Kon Flik Mate Riku Liah

KONFLIK Prof. Dr. Budi Anna Keliat


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Transcript of Kon Flik Mate Riku Liah


KONFLIKProf. Dr. Budi Anna KeliatKonflik Suatu proses yang dimulai bila satu pihak merasakan bahwa suatupihak lain telah mempengaruhi secara negatif atau akan segera mempengaruhi secara negatif, sesuatu yang diperhatikan pihak pertama.Perbedaan pendapat, ide, keinginan, kebutuhan antara dua orang atau lebih(Robbins)

THE DEFINITION OF CONFLICTConflict is behavior by a person or group that is purposely designed to inhibit the attainment of goals by another person or group.ActivePassive Most of us think of conflict as a negative experience.Conflict has the potential to produce positive outcome.A device for directing effort.Pandangan Tentang KonflikSemua konflik merugikan dan harus dihindari.Konflik merupakan hasil wajar dan tidak terelakkan dalam setiap kelompok.Konflik tidak hanya suatu kekuatan positif dalam suatu kelompok melainkan mutlak perlu untuk suatu kelompok agar dapat berkinerja efektif.LEVEL OF CONFLICT(Vecchio&Gray&Starke)INTRAPERSONAL CONFLICTApproach Approach ConflictAvoidance Avoidance ConflictApproach Avoidance Conflict


INTERGROUP CONFLICTJenis KonflikFungsionalKonflik yang mendukung tujuan kelompok dan memperbaiki kinerja kelompok.

DisfungsionalKonflik yang merintangi kinerja kelompok.Proses KonflikTahap ITahap II Tahap IIITahap IVTahap VOposisi atauKognisi danMaksudPerilakuHasilketidakcocokanpersonalisasipotensialTahap I: Oposisi atau Ketidakcocokan PotensialKondisi yang menciptakan timbulnya konflik:KomunikasiStrukturMakin besar kelompokMakin mudaMakin berbeda tujuanGaya tertutup dan ketatVariabel PribadiOtoriter dan dogmatik Beda sistem nilai SOURCES OF CONFLICTVECCHIOComminication factorsStructural factorsPersonal behaviour factors

GRAY & STARKELimited resourcesInterdependent work activitiesDifferentiation of activitiesCommunication problemsDifferences in perseptionsThe environment of the organizationOther sources of conflictSource of ConflictTensions between groupsIncreased workloadMultiple role demandsThreats to safety and securitySconce resourcesCultural differencesInvasion of personal space (Mc. Elhaney)Tahap II: Kognisi dan PersonalisasiPersepsi terhadap konflikKesadaran oleh satu pihak atau lebih akan eksistensi kondisi-kondisi yang menciptakan kesempatan untuk timbulnya konflik.

Perasaan terhadap konflikPelibatan emosional dalam suatu konflik yang menciptakan kecemasan, ketegangan, frustasi, dan permusuhan.Tahap III: MaksudMaksud (Intensi)Keputusan untuk bertindak dalam suatu cara tertentu.BersaingSuatu hasrat untuk memuaskan kepentingan seseorang, tidak peduli dampaknya pada pihak lain.BerkolaborasiKeinginan untuk memuaskan kepentingan semua pihak.MenghindarMenarik diri dari kondisi konflik.MengakomodasiKesediaan menaruh kepentingan lawan di atas kepentingan sendiri.Berkompromi Tiap pihak bersedia melepas sesuatu.Tahap IV: PerilakuPerilaku mencakup:PernyataanTindakanReaksi

Kontinum Intensitas KonflikKonflikPemusnah

TiadaKonflikUpaya terang-terangan untuk menghancurkan pihak lainSerangan fisik yang agresifAncaman dan ultimatumSerangan verbal yang tegasPertanyaan atau tantangan terang-terangan terhadap pihak lainKetidaksepakatan atau salah paham kecilManajemen KonflikPemecahan konflikPemuaian sumber dayaPenghindaranPerataanKompromiOtoritatifMengubah variabel manusiaMengubah variabel struktur

DisfungsionalOposisi tak terkendaliMenghentikan fungsi kelompokMenghambat komunikasiMengurangi keterpaduanMengalahkan tujuanCONFLICT MANAGEMENTGRAY & STARKE Conflict StimulationAppointing managers who are open to changeEncouraging competitionRestructuring the work unit

Conflict ResolutionForcingSmoothingAjority RuleCompromiseConsensusConfrontationIntegrationVECCHIO Conflict management (five styles)Forcing/CompetingCollaboratingCompromisingAvoidingAccommodatingStructural ApproachStimulating Conflict (sama dengan Gray & Starke)Intergroup ConflictRules and ProceduresAppeal to Higher AuthorityBoundary-Spanning PositionsNegotiationTeamIntegrating DepartmentKonflik dan Kinerja UnitTinggi Kinerja A BC Unit (Rendah)Tingkat Konflik (Tinggi)SituasiTingkat KonflikTipe KonflikKarakteristikInternal UnitHasil Kinerja UnitARendahatauTiada Disfungsional ApatisMacetTidak tanggap thd perubahanKekurangan ide baruRendahBOptimalFungsional Hidup, kritis diri, inovatifTinggiCTinggiDisfungsional Mengganggu, kacau balauTidak kooperatifRendahSTRATEGI PENYELESAIAN KONFLIKPra KonflikKonflikPasca KonflikPencegahanPenyelesaianPemulihanSesi 1: Memahami komunikasi asertif, pasif, agresifSesi 2: Pendengar yg baik terhadap keluhan lawan bicaraSesi 3: Menyampaikan perbedaan pendapat Sesi 4: Menyampaikan harapan dalam merubah perilaku tidak asertifSesi 5: Mengatakan tidak terhadap permintaan yang tidak rasionalSesi 6: Mempertahankan komunikasi asertif

SESI ASERTIF TRAINING(Willis, Deislay, Aini, 2011)Perilaku asertif

Pendengar yang baik

Menyampaikan perbedaan pendapat

Menyampaikan harapan

Mengatakan tidak pada permintaan yg tidak rasional

Mempertahankan komunikasi asertif

FIVE CONFLICT-HANDLING STYLESConflict-handling stylesRelated TermProverbForcingCompetingConflictfulMoving against the otherPut your foot down where you mean to standCollaborating Problem solvingIntegratingConfronting Come let us reason togetherCompromising Splitting the differenceSharingHorse-tradingYou have to give some to get some (take and give)Avoiding Moving away from the otherWithdrawingLosing-leavingLet sleeping dogs lieAccommodating Yielding-losingFriendly-helpingMoving toward the otherIt is better to give than to receiveSource: K. W. Thomas, Organizational Conflict, in Organizational Behaviour, ed. S. Kerr (Columbus)5 WAYS MANAGEMENT CONFLICA. Avoiding When an issue is trivial, or more important issues are pressing.When you perceive no chance of satisfying your concern.When potential disruption outweighs the benefits of resolution.To let people cool down and regain perspective.When gathering information supersedes immediate decision.When others can resolve the conflict more effectively.When issues seem tangential or symptomatic of other issues.B. COMPETINGWhen quick, decisive action is vital, e.g., emergencies.On important issues where unpopular actions need implementing, e.g., cost-cutting, enforcing unpopular rules, discipline.On issues vital to company welfare when you know youre right.Against people who take advantage of noncompetitive behavior.COMPETITIONPLUSThe winner is clearWinner usually experience gainsMINUSEstablishes the batter ground for the next conflictMay cause worthy competitions to withdraw or leave the organizationC. Accommodating When you find you are wrong to allow a better position to be heard, to learn, and to show your reasonableness.When issues are more important to others than to you to satisfy others and maintain cooperation.To build social credits for later issues.To minimize loss when you are outmatched and losing.When harmony and stability are especially important.To allow subordinates to develop by learning from mistakes.Source: K. W. Thomas, Toward Multi Dimensional Values in Teaching: The Example of Conflict Behaviours, Academy of Management Review 2.

ACCOMMODATIONPLUSCurtails conflict situationsEnhances ego of the otherMINUSSometimea establishes a precedenceDoes not fully engage participantsD. Compromising When goals are important but not worth the effort of potential disruption of more assertive modes.When opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals.To achieve temporary settlements to complex issues.To arrive at expedient solutions under time pressure.As a backup when collaboration or competition is unsuccessful.COMPROMISEPLUSShow good willEstablishe friendshipMINUSNo one gets what they wantsMay feel like a dead end

E. Collaborating To fid an integrative solution when bath sets of concerns are too important to be compromised. When your objective is to learn.To merge insights from people with different perspectives.To gain commitment by incorporating concerns into a consensus.To work through feelings that have interfered with a relationship.COLLABORATIONPLUSEvery one winsCreate good feelingsMINUSHard to achieve since no one knows howOften confusing since players can win something they didnt know they wantedWHAT THIS MEANSMANAGING CONFLICT MEANS YOE NEED TO DEVELOP SEVERAL STYLES AND DECIDE WHICH IS VALUABLE AT ANY GIVEN POINT OF CONFLICTTIPS FOR MANAGING WORKPLACE CONFLICTBina hubungan baik sebelum konflik terjadiJangan biarkan masalah kecil menjadi besar, selesaikan segeraHargai perbedaanDengarkan pendapat orang lain pada situasi konflikHargai perasaan sebelum fokus pada faktaFokus pada penyelesaian masalah bukan mengubah orang lainJika tidak dapat diselesaikan, cari orang ketiga yg dapat membantuIngat adaptasi style sdr pada situasi dan orang yg terlibatTerima kasihSelamat Mencoba