新东方小新老师 雅思写作讲义~~~~

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Transcript of 新东方小新老师 雅思写作讲义~~~~

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第 1 页 共 47 页


IELTS Special Terms & Practice

Referable and Characteristic Structure & Transition

TBT (Ten Broad Topics)

IELTS FAQ and Relevant Main Argument

Structure for Task 1

*有三种情况不用写总分句: ① 所有 pie chart ② 同一张图两根曲线不相交而且趋势相同;三根或以上曲线趋势相同 ③ 所有静态图表(没有时间或特征的) *各种情况主体段落说明:

① 一张图一般写一段 ② 两张图及以上如相互之间有联系,可以写一段;如相互之间没联系,一般有几个图写几

段 ③ 流程图一般写一段

1. Paraphrase the rubric

2. General classification and characteristics

3. Description of specific trends with statistics

4. Conclusion

Hidden Characteristics Clear Characteristics

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第 2 页 共 47 页

IELTS 学术类 Task 1 高分写作应试 上篇——战术篇

考试时间:20 分钟 考试字数:至少 150 words

考试题型 考点与难点 内部难度评定 Pie Chart Diversity of describing percentages ** Bar Chart Compare &Contrast **** Line Chart/Graph Trends & Classification *** Table How to list statistics effectively **** Process/Flow Writing sequence & imagination **** Introduction Working principle ***** 说明:雅思小作文常考题型主要包括了 Bar Chart(柱状图),Pie Chart(饼图),Line Chart/Graph(曲线图),Table(表格),虽然在 2006 年至今考了两次 Process(流程图),但由于这种题


introduction 的题型在 2003 年 9 月虽然曾经偷袭三次,但由于此题型太过“专业”,根本就

不必重点复习。“2006 年出现次数”也核算了有混合题型的图表的出现次数。 四种题型各有各的侧重点:


表达和“占”的表达。不要一直用数字加百分比的格式,如 25%,这种文章很

难拿到高分。特定的数字可以采取多样性的表达,如 25%=a quarter of, 50%=half of, >50%=a/the majority of,具体题型的表达请参见 Pie Chart 的部分。

柱状图中“比较”(找出 similarity)和“对比”(找出 difference)是写作的关键,






分,必须学会 general classification,即在第二段的开头部分对整个曲线进行一个阶


便考官阅卷。接下来在分类描述每个阶段的 specific trend,同时导入数据作为你分


试目的。曲线图高分的关键还在于使用一些比较 native & accurate 的单词和短语

来描述 trend,不要淹没在云云众生的“垃圾词汇”中。




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第 3 页 共 47 页

1. Objectivity——客观性原则。Task 1 的基本要求是通过对数据的描述,使考官在不看到


人观点,否则会导致严重的失误,但对图表信息总结说明是允许而且是必要的。 2. Carefulness ——观察细致原则。雅思作文在出题是有时会安排一个 hidden



力和横向比较能力,考生应量力而为,千万不可因找寻 hidden characteristic 而浪费太多









interest friend

studying goal

通过这张图上单位和数据的分析,我们发现百分比之和大于 100%。可以在最后一段写道

What is worth mentioning is that since the overall percentages exceeded 100%, it can be indicated that some adults chose several reasons for study. 表格题中有一些在中间一下子出现的数据,我们也可以在结尾段点出它的 hidden characteristic.如 Nuclear power did not make its debut until 1997(make one’s debut 是专门用来

描述新进数据的短语,用 appear 有歧义)。 3. Accuracy——精确性原则。雅思作文的命题当中有不少的 technical tramp, 特别表现在


1990 2000 许多学生把它随意的交代成 It fluctuated from 1990 to 2000. 其实考官在这里故意设置曲线的

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第 4 页 共 47 页

出头来考察考生的精确性。应说成 It fluctuated from before 1990 to after 2000 或根据刻度间的

距离(实战应有标明),说成 It fluctuated from approximately 1988 to nearly 2002.

考试高分必备表 1——Trend INCREASE DECREASE STABILIZATION 词语 说明 词语 说明 词语 说明

increase decrease rise fall raise(n) drop grow decline

Junk words

climb descend

Stand at remain stable stay steady keep constant the same



rocket 90 plummet escalate 80 plunge swell 70 collapse soar 60 slump surge 45 subside boom 30 ebb ease up 20 ease down edge up 10 edge down

Favorable words

creep up <10 creep down

maintain remain plane stay unvarying keep balanced *morose *slack *sluggish *gloomy *stagnant



The market was morose. 反义词为:buoyant,

active, firm。如:

The market has been active.

rally 反弹 retrieve 反降 reach a plateau 高位平稳 accrue 小平 abate level off/out 低位平稳

Special words

leap 大平 dip even out 中位平稳 FLUCTUATION

动 undulate, vacillate, waver, shift, vary, alternate, flutter, swing


形 volatile, variable, mutable, capricious, fluid


It fluctuated 1. from…to…/during…and… 用于任意两个无特征性数字 2. within a (large/small) range of… 用于两个差值为十、百、千的整数 3. , reaching a peak at (statistics) in (year)

and bottoming out at (statistics) in (year) 第一种方法的复杂版,通过表示伴随状




4. 2+3 此句为小作文的必备句,每次都会用到





1950 1980

American Consumer’s Expenditure

1970 1980

Russian Consumer’s Expenditure

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第 5 页 共 47 页

考试高分必备表 2——Extent Words Illustration Sample sentence

considerably dramatically sharply=steeply significantly tremendously immensely noticeably rapidly substantially

程度大 ,斜 率 大

于 1

maximally 三根或以上曲线中程度最大

It rises dramatically=There is a dramatical increase in the number of …=We can witness a dramatical increase in the percentage of …


斜 率 小

于 1

slightly gently slowly steadily subtly minimally 三根或以上曲线中程度最小

It rises gently=There is a gentle increase in the number of …=We can witness a slight increase in the percentage of …

程 度 中


于 1

moderately in moderation medium(adj.)

It rises moderately=There is a medium growth in the number of…=The number of…is in moderation.

比较地 comparatively relatively


B 曲 线 必 须 说 成 It rises comparatively gently,以区别于 A曲线 It rises sharply.即遇上两根



gradually regularly continuously progressively smoothly


A: It rises gradually B: It rises gently A 曲线也可说成 It rises gently,但效果就差了,所以“逐渐地”



about around=some roughly nearly more or less approximately circa

almost well nigh



排列。 * almost和well nigh只能修饰程



分别地 respectively The numbers of students in UK and Japan are 2100 and 2155 respectively.

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第 6 页 共 47 页

相应地 correspondingly proportionately


B: It leveled off initially and surged correspondingly.表示某部


均匀地 evenly 对于这样的曲线确实很难讲清


终点较接近,可说成 It rises and falls evenly.表示不管怎么变化,


考试高分必备表 3——Phrase 摸高 探底 平均值 天龙八部 reach a peak reach a summit reach a zenith reach a pinnacle reach an apex reach a vertex reach an acme reach a culmination

bottom out hit a trough nadir base underside nether part floor deepest part

average out at take an average strike a balance reduce to a mean equate equalize

rise and fall evenly

IELTS 学术类 Task 1 高分写作应试


Pie Chart

Paraphrase and enrich the expression of statistics

Three highly-frequently-used sentence structures

1. (A quarter of) the costs of each course should be shared (by the


2. Individual covers/occupies/takes up/accounts for comparatively a

majority of the total costs, with/at 40 percent.

3. The remaining 35 percent is in the charge of/due to the employers.

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第 7 页 共 47 页

WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

You should write at least 150 words Reasons for study

Interest in subject

To gain qualifications

Helpful for current job

To improve prospects of promotion

Enjoy learning/studying

To be able to change jobs

To meet people

10 20 30 40 %

How the costs of each course should be shared

Taxpayer Individual 25% 40%

Employer 35%








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第 8 页 共 47 页

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第 9 页 共 47 页

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第 10 页 共 47 页

Line Chart

Accuracy and Suitability of the description of trends

Four methods of general classification

Physical Classification

Situational Classification

Horizontal Classification

Comparative Classification


The graph below shows Harry’s annual sales of hamburgers in 1998.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing information shown below.

HARRY’S annual sales of hamburgers (1998)

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第 11 页 共 47 页

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


The graph below shows the number of people at a London underground station from 6:00 to 22:00.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing information shown below.

Number of people at a London underground station

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Time











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第 12 页 共 47 页

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第 13 页 共 47 页

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第 14 页 共 47 页

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第 15 页 共 47 页


Five technical methods of listing statistics effectively and


Extreme The general trend of the visits abroad by UK residents for holiday rose comparatively dramatically, reaching a peak at 20,700 in 1998 and bottoming out at 14,898 in 1995.

Range Visits abroad by UK residents for business boomed within a range of approximately 800.

Average Visits abroad by UK residents for other reasons rose and fell evenly, averaging out at nearly 1000.

Similarity This is the similar case with the trend/statistics of TOTAL

Contrast This is the opposite with the trend/statistics of


The first chart below shows the results of a survey which sampled a cross-section of 100,000 people asking if they traveled abroad and why they traveled for the period 1994-98. The second chart shows their destinations over the same period.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing information shown below.

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第 16 页 共 47 页


1994 1995 1996 1997 1998

Holiday 15,246 14,898 17,896 19,703 20,700

Business 3,155 3,188 3,249 3,639 3,957

Visits to friends and relatives 2,689 2,628 2,774 3,051 1,181

Other reasons 982 896 1,030 1,054 990

TOTAL 22,072 21,610 24,949 27,447 28,828



Western Europe North America Other areas Total

1994 19,371 919 1,782 22,072

1995 18,944 914 1,752 21,610

1996 21,887 1,167 1,905 24,949

1997 23,661 1,559 2,227 27,447

1998 24,519 1,823 2,486 28,828

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第 17 页 共 47 页


You should spend about 20 minutes on the task.

The table below shows the average family expenditure in Britain.

Write a report for your teacher describing in the information shown


You should write at least 150 words. Average family expenditure in Britain (%)

ITEM 1967 1977 1996

Food 21 19 18

Alcoholic drink 7 7 4

Tobacco 6 4 2

Clothing and footwear 9 8 6

Housing 12 14 16

Fuel, light and power 5 5 4

Household goods and services 10 7 14

Transport and communications 9 14 16

Recreation, entertainment and education 7 9 11

Other goods and services 14 12 8

Other items -- 1 1

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第 18 页 共 47 页


You should spend about 20 minutes on the task.

The charts below show the percentage of people employed in different

types of industry, during the period 1970 to 2000, in Britain and China.

Write a report for your teacher describing in the information shown


You should write at least 150 words.

Britain Agriculture Computer Industry Finance Manual Labour

1970 18 5 18 61

1980 20 20 18 41

1990 20 40 20 20

2000 21 21 10 40

China Agriculture Computer Industry Finance Manual Labour

1970 61 5 5 38

1980 60 6 5 40

1990 40 30 10 20

2000 30 40 10 20

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第 19 页 共 47 页

Bar Chart

Compare and Contrast (Summary and Analysis)

Grammatical Accuracy

Hidden Characteristic

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第 20 页 共 47 页

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第 21 页 共 47 页

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第 22 页 共 47 页

Hidden Characteristic:

What is worth mentioning is that since the overall percentages add up to

above 100%, it indicates the fact that some adults choose several reasons

for study.

WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The table below shows the weekly earnings of men and women, graduates and non-graduates from 16 to 59 years old.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing information shown below.

Weekly earnings

Graduates Non-graduates (with 2 or more A-levels)








Men Women

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第 23 页 共 47 页

WRITING TASK 1(Passage 2) The table illustrates the information of the countries of Madagascar and Mauritius around the Indian Ocean with the following statistics in 1999 Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below Madagascar Mauritius surface area(km2) 12823 2189 population(thousands) 2678 456 GDP(US$ per capita) 120 360 growth rate of population 12% 2%

primary 97% 99.52% enrolment of school:

secondary 51% 73%

WRITING TASK 1(Passage 5)

The table below shows the kilometers of route, date opened and passengers per year (unit: thousand) of the underground railway system in 6 cities.

kilometers of route date opened passengers per year(thousand) London 1997 1878 1900 Paris 1503 1900 2400 Tokyo 1122 1917 3996 Washington 400 1945 300 Los Angles 15 1967 400 Miyazaki 11 1978 122

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第 24 页 共 47 页

Sample Writing of FAQ for IELTS Task 1 Passage 2

The table makes a detailed comparison and contrast of different items of Madagascar and Mauritius around the Indian Ocean in 1999.

Madagascar was leading in the following items: surface area, population and growth rate of population, which was almost 6 times that of the Mauritius. The surface area of Madagascar reached 12823 km2 while that of Mauritius only accounted for 2189. The percentage of growth rate of population covered 12%, 5 times above that of the counterpart.

However, some of the indexes were led by Mauritius. The GDP per capita of Mauritius amounted to 360 US$, three times that of Madagascar. As for the percentages of enrollment of school, Mauritius also outpercentaged Madagascar in primary and secondary school. The difference was 2.52% for primary school and 22% for secondary school.

What is worth mentioning is that the indicators of wealth of a country are contradictory with the statistics of population and growth rate of population.

Passage 5

The table displays the 3 different items of underground railway system in six cities.

All the statistics are compared in 3 items, kilometers of route, data opened and passengers per year. From the table, we can see the oldest underground railway system emerged in London in 1878 with the longest route of 1997. The second is the city of Paris built in 1900 with 1500 kilometers of route. Surprisingly the number of passenger per year (2400 thousand) exceeds that of the city of London (1900 thousand). The peak of the item emerges in Tokyo (3996 thousand). However, the other two items of Tokyo only lists the third. The debut city also shows a reverse situation. Miyazaki has the youngest system with fewest kilometers of route. Los Angles has the second youngest system built in 1978 with 4 kilometers longer than that of Miyazaki.

What is worth mentioning is that the numbers of passengers per year is not proportionate with the kilometers of route.

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第 25 页 共 47 页

Tactics for Task 1 (General Training) Structure

Dear Sir or Madam, ——unknown authority/stranger Dear Mr./Ms./Prof/Dr (Surname), ——known authority Dear (name), ——friend/relative Re: (position)——only for application letter

As one of your (identity) s, I am writing this letter to express my (emotion) ——formal I am (name) , writing to you for (purpose) ——informal Question 1&2 — — explanation of the whole event and

expression of some emotion

Question 3——offer your own solution Looking forward to your early reply and thanks for your great

effort to deal with it. Yours sincerely (English name)

Emotion Words

Complain Request Thanks Apology Invitation App/Recom discomfort concern thanks regret invitation confidence

dissatisfaction confusion appreciation sorrow disturbance interest thankfulness grief annoyance

Junk Words

irritation uneasiness perplexity remorse request self-assuranceMedium

Words discomposure bewilderment repentance boldness disconcertion solicitude chagrin proposition aplomb perturbation bafflement contrition solicitation poise

vexation compunction

Favorable words


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第 26 页 共 47 页

Types of Rubric for Task 2


eg. The prosperity of a country is based on many factors. On the one hand, the quality of people’s living standard is a good criterion to assess by; on the other hand, the basis of a country’s economy is crucial to the development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Agree or disagree eg. “Fatherhood ought to be emphasized as much as motherhood. The idea that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have babies leads on to the idea that they are also responsible for bringing the children up.” Do you agree or disagree?

Problems+Reasons+Recommendations (PRR)

eg. It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.

Advantages and disadvantages eg. With the increasing popularity of computers and calculators, student literacy is decreasing dramatically. What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about?


eg. Scientific and technological advances are very important in our society. Scientists are not able to give solutions to all the problems they have created.

Your opinion eg. Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work, and thus are having less and less time to relax. What’s your opinion?

Compare and Contrast eg. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following items as media for communication information and give your preferred one which you think the most effective: cosmic, book, film, radio, television and theatre.

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第 27 页 共 47 页

Remarking Criteria for Task 2

Arguments, Ideas and Evidence(论证、论点和论据)

☺ Arguments三宗罪 常见Argument手法: a) explanation(解释说明) b) emphasis(强调论证) c) exemplification(举例说明) d) cause and effect(因果论证) e) comparison and contrast(比较与对比) f) facts and statistics(事实和统计数据) g) concession and refutation(让步与反驳) h) classification(分类) i) definition(下定义) j) analogy(比喻)

☺ Idea三个主题

☺ Evidence新题目要求 Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. → Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Communicative Quality(交流质量)

Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(词汇与句子结构)

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第 28 页 共 47 页

Structure for Task 2


General situation--topic

Writing objective--specific topic Warm-up Point of view

How to solve it initially


Structural Transition


Emotional Transition

1) Proverb or Maxim

2) Feedback

3) Concession

4) Popularity

5) Parallelism

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第 29 页 共 47 页

Referable IELTS Writing Opening & Ending

Writing Task 1 Opening

The graph(s) and chart(s) tell/illustrate/display/explain to/show/unfolds/give us a clear picture/overview/ of the characteristics and trends of__________.

As is shown/displayed/revealed in the graph(s) and chart(s) (respectively), the numbers/amounts/percentages of _____surged/fluctuated/differed/varied dramatically/(comparatively) gently/gradually from___to___/during___and___.

It can be seen /It is clear from the table(s)/diagram(s)/figure(s) that______. According to the chart(s) and graph(s), ____________________. A glance at the ______ of______ reflects great similarities/differences/surge/dip



This bar chart displays the number of men and women enrolled in future education in Britain during three periods.

It is immediately apparent from the diagram that in 1970 the professions in Malaysia were almost totally dominated by men.

As is revealed in the diagram, the number of hours per week spent on unpaid work is unequally distributed between men and women.

According to the bar chart, the number of men and women enrolled in higher education in Britain show a number of trends.

A glance at four indicators of economic and social conditions in four countries, Canada, Japan, Peru and Netherlands, in 2001 reflects the great differences that exist between wealthier and poorer nations.


From the diagram it can be safely concluded that_________. As a whole/In general/To sum up/In conclusion/In summary/In a nutshell/Thus,

the data suggest that_______. It appears that/In fact/We can see clearly that_________. What is worth mentioning is that____/noun.


From the diagram it can be safely concluded that in the years 1978~1987 Florida developed much more rapidly than the United States as a whole.

In general, the data suggest that the increased presence of women in the paid work force has yet to lead to an increased role for men in the home.

It appears that women are either more law-abiding than men or that law enforcement officers are more reluctant to arrest women.

What is worth mentioning is that nuclear power didn’t make its debut until 1998.

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第 30 页 共 47 页

Writing Task 2 Opening

The progression of science and technology is inevitable and undeniable. What

is under controversy is whether scientists are capable of managing the

difficulties and uncertainties of science. To be frank, I am in high favour of the

possibility of their disability in getting them over.

There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not the relationship

between family members is as close as before. Diverse contributing factors can

be identified. In the following, I would like to present my point of view.

It is a fact of life that the development of science and technology has been

accompanied by a decline in traditional culture. In my opinion, this is not

necessarily a bad thing, because some aspects of traditional culture hamper

progress and should be abandoned. Moreover, it is natural that people should

want to find new ways of doing things.

It is an undeniable fact that scientific and technological developments bring

great benefits to people. Especially since the Industrial Revolution took place,

our lives have been made much more convenient by inventions such as trains,

airplanes and computers. But I think that the loss of traditional culture is too

high a price to pay for this.

The international aid provides help. Some people think it is no use to spend a lot

of money on it. I don’t agree with this question.

A criticism often heard these days is that the subjects taught in schools tend to

be too academic, and contribute little to preparing a young person for the real-life

tasks he or she will have to perform after graduation. They say that academic

subjects are rooted in the past, and are not useful for solving modern problems. I

disagree with this point of view for three reasons.

It has been widely noted that, with the popularity of computers and calculators

both in the classroom and in the room, the level of literacy and mathematical

ability of students is deteriorating. This raises serious doubts about the value

of the progress of science and technology. Here I will discuss the pros and cons

of this question.

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第 31 页 共 47 页

There is dispute over when the task of the shaping of a person’s character, or

natural disposition, is fulfilled. Some maintain that it is concluded in one’s

childhood, whereas others are confident that it is accomplished when one has

completed one’s school studies or has had one year of working experience. For

my part, I share the latter point of view, and I give two major reasons why

this is so:

There is a growing tendency nowadays for some people to treat animals as

living meat and walking fur. This leads to the cruel slaughter of animals all over

the world every year. Yet, in my opinion, instead of killing animals, human

being should treat them as their friends.

The economic and social gaps between the developed countries and the

developing countries are becoming wider and wider in the past decades. It is

frequently debated in the international forums whether the wealthy countries

should give financial help to the developing countries. In my personal opinion,

the former not only ought to provide, but also should increase the aid to the latter.


All in all, there are so many problems existing for scientists to get over that

they by no means can manage them all temporarily. However, human beings

will come to a new era through solving the problems one after another.

Therefore, for the above reasons, I think highly of the effects of science and

technology, the development of which is welcome. At the same time, they have

eliminated the bad parts of traditional culture while preserving the good parts.

Since there are many different kinds of music in the world, we should adhere

to one Chinese proverb, “Let all the flowers blossom”. So when you feel the

hope is gone, look inside your heart. Then you will feel the hero lies in you,

which is the music.

In a word, in modern society overwork is stealing our leisure time. However, I

believe this problem will be settled eventually with the development of

science and development.

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We can conclude that the progress of science and technology has both positive

and negative effects. What we must do is make sure that the positive ones are

encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible. Among

other things, this means that students are warned not to let computers and

calculators do all their work for them.

To sum up, the reasons for the rise of the juvenile delinquency rate are many. I

have simply pointed out some of the more obvious ones. Nevertheless, it is

certain that if the whole of society pays more attention to the sound growth of

teenagers and the other youngsters, the juvenile crime rate in urban areas will

undoubtedly be rapidly brought down and controlled.

Fast food started out as an expedient to cater for those who can’t afford the

time to cook or the expense of traditional food. Now it has become part of our

life. Like it or not, it is here to stay. On the other hand, traditional food is an

inalienable part of our culture, which we can’t afford to give up. So, all in all,

the co-existence of the two kinds of foods only makes our life more colorful.

Of course, nuclear power, like other scientific developments, may cause some

problems. But I believe that, with careful regulation and control, the

advantages will far outweigh the disadvantages.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion

that both public schools and private ones are necessary to train young people for

our country’s development and construction.

Weighing the pros and cons of the double-edged sword, I’m inclined to agree

with the latter point of view, as the latter plays an important role in both

children’s knowledge acquisition and personality development.

It is inevitable that technology will progress and become increasingly complex.

We should, however, ensure that we are still in a position where we are able

to control technology. It will be all easy to suddenly discover that technology is

controlling us. By then it might be too late. I believe that it is very important

to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring and to make sure that

we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.

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Ten Broad Topics











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FAQ Canon for Task 2

Problem + Reasons + Recommendations (Causes + Consequences) 1. Some people say that children should be disciplined in their early age, and

punishment should be used. To some extent do you agree? What kind of punishment can

be used by teachers and parents?

2. In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming

rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your

country, their causes and possible solutions.

3. Many people stay off working and studying. What reasons cause stress and how

to solve it? Refer to your own experience.

4. At present people obtain information from news reporting. However, some people think that we should not believe journalists. What is your opinion? What qualities

do you think a journalist should have?

5. The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same

as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible

causes of these changes and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for

work in the future.

6. Many people say that we have developed into a “thrown-away society”, because

we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot

fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures

can you recommend to reduce this problem?

7. Happiness is considered very important in our life. Why it is difficult to

define? What factors are in achieving happiness?

8. Since cities have changed a lot, the size of the cities has grown enormously.

Discuss the causes and consequences of the enormous size of cities.

9. Some people think that the character and personality of a person are formed in

the place where he grows up. To what extent do you agree with it? What factors do

you think contribute to the formation of character?

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Compare and Contrast

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following items as media

for communication information and give your preferred one which you think the most

effective: cosmic, book, film, radio, television and theatre.

Advantages and disadvantages

1. We’ll have intelligent machine-robots in the future to do the work instead

of human beings. State the possible benefits and dangers of them for a university


2. Many young people leave their home before they are 20 years old to study or

start to work. Do you think it positive? What would be the disadvantages in the


Agree or Disagree

1. The adolescents spend 14 hours watching TV every week while only 6 hours with

their family members, which will affect pure relationship in the family. Do you agree

or disagree?

2. Human beings landed on the moon thirty years ago. It cost plenty of money

and resources to develop the space technology. Do you agree or disagree that people

should do that?

3. The students who study from high school to university get less benefit and

make less contribution than those students who get a job or travel for skills and

experience before going to university. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion?

4. Choose an invention, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life.

Are the changes all positive or negative?

5. Fashion is difficult to follow, some people say fashion is just for selling clothes,

we should not follow it and we should dress what we like and feel comfortable in

it. Do you agree or disagree? Use any relevant example to support your idea.

6. As for the elderly, living in the caring house is better than living at home with

your children. Present your argument to illustrate whether you agree or disagree.

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7. The overuse of modern technologies in the recreational activities makes human

beings less creative. Do you agree or disagree?


1. Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality continuously,

students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on teachers. Others think

the respect and discipline in the classroom will disappear. To what extent do you

agree or disagree?

2. The sporting events like the World Cup can be useful to alleviate the tension

and bios between countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the point?

3. Some people think that it is more important for a single language to be identified

as an international official language. Others think that it will make it difficult

to identify countries and lose culture. What’s your opinion? Show your reason and


4. Someone thinks that scientists are pushing back the frontiers of science.

Therefore students studying science should receive financial support from the

government. As for business, language and so on, it is unnecessary to get financial

support from the government. How far do you agree or disagree with it?

5. People can go to shop, bank, and work with computers. But the danger of the

computers is that people are getting isolated and losing some social skills. To what

extent do you agree with this opinion?

6. Most countries spend a large amount of money in weapons to defend themselves though

they are not at war. To the countries it should spend money to help the citizens

for who in the countries are poor and disadvantaged. To what extent do you agree

or disagree with this statement?

7. There are different vacations for people of different jobs. Should all employees

enjoy the same vacation no matter what kind of job they take? Present your opinion

and give reasons and examples to illustrate.

8. Some patients in UK have decided not to have a TV in their house, thus children

can use more spare time creatively. To what extent do you agree?

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9. Nowadays there are more and more TV advertisements, and there is a lot of

misinformation in some of these advertisements. Some people think that consumers

have the right to know the correct information and that government should restrict

the contents of these advertisements. What’s your opinion?


Scientific and technological advances are very important in our society. Scientists

are not able to give solutions to all the problems they have created.


1. (ETHIC) In some country women should be allowed to join the armed forces, while someone think women don’t suit for army. Do you agree or disagree? Use your own experience and reasons 2. (CAREER DEVELOPMENT) Some people think the university education should prepare students for future employment, others think it should have other functions. Discuss and say what other functions you think the university should have. 3. (CAREER DEVELOPMENT+SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) In the modern world, the school has become unnecessary for children to study at, they can use internet which has a wide range of information available for children so that children can study at home instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 4. (ABSTRACT) Today, people are getting greedy and selfish. Some people argue that we should attempt to go back to the older day, and show respect for the family and community. So we can make the world better to live. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 5. (INFRASTRUCTURE) The environmental problem is so serious to most countries and individuals that to solve it should be based on the international level rather than individuals and individual countries. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 6. (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) Motorized flight is the most important invention in the modern world. Not any other invention has had such a significant impact on our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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7. (INFRASTRUCTURE) Police in Britain do not carry guns. Some people believe that it will make citizens unprotected, but others suggest that it would reduce the violence in society. Discuss those two views. 8. (GLOBALIZATION) International tourism is now the world’s biggest industry. Unfortunately, it creates tension more than makes people understand the different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 9. (INFRASTRUCTURE) Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving big companies, factories and their staff to countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagrees with this point of view? 10. (MASLOW’S THEORY) Human beings landed on the moon thirty years ago. It cost plenty of money and resources to develop the space technology. Do you agree or disagree that people should do that? 11. (INFRASTRUCTURE) Many old buildings are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history. However, some people think they should be knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. Do you think it is important to maintain old buildings? What kind of solutions can you suggest to alleviate the problem? 12. (INFRASTRUCTURE) Police in Britain do not carry guns. Some people believe that it will make citizens unprotected, but others suggest that it would reduce the violence in society. Discuss those two views. 13. (MASLOW’S THEORY) Some people say the government shouldn’t put money on arts such as music and painting, instead, they should spend more money on construction of public facilities. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 14. (INFRASTRUCTURE) Nowadays, the increased demand for fresh water has became a global problem, discuss the causes of the increased demand and what measures should government and individuals do to alleviate this problem? 15. (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) Someone maintained computers are less helpful to children's study and they have a negative effect on children's physical and mental development. Do you disagree or agree with the statement? 16. (INFRASTRUCTURE) The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to

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decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue? 17. (GLOBALIAZTION) Advertising plays a significant role in the promotion of products, while it may discourage us from being different individuals and act what it want us to and look upon things in a similar way. How far do you agree with the opinion? 18. (GLOBALIAZTION) Some people say that the increasing business and culture contacts between countries have a positive effect on global development, others say it would the identities of countries can be lost due to the progression. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 19. (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY+MEDIA) Many people think public libraries should provide only books and shouldn't waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software of DVDs or videos. What’s your opinion towards the statement? 20. (INFRASTRUCTURE) As for the fact that some people dare not go outside at night for fear of violent crimes incurred, someone maintain more actions and precautions must be adopted to prevent crimes while others believe it will be of no use. Which opinion do you prefer to? 21. (COMPARE AND CONTRAST) Air transport is increasingly used to export types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants cannot grow or out of season. Some say it is a good thing, but others consider that this use of air transport can’t be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 22. (ABSTRACT) Nowadays advertising is employed frequently to customers. Some think the positive effects of advertising outweigh the negative effects. To what extent do you agree with the opinion? 23. (CAREER DEVELOPMENT) Schools should teach children the academic subjects which will be beneficial and helpful in their future career, so other subjects like music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 24. (GLOBALIAZTION) With the progression of globalization, at least several languages die out every year, which is a loss to the cultural heritage. Yet, there is some voice claiming it is not important and global communication would be facilitated by less diversity of languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 25. (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY+CAREER DEVELOPMENT) Many people use distance-learning programs such as study material post,TV and Internet to study

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at home,but some people think that it can not bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. Do you agree or disagree with it? 26. (ETHIC) Parents and teachers make many rules for children to encourage good behavior and to protect them from danger. However, children would benefit from fewer rules and greater freedom. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 27. (CAREER DEVELOPMENT) Nowadays, someone believes college students should focus on the specific subjects, others claim that university should encourage them to study the whole range of the subject. To what extent do you agree with the opinion?

FAQ Main Argument

Problem + Reasons + Recommendations 1. Yes, they should. a) Punishment can teach the children right from wrong (tell right from wrong). b) Punishment can teach them a lesson to prevent similar mistakes from reoccurring. R: We should encourage mental punishment rather than corporal one, which will lead to children’s anger and disgust towards parents’ opinion. The specific methods include 1) distraction of pocket money 2) allocation of more housework 3) decrease their leisure time to a certain extent. What is worth mentioning is that no matter what kind of punishment we take, we should not deprive children of their basic human rights. 2. a) The government is lacking in infrastructure construction, such as the restructuring of the

Metro system, elevated ways, light tracks and superhighways. b) Overpopulation leads to the high population density, causing limited social space for

residents. c) Abuse of private cars would take public transport instead. d) The citizens lack social awareness and consciousness for traffic situation in order such as

DAD (Driving After Drinking) R: a) Increase investment and appropriate funds to the infrastructure construction of the city b) Carry out a severe and through check over the immigration regulations or build satellite cities

in the outskirts. c) Levy high tariffs on the luxurious products. d) Increase people’s A&C through social campaign and promotion.

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3. a) Physical: Physical deficiency as a result of malnutrition and insomnia can cause body

dysfunction for stress. b) Mental: Fierce competition in work and society cause people’s unevenness for a rainy day. R: a) (physical) Body building-up through more nutrition intake and body exercising and polish

your healthy life styles with wholesome hobbies to cultivate. b) (mental) Enlarge mental edification and spiritual abundance by filling –up, cover-up or

appreciation of aesthetics. 4. a) Don’t be overcritical about news reports. Except for journalists, you have no information

source to refer to news. b) There is often fluctuation in the reportage of fashion and trend with a result that you will be

the aimless wanderer through different reportage. R: Reliability, instance (high speed of delivery) and characteristics are three necessities of a qualified reporter a) Everything is good news except the fake one. b) News without ‘s’ is ‘new’. 5. a) (physical): salary. If offered higher salary, every employee has the probability of hunting for

job. b) (mental) People are always seeking for the best employment, which seems to be endless. It’s

natural for people to transfer their jobs. c) The knowledge renovates so fast that it’s hard to be an avant-garde in the relevant area. R: a) Taking sustainable development for work and not only for accumulation of money. b) Save it for a rainy day. 6. a) Enterprises are in pursuit of maximization of profits, taking no consideration of any

environmental aftermath. b) Government is lenient with check-over and regulations. c) The residents are lacking in public A&C (Awareness and Consciousness) of healthy life style

of better quality. R: a) Impose severe fine and penalty on the lawbreakers. b) Create an alternative to the plastics non-biodegradable by environmentally friendly materials

and products. c) Raise people’s awareness 7. a) Everyone has his own standardization and criterion of assessing happiness. Difference: a1)

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pursuit in accumulation of wealth a2) pursuit in mental edification. b) According to philosophy, everything is in the process of development including happiness,

definition of which, as a kind of stabilization, is contradictory with the Theory of Renovation. R: a) Seeking for accumulation of abundant wealth is indispensable. Although money isn’t

everything, without money you could do nothing. b) Enlarge mental edification and spiritual abundance by filling –up, cover-up or appreciation of

aesthetics. 8. a) Special functions of the city to draw enormous number of residents such as the business

attraction of those metropolises. b) Financial and industrial drive for development entails more space to fulfill its city purposes. R: a) Overpopulation leads to limited natural resources. b) Environmental pollution and inconsiderate city planning will deteriorate the urbanization. 9. Reason: a) The environment from one’s childhood to his adolescence has the final say in the formation

of one’s character and specialty. Except for the inborn factors, we should not ignore the exterior contributing factors.

b) The unique and specific customs and traditions of locality mirror the local cultural perspective, affecting the people ingrained in the definite environment and atmosphere.

R: a) Wealth and material status can reflect one’s character. As is known to all, physiological need

is the prerequisite of Maslow’s Theory. Without solving the basic issue, people’s characters are easily ruined and feeble.

b) Mental edification is also another significant criterion to assess one’s character. People with higher appreciation for aesthetics usually have the pristine and mighty characters.

c) As I have mentioned, environment helps decide on one’s character. Compare and Contrast Advantages Disadvantages Cosmic The most precise, instantaneous and

wide-spread medium 1)High/extravagant/exorbitant expense 2)great disastrous aftermath due to inaccurate statistics

Books most popular medium for all walks of life with convenient portability and storability

1)More time-consuming for reading 2)Low updating

TV Most versatile and direct for daily life as one kind of multimedia

1) Abuse of watching TV deteriorates eyesight

2) You may be addicted to it as a couch-potato due to lack of exercise

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3) It may loosen your family relationship and worsen generation gap with your parents

Advantages of TV:

a) Compared with these traditional media, TV is the most versatile and direct media ever to be invented. Through TV, the audience can wander about in the real world without any trouble of trudging, at the same time enjoying the multifarious effect of display.

b) With its incomparable characteristic of instantaneous speed of delivery, TV can broadcast live shows and news reportage. On the other hand, TV’s entertainment function is predominant among the other media by providing TV serials, soup operas, sporting events and so on.

Advantages and Disadvantages 1. Advantages: a) Robots can do the dangerous and repetitive jobs for human being, which saves the labour

force to be engaged in other aspects. b) Robots can push back the frontiers of science and technology as an avant-courier through

scientific research and experiment. Disadvantages:

a) Rely on robots will lead to people’s deteriorating creativity, flexibility and self-motivation. b) Popularity of robots may deprive some staffs of their jobs. What’s even worse, being lenient

in robots will make them the most advanced creature in the world. 2. Positive: a) Early study or work gives adolescents an opportunity to contact the society. b) They can gain independence in their life, which children in nowadays society are lacking in. c) They can acquire advantage for their career development.


a) Lacking in social experience in telling right from wrong, young people may bump into malfeasance, thus suffering from setbacks after entry into the society.

b) Early entry into the society can deprive young people of their simplicity and flexibility, which are inborn characters for the genuine.(make one’s debut)

Agree or Disagree 1. Agree: a) Watching TV overtime can make people indulgent in leisure activities regardless of family


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b) Watching TV overtime can lead to lack of communication between family members, which is the outset of deterioration of family relationship.

Disagree: a) The family relationship isn’t based on the number of hours in communication. There is a

comprehensive criterion to assess by. 2. D: a) As for these less-developed and developing countries, settlement of physiological needs for

survival is more significant than spending extravagant amount of money on space research according to Maslow’s theory.

Maslow’s Theory:

1) physiological needs

2) security

3) sociological needs

4) self-esteem

5) self-actualization

b) With the burgeoning of some VIP (Very Important Powers), the genuine aim of space

research has been converted to those profitable items for interests such as Global Defense System.

3. Disagree: a) Rapid renovation of knowledge makes you short of expertise quite often. b) In order to fit for your career development, you have to acquire a lot of knowledge to make

sustainable development.

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Agree: Experience is also the mirror of evaluating the accuracy of knowledge and poses an effect on knowledge. 4. Computer advantages: a) It makes our work more convenient and effective by its fast data- processing and precise

computation. b) It makes our life more versatile with interpersonal services and entertainment. c) It provides an effective way of business exchange such as B2B, B2C and B2G. Disadvantages: a) Interdependence on computers will make people less creative, which hampers the

development of science and technology. b) Its supplementary function has a certain negative effect on people, especially children. 5. Disagree: a) Since fashion is always on the track, it’s impossible for us to follow it rigidly, you had better

be in pursuit of natural state and your characteristics. b) As clothes are only a superficial phenomenon of fashion display, a fashionable soul is really

the essence of fashion rather than apparel. Only if you feel it from the bottom of your heart could you grasp the essence of fashion. 6. Agree: a) (physical) Caring house provides the elderly with comparatively first-rate facilities and

services, which the family is lacking in. b) (mental) In caring house, the elderly can meet people of the similar age group, hobby or taste,

which will create a favourable atmosphere and opportunity for emotional exchange. 7. Disagree: a) It is precisely the man’s creativity that has made all the modern technologies possible and

available, which in turn leads to their creative application in entertainment. b) Rather than ‘stunting’ man’s imagination, the ‘overuse’ of modern technologies actually

enables man to be more and more creative. For instance, many famous American film companies have been designing and producing cartoons using computer technology.

c) The development of modern technologies depends on man’s creativity. And boundless imagination and endless thirst for more joy and fun will always inspire man to invent better technologies and then enjoy fresh varieties of entertainment.

Discursive 1. Former opinion a) The improvement of students is the final goal of education. Only by giving comment on

teachers’ performance can teachers know the process of students’ development clearly. b) The criticism is the stimulus to teachers’ self-perfection and the improvement in educational


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c) The criticism itself is a kind of feedback and communication between teachers and students, lack of which will affect the rewarding educational outcome.

2. Agree: a) During the sports events, the countries in tension and bios will forget about the unevenness

temporarily, regardless of each party’s interests and benefits. b) Through the athletes’ strong self-motivation and high teamwork spirit, those countries can

feel only peace and development is the everlasting maxim ingrained into every sports team, none to speak of the countries in tension. Example: Sino-USA Ping Pong Diplomacy

3. Agree: a) An international official language is an important way for common communication such as

negotiation in business. b) The purpose of an international official language is just for convenience rather than display

of different cultures. Therefore we needn’t worry about the loss of culture upon using. 4. Agree: a) Science is the foundational subject, which requires more strenuous work and investment. b) Science is the frontier subject of human beings, which makes revolutionary contributions to

the society. c) Business and language belong to the applied subjects with high utility and instant

profitability. 5. the same as NO 4 of “Agree and Disagree” 6. Yes, the same as NO 6 of “Agree and Disagree” 7. Disagree: a) According to the specialty of different jobs, there is no need to enjoy the same holiday for

staffs. Most service industry doesn’t have its routine holidays. b) The length of holiday is to some extent based on the contribution made to the society. 8. the same as NO 1 of “Agree and Disagree” 9. Agree: a) Consumers have the right to know the correct information of products before deciding

whether to buy them. b) Any misleading advertisement will lead to the marketing tricks, causing chaos in the market. c) As for those law-breakers, government should impose great/severe fine and penalty on them

to set a lesson. 10. Agree: a) The improvement of people’s living standard is the final goal of any economic construction.

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b) Without people’s satisfaction, any economic construction will not encourage more contribution and initiative.

Disagree: a) Without the construction of infrastructure, any country will not make sustainable

development in the long run. People’s living standard could be improved at one time, but without the development of a country’s economy, it wouldn’t be stable.

b) The improving of infrastructure is not contradictory with the renovation of people’s living standard.

11. a) It cannot be denied the violent films will give the audiences the maximum of visual and aural

satisfaction. Through heated theme and attractive actors and actresses, the viewers can feel the extraordinary enjoyment, which is not prevalent in daily life.

b) On the other hand, violent films will cause great harm to the idolization of people, especially children. The figures in the violent films always have some “heroic” characteristics that are too superb according to the common sense.

c) What is even worse, the arrogant attitude and maniac activities will cause many adolescents to follow some stupid action resulting in the unimaginable aftermath.

Argumentative 1. a) Since we are in the initial stage of scientific development, there are bound to be a variety of

problems we can’t manage. b) The problems themselves are testament to the innovation of science and technology. Through

getting them over, human beings will climb to a new peak.