DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Iskandar N. Buku ajar ilmu penyakit telinga hidung tenggorokan, Edisi III, editor: H. Dr. Efianty Arsyad Soepardi, Sp.THT. Fak. Kedokteran UI Jakarta. 1997, Hal: 89-95; 113-115. 2. Adams, Boeis higler. Buku ajar penyakit THT, Edisi VI. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Hal: 221-222. 3. Mansyoer A. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran, Edisi Ketiga Jilid Satu, FK UI. Jakarta. Hal: 100-101. 4. Asnir, A. R. 2004. Rhinitis Atrofi. Available from : http://www.kalbe.co.id . Accessed : 2015, Maret 4. Sumber : Cermin Dunia Kedokteran No. 144, 2004. Hal 5-7. 5. Braun JJ, Debry C, Imperiale A, et al. Atrophic rhinitis-empty nose syndrome: a clinical, endoscopic, and radiological entity. J otol Rhinol (3):4; 1-6. 2014. 6. Seedharan SS, Prasad V, Shenoy VS, et al. A clinical study on atrophic rhinitis, its management and surgical outcome. General Med (3):1; 1-3. 2015. 7. Shenoy KK, Bhat V, Dankederi S, et al. Customized alar stent fabrication for atrophic rhinitis patient: a non invasive technique. IJSS Case Reports and Reviews (1):3; 9-11. 2014. 8. Dandinarasaiah M, Hegde J, Srinish G, et al. Atrophic rhinitis presenting with ethmoidal mucocele: a case report. J of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (8):6; 3-4. 2014.


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Transcript of DAFTAR PUSTAKA


1. Iskandar N. Buku ajar ilmu penyakit telinga hidung tenggorokan, Edisi III, editor: H. Dr. Efianty Arsyad Soepardi, Sp.THT. Fak. Kedokteran UI Jakarta. 1997, Hal: 89-95; 113-115.

2. Adams, Boeis higler. Buku ajar penyakit THT, Edisi VI. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Hal: 221-222.

3. Mansyoer A. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran, Edisi Ketiga Jilid Satu, FK UI. Jakarta. Hal: 100-101.

4. Asnir, A. R. 2004. Rhinitis Atrofi. Available from : http://www.kalbe.co.id. Accessed : 2015, Maret 4. Sumber : Cermin Dunia Kedokteran No. 144, 2004. Hal 5-7.

5. Braun JJ, Debry C, Imperiale A, et al. Atrophic rhinitis-empty nose syndrome: a clinical, endoscopic, and radiological entity. J otol Rhinol (3):4; 1-6. 2014.

6. Seedharan SS, Prasad V, Shenoy VS, et al. A clinical study on atrophic rhinitis, its management and surgical outcome. General Med (3):1; 1-3. 2015.

7. Shenoy KK, Bhat V, Dankederi S, et al. Customized alar stent fabrication for atrophic rhinitis patient: a non invasive technique. IJSS Case Reports and Reviews (1):3; 9-11. 2014.

8. Dandinarasaiah M, Hegde J, Srinish G, et al. Atrophic rhinitis presenting with ethmoidal mucocele: a case report. J of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (8):6; 3-4. 2014.

9. Bist SS, Bisht M, Purohit JP. Primary atrophic rhinitis: a clinical profile, microbiological and radiological study. International Study Research Network Otolaryngology. 1-6. 2012.