Bib 1 Internet


Transcript of Bib 1 Internet

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( Volume V Nomor : 01 Januari - Maret 2009 )



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Penanggung Jawab : Drs. H. Sutarya, S. Sos., M.Si.

( Kepala Perpustakaan UNESA)

Ketua Pelaksana : Setyono, S.Sos.

Bendahara : Diana Widyati, A. Md.

Anggota 1. Dra. Martini Haryantie, MM.

2. Drs. Imam Basori

3. Donny Irawan S.Sos

4. Hendra Erifiawan A.Md.

5. Joko Kurniawan

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Bibliografi Koleksi Perpustakaan UNESA adalah daftar koleksi yang baru diadakan oleh UPT Perpustakaan UNESA yang berisi entri data biibliografi buku, bibliografi artikel jurnal on-line, dan bibliografi jurnal tercetak. Daftar koleksi tersebut disusun berdasarkan alfabetis judul dan dilengkapi dengan kode penelusuran.

Bibliografi Koleksi Perpustakaan UNESA ini, diterbitkan 4 kali dalam 1 tahun, yaitu pada bulan Maret, Juni, dan September dan Desember

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1. Buku Penelusuran buku dengan mencatat kode buku. 2. Artikel jurnal online Dengan mencatat : judul artikel, pengarang, dan tahun terbit. 3. Jurnal cetak Dengan mencatat judulnya saja.

Koleksi tersebut diatas tersedia di UPT Perpustakaan UNESA

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DARTAR ISI Tim Penyusun................................................................................................................. i

Kata Pengantar .............................................................................................................. ii

Daftar Isi....................................................................................................................... iii

Bibliografi Buku.....................................................................................................1 - 25

Bibliografi Artikel Jurnal On line ........................................................................ 26 - 50

Bibliografi Jurnal Tercetak...........................................................................................51

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BIBLIOGRAFI BUKU ACADEMIC Vocabulary: Academic Words. ed.3. / Amy E. Olsen.-- New York : Pearson, 2007. xii, 190 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U/ 418 / OLS / a ACCOUNTING Control Best Practices. / Steven M Bragg.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2006. viii, 264 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 657 / BRA / a ACTIVE Vocabulary: General and Academic Word. ed.3. / Amy E Olsen.-- New York : Pearson, 2007. xvii, 180 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 418 / OLS / a AGRICULTURAL and Food Policy. ed.6. / New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2007. xiv, 188 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 338.18 / AGR AKUNTANSi Lingkungan & Pengungkapannya. / Arfan Ikhsan.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2008.

xxii, 184 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 657 / IKH / a

AKUNTANSI Pajak. / Waluyo.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2008. xx, 356 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 657.46 / WAL / a

ALEXIS De Tocqueville Tentang Revolusi, Demokrasi, dan Masyarakat. / Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2005. xvi, 409 hal.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 306.2 / ALE ANALISIS dan Desain Sistem Informasi. / Ladjamudin Al-Bahra Bin.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2005. xvii, 492 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U/ 658.403 / LAD / a

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ANALISIS Data Penelitian Menggunakan SPSS. / Jonathan Sarwono.-- Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2006. ix, 250 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U/ 001.4 / SAR / a ANALISIS Fatwa Keagamaan Dalam Fikih Islam. ed.2./ Rohadi Abdul Fatah.-- Jakarta : Bumi AKsara, 2006. viii, 203 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U/ 297.4 / FAT / a ANALISIs Statistik dengan Microsoft Excel & SPSS. / Purbayu Budi Santosa.-- Yogyakarta : andi, 2005. ix, 281 hal.: ilus.; 22 cm. U / 004.028 5 / SAN / a ANALYSIS and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits: In Deep Submicron Technology ed. 3. / David A Hodges.-- New York : McGraw-Hill, 2004. xix, 580 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U/ 621.381 5 / HOD / a APLIKASI Statistika & Hitung Peluang. / Richard Lungan.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2006. xiii, 420 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 310 / LUN / a APLIKASI Web dengan PHP dan Mysql. / Kasiman Peranginangin.-- Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2006. xvi, 506 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 005.74 / PER / a APPLICATIONS of Genetics. / Jennifer Gregory.-- Melboune : Cambridge, 2000 vi, 82 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 575.1 / GRE / a APPLIED Regression Analysis. ed.3. / Norman R Draper.-- New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1998 xvii, 706 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 27 cm. U / 519.536 / DRA / a

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ASAl Mula Konflik Aceh : Dari Perebutan Pantai Timur Sumatra Hingga Akhir Kerajaan Aceh Abad ke-19. / Anthony Reid.-- Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2005. xviii, 372 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 959.8 / REI / a ASAS-ASAS Menejemen. / George R.Terry.-- Bandung : Alumni, 2006. xx, 498 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 658 / TER / a ASPEK Hukum Dalam Muamalat. / Muhammad.-- Yogyakarta : Graha ilmu, 2007.

ix, 169 hal.; 23 cm. U / 297.42 / MUH / a

AUDITING Cases. ed. 6. / Michael C. Knapp.-- Australia : Thomson South Western, 2007. xxi, 448 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 657.45 / KNA / a AYAT-AYAT Cinta. / Habiburrahman El. Shirazy.-- Jakarta : Republika, 2008.

419 hal.; 21 cm. U / 808.83 / SHI / a

BASIC Marketing Research Using Microsoft Excel Data Analysis. / Alvin C. Burns .-- New York : Pearson, 2007. xix, 505 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 658.83 / BUR / b BAYESIAN Data Analysis. ed.2. / London : Chapman & Hall, 2004. xxv, 668 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 519.542 / BAY BIOENGINEERING Fundamentals. / Ann Saterbak.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. xi, 540 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 660.622 / SAT/ b

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BIOLOGY of Humans : Concepts, Applications, and Issues. ed. 2. / Judith Goodenough.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. xliii, 530 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 612.01 / GOO / b BIOLOGY : Science of Life. ed.2. / Colleen Belk.-- San Francisco : Pearson, 2008. xviii, 419 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 574 / BEL/ b BUDAYA Baca di Universitas : Tuntunan Bagi Mahasiswa Meraih Prestasi. / Gavin J.Fairbairn.-- Jakarta : Indeks, 2005. xxviii, 250 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 418 / FAI / b BUILDING Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies for The Virtual Classroom. ed. 2. / Rena M. Palloff.-- San Francisco : Wiley & Sons, 2007. xxiv, 292 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 378.175 / PAL / b BUSINESS Communication : Process & Product = Komunikasi Bisnis: Proses & Produk. ed.4. / Mary Ellen Guffey.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2006. xii, 487 hal.: ilus.; 27 cm. U / 651.722 / GUF / b BUSINESS Market Management : Understanding, Creating, and Delivering Value. ed. 2. / James C. Anderson.-- New Jersey : Pearson prentice hall, 2004. xx, 460 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 658.822 / AND / b CANTIK Itu Luka. / Eka Kurniawan.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006. 539 hal.; 21 cm. U / 808.83 / KUR / c CASE Studies in Special Education Law. / Mary Konya Weishaar.-- New Jersey : Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2007. xiv, 135 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 344.730 791 / WEI / c

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CASES in Food Service and Clinical Nutrition Management. / New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2006. xi, 125 hal.; 23 cm. U / 642.56 / CAS CASES In Management Indonesian`S Real Companies./Jakarta:Salemba Empat,2006. xxvi, 338 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 658 / CAS CHEMISTRY. / Allan Blackman.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. xxi, 1071 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 540 / BLA / c CHEMISTRY for Today: General, Organic, and Biochemistry. ed.6. / Spencer L Seager.-- California : Thomson Learning, 2008. xxvi, 761 hal.: ilus.; 27 cm. U / 540 / SEA / c CHEMISTRY : Principles, Patterns, and Applications. / Bruce Averill.— San Francisco : Pearson, 2007. xxxv, 1131 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 540 / AVE / c COLLEGE Physics. ed. 8. / Hugh D.Young.-- San Francisco : Pearson Addison Wesley, 2007. xxxi, 1049 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 530 / YOU/ c COMPETING for Advantage. ed. 2. / Ohio : Thomson South-Western, 2008. xxiii, 420 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 302.14 / COM COMPREHENSIVE Assurance & Systems Tool : An Integrated Practice Set. / Frank A. Buckless.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. 124 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 657.45/ BUC / c CONCEPT of Genetics. / William S Klug.-- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2006. xxviii, 662 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 575.1 / KLU / c

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CONCEPTUAL Physics Fundamentals. / Paul G.Hewih.-- Boston : Addison Wesley, 2008. xvii, 421 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 530 / HEW / c Construction Management. ed. 3. / Daniel W Halpin.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2006. xiii, 402 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 624.068 / HAL / c CONSTRUCTION Management. ed. 3. / Daniel W. Halpin, .-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2006. xiii, 402 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 624.068 / HAL / c CURRICULUM Innovation : A Celebration of Classroom Practice = Pembaharuan Kurikulum: Sebuah Perayaan Praktik Ruang Kelas. / Roger Crombie White.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2005. xx, 197 hal.; 23 cm. U / V 375 / WHI / c CURRICULUM Innovation: A Celebration of Classroom Practice = Pembaharuan Kurikulum:Sebuah Perayaan Praktik Ruang Kelas. / Roger Crombie White.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2005. xx, 197 hal.; 23 cm. U / 375 / WHI / c DASAR Teknik Elektro. / Budiono Mismail.-- Malang : Bayu media, 2006. viii, 226 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 621.381 / MIS / d DATA Mining Cookbook: Modeling Data for Marketing, Risk, and Customer Relationship Management. / Olivia Parr Rud.-- New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2001 xxviii, 367 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 006.321 / RUD / d DESIGN and Analysis of Experiments. ed.6./Douglas C.Montgomery.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2005. xv, 643 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 001.4 / MON / d

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DEVELOPING and Role Playing Effective Sales Presentations. ed.3./David Sellars.-- Ohio : Thomson, 2005. xiii, 126 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 658.81 / SEL / d DIABETES. / Tim Redaksi Vitahealth.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005. 152 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 616.462 / TIM / d DIFFERENTIATED Reading Instruction : Strategies for The Primary Grades. / Sharon Walpole.-- New York : Guilford, 2007. xi, 180 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 372.4 / WAL / d DIGITAL and Analog Communication Systems. ed. 7. / Leon W. Couch II.— New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. 749 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 621.382 20 / COU / d DIGITAL Design. ed. 4. / M. Morris Mano.--NewJersey:Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. 618 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 621.381 / MAN / d DIGITAL Fundamentals. ed.9. / Thomas L.Floyd.-- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2006. xiv, 871 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 621.3 / FLO / d DIGITAL Signal Processing : A Modern Introduction. / Ashok Ambardar.-- New York : Thomson Learning, 2007. xiv, 591 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 621.382 4 / AMB / d DISINTEGRASI Pasca Orde Baru : Negara, Konflik dan Dinamika Internasional. / Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2007. xii, 292 hal.: ind.; 21 cm. U / 303.6 / DIS EARTHQUAKE Engineering Application to Design. / Charles K.Erdey.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. xvii, 428 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 624.176 2 / ERD / e

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ECONOMICS Today. ed. 12. / Roger Le Roy Miller.-- Boston : Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004. xxxii, 818 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 330 / MIL / e E-DEVELOPMENT: From Excitement To Effectiveness. / .-- Washington : The World Bank, 2005. xxi, 168 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 303.48 / EDE EFFECTIVE Management. ed. 2. / Chuck Williams.-- Ohio : Thomson South- Western, 2006. xxviii, 528 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 658 / WIL / e EKONOMI Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Perspektif Pembangunan. / S.Mulyadi .-- Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006. xxi, 247 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 331.11 / MUL / e E-LEARNING Games: Interactive Learning Strategies for Digital Delivery. / Kathleen M. Iverson.-- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2005. ix, 198 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 371.337 / IVE / e ELECTRIC Circuits Fundamentals. ed. 7. / Thomas L. Floyd.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice hall, 2007. xv, 720 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 621.381 5 / FLO / e ELEKTRONIKA Digital dan Mikroprosesor. / Widodo Budiharto.--Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2005. viii, 330 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 621.391 / BUD / e EMOTIONAL Behavior ( EB ): Mengenali Perilaku dan Tindakan Kekerasan di Lingkungan Sekitar Kita dan Cara Penanggulangannya. / Leonard Berkowitz .-- Jakarta : PPM, 2006. xxiii, 275 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 152.232 / BER / e

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ENGLISH for Academic Purpose: Essay Writing. / Yogyakarta : Andi, 2007. xii, 188 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 420 / ENG ENGLISH Simplified. ed.11. / Blanche Ellsworth.-- New York : Pearson, 2007. 70 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 428 / ELL / e ENVIRONMENTAL Education and NGOS in Indonesia. / Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2005. xvi, 196 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 304.2 / ENV ESSENTIAL Business Grammar & Practice. / Michael Duckworth.-- New York : Oxford, 2006. 200 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 651.7 / DUC / e ESSENTIALS of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. ed. 5. / Thomas W. Zimmerer.-- New Jersey : Pearson prentice hall, 2008. xvi, 728 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 658.421 / ZIM / e ESSENTIALS of Global Finance. ed.2./Michael H. Moffett.--Boston : Pearson, 2006. xx, 583 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 332 / MOF / e ESSENTIALS of Marketing Research. ed. 3. / William Zikmund.-- Ohio : Thomson South-Western, 2007. xvii, 414 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 380.1 / ZIK / e EVOLUTION. / New York : Cold Spring Harbor, 2007. xiv, 833 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 576.8 / EVO EXCEL untuk Akuntansi dan Manajemen Keuangan :Studi Kasus dan Penyelesaian. / A. Deanta.-- Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2006. viii, 306 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 005.369 / DEA / e

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FABRIC Reference. ed.4. / Mary Humphries .-- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2009 xix, 362 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 677 / HUM / f FILSAFAT Islam: Filosof dan Filsafatnya. / Sirajuddin.-- Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007. x, 270 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 297.61 / SIR / f FINANCIAL Accounting. ed.2./ Rick Antle.-- Ohio : Thomson South-Western, 2004. iv, 418 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 657.48 / ANT / f FINANCIAL Accounting. ed. 2./ Rick Antle.-- Ohio:Thomson South-Western, 2004. iv, 418 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 657.48 / ANT / f FINANCIAL Accounting Theory. ed.4. / William R. Scott.-- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2006. xiv, 472 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 657.48 / SCO / f FINANCIAL Accounting : A New Perspective. / Boston : McGraw Hill, 2004. xxix, 826 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 657 / SOL / f FINANCIAL Fundamentals for Engineers./Richard Hill.--Amsterdam:Elsevier, 2006. viii, 191 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 332 / HIL / f FINANCIAL Statement Analysis =Analisis Laporan Keuangan Buku 1./Wild, John J. .-- Jakarta : Salemba, 2005. xxviii, 602 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 657.3 / WIL / f-1 FINANCIAL Statement Analysis: A Valuation Approach. / Leonard C.Soffer.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2003 xxiii, 452 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 U / 657 / SOF / f

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FINDING Fertile Ground: Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Vwntures . / Scott A. Shane.-- New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2005. xxix, 219 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 338.04 / SHI / f FOOD Combining=Kombinasi Makanan Serasi Pola Makan Untuk Langsing & Sehat . / Andang Gunawan.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007. 179 hal.: ilus.; 24 cm. U / 641.3 / GUN / f FOUNDATIONS of College Chemistry. ed. 12. / Morris Hein.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. xxi, 572 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 540 / HEI / f FOUNDATIONS of General, Organic, and Biochemistry. / Katherine J.Denniston.-- Boston : McGraw Hill, 2008. xxvi, 597 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 540 DEN f FUNDAMENTAL of Environmental Sampling and Analysis. / Chunlong Zhang Carl .-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. xx, 436 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 628 / ZHA / f FUNDAMENTAL of Structural Analysis. ed.3. / Kenneth M.Leet.-- New York : McGraw Hill, 2008. xxii, 792 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 624.171 / LEE / f FUNDAMENTAL Operation Research. / Henry Bustani.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005. vii, 183 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 001.4 / BUS / f FUTURE Think: How to Think Clearly in A Time of Change. / Edie Weiner.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. xviii, 286 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 658.4 / WEI / f

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GENERAL Chemistry : Principles and Modern Applications. ed.9. / New Jersey : Pearson, 2007. xxix, 1172 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 540 / GEN GENERAL, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: An Integrated Approach. / Kenneth W. Raymond .-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2006. xv, 494 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 540/ RAY / g HARRY Potter dan Orde Phoenix = Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix. / Rowling, J.K.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2004. 1200 hal.; 21 cm. U / 808.83 / ROW / h-5 HARRY Potter dan Pangeran Berdarah Campuran. / J.K. Rowling.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006. 816 hal.; 20 cm. U / 808.83 ROW h-6 HARRY Potter dan Piala Api = Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire./ J.K. Rowling.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008. 882 hal.; 21 cm. U / 808.83 / ROW / h-4 HIDUP Penuh Pahala. / , Imam AD. Dimyathi.-- Jakarta : Maghfirah, 2006. 672 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 297.30 / DIM / h HOW To Teach English With Technology. / Gavin Dudeney.-- London : Pearson Education, 2007. 192 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 420.7 / DUD / h HOW to Teach for Exams. / Sally Burgess.-- London : Longman, 2005. iv, 156 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 420.7 / BUR / h HUMAN Biology and Medical Terminology Applications. / George A.Wistreich.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. vi, 458 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. 610.142 1 WIS h

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HUMAN Genetics: Concepts and Applications. ed. 8. / Ricki Lewis.-- Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007. xxi, 442 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 573.21 / LEW / h HUMAN Resources and Personnel Management. ed. 5. / William B.Werther.-- New York : McGraw-Hill, 1996 xxxiv, 637 hal: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 658.3 / WER / h HYDROLOGY and Floodplain Analysis. ed. 4. / Philip B.Bedient.-- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2008. xvii, 795 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 551.482 2 / BED / h INDONESIA Belajarlah: Membangun Pendidikan Indonesia. ed. 2. / Yogyakarta : Tiara Wacana, 2007. xxviii, 375 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 370.9 / IND INDUSTRIAL Electronics./James A.Rehg.--New Jersey:Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. xvii, 862 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 621.381 20 / REH / i INFORMATION Technology Auditing and Assurance=Audit Teknologi Informasi dan Assurance. / Hall Singleton.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2007. xxiii, 444 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 657.45 / HAL / i INORGANIC Chemistry. ed. 4. / Shriver.-- New York : Oxford, 2006. xxi, 822 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 546 / SHR / i INTEGRATED Marketing Communications in Advertising and Promotion. ed.7. / Terence A. Shimp.-- Ohio : Thomson, 2007. xx, 629 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 658.8 / SHI / i INTERMEDIATE Algebra. ed.10. / Margaret L.Lial.-- Boston : Pearson, 2008. xxv, 810 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 512 / LIA / i

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INTERNATIONAL Economics : Theory and Policy. ed.7. / Paul R Krugman.-- Boston : Pearson, 2006.

xxvii, 680 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 337 / KRU / i

INTERNATIONAL Financial Reporting Standards: A Practical Guide=Standar Pelaporan Keuangan Internasional: Pedoman Praktis. / Hennie Van Greuning .-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2005. ix, 409 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 657.3 / GRE / i INTERNATIONAL Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures. ed. 5. / Helen Deresky.-- New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2006. xvi, 508 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 658 / DER / i INTERPERSONAL Communication: Relating To Others. ed. 5. / Steven A.Beebe.-- Boston : Pearson Education, 2008. xxiii, 424 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 153.6 BEE i INTRODUCTION To Accounting: A User Perspective. ed.2. / Michael L. Werner.-- New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2004. xxxii, 989 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 657 / WER / i INTRODUCTION To Chemical Processes: Principles, Analysis, Synthesis. / Regina M. .Murphy.-- New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007. xxxi, 684 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 660.2 / MUR / i INTRODUCTION to Chemical Processes : Principles, Analysis, Synthesis. / Regina M.Murphy.-- New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007. xxxi, 684 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 660.281 19 / MUR / i INTRODUCTION to Materials Management Casebook. / J.R. Tony Arnold.-- New Jersey : Pearson prentice hall, 2004. vi, 138 hal.: ilus.; 24 cm. U / 658.7 / ARN / i

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INTRODUCTION to Optics. ed.3 / Frank L.Pedrotti.-- New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2007. xvi, 622 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 535 / PED / i INTRODUCTION to Statistical Quality Control. ed.5. / Douglas C.Montgomery.— New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2005. xvi, 759 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 519.86 / MON / i INTRODUCTORY Chemistry. ed.3. / Steve Russo.-- San Francisco : Pearson, 2007. xix, 750 hal.: ilus.; 27 cm. U / 540 / RUS / i INTRODUCTORY Plant Biology. ed.11. / Kingsley R.Stern.-- New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008. xvii, 616 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 580 / STE / i KAPITA Selekta Pendidikan Islam. / Muzayyin Arifin.-- Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 2007. xii, 254 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 297.64 / ARI / k KENDALI Cerdas: Teori dan Aplikasi Praktisnya. / Son Kuswadi.-- Yogyakarta : Andi, 2007. xiv, 268 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 006.32 / KUS / k KESEHATAN Mental 1. / Yustinus Semiun.-- Yogyakarta : Kanisius, 2006. 528 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 616.8 / SEM / k KESEHATAN Mental 2. / Yustinus Semiun.-- Yogyakarta : Kanisius, 2006. 590 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 616.8 / SEM / k KEUANGAN & Akuntansi untuk Manajer Non Keuangan. / Budi Rahardjo.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2007. xv, 414 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 658.15 / RAH / k

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KIMIA Pemisahan: Metode Kromatografi dan Elektroforesis Modern. / Sumar Hendayana.-- Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006. x, 156 hal.: ilus.; 24 cm. U / 545.986 / HEN / k

KISAH-KISAH Hikmah Mukjizat Rasullah Saw. / Samsul Munir Amin.-- Jakarta : Amzah, 2006. xiv, 307 hal.: ilus.; 19 cm. U / 297.215 / AMI / k KITAB Undang Undang Hukum Perdata. / Soedharyo Soimin.—Jakarta :

Sinar Grafika, 2005. xi, 230 hal.: ilus.; 20 cm. R / 346 / SOI / k

KNOWLEDGE Management: Konsep, Arsitektur dan Implementasi. / Paul L. Tobing .-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2007. xxii, 212 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 658 / TOB / k KOMPILASI Undang-Undang Perpajakan Terlengkap : Susunan Satu Naskah. / Fitriandi, Primandita.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2007. vi, 396 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 343.04 / FIT / k KSATRIA Idaman Sang Pustakawati. / Cindy Gerard.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006. 240 hal.; 18 cm. U / 808.83 / GER / k KUDETA 1 Oktober 1965: Sebuah Studi Tentang Konspirasi. / Victor M. .Fic.-- Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2007. xlviii, 447 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U/ 322.42 / FIC / k LABORATORY Experiments in Microbiology. ed.8. / Ted R.Johnson.— San Francisco : Pearson, 2007. xv, 445 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 576 / JOH / l

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LESSON Planning : A Research-Based Model for K-12 Classrooms. / Melinda K. Schoenfeldt.-- New Jersey : Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2009 xv, 152 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 371.3 / SCH / l LINEAR Models in Statistics. / A. C. Rencher.--New York:John Wiley & Sons, 2000 xviii, 578 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 519.535 / REN / l LOVING the Machine: The Art and Science of Japanese Robots. / Timothy N. Hornyak.-- Tokyo : Kodansha, 2006. 159 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 629.892 095 2 / HOR / l MACROECONOMICS. ed. 2. / Stephen D.Williamson.-- Boston : Addison Wesley, 2005. xxiv, 678 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 339 / WIL / m MACROECONOMICS. ed. 4. / Olivier Blanchard.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. xxiv, 587 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 339 / BLA / m MAHIR dalam 7 Hari Microsoft Outlook 2007. / Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2007. xi, 226 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 005.369 / MAH MAINTENANCE. / Paulus Bambangwirawan.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2006. xvi, 247 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U/ 004 / BAM / m MANAGEMENT. / Michael A.Hitt.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. xxxvi, 694 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 658 / HIT / m MANAGEMENT Accounting. ed. 4. / Anthony A.Atkinson.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. xxiv, 598 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 658.151 1 / ATK / m

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MANAGING Human Resources. ed. 5. / Luis R.Gomez-Mejia.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. xxix, 623 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 658.3 / GOM / m MANAGING People In Sport Organizations : A Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective. / Tracy Taylor.-- Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2008. xxi, 303 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 796.06 / TAY / m MANAJEMEN Pemberdayaan : Sebuah Pengantar dan Panduan untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. / Randy R. Wrihatnolo.-- Jakarta : Elex Media Komputindo, 2007. viii, 340 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 658 / WRI / m MANAJEMEN Pengolahan Kue & Roti = Pastry Product Management. / Adjab Subagjo.-- Yogyakarta : Graha ilmu, 2007. 185 hal.; ilus.; 23 cm. U / 641.86 / SUB / m MANAJEMEN Produksi untuk Jasa Konstruksi. / Asiyanto.-- Jakarta : Pradnya Paramita, 2005. x, 235 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 658.5 / ASI / m MANUSIA, Kesehatan dan Lingkungan: Kualitas Hidup dalam Perspektif Perubahan Lingkungan Global. / Bandung : Alumni, 2007. xii, 330 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 304.2 / MAN MARKETING Channels. ed. 7. / New Jersey : Pearson prentice hall, 2006. xx, 555 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 658.852 2 / MAR MARKETS, Games & Strategic Behavior. / Charles A. Holt.-- Boston:Pearson, 2007. xviii, 462 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 330.01/ HOL / m

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Mastering Technical Mathematics. ed.3. / Stan Gibilisco.-- New York : McGraw Hill, 2008. xvi, 627 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 510.22 / GIB / m MATEMATIKA Keuangan : Kumpulan Soal. / Budi Frensidy.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2006. vi, 182 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 510 / FRE / m MATHCAD : Solusi Problematika Matematika dan Fisika. / Yerri Susatio.— Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2006. vi, 396 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 510 / SUS / m MEASUREMENT for Evaluation In Physical Education and Exercise Science. / New York : McGraw Hill, 2007. xvi, 544 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 613.7 / MEA MEKANIKAL Elektrikal. / Sunarno.-- Yogyakarta : Andi, 2005. x, 186 hal.: ilus.; 22 cm. U / 621 / SUN / m MEMAHAMI Amdal. / Mursid Raharjo.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2007. viii, 144 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 628.3 / RAH / m MENCIPTAKAN Hubungan Kakak Beradik yang Rukun. / Azalea E.Tani.-- Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007. ix, 74 hal.: ilus.; 20 cm. U / 173 / TAN / m MENCIPTAKAN Strategi Keunggulan Bersaing Perguruan Tinggi. / Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2008. xiii, 151 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 378.15 / SOE / m MENDIDIK Anak Perempuan Di Masa Remaja. / Hannan Athiyah Ath-Thuri.-- Jakarta : Amzah, 2007. xiii, 378 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 297.64 / ATH / m

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MENGAPA G30S/PKI Gagal ? (Suatu Analisis). / Samsudin.-- Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2005. xxxv, 316 hal.; 21 cm. U / 322.42 / SAM / m MENUJU Pemerintahan Perwakilan. / Paimin Napitupulu.--Bandung : Alumni, 2007. vii, 212 hal.; 21 cm. U / 321.8 / NAP / m MENYINGKAP Tabir Orientalisme. / Mannan Buchari.-- Jakarta : Amzah, 2006. x, 180 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 306 / BUC / m METODE Penelitian Kepustakaan. / Mestika Zed.-- Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2008. viii, 94 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 21 cm. U / 001.4 / ZED / m METODE Riset Bisnis Volume 1. ed. 9. / Donald R.Cooper.-- Jakarta : Media Global Edukasi, 2006. xvi, 369 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 001.4 COO / m-1 METODOLOGI Penelitian Keuangan: Prosedur, Ide dan Kontrol. / Said Kelana Asnawi.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2006. xvi, 248 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 001.4 A/ SN / m MICROBIOLOGY : Pre Test Self-Assessment and Review. ed.11. / James D Kettering.-- New York : McGraw Hill, 2005. ix, 310 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 21 cm. U / 576 / KET / m MICROSOFT Excel 2007 : Membangun Rumus dan Fungsi. / Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2007. xviii, 335 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 005.3 / MIC MICROSTRUCTURAL Characterization of Materials. ed. 2. / David Brandon.— New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. xiv, 536 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 620.112 99 / BRA / m

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MICROSTRUCTURAL Characterization of Materials. ed. 2. / David Brandon.— New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. xiv, 536 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 620.112 99 / BRA / m MODEL Sistem Penjaminan Mutu & Proses Penerapannya di Perguruan Tinggi. / Rinda Hedwig.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2006. ix, 136 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 378.15 / HED / m MORAL Leadership: The Theory and Practice of Power, Judgment, and Policy. / San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2006. xii, 385 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 25 cm. U / 174.4 / MOR MULTINATIONAL Business Finance. ed.11. / David K.Eiteman.-- Boston : Pearson, 2007. xxi, 746 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 658.15 / EIT / m NEW PRODUCT Development for Dummies. / Robin Karol.-- New Jersey : Wiley, 2007. xxii, 357 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 658.5 / KAR / n NOT for Profit Accounting Made Easy. ed.2. / Warren Ruppel.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. xi, 238 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 23 cm. U / 657.982 2 / RUP / n OPEN Society : Reforming Global Capitalism. / George Soros.-- Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2007. iii, 408 hal.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 330.122 / SOR / o OPERASI Sistem Tenaga Listrik. / Djiteng Marsudi.-- Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu, 2006. xii, 573 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 621.381 / MAR / o

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OPERATIONS Management: Contemporary Concepts and Cases. ed. 3. / Roger G. Schroeder.-- Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007. xxi, 538 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 658 / SCH/ o ORGANIC Chemistry I for Dummies. / Arthur Winter.-- New Jersey : Wiley, 2005.

xvi, 388 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 547 / WIN / o

ORGANIZATIONAL Behavior. ed.10. / Stephen P. Robbins.-- New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. xxxi, 752 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 302.3 / ROB / o ORIENTASI Baru Dalam Psikologi Pembelajaran. / Hamzah B. Uno.-- Jakarta : Bumi AKsara, 2006. ix, 231 hal.: ilus.; 24 cm. U / 370.152 / UNO / o PANDUAN Penerapan ISO 9001 : 2000 untuk Industri Air Minum dalam Kemasan ( A M D K ). / Iskandar Indranata.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2007. xii, 236 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 389.63 / IND p PANDUAN Praktis Beralih ke Windows Vista. / .-- Yogyakarta : Andi, 2007. x, 256 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 005.369 / PAN PANDUAN Praktis Pengolahan Data Statistik dengan SPSS 15.0. / Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2007. ix, 251 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 310 / PAN PARADIGMA Baru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan: Panduan Kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi. ed. 2. / Winarno.-- Jakarta : Bumi Aksara, 2008. x, 223 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 372.832 / WIN / p PASTI Bisa ! Bahasa Inggris: Communicative Teaching 12 Tenses, Grammar Materials. / Pardiyono.-- Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2006. xiii, 298 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 425 / PAR / p

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PEMASARAN Internasional=International Marketing Buku 2. ed. 13. / Philip R.Cateora.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2007. xviii, 412 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 658.848 / CAT / p-2 PEMODELAN Sistem Informasi Berorientasi Objek dengan Uml. / Sholiq.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2006. xiv, 199 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 658.403 / SHO / p PENDIDIKAN Sebagai Investasi Masa Depan. / Isjoni.-- Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2006. 147 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 370 / ISJ / p PENGAJARAN Remedial dan Pengayaan: Sebuah Tuntutan Ideal dalam KTSP. / L. Fakihuddin.-- Malang : Bayu Media, 2007. x, 152 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. 374.012/ FAK / p PENGANTAR Bisnis Kontemporer Buku 1. ed. 11. / Boone.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2007. xlvi, 491 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 26 cm. U / 650 / BOO / p-1 PENGANTAR Bisnis Kontemporer Buku 2=Contemporary Business. / Boone.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2007. xivi, 428 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 650 / BOO / p-2 PENGANTAR Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia: Aplikasi Konsep dan Proses Keperawatan Buku 2. / Aziz H. Alimul.-- Jakarta : Salemba medika, 2006. xii, 160 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 610.73 / ALI / p-2 PENGANTAR Pph dan Pph Pasal 21 Lengkap dengan Undang-Undang. / Djoko Muljono.-- Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2007. viii, 287 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. V / 336.24 / MUL p

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PENGANTAR Pph dan Pph Pasal 21 Lengkap dengan Undang-Undang. / Djoko Muljono.-- Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2007. viii, 287 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 336.24 / MUL / p PENGELOLAAN Proyek Konstruksi dengan Microsoft Project 2003. / Yogyakarta : andi, 2006. x, 198 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 005.369 / PEN PENGENALAN Informatika: Perspektif Teknik dan Lingkungan. / Herry Purnomo.-- Yogyakarta : andi, 2005. xxix, 636 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 004.43 / PUR / p PENYUSUNAN Anggaran Perusahaan. / Tendi Haruman.-- Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2007. ix, 182 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 658.1 / HAR / p PERALATAN Bengkel Otomotif. / Zevy D. Maran.-- Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2007. ix, 242 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm. U / 621.902/ MAR / p PERENCANAAN dan Pengembangan Perumahan. / Suparno Sastra M.— Yogyakarta : Andi, 2006. x, 208 hal.: ilus.; 23 cm. U / 363.5 / SAS / p PERFECT Phrases for Customer Service. / Robert Bacal.-- New York : McGraw Hill, 2005. xv, 222 hal.; 20 cm. U / 658.812 / BAC / p PETUALANGAN Semiologi. / Roland Barthes .-- Yogyakarta : Pustaka belajar, 2007. U / 616.072 / BAR / p PHYSICAL Chemistry for Biological Sciences. / Gordon G.Hammes.-- New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2007. xii, 363 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 572.43 / HAM / p

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PHYSICAL Chemistry Kinetics. / Horia Metiu.--New York : Taylor & Francis, 2006. xx, 169 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 541.394 / MET / p PHYSICAL Chemistry : Thermodynamics. / Horia Metiu.-- New York : Taylor & Francis, 2006. xxxiv, 694 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 24 cm. U / 541.369 / MET / p PHYSIOEX TM 6.0 for Human Physiology: Laboratory Simulations in Physiology . / San Francisco : Pearson, 2006. v, 174 hal.: ilus.; 28 cm. U / 612 / PHY POVERTY Reduction and Growth: Virtuous and Vicious Circles. / Washington : The World Bank, 2006. xv, 221 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 339.460 98 / POV PRAKTIKUM Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan 1. / Edward Tanujaya.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2007. 84 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 657.48 / TAN / p-2 PRAKTIKUM Akuntansi Keuangan Lanjutan 1: Buku 1. / Edward Tanujaya.-- Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2007. vi, 32 hal.: ilus.; 38 cm. U / 657.48 / TAN / p PRAKTIKUM Pengantar Akuntansi 1. / Selvy Monalisa.-- Jakarta : Salemba empat, 2008. vi, 68 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 657 / MON / p-1 PRAKTIKUM Pengantar Akuntansi 1: Buku 2 ( Kertas Kerja ). / Selvy Monalisa.-- Jakarta : Salemba empat, 2008. iv, 114 hal.: ilus.; 26 cm. U / 657 / MON / p-2 PRINCIPLES of Economics. ed. 8. / Karl E. Case.-- New Jersey:Prentice Hall, 2007. xlvi, 784 hal.: ilus.: ind.; 28 cm. U / 330 / CAS / p

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Judul Jurnal : Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport But I like PE: factors associated with enjoyment of physical education class in

middle school girls.(Epidemiology)(Report).Daheia J. Barr-Anderson, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Kathryn H. Schmitz, Dianne S. Ward, Terry L. Conway, Charlotte Pratt, Chris D. Baggett, Leslie Lytle and Russell R. Pate. 79.1 (March 2008): p18(10). (7499 words)

Construct validation of physical activity surveys in culturally diverse older

adults: a comparison of four commonly used questionnaires.(Measurement and Evaluation)(Report).Delilah S. Moore, Rebecca Ellis, Priscilla D. Allen, Katie E. Cherry, Pamela A. Monroe, Carol E. O'Neil and Robert H. Wood. 79.1 (March 2008): p42(9). (7235 words)

Identifying the critical time period for information extraction when recognizing

sequences of play.(Report).Jamie S. North and A. Mark Williams. 79.2 (June 2008): p268(6). (4102 words)

Influence of a horizontal approach on the mechanical output during drop

jumps.(Biomechanics)(Report).Mianfang Ruan and Li Li. 79.1 (March 2008): p1(9). (6016 words)

Patterns of physical activity and overweight among 7-13-year-old Russian

children: a 7-year nationally representative monitoring study.(Epidemiology).Catrine Tudor-Locke, Barbara E. Ainsworth and B.M. Popkin. 79.1 (March 2008): p10(8). (5226 words)

The end-state comfort effect in young children.(Motor

Development)(Report).Carola F. Adalbjornsson, Mark G. Fischman and Mary E. Rudisill. 79.1 (March 2008): p36(6). (4672 words)

Walking for health in pregnancy: assessment by indirect calorimetry and accelerometry.(Epidemiology)(Report).Jennifer M. DiNallo, Guy C. Le Masurier, Nancy I. Williams and Danielle Symons Downs. 79.1 (March 2008): p28(8). (6118 words)

Walkway length determination for steady state walking in young and older

adults.(Research Note--Measurement and Evaluation).Pamela A. Macfarlane and Marilyn A. Looney. 79.2 (June 2008): p261(7). (5318 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Journal of Athletic Training

An epidemiologic comparison of high school sports injuries sustained in practice and competition.(original research)(Report).Julie A. Rechel, Ellen E. Yard and R. Dawn Comstock. 43.2 (March-April 2008): p197(8). (6268 words)

Ankle bracing, fatigue, and time to stabilization in collegiate volleyball

athletes.(original research)(Report).Megan Y. Shaw, Phillip A. Gribble and Jamie L. Frye. 43.2 (March-April 2008): p164(8). (5377 words)

Individual moral philosophies and ethical decision making of undergraduate

athletic training students and educators.(original research)(Report).Shane V. Caswell and Trenton E. Gould. 43.2 (March-April 2008): p205(10). (8991 words)

Issues in outcomes research: an overview of randomization techniques for

clinical trials.(communications)(Report).Minsoo Kang, Brian G. Ragan and Jae-Hyeon Park. 43.2 (March-April 2008): p215(7). (4506 words)

Subtalar joint position during gastrocnemius stretching and ankle dorsiflexion

range of motion.(original research)(Report).Marie Johanson, Jennifer Baer, Holley Hovermale and Phouvy Phouthavong. 43.2 (March-April 2008): p172(7). (5350 words)

Sweat rates and fluid turnover in professional football players: a comparison of

National Football League linemen and backs.(original research)(Report).Sandra Fowkes Godek, Arthur R. Bartolozzi, Richard Burkholder, Eric Sugarman and Chris Peduzzi. 43.2 (March-April 2008): p184(6). (4688 words)

The diagnostic value of the Clarke sign in assessing chondromalacia

patella.(original research)(Report).Scott T. Doberstein, Richard L. Romeyn and David M. Reineke. 43.2 (March-April 2008): p190(7). (4927 words)

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Judul Jurnal : College Student Journal Assessing Holland types on the Internet: a comparative study.(J. L.

Holland)(Report).Mark J. Miller, Ernest Cowger Jr., Tony Young, Jerome Tobacyk, Tillman Sheets and Christina Loftus. 42.2 (June 2008): p270(6). (2217 words)

Attitudes toward cigarette smoking among college students.(Report).Michele Van

Volkom. 42.2 (June 2008): p294(11). (5225 words)

Development and analyses of the coping stress inventory *.(Report).Bernadette

M. Gadzelea, Devin Pierce and Adena Young. 42.2 (June 2008): p254(11). (3939 words)

Empirical and perceived utility of text boxes.(Report)(Survey).Danny

Benbassat, Tim R. Underwood, Brian P. Bailey, Charles Albright and Brian J. Chadwell. 42.3 (Sept 2008): p939(6). (1829 words)

Predictors of cervical cancer screening in Asian and Latina university

students.(Clinical report).Ramani S. Durvasula, Pamela C. Regan, Oscar Ureno and Lisa Howell. 42.2 (June 2008): p243(11). (4539 words)

Relationships among stress coping, secure attachment, and the trait of resilience

among Taiwanese college students.(Report).Ming-Hui Li. 42.2 (June 2008): p312(14). (5993 words)

Student perceptions of effectiveness: an examination of the influence of student

biases.(Report).Julie E. Sprinkle. 42.2 (June 2008): p276(18). (5767 words)

Summer learning camps: helping students to prepare for college.Glenn

Beer, Monique Le Blanc and Mark J. Miller. 42.3 (Sept 2008): p930(9). (3258 words)

Utilizing field-based instruction as an effective teaching strategy.(Report).Joy M.

Kozar and Sara B. Marcketti. 42.2 (June 2008): p305(7). (2798 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Journal of Counseling and Development A 40-year review of multicultural counseling outcome research: outlining a

future research agenda for the multicultural counseling movement.(Present & Future Challenges)(Report).Michael D'Andrea and Elizabeth Foster Heckman. 86.3 (Summer 2008): p356(8). (5966 words)

Multicultural and social justice training for counselor education programs and colleges of education: rewards and challenges.(Innovations in Multicultural Research).Carlos P. Zalaquett, Pamela F. Foley, Kenyon Tillotson, Julie A. Dinsmore and David Hof. 86.3 (Summer 2008): p323(7). (5898 words)

New professional roles and advocacy strategies for school counselors: a

multicultural/social justice perspective to move beyond the nice counselor syndrome.(Present & Future Challenges).Fred Bemak and Rita Chi-Ying Chung. 86.3 (Summer 2008): p372(10). (8182 words)

Prejudice and racism, year 2008--still going strong: research on reducing

prejudice with recommended methodological advances.(Innovations in Multicultural Research)(Report).Shawn O. Utsey, Joseph G. Ponterotto and Jerlym S. Porter. 86.3 (Summer 2008): p339(9). (7302 words)

Racial microaggressions against Black Americans: implications for

counseling.(Innovations in Multicultural Research).Derald Wing Sue, Kevin L. Nadal, Christina M. Capodilupo, Annie I. Lin, Gina C. Torino and David P. Rivera. 86.3 (Summer 2008): p330(9). (8090 words)

Racial microaggressions against Black counseling and counseling psychology

faculty: a central challenge in the multicultural counseling movement.(Innovations in Multicultural Research)(Report). Rebecca M. Redington and Delila Owens. 86.3 (Summer 2008): p348(8). (7116 words)

Reframing the DSM-IV-TR from a multicultural/social justice

perspective.(Present & Future Challenges)(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)(Report).Carlos P. Zalaquett, Katherine M. Fuerth, Carmen Stein, Allen E. Ivey and Mary Bradford Ivey. 86.3 (Summer 2008): p364(8). (6362 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Childhood Education Arnosky, Jim: Parrotfish and Sunken Ships: Exploring a Tropical Reef.(Brief

article)(Children's review)(Book review).Bonnie Riddle. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p53(1). (161 words)

Delacroix, Alice: How to Survive a Totally Boring Summer.(Brief article)(Children's review)(Book review).Heather Allison Holland. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p51(1). (218 words)

Madden, Kerry: Louisiana's Song.(Brief article)(Children's review)(Book

review).Caroline Cunningham. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p51(2). (208 words)

Miller, Edward: The Tooth Book: A Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums.(Brief

article)(Children's review)(Book review).Dawn Thomas. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p53(1). (252 words)

Laminack, Lester: Jake's 100th Day of School.(Brief article)(Children's

review)(Book review).Sara Woodruff. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p51(1). (185 words)

Lincoln, Hazel: Little Elephant's Trunk.(Brief article)(Children's review)(Book

review).Coleen E. Sams. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p51(1). (174 words)

Oliver, Narelle: Twilight Hunt: A Seek-and-Find Book.(Brief article)(Children's

review)(Book review).Kimberly Young. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p53(1). (141 words)

Urban, Linda: A Crooked Kind of Perfect.(Brief article)(Children's

review)(Book review).Bobbi Faulkner. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p52(1). (284 words)

Whelan, Gloria: Parade of Shadows.(Brief article)(Children's review)(Book

review).Jayne Thompson. 85.1 (Fall 2008): p52(2). (213 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Learning Disability Practice 'Too young to die!' A cognitive behavioural approach to dealing with 'death

anxiety'.(practice & research)(Case study).Rob Mirow. 11.7 (Sept 2008): p18(4). (2963 words)

David Elliott.(People)(Brief article).

11.7 (Sept 2008): p9(1). (106 words) Events.(Conference news)(Brief article)(Calendar).

11.7 (Sept 2008): p9(1). (206 words) Going Dutch.(positive images)(football for disabled people).

11.7 (Sept 2008): p22(2). (330 words) How was it for you? Students' experiences of student-led reflection

sessions.(practice & research).Janet Smith and Daphne Loads. 11.7 (Sept 2008): p12(5). (2995 words)

Making Sense of Sex.(Making Sense of Sex: A Forthright Guide to Puberty, Sex

and Relationships for People With Asperger's Syndrome)(Brief article)(Book review).Jez Shea. 11.7 (Sept 2008): p24(2). (305 words)

Marching into no-man's-land: a charity in Scotland is mobilising people to

highlight a glaring lack of specialist learning disability/epilepsy nurses. Jennifer Trueland reports on the facts behind the campaign.(news feature).Jennifer Trueland. 11.7 (Sept 2008): p10(2). (1362 words)

Parental Learning Disability and Children's Needs.(Book review).Paula

Edmondson. 11.7 (Sept 2008): p24(2). (306 words)

The Job Developer's Handbook.(Book review).Duncan Mitchell.

11.7 (Sept 2008): p25(1). (388 words) The only way is up: since a damning report by the Healthcare Commission in

2007 there has been a remarkable turnaround for staff and residents at Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust. Shaun O'Leary explains how it has been achieved.(interactive)(Interview). 11.7 (Sept 2008): p8(1). (743 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Canadian Journal of Education Alvin M. Schrader and Kristopher Wells. (2007). Challenging Silence,

Challenging Censorship: Inclusive Resources, Strategies and Policy Directives for Addressing Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Trans-Identified and Two-Spirited Realities in School and Public Libraries.(])(Book review).Gerald Walton. 31.1 (July 2008): p263(6). (1660 words)

Alvin Schrader and Kristopher Wells. (2007). Challenging Silence, Challenging

Censorship: Inclusive Resources, Strategies and Policy Directives for Addressing Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Trans-identified and two-spirited Realities in School and Public Libraries.(Book review).Michael D. Kehler. 31.1 (July 2008): p268(5). (1419 words)

Differences in achievement between adolescents who remain in a K-8 school and

those who transition to a junior high school.(Report).Jessica Whitley, Judy L. Lupart and Tanya Beran. 30.3 (Nov 2007): p649(21). (6396 words)

Ian K. Macgillivray. (2007). Gay-Straight Alliances: A Handbook for Students,

Educators, and Parents.(Book review).James McNinch. 31.1 (July 2008): p272(4). (1098 words)

Landscapes of meaning: from childhood art to geographies of self as

artist/researcher/teacher: (un periple visuel /a video script).Anita Sinner. 31.1 (July 2008): p255(8). (2227 words)

Michael J. Bayly. (Ed.). (2007). Creating Safe Environments for LGBT Students:

A Catholic Schools Perspective.(Book review).Gerald Walton. 31.1 (July 2008): p275(4). (1030 words)

Starting kindergarten: transition issues for children with special

needs.(Report).Magdalena Janus, Jessica Lefort, Ruth Cameron and Lauren Kopechanski. 30.3 (Nov 2007): p628(21). (6747 words)

The influence of students with special needs included in grade-3 classrooms on

the large-scale achievement scores of students without special needs.(Report). Ruth A. Childs and Anne Jordan. 30.3 (Nov 2007): p609(19). (5819 words)

Page 37: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : English Literature in Transition 1880-1920 Arthur Morrison, the floating world and the pictorial method in a child of the

Jago: painters of the east.Jessica Maynard. 51.1 (Wntr 2008): p44(13). (5405 words)

Between politics and culture: liberal journalism and literary cultural discourse

at the fin de siecle.Jock Macleod. 51.1 (Wntr 2008): p5(18). (7789 words)

James on the screen.(Adapting Henry James to the Screen: Gender, Fiction, and

Film)(Book review).Lisa Honaker. 51.2 (Spring 2008): p231(5). (1418 words)

Literacy & book production.(Reading, Publishing and the Formation of Literary

Taste in England, 1880-1914)(Book review).Katherine Baxter. 51.2 (Spring 2008): p235(4). (1399 words)

Literary alternatives to rational choice: historical psychology and semi-detached

marriages.Regenia Gagnier. 51.1 (Wntr 2008): p23(21). (8808 words)

Nesbit's Psammead Trilogy.(E. Nesbit's Psammead Trilogy: A Children's Classic

at 100)(Book review).Eitan Bar-Yosef. 51.1 (Wntr 2008): p84(4). (1265 words)

OUP's edition: Housman letters.(The Letters of A. E. Housman)(Book

review).Stanley Weintraub. 51.1 (Wntr 2008): p80(5). (1750 words)

Reid, Forrest. The Garden God: A Tale of Two Boys (1905).(Book

review).Nadine Cooper. 51.2 (Spring 2008): p240(1). (477 words) The editor's fence.(Editorial).Robert Langenfeld.

51.1 (Wntr 2008): p3(2). (737 words) The late-Victorian romance revival: a generic excursus.Anna Vaninskaya.

51.1 (Wntr 2008): p57(23). (10368 words)

Page 38: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

A randomized trial of longitudinal effects of low-intensity responsivity education/prelinguistic milieu teaching.Steven F. Warren, Marc E. Fey, Lizbeth H. Finestack, Nancy C. Brady, Shelley L. Bredin-Oja and Kandace K. Fleming. 51.2 (April 2008): p451(20). (14743 words)

Binaural advantage for younger and older adults with normal hearing.Judy R.

Dubno, Jayne B. Ahlstrom and Amy R. Horwitz. 51.2 (April 2008): p539(18). (11881 words)

Cognitive maturation and the use of pitch and rate information in making

similarity judgments of a single talker.Karin Petrini and Sara Tagliapietra. 51.2 (April 2008): p485(17). (12652 words)

Comparison of word-, sentence-, and phoneme-based training strategies in

improving the perception of spectrally distorted speech.(Clinical report).Paul C. Stacey and A. Quentin Summerfield. 51.2 (April 2008): p526(13). (8022 words)

Genetic effects on children's conversational language use.(Report).Laura S.

DeThorne, Stephen A. Petrill, Sara A. Hart, Ron W. Channell, Rebecca J. Campbell, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Lee Anne Thompson and David J. Vandenbergh. 51.2 (April 2008): p423(13). (9811 words)

The acceptance of background noise in adult cochlear implant

users.(Report).Patrick N. Plyler, Junghwa Bahng and Deborah von Hapsburg. 51.2 (April 2008): p502(14). (9023 words)

The effects of hearing aid compression parameters on the short-term dynamic

range of continuous speech.Rebecca L. Warner Henning and Ruth A. Bentler. 51.2 (April 2008): p471(14). (9237 words)

Written and oral narratives of children and adolescents with down

syndrome.(Clinical report).Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird, Patricia L. Cleave, Denise White, Heather Pike and April Helmkay. 51.2 (April 2008): p436(15). (11210 words)

Page 39: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Language, Learning & Technology Asynchronous forums in EAP: assessment issues.(English for Academic

Purposes)(Report).Sara Kol and Miriam Schcolnik. 12.2 (June 2008): p49(22). (10547 words)

Beyond the design of automated writing evaluation: pedagogical practices and

perceived learning effectiveness in EFL writing classes.(english as a foreign language)(Report).Chi-Fen Emily Chen and Wei-Yuan Eugene Cheng. 12.2 (June 2008): p94(19). (10929 words)

Emerging technologies Web-writing 2.0: enabling, documenting, and assessing

writing online.Robert Godwin-Jones. 12.2 (June 2008): p7(6). (3225 words)

From the special issue editor.Joel Bloch.

12.2 (June 2008): p2(5). (2838 words) More than a linguistic reference: the influence of corpus technology on L2

academic writing.Hyunsook Yoon. 12.2 (June 2008): p31(18). (10441 words)

Raising students' awareness of cross-cultural contrastive rhetoric in English

writing via an e-learning course.(Report).Minjie Xing, Jinghui Wang and Kenneth Spencer. 12.2 (June 2008): p71(23). (10643 words)

Review of A Practical Guide to Using Computers in Language Teaching.(Book

review).Jody Gabler. 12.2 (June 2008): p26(5). (2275 words)

Review of netTrekker d.i.(Product/service evaluation).Leslie Huff.

12.2 (June 2008): p17(9). (2963 words) University of Hawaii National Foreign Language Resource Center

(NFLRC).(NEWS FROM SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS). 12.2 (June 2008): p13(2). (580 words)

Page 40: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Research in African Literatures African American and francophone postcolonial memory: Octavia Butler's

Kindred and Assia Djebar's La femme sans sepulture.(Critical essay).Anne Donadey. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p65(17). (9069 words)

Cultural identity from habitus to au-dela: Leila Sebbar encounters her Algerian

father.(Interview).James Adam Redfield. 39.3(Fall 2008): p51(14). (6953 words)

Duplicity and plagiarism in Zakes Mda's The Heart of Redness (1).(Critical

essay).Andrew Offenburger. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p164(40). (17632 words)

Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu--paraphrase in performance.(Critical

essay).Kacke Gotrick. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p82(17). (10087 words)

How to live? Guilt and goodness in Rian Malan's My Traitor's

Heart.(Report).Irene Visser. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p149(15). (8229 words)

Making the case for popular songs in East Africa: Samba Mapangala and

Shaaban Robert.(Critical essay).Aaron L. Rosenberg. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p99(22). (11515 words)

Spero's "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay": Maryse Conde's The Last of the

African Kings.(Critical essay).Robert H. McCormick Jr. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p132(17). (9473 words)

Subverting social customs: the representation of food in three West African

francophone novels.(Critical essay).Shirin Edwin. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p39(12). (6413 words)

Transformational narratives: hearing/reading selected Senegalese folktales by

young women.(Critical essay).Omar Sougou. 39.3 (Fall 2008): p26(13). (7051 words)

Page 41: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Progress in Physics A critical analysis of Universality and Kirchhoff's Law: a return to Stewart's

Law of thermal emission.(Formula).Pierre-Marie Robitaille. 2008.3 (July 2008): p30(6). (4829 words)

Blackbody radiation and the carbon particle.Pierre-Marie Robitaille.

2008.3 (July 2008): p36(20). (18992 words) International injustice in science.(LETTERS TO ).Florentin Smarandache.

2008.3 (July 2008): p94(2). (948 words) Models for quarks and elementary particles--Part III: what is the nature of the

gravitational field?(Formula).Ulrich K.W. Neumann. 2008.3 (July 2008): p68(3). (1953 words)

Models for quarks and elementary particles--Part IV: how much do we know of

this universe?.Ulrich K.W. Neumann. 2008.3 (July 2008): p71(5). (3973 words)

On the necessity of aprioristic thinking in physics.Elmira A. Isaeva.

2008.3 (July 2008): p84(3). (2371 words) PLANCK, the satellite: a new experimental test of general relativity.(SPECIAL

REPORT)(Report).Larissa Borissova and Dmitri Rabounski. 2008.2 (April 2008): p3(12). (8516 words)

Potential energy surfaces of the even-even [sup.230-238]U isotopes.Sohair M.

Diab and Salah A. Eid. 2008.3 (July 2008): p87(6). (2501 words)

The generalized conversion factor in Einstein's mass-energy

equation.(Formula).Ajay Sharma. 2008.3 (July 2008): p76(8). (6215 words)

The role of the element rhodium in the hyperbolic law of the periodic table of

elements.(Formula).A. Khazan. 2008.3 (July 2008): p56(7). (2227 words)

Page 42: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Canadian Journal of Chemistry

A convenient and efficient protocol for the synthesis of symmetrical N,N'-

alkylidine bisamides by sulfamic acid under solvent-free conditions.(Report).Nagarajan Panneer Selvam, Sundar Saranya and Paramasivan T. Perumal. 86.1 (Jan 2008): p32(7). (3244 words)

Effect of chain ends on the structure of aramid oligomers.(Report).Hakim

Mehenni, Helene Guillou, Christian Tessier and Josee Brisson. 86.1 (Jan 2008): p7(13). (7594 words)

Interactions among [sup.18][O.sub.2], [C.sub.2][H.sub.4], and NO on the surface

of stepped Pt(332).(Report).Yuhai Hu and Keith Griffiths. 86.1 (Jan 2008): p39(11). (6132 words)

Lewis acid catalyzed Claisen rearrangement: regioselective synthesis of oxygen,

nitrogen, and sulfur heterocycles.(Report).K.C. Majumdar and A.K. Pal. 86.1 (Jan 2008): p72(7). (4542 words)

New diformyldihydroxyaromatic precursors for luminescent Schiff base

macrocycles: synthesis, characterization, and condensation studies.(Report).Britta N. Boden, Amir Abdolmaleki, cecily T.-Z. Ma and Mark J. MacLachlan. 86.1 (Jan 2008): p50(15). (9022 words)

Synthesis of [beta]-amino alcohols using MgO as a new catalyst under solvent-

free conditions.(Report).Mona Hosseini-Sarvari. 86.1 (Jan 2008): p65(7). (3843 words)

Novel chiral fluorescent chemosensors for malate and acidic amino acids based

on two-arm thiourea and amide.(Report).Xiao-Huan Huang, Yong-Bing He, Zhi-Hong Chen, Chen-Guang Hu and Guang-Yan Qing. 86.2 (Feb 2008): p170(7). (3979 words)

Synthesis of the bulky m-terphenyl phenol Ar*OH (Ar* = [C.sub.6][H.sub.3]-2,6-

[Mes.sub.2], Mes = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl) and the preparation and structural characterization of several of its metal complexes.(Report).Diane A. Dickie, Ian S. MacIntosh, Daisuke D. Ino, Qi He, Jennings, Gabriele Schatte, Charles J. Walsby and Jason A.C. Clyburne. 86.1 (Jan 2008): p20(12). (7584 words)

Page 43: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : School Science and Mathematics Basic Concepts of Mathematics and Logic.(Book review).Daniel J. Schneck.

108.4 (April 2008): p164(2). (1057 words) Experimental Researches in Electricity.(Book review).John Whitmer.

108.4 (April 2008): p163(1). (507 words) Gender differences regarding mathematics: achievement: the case of Turkish

middle school students.(Report).Mine Isiksal and Erdinc Cakiroglu. 108.3 (March 2008): p113(8). (4767 words)

Language proficiency and mathematics learning.(RESEARCH IN

brief)(Report).Xi Chen and Yeping Li. 108.3 (March 2008): p90(4). (2413 words)

Pre-service teachers and mathematics: the impact of service-learning on teacher

preparation.(Report).Lisa Kirtman. 108.3 (March 2008): p94(9). (5771 words)

Prospective elementary teachers' understanding of order of

operations.(Report).Peter L. Glidden. 108.4 (April 2008): p130(7). (4136 words)

Science and mathematics instruction in a reform-based teacher preparation

program.(Report).Douglas Huffman, Kelli Thomas and Frances Lawrenz. 108.4 (April 2008): p137(9). (5921 words)

Teaching and coherent science: an investigation of teachers' beliefs about and

practice of teaching science coherently.Francis Eberle. 108.3 (March 2008): p103(10). (6269 words)

The Chemical Elements: A Historical Perspective.(Book review).Dorothy L.

Gabel. 108.3 (March 2008): p122(2). (664 words)

Web-based formative assessment as evidence based practice in science

instruction.(RESEARCH IN brief)(Report).Tufan Adiguzel and Kimberly J. Vannest. 108.4 (April 2008): p127(3). (1531 words)

Page 44: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Human Biology ACE and LRPAP1 insertion-deletion polymorphisms in a northern Ivory Coast

population.(Brief Communication)(angiotension I-converting enzyme and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-associated protein)(Report).A. Santovito, C. Bulgarello, G.A. Caravatti, M. Ouattara, P. Cervella, G. Pisano, B. Salvarani and M. Delpero. 79.6 (Dec 2007): p699(8). (3045 words)

Effect of apolipoprotein E genotype and saturated fat intake on plasma lipids

and myocardial infarction in the Central Valley of Costa Rica.(Clinical report).Yadong Yang, Edward Ruiz-Narvaez, Peter Kraft and Hannia Campos. 79.6 (Dec 2007): p637(11). (4778 words)

Frequency and origins of hemoglobin S mutation in African-derived Brazilian

populations.(Report).Maria Teresa Balester De Mello Auricchio, Joao Pedro Vicente, Diogo Meyer and Regina Celia Mingroni-Netto. 79.6 (Dec 2007): p667(11). (3696 words)

Genetic determination of head-size-related anthropometric traits in an ethnically

homogeneous sample of 373 Indian pedigrees of west Bengal.(Report).B. Karmakar, S. Ermakov, K. Yakovenko and E. Kobyliansky. 79.5 (Oct 2007): p501(14). (5927 words)

Genetic structure of La Cabrera, Spain, from surnames and migration

matrices.(Report).Alessio Boattini, Maria Jose Blanco Villegas and Davide Pettener. 79.6 (Dec 2007): p649(18). (6086 words)

Isonymous structure in the white population of Cordoba, Argentina, in

1813.(Report).S. Colantonio, V. Fuster and C. Kuffer. 79.5 (Oct 2007): p491(10). (3151 words)

Month of birth related to fecundity and childlessness among contemporary

women.(Report).P.H. Jongbloet, H.M.M. Groenewoud, S. Huber, M. Fieder and N. Roeleveld. 79.5 (Oct 2007): p479(12). (4642 words)

Variants of the mannose-binding lectin gene in the Benin Population:

heterozygosity for the p.G57E allele may confer a selective advantage.(Report).Omer Placide Dossou-Yovo, Claudine Lapoumeroulie, Michelle Hauchecorne, Isabelle Zaccaria, Rolande Ducrocq, Rajagopal Krishnamoorthy, Mohamed Cherif Rahimy and Jacques Elion. 79.6 (Dec 2007): p687(11). (4396 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Journal of Biomolecular Screening 2-Tier Bacterial and In Vitro Selection of Active and Methotrexate-Resistant

Variants of Human Dihydrofolate Reductase.(Report).Elena Fossati, Jordan P. Volpato, Lucie Poulin, Vanessa Guerrero, David-Antoine Dugas and Joelle N. Pelletier. 13.6 (Sept 2008): p504(11). (8880 words)

A Direct Immunoassay Assessment of Streptavidinand N-Hydroxysuccinimide-

Modified Biochips in Validation of Serological TNFa Responses in Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis.(tumor necrosis factor).Weidong Du, Xueling Ma and E. Marion Schneider. 13.6 (Sept 2008): p515(12). (8614 words)

Application of a High-Content Multiparameter Cytotoxicity Assay to Prioritize

Compounds Based on Toxicity Potential in Humans.(Report).Vivek C. Abraham, Danli L. Towne, Jeffrey F. Waring, Usha Warrior and David J. Burns. 13.6 (Sept 2008): p527(11). (5984 words)

Evaluating PI3 Kinase Isoforms Using Transcreener ADP

Assays.(Phosphoinositide 3-kinases)(Adenosine diphosphate).Tony A. Klink, Karen M. Kleman-Leyer, Andrew Kopp, Thane A. Westermeyer and Robert G. Lowery. 13.6 (Sept 2008): p476(10). (8896 words)

Characterization of the 5-HT2b Receptor in Evaluation of Aequorin Detection of

Calcium Mobilization for Miniaturized GPCR High-Throughput Screening.Mark A. Gilchrist, Angela Cacace and David G. Harden. 13.6 (Sept 2008): p486(8). (5659 words)

High-Content Fluorescent-Based Assay for Screening Activators of DNA

Damage Checkpoint Pathways.Bin Zhang, Xiubin Gu, Uma Uppalapati, Mark A. Ashwell, David S. Leggett and Chiang J. Li. 13.6 (Sept 2008): p538(6). (3952 words)

Monoclonal Antibody-Based Screening Assay for Factor Inhibiting Hypoxia-

Inducible Factor Inhibitors.(Report).Sang-Hyeup Lee, Jeong Hee Moon, Eun Ah Cho, Seong-Eon Ryu and Myung Kyu Lee. 13.6 (Sept 2008): p494(10). (7100 words)

Page 46: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : American Journal of Applied Sciences A Decision support approach for the sustainable transfer of energy technologies

under the Kyoto Protocol.(Report).Charikleia Karakosta, Haris Doukas and John Psarras. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1720(10). (6643 words)

A new system to analyze pulsatile flow characteristics in elastic tubes for

hemodynamic applications.(Report).Afshin Anssari- Benam, Mohammad Tafazzoli- Shadpour, Nasser Fatouraee, Ali Pashaiee and Mohammad M. Khani. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1730(7). (3183 words)

A note on the bivariate Lagrange interpolation polynomials.(Report).Brbosu

Dan. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1750(4). (1241 words)

Comparison between brain tissue gray and white matters in tension including

necking phenomenon.(Report).Sina Mehdizadeh, Mehdi Khoshgoftar, Siamak Najarian, Farhad Farmanzad and Ahmadi Seyyed Amir Hooshiar. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1701(6). (2295 words)

Computational Investigation of elastoplastic deformation of a sandwich beam on

the elastic foundation.(Report).Moh'd Ishaq Abu Halawa. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1693(8). (2393 words)

Economic sanctions, oil price fluctuations and employment: new empirical

evidence from Libya.(Report).Abdusalam Faraj Yahia and Ali Salman Saleh. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1707(7). (4776 words)

Geochemistry of sediment in the major estuarine mangrove forest of terengganu

region, Malaysia.(Report).B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, M.C. Ong, M.S. Noor Azhar, S. Shahbudin and K.C.A. Jalal. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1707(6). (2715 words)

Modeling and simulation of projects with Petri nets.(Report).S. Kumanan and K.

Raja. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1742(8). (4405 words)

Quality evaluation techniques of processing the ECG

signal.(electrocardiogram)(Report).Alfaouri Mikhled and Daqrouq Khaled. 5.12 (Dec 2008): p1737(5). (2082 words)

Page 47: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Perspectives on Political Science Coleman, John A., SJ, ed.: Christian Political Ethics Comparative Politics.(Book

review).John Francis Burke. 37.3 (Summer 2008): p179(2). (532 words)

Education and the study of literature in David Hume's History of

England.(Critical essay).Will R. Jordan. 37.2 (Spring 2008): p75(8). (7925 words)

Foglesong, David S.: The American Mission and the "Evil Empire": The

Crusade for a "Free Russia" since 1881.(Book review).Irina Mukhina. 37.3 (Summer 2008): p180(1). (610 words)

Keller, Morton: America's Three Regimes: A New Political History.(Book

review).Edmund D. Potter. 37.3 (Summer 2008): p178(2). (637 words)

Leadership by example: Cervantes's deathbed novel, Los trabajeros de Persiles y

Sigismunda.(Miguel de Cervantes)(Critical essay).Antonio Garrosa Resina and Manuel Jose Perucho Diaz. 37.2 (Spring 2008): p83(6). (6052 words)

Pettit, Philip: Made with Words: Hobbes on Language, Mind, and Politics.(Book

review).Clyde Ray. 37.3 (Summer 2008): p181(2). (576 words)

Robin, Corey: Fear: The History of a Political Idea.(Book review).Benjamin P.

Nickels. 37.3 (Summer 2008): p180(2). (1080 words)

Storch, Randi: Red Chicago: American Communism at Its Grassroots, 1928-

35.(Book review).Robert Justin Goldstein. 37.3 (Summer 2008): p179(1). (585 words)

The American Context of Leo Strauss's Natural Right and History.(Critical

essay).Ceaser James W. 37.2 (Spring 2008): p69(6). (6498 words)

Page 48: Bib 1 Internet

Judul Jurnal : Public Personnel Management Capitalizing on the new mature workforce.(retaining mature employees)(Author

abstract).Ken Dychtwald and David Baxter. 36.4 (Winter 2007): p325(10). (3871 words)

GAO and human capital reform: leading by example.(United States.

Government Accountability Office)(Author abstract).David M. Walker. 36.4 (Winter 2007): p317(7). (3340 words)

Hispanics and Anglos: the role of group composition on satisfaction.Steven R.

Ash. 37.1 (Spring 2008): p15(12). (4553 words)

Introduction to the special issue on workforce planning, with a particular focus

on succession planning issues as a result of or relating to the aging of the workforce.(Editorial).Thomas J. Calo. 36.4 (Winter 2007): p315(2). (763 words)

Job characteristics of officers and agents: results of a national job analysis.David

R. Shetterly and Anand Krishnamoorthy. 37.1 (Spring 2008): p111(21). (7445 words)

Mentoring--a relationship based on trust: qualitative research.Ferda

Erdem and Janset Ozen Aytemur. 37.1 (Spring 2008): p55(11). (3959 words)

Psychological testing in personnel selection, Part I: a century of psychological

testing.Wesley A. Scroggins, Steven L. Thomas and Jerry A. Morris. 37.1 (Spring 2008): p99(11). (4381 words)

Revitalizing human resources management in state government: moving from

transactional to transformational HR professionals in the State of Michigan.William M. Mothersell, Michael L. Moore, J. Kevin Ford and Jim Farrell. 37.1 (Spring 2008): p77(21). (7835 words)

Two years later: Hurricane Katrina still poses significant human resource

problems for local governments.P. Edward French, Doug Goodman and Rodney E. Stanley. 37.1 (Spring 2008): p67(9). (3845 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Journal of Small Business Management A cross-cultural comparison of the plural forms in franchise networks: United

States, France, and Brazil.Rajiv P. Dant, Rozenn Perrigot and Gerard Cliquet. 46.2 (April 2008): p286(26). (12306 words)

Fueling innovation through information technology in SMEs.(small and medium

sized companies).Clay Dibrell, Peter S. Davis and Justin Craig. 46.2 (April 2008): p203(16). (7440 words)

Hispanic immigrant entrepreneurs in the Las Vegas metropolitan area:

motivations for entry into and outcomes of self-employment.Rachel S. Shinnar and Cheri A. Young. 46.2 (April 2008): p242(21). (10463 words)

Managing risk in a transitional environment: an exploratory study of control

and incentive mechanisms of venture capital firms in China.Justin Tan, Wei Zhang and Jun Xia. 46.2 (April 2008): p263(23). (10311 words)

SME competitive strategy and location behavior: an exploratory study of high-

technology manufacturing.Craig S. Galbraith, Carlos L. Rodriguez and Alex F. DeNoble. 46.2 (April 2008): p183(20). (8076 words)

The effects of information disclosure and board independence on IPO

discount.(initial public offerings).Salim Chahine and Igor Filatotchev. 46.2 (April 2008): p219(23). (9988 words)

The effects of initial location, aspirations, and resources on likelihood of first sale

in nascent firms.Candida G. Brush, Linda F. Edelman and Tatiana S. Manolova. 46.2 (April 2008): p159(24). (10643 words)

Understanding market-driving behavior: the role of entrepreneurship.Minet

Schindehutte, Michael H. Morris and Akin Kocak. 46.1 (Jan 2008): p4(23). (9295 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Economic Geography Alliance-driven governance: applying a global commodity chains approach to

the U.K. biotechnology industry.Kean Birch. 84.1 (Jan 2008): p83. (9600 words)

Cluster Genesis: Technology-Based Industrial Development.(Book

review).Nicholas Phelps. 84.2 (April 2008): p245. (1071 words)

Clusters and Regional Development: Critical Reflections and Explorations.(Book

review).Harald Bathelt. 84.1 (Jan 2008): p109. (2292 words)

Colonial and Post-Colonial Geographies of India.(Book review).Haripriya

Rangan. 84.2 (April 2008): p249. (1232 words)

Innovation and peripherality: an empirical comparative study of SMEs in six

European Union member countries.(small and medium-sized enterprises).Andrew Copus, Dimitris Skuras and Kyriaki Tsegenidi. 84.1 (Jan 2008): p51. (16379 words)

Participation in export markets and productivity of plants in Los Angeles, 1987-

1997.Sebastien Breau and David Rigby. 84.1 (Jan 2008): p27. (12054 words)

Relational : a partial understanding or a new paradigm?.Peter Sunley.

84.1 (Jan 2008): p1. (13796 words) The Changing of Globalization: Reinventing Space.(Book review).Kean Birch.

84.2 (April 2008): p243. (1161 words) The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in a Global Economy.(Book

review).Meric S. Gertler. 84.1 (Jan 2008): p105. (1770 words)

Understanding the Firm: Spatial and Organizational Dimensions.(Book

review).Jennifer Clark. 84.2 (April 2008): p247. (1052 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Contemporary Economic Policy A comparative analysis of payday loan customers.(Report).Edward C.

Lawrence and Gregory Elliehausen. 26.2 (April 2008): p299(18). (11744 words)

Do adult children matter?--The effects of National Health Insurance on

retirement behavior: evidence from Taiwan.(Report).Hsin-Ling Hsieh. 26.2 (April 2008): p317(18). (9631 words)

Economic incentives and contracts: the use of psychotropic

medications.(Report).Davina C. Ling, Ernst R. Berndt and Richard G. Frank. 26.1 (Jan 2008): p49(24). (11685 words)

Effects of strengthening intellectual property rights in newly industrialized

economies: evidence from Taiwan's 1994 patent reform.(Report).Chih-Hai Yang. 26.2 (April 2008): p259(17). (9770 words)

House prices in the measurement of inflation in the euro area.Roisin O'Sullivan.

26.2 (April 2008): p276(23). (10874 words) Labor markets and health benefits: the offer and restrictions on it.(Report).Nan

L. Maxwell. 26.1 (Jan 2008): p73(16). (9918 words)

Language-related differences in environmental benefits estimation: evidence

from a mail survey.(Survey).Xiaolin Ren, Arianto A. Patunru and John B. Braden. 26.1 (Jan 2008): p13(19). (10705 words)

The decision to use benefit transfer or conduct original valuation research for

benefit-cost and policy analysis.(Report).Bryon P. Allen and John B. Loomis. 26.1 (Jan 2008): p1(12). (7137 words)

Why are Americans addicted to baseball? An empirical analysis of fandom in

Korea and the United States.(Report).Young H. Lee and Trenton G. Smith. 26.1 (Jan 2008): p32(17). (10151 words)

Why have so many disinflations succeeded?(Report).Marc Hofstetter.

26.1 (Jan 2008): p89(18). (10461 words)

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Judul Jurnal : Journal of Money, Credit & Banking Are bank holding companies a source of strength to their banking

subsidiaries?.Adam B. Ashcraft. 40.2-3 (March-April 2008): p273(22). (11279 words)

Credit card debt and default over the life cycle.Paula Lopes.

40.4 (June 2008): p769(22). (8722 words) Data revisions are not well behaved.S. Boragan Aruoba.

40.2-3 (March-April 2008): p319(22). (9943 words) Did Hayek and Robbins deepen the Great Depression?(Friedrich A.

Hayek)(Lionel Robbins).Lawrence H. White. 40.4 (June 2008): p751(18). (8479 words)

Discipline and liquidity in the interbank market.(Report).Thomas B. King.

40.2-3 (March-April 2008): p295(23). (10049 words) Monetary policy choices in emerging market economies: the case of high

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Multiple equilibria in markets with screening.Alexis Direr.

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uncertainty.Gary Koop, Simon M. Potter and Rodney W. Strachan. 40.2-3 (March-April 2008): p341(27). (11088 words)

The great inflation was not asymmetric: international evidence.Dean Scrimgeour.

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Impact resistance of steel fibrous concrete containing fibres of mixed aspect

ratio.Y. Mohammadi, R. Carkon-Azad, S.P. Singh and S.K. Kaushik. 23.1 (Jan 2009): p183(7). (3989 words)

One laminated bamboo-frame house per hectare per year.Katleen De

Flander and Ronald Rovers. 23.1 (Jan 2009): p210(9). (4493 words)

Performance evaluation of a high durability asphalt binder and a high durability

asphalt mixture for bridge deck pavements.Hee Mun Park, Ji Young Choi, Hyun Jong Lee and Eui Yoon Hwang. 23.1 (Jan 2009): p219(7). (3898 words)

Possibilities to control ceramics properties by changing firing cycles.Romualdas

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Radiological constraints of using building materials and industrial by-products

in construction.Konstantin Kovler. 23.1 (Jan 2009): p246(8). (6511 words)

The importance of chloride content at the concrete surface in assessing the time

to corrosion of steel in concrete structures.K.Y. Ann, J.H. Ahn and J.S. Ryou. 23.1 (Jan 2009): p239(7). (4936 words)

The use of inorganic conversion coatings to enhance the corrosion resistance of

reinforcement and the bond strength at the rebar/concrete.M.M. Jalili, S. Moradian and D. Hosseinpour. 23.1 (Jan 2009): p233(6). (3853 words)

Tungsten mine waste geopolymeric binder: preliminary hydration products

investigations.Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Joao Castro-Gomes and Said Jalali. 23.1 (Jan 2009): p200(10). (3453 words)

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deal for power generation equipment )(Brief article). 113.1 (Jan 2009): p24(1). (61 words)

Honeywell's Process Solutions.(Business Briefs).

113.1 (Jan 2009): p24(1). (84 words) NERC security deadline approaching.(Startup)(North American Electric

Reliability Corp.)(Interview).Steve Blankinship. 113.1 (Jan 2009): p16(3). (1035 words)

Photovoltaic costs to fall in 2009.(Startup)(Brief article).Jeff Postelwait.

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Supersonic emissions control.(Startup).Steve Blankinship.

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Analysis and Applications 4 Isuue./ World Scientific.--ISSN. 0219-5305

Tahun 2007.

Annual book of ASTM Standards 1 Isuue./ ASTM International.-- ISBN. 0192-2998

Tahun 2007.

Asian Case Research Journal 2 Isuue./ World Scientific Publishing.--ISBN.

0218-9275 Tahun 2007.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 6 Isuue./ World Scientific.-- ISSN.

0217-5959 Tahun 2007.

Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry./ ISBN. 1445-9698 Tahun 2007.

Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry./ ISBN. 1445-9698 Tahun 2007.

Biologicals Research-Development-Standarization-Regulation 4 Isuue./ Elsevier . --

ISSN. 1045-1056 Tahun 2007.

Biophysical Reviews and Letters 3 Isuue. / World Scientific Publishing.--

Cognitive Development 4Issue./ Elsevier.-- ISBN. 08852014 Tahun 2007.

Economic Geography 4 Issue./ Clark University.-- ISBN. 00130095 Tahun 2007.

Education in Chemistry 6 Isuue./ Royal society of chemistry.-- ISBN. 0013-1350

Tahun 2007.

Hand Surgery 3 Isuue./ World Scientific Publishing.-- ISBN. 0218-8104

Tahun 2007.

Innovative food science & Emerging Technologies 4 Isuue./ Elsevier.-- ISSN.

1466-8564 Tahun 2007.

International Journal of Computational Methods 4 Isuue./ World Scientific.--ISSN

0219-8762 Tahun 2007.

International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 3 Isuue./

World Scientific.--ISSN. 0219-4279 Tahun 2007.

International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 4 Issue./

World Scientific Publishing.-- ISBN. 0219-6220 Tahun 2007.

International Journal of Innovation & Technology Management 4 Isuue./ World

Scientific Publishing.-- ISBN. 0219-8770 Tahun 2007.

International Journal of Networking on and Virtual Organization 2 Isuue./ Inder

Science Publisher.-- Tahun 2007