ.9625 labels, NY, Paris. Rome ••••••••••••••••••••••• Frigidaire Washer, gd P & J ~ox A &ency. . • · ·- ranty, air 'c-ond. ice boic: '<ti d1shel (12), Assonedsiames e Kittens 2 Aft6CAUS54-729J LA.Comtemp1tylesinc WANTED cond.Near new$75 or bst <Patricia & .J~rry Cox J28, Luhrs '73, super 280 s tove. toilet, dbl sink, ~· u t Glau <Crystal> females, l male. 9 wks. ' knals. Masc Chana, kll TOP CASH DOLLAR olr. Honda 70 scooter, 548-442.sanyume. ~.,a~e~::ded <lUl s ips 4. under SM ml . IH0.1663 Box trained $30 eh S.4VE . Ne"'. II used Curo. ware. furn. etc. 10 AM p A 1 D F 0 R y 0 UR nda new tire & Inner Spirti .. Gooch IOt • · $7,900/ofr. 54().6109.

• . • • · appl·s. misc. Wilson's 8PM . Thurs/ Fri / Sal tube. $7Sor bsl. s.t8·174l . . Eh Terry clock, cor cup. 673-3388 Bargain Nook , Now 2 l16S Boise Ave . CM J EWELRY, WATCHES. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lm 17 FANTASY. lGS Great buy. 11 ~ ' brd, l bls. mus l sell. PP. "-- ao4 o Stores _ 545 & 814 w. 557·3567 ART OBJECTS. GOLD Lawrunower + mlnl bike Remington M.700 6 M~I. H~ Meri· 110 with W!!StWS)'S OverM, alps l':\1:11, 1-633-3069 :::?:•••••••••••••••••• 191h CM 642.7930 & S ILVER SERVICE. engines. Complelely re. heavy barrel. Le ui><>ld trailer. Only $4495, nt G incl llydrnuilc J acks.

T _._


548326z· . Washer. S50.b1ke. garage FINE FURN & AN · bulll S57-3909 lOX.iclnt . relo11dingcom · M e sa Boat (;enter , si~9G8SJ29

E~tate sale. Antiques, woM-A .,.._.. · · junk, Sat. 10-4PM, 964.2 TlQUES. MS-2200 ponents,dies. 846-3964. 646-0539 --· - · ·-·----turn . & stuff. 439 t.:I With Papers. Match Ing ant I q u e Cuit.hness. Hntg Bch. Datsun 4spd, trns. 13~ • 73 Weekender, 9~:. self ~tvdena . N .B . 541H200. 2 Years,3Years nightstands, $70/ pr. 5 . . LUGGAGETAGS motor prts. Schw in n7/~' ' solid piece s late, lm 17 Call,fo0mlu V bot· contain e d Jack son

&--u-.. 1010 lTan.tBlue 0111tchi ng press back9442 Pier Dr. Hunungtor fromyourbu.sinesscard. varsity lO spd. ll.J . Drag cstmdeslgned poolU.ble. lom,l201ll MC.w/trlr. licdown . Xlnl cond • .....,...-es GoodH-Ollly! chairs $200. 536·9570 a ft Bc h . By H amilto n / Send one card for each car , aaa lrick~l650t 968·94M. On1y$2699. a t Mesa Boat $19$(). 548·3U9 bcf 6PM • •••••••••••••••••••••• 962·1869 5pm . Bushard . l'tt o v Ing . tag plus one spare. We 962.5797 TV loclio Center. 1595 Newport s.&8·3(.13 eves & wknds. • 1-'relghtUamage Hotpolnt 89'l·S006 642, ().133 Furniture. motor cycle. re t u rn permanently , HI' 11t1 • Blvd ,CM646-4012

S:ilL'. 3308 W. Warner. FoJd·away bed $45. corn.!r bikes. twn beds & misc. - . l2 ladder; 3-drwr lelepb. "•St.no 1091 , '67 lo'ord ~ T. i\C·PB·PS, lTcar H:s1'bof", Santa Ana k::et your KrtrU' puppiei\ g.reup.$89. couch $4~ en-0 Sal only UM. ::!ed ~~t~ve .• ~fin~ cab: ~t.. ~ler·bt cab; ....................... 7619 Omega. Tri hull, nr auto, dual b4llerles, 10

• • • started now. Beautiful tbi Sl.S. shortwave rad1c 1 0 p, · 't.s p portrait clisPlay eaales; "1S ZEN1Tfr23•• consoTe. -aew,muataee.-MHy u. lfll l <'ll fl . >Clnt cond, R~~RICt::RATO~S At\C r eg . Golden $35. 673-6934 Plants & many other ~entt:Smr:h!A• .Fo:~ e lect fir polis her: ore. Perfect llhape. $400. Pb tras..$5500.962-0663 w 11 11,· Alrflyte sc WASllERSDRYERS Retriever now at stud good1e5; Aug 14 & 15, lied l • :i library tbl; paUo tbls;: 846-6319 1, ,.. Ftylng Scott<CI 1 cmpr ~ lps 6 $2550 Rt!cond1tioned·Repos 1714 1 968-~77 · Francois dining room 9am-5pm. 8882Burlc rcst persona z agenc08t S·drwr util. cab ISlli • ~ '

&rrgtOamag'd. · suite.colorTV. sora. l bl Dr . ll . B. tAdums & ~allpape.~, fabri c or :i.&"x32"x42";chaio bu.ni H•mmond C3 with JohnsooO/ Bwttrlr. Slps __ • GuarJdel MlNISCHNAUZ l-:R lamp, swag lamps, ~ Ma cnoha · Laodmark ?try.,!'~ /a~" we wrou&bt lron elect. fix. percu.sakm. walnut con· 2.$950. Ph e7:J.l6"S 8'cal>-o\'crcamper, sl1~

is YJo:ARS JS 0 C. AKC, 7 weeks. male Sl.50. JBniis painliogs only Tral"t ). ~ ~ t ~m Y= tures; 78 records. Queetl aole lncl 'ds Leslie. 900 '5 Gwtron. Vl56, $.) 1m . 4. ad cond, 14SO.

DUHL & p•5 Call 64~·7895 556-3725. •-t 1

. be~k toba ~ wo ca umauresuet. 673-5848 1pkr w/JBL 2440 drive~.: e l ectron I c i an 111 u11 Coll&&5·264:?. ~ "" ,aques. rare porce am, c · lmmac. 12000. Mi·S21u Evinrude & t t lr Sl 450

UH$ Newport Blvd, C:'ll IBlk tlan mini Dachshund. Bedroom Suile, <Davis),~ beds. desks, ivory. paint· PRICES! 124' x •' Douchboy Pool. al\.6pm M6-90llO • • · Motoriuct llbl 9140 CALLS48·77llO II mos. hsbrlm, $2:SO or pc:s, top cond. F'r Prov ingi. clockl>, clothes. fur S2ea or3/$5 Complele. $200. • •••••••••••••••••••••••

bt'!>t ofr. t>455416 alt5. wht / ye llow $'1SO coat. Fri /Sat/Sun. 4127.C 4/StagsSl.flOu. 962-64.lS Zenith 21" color TV. $7S. 1o9h.Seil 9060 t..enmore Wa sher !IS. s+&-1920 Jlal araa Way, NB . 6/9t.ap $1.50ea. ..._,, Zenlth19\'port.B"W· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kenmore Elec Or) er $50, ~ellow Lnb Pups. AKC, ~76311 lOor moce Sl.40ea. o<A:Wtb 23" color TV, nds $25. 546-8689. ~· Columbla MKll whl, Guar. 546·8672 re1<1s tered. S wks old. New i' Hatch Cover Cof Sales Tax lncltaded wrk, 960. Custom inlaid electronics, custom 1n,

8 if

1 C d s100. ree tbl w/bidden crap ta Aluminum s hed, tent , gas NO CARD? aeate coff. tbl SlSO. C~r!!~nsoT;',• lerior , will take smeller

e aut u op per 2 r 002-7393 ble. Arter 6pm, 673·3245. frplc set. 968-4742. 10122 Draw your own or send 648-11641 boat or car in lrade. Call f)-1glda1re Refrtg. Very . . Signet Cr. 11.B. name, address, phone Ir , SSO. 64~1449 clean, $175. S48-t88J. \KC G Wl'l'k old ln sh Sel · Sofas & Lonfftlh we'll make oee ea.rel pei 72 Ford PU tall«i•l•, .. R C 673-30'7

4 eves. • "' tcr puppies . Ca II now New $100.$185 Moving. Some antiques, t Add 2$1 b. green, $35. Roto tiller , 23 A color m anl MOOllMG & 10 T

l7 cu rt. Frigidaire refn(!. 833-819S Call 540.9339 loU or misc items, S< up. .,~A _ ... __ k :;cm or· new ehp me>Cor Sl.50. Lri console, $175. A f'rost free, lop frzr, ttd. - . · Sal '7: JO.- ll . Sun 9.Jl . ""'""~ CJneY air compressor w/CP 67$-8307 22' S hock Ciberglaas l-ond. Harvest Gold. $150 Olde English Sheep dog 2 Pc Sectional alm ost 2344 Port AberdeeG Np derto. . impact. wnttcb • hoM sailboat . Head, Cold down ~irm. 2 end lbls. $30 ea. tJup!I. AKC. $150 each. new . perfect co nd, HVll. PILOTratHTING S1J5. HeavJ pool cover. GE21 .. CO&.OITV dinette tbl, sink. Sips 2 . &12 .. 377 &t2·79tOor631·1430. sacrifice $2SS .• 960-4782 P.O. Box lSfO l 6lc3S sso Complete pool Call64.2·2502 recently p ai nted. a ll

\'""lr lnnnl dbl dr re (rio, Do R 6

l2 $150

Moving sale. Antique CostlMesa,Ca.tllaall i we.;p ,;/cloe k SlOO hatches r c.flberl(lasscd. ................... .__1 ~ .. >""" .. g un, ic • • Brand new couch & Lov piano, S lroll e r / b lgh Swim nns le mHk $10. New teak & m ahoaany. ~YClh fmsUh't' $125. Whirlpool Culloft4 :30 eseal Great shape. $ISO chair. dbl bed, toy1, PUIUCAUCTIOM vw ~injector 1 tem lotlh&~ Fast cruising boat . New Scooten 9110 :,auto washer. lge cap. SS2·1387. Kng si Br Set , dresser,• clothes. etc. Sul onl)' MANY ITEMS OF Fl.NE $7S. lllp S.pbaae :otor ........... 7\thp 0/B. 6' wood••••••••••••••••••••••• S9S. Lady Kenmore port. IA . F. kl 1 ends, etc. $200, Kitcher 9-12. 1995 Port Nelson. ESTATE JEWELRY. S35. lOUS s urface plate••••••••••••••••••••••• dinghy & 8' rubber boot HONDA MISSION d-<tlwhr. Sl 10. All dgood tfKgc~~g .s i::::ilig:~t· dinette setH cbrs S60 N.8 . No Previews. ART OBJECTS, AN - S35. N2·S379 G1Mral 90 IC plus m ooring, fit s 32' yuuo ~ •J lld . Lute m o els . . ·• , C Ii 846-6319AMs. TlQUES. f"lNE FURN., ••••••••••••••••••••••• boat, at JSth St. landing. ._ t'4G> UG8 __ ~.~~rotccta~e a . , , _ . L • GARAGE SALE· Misc ETC. PHONE FOR IN· IUtlllty trlr 4x8. rack, Skiff, lO'xS' fiberglasi Npt: SS.195. Call an . 5pm OPENING SALE (~ R _

1 & , Must sell ru .. boy. lgt! l lsr furn . 1129 E . Balboa FO. • BROCllU&E. license spar ll50. Z3zci Sabol. oars Ir oarlocks 96:Ml17for appt Try us lsl We'll meet or

tll5 d :llll{e ,d ,c teon ,.! ~.-unoycd puppies 1dora· lank. dealt, bbq. l1tmps Blvd. Balboa. 675-8416 64S-Z200 Elden C.11. n S200/bt!L ofr Call Carol . beat aoy l~aaJ advertised i:oo co n ton. ""· • beddln11. spea ker ' • Wanted : Boat •lip. 17 ' " ~15- 144!1 _ ble flurry white, $ 75· dinette lbl, misc. 673·770ll LOTS 0 GOODIES. Sal • Gazebo, &arae, out.dool'; iLOTSof band 6 pwrtooll, 64l-4l93/ S4CMSl4 Beam, 34• length im· price in the U.S.A. - - - ~'° S8M Sun 9-SPM, 1800 Port wblle lattice. Excep ror...., CaD be seen Sal l2' Fiberglass. mediately. Ca ll Ken --

\~~~('~·x~!:~~d . zir f•A JRLINER . XlntSelting household goods Barmouth,NwptBcb. tional struetne, all •&uaatntOrcbidSt. woodtrim,oaniocL Johnson, $36-1202 eves. z:r;a~~"s>;..~~frwheels 67:1.7173 cond, co mpletely r~· ~~:ppliances. etc rvs. AppUances, Dresser redwood.SZ3QO.llS-QD Cdll, at1araceule. SlS0.'188-122'1 673-3620 _ _

- -- furbished . S8500 /will · II other furniture. Ilise WOYEH WOOD Plano Ba lleJ u rtgbt Troy lro's M_.. P,assic 26' Luders Sloop 26371 Avery Parkway Refril)erafor $75. trade 9'79·~ low Sale: Two lwin ~ items. Sat/Sun 10.S. 3006 SHADES-Tolt'l.Off 15ot, RCA 23" cl1or TV' (J w/mooring nr B.Y.C. Ex· lll-0122 4'5·1026

SS2·0021 lrlsh Set pup, mole. Incl frames & quilwted be< Ro1ce Lane, CM 64o.&451 Call '*a.-.... wtaa Id, 115, Jle!ri1, szs: B~ERDGBAOINAST tras. $5000. 645·6682 k spreads like ne SIS - 67 .. - Suiukl TS400 3,700 mi.

S75 Washer.JotontRomery 8 w s. ' • LOTS OF EVERYTIUNG ....,,.... 18" Claapar 120 OMC, HOllE 14 XJnl cond. $850 Ward. k. ls . Ca II 548-4883. Call~ al\ 6 pm. Notions otassware bric KlNG SZ BED (New),:..... li .. ,_ irl• ..,,.,._ trlr, xtraa. $3695. ~""' ,...Cl\

Cal ·.. ' xtra finD S1J5 IDel del.~otJOUI' ...... • ""llKC 18• T B ' d F l a Uke new, with trailer & .,.,,...,,,...,

14'M-7982 '"9toY.. 1045 Desk.din rm set.millc, brae, cloth ing. Sal . le UauaJ•v ..__ .. .__. Frencb ProY bdrm COi'· • 1r o rma ri bl h 11 ---------Auctioft 1015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call Sun. J0-4. 2191 ll•r~. ..,_ - Hr croup, s pc , coat :~vtrJ~·Y~nter.~ ~::::b1~!'tb l~~ suait (2>'74Suiuki's,TM12S's. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prt-e to &d home. yng 988-9484 CPMark<T> Srad~w.~56 Mobile Wood,FralMWIDdows: ~: aeU $195. Schwbm Olds, jac. YI, , _ __. •-tr Sl150 torrer 645-7850 Clean, never raced. 1400

.. ,u.Llc... maleGermShepmlx. In· Mmt sell beau( Medit p . .,,.. • 6.Q~ 'ltl$ lil cllick 1Ungr., bike, .-- r-• - y • • u , bstofr. 642·1315

.. t 11' t bl G d! h C l k RA.'S LI 1.adS" xlnt cond $45. Mlle -- 1974HOBfECatJ6. •FURNITURE• ,e .•gen, persona e .. ran at e r oc M~ SA WlW'dl " g ood lea: 213 Via 2'' Tollfcraft Cruiser xlnt cond.S48.s&? MOMTESSA 644_~. \elvet sofa "loveacal C•ICMa 642•3379 CordoYa. Lido Is le. NB 2250MC, tand trlr.$7995. aft.Tpm.Mnkcoffer. La Crosse, xlnl cond.

•AUCTION• NIEFllfWOOD king It queen sz. mat ft..lhdle.&..---a.. 6'1s.aG31. • 2'' Venture Sloop, aux 1250 or beat o ffer. T--..LL- 7·30 •M tress & boxsprlnas & ...- -..... ·- 2 - 2 -•- u "'"- 1 Un O/B trlr ~ .... Cl\ (slander 23 fixed keel S'r!J 831.()235 Ml~sa·o· n Viejo • """""' . "' * 9AM lo4PM 646·3231 frame. PP . ... 1·2218 Jodia Velvet, Patchwork, d"' ....... 2 d -.- ~- 1-.. -- Coa1t C C Golf ' . • --· • . ' "' Contl9""'1ftts ,.. Prints. Solids Big rapes, ~. avou. ~...., • • NEWBOATBARGAINS StaguUw/clulch, 3sails, 'IBTRIUMPHSOOcc

Stock U .. datloM FREE Kitten.s for loving Sm. couch. 2Chrs, chestol Fabrtc Selecllon: Low Reasonable.646-'341 Membe~~r~~ale. :It;~~: ~t:lsailor • ~~cle, VHF. $.1,775

. $600. c:-.......- Lt..&.. I..__ homes. Box trai ned . drawers & mirror , d eek Wholesale Prices, 40 3_,, OFF - c · · · 642-3379

. '(.""915a .. ...,, ~·0 Orntle with children . bed, frames, 673· 187: Drapes To Match. * to u-10 * Broilmaster Ptbl Gai AF -17 Mfni·Tonnet; J..uerN 12797 L' ~u a ll, ovesu s, c SSl l7~eves . btwn94c S. SUN 10.3 WKDYS8·5 DI &MONDS BBQ b d Ull ' - apallaway20S2900fi .h blue.2s:i'1s. fin~c!ed. 73 custom VW trike. In·

d1u1n. rockers, TVs , " A • • ran new, 1 u ac:eno • as proven 675.3545 vested 12000. must sell hulrh••:1, tubles. chalnt, Free to good home, 6 mo. Like New: 8' dccor"lor AUG. 14/ 15, JOAM to3PM 645-8616 979·9151 box. $200. 557·5605 tough. $2400. · SISOO. Art 6:30552·7388 lamp , pl<'ture s, puppy. part German Hen:ulonoffwhte,sof1 Aquarium. h.shld ltema 1,._.,. __ HP Cl 1.IDOVER SHORES ART Dawaoo26,saveS820Q.ot:uD014. Mlnt cond. lncl. , d r 1•:. s (' r ll • c h ~at s, Shep. all snots. 962·7931 uking 129$ 581"'575 etc. 15451 Notre Dame St . 1VUWOOr S vac., ar":; SALE Demo. $14.800. cover II trlr. $1295. 72 Yamaha 250 dirt. Xlnt

tmolres. night at11nds. West mini s t er. <nr . Xlnt CODd $260. •US H U 1 ls .1 Campwaya lnfla t abh 67S-4646 cond . $300 . Lea ving hcorlbo•rc'li. mlrrou, 3 ye•r old Oo ld enL.tr1e Spanish c han M c l" ad d e 0 4t mags w/SSx70 tins & lnmu:15e;5am:3i:~s~ Boals. town.S4G·ll44aflSpm ch~l beds. dc~ks, bab)' Rctr1eW,t to 11ood bome. delier , wrO\l&ht Iron & Goldenwclill lugs SJ.35. 6"-0377 ~l • • • DaleCometl, Btr '75 Gappy 13. 111111 2. used (urnlture c r ib, h•b)' 9611-464Uor64<Mn:n wood, amber &lass. S<lS · EmbarcaderoMarioa twice, complete w/O.U. Yamaha. Dirt Bike, llku I baths, 1trollers. buuy. :---- 640-0999 ~OVING, odda·n ·~rnds, ~vertlble coach It Ken·1.....i.. 1 Dana Point Harbor It trlr, best offer over new, in Al eond. Sec to off1N'l'h11lr i1&f1ll'11 Satnfl<"e to lovlnJ home Sat It Sun 10-4P.M. 3801 more e l ee . dry er. i-W·sc~on 1011 (n4)493·3lllor4t3-mo Sl&oo.646·1824eve•. opprec111tel3S0. 8'0.36M

OTS OF ... ICE l'urebred Lib rem. "Naugahyde rec l l n e1 Sandu n e Ln Cd M 645-0277 -...... L " mM. C1111558 6389. cl\air,aooclcondJl1on <HVttts> • 111"-~...;....-------i ............................. M•ha•C•/ Mooringw/1973Columbla '74. llondaTrallllO

APPLIAMCIS S30 642·028:l ARPET, decorator bas SSS CASH FOR Senk• f02G 23 13 lmmac condlllon •~ Fem11lc Kitten• to a · AMEKA E Jp. Tool II TS yd1 oran ae nylon ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' &.2 4786 A t $375 7" 1227

llcfrigeratur.i , washers . .:oocthomc. C.11645-411140,Dlnlng Rm Table , ~~mlsc itcmsqfor'sah: '314 plush. 72 yds red. Gooduaedfum/refriga • aen • . • " t o v" 11 • r c d

8 P 0 t I.<? St1111on 72Q.& chairs. Walnut fini sh Orchid CdM SIS • Sacrifice $3. 7d. f42·2210; Crua/atoves 546--0768 ~~ed YJ:r bot~ late Cape Dory 10 ft. 51u boat, '73 llonda CH..4f$CJ, aood

furnit ure rLU L01l; Orig Price $300 180 • · 6t6-8865 . 1 e comp ... te un s:ns. 768-8139 aru:r 6 '. 00 condition. $800. Call <H' N 1 C F. MI CE L · 4 \'rs old Duchund 6TS.~S • ~fOVING Sale r cfrla Wanted discontinue~ derwate r Yacht main pm · 962-4339 LANE:OUS femol . i.payed. ~d. To · bcdt new pool Ubl rum' Ben noun golt dub9, Lenox Chin a patten tenanco. Bottom clean· • ------- --

SAVE SAVI SAVI 1dhomt'. 1179036& •'OC' Sale, beaut. tum. 01 etc. M2 4338, F, S/S. ~i or lt. 1490. now 1200 "Priscilla"846-0872 ln.1140t fl. Hogan & Sor!ILIDO 14 + trlr, 2926. XL3!iOllondo .S400 mi. SSS SSS S , tho century Vlctor1ar Balt'I Irv. \Culverdale> w/bag. Uged 10 times.: • • Diving &!rv. 631·59'21 !IUJ>t!r racer , all equip, Xlnt cond. $750

• MilC Cock·a -poo, 7 mot. lovese1t w/grape clustea --·- - Ullt bur11undy chair • 11 SHOO Mi-6445 J ohn 9T9·123l d•Y• t-ood ova.1lallle on pre· fem. lovl!I kldlt . moving, carving. S600. ll30-7608 Power mower near new ottoman. Xlntcond. SlSO. ....,_.,, 101.i Retired tchr seeks live· • - -m1111'lt. h e m!I subject 10 nib Cd home. 83lol679 d er ludu.• 'bike misc Solid marble 11qua re ll • ••••.••••••••••••••••••• aboard In rtt. fo r_ lgt !CAL 20, xlnl cond. 4f bagll, ''1:t llondu CU 500 pres11h• Wr hooor llofA , Wh ite brocalded 1m f~ • ard 1

1 • to . : ble, MS. llanalllg lamps, Conn Mln·O-Matlc clcc malnt & sec. Tcrm1 nea. 8 HP Evin, NwJ'l slip. Xlntcondltlon t~nJ M a~t.l'tc t1or1:e, also l"'rec kittens. O wks old, couch w /carved frame. j Sat~s/ 1o.6 l<><j~1 ~ SlOeacb, 675,3033.. oraan. excellent condl Ph (21.3>375·1721. Xtru. $4200. 64o-7674 493·2"8. < u~ huir 1 Check!! & blk&wht .. weaned&box nlcelttthncbn . 873-3S23. J 1 ~ h Vian Uon.t600,P.P.S32· 12S9 ...... M__.__ 72 Yima 2R""'ndu. (;,\SU. tr1.1lni.i<l . c:ulltl4~.3Q8S. ac n °· 0 • y , Workl War II occupied .--. Slabot complete + Hbot "''"" MASTHS AUCTION 9 pc Walnut d in.rm set IW·4!HS J apan. cblna. 'srunwlck Oulld e lec; bue, Sl%5; ... ,....... tOJO m11t & boom, Lecboard, $375

20751/t Hwpt II. MOTICI Caprtno bf. United. Ovn o 1 r• 11 c s n I c Ex _ bumper pool tbl. SS1·262S Gibson {lcouelle guitar ••••••••••••••••••••••• rudder , 1ail, rubber li fe Tom, :;46-6985 COSTA MISA / how Dally Pilot Class· tbl w/2 18 ·tears. Buffet t ravaltunaa rwr. i hop" Sl2S. Coll S48·11>87. Sabot Cla~s Flbc rgla1111 r a fl , Sabo t rowlna ,72 Yamaha 126 MX yz I

Ui •d 1u111 c1l1ptay their & cart, hol!l & hoi1tu~ h net t I ho lie & de· Jack LaLanne ~uropcan, hulh1, tiaclory direct. dlnt1h)', 411 .- Y.vlnrudc. d ' IJJ.9625 646 .. 616 mess11aes wlth lcalblllty c:.1'1-_lrs. a ll chaJrs are up c!rat~~l~mt1 uld ladle• Kea Ith S pat member1h lp10~bson ~f PY~ol Dads rzuo. Varey·Oavla Co. 833 na uc. boal cu1hlons, cylln ~r, ~I~~ :cw. ·~e,v;r

- ;md impact 7 Our ads, holsttred In orange ., clo«hlnR & ml;c. 501 San for 11 a l o • R e as ·I ~~'.,4!e .. ..;..," n6\3~2~~ · _W-::. l::7:::th_S_t'"".. C:-M_.:-:---:---i-•-S_"_x30_ "_, n_c_w_._u_73_·~-~"1..:~~o::'.c:o~,.::·:.._ ___ P_., _ _ • The fastest draw in thr " arr proud to say, re· brass Wncar patterns fk:madlno i\ ve ND. 213/799·6832 or 64.2·1067 -""· ,,_._or " .. ~ •

West .. . :i Dally Pilot ally act re ulta l>hone llkenew. 640-1663. • al\I. Glbeoo Lei Paul Deluxe 8/ 1peb1laa10lngb)' ~tnture222,=hhd~250f;ugukl Olrt Dike Cla!!slfled ~d. 642·SG78. W ·S6'78. • Queen silo Wal.nut bdrm ~~n1/1t';,;,!''~qr u~~"ry,!· Chlldre.n'a organ S2S. 2 w/caaeold. SeMll• nu,US7~; $100.• n aul, Uk:,~4Zm. Xi!~°eoJ~S.:::e.2\~· ~3,; N:_ver r,acc.\1~ ~~~.,i

seL S:ZlS. White Naug. ... • ltudenl.I daka, like new lmo. • us t se $41, \.VI- uo;ll o r , ·--., Siii( la ,,Nit Al.ASICA sect 95 645-1'53 &aUC'~o ~~re21~:s~~· Sal & sso ea, •O gal deluite oro<r. Very nlce. S48.o201 Si~ AIM Piiot w/case. H' Hobie Cat. run race1...;.ev..;et...:..;...' -------


G M A Y Y M E G Y U 8 0 F Y M K E U Y E T N E U T N P E R P N A E T $ Y f S GMCLK IMCOY RUIMK~E AI A E H K H Y U 0 N l l E T 1 E l l E K RSCSEOKUTSSMI LSA NGK 0 N I U K S t T $ K C C A Y K S t M A H F 0 k R U K " 0 K Y A t £ I k k A S N E S A k P T I l U N N G T M C R ' A F N 0 M U S N M S H A M E C 0 E S R E G N A R A l A l 0 R S I M 0 R K K U E M 0 S L E N F k 0 S N N R E A A 0 N F I S H Y N A E " T A R l S l S S 0 £ D8ROOU JChNIYIDEAKRH MHGMIJNNC AUSOUJUF80 R S £ F S A H Y F U J K R N Y £ N 0 N

-.......: - - llllP...,.,-. - · _..-. ._ .,, .....,.,. Ptnd eldl 11111 ._ ll !ft. r

And'10ra99 F11l"beflh Mt . Mtlt1nley ~ Arettc Slope 'hh1"9 ,._. .i troou bnve Juftltu SIU. Sprvc• • [S,tllOS lodtlt YutOft

TOllO,,,_: ""91 Podt• •t•

' -L~ '

. · Ornll 1g:· aramar aquarium • accu1 #8·7 tact ory ebeck 7/T8. xlnt eond. Asking $1050. IYamaha yzao like new

~- _ S-. IOH • • 8 $SS/ bst , Old fu h Un· Rhode 13 Uk . Manual lncl'd. $525. Ph 6'7$.2033 h • r d 11 r' 1 d d • n • h•••r.•••••••••••••••• Moving . Tbl5. chairs , derwood typewrtter S25 Jestoffe~.n~ll... MZ-3&'16aft6. • LBATROS S r acl n A 111lver / r t'd . w/ helmet; NEIGHBORHOOD yard Vrov1nci1l Ch1ndc!1er, Ph5'5-3650 Call968-T964days. 71HP ....... OI sloop, New bottom & lop '350. TA.e870 1

sale. , A\11. H • 1s, t ·SPM . washer(dryer , icd masc .. Encyclopedia Brittanie• •ortride + usb. sides pa Int. TS2·8353 ._SUZUKI MX'- Bo


. furn Ir baby ltem1 . rea1on1ble. 18112 /book Mk rr Pbue Shl!ter. Pd neti ... ~d •v... • _. lue CohaaselLn. JhataB~h. C lea rwater C r . o ff w case. a eo er. $125,aellrorSllO. IMi-907torm-17... 11 shock.I w/spare Encluro

.... T . .... Edwards, Inlet Dr. H.B. &M-3342betwn 8-S ~"4937. twboardl : a h.p Seacull 12' Kite No. 825, It. bluo, • n I ... ~ e" P • " 1 '..«!" »n /SUN 214$ ~ter Pl.. N.,._PORT B"'ACH t b J ... _ . (LS >' trl• Xlnt ~A • ..,.,., _,.r tbHD.,.;r. $42'/btt """'· CM. Nice Cum. WHMr, ~rfarld blk yard sale ..,... r. ..... la 0r..-. 1090 .p. o .... son • ' ~ . "vw"'' _.,., '"'' ALSO "72 YAMAHA lfS. colortv, Iota more. Sat 9-4. CoGCh. chairs. M~~~~C ~~:C, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uke new. 54l·J:llO 645-l llO dlrtequip. $3$0. 80·4751

cpt·a .. ttlrif .. palnlin&s. P · • FIELD 'S Warebou1t~uidale eatale sale. '74 •CalZSOiDettem41. VlU .. Bdrm eel, dintn1 set . bookl . k1lo h en •Weddinlf1own.al1e9 vw Sale. 400 plano1 "or Z3 Formula twin tD's t . 5, Eud Pu lp ltas;:,;, '18 Yan;iha ic:r~ lib0•:~ho .. ldau1.a-oem~. ~u'!<'. bou.sehold ilem•, babf aeat : buak boards :' Ice ga1t1, newtUMd. Spinets, enp . • • ZSO.f75-le81. Adl/Mst. UJcanew l9000. '!~· '12 m · S37J. a

'"'""" ~ " n ... Items . Jute mattln• · skat.es· at.roller· cb1ln,. Grands. l'l~en. Goin, •tm. s.5e-7-orM$-U21 U · l S, 10am<4Jprn, 11021 blmboO blinds, Culver to ta...0. ' out for busine11. Rent ....... roww t040-....... "75 H zao WR y Wb itb)' Cr, Tustin , Dterfiel<l. follow1igns lo w/opt to buy. Kaw1,l,io••••••••••••••••H••••-;;;...,,./ 9010 fast ~l!ODd. ·Lo:[ m"°"7. Woodrwih.. SCIAM I rft SCthe,1nkwal )'. Bya l dwhl n 17' 80STON WHALER ........................ Xtr ... ....-4

aAIAMSALI U • P l S "1.1.1~ c er"'· ama a us HP lohnaon Am tilt .. . e LK o Y • t 1rene ••WEIS Kimball. Wrl\zr (7l4 trlr ,S5150. 5*3Zn • •. O"O...Sll1t 11 Yama .. to. Jh1na

Sat ir Sun. 10.SPM, 07 P'blm, la rf.e sizes. 295< ,.... 6 J 8 - 2 T 1 o , 1 2 o 7 • $200. 815-4127 sood. A1kla1 sno. Acacia Ave. CdM comer W. Centra. Santa Ana. ....__. ... _. ___ .. _ Brookburtt. OG. 1$' fbrsls boat w/ttlr, .: Callt7a.10M 2nd Ave. otr Fairview. Sal. Mom. .-- ....-. . HP Evlnrude w /lltl'H. isLIP NEEDED TEM ·i-----.;...;..;__.;__--

1% PamUr Caraao Sale lam. D~-Tlnde-' Ant.lq11e 11pri1htp1ano ~ . .... JSSI. PORARILY Startln1 '7Ul.D.&portger ~Id m isc .. rurn: WaodlhOP Equipment It All old.:::~: ''f l350. ~A 21· Chris Cran C'" Sept T. WestS•ll 32. Bntotru. doU11ia1. Fri / Sat/Sull Matanal1. Jn> W. Cen· IMave _._,_ ot 1irls ~t570 ' "' 146-JCl55 Call f71.-l •I. UU5 IUfel Cr. tr.I . Sant a Ana . oft "'' rect"b;'u.e .... 1 ~ ... Ill Hohner Ac w/ZU Cltav mtr, new. NEWPORT RT •p ~ .JrriMDJl. <Gfflni8eCaatet Faanriew. Sal. mornin&. are too old lo STAlhl cordlan, perfect cond = ... DC: b~~ ::=: UPTOU:"" BELL Idle tt.lnt 1'ldl •

), lam UP.'' Only$S00. 8'7$·993I u•-*t. -..., , -·......,. Dally Pilot Cla11irlet1 .. a ~ ··- M . MZ·M?I. •


......,_rdH/ Tr.cb tS6 ............... ...._a., -W ••••••• • • •• . • I Aalles . ..... IJ ted ..................................................................... ........ Fr1d.Jy August 13 1976 OAtL'f PILOT •• Sc .... ,. •1s ......................

"75 Honda 1oou. W1ndjam· 1972 DAnUN W t112 9720 ......_ e.ported ....._ ,.,,rt.4 tnf'r.Ukenew. rcpbea w /28S Pord . a. PtCKUPTlUCI ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• ••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• smo 7G8 8551 rom«!r of MarAl'lhur/ &t With camp r a b •ll . 4 1969 DATSUM io. 1~ S~d"r. ' Int ronll Merctdt• '-"' '74 Mercedts .... , 9740 Merc:tdtl lena 9740

....._.Ho.et, l'acU1c C• t Hwy. S•l peed. r:.d10 .. m1ii;1. STATIOMWAGOH :'>1¥it1'. new mnt , 5::!200' • • ••••• • • ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• S./ I... ~AM. $1000,. 1886318>. lOOIACV). S~c1•I th!:. MT 132.'.s c )11. t.i'7358~ lt74MIZJIO '74MIZ4SOSI "7t Mett•cdc!I 2!!U. Air •

......................... ~t.tli-.t OML y SZ 195 """' kcncht i!\l'~ C:Ol' t't! Autom.lllc. rut Med. lllut•. full IKl~('I' , autu, A 1\(11'' 1\t s te r eo Rmt 26' OMC l''l l>l)' Vtllldn MIWPOITDATSUN OMLY$1299 ' i i lo' 1 t tl50 S1>\' dc r (lli\H•1. l o'Al\1!1 ,l''"''ll~·11 lo"mil1·11<~t11nm11:ult1 tl' Cll'ti~llt' 1000673!!07-l Call 833-2610 or 642 <tW7 • ••••• •••••••• ••. •• ••. 1188 Oc>\'e Street ru1 l>li.'l'll :.cill t~ip, .:d t"1cind11 io11 .!. 27,ooo n11lt' '' 111 p I o m J t " .,. ii r . • • • Ntwport Beach, Ca hf 1'76 CHIVY NEWPOltT Bt!ACll IUY OR GARDIN GIOVE ~ SIOOO t.i:i :io~ O~l.WIH 10173\tll )I U ~ T S to; l . f , ! 1 • ............__H_l_-.-.&.J_ ,, ,. T ......... YAH lll· llOO MISSIOHVllJO MISSIOMV•EJO Mcrcede i. ::t1o. rull y - ........ ~ • "'" LEASE ·;: ~Pl l'Jk!~ :\d, " ori.. ' t•(1U1µp d Xlnt t·,rnd.

11112• to 32' Vjj, •utomouc. air cond. •-3-Cbev--y

4_. TOG r-ua- ,-.-d-lx-. ' HOW RJd1Jb, i.unrwl. lJPt· IMPORTS IMPORTS $!1U :>U or h 1• :o. t o t r .

f\a.ll'4llf·ront11IMd P"'I' lllNl'IOll 411 alere p s. P / B. J•U&ll . tllt U1'C I- S 1 5UU / o frt•I' ,\\t•ry Pt.wy ~ l l Fl-"" \\'I l'k'A ) S I> to' rv. v. 7l4·97D·1308:al\ '71'M S&>tt1111Wt-ckl)' R•lt'll C:llSM"tle . cu,.lonuwi In " ' h i. 350V8 , UHO . IMWTIAD•1 •• ~64ti8 :!lnOl Ma~ut'nh• Pk 1H 21!i'OIM u1.:ut•n11• l'lcw) ---Rour ve for lfobfla v

6 lC'rior. l.lkc ft4)W ·On l 968--0020 'i. 2002 '"" G'7 Dabun IGOO Rood~tl.'1 13I· 1742 495-1700 ll 1· 17 42495· 1700 ·~ M

11• " ~IMI. toitiro11<'Qn

"" , 1S.00Umll~. IJAR704 l. 2 ·A. 112ll"'J'Q R. H. 4 ., .~1 . Xlnl ··ood 73 t '1:U ~Sp dC'r. mnny \ 1•ri.1nn. Mo<t ,•I l!:!0/ 8. nr;G ENCY MOTOR I '732002·Snrl. (~ tf'.' ' 9 $.l~IO l trm "9fl·27tl9 nll6. llOME Rf:NTALS M SSIOM VllJO '72 Ford Couri~r I' .U. ,73 8avaria· (03lKO ) 0 l ofr •~ 9<1!1!'>__ :\ lta&. $J!IUO 1130 IHhili I 69 MIZ. 2200 1.'la '<!\lt: U1'i'tl

S1 600 111\1•r 7 P M Aul ll t h M-c-1s Ott•tLS

!12.5N. Jlurbot Hl \'d, S .A. IMPORTS ~ •• ;_....,.7

'75S30lA,l .ther <PE"416J '7I OaL.wn l'U wi·· hflll ()J 0

tl' "" air t·on ~" a1 JI 1960MIZ.ltOSL •• ~~1"'""• .,....,....., '7"' .. "''I 4 " ·· · · d11111n tn"' SU Pl-: HI" 1•11,()r l R ---""-'"""""'_;__•-~ Avery l'kwy,.S.U. t'rwy. , "'.""" • • r» <780NJ t'' needs work. make offl'r . ll6 t' 111t WO. run~ ~ood \JOOM DM'i • > " .t'.• ~•· OADSTIR '7

2 Pic:e Arrow 20', fully 21n01 Alarxuentll Pkwy. '74 "'°Ton GMC P1c:lrup. 6 16 2002-4 .SJ). 17l4PCW ) 6?3·2757 art S. v1•r )' c· lt>1t n, .&5 l\l PG SADDUIACIC 'l's~~~:. 111~~1.'~s:~t~~;:~,c I pwd & AM/lo'M :ctrn.-o.

.-qwpped, roof air, gen. 111· 17424'5· 1700 c:ytl , 4 1pd. 20,000on1tm1, 131· 2040495 ... 949 - ... 4D...A.·- 260•.. ~ 000 "1142 VA.U•YIMPORTS HOUSlO~IM-ltTS Comvk t11ly original& : tlltr t'O, xlnl cond. p,.

1 x ol . cond. $3700/ ofr . • ' -- a.•

5 r-"' u n b l' 'Mt vu b I y 1 m .

pty. IW().(l815

'i2 DUN EBUGGY,clun ~evu 1--- ------ 2ToChooaeFf-011t '7l l-'ialllS01'pcm S1>ldt>r, 831·2040495· 4949 213 / 921-ISll m11rulnlt•' M\l'.'ct iccc to --...;'----------1 &d tires. pancakt! \Inti .

957 C--' 9715 Both are fully t'QU•P~ drk g l'\.'l'll . low m1. 1m - -- - 714/ 521-7250 bclll!\'l'' \ ,\(.'l!il1l

1 910 Pa c:e Arr o v. atreet Je .,al. .. 13An _. 0 .,.... 1 l • th h mu<' JS MPt: . ~ 1 600 2ToChooMFrOtll 01o.1LYS599

M .1

rho 1

O"M'\. •~ a • vv •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• auoma'-ac, cot era4 ....,07~ 1 " 5 oo me rean Jov. .....,..,_ • p ne d (" 13JSD 1• · A '68 ZSOS , \11 , full n:ule&. "'C/W\.·4 ........ :. lt74DODGIVA... 1976CAPRIU :,...;. .... C> e' 1 "' .7 ' 7lMIZ4SOSL's power . 1m m 11 c. 11 n lv HIWPORTDATSUM

_,.,.,, '"...,... "'-·-- 8 " '""a..n . uyor c:nsc. I ISSI) Sp1dt•r ~n"m" • h-______ .:..;..._~..,....., uggy w/trlr. Of 6c"l.,autom•lic:,c:"•tom <I s~ed. a ir cond . & SADDUl'"C" lta"• . " ... "" .. • o- ·h Il l ' ·' 31 oou m11 nn1~t ~"' KmJ.,,,..,·cs1rcc t road \•ehkle Will trade t' . 1 v ..... .tereo cu e. u o Bu A " .. , • ....,., ,,.,. UI l' lllt'ltl c f:OHJ • • .,. w' " Nt;WPORT lit.:Al.'11

Trelltrs,Tre•el 9170 S2000 anves lcd. 6-t5.o986 snenor. owner .. only .. c • Y or VAUEYIMPORTS Ph 96:?-i81tl on~ owner ( Urs & e'< ' $ 49 00 Pvt Ill) ••••••••••••••••••••••• _ 31.000 miles. t370SOW J leues. CG13MLWE >. 131•2040 495•4949 u--~- <' t• 11 •· n t 1 11 ,. u 0 u t . lilO O·n59 tl3-ll00


• ca mp er T railer 4 Wa...t Dri•~• 955 OMLY $41'5 ADD HACK .._ 9727 11~EST> & l:llll!J t-'~ ) . ......_Used UMCI - -Stove, ovl'n, l('C•OOX, new ...................... MISSION VIEJO IY3Al·WZ04YOIM49~~9T4S9 ·10 Datsun wgn, 4.s pd , ···.···~~~· · ··········· MISSION VIEJO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t ires . Gd shape . Mo 1 '74 TOY OT A IMPORTS _.. rad!als, mags, gd cond. runu Mew '7 6 IMPORTS '!.!:!!:!:. 842·3189 LAHDCRUISU Avery Pkwy.·S. o. to..,rwy. 1----- - ---1 osktng Sl,2SO. 54s-594G. HONDA C Avery Pkwy . ..S.U. lt rwy.

'75 Venture lent trlr . Used A 1 9 • O 0 0 m i I 28i01 .Marguerite Pkwy. '73Ca pri . V-6. 4 ·s pd '72 Dauun 510. Xlnl OVER I OO arS 28701 Margucn lc Pkwy, l lrip only. $1,SSO or bs beauty· <2C8296l. ll 1· 1742 495-1700 Tape dec:k, gd cond. rond. Good pr1c:e. T ll 1-1742 495'"1700 ofr. 673-2665. $2.375. 645·0104 Ca ll 67.5--0774. ° ChooH From! 1960 Mcrc:l'<lcll 220, 4 &pd,

AM / FM radro. oew In tenor & trre . 25 ml per )!al. Be.st offer or lrude fo r p1i:kup or pa nel. tiiS-O'J70 days or 673·9676

1973 CHEVY REA DEL. VAN 5 xt r UNIVERSITY 13 Sla.rc:raft tent t rlr . d lx ILAIElt ures, Roomy xlnl run· '72 CAPRI 2000 'iO DATSUN 510 Sedan model , sips 8. used • Work horse or play car nin.g cood. M(Mll3, 9am· 6 cyl., 4 speed, rad io, Auto. S67S or bes t offer. OldsMObi~ tim es. $2500 .' C d:\I 1225WM l 3pm. SIOOO. heater. Musts~ to ap· ~2·3194 HOftda Con • GMC 675-1784. .... "'R UI 1---------1 prec1ate. (263PEV> T-lc.s ~ 9 S MOTORS '62 Ford \Ian. brand nu 289 ' -19'Tn 1Trlt ,sl!>l>G,75cu. MLSSIONV IEJO eng. Nu int. CB. xtras . * $1286. * hrrari 9723 2850 1larborBlvd. fl. re f n il, man~ "tr:i" 131-2110 495- 121 O 968-9123 GUSTAFSON •••••••••• .. •••••••••••• Costa Mesa 540-9640 ~per Sharp. :\l ust i.dl - - --------1 '72246CTDino Redw/blk '7 L S28a0. or offe r. ,,,

2_7u.,., '75 ford "• T. Lo mi's. '73 Ford, auto. p /s, Ptb, LINCOLN MERCURY 1 • l llonda 600 Sedan. New •GM .,.. ""' I d 16800 Beac:b Blvd. ealh.ir • elec windows. enoll\e ma"• Nds lire. .... .. w • Used

da• i;, ~Nll67 eves. P . s. am/rm la"" . . Be" air. x ol con • 42M ml. l tlm ml $17 000 (71·•) ,., • ..,.,. · · 5

· ""' _;;....;. ____ ,;.._ __ I offer ~5·7301 .. ~ ~ $3,400. 496-~. Huntington Beach 921•4874,' • • " SlOOO rirm. 545·107711.ft s. 11' Field & Stream , xlni -------1. 142 ... 144 J- 9710 M~:ECREIDOOES cond . $650. p,.\ P t y . '59 CJ5 Jeep. 327 Chevy, 66 VW Bus, re.bit motor, -~ SR 840-1521 OD .. roll bar, $1500/ bes AM / FM radio. Clean. '72 CAPRI Fiat ••••••••••••••••••••••• ON DISPLAY

- --------J oller. 96&9U3 5900. Ca ll Tony do) s V-8 w / 4-s pd trans. decor ••••••••••••••••••??.~~ 7i:1J taguardXJ ·1G seda n. Hous• of lm~rt·s Komforl '74 17'1', full~ . 493·m93or<f93~229eves. grou p & o nl)' 40 00 n con . A I xlra:. . "" :.el f -co nt Like n e w. 70 Toyota . Landc: ru1ser • mi.les. (S8lPBF). ' SEc S6 ,000. 840·316tr ?'~s; AUTHOR I?. ;o S27SO. 646 7363 c u s t . <' u n v as t 0 p 65 J eep Van, overhauled

52,69 5

us 7~2-1510, bu:.. .MERCEUE.S UEALEtl headers, xl nt c:o nd •Hyl enJ . goodrubber, R 68G2 Mant'hl'sler &&.&·i 03tl & H. nghl band dri ve. TODAY '73 " E " 2+2. Bntisb Ra e: · Buena l'ark '

Auto Strvice & , $1100 firm. 557-4 l36dayi. . mg Green. Auto, wire 523-7250 Perts 9400 13 Chevy • • ton c:am ..... ~·.-----__;_~:.::...::.~ 540•5630 1..-dM I whls. FM/ AM stereo. aL

••••••••••••••••• •••••• sl)t'c1al. Auto, PS, PB 14 Dodge Van. • • ton, · ew 31 's rond, l owner. t'lawless On lht Sanla An:i t'wy. $4

500 Call ~ "' ' AM / PM · P S PB 2 Dr. &4Dr. models, ful· 43000 I $8500 :.! Dunlop ra c:1ng tires · · a.t.,, 673·8710. · ' a ir, ~. · • lv.,...•uip.....A. • m • ·

494-4471 '73 2IOC Cpe.

w new l be f 13

.. panels , $3500. 968·9113 4 ~.. ti"" u s. or '67 lnlernatlonal Scout Huge Sa•i• ac-- Gllia (OOillGY>

•w,;h;;;e;;;c;ls;;;. ;;;67;3;;;·";;;266;;;e;;;;v;;;e;;;s .;;;;l;$2=1~0~0~.--~6~7:_:5~.;4~0~0~2 '73 Chevy Sprt. wmdows. 2626 HAltlOlt ILVD. ._ ....... w 121 .•68•••G••b•. ••••••••••••••• $8,4 5 O 350 VS. auto trans. cpLo;, COSTA MESA -" rucks 956 ste eo A~f /YM 5"' -- AUmodelsinst.ock IUlly ia. auto stic:k, n J l11tSlefnOfts

uh 6pm.

*AUCTION* s:i.%so. s.;~ -Gl"3 • " ... mi. 1974 CAPRI ~wpped. • trans. to ml since over· i..-s ------~ 4 c:yl • d di 1.1- S-""'- haul. $1,499. PP. 496-4068.. ,..... • •WAREHOUSE• 1973FORD ·• .. s p " ra ._,. ••-r 631-1276 u u COURIER PICKUP s1~&~'c';;.,d~\O, 318, beattr. Beautiful JIUI ALSO Mes 1 ... 1 '74 -- - --llr--:=~~~!!'!!!!!~~11!'!~ .... ---...


speed. AM . t"!\J w/ tape, ____ •_95-6854 _ _;_ _ _ _ , ~~y~~~~;>i> &a ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ml% '76 240 DIESR SALE Unbel 1c:,•ab l y 1m ' $2~06 MU..Of M1%-77210SE CLASSICWHITE

•SAT AUGUS maculale ! Mus l see t f'oi:ctVo n '72. Exl. Lomi. * 0>9 • * Xlt's&l24S~ et the firs t on your withmoboganylnl.,sun· beheve ' (26.596T l Mini cond. Custom ·nu GUSTAFSON la Stock MOW block with a 280SE. Call rnof. Power wmdows, or-

14 * OML Y S2 I 9 5 pamt & tires . 548·20l0 LINCOLN M ERCU RV FtAT·New I 97S for 11 quote on this exc1l · lhol)l'dic !it'll ls, frunt arrn llAM tiU DUSK HEWrORTDATSUN Autos Wmthd

959 168008each Blvd. Ill WAGOM m l{ new ca r. rest and more. 48 Mos. r-------ii...;.;:;.;;;;;_ ___ _

1700S ... rior. 888Do,•cStreel •••••••••••••••••••••• Huntington Beach Automatic, factory air. HOUSEOFIMrORTS ~~~;'~~k~~:P·c;"ed . '74 FIAT •72 FIAT Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH WEPAY TOPDOLL.AR _ _ 1_ 4_2_ ... _ 14_ 4_......:......J #l3lAF204018.547. Alsoall 213/921-1518 Cost $10,633. 4ll Mos


~i. ll~ COMY. IZIS&.C,t. l7th & lll·llOO f"OR TOPUSt;DCA RS ' 76 Ca pri V& . A IC f'ial Spec. equip. 714/ 523· 7250 $ 169 . 82 plu s tax . :,.::_ ,~""' •'•·'" -e• ~"""-- 11""' -

M•wpoPll·--,-9-63 O -- FOREIGN. DOMESTIC FM / AM s tereo, dec:o $4595 Merccdes 8enz'73 450 SE (Ser.122006) .---:=:-:'~~--+-~~~"'"'!!!--I i 11¥d. F RD or CLASSICS package 9000 ml S'250 RAT· 197' DHM» blue metallic, a /c, p /w, House of Imports '72 MGB •74 MG

D._fTovoto Porta 'IJ TOM PICICUP 1r }'our car Is exlra r lea Call 55&7544or~ 21l/'2 l-15H 1o•D'"TB ' vs e n g; n ., A h • n see us flrsl. 131 COUPI am/fm stereo, llhr scats, .. • ....,. COM¥. Alw compl, llemJ com· d y man '• dr ea m IAUIRIUICK 0..... 972 Mttatuc bl~_. v inyllop, pvtpty. Sll.100. 49G.e183. 714/ 523-7250 :::'"",._,. .... o111_ a.-; ""'"·--·• plele & r c bu1ldable " i ... l ......_. ..,,. <K11999l . 29'!5 Harbor Blvd. ••••••••-•••••••••••• w re wu.e.e ~ctYfrJI . --lo.... . ,..., \ehlc les C...s h d e posit Cos c:-a~& Blaupunkt AM / FMM"'"""'es &nJ., 71 280 N 280C, yellow/blk . 1 rtqul rtd for biddin l! ONLY S999 la Mesa 979· ~ ~ llttee>. !ll31Al0092209. + SF.. Alt , rad.1uls, all pwr. ownr . xlnt conri , t.erv,lc numbers . Cash, BofA & Towwt Ir c....,., TOP IUYH TOP Dollar Paid a lr conc1it1on all Flat all service records. Im- n?CC>rd, 80k, ~200 I p MC . Own e r . Oscar AUloSales«: Leasin& See us flrst , " last! To OnALLTrade·IM bdOry~ufp • mac . $7,200 or offer. Ml-3072 1'aylor . ODA Ora ng 2167 Harbor.Cost11 Meaa dollarpaidfo.rimports NEWPOITDATSUM $47.95 494-211$ MIZS T Coasl Car Specialties CAl.1646-4446 COSTA MES'" · IHDo••Sfnet '68 MDZ 2:IOS a•• ime 1114)673-17114. 833·962.5 or " Near MacArthur FIAT·74 121 pwr $3 995iocr 0~:1~ wt Houlllc of Imports

'73 FIAT ''° SltDll IC• • thtt . ,,,. Cf'ltf'l lH , .. ---

'75 FIAT II"

"'-l .. •1111<1< .... .. ...,-

n410ADSTll . .. RA.ti t .. MIM'\ .K• W •

'74FIAT uon.cn.

\ '" • • , (.OllMI .......... ... --•6-a TRIUMftH

646-11686 •CHEV. '76Mew• DATSUN &JamboreeRoads 2 Dr .• sedan, vinylroof, dys'~ev~s · help youkallcnr l)uy ooe •--------I Two Ton HD C&C. 124 284sHarborUlvd. 133-1300 radio . Lic. U7KKV. ' ---· -- or over RO ·nt•w anll u:1Nl WANTED· (41 1200'<16 ' .. CA. 2 s l)d. HA & f;\1 Crt. Co:;ta Mesa 540·641 $ 1695 ·m 250. Vry d ean, lo m1 . ~~erccdes Bon1 Motor .--~:'::O::::"'::~:l""l~'m'P.1!"11!1!~~_.-_. Truck tires .

1100 cash· 1145736 OIO'l >. OnlY ~995 '7S Datsun 280Z ; 12, g r ee n w / ta n 1 11 \ Cars .

Call646-3"6l HOWARD WEBUY Ml. l oaded! Brown IJSPORTCARS M,400/ ti.tofr. 847-7851 . f 'aC'toryAu1hon 1."d

CHEVROI "~T O & •USE OCARS & w/blk. int. Buy or &II· Dealer ' "' ' ove TRUCKS• IMC. Doo't "JVC up lhe ship•. 213 1921-8"""' 714 1~23 7"1Ul ........... ~ f S ., Quu1t SIS . Newpor sume lease. Xlot cond. " ...,., ., ...,., -- or el. Beach. Come In or Call 8l3·2S7S 2133 Ha.rbor Blvd " Llsl " 1t in classified. - - - -••••••••••••••••••••••• 133-0555 FIEEA--1-... C0&l& Mtsa Sb.1p lo shore results !

13 MB

450 SL, hke new.

Gi.....-al 951 O ___ , Grotll C~•=t 1974 260% 546-4491 6'2·S6111. Dark blue. Alloy wheels .

•• .. 7•••••••••••••••••• ·73 Datsun Tru<'k. Xlnas , 18211 Beac:b Bh•d. A/C, AM / FM s tereo.--. .... _ .--. Makeofrer.:.~6·~0 IO ~ ord Deluxe ori J? Tarnmas. i.hell. ft lrk . lluntinglon Bea<' h tape . auto . bumper __ ......... tlOO-Mew 9800 ....... New tlOO~New S3500. 72 ISOCll llonda AM n1 {.'oll 646·4!'>19.


* 549


guards, m a gs, custom ••••••••••••-·•-••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• • • 7~. Von 831 2003 - - ---• radials, metallic: brown. • ••••••••••••••••••••

- - --- '72 Courie r & ' 74 Courier . TOP DOLLAR Home (714 ! S81 ·S093 of· A~1/ uuto. air , shell , 21M ml. rice (714) 752·0203 '

lassies 9520 496·!U34 _____ lMMlti'fTELV • • ••• • 0 0 • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • •" .-T- FOR AL' '73 Datsun. 4 dr scd 610.

OVER i2 oyota P . l1. immac, .. Good co d $2000 b t

70 C •RS " I "'OR"' IGNCARS n · or 5

"' ~·~ CilSSCllC 47.000 mi . r "' o (r Co l t c I


.... , ... VE.... CAL' OR ' 'O~t "' IN n a c P • " " "TORY s.i100 1140.2608 art 6PM . &# " " .... Samuel.son ""'" 3838 TOSEEUS - , _,.. luv·S•l'-Trade Oatsun P1r ku1>. la1e '70 HIWPOIT IMPORTS "16 Dauun 280Z. 2+2. all -, Good. r cll ablc order. 3100 W. Cstllwy, NR xtras +low m1. As um~

Sl300. 673 1~5. lease b 968 J 132 llt FAltGiO A CO. ----1----64_2_·_9_4..:..05.:__ __ 1 or uy. · · llJilS ;\l urn Strt•\•l '71~ £.~cvy LuvllL1kc new. I BUVJ UNK CARS 7<1 ''1 2+2 ~ Alr, tape, s \ ' ff \ ANA ,.,.,., m1 . ro bar . dnv· USED AUTO PARTS 111 pe /stereo. ma 11 s, l•Hoti. \ Ion S.11 rn ii hi:htli. :llag.,, brush 540.5l Z5 1147 .9637 lou vre s . '<I nt c:on d . fl•>-tcl Suufl.iy" i:uard:., bur1:1.1r nlt1rm. 497.3494 * 547.9709 • <'Pl.11a.u11ei.. Tonto «over. hnportecl r- --------1

_ 963 7!l911. ••••.'••••••••••••••••• ·~ <I Or Stu. Waft. w /air. '.~II M ."~\'~de !I lh • n 1 74- f';d R-;;;h-erc~ 1,-;s. RCMMO 9705 re~~~~lon. Make of· l l11~1>lt: . :.!20S. rt'lilOrctl. PIO, AM 1 ~'M turw t •I ••••••••••••••••• • •••• -

4!17 31!11 hlld rllrl1ol1>, thrill~· ;.f1~1~. ·74 Spydt-r aoM ml. r1•1I '73 Datsun :i.ioi. m:igs, ~t/ - - 111· lOJ) . lo "'' · ~3uuo v.·thlk mt . "'"' c•ot11f nm/(m mil. 11lr, 40.000

Cleutcs 952 ~ 18 32 t !I h1• r i; I'M . SS.8t1S l'I' tiT3·0309 m1. Xlnt cond. S4800. ••••••••• •• •• ••••••• •• !'>411·3673. l'\C' ' ~ "lo.nlh . lf:i ~TV, coupe?. FM 8"2·906~ H_p_m __ _

slc:rro, r11d111ls, lo ml, ~ti '70 1600 tto:itbtcr CMd St'IOO, 673·31M Mech IJOUJl(i. Gd rnnd

- - -- - Call r44 2847 I '707 ·-- - -- -

•••••••••••••••••••••• 73. 240Z. I C, /\M / FM '74 33!\f ml, nutlrr111, i; te reo. nrnits . 4 i1pd.

m119t sell. S3,000 M•ch .. XAS r11tll1tls. 321\t

-Call 549·0904 ml. Oyt 075·SC13, Uob. - ----1 Evi< 64<1 .Q>:Z~• ·

fflt.H1 .. 1y 97091---••••••••••••••••••• .. •• Atlt 972S '68AUSTIN /\MERICA ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dam111t\lll. New tlreii. &:rl --------• enit. lie t rnns miu1on. Make orr. All or nothma. Pvl pty. $57·1320

w '71

Sales·Service-L•osina Rov C.-.w. hie.

Rolla "koy~ BMW 1540 Jamboree

Newport Bu~h ~


&'".~' "'"'• .... 83Nl71


•USIDIMW't* '7320Qa · <BMKPV>

"Ta Davari• · <"3HNV> i42002Tll <017KXV> '7$3002 • (289)1 PZ)

a..HO.S..all1•• 3.0 CS Cpe, AJr. auto.

AM / FM . lo m l. ttUOO oCr ~-2082




s2999 ID llt»MO c ...... ... , .... DICK


FIAT 120 w. w ....... .....



'75's & '76's TMtltttlt.._. ... , ... ........ ,...,.........,., clur.,1ct. 1'11tH ,. ~<.an-'tt.st ....


5 NEW '76 DATSUN l-210's 2 DR. SON


$50 =~ICE .---" .... 1')) 13848


(6216, 6238,6587,6615,6616) ~ 5peed, whitewalls, tinted glass & deluxe Wheel covers

~·2111 ....... lie.

'76 mETCM '1000VER


,.,.,'3346 ~i.~1>1..:

.......... NIW'76 DATSUN PICkUP

•100 I OYD


~--~~.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:s;;======:.- 1 .J

.. -...- r - -- .,, -

......_..,,,..... ....._, ... w ....._ .... rw ,., • ..w ........................................................................ ......... .... ,... .... ..w 9746 ........... .. A.eo..t.p1rW Alltos. UM4 .•................•.... ...................... . v.n. •771Wcll "'o

_.................... • ..................... ••••••••• •••••••• ••• ••• rorsc.i.. t750 .,... '''' v........ 977 Mlrca•1 •~ fllllj...,~._ -- t74 I t744 · •••••••••••• •• ••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••• _... -- 7J Opel Manta. Auto.

•••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••• radli1l1, f m , 'Int run I TOYOTA COROl . l.A, YOU'VE GOT

···········-··········· .•.•..........•••...•..



'(..) n I\ ll'r:.1 ('l.1 ,~h'. not 1 u1rn1ni; . ~100.

t'.tll.j'M ~U 'M 230 SE. new .. lolr . 1 u '1l 4H SL 1970 MGIGT ,.ond a .IJ.50. 536 T3lil 72 ti ITT_... map, tape d~ct. Yin) I T rf., f''1 Jl1rt1 , xlnt YB.LOW/ILACK 4 •PM<l • AMtfMrad lo --.11.- - -

9750 Blkt 81k$7SOO tQP. 1port alripes, et c. ODltlVllT

S!.100 tofr s.:U ·2710tx Hard lo fin d moli~I Xl-"'T' t~lU~l _..__ S.Z·3ll2 E\'s1Wltnds 1111~ Call ~'f.::IOS afl~r TO llLllVI IT!

-or_ d9_ 3211 __ . ____ ..... Sltt1.<0, a ir eun·' , ...,.,.. .. SAOO&.llACIC •••••••••••••••• •• • •• •• 1• P ... ~-=--·-------!

u ,..... " 1971 f'onci.. 914 ,, orM'ht> 91 1 2 o Ma11,io ,

'iU Sk ~ I .ark PQw.-r & .llr ,1n1 l'OOct $\ ~I

H4:? 11!1'.3

'73 Mil 450 SI a.taple Y•llow, sunroor. full power " ln mint «>n cbt10n UNIOllXT I

windows, both t oll" . VALLEY IMf'OITS Tbl ls a fRF.Sll u r ' .\M/ FM tape$. Olk, n~w I Coronu S ~ M11ny MEW USED Cbt'l't) ' t.ic. 1231111 . ll 1·1040 495.4949 1---LXZ> With lh11 id, ure., •In.~ ce>Gd. 6l3·ll(X)8 Xt~a:s . l..tke nt:w. 90UO BEETLES 111,100 _.. "'U·&!62 ml) S3:IU() or olr. Mu't HOUSI OF IMPOITS 'GIS ~I GU ONLY Sl799 . !>ell by 81une. Will tak11

2!3/ Ul-1511 Rulllt.:ood. C..11 GAllDIN GIOVE ' 1>1 Pouche. 5 ~pd. trade P .P . 63M668. ur Bruce 33 033 1 AM PM l lf'rt'O, gd wnd. IU9~


•SALES •SHVICE •LEASING O•eneo1 D.U•ery y•'M

ttl5 •............•.•....... MISSION VIEJO _ 714 / 523·7250 ---- - ei•1••••1J ~.SOO.Ph~ 1------1 1975 & 1976

CADILLAC's IMPORTS 'hu.w1fled ad :> -.ell b11t ~.,,re_ 69 Toyot11 Coron11 4c1r, item.. ~1 ilemb. '>I tll11Me,._at"4.G.G. ' 70 9l lF. Tari;o. fu<'t 11uto tt1n$ .. $700. or b»l

\3l3l ll ilrbor Hhd CARDt-:N GROVI:: A~·ery Pkwy .• S.D. f'r~y. liOOCu.rul.LI.mo.w.llli!.nun

28701 M1rauentt1•kwy rond. S8,750 f1rm . Ci>ll to IJl 0 174J 4'5· 1700 <APl)lS &1.2-8383

11ny Item Ju:. t <'all __ 554-0100 __ m..a i; .$-. 1 u.e l 1 O..J~ oCr.~~. 64.l!·~iH M1chd1n11. fO\cr . bra -----l -------- ·m. !112~ Exccptlonal rond, :M.llOO nu':.. Just tunoo: oyota '75 Ctllo GT

*534·4100• ff le• 11 To ChooH From tlOO AM It M, ehronw w hh1. Ulw Ill'"' lt~as . 963·2333. ~pd .. At C. full wht v myl

•••••••••••• ••••••••••• l\llc·h llr(''I li93·5333 -- rf. over c<K'Oa brn .. t!lcc

------' .......... .......... •IKE• Sen al'c & 1>11 rt to now Ill''' ' on s.1t 'a II to ~ 111r > lllll ro1w,·nience

Biii\'~. I c\I•. 11111 , ~ b r \l\\ll l\ ull a rt' lull\ t'l.l llllll>\'\I , i\ :. low .111 3:1\Wt ma ll•• tli\\' us u 1.1111 1'(>LM y I



. 835-3171


' - ..._ 911

- 'l>S Ponic h« SC Ci>e. ne.ir· sun rf. , $4~. 497 131Jll. • one- T ly pertrcl . Mus t i.l'll -5 speed. m 111111. AM 11-'M Nt>ed m o ne y . $5800 : '75 Toyot• Cor'Olle 1 t er,. u cur;:. el t e 89'.?.s:Jm 4 spet'tl. vm> I top & 011ly U!3ZM to' ll> .. • • ll.000 mile:.. l:?lOtH. Duy

SHOW CAR! ti7 Clabac Tarsia 9l1S. or h.•t11>c. ne-w reblt eng, Konis, & SAODt.llACk

MAIQUISMOTOIS clutch AM / f:\I at ~tlbSION Vl t;JO mags, . perrect • . Nanc~ ' VALLEY IMPOITS ll I ·2110 495-1210 644-8046 or61HOOO . ll I ·2040 4ts·4t49

'63 super 90 C Sharp. G.1~·0850 ---

'72 91 lT Targa , bm, air. '74 ToyOla Corolla S5 1600 Recaros. superb cond, cc. yello#wJstnpes, AC· Sll.850. ~779. /cusl int. 21,000 mr. Mu~t

St' ll $2795. G75 · fl030.

lt66f'orsche912 R~ 9755 67_1_3'_S68_ 1 -----.i ~m~!~~iat~t~~~~~~~y ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,;....,. n•1 beheve! t668WR). Rena ult '70 R18. Xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••••

~•VE MOW' l'Of\d .• air. AM r adio, 4 1971 Tri..,e. Tl6 .- • C)'I. Sl500 7lH548·2819. A Otlt' owner car·XLNT !


NEWPORT DEACll .~~~-~!~! ....... !?.~~ VALLIY IMf'OITS lll-1300 lll-2040 495.49.09 " 1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ..

1975 f'onche 914 ROY '72 Spitfire, new en~inc.

888 Dove Strcc.. t Nl::WPORT BEACH

lll· llOO


ALLEN ....,Aiilll OLDS ',\ 1>11.1..J\ C C:\lt'

Li\Gl' ~ NIGU~L 495-6430

ffi' COOIJt" l){'\ llll•. loud,•<l. IYl>O Hn1lw c M " "" <1)01 nl'\'d'< \\ Ork . $400/ bst of

______ 1

fl'r M7 ~ 1 37

i6. 242. :? mos old . :.'OOI> m l 1 !Jill C Jll 1 I Inc Coup,· TO DRIVE IT l> lltk s h,lft . sl,•r,•u. Ut>\'tlk. !ully l'ct1.11µ 'tl

TO IEUEVI IT! A~ nt. canbb.>an H,•d rnon ma , 9900 c .i:.h P\1Pty . 499-3459 6-IU-151!1 ----

MEW USED Aaltos, Used &t C.id CD\ ', Cull P"r. ••• •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • run!) " 't'll

SCIROCCOS AMC 9905 CallSSl · llllt


13731 H»rbor Blvd. GARDEN GROVE


.... .. ... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . -------· JAVELINS

1971 $1181 VS. aut omalir , II" r . s t eerloi: & air cond . 1611.KLI I. 5 speed . A 1\1 / FM & ai r

cood. Only 16,533 miles. (977NZA l.


CARVER AM·FM. excellent condl·

R1!!,_LJL•Sm·~~[ l ion. S2SOOCall "9'.?·5320 'S.I VW Sqrbk. Xlol run· - -~ ' 69 Tri umph Spitfire ning cond , rblt eng, n u

1974 $1999 6 cyl . . automntlc , µwt steerin g & air cund . 1997JSl>.

(!!) Nabers

Cadillac Sal} J11an Capist rano


'75ronchet11 S Red w/lan interior . elec· trk sunroof. alloys 13,000 miles. Ono owner & excepllon ally clean. (703N0H).


1._ __ ..J :=1 110c11 S1700 or best orrer. Cal ba tt ery & exhaust

64.2-~. s Y s t e m • $ S 5 O I o Cr . ClOSfO SUNOAYS ----------1 545-3666.

oyota 9765 Volksw"9" t77 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••



Try us, you'll like us!







131· 2110 495. 1210 Qualuy and Price

Guaran rced Ll hint: Sprcialists

I'll ll'neJ KJtts '74 Homet Sportnhout DL sta. wgn. I'S. PU, Foe air. A~l · Fi\I •lerco radio. I .1• ~r~I '>t•ltctlnn n ew t ires , lll' W b 1 i..~ .. 1 !\"" ,\ U'-('(f panehog, l ui;~aMe r .i r t.. ( .11h ll .1c\ an Bewut. car. lla s G6, 0 1J11JotC: tou111y


mi. Pril't'd ror quick s alC' •DOM IURNS• $300 und e r "hole!lllll· Open ~unday VOLKSWAGEN Blue Book. Call 9tili 4971. Cadill~c

MOTORS •DOM IURNS• 13731 Harbor Blvd. '60 Ambao udor Wgn . Mas1er Dealer Avery Pkwy.·S .D. Frwy. 28701 MarGuente Pkwy. lll·l742 495-1700 • ... •• ,, .. ! • • ,,.. •

• \• ' - • •I• '

.... •• • t 11_1 Voucsw&G&U GARDI-.:NGROVF: good co nd . pwr , nc\\ 2600Ho111><\1 01\ d

Porsche Spoken Here "' '"" 534 41 o•. ures. S500. S.16 7309 <..m1~ Mc)ll 510·9100 f'OISCHlS 13'731 Harbor Blvd. * . U"W Nabers Buy or Lease GARDEN GROVE Wck 991

"\ ~ • ~ ~ • L

SToCbooseFr om 70Corona Mark II. 4 dr, *5~4-4100• '71 Bug. xlnt cond. lo mi, ••••••••••••••••• • ••••• Mercedes Benz air. au t o, rblt e n g, ---~-------1 Sl .SSO. Also '7l Van . 7. '66 Skylark . Air , ratllo, cad·11a

Trade-ins SlOOO/~t ofr . 494·2623 lt70 YW &eater, xlnt cond. $2,700. Xlnt cond. I<> mileage J C HOUSE OF IMf'ORTS oo Corona. only 37 .ooo mi. 67S-8660 or 642-7793. $600. Ph 551-2821 -

Zll/ 921-1511 Xlnt cond. John, Ca po 5qUAREIACK '70 VW. Orig ownr. Top~ UMd •..A-- u--..1 . Aut omatic with lo cond $1350 552~2 - · _... 714/ SZl-7250 Beach. 496-8682 m il e s . V ery nice! sss..iSlO · or ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .... •••••

tlOO Alllee. Mew HOO Aallos. Mew tlOO (S!MBEM ). Special al - - - · -----

OML Y $1799 '67 VW Bug. good ru11nin11 rond . $825. or lK's t on. SAYE$$

• NOW ............................................................................................




llW 1976 IOYOIA PICK_.


GAIDEN GIOVE 968·4949an5.

s11•••v m21~~-0.G.


66 VW Bug. AM /l"M, 8 trick, good cond . S900 or bst ofr. 646·7112G. J en

71 VW Convert. Chrome' A Supe r Beetle 1973, wheels. ve r y c le an )'ellow. xl r a c I ea n $2000./ofr. 892·3269 AM / FM s te r eo. 52100. ---------494·2828 '611 VW Bug. Perfect cond

1 owner. SIOSO. 1971 Yellow VW Bug, wide Pb 536·2206 Parelli ' s, ma gs. air·•-----__:__...:_ __ shocks. AM / FM, $1600 bestofr.4~

'68 VW , xlnl cond .

'7 l VW Bus. 52400.

Sl 100. / bst ofr 645.70.17

'68 BIJI. Xlnt cond . Paper·1---------1• wo rk . Ca ll 642 · 6082 . 64S·S466 Must sa cra r.~e !

673·0898 '73 Dug . Xlnl cond.

Sl900/ b6tofr. 196' VW IUG 968·3757. Brown melal11c paint.

Unique '68 vw Dug. New 1842ACE ). Special t his eng /tl rea. Xlnl. Morn· weekend at 1 ngs646·60~2. 979.4920. ONLY S 1499

·72 BUG. 40,000 m l. Xlnt GARDIN GROVE =.~W~~tr. s track. 811-..11

13nl Mo~llvd.G.G. 1970 VW Bus, r cblt cng 554_0800 10.000 m l. a110. $1375 ----~~--494-1485 NEW '76RAlllT

'69 Bug. 46,500 miles Mode l 1701 ·4 s p eed radio. beater. automatic 1250933>. S107S. 5411·02"17 $3499

:;.-VWPop Top Cam per Plus Tu & License air. rndrn, ti l de tent llLL YATES rad1a1s. 8 1>1 orr. 846·8307 VW.PORSCHE

'76 VW Bus 7.p:ass snrl Stln J uan Capistrano a mJrm ste~eo cau: cmp 137·4100 49l·45 I I bed. clea n . ss.&oo ~ vw 8 h 1 S49·39lG. 213·355·1242. .,.. U!l . mer . x nt .

- - ---- -- llcblt engine s.'175. ·n \ 'W Bu5 . Rbll cng ~18-0342 clean In / out. 2 n e\o\. rudauls S.'1200 Movlna 71 VW Van, aunroof. 7 646·3814 ar no 11 ~s ~ 8"!13 puss. S2200. Hfr G PM - - -- S81 ·4549 or u Cl fll'l\1

'6' VW IUG M l-3231 l\111keoffcr 67lJ.17 ---------i•





13'7Sl Harbor Blvd. OARDENOROVE

*534-4100* '68 VW. Run1' good.

VtrydC!an ~ 897-S3'1C

v .... t772 •••••••••••••••••••••••



EXAMPLE : Bra nd new 1976 Volvo 242S. Full)' equip~. (01111923).

ONLY $6596


,. ·~ ' ' " ' I ' ~ .,.. '

. . . . ' .._, '"4 . I,

" ' ., ~ . - -

M111t K il ta Bug, reblt OIAMM COUMTY ~•· FM 1tcreo, SllOO. VOLVO

_m_ z:111_ 1 _ ____ _, EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO La.ta• l Volvo Dealer '70 vw Pop Top Ca m r

radtala. 1rnl cOt\d. miles. 646· 1012 a ft . wkd)'s.

1D Or-.n1e County! 8UYorL£ASt.:


ltellVOLVO 145Wacon 11

C.11 644-0329 ·•vw&ua. Xlnt cond ..

l'UIUllnl • other. 983-44113.

1--------~lMe Volvo 122 Wagon '10 vw Bur. Xlnt rond .. Aulom 1 tlc. Michell 47 .000 m l . • AM / l'M tJrt1. oneownerfiONL CasMtte,, aft e. 6"'4· H .000 mll u . M US Hk for Cameron. SELL! Prl. pty. 131,zoos

1973 TOYOTA S3699 LANOCRUISER •••. •. • . ~- , ..,._eo 4•twet cm'f'e ••h•""'-" CSlM 31QMJ

1976 GRANADA $5199 2-DR. COUPE .•.••.•• 4 000 ,,,iu,,., A•• cc>nd1tlO'l•"'O ' ""' "~. rnd "'"'f' fnt..-uw. l~NXOJ

~~u~~~ ............ $ 4199 U 1)8 ""'~ Cv~IOI'\ P.0 •He.• 1"'1 t"'-Jl'flOlr A~1rM , ... (••rt :11>~lll

~VJR~~.~ ......... S'J.999 ONt e $00 _... - 'O<-..v Dr<.,. 6 ,,,,...,. ' IW'COl

1973 FIREBIRD $4199 FORMULA 400 ...•.•.. p_, V• e\jlO ,,_,,., •"'· •ei"•• ,,_ 411r# I ...... . . \ # 1'\tbo#"t '""' tl'All

1974 CHEVY $"'°"° NOVA HATCHBAOC . ... L777 V<ll'f'4 ,..,., .,, .., , ., .. . l'i c ,~ •·' I ff·I> 11..,4, ted-0 tirw""' t~f>• '

~v~~~ ...... . ... 53199 -llO. ait, AM/AA 1""'6. - · 11MWUO

1973 FORD s3499 V1 TON PKXUP ...... "• •lft> """ ............ It) l!Wl

~~c· .......... s4199 •.ooo- u... ...... ~ ... ..-- (ttllhUll

l !

. I

' . r J •

t • !


~.~~ .................. ~~ .......... .!~.~~ ........... ~.~~ ........... ~.~~ ........... ~':.~~........... Frid.ty " UQU"'l ,13 1976 I DAILY PILOT DI I

:~~:~ .......... !!.'.~ ~~=~ ........ !!.2.~:~~ ........ !!~! :~~:·.~ ....... !!.~! .~~.:·.~ ....... !!.~~ :~ .......... !!.~~ ~~·.~~.--: ....... !~ ~~.~:.-: ....... !~~.~:.': ....... ~~ lt7l CADILLAC 1974 CHlVY t>.H'h.-H·llt•. tl rv l . lt7U.JHCOLN •75 MAH IV '75 COUGAR.XR7 COUPE DIVILU't ~ONTICARLO '~Q:Jit~"~~~ • MAH IV'i 3 ur lhei.l' l u r hu<>•c ~~t~·~~"~tuh;1>1~, , 1 ~ .• ~i

l.Al"l>.\li Auto m11t11· _._ · fr u m ..• ul l luxur ) 1111 • l>HI ,.1hl•r nwtJhl 2ToChooteFrom .i1r lUllli. llh1tco. t1l1.us CORVA l rt CO RSA lToChooMmm <-qwppcd ... ltlllo Qnl• at "llu~u11<l v ll•JU1cr t""'

&JUI liuH• lo"' mile> 6. ..;II "'h4't'I & "" ~- •~l:t'l"inll t:OX\'T. All m w l'n& , Both art• loadt<l ' Uutb thll> 1>rll'e 111 l69ll. .. n romfort ""uL,. HI ttl~l:S l l hct'i.tr:a..'l' CnllTod .. ;• Vn\'\'dlo~cll IOOJl,QT J nl" to11. mu t ~ell $000 ;i1 t' f ully l 'qu1p11l<l & $8 995 $5 395 1U1l<IJ 1&U,;.J ll' ' SADOLUACK t>W003bur•9JWH bo1vl' low mil"•· on1• 1 1

ALLEN VALUY IMPORTS - --- mJrooo "" muon roof & OLDS/CA DI LL\{' , (~ \I C ll 1· 2040 495~4949 73 ) l unle Cllrlo 5"!1m ti\\' ntht•r 1s [0)

1:l llluc

LAGL'NA Nit' V l 1.. ~·1,000 ml., luadl~ . P\I l~)) & I I . 4ts.6oo . 19U CHIVY PO iu; W_t6ur8' 5719 AL.LIM

540· 5630 540· 5630

--- .. OYA SS 1wys1er 9925 ULDS'CAOll.l~C 'CMC • 7 3 C • d C D V IJ , \ I . .1ulum1111c" P"r ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.AOU 'ANIGUP.I. 2'2•HARIOl ILVO. 2626HA1t10l ILVO. Sd\'l!r /IK·l~C'. " "'hl top i<h.,;nm: & llut kl'l 1tl't1t" 'lit New Yorll. t! r . 9 P 4954410 COSTA MESA Leath 111u•r , '" n·11 , 011 ~ l'lllWHV 1 l.\N(.'lr.MJ \\:J.:on, 63,000 ml. u1r - -- ---- ------ COSTA MU.A_ qwnr .• 4:1,000 "'' id111 HowO..lyH99 rund wurk,, • :i UO . 74COMTINfHTAL C°".th 99l2Dodip 9935 rood .. ~I 611J 2J7K T & C t 631 3:188 Lonckd with opUur\io like ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••

o~ "" ry · - AM /t'M s t creu, crul•c VF.TTE': '73 04 4 :.pd 1969 DODGE l\uLn S11lc11 & L\•U!>in.: '6.S Nl!w Yorkl!r Wu~vn. conlt'OI vtnyl lop. 1' h1.5 nm/ hn rudial ' 'J'. top'

99 17 21R7 llarbor, CosHI Mei.a Kblt "ng, outo, nc•w llr1.1s. car Is' blark, beouttrul loudN.' 2~ .700 1>~1 . xlni MONACO ••••••••••••••• •••••••• CALL646-4446 VO•llr. A/C, a:ood shape cw r . Pra n~ t o i.~11. eond . PP . $1i600/ otr Loaded \o\ tlh <'1111111111.:111,

1970CAMAR0 J\ulomt1t1r. 0111.11~. 'in) I top&a r cond l3J2\.Sli 1


811"4•11 1:sl2l HG~llvd.G.G.

554-0800 '89 RALLY S l'Ott'I'


---USC I• .. 1

$700. Pvt µty 67S·31)5g tll9ltll2) 5:17«1741 II <')' I , out11m.1t1<'. r adio . • TT -- $5286 -- --- hl•IH t" r , t'S I PH , UI

CHEVY 11 # I Contille•t• 9910 * • * 1974 CORVETTE l'Orld . l'V"l'' "1n1low.; + HILP ME IE # I ••••••••••••••••••••••• GUSTAFSON llurd lo find mode l. I a.cJb. Hn> I wot \I u.'>

Paul He,>J lt:IJ' u( •75 74 COHTIHIMTAL LINCOLN MEJtCURY mtle1q;c. Hkf' new . lil' t' t o apl)rcl'1Jte hJll!lJ S1.ima 1 MARK IV 16800 Beach 81\d. ~krcedcli Bent t r11de·rn \.Ul .\(i lo' >

Lo:td t.' d w / equipmeot Huntington Beach LI<'. No. $45KSS. * $I 068. * CONNELL

CHEVROLET inc . AM / FM stereo , 142·1144 HOUSEOftMPOITS GUSTAFSON cruase control. \ 'inyl roof. 213/921-8588 Prell) rar. ready to eo. '71 MARK IV 7141523.72.50 LINCOLN M ERCt;RY HiOlU:~IJ t'\111 pwr . am/(m t ape 16800 Beach lihd.

2'1;,\ llJrhor Ohd * $7 286. * deck, JeaUler Interior . A '68 Coupe. Xlot <'Ood. Nu HunUnAtOn Ueuch Uus .~Y~~~ ~~.~~1.5231 t rue cla ssic in every p aint , tlres " rl m s. 142-1144

GUSTAFSON way. <839HMS> $6,000/ bst orr . 847-4708. 642-~ancrSpm . 1~7 G c·)I. t.:ht''Y· 2 dr , LINCOLN MERCU RY $5,995 COll VETTE ' 76 F O R

16800 Beach Blvd. LEl\SE $1.SS mo. 36 mo.

'71 Dodc)e Charger Air l'Ond , P / S, P / B, ra dio. v i ny l roof. t8722~1ZT) Uunungton Beach dos ed In, SSOO R . rt .

142.al44 540·5630 123-l3J

"'~ LT / - h ti:J .ouu rn1 , ssoo. 437 "' • auto. air. P ~.II · ,\ raria \ H' ('d\I am/rm . 111l. v111~ I rooC -St,000. Pl'. 1>40-•>711.'> ·ro Chi.'\ l'lll" r e bit :101 ~·n~. -

1....,.. ,...~ aro a , - , - aultl, .11r. run~ \ e ry i:oud . 1!172 To" n Coupe. loaded ..,, ...., m · n~w 1 ll' . ...-..... " h ' I t I l I I Rest oHer. CASll Ht"n .i .,~...., "'. " n: u 1 1 > r 1 " xt ras . Ori g owner. 1011\~t\ & SO\ Ge.er• Auto L.asi.cj

ll 131169·2007

& 7P M. 300 35lh St -~'5 ~IO l»t.7 - Must see l o apprec . 2626HAllOl llVO. '70. Loitded. eng. under Newport Och Ar•t B. · Chl'\ \ lmpal ,1, run~ _'J62_ .9t;29 _______ , COSTA MESA w11rranty. l\u radials.

• L INCf)l N 1\/1 [ f< t lJRY


540- 5630 '"' ..__ ... _ o._c . ...

DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ... .....__ ..,._- - - 9100 " e ll. St~IO 1)1; ll ustao~. Alllos.Mew -- Dn ve.OHer.494-3628

•-••••••""'•••w••••••••••••• _oC'" motor.~ <19-t 1273 •••••••••••••••••••••• 72 CONTINENTAL ;:- "'°" c... w n, f...., 11. (M2•5e78 ) o..e c:..11 S..-.;• Loaded wit h a ll the ,4 Corvette 3SO Iii-Perl. 2626HAllOlt BLVD. ,,_ • W•tt• • w.-.. .,, · · ,,_.Credit ~ 1011\SO\ & SO\


NIW 1976 GMC PtCk·U'

53976 $\d It•'" II ()'I •conMW llUI~ 'l'V v•• • m lf•Ot '· bnn c ll •t •I 1TCn14U't l464fl

equlJ?menl. Supcrs lr ong S!l\'er fa stback, b lk lthr. COSTA MESA • running car. A baniarn ai r , stereo am/rm . all utlhis price. (3S6ELW) pwr. 4 spd, m ags whls, A.tot. Mew tlOO A.utot. Mew tlOO IAatoa. Mew tlOOIAlll9t. Mew tlOO

$2686 3J.OOO mi. Lug rck. new ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• * . * ures & clutch.. Gd cond.

I HI THltU 197'

GUSTAFSON 752- 785 5/63 1 ·0 487 _Ll_'\.UIUDI Ell<.: RV Si500 besl offer.

16800 Beach JMvd IJunlmgton Buch



'ts Coneue ~2'i. otspd. rbll e ng. Gd . cn ndillon . 870· 9641; btw ~ ·7 PM , 639 3622 a ft 7Pll. -----1

Full po"cr. leathl'r int , Cougar viny l t op, AM / fM ••••••••••••••••••••••• stereo, n ear-new s t eel '68 Cougar XR7. looks r adial tires. foct :iir . 11ood , r uns xlot . n ew (575LGE> l1res. brks. AM / FM

$7 I 9 5 caHelle, $1000. 54S·8723 • or 631·2993




Loaded wilh 11 11 equip·


72CCMllJ9'XR·7 Super 1wlft, air cond, full power . radial tires . ICiHGC>



ment i n cludi n& s peed 2'2'HMIOR ILVD. conlrol Super driving COSt''" Ml"''" rar <213COP> .. -

* $3486. * '73 Cougar XR-7. all tbe GUSTAFSON xtru. XlnL $3100. Call

LINCOLN MERCURY 1.968;_;_·_2333~·-~~~~-1 l6llOO Beach Blvd H untington Beach


1971 Cougar XR7, alr. power. Landau. S179~.

644-57.U or 54USOS





NEW 1976 SUNllRD

53797 Fantastic httle car. 4 cy1 • 4 lf)Md. heat er, lux ury trim group. !2M27B&C I 040481



lt7' 1-210 HATCHIAC8C

.t speed, w c..t, AM/ FM cassette & more l Only 4 97 mlles.


197' 1-210 HATCHIACI

4 le)eed. radio. aide m>ldings & more! Only 1485 miles.

We $l760

MOWS3295 .... c .. w ........ UctllM FH-$1.00




"DMl for tm•






4 speed. rad io & healer. (349CEE).

s995 A STIAL!!!


4 speed . radio & heater. (242GMPl (3296).

5 1395 •tooP-ttltCh__...


Rotaiy engine. Automahc. FM 8 1rack. one owner & red

exler10fs(5277 6 •100J_ ........ ..


4 speed. radio & h oalor (41 5LVY}(3197)

5 1995 r


100 ''""' G• ....... 1975 CHEVY

MOVA V8. autometic. 1111 wheel & owr 11eenng. (178813) (3231).

53195 •1 .. , .......... .

lt74 DATSUM J60Z

.. IPMd. mags. • u.i & red w/bleck Interior. (802JREJ.






1971 FIAT 4 spoed, radio & h eater . (0960NJ) (3230).

1971 DATSUN ,tc«Uf' W / CAM,M

4 speed. radio & heater. (593GOTJ (3236).

5 1595 C•'t a.et TW• o..




A ut o mall c wi th elr cm...i11i.• (712GSG)

52576 • , 00 ,_ ... Gtt• .....


Autornatrc. eir c .. "' 3 owr 11eenng (279LJT).

53976 ., .. .._.... ....... 1974 CHEVY

SUINR UH Custom111ecl w11n slereo tape, CB radio & more. (GTJ2471.




Sport Coupe. VS, aulOO'QhC & pwr. steering. (YCR039).

5 1295 o.. .........

1972 CAPRI 4 soeed. elr ' 8IMI. & v1ny1 roof (600E0Hl (3262)

1971 CHRYSLM t PASS. TW. & CO.

Loa ded w11h eou1pment. Double Shorp ( 1 16COTJ

5 1895 .......... c ..

tt7J ora MAHTA

Auto mal lc with elr .. 114. (238JPSJ (3176)

s2995 •IN P.-cftlf Geer ....

1971 OLDSMOllU CUTa..H

Only i t .500 m1l&3. Mr~. conso le l bucket 001; . (2o42NZEJ.5427 6

•1otr-tt1t••• Ill

1976 TalUMPH Tl7

4 speed. 1eu th•n 10,000 mllos I new car warranty. (4t8PHJ). $619 5

r DJ2 DAILY PILOT Friday August 13. 1976 I ...... UIH Aallot, UIH ...._. UIH ........ UMd IAadot, Uted A.lltot, Uted ~------.;;..;. _ _ ______ __;.....;;:.=;.;_""'~~....;..;;~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• • • •••••• • ••••••••

~.~~•••••••••• •••• .'.~~• ••••••••••• ... . ... ~~••••••••••• Ford 9940 Ford 9940 ~wy 99$0 MObile 9955 P'tyMOMth 9960 n..derblrd 9970 hdp 9tl5 Dodp t9l:cil0dm ••••••• ••••• •• ••••• •••• •• •• •••• ••••• ••••••••• • ••••• •• •••••• •• •••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••· ····· · ······ · ••••••• ••• ••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• • ••••••!!.).~ I.TO 1 dr .ilr I"" \lnl i:! ( , .11 .ii. J d1 1 In an ~ '75 MOMAICH '75 OLDSMOllLl ATLAS '7 2 l - llRD 7 1(..ol w concJ :\hht ,.di WU uu l fl~ PU \ l ~ dr \;h1.1 ~ l l\\r "" VIST"CIUIS"'R ll1w 1rn11\'I lu,,11 1 .ir

I ;a un. lo m 1, hkt' 6S ~ f' lion.Hu G uu 1 b d ,.. ~ lll'W, tr~- ( ' JI" . ....... hrm l9iV l)odge Ai.~o f\l&W QlJllT:J iW.? r ... \ :\ I J d lO' sni;:, uqiun ) \ U l u m 10 Au1om1c111 full ()U\H'f. h,• .. u lllul ti .. 1., lilu1 ~7 -- _..... •on l)fl TV J: ,jm\' a. ho"' ~~· 371:> I l' r 1 o r J ir t o n d moon r~r. 111 r <'UlllJ Ct.rysler fPlyMMth " d1 I.. blm• ml l•rn11 "

fi¥Mi • w ll:rDI Si c nti<'l' Gll •· \ L<'O'\ ~IOll h o " r oom t re-' h 1 ~·n l),111) & :--u11 111 10 ml\ 1t1n111 u;iw. Jo' \ \ · C.ill u-1$2311 01 ·7~ l.Tl> l'ounln. S" UH 'b!""'l ' .l ll'l t'O r .1d11> .\. ~.:u1.a· .. , 1 i i l>od~e Ou1 l s ... in11•r 1'73 Gold Ou~lf'r uc :! \' "' _,,. "' ' 1n•o\1 uu r"' $3 4 7 5

L 5:i6 1S00 t' ,l3b, Bob · ·1en . tull µv. r. m1nl <'Ond $4,650 f Jt:o. .... u' EH1•

1 "'""'- 11.·11"-ll Ul\!I •

i:.conumr b u n11,1111lh 11\J>I p s . .... ' I • nr. '\! ~., I R "''"'" '" rl.in , .il lr.i,lnclJll l .ind.i r d lru11' i.illmdl O\\•rhJ ul\·dl'llll- I T D • I - .• J11una C'h L'o,1.1\11•,,1 _ • ..,., .. <" l' J8•" I n•'" " ll (lUtllll \I 1-' \I ,;i • l tlUlllr\ :O.qurr« 01.U~ (' \()11,1 \( ' (;,u· 5 .. 6- 19~ .. ,..,..,, ., •• - W I l'-IC' \'" i · l~lj Po\I " '' rat.110 \\ Jl'll!t n ~plo.r ... \\ ~ l~lllJd'a · · ' l ' h1,; ~ l~h·; \ !'>11!."lft \\ ,1i:;n 1.\C:l l \ Nl<lL t-:1, ""' ~""' S40 - S630 f 'rnd ... hal )'OU """' WM..~ JIS \ \j I I) m II I I ... 'I n' rJ .. It ... U)I.{' \\,PCl lt •• • rn' ... I UIW Ull 540-5630 4954430 l>lfll" l'tlot Cl11.i.••lwth ll.i 111>pc1n u11on ~ 11137 ToP nWt'I\ <'und l mo\1u · ,\ l i.:ood N nd '!ll?~ 1011 \SO\ & ~O\ ·11 uo .. ll'r mu,1 ,,•11 \ IOI

(' Ulld ::~~0 hi J Iii II ~ - 5.1,800 P fl tH2 ~~ t.75 ~'i~ f3 Ohl:. I I ,,., ,../\ :>lJlH•ll ......_26 .... 1 • .-. ••• VD. • •o~on.27,000mt. \ '\l , n1r,

• l INl lll N r..1 1 IH l'Hl b Ii> t.:JK:!

'RIUl"WJiel, Mew , ... lS •ll1d Gr.in 1'o1lno i:.l .i lS U1.in Tnnnu W.:n . u1r. .. a .: Auto, u.r. I>" I v ' p ti . 111o f r,11•1. i.lrrro Xlnt l'"ntl i;,41 ,..h.ar 11. -.:! ,4\i:'i \.",., I ~ I:!

- na -_ - AM f:\I tt•rt•o " ll11w COSTA MESA tk•ck Sunn>1.ll . lu.:i.t r .11 I...

11 .J \Ion Fri .>.ll IJ.\ .. 1 .\ll

1".! l"'u\IJ \ otu . :1 m 1•11i.:ln \•

:iol1~l h•I nfr nl:! 11:0::


Veqo 9974 ••••...........••••••.. ~. ,llf7 :1-1:io P I' ~ \\'1111 . ,, ... l.111111

~i~ or h1:1>t o l kr 8.1'Hl71:1

I . Mut'-- 9952 ""°"I llUlll'lill ~ 11 11 1>1\lf•:-, II u • ...., P" r c IH hr.1lo.1•1o \1111 ' ., ,, ,· ••••••••••• • •• •• ••• • ••• .• "" c.·111 • j:J ~.11\'llll\' :-i\'lll lll lot • , • 1970 MU'"'T" ... G l'<>llu ~ ... uo .,. 101:.~

~ """ Son 1·1 . \ ,\I FM ""'" 'U. '74 VEGA WAGON

'71 l. TU X 1 .~T c•nn1I i\ulo. II ' I' w p b i\ulOO'luH . 111.ii:' &,·hl) l "IO O l <l 1o Torn A<'. PS. I' ll x 1r11' \111:11

, 947 I o 1> R cu I 11r1• 11 ) • AM 1'' :\1 '' Ill~ I ' op. 101 111'11 lli.11111 Ii l~H!771i

I 1·11 uutuma\I(' , r111ho1 h1•1111•1. ,11 1 l'llll(hl 1011111.: rout r .11•1. IH' l•ll) ll ll h l '<'t•1111111' 1•, 11· 1d1IJS )o'1

Sl ,000 t>40 001!1 Mo•ericlt 114'1~) mar , lully 1;.oqp'd . ~ 14!1;, •••••••••••••••• ••••••• ,....LY S 1999 ~9-H'O l 3 '13 Fvrtl I. f l> Uroui::ham

<'ounlr) !',tt• W.:n LO\\ IOI , h1o,1dt•rl )o; Z hf\ hit1·h H.>, tlll t'Qnd • tt-1JO

7U, 2·dr. am hn , h\r, vn Juto. ad tires. xln1 cond GAIDIN GROVE OLDS·'76 Stwfl" )lw.t 11£>11 l. mda . ~·'II~ ~ Spu~ d . {llf co nd .

Cd '.\1117'> 171\1 or "or l. . 1142 6!177 l/llJ ... IJ AM l-';\1 stcn~o. 8 lrJC'k . 13'21 Ko rborll.,.. ,G.G l ilt "hl'l•I. lJ t h . dod;

6:! ~'alrnn 1-'ulurJ .: dr iO <irJ bhcr t " " ne1 I run ' 11t d . {•1·uoom1c al m1 , r h I Q!> ro nd ~5 ofl r IU:! 00'.! I Sl.4'15 ofr M\ s ~-6837


11ph1 hul'kl•b.. lr onl & l't'

ur . I0 ,3i :l m1I CA L1 c 143NZL>. Rem1unmg rae - - - 68 :\l w.111ng GT ra .. 1b.1r k .

w I- Jllon coupe \ 8 • .iulo ·;o Lo m1. R, H. a ir . n v.s. J ulo t rani.. hlo.l· nc" J1r dl'Jn 6: r un:. good ne"' urci1, -clnl cont.I. Sl!i0Uf1rm' -196·$526 1000 t>.li! 1417 l.100 ,o fr. 645-7001 C\l~l> , --

or642-87UJ, ~ 302 Auto, good l'Ond1· '13 Gran Tonno , ::i <' . p b. -- - - - uon. S99S. p ., T.11..• 11\l' I pJ~ Mttcwy 9950 l..'311 833 3211 11\4.:0U• h 7:t 7K'• l •• • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • •

'72 MERCURY 'Gi iS:\t mr nu llrl'~. .)5 f'onl n Jiil h \\ ~n

1'Jm1Wrl·d 1.11111h 1·Jr S';:!.'l lil .'1 ~:Ill

'QI M \\'~n Lo m1. S750 On g (J v. nl'1


67 Cn\Q Sq r " 11n. ' 'er) c lo•un . ru n t. s real , S:.15(1 011 ... r Ca II :;,tt1.\J.16i!

·51 Ford 4 dr Sl·dun . n un:.. l'lll-! llll' nd .. " ork. .\ l:.ikc o l r 003·476 1 ev. da~' 833 :1soo .isk fo r JknnJ,

M •R""UIS ssuo blil o r r Da > ,.. ... 87J.4i01!(). C\C b 10 1229

Rrough11m ('Oupc . loa ded --\\ llh lux ury eq uipment ·es Mui.tan~ . VS. outu a ir, m <' I com fort loun,Re. 6 good cond $1600 011o•ner . w ay pw r :. tial s . &i-J-4463 t1511"YY)



6!S M ustani; S500


'65 Mustang 289. :hpd , rblt eng. fresh paint. i900 Cir m. 497-3965

2.626 H"'RIOll ILVD. SELl, idle 1tc m io. " 11 h · "' Daily P ilot t:la i. 1r1e

tun "arr:.inl>


IMC. ;!SJ.1 1 IJrbor llh d

l'o:. la Mc:.a 540-4491

'7 I Oldsmobile Cutlott •relM

Ila air rond & . 1 :.porty v. hil l' '1n ) I IOP ove r PG"'der blul' c 11. ti?ri o r \ i95CltZ)

SI ,995


1011\SO\ ,\ ~0\ • l IN(' •l N r.l t Rf UR'!'

HARDTOFIMD 't\S Ply Fur)' II 1·111111•1 t Good ml•1·h i< hn1>1· l-',111 la i. ll c 1n v\· ~ 1 It i. II da:..'>lr'

• !'J ill 111\!1:1•

9965 .•....•................ ·~ Le~lanit i\ulo. ,\1r . <; d u res llllc rior. ~. Ca 11h Olll )'. ~0-itini .ill s

* $1986. * GUSTAFSOM

1.1,n u.:.... :.n :nn R\ h~MI 11.·.11'11 UI\ d ll u111111i:t rn1 lk•uch


;:; \\ .i r.:on. 10000 ml au10 .11r llt•sl ofl l' r 1!4G· 3i1Mo orlU6 6&l2

For Sal; P;.1tutc i\. tra. ·; i \ 'e.: .i L'i.tm . :.sh er . A c. lu.R r ack . \\I ~':\I \IOI l'Olld I (.)" n t'I'. ~~· radial sh-cl 11n ~ ;o,31111011r ttlll l\ l t>.1 b:-t ol r 1!32 41~1 I ;., \ n ... 1 lo. ,1 mml):H k " i:n

~· Gr.md l 'rl\ :.IHI. I'S ~7111.1 o1' ':'"l' .o\\•r p.1\ PW p II ;t:!m I "" nr llll'llh I .II• ,I.I U! u r 1 i: l' h .1 m 11 .1 i.: 111• l!ft:! \•'lo:•• l' ;s nt•I T r m·lo. " Mal!:. & ro,1d1.11 ... l~'t ,unnmt 11a 11·:-. 1· 11 ~1 ofr o\ er Slll'Jt• Fu11 to s:.•ooo :, 11; IJ:~ d rs ' v . ~ r" a I 1· u n d bu rJt :i.m pri l'<' , lo m 1 &!6--0872

'65 Pont1Ul' Ll•:'ll an:. Conve1 t • 3b8 en!(

Ii 15-140.'i d 11y:.

l !•i I I IJll'h bu 1•k I :.1)<1. prrt ' \' "lloli?:.Ull'

11 1:! !>tm!.

·; 1 lla 1chhu1·lo. . 4 :.peed Ill' \\ o'I Ul l' h & brllkl'' ~~5.'\ t 1111:1 a nyhmc

SELL idle 11 l 'lll!> \\ II h a Daily P1ltll t: l:l i.s lr11.' t'md w h .11 )llll wan\ 111 Ad D:uh Print t: la1:1i.1'1eds

COSJA M_!SA-=... ~- 2626KA1tl0Htv0;-

Aaltol,Mew t1oalAMtot..Mew 9Mei ....... Mew tlOO t , Mew tlOO AlltM,Mew tlOO ..._, Mew tlOO _ COST~M!~A _ ~.~:.': ••••••• !~~~·.~:.': ....... !~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••-•-f •••••••••••••••••••;~~I••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·tn Oh .. b t•ulla:,~. JUlO. 4



d r. I'S. PB. good l'Ulld, twsl offe r 002 80 1~

'72 RunJboul JUlv . lg . e ng , CU!lto m m l'l :i lhl bt"' n. TrJni.·AM lires. ~'\'IJ>' l' o n enf? repair:. . brio.. twann"to N C. Supc1 cond, mu:st :-di th\ urn -d Sl~. 497..JitiO


Au1 o mat1c . rJd1 0 . healer . decor !:roup. &Jr<' tlY hut ... l Ur" 1 ........ lha n 23.000n11ll•:- 1:!il LUY r

* $2626. * GUSTAFSON

LINCOLN M1'~HCUR\ 16800 Bea <'h 81\'l'I

i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jf 11un11n~1on ~arh - ~J-_1_14_4 -'74 Pmlo 4 :.pd. 11 .000 m1. r a d1 11l l irt•i-. Xlnl cond m out I O" nl'r '2:!50

497 ·230~ \' \ c:. ooly a ft 7pm



HONDA 4-SPEED HATCHBACK Sttndlr<I IQUlpment inclu0e$ . • Rtck Ind pl11lon 5'Wl'in9 e •Wf!Wf INK· Pllef!Ofl Strvl lrideoetdtm wsoeMlon • Front wnetl dri~ • ~ .. sslstfd front disc brakn • Unll bOdv construe· l ion • Rec11nirio Iron• bueket ~•is • Fronl '11lll1ztr ti.r • •·scieea trans m.u1on • ~' o eoon1u1rafl\Q •v> rem e AMrld.o e f!OI.......,. ,_ ,.., SG'"~U17


HONDA 5·5PEED. HATCHBlCK lb rw door oPtn$ fOr HSy lo.ding. Md wntn you.,..,., c.,rylno ~ J)ISttnOert. tl'lt re1r wSG~ to mtlle room for lc»ets ot groceries. 011nn or • ....,, the family dog. COml In 10. .. -·· - . . • 1nd we' ll snow you Its ottitr edv1nt119H.


Auloma11c. rJ<l10 hcall'r . cute hlll<' ca r \\ll h le~ tha n 31 .000 milt's. o ne on· ly al this priel'. lb&OCK 8 1

* $1898. * GUSTAFSON

LINCOLN MERCURY 16800 Beach Blvd llunlmgt on Beal·h

142-1144 i2 Pinto. l owner. Slick. 31.000 m l. A /C, r:idio, htr. new rad1al!! /i.hocks. $1600. Ph 540-4267

'73 Pinto. 2 Dr. Seda n. AM t f'l\t , :.11r t•ond, S2.000. 968-9113

' 74 Pinto. New i.hoc ki., s teel radlC'I~ . I owner . Xlnt cond. $2-100.

M~4661 --------' 74 rwo RUIMlboMt

Ju111 look al th1 i. lo w pnce A really f rne l·ar ror economy & ~~· \ ' lnlf!I 161Ji l.J R I


S40 · 5630





USE YOUR HEAD •• . Buy American .•• HOW!





Mtet, Mew tlOO ...,.., Mew tlOO ..._,Mew •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••




--'QtnmO .... mnt _ 140CIOIMG1t41

r .... ·~ .. •lftllllta "o"' ttit £ P,,. 1rte • CIJlf lf'J11•• 1• '/OJ ;•f ,..,., 1ry

~1'1Ql4'1 tn.tt~ otv~nQ.,.,.,,i>J .,>, Cf'M~ ""°'" l'W' :....r \ concM~ • :t ~eQl.ll_QitNM

'76 ASTRE SAFARI Fae a ir eond .. automat ic transm11s1on. power steenng, Unfed glass. sport mmOfs, 1111 steenng wheel. rallye II wtleels. radial tuned sutpens1on. AM radio. luggage earner. custom

-Ull~year_6u.uu1LU1111Llil""--:"!~~ warranty oo engine (12Cl586U510111 ).




Fnd!f. August 13, 1976 DAILY PILOT 8 J J



F.C. air cond., vinyl too. steel belted ~lel liret. 1'M/FM -.0, power steenng. tinted glass. tilt wheel. r•flye gauges. rallye II wh eel s. 6 0/ 4 0 seat s J21WQZ6Xt256el - --


Fae. air eond., autom1ttc 1rans· m111ion, canopy top, AM/FM stereo radt0, pawer disc brakes. rtllye gauges. console. 350 engine. rtdlal while letter ttrM, tinted glass, rallye II wl'leels (f2T87P6N534 136)

Fae. a ir cond .. autornatic tranemiSSJOn, l>Owef dilC brakes. tpOrt mirrors, power steetlng. l'lllye II wheels, AM radlO. 6 cyf. engine. (Ul2706Lt07709~ •

Cutlass Salon. V-8, IU!ornilic, s4195 Full power fa ctory airs 9 powe-r ste.erin g~ power ·cond1t1onln g, 111-nyl top, 76 5 wi ndo ws , factory air AM / FM ste r eo tape . cond1ti0ning, v1ny1 toP. Powef (848MCF) Mats (142LIK) ·


....... , • ..... """" $ 249 5 pe1nt, rallye wheels ( 120NCZI l>()Wer steering. AM radio. - Du- .... -'~ 52195 (409H0LI.


'" . ~· .. -... _.' $AYE - ........ _,.. "'53"5 soeed. AM/FM radk>, raUye the extras. C868HGJ). wneets. (1919833)

• I


Automatic :,.ns . fac. lir c:ond.. . ~- "" • tinted glass. power windows, · ~'--- ;:1· console. Wt wheel. raflye II ft .........- ·~ -~ . · · wheels. white lettering st eel~""',...,,_~/ ~ · belted tires. AM/ FM stereo. ~ -~ custom trim. (2W87Z6N595011 I. ~ ·;

S$i?.:*?~s4495 ~1:er~~·go.mr~ ~ ·or;~~~s1795 conditioning , vlnyl top. cond1t1oning. (452MWH). (864MWZ).

1973 RREllRD 1975 VOLKSW~GEN ~;:.:, ~':." :; ~~ ·.~:-:i; $ 37 9 5

·-· ' '""· AM , ... s299 5 conditioning, rallye wheels. AM / FM tape player (688MPV}


1971 PONTIAC 1973 PLYMOUTH Grand Prix. v.e. automatic. $ win do ws. fac tory a ir ..... """"' · ..... 2495 conditioning , vinyl top (7800MGI

s tee ri ng . laetory a ir .......... .. ,~-~-s2495 condition in g. vinyl top AM/FM radio. (277KJN).



' ,\


. . ... :




°"" ...... , ... .......... ft76 """' ... ... .,... ............. .. ~ .. .,... dleice!


ARROW 4 speed ma1111al !rans • 4 c:yc. UJOO enotne vinyl bucket ....... & ........_, 3

. ....... .......,,. '"" 17l24f(87301043)


FABULOUS "BUYS" ON FINE USED CARS '7JCHPY ~ · v' ..,,, -;ll'I\ ..., cord·~ pr.-

"''"'"'l '~ ~· ·hH>odl ' --(. roo1 1111c.xvi

'1795 '7ZTOYOTA

4 ~ • ~, loo .....,,~ .... ~ ,,,\ ~ '°°' 121SGVtJ

'I 595


VI °"'° ~ foe•~ 0t c...U·o-, p 1• flir '"'°'" l r • t• _.., o.,.,..,. ~ Al.l f M r'lJo ""'°"" .i.· ... jl ._, •ni-' /492'4lt0l

'5995 · '71DOIHH

CHAHll v 8 ..,.,. ' 1tor> °" coNft~ llO"t" ,, . .... , "'"" .. t-. ;il•• •·m """'•· ~ , • ..,. _.,.. '001 j6)1t,j,t(1


71C .. YSLll MIWl'OITCW10M V. {NO ~ CW C~ pclW"'

' '"t'""1 ll0*1!' btal.-, • »o ~ """"'"""' ' .. ....ye fOOf , • .,.,.,,

70DOHI IAITlwtMell

I/".,,, ~-. °"~ """"' 11-., rOO:o. i..ot... ......_. ,.,.; ~l

7J'fWI• 4 , ,...., 4 ~ tOdo. ~ ""711




4 c~. OllO. ffOM , (IJt Corvi"°""').

~ healtr, !Mlet "°'' 14~"'

t ,

tlAI IMD sALI . oil ALL










4 speed w/ 2 speed transfer case. rldio. deluxe 1nlenor & tx1tf'IOf pacttage. bench •t. door eoge guaros & men! (F0092FG0185631

C-.tete 11HHYJ Duty" HrYice aYaifable for your R. V. One of the finest senlce faciliffts in Orange County. Open Sahrdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Monday thru Friday. 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM.




. \

l • ,.

. '

'y (

Huntington Beach Fountain V 1',.,0~y

Aftt•rHoon ~.'l'. scuek~

._v_o_L_._69_._N_0_._2_26~· -4_S_E~C_T_IO~N~S.~4~4~P~A~G~E~S=--------------------=O~R~A~N~G~E:...::C~O~U~N~TY~,~C~A~L~IF~O~R::::.:N~IA~~...:.----..:...::.:.::~~~~:..:.....~~::_ ______ ~_.!.T=E~N~C~E~N~T~S ;

!Storm S11rf: 1,200 i~-....~~~~~~~~~~~ f

!Juvenile :.

~ Diversion ;Set in HB

By K ATHY CLA!'liC\ ' Ol 1~• O••lr 1'1191 SUll

: A new S3 26. 150 J uv e nil e diversion p rogram is expected to begin operuling In llunungton Beath, Fountain Valley and three other Wes t Orange County c1t1cs by the end of August.

The prog ram , called the West Orange County Youth Center . 1s designed to keep youngsters who have committed m inor offenses out of the Juvenile system

According to a report b) Keith ConC11nnun, e~ecutivC" ofhcer of­the Orange County Criminal J ustice Council . the program also will serve Wes tminster , Seal Beach and Los Ala mitos.

Tues day county s upe r v1!>ors will consider a" a rding a one· year contract for the progr am'soper a -tion. ·

The federal government will s upply S293 .535 for th(' new service . while St6.308 will come from the s tate . $10.873 from the c1lles being s er \'ed and S.S.434 from the county . the report s aid.

Huntington Beach Police Sgt. Luis Ochoa. who 1s coordjnatin~ the new ser vice. said 1t will pro­\'1de counselin g and other a:-. s utanc e t o · · ea s 1h · 1.000 · · youngster s during its fir st rea r of ()JX'r at1on.

The sen ICl' 1:. d<'s1~nl•d to counsel youn~stcrs ar n•stcd for cnml's th;H " o ul c.I not he rri mcs 1r they we re adult~

Counselors . contracted throUJ(h the University of Cahrorma, will tx>m dut)• in n rea lJOiict> depart · ments. Ochoa s aid. In udd1t1on, the HunUn~ton Reach Union lllgh School Dis tri c t will prov ide psycholoit1Cal a nd other sen tees on its fa\' C campuses and in Lo~ Alamitos

The Or a n~tt' County Depart · me nt or M c ntttl fl ea Ith "1 11 opt'rate a s ix -bcc1 short-t<"rm re ­si d e nt 1 a I <' a r e c l' n t t' r for :'oungs l t.' rS awa:' from hom<' Ocha s u1d

ll t expla mt•d 24 t"ouns('lor:. and s upport pe rs nnnt·I "111 ~luff the rtl' \\ S l 'r\ ICl'

St •1fr ml•mlwr:. will 1nd11dt· c·ounsclors . hou:-.{'p;.irent:.. "delin quenc~ s pt•c1al1st:. . .. a., " <'II as o.1

~ocrnl " orkc' r ;and mental hedlth <See 01\' t:RT. Page A1 >

Lo11don Labor Leader Dies

f,ONDO N 1 P 1 F•1r nw r p a rli a m N1tar,\ fl ri'brand Tom Dr1 hcr ).! 1·ollapM·d an a t ;a x1 anti ct1 t-tl nt l.1111llon ho.,1111 al Thur' f i ll\ ll('\\ tl'>7 1

ilrt ht·r~ . lonl! t mw < 11nl11lan1c· o( lt•a(fin i.: l. uhor pa rf\ 1~ 1 lat 1 <'t:lll ' . II C'l .1:. :-. 1,·:d :-.c•ho>liH . n e \\ :- pa p 1• r l ' o I u m n "1 ,111 fl onf'ltnH' ' "h''' alk .art"I. l1•1l ht-hind .1 pott•nt1 ,1I h(lml>'-hl'll lhc• 1ll1li t1r<1l 11wnw11 ' on\\ h1 t·h h1• "ui- \\ Orkin~

f'r u• nll :-. 11f t hl' 0 11hpi1k1 •n

l>r1 bl' I'll ' " "' II r111111' "' 1111111 1'1 11<1 tlwm " fu ll urut fr .ink ' afth\·\ , 11' 1•



" e atber :'lt ormnA low (')0111l'> to 111

crca s l.' . otherwise mr>l'tl~ fa ir on the coa st Saturda~ . ll1ghs near 70s. lows to 57

l~SIDE TOD,\ l ' Two µoung entreprrneur.•

started oul to build o Greek restaurant qnd ended up uilh a Huntingt on BeaC'h rock m11S1c club m1tead The Dru/If Pi lot's M ichael Pasket'h'h le/ls h-Ou• 11 happened on Poqe Cl ol the Weckendt•r

Al Y- S.."I<• 16 ........ .. L.M ..... IN c.th-• Al Cl.tU•l1M Ololt c-nl<t C• crou•rd c• 0._ ... llCH Al t:•l.n.tt l'•• ... l"'ert• ••-ftl CS I ,,...,,,ct •• ' ~- 8 1 1.....-.... n,.., Cl -w-H U

-~ " ' _ ... ,, ..... , .. ... l ...... ...... oU 0r....-c.-ty Al ,....... .. J Svl .i.t l'en• r 11 ~· u s 0.. Sl.,n<...,.fl A It

SIO<l "'°'~•" " r ,.,......... cs Ti...IH"\ UI .......... A• _........ .. __ , Clot

0.tly p , .. , l'•lo l>J ••<~r• ttHhlH

SURFER TOSSES HANDS UP FOR BALANCE AS WALL OF WATER COMES DOWN AROUND HIM IN NEWPORT BEACH rhe Rest of the Aide W•• Bumpy for W•ve Alder et Newport'• 18th Street Thursd•y


Cable TV Franchise Approved

By RA Y ESTRADA 011~• Oaily l'1t9I Sl•ll

Publi c C a bll' Tel ev 1s 1on Authority d1r<>ctors provisiona lly approved the a " ur d of a franchise to d<'s1gn a nd cons truct a cable telev1s1on svsLem for Founta in Valley. HuntinAt on Beach and Westm 1nster Thursda~·.

Di recto r Re rn1 c Svalst ad. u Fountain Va lley c ity councilman. suggested the board appro,·e- the fran c·h1sl' a " ard to Dickinson Commumcattons Ltd of Founta in Valll'.\'. contingen t UPon a r evie\\ of the license by N1ch cit) 's at ­tornl'v Aft~r nearly"" :'t'nrs or \\ all·

mg. t he . >s tem 1:. rm ally undl' r "u~ " •t h th e u"ard of t he franchtst•. J ohn n a tem an. PC'TJ\ execut 1' e '1 1 rt•ctor . told the board

Th1• t r1 ctty :-y!lt('m is C'xpectt'd to pro' 1dC' a:. m JO \ al\ 3f; channels rnr ll ~l·rs " ho "I II ht' ser\'ed In mur h t he '\amt.• " a v the\ ur e now h~ lht• l l'lcphont• ·company, of· fl t•1ab '< llld ln~tall .at1on 1s <'Xl>C<'t . <'<ltohei:: m m M<1n ·h 1!!77

llatc•m lrn sa id thre(• catcgorics ol wrvtL'i' "111 bc •1n 11lublt> when thr ft r , t ph ns r as completed '<Omt•ll Oil' tn I 97R

,, °' l '{' llrtl\ P tlt'kllJ(C . .... hH~ h \\cHlld u llo" po lt ct•. f in • a nd 1n<'llrc.-ul al;.irm s to he cl UJl In homes. "di cos t the us<'r un c•st1ma tl'fl $7 PC'r month. Butemnn '·lid

1\not ht•r pack,IJ:t' of S{'r\'ICe!I \\Ould include IH TV channel~. In· duchn.: c.•d 111•:at111nal und °" e athL•r stations and woul1t coi-.t the user about S7 .')() J>er month ~11 11 nnot her !-i t' r \' lcl• would pm

\"Ide (e<tlU r(' m O\ IC" for abo\Jl $7 ,-x:r month .

If l.Omt•om• " a nted oll tht'St' cu hie ser v1ct's. lfah•m an 11a1d, a re duce<I rate wou Id be ~ranted .

In another a ction. the PCTA hoard accept ed Newport Beach as a n o n - volin g memb e r NewPorl Beach . -.•tuch has two cable te l<'\' IS ion companies within i~ city hm1L11, has been in\·olved i n P CTA for inf o rmation purposes. B<tte m a n said.

He s a id Ne" port Beach of­fi ci al are 1nlt r estcd In lhe po s1b1lity or lym~ tn to the PCTA syste m at som e future dote

Brush Fire Halted COARS EGOLD <AP > - A

brush fire that burned 521 acres ol mountainous terrain south of here has be e n eKtinguls hed . Fire men controlled the blale at 6 p .m . Thursday. It started Wed­nesday ~ hen part of n truck's ex· hausl s~ ste m fell orr and spread hot carbon particles into brush a long Stale Route 41

O<tllY l'lltl Pll•I• 1>¥ lti<ft•r• «Nlll•r

SURFER' GETS LATE START AT TOP OF FOLDING WAVE IN NEWPORT BEACH No Time for Bottom Turn-Just Sile• It AcroH the Top at 18th Street

100 ~f Pll P11rsuit

Chase Ends in Capture A father-son d ispute that erupt ·

ed In a Santa Ana market carlv today ended in Mission Vic10 is minutes later when 1 suspect was tackled by police as he raced across an open rield.

Sandwiched between the argu­ment and arrest was a wild 3S· minute auto c hase at what police said were speeds up to 100 mph.

By the tJC11e the son combatant In the f•t her-son fracas was handcuffed in the Mission Viej o field. 12 law e nforcement patrol units from four police jurisdlc· lions had . at some lime. joined the wild chase.

Why was the suspect neelng~ " I clon'l wa nt no damn cops

stopping me.· · was the cxplana· Lion he R•ve a rrestmc Santa Ama police officers.

Whethe r he wanted lo be stopped or not, 23-year·old J ory Kevin Quinn. or lGs.\l Thames Lane. Huntlngt<>n Beach. was.

And as Quinn headed back LO Santa Ana handcuffed In the rear seat or a patrol unit. he was being c harRed wll.b aHault with a deadly weaPQA on apoliceoHicer.

The deadly weapon was a 1967

Bus Driver Lauded SACRAMENTO CAP) - The

state legislature has commended bu5 dnver Ed Ray for heroism in helping free himself and 216 kid­n aped Chowc h illa s c h ool children from a burled moving van.

mOdel car thnt pohce so1d rnccd throuah red llahts and stoo 1dans as it led Santa Ana and Costa Mesa police as well as Shen(('s and California trigbway l'atrol unit! on the long chase.

~ According to Santa Ana polit't! Sgt. Richard Murg. Qwnn " Ove or six limes'' attempted lo dis­courage h.is pursuers by running them off roadways.

But it wasn 't until his auto went Into a spin and stalled atoo a curb near Marguente Parkway and 'ellpe Road that the pursuers cornered their pre1.

" When we responded to the dis· turbance al the Newhope Street market. we slm ply wanted to end it. Why he jumped in his car and tried to race o(( I don't know.··

(See CHASE. Page AZ>

Waves a Curse?

By STEVE MITCHELL 0 11 ... o..u, ...... ~·

Surf -s taned wave riders . waiting expectantly since word of Hurricane Hyacinth began c irc ulating o n the beaches earlier this week. got their wish Thursday a s waves up to 18 feet s lammed into the Orange Coast.

Wh i le surfers term e~ Hyacinth a b lessing , Orangl' Coast lifeguards called her a curse. pulling nearly l ,200 sur­fers and s wimm ers from the foam ing surfline.

The big s ur(, s pawned by Hy-aclnlh oH-lhe eoa.st ot L.a Pa&y

• Mex .• is e xpected to continue through today. diminishing to normal levels by Saturday, ac cording to llfeguar~ .

Newport Beach llreguard Lt Logan Lockabey said gua rds pulled 545 s wimmers fro m tht' washi ng -machine li ke ocea n Thursday . setting a new record for one-day r escues in Newport

"Thursday was pretty wild .·· he s n1d. " We set an all-time r e· cord ror m os t s ingl e da y rescues . "

1' he previous record. set June 20. 1976. was 416 rescues .

There were m ore spectators than body s urfer s at the Balboa Penins ula ' s infamou8 Wedge Thursduy. as thick 2().foot waves crushed within feel or the beach.

Si>ectators were oul in rccor·d numbers a t Ne wport 's 18th Street a lso. watchiniz in awe a s wa\'{' riders churned a cros~ glassy 15 to 18-fool waves.

Laguna Beach ll fcguard b Feseued 243--pcoph~ Thursda..y in t

heavy 12 to 14 -Coot surf Surfe rs at Brooks and Thaha

Streets enjoyed glassy waves that held up jus t long enough for fasl rides Those beaches were closed to scuba divers and other areas wer e r estri cted for swim­ming. due to the surf size.

Al least one s urfer suffered a broken leg in La guna 's crashing shorebreak .

ff untinglon Ueach lifeguard'> pulled 450 s wimmers from 11).

foot wa ves a long cit y ~md stall' be aches . A 15-knot sidc c urrent , cau~ed by poundin i.: W UVl'S. wa:. bla med for tht' high number or rescues in ll untin~ton

San Clem ente lifeguards rl' P.?rted 139 rescues. with surf al rraralgar Street . ~I popular s urf· Ing are a . in thr fi vl' l<> 10 foot ranl(l'

GOP Supports Li/ ting Oil, Gas Controls

KAN S A S C I TY ! AP I R('publlc an platform writers to· day e ndorsed the immC'diute lift. mg or price controls from oil ancl newly discover ed natura l ~as

1'h <' Pl atfo rm Comm1Uet·. nrtcr reVNl! tn J.( on Thurs day nii<ht a 1>rellminury decision und votin i: to s upport the ·Equal Rights Amendment , work<'d oo remalni n~ domestic 1i.ime!> l fl clear lhe Wtly (Or t,I nnel tussle On such i1Sucs as the Panumu Canul and diplomacy In.Africa.

It provides unot h<.'r chonec for Ronald Reagan 1'upport<'rs and others dissat11~f1ed with platform 11ubcommltlt•l' aet mns on dcfcn~I.' und fore ign po li <'Y II) Ael Uw1r vic.'ws Into I h<' cl<1cumcnl bc11uc drafted for thl' convc•nt ion opt' ll· ms: Monrlay Tht• <lrtlft r>latform must JIO lo the printer toduy 1'0 delc1111tcs can have <"Op1N; on a r rival. The convc n11on hai. lh1· final s oy on the platform.

The committee hus worked 1n to the early morninJ( tw1<·e lo meet the deadline . A sulkommlt tee decis ion to omil a call for ratificttlon o( ERA a platform fixture fo r 36 yea rs, brought furious r e a ction from rcmm1hl1> and their supporters . The full committee voted 51 lo 47 Thurs · day night to Include the endorse ment.

The committee voted to reta in a statement supportm~ " the ef­forts of those who seek enact · menl of a constllutional amend· ment to r estore protection of the nght s t o l if e ro r unbo rn children ." M~while. Pr~sident Ford s

c~~n.lion mana~crs cootend ll would be POOT Politics for him to ,

<Sec GO P, P•Ct A2 l

A% OAJL y PILOT H / F f t ~r Auqvsr 13 1976

Hit Man Case

I · J ailmate Tells Different Tale

By TOM BARI.I::\' Of ta. o ••• , ~ ... ~1611

Or. Wa)'ne Le1lter Robinson'!'. Jawyt:rs called to th wllnc~!> stand an Oranao County Jall prisoner wbo testified Thursd11y that " hit min" Anthofty Scalln lold him a different Story than the one Scalise told ln roort.

George Edward HuffOfd. 42, a j.ong Beach man who h1 awialtinJt :(rial on cbarge11 ol ~ault with I\ deadly Wt'apoo. was brought from the jail to the witness stand Ln Judge J .E .T ... Nl'<f" Rutter' :-. courtroom im mediately after the uccued Irvine physician com· ·pitted three days of t~mony.

Dderuse 41\torney Ed G~Jrge lJSeptifltd Hulford as one or four

I 1a11 prisoners who have talked to Scalise, 29, In tbe county Jail.

Hutford told the jury thot

~~Slaying ;~Motions :=:

;~Denied Motions t o d lsm1ss murder

charges and to delete several ad· ctitlonal allegations agalnst five metUl.C.,Cll!:ed of Ole k1.llings of a Sunset Beach couple have been d enied in Orange County Superior Coun action.

Judge Robert P . Kneeland has delayed until Wednesday dis · cussion of addit ional pretrial mo­tions filed by lawyers for Dennis

I Casey. J ones. 32, also known as tlenrus Maloney. 19S4 Santiago

I t)rive. Newpart Beach; Wilham I € raig Tibbits, 29. ol Orange and

t~ree Long Beach men: Rooa1d I Gari D'Orio and Thomas Harden

I Qester, both 29, and R ichard \Vayne Sooter. 28.

I : Jurv selection in the trial of the

I n\'c defendants is expected to begin later this month in Judge Kneeland 's courtroom.

Cod efeo dan t Roger Keith Da\•is. 29. Long Beach. has bee.n granted a sep1tr alc trial on Iden· tjcal charges a nd will be as­sjgned to a nother courtroom nt<xt month. ; All siK men were book('() on

1f1urder <'ha rges follow1n1t the ldlllngs_ la.st riov 8 o{ Ronald dauwc ls, 27. a nd Jnnl'l Moe Metz. J.t. who shared a home ::.it t6861 Ba vview Dri ve. Sunset Jkach.. • · ll is alle~cd that lll'Sler used a

mach1negun to kill Mrs. Metz t\nd that C3uwcls was fatal ly \Oounded w11h n handgun truced to Tibbits .

Authorities claim that n ganf( was thspat<'hc•d to the Bayview Ori \' e horn e a fl e r C auwels rob~d ,, numbl'r or patrons or a loc;il dru~ ring at gun point and n1rnccl (If( mariJ uana valued al ~o.ooo.

'fwo or the 1 t original s uspects 1:t11mdt.'rl 1111 by s heriffs orricers If' the wake of the Sunset Beach ~1l ho~s will be used as prosecu­tJon \\ 1tnt.'sSe!> 10 both trials .

; \11111 l>;ir~ I Ir\ IOI!. 29. of Lon.I: Al':tt•h . nncl l\11 chuel Anthony 9~·1ronl' , :l:l. of 302? Tloyce Lant'. c o,la Mc:rn . hU\ c ~·n promlS('11

1 :1 <>nt.' yt•ftr county Jlll l tl'trn on <tt<'h of 1 h1.• t Wt) m urdcr c1111n1 .., fot ttw1 r t' 1X>~)ct ••hon

f 'ro• Page ,\ I

CHASE ... ~1d l\1 ur~ : As t he C'hust> 1wan'<i l.:111.un11

Canyon. h111hwo~ 1n1trol otf1(·1.•rs h1ock1.-d the- canyon to uvo1d a Jt>s11lhlc crni1h on 1ti. windini;t ~nd. M ur1t rt'JX>rtt'<1. .



R~rtN . W~ ... . , ... f'I,, ..... ~,

Jack R. Curtcv "• ..... •'-*"' ~ "" ........ M.tfltlOf'•

T"°'"as Kttvll ( O• .. "

Thomas /14 . Murptlirw """ ............ ... . . Charles H. LOOS Ri<haf'd P, Nall • AUHtM'l M.fA.tt~tdlW~

Robert Barkt'r .... , , Or-c- . t • ....

"""" .... " .. ad!Oftkt ... 11a...c, ......... . W 111"9 AOOo~t P 0 0.• loo>.•-

Offl<t~ l .tihl"ot ~ ... .... c .. -, .. ~ ... .

t .. \I ~.. ,,. .,. . .. e;.., ~ ... , ""9•-• lt<1Uty 1~1 \41 "'l flO/Od ...... (\ ..... ,,- ...

TelepflOM (7H I '42_.,2, c::a-t.fflecl Adnrtislint M2·5671

, ,....,..,1,,0r.t-~·~ .... Ml-U2t

O>ol'ritl>I ..... Or- c; .... Pl# """" °""" ...,.,. .. ftf-•~ \MIN \, Hw,tNt~ ......... ff'olU•f t f •Cl.it•U\tfPWf\1 \ ~61tt ,,,.., .. r•.,.,w•• •ffM~c ..._,.,., ..... u,t•M •• ,_, __ ""'•"'d Ci•,, ~···· ....... Ctr't• . . .. c.oo.-.. ~···- .. , ,..., ... " t\ -• Pr ..,._., .. l\_lftl f ...... ~ . .... , • ....,_


Scalise told him shortly after tb 1 ~~ V~g35 mun "a.' brought to Orang~ County by federal or· ficers I 11s t month that he " as " working a new klnd of sum" when Roblnsou. 42. was arrest~'(! Jasl Feb. 25 on charg or solJcit· init his wife's rnurde r.

Scalise t est1hrcJ for the IJl'O· St·Cut1on that HobtnMHa hired him with~ down pOAy m~ot of $10,000 to kill his wife.

HuCford s aid Scalise told him that h ~ actually worked for both Dr. •nd Mr . Rubinson during the seven weeks that ended with Robinson's arrest "and played one off against the other all the lime."

The jail prisoner said Scalise told him th•t be traw ls the coun· try looking for separated cooples who can us e his services in simUar sil&lations where large sums of money are involved.

Hufford said Scalise told him th.at be had collected 12,000 from .Mn. Ja.nice Robinson. 38, in ad· ditlon to the SL0,000 paid him by btt estranged buabaod.

And the jail prisoner told the jury that Scalise told rum that " there wm be a lot more to <'ome when the doctor goes to prison a nd J can get back to Mrs Robinson.• ·

Hufford said Scalise told him during their conversations in the cell block that he intends to be the caretaker a l Mrs. Robinson's Newport Beach home, once Or. Robinson has been imprisoned and he <Scalise > " has beaten the federal rap."

Deputy District Attorney Jay Moseley asked Hufford how he felt about s nitchers - prisoners who ~eport conversations or other prisoners to authorities in return for leniency in their own cases.

Hufford appeared to miss the point of the question. He com· mented , whil e Judge Rutter gnnned broadly, that he "gets along fine with them. 1 guess. JUSt as long as they don't bother me "

Plans for t he calling or three otht> r jail p ri sone r s to th e Robinson tri al courtroom ap· peared to m isfire while Hufford was being led back to his jail cell.

It was lea rned outside the courtroom that the planned ap­pearance or a prisoner identified by Moseley ns Thomas Hester. 29. or Long Bench. is now uncer­tain because of objections to his appearance by bis atlomey.

Hester ls one of six defendants being tried for the murder or a SUnset Beach couple last Nov. 12.

The tri a l or five or those def en· danu is bein g conducted ln Judge Robcrl P . Kneeland's courtroom on the sam e floor .

Moseley dls missl'd Hufford's testimony a s " worthless" shortly art.er Judge Rutter called three· day weekend br e ak and predict· ed tha t the jail prisoner's story ~tould have no impact on lbe jury .

lie ques tioned Robinson al length Thursday on the physl· cian's r epeated denials of the prosecut ion claim that he Mred Scalise to kill Mrs . Robinron a nd thus r esolve the dispute over S2 mill ion In assets held by the cou­plr ru; community property.

Robinson told the jury ln the closln~ moments of his long se!ls1on on the s t and that he believed Sc:> hse and his wife were in league to klll lllm.

lie testifi ed that the gun found in his possession whtn ht was ar· re~led at a Santa Ana service sta· t1on W{JS for hlS prol~tion and he believed I hut the district al · 1ome ·~ mves tigators and Snotn Ana rlo l1re who 11urs ucd him around t he Rll~ pump on root \\Ctt' h1rl'd kllkrs

ttobini<on told th<' jur)' tw knew S<·ah11c was lyln~ when SculiM· told h im In scvl'ral taped h:lephonc convcrs at1on!1 ph1)•v<i bt1t•k t o the jury t hat Mrr; . Robinson wus dt>nd us the doctor hod ord t r ed .

" I k new :-.he wosn't <IC'od." llobinson :.;ud . " l knew 11hc was 111 n motel with ~<'ahsC' 11nd &:ilist' himself toltl ml' when I hand\.'ll him Sl.000 an the mtn 's room ot th«' :-.cn·1ct• stnllon thut .Jun Wfll'I fmt' ·

And L> r Nobim1orl \old th\' jury (nr the fourth tlml' In th<> trlnl " I still ('are ror he r \ ery ffiU(' h I lo,' t' her.·· M~. Robinson told the jury 1n

the prosecution phu.sc o< t.h trial that ~he was shocked when shl' met Scalise for lunch at the \'civet. T urtle in Nl'wport Beach and was told by h im lhnt he had been hired by her husband to kill her.

!-;he told the lUry lhnt she and Scnllst Oed fro m the area for four da~ s be<' a use Scalis e believed that P-Olice would pick up him up as a f<>dcral and state parolee If he approached them about Robinson.

8ul Robt nson told the Jur)' Thursday that be believed durlnR lho6e four daya that Scali.H and his wife wer e livintt to~ in motels and plannin1 h1s murder .

He expl:i\ned undtr question· in~ that he was ins u red for $200,000 which , he contt'nded. was iruWcient lncmlive ror his " 1Je,


..... ,..... GROWTH REMOVED

Oefenae Chlet Rumlfekl

Growth Taken In Rumsfeld Thyroid Gland

WASHINGTON (AP> Navy s urgeons r e m oved a growth from Defense Secretary Doflald Rums feld 's thyroid gland today, and a P,enta gon sPokesman s aid doctors have .. a high degree of confidence" that it was not can· cerous.

Pentagon s pokesm an Al a n Wood s, r e po rting after Rums reld's two-hour and 40-minute o pera t ion , s aid pre · liminary s tudies indicate t he ti ssu e r emoved Cro m th e secretary's neck .. was a benip nodular goiter."

Woods said that. us 1n all such surgical cases. more ex· tensive t ests will be made but that " lhe doctors indicate to me they have a high degree or con­fidence in the prelirninary in· dications.··

Rumsfe ld . m e ntioned a s a possible Re publican vice pre· sidentlal candidate, will rem ain in the hospita l r ecovery room overnight a nd is expected to go back to work by next week. Woods s aid . " The secretary's condition is considered to be saUsCactory ," he added.

Three Navy doctors, including the chief or s urgery. operated on Rums fe ld at the National Naval Medical Center in nearby Bethesda , Md. , a nd removed the right lo be or the defense secretary 's thyr oid and a relat · ed tube called an " isthmus."

Mrs . ~um.sCeld was at the hospital during the operation. Woods sajd.

Rumafeld had shown no sign of any illness before doctors dis· covered a gr owth on his thyroid gland early this month.

Rums fe ld , 44. the youngest man to become secretary of de· fense. n ew back from a Michigan vacation Thursday al\er Navy doctors decided w.s necessary to operate.

" The nodule was discovered during the secr etary's annual physical examination of Aug. 3 and 4," spokesm~n Alan Woods told newsm en.

' 'The r esults of an examination by thyroid scan werl! r eceived ea rlier this wee k."

Rumsfeld s mokes a pipe, but Woods said "J eather it's unrela t· ed Lot.hat .''

Rumsfeld is expected to r e· main ln the nava l hospital for a fe w days a nd the n , health permittin g , rno y visit the RepubUcan Nl\tional Convention in .Kansas Cay n ext Wednesday and Thursday.

That would be the first time in 20 yurs that a defense.secretary has attended n national poht1cal t'onvcntio n cxct•pt to tc!! lify bt>fore platform committees on military policy mutters.

f 'ro• Pa~ 11 I

DIVERT ... "orker . Ocho:uald.

A('cordlng to a r cp()rt to county i.111><'rvlsoris. t h • program \\ill 11tnve lo coun~el 00 percent or the ,\ 01tnitster:< urrt'Sh'ff on 1niMr of fcni.e.'< lhol nor m alt)' arc handled t rou1t h t he juveni le ju:.l1cc l'y tem

In uddilion . II has 11 .ioal of tt'· 1ni: thJI i!i pt•l'<'1>nt Of thos1• youni:-stt•r 11. uri.' not re :ii-re!-h!d for at lco11t oney1•:ir

Ser\'lt<'s " 111 inclu'1l' us seSs· ment. 1nterv1•ntJl)n plannlllst and N1unseling. for t he offender and for hi family °" "" ·II m somt' c-ast>s. rt muy inc-Jude rel\•rral!! to other f11?cnc1t'!\, J><ll'Sihly n!ts1gn ang tt "spc·dol frit•nd" to uss1!!t a youn~stt'r ~nd folio\\ UJl studies . the r<'port ~aid

The ser vice w Ill ht> under the dircttlon of a regional advi f'Ory bol)rd. lluatingt<m &-nch Police Chief Earle Robitaille will be board chnirman. Other me mber.1 will be from the fi ve police dep:irt­ment$ and cit)' ndminlstratlom1, Othoa ~:ild .

Thal refional board, in lum, will report Lo the county Cri minal Ju.slice <A>uncll.

Ochoa said t he program may handle mot e s erious juvenUe of fcnst~ as the caseload permits. He explalMd the :1tatr and design ol the progum were completed based on studies of JUvcrul, ar· rests ovtr the PH t few years

Riley's Spending A Record

ByGAIYG&ANVIU.£ OftMO.lly~lellUff

Flnol June primary tlection ('ampull(n e .1epens e stiatemenls fit~ m Sant i Ana Thursday :show 'l'bomas Rile)' spent ~ record 1237.038 to t>t> el~tl'dtoutwo-yelU' term on the Orange County Board ofSupt>rvl ors.

Rlley'sexptnses excl~-ded hoth prlmuy und gCOl'ral d«-l 101\ spendtni; by uny past ur vrescrll count)' office seeker.

Al lhe e nd of the c{lmpai~n m asterminded by the W11hum Butcher·Arnold Forde tum. lhe Cormer Ma rine general won an overwhelming primary election victory over bis closest rival. Max Binswanger of Newport Beach.

The statement filed with the re· gislfar of voters shows Raley e nded th e ca mpai g n owing $71,030. most or it in last·mjnule loans made by supporters.

Tod ay, the Ncwpart Beach supervisor said he was more than displeased with what his cam· paign expense s tate ment showed .

" 1 lbink it is absolutely asinine that this bad t o happen," said Riley.

" I hope it doesn 't discourage other people Crom seeking public office."

Last year Riley proposed a county ordinance to Um.it cam· paign contributions and spend· mg.

He reflected on that effort today • •hen he said. "it 's lOO- bad Supreme Court rulings made it impossible for us to enact any kind of control m e asure."

"Something is wrong with the system when you end up spending that much money on a campaign and I ' ll be the firsttoadmJl it," he added.

During the primary campaign. Riley fundra iser s included a $2.W-a-plate dinner as well as a $1,000· a ·coup l e dinne r al a Newport Beach restaurant.

But the campaign debt a nd heavy end of the s pending came in the final weeks oC May when his campaign mana~ers . sometimes without his knowledge, made loans t o fina nce a series or mailers.

Included a mong those who lent the campaign l a rge a mounts were lobbyist Frank Michelena. $5,000 and Mission Viejo manage. ment company executive An· thony Moiso, $10,000.

Generally, as in the c:ase or Michelena and Moiso. it was a Jong list or heavy contributors re ­lated to the development industry thot provide d the financial firepower tor Riley's successful campaign.

Meanwhile, Binswanger was golng in debt, chiefly to himself.

By the time he had been out· polled by close t o a 2-1 margin by Riley, Binswanger 's campaign disclosure statements show he had run up a $75,221 deficit.

or that amount. the multi · milliona ire Newport Beach re­tired business executive owed himself $70,000. His spending was spread over two campaign com · miUees, one or them reportedly designed chiefly to aUempt to link Riley to a so.called s hadow gov· ernmentlnOrangeCounty.

But the best Binswanger could get for his campaign effort and the attempted Riley smear was an overwhelming defeat.

A third candidate in the Finh Sopervlaor ial Dis trict race, Dr. Gene Atherton. also of Newport Beach, finished his campaign in the red, according to his state­ment.

.. ~ ........ OUT OF THE RACE Rep. W1yne Haya

Hays Drops Congress Bid -Healtli Bad EAST LIVERPOOL. Ohio

CAP> - Re p. Wayne L. llnys, whose r e l a tionshi p with Eliiabeth Ray sparked a con· gressional pay roll·sex scandal, today dropped his bid for re· ele<'lioo , e ating health reasons and " harassment. "

He had said Thursday he wa~ considering e nding hls campaiJm if be thought. it would wipe out Miss Ray 's chances for more pubHcity

The 6S·yea r·o ld Democrat sub· m itled h is campaign w1lhdrawaJ st at e ment t o the Columbiona County Board of Elections here .

In a s tat em ent released in Washington , Hays said " I do this with a heavy heart " and said he had planned to retire in 1978.

" llowevcr. the cur rent state or my health coupled with the harass m ent my family and l have taken from the Washington Post have led me lo conclude that I should s tep down at the end or m y curre nt term. " he said

f 'ro• Page 11 I

GOP ••• t ip his vi ce presidentt :.al hand 111 advance, de s pit e sign:ils of Republican unrest about some or the nam es in his C'ataJogue of pro· spec ts.

They're seekin~ to <'aim those <'oncerns, while citinA the Presi dent's insistence that he won'I name a running mate In advance and won 't try to bargain for de· legates with the vice presidency.

A Southe rn GOP leader said a White House offi cial told h im not to worry. that the eventual choi<'e wil l hav e ma inst r eam Repub lican c r edentia ls and won 't alien a t e conser vatives. " But they a lways say that ," said Clarke Reed , the M ississipp1 ch11irman, who protested the <.'On· sideration or liberal Republicans as possible Ford running mat.es.

There were complaints from the North. loo, on another vice presidential scor e. But James Baker . F ord 's chief delegate counter , said today he had been assured tha t the delegation in· volved will hold fi rm for the President's nominulion when the roll is called at the Republican National Convention.

Jo hn Lin e ll , th e Maine chairman, said eight Ford de· legates there were rons1denng withholding their support from Ford unless they arc assured he won 't choose John B. Connally lor the vice presidency.

Too Much? Too Little?

Butchers Capture Suspects

A trio of Huntinf(ton Reach butchers were cr~lh .. '<l today \\1th capturmg ~ trio of allea;cd llll· taJ> urt.i. ts ultemptlng a helll ut their meat ~hop 'fhursday.

One 1uspe<'t was nabbed alter a holf.mllo root chHe at tull sprint involving 8t'tf Palace emplOYH ~ott •'rec, 22. and st eve Free, 19, who fmu lly corn~red him .

The two brother» werv Im· mcdintcly )oin<'d a t Warner Av,•nuc a nd Graham Street by tht•tr falhcr. Me lvin t)'ee, Sl. who ~rabbed a 'Nicked-looking bonlq kn1fl'and comm a ndf'eted a car.

The two unldc:-ntified ladles rjced awa) from the Fr~' fam1· Iv business ut 5891 Warner Ave .• tifterthe s uspect made a break for tt .

l nvell t1 i:utors suid two sus • peels. Michael Rowlands, 21, and Joseph 0 . Chapman. 21. both of

'Los Angeles, wt.•redeta1ned at the "<'ene by othe r s hopping center t>mployes alerted by the fracas.

A. third sus pect, identified as James L. Thomas Jr .. 24. broke nnd r an with Scott Free and Steve fi'reebehlnd h im.

" I was prett y ex hausted." ISh!\•e FTeedeclared tod~.

He said h is wrestler brother, now a burly 175 pounds compar~ 10 bis Loara Hi f h School . Anaheim, competl ion weif(ht !class of 148 pounds, literally ran the s1x·foot, three-inch , 190-pound Thom as Into the g rOW'ld.

" He ehnsed h im into a housing tract and then flushed him back out onto Warnt'r Avenue." said St(•\'(' 1-' rec. who y/as sprinting down the pavement trylng to he:ul off t he fugitive .

Thomas appa r ently ran oot or wind fin allv at Warner Avenue nnri Graham Str~t . but police :< ugJ{t>s ted the elder Free'~ arrival by com mandeered auto with his razor-like boning knife also con­tribull'd to the capti ve's s ur· rl'nder.

Thomas. nowlands and Ch np· man were arre!> ted and booked on !\Usplcion of conspir acy to <'Om· m1t burl!lury . Thomas is also c harged with pos~cssi on or hurglary tools.

They included :.a wide assort · mentor keys to <'ash reglstrrs. a<' cording lo Detective llichard Hooper.

lie s aid one s uspect ussertedly rea ched behind the meat market counter and unlocked the register ( while lhe other two kept the FTee

!brothers occupied with running chatter about meats and prices .

The Frees realized what was happening and ordered the Los Angeles trio to freeze at that point, according to police.

" One just stood there passively '. in awesome dismay," Scott Free s aid today. " The other hollered he was innocent."

The three s us pects r emained JBiled today , with bail set alSS,000 each on the felony charge!>.

Road Funds Move SAC RAMENTO <APJ - Up lo

SIOO milli o n m ore wou ld be available for h ighway construe· t1on in California under a bill ap proved by the s tate Senate, it:, s ponsor says.

Sen. J ohn F'ora n < D·San F'r an· <'isco) said his h ill would tran11fer S17 7 million from !'ipeclal motor vehicle funds to the highw;iy fund , mak ing the state eligll>ll• for feeler a l funds that could boost the Iola I lo $100 million.






1663 PlACENllA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6"46·A838 - 6.C6· 23.S.S



' Irvine .. EOITION

• VOL. 69, NO. 226, 4 SECTIO NS, 4.C PAGES

Today ·s Clos ing N.Y. S •oe ks


~iley Record Spender in Election By GARY GRANVILLE

0t.,..o .. 11,..ii.s1.t1t : Final June primary election ·umpalgn expense st atements filed ln Santa Ana Thursday s how

'Tbomas Riley spent a reco rd :t237,038to be el ected toa two-year term on the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Riley 's expenses exce<.oded both primary and genera! election

spending by any past or present COWJty office seeker.

At the end of the campaign masterminded by the William Butcher-Arnold Forde t eam . the forme r Marine general ""'On an overwhelming primary election victory over his closest rival, Max Bmswanger or Ne wport Beach.

The st atement filed ~·ilh the re· gistrar of voters shows Riley

e nded the ca mpaign ow ing $71,030. most o f it in last -minute loans made by s upporters.

Today . the Newp<>rt Beac h supervisor said he was more than displeased with what his cam· paign expense st atement showed

" l think it is absolutely aslrune that this ha d to happen." sa id Riley.

··1 hope it doesn 't d iscourage

other people from seeking public office. "

Last year Riley proposed a county ordinance to limit cam· paign contributions and spend· mg.

lie r efl ected on that effort today when he s aid, " it 's too bad Supreme Court rulings made it impossible for us to enact any kind or control m easure.


fhe RHt of the Ride Wet Bumpy for Wave Rider et Newport's 18th Street Thursday

Storm Spawns Super Surf Lifeguards Rescue 1,200 From CoU,St Waters

By STEVE MITCH F.LL Of .... o ••• , ..ilM ~If

Surf s t a n ·cd wave riders. woit111g ex pc ct a ntly since word of Hurricane Hyacinth began c1rcul a tin)l on th e be a c hes ..-nrlier this w('ck . jlOt their wish Thursda\• a~ y, a\'es up 10 18 feet s lammed into the Oran~c Coast.

Whil e s urfer s termed Hyacint h a bll'ss10g, Orangl• Coast lifeg uards n 1lll.'d her a

Coastal Bill Wins Irvine

Company OK Raym ond Wntson. pn•:.11knt uf

the lrvint• Company. t0<lay 11n nounced tht> t·ompnn ·s t•ndorM' menl orthe Sm 1th hill. thl' i.urv1v ini.t coastal control mt't\sure in the Assl'mbly

Watson suHI h<' <'onvt•yNI lh<· compan y·s s uppo r t or thl' measure. SB 1277. to its author Sen . • Jerome Sm ith < 0 -Suratogu I l\nd Au cmbl y S peakl'r 1.1•0 MrCarthy ID-San f'tancbcoJ on WNint'sday prior t o the approvul of the bill by the A~embly Way-; and Mct\ns Comm1ll«'

" A s lhe S mith bill h a ~ cmerJ?cd . we (ee l It is u workable bill scr\'mg ~111 interests those desirous of protecting the coast and those who own ;:oaslnl pro­pt'rty. ·· Watson dec lared

"ThE' best indication of how .,e ll balanced the bill has become is that dunng my met't · lngs In Sac rame nto with the Sierra Club. the Planning and

' Consen1ation League and with devel opment interest s , none could claim the Smith bill as theirs all ha d to make con·

• cessions .·· Watson . :ud h1 compa n y

be llves that coast prot ectio n legislation is inevitab le a nd necessary .

The endorsem ent of the Smith bill by the la nd company·tomes as the firm is propsomg develop­ment plans for the 10,000 acrel'I between Cor ona del Mar and Laguna Beach.

curse. pulling nearly 1.200 sur fers and s wimmers from the foami ng s urmne

T he big s urf. s pawned b y llya canth off the roast of La Paz. Mex. . 1s expected to continue through today . diminishing to normal levels by Saturday , ar· cording to lifegua rds.

Newport Beach l i fe~uurd Lt l,ogan Locka bey said guard~ pull('d 545 s wimmers from the

• * *

was hing -machi ne · lik e ocean Thursday. s elling a new record for one -day rescues an Newport .

" Thursday was pretty wild . he s~ud . " We s et an all·l1me re cord for mo s t s ingle da y rescues. "

The prenoui; record. !){'l .funt· 20. 1976, was 416 rescues .

There were more 'iJX'<'t a tor i. than body s urfers at th(' l'\ulbou Pe nins u l a ' s infamous WeJ~t·

* • •

A Little Delp Bene/ it for Surf Jlictim

Hy ANNE COOPE R 01 ,,,. o.tttr '"''°' "'•"

Boh Ca!>t'Y. a June graduate of E l Toro lll gh School. is get · tinJ? lhe " beac h bum" tan a1tain that his m11ther says he always had but he "11 1rett lng it in a wheelc hai r ot a Downey re­habaltt3tion center.

Ca11ey was body surf1n1ot soon after graduallon a t Oi ver ·s Cove in LaAuno Beach when hi~ head strur k the sll.l'Kly bottom T he dive into n wave h od broken his neck.

Casey 's h1Rh school fri endi> arc holdin~ a d a nce ton1~ht at 8 p m at L-Os Ahsos lntl'rmediate

Jury Ponders Cornf e ld Rap

LOS ANGELES <APJ - A federal j ury h as begun con­si derin g c lit arges th at millionaire financier Bernard Cornfeld used a " blue box " to defraud a phone company or long -dis tance charges..

Deliberations began Thunday in the week· loo g trial aner U.S. Dl !l tri c t Court Jud1te Malt Byrne Instructed the jun.

Cornf e ld . Indi c t e d by a federal g rand j ury in June 1975 on three counts of fraud . was accused of making or authoriz· mg hundred.s or calls from his 40-room Beverly Hills mansion lo Europe. #


School 10 raise funds to lll'lp mt>et medical expe nse' Tht> school 1~ nt 25 171 Moor J\ \ t • 111

Mission V1eJO Th<' Caimi J;1l'k Band. let! h y Cas1')' s friend . Riek Du vul. will pro.vadt' th\• music.

Casey's m oth ·r . Mrs. Arthur Cassidy. 23 141 El Toro. s a11I her 11on may nol ha ve to gi ve up h1), plans to work in the s ht>et metul and wcldinl( fi e ld

" Rob"s been filt('(I with hand t>rnccs , · · s h<' !1<1i1I. " ancl h p;

1 therapists say he may achieve ~ulflcient dexte rity to do llh<'l't metal work a11d W\'ld in~. If not, thl'y will train him ror related adm inis trativt' work ··

• Casey 's doctor s ha''<' told him to expect a i;cx monlh stay nt the rehabilitation ct"nter. with increasin~l:v longer 'lsit ). home as h is famil y learns lo assist bJm.

" We ha ve lo be ahle to mov<' him from the car to the house." tus mother said. " Also. he has to be mo,•ed r e1tularly from one position to another. so ht> won·t bave t issue bre akdown or ' bedsores ' a s it 's t'ommonly --· .. IU"1Wn.

Mrs. Cass idy s aid her son's spnils are very high. One r ea­son ror that , s he said. as t hat h.as friends have stock b) him and given him a lot of support.

" Bob's t hrill ed about lhe dance." s he said. " He w anted more than anything to show up himself as a s urprise . but un­fortunate ly that just isn"t possl· ble yt"t.' •

Thursdtn •. as thick 20-foot wa\'c~ c ras hed w ithin feet of th<' beach

Spectators were out m record number s at Newport' s 18th Street also, watching m uwe as wave ri ders c hurned a rros~ ~la~s~ 15 lo JH foot \Vave!l

Lag una Bc uc h 1i rcJ(ua rds r£>scued 243 p£'ople Thursday m h"a' > 12 to 14 root surf

Surfe r-; at Brooks and Thahu <See SURF. PageA2l

Irvine Unit

Set to Start

Gutte r Probe Irvine Trun sporl~1t1on (;om

mal4sion mcmbt>rs will s pend t ht• next tv. o weeks personally tou r · 1nR !(utters m Irvine m an at tt>mpt to d t>I prmln<• which ont•s ar<' the worst and i.hould Ix' C1 xc.'d firs t.

About a dozen Ir vine residents t o ld co mml i'ls aoncr s at thi s week 's meeti nA that their i;tullcrs arc an bad shas>c ond asked thllt ci ty funds be u11cd to correct the problems

They complained :1boul stand ing water in the j!utlcrs thut crl.'ates foul odor s. and alM> about sm all amounts or wnter cons tunt ly running throu~h the gutters

Comm1!l11ioncrir1 heard the com plaants and the n s aid they woul!I each tour the i;tutters before the next mee ting , Au~ . 25. Starr membe r s from the city·s public works department s aid they would vi il individual guttt'r sites, too.

The city councH th.ls year ap· propriated $20.000 to be spent to fix gutters with the worst pro· bl ems. Co m missioners have been asked how lhat money s hould be spent this year.

Wal ter Nollac. o city engineer. said that probably only one or two gutters could be fixed with thts yea.r ' i'I funds, bul explained that the council plan.\ to allocate rzo.ooo each ydr unlU the pro· blem la solved.

Nollac bad drawn up a pre· liminary list. of priorities, lnclud· ina five situ.

.. Something is wrot1g with the system when you end up spending that much m oney on a campatgn and I'll be the first to admit it." he added.

During the primary campaign. Riley fundraiser s included a $25().a .pl ate d inner as well as a Sl ,OOO· a -co upl e d inn e r a t a Newport Beach r estaurant.

But the campaign debt and

heavy end of the 11pl'ndlng came in the final weeks of May wht'n his campaign 11rnnngers. somctimPs without h is knowledge, made loans to finan <'<.' a series of m3iler

Included a mong t hose who lent the campaign large amounts were lobbyist Frank Michelena. SS.000 and Mission VieJO managt>·

<See SPENDI NG. PagetUl

Trial Testi111ony

J ailhird Helps Irvine Doctor

By TOM B ARLE\' Of ... o ••• , ~ .. et llllfl

Or. Wayne Lester Robinson's lawyers called to th(' wilnes& stand a n Orange County J ail prisoner who testified Thursday that .. hit man "' Anthony Scalise told him a d ifferent story than the one Scalise told In court.

George Edward Hufford, 42, n Long Beach man who is uwaiting trial on c harges or assault v.1lh a deadly weapon . was brought Crom the jail to the witness stand in Judge J .E .T . " Ned" Rutter ·s courtroom immediately after the accused Irvine physician com­pleted three d ays or testimony

Defense attorney Ed GCQri:c identified Hurford as onl' of lour 1a1I prisoners who ha, ·e talked to Scalise. 29. tn the county J3tl.

Hufford to ld t he Jury thot Scalise told ham s hortly an er th <' Las Vc~as man was brought to Orange County by federal of f1cers last month that he wai. " working a new kind o( scam" when Robinson 42. was arrested last Feb. 2~ on char~ or sol\clt· t ng his wtfe's murder:-

Scalise testified ror the pro secution that Robinson hired him with a down payment ofSlO.OOOto kill his wife.

Hufford s aid Scalise told ham that he actually worked for both Dr and Mrs . Robinson during the seven weeks that ended with Robinson ·s arr es t " and played one orr against the other all the time."

The jail prisoner said Scalise told him that he travels the coun · try looking for sepa r ated couples who can use h is ser vices in similar s itu ations where large sums or monev a re involved.

Huffor d said Scalise told him that he had collected $2.000 from Mrs . Janice Robinson. 38. in ad· dilton to the Sl0.000 paid him by her estranged husband.

And t he Jail prisoner told the jury that Scalise told him that ..there will be a lot more to come when the doctor goes to prison a nd I ca n ((e l back t o Mrs Robinson ··

Hufford s<.1 1d Scalise told him during their convers ations in t.hc cell block th at he intends to be the caretaker at Mrs . Robinson's Newport Beach home. once l>r Robinson ha s bc•en impnsonl'd and h e 1Sra l11'1C ) " has beaten lht• federal r a p "

Deputy District Attorney J ny Moselc•y as ked llufrord how ht> felt about snit chl' rs prisoners who r e po r t con versations <If other prisoner:. to uuthontics 1n return for le nie ncy 1n thei r own <' aseS .

I lufford appean•d to miss th1• point of the q ues tion. II<• rom m e nl<'d . while Jutll{c Ruller grinned broadly. that ht' .. l(Ct). a long fine with the m. I ~ut•i;:, , 1ust a s long as they don'\ bother me ··

Plans for I he cullln~ of lhr<'C'



slate a ppeals court today r e versed the s urdcr convic­tion of Charles M· son family cultist Le.slle Van II ten und or­dered a new trial.

But the St ate Court f Appeal upheld the 1971 convic · ns of Manson hims elf. Susan kins and Patricia Krcnwlnkel, ho had •appealed on a variet y or grounds , Inc ludi ng i mprop jury selection , competency of the defendanu to s tand trial and pre· tria l pubHclty In the Tate · LaBlanca mass murders .

The three-judge panel, in a mixed opinion, ruled that.the Van Houten woman s hould be rettied on g r ounds t h at the dis ap· pearance of defense attorney Ronald Hushes while her case was l.n proares s denied her a fair trial.


o ther j ail pri soners t o l ht• Robi nson trial courtroom <IP· peared to m is fi re while Hufroru was being led back to h.1s J3il eel I.

It wa s 11.'arned outs ide the courtroom that the planned ap. pcarance or a prisoner 1dcntif1ed by Moseley a s Thomas Hester, 29. of Long Be a ch. 1s now unccr -

<Su DOCTOR. Page A2)

Irvine OKs Officials ' Merit Pay

By HI LARY KAVE Of .... 0 .. 1, l"ilel !iUll

Irvine school trustees h:we :JP· proved in concept a m<'ril pay pa c kage f o r d i s tri c t ad ­ministrato rs similar to one used in industr~.

U nd e r thi s plan . :irl , mlnjstrators would nol re<'CiH.' automatic pay raiSt'S based on experience . but would ~ given pay hikes bosed on performance and eval ua tion s b y thl'tr supervisor s

Trus tees approved th<' concept of the me rit pay proposal this week . but he ld orr agreeing to ac~ tual percentages, according ' o SELF Hi g h Sc hool Pnnciptil J ack Parham . who has been In· \."Olved in the baq~aming

He s aid the boa rd will dec1dt­exact figures in th<' merit pay· system at the next bo;ml m<'ct Ing.

Admanistra tl)rs whosP •wlant·i. would be affected include prin · ci p als. psyc hol og as h and coordinato r s The d1 str1 c t · ~ 11uperintende nts arc paid und t> r separate s alary ajlrcemcnL~ v. 1th the school board

Aceording lo Parham . " Raf t• ranges previously u.,cd to pay :id m in b;tral or s ha ve hl' c•n Nil lapsed .' "

.. Admlmhl rat or., ha\-l' alwHy1> had ranges :.imllur to teath<'r)., measuring yea rs of expericnct•." Parha m s a id 111• ;Hfd\'<1 that lht':-' wert> ~ 1 Vt' n uuto mat1c hikt•:<> based on cxpcnenr<'.

Rut undt•r tht' nc•w plun. th<"ri· would no loni:<•r bL' :.cutornat1c rn creal(es Pay ra ise~ would run1t1· ~tween no ra1~e und t>\' rhop., ,, t:I perc·cnt h ikt• . Pa rhum ),aid

Salury in<'r1'a1>l'1> would tw 1k termlnNI hy lht• f1<lmlnixtr<1tor ·-c s uper v ii.o r o n I he: ha '{ (, o f

<See MtklT, PageA2>

Orange ,.J. _c oas t

._£.w:L_ __ \\"e atbe r

Mornmi: low <' il>ud ... tn 111 crrmw. ol hl'rw11w mw<tly fmr on the c.•oo t Sotunla~ • lhJth5 nt>ltr 70N . lowi. lo57

l ~SIDE 'fOPA 't' flJ)() young ent r1•prt1u·urlf

startl'd out to hu1/d n c;n•<'k restaurant and ended up wal/1 a Huntinglora Oeoch rnck muafc club instead. The Da1l 11 Ptlot 'a MlchoPI Pa.1kcv1rh tell1 how 1t happened on l'ag" CI of the Wuhnder .

ladex ., ...... ,k ... II ... L, M .. .,.

10 •• Ml>•••• Cl I

C.h•••tW• CIM~i llt<I QMK, o.s .... , d 0.9'11-lcot ....... , .. ~.~ t:m~••-"' '·-· -~9" ................ MftU-t<\

•• •• ., OM•

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CH ., , II Cl •t

Mlll~l l'v"4• •• "'" ..... ,. ... , ... Dr•- C.11~1, •• p..,.,. ., ' , ,h .. PH1t• I I iloon• u s Or Sttlll( t'Olt" II 11 llK- INr lrtl\ lh I ,,,.,,,~ cs Tlwaltt• ts I W.•lloe• 114 WOr ld Ntw. Al W..k...-.r Cl It

Jt 2 DAil Y PILOT FrodJy Au911s1 1J 1976

GOP Platlorna

i Oil, Gas C11rh 1 Lifting Urged

KANSAS C ITY (A P > Republicun platfonn writers l"· day endorsed lbe lmmed1ate hft· ing of price controls from oat nnd newly discovered nalW'aJ gus.

The Pl atform Comm1ltel! , i ft e r reven1ng on Thursdav ,night a prelim1ntt ry decision and ~0Un1 t o s upport the Equa l lli&hts Amendment, worked on remainina domestJc issues to dear the -.. a>· ror a final t ussle on s uch Issues as the P anama C.inal and diplomacy in Alnca

It provides another chance ror lloaa ld Reagan 5upporters and Olbers dissatisfied with platform .,ibcommitt.ec actions on defense ahd foreign policy to i::cl their views Into the document l>l;'1t1g

Quake Fear

Hits China TOKYO <A PJ - Pek·

ing"s 7.6 million residents have been put on anot.hu earthquake alert and toJd to continue Uving in the s treets, t he n ewspuper Asahi reported from lhe Chinese capit al today.

P e kin g ' s p o p ula ti on moved into the s treets and parks after the se\'ere quakes on July 28 whiC'h devastated the Tangsh:m are a 80 m i I e s t o the southeast and caused con s1derable damage in lhc capital.

In the next week. the governm e nt r e peatedl y warned that more major quakes we r e imminent. But the Asahi correspon· dent said precautionary measures were eased after the author ities decided a powe rful new quake was not immine nt.

F ront Page . I I

MERIT ... pe rform a n ce , P ar ha m «! it· plained . : Tbe proposal .ea.us for the cur· r e nt lowest s a lary for ad · iniojst rat.ors lo be lowered by '3,000 and for the lop ~aJary to be talsed by 10 perceoL

• : That means that tbe Jow<isl· paid ad-miniSlr ator lpsyc holo1tist) would hnve n r ange of bet we('n $17. 133 and $24,360. His su lury would full ~omewherc with in that runge. based on performance. : The h ig h es t · pai d ud . fnanl strator (h igh school p1·1n ­lo ipal 1 would have a range of '23.86.1 to $32.503. : Parham explained that sn <1dd1 tion to tht' increase on the r<1lc range, the administrator could fl so receive extra morw} from a merit puy PoOI. 'fhal extra pa y filkc would be one-ti me and would not necessarily be rcpeat ­!d the following year, P arha m iutd. : Parham s <a id there is mixed rc­~cllon amon.: administrators to Ole proposed merit pay system, but s:ud It <lppears lo be in t>\ 1t.1 . blc because the i;chool boord 1 ~ detcrmint'd to inill titl" thl' t-ystcm lfl the 1hstn cl , " We 'll Jtin• It :l try and .see how I< works . Who kno\\ !1, 1\. in~1y he u ~ttcr wuy to go.·' Parham salil

Road Funds Movt .. SACft AM ENTO <Al 'l l ip lo

S100 million m or <' wnuld be available (or hiJ:hway cnn.~tru" tion In Collfornla under a hlll op-. proved by t>1t' st :1tt- St'nnl<', 1ls s ponsor llllys.


DAILY PILOT '~°'..,..'"" 0•11• f"tl(lt .... "'.,.,""' "l\ff'lf"'\ t)I""" t ... Pl!IJW,, Pr-Ht.. ,, IN~"""' h, trtt (Jt1V'IJP fW\tl'\tbU\P\1ftit(.~.t,.y ~.tt'"'M'(W'I,_,• t).,Mt~d ~Of'lllf•Y tfttOVOfl I ttd•t f1• I 1 '' " .,,._,,_ ht • POft ~·(fll . hvflt1•""' ,._.,_ " t°""" , .,,., V• tlfy, tly lft• , W4Hhtei.t.: .. YAh• , .. ..._,

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Rot>ert N. Weed ...... ,~ ............ """ ..

Thomas Ket111ll [cMO•

Thomas A. Murptl\ne M•,,.,t•"i Cd>to<

Cti.rlcs H. LOOS Rlcl'la~ P. Nall "•'''tlifilt ~f\fti"9 COdOrt-

Off ices c.,,. """ l uow., ..... \hH-4 t.-•o<~ " .. ~...._..~,,.., -........... ~ ,,.,,~.__,

--• \/• ""• HJtllA,..,_ •lh"'l. 0 ...... ,.N'WI..,

Tt .. pltOM C7H) M2""t Clas.s1ti..t •11Wr11li"9 Ml-5671 ~· "'"""""l)llo<• ,.,.,,.

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drafted for the <'onwnuon OP<:n· 1ng Monday The dran plolform must ao to the printer today so dt'lc&ates can ha\C' copJ,.., on ar· nval. Th <.' con\•entaon has the nnttl ~lly on the- platform

The comm 1t h.·~ hm, \H1rkl•d 111· to the l'arly m or11111u twact> to ml'('t the det1dhn1.• A i.ubcornm11 tl'e dec1s1on to omit a call for nt1l1cnt1on of ERA a plutform h'Cture for 36 )eur~ . broui: ht runou~ re Jet ion rrom fom1 n1sh a nd their hUpportcri.. The rull <-omm1t1ee \ Oled 51 to 47 Thurs· d<ty night to Include the endorse· ment.

The committee voted to retain :i st atement support•~ '' the er. torts of those who set>Jl enact · rncnt of a const itutional a m\'nd· ment to restore protection or the rtght s to life f o r unborn r hildren .·•

Meanwhile, President Ford's cooventjon mana~ers cont.end it would be P<>Ol' politics for him to llp his vice presldet1tial hand in adva nce, d es pit e s ignals o r Republican unrest about ~me of the names in his catalogue of pro­spects.

They're seeki ng to calm those concerns, while citing the Presi­dent's insistence that he won 't name a running m ate an advance a nd won't try to bargam for de· legates with the vice presidency

A Southern GOP leader s aid a White House official told him not to worry. that the eventual choice wi l l hav e m ai n s tream Republica n credentials and won' t aliena te conservatives. " But they always say tha t," said Cla rke Reed, the Mississippi chairman, who protested the con­sideration of liberal Republicans as poss ible Ford runnini m ates.

There were complaints f rom the North, too. on another vice presidential score. But James Baker . F ord 's chief delegate counter , s a id today he had been assured that the delegation in· volved will hold firm for the President 's nomination when the roll is called at the Republican NatiooaJ Conve ntion.

John Lin e ll , the Mai n e chairman, s a id eight Ford de· legal.el there were considering wtthholdfng their support from Jo·ord unless they are assured he won't choose J ohn B. Connally for the vice pres idency.


GROWTH REMOVED DetenH Chief Rumsfeld

Growth Taken In Rumsfeld Thyroid Gland

WASHINGTON <AP > - Navy surgeons r emoved a growth from Defense Secretuy Donald Rumsfeld 's thyroid gland today, and a Pentagon spokesman said doctors have "a high degree of confidence" that it was not can­cet<ous.

Pentagon spokesman Alan Wo o d s. r epo r ting ~ fter Rumsfeld 's two-hour a nd 40· minute operation, said pre ­li minary s tudies Indicat e the t iss u e r emoved f rom th e secretary's neck · ·was a benign nodular goiter."

Woods said that. as in a ll s uch s urgical cases, more ex­tensive tests will be made but that " the doctors ind1cate to me they have a high degr ee of con· fidence in the preliminary in­dications ."

Rum sfeld , m e ntioned as a ~ssi~le Republican \•ice pre· s1dential candidate. will remain in the hospita l r ecovery room overnight a nd is expected to go back lo work by next week . Woods said . " The secretary's condition is cons idered to be s ahsfactory. " he added.

Three Navy doctors, including the chief of surgery, operated on Rums fe ld at the Natiooa r Naval Medical Center in nearby Bethesda, Md. , and removed the right lobe of the defense secretary 's thyroid and a relat­ed to be calleli a n .. isthmus."

Mrs. Rumsfeld was at the hospitaJ during tbe operation Wooos s aid. '

Fro•Pa~ A I

DOCTOR ON TRIAL. • • tllfo because or objections to his :1ppeurancc by his attorney.

lie.st er is one or SlX defendants being tned for the murder of a Sunset Beach couple last Nov . U.

The trial of fi ve of those defen­d ants 1s bei n g conduc ted 111 Judge Robe r t P . Kneelund's court.room on the same noor.

Moseley dis missed Hufford 's tf'stsmony as " worthless '' shortJy ufler Judge Rutt er called three­dny weekend break aod prtid1ct ~I that the jail p r•lsoner's sturv would have no 1mpucl 011 thi.· Jury.

li e qu estioned Robinson at len.rth Thursday on th<' phys1-1·i;1n s repealed dentali, o{ the prosecunon claim thnt he h1rc'<f &nllhc to kilt Mrs Hob1nson und thus resolvu the d~put~ over $2 rmlhon in asset~ held by th1.• cou 11h' as community property.

Robinson told ltll' Jury 1n ~h\• dos~ng m ome nts or his lonJt HS~ 1011 on th<' s tnnd thul h<' bcllev('d Scn lase aml his w.r<· wt•re In l" ;ague to kill him

Ile t est ified th:ll the gun found an his possession wh1•n he was :.r

FBI Agents Get Immunity For Testimony

WASHI NGTON <AP> - 1'h1• Ju!'IUce Department I~ Jlr11nt1n1o1 sc\'cral Fill agents immunity Crom pro~e('ullon in C.'<Ch<•nllC: for their t estimony ~!loin t other a1tents and officials lnvolv~ in

a lleged burglarl<>s, it wos d is <'losed today.

Asst. Ally. Gen. J St:mlcy Pot· li nger co nfirmed through a s pokesman that he Is " In the pro· ccss of authoriiing immunity ror some agents ."

Pottinger rerused lo disclose how m any agents are belna of· fered a chance lo escape prosecu· tion by providine details of the burtla:ries to lnvesUgatora and a fedtrol grand jury In New York.

PotU.nger ls head of \he cMI rlahls diviaion invcsllgatlng whether FBI agents and ottlclaJs violated the rlghta oC Am~rlcan clth:ens by buratariilnc their , homes and otticcs during tilt! pasl five years.

The probe could lead to the first crimina l charges ln the bureau 's history lJ3lnsl FBI personnel In connection with lhelr•ork.

rested at a Santu Ana sen·ace sta · · lion was for his protect ion and he believed th a t the dis trict a t · tomey 's investjgutors and Santa An a police who pursued him around the gas pump on foot "' ere hired killers . R~binson tot~ the jury he lcnew

Scaltse was ly ing when Scalise t o ld h i m i n several taped telephone convers ations played back to the jury that Mrs . Robinson was dead as the doctor had ordered .

" l knew s he wa~n · t dead ·• Robinson said. " I knew she w~s at a m otel with Sctillse a nd Scalise himself Loht me when I handed him $1 ,000 in the men·s room al lhe serv1ct' ~lat 1on that Jan was lane "

And Dr. n oblnson told th1• J llr) for tht' lounh time an lhe lriol . " I shit ~·a rc for he•r ,·crv 1n11ch I lo\'C her." ·

Mrs. Robinson toltt the jury 1n the prosc<'ution ph mll' of the trial that s he W <i!! tchock<'d when :<he met S<'allSl' for lunch a t tht· \'elve\. Turtle In Nc•wpot1 Ht>ud1 tlnd was told by him lhnl he had been hlrrd by he r husband to kill her.

Sh<' told the Jury that she t1nd Scalise fl t'd from lhe area for four days b ecause Sct ll 11 1· bchc,·cd that pollc<.• would pick up him up ~ 11 u h .'dl'rul and st~1t1 • pt>rolt'e If he approached them about Robinson.

Rut Hobi nson told th<' jury Thursday th nt h(' bcli t•vcd durtn~ tho11e four cl oyi1 that ScaJls • und h1:s wi{c we re livln~ to~cther In motel. and phcnnin(l hls murder

f 'r o• PagcitA I

SURF . .. Streets enJoyt>d i las!l)' waves that held up just long enough for fast rides . Those beaches were closed to scuba d ivers and other areas were reslrictt'd for sWim· min&. due to the s urf size

At least one surfer suUetcd a broken leg in Laguno·s era.sh.Ing shorebrealc.

Huntington Beach hfeguards pulled 450 1wlmmers from IO· fool waves aJong city and st•tc beacht>s . A lS·knot side cWTcnt . caused by pounding waves, wa5 blarued for the high number of rescues In ffunti~ •

San Clemente Ufcguards re· port«! 139 re~cuea, ~th 1urf at TrafaJgar Street, a popular $Ur1· Inc area. Jn the n to 10 foot ranee .


Suspects' Motion Rejected

Motions to dis mls murdt<r charge.• und to d f'lelt< cveral ad· <htlonal a llt8allons aaalnst li\'t' me~ccu cd of th,~ k1IU"':s of u Sunset 84.lach couple hav~ bffn d n l..- d in Or•n~l' Count )' SUper1or Court action

Judgl' Robert P Kneelond hu:. dt'hly(•d un til Wl•ilnesda~ dl1> r ussion of i.dd1tionul pretrfal mo hons fll~d by law)ers (Qr Dc.•M1:s Casey J ones, 32, al o known us ~nnis MaloMy. 19M SanU.ai.io Drl\'e, Newport lieach . William t'nig T1bb1ts. 29, or Orange and three Long Betic h m~. Ronald Carl D'Or io and Thomas Harden Hester , both 29, and Richard Wayne Soote r . 28.

Jury :select ion in the trial or the five defendants is expecl(.>d lo begin later this month in Judge Kneel:lnd 's courtroom.

Codefendant Roger Keit h Davis. 29. Long Beach. has been granted a separate trial on iden­tical charges and will be as­signed to anothe r courtroom next month.

All six men were booked on murder charges following the killings last Nov. 8 o( Ronald Cauwels. 27, a nd Janet Mae Metz, 34. who shared a home at 16861 Bayview Drive, Sunset Beach,.

It is alleged that Hester used a machinegun to kill Mrs. Mell and that Cauwels was fatall y wounded wiCh a handgun traced to Tibbits .

Authorities claim that a gang was dispatched to the Bayview Drive hom e a ft e r Cauwe ls robbed a numbe r of patrons of a local drug ring at gunpoint and carried oft marijuana valued at $20,000.

Two or the 11 original suspects rounded up by s heriff's officers in the wake of the Sunset Beach killings will be used as prosecu· uon witnesses Jn both trials.

Alan Daryl Irving. 29. of Long Beach , a nd Mic hael Anthony Petrone, 33, of 3027 Royce Lane, Costa Mesa. have been promised a one year county jail term on each of the two murder counts for their cooperation .

~ ............ OUT OF THE RACE Rep. Wayne Hays

Hays Drops Congress Bid -Health Bad EAST LIVERPOOL. Oh ao

(AP1 - Rep. Wayne L. Hay~. wh ose relation s h ip w sth Elizabeth Ray s parked a con· gressional payroll-sex scandal, today dropped his bid for re election, citing health reasons and " ha rassment."

He had said Thursdav he wus considering e nd ing his campaign if he thought it " ould wipe out Miss Ray 's chan<'.CS for mon• publicity.

The 65-year-old Democrat :.ub milled his campaign "1lhdrawal statement lo the Columbiana County Board of Elections here .

In a s t a teme nt released in Washington, Hays said " I do thas with a hea vy heart" and said he had planned to reUre in 1978.

" However , the current st ale of m y hea lth coupled with the harassment m y family a nd I have take n from the Washington Post have led me to conclude that I should step down al the end o( my current term. '· he said.

The Post broke the s tory on Mlss Ray 's charges that lluys kept her on a House t'ommittct• payroll at a $14,000 a year s alary solely to Rtovide him with sex

" The polls show I'd win . but I don't want to give that woman another chance to make an ap­pearance.'' Hays said Thursday · in an interview.

Oil\ Firm Pr'6be Sought

\\' AS Hl NG1'0N (Af> I A Ft>rler ;tl r o\\ er (.'01nm1aslon \ .. ·pr 1 judgt> todny reco in . mcndt.'d lha t the JusllcE> Otp•rt­mNll ln\'csligate t~ Gull Oil CMp. 8nd u nttturol i,:u buyer tor po ·111ble ct 1tnlnnl t'onspira<')'.

FPC Ad111111 1.s t rntlvl' La w Ju cl ~t· R a~ mond M Z1mmct found lhul {;u1r raalcxt lo deliver to an lntNst nte piPtllne the \olume of )las r,•quiroo under an t ' PC cert1<1cute.

Zinrnwt also !.aid rnuclion oo lhl• part of I he pipeline aas bu,ver. Tl'xas £~1 strrn Trons mls~ion Corp . of Houi. ton, " strongly hin t~ ;1t ,, <'onspirat'y by the two to w1thhul<l gas from t hu In· h.•rstate murket untH the pracp hu~ b('en drive n up. In violation or (t'<lt.'ral antitrust laws."

The judge recommended that the FPC refer the case to the Justice De partment for ~n · \ esli ga t1on and tlppropri nte criminal action.

There was no immediate com· ment from either company.

Zi mmet's decision is subject to FPC r eview. and the parties named have 30 days to !lie exc<>p; lions to the decision.

The decision s aid that In lOO:J. the commission a uthoriil'Ct Gulf to sell Teus Eastern a total of 4.4 trillion c u bi<' feet of gas to be de h\·ercd an daily volumes or from SOO milhon to 625 million cubic f ect

Oehveraes bl'gun an 1964, Uw decision s a id. and in 1971 Gulf sought lo a m end its certificate to raise the price . The commlssio" denied lhe request.

Zimmel saad in late 197S, the FPC becam e aware Gulf was hot delivering the certJfied volumes of ~as and Initiated a show cause proceeding against Gui( and Tex· as Eastern.

Zimmel recommended t hu\. Gui{ be given l ess than one month to begin delivering the maximum a mount or ~as. If the company fail ed to comply, ht• continued . the FPC should movl' against Gulf in federal <'Ollrt to compel performttnce

The judge said that when th<' FPC deni ed Gulf's proposed certificate amendment. the com­miss ion contended tha t Gulf could not be relieved of its obllga lion s a t t he expen se of ratepayers .

Guard Leads Mutiny Boat Imo Diego

F r•u" Page A I


merchant ship was escorted into port he re a fte t her master re ­ported a possible mutiny aboard, the Coast Guard said today.

The J .V. Clyne, a 593-foot bulk ca rrier , was escorted lo a n anchorage off Coronado Island for the night , said LL Arthur French of the Coast Guard sta­tion at Long Beach

Fre n c h sa id the Brit is h Consulate in Los Angeles had asked the Coast Guard to monitor ' 'a possible mutiny s ituation" aboard the vessel

lie said the m ast.er of the shjp re po rt e d th at 24 Chines e c rewmen '' ha ve Joc k ed themselves in the mess room and begun chanting a nd singing."

Fifteen non-Chinese cre wmen a boa rd were on the bridge , French said. "but the master re· portedly feared for their safety, ci:. well a s his own. 1'hey didn't takeover the ship al all."

m ent company executive An ­thony Moiso, $10,000.

Ge nerally. as in the case of Michelena and Moiso, it was a long list or heavy contributors re· lated to the development industry that pro vided the financ ia l firepower for Riley's successful campaign.

Meanwhile, Binswanger w:is going in debt, chiefly to bi msclf.

By the time he had been out­~lled by .close to a 2-1 margin by Raley, Banswanger 's campaign disclosure statements show he had run up a $75,221 deficit.

Of that amount , the multi· millionaire Newport Beach re­tired bus iness executive owed himself$70,000. His spending was spread ove r two campaign com mittees. one of the m report('(fl)' designed ch ien y to atte mpt to It nk Riley to a so-called shadow ~ov­emrnent in Orange County

Too Much? Too Little?

But the besl Binswanger could get for his cam paign effort and the attempted Riley smear wa.5 an overwhelming defeat.

A third cand1<fate in the f"i{\h Supervisoria l District race. Dr . Gene Atherton. a lso of Newport Deach, fini shed his campuign an the red . according to his statt' · ment .

Atherton s pent $4,8l6 to r un a dis t a nt th ird t o Riley and Uinswanger .

There was a fourth candidate on the June prim ar y election ballot, Gerald Dickie of Trubuco Con · yon.

Dickie bowed out or the race early and threw hls support to Binswanger .

But before be coming 11 Biris wanger cam paigner . Dickie s pent $4,625 while r urtning up what is shown a:. u stall unpo1<.I cam paig n de b t of $3,043 .






DEN'S : iiisialiatioii: ·custom draperies

linoleum • wood floor

1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA M ESA. CAllf. 926'27 • PHO NE 6•6·.t838 - 64'6·2355


Friday. August 13. 1976 DAILY PILOT A3 .·

CowO~llfla! Big Surf at Big Corona t

Valley Councilman ~ins League Post

o.ily ...... Slaff - · SECOND TERM SET

League PrHldent Scott

Brown Gets

·Policeman's -.Rights Bill'

SACRAMENTO (AP > - A poli ce men 's " bill of rights" which would prohibit mandatory lie detector t ests of omcers s us-, """'"" or wronedoine is on Go''· Edmund Brown Jr.'sdesktoday.

Fountain Valley City Coun­cilman George Scott wa s nominated Thursday night to a second term as president of the Orange County League o( Cities .

His name was lhe only one placed in nom ination by a nominating committee as a pre· lude lO next month's aunual elec· Uoo or league officers.

And, there were no nomi na­tions from the floor at the league meet.inc in Fullerton.

The Fountain Valley city coun­cilman inherited the league's presidency last April wblle serv­inC u first vice president .

He was boosted into the top spot when forliler San Clemente maYor and league president Art Holmes was defeated in a re· election bid.

Completing this year's slate of nominees arc Santa Ana City Councilman John Garthe. the nominee for firs t vice president. and Cypress City Councilwoman Alice McLain, the oominat1on committee's choice for second vice president.

Art Festival In Clemente?

A high ranking cJty of fi cial said Tburaday the end ol Laguna Beach art festivals would be a &ood idea - for San Clemente.

Clemente Examines XMovies

X-rated movies belng shown at one San Clem ente motel got mixed reviews from the city council Thursday.

The city is investigating possi· ble controls for such esUlbUsh­ments. One San Clemente motel, the Riviera, currently features waterbeds and a choice of three adultCilms .

Councilman Bill Walker sug­gested that the city come up with rules and regulations governing such operaUons .

Walker said operators of lhe Riviera might be used as coosuJ. tants, since they apparently run a clean operation.

Councilman Tony Di Giovanni nearly jumped out of hls seat al that statement.

.. Oh. com e on. Councilman Walker," DI Giovanni said, rais­ing his voice. " I know lhatit's not clean!"

Walker r esponded that be meant that the motel presented no nuisance to the city.

Assistant City Attorney, Michael Bartle tt. mediated, say. Ing. "Wen. perhaps not clean in every sense of the word."

Walker put the brakes on com­ments that there might be a way to prevent any more X-rated motels or cloae tbe Riviera. " I don't want to promote that type of busineu in town," he said. " l i ust want to see that they have the rig bl to do business."

Di Giovanni remained uncon­vinced. "It would be nice ii we could find some way of elimlnat­angt.hem," he said.

Surfe rs streak acro,,s s m oking wave at Big Corona State-Beach as the otller haTl of the wave breaks inside the Newport Ha_rbor entrance (right) . Big surf kept the swimmers out Thursday making it a field



day for :rnrf -sfilved _board surfers . The 8 to 10-fool waves were gene r a ted by Hur· ricane Hyacinth off Mexico. She whipped up the waves before dwindling out he rself. Thanks a lot, H)acinth.


UMltTo St.ell O.H~

It won final legislative ap­proval Thursday on votes or f!0.4 m the Assembly and 24·11 In the &-note.

San Clem ente acting Mayor Donna WUk:luon <'ommented on the Art Colony ' s plannln1 com· •mission musln&• over how to end traffic concestion during art festival time.

A report from the city attorney is due.in a month. --------Tlle boss will Shoot us whetl he Sees This-----

The measure 's author. As· se mbl y man Jim Kcysor < O· ,Sf.'pul vcda >. s u Id lht1 {?Overnor ;hod ag reed t o s iim the bill. Brown earlie r refust.-d to s ign tht•

1mcnsurc. ru111lnA the wrath of :Police office r groups.

Orown promised the Peace Of­' ficers Re 11Nuc h Association dur· ing his 1074 <'nmpalgn for f.tOv·

' <'rnor thal he would support s uch :a mcasurt' .

Sen . Oovid Roberti (D-Los Angeles l spoke ror the bill on lhe Senate floor , s aying It " treats low enforcement officers as rtrst­class clllicns" by f.tiving lhcm lhe constitutlonnl rights others have.

Sen . Robert Preeley ( D· Ri ve r s id e), a former un ­dcr~~criff . said lhe bill "gOO\ too far.

• Anoth e r o ppo ne nt , Sen . · Newton Russell <R·Tujunga) . ·said poll etc s hould be required lo take polygraph tests when sus­pected of wrongdoing.

" An innocent person on the police force has no reuon to be afraid of a polygraph," he said.

But Sen . Ralph Dills (D· Gardena l questioned wby a lie detector test should be " thrust on a policeman when we know very well you can't force lhal on lhe most heinOUJ murderer" without his consent.

&~ Y/@(Y][{

. ®@[(WO©® The col•tn• .,pears

teday .. Pa&eM

One alternative the com· mission la considering is endln1 them .

Seizures "Legal' SAN DIEGO CAP > -- A

Superior Court judge has ruled that the seizure of business re· cords rrom the office of C. Arnholt Smith was leital.

Bodon Ferns ,.5,~ .. ~::TNUI • .,. $7.H s2" Mrs. Wilkin s on said

that' d be jus t fine . .. I would like San Clemente," !>he said . " to be the flnt In hne lo pick up the Festival of lhe Arts . U the tratric's too much ror (Lagunans >. I'm sure we t"ould handle IL quite nJcely. • •

Judge Robert W. Conyers held Thursday that there were some errors in search warrants Issued lO lhe district a ttorney's offi ce. but lhe warrants aUJI made " non· technlral common sense."

Camellia Trees

Everareen Ash ......n... ........ , ... CLASSIC IW. 7'T•

Italian Cypress

.... 111.tt

$13" .... SJt.H

.... Slo.tf

Perils of Fasting =erey :.,. !.1:, ~ S

. House Plants potbghted Sunday ...._"1·-· ---..::s:~___.

Things gelling n lilllc !>low on Herbs the s e e nd -of - th e - s umm er [ ] 1----------~-'---~-...... -f weekends? Pick ·em up by pick· s u N 0 A Y'S BEST f"teus Beniamino ... ,,_,, ing up a Daily Pilot, Sunday _ . I •AL paper and Jook for the foUowtng stories. Uons and s pcculat.es on a shop- Planter Mix

ping mall. .._.,_,........~....._. HEALTIIY OR DEADLY? -

Fasting Is gaining some popularity today. u promoters of lhe practice c laim it cleans out the body. Some doctors, on the other hand. say going for long ~riods without food can be a dangerous thing. Stalf writ.er Jo Olson Interviewed people on both sides of the issue. Her findings will be in lbe YOU Section.

PIER LIFE - Other cities have had success In renovating waterfronts so San Clemente city officials are in vestigatin g private mana ge ment ror lhe municipal pier. Staff writer Phil •Jloemarin updates the negotla·

LIFEGUARDS - How do they res pond to the recent film , ' Ufeiuard'? Daily Pilot movie reviewer · Kathe B . Tracy c hecked with Orange Coast · lifeiuardl and found that the film drew criticism for its em· phasis on Lhe playboy stereotype. lier story will be in lhe YOU Sec· lion.

KJOS AND HOSPIT~-The combination can be frightening to both child and parent, so one Orange Coast hospital has begun welcoming children to special tour s . Photos by Ri c hard Koehler or the Daily Pilot staff recorcone s uch visit

Redwood C0tnpo1t .. ":;.n Milorganite WIU. MOT.._.

Stepping Stones and Curbing = Moss for HMCJlftCJ Baskets Zinnias & Vincas ,..,, ...


.... .,.





••2·410) ITIMMIUM: .......... ......

7•1:• l• I:•




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· ~ ,.,. . \ t. I

•••• Te• ..... ,lie

GUNS OF AUGl/81' CPart ZI So what did you expecl ., Everythln1 has a Vlll"t 2 these days, from Cod(athen to Enter·

• talnment. M<>1t toUta in our region, m

fact. are s huddenna ~ days In the anticipation of Property Taxes, Part 2.

Anyway. when last we met on the G1uw of August ( Part 11, members of the surfing fraternl· t y In our area were skulking on the beaches, convinced that the waves lltey used to ride had

-jak~ a permanent vacation to ~=~uatralla. NothiDI would con · !;:•vlnce them otberwise. i :· Meanwhile. howe ve r . thi s ~::.terlUig journa l had reported the ~:'e•iatence or a condition some 700 ;.'miles off the Baja Californ ia ;::!coastline. known as Hurricane ".!Hyacinth. This utmosphenc dis ­,: • .turbance was kicking up the ;:!·ocean early this week far out at ·:·.aea. ·' , ... <· IT WAS SUGGESTED by some •. ; coasUine observers, including :; •:>"O ur correspondent . that ~·:;Hyacinth's churning about m ight

-cause th e surf to return • .ftereabouts_ 1L duJ nol happeo

"'::Wednesday. Then wave act.ion ~•'was on the Increase yesterday ....:: Today. however. the guns or ~·:Augeast really arrived. The super ~::iiurfwas booming ~:· Every Volkswagl•n on Pacific · Coast Highway had two s ur

:.:.fboards s trapped to its top this :;:morning. : Before this weekend is out, you

!;:can anticipate there will be a lot '•:of broken plastic pieces washln~ ·: ashore from the Pacific. Not to

•; ;.mention a few bent bodies ;:: All we really need now is some •.•.super-healed inland weather ::;over the w ee k e nd to bnn R ·: :-streams of beach vnutors and our . ·. lifeguards will have their hands : :ru11

: IT'S NOT I UST the big surf· •that brings the trouble. As with • most o( these storms. riptide:.

;.;kick up too and the unwary find . :: themselves noatin~ oot toward

·Santa Catalina Is land at a r ather ;._ja_pid pact> -:• Even before the surf reac hed ·:·,is heavy proportl~ or todll)'. :::our coas tal llfeguar~ Thurs"­!·:"ere pullinl? haple-s11 vtctims out : :or the water as fast as they could :•:go fet ch them . ::: Laguna Be ach . for example. .: .recorded roughly 200 rescues on •:·u.s somewhat limited stl'and. I n ::;Newport Beach, guard.41 were lry­•• ;tng to keep folks out o( the water ! : :Unless they were equipped with :::.~w1m fins and looked like they : ::knew what they were doing .. ::: What we rea lly need tlus time ::or year is to publl h a handy ;:;guide for thl' mland flallanders

' •:;ii o t h e y l' o u I d J u d g e for ··.themselves when or when not to ~nter the old Pacific

• First. this bril'f tM~ttonal •form shoulrl te ll I hem to go a he:id ;and :ipprO[ll'h thl' edge of the .waler After tes tinA the tem· :P"rature with a lot>. enter the .water up to Lhe knet~s Th<>n ncl

.;vancc In'' a1st lt' \'CI

·:: HA ~'ING R EAC'Hf.D th111 point :·s.>f wetnl'ss . the \•1s1lor hould be ;;)n111ructed to gate out to St' ll at •:ihewaves rising out thcrt'

;:: Next Instruction 1:. eusy 1-'rom • lhal vanlaAe. if lhe inJand v1, ltnr • ~a!> to stretch his neck and look ··~~ to find I hC' top of lh\• WU\'CS. 'Jt s llmt• for him to turn around .and remove that pal<' bodv from ihe sen ·

• ,.w. ,_ .... ,. REFINERY BLAST VICTIM GIVEN MEDICAL AID At LeHt 10 Deed H Ma11lve Blaat Hit• Plant

111 Wake of Biois

Top -Black Leaders Held in S. Africa JOHANNESBU RG. South Afr1ca t AP J A number of top black

leadt".rs "ere r eporte<I arrested b)' SC<'Urity poh ce today in the wake or riot11 an black townshl~ outside C;,ipe Town in wh1rh al least 29 blacks were killed and some• 100 m1ured

Black sourcl'::. s aid thosl' detained indudcd :\trs Winnie Mandela, 42, wire of imprisoned black nu · 11onalast Nc•li.on Mandela, leadl'r ( J of the banned AJncan Nulionul / ~ Sff ORT Cont:rcss <ANC 1 l 't

Pollet' Min ister Jum es T KruJ:er s aid last "eek the l\NC' may be partly responsible for th (> upheaval:. In bl ack l<lwnships acro:;s South Afri<'ll in recent weeks. Secunty poh<'l' ha\'e not ronfirmed th t1 arr~t.s . l"eportc'<f ly made under the detention w11hout-trlal pro visions of the re· cently enacted Internal St.oeunty Act.

...,,,.,. ·""'" WICHITA. K an. IAP I Pohcl'

are declining to reveaJ what they cC>flSider to be the mot1\'e for the

Toll of Raid On Guerrilla Camp Revealed

JOHANNESH U RG. South AJnca •AP J The Mozambique government cl<11mt.'d today that at least 618 persons were killed an a Rhodesian raid on i.:ucmlla c amps In s ide Mozambique earlier this week, double lht figure11 reported by Rh'>dcshcn authorities four duys ago

The Rhode11 1an go\·ernm enl TtwscJay 1n [lnnouncrn.i the raid s aid 300 blat' k nutionala!>l gucr nil us w('re k ailed aJong with JO Mozamb1c1in ~old1crs a nd IO dvllian11

I n Durban . South Afr1cun Fore1in M 1n1stcr llilgard Muller expres~t-d concern at the escala· 11on uf \110lt'nce in nc11thbor1ni;c Hhodesw which he s uid eould j:(IVl' the Sov1t•t Union and Cubo an eo.xcuse for further rntcrv<'n Lion an Mraca

smper k1lhng of three people and the wounding or s ix olhers at a downtown hote l

But . relatives and a cquam­lancb of 19· year-old Michael Soles. who Is accused or thu shootings . exprested surprise Thursday at his arrest for the vlolenrt> " What's happened i• somethtng that ls not of his own doing because we know Mike, and thi,a lsn ' t the Mike we know," Soles ' rather, James Soles or Sand Springs . Okla., told re· porters

Kld11•p •-• WALTHAM . Mass. (AP> -

Two men wan ted in connection with a series or New England bombings were being sought by Police for an unsucceastuJ kidnap attempt on the president or Polaroid Corp.

A pohce bulletm alerted East Coast author ities to watch for two men wcarin,.-i dun1tnrecs, de­nim Jockcts and caps and driving a 1!¥76 Ford van painted yellow with blue stripes. 1lae vehicle had Massac husetts license plate:.

L'S. Tar .. &ttd COLOMBO. Sn Lanka <AP 1 -

The United States 1s expected to come under rare for its Policy m at lea.st three areas Korea. Puerto Rico and the Panama Canul at the summll meetinfl of nonaligned nations .

Cr1tlc1s m a l o seems likely for Amtirican support of Is rael . the 01>eratlons o f American multina· t lo nal corporatio n s a nd Washington 's aid and economic rooperat1on poh c1cs

Siege by Storms Eases Tluuul.erstonm Linger in Vpper Midu:est


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Refinery Explodes A.t Least 12 Crushed in Blast I

CllALMETTE. L•. !AP > An expl<>1lon ripped through 11 3(). 6lory tO"''"r at lht Tennero Oil Co. rtrintr>' · mashlnJt the mt'n a nd metal in•lde It . Twel\'t' workers were kllllod and 11\ lus t lOinjured

AulborillC'S said they behevf'd two more men wert> dead m the wreckl'<t tower aftl'r the Thur d•Y night explosion, but their bodies had not ~en recovered A crew worked through the nittht moving metal plutcs by hand. searching for the bod1('8

A SPOKESMAN for Tenncco said the cause of the blm~t wus not known. One workman said welding was being done ond there might ha\'e bttn a gal> leak.

It was the second expl<>l>1on in the tower within a w~k. the St. Bernard Parish ithcriff's orrice s aid . However . a Tenneco spokesman said today there had ~n no explosion la:.l '4 eek and the men were doing routine maintenanl'e work. Al least two doten m en were working in and around the tower Thursdav night, lhe sheriffs office said .

" There's no wuy oflelllng whut happened lo the guys inside ... said Larry Cupit, who was work­ing in the area or the explosion. " It looked like it blew at the top and everything just came down inside it"

THE SHOCK or the explo111on was felt as far us tv:o miles away There was no fire.

" Some of the VIClirns werl' JUSl blown apart ... said Dr Jlcw11t Th1an. c hi e f or s urg ery at Chalmcllc Gcn<'ral llospital. " It was lmpossiblt> to identify omt• oCthem."

The victims were cmplO)'(>d b}­Tt>nneco and Delt<i Picld Erl'c

Tijuana Chief Cam Officers

T IJ UANA . Mex1eo <AP 1 Police chief Antonio Escobedo ays he has fired 200 officers

from the city 's 700·mcmbcr forct• 1n the last seven months.

Of the 200 officers firt..'<I , 40 were fired for tuklnf( bribes from Tijuana nightclub owners and for ignoring pros 1tulion nnd other crimes, Escobedo said. The rest were fired ror violating various department rules.

AU lhose who were hrcd have been replaced. said Escobedo. a former Tijuana businessman with no prior Police experience.

ll()fl Co .. a 11Ubl'ontructor ut th plllnt

1' he 1 I o 11 k <> 1 o w ,. r • o r " \ t'. sci ." 111 u cd In the rt>(inln~ process to acparutct petroleum an to heavy lubricotlnt: oil and lighter fuels

Tht• rcrmcr)• 1s about 10 mllt•11 down tht' Mississippi H1v1:r from the <><'ntcr of New Orleans

T HE TOWER ln "hlch lhe nwn died Is one of a field of s1mllnr s tructurt>s Jammed to~Nht•r and linked by catwalks uml plpci, ltt a

l'Omp14'x that trctc~ o half milr ulonc th\• fl\'cr

The towt>r wtt:. p11rt1t1ontd b\ 200 mC'l~I 1>l«tt•~ 18 inchc•11 i.pa;t likt' llW floot•i; of n hOCCI. M(tt\ were "orkhtA from th(' top to th bottom of lht' to"·er repatrin" and revluc1ng the µhatt'b when the blast occurrNI

l>ttul J\1 011tt'lc 1Hl'. ud mlnistrruor ot the Chulmelh: ho~pltal . ~•Id the nnm('ll o( the dead would not be relC!a. ('(f until po~illve ltkntlrlcatlon could bt• m:1dc· of all or them

Moslem Vengeance Vowed for Def eat 1

r BEIRUT. Le banon I AP 1 The Palest1n1ani, and their ldt1::.1 Moslem Lebanl' s c all ies threatened lodav to aven~e th<• fall of the Tai Zaalur Pulestm1an camp and vowed lhul Lcbunun ·~ cavil war would l'Onlinuc

Palesti nian lcaccr furouk Kaddoum1 s aid his men \Ooould " a\'enge Tai Zaatur else" here an Lebanon.'· Lefti st papers said the Moslcms m iAht " escalate fighting in Christian-held moun lain arras." t hrouAh whi c h Mosll'm \ 11lages ar" .,till '-CUI l<'red

" Le.bilOCSI.' will huw lu br ·11.' l' ror a protracted war ," ,,11d Kamal .J11mblalt. the Mo11lcm leader of the Lcbanesl' Jeni i s " We must hrace oursel\'es for morl' shocks, s imilar 1 u that or Tai Zaatar

·our pnme duty now 1s to \ t.'l up a strong popular army to re s1s1 the Syrian lnva.i.11m and to hbt•rat1• l ' llpturcd 'Jl'f'lJ!> Wt> will ha\•C l o re~ 1sl part1t10n . because a Chris tian \ late 10 our mid11t woulcl turn out to hl• anothl'r lsrul'I In tht' ht•11rl of tht• Ar:1b res:ion ..

Tht• fall of Tnl Zaatur l'Oll :.ohd<ited thl• area" llh lh" Chn~ t1an hintl'l'land north or llll' l'apital

Chris tian m1hll nmen rou.:ht mopup action s loduy ago111111 isolated r>ockNs o ( ctcrendcr:. in

the 74·acre camp raleslinian sources su1d scatll'rt'd hand to hand flRht1n~ continued but act mittt'l1 lhut t he cump had heen conquered

!lours after Tai Z;.ialar fell , MQs lem gunmen of the Am bushe~s militia lnid . 1e1w 10 th<' Assyrian qua rter in the heart of

Moslem WPst He 1rut. The Am I bush<>rs ucc u11ed the quurtcr '11 3 .000 Chris tians of supportinu I "Chra::.t1an atroc ities" agumst rl' · fu.gees Crom Tai Zaat11r

Deadly Virus Signs Found By Canadians

TOllON'l'O t f\P i Ai. health rifflc1ub hl'rl' hunt ror hundredlt of ocoplc who may huve been ex Posed to a deadly African rever. anotht•r unc o mmon diseu ~c. <11phthcr1a . hai. c laimed the 11r1• or n 57 \'ear-old woman.

The health 11fffclals arc )ot)kins: for 400 ncr~111111 who Ol'w from Hntam 11 1111~11 ·1go on 11 plant· "ith u "uman suspected of hav •ni.t highly contagious La1111a f('\•er lll'rs Is lht• first suspected cnsl' of thl' fever 10 Cunada and she has been ho pltahzcd here In "tnct 1solat1on

f\ s pokesman for Toronto We1He rn ll ospltul :rnad tht· diphtheri a \•1c1im . whom he did not identify , died Thursduy at th,• hospital lie i.01d shl' had been discharged from the hospital Aug 2. was rc•admilll'<I l\ug. !'> and complainl'd the nut day or u sore throat A day later 11hc fell 8l'U\ely ill

Although Toronto Western ha~ not been placed In ~uarantinc. 1

access has been reslnctcd and , tests were being conducted oo stafr and other patients ror signs o( the highly in/ectioos disease

He Speaks For You Gloomy Gua la your apokeaman becauae you and other Dally Pilot re•dera put words In hla mouth.

Have you got • pet grievance? Lay It on Gua. Remember to stick to laaues-no personal attack•.

Juat write to Gloomy Gus at the Dally Piiot, Box 1 HO, Costa Meaa, Callfornla 92628 ...

Then watch for your Gus. He appears dally on the editorial page of the Dally Ptlot.

He ape aka for you, In the

DAILY PILOT 842-4321

Friday'~ Clo i~ Price•


Franchises Sue SAN OlEGO IA P l - Holden ot 17

Fotomat rranchises hive filed a SS millloo damage suit alleline Fotom•t Corp. has el'IC&&ed \n unf tir lHde pncUces and is dlscrtminatln& ac.alnst lrancbtae boldera. :

Friday, AUSJUSt 13, 1978 l / N DAILY PILOT 87


Aid PafD1ents Can Backfire

lySYLVIA POKTEa Loa maSmt•

Thl1 yur' s boosts ln S<K-lal security bcmcllts m•y be a bonanza for aomeooe who IN support - but a trap for th<· person doln1 the aupport!na. The hlaber benefits m~ cost. tht taxpa)'tr·auppotttr a $7SO del)Mdcncy deduction : • new tax credit and a medical expenu deduction.

Aa an tlluatraUon, a son who supporls his mother m1y •« 1 dependency deduction ror her only If she hu n 11:roas in<'ome or less

Money's Worth

than $7SO a year a.nd he provides more tban half ber support. Example: last yeu, the mother re<:elved Social Securi ·

ty benefits of $3,°'° and hid no other income. To help her out. the son p1id all ber medicaJ and dental bills In excess or Medicare - •total ol $3,100. RtSuJt1 : the son got a de~n· dency deduction ot $7SO and also dedu<'ted the $3, 100 ln medical ex~oaes.

REASON: SOCIALSECU .. TY benefits aren't counted ror the groa:s income test and the son contributed more than haJ/ hJs mother 'a support. ·

As a further exarnp&e, let's aay the son contributes th" same $3,100 this year, but another boost ln Social Security benefits (lied to the cost ol living index> increases th~ mother's benefits to $3,UO in 1976. She spends the enurc amount on her support. Here's what happens :

- The son winds up a loser. He forfeits the $750 de~n· dency deduction and tbecredit, b«ause he didn't contribute more than half her jUpport. Ke also loses the $3,100 in medical deductions.

- THE MOTHE& GETS NO benefit from h~r depen· deocy exemption since she has no income from whkh to de· duct il.

- The only winner ls the Internal Revenue Service. But with the proper tax strategy, both mother and son

can benefit. BY TA.KING ACl10N NOW, THE son can make sure he

naila down the entire $3.850-plus in deductions by being sx-itive he conlribuleunore than bllf hec sfil>port In 1976. By starting early and glvtng his mother a few dollars extra each week and by recheclcine his figures before yearend , ho can confirm whethft' he has contributed more than half her support.

A special twist in the area of dependency deductions Is the government· approved " unit rule." Here's how that unit rule allowed one taxpayer who cootrlbuted to the support or hiJ parents to parll,Y a cash ouU~ into two extra depcn· deacy deducUons.

Jn lhia inatance. ~tfoe·Hall explain"· the total sup. port ol the taxpayer'• rel.Ired parents came to S4,100 ror the year. The taxpayer paid $2,100, and the other $2,000 came from his father 's Social Security benefits. The taxpayer claimed both 1750 dependency deductions - one ror his father, one for mother.

RESULT: THE TAXPAYER WINS. For dependency purposes, unlus a taxpayer proves otherwise, he must treat both parents "as a unit." 1£ proor ls lacking, it ls assumed that every dollar his father and mother receive - whether from the taxpayer or otherwtse - is spent equaJly on each.

Since the taxpayer has provided more than half or their support together, he gets exemptions for each.

But aay hl.s father'• Social Security is $1 ,680 and his mother's is $840. He provides $1,300 for support. Under the unit rule, that's split equally, $650 for his father, $650 tor his mother. So he provides less than half the support Cor both. The unlt rule knocks out any eJcemptions for him and he wind• up with 7.ero deduction for support.

BUT BY USING ntE MIGHT s trategy, he can get lhe deduction for his mother's exemption. He should allocate h1a support paymeou solely to bJs mother and keep careful records lo prove hi• alJocaUort. Because he has specifically allocated support p~ments, the unit rule does not apply and he saves hiJ mother's exemption. .

He should pay his mother's expenses directly for clothing, medical billa, etc. and ask her to have bills made out to her and pay these by checks. He or she should keep bills and cancelled checks as proof. She ahould send him her yearend bUl1 promptly, so he can make out and mail his cbecka before yeareod and have them count for 1976.

Caution: Bec8Ule Social Security benefits are now geared to the cotJt of living and they keep golng up, tbe son m•y have to contribute more cash each year to meet the more·than·hall support test and protect hia dependency de· d~U~. ·

Market Eyes GOP In Mixed Showing

NEW YORK CAP> - Stock prices turned In • mixed showing today as the market awaited next week's Republican convention lo Kansas City.

Trading was light. The Dow Jonea average of:.> industrial" was up 3.07 ut

980.19. • Brokers att:ributed the market's cautious atmosphere lq

un certainty over the outcome of the contest ror the Republican prestdenUal nomination.

Another lnhlbiting influence was the government's re· port thJs morning lbat buslneu inventories jumped $3.32 bl~Uon in June tor their sharpest rise in 18 months.

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DAILY PILOT Frid• • A ust 13 1976

Radio Channel .

CUts the Wait Boaters with marine radioll aboard will be af.

forded M>JDe relief from long waits for ship-to-shore calls wJlb the operation ol a new VHF public cor· respoadence staUon by the Dana Point Marine Telephone Company.

known u Channel 84, the new service provides ship to •bore and shore to sl\ip communication that will relieve much ol the traffic oo San Pedro, San J>ieto, Redondo Beach and Santa 8.arbara manne channels.

The Dada Point Channel 84 olfers marine operator service not available through other " wire line car rtera." ~Y inclu<le m es:tage holdlng, forwarding, llCtion requests, s are a r rival reports .and the relaying of repbes.

DUE TO THE STATION localJon high a top San· tiato Peak in Orange County - at an e leva tion o ( 5 887 reet - solid two-way radiotelephone VIII'' "llne or s ig'ht " . coverage far in excess or other coasul stations in Southern Ca lifomJa can b(! achieved.

Engineering s tudies and field tests indicate Channel 84 has the widest range of coverage of any known maritime VHF station in the free world. ac· cording to coml>any officials . Even low-powered hand-held portable ship s tations have been known to experience wide coverage throug h Channel 84.


Boating Firm

Opens in Lido Wes t sa ll Co r p . ,

manufacture r or a hoe of fibe r gla ss c ru1 s 1ng sallboat ha s opened a new retail outlet in Lido Village, 3448 Via Aporta.

Janet Stee le, a veteran cruiser will m anage the n e w s t o r e whi c h will feature all or the merc h a nd ise o ffered throug h th e Wests a il m ail order cata logue. Store hours will be from 10a.m. to6 p .m . daily.

Weeke11d Yachting Cafeiadar

~uders Fleet Vies Off Coast BJ ALllON LO('S.\JEY

Delly"' .......... "

N~wport Harbor Yactd.a.b wil• host\() tae~temaUonal Luders-16 fleet atartin& Saturday for tbe 30tti champ1onshlp re· gatta which eitteods throu&h Mxt Wednesday. It wlll be the fi rst lame sinee 1971 that Newport Harbor baa been the scene of the Uaders· 16 lnternaUonals.

And while tbe Lwlers sailors are 101nJ bead-to-head over an Olympic course off the Santa Ana Rinr J etty, NHYC will also •lart a fleet of ocean racers on the Mb race or the current Ahmanson and Corkdt series. 1be IOR yachu are seekinc the Ahmanson t rophy and the Corketl kudM la Up for crabs by the Midget Offshore Racine f1eet - yarbll 30 feet and Ul>der

IN OTHER LOCAL SA.IUNG activity, Bahia Corinthian Yacht. Club will be conductine two s mall boat events - the moonhgbl race known as the Luna del Lido race for Lido· l4s tonight, and the " L'' Boat Jnvit.aUonal for Udo-145, Lasers and Lehman·l2s Saturday and Sunday. Botb recatw are on in.side the bay course..

The UCI Sailing AslociaUon will conduct the Western Regio!lal Championship for the Shields Class Saturday and Sun· day with entries limited to collegiate sailors.

Down Dana Point way, Capistrano Ba.y Yacht Club will celebrate its firs t anniversary as a Southern California Yachting Association affilia te with an Annlversary Recatta featuring IOR, MORF and Performance Handicap Racing f1eetyachts .

HERE I S THE sotrrHE&N C.lifornia Yachting Association calendar for the weekend:

L.9 ............. - .. <NY ALAMITOS &AY YACHT CLU• - C.- U MCia..t"'-ioMlllP.-r, s.twt4•r, S;1ft.

LONG ar .. cw YACHT CLUB - Polftl F•""'" . ....... '°""' ll OA P HAF, MORI'. CAI n Qll 101 Slind•Y

S.r1ta - ca a.y K.,.& HA lt80fl YACHT CLVB Ou>O'l f °"' lr1•1l4'WWY' ~·~•de f ~· C• I 40 lllYlt ..

1.-'-o1 ....... S-•• WINOJ .. MM£ 1tS YACHT CLUB ..... - ... '9o'tl• 1""41on - •Cl- , ...,.. ... , w•~·· P .. CIFIC MAIUNLltS I ACHTCLU8 M.lhllw""'1••1wr" , .,.,_ .. , \.aturoo C4Llf'Olt'41A Y4 CHT (:LUil Cahlol,..• lr1vll•l'-I \•tur<tat '\UN>At SANT4follONl(A V4'CHT CLUll - SM VC eve'""'°' ~l>Ol l••m ........ -n.MV ....-.1 ........ 114H14 toll lNTHll\N V A( Hl CLUll l .,... Otl L•<IO ••t•ll• 11..uto U I 1"'1•v. I ~•1 1"

••tt1-1Cll-u.> L""'" U l\m.V• it. S.1.i1J•r $-•v NlWPOIU 1141tBOll YA(;HT C:LUli ""'""'"- a1'0 LO' ''"~""' No S llOA, MOllf I

s.i .... u.av, $urlcl• v CA .. ISTltANO BA Y YA( HI Cl.US A,..,.,., .. .,, ll~Jtl• 11011 PHii'. M011'1 W lu•04t , ,_.. UCI SAILINGASSOCI Aftelff ~l9'"S::C.:c;"'°,,,.._\h1p 1'11 .. IO•l ~t .... <l•Y. S- v

SAHl ACLAllA ltAC.I NO.\SSOCIAftON Ool<i<.,,.. °W<lt• "'' "'Cl"' "LVE ltGATI! VA( H f CLVll " ""'' I S.1,., IJr ~Doll ""'"'o•v, C ___ , $Hlf'

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OCl! ANStOeYACH f CLUll ~·-~"•• IPH ll ~IS....0.• ,.......__ , MISSI OHQAYYACHT CLUU J __ _.,..Or W•~• ~O.• '--

--lt1t-WCSfLj!IKf VACH T CLUB \MftO.V ll .... 11• \.•1.,..0..Y ~II"""" .. "' ' ~'' SA rt TA 9A IUl• lt A !>AI LI NGCLUA '°"' '"''-°"" °"'""" ''" >""""' Yf!NT UllA VACHTCLue - ei-.tt .. wlft ~two.or,_,

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SK-tow s.<.ooo "'Ill' F1r ft l ­F1t>I h lQft S.C.- low S..- 1119"

s ... , M .. •, Tld~•

UTUll OA\'

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• ti• m t 1 1'Ht1m ' ' 1 OJD "' II

•1 .,. "' J . Vessels with antennas mounted at place, less

than the customary "highest point aboard" have experienced a degree ol service not available ,------------------------- --------------- ---------------------

',. • .

throu gh publlc s t ations operating a t lower efevaUons.

AS Wtm ALL PlJBUC coastal st ations. it is necessary to establish an ac~l with lbe company for billing purpose. 11\is ls done by personal contact with a field representative, or more easily by direct maiL All tbal is required is that the ship station operator complete a registration form and submit a ' fee of $12 tor the Initial year. No registrations will be taken by te lephone.

The $12 fee includes an allowance or 10 three­• m,inule " r adio link" charges ($10 worth ) so re­

- ---'-R\S. tr.ants .are..only being chai:ged..ta to e_s~Ush an . account.

., . .

In addition to registration. the ship radio must be equipe>ed with the Channel 84 Crystal and have the fr equency measured by an FCC licensed technician.

HE&E IS A SIMPUnED rate schedule: All calls use a " radio link" charge of Sl. for the

first three minutes and 30 cents for each additional minute or fraction. Local calls to the Capistrano Valley exchanges of 493, 495 and 496 are at no extra charge. All other calls take the radio link charge plus the " land line,. charge necessary to complete a '!ihip or s hore originated call.

The height of the new sta tion means tha t many areas s uch as the '"back s ide" or some offshore Southern California Islands - formerly considered to be " blind s pots.. are well within the coverage of Channel 84 .

·should a vesse l tiave need for communication with the Coast Guard, harbor masters, por t authorities . yacht cluus or other persons ashore and be unable to reach other coastal sta(ions because of their location. radio power or busy channel con· diUons. the extended range of Channel 84 may make the difference and avert the expense of costly s ingle s ideband radio equipment.

TIIE DANA POINT MARINE operator also monitors thi! inte rnational safety. calling and dis ­tress frequency, ChaMel 16. Because of the elev at · ed location of the Dana Point station and its associat~ ex.tended range, t he safely systeJn for all VHF equipped boats is expanded ror the benent of all concerned. There is no charge ror distress calls . .. Another unique feature or Channel 84-is that a " beep.a lert" Is avuiloblc throuqh the company 's af­riliate, JndusLrial Communications Service.

Additional information and regis\ration forms may be obtained by writing Dan a Point Marine Telephone Co.. 1651 E . 4th St. . Santa Ana. 92701 • telephone 547·1250.

L Jtf. Boyd

Rhubarbing Off Stage Some scenes In plays In the days of

William Shakes peare, even then as now, called for the duU l'03r of an anirry mob ln the background. To create lhis rumble, all hands offstage were d irected lo chant t he word 1' rhubarb" repe atedly. No other set or syUables seemed lo work quite so well to build that ominous noise. " Rhubarbln(l" was writ· t en into tht stage directions of countless dramas. Our Lan guaAe man says it was where

we got the name ror a nose· lo-nose argument between a baseball manager and an umpire .

Pretty cool customer . t hat !lank Aa ron. Yogi Ber ra was cotching, and In acco rd a n ce w i t h h is CU.'itom O( tnlking to lhl' ba ltt-rs. he told tl ank . " Hey man. the trademark

on your bat ls down." Hank replied, " I didn't come to the pla te to read."

KATE SMITH Q. " How much does Kate Smith weigh,

Louie?" A. Would be inappropria te to report the

weight or a lady, s ir. and only a cad, an un· miU1tated cad . would do so. Can quote J\liss Smith herse lf. however. as saying she has losl 8S pounds in the last three years and intends to lose another 25 shortly .

• Note it claimed in print that the average

American soldier d,uring the Revolutionary War wu sJighUy taller than the average soldier during the Civil War. That's not right. The written records might indicate such, but what they don ' t show is the rac1. that.

' Revolutionary soldiers were measured with their boots on, the Civil War soldJers barefOOl. Helpt Of the avcra1e 18-year~ld man 100 yean ago was five.feel. five. Today, il's five· feet, 9.2.

Did I tell you the inside of an igloo will be Just about SO degrees warmer than the outside air?

Addreas mod to L ~I Boyd. P O &r 1560, COdo MelCl, 92626.

Not only does TC¥>ta make lour of the toughest rough­est. most dependable trucks around. bul trying to de·

• __ ._cide which of our four models to buy can be one of the

~-.. toughest decisioos you'll evec.mal!.e. Tbat's because all

four are built with a rugged, welded-steel frame. And lhat makes them strong enough to carry up to 1.100- u--...-... pound pay-loads- a truck full of furniture. farm supplies or three full-sized dirt bikes.

Tmlk llbout power. Every To,iota truck comes with the r9'0lutlonary ~ pcM'ef planl, our 2.2-fitre aluminumllead overhead cam engine with the biggest dispacement and highest tOfque rat· ing in its class. Designed lrom the ground up to give

maximum power and still meet emission controls without adding a lot of extra hardware. The 20R will take you

from Oto 55 in a qu1C}( 11 8 seconds. And combtned with the electric fuel pump and our durable 5-speed overdnve transmisSJon 11's a perlormance story that's tough 10 beat.

Tlik about a tough choice. We offer the widest selectton of trud<s in our class. Each one with man-sized cabs that offer

more head. shoulder and hip room than our leading com­petilor. Win you choose our Long Bed with an optional 5-speed

transmission or our SR-5 Sport Truck Long Bed with a standard S-speed overdrive? Or our 4-speed models available on either the regular Of Long Bed? Or our SR-5 regular bed with a standard 5-speed? Or wouk:t you rather have our op­rional automatic transmss1Qf1 on both bed sizes? It's all available and it's all up to you.

TllkaboutMMce. That's lheone thing that l~~~~~~~:::! isn't tough. There are 1,000T()/Ota dealers ~ all across America staffed with TC>/()ta trained mechanics ready to give you the quality SE!fVice quality trucks deserve. We beli9.'0 we make the toughest quality line ot trucks in the YtOrld. That's what gives us the conf 1-

dence to say ... if you can find a better built truck than a TC1)'ota ... buy it!

. '

Laguna/SOuth Coast .\fcer110011 :\. \ '. Slot•ks


... _



1Storm S11rf: 1,200 Need Rescue !Riley's Spending A Record

ByGA RVGRASVILLE 01 . ... 0 • • ,, ,., ... s .....

Final June primary e lection campaig n expense state menli; filed in Santa Ana Thursday bhow Thomas Hil t•y spent a r ecord $237,038 to be e lected to a l\\O·year term on lhe Or a nge County Uourd or Supervisors

Riley 's expcnseb exceeded both prima r y and general election spending by a ny past or µresent county office seeker.

At the e nd or the campa11m masterminded by t he Wilham Buteher-AFno ld Forde te am . lhc former Marine general won a n overwhelm ing primary election victory over his closest rival, Max Binswanger of Newport Beach.

The state m ent fi led with the r e· gistrar of vote rs shows Riley e nd e d th e ca m paig n o winSl S71.030, mos t of it in last·mmute loans made by s upporters.

Today. the Newport Beach supervisor said he was more than displeased with "hat his cam ­paign expe nse s tatement showed

" I think 11 as absolute!.) asmme that this had to happen.·· s aid Riley.

" l hope at doesn' t d1~ruurogc other peoph.> from seekmg public orflce ··

Last year Riley propo:.l'<I a county ordina nce tu hm1t cam·

1 paign ·contributions and spenct. mg.

I le refl ect ed on that effort today when he s aid . " It 's too bad Supreme Court r ulings made 11 impossible for us to enact any kind of control m easure . ..

"Something Is wrong with the system when you end up spendinjl that much m oney on a campaign


San Clemente Home Permit Denial Stands

The State Coast al Commission hns le t s t and u denia l by the South Coa:. t Regiona l Com ­ft\1 ssion of u pe r mit for a San Cle mente mun to enlarge n rl'­tirement ho m e ut 415 A"cnlda Granalfa .

The stale com mission voted 10 8 tha t th<' mattcr coru.t1tuted nei th e r a proccdu r a l nor :.talt:wtdl' nor l)lannm~ issue to "arr ant coni.1dcrat ion

Gl'orJ{l' T Wc•lsh Y.:tntcd tu huild onto an Ill unir n•t rn•m<•nl home rh:1t slt i. nn a 21 1 acrc bluf ftoµ Int In Son Cll•mcnt<'. known loculb as · l'a~n R11m11nt1cu ·

Wl'I h " .tntl•d to 11r0\ 1ct1· 12 mor(' tm1t11

The build Illµ" ;,is on~1nulb tht• rcs1dc1H' l' 1>f Sa n Ch •mt•n lt• ' :. founder Ole Ha nson

Thl' rcgmnal rom m1ss1on d<' nied the pt-r m 1t bccaus<' 11 round lhe huildin.i would dNract from the h1~tor1 cu l 1mportancc or tht' site. that th1' 01lcl1Uon. hu1ll ontn a pnrt of t hl' hluff thut wus a tilled r a\'lnc . rould be uni.tuhlc'. and that de n ... 11 ~ " us too h1~h

Coa!' t

\\ea&he r :\torn in it lo" c lou11!< \11 111

c reasl'. ot ht•r wisl' mostly rnlr on th<' c·oost Saturcta) I li1o1hs neu r 70s . lows to 57

INSIDE TODt\ l' T wo young ent reprl.'Tl~rs

started out to build a Crt ek restaurant ond ended up u:ilh a llunlrnglo" Bt ach rock munc club rnsttad TM Dmly Pilot's M rchat l Pasktu1ch tells hou• 11 happened on Page Clo/ thP Wf'ekendet

Al Y-kr•ICe I• -.... .. ~M .. ._ II c..11-.. "' Cl•UlllM 0' ti CM!Mt Ct 0.StM~• C• """'-.... "' , ..... , ,.,... tilt .. ....., .. _ . , CJ I .._. l •I

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-- ~.------. -

. '

18-foot Waves a Curse?

8)' STEVE MITCHELL Of .... ~ •• ., ...... ~ff

Surf ·s lat\1e d wave riders. waiting expectantly since word of Hurricane Hyacinth begal\ c irculat in g on th e beaches earlier this week . got their wish Thursday us Wa\'eS up to 18 feel slammed into the Orange Coast .

Wh i l e s u r f e r s t er m e d Hyacinth n blessing , Or a nge Coast lifeguards called her u cu:-se. pullin~ ncnrly 1,200 s ur· fers a nd s wi mme rs from the foaming surOine .

The bi g s urf. spawned br Hyacinth off the coast of La Pat, Mex.. is e xpected to continue hrough looay :- dimi nishing o-

normal levels by Saturduy. ac cording to lifeguards.

Ne wport Be ach lifeguard Lt. Logan Lockabey said guards pulled S45 swimmers from the wa s h ing .mac hin e lik e ocean Thursday. set ling a new record for on<'·day rescu<>s in Newport.

" Thurs day was prettv wild." he said. " We set an all·.ime re­co rd fo r m os t sf n g le d ay rescues •·

The previous r ecord , set June 20. 1976, was 416 rescues.

SURFER TOSSES HANDS UP FOR BALANCE AS WALL OF WATER COMES DOWN AROUND HIM IN NEWPORT BEACt1 rhe Rest of the Ride WH Bumpy for Wave Rlct.f at Newport's 11th StrHt Thursd•Y '

Then~ we re more spe<!lalors than body s urre rs 11t lhe Balbo<.1 Pe ninsula 's infa mous Wedge Th11rsday. as thick 2CJ.root wavei. crashed within feet of the beach ·

Ride l fl Glt1ry Mark Nie lson of La~unu Beach dis plays t h<' form that won hjm the Boys Division t t:l- \ 5.ycar·o lds > tiU toe.hay in Laguna 's annual Brooks Street Surfin J{ Classic. Surf l'pawncd by hurricane Hyacinth off Mex·

ico ga ve contestants thrills and s pills. Surf contest s tarted last month, but several evefl\S were delayed because waves were lacking.

Coast Bill Backed By Irvine Company

Raymond Watson, preside nt or the Irvin<' Company. today an nounr ed the company 's endorse· ment of the Smilh hill. thl' s urv1v Ill!¢ eoust a l con trol m asurc m th<' Assembl~ Wat~n snid h<' tonveyed th<'

<'o mp a n ) ' s support or th e meui;ur~ . SB 1277 . to 1Lo; a uthor &-n . • Jernme Smith t D·Saratoga1 a nd Assembly S peaker Leo McCarthy I D·San 1-'ranclsco> on Wednesduy prio r to the approvaJ of the bill by the Asembly Ways and MeHs Committee.

" As the S mith bill h as emerged, we reel It ls a workable bill serving alJ interesu- those desirous or protecting the coast and those who own coastal pro-

Privacy Law OK'd SACRAMENTO <API - St8te

and l~al agencies would need court orders to peek into the CanaMial records of most Califor­nians under le1islation approved by the state Senate .

A 30-3 upper house Vote Thurs· day sent the Asscmbly·paased measure bv Assemblvmi.n A'"" Siertv ID·Beverly Hills > lo the A5sembb for a vote on Senate amendments .

pcrty, .. Watson dt>c lan .. <d " The beAt lndicallon of how

we ll balonC'ed th e hall has bc.>come is that cturinSl my mel'l· inits in Sac ram e nto with the Sierra Club. lh<' Plannlnll and Conservation LeaRuc and w Ith deyelopment interest s. none coUld claim the Smith bill ai4 thcll's a ll hud to make con­cessions .··

Watso n said his compan y belives that coast protect ion leglslallon Is In evitable and necessary .

The endorsem ent of' the Smith bill by the land company comes as the firm is propsoing develop­ment plans for the 10.000 acres between Corona def Mar and Laguna Beach.

Wetson not.eel t hat the plan for the erea which was recently en· cloned by the county planning commission culminated a two­Yt•r plannin1 p~.

"We bed to ensutt that the goals end objecJ,.lves developed by nCMAP c:CM«d ill fact be im· plemenl~ cinder the proposecl coastal le1lsl atlon:· Wats ol said .

" We believe the Smith bill is i• harmony with the ~ d UM coastal area planttiftl process.·· he said.


Cable Firm Asked to Give Pricing Data

The San Clemente City Council asked Its major cable lelevialon fra nchiser Thursday to produce records proving a proposed S2 Iii month 11crvir~ rate lit j ustified.

TM Communaca tlONl Company ha.~ us ked for a rate hake from SS.50 to $7 .50 a m onth to RO alon' with its fra nchise renewal which expires Sept. 3.

Next Wednes day. two days before that d ate. the council will consider whether an extension shoUld be granted ln order lo study the company's r~ords.

TM was directed to lland over records of profit·IOllll s tatement.. operating expenses . manpower and capital expentes.

Council members alto directed TM to outline what portion ol their b11slneu ls strictly San Clemente tU$tomers. Concern was ex pressed that San Clemente's t .500 c:u•tomera mtpt be ''carryin1" llOlne 5,000 othen In the Capistrano uu u.rou&h tJle rate blke.

San Clemente hu i.nlormally advertised for blcb from Pf'OSI*· tive compftitoh to TM and city steft" tlwMtlsatiac the po&en· u .. tor ~1111\ Hble'I'\'

lo far, Do W. ... ve ~ re· ceived, city officials said.

No Negative MedkSIDnd

Spectators were out In record numbe r s al Newpo rt 's 18t h Stre(!l also. watching In awe as wa ve riders c hurned across glassy 15 to 18· f 00l waves.

Lacuna Beach lifeguards rescued 243 people Thursday in hea\•y 12 to 14-foot surf. ~

Surfers at Brooks and Thaliil There wUI be no official arsu- Streets enJo.yed glassy waves

meat ua oppostuon to LatUlla .. that held up Just long enough for Beach's •eTen-cent paramedic fast rides. Those. beaches were tax O\Oerrid• el~tion this Nov· closed to s cuba d,ivers and ot~er e mber. ar.eas were restricted for s wam·

The deadline ror filing ar gu- ming. due to the surf site. menu for lite ballot measure was At lea st one su,rrer . suffere~ ~ s p . m . Thursday. City Clerk broken leg In Lagunu s crashing Verna Rollinger said loday no op- shore break . . position arguments had been Huntington ~each li feguard., filed fol" printing in ballot In· pulled 450 swimmers from 10-. formation booket.s. foot waves a long cltr and state.

An arsum enl in favor of the beaches . A lS·knot s ide current,: override was filed by the city caus ed by pounding waves. wai. council Wednesday. blamed .for the. high number of

Th e cou n ci l states th e rescues in Huntin~on. paramedic ser vice will provide San Cle mente hfeg.ua rds re-

.d · h ported 139 r escues, Wllh surf at res1 . enta wit expert emerge ncy Trafalgar Stree t a popula r s urf medical car e at a cost or $12.25 a . . · . year for the owner or a $70,000 mg ar:ea , in the ri ve to JO foot home. range.

• • • A Little Delp Bene/ it for Surf J/ietim

By ANNE COOPER Of - Oall r l'lle4 ~II

Bob Casey . a June gr aduate of E l Toro High School. Is get· ting the " beach bum" tan again that his mother s ays he always had but he 's gett ing It In a wheelc hair a t a Downey re· habilitatlon center

Ca11ey was body surfing soon a ft e r g r aduation al Di ver 's Cove In Laguna Beach when his head struck the s andy bottom. T he dive Into a wa ve ha d broken his neck.

Quake Fear Hits China TOKYO (AP I - Ptlc·

lng's 7.6 million residen\S have been put on aooc.her earthquake a lert and told to continue living In the s treets. the newspaper Asahi r eported from the Chinese capital today.

Pelting · 1 popula ti on moved Into lbe streets and pa rks • fl•r th• severe quakes en July 21 which ct.vaateled UN Tangshaft are• 80 mil es to the IOUthua& and caused con· 1ider1ble dama1e ln the capital

lo the next •eels. the ao"rnme nt repeatedly waraed U.et more major quakes were i mminent . But the As ahi correapon· dent 11id precautionary measures were eased after I.be authorities dedded a powerful ne• quake was not imminent.

Casey's h ig h school fri ends are holding a dance lonlght at 8 p.m. at Los Allsos Inter mediate School t o r ai11e runcts to hc•lp meet m e d ic al expenses . The school Is at 25 171 Moor Ave. In Miss ion Viejo. The Oillco Jack Band , Jed by Casey's fri end , Ric k Duval, will provide the music.

Casey 's mother. Mni. Arthur Cassidy , 2314 1 El Torn, 11:iid ht'r son may not have to f( ivc up hi~ plans to work in the sh <'l'l metal und welding fi eld

" Bob's been rl ttt:d with han<l oracn." s he sa id , " and his therapists sa)' he muy t:tchieve sufficient dexterity to do Rhet>i metal work and wcldln1'. Jr not. they will tru1n him for related admlnlftlrutlvc wor k."

Cascy'11 doc:lors huvc lold h11n lo expect a slx· month slay at the rthabltitation center, with increasln3ly longer visits home as his family team s to assist him,

" We have to be able to move him from the car to the house.·· hu mother said. " Also, he has to be moved regularly from one position to another . so he won't have tissue breakdown - or ' bedaoree' as it ' s commonly known.''

Mn. t ... kty aaid her 500' spirits are very high. One re· ason for that. s he said, is that his friends have stuck by him and given him a lot of support .

" Bob' s thrille d about t he dance." s he said ~ " He wanted more tha n a nything to show up himself as a surprise. but un· fortunately that jusl isn' t possi· ble yet. "




.lJ DAILY PILO T L'SC .. ilit ltf a11 Case

Jailmate Tells Different Tale

By TOM ftAIU .. £\' Of ... 0•11y .......... ,.

Or. Wnynr lester rtobuuson · ~ lawyers called lo the· w1tne!):1 • tand un Oran~t County J~il prisoner • •ho l c11til1ed Thuriday thllt " hi t ma,.·· Anthooy Scohse told him a dlrr-:r\:nl stor> lht•n U>e ont Scal1!W told uHou11 ,

Georct Edward llu(ford. 42. u L.6ng Buell man wht ls •wa.tutg tii~J on char~c~ of a!Jsoult with 11 d'ea dly weapon. " :li< hrouaht from the jail to thi• w1tnr1>s '>l&otl tn Judge J.E. T " Ned" Huller 's courtroom Immed iately aftt.·r tht­.a~clded Irvine l)hysicmn com eteted three d:ays ofleshmoll) . .. •:Defense attorney Ed George rdentir1ed Hurford a.~ one of four Jail prisone rs who have tAlkcd to Scalise. 29. 10 the county J.iil

.Hufford told the jur y that *allse told him shortl)' :itter the ~s Vegas m nn wos brooaht to

. gt°<Ange County by federal or­•fiters last month Lh:it he wns :;'working a n<.'w krnd of scam " ·~en Robinsou. 42. was arrestt'd !tist Feb. 25 on charges of solicil· !blg his wife's murder . :::,Scalise tc11tirled for the pro­~cutlon thpt Robiruioo hired him with :i down paymenloC$10.000 to km his wife.

Hufford said ScaJise told him that he actually worked for both Qr. and Mrs . Robinson durin,11 the seven weeks that e ndoo with Robinson' s arrest " and played

one off against the other all the time ."

The jail prisoner said Scalise told him that he travels the coun­try looking for separated couples who can use h is ser vices in s!milar situations where large slims of monev arc involved.

Kansas Youth Identified as

1"arin.e Victim : CAMP PENDLETON CAP) -

1'he Ma rine Corps h:is identified a ~cruit who collapsed and died whi le on a four-mile marc h 1hurs day as Pvt. Terry A. ~ludebaker ofLeuwood. Kan. ; A spokesman u1d Studebaker , '8. was a mong a group of men 0-om the San Diego Murine Corps BeeruJl Depot al Camp PendJeton n1r training .

The spokc11man sa id Studebaker wa1> deul.l whon th~ h<'licopter that evacuated him re· a <'hed thr Navy Re141()llal l\11.>dicol ~enter al Pendleton. • 1\n autopsy has been ordered to determine thl' c ausl•Of death. : ll was t he ~ecood lraaning ­iielated m ishap at Pendleton in u~ it.any d:iys. : Wednesday , u hand 1?rcnadee~­l)losion w oun d e d Pvt. B. C . Jiminez. 17, of Compton, Calif. He l>' as li s ted in good condition 'fhursd ay after undergoin&t sur ­gery to r<.'move grenade Cr:ig . ...-icnlS from his a bdomen.

Seniors Rap Center Study

The l.a f'una Rcurh Caty <.'01111 1'11 h:is formed u special cornn111 ' cc to investl j:(nle 1Jltl'S for t1 <'Om · ~unity cent1•r · Th\.' council 11cl1nn \\'c'<lnei.tlll\ '.was oppoeed by rtpr~entall\'l'·, of th<' Cool'lcit 0 1'1 Aging, which 1~ «'urrt'nlly using spn<'e In th(' t'ity hall annex The a"anJt r ounc at '" focin$t un Oct . 15 dl' · :adllne. The building is for salt'

Th t> c omm lttf'e i~ to in · ~tstlllllC :slt('4' ror » Ct'nter for :all tht' communit y, not ju~t tltc­J' e n Io r . • t h l' r 1 t y co u n c II ~<'C l<tr<'d




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llufrord s aid Seallse told h im that he h•1d <"Ollect\-d s:?.000 from Ml"8 J~UUCl' llob1nson. 38. In ud d1Uoo to thl· SI0.000 pu1d him b> her est ranged husband.

And tti.: ):.11 pri nnur told the JUI')' thitl Scalts~ told him thut ·· there will be a lot mol'1• tu ('omc \\hen !ht• d o1·tor lolat'' to prison and J c:in Al' t back to Mr:.. Robinson '

llutlort1 said SculJs(I told him rlurrn& their convcr~allons in the crll block that he intends to be the caretaker nt MN . Robln500'5 Newpc>rt Beach home. once Ur. Robinson has bt-en imprisoned and he <Scalise1 " hat beaten th~ f~eral rap."

L Deputy Di.strict Attorney J ay l\J~Jey asked HQfCord bow M felt about snitche.rs - prisoners who report cooverntions or other pnsonus l.o authorities in return for le nienC)• in their own cas~.

lltAfford appeared to miss lht.• point o f the question. He com­m ented . while Judge Rutter gnnned broadly . that he "gets alona llne with them. 1 guess. JUSl as long a s they don' t bother me."

Plans for the calling uf three o ther jail pri soner s to th e Robinson tri a l courtroom up· pearea to m isfire while Hufford was being led back tohisjaH cell.

It was learned outs ide the courtroom Ofat the platfned ap ­pearance of a prisoner identified by Moseley as Thomas Hester , 29. of Long Beach , is now uncer· tain because of objections to his appear a nre by his attorney.

Hester is one or six defendants being tried for the murder of a Sunset Beach couple last Nov. 12.

The trial of five of those deren­d a nts 1s be1ng conduct ed sn Jud~e Robert P . Knee land ' s courtroom on the same noor.

Moseley dis missed llulford's t t'Slimony as "worthless" s hortly after J udge Rutter called three· day weekend break and predict · ed that the Jai l prisoner's story would have no impact on \chc JUry.

He questioned Robinson at leni.rth Thurs day on the physi· dan 's r epeated d eniaJs of the prosecution claim thot he hired Scalise to kill Mrs . Robtnson a nd thus r esolve the dispuc.e over S2 million in assets held by the cou­ple as community property.

Robinson told the jury-in the cl03lng moments of his Ion.: session on the stand t hat h~ t>ellev~ Scalise and has wife w•re In league t o kill him.

He testified that the gun found in his possession when he was ar­rested at a Santa Ana service s t a­uon was for his protection and he beheved that the district at. torney·s investig ators and Santa Ana poliee who pursued him uround the g a s pump on foot were hired killers .

Robinson t old the jury he i<new Scalise was lying when Scali.Se told him i n sever a l taped telephone conversations played bac k t o the ju r y that Mr!t . Robinson was dead as the doctor had ordered .

" I knew s he wasn 't dead," Robinson said . " I knew she wa!' ut a motel with SC'alisc anti Scalis e him self tol tl me whl'n I h;indt>d him Sl.00<1 1n the mcu ·~ room nt the sen in· station that J ~m w <\ S flnt> ..

Anti Or Rnbm,on told th<• Jury for the fourlh Ltrnc 10 the trial ··1 :Ulll care for her very much I lo\ t' her ·•

Mrs. Robinson told lhe jury tn the proseculion phase of the tnul that s hl' was s hocked wh,~n s he ml't Srallsc for lunch ut the Velvet Turtle in Newport Bea<'h and was told by him that he had been hired by htr husband lo kill her

Sht' told the jury that s he •ind Scalise fled from the area for four chy11 b eC'a us e Sca ll!lf' tM!licved that poli<'e would i>lck up him up :lll a fedt'rnl and 11t alt­J'lUroleC' if he a pproached tht~m about Robinsvn .

nut Robinson told th<' Jury Thursday that lw be)le\'l'd dur1n~ those (our days that Sctill!lc and hi :o1 w1ft> wt>rc ltvlnA to~ether in motels a nd plannln; h.ls murclt'r

Ue explained under questiM ln tc th:1l he w1 . Insured for $200,000 which. he rontendNI. waa suffk1ent lnccnUvc tor his wife .

The trial is scheduled to r e · sume at 9 :4S a .m . Monday . Jud11e Ruttft' wlll Instruct the j ury after hearing the testimony ot several experted r l'buttal witnesses.

Television Stolen

By Dana Burglars A color television set vaJued at

SUS has been stoten from a Dana Poil\l home by burglars who en· tered via the Qpen wind ow, Oranae County aherift's ottlcers saJd. •

Otputics Hid lht t.heJ\ wu re­ported b y alrllne pilot Le e Wesley MaUory. M, ol24047 Vista Corona. Re •as ablal lrom the home at lheUme.

.,. .......... GROWTH REMOVED

0.fenH Chief Aumsfeld

Growth Taken In RUID8f eld Thyroid Gland

WAS lll NGTO=' 1AP 1 ~a,·;. ~urgeons rcmo' ed a growth from Dt'fense Secrctar) Donald Rumsfeld 's thyroid gland todu,y, and a Penta gon spokesman said doctors have "a high degree of <'onfidence' · that it was not can­cerous.

Pentagon s pokei.man Al a n Wo o d s, r e p o rting afl er Rum sfeld ' s two-hour and 40· minute operation. said pre ­liminary studies lndi~ete- t h tissue r e mo ved f rom th e secretary's neck " was a benign nodular goiter."

Woods said that. as in all such surgical cases. more ex­tensive tests will be made but that " the doctors indicate to me they have a high degree or con­fidence in the preliminary in· dicatfons.' '

Rum s fe ld , m e ntioned a s a pc>sslble Republi can \' ICC pre­sidential candidate, will remain in the hospita l recovery room overnight a nd is expected to go back lo work by next week. Woods u ld. " The secretary's condition is considered to be satisfactory." he added.

Three Navy doctors, including the chief of s urgery, operated on Rums feld al the National Naval Medlcal Center in nearby Bethesda, Md. , and r emoved the rlgbl Jobe of the defense

· secretary's thyroid and a relat, ed tube called an " isthmus."

Mrs. Rumareld w aa. at the hospital durine the operation, Woods said.

Roms feld had shown no sign of any Illness before doctors d is· covered a 1rowc.h on his lhyroid gland early this month.

Rumsfe ld. 44, the youngest man to become secretary of de­fense, Oew back from a Mjcrug.an vacation Thursday after Navy doctors decided was necessary to operate.

''The nodule was discovered during the sec retary's annual physical examination of Aug. 3 and 4," s pokes man Alan Woods told newsmen .

Pair Seized In Burglary

T\\ o Oan<• Point. men race S<1uth Orange County muruc1pul court action on multiple cra manal <'hnrgc fol'owmg their arrest at what sh<'rtrf's officers said wu.s a burJ: lan7l'd hom(• al 241U2 Selva Drt \'('. Dnno Point

Roger W~1y n e L<'e. 21. and Michael Larry Dier..en.21. bolh of 3.1761 El Encanto, fa<'o charges of rl'cr 1vl ng s tol e n property , possession or burglary tools and petty lhtfl

OeputJes 111d the l'N'O men were In pos'e !>ion or a num~r of s tolen li<'ense pl111ci- at the tcmc of their arrest. Both men are free on ball

TIUer Ge t8 Camera

And Sleeping Bags Sleeping trn(l i. :ind a c.amera

with a lOllll valut' of $700 were stolen from • L3guna Nl1uel home by burglars who pried open the rcor ' lldlng door, Orang<' County !lhcr1rrs offl c.erssald.

De puties said the theft OC· cu rred at the home or ersaint'cr Tllak R. Lall. Sl, of 23219 AUantls Way, while he and hb family were out al the movies. Tile p ro­perty was taken from the m astc-r bedroom.

&pllpment Stolen

From Saddleback Orange County s heriff's of·

ficers are lnvesligaling the theft ol tclentific e-.uJpm.-nt from the Scitnct!·Malh buildiftl ll Sad· 'Cl l eback J unlor College ln Mii ion VleJo .

Deputies uid a belt sandtt and .,. tlectronlc mlc~ jointly valued. at S5'10 w~ taken ltom lht bulkla1 by QJntnider who may ha" had • ~ey to tM ptt• mlffs. 1'MJ tal4 .._. •• no ·~ ol IOft'fd.,,,. .

' f're• l"•9«- it I

SPENDING .. and I'll belhe flrattoadrrut ct " he added. •

During th• primary campai(n, Rlley fuodralaera included a 12SO-a·plate dinner M well as u Sl ,OOO· • · couple dinner at a Newport Beach r tstaurant.

But lht eamp:ugn deb< und hea\'y <'nd of the a~ndana came In th\' final weeki of May when hi eampalgn moanaier • somf'tlmH without h i:s knowlt'd&:l' . made loan:s to f1na nct- a. series or mailers.

lncluded umon1 thoi. •who l\'nt the campah:n l ar~.- umounts were lobbyist Pra nk Mk hclena, $.5,000 und M isslun \ ' wJo man:t1o1l" ment compuoy executi ve An tbony Moh10, Sl0,000.

Gener1111y . as an the (' usc of l\lk helena a nd Mot.so. 11 " us a long list of hea\'Y contnbutors r e· lated to the development industry that provided lhf' finan cia l firepower for Riiey's s uccessful ca.mpaien.

Meanwhile. Binswanger was going tn d ebt . chi eny lo hi ms elf.

By the time he had been out· polled b y clo e t o a 2·1 margin by Riley, Binswanger's campaign disclosure statements show he had run up a S7S.221 deficit.

Of that amount. the multi · millionaire Newport Beach re· ti red business execuUve owed . himself $70,000. Ills spending was spread over two campa1gn com· mittees. one of the m reportedly designed chie fl y to attempt to link Riley lo a so-ealled s hadow gov· ernment in Orange County.

But the best Binswanger could get for h is campaign effort and the attempted Riley smear was an overwhelm Ing defeat .

A third candidate in the Fifth Supervi~orial Dis trict race, Dr. Gene Atherton. a lso or Newport Bea<'h , finished his campaign in the red. according to hls state· ment.

Atherton spent $4,816 to run a distant third t o Riley and Blnswanger.

There was a fourth candidate on the June primary election ballot. Gerald Dickie of Trabuco Ca­nyon.

Dickie bowed out of the r ace early and threw his support to Binswanger .

But before b ecomin g a Binswanger campaigner, Dickie spent $4.625 while running up wbal is s hown as a still unpaid ca mpaign d eb t o r S3 ,043.

Tickets Set For Clemente -outdoor Play

Tidcets are now on s ale tor San Clemente ' s La Cristlanita pageant, an outdoor play debut­ing Aug. 20.

They m ay be purchased :it the San Clemente Chamber of Com­merce, 1100 N. El Camino Real. the Bank or San Clemente, 121 Avenida Victoria, or the Bicen· tennial - Pageant OHlce , 21s Avenida Del Mar.

Play dates are Aug. 20 and 21. 21 and 28 and Sept. 3 and 4, all with an 8 : IS p . m. curtain Ume.

The pa1eant will be staged in a natural amphitheater in the San Cle menle foothills .

Directio ns lo t he pal(eant Take the San Diego Freeway, ex 1t Camano d e la Estre ll a and follow thl• s ig ns to the arches en· trance of the San Clementi• Cnstaan1ta Bowl

The pageant depicts event s leading to the first California baptis m

·~-........ OUT OF THE RACE Aep. Wayne Hays

Hays Drops Congress Bid -Healtli Bad EAST L l \IE R ro<>L , Oh 10

(AP > - Rep. Wu~1lt' L. Il a~:- . w h ose r elations h ip with Eliiabcth Ray s parked a con gressional pay roll-sex scand.11. today dropped h is bid for 1'e election. citing health reasons a nd " harass ment. ..

He had said Thursday he wa,., consider ing ending his campaign if he thought it would wipe out Miss Ray's chances for morl' publlcily.

The 65-year·ola Democrat sub­mitted his campaign withdrawal s tatement to the Columbiana County Board o r Elections here

Jn 3 stat e m ent released m Washington . Hays said " 1 do this with a hea vy heart" and said he had planned to reti re in 1978.

" However . the current st:itt' of my hea lth coupl ed walh th1• harassment m y family and I huve taken fro m the Washin~ton Post have led me to conl'lud<' thut I s hould step d own ut the end of my current term. '' he said

The Post broke the story on Miss Ray 's charges that Ila~ i. kept her on a llouse rommiltl'l' payroll at a $14,000 a year suJor y solely to provide him with sex.

" The pc>lls show I'd win, but l don't want to give that woma n another c hance to make an 11p pearance." ff ays said Thursday in an inter view .

Hays also was hospitalized after taking an overdose of sleep­ing pills during the scandal. His doetor said the overdose w e.:; aC· cidental

Ray is currently covering the Republican. nal1ona1 convention in Kansas City as a correspon· dent for Genesis magazine. She also bas written a book and magazine articles that benefitted from the publicity generated by the scandal And she has post>d for nude pictures which were publi s h ed 1n two men 's m agazines

Furniture Stolen

From LagunaHome A Laguna Beach woman who

moved from her home and later returned to pick up furniture stored al the house, told poli<'e Thursd ay someone else got there firs t.

Mary C Platt reporte d a burglary of $3,070 in furn itun• a nd househo ld art icles lakl-n from the garage of her former re sid e nce a t 2918 Alt a Lugun<1 Blvd. Police arc investigating .

Too Much? Too Little?

SC Asks Share of Tax Buck

Sun C'km l·nt c City C'uuncilmon Bill Wa lkt>r :cuuestfd Thursday th<' e1t pNltlon thl• stute to r,• turn u \' lt y 1<hur1• of sules tnx JWrn<·n·d by o ut -of-town ~hup­pinR m alls

Walkt'I' S llld ~ Uh:tc ~)(Cl! on nwnt•y s pC'nt br Son Clcnwn­lt'uns urt• unfoirly l'nptun'<'I hy l'llH' i. I h1tt hoai<l In~ rl'~HuH1l shnpJ>lnJ: n•nt rr~

\\'ulk<•r was parth·ularl~ con l' l'fl\l'd ab1)Ul u II\'\\' mall l hllt will l'l}l'll 111 M 1s~1on \ ' irJo. JI~ uid hl"s :.t'l'n u copy of the e nvlrol\o mental 1mpu,·t r~port . which di tt­do:-l':- t•i. tunuted 1>aks r t> \'t'nuu b)' c:aty

Hl' called suc h e~putriate shop. pang " a drain uf sal<.>S tax re -vt>nues to the city .. .

He d1dn ·1 win much support from the onl~ lwo other rounttl memb<>l"I! tit the mttting. Oonn3 W1lk1nso11 ;ind Ton\• 01 G1ovan111

··That s not whut the fr~ l' n· ll•rprtSt' SySl\'ln IS al l ahout:' :..11d Mrs Wi lkinso n. udd an~. ·'That doe:.n · t even sound hke the· L'natt.'() Stat<'S "

01 GIO\ ann1 lt•anc'<l l OIA>o rd Walker and s aid . " Wow. \\'ht' rl' would you stop thut? Whrre " llultt 1t end" Would you <':<lend I to other t•x1st1n~ s hoppinl( cen· tt•rs" '·

Walker ~utd ht• diltn·1 think it w"s i.uch a bnd idea. The Mission VieJO mall . hC' s aid. in l'<'lercnC<·

. to the e nvironmental report, hai; already d one n il the paper work for- theeltv.

All the sales taxes are comput· ed ; a ll Sun Ch•mente has to do b t•ollecl lhem. throufo{h a s t ate law pro r ating the revenues back to the city of origin. Walker said .

Di G11wanm said the effect of that would be to kill city :md bus1-ll<'SS inatiall\'c . " ff they're f.lOtng to get that t ax dollar for doin.: nothanft, by JUSt beinft here," h\• :.011d, r ather than try to a ttract 1t. '' h} do any• hmg ., "

Ncn•rth r lt>ss. c lly ;11dc'S "C'ro• <ltr(• c ted lo l o1i k Into th1• po~-s1 b1ht11·~

Surf Champ To Teacli in Capo Program

Kathy 0 ' Connor Moo r <'. (orm er s urfing c hampion, wlll teacn Su n Ju a n C:ipl!ftr a no recreatio n prog ram s urflnc classes. starling Monday.

Tbe twO·W<'<'k s chedule for youngsters 8 to 18 will be, bcgu~ ners, Mon / We d / Fri, 9 and ro a .m .. or Tues /Thurs. 9:30 and It o . m .. adva n ced begin n o .. Mon/ Wed/ Fri. 8 a m .; and :.id · vanced , Tues/ Thurs, 8:i.m.

Mrs . Moore has some su r ­fboards avai lable for student.8. She will a lso advise anyone who plans lo buy a surfboard on lht! proper s ize.

A.dditlonu l informatio n is uv:ia lahlc at c ity offi res, 32400 Paseo Adelanto; 493·ll71.

Road Funds Move SAC RAMENTO {AP>· - pto

SIOO mill ion morC' would bt' <ivaalable for h igh way construe tion in California under a bill ap­provC'd hy Lhe s tate Senate. its sponsor says .






DEN'S :iiisiailatiaii:·custom draperies

linoleum • wood floor

I~ f'lACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CAllF. 92627 ¥ PHONE 6-'6·4838 - 6 .. 6.2355

Orange Coast EDITION

Toda~··s Closing N. l'. Stoeks


~torlll Surf: 1,200 Need Rescue ~Riley's

Spending A Record

By GA RY GRANVILLE OltMD•ll f P1i.tSutt

Final June primary el~tion campaign ex pense statements filed in Santa Ana Thursday show Thom as Riley spent a record $237,038 to be e lected toa two-year term on the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

Riley·s expenses exceeded both primary a nd general e lection ,spending by a ny past or present county office s eeker.

At the end of the ca mpaign masterminded by the William Butcher-Arnold l-'orde team, the former M a rine general won lln overwhelmmg primary election victory over h as closest nvaJ. Max Bins wangerofNewport Beach.

The state m ent filed Wlt h the re· gistrar of vot e r s shows Riley ended th e ca mpai~n ow ing $71,030. most of at an lasl ·minute loans made by s upporters .

Today, the Newport Beach supervisor said he was more than displeased with what tus cam· paign expense s tatement s howed.

" I think it is a bsolutely asinine that this had to happen," said Riley

··1 bope it doel>n't d1~courage other people from SN!ktnJ: public office "

Last year Rill'\ proposed a counn ordmancc to limit ca m paign con In but1on~ and spend· mg

He renected on lhal effort todav when he said . " 1l 's too bad Supreme Court rulings m ade 11 i mpossible for us lo enact any kind of control measure. --WS0me£h1ng is wrong with the system whc•n you end up spend mg that much money on a campaign and I'll be lhf! firs t to admit it ," he added

During the primary campaign. Riley fund ra1!>ers included a $250·n·plate d anne r as well as a $1.000-a -co u1>le dinner al u Newport Beach restaurant.

But the cam paign debt and heavy end oft he spending came in

<Sf>cSPENDING, Pa1teA2l



stale appea ls court today r('· ,·ersed lhe m ass murder convir lion of Charles Manson family cultist Leslie V un Houten and or· dered a new trrnl.

Out the St:ilt' Court of Appeal . upheld the llJ7 I c·onvlct Ions or Manson ham elf. Susan Atkins and rat~aa Krenwmkcl . who had appculert on a variety of ~rounds . an t•ludang impr oper Jur) Sl•lec11on. competency of lhc defendjnls to s tand lnal and pn'­t.raal publ1t• 11~ 1n tht' Tat e LaBwnc·:a ma~s murckr~

Thr l hrrc Jud.:t• panrl. Ill a maxt•cl 01nnwn. rull'tl that the \ "an lloulcn \\oman ~hould l:x• rNr1ed on J: ro 11 n di. t h 11 l th c· cl 1 ~ a p pearnnCl' of cll•fensC' ullorney Ronn Id II u~ht"• what(' her c·ast.• wa~ In JlrHl!rl'!-' clt>me<I her a fair trial


ft'enther Morning low c louds lo In·

crease. otherwise mostly fair on the coast Saturday I h1ths near 70s . lows to 57

l~SIDE TOD~ V Two young ent repreneur$

started out l o build a Greek rrslouronl ond ended up u>ith o llunt1ngton Beach r ock mUS1c club instead. T~ Daily P1/bl 's Michael Pa.skev1ch tells how it happened on Page Cl of the Weekender.

l•dex Al Y- S.rvic• 16 ........ .. LM.le.,. II C.11-• Af Cl.n,JliM DM• c-i<t C• Crei..-r• ~ DNlll,..lictt Al l•lerltl ..... A• ,_.i_ ... c--. ,_. .., ~- I I •-"""°'°" Cl _...,_" 1 1

~llf l'!lel l'MI• rt llot .... r• K-1••

SURFER TOSSES HANDS UP FOR BALANCE AS WALL OF WATER COMES DOWN AROUND HIM IN NEWPORT BEACH fhe Aeat of the Aide W•• Bumpy for W•v• Alder •t Newport's 1 Ith Street Thurad•y


Mesa's Land Offer Accepted

Wate r district officials have decided to take Cosu Mesa up on its S28S.OOO offer to buy tvro acres of district land near city hall.

But they said Thursday night they wa nt to think about a city council offer to continue low-rent lease of office space on the first floor of the Civic Center.

Counc ilmen two weeks ago up­ped the ante for the land, just west of the Civic Center. from $275,000 to S28S.OOO. Costa Mesa County Water District officials wanted $300,000 for the land. which is currently landseaped

Al a m eeting Thursday night. the water board voted three to one lo a ccept the city's com promise offer . Board president Mario Durante voted against the figure

The council 's final orrer was s weetened by the proposal that the city continue lo lease Civic Center offi ces to the water d&s· trict at a low $800 a month.

The water district 's lease wllh the city expires in June, 1977 and wate r di s tri ct o fficials have made It no secret that they may move Into new headquarters at the corporate yard on Placentia /\venue al that lime.

Counc ilmen fell an extension of .1 low-rent would give the city and water distri ct lime to r esolve u controversial consolidation study unde r way In Costa Mesa.

City Manager Fred Sorsabal s aid the 4.200 square root omce will be leased at $2,520 at month after the June expiration date.

O.lly 1'11.t ,..,.,. llY ltlc~•rf Kothllf

SURFER GETS LATE START AT TOP OF FOLDING WAVE IN NEWPORT BEACH No Tlme for Bottom Turn.-Ju1t 9Uce It AcroH the Top at 11th Street


18-foot Waves a Curse?

By STEVE MITCHELL Ol I ... D•llY 1'1lel S..tt

Surf-starved wave r iders. waiting expectantly since word of Hurricane Hyacinth began circula tin g o n th e b eaches earlier this week. got their wish Thursday a s waves up to 18 feel s lammed into the Orange Coast.

While surfers termed. Hyacinth a blessing. Orange Coast lifeguards called her a curse. pulling nearly J .200 sur· fer s a nd s wimmers from the foaming surflioe .

The big s urf, s pawned by Hyacinth off the coast of La Paz. Mex.. is expected to continue through tod~ d iminishing lo normal levels by Saturday, aC:­cording to lifeguar~ .

Newport Beach hreguard Lt. Logan Lockabey s aid guards pulled S45 swimmers fro m the wash ing -mac h ine· like ocean Thursday, setting a new r ecord for one·day rescues In Newport.

'"Thursday was pretty wild," he said. " We set an all-t ime re· co rd f o r m os t si n g l e da y rescues."

The previous r ecord. set June 20. 1976, was 416 rescues .

There we re m ore spect ators than body s urfers al the Balboa Pe nins ula 's infamous Wedge Thursday. a s thick 2().foot waves cr ashed with an feet of the beach.

Spectators wer e out in record number s at Newport ' s 18th Street also, watching in awe as wave riders c hurned across glassy 15 to JS.foot waves .

Laguna Beac h lifeguards rescued 243 people Thursday an hea vy 12 to 14-foot surl'.

Surfers at Brooks and Thalia Streets e njoye d glassy waves lha\ held up just long enough for fast rides . Those beaches were closed to scuba divers and other areas were restricted for s wim· ming, due to the s url' size.

Al least one s urfer s uffered a broken leg in La~una·s cr ashing shorebrea k.

Huntington Beach lifeguards pulled 450 swimmers from 10· foot waves along city and state beaches . A 15-knot side current. caused by pounding waves, was blamed for the high number of rescues in Huntington.

San Clemente lifeguard'l re ­ported 139 r escues, with surf at Trafalgar Street, a popular surl'­ing area . in the fi ve lo 10 root range.

Jury Ponders Cornf eld Rap

LOS ANGELES CAP > A federa l jury ha s begun con­s Ider In g c h a r ges that millionair e financier Bernard Cornfeld used a .. blue box" to defraud a phon l' company of long-distance charges.

Deliberations began Thursday In the week-long trial after U.S District Court .fud ge Mall Byrne Instruc ted the jury .

Co rnf e ld , i ndl c ted by a feder al grand jury In June 197~ on three counts or fraud . was accused of mak lnl{ or authoriz­ing hundreds of calls from his 40·room Beve rly 1111111 mansion to Europe.

Water board vice pres ident AMn L. Pinkley 11aid today that lhe board held orr on a decision whether or not to lake the city 's low·rent offer.

Speaking for himself. and not the rest or lt\e water board. Pinkley said he• thinks the water district will be making the move across town next June . .

Convict Backs Dr. Robinson Date Changed

The Costa Mesa Histor ical Society will hold its "Old-Timer New-Timer Picnic" on Sunday from l to 3 p .m .. al the Estancia. 1900 Adams Ave .. Cosu Mesa. The picnic will not be held on Saturday as previouslf an· nounced.

Estancia Signup& Enrollment for new student.I in

the Estancia HiCh Sdlool auen­dance area will be held Aug. 16 through Aug . 20 at Estancia High, 23Z3 Placentia Ave .• eo.ta Mesa. Recistration will be held each afternoon. C1asses bqin Sepl. 13.

By TOM BARLEY OI tlle 0.llf """ M.it

Dr. Wayne Lester Robinson' s lawyers ca lled to the witness stand an Orange County Jail prisoner who tes tified Thursday that " hit man" Anthony Scalise told him a different story than the one Scalise told in court.

Georse Edward Hufford, 42, a Long Beach man who ls awaiting trlal on cbar1ea or auault with a deadly weapon, wu brought from lbe JUI to the witness stand in Judie J .E.T. " Ned" Rutter 's courtroom immediately after the attUHd lnine physician com· pleted three days oltest.imony.

Defense attorney Ed George identified Hufford as one of four J.tl prtaOners who have talked lo Scalise. 21, in the county jail.

Hufford told the jury that Scalise told him shortly after the Las Ve1as man was brought to Oran.re County by federal or-

I (

ricers last month that he was " working a new kind of scam" when Robinson 42. was arrested last Feb. U on c harges of solicit· Ing bis wife's murder.

ScaUse testified for the pro ­secution that Robinson hired him with a down payment or $10,000 to kill his wife.

Hufford said Scalise told him that be actually worked ror both Dr. and Mrs . Robinson during the seven weeks that ended with Robinson 's arrest " and played one off against the other all lhe Ume."

The jail prisoner s aid Scalise told him that he travels the ooun· try looking for separated ~les who can use his services in slmUar siluaUon• where large sums or m oney are involved.

Hufford said Scalise told him that he had collected SZ.000 from Mrs. Janice Robinson, 38, In ad­dition to the $10,000 paJd him by

her estranged hus band. And the jail prisoner lold the

jury that Scalise told him that " there will be 1' lot more to come when the doctor ttoes to prison and I can get back to Mrs . Robinson.''

Hufford said ScaUse told him during their conversations In the cell block that he intends to be the caretaker at Mn. Robinson's Newport Beach home, once Dr. Robinson bas been lmprisoned and he <Scalise) " has beaten the federal rap.''

Deputy District Attorney Jay M0&eley asked Hofford how be felt about snllchers - prisoners who report cooversallons or otbtt prisoners to authorities In return for leniency in their own cues.

Hufford appeared to miss the point ol the question. He com­mented . while Judge Rutter grinned broadly , that he " gets

along fine with them . I guess. just as long as they don't bother me ...

Plans ror the colling of three Alblhe r J a i I p rl soners t o lhe

Robinson trial courtroom ap· peared to misfire whJle Hufford was being led back to his jail cell.

It was learned outside the courtroom that the planned ap­pearance or a prisoner Identified by Moseley as Thomas Hester, 291 of Long Beach, Is now unccr­lam because of object.ions lo his appearance by his attorney.

Hesler Is one or slx defendants being tried for the murder of a Sunset Beach couple last Nov. 12.

The trial of five of those defen­dants Is being conducted In Judge Robert P. Kneeland 's courtroom on the same floor .

Ma.eley dismissed Hufford's testimony as "worthless" shortly after Judie Ruller called lhree­

<See DOCTOR, Page "2)


,.,._,_ OUT OF THE RACE Rep. Wayne Haya

~Hays Out; ~ys He's ~~Not Well' ........ ,. .. ~::EAST L I VERPOOL, Ohio ~AP> - Rep. Wayne L. Hays, ~ose relalionahip with ~ubeth Ray sparked a con­«t"essional payroll.sex scandaJ , today dropped t\is bid for re· election, citing health reasons and " harassment."

He had s aid Thursday he was considering ending his campail{n 1f he thought it would wipe out Miss Ray 's 'cha nc'eS for more publicity.

The 65-year-old Democrat sub­mitted his campa ign withdr awal statement to the Columbiana County Board or Elections here.

In a st atement released in Washington, Hays said " l do this ~ilh a heavy heart" and said he tiad planned to retire in 1978. : " However , the current state or

tfiy health coupled with the Harass ment m y family and l t(ave t aken from the Washington P.ost have led me lo cooclude thal I:should step down at the end ot fllY current term. '· he said. : The Post broke the story on

Miss Ray 's charges that Hays kept her on a House commallec p&yroll a t a $14,000 a year salary solely to provide h.im with sex.

"The polls s how J'd win, but I don 't wa nt lo give that woma n another chance to make an ap­~arance." Hays said Thursday 1ri an interview.

GOP Platfo,...

Oil, Gas C11rh Lifting Urged

KANSAS C ITY f AP 1 Rcpubbcan phalform lo\nten 10-day endoratd the immt-<d1•te hft · ln& or price controls rrom ou and nc wJy dlscover~d natural 1a.11.

Th e P latfor m Committee , lfter r~v~rs sng on Tbuudoy njght a prt:llmmary de('J/llon und voting t o support lhe Equal Rlght8 Amendm tnt, worked on remaining domestic iuues to clear the way for a fwal tussle on uch issues as the Panama Canal

and diplomacy in Africa. It prondes another chance for

Ronald Reagan su~ers and O(hers dissatisfied with platform subcomm ittee actioos on defense and foreign policy lo get their views Into the document being drafted for tbe convention open· ing Monday. The draft pJatfonn must go to the print.et today 50 deleaates can have copies on ar· rival. The conventjon has the final say on the platform.

The commit~e bas worked in· to the early morninl twice to meet the deadline. A subcommit· tee decision to omit a caJI fo r rat.ificalion of ERA - a platform fixture for 36 years, brought furious r eaction from feminists and their supporters. The full · committee voted 51 to 47 Thurs· day night to include the endorse· ment.

The committee voted to retain a statement supporting " the ef· forts of those who seek enact· mmt of -a- constitutional amend­ment to restore protection or the rights to life ro r unborn children."

Meanwhile, President Ford's convention managers contend it would be poor politics for him to tip his vice presidential hand in advance, des pite signals or Republican unrest about some of the names in bis cataloeue oC pro­spects.

They're seeking to calm those concerns , while citing the Presi· dent's insistence that he won't name a running mate in advance and won't try to bargain for de· legates with the vice presidency.

A Southern GOP leader said a White House official told him not lo worry. tha t the eventuaJ choice wil l have main st r ea m Republican c r edentials and won ' l alienate conservatives . " But they a lways say that," said Clarke Reed, the Mississippi

ct)alrman, who prOte:.tl'd the con· $1der;;allon of liberal Kepubllcaos as poss ible •"ord runn1n1r m ates.

There were conlplalnt.s Crom the North. too. on another vice ~residenti;al score!. But James Baktr . Ford 's chief c1ele11tte l'OUnter. !lllld lod1.1y he had been assured that the deleguuon In· volved will hold nrm for the President's nominaUon when the roll is called at the Republican NatlonaJ Convention.

John Linell. the M a11\e chairman. said eight Ford de· leeates there were considerlng v.i\.bboldin& their support from Ford unless they are assured he woo'l choole J ohn 8 . Connally tor the vice presidency.

f'r•• Pap! A I

SPENDING .. the final weeks or May when hjs campaign managers. sometJmes without his knowledge, made loans lo finance a seri es of mailers.

Included among those who lent the campaign l arge amounts were lobbyist Frank Michelena, $5,000 and Mi&slon Viejo manage· ment company executive An· lbony Moiso, $10,000.

Generally. as in the case of Michelena and Moiso. it was a long list of heavy contributors r e­lared'te>tbe deve lopment1ndustry' that prov ided the f inancial firepower for Riley's successrul campaign.

Meanwhile. Binswanger was goinglndebt,chleflytohimself.

By the time he had been out· polled by close to a 2·1 margin by Riley, Bin.swanger's campaign disclosure statements show be had run up a $75,%21 deficit.

Of that amount, the muJti. millionaire Newport Beach re· tired business executive owed himself $70,000. Hia spending was spread over two campaign com­mittees, one or the m reportedly designed chiefly to attempt to link Riley to a so-called shadow gov· emment in Orange County.

But tbe best Binawanger could get for his campaign effort and the attempted Riley smear was an overwhelming defeat

Court Victory Backs I

A third candidate in the Fifth Supervisorial District race, Dr. Gene Atherton, also of Newport Beach, finished hi.a campaicn in the reef, accordlng to bis state­ment.

Alberton spent $C.Sl6 to run a distant third to Rlley and Binswanier. New Mesa Sign Law There was a fourth candidate on the June primary elect.Ion ballot. Gerald Dickie of Trabuco Can· yon. Costa Mesa scored its second

s ign law victory in court Thurs · day, forcing a downtown busi· ocssman lo comply with the two­f ear old ordinance. · Harbor Judicial District Court ,fudge Selim Fr anklin ordered f aul Davis, of lmmelta 's Ticket ~rvlce, to remove or modify a ,ign above his business at 1799 Newport Blvd . : Davis, who leases the building

· lrom Sid Crossley of PaJm Spr· Mii:s. Pleaded ~ui lty to two counts tn \ ol vi n $? a c an opy s ign , whi c h d is plays tw o larg<'

~uilty Plea Told . : LOS ANGELES (AP l - The

*cond man accu!led in the break· lb al oilman Henry Salvatori ·~ JSel·Air r esidence has pleaded l(Uilly lo robbe ry and kidnap <flarges. •The charges against Ryamond t. Kaneble, 20 , o f A zu sa,

slvmmrd from the SaJvatorl thrfl and two oth e r crimes . Thi• dtarge Inc luded two counl$ o ( :f med robbery and one• kidnap ,,g.



Rot>f r1 N. Wt!«J ~ .. -.... -Ja<lc R. Curle¥

\ 1 • "'"•'*"' ..... GfNr .. ~ Triomas Keevll

£011 ..

Tnomas A. MurphlM • ~N1t*"' [ di'«

: Olarles .... Loos Richard P. Na ll , ~'" ''""t llMMt•~ Eonon

Costa Mes. Office >JO """'' llo1 St.Ml Mall .... -. .... 0 ... .. •lolo

• Tl ..... IM 014)~ . : c-..111flfd UV.rt1""9 '42·N7t .

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mushrooms. over his ticket sales office

The city victory came less than two months after a similar de­cision against Leo's Stereo, 18'8 Newport Blvd .

Judge Franklin imposed a Sl,100 fine afainst Leo's pareot firm, Music Investments, Inc .. June Z2, and ordered the noncon· forming signs taken down.

In Thursday's pretrial settle· ment conference, Judge Franklin imposed a SlOO fine against Davis, and ordered him to take down, replace or modify his Uletel signs within 10 days .

The judge also placed Davis on one-year summary probation, during whic h time the ticket salesman m ay not violate any cl· ty sign ordinance under threat of a Sl .000 fine and six months Im· prisonment.

Deputy City Attorney Thomas A. PashaUdes said Crossley, \he property owner. pleaded nolo contendere (no contest) lo four count•. but the city uked that thole charges be dropped al\er a year If he violates ho sign laws within that tim e.

Dickie bowed out of the race early and threw bis support to Binswanger. •

Fall Semester Registration Slated at OCC

Orange Coast College begins its fall semester registration on Monday, Aug. 23 by appointment.

Signups fur day and evening claases will continue through Sept. 3. Registration appoint· ments rnay be s ecured In OCC's Adml.sslons and Record.1 Office . For lnform atlon, phQne~573S.

The Admluions Office is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a .m. to 9:30 p.m . and on Friday from8a.m. to4 :30p.m.

Open registration, on a drop-in basis, will be held Sept. S.10. Late registration will run Sept. 13·24. Fall claases begin Sept. 13.

A Little Delp Benefit for Surf Vktim

By ANNE COOPER Ot * CN lly l'llot ....

Bob Casey. a June graduate of El Toro High School, la get· linl the " beach bum" tan aaaln that his mothe r s ays he always had but be · s g ettlne it in a wheelchair at • Downey re· habilltation center.

Casey wu body surfing soon after graduation al Oi ver '!i Cove in Laguna Beach when his head struck the s andy bottom. The d ive Into a wave had broken his neck .

Casey's high school fri ends are holding a dance tonJrbt at B p.m. at Los Alisos Intermediate School to rais e funds to help meet med ical expenses. The school is at 25171 Moor Ave. ln Mission Viejo. The C.Hco Julr Band, led by Cuey·s friend , Rick Duva l. will provide tbe music.

Cuey's mother. Mrs. Arthur C~stdy. 23141 El Toro, said h~r son may not have lo give up his plaiu to work in the sheet metal and welding Oeld.

·· Bob's been filled with band

or aces, " s he 11old , "and his therapiat.A R3y he may achieve sufficient dexterity to do sheet metal work and wtldlng. If not. they wlll tuln blm for related administrative work."

Cas-ey 's doctors have told h\m lo expect a s ix.month stay at the re habilitation center. with Jncreasingly lon1er vislta home as his family learns to a.s1lst him.

" We have lo be able to move him from the car to the house. " hJs mother said. "Also, he has lo be moved recularly from one position to another. so he won't have tissue breakdown - or ' bedsores' as It '• commonly known."

Mn. Cusldy aald her aon's 1plrita are very blgh. One re•· aoa for lbal, s he aald, 11 that his friends have stuck by bim and aiven him a lot <A Supj)Ort .

" Bob ' s thrllled about the duce." she aald. "He wanted more than anytb&ns lo show up himself as a surprise. but un· fortunately thal Just itn'l llOISi· ble yet."

. •

Skati1ag the S11rf Casey Higdon, 15, of Corona d e l Mar warmed up for the big surf this morning by skateboarding to Big Corona beach with his surfboard and wetsuit. He said it's a fast way to get to the beach and gives him a chance to prac· lice a few quick cuts before he hit s the w a te r .

f'ro• Pap! A I

1 DOCTOR ON TRIAL ... i:iay weekend break and predict· believed that police would pack ed that the jail prisoner's story up him up as a federal and stale ~ould have no impact on the parolee if he approached Ulem Jury. a bout Robinson.

He questioned Robinson at length Thursday on the physi· clan's repeated denials of the prosecution claim that he hired Scalise to kllJ Mrs. Robin.son and thus resolve the dispute over S2 million in aasels held by the cou­ple as community property.

Robinson told the jury in the closing mom ents of h is long session on the ·sta.nd that he believed Scalise and h is wife were in league to kill him.

But Robinson told the jury Thursday that he beHeved during those four days that Scalise a nd his wire were living together in mot.els and planning his murder.

He explained under question· ing that he was insured fo r $200.000 which, he contend t.>d . was su!fac1cnt incentive tor h1 !> wife.

He testified that the gun found in bis possession when he was ar· ruard Le - J _ rested at a Santa Ana service sta· '71 • ' f.ULS lion wu for his protection and he believed that the district al· tomey's investigators and Santa Ana police wbo pursued him around the gas pump on foot wen bl.red killers.

RobinJOD told the jury be knew Scalise wu Jyln6 -- Scalise told blm In several taped telephone conversations played back to the Jury that Mrs . Robinson waa d ead as the doctor had ordered.

''I knew s he wasn't dead." kobimon said. "l knew she was at a motel wltb Scalise and Scalise himself tokl me when I handed him $1,000 in the men's room at the service station \.bat Janwufiae."

And Dr. Robluon told the jury for the fourth time in the trial : "I still care for her very much. 1 love her."

Mrs. Robinson told the jury in the prosecution phue ot the trial that s he was s hocked when she met Scalise for lunch at the Velvet Turtle in Newport Beach and waa told by blm that be had been hired by her husband to kill her.

She told the jury that she and Scalise fled from the area for 'four days because Scalise

Mutiny Boat Into Diego

SAN DIEGO (AP> - A Britis h merchant s hip was escorted into port here after her m aster re · ported a possible mutiny aboard. the Coast Guard said today.

The J.V. Clyne, a 593-foot bulk carrier. was escorted to an anchorage off Coronado Island for the night, said Lt. Arthur French of the Coast Guard sla· lion at Long Beach.

French sa i d the Brit ish Consulate ln Los Angeles had asked the Coast Guard to monitor " a possible mutiny situation" aboard the vessel.

He said the master of the ship r eported th a t 24 Chinese c rewm e n " h ave lock ed themselves in the mess room and begun chanting and singing."

Fifteen non-Chinese crewmen aboard were on the bridge , French said, "but the mast.er re portedly reared for their sarcty. as well as his own. They didn't lake over the ship at all. "

Too Much? Too Little?

Oil Firm Probe Sought

WASlll NCTON 1/\r 1 A F'ttd t> r ul r o" (" t CommlSSIOn 1t-'PC 1 Judg t> toda recom mended lhnl the JuljtlCI' Otpnrt nwnl lnvcst1i,;4tlc the Gulf 0 11 Corp. and a natural gas buyer for J>()saible crlmlnol COl\.'lpltnry

FPC Admi n istrative Ln• J u<1i1.· fla r monct M. 7.ln'lmcl found that Gulf foil1.'t1 to dclivt•r to nn int e n itut c pip<•line thl• \l)IUmC' or gas rcqwrl.'d Ull(lt r an FPC' l' Crttficate .

Zl m m t•I a l:so uid inaction on 1 h1: part of tht• pipeline gas buyer. Tc os i-:<1s tcrn Trans miss ion Corp .. of Hou~aon . ··st rongly hints ut a conspiracy by lhe two to withhold J13S from lhe In t erst:llt• market until lhe prier h.ts been d riven up, 1n violation I)( frdl'ral antitrust laws ."

The judge recommended lhat the FPC refer the case to thl' Jus ti ce D epartment fo r in ,·cs t1ga t1on a nd appropri :Ht• ( t•n manal action.

Thert> was no immediate com ment from e ither company .

Zimmel ·s decis ion is subJC<'I to FPC re vie w. a nd tht> purt1es named have 30 days to file excep­tJons to the dec ision.

The decis ion said that in 1963. lht> com mission authorlu'<i Gulf to sell Texas Eastern u total of 4.4 trillion cubic feet of gas to be de. livered in daily volumes of from 500 milli on to 625 million cubic reel.

Deliveries began in t44. the dec1s1on s aid . and In 1971 Gulf ~ugl1l To a m end its ct>rtincate t o r;1ise the price The t•omm1ss1on denied the request

Z1mmet s aid in l:llc 197S, the FPC became aware Gulf was nol de livering the cerliried \'Olumc:. or gus and initiated a show caust! proceeding against Gull and Tex as Eastern.

Zlmmet recommended th at Gulf be given less than onr month to begin delivering the maximum amount of gas.


Briags & Healy Jau Ensemble. Calta Mesa Lions Park, 7:30p.m. Free.

" THE WISDOM OF EVE" -· Irvine Community Theater, Aug . 13·14, 20·21, 27·28, YouUl Services Association thea ter . Bristol at Red Hill ,8 :30 p .m .

MOTORCYCLE SPEEDWAY RACING - F airgrounds, 8 : l:> p .m .

SWIM SHOW - Synchronized s wimmi n g , c o medy divin g. Estancia High School pool. 7 .30 p.m. SO cents .


PICNIC - Costa Mesa Historical Society , Th e E stancia, 1900 Adams, 1·3p.m.

SATURDAY JN THE PARK • Festival with puppets, clown . rash ion s h ow . Sout h Coas t V11lnge, Sat. and Sun. Ft"ee.


·-OCC Aud1torium,8:30p.m. $4.






DEN'S :iiisii11atiaii:·custom draperies

linoleum • wood floor 1 1~ NO ? 1(1421

l66l PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA M !SA, CAllf, 92627 • PHONE 646·4838 - 6.&6-23SS



-orange ~oast EDITION

VOL. 69, NO. 226, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES

Today's Closing .Y. Stoeks



Storm S • • 1,200 Need Rescue Riley's Spending A Record

I By GARV GRANVILLE Ol l ... O•ilr PllM5~H

Final June primary election campaign ex pe nse state ments

·filed in.Santa Ana Thursday s how Thomas Riley s pent a r ecord $237,038 to be elected toa two.year term on the Orange County Board of Supervisor s .

Riley 's expenses exceeded both primary a nd general election s pending by any past or present county office seeker .

At the e nd of the campaign masterminded by the William Butcher-Arnold Forde team . the former Marine general won an ovenynelmlng primary elecfion victory over his c losest rival, Max Binswangerof Newport Beaeh.

The state ment filed with the re­gistrar of vote r s sho\\'S Riley ended lbe campaign owing $71,030. most of it in last-minute loans m ade by s upporters.

Today . th e Newport Beach s upervisor said he was more than displeased with what his cam· paign expense statement showed.

" I think it is absolutely asinine lbat this had ~o happen." s aid Riley.

" I hope 1t doesn't discourage other people from seeking public office."

Last year Riley proposed a county ordinance to limit cam· paign contributions and s pend­ing.

He reflected on that effort tod­when he s aid . " it 's too ad Supreme Court ruhngs de 1t impossible for us to ena kind of control m easure.

" Something is wrong wi e

O• llY Pitel ..... ,. br 111<.,.nl K-1.,

SURFER TOSSES HANOS UP FOR BALANCE AS WALL OF WATER COMES DOWN AROUND HIM IN NEWPORT BEACH rhe Rest of th• Aide Waa Bumpy for Wave Rider at Newport's 18th Street Thursday

ast Bill ts Nod of

e Co. Raymond Watson, president or

the Irvine Company, today an · nounced the company's endorse­ment of the Smith bill, the surviv­ing coastal control measure in the Assembly .

system when you e nd up spend in that muc h Uloney on a camp8lgo~--.-. ... and I ' II be the fi r sl to admit it, ·· he added.

During the primary campaign. Riley fundraisers mc luded a ~a-plate dinner as wcll as a Sl.OOO·a ·couple dinner at a Newport Beach r es tauran1

But the campaittn debt and heavy end of the s pending came in




slat<' appeals court today re­ver11ed the mass murder convir­t1on of Chnrlcs Manson family cultist Leshc \'an llnuten and or· dercd a new trial

But th<' Stal c Court of Appeal upheld th<' 1971 l'onvict ions nf Manson him self. &isan Alkins nnd Patricia Krcnwmkl'I , who had appenl('d 0 11 a v:iriety of 1:rounds. inrlud1nJ! improper Jury t-ell•rl wn . rt1m1X"tenc~ of the> defenda nt:. to s tand tnal and pr" trial publir1t y 1n the• Tall' LaU1nnra mus!\ murclc>rs

Th<' thrN' JUclj!l' JJant•l. Ill a mixed op1n1on, rulNi thil t thl• \ 'un lloutrn woman i. hould IJl' rctnr d o n ~round s that the dt:. ap J'l('UrallCl' o f dd" n'c' allornl'Y Ronn lei llu j!h(' :-. \\ h1h.• h<'r rttSl' wus m proitn•ss 1lcnwd hl•r 11 fair tnnl


Watson said he conveyed the compan y ' s s upport of th e measure, SB 1277. to lt.s author Sen. Jerome Smith <D·Saratoga l a nd Assembly Spe aker Leo McCarthy lD-San Francisco> on Wednesday prior to the approval of the bill by the Asembly Ways and Means Committee

" As the S mith bill h as t>merged . we reel it is a workable bill serving all interests those desirous of protecting the coast and those who own coastal pro· perty." Wat.son declared.

"The best indication or how well b ala n ced th e bill h as become is that during my meet­ings in Sac ramento with the Sierra Club. the PlaMmg and Conservatio n League and with ctcvelopmcnt interests. none roulrt claim the Smith bill a s tht-1rs all hud lo make eon· r ess1om .. "

Wut so n s aid his co m pa ny bchvcs that coast protection lt-gislat1on is incv1t11blc and nccessHrv

The cn'dorsement of the Smith hi ll by the land company comes ai. the firm 1s propsomit dcvelop­rncnt plans for the 10,000 acres between Corona dcl Mar and l.aguna Beach.

Watson notcd that the plan for ttlc area which was r~cnlly en· <lorsed by the county pl anning commission culmlnated a two­) ear planninA process.

0.llp l>l lOI "11•1• by ll l~ll•td ICHlll••

SURFER GETS LATE START AT TOP OF FOLDING WAVE IN NEWPORT BEACH No Time for Bottom Turn-Just Sllce It AcroH the Top at 18th Street

18-foot Waves a Curse?

By STEVE MITCHELL OI UM Otlh l"ilM 14.ttt

Surf -s tarved wave riders. wailin& expectantly since word of Hurricane Hyacinth began circu lating o n the beaches earlier thls week. got their wish Thursday as waves up to 18 fee\ . slammed Into the Orange Coast. •

W hi I e surfers termed Hyac inth a blessing . Orange Coast IHeguards called her a curse, pulling nearly 1.200 sur­fers and swimmers from the foaming surfline .

The big s urf. s pa wned by Hyacinth off the coast of La Paz, Mex.. is e xpected tc continue .t.hrDugb_ today -diJninishing to. normal levels by Saturday, ac­cording lo lifeguards.

Newport Beach llreguard Lt. Logan Lockabey said gua•ds pulled 545 s wimmers from the was hing -ma c hine· like · ocean Thursday . setting a new record for one-day rescues in Newport,

" Thursday was pretty wild," he said. " We set an aJJ.lime re. co rd for most s ingle day rescues ."

The previous record, set June 20. 1976, was 416 r escues.

There we re more spectators t.han body s urfe rs at the Balboa Penins ula ' s infamous Wedge Thursday, a s thick 2().foot waves crashed within feel of the beach.

Spectators were out in record numbers al Newport ' s 18lh Street also. watching in a we as wave rid e r s churned across glassy 15 to 18-fool waves.

Laguna Be a c h lifeguards rescued 243 people Thursday in heavy 12 to 14-foot s urf.

Surfers al Brooks and Thalia Streets e njoyed glassy waves that held up-jus t long enough for fast rides. Those beaches were closed to scuba divers and other areas were restricted for swim· ming, due lo the surf size.

At least one s urfer suffered a broken leg in Laguna's crashing shorebreak.

Huntington Beach lifeguards pulled 450 s wimmers from Jo. foot waves a long city and slate beaches. A 15-koot side current.. caused by pounding waves, was blamed for lhe high number of rescues in Huntington.

San Clem e nte lifeguards re­ported 139 rescues . with surf' at Trafalga r Street, a popular surf-ing area. in the five to 10 foot range.

Jury Ponders Cornf eld Rap.

LOS ANGELES 1AP 1 · A federal jury h as begun con· s i d cri n g c har ges that millionaire financier Dcrnurd Comfeld used a " blue hox " to defraud a phone company of long·distance cha rl(cs

Deliberations began Thursday in the week-long trial after U.S Dl i. trict Court Judge M all Byrne instruc ted the Jurr .

Cornf e lrl . l nd lc t ea by u federal g r a nd 1ury In June 1975 on three counts of fraud . wus uccused or making or authorl7.· ing hundreds or CUJlll from hi~ 40-room Beverly llllls mtlMion lo Europe

\\'eache r Morninj! low rlouds to JO·

creaS{'. ot hcrw1s <' mostly flllr on the roa11 t Saturday I hghs near 70s. lows to 57

" We had to e nsure that the goals and objectives developed b\' TICMAP could in fact be im piem entcd under the> proposed co as tal leg Is l a lion. " Wa tson llatd .

Convict Backs Dr. Robinson l~SIDE TODA\' T11io young entrepreneurs

.•tort t'd out to bwld a Greek rPstauront and ended up with a lluntinqlon Beach rock rnu.~1c d ub insreod T~ Daily Pilot 's Michael Paskev1ch tells how 11 happened on Poqe Cl of lhe Weekender

Index Al Y-S.no<t ai ......... .. l..M . .. ,_ at tallteri"• AS C1.u111<d 0"1' c-lcl C• Cteu~ C• 0.•lllNelo<" At ........ I P- ... ,,....,_.,,._,., CM l'l-• ••. , --- • t IMIW""U.... Cl M•u-o n

-.....- -- - --

••••' CM _,..,,._, .. 11au .. 01Ne-n At Oro,,,. "'""11 Al ,.,.... .,., ,,,,,...,_, " '-"> a>-S °'·" .. "'- Alt Sleclll!Aa ....... ••·1 TtlHi - '5 1lle114't CM ... ,_ ... '-'"'"'"" .u - Cl· lt

. .

Horwrs Set For Athletes The Newport Beach Parks .

Beaches & Recr eation Com ­mission will honor participants in the Harbor Youth Baseba ll program . Girls Softball. Girls Soccer and the NIMA Swim Team at a special meeting Tues· day al 7:30 p.m. al City Council Chambers.

Recognition Awar~ wLU be handed to those boys and girls who demonstrated s pecial qualities of character or ability during each of the seasonal sports. .

Bill Je"-•ell. coach. Newport Harbor High ~hool. will deliver a message to the youngsters participating in the Awards.

; •


By TOii BARLEY Oft ... Otllp ll'llolSlafl

Dr. Wayne Lester Robinson 's lawyers called to the witness stand a n Orange County Jail pri5oner who t esllned Thursday lbat " hit man" Anthony Scalise told him a d iffe rent story than the one Scalise told in court.

George Edward llufford. 42, a Long Beach man who is awaitlnR trial on charges of assault with a deadly weapon. was brought from the jail to the witness stand in Judge J . E .T . " Ned" Rutter 's cou.rtroom Immediately after the accused Irvine physician com· pleted three days of testimony.

Defense attorney Ed George idenUfled Hutrord as one ot four Jail prtsoners who have talked to ScaU.e. 29, ln the county jail.

Hulrord t old the jury tha t Scalbe told him shortly after the Laa Vegas man was brought to OnnRe County by federal of·

ficers last month that he was " worklnJt a new kind of scnm " when Robinson 42, was s rrested last Feb. 2S on c harges of solicll­inR his wife's murder_

Scalise testified for the pro· sccution that Robinson hired him with a down payment of $10.000 to kill his wife .

Hufford said Scalise told him that he actually worked for both Dr. and Mrs . Robinson during the seven weeks that ended with Robinson's arrest " and played one off against the other aJJ the time."

The jail prisoner said Scalise told him that he travels the coun· try loottins for separated couples who can uae hi• services in similar situations where la.rge sums o( money are invoh'ed.

Hufford Hid ScaliH told blm that be had collected sz.ooo from Mrs. Janice Robinson. 38, in ad· dition t.o the Sl0,000 pa.Id him by


her estraniCd hus band And the Jail prisoner told lhe

1ury that Scalise told him thot " there will be a lot more to come when \he doctor goes to prison and I can g f't bark to Mrs Robinson."

Hufford said Scalise told him dunng their conversations In the cell block that he Intends to be the caretaker al Mrs. Robinson's Newport Beach home. once Dr. Robinson bas been imprisoned and he (Scalise I " has beaten the federal rap.·•

Deputy Dislrtcl Attorney Jay Moseley asked Hufford how he felt about .snitchers - prisoners who repC)rt conversations of other prisoners to autborities in return for leniency in their own cases.

Hufford appeared to miss the point of \he question. He com· m e nted , while Judge Rutter grinned broadly. that he " gets

alon" fine with them. I 1<ues5, just 8!I lon1t as they don't hothcr me.' '

Plans for the calling of three othe r jail prisoners lo th e Robinson trial courtroom up. pcared lo m lsrire while Hufford was being led bac k lo his Jail cell .

It was learned outside the courtroom that the planned l.lfl•

pearance of a prisoner Identified by Moseley as Thomas Hester. 29 or Long Beach , Is now uncer · taln because of objections to his appearance by his attorney.

Hester is one of sl.x defendants being tried for the murder or a Sunset Beach couple last Nov. 12.

The trial or rive of those def en· danta is being conducted in Judge Robert P . Knee.land ' s courtroom on the u me noor.

Moseley dls miased Hufford's tesUmooy u " worthless" shortly a fter Judge Rutter called lhree ·

<See DOCTOR. Page A%)


,.,. .... ,...... OUT OF THE RACE Rep. Wayne Haya

Hays Out; ~ys He's ~Not Well' !:EAST LIVERPOOL. Ohio (l(p) - Rep. Wayne L. Hays, 'fb o s e r e I a ti on s h Ip w Ith fSJizabeth Ray spatked a con­gressiona l payroll-sex scandal. today dropped his bid for r e­E!Jection, citing health reasons and !·harassment."

H4f had said T hursday he was conside ring e nding h.is campaign sf h~lhought it would wipe out Mis s Ray's chances for more publicity.

The 65·year -old Democrat s ub­mitted his ('ampaign withdrawal state ment to the Columbiana County Board or Elections here.

ln a stateme nt released in Wasttlng1on. Hays said " l do this with a heovy heart" and said he had planned to retire in 1978.

~ ·However. the current slate of m}' health coupled with t he harassment my family and I hClVe taken from the Washington Post have led me to conclude that I ~hould step down at the end or my current term,' ' he said.

The Post b roke the story on Miss Ray 's charges that Hays k~t her on a House committee payroll at a $14 ,000 a year salary s<Mely to provide him with sex.

' "The polls s how J'rl win, but I don't wunl t o give that woman another' <'hance to make an ap· ~aranc<>." !lays s aid Thursday in an inter\'lew


GOP PlatlerM

Oil, Gas C11rh Lifting Urged

KANSA S C I TY cAP J Republlc;in pl>Jlform .. riters to· day endorsed the tmmediate lift· inl o( price control:1 from oil and newly dl:l('Oven·d nnt.uraJ gaa.

T he Platform Commlttt-c . ufter revers ing on Thursday nicht a prehminary dec1.Slon and v0Un11 to support the Equal Rlahts Amendment, worked on remainjng domestic iuues to clear the way for a !anal tussle on such issues u the Panama Canal and d iplom acy in Africa.

It provides another chance for Ronald Reagan s upporters and others dissatisfied wilb platform subcommittee actlons on deCense and foreign policy to get their view& into the document beinc drafted for the convention open. lng Mooday. The drat\ plallorm must go to the printer today so delegates can have copies on ar· rival. Tbe convention hu lbe fmal say on the platform.

The commiltee has worked in· to the early morning twice to meet the deadline . A subcQD'lmit· ttt decision to omit a call for ratification of ERA - a platform flxture Cor 36 yea rs. brought furious reaction from feminists and their s upporters. The full · committee voted Sl to 47 Thurs­day night to include the endorse­ment.

The comm ittee voted to r etain a st.ile.mfflL!u.P~rting " the ef· forts or those who seelc enact. ment or a constitutional amend· ment to restore protection of the rights to life fo r unborn cl\ildren. ··

Meanwhile, President Ford's convenUon managers contend it would be poor politics for tum lo tip his vice presidential hand in ad vance, des pit e signals o r Republican unrest about some of the names in h is catalogue of pro· spects.

They 're seeking to ealm those concerns . while citing the Presi· dent's in sistence that be won't name a running mate in advance and won't try to bargain for de­legates with the vice presidency.

A Southern GOP leader said a White House orrtcial told him not to worry, that the eventual c hoice wil l h ave main s tr eam Republican c redential s and won't alie n ate conservatives. " But they always say that." said Clarke Reed, t he Mississippi

chalrman, who prute5led the con­lSideroUon of liberal Rt"J)ubllcans as poulble "' ord ruM.ina m ates.

1'here wert complaint. from the North. too, on &Dotber vice> presidential score . But Jamc:s Hake r . 1-'o rd 's c hief de legate counte r , sald tod ay he had been assured th•t the delegation In· volved will hold firm for the Pre:tidenl'a nomlnaUon when the roll ls called at the Republican National Convention.

John Linell , the Malne chairman, aald eicht Ford de· lecatet there were coosidering whbholdln1 their support from Ford unleu they are assured ho won't cbooee John B. Connally foe the vice ptttideacy.

,.,...,.ag. A l

~~~}~1!,~~w~•w: campaicn managers. sometimes without his knowledge, made loans to finance a series or ma ilers.

Included among those who Jent the campaign large amount s were lobbyist Frank Michelena, ~.000 and Mission Viejo manage­ment com pany executive An· thony Moiao, $10,000.

CeneraJly. as in the case of Mkbel~na and Moiso, it waa a long list of heavy contributors re· lated lo the deve lopment industry that provide d the financial firepower for Riley's successful eampalgn.

Meanwhile, Binswanger was going in de bt. chiefly lo himself.

By the time he had been out· polled by close to a 2· l margin by Riley, Blnswanger's campaign disclosure statements show he had run up a $75,221 deficit..

Of that amount. the multi· mUllonaire Newport Beach re· tired bus iness executive owed himself $70,000. His • pending was s pread over two campaign com· mittees. one or them reportedly des igned chiefly to attempt to link Riley to a so-called shadow gov· emment in Orange County.

But the best Blnswanger could get for his campaign effort and the attem pted Riley smear was an over whelming defeat.

Skati11g the Surf C!!sey Higd~n. 15, o_t Corona del Mar warmed up tor the big surf this morrung by skateboarding to Big Corona beach with his surfboard and wetsuit. He said it's a fast way to get to the beach and gives him a chance to prac­tice a (ew quick cuts before he hits the water.

l're• Page A I

DOCTOR ON TRIAL. • • day weekend break and predict· ed that the jail prisoner's story would have no impact on the jury.

He questioned Robinson at length Tbunday on lbe physi­cian's repeated denials of the proffeution chum that be hired Scalise to kill Mrs. Robinson and thus resolve the dispute over S2 million in assets held by the cou. pie as community property.

Robinson told the jury in the closing moments of his long session on the ·s t and that he believed Scallse and bis wire were in leaaue to kill him.

belie ved that police woold pick up him up as a federal and state parolee [f he approached them about Robinson.

But Robinson told the jury Thursday that he believed during those four days that Scalise and his wife were living together in motels and planning his murder.

He explained under question· lng that h e was insu red for $200,000 which . he contended. was s ufficient incentive for his wife .

He testified that the gun found in his polJHlion when be WU ar- f" - • - d Le- J ~ rested a t a Santa Ana service sta- bl.U.iri (.l(.UJ lion wu for hit p rotection and he believed t ha t the district at· •6.ut,i•ny Boat torney'a lnveaU11ton and Santa 1ri.1 Ana police who punued him

Oil Firni Probe Sought

WA SlllNliTl)!\ IAl' l ,\ 1-~Nh•ral Po" t•r Com mls!llon c t-' PC > JUd"1" t ot.lay r,.com· mendl..'Cl that the Ju!!llCc Dtrart · ment lnvesll((nle tho Gui 011 Corp. und o noturol gWI buyer fur Po Sible l'rl m lnal conflplrury.

"' f>C Ad111 i11 i1lrutlvt' Lnw Judge R1.1 )· m ond M . z1m m1.1t found thut Gull fulkd lo ddlver to an l11t{·r11tutc pipeline the volumt' of gas reqwred under an FPC <'('rli rlca\l• .

7.unmt•t al:so said Inaction on t ht• part oft he pir>elhw gas bu,)•\'r . Texas East ern Tran~mlsslon Corp . . of Hous ton. "st rongly tunts al a eonsplracy b)' the two to withhold gas from the in· terstute murket until the pric.c has beM driven up, in violation offederal a ntat rus llaws."

Th<> jud~t' recommended thnl the FPC refer th<' ('ase to the Ju s tice Department for In vestigatio n and appropriall: criminal action.

There " as no immediate com· ment from either company.

Zimmet's decision is subject to FPC revie w, a nd the parties named have 30 days to file excep· uons to the decision.

The decision said that in 1963, the com mission ;authorized Gulf to sell Tcxas Eastern a-total of 4.4 trillion cubic reel or gas to be de · livered In daily volumes of from 500 million to 625 million cubic feel.

Deliver ies began in 1964. the decision s aid, and ln 1971 Gulf sought to amend Its certificate to raise the price. The commission denied the request.

Zimmel said in late 1975, the FPC becam e aware Gulf was not delivering th<' certified volumes of gas and init iated a show cause proceed mg ago inst Gulf and Tex­as Eastern.

Zimmet reco mmended that Gulf be gi\te n le11s tha n on<.' month to begin delivering the maximum amount of gas. If the company fai led to comply, he continued. the FPC should move against Gulf In federa l court lo compel pe rform UM<'.

The judgt' said that when the FPC denied G utr' s proposed certificate a mendment, the com ­rnission contended that Gulf could not be relieved of its obliga. lio n s al th e t>xpen se o r ratepayers

''There Is utterly no j uslificu- 1 lion for Gulf e ither to gouge con· s umers through higher prices or

TV Board Awards

A third candidate In the FIAh Supervisorial District race, Dr. Gene Atherton, also of Newport Beach. finished bis campaign in the red, accordinc to bis state­ment.

Atherton s pent $4,816 to run a dls lant third to Riley and Bl.nswancer .

around the 1•• pump on fOOl J D • were hired kllle1'9. nlO iego

Roblnlon told the Jury be knew Scaliae was lylng When Scalise SAN DIEGO CAP> - A British told hi m In several taped merchant s hip was escorted into

to escape its obligation.'t on som~ recently contrived economic theory," Zimm el s aid.

3-City Cable Pact There was a fourth candidate on the June primary election ballot. Gerald Dickie of Trabuco Can· yon.

tel~e conversaUclns played port here arter her master re· b ack to the jury that Mrs . ported a possible mutiny aboard. Robinson was dead as the doctor the Coast Guard sajd today. had ordered.

" I knew she wasn't dead .. The J .V. Clyne, a 593-foot bulk

Senate Okays Abortion Bill

8y RAV E TRAOA Oltlt•D•lf1~1eolt41t

: Public Cable Te levi s ion AlJtl\orily directors pro' 1sionally npproved the awa rdof afranchise tq design and <>onstrucl a cable r-:tevas ion system for Fountain v,.lley . lluntlni?ton Beach antl ~estminster Thursday.

: Dircc:t or Bernie Svalst ad. a r-;ountain Val lt•y dty councilman . su1a:<'sl <''1 th <.' bourd approve th<' ftan ('h isc nw;ir<I to nlcklnson Co mmu1111:atlons Lltl of Pountnin VallC'y. continae nt upoll n r·cv1l'W 11f thl' hrrnsc• hv f•uch c1ty'i. 11t tOrnn · : After nN1rly S IX ) t'ars Of w;u\.

101:. th<' !'YSINn i~ finull y under ' t a v " 1th t ht• <rn n r fi of I h 1•

rr un('h1se . J ohn Uatcn1un, PCrA C,.l'Cut 1 vto dln•ctor. told the board

Th<· lr1-e 1ty syst<!ni b t'Xp('('( ('(I

le provide 1.1!1 man\' ,L, :ifit'ht1nncl" r~r ll~t'r:4 who "111 be scrv(>(I Ill f'Qu c:h thl' '\!l ml' "jy tht')' arl' now l~· I ht• lt.'ICJ>hont• M m puny. o( fkiuls ota1d. l nstoll atloo IHJCpi.'('t l.-U to he1un In M a r<'h um

f111t1•mnn l\llld thr :C l'lltt'gOril'S of ~erv1ce will bt' uv11ll11bl1• "ht•n


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ROberl N Wrfd ····'1•"·' ~.vi ''"'"

Thomas A . Murpl\1nf' ON- · ... [•·• ..

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the first phase is completed sometime In 1978.

A security package, which would allow police. flre and medical alarms to be set up ln homes, will cost the wier an estimated $7 per month, Bateman said.

Another package or services wouJd include 18 TV channels, in· eluding educational and weather stations and would cost the user about $7 .50 per month.

Still another service would pro­vldt> feature movies for a bout $7 per month.

tr someone wanted all these ca· ble services. Bateman said, a re­duced rate would be granted.

ln onothcr acUon, the PCTA board accepted Newport Beacb 0'( f1 n o n . voting m e mbe r . Newport Beach. whirb has two l.'nble television companies within It." ('ity lim its. has been hwolvt.'d in PCTA f or information pur po!le!I, Hatem ansaid.

Il e uid Newport Beach of· (1 c rnls arc interested In the possibilhy of lying In to the PCTA system a t some futurc date.

Dick1e bowed out ot the race early and threw hia support to Blnswanger.

Fall Semester Registration Slated at OCC

Robinson said. "I knew she w~s carrier, was escorted to a n at a motel wilb Scalise and anchorage off Coronado Island SACRAMENTO <AP>- An In· Scalise hbnsell told me when I for the night, s a id Ll. Arthur fant born alive dunno un abor· handed bi $ French of the Coast Guard sta· " m 1.000 i.n the men's lJOn would have the s lim<' right to room at tbe service station that lion al Long Beach. medical treatment a.'\ If it were Jan wufine." Fre nch said the Briti s h born sponta neously it a bill ap-

And Dr. Roblnaon toid the jury Consulate in Los Angeles had proved by the s t a t e Senate for the fourth time ln the trial: ''I asked the Coast Guard to monitor becomes Jaw , still care for her very much. I " a possible mutiny situation" A 24 ·2 vote Thursday sent the love her." aboard the vessel. measure by Asse mblyman Mike

Mrs. Robinson told the jury in He said the master of the ship Antonovich < R·Glcndalel back to theproeecutlon pbueofthetrial r e po r t e d that 24 C hinese the Asse mbly for action on a that she was s hocked when she c rewmen •' have Io ck e d Senate amendm ent that r ewrote met Scalise for lunch at the themselves in the mess room and the bill.

Orange Coast College begins its Velvet Turtle In Newport Beach begun chanting and singing." As passed by the Assem bly. it fall semester registration on and was told by hlm that he had Fifteen non-Chinese crewmen w o u Id hav e mad c It u n . Monday. Aug. 23 by appointment. been hired by her husband to k.Ul a board were on t he bridge, professional conduct ror a doctor

Slgnups tor d ay and evening her. French said, " but the master re· to foi l to tak e "all r easonable classes will continue through She told the jury that she and portedly feared for their s afety, .steps, except extraordinary Sept. 3 . Re 1lslration appoint· Scalise Oed from the area for as we ll as his own. They didn' r means" to save the life or an in· ments may be s ecured in OCC's four d ay s be cau se Scalise takeovertheshipatall. " fantborn live during an abortion. Admlaslon.s a nd Records Office. -------- -------------------- - --------For information, phoneSSS-5735.

The Admissions Office la open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m . and on Friday from8a.m. to4 :30 p.m.

Open registration, on a drop-in basis. will be held Sept. 8-10. Late reg111trallon wlll run Sept. 13·24. "'oll classes begin Sept. 13.

Too Much?

A Little Help Too Little? Bene/ it for Surf Victim

Ry ANNE C'OOPER Otllle 0.11• ..... .....

Bob Casey. a June ttraduote of El Toro High SdlOOI, Is get· tin$! the " beach bum" t.an ugain thnl his mother says he always hnd but he 's getting it In a wheelchair a t a Downey re · habllltaUon center .

Casey was body surfing soon arter graduation at Diver 's Cove ln Laguna Beach when his head s tru <> k the sandy bottom. The d h •e into a wav e h ad broken his neck.

Casey's high school friends ~re holding a dance looight al 8 p.m . at Los Alisos lntermediat.c School t o raise funds to help meet medical expenses. The srbool is at 2S171 Moor Ave. In Mission Viejo. The Calico Jtck Bud. led by Casey's friend . Rick Duval. will provide the music.

Casey's mother. Mrs. Arthur Cassidy, 23141 Et Toro. said her son may not have to give up bls plans to work In t~ sheet metal and welding fi~ld.

" Bob' s beeo fiUed with band

oraces,'' s he u ltt. "and his therapists say he may 11chlf'vc suWcienl dexterity to do sheet met al work anti welding. If not. tht>y will train him tor r clutcd .administrative work."

Cuey 's doctors have told him to expect a six·moolh sl1&y at the rehabilitation center. with Increasingly longer visits home as his family learns to assist hlm.

" We have to be able to move him from the rar to tbe house," tus mother said. "Alia. he tias to be moved regularly from one position lo another, so he won't have tissue breakdown - or · bedsor es ' u il 's comm only known."

Mrs. Cassidy said beT' soo's spirits are very high. One rea· son fol' th.at. she said. la lhat hl1I fri end.I have stuck by rum and ajven bim a lol of • upport.

''Bob ' s lhrllled about the dance," s he said. " He wanted more than anythlo1 to t how up bimulf a1 a 1urprile, but un. fortunalely tbal just lln't poissi­~ yet."







DEN'S .. ," ... ~: iiisiailitioii: ·custom draperies

linoleum • wood floor

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l Saddlehaek EDITION


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lteacher Leader· Assails Trustees ;

' . The chief union negotiator Cor i Saddlebac k Vall ey Unifi ed : School 01stnct teachers charged • Thursday the administrallon &!> :·trying to '"break 1ts cmplo)·es in

, to submission " ! In a t e rse s tatement. Sad : dleback Valley Educators A s

sociation !SV EA , Presidt'nt 8111 Mecham also branded t he dis· trict ·s bargaining agent. attorney John Wagner. a " hired gun ...

The key complaint of the SVEA is its claim that the district has made no counte r -offe r to a

!Riley's Spending A Hec ard


Final June primary election campaign expense st ate ments fiJed in Santa Ana Thursday s how Thomas Riley s pent a record $237,038 to be elected toa two-year term on the Orange County Board of Supervisors .

Riley 's expenses exceeded both primary and general election spending by any past or present county office seeker.

At the e nd of the campaign mas terminded by the WilUam Butcher -Arnold Forde team. the former Marine general won an overwhelming primary election victory over h i closest ri val. M ax Binswanger or Newport. Beach.

The state me nt riled with the r e­gistrar or voters s hows Riley e nde d th e campaign owin g $71,030, most of it in last-minute loans made by s upporters.

Today , t he Newport Beach supervisor said he was more than displeased with what his cam· paign expense statement showed.

'"I think It is absolutely aslninc that this had to happen," s aid Riley.

" l hope 1t doesn't discourage other people from seeking pubJ1c omce."

Last year Riiey proposed a county ordinance to limit cam· paign contributions Md spend 10g.

He rertect ed on that effort today when he sa id . " it 's too bad supreme Court rulings made It Impossible for us to enact any kind or control measure."

"Somethtn~ as wrong with the system when you end up spending thnt much money on a campaign and 1 ·11 be the first to admit it, .. hl' added.

During the primary ca mpaign, Riley fundralsers included u $250-n-plate d inner as well as u

(SttSPENDI NG, Pa~t> tUI

Wild Cluue Af ter Fight Enth in Viejo

A Catht'r-11on d1s1>ute that erupt td Ill ' ' Su11t11 1\n 1.1 markl'I l'llrly today t' nried in M 1).s1on V1t•Jn 3.\ rtl lllUh·~ I .1lt•r "hl'n u SU!>JlCCI wois ~ack lt•d by 11ollcr o.s ht• ru<'ed acroi;" un op1•n t1t'ld

S11ndw1chNI brt" <'t'n thc arJ111 ment nnd arrc t "' as a "1ld JS minute.' 1111to t•host> ul what police aaid wcrc s peeds up to 100 mph

Oy the tlm r the son combatant ln the fulher ·son Crucuis wus handcufff'd In the Mission Viejo fleld, 12 lnw enft>rC't•mcnl patrol Wiits from four police Junsd lc tlons had, a l some ti mt~, joined thc

' -udchurse Why was the suspect neemg" " I don 'I want .no '1umn cop!!

stopp1nJ( me." ~as the c:icJlll"ln11 tlon he Jt.ivc t1rrestmtt Santa Ana police offi cer

Whe ther he wuntcd to be stopped or not, 23-ycru--0ld J ory Kevin Quinn . of ll>Ml Thameis Lane, Huntington Beach, wns.

And :u Quinn headed back to Santa Ana handcuffed in the r ear

• sot of a patrol unit, he Wa.9 beinA : charged witH assault with a

deadly weapon on a police officer ; The deadJy weapon was a 1967

model car that police s aid ractd , &broulo?h red li«hts and sloo shrns

as it led Santa Ana and Costa ' Mesa police as well as Sheriff's / and California Hlghwa)' Patrol • wilts on the long chase. ; According to Santa Ana police . s,t. Richard Murg, Quinn " five : or six Umts" attcm.pted to dis ·

tOUrage his pursuers by running ~moffroadways .

But ii wasn 't until his a uto weot lnto a ~pin and stalled atoo

<~CHASE, Page AZ>

pa ckage presented by the teachers

The SVUSD board of trustees has held two public hearings on the SVEA ·s wage und benerat prope>Sals, and a Uurd heannR 111 slated for Monday. At the second public hearing, held this week , teacher spokesm a n Mark Ou801s repeatedly d em..anded that the board deli ver h counter ·offe r . DuBois s uid i.n a n mterview it is "quite possible .. that unless the district responds with a counter· offer a t the Aug . 23 session. the

teachers m ay ~o lo the st;ih· Educationa l Employment Rdu t1oos Board < EEHB 1 and a~k that an impasse be declar(.>d

The EERB r t'Jecte<J an 1mpusst• request by the teachers earlier this summer. sayanjo! nOl enough negotiating sessions had taken place Si n ce then . Duboi s claimed. " e ve rything as back to square one. We are fart.her behind now than we were mJunc. ··

John Coope r . assistant to the superintendent for staff negotaa· tions, said the board cannot

make J counter.proposal unf1I teachers· pro po · als ure clar1f1ed

" It took the teache~ until the rughc o( the s econd hearing to make their total package uvaila · ble to the public." Cooper said. " The SVEA see ms to be delaying the negotiating process as much as possible. a nd we don't know whv"

Cooper :.aid SVEA reprE'sen· tatives ha ve twice r efused to meet with district negotiators to clarify vague o r confusi ng lani:uaRe 1n their proposal.

P reston Ho" ell. u former trustee. also stlld nt this \\eek 's public h<.'.iranM that muny or the teacher dem and :. are ' 'ngue

lie asked. !or example, ho" teacher · defined " anv relative·· an their reques t !or a three· d ay berea\'ement leave with pu~ . upon the death of :iny relative

t Cooper aid teachers haw r e· fused to define th is and other con· fusing phrases. Technically. hl> said. their bereavement leave might mean they could take u leave any tame an yone died.

SURFER TOSSES HANDS UP FOR BALANCE AS WALL OF WATER COMES DOWN AROUND HIM IN NEWPORT BEACt1 rhe RH t of the Ride WH Bumpy for Wave Alder at Newport'• 18th Street Thurlday

~~~~~~~~~~~~- -~~~~~~~~~~~~

GOP Supports Li/ ting Oil, Gas Controls

KANSAS C ITY CAP I Republican platform writers to­day endorsed the immediate liCt· mg of price controls from 011 und newly discovered natural gas

Th e Platfo rm Comm ittee . artcr r eversing on Thursday night a preliminary decision and voting to s upport the Equal Rights Amendment. worked on remaining domestic issues to clear the way ror a final tuss le on such Issues as the Panama Canal and diplom acy in Mnca

It prov ides a nother chance for Ronald Reagan supporters and other. dissatisfied with platform l'Obcommattce actions on defense ancl foreign poli cy to j!et their 'il'ws into the document being drafted for the ronvt'nl\on open· lnJ! Monday The draft platform must J!O to the printer today 1'0 dt-leRates can hav~ copies on ar · n\•al The convention has the final say on the platform.

The committee has worked in• to the early m orning twice to mt'el the deadline. A s ulx'ommit· tee dec111lon to o mit o call for

(~«'GOP. Pa1eAZ>

A L•ttle Help Bene/ it/ or Surf Victim

By ANNE COOPER Of IM O• llJ ~let M•H

Bob Casey. a June graduate of El Toro High School. is get­ting the '' beach bum" tan again that his mother s ays he always had but he ' s getting it In 11

wheelchair at a Downey re­habilitation center

Casey was body surfing soon after graduation at Di ver 's Cove in Laguna Be ach when his head struck the sandy bottom The di v e Int o a wa ve ha d broken his neck.

Casey 's high school fri e nd!> are holding a dance tonight at ff p.m . at Los Alisos Inte rmediate School to raise funds to help meet medi cal expenses . Thr 8Cho01 is a t 2517J Moor Ave in Mission Viejo. The Calleo J ack Band , led by Casey·11 friend . Riek Duval . will provide tht' music.

Caaey·s m other. Mrs. Arthur Cassidy. 23141 El Toro, said her son may not have to give up his plans to work In the sheet metal and welding field .

' ' Bob's been fitted with hand

1>races. " s he s aid , "and his therapists s ay he may achieve sufficient dexter ity to do sheet metal work and welding. If not. they will train him for related administrative work."

Casey 's doctors have told him to expect a six-month stay al the r ehabahtallon center . with increasingly longer visits home as his family learns to assist ham.

" We have to be able lo move him from the car to the house, .. hts mother said . " Also. he has to be moved r egularly from one position to another, so he won 't have tissue breakdown - or ·bedsores ' a s it ·s commonly known ...

Mrs. Cas sady said her son 's spirits are ver y high One r e· ason for that. s he said, is that his fri ends have stuck by him and given him n lot of s upport .

" Bob ' s thrilled about the dance," she said. " He want<.'d more lhnn anything lo show up himself as a surprise. but un· fortunately that just Isn' t possl· hie yet. "

Toro Group Slates Tax

Meet Monday The El Toro Homeowners' AS·

socialion has scheduled a special meeting Mond ay at 8 p.m. in the El Toro High School Charger Room lo consider a proposal seeklng a seven -cent cut in the Orange County Service Area Six tax r11te

The serv ice area budget, 11

total of S226.500 for the coming year. pays for park and greenbelt maintenance and a share of park development costs in the El Toro­Lake Forest eom munily .

The area' s l ax rate is nDW a t its legal maximum of 42.4 cents per $100 of assessed valuation.

El Toro res ident Edgar McKean. a candidate for the El Toro Municipa l Advisory Council that was defeated by vote rs in June. will make a presentation Monday night outlining how the tax rate can be trimmed.

McKean said the area'11 as­se1111ed valuations went up so much that a ttuCflclcnt amount of service area money can be ralscd with a tllx rate o( about 35 ct?nts per $100 of assessed valua· tlon

Convict Backs Dr. Robinson By TOM BAllLEV

Ol 1 ... 0411; ~j ... """

Dr. Wayne Lester Robinson's lawyers called lo the witness s tand a n Orange County Jail prisoner who testified Thursday that ''hit man" Anthony Scalise told him a dirferent story than the one Scalise told in court.

George Edward Hufford. 42. a Long Beach man who ls a waiting trial on charges of assault with a deadly weapon . was brought from the jail to the witness st.and in Judge J . E .T. " Ned" Rutt«'s courtroom immedi•le\Y after the accused Irvine ph)11lcian com· pleted three days oflestimony.

Defense attorney F.d George identified Hufford as one of four JaJI prisoners who have talked lo Scalise, 29. In the county Jail.

Hufford told the jury that _ Scalise told him shortly after the

Lu Vegas man was "81hl to Ora~e County by ftd~al of·

(leers la"t month that he was " workinJt a new kind or scam " when Robinson 42, was arrcstt..-d last Feb. 25 on c harges of solicit· lng his wife's murder.

Scalise testified for the pro· secution that Robinson hired him with a down paym ent of $10.000 to kill his wife.

Hufford said Scalise told him that be actually worked for both Dr. and Mrs. Robinson during the .even weeks tbat ended with Robinson's arres t " Md played one off ataiost lhe otht?r aJI the time.·•

The jail prisoner said Scalise told him that he travels the coun · try looking for separated couple.'1 who can use his services in similar situations where large sums of money are 1nvoived.

Hufford said Sulise told him that be had collected $2.000 from Mn. Ja.nke RobiMm, 38, in ad· diUoo to the St0,000 paid hlm by

• l

her estranged husband. And the jatl prisoner t,old lhe

Jury that Scalise told him that '' there will be a lot more to come when the doctor goes to prison and I can get back to Mrs. Robinson."

Hufford said Scalise told him during their converHtJonl in lhe cell blO<'k thal he Intends to be the caretaker at Mrs. Robinaon's Newport Beach home, once Dr. Robinson has bffn imprisoned and he <Scalise > " has beaten the federal rap ...

Deputy District Attorney Jay MOHley uked Hufford how he relt about an ilchers - prisoners who report converullons of other prisoners to authorities in return (Of' leniency in thftr own cues.

Hofford appeared to miss the point of the question. He com· mented. while Judge Ruller grh\lted broadly, lhal he " gets

along fine with them. I gut?ss. just as long as they don't bot.her me."

Plans for the calling of three other Jail prisoners t o the Robinson trial courtroom •P· pe1red to misfire while Hufford was being led back to his jail cell.

I\ was learned outside the courtroom that the plaMed ap· purance ot a prisoner identified by Moseley H Thomas Hester. 29. of Long Beach, is now uncer· lain because of objections to his appearance by his attorney.

Hester l11 one or 11ix defendants being tried for the murder of • Sunset Beach couple last Nov. 12.

The triaJ ot five of those defen· danls is bei ng conducted in Judge Robert P . Kneeland 's courtroom on the aame floor.

MOHley dismissed Hufford's testimony as " wortJ\Jess" ShOrtly aflet Judge Ruller called three·

C8" DOCTOa, Page AZ> •

ince we ur c all part or the human fa mal)

" There a r e lhtn..:s like lhl !> th roul( ho ut the SVEA pro posal ., .. Cooper sa.id. " lf Chey "ere se ri o u s . the tencher r<.'presentatwes would :.it down and ..-xplain. Instead. lhey have !>Uid lht» wall not meet with us until Auit . 23.

"The board can't come up with ~· counter-orrer. " he sald. " unl.11 we ure c lear on the teachers ' position. Al this point we art• lOlally mystified."

Stor1ny Surf Arrives

By STEVE MITCHELL Of , ... O•llY Ptlel SUH

Surf-s tarved wave ride rs, waiting expectantly since word or Hurricane Hyacinth began c irc ulating on the beac he earlier this week. gOl their wish Thursday a s wave up to 18 feet s lammed Into the Orange Coast

Whil e s urf e r s t er m ed Hyacinth a blessing, Orang1• Coast lifeguards called her a curse, pulling nearly t ,200 s ur­fers and s wimmers from thc foa minR s urOine.

The b ig s urf , s pawned b) llya cinlh orr the coast of La Puz. Mex .. 1s expect ed to continue through today . diminishing to normal levels by Saturduy, ar cordin~ to lifeguards.

Newport Be a ch lifeguard U Logan Lockabey said guards pulled 545 swimmers from the was hin g . mac hine like ocea n Thursday, setting a new record tor one.day r escues ln Newport.

" Thursd ay was pretty wild ." he said. " We set an all. Ume re. eord for most si n g le da y rescues ...

The previous r ecord. set June 20. 1976, was 416 rescues.

Ther e we re more spectators than body surfers at the Balboa Pe nins u l a ' s infa mous Wcd110 Thursday, as thick 2CHoot waves crashed within feet of the beach.

Spectators were out in r ecord numbe r s a t N e wport 's 18th Str eet also. watching ln awe as wave r ide r s ch urned a c ros !.\ glassy 15 to 18-foot waves.

Laguna Beach lifeguards rescued 243 people Thursday in heavy 12 to 14-foot surf.

Surfers at Brooks and Thalia Streets e njoyed glassy waves that held up just long enoug h ror fast rides. Those beaches were closed to s cuba divers and othe r areas we re r estricted for swim· ming, due to the surf s ize .

At least one surfer suffer ed a broken leg in Laguna's crashinR shorebreak.

Huntington Beach lifegua rds pulled 450 s wimmers from 10· fool waves along city and state beaches. A 15-knot side <'Urrcnt, caused by poundln~ waves , wus blamed for the hi#{h number or res<.'ues in Huntington

Bus Driver Lauded SACRAMENTO <AP I The

state legislature has commended bus dri ver Ed fla y for heroism In helplna free himself and 26 kid· naped C h o w c h i lla sc h oo l children from a burie<l movln" van .

Co aNt.

We athe r Morning low c loud, lo 10

crease, otherwlst> m<lfltly fa ir on the co~1~ t Solordny lllghs near 70s . lows to 57.

INSIDE TODA l' Two JIOtlng t nfreprmeur11

ltarted out to build a Grtek re1tourant. and tnded up with o lluntington Btoch r ock nt¥1fc club '"'read. Th« Doily Pilot ' • Michael Pcukev1ch ttlU MID U ha~ned on Page Cl o/ tht Wetkendttr.

l•tlex AIT-S.twlo It ~I... It L.M....... .. C:.11Nnol4 ... Cl~tlllw 0 "14 CMlkt Ct er--• Ct Dt""'llelkH Al ••• ., •• , ~... A4 ,....,,.._ ... CS.4 l'l-· .... , ...,__ 8J

·-- Cl -~-~ .,

, I % DAil. V PILOT SB

I Quake Fear Hits China TOKYO (Af>) - Pck·

inJt'• 7 .6 million r ldents have bt't'n put on another t>•rth()u1tke aJert and lolc1 to continue lh•1ni: m the atreeu, the nc"'spaper Aiahl r eJ)(}rl cd from lhc Chines<' t'opitat today.

Peking ·s p()pulati o n moved Into Lhl' strc-ets ond varh i11tcr t h t> ~even· quakes on July 28 wtuch devastated the Tangs.han area 80 mll es to th <" :southeast nnd cuu!\t'd con· s idenble c.lamuge in Lhe cuplt;at.

In &he next week. the gove rnm f'nl repeatedly warned thrit more m aJOr quakes were Imminent But the Asahi correspon· dent said preca utionary measures were eased after the a uthorities decided a powerful new quake was

~ oot imminent.

I Fre•P~ 1-tl

I £~~1:~!·p~1:. ea that the j3ll prlsooer s s tory ~l.d have no impact on the

.; He questioned Robinson at. fengtb Thursday on t.be pl\ys i-4tan 's r e peated denials of the prosecution clalm that he bJred Scalise to kill Mrs . Robin.son and lhU$ rcsolv.e the dlspute ovu..S2 million in a"ets held by the cou· pie as community property.

Robinson told the jury in the dosing moments of his long s ession o n the stand thal he believed Scalise a nd his wife were in league to kill him.

He testifi ed that the gun found in bJs possession when he was ar­rested at a Santa Ana service s ta -· lion was for his protection and he believed that the district at· tomey's invesUaators and Santa .i\l)a police who pursued h im around the gas pump on foot ~re hired killers .

Robinson told the jury he knew Scalise was lying when Scalise tpld him in several t aped tflepbone convers ations played back to the jury that Mrs. Robinson was dead as the doctor twd orde red .

" l kne w s he wasn 't dead;· Robinson said. ·' l knew she wus at a motel with Scalise and Scalise himsa>lf told me when I hOndcd him $1,000 In lhc men's rbom at the service s tation tha t .tan was fine ." : And Dr. Robinson told the Jury

fl>r the fou rt h tim e 1n th\' trial : " I SliU care for her very much. I Jove hcr " . Mrs . Robinson told the Jury in

tbe prosecution phase of the tnal t~l she was shO<'ked when she ~et Scalise for lunch at t he \tel vet Turtle 1n Newport Beach t~ was told hy him that he had ~ hired by her husband to klll tyr. :She told the Jury that she und

Scalise ned from the ~lrea ror ffur da ys because Sca l ise believed that police would pick up him up as a federal and state perolee if he approached them about Robinson

: But Robinson told the Jury thursday that he behcved durin~ those four days that Scall11e •nd It.us wife were laving together 1n rt\ott'I~ and plnnnini;t his murder . • II(' explnin<'d under question- .

161: thot he w t1s 1ns urtd tor S200,000 wlHrh , Ill' ('ont t•ndrd. wm~ ~Uffl{'f('nt incentive for his wife·

°l'hl' trwl i11 sc hedule<! to r<' · sume at 9 .<15 a .m . Monftuy. Jud~e l\uttn will sn11truct the JUI"\ after hj:':inn~ the t<'~llnwnr of 'l('vcral l~Pt'<'lt:d r,•b11lt11l "1tnl-..~C'

Road Fundl4 Mov~ ' SACR/\MJo:NTO IAP 1 L"p tn ~00 m 1lllon more \\Oulfl b(" .Wailnble for hlJthwny con:iitrur 1'°'1 in Caltlorttll• under a blll ;,.,. phwcd by the stnt<' S<-nat<'. Its sj)on'lor Sll)' ll



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Fre• Pa,,e A f

PENDING .. Sl.000-a -couple d lnner a t u New]>Oft Beocb restaurant.

Bul the umpalgn debt and heavy end oftbe •P4."lldlni tame m the final weeks of May w~ bis campaicn managers, sometime. 14lthout b l knowk<hte. made loa ns t() (ln•nCl' B ~f'rieS or mailers.

Included among tt~c who lent the campaign I arJll' amounls were lobbylst Frank Mlchclt<na, $5,000 and Mission Vi<.'Jo mnnaSlC'• mcnt company executive An· thooy Mo1so, $10.000.

CencraJly, as ir\ the t'nse o! Michelena un<I M 01so. It \\us ti long list of hea\') coot.obulor1' r e· lated to the de \'1..•lwmcnt industry that provided th e fina11cla l firepo\\·er for Rlley·s succcssruJ campaign.

Meanwhile, Bmswungcr \\ ru. goiJ:ig in debt , c hiefly lohlrnsell.

By the ttme he had bffn out· polled by close to a 2· 1 margin by RUey, Bins wanger's campaign disclosure statements show be had tun up a $7S,22fdeficiL

Of that amount, the mulU· millionaire Newport Beach r e­tired business executive owed h.unsetr $70,000. Ills spending was spread over two campaign com· mittees. one of l.bem reportedly desi.gJled chiefly to attempt to link Riley to a so-called shadow gov­ernment in Orange County.

But the best Binswanger could get for his campaign erfort and the attempted Riley smear was an overwhelming defeat.

A third candidate in the Fifth Supervi.sorial Dis trict race, Or. Gene Atherton, also oC Newport Buch; finish~his c-ampaign in the red, according to h is state­ment.

Atherton spent S<t,816 to run a distan t third to Ril ey and Binswanger.

There was a fourth candidate on t he June primary election ballot, Gerald Dickie of Trabuco Ca· nyon.

Dickie bowed out or the race early and threw his support to Binswanger .

But before becomi ng a Binswanger campaigner. Dickie spent S4.62S while r unning up what is shown as a still unpwd campaign debt of $3 ,043 .

Privacy Law OK'd SACRAMENTO (AP> - State

and local agencies would need <'OUrt orders to peek into the financial records o{ most Califor­nians under legislation approved by the state Senate.

A 30-3 upper house vote Thurs­day sent th~ Assembly-passed measure by AssemblvmRn AIAn Sierty CD-Beverly Hills> to the Aaep\bly for a vote on Senate amendments.

-~-,-· GROWTH REMOVED Defense Chief Rumstetd

Growth Taken In Rumsfeld Thyroid Gland

WASHINGTON CAP> - Na,•y s urgeons r e m oved a growth from Delense Secretary Donald Rums leld's thyroid gland today, and a Pentagon spOkesman said doctors have "a high degree or confidence" that it was not can­cerous.

Pentagon spokesman Alan Woo d s, r e p orti ng after Rumsfeld"s two-liOUr llnd 40-mi nute ope r ation, said pre ­liminary s tudies indicate the ti ssue r emoved from th e secretary 's neck " was a benign nodular goiter. "

Woods said that. as in all such surgical cases, more ex­tensive t ests will be m ade but. that '' the doctors indicate to me they have a h igh degree of con­fidence in the preliminary in­dicaUons."

Rum sfeld, mentioned as a possible Republican vice pre­sidential candidate, will remain In the hospit a l recovery room overnight and is expected to go back to work by next week, Woods said . " The secretary 's condition ls considered to be satisfactory," he added.

Three Navy doctors, including the chief or surgery, operated on Rums fe ld a t the National Naval Medical Center in nearby Bethesda, Md. , and removed the right lobe or the defense secretary's thyroid and a r elat­ed tube called an "isthmus."

Mrs . Rum s l e ld was at the hos pital during the operation, Woods said .

Teddy Trouble Gift to Manson Sparks Scare

\'i\CAVILLE IAP) - It was only a teddy benr and a Pohsh travel book. flul. oh, what 1t did tn Lhe prison routme!

t\uthoriti"es for a while Thursday thought someone was trying to send a bomb t.o conv1ctt:d mass murderer Charles Manson.

T UE EPISODE STARTED when a checkin~ device at the California Medical F'acilily indicated the package con· tamed w1res . Ouards moved lhc paclrnge to a safe area and C'overed it with s andbaJts.

Into the act wus S<.'nt u spcc111lly truincd doJt from Tnvis Air F'orce Base. The do~ went Into what pr111on authorities tt'rm<'d u "das ... \c alert" position - mukin~ them think they hod 11 bomb on their hands.

Tht• f1Ve ·b\ -e1ghl·inch packaite. with :i r eturn address in Pi>l;ind . wui taken to a ncarhy orrhunt by the Concord Police DcpartmPnt bomb squad . which ope11ed It nnll fount! the toy and the Polish book

JAM ES 1.F.U MAN, TIIE Vnl'nvtll<.' pollc1· t'h1ef. said wires 111s1de the teddy bt'ar mny h:i\ l' i.et ore the chct'king device Tht'rc wos no word on whut prompted the dog to ltO 1nlo 1ls ··c1assic tt lert .' ·

MaMon. 41. wa11 <'Onvlct<"d 1n tht l9f''9 i. layinas of nctress Sharon Tate and s ix olhrrs , lit• wns moved from Jo"olsom to this prison 40 mile~ \\'l"lt of Sarramcnto In Mny to undcrAO psychiutnc s tudy

'Serves All l11ter«-sts"

Coast Bill Backed By Irvine Company Raymond Watson. president of

the lrvlne Com pany. today ::in · nounced the company's <'ndor. t' ment of the Smith bill. the surviv­ing coastal control measure ln the Assembly .

Watson said he conveyed the compa ny ' s support o ( th e measure, SB 1277, to its author Sen. Jerome Smith (0-Saratoga) and Assembly Speaker Leo McCarth)' <D·San Francisco> on Wednesday prio r to the approval of the bill by the Asembly Wa:ys and Means Committee.

'"As th e S mith blll h as emerged. we feel It ls a workable bill l'erving all interests- those desirous of protffling the co.st and those who own roastaJ pro­perty," Walson declared.

• 1The best indication of bow

weJJ balan ced lhe bill ho becon,e Is lb.at during my mett· ln1ts In Sacramento with the Sierra Club. l.be Planning and Conset-vation League •11d wilb d t \•elopment ioteresu. none

could claim the Smith hi ll us th~irs all had to make con cessions . "

Wnt ison said his C"ompany belives that coosl protection legis l ation " Inevitable a nd necessary.

The e ndorsement o( the Smith bill by the land company comes as the firm is p ropsoing develop. ment pla ns for the J0.000 acr~ between Corona del Mar a nd Laituna Beach.

Wat.Ion noted that the plan ror the area whk h was reeenUy en· dorsed by the county planning commission culminated a two­)ear pla nning process.

" We htd to en11u..-e that the goals a nd objectives developed by TICMAP could ln fact be im · plemented under the proposed coastal le1is l aUon.' · Watson said.

··we believe the Smith blll 11 lo harm<1ny • •llb lbe ruult.s ol t.he coastal a rea planninc proceaa.·· heuid,

Italians Granted Abortions

SEV&SO. lt a ly (API - Thr~ wom en today underwe nt the first therapeut ic abort ions In connection with the poisonou cloud of chemicals thut sprtud O\'er thts villaa;e A month a.:o. physicians said .

The wom e n . from 21 t o 37 yNir:1 o ld in and In th~· third month ot prei,tnuncy, underwent th«- abortion~ bccuusc or fcur that their babies might huvc been deformed by the errects of the toxic gas, the doctors so.Id.

They said the operations. ut u clinic in nearby Milan. wl'rc successfuJ a nd that lhe fetuse!> \\OUld undergo l aboratory tesL' 1n It aly and France to d e · l~rmine what e ffects the gas may have bad.

Italian la w bars abortions, although th e co nsti tutional courts have rul ed that the operations can be performed If ph ysic i a ns certify that the. health ol the pregnant woman or oHspring may be en · dangered.

A cloud or gas carrying poisonous d iox i n crystals descended on Seveso and two near by villages after a n in· dus tria l accid ent al a loca l chemical pla nt J uJy 10. More t han 700 resident& have since been e v acuate d from thei r homes. M~di,cal source~ said that

three m ore pregnant wome n from Sev eso have been ad ­mitted to the same clinic for possible abortions next week. He alth a uth orities say tha t about 200 Seveso-area women were in the first three months or pregnancy, the moist suscep· tible period, when the accident occurred.

The Seveso abortions have touc hed o fr a &rowing con· troversy.

R o ma n Cath olic Church authorities and some Christian Democrat local officials have come out against allowing abor· tions fo r Seveso women. Some see it as the first step toward an abortio n -on -de m and bill, long backed by Jeflls t poJitJ. cians. ·

Health author ities allowed the first three abortions only after several expert• and sclentisti; warned of risks of dioxln ertccts on pregnant. wom en and possi· ble matror maUon ol fetuses

Fro• P•,,e A I

GOP ••• ratification of ERA - a platform fixture for 36 years, brought furious reaction from femlnists and their s upporters. The full committee voted 51 to 47 Thurs · day night to include the endorse· ment.

Tbe com mittee vOled to r etain a statement s upporting " the er. forts or those who seek enact­ment of a constitutional amend· ment t.o r estore protection of the ri ghts to lif e for unborn childre n."

Meanwhile, P resident Ford's convention managers contend it would be poor poli tics for him to tip his vice presidential hand In advance, despit~ s la na ls o f Republican unres t about some of the names In his catalogue oC pro­SJ>C<'l.3 .

They're seeking to calm those concerns. while citing the Presi· dent 's Insistence that he won't name a running mate ln advance and won 't try lo bargain for de-­legates with lhe v ice presidency.

.,..~ .. OUT OF THE RACE Rep . W ayne Hays

Hays Drops Congress Bid -Health Bad

EAST LIVERPOOL, Ohio <AP> - Re p. Wayne L. }fays , whose r e l ationship w ith Elizabeth Ray sparked a con· gressional payroll-sex scandal. today dropped his bid for r e­e lection, citing health reasons and " harassm ent. "

He had said Thursday he was considering ending his campaign if he thought Tt woilla wipe out Miss Ray's chances for more publicity.

The 65-year-old Democrat sub· milled his campaign withdrawal statement t o the Columbia na County Board of Elections here.

In a statement released in Washington, Hays said " l do this with a heavy heart" and s aid he had planned to retire in 1978.

" However, the current s tate or my health coupled with the harassment m y family and I ha ve taken fro m the Washington Post have led m e to conclude th :1l I s hould step down at the end or my current te rm ," he said

The Post broke the story on Miss Ray 's charges that fl ays kept her on a House com mittee payroll at a $14,000 a year saJury solely to provide him with sex

'The polls s how J'd win, but I don't want lo give that woman another chance to ma ke a n ap· pearance," Hays said Thursday in an interview.

Hays a lso was hos pitali zed alter laking an overdose of sleep­mg pills during the scandal. Bis doctor said the overdose was ac­eidental.

Ray is currently covering the Republican national convention in Ka nsas City as a correspon­dent for Genesis magazine. She a lso has written a book a nd magazine a rticles that benefitled from the publicity generated by the scanda l. And she has posed for nude pictures which were published in two men's m agazines .

The resignation means Hays, the for mer chairman of the in­flufnlial House Administration Committee , will leave ofrice when h is term expi r es in J anuary .

Despite the publicity or hi~ re· laUonship with Miss Ray. Hays defeated four -time challenger Nick Ka nnick in the June 14 primary in his bid for a 15th term inomce.

Too Much? Too Little?

Oil FirDI Probe Sought

WASllJNCTON CAP) A FtHh•r.a l Powt•~ommiulon < t' PC 1 Jud a c dny rtcom· mt•nded that ttu' cc Depart· m ent hwt•11ttJtt1h! the Gulf 0 11 Corp. and 11naturnl111s buyt.'r for po8aiblc cr1 m \nol con:,p!rncy.

FPC A<l ni i nl ~ truti v-c La w Judt,!t< Ru \'mond M. Zlmml't found thut Gutr failed to dclivt>r to a n lnterslule J)ipellnc the volume of 1:u11 required undar an FPC l'ert1f1t'ate.

Zimmel ulso said inocUon on the part or thl' pipeline g.iu buyer. T{'xas Eu s t e rn Trunsmission Corp. . oC llouslon. ''strongly hmts nl n eonspiracy by the two to withhold gns from the In­terstate market until the pn ce has been driven up, in v\olati~ of federal antitrust la\\s."

The JUdge recommend th:1l the fo' PC refer the cuse to the Ju s tic e Dcpartmt>n t for n ­ves t1 gation :ind appropria , cnm1nal nt'llon.

There was no im mediate com· ment fro m either company.

Z1mmc1 ·s decision is subject to 1-·rc review . and the parties named have 30 days to file excep. \Jons to th<.' decision.

The decision sold that in 1963."' the commission authodzed (iulr­to sell Texas Eastern a total or 4.4 • trillion cubi c fc(.'l or gas to be dc'­hvered in daily volumes or n-om 500 million to 625 mllhon cubk feet.

Deliveries beAan .in 1964, lht• dec1s1on !>a1d. and in 1971 Gulr sought to am<.'nd its certificate to raise the price. The commission drnicd the reques t.

Zimmel said in late 1975, the FPC became aware Gulf was not dehvenng the certified volumes of gas a nd Initiated a show cause 'Proceeding against Gutt :md Tex­as Eastern.

Zimmel r ecommended thnt Gulf be given less thnn one month to begin drlivering the mnximum amount or Ras. It lhe company failed to eomply, he continued, the FPC should move agninst Gulf In fcdcrul court to compel perform:mcr.

The judge s aid thul when the l"PC de nied Gulf's proposed certi flcat<.' a m endment, the com m ission contend ed that Gulr could not be relieved or its obliga. l io n s at th e ex p e n se o f ratepayers .

"There is utterly no justifica· lion ror Gulf either to gouge con- ' sumen through higher prices or to escape its obligations on some recently con t rived economic th<'Ory," Zimmel said,

Ft-o• Pagf' A I

CHASE •.• a curb near Marguerite Park"ay and Felipe Road that the pursuers cornered their prey.

" When we responded tolhedis· turbance at the Newhope Street market, we si mply wanted to end it. Why he jumped in his car and tried to race orr ' don't know, " said Murg.

As the chase neared Laj?una :Canyon, highway patrol orrJcers blocked the canyon to avoid a possible c rash on its windi ng road, Murg reported.

Baby Shark Dies SAN DIEGO CA P> - A baby .

great white s hnrk accidentally captured and turned over to Sc~1 World has died.






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llnoleum • wood floor

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