Kalorimeter Bom

CARA KERJA KALORIMETER BOM Kalorimeter bom adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah kalor (nilai kalori) yang dibebaskan pada pembakaran sempurna (dalam O 2 berlebih) suatu senyawa, bahan makanan, bahan bakar. Sejumlah sampel ditempatkan pada tabung beroksigen yang tercelup dalam medium penyerap kalor (kalorimeter), dan sampel akan terbakar oleh apilistrik dari kawat logam terpasang dalam tabung. Kalorimeter bom terdiri dari tabung baja tebal dengan tutup kedap udara. Sejumlah tertentu zat yang akan diuji ditempatkan dalam cawan platina dan sebuah"kumparan besi´ yang diketahui beratnya (yang juga akan dibakar) ditempatkan pula padacawan platina sedemikian sehingga menempel pada zat yang akan diuji. Kalorimeter bom kemudian ditutup dan tutupnya lalu dikencangkan. Setelah itu "bom" diisi dengan O2 hingga tekanannya mencapai 25 atm. Kemudian "bom" dimasukkan ke dalam kalorimeter yang diisiair. Setelah semuanya tersusun, sejumlah tertentu aliran listrik dialirkan ke kawat besi dansetelah terjadi pambakaran, kenaikan suhu diukur. Kapasitas panas (atau harga air) ³bom´,kalorimeter, pengaduk, dan termometer ditentukan dengan percobaan terpisah denganmenggunakan zat yang diketahui panas pembakarannyadengan tepat (Biasanya asam benzoat) Keterangan : a. Termometer berguna untuk mengukur suhu. b. Pengaduk berguna untuk mengaduk air pendingin. c. Katup oksigen untuk memasukkan oksigen dari tabung. d. Cawan untuk meletakkan bahan/sampel yang akan di bakar. e. Kawat penyala untuk membakar. f. Bom yaitu tempat terjadinya pembakaran.


Pengertian dan cara kerja kalorimeter bom

Transcript of Kalorimeter Bom

Page 1: Kalorimeter Bom


Kalorimeter bom adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah kalor (nilai kalori) yang dibebaskan pada pembakaran sempurna (dalam O2 berlebih) suatu senyawa, bahan makanan, bahan bakar. Sejumlah sampel ditempatkan pada tabung beroksigen yang tercelup dalam medium penyerap kalor (kalorimeter), dan sampel akan terbakar oleh apilistrik dari kawat logam terpasang dalam tabung. Kalorimeter bom terdiri dari tabung baja tebal dengan tutup kedap udara. Sejumlah tertentu zat yang akan diuji ditempatkan dalam cawan platina dan sebuah"kumparan besi´ yang diketahui beratnya (yang juga akan dibakar) ditempatkan pula padacawan platina sedemikian sehingga menempel pada zat yang akan diuji. Kalorimeter bom kemudian ditutup dan tutupnya lalu dikencangkan. Setelah itu "bom" diisi dengan O2 hingga tekanannya mencapai 25 atm. Kemudian "bom" dimasukkan ke dalam kalorimeter yang diisiair. Setelah semuanya tersusun, sejumlah tertentu aliran listrik dialirkan ke kawat besi dansetelah terjadi pambakaran, kenaikan suhu diukur. Kapasitas panas (atau harga air) ³bom´,kalorimeter, pengaduk, dan termometer ditentukan dengan percobaan terpisah denganmenggunakan zat yang diketahui panas pembakarannyadengan tepat (Biasanya asam benzoat)

Keterangan :

a. Termometer berguna untuk mengukur suhu. b. Pengaduk berguna untuk mengaduk air

pendingin.c. Katup oksigen untuk memasukkan oksigen dari

tabung.d. Cawan untuk meletakkan bahan/sampel yang

akan di bakar.e. Kawat penyala untuk membakar.f. Bom yaitu tempat terjadinya pembakaran.g. Jacket air yaitu jacket untuk peletakan bom.

Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan dalam Pengoperasian.

1. Suhu pembakaran pada bomb kalorimeter tiap menit yang dilihat pada digital temperature indicator.

2. Tekanan gas Oksigen yang diberikan pada bom.

Cara Kerja

1. Susun alat kalorimeter.2. Isi gelas kimia dengan 50ml NaOH3. Isi gelas kimia dengan 50ml HCL 0,1M. Ukur dan cata suhu setiap larutan.

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4. Tuangkan 100ml NaOH 1M ke dalam calorimeter, disusul 100ml HCL 0,1 M. Tutup kalorimeter dengan karet penyumbat lalu aduk campuran larutan. Catat suhu campuran larutan.


The traditional applications are described by ISO, DIN, British Standards and ASTM International Standards and refer to combustible energy conversions into heat.

FOSSIL FUELSProducers and users of solid combustible fuels like COAL and OIL use the bomb calorimeter for quality assurance and exploration. The calorimeter has excellent repeatability and accuracy in accordance with ISO, DIN, British Standards and ASTM.

PROPELLANTSHere the bomb calorimeter is used as a quality assurance tool. The bomb vessel is not charged at all, or charged with an inert gas. A small sample is burned and the energy is displayed.

HEAT-IGNITABLE EXPLOSIVES (ARMAMENTS)The development and secrecy in the industry prevents us from publishing details. But if the substance can be ignited by heat, then the DDS range of bomb calorimeters can measure it. Typical applications are igniter caps and charges. The vessel is at present used for quality control. The speed of combustion is not measured.

VOLATILE FUEL & OILSWith price of crude oil escalating as it is at present, the energy of calorific value of fuels is becoming more and more critical. The calorific value of fuel determines the amount of energy contained in it - this means that a fuel of high calorific value will give more energy and thus more propulsion to the vehicle than the fuel of lower calorific value. All liquid fuels can be analyzed in a bomb calorimeter unit. The determination is performed in accordance with ASTM D240-02 and D4809-00 standards.

Non-Traditional applications which are applications that are not referred to in any standard publication. The instrument produces repeatable and accurate results with non-conventional samples.

ANIMAL FEED PRODUCTIONIt is obvious that digestible energy is not equivalent to combustible energy. However, the bomb calorimeter can be used in a comparative fashion in quality control in animal feed production and optimization of feed consumption. The bomb calorimeter is used in animal feed research, Department of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences, Universities and private industry. The aim is to improve the nutritional value of the feed or optimize the nutritional absorption by animals. The bomb calorimeter has proved to be a fast and reliable tool in comparison to wet digestive methods

PRODUCTION AND USE OF EDIBLE OILS The digestive calories of vegetable oils are nearly the same as combustible energy. Therefore the bomb calorimeter is ideally suited for incoming control of raw products during oil production. Consequently, any food production, which uses oil in the process can use the calorimeter to measure the oil content of

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the final product. Since we are all concerned with the daily intake of calories, the instrument is used to control the use of oil during production of potato chips, canned beef and fish.


calorimetry (kăl'ərĭm`ətrē), measurement of heat and the determination of heat capacity. Heat is evolved in exothermic processes and absorbed in endothermic processes; such processes include chemical reactions, transitions between the states of matter, and the mixing of two substances to form a solution (see thermodynamics). A number of different units are used in heat measurement, e.g., the calorie, the British thermal unit (Btu), and the joule. The apparatus used in heat measurement is called a calorimeter. The measurement given by the most common type of calorimeter depends upon the temperature change in a fixed quantity of water (or some other liquid whose heat capacity is known) when heat is transferred between the water and an exothermic or endothermic process. If the temperature change is not too large, then the heat transferred is equal to the heat capacity of the water times the mass of the water times the change in temperature. The accuracy of this method of heat measurement depends on the assumption that all the heat transferred in the process passes into or out of the water in which the temperature change is measured, no heat being lost to the environment and none being absorbed by the walls of the container. The amount of heat given off by the combustion of a fuel can be determined very accurately in the so-called bomb calorimeter, which consists of a combustion chamber (the "bomb") set in another chamber filled with water. Heat generated by combustion of the fuel is transmitted to the water, raising its temperature. The calorie content of food is tested this way. Calorimeters are also employed to measure the energies of elementary particles


bomb calorimetern(Chemistry) Chem a device for determining heats of combustion by igniting a sample in a high pressure of oxygen in a sealed vessel and measuring the resulting rise in temperature: used for measuring the calorific value of foods
