19 4 9 - Saint Paul Public Schools


Transcript of 19 4 9 - Saint Paul Public Schools

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19 4 9

Published by

the Senior Class of

Humboldt High School


I. - - - Classes

II. - - - Clubs

Ill. - - - Sports

l'a e l-our

STAFF Editor-in-Chief Virginia Ressler Associate Editors-

Katherine Pulley, Rose Mary leibl, Joann Greengard

Busmess Manager

Circulation Manager Photographer

Marilyn Quinn

Yvonne Rau Allen Oppegard

Spans Editor Ar Editors

Donald Gnttner Carole Olson, lloyd Arnd

Advertising Ed1tor Eileen Greene


Mrs Alice Caroline Ed torial and Business Advisor

Mr. Hordeen Noeseth Art Adv.sor

Pa ~ Ftt


l'ag~ St:c


Mr. Lenander has been principal at Humboldt for four years. In that time, he has made many decided improvements. Since it is his smcere desire that each student should be happy at Humboldt, he always has their welfare in mind. Mr. Lenander 1s a hard-working, congenial man, who shows wisdom and understand­ing in all his decisions.


Mr. lsacksen, the assistant principal of

Humboldt, is a real down-to-earth person.

Besides his full-time job as assistant princi

pal, he is also actively interested in such extra-curricular activities as the Canteen

and the Student Council. He is always ready

to do refereeing, too, when the occasion calls for it.

ATHLETIC BOARD Standing: Mr. Krueger, Mr. A. Peterson Sitting: Mr. lsacksen,

Mr. Lenander, Mr. McDonough.

Pa ~ s~un


FACUlTY Standing: Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Lohi, Mr. Naeseth, Mr. T. Peterson, Mr. McDonough, Mr. Lieb­e' 10 M, Ago, Mrs. Caroline, Mrs. Green. Sitting: Mrs. Knauss, Miss Koehler, Mr. Meier, Miss Menk, Mr '~ack'ien Mrs. Petrie, Miss Hoy, Mr. Ramstad

FACUlTY Standing: Miss Kees, Mr. A. Peterson, Mrs. Samson, M1ss Pearson, Mrs. Carlson. Sitting: Mis Our r g, M Rugg, Mr. Krueger, Mrs. Wannamaker, Mrs. Pritchett, Mr. lenander, Mr. Farmer, Mr. Folk.

This year's faculty is almost the same as last year's, with the exception of Mr. Farmer,

Mr. Naeseth, and Mr. Lieberman, who ore the only new members of the teaching staff.

Mrs. Wannamaker, who was here in 1946-47, was welcomed back after a year's leave of absence. Mrs. lohi is our new nurse.

.... of going back to school last fall with

the thought of the gay times ahead of us .

. . . . of all the exciting football and basket­

ball games where we cheered ourselves


.... of choosing Jeanne Strom as Home­

coming queen, and the fun we had ot the

game and dance afterward.

.... of Humbo dt's winning the hockey

championship, and Louie Saad and Jim

Yackel winning places on the All-City team.

. . . . of Dickens' "Christmas Carol," given

by the expression class before Christmas vaca­


.... of Christmas vacation, with all the fun

we had at the different dances and parties we


.... of "Jumbo Jim" Fritsche getting 205

points in basketball and breaking every

record in St. Paul so far.

.... of the grand times we had at Canteen

on Friday nights, dancing and playing ping­


.... of the operetta, "An Old Fashioned

Charm," the first Humboldt has given in sev­

eral years, and what a big success it was.

. . . . of those "Arrow-out!" days, when we

m '' ernor'l-

sot in class and read our Arrows instead of

our text-books.

.... of having Millard Gieske chosen for

the "H" Club award.

. ... of the laughs we had at the comical

April Fool Varsity show.

.... of the memorable class play, "I Re­

member Mama," with its funny, lovable char-


.... of Humboldt's surprising us all bv win­

ning the Tug-of-War at the Winter Carnival,

and of the pride we all felt when Humboldt's

band marched in the Grand Parade.

. ... of the juniors making exciting plans

for the junior-senior prom this year.

.... of committees making plans for the

Senior Day picnic, marking the end of the

school year.

.... of assemblies, "March of Time" mov­

ies, tests, report cards, sixth periods, dances,

and all the things which make up a memor­

able year.

. ... and, last of all, of all the fun we've

had working with Mrs. Caroline and the rest

of the staff on this yearbook.

-Virginia and Yvonne

RONALD ADAMS was vice-pre• d t f the sen1or class 1ntends to go to college ... was sports ed1IOr for the Arrow .•• played football m '46, '47, and '48, and basketball m '49

GEORGE AL TENDORFER worked on the stage f rce . was on the swimimng team . . • plans to go to business college ... wonts to be a mm­mg engineer . . . l,k s wood shop best of all his stud1es.

FRANK BACZEWSKI played o the bo .ebo t· om du ong '48 and '49 ••. served on the Canteen com mittee .•• was a member of the "A" choir ... plans to ploy professlonrl bose­boll ..• likes to be called "lefty.'"

HARRIET BAKALINSKY plans to g I the U •v r ity of M1nnesoto next year ... wants Ia be a nurse ..• . . . was a hall monitor . enjoyed world h1story and English . . . l1kes to ploy basketball and to swim.

ROBERT BELLAND belonged to the sw•mming team . . wonts to become a millionaire ..• enjoys senior social science .•. says that he likes to drive a car . . . plans to go to business college next year.

EDNA BERNSTEIN plans to attend the Un vers ty of Minne­sota .•. was a member of the "Sharks of Shorthand" . . . likes to ploy the piano and listen to classical musoc . . . is in­terested in teaching piano.

GERALDINE BLISS likes Cho•r fl'lore than any other sub!ect . .. wonts to learn to drive a cor ..• dis­likes boys W1lhout manners . . . enjoys liste ning to records and going to movies . .. wants to be called "Gerry."

Pag~ Ten

THERESA ALLIE was junior class secretory .•. wonts to be a dress buyer ••• acted as hall supervisor ..• served on th Ethics Committee ••• was in "The Christmas Carol" • . . served as Red Cross representative.

FRED ARNDT belonged to the g• If team 1n '46, '47, '48, and '49 .•. won the c1ty high school golf champ1onsh1p . . • was on the '45 foot­ball and hockey learns .•. hkes golfmg, huntong, and fishing.

BEVERLY BAESLER wants to _rse . . . ott nd :1 Wash ington High in Duluth before commg here • . . hates oral reports . • • is called ''Bubs" .. says she likes moth ... was a member of the G.A.A.

MARY LOU BECHTOLD says that he wan to t 1ke up nursing ... likes chem1slry best of all her sub jects ..• is often called "Dimples" names as h r favante movie stars, June Allyson and Fred MacMurray.

ALLEN BEREZOVSKY played "A' football m '47 and '48 would like to be a psych10trist ••• says that his fovorote food is apple p1e .•. is known as "Branlo.a" . • . diSlikes girls who smoke.

DONNA MAE BETER served on th Red Co Comm·tte• app~ared m "Our Town" .•. says tha t she likes journalism . . . wants to be­come a singer ... dislikes conceited boys ... served as librarian for the 'A" Choir.

WILLIAM BOYD belonged to the H1storica l Society appeared in " Our Town," "You Can't Take It With You," and "The Christmas Carol" . . . be longed to the tennis team •.. says he wants to become a lawyer

THOMAS BRYAN was a memb r of l1ttle Theater ••• liked

xpr ss1an more than any oth r subject ..• has play d n "Our Town,'' "Arsen c and Old lace,'' "You Can't To e It W1th You" ... b longed to the gym t om.

RITA CARRELL was a mamber of the Historical Society • . . wants to become an occupal1onal therap1st ... plans to attend the Un1ver s1ty of M nnesoto , • l•kes to r ad .•. 1s mt rested tn ballet.

MARLENE CHAPPLE was co-ed1tar of second and thtrd pages of the Arrow ... plans to attend Mocal· ester College . • . was a memb r of the Y Teens, Quill and Scroll, and the ltttle Theater.

LOIS COOPER belonged I h Y- n and Sharks of Shorthand • . • served on the Student Council .•. was a member of the band . . • coli cis stomps ... says that music and h1story were her favonte subjects.

GLORIA CORONADO waul J •w• a re to• I ~p c1aliz· 1ng in Mextcan food . • • likes sewing best of all h r subjects ... enjoys eating Tacos w1th hot pepper • • . was a mem ber of the G A.A.

ROSEANN CROSBY says th en1 wet I ng ba.ketball and hockey games • • . plans to enter nurM!S' tram1ng class at St. Joseph's Has pttal next y or ... l1kes to collect figur· tnes as a hobby.

ESTHER DAMRAU was a b of the G.A.A . . . says she likes bookkeeping and office work •.. was a Red Cross representative and a hall man1tor •.• would like to do sec­retarial work.

RITA BUHL wants to become an airplane hostess ... likes to go horseback riding and dancing

d sl,kes no1sy peopl would like to do office work.

DONALD CHAPDELAINE served as vtet:-pr" '" nt of th Student Counetl th1s year ..• was on the Ethtcs Commtttee ••. served on the Hall Traffic and lunchroom comm1ttees • . • plans to start o rid mg stable.

VICTORIA CHAVEZ would I k.: u uv v" w• k . likes to make her own clothes and to collect snapshots ••• dislikes boys and g1rls who drink •.. does not pion to go to college.

AURORA CORONADO attended St Agne A• 1d y Houston, Texas, says she would like to be an air stewardess ... enjoys swimming, skating, and horseback riding ... likes to watch football and basketball gamas .

EMMA COWDEN was co-ed1t01 f the A ·ow th y or belonged to the Quill and Scroll, Girls' Stole, Thespians, and little Theater . was the D.A.R. representoltve . . . be­longed to Student Counetl.

MITZIE DAMM attended h•gh .choo n los Argeles be­fore coming here in her senior year ..• was o member of the "A" Choir and the G.A.A. . . • would l1 e to be a teacher of physical education.

VONNIE DE LANGE was cha m f the Pan Am• ~an As­sembly ... was circulation manager of the Arrow • . . belonged to the Quill and Scroll ..• was a hall monitor • , • would like to go to the University of Minnesota.

Pa t' Elt't nt

MURIEL DONAGHUE served on the Student Council • . . on­joys listening to classical musoc . . . wo• a member of the G.A.A. • • • song in th "A" Choor ... noiT\Cs P ter Lawford as h r movo fovor~te.

CAROL DWYER was a .• '-' v, ••• worked on tho lofe Stoff • • • served as a hall monotor and as a Lofe representotiv says that she lokes bowlong and roller s along.

DOROTHY ESCHENBACHER w o r G.A.A. . • • wo> o holl monotor •.. belonged to the Goris' Glee Club ••• pions to go to business college ••. Jokes to sew ••. would lok to b o stenographer.

PEGGY ANN EVERSON belonged o the '"Shark of Shorthand" . . . does not plan to go on to college ... says that her ambition os to get her nome on a history book.

LURA FERGUSON plans to at d C lela Coo g • wonts to become a medocol technician .. was secretory of the Historical Socoety . • • belonged to the Choir, Little Theater, G.A.A., and the Camero Club.

AUDREY FLAHERTY was y th Conte n .. be­longed to the G.A.A .•.. was a Red Cross representative . . . served on the bond commottee for Homecoming . . . was a hall monitor •.• belonged to the Y-Teens.

JAMES FRITSCHE played basketball in '47, '48, and '49 ... played baseball in '48 and '49 ..• was president of the Choir . . . pions to go to college • . . was on Arrow repre­sentative and a hall monitor.

ROXAN DUC served on the Cant en CoMmotte was junoor class tr osurer • . • belong d to the Student Council . . . plans to be­com a ch most . • . wonts to attend Mocalest r Coli ge .•. opp :~red on ''The Chrostmos Corel."

JOSEPHINE EDMONSON os oe• ~ nown as "Jo" , . • wos a member of th G.A.A .••• would I ke to travel . • • l.k s to dev lop poctures •.• says that Gl nn Ford os her favor te move star.

GORDON ESSEN belongs to th Little Th oter • . • at­tended Johnson Hogh for three years be­fore comong here . . • was a memb r of th Choor .•• says that he lok l to hunt and fish.

FRANK FELDHUSEN would li~ cur'"' a., orchotecturol draftsman •.. enjoys 11'\CChonlcol drawing more than any other subJect .•• ltkes to collect coins • . . says that apple po is hos fovonte food.

MYRON FINN played bo e , ..• be­longed to the Student Councol • . • was sports ed tor of the Arrow . • • served as Red Cross representative .•. worked on the committee for gym r creotoon.

PATRICIA FREILING was a w f t lottie Th oter and the German Club ... serv d as o hall monitor . • . says she enjoyed her work in expression and Choir ..• appeared in "The Christmas Carol."

JEAN GALVIN enjoys workmg n crofts ... was a mem­ber of the Canteen • . . would like to travel after she graduates . • was o member of the G.A.A. . . . likes to be coiled "Irish."

KATIE GASTON was o m mber of the G A.A. • • . de

ores that • n r soc ol sconce was her fovor.te subJect • • • serv d as o hall momtor ••• pions to go to the University of Monn solo . . . collects snapshots.

RICHARD GIESKE was 1unoor class voc pr sodenl .•• played "A" football In '48 ... b longed to the tennos t om . . . played basketball . . serv d as on Arrow repr sentotiv says h s ombotoon os to be o draftsman.

PATRICIA GLOSS was co-edotor u uoe Arrow . • • was o member of G A.A., llltl Th oter, Y-Teens, and Quoll and Scroll ..• was o memb r of the stage force •.• wonts to become a receptoonlst.

JO ANNE GORANSON belonged to Lilt heo te o r ored on "Our Town" ... was on the prom com· mottee • • . belonged to the G.A.A. and Canteen • • • was a hall monitor . . would lok to I och physocol educoloon.

DONALD GRITTNER served a A, w nt• t ve says that he would J, e to be o civil en· gineer •.. declares that huntong ono fishong ore hos fovonte sports • . . was sports edotor on the Life staff.

JOHN GUERTLER enjoy d pong e tho any tl er sub­JOel he took 10 hogh school •.• says he Jokes to drove o cor ... doesn't wont to go to college . . . enjoys hunting and fshong.

JAMES HALVORSON says tl , he w• od I ke o p •chiotrist names hunting and fishing as his hobbies ••. says that he dislokes red-heads wonts to go to college )1cxt year.

MILLARD GIESKE played on the "A" football team was a member of the Notoonol Honor Socoely and the Student Councol ... soys he plans to attend the Universoty of Monne· oto ... won the 1949 "H" award.

JOSEPH GLEASON wonts to attend the Unoversoty of M10ne· solo • • • plans to become o doctor . • . played football 10 '46, '47, and '48 • . • was on the gym team . . . tokes weoght loft10g and pong pong.

JANICE GOLBERG plans to a e U •v ·t .A Monnesoto next year . • . wonts to reach the five loot mark on he ght . . • says that h r hobby os collect10g pictures of movoe stars.

JOHN GRAY was sopho e r e .:~nd trees urer of the Student Council in '47 '48 ..• served as o lunch room monitor

was on the tennis team . . • b,.. longs to the Lilli Theater group.

JOSEPH GUBASH wonts lc wn a e '"''' at n North­ern M10nesota . . . doesn't want to al· tend college . I kes to hunt and fish ..• enjoys English more than ony other subject.

JOHN HAIDER wonts to ecoM< elect n .•. was an Arrow representatove . • • enjoys all outdoor sports ... belonged to the Little Theater • • . en1oyed the boys' cooking class more than any other subject.

CAROLANN HAMMERSTEN was a ..,ember of the G A.A. . . . d e · dares she I kes higher algebra the best of all her subjects • . • likes to ploy the piano ... says that cooking is her hobby.

Pag~ Thirtan

BEVERLY HAMMOND says that sh likes to collect old records

enroyed Socoal ond Fa moly Problems best of all her subjects on h gh school goes for cokes and hamburg rs.

JOAN HEINEN was chaor h Canteen's commoltee . . • appeared in "Th Christmas Carol" .•. was a memb r of the G.A.A ...• was on th program commotte for the prom lost year.

MARILYN HERING belonged L;ttle Th ate a d G.A.A. . . . says that driving a cor and playing the piano are her fovorote pastomes •.. wonts to fly a plane ... likes roost duck.

JACK HOLLAND was on tl A ba I teaM oil four years ..• held the office of treasurer for the junior class ... plans to attend the Universoly of Wosconson .•. wonts to be an aviator.

PHYLLIS JACK says that her favorite .ubject was typing, and that she would like to be a typist

dosilkes gossips ••• declares that her hobby os sewong • . • says her favorite food is hamburgers.

LEONARD JA VNER belonged t the Came ·a Club . was on the track team •.• wonts to become an airplane mechanic . • • likes to war~ around airplanes ••. enjoyed senior social science more than any other subject.

ROBERT JUNGWIRTH declo es that h favor te subtects were shop and geometry ..• prefers brunettes to blondes .•. would like to be a fore­man in a machine shop ... says his fa. verite food is pork chops.

Pug~ Fcillrtun

DELORES HARDMAN belonged to little Theater • . • was o Th spoon .•. served as on Arrow repre­sentotov ..• was a hom com ng attend ant In '48 . • . belonged to the Student Councol ••. appeared In "Th Chnstmos Carol."

THERESA HELSPER wos a ch r-leader ... serv d as feature edotor of the Arrow •.. was a Thespoon •.. b long d to Quill and Scroll •.. was a Homecomong attendant in '48 ••. ap­peared on "Our Town."

PHYLLIS HEUER was a member of the "A" Choor for three years . • . wants to do s cretorool work . • • en!oys sewing and oce fishong . was locket choorman for the bond doesn't plan to attend college.

ANGELINE HUERTA ervod a a I 'lll ,. •tor . • • says sho

liked typing the best of all her subiects ... song tn the Choir . , • likes to collect snapshots of her fomoly •.. pr f rs bru· ,ettes to blondes.

KENNETH JACKSON belonged to the HoY . ved as a Life representatove ••• says that hos ombollon is to be a forest ranger .•• en!oys read ing good books •.• loked crofts the best of all hos sub1ects.

JULIA JOWISKI names odvano ed c •th ng f e favoro•o high school subject • . . lokes hors back rodong and watching prof ssoonol foot boll ... says that she would lok to be· come o famous equestr•enne.

AUDREY KANE served a a hall man to • plans to go to business college . . • declares that her favorote subject was home economics ... say she dislokes unmannerly boys .•. likes to eat frog legs.

DONALD KAPPEL attended Monroe H1gh School for two years before commg here •.• l1kes to eat corn d beef and cobbog •.. would hk to b come o draftsman ..• declar s tho• "Crossfire" was h1s fovonte mov1e.

DONALD KASTNER was o hall mon1tar • . • plans to attend colleg at the Un1v rs•ty of Minnesota .•. wonts to be on engmeer .•. be­long d to the hockey team 1n '46 and '49 . • . was on the Stud nt Council.

DOROTHEY KEMPE was a m mber of th L1ttl Theater and Cant n ..• served as a hall mon•lor ... was a Homecom1ng attendant . • • says that expr ss1on was her favonte subject . • • would hke to b a kmdergorten teacher.

HAROLD KIMMEL was on the golf team . . says he l1kes huntmg, playing golf, and racing cars •.. dislikes women dnvers ... declares his fovonte food is hom . • . says his ombit1on is to make money.

MARY JO KOTNOUR was !reo f he St 1dent C •un was a member of the Canteen, Y-Teens, l1ttle Theater, and G.A.A. •.. served as a hall mon tor .•• would l.ke to be o nurse.

PHYLLIS KUNZE served as a hall monitor . says that she l1kes men who ore toll, dark, and handsome • . . likes to eat chow mein ... claims that English was her favorite h•gh school subject.

BERNARD LAMB says that he wont• to go to the University of Mmnesoto . • . plans to be an en­gineer ... was a member of the L1ttle Theater . • . serve as hall mon1tor ... likes mechon•col drawing.

LORRAINE KARG IS b Iter known as "Toot" . . . belonged to the Y-Te ns • . . serv d as Canteen treasurer . • . says that she likes to eat !ned ch1cken ... d dares she enroyed typmg more than any other subject.

SHIRLEY KELLERMAN plans to attend Macolest r college wonts to be a mus1c teacher . . . be­longed to the Y-Teons, lattle Theater, and "Sharks of Shorthand" . . . was on the prafl\. homecom1ng, and ethics committees .

RAY KEMPE played bosketbol, f..,, hree years . . . played "A" football in '47 .•. served as a Red Cross representative ••. plans to go to the Univers1ty of Minnesota ... hkes to fish and travel.

LUCILLE KLAMM says that he• fa <> te h gh school subject was chemistry . . . would like to be a psych1otmt . . . hkes to eat French fries . . . was a member of the German Club.

ERNA KRUEGER was a me• '"' of tf ..,,A.A. • • • be­longed to the bond • • • says that she prefers blondes to brunettes . • • declares that her pet peev Is concealed people . . • • says her favorate subrect was ex­pression.

RONNIE LAFFEN was on the tennis team . . plans to go to the Un,versaty of Minnesota ... claims that steak and French fraes are his favor­lie foods .•• says that he enjoyed senior social science.

HELEN LAMB served as hall m<' o me year •. b long d to the "Shor s of Shorthand" . . . says that her omb1t1on is to be o success . . . likes typing best of all her subjects.

P.z ~ Fi/tun

ELLEN LARKIN wonts to attend the Unovers ty of Monne­soto • • . plans to be o t och r . . . likes Engl sh best of all her subj cts . . . all nded St. Motth w's School before commg h re . • • loves eotmg hombur­g rs.

RICHARD LEE was voce-presod nt of the Red Cross 10

'47 ... belonged to the Student Councol . . . served as a hall momtor • • • was on th "A" football ond bask tboll squads.

PHOEBE LETOURNEAU was a l,. r of J te ~ the Camero Club, and tho Y-Teens •.• plans to go to Mocol ster • . . served on the co e commottee at Canteen • . . says her fovonte subject was Am ricon hostory.

HELMI LUIK plans to go to the Umv Mmnesoto

. says she wonts to become o teacher ... likes to eat pie better than anything . • . enjoyed gym best of all h r SUbJeCts.

ROSE MANOVITZ s rv d c I was a member of the Notional Honor So­coety . . • plans to go to the University of Minnesota next year . • . belonged to the German Club.

ROGER MANTEUFEL says loe d like g h smoke ••. de dares he prefers brunettes • . • claims that h s fovorote food Is roost pork • . . =ooys hos fovorote movie is "The Best Years of Our Loves."

JEANNINE MATTSON was a Mt> r t oe S ho d Club

served as secretory of the German Club .•. says that shorthand and typing w re her favorite subjects • . • would Joke to do secretarial work.

Pa ~ ,\ixtun

JERRY LAVERTY was s noor class presodent • • • b longed to lottie Th oter •.• appeared on "You Can't Toke It Woth You" and "Our Town"

was a member of the Student Coun­col . . • Ilk s horseback r dong.

HERBERT LEGLER plans to go to Mocol t r Colleg says that he would loke to be on n­goneer •.. declares that h s fovonte hogh school subt ct was mothem.otocs . . • says hos fovorot food IS spoghetto.

JEROME LITTFIN b longed to both th swommong team and the gym team ..• was a member of the H Y and "A" Cho1r . . . says that he wonts to b come a successful bus ness man.

THOMAS MALONEY played football on '47 and '48, bas etboll on '48 and '49, and hockey on '48 and '49 ... was a hall monitor and a Red Cross repres ntollv . • . was a Student Counc1l member.

GLORIA MANSFIELD song 10 th Choor ••. b lon ed to the G.A.A ..•• was a member of "Sharks of Shorthand" and lottie Th ater ••. served on tho prom comm1ttee ... would like to become a pnvote s cretory.

MARLENE MASEK wonts to e J n .• says her favor­lie food is Italian spaghetti • • • claims her hobboes ore tennis, ~eoding, and art . . • declares that soc1ol and family problems was her favorite subject.

LAWRENCE McDONALD serveJ a t ol {. ,.,, was in charge of the lunch room monitors ... played In the bond ••. I, es to eat steak ••• says hunting and fishing ore hos favorite sports.

DONNA McPHAIL was a reporter for the Arrow •.• served as o hall monrtor .•. was a m mb r of the Camero Club . • . says her fovorit sub1ect was 1aurnolism . • . lrkes to eat spaghetti and meat bolls.

ELEANOR MERK was o merrber of the Cho~r . . . d dar s that she II ed typmg best of all her sub-1 cts • . . says she I kes to eat chicken . • . nom s sewmg as her hobby.

DUANE MILLER wonts to I ad o band • • • plans to at tend Macol ster College next year . says math rs h s fovont sub1 ct . lrkes to dnve o cor n1oys list ning to dossrcol musrc.

ROGER MILLS played "8" footbol m sophorr.-:>re year and "A" football m hrs junror year was coptom of the swirrmrng team in his junior year ... was o hall monitor and on Arrow and lrfe representative.

A NIT A MORALES says she does not t ' o end college . • • liked home economics best of oil her subjects • . enjoys kecprng o scrap book . loves dancrng . . • dislikes people who are conceited.

JOHN MORYN belonged to the u ]ent C ·il . . . served as o Red Cross representative . • • was co-tr asurer of the lunior doss • • • belonged to the Hi-Y and Little Theater .•• served on the Canteen com­mrttee.

JAMES MURPHY says that crof f. w ite subject .•. dorms hrs hobbres are fishing, play­Ing pool, and hunting • . • nom s Esther Wrllrams os hrs fovonte movie star do s not plan to go to college.

CAMILLE MEDERNACH helped on the stage crew in her runior year ... belong d to lrttle Theater . . . pions to be o nurse . hopes to attend the Kahler Hasprtol in Rochester, Minne· solo, next year.

MARILYN MEYERS says she does not wont to attend college ..• names chemrstry as her favorite sub­ject •.• wonts to become o nurse .•• was a member of the Arrow sta ff .•• lrkes to sow.

ROBERT MILLER served as A v and as o lrfe repre· s ntatrve . . . says hrs fovont subject is hrstory • . . dorms huntmg and fishing ore hrs hobbres • . . was o hall monitor • . • II es to eat blueb rry pre.

SETTY ANN MINER would like tc g h U . ersrty o f Minnesota next year . . . likes to ea t bacon, tomato, and lettuce sandwiches on toast . . • was o member of the lrttle Theot r group.

RACHEL MORENO was drum ,., tic a• h bo d . says she would like to study medicine was a member of the G.A.A .... served on the prom bid commrttee lost year.

SHIRLEY MURCH dorms ch I he avoo ·te fond ..• wos o member of the Y-Teens .•. dislikes conceited people ... says that Rita Hoy­worth Is her favorite movie star.

JACK MURRAY was a cheeo reode . . played basket· boll in his freshman year .. • be longed to the Hi-Y and to the Canteen .•. served os o life representative .. . was o mem· ber of the band.

Pa ~ Su~ntun

MARCEL YN NELSEN was pr sod nl of tho Y-Toens .•• served on the s n1or picture comm1tteo worked on th life Stoff . • • says thnt her fovorole sub1 ct was bond . . . I k \ to ploy th marimba.

GERALD NEMER plans to attend U v soty of Minn solo • • • claim\ that chem1stry is his fa · vorot~ sub1ect ... wonts to be on account ant after he graduates • • • servtld as superv1sor of hall monitors.

MARSHALL NIELSON says th I I v claims h1s fovonte subject os metal shop •.. l1kes to eat steak .•• wonts to be a machinist • • . enjoys watching hockey games.

BEVERLY O 'CONNELL ~erved C •e t .e says that her omb lion is to do a lot of traveling ••. d clores that she likes 1.:> cook ami to sew .•. doslikes girls who smoke.

VIRGINIA OLSEN was a M e f the St• •de • Council ••• appeared in "Our Town" •.• be· longed to the lottie Theater and G.A.A. ••• plans to go to business college would like to be a receptionist.

ALLEN OPPEGARD serve ph I •g P' f· the life-Staff • • was a hall mon1tor, on Arrow representottve, and a Red Cross represent· olive ••• appeared In "Our Town" and "Pyromus and Thisbe" . • • l1kes French fr,es.

WILLIAM PENINGER played "B" footb I n h ~phomore y or and "A" football in his ~enior year .•. belonged to the Student Council .•. was o hall mon1tor and o Red Cross rep· 1 esenlotfve.

/'a l' £1 lttan

MA~Y CAROL NELSON belonged to Y-Teons, l1ttlo Th oter, and Ouoll and Scroll ••• was feature dotor of the Arrow . • . served as a hall monitor and o Red Cross repr sentol1ve ••• I k s to collect onomol figurones.

EDNA NETTEBURG wonts to be on Jnl rior decorator ••. ot tended Roosevelt one year before com ong here . . .worked on th Arrow Stoff as on exchong ed1tor • . says that sh likes to eat cub d steaks.

LEROY NOACK was on the "A" foo ...... , m In '47 and '48 ... ploy d on the hockey 1 om on '47, '48, and '49 ..• served as a hall monitor • . . says R1to Hayworth 1s h s fovorate actress.

EUGENE OLSEN clo1ms that h J shop best of all h1s hogh school sub1ects • served as a hall mon1tor ..• declares h lokes to go on hunllng and fishing trips.

CAROLE OLSON ottende Man H h f wv years be­fore corn•ng here •.. served as art ed1tor on the l1fe Stoff ••. says her ambition is to be on art teacher • . • l1kes to eat hamburgers.

ROY OVERMAN attended Cent• H gh Schoo 1 Jn year ... was a member of the Student Coun­cil ... says that his ambition is to do mechanical drawing •.. claims that his hobby is collecting records.

MYRTLE PERRON did art wo k on the Ar ow staff worked In the l1brory .•. says her am­bition is to be a nurse .•. likes to eat chow meln ... claims that her pe t peeve is reckless drivers.

MARSHALL PETERSEN s rv d as th•s y or's Stud nt Coun 1l pr s .dent . . . played basketball for three y ars • . • was co-treosur r for the Can· teen . . was on the track team for three y ors .•• b longed to th H1 Y.

JOYCE POMORSKI says that her shorthand was her fovonte h1gh school subject •.• claims that the best movie she has ev r seen IS "S•tting Pretty" . . . plans to be a m1SS1onory .•. l.kes to eat spogh 111.

ENGRACIA RAMIREZ was a member of the G1rls' Glee Club says that her hobb•es ore b1ke ridmg and playing the p1ono ••. cla1ms that Jane Powell IS her fovonte movte star.

RICHARD RASMUSSEN was a member of l1ttle Theater and H1·Y . . . served as on Arrow representative ..• would l•ke to 1010 the Navy ... be long d to th cho~r ••• played "B" foot­boll m h1s sophomore year.

DOLORES RAUSCHNOT was " ... a ell n 4 and '49 ••• belonged to tho G1rls' Glee Club ... plans to go to busmess college next year . . . says that she l.kes to eat fried ch•cken.

VIRGINIA RESSLER was editor c h Life .•. was a member of the St~d nt Council .•. be. longed to the Y-Teens, L11tle Th oter, and G.A.A. . • . served as on Arrow repro sentotive.

DIANE ROBINSON s rved or e ham burgers and French fries ore her fovontc food • . . prefers brunets to blonds • • . claims that her hobby is cooking.

CHARLES PETROWSKI play d bask tboll for two years plans to go to college ••• says his favcr· 1te food Is hamburgers • • . claims that h1s hobbi s or outdoor sports • . • was a member of the Student Council.

MARILYN QUINN was o memb r o ..,tudent Coundl • . . says her ambition is to be a secre­tory ..• likes to read .•. served as bust­n ~s manager of the L•fe Stoff • • . was a member of the Quill and Scroll.

CARL RASCHER cla1ms that h1s fc .... uv Is 1ce cream .•• says he liked senior social science b st of all his subJects •.. likes to follow M nnesoto football ... served as a hall mon,tor.

YVONNE RAU was circ~.o...... n m •age ·f the Life staff . . . was a hall mon1tor and on Arrow representative . . • plans to go to the Umvers1ty of M1nnesoto •.• was a me m­ber of Qu•ll and Scroll.

ARNOLD REHMANN was v e p• nt of the Not ol Honor Soc1ety and pres,dent of the l1ttle Theater . •. appeared in "Our Town" and "I Rem mber Mama" • • . played basketball for three years . . . belonged to the Student Counc•l.

WILLIAM RIEPE was a h..,, manito• . . p1o ns to go to St. Thomas College . . . sa ys that his hobby Is horseback riding .•. would like to be a lawyer . . • says that he d1s l•kes conce1ted girls.

DELORES ROELLER was a f •e A Cl o• d says that 11 was her fovonte subject . . . would l1ke to be a nurse . .. claims that fned chicken is her favorite food •

Pag~ Nwnun

RUEBEN RUIZ ortended M chonac Arts Hogh School for two years before comong here • • . says that machine shop wos his favorite sub­rect . . . declor S that his ombitron IS

to own hrs own busmeu.

HENRY SAL WASSER stoles the_ ·o be o pnnt r ... says he I ked hrstory best of oil hos subrects .•. prefers brunettes to blondes ••• do ms that chicken rs hrs fovont food.

RAMEDO SAUCEDO was o memb r f tho Sr de I C served os o hall monalor . . . says he wonts to go to St. Thomas College . would like to be o lawyer •.. was on Arrow repres ntotive.

DOLORES SCHLUSSLER pion tt nd -L ·1e c '• ge xt year •. was a member of G A.A ..•• enroys

dancrng, dr1vmg o cor, and gomg to movres .•. was a member of the chorr.

ROBERT SCHOENBAUER wa Re• r ·epo .P.n ' ol ve . be­longed to the Student Council . . . en· joyed mochme shop best of oil his sub­jecls . . . lrkes to drive o cor • . . en­joys eating froed chrc en.

JANICE SCHWANDT served os o hall Man I wo a m.em· ber of the Y-Teens, and "Sharks of Short­hand" . . • would Ilk to be o stenog­rapher . . . was on Arrow represenlotiv . • . likes to eat chicken.

JOHN SHOWALTER doesn't plan to a ttend co lege . . says mechanical drawing is his favorite sub­ject ... likes to go fishing ... enjoys eotrng steak ••• dislikes loud people.

LEWIS SAAD ploy d "A" football , •• was on th hock y and baseball I oms ... says that he I es to hunt ond to fish . . . would Irk to own a sportmg goods store som day.

ROLAND SAUBER was o member of th Student Counc1

. . s rved os o hall monrtor ..• work d for the Canteen ... soys hrs amb 1 on Is to b a m chonrc . • • says h I kes to eat lemon poe.

DOROTHY SCHEMA says her ombrt1on 1s to be o stenograph r

rs better known os "Dotty" . . . clo ms her hobbres ore roller s otmg and goong to movres . . • de1:lores Burt Lon caster IS her fovorote move star.

MARY LOU SCHMITT wonts opher plans to go to busrn ss coli ge ... lokes art best of oil her su.:>rects .. drslokes rmpot1ent people . . . en oys collect1ng solver dollars and statuettes of horses.

DONALD SCHWANDT ployr d l .. t., on J A" football was o member of th choor ..• serves os o hall monrtor clo ms hrs ombotion is to travel •.. says hos pet peeve is girls who smoke.

EDWARD SHANLEY was o me• r f the Stua nt Council and the Choor .• , played on the baseball and basketball teams . • • served as o hall man tor . . . was co-chorrmon of the Canteen commrllee .

MARILYN SIEGAL wonts to attend coli 1e ot the University of Monnesoto ... enjoyed senior social science ... belonged to the Glee Club In sophomore year . . • says tho! she drs­l.kes snobbish boys and girls.

JERALD SIMONSON was pr sod nt of th H storocol Society . • • s rv d as a hall monotor • • • be long d to the Student Councol •.• plans to go to the Universoty of Monnesoto . says he pr fers brunettes to blondes.

ROGER SODERSTROM was o rrember of the Ar "' crve:l as a Re:l Cross representohve •

says that h os fovorote food os steak . says that he lok :1 hostory best of all h

bt cts.

ELWIN SPEAR says hos ombotoon Is to see every port of the earth ••• was o Red Cross representa love . • . dooms art and expressoon were hos favorofe subjects ..• declares he lokes to go huntong.

CAROLYN STAPLES served os monotor, Life repre s ntotov , and Red Cross representafove .•• was a member of Canteen and G.A.A . • . • says that her hobboes ore collecting records and goong to football games.


served as a I "'' r tor be nged to the G A A. • • . says her ombotoon is to do office work • • • dooms her fovorit sub1ect os senoor social science.

KATHRYN STRIKER was a ,., e d t Councol, lottie Theater, and G.A.A. • • . appeared on "Our Town" ••• served as a hall rr.onitor ••. claims that her ambition is to work woth children.

MARILYN THOMSEN was a hall monitor belonged to the G.A.A. and Student Council ..• served on tho Canteen Commottee • . . says her ambition Is to continue Ice skating or to attend the University of Minnesota.

BEVERLY SKOOG was a memb r of the G.A.A •.•• served as o hall monotor ••• says that her am botoon os to go to Colofornoa after she graduates • • • was a Red Cross repro sentative.

FAITH SORENSON belonged to the Hostoroc ty, the G.A.A., the Arrow Staff, the Y Teens, and Canteen •.. was s cretary of the senior class ... served as an Arrow representa t ve ..• would loke to vosot france.

DOROTHY STADLER attendeJ M• n and Hard ng b f e com ong here ••. says her amb t1on IS to be o stenographer claonu that she liked shorthand th best of all her subjects.

MARIANNE STEIN served on the oc .o ~·t ot e Can­t en •.• dooms that she prefers brunettes to blondes . . • would I ke to go to the Unoversoty of Minnesota • . . says that she Jokes to eat steak.

LA VERLE STOLTENBERG was a memb... of the G.A.A . ~e· ved as a Red Cross representative ••• plans to go to art school ••. says that her am­botion is to be a commercial artost.

JEANNE STROM was Homec oM og queen th year .. be­longed to the G.A.A. and the Historical Society . . • plans to attend business school to become a secretary . . . says typing and shorthand were her favorite subjects.

MARLYN THOMSEN won the c·ty tenn s championsh p last year .•. was a member of little Theater and a hall monitor • . • wants to be a professional figure skater • • . says that advanced expression was his favorite sub ject.

DIAN THOMPSON was a member of th G.A.A. ond the Stu­dent Council .•• s rved os o hall mom­tor •.. says that h r amb.hon Is to be o model ••• l.kes to eat pumpkin pic.

JAMES A TODD says thor his o .. _ • .n is fu Le o ' ochanic .•• likes to ploy pool and to hunt .• clo,ms his fovonfe food is steak ••• likes "The B sf Years of Our l•ves,"

BARRY TUNGSETH wos o hall mon•lor would l•ke to go to the University of Mmnesoto . , says that his ambition is to get into the radio field . . • claim' that his favorite food 1s friend chicken.

GORDON VAN KLEEK was o "1emLer f the c oM a C b • says h1s favorite subject was sen•or social science ••• clo1ms his hobby IS photog· rophy ••• l1kes to eat roost chicken ... l.kes to hunt and fish.

JOHN VIERLING claims hi favorite ub, I Loy cooking class ... was hall monitor ... likes be­bop records ..• says h1s omb•t•on is to own his own bakery , • . says he w1ll join the Navy next fall.

HOWARD WALDRON wos a member of the Cho•r . . . prefers blondes to brunettes . . . served as on Arrow representative . . . says he likes to eat French fries and steak . . . was o Red Cross representor ive.

SHIRLEY WEBER was a member of the G.A.A. and the Historical Society ..• served as a hall monitor . . . says her favorite food is Italian spaghetti ... says that she liked the work in general office practice.

l'uge T tt'CIIty·lll'O

BARBARA THURSTON was a member of the G.A.A. . . • says that her omb1t1on IS to be a stenogfapher • .. . belonged to "Sharks of Shorthand" . . . clo1ms that her fovonte move •s "Gone W1th The W nd "

JAMES T. TODD was o member of the Stud nt Counc1l • . . served as o hall mon•lor . . . soys h s amb!IJon IS to be a mortiCian ... d•s l,kes perox d blondes . . . plans to go to college . • . I. es steak.

WARREN TYLER was 1unior class pres dent . b longed to the Student Council . . . was a cheer leader ... played "6" football •.. op peored 1n "Arsenic and Old lace" and "You Can't Tak It W•th You."

JAMES VAN PELT was a y a n •.• would I ke to go to the Un1vers•ty of M•nnesota ... claims that h1s fovonte food Is ice cream ... says that mothemot•cs was his fovonte sub1ed

VIVIAN VOGT was a 1 _mb... of 1 and little Theater ... l•kes to eat oysters •.. says her omb1t10n IS to b a nurse •.. likes to go horseback riding •.• belonged to the Camero Club.

EUGENE WEBER played bo .ebo n 48 . . . served as a hall monitor .•. clo1ms he liked English best of all his subjects .•. likes to eat Con y Islands ..• l.kes to hunt and fish.

BEVERLY WILCOX says her umb't' n i o b o ty ist ..• likes to eat spaghetti and meatballs .. claims her hobb•es ore bowling, skating, and collecting pictures ..• declares Eng· l1sh was her favorite subject.

ANTON WILLERSCHEIDT was a memb r of the l1ttle Th ater and the Student Council ... served as a hall monitor and as on Arrow representative ••. would l1ke to go to the University of Mmnesoto.

RUSSELL WITHROW played "B" football In his sophomore year . . . clouT\S that machine shop was h1s fovonte subJect . • • says he l1kes dark-eyed girls . . . likes to hunt ond fish ... enjoys eating Ice cream.

JANE WINTER was a member of the Student Council and the Glee Club ... claims that her favorite subject was b1ology . • . l1kes to eat ch&li ..• I kes to donee ont:l to ploy the p1ono.

JAMES YACKEL played "A" football, baseball, and hockey • • • odm1ts his omb1t1on is to ploy pro­f ssionol hockey ••• says that he !,ked h1story best of all his subjects ... en­oys eotmg ice cream.

FA YLENE ZIT ON was v1ce pres1dent of the Y-Te ns •.. be longed to the G.A.A., and Student Coun­Cil . . . was advertising manager of the Arrow Stoff ••. was a holl monitor, Ar­row represcntot1ve and R d Cross rea­r sentotive.







John Gray

Beverly Baesler

Mary louise Bechtold William Boyd

Donald Chapdelaine Marlene Chapple lois Cooper

Emma Cowden Roseann Crosby Mitzie Damm

1949 Honor Roll SUMMA CUM LAUDE

Marilyn Quinn Rose Manovitz


Peggy Ann Everson Millard Gieske Richard Gieske Joseph Gleason Donald Grittner Theresa Helsper Phyllis Jack Ray Kempe lucille Klamm

Yvonne Rau

Roxan Due Herbert Legler Dorothy Eschenbacher Jeannine Mattson

Arnold Rehmann

Camille Medernach Duane Miller Rachel Moreno Marcelyn Nelsen Mary Carol Nelson William Peninger Myrtle Perron Joyce Pomorski Faith Sorenson laVerle Stoltenberg Diane Thompson

Barbara Thurston 3arry Tungseth

l'agt- T tvt'nty-thut-


SENIOR OFFICERS AND COMMITIEES last row: Jerry Somonson, Arnoe Rehmann, DtCk Goeske, Myron Fmn, Warren Tyler, Lawrence McDonald. Second row: Moss Menk, Terry Helsper, Carol Ann Hommersten, John Gray, Don Grottner, Vonnoe Delange, Shorley Kellerman First raw: Rachel Mar no, Fa th Sor nson, Joanne Goranson, Jerry Laverty, Ronald Adams John Moryn,

Tess Alloe.

JUNIOR OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES last row: John Honey, Koren Ell ng, Joe Mensch, Gordon Moshier, JoAnn Grecngord, Marlene Schwandt. Second row: Beverly Unger, Beverly Sand lund, lames Skoff, Marlys HolllV)ren, Adcl n Koehnen, Dov Fales. First row: Laos Parsons, Wally Weber, Audr y Busse, Dick Arn r, Mary Hodloch, Movos Schusted, Joan Allo


President: Jerry Laverty

Vice-president: Ronald Adams

Secretary: Faith Sorenson

Co-treasurers: Joanne Goranson and John Moryn

Advisor: Miss Arlene Menk


President: Dick Arner

Vice-president: Mary Hadlich

Secretary: Audrey Busse

Co-treasurers: Wally Weber and Mavis Schusted

Advisor: Mrs. Maude Robinson


JUNIORS Last row: Dick Rowley, Fronk Sloglund, Lloyd Amdt, John Krauser, George M I p , Bill Rhode, Ken Schurhomer, Augie Garcia, Bill Amodick. Third row: LeRoy

Horwood, James Abrahamson, James Gray, Don Shipley, Don Desch, Joe Soblak, William Eilek, Roger Berger, John Abrahamson. Second row: Kit Pulley, Mary Ellen

Gephart, Marion Pfaffendorf, Shirley Mohrlant, Corrine Staples, Joan Smith, Gloria Hultgren, Joan Bienhoff, Lorna Ringbloom. First row: Donna Wolanski, Norma Godfrey,

Cnnnie C\offe, Geraldine Roessler, Marilyn Van Pelt, Barbara Wood.

JUNIORS Last row: Joe Venuto, Marvin Bugnon, Gerald Murray, Jim Michaud, Ken M 1er, Everett T1etten, Arthur Burgoyne, Don Buchner, Joe Lewis. Third row: Diana Giampolo, Tim Kenney, Bob Alonder D"ck Goulet, Mel Koppen, Bob Abdel a Lorry Rothi, Eileen Burton, Pat Reinhardt Second row: Peggy Howlett, Eleanor Deitner, Pot

Laube, Mary Lou Karpinski, Gloria Hand er, Mary Ann Tobar, Judith Weiss, Carob Reindfleisch, Fradelle Smith. First row: Lupe Morales, Lois McNeally, Joan Kane, Marion

Katz, Rose Ritchie, Helen Schlief, Shirley Fournier, Dave Fales.

l'agl' T tt•t'nty-fit'l'


JUNIORS Last row: Robert Schreiber, Jerome Williams, Norris Hunter, Vincent Meden·

waldt, Wi .1om McDonald, Jerry Schulte, Lawrence Hartman, Reed Willi, Dick Gibis.

Third row: Harold Becker, Fred Dinger, Phil Kneisel, Clarence Lmdberg, Bill Gentle,

James Rist, Henry Kennedy, Eugene Schowalter, Ronald Diegnau Second row: Margaret

Boureston, Lois Phillips, Mary Lou DeRusha, Adolph Degler, John Felde, Capt )Ia Scott,

Karen Elling, Rosemary Leibl, Margaret Dunst. First row: Karen Cooper, Betty Lou Tour­

ville, Mary Schields, Beverly Sandlund, Pat Maher, Marlene Schwandt, Beverly Skillings, Eileen Ruchie.

JUNIORS Last row: Leonard Helpern, Matthew Casillas, William Kirchner, George

Saad, Joe Mensch, Herman Tischler, Tom Wiener, Bill Keller, Roger Johnson, Robert

Amacher. Third row: Bob Hable, Donald Biessel, Bill Webb, Charles Mahlen, Robert

Seman, Marv n Scherzer, Allen Moore, William Ziton, Kenneth Gauthier Second row:

Shirley Carlson, Marguerite Braun, Lois Algren, Donna Lewis, Raymond Th-..mas, D1ck Norton, Dick Pahr, Marion Herman, Betty Johnson. First row: Shirley Short, Dorothy

Uhler, Mary Jane Blechinger, Harriet Campa, Irene Wagner, Joyce Gieske, Marilyn Ablan, Theresa Bearrdette.

T'ag~ Tw~nty-si:r


JUNIORS last row: Eugene Engelman, Bill Shipley, Lee Smith, Bob Clausen, Dick M ney Conrad Stotz, Vernon Olson, Wayne Kirchner, Robert Ruberto. Third row: Jer­

ry Neumann, Charles Odden, Bob Gelatin, Alvina Quackenbush, Geraldir Brack, Neil Sockness, James McKinley, Raymond Drew, Howard Gertz, Louis Gilbert Second

row: Norb rt Riepe, Martin Berkowitz, Claudia Schulte, Ilene Johnson, Cathleer. Ben.,on,

Howard Faffler, Tedd 1 Cardenas, Jacqueline O'Rourke, Beverly Heuer, Joyce Bleed horn,

Wilham Thron. First row: Alice Campion, Alma Abbott, Shirley Bystrom, Carole Duffy,

Esther M<>yer, Shirley G .. , Betty Ann Davis, Clare Vogel.

JUNIOR last row: Donald Heinen, Roger Peterson, Leo Groth Harvey Misel, Fred

Spector Phd Ravitzky, Donald Karg, Harry Meisner, Dean Keil. Third row: Chuck Hal­

vorson, Alfred Diem, Rona:d Finnegan, Bob Longfield, Emery Manly Fred Eller, Howard

Englin, Harold Shimota Second row: Beverly Lindell, Helen Bechtold, Shirley Walters,

Joelyn Partridge, Helen Pfenning, Rita Wagner, Lois Danner, Lois Rothi, Donna Bernier.

First row: Beverly Becker, Marcella Prober, Eileen Green, Mary Jane Walker, Betty

Baetz, Catherine Obitz, Anna Tishler, Delores Ginsberg, Lillian Vitally.


SOPHOMORES Row 4: Calvin Sawyer, Rober1 Tollefson, Fred Wessel, Fred lfhe,

Rtchard Steger, Carl Svare, Eldon Burow, Buster Latuff, Delbert Thornton, Merwyn Lamb. Row 3: Marlene Skradde, Donna Fischer, Elaine Roeller, Beverly Roloff, Marjorie Fallr,

Virginia Firnstohl, Elizabeth Buie, Janet Peterson, lillian Bily, Yvonne Feifarek. Row 2:

Raymond La Cro1x, Sharon Chase, Patricia Caron, Lucille Adolph, Bob Weldon, Willard Cooperstock, Sue Bartsch, Anita Kulenkomp, Doris Dufour. Row 1: Dick Dunst, Kenneth Kirchner, Mildred Bix, Darlene Gaetke, Lorraine Kappel, Kermit Marx, Mrs. Green, Joan Reinhardt. Pat Griffin.

SOPHOMORES Row 4: Bob Englin, Tom Gaynor, Keith Netteburg, Ore•t Ranum, Jerry Astrup, Duar.e Endersbe, Larry Furlong, James Janecek, Don Hadlich Row 3: Morvin Levine, Don Edens, James Warren Ted p:ttorf, Jimmy Thurston, Do d Hmt,

Daniel Washick, Don Bentfleld, Rene Pertzek Row 2: Marlene Nasseff, Shirley Tollefson,

Donna Jean Morgan, Madeline Krinsky, Hamel Stre ~w, Joanne Spitzmueller, Audrey Reid, Alice Halgren, Georgia Wedes. Row 1: V t· ,ria Medellin, Santos Munos, Beverly

Lyman, Sylvia Dufour, Peggy Lofgren, PhyL Shanley, Marion Millerbernd, Jeanette Mickelsen.

l'ugf' Twrnty-right


SOPHOMORES Row 4: Daniel Johnson, Walter Meade, Wayne Blossey, Russ Green­b f J M kus, Bill Herzog, John Stickler, Ernest Beedle. Row 3: Dorothy Fish, Audrey

Fletcher, Conrad Mclellan, Roger Theno, Willard Oberg, Ronald Arneberg, Darlene Meron, Marlys Gilland. Row 2: Joan Engelen, Darlene Kober, Kenneth Clingman, Dick Kisch, Gustave Degler, Mary Lou Kolles, Phyllis Jacobs. Row 1: Gerry Daily, Marie GrossiT'nn EvP.Iyn Mikolics, Peggy Mortenson, Arlene Westberg, Eileen Klegin, Jean Ehly.

SOPHOMORES Row 4: Bill Langeslay, Roger Johnson, D rre Odegard, Roger Klingner, D _k Hemme bough, Patrick Mooney, Clyde LeClaire Row 3: Jack Bobick ,Gaylon Lohr, Donald Garcia, Lawrence Walker, Bob Cunningh r1 Frank Hogrefe, Jerry Oase. Row 2: Jackie Schmidt, Joor G' <-me, Joan McArdell, Doris Alleva, Darlene Salwasser, Leona Ament, Lois Kiecker Row 1: Bernice Meier, Audrey Rice, Beverly Mom berger, Audrey Whaley, Gloria Ko•chintzke, Barbara Loucks, Elaine Pirk.

Pa ~ Tu~nly mn~


SOPHOMORES Row 4: Arlen Letourneau, Jerry Th1 t Richard Schaefer, Eugene Jere1 ze~ H, ward Schnack, Thomas Hickey, Bob Lana Row 3: Shirley Dicgnau, Andy Kisch, AI Kobus, Wesley Lathrop, Lloyd Otto, Carol ~ r, Carol Peterson. Row 2: Joan Schlussler, Carmella Gibes, Rose Yzermons, Patricia Tanzer, Doris Thoe, Audrey Von Kleek, June Everson. Row 1: Marilyn Kruger, Virgrnia Schmidt, Jean Simms, Carolyn Dn ic '"an Peterson, Jackie Bercr, Betty Lou Dressely.

SOPHOMORES Row 4: Gerald Larson, f:loward O'Leary, Wally Stehr, Kenneth Mor­q rdt ld. Strauss, Jim Kenney, Eugene Van GuTI er. Row 3: Dick McManigal, Jerry Parker, Ronald ~· g·n, Melvin Hammond, Harold Thron, Ronald Melquist, Ronald Cholewinski. Row 2: Patricia Josephs, Patty Lou Martenson, Carol Siedl, Lydia Luik, Marjorie Benson, D_Jores Williams, Jackie Pedersen. Row 1: Beverly Caen, Jeannine

Bader, Theresa Ramirez, Audrey Engelmann, Lu Anne Ballou, June Heuer, Sylvia Esparza.

l'a~t' T llirty


FRESHMEN Row 4: Bob Carlson, Earl Casto, William Suter, Robert Addymon, Peter H.Jmer _.en, L;,ren Rogers, Robert Gale, Richard Bloch, Jerome Pietruszewski Row 3:

Edward Englin, Tom Griffin, Carol Yackel, Mary Fletcher, James Ge tie, R)chord Firtko, James Stickler, Janet Kruel, Jo Ann Altendorfer, Jean Griffis. Row 2: F ederick Heoviland,

Nancy Strom, Ruth Niemann, Lila Lamphear, Evelyn Meier, S y Anderson, Evelyn Einberger, Connie Dahlin, Shirley Hubock, Nancy Gray. Row 1: Joan DeRusha, Sharron Callan, Winifred McManigal, Mathilda Davis, Ester Paulson, Marvel Ohmann, Morjean Grigsby rnrt')l Melby, Joyce Maloney, Dorothy Schindeldecker, Nancy Merk.

FRESHMEN Row 5: leslie Vanella, Dick Krzyska, lorraine Schaffer, Alex Monson, Gerald G_tz.nann, Patricio Gerrety, Gregory Cardinal, William Olson, Bill Booker. Row 4: Gory Fowkner, Clarence Longfield, Robert Rolfe, Dua1 e Kastne1 Billy Creamer, Duane Ostrom, Gerald Kottke, Donald Schneider, Bill Krue Row 3: Jean Morgan, Margie Smith, Delores Carlson, Nancy larson, Marlyn Vi a.1o, D, a Rindfleisch, Patricia Werth, Mary Baczewski, Gloria Lysne, June Bortz, Luella Perron. Row 2: Dolores Isaacs, Donna Schmidt, Robert Creamer, Roger Christenson, Sylvia Curtis, JoAnn S1stolo, Phillip Nielsen, Edward Trowbridge, Eileen O'Donnell. Row 1: laVonne Barnes, Marie Schlarmann, Eleanor Gilcher, Margie Blomgren, Leona Patterson, Eileen Wagener, Marvin Wolf, Jean Short, James Bruestle, leonard Perron.

Pa e Tlurty-one

Pictured here ore our lovely Homecoming Queen, Jeanne Strom, and her seven charm­ing attendants. They ore, left to right, Theresa Allie, Jean Galvin, Jo Anne Goran­son, Theresa Helsper, Queen Jeanne, lorraine Karg, Dor­othy Kempe, Dolores Hard­man.

This scene from our Home­coming Assembly includes the Queen, her attendants, and their escorts. left to right, Theresa Allie and Ronald Adams; Jean Galvin and Tom Maloney; Theresa Hel­sper and Jim Yackel, JoAnne Goranson and Dick lee; Marshall Peterson, Queen Jeanne Strom and Jock Hol­land, Kathy lsacksen, lor­raine Karg and Melvin Kop­pen; Delores Hardman and Warren Tyler; Dorothy Kem­pe and Jock Murray; Nancy luft and Calvin Wojahn.

The girls in Miss Menk's sew­ing classes gave other Hum­boldt girls o preview of fall styles in our Fall Style Re­vue. Pictured, left to right, ore Joan Heinen, Dorothy Eschenbacher, Darlene Schaf­fer, lorraine Kappel, Terry Helsper, Aurora Coronado and Audrey Rice.

~ t: Thirty thrt:t:

STUDENT COUNCIL Four row: Ted Pollorf. Roberl Schoenbouer, Ronald Adams, Boll Boyd, Bud Fmn, Warren Tyl •, DICI-. le , Kermot Marx, Tom enny. Third row: B S. er, M ss Koch ler, Vorgmoo Olson, Joan Gl wwe, Don Kastner, Mollard G es e, Jerry Laverty, Joan Sm th, Rosemary Leo Second row: laos Phollops, Yvonne Feofare , Emma Cowden, Shorley Kellerman D ck Arner, Audrey Busse, Mary Fletcher, e All e. First row: Delores Hardman, Mary Jo Kotnour, Don Chopd lam , Marshall Peterson, Roxon Due, Jane Wmtor, Sally Anderson.

HALL MONITORS Fifth row: Art Burgoyne, All n Opp gord, Gene Web r, Jom Frotsch , Bud Fmn, Harvey Mosel, Jo Yen uta, D ck. Goeske, Ron Adorr.'\.. Fourth row: Eugene Schowo1t r Don Schwandl, Barry Tungseth, Boll Penmger, Louos Golbert, John Abrahamson, D ck Pohr, Wally Weber. Thi rd row: Shorley Bystrom, Joyce Goes e, lura Ferguson, JoAnne Goranson, Marolyn Thomsen, Shorloy Murch, Rota Wagener, Joan Boenhoff, Beverly Sondlund. Second row: Phyllos Kunze, Maroon Katz, Dorothv Kemp , Joan Smoth, Shorl y Mohrlont, Gloria Hullg•en, Mary Lauo$e Bechtold, Foylene Zotan, Janet Kruel. First row: Sh rl v Fo •n • r;erald N~mer, Ao·"· Br••• , n~n rhapdeloone, Arnoe R hmonn. Rom do Saucedo TL - "'l Al1 0 - ~· Ncollv

STUDENT COUNCIL Un :leo the pervision ot f M s Agnes Koehler,

the Student Council tokes on active port in the management of the school. Its president this year was Marshall Peterson. Don Chapdelaine was vice­president; Roxon Due, secretory; Mary Jo Kotnour, treasurer.

Pa c 1'h1rly-jour

HALL MONITORS Hall mor tors JC, .J~ troff ,up r 1 or e ry day.

Bill Boyd supervrses traffic in the cafeteria during first lunch shift, and Lawrence McDonald has charge of it during second lunch shift. This group is also under the supervision of Miss Koehler.

RECREATION DIRECTORS lost row: Roger Mtlls, Bob Clausen, Roy Overmann, Bud Fmn, Chuck Petra~ t, Ronald Adams, Tom Wtcncr. Third row: John Maryn, John Gray, larry Rothi, Ed Shanley, Roland Sauber, J1m Mtchaud, Joe Mensch. Second row: Eugen Schowalter, Lo1s Phtlltps, Karen Elling, V~rginia firnstohl, Mttztc Domm, Gcrre Roessler, Rosemary Leibl. First row: Murtel Donoghue, Lawrence McConold, Bill Boyd, Mary Hodlick, Don Kastner, Mary Lou Karpenski.

CANTEEN lost row: Phoebe Letourneau, Marilyn Thomsen, Roland Sauber, Marshall Peterson, Joan Heinen, JoAnne Goran­son, Koren Ell ng. Second row: Lois K1ccker, Jocktc Schmidt, Joan Glewwe, Jo Ann Greengord, John Moryn, lois Phillips, Sharon Otc. First row: Dorothy Kernpc, Lerro ne Korg, Audrey Flaherty, Edward Shanley, Roxon Due, Kit Pulley, Mavis Schus­ted, Davtd Fales.

RECREATION DIRECTORS Mr. Krueger is the advisor for lunch recreat1on.

Mary Hadlich and Don Kastner are in charge of the lunch teams. Volleyball teams have been organized for both boys and girls. Some can play ping-pong and the others can dance.

CANTEEN On Friday night, Canteen provides dancing, ping­

pong, and a coke bar as recreation for Humboldt students. Mr. Roy lsacksen is its advisor, and Mr. Folk the supervisor. Roxan Due and Ed Shanley ore co-chairmen; Lorraine Korg, treasurer; and Audrey Flaherty, secretory.

Pag~ Tl1irty·fiv~

ARROW STAFF Sta nding. Faylene Ztton, Manlyn M yers, Marlene Chappl , Mary Carol Nelson, Ronald Adorns, Myrtle Per ron, E )Wden. Sitt ing : Edna N tterberg, Pot Gloss, Bud Ftnn, John Bohrer, Vonn e Delange.

ARROW REPRESENTATIVES last raw: Tim Kenney, Don Gnttncr, lee Smtih, Jtm Fntsche, Dtck G.eske, Allen Oppegord, Donald Chapdelome. Third raw: Donna Moe Beter, Btll Rhode, John Hotder, Roger Mtlls, Roger Soderstrom, Wally Weber. lorro ne Koppel. Second row: Alma Abbott, Peggy Howle t, Gerry Roessler, Mary Ellen Gebhart, Copttolo Scott, Jontce

Schwandt, Elome Rob nson, Barbaro Wood. First row: Dove Fales, Terry Helsp r, Vonnie Delange, Mary Ann Tobar, Yvonne

Rou, Betty Lou Tourvtlle, Jeanette Mtc elsen.

ARROW STAFF Miss Dulcie Kees is the advisor of the school paper.

Pot Gloss and Emma Cowden ore the co-edi ors. The paper comes out every three weeks.

Pa (' T hrrty-si:r

ARROW REPRESENTATIVES The duties of the ARROW representatives were

to take subscriptions for the ARROW and to distribute them to the home rooms. Virginia Ressler and Vonnie

De Lange were co-circulation managers.

liFE STAFF Stand ing : Allen Oppegord, JoAnn Greengord, Morcelyn Nelson, Don Grortner. Sitt ing : Yvonne Rou, Kit Pulley, Rc .ema le1bl, Virg n1o Ressler, E1leen Greene, Carole Olson.

liFE REPRESENT A TI\'ES lost row: Joan He1nen, Ram do Saucedo, lois K1 cker, Roger M1lls, Lloyd Arndt, D~tk Gibis, Roger Soderstrom. S cond row: Mary Lou Korpmskl, Janet Pet rson, Gloroo Mansfield, George McPfull1ps, Marguerote Braun, Mary Fletcher, JoAnn Goranson. First row: Mor~lyn Ablon, G roldmc Roessl r, Mar~lyn Oumn, Yvonne Rau, Mary Blechinger, Dave Fales.

LIFE Mrs. Caroline is the advisor for the yearbook.

Virginia Ressler is the editor. Marilyn Quinn is the

business manager, and Yvonne Rau is the circulation manager.

LIFE REPRESENTATIVES Yvonne Rau acted as circulation manager for tht:

annual. Home room agents took subscriptions and

delivered copies of the yearbook to subscribers.

RED CROSS l ost row: Marlys Holmgren, Don Shipley, Bill Peninger, Ron Fmnogon, Jerry Johnson, Kermot Morx, Donna Mo Kastner. Third row: Beverly Skoog, Janice Schwandt, John Moryn, Joe Gleason, Dons Allebo, Donna Moe B tor, Eol n Bur ton. Second row: Shirley Bystrom, Shorley Kellerrr. n, Dorothy Stodler, JoAnn Altendorfer, Audrey Floh rty, Esther Meye·, Aloce Halgren, Mrs. Ryan. First row: Dorothy Schema, Foylene Zoton, Joyce Goeske, Joan R mhordt, Joe oe P derson, G ,,lo Wedes, Beverly lyman.

CAMERA CLUB lost row: Phoebe Letourneau, Gordon Von Kleek, Wolliom McDonald, leonard Jovner. Second row: Delores H 101), lois Rothi, Cornne Staples, Eileen Wagener, Theresa Alloe. First row: loos Phollops, M1ss Menk, Allen Oppegord, Dorotny Eschenbocher, Shirley Weber.

RED CROSS Janice Schwandt is the chairman of the Junior

Red Cross Chapter at Humboldt. Jeanne Strom,

Dorothy Schema, and Dorothy Stadler ore the dele­

gates who attend the monthly meetings, which ore

held at the Y.M.C.A. Mrs. Anno Ryan is the advisor

of the group.

Pag~ T hirty·~ight

CAMERA CLUB The purpose of the Camero Club is to toke

pictures of ploys, assemblies, and other school offolrs.

Allen Oppegord is the president and Leona Ament is

the treasurer. Miss Arlene Menk is the advisor of

this club.

JUNIOR TOWN MEETING Standing: Emma Cowden, Arnie Rehmann, John Grey, Allen Opp gard, Mr. McDonough, 81 I Boyd, M1llard G1eskc, Ros Manov.tz

QUILL AND SCROLL Standing: Kit Pulley, Yvonne Rou, Monlyn Meyers, Mary Carol Nelson, Manlyn Qumn, Vonn1 D Lange, Theresa H lspcr, G rald.ne Roessler, Don Chapdelaine. Si tt ing : Marlene Chapple, Pot Gloss, Bud Fmn, Emma Cowden, Don Gnttner.


The purpose of this organization is to discuss questions and important news issues of the day over the radio. Membership is limi ted to the students of

Senior Social Science classes only. The group is directed by Mr. Michael McDonough.


This is a group of students who have done out­standing work in journalism or creative writing. Miss

Dulcie Kees is the advisor. Pat Gloss is president; Emma Cowden, secretary; and Mary Carol Nelson, treasurer.

Pag~ T hirty-nin~

BAND The band, under the able direction of Mrs. Betty

Pritchett, made the Humboldt students very proud

this foil as they marched down the football field

in their bright new uniforms of orange and black.

The uniforms were purchased with the help of the


Rachel Moreno was head majorette and was

assisted by Patty and Peggy Mortenson, LuAnn Balou,

and Delores Rauschnot.

The band played at assemblies and at football

and basketball games. They also marched in the

Winter Carnival Parade.

" A" CHOIR Lost row: Bob Abdella, Larry Rothi, Jerome Willoams, Jerry Lottfin, Gorden Ess n, Alfred Doem, Joe Soblok, Vovoon Vogt, Delores Roeller. Fourth row: Bob Hable, Boll Rhod , Roger Peterson, Betty Johnson, Motzie Domm, Leos Algren, Potrocoo Gerrety, Noel Sockness, Augoe Gorcoo. Third row: Mary Ann Tabor, Lucile Ad lph, Don Schwandt, Rochord Pohr, Dick Arner, Howard Engl n, Phyllis Heuer, Virgonio Fornstohl, Pot Reinhardt, Mrs. Pr,tchett Second row: Marilyn Van Pelt, Donna Beter, Mary Shoelds, Pot Laube, Carol Dwyer, Shorley Carlson, Alma Abbot, Lorna R ngbl Marlene Schwandt. First row: VJC· toroo Medell n, Norma Godfrey, Rachel Moreno, Muriel Dono hue, Kot Pull y, Potricoo Fre ling, Santos Munes.

" B" CHOIR Lost row: Edward Lotuff, George Nicholas, Donald Garcia, Bob Eng lin, Roger Fronk, Jerry Astrup, Wolter Meade, Bob Burdosh, Duane Endersbe, Jerry Oose, Gaylon Lohr, Roger Theno, Bill Amodock. Fifth row: Marie Smith, Joan McArdell, Darlene Meron, Elaone Roeller, Bob long, Morvin Bu gnon, Jom Rochunbock, Gloria Lysne, Barbaro Loucks, Audrey Van Kl ek, Joan Reonhardt. Fourth row: Potty Lou Mortenson, Joan Engilen, Sylvia Curtis, Darlene Kober, Delores Carlson, Nancy Lorson, Mary Lou Kolles, Dolores Isaacs, Ruth Noeman n, Sh~rley Hubock, Doris Dufour. Third row: Darlene Goetsc, Joan Schussler, June Everson, Margie Blomgren, Peggy Mortenson, Model one Kronsky, Maroc Grossmann, Theresa Ramirez, Jean Somms, Matholda Davis, Connoe Dohlon. Second row: John O'Keefe, Marlene Nosseff, Shirley Tollefson, Sally Anderson, Nancy Gray, Jean Groflis, Mildred Bix, Phyllis Schon ley, Sylvia Dufour, Sharon Callan. Fi rst row: Sharon Oo , Manlyn Krieger, Marguerite Braun, Jom Yackel, Howard Waldron, Sylvia Esparza, Joan Peterson.

A CHOIR The A choir is the more experienced of the two

choral groups at Humboldt. The class, under the di­

rection of Mrs. Betty Pritchett, provides musical en­

tertainment for the school. For the first time in many

years, the choir put on a musical comedy, "An Old

Fashioned Charm."

B CHOIR The B choir, under the direction of Mrs. Betty Prit­

chett, also provides music for the school assemblies

and programs. This class is composed of freshmen

and sophomores and has less experience than the

students of A choir.

l'a r Forty-onr

SHARKS OF SHORTHAND lost row: Barbara Thurston, J onn1ne Mattson, Sh rl y Murch, Glona, Mansfield, Ma 1lyn Henng, Jon1ce Schwandt, lo1s Cooper. Second row: Helen lomb, Ellen lorkm, Dorothy Stadler, Jeanne Strom, Man yn Qumn, Peggy Ann Everson, Audrey Flaherty, Edna Bernstein. First row: Phyll1s Kunz , Joyce Pomorsk1, Mary lou Schn-. t, Sh1rley Kellerman, Monlyn S1eg I, Dorothy Schema.

OFFICE HELPERS lost row: Sh1rley W ber, Joyce Pomors 1, Shirley Kellerman, Rachel Moreno, Yvonne Rou, Delor s Rousch!lot. First row: Marl n Schwandt, Dorothy Stadler, Janet Schwandt, Audr y Flaherty, Dorothy Eschenbocher, Jane Wmter.

SHARKS OF SHORTHAND Thrs rs a class of grn:s who are taking second year

shorthand. The class is directed by Mrs. Anna Ryan.

The girls are interested in doing secretarial work after graduation.

Pag~ Forty-tw o

OFFICE HELPERS In therr free periods, these girls help with work

in the offices of Mr. Lenander, Mr. lsocksen, and Mrs.

Robinson. To be able to do this, they must main­tain an average of C or more.

LIBRARY HELPERS Last raw: Mrs. Knauss, R1ta Wagener, V1v 10n Vogt, Gerald me Brack, R1ta Carrell, Ailee Turnef, Cap tala Scott. Second row: Margaret Dunst, lois Parson, Alma Abba tt, l1ll1an B1ly, lorra1nc Karg. First row: Jane Wmtcr, Monlyn Stege!, Otonc Robinson, Edna Netteburg, Myrtle Perron.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY Standing : Mary Lou Korp1nskt, M•llord Gieske, Arnte Rehmann, Marlys Holmgren, Joyce Bleedorn. Sitting : Jerry Laverty, Shirley Weber, Mrs. Greene, Elome Rob mson, Rita Correll.

LIBRARY HELPERS The girls pictured above are the able assistants

of Mrs. Knauss, the librarian. The ability of these

girls ranges from stamping and shipping books to

filing and helping other students f1nd reference


HISTORICAL SOCIETY The purpose of the Histor.ca, Su~o.lety is to keep a

record of the activi t ies of Humboldt and its gradu­

ates. It is supervised by Mrs. Dorothy Greene. Gerald

Simonson is the president.

Pag~ Forty-thru

HI-Y Lost row: lee Smith, Bob Clausen, John Vogel. Second lellan, John Moryn, D1ck Rasmussen, Roger M.lls, Jack Murray, Peterson, Gerold Murray, Emery Manly. First row: Conrad McKenneth Jackson.

Y-TEENS lost row: Mary Carol N lson, Marl ne Chapoel, Mo rgie 'Scnson, Cathleen B nson, Alvma Quackenbush, Pho be Letourneau, Shirley Bystrom, JaniCe Schwandt. Third row: Al.ce Halgren, Ruth N emonn, Pat Werth, J on Morgan, Margie Sm.th, Marlyn Villano, Mary Fletcher, Jo Ann Altendorfer. Second row: Nancy Gray, Shirley Hubock, Audrey Flaherty, Audrey Von Kleek, Irene Wagner, Harriet Compo, Dorothy Schema, Solly Anderson. First row: Joyce Molony, Mary Jo Kotnour, I.C.C.; Carol Duffy, Morcelyn Nelson, Foylene Z1ton, Jeonett Mickels n, Lois McNeolly.

HI-Y This organization for boys is connected with the

Y.M.C.A. This year, Kenneth Jackson served as presi­

dent; Jack Murray as vice-president; Richard Ras­

mussen as treasurer; Gorden Mischler as secretary;

and Roger Mills as sergeant-at-arms.

Pagt> Forty-four

Y-TEENS This is a social and service organization for girls.

Their meetings are held at school and at the

Y.W.C.A. Joint parties are held for both the Hi-Y's

and the Y-Teens. This year Marcelyn Nelson served

as president; Faylene Ziton, as vice-president; and

Jeanette Mickelsen, as secretary.

LITILE THEATER Last raw: R1chord B1rd, John Haider, Gordon M1shler, Roger Mills, Jirr. M1choud, D•c Rowley, Rom do Saucedo, Bill Webb, leonard Helpcrn. Third row: Merwyn lamb, Marjorie Folk, Pat Gloss, Roger The no, Ernest Beedle, Peter Hammersten, Donna Fischer, V1rgm1a Funstahl, Don Bentfield. Se cond row: Earl Kosta, Ronald Arnebcrg, Jeanne Morgan, Jackie Schm1dt, Janet Peterson, Dar> no Rind fie sch, Sue Bartsch. Marlyn V,llano, Pat Werth. First row:Jo Ann Altendorfer, Kathryn Striker, Mary Lou Kolles, J,m Gentle, Bob Carlson, Ken Cl ngmon, Vi• gm•a Olsen, Donna Moe Beter, Mary Fletcher. LITTLE THEATER Last row: Gloria Koschnitzke, lura Ferguson, Joe Sablak, Jo Mensch, Herman Tischler, Bernie lamb, Wdlord Oberg, Mary Bazewsk1, Joan Glewwe. Fourth row: Conrad Mclellan, Lou1s Gilbert, Emery Manly, V1rgm•a Ressler, lois Roth1, Marl ne Skrodde, Howard Waldron, B1ll Kreul, Ph dl.p N1elsen, Beverly Roloff. Th ird row: Barbaro Loucks, Eliza­beth Bu1e, Yvonne Feiforek, Potnc•o Tanzer, Harold Shimoto, Howard Engl1n, Edward Trowbridge, Rose Yzermons, Esther Poul­sen, Nancy Gray. Second row: E1leen O'Donnell, Shirley Tollefson, Evelyn Me1er, Joan DeRusha, Phyll.s Jacobs, Cormello G1bis, Georg•o Wedcs, Solly Anderson, Bev rly Lyman, Joyce Malon y, Sharon 01e. First row: Carol Melby, Pot Josephs, Sylvia Dufour, Theresa All1e, Warren Tyler, Arn1e Rehmann, Jerry Laverty, Donna Wolanski, Dons Thee, Joan Allie. LITTLE THEATER Lost row: Pat Gr1ffin, Eugene Engelmann, Don Desch, Jim Formanek, lee Smith, Roger Johnson, Fred Specktor, Joe Venuto, Ted P11torf, D1ck Hammerbaugh. Fourth row: R1chord rutho, D ck K1sch, Helen Pfenn1ng, Koren Elling, Kathleen Benson, Peter M d rnoch, Glono Mansfield, AI v1ro Quok nbush, V1v1on Vogt, DICk Po hr. Third row: Mary lou DeRusha, Cornne Staples, Marlene Chapple, Margaret Dunst, Helen Bechtold, Sh1rley Ketterman, Joyce Bleedorn, Anita Ku­lenkomp, Nancy Lorson, lucile Adolph. Second row: Peggy Howlett, Rosemary letbl, Donna Bernier, Betty Baetz, lo1s Phillips, B verly H uer, Dons Alleva, Joyc Me1sner, Carol Seidl, luAnne Ballou, lorna R1ngblom. First row: Fred Heov1land, Gloria Hultgren, Mor1on Katz, Mav1s Schusted, Ruth Ne1mann, Jock1e Pedersen, Mary Carol Nelson, Joan Peterson, Jean Ehly, Donna Jean Morgan, Jack,e Beier, Kenreth Kirchner.

Pa ~ Forty· fiu

Thespians ore the honor members of the Lrttle Theater group at Humboldt. Ten points ore required for entrance rnto the group. As the members appear in ploys, they earn points. Frfty pornts ore requrred to become on honor Thespian.


I. A scene from a L ttlo Theater mectmg. 2. lo1s Algren. 3. Scene from Th spion P1cn1c. 4. V1rgm1o Olsen. 5. John Gray. 6. D ck Arner and Sue Bartsch. 7. Jerry Murray, lo1s K1ec: er, and John Gray. 8. leonard H lpern and Howard Enghn. 9. Jerry Murray, Tong W1llersch1edt, J1m Michaud, and B1ll Boyd. 10. John Moryn, Sue Bartsch, Joe 1e Pedersen, and Gorden M1shler.

Pa ( Forty-six

XMAS PARTY In December the Ltttle Theater presented Dickens' "Christmas Carol." Arme Rehmann played Scrooge. Scenes from the play are pictured below.

1. Delores Hordmon ond Marshall Peterson. 2. Joan He nen, Marlyn Thompson, Dorothy Kempe, Allen Oppegord, B•ll Boyd, Donna Moe lew1s, Marshall Peterson, Mory Jo Kotnour and D1ck Rossmussen. 3. Joelyn Partridge, Beverly Skillmgs, Kathie Isackson, Copi Scott, Bobbie Hardman, and Warren Tyler. 4. Jerry Laverty, Elwin Spear, Roxon Due and Pot Frcilmg. 5. Arnie Rehmann and Tom Bryon. 6. Shrrley Carlson and John Moryn.

Page Forty-seven

DRAMATICS Boys and gtrls interested in dramatics and staging usually 101n Little Theater. Meet­

mgs ore held each month, giving the newer members o chance to show their abihty. Officers this year were Arnold Rehmann, president; Warren Tyler, vice-president, Theresa Allie, secretary; and Jerry Laverty, treasurer. The group is directed by Mrs. Alto Carlson.

1. Scene from Chmtmas play. 2. Gorden Essen. 3. Audrey Busse. 4 Marlys Holmgren. 5. Mary Hodf,ch, Theresa Helsper, and Audrey Buss . 6. Jock Murray. 7. Tony W,flsch idt, D lares Hardman, and John Haider. 8. Theresa Allie.

Paze Fort)·ei ht


G.A.A. last raw: Barbara Loucks, Donna R ndfleisch, Joyce Bleedorn, JoAnne Goranson, Beverly Heuer, Geraldine Brock, Glar.a Koschn1tz e, Joan Hemen, Darlene Meron. Th ird row: Carol Se1dl, Sh1rley Diegnou, Joanne Sp tzmueller, Donno F1sher, Janet Peterson, Hamel Streklow, Audrey Whol y. Elaine P~rk, Beverly Momberger. Second row: Modelme Krinsky, Donna Schmod, Delores Carlson, Jackie Pederson, Audrey R1ce, Audrey Von Kleek, June Bortz, Rose Yzermons, Lu Anne Bolou. First row: Rachel Moreno, Roso Ritch1e, Mary Hodloch, Shirley Carlson, lorra1ne Koppel, Eoleen Burton, Gloria Hultgren, Koty Gaston, Lo1s McNeolly.

G.A.A. last row: Nancy Lorson, Morgoe Sm1th, Elome Roeller, Moqoroe Felt, Darlene Solwosser, Pot North, Mary Boczewski, Doris Alleva. Third row: Delores Isaacs, Vorginio F rnstohl, Lucolle Adolph, Amoto Kulenkomp, Sue Bartsch, Jackie Schmidt, Mary lou Kolles, Shirley Hubock, Second row: Shorley Tollefson, Phyllos Jacobs, Glono Lysne, JoAnn Altendorfer, Mary Fletch r, Georgoo Wedes, Joan Re nhordt, Nancy Gray. First row: V~rg1n1o Schmodt, Jeannette Mockelsen, Monon M•llebrond, Beverly lyman, Janet Kruel, Sylvoo Esparza, Phyllis Shanley, Sylvoo Dufour.

Ft1g~ Forty-nin~

ROOTERS' CLUB last row: Mary louise B chtold, larry Rolh1, Cath een B nson, Marshall Peterson, Mary Fletcher, Jo V nuta. First row: V1 g~r• a F~rnstahl, Manlyn Thomsen, Mary Hadl1ch, Marguente Braun, Audrey Busse, Mary lou Karp nskl.

The Rooters' Club and cheer-leaders really had

something to shout about this year, as the hockey

team won the City Crown and the basketball team

ended in a three-way tie with Washington and

Monroe for the City Championship. Congratula­

tions are due the two coaches, Mr. Richard Krueger

and Mr. Arthur Peterson for producing these winning


Humboldt has brought forth a number of individu­

al city champions this year, too. Among them is Jim

Fritsche. For the past three years Humboldt's All City

center has been the maim.tay of the ent1re basket­

boll team. Jumbo Jim's six-foot, six-inch frame is

known throughout the state and is feared by all

opposing teams.

In his sophomore year, Jim started his record·

breaking career. Although the team that year wasn't

too successful, Jim's form showed he would be a

great asset in the following years.

It was during his junior year he started smashing

records. He broke the total points per year record

with a score of 154. He also set a new free throw

record. Despite the efforts of this pace-setting giant,

the Indians lost out to Washington in the play-offs,

and came in fourth in the final standings.

This year he has surpassed all other players in

total points with an incredible record of 205 points

in nine games, or about 23 points per game. This

is 51 points better than his last year's record of 154.

l'<l~t' h/ty

This combmed with his superb defensive playing, has

captured for him his third consecutive All-City Crown.

Another city champion was the c1ty tennis champ,

Marlyn Thomsen. Marlyn was quite unknown in the

tennis world until 1948, when he won the city title.

He has played on the tennis team for two years.

The first year, he placed third in the city meet. The

second year, he won the singles championship, and

went on to win the doubles championship with Bill

Boyd. He still has one season left, and is hoping to

defend his title successfully.

Marlyn has also earned great fame as an amateur

figure skater. He and his twin sister, Marilyn, started

skating when they were twelve years old and both

have risen to great heights. He has won numerous

skating awards. In 1947, he won the United States

National Novice Championship at Berkeley, Cali­

fornia. He also was a member of the U. S. National

Four Champions of 1947 and '48, at Berkeley, Cali­

fornia, and at Colorado Spnngs, Colorado. Another

accomplishment to add to the list is his passing of

seven of the eight tests required of a figure skater.

He has one more to go. This course of tests takes

about six years.

Early this year, he captured the Midwest Senior

Men's Title at Cleveland. In March, Marlyn and

Marilyn, together with John Nightingale and Janet

Gerhauser, captured the "Semor Fours" Champion­

ship at the North American Figure Skating Champion­

ship Meet at A•dmore, Pennsylvania.

The 1948 golf team was led by fred Arndt, o junior, who also won the City Tournament held at Keller Golf Course. Fred won the crown with o blistermg second round of 72, to nose out the rest of his great competi-tors.

During his first two years of high school he was very active, participating in golf and hockey. Fred then was hospitalized for two full years with polio. He recovered fully, except for his legs. They were so weak that he hod to use crutches.

Hoping to work off some excess energy, he practiced his golf­ing at Somerset Course on his crutches. It was this practice that mode Fred the golfer he is today.

When he come bock to school, he still hod to use o cone, but that didn't stop him from trying out for, and making, the golf team. During the tournament, he hod to hove his ankle bandaged and hod to use his heavy cone. Although he shot an 88 the first round, his putts began to hit as well as his chips, and he won the trophy with a lost round of 72.

Fred still has one more season left, and everyone is waiting to see what he will do then.

Far le ft : D1ck Lee and Jim Fntsche receiv1ng equ1pment from Coach Art P t rson. Middle: Marlyn Thompson.

Below: Fred Arndt, shown w1th DICk Dunst on I Vern Olson.

Bottom: Cheerleaders.

CHEERLEADERS last row: Jack1e Schm1dt, Tam W1ener, Shtrley Carlson. First row1 Pot Laube, Warren Tyl r, Terry Helsper.

Pac~ Ft/ty-on~

" A" AND " 8" FOOTBAll lost row: Mr. Folk, John Honey, Dock Arner, John Abrahamson, J1m Kenney, Jerry Astrup, D ~k Mooney, Ken Marquardt, Fronk MauriCIO, Don Desch, Gustavo Degler, Ed Engl1n, Mr. McDonough. Third row: Mr. Kru ger, T1m Kenney, Jony Thurston, Don Hodl.ch, R chord Goulet, Charles Mohlen, Howard Foffler, Bob Abdella, B1ll Pen~ngor, J1m Thurston, Joe Gleason, Mr. Former. Second row: Chuc Halvorson, W II :J'!l Z1ton, Robert Semon, M1l G es e, Jerry Johnson, D c lee, J1m Yock I. Don Sh1pley, John Schade, Lorry Rotht, Jerry Ooso. First row: Ken Gauthier, DIC Gteske, Jock Holland, LeRoy Noo , Lou Sood, Ron Adams, Btll Rhode, Joe Lew.s, Bdl Arr.:tdtck, Mel Koppen.


Humboldt's Kruegermen finished the football season with a record of two wins, two

ties, and three losses, to leave them in sixth place in the final standmgs. Several out·

standing players were Jack Holland, Dick Lee, Joe Lewis and Louis Saad.


Humboldt 19 Stillwater 13

Humboldt 19 Harding 6

Humboldt 13 Central 13

Humboldt 19 Murray 27

Humboldt 6 Washington 6

Humboldt 0 Monroe 6

Humboldt 0 Mechanic Arts 14

Humboldt 14 Wilson 6

f'lli;l" fl/ty lll'O

"A" BASKETBAll lost row: Mr. Peterson, Fred Portz, George Bohrer, D•ck G1esk , Marshall Peters n, Ron Adams, Harvey M1sel, DICk Arner, mgr. First row: John Bohrer, Arn•e Rehmann, M I Koppen, J1m Fntsche, Bud F1nn, D1ck lee, Charles Petrow skt, Roy Kempe.

" B" BASKETBAll lost row: Mr. Folk, Tim Kenney, Roger Fronk, Jerry Murray, G rord Gutzmonn, W.IJ.om Olson, Gregory Cordmol, Fronk Mauricio. First row: Matt Monzel, Bdl Webb, Bob Englm, Vmcent M d nwoldt, John Mclnnts, Matthew Cosdlos, Fred Specktor, D1ck G1b1s.

STATE CHAMPS Paced by All-City Jim Fritsche, the Humboldt basketball team, under the superb coaching of Mr.

Arthur Peterson, had one of the most successful seasons in the history of the school. In the short period of three years, Mr. Peterson has succeeded in giving Humboldt its first really strong team since 1935.

They succeeded in tying for the city championship with Monroe and Washington, and then went on to beat Minneapolis Vocational in the Twin City game, to help St. Paul win the Twin City championship. In the district play-offs, they thumped Johnson and Marshall, and went on to knock off Monroe in the final game, to clinch the District 15 title and gain a spot in the Region 4 play-offs at St. Peter. In the first round of Region play, they defeated So. St. Paul; and in the finals, they whipped Anoka, to win the Region 4 Championship and gain a highly rated spot in the State Tournament.

All-Region honors were given Jim Fritsche, Bud Finn and Ray Kempe, and honorable mention was given both Dick Lee and George Bohrer for their great showing in the Regional Tournament.

Once in the tournament, they swept by Bemidji, 48-39; past Minneapolis Central, 53-47; and then whipped Mankato, 47-35, in the championship game. Center Jim Fritsche and guard Dick Lee were named All-State for their great showing in the tournament.

LITTLE BUCKETBOYS Coach Folk's "B" basketball team has been gotng great guns, suffering only one defeat in two years.

This year's team was led by Ken Schurhamer, Mathew Casillas and Fred Spector.

HOCKEY Last row: Vern Farnstohl, Jam Markus, George Ph lllps, Ball H rzog, Gordy Essen. Second row: Mr. Krueger, Don Schwandt, Don Kastner, Roger Peterson, Btll Amodtck, Dtck Mo:>rey, Don Sh pley, Russ Greenbush, John Hotder, Jerry Oas , M F;rst row: Rtchard Steger, Jam Yackel, Dack Pohr, Bob Hobl , Ken Gouth er, lou Saod, AI Ruhnou.

GYM TEAM last row: Loren Rogers, Eugene Engelmann, Joe Gleason, Colvan Sawyer. Second row: Mr. Ago, Bob Addymon, Du K 1 .r, Ronald Arneberg, Andy Kisch, Roger Christenson. First row: Don Bentfield, Wallord Oberg, Gordt Mishler, Lorry Ro ha, Dovtd Hart, Bob Weldon.

DISC JOCKEYS The hockey team, .ed by All-City defensemen Lou

Sood and Jim Yackel, took the city championship

this year with a record of seven wins, one tie, and

one loss. They lost out in the play-offs to Harding,

by the upsetting score of 5 to 0. Mr. Krueger

coached the team.

l'ogr- l·t/ty /o11r

MUSCLEMEN A greatly handicapped gym team come in fourth

place in the city gym meet this year. Coach Ago at­

tributes failure to the fact that no team had a com­

plete squad of boys. Joe Gleason and Willard

Oberg sparked the team, each getting third place


SWIMMING TEAM Standing : Mr. McDonough, Ron Arneberg, John St ckler, Charles Mahlen, Ernest Beedle, James Janecek, Don B ntfield, Ted P1ttorf, Jm\ St,ckler. Sitting: Joe Sablek, Emery Manly, Gordy M1shler, AI Moore, Wally Stehr.

CROSS COUNTRY GROUP Lloyd Otto, Bob Weldon, Eugene Englemann, John Stickl r, Russ Greenbush, Jim Markus, Mr. Folk.

SPEEDY SPLASHERS The swimming team, captained by Emery Manly,

got off to a poor start by winning only one of its

first five meets. Later, in the Twin City Meet, they

fared much better. They placed men in both the

50-yard dash and the 200-yord relay. Mr. McDon­

ough is in charge of arranging their meets. This is

the only team at Humboldt without a coach.

PACE SETTERS The cross-country team, coached by Mr. Folk, did

not get the championship, but they did make a

good showing in the city meet. Captain Russ Green­

bush got top honors for the Humboldt team.

TRACK TEAM Last raw: Duane Muhle, Bob Semon, Vernon Olsen, Marshall Petersen, Coach Folk, LeRoy Noack, Marshall N•elsen, Robert Muhle, John Honey. First raw: Lorry Rothi, Bob Lewondowsk1, Don Markus, Don McNeolly, Vern Firnstohl, len Simones, Bob Wocker, M1l G•eske, Don Desch.

BASEBALL TEAM Last raw: lou Sood, Bob Gauthier, Fronk Boczcwski, Gene Weber, Ron Adams, Russ Greenbush, Mgr. D1ck Arner. First row: Don Schwandt, B,ll Amod1ck, Dick Garcia, D1ck lee, J,m Fr,tsche, J1m Yackel, Tom R1dley, John Bohrer.

SPIKESTERS Although the track team, coached by Mr. Folk,

went through the season without a win, several boys

were outstanding in their particular sports. Among

them were Len Simones, shot put and discus; Mil­

lord Gieske, dashes; and Lorry Rothi, pole vault.

Pag~ Fifty·si:r

SLUGGERS ALL Dick Furey, new Humboldt baseball coach, led

his charges to a fourth place tie with three other

teams in the final standings. Though they were

knocked off in the first game of the play-offs, the

boys showed plenty of fighting spirit.

TENNIS TEAM Dock Goeske, Bernoe lomb, Boll Boyd, John Gray, Harry Me sn r, Ronnoe Lofl'en, Marlyn Thomsen, M I Koppen, R oger Peterson, Don Bentfield, Bill Thron, Ronald Arneberg. Mr Krueger.

GOLF TEAM last row: Harry Kommel. Frank Skcoglund, Coach M. J. McDonough, Tom Woener, Boll Keller. First row: Dick Do n t, J rry Lofgren, Albert Ruhnau, Dock Mooney, Fred Arndt, Graham Kimble, George McPhillips.

RACKETEERS The tennis team, coached by Mr. Krueger, suc­

ceeded in winning all but two meets this year to put

them in second place in the final standings. Marlyn

Thomsen copped high honors by winning the City

Singles Championship.

TEE BEES Mr. McDonough's golf team got off to a good

start this year, but fell short of winning the city

championship. Individual honors were given to Fred

Arndt, who won the city golf tournament at Keller

Golf Course.

Pug~ Fi/ty·sn•m


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Pagf Sixty-one

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Page Szxty-thru

l'a.,.~ Sixty-four

the printer's word


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The Education of Ilenry Adams

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