Theme for tumblr

Post on 16-May-2023

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Transcript of Theme for tumblr

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A T H E M E B Y F I L M I N G T H E M E S.

please don't remove the credit or claim this work as your own.

thank you for using, you're great! ♥

T H E M E 0 3


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<div id="header">

<a href="/" id="title">{Title}</a>

<div id="nav">

<p><a href="/">Home</a> <a href="/ask">Message</a> <a href="/archive">Archive</a></p>

{block:IfCustomLinks}<p><a href="{text:URL 1}" target="_blank" onMouseover="ddrivetip('{text:Link 1}')";

onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">i.</a> <a href="{text:URL 2}" target="_blank" onMouseover="ddrivetip('{text:Link 2}')";

onMouseout="hideddrivetip()">ii.</a> <a href="{text:URL 3}" target="_blank" onMouseover="ddrivetip('{text:Link 3}')";

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<div class="posts">


{block:Title}<h1><a href="{Permalink}">{Title}</a></h1>{/block:Title}



<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>







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<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>





<h1><p><a href="{Permalink}">{Quote}</a></p></h1>

<center><p>– {Source}</p></center>


<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>





<a href="{URL}"><h1>» {Name}</h1></a>



<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>





<p><center>{Asker} said: <h1>{Question}</h1></p>



<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>







<div class="video">{Video-250}</div>
















<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>





<div class="audio">

{block:AlbumArt}<img class="cover" src="{AlbumArtURL}">{/block:AlbumArt}

<div class="player">{block:AudioPlayer}{AudioPlayerBlack}{/block:AudioPlayer}</div>

<div class="song">

{block:TrackName}<b>Title:</b> {TrackName}<br>{/block:TrackName}

{block:Artist}<b>Artist:</b> {Artist}<br>{/block:Artist}

{block:Album}<b>Album:</b> {Album}<br>{/block:Album}




<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>





<ul class="chat">

{block:Title}<h1><a href="{Permalink}">{Title}</a></h1>{/block:Title}



{block:Label}<b><span style="text-transform:uppercase;">{Label}</span></b>{/block:Label} {Line}





<div class="perma">

<p><a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCount}</a></p>





<div class="info">

<p>{block:Date}Date: {DayofMonth}{DayofMonthSuffix} {Month}, {24Hour}:{Minutes}{/block:Date}</p><p>{block:NoteCount}Notes: {NoteCount}{/block:NoteCount}</p><p>{block:HasTags}Tags: {block:Tags}<a href="{TagURL}">#{Tag}</a> {/block:Tags}{/block:HasTags}</p>




<!-- {block:NoRebloggedFrom}


{/block:NoRebloggedFrom} -->


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width="{LogoWidth}" height="{LogoHeight}" alt="{SourceTitle}" />


{block:NoSourceLogo}{SourceLink}{/block:NoSourceLogo} -->




<h1><small>posts tagged with <i>{Tag}</i></small></h1>



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<div id="credit"><a href="" target="_blank" onMouseover="ddrivetip('theme by filmingthemes')";


