01 Gov~r~or'sConf~r2nc~Rocm Lt. Gov~r~orBlair L~s III, nr ...

, , 01 'I I 1 STATE OF I1ARYL1\1\D BOARD OF PUBLIC \'lORl:S Gov~r~or'sConf~r2nc~ Rocm Sta i .,:'-=. Hot1s~" A~naT'ol:...s I 1'1c.ryl-3nd Thursday, l,ov"-mh,,r 7, 1974 10:00 a. m. PRESr::~JT : Lt. Gov~r~orBlair L~s III, nr~sidi~g Eo~.~. J. i1:.11arrl Tat'1~5, fJ.'r:.:.asur'~r Ho:;.. Lou5_ s L. Go1ds<:",i:1, Comntro1L!l: 2. l~::n~i.th nar:1~s, Se.cr-:!t::iry, Budq-:.t a:ld F:..scal Planning S"rv:\.c=.s l\:-:dr~ .. H !!-;.ub~cJ:, Jr., S.~cr-::.tary.

Transcript of 01 Gov~r~or'sConf~r2nc~Rocm Lt. Gov~r~orBlair L~s III, nr ...







Gov~r~or'sConf~r2nc~RocmStai.,:'-=. Hot1s~"A~naT'ol:...s I 1'1c.ryl-3ndThursday, l,ov"-mh,,r 7, 197410:00 a. m.

PRESr::~JT :

Lt. Gov~r~orBlair L~s III, nr~sidi~g

Eo~.~.J. i1:.11arrl Tat'1~5, fJ.'r:.:.asur'~r

Ho:;.. Lou5_s L. Go1ds<:",i:1, Comntro1L!l:

2. l~::n~i.thnar:1~s, Se.cr-:!t::iry, Budq-:.t a:ld F:..scal Planning


l\:-:dr~..H !!-;.ub~cJ:, Jr., S.~cr-::.tary.



PRO C E E 0 I :1G S-----------

q~::tlsmsn, th~ 1'l-?,,-tinClof th.~ Board of Public !'Jori;" ,.lill

1,'R. HEt'BECK: Si r?

LT. G0VEP.}!ORLEE, }Iay I havE- your undivid"d

att~~tio~ for a morn~nt.

LT. r.O\Tru!OR LEE: Th~ list of n~rsonal

Natural Tl.q"ourc""s p~onl-E-.

~IR. Bl\PNES: I-1r. Colb"rt of th"'. Secr"tary of

LT. GOVERNORLr:I~: I pant to do th~ lAC first

and erst th,"Tr.out ann hack to ,,'ork. Hr. Car~y a:ld cOIn,any.

1m. CARFY: Thrtnk vou, (;ov",rnor.

\'1~.ar~ hsr~ today to first go ov~r this

maint-=.nancs "urv~y, "l.nd '!r. Fish'?r is hsr~ from th".

Fr~dsric>:, ,.•ho coon1:.'1ate.d it, nroba~ly k"OV1Smor~ ahout it

than I do. So if vou hav~ any questions.




You will r~call on last P~hruary 20 you ask~d

us to r~insn~ct any schools that had b~en found Door or

fair in th~ sta~s and confirmsd by th" G~n~ral Adius~Msnt

'.:as n:ui tg a f~,.f imnt'ov~M~nts not-ad t a:1d th-sre is still

rooD for mor",.

Of th~ 266 schools I.'hich ,,'<=r~r,,--~v:lluat"2-d

~.s caM"!rac!: I"ith o~ly 23 still in noor condi tio:1. Tpos", .

23 hav~ !''?c.n, th~ sunsrint"'!nd~:1ts we hav." I"orkc.d with

indi vidual Iv . Ral ti.l'lor'? ci ty cam~.oui: th"! Fors~, as could

Th~y nrss~ntly hays $3.5 million to corr"2-ct

th", situations found in t1-1';scl,ools that I.!'?r,o;still ratsd

hull hy tl,~ horns. Popard Count" has corrscb,-d th ••ir

nrohl"'Ms. Prohably ths o:1ly ons l'eft ~hat \oJ€. are not

comnl'?t~lv finishsd on r.edoinq is Prince. Gsorqss. l"'~ ar.:

~..orkina ,..i~h Dr. J!'l.s}:""ll and his staff at th-s nr"ls"'nt tim~..

. If vou hav'? anv qusstions as to ho\oJ it ",as

done, 1"r. F'ish~r could ansl.'sr thoss. If you hav? any

rru'Sstions 0;'\ nrocsdur"!s to bs follo' ...•.•.d \.,ithin th"!: off.ic',;,




som~ Mon~v later on in the m~gtinq, I hone, w~ will l~ ahle

to qet this material computerized and wade in a more

usable form.

Bad: i,n F'ebru~r'l, you annrov~d a motion to have

this done for a fiours of S28,EG5, but 'lOU didn't indicate"" -

~,pgre _the funds ~'er~ to come from, so today Dr.' Barn.;,>

has an item for the $80,EOO of general emergency funds

for the fac~_li ties inve'1tory nroqram which has b",,,n

apnrov~d hv the data nroc-ec;sinq pro"1,,, and to that, rather

emerq'i'.!1cv funds, if th~y are availabl-a, to pay fox tr,~

waintenance Survey,

The job has be.,n finished and th-a General

l\djus'CI'1i;.!'.tBureau r"eallv should he naid. I mean, "'-0: can

US'S. -eitl1er horro~'ed nonev or emerq-:.!1cy funds, ~lhich'~v."r

you d-"emHould be betto.r.

LT. r;OVER!lORLEE: He al ,,'ays oref-ar to use

c~srat~nqrnon~v'if ~~ hav~ it.

I-IR. r-OLDSTEIN: In ot:her ,,'ords, you ",'ant to

take a GEF'5-C on Dr. Barnes' aqs'1da for the money?

MR. cr,RBY: That $P,0,50~O is for the faciliti'i'.s

inventorv, and I don't know wher'i'. it is in Dr. BarneS'







DR. B~ru~ES: r.~n~r~l Emsrga.ncy Fund 5-C.

HR. r,OLDSTr.1N: 1:1 oth-ar ,,'erds, by havinq this

rno:1~yyou I"ill 0~ able to k-aep UO th-d inventory a:1.d

d'2.t~rrnin-e ",ho:th'2-r the reoairs and the :nainbmanc''! h"is b-':."!n

acconlplish"d and "'ill 0; accomnlishsd, is that corr ••ct?

~m. Ci\P.F.Y: That is one nart of h:. Th..-;.oth~r

oart, ~,"!. ~'ill also b'i! ahle to €valuat-a. the r'9st costing

m~thod for r.uildinq schools, Wo:will also b~ able to

inventory '10~' ITluchsr,ace, I"'lich ~~r. Hoover has always

}'''!.enon InS a"ld t'1" l""oislatur'i!, ho'" many seats do ~.'" hav",

availahl", to t'9i1ch music and hOI"l'l.anymor'i! do Wo:noi<'i!d.

ssating and hO'1ef:ullv by '"orkinq ,.,ith the Stat~ Dapartm-.;nt

of Planni::1Cl, "'e ~!ill b~ able to figure miqration oatt.,r:1S

in grOl,'th areas. Th'2.State Denartnen'c of 'I'axation and

A!;s"J:ssrn~nt~t\'5_sh~s to us-g the i:lv-entory as ,.;.:;.11as th,~

Stat€. Dsnartmsnt of Education.

It ~dll he th", first comnl",t"!. comnreh,;nc:iv'i!

facility i:1v'9ntory of school buildings in the stat~ of

~!aryland. ":'hat is ",hat the $80,625 is for. I hav,'S ''<r.

Parl: frOM th", stat~ [1~r,artm",nt of !Caucation :''i!rs who

could clar~!'v th~ comnuter ",nd of this boecaus,:: that is

h.•vond ITl'!?,and nr. r!arino, the a':1alvst, the data




r>roc~ssinq svst",ms analyst "'ork,,,d\'lith us.

~'R. G()LDSTF.Pl: Do you hav-a an aqre~m"nt ",ith

Dr. Sense'1haugh, Dr. Earhart and th~ SU1:";>rinbmdent of

Schools for Baltimor~ City that onc~ y.ou get the system

"'orki'1oths." "'ill coon.;:r'l.t"2.\,'ithit?

MR. CAREY: They aqr~Bd ~ith that. Th~y did

that in the last session of the leaislature.

llR. GOLDSTEH!: In oth"r ~ords, you don' t hav~

disaqr~",mqnt amonq the hierarchy, superintendents?

HR. CARBY: Dr. S'Z.r:.ssnbaughhas qotten tho;;

sunerintendents to aive us 100 nerC"i'ntcoone-ratio;'!.

l'R. (;OLDSTEIll: Can \<2 h••ar from Dr. Earhart?

LT. GOVERlmR LFr.: Como: to the micronhona and

i~8ntify vours~lf for the ~ecord.

DR'. EARlV\RT: Lt. (;ovs.rnor,nemb=.rs of th••

Board, so far as --LT. GOVEffi~ORLEE: You are Dr. Quqntin

Earhart, Dsnutv State Secretarv, Stat •• Suoerintsnd"nt

of Schools. Thank you. Proceed.

DR. El\RJL7\RT: In sunnort of "..hat llr. Car~y

hiS said as far as ".",v.no','th., su"''''ri.nt«ndantsax" in

a0rsement. I thi'1k that is sufficiant.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: At the end of this s~cond



surv~y, th~r~ nr~ still ?-3 Duildinqs that ar~ in on~ or

th-a otp?r of th~ b:o noor cat~qories. NOH, ~lho i!" qOi:lO

to nursue th~JTland mak-e sur~ that they ast out of that


1m. CAREY: H~ \o,'ill "'ith our staff. I hav~ the

1etter' h.are from Daltimor? ci tv right no,,', ,d th th-=.3.r

plans and th" contracts ~!ill be announced ann havs h,;,,<n

l-et out. Hh~n rfr, Fish'?r' s cOT:manydid thi s ,"e h~ld off

u:ltil Nov'ember 1st, Th.eir budaet ~,'asn' t du~ until .Tuly 1.

Hh?n it ,-'as l~t out for bid, a lot of ,,'or}::\,'asn' t unrler

contract. At th~ nr~s~nttim~th~y have S3.5 million....I, to correct th~ 16 schools ::':1 t:-tat ar~

still in really Door ,shan-e.

LT. (;OVEP]j()R LEE: J thin1: that 24 school,

!"ysteMs should understand, and I hone you und~rstand,

that this svstem'that you all'hav~ d~vi~€d is in li~u

of a mandatory annronriation for Il'.a::.nt?nancs mon~y

,,'hich tho.y founn v~ry burd'i'.nsoms, and th.~ stat? r,.•ally

m~a:lS bus:':1~ss.

He simnly h'l.v""to hav~ th~ puhlic schools




l'n. CARry: ':':"1<;B:Brd back ;':1 T'~)'ruary madE.

5.';:v~ry cl~ar, I thi~k I.lr. "oldst"in mad", th"" !'lotion, that

if th~y did not maintain tl-j.~ir hui.1din~ V'.''' ",-ar", not going

-to conti:lUs to fiscally SUDDort th'2.min building n-'!v,.'schools.

I.m. "OLDSTEI:'I: That is th ••.only v..'ay to approach

th~ nrohl"n. I!"re you ar~ sn~nding thousands a'1d ';;hom'a:'lds

of dollars, Hq hav-a nov" alnost a hillio:'l-dollar school

construction nroqram, on-e of the most intsnsiv€ school

construction nrOC;l"'lJ11Sin tho2-:1atio:1. I hav~ r.~'2.nin

schools duri'1g the r"c-ent cannaiqn. It ~s dqnlorabl""

You go 'co ".'ashrooms, ~~O th~ mirrors_off tr."":! ~.!al1s, fauc..;ts

do:'l 't v.'or!:.

old.Tl-j~vare mod-arn schools, l~ss than ten y"ars

I 1':no\"of no sUnerinbmd<i.n'c v"ho v.'ould ~HV'~ th at in

his ov'!1horn~, !Vhvshould he have it in the school? Is

this n~ql",ct a:1d lack of sun~rvision on sono?.body's part?

1m. CA!'1EY:' I v"as glad' that school v'as on this


MR. r,OLDSTEIN: That schoel is on this list.

I \..'as in t'1o::.t school last Frichy. I ah'ilys JT1ak~ it my

husi"l"sS to go i'1 <:.h"!v'ashrooms, I fiqur" th'lt is th,,-

plac~ us~d ~ost, outRid~ of ths cla5srooms. If they aro:!



not r1qht, th~re is som~thinq wrong with the school. Th~n

I.go to the superintendent's or principal's offic~. That

is usually 5.ntOT) shan~, soft rugs on the floors and th.~ rest

of the building is derelict ..

It is not right. I won't ~it hsre and vot~ for

money to buiId' ns\\'schools in thos-a counti",s unl ass they

take care of them.

HR. rAREY: That is the nurpose. I Hould ~ay

~'e are oetti.ng a lot of support. It is a very tim-:;-consuming

affair on our part. He don't hays a staff nosition «VS:1 to


ke~n on, this budget. He are '..'orJ.:i:l<j\\'i th them. I cal"!


only say this: we nicked un ,.:hatI f.ssl are many y,,;ars

of :1egl~ct bv the mal"!dateyou nut out last February, and

I think t~~y at"~ r.~snO!1ninq,'th~ local county qov"'!r~m":.:1ts

ar~ r'€.sflo:1d5.nq.

Baltimorq City is. Baltimore City cnnrovsd

$9 million of canital funds to maintain and imnrov~ th~

school Maintenanc~ nrogram. ~hat is probably the most

th~y have ever so~~tin on~ y~ar.

HR. C,()LDSTEIN, That "'3.S a result of our visit

to Baltimore. r ~~n't ~e~tion the ~chool. I talk ••d toI\ the man who \\'asi:1 chargs. l'ihe,tdid h~ say? You n,msmbsr

what he said. p.~told us the exact opposite th~ princinal



told us. That ma~ sl~~ns th~r~. ~ats th~r~.

LT. GOVErelORLEE: I have one nuestion for

M P' h . •. t f "._r. .' ~s ~r J us ~ ou 0 cur,.os::!.'t:Y. How many individual in-



spectors' are ~_nvolv-;>.din m!lkinq this stat~-"dd? surv"'-y?

I,m. rISHER: \'7e hav,," UP to 4() to 50 men available.

Nov, in fact. th9re Here a f"H" more than that this y"ar

~~cause I qat involved myself in insp~cting a few of the


LT. (;OVF.RNORLI:E: Ho", many end UP ,.,ri ting

the comme~ts for th~ various counties?

IIR. FISHER: Poach In,ln "Trit~s his mID comm~nts.

r~h'~yare r-avi s".1~;!dby a sun~rvi sor.

LT. Gm'F.relORLEE: Tr.3re is a considerabl ••

diff~rsnce in style from one county to th? next, I

!1otic-~d in r~acllnc; ov~r this.

I.m. FISHER: t-Jhat 'our nurnose is. "le hav.~_

held msetinqs on this. In fact many of us insn'?ct-,d th~

schools toa~ther. What you see vou nut do,,~. In many

instances. ,.,? h",ar comm",nts from the custodian or

the nrincinal as to a certain orohl'?m. For instanc~:, "'P.C!u~stion'Sd f1r. lh~t€nhaum, a!1d you are h-sarinQ' som~tim~s

exactlv the co~e!lts of th~ people in that school, not



LT. GOVr.relOR LEE: I am sure you agree what wa

n~'Od is an e;.ven-ha:1d'E!dtreatm'E!:1tof ths "rhole statd. I

notic~ i:1 som'E!counti~s th'E!tendency is to simoly hav~

straightforward narrative a:1d say thab the school n~eds

pai:1t, or something elss. In other counti~s they ar~

in for some rather fancy rhetoric and purple adjectives

and stuff like that, a:1d if that unsets the local

administration, I can't say that I blam'a th'~m.

HR. GClLDSTEr,: ~'ay I mak" a suqg-estiOllon

that v'?.rypoint? I snoke, to Hr. Car-ay about it the other

day. It would be very similar to what we do with

audits, ~,h~:1the audit is made by th~ legislative auditor.

They sit do~~ with the de;.partmenthead that has b~~n

audi t(ld and revi'E!'"th~ first rsnort. Then that is modified.

I believe a similar situation should ~ake nlace with the'

sun-e.rint'?:nd~nts 5..n 2 3 counti~s. Th~n th"~ \>rording and

the;.annroach, so to sneak, wouldn't irritate them. \~at

do you think of that, sir?r1R. CAREY: You are riaht. This was n~qlect

on my part in not having time to qet together with

them before the renorts qot t.o thsm, b'acause they Yo n'!t.,

it \.,asdone. and they ,,'antedsoma results. He;.we;.rein

our can~tal rsvie.w hudq'?.tsand I just didn't get it dona.




HR. GOLDSTEIN: Can you accomnlish that in th"

future?HR. CAREY: Th~ first time;' we do that, \oI~ \"ill

sit do\'~ with ~very county and qO over it buildinq by


f.IR. C;OLDSTEI!l: If you do that' you hav,," a meetinq

of the minds and you avoid unusual criticism. The

newspan~r dresses it UP more. They make a headlin~.

Then th~ facts aet real hot. They staxt singeinq th.dr

hair and their skin and it.is hard to get them around the


MR. CAREY: I'l'o! \'1;,11 talk to the superintendents

about it.

LT. C;OVER~ORLEE: If th~re are no questions

ahou'e the renort its",lf He come to th,; question of :''lying

for it.liR. GOLDSTEI:r: I move \''': anpropriate

C;O\'FRI:ORTl\l'1ES: Second thE. motion.

LT. GCWEm;ORLEE: !loved and secondsd It.;m

C;r:p5-C be annrov?-d. All in favor say ay'?-. Oopos,.•d.




HR. CAREY: Ilr. Fisher can get it. 11'8 have one

from last February of $26,665.

LT. C"()VERNORLEE: That cov€rs \"hat?

IIR. CARFY: That covers the' actual surv"!y. That

cov".rs the \"ork that has he's!'! accomnlish~d.

LT. GOVEffilORLEE: Th" thing \"e just appropriated

cov'?rs \oIhat?

~R. CAREY, That covers the ~ext fiscal y~ar.

From last Julv -- we are on~rating in the red now -- from

last July un to ~?xt July, maintai:-:i;'lg of th-e nrogram,

comnuterlzinq all the data on schools, -etc.

DR. Bl\RNES: Th'?re \"i11 be a $52,000 annual

m3i::1t:~n,mc? r".curr"mc". of this from the 1976 budq"t on,

in S)dn' s reQu1ar burtqet request. That dO'i!sn' tallo\<'

him to Cl~~ s~a:"Ct.cad this y"'~ar.. Rath's.r than \olai t unt~.l

next ,July h~ asks for that moneY. The earlier money

the Board annrov",d. The thought was it pas lo.qi timat.~

to take it out of the hond accou:-:t. That \'laS the purnos",

of 'th.s s.tud" , hut since '., cos'~s vou al'out 50 C'i<'1.ts 0:1

a dollar for h~:-:dr10~~Y, I ,"'QuIdhav~. 'to r.~cor:'U":l::;nd that

:..t h~ n3.5..d O~l': of ::h'~~'$m-era'2.;CV fu~d '.d:.::.r.;: "."~ do;)' t. h3.v~






you more in th~ long run.

LT. GOVr,RNORLET:: You ar<1 talki:1g about thE

20-so~e thousand?

DR. Bl\RNES: Y"",,s. H.s don' 1> hav.;, an i ';:em for it.

1m. CAREY: $26,665. '.i'h" r'cason you d:m't hays

an it~m I discover~d in the m~nutas coming do~ h~r~,

that b'lck in February he made the motion, ev<!rythiuq ~,as

approv.",d a:1d nobody bothered to tell wher.a the mO:1'"-Y~,as

cominq fro!'!. Since it \.,asn' t clarified at that noint,

if it is clarifi-ad at this meeti!lq \.,.,~can save ours,slv'es

50 cents on the dollar.

'.'P. r,()LDSTT:Ul: I mov'? ~,e nay the hill

$28,665 out of the general emerge:1cy fund.

LT. GOVER!lORLEE: Out of th~ em~rgency fQ~d

a:1d not out of hond issue mo~'?y, and if that involv~s

r~scinding any action from last Fehruary --

MR. CAREY: That only clarifi~s it.

LT. r,OVER!lORLEE: .'\11 right.

K'?n, do you "Tant to id'entify this as GEF 5-D?

DR. BARNES: All riqht.


DR. BARtlES: Roman numeral E.

. LT. GOVEP~lORLEE: Make it E. All in favor





i~dicat~ by saying ay~. OnDOS~, no.

Pay ~verybody, Skin, and go hack to "ork.

!.IR.CAREY: Thank you, sir.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: l~er~ is' Secr~tary Phipps?

MR. PIIIPPS: Right here, sir.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: Good for you. 1,rB you r-:.ady

to com~ to hat for cur mineral rights and things?

DR. B~RNES: Warren Rich, Special Assistant

Attorney General, will sneak ~o this.

LT. GOVEP~IOR LEE: Th.i.sis a hand carried itera.

Do~s it have any idsntification?

;~R. LE~'!IS: !~aY.:~this p-27 on my ag-enda: naa~

117-A. This is not a n~w item.

LT. GOVERtlOR LEE: Counselor, will you

ide~tifv yourself for th~ record?

MR. RICH: \'Jarrcn.Rich, sp'Scial ~ssistant

Attor~1',"YGsner'll, counsel to the D-epartm-entof Natural

Resourcss. Tl'1isitem involv<:.san outstandi.ng ontion

contract made on th~ 18th day of octobtr, 1974. It is

si~ed hy Georaes Creek Coal and Land Comnany, Buffalo

Coal Comnany, 'l.ndit is an ontion for the nurchas-a of

approxiMately 5,('85 acres of mineral reservations


016 hy g~nera1 ,.'arrant" d"!"!dand in addition to that

approximately 330 acres kno~m as the Phase and Bak~r

tracts o,med hy G~org"!s Creek Coal Company, which will be

CO'1v"!y.~dcy special ~'arrani:y de.ed and also i t ~,i11 invc1 va

the quitcl~im of all other mineral rights o~med hy Georges

Creek Coal and Land comnany under state-o~'ned nrop~r\;.ies,

and areas id~ntified within the perim~ter of the Savage

Riv2r State For~st a':ld also Dan' s ~~ountain Hildlif~ R~fuqe.

t.IR. PHIPPS: Thi s area h<?ra, gentlemen.

HR. RICH: Hr. Phinns is no\., sho~,i:1q you

Exhibi'c 2 ~,hich \.,ill he attached to tha sign".d ootion


MR. PI!IPPS: The red plus this addition right

HR. RICH: t.lr. Phipps, do YOllhave the ,-"ild1if-e

rF..fuge area?

HR. PHIPPS: This is thq \<.?ildlif~ ar.s.a. Dan's

!.!oun":.ai~ is her-=..

~m.GOJJDS'I'EIN:Goi:1g do\~n from Hidland, just

off to the l~ft. 101e identified that park on top of

that mountain.

t1R. PHIPPS: Hith the 1ittl~ recreation c.;ntsr.



NR. PHIPPS: 1\1", nlan to nut a swirnr.linqpool th,,:re

this y?ar.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: Th~ ontion is the shaded area?

HR. PiJIPPS: \'1e already oW:l.that.


HR. RICH: Gover:lor, the consideration is

$400,000. Ther~ are 25 days to acc~nt the ootion from the

18th of Octoher and 60 days to close thereafter.

LT. GOVEro,OR LEE: And this ~ould come from

an outdoor recreation land loan?

IIR. RICIl: Y-es, pursuant to Chant.~r 355 of the

1972 laNs, it ,.'asnoted that th-es",funds could he


LR. GOVERNOR LFE: This is really a settlem~nt

out of court, isn't it, of a protracted piece of litigation?

HR. PICIl: Yes. I should give a hrief history.

The cas~ comm~~c~di~ 19G5 and ~as to rl~terminewh~th~r

or not th~r-e \ol'=!r"? -e.xistinq strin min-a riahts outstandirlq

on ,.,hatis knOl,m as 'ehe f.1c!.lillantract, ,...hich is the

great hulk of this nronerty.

Chanter 355 was litiaat~d over the cours~ of;

\ the nast two years. It was found to be constitutional,

and it was r.~I:!al1c1edto the c;.rcuit Court of Garrett County




for th~ sole consid~ration of wheth~r or not the stat~

would hav~ to nay in ord~r to ston all stripping on

stat~-own~d orop~rty.

Th~ issue of constitution~l. confiscation

arose, a!ld it is recomm~nded hy the l',ttorneyGeneral's

Office and hy t'1e D9partrnent of Natural Resources that this

i~ a decent s~ttlement frOM an ~conomic standooint, and

~ill avoid nrotracted litigation and will clear up a lot.

of outstanding mineral rights and title to \-'hatth'5

state o\-ms nov on the surface.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: Are th~re any further qu~stions.

MR. KICH: I \':ould li}:~to n•..~ni:ion on~ thing

for ~'r. Goldstein. He brought this up sometim.~, and that is

that there is goinq to be a right of first refusal given

for nine-tenths of the oil and gas rights on the subj~ct

Dro~3rtv and neri~eters, and that is included within the

option contr.~ct as nolo',.)orded.

HR. (;OI,DSTEIN: .I have been on ~OD of this

situation for Cjuite a while, Governor Lee, and in vie,')

of what ve have got un there, I feel it is a fair

full sp~ed ahead.(

s-e'ttl-am'9.nt. I thinr. the state should accept it, with

LT. G()'.,7.f:-:R;,J()R LEE: K~o~..,i~q' vou as I do, Louis,


19019 if you say it is a good bargain it is a good bargain.

/-IR.GOLDSTEIN: 'fhank you, sir. I move ~le

acc~nt the ontion as outlin~d by ~r. Rich.

GOVERNOR T~WES: I am familiar with it. Okay.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: Duly mov~d and s~cond-ed.

Without ohj~ction, it is anprov~d.

All right. Thank you, q3ntl~men.

What other late starters do we hav~?

MR. I!ElJBECK: Maryland Historical Trust 'ind


LT. GOVERNOR LEE: We will just go down the list

as it is. The Historical Trust is <It bat.

HR. 'I:OHNSEND: Hhich item is it?

I.!P..LEI'IIS: Th~ first it~m, Governor, is on page

6 of my agenda. It is the COrltract by th-e Haryland

Eational Park and Plann~_:1qCom~ission for th~' restoration

of t~~ I-l.'l.rySurratt House in Prince G~orqes County, and

they are requestinG annroval.

HR. GOLDSTEIll: This is enough money to take

car"! of it?

MR. TOH~lSEND: Yes, sir. Th.er'2is a corr.,;ction

t.~er3, if I miqht. I am ~rthur To"ms~nr1, Dir'i!ctorof the

020 approvogd this nroj Hct. Iva hav>?-recoei v.,d back a d""ed of

-:as.am~nt, Hhich is both accentabl~ to th-e Trust and to

th~ Haryland lla';:ional P'l.rk and Planninq Commission.

I notics i~ th~ a~~nda~~sm,th~ r~~u~s~is for

$(;0, t)oo, i'l.nd I do hsU.';?v<;!that Ii3.ryland ,'latio:ul Ci'lpU:al

Park ~nd Pla~n:"~1qCcn.mif;sion is ~xnfaci:i~q .~c r~csiv~,:that.

it \.:<:.sin fac'.:: to be a 50 perc~nt match. Th~ bid cam~ in,

thq 1m.' b:.d can'O i:1 at $101,346, if in fact I~~ ~J,",ra doinq

it on a 50 p-=.rc',<n';:match. That l"Culd be about $50,673.


,\. II :'Jti.ll

increasog in construction costs, and probability of

overruns, ""tc., thilt $60,00n h, r-.<l~.as,"d for this Dro-j-.;<ct.

HP.. LEtHS: No, the r';quest that caM~ i"

indicated 19,346 . 1 think if.th~r~ was any Modification


. to this it lvould havs to be done by latt'£:::, and r~vie,,',:d

~y the Denartment first.

If W~ can qet anoth~r letter from th~m, we will do that.

lye I'.'ould the:-J.nroc'?ed 0'1 the 19.

I'R. GOLDSTEH1: I think w;; had hetter okay it

just like 5t is set forth !)er'~. Other"'ise you ar4 "oinq


nr~viouslv by the Board.


I am sure of that.

of granting mon,,:vto privabl' individu'lls and in the

th'2.Comptroller concerning the pronriety and appropr~atenes

l1'\-''l~tim"","''''loave arranaed ",:'..th ~lr. Moss to loan him

HR. TOm:SEllD: At the previous m<'.eting, I

HR. GOLDSTEIN: I mov-e we approv~ th~ item as

1m. TOI'mSr.!1D:Com~ bac): to ths Board.

~~n.!..:':~4IS~ The n~xt itG.Pl, Governor, iRon

GOVERNOR T.l\HES: s~cond'2.d.LT. GOVERnOR LEI;: Duly moved and s'2.co''ld'2.d.

!-IR.I.E\115: Any additional contingency that

of '2.asementf£om Roaer W. Moss. This was deferred

at a prev;ouS m~eting, the r~au~st by the Secretary of

page 124 on my agenda. At the req-aus'cthat ~,~ d",f",rit

!lonsing and community D<'.ve1oPI'1,;mt,to purchase a deed

without ob;ection, so ordered.

Surratt 1!0US'2.OV'2.rin clinton.

s<ot forth on 1')ag~7, for th~ restoration of the r.\ary

~1ou1d increase thi~ participation would come back to th~

to h~v~ some other conting~ncy.021





this mon~y on a short-t~rm loan, at no interest, and he

has agre~d to this, and that way th~ proj~ct can go

fonmrd and th~ state ~lill r'eceive its i:1tersst in this


~1R. GOLDSTEIll: Th~ reaSO:1 I sugq~sted tha-c,

Governor Le'e, this is very simi.lar to th~ shore erosion,

proqram. l'Jenut un the monev for the pronerty OW71'?rto

protect his or hst:' nroperty on the Chi<saneaks Bay and

tributarv "latoar~.

ov~r s"Zv'~ral y-aars.

It is a free loan. They nay it hack

I feel this is a similar situation. ~fuy should

Iv'?-mak'? an outright arant for som~body to restor~ a home,

th~:1 sell it, a:1d may.e the nrofit and not rtturn it to

the state? I understa~d bv your letter of Nov~m}~r 4,

this nro"sr"..:yis J~nol'm as Pronhscy, Queen Ann'=-'s County,

and He I"ill let this man have $4500.

HR. TOHl'lSEND: Th3.t is corr<:.ct.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: He ~?ill pay it back Id thout

in-C:3rest? .


years?MR. TOrmSEND: Ten years.





1m. r,OLDSTEIN, I fe~l it is a fair ~laY to do

it. You e~tahlish a revolving fund, yeu qet the old

historic homes or older nlaces restor~d and if th~y

s-;>.11it the state gets th", monsv.

~lR. TOI'iNSEND, Th'l':is right.

1m. GOLDSTEIN, \'18should go on record shoving

loans mads v<;;rysimilar to I.,hatr.~r.Phinps US'9S in

Natural Resourc"!s on the shore erosion projects.

~1R. TOl-mSEllD: This ~!ould be part of tha

easemsnt documents.1m. GOLDSTEIll, Is that agr,,:,eahle?

HR. GOLDSTEI!J, I would be happy to mak" the

motion.1m. LEIns: That would modify this item.

r.m. GOLDSTF.r:~: Yes, sir .. II'!other words, th3t

w~ grant l.lr.Rogsr lloss ths loan of $4500, Inthout inter.sst,

to restors th? nronertv !:nOH'1 as Proph"cv in Qus-.;.n

Anne's County, and that h~ r~nav it in annual installwents

over a t~n-ygnr neriod and th.~nron~r lic-e:1s'= b~

record~d in tho. records of Queen Ann~'~ County,

estahlishina a lien to the State of Maryland.

r,OVERl!OR'I'Al'IES,Th-a renaym",nt program, you ars




establi~hin(J a ten-year neriod for oth"r prooerties or

let ~ach prooerty stand on its o"~?

HR . GOLDSTF.I!l: I think you would have to let

each pronerty. Hayhe ten years is reasonable. Nayha if

it is a r~al biq nrop~rty, i~ may requir? mor~ mon~y.

GOVERNORTlIl'1ES: This applies to the on'" proo~rty?


• GOVErUrOR Ti\NES: I sgcond thea motion. Ok<1.Y.

L'r. GOVER~lORLEE: Does that consti tut'"' an

aM~ndment of what we are doing here?

I.m. LEIns: That \'.'Quld actually disaporov€ of

It.~m D-8. I'le \dll hava to ~end you an amended i t~rn, nev,

It''"?.m.r.'R. GOLDSTEIN: I think tim'! is of the ess:e:1ce.

'rhe man has done MOs:t of th", \'IOry:.

HR. LF.lHS: He call s"'.:nd a new i tern. You can

accent: this motion. N"9 ",ill s~nd you a neY.' lt€m to

cover it as Item D-8.

LT. GOVE~NnRLEE: Item D-8 -- ~hat w~ want to do

is aporove !Ir. GoldstBin' s motion.

HR. LEIns: Riaht.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: Then you can. do the pap~r

"Iork to make it proo"!r.




HR. LEIHS: Y"",s.

LT. r,OVE?JWRT,EF.: Thank you.

Did you second that, Governor Ta\olss?


LT. (;0VEP.clORLEE: I'li'thout ohj'~ci:ion, so ordered.

HR. r,OLDS'rEIN: Thank you.

MR. TO"mSEND: Thank you v~ry much.

HR. LEInS: W-=I,lill have D-8 as a disapprov-ad

it'?!'1 on this ag'1nda and I I'lill give you another on",.

HR. r,OLDSTEIll: We accomnlished something here

today.LT. GOI/Em:OR LEE: I!" th"lt th>!. end, Arthur?

HR. 'l'OHi'lSF.ND: Y-as, thank you.

I.'r. G()VER~IORLEE: Th..: sta t~ Board for Community

Col l".g'? S •

HR. LE1'lIS: Tha"t is. aqain on my aqenda above,

It<;m 1.1-7, nags 91, and It£~ P-20, on nage 113. Both of

them COV'i?rthe rS'1uest hy the rtontqomary Community Coll~ge

for the purchase of prop-arty to -astablish a n~w call1pus

at G€-rmantOl'.'11,r.lontqomery County, 11aryland.

GOVr.RNORT~I'lES: I'lhere is the oth.er i t-.m?

MR. LEWIS: Paae 113, P-20.

LT. r-O"ERNOR LEE: 1'7ho is i)oP'!ar5_nq?





NR. S'l'fu,SSER: I aTTlBill Strass-er, Presido:.nt

of 'Nontgomery COTTlmunH:.yCollo=.g-e. Since 1971, th,;, colleg~

has follow~d through o~ th9 allocation by th~ Stat~ Board

of Puhlic Harks for $750,000 to "lstahlish a third campus

for 110!1.tQom'~ryColleQ" in th'a arua of C",rmantOl.m, Haryland;

as th" mat"rial you hav~ this morning indicat~s. w~ are

Dr~parsd to Droce""d ,dth the acquisit.ion of a small Darcel

of land, and to heqin t.h" d~~ail"d nlanning for that


He have coordi.nated ,dth the count.y nl,mning

ag"'!.ncy, aCld ,.'5.th tho. county council, Montqomery County

!'x".cutive. a~d I hsli6ve dOcuI":l'!nt.s'Chat r.av:; been .t""'.Vi~"l:;d

T~~v satisfy ~hossnarts of th~ local

ftmdi:1Q 'c""a'~vou per", conc.srned about. ~~r. Johnson may

a more d",i:.ail",d au~stion, I ~'ould be glad to r"sDond if

you like.

l"'~ '-.'ould lik~ to proceed to acquirs this

parc~l,which is O~ naq~ 113, your It~m P-20, and that is





r~latsd also to It~m 1107, ~Ihich is on paq~ 91, as Nr.

Lewis earlier i~dicated.

11R. GOLDSTEIN: !-layI ask you a question at

that point, Doctor?

!-lR.STRASSER: Y~s, sir.

HR. r:OLDSTEIN: According to the Item 11,-7,

page 91, the state's allocation is a maximum of $750,000,

is that correct?

HR. STRASSER: That i.scorrect.

1m. GOLDSTEI?1: A:1d than on It~m No. P-20,

pag-e 113, for the first aC'luisition of land, 45.53

acr'e.s you ara iJo.YJ.;:g 1,100,0007

MR. STRASSER: Y-es, sir.

1-lR. GOLDS'rEI:-j:You ~..ant to qat a total of

200 acres, is that riqht?

~IR. STPASSER: That is right.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: Bas"Jd on that you are oayi.ng

roughly hetter than $20,000 an acr~?

HR. STRA.SSER: y~s, sir.

HR. G()LDSTEIN: So you ,/ill he spending ootter

than $4 million just for land?

HR. STPASSER: Yes, sir.



to put uo the $1,2Sn,OOO?MR. STRASSF.R: Yes, sir. We have discussed this

~xt~nsivf!'ly\-lithth,,:county gov~rnrn~nt. As you may kno"," f

~Ir. Comntro11~r, th..z countv governmsnt ,,'ent through a

revie\-lof th~ Gerr;lanto~mmastsr plan. This car-rousis to be

a part of the deve10ument of that new cowmunity in

Montgomerv County.MR. GOLDSTEIll: That ne~l community 1.5 standj.ng

still right nOH.

1m. 5TRJ\SSER: It is nroc~-edinq. Ther", is

construction going on. There are peo~le moving in. The

!rIagt~rnlan ,,'as amend'3d, annrov'-e:d after a r-e-annlY5i~ r

consultant study and a number of public hearings, was

r"Oannrov,,,din revis.~d form hy the I,~ontqomeryCounty

Council in January of this year.That revision at tpe requ~st of the county

council nlaced th-=.college campus site ,,,here~le a}.",.

oroposinq it this norning, at the int~rsection of 118

a'1.d11aryland Interstate 270, 'cr'near':" 70-5. This

sito;,conforr;ls~,'iththe planning naramaters that the

county cou:lci.l hB.lia •...•.~ :..r:norta ~t.

It is their 'desire that ~I" no;, on this sito;:

and they have indicated that they realize that the cost



might be more than oth".r sit"s, but 'for thsir planning

ourpos~s, and the larqer paramst~rs of the d~velopm~~t

of G~rmantol'!l1, coordination I..'ithin the county, th?y

th~ state's allocation is, $7S0,OOO, and th~ actual

purchase nrice for th'a balanc", for the "'.otal oarc~l.

They have indic3.t-ad about 200 acres is wh'lt th~y

~'ould support. I think the. state indicated it halit'-v,""s


about 240 3.cr,,-s ~Ioulc be appropriate.

HR. GOLDSTEIIl: D') you h.:w'! that in \olriting?

1m. STRASST:R: Y'2.S, sir.

th~ top officials?

l1R. STPASSER: They have b",en sh3.r",o I'lith al'd

coordinat",d.' ~lrs. Ross is her".. 5h", caD. confirm that.

HR. GOLDS'l'FIN: I I.'ould lik" to nut it in th",

record so th'?re I.'on' t boe.a qu~,stion ahout it. l~e don't

I..'ant th ..'? sama th5.ng to harmen that happe:lsd in Takoma


llR. 5TP.,\SSF.?-: No, sJ.r. If you knol" th" forI:lat

us€d in r1ontqomery County for cani-cal proj~ct planninq,

this is on-2 or the: she.~~;s that d'2.als ...;1 th G-:rnani:o\\~n,

....- ..' '1 ,...'-_ ... ' ••...• ~~.





.aid, $750,000, and th~ balanca is from county bonds, so

there is no question. They have b-aen inform-sd orally.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: What happ"m'O-dto tha bond bill?

They can't sell bonds unless they hav~ the ref€r~ndum.

LT. r,OVER:lORLEE: 'rhey d"f-.=.atedthat


1m. STRASSI,R: This is a matt~r of acc.antance by


1m. r,OLDSTEIN: I )mm~. Wait a while. All you

have here is a she'!~tof paper, which don't mean a thing

unless you have your county council okaying it.

is th~ir official format, Hontgomery County, Maryland,

COU:1t,.Council. Their PDF, and th':!irannual county


HR. GOr.DSTEIN: You have a n"!w county council

ta~inq office in Decsmber.

MR. STP~SSER: Yes, sir .

.MR. GOLDSTEIN: I wonder if we could hav~

something in ~rritinq.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: ~lait, Loui s .

MRS. ROSS: You have a resolution for th"!



council did by r~solution aDprooriate that money last year

in their hudqet aooronriation so it is an official document.

It is my understanding we are entitlEd to spend UD to the

mon<~y that tho.y apnronriated.

IIR_ STPASS:':R: Th,;y am)ronriated 5750,000, as

indicat~d in this document from the state. We have those

documosnts. Tho. state has se~n them. I think, I don't



kno\oJ""!1ether!1r. l-Iahhenersonally has seen them, Hr.

I.e•..l5.sand the others, but th~re is no question about this.

It has be~n discussed by county officials \oJ~thst~te

off:ccials and renresents from the college and the state

Bo~rd of Community Colleqes, State Planninq, General

LT_ r,OVEPNOn LEE: I need some helD, Eill.

I came in late on this ao'?nda. I-Ihatis the relationship

I.m. GOLDSTEIN: Tpey ar~ both relat~d.

LT. GOVEllilORLEE: Are they the same oi~ce of

lann?HR _ LElHS: No. The board is requir"!-dto anprov~

th~ sit-=, location, for a:-1V comru.unity coll~q-::, so !'v!-7

is basically aDoroving that location.

LT. GOVE~<lOR LEE: Just aDproval of the site



of the coll~ge.

MR. LEWIS: Riaht. p-2n is the approval hy

the Board of th~ acquisition of this parcel of proD~rty,

state narticination.

LT. r.OVERtlORLEE: I a,<,.tyou. That.:.s wha-::I

~Ianted to kno\./.

MR. C,C1I"DSTEH1: Secondly, you are also

approving the archit€ct, Cohen and Haft, Holtz, K€rkton,

KarahaJ:ir. You are doing hlo things, approving th'!.S; .•....;)-~~

and th= overall planning, architects, th~n also i~ p-20

you anprove aC'luisition, Vlhich se-::sthe price for the

r~mainder of the land.

LT. GOVr.R!lORLEE: Riqht. Is there any !,rohlem

about 11-7?

IIR. GOLDSTEIN: !-laybe""'9 can he3.r from th" lTlan

I.m. JOIlNSm!: F'rsd Johnson, l\ssistant Ex""cutive

Director of the State Board for Community Colleq~s. The

State Board r~quires that a resolution he for~ardcd prior

to any allocation by the Board of Public HOcks and the


033 l.m. STHj\SSER: I thi~]~ th", d'o.tail<;d hack-up 0:1

this is on file and certifi~d.

,.m.• J0Il11Sml: Hiqht, sir.

1m. GOLDSTEIN: Ar" you qci"g to have to

conde~n anyhody's land and ~akg thsm move out of th~ir

hom" to q"t th" 200 acr.;:s?

I.m. STRl\SSER: 11r. Comntroller, '~-e hava not

rsachsd that staae y-et. Hg "lr", in th" proc'?ss of

negotiating, a:1d this narti_cular own:r is ,",'illi:1g to 5.,;;11

and offered this ootion. Ilost of it, I ausss 99 p."reent

of it or mors is onen farmland, und~vsloned.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: Thi" ;.~ 11 v.;ry k".y ~J."""~nt

in th~ Gsrmantoh~ mast~r nlan, which has been revised

a~d I think nm.! ?.nnroved by ",v'?ryhody invol 'lsd, and its

5.rnnortanC'2; is hard to ,=xaqq~r a t-s.

Is thare any e,uastion ahou>: Item 1.1-7 from

anyhody an~~here in this room?

(No resnonse.)

LT. GOVErolORLEE: We will dispose of that.

I.IR. GOLDSTEIll: I want to he sure everyhody

agrses this is th~ riaht 01ac8.

LT. GOVEHNORLEE: Thi sis th'a riqht plae,,",.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: And to mov", peool'? cut and have




controv'~rsy like. th~y had in TaJ(oma Park, I want tho';

r~cord straight, you had all th~ controversy. A lady

call~d m~ el~ction day. Sh~ hqS canc~r, diabetes and

a lot of comnlica tion s. You k:l0'1 the lady.

LT. "OVEmIORLEE: I r:nol1 th." ladY.

HR. "OLDSTEIN: I ",ant to b" sure 10]'3 are not

causinO' anybodY to hav~ any sickn'ass or any illn .•.s5.

IJRS. ROSS: Hr. Goldstein, "'", actually hav'~ a

community advisory committee that is v~ry sunnortiv~ of

th~ co11oo:0",;her~ so hone-fully you \o:i11 h",ar good things.

from them.

LT. GCVr:~~!0R LFE:

your E.asy on'es.

to of

1m. GOLDS""r.IH: I ,,]ant to be sur'? it is i:. th"

r~cord. Nhen I-]Sgo to Hontgom",ry County, cve.rybody l.-ill

be nic~ il:1d Jd.nn.

LT. GOVER~lORLEE: They Inr.~ v"'ry nic-" to you on

Tuesday. I"hat is your nlqasure on this?

!IR. "OLDSTEr:;: I move I.'e approve it, ",i th

lov~ and aff~ction. L'3t' s get tl1.1 r",cord straiaht. That

is all I a~ doing, is getting the r~cord straiqht. Herq

is th~ place to talk about it, riqht hare.

LT. (:OVER:o,ORLEE: Duly mov"!n and seco:,d",o,

Item 1'-7 annrov"d, and I'lithout obj ection it stands approv~d.



Now, P-20. Is th~r~ any nrobl~m on th~t?

~lR. GOLDSTEIN: No. If th3.t is the situation,

I mov'~ \'I~ anprove that, \.,ith lov'S and aff~ction.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: Do you second the motion

1.,Iithlove and affsction?

GOVERNOR TA1'1ES: l'1~.th lov.a and affection.

LT. GOVERnOR LEE: Duly moved and second~d,

Itsm P-20 b~ apnroved, \-lithlove and affection.


It is so

J.lR.ST!V\SSER: Thank you, \d th lov~ and aff".ction.

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: Get out of here.

Do~s "ch:~tccnclud-a ~v::r~".thir..qfrcm th-e community

col19qe ar~a.?

~m.LEI-lIS: I think so.

I,T. GOVERNOR LEE: The stat", nsoartmeni: of

Education, Dr. Earhart.

DR. Bl\RNES: Governor, this is hand carri"d,

GrF, It2m 5-D, a r~au~s~for an Assistant Sun~rint~ndg~t

for Snecial Education. Thsy do not have currently an

Agsistani: Sup-e.rint-endent. This is in the nart of til••

Dspartment of Education, to carry out the recent court


DR. El\f~lIART:19"1 f) decrse. \'lehave tlla,'Judae





Rain~ court decr~~.

LT. GOVERNOR LEP.: Just a moment, pl-,:as'",.Do

you have anoth~r CODY of this on~, K'an?

Quentin, identify yourself once again for the


DR. EARlmRT: I am Qu~ntin Earhart, D~puty

state Supzrintsndent of Schools, here to requ~st

consid~ra~ion of th~ Board regarding sstablishm~nt of a

nosi tion I,'hichDr. Barnss ref-arred to. I think it might

he aD~ronriate for a f~w comments about the snecial

educatio:l nroqram, v.'hich no,",has grown substa!1tially to

annroximate1y $35 million this YA~r. and it requ~st ~hat

has b~sn at least sent in' to the Denartment of Budg~t

and riscnl P1anninq in ths amoun~ of 55 million for 1976.

LT. GOVERNOR I,EE: !'Iewill discuss that later.

DR. EAmmRT: I'le.,ill discuss that lat:=r, not

wi~h lov~ and aff~ction,I guess, but in th~ t~n y~ars

that I have b~'2.nVllth the Deoartment, I have seen this

nrogr3.m groH from rouahly $1 million, special education

purposes, including home, hospital instruction, to thos

figur~ which I crav~ just a few moments ago.

1-1-: view the matter as involving anoroximatsly

125, ()()n childr-~n bv th-e tj.l'1~'th", law is imT)l~m,=,nt.=d,Which



allows for a five-y~ar phasing neriod, and until the court

d~cree is implemented, and you do hav8 a year's grac~

period to implement that decre~, hut it has grown in

such a \olavthat "'~. have tried to keen ahead of th.,..

rsquiremen'cs of th" lal'7, and of course give servic.;s

to th~se children.

11",thin): that at this mom~nt V7ehave about

70 p'?rcent of the childr"!n b'i<ing givan programs, or being

provided nrograms, and ohviously we hav~ no choiCe, th~

state hasn't any choice exclmt to nrovid-a 100 nerc.;>,nt

coveraae, includinq some of the oth<;r stat"! institutions,

naM'~ly'Pos'il\olood,~'7h"re aonroximc:tl?ly 300 childr"!n aro; nOl'7


He feel t!'a-: this is servic'o< to these hanc1icanpsd

children; that is a prim", function of the state at this

noin'c. .This matter has he"?-np5.m)ointe.d by lal,. I-Ienoeed

high-l"?-v"?-l leadershin to sunnort the prOqram and make it

nossihle for th.~se children, and their narents, to have

fre" nub15.C ed\1ca~:ion.

Judge Raine's decree definitely spells out

that ~ducation for thqse childr.~n sh?ll !n fr~e.

DR. BI\R!JES: Gov':rnor, according to our DOS':' 'cion,

th",re are 19 peoole in the sr>ecial educatio!l. nrogram in






aRk-ad for 11 nel" t)(lsitio~s but discussing this Hith the

Gov~rnor he f~lt giv~ them on~ that would create th~

division status and call for leadership and they would have

to justify additional ones in view of the current load

of ~'ork.

He hav'Sn't qotben to-th~t y'~t.

DR. El\RHl\RT: !']-af-aOJ1 we mURt forge ah'~ad 11ith thi


HR. GOLDSTEIN: Is this a merit syst2l11 job?

DR. El\REART: This ~Iill be an unclassifi""d job.

DR. Bl\R:-lES: Non'S of their nrofessional jobs

HR. GOLDSTEIN: Do 'lOU h3ve Romebody in mind

t'1i.l',: is e:.;nsri",nc~d? Tvill th~y be from !-laryland or do

you hav'.~ to q,~t th',om out of C'1i.cago or T1isconsin?

LT. GOVLIUWRLEE: . Th3t is a local D"!rson.

/.lR. C;OLDSTEI,I: Do you '1av" sOr.l'i;body in

!-laryland to do thq joh?

DR. FAHI'l\RT: I think so .

. HR. GOIJDSTEIU: I am qlad to h-ear tha~. W,!

don' t n-e-ed an imnort at this tim-€'.

DR. E.'\.R1!JIR'I': No.






...• '


to cr.gat~ on~ n':;\.'nosition of Assistant Sut):?rint~nd~ni::..

HR. (;OLDSTT:IlI: I "7a:'l~ to be sur.,'. v.'~ hav"" a

r-~si<1e"1t of l1aryla'1d Hho i.s qi v~n an o"portu~i. i.:y to he.

0ualifi~d for this joh. So m.nv tim~R th~v ~RVS to go out

80r:,,""1':)(ly B:ld hri'1g thsm h2.r-a.

LT. GOVERnORLr;E: This one is going -co h",

local tal'''nt.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: That is good. I '-.'8':1t to h,,-

sur.?. It tal':$s fi v~ ysars to -;;:ducata. th~m arout what

Haryl'3.nd :l.s cil about.

LT. GOVER?TOR LEE: ! aqr-e'.=! ~'Jit.h you.

Ar~ vou movina approval?

1lR. (;OLDSTEnl: I mov-e approval.

GOVERnORTAlI'ES: S<;,co~ld'Sd.

LT. GOVEru:ORLT:I;: -Duly l:\ovsd and s~cond~d to

approve, Ibam GEF 5-D. l~ithout obj<,:ction, so annroved.

DR. BAR~F.S: There is on~ mor~ hand-carri~d,

G'2.n?ral Itsm 27-A, v'hich is from Hr. Ksnt, Assistant

Secretary of I~alth for Medical Care Programs. This is

a hand-carried item. Ths current pharmacy fee. is Sl.75;

Blue f.ross-Blue Shield pays $2.10. Th€- Hsalth DenarUnent's

budg~~ rqauest for PY 76 was $2. I think.




l1R. I:ENT: Y-es.

John J. Ke~t, Jr., Assista~t Secr~tary,

D~nartme~t of II'~alth and r.lental l!ygi-an~.

LT. GOVER,'<ORLEE: Hold it, Jack.

.have a genius for losing th~s~ things.

I S'E.em to


This is Item GI 27-A. Proc~~d, Mr. S~ct~tary.

IlR. KENT: Thank you, Governor.

As Dr. Barno.s point,!d out, the D~nartm" ••t is

requ~stin~an increass i~ .th~ nrofessional f~e for

pharmacists from the existi:lq $1.75 psr nrescrintion

to $1. 95. This deals ,'lith nr02.scrih-ad drugs only. lis

Dr .. Barnss noint",d out, "'''' have roi<quesi:eu in th~ FY 76

huc1get th;).t 'chis fee be incr'Sas~d to $ 2.

Th~ r-eason '..'o!?- ar.~ making t.h.t::r~qu"~st ~o(lay I

to go i:1to eff.?ct January 1, 1~75 is tho;>fact that

inflation has moved un so rapiuly ov~r the course of the

last y.,;ar, in narticular, that pharmacists are findJ.:1g

it ~xc~~di~qlvdifficult to m~~t th~ir cos~s out of th~

Just for ",difica'cio~l, the m<:dical urogram

r~imhurs~s nharritacists bas~d 0:1 t\-,l'O i.t~n~, O~.~, t:~~cost

of th~ ingr~di~p.ts,nnd s~conrl, t~~nrof~ssional fS2,

~:hi.ch is nossi.bly a misnorn~r. Hithin th3.t nrof~ssio)1al




fsoe go~s any salari,,,,s that ar-e involv'ad for nharmaeists and

oth'?.r "2mnlOV'a-es, th-e r~nt, utiliti'~s, cost of contain't!rs.

That is all ineludoqd i.n that nrof~s5ional fee.

LT. r.OVERNOR.LEE: That is what v;'! are t.'ilJdnq about

h~re today.

MR; KENT: That is \,'hat \'l~ are talking ahoui:.


NO~l, as Dr. Barnes also noint'O.d out, Blue. Cross

and Blue Shield at the nr~sent tim. hRS a nrofessional

rsimhursem?-nt of $2.10. That fee has h~€n in sff~et sines

January 1 of 1974.

LT. GOVERnORLEE: 'rhis $1. 75 rab", Has

1m. J:n.JT: This was .2stahlish"d in 1970, a..'1d

no iner~as~ ~inee 1970.

DR. Bl\RNES: Th.~ nharmacist' s fee is th., only

on.1. that r~al1y h3.s~'t qon~ un since that tima.

MR. KENT: That is basically corr~ct,Dr.

I3n.r:1'~s, :..n sorn'3 ast)~ct all of th'9. oth8r f"?~s hav.;. in som~

\,'ay k"!nt nae-=:.

LT. r.OVERNOR LEE: l\re thBr« any (1uesd.ons?

'.in ~f)LD~'!'r:rn: MRV I ask you a nu~st.io:l! Jack?


Do you hay"" ths $354,000 I.,ithi.n your budq~t to Day for

this incr~a~~d cost from $1.75 to $1.95?

1m. REliT: Hr. Comntroll~r, \oI~ estima'c,a if He

b~gin this January 1, 1975, which is ths D~nartm~nt's

r.",CJuss'cdav, that it I.Till cost anproximat-;!ly $269,892 for th"

six months r"'-fYmini.ngin th~ fiscal Y'5:ar and it is our

f~~ling that we do haye.th~ mon~y within our existing

budg",-t. Noe: ~.'ould not have to request any additional

funds, either from the Board of Public Horks or in the

d~ficiency annronriation.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: In other word~, you hav~


HR. KE)IT: Yes.

1m.. GOLDS~r:nl: Hhat tyn-=. of surveillancs do you

hay-" to k~en th"s~ folks from aoinq from druqstor<> to

drugstore and getting sey~ral nrescrirtions? They may

goet oj.nk Dills in Druqstore A, throw them in the qutt-er,

qo to Store A, g",-t blu.a pills. They prohably don' t like

that. Hhat checks and balanc-,os do you have on that systsm?

.1.m. KEllT: The only 1.lay that that is, or th~

indiyidU:l.l cun obtain a prescrint5.on is from a physician.

MR. GOLDSTEIN: I undsrstand. They qo ~o Dr. A

and get a ~r~scrintion.




MR. l:ENT: Ive ar", att"' ..nmting to oastablish

both I)rovid'~r and recipient profil~s, and to determine

individual cas,;s that nevi ate from the mean, the norm,

and at that noj.nt in time, to '10 ilnn talk \-lith physicians,

if ""S see that th",re is difficulty with certain

physicians, that their pr~scribinq nractices se~m to be

much deviated frem the norm.

At that point in time, if we find any

physicians ",ho \',1~ can':1ot ",ork 'oJi th, w::; th'~nqo to th€.

m-edical and chirurqical faculty, who no,~ has a vdry strong

p-,>",rrev ie," committee hecause th."y ar~ both conc€.rned about

-c.h= practic-as ,..'ithin th-: m-edical orof":a.5s.i.on, as ,~'~.~lla~

the costs.

They have been exc"2sdinaly •...•ell \-15.th th"

1.1R.G()LDSTEItl: llu!'\hsr two, are vou Up in your

computers to q~t these noctors and th~se drugstor~s ~aid now?

Ar~ th~y on tim~?

J.1R. KENT: t'~-ell, at th-~ pr~s-ent tim~, th~ pharmacy

is rU'1nir.q about three \-leeks frOM the time ,,'e r~c "i v"- the

bill. I~ is do\..":1 f:Lom sJ2:v-eral months a Y'?i::lr or y~ar and(

a hal f ago. l-J-sar'? ,,'ell ,-..i thin the nomal comrn",rci.'ll


MR. GOLDSTEIN: Are you still getting a lot of


~1R. KENT: We are d~alinq with tens of thousands

of nroviders, and tharoe is ahmys som~ comnlaints. lY,~ ar-e

d'~alinq \-lith a l'1i.lT:1no'c.hsystsm that nays 6 million hills

a Y8ar. The comnlaints I thinK ar~ €xc~edingly do~~ and

I think that th", system is, you KIlO"', imnrov~d to th~

point ".h;;r-a most of the old'ar nrobl"-Ins of the nast have

bsen don? a'~av ",ith.

1m. GOLDSTEIN: In other \>"ords, ~lhat you "r",

saying to us, a lot of th~sl~abus€.s ar.:S no;" b-e:t:1g cut',~d,

:ts that C"",...,...-e" •..?_ .

HR. KENT: That is correct.

I,m. GOLDSTEIN: I I'lant to h", sure ','e g~t -Chat


i:1 the r"?-cord so 1"'2.know "!xactl V wh""r". th", mon~y is com3.ng

from, and it ,d,ll not com" from th'2. ",merg£ncv apnroT)riation.

DR. BARNES: In order to g-:.t full legislative

aTJDroval, ',..s talb,d to" the Chairman of th" Ilouse

J\?t'ronriations, I,'ho says he ~..ill sunoort the r"qu'Sst. If

th~ Board annrov~s it it apn~arsths l~qislatur~will

handl':! it too.

LT. GOVERNORLEF.: You Id.ll handle that






flR. GOLDSTEIH: In other words, what "'S are doi:1g

h",r~ today is suhj?ctto l~gislativ-a approval.

DR. BARemS: Any i:1cr'?as'e~..hich C'lUSSS legislativeapproval must (TO to the budq",t.

/tR. GOLDSTBIN: I:1 otheor ,,"ords,th", aopropriata

5.':1th= S"'-:::at;,",tIl hav~ to also anprov,,"this.

DR. DAR?I~S: T~at is right.

fer annroval .. '::hat. ~_s ccrr~c-::.

DR. B,"\m;PS: They hilY'! 30 days to aDnrov'c! c.~

or if th~y nO:1't, it automatically is anorov~d.

:,IE. <'OLDSTEI11: HOI" ahOl!'.: th =. mon=.y th-'i.Y "'p",nd

in th~ month of January?

DR. DARcIES: Thgy HilJ. act D" it .-J... •• ~


!!n. ~OLDSTRI:l: Okay.

L'l'. GOVEP.:10R LEE: Okay., Do I h=.ar a moti.on

on this cm=.?

il?. ~OLDSTEI:~: I mov,~ that vl~ apnrov'l:'! it, subject



to th'", annroval of the Joint Budqet and Audit Committ.~~ of

the Gen~ral Assembly.

GOVr.mlORTAHES: Second. Okay.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: All riqht. !lotion duly

made and s~conded and I'lithou'C objectio:1 so ordared.

I have s~v~ral other n~opl? •...•ho I<'ant to make

nersonal apnearanc'C\s on sned.fic i terns. Hadn I t WE. b",tter

take them un now? Buster, \':hat is th,o first of th'd onss

you ",a!1t to hear?

HR. PHIPPS: Douq Talmey, Director, Bal timore

Recreation and Pnrks, I~ould li.k"" to sn",ak on 28-A,

Secretarv's aaenda: Proar.am Open Sn~c~.

LT. GOVr.RNORLEE: \'1hich agenda is this?

HR. LE\'lIS : Proqram Onen Snace.

HR. PHIPPS: Sunnh~ment A, 28-A.

HR. TAI~NEY: I am Douglas T3.\':ney, Di.r€ctor of

Recreation and Parks for Baltimore City, and th~ pur~ose

of nv ann-~are.nc'S todav i.s to r~qu'a:st.of your honorahl-;

Board a variance of a nrevious grant under the On~n Snace

ogram. from the D'i!nartment of lIatural Resources for

acquisition and demolition of St. ~Iary's Seminary grounds

and a huilding on said qrounds.

You had anprov~d on Decembzr 5, 1973 a grant



apnlication for a purchase prics of $450,000, olus

$131,023 for the demolition of a buildina of almos~

ons million and a half cubic feet.

Th'= purnose of our aDP~arance today is to

requsst that that qra~t application b", amended to D,;,rmit,

rather than the city to demolish that huildinq, the

Sulnjcian Fathers who are th= OIm'20rsof the building to

ta,:? it dOl'ffi, for t\.'o r-aasons. One, \"'" feel from having

tar..<O.:1E.stiamtss through our D':.partm~nt of Housinq and

commun~.tyD,,-v"!lonnnnt, which is in chargs of demoU.U.on

of buildinqs for the city, that th? sulnician Fath~rs

,, ca:. a cheaper rat? than the ~stimat~d S131,000,

hu':: mor"" iIOIDortant, the sulpician Fathers, and Fathe.r

John Sullivan, a director of the st. Nary's s-;minary,

to rax~rcis~ very close sc't"uti~'\y and control ov~r th-=.

contractor as he tabes t!1e s",mi':!ary huilding dCvln,

b""cause of the proximity to that building of the st.

I"ary's Chapel, ",hich is a very famous and ir.mortant

his~oric and archit~ctural pi"?c'3 of structur~ a:'ld also

th~ \>!Orld-famous r~oth~r S-eato!l Jlous~ is ;!xtrem~ly close





1'7~havo; had this rsqu-ast from th" Sul?ician

Fathers that th€y \-!ouldassume th~ supervision of th,,_

contractor ",ho '1ould take that huilding dOvm. That is the

sense of our r"que st today.

LT. GO'lERNOR LEE: Does Father Sulliva::1.want

to apn~ar?

l-m. Tl\!'1J-lEY:Yes, sir.

LT. ~OVEm10R LEE: Father, do you want to come

over here? Would you identify yourself for th~ r~cord, sir?

Fl\THER SULLIVl\N: I am Father John R. Sullivan

of St. 1Iary's Seminary, 600 North Paca Street, Baltimors.

I am the director of ",hat is lsft of the

No,',', do you \\'a':1t r.loe to mak~ any T)r~s~nt(l_tj_on or

do you Hant m?_ to answ=:r rruestio:1s?

LT. GOVEmlOR LEE: Let me ask tne Board

rnsmbsrs, does anybodv have any questions about this

proDosOll?1m. GOLDSTEI:l: The only question I have is

the historians un there in Baltimore and conservationists

are sav5.na that th~y don't \-'antthis building demolished.

LT. "aVERi'lORLEE: I think th.dr concern

is for the ehan?l and the f-loth<:>rSeaton Hauss. isn' t




that corr~ct?

HR. GOJ,DSTEIN: I don't ):now. I visit€od the

I.lotherSeaton llous'S. I thin k the chapel is one of ttje most

beautiful in Am>:oric:'l.I ,'.'asth'o?r~to one of your '''ondsrful

s9rvic9s last vear. I am haoDY that is restored as

a house of the Lord for neonle to go in and m'9dit:'lt~. It

is h;o.autiful, a great contribution noi: only to ~I:'1ryland

but i:o the entire nation.

FATHER SllLLIVAN: Thank you very much.

LT. ~OVP.RNOR LEE: Could I ask just one

0uestion, FathBr? Is it reasonahle to assums that th~

order would smDloy a professional d~molition outfit to

do tha job?

LT. ~O\1ER;l("\RLEE: I am sure your folks

hav~ not b~~n train~d in wr~ckaq~.

FA'I'HERSULLIVAN: Y"s. \']<;, have alr<:ady asked

bid~ from thr~-e nrof~ssional wr'Sckinq comnar..i'=s, dr:moli tion


GOVERNOR TAI'IE~S:Louie, your referenCe just nO'''

to the historical valu'9 of this, has that hs<?'naone into?

llR. GOLDS'I'EII1: G€Org'd Loswis mad"" a study of

Dr."erving the building and using it as an adjunct




offic~ building to 301 W9st Preston.

MR. LEWIS, That is right.

~m.GOLDSTEIn, Nq have a renort h"r~ sayino he

\'Tou1dn't rs.col"ln'.?:1.dit, D?cause of th" $45 per squa"CHfoot•

cost for '!:hs old bU7.ldi:1q, as comn'lrdd to $55 ner sqnar"

foot for i'l n""" mod'i!rn mi'lsonry-s'l:e~l construc'i:ed building,

is that corr9ct?

I.m. 1.E\-1I5: y~s. sir.

HR. GOLDs'rr.IN, You r~eommend6d \0]'" not r""novate

it and US2 it as an offic~ huiJ.di~g.

to th~ stat". This "las from David Gordon, renres"nting

them, if you r~cal1, mainly D~eaus? of the nrobl~m of

parking and r~novation of the buildinq. This of cours.,

.if it l'la'S r'?TIovat",d at $45 a squaJ:e foot loJould still h",

basically a til:'.!::er struct-"lr'2. huilding in sid" , I.•h:i.<:his obvi.ousl

not d",s1r3.1119 for modern offies!>.

MH. r;OLDSTEEI, ll'?re is a lot of mat'~rial I hav."

got on it.

LT. G()lJER~mR LEE, \~hat kind of mat~rial?

!m. r;OLDSTF.IN: The v~ry thing h", is talb.ng

about, sunnorti"1o data, higtoric or'-;:s;,rvatio:l. I thiny.






llr. To••.mssnd is h~re ••.,ho Hants to talk about it.

LT. r,OVEmlORLEE: Do you have a prohl'Sll\ ••.,i th

this one, Arthur?

HR. TOH:.JSEND:Considsrabl«, Y'3s.

~m. GOLDSTEIN: It is a v'<.ry controvsrsial issue.

LT. r,OVEPJlORLEE: Let 0 s havs the \.,hol", thing


llR. TOlmSErm: Arthur Tmvnsend, Director of the

Haryland Historical Trust and also State lIis':oric

the buildi:-:q is on the national Regist~r, th~ SeatC:1

EOllS''? as d. iia'.:iallal 19.ndmark, illso i:h"i. chl:H')~la Ii.: waR

(L~~m~dbv th-,; Housing and Urban D.!V.~lopm~nt and P.",d'9.ral

\'Ihich \.,as r''OCTuastsd from th.;; Comnis:cdon on Historic

Pr~ssrvation of th~ City ot Baltimor~.

Th~ lOr-; nrocB:dur'S ",rent through. Th~r-=. w~r.::


052 th~ d~molition.\v~ have qr~at fselinqs ahout th~ huilding, not

o~ly from its architectural st~ndooint, but it is a

Dald\'li~and Pennington buildi.ng, a r"-marJ:abl",structure

in itself, and it is also th~ site of Ii considerably

r.istorical r8Port. Fath~r Sullivan can addr~s5 him5~lf

to this.

I b~li8ve the Baltimore Cov~nant \'laswritten

th"re for the Catholic order, and I,!ef"1t that it \\"'1<;

imt)ortant for ~h~ci'i:.v and for "choe stat-s:, if nossibl'S,

to S<5-:;kal t'=;rnativ-:.uses. I I'!rot""!)oth the l\rchbishop

a!'.dF'1tr.srSullivan back i~ January and asked th.o.mif

thsy w"ould consid""r g-ettincrtonethcr with us, sit d01.'n

altsrnativs U5~S.

In hoth CRS"-S thc,,-resnons<; w"as th'lt :10 furth""r


Tn other \'lords,a d~nial

into th", 105 I')roCedur'?5,to sse I,.'heth"ror not I'''Scould

in fact fi::d al t'~r~::ltiv,~us"Z.s.

LT. GOVF.K,OR LEE: Is th~r~ Fed~ral mon~y

involv~d in this on~ration?

HR. 'rOHHSEllD: At this tim,;?




HR. TOh'NSEllD: No. It is just on the R"gist.er.

Of cours''!, if Pathar Sullivan nroceeds ,~ith the

LT. (',oVERNORI,EE: Ho"! did you ge'.:: a 106

h'l-ari!lq cranked un?

I1R. TO\'illSEND: Because of the nroximi ty to

ths HUDurhan d~veloClm"nt which is no\<' going on.


I,m. Tl\I-nJEY: The nronerty, Governor, li',;s

,,!ith;.n a n~iqhhorhood developm"!nt program that is

rec~ivinq some funds. It is sho~~ as orchard-Biddle


lle.ighborhood D~v<;lonP1"'.ntProgram, and this nron",rty,

althOUGh not rsceivinq any funds, and not nart of the

LT. GOVERllORLEE: It is a t"nuous r"lationshin


HR. Tl\1'1NF.Y:I-Ie had to go through this 10(;

nroc,~,,,,dinqs b~ca use of nrox).mi ty.

LT. GOVErelOR LEE: I get you.

L~tm~ ask you, Arthur, ",hat is the. status

I" that on th~ llCttional Reaist"r of Historic Site!>?

r.1R. TO\'!NSEND: y~~, it is.

54I,T. GOVERNORLEE: lIs a buildinq or par';; of a

054district of what?

IIR. TOWNSEND:No, as a buildinq.

LT. GOVERNO~LEE: Alonq with th~ chani-l?

I.m. TO\"1NSF.:m:Y~s. Th",-yars also s-..narat-e

of Gsn~ral S~rv).co.s looy. into this building' to s~s \'Iheth~r

or Poot it Has f~asihl~ to find "lternativs uss, and from

ths renoct that vou have -- and s"'.crstary Le\olis can

csrtainly address himself to this -- th~ $6,750,000

ro.novation f-eq is $~4 a square foot roughly and to

renlac"'. tha'; snacs, the saM'? amount of snacs \./ould DS

ov~r 8 ~illion,or $35 a souar~ foot.

h." nruch!~t to, if in fact \..'.,. "rs not in a nosi '::io)) to ui:iliz-

this buildinq d.ght n::n./, or ev~m r-e.novate ths bufldinq

r5.qht no\./, to use thO':conc".nt of mothballs that

possibly th~ state could nurchase this buildinq from th~

Sulnicians and mothh"'.ll it, nut it away and stor: it

for a few ysars, until ws ar€ eithsr in a position or

( It is a crim'? that v.'e hav", "\;\"0 st"l.te

Q'?n::irtm'?:'lts, on'? v15_11inq to f i:1anc-e th~ d~moli tion, n.nd



ours'elv~s .1illinq to, h~r-,;, to sav~ th~59 buildings, that

do'=sn 't hav'e to occur.

LT. GOVERNORTJEE: H~ll, no',,-, did you brin(]

your ch-,;cl: Hith you to buy the building?

llR. TOHNSEND: (~" Hould bs lo-'illinG to heln

out. r Hill say that. ('7e. do h~v~ some F'ed~ral mon~y,


and w~ ,'.'Ould h~ hanny to heln any oth",r de.partme:1i: I"hich

is willing to go along with this.

HR. GOLDSTFI'l: r have. a cO:1tract in my mind


Hav I as}: a aU'2s~ion?

LT. GOVERNOR LEE: Y'?s. I have. a feelinq

Fathet" Sullivan and Hr. Blum I'la:lts to g-=.t i:-:to th'20 act.

llR. GOLDSTEI,l: I-!r. Towns~nd "'ants to mothhall

d B l~. t .. d ?a:'1 a I.-~MOr? ~ar 1.'to ourl..

llR. TA!mEY: Y",-s, sir. I didn't wan~ to ~~t


i:1to this. \ole have. il!'J aonrov'2.d qrant from your E03.rei.. If

searchi.nG. I"e, the City of Bal tirnore., elld Fath7'.r Sullivan

••we. hav~ he.~n ssarchi.nq for alternate. uss for this



th~ 110~her S••aton Hous••, sinc'?; 1966.

1'1•• have h••",n to the Univ••rsi~y of l1arylanc1,

w,;,hav~ h~~n to th", University Hosp5.tal, ~le have r~""n

to out' Ds.nartm",n': of Education, we l13.vebeen to th.:,

Univ,~rs:'.ty of Baltir.1Ore, "''> h.3.veI:>••••n to pri vat", d,,;v'ilopers,

Ii ke I1r. Seruhi:1, \-1ho is doing th •• D"lv••dere Hotel. l,e

have don•• it and ths Sulpician Fathsrs have done it to

try to f:l.nd al t ••rn~ts us~ for this huilding.

7\11 ,.,s. h'~ar is proposals. Father Sullivan

~'ill tell you :'..na mom-e:ntthat they are really at th.,

end of thsir financial resourcz's for having a holdi.:1g

op~rat:'..on at this huildinG, and unfortunately in

Bal tiMor,,, City ,.,e don I t mothball vaC'll"',thuildings. !V€

fir~bnl1 th~rn~ventually, not voluntarily but that is"Jr..at occurs and the Sulnician Fathers are very \.:orri"d

that if this building stands vacant for a long tim~,

thers will ~ a dis3.strous fire and thi'.V are going to

los"" the buildings that really mean something to th",r.l.

That is th •• position that we find ourselv~s

i:1. 'rhe city is trying. to !lqln th", Sulni.cian Fath~;:-g

out of this terribl~ nrobl~m th~y find th~mselves in:

lots of proposals th~ building be us~d for this or th?t



I would like Fathqr sullivan to t.ll you of

his efforts through the ygars to try to reach 11 solution,

oth~r than to hays this ryark ar~~ around his Catholic

pr~cinctg.FATHER SULLIVAil: As br~.sfly as I can, and I

\,'illh s qlad to ans\.".rqu,~s-cions later on mor .• d-.tails,

you k:1o\-T as \01,;,11 as I do -eha;: chanqes hav" tak"n :olac~ in

t.O P..clli!1. Pe.rk a:1d \'7~ hac1 ;;t-:o y~?.•rs of or~ilosonhy, '::.h:;.'C

is ~h~ ~hird a~d fourth y~ars of coll=ga ~t Paca S-cr~~t,

abou'c 20n s.t.ud'~.n'cs.

ours",lv-asar.r1 \-lithths dioc€.sa.:~authoriti.-,s about '",hil.1:

to do, and He finally d";cid,,,dto movs the students throughout

to our collsas at Catonsv5.ll~, to combi~e those two,

because they had lost students too, a:1d th~n the qu~stion

was I of courso;:., ""hB..ti.:o de ~,..7:" t~ !'aca Str~~t.

\'1ho.n \~~ \-,,,-r9considsring moving thsm, w;, began

to look for r.oss3.hlere-uses. actually had to mov~






th~ stud9nts in 1969, and so they hav~ b~~n th~r~now

for five years. The building has :10 si:;ud=onts.

1'0\", nrior to that, to show you our int",r-esi:;

i:1 keening un the huilding I want to tell you that for

instance in 19';6we SD-=.nt\'!"loll oV".r $100,000 renewi':1g that

brick, and th,~ hricl: looks very nice as y'~u nass it nOlv

from 'i::h",outside, etc. Things ins;.de ar'Sn I t so n;.c"i!

but thi~gs outsid~ look nice, hut that is an ~xam~l~1

to sho\" you hOHmuch "'9 G.ctually lova the huilding, and

to dsmolish it is a last r,;!Sort on our p;;rt.

Secondlv, in 1967-68 \-''''also spsnt ovar $100,000

r~n~wi~g th~ cha~~l, 119c~us~this is a ~ational landm~rk.

I.light I also say, Hr. TO"'l1sandm'lntionsd that

"~h-2.bllildi~g i ts~l f is on th-e. National R~aist'9r. This

hannen,~d in 1973, \"ithout any r€CTUest on our nart, and

':"I.ot Oi'1l:y that, ,._,~,,!~r.q!1 't eV'S:J~notifi~d. ~.]~\'Jer-s just

lat<;.r on, I said this building is no'\: on tha Nation"ll

Regist.:.r. Thsy said yes, it is, it is put th"r=o. But

this at any ti~~. This was don~ without our cons~nt.

1'1=0think the hierarchy of the buildings there

is th". chanel, ,.,hich aoes back to 1808, and the ~loth."r

S,;?e.ton JIous~.



The buildinq its~lf, the oldest part of it is not

yet 100 years old. It was built in 1376, and then oth~r


narts werg added latAr,

As far as th~ archi~~ctur~is concern~d,sorn~

1'-sonle sa'.' it is IoJorthy to k,o'~n for th.;. archi tsctur".

Othsrs say just the opnosite. So I think we 'can say this

is th~ disnut~d point.

To come dmm to 'the hard facts, \~ithaut a long

recital, I 9ive you I"lY\-!orc1that I~e have tried from the

noint of view of qovernm~nt, Fadsral, state, city, to try

to find a r'?-use. 1'1'~h.'.l,ve'lone to nrivate d.'~vo.lo",i'<rs

and W~ hcv~ also gons to vcr1~~~i~3titutions.tlr. TOI.~s",ndm",ntionec1 my l",ttar to him at th."

h~gin:1i~q of this y,:~ar, tha~ I didn'"t S~~ \-lhat Hould b~

accomplish",.d by further meeti:1os. This \,:asn' t b'Scaus'S I

\"n.nt~d 'to nut Hr. To",n~~nd off, but it had a'On~ar.;.d1:'1 th~

pap",r lonq b""for-=:this that w'"" that the building was

<joi:1<j,and it ,.!as all of a sudd",n at the ",l~v.nth hour wh~.~

we had already mac1o.an arranqsl"l~nt with th~ Dspartm~nt of

Parks that this request cam. for further meetings, and

I'J. \.!er.",mot''? tha:1 r<>.adyto tall:, but \,": had talk~d so

much and \-.''''h'Oldhad so many ms'?tings, I simnly thought.

th"lt at th= mom~:1t,ther'., I-l'lSno nrocrr.'<;s in furth"r



m<;etinqs .

Th~n ~his qu~stion of 106 came un. We had an op~n

meet:i.nq on flay 21 of this year, and they nromis'?d us that

,.•<; told them that more d-.;lay, of course, was costing us

mon"£y. L<;t~me Dac!: un just a l:,ttl", bit. In .our efforts

to show you aq!l.in that "I"?-really did make efforts to tind

sOr.1ething to do with the huild::.nq and to heIn the.

community, I'loa rsnt<;.d 5.t for $1 a v-ear to I.lodel Citi ••s, to

I.layor Schaef'"r,. <lnd Hodel ci t:i.-as cam.• in and used the

t",o lo\,'",r floors and helned us l'lith some of the hills, but

sv,",-r.with the h,~lo that \'Ie r';,ceiy~d from Ilodel CitL;.s, it

still cost us, with no incomq, ovar S50,OOO a year, w.ll

over that bv ourselves.

N-,:;h3.v~ b~,'e;ns':.andi:1q that oaxnsnse now for fiv~

~r'?B.rs and H~ can r t do it any long-er. \\Ts just hav-::n I 1:; got

ths mO:1.ay,so it is not a Cluest5.on that l'le lov~ to demolish

ths bU~.ldinq, but there is no oth",r solu~j.on for us, and

SO ~? hav~ to COM~ to tha~.

To gst back 'co \.,ho.t I was sayinq about th",

meeting on Ilav 21, that Has \-J:'.th the Ac1v5.soryCouncil

of Historic Prss-o.:rv"ltion, a'1Q at that ms€til1q, i:hay

promis-~d us th"lt thsv ,,'ould mak-o.:SOI:l'" kind of a d.~cision

by ,Tulv and that "'~ would:1"c have this furth",r -o.:x!",=ms-a.



061 Well, no d~cision was made, so further d~lay

set in. In the m~a~~im2, becaus€ of this state surv~y

that you iust m'?ntioned a while aqo, ".•~ waited for that

too, . and then y,;st'?rday in l'1ashington ,,'e most, we w,snt

over ~h."re and met l'Iith the Advisory Council yest-arday.

So I think ",e have coonsrat"d all we could.

That resolution, ,~hich you may knO\~, y~stt'!-rc1ay

,,'as til.}~snby the Advisory Cou~cil, vlaS som"thinq lik •• this:

v.'o2. commenc1Fa'cher Sullivan, the sulnician Fathers and the

city fOe all the effor~s they have made to find a r'S-us'?

for tho;; huildinq, and for th'lir coone:ra~io!l ",i th the

Advisory council.

l'1s, somsthtnq lik,,- this, vIe €Couraqe HUD,

Jy~cause this is th", lor;, ,,'~ encourage IIUD to sn-:ak to the

city ahout n«rhans a last and fi:'lal sffort to find

a US'9, p~riod.That ,,'as it. That ,~as their r~solutio:'l

yesterday, so I am just here to say that we can't, wa

just can't wait any longer, strictly for economic reasons.

(I'ie haven't got thB. nO:1ey.to naY for it any longer.

"'ill DO; qlad to anSv,."r any questio:'ls you have.


LT. r,oVF.remR LEE: If I r'2ad this descriptio.

corr.=.c'c Y I L:h'Z. .~.3.r~<:u~s-;;ion ::>f ci'!"'_rao.L~.tio'~:. "'.-:""C }).:;.fo::~'.


this Board now. Th~ qu~stion is wh~th~r the demolition

money nreviously authoriz~d should or can be transferred

from the City of Baltimore to th~ Sulpicia~ Fathers. Isn't

that tha question?

1m. I.EIHS: The Board pr'~viously al:lDrov",d an i b:m

I'?hich qre.:'!t'OJdth'~ ci tv funds t.o purchas~ th-a building,

isn't th~t right, Buster?

IIR. PHIPPS: That 5.s rioht.

J.1R.LEI'IIS: The i tern today increases that

fundino to include d~olition.

ur. C:;OVERlJORLEE: It incr'i'a ses tJ1.'! amount.

IlR. TAmmy: Hhat Hould h,mnen, Gov?rnor, "th-?

Suln~.cians \-?ould layout the mO:1sy, and qo through the

co~tr'l.ctual Iwrk of oettino ths building dOl'":1,and th~n

inst~ad of thq neqoti'l.ted nrice of 5450,000 that ~~ had

COr:l-~un .I.,ith, that \0.'<; would nay th'! addition, th,,_

dsmolition cost, in ad~ition to th'e $450,000. W~ ar~

confid'ent 'that_ if the Sulnicia':1s do th~ I,'ork, th", arnOll:lt

of th~ dSlnol:!.tion \.,ill b", loess than 5131,000 thai: ha'i heen

nr~viously annrov~d.

Doss anycody hav~ a nusstion or do~s anyrvdy




/lR. GOLDS':'En:: Is a:whoc1y h'~r~ frorr, IH.;n,

Balt:.mors C3.ty?

r.u~.Tl\l'nrEY: !To, sir.

IJR. GOLDSTEIN: Thsy ar-e. th,. ones that w,mtsd

IIR. 'l'AH,JEY: Th.~y S'l:lt us i"to 7.h":.lOG T)roc".~di:1qs.

11r.ich mak",s it ohvious th",v ",ould 15.k,. to s'",'~ i t or",,,'~rv.,,d.

proj -ect, find th~~only thi.~g that. can hann-e~, if \o.'e proc'i!.~d,

is tha-= th,~ymay attsr.tp-:: to "2;x'i:ract SOr:1'~n-an~l ti-es agai~st

~~~ city i~ th~ Orchard-B~ddl~funrling.

tho"? [)5.r",ctor for the R",qion of :.laryl.'l.nd. h", call~d in th~r"l

an attorn~v a:1d aave a v",rhal opinion that h", did not

thi!ll: HUDcould a.xtract such penal tiss, hut the Bal timor'!

City is prsn~red for that ~ventuality in this. \~'" think


thaLc 1,'-; ca:1 sustain l'2aally th!'lt th'~y could not extract

I.m. GOLDSTEIN: Suppose they did. Suopos<,

tr-.'~y ~xtracted p",nal ti",s from vou. \'Jho then "'Quld have

• 064



HR. TAI'lNEY: Th~ C:..ty of Baltimore •

HR. GOLDSTEIN: Th~y ~louldn I t corne to th." state

askinq for that money?

!-IR. TAIVNEY: \'I-a think ,,-a can S1stain our h,gal

position, thnt such nsnalti-as could not D~ ~xtr3ct~d.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: Doug, ,,,h'•.n and if this

huildinq is torn do,.m, ,.,hat then bscomes of the land ~1h~re

it us~d to-b~?

r-m. TAmmy: It becom'?!>nark oronerty.

LT. GOVEP210RLEE: Park nronsrty, right.

I~R. TANNEY: R5.qht.

~m. GOLDSTEIN: l-layh~ you should contribu;-;€

l!,R. GOLDSTEIN: I hav~ ~:alked all around thBre.

:.IR. TAI~~lEY: That 5.s a scho;matic of "Inai:. \'Iould he. p~'

to tho?_ ar-=.a. Every thing- in qr",~n ,"ould r-?nresent th'-~ park



and th~ gr~~n would b~ the Catholic precincts.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: Here is th.~ building. All thj.s

is lovsly old treo;s. H'?re 5..s the chape.l. I sat tho;.r'~

on a beautiful fall day when they dsdicated that, and

the sun 11as shining dOI,'n, and I went through tha building.

Th~ !,lother Seaton House is right h-are, on Paca Str",;t, a

beautiful red three-story hrick house. She left th".re

in 1807 ",ith a hors<2 and wagon and I.ent to l:mrnittsr:urg

and started St. Joe College.

NP.. Tl\H,lr.y: I might add that the sulniciC\n

Fa'ch-:;rs hav~ q::"v'~nto th-a D~nartm~nt of Natural R'S,50urces,

a~d ths S::l3.'t~of naryl::l~c1, ~ sC'e:lic eass.ment on th ..~ la~J5

that they will retain, indicati~q ~hat nothing will. Mver

b~don.'! to that blu~ sec-;;ion that I.!ould chang", i ts charact.~r,

ar!d th"lt sassm"O'lt can b'?, h.::ld in nerD~tui ty, so in

addl tic;, to sellj;'lq us the lahd, th So Sulnicians hav.'

giv~~ a n<!rn~tual sc-e:1ic '?as-anent th~t this \'.'ill al',,,ays

rsma:i.n nark-li.ke and modifying th", chapel and th~ ;.loi:h;..r

Seaton llous~.

~1R. GOLDSTEICl: G~org'''', could th~.s T)lac~ lH

us~d as ~n adiu~ct to the stat~ Offic~ Building? A lot

of n~o1)l",-don't have a. plac~ to liv-a, voung q:.rl s, ,,'orking




!-IR. LEIns: I'le ar'$ going in the housing husin-=:ss?

HR. GOLDSTEI:I: I am trying to think out loud.

\"1.",could pay th" Sulpician F'at.h''!rs th,," mon.",y.

IIR. PHIPPS: \"1hsr-a\'Iould the money com~ from?

l"7$ couldn' t us~ thi.s mon~y.

f1R. r,OLDSTEHI: Th", state of Maryland iR not

that poor. Let' s tar.-a it dOI'mnOI')so Ive can accoPU11odate

Fath~r Sullivan, get him his money and naybe hav~ this

h"autiful park. I an just thinking out loud. I hav~ rass~d

hy h~r~ nany times. I was janitor at the old Dixon horne

on Park i\v-s.nue. I l'lonld lik'o? to hav« had a plac~ lik.,; this

Hit:" a hunch of fi.:l'9 m~n and qirlg and still b~th~

jan:i.tor in 1'136.

l.m. LnUS: One of th" things discuss.,d Idth th',:.

u!~iv"rsity I.;as th~ possibility of using it as a dorm.

FATHERSULLIVAN: y."s, 5ir. It I.;as fonnel to be

much too ~xn~nsiv'?-.

IlR. LEI'!!!>: Thi s was studi",d back in 1% 6 hy

th-a DeT)ari:rn..~nt of Pla:1ning I \"h~nJim O'Donn-:::ll ,.,as th~re..

I knol-l it ao'?s back that far. I']hen I oat i:1to it r,,;co;'.ntly

I had a discussion l'lith Jim and Ive tri~d to find his

nrsvicus study. It ",as suqq~s"c~d at' that tiM~ it }wcome

~.....••..•.....•-< ..•.• ,. "




/~R. r,OLDSTEIll: ,l!,,-r'? you could use it for

the Univ'"r!;i ty of Bal timor'>., U~iv«rsi,ty of /1aryland

nrof-essiop.al schools. It is a nice, bsautiful walk do~.'n

Paca Stre"t. Clos"! to L~xinqto'1 '.!arb::l:s, I,.'h",re YOU ca~

You all ''.'allt your money to get rid of th'2 resoonsih5.l.:. ty,

is that right, s5,1:",right no"'?

FATHERSULLIVl\N: Not only that, 1'.'<; also flOel

that th'S local co~munitv, Seaton lIi11 comr.mnity is also

for th~ rl~.moli~tion: th-:; City Historic Pr'9.s~rvation is

al so for th" d",moli 'd.cn. \'~ehav~ com" to this qradu::\lly

and not as I sa5,d at the beg inninq, that I..'e wa:lt",d this,

r.ut '''cF.. havs COl!1~ to th~ conclu~;.oi1 thA.t: this is tho'';' })c?s-:

solution for the neiqhrorhood, and for th~ s~ttinq for the

what I~~ fe~l is a consid'e.rc:rle danq"r, if it "lould

Another building last niqht was set on firs

in BaltimClr';, an ",moty huild:;,nq. l'le are very frighb:ni!d

of thj,s becaus~ it ,",ould CjO uo in !;r.Joks. It. is all I'lood

•ins3.c1r-: and it \'.,Tould h9 a gr<e:at da:1g~r, \.,'El f'6~l, \:0 ths

oth9r huildinos .

•. oCR



HR. r,OLDSTEIH: Than!: you, sir .

Fl\THERSULLIVl\H: 'rhank you.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: This nroperty occuni'.cs

ahout thr",?I~-(1uart~rs of a hlock, and I U5~ th~ \,?ord loos~ly

b~cause it has got a v?.ry strll:1G-:. shaps, th~re is a block

bounded hy Paca Stre~t on th~ east, Franklin Stre~t on

th", south, P~nnsyl va!lia l\venu':. onth<! soutlm?.st, and St.

l'arv I s Str~~t on th"'~north"J'?st 1 and 'Sv.::n a Ii ttl'?. hi 'cty

corner of Druid l\v~nu?. on the northeast.

I think a very stronq cas~ can be;:m:'ld", as far

as in terms of a hen~ficial result for Baltimore City of

hav1:1q a Dark h"i'.r'?-surrounc1i:1C1and setti:-:q of f th" chapel,

imnort?:1t h:cSi::Ol"icbui.ldings j.n this i'lr"a.

l\rthur, I "?Quld Ii};",. to ]:no',', has "t.h.",

a n~s~~~J..O~and th~v ,'.'ould l:J:~.~o 5:;; •. i:h2. huildi;-;.g r~_.1.;ai:1.~d,

if at all nossihl~. I th5.nk one thing for you to cO'"ls5.d"r

,, L'~. GOVJ:R'lORLEE: !'lh'~:1did th'?y do that?

nn. TOHNSE!~D: It has h';.'9.n50m2 tin ....). I d0:11~

h~v~ tile dat~. It h~R h~sn some tin~ ago wh~n the issue

069 first cam~ to light. It could b~ back in January or


F-s>bruary, hut if in fact th~ huildinc; is reMov~d, that

a good d~al of th~ s.r~n9n~ss and ths qualitv of th~ park

1'7hich nOl~ is b~hind ths huild:l.na will b'2. lost. Th.,.

traffic on P'lCil S'cn'!et, th" nois;;, I,:ill COMSthrou([h and

a good d'S'll of quality of ';:h?-o'1rk which no\<:sxisi:s, 'ch?

gr~"n snac';:! behind the builnlna, will in fact b? los'\:. It

1,:5.11b? on-c<nedun. It will chanq~ considerably.

I IJould hat? to s';:'" this buildinq lost in the

I thi.nk that is a -t;.;;rribi-?

I\'ay to '10 about: ?ff<?ct:l.nq qr?en ar"!as in th'? City of

~.. .: ,...:.._ .•.•. -. ,


that I\'hich ::',s h-;:h:l.ndth? building.

I annrqciai::? Fath~r Sullivan's nrobl~ms and

I think it is r'S'al and 199:l.timate, but I think that t,'", 0\-/9

it to historic Dr~s,-;.rv;'ltio~1a~1c1'to ;:h~ build~nqs of this

tyn9, li)~eQus~n City, which we have already lost, and

oth~r~ nrou~d th~ ~tat~, to finn alt~rnativs USq~ and us~

the b~st rasourC8S that \';,:1h:lv-e in th~. stat'? to do this.

1m. GOLDSTEI:l: ~lay I ask you a qusstion, /.Ir.


LT. C,()VERl;()R LEE: Go ah-3ad.





of equity. Evet'Yhody has to come into court \~ith cl",an

hands. You hav,"l nl'lced this huilding on the historical

list, according to Father Sullivan.

1m. GOLDSTEIN: !lumher on". Numb~r h ..", th",y

had no knOl...lec1ge of th'l.t.

1m. TOIvNSE!'lD:That is an u:1fortunate circumstance.

,.IR. GOLDSTEIlI: In o';;:hsr \~ords, here you :i.mposad

a burden on these good fathers

!.!R. TmmsnlD: 'I'hat is tru,;..

1m. GOLDSTEI!'l: -- to hold th.:.s oron"rty. NOI'"

5.';;:;mc1 orotect th£. ext.~rior, k-ssn the ~lindO\., panes from

J:s5.nQ hrol:sn. lIr~ you pr"mar~d torlay to nut un SOI'\":

I'JR. r,OLDSTEIN: l'1ell, nOI-7,I am taH:i:1q ahout

what is f~ir. You could do the same thing to som~ individual,

imnos'S. a r~st't"ictiv~ use of th~ir hot1a and .ch.~ym~yb--~

don't hav~~o nav tax~s? It ig an ~ducatio~alinstitution.

You don't hav~ to nay taxes to Baltimor~ City?

F!,THERSULLIVl\~!: That is riaht.



IIR. GOLDSTEIN: Look at tha burden imnos=:d on

th?m if th~y had to nay taxes.HR. T01'1NSEND: Th-ar~ is no burden by hsi:l.g

nlac~d on th~ Natio~alR~qist~r.MR. PHIPPS: It restricts tho? us'" of the nroperty.

!'1R. TOWNST:!lD: NO.

I,T. GOVEP.!IOR LEE: \'I", will stand in r-ac,,"sS

until 12: 30.

(\~h-=:reunon,at 11:45 a. m., the lunch~on r-scess

•..~as tal:en.)

072 A r ? ERN 0 0 N 5 E 5 S ION



LT. r,OVEmWRLEE: Very \Y~ll. l'l~ will rssum-a

th~ Board I s session, and h';;r~ ~le are still fac"" to face

~lith th" 5t. nary's S«r.li1ary.

!'-IR. ~OLDSTEIN: Nay I ask on~ qu-estion, Gov-=rncr


IlR. GOLDSTEIN: /lr. Tal'.'1'l~v,this picture'. is

halfway on Paca stre~t. If my m~mory serves me corr~ctly

ru:minq dOI'.'T\ St. :lary's Strset .isn't that a high wall? .

IlR. Ti\l'INEY: Y'?s, sir. 'i'his is surround"'id by

a h~.ghwall.

HR. GOLDS'rEIN: will that he torn dOHn?

!-IR. TAI'I~lEY: No. l'l£ van'; ta r;:,-tain th" ~'-'i]1.

out to .thE. c01"nr.lunity and consul t th~m. ~h8 communi'ty h,=l5

exnr-;,ss'?d sone fsars that the park should not h€ w?lll''id.

IIR. GOLDS'i'Eln: The reason I ask that

I.m. TAl'l1'lEY: It is a bsautiful wall and si'ould

I.m. GOLDSTEI:l: Ilr. 'ro,,~s2nd r'Sr'arr",d to th"

nois'2.;.L.. -, c~r-~ of S~~.:. c~

tn--=. ~10.:!.S~. In oth~r ','lords, your trsss touch th", "Tall. That


073 ~ould cus~io~ t~~nois~.

MR. TA1~,EY: The wall would still qive you th~

~ffsct of an isolated, 0uite Dassiv~ ar~a.

l-1R.r,OLDSTr.nl: I ~'a5 tellinq Governor L~e, that

if my mernorv s~rves mq correctly I walksd through that



park not so long ago -- the ~all is around a big portion

of it. Th~ trees inside, certain tyP~s of trees, you

can nlant o~ tr.e outsid2 of the wall that will go UP r~al

straight and beautify it and as well as actinq as an

assth~tic 5~ns~, also cut down on nois~.

1m. TAI'1!'lE":Th1\t is right. I think sinc>'-you

curl:>alrsad" ..

1m. GOLDSTEI:l: I notic-ad that. That i\n~".'.er~d

the aU9stio:1. Is that right, Mr. Townsend, th.,.reis a

w~li around most of it that would cushion most of the

noise that you talk arout coming up Paca Str=st and ~h~

.other stre.~ts that lead into that arsa?

1'1R. TOIi'NSEt-lD: Yes.

LT. GOVEmlOn LEE: 1vhat is your nlsasurs,

g-entltm-:.n?GOvr.n:10RTAI'IPS: That is a r",al orobl .•m.

LT. r,OVr.mlOR LEE: It is a orobl~m.





GOvr:mlORTAWES: It is a tough o~~ to mak~ a

d~cision on. It r~ally is. I don't know.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: This is unusual, sir. Hqr-e

you have. the Hayor of Bal timors ci'cy asking to hav,"

the. thi~q dsrnolishsd. You havq th~ nark psople un ther~

,,'anti.no it torn dQ\m. You have our historic p-eopli':,

I think, Governor L~~, you are a memb~r of that board

LT. r,OVJ::Rl:ORLEE: I am a truste~. I am

a m~mherof th~ Histor:tcal Trust r~oras-snting Gov'6rnor

IJand~l on that. But I "'.vide.ntly \'-'as not th"r'" ,.]h>!.nthis

was put on the agenda.

,'()VF.RNORTA1'1ES: Thev havs the ord-er. Th",y

",ant to be relieved of the burden of that building.

~IR. r,OI,DSTF.Ill: I understand, if an O,"~ler .tears

the building do~~ th~y couldint~rf~r~ with Baltimor~

Ci tv's mm. I ch",cl:ed. That. is my und-erstandinq. Th-=

Q\"Cl'?r, befor"" h" makes a s3.1e d~cid~s to d~molish a building,

that is his responsihility.

~m. 'l'AH1'lEY:That is corr-sct.

HR. GOLDSTEII1: They couldn't conv"!y thi1t

r~8no~sibilityto naltinor~ Citv, am I riqht in that?

HR. T01'1HSEND:Ye.s, sir.

1m. GOI,DSTEnl: 1'1-:; are not je:mardizino the



Orchard-Biddle Str~~t nroqram.

~'R. TOHllSEI1D: 'I'hat is riqhL

1m. GOLDSTT::I11:I I-:ant to b" sure I~'! unn.;.rstand

that b'!fore act:Lo, 5.s tay:"!n so th-1Y C3.n't say ~J'" in th~

Board of Public I-Ior!':s i<?onard5.zsa the actions of Ea.ltimor'?

Citv. Is the huild:.:-,q being torn down?

'1R. T1\I-nmy: The ()rchard-l3iddl", Str:,-:;.t -•.r",a:

old Orchard Lnundrv.

GOVERNOR T1\\'IES: 1\1'", they tSi'xinq tha'c do'.>-n?

~c~~cn,CCD1G ~ot


of the off~rina of th"! lann for sal~ for wha~sv~r ournos~s.

It is ~on~d rnllch hiah~r thall for nark us~.

7h~v ar~ r~ally taki~q a fi~a~cialsacrific~

to n':-:.rmit th~ city to mak~ a nark fr.em it, but thai:" 5.5

all th-i? ,,;ffor-::! thsy have mad'? to hav2- it for sam;, oth",r

us'? comnat:.hl'~ I-,ith the occunancy of th~ oth=.r !milnings

,..•hic?1 th-~v d":!'3M mast 5.I~noLtant.

r.!R. GOLDSTEI!J: Th~ n'Sxt qu-estion I hav~~, bassd



of thi~ huildinq bo.ing made a national historic shrine.


MR. GOLDS'fEIN: I have som(,iopapers in my fil~.

It gives the 13 5teos that '10'=5to naminq or nomin~ti:lg

a bu5.1dir.afor that cateaorv, is that correct?

HR. TO\'lNSEND: That is corr6ct.

MR. GOLDSTEIN: I think ons thing is missing

in th",r,=. I think on NO.1-A, the owner should be notified

of the fact that his or her pronerty or the corporation's

property is b~ir.g considered for this tyoe of designation.

!!-=.reyou hav"'!first l!'.ltionalR~qist"r cO:lsid"ration,\

roql.l~st: 3,

nr~naration of forms, matching ohotoaraphs; 4, "0ron"rly


co~sul.t.: r;O.~l"~rnorr S cornm:.tt-e-a, comnl-=.t=. nomina. tion foms,

stat~ cl-earina house, G, comm-:.ntsobtain~d from Dc:rt:i.n~nt

agencies, "7, clearing house ",ends comm€nts to SPO.

l.m. TOI-nlSElJD: State Preservation Offic"",.

1m. GOLDSTEIN: 8, nomin3.tion read by li~utE.:1ant

offic~r, nom!nation lJational R~qister, :~ationalRegister

and sta~:f rsvi'=lv,final approval for ]:ational Regist"':r

entrv, notifica~io~ of Co~ar~5~m~n~~d SPO, 13,

notification of O~."J1~rsand th05"! int"er~st~d. That ought

L? ~OVr.R~ORLEE: l!old H:, h:;ld That is



the nrocedure as of now. It is quite recent vintage.

I think I am correct on saying this was not the procedure

at the tim~ of this particular hui1dina.

HR. TO\'mSmJD: I ~!ant to apo100ize to Fath<;r


LT. GOVF.R!lORLEE: There w,~r. a numher of

instances that led to adootion of this orocedure, so now

everyhody and his qrandmother has qot a finoer in th~ ?ie.

HR. TONJ.7SEllD:That ;.s right. Th", o"rner!< are

notifi~d .,.,hen '07~ ar~ consid-erlng nomin~..ci()ns.

MR. GOLDSTEIN: I didn't 1<no"lthat. I happened

to the qood father and his n~on1e, you impose an &wfu1

hurden on folks to maintain a hui1ding \d.th no i:ocom'?.

~IR. TO\'1NSr.!lD:I annreciat", th.at.

HR. r.or~DSTr:IJ1: That is on~ reason I ",'ould be

inclined to vote lettinq them 00 ahead and takinq it do~m

and let Ba1timor"! Ci tv nr"!serv"> it Hith the \~a11s axound it

so th-e p~onl~ in the ar-ea hav'?.a olaca. to comrnun'~,.,..ith

hann~n~dhack i!l th~ early <lays, ~.;hata gr~3.t indivic.ual

HR. TONNS:::ND:I tJd.nk that 5.s -- if that is



th~ only course to take that is th" action that will hav~

to h~ taken at this ti.m~.

LT. GOVF.Pl10RLEE: I am Derson~lly reluctant

to he nartv to th~ dsmolition of any building that is

eith~r historical or of great archit~ctural valus, or both,

but once in a while you com~ to a situation whc.r~ th€re

5imoly is no other course. New I don.t know if thE

Gov~rnor is ti~inq his vacatio~~ on purnos~ ~his way, hut I

distinctly r<!-c3ll being stuck ",ith tha Queen City Hot"l

in Ctunherl'l.nd on a nrevious occasion wh.sn I I-'as pinch-hitting


for htm. I am aoinqto q<=.tv'i!.ry sus,-,icious of the I'/hole

!-IR. GOLDSTEIN: On that Qua>;.nCity Hot",l, I want


to th~ hank and qat or mad9 arranq~rnsntsto nut th~ rno~~y

Ul" to '"'r.eserv"" that builcHnq and call~d the top man in tha

cornorat~ effic.ss of 'eh= C&O-B&O. That nan Houldr.' t qiv.,;

m~ the timB of day. Do VOll r~mq~}~rthat? I ran in~o

lunch.aon, wh=.t is the. nans of the shrin?-, l\llegh<.my'

Shrin~ Cor-manv.

?his lady came un, ~Irs. B"njamin Franklin,

N~'h? York rr~_m-.:;.~, and said what ar,q you qoinq to do 3.bcu't

.... ::.

5.t? ;+-....... , I \.:ould hav.., had


079 a gold min~ in ther~.I~. GOVERNOR LEE: Ths main purnose of th~

F~d~ral act, a~d the 106 heari,g provisions is to prevp.nt

hasty, ill-consirl;,r~d action with resn".ct to historic

buildinas. I must conclude that in this situation, th~

act has be~n observed quite scruoulou~ly, and eVery

conc~ivahl~ solution has b~en examin~d and found lacking.

I am afraid that I ,,,illqo alo~q with th" motion,

if eit'1"r of you qentlemen ~!ill make on'<l,to aoprov"" this

it~m on the aqenda. All ria~t. vfuo is making the m~tion?

r,OVBRNOR T1\I-1r,S:I will s~cond th" ~.mO\,.l.O!1.

T,T. G()VER~!ORLEE: 1\11 right. Hr. TawgS -- you

didn I t talk fast enough, Louie. Mr. 'fa,.,'ssssconds ~1r.

Goldst~in's rno~ion.llR. GOLDSTEIN: But I ~!a:1.tthe r~cord to shO\"

that ~ath~r sullivan and the Sulnician Fath~rs W6re n~ver

notified of the fact it was a historic landmark, is that

corrsct?F1\Tl!ERSULI,IV1\:!:That is riqht.

HR. GOLDSTF.Ill: Thev havs been the burd,-n of

maintainina and nrotectina this buildina all during this

controversial time. They have now run out of money.

l1nles" somethinq is done immediately ii:will j'i'.oparctize




th-=. historic church and the !-Iother S.,aton Hom~, is that


Fl\TEERSULLIVAN: That is true.

!1R. GOl,DSTEIn: That is my u:1derstac:ding. To

In"? they are the Most important buildinc;s on S,=aton Hill.

That is th~ r"ason, that is \ohy you have Seato:! Ilill. is

h';;.caus" of 1\other Seaton's home and that b~autiful cld

church. 'Ihev \,"?.re th'~re befor"'! John carroll, tha

great hishon, the father of his church in Am"'!rica

LT. GOVER:'lORLES: I \Oant it und"'rstood i.f a:!ybony

tries to lav 11 fi:!qer on the I~other S.<aton Hom'~or th.?.

chv"Cc:t of t~~~~:tn~l that th-a ~ntir~Board or publicI-Jorks ',oill qo out ac:0. th'l:'O~lits':Jlf under a hulldoz"r.

~1R. GaLDSTr.li'~: \'1~ should not do anything to

"rot'Sct th'~n. Unless th'?. bU:.ldinq is o?.rnolishs.d, you v:ill

have a ser<?vhall set i.t on fir'? and -ennanqer all "t:h~,oth?.r

ruildinqs ';h':.r~.

GOVER?'lORT!\\'1J'S: Yeur r:1o'c;.on, could it i.nclud~

,h'~ ..1.5aa'~nda.roC!. am"?_nc1'=.d1:0 sh:>':! th:=:it th~ sulpi.cian Fai::h+-rs

I am sorry



t~R. r.:OLDSTEIll: The.y are cpi:lg to d'?1'101ish,

lost t'1" contrac'.; a!1d sunsrvi.s'O it.


m~. GaLDSTEI:!: Tho:;City of Ilal timor'" wi 11 pay

th'=.n for th~ n-=,moli.t~on, nlus th<; $400, 1'I00-sol'1,,-.:>d'1.

HR. TAI'1l!FY: That is. cOl.-r;;ct:.

rm. GOLDS'l'EIl!: It ~,ill boa th~.ir total

rssnonsib~.U.ty. Ir. othsr Hords, you. buy th'? land, you pay

for the dsmoli t5.on o.XD?ns~Snlus the. lann cost.

HR. TAI'T11I'Y:plus the n-=.q::t:.'lten 5450,000, yes,


J.T. GOVI'ffirORLI'P.: It has Dsen duly mov=n and

sscondsd that It~n 28-A b~ aDProved, and without obj~c'.:ion,

it is so ornsred.

I1R. TAI-TNEY:Thank you vsrv much.

W8 took so' much of your tim=.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: w~ took most of it

ours~lves ~n th~ intermission.

HR. Tl\l-711EY: I ,.:ant to <express 10v'8 and

affection for'th? state On~n Snac? Program, for

Natural R••sourc")f\. l'1s.hav~ coll?cto.d for r?cr-aation

and nark projects over 55 million thus far, and th=

department that administer?d it dess.rv~s a oat on th~

bac}:, and Fath~rsullivan savs ~od tll~~s yo~ all r~a] OQoct.



HR. GOLDSTEIN: Th,mk you.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: l~ho is th-e riqhtful own-ar

of thes~ valuabl~ docun~~~~?

FATHERSULLIVAll: Thank you VE.ry much for your

un(l~rstandi!'lq . I apnr':'!ciabe it v-nrv much.




LT. GOVF.P.!'IORLEE: I hav." on~ other apn-;;arance

not~d h",re, on naqe 29-A, 1'lr. Ba~ks for th~ D~lm'l.rva Pow';.r


1m. BI\NKS: r'lr. Govsrnor, I would lik", to yi -,;ld

if I could to I.lr. Hobb!", I-'ho is vice presid'~nt of nO'.lmarva

Pow'-r, sam~ sllh:iect.

LT. GOVERnORLEE: Fin.e. Do you \'lant to identify

your!"~lf fully for ths r-::cord.

IlR. HOBBS: I ,m J. E. Hobhs. vic.z nresid,,-:lt,

D;,lmarva PO\'!'2.rand Liaht Comnr.lnyof Marvland. \'1~. ar" here

toda~! r?.qu~st.':_naan. '93.~sn~:\tfrom th~ Board of Puhl:i.c \"lorks

for a tra~smis~io:l li~~ across th~ edq~ of th~ nrono~~d

Tuckaho"!. sta':<.> Park.

l1~hav~ a rath~r uniau~ situatio~h~r~ inthat th~Tuckaho"! Stat.,.. ParJ~ is anDroxinat~ly a half-mile

,.r:.d~~y f.i'l'~rrli.l-es lcnq iT! a ncrth-~outh dir~ction.

Delmarva has a Drcrl~m of sunnorti'1.q its cu~tomers in tha

area of Nvo. 1Iil1 s \"';.5t\,'ilrd and \'.'9 are nronosinq a


083 transmission line from Denton to WyeMills which runs in

. an east-\o"~st dir-ect5.on and find conflict "d th the Tuckahoe

stat,,- Park.

We h"lv~ heen I"orki,nq I"ith various ~l'?m"ntR of

th.e D~n'.lrtl'1c;nt of !!a1:ural Rssources since 1970 to try to

resolv~ these conflicts. Part of th~ nroblem has ba.~n

that ~arly in the qam'?, th~ desiqn of the Tuckahoe state

Park ,,'as nractically unknol''!l. It ",as a conc<!.TJtbut.

He didn' t knol" ",hat I"as qoinq to hanne:'l, and

t~ere have h'?en Quite a d'?lav on that score.

LT. ~()V;::RNORLEE~ '!'~"?."ha.,,~he"2n l:"ath~r


l1R. HOImS: I !'l~'?d not refr'2.sh your mind en that


W",hav'? in ,,'orkinq I"ith tly"'. Denartm'i!nt of Natural

Rssources explorqd a :'lumber of alternatives, Ther~

'.lre no other oood choic~s. l'le ,,'ould not lib" to b€ in

th."'-nark, You ,",auld not 15.k." to hav" US in the nark,

but the choices that I"'"'.hav"., for examnle, 1'lOrkinq

frOM sou~hto north, if W~ ~~nt sou~hof th~ To~~~of

Hill "l'orouqh a':ld nu'"'.?n ."..'1:'1'0:, and th,,-y are south of the

nar):, ,,'e ",auld cross some v'~ry had marshlands,




l~~ \oJould hav<?-to cross the river 0:1 high towgrs,

and \oJould add ,"!uit", a bit of ,,"xnense, and miloaaq'" to the

ling. If \--e.\""'TItnarallel to the railroad, b"t".",,'an D-anton

and Qu~~nstoym, it would tak~ us dir~ctly throuqh th~

c8nt-er of both Hillsborouqh and OU'-i:~nAnne.

\'1e think this is a hiqhly und",sirabl-e routs. The

rout'S that \".'Shavoanronos'Sd is just north of Rout", 404,

part of it narall€ls th-.>.oth~r -- t\'10 railroads int .•rssct

at Hillsborough but tns first gno feet of it parall .•ls

the railroad and then br~aks a\oJayin a northeast~rly

Th~ roui:.~ th3t w€ hav.s; worked OU~ has re~n

I.!ork'i>dout ; ointl V with the DenartM",nt of Natural R.,;sourcE.S,

th" parl:s n"lonl"l. v'?ry fra~l:l v ~'e ~'ant:-e.dto (J'~tthrough

th~r'! as au5.c1:ly ;md as strai.ght as nossibls. Th-,;v hav,,:

r~rru""st<»dth'lt "'<»nut cor:1"",rs in it so that ~,'? <10 not:

cr~ats a tunnel sffsct.and \-IS hav~ agr~sd to this.

The other aH:-e.rnativ'~ 5.5 to qO completely north

of the park, ",hich would add about six miles to th~ lin<»,

taY-", un 40 percent more land. It ~ould boaa t~rrific

( \'Jast~ of natural r~sources i!l t-errns of nol'Ss, ",ire,

.nsulator, I'lhat h~v~ you and ~'ould ~Iran the park

In So.ptemher they found that



and hack un th~ other.

Hs think this :!os a very poor altsrnativs. l'is do

havs hy means of l'?-tterthe concurrence of the D.partment

of Natural Resources that they find this nlan acc-'.ptahle.

This Board referred it to the Deoartm~nt of Stat~ Planninq.

We have a letter from them.

the plan was accsntahle.

He ask your acquiescence noV! that this orocBdur .•.

be allowed to ~ referred to tho. D~nartm~nt of Interior,

D~~artrn~n~of Outdoor R~creation for th~ir concurr~nc~,

It is. our

undsrstandino that in qoinq to the Buraau of Outdoor

Rscr->.a':::'.on,that \'.'e\.•~.ll have to substitute somsthinq of

valu~ of the eaS~Mo.nt used.

H. are nrenarsd to do that, eith~r in dollars

or in alt~r~atsla~d.

HR. GOLDSTEIn: That is one of the quastions.

'f!O\',' ""id'9 ;~sth:ts riqht of \olav, nurnbe.r on-:.1?

11R. HOBBS: 'l'otalrioht of ,,"ayis 150 f=",t.

HR. GOLDSTEIIl: 150 fest.

MR. HORBS: Onlv 62 feet of that will ba cleared

comnlo.taly. Tho. othsr will h"-'selectiv ..~ly trill1l'l"lQso that




that would he tall '?nough tc fall onto the line. I have

a sketch of that.

MR. GOLDSTEIn: On"!minut-e nov'. 150 f",,,,t wide,

ri.ght of "ay. You ar"i! going to clear how much?


~'.R. HOEBS: ~layb? you \.!ould li}:e to h'lv•• this.

MR. GOLDSTEIN: ~2 f.et, riaht: 62 fe~~ will

b~ clear"d.

1m. HOBBS: r;2 feet v'ill b<? c lear~d of .•.v•..rything

do\o!nto ~h'? around 15.'1e, and allo,~~d to naturally rE.Re'Sd

itself .

MR. GOLDSTEiN: }~w 10'10 is the right of way?

MR. HOBBS: I hav"! 270Ci f""t.MR. GOLDSTrI~: 270Ci feet?

1m. HODBS: Yes. It is almost exactly a half-mile

~lR. r,OLDSTEI~<: Hhat type of struc':uro. will b'?

nut ut:> th~r~?j.1R. HOBBS: H-fram~ structur.;;s, t~..lO nolE.S, \']it~\

a si!lqls cross-arm. Th~r'? ~r~ s~v-=ral al t.,:;rnati v'~s h-e:r~.

Th'? proposal that \.'? have mad~ \,'ould bz \...i th v.'Ood001"s

of a. gr.;en Ci'."'''. Currently we are huildina a lin, south

of Sali!"hurv. l'l~ are gsttinq start .•.d this sumn;;r t l"'•••.xt




,'Is I'lill build it of concret-a noles. Th.i.s is an

al t~rnati v", night fit this nrohl'~M !'I2't"'i."

i;O nay fo't" th"l riqh-t of 1'"iW?

tIR. FOBBS: H", hav"? had it annraissd and w"

h~v~ an ~nnraisal of $4700.

~.m. PHIPPS: J.l0. He. h3.v'? got to ast J.ik"" land,

will accspt lik~ la~d for it unl~ss they l~t us acc~nt

HR. HORBS, That is right.

!1R. GOLDSTEIN: HOI']much land is ir.volv«d?

r.m. !'OBBS, 'l.33 acr<:~.


to nay $4700 for -that land?

9.33 acr'?s. You aroe. only.goi.nq

1.1R. IIOBBS: 1'J.'l ar<! il.ski!1Q onlv for an ",as~.ment.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: I knol" you ask for an -eas"'..nIsnt.

•..In othsr words, right now you hav~

ha.autiful timh'Zr qrO\~i!1q th~rso. You qs': a timb-=.r crop





HR. HOBBS: This is not timhsr.

1m. r,or,DSTEP1: Is it cl'i;ar land?

HR. HOBBS: No, it is hardwoods.

IlR. GOLDSTEIN: 'l'hatis timb-er in my couni::ry.

I:1 oth-ar ,-]ords, to you, a utility man, no tr.e-as rn.;.;:!!

anything. Cut th~m all do~~.

I!R. POBBS: Ahsolut",.ly not.

I.m. GOLDSTEIN: You talk just lik~ the. t",,;!;t

of.the util~ty n~ool~.

HR. !!OP.BS, 1-1~hav~ ~;ork~c1,d th th-s Danari:m-,ont

of Natural R"3sourc~.s. Th~y find this proposal is

I!R. PHIPPS, :10. All \v,;;. '.Irs askinq for in to b",

ahl~ to qo to th~ Fedsr3.1 Government and ask them for

annrovC\l to nut t!l'S riuht of pav through th", nark •.....tth

the silsement, that the F",d~ral Governmeni:: would tell us

lik~ land to b~ add~dto th~ nark. Th~s~d~t~il~will b~

r-enorted hack to the Board aft'>r woe qat concurr<?nC6 of th ~

Federal Govsrnms'1t. He havE. to concur h~r~ first rdf or.,

it qo-es t.o DOR. ~.r~ar,q asking for th-.a. concurr~~c~ of th'~

P.oard 50 1'7" na\' qO to BORand rsnort th", full d",taiJ."



HR. GOLDSTEIN: I nev~r h-=ard th-e d-etails. You

talked araut it vest",rdav. I had th",s'? qu~stions written

dOvmh",r"!. This r.lr. l!ohhs says if you don 't us.", th",

stilt'? riGht of Hav for the nark vou have to qO build

a six-mils line through rnarsh'?s.

1m. HOBBS: No. the six mi l."s Imuld be ov.;.r

farm and ,,,oodl;:~d '?ncirclinq the nark.

LT. GOVEffilORLEE: Going around the north end?

1m. HOBBS: Yes, the six-mile route. The other

route ,.s th'? r.tarshv aroea to th'? south and reauir'C'!-s crossing


~.'!L r.rn.ns,!, 8III : I~ ot'1"r I.;or<15, bv qoin,?, throu,?,h

th~ stat-a land yon ar~ savi.~q mon"~y,you ar-a savi:lg tim~,

~R. HORBS: That is absolutely corr'?ct.

?1R. r,OLDS?EI:l: Certainly.

I.;ith utili t5.'?s for a hell of a lonq tim"?. I knov how

to get tal:c.m in T)ublic as v'ell as ;.n privat4). I v.'ant to

JT\ay::'~ MY obs~rvation t to knoH' ,.~h3.t,.,..a ar-e doing and out it

5~nth~ r~cord.

l1R. HOBBS: I \.;ould aqr"?'? with vou that this



/1R. ("'..oLDSTEII'!:Th'a state will accomrnodilt'"' you

hy l~ttinq vou go through stat~ narklano.

IlR. HOBBS: Just as any oth"r nroo~rty o"''nsr.

I,m. GOLDSTEIn: H? ar-e trust~-=s for all of th'~

l"eonl~ of th'1 State of I-larvland, diff€.rent than d,"ali~q

with ~~rchandise. They make the decision. We ar€. trust~es

for t!'ousanos of n~opl,". lL"1borncitiz.;!ns even.

HR. HOBDS: Th~ sho~ occasionally is on th~

other foot. He r,,"c<;ntly de'3oed h'o nieces of la:ld to the

Stat? Roads Commission thilt vie O\,'!l for th", accommodation

of Stat.,.Roads.

~.U~.GOLDSTr:rn: I aw glad to hear th'lt. You

LT. r,OVEmlORLEE: llr. Hobbs, hO\~ clo<;.,; to the

riqht of way of ~o~ does this come?

1m. Ilorms: Ilay I tak? a look at this?


I-m. HOBBS: It is out of sight.

LT. GOVErnlORLEE: That pr~tty well ans~srs

ny C!usstio!1./.lR. HOBBS: Part of th? nronosal is to nrovich:

CO!1s'";ructio:1 tha.t \'li.ll h~ scr-e-en.~d from 404 . I don' t: hav'~

.: .'-


is not on it.

LT. GOVr.R~ORLEE: That is an old on".

MR. r.nLDSTEI!J: n~xt. ons, do you construct: th'S

1in~s or 1e~ th~rn out to a subco~tr~ctor?

I-lR. ITOBBS: This ~.'ou1d defini t~ly he ~ contractor.

lIP.. GOLDSTEIN: I:1 oth;:r "crds, ,~ho is a.oi!lg

to sUI'"Srvise it?

~'P.. HORBS: Our "eon1oe>do. ~le have a cO~1struction

man on th~ job.

/lP.. GOLDSTEIN: \'1hat quarante~ do you hav~. you

",ill comply <lith the things you ar"" giving us herE?

1m. HOBBS: l'7",11, in the first n1ac", ••..•" must:.

C/O hsfore th~ "'~ry1and Pub15.c S'~rvice COfmnission .

HR. GOLDSTEIH: . I understand that.

l.fR. HOBBS: Th",r'? ar'" 3("l-some aq",nci~s that

~.'~must notify i'l:1d every on= of thsm has his requir-;,m''':1ts

i'l!ld I~e do, we have soil ",rosion control, ~'e have zoning,

all of th~se neon1e g~t in the act and we definitely do

have to fo110l'.' "lxact1y ,..''tat they, ~.'hat conditions they

I~R. PHIPPS: He have to come back.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: I understand that.



~m.GOLDSTEIN: I had SOMe sad exnerienc<?

in on? utility cost, when I was in Alaska, th~y tooK the

bulldozer and tulldoz~d everything. Th~y h~d to comnly

'<li.th rC!strict:tons too. That '",las, do,.':) i.n south~rl1 r"'iaryland,

not on the Eastern Shore.

l-iR. I!O!3nS: I am not sneaking for south",rn

~hryla:1d .

1m. GOLDSTEIN: I f they do that to rn~ God J,nO\~s

what th-ay do to the ordinary taxo3.ysr. Th?y are naving

Th~y had to corne hACk and fix ..•..1. ~. I just want

to hs sure that v~ qet everythinq in the record, what you

ar;: go:c:-,q to do vlh",n you qO through this p3.rk. That is

3.11 He ars trying to do. Tha"lJ: vou, sir.

LT. (;OVERllORLEI:: O1:ay. boss. llow y:m hav'S

go': it in the record and have yOU got a Ii ttl? rnot5.on for me?

HR. GOJ,DSTEHl: I am not making any motion on

this. I can t~ll you th~t.

LT. GOVERNORLEE: Ars you pr~p3.r~d to give me

a motion to annrov~ this O~~?

GOVERNORTA\'IES: On th'e.'hasis of Hr. Phip,",s'

~xnlanation of this, '\'16ar'2 not a!1proving, ar-e ",7<=!, the

right of vlay ut1til he comes back to us, is tha t right?





Gov~rnm~nt that H~ t~ntatively annrov" the transfi;r of th"

land. They \vill have to aqr'?"!, to th" now'"r to -- to

give us additional land in place of the land th~y ar~

taking and then the contract documents would hav8- to come

hack to th." Board to be annrov-ed.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: I']hy car: 0 t ',IOU g'P.t a prior

apnrov31 h~for~ W~ annrov~ it?

IlR. PHIPPS: It ~vould s.,em r'o!asonable thi!"

should ly~ th.=. cass, but the Fsd'2.ral Gov~rnm",nt ~Jill not

act untll t~1S s'l:at~acts. I don' t k;1.oW~..hy hut tlH Y

Look ho\v much ~"or.k V?1J. ~'3ve tothrour,''J, all th" n'in ~r ,",or}:. Supnos." th",y say no to you.

MR. PI'IPPS: That!~ all lost.

i'!R. ~OLD~TEln: Th3.-':is all lost. Do you think

~\''-:'' ~'ould gi.v" vou th~ nrior annroval 3.;1.dyou' '.!ould ac::

accordinalv? I ~h:.nk it should hi-.:~h€. ot.h~r Hay arour..d.

I.m. PEIPPS, I do too. 1'1" Snent a qrs'it amount

of rno~~v. from th~m, y-et thsyict~t~ no15.cy. Sam", as hanpsnsd in Calv<>.rt Cliffs. 1'/" had

~o act on it, do take lin.5 first and 90 back to th~m.

1m. GOLDSTEIN, I knol" of all the troubl", you had.

LT. r;OVEJU:OR LI;F., I I-'ould j us~ ac; 1 ~av€ __



(;OVER:10RTJ\NES: O!~th" basis of that, I think

\~s ought to go along I-dth it.

MR. GOLDSTEIN: All riqht.

(;OVER;lORTJ\\'1P.S: I so mov~.

'''R. (;OLDS'C.'EIN:Seconc1;;d.

LT. (;O\lEPJlORLEE: Duly mov~d and s~cond<"d, Its1\

29-1\, without obj~ction 50 order~d.

!m. GOLDSTEIN: \1ith th" undsrstanding th~y

hav.;>.to com~ hack \<lith €vsrythinq sst forth, with th~

approval of the Bur-oau of Outdoor Recr"ation and the oth~r

agsnci~s of \'lashinqton and the stat'! ag<mcies. that thsy

Fill cOl'1nlv \dth this l.i-:::tl<::qranh.

HR. PHIPPS: Y,"s, sir.

!lR. GOLDSTEIN: Do you hav., a cony of that:


LT. GOVERNORLEE: You can hav-a that on'!'..

lm. (;OLDSTEIll: 'l'har.k you, sir.

DR. Bl\R~lES: Ther"1 is one more o",r50nal

ann~ar<mc~. Ilr. Colbert < G"'.neral F.m",rq~:1cyrund It,,"'l 5-A,

r~quest from ths s-acretary of Statg, Division of State

Documsnts to cr=!iit'3 a nosition caused by Senate Bill

165 requirinq that ii11 r-equlations that \,-ara issu~d by

- .•...



GOVER!lORTAI1ES: Is this the hand-d€li v",rsd on~?

DR. BARnES: Yes.

HR. COLBERT: Good aft-e.rnoo::, Governor a:1d oth?r

msmbsrs of th~ Board.

LT. GOVF.R~l()RLEE: Do you V:2.::tto qo through

th<.l usual. identification process?

tlR. COLBERT: Fine. My n3.ms is Robert Colbert.

I am th= A~~inistrator of the Division of State Docum~nts,

ar.d sinc,,: th~ Divi.sion is a ne\~ divisi.on, I would U.ke to

t<!ll you a l.ittl-o hi.t ar-out ",hat W<.lare doi.nq.

Our nrimarv Hork is to nut out blo nubL'.cations.

may not --

.LT. r:OVF.!UrORLEf.: Rohert, I do::' t T:1,.anto

intsrrunt you in full stride, but are vou tqllinq m~ that

you ar~ the occupant of th5..s I)osi tion -cha t ~le ar-s now

in the procqss of sstar-lishing?

MR. COLBERT: I am in occupancy of that

~os~tion,y~s, ~ir.

LT. GOVERl!ORLEE: I r",cen tl y ,.!rots a V€ ry s-crong

not", to th". n",alth D~partl'lent on tllis subject. You are in

line for another one or the Secretary of Stat~ is. This

busi.ne!',:, of fillinq ions first and th"n cominq in h"r~

to cr~a~~ thsm has absolut~lvaot to ~~on.



DR. BAR:-mS: I!~ hilS been goi:1q to ,.'ork under

another position fU!1ction, I th.!..:1K.

I.m. COLBERT: I am not sure. I ,.,as aoovint-ed

I be1.!..~v~on August 19.

~lR. nn:BY: I r.1::.qhtadd tv that, 11r. Cv1hert

is currently s~rvinq in a tsmnorarv canacity und~r ths

S~cr~tary of Stat~'s Office, and filling th~ nositic:1,

31thou']h it i.s :lOt an '?stahU.sh"d nORitio:1, of cours~. --

LT. GOVERNORI.E!':: }T.~is 50r.le•..hat mon, 1--.ga1

than tho.. !'<!a1th Dsn'lrtr.1snt job.

MR. BIXBY: His position is legal.


1m. COLBERT: Since our ,',ork is 1'\'31'" to i:h.~

st~...:~, I \,'ould 15.k.";;ust to uass dOvT.1 boi.:h sid~s for

anyon~ ",he is interesto..d ths 1.\ary1a:1dR'?qist'3r, which is

dsscriho..d in the statute as th~ only official sourer- of

informat.i.o:1 for such thin::rs as all pronos~d ag'?ncies'

rulss and regulations, '?r.1~rgsncy ru12s or adooted rul~s.

Tho..Register publish~S also all th~

F.xo?cutivo..Orders, all th"!! notices of committ",<; m.:<stings

of th~ G~';1~ral Ass"?.mblv and ths:1 \-l.a ca.n at a:1Y tiIn"'~b~

giv€n i\ddi.t5.onal mat",rials to T)ub1i.sh by the i\F.RLCommitt-=.e

of th", r,''?;;l<:?:rall\ss''?:r.1hlv. Th." statut<,. d~scribss this as



th~ only official sourc~ of information and says that it

is th~ only valid and enforc'?abl •• text. Th"r~for<;, this

v'ory. has to h,= don's ~"ith a high c1;;:qr«&of accuracy ar.d

",5.th qr~at C2X"., h~caus=- :'.f I,'", sl10uld -err in the nrintinq

of this material, th-=-"3rror h".comes law, until a:1 am'"ndm-;mt

nrOC~S5 corr~cts it, so our ~rnnhas~sis on accuracy, complete

accurac'l if 1-'''. can a5.1'lfor thil.t.

Th". lav! also d".scribes this as a t".mnorary

sunnlsr.tsn'c to the Cod". of 1-1aryland n"crulation.s and this

is the Cod'S of ;:aryland R~qulations. This is a mu1i;:i-volum-s

I"ork I,!hich 1-'''. are also r".quired to ~dit and publish. This

is _r-Ol" in about "dallt volum-ss. and grov.-inq lik'? all rul".s

The ",ork of th'? D:'.vision is lara".ly ".d1t:orial.

t'1~~1~~dfor this a skil1~d staff, no'i: only of n~opl~ v.'ho

ar'! canahl'? of snott5_nq flal"s -in gramrn1lr and Enqlish but

"r~ also n'S~d n~onle ,\'ho are s",~nsitive to th~ l-eqal

implications of the r".qulations that they are reading.

I-]s have, He must as a nar': of our job enforc'S the

style set forth by ths Governor's Cod", Division COlTU:lission,

and so H". ar". dealing with the lanauage of rules and

so this in SUf1U11ar'lj.s very tim'3-co:1suminq and vsry "x'lctinq




\'l~ n~~d a staff of six TJ<'.onl~.l1e have not

o~lyt~e nr~paration of these agency rules and r~gulations

in nrint3.hle form hut ~.realso must do proofraad5.!1q and

any oth<>.r~tlr.lberof oi:.h-arclsrical duti~s. H':lrun

3. subscrin't.ion sBrv5.c~ Hhich must b~ maintain'2:d. r:~no,",

have about lsnn suhscrih~rs to the Narvland R~qist,",rand

th3.t ntlr.lheris also qrowing daily.

Finallv, we will also run a subscription

service to this mu1ti-volum'? s'S.ries,and all of th.,;s""

dut5.<'.sar~ ""xtr'?r:telyt5.ms-c0:1suminq and do r"'-'llliri'a

car~.fully choss!"':., \.7:;.11-.2duc~t~::!ds't.?..ff, so for th?t:

reason I would ask that th~ Board anorove the re~u~st

that H€ hav"" hero? for s!.x oositions.

I \o'ouldhe q1ac1 '~O anS\~'?rany que.stio!\s vou may

LT. GOVEmlOR LEE: I have got a coun18.


I,T. GOVER!IOR LEE: Of the six hm., many are

already filled bv n~onl~?


MR. COLBERT: ThEre are people on loan

II frol'lth" ~'Scre';;arvof Sta -::'''.I s Off ic e, Gov'Sr::1or.


and a K~lly Girl.


I thi:1k th'2r,,- ar~ jus~ t~..o po,!.opls,

!-IR. COLnERT: !-7", r.~lioed hi<ilVily on K~lly to

provid~ us ~ith servic~s such ~s nrDofr~adi~a, haqic

cl~rical s~rvics.LT. GOVER!!ORLEI:: !'.s for riCiht !101'"th"" TE' s

ar~ you a!1d or:.'~oth~r?

1m. COLEr-RT: H'~ and tl,'O oth:rs.

LT. r.nVEffilOR r,FE: Hh.i.ch two?

1m. COLBERT: J3.V, you May want to h'''-lo IO'S

I {:h:.nk "chat is th~ n'9:rSOrl bill'e.d as ass5.s-::ar.-c,

0:1 hoard.

l:R .. r.r;':BY:

:1? .. cnLB~RT: It ~~ th~ administra~iv~t~~rrl..

~IR. r.OLDSTEI:-): Ar-1 th.::ss full-tine jobs?

..,.,I ~,. BIXBY:

,,third ar:d 'thq fif~h.

nR. GOLDSTEr.]: !-'r. Ccltsrt, ar~ th,>,s.,

full-t:.!"'~jo!'s? Is your joh full-tin~?

0100. 100

I.:n. (:I)LDSTP.IH: HOI'"ahout your assistan'c couns"'>l?

MR. COLBERT: No, sir. Th~y ar9 all full-timd

jobs, n"lonl", ",ho ar8 nailv i!1volv~d in th" nrsn3.ration of

th",s"," rul~s and rsoul.'ltio:1.s for nrinti.nq. 'l:'ho.v ar" all

full-t.i.M'" jobs.

1-1R. C;()LDSTEI~I: In oth'",r words, th",v don 't

practico;> la~' a'1d com", in and I,'ork an hour a day?

NP.. COLBERT: Not at all.

LT. C;OVEP.NORLEE: Bob, ~..hsrq do you hang your

hat? Mh~rR does this all han"~:1.?

r.m. COLBEP.T: Ov?r in th'R Sha~.. Hous'?, third

LT. GOVER~IORLEE: Right. Tha",k you.

I\P.. C;OLDSTEIN: Let nl'? ask 0:1." mor-=.(lU~sd_o;1:

at th~ last r.1'S",ti:1.qof th'? Narvland-Ddla~.'a-cc;-[). C. Pr~ss.

th~y d:i.sc\1$s~d tl-)i.s !'1aryla:ld Rea5..st~r. t\Till this nO\'l

ston l'ulal advsrtis'?rs fror.1 aoino i:1. th", Daily R"co-cd

cr"'neral not~_c'? of chano"g in th", r"'qulat.:.ons?

r~R. COLBr:nT: Th'~ 1a,.., say::; wn€n .it an;:>aars in

the I!arula~d P",aister that is sufficient l~qal notic~. It

qO"S on to say that any oth~r additional ~otic", is not




departms!'lts I Jy"li",ve ars cO!'ltinuinq to print it in

1m. GOLOS'1'EEI: '1'h"" r-eason I ask you that

have 1500 subscribers. There are 4,131,00n pSODlc in th~

stat~ as of i!ov"?.mb~r 1st, nlus or m5..nusa f.-=.w. This is

a vsry exnensiv'? puh1ication. I1ha1; dogs it cost a y'~ar

to suhscri.be to it?

MR. COLBERT: $25 a ya.~r, 26 issues.

1m. GOLDSTEIN: $~5 a ysar. You knoH th'.,

avera<T~ nsrson ",ho buvs the daily newspaper or mayb"

there 'lrs o!'llv lS!'lO conies of th!.s throughout th~ Stilte

of Haryla.nd \.,it}: 4,131, nOD p'SopJ.~?

riP.. COLBF.RT: Hhat \"4~ have dO:lS to hcn.:.. for

the. \,id">.st nossihle d:.stri.hut5.0!1 of that is c-?t in touch

\.,ith all nubli.c 15.hrariss, all COU':1tv gov,>rl1m",nts, all

bar librar5_'~5. N~ hav~ sent Qui: mail€rs to all T.1~:illlb~rs

of th~ bar. t.'l'9 hav~ trio:~c1 to al art. ~vBrybody to thi~

r'R. (;OLDSTEIH: Do you n~a~ to t~11 m~ i:h"'~.y

J.1.F.?~-r. ci':; ..r l:,'..v-:.~ .:: .','J



try to find a r~qulation?

MR. COLBERT: I am hon~ful 'th,=y will b" abl~ to

go to th~ir local library and find it, yas, sir.

~m. PHIPPS: 1'1~hav"" adv<;,;ri:is'<.dads in the.

n<::",snan~r,our d~n~rtm::.n"tdo~s.

1m. GOLDSTEIH: Can you nictur~ a r"'gulatior.

r'":!~n.;c4:.inaoyst.grm~~, crahh'?rs, hov!many ~o to th: 15.hrary?

I'P.. PPIPPS: H? adv'2.rtis'o!- them all in th",

DR. B.'\.H:-ms: That I'rould s-cill b~ don?.

1m. PHIPPS: That is ricrht.

that Is""",. Th",V !'lhould hav? <1 notic.;, of things that

ar~ q0i~g to aff:=::c'c th?m.

HR. COLBERT: As I say, I b" li~ve til'" prac-cic«

is co~tinuinq still qiv~~q notic9S in n~wsnangrs. This

is si71nly '::ha official 'OlndJ ..~qal t-.;)(t of those rul,"s

and r'lgulations.

tlR. GOLDSTT:1N:Thank you, sir.

DR. El\.R:'JES: Gov~rnor, I discuss'!d this

y'!st?rchv vri'::h Gov<"rnor Ha!ldsl. It \-las on the shopping

list of the hand carries. H? I..'ond"r-.d if 11 cons.grvative

a~',.,ro'-,cl,I,'')ulii~'t h? to ~110l'r about four of thsss, and




l~t th",m live with \o!h!l.t-sver~xt.ra contract typing h-:.1p.th'?y

had to ha'l'? and qst som'.!'?xn",ril?nc'" u"yond this heqinni:1g

Y'sriod. I am hrinqi:1q th!l.t un because of (;ovsrnor 14a:1d.q1.

LT. (;(lVF:R':()R Lr:E: Did h?- ir.dic'.lt~ which f:lUr?

DR. Bl\R!lES: 1"1«11,obviously you :1~",dth",

~dministrator, you :1'.!eda q~n~ral couns~l, b~caus~ this

is legal ,eork so it \o!oulc1boil do','n to which of ";h..;.C:1~S

I:1 t3.l1d.nq to '1r. ni.xby, th", steno-cl-i,rk could

nossihly be defsrrsd, 3.nd if th~y hav'5 to use t-=rnocrary

th~ a.dni~istr::l..t.iv-e: assistFl!"1t. Th.3.t is one \-",ho i~ a,board.

It could ",it'v;,r be th.,; acministr3.tive ai.de, that is the

fourth on~ do~~,~~d th~ last on~ dow~. If you did that,

you \';ould h~ r-<::.rluci~.qthis hy .$7915, \<.~hich,.yould 1~ave.

th~ smergency fund r~0u~~t $45,166. That is differ~nt

than I discussed with th9 Gov~rnor but I didn't rsali~s

that th;, on-;; of the tHO TE's is the administrativ,,"

1m. BIXBY: Dr. Barn-es, if I m'iY i:;,';:,;.rrunt

for iust a Mom~nt, th~ adni~istra~iv~assista~tis a s~atg

104Office, so I Hould sugaest if it is th>l clease of the

Board to reduc-e thr.;nU!l1b~rto four, that th'""admini strati ve

assistant be on~ of those eliminated and ths steno-cl>lrk tHO a

the bottom be eliminab!d.

That \'laythe adrninistrativa assistant could be

co~tinuinq in a loan canacity until proner budgetary


DR. BARNES: That would maka $35,127 if Iadd th~m correctly.

MR. BIXBYi I come un with 36,097. That is

cont3.nui:1g the 6500 for additional assistance.

LT. .--l.J.r~l:, : Unu'Sr \-lnat vou all ar~


t3.1ki~q about th",.n,the Board I s motion Hould be to at'prOV9

th? nos:.tionc; !ios. 1, 2, " and 'i, in this qrouo, h'\ve Igot th~ riqht ones?

I.m. BIXBY: Yes.

LT. GOVER1:OR LEE: And th.,; No. 3 on'S, th-.;

ac1min.:.strativ'e asr::.stant, t'lould contln~~ on loan from

MR. BIXBY: That is riqht.

LT. GOVERNOR I,F.E: Is that servi:1q any uf'"ful

purnose doina it that way or are we just bei:1q difficultfor no qood r~aso~?



~m.BIXBY: In reducing th6 nU!:lher of Pi!rmanent

nosi tions, of cours""" the Board ,,'auld he estil.blishinq _..:. the

Board '...ould allo,~ a l5.ttle bit of tim..; to evaluat", th~

op~ration as it oroc~gds. It is v.~ry younq, in on~ra.tio:l

actuallY onlv.for a littl~ OVEr 8 !:lonth.

I might mention that th~ oriainal hill setti~g

u!",th';o niv:'.sio:1 of stat:"'. DocUIn"'.ntscalled for a

LT. (;OVI:R?lOR LEE: That "laS. ch'l::1aed.

MR. BIXBY: T~at was chanqwd to th~ S£cr~tary

of StA~~'S nff.~c~.

./.~.:: ",:,\-.,. _. :.:1 \'d.t h Dr . Evsrs-c ....in's

SllOry? ?her~ is a man drafting l"'.gislation, a full-tim~

staff, "'or1':e<1hard v'Oar-round, ':1aturall~' J,muary,

110'"' ",'ou 1<1 you "lor}: Hi '-:h thos'2: p""on19?

I.m. COLBERT: I hav"? ,.'ork""d V9rv carefully

I think th",y


I\DLRCOl'\Jllittee, v"-ry clos~ly ,",'ith th,;m.

IIR. r,OLDS':i'F.IlJ:\'1hat is th.'\t ADLR?

I'R. COLBERT: l\dministra'd.v'"" Executiv.". and

L".qisla'dve r:'":v!.el'/C:>!'Un:_tt-;~'S.'rhat has a qro.at d"al to do

~ith t~= on~ration of this.

your offic~ and this office?

HR. COLBERT: !lons ,.,!-latsosv"r. Ther~ is a

comrnuni~v of int~rest in s~~ing tha~ certain things ar~

don~ nronsrlv hu~ oth~r than that, no.

HR. r.oLDSTF.Pl: And vou hav.; the ~xT)",r'c:i~.:

~~ your cff~c~,ju~t li~~ Dr. ~v~rst~inwill hav~ it?

LT. C;OVBmlOR LEE: ':i'h'i'.s;:;are .;;):scuti ve crd<"rs

and requlations that al"", b'=.inq nuhlish'~d.

belonq in ths Executi v~ D'~nartm~nt.

1m. C;OLDSTEI:l: No question about that.

th'~ bill first ~~<'!ntb,.

I,m. "OLDST1'1:1: I l-!ant to be sur-=. ther',., is

coor<1ina.;..:ion. I knC\.] W'=. ha',,,, :.TI our shoo. ~,~ hav,," to

writ~ manv admi~istrat~v~orn~r~, and they hav~ to ba




corr~ct?IIR. COLBERT: Yes. l'r~ ~.'ork v'2.ry closely with

1m. r,OLDS'l'I::Il'l: Th~ l\~torn "'Y r,sl":;oral r"vi"'I-'s

our drafti'1Q of thos~ articles. In fact MOS'.:;of th"ID ar~

\,'ritto.n hy our Assistant l\ttor:1-=Y r,~nerals ~'ho hav,.

the leQal "x,.,".rtis~ so \~e COInDly",i th th"" law, comply

h'h'"n th'?y ar"! Dublish;od, if you don't, WF.. ar-s

suhj'?ct to b'?i~q rsvo.rsqd hv a court of law. I just

war.t to be sur.; P'S have th", Drop,,-r coordination. I

und~r~tand",h3.-:' has t:> h~.

LT. r,OVnmORLEF.: Th., originaJ v".rsion of

this hill h~d it diffsr".:1tlv.

HR. GOLDS'].'::!!l: I can u:1dsrsta:1d Hhy.

LT. GOVF:PJ!OR LEE: Som~ strang":;! idea th'~~

pickEd un i~ P~~~sylv~~ia.

r,OVEPJWRTl\l'rr;S: Doss this take th'3 olac" of

\1hat ~.'? havs h'S?:1 :1ormilllv doing?

DR. BAR:rr.s: Y~5.

GClVEP.::OR TAI'rES: In wri tir.q our rul "-5 ar.d

r-egulatio~s, hav3_nq th~m go .throuah the:. administt'a";:i v.~



DR. B.7\WlES: Th~y \~ou1d still go through €.ach

do.partmsnt. Th,~ nrob1o.m, "!'lch denartmant had a'different

siz-e, diff"!r-e~t forM, so it was confusinq to the nub1ic.

This \'TaV the.y all com~ in th~ saMe siz€ a!1d un5.form


1.1R. (;OLDSTEIN: That is th;; next qu-astion. After

ws qo throuqh all ths nrocedur"! of qstt~ng ths uniform

r~qulat5_ons ,.;"r5.tt~!1by tha .1\ttorn.oev G~n'eral, assign6d to. our

offic~, it is nuh1ished, tho.n you compile it in this

/m. COLDERT: That is right.

1'11\ •.: .}...... , de you?

:.m. C()LBJ:RT: l'lh3.t \-'e do is that "'S of'i:~n, in

goi-,q '.:hrounh, \oN r'2ad v<:.ry carsfully th~ r~aulad_c:1s th:::.t arc

5ur'Y:'titt-e.d to us. V~ry fr';!qu",;:n"::ly, unfort.unat-=ly I \o.'~ fi~d

l~:1!]u-?q'S that is uncl'73.r to tts a~d ,....~ !.lust th:::1 q,d; hack !on

touch ~'it.h \.]hosvsr draftsd. thes,;, to se-<.exactly ".h3.t

/11<. GOLDSTEI!<: But r,ow if we h3.v~ -experts

lik~ in tho. Sales Tax and ~lcoholic Beveraqes, that tixpertise

is has,;d ovo.r 25 or 30 Yf'.ars dS3.linq \o.'ith the trad •.,

d~.aU_nq \d th ths n-?onl"J j.n the husi:1"ss. You may have



laud'O, hut I1q has a th'?ory. His th ~ory may he al i".oq,,-ther

diff-?r'Ont from \~hat th~ nrac'::ical appr:)ach is to a


HR. COLBERT: No. 1'1"-never ch,mq"'. th<? language

of th", 1,1\-.' \..'5_"thout the clos<?st consultation \~ith th~

d~n~rtM~~~that has cr~~t~dit.

HR. GOLDSTEIl1: I see.

l'!R. COLBERT: H~ \orould=:1' t. do th~t. 'N~do not

do that.HR. GOLDSTEIll: You '.:ouldn' t hav,; th", Harvard

s:.1'1'11v don'"\: qO in th",r'~ and chang"> th", lanquaqs of th"

r~9ulations that ar~ submittsd to us. It is always dons

i:1 co~sul tat=.on .

. HR. GOLDSTEIN: Aro. th~s", suhl'1itt",d to you

before nublish<?d?

l~R. COLnERT: Yes, that is riqht.

IIR. GOLDSTEIll: In oth€r \~ords, b'9for<; th-=y

ar~ ,..,uhlisho.c1 and hecome a r"'C1ul~t5_on they ar", submitted





HR. COLBERT: That is right. They at"i' ado)"lted

by the tim"! th~v get to us. The d~nartm"2:nt has tah,r.

its final action and is submittinq tham to us as

nronos"d r~qul.'ltio:1s t,'hich ths.y \d.sh pd.nts.d 5.n th.: l1aryland


LT. GOVERnORLEE: At \,hai:. noint do th"y acquir~

full leaal ~ffect?

MR. PHIPPS: Not until 45 days after this

.iR nuh15.sh-sd, ann in our cas~, \>1~ nut ths notic~ i~ the

local nSWSDBner. You notice. on naqe 128, this is a

hearinq on ons of these Nov~mber 16, 1974, which is a

HR. r,OLDSTEH1: I don"~ have that nage.

DR. BARneS: Ther~ ar:e tHO s'~ctions, t\<..o issuES.

HR. PHIPPS: Th..! nub15.c h'i>arinq \".£11 hi' h.-.ld,

and t"9 still ca,l rsve.t"SR or ch.'lnqe this r"e:qulation.

HR. COLBERT: That is right. Actually, it is

a ~O-davn~riod. Th~r~ is a fin-day waitinq n~riod; after

it h'ls anDsaredin the Reqi.ste.r for tha first tim,; th"an

the d9Dartnant must ~lait at least 60 days be for.; it

can be run aqain and adopted rsqulaticn. That 60 days

allows ther" to be a hearing, nuhlic co~m9nt, any

IIR. GOLDSTEIn: Dur:.'.1'l that tins you ca:1 re.vis.~l




H~. COLB:r:R":': That :l.s riqht.

L'!'. t:;f)\7l'P1)0R LF:F.: That is a'?:1srallv ths sarns

as th9.P~dsral R~nist..;r. A qreat deBl of stuff co~eq

or I-Ihatsv-;,r. '.:hat n",.V<iraoes a:1V fartt,-:r.

I'R. COLBERT: P.xac'::ly.

LT. f:0Vf.R!!0P LEE: If a nronosal 5..:1h?r'2: is

subs~.nu'!~tlv suh;'?ct to a nuhlic hearina 3.nd then is

arne'1c1<>d,do'?.s t"e fi.n"!l versio:1 aet renr5.nt"!d in this


;.m. COLBf.I''':': y .~.q •

LT. G()Vr.IU,0RLPF.: I thin~~ :.. is a v~ry qood

LT. r.rWF.R!lOR LES: l\r"", coni'?!'; of t'1s l'aryla::d

R~qist~rdistr!hut£d for fr~~ to ~tateaq~nci~~or do th~v

h~v~ to n~v?

'-'0 PHIPPS: Tl-j,,!var-:>.:-lot. 25 bucks n~r n-?rson.

r'~R. CnLBEHT: No, ths lat.' only T)rovi.d~d for



llR. PHIPPS: Rtaht.

r,T. r,OVER!WR LEE: That iR l'<candalous.

m~.PHIPPS: H~ ar-e navina for them.

,'m. COLr.ERT: Th~ \~hol~ nrobl'"m th:r-=. vias \,:h=.r."

c]:) you st':).., cr!.v,i.ncril.pav th"" fr~,,< coni'es, sinc~ t,hi c; is

a co~tlv~nt~r~ri~~1th~r~ is ~o question ahout that.

I'P... f'OLDSTEIN: Do "ou nrint thi s u~d-=.r bi.d?

~m. COLBERT: Y",s.

~IR. r,OLDS':'EIN: \'lhat comnany is printing it nOl'I?

11"t. COLBERT: l\ comnar.v 1:'1ovl11ill'<ths L"gal

""11.. rOLDSTp.I;,l: iTohodv l~ :-!:3'.'rvlandca:1. t~rint this?

I ~v~r cam~ aboard.

'm. f'OLDSTF.IN: Vou only hav~ 0:1€: hidd-ar?

'Ill.. COLBFT1T: This v'as 0:1« hic1d~r ",i.thin th",

1m. r-0LDs'.rcrr: Bo\ol oft',m do you nut thi.s out 0:1

>lp. COr,PEP,T: T'!~ contract 1"rov'.c1"s for annual.


1131m. r.()LDS'I'EH1: You hav'O to mail this to thsm

or no th'!.v COI'1<; do"'!} and nick it un?

ml. C()LDF:RT:

no t~~v co~~ and nick unor do you mq!J it to PhilHd~lnhia?

PR. C()LBr:RT: Actuallv h: i.s mailsd in 1'aryland.

Nno n1.YS ths: sal~~ tax on th~M?Do 'lOU 311 collsc~: a sal£s tax 0:1 f;h.~s" boo"s?

I'? f;nI,pr:R"':

'11'. r.OI.DSTr:I!-I: I ~M ao~~q to ch~c~ ~hat out.

I~ is m~'iob to col1~ctth~ ~alss tax.

You ca~ s~11 it ~o th~rorntrol1~rl5nffic~ a~d W~ ~~ll a~t a c~rtif!c~t~. Ifyou ~Kll {t to th~ aenaral nublie, 'lOU ast ths tax or

0114 ,d.c!: Ul' th'\t !;:lsn(' to offs"'': this mO::1"V. Okav.


LT. r,OV~RHORLEE: ?hat is what hRnn-ans ~Ih"n

DR. BAR'.1ES: Th~. s nrol ~ct srould )0-;; J.n nart

i.f '1.0': PDollv s<:lf-'lun'"lori:5.nq.

dOl'.~th<; cO~1:trihutio:1s to trv to 1"'3.]:"l it that "I~?

I'll.. r,OLDSTF.Hl: I ,./ould thi~k th", cl ",rk of ths

court, r,,!qist'?r of: ",ills. ?v'~rv aoency ,./ould "/<l.nt 3

con,,:'of this.

11R. COLP.pT<T:

Roh"rt, can vau conduct

1m. COLBF.R'r: I.lith difficultv, hut I think

LT. r,rWERNORLEI:: This cro,.d is h"!re onc,"

SO 'rOll ca71 al'H~vs com<a hack.

r~p... COLRr.RT: V-erv Good.I\






~1R. "nr,nSTEIN: I MOV"" \0'" a.nnrov~ ;robs I, 2,

4 and 5, as s~t forth i~ th~ It~m GEE 5-~.

r.ovrRilOH Tl\I'1ES: I 5",conn th", motion.

I~T. r.OVER:!ORLEE: not5_on dul v ",ad~ and

s?cond~(i to cr'"at~ thos~ four jobs, and I..•i thout obj'~ction,

50 ord~r",d.

rlR. COLBERT: Thank vou.

l'P'. "OI,DSTEn!: You <lr<>.\o'''llcom~.

LT. GOVERl,ORLEE: Is that th'? '?nd of the

L'I'. (:C'VLRi:n?,r.r:r: Lau:Ls, do you \o.'C\nt to ~tart

1m.• GOLDSTFI~l: I think I.r" should start \.,:1.th

~~dV'~ aq~ndaand GO riaht on throuqh.LT. r.0VERNORLET:: In the first IP. it"rns --

'm. GOLDSTEIN: It'?m 8, nag'" 9, is th-s first

0"''" I had a 0\1"'.5<:io •.•on.

1,T. rDVEP}10R LEE: Paq'2: 9, okay. That is

~'oor'" 's Run. n",rr inq Run.

HR. GOLDSTEI~l:Is this th" full cost of this



1m. GOLDSTEIN: Sir, 0:1 P3.q~ <1 of "!r. Heuh~ck' 5

aq".!'!da, Item ~10. 8, c;anj_tilrv f'lciliti"l', s".~'aq.;. 10.;1:1of

19(;7, Joh ~10. r.-2~0312, :t!'! (Tuot".«, n.,riod (13, BalU.:ror".

Ci.ty, rfoor'~'~ nn!1, II.c.;'crinq PU'"!, H~ ara q:tvi.nq $223,125

i'l0.dit.:i.o':'.al !'lon,.,!. Honln tl1is cover th"i'. cost of this


m~ chC2.Ct: that. Y~s. It t'.'ill, h-::~causE. ther'~ ar~ ~o cth~r

co~t t" 9.ct s ~o h~ h:.n.

HR. r.nLDSTEP!, Tha!'!J: "on, sj_r.

1:P.. (:F:R'rl~A71: Th~r.q \..r=r~ ~ar 1i€r contracts.

LT. r.nvE~IOR LEE: ~h". 228,000 r".nr~se:1ts

t~~.c;t'lto:' c; 12 1/2 n'?rc-.;,,,tsh'lx':.of th", inflationary

~scal~tio~of this thinq, riaht?t'R. GF.!'.T~'.l\N: R!frh.t.

13, ..,;;q'? 15.

1'1'.. r.FHTnl\Jl, Pardon me. I had bett~r corrsct

that. This is o~lv tho. ".sca1~tior. on the first contract.

Th.:;r":?ar-e. i:.FO mor~ contr~cts to l~;~hid O~ this.

1m. r;OLDS'lTP;, THO Mor". contracts.









in the cost.rlR. (;flLDSTFIN: Okay. The. ot~"?r O:l~ y'€' hav~

alre~dy taken un, Blair.';

T,T. (;flvr.ml(lR LFT: PaG"l l5?

"lL (;flLDSTBI!l: y~s ,our-lie school s. 1'1,~.did

th'3.t thi.s l'1orn~nq.

LT. GOVrRllOR Lr.r.: T'<is on" should actu.?lly"

_ h? \.,ithdt"a •..~ i., this fot'l'l 0".caUS'2. it h'l.S he~n d£alt I-lith!i

in grt::~t~rn~t3.il, is t~at corr"J.ct?,.

LT. (;flVFP;lflR LEE: 1-",. at'''? out of your 1"'.aqu"'-

1m. !'PlTP.FCJ~: 1\11 ri.aht.

LT. (;()vr.PN()!1. IoCr.: !\nv oth"t's in this first

1m. r,OLDSTBI": no. 'l'ha';o if' th~ only ';or.ing

:;nR. Bi'.PNES: Thi.s !.s a t'"?suH: of a sut'v':y



")<. LEIns: You shotildn I t with'dia~l.this.




DIl.. Bl\R:IES, It'!l'l 19.

'111.. GOLDSTF.I:!, 1-)", annroved t'1is this r.!or:1i:'la.


Ii H"!. ai'lve !in un(lat~d r~l'lort.U

DR. Bl\!l.Nr.S, This is a r~nort to t~l-e.Board.

1m.. GOLDS'!'F.I1I, That :.s '::h.• hier r'('.nort d.ght

her", Blair.

LT. r,O"ER:IOR LF.E, Y<2s.

'IP.. GOLDS';'Fnl, Po", talk~n about Ilo\~!irn Cou~ty.

DR. BARNES, Th~ oth~r it~m was simnlv askinq

-for th~ men-?'! to nay for this r'?Dort.

1m. LF.HIS, It r~ally omiss~on of ths

MP... ~Or.,DSr:J,lF.I~J: It hri!1Qs us un to datv.

th~rscoMmqnda~~on is cov~r'!d rv th? $80,noo.

T!". r:mmRiIOR LEE, This is a documsnt of

"-nornOlls villu'!.

LT. ~()VETU:()RI,F~: Co~i?.s should h-:! ~'.;.r.t to t~z




L'!'. r,OVER'10RLEE: llay I h:1V~ a Motio:'} that

!t~m5 1 throuah 17 b~ annrov~d, th~n?

~IR. r.OI,DSTr.IH: I 50 mov?-.

r,OVFRWlR':'AHF.S: S<ocond th.; moti.o'1.

I,T. G0VEPlWn LEE: Pi thout obi Bction, so

You hsqin --

on that litt1q Patuxent on~?

1.'1'. r,OVrP.710R LF.F.: !'To. I l1'i ss'?d on'~.

LT. ~()VF.ml0R LEI':: You have '10 nroh1.~m on t'1a':.?

!1R. ~OLDSTr:I;-T: no.

LT. 00Vr,PJ!~RLEB: Th~n make th~ annroval

ext'?nd to !';>'.ms 1 t!lroua1)18.

Lon, do 'lOll '"tnv"? 3.~..V qu~st:tO:lS on th~ Or'-:~Sn~c~?



120I think tl-tat I~r.Phinns has all th9 information.

TI-t~ first ong I think is on It-;;m 8-11 and 9-11.

HR. f'IlIPPS: Hhite Plains R2qiona1 Park.

1m r.()l,DS'1'r.rl: 8-11 and <I-A ar€ l"Thib" Plains

R-;,qio~'ll P;;.r1:, ':'h~s", ac1d:.t5.o':1a1 costs for tl-t'l.t qo1f

course and tho. annur.t'?':la~c<e:s,is tha-:: right?

1m. PEIP':'5: ~hat i" riqht .

"R. PHIPPS: Voss.

"1', r.OLDST!'I!1: '1'h", :1"X'C i'C.".m, l(.'-.1\, d13';; h'l.s

"1<, 1'1'11'1'5: 17-7\.

,1:'. COT,Ds,:"rl: 1(.-.1\ 11.::c1 17-.1\, ~'ithdril\"n.

1-'''.• PI'1PPS: And Ul-.7\, P=. hav',< a corr;.c';:~.o:-:.

:1)~,PI'IPPS: Yo.s, sir. r'ontqom".r.y Cou:J.ty,

" Proqram ()nQ:1. Sn.:;c'S accru:..s:.tio~s I 3.:1d ~'.e. ft?~l th~y should

"av(~. 'l nor.o. ra1a':1c"!.0. nroaran a'1o should q.iv"? us SOI'1<O'of


121":; th~ strC3am vallqy~ and 10c3.1 narJ: acquisitio!1s rath-er thanji.1

hi<;rh-cos't nronsrtv.Iti."

",.LT. ('()VF:RHfm LI'F': If this is nar'c of th'dr

" wh!ch nroi~ct5 t~~y~ick OU~ to submit?,.'. IfR. Pl'IPPS: 1'1'~11, \"''lohav., aot th~ conc"",,,t, th",

:: On~."l Snac'a Proc('c3.m har; h~,m to buy 1C!nd for th~ USB of

th~ ar'Sa ilnd not t'oea11v dovmtov'n locations.

LT. GOVERnORLEE: This is in a COU'1ty i.h3t

has alr ••adv a v<!rv 'Z:laJ:,orat~ nark nroqram.

1m. PHIPPS: Tllo.y hav"! a v.orv aoon,on<o',

LT. r,OVEPJlORI.rm: Pav'S }-."",n sinc~ tho<. tVl~nti",5.

~ULPEIPPS: rrhat.:.s tru£.




J:s.~nqi.v5.nq tham a h~rd t.i.m~ on th.ts. This y-'a!; not do~~

I'R. PEIPPS, ~lo, sir.

LT. (:CWI'P:l()RLEE: Can't: v:e do this, Lou?

1m. r,OI,DSTEI~l: !'1'S h3d 'i m'~atinq yo.stsrday,

17-A, huvinq a qasolin~ station in ~akoma Park.

LT. r.(WrP:IOR Lr:E: Vo.s.




:: 137,425, and it is $44,00n for an ahandoned aasolice.,:j

" station to mak~ a narY. out of it. Ho\o.' can you do that

.. \o'i th state rnon~v? If tlontqo!'1ery County Nants to do i.t'.I.

,.ri. th t'J.z:.r non"2\1, l.t t~'?Mdo ~ <- 'I'hat: ;.S il.:1i1handon;;d~.....cas st~tiO~1on t~~corn~r of ~~stmorQl~~dand Carroll.I hav'~ h"a'?:1 hy t~~r-3 nrlny tj.r.1~s.

LT. GOVEP.NOR LY.:E: !3ut und<'.r th. (')t"~n Snac'Z la'.,.


.,r1ontqor:1-"?rv, 1.;.1:-::; -:.he othc~r counti~!;, is ~ntitl-e.d to a

c"rta~,.., imount of mon.ov. of coursil the.v hu" a lot i.:o.

add:.tion to Hhat com".s throuah this lat~, hut if th2-v

iust r~cord ~~ votina no, aaainst ; .I •.." no th~ r~cord ".~O~It

shot .• J. am votina to huv il.'1al:andon.~.d aasoli'1-;, 5':'1i:.io'1

$Inn,nnn to i.:_'1.r it doP'1 a'1d d:.a un th", til"!}:"',

LT. GOVEml0R Ll.B: That ~s th.;ir nrobl~m.

I am t~~~rust~~of t~~t~x~ay~rsl~on~v and I ca~'t

I can't sit ~?r-~



I, in goon cO!1sci~!:c'" to do i.t.

" ,'lR. GOLDSTEI:l:

1"!lat i t~m ar'! YOU taH:i.nq about?

It'!m 17-A, ahar.don~d qaso1in~

1m. PHIPPS: 16 a:ld ]7-]\.

I'n.. GOLDSTFH1: A", ara'1don:d qasolir.-e s'::at:,o:l

i:l Takoma P"rl:, zon~d C-:'. CO"'lmsrcial.

LT. (:rWEP!1On. LF.E:

I"'.: don't hurt th'S.M at all. .If

.: ..-_0 .•.• , But

SunDOS"'. -?v,;>,rv countv C'lrn"'. i':l h",r'~ and houqht cOImn*-rcial

nron-erty.J.T. GnVfm:;OR LEE: It de.n€.nc.s O~ th:;.


s!.1cua.l;:ion. vou "av'~ :.'c CO:lfj.~.~dto a fix'?<1 '1r'!.a,

lIontr;onsr" Com',ty has alMo<;t <\ on-soMs-cdd s"uar~ rn5.1"s

of 13.~d, ~'qt'",~ \.,~. com~alonq and P3.V this ~:ind of r'r:.c~

for a~ ~r~~do~~daasoli~~station. I can't sit in qood


, lL4

0124 ST'",~dano':h"'1: $lnr). niH) '::0 t-=.a1:5.t dO\'/TI,d5,q UP the. concr;!t"

"il and th-a tan}:~ to rnak.:;. it uc:;ahl-s .."11" LT'. r:OVr.R'IOR Lr.E: Th~y have. bouqht vast rsach'~s

of und~vqlon~d land in tho. unnqr nart of t~~ county. If

.' '.:.h'''Yhav'"- Urha"l rsn'~\'lal nroj oct a'ld have to nlc!: U",,


.call thslr 0\'''' shots, sines it is in ,,-ff"2et t'l.d.r O\,'!1

;,mon~y... It is no':; a~ ~.f ,.,~""'~'t'"':? qiving i:h.'~m SOM~

di.scr~t~~O":1arvtv,,":! aLar.'":.. 'fh':!y a~t rsal1y v-e.ry fussy about


MP.• ('OLDSTFH,: I K'10l<'th~y q,,:t nuffv about

to t~ar do,.m .. I votsd' aqa5.nst it. l'j.;> h",ld it up.

Peonls a1:~ still livina in tho. hom~s.

1.'1'. r.O\'F.P-'!OR I.E!':: You a1:S talki!1q about BlOCK69.

tha~ thsv cams h~rs for, tsar do~m th~ homss, buy

rss:i.o';:'1t!.al hOMs" 'Inn tsar thsm dOHn \.'h€n vou can' i: buy

a homs in l'O:1taomsrv COU:1tyand mev'" th~m eut.

in good con~ci~ncqvot~ f~r that.

I can't

\LT. r:()VFP.~I()R I.r.r.: I eTOalonq \"i th you on th3.t.

'.\R. C'OI,DSTr.nl: As 0'1.'" psrso:! or. the" BOilrd that


LT. COUF.P!10R LF:E: Do you "ant to may.",.a

litt1'? d-e3.1 Hith 1T1'?,hos'.':? L~t'g l'?t th'?m hay,," 1(,-]\,.

, and hold bac1~ 17-.7\, recaus"" I think that coml'1'?t'cia1 is!!

1.m. C'OLDs'rr.J:!!: l'~t'''. I!:; ~-90, I doC!'t l:no\-l"

" ~..7hat 10'" dC?;l~ity r~sic1'Snt:.al T:'l~a"lS 5.n your county .., LT. COVF~NOR LEE: It means gono f~~t to a lot.

'In. r.OLDPTF.IN: That 1"ou1d he hier" d,,:;]s i ty ,

fout' and a hal f hOM".Sto an acr". If ~.'? follo~1 this


T'l':'Y didn't hI" 5.t. Th",' ma~ is still in hus:.n'?gs. It

uniforM nol~cv O~ th~~.~ ki:1d of t.hincrs.

LT. r;OVEPJ'!OR LFT:: Yes, hut thq (1ll~~tion.s~i.ll

it :.s our MO:;~V to 1T'ak~ lik£ St=lnta Claus \,'ith. I thin~

1...: i.s tl:.~.:tt' !"'!:>l1~Vrnvsslf. "ThA."Cis phat th:~lat.] calls for.

I am

~ot fam!li~r with th~ land va lUGS ot' th~ arsa of VODtqOrn~ry





:' Coun':.y.LT. r.()Vr:RNOR LEE: I fri'lnl;ly don.' t und-,orsi:and


~1R. r.OLDS'!'T'J:.l: 19-A, ~('5,onnan acr~, 2.156



ho~~ is arou~~~S2,nnnif t~~v C~~ find s~~aq~,isn'~

3,bout no"'?

~'T"I.. r.OLl)S":'FI'l: Ii: has

I ; ust Ci'l'" t h'ar'" in aood






on trtat.


1m. GP.IES: ninht I put. som,; inforM'lt5.on out

I aM B:'..ll G'Ci".s i'l.!1dI I,'ork witrt th.~ Park and


Planning in silv~r Snrinq.

LT. r,(WFRrlOP.LET:: It:'..s hiqh tiM? YOU

1m. G()LDSTr:rl: 1 thouaht. you I,'''.ro. a ffi'iM1Y-o'r

of tho. fourth estat., the nress.

!lR. G!Ur.S: I miqht 0". b",tt",r off at th;.s n::>i:1t.

~R. GRIES: Bill Gries.

nfl .• r,OLDS",F.I11: EOI'.' do 'lOU !"p.-:11 it?

MR. GRIES: G, n, I, E, S. The narticular

K".!1dall. nn~ of tho. hon".s is used as a nurso.ry horns

to U.v"! 5.'1 tho. !"lorn".as nar';; of ths.:.r "m"lovm"'1.t

agr".".m".nt, I ou".ss, and th". ar".'! tha~ is includ~d

last -/;\-JO acr.;;"; availahl<; in 'Iontaom=.ry H;.lls ar9a, I,'hich

I••ould h". !:orth of Ssmi.:1arv Road, and south of th.", bs1t\o.'ay.



,:'.~'hich \oIq h1l.v? had flOM?, I shouldn't fl11.VSOMS, I.!S h11.v"had

, ~xt-e.nsi.vs. dsrna.;,.d for th-a nroneri:v from the ci ~iz-:;ns I


)associ11.tionfl in the ar~a. Th~ nroDos11.l Has a matter of

.nublic h-sar:.nn. N-= ar~ itls-t imnl ~m~n.t:.nqOU'l"' adon~sd

LT. r,()\!lCHWmLF.I':: Is ":1,i5 th"! I"hol", nark?

rm, r,P.IES: This is ths ~!hol"! nar)'.. It is

jUflt t\-,o acr?s, 7\'; en"! til'1~ it "!<'l,Sids'1tifi,sd "l.S a U, S.

ncst office sit~ for Mo~tqOm~ry Hills station, which was

later, ~lans for ~hat ~~rq ].at~rdeferrsd and th~y ar~

qoi:la to f,<!, nutt:'-",a the nost offic? at 11.'1oth"-=10catio'1.

NR. GlUES: r"r. Ern"!st 1:'~nda11 1'!aS forl'1-=x

~~r~c~orfor th~ school for naa~s~n Washinqton.

sc'1001 o.,.,"ratol'. 1'", has th'? Alsx11.nd•.r Day School 0:1

t1~iv".!r=:ity R:}ulp..va-cd, TUfllhl~ I~n on ~-eorqia ]\v~nus 1



after thsv t~11.r th ••. hous'? do',Tn?

I'R. r,lUES: !1r. 1\"'.~dalJ. I thin): is lettinq

. ! 0129



"r~'?ln~.~q'J.er out in this. II"! is Clot having il. nrohlB1!l wH:h

..t~at :'..~th~ r~locatio!1.

T,T. C:O\lEP'!l()P' LEE: Hr. C'ri",s, sinc-;: I hav.;

.i'leld J assume th::;t th~ Pi'lrl: and Pla:1~inq Commiss3.on has a

subst'l.n'd.al numh'?r of narkla'1d acquish:ions ~hat qualify,

'\-Iould qUillifv und'?r this. l']hy do th",y ahmys insi.st on

s'?ndino th~s~ h~qh-Dr~C~ n'?r acr~ or p~r souar'? foot

''?vsn i tsms ov'>.r her," to iln:10Y/.!r. c:oldst'?in \-Ih'?'1you k'1.oW

!1R. ~Plrs: L-;:,tT:1~S~.~ if I can oSx!"Jlain :..t for

a!ld also ths bonds ,-'hich W'2.,..culd 5,,11, bas,,<l on \:h.,.:

. s-;.rvi':'\CT t~~p~onl~ n~Ar hor.l'~1 so th~y y'ouldn I t h::lv-e. to qO

. u!"county .to th«. r,:qional n?rl:s a'1.d stream vall-ay Darks un

that ;.s a ~..al): to nark, and they sa:.d that W~. should

.sxnand our acqui~ition.




;: snoClsor<ad throuClh l'ous3.nCl il:1d Urban D~v<alonm'2.nt. ~lh"n th,<"

council urCl"d us to €.xnand our nrOCTr.'1m,",s had to b~ vo.ry

hO:1est ,.,ith th~m a!1G say if ",s~xnand our local parY.: acquisitio;1S

it will U5~ uo Mor~ fu~d9 tha~ ~.r~ havs ~vail~))l~to co~tinua

our curr~~trat~of acnuisition, so if ws would ~ut our

In 1')<';9 th", cou!,cil said we ,",ould li!:e to hav.s

acquir<;c1 )w P3.r!: '1nd Plarminq Commissio.n. NOHthe reason

a nroqram ha'J"d on Cl~n~ril.l tax"'.s, th<~y Han':"d to nrovirh,

.. sP'?nd thilt mo"'.~" 0'1' nar!:s to S'2rv'? o..v«rvnod", not jus';:

If tho"-,, \1Ould buv r~.a.'_onal narkla:1cl and s'.:rsan

vall."y lilnd -sv<>rybody ~.-ould h" nay3.n'1 a fair shar,;' f~)r

If "'-<1 \ ..'ould

hav~ aCC1ui't"'?.c1 all tb~~.~la;\ds \>lith Innd tax~s asr..erai.:'2d




shar~ aeeordi~qly.

It s~~m~d to h~ tha h~st nlae~ to hr~ll.k

tho;; local nll.rk~, s.;,rvs th"! u~ineornori'l'i::~d areas of.,! Mo~tnonery Cou~tv ann thos~ Il.r£ll.s in th~ mstronolitan




r~qion~].di~~rict,thos~ ryro1~cts fund~d with tax dollars,;

that ",'~ra q",,,,,rat'?d from the n"lr1: 'ca>: that th.! Commi.!3sio~

has and hav," th.? no,,-loeal nar1:s I.,hieh s'?rv'? all ar",as

of th'! cou"t', ;.ncludinq r.ai thsrshU1:q 'inn Rockvill s

nayi~q their fair sharA. throuqh th~ q~r.eral countv tax'?s.

)->acl~to th'? RO'l.rdof Puhl:.e 1'lor]~sI.,i.th nrojsets tha'c I.J."fund,

h-ae'l.us." it "'as Nlrt of th ..."county s.>:"eutiv,",' s hudqet

')olicy th;:t Parks il.'"!dPlanni'1q Comm~.s~icnh'l.s th~ "taff

Th~~is vhy th~ funds that are brouaht i~~o

Comrn.i~sio':1~ .: ."--~


If. ,..''? coulil na::':1tai!l our ?ad: nroaram

I,T. r.nvrPJ10R!,rE: Th" unshot of :.'c is thsn:'


".~ithou.t; i.:;on~rn~.z~~.q.I.~h~rlo,.,l":"\COU7'ltV nar}:s or th-~i:i:1; uncou~".:.yn~r}:s.'J •.'


It is h~~na houaht bv th~ countv

LT. r.O\'r.~.'l()R LEE: You all ar'! s':.uck \-,ith this funny

s':uff .


!,T. r.OVEP~lOR LET:: Are. yOIl huy:'.nq any s1.:1.">,;lm

~':R. ~P.ISS: Th~ county l.S dcinq that..

a qood t.3 million n v~ar sn'?nt hv th~ countv on str~~~

valh~y nar~:s.H~ sn'nr1 ahout ~3 mi.llion a v,>ar on

local n~rks, so ,.,~ ars trvinq to, l:..J:'" I sav, havs th~

( '~.'l.s:."t' to handl", for !''irk and Pla:1:1ir.q Commission to do





q~ar Un and a~t additional s~aff.

r,T. -(:Ovp,mlOR LEE: Nhat vould haoo-an if the

Board of Puhlie Norks just adamantly r~fusgs to ho~or

th,"",s aeou! 55.tions? Do",s 5..t 1'1",,11:1 J.1ontqomsrv County a~ts

don?- out of its shar? of Onen ~naeq mon?"?

rIP.. PHIPPS: Th.,;.yl'l3..l1 los" all aV"lilabl,; mO:1'lY.

rIP.. GIUE~: I don 't k;,oi'l hOI': I-Ja wi 11 handl ~ it.

LT. (:OVERNOR LEI': Us'~ it on \-!hat?

rm. PHIPPS: All ava:'.lahl'9 shar~ of Op~n Spacs


in th= nroqram I-'hieh I-!'=Imuld 1:'J:9 to a""t into the count". If

I am sur"! that Dr. Hanson and other

rnsmhsrs of the Park and Planninq Commission ar~ goi~g

to I"ani: to say som"!th5.na about it, I gU"lSS as a staff

nerson I don't J.:nOl-,',-,hat altarn'l.t5.v"!s thqy !lave, but as a

staff p~rSO:lI am ~xn~c".:~dto nr~n~r~ the annlicati.ons and.-

fil,s thgm and tr" to hr:'.:1<Tth'= 1'1011=" hack to th~ county.




thsss nr:,c~5 !.:.hantlr. (;oldst",in or anybody ",ls''L


I think that th€ COU!ltv councilor

th-e COU"1tv ~.x'Scut:.V~ is not in lov-e. with th-e.m-a.ith~r.

1'1",Hant to orcv5.(h ths narks t':1at a'c';; rS'1U!'~st-=-dal1d are

':.;obliqat.i.o~s . Th~ one particular prop~rty hsre, Takoma


Urb~~ Par}:, j.s riqh't ~djaC~:lt to th-a ~10:1tqoM~ryC:)u~ty

I \"ouldn I t 1:no\" 1,0\" manY hu;,dr",ds of old'"r

to us for ~~~ last four or f!vs v~ars.

LT. ~f)vr:Rl1nR I,Er: Th~t:..s this qas si:ai.:ion O:1~.

CRIES, T~at is.th~nas statio~. TeJ:cma

I undst'stand ':h"lt \'!as ,In auto deal '.':rshin, not so much

a c.~.~lqrc;:-tin. I au-=.ss you C3.~ I t di vorc-:!. thq -::,...10

activi.ti<05. If you hav,,- on,,- you hav" th'" othsr usually.

I m.l.qht add that th-: nron"rt\' is curr"r.tly

u':1d'~rcO'1tract il!1d ooi:1o to ssttl'o!Inent at the low""st

LT. ~()Vr.R~1()RLEE: As u!1ati:.rativ~~as thesa





county cou:1c5.l ann th? county ")xqcutiv"? and th." Park

and Plannina r.ommi~sion, all th~?~, and if it is nart

of a' sum of mo'1",,'!t,hat"ontgom"l-ry County is -antH:l?d to

\')",11, ,"hat ~.S ,!our r" actiQ:1

th!'i+; .i.t <1o:.S'1 't onlv '\r>nly to rlo!ltaon",rv county hut. j.t


LT. (;OVfR':0R I,!::r.:: I ,.'ould Jy" i'1clinsd to th:.~k



furth'?r stud'!. Aft-ar i"urthsr s.t-udy,:hat r'~ally

n.ann~n<!d?1.'11.PHIPPS: \-le I-'-,:,rs going to psrso"lilllv

" , 136


013(. 'i Hanson, th~ Park and PIann~.l1q Conmi~r.ion ahout th". ,..,roj'lcts

and thsn I am sur~ h", ,,!ould r"qu';;,st th",y hoe bac!: 01'. tho;,.

c;ovr.p.~rop. TAI'IF.S: Por furth~r stud'!?

1m. PHIPPS: Y~s, sir,

c~rtain ".:h".,!\.!ould hoe. hac!: on thoa n~xt ags:1da?

tfR. PI!IPPS: y~~, sir.

r,ovr.m!OR TAI'IRS: This is ",hat I h<ld j.n m5.:1d,

If tha".: is \"hat th,:'1 ar':? I"ithdral''TI for, and th.a Ds!,artn~:1t

of Natural R=.sonrc?s \"j,sh",s to 00 hack a:1d talk to ':."'~

locn..l HontC!oM<",,;ry Countv n~on19 I think \"'~ should qj_v.~ th~rn

~hat onnor~u~itvto do it.

LT. r;OVr:R!'lOR LEE: !Juster ~a'JS ha ):nm'15 tl]",1'

ago s",'1."ra1 "ro; '?ct~ that th"'. BO"lrd turnsd dm-.,:, a~d ',"'"

went ah9ad a~d nurcha~£d r~qard]~ss of using our ~unds.




, "m. PHIPPS:


I b~li~ve it would, V~5.

That doesn't solve anything.


1m.. r,RIF:S: I aM sur"! ~h~ countv ~s going to

put into our cani tal iMnrov-::.r:l'~nt nrogram, our a~f'';;:lcy

has thq r"sno~sih5.l:i.ty of :lmnlsmentinq th'l.t nroqram, so --

\ole aros r",ady to ao ah",ad I,dth ~.t regardless of Hhat funds

HQq",t but H"?o cortai.nly ",auld annr"cii'li:~ g9td,nq as much

sunnart as we can,

r,ovr:ml()R TI\1'WS: U'1d'~r thas.,; c:.rcumstar.c'.'s

llR. PHIPPS: That :',5 d,qht. Thsv ,"'auld US'l,

MO~~V for oth~rar~~s j.~ the coun~v?"P-. PHIPPS: y~s, s5.r.

I'R. ('RIPS: T".", thi:1Cj I "li",r.t to noint out is




:;and thi_ncrs lib~ t'13.t t.o surmort our nroqral'l, and it is not

.qoi.ncr to frs~. u,., anv l'lon~y for us so th~t. \-1,,!- can' o,!.Xn",nc1

":!3.:1V ~.r. thO) country, I qu~ss. 1-10=. ar',. r,,"cOqniz'2c1for having

GrWT:T(;:rlRTAI-ms: Ar';: t!1'2S~ options to buy?

no. Th9S~ ar~ l~nd nurchas~

contracts. ~'l~h~v,~comm:i.ct'?d ourh":ll V~s to buy th~

I ~!oul(l J.iy.'" i.n ord"r to boa fair to both

onnortu~i. o':.:y to q:> hack f~r a!1o'::h~rmo;:th.

d"'lay it a month. It •..'on'l; i\ff=.ct the. nric-.c;, ~JJ.ll it?

HR. GRIF.S: Ho.'i

~m. PllIPPS:

It will qo

0; \.l!'.n.q.r co~tract.

1m. GHIES:

or n~xt, })ut d~lavinq i~ i~n't qO~~q to chanq~ our


!' 13B-A

0138 at''''. qoi~a to ao ar'~il.d "d.th it and H: ,,"'on't chanq.,. our



i~t"'.r"'.~t in annlvinafur Mon"'.y.

LT. r,0VEmlOR LEE: I'1 otl]',~r \"orcl", it "':>'1' 'c


GOVERl~ORTAHES: Gov".rnor, that i~ a r",al Pt'ohl'~m.

I thouaht if ";:hqv \~,,<nt hacl: to Dr. Hai1!'on hs nay com" hack

LT. GOVERnORLEE: \~hich Ol'l',S '?rs vou t"lJd."1a


"LT. GOVr::m:ORLEE: That ;.s 19-1\.

LT. GOVER"!Or.LEE: 17-A 3.l'ld 19-1\.

1m. GRIES: 17-.'\::.!, T.'l.J:ol'l<J. ~~otcr pron'"r::y :nxt 'co

lTill!'; OtFCl ,,)i'.ry..

!1R. GRIES: Riaht, brick and frame.

LT. GOVER'lORLEE: This 5.5 aoina to h", a '.:\.Jo to

O~~ v~::'?:, I c?~ tc..ll you. Th~ rnot5.o~ is qo:..nc;to h~ to



i d"!fe.r 17-1\ and 11l-7\, 3.<: th'3.tcorr'O!ct?


(;()VF.R:J()RT.7\Nr.S: \'.7~11, l'7ith th'? und"!rst3.ndinq

that ,"'0. hav"", ;'l.n onportuni ty to h'"ar Phinos out aqain. I',,>.-" ,


may h3VS a chana"'-of hsart. Po. is a fl"!xih1e ir.dividual.

G0VF.P.'lOR T.7\l'iF.S: L.~t's hrina 3. t D3Ck.

LT. GOVEm~0R Lr.F.: 1\11 riqht. Th~ motion then

is to d~f",r 17-7\ and 19-1\.

qO~:~qto l~t th~ s~~iorcitizs~sh~v~ a littl~nl~c~ to

r,f)VFP.clOR'l'l\HES: L"t I s l~t th<?m come bac!': to

r~R. nr:UBr:CK:


llR. ,nnDLF",O!l: No r-esolution on that.

to f5.!l(1out \.'hich onqs ar" d",f""rr~d. Ar~ vou qoinr; to.-

LT. r,OVE!'!1OR LT:E: I kno\o1 • I am just trying

d.qfr~r ~vst'v-::h:..na th3.t ~3S PontqoITl~.rv Coun"cv I 5 ~am~ on it?

Is th~~th~ nol~cv?lR-A is annrov~d.


1m. PHIPPS: H",r." is a nevi IG-A, littl-e li<sS

MO;1°.y •

LT. C:(Wr.m:OR LET:: T'/hat is this?

~~. P!'IPPS: IS-A.

'~R. c:nLDS7FI?!: IG-A, 17-1\ and 11)-1\, you \'Iil.nt

to ch,~ct-:out. 1'1"" annrov'~d 18-1\.

IIR. PEIPPS: 13-7\ i!" a 1;.'.:tl<; h;.ss nsr acr.s,

11.""" ~~~tsad of 15.

1m. PHIPPS: Y"':5 f sir.

LT. c:nVrmiOR LET:: ;'7l1'.l.tt.'as th-e orob1 sm \~ith

l~-A? Thnt i~ ~om~thir.q--

"R. C:RIRS: That is a City of Rockvills nrojsct..

LT. r.OVRR:lOR LP.E: Is tf\at had too?

I!R. m,IES: I don' t l:nm~ th~. oron1sm.

F'R. ESI{EN: I!"1 our 't""?V:t<?H th-=..re nr~ some riqht




t:ly.sn into consid<oration ,..•hsn th-ey apprais",:d th~ place.

T~sr-e is ~ q~S tr~nsmission riqht of way. w~ did

r~qu~",tth3t on"?. B~for~ \<'s rsqusst.;o this be d.,;f:,rrsd.

!1~X": t5.M~.

LT. r,OVPRNORLEE: Hi-A is d~fsrr'~r1 hy

Cr.~::'tT"l':3.~v:>'t:i.:;,q i~ th~ ~~rra.:tiv-~ a:-•.d 1~-.2\ :.5 rl~f'~Lr-.:;d'hy

a "Ct'.'O to o~O;vct~, \o1ith th'a Chairma~ vot:.nq ).:1 th'2

!1'£.~q~-=::..v~A.~d J.~-;\ h?!~ ~ suhq.!..::t'tu-::io!1. Is 18-.1\ ol:ay?

J.1R. PHIPPS: Y'2.S, s~.r.

HP... r;(H~DST~I7r: ~l-tat ~_s okay.

nn.. r.OLDSTEI:l: You too!: un 28-A, you took

car~ of th~t, dur~~~ t11~h~ari~q. 29-~, you took carg



1m. 1nnnLFTO!l: That has b<et'.n aODrov~d.

1m. (:nLDSTEIN: Discu~sion, s,"-", nots.

l.T. r,nVE!u.:nR LEI:: lmc1 yl~. h.a.vo. a motion to

nR. C:OLDSTEnl: So mov~d.

LT. C:(Wr.~•.j()R LEE: So mDved a~d s~cond~da~d

G=orq~, has that



that c1arif:'.,-,.d?




1,'R. LF:HrS: Th5_s i.s for a l~as~ for th'!

nsnartn'?~t of. ~co""\omic at:d Conmu:"l.':.'ty D~V::.lonn.~~t to nov~

~nnrov~d a nurc~as~ of.

GOVF.RJ!OP.TAI'iFS: For th~ insuranc" fund?

a :>art of the.'= J'u.:'.ldi'1Cl '~o Ecoc:omic and Commu'1i.ty

PR. G()LDST~I'): I ",ant:~d

DR. DJ\R:!BS : '1'1'15.5 i~ aboli.tiO:l of 3. job.

1m. r.()LDs",:r.r),: R;i.aht.

\ I pa!1t-2.dto co;nnlir.1~nt

you. Thi~ 5.!) th-:? first t~_rn~. I scJ.~dh~r'l:?, co~(!ra-r.ulatj.o~s.

T~at is th->. t""!ason I ",ant".n to call vour att"!ntion to it.


I".: is v~rv r'lr",lv that you <;.v-2.r<;-=-= this hanp'.m.

; .•.... ....•

DR. Rl\R.'!ES : I nidn 't th~.nk vou ,.."ouln objosct to

I.'n. r.nLDS',TE1: I can't obi.;:ct.

\,-'1":'.:1 I lool-:"?r1 ov~r ~~~ ot~~r niqh~, conaratulations.


I ,.'ant'=.d that :h th.;, r'>-cot"d.

Th-= n-=xt an-= I havc. is GI-17, naq~ 17. Is

th~s a full-tinq ioh, S20,O~O a vc.ar?

LT. ~()Vr.R"!()R L;,~: Nhat di.r.:c".:i.o:'1ar.q 'ch-e.s~


he.el: •

It aiv~s us a ~rohls~ too.

DR. B?\R?!SS: t.,,~ "'~.lltrv .:~ as":

I~n. r;OLDSTEI!!:



$ 2 n , "'11') ;!. y"'ar?

DR. nARil~S: ')'h~~' sav it is fu11-t:.m".

f;()V!'Rl')()R TAI'1F.S: I'Ih'lt itS<M at"e you 0:1?

"P" GOLDS':'!'I)): (;<>,n;;.ra1It~m 17-A, S"cur:'.i:i",-s

Conmi~sto~~r,rRisina th~ ~al~rvfrom $13,350 to ~15,00n.

GnV?R:'10P. Tl\1'1ES: Is 'that th'" on~ Ca1Ln"ay is

cO':',S:lo'=.r.ir:a i:aJ::.'1Q?

IIR. ,,()LDSTr.rl: I do~ I t r:no,",'.

()~-::::..•...' .

Hh.o is nav3nq for th;q~

"th~ ~ornt:r::a.-Y;:wo:l for Puhl:~c Dro2.Gc=.st:.r:g, H~:.ch r3.:.s'E.S

i.~:.s fn~d~ fro!'l c.ubscr.:tn~.:.o~s .t...:o do this H.::lll Str'.;".~-c




claim as l-."inq O!1S of "th" h,;s~ of 2.11 of th'!M, ~duc;>.';:ional

this kind of ". ,:ipl",':ahl~ for tIle,,", f:.rst for th,,-

nroQucsr to CJO ov'Or ~,d r>3.ks ';:h~",lans ar.~1t'1":1 1'l.1',,,:r

for t1:>-o: '?-!1ti t'''' st'lff to C;? ovqr to no th~ 3.c'::ual filn:.nq

a~d o~..:!1~r\.~ork i.!1vol ,,~d in nrcrluc:...nq it.

:-Ut. c:nl.DSTEI!~: Ths.y hav-e to qo to Londo:1 'co

nroouc,q j.t?

DR. 13l1.Rm;S: Sir?


~ill rroduc~a rnonqy oroar~~h~r~ of siMilar natu~~.

:.s th e. h~'3'; I could q~t ou': of Dr. 1';riCJhts~f"ld"-r.

~IR. r,OLDS"'r.r::

Brit~5hIslss ~n 1~71, thrss v~~rs ~qo, a~d I ~:ondt,r~cl


nroqrar1R .


DR. R7\RNr.S: I do:J.' t thin!: th~v ,..•ill do that.

I,m. GOLDSTEIn: T~'?n th<>.y will hav~ som,: oth"r

I \o''.l"'"\t',,-d to C'l.ll '::h~t to your att",ntion. Okay.

DR. B!\Rm~S: Th~.s 5.s ,,"xchanq'2 of faciU.ti..,s. Th<;

BBC Hill CO;;)." ov?r h"'r~ to (10 on", call<>.d th'~mo:-:~y

L'C'. (;fWr.R:lOP. LEt; :I\r", th.';.rB .any oth"'r,;

in -=;h~~aroun?

~!R.n0I,DSTEltJ: That ta]~es care of thos~

DO vou h<l.v-;;. a:1V i.d",'l ,,,hat th~ ':otal ccst

qoi","\a to l's? Do vau h'lv"'. anv doll'lr fiaur-a?

DF.. Bl\!"'.:lFS: I hav"". a l",tt~ r frOM Dr.

'm. GOT,DSTI:Dl: Total co"t?

DR. Rl\R~,rF.S: !Jo, s=_r. That. is ths pr'~l:i..minary

trins, a~d l~,nnn -- total co"t ~s S14,nsn. Th~ las~

qroun would he 11,300.

lIP'. r,O!'I:1STEPT: I" that add ",d to th.~ 14?

DR. BAR:1ES: iJo, s-'..r, tot.al of 14,osn.

HR. r:OI,DSTLlii: Tot:a 1 cost. Okay.




DR. DAR!lr.S: That is not s-(;at-;l funds.

und.".r stat~ nol:tc'~? ?!'.''!r~ ars six jobs u:::cl'2.rGI-24.

DR. BARNES: Thsv 3.r~ 10 n"rc~nt qsn'?:ral,

C)() n.~rcsnt F'~~(l~.t"al,a~d t~~ ~o~-nol::.c~ tvn~ of iobs, of

LT. Gm7r.R~!ORLeE: But this ::.8 u~ch'.r LL'\l\?

LT. (:O'.'T:P."J()P' Lr.r.: LE.II.Aqr-3r.t, ':1ct s11b1 -?oct

to or is :..t?

DR. BAInES: I 3.qr"".~.•

LT. G()VI:R.!!OP.r.r.r.: Th", '.:h::.u(Js rU:1 for ';hr,,=

".'~rs a:::clall of a sudd'''-:1th'=y turn un in our huclg,=.t.

!lR. G(lLDSTF:I~l:You ma\' hav<,'.t,,-s 13.st nil.raqra.-,h.

HR. GOLDSTr:r:r: R:'.aht.

LT. r,()VPRN()R T,EE: 0'11y i'c do,;s S-SSMto "."or!:



,it.i., 149

~!R. r.nLDf.'l'EIJI: Ths nsxt it"m I h'l.n \',';lS 0'1.


nag~ 27, r.r -:~7. H'l.S this all

" DR. P,;\P",T:S:

~~R. ~()LDS'T'F:li1: You Cr:i"l li.v"li \1it~ "t~:tS, can I-t

I ~cu1d iust 1ika to r~fsr

":0 tIE C~":iv~~r53.-i:.i.o:'1\.1~ lJ"!d v.1~.th Dr. Statlsr, ,~,::hat.' ~..':hs :,...:;):\- bu-:lr-r s.t-?r.. :.t'::.i15, \.,hicn no ':0 5unDort ':hs ruc1aat,

Th=.r ~.


0150I1R. IJ.'\R'Jr:S: I thi.n1: l1r. P~don~ .is th~


hudg-et ana1""t.1m. (:nLDSTr.nl:

un ..tn nal timor ~.

Th5.s .'.5

1.m. r:nLDSTr.Il1:


197(', nsy.~~sar.

.t'R. ~0LDS~BI~1: Y"'"1,S, s:.r.

0":"":=. UD.

*.1 T-!. P rD01~r.:


01 r; 1


It i~ th~

DR. IV\m'ES : In oth<f!r \"ot'd~, S-,::cr.~tary Huqh~s has

Ii: 10o!:s

':'h~tis all



0152 I wond~r if vou would ~ort this

I'R. (:oI.nS'I'F.I11: I thought ~h~y had do~~ that.


1m. (:OLDSTEr!:

G-T has


L~. (:OVF.P:;()RV'E: I~~m h-T, naq~ 8-T.


.1-h.>'-' ..•.

r- -? ,



LT. r,OVP'I1!lOR I,m,:: 0'1 narl"~ 8 -T?

7hat is n~q~ R-T.n()VE!?~1(H~Tl\.~.Tr:S: J!O\ ..' ,~hou-:. 7-T, or 5-t;'1?

'm r,OLf)ST~In: I':":~1Tl !)-T, I 11~n a qUS-st:.o;:J ., .•• on

:>:ci.:'lcinl.:::of t~i.s, \.rhy do \V'-~ h~v':::, to ~o out of thH stat'S

i'l"d h:.r-;:. <>xn<;r':~ ':'0 t",11 ths. City of 13a1timor-"- what

lT~r"iR anothsr o~s riqht h~rs, wh£r~ Ba1timor~

Is t:-:~tc1o~~by th-.:. fish



LT. r,(WrP"!f)~ LEE: Ths old f3.sh l'12.rk~i:.

01c,,", r'P. F'ISPSR:



It ~il1 nrol)ably tur~ out

~'?.~ .t..- "-.




'co do th~T..:.

Y:..s. Ws ar~ coqnizan~ of ~h~ n~sd



0~:~V• THO to 0:-1';' •




'11>.• FlfJlFR:

\.;ork for r:.cht of ~'''::l'V~C(ft1~.s~.'c~.c~for :,o'!'A, '7:h3.i: th~_s


C'I'1 vou.!f:"?,'_.' .



157th~m ths ~xnlan~t~onto th~t.

Th~ ~xt~~tto which t~~acciasntsnn. Bl\P.n:r.S:•ft1:1d~ fot" .:J-

~1R. c;nLDsTFI~T: It ~s a qo~d nroqr~M.TiT'. r-n'lER::nR LPP: I \,'.i 11 huv ~.':..


"R. r-OJ,DS'l'EEI: That ~1~SIt~M R-T on n~q~ 10-T,

• .,...'" T' ••.•..• r'" •, " • A" 'J .• ~ •

• r ....r- .....•","'\F-..• ~ •••..•• .;. • • -... . c-

Th~ssar~ all ~h~s~boards?/

•I~ "th;;.rs a:lY chj.-:,.c't.i.o'1. to this?

DR. B:\R::r. s :



VI'. f:nVl'r;J()p Ll'F:


.0 I


1m. LENIS:




I had O~~ on ~~-2,on n3g,~ 8G.


I:,,-v ..~

You hav~ 340 ~~u~r.fq~t D?r car.

This ~.shasically ~stti~aun a

• '.'~



1m. LE!'1IS: If vou ao :.n'::o a bsavy urr--a'1 arsa

you hav"- ':':0 m:ovi.d'3 th5.s O'1-Q,,-oJ;parJ:i!lo.

~U.'.(','"•.l_'n."."'..-, ';'.l,~.'v "''IV "3.; ""' .... "h'l' v-h' 5 '5 "ha'- veu,~ - ._,.., v _ •••••• <':l. • 1 - ':'. 1 •••••..•. ~ .'., •••• J

~;.~."'" , 3nd 0:1 D2.0-:. If),


75 norc''''..;..full-'::.'.M'; f3.cul':.',r, 75 n~rc';:1':. s':.aff, 75

r~rc~~tof ~~~ T. ~., 2 n~rc£~tvi~itcrs.


(1m. LEFTS: You e.t'~ b3.sically no'; qivinq b:.rn

~c~:)ols .:'lll ov::.r th~ COU',1try f"'lt'oviding ~c]uc3.t5.on.

•In•. !••


.•. T"'T,'"TC" •

.L,l, . j ••••••



narJ.::'.'1Qfor th=. 1'''lrvla:1r1 Port Authority,

fro!". th.=. huild~.,,-q,

m=-ch.,c): thi <; ,


nalt~mor~ to build that school.

1m.• LEHIS:

pn.. LPHS: rae}: ':':0 you.

1m. C;OLDSTEP': I c~ll your ~t~~~tio~to this.

~~R. LENIS: Ths bas.:.c cone .~ptis nut a lind ..to

You could build tos!1 acrss

'IR. (:()LDS,;,rI!!:



(to you.

1m. (;()LDSTr.Ul: That is th~ 9~ly~hinq

I 53,\'" ahou't =."c. ~~d th? fact vau should hu~ld a high-r~s~

'IOU have .: :..-v ~n.l::ona P3X~:, you C3.~' t g;~t

l'?~d, Blod: (,7,"'ith th~ r'l.).lro'td-;;racl: O~ o~~ s:ld-,:..

LT. (;0VO:RflOR LET': ()~,re", do I.

Pr-;;:viously I ~.fv~n r'.~.c:\11,w.~ h?o '3.~t un c-:=.t'.:;~i'1.


LT. (;()V::::R:T()R L~r.:


LT. r:{)Vr:~:T0n r..!-:E:

rm. GOLDSe'Er,: I ~"ould h'-lV" c"'" 11'~d your

is tho.'~rio!1':?

,""•• > B ' S" C 11O~ ;.O~';":l~._;;a"C~ 0 -?g~,

0lf'5/'?-. r,()I,DST~It! :

165I~ h~s to ~~ annrovsd ~t ~his

1m. LPI'7IS: I')" did it on Cln informal r~sis.

'.fR. r,()LDSTEIn :


L'nfortuna:b:1 v



d~d no~ ~~clud~ m~cha~ical a~ri acoustical or any R~ditic~al

I not. 1'1;;.ckto ~"ou a::d a::tVB: you i!'1fotTlat::.o~ 0:1

th~s""-!:tpc :.to::.n~ 5.f VOll r.~c~ll.


r1p.• LEPIS: Thr:.c;'~ ar'-s ~hort forns, ',.1ith "cr-=

~~cha~ic~lco~trac~o~,~l~ctr~calcc~trac~orhscauss to GO


and ~o do ~h~ msch~~icaland ~h~ acoust~caltha~ is involv~d

This dO~s~1t tak~ a~y oth~r

!1P.. J,nn s :




of . -~."':. .\-]", h?d your :.nformal ?,nnroval

T'l':'\n ••.•T"c; •!~. ,~ ••• '~.' •



1m. (:()LDS'CFIJJ:

EMUUS()l1: R~.qh':. T". . h';L':S J.S ,. ~~"1q

1m. Lr.~oJIS: Th3.': is /'C:"l7.Cfcm",ry Cou::':~' cannus.

I'R. r.OLDSTEIl!: P-21, T):'l.(J'" 114.

Th~.I;. i~ 'tho! Pors" nron'=.rty.


j--1r. 0 I Douqhsrty

'IP'. 111\P.P.I S0:' :

-:- .•.. :. . "


GOVEnnOR TA"lES: All rig:l"'~,

LT. GOVEP'::OR Lr:E: rt~m P-23 is d ~f"~rr,",d.

~olicy Qn all th~t wat~rfronta~d ~v~rythi~q.

LT. GOVElUOR LEE: Th~y s",,,m ";;0 b,; s\.-inging

back and f:)r';;~l lii:~ crazy.

th~ "Board?

HR. LEIns:

1,'1'. GOVEPJ1:J~ L:SE: Did Grace g~t a dat.,;?

r:!:. GOLDSTI:r:l:

liR. GOL::>S?EI~,l: 1JOqu::stior: abou'c =-~, abs,:,lu'';-:.ly.Blair, r hon~ you will hs thsr~.

L~. G,)VERiJOR LEE:: Th::.y H=r~ 'tal);:=.~gab:Ju~



that \1~ hav~ a n~stinq.

:.onor-L:u;. "C


I though';:


That is right.

18th, 10:00 ~. m.,. Board ~f


~'!R. r:-OLDS'fEI:j:

LT. Govr:KIOR Lr.E: 18;;:h, 10:00 a. m.

1m. GOLDS'i'r:I?l: r13.yb", \..'~ had bi:.'C'<;-;.r mo.]:", i.-c

HR. l!.'\RRISO;I: D"c-.nb"r18, 10:00 a. m., Board

IIR. GOLDs'rr:I:l: YOU~]ould hav-:. to hav;. -ch~

L'r. Gf)VLp..NOr~ LEE: You ar-.:; gO:":1.g "COhave. -Co -=':i:::.

HR. GOLDSTEIN: The:;::is d~fi:lii;.:.?

NR. S\'J1\Nll: D~camb,x 17.

I.m. l!i\RlUSOll: Th'~ g~:~Gral ontion, \'1~ und"rst3.nd

L~. r~VE~lORLEE: It cam~ ur.glu~d.


if \!-e coulcl.

Public ~orl~~. That is f!rn?

'..:h", 13th. (;iv" h:.r.\a day to q",'';: b3.ck.

wa ~st3blish~d a policy las~ spri~g.0170




You r~call you \..'i11 b~ in i~a:1sas C:.:;:y 1


1m. GOLDSTEIll: O};C'.¥. 11" ",ill \wrry abou';;


.",J •• _ • ~Ovr:P.::C)R LEE:


:m. I'ARRISO;-): Th" s"m", day follo\-:i"g •.iu D::J3.ru

rm. GOLDS'.:'EI:l: Okay.

;.11:.. Ll~~~IS:

I .'~11call \,~r~n B counl~ of days.



1m. GOLDS'I'Er;I: L"t I s finish this ag"nda.

MR. LEWIS: P-23 is d6f.rr~d.

MR. GOLDSTEIn: I.C';,l;)p-:n, pag~ 115.

L'r. GO'lER:10RLEE: Tha.,: is d"f",rr,:d.

MR. HARRIson: Thai;. is d"f.,rr-,Jd, p',,:-ldi.:l.gthis

IIR. GOLDS'rr:III: It'"m \,:hat?

l-lR. llARRISO:l: It",m P-23, 51.:. ~!ary's, \.;" ar"

:'m. ("..oLDSTEI:l: I'i:sm P-24, nag". ) 1(,.

nak:;:;a corr-::.ction 0_1 s~ti.:l--;.I 5 ap?raisal.

I had to

rm. m\RRISOir: $215,000 i:1st'2.ad of $125,000

1m. GOLDSTT:IH: That' i::ook car", of i;hat.

Ii::~nD-2, p3g~ 19.

H..'<. IlARRISO:!: This is th" 0:1= \o,h:r" r,,10c31:io:1,

':-:.ci l::d .ch~A~otrl1~Y G-~:i-::.ral'S Ol)i:l':'C11 as to th; r~aSO:1 v,rhy

:t should b: naid.

i'lR. GOLDSTEr-r: Thai:: is th" an'" that has b"..-'.r:

:1. flux for quii::~ a whil=, Blai.r.

-:-;~.,:}:.:n , '~h:.":/



co:rcrov;.rs:''l.1 :"SSU6 ,,'i':;~ r"f';r;.;)c; '\;0 movi:1g cos'\;s and

r"p1ac"m~n':. of h::>usi:-:g, r?.1ocai::"o:1.

IlR. Er,PJUSO;'!: Thai::.s r:.gh'c..

Th" n~xt :.'c-,;.mvIas D-4, on pag6 121.

I:R. W\RRISO;!: D-4, you had that aprrov~d.

r~loca~ion.That is okay.r:~R. HJ\RP.ISO!~: Th~r-:;. '..J(~S ::0 r.~loca-i::.io:1 cos.:~

GOVEP~;OR T}\!':LS: HoVl <':!)out D-(', 122?

1m. PHIPPS: You ar" holding hac!: $lG40.

IlR. HARRISON: T!.a'c is 11-5.

:m. GOLDS:TIil: 0:1 1)-G or 1)-7?

GOVI:R:iOR T~"\H:CS: D-G--

nn. ILl\RRISO:l: 'l'hat is color ..:.d !':1a~.

Ii v:"::(I c:~ 'l. :>M ororl-;.rty t!1-;.y bought:. This r1,":1 did

~ot ~lavsa~" disnlac~nsnt of hQus~~g, is til: way I f~:l





I1m. P!!IPPS:

nn. ]E\RRI so:: : Y,<;;. s .

1m. PHIPPS: A -cot",,1 of $12, f)O()-som~-odcl?

nn. Ei'\.~!"{ISO:l: ::0. Tho:~ is all.

1m. Pl!IPPS: \.:3. S

~ll 0:: Si1:' ':'.:h IS nron ,....r.:.:y, ~o nor::.?

!tR. HARRI Sl)l; : ,..~."- , fi.:1:.sh-~d.

!!R. PHIPPS: :1::n-1, -:;h~';..;.n~a:....s ~....~':.h~Vd -;;h,".=.

r:n. El\P.!US():l: That175

ar'" L:.ving ~h~r'l "ayi.ng rs::t.

1m. PllIPPS: O!:av.

nn. EZ\HRISO~::


Th.1.S T:l3.~~ha.s mov:id 2.::d ~s still liv:.!:g OZ1

:m.. PHIPPS:

i!~. GJLJSTI:r:'I:


;~R. GOLDS'.r~I~:: SOr.1:::.body :.:1 aut.hor.:.-cy. If",'."

PHIPPS: Or s::Jn~":h::'::q

!U~. GOLD~Tr;IN :

This p=rson h3S b~~n

'. , ...-'

017G rfR. PHIPPS: l!'~ nov~.d \/i":h \;h~ Smith


Ii: ~:nD- (, is d ,;f'•.rro.=.d.

:~R. EJ\RRI so:r: p :o=.:-:d:~~..•q

1m. m\RRISO,l: D-7.

13y r-~c111c.:'..~g .=...;; $10,000.


r~p.. ,F2\RRISO::: Y.,..s.

ilR. GOLDSTEI,l: U'" \/~r'~ goir.g to qiv" hin

10,noo ~~ ma~~tai~ tha read?

1m. PEIPI'S: :;~. r.:: :.5 :"1:;' rOod,

".~' .. c.' ," ':,' ~.'



(Th:.s is

2.r~ r,:duc:.:'.g th2 nurclBS ~ nri.c,: by $10. COO.

j IP.. J!i\P.P.ISO!l: niqh~. r~duci:'.q i~ to 37,OOO-plus.

llR. LI;\ns: Ar.:, you qO:.:1g to br:':1q oue a

UR. J:l\I~RIso:r : 0:: ~".'.

P~. P::IPPS: :::> .

~cod "-::-l:cugh.

jm.. P!!IPPS:

z.U'~. GOLDSTLI:I: r~-31 \;~ to01: car::: of -;;r..a:~ -ch:.s

If yeu dO:1'':'; li~:2-':':h~.P?1.y ~,!--:. ha::c11-.; ;;~a.;;, pu-;;'

L'l'. r.OVr:p~,:onLI:T:: ~'l~ich o::,,-?



H~S q:Jod.

TIR. ~()r.,DSTEll~: 'llh';, nixt it~F.t, L-22, naC],:: 135.

?hn~ is th~ Towso~ sta~s Collsg~, nla~r.. Thai: is ;:ha-=

LT. (;()'IlI:R::ORLr:r::: D':.z.r old Aubur11 back again.

PR. GOLDSTBI:J: y ;~~•

a n~rc~n~aq~of th~ la~d valu~.

~.'pJ '.• , • Lnns:

r-r::1I S : of .. .~.•.....- ...•~.._-~•..•.•.......

L'l'. r;ovr:Ri:OR LI:~: Good.



(179 t1ow-3.days on campus',-;s you hav~ i:ha'c

HR. r;OLDS7r:Iii:

1ln. L~WIS: L-24, nag'~

r~n. GOLDSTr:lIi: -- 137.

l1R. ~f)LDS?r:I;;: Y'~.s. I thi~~:i~ is all righ~.

'. ,,'. .J_'.~ __ .. '-. ~

_..L80 L'l~• GaVEP~;ORLr:L: Ni thOUl; obj'~ctio~,


_. "

s.d jour:: ,,(1. )


State P:;"[i.cSchoolCons trl!;:ion

Option lJ~ Purchaseof Mine, 1 Reservations

Restoral.ion of the~:al' y St:n"" t t

Purchas(~ ,f Deedof Ease:.; ItRo/;ers ,s, Jr.

Marylan,1 .';I:a te Board[nl" Com:;,',ity Colleges(:,:onlg-o" ""y Community COllege)


Secrctal.Y'S AI~endaI tern 13Page 15

General ServicesPage 117AItem P..27

General ServicesPage 7I tern 11

General ServicesPage 121Item D.8

General ServicesPar;e 19Item M-7

Budget AgendaItem GI 27A


Mr. Alford R. Carey •.Jr.Mr. Robert FisherMrs. Janice Frederick

Warren Rich

Arthur C. Townsend

Arthur C. Townsend

William Strasser

John J. Kent,Jr.











Demollti,), of St. Mary'sSeminary Grounds

Hight-of Way --Dclmarv~ Power andLight Cu;'puny

Tentati~ Allotment toEstabH:,.: G Unclassifiedf'ositiol', Division ofS t;,tc D" "lments

Ba1timo,', City, ~Ioores Run-Herrin;; ;t.1n


~~ainteni~I,~~CReinspccttonSurvey _..Sin te Pub lie SchoolConstrue,Lon Progam


Opell Space AgendaSupplement AItem 28-A

Open Space AgendaPage 29AItem 29'\

Bud~et AgendaItp.m GEF-5A

Secretary's AhendaPage 9Item 8

Secretary's AgendaPage 15Item 13


Dour;las TawneyFather ,Tohn Sullival1Arthur C. Townsend

J. E. Hobbs

Robert Colbert

Isadore Gertman











White Pl.t ins Regional Open Space A~etlda 120Par,k Paf~e 8A

Item 8A"

, ,

TaI:'oma u: ,)an Park Open Space Agenda Mr. Wi lliarn Gries 1201\(;q uis i~Jon Page 17;\

Item 17A.

Annapoli~ MerchandiseJ,~.)rt

Request tn Abolish Positionof ~:q'J;1] DpportunitySup~rvjsr" -- Departmentof Hen 1lli and Mental Hygiene

State 1.:,,, Department--Emcrgc;]cj' Position

~1;lrY la nci Public I3roadcasti ngCommissioil

BudgHt AgendaPage 2r temGEF-2

311dget AgendaPage 14Item GI-14

BlIdr;et AgendaPage 17GI 17

Budget AgendaPage 21GI-21





J • 184


Six New .0s1tlo08--Dept. (> I ?ubllc Safety andCorrcc ti .::Ia 1 Services

Dept. of State Plannlog--19;6 FL:ll Year OperatingBtH bO t

1;;<1 ti::l(JI"(' Ci ty Fish Market

Emerl;C:"."/~ledlcal ServicesPr'lgrr,,,,. . Dept. of Health &Mont"l ~:.,:iene

nl~ilt'0" Jay AcquisitionFo;' :.:T:"

Cons ~ijle:' :~.O:lrd 11cmbcrs


uadr:et AgendaPage 2.1Item G!-24

Bud;;-etArrendaPage 27Item GI-27

Pnge "ITItem !iTDepart:nent ofTransportation Budget

Item STDept. of TransportationBudgetPage lOT

Dept. Of Transportion BudgetPage GTItem '1T

Budget Dept. AgendaGEF.- 5D








.tt • .- 185

=====' ..~.~============================================SUBJECT AGEND/,. P,\GE WITNESS TRI~NSCnI PT PAGE-----ITE:.i ~mllJEn

Guid.~li:h.,. for Constructionuf Commut.;I.y Colleges

Genera 1 Service,"Page 86Item 1.1-2

Agenda 159


r'l,;tJl.1ati":l of Partitions--Cl'ntral L~,oratory and Office

l'Jge 2I tern 3Gencral Services Agenda

Ganeral Services AgendaPa{;c 6Item 9

Generol Services Age~d3Pac-c B9Item P-1



