DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Pedoman Penerapan Terapi HIV Pada Anak. WHO. 2014. 2. Ramzan M, Ali SM, Malik A, Zaka-ur-Rab Z, Shahab T. Frequency of HIV infection Amongst Children with Disseminated Tuberculosis and Tuberculous Meningitis in Aligarh (North India) - A Low HIV Prevalence Area . J Col Phyc Surg Pakistan 2009;19:566-9. 3. UNAIDS. UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report 2011. Geneva (Swizerland); 2011. 4. Mills EJ, Bakanda C, Birungi J, Mwesigwa R, Chan K, Ford N et al. Life expectancy of persons receiving combination antiretroviral therapy in low-income countries. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2011; 155(4):209-15. 5. Wainberg MA, Zaharatos GJ, Brenner BG. Development of Antiretroviral Drug Resistance. N Engl J Med. 2011; 365:637- 46. 6. Dunn D, Woodburn P, Duong T, Peto J, Phillips A, Gibb D, et al. Current CD4 Cell Count and the Short-Tern Risk of AIDS and Death before the Availability of Effective Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-Infected Children and Adults. J Infec Dis. 2008;197:398-404. 7. Havens PL, Mofenson LM, The Committee on Pediatrics AIDS. Evaluation and Management of the Infant Exposed to HIV-1 in the United States . Pediatrics 2009; 123:175-87. 8. Jeena PM. Can the burden of pneumonia among HIV-infected children be reduced?. Bull WHO. 2008;86(5): 323.


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1. Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Pedoman Penerapan Terapi HIV Pada Anak.

WHO. 2014.

2. Ramzan M, Ali SM, Malik A, Zaka-ur-Rab Z, Shahab T. Frequency of HIV infection

Amongst Children with Disseminated Tuberculosis and Tuberculous Meningitis in

Aligarh (North India) - A Low HIV Prevalence Area. J Col Phyc Surg Pakistan


3. UNAIDS. UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report 2011. Geneva (Swizerland); 2011.

4. Mills EJ, Bakanda C, Birungi J, Mwesigwa R, Chan K, Ford N et al. Life expectancy of

persons receiving combination antiretroviral therapy in low-income countries. Annals of

Internal Medicine. 2011; 155(4):209-15.

5. Wainberg MA, Zaharatos GJ, Brenner BG. Development of Antiretroviral Drug Resistance.

N Engl J Med. 2011; 365:637-46.

6. Dunn D, Woodburn P, Duong T, Peto J, Phillips A, Gibb D, et al. Current CD4 Cell

Count and the Short-Tern Risk of AIDS and Death before the Availability of Effective

Antiretroviral Therapy in HIV-Infected Children and Adults. J Infec Dis. 2008;197:398-


7. Havens PL, Mofenson LM, The Committee on Pediatrics AIDS. Evaluation and

Management of the Infant Exposed to HIV-1 in the United States. Pediatrics 2009;


8. Jeena PM. Can the burden of pneumonia among HIV-infected children be reduced?. Bull

WHO. 2008;86(5): 323.

9. Thurstans S, Kerac M, Maleta K, Banda T, Nesbitt A. HIV prevalence in severely

malnourished children admitted to nutrition rehabilitation units in Malawi: Geographical

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11. Berhman dkk. Nelson Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Edisi 15 Volume 1. Jakarta : EGC.


12. Depkes RI. 2011. Pedoman Pendampingan Keluarga Menuju Kadarzi. Jakarta : Dirjen

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13. Depkes RI. 2011. Pedoman Pelayanan Anak Gizi Buruk. Jakarta : Dirjen Bina Kesehatan

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