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Transcript of KODE GENAP

  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    Part II, A

    Text 1 => Frogs ......................

    1. Species

    2. Metamarphosis

    3. Attract

    4. Vocal

    5. Forward

    Taxt 2 => id!e"s ma" #ail ................

    $. To #%!ctio!

    &. 'ompletel"

    (. traetme!t

    ). importa!t

    1*. pre+e!t

    Text 3 => ,"drostatistics is is the st%d" o# ............

    11. -e!erate air /pward #loati!g gas

    12. Air

    13. /pward

    14. Floati!g

    15. -as

    Part II B

    1$. 0+er"o!e is ...... i!+ited to atte!d the weddi!g part" o# the pri!cess crow!

    o# Sweda! (cordially)

    1&. The prorct o# a! i!depe!de!t orea was the res%lt o# a co!stellatio! o# the

    i!trepre!e%rial eleme!ts thro%gh a credit s"stem ased ...... i!d%strial

    #i!a!ce (On)

    1(. The r%ssia!led ........... #or imediate dispatch o# peace eepi!g ...........


    1). lder people i! aorigi!al societ" ware re#orred a!d cared ........ as great

    so%rces o# wesdom (For)

    2*. .............. did !ot wa! to share ........... r%!!i!g the co%!tr" ...... (Power)


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    21. !do!esia will !ext "ear ............ o+er (Take)

    22. ........... speai!g "o%ha+e perpect +isio! ao%t this ad+a!ced tech!olog"

    proced%re (Generally)

    23. The "o%!g researcher i!terested ...... (In)

    24. The %!ited states is !ot the la!d o# e6%al opport%!it" ....... o! (based)

    25. ......... Ali+i!g .......... (make)

    2$. A #actor" i! atam will e t%r!ed (into)

    2&. The most ig citie ha+e 24 ho%r lo!g tra##ic ............ (congstion)

    2(. 7%st ho%r earlier the primemi!ister had .......... a speech ...........


    2). ! the capital stocohlm a gro%p o# poets ... dow! a re6%est ........ (turned)

    3*. !l" ........... pri!cess i! herits the thro!e .......... (legitimate)

    Part III !A

    1. The comodo drago! is the world largest li8ard which ca! grow to 3 miters

    lo!g a!d ........ more tha! )* ilometers. ("eig#)

    2. .......... 9og"a is a tr%l" 7a+a!ese cit" Semara!g is the archetpal port %ilt

    " the colo!ialst ("#ile)

    3. ! theor" email a!d wesite pro+ide a !ice plat#orm o! which a! a%die!ce

    ca! the pro#ile o# "o%r %si!iss ($aise)

    4. Those who practici!g m%sic therap" ..... a e!e#it i! %si!g m%sic ............

    (are %inding)

    5. Migra! headache is pai!#%l .... occ%rs the !er+e tiss%e i! the head is

    pressed ca%si!g pai! (t#is)

    $. :e#ore the i!depe!de!ce silat ........... " i!do!esia #reedom #ighter i!

    1)45 (was used)

    &. Most people i! de+eloped co%!tries ha+e a +ag%e idea that the tap water

    s%pplied #or them is #iltered a!d " their ;ocal go+er!a!ce or water

    (. ..........................................................



  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    ). /!less "o% ha+e a reser+atio! it ......... impossile to get hotel room at

    weee!d eca%se o# maliooro #esti+al ("ill be)

    1*. 0ati!g together does !ot o!l" stre!gthem relatio!ship a!d eep trac o#

    #amil" memers (but also leads to)

    11. 0ati!g slowl" is recomme!ded #or health eca%se it ...... the coms%mptio!

    o# #ood (reduce)


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    1). 'retes


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    2&. 'olors i! o%r e!+iro!me!t a##ect %s o! o%r dail" acti+ities a!d it ca! act

    as %!co!sco%s triggers i!#l%e!ce ow we thi! #eel a!d react to the world

    sro%!d %s

    2(. ;i#e expecta!c" #rom irth w#oreprese!t the a+erege li#espa! o# !ew i"

    or! is a#re6%e!tl" %tili8ed a!d a!ali8ed compo!e!t o# demograph"


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    4*. @etoos small cost low laptops characteri8ed " scree!s that meas%re

    etwee! & a!d 12 i!ches.

    Part I* $eading compre#ension

    Text 1 (+OA -O. '/'012A$34T)


    1. Target marets a!d segme!tatio!

    2. Mareters

    3. To meet !eed o# the %"ers

    4. Eiches

    5. @ood" lie the same prod%cts

    $. A gloal i!d%str"

    &. Sa+i!g

    (. That it is the most co!+e!ie!t wa"o# shoppi!g i! the digital era

    ). Seco!d paragraphli!e

    1*. 455*

    (+OA T4-TA-G 15G4-64$)

    11. etermi!i!g wome!Ds class positio!

    12. The class a!al"sis

    13. Eec%rre!t

    14. ome!Ds class positio! are !ot most o#te! go+er!ed " her h%sa!ds class


    15. ome!Ds wori!g sit%atio!s i!#l%e!ce their ow! class

    1$. :readwi!!ers

    1&. Mo!e" paid reg%larl" to the #ormer wi#e whe! the marriage has e!ded

    1(. ##icer worer

    1). ;i!e (13

    2*. To critici8e the %!#air positio! o# h%sa!d a!d wi#e

    (Te&t 7 15PO+TOO-IA)


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    21. The de#i!itio! o# postcolo!ial st%dies a!d its applicatio! to i!do!esia


    22. Mixt%re

    23. -o+er!me!t assista!ce

    24. A! amalgam o# #oreig! religio! a+a!ese elie#

    25. The c%lt%ral histor" o# the i!do!esia archipelago

    2$. @ati+e

    2&. !do!esia c%lt%re is o!e o# the axample o# imp%re c%lt%re which is the

    res%lt o# a co!tact with #oreig! co%!tries

    2(. Ta"lorDs pict%re o# colo!ial ata+ia

    2). 0xpla!ator"

    3*. 0mphasi8e the dista!cti+e #eat%re o# c%lt%re i! i!do!esia

    Te&t 8 15 $A6IATIO-

    31. ,ow co!d%ctio! di##ers #rom radiatio!

    32. 'o!dactio! re6%eres co!tact to tra!s#er the heat while radiatio! does !ot

    33. The wi+e le!ght o# the light

    34. The wa+e le!ght o# the light i!creases at higher temperat%re

    35. 'ha!ge

    3$. 0+er" a!imal has each ow! tech!i6%e to deal with heat

    3&. F%r

    3(. @oticale

    3). 1)24

    4*. 'ha!!el the light dow! to the si!.

  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    A. Plankton, t#e collectie name %or minute marine animals and plants, is

    t#e best %ood stu%% %or eeryting t#at lies in t#e ocean.


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    5. BBB. 7awaa!

    $. A#ter retreati!g the wor at the age o# twe!t"six emil" ici!so! wrote more

    tha! 1*** poe!ms

    A. A%terretreating %rom t#e work at t#e age o% twenty/si&, more t#an

    ',000 poems were written by 4mily 6ickinson

    :. A#ter 0mil" ici!so! retreati!g #rom the wor at the age o# twe!t"six

    she had writte! more tha! 1*** poems

    '. A#ter retreati!g #rom the wor at the age o# twe!t"six it was 0mil"

    ici!so! wrote more tha! 1*** poems

    &. BB. 7awaa! ' Ee%ilt shart time a#terB.

    (. BB.. 7awaa! etermi!i!g the social cost a!d social e!e#it associated

    wich a B good isB.

    ). The diesel e!gi!e is highl" e##icie!t a!d !eeds ser+ici!g i!#re6%e!tl"

    7awa => 4en t#oug# relatiely costly, t#e diesel engine is #ig#ly e%%icient

    and needs serice in%re9uently

    A. ,owe+er relati+el" costl" the diesel e!gi!e is highl" e##icie!t a!d !eeds

    ser+ice i!#re6%e!tl"

    :. %e to relati+el" high cost the diesel..........

    1*. BB.

    11. 7awaa! A. a!d the! scori!gB.

    12 he! philosopher deate what that maes %!i6%e amBgo!g a!imals the"


    poi!t to la!g%a!ge

    A. "#at it is t#at makes


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    13 altho%ght o%" moder! stati#icatio! a!d asisste! .........

    A. 6espite our modern

    :. wi!g to ao%r moder!

    '. !spite o%r moder!

    . espite o# o%r moder!

    14 The p%rpose empirical reasco!s i! the social scie!ce a!sware lesso!s ao%t the

    eha+io%r %se the scie!ti#ic method


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    1. A. Amp#ibian #ae lungs

    :. Amphiia! which ha+e l%!gs amphiia!

    '. Altho%gh ha+e l%!gs amphiia!

    . 0+e! tho%gh amphiia! ha+e l%!gs

    2. A. Pictures taken wit# a telescope are inerted

    :. endri +. Truman was America?s t#irty/

    t#ird president

    :. ,e was or! a!d raised i! misso%ri ,e!dri S. Tr%ma! was AmericaDs


    '. third preside!t That he was or! a!d raised i! misso%ri ,e!dri S. Tr%ma!

    was AmericaDs thirt" third preside!t

    5. A.Alice %reman was appointed to #ead walallasley college as at age @.

    :. Alice #rema! was appoi!ted to head wallesles college as at age 2&

    '. Appoi!ted to head wallesle" college at age 2& alice #rema!

    $. A.2any tec#nological innoations, suc# as t#e telep#one, t#at appear to

    bet#e result o% sudden burst o% inspiration in %act was preceded by


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    many inconclusie e%%orts

    :. Ma!" tech!ological i!!o+atio!s s%ch as the telepho!e appear to e the

    res%lt o# s%dde! %rst o# i!spiratio! a!d lie as preceded " ma!"

    i!co!cl%si+e e##orts

    '. Ma!" tech!ological i!!o+atio!s s%ch as the telepho!e appear to e the

    res%lt o# s%dde! %rst o# i!spiratio! i! #act preceded " ma!"

    i!co!cl%si+e e##orts

    &. A.-early eery aspect o% economic li%e is a%%ected by seasonal ariations

    :. @earl" e+er" aspect o# eco!omis li#e a##ected " their seaso!al +ariatio!s

    '. @earl" e+er" aspect o# eco!omic li#e are a##ected " seaso!al +ariatio!s.

    (. A.Automatons, program to per%orm a gien task, lack t#e %le&ibility and

    adabtability o% #uman beings

    :. A%tomato!s program to per#orm a gi+e! tas lacs o# #lexiilit" a!d

    adatailit" o#

    '. A%tomato!s program to per#orm a gi+e! tas lacs the #lexiilit" a!d

    adatailit" o# h%ma! ei!gs

    ). A.T#e adantages o% computeried typing and editing e&tended to all t#e

    written languanges o% t#e world

    :. The ad+a!tages o# comp%teri8ed t"pi!g a!d editi!g ei!g exte!ded to all

    the writte! la!g%ages o# the world

    '.The ad+a!tages o# comp%teri8ed t"pi!g a!d editi!g are ei!g exte!ded to

    all the writte! la!g%ages o# the world

    1*. A. 2ost talc is used in ceramics and roo%ing because it resists %ire well

    :. Most talc is i! ceramics a!d roo#i!g eca%se resists #ire well

    11. 1 A m%!..


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    2 This modelB

    3 The io!icB

    7awaa! A I 2

    12. 1 The d%railit"


  • 8/12/2019 KODE GENAP


    3 B.


    Cawaban B D 7

    1&. 1. ;ogistic regressio! ..........

    2. Agai! there is a stro!g ..........

    3. howe+er

    4. Fator a##ecti!g ..........

    5. These #actor co!sists ......

    7awa J 45132

    1(. 1. Archeological data #rom a +ast ...........

    2. The #irst o# them led to the co!+erge!ce .....

    3. The article explores .....

    4. The seco!d wa+e !ot a!l" ...........

    5. ! the middle ro!8e ......

    7awa J A = 31524

    1). 1. There was also some e+ide!ce .....

    2. Males are reported more eha+iors ....

    3. A s%r+e" o# co!+e!ie!ce ......

    4. ome! ware more liel" ......

    7awa J ' = 42513

    2*. 1. @ow thet Dm approachi!g that ..........

    2. A p%lic #ig%re !ow i! his $*Ds who is .......

    3. %sed to thi! 4* was a ...........

    4. ,e also acti+el" ........

    5. tDs the age whe! a perso! is !ot ...........

    7awa J = 35124
