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Transcript of DAFTAR PUSTAKA



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2. Anonymous. Ileus. [Online].2007 September 13 [cited 2008 May 19];[6 screens]. Available from:URL:http://medlinux.blogspot.com/2007/09/ileus.html.

3. Wilson LM, Lester LB. Usus kecil dan usus besar. Dalam : Price SA, Wilson LM,editor. Patofisiologi konsep klinis proses- proses penyakit. Alih bahasa: dr.Peter Anugerah. Jakarta: EGC;1995. Hal.389 – 412.

4. Markogiannakis H, Messaris E, Dardamanis D, Pararas N, Tzertzemelis D, Giannopoulos P,et al. Acute mechanical bowel obstruction:clinical presentation, etiology, management and outcome. World Journal of gastroenterology. 2007 January 21;13(3):432-437. Available from:URL:http://www.wjgnet.com

5. Evers BM. Small intestine. In: Townsend CM, Beauchamp RD, Evers BM, Mttox KL,editors. Sabiston textbook of surgery. The biological basis of modern surgical practice. 17th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders;2004. p.1323 – 1342.

6. Simeone DM. Anatomy and physiology of the small intestine. In : Greenfield LJ, Mulholland MW, Oldham KT, Zelenock GB, Lillimoe KD, editors. Essentials of surgery : scientific principles and practice. [Book on CD-ROM]. 2nd ed. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkin publishers;1997.

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