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Transcript of WORKSHEET NSTP edited


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry


Answer the following questions briefly

1. If the government has the prime duty to serve and protest its citizens, Inreturn, what is also our responsibility to the state?


Our responsibility or prime duty is to obey in the rules that the government implement. In able to defend the security of the state and the government may require each ofits citizens will render there services to defend our nation.

2. Why is it that the government recognizes the important role of the youth in nation building?Answer:

The government recognizes the important role of the youthin nation building as to develop their skills and

awareness of how we defend the country and they will be prepared for whatever may occur in the future.

3. What do you think is the reason why female students are now required to take NSTP?Answer:

Female students are now required to take NSTP simply because they are also students too. Female also obligatedto help the country in times of need. The woman is given can also contribute to the defense of our society becauseI also do women know what men are capable of for the goodof our country. Because all of us has a right to take up this subject. It is important for us to have a training as well as to have a services.

4. Why are foreigners not required to take up NSTP?Answer:

The purpose of NSTP is to promote citizenry of Filipinos.Expatriates will become no more a citizen by completing NSTP there for it is outside the scope of NSTP to includeforeign students. Well, foreigners are not required to take National Service Training Program simply because they are not obligated to help the country in times of

need for the reason that they are citizens of other nations.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry


Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Define a Constitution


 Constitution is a case law, memorandum of association. Fundamental and entrenched rules governing the conduct of an organization or nation state, and establishing its concept, character, and structure.

2. Who are citizens of the Philippines(1-4)


1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution;

2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;

3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and

4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

3. If the Philippine Constitution mandates the Bill of Rights of the Filipino people, What is also our reciprocal obligation to the State. ? (5-12)

Answer: 1. To be loyal to the Republic To defend the State.2. To contribute to the development and welfare of the State.3. To uphold the Constitution and obey the laws.4. To cooperate with duty constituted authorities.5. To exercise rights responsibility and with due regard for

the rights of others.6. To engage in gainful work and To register and Vote.

4. What are the different citizenship values contained in the preamble of the Philippine Constitution? (13-28)


*Unity, Patriotism

* Faith in Almighty God

* Respect for Life

* Respect for law and Government

* Truth






*Promotion of the Common


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry


Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Enumerate the Rights of the workers.(1-8)

Answer: Right to self-organization Right to collective bargaining Right to collect negotiation Right to peaceful and concerted activities including the

right to strike Right to security of tenure Right to just humane condition of work Right to a living wage Right to participate in policy and decision making process

2. Essay

1. What does the government do in promoting a just and dynamic social order.?


What the government is promoting legislation to take away the Philippines poverty and the implementation of legislation aimed curb crime in the country, Promoting full employment, to reduce the growing poverty in the country. Which causes social problems, such as criminality, social unrest, diseases, Ignorance, breakdown of family and low productivity.

2. Does the government allow annulment of marriage and abortion? Why?

Answer:The state values of dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights. Every human personhas to be respected because each one should enjoy the rightsaccording to every individual. Our Philippine Constitution Article III- the rights of all citizens of the Philippine cannot modified or taken away by the lawmaking body.

3. Discuss briefly the role of the youth in nation building?

Answer:In Section 13 the state recognizes the virtual role of the youth in nation building and shall promote and protect theirphysical, moral, spiritual. Intellectual and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs. It is made the Constitution duty of the state to promote and protect their holistic development for them to be able to develop physically, spiritually, morally, intellectual, psychologically and socially with thee intellectual and productive citizens of the country and potential community leader.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry



1. Enumerate the following

A. Strengths of the Filipino Character (1-8)

Answer: Pakkikipagkapwa-tao (regard for other) Family Orientation Joy and Humor Flexibility, Adaptability, Creativity Hard work and Industry Faith and Religiosity Ability to Survive

B. Weaknesses of the Filipino Character (11-20)

Answer: Extreme Personalism Manna Habit Extreme Family Centeredness

The Fiesta Syndrome Lack of Discipline Hospitality Passivity and Lack of Initiative Colonial Mentality Kanya - Kanya Syndrome Lack of Self – Analysis and Self- Reflection Filipino IndolenceC. Roots of The Filipino Characters (21-30) The home environment Social environment Culture and Language History The educational system Religion The economic environment The political environment Mass Media Leadership and Role models

2. Explain Briefly.

“Love of God of Oneself of neighbor and of Country”


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all the soul…, and with all your strength” (Deut 6:4), “… Love your neighbour as you love yourself…” (Lev 19:18) — these are two statements from the Bible made by Hebrew prophets and repeated by Jesus Christ as the most important commandments from God for Hebrews at those ancient times (Matt 22:37-39; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 10:27).


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry



1. Write at least 10 traits of a leader that you possess and rank them according to importance to you.?

Answer: Faith Experience Dignity Integrity Strong Personality Poise Thoughtfulness Kindness Knowledge Honesty

2. To which of the 3 types of leadership do you belong. Why?

Answer:Free-rein type wherein the followers allow his/her to do want they want. Also known as Laissez-faire leadership, it means that you gave them a freedom to grant or thinking of things that must be implemented for the good future of our country.

3. Describe briefly how each leadership trait help you in working with a group.


Leadership practice will help you to work in a team is being generous with the things that there is value, and respect the decision of each one of you, having a strong personality with coworkers every day we . And also being energetic we work for us immediately promoting high and also don’t forgot our faith in God which only God sees what we do.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry



1. Enumerate the describe briefly the following.

1:1 5 Components of Personality

1. Spiritual and Moral Values – This pertains to the relationship with God these are piety, religiosity, honesty,generosity, sincerity, responsibility, keeping of promise, punctuality, devotion to duty, absence of anti-social tendencies.

2. Psychosocial Traits - The ability to adjust to the society,dominance, submissiveness, generosity, good manners, extroversion, introversion lifestyle.

3. Temperament – Refers to self- control, emotional maturity and stability ability to cope with stress and strain and cool when he feels irritable.

4. Physical or Biological Traits and Characteristics – refers to the general physical attribute, height, weight, size of the body color of the hair manner of walking health.

5. Capacities – Refers to the mental capacity, or intelligence,education, expertise, noted achievement and multiple intelligence like talents in art, music.

1:2 Terms such as Id, Ego and Superego

ID – This is the most primitive part of the personality, Itrepresents all the instinctual drives such as: sexual, aggressive and those concerned with the satisfaction of bodily needs. It operates on the “Pleasure principle.”

Ego – It operates on the “reality principle” which means gratification of needs are postponed until the appropriate time and place. The ego is often said to be the “executive “or manager of the personality which attempts to strike a balance between the realities of the outside world and the irrational, self-seeking drives of the id.

6. Define Personality.


Personality is a trait of a person that describe herself in how we deal with other people, what thoughts we have a situation, and all the people we have different personality, because we have own mind, we can express emotions with others. The second considers personality of the individuals to consist of the silent impression that he creates no others, A person maybe described as “aggressive personality” or a “submissive personality.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry


1. Describe briefly Freud’s 4 Psycho sexual stages. Oral Stage(birth to 1 year) – Libidinal energy is

centered on the mouth and the child gains satisfaction from sucking and biting.

1:1 The oral stage can be subdivided into the ;

Passive Receptive Sucking sub phrase of the earlier months The later stage, active, aggressive, biting sub-phrase.

1:2 Fixation may be caused either by the over-indulgence or the frustration of child’s oral needs.

1. Anal Stage (Second year of life) – This stage focuses on pleasurable sensations experienced in the mucous membranes like gaining satisfaction from expelling and withdrawing faeces.

2. Phallic Stage (35-60) – In this stage, the libidinal energy centers on the genitals and feeling become overtly sexual, freud defined important issues arising from the “Oedipus Complex” the boy’s fantasies include wishes for sexual intimacy with is mother , the “Oedipus complex” is resolved when the child identifies with his father in order to appease him and to become like him in as many ways as possible. In the “Electra Complex” there is a girls identification with her mother, the former believing herselfto be already castrated, since she does not possess a penis,suffers a penis envy.

3. Latency Period – This is a stage, which is characterized by calmness, following the turmoil of the phallic stage. During

this time, the libido is submerged and does not center upon any bodily are. It is a time of ego- development, particularly in relation to social and intellectual skills. 2 . Identify the following types of personality.

Melancholic 1. Suffers from the depression and sadness, unpleasant, calmemtion. Mesomorphis(mesomorph) 2. Athletic type with strong and rippling muscles broad-shouldered and narrow-shipped.Dysplastic 3. Bodily defective and handicapped person.Sanguine 4. Warm-hearted, pleasant, quick to react balanced emotional excitement.Endomorphic (endomorph 5. Prominence of instestines and other visceral organs, round in body but weak muscles and bones.Viscerotonic 7. Predominatly endomorphic loves to eat seeksbodily comfort sociable relaxed in posture and movement slowreactions. Ectomorphic (ectomorph) 8. Tall, thin stoop-shouldered, withdelicate skin, fine hair and sensitive nervous system.Ambivert 9.Very conscientious, has sense of right and wrong works according to the ideal.

10.Characterized by excessire cleanliness, orderliness, obstinancy, stringiness and punctuality.Choleric 11. Easily angered and quick to react, easily excited emotional.Phlegmatic 12. Listless, slow, a pathetic, calm emotion, weak.Introvert 13. Prefers to be alone, shy, withdrawn.Extrovert 14. Very sociable, prefers to be with people, well-dressed, outgoing, etc.Cerebrotonic 15. Ectomorphic, sensitive and emotional, worries much does not like groups and loves solitude.



Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry


1. Enumerate the following.

1-11 Some key elements of numeracy.

Use of real life Experiences/Problems

Questioning and Discussion

Use of Concrete Materials

12-14 What numeracy covers.

Understand and use mathematical information; Calculate and manipulate mathematical information; Interpret results and communicate mathematical


2. Define the following:2:1 Numeracy Answer: Is the ability and inclination to use mathematics effectively at home, at work and in the community. Numeracy can describe as the knowledge, skillsand appreciation needed for students to understand and utilize mathematical ideas, techniques and applications.

2:2 Literacy: Answer: It is defined as using printed and written information to function in a society, to achieve one’s

Problem Solving


Appreciation & knowledge of numbers and their interrelationship

Use of everyday equivalent

Analysis of probability risk

Constructing, interpreting, quantitative information

goals, and develop one’s knowledge and potential. It is further defined as “the ability to read, write and speak in English and Filipino and to use mathematics at a levelnecessary to function at work in society in general.

3. Explain briefly the roles of numeracy teachers.


Help students in the value of Mathematics in their everyday life and its usefulness;

Develop in students the numeracy skills, concepts and understandings and attitudes which will enable them to scopeconfidently with everyday life;

Provide strong mathematical foundation for students; Help students to achieve mathematical and statistical

literacy needed in a society which is technologically oriented and information rich;

Help students to be creative by using variety of approaches in solving problems;

Provide students with the mathematical tools, skills, understanding, and attitudes they will encounter in the world of work;

Help to foster and develop math talent.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry


I. Definition

Define the following briefly:

1. Health

Answer: Is the complete fitness of the body, soundness of mind and wholesomeness of the emotion, which make possible the highest quality of effective living and of service.

2. Health Education Answer: It is the sum total of the experiences which favorably influence habits, attitudes and knowledge relating to individual community.

3. HygieneAnswer: It is the science of promoting and prolonging health.

4. Public Health Answer: It is the science and art of preventing disease and promoting and prolonging life through organizes effort.

5. SanitationAnswer: It is refers to the establishment of environment of environmental condtions favorable to health.

6. Scholl Health7. Answer: It includes all the acts carried-out in a

school system in the interest of student’s health.

II. Essay

1. Discuss briefly the importance in studying health.Answer:We should studying health not only for our self but also others why? Because Medical health records show that current health practices are poor, People’s attitude towards health does not lead to hygienic living, Lackof basic information regarding health matters and habits affect health and the school can develop health habits. We also known Health education builds students' knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes about health. Health education teaches about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates students to improve and maintain their health, preventdisease, and reduce risky behaviors. Health education curricula and instruction help students learn skills they will use to make healthy choices throughout their lifetime.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry



I. Enumeration1-10 Ten facts, which every man should know.

Human Disease – One of the leading causes of death among men in heart disease.

Hospital – Men visit doctors when they can no longer bear the pain.

Violence – Men’s tendency is to become aggressive than women.

Addictions – Men are prone to addictions. Accidents – Men are exposed to hazardous job especially

the engineers, pilot, marine, fishermen, etc. Sexually Transmitted Disease – STD is a disease among

men if they don’t practice sex safe. Suicide – men tent to commit suicide than women. Impotence – This brought by psychological aspects.

11-18 Common accidents at home

Falls – Bad falls can cause death. As a result, a person cansuffer from broken bones, sprains, dislocations or a broken skull.

Burns – These are injuries caused by contact with strong heat.

Cuts and Punctures – Cuts are open wounds made by any sharp instrument like a knife, a razor, or a broken glass.

Bruises – There are caused by blows on some parts of the body. The blow breaks small blood vessels just under the skin.

Electric Shocks – This happens when someone comes in contactwith a live wire either through carelessness or through faulty wiring system.

Fainting – If you see someone fainting, you will notice paleness of his face and his cold perspiration is generally on the forehead.

Animal Bites – Animal bites are painful and can be dangerous.

II. Matching Type

Match A with B


f 1. Sore Eyes a. Viral Infection marked by fever and rashes g 2. Typhoid fever b. transmitted by Aedes eagypti mosquito i 3. Chronic bronchitis c. inflammation of the lungs b 4. Dengue fever d. transmitted through water and food

k 5. Common colds e. a highly contagious bacteria infection affecting the lungs

j 6. Chickenpox f. pink eyes

c 7. Tuberculosis g. known as pertussis h 8. Cholera h. infection of small intestine

characterized severe diarrheaa 9. Measles i. caused by tobacco or

cigarette smoking

d 10. Pneumonia j. It is known as shingles

e 11. Whooping cough k. It is caused by bad smell.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry



1. Enumerate the ten (10) characteristics of an efficient and effective teacher.


1. An effective teacher likes and enjoys teaching.2. She has a mastery of the subject matter.3. She has the necessary self-confidence and trust in what she

can do.4. She has the mastery of the methods and tools of teaching.5. She has the mastery of the medium of instruction and art of

communication.6. She should know how to develop her personality.7. She should also have a mastery of lesson planning and

subject matter organization.8. She should be healthy.

9. She should grow professionally.10. She should maintain harmonious relationship with her

colleagues, the non-teaching personnel, administrators and the community as a whole.

2. Discuss briefly the following:

2:1 Why teaching is considered the noblest


Teaching is a noblest profession because it helps every person or students to develop their knowledge and to help them to improve their knowledge more or IQ. Every teacher shall participate in the continuing professional education (CPE) program of the professional regulation commission, and shall pursue such other studies that will improve his efficiency. Every teacher shall help, if duly authorizedto seek support for the school. Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in amatter that makes it a dignified means for earning a decent living.

2:2 The foremost concern of teachers in teaching .


A teacher is not entitled to claim credits for work not his own and shall give due credit for the work of others which he may use. Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize and leave to his successors such records and other data as are necessary to carry on the work. A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates and the school, and shall not divulge to anyonedocument, which have not yet officially released. It shall be the responsibility of every teacher to seek correctives for what may appear to be an unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate. A teacher may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable criticism against an associate, preferably in writing, without violating any right of the individual concerned.

2:3 Is the teacher allowed to court his student?


The teacher should have the dignity anywhere and everywhere at any time, because dignity is part of our personality, which does not respect other people .dapat teachers maintained their dignity at all times and opportunities.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry


1. Discuss briefly the hereunder responsibilities of the teacher to the following:

1:1 State


The responsibility of the teacher in the state is to teach well those topics in his/her student because those students that finish their studies with a reward or with honor they will find a beautiful work when they graduate. . Every schoolteacher or school official shall actively help carry out the declared policies of the state, and shall taken oath to the effect. In the Internet of the interest of the state and of the Filipino people as much as of his own, every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit. Every teacher shall possess and actualize fullcommitment and devotion to duty. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion ofany political, religious, or other partisan interest. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and responsibilities. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom.

1:2 Community

Answer: A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth; he shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conductive o such learning and growth. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiativeto actively participate in community movements for moral, social,educational, economic and civic betterment. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses.Every teacher shall live for and with the community, and shall therefore study and understand local custom and traditional I

order to have sympathetic attitude, therefore refrain from disparaging the community.

1:3 Profession

Answer : Every teacher shall actively help insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling. Every teacher shall uphold he highest possible standards of quality education, shall make the best preparation for the career of teaching, and shall be at his best at all times in the practice of his profession. Every teacher shall participate in the continuing professional education (CPE) program of the professional regulation commission, and shall pursue such other studies that will improvehis efficiency. Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized to seek support for the school. Every teacher shall use the teachingprofession in a matter that makes it a dignified means for earning a decent living.

1:4 Teaching Community

The teachers, shall at all times be imbued with the spirit of professional loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in other another self-scarifies, and full cooperation with colleagues. A teacher is not entitled to claim credit for work not his own and shall give due credit for the work of others which he may use. Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize and leave to his successors such records and other data as a necessary to carry on the work. A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates and the school, and shall not divulge to anyone documents, which have not yet officially released. It shall be the responsibility of every

teacher to seek corrective for what may appear to be an unprofessional and unethical conduct of an associate.

1:5 Higher Authority

Answer: A teacher shall make it his duty to make an honest effort to understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and the administration regardless the of personal feeling or private opinion and shall faithfully carry them out. School official and other school personnel shall consider their cooperative responsibility to formulate policies. School officials shall encourage and attend to the professional growth of all teacher under them such as recommending them for promotion. No school official shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal teacher or other subordinates expect for cause. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learners work on merit and quality of academic performance.

1:6 Learners

Answer: Is the primordial concern in the educative process. The biological equipment of the learner is the basis of teaching andlearning. The child’s hereditary traits are capital with which education must work. It is necessary to study his capacities, andthe rest of his personality traits so that the teacher can think of ways and means in enhancing his ability to assimiliate learning.

1:7 Parents

Answer: A teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relationswith parents, and shall conduct himself to merit their confidenceand respect. A teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress or deficiencies of learners under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in pointing out learners deficiencies and in seeking parents cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of learners. A teacher shall hear

parents complaints with sympathy and understanding and shall discourage criticism.

1:8 Business

Answer: A teacher has a right to engage, directly or indirectly in legitimate income generation, provided that it does not relateto or adversely affect his work. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to financial matters such in the settlement of his debts, loans, and other financial affairs. No teachers shall act, directly or indirectly as agent of, or be financially interested in any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other school commodities in the purchase and disposal.

1:9 As a person

Answer:The teacher should have the dignity anywhere and everywhere at any time, because dignity is part of our personality, which does not respect other people .dapat teachers maintained their dignity at all times and opportunities.

2. Explain briefly the disciplinary action on the violation of the Code of Ethics for School Officials and Teacher. Answer:

Answer: Any violation of any provision of his Code shall be sufficient ground for the imposition against the erring teacher of disciplinary action consisting of revocation of his certificate of Registration and License as Professional Teachers,suspension from the practice of the teaching profession, reprimand, or cancellation of his temporary/special permit under causes specified in Sec.23, Article VIII of the Rules and Regulations Implementing R.A. No.7836.

3. Explain briefly the importance of Code of Ethics for School Officials and Teachers.

Answer: Code of Ethics as a guide in our teaching profession. The role of the teacher does not only concern with the pupils they are teaching, but she has also an obligation with the State, parents, profession, school administrators, and the non personnel. Any teacher who violates this Code of Ethics shall be held liable.


Name: Baliber Mary Ann D. Score ______________

Class Code & Schedule: Friday 12:00-3:00 Date Performed :______________

Course/Year: BSAT -Block 1 Instructor: Sir Larry



1. Enumerate and discuss briefly the ten (10) biological and physiological stages of development.?

Prenatal period (conception to birth) - This period is characterized by the formation of all the parts of the human body such as the internal organs, skeletal bones,flesh, etc.

Period of Infancy or Babyhood (birth to 2 years) – As this stage, the baby learns to control his muscles.

Early Childhood (2 to 6 years) – the development is characterized fist by growth of control over the environment.

Late Childhood (6 or 7 to 11 years) – This is the period for elementary grades. The skill he learns at home and in school are put into practice.

Puberty (12 or 13 to 14 or 15 years) – In this period, changes in physical and physiological aspects in both sexes take place very fast. This is a stage wherein theurge for sex starts.

Early Adolescence (period from puberty up to seventeen years) – In this period, there is rapid sex maturation.

Late Adolescence (period from 18-21 years) – The youth are now preparing for their future by attending their professional and vocational careers and some are already seeking for job.

Early Adulthood (21-40) – It is in this stage where adults may pursue higher studies. This period is considered as the productive years of their lives.

Middle Age (40-65 years ) – This is the period of late adulthood.

Old Age (starts at age 65) – This is the stage where a person feels some ailments that are characterized by old age such as: arthritis, forgetfulness, deafness, failing eyesight, baldness and senility etc.

2. How does the 9 factors influencing development affect the child? Explain briefly.


Intelligence – This refers to the mental ability of the child.

Sex – Sex determines social roles. It is expected that malestend to become aggressive, fearless and capable of doing hard work.

Glands of Internal Secretion – The secretion of gland affects both the pre-natal and post-natal development.

Nutrition – Nutrition refers to the amount of food as well as the vitamins, Protein, calcium, etc. content are essential.

Fresh air and sunlight – These factors are essential to the health condition and the maturing age of the child.

Injuries and disease – The child’s development could be restarted by the injuries and disease such as: head injury, toxic poisons from diseases and drugs, bacterial poisons from disease brought by tonsillitis, typhoid fever, etc.

Race – It is found out through researches that children of Mediterranean races develop faster than those children of the countries of north Europe.

Culture – Differences in culture do not affect social and motor responses.

Ordinal Position in the Family – The eldest child gets matured at an early age, because he has to attend to his younger siblings. The youngest is usually “babied”.

3. Discuss briefly the General Characteristics of elementary, secondary, and tertiary students.

General Characteristics of Elementary Pupils:

1. Slow physical growth and development;2. General muscular coordination, but not at its prime;3. Restless, there is an intense physical activity;4. The girl’s get matured earlier than boys;5. There are well-developed sense organs;6. Perceptual powers are keen and relatively accurate;7. There is wider span of interest, but of short duration;8. It is in the intermediate stage where the ambitions start;9. Fond of collecting thins which they are interested in; 10.There is good power memory;11.Seek prestige through boasting and rivalry;12.Fond of imitation;13.Fond of joining gangs and peers; 14. With strong desire of competition and rivalry;

15. Fond of hero worship;16. Little appreciation for moral values; 17. Disciplinary problems are common.

General Characteristics of High Scholl Students

Rapid growth and development; Physical skills and strength are increased; There is physical balance in the later part of the

adolescence period; There is muscular improvement and endurance Girls excel boys in finger dexterity; There are varied intense emotions, but properly controlled; The growth in mental power is due to growth of nervous

system; The girls are good in verbal or language ability; Self-awareness is evident in social setting; There is strong desire for social approval; Tend to join gangs and loyalty to the group is strong; Idealistic; More democratic in dealing with other groups; Wants to become a leader.

Gregorio (1976) further described the college students;

There students are physically, mentally, emotionally and socially matures;

There is a presence of stability motor coordination; Presence of muscular endurance; There is a manifestation of technical skills; There are permanent mental habits; There are permanent interest; There is a presence of abstract reasoning; There is a presence of mental stability; College students are creative thinkers; Morality is emphasized;

Join fraternities and organizations; They are economically independent; There is a presence of willingness to follow their leaders.

College Of Our Lady Of Mercy

Submitted by:

Mary Ann D. Baliber

BSAT-Block # I

Submitted To:

Sir. Larry Miranda