Ini Cerita Tentang Masa Kecil Gue


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Transcript of Ini Cerita Tentang Masa Kecil Gue

Page 1: Ini Cerita Tentang Masa Kecil Gue


Ini cerita tentang masa kecil gue, dimana waktu itu gue sedang mancing di empang

tempat paman gue, sebenaranya sih gue gak terlalu suka banget sama mancing tapi lumayan

kan buat mengisi waktu dari pada bengong kaya batu yaah.Untuk ke rumah paman gue harus

jalan kaki, huh soalnya motor gak bisa lewat jalannya jelek, maklum di kampung.he

Mancing di empang bersama paman gue sebenarnya asyik tapi gue suka jengkel kalau

lagi mancing di suruh-suruh, kan gue pengen nyantai. Apalagi kalau dah nyuruh ke warung

beli di SAMPOERNAKEUN, alias Udud Sampoerna huh paling males, dah warungnya jauh

pula ya tapi gak apa-apa lah kasihan juga paman..He

Ketika gue mancing sama paman, di situ kan tempat empang ekh di ujung empang ada

yang Beol lagi huh bikin males,kecium bau lagi minta ampun. Lama-lama gue sama paman

pindah ke ujung empang yang satunya,di sana gue lagi asyik ngobrol sama paman,ekh ekh

ada yang lewat kuning-kuning, ternyata ekh ternyata minta ampun jijik tau. Bener-bener apes

gue hari ini.

Di kira hari itu gue bisa dapat ketenangan dengan memancing ikan,yang tambah parah lagi

ternyata yang gue dapat bukan ikan tapi kuning-kunung yang ngapung di atas air.Bener-bener

sial, yah tapi gak masalah sih soalnya paman gue ngasih duit buat jajan.He lumayankan dari

pada gak.

Pas sorenya gue pulang dari rumah paman, ketika di jalan gue lihat seekor ular, kan

gue takut banget sama ular, sampai-sampai gue balik lagi ke rumah paman padahal itu dah

pertengahan jalan.Akhirnya gue nginep di rumah paman, keesokan harinya baru bisa pulang.

Pas datang di rumah gue kena omelan sama ibu bukannya ketenangan malah hal yang

menyusahkan.Bener-bener sial………………….

Ini lah cerita pengalaman yang paling mengesankan yang gue alami, walaupun malu tapi

mengesankan di kehidupan gue, simple aja gak perlu muluk-muluk.He

Page 2: Ini Cerita Tentang Masa Kecil Gue


This is a story about my childhood, which at that time I was fishing in the pond

where my uncle, I still problems does not like really good at fishing but it made the time to

fill in the blank of rich stone for home .Well my uncle had to go feet, because Motorcycle

Huh can not pass a bad way, knowing the village.He

Fishing in the pond with my uncle actually fun but I like fishing more annoyed when

told to-order, do I want to relax. Especially if dah shop in order to buy at

SAMPOERNAKEUN, the alias Udud Sampoerna .Huh most lazy, already far too stall but not

ya's okay, sorry for my uncle .He

When I'm fishing with my uncle, in it's place at the end of the pond dam ekh BEOL

anyone else .Huh make lazy, smelly again for mercy. Long as my uncle moved to the other

end of the pond,there again I'm chatting with my uncle, ekh ekh no passing the yellow’s, it

turns out ,ekh for mercy know disgusted . I was really unlucky today.

On that day I think it could be peace with fishing, which again was worse that I can not but

the yellow’s fish floating on the water. Was really unlucky, well but it does not matter

because my uncle give money for snacks .He he's rather than not.

Fit the afternoon I came home from his uncle, when on the road I see a snake, it really

scared me as a snake, until I return to my uncle's house when it was already mid-way .Finally

my uncle lodging home, could only go home the next day. Pas arrived at my house got the

same nagging mother instead of calm even the trouble some . Was really bad

luck ......................

This is the story of the most memorable experience that I experienced, though shy but

impressive in my life, simple is not necessary heroics .He

Page 3: Ini Cerita Tentang Masa Kecil Gue

Drill machine

Drill with a straight shaft (taper) directly inserted in the hole axis drilling machine, the

holder must not use your drill. Thus, the groove receiving end of the taper hole and

tapered hole offset by the standardized (normalized). End of the taper is used to hold

but to facilitate the release of selumbung by using a socket. Before removing the drill

bit, a piece of wood should be placed below it, so that the drill will not be damaged

when dropped.

Drill with cylindrical shaft used "drill holder to concentrate itself" with two or three

jaw. Drill as deep as possible should be included so, not skid when turning. Inner

surface of the rod holder associated with the drill bit, resulting in rotation of the drill.

Drill straight with a round head holder used / automatic drill clamp (universal), which

when turned the key, then his mouth would open or clamped on its own (auto).

Drill with tapered head taper or gloves used a deduction is made in accordance with

the level and needs, so there are a variety of sizes.

A good drill shavings e.mata eyes snapped to drill a well and will produce the same

chips are thick with both sides out through the spiral groove of the drill. For materials

requiring refrigeration, used a special pot where the cooling material.

Adjust the position of the workpiece by moving a table, for the vertical direction

simply rotate the handle, turn the table the motion to simply open the lock at the

bottom of the table and adjusted, then do not forget to lock the vise.

Plug the machine into the socket plug power source, then press the switch on (at this

spindle is rotating). Set the speed to suit workpiece.

For Ingestion into the workpiece, turn the Handle Drill feed so that the drill down and

eat the workpiece.

Use coolant if necessary

When finished, press the switch to shut off the engine

For hand drill machine / gun special switch to the choice of rotation to the right and


Page 4: Ini Cerita Tentang Masa Kecil Gue

Ruler of steel = Andi was working with a ruler to measure objects of steel when the practice

Lathe =Polytechnic TEDC college I learned a lathe with friends

Welding =In addition to studying engineering in college, we learned a Welding joint las winner on campus is sutarsono

Work benches =Rizal very spirit of the work bench when the practice (filing) because he liked the practical course

Mower =Faiz is very skilled in using the mower in the garage polytechnic TEDC

Design =In addition to learning the practice at our workshops to learn Inventor to design or design a machine

Micro meter =I'm measuring tube with a micro meter accuracy 0.01 mm

Bevel protractor =Andi in desperate need of bevel protractor to measure angles kejanya objects

Hole gauge =I’m and rizal are measuring the small diameter of the pipe using a hole gauge

Drill machine =Opick hand was injured because of not using a safety in the use of drill machine