大学英语六级词汇 - 更多>>文档分类

挑战大学英语考试辅导丛书 A Guide To CEB - 6 Vocabulary 大学英语六级词汇 朱晓慧 编著 胡壮麟 审订 北京大学出版社

Transcript of 大学英语六级词汇 - 更多>>文档分类


A Guide To CEB-6 Vocabulary


朱晓慧 编著

胡壮麟 审订

北 京 大 学 出 版 社北 京

图书在版编目 (CIP)数据

大学英语六级词汇/ 朱晓慧编著. - 北京 : 北京大学出版社 , 1999 .10

(挑战大学英语考试辅导丛书 )

ISBN 7-301-04340-6

Ⅰ. 大⋯ Ⅱ. 朱⋯ Ⅲ. 英语-词汇-高等学校-水平考试-教学参考资料 Ⅳ. H313

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (1999) 第 61533 号

书 名 : 大学英语六级词汇

著作责任者 : 朱晓慧

责 任 编 辑 : 吕幼筠

标 准 书 号 : ISBN 7-301-04340-6/ H·500

出 版 者 : 北京大学出版社

地 址 : 北京市海淀区中关村北京大学校内 100871

网 址 : h ttp :/ / cbs .pku .edu .cn/ cbs .ht m

电 话 : 出版部 62752015 发行部 62754140 编辑部 62752032

电 子 信 箱 : zpup@pup .pku .edu .cn

排 版 者 : 兴盛达激光照排中心

印 刷 者 :

发 行 者 : 北京大学出版社

经 销 者 : 新华书店

787 毫米×1092 毫米 16 开本 12 .375 印张 310 千字

1999 年 12 月第一版 1999 年 12 月第一次印刷

定 价 : 19 .00 元

原 序

这是一本不很显眼的小书 ,但它将为高等学校的本科生和研究生以及自学大学英语的学


这首先是因为本书的目的性很明确 :帮助大学英语学习者在达到大学英语四级这一基本

要求后 ,在词汇学习上继续向大纲的“较高要求”迈进。在这个意义上 , 本书是为怀有“工具性


本书具有一定的科学性。作者从大学英语学习者所熟悉的预备级和中级词汇入手 , 以科


汇 ,以致于多达万字的“超纲”词汇 , 实际上有不少是四级词汇的词类转化、同类词汇的配套和

同 (反 ) 义词的扩大 。此说颇有见地。

本书的实用性则表现在作者从学习方法上进行指导 , 勉励同学自觉培养判断新材料的敏

感性 ,亲自动手积累整理卡片 , 理清各种词汇的搭配规律和惯用法。与此同时 , 作者在文中列

入了一定数量的练习题 ,便于学习者领会其要点 ; 所编排的十套测试题可由学习者自我操练、

自我评估 ,有薄弱环节则可对症下药 , 进一步复习。

还有 ,作者在全书中没有侈谈理论 , 只是向读者坦率地交流自己的经验和体会 ,如道家常 ,

真知灼见 ,均在情理之中。常听人说 , 干大学英语这一行 , 没戏 , 只能做教书匠 , 弄不出科研成

果。情况果真如此吗 ? 作者的努力和本书的出版便是最好的回答。


1989 年 4 月于北京大学畅春园


第 三 版 序

朱晓慧君的《大学英语六级词汇》出版后深受读者欢迎 ,在校园中风行一时。在新版中 , 他

又精益求精 ,运用了英语语言教学的新理论 , 吸收了近年来国内外英语教学的新思维 , 强调在


法 ,值得肯定和推荐。

我想特别指出的是 ,晓慧君在本书中提出的“铺天盖地法”、“旋转立体式”和“六级词汇在

四级基础上扩展的三大趋势”等观点 , 以及通过上下文来覆盖六级词条 100%的精巧设计 , 都

是他多年研究英语分级词汇的心得与成果 ,并在教学实践中经过长期的推广和检验 , 对本书读



1999 年 9 月 10 日教师节



前 言

十年前 ,我编著的《大学英语六级词汇指南》一书出版后 , 一位在外省读大学的大三同学在

受惠于拙作后来信说 ,在这年 ( 1990 年 )6 月的六级考试前一周 , 她到省会一家书店的书架上寻

找六级参考书 , 最后才碰到了这部“指南”。她当时对自己说 :“ If I pass the exam , I would

write to the write r of th is book . I would t ell er hat he aid about this book is t rue .”

“Now I was told I had passed the exam . T he first thing I want to do is to write to you . In

fact , one of the questions was exactly the same as one of your exercises . . .”( 读者来信 , 1990 ,

注 :“ she”应改为“he”)。十年过去了 ,我一直珍藏着这封信的原件 , 这既是读者对我的最大褒

奖 ,也是本书先后在三家出版社出版的最好预言。

学习英语的人 ,都知道词汇的重要 , 只是觉得学习的方法各有千秋。本书认为 , 依照教学

大纲组织的大学阶段的词汇学习 , 一是宜用“铺天盖地法”, 因为教学大纲所列词汇均为常用

词 ,从“领会式掌握”的角度而言 , 不能偏废 ,而要个个落到实处 , 换句话说 , 覆盖面宜为 100% ;

二是宜用“旋转立体式”,即学习词汇 , 至少要在词组或句子以上的语言单位里 ,反复操练 , 多次

重现 (旋转 ) ,同时尽量多地在“语篇”———文章整体的语境中 , 使其在理解和运用上 (复用式掌

握 )达到饱满、准确、细腻、融会贯通 (立体 ) 的程度。

基于如上认识 ,编者巧妙地将六级词汇的难重点分类及 100% 的六级词条和相关义项编

排在一书之中 ,使例句、题句 (试题正文的句子 , 下同 )货真价实地反映某个六级词汇的义项 , 达

到了 100% 的六级词条覆盖面。实际上 , 本书在第二版的基础上 , 更换了约 2/ 3 的例句和题

句 ,以便顺应当前六级词汇测试的趋势。本书选材广泛 ( 见书目 ,如有遗漏 , 亦在此对各编者一

并致歉 ) , 尤其是经国家教育部同意曝光的历年实考六级词汇题 ,凡是未重复的 , 均被选入。

本书首先讨论了六级词汇与四级词汇及义项扩展后的中学词汇的纵横交错的关系 , 然后

提供“预测题”一套 ,让大家估算出阅读本书之初的六级词汇状况。随后 , 对六级同形异义动


词、形容词词组、感叹词、连词、介词、副词、近形/ 音词 50 组、难/ 偏义词 250 个、六级词汇在四

级词汇之上扩展的三大趋势 (纲内词汇的词类转换、类别词汇的扩大、同/ 近义词的增加 )等 , 进

行讲解并编题训练 ;然后 , 以“奔腾在‘英语原文之躯’的‘英语分级词汇之血’”一章 ,列出 15 篇

短文 (如《葛底斯堡演说词》、《论读书》、《伊妹儿———新世纪的交际》、《词汇的浪漫》等 ) 和其中

的六级词汇 ;接着 , 练习最新考试大纲调整范围词汇 , 大学英语六级词汇自测题 1~10 套 ( 共

1000 题 ) ;最后 , 附录自测题参考答案和大学英语六级词汇表、超大学英语六级词汇的研究生

词汇、超大学英语六级词汇的英语专业四级词汇及主要参考书目 , 不仅列出全部六级词汇和汉

语释义 ,还注明这些词汇所属例句或题句的标号 , 供读者随词查句 ,从而使本书的教参、测试和

工具的功能融于一体 ,为国内同类选题所独创。

本书绝不让读者单词单记 ,入选词均有例句或题句 , 具备了最小的、但是仍然完整的“lin-

guistic contex t (语言上下文 )”。因“学词汇时候 , 你得在句子里头学词的用法⋯⋯”( 赵元任 ,

1980 )“最好的办法莫过于通过词组或句子来记。”(许国璋 , 1980 )“这样做就避免了孤立地、机

械地死记硬背 ,而且通过具体的内容和词的自然的搭配来记单词 , 结果印象一定更深 , 对词义


的理解也一定更为透彻。”(李赋宁 , 1980 )“由此可见 ,强调通过上下文来辨别词义 , 归根结蒂 ,

是理清过程和参与者的语义关系。过程弄清楚了 ,也能正确理解动词的语义和用法 , 以及与动

词搭配的名词和其他词语。同样 ,由名词体现的参与者弄清楚了 , 就能正确理解动词的意义和

它所体现的过程。”(胡壮麟 , 1993 )

值本书第三版出版之际 ,编者对北京大学英语系前系主任、英语语言学博士导师胡壮麟教

授深表感激之情。先生以扶持后学的精神 ,在百忙中审阅原书 , 提出宝贵意见并为之做序。同

时也对中加人才开发项目主任米茜雅等中加朋友们深深致谢 ! 在他们的关怀与支持下 , 编者

有机会赴加拿大温哥华的不列颠·哥伦比亚大学语言教育系与英语学院访学一年余 , 并有幸


问。对在本书第一版、第二版出版过程中 , 给予了各种支持与协助的长辈、朋友 , 衷心致谢 !

对谷晓宁同志在第一版至第三版中的鼎力相助 ,我表示特别的谢意 !

本书的错误与不足在所难免 ,恳请读者朋友批评指正。


1999 年 8 月 8 日夜



目 录

原序 ( 1)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第三版序 ( 2)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

前言 ( 3)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 . 大学英语六级词汇讨论与练习 ( 1)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .1 . 温故知新”———四级词汇鸟瞰 ( 2)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .1 .1 .“excu se”———中学词汇 ? 六级词汇 ? ( 3)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .1 .2 . 没有一个六级词汇的六级标准作文 (10)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .1 .3 . 四级词汇是“桥梁” (12)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .1 .4 . 四级词汇是“中坚” (18)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .1 .5 . 四级词汇是“魔方” (21)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .2 . 预测———六级词汇知多少 (24)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 . 六级词汇的几种分类与练习 (30)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .1 . 同形异义动词、名词、形容词 (32)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .2 . 双词动词 (33)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .3 . 常用固定搭配的动词 (34)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .4 . 其他成语动词 (35)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .5 . 常用做复数的名词 (36)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .6 . 专有名词 (37)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .7 . 形容词词组 (37)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .8 . 其他一些词与词组 (38)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .8 .1 . 感叹词 (38)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .8 .2 . 连词 (38)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .8 .3 . 介词 (38)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .8 .4 . 副词 (39)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .8 .5 . 其他词组 (39)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .9 . 近形/ 音词 50 组 (40)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .3 .10 . 难/ 偏义词 250 个 (43)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .4 . 六级词汇在四级词汇之上扩展的三大趋势 (53)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .4 .1 . 纲内词汇的词类转换 (54)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .4 .2 . 类别词汇的扩大 (57)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .4 .3 . 同/ 近义词的增加 (62)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 . 奔腾在“英语原文之躯”的“英语分级词汇之血” (68)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .1 . 啊 ,船长 ! 我的船长 ! (69)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .2 . 安娜贝尔·李 (70)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .3 . 论批评 (71)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .4 . 葛底斯堡演说词 (72)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .5 . 论读书 (73)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


1 .5 .6 . 自然界的平衡 (74)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .7 . 本杰明·富兰克林 (75)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .8 . 一双短袜 (76)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .9 . 工作 (77)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .10 . 人类必胜 (78)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .11 . 文学的感染力 (79)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .12 . 你准备好迎接挑战吗 ? (80)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .13 . 乡村一日 (81)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .14 . 伊妹儿———新世纪的交际 (83)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .5 .15 . 词汇的浪漫性 (85)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

1 .6 . 最新考试大纲调整范围词汇练习 (87)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

2 . 大学英语六级词汇自测题 1~10 套 (共 1000 题 ) (98)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第一套自测题 ( CEB6—1) (98)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二套自测题 ( CEB6—2) ( 103)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第三套自测题 ( CEB6—3) ( 108)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第四套自测题 ( CEB6—4) ( 114)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第五套自测题 ( CEB6—5) ( 119)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第六套自测题 ( CEB6—6) ( 124)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第七套自测题 ( CEB6—7) ( 129)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第八套自测题 ( CEB6—8) ( 135)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第九套自测题 ( CEB6—9) ( 140)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第十套自测题 ( CEB6—10 ) ( 145)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

自测题参考答案 ( 151)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

3 . 附录 ( 155)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

3 .1 . 大学英语六级通用词汇表 (附所在例句及练习题句编号 ) ( 155)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

3 .2 . 超大学英语六级词汇的研究生词汇 ( 188)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

3 .3 . 超大学英语六级词汇的英语专业四级词汇 ( 188)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

3 .4 . 主要参考书目 ( 189)⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


1 . 大学英语六级词汇讨论与练习如唐僧去西天取经要过“火焰山”,我们学英语要想深及英美语言文化的精髓———原汁原

味的古今美文 ,我们就不得不在基本掌握了四级词汇之后 , 再突破一个关口 : 六级词汇。它为


上 ,才能真正地与英美受过教育的人士顺畅地进行口头笔头交流。

几十年前 , William Morris 就曾坦言 ,那些有兴趣改善自己词汇的人 , 其实就是独善其身。

无论东方、西方 , 那些善于准确而充分地表达自己的人 , 总是多些沟通的机会。让我们读读他

的话吧 :“ The basic reason for this in terest in words is the big American urge for self-im-

provement . We all admire the per son who has a ready command of words . We instinctively

feel that to k now more words ourselves would increase our self-confidence and prestige . We

also hear that people who rise to the top usually are those who express their ideas easily and

accurately , and we see a correlation between the size of vocabulary and the size of pay

check .”

没有足够的词汇量 ,实际上就是没有足够的思想空间 , 因为思想总是与语言相伴相随 , 而

词汇却是语言的最终量化物之一。若干年前 ,美国的人事研究所 , 在教育界 (大学生、教授等 )、

事务人员、产业组织的职员 (工头、组长、工人等 ) 当中 , 进行了一次普遍的词汇量测验。结果

是 :词汇量的大小与事业的成就有密切的联系 ; 并不是先有了大的成就然后再有大的词汇量 ,

而是先有了大的词汇量 ,然后才有大的成就。该测验还证明 , 词汇量大的人并不一定受过多少

系统的教育 ;但学校时代的两年 , 在词汇量上的进展约等于成年后在社会上二十八年的进展。

(范存忠 , 1985 )

我们常常听到人们引用 D .A .Wilkins 的话 :“没有语法只能表达很少的思想 , 而没有词汇

就什么也不能表达。”( National Syllabu ses , 1976 , Oxford University Press ) 说归说 , 要想做

到很艰难 ,不是吗 ? 现在选用范存忠所译的美国哲学家帕默 ( G .H .Palmer) 讲过的一段精妙

绝伦的话 ,虽然他是针对一般美国人说的 , 但他的话对于我们一般学习英语的人 , 也是一番良

好的教训 ,就以此作为本书的一段开头 , 也作为自勉吧 :

“我们普通的词汇量 , 简直是狭小得不像样子。所以 ,一个人如果要训练自己的英语 , 他须

不断地努力 ,并且用系统的方法来扩大词汇量。我们的词典上收着三十万以上的词 , 而一般人

口头上只用三四千个词。是不是他们要讲的只有三四千东西呢 ? 绝对不是。词汇量的狭小 ,

完全因为懒惰。你不信 ,不妨听听一般小学生的谈话。他们只有十来个以至二十来个名词 , 五

六个动词 , 三四个形容词 , 再加上几个连词与前置词 , 就胡乱拼搭起来了。从前 , 霍布士

( Hobbes)描写初民时代的情形 , 说它‘孤陋、贫乏、俗恶、野蛮、短促’( solitary , poor , nasty ,

brutis h and shor t )。这几个词可以借来形容一般人的谈吐。

“事实是这样 : 我们总以为 ,大量的词汇是人家的 , 不是我们自己的。我们很像那傻子 , 承

受一大批遗产 , 而还是睡着硬邦邦的板床 , 吃着穷人的饭菜 , 穿着叫花子的衣服 , ⋯⋯不会用

钱。用词与用钱一样是值得学习的。弥尔顿用八千个词 ,莎士比亚用一万五千个词。我们呢 ,

所要讲的东西包括他们所讲的一切 ,又加上了不少新的东西 , 如自行车、各种学科、罢工、工人



“那么 , 干嘛还在踌躇而不去增加词汇量 ,以适应我们的需要 ? 这是一个毫无意义的问题。

干嘛不做 ? 答案是 :‘毫无理由。’只是我们太懒了。⋯⋯我们老把自己限在一个狭小的词汇量

里 ,勉勉强强地过日子。结果呢 , 谈话毫无精彩。⋯⋯我们用词的时候 ,好比一个蹩脚的厨子 ,

他做菜时 ,不论是要炒的、煮的、煎的、煨的、炖的 , 总是用一只熬锅 , 结果是 : 人家的菜 , 样样都

能上口入味 ,而他的菜总是那种味道。这个 , 大可不必。我们要推广词汇量。一个人如果要求

进步 ,须打定主意 , 每星期学两个新词。过了不久 ,宇宙间变幻无穷而引人注意的种种形象 , 自

然会在他谈吐里 ,在他的心灵上 , 发出一种反映。”

1 .1 .“温故知新”———四级词汇鸟瞰

广义的六级词汇包括了四级词汇和中学词汇。六级试卷的词汇测试题中 , 约一半是考查

对四级 (包括中学 ) 词汇的掌握程度 ,更不用说在其他题型中 , 四级词汇将有弥漫性的、无孔不

入的表现。为此 ,只有“温故”才能“知新”。

在进入主题之前 ,让我们先看看这些“浅”词的特征 , 听听相关的故事。

1 ) 大多数虚词 ( Grammatical Word/ Function Word) , 如 : in , on , over , a , an , the , and ,

but . . .已出现在该级词表中。这些词虽然一看就知 ,但它们变化万端的语法意义、层出不穷的

构造功能 ,仍会使步入中高级英语学习阶段的人们产生困惑。

2) 最基本的、具有很强语义内容 ( Semantic Conten t ) 的实义词 ( Lexical Word )也出现在

这一层次的词汇中。它与后几种层次的同类实义词的明显区别是 :使用频率最高、构词能力最

强、引申义项最多。如动词 go 在《新英汉词典》中 , 编者用了两页半的篇幅对其义项进行解释

举例 ,总义项达 37 项之多 (不及物动词 21 个义项 ,及物动词 4 个义项 , 名词 10 个义项 , 形容词

2 个义项 )。这种现象所产生的势头 , 越向后一层次深入就越弱。有感于实义词的这种特点 ,

英语语言学家们把它们称为“开放类”( Open Class )词汇 ( 胡壮麟 , 1988) ,是非常形象的。

看清了这一层次词汇的特点 ,接下来听听这些词汇在实际生活中妙用的故事 , 会给我们一


有人开玩笑 ,扬言只要学会三个英语单词就能走遍世界。说是你如果与人相遇 , 先亲切地

道声 :“ H ello !”对方回答些什么 ,你如听不懂就向他 :“Pardon ?”待对方再说给你听 , 你仍是丈

二和尚摸不清头脑 ,就马上敬他一字 :“Excu se .”然后继续前行。幽默终归幽默 ,但这三个词确

实为不少飘洋过海的人解过围 ,而且他们还真的就躺在中学词表中等着你去“ chew over”。

还有文章介绍 ,英国一些边远村落的山民 , 由于没有受过多少教育 , 实际生活中反反复复

能够使用的词汇仅几百个。但他们正是依赖这些十分有限的词汇 , 造出了令我们难以想像的

无限多的句子 ,表达了他们内心世界几乎全部的喜怒哀乐和柴米油盐酱醋茶式的整个求生之

道。该文章没有具体排列这些词汇 , 但我们可以断言 , 这些词一定大都属于我们的最“浅”的


本世纪中叶 ,一位英国著名学者奥格登以英语为基础 , 创造了一种人造语言 , 叫做基本英

语 : 大纲仅一页 , 全部内容仅在一张纸上 ; 规则只有少数几条 , 单词总共才 850 个 , 其中有 16

个动词 , 它们是 : come, get , give , go , keep , let , make, put , seem , take , be, do , have,

say , see , send。 ( L .G . 亚历山大 , 1983) 对这种学习方法及其他类似的方法所产生的效果 ,

我们姑且不论 ,但这些词汇的生命力 , 确实为编者的慧眼所相中。

美国著名成人教育家戴尔·卡耐基认为 :“根据最普遍的估计 ,一般人只要认识两千个词 ,

就足以运用自如了。一般只懂得一些动词 ,以及把它们串连起来的一些连接词 , 再加上一些名


词和一些常用的形容词。”(刘源编译 , 1987 )

编者引述上例 ,用意并不是讲故事。这些例子所蕴藏的道理 , 才是需要体味的。中学词

汇 ,在大学高年级同学的眼中 , 往往被认为是已经掌握了的词汇。其实 ,这种“掌握”是有限的 ,

值得我们对这类词汇重新分析排队 ,至少应在如下两个主要方面 ( 见 1 .1 .1 .和 1 .1 .2 .) 做些查

漏补缺的工作 ,然后采取相应的措施进一步消化、巩固。

1 .1 .1 .“excuse”——— 中学词汇 ? 六级词汇 ?

请看下题 :

George was n't in class today , P rofessor Brown excused him .

A . from attending B . of at tending C . to at tend D . at tending

上题正是 1989 年 1 月 8 日首次全国大学英语六级统考卷中的考题之一。答案应选 A。

与 excuse ( from) 同类的结构 , 我们还可以观察下面两个例句 :

Your ill-health will excu se you from night duties .

I cannot excu se you from attending my class .

此例给我们的提示是显而易见的 :“形”与“声”早已熟知 ,“义”尚待深究。六级词汇与中学

词汇在形、声、义上相互渗透的现象 ,这是其中的一大典型。这种现象 , 在四级词汇中依然十分

突出。对此 ,考生必须做有心人 ; 否则 ,到了时候 , 阅卷机是绝不会因为你太熟悉“excuse”这个

词而“excu se”你的。

一词多义是任何一种成熟语言都具备的特点之一。中学词汇、四级词汇中 , 许多词具备两

个或两个以上的义项 ,我们称这类词为多义词。常用词汇的有限和社会生活变化的无限 , 使词

义反映千姿百态的现实成为必需。看来 ,在“旧瓶装新酒”的兴趣上 , 无论中外 ,热情不减当年。

因为一种新的意思 ,如用一个新词来表达 , 还会有不同的发音 ,更麻烦的是 , 要等到这个新词新

音新意为大多数人所接受 ,才可能被收入词典而“名正言顺”。如用一“旧”词 , 大家对词形、发

音都较熟悉 ,只要把新的意思加上去 , 或在搭配上稍加变化 ,就能比前者较快地流行。

记得有件与著名英国戏剧家莎士比亚有关的趣闻 : 莎翁有个仆人 , 说话常带“ but”。有一

次仆人与莎翁说话中 ,不自觉又溜出了一串的“but”, 这使莎翁很恼火 , 闷了很久的火气终于

爆发出来。他对仆人吼了一声 :“But me no buts !”( 别给我没完没了的“ but”了 !) 就是这句当

初被人们认为不合常规的话 ,不仅流传至今 , 而且堂而皇之地登上了词典的大雅之堂。我国读

者常用的《英华大词典》(郑易里等 , 1985 )关于 but 的条目中 , 除有 conj .(连词 )、prep .(介词 )、

adv .(副词 )等释义及例句外 , 还有就是上面莎翁说过的这句话。其编者认为 ,“前一个 but 是

及物动词 ,后一个 but 是名词 , 还可以译为 :“请你不要‘但是’、‘但是’的吧 !”或意译为 :“请你

别反对 (拒绝、推诿 )吧 !”当然 , 类似的例子 ,在整个动词的“大观园”中 , 尤其是在《大纲》中 , 可

谓少得可怜 (又如 : forward vt .[转交 , 转运 ] ) 。然而数量少并不意味着分量轻 , 正如感叹号不

可缺少 ,只要用得妙 , 奇文还可绵上添花。这类词如滥用便成陈词滥调 , 像梁实秋先生当年评

述美国纽约华人餐馆的味精那样 ,使当时当地的美国人患了“中国餐馆症”。 ( 梁实秋《西雅图

杂记》二 ) 味精用多了倒胃口 ,这类词用多了也一样。

Wilfred Fu nd Norman Lewis 在“T he Romance of Words”一文中 , 对词汇变化无穷的魅

力 ,这样描写道 :“Words , as you know , are not dead things . T hey are fairly wriggling with

life . They are the exciting and mysterious tokens of our thoughts , and like human being ,

they are bor n , come to maturity , grow old and die , and sometimes they are even re-born in a


new age . We would like you actually to fall in love with word s .”

为使大家充分感知这种现象 ,亲身感受中学词汇和四级词汇 (广义上也包括中学词汇 , 见

1 .1 .3 .)的“肤浅”之处 , 嚼出这“回头草”的甘甜 , 下面开始做题。需要说明的是 , 前 20 道题的

选词 ,曾在考六级、考研、考英语专业四级、考 E P T、考专业技术人员英语 A/ B 级的考生中编

题测试 ,平均正确率为 50%左右。由此我们希望对读者在英语基础词汇一词多义 ( 大纲规定

掌握的范围 )的敏感性上提个醒。 ( A word in a new context is a new word . 陈孝模 , 1982)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) eed second forward develop rapid manner back workshop swim choice

1 . f we would b ut his effor ts and throw ourselves , hear t and soul, into our studies ,

we should eventually get good results .

2 . Fur ther down the river there is another stretch of .

3 . People who have good are polite and considerate to others .

4 . All that desperate dancing has made my head .

5 . I had put a vase of my roses on the table .

6 . took par t in the conference because there was a two-day on management tech-

niques .

7 . I went to the State Library and looked into the legal of the 1970 s .

8 . n his early days Hitler was by powerful financial in terests in Germany .

9 . We are you a list of the store's latest men's clo th ing .

10 . W hen he the photographic film we could see black pictures on it .

B) blue act wire mass film let advance run trip suit

11 . inally , the soap forms a perfectly spherical bubble and leaves the ring .

12 . he freshman is feeling rather homesick and .

13 . e intends to bring a( n) again st them for misrepresen ting the merchandise they

sold him .

14 . he had already the top floor to two young men of our acquain tance for six

months .

15 . e put each foot down carefu lly to avoid up .

16 . he of a piece of lead is not changed by melting .

17 . e received a( n ) saying they arrived safely .

18 . dare say I could a shop all righ t if I was n't in te rfered with .

19 . t is the business of bank s to make to business firms .

20 . hey were tried under the Lend-Lease .

II . Multiple-choice

21 . e all the achievements he has made in his experiments .

A . admire B . adopt C . advise D . adjust

22 . hough the long t erm cannot be predicted , the project has been approved by the

committee .


A . affect B . effort C . effect D . afford

23 . risons in some countries are shor t of staff , means each prison officer is over-

worked and underpaid .

A . which B . this C . what D . it

24 . you return those book s to the library immediately you will have to pay a fine .

A . Until B . If C . Unless D . P rovided

25 . he ground was black ants , great energetic an ts that were busy running back and

forth .

A . for B . in C . by D . with

26 . he bridge was named the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people .

A . af ter B . with C . by D . from

27 . t wasn't s uch a good dinner she had promised us .

A . that B . which C . as D . what

28 . hey decided to chase the cow away it did more damage .

A . unless B . until C . before D . although

29 . student with a lit tle common sense should be able to answer the question .

A . Each B . Any C . Either D . One

30 . f these shoes are too big , as k the cler k to bring you a smaller .

A . s uit B . set C . one D . pair

31 . e had a party last month , and it was a lo t of fun , so let's have one this month .

A . another B . more C . the other D . other

32 . hildren are very curious .

A . at hear t B . in person C . on purpose D . by nature

33 . always what I have said .

A . get to B . hold to C . lead to D . see to

34 . vidence came up specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6

months old .

A . what B . which C . that D . whose

35 . e moved away from his paren ts , and missed them enjoy the exciting life in New

York .

A . too much to B . enough to C . very much to D . much so as to

36 . e was of having asked such a silly question .

A . sorry B . guilty C . ashamed D . miserable

37 . ive minutes earlie r , we could have caught the last train .

A . and B . but C . or D . so

38 . cannot give you for the type of car you sell becau se there is no demand for it in

the market .

A . an expense B . a charge C . a purchase D . an order

39 . he is a musician than her brother .

A . much of B . much as C .more of D . more as


40 . aving been found guilty , the man was given a severe by the judge .

A . service B . sen tence C . crime D . crisis

41 . ou can't afford to let the situation get wor se . You must take to put it right .

A . decisions B . directions C . sides D . steps

42 . quite recently , most mothers in Brit ain did not take paid work outside the home .

A . Before B . Until C . F rom D . Since

43 . he survival of civilization as we know it is threat .

A . within B . under C . towards D . upon

44 . n some countries , is called“ equality”does not really mean equal righ ts for all

people .

A . which B . what C . that D . one

45 . hen there are small children around , it is necessary to put bot tles of pills ou t of


A . reach B . hand C . hold D . place

46 . he of blood always makes him feel sick .

A . sigh t B . view C . look D . form

47 . n Britain , the best season of the year is probably spring .

A . later B . last C . latter D . late

48 . ree medical t reatment in this count ry covers sickness of mind as well as sick nes-

ses .

A . normal B . regular C . average D . ordinary

49 . lthough he had looked th rough all the reference material on the s ubject , he still found

it hard to understand this point and her explanation only to his confusion .

A . ex tended B . amou nted C . added D . turned

50 . a re should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is loud continuous

noise .

A . s ubjected to B . filled with C . associated with D . at tached to

51 . s your in st ructor advised , you ought to spend your time on something researc-

hing in to .

A . precious B . wor th C . wor thy D . valuable

52 . t is believed that today's pop music can serve as a creative force stimulating the

thinking of its lis teners .

A . by B . with C . at D . on

53 . hen the engine would not sta rt , the mechanic in spected all the par ts to find what was

a t .

A . wrong B . t rouble C . fault D . difficu lty

54 . he wondered if s he could have the opportunity to spend here so that she could

learn more about the city .

A . sometimes B . some time C . sometime D . some times

55 . he chief reason for the population growth isn't so much a rise in bir th rates a fall


in death ra tes as a resu lt of improvements in medical care .

A . and B . as C . but D . or

56 . he wealth of a count ry s hould be meas ured the health and happiness of its peo-

ple as well as the material goods it can produce .

A . in line with B . in terms of C . in regard with D . by means of

57 . he public opinion was that the time was not for the election of such a radical

candidat e as Mr . Jones .

A . reasonable B . ripe C . ready D . practical

58 . oing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores , and this is especially

tr ue it comes to classroom tests .

A . before B . as C . since D . when

59 . 've kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school twenty year s ago .

A . about B . since C . till D . with

60 . he machine needs a complete since it has been in use for over ten years .

A . amending B . fitting C . mending D . renovating

61 . he retur ns in the shor t may be small , bu t over a number of year s the investment

will be well repaid .

A . inte rval B . range C . span D . term

62 . he pursuit of leisure on the par t of the employees will cert ainly not their pros-

pect of promotion .

A . spur B . fur ther C . induce D . reinforce

63 . h is company has now int roduced a policy pay rises are related to performance at

work .

A . which B . where C . whether D . what

64 . e must give us more time, we shall not be able to make a good job of it .

A . consequently B . otherwise C . therefore D . doubtlessly

65 . ou can do it if you want to , bu t in my opinion it's not wor th the it involves .

A . effort B . st rength C . at tempt D . force

66 . e went to Australia hoping to find a teaching without too much difficulty .

A . work B . career C . post D . employment

67 . he accu sation lef t him quite with rage .

A . quiet B . silent C . mut e D . speechless

68 . ll living organisms constan tly absorb carbon 14 their exist ence .

A . out B . about C . around D . throughout

69 . very director needs an assistant that he can to take care of problems that may

occur in his absence .

A . count on B . count for C . count of D . count to

70 . uch of the accumulated t reasure of the na tions during the First World War .

A . disappeared B . sold C . occurred D . divided

71 . e will accept your cheque , although it is no t our normal .


A . habit B . in ten tion C . thought D . practice

72 . r . Brown had the repor t as soon as he finished it .

A . to be typed , to write B . typed , to write

C . being typed , writing D . typed , writing

73 . want an assistan t with knowledge of French and experience in handling

office routine .

A . a, / B . a, an C ./ , an D ./ , /

74 . hat is the robber arrest a reward was offered .

A . for whom B . for whose C . about whom D . about whose

75 . one of the largest cities in the world , Shanghai has a cert ain charm which makes

it unique .

A . In addition to be B . Besides to be C . In addition as D . Besides being

76 . person's b lood flows through a pipeline of vessels that , end to end , would st retch more

than half times around the Ear th at the equator .

A . twice B . two and a C . t wo and D . twice and

77 . he public debates were often , finally det eriorating in to personal attacks .

A . informative B . bitte r C . theoretical D . inspiring

78 . all probability nobody would have complained if Mary had not told the neighbors

about it .

A . To B . In C . For D . At

79 . I t's ho t , isn't it ?”he said , h is brow with a handkerchief .

A . rinsing B . wiping C . sweeping D . scrubbing

80 . he ticket taker at the football game tore the tickets .

A . in half B . by half C . in halves D . at half

81 . o you remember he came ?

Yes , I do , he came by car .

A . how B . when C . that D . if

82 . ould you like to come to dinner tonight ?

I'd like to , I'm too busy .

A . and B . so C . as D . but

83 . i , haven't seen you for ages ! You look fine !

. You look well , too .

A . Great B . Thanks C . Oh , no D . Not at all

84 . don't know the restauran t , bu t it's to be quite a good one .

A . said B . told C . spoken D . talked

85 . e all write , even when there's not much to say .

A . now and then B . by and by C . step by step D . more or less

86 . e re's my card . Let's keep in .

A . touch B . relation C . connection D . friendship

87 . hall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end ?


If you keep still , you can sit at end .

A . neither B . each C . either D . any

88 . your opinions are worth considering , the committee finds it unwise to place too

much impor tance on them .

A . As B . Since C . P rovided D . While

89 . hy this otherwise excellen t newspaper allows such an ar ticle to be prin ted is

me .

A . above B . outside C . beside D . beyond

90 . y computation , he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a

thou sand dollars .

A . coarse B . rude C . crude D . rough

91 . he political fu ture of the president is now hanging by a .

A . thread B . cord C . st ring D . rope

92 . am sure I can him into let ting us stay in the hotel for the night .

A . speak B . say C . t alk D . tell

93 . hen he applied for a in the office of the local newspaper he was told to see the

manager .

A . location B . profession C . career D . position

94 . o one needs to feel awkward in his own customs .

A . purs uing B . following C . chasing D . seeking

95 . hina sta rted its nuclear power indu st ry only in recent year s , and should no time

in catch ing up .

A . delay B . lose C . lag D . lessen

96 . very society has its own peculiar customs and of acting .

A . ways B . behavior C . at titudes D . mean s

97 . ou can't be careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case .

A . very B . quit e C . too D . so

98 . nder standing the cultural habits of another nation , especially cont aining as

many differen t s ubculture as the United Stat es , is a complex tas k .

A . one B . the one C . that D . such

99 . y 1990 , production in the area is expected to double of 1980 .

A . that B . it C . one D . what

100 . he criminal always paid cash so the police could not t rack him down .

A . on B . by C . for D . in

[参考答案 ]

I . ) 1 . second 2 . rapids 3 . manners 4 . swim

5 . choicest 6 . works hop 7 . deeds 8 . backed

9 . forwarding 10 . developed

B) 11 . film 12 . blue 13 . suit 14 . let


15 . tripping 16 . mass 17 . wire 18 . run

19 . advances 20 . Act





1 .1 .2 . 没有一个六级词汇的六级标准作文

在论及练习写作对外语学习的作用时 ,北京大学资深英语教授李赋宁先生说 :“练习写作


度。要提高外语学习的兴趣 ,写作也是最有效的途径之一。因为写作是一种从模仿发展到创

造的练习 ,它供给学习外语的人用所学到的外语材料独立表达思想和感情的机会。创造的乐

趣是难以形容的 ,尤其是青年人在外语学习中发现自己的表达能力日新月异 , 他们激动的心情

更是难以言传。”(1962) 由于写作是衡量一个人对一种语言及其他知识综合掌握程度的重要标

准之一 ,无论从古代中国官场的“科举”考试 , 还是到现代各国大学的论文答辩 , 写作水平的高

低总是成败的关键。人类文明因为有了书面文字而被记载了下来 , 得以留传至今。我们这些

享用过文明遗产的现代人 ,不能不对从前那些写作者们表示感戴与敬仰之情 !

在本书中 ,作文 , 即常说的练习写作 ,主要指大学英语六级考试中的作文考试。虽然在 80

年代初期 ,作文一项在大学英语教学中没有得到充分的重视 , 但人们很快就认识到并弥补了这

种偏差。实际上 ,当六级考试在 1989 年正式展开时 ,作文已在大学英语教学和四级考试中 , 摆

到了应有的位置上。现在 ,各种指导“作文”的书籍与文章 , 可说是详略兼备 ,简繁皆有 , 我们不


毫不夸张地说 ,在作文一题中 , 凭着我们掌握好了的中学词汇就可“pass”, 如能将四级词

汇适量用上并点缀少数六级词汇 ,即可稳拿高分 ( 指占此题总分的 80% )。当然 , 这一切都建

立在作文时内容切题、语句通顺、语法错误少、句型变化有致的基础上的。这是因为“ In order

to express ourselves clear ly and well , we s hould learn to exercise care in the choice of ar-

rangement of our thoughts and acquire skill in the u se of words and in the construction of

sent ences , paragraphs , and whole composition .”( William M .Tanner )

可以说 ,中学词汇作为“领会式掌握”( 指看到英语单词能理解其词义 )的内容 , 对已经取得

大学英语四级统考证书的同学们来说 ,已无多少讨论的价值。但是 , 中学词汇作为“复用式掌

握”( 指能正确拼写单词并掌握其基本词义和用法 )的内容 , 却给我们留下了充分探索的天地。

换句话说 ,中学词汇作为基本中的基本 , 它将因使用频率最高而遍布在六级试题各种题型里 ;

也将因构词能力最强而“乔装打扮”成四级词汇甚至六级词汇 ( 如“词类转换”等 ) ; 更由于引申

义项最多 ,而在惯用法中扮演令人眼花缭乱的角色。在写作时 , 无论是专业写作 , 还是一般作

文 (考试 ) ,这永远都是一条警钟似的忠告 :“Use ordinary words . Don't write‘configura tion’

when you mean‘shape’. If you mean‘ idea’, don't say‘ conceptuation’. And if you mean

‘ too long’, don' t write‘ inordinarily prot racted’.”“Beware of words of three syllables or

more that sound like La tin once removed . Usually there is a shorte r word that says the same

thing bet ter .”( Changing Time , 1880 )

下面摘录一篇作文 (划线部分均有错误 ) ,对词数的统计均按实际出现的次数计算。请注


意中学词汇出现的情况 :

My Opinion of a Good English Class

A good English Class depends on many factor s , s uch as a good teacher , he eaching e-

quipment and so on .

First , in my opinion , the most impor tan t thing is to have an excellen t teacher—a teacher

who has comprehensive knowledge, a teacher who knows his students well , and also a teach-

er who is good at encouraging his students whenever they feel themselves hopeless in Eng-

lish .

Second , recent scien tific advances have brought to u s various machines which can be

used to teach students in the absence of a t eacher . Among them , I would lis t the T .V .set ,

the tape recorder and some others . he an provides s considerable things which cannot be

obtained from a single teacher .

In a word , I am n favour of oth of them—the teacher and the machines alike .

上文出自一位参加 CUSP EA ( China U nited States Physics Examination———中美联合招

考赴美物理研究生计划 ) 考试的考生之手 , 得分在 13 分以上 (满分 15 分 )。该文共用词 141

个 ,属于四级词汇的有 10 个单词 ,六级词汇一个也没有 , 其余全是中学词汇。

看了上面这篇作文 ,我们有这么几点印象 : 第一是 CU SP EA 考试的作文字数要求 , 与大学

英语六级统考的字数要求 (六级统考作文题要求不少于 120 个词 ) 区别不大 ;第二是 , 中学词汇

是考生最熟悉也使用得最灵活的词汇 ,一定要“物尽其用”, 即达到“复用式掌握”的最佳状态 ,

对此绝不可等闲视之 ;第三是 , 上文中属于四级的词汇 ,实际上在中学时都已反复操练过 , 其书

写形式与简单搭配对同学们来说均不陌生 ;第四是 , 六级词汇如点缀得当 , 将增加文章的凝聚

力 ,并能反映在词汇运用上的某些驾驭能力 , 但如果对六级词汇的使用没有把握 , 与其因炫耀

而错用 ,倒不如以求实精神找“浅”词代替 , 实在无伤大雅。

为了更加充分地证实预备级词汇在六级作文中的地位 , 我们再将《大学英语六级考试样

题》( 以下简称“样题”, 1988) 中的作文参考答案细细一读。该“标准”作文累计词数 151 个 , 文

中用了 (准 ) 六级词汇 1 个 : ast ronomer s ( ast ronomy) ; 四级词汇 4 个 : classify , generally , di-

amet er , kilometres。

The Families of Stars

Ast ronomers have been able to classify stars according to colour . T hey have discovered

that stars with different colours have differen t sizes , and their surface temperatures are also

differen t . T he la rger a sta r is , the higher surface temperature it has .

F rom the above table it can be seen that sta rs are generally divided in to five kinds: blue,

white, yellow , orange and red . Blue sta rs are the la rgest ones , with a diameter of

16 ,000 ,000 kilomet res . Their surface temperature is also the hott est , as high as 25 , 000℃ .

White stars come next , whose diameter is 2 , 000 , 000 kilomet res and whose surface tempera-


ture is 11 , 000℃ . Then there are yellow stars , 1 , 600 , 000 kilomet res in diamet er and

6 , 000℃ in surface temperature . Orange st ars are still smaller . They have a diameter of

1 , 000 , 000 kilometres and a surface temperature of 5 , 000 ℃ . The smallest kind of sta rs ap-

pear red in colour . T heir diameter is only one-twentieth of that of b lue sta rs . T hat is ,

800 , 000 kilometres , and their surface temperature is only 3 , 000℃ .

如果除掉上述作文的说明部分所提供给我们的词汇 ,在作文中 , 考生写出的四级词汇实际

上只有一个 ,那就是 generally , 六级词汇一个也没有。

请看说明部分 :

Part V Writing (30 minutes)

Directions : For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on

the following tab le of The Families of Sta rs .

T he opening sentence is given and you are required to develop it in to a full composition .

Your par t of writing should be no less than 120 words

You should write your composition on the An swer Sheet .

The Families Of Stars

Colour Relative Size Diameter in Surface temperature in ℃

blue ○ 16 ,000 ,000 a25 ,000 ë

white ○ 2 ,000 ,000 a11 ,000 ë

yellow ○ 1 ,600 ,000 a6 ,000 ë

orange ○ 1 ,000 ,000 a5 ,000 ë

red ○ 800 ,000 a3 ,000 ë

The Families Of Stars

Ast ronomers have been able to classify sta rs according to colour .

至此 ,我们应清楚 : 从词汇的角色而言 ,灵活而准确地选用中学词汇 , 对我们是否具备六级


1 .1 .3 . 四级词汇是“桥梁”

四级词汇是“桥梁”,因为它前连中学词汇 , 后接六级词汇。

四级词汇不仅在四级考试中占据当然的“霸主”地位 ,在高它一级的六级考试、研究生入学



试试卷中选出的 100 题 ,足以让我们感受到四级词汇的“桥梁”作用。

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) anual chop fundamental preserve setting monitor panel harness horizon nega-


101 . ou have strawberries in winte r if you them in the summer .

102 . n the meeting they didn't discuss those broader issues beyond their won .

103 . e are making prin ts from .

104 . t has 4 different temperature . Please set the cont rol on the coldest one .

105 . ( n) is an apparatus for fastening a hor se to a car t .

106 . e're having lamb for dinner .

107 . e were get ting news by BBC broadcasts .

108 . heir in st ruction are prin ted in German .

109 . t is complet ed by clipping white wall bet ween the uprights of the frame .

110 . f the boys are going to camp for ten days , they'll need to know the of cooking .

B) ile index lump odd exhaust specimen abstract preparation tolerance


111 . u t even numbers on one side, numbers on the other .

112 . hen a group of people somewhere , they walked one behind the other in a line .

113 . e read through the papers and made a( n) of their contents .

114 . ( n) is a pipe which carries the gas or st eam out of the engine of a car , lorry ,

motorbike, etc .

115 . he druggist suggested a( n) to relieve the ache .

116 . his machine par t was built to a( n) of 0 .01 millimetres .

117 . he t ravele r brought back some of the rocks from the mountains .

118 . ( n) -linked pen sion goes up when the cost of living does .

119 . e believes that they are plot ting to a limited nuclear war in Europe .

120 . he together all o ther religions as mere superstition .

II . Multiple-choice

121 . he story was so touching that I could hardly my tears .

A . hold on B . hold up C . hold on to D . hold back

122 . a long pole in the centre of the field , and on top of it I hung the lamp .

A . put up B . put on C . put out D . put up with

123 . f the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known , it may be to

leave it blank and go on with the test .

A . valuable B . advisab le C . considerable D . probable

124 . he teacher's lecture on American history was three hours long , and Morris felt very


A . upset B . bored C . disturbed D . neglected

125 . t's s urprising that this innocent-looking person should have such a crime .


A . performed B . made C . acted D . committed

126 . ed agreed to the st rike if the company would satisfy the demand of the wor k-

ers .

A . call ou t B . call off C . call to D . call on

127 . ot long ago , John Smith , whom you know very well , was a car accident .

A . related to B . involved in C .included in D . damaged by

128 . ll particula rs s hould be carefu lly checked . Nothing s hould be .

A . born in mind B . put up with

C . taken for gran ted D . t aken in to consideration

129 . e've been with that company for many year s .

A . comparing B . dealing C . keeping D . combining

130 . his multiple-choice test 40 incomplet e statements with several choices to com-

plete them .

A . is composed of B . consists in C . makes up D . sets out

131 . n the theat re the actors are very to the reaction of the audience .

A . sensible B . sensitive C . emotional D . positive

132 . e came all the way to China for promoting friendship for making money .

A . o ther than B . more than C . bet ter than D . rather than

133 . very dog that came sight was a terror to me .

A . in B . to C . on D . at

134 . e was running the pace he had learnt from the na tives .

A . on B . at C . by D . in

135 . here were no tickets for F riday's performance .

A . preferable B . considerable C . possib le D . available

136 . any new will be opened up in the fu ture for those with a univer sity education .

A . opportunities B . necessities C .realities D . probabilities

137 . he rain was heavy and , the land was flooded .

A . consequently B . continuously C . constantly D . con sisten tly

138 . he engine smoke and st eam .

A . gives up B . gives in C . gives away D . gives off

139 . on't this news to the public until we give you the goahead .

A . release B . relieve C . rela te D . retain

140 . s hould like to ren t a house, modern , comfor tab le and in a quiet neigh borhood .

A . all in all B . above all C . af ter all D . over all

141 . we have finished the course , we s hall st ar t doing more revision wor k .

A . For now B . Now that C . Ever since D . By now

142 . hat you have done is the doctor's orders .

A . at tached to B . respon sible to C . resistant to D . cont rary to

143 . hey in spit e of the ext remely difficult condition s .

A . carried out B . carried off C . carried on D . carried forward


144 . y camera can be to take pictures in cloudy or s unny conditions .

A . t reated B . adjusted C . adopted D . remedied

145 . h ildren who are over-pro tected by their parents may become .

A . hur t B . damaged C . spoiled D . harmed

146 . hen Mr . Jones gets old , he will over his bu siness to his son .

A . take B . hand C . think D . get

147 . t was difficu lt to guess what her to the news would be .

A . impression B . reaction C . comment D . opinion

148 . here were some flower s on the table .

A . ar tificial B . unna tural C . false D . unreal

149 . e are in terested in the weather because it so directly—what we wear , what we

do , and even how we feel .

A . benefits B . affects C . guides D . effects

150 . ill all those the proposal raise their hands ?

A . in relation to B . in contrast to C . in excess of D . in favor of

151 . hope my teacher will take my recent illness in to when judging my examination .

A . regard B . counting C . account D . observation

152 . mpor tant people don't of ten have much free time as their work all their time .

A . takes a way B . takes over C . takes up D . takes in

153 . hen I was very young , I was terribly frigh tened of school, but I soon it .

A . got off B . got across C . got away D . got over

154 . an F rancisco is us ually cool in the s ummer , but Los Angeles .

A . is ra rely B . ra rely is C . hardly is D . is scarcely

155 . merican women were the righ t to vote until 1920 afte r many year s of hard

struggle .

A . ignored B . neglected C . refused D . denied

156 . o sooner had we reached the top of the hill we all sat down to rest .

A . when B . then C . than D . until

157 . he last time we had a family reunion was my brother's wedding ceremony four

years ago .

A . in B .at C . during D . over

158 . the advances of science , the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with

us .

A . As for B . Besides C . Except D . Despit e

159 . r . Wilson said that he did not want to any fur ther responsibilities .

A . take on B . get on C . put up D . look up

160 . n the experiment we kept a watchful eye the developments and recorded every

detail .

A . in B . at C . for D . on

161 . here's little chance that mankind would a nuclear war .


A . retain B . endure C . main tain D . survive

162 . he French pianist who had been praised very highly to be a grea t disappoin t-

ment .

A . turned up B . turned in C . tur ned out D . turned down

163 . any difficu lties have as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel .

A . risen B . arisen C . raised D . arrived

164 . e made s uch a cont ribu tion to the university that they are naming one of the

new buildings af ter him .

A . genuine B . minimum C . modest D . generous

165 . n the advanced course students mu st take performance tests at monthly .

A . gaps B . in tervals C . length D . distance

166 . e regret to inform you that the mat erials you ordered are .

A . out of work B . out of stock C . out of reach D . out of practice

167 . ur company decided to the cont ract becau se a number of the condition s in it

had not been met .

A . dest roy B . resist C . ass ume D . cancel

168 . hen a fire at the National Exhibition in London , at least ten priceless pain t-

ings were completely destroyed .

A . broke off B . broke out C . broke down D . broke up

169 . he destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money

could .

A . stand up to B . make up for C . come up with D . put up with

170 . hen the speaker the various factor s leading to the present economic crisis .

A . went af ter B . went for C . went into D . went on

171 . he student was just about to the question , when suddenly he found the an-

swer .

A . arrive at B . submit to C . work out D . give up

172 . his hot el $60 for a single room with bath .

A . claims B . demands C . prices D . charges

173 . t took him several months to the wild horse .

A . tend B . cultivate C . breed D . tame

174 . he service operates 36 libraries throughout the count ry , while six libraries spe-

cially serve the count ryside .

A . mobile B . drif ting C . sh ifting D . rot ating

175 . n Britain , and on the Continent too , the Japanese are sometimes viewed a

threat to domestic indust ries .

A . like B . with C . for D . as

176 . e failed to supply the facts relevant the case in question .

A . for B . with C . to D . of

177 . hen they had finis hed playing , the children were made to all the toys they had


taken out .

A . put off B . put out C . put up D . put away

178 . rs . Lackey was awakened by the ringing of the bedside phone 12 hours af ter her hus-

band's boat had been .

A . wrecked B . collap sed C . decayed D . fired

179 . he doctor was as ked to go back to the hospital because of case .

A . an operation B . an emergency C . a treatment D . an incident

180 . he once again went through her composition carefully to all spelling mistakes

from it .

A . withdraw B . diminish C . abandon D . eliminate

181 . e Edison's success to his in telligence and hard wor k .

A . subject B . at t ribute C . owe D . refe r

182 . ith all its advantages , the comput er is by no means without its .

A . boundaries B . restrain ts C . confinements D . limit ations

183 . he branches could hardly the weight of the fruit .

A . retain B . su st ain C . main tain D . remain

184 . he shop-assistant was straigh t with h is customers . If an article was of quality

he'd tell them so .

A . humble B . inferior C . minor D . awkward

185 . he managing director took the for the accident , although it was not really his

fau lt .

A . guilt B . blame C . charge D . accusation

186 . n turning the corner , we saw the road steeply .

A . departing B . descending C . decreasing D . depressing

187 . he new washing machines are at the rate of fifty a day .

A . turned up B . turned down C . tur ned out D . turned in

188 . ome areas , their severe weather conditions , are hardly populated .

A . due to B . in spite of C . but for D . with regard to

189 . left for the office earlier than usual this morning traffic jam .

A . in line with B . for the sake of C . in case of D . at the risk of

190 . here is no easy solution to Japan's labour .

A . decline B . vacancy C . ra rity D . shor tage

191 . espite their good service , most inn s are less costly than hotels of standards .

A . equivalen t B . alike C . uniform D . likely

192 . o longer are contrib utions to computer technology confined to any one country ;

is this more true than in Europe .

A . hardly B . little C . seldom D . nowhere

193 . he story that follows t wo famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush

days .

A . concerns B . states C . proclaims D . relates


194 . n your first days at the school you'll be given a test to help the teachers to you

to a class at your level .

A . locat e B . assign C . deliver D . p lace

195 . the flood , the ship would have reached its destination on time .

A . In case of B . In spit e of C . Because of D . But for

196 . he ratio of the work done by the machine the work done on it is called the effi-

ciency of the machine .

A . against B . with C . to D . for

197 . h ildren are to have some accidents as they grow up .

A . obviou s B . indispensable C . bound D . doubtless

198 . he manager promised to have my complain t .

A . looked through B . looked in to C . looked over D . looked after

199 . h ildren and old people do not like having their daily up set .

A . habit B . routine C . practice D . custom

200 . he drowning child was saved by Dick's action .

A . acute B . alert C . profound D . prompt

[参考答案 ]

I . ) 101 . preserve 102 . horizons 103 . negatives 104 . set tings

105 . harness 106 . chop s 107 . monitoring 108 . manuals

109 . panels 110 . fundament als

B) 111 . odd 112 . files 113 . abst ract 114 . exhaust

115 . preparation 116 . tolerance 117 . specimens 118 . index

119 . wage 120 . lumped

II . 121~130 DABBD BCBA 131~140 BDABD ADAB




1 .1 .4 . 四级词汇是“中坚”

在上一小节里 ,我们感受了四级词汇中所表现出来的“桥梁”作用 , 看清了它们上下同形而

左右变义的面目。接下来 ,我们想通过对六级试题综合词汇的分析 , 了解四级词汇在六级试题

更大范围中的处境 ,也许 , 这才是问题的实质。

四级词汇是“中坚”。因为在六级学习与考试的内容里 , 四级词汇 ( 包括中学词汇 ) 占的比

例很大。四级要求掌握的 4200 个词 ( 新大纲要求 ) , 在普通科目与日常话题的英语文章中 , 出

现频率高达 90%左右。

下面请读者先做一做《大学英语六级考试样题》中的“词汇与结构”部分 :


Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part . For each sentence there are four

choices marked A、B、C and D . Choose the one that best complete the sentence . Then blacken

the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre

41 . e r life was devoted to the sick and needy .

A . caring of B . caring with C . caring about D . caring for

42 . e can't hope to catch up with that car us . It's a very high-powered one .

A . in advance of B . in the front of C . ahead of D . at the frontier of

43 . he United Na tions Conference on Drug Abu se , which took place earlier this year in Vi-

enna, was a very meeting .

A . productive B . overwhelming C . compulsory D . pro tective

44 . heir endeavor and to“get ahead”have produced some excellen t resu lts .

A . attention B . acceleration C . affection D . ambition

45 . hinese cu stoms regulations taking preciou s work s of ar t ou t of China .

A . prohibit B . reject C . avoid D . repel

46 . ome animals will modify their behavior to to their environment .

A . s uit B . conform C . reconcile D . adapt

47 . man who could such trea tment was a man of remarkable physical courage and

moral st rength .

A . bear upon B . insist on C . stand up to D . persist in

48 . e had t ried everything but it made little .

A . effect B . difference C . outcome D . res ult

49 . mericans are highly , and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply in-

volved with others .

A . moving B . mobile C . movable D . motional

50 . ry as we would , they could not be brought to give their .

A . consent B . complaint C . conten t D . completion

51 . ecoming disabled by an accident is one of the most serious that all drivers face .

A . s hor tcoming s B . faults C . mistakes D . hazards

52 . t reets in the United Sta tes are by motor vehicles .

A . confront ed B . dist ribu ted C . constitu ted D . dominated

53 . never thought he would let u s down like that ; I always him .

A . encountered B . account ed for C . count ed on D . discount ed

54 . he driver thinks tha t accidents only happen to other people .

A . common B . average C . usual D . general

55 . must remind you that your new post considerab le responsibility with it .

A . keeps B . suppor ts C . carries D . possesses

56 . ince he lied to me, he will never persuade me his sincerity or t ruthfulness .


A . of B . for C . in D . at

57 . ifficu lties , when they are faced up to , don't seem half so .

A . irritab le B . fright fu l C . feasible D . desperat e

58 . he weather of the city was rather damp , but af ter he lived there for a while he

it .

A . would use to B . used to C . had used to D . got u sed to

59 . don't doubt the plan will be well-conceived .

A . that B . why C . whether D . when

60 . t is time the nations of the world a halt to the manufacture of n uclear weapons .

A . would call B . call C . called D . will call

61 . these questions may sound academic, answer s to them could have profound eco-

nomic and political significance .

A . Since B . While C . Unless D . Lest

62 . otels from luxurious to very simple, with the prices of the former being much

higher .

A . diver t B . range C . differ D . alt ernate

63 . t's most of me to have forgot ten your invitation .

A . improbable B . impolite C . inevitab le D . impatien t

64 . hese national parks are very impor tant for preserving many animals , who would

run the ris k of becoming extinct .

A . instead B . never theless C . therefore D . o therwise

65 . s his action consistent his princip les ?

A . with B . in C . of D . by

66 . uman beings are superior to animals they can use language as a tool to commu-

nicate .

A . for which B . in which C . for that D . in that

67 . e r answer is not acceptable , and .

A . neither am I B . either is mine C . neither is mine D . mine is neither

68 . f we had been more careful , we much bet ter results now .

A . would be getting B . would have got C . got D . had got

69 . y sister Mary does all s he can for me . I don' t know person who would do so

much .

A . any B . o ther C . another D . some other

70 . o t one in one hundred children exposed to the disease likely to develop it .

A . is B . are C . should be D . must be

[参考答案 ]




大概地说 ,在这 30 道题中 ,前半部分以考查词汇的义项区别为主 ( 也涉及到了结构问题 ) ,

后半部分则侧重于考查词汇的结构与搭配 (当然也有部分属义项选择 ) 。从词汇义项本身对考

生的生疏程度而言 ,前半部分的选择项明显比后半部分难。下面我们对前 15 题的词汇结构的


按说 ,六级考试的词汇与结构应是专考六级词汇及其结构的 , 但试题的编者们并没有完全

这么做。无论是从试题的结构比例上来说 ,还是从选择项的单词或词组的级别归属来讲 , 四级

词汇占有相当大的比重 ,即在六级统考试题中有着这部分词汇的一个重要席位。以下数据足

以证实这个观点 :

前 15 道以考六级词汇为主的题中 , A、B、C、D 四个供选择的单词或词组共 60 个 , 其中四

级的占 52 个 , 六级仅有 8 个。

那么 ,四级词汇在阅读理解题中的情形又是如何呢 ? 我们仍以样卷中的 Questions 21~

25 的第一篇文章及试题为例 , 经查 ,仅有 1 个六级词 : diagnose。

在这篇文章中 ,起“串意”作用 ( 即属于领会式掌握的内容 )的中学词汇我们可以略而不计 ,

因为这对通过了四级考试的同学是不成什么问题的。六级单词虽只出现了 1 个 , 这个词的作

用却是不能低估的。如果它们处在关键位置 ,往往能搅乱你阅读时的理解思路而诱使你误入


然而 ,如果你缺乏对四级词汇的阅读速度和理解深度 , 即便你理解了六级词汇的基本词

义 ,也会出现下述现象 : 要么因速度不够占去大量的宝贵答题时间 , 要么因深度不够产生理解

偏差 ,最后导致选择错误。要知道 , 我们在现阶段所探讨的四级词汇问题 , 是站在迎考六级试

题的高度。概括以上观点 ,我们认为 : 在六级试卷的阅读理解题中 ,六级词汇的妙处在于“画龙

点睛”, 量小而难度大 ;四级词汇的功能表现在阅读速度和理解深度两个方面 , 不仅量大 , 而且


四级词汇在 Listening Comprehension 和 Error Correction 两大题中的表现形式虽然与前

两类不同 ,但其“中坚”作用同样存在。

现在 ,尽管六级词汇在考卷中的比率在逐年上升 , 但四级词汇的“中坚”作用仍坚如磐石 ,


1 .1 .5 . 四级词汇是“魔方”

四级词汇是“魔方”。谈到魔方 ,使我们想到孩子们喜爱的玩具。不知同学们注意到这种

现象没有 :魔方 , 这个孩子们可以变换自如的小玩具 ,随便找个成年人来玩 , 十有八九弄不出多

少花样。这倒不是说孩子们比成年人手巧或聪明 , 而是由于他们深谙其道 , 天天拿在手上玩 ,

日子久了 ,于是魔方对他们来说就不那么“魔”了。

四级词汇的多义性、以及四级词汇中的一些特殊用法、惯用法等 , 对于通过了四级统考的

同学 ,恐怕就像孩子们手中的魔方对于成年人那样。乍看起来 ,“算个什么玩艺儿 !”细做起来 ,



首先谈谈幽默。对使用一种语言的人来说 , 幽默往往是一种上乘的表现。我们很难设想

连词汇的本意都不知道的人 ,能理解幽默性语句 , 更不用说造出幽默性语句了。无论哪种语言

和文化中 ,幽默都是一种类似于诗的表现手法。一段好的幽默 , 不仅需要闪光的智慧 , 独到的

见解 ,令人开心的描叙 , 也要在选词上达到出神入化的境界。可以这样说 ,在这些幽默里 , 一些


普通的词 ,像“魔”似地迷住了读者。下面几段幽默可以说明这一点 :

1) he successful man was lecturing to an admiring audience .

“ I must say ,”he contin ued ,“ that I owe every thing I have to my wife .”

“ Hey ,”shouted a t rademan at the back of the hall ,“you're not forgetting my bill ,

are you ?”

(“owe everything to my wife”是“把我的一切归功于我妻子”, 但也做“欠某人债”讲。

这时有人迫不及待地提醒他 :“你还欠着我的钱哩 !”) ( 吕光旦 , 1990 , 下同 )

2) I can't bear a fool ,”said a lawyer to a farmer .

“Your mother could ,”said the farmer .

(律师说的是“忍受”的意思 , 农夫说的是“生育”、“生养”的意思。农夫借律师自己的话

狠狠地回敬了他一下 。)

3) I would like a book , p lease .”

“Something ligh t ?”

“ That doesn't matt er . I have my car with me .”

(售货员说的“ ligh t”是指书的内容轻松愉快 , 供消遣用 ,当然不是指书的重量。)

真是“魔力”所及 ,自然使人出生异样的感觉 , 或笑 ,或思。如此“浅显”的词汇 , 能变出如此

动人的语言故事 ,不能不说是语言的奇迹。试设想 , 如果我们能将其“魔力”用之一二 ,生活、学

习岂不平添更多的乐趣 !

中肯地说 ,能通过国家四级考试的同学 , 对四级词汇的词形及基本词义一定有了较好的掌

握 ,但在四级词汇像魔方一样变幻着色彩的这一深层意义上 , 包括四级考试高分的同学都还要

破一次“好马不吃回头草”的规矩 ,因为它的基础性强 , 多义项词多 , 同/ 近义复杂等 ,使它在各

类文章中的词义变化万端 ,“好认不好懂”, 成了很多读者的感受。

我们一定要花大气力去体味例句 :“体”的含义是“体会、体验”, 即身体力行、去做的意思 ;

“味”是指“取之有味”、“学之有味”、“思之亦有味”;“例”指“范例”、“实例”, 不是随便什么都可

成“例”的 ;“句”的要求限制了“例”的范围 , 不成“句”的“例”是很难长久而有效地“体味”的。

英语老师往往鼓励学生多读以英语为母语的作家写的作品 ,而少看我们自己的译作 , 目的


的。我们要充分认识到我们学英语大多是“半路出家”这个事实 , 像苏格拉底的名言所说 :“你

要知道自己。”惯用法正是我们了解了基础语法和词汇后 ,要开始认真体味的语言学习内容 , 也

是最不容易学到家的语言学习内容。难以“到家”并不是就此罢休 , 而是要努力争取。国内外

都有这样一些“一分神来 , 九分汗下”而成功的语言天才。英语大作家康拉德是生在乌克兰的

波兰人 ,斯拉夫族 , 最后写出了《吉姆老爷》等获奖英语作品。出生在苗族故乡之一的湖南凤凰

县的沈从文先生 (苗族 ) ,是中国的文学大家 , 他的《边城》早已走向世界。在美国学术史上 , 沈


四级词汇的“魔力”四射 ,渗透在各种题型中 , 活跃在各类体裁里 ,不胜枚举。最后 , 为了对

四级词汇有一个相对完整的概念 ,我们列出下面几组富有特征的四级词 , 希望通过对它们的深

化学习 (可参考《大学英语通用四级词汇指南》, 北京理工大学出版社 , 朱晓慧 , 1997 ) , 在这类


第一组 :同形异义动词、名词、形容词

下面一些动词、名词、形容词 ,在四级大纲中的相关词的右上角 ,标以 1、2 等数码 , 以示区



动词有 : bear fine last long pitch pop post pou nd present st roke swallow

tap ut ter (中学同类词还有 : box can fan lie ligh t like match may mean

might miss pick race ring second sound tear tip wind)

名词有 : case conten t fair fine lead mean might pick pitch pop post

present race st roke swallow tap yard (中学同类词还有 : bear box fan flat

kind ligh t match May min ute Miss pound rest ring second still tea r tip

well wind)

形容词有 : conten t even mean minute sound utte r (中学同类词还有 : fair fine

flat kind last ligh t like long present second still well)

第二组 :常有固定搭配的动词

specialize in range over expose to assign to

stem from derive from react against identify with

cope with rest rain from engage in correspond to

arise from prevail over contrast with amou nt to

despair of approximate to dispose of appeal to

consist in rob of resort to adapt to

refer to associate with resign to par ticipate in

focus on major in consent to inform again st

account for consist of

第三组 : 形容词词组

accustomed to bound for/ to contrary to crazy about

dependent on/ upon distinct from essential to fond of

ignorant of keen on partial to previous to

propor tional to relevant to represen tative of resistan t to

sensitive to wor thy of

第四组 : 常用做复数的名词

authorities communications compasses conten ts

custom s damages defences dimensions

drama tics drugs essen tials expenses

ext ras facilities features findings

foundations funds fundamentals headlines

hin ts horizons impor ts initials

instr uctions limits observations origins

overalls par ticulars plastics possession s

provisions regards resources ruin s

sales savings scales s hears

stakes t roop s wages


1 .2 . 预测———六级词汇知多少

通过前两套对中学和四级词义的考查题 ,我们已大概知道自己对基础词汇较深一面的掌

握情况。现在 ,一鼓作气地做完这套六级词义的考查题 , 便对整个现状有了一个全面的评估。

应该说明 ,从现在起至本章“1 .5”这四节的例/ 题句 , 将统一编号。主要练习的词义 ,均在六级

词表中加“*”号标注 , 如“

*101”, 就是这四节中标号为“101”的例/ 题句的号码 ,以此类推。

I .Fill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) dock sober yoke bypass nominal intrigue rig embody muddy vein

1 . he firm w as holding a big dinner . H e k new he had to stay to drive home .

2 . His wages were to pay for the equipment he had broken .

3 . There will be a( n) charge for the box lu nch .

4 . We hoped the conversa tion would not continue in s uch a pessimistic .

5 . The iss ue has been by allegations of bribery .

6 . The t estimony is in the cour t record .

7 . a re u sed for looking for oil and gas and for t aking them out the ground or sea

bed .

8 . here were much plotting and in the capitals of Europe before the outbreak of

war .

9 . ( n ) operation is a s urgical operation in which the flow of blood is redirected .

10 . The per sonal qualities of the leader must be to a social policy .

B) knit ward lounge charter oath humanity fixture tuition accessory propagate

11 . Human beings their species by sexual reproduction .

12 . Don't around all day: do something !

13 . She was made a( n ) of court and her paren ts were forbidden to see her .

14 . A( n ) helped the murderer to avoid arrest .

15 . he carpente r let out a st ream of when he hit his thumb with the hammer .

16 . She has a background in and modern languages .

17 . Her father had decided she ought to have private .

18 . can't believe she's leaving the company—I thought she was a permanent !

19 . He his brows when he is thinking hard .

20 . This brave firm specialize in fligh ts .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

21 . s an excellen t shooter , Pet er practised aiming at both targets and moving tar-

gets .

A . standing B . sta tionary C . still D . sensitive

22 . he statue would be perfect but for a few small in its base .

A . mistakes B . weaknesses C . flaws D . errors


23 . aren ts have a legal to ensure tha t their ch ildren are provided with efficien t edu-

cation suitable to their age .

A . impulse B . influence C . obligation D . sympa thy

24 . ast year , the crime rate in Chicago sharply .

A . declined B . lessened C . descended D . slipped

25 . he repu blication of the poet's most recent work s will cer tainly his national repu-

tation .

A . magnify B . st rengthen C . enlarge D . enhance

26 . ecently a number of cases have been repor ted of young children a violen t act

previously seen on television .

A . modifying B . duplicating C . accelerating D . stimulating

27 . his kind of material can heat and moisture .

A . delete B . compel C . con strain D . repel

28 . he work in the office was by a con stan t st ream of visitors .

A . confu sed B . hampered C . rever sed D . perplexed

29 . t will be safer to walk the streets because people will no t need to carry large amounts of

cash ; vir tually all financial will be conducted by computer .

A . t ransactions B . t ransmissions C . t ransitions D . t ran sformations

30 . he new technological revolu tion in American newspaper s has brought increased ,

a wider range of publications and an expan sion of newspaper job s .

A . manipulation B . reproduction C . circu lation D . penet ration

31 . is long service with the company was with a present .

A . admit ted B . acknowledged C . att ribu ted D . accepted

32 . rofessor Smith and Professor Brown will in giving the class lectures .

A . alter B . change C . alt ernate D . differ

33 . eople who refuse to with the law will be punished .

A . obey B . consent C . conceal D . comply

34 . hese excursions will give you an even deeper into our language and culture .

A . inquiry B . investiga tion C . input D . insigh t

35 . here is no elect ricity again . H as the blown then ?

A . fu se B . wire C . p lug D . circuit

36 . he magician picked several persons from the audience and asked them to help

him with the performance .

A . by accident B . at random C . on occasion D . on average

37 . is tastes and habits with those of his wife .

A . combine B . compete C . coincide D . compromise

38 . he microscope can the object 100 times in diameter .

A . magnify B . increase C . develop D . multiply

39 . oung people's social environment has a effect on their academic progress .

A . gross B . solid C . complete D . profound


40 . he prisoner has been of many privileges that average citizens enjoy .

A . ensured B . informed C . deprived D . convinced

41 . was by their kindness and moved to tears .

A . preoccupied B . embarrassed C . overwhelmed D . counseled

42 . he per son who this type of research deserves our praise .

A . originated B . manufactured C . generated D . estimated

43 . n Scotland , as in the rest of the Unit ed Kingdom , schooling begin s at age 5 and

ends at age 16 .

A . compelling B . forced C . obliged D . compulsory

44 . could see that my wife was having that fur coat , whether I approved of it or

not .

A . adequat e for B . in ten t on C . short of D . deficien t in

45 . our story about the frog turning into a prince is nonsense .

A . s heer B . s hear C . shield D . s heet

46 . s . Green has been living in town for only one year , yet s he seems to be with

everyone who comes to the store .

A . accept ed B . admit ted C . admired D . acquaint ed

47 . never t rusted him because I always thought of him as such a character .

A . gracious B . s uspicious C . unique D . par ticular

48 . didn't say anyth ing like that at all . You are purposely my ideas to prove your

point .

A . revising B . cont radicting C . distorting D . dist racting

49 . o survive in the in ten se trade competition bet ween countries , we must the qual-

ities and varieties of products we make to the wor ld-market demand .

A . improve B . enhance C . guaran tee D . gear

50 . e has failed me so many times that I no longer place any on what he promises .

A . faith B . belief C . credit D . reliance

51 . y students found the book : it provided them with an abundance of information

on the subject .

A . en light ening B . confu sing C . dist racting D . amusing

52 . f you know what the t rouble is , why don't you help them to the situation ?

A . simplify B . modify C . verify D . rectify

53 . hen a number of people together in a conversational knot, each individual ex-

presses his position in the group by where he stands .

A . pad B . pack C . squeeze D . cluster

54 . ome journalists often overstate the situation so that their news may create a great


A . explosion B . sen sation C . exaggeration D . stimulation

55 . e is p lanning another tour abroad , yet his passpor t will at the end of this

month .


A . expire B . exceed C . te rminate D . cease

56 . he local people were joyfully s urprised to find the price of vegetables no longer

according to the weather .

A . altered B . conver ted C . fluctuat ed D . modified

57 . he new secret ary has written a remarkably report only in a few pages but with

all the details .

A . concise B . clear C . precise D . elaborate

58 . must go now . , if you want that book I'll bring it next time .

A . Incidentally B . Accidentally C . Occasionally D . Subsequently

59 . he schoolmaster the girl's bravery in his opening speech .

A . applauded B . enhanced C . elevated D . clapped

60 . he local government leaders are making every effor t to the problem of pover ty .

A . abolis h B . tackle C . remove D . encounter

61 . he American dream is the most during the periods of productivity and wealth

generated by American capitalism .

A . plau sible B . balance C . primitive D . par tial

62 . over ty is not in most cities although , perhap s because of the crowded conditions

in certain areas , it is more visible there .

A . rare B . temporary C . prevalent D . segmental

63 . hese causes produced the great change in the country that moder nized the of

higher education from the mid-1860's to the mid-1880's .

A . branch B . category C . domain D . scope

64 . risis would be the right term to describe the in many animal s pecies .

A . minimization B . rest riction C . descent D . decline

65 . he city is an impor tan t railroad and indust rial and convention center .

A . conjunction B . network C . junction D . link

66 . rof . White, my respected tutor , frequently reminds me to myself of every

chance to improve my English .

A . assure B . inform C . avail D . notify

67 . esearchers discovered that plan ts infected with a vir us give off a gas that disease

resistance in neighboring plan ts .

A . cont racts B . activates C . main tains D . prescribes

68 . orporation s and labor unions have great benefits upon their employees and

member s as well as upon the general public .

A . conferred B . gran ted C . flung D . s ubmit ted

69 . he river is al ready its bank because of excessive rainfall ; and the city is threat-

ened with a likely flood .

A . parallel to B . level in C . fla t on D . flush with

70 . e s hould always keep in mind that decision s often lead to bitte r regrets .

A . urgent B . hasty C . instan t D . prompt


III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

71 . his new process helps to x tract il from the sea .

A . refine B . produce C . change D . draw out

72 . hat island far away from the mainland is a favorite aunt f bird s .

A . gathered place B . s pecial place C . resting place D . safe place

73 . ince he had never been in such a situation before , his pprehen sion as understandable .

A . understanding B . fear C . passion D . sympa thy

74 . hate people making grim jokes about ghosts .

A . funny B . horrible C . practical D . worn-out

75 . t school the other children always eased im because of his size .

A . made fun of B . made use of C . got on with D . got rid of

76 . e took his it rom the t runk and began fixing the engine .

A . screw drivers B . toolbox C . appliance D . elect ric drills

77 . he helicopter overed ver the field as though magically frozen in space .

A . hanged B . flat tered C . flung D . hur led

78 . he judge ru led that the man's claim to his father's land was egitimate

A . meaningless B . denied C . infamous D . legal

79 . hen bird s igrate they sometimes fly in formation .

A . grow new feather s B . move from one place to another

C . feel death is near D . search for food and wa ter

80 . any otables ill at tend th is evening's news conference .

A . guests B . officials C . delegates D . VI Ps

81 . he young man eproached imself bitt erly for his behaviour that evening .

A . approached B . praised C . blamed D . declared

82 . he murder case created a great ensa tion n the United Sta tes .

A . excitement B . movement C . strike D . revolu tion

83 . t grieves me to see the poor old woman ourning or the death of her son .

A . yelling B . lingering C . grieving D . pleading

84 . is p leasure was mpaired y worry about money .

A . bought B . improved C . heightened D . spoiled

85 . e is now trying to t ake out a paten t or his newly designed airplane engines .

A . cer tificate of invention B .cer tifica te of merits

C . pilots license D . a reward for his distinguis hed service

86 . ho's making all that acket

A . words B . s peech C . noise D . voice

87 . y husband was ossing ll nigh t . H e couldn't get to sleep .

A . groaning B . complaining C . clinging D . turning over

88 . hat man in s habby clothes will soon be an eir o a large for tune .


A . follower of B . inheritor of C . owner of D . client to

89 . he snowstorm nflicted evere damage on the island .

A . worked B . attacked C . alleviated D . cau sed

90 . he general decided to attack the enemy on the righ t lank

A . t rack B . field C . side D . sta rt

91 . hen he heard the news , he was overcome with grief

A . sorrow B . rage C . te rror D . anxiety

92 . e is not nsane H e is just a little stupid .

A . wise B . b lind C . crazy D . ignorant

93 . he camper s suffered untold iseries rom mosquito bites .

A . wound B . b loodpoisoning C . infection D . dist ress

94 . he landlady par titioned he sitting room into 3 smalle r room s and rented them to 3 dif-

fe ren t tenants .

A . built B . s plit up C . con structed D . designed

95 . he general allied he scatte red soldiers of his army and made a raid upon the enemy's

camp .

A . deserted B . reassembled C . discharged D . resembled

96 . paid him my ribute or his being un selfish .

A . thanks B . debt C . obligation D . respect

97 . dry leaf was seen quivering n the cold winte r wind .

A . blowing off B . waving C . dropping off D . t rembling

98 . he u ses too much cent n her hair .

A . cream B . hair oil C . shampoo D . perfume

99 . he group of skyscrapers dominates the and scape or miles around .

A . natural scenery B . living quar ter s C . business cente r D . land selling

100 . T he nnovation f jet flight has made the world seem smaller .

A . speed B . improvement C . shortening D . in t roduction .

[参考答案 ]

I . ) 1 . sober 2 . docked 3 . nominal 4 . vein

5 . muddied 6 . embodied 7 . Rigs 8 . in t rigue

9 . bypass 10 . yoked

B) 11 . propagate 12 . lounge 13 . ward 14 . accessory

15 . oaths 16 . humanities 17 . tuition 18 . fix ture

19 . knots 20 . char ter







1 .3 . 六级词汇的几种分类与练习国家教育部、人事部近年来组织有关专家 , 对英语专业、大学英语、研究生英语、全国公共

英语、全国专业技术人员职称英语等类别的英语考试大纲及词汇表进行了修订或调整 , 以期更

好地指导全国各类人员的英语过级考试 ,尽早地与世界性的需求标准接轨。据笔者多年来跟

踪各类英语考试大纲 ,尤其是从词汇表变化的信息来看 , 大学英语选定的四级词汇 (通用词表

为 4000 , 新大纲词表定为 4200 ) , 绝大部分词汇进入了上述各类超过 4200 词条大纲的词汇表 ,

即读者无论是考英语专业四/ 八级、研究生英语、全国公共英语五级 , 或是职称英语 A/ B 级 , 都

须以大学英语四级词汇垫底 ,而且只有这个“底”, 基本上为各类考试所通用。

在大学英语四级词汇之上 , 由于选词标准不同 ( 英式语料库 ? 美式语料库 ? 中式语料

库 ?) ,考试要求有别 ( 英语专业略为偏重文科词汇 , 研究生英语则强调文理兼容 ) , 某个英语词

被选入某个级别 ,可能区别很大。这一点 , 不说普通的读者会觉得云遮雾障 ,就是对英语老师 ,

一般也未必能讲得一清二楚。如大学英语六级中的 segregate, tract , yoke 等词条 ,研究生入

学考试的词汇表中未收 ;而研究生入学要考的 bacon , bough , cricket 等词 , 六级词汇中亦不见

踪影 ;职称英语的 C 级 (初级职称英语 )要求认知 abbey(修道院、大教堂 )这个词 , 而具有 6000

词汇量的英语专业四级考试词汇 ,对该词却熟视无睹。

因此 ,为避免读者看了下面的坐标图后产生一个简单的词汇数量的比较 , 我们特别指出两

个问题 ,以期引起读者注意 :

1 . 大学英语四级词汇中的 4200 个词条 , 几乎进入了各级超过四级词汇的词条中。

2 . 坐标图中各级词汇量的数字 , 如六级词汇 5500 ,仅指词条总数。依作者的经验 , 要达到

一般阅读词汇认知的起码要求 ,以大学英语六级所定 5500 个词条为例 , 每个词条约有 2 .5 个

义项 ,即共有约 1 .4 万个义项 , 只有认知这 1 .4 万个左右的义项 , 才是真正意义上认知了六级

所包含的这 5500 个词。

请看图一 :

9000~12000 英语专业八级/ GRE

9000 托福

7500 公共英语五级 (出国人员英语)

6000 英语专业四级

5296~5500 六级

5300 研究生

4000~4200 四级

1600~1800 中学


如我们知道 given 这个词是从动词 give 变化而来 , 但在下面三句中均代表三个与动词无

关的义项 :

given a . 1 . 规定的 , 特定的

101 . H e has to decide within a given period .

2 . to)有癖好的 ,有倾向的

102 . She was given to laiming that she was related to the Queen .


3 . prep . 考虑到

103 . T his was the best place to study , given y in terest in Kent .

我们能把知其一而不知其二、其三当成“知”吗 ?

另外 ,我们还想附录两份图表。第一份是试卷题型中词汇级别与难度的区分图。如作文

时 ,完全可以 99%、甚至 100 %地选用四级词汇 ;词汇与阅读中可能出现少量的超纲 ( 派生 )词 ,

所以箭头停在六级词汇线之上 ;以此推类。箭头的上下关系只说明一般现象 , 每一次的卷面词

汇难度可能上下略有浮动 ,但如完形题的词汇难度 ,绝不可能超过阅读题的难度 (分为四个区

分度 :易 , 较易 ,较难 , 难 ) :

1 . 听力题 :较难

2 . 阅读题 :难

3 . 语法题 :较易

4 . 词汇题 :难

5 . 完形填空题 :较难

6 . 翻译题 :较难———难

7 . 作文题 :易

请看图二 : ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ →





阅读听力 语法 词汇 完形 翻译 作文

具体一点说 , 像 alliance , bearing , cont roversial , denounce , fu ss , metallic, petition ,

brace , temperament , yacht 这样的六级难词一般不会在六级试卷的语法部分出现 ; 在听力和

完形填空部分只会偶尔碰上一些 ;至于六级作文 , 考生完全可以回避使用任何拼写与上下文搭

配无把握的六级词汇 ,改选中学、四级词汇中的相应词 , 首先使之达到准确、简明、流畅的基本

标准。翻译题中的六级词汇 ,游离于较难至难之间 , 因此从难准备 , 自不待言。这是由于翻译

题除了考查词汇的认知情况 ,更考查词汇在复杂句型 ( 语法 )、复杂上下文 (百科知识 ) 中的具体

含义。只有对英语良好的综合理解 , 加上熟练的中文表达能力 , 才能将翻译提得起 , 放得下。

关于词汇题与阅读理解题 , 这才是六级难词最多、最活跃之所在。大纲中列出的那些词意较

偏、搭配复杂、同/ 近义微妙的词汇 , 更是出题的考官们“考你没商量”之处。

另一份“金字塔”图形是指分级词汇在听说读写四项基本技能应用上的难度 , 我们以侯成

源先生在《如何学好英语》(1993) 一文中绘制的“金字塔”图形表示 :






从这个图中 ,我们能够看出 : 能读词汇最多。其次是能听的词汇 ,这部分之所以大于能写、

能说的词汇 ,是因为有些词自己想不起 , 但别人一提醒就能想起。能写的词汇之所以多于能说

的词汇 ,是因为在写的时候 , 有时间回忆 ,可以想起一些十分熟练的词。而最后一项能说词汇 ,

也是最少的词汇 ,是因为说话的时候只能用最熟练的词。

有了上述一些总的印象 ,我们开始对六级词汇做全景式扫描 , 力图把那些带有某种特征的

词 ,分在如下几个类别中 , 以便读者有机会分类研究 ,并在随后的练习中检查自己的学习效果。

1 .3 .1 . 同形异义动词、名词、形容词

下面一些动词、名词、形容词 ,属于意义差别大的词。大纲在这些词的右上角标以 1、2 等

数码 ,以示区别。

动词有 : clip dock flu sh fuse graze limp pore ( over) ;

名词有 : clip dock flu sh fuse graze invalid pore racket ;

形容词有 : flush invalid limp

104 . Please lip hese cards together .

105 . T he ship ocked n San Pedro for installation of new equipment .

106 . She lu shed ith p leas ure when we complimented her .

107 . Wa ter lushed hrough the pipes .

108 . Anger lus hed is cheeks .

109 . T he wast e pipe is blocked; t ry lush ing t out with hot wa ter .

110 . hey went in to the area to lu sh out ) guerrilas who were sheltering there .

111 . If the wires had met , they would have u sed ll the ligh ts .

112 . I grazed y legs as he pulled me up .

113 . Something hard grazed he back of his head .

114 . H e picked up his bag and imped ack to the road .

115 . T he pages were held together with a paper- lip

116 . Medical students were s hown film lips epicting murders and figh ts .

117 . H e explained from the ock hy he thought , his paren ts s hould die .

118 . H e looked at her with s hining eyes and there was a lush n his cheeks .


119 . A u se s a device on a bomb which causes a delay before the bomb explodes .

120 . T here are nasty cuts and grazes n his knee .

121 . Look at the mush rooms with minute yellow pores

122 . A acket s an illegal activity that is used to make money .

123 . When playing tennis , you hit the ball with a acket

124 . H er hand felt imp nd damp .

125 . T he leaves of bamboo were hanging imp n the dry air .

1 .3 .2 . 双词动词

双词动词指大纲中用黑体字特别标记的动词词组 ,其语义的统一性和固定性都很强 , 不能

分开来揣测词意。这部分词组是各类选择填空题的常选词。要提醒的是 , 大学英语六级的双

词动词不多 ,大学英语四级的双词、三词动词却成群结队 ,一定要结合起来 , 对照学习。

大纲中列出了如下一些双词动词 :

curl up smash down dine out s mash up

dwell on/ upon snap up edit ou t s natch up

embark on/ upon stumble across foul up stumble on

gear up summon up mess about tangle with

mess around tick away mess up tick by

mess with tick off peel off tick over

prey on tuck away reckon on tuck in

reckon with tumble down revolve around tumble to

shrug off ward off

下面对上述部分双词动词词组编题训练。请选题 ,然后查阅附录的词条义项。

126 . on't prepare anything for me tonight , I shall be dining ( off , ou t ) .

127 . he author has edited (against , ou t ) all references to his own family .

128 . hey messed ( about, for ) on the beach most of the summer .

129 . Some big birds prey ( to , on ) small birds and animals .

130 . hen she resolved tha t she would summon ( up , on ) her courage and refuse

him .

131 . As the minutes ticked ( away , off) they began to lose patience .

132 . H e ticked ( off , on ) the item s one by one .

133 . f we went too fast again , I was quite prepared to be sent for and ticked ( away ,

off) .

134 . he mother said goodnight and tucked the little girl ( in , on ) .

[参考答案 ]

126 . out 127 . out 128 . about 129 . on

130 . up 131 . away 132 . off 133 . off

134 . in


1 .3 .3 . 常用固定搭配的动词

这类动词有时不与介词搭配 ,可单独用做及物动词、不及物动词 , 如 conceive 这个词条就

是这样标示的 :

conceive i . 1 . ( of ) 构想出 ,设想

2 . 怀孕

vt . 1 . 认为

2 . 构想出 , 设想

3 . 怀 (胎 )

所以说 ,这里所谈及的动词 , 一旦与相关介词搭配 ,就与上一点讨论的动词词组没有多大

的结构性区别。为此 ,我们将其全部收编如下 :

accord with grab at acquaint with grieve for/ over

adhere to grope for/ over ally with hinge on/ upon

ascribe to indulge in ban from integra te in to/ with

bless with jerk out brood on/ over/ about kit ou t

budget for k nit together bump against/ in to mediate in/ bet ween

cat er for/ to orient to/ toward cling to overflow with

clutch at per tain to comply with pore over

conceive of reconcile to conform to/ with refrain from

confront with reside in correla te to/ with s nap at

culminate in snatch at dedicate to sober up

deprive of speculate about/ on detach from spy on

deviate from st ride over/ across discriminate against s ubscribe to

endow with thirst for exempt from trifle with

feast on/ off weary of glare at

135 . Bicycles are anned from he new motorway .

136 . Fat e lessed im ith great talen t .

137 . Recently he had caught himself rooding about he meaning of life .

138 . he radio and televisions have to ater for any differen t types of in terest and taste a-

mong the public .

139 . H e run s a restaurant and also aters or weddings and par ties .

140 . drowning man will lu tch at straw .

141 . he st ruggle bet ween King and Par liament had ulminated n the Civil War .

142 . oor eyesight will xempt you rom ilita ry service .

143 . passer-by grab bed at he falling child , and was just quick enough to draw him out of

the path of a larry .

144 . hroughout the ages men have groped for he meaning of the U niverse and their own

role in it .

145 . he fate of the prisoner inges upon he jury's decision .

146 . he je rked out n apology .


147 . heir in teriors are itted out ore like a submarines than spaceships .

148 . ove nitted he family ogether

149 . he lawyer tried to ediate between he company and the u nion .

150 . he fir st days of school are meant to rien t to he freshmen to campus life .

151 . H er charm esides in er happy smile .

152 . You should natch a t very chance to improve your English .

153 . T he woman in the next house likes pying on er neighbor s .

154 . I don't ubscribe to he idea that money brings happiness .

155 . H e ubscribed to number of journals concer ned with his subject .

156 . I t's wrong of you to rifle with he girl's affections .

157 . She soon earied of im and found another man .

158 . T he scholar's mind hirsted for few new books .

159 . She had seen the fox nap ts jaws t er .

160 . She would often nap at er younger son .

161 . For bette r health you must efrain from ating too much .

162 . he two men stood glaring runkenly t ach other , while the crowd looked on with a-

musement .

163 . T his young lady likes to east on uck and green peas .

164 . T he law does not iscriminate against ny race, creed or color .

165 . N ever eviat e from he straigh t path of vir tue .

166 . Age often orrelates with on servation .

167 . H e udged for ll his expenses in the coming year .

168 . T his pain will dhere to ny surface .

169 . My information doesn't ccord with hat this repor t states .

1 .3 .4 . 其他成语动词


些成语动词常常夹带一个名词。它们是 :

avail (oneself) of hold the for t

be on a diet keep one's own counsel

break apart at the seams make a fu ss of

burst at the seams make allowance( s ) for

come apart a t the seam s make amends

come to grief pave the way ( for)

draw a veil over place e ( high ) premium on

fall apar t at the seams pore scorn on

give vent to put a ( h igh ) premium on

go on a diet take counsel together

have a bearing on take in ( one's ) st ride

heap scor n on take offence (at )


hold in contempt take one's cue from

170 . Our relationship is reaking apart a t the seam

171 . She had stomach t rouble and had to go on a st rict diet

172 . My plan ame to grief and I was left penniless .

173 . H is question ad no bearing on he problem .

174 . She ade a lot of uss of her baby granddaught er .

175 . T hey esteemed each other and ade allowances for ach other .

176 . Is there any way I can ake amends for uining your par ty ?

177 . Giving money to beggars may p ut a high premium on dleness .

178 . She was always so quick to ake offence at er h usband .

179 . H e ook his cue from he Duke's tone .

180 . e'll raw a veil over your recent behavior , bu t I must warn you if this happen s again

you will be p unished .

1 .3 .5 . 常用做复数的名词

大纲词表中列有如下一些常用做复数的名词 :

accessories amends assets charities

classics clu tches compliments earnings

fit tings guidelines latitudes liabilities

mocks polls premises proceedings

ratings royalties sanction s scrap s

spectacles stalls st rides terraces vocals

另有几个动词词组也带有固定的名词复数 ,如 make allowances for , make amends。有些

名词虽在大纲中未标明 ( pl .) ,但在实际应用时常用做复数 , 如 sen timent 做“意见”、“观点”解

时常用做复数 (还有 manoeuvre 等 ) , 同类情况也在四级词汇中大量出现 , 对此我们将在《大学

英语四级通用词汇 100 天》中系统举例 , 可参考使用。还有一点值得注意的是 , 有些名词以复

数的形式出现 ,实际上用做单数 , 如 : s tatis tics , genetics。下面是上述几种名词的例句 , 请分析


181 . T he bank has ssets f over 500 million pounds .

182 . T he proceeds will go to local harities

183 . Smith still has the press in h is lu tches

184 . ake sure you k now what fix tures and it tings ill be left at your new home .

185 . he government pay guidelines ave proved a godsend( 意外得到的所需之物 ) to indu s-

t ry .

186 . Many birds migrate to warmer atitudes

187 . You'll get the result of your ock s ext Thurs day .

188 . he par ty won a convincing victory at the polls ith an overall majority of 97 seats .

189 . T hese premises re pro tected by burglar alarm .


190 . T he lawyer is representing him in the proceedings

191 . Min utes of the proceedings ere written down by the club secretary .

192 . H e carefully read the proceedings rom the last meeting .

193 . T he atings re a disaster and the reviews are worse .

194 . hough T om was desperately poor all h is life , his books and records now earn consider-

able oyalties

195 . T he in ter national community applied anctions gainst the count ry .

196 . She used to make soup from wha tever craps he could find .

197 . I've booked 3 seats in the talls

198 . T he noise from the erraces as deafening .

199 . hen you refer to the ocals n a pop song , you are referring to the singing .

200 . H e's making great t rides n his piano-playing .

201 . T he ccessories he bought cost more than the dress .

202 . enetics s the study of heredity and how qualities and characteris tics are passed on

from one generation to another by means of genes .

203 . tatis tics s a rather modern branch of mathematics .

204 . What are your entiments n this mat ter ?

205 . T he anoeuvres ould increase in scope .

1 .3 .6 . 专有名词

大写专有名词是大纲名词的又一道“风景”,数量不多 , 罗列如下 :

the Antarctic Majesty the Arctic Mediterranean

Bachelor the Orien t Catholic the Pope

the Commonwealth Republican East er T hanksgiving

the Galaxy

206 . T his is the most isolated island in the rctic

207 . She was a devout atholic

208 . reviously , someth ing like 45 percent of Britis h trade was with the ommonwealth

209 . School holidays are at Christmas , aster and during the summer .

210 . he alaxy s the huge group of stars and planets to which the Ear th and Solar System

belong .

211 . ou say Your ajesty Her ajesty etc, when you address or refer to a King or

Queen .

212 . Ships were moving in to he Mediterranean

213 . he Orien t efers to the par t of the wor ld that includes India, China and Japan .

214 . A epublican s a member or s upport er of the Republican Party .

1 .3 .7 . 形容词词组

形容词词组量不大 ,但时不时在大学英语六级考试、研究生考试和英语专业四级考试中出


现 ,因此更要结合四级的同类词组去复习。

六级大纲中列有如下形容词词组 :

alien to indicative of adjacent to inst rumental in

comparable to irrespective of comparable with prone to

destined for subordinate to flush with su sceptible to

given to tole ran t of implicit in

215 . Malice towards an enemy was completely lien to he man's nature .

216 . Our house is not omparable with your s .

217 . T his is a fligh t loaded with passengers estined for ew York .

218 . One can readily imagine the despair mplicit n such a philosophy .

219 . ndicative of he confusion was the fact that no one knew where the meeting point was .

220 . H is information was nst rumental in atching the criminal .

221 . T hey will close the premises rrespective of ho is run ning them .

222 . H e was prone to ndigestion after rich restauran t meals .

223 . T he new compound is olerant of emperatures exceeding 180℃ .

1 .3 .8 . 其他一些词与词组

1 .3 .8 .1 . 感叹词

一个感叹词 : damn

224 . amn amn you , amn t , are swear words which people sometimes use to express an-

ger or annoyance .

1 .3 .8 .2 . 连词

两个连词 : not withstanding whereas

225 . H e went o twith standing e was ordered not to .

226 . One arrived promptly , hereas he other s were late .

1 .3 .8 .3 . 介词

四个介词 : alongside given notwith standing versu s

227 . T he new car was parked longside he curb .

228 . T hey fought resolu tely longside he revolu tionary people .

229 . is works are second-rate productions longside hose of some of his contemporaries .

230 . She could have done ju st as well as you have , given he chance .

231 . I shall still go, otwithstanding he rain .

232 . T he big ma tch tonight is England ersus pain .


1 .3 .8 .4 . 副词

副词数量也不多 ,它们是 :

alongside barely beforehand clockwise

damn deadly hencefor th hither to

incidentally inland invariably notwith st anding

pres umably quar ter ly readily seemingly

solo specifically thereafte r whereby

233 . t was surrounded by clumps of t rees , with a clear st ream run ning longside

234 . I knew what he would need , so I made preparations eforehand

235 . We must turn the lid lockwise f you fasten tigh tly .

236 . I t's amn old . H e ran amn ast .

237 . She thought he was joking b ut he was eadly erious .

238 . I t was hard to believe we were in Cent ral Africa, deep nland

239 . T here were difficulties , but he per sisted ot withstanding

240 . resumably here's a good reason for her absence, as she doesn't us ually st ay a way from

work .

241 . he payment were made quar terly

242 . he eadily ccepted his proposal of marriage .

243 . ome eemingly good luck brought u s nothing but t rouble .

244 . he hill is , eemingly the highest around here .

245 . he flying-in structor told her she was to fly olo he next day .

246 . he doctor told her pecifically ot to eat cer tain foods .

247 . pecifically hese records show the following .

248 . his system , once lear ned , can hereafte r e applied with great effectiveness .

249 . his is a way hereby you can learn quickly .

1 .3 .8 .5 . 其他词组

六级大纲中除了动词词组、形容词词组外 , 还有如下其他词组 :

a multitude of in duplicate agitation for/ against in essence

at a premium in quest of at full tilt in ret rospect

at random in the midst of by analogy in the vicinity ( of)

by cour tesy of in tow by the same token in t ransit

firs t and foremost of no avail ignorance of/ about of one's own accord

in abundance on cue in accord with on the aler t

in alliance with on the decline in blossom on the verge of

in chorus on tow in collaboration with out of contex t

in context with one accord

250 . Student flats are also t a premium


251 . T he models are meant to show , y analogy how matter is built up .

252 . e could see it purely y cour tesy of he fact that we w ere on the bridge .

253 . y the same token we should like to thank your wife .

254 . Some of his projects were hardly n accord with heir in terests .

255 . Again we should try to see the mat ter n its historic contex t

256 . Usually we as k for a draf t n duplicat e

257 . But this is not n essence book about religion .

258 . Evidently they were n the midst f a crisis .

259 . She took ill n the midst of he ceremony .

260 . T he hotels n the vicinity of he campu s were cheap and shabby .

261 . Farm animals continue to s uffe r n t ransit

262 . I know you were there f your own accord

263 . Drivers must be n the alert or traffic signals .

264 . Steel production has been n the decline n these countries .

265 . T he car was damaged while it was n tow

266 . T hey protest ed ith one accord hat they had not done it .

267 . H er gnorance of oreign policy was ala rming .

268 . T he count ry was n the verge of isaster .

269 . T his remark was taken completely ut of cont ex t

1 .3 .9 . 近形/ 音词 50 组

近形/ 音词在试题中也是经常令人头痛的一部分。这部分之所以容易混淆 , 主要是见面的

次数太少 ,在书中比较的机会太少。这类词的选定比难/ 偏义词要客观一些。但何为“近”, 近

到什么程度 ,却没有固定的标准。这里强调的只是“相似性”, 看来相似 , 读来相似即可。下面

所选虽是冰山一角 ,然而可使我们未雨绸缪。

1 . sign , reign

2 . hand , handful , handkerchief , hand some, handbook , handicap

3 . t reat , t reaty

4 . t rail , t rial

5 . oil , boil , spoil

6 . boom , doom

7 . roar , soar

8 . sober , timber

9 . snake , s nack

10 . exper t , expertise

11 . expand , expend

12 . annual, manual

13 . immense, immerse

14 . counter , counterpar t , encounter

15 . ensue, ens ure


16 . example , exempt

17 . confuse, diffuse

18 . face, facet , fact

19 . eve, even

20 . hair , heir

21 . rob , rod , rot , row

22 . glare , sta re

23 . slit , split

24 . jar , jaw , jazz

25 . altitude , attitude, latitude

26 . cau se , coarse , sauce , source

27 . knob , k not

28 . grope, group

29 . have, heave

30 . finish , furnish

31 . plane, p lanet

32 . despair , impair , repair

33 . cube, cue

34 . curb , cure, curl , cur se , curve

35 . cough , tough

36 . precious , precise

37 . detail , en tail , tail

38 . couch , touch , torch

39 . glide, slide

40 . fee , flee, fleet

41 . council , coun sel

42 . porch , pore , pork , port

43 . flat ter , sha tter

44 . queer , sheer

45 . pond, ponder

46 . lame, lane

47 . seam , seem , team

48 . marble, margin , marine, mar sh , mars hal

49 . ra t , rate

50 . rib , rid , rig , rim , rip , ripple

下面对上述一部分近形/ 音词编题训练 , 选题后查阅附录的词条义项 :

270 . When she coughs , it's my (cue/ cube) to get up out of chair .

271 . ( Doom/ Boom) is a terrible future state or event which you cannot prevent .

272 . Poor eyesight is a ( handicap/ handful ) to a student .


273 . Houses , sh ips and furniture are made from ( timber/ sober ) .

274 . here isn't time for a proper meal so we'll get a ( snack/ s nake) at the coffee

stall .

275 . he two cars are exact (count erpar ts/ count ers ) in make , model and color .

276 . So much rain will make the fruit ( ro t/ rod ) .

277 . he s un ( stared/ glared) down with merciless intensity on the six men adrif t in

the lifeboat .

278 . Please sew up this ( rig/ rip ) in my sleeve .

279 . Mary was not well so she was lying on the ( torch/ couch) .

280 . hrow a stone in to still water and watch the ( rip/ ripples) s pread in rings .

281 . T he sight of soapy scum (泡沫 ) made her stomach ( have/ heave) .

282 . T he cook w as an exper t at making ( sources/ sauces ) .

283 . I don't believe his story—it sounds a bit ( lame/ lane) .

284 . T he temple had a ( marble/ marsh ) floor .

285 . T he ( seems/ seams) of the boat must be filled in if they leak .

286 . T hat dress is too ( queer/ s heer) to wear without a slip(套裙 ) .

287 . T he robbers tried to (fleet/ flee ) , b ut they were caught .

288 . Tact was just one (facet/ face) of his talents as a captain .

289 . T he boys w ere playing the game of ( marbles/ margins) .

290 . ( n) (curb/ curl) is the raised edge between a pavement and a road .

291 . ( Marshal/ Marine) your arguments before debating .

292 . T he prospector found a ( team/ seam ) of coal .

293 . he minor official was given little (altitude/ latitude) to make decisions .

294 . he car was heading st raight towards u s but ( sheer/ wear ) away at the last mi-

nute .

295 . he officer of highest rank in the army is the Field ( Marble/ Marshal ) .

296 . omething that is ( diffuse/ refuse) is vague and not easy to understand or ex-

plain .

297 . omething that is ( diffuse/ confuse) is not directed toward one place or concen-

t rated in one place but spread out over a la rge area .

298 . he ( fact/ facet ) of a diamond or other preciou s stone are the flat surfaces that

have been cut on its outside .

299 . rin ting presses have ( diffuse/ confu se) information throughout the world .

[参考答案 ]

270 . cue 271 . Doom 272 . handicap 273 . timber

274 . snack 275 . counterpar ts 276 . ro t 277 . g la red

278 . rip 279 . couch 280 . ripp les 281 . heave

282 . sauces 283 . lame 284 . marb le 285 . seam s

286 . sheer 287 . flee 288 . facet 289 . marb les


290 . curb 291 . Marshal 292 . seam 293 . latitude

294 . sheer 295 . Marshal 296 . diffuse 297 . diffuse

298 . facet 299 . diffu se

1 .3 .10 . 难/ 偏义词 250 个

难/ 偏义词的认定 ,应是每个读者自己的判断。这个问题带有很强的个人性。假如读者 A

和 B 的整体英语程度 , 或词汇量是相近的 , 由他们各自选出的难/ 偏义词却可能有很大的区

别。文科和理科的读者选词不同 ,文理科各专业之间的读者选词也会有所不同。于是 , 难/ 偏

义词完全是编者根据个人教学经验 ,分析试题的词汇难度及分布情况而做出的主观选择。读

者一眼看去 ,第一觉得没见过 , 第二说不上大概意思 ,第三引不起相关事物的联想 , 这个词 , 就

是它了 !

下面将这些难/ 偏义词分为两组 , 每组后都有练习题供检查。


alien antique appendix abs urd

acquisition acute arc autonomy

aviation badge bald barren

bearing bewilder bid bizarre

blaze blunder blunt bonus

boom boost boycott brace

bracket bribe bruise bulletin

canvas casualty cavity cereal

chaos cherish chord clarity

coheren t corp s corrode cos mic

costume cruise curb cylinder

denounce diagnose diffu se dilemma

discern discrepancy eclipse elicit

empirical en tity ethics facilitate

fake fix ture flap foil

gene grin haul ignite

grim immune irony latent

linger manoeuvre mortgage nickel

option oval par tition peer

resonance ritual scrip t segment

shaft shatter s heer shutter

shuttle slack slot spontaneous

surge texture toss tug

turbulen t turnover valve vein

ventilate verdict virgin vir tual

wrench yoke


300 . he policeman ( wrenched/ tossed) the gun out of the man's hand .

301 . er new (acquisition s/ bearings) were two dresses , a hat and a pair of shoes .

302 . ecause of her ( bearing/ earning) , I realized tha t s he was someone impor tan t .

303 . hey ( bade/ braced) one another a casual good-by and par ted .

304 . o ( verge/ ventila te) a room is to keep it supplied with fresh air .

305 . e could see the ( b laze/ facet ) of the camp-fire across the beach .

306 . our ( an tique/ appendix) has no particula r function .

307 . s we grow older , our power of acquisition gets ( b lunted/ b lundered) , so that

the art or science which is not acquired in childhood or youth will never be acquired at

all .

308 . an you ( migra te/ manoeuvre) me into a good job ?

309 . hen she's at home she ( s hut tles/ shutte rs ) bet ween the kitchen and the gar-

den .

310 . here is a ( n) ( s hut ter/ shut tle ) bet ween the town cent re and the sta tion .

311 . ( Spontaneous/ Homogeneou s) combustion occurs when someth ing sets itself on

fire .

312 . embers are asked not to ( ventilate/ hamper ) club problems outside this meet-

ing .

313 . he refe ree ( tossed/ vented) a coin to decide which team s hould kick off .

314 . hen the door was opened , the crowd ( surged/ affiliated) into the hall .

315 . ( n ) ( tug/ tag) is a small , powerful boat which pulls large ships , us ually when

they come into a port .

316 . n five min utes she had ( donated/ elicited) all the H erriad family history .

317 . e tigh tened a few ( snack/ slack ) screws .

318 . e put money in the ( slo t/ plot ) and the music star ted again .

319 . here were piles and piles of books , all ( virgin/ nominal) , all untouched .

320 . omething that is ( bizarre/ dubiou s) is very odd and st range .

321 . t failed to stimulate a( n) ( s urge/ urge) of investment in the industry .

322 . f you ( toss/ tug ) food while you are preparing it , you put pieces of it in to a liq-

uid and ligh tly turn or shake them to cover them with the liquid .

323 . he organization has an ext remely high ( turnover/ tuition ) of members .

324 . ( Aler t/ Alien) means belonging to a different country , race , or group .

325 . f you take a( n) ( bearing/ boycott ) with a compass , you u se it to wor k out the

direction in which a par ticular place lies .

326 . ( Valve/ Curbs ) in the heart control the flow of blood in the h uman body .

327 . f you ( brace/ bribe) yourself , you prepare yourself for something unpleasant .

328 . ( n) ( vein/ vent ) is one of the th in branching lines on a leaf or on the wings of

some insects .

329 . he two oxen were put into the ( joke/ yoke) .

330 . fter Wor ld War II , Britain grant ed many of its colonies ( au tomation/ au tono-


my) .

331 . en in this par t of the wor ld still demand that the girls they marry should be

( virus/ virgins ) .

332 . ( n) ( galaxy/ bearing) is par t of a machine that suppor ts or holds another par t

which turn s or moves and which is designed to reduce friction .

333 . he company that ( bids/ bias ) the lowest price will win the cont ract .

334 . he patien t has reached an ( acute/ aerial) st age of the disease .

335 . an we ( manoeuvre/ cue) the enemy out of their strong position ?

336 . f you ( blunder/ blunt ) , you make a big mistake , especially a careless or stupid

mistake .

337 . don't like the rough ( theme/ texture) of th is wallpaper .

338 . hey were pilots in the early day s of ( canvas/ avia tion) .

339 . alf in fun , half in earnest , I learned to know the keys by their names , and with my

back to the piano I would call the notes of any ( chord/ chaos ) , even the most

dissonant one . From then on it became mere child's play to master the in t ricacies of the

keyboard .

340 . f you ( toss/ allege) your head , you move it s uddenly backwards .

341 . Empirical/ Embarked ) knowledge, study , etc . relies on practical experience

rather than theories .

342 . he sea is too ( laten t/ turbulen t ) for sailing .

343 . ( Royalties/ Ethics ) is the study of questions about what is morally righ t and

wrong .

344 . here was a( n) ( vein/ ego) of coal running through the mountain .

345 . nly an exper t could tell that the pearls were ( fakes/ faxes) .

346 . tyre that is ( bald/ barren ) has become very smooth and is un safe becau se it

can slide over the road s urface .

347 . he comments in ( brace/ brackets) are the author's .

348 . he farmer gave his men a ten pound ( bonus/ bribe) each for getting the harvest

in .

349 . opper pans should be lined with silver , ( nick le/ norm) or tin .

350 . e had a cut forehead and a ( bruised/ fractured) check .

351 . he went round the ward , talking to each woman in turn b ut ( eliciting/ dilu ting)

lit tle res ponse from any of them .

352 . isdom is the ( badge/ ballet ) of maturity .

353 . e was arrested for (faking/ inflicting) some famous pain tings .

354 . ou put air into a bicycle tyre through the ( valve/ veil) in the tyre .

355 . heat may have been the first ( buffer/ cereal) to be cultivated .

356 . he broken ( shaft/ s hif t ) of the car is being repaired in the garage .

357 . f you are ( immu ne/ immerse) to a par ticular disease, you can not be affected by

it .


358 . hese resu lts have been achieved by series of political ( manoeuvres/ melodies ) .

359 . just joined the Army Air ( Scorn s/ Corp s) .

360 . n ( gear/ gene) is a par t of a cell in a living thing which cont rols its physical

characteris tics , grow th , and development .

361 . e've got an ( turnover/ comet ) here of about seven million pounds a year .

362 . rap cakes in ( foil/ for t ) before storing it .

363 . he smoker ( towed/ tossed ) away the ligh ted match and so cau sed a fire .

364 . e has designed all the (custom s/ costumes) and scene .

365 . he ( tex ture/ kit ) of something is its appearance , con sidered from the poin t of

view if quality and st ructure of the su bstance that it is made from .

366 . hen do children star t being aware of them selves as separate ( unities/ entities ) ?

367 . ith a( n) ( assault/ surge) of pity , I picked the child up .

368 . n ( tick/ nick le ) is an American or Canadian coin that is wor th five cents .

369 . 'm okay; just a few cuts and ( bonu s/ bruises) .

370 . f you (eject/ slo t ) someone in to an organization , you find a place for them with-

in it .

371 . he ship arrived in the por t afte r a long (cruise/ course) of four years .

372 . hen the ( shut ters/ shut tles) opens , light is allowed into the camera and reacts

with the film .

373 . conscious , rational , scientific code of ( ethics/ ethnics ) should be respect ed

and followed .

374 . on't ( slack/ slot ) off in your studies .

375 . f something is ( coheren t/ rigorous) , its par ts fit together well so that it is clear

and easy to under st and .

376 . ( Resonance/ Ret rospect ) is the quality that a sound has of being deep , clear , and

echoing .

377 . he boys called the very thin by“Fat ty”in ( ivory/ irony) .

378 . his is a wardrobe with a( n) ( oval/ orien t ) mirror .

379 . e must have seen in his eldest daughter ( t alen t/ latent ) qualities which con-

vinced him that she would succeed in life .

380 . e got up and opened one of the big wooden ( shut ters/ shut tles) .

381 . e urged all citizens to (ensue/ boycot t ) the polls .

382 . e will ( mortgage/ engage) his land for a loan .

383 . hat's a ( dilemma/ datum) that we haven't yet solved .

384 . e are looking out through a tent (flap/ flaw) at the night sky .

385 . his is a shir t with a company ( ban/ badge) on the pocket .

386 . a ter has of ten been used in ( ritual/ rupture) .

387 . a ter is sucked in at one end of the (cavity/ peer ) and expelled at the other .

388 . t was written on blue paper in impressive italic (斜体的 ) ( scrip t/ manuscript ) .

389 . was impressed by the (cla rity/ charity) of the picture .


390 . he ball rose in an unsteady ( arc/ a rch ) and landed about 150 yards away .


accessory adolescent advent aesthetic

affiliate afflict aggravate allege

alleviate allocate ambiguous anonymous

apt articu late assau lt asset

augment authentic avert baffle

batch bleak buffer caps ule

census ceramic chronic clamp

comet commemorate commentary compatible

consensus conspicuous cont amina te contrive

cynical deficit deteriorate dilu te

discrete dona te dubiou s eccent ric

ego eject eligible ensue

entail equilibrium exquisite facet

fluctua te fracture galaxy gorgeou s

hierarchy homogeneous hysterical impair

impar t impetus incorporate incur

iner tia inflict ingenious in termittent

intimidate in trin sic in tuition jeopardize

kit lubricate luminous lunar

manipulate mock momentum municipal

negligib le notorious ob scene offset

opaque or thodox over t paradox

paramet er permeat e per tinent postu late

precipitat e preclude premise pretext

prevalent profile proto type quench

rectangular rectify redundant refu te

remnant reper toire retention retort

ret rieve ret rospect rig rip

rupture saturate sceptical scru tiny

segregate silicon simulate solita ry

spatial spectr um stationary ste reotype

stern subsidy sue symmet ry

symposium t ariff temperament tempo

therapy tile tract trait

t ransaction t ransien t trigger trivial

unanimous versatile versu s vulgar

vulnerable wedge yacht zinc


391 . ( Adolescent/ Youngst er) girls and boys are developing from being children into

being adults .

392 . ( Orien tal/ Orthodox) beliefs methods , or system s are those that a re accepted or

believed by most people .

393 . n spite of ( immune/ chronic) ill health , she wrote 10 books .

394 . white ( pledge/ precipitate ) had gathered at the top of the glass .

395 . o you think that religion is ( compa tib le/ compact ) with science ?

396 . f you ( retrieve/ repel ) information , you get it back from a computer system or

from your own memory .

397 . he old (eccent ric/ incentive) lef t a for tune to her pet cat .

398 . ( rup ture/ scar ) in the water main flooded the st reet .

399 . ( fraud/ fracture) is a sligh t crack or break in something , especially a bone .

400 . e refused to see them , put them off on one ( pretex t/ contex t ) or another .

401 . our ( special/ spatial ) ability is your ability to see and under stand the relation-

s hips between shapes , spaces , or areas .

402 . he company was divided in to a number of relatively small , ( discret e/ disas-

t rou s) units .

403 . ( tariff/ tar ) is a lis t of fixed prices for service , especially the prices of rooms,

meals , etc in a hotel .

404 . (comedy/ comet ) is an object that t ravels a round the s un leaving a brigh t trail

behind it .

405 . ( Momentum/ Miniature) is , in physics , the mass of a moving object multiplied

by its velocity .

406 . ( Clamp/ Inject ) these two pieces of wood together .

407 . ith that ( cynical/ crisp ) outlook he doesn't t rust anyone .

408 . he sligh tness of the evidence ( includes/ precludes ) a conviction .

409 . remained there from s heer ( inertia/ impulse) , while she s moked her ten th ciga-

rette of the morning .

410 . is training will have taught him cer tain ( episode/ stereotype) .

411 . he is brigh t and ( ar ticulate/ speculate ) in dealing with difficult ideas .

412 . o fire a gun you press the ( t rigger/ t rifle) with your fingers .

413 . veryone was asked to ( donate/ denote) a day's pay to the combined city chari-

ties .

414 . e 're in a( n) (vulnerable/ mor tal) position here, with the enemy on the hill a-

bove us .

415 . he masthead light was no more than a( n) ( in termittent/ shabby) glow in the

gloom .

416 . ( Therapy/ Tenant ) is the t reatment of mental or physical illness without the use

of drugs or operations .


417 . he army t raining exercises ended with a ( mock/ naive) bat tle .

418 . he questionnaire covered an ext remely broad ( validity/ spect rum ) of topics .

419 . e turned his head to see himself in (file/ profile) .

420 . e become a (chronic/ pertinen t ) complainer .

421 . olystyrene ceiling ( tiles/ timbers ) help to ins ula te a room .

422 . his sor t of work would have been inconceivable before the ( adventure/ advent )

of microprocessor s .

423 . e could only (aver t/ avail ) his eyes; he had never seen a woman naked .

424 . ran back to my room and ( retrieved/ relay) my bag .

425 . hen the fish bites , hold the rod high to ( buffe r/ violate ) any sudden s hocks .

426 . n Britain and the U .S .A . farmers receive ( s ubsidies/ damages ) from the gov-

ernment to grow cer tain crop s .

427 . ( menace/ caps ule ) is the par t of a spacecraf t in which people travel in space

and in which they return to earth .

428 . he organization has exercised a decisive influence over its British ( affiliate/ agi-

t ation) .

429 . he organization has exercised a decisive influence over its British ( timber/ ce-

ramic) .

430 . he taxi is (anonymous/ au thentic ) . Nobody knows who's inside .

431 . e were cluste red round a radio to hear the (commentary/ compar tment ) .

432 . e took par t in a ( missionary/ symposium) on Arab-Jewish rela tions .

433 . t was a blow to my (ego/ ago) , and meant I would have to look for a new job .

434 . f someone or something ( affirms/ aggravates) you , they make you angry or an-

noyed .

435 . e s poke to her in a ( mock/ mon ster) -serious manner .

436 . ake use of the small tool ( kits/ kids ) and in troduction booklets supplied with

each machine .

437 . t is necessary to be a ware of all the ( paramet ers/ hinges) that have a bearing on

the design process .

438 . he ( ste rn/ profile) of a boat is the back par t of it .

439 . ts effect would be to ( precipit ate/ preach ) a change in the law .

440 . f someone is t rying to enter your house by force you can ( eject/ project ) him by

force .

441 . here are dozens of ( redundant/ retail) film directors looking for work .

442 . s regards civil righ ts , he has a very ( dubious/ edible ) record indeed .

443 . he bump on the left side of her forehead spoilt the ( symmet ry/ gene) of her

face .

444 . ccording to the U nited States Constitu tion , a person must commit a( n ) ( overt/

ver satile ) act before he may be t ried for t reason(叛国罪 ) .

445 . waited until the political clima te became less ( hyste rical/ met ropolitan ) .


446 . he hostess had (exquisite/ charte r) tast e in clothes .

447 . old the par ts together with a (clasp/ clamp) until the glue hardens .

448 . place that is ( bleak/ bizarre) looks cold , bare and unwelcoming .

449 . ach in st allment of the soap opera begins with a ( ret rospect/ prospect ) of the

preceding episode .

450 . he plastic (capsule/ escort ) was tran sparen t all the way round .

451 . hey ( sued/ summoned) the movers for ruining the furniture .

452 . he old hunter knew by ( in stitution/ in tuition ) that the wolf would soon be

there .

453 . n this country there are immense ( t racts/ terrains ) of impenet rable jungle .

454 . T he audience took this for a joke or a( n ) ( or thodox/ paradox) .

455 . he ( lofty/ vu lgar ) language differs from the language used at court .

456 . eomet ry ( postula te/ mediate ) cer tain things as basis for its reasoning .

457 . here are the yellow stone hou ses with red ( tiled/ tilt ed) roofs .

458 . ry to deal with ( obscene/ nominal ) telephone calls by put ting the phone down

immediat ely .

459 . 'd never before seen such a ( galaxy/ galle ry) of actors and actresses .

460 . he announcement of these men's dismissals acted as a ( gamble/ t rigger ) for a

series of st rikes all over the country .

461 . he book gives a( n ) (authentic/ bankrupt ) account of tha t awful war .

462 . ( yacht/ tug ) is a large boat with sails or a motor , u sed for racing or pleasure

t rip .

463 . he (fractured/ pierced) through the mist , trying to find the righ t path .

464 . outhful beauty is ( perpetual/ tran sien t ) .

465 . he magazine contains a( n) ( symposium/ symptom) on new forms of energy .

466 . oday we (commemorate/ commence) the end of the Second World War .

467 . t's wrong to ( stereotype/ clu ste r) people, as if they were all alike .

468 . arious metals and (ceramics/ genetics ) a re used in making these components .

469 . ll this meant a ( supersonic/ precipitate ) advance to socialism .

470 . is book has received a ( savage/ bleak ) reception .

471 . he two count ries were even at the risk of ( rigging/ rupturing) relation s with

each other .

472 . here must be immediate action if to tal chaos is to be ( vented/ aver ted) .

473 . enry did his best to ( ret rieve/ aggravate ) the situation , amidst some laughter .

474 . e believed in the ( in tact/ in trin sic ) superiority of his people .

475 . ( Ret en tion/ Reproach ) of these territories became a sacred national cause .

476 . ( n ) ( capsule/ porch ) is a very small , rou nd cont ainer with medicine in the

form of a powder inside , which you swallow .

477 . he world lacks the ( splas h/ buffer ) of la rge in ternational grain reserve .

478 . uch (or thodox/ in tegrat e) thinking will no t lead to a new solu tion to the prob-


lem .

479 . couldn't define or (ascend/ ar ticulate ) the dissatisfaction I felt .

480 . e int end to perform the entire H aydn-Mozar t-Beethoven ( repertoire/ solo) .

481 . early 1000 public officials were ( alt ernated/ alleged) to be members of an ille-

gal secret society .

482 . n ( administer/ adolescent ) is a young person who is no longer a child .

483 . count ry in ( deficit/ heal ) abroad should raise its int erest rates .

484 . hey became very conscious of the lack of females in the ( hie rarchy/ heritage) .

485 . (fax/ galaxy) is a h uge group of star s and planets that ex tends over many mil-

lions of miles .

486 . is phrase is par ticularly ( ap t/ veto) in relation to the events which have taken

place .

487 . n his desk , there are u sual newspapers , cut tings , campaign ( tractor s/ t racts ) ,

lette rs , etc .

488 . ( Aesthetic/ Adver t ) means rela ting to the apprecia tion of beauty and art .

489 . Another ( bath/ batch) of letter s came in .

490 . Zaire is rich in diamonds , copper , oil and (zinc/ zoo) .

491 . T here was some (consensu s/ cen sus ) of opinion .

492 . Cer tain personality ( tracts/ traits) had made her unpopular .

493 . A situa tion that is ( blazing/ bleak) is unlikely to improve .

494 . T he audience took this for a joke or ( paradox/ orthodox) .

495 . hey have some influence on the way resources are (allocated/ loca ted) .

496 . computer book is merely a slice of ( sin/ silicon ) holding informa tion in ma-

chine code .

497 . I t is an ( invalid/ authentic) Air Force jacket .

498 . T hey were dressed in st rongly ( chronic/ eccent ric ) clo thing .

499 . any insects can perceive colour of the ( identity/ s pect rum) that are invisible to

us .

500 . o you think that information in these (cellar s/ cen sus ) retur ns was fair ly accu-

rate ?

501 . e came across a sort of t rench , ( rectangular/ spectacular) in shape .

502 . wouldn't concede his ( promises/ premises ) so naturally , I don't draw his con-

clusion .

503 . hey were mere puppets (傀儡 ) ( speculated/ manipulated) by men in search of

o ther ends .

504 . H is sh irt was ( revived/ saturated ) with sweat .

505 . Events had been moving at an equally dramatic ( terrace/ tempo) .


[参考答案 ]


300 . wrenched 301 . acquisition 302 . bearing 303 . bade

304 . ventilate 305 . blaze 306 . appendix 307 . blunt ed

308 . manoeuvre 309 . shuttles 310 . shut tle 311 . Spontaneou s

312 . ventilate 313 . tossed 314 . surged 315 . tug

316 . elicited 317 . slack 318 . slo t 319 . virgin

320 . bizarre 321 . surge 322 . toss 323 . turnover

324 . Alien 325 . bearing 326 . Valves 327 . brace

328 . vein 329 . yoke 330 . autonomy 331 . virgins

332 . bearing 333 . bids 334 . acute 335 . manoeuvre

336 . blunder 337 . texture 338 . avia tion 339 . chord

340 . toss 341 . Empirical 342 . turbulent 343 . E th ics

344 . vein 345 . fakes 346 . bald 347 . brackets

348 . bonu s 349 . nick le 350 . bruised 351 . eliciting

352 . badge 353 . faking 354 . valve 355 . cereal

356 . shaft 357 . immune 358 . manoeuvres 359 . Corps

360 . gene 361 . turnover 362 . foil 363 . tossed

364 . costumes 365 . texture 366 . entities 367 . s urge

368 . nick le 369 . bruises 370 . slo t 371 . cr uise

372 . shutte rs 373 . ethics 374 . slack 375 . coherent

376 . Resonance 377 . irony 378 . oval 379 . latent

380 . shutte rs 381 . boycot t 382 . mor tgage 383 . dilemma

384 . flap 385 . badge 386 . ritual 387 . cavity

388 . scrip t 389 . clarity 390 . a rc


391 . Adolescent 392 . Orthodox 393 . chronic 394 . precipitate

395 . compatible 396 . ret rieve 397 . eccentric 398 . rupture

399 . fracture 400 . pretex t 401 . spa tial 402 . discrete

403 . ta riff 404 . comet 405 . Momentum 406 . Clamp

407 . cynical 408 . precludes 409 . iner tia 410 . ste reotype

411 . ar ticu late 412 . t rigger 413 . dona te 414 . vulnerable

415 . inte rmit ten t 416 . Therapy 417 . mock 418 . spect rum

419 . profile 420 . chronic 421 . tiles 422 . advent

423 . avert 424 . ret rieved 425 . buffer 426 . s ubsidies

427 . capsule 428 . affiliate 429 . ceramic 430 . anonymous

431 . commentary 432 . symposium 433 . ego 434 . aggravates

435 . mock 436 . kits 437 . parameters 438 . ste rn


439 . precipitat e 440 . eject 441 . redundant 442 . dubious

443 . symmet ry 444 . over t 445 . hysterical 446 . exquisite

447 . clamp 448 . bleak 449 . ret rospect 450 . caps ule

451 . sued 452 . intuition 453 . t racts 454 . paradox

455 . vulgar 456 . postulate 457 . tiled 458 . obscene

459 . galaxy 460 . t rigger 461 . authentic 462 . yacht

463 . fractured 464 . t ransien t 465 . symposium 466 . commemorat e

467 . stereotype 468 . ceramics 469 . precipita te 470 . bleak

471 . rupturing 472 . averted 473 . ret rieve 474 . in t rinsic

475 . Reten tion 476 . capsule 477 . buffer 478 . orthodox

479 . ar ticu late 480 . repertoire 481 . alleged 482 . adolescent

483 . deficit 484 . hierarchy 485 . galaxy 486 . ap t

487 . t racts 488 . Aesthetic 489 . batch 490 . zinc

491 . consensus 492 . t raits 493 . bleak 494 . paradox

495 . allocated 496 . silicon 497 . authentic 498 . eccent ric

499 . spectrum 500 . census 501 . rect angular 502 . premises

503 . manipulated 504 . saturated 505 . t empo

1 .4 . 六级词汇在四级词汇之上扩展的三大趋势

在非英语专业大学英语词汇中 ,六级词汇被认为是最高级词汇 , 但在英语学习的整个过程

中 ,这部分词汇最多处于一种中级状态。读了研究生 , 有研究生词汇 ,进了社会 , 又有托福词汇

或有 GRE 词汇之说 ,后两者词汇量的要求均远远超出六级词汇。这对大多数读者来说 , 真是

可望而不可及。然而 ,对英语国家的人们来说 ,“A child of eight , for example , knows about

3 , 600 words and a child of four teen , about 9 , 000 . Men and women with little formal educa-

tion probably recognize bet ween 9 , 000 and 10 , 000 words .”( William Morris , 1954 ) 即使是后

两者的词汇量 ,在英语国家 , 仍然属基础范围。根据我们的观察 , 所谓这些超过六级的“超纲”

词 ,多数呈以下三种趋势 :

1) 纲内词汇的词类转换

六级词 : method , mess

超六级词 : methodical , messy

2) 类别词汇的扩大

六级词 : s nake, scrap

超六级词 : viper , slag

3) 同义词 (还有反义词 ) 的增加

六级词 : s mooth , ideal

超六级词 : s leek , optimal

可以这样说 ,以英语为母语的人 , 在正式写作中 ,六级词汇与四级一样 , 也是他们常用的词

汇。但对于把英语作为外语或第二语言的一般学习者而言 , 六级词汇则较少在口语与写作中

涉及 ,而较多出现在阅读之中。六级词汇的大多数 , 确实是英语国家普通话题 (政治、文化与科


技 ,经济各方面 ) 中的“雅词”或叫书面语、正式语。正是这些词汇 , 被各类以英语为母语的作

者 ,用思考的“针”和技巧的“线”缀织起来 , 构成了一幅幅完整的语言的“图画”, 变成了文章的

“血肉之躯”。 (朱晓慧 , 1993 )

每一个希望将英语学得精细与深刻的人 ,都“需要在可能的时候 , 尽量有意识地多用狭义

词 (也就是特指词 ) ,来提高我们表达思想的能力 , 达到更好的效果”。 (杨小石 , 1980 ) 试想 , 我

们将“No, she said , as she lef t the room .”改做“No, she sobbed , as she stumbled from the

room .”( sob , stumble 为六级词 ) 将“W hile we were playing football th is morning , Jack was

hur t .”变为“While we were playing football th is morning , Jack fractured his ankle .”( frac-

ture 为六级词 ) 把“ He went to the window and looked at the outside .”这个句子中的“went”

和“looked”换成“ strode”,“ tiptoed”,“ sprang”,“ stole”和“ peerd”,“ glowered”,“ peeped”,

“glared”什么的 , 效果会怎么样呢 ?

显然 ,细腻的描写比粗略的叙述更能使人确切地接受 , 贴切的用词也就自然比笼统地用词


我在《大学英语六级词汇指南》一书中提出的上述三个基本观点仍不断被人在引用 , 现结


六级词汇在四级词汇之上 ,也以上面三大趋势扩大 :

1 .4 .1 . 纲内词汇的词类转换

如四级名词 accommodation , 到了六级是动词 accommodat e; 而四级动词 acquire, 到了六

级是名词 acquisition。

下面给出例句若干 ,以便熟悉这种现象。括号中的词是四级词。

506 . lassics s the study of the ancien t Greek and Roman civilization , especially their lan-

guage, literature, and philosophy . (classical )

507 . T he doctor er tified is findings to the commission . (cer tificate)

508 . he old man's earing s poor . ( hear)

509 . e had a variety of inte rests which made him an greeable ompanion . (agree)

510 . T he whale is the la rgest mammal in reation (create )

511 . lobal ean s concerning or including the whole world . ( globe)

512 . he camel is haracte rized y the bumps on its back and an ability to go without water

for days at a time . (characte r)

513 . Meetings are held on lte rnate hursdays . (alterna tive)

514 . T he bodies are brought home for urial ( b ury )

515 . ainte rs lacking originality often spent the lives in the mitation f the great maste rs .

( imitate )

516 . She's made a lot of ditorial hanges in their book . (editor )

517 . e turned the bicycle ligh ts off to on serve he bat teries . ( con servation)

518 . When a balloon comes down it makes a escent ( descend)

519 . A botanist can ifferentiat e arieties of plan ts .( diffe ren t )

520 . H earsay is not permissible vidence in cour t . ( permit )

521 . hirteen million pounds was spent on land learance nd st reet improvements . ( clear)


522 . T he vice president was levate o president of the company . ( elevator )

523 . he is breast-feeding her baby but he needs upplementary ottle feeds as she doesn' t

have enough milk . ( supplement )

524 . H e was being followed by a private etective ( det ect )

525 . Many foreigners have become ivilians f the United States . (civil )

526 . orporate eans rela ting to business corporations . ( corporation)

527 . n lect rician s a person whose job is to install and repair elect rical equipment . ( elec-

t ric )

528 . f you have seen cats , lions , leopards , and tiger s eat mea t, you can generalize nd say ,

“ The cat family eats meat .”( general)

529 . I t was the most est ructive torm in 30 years .( dest roy)

530 . erhap s you are aware that I am your legal guardian ill you are of age . ( guard)

531 . Fingerprin ts established the suspect's dentity ( identify)

532 . he scandal th reatened an abrupt end to an promising political career . ( promise)

533 . T he performance eightened y admiration for the act . ( high )

534 . T he olonial people can win liberation only through st ruggle .( colony)

535 . Fish nhabit he sea .( inhabitant )

536 . T he isturbance ad spread south in to the adjoining count ries . ( disturb )

537 . H e has to be njected wice daily with an antibiotic . ( in jection)

538 . e won the match by one goal to nil , the ecisive goal being scored by Jones . ( decide)

539 . oving the piano will ecessitat e aking the door off its hinges .( necessary)

540 . T he xecution f the bandits took place today . ( execute )

541 . T he essay t races the developments that nified he country . ( unity )

542 . Investing his savings in that dubious stock was isastrous ( disater )

543 . You can't pain t a picture without an nspira tion ( inspire)

544 . Reduced tariffs were timulu s o foreign t rade . ( stimulate )

545 . Wa terloo is a istoric attlefield .( h istory , historical )

546 . I t is an ederation f 20 regional union s . (federal )

547 . Troop s are used to put down the ebellion ( rebel)

548 . A chess player must have an naly tic ind .(analysis )

549 . T he two factories are in the same ocality ( local )

550 . he New York Times has orrespondents n F rance , Germany , and other count ries .


551 . doctor writes the prescrip tion nd a chemist makes it up for you .( prescribe)

552 . T he price, nclusive f trans por t is $100 .( include)

553 . Television is an advertis ing nter tainment nd news medium .(ent ert ain)

554 . he New Yor k Times has privacy n F rance , Germany , and other count ries . ( private)

555 . Is it practicable o t ry to grow crops in deser ts ? ( practise )

556 . here is a high degree of political stability and ontinuity n the count ry . ( continue)

557 . dentification f the jewels was made by the owner . ( iden tify)


558 . Selling that piece of proper ty was quite profitab le or me .( profit )

559 . H e seemed to be embarrassed by her eclaration f love . ( decla re )

560 . nly applican ts with the proper qualification ill be considered . ( qualify)

561 . T here is an t riking esemblance between Jane and Mary . ( strike)

562 . How far s hould any of us go in pur suit f what we want ? ( pursue)

563 . his school is xclusive only very brigh t children can go to it . (exclude)

564 . T he ssence f his religious teaching is love for all men .( essential )

565 . pinion polls showed his popularity a ting t an all-time low of 41 .5 per cent . ( rate )

566 . t is a orrib le hing to see one per son make another suffer . ( horror)

567 . he cheque is payable on present ation ( present )

568 . xhaust fumes are a threa t to the purity f the air we breathe . ( pure)

569 . Mr s . Jones is the headmaster's uccessor ( succeed)

570 . lectronics s the technology of u sing t ransistors , silicon s hips , or valves , es pecially in

the manufacture of devices s uch as radios , televisions , and computers . (electronic )

571 . H is work is a ynthesis f several ideas . ( synthetic )

572 . here's a special nclosure here you can look at the horses before the race star ts .(en-


573 . is justification or stealing was that his children were starving . ( justify )

574 . Cheap silk has not much ndurance ( endure)

575 . he invention of the typewrite r was a great ontribu tion o communication and prin t-

ing .(cont ribute )

576 . I'm not questioning the alidity f h is statement .( valid )

577 . T he metre is a unit of inear easurement . ( line)

578 . o istorian as ever doubted the authenticity of these documents . ( historical )

579 . I heard the etallic lick of a door handle . ( metal)

580 . T here is not much egetation n deser ts .( veget able)

581 . f a verb is in the ndicative it is in the form used for making sta tements . ( indicate )

582 . H is enial f the petition caused the students to vebel .( deny)

583 . She bore a st riking esemblance o his wife . ( resemble)

584 . y brother isn't xceptional there are plen ty of young stars like him . ( exception)

585 . e cannot allow fur ther omplication f this mat ter if we want to find a quick and satis-

factory answer . ( complicat ed)

586 . hey have become more ilitan t n pressing for bette r pay and condition s . ( military)

587 . T his is the one big eservation 've got about the book . ( reserve)

588 . H is lder ly aughter is married .(elder )

589 . he man's er tain ty s amusing , for we could all see that he was wrong . (cer tain )

590 . oyalty re the people who belong to a royal family . ( royal )

591 . We have in our idst wo Nobel prize-win ners . ( middle)

592 . T he merchant has received a hipment f tea . ( ship )

593 . t's obvious from his ru thless behavior that we has no orality ( moral)


594 . hipboard omance lourished more swiftly than those on land . ( romantic )

595 . n arith metic we use the Arabic otation uch is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , etc . ( note )

596 . ociology s the study of human societies and of the relationships bet ween groups in

these societies . ( social)

597 . I t was time for prayer nd the Muslims kneeled . ( pray )

598 . uspension s the act of delaying something or stopping it from being in effect for a

while . ( s uspend)

599 . H e sat down at the st ream to quench his hirst ( thir sty)

600 . T here's no such things as perfection n poet ry . ( perfect )

601 . Taxation without epresentation s tyranny .( represent )

602 . H is p timism linded him to many problems . ( optimistic )

603 . poster s a large notice or picture that you stick on a wall or notice board , especially

to adver tise something . ( post )

604 . hould you not come into the house for some efres hment ( refresh)

605 . hat happened in Croydon was that an arginal eat in mid te rm election changed

hands . ( margin )

606 . When we ask for help , the policeman ccommodated s . (accommodation)

1 .4 .2 . 类别词汇的扩大

如四级大纲中关于 furniture 一类的词只有 desk , chair , bench , cabinet 等 , 而没有 couch


下面试分几类 ,并附加例句 , 其他自可举一反三。


1) 身体动作

607 . Do you know how to andage n in jured arm ?

608 . H e tumbled nd fell , exhausted .

609 . T he boy's hear t lu ttered ith excitement .

610 . T he lit tle gir l k ipped long at her mother's side .

611 . We unched round the fire for warmth .

612 . Don't talk so loud; you may be verheard

613 . If you nvert omething , you turn it upside down or back to front .

614 . T he snake glides mooth ly towards its prey .

615 . An accident isabled im from playing football .

616 . I t completely ypasses he whole question of eth ics .

2) 精神活动

617 . t is the historic occasion when the Pope of Rome lessed he P resident of the Unit ed

states .

618 . A sense of trouble ahead ppressed y spirits .

619 . She ussed bout , unable to hide her impatience .

620 . he coming of the silicon chip could not have been oreseen y any of the computer pio-


neers .

621 . Honest boys espise ies and liar s .

622 . f you onform you behave in the way tha t everyone else behaves .

3) 时空变化

623 . illy was seat ed at one end of the table lanked y the two women .

624 . T he football practice oincided ith his classes .

625 . any inhabitan ts of Greater London ommute y Britis h Rail .

626 . hen roads , paths , etc . onverge they meet or join at a particula r place .


1) 正面的

627 . You need to keep the story moving at a risk pace .

628 . ou describe someth ing as errific hen you are pleased with it or very impressed by it .

629 . H is speech was full of patrio tic en timents .

630 . hese manuscrip ts are nvaluable o scholars and should be in a museum .

631 . She was gracious nough to show us round her home .

632 . London is the lassic xample of the scat tered city .

633 . he mother , an legant ady dressed in the latest Paris fashion , walked behind her

sons .

634 . N elson's por t rait is said to be a ormidable ikeness .

2) 反面的

635 . omeone who is rittle ppears to be very confident and often uncaring and insensitive .

636 . I think it is readful ha t any one should be so miserable .

637 . Mary were shocked by his oul anguage .

638 . I saw the retched oy being led away in tears .

639 . r s .Smith will be a long while recovering from the retched eath of her hu sband .

640 . Mark had his licen se suspended for estless riving .

641 . H e is a gloomy an; he never looks cheerfu l .

642 . o one is willing to take on the ormidable ask of changing the whole st ructure .

3) 数量的、时空的

643 . A ecimal ystem involves counting in units of ten .

644 . omething that is imely appen s at ju st the righ t poin t in a situation .

645 . omething that is rien tal omes from or is associa ted with the part of the world that

includes India , China , and Japan .

646 . wrot e to the Minister as king his advice on the orthcoming presidential election .

647 . T he coming of the new moon is a periodic ccurrence .

648 . ew York City is itua ted n the H ud son River where it en ters the A tlan tic Ocean .

649 . H is premature eath at the age of 32 is a great loss .

650 . he etropolitan police is the police force of England's chief city , London .

651 . Most insects do not live in polar egions .

652 . omething that is edieval elated to or dates from the period bet ween 1100 AD and


1500 AD , especially in European history .

653 . heir army has umerical uperiority over ours , bu t it is less well t rained .

654 . T hese mood s hif ts are periodical nd recurring .

655 . We are debating a prospective ove to the suburb s .

656 . e was present in his riple ole of school manager , ch urch-warden and donor .

657 . Our club has quar ter ly eetings .


1) 自然界、动植物

658 . he t rees had already put out their leaves and there were uds verywhere .

659 . ug s a tiny insect , especially one that causes damage or that people find unpleasant .

660 . A ull s a male animal of the cow family .

661 . T he farmer will drain the wamp o that he can plan t crop s there .

662 . T he house is not comfor table tonight because of the high umidity

663 . he could see the line of white oam here the waves broke on the beach .

664 . T he urricane lew with such force tha t t rees were uprooted .

665 . T he farm had sold the pigs and the ambs t the fair .

666 . he tulips (郁金香 ) were out at home, the lilacs(丁香花 ) coming on , the apple lossom

thickening every day .

667 . T he line of 0° ongitude passes through Greenwich .

668 . is laboratory became an vory ower where he could pursue his experiments in perfect

contentment .

669 . One speak s of orange peel b ut of tomato s kin .

670 . n the 14th century the plague illed one-third of the popula tion of Europe .

671 . Cold kills off lots of diseases and pests n the soil .

672 . She pricked her finger on a horn n a rose bush .

2) 时空、处所、机构

673 . he area which a bishop administe rs has one athedral nd many s maller churches .

674 . ages for workers in the public ector on' t always keep up with those for workers in

the private sector .

675 . A ome s a round roof that is built on a flat circular base .

676 . Before the battle the general studied the errain

677 . ort s a st rong building or a place with a wall or fence around it where soldie rs can

stay and be safe from the enemy .

678 . T he nlet as a cleft in the gorge, open on both sides .

679 . his s hould be checked by your own doctor or a t the Child H ealth linic

680 . A all s a shopping area where cars are not allowed .

681 . T hey went to a reception at the French mbassy n Delhi .

682 . A otel s a hotel intended for people who are traveling by car .

683 . A porch s a sheltered area at the entrance to a building .

684 . H e took our coats and hung them in the loset


685 . afeteria s a restauran t where you choose your own food from a counter .

686 . I bought fruit from a tall n the market .

687 . he quator s an imaginary line drawn round the middle of the earth at an equal dis-

tance from the Nor th Pole and the South Pole .

688 . rches orm the top s of doors , windows and gateway s .

689 . N ext F riday is the nniversary f the day I first met you .

690 . Smoke poured out of the ent n the cabin's roof .

691 . T he boxes are sealed with metal clamps and stacked in a arehouse

692 . H e is in a surgical ard f the local hospital .

693 . A jury ould never convict on that evidence .

694 . he new airpor t will be constr ucted on a large plateau verlooking the capital .

695 . e are at the end of one historical poch nd at the dawn of another .

696 . errace s a row of similar houses joined together by their side walls; used in British

English .

697 . he old lady managed to climb the taircase hich was narrow but not at all s teep .

3) 人、职业、称谓

698 . Andrew Young resigned as US elegate o the U N .

699 . T hey were taken under scor t o the local jail , to await t rial .

700 . edest rians ave the righ t of way a t crosswalks .

701 . he dictionary defines mule as“ ffs pring f a male ass and a mare .”

702 . H e has been a valued lient f our bank for many year s .

703 . he fir st wave of the new group of xiles rrived at Miami late in October .

704 . H e was the urgeon ho operated on my father .

705 . H e leaned an lbow n the table .

706 . he priest ho takes the services at that church is Rev . P . Brown .

707 . T hree of the enators igned last week's resolu tion .

708 . H e says tha t he is a escendant f Ju lius Caesar .

709 . Farmer s and sailor s are u sually good weather prophets

710 . Ball-players , runners , boxers , swimmers , etc . a re thlet es

4) 科普

711 . T his is an age of high technology and utomation

712 . A steel disc had been welded on to the echanism

713 . T here are two pints in a quart

714 . ou are liable to harm the uspension nd the steering if you drive regular ly over rough

roads at high speed .

715 . ylinder s a shape or an object with flat circu la r ends and long st raigh t sides .

716 . A att s a unit of measurement of electrical power .

5) 文艺

717 . I a rranged this huge horus f 120 in groups .

718 . allet s a type of dancing in which complicated and carefu lly planned movements are


used to tell a story or express an idea .

719 . T he sta tues are all examples of ancien t Greek culp ture

720 . T he ar t galle ries f Florence are very famous .

721 . T he novels of Mark Twain have enriched the American diom

722 . e went to the ircus o see the clowns and the performing animals .

723 . Mozart's works included 41 numbered ymphonies

724 . Boswel wrote a famous iography f Dr .Johnson .

6) 教育、学科

725 . A ib liography s a lis t of books on a par ticu lar subject .

726 . H is descrip tive prose s sound and clear .

727 . st ronomy s the scientific study of the stars , planets , and other natural objects in

space .

728 .“On the other hand”is an diom howing cont rast .

729 . T heir octrine ed them to believe in their own moral supremacy .

730 . eology s the scien tific study of sub st ances s uch as rock and soil in order to find out

the origin , st ructure, and history of the earth .

731 . Mass iteracy as only possible aft er the invention of prin ting .

732 . T he libra ry s ubscribed to scores of periodicals

733 . he arra tive f her ba ttle again st s uicidal depression makes fascinating reading .

734 . A quar te rly s a periodical published quar ter ly .

735 . ome authorities are in troducing environmental themes into school urricula

7) 物品

736 . rom the radle o the grave man is the most unfor tunate of all creatures .

737 . Two very clear and comprehensive andbooks re available .

738 . We accept telephone and ax rder s .

739 . A crap f cloth , paper , etc is a very small piece of it .

740 . T he urn appeared to be made of some sort of ronze

741 . he children could not even afford to buy a bag of potato hips or lunch .

742 . Organ s and pianos have pedals or changing the tone .

743 . A coiled spring forms a piral

744 . T he company's nventory ists 2 , 000 item s .

745 . H e has lost all his money—his allet as been stolen .

746 . T he war hero received many edals or bravery .

747 . H e hastily packed his clothes in his uitcase

748 . T he plumber (管道工 ) took out a rench nd tigh tened a bolt on the pipe .

749 . H e stood ready to fire a warning lare

750 . T he new garment hould be was hed carefully .

751 . Some bending(出售 ) machines accept oken s nstead of coins .

1 .4 .3 . 同/ 近义词的增加


即从比较笼统的四级词汇到比较细腻的六级词汇 :如从 par t , scene , section 到 clip (电影

或电视的片断 ) , episode (剧本、小说等中的插曲 , 片断 , 连续剧的一集 ) , instalment (故事、计

划等分期连载的部分 ) , sna tch(音乐曲目、谈话的片断 )等等。

关于同义词 ,我们先举下面一些比较生动的例子 , 希望能加深点印象。

19 世纪欧洲文坛上伟大的现实主义作家莫泊桑 , 在发表了处女作《羊脂球》之后的第二天

一跃而为名人。关于他此前习作的辛苦 ,从他转达他的老师福楼拜的训导的一番话中 , 我们可

以略知一二 :“你所谈到的任何事物 ,都只有一个名词来称呼 , 只有一个动词来标志它的行动 ,

只有一个形容词来形容它。因此就应该找寻到迄今还没有找到的这个名词 , 这个动词和这个

形容词 ,而绝不应满足于近似的 , 绝不应利用蒙混、甚至是高明的蒙混手法 , 不要利用语言的戏

法来逃避困难。”( [ 苏 ]但尼林 , 1959 )这个例子说明 , 所谓同义 , 实际是近义———精妙写作的极


关于这其中的原因 ,著名语言学家赵元任博士在台湾的一次演讲中 , 有一段十分简明而精

彩的比较 ,他说道 :“⋯⋯要是拿一般学校外语课堂所听见的外语的分量跟小孩学话所接触的

来比 ,那可不能比。一个小孩子从小到学会了说话 ,他‘上课的’分钟啊 , 总等于在学校里上了

十几年 ,二十几年的上课的钟点呐。所以小孩子说话学得这么好煞。”( 1980 )

英语与汉语一样 ,是世界上最成熟的语言之一。一种语言的“成熟”, 不仅仅是因为这种语

言词汇量大———覆盖到社会生活的方方面面 , 或是因为语法体系较完备———对该语言中经久

流传的范文有较系统而准确的语言分析。此外还有一个不可忽略的因素 , 就是这种语言在各

类词汇上都有若干同义词 ,其中包括近义词。随着同义词的出现与增加 , 使我们对世界上万花

筒般的事物进行准确、细腻、多层次的表达与描述成为可能。换句话说 , 同义词在数量上的多

寡以及在使用上的复杂、精细程度 , 往往成了衡量某种语言是否成熟的标志之一。

当我们刚开始学习英语时 ,我们对一切美好的事物重复地使用 beautifu l 这个词 , 大家不

会觉得奇怪 ,但进入中高级英语学习阶段后 , 我们就应该学会比 beautiful 更生动具体的词汇 ,

如 charming , elegant , graceful , gorgeou s 等等 , 否则便显得词汇贫乏 , 描写不当。当我们形

容一位容貌俊俏的姑娘时 ,我们说她 pretty , 如果说她身材苗条 , 我们用 slender 或 slim , 但如

果还要强调她的丰满 , 就得加上 plump。假如说凄婉动人的样子也是一种苦涩的“美”的话 ,

pathetic 便正为此所备。形容词是这样 , 名词、动词更是如此。由于我们的世界如此复杂 , 所

以同义词也跟着复杂起来。用一句时髦的话说 ,同义词像各种新鲜事物出现一样 , 也有引导新

潮流的趋向性。这也难怪 ,当今世界上最具权威、最被广为采纳的托福考试中的词汇试题 , 就


为了真实地感受同义词的妙不可言 ,我们看看下面几段英语作家的生动描述和一段对心

理学研究内容的表达 :

———“ I t ( the cold ) chilled the eyeballs of the twin , made their brows ache, penet rated to

their skeleton , affecting the surface of the body less than its core .”(这种天气 , 叫她们两个的

眼珠发冷 ,叫她们两个的前额发痛 , 一直钻到她们两个的骨头里 ,对于她们身体内部的影响 , 反

倒比对于她们身体表面厉害 ) ( H ardy: Tes of the D'Urbervilles , 张谷若译 )

———“ This bit ter cold , . . .Not a mouse stirring .”(莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》)

———Sean O'Casey 在一剧本中对演员动作进行说明时 , 说了三句与喘气这一概念有关的

话 :“ T he Brown P riest comes in panting . H e sit down on a chair , breathless . The Brown

P riest: I'm puffed , I'm puffed !”


———在小说《简爱》(《Jane Eyre》) 第五章中有这样一句话 :“Ravenous , . . . I devoured a

spoonful or two of my portion without thinking of its taste .”( 我饿急了 , 就把我那一份粥狼

吞虎咽地喝了一两调羹 ,丝毫没有尝出它是什么味道 ) 也在同一章里 ,作者写道 :“A quaint as-

semblage they appeared .”“ . . .it suited them ill , and gave an air of oddity even to the pret ti-

est .”(她们显得古怪 , ⋯⋯这副打扮和她们不相称 ,即使是最好看的姑娘也被弄成一副古怪的

样子。) (以上译文与例句 , 除注明外 ,均从李赋宁先生文中所摘 )

———著名心理学家 H enry Gleitman 在谈到“T he Scope of Psychology”时写道“ T he phe-

nomena tha t psychology takes as its province cover an enormous range . Some border on biol-

ogy , o ther s touch on social science, such as anthropology and sociology . Some concern be-

havior in animals , many other s per tain behavior in humans . Some are about conscious expe-

rience, o ther s focus on what people do regardless of what they may think or feel inside .

Some involve humans or animals in isolation , others concern what they do when they are in

groups . A few examples will give an initial sense of the scope of the subject mat ter .”( 该段引

文主要说明心理学研究的范围。同义词的妙用是这段引文中的语言特征之一 )

为了观察别人怎样描写 ,也为了使我们自己更富创造性地表达思想感情 , 我们值得花很大

的气力去学会同义词。学好同义词不仅仅是为了对付考试 , 更重要的是使我们学习英语的质

量大大提高 ,产生质的飞跃。这对我们今后用英语写作 , 帮助尤为重大。当我们经过对个别动

词 (组 ) 的学习、体味 , 并运用到一定程度后 ,我们更希望把同义词也掌握好并能熟练运用 , 因为


可以假设 ,人类自有了语言就会有同/ 近义词出现。为什么 ? 比如说“吃”这个概念 , 古代

中国人和古代巴比伦人就会用不同的语言、不同的词来表示。同一种族的个体 , 也会对同一概

念 ,在不同的场合 , 以不同的感情色彩、不同的方式来表达。中国话中“侃大山”和“扯淡”都是

指大伙儿聚在一起闲聊 ,前者京味十足 , 后者在南方常可听见。对英语来说 , 同义词丰富的原

因之一就是各种语言的融会 ,如历史上法语、拉丁语等语言的影响 ,像分别来自古英语、法语和

拉丁语。喻云根先生曾将动词“看”做了一番中英对比 ,下表可以给我们一些启示 :

如果将汉语同一语义场的词汇列出来 ,即可进行英汉对比 :


瞟 盯 瞪 望 瞥 瞻 视 观 睇 瞄 见 瞧


斜视 俯视 鸟瞰 参见 参观 巡视 观察 遥望 注视

下面我们以若干组同义词为例 ,“/ ”前为六级词并附例句 ;“/ ”后为四级词 ,无例句。


assimilate / absorb , digest

752 . he h uman body will no t ssimilate awdust .

clas h , collide / conflict

753 . Your feelings and your judgment sometimes lash

754 . f the aims of two count ries ollide there may be war .


clutch / grasp

755 . is fingers grasped John's flesh with a convulsive( 使劲的 ) lu tch

constrain , inhibit / confine, cont rol , limit

756 . T he housing regulations on st rain ariety and diversity .

757 . e have to nhibit rong desires .

contemplat e, deliberat e / care, consider , th ink

758 . t is exciting to ontemplate ow many new ideas are lying dormant (潜伏的 ) in people'

s minds .

759 . ongress was eliberating ver the question of taxes .

designate / name, appoin t

760 . he marks on his shoulder esignated he rank of an army officer .

discriminate / differ

761 . eath does not iscrimina te it comes to everyone .

dispatch / send

762 . e ispatched messenger to t ell the king what had happened .

disper se , dissipate / scat ter

763 . T he seeds of this tree are ispersed y the wind .

764 . radually the fog issipated s the sun came up .

disrupt / int errupt

765 . he special T V repor t isrup ted egular programming .

envisage / imagine

766 . he last forecast nvisaged nflation falling to about 10 percent .

erupt / break

767 . burst of gunfire rupted rom For t E sther .

heal / cure, remedy

768 . he doctor claimed to have ealed h undred similar cases .

mut ter / complain

769 . e was quite annoyed , and went off u tte ring hreats under his breath .

provoke, thrill / excite , spur , stimulate

770 . f you provoke he animal by teasing , he may bite you .

771 . t's a sigh t that never fail to hrill e .

sanction / confirm , permit , licence

772 . er conscience does not anction tealing .

slap / tap

773 . lopped im on the back .

embark / board

774 . he had mbarked n the ship .

embed / impress , press

775 . e examined the locks ; both were mbeded n the woodwork .

mingle / mix


776 . he river s which join ingle heir wa ters .

reap / harvest

777 . here were crop s to be sown and eaped


robust , s turdy / st rong

778 . T he once ob ust conomy now lies in ruins .

779 . ith his turdy egs he could keep running for hours .

au thoritative , crucial , dominant , foremost , s trategic / impor tant , vital

780 . H e was a small man but there was an uthoritative one in his voice .

781 . Success or failure here would be rucial o his fu ture prospects .

782 . T he television exper ts play a ominant ole in molding pu blic opinion .

783 . H e's the company's oremost ate rials expert .

784 . s a town councilor he's in a t rategic position for influencing the education plans .

at tendant , res ultan t / following

785 . hey were fighting again st nuclear energy and its t tendant anger s .

786 . f the whole of indust ry installed such equipment , the esu ltan t aving of coal would be

of considerab le significance .

cau tiou s / carefu l

787 . e was a autious nvest er who studied the market before buying .

closet / secret

788 . omeone's loset eliefs , habits , or feelings are ones which they keep priva te and se-

cret , oft en because they are embarrassed about them .

composite, constituen t / compound

789 . aul in the novel is a man made up of many men , an omposite over .

790 . ydrogen and oxygen are onstituent parts of water .

damn , deadly / absolute , complete, ut ter

791 . e kept tripping over pieces of wood which some amn ool had carelessly lef t lying a-

bout .

792 . his was the eadliest nsu lt he could hear .

deadly / fatal

793 . he murdered man had many eadly nemies .

corr upt / delayed , spoiled

794 . t's pitiful what those orrupt politicians are doing to us .

ethnic / racial

795 . he is really in to th nic usic these day s .

exotic / foreign

796 . omething that xotic s strange , unusual , and in teresting becau se it comes from dis-

tant country .

fake / false


797 . e wore an ake ustache to the par ty .

vocational / professional

798 . n ocational chool train s boys and girls for different occupations .

finite / limited

799 . istance bet ween stars are immense , but inite

tent ative / experimental

800 . ach step he took was sligh tly enta tive

eligible , fitting , superb / fit , appropriate, proper

801 . ot all applican ts are legally ligible o work in the US .

802 . uch conduct is not it ting or a per son of your position .

803 . he children's libra ry is uperb

indefinite , innumerable / endless

804 . e are embarking on an adventure ndefinit e n length .

805 . he indust rial age has brought nnumerable enefits .

intact / en tire, complete

806 . e found fossils of lobste rs with even their finest antennae ntact

inte rim / temporary

807 . t is recognized as a t emporary or n terim rrangement .

legitimat e / reasonable

808 . hy sical deformity is an egitimat e ground for seeking exemption from military service .

slim / slender , thin

809 . he is a tall , lim girl with long , st raigh t hair .

lofty / high

810 . he town's buildings were overs hadowed by the ofty ountain peaks .

marginal , pet ty / small , lit tle , minute, tiny

811 . he new law will only have an arginal ffect on the lives of most people .

812 . he was familiar with their petty ocial problems, and they bored her .


alien / foreign

813 . n Englishman is an lien n the U nited St ates .

appraisal / estimate

814 . n ppraisal f a situation is a careful judgment about what is happening and why .

array / line , file

815 . hey looked in the window, at the rray f cakes and cookies .

clearance, concession , warran t / cer tificat e, licence

816 . e should get learance y next Monday , if we're lucky .

817 . oreign oil companies were grant ed oncessions

818 . cannot pay your bill unless I get a arrant rom the treasurer .

coincidence ,/ chance, possibility


819 . s it oincidence hat so many of these complain ts a re made by teacher s ?

configuration / form , for mation , framework , construction

820 . onfigura tion s an arrangement of a group of things or parts ; a formal word .

cooperative / company , firm , corpora tion

821 . ooperative s a business such as a factory , shop , or fa rm which is jointly owned by

the people who run it .

deputy / associat e, assistant

822 . hen the headmaster is away , the eputy eadmaste r look s afte r the school for him .

destiny / fate, for tune

823 . e know we are in control of our own estiny

dismay / surprise

824 . mbassadors spoke of the problem with ismay

fantasy / imagination , fancy

825 . he u se of an tasy n ar t creates in teresting resu lts .

exper tise / skill , knowledge

826 . xper tise s special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training , study , or practice .

fusion , solidarity / unity

827 . he movement's emotional appeal lay in the usion f radical and socialis t ideals .

828 . heir spontaneous s how of olidarity ad saved us from a real massacre .

void / vacuum

829 . t one time outer space was believed to be a complete oid

allowance, premium / money

830 . isab led veteran s deserve a government llowance

831 . here's a premium f $10 for a seat on th is special fast t rain .

grease / oil

832 . is hair looked shiny with grease

fake , fraud / cheat

833 . he t raveling medicine men were akes

834 . feel a bit of a raud henever people assume we're legally married .

inten t / in ten tion

835 . he conference decla red its n ten t o organize a national movement .

at tendant / se rvant

836 . he queen was always surrounded by her t tendants

inte rsection / cross

837 . he city lies at the ntersection f three motorways .

leaflet / information , print

838 . e was standing at the door of the theat re handing out eaflets

garbage , lit ter / ru bbish

839 . arbage s , in American Englis h , rubbish , es pecially waste from a kitchen .

840 . here were piles of itte r n the st reets .


orien tation / direction

841 . he winding t rail caused the hiker s to lose their rien tation

proximity / neighborhood

842 . eep your companion within close proximity

rage / anger

843 . hen I as k him to pay me what he owed , he went purple with age

tu tor / coach , teacher

844 . hen the students are making their choices , their utor ay well guide them .

forum , rally , seminar , summit / meeting , conference , session , works hop

845 . he journal serves as a regular orum or the in terchange of information and ideas .

846 . he was invited to address a big anti-government ally n Hyde Park .

847 . eminar s a s mall group , es pecially a class of advanced students with a teacher ,

meeting to study or talk about a subject .

848 . estern leaders are gathering for this week's Ott awa ummit

exposition / exhibition

849 . n xposition s an exhibition in which goods , work s of ar t , etc, are shown to public .

episode , instalment / par t , scene , section

850 . t the end of the fir st pisode he kidnapper finally makes an appearance .

851 . n n stalment f a story , plan , etc ., is one of its par ts that a re p ublished or carried out

separately one afte r the other .

可以这样说 ,把握住以上三种趋势 , 就把握住了六级词汇在四级词汇基础上扩大的主流。

1 .5 . 奔腾在“英语原文之躯”的“英语分级词汇之血”

1998 年始 , 我开创性地编写一种把英语原文阅读欣赏与例/ 题句结合的、同时覆盖 100 %

词条 (多义项覆盖率亦达 80%~90 %左右 ) 的分级英语阅读欣赏图书 , 如《大学英语六级词汇

100 天》(朱晓慧 , 1999 ) ,《大学英语六级阅读》(彭典贵 , 朱晓慧 , 1999) 。这是一次崭新的尝试 ,

创意来自我们学生反映的一个窘迫的现实 :背单词背字典 , 背得快忘得快 ;熟读课文多做题 , 学

得活、记得牢 , 但这些材料对大纲词汇的覆盖面又不够宽。能否把该级词汇的 100% 的词条 ,

80 %~90 %左右的义项 ,自然而巧妙地渗透在自测题和精选的英文原文中 , 发挥习题测试、文

章欣赏的功能 ,使读者曾经走过的一段枯燥乏味而又漫无边际的学习英语词汇的道路 , 通过这

种书来省些时间、增些乐趣呢 ? 能 , 上述两部书已经做出了回答。

我想 ,我们学习词汇的最终目的就是阅读与欣赏 , 并由此来解决生活、工作中的具体语言

问题。只有在血肉相连、见树见林的英语原文中长期徜徉 , 流连忘返 , 我们就会有像朱熹教人

读书时所谈的那种“虚心涵泳 , 切己体察”的感悟。何为“涵泳”? 正如有人对“涵泳”二字的解

释 :“涵泳 ,最不易识。余尝以意测之曰 : 涵者如春雨之润花 ,如清渠之溉稻。雨之润花 , 过小则

难透 ;过大则离披 ; 适中则涵濡而滋液。清渠之溉稻 ,过少则枯槁 ; 过多则伤涝 ; 适中则涵养而

勃兴。泳者如鱼之游水 ,如人之濯足。⋯⋯善读者须视书如水 , 而视此心如花、如稻、如鱼、如

濯 ,则涵泳二字应可得之于意言之表。”

这与英国杂文鼻祖培根的《论读书》何等相似 !


以此方法 ,日积月累 , 我们对英语词汇的感觉 ,便不再是一长串无关联的单词 , 而是用语法

和情感的“线”缀织起来的活生生的人间万事万物 ,我们学习时的快乐不仅即刻产生 , 而且存之

久远。单词给我们的 ,就会是一种动人的感觉 :“有的字五光十色 , 跟红玫瑰一样的美 ; 有的词

软弱无力 ,跟贫血女子一样的丑陋。有的词很具体 , 使人兴奋 ; 有的字很抽象 , 使人昏昏欲睡。

有的词很有力 ,同卖艺人的拳头一样能把人打倒 ; 有的词软弱无力 , 像乳臭未干的孩子一样没

有力气。有的词 ,暖烘烘的 , 是很近人情的 ,能抓住人家的心 ; 有的词冷冰冰的 ,是不近人情的 ,

人家听了也漠然。温暖的 ,富有同情的词 , 能使听众 (至少在一刹那间 ) 仿佛上了光辉灿烂的天

堂 ;下流的词好像把听众送到低级酒吧间的氛围里去。”( 范存忠译 )

下面 ,我以精选的小诗和散文 ( 如全文被刻在铜板上、置于牛津大学图书馆前的美国已故

总统林肯的演说《葛底斯堡演说词》) , 与我亲爱的读者 ,一起体味这“英语六级词汇之血”, 是如


每首诗或每篇文章之后 ,“1”后的词为标准六级词汇 ,“2”后的词属超六级词汇的研究生词

汇 ;“3”后的词是超六级词汇的英语专业四级词汇。对低于六级的四级词汇 (包括大部分四级

派生词 ) , 均被我们认定为阅读本书的起点词汇而没有注释。对于超过六级、研究生和英语专

业四级的词汇 ,即在本书附录的词表中查不到义项和汉语释义的 , 我们尽可能地、全部地在这

类词后加注汉语释义 (最后几篇文章中 , 超 GRE 的和用于单词举例说明的偏难词 , 没有汉语

注释 ,也没有省略掉 , 是想保其“原汁原味”) , 以使这部分词汇不致影响或转移读者的注意力。

上述三种词汇均可在附录的相关词表中查到义项及汉语释义 , 这又使读者多了一次全景式扫


愿我们如此实实在在地积攒下去 , 每日一二短篇 , 二、三十词量 , 晓以时日 , 就会“十日一

水 ,五日一石 , 而后嘉陵山水⋯⋯”( 鹿柴氏语 )

1 .5 .1

O Captain ! My Captain !

啊 , 船长 ! 我的船长 !

O Captain ! My Capt ain ! our fearful t rip is done:

T he ship(喻美国 ) has weathered every rack , the prize we sought is won ;

T he port is near , the bells I hear , the people all exulting( 欢呼 ) ,

Whil follow eyes the steady keel( 船的龙骨 ) , the vessel grim and daring

Bu O hear t ! heart ! hear t !

O he bleeding drops of red ,

W h re on the deck my Captain (喻林肯总统 ) lies ,

F allen cold and dead .

O Captain ! my Captain ! rise up and hear the bells :

Rise up ! —for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills (吹响 ) ,

For you bouquets and ribboned wreath s—for you the shores a-crowding;

For you they call , the swaying mass , their eager faces turning .

H ea Captain ! dear father !


T hi arm beneath your head !

It s some dream that on the deck

You've fallen cold and dead .

My Captain does not answer , his lips are pale and still;

My father does not feel my arm , he has no pulse nor will;

T he ship is anchored safe and sound , its voyage closed and done,

F rom earful t rip the victor( 胜利 ) sh ip comes in with object won:

Ex lt O shores , and ring O bells !

Bu I with mournful t read ,

Wa k the deck my Captain lies ,

F allen cold and dead .

Walt Whitman

1 . grim fling


2 . daring wreath

3 . ugle bouquet mournfu l

t read

1 .5 .2 .

Annabel Lee


I t was many and many a year ago ,

In a kingdom by the sea,

T hat a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of Annabel Lee ; —

And th is maiden she lived with no other thought

T han to love and be loved by me .

I was a child , and s he was a child ,

In this kingdom by the sea,

But we loved with a love that was more than love —

I and my Annabel Lee—

With a love that the winged seraphs (六翼天使 ) of H eaven

Coveted(垂涎 ) her and me .

And th is was the reason that , long ago,

In this kingdom by the sea,

A wind blew out of a cloud , chilling


My beautiful Annabel Lee;

So tha t her high-born kins men (亲戚 ) came

And bore her away from me ,

To sh ut her up in a sepulchre(坟墓 )

In this kingdom by the sea .

T he angels , not half so happy in H eaven ,

Went envying her and me: —

Yes ! — that was the reason ( as all men know ,

In this kingdom by the sea)

T hat the wind came out of the cloud by night,

Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee .

But our love it was st ronger by far than the love

Of those who were older than we —

Of many far wiser than we —

And neither the angels in H eaven above ,

Nor the demons (恶魔 ) down under the sea ,

Can ever dissever (分隔 ) my soul from the soul

Of the beautifu l Annabel Lee : —

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams

Of the beautifu l Annabel Lee ;

And the sta res never rise but I feel the brigh t eyes

Of the beautifu l Annabel Lee ;

And so , all the night-tide , I lie down by the side

Of my darling , — my darling , — my life and my bride,

In her sepulchre there by the sea—

In her tomb by the side of the sea .

Edgar Allan Poe

1 . angel~854

2 . tomb

3 . maiden

1 .5 .3 .

From An Essay On Criticism


A lit tle lear ning is a dangerous thing;

Drink deep , or taste not the Pierian( 帕依尔 ) spring :


T here shallow draughts in toxicate the brain( 使人头晕目眩 ) ,

And drinking largely sobers us again .

Fired at first sigh t with what the Muse( 诗神缪斯 ) imparts ,

In fearless youth we tempt the heights of Arts ,

While from the bounded level of our mind

Short views we t ake, nor see the length s behind;

But more advanced , behold with st range surprise

N ew distant scenes of endless science rise !

So pleased a t fir st the towering Alps (阿尔卑斯山 ) we t ry ,

Mount o'er the vales , and seem to t read the sky ,

T he eternal snows appear already past ,

And the fir st clouds and mountains seem the last ;

But , those a ttained , we t remble to survey

T he growing labor s of the lengthened way ,

T he increasing prospects tire our wandering eyes ,

H ills peep o'e r hills , and Alps on Alps arise (山外有山 ,天外有天 ) !

Alexander Pope

1 . raught sober impar t

eternal 855~858

2 . peep

3 . t read

1 .5 .4 .

Address at Gettysburg


Four score and seven year s ago our father brought for th on this continent a new nation ,

conceived in liber ty , and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal .

Now w e are engaged in a grea t civil war , testing whether that nation , or any nation so

conceived and so dedicat ed , can long endure . We are met on the grand battlefield of that

war . We have come to dedicate a por tion of that field as a final resting place for those who

here gave their lives that tha t na tion might live . I t is altogether fit ting and proper that we

should do this .

But , in a la rger sense, we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate ( 圣化 )—we cannot

hallow( 神化 )— th is ground . T he brave men , living and dead , who st ruggled here , have con-

secrated it far above our poor power to add or detract ( 减少 ) . The world will lit tle note nor

long remember what we say here , but it can never forget what hey did here . I t is for us , the

living , ra ther , to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have

thu s far so nobly advanced . I t is rather for u s to be here dedicated to the great task remaining


before us— that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which

they gave the last full measure of devotion ; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall

no t have died in vain ; that this nation , under God , shall have a new bir th of freedom; and

that government of the people, by the people , for the people , shall no t perish from the

ear th .

Abraham Lincoln

1 . onceive proposition perish


2 . bring for th devotion

1 .5 .5 .

Of Studies


Studies serve for deligh t , for ornament , and for ability . Their chief use for deligh t , is in

priva teness and retiring ; for ornament , is in discourse(交谈 ) ; and for ability , is in the judg-

ment and disposition of bu siness . For exper t men can execute, and perhaps judge of particu-

lar s , one by one; but the general coun sels , and the plo ts and marshalling (安排 ) of affairs ,

come best from those that a re learned . To spend too much time in studies is slo th (懒散 ) ; to

use them too much for ornament , is affectation ; to make judgment wholly by their rules , is

the humor of a scholar , they perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for na tural a-

bilities are like natural plan ts , that need proyning ( = pruning , 修剪枝叶 ) by study; and

studies themselves do give for th directions too much at large , except they be bounded in by

experience . Craf ty men contemn (鄙视 ) studies , simple men admire them , and wise men use

them; for they teach not their own u se ; but that is a wisdom without them , and above them ,

won by observation . Read not to cont radict and confu te ( 责难 ) ; nor to believe and take for

gran ted ; nor to find talk and discour se ; but to weigh and consider . Some books are to be tas-

ted , o ther s to be swallowed , and some few to be chewed and digested ; that is , some books

are to be read only in par ts; others to be read , but not curiously ; and some few to be read

wholly , and with diligence and att en tion . Some book s also may be read by deputy , and ex-

t racts made of them by others ; bu t that would be only in the less impor tant arguments , and

the meaner sor t of book s; else ( = or else ) distilled books are like common distilled waters ,

flashy things . Reading maketh ( = makes ) a full man; conference (讨论 ) a ready man; and

writing an exact man . And therefore, if a man writ e little, he had need have a great memo-

ry ; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit ; and if he read little, he had need have

much cunning , to seem to know that he doth not . Histories make men wise; poets wit ty ;

the ma thematics subtile( = subtle ) ; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and r hetoric

( 修辞 )able to contend . Abeunt studia in mores( 专心学问者 ,性格亦受陶冶 ) . Nay there is no

stond( hindrance, 阻碍 ) or impediment (阻挠 ) in the wit , bu t may be wrought out ( 排除 ) by


fit s tudies: like as diseases of the body may have appropriate exercises . Bowling is good for

the stone and rein s; s hooting for the lungs and breast ; gentle walking for the stomach; rid-

ing for the head; and the like . So if a man's wit be wandering , let him study the mathemat-

ics ; for in demon strations , if his wit be called away never ( = ever ) so little, he must begin a-

gain . If his wit be not ap t to distinguish or find diffe rences , let him study the schoolmen; for

they are cymini sectores (非常讲究的人 ) . If he be not apt to bea t over matter s , and to call up

one th ing to prove and illustrate another , let him study the lawyers'cases . So every defect of

the mind may have a special receip t .

F rancis Bacon

1 . rnament disposition counsel

cont radict ext ract distill

confer su btle contend

apt 862~871

2 . cunning witty

3 . demonstration

1 .5 .6 .

The Balance of Nature


T he balance of na ture is a very elaborate and very delica te system of checks and counter

check s (抑制与反抑制体系 ) . I t is continually being altered as climates change , as new organ-

isms evolve, as animals or plan ts permeat e to new areas . But the altera tions have in the

past , for the most part , been slow , whereas with the arrival of civilized man , their speed has

been multip lied manyfold : from the evolu tionary timescale, where change is measured by pe-

riods of ten or a hundred thousand years , they have been t ransferred to the human time-scale

in which centuries and even decades count .

Everywhere man is altering the balance of nature . H e is facilit ating the spread of plants

and animals into new regions , sometimes deliberately , sometimes uncon sciously . H e is cov-

ering huge areas with new kinds of p lants , or with houses , factories , slag-heaps ( 炉渣堆 )

and other products of his civilization . H e extermina tes (使⋯⋯消失 ) some species on a large

scale, bu t favour s the multiplication of others . In brief, he has done more in five thousand

years to alter the biological aspect of the plannet than has nature in five million .

Many of these changes which he has brought about have had unforeseen con sequences .

Who would have thought that the throwing away of a piece of Canadian wa terweed would

have caused half the waterways of Britain to be blocked for a decade , or that the provision of

pot cacti(仙人掌 ) for lonely set tle rs' wives would have led to Eastern Aust ralia being overr un

with forests of P rickly Pear ? Who would have prophesied tha t the cutting down of forests on

the Adriatic coasts , or in par ts of Cent ral Africa, could have reduced the land to a semi-


desert , with the very soil washed away from the bare rock ? W ho would have thought that

improved communications would have changed history by the spreading of disease-sleeping

sick ness in to East Africa, measles ( 麻疹 ) into Oceania, very possibly malaria into ancien t

Greece ?

T hese are spectacular examples; but examples on a smaller scale are everywhere to be

found . We make a na ture sanctuary for ra re birds , prescribing absolute security for all spe-

cies; and we may find that some common and hardy kind of bird multiplies beyond measure

and ousts( 驱逐 ) the rare kinds in which we were par ticu lar ly in terested . We see , owing to

some lit tle change brought about by civilization , the sta rling spread over the English coun-

t ryside in hordes(成群结队 ) . We improve the yielding capacities of our ca ttle ; and find that

now they exhaust the pastures which sufficed for less exigent (苛求的 ) stock . We gaily set a-

bout killing the carnivores (食肉动物 ) that molest ( 妨碍 ) our domestic animals , the hawks

that eat our fowls and game-birds ; and find that in so doing we are also removing the brake

that rest rains the multiplication of mice and other little rodents that gnaw away the farmers'

profits .

J ulian H uxley

1 . permeate facilitat e deliberate ( ly)

species spectacular pasture

suffice 872~878

2 . lteration Oceania multiplication


3 . prophesy malaria fowl gnaw

1 .5 .7 .

Benjamin Franklin


F ranklin's life is fu ll of charming stories which all young men should k now —how he

peddled ballads (民歌唱本 ) in Boston , and stood , the guest of kings , in Europe ; how he

worked his passage as a stowaway(偷渡者 ) to Philadelphia , and rode in the queen's own lit-

ter ( 轿子 ) in F rance; how he walked the st reets of Philadelphia , homeless and unknown ,

with three penny rolls for his breakfast , and dined at the tab les of princess , and received his

friends in a palace; how he raised a kite (风筝 ) from a cow shed(棚 ) , and was showered with

all the high degrees the colleges of the world could give ; how he was duped( 受骗 ) by a false

friend as a boy , and became the friend of all humanity as a man; how he was made Major

General Franklin , only to resign because, as he said , he was no soldier , and yet helped to

organize the army that stood before the trained t roops of England and Germany .

T his poor Boston boy , with scarcely a day's schooling , became master of six languages


and never stopped studying; this neglect ed apprentice(学徒 ) tamed the ligh tning , made his

name famous , received degrees and diplomas from colleges in both hemispheres , and became

forever remembered as“Doctor Franklin”, ph ilosopher ( 哲学家 ) , pat riot , scien tis t , philan-

thropist (慈善家 ) and statesman .

Self-made , self-taught , self-reared (自谋出路 ) , the candle maker's son gave ligh t to all

the world ; the street ballad seller set all men singing of liberty ; the runaway apprentice be-

came the most soughtafter ( 追忆的 ) man of two continents , and brought his native land to

praise and honour him .

H e built America ,— for what our Republic is today is la rgely due to the prudence ( 慎

重 ) , the forethought ( 远见卓识 ) , the statesmanship , the ente rprise , the wisdom , and the a-

bility of Benjamin F ranklin . He belongs to the wor ld , bu t especially does he belong to Amer-

ica . As the nations honored him while living , so the Republic g lorifies him when dead , and

has ensh rined( 安置在 ) him in the choicest of its niches( 珍贵的壁龛 )— the one he regarded as

the lof tiest , — the hearts of the common people, from whom he had sprung and in their

hear ts Franklin will live forever .

Elbridge Brooks

1 . harm dine humanity

hemisphere diplomas enterprise

lofty 879~885

2 . stateman

3 . pat riot

1 .5 .8 .

A Pair of Socks


On fine af ternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was

necessary to buy a pair of socks . W hy I wished to buy only one pair is unimpor tan t . I turned

into the first sock shop that caught my eyes , and a boy clerk who could not have been more

than seventeen years old came forward .“What can I do for you , sir ?”“ I wish to buy a pair

of socks .”His eyes glowed . There was a note of passion in his voice .“Did you know that

you had come in to the finest place in the world to buy socks ?”I had not been aware of that ,

as my entrance had been accidental .“Come with me .”said the boy , ecstatically . I followed

him to the rear of the shop , and he began to haul down from the shelves box af ter box , dis-

playing their conten ts for my delectation(鉴赏 ) .

“H old on , lad , I am going to b uy only one pair !”“ I know that ,”said he,“ but I want

you to see how marvellously beautifu l these are . Aren't they wonderfu l !”There w as on his

face an expression of solemn and holy rap ture, as if he were revealing to me the mysteries of

his religion . I became far more inte rested in him than in the socks . I looked at him in amaze-


ment .“My friend ,”said I ,“if you can keep this up , if this is not merely the enthusiasm that

comes from novelty , from having a new job , if you can keep up this zeal and excitement day

afte r day , in ten years you will own every sock in the U nited States .”

My amazement at his pride and joy in salesmanship will be easily understood by all who

read this a rticle . In many shops the customer has to wait for someone to wait upon him . And

when finally some clerk does begin to notice you , you are made to feel as if you were int er-

rup ting him . Either he is absorbed in profound thought in which he hates to be disturbed or

he is skylar king(嘻笑聊天 ) with a girl cle rk and you feel like apologizing for thrusting your-

self in to such in timacy .

H e disp lays no in terest either in you or in the goods he is paid to sell . Yet possibly that

very clerk who is now so apathetic(冷漠无情的 ) began his career with hope and enth usiasm .

T he daily grind was too much for him; the novelty wore off ; his only pleas ures were found

outside of wor king hours . H e became a mechanical , he became incompet en t; then he saw

younger cle rks who had more zest ( 热忱 ) in their work , promoted over him . H e became

sour . T ha t was the last stage . H is usefu lness was over .

I have observed this melancholy decline in the lives of so many men in so many occupa-

tion s tha t I have come to the conclu sion tha t the surest road to failure is to do things mechan-

ically . There are many teachers in schools and colleges who seem duller than the dullest of

their pupils ; they go through the motions of teaching , but they are as impersonal as a tele-

phone .

William Lyon Phelps

1 . aul novelty profound


3 . rap ture melancholy

1 .5 .9 .



I t is physically impossible for a well-educated , int ellectual , or brave man to make money

the chief object of his thoughts ; as physically impossible as it is for him to make his dinner

the principal object of them . All healthy people like their dinner , bu t their dinner is not the

main object of their lives . So all healthy-minded people like making money—ought to like it

and to enjoy the sensation of winning it ; b ut the main object of their lives is not money; it is

something bett er than money .

A good soldier , for in st ance, main ly wishes to do his figh ting well . He is glad of his

pay—very properly so , and ju stly grumbles when you keep him ten months without it ; still ,

his main notion of life is to win battles , not to be paid for winning them .

So of doctors they like fees no doubt—ought to like them; yet if they are brave and well


educated , the entire object of their lives is not fees . They , on the whole, desire to cure the

sick , and —if they are good doctors , and the choice were fairly put to them—would rather

cure their patient and lose their fee than kill him and get it . and so with all o ther brave and

righ tly trained men ; their work is first , their fee second , very impor tant always , bu t still

second .

But in every nation , there is a vast class of people who are cowardly, and more or less

stupid . And with these people , just as cer tainly the fee is first and the work second , as with

brave people the work is fir st and the fee second .

And this is no small distinction . It is the whole distinction . I t is the whole distinction in

a man . You cannot serve two masters; you must serve one or the other . If your work is first

with you , and your fee second , wor k is your master .

Observe, then , all wise work is mainly threefold in character . It is honest , useful , and

cheerful . I hardly know anything more st range than that you recognize honesty in play , and

do not in work . In your ligh test games you have always someone to see what you call“ fair

play”. In boxing you must h it fair ; in racing , sta rt fair . Your watchword is fair play ; your

hat red , foul play . Did it ever st rike you that you wanted another watchword also , fair word ,

and another ha tred also , foul work ?


1 . ensa tion notion foul


3 . grumble cowardly

1 .5 .10 .

Man Will Prevail


I feel that this award was not made to me as a man , but to my work—a life'a wor k in the

agony and sweat of the human spirit , not for glory and least of all for profit , bu t to create

out of the materials of the human s pirit something which did not exist before . So this award

is only mine in t rust . It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money par t of it com-

mensurate (相称的 ) with the purpose and significance of its origin . But I would like to do the

same with the acclaim (欢呼 ) too, by u sing this moment as a pinnacle ( 顶点 ) from which I

might be lis tened to by the young men and women already dedica ted to the same anguish and

t ravail (同样痛苦而艰巨的工作 ) , among whom is already that one who will some day stand

here where I am standing .

Our tragedy today is a general and universal phy sical fear so long sustained by now that

we can even bear it . There are no longer problems of the spirit . T here is only the question :

When will I be blown up ? Because of this , the young man or woman writing today has for-

got ten the problems of the human hear t in conflict with itself which alone can make good


writing because only that is worth writing about , wor th the agony and the sweat .

H e must learn them again . H e must t each himself that the basest of all things is to be a-

fraid ; and , teaching himself that , forget it forever , leaving no room in his work shop for any-

thing but the old verifies ( 真理 ) and t ruths of the heart , the old univer sal t ru ths lacking

which any story is ephemeral ( 短暂的 ) and doomed—love and honor and pity and pride and

compassion and sacrifice . U ntil he does so , he labors under a cur se . H e writes not of love

but of lu st ( 贪欲 ) , of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value, of victories without

hope and , wor st of all , without pity or compassion . H is griefs grieve on no univer sal bones ,

leaving no scars . H e writ es not of the heart bu t of the glands(七情六欲 ) .

Until he relearns these things , he will write as though he stood among and watched the

end of man . I decline to accept the end of man . I t is easy enough to say that man is immor tal

simply because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged (敲响 ) and

faded from the last wor th less rock (喻 : 避难所 ) hanging tideless in the last red and dying eve-

ning , that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny(微弱的 ) inexhausti-

ble(不绝于耳的 ) voice, still talking . I refu se to accept this . I believe that man will no t

merely endure : he will prevail . H e is immor tal , no t because he alone among creatures has an

inexhau stib le voice , bu t because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion( 怜悯 ) and sac-

rifice and endurance . T he poet's , the write r's , duty is to writ e about these things . I t is his

privilege to help man endure by lifting his hear t , by reminding him of the courage and honor

and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his

past . T he poet's voice need not merely be the record of man , it can be one of the props ( 支

柱 ) , the pillar s( 栋梁 ) to help him endure and prevail .

William Faulkner

1 . gony dedica te doom

grieve scar decline

endurance 892~898

1 .5 .11 .

The Influence of Literature


I will tell you what literature is ! No—I only wish l could . But l can't . No one can . Gleas

can be thrown on the secret , inklings given(做些提示 ) , bu t no more . I will t ry to give you

an inkling . And , to do so, I will take you back in to your own history , or forward in to it .

T hat evening when you went for a walk with your faithful friend , the friend from whom you

hid nothing—or almost nothing . . . You were , in t ru th , somewha t inclined to hide from him

the par ticular matte r which monopolized your mind that evening , but somehow you cont rived

to get on to it , drawn by an over powering fascination . And as your faithful friend was sym-

pathetic and discreet , and flatte red you by a respectful curiosity , you proceeded further and


further into the said mat ter , growing more and more confidential , un til at last you cried out ,

in a terrific whisper :“My boy , she is simply miraculous !”At that moment you were in the

domain of literature .

Let me explain . Of cour se , in the ordinary acceptation of the word , she was not miracu-

lous . Your faithful friend had never noticed tha t she was miraculous , nor had about forty

thousand other fair ly keen ob servers . She was just a gir l . T roy( 特洛伊 ) had not been burn t

for her . A girl cannot be called a miracle . If a gir l is to be called a miracle , then you might

call pretty nearly anything a miracle . . . That is just it : you might . You can . You ought . A-

mid all the miracles of the universe you had just w akened up to one . You were full of your

discovery . You were under a divine impulsion to impar t the discovery . You had a strong

sense of the marvelous beauty of something , and you had to s hare it . You were in a passion

about someth ing , and you had to vent yourself on somebody . You were drawn towards the

whole of the rest of the human race . Mark the effect of your mood and ut terance on your

faithfu l friend . H e knew that she was not a miracle . No other person could have made him

believe that s he was a miracle . But you , by the force and sincerity of your own vision of her ,

and by the fervor( 热情 ) of your desire to make him par ticipate in your vision , did for quite a

long time cause him to feel that he had been blind to the miracle of that girl .

You were producing lite rature . You were alive . Your eyes were unlidded, your ears

were un stopped , to some par t of the beauty and the strangeness of the world ; and a strong

instinct within you forced you to tell someone . I t was not enough for you that you saw and

heard . O thers had to see and hear . Others had to be wakened up . And they were ! I t is quite

possible— I am not quite sure—tha t your faithful friend the very next day , or the next

month , looked at some other gir l , and s uddenly saw tha t she, too , was miraculous ! The in-

fluence of literature !

Arnold Bennet t

1 . gleam cont rive flatte r

confidential domain divine

impar t vent 899~906

2 . res pect ful

3 . onopolize fascina tion discreet ( ly)

miraculous amid

1 .5 .12 .

Are You Ready For A Challenge?

你准备好迎接挑战吗 ?

No doubt about it, college is totally different fromhigh school . Chances are you will be on

your own for the first time in your life . A s a freshman you will realize righ t away that you

have a lot of freedom , and a lo t of choices to make . T he st ructured schedule of high school


classes and activities will be a thing of the past . In college you are going to be in complete

charge of your own time and activities .

Be prepared for some anxiety, confusion, homesickness and insecurity . All of that is natu-

ral , and most of your new classma tes will be encountering similar feeling s .

You will be adjusting to many new experiences . You might be separated from family and

old friends . Perhaps you will be living in a new environment with a group of st rangers who

come from a variety of backgrounds . Classmates' views on studying, sex , religion , politics ,

drugs and drinking will no t always agree with yours . You will probably no longer have par-

ents guiding you or telling you for higher grades . T here is likely to be some financial pres-

s ure because of the sacrifices called for on the part of your parents . You might have to work

to help suppor t yourself . You are probably on your own for the first time— responsible for

your own living quart ers , meals , and above all , s tudying .

If you are prepared to meet thesenew life situations, chancesare you will find them exhila-

rating(令人兴奋 ) . But you'll need to pace yourself—to take each new experience in st ride .

Above all , t rust yourself . H ave confidence in the fact that you've made it to college and have

the capabilities to succeed .

A AP Students Services

1 . onfusion t ake in ( one's ) st ride


2 . freshman

3 . homesick

1 .5 .13 .

A Day In The Country


T here is no count ryside like the English countryside for those who have learned to love

it ; its firm yet gentle line of hill and dale ( 山谷 ) , its ordered confusion of fea tures , its deer

park s and downland , its castles and stately houses , its hamlets ( 小村庄 ) and old ch urches ,

its far ms and ricks (干草堆 ) and great barns and ancient t rees , its pools and ponds and s hin-

ing threads of river s , its flower-st arred hedgerows, its orchards and woodland patches , its

village green s and kindly inns .

I t was good for the three P's( 三个名字以“P”字母开头的年青人 ) to walk through s uch a

land and forget for a time tha t indeed they had no footing in it all , that they were doomed to

toil behind count ers in such places as Por t Burdock for the better par t of their lives . They

would forget the cu stomers and shopwalkers and depar tment buyer s and every thing , and be-

come just happy wanderer s in a wor ld of pleasant breezes and song-birds and shady t rees .

T he arrival at the inn was a great affair . No one , they were convinced , would take them

for draper s(商人 ) , and there might be a pret ty serving-girl or a jolly old landlady , or what


Parsons called a‘bit of a character' drinking in the bar .

T here would always be weighty inquiries as to what they could have, and it would work

out always at cold beef and pick les , or fried ham and egg s and s handygaff (混合饮料 ) , two

pints of beer and two bot tles of ginger-beer (姜麦酒 ) foaming in a huge round-bellied jug .

T he glorious moment of standing lordly in the inn doorway and staring out at the world ,

the swinging sign , the geese upon the green , the duck-pond , a waiting wagon , the church

tower , a sleepy cat , the blue heaven s with the sizzle (口兹口兹声 ) of the frying audible behind

one ! The keen smell of the bacon ! T he t ro tting of feet bearing the repast ( 美食佳肴 ) ; the

click (喀喀声 ) and clatte r as the table-ware is finally arranged ! A clean whit e cloth !“Ready ,

Sir !”or“Ready, Gentlemen !”Bet ter hearing that than“Forward , Polly ! Look s harp !”

T he going in ! T he sitting down ! T he falling to !

“Bread , O' Man ?”

“Right-o ! Don't bag all the crust , O' Man .”

Once a simple-mannered girl in a pink prin t dress stayed and t alked with them as they

ate ; led by the gallan t (殷勤的 ) Parsons they professed to be all desperat ely in love with her ,

and cour ted her to say which she preferred of them , it was so manifest she did prefer one and

so impossible to say which it was held her there , un til a distan t maternal voice called her a-

way . Afterwards , as they left the inn , s he w ay-laid them at the orchard cor ner and gave

them , a lit tle shyly , three yellow-green apples—and wished them to come again some day ,

and vanished , and reappeared looking af ter them as they turned the corner , waving a white

handkerchief . All the rest of tha t day they disputed over the signs of her favour , and the

next Sunday they went there again .

But she had vanished , and a mother of forbidding aspect afforded no explana tions .

If Plat t and Parsons and Mr . Polly live to be a h undred they will none of them forget

that girl as she stood with a pink flush upon her , faintly smiling and yet ear nest , parting the

branches of the hedgerows and reaching down , apple in hand .

1 . onfusion doom foam

manifest flu sh 909~913

2 . ar n jolly landlady

ham bacon

3 . oil pick le ginger

jug sleepy t rot

clatte r court


1 .5 .14 .

Electronic Mail

—Communicating in the New Age


F riends and family scatter like dry leaves , drifting to different cities and count ries .“ I'll

write,”I promise solemnly . Alas , my good in ten tions produce only imagined lette rs never

embraced by paper , never kissed by st amps .

Ah , but elect ronic mail has changed my ways . My computer has become an epistolary

Pinatubo(书信的火山 ) , erupting with letter s and missives and memos(短笺 ) whizzed(飞遍 )

around the world at warp (飞快的 ) speed . I share thoughts with pen pals in New Zealand ,

query stranger s in Bombay , debate magicians in Manhattan .

N ever having t ried it , I used to scorn E-mail as boring high tech , the stuff of business

commu nications . T hen a friend insisted I investigate this“invisible world ,”as he called it ,

claiming that it is expanding exponentially( 很快地 ) . I logged on (登记使用 ) to CompuServe,

a national on-line information service, and was hooked .

E-mail is a pipeline to thousands of exper ts on vir tually everything; it is a means of

meeting people with similar inte rests or problems . W hat it's no t live chat-real-time conversa-

tion s like those on ham radio or CB(市民波段 ) . E-mailers compose lette rs at leisure on their

computer , then send them by modem(调制解调器 ) through the phone line to an on-line serv-

ice or a comp uter bulletin board , E-mail addresses—either names or on-line service account

number s—automatically forward mail to the righ t place . U nlike US“s nail mail ,”as E-mail-

ers derisively(嘲笑地 ) refer to it , a response can shoot back within hours , depending on how

often the int ended recipien t checks in .

T he vast network s of on-line services and bulletin boards bubble ( 传送 ) with pools of

people-to-people information a key-st roke away . Besides uncounted millions of member s of

variou s on-line services , some 11 million people regularly log on to as many as 45 , 000 public

bulletin boards in the United St ates . And they t end to be ext raordinarily generous about sha-

ring their thoughts and ideas—perhaps because there is no pressure to respond and no face-

to-face confrontation .

Comput erized exchanges can create friendships—and may revive the almost lost ar t of

let ter writing . A friend invited me to join“ Family”, a round-robin GEnie discu ssion group

(一种传阅信件被称做“杰尼”的讨论小组 ) tha t admits correspondents by voting them in , to

keep the conver sation from spinning out of control (不致失控 ) . The chitcha t ( 闲谈 ) , mean-

dering(转换 ) from small talk to impassioned (热烈地 ) politics , feels like meeting pals over

coffee, with personalities quick to emerge .

Open , sez( = says) me . Bulletin boards like FidoNet and services like CompuServe and

America On-line multiply the number of people you can reach by acting as“ gateways”to na-

tional and in ternational hookups like MCI Mail , AT & T Mail , Sprin t Mail and the In ternet .

T hrough Inte rnet , for example—a massive global“net work of networks”linking university ,


government and indust ry computer s—anyone can E-mail students , faculty and exper ts every-

where .

E-mailing is fa r cheaper than longdistance calling . You relay your mail through a main-

frame comput er generally by making a local call to the nearest bulletin board or a nearby on-

line service“ node ( 中心 )”. Network s are expanding rapidly , making E-mail increasingly

global , says Jack Richard , editor of Boardwatch Magazine , ( 303 ) 973-6038 , which covers

bulletin boards .

T his magic-carpet quality makes E-mail a natural for schools . BreadNet , for example,

run by Vermont' s Middlebury College, link s students in US middle and secondary schools

with those in other cou nt ries . Students at Wheelwright High School in eastern Kentucky

have had E-mail discussions with kids in Lima , Peru , about parallels between st rip mining

and the dest ruction of the rain forest for a join t project on the environment . Another wor k-

s hop had students in Alaska, California and Dubai, United Arab Emirates , swapping(交换 )

thoughts about oil spills .

F reedom from time and place makes E-mail“ amazing and libera ting ,”says Penn Jille-

tt e, half of the magicians Penn & Teller . Telephone tag and differen t time zones are annoy-

ances of the past once you have someone's E-mail address . Jillette spends an hour a day atten-

ding to E-mail from CompuServe and Delphi and on the Jungle, the team's private bulletin

board rest ricted to 20 friends .

Sleepless nights . Yet the very features that make elect ronic mail appealing can sweep you

into a vor tex (卷入旋涡 ) of E-reading and E-writing that gobbles up( 吞没 ) spare time, a haz-

ard that' s left me bleary-eyed ( 睡眼惺忪 ) on many a night . T he near instan t gratification

makes let ter writing fun , if not addictive( 上瘾的 ) . My circle of correspondents seems to ex-

pand geomet rically , and my keyboard runneth ( = runs ) over . I suppose I could set limits on

my elect ro-effusiveness (充溢 ) by chat ting with only a few friends . But electronic mail is se-

ductive( 诱惑人的 ) precisely because it spurs me to investigate unexplored territory , to ask

more question s and to establis h contact with people half a world away .

T hat long reach can also draw families closer , says Rita Levine, a Pittsburgh parent .

She swaps daily elect ronic notes with her daughter Erin , a fres hman at the University of Del-

aware, where all students have Int ernet addresses . In the fir st t wo months of school, Levine

got 53 E-mail missives from Erin , who drop s her mom a few cha tty lines whenever she is

near a te rminal .“ I t's funny ,”says Levine .“We talk more now than when Erin lived up-

stairs .”

Vic Sussman

1 . rupt massive scorn

bulletin recipien t confront (ation)

personality relay 914~921


3 . query snail


1 .5 .15 .

The Romance Of Words


Word s a re not dead th in gs . T hey a re born , they mature— they even die . T ake the wor d

d ucemptologist . I t w as just now born and is not in a single dictionary . I t means“ sa les-

man .”A f ter all , a sa lesman p ractices the science ( log y) o f leading ( d ucere) us to buy

( emere) . T here is romance in wor ds .

F rom now on w e want you to look at words in tently , to be inordinately( 非常 ) curiou s a-

bout them and to examine them syllable by syllable, let ter by let ter . T hey are your tools of

understanding and self-expression . Collect them . Develop a fastidious ( 挑剔的 ) , bu t not a

fussy , choice . Work always towards good t aste in their use . T rain your ear for their har-

monics .

We urge you not to take words for gran ted ju st because they have been par t of your daily

speech since childhood . You must examine them . Turn them over and over , and see the seal

and s uperscrip tion( 标题 ) on each one , as though you were handling a coin . We would li ke

you actual ly to f a ll in love w ith wor ds .

Word s , as you know , are not dead thing s . T hey are fairly wriggling( 蠕动着前进 ) with

life . T hey are the exciting and myst eriou s tokens of our thoughts , and like human beings ,

they are bor n , come to maturity , grow old and die , and sometimes they are even re-born in a

new age . A word, from its bir th to its dea th , is a process , not a static thing .

Word s , like living t rees , have roots , branches and leaves .

Shall we st ay with this analogy for a few moments , and see how perfect it is ? The story

of the root of a word is the story of its origin . T he study of origins is called ety molog y( 词源

学 ) , which in turn has its roots in the Greek word etymon meaning“ true”and the Greek

ending— log ia meaning“knowledge .”So ety mology means the t rue knowledge of words .

Every word in our language is a frozen metaphor , a frozen picture . It is this poet ry be-

hind words that gives language its overwhelming power . And the more in timately we know

the romance that lies with in each word, the better understanding we will have of its mean-

ing .

For in st ance, on cer tain occasions you will probably say that you have“calculated”the

cost of something or other . W hat does th is term“calcu late”really mean ? H ere is the story .

Year s ago , ancien t Romans had an inst rument called a hodometer, or“ road measurer ,”

which corresponds to our moder n taximet er . If you had hired a two-wheeled Roman vehicle

to ride , say , to the Forum , you might have found in the back a tin can with a revolving cover

that held a quantity of pebbles . This can was so cont rived that each time the wheel turned

the metal cover also revolved and a pebble dropped th rough a hole into the receptacle (容器 )

below . A t the end of your trip you count ed the pebbles and calculated your bill . You see the

Latin word for pebble was calculus, and that's where our word“calcu late”comes from .

T here are , of course, many words with much simpler histories than this . When you


speak of a“surp lus ,”for in stance, you are merely saying tha t you have a s ur ( F rench for“o-

ver”) p lus ( F rench for“more”) or a sur-plus . T hat is , you have an“over-more”than you

need .

Should you be in snooty(傲慢的 ) mood for the nonce(此时 , 目前 ) , and happen to look

at someone rather haughtily , your friends might call you su percilious, a word which comes

from the Latin su percilium, meaning that“ eyebrow”you just raised . That person you are so

fond of , who has become your companion , — [ cum ( Latin for“with”) and penis ( Latin for

“bread”) ] —is simply one who eats bread with you . Tha t's all . Again ,“ trumps”( 王牌 ) in

bridge is from the French“ t riomphe”or t riumph , an old-time game of cards . In modern

cards one s uit is allowed to t riumph over , or to“ trump”the o ther s uits . And still again , in

the army , the lieutenant is literally one who takes the place of the captain when the latter is

not around . F rom the F rench lieu ( we use it in“ in lieu of”) and tenr,“ to hold .”The cap-

tain , in turn , derives from the Latin word ca put ( head) ; colonel comes from columna ( the

“column”that he leads) .

If, by any chance , you would like to twit (责备 ) your friend , the Wall Street broker( 经

纪人 ) , just t ell him that his professional title came from the Middle English word brocour, a

broacher, or one who opens , or broaches , a cask( 桶 ) to draw off the wine or liquor . We still

employ the same word in the original sense when we say“ he broached ( or opened up ) the

subject .”Finally the broacher , or broker , became a salesman of wine . T hen of o ther things ,

such as stocks and bonds .

T hese are the roots of words . We next come to the branches . The branches of our lan-

guage t ree are those many group s of words that have grown out from one original roo t .

Let's take an example . T he Latin t erm spectare which means“ to see”contains the root

spec, and from this one root have sprouted more than 240 English word s . We find the root

hidden in s uch words as spectacles, those things you“ see”through; in res pect, the trib ute

you give to a person you care to“ see”again ; inspect ,“ to see”into ; disres pect ( dis—unwill-

ing ; re—again ; spec—to see) therefore , when you t reat someone with disres pect, you make

it plain tha t you do not care to see him again ; introspection, looking or seeing within ; spec-

ta tor, one who“sees”or watches .

T ur ning to the Greek language, which has so la rgely enriched our own , we discover the

root appearing in Englis h as gr ap h . T his means“to write”and has been a prolific (丰富的 )

source of word s for u s . We have telegr ap h, which lite rally means“ fa r writing”; p hono-

g rap h,“ sound-writing”; p hotogr ap h,“ light-writing”; stenogra p her, one who does con-

densed writing ; a gr ap hic descrip tion , one that is just as clear and effective as though it had

been writt en down ; mi meogr ap h,“ to write a copy or imitation .”

We have in our language a host of roots such as these . T here is the Latin s p irare,

meaning“ to b low or breathe,”from which we get such English word s as insp ire ( breather

into) ; ex pire ( breathe out ) ; persp ire ( breathe through ) ; resp ira tion ( breathing again or

often ) . And there is also our word“liable”that comes from the Latin lig are,“ to bind .”This

fascinating root lig has branched out into oblige and obliga te ( to bind to do something) ; lig-


ature( bandage or binding) ; li gament ( something that ties two things together ) ; and , with

the root no longer so obvious ,“ league”( those nations or other organization s tha t a re bound

together ) ; and even the word“ally”which is from ad and lig are, to bind to one another .

T hese, then , are the branches . We turn now to the leaves . If the roots are the origins

of words and the branches are the word families that stem out of them , the leaves of this lan-

guage t ree world be the words themselves and their meanings .

Each given word , in its beginning , had , no doubt, only one meaning . But words are so

full of life that they are continually sprouting the green s hoots of new meanings .

Shall we choose just one word as an instance of the amazing vit ality of language ? T he

simple th ree lette r word run, up to this moment of writing , has more than 90 dictionary defi-

nition s . T here is the r un in your stocking and the r un on the bank and a run in baseball . T he

clock may run down but you run up a bill . Colors r un . You may run a race or run a business

or you may have the run of the mill , or , quite differen t , the run of the house when you get

the r un of things . And this little dynamic word, we can assure you , is not yet through with

its varied career .

Is it any wonder that our unabridged dictionaries contain as many as 600 ,000 living and

usable words , words sparkling with life , prolific in their breeding , luxuriant in their

grow th , continually s hifting and changing in their meanings .

Word s even have definite per sonalities and characters . T hey can be sweet , sour , dis-

cordant ( 不和谐的 ) , musical . They can be sweet or acid ; sof t or sharp ; hostile or friendly .

F rom this time on , as we enter our word studies , t ry to become self-conscious about

words . Look at them , if possib le , with the fresh eyes of one who is seeing them for the first

time . If we have per suaded you to do this , you will then be on the way to the success that

can be won with a more powerful vocabulary .

Wilfred Funk & Norman Lewis

1 . omance in ten t ( ly ) token

analogy contrive surplus

spectacle tribu te enrich

bandage ally given

sparkle per sonality 922~935

2 . rozen overwhelming pebble

colonel sprout

3 . yllab le fussy haughty(~ily)

abridge( un~ )

1 .6 . 最新考试大纲调整范围词汇练习

这部分词及练习 ,是根据最新考试大纲调整范围词汇表编写的 , 属于超出原五~六级通用


词表的词汇。由于新大纲从推广到贯彻执行有几年的过渡时间 , 因此 , 我们这样分开做的目

的 ,就是使目前仍在使用的五~六级通用词表的读者 , 与日后使用调整过词表的读者 , 都能在


I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) ischief marvel jewellery capability tyranny corrosion subdue terrorism growl


1 . ow w e have the of defending our count ry , all thanks to our own efforts .

2 . f his mother leaves him alone for 5 minut es the little boy gets in to .

3 . T he colonists rebelled against the king's .

4 . T he figh ter his opponent with a mighty blow .

5 . H is speech was a( n) of tact .

6 . is ornaments such as rings , necklaces which are often made of valuable metal such

as gold .

7 . Paint could help preserve the metal from .

8 . T he engine's pitch changed from a low murmur to an urgent .

9 . T hese measures failed to bring acts of .

10 . An army was sent to the rebellious tribes .

B) ncapable filth ridicule Islam rascal coefficient inasmuch Jesus watchful


11 . His duty is to assist the aggrieved person as he is able .

12 . The little has broken my window .

13 . ur children should not be exposed to like that disgu sting and rude language or

behavior .

14 . The injured man was of walk ing , so he had to be carried .

15 . es pite the of his neighbors he continued to build a space-ship in his garden .

16 . ( n ) is a number that expresses a measurement of a particu la r quality of a s ub-

stance or object under specified condition s .

17 . They would invite him back and listen sympathetically to his .

18 . The hunter kept a ( n) eye on the valley below him .

19 . is the name of the man whose teachings are the basis of Christianity .

20 . The sacred book of is the Koran(可兰经 ) .

C) ag moderately attachment irregularities merciful resumes longing pacific obe-

dience tuberculosis

21 . his bone serves as a( n) for the muscles which flap the wings .

22 . e couldn't explain the in the balance sheet , and I suspect him of taking the mon-

ey .

23 . The dog greeted him with a( n ) of its tail .

24 . of the lungs is often called consumption .

25 . She failed to s how proper and respect to the elders .


26 . The little boy looked with at the toys in the shop window .

27 . It advocat es , non-violen t methods .

28 . Late r we received fur ther of what she had said .

29 . The king saved him from death .

30 . W hen he did he lef t her well off .

D) polarity roundabout inaccessible standpoint regenerative shady incompatible in-

cidentally headlong insignificant

31 . The island is except by boat .

32 . o I agreed to lend him the money , which he still hasn't paid me back .

33 . Don't rush in to buying new furniture .

34 . Cats and dogs are often .

35 . t was such a ( n) it em of news that none of the papers prin ted it .

36 . n a( n) w ay she told him that his engagement mu st soon terminate .

37 . e must not view politics exclusively in terms of the left or righ t .

38 . e had been getting money out of the count ry in various ra ther way s .

39 . action s , processes , etc, cause something to become more active, successfu l or

impor tant again .

40 . We need to consider the problem from the of Africa and Asia .

E) nclination harmonious forsake anode excel humanitarian oar penetration anal-

ogous censor

41 . All fought against slavery .

42 . I have no to go bathing in winte r-time .

43 . n In ternational competition , the Chinese players at tab le tennis .

44 . ccording to the law, the officials of the jail have the right to the prisoners' let-

ters .

45 . sober s uits , they wore s hor ts and T-shir ts .

46 . ( n ) is the positive elect rode in a cell such as a bat tery ; a t ech nical te rm in elec-

tronics .

47 . The heavier the arrow the grea ter its in to the ta rget .

48 . e find in ar t a process exactly to that now occurring in the verbal language .

49 . He t ried hard to balance the blades of the above the water .

50 . he t wo countries were enjoying to tolerably relations hips with one another .

II . Multiple-choice

51 . e swore to take on the people who had killed his siste r .

A . erosion B .menace C .damn D .vengeance

52 . on st an t use had the sewing machine to the breaking point .

A . saturated B . hauled C . geared D . fretted

53 . eorge was fined $50 by the and given a strong warning .

A . magistrate B . ambassador C . senator D . coun sel


54 . on't contradict her or you'll feel the full force of her .

A . in ten t B . wrath C . cue D . concession

55 . he whole family perished in a .

A . s hipwreck C . int rigue C . episode D . dis may

56 . n some parts of the world they still grapes to make wine .

A . wade B . tread C . t rot D . linger

57 . e can see the arches in the nave(听众席 ) of the ca thedral .

A . clockwise B . bleak C . dominant D . t ransverse

58 . e will be expected to s how his competence in areas such as statis tics and .

A . calculus B . commitments C . coincidences D . circus

59 . his is a way you can learn quick ly .

A . wherever B . where by C . where D . whereupon

60 . he repor t attempts to recent events , bu t we all know the minister was seriously

a t fau lt .

A . whitewash B . wag C . assimilate D . plead

61 . he eminent science fiction author William Ten n once about the possibilities of

genetic manipulation .

A . faked B . tossed C . mused D . towed

62 . he actors could hardly be heard above the of the audience .

A . chat ter B . s hat ter C . litte r D . sca tter

63 . n order to main tain physical well-being , a per son should eat food and get suffi-

cient exercise .

A . or thodox B . wholesome C . wholesale D . pathetic

64 . he chief his power mercifully ; he was not cr uel .

A . wedged B . wrinkled C . wrenched D . wielded

65 . eat p lastics .

A . deforms B . deflected C . defau lted D . despised

66 . n a of uncont rollable anger he broke the picture in pieces .

A . batch B . multitude C . jam D . gust

67 . he girl's favorit e trick was to tear s .

A . s ham B . spark le C . splash D . sheer

68 . ast-food restauran ts don't really with the atmosphere of old count ry towns .

A . menace B . recur C . recycle D . mesh

69 . he conqueror s their wealth and burn t their cities .

A . magnified B . gambled C . plundered D . embodied

70 . ost businesses rely on sub stan tial tax evasion .

A . crooked B . spacious C . petty D . in t ricate

71 . he took up some scissor s and a of white st ring .

A . reel B . clip C . cue D . lit ter

72 . he company is suing her for because of her remarks about their safety record .


A . slander B . flat ter C . litte r D . scar

73 . e can see the corpse of a young parat rooper whose had failed to open .

A . paradox B . paradise C . parameter D . parachute

74 . he defended army back to its st rongholds in the mountains .

A . sluck B . slavered C . slandered D . pecked

75 . ome of the captives were afraid and the others to do as they were told .

A . exempted B . merged C . perished D . implored

76 . e saw one of them t rying to across a creek .

A . wade B . glare C . cradle D . in teract

77 . ome of the sheep have from the flock into the neighboring fields .

A . cautioned B . dominated C . st rayed D . hauled

78 . he woman the judge not to send her son to prison .

A . exaggerated B . ent reated C . t riggered D . merged

79 . describes sounds which have very high frequencies , which h uman beings cannot

hear .

A . Ult rasonic B . Metallic C . In t rinsic D . st ray

80 . he children made effor ts to clean the school-house .

A . cr ucial B . zealous C . chronic D . extinct

81 . omeone who is is very proud and thinks that they are bet ter than other people .

A . pa triotic B . solo C . t ragic D . haughty

82 . he stallholders began to sell their at half-price .

A . wares B . scars C . malls D . descents

83 . he t eacher the students st rongly for their laziness .

A . pa trolled B . paved C . grazed D . rebuked

84 . hey were all with laughter .

A . s hrieked B . s hoved C . shatte red D . shrounded

85 . e were late for school, so we took a across the fields .

A . s hor tage B . s hor tcu t C . shor thand D . shor tcoming

86 . is a very hard rock , usually ligh t in colour , which is often u sed in building .

A . Plaster B . Tablet C . Mall D . Granite

87 . e hasn't got the qualifications for this job .

A . requisit e B . controversial C . bankrupt D . disast rous

88 . e r new food processor has five slicing and discs for various foods .

A . s hrouding B . s hredding C . shrugging D . shrinking

89 . hey wondered where H itler would turn when he Europe .

A . mingled B . stalled C . subjugated D . defaulted

90 . uring the war , the children lived on the food given out by the church .

A . ingeniou s B . stingy C . eligible D . degenerate

91 . ost fire engines , ambulances , and police cars have .

A . compartments B . sirens C . melodies D . impulses


92 . wo months later a calling itself the“ New Opposition”issued a circula r to all

member s .

A . fraction B . fracture C . friction D . faction

93 . o ther likes to the was hing with her hands to get out as much wa ter as possible .

A . wring B . concede C . accord D . grieve

94 . he ancient Greek temple is on top of A thens' highest hill .

A . correla ted B . formula ted C . pondered D . perched

95 . heard a on the door , bu t when l opened the door , there was nobody there .

A . rip B . rim C . rap D . rig

96 . investor buys only sound stocks .

A . steady B . foolish C . prudent D . hasty

97 . omeone who is does not k now how to read or write . T his word is also some-

times u sed as an in sult to someone who seems very uneduca ted .

A . illegal B . illitera te C . ignorant D . immune

98 . he couldn't up enough courage to ask her to marry him .

A . pluck B . confront C . grope D . conform

99 . alen t is wor thless unless you persevere developing it .

A . to B . in C . on D . for

100 . he needle is stuck in the of the record , so it keeps repeating the same bit of

music .

A . cavity B . clasp C . groove D . wedge

101 . he European Monetary System is as the EMS .

A . immersed B . abbreviated C . peered D . reclaimed

102 . Haste makes wast e”is a .

A . proverb B . s hor tcu t C . shriek D . uproar

103 . e're campaigning for a of the abor tion laws .

A . repay B . replace C . repeal D . render

104 . otice the difference in how question and the yes-no question .

A . int ersection B . in ten tion C . in ternationalism D . in tonation

105 . eeing a policeman with a criminal , Dad went for help .

A . diving B . embracing C . wrestling D . scaring

106 . old weather the growth of the crops .

A . retards B . retorts C . revives D . retrieves

107 . 'm afraid our publicity campaign failed to much in terest among the public .

A . flu tte r B . scorch C . revolve D . kindle

108 . he was waving her arms in the air so that her charm bracelet .

A . jingled B . modulated C . yelled D . cate red

109 . ccording to the , Christ w as born in Beth lehem .

A . Cathedrals B . Catholics C . Lords D . Scrip tures

110 . ompetitors must abide the judges' decision .


A . for B . by C . over D . on

111 . eople who on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed .

A . default B . deflect C . decompose D . deform

112 . lo t of people are on holiday this month , so we're a bit .

A . revolved B . sceptical C . shor thanded D . fluetua ted

113 . ature is dynamic, always in , always changing .

A . flux B . foil C . fix ture D . flush

114 . he slammed on the brakes and the car to a halt .

A . shuddered B . slavered C . slighted D . shrieked

115 . is one of the names of Jesus , whom Christians believe to be the son of God and

whose teachings are the basis of Christianity .

A . Pope B . Father C . Majesty D . Christ

116 . is in ten tion had been to the immigrants back where they came from .

A . surge B . s hred C . shut tle D . shunt

117 . ou'll most likely see these animals at , when they begin the night's h unt .

A . tempo B . nightmare C . for tnigh t D . twiligh t

118 . lthough exhausted by a rigorous round of talks and press conferences , her eyes and

voice never .

A . signified B . wavered C . sanctioned D . nominated

119 . he equipment will function in temperatures of up to 400°C .

A . nominal B . obedient C . ambient D . t ransient

120 . he American in Vancouver will s tamp your visa .

A . senator B . ambassador C . counsel D . cons ul

121 . he chickens a t the seeds which covered the ground .

A . pecked B . peeled C . pedaled D . perceived

122 . is career has dramatically from what his paren ts had hoped for him .

A . diverged B . distor ted C . discounted D . elbowed

123 . car's small ligh ts on the righ t hand side when it turns righ t .

A . wade B . wink C . wither D . wield

124 . onks and nun s on God for hour s at a time .

A . hoist B . ponder C . meditate D . tackle

125 . he of the crew is five Englishmen , t wo Americans , and one Australian .

A . outlet B . outcome C . wholesome D . makeup

126 . am was so excited that he did not his voice as he greeted her .

A . retard B . implore C . plead D . modula te

127 . uring the storm , the crew of the vessel clung to the to stop them selves from

being was hed overboard .

A . mast B . mall C . marsh D . melody

128 . e for beauty , tru th and meaning in our life .

A . gear B . magnify C . plead D . yearn


129 . he iron was too hot and he the s hirt .

A . scorched B . scraped C . scraped D . scra tched

130 . ust wait your turn-there is no need to .

A . tile B . tilt C . shovel D . shove

131 . he whole town was in a( n ) after the football team's victory .

A . facet B . depression C . mob D . uproar

132 . y the country road stands a big tree .

A . configuration B . flank C . walnut D . pearl

133 . othing is going to me from achieving my ambition .

A . deflect B . decompose C . defau lt D . degenerate

134 . embers of these sects are ruth lessly and suppressed .

A . shamed B . persecuted C . culminated D . adhered

135 . he t ried to me by saying that I'd probably be happier in a new job .

A . contend B . converge C . consult D . console

136 . he has decided to issue the coins next year .

A . Corps B . Mint C . Elite D . Galaxy

137 . senior judge is acting as in the pay disp ute between the trade union and man-

agement .

A . at torney B . cripp le C . referee D . patrol

138 . he next step w as to expand the company's oil .

A . te rritory B . misery C . scrutiny D . refinery

139 . he lit tle child could put on his own undershir t and but needed help with his

outer garments .

A . jean s B . pants C . sports D . st raits

140 . om began to turn the to reel in the fish .

A . crank B . rig C . kernel D . hose

141 . odern ar tis t have difficulty in finding wealthy .

A . monopolies B . consuls C . pat ron s D . delegates

142 . e is a dictator , responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent people .

A . ruth less B . stubbor n C . senseless D . robust

143 . errorists the ministe r and demanded $1 , 000 , 000 from the government for his

release .

A . licked B . healed C . handicapped D . kidnaped

144 . icrobes organic wast e in to a mixture of methane(甲烷 ) and carbon dioxide .

A . default B . deprive C . decompose D . deflect

145 . he almond(杏仁 ) shells are cracked by machine and the extracted .

A . ker nels B . lit ters C . rips D . ripples

146 . illing her dog was an act of s heer .

A . marb le B . manouvre C . malice D . marshal

147 . he is hoping that one day a in s hining armour will come and rescue her from


her dull and boring life .

A . jury B . majesty C . layman D . k night

148 . oats were on both sides of the river .

A . doomed B . immersed C . moored D . boost ed

149 . he paper s pretend to disapprove of his scandal , while a t the same time over ev-

ery salacious detail .

A . slavering B . slandering C . st raying D . sobering

150 . t is a powerful job , but he th inks he deserves bette r and con siders that he has been

by the company .

A . shrouded B . sligh ted C . slavered D . shuddered

[参考答案 ]

I . ) 1 . capabilities 2 . mischief 3 . tyrannies 4 . felled

5 . marvel 6 . Jewellery 7 . corrosion 8 . growl

9 . te rrorism 10 . su bdue

B) 11 . inasmuch 12 . rascal 13 . filth 14 . incapable

15 . ridicule 16 . coefficien t 17 . woes 18 . wa tchful

19 . Jesus 20 . Islam

C ) 21 . attachment 22 . irregula rities 23 . wag 24 . T uberculosis

25 . obedience 26 . longing 27 . pacific 28 . resumes

29 . mercifu l 30 . moderately

D) 31 . inaccessible 32 . incidentally 33 . headlong 34 . incompatible

35 . insignificant 36 . roundabout 37 . polarity 38 . shady

39 . Regenerative 40 . standpoin t

E ) 41 . h umanita rians 42 . inclina tion 43 . excel 44 . censor

45 . Forsak ing 46 . anode 47 . penetration 48 . analogous

49 . oars 50 . harmonious




111~120 ACA AD DDBCD 121~130 AABCD DADAD


[最新考试大纲调整范围词汇表 ]

abbreviate v . 简略 ,缩写

abide vi . 遵守 (法律 ,诺言 ,决定等 ) , 坚持(意见等)

vt . (常用于否定句或疑问句)容忍

ambient a . 周围 , 包围着的

anode n . 阳极 ,正极

antenna n . 天线 , (昆虫及甲壳动物的)触角

banquet n . 宴会 ,酒席

calculus n . 微积分 ,计算 ,演算

censor v . 审查 , 检查

chatte r v . 饶舌 , 喋喋不休

n . 闲聊

Christ n . 救世主


coefficient n . 协同因素 , (物理/ 数学 )系数

commonsense a . 有常识的 , 明明白白的

console vt . 安慰 , 慰问

n . 仪表板 , 控制台 , 落地式支架

consul n . 领事 , (古罗马)执政官

crank n . 曲柄 ,奇怪的说法(想法 ,行为 ) , 一时的


vt . 把⋯弯成曲柄状

vi . 转动曲柄 ,曲折前进

crooked a . 弯的 , 弯曲的 , 歪的 ,畸形的

decompose v . 使腐败 ,使腐烂 ,分解

default n . 不履行 ,违约 ,拖欠

v . 不履行 ,拖欠 (欠款等 ) , 使不到案

deflect vt . 使倾斜 ,使转向 ,使弯曲

deform vt . 使变形 ,损坏 ⋯形状 ,使成畸形

diverge vi . 1 . (道路)分叉

2 . (意见)分歧

ent reat vt .恳求 , 请求

excel vi . 超出 ,胜过 , 优于

faction n . 派别 , 宗派 , 小集团

fell v t . 砍倒 (树等) ;砍伐 ,弄倒

filth n . 污秽 ,污物 ,淫猥 ,道德败坏

flux n . 流出 , 涨潮 ,波动

v . (使)熔融 ;大量地流出

forsake v .遗弃 ,抛弃 ,摒绝

fret v .烦恼 ,烦躁 , 发愁 , (使 )磨损 , 磨蚀

granite n .花岗石 ,花岗岩

groove n . 槽 ,沟 ; (车 )辙

vt . 开槽沟于 ,在⋯挖沟

growl v . (狗等 )嗥叫 , (人 )咆哮 , 咆哮着说

n . (狗等 )嗥叫 , (人等 )咆哮 , 轰鸣(声 )

grumble v .抱怨 ,发牢骚 ,抱怨地表示

gust n . 阵风 , 一阵狂风 , (雨 , 雹 , 烟 , 火 , 声音等的 )

突然一阵 ; (感情的)迸发 ,汹涌

haughty a .傲慢的 ,目中无人的 ,轻蔑的

headlong a ./ ad . 头向前的 (地) ,轻率的 (地) ,鲁莽

的(地 )

hoarse a . (声音 )嘶哑的 , 嗓门嘶哑的

illitera te a . 文盲的 ,未受教育的 ,无知的

n . 文盲 ,无知的人

implore vt . 乞求 ,哀求 ,恳求

inasmuch adv . (与 as 连用 , 起连接词的作用 )因为 ,


in tonation n . 语调 ,声调 ,抑扬

Islam n . 伊斯兰教 , 回教 , [总称 ] 穆斯林 , 伊斯兰教

jean n . 1 . 斜纹布

2 . 工装裤 , 牛仔裤

Jesus n . (基督教 )耶稣

jing le v . (使)叮当响

n . (硬币 ,小铃 ,钥匙等的 )叮当声

kernel n . (果实的)核仁 ,谷粒 ,核心 , 中心 , 原子核

kidnap vt . 诱拐 (小孩等 ) , 绑架

kindle v . 点燃着火 , 照亮 ,发亮 , (使人、感情等)激动


knight n . (欧洲中世纪 )骑士 ,武士 , 爵士

magist rate n . 地方行政长官 ,文职官员 ,地方法官

makeup n . 1 . 组织 ,结构

2 . (演员的 )化妆品 , (妇女用的)化妆品

3 . 补充 ,补给

malice n .恶意 , 怨恨 ;蓄意犯罪(或害人 )

massacre n . 大屠杀 , 残杀 , (牲畜的 )成批屠宰

v . (大规模地 )屠杀 ,残杀

mast n . 桅杆 ,墙 ,无线杆 ,无线塔

vt . 在⋯上装桅杆 , 扯帆

medita te v . 沉思 ,冥想

mesh n . 网眼 ,筛孔 ,网络 , 网状结构

v . 1 . 用网捕捉

2 . 紧密配合

mint n . 薄荷 ;薄荷糖 ;造币厂 ;制造所 ;巨额 ; 富源

mischief n . 捣蛋 , 胡闹 , 恶作剧

mob v . 聚众闹事 , 结队行动 ; (因好奇或愤怒等 )包

n . 群氓 ,暴民

modulate v . 调整 ;调节 (声音等 ) ; 声调抑扬地歌唱

(或演奏 )

moor v . 使停泊 , 系泊(船只 ) , 使固定

muse vi . 沉思 ,思想 , 冥想

oar n . 桨 , 橹 , 划手 ,桨手

obstinate a . 固执的 ; 顽强的 ; (疾病等 )难治的

pants n . 裤子 ,衬裤

parachute n . 降落伞

pat ron n . 保护人 ,赞助人

peck v . 啄 , 啄穿

perch v . 栖息

per secute vt . 迫害 , 残害 (一般因宗教政治信仰不

同 )

per severe v . 坚持 ,不屈不挠


pickle n . 咸菜 , 泡菜

pious a . 虔诚的 , 敬诚的

pluck v . 鼓起 (勇气 ) ,振作 ,抓住

plunder v . 掠夺 ,抢劫

proverb n . 格言 , 谚语

prudent a . 谨慎的 ,深谋远虑的

ramble v . 漫步 , 漫游 ,漫谈 , (植物)蔓生

rap n ./ v . 轻敲(声 ) , 急拍(声 ) , 谴责

rapture n . 狂喜 , 入迷 , 心碎 ,神迷

rascal n . 不老实的人 ,流氓

rebuke vt ./ n . 指责 ,非难

reel v . 卷 ,绕

n . 线轴

refe ree n . 裁判员 ,仲裁人

refinery n . 精炼厂

repeal v t ./ n 撤消 (决议 ) , 废除 (法令)

requisite n . 必需品

a . 必需的

resume n .个人简历

retard vt .延迟 ,使停滞

roundabout a . 迂回的 ,绕远道的

ru thless a .残酷无情的

scarlet a . 鲜红的

scorch v . 烧焦 , (使 )枯萎

scrip ture n .(宗教)经曲 ,圣文

s ham n ./ v .假装

n .赝品 ;假唱者

a .假的

s hipwreck n . 船舶失事 , 失事船的残骸

s hortcu t n . 近路 ,捷径

s horthanded a .人手不足的

s hove v . 推 , 挤 ,撞

s hred n . 碎片 , 细条

vt . 撕成碎片

s hr iek n ./ v . 尖叫

s hroud n . 尸布 ,遮盖物

vt . 尸布包裹 ;遮蔽

s hudder v . 抽动 , 战栗

s hunt v . 转移 ,拖延或回避讨论某事

siren n . 汽笛 ,警报器

s kyscraper n . 摩天大楼

slander n ./ v . 诽谤 ,诬蔑

slaver v . 垂涎 ; 极想要

sligh t n ./ v . 轻视 , 冷静 ,怠慢

slink v .溜走 , 潜逃

standpoin t n . 立场 , 观点

steak n . 牛排

stingy a . 有剌的 ,吝啬的 ,小气的

stou t a . 1 . 结实的 , 牢固的

2 . 勇敢的 , 不妥协的

st ray a . 迷路的

v i . 离群出走 ,偏离

s ubdue vt . 镇压 ,征服

s ubjugate v t .使屈服 ,克制

s ullen a . 愤怒的 ,绷着脸的 ;阴沉的

t ransverse a . 横切的 ,横向的 ; 断截的 , 横截的

n . 横轴 ;横骨 ; 横墙

t read v . 踩 , 踏 ,贱踏

t ro t v ./ n . (马 )小步跑

tuberculosis n . 肺结核

twilight n . 黎明 ,黄昏 , 曙光 , 暮色

tyranny n . 暴政 ; 专制 ,残暴 ;专横

ult rasonic a . 超声的 ;超音速的

n . 超声波

underwear n . 衬衣 , 内衣

uproar n . 骚乱 ; 扰乱 ;喧闹

vengence n . 报复 , 报仇 ,复仇

vow n . 誓言 ,誓 ; 许愿

wade v . 涉水 , �水

wag v . 向 (左右与上下)摇 ,摆 ; 摆动

walnut n . 核桃树 ,核桃 ;胡桃等植物

ware n .[ p l .] 商品 , 货物 ; 物品 ,器皿 ;陶器

waver v i . 摇摆 ; 动摇犹豫 , 踌躇不决

w hereby ad . 由此

w hisker n .连鬓胡子 ,络腮胡子

w hitewash n .石灰水 ,刷白用白粉水

v t . 掩饰 ,粉饰 , 美化

w holesome a . 适合身心的 ;有益健康的

wield vt .挥 (剑) ,动武器等 ; 使用 , 掌握 ,行使

wink v . 眨眼 ; 使眼色 ; (星光 )闪亮 , 闪烁

n . 眨眼 , 一瞬间

woe n . 悲哀 ; 悲痛 ;苦恼

w rath n . 暴怒 , 狂怒 ;愤慨

w restle n ./ v . 与⋯摔跤 , 搏斗 ; 苦斗

w ring v . 拧 ,挤 , 扭 ,榨 ,绞

yearn vi . 想念 ,怀念 ,向往 ,思慕

zealous a . 热心的 , 一心一意的 , 一个劲的


2 . 大学英语六级词汇自测题 1~10 套 (共 1000 题 )

第一套自测题 (CEB6 - 1)

I .Fill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) oar renaissance locomotive humanity optimism conception pearl context boost


1 . All will be helped by advances in medical sciences .

2 . The modem steam were superseded (更替 ) by diesel units .

3 . We need to place present events in some kind of historical .

4 . This leaves her time to prepare 3 meals a day .

5 . His p lay was given a( n) in last week's TV review .

6 . grow inside the shell of an oyster (牡蛎 ) and are used for making valuable jewel-

lery .

7 . I saw a lark (云雀 ) rise from the ground and high into the sky .

8 . Us ually it is the 9 months between and biological bir th .

9 . his feeling of was encouraged by the sigh t of Jennie's cheerful face .

10 . n E ngland the influence on the is seen in More as well as in Shakespeare .

B) nthusiastic spectacle flutter propaganda prone divine surpass instantaneous

simultaneous assert

11 . The eclipse was a( n) not to be missed .

12 . W hen we put the s uggestion to him he was for its immediate application .

13 . Two green-and-white butte rflies (蝴蝶 ) past them .

14 . She had the cer tain ty that it mu st be Boyian downstairs .

15 . he group of dancers had rehearsed the dance until their movements were absolu tely


16 . The respon se to our financial appeal anything we expected .

17 . o watcher could have that the quiet Englis h tourist was really an assassin ( 刺

客 ) .

18 . She was lying on the floor .

19 . eople are beginning to themselves and to demand the oppor tunity to be involved

in running the country .

20 . he of a political party is planned to gain votes , and is n't always the exact tr uth .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

21 . s a actor , he can perform , sing , dance and play several kind s of musical inst ru-

ments .


A . flexible B . versatile C . sophisticated D . productive

22 . n weekends my grandma usually a glass of wine .

A . s ubscribes to B . engages in C . hangs on D . indulges in

23 . he morning news say s a school bu s with a t rain at the junction and a group of

policemen were sent there immedia tely .

A . bumped B . collided C . crashed D . st ruck

24 . e is holding a position in the company and expects to be promoted soon .

A . s ubordinat e B . succeeding C . successive D . subsequent

25 . he of a piece of broken glass att racted my att en tion .

A . glitt er B . flash C . flare D . spar k

26 . urrounding the business and shopping cent re we usually find the and industrial

belts .

A . dwelling B . inhabited C . residential D . habitat

27 . lawyer in our city , the man is very busy .

A . notable B . questionable C . liable D . practicable

28 . he fashionable remark s of today often become the expressions of tomorrow .

A . disp lace B . replace C . commonplace D . fireplace

29 . ohn and Mary announced their and everyone believed tha t th is would lead to

their marriage .

A . engagement B . appointment C . investment D . arrangement

30 . ithout ma th and physics , space and time can't be understood .

A . classic B . vast C . cosmic D . minute

31 . etroleum is nature's of the hydrocarbon—remains of many forms of marine life .

A . composition B . complexity C . compilication D . composite

32 . his is my advice , don't be too with st rangers .

A . confident B . confidential C . conditional D . concurren t

33 . e aren't very bu sy in the shop at the moment—in fact we're quite .

A . lazy B . slack C . compulsory D . competitive

34 . ou'll find his number in the telephone .

A . directory B . index C . cat alogue D . lis t

35 . he book's included a list of importan t da tes in h istory .

A . appendix B . int roduction C . accessory D . illu st ration

36 . building the idea of the architect .

A . embodies B . embraces C . integrates D . deviates

37 . here has been no improvement in the patien t's health .

A . applicable B . appreciable C . appropriate D . approximate

38 . t is for our family to sleep late on Sunday mornings .

A . customary B . accustoming C . characteris tic D . contemporary

39 . is an impor tan t national holiday . It falls on the four th Thursday in November .

A . Christmas B . Easte r C . New Year's Day D . Thank sgiving


40 . eyond the solar system there are o ther similar systems .

A . dou btless B . endless C . faultless D . countless

41 . chemical analy sis shows that water has two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen .

A . Qualitative B . Quantitative C . Analy tical D . Comparative

42 . e the st amp and stuck it on the envelope .

A . licked B . dipped C . soaked D . sliced

43 . e put forth a so bold that I had to challenge it .

A . propor tion B . proposition C . propulsion D . prospect

44 . moder n ship has its in the hollowed log used by primitive peoples .

A . prey B . patte rn C . predecessor D . prototype

45 . person ought to conform the of behavior .

A . pa ttern s B . models C . modes D . norms

46 . he dreamt that terrible with flaming eyes and s harp teeth were chasing her

through the woods .

A . posters B . weaver s C . monitors D . monster s

47 . he experiment and explosion wrecked the laboratory .

A . constituen t B . continual C . consequent D . con sisten t

48 . xperts had to the machine's excellen t performance at ex t remes of heat and cold .

A . quantified B . testified C . qualified D . rectified

49 . rom now on , the headmaste r will at 14 Green Street .

A . adjoin B . stride C . collide D . reside

50 . his information may be used as evidence but is not sufficien t by itself to prove

your argument .

A . s ubordinat e B . subsidiary C . substantial D . subtle

51 . high should be given to establis h modern tran spor tation and communication

syst em .

A . import ance B . int rigue C . priority D . premise

52 . e the reform program , but the government agency institu ted it .

A . initiated B . inte rvened C . integrated D . in tensified

53 . ecau se a degree from a good university is the mean s to a bett er job , education is one of

the most a reas in Japanese life .

A . sophisticated B . competitive C . considerate D . superficial

54 . n the United States , the need to protect plan t and animal species has become a highly

and s harply political iss ue since the passage of the Endangered Species Act in

1937 .

A . controversial B . universal C . compulsory D . overwhelming

55 . ith the implement of the policy of opening to the outside , touris m has become a

b usiness in this count ry .

A . degrading B . decomposing C . booming D . ripening

56 . e are of the ability of the new mayor to cope with the city's problems .


A . ambiguou s B . incredib le C . suspiciou s D . u nbelievable

57 . s far as this passage is concerned a tran slation is not acceptable .

A . loyal B . literal C . lat en t D . logical

58 . he refor m in economic system will help and develop the socialist economic base .

A . consolidate B . enhance C . elevate D . prolong

59 . must you again st swimming in this rough sea .

A . caution B . precaution C . prohibition D . promotion

60 . he wealthy man sought to obtain social by cont ribu ting to popular charities .

A . purs uit B . credit C . prestige D . perfection .

61 . is decision was completely and did not take the wis hes of the other members in-

to consideration .

A . objective B . reserved C . subjective D . radical

62 . 'm unwilling to this plan until I have assurances that it has the full approval of

your officials .

A . s upplement B . implement C . complement D . compliment

63 . ur s uccesses and failures largely depend on our own of ourselves , namely , how

we see our selves .

A . contempt B . ignorance C . conception D . conviction

64 . oday paper houses are holding up well under the forces of nature and are more

people than at first .

A . furnishing B . containing C . providing D . accommodating

65 . ince the reform , a la rge number of count ry side people have to the cities , which

has brought about so many problems .

A . withdrawn B . drifted C . migrated D . limped

66 . he manager believed in his workers , so nobody their work and the workers just

did it by themselves .

A . over looked B . hindered C . supervised D . grasped

67 . igration s of bird s are purposeful movements for .

A . s urvival B . excursion C . starvation D . surgery

68 . t's likely that you can't get everything you want at one store because there are

s hor tages of goods in that count ry .

A . invalid B . stable C . steady D . chronic

69 . e must take measures to prot ect the natural environment, o therwise , one mil-

lion species that a re alive today will have become extinct .

A . s harp B . drastic C . drama tic D . sturdy

70 . he H ome Secretary has been asked to because the union leaders and their em-

ployers cannot agree on a course of action .

A . meditat e B . negotiate C . inte rvene D . reconcile


III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

71 . ome youngsters like to wear antastic lo thes .

A . moderat e B . conventional C . realis tic D . fanciful

72 . don't believe the story w as really t rue ; it was just an old yth

A . legend B . digest C . char ter D . escor t

73 . ft er receiving the in sulting let ter , Ron became urious

A . pleased B . very angry C . surprised D . rather sad

74 . ndre Watts gave dazzling nterpretation of Beethoven's“Emperor”Concert ( 协奏曲 ) .

A . a righ t B . a faithful C . an u nfair D . a brillian t

75 . he honest cowboys caught up with the gang at the bend of the road , and there nsued

fierce gun bat tle .

A . involved B . preceded C . followed D . in t roduced

76 . he ntricate irection s were difficult to understand .

A . vague B . unusual C . routine D . complicat ed

77 . eople with ofty im s will not be easily overwhelmed by difficu lties .

A . selfish B . single narrow C . careful D . h igh

78 . he child was playing on the floor with his collection of iniature arm animals .

A . big B . tiny C . major D . minor

79 . hough the two men's meeting had a asculine lavor , the wife of the host was by no

means left ou t .

A . mischievous B . manly C . courageou s D . comradely

80 . instein's theory of relativity seemed ncredib le hen it was first int roduced .

A . unbelievable B . unaccount able C . impressive D . incon sisten t

81 . ohn was ndignant

A . s uccessful B . tired C . poor D . angry

82 . is firs t mpulse as to say no , but then he thought it over and approved the plan .

A . word B . feeling C . an swer D . job

83 . have nothing of in terest to mpart o you today .

A . say B . tell C . talk D . speak

84 . e is nfamous or his dis honesty in b usiness matte rs .

A . notorious B . dreaded C . opaque D . investigated

85 . e have to cross miles and miles of arsh efore we can reach the town .

A . low-lying wet lands B . barbaric lands C . stony lands D . waste lands

86 . enjoy old Irish elodies

A . poems B . tales C . tunes D . tones

87 . y bro ther o tified he neighbor s last nigh t .

A . visited B . assisted C . noticed D . informed

88 . he plan t gives out an exotic dor


A . tast e B . sensation C . smell D . smog

89 . im has to reorganize the entire office because he man who had the job before he took

harge as rather inefficient .

A . his successor B . his predecessor C . his en trepreneur D . h is forecaster

90 . on sidering the nature of his offense, the penalty s exceedingly ligh t .

A . punis hment B . tor ture C .fine D . judgment

91 . review of the history of economics shows that a recession may precede depression .

A . point to B . indicate C . cause D . come before

92 . hrough moder n medical science and technology , the average human life has been pro-

onged o 72 years .

A . precipitated B . changed C . stretched D . turned

93 . anic stricken buffaloes have been known to stamped over cliffs to their death s .

A . Terror B . Picnic C . Famine D . Disease

94 . rthur is regarded as profound hinker by his friends .

A . a deep B . a carefu l C . a lazy D . an original

95 . here are many bad cu stoms and laws that ought to e abolished

A . do away with B . adopt C . reform D . enforce

96 . he present location of their corporate headquar ters is a definite sset

A . advantage B . concern C . factor D . handicap

97 . ome means mu st be found to ugment or ker's salaries despit e current economic condi-

tions .

A . increase B . pay C . main tain D . limit

98 . he police scribed he automobile accident to fast driving .

A . att ribu ted B . described C . illustrated D . supposed

99 . iologist have scer tained hat specialized cells conver t chemical energy in to mechanical

energy .

A . dete rmined B . argued C . pretended D . hypothesized

100 . h lorpromazine is a drug prescribed by doctor s to reduce git ation

A . swelling B . nervous ness C . infection D . discomfor t

第二套自测题 (CEB6—2)

I .Fill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) ighlight lick haunt obscure bureaucracy perception architect amateur tenant


101 . A wrongdoer is constantly by fear of discovery .

102 . A ( n) is a per son who designs b uildings .

103 . T he suspect t ried to the case against him .

104 . Acting with a( n) theatrical group can be fun .

105 . T he senator's speech the need for reduced tariffs .

106 . A good driver must have good of distance .


107 . H is job is to collect ren t from the .

108 . I'm not going to be by a small difficulty like tha t .

109 . H er anger achieved a( n) momentum of its own .

110 . top-heavy and inefficient often slows simple decision s for month s .

B) spy dignity rigorous snap misfortune recite avail irrigation trifle suicide

111 . To poet ry is to say it aloud to an audience, from memory .

112 . he police are investigating murders tha t have been made to look like .

113 . A member of his staff was discovered to be a foreign .

114 . omething that is is done or applied in a very thorough and strict way .

115 . T he area under totals 500 , 000 hectares .

116 . is failure in business was due not to , bu t to h is own mistakes .

117 . She wastes her time on .

118 . H e made repeated attempts , bu t to no .

119 . I t will take a( n) of you with camera .

120 . T he real of a man lies in what he is , not in what he has .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

121 . s uccessful scien tis t needs imagination if he wants to make of how processes

work and how events t ake place .

A . hin ts B . hypotheses C . thoughts D . lies

122 . he spaceship will be still . It will be .

A . stationery B . mobile C . unmoved D . stationary

123 . e have for a new secret ary but we haven't had any replies yet .

A . adver tised B . announced C . advised D . noticed

124 . ou haven't really an swered the question , for what you said is not .

A . valuable B . pertinent C . divine D . provident

125 . he boat is by a fifty-hor sepower engine .

A . prompted B . compelled C . pushed D . propelled

126 . an t and H egel have so developed idealis m tha t it t emporarily the realis t .

A . over lap s B . overwhelms C . overhears D . over throws

127 . er sonal and priva te ent erprise has been stressed .

A . en t ry B . indignation C . envy D . initiative

128 . he loss of a pencil is too a mat ter to repor t to the police .

A . locomotive B . trivial C . motive D . mighty

129 . effor ts are needed in order to finish unpleasant task s .

A . Per sisten t B . Organized C . Minimal D . Divided

130 . e've been for days b ut have seen nothing .

A . pat rolling B . clashing C . char tering D . coiling

131 . newspaper is an amu sing drawing , usually about some event in the news .


A . suitcase B . car toon C . rolle r D . pers uasion

132 . he red cur tain a cert ain elegance to the room .

A . impar ts B . impulses C . imposes D . impresses

133 . orth American once belonged to many differen t Red Indian .

A . surgery B . tribes C . symposiums D . sweetness

134 . he local medical officer report ed a serious of food poisoning .

A . state B . incident C . outbreak D . event

135 . is evil intentions were and yet we could not stop him .

A . homely B . manifest C . stou t D . uneasy

136 . he wholesale price of this coat is $20; the price is $30 .

A . hind B . abundant C . feeb le D . retail

137 . he of Queen Elizabeth I was from 1558 to 1603 .

A . reign B . gover nment C . conquest D . rein

138 . ater he was for a shor t time to F rance .

A . association B . ambassador C . ambulance D . calendar

139 . he of this p lastic vessel to o ther p lastic vessels lies in the capacity to resist

heat .

A . super B . supersonic C . superiority D . supermarket

140 . he examination question me completely and I couldn't an swer it .

A . bat tled B . bet ted C . braked D . baffled

141 . veryone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished the tale .

A . plastic B . pathetic C . cautious D . paten t

142 . ritons in England before the Normans came .

A . elap sed B . doomed C . dwelt D . ejected

143 . e should all to be more considerate of others .

A . suspend B . endeavor C . plot D . fence

144 . undreds of people in the ear th quake .

A . performed B . perished C . pierced D . poisoned

145 . is crippled leg him to long periods of unemployment .

A . made B . failed C . doomed D . foresaw

146 . he entire family is in scientific research .

A . dipped B . immersed C . sa turated D . submerged

147 . he city is divided in to its electoral for local elections .

A . wards B . retails C . ideologies D . complements

148 . he stairs in a gracefu l curve .

A . assisted B . assembled C . assumed D . ascended

149 . he polar explorers took every precaution to the dangers of their t rip .

A . pop B . bug C . minimize D . check

150 . he buildings are those in which a town's officials wor k .

A . multip le B . muscular C . milky D . municipal


151 . hen I came home , I found a huge w aiting for me .

A . essence B . emission C . corres pondence D . exclamation

152 . went to see my uncle and w e t alked in the of the hotel for an hour .

A . lobby B . nearby C . ruby D . hobby

153 . is heart is with kindness .

A . over looking B . overlapping C . overhearing D . overflowing

154 . hen the firemen arrived the whole building was .

A . brushing B . blazing C . breeding D . budding

155 . he sixt een-page tells how to care for your new car .

A . pal B . palm C . pamphlet D . panel

156 . rap the round your injured ar m .

A . engagement B . dust C . bandage D . devotion

157 . e was a of Ar ts of Blodgett College .

A . Det ective B . Islam C . Bachelor D . Crab

158 . he postal se rvices weren't always a government ; in the past they were some-

times provided by private companies .

A . lot B . monopoly C . science D . cont ra ry

159 . wimming has become a favorite for women in England .

A . pastime B . leis ure C . contest D . show

160 . he was with the beauty of Helen of Troy , and the tongue of a fish-wife .

A . en sured B . ent ert ained C . endowed D . exiled

161 . t helps to overcome the of immigration procedures .

A . disgust B . clinic C . electrician D . bureaucracy

162 . aber hated decisions , so he thought every thing carefully .

A . brief B . snap C . sharp D . cur t

163 . a ren ts do not need to state their love for their children too oft en or too loud . T heir

love is in their way of helping and caring for them .

A . altered B . implicit C . varied D . condensed

164 . he people in the village were ; they helped us in every way they could .

A . cooperative B . obedient C . cheerful D . per tinen t

165 . veryone was suffering from because of the bad weather .

A . clatte r B . depression C . embassy D . end

166 . e kept making ambiguou s remark s instead of yes-or-no replies .

A . stray B . crooked C . stou t D . straigh tforward

167 . he sails were against the mast .

A . filling B . flaring C . filtering D . flapping

168 . rays are present in sunligh t and impor tan t in healing and forming vitamin s .

A . Latitude B . Ult raviolet C . T ropical D . F ragile

169 . chool-based programs can and should be designed to tha t community s pirit .

A . formulate B . foster C . forge D . forbid


170 . e was disappoin ted by his res ult , but he is now to having to retake the exam .

A . composed B . supposed C . reconciled D . confronted

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

171 . thletes who complete in the Olympic Games are supposed to be mateurs

A . well t rained B . novices C . physically fit D . nonprofessionals

172 . n the case of a iased jury , the judge has no choice but to declare a mist rial .

A . just B . dependent C . legitima te D . prejudiced

173 . f you ordered three books you will receive a four th one as a onu s

A . penalty B . fine C . prize D . t reasure

174 . ow those in middle-income racket ind it hard to make their ends meet .

A . families B . offices C . job s D . cat egory

175 . thletes learn to onceal heir disappoin tment when they lose .

A . accept B . disguise C . regret D . ignore

176 . y hus band and I would herish home in the count ry .

A . consider B . purchase C . choose D . appreciate

177 . he repor ter described the scene as one of total haos

A . joy B . complete disorder C . wonder D . intensity

178 . he fire dance is the limax of he ceremony of Navajo night chants .

A . addition to B . high point in C . substitute for D . beginning of

179 . he flower s are now udding

A . booming B . blooming C . dooming D . boosting

180 . alt has been a respected ommodity or much of recorded time .

A . flavoring B . preserva tive C . remedy for illness D . ar ticle of trade

181 . he Depar tment of Resources notified the town council tha t the water supply was on-


A . pollu ted B . sobered C . dilu ted D . diverted

182 . e was sent to prison for t rying to orrupt policeman with money .

A . bother B . cast C . steal D . bribe

183 . f you think you're equal to the job , I efy you to find the answer to this problem .

A . advise B . beg C . per suade D . challenge

184 . ost doctors were ubious bout the effectiveness of the new medicine .

A . anxious B . pessimistic C . doubtful D . ignorant

185 . send my brother a collection of lyrical er se s a birthday present .

A . essays B . poems C . songs D . passages

186 . he campers had to sleep under a mosquito eb

A . tent B . cover C . screen D . net

187 . fter lis tening to the testimony , the member s of the jury delivered their e rdict


A . sent ence B . cross-examination C . decision D . foreman

188 . hey believed that the merchants had con spired to ndermine he nation's economic in-

dependence .

A . uphold B . minimize C . weaken D . postpone

189 . rban renewal program s strive to pgrade reas that a re becoming slums .

A . reproach B . improve C . for tify D . uproot

190 . ove has been a favorite heme ith novelists and poets .

A . plot B . su bject C . character D . object

191 . hose who live by the sword will perish y the sword .

A . breathe B . survive C . win D . die

192 . he jewel was kept by the money-lender as a pledge

A . guaran ty B . guard C . fee D . payment

193 . llow me to pose everal questions .

A . explain B . ask C . set tle D . presen t

194 . er peer s ere her worst critics .

A . students B . equals C . t eachers D . subordinates

195 . he meeting was presided over y the chair man .

A . at tended B . lis tened C . t aken over D . conduct ed

196 . new law has been passed to obtain more evenue or the local government .

A . money B . offices C . power D . employees

197 . he horse finally came to a halt on the very im f the cliff .

A . top B . slope C . edge D . base

198 . he chart showed the amount of money spent on food compared with the amount on


A . necessities B . incidentals C . ex tension D . amu sement

199 . ane and Carrie are the ecipients f the president's scholarship for fine arts .

A . creator s B . donors C . investigator s D . receiver s

200 . he common ear thworm is made up of round egments

A . cells B . organs C . sections D . rings

第三套自测题 (CEB6—3)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) iner overthrow saint nutrition collaboration refugee recruit regime

nightmare messenger

201 . e has been under arrest since March for a ttempting to the present regime .

202 . T here is a massive influx of from the war zone .

203 . he war time government fir st men in to the forces from nonessential indust ries .

204 . T his corrupt and ignorant had ruled the country since 1920 .

205 . T he work I did in in terested me very much .

206 . A sain t's day is a day on which a par ticu lar is honored .


207 . he stood on the deck of a( n ) bound from Southampton to New York .

208 . A ( n) is a very fright ening and up set ting dream .

209 . Slum children often lack proper .

210 . By the time the reached him , the damage had been done .

B) ling heritage missionary radical snatch transplant fabricate stereo thermal


211 . T hese beautiful old churches are par t of our national .

212 . H e was so angry that the stood out on his forehead .

213 . T he went to India to conver t people to Christianity .

214 . When we use“ ”, as a noun , we us ually mean a left-winter .

215 . T he story was and completely untrue .

216 . I t sounds much better in a hi-fi .

217 . means relating to or caused by hea t or by changes in temperature .

218 . T he hear t was done by a t eam of doctors .

219 . H e was humming a( n) of music from the new s how .

220 . I t was as if nature was having one last before the summer .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

221 . he blue whale may soon be added to the lis t of species .

A . expired B . dead C . extinct D . died out

222 . he minist er the latest crime figures as proof of the need for more police .

A . coded B . coaxed C . cited D . connected

223 . hir ty year s of field work enabled the female botanist to gain a bet ter in to the

nature as it is .

A . insigh t B . discovery C . concept D . conviction

224 . he rainbow across the s ky .

A . adjoined B . anchored C . arched D . aroused

225 . aving a attitude towards people with differen t ideals is an indication that one

has been well educated .

A . confident B . emphatic C . tole rant D . gratefu l

226 . he body has a regular need for sufficien t food and occasional rest .

A . imperialis tic B . notional C . physiological D . phenomenal

227 . e the document so that we would all have a copy .

A . doubled B . multiplied C . en la rged D . duplicated

228 . he difference in air flow bet ween subsonic and speeds in turn created a wholly

new branch of aerodynamics .

A . supersonic B . slack C . situated D . spatial

229 . osmetics do not always cover up the of na ture .

A . faults B . deficiencies C . defaults D . cylinder


230 . any houses could be warmed if they were so that the heat is not lost .

A . imprisoned B . implemented C . insu lated D . impar ted

231 . he police are supposed to pro tect the people and their proper ties , evil conducts ,

guide t raffic and so on .

A . depress B . condemn C . frust rate D . suppress

232 . e his bicycle slowly up the hill .

A . peris hed B . pedaled C . perplexed D . peered

233 . hy does a vegetarian restauran t make its dishes resemble meat in every way except


A . ingredients B . elements C . components D . compounds

234 . he new policies should not fail to the disabled .

A . ex tinguish B . exile C . acquain t D . accommodate

235 . hey feared that the loss would them .

A . abr upt B . erupt C . bankrupt D . inte rrupt

236 . he plane just afte r take-off and crashed on to the runway .

A . stalled B . installed C . vanis hed D . descended

237 . o his surprise, his proposals met with a of opposition .

A . reply B . mass C . return D . chorus

238 . he moon round the earth .

A . revolves B . evolves C . resolves D . dissolves

239 . is voice out over the loudspeaker .

A . doomed B . cloaked C . boomed D . consoled

240 . he boy made an honest to do the work righ t .

A . hindrance B . endeavor C . hemisphere D . headquar ter s

241 . he herbs are said to influenza .

A . look for B . set off C . set tle down D . ward off

242 . t the feast there was food and drink in .

A . disturbance B . endurance C . ignorance D . ab undance

243 . e has been deceiving her for many years but she has still not tumbled it .

A . over B . in C . to D . down

244 . ard-to-get theatre ticket can be bought a t a .

A . premise B . premium C . prestige D . precipitat e

245 . ur schools and univer sities are bursting at the .

A . seams B . scru tinizes C . segments D . scrip ts

246 . e ran a t fu ll into the door and broke his arm .

A . tilt B . token C . thorn D . tile

247 . he appears in this film by of the Film Cooperation .

A . counsel B . costume C . courtesy D . criterion

248 . e was a scholar .

A . first and second B . fir st and foremost


C . foremost and second D . foremost and first .

249 . e the whole play up by forget ting his par t .

A . foisted B . fractured C . frust rated D . fouled

250 . n autumn the leaves on t rees become brown , curl , and die .

A . for B . down C . up D . on

251 . he movement of the works of a tall clock is oft en timed by a .

A . pendulum B . piston C . silicon D . switch

252 . here's been a in the sales of TV sets .

A . bet B . boom C . handout D . incidence

253 . tudents get a on air fa res .

A . fatigue B . feast C . fastener D . discount

254 . lis tened to him breathing in short .

A . gears B . fossils C . diction D . gasp s

255 . he tank of petrol was by a carelessly discarded cigaret te end .

A . lit up B . ignited C . exploded D . inflamed

256 . thing that is will not let wat er in or not .

A . t rivial B . waterfall C . wat ery D . watertigh t

257 . n a few he crossed the room .

A . strides B . scopes C . habits D . cour ses

258 . lthough Uncle Joh n was sick , he was enough to hear and see every thing a-

round him .

A . antique B . anxious C . advantageous D . aler t

259 . he wa tched him all the handles and gears in his au tomobile u ntil s he thought

she could run it her self .

A . modulate B . incorporate C . manip ulat e D . induce

260 . t is to think that he got the job without any qualification .

A . inclusive B . instant aneou s C . incapable D . incredible

261 . he author the book to his paren ts .

A . dedicated B . su bmerged C . reassured D . promoted

262 . e was moderately p leased by the dress and scenery .

A . pregnant B . gorgeou s C . primitive D . rough

263 . promise never to get drunk .

A . barely B . badly C . back D . hencefor th

264 . bird its head under its wings when it sleeps .

A . whirls B . tucks C . t ames D . t rifles

265 . sign with“Danger !”on it is a .

A . nightmare B . hiss C . illusion D . caution

266 . he present dis pute was by a rumor that some of the workers were to lose their

jobs here .

A . t riggered B . despatched C . t ranscended D . towed


267 . he carpenter angrily aside his tools and would work no longer .

A . flu shed B . flung C . flatte red D . flapped

268 . nderstanding is one of the most importan t of a s uccessful marriage .

A . ingredients B . opponents C . standards D . methods

269 . he of the town is not good , some of the pipes being broken .

A . drainage B . charity C . vegetation D . nut rition

270 . he police against the difficulties which they faced were too severe .

A . commented B . contended C . commit ted D . competed

II . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part

271 . atherine acts with pontaneous harm and grace .

A . naive B . graceful C . peculiar D . voluntary

272 . n the West, to hatte r mirror by accident is considered a sign of bad luck by some

people .

A . break B . lose C . move D . touch

273 . oof-and-mouth disease was eliminated in the United Sta tes by laughtering ffect ed

herds of cat tle .

A . isolating B . testing C . vaccinating D . killing

274 . espite conflicting repor ts of the death toll afte r the ear thquake, more ober stimates

p lace the number of dead at 600 .

A . calm B . exaggerated C . approximate D . inaccurate

275 . e has a la rge tudio ith a window facing nor th and most of his works are there .

A . lounge B . lobby C . front room D . workroom

276 . espite Mr Graham's eloquence some people were still kep tical

A . dissatisfied B . unclear C . ignorant D . unconvinced

277 . olitary ost of the year , foxes do not live in dens except during the breeding season .

A . Aler t B . Restless C . A lone D . Fear less

278 . resident Jeffe rson approved the idea of using urplu s evenues of the gover nment to

promote the in terests of commerce, indu st ry , and agriculture .

A . tax B . ext ra C . financial D . precious

279 . he White H ouse contains many pacious beautiful garden s .

A . well-decorated B . ample C . wonderful D . lofty

280 . ach per son should trive o achieve his goals in life .

A . at tack B . aggravate C . str uggle D . flourish

281 . he crip t or his newest movie was writ ten by his best friend in Hollywood .

A . written text B . review C . summary D . symp hony

282 . here is too much yellow in the picture; it would look much bet ter if the yellow is

changed to ronze


A . purple B . reddis h brown C . sky blue D . white

283 . he baseball match at tracted thousands of pectators rom all over the count ry .

A . players B . performers C . watcher s D . sigh tseers

284 . n the wedding night , it is customary for the groom to carry his bride over hreshold

A . fence B . bedroom C . hor seback D . door stone

285 . his building is for ransient orkers .

A . salaried B . temporary C . retired D . cont ract

286 . he sun's intense ray s istort ed he image on the horizon .

A . reflected B . altered C . melt ed D . disrupt ed

287 . eat from the fireplace iffu sed hroughout the room .

A . shone B . warmed C . spread D . burned

288 . he was so beautifu l that she clip sed very other woman at the ball .

A . envied B . overshadowed C . hat ed D . despised

289 . ongwood , Gardens in Penn sylvania, now one of the world ' s greatest hor ticulture

showcases , was once the state f the late Pierre S . Du Pont .

A . foundation B . museum C . security D . property

290 . he number of United States citizen s who are ligible o vote continues to increase .

A . encouraged B . enforced C . expected D . entitled

291 . hey have ostered everal children of various races .

A . taught B . invited C . brought up D . picked up

292 . he lit tle boy grabbed he bottle and ran away .

A . threw B . broke C . took D . dropped

293 . aised for its milk , meat , and hide, the reindeer is also used to aul hings from place

to place .

A . pull B . push C . direct D . send

294 . he men urled heir spears at the enemy .

A . dropped B . threw C . pushed D . pulled

295 . ore responsibility and higher salaries are ncentives or on-the-job t raining .

A . implicit B . in tegral par t of C . privileges of D . inducements for

296 . t is mperative hat they arrive on time for the lecture .

A . necessary B . suggested C . hoped D . intended

297 . he Civil War provided n impetu s to ichigan's grow th .

A . an incentive to B . an ob stacle to C . a reason for D . a delay in

298 . is choice of applican ts indicated a ias oward people from is hometown .

A . tole rance B . open-kindness C . objectivity D . prejudice

299 . n 1783 the American Colonies s hook off the yoke f England .

A . influence B . control C . invasion D . shadow

300 . he check was marked oid

A . payable B . valid C . canceled D . insufficient


第四套自测题 (CEB6—4)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) iability skeleton petition exposition gamble transit savage recur agenda con-


301 . T he medical students studied the of the h uman body .

302 . T hey the government to abolish hanging .

303 . H e was by wild animals .

304 . T his is a problem which keep s .

305 . T he reading of the minutes was the first item on the .

306 . A M P is the servant of his .

307 . H e lost his money at cards .

308 . T he paper contained a clear of the theory of evolu tion .

309 . One of the packages had been damaged in .

310 . company or organiza tion's a re the sums of money which it owes , for example

because it has made promises or signed agreements .

B) loquent tablet diet warfare coward accord opaque sovereign underestimate


311 . T here are few issues on which the two are in perfect .

312 . ( n) is a flat piece of clay , stone, etc, which people used to write on before pa-

per was invented .

313 . H e political appoin tment unas hamedly .

314 . Only a( n ) would run from danger .

315 . H is stories were and funny .

316 . hey are anxious to prevent this conflict from erupting in to open .

317 . N ever the power of a woman .

318 . P roper and exercise are both importan t for health .

319 . A ( n) is a king or queen .

320 . n object or s ubstance that is has enough th ickness or colour to prevent you

from seeing through it .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

321 . he two men had many differences to before they could join forces in business .

A . reconcile B . reclaim C . debate D . repel

322 . e to his ideals in spite of their impracticality .

A . adheres B . adjoins C . arrays D . approaches

323 . e have bought the house to theirs .

A . adjoining B . adjacent C . allied D . ambient

324 . he firemen were unable to the fire .


A . smash B . hatch C . quench D . clu tch

325 . is plans are very ; he wants to maste r F rench , German and Ru ssian before he

was eight een .

A . ambitiou s B . anxious C . fearless D . faultless

326 . s foreign minister in the 1960's he closer ties with China .

A . initiated B . injected C . inherited D . irritated

327 . hey rented the old house on the that the landlord would pain t it .

A . assumption B . impression C . succession D . suggestion

328 . ur football team is with one from the next town for the championship .

A . collaborating B . contacting C . contending D . confronting

329 . he her friends by breaking her promise .

A . blunted B . bet rayed C . suppressed D . in t rigued

330 . he document is unless it is officially st amped .

A . valid B . deliberate C . confidential D . invalid

331 . beautifu l autumn day like this for the wet summer we have had .

A . compensates B . revenges C . balances D . compels

332 . 've just been with a new problem .

A . conformed B . conflicted C . confronted D . confirmed

333 . ost people willingly to the customs of society .

A . inform B . deform C . reform D . conform

334 . he ship arrived in the por t afte r a long of four years .

A . cruise B . ab sence C . course D . pause

335 . person is if he acts afte r weighing all the aspects of a situation .

A . deliberate B . reasonable C . considerable D . appropriate

336 . he murdered was killed with a in st rument .

A . dumb B . fluent C . blunt D . limp

337 . here was such an of apples tha t year tha t many lef t to rot under the trees .

A . absence B . abu ndance C . allowance D . assurance

338 . here are several to this method of dealing with the problem .

A . drawing s B . drawers C . drawback s D . backgrounds

339 . he leaves of a cab bage are folded into a head .

A . compact B . hollow C . loose D . compressed

340 . epending on family custom one uses a or a face cloth to soap oneself .

A . sponge B . spoon C . sponsor D . spade

341 . he World H ealth Organization fights against diseases all over the world .

A . inevitable B . infectious C . influential D . inferior

342 . n buying a suit , a difference of ten cents in price is .

A . negligib le B . neglecting C . notable D . noticeable

343 . tha t you are hungry , so I'm making you some sandwiches .

A . assume B . consume C . presume D . resume


344 . lend the butte r and the sugar before adding the other of the cake .

A . injections B . ingredients C . in tegrat es D . chemicals

345 . rock formation blocked the end of the valley .

A . massive B . marginal C . compact D . excessive

346 . he performance of th is reasonably priced record player is in quality to that of

some more expensive hi-fi sets .

A . comparable B . compara tive C . compatible D . competitive

347 . he in terest shown by the class encouraged him to his ideas in to a theory .

A . freshen B . forge C . formula te D . fabricate

348 . he modern child finds it difficu lt to of a time when there was no radio or TV .

A . conceal B . conceive C . conserve D . fancy

349 . he explosion blew the kitchen door off its .

A . join ts B . ax les C . hinges D . boards

350 . o the loss on his apples , the shop keeper charged more for the cabbages .

A . set B . offset C . preset D . up set

351 . e took us in with F rench Socialis t Party .

A . layman B . stereo type C . alliance D . vicinity

352 . e gives to his fury with a st ring of curses .

A . vent B . rig C . cue D . curb

353 . he steel indust ry was up to the need of the war .

A . geared B . gasped C . glared D . gambled

354 . f you are quest of something , you are looking for it .

A . back B . for C . on D . in

355 . e heaped on pain ting and sculp ture which he described as pointless pastimes .

A . discrepancy B . rio t C . scorn D . in t rigue

356 . he union members shout ed their assen t in .

A . chord B . chorus C . circus D . chaos

357 . he messed her new dress with red ink .

A . around B . with C . about D . up

358 . s if on , the gir l dashed for the door .

A . tow B . rip C . ego D . cue

359 . arious small mat ters preyed his mind and robbed him of all peace .

A . in B . on C . for D . up

360 . t was , in , one of the wor st mistakes I ever made .

A . prospect B . res pect C . ret rospect D . perspective

361 . ne proposal that an observatory built on the other side of the moon will be

good for astronomic ob servation , as there is no atmosphere around the moon .

A . originat es B . speculates C . postu lates D . illuminates

362 . ecause a circle has no beginning or end , the wedding ring is regarded as a symbol of

love .


A . profound B . eternal C . round D . equivalen t

363 . he bride and groom promised to each other through sick ness and health .

A . embarrass B . endanger C . hur l D . cherish

364 . his work costs us nothing; it's all done by .

A . profiteers B . mountaineers C . engineers D . volunteers

365 . any worker s were thrown in to when the factory closed .

A . unemployment B . debts C . bankruptcy D . failure

366 . oes the minority tru ly represent the silen t majority ?

A . vocal B . optimistic C . verbal D . au thentic

367 . s the t rial went on , the story behind the murder slowly itself .

A . unfolded B . concealed C . upgraded D . proceeded

368 . f you want to be a successful general you must make yourself ab le in .

A . science B . tactics C . in terest D . expenditure

369 . n the swimming pool children love to water over each other .

A . crash B . clas h C . sp lash D . crush

370 . is a rticle makes the situation less impersonal and more .

A . rhetorical B . sophisticated C . idealis tic D . realis tic

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

371 . s mall boat ugged s hip in to the harbor .

A . guided B . signaled C . towed D . forced

372 . is plea f not guilty caused a stir in the court room .

A . argument B . claim C . reason D . indication

373 . e lbowed is way through a crowd of on-lookers .

A . made B . curled C . pushed D . turned

374 . n honest man will no t break his ngagement

A . glass B . rules C . appoin tment D . word

375 . he club will nroll ew members the first week in September .

A . take up B . take on C . take over D . take into

376 . hank you for your ospitality nd I will certainly look forward to reciprocating .

A . capability B . banquet C . friendliness D . wonderful gift

377 . e brought the fis hing gear long with u s on our last ou ting .

A . lines B . boa t C . equipment D . rod

378 . e enjoys the ellowship f his co-workers .

A . friend ship B . sympathy C . hostility D . k indness

379 . is ideas are too adical or most of us to accept .

A . ex t reme B . dangerous C . complicated D . progressive

380 . he wages were eckoned y the amount of hours worked .


A . paid B . apportioned C . calculated D . supplemented

381 . lease give my best ompliments o your paren ts .

A . comments B . greetings C . regards D . congra tu lations

382 . ll the children were ummoned o the presence of their dying mother .

A . remembered B . mournfu l C . called together D . broken-hear ted

383 . hen the ren t was due, the poor man pleaded or more time .

A . needed B . begged C . paid D . lived

384 . aughter is nfectious

A . singing B . catching C . sweeping D . rocking

385 . bought six yards of rubber ose or my garden .

A . rope B . tubing D . clo th D . band

386 . hey never meet and exchange gossip n business .

A . rumors B . opinions C . support D . views

387 . hen onfronted ith the evidence of his guilt , he confessed at once .

A . brought B . stood C . faced D . appeared

388 . he children all umped again st ne another in their eagerness to be first .

A . pushed B . joked with C . ran aft er D . p layed with

389 . ft er s he had finished cut ting out the patt ern , she still had enough emnants f cloth to

make a scarf .

A . pieces B . par ts C . spaces D . sheets

390 . f you etor t you make a shor t and rather angry rep ly to someone who has said some-

thing that annoys you .

A . remark B . look C . reply D . smar t

391 . e evived ith ar tificial respiration .

A . came back to life B . stood up again C . was rescued D . was breathing

392 . e bought land djacent o the river .

A . remot e B . adjoining C . in front of D . st raigh t

393 . he new auditorium was always a welcome ccessory o the school .

A . par tner B . sigh t C . a ttachment D . scene

394 . e dheres o his ideals in spit e of their impracticality .

A . changes B . follows C . clings D . par ts from

395 . t takes brains to dminister large corporation .

A . close B . manage C . in terfere with D . prey

396 . eagulls g lided overhead on erial urren ts .

A . sea B . air C . swif t D . scent

397 . he murder was so ru tal hat the jury was not allowed to see the police p hotographs .

A . savage B . scarce C . sau sage D . scare

398 . eem hat th is will never be proved .

A . believe B . insist C . doubt D . am convinced

399 . n this book , the author epicts he slave owners as kind and benevolen t maste rs .


A . denounces B . att ack s C . por t rays D . thinks

400 . he middle East has been a politically urbulen t rea for thou sand s of year s .

A . jer ked B . star tled C . agita ted D . terrific

第五套自测题 (CEB6—5)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) dible bachelor abrupt media smash groan preach repay consultant


401 . H e made a( n) turn to avoid another car .

402 . A plate dropped from his fingers and on the kitchen floor .

403 . Dist rusting women , he remained a all his life .

404 . T he dying man with agony as the rescuers t ried to move him .

405 . ( n) is a talk on a religious or moral s ubject during a church service .

406 . Are these berries or are they poisonous ?

407 . H e the money he had borrowed .

408 . was the first woman on the staff of Charing Cross Hospital .

409 . T he thief wore a false beard and glasses as a( n) .

410 . he ente rtain or spread news and information to a large number of people .

B) tangle propagate adverse tar theft cripple savage spiral degenerate void

411 . She toured the principal cities to her cau se .

412 . is the crime of st ealing .

413 . I hope the police catch the who attacked the old lady .

414 . Dir t and disease are to the best grow th of children .

415 . A ( n) is someone who is very lame .

416 . T he damaged plane down .

417 . f someone is , they have or show low st andard s of morality or behavior .

418 . used especially for making roads , and is also produced when tobacco burn s .

419 . T he death of her husband left an aching in her heart .

420 . T he wool was in such a( n) as to be useless .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

421 . t is for a man to walk in his sleep .

A . curious B . peculia r C . abnormal D . crazy

422 . he acou stics in the concer t hall were very poor , and it would obviously be necessary to

my voice .

A . ext end B . amplify C . develop D . increase

423 . nder our hou se is a in which the coal is kept .

A . ceiling B . cellar C . cabin D . chest

424 . broadcasting station will sometimes to its list eners a programmer which it has


received from another station .

A . rely B . relay C . rela te D . release

425 . he terrified hunter , in the arms of a huge bear , fought desperately to loosen

its grip .

A . clutched B . clas ped C . grasped D . clinging

426 . got onto the t rain and managed to find an empty all to myself .

A . room B . compar tment C . part D . depar tment

427 . t took them year s to a dictionary .

A . write B . compose C . const ruct D . compile

428 . don't like my hair st raight so I'm going to have it .

A . curved B . carved C . cur led D . cursed

429 . he st ream was so narrow that we could across it .

A . strike B . stride C . st retch D . st rap

430 . he driver's at ten tion was by a child running across the road .

A . detracted B . disturbed C . destroyed D . dist racted

431 . he old woman is too to cross the street without her nephew's help .

A . feeble B . flexible C . sensible D . reliab le

432 . er eyes with tears as she struggled to cont rol her emotions .

A . shone B . g lowed C . glitte red D . lit

433 . hey sat down and t ried to a conversation .

A . commence B . commend C . comment D . commute

434 . space t akes off like a rocket but lands off an airplane .

A . shuttle B . suit C . sh ut ter D . satellite

435 . he mother hen out her young by covering the egg s with her warm feathers .

A . bears B . produces C . generates D . hatches

436 . n spite of her mental , s he manages to do a good job .

A . discrepancy B . efficiency C . deficiencies D . shor tages

437 . he ship is said to be in , her repairs not having been yet completed .

A . bay B . harbor C . por t D . dock

438 . hey managed to valuable raw materials from industrial wastes .

A . reclaim B . reconcile C . rectify D . regulate

439 . f profit and money are your first , and commitment to people your least con-

cern , you have failed education .

A . poten tiality B . priority C . superiority D . responsibility

440 . ary borrowed four needles from Jane and wanted to her husband a pair of

socks .

A . knit B . pit C . bit D . h it

441 . our shir t's hanging out , Ned; it in at once .

A . t rigger B . tumble C . tow D . tuck in

442 . e is small yet tough , and no one dares to with him .


A . tease B . tangle C . terrify D . tackle

443 . or some w eeks that ship company has been just over .

A . fussing B . picking C . ticking D . licking

444 . ary has no outside inte rests at all . H er whole life around her h usband .

A . stumbles B . revolves C . messes D . tick s

445 . e told his son not to mess the radio .

A . about B . up C . around D . with

446 . he old barn tumbled in the storm .

A . down B . over C . to D . off

447 . hen writing a biography of Napoleon s he stumbled some hither to unknown

facts .

A . up B . for C . to D . across

448 . ggs were on sale cheap . And shoppers up the bargain .

A . snapped B . probed C . groped D . foamed

449 . up a knife, he chased the thief out of the house .

A . Smashing B . Snatching C . Sobering D . Slacking

450 . t was a long time before the cut on my hand completely .

A . healed B . improved C . repaired D . settled

451 . have much business that has my answering your lett er .

A . improved B . resisted C . restricted D . h indered

452 . he didn't like playing with cats because they always her eyes .

A . annoyed B . t roubled C . irritated D . bothered

453 . he poor man was sentenced to 90 days in .

A . jam B . jar C . jaw D . jail

454 . hen I tired to open the door , the door came a way in my hand .

A . operator B . hinge C . knob D . board

455 . ince his motor-cycle accident , he has been in one leg .

A . lame B . irregular C . cracked D . crazy

456 . he farmer had to wear heavy boots in the winte r becau se the fields were so wet and


A . ear thy B . solid C . muddy D . sandy

457 . o one likes him because his speech is always .

A . nasty B . hateful C . noisy D . awful

458 . ifty years ago , tomatoes were scarce and called“Love Apples”, being principally culti-

vated for .

A . the market B . export C . or nament D . beauty

459 . is fa ther the way for him to climb to the top .

A . paved B . fixed C . pointed D . b locked

460 . he pain ter will fill those holes with before pain ting the wall .

A . lime B . sand C . plaste r D . mud


461 . e received a wound soon aft er the battle began , and died two days later in a

hospital .

A . mor tal B . moral C . sligh t D . decent

462 . hen people don' t conform to an acceptable standard of behavior , their behaviors are

bound to be to other people .

A . desirab le B . advisable C . affirma tive D . offensive

463 . he air that holds a maximum amount of water vapor is , like a sponge unable to

hold any more water .

A . immersed B . saturated C . quantified D . ventilated

464 . e his position of eminence among his fellow scien tis ts only in the last day s of

his life .

A . reclaimed B . recruited C . revived D . recovered

465 . e a hole in the wall with the stick .

A . plundered B . poked C . plu nged D . puffed

466 . should have gone back and changed my jeans had I known how I should be a-

mong the formally dressed people .

A . famous B . obvious C . humorous D . con spicuous

467 . n film making sometimes , a sheet of metal was s haken to the noise of th under .

A . pretend B . simulate C . manufacture D . assume

468 . he price of coffee has been rising and falling sharply , but has now been .

A . decreased B . smoothed C . stabilized D . subsided

469 . he people on our street signed a asking the city council for a new sidewalk .

A . cont ract B . decree C . petition D . t rend

470 . he lack of manners and common politeness is not to business deals . It's a social

b lank .

A . exclusive B . inclusive C . impressive D . excessive

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

471 . e is ordered to oist he flag in the morning .

A . rise B . lift C . inaugurate D . flow

472 . ark olunteered o show the new students around the campu s .

A . hesitated B . offered C . refused D . in tended

473 . lacing high ariffs n impor ted goods is a frequently employed method of pro tecting

domestic industries .

A . int erests B . profits C . responsibility D . tax

474 . he question was discarded because it was mbiguous

A . fake B . impar tial C . vague D . absent

475 . he director's pacious ew office overlooked the city .


A . roomy B . comfor tab le C . apparen t D . absent

476 . ouble agents live in a perpetual ta te of fear .

A . lofty B . constan t C . frigh tful D . captive

477 . farmer can't grow much on arren and .

A . unproductive B . flourishing C . fertile D . an tarctic

478 . ngry ords will hur t people .

A . shrewd B . cordial C . concrete D . furious

479 . e careful . I t is easily roken

A . brit tle B . aural C . abnormal D . beneficial

480 . hen Mar tha dropped the pla te, it mas hed

A . shattered B . condensed C . slopped D . collapsed

481 . rofessor Wilson eclined o comment on the current political situa tion .

A . refu ted B . agreed C . refused D . decided

482 . s udden move eans , while fishing , there might be a fish .

A . instinct B . hop C . sk ip D . jerk

483 . here is a campaign again st those h unters who mercilessly laughter aby seals .

A . net B . kill C . capture D . skin

484 . he thief hreat ened o shoot her if she screamed .

A . stitched B . implemented C . in terviewed D . menaced

485 . nly overeign t ates are able to make t reaties .

A . constitu tional B . powerful C . guilty D . independent

486 . n hoping to enter the gate, he gave the guard a eward

A . sparrow B . patch C . foil D . bribe

487 . any ick per son s tayed in hos pital waiting for the doctor .

A . magician s B . invalids C . monarchies D . invoice

488 . hat guaran tee o we have of this product's quality ?

A . possibility B . concern C . prairie D . assurance

489 . he expedition reached the ummit t ten-thir ty that morning .

A . top B . t rial C . siege D . sit e

490 . e decided to pay for the furniture on the onth ly payment plan .

A . cash B . installment C . coin D . credit

491 . y brother never makes big mistake

A . aluminum B . pension C . blunder D . lump

492 . id your paren ts praise he work you have done ?

A . commend B . proceed C . murmur D . preserve

493 . lease ccompany he kids to the zoo .

A . dismiss B . escor t C . compete D . encounter

494 . n prehistoric times , eclipses of the Moon and Sun were probably errifying o people .

A . meaningful B . fascinating C . frigh tening D . helpful

495 . t gave her quite a hrill o shake hands with the P resident .


A . fear B . tilt C . excited feeling D . happy memory

496 . he ymptoms f influenza are fever , headache, and muscular pain .

A . effects B . deligh ts C . forces D . signs

497 . ormulated in 1823 , the Monroe Doct rine mphatically sta ted hat the Americans were

no longer open to European colonization .

A . argued B . assert ed C . abused D . entrea ted

498 . could iscern er among the audience .

A . choose B . coach C . perceive D . pur sue

499 . ur t eacher always gives us a idden xplanation .

A . obscure B . profound C . absurd D . impressive

500 . he Moon , the Sun , and the visible planets were considered by earliest observer s to be

divine bjects .

A . orbital B . sacred C . magnified D . fan tastic

第六套自测题 (CEB6—6)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) ackle tablet tick layman smuggle stitch recycle degenerate gleam academy

501 . T here was a nice red in the margin .

502 . o the the questions which a doctor puts to the patien t may seem irrelevant .

503 . ossil fuels cannot be . Once they are gone they are gone for ever .

504 . She these diamond bracelets out .

505 . She picked up her embroidery(刺绣 ) and star ted .

506 . T he conver sation to a per sonal att ack .

507 . ome schools or colleges , especially ones that specialize in teaching a particula r subject ,

are called .

508 . H e could see the evening lamp behind the cot tage cur tain s .

509 . Take two three times a day af ter meals .

510 . T he spor ting goods store had a window full of fishing .

B) ffirm diplomatic courtesy provocative sexual elite spokesman republican un-

derlying chat

511 . F riend or foe, king or fool, t reat everyone with .

512 . A ( n) remark is one which makes you feel cross .

513 . Common Market claims that more than 800 ,000 jobs have been lost recently .

514 . Many countries have a( n) form of government .

515 . T hey were not having a( n ) relationsh ip .

516 . people or organizations , are considered to be the best of their kind .

517 . T here were simila rities bet ween all human beings .

518 . T he boys gaily while they dressed .

519 . espite all the policeman's questions the lady continued to that s he was inno-

cent .


520 . T he government was reluctan t to endanger its trade and link s with China .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

521 . hose who armed inte rvention in the inte rnal affair s of other count ries are b lind

to the lessons of history .

A . advoca te B . affirm C . avail D . applaud

522 . hings , faces , words , etc .which look alike but which are not really alike may also be a

cause of mental .

A . suspicion B . confusion C . passion D . fission

523 . person who studies learns how to express number s approximately and how to

calculate ratios and averages .

A . algebra B . commerce C . statis tics D . elect ronics

524 . he attempt of the major power s to s maller countries should be resisted .

A . clip B . disable C . monitor D . dominate

525 . he used to spend the evenings and watching television .

A . knitting B . knotting C . kneeling D . k nocking

526 . ost proposals for projects involving heavy public are subject to criticism from

one source or another .

A . savings B . investment C . owner ship D . expenditure

527 . f the six designs he show ed us , two were fairly s uitable, but the were useless .

A . by-products B . remainder C . predecessor s D . offspring

528 . is a standard of judgment , or a principle by which we measure the value of

something , or the extent to which some quality is present .

A . credit B . bact eria C . criterion D . optima

529 . he bird its wings and flew away .

A . clapped B . flapped C . overlapped D . t rapped

530 . hen were the British decimal coins p ut in to ?

A . circuit B . circu lation C . circumference D . circus

531 . logical argument is an argument which does not itself .

A . cont radict B . cont rast C . contest D . cont ract

532 . haven't finished my post graduate yet .

A . these B . synthesis C . crisis D . hypothesis

533 . e is one of the most active in the cultural activities of the students' union .

A . par tner s B . inspectors C . participants D . followers

534 . he model had to in a fur coat for the magazine photographs .

A . pose B . perfume C . pilo t D . impose

535 . he teacher is famous speeches for use in school-books .

A . ca taloging B . editing C . su bmit ting D . aiding

536 . wo count ries usually derive advantages from trading with each other .


A . reciprocal B . allied C . cooperative D . periodical

537 . e the eggs we find by keeping them in a warm place .

A . ca tch B . hatch C . match D . fetch

538 . he looked so young and that he felt a great desire to protect her .

A . vocal B . vocational C . vulgar D . vulnerable

539 . station in space looking down on an entire could send its program to half of

our planet at one time .

A . bios phere B . hemisphere C . pole D . sphere

540 . he master of the house has got more money than taste , so his rooms are full of expen-

sive but very furniture .

A . vulgar B . luxurious C . comfor table D . coarse

541 . is son commit ted a crime and the father tried to a policeman with money .

A . bankrupt B . inte rrupt C . abrupt D . corrupt

542 . is work look s all righ t , but it will no t bear .

A . research B . scru tiny C . experiment D . taste

543 . y car crawled along a main road where a line of t raffic was so tightly together

that it was almost stationary .

A . wedged B . squeezed C . crowded D . supplementing

544 . suffered severely from a lingering illness , so the doctor gave me something to

the pain .

A . aggravate B . alleviate C . slaughter D . shat ter

545 . e was so fast asleep that even the ringing of the alarm clock failed to wake him

up .

A . consisten t B . primary C . periodic D . persisten t

546 . aggie tiptoed over and took the clock aw ay because she ha ted to hear it when

she was t rying to go to sleep .

A . sou nding B . humming C . ticking D . ringing

547 . man who has is a man of moral principle who cannot be false to h is own

standards or to h is conception of his responsibilities .

A . int egrity B . ambition C . anxiety D . popularity

548 . emocratic governments prefer the use of to the use of force .

A . agitation B . confession C . permission D . persuasion

549 . n recent year s there have been in several count ries about the laws making the

consumption of certain drugs illegal .

A . conventions B . contests C . controversies D . con sequences

550 . he activities of priva te mu st be checked when they waste public resources .

A . enclosures B . esta tes C . fix tures D . enterprises

551 . should think twice before I upon such a hazardou s project as that .

A . dwell B . embarked C . embody D . deprive

552 . on't too much on painfu l memories .


A . inhabit B . live C . dwell D . reside

553 . 've sor ted the lis t ou t ; now don't mess it .

A . around B . up C . with D . about

554 . man who is cruel to his children should be held in .

A . context B . cont roversy C . convict D . contempt

555 . f you do something in with somebody else , you share the work between you .

A . legislation B . obligation C . specification D . collaboration

556 . f the government really mean to make this land , they may give loan s to the

peasants to buy or hire tractors .

A . fer tile B . quantitative C . productive D . regenera tive

557 . e in his behavior a st rong dislike of his younger sister .

A . manifested B . magnified C . modulated D . denoted

558 . e accepted for the damage done to the car .

A . liberty B . liability C . license D . likelihood

559 . his castle the architectural style of the period .

A . exemplifies B . experiences C . exclaim s D . excites

560 . he must be protected again st the sale of poor-quality goods .

A . producer B . consumer C . tradesman D . deale r

561 . n American cities , t raffic jams are because citizens in suburb have to drive ever-

y day to central business areas to work .

A . activated B . aggravated C . irritated D . propagated

562 . he less sophisticated microwave receivers can receive microwave TV signals from sat-

ellit es and transform them into TV signals with the present TV sets .

A . compatible B . susceptible C . negligible D . permissible

563 . ou should the wheels of your bicycle once a month .

A . mould B . orient C . originate D . lubricate

564 . oreign experience has to be analyzed and with the actual conditions in China .

A . int egrated B . facilitated C . rectified D . activated

565 . he boy felt when he found he had difficulty with most of the maths problems .

A . confident B . frustrated C . scared D . challenged

566 . here are not many teacher s who are strong of t raditional methods in English

teaching .

A . sponsor s B . advocates C . contrib utor s D . perfor mers

567 . t the party we found that shy girl her mother all the time .

A . depending on B . coinciding with C . adhering to D . clinging to

568 . he education for the coming year is about $4 billion , which is much more than

what people expected .

A . allowance B . reservation C . budget D . finance

569 . n foreign affairs , Reagan American in terests far more aggressively than Car ter .

A . asserted B . assessed C . exaggerated D . revealed


570 . o the heat released from the in side of the machine, powerful ventilators were

used .

A . dispatch B . dissipa te C . dist ract D . disp lace

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

571 . ark miled hen he heard the good news .

A . jumped B . shouted C . danced D . grinned

572 . hat oat o carry people across w ater is very flimsy .

A . bough B . thigh C . perch D . ferry

573 . ome of the fruit had been badly ruised

A . damaged B . sor ted C . branded D . st rayed

574 . are ill appears behind the jungle .

A . bald B . humid C . immense D . clue

575 . o my knowledge, he is a hrewd usiness man .

A . keen B . sturdy C . st riking D . stuffy

576 . ven sensib le men do bs urd hings .

A . foolis h B . ab st ract C . bitte r D . k ind

577 . nstead of answering the question , he ju st ifted is shoulder s as though it were not im-

port an t .

A . shared B . shrugged C . sheered D . shoved

578 . fter lis tening to his speech , I thought h is ideas were so angled ha t I could not vote

for him .

A . mixed-up B . stupid C . drastic D . out-of-date

579 . hey kept up a turdy pposition to the plan .

A . direct B . feeble C . violen t D . firm

580 . ome goods are ragile nd should be handled with grea t care .

A . impor ted B . expensive C . glassware D . breakable

581 . he biscuits in that tin are not very risp ow .

A . sweet B . fresh C . brittle D . soft

582 . e was paralyzed ft er the st roke .

A . sad B . moody C . cripp led D . gloomy

583 . he noise outside istracts y at ten tion from reading .

A . devours B . diver ts C . deviat ed D . diffu sed

584 . he twins have entirely differen t emperaments

A . objectives B . liking C . disposition D . tastes

585 . ur news agency receives ispatches rom all parts of the world every day .

A . massages B . messages C . passages D . sausages

586 . ith these chemicals the firemen can xtinguish fire in a few second s .


A . put an end to B . p ut off C . put out D . put up

587 . he scien tists are on n expedition o the North Pole .

A . an experimental t rip B . a scien tific trip

C . an organized t rip D . a sigh tseeing trip

588 . he ver th row f his p lans left him much discourage .

A . ruin B . res pect C . thanks D . change

589 . ll that tennis has made me quite u scular

A . t rout B . touch C . tough D . though

590 . hey ugged ach other for the victory .

A . embraced B . shouted at C . laughed at D . drank to

591 . picture of a fall creates the llu sion f coolness .

A . false notion B . difference C . cer tain ty D . ideal

592 . he lash f opinions caused t ension in the room .

A . exchange B . harmony C . conflict D . ideal

593 . he lit tle town has reached the limax f its prosperity .

A . height B . accent C . tur ning poin t D . crisis

594 . ccording to recent tatis tics here are more TV sets in the United Stat es than there are

people .

A . repor ts from differen t cities B . collection s of numerical data

C .investiga tions made by the government D . total amount of commodities sold

595 . ince she did not speak a foreign language, she was ewildered y the menu at the in-

ternational restaurant .

A . surprised B . frustrated C . perplexed D . enligh tened

596 . cien tis ts are now on the hreshold f a bet ter understanding of how the human brain

work s .

A . approach B . verge C . success D . finish

597 . he next witness will estify or the defense .

A . accu se B . speak C . bear witness D . argue

598 . n tellect istinguis hes man from the animals .

A . Unusual power B . Mental power C . Motive power D . Milita ry power

599 . he farm workers are sending their cows and hor ses to graze n the common field s .

A . free B . gallop C . relax D . feed

600 . witness , gave estimony hat the accu sed was dru nk .

A . test B . disproof C . evidence D . accusation

第七套自测题 (CEB6—7)

I .Fill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) entist slum qualitative dizzy snap combat membership degrade imperial slo-


601 . An antique dealer must have good judgment .


602 . I grabbed a branch and tried to it off .

603 . H e made up his mind to apply for in the party .

604 . T hey themselves by performing un natural tricks .

605 . Sugar rose from 8 cents a pound in 1970 to a peak of 47 cents .

606 . is used to refe r to a count ry tha t is or was an empire .

607 . T he betw een good and evil will continue for ever .

608 . T he par ty's new was“ Higher wages for everyone”.

609 . A ( n) is an area of a city where living condition s are very bad .

610 . 's apparatus includes machines for polish ing and repairing teeth , for drilling

them and for pulling them out .

B) stride sin barren tuck questionnaire elite dual pregnant destined relay

611 . T hey away without saying anyth ing .

612 . I sat up and my shir t in to my shor ts .

613 . A ( n) woman or female animal is one who is u nable to have babies .

614 . T his factory has a system of rate of pay for the same job .

615 . H e never thought he would marry her , bu t he suppose it was .

616 . T his factory has a system of rate of pay for the same job .

617 . he had married and immediately got .

618 . T hey were taking par t in a( n ) race round London .

619 . ( n ) is a writt en lis t of questions which are answered by a lot of people in order

to provide information for a repor t or a s urvey .

620 . Lying , st ealing , dis honesty and cr uelty are .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

621 . he nur se applied a to my wound to relieve my pain .

A . plaster B . pill C . tab let D . liquor

622 . nimals threa tened by extinction now receive a good deal of .

A . propaganda B . p ublicity C . explanation D . adver tising

623 . hen the mist cleared , welcome warmth from the sun .

A . scatte red B . radiated C . poured D . extended

624 . he actor was proud of his handsome .

A . porcelain B . profile C . prototype D . prevention

625 . he u se of standard components makes easier when they are worn .

A . replacement B . substitu te C . repair D . modification

626 . e sought for the harm they had done him .

A . return B . repayment C . revenge D . response

627 . e was by the President as the next Secretary of Sta te .

A . promoted B . denoted C . designated D . signified

628 . thel asked to be buried in ground .


A . secret B . scarce C . serious D . sacred

629 . e has a on his arm from an old accident .

A . mark B . scale C . seam D . scar

630 . he doctor says that his medicine will sleep .

A . induce B . deduce C . in troduce D . reduce

631 . he dog was following the of the convict who had just escaped .

A . smell B . odor C . perfume D . scent

632 . e those who did not follow him into bat tle .

A . scared B . scored C . scoured D . scorned

633 . n Christmas Eve the big house with ligh ts .

A . blazed B . braced C . embraced D . radiat ed

634 . ill your cousin's be p sychology or sociology ?

A . profession B . subject C . facu lty D . specialty

635 . stone fell from the cliff and in to the sea below .

A . clapped B . stuffed C . sp lashed D . crushed

636 . he young coach is very when the boys break training .

A . serious B . rigorou s C . cruel D . st ern

637 . he volcano lava and ashes .

A . rejected B . injected C . projected D . ejected

638 . latboats commodities and foods across the great Lakes between the two coun-

t ries .

A . fly B . flee C . ferry D . fling

639 . red has kind of humor that can only be appreciated by those willing to search

benea th the surface .

A . an obvious B . a h idden C . a subtle D . a controlled

640 . he tourists through the fog , trying to read what was engraved on the grave-

stone Shakespeare had chosen for himself .

A . glanced B . g limpsed C . peered D . peeped

641 . arge's bedroom was in a , with book s and papers covering every possible sur-

face .

A . litte r B . mess C . rubbis h D . disorder

642 . he newly designed zoom has overcome distortion previously in a zoom of this

range .

A . inheren t B . coheren t C . dual D . dubious

643 . orris has decided to for some evening classes next term now that he has settled

down in New Yor k .

A . enroll B . en lis t C . engage D . enter

644 . ary really couldn't s tand the music by Richard Wagner , David couldn't hear e-

nough of it .

A . because B . whereas C . although D . when


645 . nit ting scenic views became popular in the U nited States toward the end of the

eight eenth century .

A . distor ting B . spreading C . por t raying D . emphasizing

646 . he sales of the books of the famous writer continue to like a runaway balloon .

A . leap B . advance C . approach D . soar

647 . elieving herself alone in the house she was when she heard someone moving a-

bout in the living room .

A . star tled B . annoyed C . afraid D . dist ressed

648 . he baby is just learning to walk and is always over .

A . t rembling B . stumbling C . tumbling D . tempering

649 . he let ter w as picked up by the wind and into the air .

A . rolled B . ro tated C . moved D . whirled

650 . he lit tle boy was surprised to watch how the acrobat over the stage .

A . tumbled B . rolled C . stumbled D . p lunged

651 . e will alway s help in time of need; on th is you can .

A . reclaim B . reckon C . reconcile D . recite

652 . 'm going to this door down if you don't come out .

A . snap B . snatch C . soar D . smash

653 . he skin will peel your back if you expose it to too much sun .

A . off B . away C . apart D . down

654 . f people counsel together , they as k each other what they think they could do .

A . put B . have C . do D . take

655 . he t ree broke out at once in to and birds came and sang on it .

A . blossom B . galaxy C . outbreak D . elite

656 . he lecturer explained the nervous syst em of the body by drawing an with a tel-

ephone exchange .

A . aerial B . analy sis C . analogue D . analogy

657 . er way of dressing at t ract ed the sta res of passer sby .

A . queer B . curly C . decorative D . emotional

658 . he young mother looked a t her sleeping baby with a smile .

A . elegant B . earnest C . radian t D . radical

659 . ost students feel for those who cheat .

A . affection B . sympathy C . scorn D . astonishment

660 . red sunset fine weather .

A . avails B . rectifies C . cla rifies D . signifies

661 . he successful film , T he Sound of Music, att racted the audience with the figure of a

lovely young lady and her charming songs , which could the audience' s passion

for life .

A . aggravate B . alleviate C . disperse D . evoke

662 . month is from one new moon to the next .


A . favorite B . luminous C . lunar D . doomed

663 . ndeed there was little room for the sexy film producers to apply new ideas and new

methods tha t could att ract the audience without moral st andards .

A . viola ting B . elevating C . formula ting D . minimizing

664 . e s pent all h is large for tune on a hospital .

A . despising B . dazzling C . endowing D . envisaging

665 . he most influential T V center ABC in the US can react in stan tly to worldwide inci-

dents and offe r information .

A . upset B . updated C . upheld D . upgraded

666 . t is said that the number of the people who died on highways has exceeded the

since the American Revolutionary War .

A . execution s B . casualties C . personnel D . hostages

667 . he patien t's condition had been since the operation , which worried his paren ts .

A . changing B . deteriorating C . convincing D . disgu sting

668 . ecause of the fuel s hor tage in the world , it is necessary for everyone to gaso-

line .

A . specify B . conserve C . compute D . acquire

669 . veryone should be innocent until it is proved that he is guilty .

A . illustrated B . crippled C . presumed D . reproduced

670 . y t raveling , reading and studying, the scholar devoted all his time to the of

knowledge .

A . acquisition B . variation C . restoration D . cease

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

671 . ake off those oul lothes and let me wash them .

A . expensive B . dir ty C . second-hand D . working

672 . our fear is an tastic ecause no such animal as you described exists .

A . reasonable B . over C . fanciful D . con stan t

673 . ecause Joe k new tha t there were mistakes in his paper , he asked his father to dit t .

A . avert B . compile C . repay D . reprove

674 . he thought that he might be sent to prison ismayed im .

A . cheered B . frightened C . reassured D . puzzled

675 . e will be my eputy hen I t ravel abroad .

A . body guard B . agent C . partner D . secreta ry

676 . evaluation is an official decrease in the par value of a nation's urrency

A . money B . taxes C . prices D . wealth

677 . reece was the radle f Western culture .

A . beginning place B . popular place C . resting place D . ideal place


678 . t seems tha t all omedies re ended by a marriage .

A . historical plays B . mystery stories C . humorou s plays D . dramatic Lite rature

679 . ipped y coat on the nail .

A . hung B . slipped C . spoiled D . tore

680 . egistering a patent nt ails number of expen ses .

A . excludes B . saves C . involves D . precludes

681 . he new government regulation disallows evelation f personal tax information .

A . announcement B . disclos ure C . opening D . closing

682 . e does not like his job , but is too imid o t ry to find another .

A . t roublesome B . difficult C . time-consuming D . shy

683 . oung girls a re u sually ulnerable o criticism .

A . insensitive B . susceptible C . exposed D . hostile

684 . one's paren ts etoed is plan to buy a fast spor ts car .

A . rejected B . approved C . surpassed D . degraded

685 . portion of an employee's wages is ith held y the employer for income taxes .

A . borrowed B . retained C . guaranteed D . paid

686 . he children re susceptible o flu at this time of year .

A . get shots for B . are likely to get

C . dress warmly against D . are healthy enough to avoid

687 . e often peculate about he significance of living .

A . sticks to B . embarks upon C . ponders over D . adheres to

688 . can't wear this dress; it's too habby or the occasion .

A . wrinkled B . mar shaled C . dirty D . worn out

689 . mong all societies legal marriage is us ually accompanied by some kind of ceremony

that expresses group anction f the union .

A . opinion B . correction C . approval D . in sistence

690 . he autobiography kips he author's childhood and just tells of h is ear ly manhood .

A . leaves out B . cu ts down C . cuts shor t D . leaves off

691 . cien tis ts a re t rying to develop computers that will imulate he human thought

process .

A . sub stitute B . project C . ass ume D . reflect

692 . lassicism is a form of ar t derived from Greek and Roman styles and is characterized by

harmony , ymmetry and serenity .

A . symbolism B . ornamentation C . balance D . emotionalism

693 . he Texas Opera Theatre was established as a ubsidia ry f the H ou ston Grand Opera

in order to give young singer s performing experience .

A . hall B . rival C . pat ron D . branch

694 . hen she was walking on the st reet , a man t ried to natch er p ur se .

A . ex t ract B . open C . pick up D . grab

695 . oh n didn't enjoy the rock concer t because he thought the empo as bad ,


A . audience B . singer C . rhythm D . setting

696 . rocery price were oosted gain last month .

A . at tached B . stabilized C . fixed D . raised

697 . he ald ru th is that he is a thief .

A . bare B . green C . high D . far

698 . very good story is carefully ont rived the elements of the story are reduced to fit with

one another in order to make an effect on the reader .

A . planned B . selected C . emphasized D . examined

699 . everal people had been wrongly onvicted

A . sent enced B . blamed C . arrested D . sacked

700 . he relations between these t wo countries have never been more ordial

A . compatible B . craf ty C . irrespective D . p leasant

第八套自测题 (CEB6—8)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) url haunt fist entrepreneur genetic foil compliment guy distill proficiency

701 . ( n) is a per son who sets up business deals in order to make a profit .

702 . People say ghosts that old house .

703 . During that night , we discu ssed the make-up of the individuals .

704 . She screamed and hit me with her .

705 . e had planned to leave at four , but he was by Mrs .H arlowe , who rang for

tea .

706 . A ( n) is a man or boy .

707 . Impurities are removed by water .

708 . I have mentioned four ways of improving general oral tests .

709 . She took his acceptance as a great .

710 . When Mary's hair was cut off , we kept one as a souvenir .

B) onceive clause fringe fuss ideology multitude inflation nominal nourish


711 . T he old man is only the head of the business; his son makes the decision .

712 . Milk is all we need to a small baby .

713 . Our first child was in March and born in December .

714 . A ( n) is a shor t border of hair which is cut so tha t it hangs over your forehead .

715 . T here was a serious of communication s .

716 . T he third of the contract specifies when payments are due .

717 . Don't get in to s uch a( n) about t rifles .

718 . Race prejudice is an indispensable par t of the of h uman exploitation .

719 . T he propagandists claim there is no in the count ry .

720 . T his is a civilization that kills in mass warfare .


II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

721 . he children all again st one another in their eagerness to be first .

A . inflict ed B . recruited C . stalled D . bumped

722 . alking to him was like playing an violin .

A . ex t ravagant B . explicit C . exquisit e D . ex tinct

723 . speak in the full that our cause is just .

A . conviction B . expedition C . indignation D . rebellion

724 . his disease has a high rate of in my home town .

A . offence B . incidence C . inference D . violence

725 . he donor prefer s to remain .

A . prevalent B . anonymous C . disast rou s D . immune

726 . he author of the ar ticle had resented the change I had made in its and tone .

A . fuss B . forma t C . pore D . pose

727 . lectromagnets have a of application s in electrical machinery .

A . la titude B . magnitude C . a ttitude D . multitude

728 . wenty years have since our first meeting .

A . eclipsed B . ejected C . elapsed D . elicited

729 . ry to be when you refu se her invitation , so as not to cause bad feeling .

A . prosperous B . nasty C . naughty D . diplomatic

730 . cliff is quit e upright , like the side of a hou se .

A . delicat e B . sheer C . fash ionable D . charming

731 . ittle cats are tumbling each other in their baskets .

A . over B . down C . to D . off

732 . f you hold the for someone , you look after things for them while they are some-

where else .

A . foil B . fossil C . fort D . forum

733 . randfather had many old bottles tucked the cellar .

A . in for B . away in C . in to D . off in

734 . ll these problems had to be reckoned as they arose , before they grew large e-

nough to hinder progress .

A . with B . on C . in D . to

735 . everal big banks in Europe up during the depression .

A . slaughtered B . slapped C . slott ed D . smashed

736 . ocialis m had the way for the permanent abolition of mass unemployment .

A . pedaled B . foiled C . flamed D . paved

737 . e s pent all day Sunday ju st around .

A . merging B . messing C . missing D . menacing

738 . e arrived on Sunday with his children in .

A . t rait B . toss C . tow D . t ract


739 . hey tried artificial aspiration but it was of no .

A . assurance B . avail C . aviation D . axis

740 . f you keep your own , you keep your own opinion s and intentions secret .

A . courtesy B . couch C . costume D . coun sel

741 . nglish is one of the world's languages .

A . mobile B . monst rou s C . zealous D . predominant

742 . hen men were full of because they thought their friend had been unju stly pun-

ished .

A . indiffe rence B . independence C . indignation D . inflation

743 . just managed to a quick breath before I was sucked under the water by the

passing boat .

A . gain B . possess C . grab D . snatch

744 . ecause of the shor tage of water there is a on the use of hose-pipes .

A . ban B . victim C . taboo D . boycot t

745 . ndians respect cows and s upernatural powers to them .

A . assign B . award C . ascribe D . give

746 . r . Brown's inst ruction were so that everyone u nderstood him .

A . explicit B . implicit C . ethnic D . elicit

747 . he judge sorted out all the documents to the case .

A . connecting B . concerning C . associating D . per taining

748 . is the set of system s which cont rol the operation of a computer .

A . Ear thenware B . Soft ware C . correspondence D . exclamation

749 . he night before her exam , Jenny over her lessons for a couple of hours .

A . pleaded B . scented C . reviewed D . pored

750 . ane , what do you think of your lesson ?

A . economics B . economic C . economical D . economy

751 . ary will the complaints by saying that people have got used to the noise and it

never did anybody any harm .

A . shrug on B . shrug for C . sh rug off D . shrug at

752 . ear showed in the eyes of the young man while the old man looked tired and .

A . wondered B . wandering C . weary D . wearing

753 . he smoke of cooking the presence of the enemy .

A . exposed B . uncovered C . bet rayed D . disp layed

754 . he novelist is a highly person .

A . imaginable B . imaginative C . imaginary D . imagined

755 . y the time he reached the top of the hill , he was .

A . gas ping B . grasping C . grieving D . glowing

756 . he thought it could do no harm to her escor t a bit , at least on his tast e in

wines .

A . flock B . follow C . flat ter D . fur ther


757 . here the two carpets , you have one on top of the other .

A . clamp B . flap C . overlap D . snap

758 . e's trying to all the s uppor t he can obtain for the political par ty he's formed .

A . comprehend B . remit C . mobilize D . scheme

759 . he farmers the sheep's wool .

A . clipped B . slipped C . whipped D . tipped

760 . enjoyed tha t very much . Would you mind let ting me have the for it ?

A . menu B . prescription C . receipt D . recipe

761 . he boys had to fasten a rope rou nd the man and him up the cliff .

A . haul B . heal C . hatch D . hamper

762 . he spring conference will be held in Milwaukee on three days , namely May 15 ,

16 , and 17 .

A . consecutive B . connective C . consist en t D . continual

763 . here are still far too many variables and combination s of variables in countless

ways .

A . in teracting B . reacting C . in terconnecting D . extracting

764 . he t ruck the car to the service station .

A . toured B . towed C . traced D . tuned

765 . is family him in his presen t action .

A . upholds B . upsets C . urges D . holds

766 . teel is part of a modern skyscraper .

A . an integral B . an ornamental C . a tropical D . an optimal

767 . here was much for and against slavery before the Civil War .

A . agitation B . diver sion C . exclamation D . exposition

768 . magician's talk creates a of at ten tion so tha t people do not see how he does his

t rick s .

A . diversion B . disturbance C . displacement D . disorder

769 . 'll go home if there's any of her coming .

A . probability B . possibility C . liability D . likelihood

770 . tars in the sky can of ten be seen in .

A . bunches B . clu sters C . heaps D . st ack s

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

771 . n 1981 , the world recession and conserva tion measures combined to urb emand for

oil .

A . rest rict B . involve C . spread D . affect

772 . e have to install new water pipes in our house that are orroded

A . worn down B . worn away C . worn up D . worn off


773 . n mountainous regions , much of the snow tha t falls is ompacted nto ice .

A . broken down B . embedded C . compiled D . compressed

774 . he lawyer onceded hat Mrs . Taylor's statement was true .

A . proved B . denied C . doubted D . admitted

775 . hat mat ter is so onfidential hat it must not be discussed outside this office .

A . impor tan t B . secret C . in teresting D . alarming

776 . here were always people ready to enounce im .

A . criticizes B . announce C . proclaim D . compliment

777 . hen iluting chemical solu tion , always add wa ter to the solution and not vice versa .

A . thinning B . stirring C . blending D . polluting

778 . he TV program was in terrupted by a news ulletin

A . conference B . film C . repor t D . in terim

779 . he initial assumption was rroneou s

A . unsuppor ted B . unreasonable C . incorrect D . illogical

780 . e xpended 70% of his money on his new project .

A . saved B . earned C . used up D . lost

781 . man who is loquent s the one we should get to give the welcoming address .

A . a friendly person B . a good speaker

C . a kindly per son D . a calm businesslike speaker

782 . his horrible problem was only an extraneous pisode

A . anecdote B . equilibrium C . event D . epoch

783 . ax xempt tatus is gran ted to non-profit and religious organization s .

A . saving B . immune C . democratic D . reduction

784 . en tleness was long considered a eminine rait .

A . boyish B . delicate C . male D . womanly

785 . he two men stood glaring runkenly at each other , while the crowd looked on with a-

musement .

A . staring B . g limpsing C . glancing D . looking

786 . ennessee possesses many caver ns with gorgeous ock forma tions .

A . beautiful B . la rge C . significant D . that

787 . he surface of the lake glittered n the brillian t sunshine .

A . sparkled B . burnt C . glowed D . gleamed

788 . he four th year sociology class was a omogeneou s group of university students .

A . uniform B . dreary C . unrelated D . distinguished

789 . he children have just eaved brick through my window while I am reading nearby .

A . passed B . manipulated C . laid D . thrown

790 . n World War II the N azis a ttempted to ntimidate reat Britain by massive air raids on

London .

A . invade B . bombard C . a ttack D . frigh ten

791 . ecause of its odd mannerisms, the praying mantis( 合掌螳螂 ) has alway s nt rigued u-


man being s .

A . aggravat ed B . fascinated C . offended D . terrified

792 . t is difficu lt to efu te is argument .

A . analyze B . understand C . disprove D . ignore

793 . he Milk Way is composed of an infinite number of adian t ta rs .

A . shining B . complex C . joyful D . latent

794 . ecause I have a happy family , I eckon yself for tunate .

A . find B . include C . consider D . call

795 . elephones providing instan t communication make messengers edundant

A . unnecessary B . unpopular C . unsatisfactory D . uncommon

796 . e should never slacken in our quest or a cure for cancer .

A . question B . demand C . request D . search

797 . melia Earhart was the first woman to make solo ligh t across the Atlan tic .

A . an unaccompanied B . a noteworthy

C . a speedy D . an unint errupt ed

798 . he two repor ts have a lot of iscrepancies

A . deficits B . delays C . inconsistencies D . uncer tainties

799 . he student's teachers ommended im to his prospective employers .

A . int roduced B . praised C . recommended D . promoted

800 . any businesses provide a kind of pension hich is paid until the death of the former

employee .

A . patent B . subsidy C . retirement benefit D . bargain

第九套自测题 (CEB6 - 9)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) ormat buzz avail journalist charm complement bunch category hostage


801 . Talk will not without work .

802 . To is to lay out or specify the style .

803 .“Ms”sounds like the of an insect .

804 . ar ty commit tee meetings can be divided in to two , standing committee meetings

and plenary sessions (全体会议 ) .

805 . he will be kept safe and will be returned when the promises or agreements

have been carried out .

806 . H is mother him in material possessions .

807 . A ( n) of children surrounded the ice-cream man .

808 . Curren t advances in hardware development nicely British sof tware s kills .

809 . H er great per sonal makes her a very popular member of the staff .

810 . Joh n Smith is a ; he helps to write newspapers .

B) obby blush bankrupt brood kidney betray decent intelligible foster



811 . T he mother's group has been for gun cont rols for years .

812 . T he company went becau se it couldn't sell its products .

813 . I cannot my origin , deny the principles of all my life .

814 . Equal righ ts has been passed that s hould benefit all .

815 . A ( n) child is the child who they look after .

816 . are the organs in your body that produce urine ( 尿 ) from the waste matter in

your blood .

817 . T hey were t rying to find food for their .

818 . I t is not to pry into other people's bu siness .

819 . T hey tried to describe it in s uch a way that it would be to an outsider .

820 . H is remark s brought a( n ) in to the young gir l's cheek s .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

821 . he plate dropped on the floor and into little pieces .

A . smashed B . crashed C . cracked D . crushed

822 . aving rooms in which to study will not , we must also have the time to use

them .

A . suffice B . satisfy C . quantify D . rejoice

823 . ine t rees , of which there are almost one h undred , a re found throughout the

North Temperature Zone .

A . similarities B . variations C . descrip tions D . species

824 . he evening's ente rtainment will in a dance .

A . lag B . shorten C . termina te D . depar t

825 . he wagon t rains had to Indian te rritory to reach California .

A . t ransfer B . t ransver se C . traver se D . t ranspor t

826 . he audience enth usiastically after the performance .

A . clamped B . clipped C . tapped D . applauded

827 . oung t ravele rs like to their initials in the t ree .

A . mould B . scrape C . carve D . scra tch

828 . e must think of ways to the rising prices .

A . resist B . counter C . combat D . withstand

829 . he flashing ligh ts dangerou s roads ahead .

A . denote B . monitor C . presume D . resume

830 . he h uman voice of ten sounds on the telephone .

A . t wist ed B . irregular C . distor ted D . deformed

831 . n editor is respon sible for accepting or rejecting for publication .

A . man uscrip t B . inscrip tion C . scriptures D . subscriber s

832 . hey decided to the t raffic away from the affected areas .


A . shift B . adju st C . diver t D . change

833 . his pain ting is a by Holbein .

A . nought B . neut ron C . masterpiece D . multitude

834 . ian Anmen Square really look s magnificent at night when it is .

A . imita ted B . illustrated C . illumina ted D . disguised

835 . he evidence produced so far does not the conclusion that the driver was negli-

gent .

A . pledge B . warran t C . deserve D . bear

836 . t was felt that he was lacked the to pursue a difficult tas k to the very end .

A . pers uasion B . commitment C . engagement D . obligation

837 . iot police often use tear gas to the mob .

A . dispel B . dispose C . disperse D . dist ress

838 . he lost man , hoping someone in the woods would hear him .

A . laughed B . yelled C . cur sed D . sighed

839 . he United Sta tes its P resident in January .

A . modifies B . prepares C . rectifies D . inaugura tes

840 . he Nor th Pole mark s the earth's of rota tion .

A . axial B . axe C . axis D . aviation

841 . hen they saw the pile of paper on the teacher's desk , the class made the that

they would have written work .

A . reference B . preference C . offence D . inference

842 . is habits soon ex hausted all the money he had inherited .

A . simple B . hostile C . bound D . extravagant

843 . t is a country , sprawling over 3-million square miles .

A . arctic B . gigantic C . thorough D . decimal

844 . he count ry is in suppor t of the Government's policy .

A . unanimous B . summary C . lame D . superb

845 . ecause the government was weak , the army became the r ule r of the cou nt ry .

A . submarine B . vir tual C . elect ronic D . eleventh

846 . t's no t in the , but it's implicit that the rent is to be paid in dollars , no t in for-

eign currency .

A . lead B . linen C . lease D . location

847 . rystals of pure are color less and transparen t .

A . pickup B . quar ter C . pear l D . quartz

848 . our wishes are subordinate the company's aims .

A . to B . for C . in D . over

849 . ll effor ts to him with his elder brother proved vain .

A . reclaim B . reckon C . rectify D . reconcile

850 . hey watched television in the hotel .

A . lounge B . lodging C . laundry D . lava tory


851 . he t reas urer was from the club for breaking the ru les .

A . ex tinguished B . exploited C . excelled D . expelled

852 . here was a of many quiet voice , though we could not hear what anyone was

saying .

A . bump B . sound C . tick D . murmur

853 . hey the entire herd to a new pasture .

A . t ranslated B . t ransformed C . trapped D . t ransplan ted

854 . atches when rubbed becau se friction produces heat .

A . illuminate B . ignite C . burn D . fla re

855 . fter one engine is turned off or u sed up it is from the rocket .

A . at tached B . detached C . chopped D . deflected

856 . gust of wind made the torches .

A . fluctuate B . flus h C . flare D . flap

857 . merican culture has been by European immigrants .

A . enriched B . spoiled C . heightened D . upheld

858 . elevision has motion pictures as America' s most popular form of enter tain-

ment .

A . dismissed B . displaced C . diverged D . dominated

859 . he of the ship is 20 degrees south .

A . la titude B . landscape C . locality D . location

860 . ou can your self by remembering that big hill is due north .

A . orien t B . originat e C . outline D . ornament

861 . e the mud with a stick , looking for the ring he had dropped .

A . probed B . explored C . examined D . investigated

862 . ost of the chiefs came to the great .

A . supper B . meal C . picnic D . feast

863 . hen I first met h im , l was by his words .

A . blasted B . irritat ed C . isolated D . dissatisfied

864 . ayligh t long in the summer time .

A . lags B . linger s C . tows D . prolongs

865 . ictoria over a great variety of peoples and lands .

A . reigned B . dominated C . gover ned D . revealed

866 . is a compound of oxygen with another element or radical .

A . Zinc B . Silicon C . Bronze D . Oxide

867 . he members of the club a plane to take them on holiday to France .

A . assembled B . char tered C . encount ered D . monitored

868 . irline were expected to approach $ l billion .

A . compliments B . customs C . ear nings D . spor ts

869 . opper and tin together to make bronze .

A . melt B . soften C . dissolve D . fuse


870 . his music seems to one's spirit of evil thoughts .

A . peris h B . p urify C . persecute D . perch

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

871 . f client insists upon being tubborn lawyers have to settle claims in cour t .

A . obstina te B . indignant C . obscene D . shy

872 . he was icious owards them; she did every th ing she could to make life difficult for

them .

A . violen t B . cruel C . moral D . disagreeable

873 . cology hould reveal the influence of environment on man .

A . A study of business B . A doct rine of final cau ses

C . A science of family life D . An environment al study of organisms

874 . ritain was llied ith the United States many times in history .

A . unit ed B . harmonized C . compared D . entangled

875 . eneral Patton had nothing but ontempt or the cowardly figh ting man .

A . encouragement B . scorn C . disconten t D . h igh regard

876 . lthough most birds have only a inimal ense of small , they have acut e vision .

A . faulty B . nega tive C . conden sed D . negligible

877 . esearchers who study birth defects have yet to egregate nd identify what factors

cause genetic disruption of the ch romosomes .

A . discriminate B . recognize C . isolate D . observe

878 . he climbers scended he high mount ain with difficulty .

A . perceived B . littered C . climbed D . descended

879 . he senator agreed that his suppor t of the measure would jeopardize is chances for re-

election .

A . ass ure B . increase C . endanger D . dest roy

880 . hen the bell rang , the chemistry student jer ked er hand and spilled the acid .

A . abr uptly pulled B . clapped C . gently moved D . rubbed

881 . e ingered fte r the others had gone .

A . disappeared B . rushed away C . sk ipped D . remained

882 . he dial on th is alarm clock is uminou s o that it can be seen in the dark .

A . brand new B . ligh t C . colorful D . illuminated

883 . is poor writing is a iability n getting a new job .

A . a handicap B . an advantage C . a factor D . a priority

884 . ockefeller Center has eased part of its land from Columbia University .

A . inherited B . bought C . acquired D . ren ted

885 . he two copper mining companies will be erged oon .

A . combined B . reorganized C . opera ted D . bankrupted


886 . he water shor tage mpaired he city's fire-fighting capacity .

A . deliberated B . permeated C . weakened D . impar ted

887 . he rich fa ther ndulged is son with plen ty of pocket money .

A . obliged B . resor ted C . preserved D . satisfied

888 . he men are egotiating ver the sale of the diamonds .

A . arguing B . thinking C . figh ting D . bargaining

889 . 'm beginning to get rinkles round my eyes .

A . black spots B . small circles C . lined skin D . spectacles

890 . eon light is utilized in airpor t beacon s because it can permeate og .

A . pass through B . t ransmit C . su spend D . break up

891 . lthough plagued with njuries , he won the All-Around Champions hip in Gymnastics at

the 1987 Pan-American Games .

A . recovering from B . afflicted by C . figh ting off D . frigh tened of

892 . r .Smith underwent a simultaneous hear t-lung t ransplan t . H e received the heart and

lungs of a 20-year-old t raffic accident prey

A . victim B . donor C . escor t D . vete ran

893 . n a 1983 newspaper poll Ann Landers , an advice columnist , was lis ted among the

t wenty-five most influential women in the Unit ed States .

A . survey B . ar ticle C . headline D . conference

894 . argaret is very pet ty t times .

A . beautiful B . lovely C . small-minded D . tiny

895 . ost t raditional folk songs are of nonymous rigin .

A . unknown B . unusual C . inconspicuou s D . in significan t

896 . he guard must see your identification card before he uthorize you to enter .

A . assist B . permit C . forte D . prevent

897 . ne of California's cute problems is an inadequate water supply .

A . unusual B . persisten t C . unexpected D . critical

898 . he ttorney ompiled relevant information about the case .

A . mayor B . lawyer C . judge D . jury

899 . hey made n assault n the enemy's positions .

A . a search B . a raid C . an ob servation D . an investiga tion

900 . he U S Constitu tion has been mended 23 times since it was written .

A . jeopardized B . endangered C . revised D . t ransplan ted

第十套自测题 (CEB6—10)

I . ill in the blanks with the words given below . Change the forms where necessary

A) iot virus susceptible sponge timely accord administer charter wrench alert

901 . T he protest march developed in to a( n ) .

902 . T he newspaper the famous explorer full praise .

903 . She the medicine to the sick woman .


904 . Different can cause influenza , smallpox , etc .

905 . H aving to leave this beautiful old house will be a te rrible .

906 . T he arrival of the police stopped the riot .

907 . Campbell ob tained a( n ) and the new Swedis h Company was formed .

908 . We had jam for desser t .

909 . n anonymous lette r police to the possibilities of a te rrorist a ttack at the air-

port .

910 . Young children have highly natures .

B) legitimate veil humanity swamp oath circulation brace solo skip mechanism

911 . ome women wear for religious reason s , to prevent strangers from seeing their

faces .

912 . ( n) is a performance, especially a piece of music, done by one person .

913 . She has begun to learn to walk with the use of .

914 . T he of rumors is common in war time .

915 . T he lit tle gir ls down the path .

916 . A great wave broke over the ship and the deck .

917 . very U S P resident must take a( n) to uphold the Con stitution .

918 . human eye includes a cont rolling which can increase or reduce the amount of

ligh t en tering the eye .

919 . T his policy home owners hip .

920 . H e has a sense of humour , a warm , and a strong commonsense .

II . or each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D . Choose the one that best

complete the sentence

921 . e supported legislation to discrimination and to deal with environment al prob-

lems .

A . ban B . suppor t C . advertise D . approve

922 . an you the work done ?

A . prohibit B . prolong C . quantify D . propel

923 . he is the head of the Roman Catholic church .

A . Pop B . Pope C . Porch D . Pore

924 . his book should be well within the of anyone who has studied F rench for three

years .

A . possession B . performance C . qualification D . compet ence

925 . he Potoma tic Elect ric Power Company uses so much coal that it has purchased two

t rains to the delivery process .

A . t ransport B . facilitate C . necessita te D . exceed

926 . ur n the wa ter off or the bath tub will .

A . overflow B . overlap C . overload D . overhang

927 . is writing is so that we cannot cla rify his ideas on first reading .


A . objective B . obliging C . obscure D . obstacle

928 . f something has been happening , it has been happening until now .

A . hencefor th B . gradually C . hither to D . fro

929 . very time Richard passed the store on his way to work , he stopped to admire

the old clock displayed in the window .

A . analogue B . cat alogue C . fatigue D . antique

930 . he earthquake has caused a of communications .

A . outbreak B . breakthrough C . breakdown D . break

931 . om is boy and always does what his paren ts t ell him to do .

A . an alien B . an obedien t C . an ambient D . a t ran sient

932 . he war seriously the count ry's wealth .

A . diminished B . finished C . flushed D . pu shed

933 . t was suggest ed that all government Ministers should be forced to information

on their financial in terests .

A . uncover B . disclose C . admit D . unfold

934 . he fastest au tomobiles and motor-boats have bodies .

A . sole B . streamlined C . sorrowful D . slender

935 . e's not the kind of man to a t other people's misfor tunes .

A . rejoice B . reconcile C . reinforce D . reclaim

936 . he in st allation of this machinery has doubled the of the mill .

A . productivity B . popularity C . proficiency D . proceeding

937 . ey s should never be hidden around the hou se since thieves know where to

look .

A . vir tually B . variou sly C . reliably D . invariably

938 . he noticed that the air was loaded with an int ense .

A . par ticipant B . perfume C . passion D . par tition

939 . he architect described the plan for the hou se , bu t I had t rouble trying to it .

A . stabilize B . normalize C . categorize D . visualize

940 . he employee's was so poor that he w as fired af ter six month s .

A . at tendance B . correspondence C . endurance D . presence

941 . e was blinded by the of the approaching car's headligh ts .

A . gla re B . g leam C . glow D . fla re

942 . uring the farmers took all the trouble to irrigat e their crops .

A . dome B . doom C . drainage D . drought

943 . hen the two weights ma tch , the scale is said to be in .

A . equator B . irregularity C . episode D . equilibrium

944 . ind and water cause in rock s and soil .

A . conversion B . erosion C . depression D . diver sion

945 . ogs have such an sense of smell that they can t rack a person afte r several days .

A . ultimat e B . acut e C . ethnic D . external


946 . he doctor my illness as influenza .

A . fabrica ted B . judged C . diagnosed D . failed

947 . he ringing bells the news of the bir th of the prince .

A . posed B . proclaimed C . postu lated D . preceded

948 . he most southern par t of the world is called the .

A . Antarctic B . arch C . arctic D . archit ect

949 . he committee the investigator's findings in its report .

A . incorporat ed B . excluded C . cooperat ed D . concluded

950 . he has the of en tering graduate school or st ar ting her professional career .

A . optimum B . option C . orien tation D . prefe rence

951 . any men lost their job s during the business .

A . minimum B . depression C . irregula rity D . breakdown

952 . he radio has its on-off on the righ t .

A . handle B . hand C . knob D . k not

953 . solar occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the ear th .

A . eclipse B . ecology C . elapse D . ego

954 . u t up to separate the living and dining areas .

A . par ticipa tion B . par ticipants C . partitions D . par ticles

955 . ary made careful as to the kind s of cake and candy for her par ty .

A . similarity B . specification C . shaft D . sen sitivity

956 . im's running time in the trial was not fast enough to him for the final race .

A . qualify B . modify C . warran t D . discou nt

957 . he boxer and almost fell when his opponent hit him .

A . shattered B . overwhelmed C . stammered D . st aggered

958 . he poem handles the problem of instinct in tellect in man .

A . minus B . versus C . via D . p lus

959 . he queer-looking man me as I stepped off the elevator .

A . conflicted B . confronted C . confirmed D . confu sed

960 . he 17th-century Englis h physician William H arvey discovered the of the

blood .

A . circu lation B . circumference C . circumstance D . circuit

961 . he being spied on when she was su n-bathing in the garden .

A . responded to B . resor ted C . resent ed D . resigned

962 . he milk boiled over and there was a smell of burning .

A . digital B . vegetab le C . ru thless D . horrible

963 . of thoughts filled her mind .

A . multitude B . attitude C . longitude D . latitude

964 . uring the Second World War , Japan entered in to with Germany .

A . allowance B . alliance C . apprehension D . agitation

965 . he child has a good memory; she can repeat things exactly .


A . repetitive B . habitual C . verbal D . forgett able

966 . he from the Stone Age th rough the Bronze Age to the Iron Age took centu-

ries .

A . t ransition B . t ransien t C . sequence D . guardian

967 . his work by the writer in wisdom anything else that he has produced .

A . t ransplants B . donates C . tran scends D . doubts

968 . aving money regularly during one's working years will help to one' s old age

from want .

A . defend B . save C . safeguard D . guard

969 . is poetry is distinguished by its nobility of and simplicit ty of language .

A . feeling B . emotion C . passion D . sentiment

970 . he in most Southeast Asian count ries made the prices slowly decline .

A . indignation B . abu ndance C . recession D . regulation

III . ach sentence has a word or phrase underlined . There are four words or phrases beneath

each sentence . Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the o-

riginal sentence if it were substituted for theunderlined part

971 . hat firm was ffiliat ed with soft-drinks company .

A . owned by B . founded by C . associated with D . reorganized

972 . e has iola ted he law and s hould be punished accordingly .

A . invaded B . disregarded C . broken D . canceled

973 . ou mu st learn to keep yourself igorous y t aking more exercises .

A . quiet B . energetic C . healthy D . awake

974 . er anxieties u ltiplied ntil they could no longer be endured .

A . diminished B . intensified C . doubled D . tight ened

975 . he police were ale rted that the escaped prisoner might be in th is icinity

A . park B . street C . slum D . area

976 . owadays the youngster n America have lost their confidence in the fu ture .

A . babies B . young paren ts C . citizens D . youth

977 . rofessor Clark continued his research work and isregarded is colleague's advice .

A . ignored B . explored C . implored D . in spired

978 . er satire was ouched n a prose style that has a classic precision .

A . fused B . prefaced C . standardized D . expressed

979 . e would never ck nowledge is mistake .

A . reject B . ignore C . recognize D . denied

980 . ane will be my partner ll my life .

A . close friend B . colleague C . spouse D . secreta ry

981 . t is a candal or a city official to take taxi money for h is own use .

A . disgrace B . burden C . crime D . fau lt

982 . e always follows the oun sel f his advisor .


A . example B . guidance C . footsteps D . theory

983 . eople dvertise hings that they wis h to sell .

A . decorat e B . p ublicize C . impor t D . wrap up

984 . n the First Wor ld War , the soldier s fought in renches

A . the fields B . t racts of land C . deep ditches D . h ills and valleys .

985 . t is rather damp in the asement

A . cellar B . dark C . corner D . top floor

986 . he priceless anvas as stolen from the art gallery .

A . jewels B . pain ting C . photo D . resor ts

987 . he police warned that his license would be taken away for a second ffense

A . t ry B . denial C . violation D . break

988 . e was ominated o the vacant post .

A . named B . refu sed C . accepted D . ordered

989 . ob is ngenious H e is always the first to finish all the assignments in class .

A . brightened B . brisk C . brillian t D . brittle

990 . ap tives ere kept in POW campus until the war was over .

A . Spies B . P risoner s C . Secret agents D . Enemy soldier s

991 . s the mountain were covered with a eil f cloud , we couldn't see their tops .

A . screen B . scatte ring C . mass D . piece

992 . e can arely ead and write .

A . easily B . fair ly C . quickly D . hardly

993 . orest fires are a enace o animals .

A . thread B . threat C . thesis D . theme

994 . he story nfolds s the film goes on .

A . ex tend s B . ends C . becomes clear D . becomes confused

995 . ecause he has been s uch a arefu l tudent , I know that he mu st have had a good reason

for being absent today .

A . compulsory B . conscien tious C . nucleus D . subjective

996 . he child groped or the ligh t switch .

A . searched confidently B . stretched up

C . searched blindly D . lis tened attentively

997 . he outcome was a result of series of andom ecisions .

A . foolis h B . unplanned C . unavoidable D . wise

998 . rom the hill top you can see hor ses are grazing here and there in the pasture

A . fa rmland B . wasteland C . meadowsweet D . woodland

999 . he final rewards will more than compensate for any loss you may ncur

A . describe B . sustain C . avoid D . overcome

1000 . T his lake and river city is a paradise or tourists .

A . h unting ground B . fishing spot C . track D . heaven


[自测题参考答案 ]


I . ) 1 . humanity 2 . locomotives 3 . contex t 4 . ample

5 . boost 6 . Pear ls 7 . soar 8 . conception

9 . optimism 10 . Renaissance

B) 11 . spectacle 12 . en th usiastic 13 . flu tte red 14 . instant aneous

15 . simultaneous 16 . s urpassed 17 . divined 18 . prone

19 . asser t 20 . propaganda





91~100 DCA AA A A AAB


I . ) 101 . haunted 102 . architect 103 . ob scure 104 . amateur

105 . highligh ted 106 . perception 107 . t enants 108 . licked

109 . cumulative 110 . bureaucracy

B) 111 . recite 112 . suicides 113 . spy 114 . rigorous

115 . irriga tion 116 . misfor tune 117 . t rifles 118 . avail

119 . snap 120 . dignity

II . 121~130 BA ABD BDBA A 131~140 BABCB DABCD






I . ) 201 . over throw 202 . refugees 203 . recruited 204 . regime

205 . collaboration 206 . saint 207 . liner 208 . nightmare

209 . nut rition 210 . messenger

B) 211 . heritage 212 . veins 213 . missionary 214 . radical

215 . fabricated 216 . stereo 217 . T hermal 218 . t ransp lant

219 . snatch 220 . fling

II . 221~230 CCACC CDABC 231~240 DBADC ADACB


261~270 ABDBD ABA AB

III . 271~280 A ADCD DCBBC 281~290 ABCDB BCBDD




I . ) 301 . skeleton 302 . petitioned 303 . savaged 304 . recurring

305 . agenda 306 . constituen ts 307 . gambling 308 . exposition

309 . t ransit 310 . liabilities

B) 311 . accord 312 . tablet 313 . rigged 314 . coward

315 . eloquent 316 . w arfa re 317 . underestimate 318 . diet

319 . sovereign 320 . opaque

II . 321~330 A ABCA AACBD 331~340 ACDAA CBCAA

341~350 BACBA ACBCB 351~360 CA ADC BDDBC


III . 371~380 CBCCB CCA AC 381~390 CCBBB ACA AC

391~400 ABCCB BA ACC


I . ) 401 . abrupt 402 . smashed 403 . bachelor 404 . groaned

405 . preach 406 . edib le 407 . repaid 408 . consult an t

409 . disguise 410 . media

B) 411 . propagate 412 . T heft 413 . savage 414 . adverse

415 . cripple 416 . spiraled 417 . degenerate 418 . Tar

419 . void 420 . t angle

II . 421~430 CBBBB BDCBD 431~440 ACAAD CDABA



III . 471~480 BBDCA BADA A 481~490 CDBDD DBDAB



I . ) 501 . tick 502 . layman 503 . recycled 504 . s muggled

505 . stitching 506 . degenerated 507 . academies 508 . gleaming

509 . tablets 510 . tack le

B) 511 . cour tesy 512 . provocative 513 . spokesman 514 . republican

515 . sex ual 516 . E lite 517 . underlying 518 . chat ted

519 . affirm 520 . dip lomatic

II . 521~530 ABCDA DBCBB 531~540 AACAB ABDBA



III . 571~580 DDA AA ABADD 581~590 BCBCB CCACA




I . ) 601 . qualitative 602 . s nap 603 . membership 604 . degraded

605 . dizzy 606 . Imperial 607 . combat 608 . slogan

609 . slum 610 . dentist

B) 611 . st rode 612 . tucked 613 . barren 614 . dual

615 . destined 616 . elite 617 . pregnant 618 . relay

619 . questionnaire 620 . sins

II . 621~630 ABBBA CCDDA 631~640 DDADC DDCCC

641~650 BA ABC DACDA 651~660 BDADA DACCD


III . 671~680 BCBBB A ACDC 681~690 BDBAB BCDCA

691~700 DCCDC DAA AD


I . ) 701 . en t repreneur 702 . haunt 703 . genetic 704 . fist

705 . foiled 706 . guy 707 . distilling 708 . proficiency

709 . compliment 710 . curl

B) 711 . nominal 712 . nouris h 713 . conceived 714 . fringe

715 . breakdown 716 . clau se 717 . fu ss 718 . idiology

719 . inflation 720 . multitudes

II . 721~730 DCABB BBCDB 731~740 ACBAD DBCBD


761~770 A AABA A A ADB

III . 771~780 ABDDB A ACCC 781~890 BCBDA A AADD



I . ) 801 . avail 802 . format 803 . buzz 804 . categories

805 . hostage 806 . indulged 807 . bunch 808 . complement

809 . charm 810 . journalis t

B) 811 . lobbying 812 . bankrupt 813 . bet ray 814 . legislation

815 . foster 816 . Kidney 817 . brood 818 . decent

819 . in telligib le 820 . blush

II . 821~830 A ADCC DCCAC 831~840 ACCCB BCBDC




891~900 BA ACA BDBBC



I . ) 901 . rio t 902 . accorded 903 . administ ered 904 . virus

905 . wrench 906 . timely 907 . char ter 908 . sponge

909 . aler ted 910 . susceptible

B) 911 . veils 912 . solo 913 . braces 914 . circulation

915 . skipped 916 . swamped 917 . oath 918 . mechanism

919 . egitmates 920 . humanity

II . 921~930 ACBDB ACCDC 931~940 BABBA ADBDA

941~950 ADDBB CBA AB 951~960 BCACB CDBBA



991~1000 ADBCB CBCBD


3 . 附录说明 : 1 . 从第一章的“1 .2 .”至“1 .5”,这四节中的例/ 题句是统一编号的。主要练习的词义的

题号 , 均在下面的六级词表中加“ * ”号标注 , 如“ * 101”, 就是这四节中主要练习的词

义在“101”例/ 题句的号码 , 以此类推。

2 . 没有“ * ”号的 1~1000 ,均为自测题 1~1000 的主要练习的词义的题号。

3 . 研究生词汇和英语专业四级词汇后的“1”, 是指该词出现在“1 .5 .”的第一篇文章中 ,


3 .1 . 大学英语六级通用词汇表 (附所在例句及练习题句编号 )

abnormal a . 反常的 ,异常的 421

abolish vt . 彻底废除 ,废止 95

abrupt a . 1 . 突然的 , 意外的 401

2 . (举止、言谈等 )唐突的 , 鲁莽的

absurd a . 荒谬的 ,荒唐的 576

abundance n . 大量 ,丰富 ,充足 337

in ~ 丰富 ,充裕 242

academy n . 学院 ,研究院 , (中等以上)专门学校 507

accessory n . 1 . 附件 ,配件 393

2 . 常 pl .] ( 妇女的 ) 装饰 (如手提包

等 ) * 201

3 . 同谋 ,包庇犯 * 14

accommodate vt . 1 . 向⋯提供住处 (或膳宿 ) 64

2 . 向⋯提供方便 * 606

3 . 容纳 234

4 . 使适应

accord n . 1 . 一致 , 符合 311

2 .(尤指国与国之间的 )谅解 , 协议

vt . 授予 , 给予 902

vi . ( with) 相符合 ,相一致 * 169

in ~ with 与⋯一致 * 254

of one's own ~ 出于自愿 , 主动地 * 262

with one ~ 一致地 ,一致同意地 * 266

acknowledge v t . 1 . 承认 , 认为⋯属实 979

2 . 对⋯打招呼 ,理会

3 . 告知 (信件、礼物等)已收到

4 . 对⋯表示谢忱 * 31

acquain t vt . ( with ) 1 . 使了解 122

2 . 使认识 , 介绍 * 46

acquisition n . 1 . 获得物 ,增添的人 (或物 ) * 301

2 . 取得 ,获得 670

activate vt . 使活动起来 ,使开始起作用 * 67

acute a . 1 . 严重的 , 激烈的 897

2 . 敏锐的 945

3 .(疾病 )急性的 * 334

4 . 尖的 ,锐的

adhere v i .( to) 1 . 粘附 ,附着 * 168

2 . 遵守 ,坚持 322 , 394

3 . 追随 ,支持

adjacent a .( to) 邻近的 ,毗连的 323 , 392

adjoin v t . 贴近 ,与⋯毗连 392

administer v t . 1 . 掌管 ,料理⋯的事务 395

2 . 实施 ,执行

3 . 给予 ,投 (药 ) 903

adolescent n . 青少年 * 482

a . 青春期的 ,青少年的 * 391

advent n . 出现 , 到来 * 422

adverse a . 不利的 ,有害的 414

adver tise vt . 为⋯做广告 , (在报刊、电视等中 )公告


vi . 登广告 ,做广告 ,登公告 123

advocate vt . 拥护 ,提倡 ,主张 521

n . 1 . 拥护者 ,提倡者 566

2 . 辩护人 ,律师

aer ial a . 空中的 ,架空的 396

n . 天线

aesthetic a . 美学的 ,艺术的 ,审美的 * 488

affiliate vt . 使隶属 (或附属 )于 971

n . 附属机构 , 分公司 * 428

affirm vt . 1 . 断言 ,坚持声称 519


2 . 证实 ,确认

afflict v t . 使苦恼 , 折磨 891

agenda n . 议事日程 305

aggravate vt . 1 . 加重 ,加剧 ,使恶化 561

2 . 激怒 ,使恼火 * 434

agitation n . 1 . (for , against )鼓动 , 煽动 767

2 . 激动 ,不安 100

agony n . (极度的 )痛苦 , 创痛 * 892

agreeable a . 1 . 令人愉快的 ,讨人喜欢的 * 509

2 . (欣然)同意的 ,愿意的

aler t a . 1 . 留神的 , 注意的 258

2 . 警觉的 , 警惕的

n . 1 . 警戒(状态 ) ,戒备 (状态)

2 . 警报

vt . 向⋯报警 , 使警惕 909

on ( the) ~ 警戒着 , 随时准备着 , 密切注意着* 263

alien a . 1 . 外国的 * 324

2 . 陌生的

3 . 性质不同的 , ( to)不相容的 * 215

n . 1 . 外国人 * 813

2 . 外星人

allege vt . 断言 ,宣称 ,声称 * 481

alleviate vt . 减轻 ,缓解 ,缓和 544

alliance n . 结盟 ,联盟 ,联姻 964

in ~ with 与⋯联盟 351

allocate vt . 分配 , 分派 ,把⋯拨给 * 495

allowance n . 津贴 ,补贴 , 零用钱 * 830

make ~ ( s ) for 1 . 考虑到 , 顾及 * 176

2 . 体谅 , 原谅

ally n . 1 . 同盟国 , 同盟者 * 932

2 . 支持者

vt . ( with) 使结盟 874

alongside prep . 1 . 在⋯旁边 , 沿着⋯的边 * 227

2 . 和⋯在一起 * 228

3 . 和⋯相比 * 229

ad . 在旁边 ,沿着边 , 并排地 * 233

alte rnate vt . 交替 ,更迭 * 32

a . 1 . 交替的 ,轮流的

2 . 间隔的 * 512

amateur n . (艺术、科学等的)业余爱好者 171

a . 1 . 业余 (爱好)的 104

2 . 外行的

ambassador n . 大使 , (派驻国际组织的)代表 138

ambiguous a . 1 . 含糊不清的 ,不明确的 474

2 . 引起歧义的 ,模棱两可的

ambitious a . 1 . 有抱负的 ,雄心勃勃的 325

2 . 有野心的

amend vt . 修改 , 修订 900

amends n .[p l .] 赔罪 , 赔偿

make ~ 赔罪 , 赔偿 * 176

ample a . 1 . 大量的 ,充裕的 4

2 . 宽敞的 279

amplify v t . 放大 (声音等 ) ,增强 422

analogy n . 比拟 ,类比 656 , * 925

by ~ 用类推的方法 * 251

analytic (al) a . 分析的 , 分解的 , 分析法的 * 548

angel n . 1 . 天使 * 854

2 . 可爱的人

anniversary n . 周年纪念 ,周年纪念日 * 689

anonymous a . 1 . 匿名的 725

2 . 无名的 ,未具名的 895

3 . 无特色的 ,无个性特征的 * 430

antarctic n .[ the A~ ]南极地区 948

a . 南极的 ,南极地区的

antique n . 古玩 ,古董 929

appendix n . 1 . 附录 ,附件 35

2 . 阑尾 * 306

applaud vi . 鼓掌 ,喝彩 826

vt . 1 . 向⋯鼓掌 , 向⋯喝彩

2 . 称赞 ,赞许 * 59

appraisal n . 1 . 估计 ,估量 * 814

2 . 评价

appreciable a . (大得 )可以看到 (或察觉到 )的 , 相当

可观的 37

apprehension n . 1 . 忧虑 , 担心 ,疑惧 * 73

2 . 理解 , 领悟

apt a . 1 . 恰当的 ,适宜的 * 486

2 . (习性 )易于⋯的 , 有⋯倾向的 * 871

arc n . 1 . 弧形 (物) * 390

2 . 弧

arch n . 拱 ,拱门 , 拱形(结构) * 688

v . (使 )成拱形 224

architect n . 1 . 建筑师 102

2 . 设计师 , 缔造者

arctic n . [ the A~]北极 ,北极圈 * 206

a . 北极的 , 北极地区的

array n . 1 . 一系列 ,大量 * 815


2 . 排列 ,陈列

vt . 排列

ar ticulate a . 善于表达的 ,口齿清晰的 * 411

v t . 明确有力地表达 * 479

ascend vi . 渐渐上升 , 升高 148

vt . 攀登 , 登上 878

ascer tain vt . 查明 , 弄清 ,确定 99

ascribe v t .( to) 1 . 把⋯归因于 98

2 . 把⋯归属于 745

assault n ./ vt .(武力或口头上的 )攻击 , 袭击 899

asser t vt . 1 . 肯定地说 ,断言 497

2 . 维护 ,坚持 569

~ oneself 坚持自己的权利 (或意见 ) , 显示自己的

权威 (或威力) 19

asset n . 1 . 宝贵 (或有益 )的人 (或物 ) ,优点 ,长处 96

2 . [ pl .] 资产 * 181

assimilate vt . 1 . 吸收 ,消化 * 752

2 . 使同化

vi . 1 . 被吸收 ,被消化

2 . 被同化

assumption n . 1 . 假定 ,臆断 327

2 . 担任 ,承担

assurance n . 1 . 保证 ,表示保证 (或鼓励、安慰 )的话


2 . 把握 ,信心

3 .(人寿 )保险

ast ronomy n . 天文学 * 727

ath lete n . 运动员 * 710

attendance n . 1 . 出席人数 , [总称 ]出席者

2 . 出席 ,参加 940

attendant n . 服务员 , 侍者 * 836

a . 伴随的 , 随之而产生的 * 785

attorney n . 律师 898

augment vt . 扩大 ,增加 ,提高 97

authentic a . 1 . 真的 , 真正的 * 497

2 . 可靠的 , 可信的 * 461

authoritative a . 1 . 专断的 ,命令式的 * 780

2 . 权威性的 ,可信的

authorize / au thorise vt . 授权 ,批准 896

automation n . 自动化(技术) ,自动操作 * 711

autonomy n . 1 . 自治 ,自治权 * 330

2 . 人身自由 , 自主权

avail n . [一般用于否定句或疑问句中 ]效用 , 利益 ,

帮助 118

vt . 有用于 ,有助于 801

~ (oneself) of 利用 * 66

of no ~ 不起作用 ,没有用 739

avert v t . 1 . 防止 ,避免 * 472

2 . 转移 (目光、注意力等 ) * 423

aviation n . 航空 ,飞行 * 338

axis n . 1 . 轴 , 轴线 840

2 . 构图中心线

bachelor n . 1 . 单身男子 ,单身者 403

2 . [亦做 B-] 学士 , 学士学位 157

badge n . 1 . 徽章 ,证章 * 385

2 . 标记 ,标识

3 . 象征 * 352

baffle v t . 使困惑 ,难住 140

bald a . 1 . 秃头的 ,秃的 574

2 .(织物、轮胎等 )磨光的 * 346

3 . 明显的 ,不加掩饰的 697

ballet n . 1 . 芭蕾舞 * 718

2 . 芭蕾舞剧

ban v t . 1 . 取缔 , 查禁 921

2 . ( from) 禁止 * 135

n . 禁止 , 禁令 744

bandage n . 绷带 156 , * 931

vt . 用绷带扎缚 * 607

bankrupt a . 1 . 破产的 812

2 . 彻底缺乏的

vt . 使破产 235

n . 破产者

barely ad . 仅仅 , 只不过 ,几乎不 992

barren a . 1 . (土地等 )贫瘠的 , 荒芜的 477

2 . 不 (生 )育的 , 不结果实的 613

basement n . 地下室 985

batch n . 一批 ,一组 , 一群 * 489

bearing n . 1 . 举止 ,风度 * 302

2 . 方位 ,方向感 * 325

3 . 轴承 * 332

have a ~ on 与⋯有关 * 173

beforehand ad . 预先 ,事先 * 234

bet ray vt . 1 . 背叛 ,出卖 813

2 . 失信于 ,辜负 329

3 . 泄露 (秘密等 )

4 .(非故意地 )暴露 ,显露 753

bewilder vt . 使迷惑 ,难住 595

bias n . 偏见 , 偏心 , 偏袒 298


v t . 使有偏见 172

bibliography n . 1 . (有关某一专题的 )书目 * 725

2 . 参考书目

bid n . 1 . 企图 ,努力

2 . 喊价 ,出价 ,投标

vi . 喊价 , 出价 , 投标

vt . 1 . 出 (价 ) ,喊 (价 ) * 333

2 . 祝 ,表示 * 303

3 . 命令 ,吩咐

biography n . 传记 * 724

bizarre a . 奇形怪状的 , 怪诞的 * 320

blaze vi . 1 . 熊熊燃烧 ,着火 154

2 . 发 (强 )光 ,放光彩 633

3 . 迸发 ,爆发

n . 1 . 火焰 ,烈火 * 305

2 . 光辉 ,强烈 (或眩目 )的光

3 . 灿烂 ,炫耀

bleak a . 1 . 没有希望的 , 凄凉的 * 493

2 . 荒凉的 * 448

3 . 寒冷刺骨的

4 . 缺乏热情的 , 冷酷的 * 470

bless vt . 1 . 为⋯祈神赐福(或保佑) * 617

2 . ( with)使有幸得到 , 使具有 * 136

blossom n . (尤指果树的 )花 * 666

vi . 1 .(植物 )开花

2 . 发展 ,长成

in ~ 正开着花 655

blunder vi . 1 . (因无知、粗心等而 )犯大错误 * 336

2 . 踉踉跄跄地走

n . 大错 491

blunt a . 1 . 率直的 , 直言不讳的

2 . 钝的 336

v t . 使钝 , 使迟钝 * 307

blush vi ./ n . 脸红 820

bonus n . 1 . 奖金 ,红利 * 348

2 . 额外给予的东西 173

boom n . 1 . 营业等的)激增 , (经济等的 )繁荣 , 迅速

发展 252

2 . 隆隆声

v i . 1 . 激增 , 繁荣 ,迅速发展 55

2 . 发出隆隆声 239

boost v t . 1 . 提高 , 使增涨 696

2 . 推动 , 激励

3 . 替⋯做广告 ,宣扬

n . 1 . 提高 ,增涨

2 . 推动 ,促进 5

boycott n ./ v t .(联合 )抵制 ,拒绝参与 * 381

brace vt . 1 . 使防备 , 使受锻炼 * 327

2 . 支撑

3 . 使(手、足、肩等 )绷紧

n . 托架 , 支架 913

bracket n . 1 . 方括号 ,括号 * 347

2 .(年龄、收入等的 )等级段 ,档次 174

3 . 壁架 ,支架

vt . 1 . 把⋯置于括号内

2 . 把⋯归入同一类

breakdown n . 1 . 垮台 ,破裂 715

2 .(健康、精神等 )衰竭 , 衰弱

3 .(机器等 )损坏 ,故障 930

4 . 分类

bribe n . 贿赂 486

vt . 向⋯行贿 ,买通 182

brisk a . 1 . 轻快的 * 627

2 . 生气勃勃的

3 . 兴隆的 , 繁忙活跃的

4 . 寒冷而清新的

brittle a . 1 . 易碎的 ,易损坏的 479

2 . 冷淡的 ,不友好的 * 635

3 . (声音)尖利的

bronze n . 1 . 青铜 * 740

2 . 青铜 (艺术)制品

3 . 青铜色 , 古铜色 282

brood n . 1 . (雏鸡等 )一窝 817

2 . (一个家庭 )全体孩子

vi . ( on , over , about )沉思 ,考虑 * 137

bruise n . 1 . 青肿 ,挫伤 * 369

2 . 伤痕 ,擦痕

vt . 1 . 打青 ,使受淤伤 * 350

2 . 使碰 (或擦 )伤 573

brutal a . 1 . 野兽般的 ,残忍的 397

2 . 严峻的 ,直率而令人不快的

3 . 严酷的 ,难以忍受的

bud n . 叶芽 ,花蕾 * 658

vi . 发芽 ,萌芽 179

budget n . 预算 , 预算拨款 568

vi . (for) 编预算 , 做安排 * 167

a . 低廉的 , 收费公道的

buffe r n . 起缓冲作用人 (或物 ) ,缓冲器 * 477


vt . 缓冲 ,减轻 * 425

bug n . 1 . 虫子 * 659

2 . 小毛病

3 . 窃听器

v t . 1 . 在⋯装窃听器

2 . 烦扰 ,纠缠

bull n . 1 . 公牛 ,雄兽 * 660

2 . 买进证券(或商品 )投机图利者

bulletin n . 1 . 报纸、电台等 ) 简明新闻 , 最新消息


2 . 学报 ,期刊 (尤指某机构的机关刊物)

3 . 公告 ,布告 ,公报 * 917

bump v i . 1 . ( against , in to) 碰 ,撞 721

2 . 颠簸着前进 388

n . 1 . 碰撞 , 猛撞

2 .(碰撞造成的 )肿块

3 . 隆起物

bunch n . 1 . 群 , 伙 807

2 . 束 , 串 ,捆

vi . 集中 , 挤在一起 * 611

vt . 使成一束

bureaucracy n . 1 . 行政系统 , 政府机构 110

2 . 官僚主义 , 官样文章 161

burial n . 葬礼 ,葬 , 掩埋 * 514

buzz n . 1 . 嗡嗡声 803

2 . 低沉嘈杂的谈话声

vi . 1 . 发出嗡嗡声

2 . 充满低沉嘈杂的谈话声

bypass vt . 1 . 越过 , 避开 * 616

2 . 绕过 , 绕⋯走

n . 1 .(绕过市镇的 )旁道 , 迂回道

2 . 分流术 , 旁通管 * 9

cafeteria n . 自助餐馆 ,自助食堂 * 685

canvas n . 1 . 帆布

2 . 帆布画布 , (帆布 )油画 986

capsule n . 1 . 胶囊 (剂) * 476

2 . 小盒 , 密封小容器 * 450

3 . 航天舱 , 密封舱 * 427

captive n . 俘虏 990

a . 被俘虏的

car toon n . 1 . 漫画 ,幽默画 131

2 . 动画片

carve v t . 1 . 雕刻 , 刻 827

2 . 切 , 把⋯切碎 (或切成片 )

cas ualty n . 1 . 伤亡人员 , 死伤者 666

2 . 受害人 , 损失的东西

category n . 种类 , 类 ,类别 804

cater v i . ( for , to ) 1 . 满足需要 (或欲望 ) , 迎合* 138

2 . 提供饮食及服务 * 139

cathedral n . 大教堂 * 673

Catholic n . 天主教教徒 * 207

a . 天主教的

caution n . 1 . 小心 ,谨慎

2 . 注意(事项 ) , 警告 265

vt . 警告 ,劝⋯小心 59

cautious a . 十分小心的 ,谨慎的 * 787

cavity n . 1 . 洞 ,穴 ,凹处 * 387

2 . 龋洞

cellar n . 1 . 地窖 ,地下室 423 , 985

2 . 酒窖

census n . 人口普查 ,人口调查 * 500

ceramic a . 陶瓷的 * 429

n . [-s ] 陶瓷器 * 468

cereal n . 1 . 谷类植物 ,谷物 * 355

2 . 加工而成的谷类食物

cer tain ty n . 1 . 确信 ,确实 , 确定性 * 589

2 . 必然的事 ,确定的事实

cer tify vt . 1 . 证明 ,证实 * 507

2 . 发证书(或执照)给

chaos n . 混乱 ,紊乱 177

characterize/ -ise v t . 1 . 成为⋯的特征 , 以⋯为特征* 512

2 . 描绘(人或物)的特征 ,叙述

charity n . 1 . [常 pl .] 慈善团体 ,慈善事业 * 182

2 . 慈悲 , 慈善

3 . 救济金 ,施舍物

charm n . 1 . 引人喜爱的特征 ,迷人的特征 809

2 . 魅力

3 . 符咒 ,随身护符

vt . 吸引 ,迷住 * 879

char ter n . 宪章 ,授予特权和法令 (或正式文件 ) 907

a . 租用的 ,包租的 * 20

vt . 包 ,租 (飞机、车、船等 ) 867

chat vi ./ n . 闲谈 ,聊天 518

cheris h vt . 1 . 抱有 , 怀有(希望、想法、感情等 )

2 . 爱护 , 抚育 363

3 . 珍爱 , 珍视 176


chip n . 1 . 炸土豆条 (或片) * 741

2 . 集成电路片 , 集成块

3 . 屑片 , 碎片

vt .1 . 削 (或凿)下 (屑片或碎片 )

chord n . 1 . 和弦 , 和音 * 339

2 . 弦 , 心弦

chorus n . 1 . 合唱队 ,歌队 * 717

2 . 合唱 ,合唱曲

3 . 齐声 ,齐声说的话 (或发出的喊声) 237

vt . 异口同声地说 , 随声附和

in ~ 一齐 ,一致 , 共同 356

chronic a . 1 . (疾病)慢性的 * 393

2 . 积习难改的 * 420

3 . 严重的 ,坏的 68

circulation n . 1 . 传播 ,发行 914

2 . 发行量 * 30

3 . 体内血液等的 ) 循环 , (水、空气等

的 )流通 960

4 . (货币等的 )流通 530

circus n . 马戏 , 马戏团 * 722

cite vt . 1 . 引用 ,引证 222

2 . 传唤 ,传讯

3 . 表彰 ,嘉奖

civilian n . 平民 ,百姓 * 525

a . 平民的 ,百姓的 ,民用的

clamp n . 夹头 , 夹具 ,夹钳 * 447

vt .(用夹具等)夹紧 ,夹住 ,固定 * 406

clarity n . 清晰 ,明晰 * 389

clash v i . 1 . 发生冲突 * 753

2 . 不协调 , 不一致

3 . 砰地相撞 , 发出刺耳的撞击声

n . 1 . 冲突 592

2 . 不协调

3 .(金属等的 )刺耳的撞击声

clasp vt . 抱紧 ,握紧 425

n . 扣子 ,钩子

classic a .1 . 典型的 ,标准的 , 权威性的

2 . 最优秀的 , (可做)典范的 * 632

n . 1 . 文学名著 , 艺术杰作 , 经典作品

2 . [-s ] 古典文学 , 古典语文研究 * 506

clause n . 1 . (正式文件或法律文件的 )条款 716

2 . 从句 ,分句

clearance n . 1 . 清除 ,清理 ,出空 * 521

2 . 许可 (证 ) , 批准 * 816

client n . 委托人 ,顾客 , 主顾 * 702

climax n . 1 . 高潮 593

2 . 最令人兴奋(或感兴趣)的部分 178

cling vi .( to) 1 . 紧紧抓住 (或抱住 )567

2 . 黏着 , 挨近

3 . 依恋 , 依附

4 . 坚持 , 墨守 ,忠实于 394

clinic n . 门诊部 ,诊所 * 679

clip1 n .(弹簧 )夹子 , 回形针 ,别针 * 115

v t .(用夹子 .回形针等 )夹住 , 扣住 * 104

clip2 v t . 剪 , 修剪 759

n . 剪报 , 电影 (或电视)片段 * 116

clockwise ad ./ a . 顺时针方向 (的 ) * 235

closet n . 橱 ,壁橱 * 684

vt . 把⋯引进密室会谈

a . 私下的 ,秘密的 * 788

cluster n . (果实、花等的 )串 , 簇 , (人或物等的 )群 ,

组 770

v i . 群集 , 丛生 * 53

clu tch vt . 抓紧 , 紧握 * 755

vi . (at ) 企图抓住 * 140

n . 1 . [常 pl .] 掌握 , 控制 * 183

2 . (汽车、机器等的 )离合器

coherent a . 1 . 条理清楚的 ,连贯的 * 375

2 . 一致的 ,协调的

coincide vi . 1 . 同时发生 * 624

2 . 相符 ,相一致 * 37

3 . 位置重和 ,重叠

coincidence n . 1 . 巧合 , 巧事 * 819

2 .(意见、爱好等的 )一致 ,符合

collaboration n . 1 . 合作 ,协作 205

2 . 勾结

in ~ with 与⋯合作 ,与⋯勾结 555

collide vi . 1 . 碰撞 ,互撞 23

2 . 冲突 ,抵触 * 754

colonial a . 殖民地的 ,具有殖民地特点的 * 534

combat n . 战斗 , 斗争 ,格斗 607

vt . 与⋯战斗 , 与⋯斗争

comedy n . 1 . 喜剧 678

2 . 喜剧性事件

comet n . 彗星 * 404

commemorate v t . 纪念 , 庆祝 * 466

commence vi . 开始

vt . 使开始 ,着手 433


commend vt . 1 . 表扬 ,称赞 492

2 . 推荐 799

commentary n . 1 . 广播员对球赛等的)实况报道 ,

(电影的 )解说词 * 431

2 . 评论

commitment n . 1 . 信奉 , 献身 836

2 . 承担的义务

3 . 承诺 , 许诺 ,保证

commodity n . 商品 ,货物 180

commonplace a . 普通的 ,平凡的 28

n . 寻常的事物 , 常见的事物

commonwealth n . 1 . [ the C-] 英联邦 * 208

2 . 联邦 , 联合体

commute vi . 乘公交车辆上下班 ,经常乘车 (或船等 )

往返于两地 * 625

compact a . 紧凑的 ,小巧的 ,袖珍的 139

v t . 把⋯压实 (或塞紧 ) , 使坚实 773

comparable a . 1 . ( to) 比得上的 346

2 . ( with) 可比较的 ,类似的 * 216

compar tment n . 1 . 卧车房间 , (客车车厢内的 ) 隔间


2 . 分隔的空间

compatible a . 1 . 能和睦相处的 , 合得来的 * 395

2 . 兼容的 562

compensate v . 补偿 ,弥补 ,抵消 331

competence n . 能力 ,胜任 ,称职 924

competitive a . 1 . 竞争的 53

2 . 好竞争的

3 .(价格等)有竞争力的

compile vt . 汇编 ,编制 , 编纂 427 , 673

complement vt . 补足 , 补充 808

n . 1 . 补充 , 互为补充的东西

2 . 编制名额 , 装备定额

3 . 补(足 )语

complication n . 1 .(新出现的 )困难 , 难题 * 585

2 . 并发症

compliment n . 1 . 赞美 (话) ,恭维 (话 ) 709

2 . [ pl .] 问候 , 祝愿 381

v t . 赞美 ,恭维

comply vi . ( with) 遵从 ,依从 ,服从 * 33

composite a . 混合成的 , 综合成的 * 789

n . 合成物 , 复合材料 31

compulsory a . 必须做的 , 强制性的 , (学科 )必修的* 43

concede vt . 1 . 不情愿地 )承认 , 承认⋯为真 (或正

确) 774

2 .(在结果确定前 )承认失败

vi . 让步 ,认输

conceive vi . 1 . (of) 构想出 , 设想 348 , * 859

2 . 怀孕 713

vt . 1 . 认为

2 . 构想出 , 设想

3 . 怀(胎 )

conception n . 1 . 思想 ,观念 ,概念 63

2 . 构想 ,设想

3 . 怀孕 8

concession n . 1 . 让步

2 . 特许 , 特许权 * 817

concise a . 简明的 ,简要的 * 57

confer v i . 商谈 , 商议 * 868

v t . 授予 , 赋予 * 68

confidential a . 1 . 秘密的 ,机密的 775

2 . 表示信任 (或亲密 )的 32 , * 902

configuration n . 配置 ,布局 ,构造 * 820

conform vi . 1 . 顺从 * 622

2 . ( to , with) 遵照 ,适应 333

confront v t . 1 . ( with ) 使面临 , 使遇到 332

2 . 迎面遇到 ,面对 959 , * 919

3 . 使对质 ,使当面对证 387

confusion n . 1 . 混淆 522 , * 909

2 . 混乱 ,骚乱

3 . 困惑 ,糊涂 * 907

conscien tious a . 认真的 ,勤勤恳恳的 995

consecutive a . 连续的 762

consensus n .(意见等)一致 ,一致同意 * 491

consequent a . 作为结果 (或后果 )的 , 随之发生的 47

conserve v t . 1 . 保藏 , 保存 * 517

2 . 保护

consolidate v t . 1 . 巩固 , 加强 58

2 . 把⋯联为一体 ,合并

conspicuous a . 显眼的 ,明显的 466

constituen t n . 1 . 选民 , 选区居民 306

2 . 成分 , 组分

a . 组成的 , 构成的 * 790

constrain vt . 1 . 限制 ,约束 * 756

2 . 克制 ,抑制

consultan t n . 1 . 会诊医师 , 顾问医生 408

2 . 顾问


consumer n . 1 . 消费者 ,用户 560

2 . 消耗者

contaminate vt . 弄脏 , 污染 181

contemplate vt . 1 . 盘算 ,计议 * 758

2 . 思量 ,对⋯周密考虑

3 . 注视 ,凝视

contempt n . 轻视 ,轻蔑 875

hold in ~ 轻视 ,认为⋯不屑一顾 554

contend vi . 1 . 搏斗 ,争斗 270 , * 870

2 . 争夺 ,竞争 328

vt . 声称 ,主张

contex t n . 1 . 背景 ,环境 3

2 . 上下文 ,语境

in ~ 在上下文中 ,连贯起来 * 255

out of ~ 脱离上下文 ,割裂地 * 269

continuity n . 连续 (性 ) , 持续(性 ) * 556

cont radict vt . 1 . 反驳 , 否认⋯的真实性 * 865

2 . 与⋯发生矛盾 ,与⋯抵触 531

cont ribution n . 1 . 贡献 , 促成作用 * 575

2 . 捐款 , 捐献物

3 .(投给报刊等的 )稿件

cont rive v t . 1 . 设法做到 * 900 , * 926

2 . 谋划 , 策划 698

cont roversial a . 引起争论的 ,有争议的 54

cont roversy n .(尤指文字形式的 )争论 ,辩论 549

converge vi . 1 .(在一点上)会合 ,互相靠拢 * 626

2 . 聚集 ,集中

3 .(思想、观点等 )趋近

convict vt .(经审讯 )证明⋯有罪 ,宣判⋯有罪 699

n . 囚犯

conviction n . 1 . 确信 , 深信 723

2 . 说服 , 信服

3 . 定罪 , 判罪

cooperative n . 合作社 , 合作商店(或企业等) * 821

a . 1 . 合作的 ,协作的

2 . 有合作意向的 , 乐意合作的 164

cordial a . 热情友好的 ,热诚的 700

corporate a . 1 . 结成 )社团的 , (法人 )团体的 , 公司

的 * 526

2 . 全体的 , 共同的

corps n . 1 . 用做医务、军械、通信等兵种名称的 )

队 ,部队 * 359

2 .(从事同类专业工作的)一组

correla te vi . ( to , with ) 相关 , 关联 * 166

vt . 使相互关联

correspondence n . 1 . 通信 ,通信联系

2 . 信件 ,函件 151

3 . 相当 ,相似处

correspondent n . 通讯员 , 记者 * 550

corrode v t . 腐蚀 ,侵蚀

v i . 受腐蚀 772

corrupt a . 堕落的 , 腐败的 ,贪赃舞弊的 * 794

vt . 腐蚀 , 使堕落 182 , 541

cosmic a . 1 . 宇宙的 30

2 . 外层空间的

costume n . 1 . 戏装 * 364

2 . 一个时期或一个国家中流行的 ) 服

装 ,服饰

couch n . 1 . 长沙发 * 279

2 .(病人受检查时躺的 )长榻

vt . 表达 978

counsel n . 1 . 忠告 ,劝告 982 , * 864

2 . 律师 ,法律顾问

vt . 劝告 ,提议

keep one's own ~ 将意见 (或计划)保密 ,不相信别

人 740

take ~ together 共同商量 654

counterpart n . 对应的人(或物 ) * 275

courtesy n . 1 . 谦恭有礼 511

2 . 有礼貌的举止 (或言词 )

by ~ of 1 . 蒙⋯的好意(或准许) ,蒙⋯提供 (或赠

送 ) 247

2 . 由于⋯的作用 * 252

coward n . 胆小鬼 , 懦夫 314

cradle n . 1 . 摇篮 * 736

2 . 策源地 ,发源地 677

vt . 1 . 抱 ,捧

crea tion n . 1 . 创造 , 创建

2 . 宇宙 , 天地万物 * 510

3 . 创造的作品 , (智力/ 想像力的 )产物

cripp le n . 跛子 , 伤残人 (或动物) 415

vt . 1 . 使跛 , 使受伤致残 582

2 . 严重削弱 , 使陷于瘫痪

crisp a . 1 . 脆的 581

2 . 挺括的

3 . 清新的 ,寒冷的

4 . 简明扼要的 , (干净 )利落的

criterion n . (批评、判断等的)标准、准则 528


crucial a . 至关重要的 ,决定性的 * 781

cruise n . 航行 , 航游 334

vi . 1 . 航行 ,巡航 * 371

2 .(出租车、船等 )缓慢巡行

cue n . 1 . 提示 * 270

2 . 暗示 ,信号

on ~ 恰好在这个时候 358

take one's ~ from 学⋯的样 ,听⋯的劝告 * 179

culminate vi . ( in) 以⋯告终 * 141

cumulative a . 累积的 ,渐增的 109

curb vt . 控制 ,约束 771

n . 1 . 控制 ,约束

2 . (街道或人行道的 )路缘 * 290

cur l n . 1 . (一绺 )鬈发 710

2 . 卷曲 ,卷曲物

vt . 卷 ,使卷曲

vi . 1 . 变鬈 428

2 . 卷曲 ,扭曲

3 . (烟)缭绕 ,盘绕

~ up 1 . 卷起 , 撅起(嘴唇等 ) 250

2 . (使 )蜷曲

currency n . 1 . 通货 , 货币 676

2 . 流通 , 流行

curr iculum n . 课程 , (学校等的 )全部课程 * 735

customary a . 习惯上的 , 惯常的 , 合乎习俗的 38

cylinder n . 1 . 圆柱体 ,圆筒 * 715

2 . 汽缸 ,泵 (或筒 )体

cynical a . 愤世嫉俗的 , ( 对人性或动机 ) 怀疑的* 407

damn int . (表示愤怒、厌烦、轻蔑等 ) 该死 , 讨厌* 224

ad . 极 ,非常 * 236

a . 十足的 ,完全的 * 791

dazzle vt . 1 . 使惊奇 ,使赞叹不已 ,使倾倒 74

2 . 使眩目 ,耀 (眼 )

n . 1 . 耀眼的光

2 . 令人赞叹的东西

deadly a . 1 . 致死的 , 致命的 * 793

2 . 极度的 , 十足的 * 792

ad . 非常 ,极度地 * 237

decent a . 1 . 过得去的 , 尚可的

2 . 合宜的 , 得体的 818

3 . 正派的

decimal a . 十进位的 * 643

n . 小数

decisive a . 1 . 决定性的 * 538

2 . 坚定的 , 果断的

declaration n . 1 . 宣布 , 宣告 * 559

2 . 宣言 , 声明(书 )

decline vi . 1 . 下降 ,减少 , 衰落 * 24

2 . 谢绝 * 897

vt . 婉辞 ,谢绝 481

n . 下降 ,减少 ,衰落 * 64

on the ~ 在没落中 ,在衰退中 * 264

dedicate v t . 1 . to) 把 (自己、一生等 )献给 , 把 (时

间、精力等)用于 * 893

2 .(题词)将 (著作等 )献给 261

deem vt . 认为 ,视为 398

deficiency n . 1 . 缺乏 ,不足 436

2 . 缺点 ,缺陷 229

deficit n . 赤字 ,逆差 * 483

defy vt . 1 .(公然 )违抗 , 反抗 183

2 . 挑 ,激

3 . 使成为不可能

degenerate v i . 衰退 , 堕落 , 蜕化 506

a . 堕落的 417

n . 堕落者

degrade vt . 降低⋯的身份 ,使丢脸 604

delegate n . 代表 , 代表团成员 * 698

vt . 1 . 委派(或选举 )为⋯代表

2 . 授(权 ) , 把⋯委托给别人

deliberate a . 1 . 故意的 ,蓄意的 * 874

2 . 慎重的 ,深思熟虑的 335

v . 仔细考虑 ,思考 * 759

denial n . 1 . 否认 * 582

2 . 拒绝 , 拒绝给予

denote v t . 1 . 表示 , 是⋯的标志 829

2 . 意思是 ,为⋯的名称

denounce vt . 谴责 , 指责 776

dentist n . 牙科医生 610

depict v t . 1 . 描绘

2 . 描写 ,描述 399

depression n . 1 . 抑郁 , 沮丧 165

2 . 不景气 , 萧条(期 ) 951

3 . 凹地 , 凹陷

deprive vt . ( of) 剥夺 ,使丧失 * 40

deputy n . 1 . 副职 , 副手 * 822

2 . 代表 , 代理人 675


descendant n . 后裔 ,后代 * 708

descent n . 1 . 下降 ,下倾 * 518

2 . 血统 ,世系

designate vt . 1 . 把⋯定名为 ,把⋯叫做 * 760

2 . 指派 ,选派 627

des patch 见 dispatch

des pise vt . 鄙视 ,看不起 * 621

destined a . 1 . 命中注定的 ,预定的 615

2 . ( for) 以⋯为目的地的 * 217

destiny n . 1 . 命运 * 823

2 . 天数 ,天命

dest ructive a . 破坏 (性 )的 , 毁灭(性 )的 * 529

detach vt . (from) 拆卸 , 使分开 , 使分离 855

detective n . 侦探 , 私人侦探 * 524

deter iorate v .(使)恶化 , (使 )变坏 667

deviate vi . (from) 背离 , 偏离 * 165

diagnose v t . 诊断 (疾病 ) ,对 (病人 )下诊断结论 946

diet n . 1 . 日常饮食 318

2 . 病人或减肥者的 )特种饮食 ,规定饮食

v i . 进特种饮食 ,节食

be/ go on a ~ 节食 * 171

differentiate vi . 区分 ,区别

vt . 1 . 区分 ,区别 * 519

2 . 使不同 ,使有差异

diffuse v . 1 . 扩散 , (使 )弥漫 287

2 . 传播 , 散布 * 299

a . 1 .(文章等 )冗长的 , 漫无边际的 * 296

2 . 四散的 , 弥漫的 * 297

dignity n . 1 .(举止、态度等的)庄严 ,端庄 120

2 . 尊贵 , 高贵

dilemma n .(进退两难的)窘境 ,困境 * 383

dilute vt . 稀释 , 冲淡 777

diminish vi . 变少 ,缩小 ,降低

vt . 减少 ,减小 ,降低 932

dine v t . 进正餐 * 880

~ out 外出进餐(尤指在餐馆) * 126

diploma n . 毕业文凭 ,学位证书 * 883

diplomatic a . 1 . 外交的 , 从事外交的 520

2 . 策略的 , 有手腕的 729

directory n . 人名地址录 , 工商号名录 , ( 电话 )号码

簿 34

disable vt . 使丧失能力 ,使伤残 * 615

disast rous a . 1 . 灾难性的 , 造成灾害的 * 542

2 . 极坏的 , 很糟的

discern vt . 1 . 看出 ,察觉出 498

2 . 认识 ,了解

disclose vt . 揭露 ,泄露 ,透露 933

discount n .(价格、债款等 )折扣 253

vt . 1 . 打折扣

2 . 漠视 ,不考虑

discrepancy n . 不符合 (之处 ) ,不一致 (之处 ) 798

discrete a . 分离的 , 不相关联的 * 402

discrimina te vi . 1 . 区别 ,辨别 * 761

2 . against ) 有差别地对待 , 歧视* 164

disguise n . 1 . 假扮 ,化装 409

2 . 伪装 ,掩盖

vt . 1 . 假扮 ,化装

2 . 伪装

3 . 掩盖 ,掩饰 175

dismay n . 1 . 惊恐 , 惊愕 * 824

2 . 失望 , 绝望

vt . 1 . 使惊恐 , 使惊愕 674

2 . 使失望 , 使绝望

dispa tch vt . 派遣 , 调遣 ,发送 * 762

n . 1 .(公文)急件 ,快信 585

2 . 新闻报道

disperse vi . 1 . 分散 ,散开 * 763

2 . 消散 ,消失

vt . 1 . 使分散 ,赶散 837

2 . 使消散 ,驱散

displace vt . 1 . 取代 , 替代 858

2 . 迫使 (某人)离开家园

disposition n . 1 . 性情 ,性格 584

2 . 意向 ,倾向 * 863

disregard vt . 不理会 ,不顾 ,漠视 977

n . 忽视 ,漠视

disrupt v t . 使中断 ,扰乱 * 765

dissipate vi . 消散 ,消失 * 764

vt . 1 . 使消散 , 使消失 570

2 . 浪费 ,挥霍

distil vt . 1 . 蒸馏 707

2 . 吸取⋯的精华 , 提炼 * 867

distor t vt . 1 . 歪曲 ,曲解 * 48

2 . 扭曲 ,使变形 286

vi . 变形 830

dist ract vt . 转移 (注意力 ) ,分散 (思想 ) , 使分心 430 ,



disturbance n . 1 . 骚扰 ,混乱 * 536

2 . 扰乱 ,打扰

3 . 心神不安 , 烦恼

diversion n . 1 . 转移 ,转向 768

2 .(修路时的)临时支路

diver t v t . 1 . 使转向 , 使改道 832

2 . 转移

3 . 转移⋯的注意力 583

divine a . 神的 ,神圣的 500 , * 904

vt .(凭直觉 )发现 ,猜到 17

dizzy a . 1 . 头晕目眩的 , 眩晕的

2 .(可能 )使人头晕的 ,极高的 605

dock1 n . 码头 , 船埠 437

v .(使船 )靠码头 , (使船 )进港 * 105

dock2 vt . 扣⋯的工资 * 2

dock3 n .(法庭的 )被告席 * 117

doct rine n . 教义 , 教条 ,主义 * 729

domain n . 1 .(活动 ,思想等 )领域 ,范围 * 903 , * 63

2 . 领地 ,势力范围

dome n . 圆屋顶 , 穹顶 * 675

dominant a . 占优势的 ,支配的 ,统治的 * 782

dominate vt . 1 . 在⋯中占首要地位

2 . 支配 ,统治 ,控制 524

3 . 耸立于 ,俯视

donate vt . 捐赠 , 赠送 * 413

doom n . 厄运 , 劫数 * 271

v t . 注定 , 命定 145 , * 894 , * 910

doubtless ad . 无疑地 ,肯定地 40

drainage n . 1 . 排水系统 ,下水道 269

2 . 排水 , 放水

drastic a . 1 . 严厉的 ,极端的 69

2 . 激烈的 ,迅猛的

drawback n . 缺点 , 欠缺 ,不利条件 338

dreadful a . 1 . 糟透了的 ,极不合意的 * 636

2 . 极端的 ,极其大的

drought n . 干旱 , 旱灾 942 , * 855

dual a . 双(重 )的 , 两重的 614

dubious a . 1 . 有问题的 ,靠不住的 * 442

2 . 怀疑的 ,疑惑的 ,犹豫不决的 184

3 . 值得怀疑的

duplicate v t . 1 . 复制 , 复写 , 复印 227

2 . 重复 * 26

n . 1 . 完全一样的东西 , 复制品完全一样

的 , 复制的

in ~ 一式两份地(的 ) * 256

dwell vi . (尤指作为常居住所 )居住 142

~ on/ upon 1 . 老是想着 552

2 . 详述 ,强调

earnings n .[p l .] 工资 , 收入 868

Easte r n .(基督教)复活节 * 209

eccentric a . (人、行为、举止等)古怪的 ,怪僻的 ,异乎

寻常的 * 498

n . 古怪的人 ,怪僻的人 * 397

eclipse n . 1 . (日、月)食 953

2 . (地位、声誉等的 )消失 , 黯然失色

vt . 使暗淡 ,使失色 ,使⋯相形见绌 288

ecology n . 1 . 生态

2 . 生态学 873

economics n . 1 . 经济学 750

2 . 国家 ) 经济状况 , 经济因素 , 经济


edib le a .可以吃的 ,可食用的 406

edit vt . 1 . 编辑 ,校订 673

2 . 编选 ,选辑 535

3 . 剪辑 (影片、录音等 )

4 . 主编 (报刊等 )

~ out 删节 , 删去 * 127

editorial a . 1 . 编辑的 ,主笔的 ,编者的 * 516

2 . 社论的 ,社论式的

n . (报刊的 )社论 , 评论

ego n . 自我 , 自负 ,自尊心 * 433

eject vt . 1 . 喷射 , 排出 637

2 . 驱逐 ,逐出 * 440

elapse vi .(时间 )消逝 ,过去 728

elbow n . 1 . 肘 * 705

2 . (衣服的 )肘部

v . 用肘推 , 用肘挤 373

elder ly a . 1 . 较老的 , 年长的 * 588

2 . 老式的 , 过时的

n . [ the ~ ]上了年纪的人

elect rician n . 电工 ,电气技师 * 527

elect ronics n . 1 . 电子学 * 570

2 . 电子设备

elegant a . 1 . 优美的 ,文雅的 , 讲究的 * 633

2 . 简练的 ,简洁的

eleva te vt . 1 . (地位、形象 )抬高、拔高 * 522

2 . 提高 ,举起 ,使上升

elicit vt . 1 . 引起 ,使发出 * 352


2 . 使透露 ,诱出 * 316

eligib le a . 1 . 有资格当选的 ,有条件被选中的 290

2 .(尤指婚姻等 )合适的 , 合意的 * 801

elite n . 1 . 总称 ]上层人士 , 掌权人物 , 实力集团公

司 616

2 .[总称 ]出类拔萃的人 , (集团 )精英 516

eloquent a . 1 . 雄辩的 ,有说服力的 315

2 . 口才流利的 ,善辩的 781

3 . 富于表情的 ,明白显示出的

embark v . (使 )上船 (或飞机、汽车等) * 774

~ on/ upon 从事 ,着手 ,开始工作 551

embassy n . 大使馆 * 681

embed vt . 1 . 把⋯嵌入 (或埋入、插入 ) * 775

2 . 使扎根于社会 , 使深留脑中

embody vt . 1 . 使具体化 , 具体表现 , 体现 36

2 . 编入 ,包括 ,包含 * 5

empirical a . 1 . 以经验 (或观察 )为依据的 ,经验主义

的 * 341

2 . 经验 (上 )的 , 来自经验(或观察)的

enclosure n . 1 . 四周有篱笆(或围墙等)的场地 * 572

2 . (信中的)附件

endeavo( u) r v . 努力 ,竭力 , 尝试 143

n . 1 . 努力 , 尽力 , 尝试 240

2 . 为达到某一目的而进行的 )活动 ,


endow v t .1 . with ) 给予 ,赋予 ,认为⋯具有某种特

质 160

2 . 资助 ,捐赠 ,向⋯捐钱 (或物 ) 664

endurance n . 1 . 忍耐 ,忍耐力 * 898

2 . 持久 (力 ) , 耐久 (性 ) , (金属等的 )

耐用度 * 574

energetic a . 1 . 精力充沛的 ,充满活力的 973

2 . 有力的 , 积极的

engagement n . 1 . 约会 , 预约 374

2 .(演员等的 )约请 ,受聘 (期 )

3 . 订婚 , 婚约 29

enhance vt . 提高 (质量、价值、吸引力等 ) , 增加 , 增

强 ,增进 * 25

enlighten vt . 启发 , 开导 * 51

enr ich vt . 1 . 充实 ,使丰富 857 , * 930

2 . 使富裕 ,使富有

enrol ( l ) vt . 1 . 招收 375

2 . 登记

vi . 加入 ,入学 643

ensue vi . 接着发生 ,接踵而来 ,因而产生 75

entail vt . 使人承担 , 使成为必要 , 需要 680

enterprise n . 1 . 企业 (或事业)单位 ,公司 550

2 . 艰苦复杂的计划 ,雄心勃勃的事业

3 . 事业心 , 进取心 * 884

enter tainment n . 1 . 娱乐 , 文娱节目 * 553

2 . 招待 , 款待 , 请客

enthusiastic a . 满腔热情的 ,热心的 ,极感兴趣的 12

entity n . 实体 ,独立存在体 ,实际存在物 * 366

ent repreneur n . 企业家 , 承包者 701

envisage v t . 想像 ,设想 * 766

episode n . 1 . (一连串事件中的 )一个事件 782

2 . 剧本、小说等中的 )插曲 , 片断 , (连续

剧的 )一集 * 850

epoch n . 时期 ,时代 * 695

equator n .(地球 )赤道 * 687

equilibrium n . 平衡 , 均衡 943

erosion n . 1 . 腐蚀 ,侵蚀 ,磨损 944

2 . 削弱 ,减少

erroneous a . 错误的 , 不正确的 779

erupt vi . 1 . 战争、危机、问题等 ) 爆发 , 突然发生* 767

2 . (火山等 )喷发 * 914

escor t n . 1 . 护卫者 ,护送者 * 699

2 .护送 ,护卫

v t . 护送 , 护卫 493

essence n . 1 . 本质 ,实质 ,要素 * 564

2 . 香精 ,香料

in ~ 本质上 ,实质上 ,基本上 * 257

estate n . 1 . 在乡村的)大片私有土地 , 庄园 ,种植园


2 . 上有大片建筑物的土地 , 住宅区

3 . 地产 ,财产 , 遗产

esthetic 见 aesthetic

ete rnal a . 1 . 永恒的 ,永存的 362

2 . 无休止的 , 不停的 * 858

3 . 永久的 ,永世的

ethics n . 1 . 道德准则 ,行为准则 * 373

2 . 伦理学 ,道德学 * 343

ethnic a . 种族的 * 795

evoke vt . 唤起 , 引起 ,使人想起 661

exceptional a . 1 . 优越的 ,杰出的 * 584

2 . 例外的 ,独特的 ,异常的

exclusive a . 1 . 奢华的 , 高级的


2 . 独有的 ,独享的 470

3 . 排斥的 ,排外的 * 563

4 .(新闻、报刊文章等 )独家的

execution n . 1 . 死刑 * 540

2 . 实行 ,实施 ,执行

exemplify vt . 1 . 是 (或作为 )⋯的例证(或榜样、典型

等 ) 559

2 . 例示 ,举例证明

exempt a . 被免除 (义务、责任等 )的 ,被豁免的 783

v t . ( from) 免除 ,豁免 * 142

exile n . 1 . 流放 ,放逐 , 流亡

2 . 被流放者 , 流亡国外者 , 背井 离乡者* 703

vt . 流放 ,放逐 ,使流亡

exotic a . 奇异的 ,外 (国 )来的 ,异国情调的 * 796

expedition n . 1 . 远征 , 探险 , 考察 587

2 . 远征队 ,探险队 , 考察队

3 . (短程)旅游 ,郊游

expel v t . 1 . 把⋯除名 ,把⋯开除 851

2 . 驱逐 , 赶走 , 放逐

3 . 排出 , 喷出

expend vt . 花费 ,消费 ,消耗 780

expenditure n . 1 . 经费 ,费用 ,消耗额 526

2 .(时间、金钱等的 )花费 , 支出 , 消耗

expertise n . 专门知识 (或技能等 ) ,专长 * 826

expire vt . 1 . 期满 , (期限)终止 * 55

2 . 断气 ,死亡

explicit a . 1 . 详述的 , 明确的 , 明晰的 746

2 . 直言的 , 坦率的

exposition n . 1 . 阐述 ,讲解 308

2 . 展览会 ,博览会 * 849

exquisite a . 1 . 精美的 , 精致的 722

2 . 精湛的 , 有很高造诣的 * 446

extinct a . 1 . 灭绝的 ,绝种的 221

2 . (火等 )熄灭了的

extinguish vt . 1 . 熄灭 ,扑灭 (火等 ) 586

2 . 使消亡 ,使破灭

ext ract vt . 1 . 取出 , 抽出 ,拔出 * 71

2 . 提取 , 提炼

3 . 设法得到 (情报等 )

4 . 利用⋯获得好处

n . 1 . 摘录 , 选段 * 866

2 . 提出物 , 精 ,汁

ext ravagant a . 1 . 奢侈的 ,铺张的 842

2 . 过度的 ,过分的

3 . (言行等 )放肆的 , 越轨的

fabricate v t . 1 . 捏造 , 编造(谎言、借口等 ) 215

2 . 建造 , 制造

facet n . 1 .(问题等的)一个方面 * 288

2 .(多面体的)面 * 298

facilitate vt . 使变得 (更 )容易 , 使便利 925 , * 873

fake n . 1 . 假货 , 赝品 * 345

2 . 骗子 , 冒充者 * 833

vt . 1 . 伪造 * 353

2 . 伪装 , 假装

a . 假的 , 伪造的 * 797

fantastic a . 1 . 极好的 , 了不起的

2 . 极大的 , 难以相信的

3 . 奇异的 , 古怪的 71

4 . 异想天开的 , 不现实的 672

fantasy n . 1 . 想像 ,幻想 * 825

2 . 想像的产物

fascinate vt . 强烈地吸引 , 迷住 791

fax n . 1 . 传真 (机 ) * 738

2 . 传真件

vt . 传真传输

feast n . 盛宴 , 筵席 862

vi . (on , off) 尽情地吃 ,饱餐 * 163

federa tion n . 1 . 联合会 * 546

2 . 联邦

feeb le a . 1 . 虚弱的 , 无力的 431

2 . 无效的 , 无益的

fellowship n . 1 . 交情 ,友谊 378

2 . 在共同的宗旨下组成的 )团体 , 协

会 , 联谊会

3 . (大学)研究员职位

feminine a . 1 . 女性的 , 妇女的 784

2 . 娇柔的 , 女子气的

ferry n . 渡船 572

vt . 渡运 (人、车或物等) 638

finite a . 有限的 * 799

fist n . 拳 ,拳头 704

fitting a . 适合的 ,恰当的 * 802

n . 1 . 配件 , 附件

2 . 常 pl .] (房屋内的 )固定装置 (或设备 )* 184

3 . 试穿 , 试衣

fixture n . 1 .(房屋等的 )固定装置 * 184


2 . 长期与某地 (或某活动 )相联系的人 (或

物 ) * 18

flank v t . 位于⋯的侧面 * 623

n . 1 . 协腹 , (四足动物身体的)侧边 * 90

2 . 侧翼 , 翼侧

flap vi . 1 . 拍动 ,飘动 167

2 . (鸟翼 )振动

vt . 使拍动 , 使飘动 529

n . 片状垂悬物 (如信封的口盖、衣服的袋盖等 )

fla re n . 闪光信号 ,照明弹 * 749

vi . 1 .(火焰)闪耀 , (短暂地 )烧旺 856

2 . 突发 ,突然发怒(或激动 )

fla tter v t . 1 . 向⋯谄媚 ,奉承 756

2 . 使满意 , 使高兴 * 901

flaw n . 缺点 , 瑕疵 * 22

flee v i . 逃走 , 逃掉 * 287

v t . 逃离 , 逃避

fling vt . 1 .(用力地)扔 ,抛 , 丢 267

2 . 使扑 ,使投身 * 853

n . 尽情欢乐的一阵 , 一时的放纵 220

fluctuate vi . 波动 ,涨落 , 起伏 * 56

flush1 v i . 1 .(脸)发红 ,脸红 * 106

2 . 被冲洗 * 107

v t . 1 . 使 (脸等)涨红 ,使发红 * 108

2 . 冲洗 , 清除 * 109

3 . 赶出 * 110

n . 脸红 ,潮红 * 118 , * 913

flush2 a .( with) 齐平的 ,同高的 * 69

flu tter v i . 1 . 飘动 , 飘扬

2 . 拍翅 , 拍翅而飞 13

3 . (心脏等 )快速跳动 * 609

n . 激动不安 ,紧张

foam n . 1 . 泡沫 * 663

2 . 泡沫材料

vi . 起泡沫 * 911

foil n . 1 . 箔 ,金属薄片 * 362

2 . 陪衬物 ,陪衬者

vi . 挫败 ,使受挫折 705

foremost a .首要的 ,最佳的 * 783

first and ~ 首要的是 ,首先 248

foresee vt . 预见 ,预知 * 620

format n . 设计 ,安排 ,样式 726

vt . 使格式化 802

formidable a . 1 . 可怕的 ,令人畏惧的 * 642

2 . 令人惊叹的 ,令人钦佩的 * 434

formulate vt . 1 . 构想出 (计划、方法等 ) , 规划 (制度

等 ) 347

2 . 系统地(或确切地)阐述

fort n . 堡垒 ,城堡 * 677

hold the ~ 代为处理日常 (或紧急 )事务 732

forthcoming a . 1 . 即将到来的 ,即将出现的 * 646

2 . 可得到的

3 . 乐于提供消息的

forum n .论坛 ,讨论会 * 845

fossil n . 化石

foster a . 收养的 ,收养孩子的 815

v t . 1 . 收养 ,养育 291

2 . 培养 ,促进 169

foul a . 1 . 肮脏的 ,难闻的 671

2 . 下流的 ,辱骂性的 * 637

3 . 令人不愉快的 ,糟透了的 * 891

vt . 弄脏

n .(运动、球类比赛中的 )犯规

~ up 把⋯搞乱 ,把⋯搞糟 249

fracture n . 裂缝 ,裂痕 * 399

v .(使 )断裂 , (使 )折断 * 463

fragile a . 1 . 易碎的 ,脆的 , 易损坏的 580

2 . 虚弱的 ,脆弱的

fraud n . 1 . 欺诈 , 诈骗

2 . 欺骗 (行为) ,骗人的东西

3 . 骗子 * 834

fr inge n . 1 .(头发的)刘海 ,饰以流苏的边 714

2 . 边缘

3 . 外围 , 次要事物

frust rate vt . 1 . 使灰心 ,使恼怒而又不知所措 565

2 . 挫败 ,使受挫折

furious a . 1 . 狂怒的 ,暴怒的 73

2 . 强烈的 ,激烈的 478

fuse1 n . 保险丝 ,熔丝 * 35

v . 1 . (使⋯ )因保险丝熔断而中断工作 * 111

2 . 融合 ,合并 869

fuse2 n . 导火线 , 引信 * 119

fusion n . 1 . 联合 ,合并 * 827

2 . 核聚变

fuss n . 忙乱 ,大惊小怪 717

vi .(为小事 )烦恼 , 过于忧虑 * 619

make a ~ of 娇美 (某人 ) , 过分关怀(某人 ) * 174

galaxy n . 1 . 星系 * 485


2 . [ the G-] 银河系 , 银河 * 210

3 . 一群 (杰出或著名人物) * 459

gallery n . 1 . 美术馆 , 画廊 * 720

2 . 楼座 ,廊台

gamble n . 投机 , 冒险

v i . 1 . 投机 , 冒险

2 . 赌博 307

gaol 见 jail

garbage n . 1 . 垃圾 , 废料 * 839

2 . 废话

garment n .(一件 )衣服 * 750

gasp n ./ vi . 喘气 ,倒抽气 254 , 755

gear n . 1 . 齿轮 ,传动装置 , (排 )挡

2 . 用具 ,设备 377

vt . 使适应 ,使适合 * 49

~ up(使)准备好 ,做好安排 353

gene n . 基因 * 360

generalize/ -ise v . 概括 ,归纳 ,推断 * 528

genetic a . 遗传(学 )的 703

n . [-s ] 遗传学 * 202

geology n . 1 . 地质学 * 730

2 . 地质情况

gigantic a . 巨大的 ,庞大的 843

given a . 1 . 规定的 , 特定的 * 933 , * 101

2 .( to)有癖好的 ,有倾向的 * 102

p rep . 考虑到 * 103 , * 230

glare vi . 1 . (at ) 怒目而视 * 162

2 . 发射强光 ,发出刺眼的光线 * 277

n . 1 . 怒视 , 瞪眼 785

2 . 强光 941

3 . 炫耀 , 张扬

gleam vi . 1 . 闪闪发亮 508

2 . 闪烁

3 . 闪现

n . 1 . 闪光 , 反光

2 . 瞬息的一现 * 899

glide vi . 1 . 滑行 ,滑移 * 614

2 . 滑翔

n . 滑行 ,滑移

glit ter v i . 1 . 闪闪发亮 (或发光 ) 787

2 .(眼睛 )发亮 ,闪光 432

n . 1 . 闪光 , 灿烂的光辉 25

2 .(眼睛 )发亮 , 闪光

global a . 1 . 全球的 , 全世界的 * 511

2 . 总的 , 完整的

gloomy a . 1 . 黑暗的 ,昏暗的

2 .(天气 )阴沉的

3 . 沮丧的 ,愁容满面的 * 641

4 . 令人沮丧的 ,令人失望的

gorgeous a . 1 . 令人十分愉快的 ,极好的 786

2 . 华丽的 , 极有吸引力的 262

gossip n . 1 . 流言蜚语 386

2 . 爱说长道短的人

vi . 传播流言蜚语 , 说长道短

grab vt . 1 . 抓取 ,攫取 292

2 . 赶 ,匆忙地做

3 . 抓住 (机会 )

vi . (a t ) 抓 (住) ,夺 (得) * 143

n . 抓 ,夺

gracious a . 1 . 亲切的 , 和蔼的 * 631

2 . 优美的 , 雅致的

graze1 v . 放牧 (牛 , 羊等) 599

graze2 v t . 1 . 擦伤 (皮肤等 ) * 112

2 . 擦过 , 掠过 * 113

n . 擦伤 (处 ) * 120

grease n . 油脂 ,润滑脂 * 832

vt . 用油脂涂 ,给⋯加润滑油

grief n . 悲伤 ,悲痛 * 91

come to ~ 失败 , 遭受不幸 * 172

grieve vi . ( for , over) 感到悲痛 ,伤心 * 83 , * 895

vt . 使伤心 , 为⋯而伤心

grim a . 1 . 严酷的 ,无情的 * 74 , * 852

2 . 讨厌的 ,糟糕的

3 . 严厉的

grin vi ./ n . 咧嘴笑 571

groan v i . 1 . 呻吟 404

2 . 发吱嘎声

n . 呻吟

grope v i . 1 . ( for) 暗中摸 996

2 . 摸索着行进

3 . ( for) 摸索 ,探索 * 144

v t . 摸索 (路等 )

guardian n . 1 . 监护人 * 530

2 . 守卫者 , 保护者

guideline n .[常 pl .] 指导方针 , 准则 * 185

guy n . 家伙 ,伙计 706

hamper vt . 1 . 妨碍 ,阻碍 * 28

2 . 束缚 ,限制


handbook n . 手册 ,便览 * 737

handicap n . 1 . (身体或智力方面的 )缺陷 * 272

2 . 障碍 ,不利条件 883

vt . 妨碍 ,使不利

hasty a . 1 . 急速的 ,匆忙的 ,仓促完成 * 70

2 . 草率的 ,轻率的

hatch vt . 1 . 孵出 , 孵 537

2 . 筹划 , 图谋 ,策划

3 .(小鸡等 )出壳 ,孵出 435

haul vt . 1 .(用力 )拖 , 拉 761 , * 886

2 .(用车等 )拖运 , 运送 293

n . 1 . 拖 ,拉

2 . 拖运 ,运送

haunt vt . 1 .(鬼魂等)常出没于 702

2 . (思想、回忆等 )萦绕在心头 ,缠绕 101

3 . 使苦恼 , 使担忧

n . 常去的地方 * 72

heal vt . 1 . 使愈合 ,治愈 ,使康复 * 768

2 . 调停 (争吵等 ) , 消除(分歧等 )

vt . 愈合 ,痊愈 ,恢复健康 450

hearing n . 1 . 听力 ,听觉 * 508

2 . 听力所及之距离 , 听距

3 .(调查委员等召开的 )意见听取会

4 . 申辩 (或发言 )机会

heave v t . 1 .(用力 )举起 , 提起 ,拉起 789

2 .(沉重地 )发出 (叹息、呻吟等)

v i . 1 .(用力 )举起 ,拉 ,拖 , 推

2 .(有节奏地 )起伏 , 隆起

3 . 呕吐 , 恶心 * 281

4 . 喘息 , 喘气

heighten vt . 提高 ,加强 * 533

vi . 升高 ,变强

heir n . 继承人 * 88

hemisphere n .(地球的 )半球 539 , * 882

hencefor th ad . 从今以后 , 从此以后 263

heritage n . 遗产 ,继承物 , 传统 211

hiera rchy n . 1 . 等级制度 ,等级森严的组织 * 487

2 . 统治集团 ,领导层

highligh t vt . 1 . 使显著 , 使突出 105

2 . 强调 , 使注意力集中于

n . 最精彩的部分 ,最重要的事件

hinder v . 阻碍 ,妨碍 451

hinge n . 铰链 349

v i . ( on ,upon)依⋯而定 , 依⋯为转移 * 145

histor ian n . 历史学家 ,史学工作者 * 578

histor ic a . 历史上著名的 , 历史上有重大意义的* 545

hither to ad . 到目前为止 ,迄今 928

hoist vt . 举起 , 升起 ,吊起 471

homogeneous a . 同种类的 ,同性质的 ,有相同特征的


horrib le a . 1 . 令人恐惧的 , 可怕的 , 骇人听闻的* 566

2 . 极讨厌的 ,使人不愉快的 ,糟透的 962

hose n .(橡皮或帆布等制的)软管 ,水龙带 385

v t . 用软管淋浇 (或冲洗 )

hospitality n .(对客人的 )友好款待 , 好客 376

hostage n . 人质 805

hover vi . 1 .(鸟等 )翱翔 , 盘旋 * 77

2 . 逗留在近旁 ,徘徊

3 . 摇摆不定 ,彷徨犹豫

hug v t . 1 .(热烈地 )拥抱 590

2 . 紧抱 , 怀抱

v i . 紧抱在一起 ,互相拥抱

n . 紧抱 ,热烈拥抱

humanity n . 1 . 人类 , [总称 ]人 1 , * 881

2 . 人性

3 . 人道 ,博爱 , 仁慈 920

4 . [ pl .] 人文学科 * 16

humidity n . 1 . 潮湿 ,湿气 * 662

2 . 湿度

hurl v t . 1 . 猛投 , 力掷 294

2 . 口气激烈地表示 (或叫嚷 )

hurricane n . 飓风 * 664

hypothesis n .假说 ,假设 ,前提 121

hysterical a . 情绪异常激动的 , 歇斯底里般的 * 445

identifica tion n . 1 . 鉴定 , 验明 ,认出 * 557

2 . 身份证明

3 . 认同

iden tity n . 1 . 身份 * 531

2 . 个性 ,特性

ideology n . 思想(体系) ,思想意识 718

idiom n . 1 . 在艺术等方面所表现的 ) 风格 , 特色* 721

2 . 习语 ,成语 * 728

ignite vt . 1 . 点燃 255

2 . 激起

vi . 着火 854


ignorance n . 1 . 无知 , 愚昧

2 . ( of , about ) 不知 * 267

illuminate v t . 1 . 照明 , 照亮 834 , 882

2 . 阐明 , 启发

illusion n . 1 . 幻想 ,错误的观念

2 . 错觉 ,幻觉 , 假象 591

3 .(使观众产生错觉的)魔术手法

imaginative a . 富有想像力的 ,爱想像的 754

imitation n . 1 . 仿制 * 515

2 . 赝品

3 . 模仿 ,仿制品

a . 人造的 ,仿制的 ,伪造的

immerse v t . 1 . 使沉浸在 ,使专心于 146

2 . 使浸没

immune a . 1 . 免疫的 , 有免疫力的 * 357

2 . 不受影响的

3 . 免除的 , 豁免的 783

impair v t . 1 . 损害 , 损伤 * 84

2 . 削弱 , 减少 886

impar t vt . 1 . 告知 , 透露 83

2 . 给予 ( 尤指 抽象 事物 ) , 传 授 132 ,* 857 , * 905

imperative a . 1 . 必要的 ,紧急的 ,极重要的 296

2 . 命令 (式 )的

n . 必要的事 ,必须完成的事

imperial a . 1 . 帝国的 606

2 . 皇帝 (或女皇)的

impetus n . 推动 (力) ,促进 297

implement vt . 使生效 ,履行 ,实施 62

n . 工具 ,器具 , 用具

implicit a . 1 . 不言明的 , 含蓄的 163

2 . in)内含的 , 固有的 , 无疑问的 , 无保

留的 * 218

impulse n . 1 . 冲动 , 突然的欲望 82

2 . 脉冲

inaugurate v t . 1 . 为⋯举行就职典礼 ,使⋯正式就任


2 . 为⋯举行开幕式 ,为⋯举行落成仪

3 . 开始 , 开展

incentive n . 刺激 , 鼓励 295 , 297

incidence n . 发生率 724

incidentally ad . 顺便说及 ,顺便提一句 * 58

inclusive a . 1 . 包括一应费用在内的 * 552

2 . 首末日 (或页码等 )包括在内

incorporate vt . 1 . 包含 , 加上 ,吸收 949

2 . 把⋯合并 , 使并入

incredible a . 1 . 难以置信的 , 不可思议的 , 惊人的 ,

妙极的 80

2 . 大量的

3 . 不能相信的 ,不可信的 260

incur v t . 招致 , 惹起 , 遭受 999

indefinite a . 1 . 无定限的 ,无限期的 * 804

2 . 不明确的 ,含糊的

3 . 不确定的 ,未定的

indicative a . 1 . (of) 标示的 , 指示的 , 象征的 * 219

2 . 陈述的 ,直陈的 * 581

indignant a . 愤怒的 ,愤慨的 ,义愤的 81

indignation n . 愤怒 , 愤慨 ,义愤 742

induce v t . 1 . 引起 , 导致 630

2 . 引诱 , 劝

indulge vt .1 . 使 (自己 ) 沉溺于 , 肆意从事 , 满足 (自

己的欲望等 ) 806

2 . 纵容 , 迁就 887

vi . ( in) 沉溺 , 纵容自己 , 肆意从事 22

inertia n . 1 . 不活动 ,惰性 * 409

2 . 惯性

infectious a . 1 . 传染的 , 传染性的 341

2 . 有感染力的 , 易传播的 384

inference n . 1 . 推断结果 ,结论 841

2 . 推论 , 推理 , 推断

infla tion n . 通货膨胀 719

inflict v t . 使遭受 (损伤、痛苦等 ) , 使承担 (负担等 )* 89

ingenious a . 1 . 人、头脑 )灵巧的 ,善于创造发明的 ,

足智多谋的 989

2 . 机器等 ) 制作精巧的 , (方法等 ) 巧


ingredient n . 1 . 混合物的 )组成部分 , 成分 , (烹调

的 )原料 344

2 .(构成 )要素 ,因素 268

inhabit v t . 居住于 , (动物)栖居于 * 535

inherent a . 内在的 ,固有的 ,生来就有的 642

inhibit vt . 抑制 ,约束 * 757

initiate vt . 1 . 开始 ,创始 , 发起 52

2 . 使初步了解 326

3 . 接纳 (新成员 ) , 让⋯加入

initiative n . 1 . 主动的行动 , 倡议


2 . 主动权 127

inject v t . 1 . 注射 (药液等 ) ,给⋯注射 * 537

2 . 注入 ,引入 , 投入

in land ad . 在内地 (或内陆 ) ,向内地(或内陆 ) * 238

a . 内地的 ,内陆的

in let n . 1 . 水湾 ,小湾 * 678

2 . 进口 ,入口

innovation n . 1 . 新方法 ,新事物 * 100

2 . 革新 ,创新

innumerable a . 无数的 , 数不清的 * 805

insane a . 1 .(患)精神病的 ,疯狂的 * 92

2 . 蠢极的 , 荒唐的

insigh t n . 1 . 洞悉 ,深刻见解 * 34

2 . 洞察力 223

ins piration n . 1 . 灵感 * 543

2 . 鼓舞人心的人(或事物 )

3 . 妙计 ,好办法

instal ( l )ment n . 1 . 分期付款 , 分期交付 490

2 . (分期连载的)部分 * 851

instantaneous a . 瞬间的 ,即刻的 14

inst rumental a . 1 . ( in) 起作用的 ,有帮助的 220

2 . 用乐器演奏的

ins ulate vt . 1 . 隔离 ,使隔绝 (以免受到影响)

2 . 使绝缘 ,使隔热 ,使隔音 230

in tact a . 完整无缺的 , 未经触动的 , 未受损伤的* 806

in tegral a . 构成整体所必需的 , 基本的 766

in tegrate v . ( in to , with ) (使 )成为一体 , (使 )结合在

一起 , (使 )合并 564

in tegrity n . 1 . 正直 ,诚实 ,诚恳 547

2 . 完整 ,完全

in tellect n . 1 . 智力 ,理解力 598

2 . 非凡的才智

3 . 才华出众的人

in telligible a . 可理解的 , 明白易懂的 819

in tensify v . (使)增强 , (使)变尖锐 974

in ten t n . 意图 , 目的 * 835

a . 1 . 专心的 , 专注的 * 923

2 . 急切的 * 44

in teract vi . 互相作用 ,互相影响 763

in terim a . 暂时的 , 临时的 * 807

n . 间歇 , 过渡期间

in termit tent a . 间歇的 ,断断续续的 * 415

in tersection n . 道路交叉口 ,交点 * 837

in tervene v i . 1 . 干涉 , 干预 70

2 . 插话

3 . 干扰 , 阻挠

in timidate vt . 恐吓 , 威胁 790

in t ricate a . 错综复杂的 ,复杂精细的 76

in t rigue n . 阴谋 ,诡计 ,密谋 * 8

vi . 耍阴谋 ,施诡计

vt . 激起⋯的好奇心 (或兴趣 ) ,迷住 791

in t rinsic a . 固有的 ,本质的 ,内在的 * 474

in tuition n . 直觉 * 452

invalid1 n .( 需要有人照顾的 )病弱者 , 残疾者 487

invalid2 a . (尤指法律上 )无效的 ,作废的 330

invaluable a . 非常宝贵的 ,极为贵重的 ,无价的 * 630

invariably ad . 不变地 ,始终如一地 ,总是 937

inventory n . 详细目录 , 存货清单 * 744

inver t vt . 使倒转 , 使倒置 , 使颠倒 * 613

i rony n . 1 . 反语 ,冷嘲 * 377

2 . 具有讽刺意味的事 , 嘲弄

i rrespective a . (of) 不考虑的 ,不问的 , 不顾的 * 221

i rrigation n . 灌溉 115

i rritate vt . 1 . 使恼怒 ,使烦躁 863

2 . 使过敏 ,使难受 ,使疼痛 452

ivory n . 象牙 * 668

jail n . 监狱 , 看守所 453

v t . 监禁 , 拘留

jeopardize/ -ise v t . 危及 , 损害 879

jerk vt . 1 . 使猝然一动 880

2 . ( out ) 突然急促又断续地说 * 146

vi . 猝然一动

n . 1 . 急推 ,急拉 , 急扭 482

2 . 震摇

journalist n . 新闻工作者 , 新闻记者 810

junction n . 联结点 , (道路等的)会合点 ,枢纽 * 65

jury n . 1 . 陪审团 * 693

2 . (竞赛或展览的)评判委员会

justification n . 正当的理由 ,借口 * 573

kidney n . 肾 , 肾脏 816

kit n . 1 . 成套工具 , ( 适应特定需要的 ) 成套用品* 436

2 . 工具包 ,用品箱 * 76

v . ( out ) 装备 * 147

knit v . 1 . 编结 , 编织 440

2 .( together) 使紧密地结合 * 148

3 . 使坚实 , 使紧凑


4 . 皱紧 , 皱(眉 ) * 19

vi . 1 . 编结 ,编织 525

2 . (折骨 )愈合

knob n . 1 . (门、抽屉的 )球形把手 , 球形柄 454

2 . (收音机等的 )旋钮 952

3 . 小块

lamb n . 1 . 羔羊 , 小羊 * 665

2 . 羔羊肉

lame a . 1 . 跛的 ,瘸的 455

2 . 站不住脚的 ,差劲的 ,蹩脚的 * 283

landscape n . 1 . 风景 , 景色 * 99

2 . 全景

3 . 风景画

vt . 对⋯做景观美化 ,美化

laten t a . 潜在的 , 隐伏的 ,不易察觉的 * 379

latitude n . 1 . 纬度 859

2 . [ p l .] 纬度地区 * 186

3 .(言语、行动等的)回旋余地 ,自由 * 293

layman n . 门外汉 ,外行 502

leaflet n . 传单 ,散页印刷品 ,小册子 * 838

v .(向⋯ ) 散发传单

lease n . 租约 ,租契 846

vt . 出租 ,租得 884

legend n . 1 . 传说 , 传奇故事 72

2 . 传说中的人 (或事)

legislation n . 1 . 法律 ,法规 814

2 . 立法 ,法律的制定(或通过 )

legitimate a . 1 . 合情合理的 * 808

2 . 合法的 ,法律认可的 * 78

vt . 使合法 919

liability n . 1 . 不利条件 , 妨碍的人(或物 ) 883

2 . [ pl .] 负债 , 债务 310

3 . 责任 558

lick vt . 1 . 舔 , 舔吃 42

2 . 打败 , 克服 108

3 . (波浪 )轻拍 , (火焰)吞卷

n . 舔

likelihood n . 可能 , 可能性 769

limp1 v i . 一瘸一拐地走 ,蹒跚 * 114

limp2 a . 1 . 软弱的 ,无生气的 * 124

2 . 软的 ,松沓的 * 125

linear a . 1 . 成一直线的 * 577

2 . 构线的 ,利用线的

3 . 线性的

liner n . 大客轮 207

linger vi . 1 . 继续存留 ,缓慢消失 864

2 . 因不愿离开而 ) 继续逗留 , 留恋徘徊


3 . 磨蹭 ,拖延

4 . 苟延残喘

literacy n . 识字 , 有文化 ,读写能力 * 731

literal a . 1 . 照字面的 , 原义的 57

2 . 逐字的

3 . 确确实实的 ,完完全全的

litte r n . 1 . 废弃物 , 被胡乱扔掉的东西 * 840

2 .(一堆)杂乱的东西

vt . 1 . 乱扔东西于

2 . 使充满

vi . 乱扔废弃物

lobby n . 1 . 旅馆、戏院等入口处的 )穿堂 ,大厅 , 休

息室 152

2 . (议 )院外活动集团

v . 向(议员、政府官员等 )进行游说 (或疏通 )


locality n . 地区 ,地点 * 549

locomotive n . 机车 2

lofty a . 1 . 高耸的 ,极高的 * 810

2 . 崇高的 ,高尚的 77 , * 885

3 . 高傲的 ,傲慢的

longitude n . 经度 * 667

lounge n . 休息厅 , 休息室 850

vi . 1 .(懒洋洋地)倚 , (懒散地 )躺

2 . 闲逛 ,闲荡 * 12

lubricate vt . 润滑 , 使润滑 563

luminous a . 发光的 ,发亮的 ,夜光的 882

lunar a . 月的 ,月球的 662

magnify vt . 1 . 放大 ,扩大 * 38

2 . 夸大 ,夸张

magnitude n . 1 . 巨大 ,重要 727

2 . 量值 ,强度

majesty n . 1 . M-] 陛下 (对帝王、王后的尊称 )* 211

2 . 雄伟 ,壮丽 ,庄重 ,崇高

mall n . 大型购物中心 * 680

manifest a . 显然的 , 明白无误的 , 明了的 135 , * 912

vt . 使显现 , 使显露 557

manipulate vt . 1 . 操纵 , 控制 * 503

2 .(熟练地)操作 ,使用 259


manoeuvre vt . 1 . 设法使变动位置 * 308

2 .(敏捷或巧妙地)操纵 ,控制 * 108

vi . 1 . 设法变动位置

2 . 用策略 ,耍花招

n . 1 . 策略 ,花招 * 358

2 . 演习 * 205

manuscrip t n . 手写本 , 手稿 ,打字稿 ,原稿 831

marble n . 1 . 大理石 * 284

2 . (用玻璃、石头等制成的 )弹子 * 289

marginal a . 1 . 微小的 ,少量的 ,不重要的 * 811

2 . 微弱多数的 * 605

3 . 边缘的 ,边际的

marsh n . 沼泽 ,湿地 85

marshal vt . 排列 , 安排 ,整理 * 291

n . 元帅 * 295

masculine a . 1 . 男性的 , 男子的 79

2 . 男子气慨的

massive a . 1 . 大而重的 ,大块的 345

2 . 大量的 ,大规模的 * 915

masterpiece n . 1 . 杰作 833

2 . 最杰出的作品

meadow n . 草地 998

mechanism n . 1 . 机械装置 * 712

2 . 办法 ,途径

3 . 机制 ,机理 918

medal n . 奖牌 , 勋章 * 746

media n . 新闻媒介 , 传播媒介 410

mediate v i . ( in , between) 调解 ,斡旋 * 149

v t . 经调解 (或斡旋 )解决(或促成)

medieval a . 中世纪的 , 中古(时代 )的 * 652

Mediterranean n . 地中海 * 212

a . 地中海的

melody n . 旋律 , 曲调 86

membership n . 1 . 会员身份 (或资格、地位 ) , 会籍


2 . 全体会员

3 . 会员数

menace n . 1 . 威胁 ,威吓 993

2 . 讨厌的人 (或物 ) , 造成麻烦的人 ( 或

物 )

v t . 威胁 ,威吓 484

merge v .(使 )结合 , (使)合为一体 885

mess n . 1 . 凌乱状态 641

2 . 混乱的局面 , 困境

3 . 肮脏(或乱七八糟)的东西

v . 弄乱 , 弄脏

~ about/ around 1 . 浪费时间 ,闲荡 * 128

2 . 干预 ,篡改

3 . 胡闹 ,开玩笑 737

4 . 瞎弄 ,摆弄

~ up 1 . 把⋯弄糟 553

2 . 把⋯弄乱 (或弄脏 ) 357

~ with 干预 ,打扰 445

messenger n . 送信人 ,信使 210

metallic a . 1 . 金属的 * 579

2 . 有金属特性的 , 像金属的

metropolitan a . 大城市的 ,大都会的 * 650

midst n . 中部 ,中间 ,当中 * 591

in the ~ of 1 . 在⋯之中 * 258

2 . 正当⋯的时候 * 259

migrate vi . 1 . 移居 ( 尤指移居国外 ) , 迁移 65

2 .(候鸟等 )迁徙 ,移栖 * 79

militan t a . 激进的 * 586

n . 激进分子

mingle vt . 使混合 ,使相混 * 776

vi . 1 . 混合起来 ,相混合

2 . 相交往

miniature a . 小型的 ,微小的 78

n . 微小的模型 , 缩影

minimal a . 最小的 ,最低限度的 876

minimize/ -ise vt . 1 . 使减少 (或缩小 ) 到最低限度


2 . 极力贬低 , 对⋯做最低估计

misery n . 1 . 痛苦 ,苦恼 ,苦难 * 93

2 . 悲惨的境遇 ,贫苦

misfor tune n . 1 . 不幸 ,厄运 ,逆境

2 . 不幸事故 ,灾难 ,灾祸 116

missionary n . 传教士 213

a . 传教士(般 )的

mobilize/ -ise vt . 1 . 动员

2 . 调动 ,鼓动起 758

vi . 动员起来

mock v . 嘲笑 , 讥笑 ,嘲弄

a . 1 . 仿制的 , 假装的 * 435

2 . 模拟的 , 演习的 * 417

n . [常 pl .]模拟考试 * 187

momentum n . 1 . 冲力 ,势头

2 . 动量 * 405


monopoly n . 垄断 , 专卖 158

monste r n . 1 . 怪物 46

2 . 巨人 ,巨兽 ,巨大的东西

a . 巨大的 , 庞大的

morality n . 1 . 道德 , (行为等的 )道德性 * 593

2 . 德行 ,品行

3 . 道德规范 ,道德观

mortal a . 1 . 终有一死的

2 . 致命的 461

3 . 你死我活的 ,不共戴天的

n . 人 , 凡人

mortgage n . 抵押 (借款 )

v t . 抵押 * 382

motel n . 汽车旅馆 * 682

mourn v . 1 . 哀悼 * 83

2 .(对⋯ )感到痛心 (或遗憾 )

muddy a . 1 . 泥泞的 , 沾满烂泥的 456

2 .(光、色泽)灰暗的 ,暗淡的

v t . 使 (形势、争端等)显得扑朔迷离 * 5

multitude n . 1 . 人群 , 众多的人 720

2 . 大众 , 民众

a ~ of 许多 ,大量 963

municipal a . 市(政 )的 , 市办的 , 市营的 150

murmur v ./ n . 1 小声说 (话) 852

2 .小声抱怨 , 咕哝

muscular a . 1 . (有关 )肌肉的

2 . 强有力的 , 坚强的 ,刚毅的 589

mutter v ./ n . 轻声低语 , 小声抱怨 * 769

myth n . 1 . 神话 72

2 . 虚构的信念(或观念、理论 )

naive a . 天真的 ,幼稚的 271

narrative n . 1 . 叙述文 ,故事 * 733

2 . 叙述 ,讲述

nasty a . 1 . 令人讨厌的 457

2 . 难弄的 ,困难的

3 . 严重的 ,凶险的

necessitate vt . 使成为必要 , 需要 * 539

negligible a . 可忽略不计的 342 , 876

negotiate vt . 1 . 谈判达成 ,洽谈 ,协商 888

2 . 顺利通过 ,成功越过

vi . 协商 ,谈判

nickel n . 1 . 镍 * 349

2 . 美国和加拿大的 ) 五分镍币 , 五分钱* 368

nightmare n . 1 . 噩梦 208

2 . 可怕的事物 ,无法摆脱的恐惧

nominal a . 1 . 名义上的 , 有名无实的 711

2 . (金额、租金 )微不足道的 * 3

nomina te vt . 提名 ,任命 988

nonetheless 见 never theless

norm n . 1 . 规范 ,准则 45

2 . 典型

notable a . 1 . 值得注意的 ,显著的 27

2 . 可觉察的 ,有相当分量的

n . 显要人物 * 80

notation n . 1 . 记号 ,标记法 * 595

2 . 记录 ,记号

notify vt . 通知 , 告知 ,报告 87

notion n . 概念 ,感知 591 , * 890

notorious a . 臭名昭著的 ,声名狼藉的 84

notwithstanding prep ./ ad ./ conj . 尽 管 * 231 , *

239 ,* 225

nourish v t . 1 . 养育 , 喂养 , 营养 712

2 . 怀抱 (仇恨、希望等)

novelty n . 1 . 新奇 , 新奇感 , 新奇性 * 887

2 . 新奇事物

3 . 新颖小巧而廉价的物品

numerical a . 数字的 ,用数字表示的 ,数值的 * 653

nut rition n . 营养 209

oath n . 1 . 誓言 , 誓约 917

2 . 咒骂 , 诅咒语 * 15

obedient a . 服从的 ,顺从的 931

obligation n . 义务 ,责任 * 23

obscene a . 淫秽的 , 下流的 * 458

obscure a . 1 . 不出名的 ,不重要的

2 . 费解的 927

3 . 模糊不清的 499

v t . 使难解 ,使变模糊 103

odo( u ) r n . 气味 88

offence/ -nse n . 1 . 犯法行为 , 过错 987

2 . 冒犯 , 伤感情

take ~ ( at ) (对⋯ )生气 , (因⋯ )见怪 * 178

offensive a . 冒犯的 ,无礼的 ,使人不快的 462

n . 进攻 ,攻势

offset vt ./ n . 补偿 ,抵消 350

offspring n . 1 . 子女 ,子孙 ,后代 * 701

2 . (动物的 )崽


opaque a . 1 . 不透明的 ,不透光的 320

2 . 难理解的 ,晦涩的

oppress v t . 1 . 压迫 , 压制

2 . 使 (心情等 )沉重 ,使烦恼 * 618

optimism n . 乐观 ,乐观主义 9

optimum a . 最合适的 , 最优的 , 最佳的 * 602

option n . 1 . 选择

2 . 选择权 ,选择自由 950

orien t n . [ the O-] 东方 , 亚洲 (尤指远东 ) , 东半球* 213

vt . 1 . 使适应 , 使熟悉情况 (或环境等 ) 860

2 . ( to , toward) 使朝向 , 以⋯为方向 * 150

orien tal a . 东方的 ,东方人的 ,东方文化的 * 645

orien tation n . 1 . 方向 ,方位 * 841

2 . 熟悉 ,适应

originate vi . 起源于 ,来自 , 产生

vt . 引起 ,创始 , 开创 * 42

ornament n . 1 . 装饰品 , 点缀品

2 . 装饰 , 点缀 458 , * 862

vt . 装饰 , 点缀 ,美化

orthodox a . 1 . 传统的 , 符合社会风俗的 * 392

2 . 正统的 * 478

outbreak n . (战争 ,情感 , 火山等 )爆发 , (疾病 , 虫害

等的 )突然发生 134

oval a . 椭圆形的 * 378

n . 椭圆形

overflow vi . 1 . 满得外溢 ,外流 ,泛滥 926

2 . ( with) 充满 , 洋溢 153

vt . 淹没 ,从⋯中溢出

n . 溢流口 ,溢流管

overhear v t . 无意中听到 ,偷听到 * 612

over lap v . 1 .(与⋯ )互搭 , (与⋯ )重叠 757

2 .(与⋯ )部分相同

n . 互搭 , 重叠

over t a . 公开的 ,明显的 * 444

over throw v t . 1 . 推翻 , 打倒 201

2 . 使终止 , 摒弃

n . 推翻 ,终止 , 毁灭 588

over whelm vt . 1 . 使受不了 ,使不知所措 * 41

2 . 征服 ,制服 126

oxide n . 氧化物 866

pamphlet n . 小册子 155

panic n . 恐慌 ,惊慌 ,慌乱 93

v . (使 )恐慌 , (使 )惊慌失措

paradise n . 天堂 ,乐园 1000

paradox n . 1 . 似乎矛盾而 (可能)正确的说法 * 494

2 . 自相矛盾的人 (或事物 ) * 454

paralyze/ -yse vt . 1 . 使瘫痪 ,使麻痹 582

2 . 使丧失作用

parameter n . 参数 * 437

participant n . 参加者 , 参与者 533

partition n . 1 . 分隔物 ,隔墙 954

2 . 分割 ,划分

vt . 隔开 ,分割 ,瓜分 * 94

pastime n . 消遣 , 娱乐 159

pasture n . 牧草地 , 牧场 998 , * 877

paten t n . 专利 , 专利权 * 85

vt . 得到⋯的专利权

pathetic a . 1 . 引起怜悯的 , 可怜的 , 可悲的 141

2 . 令人生厌的 , 差劲的

pat riotic a . 爱国的 , 有爱国心的 , 显示爱国精神的* 629

pat rol v . (在⋯ )巡逻 , 巡查 130

n . 1 . 巡逻 ,巡查

2 . 巡逻兵 ,巡查队

pave v t . 铺 (路) ,铺筑 459

~ the way (for) (为⋯ )铺平道路 736

pearl n . 珍珠 6

pedal n . 踏板 ,踏脚 * 742

v . 脚蹬 ,踩动 (⋯的 )踏板 232

pedestr ian n . 步行者 ,行人 * 700

peel n . (水果等的)皮 ,外皮 * 669

vt . 削(或剥 )去⋯的皮 (或壳 )

vi . 剥落 ,脱皮

~ off 剥掉 ,脱去 653

peer vi . 仔细看 ,费力地看 640

n . 同龄人 ,同等地位的人 194

penalty n . 处罚 ,惩罚 , 罚金 90

pendulum n . 1 . 摆 ,钟摆 251

2 . 摇摆不定的事态 (或局面 )

pension n . 养老金 , 抚恤金 800

perception n . 1 . 感知 ,觉察 (力 ) 106

2 . 认识 ,观念 ,看法

perfection n . 完美 , 完善 * 600

perfume n . 香水 ,香料 ,香气 938

per iodic a . 周期的 ,时而发生的 * 647

per iodical n . 期刊 * 732

a . 1 . 期刊的 , 定期出版的


2 . 周期的 , 时而发生的 * 654

per ish v . 1 . 丧生 ,凋谢 144

2 . 毁灭 ,消亡 191 , * 861

permeate v . 1 . 影响 ,遍布 * 872

2 . 渗入 ,渗透 890

permissible a . 可允许的 , 许可的 * 520

perpetual a . 永久的 ,永恒的 ,长期的 476

perplex vt . 使困惑 ,使费解 ,使复杂化 595

per sisten t a . 1 . 持续的 ,顽强地存在的 545

2 . 坚持不懈的 , 执意的 229

per sonality n . 1 . 人格 , 个性 * 920 , * 935

2 . 人物 , 名人

per suasion n . 1 . 说服 (力 ) ,劝说 548

2 . 信念 ,信仰

per tain vi . ( to) 从属 , 有关 ,适合 747

per tinent a . 有关系的 , 相关的 124

pest n . 1 . 有害生物 ,害虫 * 671

2 . 讨厌的人

petition n . 请愿书 ,申请书 ,诉状 469

v .(向⋯ )请愿 ,正式请求 302

pet ty a . 1 . 小的 ,琐碎的 ,不重要的 * 812

2 . 气量小的 ,心胸狭窄的 894

physiological a . 1 . 生理的 226

2 . 生理学的

plague n . 1 . 瘟疫 ,鼠疫 * 670

2 . 祸患

plaste r n . 1 . 灰浆 ,灰泥 460

2 . 橡皮膏 , 膏药 621

vt . 在⋯上抹灰泥 , 厚厚地涂抹

plateau n . 1 . 高原 * 694

2 . (上升后的 )稳定水平 (或时期、状态 )

plausib le a . 似乎合理的 ,似乎可信的 * 61

plea n . 1 . 恳求 ,请求 372

2 . 借口 ,托辞

plead v . 1 . 恳求 ,请求 383

2 . 为⋯辩护

3 . 提出⋯为理由 (或借口 )

pledge n . 保证 ,誓言 192

v . 保证 , 许诺

poke vt . 1 . 戳 ,捅 465

2 . 用⋯戳 , 把⋯戳向

3 . 伸出 , 突出

vi . 伸出 ,突出

polar a . 1 . (南、北 )极的 , 极地的 * 651

2 . 正好相反的 ,截然对立的

poll n . 1 . 民意测验 893

2 . [ pl .] 政治选举 ,大选 * 188

v t . 1 . 对⋯进行民意测验

2 . 获得 (若干票数 )

ponder v . 思考 ,考虑 ,沉思 687

pope n . [常 pl . the P-] 教皇 ,罗马主教 923

porch n . 门廊 , 阳台 * 683

pore1 n . 毛孔 ,细孔 * 121

pore2 vi . ( over) 深思熟虑 ,仔细阅读 749

por t ray vt . 1 . 扮演 ,饰演

2 . 描写 ,描绘 645 , 399

pose vt . 1 . 造成 (困难等 )

2 . 提出 (问题等 ) ,陈述 (论点等 ) 193

vi . 1 . 摆姿势 534

2 . 假装 , 冒充

poste r n . 招贴 (画) ,海报 , 广告 * 603

postulate vt . 假定⋯是真的 , 视⋯为当然 * 456

practicable a . 能实行的 , 行得通的 * 555

prayer n . 1 . 祷告 , 祈祷 * 597

2 . 祷文 , 祷辞

3 . 祈求 , 祈望

preach v t . 1 . 宣讲 (教义) ,布道 405

2 . 竭力鼓吹 ,宣传

v i . 讲道 , 说教

precede vt . (顺序、位置、时间上 )在⋯之前 , 先于 91

precipitate v t .(突如其来地 )使发生 , 促成 * 439

a . 突如其来的 * 469

n . 沉淀物 * 394

preclude v t . 阻止 ,排除 , 妨碍 * 408

predecessor n . 1 . 前任 , 前辈 89

2 . (被取代的)原有事物 ,前身

predominant a . 占主导地位的 , 显著的 741

pregnant a . 怀孕的 , 妊娠的 617

premature a . 1 . 比预期(或正常 )时间早的 * 649

2 .(做法等)不成熟的 ,仓促的

premise n . 1 . pl .] (企业、机构等使用的)房屋连地

基 ,经营场址 * 189

2 . 前提 , 假设 * 502

premium n . 1 . 额外费用 , 追加付款 * 831

2 .(投保人向保险公司支付的)保险金

a t a ~ 1 . 以超过一般的价格 ,以高价 244

2 . 奇缺的 ,难得的 * 250

put/ place a ( high ) ~ on 高度评价 , 高度重视


* 177

prescrip tion n . 处方 ,药方 * 551

presentation n . 1 . 提供 * 567

2 . 表象 ,外观

3 . 赠送仪式

4 . 报告

5 . 表演

preside v i . 主持 , 主管 195

prestige n . 威信 ,威望 60

presumably ad . 大概 , 可能 , 据推测 * 240

presume v t . 1 . 推测 ,假定 343

2 . 冒昧 (做 ) ,擅 (做 )

3 . 认定 ,推定

v i . 1 . 假定 669

2 . 擅自行事

pretex t n . 借口 , 托词 * 400

prevalen t a . 流行的 , 普遍的 * 62

prey n . 1 . 被捕食的动物 , 捕获物

2 . 受害者 892

v . 猎取食物

~ on 1 . 捕食 ,杀害 * 129

2 . 折磨 ,损害 359

priest n . 神父 ,牧师 * 706

priority n . 1 . 优先(权 ) , 重点 51

2 . 优先考虑的事 439

privacy n . 1 . 隐居 , (不受干扰的 )独处 (或自由 ) *


2 . 私事 ,隐私

probe v . 探索 ,探查 , 探测 861

n . 1 . 探索 , 调查

2 . 探针 , 探测器

proceeding n . [常 pl .] 1 . 诉讼 ,诉讼程序 * 190

2 . 会议等的 )议项 , 项目 ,进

程 * 191

3 . 会议录 , 公报 * 192

proclaim v t . 宣告 ,宣布 , 声明 947

productive a . 1 . 多产的 , 富饶的 556

2 . 富有成效的

productivity n . 生产力 ,生产率 936

proficiency n . 熟练 , 精通 708

profile n . 1 .(面部或头部的)侧面 (像 ) * 419

2 . 传略 ,人物简介

3 . 轮廓 ,形象 624

profitable a . 1 . 有利的 ,有赢利的 * 558

2 . 有益的 ,有用的

profound a . 1 . 深邃的 , 很深的 * 39

2 . 深奥的 , 渊博的 94 , * 888

prolong v t . 延长 ,拉长 , 拖延 92

promising a . 有希望 , 有前途的 * 532

prone a . 1 . ( to) 易于⋯的 ,很可能⋯的 * 222

2 . 俯卧的 18

propaganda n . 宣传 20

propagate vt . 1 . 传播 ,宣传 ,使普及 411

2 . 繁殖 ,增殖 * 11

vi . 繁殖 ,增殖

propel vt . 推进 ,推动 ,激励 125

prophet n . 预言者 * 709

proposition n . 1 . 论点 , 主张 * 860

2 . 建议 , 提案 43

3 . 命题

prose n . 散文 * 726

prospective a . 预期的 , 未来的 * 655

pro to type n . 原型 ,样品 ,样本 44

provocative a . 1 . 挑衅的 , 刺激的 512

2 . 挑逗的

provoke vt . 1 . 对⋯挑衅 ,激怒 * 770

2 . 激起 ,引起

proximity n . 接近 ,邻近 * 842

publicity n . 1 . 宣传 ,宣扬 622

2 . 公众的注意 , 名声

purify vt . 使纯净 , 提纯 ,使纯洁 870

purity n . 纯净 ,纯洁 * 568

pursuit n . 1 . 追求 , 寻求 * 562

2 . 从事

3 . 追赶 , 追逐

4 . 娱乐 , 爱好

qualification n . 1 .资格证明 , (考试 )合格证书 * 560

2 . 资格 ,技能

3 . 取得资格

4 . 限制 ,限定性条件

qualita tive a . (性 )质的 ,定性的 601

quantify vt . 确定⋯的数量 , 量化 922

quantitative a .( 数 )量的 , 定量的 41

quar t n . 夸脱 (液量单位 ) * 713

quar terly a . 季度的 ,每季一次的 * 657

ad . 按季度 ,一季一次 * 241

n . 季刊 * 734

quar tz n . 石英 847


queer a . 奇怪的 ,异常的 657

quench vt .止 (渴) ,消除 324

quest n . 长时间的搜索 ,探求 796

in ~of 寻找 354

questionnai re n . (调查情况用的 )问卷 , 调查表 619

quiver v i . 颤抖 , 发抖 * 92

n . 颤抖 , 抖动 , 颤声

racket1 n . 1 . 喧嚷 , 吵闹 * 86

2 . 敲诈 , 诈骗 * 122

racket2 n . (网球等的)球拍 * 123

radian t a . 1 . 容光焕发的 , 喜气洋洋的 658

2 . 明亮照耀的 793

3 . 辐射的

radiate v . 1 . 辐射 , (使 )从中心发散 623

2 . 流露 , 显示

radical n . 激进分子 214

a . 1 . 根本的 , 基本的

2 . 激进的 , 激进派的 379

rage n . 狂怒 ,盛怒 * 843

vi . 1 . 发怒 , 发火

2 . 狂吹 , 汹涌 , 猛烈地进行

raid vt ./ n . 1 .(突然 )袭击 899

2 . 查抄 ,搜捕

3 . 劫夺

rally n . 1 . 集会 , (群众 )大会 * 846

2 . 公路汽车赛

v . 1 . 集合 , 团结 * 95

2 . 恢复 (健康等) ,重新振作

random a . 任意的 , 随机的 997

a t ~ 随便地 ,任意地 * 36

rating n . 1 . 等级 ,品级 ,评定结果 * 565

2 . pl .] ( 电视节目的 )收视率 , (广播节目

的 )收听率 * 193

readily a d . 1 . 乐意地 * 242

2 . 容易地

realistic a . 1 . 现实的 ,实际可行的 370

2 . 现实主义的 ,逼真的

reap v .收割 ,收获 * 777

rebellion n .反叛 ,反抗 * 547

recession n .(经济的 )衰退 ,衰退期 970

recipe n .1 . 烹饪法 , 食谱 , (饮料等的 )调制法 760

2 . 诀窍 , 方法

recipien t n . 接受者 ,接收者 199 , * 918

reciprocal a . 相互的 ,互惠的 536

recite vt . 1 . 朗读 , 背诵 111

2 . 历数 , 列举

vi . 朗读 , 背诵

reckless a . 鲁莽的 ,不顾后果的 * 640

reckon vt . 1 . 认为 ,估计 794

2 . 指望 ,想要

3 . 测算 380

~ on 依靠 ,指望 651

~ with 1 . 估计到 ,预料到 734

2 . 处理 ,对付

reclaim vt . 1 . 要回 ,回收 438

2 . 开垦 (荒地 )

reconcile vt . 1 . 使协调 321

2 . 使和解 849

3 . ( to) 使顺从(于 ) , 使甘心(于 ) 170

recreation n .娱乐活动 , 消遣 198

recruit v . 招募 (新兵) ,招收 (新成员 ) 202

n . 新兵 , 新成员

rectangular a .长方形的 ,矩形的 * 501

rectify vt . 纠正 , 修复 * 52

recur vi . 再发生 ,重现 304

recycle v .回收利用 (废物等) 503

redundant a . 1 . (因人员过剩而 )被解雇的 * 441

2 .多余的 , 过剩的 795

refrain vi .( from) 忍住 ,自制以避免 * 161

refreshment n .茶点 ,点心 * 604

refugee n . 难民 202

refute vt . 驳斥 ,驳倒 792

regime n . 政治制度 ,政权 204

reign v i .占主导地位 ,统治 865

n . 统治 137

rejoice v .(使)感到十分高兴 935

relay n .1 . 接力赛 618

2 . 中继转播

vt . 中继转播 424 , * 921

reliance n . 依靠 ,依赖 * 50

remainder n . 余下的部分 ,剩下的人数 527

remnant n . 残留部分 389

renaissance n . 1 . the R-] (欧洲 14 至 16 世纪的)文

艺复兴 , 文艺复兴时期 10

2 . (文学、艺术等的 )复兴 , 再生

repay vt . 1 . 归还(款项) 407

2 . 报答

repel vt . 1 . 击退 ,逐回


2 . 排斥 * 27

3 . 使厌恶

reper toire n .(剧团、演员等的)全部节目 * 480

replacement n . 1 . 替代 , 替换 625

2 . 替代的人 (或物 )

representa tion n . 1 . 代表(权 ) * 601

2 . 图画 , 塑像

3 . 陈述 , 诉说 ,抗议

reproach n ./ vt .责备 ,批评 * 81

republican a . 1 . 共和政体的 514

2 . [ R-]共和党的

3 . [ R-]共和党人 * 214

resemblance n . 相似 , 形似 * 583

resent vt . 对⋯表示忿恨 , 怨恨 961

reservation n . 1 . 保留 , 犹豫 * 587

2 . (席位等的)预订

reside vi . 1 . 居住 ,定居 49

2 . ( in) (性质等 )存在 , 在于 * 151

residential a . 1 . 居住的 , 住宅的 26

2 . 学生寄宿的 , (须 )住宿在任所的

resonance n . 1 . 共鸣 * 376

2 . 洪亮

3 . 共振

resultan t a . 作为结果的 , 因而发生的 * 786

retail n . 零售 136

retention n . 保留 ,保持 * 475

retort v ./ n . 反驳 ,回嘴 390

retrieve vt . 1 . 重新得到 ,取回 ,收回 * 424

2 . 挽回 ,补救 * 473

3 . 检索 * 396

retrospect n . 回顾 * 449

in ~ 回想起来 , 事后看来 360

revelation n . 1 . 揭示 ,透露 ,显示 681

2 . 出乎意料的 ) 被揭示的真相 , (惊


revenge n . 报复 , 报仇 626

v t . 为⋯报仇 , 报⋯之仇

revenue n . 财政收入 , 税收 196

revive v . 1 . 恢复 464

2 . (使)复苏 391

revolve vi . 旋转 238

~ around 以⋯为主要内容 444

rig v t .(用不正当手段 )操纵 ,垄断 313

n . 钻井架 ,钻塔 * 7

rigorous a . 1 . 严密的 , 缜密的 114

2 . 严格的 , 严厉的

rim n . (圆形物体的)边 ,缘 197

riot n ./ v . 聚众闹事 ,骚乱 901

rip v . 扯破 ,撕坏 679

n . 裂口 ,裂缝 * 278

ripple n ./ v . (使泛起 )涟漪 ,波纹 * 280

ritual n . 1 . (宗教等的 )仪式 * 386

2 . 例行公事 ,老规矩

a . 1 . 作为仪式一部分的

2 . 例行的

robust a . 1 . 强壮的 , 健全的 * 778

2 . 坚定的 , 坚强的

romance n . 1 . 恋爱关系 * 594

2 . 对神奇(或冒险 )的兴趣 * 922

3 . 爱情小说 ,传奇故事

rot v . (使 )腐烂 , (使 )腐朽 * 276

royalty n . 1 . 王族 (成员 ) * 590

2 .[常 pl .] (著作的)版税 * 194

rupture n . 1 . 破裂 ,裂开 * 398

2 . (和好关系的 )决裂 , 断绝

v t . 1 . 使破裂

2 . 断绝 (关系 ) * 471

v i . 破裂

sacred a . 1 . 神圣的 628

2 . 宗教 (性 )的

3 . 神圣不可侵犯的 500

safeguard vt . 保护 , 维护 968

n . 预防措施 , 保证条款

sain t n . 1 . (基督教正式追封的)圣徒 206

2 . 圣人 ,道德高尚的人

sanction vt . 批准 ,认可 * 772

n . 1 . 批准 ,认可 689

2 . 约束因素 ,约束力

3 . [ pl .] 国际制裁 * 195

saturate vt . 1 . 使充满 ,使饱和 463

2 . 使湿透 ,浸透 * 504

sauce n . 调味汁 ,佐料 * 282

savage a . 1 . 未开化的 ,野蛮的

2 . 残暴的 , 凶猛的 397

n . 1 . 野蛮人

2 . 凶恶的人

v t . 1 .(狗等 )乱咬 303

2 . 激烈抨击


scandal n . 1 . 丑事 , 丑闻 981

2 . 流言蜚语

3 . 反感 , 愤慨

scar n . 1 . 伤疤 ,伤痕 629

2 . (精神上的 )创伤 * 896

vt . 给⋯留下伤痕 (或创伤)

scen t n . 1 . 香味 ,气味 631

2 . 香水 * 98

3 . 臭迹 ,踪迹 ,线索

vt . 1 . 嗅到

2 . 察觉

sceptical a . 表示怀疑的 276

scorn n . 轻蔑 ,鄙视 659 , 875 , * 916

vt . 1 . 轻蔑 ,鄙视 632

2 . 拒绝 ,不屑 (做)

heap/ pour ~ on 对⋯嗤之以鼻 ,嘲笑 355

scrap n . 1 . 碎片 , 零屑 * 739

2 . [ pl .] 残羹剩饭 * 196

3 . 少量 , 点滴

4 . 废金属

vt . 废弃 , 抛弃

scrip t n . 1 . 剧本 , 广播稿 281

2 . 字母表

3 . 笔迹 , 手迹 * 388

scrutiny n . 详细检查 , 仔细观察 542

sculp ture n . 1 . 雕刻作品 , 雕塑品 * 719

2 . 雕刻(术 ) , 雕塑(术 )

seam n . 1 . 缝 ,接缝 * 285

2 . 煤层 * 292

burst at the ~s 胀破裂缝 ,过满 , 过于拥挤 245

come/ fall/ break apar t at the ~ s 破裂 , 失败 , 崩溃* 170

sector n . 1 . 部门 , 部分 * 674

2 . 防御地段 ,防区

3 . 扇形

seemingly a d . 1 . 表面上 * 243

2 . 看来 * 244

segment n . 1 . 部分 , 片断 200

2 .(橘子等的 )瓣

segregate vt . 使隔离 , 使分开 877

seminar n .(大学的 )研究班 ,研讨会 * 847

senator n . 参议员 * 707

sensation n . 1 . (感官的 )感觉能力 * 889

2 . 感觉 ,知觉

3 . 轰动 ,激动 * 54

4 . 引起轰动的事件 (或人物 ) * 82

sentiment n . 1 . 情绪

2 . 意见 , 观点 * 204

3 . 感情 969

sexual a . 1 . 性的 ,两性的 515

2 . 性别的

shabby a . 1 . 破旧的 688

2 . 衣衫褴褛的

3 . 卑鄙的 ,不公正的

shaft n . 1 . 杆 ,轴 * 356

2 . 矿井 ,电梯井

3 .(光、闪电等的 )一道

shatte r vt . 1 . 使粉碎 , 砸碎 272

2 . 使破灭 , 毁坏

3 . 使震惊

vi . 1 . 碎裂 480

2 . 破坏

sheer a . 1 . 完全的 , 十足的 * 45

2 . 极薄的 , 透明的 * 286

3 . 陡峭的 , 垂直的 730

vi . 急转向 , 偏离 * 294

shipment n . 1 . 装载 (或交运 )的货物量 * 592

2 . 装运

shrewd a . 机灵的 ,敏锐的 ,精明的 575

shrug v . 耸肩 (表示冷漠、怀疑等) 577

~ off 对⋯满不在乎 , 对⋯不屑一顾 751

shutte r n . 1 . 百叶窗 * 380

2 .(照相机的 )快门 * 372

3 . 关闭装置

shuttle n . 1 . 航天飞机 434

2 . 短程穿梭运行的飞机 (或火车、车辆 )* 310

3 .(织机的 )梭子

v i . 短程穿梭运行 * 309

v t . 短程穿梭运送

signify v t . 表示⋯的意思 ,意味 ,预示 660

silicon n . 硅 * 496

simula te vt . 1 . 假装 ,冒充 467

2 . 模仿

3 . 模拟 691

simultaneous a . 同时发生的 , 同时存在的 , 同步的 15

sin n . 罪 ,罪孽 620

vi . 违犯戒律 , 犯过失


situa ted a . 1 . 位于⋯的 ,坐落在⋯的 * 648

2 . 处于⋯境地的

s keleton n . 1 . 骨骼 301

2 . 骨架 , 框架

3 . 梗概 , 提要

s keptical 见 sceptical

s kip vi . 1 . 蹦跳 915

2 . 跳绳

vt . 略过 , 跳过 ,漏过 690

n . 蹦跳

slack a . 1 . 松 (弛)的 * 317

2 . 松闲的 ,不活跃的 33

3 . 懈怠的 ,马虎的

n .(绳索等 )松弛部分

v i . 懈怠 , 懒散 * 374

slap vt . 1 . 掴 ,掌击 ,拍 * 773

2 .(随意、快速地 )涂抹

3 . 啪的一声(用力)放

n . 掴 , 掌击

slaughter vt ./ n . 1 . 屠杀 , 杀戮 483

2 . 屠宰 273

slim a . 1 . 苗条的 * 809

2 . 薄的

3 .(机会)少的 ,小的

vi .(用运动、节食等 )减轻体重 , 变苗条

slogan n . 标语 , 口号 , 广告语 608

slot n . 1 . 狭缝 ,狭槽 * 318

2 .(机构、名单、程序中的 )位置 , 职位

v . 1 .(被 )放入狭长开口中

2 .(被 )纳入机构 (或名单、程序 )中 * 370

slum n . 贫民窟 609

smash vt . 1 .(哗啦一声)打碎 402

2 . 猛力冲(击、撞 )

3 . 粉碎 ,推翻

vi . 1 .(哗啦一声) ,被打碎 , 被摧毁 480 , 821

2 . 猛击 ,猛冲

n . 1 . 破碎

2 . 轰动的演出 , 巨大的成功

3 . 猛击 ,猛撞

~ down 撞倒 ,摧毁 652

~ up 摧毁 , 击毁 735

smuggle vt . 1 . 走私 ,非法私运 504

2 . 偷运 ,偷送

s nack n . 快餐 ,小吃 , 点心 * 274

snap vi . 1 . 喀嚓折断 ,啪地绷断 602

2 . 吧嗒一声(关上或打开)

3 . (at ) 猛咬 * 159

4 . (at ) 厉声说话 * 160

vt . 1 . 喀嚓折断

2 . 使发出吧嗒一声 (关上或打开 )

3 . 给⋯拍快照

n . 1 . 吧嗒声

2 . 快照 119

a . 仓猝的 , 突然的 162

~ up 抢购 , 迅速抓住 (机会) 448

snatch vt . 1 . 夺 ,夺走 694

2 . 一下子拉 , 一把抓住

3 . 抓住机会做 743

vi . (at ) 一把抓住 * 152

n . 片断 219

~ up 一把抓住 449

soar vi . 1 . 猛增 ,剧增 646

2 . 高飞 ,升腾

3 . 高耸 ,屹立

4 . 飞腾 ,高涨

sober a . 1 . 未醉的 * 1

2 . 严肃的 ,持重的 274

3 .(颜色等 )素淡的 , 暗淡的

v . ( up) (使 )醒酒 , (使 )清醒 * 856

sociology n . 社会学 * 596

sof tware n . 软件 748

solidarity n . 团结一致 * 828

solitary a . 1 . 单独的 , 独自的 277

2 . 孤独的

solo n . 独奏(曲 ) , 独唱(曲 ) 912

a . 单独的 , 单独进行的 797

ad . 独立地 ,单独地 * 245

sovereign n . 君主 ,元首 319

a . 1 . 具有独立主权的 485

2 . 拥有最高统治权的 , 至高无上的

spacious a . 宽广的 ,宽敞的 279 , 475

sparkle vi . 1 . 闪耀 ,发光 787

2 . 活跃 ,才气横溢 * 934

n . 闪光 ,闪耀

spatial a . 空间的 ,与空间有关的 * 401

speciality/ specialty n . 1 . 专业 ,专长 634

2 . 特产 ,名产

species n . 种 , 类 823 , * 875


s pecifically ad . 1 . 特别地 * 246

2 . 具体地 * 247

3 . 明确地

s pecification n . 1 . 规格 ,规范 955

2 . 明确说明

s pectacle n . 1 . [ pl .] 眼镜 * 928

2 . 景象 ,壮观 11

3 .(大规模 )演出场面

s pectacula r a . 壮观的 ,引人注目的 * 876

n . 壮观的演出

s pectator n . 观众 ,旁观者 283

s pect rum n . 1 . 谱 , 光谱 * 499

2 . 范围 , 幅度 * 418

s peculate v i . 1 . ( about , on) 推测 ,推断 687

2 . 投机 , 做投机买卖

v t . 推测 , 推断 361

s piral n . 螺旋 * 743

a . 螺旋的

vi . 1 . 盘旋上升 (或下降 ) 416

2 .(物价等 )不断急剧地上升 (或下降 )

s plash vt . 1 . 溅 ,泼 369

2 . 泼墨般洒 ,使成斑驳状

vi . 1 . 溅泼 635

2 .飞溅

n . 1 . 溅泼声

2 . 溅出的水(或泥浆等)

3 .(光、色等的 )斑点

s pokesman n . 发言人 513

s ponge n . 1 . 海绵 340

2 . 多孔布丁 ,松蛋糕 908

v t . 用湿海绵擦 ,揩

s pontaneous a . 1 . 自发的 ,无意识的 * 311

2 . 自然的 ,天真率直的 271

s pouse n . 配偶 980

s py n . 间谍 113

vi . 1 . 当间谍

2 . (on) 暗中监视(或侦察 ) * 153

vt . 看见 ,发现

stabilize/ -ise v . (使)稳定 , (使)稳固 468

stagger vi . 摇晃 , 蹒跚 957

vt . 1 . 使吃惊

2 . 使错开 , 使交错

staircase n . 楼梯 * 697

stall n . 1 . 货摊 * 686

2 . [ pl .] (剧场的 )正厅前座区 * 197

v . 1 .(使 ) (发动机)熄火 236

2 . 拖延 ,推迟

sta rtle v t . 使惊吓 , 使吃惊 647

stationary a . 固定的 , 静止不动的 * 21

statistics n . 1 . 统计 , 统计资料 594

2 . 统计学 523 , * 203

ste reo a . 立体声的 216

n . 立体声 (装置 )

ste reotype n . 陈规 , 老套 , 固定的模式 ( 或形象 )* 410

vt . 对⋯形成固定看法 * 467

ste rn a . 1 . 严厉的 ,严格的 , 严峻的 636

2 . 坚定的

n . 船尾 * 438

stimulus n . 1 . 促进(因素 ) * 544

2 . 刺激(物 )

stitch v . 缝 ,绣 505

n . 1 .( 缝、绣、编结等的 )一针 ,线迹

2 . 缝法 ,针法 , 编结法

3 .(肋部的 )突然剧痛

st raigh tfor ward a . 1 . 明确的 ,简单的 166

2 . 正直的 ,坦率的

st rategic a . 1 . 对全局有重要意义的 , 关键的 * 784

2 . 战略 (上 )的

st reamline vt . 1 . 使成流线型 934

2 . 精简 , 使效率更高

st ride vi . 1 . 大踏步走 611

2 . (over , across ) 跨越 429

n . 1 . 大步 257

2 . 步法 , 步态

3 .[常 pl .]进展 ,进步 * 200

take in ( one's ) ~ 一跨而过 ,轻而易举地做 * 908

st riking a . 1 . 显著的 ,突出的 * 561

2 . 惹人注目的 , 容貌出众的

st rive v i . 努力 , 奋斗 , 力求 280

stubborn a . 1 . 顽固的 ,执拗的 ,倔强的 871

2 . 难对付的 ,难于克服的

studio n . 1 . 画室 ,摄影室 275

2 . 播音室 ,录音室 ,摄影棚

stumble vi . 1 . 绊脚 ,绊倒 * 608

2 . 跌跌撞撞地走

3 . 结结巴巴地诵读 (或说话 )

~ across/ on 偶然遇到 , 碰巧找到 447


sturdy a . 1 . 强壮的 ,结实的 ,坚固的 * 779

2 . 坚定的 ,坚强的 579

s ubjective a . 主观 (上 )的 , 个人的 61

s ubordinate n . 部属 , 下级

a . 1 . ( to) 次要的 848

2 . 下级的 , 隶属的 24

vt . 把⋯列入下级 ,使隶属

s ubscribe vi . ( to) 1 . 同意 , 赞成 * 154

2 . 订阅 , 订购(书籍等) * 155

vt . 捐助 , 赞助

s ubsidiary a . 辅助的 , 次要的 ,附设的 50

n . 子公司 , 附属机构 693

s ubsidy n . 津贴 ,补助金 * 426

s ubtle a . 1 . 微妙的 , 难于捉摸的 639 , * 869

2 . 诡秘的 , 狡诈的

3 . 隐约的 , 清淡的

s uccessor n . 接替人 ,继任者 * 569

s ue vt . 控告 ,对⋯提起诉讼 * 451

vi . 控告 ,起诉

s uffice v i . 足够 822 , * 878

s uicide n . 1 . 自杀 112

2 . 自取灭亡

s uitcase n .(旅行用 )小提箱 , 衣箱 * 747

s ummit n . 1 . 最高级会议 * 848

2 . (山等的 )最高点 , 峰顶 489

3 . 顶峰 ,极点

s ummon v t . 1 . 召唤

2 . 召集 382

3 . 传讯 , 传唤

4 . 使出 , 鼓起(勇气) ,振作 (精神 )

~ up 1 . 鼓起(勇气) ,奋起 * 130

2 . 唤起

s uperb a . 极好的 ,高质量的 * 803

s uperiority n . 优越 (性) ,优等 139

s upersonic a . 超声的 , 超音速的 228

s upervise v t . 监督 ,管理 , 指导 66

s upplementary a . 增补的 , 补充 * 523

s uppress vt . 1 . 压制 ,镇压 231

2 . 禁止发表 ,查禁

3 . 抑制 (感情等 ) ,忍住

4 . 阻止⋯的生长(或发展 )

s urge n . 1 . 急剧上升 , 激增 * 322

2 .(感情等的 )洋溢 , 奔放 * 367

3 .(波涛的 )汹涌 ,奔腾

v i . 1 . 浪涛般汹涌奔腾

2 . 猛冲 * 314

3 .(浪涛等)汹涌 ,奔腾

surgeon n . 外科医生 * 704

surpass vt . 1 . 超过 , 优于 ,多于 16

2 . 超过⋯的界限 , 非⋯所能办到 (或理


surplus n . 过剩 , 剩余 * 927

a . 过剩的 , 多余的 278

survival n . 1 . 幸存 , 继续生存 67

2 . 幸存者 , 残存物

susceptible a . 1 . ( to) 易受影响的 683

2 . ( to) 过敏的 686

3 . 易受感动的 910

sus pension n . 1 . 暂停 , 中止 * 598

2 . 暂令停止参加 ,暂时剥夺

3 . 汽车等防止振动、颠簸的 )悬架 ,

悬置机构 * 714

4 . 悬浮液

sus picious a . 1 . 猜疑的 ,疑心的 56

2 . 可疑的 * 47

swamp n . 沼泽 * 661

vt . 1 . 淹没 , 浸没 916

2 . 使困惑 , 难倒 , 压倒

symmetry n . 1 . 对称 (性) 692

2 . 匀称 , 整齐 * 443

symphony n . 1 . 交响乐 ,交响曲 * 723

2 .(色彩等的)和谐 ,协调

symposium n . 1 . 讨论会 , 专题报告会 * 432

2 . 专题论文集 * 465

symptom n . 1 . 症状 496

2 . 征候 , 征兆

synthesis n . 1 . 综合 * 571

2 . 合成

tablet n . 1 . 药片 509

2 . 古代木、石、粘土块供刻写用的 ) 刻写

板 , (木、竹)简 312

3 . 碑 ,牌

tackle vt . 1 . 对付 ,处理 * 60

2 .(足球等比赛中 )阻截

3 . 与⋯交涉

n . 1 . 阻截

2 . 用具 ,钓具 510

3 . 辘轳 ,滑车 (组 )


tactics n . 1 . 策略 , 手段

2 . 战术 368

tangle n . 1 . 乱糟糟的一堆 , 混乱 420

2 . 复杂的问题(或形势) ,困惑

vt . 1 .(使 )缠结 ,弄乱

2 . 缠住 ,使卷入

vi . 缠结 ,乱作一团 578

~ with 争吵 ,发生争论 442

tar n . 柏油 , 焦油 418

vt . 涂焦油 (或柏油 )于

tar iff n . 1 . 关税 , 税率 473

2 . (旅馆、饭店等 )价目表、收费表 * 403

tease vt . 1 . 戏弄 ,取笑 * 75

2 . 挑逗 ,撩拨

n . 1 .(爱 )戏弄他人者

2 . 戏弄 ,挑逗

temperament n . 气质 ,性格 584

tempo n . 1 . 节奏 ,行进速度 * 505

2 . (音乐的 )速度 695

tenant n . 房客 ,佃户 107

ten tative a . 试探(性 )的 ,试验 (性)的 * 800

terminate v . 停止 , (使 )终止 824

terrace n . 1 .(通常外表结构一样的 )排屋 * 696

2 .(屋旁 )地坪 , 草坪

3 . 梯田

4 . pl .] (足球场四周的 )露天阶梯、看台* 198

terrain n . 地形 ,地势 * 676

terrific a . 1 . 极妙的 * 628

2 . 极大的

terrify v t . 使害怕 ,使惊吓 494

testify v . 1 . 作证 ,证明 597

2 . 表明 ,说明 48

testimony n . 1 . 证据 ,证词 600

2 . 表明 ,说明

tex ture n . 1 . 质地 * 337

2 .(材料等的)结构 * 365

Thanksgiving n . 感恩节 39

theft n . 偷窃 ,失窃 412

theme n . 主题 , 题目 190

therapy n . 治疗 ,理疗 * 416

thereafte r ad . 之后 ,以后 * 248

thermal a . 1 . 热的 , 由热造成的 217

2 . 保暖的

thesis n . 1 . 论题 ,论点

2 . 论文 ,毕业 (或学位)论文 532

th irst n . 1 . 渴 ,干渴 * 599

2 . 渴望 ,渴求

vi . (for ) 渴望 , 渴求 * 158

thorn n . 1 . 刺 , 荆棘 * 672

2 . 带刺小灌木

threshold n . 1 . 门槛 ,门口 284

2 . 入门 ,开端

3 . 起始点 , 限 ,监界

on the ~ of 即将开始 596

thr ill n . 1 . 兴奋 ,激动 495

2 . 引起激动的事物

v .(使 )非常兴奋 , (使)非常激动 * 771

tick n . 1 . 记号 ,勾号 501

2 .(钟表 )滴答声

v t . 给⋯记号

v i . 发出滴答声 546

~ away/ by(时间一秒、一分地)过去 * 131

~ off 1 . 给⋯标记号 * 132

2 . 责备 * 133

~ over 1 .(工作 )进展缓慢 , 呆滞 443

2 . (发动机 )空转 ,慢转

tile n . 瓦 ,瓷砖 * 421

v t . 铺瓦于 ,贴砖于 * 457

tilt v .(使 )倾斜 , (使 )倾侧

vt . 倾斜 ,倾侧

a t full ~ 全速地 , 全力地 246

timber n . 1 . 木材 ,原木 * 273

2 . 大木料 ,栋木

timely a . 及时的 , 适时的 906

timid a . 羞怯的 ,易受惊的 682

token n . 1 . 代价券 ,礼券 * 751

2 . 筹码

3 . 信物 , 纪念品 * 924

a . 象征性的

by the same ~ 由于同样原因 ,同样地 * 253

tolerant a . 1 . 宽容的 ,容忍的 225

2 . (of) 耐⋯的 * 223

toss vt . 1 . 扔 ,抛 ,掷 * 363

2 . 猛抬(头 ) * 340

3 . 拌 (食品 ) * 322

4 .(打赌等时)掷 (钱币 ) * 313

5 . 使摇动 ,使颠簸


vi . 1 . 掷钱币来决定

2 . 翻来覆去 * 87

tow vt ./ n . 拖 ,拉 ,牵引 371 , 764

on ~ (车辆等 )被拖(带 )着 * 265

in ~ (被)拖着 ,陪伴着 738

t ract n . 1 . 传单 , 小册子 * 487

2 . 大片 (土地或森林 ) * 453

t ragic a . 1 . 悲惨的 ,可悲的 * 639

2 . 悲剧(性 )的

t rait n . 特征 ,特点 , 特性 * 492

t ransaction n . 交易 , 业务 * 29

t ranscend vt . 超出 ,超越 (经验、理性、信念等 )的范

围 967

t ransien t a . 1 . 短暂的 , 转瞬即逝的 * 464

2 . 临时的 , 暂住的 285

t ransit n . 运输 ,载运 309

a . 中转的 ,过境的

in ~ 在运输中 ,在途中 * 261

t ransition n . 过渡 , 转变 966

t ransplan t n .(器官)移植 218

vt . 1 . 移植(器官 )

2 . 使移居

3 . 移植 ,移种 853

vi . 1 . 移居

2 . 移植 ,移种

t raverse v t . 横渡 ,横越 825

t rench n . 沟 ,沟渠 984

t ribe n . 1 . 部落 133

2 . 族 (生物分类 )

t ribute n . 1 . 颂词 , 称赞 , (表示敬意的 ) 礼物 * 96 ,* 929

2 . 贡品

t rifle n . 琐事 , 小事 ,无价值的东西 117

vi . ( with) 嘲笑 ,轻视 * 156

a ~ 有点儿 ,稍微

t rigger n . 1 . (枪等的 )扳机 * 412

2 . 引起反应的行动 * 460

vt . 触发 ,引起 266

t riple a . 1 . 三部分的 ,三方的 * 656

2 . 三倍的 ,三重的

vt . 使增至三倍

t rivial a . 琐碎的 ,不重要的 128

tuck vt . 1 . 把 (衬衫、餐巾等的 )边塞到下面 (或里

面 ) 612

2 . 把⋯夹入 , 把⋯藏入 264

~ away 把 (钱等)藏起来 733

~ in 1 . 给⋯盖好被子 * 134

2 . 把⋯塞好 441

tug v . 用力拖(或拉) 371

n . 1 . 猛拉 ,牵引

2 . 拖船 * 315

tuition n . 1 .(某一学科的 )教学 , 讲授 ,指导 * 17

2 . 学费

tumble vi 1 . 跌倒 ,摔下 ,滚下 648

2 . 翻滚 650

3 . 不由自主地卷入

4 . (价格等 )暴跌

~ down 倒塌 446

~ over 被绊倒 731

~ to(突然 )明白 ,领悟 243

turbulent a . 1 . 动荡的 ,混乱的 400

2 . 汹涌的 * 342

turnover n . 1 . 人员调整 ,人员更替率 * 323

2 . 营业额 ,成交量 * 361

tu tor n . 1 . 导师 * 844

2 . 家庭教师 ,私人教师

v . 当 (⋯ )导师 , 当(⋯ )家庭教师

ult raviolet a . 紫外 (线 )的 168

unanimous a . 全体一致的 , 一致同意的 844

underestimate vt . 对⋯估计不足 ,低估 317

underlying a . 1 . 含蓄的 , 潜在的 517

2 . 在下面的

undermine v t . 1 . 暗中破坏 ,逐渐削弱 188

2 . 侵蚀⋯的基础

unemployment n . 失业(人数 ) 365

unfold v . 1 . 展现 367

2 . 披露 ,挑明 994

3 . 展开 ,打开

unify vt . 1 . 使联合 , 统一 * 541

2 . 使相同 , 使一致

update vt . 更新 ,使现代化 665

upgrade vt . 提升 ,使升级 189

uphold vt . 支持 ,维护 765

validity n . 1 . 正确(性 ) * 576

2 . 有效(性 ) , 效力

valve n . 1 . 阀 ,活门 * 354

2 . (心脏的 )瓣膜 * 326

vegetation n . 植物 ,草木 * 580


veil n . 1 . 面纱 ,面罩 911

2 . 遮盖物 ,掩饰物 991

vt . 遮盖 ,掩饰

draw a ~ over 避而不谈 ,隐瞒 * 180

vein n . 1 . 静脉 ,血管 212

2 . 叶脉 * 344

3 . 纹理 ,纹路 * 328

4 . 气质 ,风格 * 4

vent n . 通风孔 ,排放口 * 690

v t . 表达 ,发泄 (情感等 ) * 906

give ~ to 表达 ,发泄 (感情等 ) 352

ventila te vt . 1 . 使通风 * 304

2 . 把⋯公开 * 312

verbal a . 1 . 用言辞的 ,用文字的 965

2 . 口头的

3 . 动词的

verdict n . 1 . 裁定 187

2 . 定论 ,判断性意见

verge n . 边 ,边缘 596

v i . 接近 , 濒临

on the ~ of 接近于 ,濒于 * 268

versatile a . 1 . 多才多艺的 ,有多种技能的 21

2 . 有多种用途的 ,多功能的 ,万用的

verse n . 诗 ,诗句 185

versus p rep . 1 . 与⋯相对 ,与⋯相比 958

2 . 以⋯为对手 ,对 * 232

veto vt ./ n . 否决 684

vicinity n . 周围地区 ,邻近地区 975

in the ~ ( of) (在⋯ )附近 , (与⋯)接近 * 260

vicious a . 恶毒的 ,凶残的 872

violate vt . 1 . 违反 , 违背 972

2 . 侵犯 , 妨碍

3 . 亵渎 663

virgin n . 处女 , 未婚女子 * 331

a . 1 . 未经使用的 * 319

2 . 未经开发的

vir tual a . 实际上起作用的 ,实质上的 845

virus n . 1 . 病毒 904

2 .(精神、道德方面的 )有害影响

visualize/ -ise v t . 想像 , 设想 939

vocal a . 1 . 喜欢畅所欲言的 ,直言不讳的 366

2 . 嗓音的 , 发声的

n . [ pl .]声乐节目 * 199

voca tional a . 职业的 ,业务的 * 798

void n . 1 . 真空 , 空白 * 829

2 . 空虚感 , 寂寞感 419

3 . 空隙

a . 1 . 无效的 300

2 . 空的

volunteer n . 1 . 志愿者 364

2 . 志愿兵

v t . 1 . 自愿 (做) 472

2 . 自愿提供

v i . 自愿

vulgar a . 1 . 平庸的 * 455

2 . 庸俗的 ,粗俗的 540

vulnerab le a . 1 . 易受伤的 , 脆弱的 538 , 683

2 . 易受攻击的 , 难防御的 * 414

wallet n . 皮夹子 * 745

ward n . 1 . 病房 * 692

2 . 行政区 147

3 . 被监护人 * 13

~ off 防止 ,避开 241

warehouse n . 仓库 , 货栈 * 691

warfare n . 1 . 战争 (状态 ) 316

2 . 斗争 ,冲突

warrant v t . 1 . 证明⋯是正当 (或有理 ) 835

2 . 保证 ,担保 956

n . 1 . 授权令 * 818

2 . (正当)理由 ,根据

water tigh t a . 1 . 不透水的 ,防水的 256

2 . 严密的 ,无懈可击的

watt n . 瓦 (特) * 716

weary a . 1 . 疲劳的 ,疲倦的 752

2 . 使人疲劳的 ,令人厌烦的

v i . ( of) 厌烦 ,不耐烦 * 157

web n . 1 .(蜘蛛等的)网 186

2 . 网络 ,错综复杂的事物

wedge vt . 把⋯楔牢 , 塞入 543

n .楔 (子 )

whereas conj . 然而 ,但是 ,尽管 644 , * 226

whereby ad . 靠那个 ,借以 * 249

whirl v i . 1 . 旋转 , 急转 649

2 . 发晕 , (感觉等 )变混乱

v t . 使旋转 , 使急转

n . 1 . 旋转 , 急转

2 . 混乱 , 接连不断的活动

withhold vt . 1 . 拒绝 , 不给 685


2 . 使停止 , 阻挡

w rench v t . 1 . 猛拧 ,猛扭 * 300

2 . 挣脱

3 . 使扭伤

n . 1 . 扳手 * 748

2 .(离别等的 )痛苦 , 难受 905

w retched a . 1 . 不幸的 ,可怜的 * 638 , * 639

2 . 令人苦恼的 ,讨厌的

3 . 拙劣的

w rinkle n . 皱纹 889

v . (使 )起皱纹

yacht n . 快艇 ,游艇 ,帆船 * 462

yell v i/ n . 叫喊 , 号叫 838

yoke n . 1 . 束缚 ,枷锁 299

2 . 牛轭 * 329

v t . 结合 ,连结 * 10

youngster n .年轻人 ,小伙子 976

zinc n .锌 * 490

3 .2 . 超大学英语六级词汇的研究生词汇alte ration n . 改变 ,变更 6

bacon n . 咸肉 ,熏肉 13

barn n . 谷仓 , 仓库 13

bring for th 产生 , 提出 4

colonel n .(陆军)上校 15

cunning a ./ n . 狡猾 , 狡诈(的 ) 5

dar ing a . 胆大的 ,敢做敢为的 1

devotion n . 献身 , 忠诚 4

frozen a . 冷冻的 15

ham n . 火腿 13

hawk n . 鹰 ,隼 6

jolly a . 欢乐的 , 高兴的 13

landlady n . 女房东 ,女地主 13

multiplication n . 乘 ,乘法 6

Oceania n . 大洋洲 6

overw helming a .势不可挡的 , 压倒的 15

pebble n . 卵石 15

peep v . 偷看 , 窥视 3

respectfu l a . 充满敬意的 , 有礼貌的 11

sprout v . 抽条 , 发芽 15

statesman n . 政治家 , 国务活动家 7

tomb n . 坟 , 冢 2

w rea th n . 花环 ,花圈 1

3 .3 . 超大学英语六级词汇的英语专业四级词汇abridge v . 缩写 , 缩短 15

amid prep . 在⋯之间 ; 在⋯中 11

bouquet n . 花束 1

bugle n . 军号 , 喇叭 1

clatter v . 发出哗啦声 ,发出碰撞声 13

court v . 求爱 13

cowardly a . 懦怯的 , 胆小的 9

demonst ra tion n .论证 ,证明 5

discreetly ad v . 谨慎地 , 考虑周到地 11

fascina tion n . 魅力 , 吸引力 11

fowl n . 家禽 (鸡、鸭鹅 ) 6

fussy a . 大惊小怪的 15

ginger n . 姜 ,生姜 13

gnaw v . 咳 , 啮 ,啃 6

grumble v . 发牢骚 9

haughty a . 傲慢的 , 目中无人的 , 轻蔑的 15

homesick a . 想家的 ,患怀乡病的 12

jug n . 壶、罐 13

maiden n . 少女 ,未婚女子 ,处女 2

malaria n . 疟疾 6

melancholy n . 忧郁 (症 ) ,意志消沉 8

miraculous a . 奇迹般的 ,非凡的 11

monopolize v . 垄断 ,独占 ,专营 11

mournful a . 悲哀的 ,令人悲哀的 1

pat riot n . 爱国者 7

pick le n . 泡菜 , 腌菜 ,酸菜 13

prophesy v . 预言 ,预示 6

query v . 询问 ,质问 ,对⋯表示怀疑 14

rapture n . 着迷 ,销魂 8

sleepy a . 想睡的 , 瞌睡的 , 困乏的 13

snail n . 蜗牛 ,行动迟缓的人(或物 ) 14

syllable n . 音节 15

toil v .辛苦工作 13

t read v . 走 , 踏 , 踩 1 , 3

t ro t v .(人 )小步跑 , 快步走 , 使小跑 ,使快步走 13


3 .4 . 主要参考书目1 . 大学英语教学大纲词表调整工作组编 , 1993 ,《大学英语教学大纲通用词汇表 (四~六级 )》, 高等教育出版

社/ 上海外语教育出版社

2 . 大学英语教学大纲词表调整工作组编 , 1993 ,《大学英语教学大纲通用词汇表 (五~六级 )》, 高等教育出版

社/ 上海外语教育出版社

3 . 大学文理科英语教学大纲修订组编(文理科本科用) , 1986 , 《大学英语教学大纲》, 上海外语教育出版社

4 . 大学英语教学大纲修订工作组编(理工科本科用) , 1988 , 《大学英语教学大纲》, 高等教育出版社

5 . 高等学校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲制订组编 , 1989 , 《高等学校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲》,


6 . 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲工作小组编 , 1990 , 《高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲 (试行本 )》,


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