Try Out UN 2010-2011 Paket A


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Bank Soal Try Out UN Bahasa Inggris

Transcript of Try Out UN 2010-2011 Paket A

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : Rabu, 13 April 2011 Waktu : 08.00 – 10.00

Petunjuk Umum: 1. Tulislah nomor ujian Anda pada lembar jawab yang telah disediakan. 2. Bacalah dengan teliti petunjuk dan cara mengerjakan soal. 3. Kerjakan soal pada lembar jawab sesuai petunjuk khusus pada kelompok soal. 4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah. 5. Jika ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah dan ingin dibetulkan, hapuslah dengan karet

penghapus yang lunak pada jawaban yang salah, kemudian hitamkanlah bulatan pada huruf jawaban yang Anda anggap benar.

6. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan. 7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung

lainnya. 8. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian. SELAMAT BEKERJA

Petunjuk Khusus: Choose the correct answer by doting () either a, b, c, or d on your answer sheet! Text for questions number 1 to 3

The Legend of Minos, King of Crete Once upon a time there lived a very famous king named the King of Crete. He had a

monster which was half bull and half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens to build a labyrinth in order to house

the monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete. But the King would no let him go.

Daedalus escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself.

But the son was so glad and excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the sun, it got warmer and warmer until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy.

The sea is now called the Icarian Sea. 1. What was Daedalus?

a. The King b. A monster

c. A craftsman d. A labyrinth



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2. Why did the King of Crete invite Daedalus? a. To build a labyrinth b. To house the monster

c. To finish his work d. To leave Crete

3. How did Daedalus and his son escape?

a. By the air b. By using wings

c. By fixing wax d. By flying behind his son

Text for questions number 4 and 5


We wish to express our deepest condolences on the passing of AMIR DAUD

The first chief editor of the Jakarta Post. 78 years of age on Saturday, Sept. 9, 2006.

His body is laid out at Jl. Sawo Raya no.2 Rawamangun, East Jakarta. Burial will be in Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta.

On Sunday, Sept 10 at 10 a.m. May God Almighty bless and keep him always.

The management and Staff of The Jakarta Post.

4. How did the management and staff of the Jakarta Post feel on the passing of Mr. Daud? a. happy b. sorry c. exciting d. ashamed

5. When was Mr.Daud born?

a. 1926 b. 1927 c. 1928 d. 1930 Text for questions number 6 and 7.

Kakuyama Parking Company announces an increase in the charges for monthly parking spaces in its lot. The changes will not go into effect until the first day of July of this year. The new fee will reflect a 7 percent increase on your current parking rate. 6. What kind of company is making the announcement?

a. Gardening b. Parking c. Car sales d. Banking 7. How much will the increase be?

a. One percent. b. Seven percent.

c. Seventeen percent. d. Seventy percent.

Text for questions number 8 to 11.

Slobber on the Train

One day, I was on the train on my way home from my grandmother’s place. I had spent the day there and I was very tired. I tried to stay awake, but didn’t succeed. After some time, my eyelids started to feel very heavy. Before I knew it, I was slobbering. Startled, I awake to find two beautiful girls who were sitting in front of me giggling and watching me. I was mortified. Sent by Can Yin Jakarta 8. Who were involved in the story?

a. Can Yin and I. b. Two beautiful girls and I.

c. Two beautiful girls and Can Yin. d. Two beautiful girls, Can Yin and I.

9. Where did it happen?

a. On the train b. On my way home.

c. In grand mother’s place. d. At the Can Yin’s home.

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10. … two beautiful girls giggling and watching me. The underlined word means …. a. loving b. laughing c. smiling d. speaking

11. How did the writer feel in the end of the story?

a. proud b. excited c. ashamed d. bored Text for questions number 12 to 14.

ANNOUNCEMENT Pay attention! Our scholl will have an English Speech Competition. Participants : All students in our school. Time : 10th – 12th August 2011 Prizes : I. Rp 200.000,00

II. Rp.150.000,00 III. Rp.100.000,00

Please join us 12. The announcement is about ….

a. A school competition b. A school speech

c. An English speech competition d. Participant of English Speech Competition

13. According to the text, the competition ….

a. is only for students with good English b. will be held in August 2011

c. is in the form of written text d. will run for two days

14. The purpose of the announcement is ….

a. to pay attention b. to hold a speech contest

c. to have a school competition d. to invite students to join the competition

Text for questions number 15 to 17. Careen don’t forget to pick up your sister at Mandiri English Course at 4:00 p.m. Mom and Dad will be home late. Thx

15. What is the message about?

a. Going home late b. Picking up a sister

c. Parents’ business d. Taking care of a house

16. Careen should pick up her sister ….

a. in the morning b. in the afternoon

c. in the evening d. at night

17. Who made the message?

a. Careen b. Careen’s sister

c. Careen’s parents d. Careen, Mom, and Dad

Text for questions number 18 to 21.

South Jakarta, February 12, 2011 Dear Irma,

How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here. We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared

for it? Well, to be honest I just had some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in science. There are extra lessons in my school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still confused in solving science problems. I’m just worried that I fail the national examination. Do you have any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.

I look forward to hearing from you. Your buddy Dina Ambarsari

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18. What does the letter tell about? a. Giving a solution to a friend. b. Having extra lessons at school. c. Preparing for the national examination. d. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem.

19. Why is Dina Ambarsari worried that she may fail the national examination?

a. There are extra lessons in her school. b. She is still confused in solving science problem. c. Her friends are all well prepared. d. She will have the national examination soon.

20. I’m still confused in solving science problem. The underlined word means unable to ….

a. think clearly b. speak clearly

c. perform well d. behave politely

21. But I fell that they don’t help.

The underlined word refers to …. a. my school b. extra lessons

c. science d. some difficulties

22. 1in -

2your -

3the -

4best -

5speech -

6on -

7tioncongratula -

8contest -

9eperformanc !

a. 7 - 4 - 9 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 8 b. 7 - 6 - 2 - 4 - 9 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 8

c. 7 - 6 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 9 d. 7 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 6 - 2 - 9 - 4


The warning means …. a. it will be good if we take the picture of the sun b. it will be better if we take the picture of other

intense light sources c. if we aim the camera directly into the sun, the

sun will have a problem d. our eyes might be in danger if the camera is

aimed onto the sun or intense light resources 24. Rearrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph!

1. We went there by bus. 2. Lembang was the first destination. 3. There were two places we visited. 4. Then we had some shopping at Cihampelas. 5. Last week we went to Bandung for a picnic. a. 5 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 b. 5 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 3

c. 5 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 d. 5 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 3

Text for questions number 25 and 26.

Please Join us as we celebrate our

40th anniversary Paul and Opal Wright

Friday, May 7th

6.30 p.m. - 10.00 p.m. Our New Home

Komplek TSI Durikosambi Cengkareng (Dinner will be served)

RSPV 54390186 (Elsa/ Natalia/ Eliza)

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25. Paul is … husband. a. Opal's b. Eliza's c. Elsa's d. Natalia's

26. What is the purpose of the text above ....

a. To promote an everlasting relationship. b. To invite someone to join the party. c. To announce a wedding ceremony. d. To describe a certain party.

Text for questions number 27 and 28.

Starfish live in every ocean. They do not have legs, only arms called rays. They have between five and forty arms and come in different colors. If they loose an arm, it will always grow back. Their favorite foods are oysters and mussels. They glide and slide on tiny tube feet and move as slow as snail. They have no eyes, nose or ears. Starfish move slowly across the ocean floor. This is called migrating. 27. What is NOT the fact about starfish? They ….

a. have legs called rays b. have between five and forty arms

c. move as slow as snail d. have no eyes, nose or ears

28. What is starfish’s favorite food?

a. Snails b. Oysters c. Other fish d. Worms Text for questions number 29 to 31.

How to Make a Tropical Fruit Bowl You need a newspaper, an old bowl, glue and a brush, cooking oil and different

colored paint to do this activity. Now, here is how to make it. First, make rough fruit shapes from scrunched-up

newspaper. Water down the glue and paste five layers of newspaper over the shapes. Leave them in a warm airy spot to dry. Then, brush the outside of the bowl with the oil. Now, glue six layers of newspaper strips to the bowl to make a strong mold. Let this dry overnight. Once the fruit shapes your dried newspaper mold from the old bowl. Decorate the mold in bright tropical colors. When the paint is dry, add your fruit shapes. See, your bowl is nice, isn’t it? 29. What is NOT the material you need to make a tropical fruit bowl?

a. A newspaper b. A brush c. Cooking oil d. Paintings 30. When should we paste five layers of newspaper over the fruit shapes?

a. After we make rough fruit shapes. b. After we water down the glue.

c. After we leave them in a warm airy spot. d. Before we make rough fruit shapes

31. What is the purpose of the text? a. To give a guidance how to make something step by step. b. To persuade reader to do something step by step. c. To inform how to explain a tropical fruit bowl. d. To teach readers how to find a tropical fruit bowl.

Text for questions number 32 to 34.

The University of Australia

The University of Australia has an international reputation for educational professionals and for applied research. It is Australia’s largest university, with six campuses, including a specialized technology campus. The university places particular importance on the quality of its teaching and learning programmes, and on its working links with industry, business and government.

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32. The whole paragraph promotes that …. a. The University of Australia offers excellent educational programmes b. The University of Australia is largest University in the country c. The University of Australia has a specialized technology campus d. The university places particular importance on technology

33. The University of Australia has an International educational reputation.

The underlined word means …. a. knowledge b. prestige c. attitude d. interest

34. The University has good relationship with ….

a. educational professionals b. large universities

c. other campuses d. industry

For number 35 – 38 complete the text below with the suitable words.

Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. He 35 from the University of Zurich in Switzerland in 1905. In 1905 he also did some of his 36 work in physics. In 1919 he won the Noble Prize for Physics.

Between 1919 and 1933 he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to 37 to other scientists. Then, in 1933 he had to leave Germany 38 of Hitler and the Nazi Party. He moved to United States from 1933 until his death. He lived in Prince town, New Jersey. He died on 18th April 1955. 35. a. graduates b. has graduated c. graduated d. was graduating 36. a. famous b. humorous c. dangerous d. hazardous 37. a. agree b. begin c. teach d. talk 38. a. after b. because c. cause d. before Text for questions number 39 to 42.

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger then me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family. 39. What is the text mostly about ….

a. Peter b. Peter's hobby

c. Peter's family d. Peter's elder brother

40. From the text we know that Peter is ….

a. the writer's youngest brother b. the writer's elder brother

c. a naughty boy d. a friendly boy

41. Based on the text we know that the writer is … years old.

a. fourteen b. sixteen c. eighteen d. nineteen 42. "Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis".

The underlined phrase can be replaced with …. a. dislike sport b. really likes sport

c. hates sport very much d. finds sport not really entertaining

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43. To : Ruth I’d like to congratulate you on passing your exam. I do hope you are always successful.

Love Joshua

Why does Joshua send the card? Because …. a. he wants to tell Ruth about his exam b. he wants to congratulate Ruth

c. his exam is difficult to do d. he wants to be successful

Text for questions number 44 to 47. Dear Catherine,

I'm sorry I can't pick you up at the airport but luckily, my friend Steve can (He works at night, so he is free in the morning).

I just want to make sure about the information. Your plane arrives at 11 a.m. on June 25th and your flying on KLN Air # 1327. Is that right?

I told Steve to look for a woman with two young girls but he wanted more information. Do you look the same? What about your daughters? You shouldn't have a problem finding Steve at the airport. He's very tall and thin. He has curly brown hair, a moustache, and a beard.

I can't wait to see you! Love Rony

44. How many persons will Steve meet at the airport …. a. one b. two c. three d. four

45. Steve will pick Catherine with her daughters at the airport because ….

a. he is busy b. he is free in the morning

c. he works at the airport d. he wants more information

46. "I can't wait to see you!" (last sentences)

What does the word "you" refer to? a. Catherine b. Steve c. The writer d. Rony

47. “… but luckily my friend Steve can”.

What does the underlined word means? a. Accidently b. Actually c. Basically d. Fortunately

Text for questions number 48 to 50.



7.00 p.m. Opening Address by Principal Mr. Wu Rubdang

7.15 p.m. Arrival of Guest-of-Honour Mr. John Huang Speech by Mr. John Huang

7.45 p.m. Medley of English Song – SGS Choir 8.00 p.m. Springtime – Chinese Dance 8.10 p.m. Great Hits – SGA Brass Band 8.45 p.m. The Great Harvest – Malay Cultural Dance 8.55 p.m. Magic Show – Fancy Trick by Students 9.25 p.m. Quiet Moment – Duet by Students 9.35 p.m. Victory – Indian Cultural Dance

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48. What does the text about? a. Concert invitation. b. Dancing competition.

c. Opening ceremony. d. A schedule of a concert.

49. How may times dances are performed on the concert?

a. Twice. b. Three times c. Four times. d. Five times. 50. How many students will perform in the Quiet moment?

a. Two. b. Three. c. Four. d. Five.