Nature of Service

34 Nurdin Hidayah, MM. [email protected] Jurusan Kepariwisataan Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung Service Operation Management-1 By



Transcript of Nature of Service

Service Management

Nurdin Hidayah, [email protected]

Jurusan KepariwisataanSekolah Tinggi Pariwisata BandungService Operation Management-1 By Pengajar : JAG/NUASifat pengajaran dosen : saling melengkapiMetode : Presentasi, Diskusi, Sindikasi, kunjungan industriStudent Center Learning : dosen 40% mahasiswa Understanding Services: The Role of Service in an Economy, The Nature of Service, Service StrategyDesigning The Service Enterprise: New Service Development, Technology in Services, Service Quality, Supporting Facility & Process Flows, Process Improvement, The Service Encounter, Service Facility LocationManaging Service Operations: Managing Capacity & Demand, Managing Waiting Lines, Service Supply Relationships, Globalization of Services, Managing Service Project & Fitzsimmons (2010). Service Management 7ed., Irwin/McGraw-Hill. Zeithaml, Valerie, A, Mary, Jo, Bitner, 2000, Service Marketing, Integrating Customer Focus Across The Firm, second edition, International edition, Prentice Hall, Singapore. Lovelock, Christopher, H and Wright, Lauren, 1999, Principle of Service Marketing and Management, International Edition, Prentice Hall, New York, USA. Metters, King-Metters, Pullman, Walton (2006). Successful Service Operations Management 2ed., Thomson.Nelson. (2005). BaldrigeJust What the Doctor Ordered. Quality Progress.Sower, Duffy, Kohers, et al. (2001). The Dimensions of Service Quality for Hospitals Health Care Management Review.Rust, Roland T., Zakhorik J., Keiningham, Timothy L., 1996, Service Marketing, Harper Collins College Publisher, England. Fandy Tjiptono., 2000. Manajemen jasa, Edisi Pertama. Andi offset, Yogyakarta.Berry, L., Zeithaml, V., Parasuraman, A. (1990) The Service Quality Puzzle. Business HorizonsRender, Barry, Jay Heizer, 2001, Prinsip-prinsip Manajemen Operasi, Jakarta: Salemba Empat to Service Operation ManagementNature of Business Business FunctionService Operation Management

Focus on Effective/Efficient FunctionFungsi bisnis yang bertujuan untuk mengubah masukan (input) menjadi barang dan atau jasa (output) FunctionINPUTOUTPUTManMachine, Equipment, FacilityMaterialMoneyInformationservicePROCESSOperation FunctionMarketing FunctionCustomerMarketing Process Management PerspectiveInputsOutputsGoodsServicesLabor & CapitalResourcesInformationstructureNetwork ofActivities and BuffersFlow units(customers, data, material, cash, etc.) ManagementSeni dan ilmu dalam memformulasikan, mengimplementasikan dan mengevaluasi system transformasi yang mengubah masukan (input) menjadi barang dan atau jasa (output) of process improvementRepresents output relative to inputOnly through productivity increases can our standard of living improveProductivityProductivityUnits producedInput used= might also ask them to consider what happens as the rate of productivity improvement approaches zero. Does this simply mean that the standard of living ceases to rise, or are there more ominous manifestations?Operation ManagementForecastingService DesignQuality ManagementProcess Strategy & Capacity PlanningLocation StrategiesLayout StrategiesProject ManagementSchedullingLinear ProgrammingProductivityHR & Job DesignWork MeasurementSuply-Chain ManagementInventory ManagementAggregate PlanningMaterial Requirement PlanningDecision Making ToolsTransportation as a SystemInputsOutputsConversionSubsystemProduction ProcessesInputs Use resources Outputs FunctionIn many companies, operations function retains the greatest percentage of employees.And, it is responsible for the largest part of the budget.Therefore, operations function plays a significant role in success of of Baku Lapangan UsahaGeneticsExtractivesManufacturesServices People Based Equipment Based Definitions Services are deeds, processes, and performances. (perbuatan, proses2 & kinerja)Valarie Zeithaml & Mary Jo Bitner

A service is a time-perishable, intangible experience performed for a customer acting in the role of a co-producer. James Fitzsimmons JasaIntangibility: Jasa tidak dapat dilihat, dirasa, dicium, didengar, atau diraba sebelum dibeli dan dikonsumsi.Inseparability: Proses produksi dan konsumsi terjadi secara bersamaan, dalam arti konsumen terlibat dalam produksi implikasinya kontak dan interaksi menjadi sangat penting.Heterogeinity: Jasa sangat tergantung kepada sumberdaya manusia yang terlibat, sehingga banyak variasi bentuk, kualitas, dan jenis tergantung kepada siapa, kapan dan dimana jasa tersebut diproduksi. Kualitas sulit dikendalikan sehingga membutuhkan standarisasi..Perishabillity: Jasa tidak tahan lama dan tidak dapat disimpan. Kursi pesawat yang kosong, kamar hotel yang tidak dihuni, atau kapasitas jalur telepon yang tidak dimanfaatkan akan berlalu atau hilang begitu saja karena tidak bisa disimpan..Lack of ownership: Pelanggan mungkin hanya memiliki akses personel atas suatu jasa untuk jangka waktu terbatas (misalnya kamar hotel, bioskop, jasa penerbagan san pendidikan).

Tjiptono (2004) Service PackageSupporting Facility: The physical resources that must be in place before a service can be sold. Examples are golf course, ski lift, hospital, airplane.

Facilitating Goods: The material consumed by the buyer or items provided by the consumer. Examples are food items, legal documents, golf clubs, medical Service Package (cont.)Explicit Services: Benefits readily observable by the senses. The essential or intrinsic features. Examples are quality of meal, attitude of the waiter, on-time departure.

Implicit Services: Psychological benefits or extrinsic features which the consumer may sense only vaguely. Examples are privacy of loan office, security of a well lighted parking as a systemService merupakan suatu proses dan suatu systemLovelock dan Wright (2002:33)Service operation system (visible & not visible)Service delivery system/How will services delivered (design choices)Service marketing system (marketing mix) service business as a system Service TheCustomerTechnicalCoreInterior & Exterior FacilitiesEquipmentService PeopleOther CustomersAdvertising

Sales Calls

Market Research Surveys


Misc. Mail, Phone Calls, E-mails, Faxes, etc.


Random Exposure to Facilities/Vehicles

Chance Encounters with Service Personnel

Word of MouthService Delivery SystemOther Contact PointsService Operations SystemBackstage(invisible)Front Stage(visible)Other CustomersSERVICE MARKETING Service TheCustomerBackstage(invisible)Front Stage(visible)Advertising

Market Research Surveys


Random Exposure to Facilities/Vehicles

Word of MouthPhone, Fax, Web- site, etc.Self Service EquipmentMailTechnical CoreOther Contact PointsService Delivery SystemService Operations SystemSERVICE MARKETING service marketing triangle