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Tugas Ko-kurikuler : Reading Narrative textTujuan Tugas Ko-kurikuler ini sangat berguna untuk: 1. Menambah nilai reading yang masih sangat jauh dari memuaskan (KKM = 80). 2. Melatih kemampuan membaca cerita2 dalam bahasa Inggris sehingga siap dalam UNAS 2010 3. Menambah perbendaharaan kata dalam bahasa Inggris 4. Mengisi waktu liburan dengan kegiatan yang bermanfaat & menyenangkan 5. Sebagai Prasyarat untuk mengikuti Remedial. (Tidak menyerahkan tugas ini tepat waktu, berarti tidak ada remedial reading). Petunjuk Bacalah baik-baik cerita Talaga Warna di bawah ini sebagai contoh untuk mengerjakan bacaan-bacaan naratif berikutnya! Tulis jawaban pertanyaan No: 1-20 seperti contoh di bawah ini di selembar kertas Folio Tugas ini harus di kumpul pada hari pertama masuk sekolah, tanggal 1 Oktober 2009, jam 6:30 am. Tidak Boleh Telat!

Talaga WarnaA long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. The king was wise and kind-hearted. No wonder the kingdom was prosperous. Unfortunately, he hadnt any children yet. The king and the queen were so sad. They were lonely. Furthermore, they were worried about who would be their successor. Wanting to have a child, the king went to the forest and prayed to God. God granted his wish. A few months later, the queen got pregnant. When a baby girl was born, people welcomed her happily. They presented so many gifts. Day by day, the princess grew more and more beautiful. The king and queen spoiled her too much. It made the princess have a bad temper. Before her seventeenth birthday, many people gave her beautiful presents. The king took some gold and jewels. He asked a goldsmith to make a beautiful necklace for the princess. On the princess birthday, people gathered in the courtyard. Cheers grew louder and louder when the king, queen, and princess appeared. My beloved daughter, I give this necklace for you. People in this kingdom love you so much. It is a gift from them, said the king while presenting the necklace. The princess accepted and looked at it briefly. I dont want it. Its ugly! Then she threw it away. Everybody was speechless. Nobody could say anything. They didnt believe that the princess would do such cruel thing to hurt everybodys feeling. The queen and the people were sad. They began crying. Then there was a miracle. The earth was crying, too. Suddenly, a spring emerged from the ground. The water drowned the entire kingdom. People called the lake Talaga Warna. On a bright day, it is full of colors. The colors come from the shadows of a forests, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. However, some people said that the shadows are from the pieces of princess necklace which are scattered at the bottom of the lake. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Character Place setting Problem Participial phrase Moral messages (3) : The King, the queen, the princess, the goldsmith, people in the kingdom : The palace of a kingdom in West Java : The king and the queen didnt have a child : Wanting to have a child : Dont hurt everybodys feeling Dont spoil our children too much We should appreciate a gift from people who love us.

6. Orientation 7. Evaluation 8. Complication 9. Resolution 10. Reorientation (Optional) colors.

: A long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java. : Unfortunately, he hadnt any children yet. They were worried about who would be their successor. The king and queen spoiled her too much. : I dont want it. Its ugly! Then she threw it away. : The water drowned the entire kingdom : People called the lake Talaga Warna. On a bright day, it is full of 1. A Mouse and A Frog

Once upon a time, a mouse who always lived on the land, by an unlucky chance, formed an intimate acquaintance with a frog, who lived in the water. One day the frog was intent on mischief. He tied the foot of the mouse tightly to his own. Then the frog led his friend the mouse to the meadow where they usually searched for the food. After this, he gradually led him towards the pond in which he lived, until reaching the banks of the water. He suddenly jumped in, dragging the mouse with him. The frog enjoyed the water amazingly and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed. The unhappy Mouse was soon sputtered and drowned in the water. Soon afterwards, his poor dead floated on the surface. A hawk obseved the floating mouse from the sky. He dove down and grabbed it with his talons, carrying it back to his nest. The frog, being still fastened to the leg of the mouse was also carried off a prisoner, and was eaten by the hawk.

2. The wild swansOnce there lived an evil queen. When the king died, she turned the kings eleven princes into swans. She also tried to kill the kings daughter princes Elisa but princes Elisa managed to run away. She went to live in the woods. One day, Elisa saw eleven swans flying in the sky. The swans had crowns on their heads. The swans landed in the woods and changed into elevenyoung princes. Elisa was very happy to see her brothers again. Elisa wanted to stay with her brothers. She asked them to take her to the island where they lived. Her brother agreed. On the way Elisa had a dream. A fairy told her that she could save her brothers. She had to make leaf coats for them. And she must not speak to anyone from that moment onwards, or her brothers would be swans forever. When they reached the islands, Elisa began to collect leaves. Her brothers helped her, too. But she didnt tell her brothers what the leaves were for. A prince saw Elisa and fell in love with her. Elisa liked him, too but she would not speak to him. The prince brought Elisa back to his palace. Elisa went on making the leaf coats. The princes father thought that Elisa was on evil witch, one evening the king thought and his guard sawElisa at the graveyard. The king thought she wanted to cost a spell. The king ordered his guard his guards to put Elisa in prison. Poor Elisa! The next day, Elisa was put on a coat. Suddenly eleven swans flew towards her. Elisa threw the coats on her brother and they became princes again. At last, Elisa could tell prince everything. The prince and Elisa were married and they lived happily ever after.

3. Beauty and the beastOnce upon a time there was a beatiful girl named beauty. She lived with her father and her two sisters. She was a hard worker. She always helped her father on the farm. One day, her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in none was in but there was food on the table. Then he walked around the caste. He picked a rose from the garden for beauty. Suddenly an angry beast appeared. He wanted to kill Beautys father unless Beauty was brought to him.

Beautys father told his daughter what had happened, beautys sisters ordered her to see the beast. Beauty went to see beast and had to stay at the castle. She left scared, lonely and sad. She tried to run away but was stopped by the beast. The beast treated the beasts magic mirror. Beauty saw that her father was sick. The beast her to go home. Her father was happy to see beauty. One night, Beauty had a dream. A fairy told her that the beast was sick. Beauty hurried back and saw the beast dying, she began to cry. Tears fell onto the beast, suddenly the beast changed into a handsome prince. Beauty and the beast got married and lived happily ever after. 4. The Hose There were many beautiful plants and flower in Bobos garden and he was very proud of them, and he loves watering them every afternoon. Today Bobo was watering his plants when suddenly the water from the hose stopped flowing. Bobo was surprised, and when he looked around he saw Giga stepping on the hose. Accidently Giga had stepped on the hose and it broke. Bobo was upset and Giga felt very sorry. Then she went to a small pond near the garden, filled her trunk with water and came back. She sprayed Bobos garden with water and came back. She sprayed Bobos garden with water from her trunk. Bobo was happy and he forgave Giga. Giga promised to get Bobo a new watering hose. 5. The hare and The tortoise The hare was once boasting fo his speed before the other animals. I have never been beaten, said he, when I put forth my full speed. I challenge anyone here to race with me. The tortoise said quietly, I accept your challenge. That is a good joke, said the hare. I could dance around you all the way. Keep your boasting until youve beaten, answered the tortoise. shall we race? So, a course was fixed and a start was made. The hare darted almost out of sight at once but soon stopped and to show his contempt for the tortoise, he laid down to have a nap. The tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise nearing the finish line, and he could not catch up in timeto save the race. 6. A Frog and his Neighbor Two frogs were neighbors. One inhabited a deep pond, the other lived in a gully containing little water and traversed by a country road. The frog that lived in the pond warned his friend to change his residence. He asked his friend to live with him. He told his friend that he would enjoy greater safety from danger and more food.The other refused saying that he felt it is very hard to leave a place he had been accustomed. A few days afterwards a heavy wagon passed through the gully and crashed him to death.

7. PenyusukOnce upon a time, there were a king and his queen who lived in the kingdom of Belinyu. They didnt have any child. Until one night, the queen had a dream of a turtle. It said that the queen would have a baby, and she had to give a Komala necklace to her baby. The queen woke up and she was holding a Komala necklace in her hand. She told her dream to the king, and he was very happy. Shortly, the queens dream became reality. She delivered a beatiful baby girl. The king named her, Komala. She grew up as a pretty girl, however, she had a bad attitude because her parents always spoiled her too much. One day, Komala heard her parents were talking about the turtle in her mothers dream. She thought that the turtle was very interesting animal, so she wanted it as her pet. She insisted to find it, and the king allowed her to look for the animal.

Accompanied with the kings guards, Komala searched the turtle, and finally, she found it in a beach. She shouted to it. Penyu busuk wait for me, in several times, but the turtle kept swimming. Komala ran after it into the sea, she tried to catch it. Until then she finally drowned and disappeared, and all of her guards could not save her. Now, people call the beach, penyusuk.

8. The Goose that Laid Golden EggsOnce upon a time, there lived a happy family in a village. A man and his wife lived happily on a little farm, tending their flock of geese and selling their eggs at the market. They were not rich but they were happy with their life together. Then one day a new goose flew in among their flock. The couple was surprised to find a shiny golden egg in her nest. Each and every day after that, the goose laid another egg of solid gold. The couple was soon richer than they had ever dreamed of, but they were not happy. They grew impatient with only one golden egg a day. The farmer said to his wife, our goose must be full of gold. Why should we wait to have more egg? If we cut her open, his wife agreed, we can get all the eggs at once. So they killed the goose! They were very surprised to find that it was just like any other goose inside. Even worse, there would never be any more golden eggs! 9. Lake Toba A long time ago, there was a poor farmer. He lived in a small bamboo hut near his rice-field. Other farmers live in his village, too. One day he wanted to catch some fish for his dinner. Just as he caught a big and fresh fish, he heard a voice. Please dont kill me. If you let me live and put me into your rice-field, you will have your dinner on your dining table. No problem, said the farmer. When the farmer went home, he was surprised. His dinner was already set on the table. Another day, he went to the rice-field and looked for the fish. He heard some voice, Im here, near you. Suddenly there was a beautiful girl beside him, of course he was very surprised, Are you the fish that I caught yesterday? Yes, I am. Thanks for your help. Would you marry me? replied the girl. Of course, I would be honored, said the farmer happily. But on one condition. Never tell our children that I was once a fish, added the girl. I give you my words, promised the farmer. Wellafter one year, they got a son. They got a son. They called him Sam. One day, the mother asked Sam to bring lunch to his father at the rice field. Feeling hungry, the boy ate his fathers lunch on the way. Knowing this, the farmer was angry. You are a naughty boy! You wont be a good boy because you are actually a son of a fish! The boy cried and told his mother what he had heard from his father. The mother went to the rice-field and said angrily, You have broken your promise. Now you must be punished. Then she left her husband. And suddenly a big tide came and engulfed the village. The flood made a deep vast lake. People call it Lake Toba today. 10. Princess Mandalika Once upon a time in Lombok, there was a kingdom named Kuripan. The king of Kuripan was very wise. He had a daughter, named Mandalika. She was so beautiful. Many princess wanted to marry her. To choose the one that would be his son-in-law, the king had an arrow shooting competition. The best one would be Mandalikas husband. On the day of the competition, those princes shot their arrows. All of them did it perfectly. The king

found it difficult to choose. Therefore, the princes began to fight and kill each other. Princess Mandalika was so desperate. She didnt want anyone killing each other because of her. Thats why she decided to go to the sea and plunged herself into it. She died in the South sea of Lombok. The king and princes were sad and felt guilty. They regretted and stopped fighting. Until now, one day in every year, usually in February or March, people go to the South sea. On that day, great number of worms come out from the sea. People call these worms nyale. People believe that those nyales are Princess Mandalikas hair. 11. Banyuwangi Once upon a time, there reigned in East Java a king named Sindureja. He had a prime minister named Sidapaksa. Sidapaksa had a very beautiful wife. Sidapaksa loved his wife deeply. They lived in a complete happiness. However, Sidapaksas mother didnt like her daughter-in-law. Each day she tried to think a way to separate Sidapaksa from his wife. One day, King Sindureja asked Sidapaksa to search for the bud of a magic flower on Mount Ijen. It was a long and dangerous journey. The assignment from the king was so important and urgent. Sidapaksa had to leave his pregnant wife. Not long afterwards, a son was born. The babys birth gave too much happiness for the young mother. However, one day, while this young mother was bathing, her evil mother-in-law threw the baby into the river. knowing that her baby disappeared, the young mother was very sad. She could neither eat nor sleep. She became very ill. Two years passed and Sidapaksa returned from his journey. He succeeded in doing his duty. Just as he was about to enter his house, her mother told him that his wife had thrown their baby into the river. Sidapaksa believed his mothers story. He was too angry to use his common sense. He drew his Kris and approached his wife who was lying weak on her bed. Ah, wicked woman. Tell me why you threw our new-born child into the river. Tell me! he said in a rough and angry voice. Oh, my dearest husband. I am innocent. I love you and our baby. I didnt kill our child. If you dont believe me, carry me to the river. I will prove that I didnt kill our child. If you dont believe me, carry me to the river. I will prove that I didnt do it, replied his wife calmly. Sidapaksa took her wife to the edge of the river. Suddenly, his wife leaped up and threw herself into the river. Oh my God! How will I know who killed my child?moaned Sidapaksa. Then he looked down at the water. Suddenly two pure white flower-buds appeared, one larger and taller than the other. A sweet fragrance came from them. Sidapaksa, look here! Beside me is our child. He himself will tell you who drowned him, the taller one spoke. Father, my mother is innocent. Grandmother threw me into the river. Now Im happy because my beloved mother has come with me, the smaller one spoke. Then the two flower vanished into the water. They left their fragrance behind. Since then, people call the city on its of the river Banyuwangi. Banyu means water and wangi fragrant. 12. Poor Little Sparrow Once upon a time, there lived a kind-hearted man and his wife. One morning, his wife found a poor little sparrow. She took it gently and fed it. To show its gratitude, the sparrow stayed with them and sang every morning. But there was an ill-tempered old woman who didnt like the sparrow. She cut the sparrows tongue. Thats why the bird flew away to its previous nest. Knowing that their sparrow flew away. the kind man and woman looked for their sparrow. They waked a long way, crossed the bridge, climbed a mountain and passed the wood. Not long afterwards, they could find the sparrows nest. The sparrow welcomed them and provided a feast for them. Before they went home, the sparrow brought two baskets, one was large and looked very heavy

and the other one was small and light. The sparrow asked them to choose one. They chose the small one. And that was the best choice. There were many rolls fo silk and piles of gold in it. Being jealous, the-ill tempered old woman did the same thing as the kind man and woman did. She chose the big basket which actually contained wasps and venomous crawlers, such as scorpions, centipedes, and oter horrible creatures. Finally, they stung and bit her to death. 13. A Fox and A Little Rabbit Once upon a time, in the jungle there lived a fox. His name was Rox. No one didnt know him. Everybody in the jungle was afraid of him because his face and style looked very vicious. One day in summer beautiful morning, when Rox was drinking at the side of the river, he saw a little rabbit in danger. A snake came sneaking behind the little rabbit. The snake was going to eat the rabbit. Rox jumped over the snake as soon as possible and scared the snake away. The little rabbit then felt relieved that Rox had just saved his life from the threat of the dangerous snake. After that, the little rabbit told the whole jungle that Rox was a kind fox. He had just saved his life. There was no need to be afraid of him anymore. 14. A Terrible Dragon Long long ago, a terrible dragon came to the kingdom of Tarania. It carried away the princess. Oh, oh, oh save my princess,the king of the Tarania shouted. who can save princess Tara? I can save Princess Tara. Im the bravest knight in your kingdom, Prince Gregor said proudly. I can save her, too, but Im the poorest boy in your kingdom, Thomas said humbly. You? Ha ha.ha.,Prince Gregor laughed loudly. How can you save the princess? You have no soldiers and no swords. Ill save the princess, beggar boy! Ready! Get set! Charge! The terrible dragon roared! Prince Gregor and his soldiers ran away. But Thomas did not run away. He opened his basket, and took out a ladder,a flute a rope, a piece of meat, a spear and a blanket. Then Thomas ran into the cave and saved the princess. 15. An unhappy King Once upon a time, there was a king who was always very powerful and rich. But he was always unhappy because he felt ill all the time. No doctor knew how to cure him, nor did any medicine do him good. One day, he called all his wise men to his palace and asked them what to do. There is only one way, said a very old man. if you can find a happy man, take his shirt and wear it, you will be soon cured. So, the king sent his men to search for all the happy men. They traveled all over the country, but they could not find one. There was nobody who was completely satisfied. If a man was rich and healthy, he had a bad wife. Everybody had something to complain of. The men were very tired of their long search and did not know when to go home. Just as they were worrying about that, they saw a poor workman who was singing merrily while he was at work. are you ready? they asked the man. Yes, I am as happy as a lark, answered the man. Give us your shirt, said the men. Well give you as much money as you need. Alas! cried the workman, My shirt is dirty.

16. A Faithful and Innocent MongooseShan and Citra lived in a large country house with their little son, Guna. They kept a mongoose as a pet. Guna and the mongoose were very fond of each other. They became good playmates. One day Shan was at his farm. Chitra had gone out for some work . Guna was asleep in his cradle. The mongoose was sitting by the cradle Guna was asleep in his cradle. The mongoose was sitting by the cradle to protect Guna from any harm. Suddenly, it saw a cobra creeping towards Guna. It jumped up and caught the cobras neck. There was a fierce fight between he mongoose and the cobra. At last the mongoose kiulled the cobra. After sometime, the mongoose saw Chitra coming towards the house. It ran to the entrance to greet its mistress. Chitra saw the marks of blood on the mouth and paws of her pet. She feared that the mongoose had killed her beloved son. Wild with anger, she picked up a stick from the verandah and rained heavy blows on the poor animal and killed it. Then she ran into the room to look at her son. She was very happy to find Guna safe and sound. She then saw the dead cobra. Now she realized her mistake. She had killed the innocent and faithful animal who had saved her son. Her sorrow knew no bounds. But it was no use crying over spilt milk.

17. A moon fairyOnce upon a time there lived in China a powerful and wicked king. He treated the people and his kingdom badly. The queen however was beautiful and kind. As the years passed the king feared that he would grow old and die. Ill give a huge reward to anyone who can make me immortal. He said. One day a magician from a far-away land brought a king some medicine. It will make your majesty live for thousands of years, he said. When the queen heard this, she was worried. Oh dear, she said. The people of China will not live in peace and happiness. What shall I do? In the end, she decided to steal the medicine. Unfortunately the king caught her doing it. In order to prevent him from taking the medicine at her hands, she drank it at once. Soon she felt herself became lighter and lighter. Slowly and gently she floated into the sky toward the moon. She had became a moon fairy. 18. A Naughty Girl and her Grandmother Once upon a time, a grandmother and her daughter lived in Roti island, Nusa Tenggara Timur. They had a field and grew some vegetables. The grandmother sold them at the market. On one morning, the grandmother would go to the market. Before she left, she asked her granddaughter to cook. Please cook some rice for lunch. But just cook one grain of rice. Its enough for both of us. Why grandma? asked the girl.Just do what I said. The grandmother said. Then, she left for the market. Later the girl started to cook. However, she thought a grain wouldnt be enough for them. Then she took two handful of rice. Suddenly, something bad happen to the rice pot. Oh, no! The rice flowed out the pot! shputed the girl. What should I do? The rice became porridge, it flowed and flowed until it covered the kitchen. Suddenly, the grandmother came home. The girl explained what happened. You are a naughty girl! Why didnt you listen to me? the grandmother was so angry. She hit the girl with a wooden stick.Please forgive me grandma the girl cried and cried. But the grandmother kept hitting her. Then an incredible thing happened! The girl turn into a monkey. The monkey then ran away and climbed a tree. The grandmother chased the monkey. From the tree, the monkey said. Grandma, I am a monkey now. I cannot live with you anymore. You are all alone. Then the monkey climbed and disappeared. The grandmother was very sad. She regretted what she was done to her beloved granddaughter. Please, come back to me, please forgive me my granddaughter! said the grandmother. But it was too late. The little girl has turned into a monkey and never come home.

19. Snow Maiden Once upon a time there lived a couple in a village. They had got married for a long time, but so far they did not have a baby yet. Even single minute they prayed to God, begged for a baby, but it never came true. One day, they went to snow mountain. They made a girl from snow and they dressed her beautifully. When it got dark, they decided to go home and left the snow girl alone. The following morning someone knocked at the door. Anybody home? she said. The old woman inside opened the door and asked, who are you? The girl said, Im snow Maiden, your daughter. The old woman was surprised and happy. Oh really? Thanks god! Come in, please! Since the meeting, they lived happily. Snow Maiden was beautiful, kind, diligent and helpful. Her parents and all of her friends loved her so much. One day, snow Maiden played with her friends. They played fire. At first, Snow Maiden just looked at their play. Suddenly her friends asked her to jump on the fire. Of course she refused it because one thing that made her afraid was the fire. Its because Snow Maiden is made of snow, so she should avoid the fire. But her friends kept on forcing her to jump on. Finally, she could not do anything then she did it. She jumped on the fire and she melted. Her friends were so sorry about this, they cried and cried hoping Snow Maiden could live again, but it was useless. 20. The Shoemaker and The Elves Once there was a shoemaker who was getting old. One night, he felt so tired that he went off to bed before he could finish making a pair of shoes. In the morning, he was surprised to find that the work had been done very well for him. That night, he got ready his things for starting on a new pair shoes for a rich customer. The next morning he was again surprised to find a brand new pair of shoes waiting for him. The rich customer was very pleased with the shoes. She said, This is beautiful work! I shall pay you twice the price you asked for! That night, the shoemaker happily put out the things needed to start on a third pair of shoes. He did this every night, and each morning he found another pair of shiny new shoes. The shoemaker told his wife about the strange and wonderful thing that was happening. Lets hide tonight and see what happens! she said. At midnight, they saw two elves coming into their shop. They finished the new pair of shoes very quickly. It was winter and the shoemakers wife saw that the elves were poorly dressed. She made two little red wool jackets and laid them on the table. The next night, the elves found the jackets and put them on. They danced happily in their new jackets. But they were never seen again! 21. A Greedy Dog One day there was a big dog passing through a village. The dog looked very hungry. It wanted to have something to eat. Therefore, it went toward a butcher and stole a piece of meat. Then, it ran away with the piece of meat in its mouth. Not wanting to be disturbed by any other dog, it looked for a safe place to enjoy the meat. The dog ran into the direction of a garden. It came to a stream and crossed a small bridge over the stream. In the middle of the bridge, the dog suddenly stopped walking. It looked into the water under the bridge. There was another dog in the stream. The dog had a piece of meat, too. The dog tempted to get the other piece of meat in the stream and therefore it quickly opened its mouth to take it. Suddenly, its own meat fell into the river and the dog finally got nothing. 22. Treasures in a Cave Once upon a time there were forty thieves who wanted put their stolen money and treasures in a cave. As soon as they arrived at the cave, they said the magic word, Open Sesame!, to open the cave door

which was made by a huge heavy stone. From a distance, a poor man saw the thieves while they were doing that. He heard the opening word and figured out the way to enter the cave. After the thieves left, the man hurriedly went towards the cave and opened it. He was amazed to find such a large quantity of money and golden treasures. He decided to take some of it and went back home. Soon after the poor man became rich and could afford to help other needy people in his village. 23. King Lir King Lir lived long time ago in Ireland. He had four children, two boys and two girls, whom he loved dearly. However, their stepmother was jealous. She wove a spell that turned the children into swans. Lir was brokenhearted. His beard and hair turned white with greif as he searched for his children. One day he saw four swans. He did not realize who they were; although they recognized the as their father. The spell could only be broken if the mountain in the North was joined to the one in the South. This seemed impossible, but after many years all the birds flew into the air and formed an arc between the mountains. The swans were no longer young, but had grown old, with hair as white as their fathers. 24. A helping hand Lita and Jessie were on our way to school. As we were crossing the road, we saw an old woman carrying a big basket of fruits. The old woman looked like she was in pain. She dropped her basket of fruits and squatted down. We ran toward her and asked, Are you all right? the old woman could not reply. She just shook her head. Ill call an ambulance. Said Jessie. Then she ran to a public telephone at nearby coffeeshop and called for an ambulance. A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived and took the old woman to the nearest hospital. That day, we visited the old woman in the hospital after school. The old woman was very happy to see us and she thanked us for helping her. 25. Mrs. Moffats Bag Richard and Philip invited Mrs. Moffat to their barbecue. Richard and Philips barbecue was, of course, a great success. About twenty people came and Richard and Philip cooked lots of hamburgers and chicken and made a big salad and brought big pieces of watermelon and everyone laughed and joked and told Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton how wonderful their sons were. I ate one hamburger and didnt talk to anybody. After a while, I left, and made sure that nobody saw me leave. Mrs. Moffat ate three plates of chicken and two hamburgers. After that she said she was very tired and was going to go and have a sleep. She walked over to her umbrella and sat down on her deckchair and went to sleep. When she woke up later, everybody on the beach was surprised to hear her screaming and shouting. My bag!!!! My bag!!! she shouted. Its gone!!! Its GONE!!! Everybody on the beach ran over to Mrs. Moffat to see what the problem was. Someone has taken my bag!!! she screamed, Someone has stolen my bag!!! Impossible! said everybody else. This is a very safe, friendly beach! There are no thieves here! But it was true. Mrs. Moffats big bag wasnt there anymore. Nobody had seen any strangers on the beach during the barbecue, so they thought that Mrs. Moffat had perhaps taken her bag somewhere and forgotten it. Mr. Morelli from the caf organized a search of the beach. Everybody looked everywhere for Mrs. Moffats big bag. Eventually, they found it. My father saw it hidden in the sand under a deckchair. A green deckchair. Richard and Philips deckchair. My father took it and gave it back to Mrs Moffat. Everybody looked at Richard and Philip. Richard and Philip, the golden boys, stood there looking surprised. Of course, they didnt know what to say. Mrs. Moffat looked in her bag. She started screaming again. Her purse with her money in it wasnt in the

big bag. My purse! she shouted, My purse has gone! Those boys have stolen it! They organized a barbecue so they could steal my purse! Everybody tried to explain to Mrs Moffat that this couldnt possibly be true, but Mrs Moffat called the police. The police arrived and asked golden Richard and golden Philip lots of questions. Richard and Philip couldnt answer the questions. Eventually, they all got into a police car and drove away to the police station. I sat there, pretending to read my book and trying to hide a big, fat purse under the sand on the beach. That was the last summer we went to the beach. My parents never talked about Richard and Philip again.

26. A kind StepmotherOnce upon a time in Japan, there was a girl named Hiroko living with his father, Toshiba as a shoemaker. One day Toshiba met a woman named Uchida Masako. They fell in love and then got married. Hiroko hated her stepmother, Masako. She thought that every stepmother is cruel and brutal. But in fact, Masako loved Hiroko like her own daughter. Hiroko always tried to make Masako look bad in front of Toshiba. When his father went home after work, Hiroko put salt in his tea made by Masako. So, Toshiba blamed Masako for the tea. When Masako finished her laundry, Hiroko put some mud in Toshibas clothes and it made Masako angry. Masako knew that Hiroko who did that, but she never told Toshiba about that. One day Toshiba went out of town to deliver some shoes. Masako told Hiroko not to play in the woods. But Hiroko did not obey her. She played in the woods until it was getting dark. She got lost and started to cry. Then she heard someone called her. It was Masako who was worried about her and tried to find her. Hiroko apologized to her stepmother for all the things that she had done. Finally, she realized not all stepmother was cruel. And she should not have negative thinking to other people before she really knew them.

27. MomotaroOnce upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give a child. While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach.when they heard a voice from inside. The couple were too surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby boy inside. The couple were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant Peach boy. Momotaro grew up and told his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaros mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey. Sailing his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same directioon. They became good friends, soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates. Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagles flew over the thieves head, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated. Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and safe return.

28. Golden SnailOnce upon a time, there was a kingdom in Java. One day, there was a big battle in that kingdom because there was an attack from another kingdom. The king asked his queen to save her life. Alas, in the middle of the jungle the enemy killed all of her

guards. The queen was lucky because she could save her life by cahnging herself into a golden snail. One day an old woman saw the snail and took it home. She looked it after. Everytime the old woman was not at home, the snail turned into a human being. She cooked and did the household chores. When the old woman got home, the queen quickly turned into a snail again. It happened several times and made the woman curious. One day the old woman peeped and saw what was going on. She broke in immediately. She aked, why did you change yourself into snail? The queen told her what happened. The old woman was surprised to know that the old woman was a queen. Later from the head of the village they discovered that the king won the battle and now he was looking for his wife. Then the village head sent a message to the king telling him that his wife was safe. Several days later, the king and his guards came to pick up the queen. They thanked the villagers for their kindness.

29. Downside BoatLong time ago in West Java, lived a woman named Dayang Sumbi. She lived alone and she was thristing for a husband. One day when quilting, her quilt fell off from her house. Then she prayed to Gods, If a an picks up my quilt, he will be my husband. If a woman, she will be my sister. Then a male dog picked it up. For keeping her words, so Dayang Sumbi got married to the dog and called him Tumang. Dayang Sumbi gave a birth to a baby and named him Sangkuriang, but she never told him who his father was. One day, Sangkuriang was hunting with Tumang in forest and he found nothing. He blamed Tumang for the failure and killed him. When Dayang Sumbi knew that, she hit Sangkuriangs head with a big spoon and expelled him. Many years later, the wandering Sangkuriang found a house in the forest, and an old beatiful woman was in the house. The woman, Dayang Sumbi recognized the adventurer as Sangkuriang. He forced her to marry him and she told that Sangkuriang had to build a vast boat for their honeymoon, just in one night. In the night, Sangkuriang called his friends, Ghosts, and the forest fairies to help him. Feared the boat complete, Dayang Sumbi asked some women in the nearby to help her. So they punched the grains with grains puncher to make noise which disturbed the ghosts and the fairies. The morning came before the y completed the boat. The ghosts and fairies ran away, leaving Sangkuriang. Engaged, he kicked away the boatto the downside, and turned into a mountain called Tangkuban Perahu which means the downside boat.

30. Malin KundangOnce there lived a widow and her son on the West Coast of Minangkabau. She was very poor. They got their food by sellling branches gathered by her son, Malin Kundang from the forest. Her son was ten years old. Everyday when his mother went to the market, he went to the coast. He felt lonely in his heart. He wanted to leave his lovely country. One day when he was young, a ship came into the coast. He ran to the ship and saw the captain of the ship ordering his men. The captain was dressed in beautiful clothes, and he smoked a nice cigarette. When the captain saw Malin Kundang, he saw him, Come here, my boy! What are you doing here? Do you like to work in my ship? Of course, he liked it very much. After a few hours the ship left the coast. His mother was very sad because he was her only son. Everyday she prayed to god to protect her son. She wanted to live until her son came back. Time passed by, then a big ship came into the coast. How surprised the widow was, when she knew that the captain of the ship was her son.she rushed to the harbor, crying, Malin, Malin Kundang, my son. When she came near the captain, Malin Kundang, the captain order his men to stop her. Malin Kundang

was very ashamed because her mother wore bad and poor clothes. He pretended not to recognize his mother. He said that he did not have a mother like her. The ship left the harbor. He did not like to see his poor mother. Her mother was very angry with her son. God will punish you, Malin! I have been waiting for you and you have come safely, but you dont like your poor mother. The sea will swallow you. Then a great storm came and Malins ship sank down.

30. Mousedeer One day while a mousedeer was walking in the forest, he saw a big black snake sleeping under the tree. When he saw the snake, the mousedeer was frightened. When he wanted to run away from the snake, he suddenly fell on top of a tiger which was sleeping not far from the snake. The tiger woke up and took hold of the mousedeer. He told the mousedeer that he was going to eat him for lunch. Please, dont eat me now, said the mousedeer. I have something important to do. Look, said the mousedeer. That is the kings belt. He asked me to stay here and watch it while he was away in the forest. The tiger looked at the snake and said, that is a beautiful belt. I need a belt like that. Can I wear it? he asked the mousedeer. Oh, all right, said the mousedeer. So he picked up the snake and winded it around the tiger. Then the snake woke up and saw the tiger. The snake twisted itself tighter and tighter, until the tiger couldnt breathe. The tiger asked the mousedeer to help him. But the mousedeer turned and ran away. Into the forest.

; 31. Peter Pan; 33. A Lion and..