the orange coast - City of Newport Beach

Post on 26-Feb-2023

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Transcript of the orange coast - City of Newport Beach












SA'< WMAT WE ...


6ET OUT T~E '\6LAG" ~ l'LL DO A N16Ui



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~~~.Q, HERSfJCS! l'Jt:JN M6 LUCK ...

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MY GOSH.' ... IT FCtiS 6REAT.' I T'5 JU5T Me A6AIN/ rrs JlJ5T 115,1 ISNT IT IAKJV()eJ?F()L,

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SO WHERE. CO lXXl WAf\:lr 10 GO ~


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SMOGGY ~? You'~t: OLJT .. RIG~f. . · Bf:TTE~

STAY fNSID~ ·· ·


)'ou'~e WoRRIEP ,ABoLJT MY

1-ITTL.S 1-UNGS/ PL.USHIE: ??' ·




LEI '5 60 SEE A MOVIE .'

' FINDE~ OF kD51 FOWk.5 !'





--M B L


~' Tuned Out''


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~ ooln ID drop.

"Sif. .. .... part wllh ' '-OGE pesung•a. FG of

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..., .. ~ ~.. ~' . -"'ch wwe ecMla; EE. c:hldr.,,. M..,. boys, and 88 glrta. DA ,..,,__ sents h cnw. f0t a grand total of FGC. • replied the mate

.5 ~

.6 i 000 GONE! · Hot or "°'- ..,.. .• one for me." uy9 Rover. Add a. folowtoe color9 needy: 1~. 2-U blue. ~Yellow. '"4.t. bfown. ~ ..,,__ ....u green. 1--0k. brown. I-Ok. green.

CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? Thefe .,. at least ahr differ· ences 1n drawing details be!'#een top and boftom panels How QUickly can you find t'*'1? Check answers with those below

lUUIUIP ..... 9 ~. ~ s •VOii' ·~ ~l*OW 9' 11"9M c ~.U9d l ~-16$ & ~Ill()

"Could you JUS1 an&'Wel my question?" demand­ed the c.ptaJn

Can you? What's the

.7 > J)

total number on board? 8 F' Hint Boys and girts • ~

altogether total 88. and ~ there 11 an adutt en.per. . •91 .i i_ . one tor each tour or five _.r children 0

Try puzzling out flo- ..__ ___ __;;:;;;...___::i....:=:_==~..J ures llboYe &Ot FLIP SIOEI Connect clalt tram nun. lo nufllber INft tum f9lOI ~ CM ~d di.9ram lo one 8* to .. wMt you•w dnrwn. ..-•• tNlt?


SCOtrE 10 "°'m' tor utl"O • " ttw &etten •n the wor'd ~to fOf'm two complete words .

PROV I N CE .. . . - . . . .


TMIN ._.. 2 ........ MCh fer ett ~-

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~tf/P&f..Y ~ ftl,At(MfAN llt»8-1VM lJlt1M5 Of~ PeArEx·r

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.DMr T.-.r. Illa 'JI ...,, ,_, .,, a....

Q Sirsu Mw ArruriC4 Dtbbyt Twrntr is from my ltowutown, I om cwrioKS obo11t t ltt It is rory of tltt pa gt11 n t CT0111f1 . Who tlaigntl ii, whot's it wdrtlt 7 Doa toch winrw get to ltttp htr crown?

lll!IMll 11 ...... C.llbia, Mo..

Turner, like all Miss America winnen, gcu to keep crown - even though her reign endJ Sept. 8 when Miss America 1991 will be chOICtl in Ad.antic City. The crown made its debut at the 1950 pageant. It was designed by businessman William Schoppy ~ - lo,,;;: ly coough - by the w· · Schoppy Trophy Co. of Lln­wood.-N.J. The crown geu its

==eB~~tl~ mole than just ICDcimenW; Schoppy Trophy owner Bar­bara Talarico estim~tes it's worth ocariy s 1,000.

MNNm CO., INC. ·----­-............ r ,. n • ._ ,_,,., ...... ~ .... .._., ...... ~ a· r a...~ .......... ~"'-­,.... """'- ,..._

Q HDW "'"'" Jots it COJt to

ltf9 Sirluart Sirlua~wlso ltillol Rolitrt Km ), ]o"'u &rl R.q (who ltil Martitt L11tlan Kirtg} onJ john Hine/thy Jr. (who shot Roru1/J R.t11gor1} in prison?

,_.WW,, Qlittu. Twt

The National Institute of Cor­m:tioru says ~ spend an aver­age of $44.87 a day (about $15,974 a }'CM) to keep some­one bchiod- ban. About S 7 of that is for food and hellth arc; the rest goes for guards. build­ing maintcnaocc, cte. The ex­act cost varies: California, where Sirhan is jailed. spends $53.29 {about S 18,971 a year) a day; the daily cost in Tcnpes­sec, where ~y is imprisoned, is $39.38 (about $14,019 a year). Hinckley is a different case, because he's committed to a mcnc:a.1-health &cility. The cost at St. Elizaheth's Hospital in Washington, D.C.: about S280 a day ($99,680 a year) per in-pa­ticnt. Amnesty lntcmatioo.a.I rcpons that. including all legal appeals, it costs about SS00,000 to convict, house and execute a prisoner sen­tenced to death.

Q Will tht brtolt-up of AnJmv LlqyJ Wtbbcr arsJ actmslwife Saroh Bright,,.on offict tht llJ"'Otffing movit wrsioN of tht mwsicol '7ht Pls11nto1" of tht Optra"'

Tray Gl'llfWY. Olyllpla. .._

Lloyd Webber insists be still bas great admiration for Brightman. who st2nCd in the London and Broadway ver-

sions of P"'1ntom. He adds they will nw.ntalll their profession­al collaboration - she'll su.r in the movie - even if their personal one is down the tubes. Their relanonship be­gan like P"'1ntom rcdux: a not­so-handsomc man attraeting a lovely young singer. The new wonu.n in Webber's life: Ma­deleine Gurdon. a member in good standing of Princess Anne's horsey set. P"'1rsto"I filming is to begm in Jamwy.

Q ls Sharon Glw of "Cagnq & Lacey" Jamt going to star itt a nnv smes rhu Jail'

~ WOif ltoct1.14 tn

With Conrue Chung off try­ing to swt a fanuly. Gles:s wtll red a.1m her old OJgn.ty & Lacq spot {Monday evenings at 10 oo CBS). Gles:s' new show. Tltt Tnals of Rorit O'Nnll, now will take its place m the regu­lar f.all lineup. It ongmally was scheduled as a back-up scria. Glcss, 47, p~ys a public de­fender gomg through a rocky divorce in the adult drama.

.... GI. •• ..., ......,..,: $1tt>1 W dtu fall.

J i i f

' ' E•ilt. &ma ..J Clwl,_ "'-' 1'lit ....... - k _. n ..-

~ t. 'II,. "' W .... ' • --'f ,_ ...._ .... Q Arc Emilio Esttva 11.J Cls.rlw Slwn lwotlam? I say thq lf't art, but my f atJur 111ys tltty •rtr1' t Hc.aut tltq "'1c't Uvt tht JdlM

last namt. a..,t ...,_. lr•IOI lJ

01.ivu de Havilland and Joan Fontaine don't sbatt the ~last name either. C'YCD though they are &om the de Havilland clan. You WUl your bet: former Bm h:im Emilio Este'Vtt. 2.8. and Charlie Sheen. who tmm 25 Moaday. are the sons of aaor Martin Sheen.~ is cbe family name - Pape Sheen was bom Ramon E.scevc:z, but cb.angcd b.ia name for the scagc. Emilio saY_S he opted for Esttvc:z became, "I didn't wmt to ride into the~ ocss as Martin S hecn 's 10D." The bcochca can be ICC1l together m their new £lie~ . Mttt at Wor*, diredied by Emilio. They pby ~ aoo workcn who get tmglcd up in a marder myscery. Chari~ bas lu.d a Joe rr..>rc than movies oo his mind laliely - he entered an alcohol u j drug dq>c:ndcncy propm in Augusc.

Happy Birthday to •.•

&r _! t-• •• k Hannon, 39 f··m U~rroch, 53

~ Va.lent Pcmnt. 47 Eilttn Brtnnan, 55

~ Mam Gaynor, 60 Judarh l•t"Y· 39

~ R~qutl Welch, SO Wilham ~nc, Sl Bob N"' 61

~ Cortii• 8cruca. )S Cbriaiit H,_t.. >9 Julie l.ana, '9

DWt1 ~·" ~ H..dwt n.o.u, )) Sam N .... s2 SW c.e.r, 61 Lyadoa IAIO!klM. 61

~Connon. JI (Sept. 2) He'll p/61 ...,w •t r#u US 0,. ;,. Ntw York

•• llA ...... IMllmliJllJ .. 1..._,A-r_·~m......"'-7 ,.., ..... A--...._,_. j-_ICIO"la9"-D4 .... i- 8--JilU (WMCh Nl'WS. ftAYll. HIA&.TIC), I..or.,. Lrd (lffTU l AIHIWfT\ c- IC-. f'009I.


~ Cll'Oa~ ' ....... ,,,.., llill ..... 0.. ot..i • ...,.,.. dw, ,. ........ , I ... ~ jt C.. Acttaa c-., C~•(1 T•• L'"' • ...... UltN1 0 .. ,1., c ,,., ... • A.1htH1 Art DlHctieti TNN I-• ,_ .......ap 0 • .._,s.,t.....a....e KMra.J, t-. ~·" O: .... 1000 .... ,,_ IW, ~ ~ "Zl"MI

.......... ~ Dtnclana ,,,. W9'ftelf, I -neltt P.117 . Dlr-Mtet/ MI.,._. ..,_ «•"1 ~ " 'c ,,, ...... -. ..... ""' HY fo.J, (JU 11J..t10f. CWapc (Jtl) 4474110 . Dl9ella ""' ..,,.,.. i.~ (1tJJ~••·._h * (•11)•~ oi.-,n...,.....,('1o.J)JIUIG

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SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight. .


0 L.or-..o1*

TI mg ¥ . 0 9 "19 ncocn w per agntte t1¥ FTC Method

6 ~ays to



Baby boomers will try anything - from

Future Perfect Micro-Targeted SkinGel to radical

diets - to 1tay forever yoll.DI• Catch up

)ritb the -erue before you get another day older.

a r;iAg gna:lially im't what it - in Gnndnu and Gnadpa's clay. When they were hitting midlife, they hoped for good genes and an inner glow rhat ttamcendcd sags and bags. WelJ, welcome to the '90s. The 6nt wan of beby boomers will reach SO in th~ next decade, and thctc pacesetten are 6ghting the 1igns of decline with an unprecedented uray of ICl'Vices and nruqia, from cosmetit 1urgery to the sci-6 extremes of cryoprcxnation (body, the teUCh for the founcain of youth is nothing new. Bat boomcn actmlly expect to ind it. Ma.Dy people in their 30s and 40s belieft chac apag wl its dfects are pottponable, controllable, C't'etl

coecpnbJe. They're go!Qg for a De'W world record for aging well. And hen's I.ow cbey'rc playiq beat ~ clock: ,

• ... • .... :1...,..1.11•

mooth it on

i If you no into Geotgeett Mos.­bachcr on Martha's Vineyard thu summer, you couldn't have helped but nocicc. She

was the 4l-year-old who parked ha impo.uibly white smile under a big straw bat, the 127-pound beauty pac.ked into a long-sleeved the woman with the Pc!r~ skin - and the gloves, don't ttet the cf~;' she wean swimming - who ha proccsting husband into the water' to slather him with No. 18 sunblock.

"We have a fight every single time he gets on a windsurfer, every single," says the CEO of the Manh.aaan­based cosmetics firm La Prairie and wife of U.S. Commcrcc Secretary Rob­ert Mosbacher. ''I want him covered in sunblock. I want sunblock all <>Yer his body and I want him to wear a T-shin as well, loog-slecved."

Ah, yes. Love means never luving to say you're wrinkled.

.. Lis~ I want to look young for as long as I c:a.n." she says. "Baby boomen want to live longer, but they also want to look better and fccl better while they're living longer. Growing old ~ day means, 'How do ( grow old and look young?' " . ,

Hcocc her sun-proof bathing cot­

tumc and wifely concern for her hus. band's epidcmus.

And her pretty m.nda.rd life-stt'C(Ch­mg QCtlc.s: a no-fat diet, 15 minutrs dai­ly on a home exercise b~.

And, of course, her beauty producu, which include ilin "caviar" (~75 fur 2 ounces) and eye cream (S65 f~ .6 ounces) made from the plaanm of Swiss sheep.

The cosmetic of youth is overflowing. Anxiow 30- and ~year­olds an dip inco a vat of creams and lo­tions claiming to "~" lines and wrin­kles, sags and ba~: Puturt Pczfra Micro-Targeted Slu.nGd from Est& Lauder, Line PrcventU &om Pteterip­tms, Eye-Contour Balm from Clarins. And. glasMCt be pn.ilcd. the Wat skin cream auc is i newly rni.lablc HUD­garian ointment made &om sunflowcn.

While the FDA mtricu claims by ooan.:tia companies, MOlbacher ays tbat using her products "enhances thr natun.I procas of prot~ md nour­ishing vour skin. Moistunz:ing keeps the u in supple. supple akin kccpe wrin­kling troai Lang as prominem."

For thr more daring comwner, c.bcrc

::~~;~n:bei~r.~:: duce th.t-riaible sigm.o( aging, and~ gaine. med CD tJCll btldne.

Alben Klignwa. chc Uniw:aity o( Pcanqt-nnia dmnalologia wbo dil-

Nip and tuck

2 People in mm 40s, 30s. 20s and OCCSll now account for 57 ~ o( eye lifts, 60 percent

• 0£ llcQn..A ~ 73 perttnt of collagen iojeaions. 85 percent of lipo­suction pwcedurcs and 95 percent of h.air mmplaab, ICCXllRiing to a survey by the Amrric:an Sociery of Pla.soc ind R~Sarpom.

Co1mt-lle 1ur1ery rid K.T . o ,.1in of tht' 'turk.~J neck' 1ht' hi•1 011

her 1988 aJbum CO\'t'r ·

las. Adanta. Beverly Hills and other cit­ies. frequemly tteaa pacients wbote wives have had~ surgery.

'1 had a man in bis 30s wb09C wife had a &cc peel a few months ago. Tbey were calk:ing about him having his hair testoJed. Both were laughing. They said. 'VI c're just baTiiig routine mainte-n.anoe." "

Then there is the bairdrcuer &om Louisville who ~ bendf to a &cc lift foe her ~b birthday. She boaowed $2,000 of the S6.000 fee.

Bot W WU determined to rid hcndf of a double chin and "bags under my eyes that made me look as if I'd been out drinking all night." Two &icnds, a secretary and schooltcaebcr, had con­sultations the wnc day. Her boyfriend is oontcmplaring an eye tuck.

Tbcrc's a new openness about cos.. mecic surgery . .Even celebrity patients aren't ashamed to admit they've had a little hdp. C.OUOtty singer K.. T. Oslin. 4 7, told a reporter that she'd had her "turkey neck" fixed with surgery.

Read all about it

3 OWux Hall. 44, of Derry,

\ NJ{, wants co live co 120. So ..he eats a lot of broccoli. re-

--duccs IU'CSS by Wtaiing co spe­cial IOO'hing tapes. and tads Longtvity magnine for tips on anything and ev­erything that c:Ould muimiu lifespan. Recent issues of the 16-month-oJd. 300,000-circulauon magazine have coutcd the rejuvenating properties of canoa, "geographic power points," and t.bc rescontive poaibilitics of low­ering body cemperacure.

New Y~mmy Roe, 43, moth­er J.,o,piJy • thinks about aging with"~ hair I tee in tb.c sink an che morning when tb.c blowdrycr tum.s

off... He drinks rnodcnldy. PTC uP smoking. bas a profmiooal &cia.I onoc a rnoor:h and UICS c:ol1agen nigbiaeams.

''Thole of w who arc boomen want to keep the quality ol life and well-being d:w wc''f'C all acquired." ~"lM'1 editor- in-chief Ron.a

• 41. '"Some people in their lace 305 and early 40s •y, •t may not ht im­monal afcer all, wtw should I do? I want co cake care ol myxlf now.· "

Rad on. .Dr. Scuut ~36, a • 1· . __ ....__!..,! ___ • • • --~

speaust m DUUlUOIW am

author of che book Potftlfl YOlnf. which has told more than 150,000 ~.,:--.:_::..-.. m:adco

""Tbcre'a ao doubc aboul it, we we tdf-iadulpd.. punperff. e~ people. Wt'W pOWD ap •a &irty dot­ed "If oa poap Ind J*t ol dm telf+ Mance ii dae aociioa d:wc we will be ..... .,yams.•

Freeze yourself

4 Since childhood, William Pal­looa bas bad "a sincere desire co ay alift £" At. age

--14, be took his AWlgs o( $75 and scan:ed a life ~ policy dw will y fur his body to be &Wai when be J.:. The idea: ~ bridtt day, new teelmology will nite him lrom the <bi. bealchy and whole.

.. Aging will be ICC'D u. ditealC 90IDt I day, and we will b.rtt coottol cm:r it." be sayi. Until chcn. he'll be Wing 100 I vitamin and minen1 suppjement tableu a day, warching what be em, driTing I cautiously, playing 'fOl'U with care. But there will be no bee lift: He thinks WUl Dr. Roy Walford' •

lon1evh y diet help dau&hter LIH llve to •1e 120?

the aocscbesia involved is too risky. Living longer is his 1nodihood. At

35, Fallooo is vice president of Life Bx­temion Fouodarioo in Hollywood. Fla., which c&n a on antHgjng smqies. rdarals to ayooic ~ tioo lab. and a plethora of products like Copitex (memory-improving Yita­mim), Blue Blockm (nmgl•ws that block out eye-damaging blue rays) and RejufeDQ (a face at'am with RNA and &uit acids). He says more than 12.000 people have~ t.bc · · n.

Alcoc, a Soutbcm ~ pro6t poop that ~ cryon.ic ... pension tenices. bat signed up 172 peopk for IUlpCtlSion and gcu 8 oc 9 calls a day. It mails its ayooia ncwslet­tu co 900 members. wbOIC average age is 39. Business bas doubled in the past four ycan. An esrim.ared 28 people have been suspended oacionwidc.

For $100,000, "paricncs" are frozen co 320 degrees below uro Fahrenheit and placccl in a brew of procea:ivc agents and liquid nitrogen in gimt tber­mote:S known II dewars.

"Cryonic:s takes the mo. comern-ti~ coune and pub the patient in a holding paurm. .. says Akor pcsidcnt C.00. Moadregon. 33.

Eat for eternity

5 Life expectancy for people DOW in their 30s and "40s is about 85. But Lisa Walfurd.,

--35, believes-she might live to 120. She and hundreds of odicn arc fol­lowing a special diet devised by her fa­ther. Dr. Roy Walford. 66, a rcscarch pathologist at the Univenity ol Cali­fornia u Los Angeles. It'1 a &a. his srud.ics d>ow, that a hidi-nuaicnt. low­alorie diet can extend life by as much as SO pcrc.cnt in animals. H~·, his plan for humans:

. Mnt. reach your set point, the weight your body oacualJy settles on when you're neither overeating nor un­dttcating. Once there, you reduce your weight by l 0 percent to 25 pm:cm w:ry sJowly ovet pc::rhapa a decade. then keep it off with dsc ••hJghllcrtt'' diet.

This is noc a SQrfatioo diet. Lisa cau­tions.. "It's very ttressfuJ co the immune sysccm to lose a loc of weight quickly!' And. as in the ate of any diet. it's a

. good idea to comult with a~ fint. On a typical day, ~-11 , ~

pound Lm cab a breakWc of oaant'Al widi half a banana and a teaspoon ol lowfu yogmt. Lunch might be a sar­dinr DDdwich on whole wheat tout and a glass of skim milk. Forcthmcr, she miabt cook up whole wbeai spqbcui wiUi ~and 2 ounca Of cb.idc­cn or tp:k~· .

.. I'M' r6oc-c fit now and feel ~ youthful. I'm sttonger and haft matt nmina than ('ft nu bad." she llyt..

"The only sign ol aging may be a littk cxua wrinkle on my face.••

The Walfords IR working on a cooJcbook and mukrriftl a oompuau toftware pecbae bated OC1 tbe pro­grun. So lat. sOo ~ ha~ ordered tb.e tOltware. Lia plans a major tmlkct­ing puab yar. And * co ht aioond an me rar 2075 co 1re me ~ jea tbrouch-

Redefine 'old' _ 6 If you just can't tee QQng like a lab at fC¥ 120 years. fR=ing your corpse for eternity,

--wearing your skjn with sheep plaoem:a daily, or nipping and rudring ~g youw got. there's still a ::Zru to not grow old. Just change die

· tion ol old. '"'J'he collectm . D of what is

middle age has ~says Lottgar ity's Cherry. Just look at a mo-rie classic. 1968's TM GntJ..-. In it. "Ditty old Mn. Robimon was a 36-year-old AlllX &ncroft. She was portrayal as that old­er o&dcr woman. As mediods of retml­ing aging improve. and they will our pcrcepcioo of wiut is old will change. 'Old' will be much older."

Take that. Methwclah.

A •,,,,,iltt of r'wts a..J "-s ai,,.,J . .i ,,..Jti"I '°""' 1;,.tt' '°"F-U.It - Of.-.....,,. book. ............. --. wNdl b:tudll. ~ ..... help

1CM' .. '° ... 120

IJI - 20tJwn eutae of Aldn­A. Iliad fDr 2-3 manlll

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Earth-care goes video

I - al global warming and 611 ma1o.d arc important. qacmoo about it. But, let's fu:c it.

that ltuft" can be a bit boring. Not anymore. A handful of new videos bno

lofty en'rironmental concerns home · ways dw make complex issues compel­ling, arousing a 1emc of mission m all but the IDOlt enYironmcntally inert.

AmoQg the fua of the aop at the pc:nl public:

s... dw &rd&: A s ..... r. ~ (lntematiooal Video Publicltion.s. 800-888-n91, 60 mi.nuces. jwt out, s19.9s). nm mcty program introduces a new cco--group. the Save the F.uth Brigade, which pledges to donatr 1 S pncent of the video profia to IOtDC of the group that helped ~op ~ inducting Greenpeace. the .Earri.roomeual Dcfcmc Fund, the Nabooal Toxics Campaipi and Earth Wand lmdnu Head by Jett Bums. (Kirk on lMr ]olm).and tcacuring ameot by Charbon HeJCOO. Daniel J. Travanci and Chevy Owe, th.e prognm opens witb a mo~ of euti:NnmrDtN boaon ICt to Don Henley's Grammy-winning t0ng. 11tt &ti of /"""1alta. It COftl'S a lot. with tary prediaiom by apem and (X.\IDftYDCliJ &om ooocemcd kids and aduh:s. l'bcre'a not much ~ we haven't ha.rd before. including energy..mng apa. but tome m1ess:iiaesi•

bear repeating.

J1w ..._ n.dl, (Home Video. 8Q0..822..11 OS, opentm 12. 30 . minuca, $14.95). The fur-movmg

wbidi aiftd in February OD

the·a Tdmsioo Worbbop's J-1-2 c..a, M DOW ~ Oil ,;deo . show ICan ID ll*>lmdy ch.arming youap.u mmed Scepb.tnie Yu wbo inttoduoa what abe an. ... different kind al mlb TV." W'llh liftJy IOGp and funny~:

~M-ZI';:'~~ • .. lllE!lllitim .. mah; Ya? uapOI r- _r .

throw oal 220 miJljae ... OI It

~· ~; ::;;,•;:, pmoo -eppea1.

adi·-~--~· ~wand~ &air. s.pbanie. In a cWt hit. gifts

Ba1WMt, (Intcl.limarion. 800-346-8355. 25 minuia each. $29.95). Tbcrc ~ eight iJodcs in this acdlcnt teries.. l': aired OD TBS last &J.1 and WU reblcd OD Tideo this summc:r. &ch ooe focmcs on a diifttc:nt issue. bringing co lift the sometimes dry facu suaou.nding such problems u global W'U"DliJl8 and c.limatc change. tht pollution of pound wam due to agricultural pesticide nmoft". and '° OD. Experts present the &cu in an unhyRC'ia.l, intelligent way so dw vicwcn undc:ntand the oom.plcxities of tht problems and bow they can help solve them. Says en'rironme:m:aJ activist Robert R.od£ord. who ~ OD &rtldmt f - Cw.I W.nM¥ uwc an't wait f.or leadership. We j lUt have co san acting." ., ..... ......

N•W IN llPT•M•aa

CrJ· .. ~ (PC-U) Johnny Oqip. Jay Pop and Polly Bcrp ar in Job.a w.em· 'so..yle musia1 puocty. SEYT. 13 MCA/U..i-.1

HoitM hrtJ 00 Rappm Kid ' ll Play ICal In tbD aidcaUy dl.uncd comedy. KJds will play wbm Mom and D.d lft away. SEPT. S "CA/c..I_._

C>Hert..attJ becb (PC) Dam ~ pays I tmalJ..amr COD who ~ ID ~ if bit In comedy· SEPT. u .. ~

The La•t ef the """' 00 Honnt cop Brian Oamchy 00 ~ aoob Ill d.Ut ~fdJtW'C. SEPT. 'Z7 °"* "- v...,

Martlaa• 0. H .... ~I)) ~ Qmid aad I CJvwd of liulc F'ft mm mWiit du. odler-wodd c:omedy. SEPT. 'Z7 t v .1.

• , .... (PG.Ill .. Midln, aloo with s.pben c.ow.. md ~ MMoa. ::. bcr ... ,. dll'Oap this rcni* "' dllC dMlic ....;akr.

' SIPT. I T......_ ..._ Viike

c,..,,-.... oo AdNr' kt aad -- ..,..... takJr I~ iD di.ii CGIMdy ~ Dudley ~ -o.,.i .... SIPT. l, ,._ ..._ vw..

~~De..t~-...... ..._. - .... a.a ..,. SIP'f. 1t ~ .... w..

UM Wmata> • A .. Jf ... l . rM 7

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~ &stwood, Mall w.lku and 'Nall Smet &om our Body Shoe• tine Featuring rif 1 I Comfort Cur.tit•-. to flex where your foot flaes. AvailaNe at tht 8nt retailus bdow ~-about $70 Mall ~-about ST'f ~ Sb'ed-abow $&'.) I

.... -


Chances are • • • Johnny Mathis is golfing this :weekend

., ....., ......

I pt 11oo1119d OD golf about 20 yean ago through &iends ol mine in U. Vegas.~ time rd go to their home. Judy

would td.l mt that John was out bit­ting ball.. "'What kind of balls?" "Golf balls." So I wcnc oat with Jo~ he put a dub in my hand - and l"'ft been booked ever since.

Ona I got out on golf ooones, I re­aliz.ed thu they UC built OD tome of tbe most beautiful real CICale in tbe worlJ - abeolucely gorgeoua. So I le3JT1cd it wu a per{ect way for me to unwind oa the weekend or get ,.,,,.., &om all the hubbub ol couring. P~ a game of golf it a giai way

co relax. whether it'a oo a Salurday and Sunday in Soutban Califomia where I li'fe, or while I'm OD cour Umo. any­wh.m in the world. I ca1bd ID my .. and decided dw it would be jail u cuy to 6t my ICbcdWc arouad the IUD U anythi».g cl.c. lo ~ word..

8 VIA WU&INO • A • • JI ... l, IHO • ..

• · '!Hr !i!}IHtlillUijjJti!lf i pf UU.UUif if H!1!Ilb1f f itiiU~~f.t~ i 1 ~!~' a!~HtJJ~ 1Jl!uH~fnt lH} ~rUittlur ~nd~a.Ji•t1Hi'!Jr f l ~~! ld1 Hih fU!u1ili~1 . hrt JfnH h-a ir:u~lnhl~f-:gtl 1 l


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19 -i •


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lsr 5rb' -tl i1f Irr ~fa

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Cooking couples -•

What restaurateurs fix at home may surprise you

T odey the talents behind the nation's best n:s­ounnts often are manitJd. To each other.

So bow do rtStaUnDt couples feed them­selves - and each oc:b.c.r - in their off­

hours? If you guessed a candlt-lit meal of four oouncs, think again. For tht real answer, we went co some of the most dynanuc duos in the bi.L

Kim • Mlch••I McC.,ty Micfuitl's i" Sa"ta M0tti'4 a"J Ntw York; A.Ji"!""4tlu i" Dtflva arul Washington, D.C. Tut McCartys are respoo.sihlc for tempting tueebuda in four cities with their hip blend of artful California food w an-6llcd rcstmnnt walls.

.. I don't have much co do with the: k.itchen - in the rcsamancs, or, at home., .. says Kim. a 6gua.ciYe painu:r whose 6-foot-by-8-foot oils adorn the rcsc:aunna and their homes in Malibu and N~ York. which the Mc:Canys share with tbar two m:Wl childmi.

Kim dcscribcs th.cir home cooking u .. the kind of

fuod you eat and you move on with your llfc the nest day." Transl•rion: no need for aoDcids co quell a heavy sauce hangover.

Tbt couple bas ooe mMard meal, which bocb ba-.e pQfecttd - a feuucx:inc, usually topped with fresh vege­tables like broccoli or asparagus, aa:omparlled by a huge peen salad. followed by a piece of grilled chic:ken or salmon. .. It' s always very simple," says Michad.

Not dw they don't indulge in snacb: When Michael pigs out. he th.rows salted peanuts and chocolate ~ on ice aearti. Or he touts an English muffin. smean ~ half with supcr-<hunky peanut buarr, and the other half with scnwbmy pracrvcs or Concord~ jelly, with a side slic::c of Swiss mcese. ...UC it quickly," he ad-rises.

Deann • Rid layleu Fro"taa Grill attJ Topolobampo in Chicago Bodi rcsc>nnna nm by Rick and Deann Baylc:a special­iz.c in regional Mexican cooking. but the le: leans toward pasca and salad for at-home meals.~s be.

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.

-caU1C it's easy. You cm~ 1 lot of frah dlinp in it. and it's tasty.'' says Deann. '

On most Sundays and Mondays - cbm '"weekend' - Deann mainly defa-s co her cbd'hmtwad The tion: her pizza. "Everything is imde from tcrMICh." ' says. '"The Giace is made &om a.-.i 'OlmllOCI, aad ( pma) bakes OD tiJa in the Ottll.,.

"W c: cook Ytty. yay limply. I might jwr make whole meal our of aspu21US." tay1 Rick. who nms nvo rna11rant kiichem while Deann bandla the from of-tb.e-howe dcuils.

W cekeod brcak&.m mean 6ring up the waffle · Rick loves waffles topped. with maple syrup or their canned fruit. A f.norite is bis bilcu:ia and P"Y= best comfort food in the wodd - bUcuiu and gavy sa&isagc:. and eggs and &ah &um. and rm in heaftn. ..

Ellubeth •Michael Terry Eliz4btth o" J7th i" So~",, Ga. Six days a week. Eliubcdi Terry giftl dincn in this roric Gecxgia city a talCC of Sombem adfog as it ougb to be - savocy, ~but wich f.amiliar rooa.

But come Sunday, her Rule No. 1 ii "bet> it simple:. Something cold or something grilled." Or ahe'll nmc chickm with I bead o( prlic and half a lanoa inside. and chopped thyme and cncbd OD

ouaidc. Some a.ighta she makes a salad. ~9CXDIC ipQ'­gbmi and he.a a sauce die made in the rmunnt kitch­en downscain (the T mys and their cwo daugbcm live in an aputmmt Oft!' the depnr mamim).

M¥:bael. oBicUlly the wint Mewaad. sbara cbtsc Sun day cooking dulJCI with his wife. Says fJinberh. .. He's


Forgtt fancy! Sirriplt roast cnic~tn, .

grilltd fah and big salads fill tht

bill whtn rt$taurant owntrs, such as

Elizabtth and Michael Ttrry of

Savannah, cook for thtmstlvts

oendy cooked a duck. .. I .uc&d ane oaiom and ~ wedges in oli..e otl and balamic Yincpr. and I ICDl'ai ir in tbe clack. 11x:n I grilled it slowly ...

•· Suma claims Dani's moking ~ hen bands down. ~we wa"C oourting. be me ihar my dish I would Cftf'wut. be would make Cw me." Tbe c:oaple mmied in 1979. and she bdd him t.o his promile. .. Luckily." sbe laughs. .. be bas tbc ak:ills t.o do --"

Is she inrimidwd dwing a ~ wUh cbe£ Dmd? .. No," she says quickly. Andjokes. "r~ ai.o bad dishes dw be's made that are dreadful He oocc C'9eD Oft!r­

cookcd pock chops. ..

Haner Sltverton and Mark PHI C.mrnll.t ;,. Los Angtles Like the Terrys. Mark Ped and Nancy Silvenoo and their rwo young childmi live above their TUY trendy. LA.-meeo-Tmc:my racaunn.t. Mark. Campani\t's chef. band.Jes most weekend meals, and a fnoritc is dllck.en. powoes and an antiputo with roaaed comatocs.

"Sunday is che only day ~11 sit down and car dinner as a &mily. So we try ooc co ger too Um>IYed with 6mcy dinnca," he says.

"My CXJDaibucion. if any," says Nancy, '"is always the salad. The abd and the criticism.." sbe laagiu.

And. by Sunday dinner, the funily alJo will make do wUh day~ bread - eTeD though Nancy, a renowned pasuy cbe£ and baker, runs the adjacrm La Brea Bakay. ~ bakery, open daily, inrntably rum out of brad by Sunday WIDOOUS. "So we might me 101DC &efttm:r croutODS and tout them in the 0'9Ctl.," says Madt.

ly Marllyft ........

.. ··-I ,,,..

""' ......... Cettlk. ,..,.........,,'-* .... • -..121.- .. .... a.n -~d-*'i*tDr .... Doar Isl IUl1•• Kit. .curly. Pollhed --lh 112 tn. ... .. ...................... ....

...... a.we, ..... , ............ an ::.. ..... .... c..a.

• In.JC 12 ft. - •..•• • 1.22 .... Door lll1ttt18 a D. 12at121n.- ....... ...



erThanFord /

., ...... - ......................... ... ............................ ,. .. .,..,.. ... ..__.. Mr••• ............................. ~ ~ ................. ..;J · ......, r•• ...... ••• o # ........ llJLD. ... ~ 1mXl _., .... tr: • D07 ,,, ....... .


L... I "' ~ I - I , r I • I


New meals take flight

14 UIA ,,_.. • .... Jt ...... I. ,,..


Ellis Island • open, agam

,.,.. llo I a tbe rooa of your &mily creel Ao etrinnttd 100 millioo Amo;. •• an 6nd

CU'S at Ellis bland. That·· wbett 12 · · n of tbe t 6 millioa immignnn ho came duough New Ycd Harbor

CCD 1892 and 19S4 fint let foot 00

.s. soil. Ellis Island.~ tbe 8apbip ol

'UDClrx;· au immigntioo depoa. mopcm the ~ Sepe. to. following a S 1S6

. . retu>nrioa ol tbe island·· main · · , where new wuc ~

Thie ~ ol tbe island. a -milt from tbe ScMae ol Li>eny: the

. Wand lmmipDon Mwemn. ''This is a mammwm to tbe people

ho built America widi dam bds ind .. says Alm Xnut, ol tbe Saox ol -Ellis llbad ~....w.q, bilcory

mmime. "We 11e a mDon ol Umni-cs. And wich cbe aa:pQoa ol NariTC · we all haft forebears wbo from~dte."

Highlights oar ..-=

_.. • ...., Gm nc dilpby aides tbe immipdoo pocell

IUlOUIPl =ic~ utilxu.

I"-' Cd r'ar Anifxu and ?aoc.>ll'IClba - - tnapi by imm.agnia - mce·tbe illmd'1 ~·

................ ~ ..... .... ., t • &.lieny ............. J-!rl. H.-t...-.•lcJt~ ... C ' '-

• I t ; f ! (,112) .....

5 ~

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now lJraatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.

.... ~ ................. '41* ...... ... ........ , ............ --............ .. ... ..,...u .. ._ .. ,. ..... .,m.-... ~= ..... _,. ··-­alll:'NI • .., .... ACTUM. ..........

'----------------~-~ . _.,..,

• llUSIC

Following father's footsteps Hank Williams' othtr child,

Jaughttr Jttt, talks about htr

ntw book, htr legal battles,

and tht dad sht ntvtr kntw

THIS WEEKEND'S .................. ·············· ....... . aAUTYTIP

hinless H~ir Removal •• .Smooth, Lcwety Legs Without her Shaving or Tweezing Apln!

T a.1-t- t et • of the me countty music great Hank Williams prays be£occ each pciformancc mar be11 wadi 09a' her.

.. I n:ally do feel he's right out there with me, .. says Jett Wdlium. 37, now 6xgiag a music career of ha own. Noc ao the icst of the supc:aw's f..amily, who won't ac­knowledge this illegitimaae danghttr despite a COUit decision affirming her~· For yem. Jett Williama lw fought


As BeMy Adv1SO< of Wttkend Shopper, I'm always delighted to di~ new be~ 1dtn really work. He~'s something thait's .t>Jolutely 1fY nt'WS ... a ~nui~ly comf~ pluynt Wi'f of remcwing unwanfiid hair. "' It's simplt, quid, and it doesn't hurt! With Pretty Lqs Hair Removing Mitts, you jusr wi~ away excess hair from arms or lqs. This fl8 specially t~ grooming aid comes from England; hundreds of lhouYods hlvt alrody bee'! s.old throughout Europe.

To use Pretty Legs, 1ust pl~e a Mitt on your ~nd. thtn rub lwir Wi'f usma a circular mooon. Skin is len silky~mooch. and any regrowth will be soft and downy ... nor that ~ul stubble th.Jc appears so soon aner shlvina.

So go ahead, throw M"l'f your ruOf- '*>u'll newt !Nss ~mas. ~nicb, 1ht KCideotal scra~. And Pr!tty LtgS is better ~n the new tledrial gadgets. I think most of us would rathtr not use machines thM rub~ initite tht skin, °' ~n ttar out lwu~ by the roocs! This simplt, ouchless mlthod is a VllOnderful ahernatiw. Order yours~. on money-b.Jck guar~tte. We will send them lo you promp«ly, by first Cbss Mail s· I

~~~ ~~~· HElf'S HOW TO OIDll: !Shipped Firsl Cbss) As pan of a special prict ampai&n/information n~nge. Prrtty Legs Hair Removing Mitts ltt nt1W ~ai~le in the Ui at only $3.00 ~r Set. Lich set contains 4 Reus.ah't Mitts. Add only $2.00 for postage and handli'!J. reprdless of how many you order. New Jmey rtS~s ~ s.1le tn. Thtre is a limit eo rwo (2) Sm ptr household. Howe¥tr, by actint promptly (w1th1n two Wftb) you may request up to five (S) Sets. Miu check or m.o. ~to, and mail to; WfflENO SHOnfl, Otp«. 11·15 3400 RdMrds Court. 8oic 34580, LoukvUle; ICY 40212 (If ordcr""'t rhree or mort Sets,~ w .icom. eo use "f04I' MastffClrd. VI~. or Oiscewtr urd. lndudf atd Ntnt. your account mimbt-r, and expir~ton <Utt.)

..-.... sptdfy "9m tW67.

......,. 21

•• Ula • ....., ..... ,,...,.. .. ,,,.

•• UM WW• .C,. Jr:l'ft. ~---__J

A hankering to know the truth


HowaStop in a Gennan Shoe Store

Ended a lifetime of Foot Pain ... ''W:e were la GerllLUJ

o• th verr ftnt dQ ol ov vacadoa aacl., re. were already 1rtmn1 me. 1 llNHtPt a pair of more coafortable UOM _.,.t laelp ucl I fell la loft~ & pa1r la. aoe •ton la ~n, Gef'll&ll7.

.. But when I tried them on. they hurt, too. I ex­plained my problem of sore aching feet to a friendly clerk and he pointed to a counter display and said, maybe I needed a pair of special Leather Insoles.

"I took his advice and - was I glad I did ... the instant

I slipped them into my ahoea, my foot pain vaniahedl I've worn them ever since and my painful foot problems are a thing of the put."

END YOUR FOOT PAIN! Over the last 16 years

more than 8,000,000 pain of thete Leather Insoles have been sold in German ahoe stores. Theyve relieved all types of loot problems for lol.ka of all ares and if your feet are killing you, we urp you to try them.

Wear them tor 80 daya. U at the end of that time you're not completely delighted, just return them for a prompt., ftCHIUeationa-uked refund. What could be more fair? .-i...-... :.-:• "' .. *-............ ..... ...

• • • • 80-Day No-1.iak Offer • • • • LUXll INTEMATIONAL

I m N. ,_.a., Dlpl. XI.._, I ..... WA---~ I EfdDeldliloo..o~ °'*' . 1or _.:_ .. >" I LA.-~ ...... .._,.111:.,... ..... , ......

0 ...... ..,_Qfllln'a.-Cll-

Luxia' specially designed metatartAI support helps your feet aaaume their proper po1t­ure and balanee. They ttdi&­tribute body weight naturally; eliminating painful, uneven pneaurea that cause Sore Feet, Burning Feet, Coma, Calluses, Bunions, Sore Heels, Ankle and Foot Problems of all types.


WHY SHOULO Yj>U? •r1i.c i~ artfa1Wutic. /'w IV/frred writltfool prob-1,,,.. o.ll mr lif•. Seuldnlr. I co" wolk i" corn/orl."

L.C .. Mute PWM. NY

• Tlu:ultorw /"1 for a lo"'1 ti mt. bl 1tOt a1'rmorw tJiaJtk1 to fOH r iruolt1: £. S.. lAnmltw. PA ........... .. ,.. ......

----­........... ~~· ...... __ .., ..... .......... •est...._ .......... ...... _. .......... -.

1 _ ,_,._,.._. • ..,...,,uo .. 11.11NH _ ON,.Oftltf7.•..,.,.I0"'4 .... ants-. .. an •• ~.:-...:.~·.:-:.::~ .. ·' ~ =--~ ............. ..... 0...."" 0 WIA 0 flM8T8'CNIO

I CR • ....... I .._

· ~ - -··--··-·--···-------·--.... .... ...............


Enter FREE and win $1.


on.test SACRAMENTO -A $1,000 grand prize i.s bein

offered in World of Poetry's Great Poetry COntes open to everyone. There are 200 whopping totaling over $15,0001

The deadline for en­tering is Sept. 30, 1990. Winners will be noti­fied by November 10.

Says Editor & Pub­tisher John Campbell:

----· "Even if you have writ­ten only one poem, or -. .... ~:lll:t=::1 have never entered a poetry contest before,

~-=-•--••-•••,1 this is your chance. I tr' IP a LP n - • want this contest to

.1: =:=a-:~ 8:: help me discover new John Cainpbel r- poetst" ~dltor & ftu"'"·""'-s2.oo Wppinl and bandliDI lO OUf c;;i r1 UllOIKI

lddral: f'CAA. .,.. WW.fZA. 103 T F 0 aoww an.. Pwlllree Cily. aeorp. o enter REE, sen(t NE poem only (per house 30269. Wewilhmdyoaacopyof'Ww hO/d), 21 lines Or less: N.,,,,. B .... B~lq•llir" ript

~ ltetm1I dlia DOCicc with Sl l.98. Great Poetry Contest noorartwoboob. <Noexua~ 701 Dlxlunne Ave., Suite 33 • ......,* ... > Secewnento, c.IHoma.15815

You .. a llC)odme..Hmk ,_...- of lllidKtba '11 """'.....y t.:t. y ____ _.,.... ....

......... ,.. ..... c.,lllwtl .. Ctteelf Ca! I I fJ rMr belt dMorlbel whet your poem It about: a LcM and Frtendlhlp a 1nep1rdc>n a Fa1tt1 And AeYerenc:e a Home Ind Mott'9f a Childhood and Vouth a PWlotlem and war a Humor and Wh'"'-Y a Mlmoty and Grief a Neiure a Antmela a re11s a 9eotv a °"*--------• M•tJt ft


Al ........ ~ ltff •tr 3' :.,.CODI (t'1*'1POfpc:1tt1rfai1n1rttr)-______________ I

.,,., ...... " • ..... ~ Emsul:!!i'P:!E·-:..,.,...==:a.:.=-.~~-='=':r· .. :.r.:=.·.:::u ,....,i . .


WlkS/ not IO wld IMut tt.ny ~ Hmy <:.oana Jr. is the belt thing co come a.Jong sinoe icie cram ( .. Jazzy HMry." July 6-8). I was a jazz musician dunng the '30s and '40s and pbycd some of tilt same muDc.. He's an cx­cmndy wCDll:lel young man.

ROY flNSTROM r--. Mid..

Hmy Connick jL is not cool; he's bm­mg. He's a nnenlgja act aying co ~ ~mber good times that netoer were. pbymg nothing more chan wumed­ovcr music from the '30s and '40s.

w caring sharp dotbea and linging tn key does DOC rDaU 90CDCODC I musi­nl force co be reckoned with. c:ole Porta had 1ric; Harry Connick bas norhmg more than a nice tie collection.


w.fklnc on PN1ow1 The Rockcaes ('"Whjc:b shoes an: nude for ~r July 20-22) reitct­.ired what women all across America luve been telling us for nearly a year. Our shoes are exaemdy oornfortable mdlook pad

However, your anidc rdcncid co our comfort pumpe u thc Calico "Pillow." Ul1co is the name of a dm.sioo of fish­er Camuco Group. The correct brand o.unc is Ulcruoi by Calico; the style name is 04Pillow."


Fii'- c...w.!Sc. LAW

Luc~ ...

i!:dic:;:::! ~ ~ ("The toed" Jane 22-24~ C.ocne had ~ Gloria. Your ~ "don't wanna loo.e JOU-"


TheUnderl .... l would like you co dear ap a situation rega.rding the~ Audrey and Judy Lui.den {"Whli1 aen." Aug. 3-5). YOU said in your lftide mat the Datm att twins. They are not - t:bey'tt :ibout two yem apvt.

Audrey Landen rca:ndy was inCIC!'­Ylcwcd and aid the two are comtandy mimken Cot nrim, bul chiey aren't.


EJitot>s ..-: Wt twrt ...,,..,._ 7'ec LinJm rums ... '°"' "'°" a..,. o 'ff'Jr ttpt11t - Awlny u olJt,.

w,,. •USA WllUND. -i...., • 1000 ,,..._ 11"4., ~'A. m--u. ....... . YI. (10>) i'lt-Hll. ........ ,..-.... drfta ... .,.. J r t ............ ., --. ...... .., .... "'.., .....

White Teeth! Juet Lll<e The Star•lll


(In Ju.t Mini/In YOUI T#th Al• lnot#lll/f Wh,.IJ

- T HREE EASY 8Tl!P81 --____, ••• • Apply the Oxyoen:atlon Gel to your tMt~ uatng •cotton awib. You will ectu•llY feef this emaz.lng tonnula start bubbling on the t .. th ualng o•vven to lltt deep etalna right out of your teeth'• porous aurfece. (1·2 mlnutn)

..., ., Flnleh up with the Pollahlng QWn. UM It Ilk• ordlrwwy tooth PMt• to

__ ...- ~ glYe a h~loas pollahtd look to your t>Mutlful .,.._ white teeth! (1·2 mlnu1•)

. . . . .... . ·.' . . This Is the same ~ tooth whl1enlng sysan 'ffJ/ve 111n na­ttonlly publctzed In lldng medil 1eross the country · vtr1JJaly ldenUCll to tcnnu&as selllng on '8tl'tls6ori tor• much• Ml.95. Bot duf1nQ tta enormous nadonWtde pdcity '*"PllGn. U.S. Buyers NettVOrk Is gMng : YESI~;:.-;=..-:,"~· IWtlf the flmOUS DAZZLE 3 Alp tooth whi'1111i11Q systlm tor the I 0 --... ,, .... u ...... .... ~y- pnce at jul1 17 .95 rd'/ to "'°" whO 1...,and to tNs Id I 0 Twe - ... ttl.M ............ .... befonl ~October 15.1990. o ,... .................. ...

"you're., most people. ~ tMth n ~ ..s yelOWed from I o""' - • 111.• ... •--. • ..... con,.. lll. food, Of~. Now wtth Dmtl. TM "The Totll Tooth 116="c-=:'O::-::~ -wccw .. Whi"'*"G System", you Cln hlYI I mcMe - smlll In luSt I tew c --. c oi.-. o c......., minutn a dlyt This ena.- ay1t1m II• powwrtul 1hlt YIU wl letully I 41119 v .....,.1.--_ nob a llgnlflclnt dlfllrtnce In 111 wNtlnell flf Y'U' t11ttt lfW 1111 YWY I - ... ______ ;,__... ___ _ am ""· Prown sat1 Ind lftlc1M, Duzll• ~ gtve yau '* dmlna I .._ - -------- .___ 11n11vw·~llWIYIcr....s111aUt ""'*" IPlldllQ •.,._on.....,.. I • - ----------­stve dlntll wart. 1--------------'"*' 111 .-tct 11m1t 4f two (2) ... per.._ at INI prtct, but I ,.. .. , ~ midi -'Y ..... (tlllcn Oc-. l 0). rftlf ....... up., Ive I .............. I ........ WTllll (5).... .... ................................ , I ,.. 0. ••••• ..,. ... 0

I VA ... .

..---------... ----------~---._ _____________ .:._ __ ...,..J

• amer1~aoa

The USA's _corniest postcards Readers send USA WEEKEN o 1,000 of the best

S claoola of moaater fl.It. Pocaiocs the size of flatbed aucb. Herds of jacblopcs.

When we asked readers to tend us the cadjesc postcards

they could find. thote wett among the most popular enaics. Boy, have you folk.s been to some Sl1rlrtlf pl.acts. All told, we received more than 1,000 cards. And, yes, adcy is in the eyes of the beholder.

"It's bard to say exactly what (tacky) is until you set it." explains Cynthia EJyce Rubin, author of Lorgtr Tison Lift (S24.95, Abbml1e Press), a new book on "tall-<ak" poscards. liltc the &ux-pbotos of furry - ---::::::;:.-fish and Jcids rid­ing chickens.

Herc arc our picb of the racki­cst you sent in: 1 Acut*we

CowpoM Inn, Thedford, Neb. From Gtwtchtn Crusick, Belmont. Callf. 2 Pure com IOWI, where~ CM heir the com IJOW. From O.K. Kolb, 0. Moines, Iowa

1 The thinkfnc mllft'• eo1ese Cornett UnMntty brWI Ct!llction, 19SO. From Loia Weadytce, Uit1uood, N.J.

4 --...... Smitty's Blllt & Teddi Sf'°P, ..._. Qty, Mz. From attt ~.La V .. , N.M.

Sto~ • .._."°..._._ .... ....._ .. ldlho ~ ' 'Spudnik." From 5of'9 ~. lolle, ldllto e A WWI IMtter lndulbill ,........, ....... drQ 1-.

~~~iiiiilr&• From.....,. R. """"· Wllw1aan, ..... -=:;m.- 7 W.Wa WDflt....., ...

'*-"' LMd, • • FrMt IWtn M. 9tru\toon, ..... NJ.

• #


Survival of the fittest

T be Labar O.,wukmdlipls the unofficiaJ end ol annmcr -md the return ol «lldoor- ar:r­

asm to the great indoors. Tb sboaJd have health clubs · · · right?

Tluni ipn. ~dub indma7 IS llO'VOU$. Growth of nwnWnhip in the USA's health club. ii slowing to a cnw~ forong clubs to look for in.notoltite pro­gnms dcsagoed to bold OD to mrmben.

Herc .ire the orwat wrinlda:

lits joiJ\ the dab: An older popula­tion means more c:hildrm md more iJi... tcmt 1n cluld-6tnc. ~ lndmay 6gum show f.amily plam DOW account for ~ut oDMh.ird J all avmbmhip&

fqwpmmt maouf.. tUIUi are making It ea!l CT for kids to IODe Uf>• American Alhlcte lw inttoduc.ed a line oi ~­rnunnt ll' pdaell drsigmd spcoticaJ}y for the smaOcHaik bodies ol duldren ages 7 through 13.

Some club. mp ineo tbe luc::ntift school market. Cou.nhome Athletic Club in Sal.em, Ore.., manges 6dd a:ipe tO the health d ab b IChool children..

Golf D110W1 ieduu: <Ashing in oo the USA's golf boom. 101DC duba 1tt

turning ncquctt.D and tlelmia comu inb:> indoor golf couaes. The GOU PROfiec.. t0r system~ tbe ~ ol an 18-hole golf OOUIX, indOan. thrwgh a combunnon of rimnhrion and amlysis.

ExcrciMu t.ede dlit a hr Low­unpaa acrcile doan"t .a,.. tbe kma. ~ ~ ocbc:r joiaa. IDlki8I ir a hoc workout at!Xf for Iliac boomen PllYing the wiy: Softpte_ a Soar tile JWie from recycled tira by cmwe Tift ac Rubber Co. The indHhKt tile .hat. impea and moisture. It's Oil tbe 8ocm ol moR

than two dozen dalie dUa fall. .

0.--SO. S-... I Jlaching tbe older aerciler 1equaa w rabaping of traditional membenhip progrum. Clubs IUCh 11 the W• AWi Ada1ecic Club in Wett AJ1i1. Wi&., o8i:r Iowa­~ '8 wdie~!O crowd. While minced fee wniliea ta.ft to ICt­tle fur limiled w to cbt 6rilWe (W-­rwttn 1 11111 4 pa.). :2 ol .. older fitnc. F •m.-.tMlaom,wbm they CID wcdtom iD I .... wilhoia iD­rimidrrioa fiaa ... »; m Nit .,nee.._

TH I N O'> Tll''> T l A'> I 14'>

Not smaller - ~ttter

New gear fits women jocks Women's athletic gear is no longer dow n-sized men's stuff. Sporting-goods com­panies arc finding a growing D'W'kct for specially designed women's items.

Just out - and in time for the W omen's Slow-Pitch Softball World Series this weekend in Concord, Calif. - is the Optima softball glove from Wilson. It lus a Velcro wristband and finger linings that sun closer to the palm tban in a nun's glove.

Fimu also off er: propor­ttoned backpacks; Ii gh tcr , shorter golf clubs; and catch­er body protec t o r s wu h poly-reinforced breast places.

Di&itl l radio dlJS

We will hear clearly nou 1

Tll• talk ef Mrt ..... , National luet1ah4NI of lrNdusters 1Mttl111 i11 les·

ten ti.. te11.-cl d1K-~uahty Mund el d111tal rl41t. It's IMt htrt f'lf - stftl

d~ttt 111 b rOtlt - bwt alrudr tllrM rMit cem.-tuei U.. ~

the FCC Mttlatq ~· fer ditillf lilfudwttn1 111 tlM USA

Se lftllt' t t'9 Ml ft11? Dititll rl4ie means "It's "'" 111nk. Twe's ne

lltu, .. McllfMM Mlln41S.. M ll1tefieftftelt I tt1lnk It • Ill tftttblaltr ... tlM

Wlff tf HM flf•tt." Mp aka S.ltr, a New '-tk City re4te CMHtt.t. wM IS

a"-' ... tlM ClllfwtlKI.

ha ttlit .... • 'II Med te My ,,eclal rl4itt1 YM IMl AIM S.IM prl41cU

l M/fM ~-••NJ Mt...~· " I Ml a tr11ttitiefl wtlo JM hJ

I rMit ..... , , tM .... " Pd tM .W..,... It ttlt S.IM tt ...

(........, • .... ,_._ ...... ftf ,__ Mt lM eld."

.... ..-, nt .... ff* lttl W.,W MMitthtrttift a...i.

....... --..... .. • ..,., ......, ...._ WeMcalti•1 '*''"' MM,

,....,....._ .. ..-. 1're•w .. •liM..,..

U UM._...,• ... JI ..... J. '"'

l a s

1 ~

Cas~ ln1 in

ATMs go beyond dispensing dough Adaptations of cash machines are proliferating faster than you can say "check my balance." The ubiquitow teller-clones band out everything &om airline ticlceu to video renuls.

"The ATM - it's the coming t.hlng," says Univenity of Iowa cashier Don Rou. Hu studenu can pay tuition via the network. Shua.m takes Iowans' utility payments, too.

Ot.her uses for ATM clones:

R.un Nntak Hertz is testing an ATM clone that rakes mileage, gas and credit card info. and prints a receipt when a car's re­turned.

Cl** ~ Boston College studenu check grades a.nd other infonnation via several campw ATMs.

Pim tlcb: Some stores rent videos from an ATM with a robot arm that can grab any of 374 tides you puoch up.

_.,....,_ Feed or CT'Cdit cards to these ATMs, and walk away with movie rickeu plw concession Youchen.

c ........ '''"" Hot or cold, your outfit knows Wk..,........ ••a. ........ aedllllt ...... ...._

........ ct1•l 1•n.-.•·-~&l8'l . ...... ., ...... .-. ..... tllt ... I l ' IH taila t1llt U . (11" 11' lllM I .. Clllt

(Sl ................. ....-. ................. ..

............. Alt ........ 1, l fJ ......

.. ..... I 11 f

, ... ~ .... , .. , Peter is forever young on video laa,etl .._...._UM .. ... .., ....... er...., .... dmk ........ ff J.M. llntt't • -'J,,.,,,. ........ ......

J.t . ..t:.., ...... ,.... ( ~ ........ );

llct••••••llll .........

.............. ,..,.,.Cle ................. ,,...,, ..,, ,, ••• cl*

nm _. ... ....., ..._ ...._...,. . ...... 1m111-

1111M 1* (UC.It, ... I $5 ,..

~ '""*' - ..... ). tr• _ .. ....,,.Mil -... ... MN 1t .. w. ._.. .... ... dlakS.. ..... •...... ",.. ...... "' ,,.. ,..._




It~ one thing to think youre getting a perfect shave. Its another thing to actually get one. Now you can. The revolu­

tionary new Norelco· razor lets you shave even closer without the

w•c.r,_.. slightestsaaifice · '*""• ... -..* f the I ndary ~I 81Ct 0 ege ....... NoreJco -&.

"""' • I COIU.lorl

This new standard of shaving excellence was achieved through major improvements in virtually every area

NINe ltaiT~. 1,,.. Mil.,.. lffs 1.,,.,.owc1 s)IStal

dwl#lw of·-· .. """' '°"'~«Ids"°""' Otts ltaiT.,. dostr. -ii/I llltd Cwt•~ 1tair.

of the Norelco patented "Lift and Cut':. system. The comb slots have been redesigned so hair growing at any angle can be quickly directed to the blades. The cutting system has been engineered to shave even closer without the blades touching your skin. And an improved bearing mechanism delivers a more consistent, smoother cutting action.

Togethe~ these engineering advances shave you closer than ever. Yet not one iota of comfort has been lost. Ra~ you've gained a new level

of closen~ and comfort Experience this

exceptional shave for your­self. Once you do, you'll never come close to being satisfied with anything else.

_ (JNorelCCY 1 ..... __ _

• :=:::.;..;...._--=-=., ...._er-.

Bulb Sampler Guamnteed To Bloom~ Spring· Just L<>Ok_ at Wh3t You Get

20 GRAPE HY ACINTltS 6-7cm

15,_DDUT 4-5an


Thar•~- .. you ,et 75 cerUfted heakhy ftowatna bub for ~ U .95 ... onJy from Mk:hipn Bulb Company. Every bulb in dlil bmpln a>lec:dcx\ •l'*•med., bloom dUt lplina and fot many aunmera to oome wkhcu IJftlng or replanana. jua planl lbem once and enjoy them for years. Arran,e them in a lpedll pl8ce ol rbeir own fot a kweJy bldb 8llden or mix chem amooe your pamnWI for a wide new k>ok. ~ .... Qama alt dmamazina cob--~ Qlploi color ....

- pulh chdr way rfebr dwouah the lat mows ol wlDDert Nm J'OU'l 8*" die a"5cwt blooms d8'1 t 1 Tlilfil and lhe ~of Dw w .. ,....._ lhe bell lowed md w popular ol all Tulip va.rtma. The amay, ........... d'llak .,... D • M blfPuany 911den. DWla ldl9I bunt bib In biS' • ..... dpUlple ..S ,.._ wble _..,. B'p h+- t:>c.ll bwle9 d Ytalll &o.-. .... D• h ....... .,..,.. are a..._ far 1he e;e. wt lbe ocm. Wbr a8lr-. ._.,""' llMhl r • IUdl a low pnoet in.-. .. new ... ww --- e ac -• ...._ llllld~--for ......... 47"""9!'111111MI ' RllO .. WdW.NOC rzful ... .,._ tila6d ' ii 12 I tild Cl'dlr DOW wllli- NJ llliL.

5 llOUQUET TUI.Fl 8-9cm




Your 1001-term MICCal b lmpoftanl '° u., ., .. beck ~ we MIJ with dais

uotwWM ·--· JIJIO'a are d' 11 Cllfted wlda yow' Ofdem' Oft um.I. .aply rea.n ll wtdm lS days fot a fuJI refund or •epiacemeat, wlaichiner you Pftifis. Al'l'f ........ do ... pow ud flourtsb co yow ~ .. .,.~ ... ~~ Mllll).

r-------~-----------~ : . M19Ji9ttN . : I I 1 1m wALDOU, N,w., DllPI'. a.n . 1 GM.NP llAJllDS, Ml ""'° . I YES! Pleate terld .,,, 7S-pc. Bui> c;.dm In time b planlinl mil fall I I J ,.. be tlW6ed wt:b my purctme. or 1 my rewn 11 wtdWl lS I

' dl'9 for a full refund. Any bulb na1 flowa~• IO m, wW•okA1 wfll be tepl8ced I I PJ!B u aeed In Nkftlpn Bulb'• ~Yar, Double °'81111w. ca Na. Q6 I D 1wc. au GMDllN-.....,, OD01•• mma-1,. ... _ .,.,. I I <"-' dn;# con.a""'""" IWflfl....., """..._, I . ~~ I I ~ ,,,,_ I

·~ ~ - : I a..,_......,,..,,..,,..... .. ._.. a ....... _.,..,,..,,......,._..,......_ ....... ,.. ...... I ---~-........... Dvm. D 21 cw D ----- I

Daily Pilat

..... 1V~ ~Channel Guide

llCSS CIS Lot lNllC IC Lot KlU Ill Lot uac Alt Loe llFMI C8I ... KCAL IND Loe KGTV A8C 1111 ICTTV FOX Loe KCOP IND Loe KW NS Lot KMEX IND Lot IOCSO NllC ... KTIH '"° llOCE PIS K'l£A Ill Loe KOOC II) ........


Pvbll1~ by TV Updatt C> '"'° TV Updele: ler. Stallone rewrve tfle "-ht IO mate latt·•i..t. dleqa.

6 7

• 11


10 ,,


• 11 15 . n ,. 22 12 20 15

0 a.... c.....,.. ...... '-Mt.....,.. (Vall A_... In Yldee.

l«ut< al • - FCC ruHna. lladep b Old-of·towll M.UOU nrricd by your cable • yatcm att subjttt to blletout or lut minute chanaet la ~· We rept .. , lna>nvcnlentt .11111 m_, CIJI~.




NA.SCAR New~· Twtn 1509. (Uw) (2-.30) -... --u.&.Opel\ T ...... Men'tend Women'• ~ Aoundt. From the US A ...,,.. r...-c..1n~ Meedow, N.Y. (live) Q (5:30) -10AM

lamWI~ NA8CAA Wlr'llan -8oulwn IOO. FfOn'I Derlngbt, s.c. {l.Nt) (4:00) . -.. -............

....... L.09~ Oodgef'I It Maner... • • (l.M) (2:45)

..... &..e..,e l111all StnF~ ~ It New YOl1t JMtt. (l.M) (3:00) -11:0I - ..... ~ ....... St l.ou6I Ctrdlnllt It ,\llntt am.. (Uwe) (2:46) -12:JO _CPL,_... ==::lombn• ='= ~10m Teytor ..... ~. (I.Ne) (3:00)

- .......... (3:00) 2N ~ .... PQAQol

.,...Nlltllr -Nedi F1nel round 1:JO fl"Om lndllnlpOll. (LM) _Cl'\.,.... (1:30) W.wllplg Blue Bomc>wa It - 8~ 4:ao ='= From Ttytor -u.1.0,..T.-. Aeglnt. .

l1*d round, from= ~(R)(2:30) Meedow. N.Y. (1.M) (S: - MONDAY .... - .... Llllflle SEPTEMBER3 111•11' N9W VOil -Y---•loMonRecs ~ b.(1.M)~

---~ - .... , .. Olldtnd .• It ,,.. .,..,,, Red Solt Of

_ ........ 2 • =~"i:~, c (1:00>




~ .. -U.&.Opel\T ... FOUf1h round. from FlulNnQ ~. Ny (LM) (S:OO) -2:36

-t:30 .............. 11111111 T..-ne to Be ~ (LM) (3"00) - U.S.. Opel\ r..­four1'\ round. from =:ldoo#· N Y ............. I 1111111 Ntw YOftl MR et St. Loul9 CMdlnllt From 8ulc:h St8dlum (LM) (3:00) -J:JO ................ 111111 .. TMmt to Be Announced (LM) (3:00) - ........... 1 1111111 Houeton ~ at Loe Angelee Dodget'I. (LM) (3.'00)


- U.S.. 0,.. T .... Four1h r'CU'd. from fMNno U11ttow. N Y (LM) CS:OO) -'-:JO

---~ 11 1111 I T..,,. to Bl AnnOunCed (LM) ($;()()) -U.&.O,..T ......

°"*"""-· l\>om =;J,nb,N.Y


-u.1.0...T_. Qa ........ -­::t'a:t11•. H.Y.

-4'30 --- .... ...... 11 11' I Califomie Angell • New y oft! v-.... (Live) (3:00)

- U.S. 0.- T ... Oulr1trtlNAa. from ~~. N Y. (l.M) (3:30) -,,..

aw::mcn~ T Otonto A1ooneuts 8t 8'ttith COlumtl6t Uona. .......... llillt•nlbll 1111 Attanta Braves at Lot Ange6es OodQetS. (Live) (2:45)



-7:JI ....... LA19111 11 tli 11 TWN to Bl ~. (l.Nt) (3:00) ---a.....-11111111 cinonned Rede IC Loe Mge6le Dodgera. Cl.Ml (3:00>


-.. -·--..... . ..... ._ lllO

C.ilfomla It Wlaoonsin. h11W A!Sent9 ~ l:t llllm .. I lwoitd = :00) 5*' OieQo Pedm. (LM) -~·.,...,.. c.,. Footbll (2'45) ,_... (R)

T.,,,..._ It MININlppl - -5'ata. (l.Ne) (3:30) 7:JO 12AM - CD1Zll c-.. Fooeel -UIWAW11•• 11 AM lconll unt Cit •••• {1:00)

--~ aa.~ ...... lllm~,.....

Clndnnltl at .. loocet ( 1 :00) MIW'Mi at Young. MictligM. (l.M) (3:00) - lW&OO) - .,.. ........... ,....

1t:JO ~ Hor1e "ecinl From -umc-..,.... Del Mar (Tape Deley) 12:JO =. CCNtfega ot [ftDI 11 rtd T_..,.. l'fll LucM Lllf9 ( 1 ·00) It UCLA 0t - ~Hell of ,_Joe

Teua Tedi It ONo State l:.30 Morgan. (R) (Live) (330) [mzll~ -- mBIC-...' .... 1 AM

1 PM ~ State at Florida. 1mml "'* lcof'9 (2"00) [IDlll Colep , .... (~ r..-1 (3:00) ~ 1,11 "1•h (1 :00) ClemlOf'I It Vlrgin4a. (Live) - -(3:00) IN 1:40

- (l1llZll PGA Goff Hardee' s '9 Sport1p111 Wiii M 4 PM Cluslc Third round from Amold (RI

mm.a ........... the Oakwood Country Qub 2 Aii"'1 11111111 New Y0111 ~ In Coal V*'1. 111 (Taped)

lt~Ph!IMa (200) m.IDI " ....... (3:00) From Vetertnt Stadium - -(Live) (3:00) 10 PM tAM - t:mzm FNI Score (3:00) ~NWA ... E¥9ftll

4:30 - w~ ............. 10;40 mm 11111111 Caltomia Angels ~ lpof1l:p 1ge Wtltl Ed -., 8elllmot9 Orioles Amold 3:30

(Simuatt In 5'*1tlhl - ~-1111WMll

~,.... 11 PM -(m:ll~ 4AM

Milwnl l:t Bt;gNm y~ - ifiili Ip I 11C I II - 11:30 -1 PM cm~ Olitdl9•• 4:30

lnllMtPL.eepe ( I 00) _ T .. Tra (1:00)

37..a.c• $ , ...... pMk ... 10.1~ ... p.., ...... 2·8•1' 2 -la7a, , ...... ~ M ......... Ps•u- ·

• ' : 1.1.1119:11!' 111 ;1•trfl•l~ 1 £m - • ....... Il l

Only S.0" Portrait Stvdio• ho,. tti. • dvM Ytdf,oV:C:' ' ""coll*'O ~ It frM1 ovr profeHlonol photogrop~~!t work do..ty w )'!>Ur c:ti.1d ... '° ._. COPtuj9 the cutest tm1r.11 Ar .. ·-- le: ......... c ,. .. , ... ,...... .-st.,va•.....,••*-· ___ ., __ ........ __ . ~-.. ... - ..- __ _.....,._.... __ ....,._ ___ ._ ...... _____ ....,.... __ _ ,,-....,tit ...._.........,_ .. .,......... ,.._ ,...,,.... ._.....,..vw .... ~t..- C.-. .. .... c...

....... ·--·- .... Slvd\e ....... s.... 1-1ioew· , ........ - ,, -~ ...... )9' s..... .,.., ......... ~ - .._ ,ni.. ......... . .... ...

, September 2, 1990


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It ain't The Brad\" Bunrh! .

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Sunday P.rlme nme

• MM



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·--., Or-. CMMe (In ..... ifJDlll Sino) c;i

Jg.~IDEt~ The Smartest & Sharpe'J~ Drug Store in Newport Beach PROHLEM SOLVt-:t<S ~'OR PRt.o;SCRlPTIONS

cus~tt:'l'ICS CIFTS Ir STATIONERY 1016 Buy ide Dr., Newport Beach



September 2, 1990

lncoullt ienoe. (A) IZllm ....... Enoora Nrldt~tnd

Oan1n ** '° flt pett -t:OO

10:30 11:00


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Thursday Momlne September 6, 19

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. September 6, 1990


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September 7' 1990

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-t:oO (9Mowte..,. 'Night Wiik ( 1989) RotJer1 Urictl. L.el'9y·Anne Oowrl. TN ...-ctt fOt '** ...,. en unhllPPIY INlfn.d women into I dll 91' OU1 controntdcn wtll'I

September 7, 1990

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S.turday Afternoon September 8, 1990

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September 8,- 1990

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Saturday Prime Time September 8, 199

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OPEN 8ATUBDAY1 (71•) MS. 7739 18800 8IACH BLVD. . (71•> 668-1008 HUNTINOroN BIACH, CA


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YES! I want to ~1n my subscription to the Oa 'Y Pilot at the low I 1n1roductory pflce of -12 we~s for $8 00 wrth a money badt guarantH I that If I am not completely sallsh• d wtlh the newspaper or service my Ir subscnpCt0n cost of '8 00 vit1U be refunded • I

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h 's SundJly, Sept. 2. 1990, and btre s what's happening;


T ... J'• ~p/low: 7'-tt Yesterday's h1~/low: 71-64 Tomorrow's high/ low: 74.64

SPORTS: Majer Leepe B&MbaJl: DMten leM •~ pmes " ' ......... ti ... Okap I , Aqeb i

H-HOU• HOTUN• TH••OtTO• 642-6086 c-•• ,.,. • ,.,.,. ... ,....N,_....,.

INSIDE THE NEWSROOM: Among thl' var) 1n& 1ntcrl'Sts

of our rt"adl'rs. Wl' recogn1zl' the man y artists and an lo' ers in the crowd. and with this in mind we ha'e signt'd on an an cri tic with a fo llowing in thl' Laguna a nd Orange C'oa' communilll's ,

David Battenbl'rg presents his views e"l'I) unda)' in the Daily Pilo t 11nd his St'cond such appearance is on C4 today

Previous!) hl' has run columns in area newspapers, worked as Ans Edito r at thl' Dail) in Fullt'rton and has been Arts Comm1ssionl'r of Laguna Beach since 1987

Battenbl'rg's l'xpcnisc 1n the an world 1s o ftrn souaht out b> pubhcauons and ht' fel t he could be!ol serve the commun1 · ty b) appcanng 1n the Dally Pllot.

Battcnbl'rg says he li l t's 10 " shake things aro und a htt~ in what as largl'I) a complaCl'nt and 1nstllut1onahzed an co­lo ny .. : ·

That's what Wt' hke to hear

INDEX Bridge Business Classlfi~ Comfcs Crossword Enterufnmtnt Horoscope Opinion PoHce Log Soctety Sports TV listings We"her .

06 BS-6 01 -6

Inside 06 C4 06 A4 Al

Cl · l 81 -4

TV Update C6

TODAY'S THOUGHT .. Prt)udlct Is thl

r-..son of loo/J." Voltaire


C~ty :m·ourns ·crossing guard Generations of pupils remember dedicated man ly RUSS LOAR ~ ,.._,. ..

NEWPORT BEAC H - C11y crossma guard badge No. I has bl'cn rcurcd Wlth the death of the c ity's first traffic crossing a uard, Joseph Carolan. and 24 years worth of students arc alrt'ady coninbut1ng to a memonal fu nd at the school near his corner.

Caro lan, 87, was first taken to Hoag Memorial Hosp11al 1n Junl' Just before thl' l'nd of the school year. Stricken b> breathing problems

on the JOb, when ; be ambulance amved. Cuolan didn't want to 10 ·· He didn't want to ~o to the hospi­tal. He wanted to finish crossing the kids first. " said son Robert Ca rolan. He died from pneumonia Aug. 23

The Newport Beach resident bl'· came the city's first crossing guard in 1966 af\er finding retirement in-1olerable, according to his fam ily. For 24 years. Carolan helped kids from Manners School across what has been called the m ost danJerous 1 nte~cti~ for c hildren in Orange Counl) - thl' comer of Dover and

Manners dnves. Dunng his nearly quarter century on duty. there has never been an accident thcrl' involv· ing a child.

..Even though he made the luds tow the hne. the) st11l loved him:· said daughter-in-law Mary Caro lan. " I used to avoid that com er, because he didn' t put up with anything from dn vers eathl'r "

He didn' t put up with an ) th1ng from anybody, according to school offi cials, who say Carolan turned in a number of unscwory characters -including a flasher - who wandered

into his temtory over the years. U!olan's son said bis father had

a special quali ty that children loved. Despite his age, he wu infused with a fierce lndepcndcnct; and ageless personality .. He drov~ a BMW and lned Jn his own house:· Carolan's son recalled .. He never rcaJly be· came an Qld man. Wt' called him an o ld yuppie.··

Carolan had suffered from resptr· atory problems all his hfe. bro ught on b) the coal·bumtn& fireplaces of

(fttease 1H GUAltD/ -.0 ,.~,

Residents, Edison clash over

.Beachgoers -bonanza 7-

. '.promise' By IRIS YOKO! ~ - \<IPl'I W.-..

NE\\ PORT BE.\C H - T"o doLen rcs1dcn1' 1n the Sp)glass 11 111 communtt) ~) the) want Southen Cahfomia Ed1~n Co. to keep prom· 1~ made 10 )ears ago to under­gro und the high-' o ltage power hnl''i ~hind their homes,

But Edison officials art' scratching their heads 1n confusion . saying the compan> could not have madl' such promises since thl're ~a<1. Ol'Hr an~ plan 10 undergro1.1nd tho\l' 66.000-"oltagl' v.ires

' 'I'd hke 10 kno" "'ho 1he) 1alkt'd 10.. said J im "'ennl'o\ Edi~n·s l'<cwpon Beac h area manager

T"enl)·SI~ residents of \an Mateo Wa~ \ .fontt"C'110 Dm.; and Drakes Ba) Dn' l' ha'l' s1gnl'd a petition upressing anger that the power lines along El Cap11an Rood and 1hc n1ens1on of San Joaquin Hi lls Road v.on'1 he placed under· ground

The pctt tton °\ co' l'r ll'ttcr ad· drl'sscd 10 the coun1' en' ironmen1JI managemen1 agenc). s.a1d the res•· dc.-nts learned 1he v.irts v.ould be kept abo' c ground in an en· \lronmentitl rcpon for The ln1nl' ( o ·s Nl'wpon Coast dcvelopmc n1

Ir' ine ( o spo il t"swoman Kathleen Camp1 n1 said thl' po~er hnes are no t on In 1ne Co land

The letter cites conct'rn abou1 the can:inogenic efTCl t of high .. o ltagl' lines and contends P>glass res•· denu wcrl' .. assured b) the Ed1'ion ( ompany throul!,h the 'ea~ 1hat these wires v.ould bl' undcrgroundcd al the ume the San Joaquin Hills Road was cxtt'nded ··

P oss ibl y ca n cerous dee· tromagneuc fields from po' hnl·s has ticcome an increased ronct'm 1n many communiues. In ' Fountain Valle) . parents woml'd about their children s exposure to lines around elcmentaf) schools had tests conduc ted Thursday o n 1hc le' el<; bf

fft'P" SH HfU/ -.0 Pa~I

An original maverick Jack Kelly trying to keep paper alive ly RUSS LOAR o,.,, ... " ...........

H UNllNGTON BEACH - tcppin& into the mclanac of Hunhnalon Btach News publisher Jack Kelly's office u lake stcpptna into a scene from an old mOVle

Zoom 10 on the bcluJUCrcd publisher and t'd11or. suck.Ina o n an cndteu chain of Marlboroi. tak1n1 a clau1ficd ad over the phone: frum a man an nttd of •carpenter. lclnina wantv f\n his rfbo~ p~ amona 1hc rubble of his dc<1k. t>usbiq the finacn of one hand nervou ly lhrouah his d1Jhevtlcd hair. uk1na htmaclfw•> down dttp 1n11dt. how m~h lonacr can he keep the ~olvn from the door of the Ooundcrina 86-year-old wcckJy Mw 1pepcr

O n S.turday. Kell)' marled hts fiM )t"ar as ow~r and J1Ck-or .. n-1r1cks ed1lur of lhe rJ.lhH,.at Hunt-1naton Sta h Ne , • •

··1 don"t ~ally think this pepcr 111 lost cau'1l'," Kelly says ... IUppote Its b•llC'SI probaem IS m )' lack of the prvpcr adm1n1'lrat1"t skill But damn u it 's \llll a ., w t111na to see u roll ofT the ~."

Kell) pht) s the pan well .\f\er all. the 63-Jtar-0ld fo rmer Hunttnaton Beach CH) councilman an ma~or has his roots an drama His lhtatncal career bqan literally 1n the cradle when he modeled for Ivory soap advcn11ement Dunna the hcydA) of radio, a )Outhful Kelly acted an dramu ~uch as .. Famous Fortunes.·· where he ponra>cd famous ml'n as tht> might ha H been when children .

Af\er Kt1n1 in Broadwa) pla)'l and anortl'd movtc roles, Kell) hit the b11 ttml' an the t 9 50s television wntl'm, ·· Maven ck:· play1na Bret Mavcmk·s card-sharp brother Ban. shanna top bilhna with actor James Gamer. " I had bten JUSl a JOUl'nt) • man ptumbtt typt actor who camcd his lunch to work. AU ofa sudden )OU wake up the nut mo mina and ~u·n: •star What an upcncncc ...

After~ tclevt nm laJOn l~ show-wu ) anicd and Kelly shd down the slippery slope of show bu do1na lhe odd television appuraO<lC, hamm11\1 1t up on the dutncr thcattt cu·aut and usana h1 meU10uous voece to tell beer and othtt producu on the airwaves.

KtUy mil does votee-ovcn for rld10 commerc1al1. his d1ct1on and tone sllll sharp and ckar afttf aJJ \hcte ~n. -.nd no doubt about it. the man as cto-nnaht U\&fl.lll11Jll,.~ pfM>Mtcall an bas~­al~ offitt with 11\e easy charm of IOmfOM who knows J\ow to pica~.

8ul an •en111 the phonn has become mort of a ......... JADC/FNIG ft•t

, Loose bills perk up

quiet day

COAST BEACHES - The fint dJly of Labor Day week.end passed Wllb baRiy a wbJSIJCf, and as sundown approeched. the only e. miwna from the picture ~ day was more ~.

1{quards said. JYlt meant m~ moory

to IO around for vwton at Hwu­lftltOn 's aty bcacbes. however.

Tbos who choee 10 take a dap around noon !Ult put sandbar conditions aot fint a:rabs ofSlOO, $201 SIO. and SS bills that floated to me 5Wface and wen Vlsible tn ao underwata deprcssaon.

After much tcramblinj. swim­mcrJ retrieved between $500 and $600, Marine Safety Officer Man Karl said.

.. ~ k:tpt dtVtn& for it." ~ 1a1d. ~Peopk were rcacluna down and findtnJ all thu money.''

Karl Wd wallets alto were fOWld 1n the wata, but nothina rtturna ble, . so 1 t was finderl kcepen. .

Offiaals and sW'lmmcn We1'C puzzled by the appearance of the monty

' ' They did find some mcdi<al • specimen bq.s. and were thmkina

1t m l&h t be drua rci. ted." Karl aid of beach pof1a officcn who showed up at the tcene " It misbt have been a person SWJmm ina in the arca1 but~ ha\it no idea who it was. ..

Karl said about 4S.OOO came down to the sand Saturday, a .. sJow" day for a hohdJly wicet­end. .. Maybe everybody's lhink­•na 1t was aoana to be c:ro-wded at lbc beach so they wtnt tome. where else.·· Karl saad be e~­pectcd crowds today and Mon­da)" ho~ver.

"Sundays usually are family dJly and ll usually picks up," be

(See HOUOAY / Sedl I' ....

GaAJl•OOUTDllLYN.OT M ....... l .. l!ltoberl, 1llO

Orange Coast People Marie Eckess

Director of the Good Samantan Chnst1an M 1ss10n J food assistanee ministry an Costa Mesa. and O\\ner of thl· Jnt11.JUl' and git\ shop, Moods ·n· Memories.

A TEACHER BY VOCATION-----After eamang her doctorate in cd uca t111n at the < larl·monl

Graduate School, she worked for 15 ~cars "' a tl'al hl'I .rnd \l·hnol administrator. She then left the prolt',s1un and opcm·d her an11quc shop "to be m) own bos~."

A HELPER BY TEMPERAMENT----For year!!. she ga'c her monc' and ha 11me It• Hrother \l1lh.1d·,

Chnstaan M 1ss1on. "'hach d1stnbu1cJ tno<l tn the poor fr,11\l lhl parking lot of ~uth ( oast t hmunn ( hun h

" I chose Brother M 1chael bnau'e all tht: Jonatwn'I hl· f\'lll'H•d v. ent to the poor He tool. nothing tor harn'll·ll Jnd hl' hJd nl• overhead ..

SOUL SEARCHING--------When Brother Michael died la'lt \l'Jr ~ta1 tl' at fir,1 told lrn·nd'

and associates she "'asn'1 surl' '>hl· l:ould till lhl· lati: m1!>'>111nar~ ·, shoes.

.. It was ve~ humbling I \d1d lo m\'>l'll ' "'ho am I Ill th111l. that I can u(ldertake to fred the poor.., ...

But she did take up thl· rau<,l". rl·namang 11 C ;·und ....,aman1.1n. and now fed!> 11 •~ une ul thc bnt thing.~ 1,hc hJ!> Jone 1n hl'r Ilk

LOVE FOR THE POOR-------" I've often found that thml "h11 haH· lhl' lea\! Jll' "'rllmg 111

gl\e the most I "'a" '1\111ntt a "' uman "'e had hl·lpc.'ll. and 'hl' h.1d !II\ oranges that \he hall l'.trnl·il "he 'lJUl'l'1cd liiu1 111 them lor nil so I could ha'e a glct'>' ul ur.1nge fUll.l' .\nll 'lhe sen rd 11 to ml' '"th such lu'e dnd d1gn11' •·

- BJ Bob •aa EJ ken

Editor 's aote: If you knoM someone Mbo sbould be featured Jo "Orange Coast Peopl~ " call tbf' D•il> Pl/or 's Cit_t lhst 111 642-43t l . or leave • menagf' oa tbe Editor 's llotliae: 641-6086


• '

Orange Coast Week: in Rev_iew 'Vicious' jewelry thieves nabbed In Newpon

NEWPORT BEACH - Three men believed to be m~bcrs of a national rina of " vicious" jewelry thiev« were tracked down nd a.rrc tcd by police and FBI qents as they tried to n~ this city Wrd csday.

Afier followina the suspecu for seven days. watchina them case jewelry stores in Costa Mesa and Nc..vpbrt Beach. officers arrested one man at John Wayne Airport and took another from his seat on a plane. The third was arrested on Interstate ..0, outside Needles.

Michael Rabb, 47. John Rohen Evan • S2; and Waller Frank Zischke, 46. are suspected of stealina more than SIS million worth of jewelry nationwide.

In the trunk of the black Cadillac driven by Evans, police found four bullet-proof vests, two automatic rifles. seven handguns and a wide variety of masks. tools, radios and clothing.

Judge awards lrvlne councll seat to Galdo SANT A ANA - Mary Ann Ga ado should be

installed on the Irvine City Council and petitions calling for a spec1aJ city election are invalid. a Supenor Court Judge has ruled.

After a 45-minutc hearing Fnday afternoon . Judge Eileen C Moore decla1ed 1hr pe1111ons "misleading" and "vague ...

Outside the rnurtroom. a jubilant Gaado said, " I feel temfic. The long hot sum mer has finall) comr 10 a close ...

The Judge's order seemangl} puts an end to the second round of legal battles stemming from a 1:ontro"ers1al , t\\O·~ear-old cit) rkct1on law 1 hl' dec1!>1on also canrels plans for a special elec11 on. set for No\' , 6. to fi ll the disputed council 1.ea1

But thl' ruling has left cit} officials 111 a


quanda!J . (it) Clerk Nanq Lacey said she ha) M•ry Ann G•ldo hahl'd the pnn1ang of special election anfor-ma11on. \\hldl haJ 10 lx• completed Fnda} 10 bl• andudrd on No,l·mbl·r·, ballot

Dr. White disappears before sentencing N E:\\ PORT Bl..\CH - A Nt.·"port ( 1.·ntl'r P'>)lh1a1rn1 "ho l,1lcd J 10-

)ear pn-;on 'il'lltence lor <;e'tuall) moles11ng an unconscmu'> man anparrntl) lkd lhl· :ired. pol1n· said Thursda'

.\ ">earch ot James H Whm .. s Corona dcl Mar home 1.·arh Thursda' re' calc:d the dOl tur"s absenrl'. but not m111.·h rise. ~gt. ..\nd' C iuna '><lid

\\ hlle failed to app1:ar an Superior ( ourt for c;entencing \\ t•dn1.·..Ua\ on l\\u lhMgc!> ul mole'lllng a druggrd male patient Thc- v1c11m . who "a' dl·,n1tx·<l ;l\ cl huu\egucst hc1ng 1rratrd lor 'ill\.'S\ rl'latl·d to .1 h.1. i.. rnfur\ . \\J\ Jl\u thl· Jollor ·., adopted \on~ thl· Orange Coast Dail)' Pilot leJanl'd th!\ \\Cl'k

fhe Onll'·reno"nl'd ps}ch1atnst pleadt·d guilt} 1n \.fa~ 10 thl· oral t:0p1JIJ11on lhargl'' and had been free on a S400.000 propcrt) hond \lnu· MaHh l ' n11I h" scntennng. Wh11i: had fa11hfull) appeared al l''l'f) h1.·anng

Huntington Beach battens down for storm ll llNTINCil ON BEACH - The cat~ 's l'mrrgrnq <.en Ill''> chief hJ'

\\:lrncd departmrnt hrad~ 10 batten do"'n lhl' hatl"he\ hc1.aU\l' a 1x1\\crlul 'torm ma) bl· hral.11ng this "'a) -.uon

.. ;\ \t'' t•re tropical storm ha\ been predicted for '><lml'llllll' an thl· liro;1 h,1(( ol \cptcmbl·r along thl· Southern C altlr.rnra co~t." Eml'f[tl'Ol., \er' Ill'' ~1anagn \kl <>11 told ofliuah 1n thl' bullclln hl' urlUIJtcd 1hrnughuu1 C 11\ I JJll thl'> \\Cl' I.

He 111struc11:<l nl\ ll'ader~ to lOllt.'ct l'mcrgl'lll' 'upplae\ Jnd bl· fl'<llh to hoard up "'ando" \ to protect agam"t high "1nds and lloodang

"\\l··re Ull..111g tha., \\Jrn111g ab<.olutch \t'rlOU<ih .'' MaH>r Tum ~a" .,,11J I mla' ·· .\II lhl' signs are lhl·re "'armer ''Jtl·r and othn v.c.11lwr pallcrn.-.

" W<' "'ant 10 he r!'.'ad' tor the "<>N." ~a" ..a1J " \\ r' JJ pmbahh tx· thl· hc,1 prrparl·d ut) on· thc coast"

Amburgey tweaks Kemp again on fmmlgr~tlon COSTA M.ESA - City Councilman Orv Amburaey says he's

to fi&ht the federal aovemment. either at the debating table or in the courtroom, over the effects of 11lepl imm1ara11on on Costa Mesa and what the city can do about it.

ln rc(CDI weeks. Amburaey and federal Housing and Urban Dcvel~p­ment')' Jack Kemp have exchanged letters and numerous opposing public statements over the legality and propriety of requiring private charities that rective city arants to screen their clients to make sure they're legal residents.

Kemp said io a recent letter that such screening ts against HUD policy and that he mi&ht cut off federal community development block grant funds to a city that tried to foroe private organizations to do it.

In a letter Thursday to Kemp. Amburgey challenaed the secretary's recent statement that immigration. 1llepl or legal. 1s more a benefit 10 American society than a burden on it. He said he wanted Kemp to come to Costa Mesa and debate him publicly and tt> tour the city to see the effects of illegal immigration.

Mesa couple hits jackpot: ldentlcal trlplets NEWPORT BEACH - The odds

were much better than winning tht' loucry. but definnel} suit a long shot

And , when the Zou)as of Costa Mesa set their hopes on a bab) girl. the) got a triple payback - 1dent1cal tnplets

.. My doctor told me the <:hancr'I of something like this happen111g .. "ere I· an-50,000," sa id new mom Irene ZoLaya " Thal makes ) ou fl'l'1. of course. special nght off"

Zoi.aya. 34, of anta .\na. and her husband Don. alread} ha'e l\\O suns. ages .5 and I 0, but wantrd to round out their family. Now. httlc Diana i\brora. Desirae Amanda and Deborah Ahs,.1a ha,·c more than granted their "1sli

lrcnr Zoza)a ga'r birth w thl' trapkts Aug. 6 at Hoag Ho'iptta l 1n Ne"' port Bearh

I r ene Zoz•y• with new· born d•ughters.

Caltrans puts squeeze on Bo~levard businesses co TA MESA - "-hen ( altran~ oniuJI~ \QUt't'/e a Sile three

boulc,ard into a s11c one road"'a) <;tanintt ne\t month. 11'<. local bu'>111cssc\ that arr l1kcl) tu li.'l'I thl' pamh

On or about \cpl 17 - a month l'arl1er than onginilll) C'tpclte<l -Caltrans "'111 mt thr o;outhbound \ld1.· uf '-ll'\\ptJrt Boule' ard from thrCl' lam·~ to unl· lane bet\\et.'n .:!2nd and 19th \lrel'l'- to mal..r ";" for lOns1rull1un"'!> "'orl..1ng on thl· C u\IJ \k<,a 1-rcc"'a~ e\ll'n!>1on

"People hJ\e 8Vl bas1tall) J lOUpk ut \\Cl'"' IP rlan hll\\ Ill U\tllU lhl\ area:· \aad !\lanJn li of\tad J o;pol..l'W•UnlJn tor l .1hran'

Rl':ll taon~ among mn<.hanl\ and 1nn l.n·J>l·n .1long lhl· 'trl'l"I rangl' from "'omc<l tu nonrhalanl dl·pcndmg on thl' t~pt· 111 hu\lnt'\\

ThP~' \\ho reh hea' 11\ on dn\l'·h\ 1radl' aa· lt~t:·h to he thr n1ll\t sn crcl) )(jU('c1cd · ·

Palm Avenue palm falls to developer's 'dozer HI ' l'i Tl "CilON Bf.\( If - "lr1ghb11r< • .Ht.' J,anw1111ng thl' Im' o f l\\11

old fral·nd .. - J ralm lrl'l' tnal '"' 3\ rd maJl'\lll .llh 1 n111 lhl' hl'.I \ l'n' .ind a li •tle hlue 'x'alh bungahl\\ 'lnugglcd nl·ar "' )Ilk

rhe l\\ U \ l're lOnlpan1on\, prnh,thh l11r lllllre lh;111 h,1Jt ,1 ll'll(Uf\ .11 the lOrner of Palm \' l·n ut: and I 11th "•rn t I hn nr 11' 1dl'd d,I\, Jnd gr.11 l

ind pt•rmanrnn· "' thl· Ol'1ghborhot>d .\II that '!> left •· .i mcl1lulou\I~ ~1J1kd din 1111 [)rl'.,unltshh rl·.1d' lor

a luuplc of n1.·v. thn·l··,lon re<.rdl'lll<'' .ind tlw \lump 11f thl· nal111 trn· .\nd )Offil' rumpled kcl111g' :-.ill.. and 1 rca ~opha \\ho liH· t\\ll Joor' do"'n lom nl.11n ahout thl·

\111d l hn 'n· n>nlt'mt•d thn '><l1J 1h.11 th\ l\\11 old J,anJmari..., \\l'rr pcrmmed tc• pa'~ \l 1lh <.ur h apn.1rl'nl cJ\t'

" Thi\ " !'Jim .\' rnue .. Trl'J ....,.,nhJ ,,lid I h.11' ho\\ th1· \trn·1 g.111 ll' name lr11m tht· palm trl'e\ ..

Firefighter to race for charity lOunt' un all final 1\!>Un f°he tl'rlnlllal I\ C\J>l'lll'd II> ht.· O l)l'll HI lhl' nuhlat


HUNTINGTON BFi\( H Local lirrfighter Rand) Cloo<lman will compete ne\t weekrnd 1n thc Firefighters.Grand Pm .. a fund-nm· NEWS ang e' ent for a Southern ( alt1orn1a BRIEFS Center for burn \.1Clln1\

Goodman. an amatt.'ur rare dm. er. will drl\e against other top fir1.· · fighters at the Wallo" \)pnng' lntn· national Ral·<.'wa\ 111 l<osamund 1n the MoJa'e De'iiern near the to"'n" of \lc>JJ'l' and Palmdale

Goodman and his rl\ al\ "111 hurn up till' tral I. 111 equall> prepared To)ota sedanc,

Goodman. and others. ha'e hccn ra1\1n~ fund' ti, sdltng tickets 10 local busine'>' pcupk

Bu)ers gl\ e the tackC't'i 10 lht• \.1al.e a \\ l\h foundation l hat organ11a11l1n , 111 turn d1<.tnhutl'' them to all and nonom1call) dcnm rd l halJrt·n "'ho'll be transported to the race'i

Other ract's and program' an· ~ hl·duled Adm1~'>1on as S 10 a da) or SI 'i for lht• "l'l'l.l·nJ

Special firt'fighler d1'><.ount 11cke1\ arc S JO lur lhl· \\eCkC'nd

For anlormauon. lJll (805> ~7 ' · 7(11(9

New termlnal almost complete Contrucuon on the long-<1cla)cd fhomas r Rain

fcrmanal at John Wa)nC A1rpon hac, Ix-en drrnwd substant1all) complete h> drvelopers la) lor \\ otidrc1"' Construction .

.. We ha ve bct'n testing the rompln lik \<Jkl) and opcl"<!l1onal systems for the past fr" "'rck\ 111 thl' terminal," Taylor Woodro" scnaor ' Ill' pres1drnt W11l1am Ostfeld said. " Wc''c had to make '><.llTll'

mod1ficat1ons and will rnn11nur 10 "ork \\1th thl·

\ept Io .":::,. OthC'r Ta}for \\-mxlro" PWJl't I' 1ndude a \port'

ll>lllplC\ for (al \t,llt' rulkrtllll. a hU\llll''i'> '>l·hool building tor (al !')1:itc l ong 81.·:il h. tacult' and o;tullenl t>Oices for (al <)tat<' 'i.rn Acrnard1nn and the K1 \t'f'>llk Hall 111 Ju\lll'l'

Great Danes Invade Newporter NE\\ PO Rl BE.\CH - l he H~at1 Newporter "

going tu the dog-, th1-; Lntx)r Da' "eekend tor a sho" featuring morl· than ~00 C1reat Dane's from across tht' lOuntn

"ia.turda} . the J 70-pound dogs mixed wnh 'iOC1al · 1lc'> on thr patao and J " <.'dd111i part) outside. but th!'.' g1an1 bcct\h \\err no1 allo"cd an 1he lobb) or on thC' gra\\

Man~ of the -;lobbcnng 1.:an1nes arc sta\ ang 1n cag1·' plaled an tht.'1r o"nc-r's roomc;. \\llh re\lnrtaons c;uch J' nut d1'>1ub10g the maid wht'n she romes around ll• llcan

The hotel is ho~t1ng the '-" estem D1' 1s1on National ~pcualt) <iho\\ ~ponsomJ b~ the (in•at Dnnr ( luh ot •\ma11.·a I he C''t:nt heg1n'i toda> and rontlllUl'" through Wrdne\<lJ)

Brad Ander'ion. th~ rreator the famous comic ~tnp (ireat Dane. Marmaduke. \\Ill prro;ent thr tx,t of ~ho"' a"ard Wi:dnrwa' ;10ernoon

" We'rr glad the hotel took us l 1uest\ ha' c 10 lea' r a ~ernri t ) dcnos11 and each room must he r ht•t.•ked bt.'fore \\l' lea' l'. .. ~1d sho" cha1Noman Kathl1·1.·n r "Just tx·t:·au\C the dogs arc big docs't mean tht.',

ari: mean If )ou·,e got a dog 1h1s bag, ~ou·-.e go1 to makr \Url' that 11 " rnlm ·· ......

- By lb~ Dally Piiot

News of the weird ORANGE COAST 1 How to reach us at

I •1 p•iat the Dally Pllo 'Lingerie liberators' march on

MADISON. Wis. - Marchers clad an stumpy linacne marched throUJh the ca~ital last week. de­mand1na the c1tr, be declared an "erotic play zone · f rtt of "repress­ive" laws rcquinna cloth1na.

Carryina with banners beanna slopn.s Juch as " lace Make~ Men Sexy, .. the 12 men and three wo men marchers shouted " boches arc bcauuful" and " look who's wcanna co tumt1 htrc."

Parade orpn1zcr Fred Waafonh - drnscd 1n white panties. a prtr r and fishnet stoclnne - uracd the 400 spcctaton to ' take off their clothes .. a,nd "be all aendcn now ..

A "lineene hbcrator" clad an a women's slap and lace Jacket cbaUcnted men an the audience to ptO~c u.ey~wert Wffl1"C mtn .. t undttweer bY tak1n1 of!' thear pent

- Sy n. A.-..W ,_,,_

.. 1

II J~Ol. t NO. J =~c:i Edltor'a Hotline 642~ "-Olly P-. or - ._. .. tie _.,.,Md ...--..ry IO Edllor Wllwn l obdll TM - ~-flour.._.,. WVCle "WJbe UHd IO - d ..,.,._ IO "- .... on Wl't ~ Conllbltora 10 OUf

1-... ~rm,,._ lrldl.o. I,_ - end 1~ ""'1'tierlor~ , ,,. .. 'fOUI ~, ,._..,.. ,,.,, __ ,..,,......,_ ~ Delivery guarantHI

Advertising Clau1fled [)9P1ey

Edltorlal New• Spona Mewl lj>O(IJ 111

• you • ftC1t 11a¥e l'Ollf .,..,_, Oy I & m 1:&1 l*Ot• 10 1 a m end .... 9411 • '° rou l>y - OUf c.,.,_ M I fflc s.Mcl9C...~~m. .. opet1f1Gm h l1'\ I06pm 8 n 0 • ......,._ --- llOOtl on~. io -•• ,ou ..,, Bu11ne11 offlal ..... dlQAlllafl .--- Bullnetl , ..

To • conec:tlon m w 1«¥ 11 , c-a ..._ CA -.n • It .. Or-. c.- - ,,.,. ...,. • .,,...,.,.., ............ ,. 0 .. , .. c... -. 0 •-1111~tl......,_ To NPOllM-or ~ ~ .. ...,...., ----- ... cty... Ccipwr ... ~ ,_--.. .............. .

"""".,.. ,_.._.........,

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----"'· a.-.... .. -..;" , ..... ¥111 ...................

0 Olllt.i.W COUT DALY N..OT Sunoey, 8ept9mber 2, '"° A.a

Good nutrition more than 3 square-meals

Finding good food and food that is good for you takes inside advice

" Have you ever plucked a clu ckcn?"

No one answered, so the pen blonde C'lplained 11's a tough Job that science and chem1stf) has made easier for ma~s marketers o l grocery store pouhf)

.. You mean they·,e de- JI vcloped b:ild c:h1ckens'>" m asked Newport a11orne y Woo8 George JefTnes ••••••••••••••• "No, worse... answered the blonde to the social gathering of a dozen 40 a nd 50 year o lds whu were sipping wine and anxious 10 talk about nutntion .

" I mean:· said Chen Swanson . " that most c hickens you bu) haq; been soaked in a chemical solution to make fealher remov1n~ easier .. She added Zack\ and Foster are hrand names that don't 'dip their t h1clen~. but that Sheldon Farms or Harmon} Farm'i. from Mother's Market on 17th 1rec1 in ( osta Mesa. are probabl} the ·· most nutnllo us poul!f) a' aalable ..

" 't ou don't ha\t~ to be a health to00 fanatic to enJO) gooc.I nutn11on ... ~•d S"anson. a ( o ro na del Mar Certified Nu1ra11on C'on'lultant acu'c for~~ }ears " I don't rnunt calonec, Ot:<.·au'il' lhl'\ don't rt'latl' 10 nutnuon ." she rnm mentcd.

''fo r C\a mple. ce llulite come!> from poor nutn11on not tau~ foo<l." \"anson quipped. ~s half a dozen 40- plu<> "'o m(•o \uddcnl} put do \.\n their w111c glasses. 'lhc explained that celluli te" rau~·<.I b} 'u nburnablc addau,cs' in processed food., 'lul'h as ice lream. l hlp'> and coolies The hod' .has no plan o r placl· for thc~l' non-nut n cnt'i thercfurc. \he ..aid .. :thl'\ caust" \Ou-kno"·"'hat to JcH·lop \OU· ln\1\\ -"here .. ·

A~ proo( the nu1nt1on1s1 rdcrrl·d 10 R u~Ol''llJUl' tx·aut1l'\ of lhl' 11th ll'ntun \\ho "'ere rotund hut apparenlh d1dn'1 hJ'l' ll'llulttc "Thdl.\ bct:ause the' ate and d ran l dean unprt>ll'\'>t'd tu<'lh · \hl' surm1~l·d ·

" Ho" about some nu1ra11onal ruks-of-thumb tor gu\\ "ho l'\eru'il' a lot and cat a lot ... a' Buh Hngul'. a manutJl turl·r's rep :.tnd " ect..c nd mountain-biker "ho Ii' cs in Dtn l'r "ihorl''i

Swan\on 4u1l"kl~ 11d.ed n il three· " l:.a1 all the bread ~ou " .in t a' long as 1l''> latX'kd ·· ,proutl•d'

ur ·nourlc'><..° thl•rc\ 011 fat 1n l'ltht'r and thn ta,tc lhl' \.lllll' J\

rL· bread .\I' arado ~lfl'C't Hat..aat''> I'> .1 ·n.snw td rL·nwmtx·r hl'rl· .

"[at all the pa,ta \OU "ant a' h1ng a\ 1(, mJdl· trnm \\hok "'heat. \pJOalh or clrlllhot..c nut \\hllC lluur l'u t J bug 1n J hatt o l "hill' tlnur and 11 "all dll' lrom IJl t.. ol nutnl'OI' ··

' \ta' a"a~ from nl<l\t n1<1t..1ng ''"' JnJ 'alad ""' r-...·\JU\l lhl'' Ml' lfl'd ll'd b' a ht>at nrcxl'" thJ I hrl'Jk' du"n nwlnuln ll'\ull1ng in rJp1d ranl1d1t) RJ nud 011' U\l'U an lnl·d 1111>1.h lJU\l' dl\l',l\l"' JIH.1 premature aging ~1mplc snlu tmn \llLI>. "Ith olt'r Lid anJ t..n·11II1n a small Jdf 1n the refngeratur ··

·· .\nd ..,,a, :J\'a' from lnl·d hH)li\ ·· ~''Jn'>11n L'm ph;1\11l·J .. l'\pt'L1.1ll\ lfll:d IJ\I illod~: · ">1ll' ll Jrlh'd \uwdang ll1 hl·r thrrl' \,1n tx· 10-14 ll'J"fXHrn<. ot ran\1J oil 111 l'\l'r' orda ol l.l\t -l1111<l lrnhh ~ lfll'\ ·· 1t·, .1 \trange "a~ ''' 'h11" lhlldrln \Lill 111\l' them .. \hl· lomml'Otl•J

" \1 > hl.1> lo'l'' Pl'•mut hulln tl11(''n·1 h.1\l IJtt' 1111 •·· "'llrfll'd \t anh;i &·aulhamp "ho'>t 1.111111\ 1' J t1\turt• .11 ( h1nJ ( oq· an ( uronJ Jd \fa r .. , u probkm .. lhtmc<l °'" ·1n,11n ·c 1l'I \rr11\\hl·.1d \till' l'l·Jnut Buller It ~ltx-nson') donn·1 ha'l 11 ,1,i.. thL·m 111 ,.1rr' 11 'tun· 11 an thl' rl'ln~l'r.1111r up\l<ll' tl1w. n ·· \hl np!J1m·d th.11 l>.l'l'P' tht· 1111 frl•\h JnJ \rn""heJJ " thl· 11111' hr.ind \ht t..r111"'' thJt d1w'n t ,i111 thl'lr fX'Jnu t\ thu' .1\lmltng .! r n"1hll tn\lt tungu' ~no"n .1, Jt10ltl\111

Murl' nutratton.!1 ''P' h1lh1"nl I 1d.1l·I . ·" .11IJ bk Jt R.ilph'' " a rare .• 1lm1>'1 pun· 11wtl'tn thJt rn.ih·<. ta,tn hrl'J l>.IJ\t 111.J\t l'!>Jll.'llJ ll' "hln 'prcJd '"'h R \\ "'- nuJ,t·n·, nJtur.111\-\"l't'll'nt•d PL>U r al'lk Prt''>t'r' l'' J' J il.1 hk .11 < ,d,on \ \ nd 1'.1\1 fll' J'l1rix·r.. 1 n \lrJ" lxrr\ pt·.1, h .1nd ra,rr-...·rn .1g,11n Ill Ill \l11tlll'l 0\ \tar~l'I 11n I ,th Jfl' tht• ix·rll'< I nulnt11111JI 1.k\lTI\

·· ..\ tin.ii p1~l' ul nutr1t1un,1I .1J, 1,l. ...11J < hl•r1 '""""1n " that l'U' l"lll' J "'l'l' ~ "'II 11111 '''"'. \11ur Lh ilt''lt•rnl It d J\ l11nsi J\ tht•\ 'r<.· knik Jnd thl· '111>.r " \ 1m~rd <.oil ··

"\11 \\J \ ·· ... 11d Jim Hl'Judi.111111 1ht• 11n11tliu.1I m.1,11r 11! I htnJ C o\l' .. h:n1il· egg' \Ound 11111 lrt•'h ··

.. l>h phl'" · ~•d hi\ \\lll' \1J1 1ha .. .,.,l ht'l'll htl\ln!! thL•m lnr \Car\ Jnd nt:\CI told \ OU ' llU eJt lhl·m all lhl· llml· .ind lu\t' lhl'nl .. · J im ff'ood 'J <'olumn runs Sund•ys and Tuf'sdays.

New Blue Line stations open l ()'( 1 RC ~{ II - I r.JO\ll nl·

lluJI' \JturJa' "IX nl'd hHll nL" \te trn HIUl' l int• ,t;f1111m in J11\\ n lll\\ ll l ong tk·..ith "1th .1 f)Jr.adl ..1

mU\llJI rl'\ Ul' JnLJ J Otl\1,lltlll gllmp\l' tif ''' pn·Jl•n·'>.-,nr tht• P.1 llfil I kllr\l Rt•d ( JI

I hl' nl'" I nng lk.11. h l1111p .1dd' l"O malt'\ of tral t.. thn•ugh dP\\n· ' " " " l ontt lkJlh JOLI th:it , ,,,' ll\ll ltllll'r

" h1le .1 \hlO\ Rl·J ( JI di\'\\

t hl't"r'> from hunJrl·d, 11f e1nl11e1~l'r' "'ho "Jllhl•d J pJr,lJt• llf Jnlhllll' \ Jr\ anJ J ITIIJ\llJI \hll \\ h1ghlt~hltll{I. thl' PJ'I 'n \t':lr\ \late <1nd h11.,il

p.1l1tttJll' ,.ttd th t" Blut• I int· " n111 JU'I .1 lllP' 111 lhl' raahlJ\ th.11 \t'f\l'\I

1,,.. \rigdl'\ from 1•>11.: 111 l''ld I ong Bl'Jl h C II\ { oun\ II man ktl

.._dlogg told lhl' .1udll'lltl' thJt 'nun thn '"II thl' ~II ol thl' Billi: l 11H' heralding 11\ am' :ii 111 thr Ju" 11111" n arl'J

" \\hat ~ou·11 hc.H l'I no1 tht· ghmt of the Rl'<l (( <1rl \\ hat "'u'll hl·Jr" ''' ulhprrng - \Uungt•r \tron!o!t'I \rTIJrtl'f ,rnJ rcJJ\ tu run · hl· ...-i1t.I

Lo' -\ngdt'' < ounl\ urx·n "'" l~·J m· DanJ ... 11J tht· Alul' I 11w rq1rl'\C.'nl' anolhl·r ghml)\C.' 111 thl· luturr o l Ol.l'>'> tr<1n\1t

- By Cit_r .''+i~ tr. I .~n k~

'\l RA \ff" TO - tfrre .m· tht• \\ 1nnin(t numbt·r<. J11l l.. l'd \at urda) nigh t lllr thl' { .1lll11rn1.1 L,111cn ·., '"'llC'·\\t'dh " l 1>110 fl ', .. g..inw 8, 13. t7, U . 37, 47, and the honu' numht·r 30.

PIJ\l'r. Y>ho currrl tl\ ~uC\\C.'J all'" numhfr.. "'I ll ~hare a pn1e pc><ll ol S 10 I m1llH1n lo11en offit aal<. \31d

Those Y>hO p1l~Ctl fi\l' numht•r\ 11lu\ the tx>nu' numtX'r "111dn1dl' a pnll' ponl Lll ~o.:' """ li\C' ol 'II' "''II ~hare Sb:'' Ql)Q four nt "'' 111 \h,1rr S,ti., .:"'.: (If" \ '' ""''h an au1omat1l S' pc•r tnnL·1 Top~r Decco We~1m111't\.'1 .. Hearts .\ Pnrn1ma + Cluh'I fl Napa Oanmon<l' '>

• Spnde'> '

California originally believed to be island

• Alon1 tbe Oraa1e Coast: .\1 tint. e' C'f) hod} tho uaht ( 'ahfo rn11 was an 1\land It was called No\ a .\lb1on (Ntw Eniland) "hen 'i1r fr.mc1s Droke \iuled up the Pacific Coa'it an I 5'7q Othe.r rx9lorcrs ~fern'd to 1t a the " hla de C amhna' • l n 13 fO. tlle fi~I Ol('ntion of lhe nal1'\e "\ah ­fom11" v.u 1n a popul.r S!\an1\h no,el. Las ~fl.I de lspland1an. "h"h portra)ed thr fabulous Isle of ( ahfo rn1a. an 1 hrnd that lay on the nah1 hand of thl' lnd1e'i an~t "-ll" rulrJ h) an Am11on woman. Out'en ( alafiA h wa" not unul the 17th century that e \plortn dt'ICO\cr«i that 1he romanti<' Isle of Caltfom1a wu Hr) firml) auachcd to 1he conunental lanJ ma Oh. well Outen Califia ne\cr made an pc"nonal appc"ar­an«s c11hcr. but he 1" 1mmonahzC'd as the fiaurrht'ad of tht tall hip Caltfomlan

No reader 1s an island. thcrcfort all 'ihould ttn11nl~ contnbute 1bc1r tmtoncal f~t\ to Did You Knov. . <>ruce DeHJ Pt.tM. PO Bo' I S60, Costa Mes&. ~2626 · ' C.., ., A.9f s,.18

Shooting brought big-city reality to rustic Camp Nelson-community ly IRIS YOKOf o..,, .... .._111'_

CAMP NELSON - Like the Caty of Newport Beach. the community of Camp Nelson an the Sequoia NauonaJ Forest was a famil y va­cation spot for many years.

And. lake Newport Beach. Camp Nelson gradually becam e the per­manent home for some families who enjoyed their \ ISllS so much they decided to St.a).

But unlike Nrwport Beach. Camp Nelson rem~ined a small. slow­paced commun11y of about 150 resi­dents.

Tha t's why the Aug. I 9 shooung death of Bonnie Hood. a Newport. Beach woman who owned and oper­ated the C.amp Nelson Lodge shocked anJ ~ared residents o f 1h1s usuaJI} cn me-free mountain com ­munll}

Thousands of cars don' t whiz through the rus11c m ountatn com ­munity's maan stnp - Nel\on Dnve - e'ef) day lake the) do on Coast H1ghwa> an West Newport.

In fact. the narrow, winding road that curves up the mou ntain to Camp Nelson doesn 't encou ragl' speeding. particularly in the pickup trucl s m ost locals dnH'

Here the un i ... sound that disturb!> the "h1spenng· of the ancient se­quoias as the rushing of the Tule Ra Hr

Here. the locals are on-call mem­bers o f the 'olunteer fire depan­m ent. so 4u1ck to respond to a

neta.hbor 1n distress they' ll run out o f a church service when 1he1r beepers ~und.

Here, locals 10 to the 8 7-year.-old Camp Nelson store no t so much for a.rocenes. which are scarce on lht store shelves, but for the fresh cofTct and COQ\.ersatton (both free of charge)

ln the past, tht only incidents that came close to cnme were a cou~ of su1c1des. residents said.

Although they sa)' they aren' t rul­ing out an y motives. Tulare County Sheriffs detl"cllves believe the shoo11ng o f Hood and lodge ca reta ker Rudy Manuel. wh o sun 1\'ed his head wound. was an allcmpted robbery b) a stock) man with curl)-blond, collar-length hair and a thin mustache

Man) locals belle' e the would-be robber was a stranger. passing th rough tov.n. But rumo~ ha"e al<.<> l trculated in ( amp Nelson that the shoo11ngs v. ere posi.1bl) related to drug dealings or personal Jt'alou~1e\ in connec11on w11h the lodgt

Such gosi.ap - no rmal for an' small town - ma) be the lOmmun1-1y's on l> detrac:uon

Those w~ II' l" hl'rc - man~ arl· retired Souttlern C allfornaan\ - '>J' the) wouldn' t trade <.amp ' l'l'>un \ slo" ·paced hfest~ le for thl' v. nrlJ

"E,enont an th1'i lOmmun11' takei. care of eac.:h o ther .. '>aid Donna Lev.1lt. a 2~-\ear rc\1dcnt ~hoSt" late husband John Jndopcd the P1erpo1nt ~pnngs an·a ahout a

mil~ down thr mounuun from Camp Nelson.

With temperatu~s always about 10 degrees cooler than in thr valley, Camp Nelson was first settled m the 18~ as a summer resort. according to Loren McDonald. who gre" up m the area and 1s presently a resident of Porten 1lle, the 20.000-populauon cit> at thr bo11om of the mountain

Vmtof'!- trekked up the lttc-ep on pad1 hor!>Cs until pa"cd road~ "'ere built to (.imp Nelson in the earl> I li.:!Os l<\ said

Summer temperat ures c.:an realh , 80 <Jegrees at (;imp !'.dsun hut noflf\all) sta) around ..,U dunng thl' da }' On the o thl·r hand. n1ghh nm in the summer anti "Inter'> l.tll 0..· quite cold

Camp ~elson gets 11'1 \harl' o l sno" - rough!) J <1 lnlhl'\ d \Car -

but II mdts QUlllh \IOlt' the \Un ·~ a l"'a\ s out. \1l Donald )aid

'-fost of ( amp '-d~un ., f)'.'r · manent res1dent5 h.Ht' at k.i)t a 211. '>Sar h1s1oi: 1n thl' area

Ken Fa ul. a lurmt·r rt:')1dc:n1 o t Ne"pon . Beal h .tnd ~naht.>1m ha' O" ned propert\ here l<>r ~ \t'af\ hut d1dn ·1 mtne up hen: permanl'nth until .1 ~car and J hall Jfll

Local\ li t..e f Jul rl'ml rrhn cardrl'l' lhrldhuotl )Ummtr'> ''' 1i,h-1ng lamplires. hJ,ndc:\ and p1d.1n~ aoolc'>

The first (amp '-d~on Lodgt· built in the I bOt>., "a" a ba!>ll loti ca bin operated a~ a hotel <her the

years, lt\e lod&C burned and WU rebuilt 11 least three 11in~. locab said.

In the 1950s. a man named Wv Greer bought the main hotel bu1ld-1ng. added a bar and a coffee shop and built I 0 mold rooms in back according tu ~han king ... a (amp l'elson rnadent "ho v.orl.ed for C:,recr

The lodge grounds alw include ~Hr.ii old tabins ~t-. bk'> and t\l.o small "ov<kn bu1ldtng ') that hou!ie the < dmp '\elwn !>tore and a real estate ullill'. " h1th "a!'> once a bar

L<.x.c1b rt·c.:all tt•cn-agcr$ us.e-d 10 f10l t.. to the ba1 Ot'\I to the '\tort " hill' their parl'nl!I "hoqp<"d 11 up at the bar 1n thl· main lodge

1\ re\1<lenl'!I \pend thei r f~ tamr bar-hopping ht-t"'("t'" the "' 1de­" 1ndo"'cd < dmp ""elwn Lodge bar and the homl'\ P1erpu1n1 \pnn~ Lodge bar d11"' n thl'

Red\Ondbk rt'.il t'' t.itr pnct"\ m<l t..r ( Jm p '-t'i,on e' 1: n rr.ore at­tral 11' l' 10 thl· \ uutht'rn C alitom1a re-.1drn1 ttrl·d 111 the lrl·n11cd. h1gh ­pre'>'!lu rc Ilk

Home pntl'' 111 (amp ' cl'>on rangt' lrl•m \'< t )(li 1 for a l abin to S I 2" r JOI f, ir .i l ~11t 1-<,quare-too1 hou.,t I hl' ll' arr Jl\u \llml' hnme'> JO ~ j' t\pt'n<;t\t'. a~ S2S• l<k. J I' ...,,J

Dt:')flllt thl' 10lre.:1~ uf pcrmanrnt re\tJL nt' 'l' al ( jmp "d~on ai. rntl aht1u1 ·'' ,,, t'P' a.,, 11 "'3'> betorl" the ruJd' "'lit' tiu1lt "11 \t"ar\ ago local' ltaJJ

Couple not sure they'll ask for ban on pit bulls

Tumblewee<ts, Judge Parker will both stay

fhl' ,~·rd1, t " 1n 8 u th Judg.l· Par er .ind

lumt'lk'-"l'l'd' .... i11 remJ1n reg· ular teaturl''> in the Orugf Coast Dail) P ilot's NEWPORl BEA.( H - .\ f>t- '('ln

unc coupll' dcnll''> repon .. the~ arc s1an1ng a c:am pa1gn to ban pit bull tcmt·r-~ 1n the: ut> after a pit bull kil led their 1-'·H'Jr-old l<ll on Thur'>· da) l'' en1ng

Roben Gunkle 'Mlld '>aturda' hr and h1'> "' Ill' R11.i arl' sllll ~e1~tng their option'> Jller the attack. "h1ch ended in d :--.e" port Beach police offil·er )hooting a nd killing the dog

" \\ c ha,en' t dendl'd v.hat to do ne \t \\ e·re tooling at ~hat our option!. arl' ... Rutx·n G unkle said .. There 's a pos\1bil1t' that we might s1an a campa ign. hut tht're's also a poss1blit) that " e might do nothing ..

Rita Gun kle "a., quoted b~ lo<.al media sa)ing she \\ Uuld push for a cm la"' that "' ould pruh1b11 pit hull\ as Peb. adding she m1gh1 go door-to· dvor and start .t pe1111on dn'e .. ,u get th as issue l1n l'' Cl) one's mind ··

.. Pi:r~onall}. I leel the dog "a~ 'l'I"\ ' 1uou~ ... Rotx·n Gun lie 'Ml1d ·-r,·e ne , cr ~en a n Jn1mal a~t Il l e 1h1s ··

Ciunt..le fl). told pulall' ht• hl'.Hd no1~·., uu1.,1Je his honw 1n thl' 121111 blod. u l De, on LJlll' Jt a~1ut o ..l ' pm Thur~a' H\.' "'l'Ot 11u t\1Jt• J nd found. an O-nound pat hull nJrrH·d ( hop~·r auad.1ng (1unkk'\ 1..1 'L'Jr· old k \hon-hJircd .. at

( 1unkk 'elkJ a Uhl' flit !'lull "tw ran oil "1th the Jl'Jll ,Jt in h" mouth ThL' animal t''l'ntual1' rc­ka'>l'd thl' JcJd '"' hut u1n11nUl'd "anJL•r1ng ar11und thl· Ol'l>'h borh11,x1

" .\lier tht· Jog rJttlt•ll the ,,11 pulled ll\ tatl tht'"l'J t i ur JnJ Jll' 11 hl· kft 11 11n thl' Ol'1gh0..1r' IJ"n an<l ~tant'd h1o~sng around · < 1un l ie S:ltJ · ~k uh\h>U\I\ ta\lt•J hlttn\i anJ "'J' druoling JrnunJ tht• mouth .,,orne1h1ng tcrnt-k Thl J111.1 ~ .. , loo t.. ing tor <,nmt·thsn~ l'lc;c ··

\\ hen thl· pollll' ollilt'r .irn' n1 hl· '-1" the p11 hull run atro\\ thl' strl'l'I w"arJ '"me ~·urlt· "a l ~rnf.( an ~ 1redJk tt'mt>r I ht' 1111 hull allJllcJ tht• \ trl'dak "'hill· tht·

Drunken driving arrests Costa \1 .... a

Rrnl.' Ramo\ \ ~ :' I"' \ ngclt'' \t·\Jr ( a\lro-(,;iruJ :" I 11,1.i \k~ ToJJ DJ' 1d I l'\<11 : I < <1'ta \ 1r\J Rot'l<:nu R11hln : 1 ( 11\I,\ \lr -..i h•\ll.' .\Jelle Rt·J,,.1m· .i ,.. c 11\la \k'IJ lkm1an lmugl.t ' R.imw~ :1 < m1.1

\lc\.3 l>a' 1J Brurr Frrau,on .:11 < m1.1 \ fr...i \\ dltam (1len \JlOl I.. '' '· ( 11\IJ \fr,,\ hanli. r J'AJrd ( 1allarJu '' r 1111n1.11n

\ .illn Rr' ,\ n'"" I >a"' L'JL•11 \' < 11 J" \ .1 1"

\1Jr1 u\ \.\ 1lltam llurll>url \ 1, < ''''·' \k\.J

P,und1. \.\ a,nc l rc :1 lr• tnr \.\ 11t1Jm R11gr1 ( 1'111.L· !'Id "i'"l""I

lkJlh S1rphcn !' ran~ I "'a" :.i I Jgun.t

lk.l<h lo'IC Lou I\ \.\ n tt.h• \.t , ..,.in1.1 \ n.1

Fou n tain \'all .-) 'vt schacl U ) ten ~ti f uunt.1111 \ Jlln < harlc\ ~1mm\ \J lt un1tng111n lkJ1 h Lln .. r FC'lnaaJr \I 11•' \1..10111<•' Hillard Ph1lhp\ ~~ l {I\ .\lam1t11\

.., l.i1m1 < .1 ,1,, ,f .l

~rt\t.1ph< I \fr • ,l '·" l.l \ '

• , ,,\!'I.I \ rt I

ll untintitton He a<' h Paul Jo\t'ph Hrnnrt'lt·1 n i I \\ ,,

mtn'tL'I l\ 1rli. tl amilwn Paul > \\ h11t"·' • J11hn ''"~·pth Bo l ~L'r Ji \ 1r,11"11·n1 Rr.iJln n"'en lkr~rr '-' tl11 nt1n~1 .. r

fkJ ,h \cncn l \Htcl R.1 m1" '' I 1•11nt.l in

\ .. 11 .... \11,ucl \ n(lc l( ,1mc•11 • 1,1r•k

(.' 1\1\ ('

l ra111 < \ 1g1I JJ I ••unt..1111 \ .1 •' II.non lht1m..1' Kur~,· \= lh1•:1"1l l•11

!i<-J\ h Paul hihn 1 ••rlJ"tlJ '1 II""' 1111 1

tk•.it h \hana R<'n<' 1 l'<'nt . :11 \ 1u'-I I alhC'rlO<' 1 ht'T~ Ram1rt'1 't Hum

ing111n lk.11 h

lninP • blttn L .\tllhtwn "~ IP one

\I .ark. ltilrrN :t· L~1una H ' (>.1n.1IJ Hun let t>O If\ inc \I Jr' cl ....,cl\c.1n \o l\an1J \ n.1

pc11pk tfll•J t11 \l't'JIJtl llH ,.,, pola\C '>31d

fhe Offilcr htt lhl' Pll tiull '' tlh a hatl•n onle \tunn1nt1- th' <1n 1mal munll·ntan h Rut "hC'n thl' rn hull re\.l'' nt·d 11 \IJrlt'J h•"arJ thl' •!· filer "'ho lirl·J •v.11 'h••I' \lht•n •tw .rn1mal Lame \\ tlhin '"" fret pultct• ... 11J

The pll hull hJJ JPpJn·nth n l JpcJ Imm thl' 'arJ 111 J h11nw 1n thl' 1 ~1~ {It.xi.. 111 '•1tt 1nghJm l>n ' t• T ht' t.lntt ' '" nl' l rtl 'n1 • l ti Ill ( O\ld \ k'-<l "cl\ J\\J\ .l 1\1 h1' IJthn RunJIJ I> \m1th "" hJJ ht·t·n eep1ng lhl' Jui JI h" ' ' l 11ngham Dn't' humr l111n1' "'1 J

K. t1na1i.J \ m11h 1nJ" Jtt·J the 'h11,1 n~ ma' h.i' t' ht·L·n thl· r1·,ult 1 •

, \l'rft'Jd in t-' :ht:' poll\l' 1ffll' Hl' Yid tht nn hu.: haJ n.Jt • .iu~·J an' pr11tikr-1' ht•1t1rl'

Pl1llle dH rcu1n1mL·nJ1n~ thJl th cl<ll'f \rn 11h ht lhJrttl"d lur all1•v.1nti tht• Jn1mal 111 tx· JI IJrJll'

'cilhL·r \ mtth wuld ht· rl',lthl·d lllr lurtht•r •L1mmL"'ll 'Jt un.1a'

• \1 ,,,

I a~una Ht•tu·h )1 ,hn Hrnn r IJ ...,,, 1 1

tl ,;rrt'ic!'I 1 •. Jnlc' • 1 ., , \I l'JI\\ \ r]l' 11 " I J\ ( t.tr1lrf \'ht"" 'lr'\\'O f'Jrrtll ' ' \I "

\ I{ il

\ nh11r R" <' ,1 I•• L.:.igun.1 ll..1 \i ,nr Ir \ r11 W •c•.s 1 Rc,! ••• J ''-<' I .. ' R • ·" ' J "nlJ \ ·' \I , ~ J I .1! • '' 111 :r · t

le \l.i r \Ii, hJrl t rr J ,, .... n\4'n,1 .l' • '"' h

I ' \

Iulo.ii' ~\l!.llfa \ l.l"'JUC'/ • • It l"J .... I ,,_rJ1 ,, , I"" \ \ II•

I Jf'l\ ll,111•

" *"wport 8t'Ot'h Jultr "nn \rrnt ,, In nr

,, ..

t\ l hcl l\.1<1~IC'\\ '' Hunt•• .:1 " li<-.i\ ti

" uJan 1 •lfHJ l •'f'f'' '' '-.l n1<1 \ 11;1 Pt'tt'r ~nth '''"' tkihan : ....,, "I""•

lk1d1 \trpht'n Dalt' \lct1. ' ' R ''" .. mJ

The 'llll' lOnJUlll'd ti\e r lour dJ" l'lrc1ught 1n J '111rm bl tnmmcnt~ a~1u• rhr qi.1an i.Ltn Duh Piiot t J111 • \.\ I ham l" ~di 'J\ J

Thal' "'"re tJ_ 1X'l1pk 11o ho 1.alkd in ht ll'll thl' c-J1tnr v. hat tht•\ th •ught aho.1u1 lhl' Jr .. 10,1nn he "ii' Jb11ut I\ m<1!.e

()+ thn\l' 2 \- <.aid l>.l'C'P Turnhlt--..n·d, '12 '-ltJ l>.t·ep lud@.l l'dr~l·r

T hL· 11\hcr "I' url!.t'd Lnt'<kll ll lo.l'l'P hi 1th

fhc cdttt>r "11J ·,, "';i' \lmpl~ lt>U , lo 1~ t. , all S.11h \lnp' hJ'l' IJr(!c !11tll1" 1 0(!\ I "J' nut Jl'l<•u: i11 th "'a~ tht: "' '' ' ttlt IX'l•plt I h -.c "'h11 \d J ""• 'h u J t..t't'P 0.11., ,·r >1' had lht tx·,• \u&gl'''"'" ll m :ill

Ht• JJ<lc-J I apprel 1dtt thl' t;i. I lhal Jll thl>\\ (X'1'Pk tool. thr t1111r 111 kl U\ L nn" "hat thn '-'t'fl' thinlo.1ng ·

th,.. ' I>•• J '\.\ l.'tl\IC'

l ,, '\

J,1, ni. I .oe· ;i Ra n 1rt'/ • t 1 1• •n : l\ 1 ~ ' 1 r H• " ''•' \k\J I'~ r \.I jl.t I lf1 .. l<'"'C' ' ' ' I ,,, ..

\l ,,.1 (<( ,, ~nrnclt"'' 4J I 1\1111

~d1.irJ 1-.·.1• 1, .. , :' '""'l"''n IX'.i •

\ • • 111 .1•1,I ' tull .. t • W , h.i • ''1·•" i ~ I rl.1~,1

I , I .1 ..... ..!• >· .........

.irr.1,. ' P 'ntuna l ·•

11 •• •" • '·'"1;i ~na

\I · ~ . ' I , ., 1n ' J .1 ...,. n ,.snt.i \l ,I!~ l'J' • \I ,,1 • · \.1 '1nt• \na l(.s.. hp.1 f J / • L. \t 1.1 11.abra tr._wr,,u \\I ,1., I •u~.1: ~ .. , 11 ' tnl" I h, 1, I.• 1,11.t 11 r•o . ~ \Jnti1 "ru H' ~ I. 1,1• •• • ~- I llf\•n.i Jct

\l.1• \.\ 1l 1.1rr ' t11.1r• I" 1,-. ri • In int I ,. \ ,1 • I I I" .... ,n1;i Rosa 1'1 r H I' • ' " i Hunltr\aton

~·.1 •

1,111 .1c·1 Hrald•' ~ ~' \11.ihr1m

Player arrested for hitting. umpire· FOVNl <\IN

\'A.LLn Sore lo~r" .\ 3 0-) ear -o ld < orona man \.\ 3\ arrest~ for 'lu~p1c1on of a\· ~uh and hat­ICf) afler bc­C00\101 Up5C't o~tr ll)~1na a ba)(ball a.ame ht WU pl,a.~H\& at Fountai n \ allq R cc­rea11on C'rnter

l ht man. 6-fotL 4-tnchts l.111 and ~60 pound!>. hit thr ump1rt' af\rr l tlllOg thfO\\n OUt Of lhe pmt for cursana al the ump1rt''s calls.

The umpart' . a S-foot, 7-inch Santa Ana man. J1d not 1mmC'd1attl)' Sttl mt"d1cal a11rn11on. hut complained of paan 1n his che~t

a,. ik ""''' Pthtt

~1a M...a m\'onc bn>kr 1n10 a hu\lnr\S ai ii

Bak~ ~I 0

A coin • ron111n1n& SnO '.i'I\

11oltn from 1 dnnk1n• "'-altf Hnd1n1 m1et11ne- 11 i40l ·~\n 81\.d

0 A bK)dc "'\)(\" s~w ,..., ,101~ a1 \00

\ 111\HI Hhd Thr Oh.hit"'"' hx .. N "'. "'"' 1 "'' i.. pr1111 .. , 1hr then

Fountain \ n llt-~ .\ hut1la1 cntcm1 a hnmr Lin thr I ~oo

hl1'1. li. ,1( \.1oJ1>1. h' rrm1H1n1 1 '4rttn nn an upcn li. tllhtn "'tndo"' The hu~ar Otd "'11hou1 1.ali.sn1 an) th1na. ho"'c\Cr ilflcr 1hc rr\1Jcn1 1111 ur to '""<'~11aa1c a n\lt\('

0 mronc hni~c into a H\ und11 per._cd

11 1hr ~fl"'lll"C' Hou'!.(" at 11\80 ~ amcr " 'C and l"C'mo,<-J a pull-out car Stt'l"C't'I 'atue'd 11 s 200

0 " l4-\ t'lr , )fd ~nta \ na man "' h''

ltnli I tad, ~ 11 I 0 ' C"utf'C" ~Uhlc\ 11 I 11 v. 1n1rnhura found pn'lfln11' ~ni.,.kd 11\ \C'llO"' IC'llC'" 1•n 1hr '"l'41drn Joor of h1' \hrd ' '' 'u'l'f'l '' ,.trC' \ttn Of h<'ard

lluntin810n Bf'a<'h I\ ra1dent m mplaintd aliout lnuJ

nnt'I('• II I am \'l.1min1 ll'tllT\ \nlU\ Pt 1rnlrum llperat1nn' nc-ar < II\ !tall r he man \atd he l"Ouldn'I ''"'P of <''C'n opc'n ht) "A11\do" for (~h air HC'''

l <'tllnj '"n maJ .. n,f 1nlt'n•h 1 .... .il l· l''l'•t 1" 1r'.1 '1t h1· h111Lkr <'I thc' polllc C'' rn : me.' ti h1pprn' hr "11J "'" 11111

0 th r<'-lrrnlll n<'t'Jlr\ hct ' r rq'l<tnf'1I '

~n ,h,1,. ntt up 1n thr lf11\h 111 \ uh C)poa ~II~~ l 1i11tirfd -' \ (' l)f)h C'f\ "'( lo ,omt' 11u1 .l nJ find out"'" •.1~ rt''pons1blc

0 4. "'Oman said \ht' camt' h11mr 111 tht

8\< bl1>1.'~ 11f Trt'T) On\t' 111 fin,f lwr door OIX'n and a pasn11n1 mt\\ln~

In inf' Poh« art looi..1n1 hir 1 >A oman 111 he>

1ntd 10 .. a,h a fo'1fiJ th" Ii. tor S 14 ooo Thund•' 11 lht O..' '" n<'' \a\lnJ' !'>ran, h at t 10"'0 \ale A\t'Dut'

fhr .,.oman 1 SU \f'C'\ It'd 111 , l\h1nf 1 S ~ (l\l( l l hl"\ .. l\l>l'I Ja\\ C'lfhC'I •I lht' 'lam(' hen!. .a<cordtOJ tC\ p,,ltLc \JI Phil Pl" r'

Tht ,.Oman ~~n~ I \ a hlad. 1o1>om1n 1n brr :o~. fltd on tool "'hen a 1rlltr l't'fuk'd 1c1 , a'h the \ hf\ Ii. '\he .,.,, lut jttft ac111n1 into • rt'd Fon! f'l('()n lhll " ft'Jl\l t'l'C'J IO I l .O\ l\f\at'k\ f'M.I• dtnt

Po' <' ) ia1" tht' tC'lkr h«'lamc SU\f'ICIOU' Of the' cht'd t'lf\8Uk' 'ht' had

l.&llUllll Ht•n,•h "-tH•W1•nc •· rJ r tr• 1 'h•U't' •In Hill

'llt't"I tn 1•u'I r•~ .1 " 11 lh<' ~tr,iom .. ., nJ1•"'

Thr 1runi.. ,11 a .11 f\jli1ol·,1 ••n l )(ocan \ q n111 '"•I' '>111~ 1·1 ltlli• Jnd '"'"(I~

111111 tnl .1 11ui'\( Jri.t .1 l'ana"'n'' por11blt­r11Ji.1 "' l'l"C' •lPlcn

' P" port lw nrh \ nm<'<mr p11t'1l "Ill II c1 Jt11.11 ial K o\O

J.ap.ant'-.r Kn1.iu1a1 I .a 11111 \ on luirman \ ' r .anJ ""'~ 1hrrr tC'lcphonl"\ and a

n•mfllh I J1"' I''"" I l i•u1 Sr' • l\1lf\ q1n1\ht'J lrom 1

'A llman\ fur\t' h'lt 1111 ht'r Jt'\ .. at Harbor Rtll'lrm rm pit ' 1 <'11 1 \1ar \ l\ta Dr 4.n1,1her rmpl•I\\'\ "''" '" thr offiC'C' tht enllr'\' 11mr t>u1 u"' no onr ta~t the' monr

0 4 S6 400 nih\ nnd diamond nna "

heht'N 10 ha't' ,ltpf'fd nfT • •oman·, tinlt"r and ""'" lost 1n the '"'•\U "

orona \kl ~tar S\atC' ~h

08• .._COAaTDAILY N.OT .&• Sunday, September 2, 1990

ORANGE COAST DlilJ Pilat An Independent Newspaper

Pvbloihed by Poge Group Pvbloshong Inc RolMrt I . P09e, president & choel e~ecutove 0H1c e1

William S. Lobdell, ed1to1 & " ' e presod•llll Steve Marble, monogong editor

Stan Wyman, n.gn1 ed·tor Don Fenley, t>d•tor.101 poge t!U ·' ~"

Ro9er Bloom, tea•u•es e,1,• " R09er Carlton, SPQPS t'J l..:ll

Carol KUmphreyt, '"'" ,. ,, ,. 11

Ellio t Stein, Jr., ' t• • ~ '-'" Gerald W Adcox, Jr., 1•" • • 1 " ;.i• u .i ..

Wolte r BurJou9h1, 1901-1 989, • 1 ::it "


NFL and TV networks ought

be ashamed , ou® ol' thl·m~t·h c\.

The Nauonal Foot League and thl· maJor tl'll'' 1son net"o rks. that • . for their rat ha ,,11~

a1t1:mpt w namblc the signal of tball gaml''i tu prn l'IH !oall'lhtc dt~h O\.\ncrs from \.\atchrng those ganw\

' \\ c arc not talk1 ng about a pa~ tdc' 1c;1on .,, Sll'nt or a pa~·pt·r· ' tl'" lUnl'ept in ' ' h1ch thl' 1dcca1o1 of till' g.anll' '' the pmdul 1 10 bl' sold

\\ l" •Ht' talking about thl' gamt'' \\l' ll'\l't' t' 1111 uur regulJ1 'l'h lln thl' lrl't' t• hannl'I~ C\l'~ ~undj~ I h11'r art' the ~1g.nJI' 1 n 4ut·~twn.

.\ppatrnth . the NFL and the nct,,1>r~' h.1, l' lknJcJ that the..·~ . Jnd uni) tht'). tan dt·r1dc "'h1rh gJ tlll' or game..'' '-'C c..:an "'Jlth l ht.·> "antcll complete ron1111I ll\t'f lhJI dl'Cl!>l()Jl r ht'\ \\Jilted to m~tkl' ti for us.

That\ "rung. l\umc..• of ut an· old enough and 'marl cnuugh 10 n\Jkt• renain Jcr1<;10ns for ouro;ch l''

Watc..'h1ng loothall g:imcs 1s one of thosl' J1.·1. "11'"' Fortun.1tt·h tht.') c..'hangc..·ll rhc1r mind. f ht• 1.. on I nl\ c..'I ' ' Jt•\ l.'lopcd OeCaUSl' lht• propm:tl II l

srramblc..' '1gnJI' - '< B~ "a' supposed to '>tart nnt \\l'c..· I.. and "-B< in .... l In~ \.\Ccks - \\Ould pre\cn1 ... a1l'llitl' J"h O\\ ner<; lrl)m ptt...l...tng up game'> from around the..· n1un1r.

It '1nuall\ prc..·c..ludl'" people ll\tng 1n rural arc..·ac.. \\tth no Jllt'':>'> tu c1thc..·r l'ahk or lrc:e tcle\ls1un. from Y.Jtdung thl' '\,f l 111 <hl ll lT1

It \\Ill ,11'111 hun a nc" '>c..'gml·nt of tht• luo<l '>t'r' 11.·r-. indu\tr) - thl· \ har. Sptlft\ lounge..· ur '>pon' rn· taur.tnt<, - "hh h rc..· I\ hl'J\ 11\ un the '>att•lh1.t· d1'h to lt'nl footbal l t<1 m lanc. arid patro nc.

In l,l c.. I ll \\nl'f\ llf the'>1.' l)Pl' ul urx·ral111n' Jfl' Ill 11\l' forclront o f tht' prl ttc..·<,t Jttl·mpting 111 halt the ' l r.1mhl1ng 111 tCk\ l\IUJl \tg1Mh ...

fh l'\ arc miking Jboul ho~u1tt1ng till' 'pon'or' t>I foothall gamn

fhat\ 0t·1.·ausc both thr '\,f I and the rwt"'Pr~' h.l\t' sa id thq art· llll'll'h tr\ tng to pro1c..·c1 1hc1r 'pon'or'

:-\01 ,o ,;i~' \nhcu'>t'r · Busch . a maJor nl :--.; I I tl'kt a'"

The..· com pan) \\3\ quid to point o ut the Jn 1"on "·'' "slmtl) .. lllll' malk h) the..· kaguc a nd the nt'l\\nfk\ ·\ cum pan) ..,pu~l''>man aJm1ttl·d ·\ nheuscr-Bu,1. h np1c-..,cd 1. u n1.crn Jhuu1 1hc dl'll...ron to scramble ~1gnal' 111 thr k J !-(uc..· and "'undt·rl·d If 11 \\OUld h,1,c an~ 1nll u1:111.t' 111 till' dcu~wn -mJ l.. 1ng prott''I'

\ lot 111 ntlt· things• \aid . hut thl' hPll11111 lin t• 1' thl' u1mpJn' "a" told 1t had nu 1nllucntl'

It ""J" J hall dt·u~1on One that hurl'> hoth thl' ~Jnw and thl· m·t"'ork\ and cspcc1all~ the 3\cragl' l,in

L11..l· "'l' ,,11d thl'~ ought to be ashamt·d ut 1h1.·mwht·'

Sacramento Insider Ferguson draws his own line between Democrats and GOP By JAMES RICHARDSON

~.\CRAM l:.N T<> - ·\ hnc 1n sand - Asscmbl> man (111 Fcrgu'ion . I< Newport Beath . dearh ')aw the dtf fcrcm.c bctwt•cn Dcmocrah and Rt·· publrcam crnbo<l1cd 1n ho.... thl') approac..:hcd a bill. Senate Bill !Oll"' that 1.1.oultl ha"e rc4u1red retailt•r, to lock up spray-pain t cont:.11ner~ The bill. b) Sen rt T orrc<>. l>-L os \n · gcles. was ainwd at reducing graffit· 11 During dcball' 1n the .\~scmbl~ Ferguson. one ol the Lcg1slaturc..··s most conscr,alt \C mcmbcr'i. lool...ed o"cr to the Democrats" side of the chambcri. and ~1d "You "ant to make pornograph)' and rnndoms available 10 children. but )OU v.ant to ban paint <>pra\ la OS r hat rcJll) 1s the d1v1d1ng hnc bct .... een U'i .. rhc: bill was defeated 1 hur'ida) n1gh1 on a 21-48 .. o te. .:!() votc'i 'ihOrt of passa$e. One A'i~mhl) ml·mtx-r ~ud later 1t was " the onl) th ing Fergu'ion said that made sense all year ·· so he voted against 1t

Saddam lookallke Capitol insiders have been citruck

b~ tht· 1. h•"' ph)\ll.ll r1·\1.·mhlan.trh l' tw1v.cen t Prc.."\ltkn1 \.u.l\fam Hu,sc1n and kr!l Hal1.·,a a on\· time &natc i.tallcr v.ho nu"' lubb11.·, for prl\atc d1enl\ l rnnic..all\ Hain a '' d \lrong supportt.'r of Jcv. 1sh anti l'iraclr t"JjJSCS, hut hr ha' 1akcn lhc ribbing tn good humm ~> 1ng he ma~ \tgn up for ont.' of 1hosc u:-lchnl\ luok-a-hke ~cn tH'' and cash 1n ·

Deciding terms As~mbl) ~~aker W1l1 1c Hro"n

t>-San 'Franc1'>co. plans tu 1urn proceed<, from a 1.1x-figun: fund raiser ~pt IJ in Severi) lt11l\ O\l' r to a c..ampa1gn ctgainst two 1n11a1tH' on the No,embt'r ballo1 that would clamp a lim11 on leg1slall\e tcrm\ -Propos111oni. 131 and 140 Lcg1<o· lat0rs '•C'-' the l"-O in111a11 ves as a threat 10 their ins11tu11on According to the political newslC'ner California Eye. supporters of term hm11s plan to stage a prote!lt at the dinner

JMJJn Rlct.rd100 I• ••meo· to-ba1ed wrl~r for tllr Oru1e Co.11 Dally Pilot.

Wh•n Writ ing to t h• Of a ngo Coast Doily Pilot ... The Orongo Coast Doily Pilot r ncouroqes c orrMponde11c e from our

roodou Wo reques1 lo11e1, ~ ~f>pt to- oppr-oir1motefv 300 words Anv correspondence 11gnif.contfy tonqrr rhon 300 words will be prm1ed 01 our d1screl1()11 OS 0 Community Comm•ntory, Guest Commontory o r Edrtoriol RosponM.

Cornmunotv c.ot11111en1ariPs o rtt rNerved for issues pertinenl to c111e1 ond towns alo nQ o e OronQr C oost Guesl commen1011e\ rnoy per101n 10 ony public 1uvtt Ed11or1o t responsi>s Orf' reservtod for rf'buuol\ 10 edrlonol po11t10111 of 1~e Otongo Coo1t Doily Pilot.

l•t1er1 COM1dered 10 bf' l1belou1 Or on hod 1os1e will nor be printed · Writeo orn hm11•d to loor svbrn1si1ons o month All corre~e

ll'IUSt be s1gnod ond ondvde rho writtt 's oddreu ond t9'ophone number for ver1f1eotton purpos s

lottors should bo oddr•sutd to tho Oronoo Coolt Ooity Pitot, 330 W 8oy St .. Coste Meso, CA, 92626, Attti11tt0n1 l•llet\ to the Ed1t0t Wr110ts w 1tfoi quettl()tls ore urged to col tho Doily f'tlot OI 17 l-41 642 -4311. E•r 352

Best of Editor's Hotline

I f

Today In history I

Toda)' 1s Sund.a). Scp1. 1. the 245th day of 1990. There are I :!O dafs lcfi in the }Car.

oday's h1x..hhght in history: On Sept. 2. 1945, Tokyo time.

Japan formally surrendered to lhe United States in ceremonies aboard the USS Missouri . World War 11 _was over. six ye\\r!> ::ind a duy afte r 1t began.

On this date; In 1666, the Great Fire of Lo ndon

broke out. The fire claimed thousands of homes and a fe" h' c..·~ in the loCveral da)) that it burned

In 190 I. Vice President Theodore Roose,eh offered the ad,t n'. " Speak sofih and earT) a hrg 'iltc.. k " 1n a speech ·at the Mmnesota St:itt· Fair.

In ll/44. dunng World War II Na'> pilo t George Bu)h wa.. 'ho1 down b> the Japanese as he c..O!Jl · pletcd a bombing run again\I .in cnem) radio eommun1ca11ons cen ta 10 1he Bonin Islands (Bush \\.J\

r<'scucd b~ the L1.S submarine ~ Ill · bact.. . but h1s IY.O flight Cfl'\\ Oll'Ol ·

bcrs perished. I Toda) 's b1rthda~'\ Author·l.1111·

scr\artoni~t ( lcH•land ·\mor~ t\ 7' .... LJ.S. Sen. Alan K. 1mpson . R-\\ ~'' 1s 5~. Former Basehnll Corn-, ml\!>IOOl'r Peter l 'eberroth I'> 5' Former football pln}t'r I CIT) Brad o,ha\\ I'> 4~

- By Tb~ AsstX'latH Pre s

Readers praise, criticfze Chamberlain ;:J EDITOR . VOTE. The IO/lou ing .m· \.1m

pk:. of Oruge Coast Daily Pilot rt'.JJ1°r\ · wm · m1•nh .Jni.J tnlln~m:. from th1~ "''cl. ·h .J m.111c1 vf puh/11 sen 1c1· the Pilot "111 puhJi,h .1 ';:lmp/111}1 o/ t .J/h to tht• hotline {.·ach "'"l." "' th1' ~pa<'<" f111· number to rc·ach E:i.J11or's Hot/101• t\ fl.J~ · flO/l'rt

ix·opk "111 1hin~ aht.1u1 kJ' 1ng thc u'unl\ tx•flm· lhc..• \Uf)Jlll' l(fH'J Jl\1."JSl' \OJI...\ llllO lhl'tr brain

u \.'. h.u .1 dumh l'lhtonal h~ Boh 'an [) ~c:n

I .1pplJud lht• lad\ :\ b nnc..· C J('lt.11 n "ho JI· 1emp1\·d lu l..l·1.·p irrele' JOI .ind ra1her '>lup1J 4ut•,111111' ou1 111 lht· pre..·" c. onkrcnu·

That heaJhnc..· 110 I hur,JJ ' ·., PJf'\ r 'J'' .. .\i.!>em bl~ ri P' I l rgu\on · I "' Plll."l' 'nu J " v.11h th;i l group th.t i nrrx·J I l'T[l.U\llO

ld1tc1r\ n o te• \ e1 JU\/ fl'flt •rllnl? lhJ> J.I\ ' nn1' _./

.J I want to lea'<' a mt:!t'8g<' ahou1 1ha1 'l'f\

1ntae'>t1ng rnlumn tl\ Jud' Chamtx·rla1n 'iht· )(.'t'm~ tu tx· a lTO\'> tx."l" l'en· Erma Hombc.-d. Jnd DaH· Bari) '\he":. got 1h1'> " Olllkrtul \\:l\ nl rom pl.11n1n$ about thing~ v.11h" kMl' ol hunlllf Shl' h11 11 right on 1h1.• hc..·ad about nh>thl·rhnod It 1~ sul'h a 1rap It 1s '>Urh a trap to hl' tn' "" l'd 1n c..hih.J rearing. and I th in~ !hat'' rmh.1hl' lllll' tor mc..·n and ~'omen

0 .... \\ e. 1n our hou-.ehulJ. hnp1: lhJI 11 \l llll 1 IJl...l' lllO hint( for lhl' flt'Opk HI llUI dt\lrtl I Ii • n·al11t· \\hJI .in 1.·mharra\\ml·nt t 111 I l·rgu,on ' ' - nn1 11111\ 1o 11ur d1'>lrlll hut h• the l' lll1n· ,1.111·

( omplirrll'nh on \our cd11onJI un r11.1dY.url..

and \tup \oting Im htm


0 I 1.1..intcd 1u u >mmen1 on \l'\ll'1d,I\ ·, .11ltlk

Imm Jud\ Chamocrlain. I thrn( 11 v.J, 'l' n poor lct)tc..• tu pu1 1ha1 I) pe of an1dt rn ~ uur nl' "' 'PJfX'I I"' g1,en me..· J "hok ne1.1. opinion ot that f'l{'r\IHl n111~1denng that 1n 1h1s da~ and agc: nenhud' I' tning tu build muc..h stronger fom1h f\' l .1 11un'>htp\ \\ hl·n )llU hJ' l" a mother tal~rng Jb..1u1 hc..·r l...1d'> 111 1ha1 na1ure I thought that v. a' in \l'I"'\

poo r ta\ll" and v.e dnn't'nced to read lhJI l..1nd ul '>luff tn lhl\ lll"\flJiX"r' h•r klltn~ nw 'ih.trl' lhJI

Ill llll' ( l .1gu11J ) \,l l\~(10\ \\htl h \hOl.l.l'd \l'll\ltl\ I· I\ I hmn l'I I do tx·ltl'\l' th.11 lhl· tran .. pt1n.111on 1x·11pk ,1111ulJn"t tx hl'ld l'nttrl'I~ .it fault < )u r ~11' 111anagt·1 am.I ht' ,1.111 art• p.11d prc..·11~ g11od 1110nn IOI dl\'\~ll)g lnl<l \\IWt\ \UPPO!>c..'J Ill he dollr ·.111J ti hr could 1u<.t \II h.1\~ anJ \a~ thn ·re gu1ng 111 run ~onw ll"\I\ anJ 1101 quen "h::it thq 0

fl' grnng lo dn fr;rn~h I dnn ·1 thtn ~ hl•\ t"Jrr11ng h" m11nn

0 'I.t r I olxk ll 11°'> ,1h11u1 llmr \Ollll'•Hll' put th1.·

' t 111IJ c..· 11 c >1Jngr' 10 b..·d \ 'c..· f\ 1.1.1.•tl J11nl' ,...., ...... I han~ ' 1111 l11r th JI 1crnlil rt'' tl'"' on JO\l ph

\l, .1mhJugh ' ( Oraniw .. Th" re' ll' " r1.•al· h 'ulllmcJ up th1· hoo l.. hcautitulh I quit hu' intt \\ .1mh.1 11glt 111 h.11d , II ' er Jh\1u1 n1nt' hnl \t'lkr\ .l~t' I 11 d.1l l' I hl'l1n 1.· thl' "( lnwn hl'ld"' I\ hi\ ht't \l 11\I 111 lhl· o lhl' f' .1rr 1111ndk" tah·· lhl' m11nl'\ J lld tun hl •ll ~ \ J111.· 'hou ld tx· cl\hJnll'd Ill h trll\l;ll hl·c...111,1· tw dol'' ji.!' l' 1.ikn1 v. hl·n hl· "·1111' tu appl~ 11 ·'' 1.•, 1d1.·n1xd 1n thr .. C>n 11in I 1l'ld .. \g.1 in Bill I rc..'.tlh l"OJmt•J n·.1Jing \ ll lH

u1111nwnh 1hc..·\ \\l'fl' gr1.·.i1 \1.nhl.· \OU '>h11ul1! v. rill' fh 111111

I' m a sub'll'rih•:r .mJ I .1m l .lflrng; mt 111 gt\ r t:nrn11tl"lll\ 1111 lhl' lr111tl · p.1gl· .trl1l k 1n \\ l'lhit' ' da~·~ PJ!Xr " l '(I p.m h.trl' 11 tor Pl,1\hm \\'anted to 11·1 \OU ~no1.1. 1ha1 I 'll'\\ 11"' •" ,111

anuth<'r e~amplc 1111h1.· m11r;d dt·l·'' nl \mc..·n\ ,rn !>l>l'lt.'I\ \ rl' ~c '>II hJrJ up 1111 Ol'\\\ lh.11 \ 1111 h.I \\'

10 put \om~thtn~ lt l... c..· on lhl· tr11n1 p.1gc ol 111\

pal)l.'r and publ"h 11 "hc..·r1.· \ nu .in· ~ l1tnl\mg 11

..J Lc.0 1°\ hJH' 3 hllk hll 111 u 1tl\l\l1. lh \ tn lhl·

p.irx·r l 1.0 l°'> ._1.·1.·p lhl' C >p1n1on P.igc..· lln a 'flt'' 1111 pagr 11 1 th1.• p.tpn ~lonJ.I\ 1h 111ugh \J1ur.f.1, pk.i~ I 1.·t\ nor hop \Ulllh I 1·t', pk a,1.• pk .1 , alsu do the 'anw thing v. 11h 1h1.· 1110111 ' p.1f Lt· r · ~ 1..t"rp 11 at lhl· bad, 111 1H'tl111n H l l·i', 11"'

h1dr ~·ltllln H Pka..,l' let\ ha, 1· .1 htlk h 11 •I lOn\l~ lt'nt'

0 H1 I Jm JU\I l"illltng ahou1 lht· m11\I rl'c.. n ll

.1r11dt· ll\ Juc.h t hamtx·rla1n 1'11 tl"ll \OU thJt ha' gul lu \J~ c..'\.Jt ti~ ho1.1. I kl'I ahou1 ~tun~ 111 1ratli1 ~ h<>0I I am 'c.-~ 1mprl''>'<"d I rhin~ ft nail~ 1ht· Dall) Pilot ha' a l orre~pondc..·n1 v. ho '' Jhk 10 Jc.tur<1tl'I~ ponra) the..· lik'>I\ k h1.·n· 1n nr.rngt' ( llUOt\ 0

EDI (OR ·-, .\ Off l inw.1111111, 1111 1 •111 prc" \<lnll'/lfllt'\ (',ILJ\(' us /(1 p/.11 (' fc.llllr1'\. lt ~ 1· '"" l ·11m1n. 111 t11/1rn·nt pl.Jin 111 lh<' 11l·11 'l'·'flt' I \\ ,. J(l<1/og111· lot the rn1on1t'flfl'nt1·

'\ttl'r ha' ing occn a l l)l> ..\ngc.•k, ll'\ldt·n1 Im "'di oH·r In 'car'>. I fnlh1" l"d thl' I inw' .ind follov.rd 1hc1r ~·d 11onal l'>'>Ul'\ Rut up un11I no'' . I ha'<' no1 bcl·n ..a11slied 1.1.11h an) thing I lound hcr1.· 1n Orange ( ounl\ . W11h the..· ;•111 111 Jud\\ .irt1dl'\. I'm 'e~ happ~ . and I am 1(1 1tn~ w hc.•tomr J ,uhwnhcr 1(1 the Oaily Pilot \~.11n ) OU gu)' Jrl' Jrnng a fine JOO. h·ep up thl' ~l •11d

I Jlhl "·"" 111 c..ompltnwni ~m1 un \11111 .Hlllk .11\\•UI \\ Jlllhaugh'<, laH''' hoo~ 'upptl\l'dh ah1.1u1 :'\t'\' port lka, h R1gh1 on' R1gh1 un 1

0 \\ llh all lht• ten~ttlll Ill thl· ~11ddk I ol\I .ind

lh<' frJr ol \\J r and Jll . I tht~I.. ~ ou pt•npk \\ 1·11·

tn . \ ~·r} had IJ\lt' tUnlllll( llUI Of\ tci<lJ\ ·, p.lfl\ I \\1th the v. ord "\, ar, .. a .. " htg hc..·.1dhm· c1 '1·r ""It a ) lt tt k 1h1ng a' ii 111.1ga111w I 1h in l.. 1h.11 I!> \ l'f\ poor 13\lc..'

"lH" 0

0 I JU\I \'ilnll"J 10 l.Jll Jnd rdl \uu htt" m111 h

I l' llJ11\ lht• n1'" OrJngc ( 11J'I ~1.· I loo!.. l 11 I<• lhJI l' 'l'f\ night "h1.·n I gt•t hom1.· frum "or!.. 11°' hl•1.•n r1.·.1l c.·n111\;ihk I h.rn i.., .1 lot kr1.·p II up

u 0

'\our m·v. '>paper 10, bec..om1ng more and nwrl· 11m·nted 111 1he brain IC\\ ) upp1cs a\ ltml' g~·, on 'iunJJ\ ·, Jud' ( hamberla1n l·ulumn enuiuragt'' l'H'r~ h<ld' to \lecp on handmadl· lare and ""I u 1un1 ptmJ c.. t•lllin lrom Eg)pl Thai"s 1he !.on 111 1.1.J\ll.' 111 <ipac..c Jnd in k 1ha1 emuurage\ 1)1.'upk 111 l .111\ d lhetr \Uh\tnp11on It )OU \UUpk th.JI \\Ith thr Pal(t' I l l I \to~ that \3)' Orantw < 11un1' hJ\ lhl' luv.1.·•>1 n.llmn" tdc gl\ 1ng ra1c.· m.I\ hl·

I'd ltl..c..· to uimml'nt un lhl' t.I, l' men ul Or.1ngc..· ( 11un1' l.Jrtoon in 1he Pilot. I don't thrnl.. 1hJI \11ur p.lpc:r nn·lh hi l'mphJ\l/t' ~our 1g· n11r.in1l' "'h11h I 1h1nl.. th.11 \OU arc dotntt \\Ith 1h.11 1.1111 11 111

u I h,111 ~ ' ,1 1111 lnr nul.. ing thr pnnt h1gg1.·r on

lhl' hrn ll\ 1111w.·

I am looking at 'our lron1·11Jgt· ptl lua· 111 thl· ship l.ctlkd ttl'lk I ranl.r I' m h111!...1ntt 11 up n Motor '\ Jl hr maga11ne It\ thl· 41 '>I IJrgnt ',1d1t in lhc v.holl• \\Orld .ind 11 I\ 01.1.m·d h' .1 hlul' bh.x.xkd ~menl Jn Thi' 111 I l1.)<11n nuv. hl·l11nit' to Jatl...ll' \t•.ttt1n ..i I · \t'J1 -old 11111w rrt 1 t•I P111nr1.·1 Ekl tron1l. \ 1ntll I ranll·

EIJllOR ''i .\ nTf: 111111111r,•11n th1· Ht·/11· J-rann~ rm \(l'f\ rt':Jc.J f l('J \fJrllfl\ 11 1/11 111 11 /II

M onda) ·\ Daliy Piiot.


Wood's wrong; media doing good job By \l/IWAM F. COTE

In re'lpnnse to Jim Wood \ l.11..ilnhl• of our na11on·s media in la<ot}·, cd111on of the Daily Piiot, I "ant 10 firc;1 congratulate editor 11111 luhlkll for rerngnmng Mr \\ tlOlr, p1ele for °"hat ti real!) t'> Op ld ma1cnal. Y.h1rh I bchr'e \hould haH' appeared 1n Pra vda

Mr \\ ood lame nts that our nJ· !tonal pre\~ should bt' hounding o ur lc.1dcrc,h1p v.11h tough quesuons 111...r " \\hat is our stratc-g} .,.. (1 n thr ~l tddk E:ast) " Is 11 our JOh 10 dl'lt•nd \,tud1 .\rabrn'' .. and 'ihnuld Y-1.' ··a11ari... Iraq" or "'kill Hu,~1n"" Bu} Jim. 1ha1'<; deep 'itufT

tl ad ~ou ~n reading our na· lion·., leading ne"spapers (New York Times. Washrngton Post. l'hnsttan Science Monitor - Sort) . Dally Pilot hut )ou"re great on the local issues') 1ns1cad of the week-old tn v1a from which you quote (News­week and Time are authoritative"). you might b( a bit more t1mcl} rn your opinions concerning your chosen profc s1on. I think that even before your column was printed a ll of the qucsuons you posed had already been answered by nearl y everyone in the pm$. both ·cleoc:­tron1c and pnnt.

In rct<>Jnlllnt G ro ucho Man's concerns &hat the tenn " m1ht1tr} 1ntclh1ence"' 1s a conflic t 1n 1ermanoloay. l~rc arc many and vaned reasons why the whole s1ory l\as not come out. To answer one of your most intclhsent questions Jam, yes, we learned much from past wars. One of the most 1mporunt lalons from V aetna.m was not to 111/onn the pttts of our troop movc­mcnlt and ptOpOICd e"lletments as to ovr ba1 &af'ICt• of opponunity.

Wlule I unden1and that one

dunn'1 h:l\l" lo h3\C b..•t•n in ,1 v..11 Ill undcr,1and 1tw mc..·1. hJnu' ol 111tl1 IJ I") opt•rattllll'), >our ob\ tllU\ lac.~ of mtl1tctll 1n,ohl·mcn1. Jun . 1\ glar-1ngl) dclk1t·n1 '\ uu ~·rm tu c..·mht.Kh Lord Nunhd1ffl"' oh\en :111011\ on a t1mel) ddin111un ol JOurnalism. " a protc1.s1un "hn'>t' h11\1nc'' 11 1\ 111 eApla1n to other' v.h:ll 11 pcr,onalh doc') not under,tand "

You go 1.1n 10 quef) 1hc ··o,ern1gh1 <ilrcng1h" ol thl" Iraqi Jml\ "hl'n 11 1s common kno"lcdgt· that Iraq and Iran had ht'rn .11 for the JlJ\1 c1gh1 H'an. "hit h in tar t ha' ~·l·n reported in e'en rournal rn thr count!) . rndud1ng pmhabl> 8m \ Life and I t-rn maga11nc The) hu"l' over I m11l1on ballk·hardrn1·d troop!>

Where hn H )OU he-en, Jim'' I his is 1990. not I IJM at ~proul Hnll Our media, which )OU find so inept. havr. QUtlt' frankly , been doing o n<' helluva JOb rcpon1ng that wh1t'h should be reponed unul our m1lrtal) forces art t'Ompletcly in pin e

Al that time - and 11 is not tOQ far in the d1nan1 fu tur't' - I thrnl.. you will !.CC dd1t1onal ttPortina 1ha1 inc ludes some of the nitty·lt'lllY de· tails for which )'OU ask.

I f you arc g01ng to quote ~<>pie . Jim. plea\C all~mpt to choose those who have w mcthma relevant to > and arc more well known than someone who obviously favon your Potnt of view. If )Ou a~ 101na 10 quote a modern m1htary aulhont). why not ttek to know and under­stand the ~IOI)' Qf our most ~· c:ently retired head. o( the Joint ChacfJ or taff; dmtral Crowe"

•He's bttn all over the tclcvt11on for 1hc pa t thrtt ,_~b and seems to have • ral pasp on the O\·erall 111uatjon He ~ould take i1 ue w11h your A.G.8. Me1c1I(, who incidcn·

tall\ has no nix·rit·ncc..· in l·nmmnnll 1ng' na'al fo1cc-. a\ .\dm1ral < mv.l.· dun.

In point o t facl. o\dm1ral ( fll Vo l' nol only has the rc:qu1\1ll' npt·m·nl'1.· 1.1.h1rh gnrs him the authortl\ 111 pa:.' 1udgnwn1 on our octl\ 1111.•, Ill 1hr Mtddk Last. bu1 he al\n li:I\ J grc:at dcal ul handHm expt·n1.·nu· v.h tle in Vietnam. both on 1hc..• ground and "h1le tn c..:ommand of the R1Hnnr Forces .\tlm1ral C r1\1.1. r has said time and again that our ground forces in 'iaud1 o\rabaa Mt> requ1s11e to kr<' p1ng addam Hussein from '"' ad1ng Saudi Arabia and othl'r ..\ral> rnuntnes at v.111

o\nd rta l h1ng to Ci<"ncrJI Mar o\rthur·~ hm·v. ell Addr<'S\ " going a b11 lov. no" 1!>n'1 11 Ji m'' Come on If )Uu'rt• going to quoit' MacArthur. then include one of hrs quotes for which he If far more famoui. than the obscure p1Cl'<' ) ou fo und. The good general is for heller lno .... n fo r. " In war. the re is no sub:-.lltu tr for v1t·tory."

Thi~ as the fine' time tn the h1\tOI") of the Unitt'd Nations that a rtsof­uuon lt> 6pp0sc m1htal) inter­' cnuon b) another countt) ha re­ceived the complete and tot31 sup­port of tht' enllrt sccuntr. council as ~II as the m-.,onty of the member nauons 1hcm\(lve , Jim This r'i not an American acuon This action t\ bc1n1 supported by mo t of the Wntern world and much of the Arab ~orld and Eai1cm bloc. 1n add111on to ccna111 Far Eastern tha1 )'OU decry are fa1hna to pull their wc1aht

Mr. Wood. u ~ms. i an 1duh1t He docsn' t sttm to know when' ht's aoina. but he's surtl)' on h11 wa)' I'd like 10 ttkc cttdil for that, Jim. but Ca.rt Sandbura beat me to 11


'\ our JournJ ll\lli ' "'"' Jim . .irt· tar hc:tll'I \l'f\c..•J Ill \Hlltng Jhl •UI "a I\ h 1 ng 'u n'l' l '> . 1It111 hrng mou n ta1n<i JnJ Jlllll Ill'\ 111g t•> 'ilr.1ng<." and f~>IT land' to l'JI \U\ht 1h.1n Ill 'eniurc 1n10 1)(1lt11tctl' \\1th \ut·h .1 lthl•rJ I and lr:inkh unt•JulJll'd tx·nt 'it tl i... "1th "h.11 )Ou do bn1 J11n. or ~ou \\ill · Ix· lOndemncd Ill rcf)l·at \llUrsdf' .111tl fi rrd 'ourself hJ\ i... in r h<' buc,tnl"\' ol running J tl'J I t'l>late 11tlkr

I \\OUld lt l.. t' Ill k.t\\' \OU \\llh ., ml>\t apprnpr i.lll' 41w1t• b' )t.on1 Jd Adenauer. 11111 . "h11 h !Ut'll' well \Um'i up ~our \11.'\l\ on "ar . peatc and dl·fc..·n~l' 111 out na1wn.1I in1e1n1i. l k onll' ..aid ... \n tn · tal ltblc method ol l.lllll"thattng a 1tgcr 1s 10 allu" unl·~ll 10 be Jn ourcd ..

Saddam Hu\\t'ln h.l n 1deonred what hl' " · Jim It\ up 10 ~ou whrthN or not wu "'sh to tx· his ne \l meal Thank Ciod for the Ille..•\ of Cil'Org<' Ruflh. D1 k ( 'hrn<') :ind a {'Upablc. ded1latcd ll .S. m1hUlf"\

Wllll•m F. Cote /1 • re•/' brotrr lo Nrwporl Be• cll H d • Vlrl.H JIJ .-e1uu.

\X/llll•m .. Lobdell

0..121• CCM8T DAILY PILOT .,,_, leJ•w2. W M


Over .100 Americans i'1group that got out of Iraq I)' THOMAS \IV AGNIR ~ "'9tl w,._

day mettana ended. " The lalks were very fru11ful." z11 said.

More than. 100 Amcncans and i.t"vcral hun­dred o ther fore11ncrs left ea,hdad on Jetliners for home Saturd,y, but many others remained be­h1nd.J p~omptana President Bush to cri 11c1Lr Iraq for rrceina the hostages too slowly.

" I'm &lad when any American comes out of there. but thcrc's a ~cnaan brutality, a certain uawdry performant·e in all of this," Bush said. when asked about Iraq's pohq· of releasing a few hundred capmcs at a time

''This situatjon 1s complicated and dramatic (and) cannot be rcsolvN by dramatic d1plomac) . It needs patience. h needs timt and people 10 undefltand euctly the posit ions ...

The United Statts. meanwhak. <:on11nued to pour troops and military hardwarr into Sl\ud1 Arabia. where a multinational force 1!> tx-ing deployed to oppose Iraqi troops ma~scd near Kuwait 's bordt'r with Saudi Arahta.

"We arc nJ,ht where we hould be," ~lopk1n) satd. " If the flow continue~ . we'll ~ al lull combat power 1n two wrcks."

for most of the day Saturda~. thC' U n11cd State!> an<! o ther nauoni waned to set how man) of the women and children among thC' 2 t ,000 Westerners held hosta&c an Iraq and Kuwait would be allowed to leave for home.

" It as so bast and so outrageous that I think most people in the Aral) v.urld arc very embar­rassed b> this, and I thank that''i ccnainl} true of others around the \\Orld" Rush told repone~ an Kcnnt'bunkpon . Mumc

U ntil rfi't'ntly Amencan troops had re maaned well south of Saudi Arab1a·s border. hut now they are moving nonh to bolstt'r the forl·e'<i defenSl\.C' hnes and s1gnificantl) ampro\l· 11s o fTensivt capab1ht1ts

U .. othc1ah sa} tilt mo,eml'nt oonh""ard of several units 1nd1catc!> that lJ S lomm.tnders 1n Saudi i\_rab1a art nov. comfortable pu111ng troops a goOd distance a"a} lrom maJor 'iu ppl~ points.

After lcn&th)' delays. an lruq1 A1rwa) s plant• v.1th 68 Japanese women and \:htldrcn aboard was tht' first to lea ve lf1lq for Jordan It arm C'd in Amman. and the hostages<' c-.pccttd to land in Tok}o on Sunda)

A Lufthansa plant' too._ off nc \t w11h 311 women and Lhtldrcn from 22 rountnes. including about 60 Amencam of Iraqi e~tracuon and 71 Gtrmans. The flight landed 1n Franklun earl\ Sunda) .\t least t•nc German man wa~ al!>u un the fl1gh1

f>roifess al'iu rt'porh~d on anotht*r d1plomat1c front \nturJa~

Late Saturda} night an lruq1 .\tf\\llH ~~ .. lt.-ft Baf)ldad on a fl 1gh1 boui'd fo r Pam l ondun and ~v.. ashingtun Onit 1al!i earht·r ..aid 11 v.-uuld Mop 1n Jordan. hu1 that stop v.a-. .ippart'nth cancdcd The fligh t "'3!>.behncd to h<' larning more than 200 Bnton-.. ahout 'iO .\ml'rll Jn'> and more 1han 20 f-rcnch u 111cn" \I II\ fir\t stop 111 Pans. I., Frenlh "" omen and fiH· l h11Jfl·n d t'l'Ol barked

Soun:es in o.\mman. Jordan. v.herc U.1'. St'cretaf} General Ja\ 1er Pert'L de ( uellar and a ..cnior Iraqi ofli c1al met. said the t""o men "'ere d1scun1nf a dl'Sagned to prc, cnt J bc:tv.~n raq and l n1tt'd ~tat c.-s

" If nothing tlse . 11 '>hnv.'> 1.1.e bcltl'H' \\l' arl' now capable of '>USlain1ng a '>1gn1 ficant ftme 10 forward pos111ons." a senior -\1r r ()fl(' u tfaa said. The soun:cs saatl the v. ould r n.•a te an

.\rab pcacdet'pang force 10 Jl·t a\ a buffer bctwten the trns of thousand~ of Iraqi troop~ 1n tx:cup1e-O Kuw:-.11 and the l l ~ lcd multana11onal ·rorcc bt'1ng deplo~cd 1n \aud1 .\rab1a

The So\ 1c.-1 l lnll>n might hl'lp rm·diatt' simul­taneous v.-tthdra"<•h of lra41 troop'> trom Kuv. a11 JnJ opposin~ fon:l'\ Im m \aud1 ·\rahia. the: sourrC'S said

U.S. offi cials sa ) mon· than I 00.000 troop' 1ndud1ng thOSt' aboard do1en!> of ~htp" are an till· Persian Gulf re-g1on or on the wa)

The U nited tates lOuld nintrttlute J'> m.111\

as :!50.000 '>o ld1ers 10 the multina11onal torct• v.hirh include~ token LOn tingenl\ trnm nthl'r nation~

1 he Bn t1sh Foreign Olfa t· 1n l ond11n ~1d the Iraq i .\1r1.1.a) SJClhner had hern ddaH·J h' thl· late arn,al of a flight frum Ku\\ a11 t 11' 1.arn1ng thl' Re ' Jn \e Jalk-.on. tht· .\ml·m.1n u' ii right~ ac11 ,1\t

PereL de<. uell\H and Iraqi F-orl'1gn l\h nl\tl'r Tanq :i.111 l'Xpre~'>t·d op11 ml\m hut nl'llhl'r " uuld lummcn t un thl· report' v.hl·n thl'1r tv. n-

Manne MaJ. Oen. John Hopkin'i ~1d '\atur· Ja\ that the currl·nt Mannl' lt>rlt' 1n ~aud1 \rab1a - ·about 15.000 strong - will bt.· tripled \\. 1th1n '"" (} v.el'k\

Jackson Ile"' to Kuv..i11 earl\ ~JturJJ, 111 collell \IL'. .. .\mcnl·ans a llt<r nwt·t1ng '""1u· "Ith Iraq i Prl's1den1 loiaddam ll u\\c1n

L~gislature wraps up '.89-90 session with meetin·gs that lasted all night By JENNIFER KERR A.uoct.MN P'r.-s1 W rttn

S.\\R.\Mf"ilO l hl· <.tit· lom1J Leg1.,IJtUrl' l'nlkJ 1t' I '1 ~'1-40 '>l'\!>ion h' pu11111g nine honJ l\)Ul''> 1111.i ling S \ h1ll1u11 he torr '01a ... hl·lp1ng J1\t1t·.,.,l·d lOUnt1t''· l'\ tah­h~hing a \I.Il l' l•ll 'Piii t k.tnup 1. /.JI .tnd lH'Jt1n~ .1 '>IJlt' t•.irth4uJkl· 1n­\ur.tn1.l' tunJ

I av.m.1 .. L'r' t•ndt•J 1hl·11 '''"·H'.tr ~·"tt>ll nl·.11 J.i" n \,11 urd.J \ .1ftn Jn all -n1gh1 nwt·t111g 1h.11 r.rngl·d in

cmotmnJ I inten" t' lr11m uin trun t.i-1 hJll IO !>Cit l ungr J IUIJ 1111n

lt ov.C'' t'r in the ru'h th.11 brought \Olnl' IJ\I m1null' ulmpr11m1\l'' kg10,IJllH\ ' ' l'rl' unJhll: l\I rt'.h h J&fl'l'nll'nt on llHH 1ng tht• \l,ltl'.., pn· .. ltl \t .1r, h fl' \ton ng S' 'II 1111lh11n 1n ~ houl 1. ut' and pro\lding \oml' lo\\ "1. "'' lw.11th .tnd au1om11h1k 1n.,uran1.t'

" I kno\\ th.i t tht\ ~'\\l\lll h.t\ hn·n a dilli tult ont· · \\<.t'mhh v.1101,111 \t.i \lnc \\ .itt•r., [) l 1" \ ngl'k" ''h11 I!> !l-J' 1ng tht· l l'gl\IJturt• 111 run tor l trng1t·.,., \.111.J ,h,irth tx·h11t• thr " J m ..l\!Jt•u rnmt·nt .. ,, t' ''"'"l'd 'l'r' hJrJ .rnJ urhkr "'fllt' \l"J\ d1tlirult t unJ111un' "

" \\ ('''t< haJ l"" o \t'r\ ,hJ11l1l \l'a r\." \JIU '\l'll,l lt' Prt•.,;dl'nl Pru r cm l>J "J Roht•rtt I) I m ·\ ngdn

" l lh1n k v. c hJ\t' \Hlr .. l·d Ill J b1pan1sa11 fosh1un prohahl~ wwmJ to none H\ an~ ~l·ar., I can rt<mrrnt)l:r 1n m' \Ca('' 3'> a \IJtt• c,cna tur ·

Repu-hlKan C •tl\ C 1l'lll'gl' I ku kml')1an 1,sueJ a 'tJten-it·nt S.iturd." ~) ang hl' h.ipp\ ' ' 1th thl' 1111 !>pi ll , ' chool. pn'>on Jn<l hou\lng hond and l'a rth4uJ l..l' tn\uranu· hills f ho'.>l' v. nc all high 11n h" 11,t 11f dl'\lrl•d kgl'IJ1i111l thl' \l'Jr

" I .im pka:.t·d .lllJ \at1,til•J th.II \\ l' ha\ l' cilhll'\ l"d Olll\1 ll l lht• mJ1111 l'll'n1l'nh ol nl\ tin.ii \\'Jr Jgt·11d.1 · !>.lid lxultm\"Jtan ' 'ho 1~ not run ning tor re-elel t1 un attn hi\ l"" tl' rm., 1n utlin·

He s.a1d he rcgrl'lll'd thl· IJtlu1t· 111 p.t'>'> heahh ur autl1 111,urJml· ''' \l htiul funding nl\'J \Url'\

lbrr1ng .in unJOllllpJll'U \f)\:t t.11 \e\\111n thl· Legi,IJturc v.111 not fl'· turn 1t1 the < .ip11ol until thl' nl''-' \C'>'>lllll lllnH·r.~·" 1n l>nl'Olht·r \\o,t la" m a .. l'r'> rt•1urn tn thl·1r JI\ lrtll'> 111 lllnll'n'rJtl.' h111h ''" thl'lr O\\ n fl'·l'kt 11on l 1mrJ1t1.n' Jnd 1111 \ J flllU\ '>tall'"'° ldl' 11t1ill' .1nJ 10· 111a11,l· dt•l11on' 1n "1111.h thn Jfl· 1n t('rt•'>tt'd

fhe bond l'i)Ul"'> \\l 'l' not .1p­pro ' l'd until nrar J J\\ n .iltn .1 thret<-v. ed \talcm~ 1r1 thl' \ ' \l·mbh hro .. r an J n1m pln dl·.tl th.11

al\o \.1\' p.i,~gL ul J ~.l ) 'l m11lwn wunl\ 01l'ntJI hcJlth hill

I he \tall' 1.11n.,111u11on tl'rm1nJl\'d thl· rl'gulJr \l'\\11111 .11 m1Jn1ght J n­d.t\ .ind 11111,t hill' lhJt hJJ no1 bt.Tn p.t"l'd d1ni JI tha1 h11u,l· Ho\\l'' t't hill ' th.11 tal.. L' dklt 1n1111l'd1atl.'h Jlld rl'4111n· J l\Hl-lh1rd'> '111\' .tr\'

l'\l'lllpt tr11m '" tht· honJ hill' lllUld tx• Jppnl\l'lf

I hl' hund t\\Ut'' th,11 "'di l(ll 1111

till' , 11\ t. h.ilh1t \\\1uld .111llillfl/l. \J k ''' \ ''' n1illt11n 111 hund\ 1111 lhtld-l.trl' ll'rlll'l'> ~ 22' m1ll1on 1t11 1.uunl' IJl l' .ind \uutn 1.crlll·r, ~ '2' m1ll1un '"' hllll\llltl- s~ '~ mill1<1n t.1r park'> ~11110 m1!1111n tor '1.honl' S.l \ll n1tlh1111 h•r pn-.nn.. ~ \1111 m1ll111n h1r \\,1ll'r pH•Jl'd' ~2111 1 m1llwn '"' _.1un1' .11urth11u'l'' .11111 S.l '10 m11l111n lur , 11lll'ge'

I he ninl' hond ""un "ill 111111 I 1

inlltJll' l'' Jnd l•thn nwa,url'' 1111 lhl' , 11\ l'llll'l"I tlJlh•I tnl ludllH! .2 halll1111 111 hPnd' tor 't•1t•r Jn' m11u g.agn lllfl''I hJhll.11 rur,h.l\l' ,111,1 drug trt·.i1nwn1 .t·n1,·r,

f hl· l111u\lng h••nll hJJ lx'l'O thl· \Ill king point It '''ll'>"t' ot ')I 2" malliun tor lo" -111,01111• lwu'>tn~ .inJ I h · u .. m l' J I Jn . ' r r 11 r 0., a I I l' rl•.tuthtirlll' ,$21k l rnilli1111 .ippr .. q·d h' 'utt'r' 10 f '11\ti .ind nn l'r ,,.Jd tx·lJU'>l' ut lt'dl'IJI I.iv. ,11ntlh"

fho<K ""ould pnn 1Je lov. -1m11mt• loan"> tor m1ddk-1nl11llh' tir-.1 111nt· hOlt\t' bU\ero,

Tht' .\ ~'>t'mhh h.1d ll'Jn t\·J lhrl'C v. cci.. , .igu \lllh 11pp1•\I· t 1on l \J ill Ing fr um ht II h I k11111, r J t \ Jnd Rl•puhlKan '>

Ho"" l' 'cr. onn· tlw dl·.il "·" nq(o· 11.lll'd l'a rl~ \atu rd," lhl· huu.,.ng I'll.ind hill. S8245t> h\ \l·n .1ll' \l 1n ­\\ r1 '' L l'Jdl'r 1-.l• n \!Jdth K J rnno fl'll'l\l'd J 'i'l-1<, \llll' Ill thl' \\­wmhl\ Jnd 21!1·' 19 lhl' \ cnJ ll' D.rn l1.1 U)l'I. I).

\ lhJ1rman ut tlil \\\l'llll•h ll llU'>tng C umm1t1 C'e lalkd thl' h1.1u,mi pl.111 J l rumm~ pr11grJm J

'hJn1 .1 11 •• uJ .\'>-.emtif, m.1:i , ,,JJ1 I rt//l'lll' 'R · ll unt n1.1i.1•1 &:a, h ,.uJ htlU'>tng {'fill'' r"\' .111

11ml' g11\1.'rnrnl'lll \tl\ k' 11\ "''' 1•1: 1

thl hu\lnl''' ot -.uh<.1d111ng th1. 111.11 t: I !'I.tu

I .1'-'maker., "'-'nt lhl· g11,,·rn. r 11 ll'J\l tour tiilh th.ii ,nuld It Ip div

trn.,cJ lUUnl~ pJrlllUl.11 1~ Built' ( 111ir11'.' hurt h' \tJlt' lun1h111.1 , ut' JnJ IOdl'J '>C.'d rl'qUlrl'nll'lll'

Aulll' < l1unt~ ~urx·n 1~nr1 hadJ~ ' Juth11rlll'd h.inkruptn p.ipers tn tx fikJ l\\'\I f' rlUJ\ ti lhl' l t'gl\ Ull' dn<l gin nnor J n not J ll to '>t•h t' thl' lUUn l~ \ li'"-JI l rt\I'

Mass murder suspect had crush on victim


Custom Made Drapery

G.\ l ~E\\ ll l l . I lJ - \ n \'m,1-1tonalh trt1uhkd l n1\l'"''' 111 Flund.i lrr\hman undl' r 'llul1n' 1n thc gnsl\ murJt'I' .11 tiH' d>lkgl· studl'lll'> .t \111111~ JllfJl 11un lor one ul thl' ,1,1111 \\111111.'n .1 tormrr nl'1ghhor 'kltd

td""ard L<'"' " ll umphrn "'h11 v.a~ J rrC:\ted T hur'>dJ\ tor l'l\'Jt1ng his grand mothl"r hut 1' .1 \U\Jl'."l t in the murdt·r' 11' rd hndh th" \Ulll· mc:r JI tht• ( 1Jhlr\\1lllll :l(M rlnll'nl\ , v. here th<' hodtl'\ 111 I r.ll \ P.1ult'' ~ \ .ind her r1111mm.1l l' \t anurl I ahoadJ. 2' '-'<'ft' tound

llumphrn h.ld J " m,1111r \ 1u\h on Tral \ , .. \.lid RJl hcl UIJ\ ll'r 2..;. ""Ll .tl)o 'ti,l·d Jt thl' apJrtmt•nh ... ll c'd fall OH'r h1mo,df tu tw nl'.lr hn 111 111 help her lk'J gu and ' II h\ thl' pt>ol Jnd v.a11. h v. hrn \hl·'i.I ulmt' 11ut ..

Humphrq Jl\o li\t•d h1r .a '> lwrt time al l t1lbt.'rt 11.tll J dor1111lor\

Troops rush Mohawk camp

Ok A. Qu('bc<. - ( J11ad1Jn truup' bal kc:d b) .irmorl'd 'l'h1deli JnJ hel1coptcr'l \Jturd:n <,v.cpt into .i Mohav.k LOmmun1t\ ""hl'rt' .trm('<.J lnJ1am and Julh11nt1r'l h.t'e ~tJrcd al cach uth('r al ros' ha m e.ides fur .SJ dn}S

Gen. Armand Ro} . l'ommander o t the Canndtan Fon.:c\ 5th Bngadc. said he dN'1dCll to send in ht troop~ afkr two Mohnwk m('n "'ere wounded an fol t1onal lighting hc­h1nd Indian bamcndl'' St't up 1n a land dtSpUlt' v.atl\. IOH'rnmc.•nt of· fic1aJs.

"'I dec1d('(J to m1H c m~ troop' ' <1 as to auanantee the ~ urm o l Cl'· 1hans and m) solJ1cl"\." R tl~ \3td

Tht m1l11ary acuun 1.amc af)cr cffons failed to reach ~ ncan11atro tcttlcment in tht' dispute The Mohawks ha"c be-en ti) 1na 1u "h" l a &Olf COUrK e\tCn"on on lanJ tht' \ c laim 1s lhc1n, but the)' ha\c I o ra1ted otha ancvanccs

One shot fimt anlo th\' air t'> 1 Mohav.k af\cr the tm<lp\ mo"cd tn. the nad11n 8fOICk:a,tana Corp

,, &aJd. But thcrC' ~rt no rtp()ns of • c1auah1c~

- ly ,..,, A•t« .. INI ~


10 DAY DELIVERY \\ hnl' '1l11 m (. hrt\llOJ P1mt·ll. I liH·<l Ju nni_t \umma \lhool

I hl' lll her '.>tabbtnK \ll11m' "'' 't' I b· \C.:t r-old Sonia L .:tr\Cn .ind

<. hr1\tJ tfm 1, I - f our l>f thl' 'tl 11111'> v.err ~iudent'> .it 1he l nl\l'r.,11' o l n ondJ. T .ihu.ldJ JI SJ ntJ r l' <. ommun11~ <. ollegt'


t-lumphrr). I t\. ul lnJ1.1l.int1l "tont1nul'~ Ill bt.• J \ l'r\ l!\l'Od \U\~l I tor tht· momt'nl ... s.itd ~1ltl t' \p<.1kn " uman Lt '\ad1r Da rm·ll But " '-' t' h<l\ e olhl•r good \ U\JX'l I\ ·· abo ut d dnt l'n in all. \ht• -..11d

Darm·ll lautlllnl•tl that till' .. 1l1111g' might nnt .111 tx· lln .. l•d II' ,1 '1ngll· '\USpcll I tw ~lkr 111:.l\ '.>11 11 bl.' JI IJrgl·. \hl· ,.11d . • and Jll.'11pll• ,h,1uld CATALINA DRAPERIES

895-7916 rl'm.t1n on guur<.J .. I

" V.. c l·ann<.H ~) the killing I'> 1" l'r

- 8 ) Tbe Auoclat~ Prt'JS -..... tar pu free Al4dl•r•• ~ YGI lant « .. IU lhllMOCJnL

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Bush-Gorbachev plan 1 -day Helsinki s~mmlt

KENNEBUNKPORT, Maint - Pre<i1den1 Bush said Saturday that he and So' 1et President M1kha1I S G orbat.htv will meet next Sunda) in HclstnkJ . Finland. to d1st·uss the Middle East cnsis and o tht'r 1n1erna11onal 1~suts

" We havt man} matters to discuss." 8u!>h told reportt'rs. A !>1muhantous announccmtnt of th<' ont'-da)' )Ummll .... a~

madc.- o n the Su\ 1et tl'IC'' 1)1on sho ..,, Vrem\a and transmitted b~ the statt' Tass nc:"" s agt'nq It ~1d the ~ ""o Icade~ would discuss "1ntc:rnat1onal and bilateral qu('Sllons ·

In a bntl )t"Ss1on "" 11h repontrs be lure an altemoon of golf Bush ~ad he "'as reluctan t to 'la } that the muttng was about the u1<.1s in the ~1 1ddlc East but ad1.nowltdgcd 11 would be on thl' agcnJa

Ht said he and (1urhaLhC'' Y.Ould touch upon " a ""'dC' arra} " ol 1i.s.ut''> 1m luJ1ng the t.on' enuonal forl.~ treat) ~C' t to be concluded tu, co' l)r troop rcduuwn'> 1n Europe " h will ht- lret-flow1ng dt'>l U'>S1ons · he \did

Bush dampcn('d spcrnlatwn that lvto!.<."<1" v.ould pla) a role in mt'd1a11ng thl' ,n\IS v.1th lra4

" I dun l '\C.'C' a mediating rnk at Jll" for C 1orbachc' . Bush said .. r ht'rl.' drt: d iot n t med ta tor\ out there

Sc.-nior J<> ollic1al' in .\mman hJ.Ai rt"poned that Moscow might a\\umt' SUlh a role

Bu)h ~1d that hl' had Jh•I J1.,._u,..ed 1ht· Pl· r!>1an C1ulf l'rtS1s d 1rc:l'.th "" •th t" phnnl' llccau\C hi.' hds\.\n for '>Orne ltml' that hl· ~ uulJ Ile \t.'t·1ng t11m

B~h Js-.enl·d -.1.·,erJ I ltnW\ th<.11 11 "" ould not bC' .i unc-1\SUl' '>umm1t

" I can't \a ~ thl· \1 1dd)e LJ\I ha' n11th1ng 111 Jn \\ 1th 1h1i. mee11ng Bu t 11\ no t thl· "'huh: thing " Hu'h -..11d

l ht• summit ""Ill Ile ht'> third nwcung. J'> pf't'!>Jdl"nt "" Ith Gorbachc' ( 1orbalhC'' also mt't Ii' l 11mn ""1th President Rt'agan

Bush )(ltd h~ v.1fe RarharJ v. nul11 trJ'd to HC'li.1nk1 and that Ra isa C1orbachC'\ -~ould accompJm 1hc ':)u' 1L't pf't's1dcn1

- 8 ) TM Ass~l•tH Press



,,.ft•. P.11011" ' ~ ·''' \ n ·urutt' \ nt'" 'uri,:arnl 1>mu·dun· pt•rrnit' tlw n·nt•l\JI 11fh:tli!' llnc1 ct!lrk JtlKJt~' fn1m undt'r th1· ,., """1th no '~m llH ''1011 a rut ' artualh no di-.comfort.

\\ 1th111 h1111r' .1fltr 'un:t·n t' \\ -up lllJ\ llt' ..aft>h appht'd. .111<! ""' rn.t' r1111r11 111 111 ' 111 h1•r norm;al .It'll\ itl<'

11 .:hh "'J'lll,tl, 1t1."1l l'phth.1lt111, l'l ,":1, 'UICl'r'

, ' , 1ur\' :r .111, , 1 •111u, lh •11.11 hl1'J"l.trl'f'l.1,t\ • .tr.1111.111, .1lh h 'lllL' I , i., • •I t•ll j'ft\ 1lh>I" ,111.t \'1 11 1 11,lh '" 111111.:

, 11 .. ,i,:hll\ 'lltllH'' uid lt•11.:1h' n'••''l'r\ tl111l , , ,,., t~:h•n· h.1, lhl• k~fl't' , •I 'lllC1,.1l pn·, 1'11 1!1 ''-'t'll I' ' 1t-1

1<1, l1.1rd \ \\ l I" \1 I l 1 '"'' ,11 till ll'\\ ,,,,111l 11,

• " It'll· •\ 1111 '· ' '"' I H ... 11 .1 ( 1•1t1'1<·.11 )1'htlt.d1111•I. l'I

I 'l' II\ 11" 'I~'\ 1,ilt\

• pt>rmant.>nt e~ eliner applkation

• permanent t·~ ebrO\\ pi~mentat ion

• up~r fa<:e lift~

• reconstructhe and tumor 'ur-J?er~

J 1k1 I lk\\'' " '" ,lfh,l\ lll.: "'- .tlll lflllt'\1'' l .111 11"" h'-... hc.•dull . i. 1 •mpl111w111.1" " '"'ufl.111011

LookitJg ~ood has ne,"cr been ca"icr.

l<l<'IL\RI>A. \\'EIS..' M.O. \t'tt I \ ,m \1 1t-:Ul'I r>n\e UllC .i(l\

\,cv. pnn ~°"' h. (' I\ Q ~Ml I


C~ru. l'tl .... k llJIJ R.cim'llruo.11W ~

l'l\f'\1111u \ntmt."111 ~ '" Ot'fthahn.

t vtl11 ~ f'tlt• r !!M ..-1"!• ._.... \I .. ,, .... ~ ... ..u .. - ...



'DIE BACK PAGE Group's surprise speaker caught oBguacd

"Moe- a ­mar Khaddali -.. one of trip­lets." Bill [)e,. M eulle an ­nounced to members .. tbered for a

Ladies' Day" Excbanae Oub of Newport Harbor mcet­ina l&lt week at the Reuben E. Lee.

. ""~ . .. .

Judy Chamberlain

"Then there's Lai ry-mar Khaddafi - and Cuti~· Mar Khaddaft."

Exchange Club mtmbers arc a bunch of com· ediaos with big hearts who raise thousands of dollars every year for the prevention of child abu~.

Daily PUot columnist Jerry Kobnn was suppos<.-d to be the pnncipal speaker that day. FIC'etwood ~nterprises Founder John Crean would "a~1s 1" l ht Bearded One. Crean was recently awarded a handsome U'Ophy booonng 27 years of Perfect Non-Auendance

When I\ came time to introduce The Speaker. nearly every member look a shot at e\ plainmg "'h' someone cl~ would have to make thl' introductmn

£,entually. someb<xi) introduced Kobnn. "h11 took the micropho ne and said. 'Tm here not as ~ou1 speaker, but as a decO)'. The Spcakt'r toda\ 1s reall\ John Crean."

Crean turned an attractive shade or pucplc " How," asked Kobrin . "do .,.ou get John < r~·an

here H a spc"aker when he didn't even come to tl\c mcetina.s for 27 yea"?"

You don' t, evcrybod~ aJ.lttd "So," Kobnn contmCfed. " the o nl) way to aet him

here was to tnck. h1m into thmk.i!'J I w&!i the speaker." uuer, Kobrin admitted to th•s wnter that he was

as surprised as the next guy . He claimed he'~ been fully prepared 10 ser\e as pnmat")' speaker, nght up uoul the last minute when he'd ~n infonned of 1he "switch."

>•J had a 20-minutc speech all wri tten " Crean and Kobnn havr been sttn around 1own

toae1her more than once. " I take him alo ng in the mo1orhomc because he's

fun n)':· sa id Crean. " Ht's lob or l~ugh~ - b!Jt he's so helpless you would n't belie'-e 1t I m goi ng on ano\hcr tn p next "'eek and I'm not taking him with me. rm tired."

" You have to get him ou1 ot bed 1n the morning - and then \OU haH' to feed him You ha ' e to pain! a line on h1 s1omach so he knO\\S \ he's suppo~ to get his insulin inJection."

Adm1t11ng that he couldn't tall.. fo1 even ten minutes about the things his columnist pal had suggested ('"this group doesn't \I.ant to hear about model a1rplanci. .. ). Cretrn fielded quesuon!'> from the floor

.. H <m man' t>:11hrt>om~ an· then• in _\OUr fl<'" houst•"" ·

" Well. there art• n toilet\ - and we don 't normall~ bathe in the toill' t\ '\o then· must be .n bathroom'> ··

.. Ho " com<' all the intac't in the Rams~· "Bccaust' Donna and I IO\\.' to eat - and Georgia

One killed in melee at music party

Fancy dancing

INGLEWOOD - Violence and gunti~ erupted Saturda) at a rap music pan}. lea' ing one man dl'ad and others injured as assailant\ snatched gold thains from JX'Opll' 's necks and engaged in shooung battles.

Bullets fl ew across a ballroom and the 101 of the 10.stof) hotd Liquor cabinets ~t'rc smashed. plants uprooted and door'> damagt'd dun ng the ro\ ing mdce 1n "htr h some \.\> Crt' seen beating eac h olhl·r with high heel shoe~

Six people ""crt' arre<,ted and booked for attempted murder. 'kltd police Lt. Da"1d Gana 01her'i \\Crt' arrested for 1n,est1ga11on of cnml' '> including drug posse~sion and hur ­glary

SWAT teams searched the \l/l 1. room Da}s Inn Park Hotel aero<,\ the street from tht' Forum

" We knew Los Angeles \!.a'i. kind of a dangerous place." said R-alph Seibel The I 9·)Car-old collegc 'tu· dent from " est German' and a fnend were on a month -lon·g tour 111 the Un11ed State~

" If )'OU want to get a good p1l turc of the l ' n11ed ~1a1es. this 1-; pan of 14" he said alter ht' '"as 4ucst1oni:J b) officers.

Those: arrested \\ere 1dcnt1fi l'J ,1, T1mo1h' Rankin 23. \t1chacl \\ 11· Iiams. io. his cou!'>in. Marcus \\ II hams, ~I. D"" a>ne (al11!>. 19. and J.T. Brandon. 45. all of Lo~ .\ngck'\ Also arrested \ Dellon PrtSto ll 24. of Los .\ ngcks \\ho \ sho1 1 n the hand. Gar7a -.aid

W1ll1e Charks Ross. 'I . al\\I ol Los ~ngdcs. \ treated fo r \\ oun<l' and "'as booli.ed for 10' C\llga11on 111 bur11.lan

By Tbe Assodated Pr~s~

T•mle W e lls and Brian Cox compete at the l!mba11y Ballroom Dancing Championships held frlday at th• Red Lion Inn In Costa Mesa.

Yosemite fire near containment A fi re that had dcs\ro~cd appru\.·

imatcl) 1.060 acres in ~1erra '\; a. tional Forest "' as "80 pcrcem con­tained" aturda) afternoon and \I.a\ expected to be full) conta1nt>d h\ Saturda) n1gh 1. a L' S Forest Sen Ill' spokesman said

and '\l'"' \k \1l11 h.1,1· h1·111 h.11tl111r thl· hlJtl L. no\\n .1, 1111 \ ,I\ .1vc· FtH' - 'frill Jh111\d.1\ i.\1111 ii \l.lnl·d Jlong ll 1~h"J ' 11 1-, 1h · \kr~l·d K1'n 111'1 ,, •. ,1 111 th, \,i \,l8l' I r:iJ1ng Pmt ,,11cl l11h11 \1 inl li. ' t>I the l \ I 111nl \11 1, 1

flt Ill I\ trom hd1cop1a' 10 burn ron· 11.,f l1n1'' on I crgu\on R1d&l'

\\ 1 L. 1111\\ It \.\a\ \. dU<;('0 0\ J

J'll'l\111\ hut .i land<;hdl· ""'Pl'd ou t.lh<' c \ ,ll l 1'k11n1 ol nngin . · "1 intli.\ ~id \\ hJI .1Jd111ondl l'\ 1dl•ntr \\('m ight

h.1\1· hn•n ahk lo !ind 1\ gonl' no"' " Two shifts of 950 fircfightcr<> tn· duding crc\\S from .\la<,ka . .\n111na

I 1rt lrl'"'' tx·g..i n , .. 1111~ 11,1 ~ 111 ' on I nJ,I\ Jro1ppm~· \1·11 wr111tt1jl - By M rCl•l<'by Nt'fllfl ~rvlct

JACK From Al

challenge these days. con'i1denng 1hc fau 1hJ11hn du not actuall) ring when ~omeont l all'i r hl' rh1111{ system 1s o n the fn11 and w11hou1 monl'\ 111 Ii , 11 Kell) lea ves the phone answering ma(htnc cm .ill d,1 ,

He ca n tell when a call 1'1 coming m ti ~ thl· rh111w machine suddenly clicking on and pla~ 1ng 11' \\ r.itl h' message full blast Talking into 1hc phone a' thl' prere<:orded message plays Kell~ c;a~s to th<· ,11gh1h confused caller. " Hunll nfton Beach 'Ve"' l.11 Ii. l\<'lh hang on a second please.' Thr mnsagc tap..· pl.1\\ t•1 the end and Kelly eventuall y come" on 1hc lin1· r1•;1th for busi ness.

Weanngan eclectic m1' ofco"' bo) hoot., d11uhll knit slacks and a purple Ban-Lon T ·'ih1 n !hat read' "Huntington Beach Chamber Golf I 91ff" in .incm11 areen letters. Kelly reflects o n how clo~ ht'\ mm\· tu shuttina down the local paper. He's go1 a c1garr1tt· smoldenng 1n two different ashtray~ at two d10rn: nt de ks. The plastic laminatttJ wood 1~ peeling oil l1n(· of the desks. revealfna a compressed sawdust w rt· I hl· two-room office smells like 1he 1ns1dc ofa chain · smoker's nostrils.

Kelly says the paper 1$ about S60.000 in dt'bt an~I needs a healthy 1ofus1on of cash to 5UTV1VC. I le'\ lookJna at sevCT'll options 1nclud1n1 fomuna a limited pennenh1p and perhaps joinma forces w1th other small papers to create a cooperative ehtun of wttkltc~

" I woutd do 1ny1h1na to keep thr da mn 1h1na open. not to let it die of Its own ~•aht." Kelly U )'s. t>Umina compet11lon (rom the monc!i1h1c T1mc"l 11nd ReaiJter for the dire ttnnahu of mall, oommunsty

pers throujhout Oranae County. "Thett s11ll 1i 1 ofh1stoncal vahae in our damn paper. it's bin I tona, tq time. J WIS hol)ina I rould tnck iJllO ICMnt11unt of value lbere Evcrytime tl'us paper' \ bieeD in trouble tbe public bu tome up in arms: 'Don' t aet IMt ll8pef 90, ktep \Mt peptt JO•DI-· Then I'd say llO die ridal py Oft tM block. 'LiMen. how about Wpilla vs out and t&kint out a wbimpuon for S2 3

.1 • .11 Jnd I\\ II'·' ~ ln·1 I get 11 no~ for no\hintt ""' \111 11111! l , ..

J.. l'lh 11"1 mn. \·d 10 Hun11ng1nn Beal'h IR ~ear\ .1y1 Jn.I "' ,111, t11rnw1 \tar s1atu' to ~peak out on "'.II r·•l111,.11 t'l\Ul\ "r111ng opinion column\ tor lht ll u111111>•11111 l)(<'Jd1 '-l l'" ' 8 ) 19!W. after 'enmg '"" lll11~1n 1hl < ''' < ou nul. Kell)' !kl"" an opponun11' tr• 1.1~ ,. "' 11 thl rC'1gn' o f 1hc local paper from ov. nt"r 1, 11 1111"\ n 'Ill ppintt in "ht're more sane men feared tu 111 .. 1J ·· 1 not tx·«n 100 happ) with the paper in lh\· p.1,1 I he l'J11nr had been q uite a d ycd·in· thc \\OUI

tit• ~'''" thl'f 1 he cd1tunal philo~ph\ \\3'i JU St ' o hln·d1nv. hl'.trt I rnuldn' I undef\tand i1 ··

t\ \'11' hough1 th\· pajX'r 1n September l'HW anti l 11rrc111h run' 11 on .1 \hocstring budget. rel) 1ng un d.1utthtn '1rnk. "'ho ht'lps keep tht ship afloat. and I khhtl C 1rcsn1 "ho"4.' jOh de~nptton coven the g.amu1 Imm "''llmtt ••th and pa'itc-up 10 v.'Tlt1 ng and dcli,cnng r>J JX'r'

" I don 't know what kind o f future 1ht papc-r ha'i ri tcht no\\ ... \a)'S "-<'II)'. who l'i maktng a run for l'll't 1mn to the City C o uncll aficr 1 two·yenr h1utu\ " I h1ng'> an.- \low J still hav<' th is ~Ill ) dream of produnng .. paper tha1 the c1t1tens will cmbrat <' h 's a tough row to hoc It's JUSt travrity af\er dc:ba le nf\r r cll\aMer I'd J U St ha le to be 1hr trustee sn l h3flc.' when 11 cra~hC'\ into the rock'"

Kell) \I)\ he' 'i pnnt1na about 20.000 copses of the Ne\\' each week. a co meback or sorts compucd to j ust a few month aao ' 'I'd made a dtc1s1on that I wa'i

fo1 n1 to cloSC" 1he paper down. We never stopped but cranked wa)' lhc hell down. JUSt to kttp a couple

1hou~nd out on the street and cu·culate. I wa~ down 10 fo ur p;iaes (or awhile. I could stt the damn thina t:ra~hina. and I 5a1d. 'damn at, 1 101 1n here not to let 11 crash and r don't want to lc11t era h. That's when we u arted bu1Jd1n1 back up. ..

" I don't know what the htll 1t 1s. 11'sJu tan unanswerable. illoSJCal kmd of b(n1 that makes me han.1 on to thii thin~ But lhett's no question about ll. tb1 peper JS on tM Yel'IC ofbttcm1n1an en· danaemhpccics... •


f ronticre knowi how to put on a spread. You should tte lhe food she .ervca in her suJte at the home pmes. Now C've even ~me 1 member of the R.ams'

I have two children to tate care ot. . . . .. But tell your readen to keep thcll ' hands in

some kind of career while their kidJ are arowina up." Advisory Board." .. he advised. b •

.. Once the childm> leave bomc, women w o ve " What dOC$ the Advisory Board do'!' " For one thin&. we went with the team to Berlin. put their lives on " hold .. completely can start to feel

prttt}' useless - and lonely." • ..--t Thanks. Bob. Thub for app~tina m y w .. J"-"

One of lhc Ink S~ts sane. •ca~/~ tbe Sw SpanaJcd Banner. What a thnll - to hear a blade man sina our Nataonal Anthem - in Hitler's old arena." 1ense of humor. . .

Exchanae Oub members still believe in . uutana their ladies with di&nity and . t~cir peers ~t~ tot~ irreverence - •nd instead of smma aroun~ 11v1ng .hP service tQ the problems of the world. they re solv1n1 them.

" Your tither once built' motor home. Was that }Our inspit1tion for F1eetwood Ent~rpri~s'!'

.. Well. it rNy have had somethina to do with it - but. actually, I aot started after 1 perceived some things about the market that made me think I could fill a need. 1 staned building motor homes in 1950 -one trailer at a time - wtth a S 10,000 nest eag l earned sellina venetian bhnds to the motor home mdu$lry at SO cents' profit per unit.

With Pea Hupa (widow of the late Arvo, Iona-time publisl).er of the defunct Newport EnS(lllf, the Crcans and 1 chetked out the harbor from one o the windows.

•• How many bathrooms did your family's first motor home have'.''

~ "l didn' t want to say anything, but they forgot to mention the So Proudly We H•il award," Crean whispered to me. " John Wayne was the-only other oerson they've ajven it to." "One. And it was a por you took out behind a

tree." Crcan's won enough awards to fill a large ~ay wqon. But clearly, this one meant a great deal to him. Without any warning, Kobrin crept up behind

Crean o n the podium and told him, "Thank you very much~ we·~ gonna have to pay extra for the room now."

I was reminded of a thought Bob Washbon had expressed to me earher in the afternoon. .

" John and Donna's fruit grows graciously on their vines," he'd said, " because their vines have deep roots."

After the mcetina adjourned. Acti ve Past Presi­dent Bob Washbon - who'd brought his "wife and chaufTer," Susie - said he'd liked my column about havi ng had a difficult time coping with the kids over lhe summer mo nths.

On the way home. 1 asked my I 0 year-old companion " How did you feel when they introduced mommy as' " the famous DaUy PUot columnist? Were you r.roud of me~ " When do you find the t1mt to write?." he asked.

"At J a.m.:· I told him. • Oh. Mom," she grinned. ..Tho~ gu) s were He said he'd suspected as much. seeing as to how luddina around about everything.

Soldiers having second thoughts FORT BRAGG. N .C.

Although ht was acquitted . the trial of an Arm y scrgcaht charged with killini a c1v1lian during tnc U.S. 1nvas1on of Panama has left some soldiers with doubts about using dcadl) power

" It would make me hC"sitate." Sgt. G ina Nixon said Fnda)' afte r 1he military JUt") announ~ 1hc verdict. " Just look a t the all thr things he's gone through to prove his inno­ccncc."

Master gt. Robc.'n o Enriq ue Bl')an. 43. a paratrooper w11h 19 }Cars in tht' Army. was found inno­cent of un prcmed11a1ed murder. or

HILL F;om Al elcctromagnettt fields around thl' school silt')

Ann Tester a San ~a1eo Wa) res1oent "' ho 1n111ated the pc1111on. said she first called Edison about the h1ih voltage wires when she moved into her home about 16 \-Cars ago. 11 "' as then that some compan~ official 1old her lhe lines would be under· grounded -when an Joaquin Hills Road was l':\lcnded •

Neighbor Jim D1ffie, said he \ told the samt' thing io )can ago when he wanted to build a tenn is court in his bad }ard Daffie} said Edison told him he could not bu ild the mun becau~ 11 \\OUld interfere with 1he power hoes. but that the line!> \\Ould ht· huned when the road extension done ~enned) . \\ ho has been the area

manager for Edison since 1974. said there was n<'' t r an} plan 10 under·


ht) bo)hood in England. his fami ly said Wh1k battling pneumoma at Hoag. the d1st1ngu1shed gentleman w1 1h the polished Enshsh acce~t demonstralt'd an ab1hty to w 10 people' s ht'arts Two days before he died . Carolan ordered three bottles of champagne for lht' nurse\ on his floor

Although never a yachtsman. < arolan "'as made an honoraf) member o f se'eral \acht clubs. m­dud1ng the Sou th Short \ acht Club in Ncwpon Beach. where he had worktd for I fl year~ afier rttirement t arolan came to the l ' n1ted ~tales alter 'W orld War II and \\orked in

HOLIDAY From Al S31d. Unh~c the Cll ) hcaches. where

rescues werr ligh t. lifeguard~ al the !>tale beach s~ud rough water near Magnolia -.1ree1 caused about 50 people lo warrant an cscon back to the sand.

"The \I. aves were probably one to two (feel). but 1t was really ugly water." lifeguard Edward Schade said

Abou t I 0.000 beachcraoers flocked to stale beaches and about 8.S.000 to Ncwpon Beach. a nu mbcr lt fquards say 11 till low.

Orange Coast lifeguards re· ported consistently small wa ves. temperatures in the hsa.I\ 70s and htllc wind.

Laauna Beach lifquards esti· mated between lS.000 and 30.000 VISJtOrs t•><>k to their beaches. and very few reteues.

Jo n Hernandn. li feauard supervisor for Cry11aJ Covt St.ate Park said only about 2.000 people showed up, 3.000 fewer than he upectcd.

" Wt' re expectina the crowd to be tommorrow and Monday," he said.

Oranac Coast ban and boat opttl\OB had no shortaeie o( vit­ators, however.

.. I'm bolo. banana&," said Many laJdlean, boet wotttt 1t Dave's Locker at Balboa Pa\ldion. ··Amona octta lbuwa, we·~ lhrec peos* shon aftd

voluntary manslau&hter. 1n the death of a wounded. unarmed Pan­amanian.

Ted Sampley, publisher of U.S. Veteran News and Report. said the court-mart ial has caused "ir­reparable damage to the morale of combat soldiers. Combat soldiers must nOI hesitate ID the face Of the enemy." The _pubhcat1on set up a defense fund for Bryan .

"The message 1s one of con­fusion." Sampley sard. " What is a combat soldier's exact role now? Should he be a pohcc officer and worT) about human nghts. Or 1s he a soldier conditioned to inflict dead-

ground those lines and 1ha1 the com pan) has no plans to do so in

the future. For ont thing. undcrground1ng the

wires would be an extremely <'ll· pen~•' e project becauH of their high 'ollagc. Kenned} said. The hnc scr· 'cs the Crown su~stauon . one of 1he maJOr power subsul\1ons 10 the cit). with Fashion lsJand among us cus­tomers. he said.

" It's a Jood-s1zed substation.'' Kenned) said. " A hnc that size 1s a ma.ior expenditure."

As for c1t1zcn concerns about the power poles· electromagnetic liclds. Kenned) said that issue mus1 be studied more. 'Bu t he 1nd1ca tcd elcc­tro magncllc levels from 1hc power poles ma) be less than those measu~ around office computers.

• Kennedy said informal measure· men1s he took under 66.000-vohage lines showed clcctromagnct1c levels o f 15 to 20 m1lhgauucs. while put-11ng the meter on lop of a office

ly casuaJtscs on the enemy->" In the Dec. 23. 1989, episode.

Bryan's unit stopped a carload of fi ve Panamanians at a roadblock. A ircnadc was tossed and Lh~ solditrs opened fire. kill sna four of the men; I 0 Amcncan soldiers were injured by the grenade.

The fif\h Panamanian man was in1urcd. Bf) an shot and lolled him a short time later under circumstances that were al issue in the tnal.

The prosecution's case rested on the tcsttmony of 1st Lt. Brandon Tho mas, who said Bl') an shot the man wsthout provocation .

- By ne .4,.ocl•te<d Pre.,

computer produced a reading of ~5 m 1 lhga usscs.

But. he admitted . " I don't know what's good and -.~at's bad "

Kenned) s.a1d the Spyglass Hill residents could tr) to form an assessment d1s1nct and pa) for th4· underground1ng themsel ves

Bc1:au~ of the h1&h cost of under­grounding.. 1ovcmmcnt agencies like the cit) of Newport Beach ha' e adopted a pohq of undergrounding uuhues onl} 1f residents 1n 1hat area are willina 10 help pay for 1he project 1hrou&h an assessment d1stnct

Both Tester and D1ffic) said they and their neighbors ma ) be w11l1ng to pa) for part of the under· grounding. but II would dtpcnd o n the cost

" Everybody already pa)s for ulll· 111cs. don' t the);· asked D1ffiey 'Tm not opposed to pa) ing a httk b11 more (to underground 1he hnes). bul I don't v.ant to have to pa) for the whole thing."

the aerospace sndustn · for nearl ) When Carolan turned 80. city two decades. After retirement. his· otlic1als considered asksna him to son and daughter-in-law talked him ~1gn, but a torrent of protest from into moving to Newport Beach school officials and commun11y where he quickly made strong members quickly squelched the idea. fnendships throuattout the com- ~Newport Beach police ga ve munny arolan a full pohcc funeral escon

Carolan was presented with man) onda y. a tnbutc usual!) reserved awards from orpmzations, snclud- for officers onl y. Lead ing the fu neral 1nJ the Oranae County Dcpanmcni procession was Newport Beach of Education and the city of New· Police OfficcT Tom Gu sa. who was pon Bc.ach. He served as grand at last returning a fa, or. Man} )Cars manhal for the 1980 Founh or Jul) aao. Gazs1 was himself led safely Parade 1n Newpon Beach. acr~ss the street by Carolan

Carolan 15 survived b) children Robert and Sharie) Carolan. three brothers. a sister. and a grandson. Donations to the Joseph H Carolan Memorial Fund can bc made by calhna Manners School u1 Newport Beach at 760-3466

·· tic loves people and he t s· pcc1aJly loved the children." dauf'· tcr-1n-law Mary Carolan said. "( m womed about all the children com· ma back to school who will miss him so tembl) ...

we're real I) . reall) bus). " We're comma back ID, turning

around and going back out." he said of the company's parasa1lmg ndes. " We ran six tnps .. and we had 36 01ers. Each inp takes onr and a half hours." said the ndes. which the company started last ) Car. cost $36 and re(luirc reservations.

" I got some space on Monday. but we're 1lllina up fast ." he said:

Nanc y Whitman. o ffi cer worker at Lido Sailing Club in Newpon Beach said late Saturday that every one of their 36 boats was out.

"Our business this weekend 1s areat." she said. " It's one of our buS1est weekends of the year." • Despite lhe popularity of tht l..Jdo Sa1hna Club. however. ncct m11n1enance worker David Kot­tke said he noticed the channel was relau~ly uncrowded.

Apparently few bolts took to the outer watcn..

" h 'J surprilinalY quiet," U.S. Coast Ouard Petty Officer Scott Wuscrman aaid. " We' rt brao~ (or the wont ... but so far It hasn t materiahud. ••

The Califomina KiabMY Pa· trot re1)0l1ed S."arday that 49 oeook were anakd for drivina Undtr the htnuencc or akohol tn County durina tbe fll"ll l 2 ~ of lbc Labor Day weckerwt. bu• no oac died on covnty toed-

~ Doe Halln of the Wat· mi.., CHP otftoe 11id the ftne reponJQI period MJ1.ed II 6 p m.

Fnda)' and ended 6 a m. Satur­day.

He added that the CHP did not plan any sobncty checkpoints dunna the weekend. but ad­d1t1onaJ officers were scheduled to work Fnday. Saturday and Sunday mjhts to patrol the frec-war,s. -'

• In the past, the w~kcnd has been one our 'worst times of the year for colhssons an~ accident s. bu1 nothtna has b«n rrall )' hap­pcn1n1 so rar," Hahn said.

He added the ( HP made a of 119 DUI arrests over the Labor Day weekend last year.

Althouah no m'>or 1ojury acci­dents were reported Saturday afternoon. a bevy of fender benders n:duoed traffic to a crawl on the San Dteso Freeway and Sant.a Ant f rttway.

" Almost aJI of them are tied up. We've had a muJitude of a«idents workina all over the place," 1 CHP d1ap1tcher said.

Statewide, IS ~e died in 1raffic aoodent• and ?41 peop1t -were annted duri"t the CHP's first reponi"' period of the labor Day ~kend, said Oftk:er Mike 8~ of the Lot Anetla CHP oftk:e.

Lut year, S2 DCOok were tilled over the three-day -ptriod.

Theft were nine accidmt.t on the state's hiahways. mtlltina in I l deaths. Ten o( the 11 dead ~ pot weanna ttatbelta, Bn:y uid .

The rcmainJ~ four &u.aUtiet Ot'C\&lftld in dua ouuide the CHP"1 Jtmldktion. ht aaKI.


NFL's greed surfaces again

My hero is Norman Leboviu. He' s the owner ofthrtt sports bars

an San DiCJO which put the sluggo on the National Football League.

Explanation: The NFL, displaying all o f the greed and duplicity for which we know it. announced a few weeks ago that 1Pwould be "scrambl· ang" its games this season and that no .. de-scrambling" alternatives would be :ivailable. Actuall~ C BS telev1s1on network

made the nrst announcement but it 's the same thing. The NFL. CBS. N BC. ABC, ESPN. and TBS aro in a S3.64 billion alphabet bed together for the next four years.

But that kind of mone) 1sn ' t enough for the NFL. which wants more someday via pay-J)(r-v1ew TV. That's the hidden aaenda beh ind the "scrambling" announctment. If precedent is set now that nobody can beam gamts into their busi­nesses o r homts via sa1elh1c d ish -at least no games which the NFL doesn't deem available - then one da) )OU will be asked to pay for those games.

Thus. the scrambling decree. Norman Lebo\ltZ. though. wasn't

buying the idea. The owner of three Slugo's sports bars in San Diego starttd o rganlllng oppos111on. He formed t~ Association for ports Fans' Rights and launched his na· uonal campaign b) thrcatenmg 10 boycott the products of ont of the NFL's maJor sponsors. Anheuser· Busch

Tha t's all it took. The brewer) put the arm on the NFL and the leaguc t:aved in. No games wtll be scrambled. at lust until the NFL l an fiaurc out a nc"' plan of attac l.. .

The thing which really buas me 1s how blatantly NFL commissioner Paul Taghabuc hcd. He claimed from the beginning that scrambhne would be done a l the UfJJnS of ma1or ad~ert1St'rs who "'ere reported!~ un­happ) that thr1r commercials weren' t rcAlly Sttn or heard in sports bars

The brewers o f Budv.c1scr. M 1chelob Dr) . etc. s~ud the) ne\ er heard of such a th ing. The NFL Just made 11 up What did make Anheuser-Busch unhapp) . though. was the prospect of pubs across Amcnc~ cutting off o rdcrs for bar­rels of their foam) product

.. Our pos111on." said an A· B spokesman the o thC'r da)' . "1s that we're opposed to any scrambling by the nC'tworks ...

The nC'tworks didn't knolAI what to sa) E\Crybod) 1s actm& no"' as 1f 11 was 1he o ther guy's idea. an) how

In a message on Fnda) to network

(Pt.ate see TALLEY / 82J

Greene signs .with Rams

ANA HEIM - The Rams an­nounced the signing of All-Pro linebackC'r Kevan Grecnr on Satur­day. Greene. who was a rC'stncted free aaent at thr end of last season. ended his 39-da) holdout b) agrct'­ing to a thrtt-year contract . the Rams announced

Tht six-year veteran from Auburn has rccordt'd 33 quarterback sacks over tht last two seasons. That mark tics him with Green Bay's Tim Hams as the NFL ludcr an sacks d unna that ttme. 'Greene started all 16 pmes last season. rccord1n1 64 tackles (S8 solo) and 16112 sacks on his way to his first Pro Bowl appear· a nee.

Greene ""111 report to practice Monday at Rams Parlt. No other terms of the contract have beC'n disclosed The Rams still have thrtt ho ldout$. Tl,lht end Damone John· son. safety Michael Stewart and d~ fens1vc tackle Doua R~. a, ,.. Dall¥ Pilot

INSIDE • MMe .,..,.., Nd to Items' probtems/ 82. • Aft9eb .... , 9-5,:. ~·· TNGPen ttet record I a2. •a._..,. dobMn leach SUtte, 59·0 / 14.

• T ... vtllon-rlMlo/ll . ...... boac.orel/92. • Hone r-,. Ntulb/ IJ.

oaav Piiot's SPOllTSUNB 1-900-4'6· 7171

V'llf " 01C. lttlA us I.All IHAkl!C1 )1 ltlJl It) ·-


ROGllt CARLSON Spotts Edltot


SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1990 I :J Charger$ shut do\Nn, 1 2-0 Three interceptions, safety help offset ineffective offens.e mi passer last year, but the Charaers

sacked htm fi ve times and inter­cepted ham three times. Ah Yat managed only 102 ~yards passina $pedal to tM Dally ftllot

HONOLULU - As season open­ers 10. Edison H i&h's 12-0 win over lolani (Honolulu) Friday ni&ht a t Aloha Stadium was fairl y typical.

The Charaers were out of sync on offense, suffered l l penalties, turned the ball over three times and, for most of the ~e. lookcd like a team that is rebuilding in many areas

In the view of Edison Coach Dave White, that's exactly the case

" We' ve go1 a lot of work to do.'' Wh11e said. " We graduated a lot of ~ople from last y~ar's offense. and it 's going to take some time 10 smooth things o ut.

" Turnovers k illed. us. It looked hkc a first game 1n Hawa11 ."

Thtrc weren't many highlights for the Chargers on otlcnse. Edison managed only 84 yards rushine on 29 cames, led by J R. Shustenck's S4 yards on 16 attcmpu.

lo lani's defensive front was es-

pcciaJly effective up the middle, stopping the Chargers for zero or n~ttve yards ea&ht limes.

uartcrback Josh Gingrich. who rep aces graduated aJl-lcquc J)(r· former Donnie Smith completed 11 of 20 attempts for I is yards. Gan· gnch, however, wasn't able to sus­tain a rhythm because of Edison's numerous penalties. The Chargers were set back for 114 yards, includ· ing four holding calls.

.. We got some o ffense going. but then the naa or a mistake would come," White said. " l think we lost our poise a little b1l after (the penal ­ties) slowed us down a few times."

Edison's only touchdown camc w11h three seconds remaining in the game on Travu Balding's 3-)ard run. U nul then. the Chat"gcrs had only a safet}' and a Brent Hanson 32· yard field goal to show on the scoreboard.

T he safety came in the second q uarter whe n C hip Anderson brokc

1 Oil Can,' Expos drop Dodgers 6 Y2 behind Reds, 6-0 Boyd three-hits LA by utilizing new splitter pitch

MONTREAL - 011 Can 80\d ga'e Nauonal Lc.•ague h11tcr'i some­thing ne" to 1h1nk about aturda\ n1(th1 ~ split-lingered fastball

lk>)d used 1hi: pitch to toss a three-hitter as the Montreal E'pos beat Los .\ngele\. 6-0. Saturda) night. dropping 1hc Dodgc.·rs 61 1

pme~ behind first -place C1 nc1nna11 in the N L Wet;t

Andres Cialarraga Tim \\ allalh and M1!..e F111gcrald eat h had l\\ O

RBI for the E-;po'>. '-'ho beat the Dodger!> for 1he !>«ond \lra1gh1 da'

Bo}d <8-5). making hie; first carter stan ltl'lln\ l Los l\nacles. struck out eaiht and "'alkcd 1'40 tn ro ulC' to hi" third shutout and ninth of h1~ carea He rcured 17 !ltr.•aght before Len"' Hams rearhi:d on an infirld single w11h o nC' out in the n1n1h

" I neH·r "'anted to ra l..e a c h.i nre on 1hro"'1ng 11 1n a ga mr bl'forc " Bo) d said ofh1s nc\\ pitch .. , d idn't IA.ant 10 boUOlC II up therc

" But I don'1 haH a 9~·m1k an hour fastball an} more so tonight I JU~I told m)~lf to do It I don ' t ~no"' ""herl· 11· , go ing. bul I l..n<1"'


AT BAT Sun a1ExPOs • I035 ON DECK Mon Astros (hOme l 7 35 IN THE HOLE Tue Aslfos sc (home> 7 35 All gam e\ on KABC radio 17901 • On TV, Ch 11, sc SoortsCh1nne1

11's not going to be straight .. Held to a pair of singles o'er the

first thr('(' innings by rookie M1kr HanlC') . the E-;pos took a 1-0 lead 1n the fourth '4-hen l.arT) Walker singled and Galarraga hit 17th hllmer. a 4 7 5-foot ~hot into the left· field bleachers

··1t's no t that ""<'·re playing bad ba~ball,'' Dodgen catcher Mike Sc1osc1a said. " It ' s JUSI that the E>.pos flat -0u1 beat us That's all. ..

Mo ntreal added four runs in the fifth Hartle) IS-.:?) surrendered a leadofT s1ngk 10 Dclino DcSh1elds and walked Da' e Martmez

RC'he,er Jim Poole go t Tim Rain· C\ to ground 10 second. fbm ng Martinez. but ~ allach tnplcd 1010 the.· left-field rnrncr aga1ns1 Don Aase to score l'-' O run' . .\fti.-r Walkcr lined to first and

Galarraga was "'alked intentional!\ (PIH se see DODGERS/ B1J

around left end and smolhe~ an Jolam punt from the end zone. The ball was blocked cleanly and bounced over the C'nd lane for tht' first two points of the pme.

O n Edison' s po sc551on pnor to the safety. the Charicrs drove to lolani 's 7-yard lane before a fourth · and--thrce play <:ame up a yard short. Shustcrick bro~e off runs of 19 and 17 yards on consccuuve plays to start Lhe dnve and movt' Edison to the lolana JO.

G ingrich followed with a 16-yard pass to All-Sunset League recc1vC'r Mike Cunningham to g1vt' the Chargers a first down at the 14-)ard line. From thC'rc. holAle vcr. three Edison rushing atttmpts gamc.4-.,nl)' 7 Jards. bnngmg up thC' fo\irth · an -3 s11uat1on

White elected to go for the lint down, but J\ndcr~n was stopped for a 2-yard gain at the 5-yard hne to end thC' threat.

" I was trying to build some con-

S.n Dteeo ""'"'"' Ndr T'IMNINt• S.nders co&19fH up tlte ball after Mlft9 fttt by TOlll

..ftlOft fMf of tlte ...... ,. .ifWlnt IKond t1uerter of NPL ••hlbftlon at ttt• Coils•""'·

fidcncc for our offensi ve hne," White said of the fourth-down pmblc ... 1 wouldn' t do 1t agamst Fountain Valley or anythmg hkr that, but in tht first game of thc season, 1t was ""Orth taking a chance."

With lolam taking over deep in m temtory, Edison·~ defense d idn' t allow the Red Raiders to mo \t'.' thc baJI. Two runnmg plays resuhed in a loss o f a yard. and a strong pass rush on third do"n forced an 1n­complcte pass.

Anderson blocked the.- punt on the next play.

" We knew wt could get good field pos1t1on. but wc·,e had some su<. ­ccss bloclung loch here.'' Wh11r said. " We went w11h a half-rttum half-block type o l call and <\nderson JUSt made a grcat pla) ..

White was pleaStd with the pla\ of Edison's defense. which thoroughl) frustrated lolani 4uanerbad. Paul Ah Yat. Ah yat "'a~ Ha""a11·., lead-

dunng a n 8-for-2S effon. · Cunninaham . Make Etdam- and

Danny St.canlc hati the intcrecpuons for EdJson.

lolan1 had JU51 24 yards rush1n&. including minus- I yard an the sec­ond half. The Red Raiden 11-tempted only six rushing plays an the second half after Edison assumed control of the hnc of scnmmqe.

··1t's great to get a shutout," White ~1d " It seemed hkc lolani ran a lot of plays becaust of all lhe first downs we gave them on penalties ffi\. e) so thr guys really earned al."

Hanson. Edison's punter and ku.kcr. was the most consistent play­er on the field Hanson punted five limes for a 43-) ard average, and also con\.erted a 3:!-yard field goaJ at­tempt in 1hc.- fo urth quancr to gi ve• the ( ~crs a 5-0 lead

l n addmon. all thrtt o f Hanson' s L. 11.ko fTs went out of the C'nd zone for tour hback\


Delly - ~· ., "-'•"Y• II-

Ultimate 'fhM'lftoW the Wood· bridge War· rlors feet aboutUlelr Hnebadrlft9 corps, led by Nathan tel Haugh. Tiie

' £ I. .. .. ·~ ) - . y ' , /t."7

.... ~· 1 • r. • • \ .... ~

Warriors have been Moved 1>,?ck to th• Sea View Leatu• this year. changlnt spots wtth l!stancla, wftlch enters the Warriors· old spot In th• Pactflc Coast Leatu•. Sea View League opponents an learn all about tftts new ob· 1tacle, led by Haugft & Co., In the Orange Coast Dally Piiot's ultlmate footlNllta.b - Football .90, wftlch II scheduled for release on Thursday. AU the brant• Coast Al•• h'9ft ICl'tools. as well as Or ant• Coast and Golden West on tfte COlll· • nu1ntty coll .. • level, the Trojan• and 8ruln1 on di• coll•t• level and tfte ll•M• and the NFL.'°'"' ttt• major portion of Football ·90.

Raiders roll past San Diego, 34-7_ By ST AN WYMAN Deily l'llot \f>or'• ...,,,.~

LOii "N · _..~111111~ .. CiELE5 - There were a lot o f happ ) fa lC:S .uuund the Lo <\ngck-. Raiders room Sal· urda \ S onr werc more hap­pier that ( oarh o\n , hell or quar· tcrbeck Ja, lichroroC'r

The Ra.1dcrs had JU\I tin1shed their nh1b1t1 o n schedule h' polishing o fT the an D iego ChargC'rs. )4.- "'. befort a small crnv.d of ~ S.071. to chalk up their lourth win aga1n~1 one lo\S 1n tht' prc~ason

For San Diego. wh1t:h lnock.ed off Dalla~. the Ram~ and n Franr l\W . 11 "'as the lirst lo s of the prMCawn The ~ular stason hcjins ne't "'C'<'k

That'<o "'hen l os "ngelM pla\\ host to [)('n,er 1n a l pm c-ontc'lt at thr Cohl;('um and San D1C'go tra\cb to ll"\intt. TC'"l!I 10 fa n· the Dallas C owbun ·

<\II o t "'hll'h (lOCS a long "'"' IO""ard e\plaining wh) thert'• sm1lr'I around lhc Ra1drrs' drC''l'lang room ampl) put. the) looked that aood apanst the Chargers <\nd ~hell W3\ dC'lJghlcd

He \aid Hopelull~ "'e \ e ar-"' C'd a' d team I tclt that a\ a team . \\ t' pla,c-d v.cll in all a"pc.-~t ... of the game. including 'P.Cnal teams. of­fense and detcn'><' ·

It a masterp1C'(t' nl under­statement

The fal 1 1' the Raider\ rnmplctel\ d om1n atrd thl' < hargen a'

hroc:·der 1hrt''-' I\\ 11 touchdo"' n pas<Jes and hJl I. up quanC'rback \ &nlt' E' an\ th rev. nnlllhcr while the o tlen-.c rolled up ~t> tiN do v. n~ and ~~.., \ ard' of total tlfTrn~

The de fense l1m11rd ~n Diego to JU St I l fir'\t dn\\ n\ and ~"' ~ ards of offcnM"

lt the tx''ll pre..eaM>n for the Raiders sinu.· 1 '-'"'t> v. hen the\ 'Acnt S-1 last 'iea!.on. 1hr Raiders wttt 0-4 1n tht' e \h1t1111on '>Cason •

' ht' ll 'A3~ QUll l. IO point OUl the~ arc p11fall\ ahl"ad no1 the least o f tht' 1\ Dcn, cr la't ~a\on's <\FC West l hamp1on

" It'' hard to l am o"cr from Ont' "'c-ck 10 thl' nc , 1 hut v.e made a 101 o f progre'' ti>Ja\ which !ihould help u\ ne~t '4Cd .. ~hell 'i.ll1d ~ hrot."\kr \\ ho l'Om plrtrd I ~ of

~ ~ tor 1 ' 1 'ard~ had nothina but pnmc lor h1 \ (03lh " I ov.e 11 all 10 Coach ~ hdl." he said " Ht ha '>lah1h1ed 1h11o tl"am and we, as a


Three more men's seeds become casualties at U.S. Open ly STIVI WK.STEIN ,,, f ...........

NEW YORK - Brad G 1lben wobbltd ~anly 10 the end. Michael Chant saved three match points befo re succumbint and Goran l vaniscv1c simply quit lf)'lnl H thrtt more men'5 KCds tumbled from the Open on Saturday

Ocfcnc~hna champion Bom Bcckrr 1\01ded the iamc fate. t>ca11na Tomas Carbonell, ~. 6-2, 6-2. an a n1aht match 10 ltt up a founh-rounJ matc h qaans1 surpns1n1 Aualralian Otrttn C'ahall

Jcruufef pnau and tcffi Oraf intd' tM u~t that beftll Montea Sdn 1n tM third round and 1e1 up a rematch of abrir Wimbkdon cld\.

Oapriau. M\tr a sh~ attn, U) he'1

" P'>Chtd up" and set to attack the suddcnl) vulnerable Graf in the ttncwal of their crow-'"' nvalry Cap(11l~ 14, the youn1t1t player to rtach the round o t 16 in U .S. ()p(n history. played superbly wh1lt bcaona Swcdtn's Mana StaJ\d­lund. 6-1 . 6--4. before a peck~ crowd on the stadium rourt.

On ahe more anttmate arand tand coun. thouah. Grars slice backhand seemed 10 be attracted to the net and her po..wrful forehand IOlrcd (~ucntly beyond the baseline un11I a.he found her rh)'lhm 1n tht 1h1rd set to beat Elna Rtanach. 6-'. 3-6. 6-1 . In Orars fint two "1C10nCt. she dropped onl)' '" pmes .,thoul k>i&ant I ltL

TIMI men'• ICleds "~ once · men. edd>ns to the hst of~y \tmms that inc-1\Xks ~o. I tt an Edbtra. No. S Andm Gomu

and No. 16 Manin Ja11e Amos Mansdorf of I racl. ranked 41 .

knocked out No. 8 G 1lbcn . S·7. ·7 . 6-3. 7-S. (>.I , in a four-hour match that wort down O albert until he was barely ablt to movt' 1n the fin.I KL Mansdorf pvt up only one point 1n the last three pmcs.. then spryly hop~ over the net to shake the weary Gilbert'• hand

" I really s ot ttrtd 1n the fifth," Otlbcn aa1d " I p ve at evef)th1na I had 1n 1hc founh. Has be '-hand pusma sh'ot v.a unbche\ablc He didn't m1S$ a thana. I ran o ut of ps.''

Soviet ndrr1 crkuov. 1tnlcd SOlh, had 1illle probkm '""" ctwac at the net and knock.Int. ofT •he m'Of~ tuna. the 19 9 French Open chamJ)ton at 1fC 17 n • beathne .. me. so en«tive on the c-la)· an Pana. ttmatn tll u1\Cd for the ~ or hard cou.ns.

.. In this da\' and IF lhC're are 10 man Sood pla)'CI'\, 1t'\ dtfficult to ,0 out tht'tt Ind bca• C"t'f)bod)' t-omforubly • the 11 lh· tttdod Chana \11d " That's wh~ you ttt so many Ul)'Cl "

C'hetbsov won, 6-4. ~. 6-l and wall play C'hn~o van Rtnlbura of South Afnca. who beat 8ntl1ltan Luiz Matta.r, 6-1. M . ,_ 7, 6-4

" 1 had trouble 1tayin1 with him," nt said " I'd Ft tnto a rail and JUJt m Wo both havt 1m1l1r ~}la but he 1)1.t)'ed. a lot heller tMn I dad · My ~,, wu ~ My heart v.;as w1ll1at to f\aht But my boc1J v.ouldn'1 MA walh my bean,"

• (.""htf'kuo Slid be ~~ .. ~ ... best match of my carttr. t fth like I c:aa'l .... tht II ·•

Sports break -n]rrries compoana- Me1 move Into-nm place

Robinson's proolems debuT0:!r~~!cs~Ji~ fli!a~c'!iiti0'~ heads.up olay in the e1£h1h 1nn1na. lead·

ANAHEIM - With the Rams rttl- ---- IOI Juho Valera and tfie Meu over the ina from their lateSt and most serious ~ San Francisco G iants, 6-5. on Saturda) round or prcscuon 1njune$, Coach John 't.Y' Stadi um. Robinson said Saturday he would spend Coupled with P1ttsbur)h'5 los5 to Houston, the lbe nut 48 hours studymg all options. Me" took over first plact an the National uaaut

" If we bad to pl•> today. we'd have 17 pla)~~ East Darryl Straw~rry htt his 30th home run and wbo wo uld ft&btr be out o r qucstaonabk:' Robanson doubled for h1s l ,OOOtb maJor-lcagut hit as New York said. " We're aoing to take to011ht and tomorrow to improved to S-0 on JU su-pme homestand. study the situation and &hen see where we are on • A1tn>1 ! , Pirates I: Rookie Karl Rhodes Monday." deh,trtd a ba~s-loadcd pinch s1naJe an the 10th

All NFL teams must announce their first 47-man 1nn1ng to win 1t for Houston 1n th~ Astrodomt. rosttr on Monda)'. Ptllsburgh has l<ht ~'' of SC!' en games. and fell from

.. frank.J y, I'm JUSI not sure' what v.e'rc going 10 first for &ht first time sin~ Aug. 14 do ·· Robinson said . .. We've got some trmc before v.t• •Reda I , 1: R1<:k Mahltr gave C1ncinna11·, ha~e 10 make a dec1s1on and v.c·rc gomg to u!iC 1t." hurling pitching sta ff a big hfl with a fou r-h1uer al

The Rams lost fo ur players to 1n1unes. f-nda) Wng.1<') Field as the Reds mcrea~d thetr NL West 01ght in a 37- 10 loss to \\- ashington ('omerhacl frrT) lead to 61 1 games o'er tht Dodgers ( 1nc1nna11 placed Gra) and larT) Kelm lnJUrtd their lnees. corncrbark nght-handcr Jark Arms1rong on the disabled list latr Alfred Jaclson suffered a groin 1nJUf) and tatlle Fnda) night Jaclue Slater dislocated a big toe In the Amen can LC'ague ~nnant races.

Gra) and Kelm underwC"nl anhroscop1( .. urga~ •Red Sox 15, Yankees I : At Fcnv.a) Park. for posterior ligament damage Saturda~ at C enllnrl.! Boston \\ On m nin&h straight game as Eiits Burk\ h11 Hospital. Ealh could bt' bacl in 4-6 "'eeb. Rob1n.,on t"'o home runs and Mrkc Greenwell added an 1ns1dC'· said. '\ the-parl grand slam The Red So' retained their 6111·

Jackson probabl) will bt' out a le" " eek\ , \\ htlc game lead o"er sc:t•ond -place Toronto in th<' Al Ea~t . Slater 1s suppo\Cd to nw1s one or tv.u ~me.. • Blu~ Jays 8, Indians 0: In Cleveland. Frl•J

Added to their uther presea.,oo inJuncs. tht· latl'.\t .Mt Gt11T had the first fi,c -h1t gami: of his carf'er and \\ ave ofm1sfonune lt'a\C'I the R:im \ dangcrou\I\ thin dro'<' in three runs. at sc' era I pos1t1on!> • Rugers 3, Athletics %: In Oakland . Bobb)

The> haH· onl) t"'ll health) wrnnbal l.'>. 11ne or Wiil sun 1ved 10 "alk!I and fou1 basc\·luaded 1am .. to po!.!.1bl) two health' 1n"11dc hnd'iatl.rr\ .ind '"'u "in his I I th ~tra1ght game as Tcxar, broke a four-game health) tarlle~ JU!>I ' .i \\l'.rfo. hdl1rc the~ opt•n tht• lol>1ng s1rcal and sliced tbt• .\.! 1n the AL \ \ est season 1n Green Ba; I hn .il'>u h.tH' onl~ thn.·t "'ldt' 10 ~ game-. o'er Chicago rece1\ers "'ho delin1teh \\rll pla' ,1nd t"'u nl tho,t· <tr1' coming off ham~tnng ··nJuno

·· We're obv1uu~h dl·,rx·ra11· ·· Roh1n..,un '31d. "but "'c'rl'. 1n a pos111i"in 111 "'in .111' 11! our tir't th rte game~

" If "' C can find .i ,11111111111 c111d 1111111· 0111 "' 1h1'> it'll m;ill· U\ !>trnnga ·

Stewart nears first PGA win Ra' \te"'an ..el.'l.1ng h1' li"I l'C • \

I uur trtll· h1rd1rd '"' "' thl' linJI thll·l' l'IUln \aturda} holdro~ on 1u till· ll.1d 111 the c.~reater \h l"'aul.n· Opt.·n 111 I 1.1111.lin \\ 1\ tor thl Ihm.I '>Ir J1~ht ruunJ

\te"'arl "'hv JOlnl·J 1h1· 1nu1 111 I "I/\\. '>hot a 5-um.ln-par o' lvr a 111 un1frr 21"1 on thl', 7.(HO-~ ard I uda"'a' I 11untr• < lub 111urw \l11rn' ll atabk.~.

1.<.ho had thl ll'Jd "1th thn·c holn kll . ..ind · ott \'erplanl. "ho hJd J 'l'lnnJ·rounJ ti~ that \,a., one \lr11k1: ~h' 111 ll l' l•>ur,1 lllufll "l'll 111 '>l'\.lllld Jlong 1.<.11h Bili, \la' 1<111 \ 11 "l'fl' 1hrn· \hot' tx·h1nd ')h:"'an ·

In uthtr ~·il l ')atu1d.I\ • Dalt' l>ougla.,, ·c11du.1 thr I l:lt h11k l•H c1 fl~

and a one·\tro~r kad mu \lil.1 lt rll 1n lht• wtund round of thl· ' onh '>l·n1111' < la,,11 "' lnd1.tnJpt.1h' [)ouglc1'1o'>. t·a~k g.l\ r him .1 'l-und1•1 111u11d .ind \a\ ed him from \ha11n~ the ~l1-h11k "1th 11 111 \'ho al\o barc.J1~d lhl· t'tnJI t11111 lh•ln JI Hr11,1Jlll•HH < ountn Clublor:iti7 -

• Jud\ l>ll l.1n\1111 plJ \int( h1·1 I 11\l tnu 1 n.1nwnt 111 J munth \hut Ji. unJl'r ltl1 Ii• k,1d rhr l I'<•\ KJll <' ( la'>'>ll in \prr nl'J1l'ld Ill I )il ~ 1n,011·, r•1u11J 111 '1' hire.Jin .ind nn hopn~ kit hn 1101· 'trnl.1· Ill !runt ol lkkndmg, h.1mp111n lk th I >.1111d


* U S O pt.'n C r1..inn..-1 } 9 JO ,1 n 'Ir Southrorn SOO f <,pl\; I 0 .i rr * Doclgl"rs-f .. µo, (11~nn1> 11 l(J !U .1 m * Rt."cls c ucs. wGr ~ 1 1 10 ,i rr * Yanlre-ro s R..-cl \J • f\P'• 5 p rn

!I.Im - '\fl 'tapt' ), V. l'T>.

Tl'.:LEVISJON Pr e f .. lbaJJ

t'\h1ht1tt1n ( lntilnd II ,,.., Yur'- u1•nl\

10 Jo am - 'H f~b1u.un.. ~n L> (\J)ln1'11. lapel. C"h1nncl )4

12 JO pm - C fl "' 1nn1pq "' \~•k11chcwan p(lf'I• ChanMl (rcpc•h 11 1 30 p m l

1 pm - NA_ tdllbtlmn \In ()lftl) II IUICkn ILll)l"I Pnn\C T tdt<I

C.U~tt FMllllll 9 a.m - Ttut A&:M 11 tf11,..1111 ll•IJ"l. Pnrm I l('~CI ) pm - ~)'racu~ '' I.'!( from Cio1 Ruthcrfofd, <1'1J

( tape ). Pnlllt" fick t'l Midn\lhl - Tt\H A.l\1 .a1 H.11uu ttJapcl. ~PN

Me .. r S,.rtc q 1.m - A0Af>/Aull • l'lli..t "JAS( AR dl'ubltht..&r 1ron1

l .oud<>n . N.H , Spom(llanN'I (repeats al IO pm ) 10 a m - N~ AR .,.1111h<'fn SO'J from 1)4rhn11on \ C

ESPN • .JO p rn - '\rrt'd"'a' 'und1y Rt• ir- of ""f't'l. '" ••1 •na.

Spont\hannd T-l•

~ )() 1 m - I S Oixn fmrn Flu\htnl \kadu., '\ ' C'bannel 1.

'JO pm. - l. ' OPfn frum Flush1n1 Mudu"' N ') • I J'" B&MMU

10 30 a m - Oud~rs 11 Mon1r~al , < 11.tnnd 11 10-30 a.m - San FranalC'O 11 ""c• Yon Mti~ " OR 11 OS a.m - Sr Lout• I I Atlania. TB~ 11201 m - C1ncinna11 11 Ouu11u < utl\ WG"l S p m - l'lcw Yorlt Yankee' at Rn11on l::'iP"'

S.fdMlU 12.JO p m - Naunnal \lo,. P111 h I hampwnlh1p lruni

()U:u1uma (II) ltaprl Pr1mt T •·l.~• Gell

2 pm - Cm•attt '111,.auk« Open rri•m ~ ra n,1111 V.1K Channel 7

2 pm - Scnt0r Nonh ( l~tic ,,.,,,, lnd11n1polll I '-PN

"•'"•• ' pm - Arhn11on M1lhun from -\rllnaton Ht'lahl\ Ill

(clcleyed), C lllnMI 1 I p m - Ori Mar rt'pl.At\ ( h'nnrl ~6 c Pnlllt' I 1rlrt1 IO 10

pm ) ~o ...... " 10:30 1.m - Ood&cn 11•I KAil< (71/V) 10 JO 1 m - S.n l>lq.o 11 Ph1l1dclph11 11.l~B I 7(1()1 Noon - ChlQao While ~\ .. An.-h KMK' 1710)

H•n• b c1a1 fl pm - ~I Mar Otbutanlr (11mr 1ppro>J.M11C). KNX


Dickerson plans appeal Running back Eri c D1di:r,o n

da1mr<l ~aturda' hi: nl"'l'I "'a:. "'arnrd h\ ~ the lnd1anpolis (oils ht• "'uuld be put uu·I 'l.:..Y' of ell lion for '>IA. wecl.s 11 he rl.'lu'>l·d to l4kc a ph)sical He al\o i.a1d he "'a' appealing thi: team's au1on to NFL <:0m1ss1oncr Pau l Tagllabur

" I ne'er refused to tal c a ph~srlal . I ne'er used those words," Dickerson told The .\'iSO<.'HHed Press in a telephone 1ntcrv1cw.~"M> ham\lrlng · ~ tine. I foci I could pla) nghl no"' ··

lJ1ckc~on . the NFL'!> S{'\.i:nth·lt•ad1ng all-time ru'>hcr. has be<'n suspended h)' the ( 1)lt'i for "'hat 1hc team said \\ 3!1 his refusal 1t1 tal c a ph~'i1r:1l e\amin­atron of h1~ left hamstnng last wi:t· I. . He ~1d h1· was nl)I "arned b) Gt•nrral Managl•r Jim lr\3} hr \Hluld Ix g1H·n such a lenglh\ banr~hmcn1 1f hr lrlt \\lthout undergoing an C\am

In Olh~r f'o.F L nc\\S ~aturda' • Philadelphia 1s the clea r fron1 -runnt"r ot thrn

team\ 1n1antcd rn a14u1nng l..i"'rl·nll' Ta)lor from tht :-.r"' ) or!.. G1anh. his agl'nl \,ml .\gent Jue ( oum:gc ~1d that the <11ant!I had LU' lll him pcrrlll\\1110 10 talk 10 other lriim' about f ,l\l11r Thl' ntne-11 mi: .\II-Pm hnd1arl.rr. "ho \\3nl\ a 11\'"' uu1tr;itt. "'3'> 1n1erl·stl'd 1n pla ~ 1ntt tor the E-agll'-. H11u,1on 'lan Dr1:gu lhl' Raider' 111 \tinnnula h1 s.t1J Onh thr Eagin \ 1l1ngs anJ C >ilers e\ prn,nl interl'~t 1n ~1gning tht· '\I ·\ l'ar-nld 't'tl·ran. ( uurrl'~l· ~Id

'Sweetwater' Clifton dies Nat .. ~"'el't"'atn · I ltllon. J lorml'r

llarltm Glot~trutll:r'> .ind :-.B.\ .,tar. died f nda) . He "'a' l·'i

Cli fton \\ii\ hr11ught lo the St ( abnn1 .><-

Hospital in < h11ag11 ,1llC'r an appar~nt hean dltJ1I. :ind d1l'J rn tht rmaitt'nl' room .it 6 ~n pm I mla' hosp1tlll .,,po~n\.\oman 'ant~ \ h lncrn) \31d

l k pla~l·J \.\Ith the l-.. n1cl.' tor !>C\Cn sta,011' from 1450 to 145- ,l\l'fagrnti !Ill points per ~Jllll' 1n .i -tl gamn lk hl'lrx:c.J the }l. n1ll.' reach tht· 'B.\\ thfl'l° 11mn .ind"' ·•' a lfll"'J la\OfllC hclJU'ie ol h1<i uni4ur n1\.knamr

In othtr \purh nt'"'-' \Jturda' • The r rench na11onal team hrokc tht.' \\Urllt

rrllll d in thl· ml·n\ 4110-mt·ter rcla\ Hnllsh \IJf\ Pett·r Ell1u11 .rnJ te~c (.ram latlcd to medal in the men ·\ I .,~(Jo ffil'ter~ an<l East (Jerman '>Printer l\ atnn Krabhl· OCldme a tnplc gold medall\t at the Eurorx·an Trad. JnJ f 1dd ( 'hampronsh1pl> in ~pllt. ) ugo\l:t\ 1a

• \l11hJd \ndrrt11 l harged hat I. in thl' tin.11 m11ml'nt' ut 4ualrl~1nl:( to hum11 Dann' \ulll\Jn out ot thi: poll- Jll •\lt1un for ·, 1n.1ugur.!I \lo1'11n lnd \-\an111u\Cf 11 1.., t,\\I la11 ol l/X qo mph lJllll' \I.Ith lt'"'l'r thJn thrrt· m1null'\ rl·rn.i1n1ng 1n 'iJtur lia\ ·., JU-minute ~u.ihl\ ing ,n,1on t1nd \\tl\ 4utlk 1•1111ugh It• m11\l' pa~I \11 111\Jn·, IJp ul 'Jk 'XII

• lhl H1g ~J\I ( onll'rl·nlt' 1' \illl'>tdt•nn~ an l' \pJn\1on that \\11uld ,1JJ loothall Jnd poten11all~ . ,ud1 Ill.'"' nH·m~ll·r, .. , \t1itnll .ind \\(''it V1rg1n1a k .11,tu1 and,, h1111I ullil 1,11, 'J1d < urr1·n1l-. on!\ thrCl' o l !hr 111n1 B1~ I .1,1 \l h11oh - " ' r<11 U\1' P11t,hurllh J!ld Bo,11•11 l ••lkgt• plJ' mJ1111-u1lkgl' tooth.ill r hr thrt'l <ill l'\f'll.'l tl·J II• dpprctJl h llW Olhl•r ll'J~Ul' !lll'll\hlT' \\llhlll th1· lll'\I t~P \\l'l'I.\ ( II !all. Jn.lltl adding at kJ\t th•t'C' 'l hool'

• Ra ~ Jl.11.i thl' 111x•1 I d1p,t· \\\ ,llll "'1nnlf 11ul J anlJ\lll look 1n tht l1nJI \l11lk to "'1n lht· SI 'if, !1<1<1 I hul.1 \!\ta Hand1Cap .!I l>l'I I he fl. H'Jr-nld maH'larr1cd 12 1 pound' - 11 to l"I poun1h i1wre lhdll ht•r tour fl\31'> - hul '"a' 't'nt oil ,1, J 2 5 l;i\or1ll 111 the uo"'d ot 19 401

From Tb~ A 11ocl• t~d Pr~SI

QUOTE OF THE DAY 0Mf1t Alla. after Saturday's S9..() loss tn

his tint 11mc as Lona Beach tatt football C06lch: ·'Thta 11 my ftrst trip to Clemson. and l doubt f'U be beck apln. I don't think th~sc type of pmtt htlp the winner or the loser. I don't want lO be involved in any mort pmcs whett you' re totally outmanntd. It's not fair to the kJds."

Houston wins battle of Texas, 27-6 Warre:-n Moon got JU\I l·nnu&h

spark out of I fou\tun·-. run .ind shoot ofTen~ \aturd1n night 111 g1,1· Jack Pardee h1i. fir'>I '11.111n a\ Oil er'> <:oach. a 27 -6 dl·n-;1on "'L'I lhl' punch less Dalin\ ( ov. bo)'

Ho uston and Dallas each fin1shrd thC' NFL exh1brt1on M:ason v.1th 1-1 rc:cords. Pardee 1s in hi\ fir'it '>t'ason wnh the 0 11t'rs atlcr leav ing the collc1rn1e Houston ( ougar.,

Moon had one touc:hdo" n pas~ and St't up three other S<.Orf<, ..,,,1th his passm:g.

Houston put [)atlas away with 17 fourt h-quarter po1nb, tndud1na a S2-yard field aoal b> Tony Ztndc1as. an 8-yard 'iCOnn1 run by Allen Pink· cu. and a 14-)'ard Cody C orison-to· Pinkett touchdo wn pass.

Elsewhere· • GIUU ta,.,. ... lt: Top drafl

pack Rodney Hampton cau.ah& one of Phil 1mm1' two touchdown peSKs and ran 11 yards for Another tCOR to lead New York. Lrnd:>ecktr Secvc Dt0u1C allO n:tumcd an in· taaptton 33 yards for a touchdo•n • the o .. au (4-0) banded lM lfowM (I .... ) tJltltr third Slnuaht loss.

Hampton, who kft the Unlvensty


of ( 1corg1a Jller h1~ Junior , umtinued w 1mpr~,., 1n ht'> d1orl to moH aheJd ul \ete:-rans n1t1~ '\nc.Jer'>un Jnd Joe: Morns and 'l'l ond-)ear pro Ll'IN I ~ r 1llma n li t\ touchdowns were hi'> third .ind foun h of the prcSC'as<>n. and he made both ol them lool. 'en c<t\\

TALLEY From81 Ulllll<ill ~., "J 111\11 \.V liil>OUnllell llW

he b> blam1na 11 1nab1hl) u, scramble ne~l 4\unda) on 1n-;utli­c1en1 equipment.

Normal l cbov1tL, mcanwh1IC'. Miys he 15n't f101sMd tumma the tap ~n:..,,,s t ic say'i that unles so me· body comts up v.·uh an o fficial announ emcnt 1ha1 5iCram bhna hu been canceled - totally and un­equivocally - the boycott will con­tinue.

In the meantime. you C-b1~oans will be able to visit your favorue apons bit next Sunday (Sept. 9) 10 watch' tht Bors play lM Sea.hawks New Ya,.ken 1n the cro.,.'d wtll be


• StHlen to, Ea&IH 10: Bubb> Rri~ 1cr threw lor one 1ouchdov.n and set up anotht"r with a 4~-~ard com pk u un to rcserve WecgtC' Thompwn as P1tl\burgh turned three of Ph1ladclphm·., fi,c turn ­OHN 1n10 ~ores

From ~ A,.«l•I~ Pr~H

ablt' 10 watch the J 1111 play the Ph1l1)' liiJcs next ~unda) n1ah1 nfter wotchmg the Bcnaab play the Jets rn the 31\cr noon

Or. 1( you choo~. wh1<:h l!I \UP­

PoStd to be the Amern:an wa). you can watch thC' Rams and/or Ra1drr on your regular TV channel.

Nice aoana. Norman. You weroo'1 w1n:tapp1n1 and ) ou wcrcn 't StC'al-1na. you wtre showina a ltlcv1sed football pme for transient Amen· cans who wo uld hke to root for a team or teams other than th()S( dectttd b)' th<' NFL

Have a cool one. Lebov1u. hame on A: T1111boooooooo.

,..~~.,,_,,,. * OrlllP CMl1 Dll'1 ,,,,., ~ ~,, ,.....,.., """*"·

Thiggen -ties save record

ANAHEIM - lf &bby Thigpen nttdcd any extra 1nccnt1 vc lo CQU.I baseball history, aU be had to do was

"loOk an the Cahfomua Angt"ls' dUjOUl. Sunda)' at Com iskey Park, A~els rookt<' Ltt Stt\ ens shocked Th1apcn with a game~winnin" threc­run homtr tn the ninth inning.

But afltr ~vmg Friday's game for Chicago. Thigpen came back less

•T uT Schedul®e~ Sun CPllUIX> (l'IOme) 12'1>S 1 ON DECK • a M O(I· ar New Yorlt. I O~ • IN THE HOLE Tue Idle

Al L1t1 ,...,.

Luis ftolonla 11 taff•d out trying to 1t••I by C"k•go·1 llobfn Ventur• •• umpire M•rll Johnson pr•p•r•• to m•ll• can.

ter Da ve Winfield hoed 1010 a double pla> v. r th the bases loaded

All oames on KMPC r adio 17101 • On TV. Cn S. sc Soor"Cnannel

T ra1hng 1-0 on ~t<'' ens' R Bl double 1n the first inning. the White SoA. scored three runs in the second off rookie Joe Grahe (I-:?) on Fletlhcr'!t two-run double and Gu1lkn's RBI double.

Orange Coast DaUy Piiot

'!!r'..:.!'~ wt!'~ than :? ~ hour~ later and tred a maJor league rt.'cord "'''h hts 46th 53\C 3\ 1hr Wh 1IC' ~<" beat the .\ngel,. 9-S, on Saturd.i~ at .\nahe1m ' 1ad1um

lh1cago mad~ 11 4-1 in the third. loadin~ the base~ ~llh nom· ou1 on single" b) Lan~ Johnwn am.I han Calderon and a walk 10 Dan Pa~ua bt'fon.· i.cllling for une run on a douhk-pla> grounder b~ C arlwn Fisk

tor 5 wtth ., na.

Fisk led ofT the fifth with his 14th homtr and Guillen added a t"' O-run double

" H e sho"'cd c \cl') onc something b) coming haci.. lrke 1ha1. after thl'<.c gu y'> hurl u~ in 'our plate:· \\ h1tc So:-. pitcher vreg H1bhard 'ilud " I th1nl. thl\ \\Ill reall~ hdp rhl~\ (Thigpen} do"'n the rn:1d ··

The Angel~ scored th~ s1xlh on Dill. Sl·hofidd's RBI tnplc

0 ANGEL NOTES - A""'' lett ha nder MIA

La""i... "" " • o e de< ' ' 'Of' '" tech ol h i' 1n 1 11 ''•''' e no ne, on•• lour "° 0K1l•Ont 111 n l' JI ou1on9, Th4 wr111e Soa wl\O cllncl'llO The '1ctor) h(·lped the Wh1tr '\u\.

nw' 1ng them 11 1 "'llh1n 'i1. garnt"'' of tn 1h1 .\meman Lcagut• ~ nl The .\ ' ~ lost. 3-2 to Te\a'I

Consecutive doubles b' Hubin Ventura and Fktrher 10 ·,tan thl' fnunh made 11 'i. I and 1 h:\'4.'d Grahe. (Jurllen laid do"'n a :.:itnfilt off left hander C ltff Young to '>l·nd Fle:-tcher 10 thtrJ and Phil Hradk~ s1 n1tk•I

'"''' \U'C" " " " over 11\t Anffl' wll" ~r1oa, ~ Qnl \ ••CIO<V • t Vf t i\ 1· 4 tOiH Wiii\ ~ Ila""' •o II" (" ClllO .a11 Owned 1 n .cl9t OY., Ct •o•.,·• .. l"l .,..,,,., ·' c1otur1G " ' H I A L Wf'\t t' t \\inner ~lt'hdo Prn·1 CI :?-I:?) &a' e

up ~\l'n hit'> and \\\ O run\ 1n '>l''t'n 1nn1ngs. Ken Patterson rehe\C.·d ~ultt Rad1n,i..~ 111 thl· .\ngel~ · thn't'· run i:1ghth Jnd Th1gpt·n came on "1th one out 1n the n1111h for h" .it11h '><l\C 1n 'i2 o pponun1t1l''> DODGERS Orange Coast Dany PJlot

Dodgen Player of Day Lenny H.m. who Md

two of ttw Dodgen' thrM hfts, lndudlng • dCMlbte.

I h1gpen lin1shcd II > e4ual Da\l· I{ rghcltt l> rcrnrJ '>Cl 1r. I Q8ti 1111 1h1· 'l'" ) or!.. 'ankt'l''> Th1gix·n·, '·''1 tut.ii ·t'> morl' thJn a ll hul tlOl' ll'alll

From 81 I 1t1gac1ld \\ho had thrn· hits '\Cored tll o run'I "1th a c1ouhle

1 hr Im' "'-J' llc1nk\ 's fir'>l i,1nu· hl· dropped J } ; I J1•u<;H1n 1n rd1t·t 111 \Jn Diego lin June I~

<>al.I.ind kd 1i, lknn1' I l ka\ll'' \lo 1th ~() hJ\ 'i' . r hl' lll,IJllr lraglJl' rrl11rd fur '>.l\n h' onr tt·am l'I 11..l '>l'I h\ Oakland 10 · I 41\ The \\ htll \ o \ ha'l' 'i4 ">J\l'\ th" 't'a\on

0 OOOGEA NOTES Tim Aelfte\ , ,o ., ~ •

·~ ,. 0 0 \f' "'• ' • "'{;' ''" ~ ,,_ t me n 10 , •• \ Of'I \ ,,., \ "fl'• '"f'O '"' • ' ti ta T,.• 0009f''\ 0,11~~ " " a1ioweo 1S ••' ...0 run\ "' '" ' I ) ) fon ~Q\ I 17 E R A LA ''•"~' Pl ft vf l llO wfO ,.,.~~ u··~o '""'or tu ' a ol •u• ) 4 gar .. <!\

"' t •dt• Jow Vlltalne •no c••c,,., DltT'WI FMI<- lrOI"' A OVQ_,..a.,e o1 l"I P aclfoe (oa, 1 l t 1 0 Jf t "O 0 l(~t• Jim P - lr()tT' Sa" ArllO"oQ o• '"f Tt•t\ L••llvt TPle eoo-. l>UICNl..0 ,.,. cnn1rac1 o• O•ICr't• Dene11 H--. lrom AIOV<l•Je rout MO'"'H • • • , .. ., D~•· Hal 14 I S 1) fl!A '"' tf \tvt\I O" IPlf O·la~

" It"• al\\J\\ nltl' lo .tlhll'\l' .i rni•rd .. l h1gpt.•n \aid · 1 h1· import· anl thing I' 111 l. l'l'P ~"1llf I hl'fl"' a lung "'.!' l•• g11

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be can and IS 1n &ood J>OSlllOO tO 80 for his fi"t Grand Slam tttlc here.

Early 1n the 1h1rd ~t. Cbtrka~' ·~ lqs tirtd and bcpn to CTamp, o problen•'s ht'• had beforc. but man· aacd to cope with this time

Andre Ap 1, the men'' foun h seed, had an easy ume, wtthout a repeat of h1 cumna and sp1tt1n1 1 t a few <h!ys earlier. • he advanefd to the founh round wnh a 7-S. M . 6-0 victory •tnlt fraMO Davin.

" I'm not aoina lo complain ""•th that draw," said A1Ju1~ who 1 ~ed­ed 10 meet defendma champion Bons Recker an the 1tm1nn1ls " If sttd\ 10 accordin~y. I'm phys1l'&ll) prc_pa~ and I thtnk bnt·of-Ove 11 definucl)' 10 my ad"antqt "

" The fifth set was a pretty 1u1less cl'Ton .. Cahill sa1d. " After I won tht lir11 iame of the t\Rh tct, he pve it to me. Thu. 11 an area be miaht have to ..,,,ork on. Wbtn ~ou'rc two sett all you should be prcpattd to 11ve u ~"Cr)' opponunily I don't know Whal maka tomeOM do that ThC1C (GBnd arc the (our b1Uffi toumarnmu Of tht )Ur."

Aplai Sltd he'l play1n1 I ~II IS

C ahill , ranked 41 . upset lvan1teV1C, the I 'th lttd, ~. 4-6. 6-2, 7-6 (7·3), 6-0. l~n allmmed the l 8-~car-old Y upla\'ian for .. taAk· •na • tbc final ttt.·

Aaron Kric tc1n, No. I>, had 1 &®'b uroc but t<>t by former Wimbledon champion Pat ash, M . 7-6 {7..e). 7-6 (7-~).




Fer the record ----------------------------MAJORS

STANDtNGI Alneric.ln ~

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Co ...... IG#-v l UO >• >• o..r-. ·- t••oc:-•• • JO J. """"'·-·- ·· ,. 11IXACTA 11 t ) - UJ.O

MlCONO • 4'1 I.,_.. -..._ ANI (;Wy IT- I , .. °"' ..,, ltl••• Htw\O•., tV ... ~~ ou1 Olt,ft

W°""'""N..,,ol l'le .. I °"' I Wlft .,._.,.""f °""• I U IXACT4 l " l l Mlll "'° TH•O •&Cl I - _.

L.Mdl"' IE- IV'"'-""I 11 to 4 IO l ot Wr°"".., ... ,,., • ., 1k......,1 SJO 1 00 '"'-M io •A--1 J IO

U IXACTA I J-11 M !cl "1 tO n OA!l T nt•LI 11 J • ~ t 1 1 t o <!

,,. DO U IULT OOU9LI I• JI 1141'11 U JJO l'OUltTM ••C•. I ..,.. ~

\olroer 11 .. _ I ~ JO II t0 1 t0 I H ,..,_,. IC•- ·· • Je ,. • O• t t To le Greet t 6•.,.•u ~ t 40

U IXACTA l t · JI M id lllAto '°""•AU I,,,... M U .__ To Sii- I"'• • J• \10 J t0 l 00 -·lo• •v ... ...,..._,. u o • OO . ,,.....,,. IC•- "' I JO

11 Ill.ACTA IJ·•• - ~00 SIXTH •&Cl I ,... M<• c . ..... ~ , ... _.,. 100 • JO >00

Dor• ..,, "'"'" 10.- • tO >or; ,.._, J or e I Vo __...,.., 1 to

U IX.ACTA ol 61 M .O Ml .O llY91fTM •&Cl I """ M<• - ·- Aw"" 1 "-'•~ ~ to • JO H I)

CIM 0.. Vol l lA<O v l 6 00 J t0 .. .,,,, l-(- 1 • oc n IXACTA S· J ooeoo UOOO U OA~ Y nllPLI l I S t oo G

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RAIDERS from II learn. arc=

••J feel both menasll) and phytt1cally and I'm now ready to pla) the wa) I know I ca n "

He IOi~ 11 33-}'ard sconnJ pas\ 10 Mer~yn Fc rna ndeL earl ) in th<' first quancr and a 35-) ;uder to Vance Muclltr late 1n the ~cond period wh11t Evans Lo nncc t<"d on a 31 -yard sco nna \ tnke to Sttfon Adams o n the firs t p la) of the founh quaner.

San D1c10 Coalh Dan explained lhe beating 1h1s wn) ··w e go t the ball run on us. we go t the ball passed on us. "'e had problem\ protecung. wt' droppt>d so m e bait.. "' e d id n ' t attempt that man) ru ns b«au~ ""C: fell ~hand and tnc:d 10 wo rk o n the p.w~ang g;i mc

" O,erall 11 point ' u ut \ome " l·ak­nes~s v.c ha " c: 10 be l-oncerncd about ··

The C harger'> "' ere held to o nc touchJ~n dftc: r a'crag1ng 29 points 1n their li r\t three games The Raider\ allu "' cd JUSt 54 po1nh 1n their fi, e <'\h1h11111n g;i m c:\

An n.u lc:d I{ j 1de rs detens1' e

kague. I sec that hupptning her t' Golie . 1n his second season with

lo!> A ngde!>. pla)'t"d w11h the Brown~ from 1982 Lo 1988.

Los Anp:lcs contro lled tht' pme from the coin toss Tht Ra1c!t'~ won that and oe' e t looked back.

The> mu .. ed 8!S ) ards o n 11 phi\''> afier receiving the o pcn1nK k." kolT. sc ori ng o n the Sch roed e r -to· FcrnandeL J>d!l.S to go ahead for good h rnandc:1 ca ught the pcrfrc ti > thro "' n ball in the fro nt right rnrne1 o{ the end w nc:

Al\er fa iling to ge t a first down o the ir firs t two M:m~s. the C harger~ d ro"e from their 20-)ard line to th<' Los Angl" le~ :!I but Fuad Re " e11 m assed a 38-} ard ftdd goal

On their fourth pouesswn the: ( harger .. muH~d lro m the1f u "' n :!CJ tu the RaHkr~ I 'i but Tho ma\ '>ander '> fu mbkd and ~1 1 k.e ~ l'>l' relo, ered fo r Lm ~ngc:k'>

r he Raiden then d rO\(' 8, \ard\ o n I I pla~ !> 10 tjkc: .i I +.O 11n t he Sch roc:d<' r· t u- ~1u<"lkr p a \'> which came: "' llh 2 fJ ~ kft bc:h1re halftufle

ORANGI COA8T DALY N.OT Sundey, September 2. 1910 •

D ........ M. c:a..r.r.. 1 .. ~


0 I 1 II

• C>- 1 1 ..... Jt

L.A~.,1\111*1 U MH from SOVMOer

CJ- "'°'' Sl1 s.c.-.~

L A- MIAM• )$ .... , from ScfW~ I J­lo •O 11 S.

SO-A M 1119t .. "" trom VIMk ....... ••Cl•I ll ~

L.A -FC. JM9ef 2S IS OO Tlllr41~

LA &t • 21 run !J .. '"' "~" ' 1 • I ,~ ~""'

LA-A~m' ) I pen Evt r" ()- ~ 101 °'

LA- F C. J- t 7 .A11tno• ,,c-u.01 1


F • ll v• "• Pe u •"ll At' "''" Yerch Come> I"' ~~eo "••01 Lo•• p.,,,,, I'"""°'" I.,,,. P•f\• ' f \ Ve ro' T ~ o• Pou a u on I t 41


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PAS~>NG-S.1' o- vcam. .. l• ·O ... • 01 ' " ' s i. o ts F••tt1 0-3-0 o It••- • y•·roeoe• 12 n ISi E"'"' 1 f 0 Ill

.,..._ ..... _ "°"'" t OS D ....

'-°""° •• °'''°'' '0 n • ,... M~le 1 1 ~ •l.;a " 1 ti • "' GOLF . _....<,. • "'St )ii E Te ""-''" St 14 A'\. l~W\ \I 1t ~ \ \ t 1t k•~ loo-~ 1' M••~" \t tt ( ._. ...., H l- .__.,., $1 O

Ho tackle Bob C1uhc C\pla1ned. " This 11Gt4TM •AC.I I ,.,.._ l>OCt f...__. l , ,..,,.,.,. Jt I • I +IO 1' IO

It took the ( ha rger'>JUSI t\o\ o plJ '' to l UI the Ra1drr' k J d tu 14 ~ -~ark \ lastl thre"' .s '19-\ .trd tuu~h · d o 1o11n pa\s to \nthon~ \ t 1lkr

~Ei:f 1 ,.r ,...c, ~" 0•990 A M•llet 7-151 ~ ·· • 7 SS l'l• v• 1 l1 MCE ,..eri 1·1l ~' "''°' I I Qa•CM• \ !> s""''" • · 50 F'Pntl'del l 'IC ~A~'' l • S h • 2· 13 M..,..... l · JS "d•"" J .,.,,,or 1~n Por•" 1·1 o ... ' 1 .,. ( • .,,... I 6 rlOi • r>O I 6•• e t 1111 ""O"t 1 CK • ,,.. O.• .. ncl . , •ot•Of'I • )~ • "" ( e !"•.H (th e t (riic e ,o • U ~ ~ c-. ..... <'\O • • ' " ' " \J~ .,..

G,. ... MIWIUlrM 0Mn E u • ( • 'Ol lnl 11 Lhi ' IN 'Teet' ,, r.,,,.... 1• s C• 'O' "'I 51 /

S•K .. • "'' le • A- - 100G s-.. "'-•" ~ •C•- 1

U IXACTA lt•ll M iii '4100 llllfTM •&Cl I ,.... oeco

~= t<"am as JU\l 11 1'. l' C 'le' l"land an m~ f earl) ; <"ar'> ther<' \\ l' b uilt that in to

T he Ra1d<'f'\ rC:'>plllld<'d b~ dm in~ 7'l ) ard\ on nine: pla)S to gc:I II"'

poi.1t1o n fur a ~'\., ..i rJ fidd ~uJI 111 ,., _..., W1• I ..... \'••et ' '-> 10 • 1- 100 ~, ' "4i•'• •• ' " •• •1 - JO) Hattonal LHeu•

WIST DIVIJIOM \.to•t V'•'C>I•".. 1t •1·•1 103 W L I I )f

t;.8 9 to• Y• • ' a , a.& •• .. 7CO Ctn<i~I ~ S.t1 F r e "'(:+H(l'

~·D­H°"' 'Of'\ ........ 10 " • ' u .0 " .o n J1 .,

~II Ul

. ' ' . '• ,, . ) • I

..... V0t • Pltt \ C>otg t"t

~·, ... ~ ("'<• to ~·'•C. O"' . S1 lOv '

IAST OIVl~N ,~ \ \ I\ It .. ., •1 •• u •• .0 ,,

UI t, f ll t) I .,, ) . •II 1,

.. t ...... M Y1 \ kWH

~''•• ' ~ o N• • Vo• • t S.."' F' I ~ W ~ ( n('N'.at • ( ,. , .

At • ""' • 1 \• t,._ .>. , J ,...,.. ' 'Of'\ l p lf \Cvt~ i •o .,_...~ I Pfl\.. eo0t-i0" • ) 1 \e C' •9 1 1 .,,

--~ 10 ""'"'9t ,_.,.,c_.... 0...--1 ........ ~ ) • • AA4. ,, ••

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S~on toumam~t l t l __ ,,

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•u1• COAST DAILY fllLOT ..,... lund9y, ~- 2, 1990

co11-. football

Allen's debut witf'J 49ers ruined in big way, No. I 0 Ocmson. sparked by

Rodney Blunt's two scoring run!I. ruined 72-year-old George Allen's return to coaching wnh a 59-0 thrash1na of Long Beach tate on Saturday.

Oemson's defense l;m11cd Long Beach State to m1nus- l 6 )ards rusb~ng and to 57 yards O\erall 1n making a laugher out of Allen's first colleac game since 1956. · _ ~'This is a new expcnence for me." said Allen, who never had a losing record in 14 years a!I a head coach

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an professjonal football. " I don't recall a loss like this, I hope I don't havt' to recall man) moft' of tht'm

"This 1s m> first tnp to Clemson,'' \he said. " I doubt 1f I'll be back again."

• No. 7 Nebraska 13, Baylor 0: Gregg Barrio~ 'pro' 1ded a pair of first-half field golls and ~roll Baldwin ran for a lal>t· minute iour h· down as Nebra~ka s1rugglec.l 1n .1 battle of two of the nation·, wp defenses.

• No. 8 Tennessee SS. Pacific 7:

Tailback Chuck Webb ran 8 yards for a touchdo~ n less than t"'o m1mi1e~ into the game. igniting a 31 • point fim pc11od.

• No. 13 Tuai A&M !I, Hawaii 13: Dam-n Lewis rushed for I 0 I yards and a touchdown in the fir.t hall. and tullbacl Robert Wilson st0rcd twice in the opening 30 minutes for the .\gg1es. who M:ored their four touchdo"' ns before halt 11mc.

• No. IS Virginia 59 , Kansas 18: Qua/-bad. hawn Moore com·



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plcted 16 or 27 passes for 254 yard and thrtt touchdowns. and also ran for a score as Virginia, marking us first opt"ner as a ranked team. hand· cd Kansas 11s worst first-pmc defeat srncc 1942. Moore threw sconng passes of 28 yards to Bruct' McGon­nagal. I 3 }ards to Bnan Satola. and 59 yard~ to Herman Moore.

• No. 11 Brlgbam Young 30, UTEP 10: T) Detmer passed for 387 yardsJ. threw for a touchdo"' n and ran 1or two more an a Western i\thkuc <.. onfcrencc game dom1 ·

nated by penalties. Twcnt)'-onc pen· ah1cs we~ as~s5'..-d for 248 )ards. 1ncludin1 tbrtt stemmana from a lhtrd-quancr brawl that brouaht the UTEP bench to the Couga~· side· lint:. •

• No. 18 Pltt1bar1b SS, Olalo U. 3: L urv1n Richards ran for 119 yard'i and a touchdown for the Panthers. who st:ored on four of their Ii vc first · half pos~s~1ons

• No. %5 Weal Vlr&lnla 3S, Kent State U : Jon Jones ran 32 yards for a touchdo~ n on his first collcg1atl'



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c.arry to blunt a late Kent State rally that cul the Mountaineers' lead to 28-24

• Waaaa101to1 State U, TCU 3: Quanerback Brad Gossen passed for 238 yards and 1wo touchdowns as the Cougars brccted 10 Fort . Wonh. Texas.

• Montua %%, Oregon State JS: Grady Bennell thrl'W for two touch· do"'ns, ran for a third and executed a pt"rfect 65-yard quick kick for Montana - the first victory for the NC'AA D1,1!11on l ·AA Gnllhesover the D1v1s1on I BeaH'rs 1n the 15 meetings of the t'll> O ' chools

• Fresno State 41 , Eastern Mich· l1u 10: Quarterback Mark Barsotti rushed for two touchdo"' ns and passed for one score to lead the Bulld<>ss Barsotti finished "'1th 340 ) ards 1n total offense including a career-high 281 ) ards passing as hl· completed 2::! of 33 attempts

• Loulavilll' 10, Su Jose State 10: Spartam· k1\,'.ker Raul De la nor had two potential game-1Ainn1ng field goali. hlocked in the final t'll>o sec· ond\ as Louts' 1llc hung on 1n the debut of nc"' \an Joc;e heac.l coal h Terry ~hca

• Southwest Missouri Sta te 31, L'NLV 24 : ()uartl·rt>ad, Dc.\ndre Smi th ~torcd on a 8-,ard run ~1th 4 OJ kft 1n Lhl' game to lift the .. 1.,111ng Bear'>

• Utah 19, l ltab State 0: Running batl.. s ~ll'H' -\hram' and C111ton ')n11 lh l.'Jlh \lOrnl tou nh-quaner tou1.: htln" " " to rx1,q:r lhe l ·1cs The gamc hJJ tx·cn a ddcn\1\l' '>lruggk until l ta h\ o tlt:n"il' ton!.. aJ,antagc ot l 'i i turnm er' in the tinal \tan1a lo hn Jk thl· ttJnh open

• ~"' Mexlro 29. :\e"' Mul<'o State 12 Jrrl n1 I l'J l h pa'>'>Cd tor 11~ \ J I\\ \ ndrl· \\ oolen ran Im 121\ 11111n· anJ thl Lohm e\lrnUl'U thl \~ll'' h1\lnR \ treal lo I K \l1 a11?hl 11ngl'\l in ma1nr u1lkgc 1111 tlh.1 I

From Tbt> Auodat~ Prt'SS

Clfinlon S9, Lon; Beach State 0 , Se o<• t>v ~•rtK\

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l Titans capture opener, 38-24

\\'-I \ \ '- \ - Kt' \l'nl· K r~1r ) .1 !•11111gh 1.iri 1111 I U >JrJ, J nJ \\' " 11 ud1Jtl\'ll' " JtUrt!J\ I n k JJ <.. .II \ t,111. I 11lkn•• 111 a l ~ -24 \ 1v 111n o\l'I '11•n11m.1 -..1.1tl lhl T 11an' tir\I 'l" 1 '11n·111ll:n1 n~ "'1n 1n '' ' \l J r'

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5-> Jrd P·"' Imm rnl'nl' ~uar tcrbatl.. John \pl'ilr ln Dc.\ngelo M1tl hl·ll But lhl· r 1tan~ lt)(i l.. lhl· cn,.uing l..1 t l..otl and Sl orcd in thrl·e pla,\. v.11h Paul ~hulte h11t1ng Ru.hard llam\o n "'Ith a N -) ard .,n1nng pa''

B y Tbe A.uoclat~d Pttss

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kiek ) CSF-atrl\ Oll )t oau from Sctlullt t Nevtn

k lek l •lltfldeflC-2.0t l T•AAll ST ATllTICS

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Business is looking it up at library 1y JOY ANTHONY ~l'IMCM•t+=-•

NEWPORT BEAC H - Many ex­ecutives an: spendma " happy ho ur .. at the Newpon Center Branch of the etty library.

From 4 to 6 p.m . each day. the library 1s a beehive of act1 v1t>

" I would say SO to 60 percent of the q uesuons relate to business ... said T o m Johnson, assistant h· bran an.

To meet the growing need. the library 1s ofTerina fi ve workshops. co-spo nsored by the Newport Harbor Area Cham~r of Com· mcrcc, o n everything fro m how to get a business loan to what to do with 1t when you get 11

According Co Johnson. the Octo· ber wo rksho ps will be especially helpful to those who need assistance in wnt1ng a business plan nhkc 9thcr Stminars offered b> the Cham~r of Commerce. these " orl.. ­shops arc designed for peo ple who jrc nc" to the idea of en· 1rcprencursh1p

For those v.ho can't make the v.orkshops. the hbrar) offers ongo· mg help in the form of legal ad\ 1cc tax 1nforma11on. demographic data and mot I\ at1onal tape~

For public speak<"rs. thrrc arc shch es full o l sample spceche\. use· ful anecdotes and a book of in· 1roduct1ons - <1omc.-th1ng ap· propnate to SS) for each o f the 'fl' da)S of the )car

For 1mponers and "poners thl'rc arc manuals for doing hu\1nl.'\'i 1n other countnes .

.\nd for '"'estors. there an· guides 10 the stock markc t. 1ndud1ng the ( orporatc a nd l ndu~tf) Re~arch Reports put o ut h' ~hcar\on L<'hman Hutton

Accord ing to Robin Weed Bro"n the adult sen H.cs coordinator. mam investment clubs and <>tudl·nt group~ come to the hbraf) to find ou t v.hat <"conom1c trend-. are being luretast

.. There arc e'en ch1ldrl·n \ hool.." on in' es ting:· she said

Thanks to a S90.000 grant trom the Ham and Grace Steck Fuun­dauon ....: the bul k of "h1ch ~rn1 10 beer up bus1nrss ma1enals - the It bra I) 's business St"n 1crs arc "proh­abl~ 1hc s1rongcst of an) public hbral) in Orange Count~ ... Johnson said

Ahhough much of the 1nfor· ma11on can also be found at l f( I. man> entrepreneur\ sa' it's eas11.'r to find things at a smaller l1hrar) What's more. tht• Ne"pon <enter branch tal..c'i a more "ho" to" ap­proach Much o t the 1nformat1on at the unl\Crs1t) . he e ' pla1ned. 1-; mort· theoretical than prar t1rnl


Sunday, September 2. 1990 1115

Public speaking tips·from the pros l y JOY ANTHONY O<llly ,_ c.,. ..... -.

HUNTINGTON BEAC H More people arc afraid of public speaking than heart attac ks. That's why they should take a tip from the pros.

Accord ing to Dr. Robena Bntt. a Huntington Beach public speak­ing consultant, you can pick up an ) quality you want to hav( by watc hing th ~ expe rts on videotape.

Peter Ucberro th 1s a master of 1he bullet phrase. Lee lacocca ustS spons sto n es Ted Turner uses down-home Southern charm

You can adapt any of these lechntques 10 .your own per· sona ht}. sa)s Bnll.

Altho ugh Bri tt 11 ves man) video demonstrat1ons in group sessions - through UCf Cl\· tension courses. Cal State Long Beach seminars, and numerotu workshops around Orange Count ) - she prefers the one-on-one coac hing she docs in her Hunt· 1ng1o n Beach ho mr. a place she calls " ma1son de chambord ... af\er its chambord p ink cunams. sofas and nowers

.. I take a 'Cr) low-kc~ ap­proach." she ~1d " I behc'c in a non-1n11nuda1mg en' 1ronmen1 ··

r o open a session. she ta kes )uu on a tour of lhl.' house This 1s "hat president'> do "Ith foreign d1gn1tanc<;. she l'.\pla1ned .\ "alk looS<'n<, cvc11 bod) up

Then shr asks \OU to dra" an 1magrnar) line. a ia "iir l..a"rcnce

Dr. Robert• Brttt. left. u1e 1 vldeot•pe1 o f •ccompll1hed sp eakers and of h e r st ude n ts

~ - ,_...., "'--to teach e n ectlve publlc •P••klng t ech· n lq u es .

Oh' 1cr On one side of the line. O ln 1cr ~ould place all his v.omcs and fears When he crossed the hne, he was a new person

Herc are I I other tips: • I . Han a winner's walk. Dem­o nstrating the losers walk. Bntt slumps foNard "11h rounded

should!.'~ Then '>uddenh hr holds her hcJd up squarl'\ her shoulders and ''all..s 1ft li kl' j corporate pre\1Jl.'nt

• %. F~us on the benf'flts. In shon. don 't ar,k \Our\4:11 v.hat the aud1eme l 3n J n tor \uu \<.!..

'our\clt v. hat "ou liln do for the audience .

TbankJng· about the lontacto; ~ou·11 p1d.. up aftt'r the speech pul\ ~ou 1n a po'iillon of 1nfenon1' · she e'pla1ned Thinking .ibout the benefits u1u·11 be~to" malt..<''> \llU

their equal o r '>upenor

" If the audience walks o ut wtth kernels o f anformatton." she sa1d, " the) ·11 feel as satisfied as 1f tbcy JUSt had a steak o r seafood dtoner and salad.'' • J . Use kamOf'. But a void Jokes. Even a Bob Ho pe or a Ronald Reagan can more eastly handle a personal anecdote or o ne-liner than a long stor) with a trad1t10nal punch hnc • 4. Use eye C'ODtaci. But don •t ll) to ~acb e'er) o ne in the a.ud.tence You t:ould get distracted by the elTon • ~ . mile freq•eaUy. This puts the audience at case. • I . Use note carcl1. They'll re­m ind >'ou of }Our ma1or points. • 7. Practice yow 1,peeck. Bnn adv1~s at least :!O minutes a day for three days before you gjve at. • 8. Use yoar sarroud.la_p. They can help you introduce your topic.

4. t M I T . for aarn pie. lacocca will talk. about basketball and Bos­ton h1s1on Then he'll relate his anecdote<, ·10 his work a t Chrysler • 9. Use concrete Im.ages. Peter l 'eberru th. a '"master storyteller." u~d to dr\Crlbc how a badh handicapped OI) mp1c part1c1pant 'ramed the torch that extra mak His "'armth and a concrete e"ampk helped th(' audience get his point • 18. nuvoas0et1. The eas.-1c"lt v. 3\ 10 fret at easr as 10 Iulo" ) 11ur \UbJet t thorough I~ • 11 Paose W ntr ·· pau~" on eal h ol 'our n01ccards to remind 'our')(' It that therr ~ a umc to tafk and a 11me nut to

Taking SOllJe of the p~in out of divorce

Attorney D•vld Rlngler h•• developed • different •p· pro•ch to •llmony •nd chlld support p• yme nu.

By JOY ANTHONY O<Mly l'tlcH Co•H__.,.

NEW PORT HE..\C H - If \Ou mam 1n j

hurT) . you'll repent at leisure e u·t Da' 1d Ringler has fi&ured out a W3\ to take mo\t of the rcpentencr out uf d1"orce

Th1: ba\1t 1d1:a. ..a~' the ""c" port BeJ\ h allorne'. 1r, 111a'111d the umcnaint' cn·atl·J "'h\·n one spou~ I'> a'lkrd to pa) for the ·othl·r \pou..._ ' ~uppon b~ "a) of a monthl~ l'hcd. I nJl•r Ringkr's S) stt'm the mone) I'> sell led uplrnnt and paid through an annuli)

Tbc annu11' can llow from a trust or il

perTSlon fund JI' II no\\S from a PfnSIOO fund there's no pcnalt) ta \ for rarl~ \\

To Ringler the txnefit rs " ma1nh P'Hhll l0&1cal ·· B~ u~1ng an annul!~ adm1n1\ll'rcd h\ j third pan> 1ns1ead of a month I> chcdc 'uu l ut the t1(' that " )OU a pnsoncr of the <;\Stt•m ·· It 's the d11Tcrenfc lx't\\een remo' ang an adhc'i1' l' bandagr ' lo wl ) or 1n a hurry B~ using a tru~t nr pen~1un . thl' lie " gone for good

Take the man who'i. JUSt goll_cri rllllilt'd hlr thc ~cond time Cat h llrnl· hl· '>Its dn" n IP v. nil' a lhCl k to hi\ lorml·r "lie. 1h1: Ol'" '"fr j,i.., ·· w h, do )OU hj\l' tu pa) out 'o murh m11nl'' to that v. oman''" .\ third part' \\l1ulJ n·m11't him lrom the pnxe\<;. Ringler rt•marl.. l.'d

fht· third p.irt ' al'>o pn· ' l'nl lutun· l.iv.\ull\ In 11n1: or the ..adder case\ ht' ha' ht·ard Jhout cl v. tool.. J SI m1ll1on tl·rt1 1ica1t· 111 depo'lrt - lrom ,v.h1l·h she wa-. to rclt:l't' S It ~J.UOO 1n 'earl\ 1ntcrc'>t pa~ ml·nt<. - .ind \pl'nt 1111n j tl·nnl\ club her tx))fncnd v.anll'd hn to '°' t \I tn V. hen the tennis duh 1.iiled \he ""' j ll hc:r nwnl'' \o \hl' <.ued her C\·hu,hand Jnd got thl' pa' 11\l'nl' rulhng. again

I hl' hu,hanJ v. ould ha\C hl.·en j lt•t htlll'r o il hi.' ...:1 up an annuli\. R1nglrr nntcd Thl·n hi\ "'ill· v.ould ha' l' ~n guarantet•d hrr S I UO lKK• J \('.if v. 1tht.1ut add111onal ml>OC\ from him ·

In o thl'r t J\C\ 1t'<, the v.1k that sutTt·f\ · 'l ou fl'Jll all tht· t1mt' ahout St•mt'ont' v. ho

hj' 1.11 kJ ll• mjkl' their '>Uppun PJ' ment\ p..trtll ul.u l\ thl'.ir lhilJ support pa\ mcnt\ · Rintt· kr n11tl'U

.\ F-londa man. tor c~ample V.j\ t'· ra<.\t'd 1n front o l h1\ ne" \\lie \\hl'n .-,nmr 1kpu11n ,huv. l'd up to d<.'mand he i1irk ll\ t'r I hl' dough l njhk 10 pa~ . the \lotld 1JI) !:I) v.h1k tht• julhunl1l'' )tripped him 111 h1' ,; .. Id pl.tll'd \1 .irint· ( orp' '"' urtl Jnd hi\ v.t•ddintt nn~ 1ht·n 1hn 11111~ Jll hi\ o tli1.t' iurn11ua· ka' 1n~ 1hr room harc--r7

\n C\l•fr-iv.or<.t' .,._cnanu tX\Ur\•n tlH

hu,hJnd or v.1fl ha' n11 a\~ts w fork o\l·r Ringler \J1d In th1•'>t· ld'>C'>. the rcc1p1rnt I'> out l•I lu1. I.. jnJ thl' 1'>\Ul' 111 child '>upport bernml'' .. J \ouJI pr11hkm · ht' \all.I ·

In dncluping a pa\mcnt-guarant~ program J I Ringkr and .\\'>(Xlatt'<t - a ""e"'-port Bcalh· jld\(.·d la"' 1irm v.11h ' o ffi1.c\ nauon"'1dc -R1nt1kr ' 1.'\Nndintt a onu·pt hr de,elo pcd I'\ \l'Jf\ Jt111 111 hjnJle per.onal inJur. ca<;.e\ - .i ll•nl1 pt "'h1d1 ha'> \1ncL' bct:ome standard prat .• 11,t he ..a1J

Bu t th<' 1Jc.-a l'f<ling the annual \ cnn· ll'PI to d1' •ne -.c11km<'nts might not ha\C' 1ll1 urred lo him he \.did tf he hadn't tl('('n hut1onh11lcJ 1n thl· \J nta \ nj < ou nhouse

'\ our 111mpan' I'> '' ' "C'll lno v.n on lht" third lh>0r 1"'hl·rt· pc:rsona l 1n1 ur. tasc' art· h.indkdt." '-!1J a iudge '' " h' don't v.(' e'er ~:e \11U on th1 -...·u•nJ tloor (v.haC' 1.h\llfCl' l a<.e.-. arc iilcJ .....

.\I tir'>t Kin~ler had Jou~t<. about adding to hi\ hu,1nl''' Hut .lller research he dl'l ldl•tl 111 tn lht· itka uut

f"'1·n1' 1i,1.· j\l'' and .-.1 ,. month<. later ht'' ,11n tid1"11 lhJI th< nl'" ..,,.,11.'m - lake the annu1t ' hl' lln d11ix•J !Pr ix·r,onal in1u nc'i - v.111 tx u•P•l'J !>' 1•th1 r l1rm' j1 ro'>'> .\mc:nca

Old World charm in the new world of Irvine ly TONY DOOERO o~ ,_ St.,. wm ..

IR VINE - Jim Murar looked a b11 exhausted Thursda>

And he had good rea-;on tu be af\rr entcnaaning some 800 people at a Wcdnesda) mght s01rcr to promote his company's latest 'en-

ture - (one Belk Murar. chairman ol Rec rc.\lt u>n

Groups Inc. e"<pla1ncd that C onr: Belle 1s unique. complctcl} unlakt· an) of the other cond1m1n1um com­plexes in the Weslpark area ul lr\lnC _

The reason. he said. £that thl'. ongtnal o wners of the parcel, the

lr\1nl.' < o had rnmpla1ncd that all the Jc, clopment!> 1n the \.\ e\tp.Jrl.. area ~ere bcgining to look the saml' So. \\hen Rccrt'.\ctlon Groups "'''° the bid fur th1.· project thr~ \<.'Jr\

ago. 11 v.cnt searching tor an nld· uluntf) lla, o r to add to a nc" · lOuntr\ l rcallon

.. w e· wanted tu create 'iOmt·th1ng d1ffrrcnt: · Murar said .

.\nd dllkrcnt 11 1s. 1n fact 11 1\ <oo J11Tcren1 that RecreAct1on < 1roup!> shunned the tt"rms .. townhomc" and "condo m inium" for a label that m ore accuratcl~ reOccts the pr<>Jt'l· t 's Italian SI) ling and design

Thus the term "Euro Valla " \\as born

"Our whole design team ~cnt to Ital)," Murar said. The architectural cntouragr staned 1n Rome and tra veled nonh through Venice. Flo r· ence and finall> to Milan. taling notes along the v.a) . he said.

The) returned "llh '1s1ons or p1auas. '11las. marble facades. foun­tains and statues. which the~ S)n· 1hc!>11C'd 10 ucatr this un1qur pro­JC't t

" The> came up with a lot o f details on how to r nnch some-

- thing." Murar said "You'll $('(' de· ta1fs tha t the dc"ltgncn picked up in Italy Theft' arc rounyards wnh pat­terns and fo untains and palm trtts "

And statuc11 Strateaically placed thro uaho u t

the complex art' several Euro pean- Amene the touches In spired lty ttle Old styled fiaurt's of cherubic children World •t Corte aeUe In frvln• we the use and t~<lothcd men. There's c\Cn

D..,, "94 ,..._ -., - -of ......,., •nd pr4e n1 to enftanc• th •

•unoundlfte•· a larac 1uard1an ans cl. a fiaurc o pen1n1 - a Iona wa1tm1 Im ol wl'udl -Murar utd the deslan tC2m prospective bu)ers found in 1n most all the v11las that Not man) v.111 d"putc that 1f

• they \'U1tC'd throuaf\out Ital) C'orte Belle had o l)cned a rouplc of " All the statues were hand-aned )can aao. m o t of the homc'i "'--ould

m Italy," he said. ha'c bttn sold '1nuall hcfort' the\ When 1f, complete. Cone Bella were conC'(1,C'd

will featun: 22 ttpantc "Euro Vil- . But nowi of the :!Ml un11s a\a1l· las.·· each with au ov. n dn1~. TI\('rt' ab&c. onl S haH' l'lttn wfd. a fac1 lr'f 10 to 12 unm plannC'd for ~h thl\ donn 't tttm to 001hcr Murar villa. Wlth a total of U10 units for the cnure proJ«t. " Wc·\ic had a rtall) trcmcndou

.. Each \i1lla 15 1nd1v1dually de- rt'sponK from our pro pecta ve MIM'd &ad coocc1ved," Murar said. buycn." M urar u1d. and h~ pointed and "eecb oflhe buildJnp" named out that '*tuk the do not have a al\tt a cauan v1llt an ltaJy " """'' h 1. 1hctt art ··a coupk

lul c~m lhouab the comPac\ fea - hundred ~pie on the 1n1crnt hJt." twa "*famil_y anachcd homes To combet the softcn1n.1 market 11 tanu'I at aboul SI 7,000. and h\fth ·• ma~ bt thM pani hke Wfdnes-

1&)'li"1 and la\llh KlUl\P, theft I di S. ... tut'h fc turtd JOUnntl ~f one thina 1&111 mmana ftom lh" Wolfaant Put'~ . v.111 btto~ stan-

dard fare at fututt hous1n1 pro1~1 o penings. not to mcnuon new aru1 1nnova1avc sctll!ip .

.. The pla a,nnd o pcnina " '<>me· what new." said Ed Ponmann of Portmann Commun1rat1ons an 1r"\1nc .. h used to happen \U" 140 but at as fa1rh ncv. 1n the m 1dcn11al rca I estate rndunrv .. .

Portmann s.a1d tl\at 1f Wl"dncs­da) ·, pany was an) 1nd1~1or: lhC'T't' will be shn1har panic 10 the tuturt' And . he aid. 1n th1 ~~ the de­' eloper had aood ~n 10 C"CI· cbrak.

··1 thank the RCO'CAC't•ons Group toot t.tu oa:as1on &o ix ~ thin• we have a winner heft.' Ponmann Aid.

And baVlnt a ~nntt ma be JUM • 11 takrs to Jrl new buyen 10 make the comm1umcn1 an an 1n­cre1.51n&I> un$tablc «ono m )'

" ~bsofutel):· aarttd Murar, ~ wa n' t pfanned that ·~· but the bu)Cfl t'CCOlf\IR the d1flCttnce."

" I think thlS ' ' probebl) totna to be a 'CT') popular t pc product. M

Ponmann Qid " h '5 ocw. at 11 unique and 11 atuacts a mott upteak profi lonal t)~ couple and )OU"I· ~ farn1l ) : ·

Pon.mann pmjK:tcd that 10mc of the more creau'e bw.kkn and arcb1&ecl will follow RecreAC'llon•t lad .

" I \bank that ID)'tbtna comes alona ind add.I an oati111 dtman to a mundane condomiDiua .....-iJ ioina lO wen tlCleepted in 'die · maA.ctp&tce."' be said.

- Qfange (;ounty Stock Watch Oln•nt Net , ... ..... . ..,. Prk• a..,.. ......

I .ADVANCED LOGIC NASO 9 1/2 + 3/ 4 17 l /4 2.ADVANTAGf. LIFE PltOOS NASO 2 3/ 4 + f / 8 4 5/8 l .AU.flGAN NYSE IS 1/ 4 + ' 3/8 re 7/ 8 4.AlrHA MICROSYSTEMS NASO J 3/4 • J/ 8 4 3/4 S.AMHtCAN MEAlTH SERV NASO ' 1/ 4 + f/ 8 2 7/8 6.AMflttCAN ,.ACESETTE" NMS . • I/I + f/8 4 1/2 7 .AMPt.ICON INDUSTllES NASO 7 .. II 8.AICHIVE CORP NASO 8 J/ 4 + 3/8 fl 7/8 t.~RAU NASO ' ' 3/4 + f/2 20 3/4

, ... Lew

8 1/2 l 5/8

12 1/4 J 3/ 4 I f/I 2 3/8

7 6 7/8

11 1/4

0Fcange £oast Business Dates.

Business renC:lls


10.AST RESEARCH INC NASO re 1/e + 5/8 25 l/8 I I.IE AVIONICS NASO 1 ro 3/4

ro 3/ 8 6 3/4

Tbc Boant of Direo'tOrt of \Jae MuniQpal Wattt District of Oraftll 11~~..-..ifl!iiil!.._ ... ......,i...i..-.a....ii...i....i.....i~..._..i,...i...6..i.._,__.1...1...&....i..1 County will hold public heariap 09 Proposition• 128 and l4l at 9 a..m. OD Sept. s. II the dl1trict offices located at 1950 E. 17th St. in Santa· Ana. Water \llllC ii likely to be affected lfcither of the ini&iativc:s IN palled in November. Prop, 128 ls an ecoloticaJ measure that if peaed wouJd establish the Environmental . Protection Act of 1990. Proo.~ I .. dcsiancd to amend the SaJi unnk· ina Water and To~ic EnJ~ment Act, or Prop. 6S oaSled by ~ in 1986, to imp[emen1 rtpc>nina procedures for water qencia .

.. 12.IECKMAN INSTRUMENTS NYSE 14 1/8 + 1/2 18 1/2 13 5/8 11.IELCOR NASO I 3/ f6 • 3/16 3 ' 3/16 I • .IERGEN BRUNSWIG AMEX 23 1/8 + I 28 3/4 20 f/2 15.IRIOGFORO FOODS NASO t8 t/4 + 3/4 24 17 t/2 16.IRISTOL RESEARCH NASO 3/4 .. I 3/16 ,,. 17.CAM DATA SYSTEMS NASO 5/8 • 1/ 8 2 3/8 S/8 18.CARL KARCHER ENT INC NASO 1 3/4 + 1/2 12 3/4 6 7/ 8 19.CENTENNIAL GltOUP AMEX 9/16 + 1/16 I 3/4 1/2 20.CEIAOYNE INC.CALIF NASO 3 1/4 + t / 8 4 3/8 2 5/8 21 .CHESAPEAKE INDUSTRIE NASO I .. ' 1/2 I 22.CIMCO NASO 9 1/4 • 1/4 13 1/ 4 9 1/4 23.CJ.OTHESTIME NASO 2 1/8 + 1/16 6 1/ 8 2 1/16 24.CMS ENHANCEMENTS NYSE 3 1/2 + 1/ 8 10 7/8 3 3/8 25.COMARCO INC NASO 2 1/ 8 .. • 3 3/4 2 1/8 26 .COMMERCE8ANK NASO 9 1/2 • 1/4 16 ) / 4 9 1/ 1 27 .COMMRTO N CP A AMEX 6 + 1/8 8 )/8 5 3/ 4 28.COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRI NYSE 25 1/8 + I 5/8 30 5/8 20 3/8 29.COVINGTON TECHNOLOGI NASO 1/2 .. 15/16 1/2 JO.DATUM INC NASO 2 3/8 - I / 2 4 )/4 2 3/8 31 .0ICEON ELECTRONICS I NASO ) 1/ 8 6 1/4 3 32.D lSTRIBUTEO LOGIC CO NASO 9 / 16 .. ' 7 / 16 9/ 16 33.00WNfY SVGS&LOAN .ASS AMEX IJ 3/8 - 1/8 19 1/ 2 13 3/ 8 34.0VI FINANCIAL NASO 11 3/8 + S/8 11 3/8 3 3/8 3S.EIP MICROWAVE NASO 2 1/4 4 1/ 4 2 1/ 4 36.ELOO RAOO BANK AMEX 10 1/4 + 1/ 2 IS 3/8 9 3/ 4 37 .EMULEX CORP NASO 5 3/4 + 1/ 8 7 7/8 4 3/ 8 38.FHP INC. NMS IS + 2 1/2 22 1/2 12 1/2 39 .FIOELITY NAT'L FIN AMEX 10 - 3/ 8 12 9 1/ 4 40.FILENET CORP NASO 13 1/2 + 2 1/ 4 20 I I 1/4 4 1 .FIRST AMER FIN CL A NMS 9 1/4 + 5/8 14 1/ 4 1 1/8 42.FLUOR CORP NYSE 35 7/8 + 3/ 8 48 3/ 4 35 1/2 43.FOR BETTER LIVING NASO 8 13 1/4 8 44 .FURO N COMPANY NMS 13 3/ 8 + 1/4 18 7/8 11 1/2 45.GATEWAY COMMUN. NASO 3/4 . 1/ 16 2 1/4 3/4 46.GENERAL AUTOMATION AMEX 9/ l6 .. I 3/ 8 7/16 47.GISH BIOMEDICAL INC NASO 11 3/ 4 + I 1/ 4 16 1/ 4 5 48 .GRAOCO SYSTE MS INC NASO s 3/ 4 + 1/4 13 s 1/ 4 49.HAMMONO CO NASO 2 )/4 + 1/ 4 s 1/4 2 3/8 SO.HEICIONETICS AMEX 2 3/4 • 1/ 8 7 3/8 2 1/ 8 SI .HYCOR BIOMEDICAL INC NMS s S/16 + 5/16 8 3/8 4 3/8 52.ICN BIOMEDICALS AMEX 7 1/8 + 2 l/JJ 11 3/4 5 S3.ICN PHARMACEUTICALS NYSE 3 3/ 8 + 1/4 5 1/2 2 1/2 S4.J M PETERS AMEX 4 3/ 8 + 1 10 1/2 3 1/ 4 SS .LANDMARK BANK NASO 8 3/4 12 1/2 8 3/4 S6.LASER PRECISION NASO 3 + 3/ 8 4 S/8 2 5/ 8 S7 .MAI BASIC 4 NYSE 2 + 3/ 8 3 3/4 1 5/8 S8.MEOSTONE INTL INC NASO 3 + 1/8 9 1/ 2 2 7/8 59 .METALCLAO NASO I 1/4 - 1/8 I 3/4 I 1/4 60.METROPOL CIRCUITS AMEX 3/8 + I /16 11/16 S/1 6 61 .MICROSEMI CORP NASO I 1/ 4 - 1/4 2 3/4 I 1/ 4 62.NATIONAL EDUCATION NYSE 4 1/4 + 1/ 8 0 110 3 1/ 4 63 .NATIONWIOE HEALTH NYSE 15 5/ 8 + 3/4 17 3/4 13 3/4 64 .NEWPORT CORP NASO 8 5/8 10 1/8 8 51: 65 .NEWPORT ELECTRONICS NASO 3 3/4 4 1/ 2 3 I 2 66 NEWPORT PHARMACEUTIC NASO 2 3/ 8 + 1/4 3 3/8 I 13/ 16 67 NICHOLS INSTITUTE AMfX 16 + 3/ 4 18 1/4 11 )/8 68 OOETICS INC Cl A AMfX 4 3 / 4 ~ 1/8 5 3/4 4 1/4 69 .P 0 A ENGINEERING NMS 7 3/8 + 1/2 7 7 / 8 3 1/2 70.PACESEITER SUS PRO P NYSE 4 1/8 6 4 71 .PACESEITER HOMES NASO ,8 1/ 2 9 1/ 4 7 72 .PACIFIC INLAND BANK NASO 5 3/4 6 1/4 5 3/4 73 .PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC NYSE 11 3/8 - ' 1/4 16 1/ 4 10 1/ 8 74.PACIFICARE HLTH SYST NASO 16 + I 3/4 27 1/2 14 1/4 75.PARICER AUTOMOTIVE NASO 4 1/8 . 1 / 8 10 1/8 4 1/8 76.PLAZA COMMUNIC ATIONS NASO 1/2 5/ 8 3/8 71.PRINTRONIX INC NASO 9 7/ 8 . 1/ 4 13 7/8 9 5/8 78 .PROVENA FOODS NASO 4 1/ 4 5 1/2 3 3/4 79 .0UIKSILVER INC. NASO 19 1/2 "' I 1/2 29 1/2 17 1/2 80.RAINSOW TECHNOLOGIES NASO 9 1/4 .., I 14 6 3/4 81 READICARE INC NASO 3 1/ 4 • I / 8 4 7/8 2 1/16 82 ROPAK CORPORATION NASO 6 . 1/4 9 4 3/ 4 83 SAFEGUARD HEALTH ENT NASO s 1/ 2 .. 1/ 4 8 3/ 4 5 1/ 4 84 SHELLY ASSOCIATES NASO 2 2 1/2 I 3/4 85 .SPI PHARM. AMEX 7 1/2 ~ I 7/8 9 7/8 5 S/8 86 STANDARD PACIFIC NYSE 8 1/8 + S/8 IS 7 1 /2 87 THREE 0 DEPTS AMEX 4 1/8 • 1/4 4 S/ 8 4 1/8 88 TOKOS MEDICAL NASO 10 + 1/ 2 16 1/2 9 1/4 89 .TRANSCON INC NYSE 1/ 2 2 1/2 13/32 90.TRICARE NMS 6 3/8 - 1/ 4 9 6 3/ 8 9 I TRIMEOYNE INC NASO 2 1/8 + 1/2 6 3/4 1 5/8 92 UNICARE FINANCIAL AMEX 12 + 1/ 8 13 7/8 11 3/4 93.US FACILITIES CP NASO 3 5/8 + 5/ 8 5 5/ 8 3 94.VARCO INTERNATION,.a,L NYSE 11 1/ 4 - 1/8 13 1/2 5 5/8 9S .VIRATEK INC NMS 3 1/ 8 + 3/ 8 7 1/ 4 2 3/4 96~EST COAST e,.a,NCORP NASO I 3/ 8 + 3/8 3 1/4 I 97 ESTCORP ,.a,MEX 7 + 1/4 8 5/8 . 6 5/ 8 98.WESTERN DIGITAL AMEX 9 S/ 8 + 1/4 14 1/ 4 8 3/8 99 .WET SE AL NASO 14 1/4 + 1/2 18 3/4 13 3/ 4

100 WYNN'S INTERNATIONAL NYSE 17 3/4 23 7/8 '7 3/ 4

Greet ... Percentaee Getn1 ' Greatest Percerttae• l.o•M• I ICN BIOMEOICALS + 42 50% I Parker Automotlvr - 17 .5~ 2.SPI PHARM + 33 33% 2 Three O Oepts - S.71% 3.J M PETERS + 29 63% 3 ROPM: CORPORATION - 4 .00% 4.US FACILITIES CP + 2083% 4 TRICARE - 3.77% 5 FHP INC + 2000% 5 REAOICARE INC • 3 .7~

TICQll TAU<A U.S. Facilities announced strong operating results for 1ts second .Quaner. primarily attributable to Increases In Its nu~r o f accounts and its rates However. more importantly, manage~nt expressed ~lief that the tmprovemtnt 1n revenues and earnings should continue and that the company txptcts to achieve re?cord operating results

Data supphed by Newport Securit ies Corp For research information on any of rhtse companies. contact Je ffrey Kilpatrick. president of Newport Securities. at 9 5 7- 1081

0 The Lido Marina Villqc in New·

pon Beach will be the site this Sept. 6, for the openina of the I 7th annual Newport Fall New Power and Sail­boat Show.A selection of 1991 inter­national and domestic models will be assembled sid~by-side for easy · comparison. Show houn arc 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.ID. to 6 p.m. weekends. Free parking will be available at the comers of Tustin and Avon A venues with com­plimen tary shuttle service available every 20 minutes.

0 The Fountain VaJlcy Chamber of

Commerce will sponsor a Sunrise Miller. at 7 a.m. Sept. 7, at the Ciao Bella Ristorante in the Los Caballeros Sports Villl&c. "To Catch a Thief' author. Mike McCafrrcy will be the guest speaker. McCafTrcy spent 20 years as a professional criminal before tumi n& straiJht. He teaches audiences how to avoid bean& a v1ct1m of a cnmc. Call the Fountain Valle) Chamber of Com­merce for more information at 962-4441 .

0 . On Sept. S. the Orange County

Chapter of Mceung Planners lnter­na11onal will prc~nt a meeting with the theme, " Put Magic 1n Your Meetings." Representati ves fro m Disneyland's enten.ainment. cater­ing and convention services will discuss the cost, timetables and in­formation planne" need to when pulling on a ''magic" event. The meeting wall take place at 11 :30 a.m. at the Disneyland Hotel. 1150 W. Cerritos Ave. in Anaheim.

0 A seminar entitled " Meet Your

Creall\e Mand" wall be given Sept. 11 and 18, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Huntington Beach. Doreen Wulbrecht of Oxford Compan) Partners W111 present the scm111ars. which will focus on crca1-1na soluuons and 1cuing the edge 1n the marketplace.

Ice cream industry_ eyes Japan

TOK YO - Havina htt a rocky road in the fat-conscious Unttcd States. domestic ice cream makers hope to cap1taltze on new op­ponun1L1cs 1n Japan.

The enthusiasm comes in the wake of the Japanese aovemment's April I move to eliminate tee cream im port, wt11ch held annual U.S. sales in the country to a average of $200,000 a year from 1985 10 1989. As pan of a 1988 trade agtte· ment between the U.S. and Japan, lhe countt) this year dropped the 110 metnc ton annual hmtt on U .S. ice cream exports.

A recent rcpon from the federal Forc1an Aanculture Service noted that Hona k ona alone accounted for 27 percent of U.S. ice cream exports an 1989. The report also said Japan hold~ the areatest potential for tm­pons now that the limits arr gone.

- lly Sulft N•w• ~""~

Prescription for the federal deficit: Put a limit on Congr~ss' credit card 1y JOHN CUNNfff ,.,..._...,..

NEW YORK - Conaress. says the professor. is a bit Jike a person in ~on of a credit card on wb.ach the issuina bank somehow fo~t «> put a limit.

• Credit limits on bank c:ardt are there to protec t 1ou from bat\kNptcy." be 11)'1. While you, pabaJ)I. are IC:nlible enoup not to lpmd' younclf in«> poorbou1e, DOCC~ is."

· COllllaa.. be lament&. teem• to be ia dlat laner about

. =i~.:-=t,'='-~ .... 11 pa"Cet:lt tbe pm.1~ ... ,., propcmtl.

Tiit profcuor. W i lt i am

2:1~ .. . : :z:at«-=: ~-~ ..... 1,.)006 .............. p .. ........... .,.... .. ._m••.•t

~ dM•n•,..,..M

tt1story ckmonstratn that Ameri­ca needs to pu t a cap on federal spcodina. just as cerwnly u tbOIC capt arc needed on credit cards. HtS«>ry proves it, he SIYJ. Conaress chootes to rajse t.ues instead of cun.ina spendina.

Wbmever t.Ud are railed, be continued, you may be ·sure that tpendiftl alto will. be m.d. And when IPCDdina is raiJCd.. j ust u cenai.nly you can expect tues to be n.iled.

But, the elected omcia.I aJlbi1, toV· emment needs more money becaUIC of ianation. Not 10 , says Du~ He a plains:

If tbe w "t.c is I 0 pm:cnt and you eem a dollar, the 90vcrnment ll'tl 10 cmt.1. If inflation taiaa your Miity by I 0 percent, you will ttt Sl.10 ud ibe eovemmeat "111 ttt' 11 cau. or I 0 pennt more.

"°""'· ... •11. '°"""""'' ~· kdPI srowiae • • peroen1 ... iJICOlllC, and tbll reauita hilher tu r1ta • or lou of new

taxes. That's what hu been happen­iDf: he SI ys.

'Why should aovemment •t more of our output?" be alb. He 1...,.ats e veryone conaider that question and mau 1 poUtic:al ck· cision:

.. We mutt ai.mpll decide if we an Fttint our mooey • worth ftom tht doDln bcint IPtftt by 90¥Cnment.

.. lf we are, we tbal1 be lilappy lo pay. If not. we sbouad cut ..,endiQI and tend thole dollars beck «> the oeoDk who are auPDOICd «> be the beneficiaries of lk aovcnuncntal aymm - the wpaym. •• Dua~ an abltrlct

tbiaker, he ii • pcnon who undmtandt and hu «> Uve within oac .. dean of Temple Uni­venity'a ICboof of bulfMM .. We maM cap rec1era1 IPtftdillo" be~ dim..

He •:-r:;• wt coeli lier prcltCllllt ad .. .d•aaced "' .. OJ. Giii> AllodlbOll ol Colnmen» Pd Jaiiuwy. Midi would put • ' ~ cnt annual cap on eovcnunena


•pcndana 1ncreasn. And 1f inflation ate that up, so be it.

" h has a happy ' sjdc effect or mak.ina aovemmcnt interested in kcerina inflation low," he oblervn .

I WC did that, be promited WC would produce a balanocd budaet within a few yean, and then aurplutn to reduce outatancUna ~v­crnmcnl debt or to provide funds for ~ federal tall C'6tt..

Note, be 11ys. this $ percent cap wovld not deny 90vtr'lllMnt an an­a'-'Al inaalc. Eich year h would 1tJU have about I.SO billion in new tPtftClina Lo allocate aa it saw fit.

All tbal • 're doina here 11y1 Owlkelbera: la ma.kina It pouible to ..Umina1C tbe dcftcit Al matt.en •&and. be Hl)lains. ''apend.ina is now Jll'Gl'Ulmed to lfOW by more than revauacs evny year."

Pua 1 $ ,.nnt cap Oft ~ftl lfOWlb. ........ IDd wi1b ..,, •• w. cock we ...... ~ iD five or U )llml NI 11111 tludld UI fOr two die .. , a balleced ~. AM after that, a •rpln. ·

hMlth demand• tt.e eame Ion that pttyaal hMtth does.''

nllW•llth eaya. ' 'We think Of OU'9lfYel .... IOC1ora, educating our cl'8nt1 to

the JK cone of tnv.etmenta. And we allo o ,.,,_,.., ftnendal checkupe." .I. Smith

The wont~. Arlyn Smith points out, are geared ,.___... tow11d tMChlng people how to manage their

mon.y. " We conttder not onty a cflent'a age. Income and tax bracket, but also his or her lnveetment temperament. ''

The Smith• Inform prospective clients " what'• out th«•" In the way of Investment opportunltlel, then advise them aa to the bee1 lnveatment In thetr particular situation.

The flret workahop wlll be presented Sept. 12 and 13 at 6:30 p.m. wtille the

A. ......,. NCOnd II acheduled for Sept. 19 and 20 at the aame hours. Attendees may chooee either date for each MNion.

Addttlonal Information on the Investment workshops may be obtained from either Arlyn or Jeannine Smith at the Newport Center offloe of Bateman Eichler, Hiii Richards In Newport Beach, •76-5100. Retervatlons may be made by contac11ng Sheri Ford at (800) 82~6021 .

Her1chber1 new Pacifica director Marvin Herschberg has been appointed exeuctlve direc­

tor of Pacifica Community Hospital In Huntington Beach. Herachberg began hi• career In hoapltal administration

u admlnl1trator for ambulatory programs for United Hospital• ot Newark. N.J. He was later promoted to UIC>Ct't• admlnlatrator of the 825-bed tMChlng hoepltal and subse­quentty wu executive director of Lydia Hos­pital In New York. San Bernardino County Medical Centttr and the Medlcal Center of Garden Grove.

In addition to his hospital career, he founded and operated an Independent rnedl· cal admlnl1trat1ve conaultlng company. In Henchberg thl1 capacity, he organlud and managed multl-speclalty medk;al groups and a holpftal.

Herschberg h .. held faculty positions at Adelphi Unlver­.. ty In Garden City, N.Y., the University of Phoenix, the!ty of Redland1 and the Unlver .. ty of La Verne, where he conduct• c111 .. In hMlth care management and trends.

The new Paclflca director graduated wlth a master 's degree from Adetpt'll Untwnlty. He and his wife Diana have ttve ehltdren and llve In Yorba Linda.

Bar1aina abound at NY Basement New York City, wtilch 11 home to most of the top

~.,.,.. In the United Statee, aleo la home to what profeuk>nal lh0pper1 call " the buement."

To any New Yorker who knowe b11gaJna, the basement la a fllimllllr term whk:h refer• to thOM covet full of designer dothel at bottom p~toea. New York Buement In Corona del Mar conttnUee thl• t edition wtth quality brand-name clothing at pnoee that are tfordable.

Along wtth ctot Ing, Nft York Buement also carries an auortment of acc.eeorleS which Include exotic )ewetry from Morocco. scarves, hats and belt• tn leather and faahlonable designs.

Suhalla Reehada, wtio opened the shop about two month• ago, MY9 the goes to Nf1W York .. wefl u Europe to find the unique clothing and aoceaaortea In her shop.

" Every thing In the shop has been per80nllty hancj.Mfected, so you can get a on9-0f·Hlnd p6eOe whJch you will not find In

R11tt1d1 a department etore," she llY9. Aa weH u dothlng and eoceeeor .... Relhada points out

that there 11 a eok>rfu1 -.ctton of e«amlca and statuettes which 11• aJlo one of a kind In Orange County.

" In my shop you wm r~ t~ VfKY beat In customer aervtce." Aelhada 1dd1. " In fact, In the future, we wlll be havtng cuetom alteratlont done In the 1tore." To further enhance cu1tomer ~. Relhada Ilea point• out that th«e 11 meter .... perking In t~ back of the store.

New York Buement 11 tocated at 27"'4 E. Coast Highway In Corona d• Mar. For more tnformatton, call 721-0934.

' ~

Top quality at f!ool & Spa Mart Mtk• Klrchhoe, owww of San Ju9ll Capistrano'• Pool

and Spa Mll1, hel 32 yMt'I ot exC*tlnce tn the poot and epa bu8fneu, meklng him qualified to .. Y thM he off.,. hie cu1tomera top-quelw that tut.

There 11• lbc d Hat~ epea to chooM from In the atore, and all come ...,. a ftV9-~ part• and lebot' warranty. •'Thfl ti a wrttten warranty,'' not• KlrchhOI, ' 'and moet IPM don't have Mythlng ctOM to thla to offer the buyer.' '

KlrchhOe lddl that hll apM range from• 12·jet epa to a cazy twC>i*IOft epe ' 'Ind ~ In between.'' Ptua, Poot Ind Spa Mart .... Moto M .... wNct\ .. a petented ~ apa th8t WOttta on knotted beak ""_... end tenee ,,........ Hot 8prtnga II the only compMy tMt rnllk• thla model.

lfl•llinaopplllftfWVlllg .. Poof end ..,. Melt. wtlldl '* beer\ open tor four ~ ... not be a. h11dedte *-• Klrohhoe _.. .... epeoleMee In per90ft8I • vtoe. I Im ..... to antwer M't ~ntto.• Ind b•lcalty to help p.opte find what they need.' .

Kltdlhol' Citing n8t\q Nik• Pool end 8pa Mart more tf'8n lull a .._..,111. For twy epe IOld In September. I 100 f09I to Jerry'• Ktdl lw .. &peclll ~

Pool Md lpe Mart II GP"' Mander IWOUDh ~ • a.m. to 'd:· end lundlly 10 a.m. to a p.m. 'lM lfMIP .. laCllld M 1 CMft Clpiltt•M>• Ian Juen C....,•ao. ~,... ............... Oii ....-al04.


Stepping Out In ...

Judy's Cafe Society

One· bur.ger, but hold ·


Locar resi­dents are up in arms.

They're say­ing $ 15 IS too much to pay for a hamburger at the Village Inn. and many rcgulal"S arc threatening to boycott the place.

Judy Chamberlain It seems it's

••••••••••••• brcn a long-held Bal Island custom to indulge in a fat, juicy burge1 at th~ Village Inn (afTcct1on.a1ely known as the "VI") at least once a week for as long as anybody can safely remember.

But that was back when a burger used to cost $8.SO.

Inexplicably. the VI has raised the price of llS burger not S l...not S2 ... but a whopping $6.50.

Which means thata burger at lhe Village Inn .... ,11 now set you back a hefiy $1 5.

O h. surc ... that includes a salad and a trul) luscious baked potato. ·

But the gang's sa:ring thilnks. but no thanks to the startling JUmp in pnce.

For $15, you can have a full-on dinner almost anypl8C<' in town

People who li"e on Balboa Island d1dn·i get there b) being stupid. )'Ou kno"'


There's a stor) circulating around the rumor mill that Rex Chandlcr"s new Fashion Island sho"' plan· .... 111 fcaturc Northern Italian cu1'\1ne.

Could this be true'> And what will we do "1th another Italian fl'\·

taurant in that location There'!. alrcad' Zeppa and there's Tutto Marc

Carmelo's 1s down the \treer Bagatta and Sapon arc up the street

Matteo's and Mezza Lune are o'er there \Orne· where. too.

We'll have to change the name ' 'en pon &at h 10 Tuscan}.

It's getting nd1culous. What gi ves. Rex '>.

PETAL POWE R .. I never undcf'§tood the allure or frl''>h Oo"e"

to go - at dinner in area restaurant\ Then. one night. I bought some from Lisa Dunran

- who works for Evening Rose in Co'ita Me~ Hol) hi) of the 'allc)' Thc) "ere cheaper than thl·

blooms of the same 'anet) I'd bough1t•arlier1n the da' at the suJ)('rmarlrt

Buy your no .... ers at dinner - and s:ne ~ourself a tnp.

Bruce and lngnd Greenfield. who o"'n thC' com­pany. send their no"cr ladies out into the night armed with beautiful Ha .... a11an leis (SI~). Lib stcm" <S8 SOfor two) and orchids (S7.50 for a handiul). as well as thl· more standard roses

HOLD MY CA.LL~. l'M Tl 'FT I'\ THF ( .\R We~ntghts. Roben Dou k's Stuft :"-oodlc pro' 1dc'

free limousine sen 1C'e to am custOm<·r "ho wants 11 Afier a certain radius. he has 10 charge a nominal fee - but since he owns the car he'<; happ} 1f pt"Ople JU\t remember to lip the dnHr

Douk's free limo ndcs come not a m1nutc too '\OOn - he·s 1n the pnxe's of expanding h1\ har

WHO W'\S THAT Mo\N'} I'd seen him e"en where Lurking behind t'he po11ed palm trees at The

Courthouse ... Juggling hot tra)c; at Mancuso's and "Maxi 's ..

I asked him his name Big 'im1lc ··Ale~ Gama:· he said Garcia ts one of the mo\t professional husbo}' I'' l'

ever encountered. Ht.>·s also worked at futto Marc. avannah Gnll and 81 stabgo

(Please see JUDY / Cll


Lido luxury EnJOY an expan 1ve vie" of Nc~port tlarbor

from this spectacular custom home on Lido Isle The unique propcn} has JUM been C'ompletcd

b) the Raymond Scott Corp., and ha~ a dock that will accommodate a 6S· foot )B ht. plus add1t1onal vessels

The contemporary four-bedroom four-and·a­half bath home hu several exceptional features. includina a car hO crcauna a four<ar pragc. and a camera on the front door which ,, w1rtd thmuah· out the hou!.C allo,.ina an) tclev1 ion set to monitor the entry '41)'

Lavina room, din1na room. famil y room. ma • tcr ~room and gourmet kttchen offer vie.-, uf the watrr.

The proper\)' 11 otTCTtd 11 S2,9SO.OOO. for · 1nromm1on ralf etrea LClmhlrd1 11 ft7l·7300 o t.1~ 13

Orange Coast Inside: • Ora~ CoaJt · WI~ Cellar/Cl • Ann Landers/Cl • Entertalnment/C 4 • Weather / C 6


Deity - .,.._ ., - -

P•rty planners are ffrom leftf Panl .Estabrooks. Marllyn Reed, P•t Warmington, Karen Malanga. Laraine E91leston and Suzy Riiey.

Carol & Company

Magical Moroccan night awaits guests .\n A.rabian


'\ year ago organ11ers of the Sandp1perl granll opening gala tor the Patt\ and George · H o ag Carol ~1~~~ra~ e~~b~ae~ Humphreys Nights theme

would be JUSt the ·············­hot 11cke1. The' d1dn·1 kno .... ho" hot.

·· \\ho would ha'e known 1o1.hat would be going on in the \.\ orld - 1n thc Middle East o we'q~ leaned a"'a' lrom the \11d-Eastem idea. that's too scan ~\"re 11 more of ..i \ forocco. Casa Blanca thing:· said dccora11on~ cha1rv. uman U/\ Rile\

\, o matter "hat ifs calied . the S 150-per-person blark·t1c benefi1 tl> open the largest free-standing outpatient cancer 1rt.>atmcn1 ct~ntcr 1n Orange Count} 1s wld out \ ton- than 700 people will enter the "'orld of Gcnieland on the i:cntcr ground~ next turda'


night A costumed sheik on an A.rab1an stallion .... 111

v.elcome pan)-goers into a tented de..ert oas1\ draped with colorful silks and ablaLC "Ith spec1al-efTec1 light­ing. ~sen colored linens will co,er the dining tables centered with replicas of 1ev.rl~ncrusted camels (h cr­head a genie .... 111 "ink from has fl}ln$ carpet

To reach the dance floor "llh 11s I -p1C'Cc or· chestra. couples "111 wind their wa) through ~(l- loot lt'e palms. life- 1ze camels. bell} dancers. torch bearer§ and the catenng ere" from Turnip Rose ser' ing Taboult salad. petite fillets v.1th bordela1~ sauce and boneless chicken breast dnbbled "'llh 'it'same seed sauce. A dessert of v.h11r chocolate mousse l·h~·calc .... 111 concl ude the feast fit for a sultan

The e'ening. which v.111 raise morc than SI ~0.000. '"as planned b) I 0 clc' er past prl.'s1dents ol the Sandpiper§. all v.ell '°'S<'d in gala g" ing

··we all "' orked together so well. "'e ma' go into the l'' ent planning busint.>ss "hen this 1s all o'er:· \31d \ianl) n Reed. president of the 50-member suppon group of Hoag Memonal Hospital Presb' tl'nan Her part) planning rnhorts included Jo, Cum. Rile,. Pat " armington . Laraine Eggleston . " aren ~ h11alcr

'Ranch' opens door to fitness By JEAN HASTINGS AROEU o..,. l'tlo< ,~_..,.,...

Karl Pnee sat in 1he lounge and glared at the Rl·d Zinger teed tea Jnd fresh 'c-getablcs that pass for fi,e o'clock cocktail'> Jt Rancho La Puerta.

··This plal c reminds me of the Arm):· hr \did ·'J'm ea11ng food rd nc,er touch. and doing 1h1ngo; I never dreamed rd do ... The 69 year-old n-tir·'C"d telc· '1s1on producer lrom Los .\ngc-lcs had signed up for J week at Me~ico · s 'rnerablc spa to 1mpro'e his health a1 his daughter·, suggestion No" . on his first c' ening. he was ty.i, ing ~rnnd thoughts

The ranch . as 11 1s known to its fans, is l'Clcbrat1ng Its 50th )Car of 1mprov1ng people'~ health Each Saturda) up 10 150 guests amH· at the ranch's iron ptes on the outsl1rts of TC'Cate tn California

Most spend St"\en da)s. though longer sta)'S can he arran(\cd. The) 're here not onl> ror the healthful food and nsorous cxc:n:1se, but also to regain a sense ol tranqualtt) . Sc'ent) · fi,e percent arc repeaters. who book up to a )Car in ad,ancc to partake of tofu salad and lentil patties. and workouts. But to a rfewcomer like Karl Pnce. the first da)S can bring sore musck<i and mealtime blues

Concierge E' a Padilla smiles at the challenge


fillless no\lccs p~nt he belte' rs th\'.~ ·11 feel ~­markable changes tn their health h~ "eel\ ~nd. ··1t's al"'a) S been this way though no" more pc.'Ople amH alread) fit:· Senora Padilla. "ho has an cas~-going manner and a quick smile. has been shanng the ranch's holtsuc gospel for 25 years.

The Ranch has been helping people regenerate their h'cs for decades. The letterhead statrs, ·· where thl' Fitness Revolution in IQ40 .. That's when Edmond and Debora Szekel) first gathered fnends and acquaintances to talk ph1losoph~ and clt mb \<fount Cuchuma.

In those earl) years guests sta~cd in tents. used l crosenc lanterns for light. and p1tC' h<."d in wtth the chore\ The:r came- for the organtcall~ gro .. 'll food and the e\ercase v. h1ch Professor zekeh promoted before 11 was popular to do so. and for spintual renewal

The ranch does speak to your soul. Set on 150 acres of high d~rt. chapa~I and natl\C ltvr oaks shimmer 1n the dr) air A.n hour spent rndang in a secluded hammock or idly s-winging on the- lo,ers" bench beneath an old pepper trtt ~tores e'en the lowest spints.

Lavender and rosemary scent the bnd. path!>

(~•- SH TRAVEL/ C21

Janet Sa"'')er l arol}n Pile. Debbie Hogan and PattJ fatabrools "alter Gerken . .... ho IC'd the cancer center fund-ramng campaign is honorary chaJrman

Estabrools 1s pan1cularl) exatcd about the ccn\.Cr opening. It "a~ her mother. the late Connne "Coric) .. Elkoun .,.,h() rounded lhl' Sandp1pcf'§ an 1975 . .\s a canccr patient. Elloun bd1e"ed there was a need for better qualit) cancer treatment in Orange Count) The Sandpipers followrd her dream. ra1S1ng more than S"'50.000 to .... ard building the center.

.\nd .... hat a center' Headed b' Dr Roben Dillman. the S~.2 m1lhon.

65.000-square-foot thrce-stol") fac1ht) houses outpa-11en1 rad1a11on and chemotherap) , cltntcal rc-scarch, counseling sen ices and eduC'at1on programs.

··The S~dal quaht) of rad1at1on equipment and the lOmbinat1on of research and care all 1n one make us unique for a '-ommunlt) hospital:· Dtllman said.

.\nd not am too soon ··cancer as a .... hole IS increasing."' Dillman said.

'"There "ere one million ne" ca~ in the L·natcd tatcs la~t )ear, I 0.000 nc-v. cases 1n Orange Count) . A.bout one half o t the.-.e ca~ sun" e ··

A lesson in cutting costs of textbQoks ly NTH COM Delly ..... c.. .... - ..

h '1 Textbook Time. Time for collqians acros" the countr) to undergo

one of thotc "Jhts of pu~ that bond them fottver. It takes place in a Ruh - a spht l«'Ond rally - as they stand in lhc llsle or lhe roll~ bookstore and art their first aJimpsc of ~lit) .. the as1ronom1c.aJ prict o f today's text .

After the hock wears ofT. the sn.imbhnJ tqins You can al~•>• pot freshmen. they romplam to the ca,h1crs. The uppcrelaumen know bttter the l"ash1en arc u ually students themselves - camins a buck 11t m1n1mum "IC to pay for lhdr own tntbooks

&tau~ a detailed diJnattaon of the dreadful oo ts of publtsh1na t about a htlpful l o a fin n 11lly traumat11cd x holar u a l«t~ on the h1ah ts of mt'da<'ftl t are 1s to a petacnt an need of Pll. htn"' a llUI k Ur'\ 1vor·1 IUldc for bookstore tmeracftcie

First. don't buy books unlm \ou're ~rtatn )OU'rt 1n the class. " Bccaust bookstorts stock for PfOJC'Ctcd enrollment , speculators who buy texts before they're offi c&ally added to the rolls make 1t hard for everyone," S&)S usa Colle)'. councbook coordinator for Un1"er­s11y Bookstore at UCI. WMn a required book 11 sold out, u can be onttrcd. but shippana takes time and a rush order usual!)' costs m0tt.

Nut. buy only the " required" texts W11t until the cla bttJns and find out how the lftSLructor inttmh to uic the ··opuonar tell\J - you may d11COVtt you don't nttd to buy any of them.

Whenc,e r pouibk. bu) u~ boon 8ccaux t~ icll for 25 pttttl\t lea than MW boo they 1tll out fl'ter~ Many uRd boob are an mint rond1t1on. but 1f the lcction 11 hm1ted 1tltet a copy with u few notes 1n 11 as poss1bk. H'lh.hlhtinc. undcrhnina and tenbblcs arc d1 tr"ICt1na - -otncf there· no sure way to tell 1f ttk:)''"e bttn pasad on by an tudtnt or by tomt0nc

who flunked out of the cour5t. Sula: some t.c1ts arc classacs. you may be able to

save mo ney by shoppina at a d11COUnt off~mpus bookstore, 1ust ht sun you'tt burina the naht edition. otherwise you'll be out of l)'nC W'llh \be da.11 llWhen ~ an tructor refers to spcafic pqes.

Some wotds ofwam1na; Oo1ft wait too tona to buy your boo~s. 11nc:e 11om mu1t btain rctumina \&DIOld 11od to ma.kc room fOf nellt tcmtntcr'a (or quanct•a) c&usa.

Finally. take hean - thctt'1 a)waya \Mi)'Wb. Toward the end of daucs. au col\qr ~aeons .a~ studcnlJ a chanc:e \0 tt<X>Up ellpcn ttere·a a.ow it worb:

ti A book ls ICbed\alod IQ be .... I ..... tM boolAort will buy ,.our c:apy (if if 1 ia ·u 1 a lliMJ .... QOndllion) It half pn«. (Some boo'~ P1r ...... new book rate. some pal.s~ IM ... _.. • - .. •CllliMili IQ


.. '» -. c ' -

( ' ;


Or~nge County Stock Watch ewr .... Net , ... , ... ..... . .., Pflce Clwtt9 .r~r. 1-W

I .ADVANCED LOGIC NASO 9 1/2 + l/4 ' l/'l 2.ADVANTAGE LIFE ,ROOS NASO 2 3/4 + 1/8 4 5/8 2 S/8 J .AUHGAN NYSE I 5 1/4 + I 3/8 18 7/8 12 1/4

J 4."'-'HA MfCIK>SYSTEMS NASO 1 3/4 - 1/8 .. l/4 I l/4 . S.AM!MCAN MEALTH SUV NASO I 1/4 + 1/8 2 7/8 ' 1/8 I

6 .AMHtCAN ,ACESmElt NMS 4 l/t + 1/8 4 1/2 2 l/8 . 7 .AM"-fCON INDUSTllES NASO 7 " 7 i

.. 8 .AICHtVf COi" NASO 8 1/4 + 3/8 12 7/8 6 7/8

' t .AIMOI ALL NASO 11 l/4 + 1/2 20 3/4 II 1/4 t 10.AST RESEARCH INC NASO 18 1/8 + 5/8 25 3/8 10 l/8

t I .IE AVIONICS NASO . 7 .. 10 3/4 6 l/4 12.IECKMAN INSTftUMENTS NYSE 14 1/8 + 1/ 2 18 1/2 13 5/8 . tl.IELCOlt ~ NASO I 3/ 16 - 3/16 3 I l/16 I 4 .IERGEN BRUNSWIG AMEX 23 1/8 + I 28 3/4 20 1/2 I 5.IRIOGFOltD FOODS NASO 18 1/4 + 3/4 24 17 1/2 16.MISTOL ltfSEAICH NASO 3/4 .. 1 3/16 1/4 17.CAM DATA SYSTEMS NASO 5/8 - 1/8 2 l/8 S/ 8 18.CARL KARCHER ENT INC L) NASO 7 3/ 4 + 1/2 12 3/4 6 7/8 19.CENTENNIAL GltOUP AMEX 9/ 16 + 1/16 1 3/4 1/2 20.CEltAOYNE INC-CALIF NASO 3 1/ 4 + 1/8 4 3/8 2 5/8 21 .CHESAPEAKE INDUSTRIE NASO I .. I 1/2 I 22.CIMCO NASO 9 1/4 - 1/ 4 13 1/4 9 1/4 23.CLOTHESl'IME NASO 2 1/ 8 + 1/16 6 1/ 8 2 1/16 24.CMS ENHANCEMENTS . NYSE 3 1/2 + 1/8 10 7/8 3 3/8 25.COMARCO INC NASO 2 1/8 .. 3 3/4 2 1/ 8 26.COMMERCEBANIC NASO 9 1/ 2 - 1/4 16 3/4 9 1/ 2 27.COMMR'TON CP A AMEX 6 + 1/8 8 3/8 5 3/ 4 28.COMMUNITY PSYCHIATRI NYSE 25 1/ 8 + I S/ 8 30 5/8 10 3/8 29.COVINGTON TECHNOLOGI NASO 1/2 .. 15/16 1/2 )().DATUM INC NASO 2 3/ 8 - 1/ 2 4 3/ 4 2 3/ 8 31 .0ICEON ELECTRONICS I NASO 3 1/ 8 .. 6 1/ 4 3 32.0ISTRIBUTEO LOGIC CO NASO 9/ 16 .. I 7/16 9/1 6 33.DOWNEY SVGS&LOAN ASS AMEX 13 3/8 - 1/8 19 1/ 2 13 3/8 34.0VI FINANCIAL NASO 11 3/ 8 + 5/8 II 3/8 3 3/8 35.EIP MICROWAVE NASO 2 1/ 4 4 1/ 4 2 1/4 36.ELOORADO BANK AMEX 10 1/4 + 1/2 IS 3/8 9 3/4 37.EMULEX co•rP NASO s 3/ 4 + 1/8 7 7/8 4 3/ 8 38.FHP INC. NMS 15 +~2 22 1/2 12 1/ 2 39.FIOELITY NAT'L FIN AMEX 10 - 3/8 12 9 1/ 4 40.FILENET CORP NASO 13 1/2 + 2 1/ 4 20 I I 1/ 4 4 1 .FIRST AMER FIN Cl A NMS 9 1/4 + 5/8 14 1/ 4 7 7/ 8 42.FLUOR CORP NYSE 35 7 / 8 ' + 3/ 8 48 3/4 35 1/2 43 .FOR SETTER LNING NASO 8 13 1/ 4 8 44.FURON CO¥PANY NMS 13 3/8 + 1/ 4 18 7/8 11 1/2 45 .GATEWAY COMMUN NASO 3/4 .. • 1/ 16 2 1/ 4 l / 4 46.GENERAL AUTOMATION . r- AMEX 9/1 6 .. I 3/8 7/1 6 47 .GISH BIO MEDICAL INC NASO 12 3/4 + I 1/ 4 16 1/ 4 s 48.GRAOCO SYSTEMS INC NASO s 3/4 + 1/ 4 13 s 1/4 49 .HAMMONO CO NASO '). 2 3/ 4 + 1/ 4 s 1/4 2 3/ 8 50.HEKIONETICS AMEX 2 3 / 4 - 1/ 8 7 3/8 2 1/8 51 .HYCOR BIOMEDICAL INC NMS s 5/16 + 5/ 16 8 3/8 4 3/8 52.ICN BIOMEOICALS AMEX 7 1/ 8 + 2 1/8 I I 3/4 s 53.ICN PHARMACEUTICALS NYSE 3 3/ 8 + 1/4 s 1/2 2 1/ 2 54 .J M PETERS AMEX 4 3/8 + I 10 1/2 3 1/4 SS.LANDMARK BANK NASO 8 3/4 12 1/2 8 3/4 56.LASER PRECISION NASO 3 + 3/ 8 4 5/8 2 5/ 8 57 MAI BASIC 4 NYSE 2 + 3/8 3 3/ 4 I S/8 58.MEOSTONE !NTL INC NASO 3 + 1/ 8 9 1/2 2 7/8 59 MET AlCLAD NASO I 1/4 - 1/8 I 3/4 I 1/4 60 METRO POL CIRCUITS AMEX 3/8 + 1/16 11/16 S/16 61 .MICROSEMI CORP NASO I 1/ 4 - 1/4 2 3/4 I 1/ 4 62.NATIONAL EDUCATION NYSE 4 1/ 4 + 1/8 8 1/ 8 ) 1/ 4 63 NATIONWIDE HEAL1'H NYSE IS 5/8 + 3/4 17 3/ 4 13 3/4 64 NEWPO flT CORP NASO 8 S/8 10 1/8 8 5/8 65 NEWP~LECTRONIC~ NASO 3 3/ 4 4 1/2 3 1/2 66.NEWPO PHARMACEUTIC NASO 2 3/8 + 1/ 4 3 3/8 I 13/16 67 NICHOLS INSTITUTE AMEX 16 + 3/4 18 1/4 11 3/ 8 68 O OETICS INC CL A AMEX 4 3/4 ~ 1/8 5 3/ 4 4 1/4 69.P 0 A ENGINEERING NMS 7 3/ 8 - 1/2 7 7 / 8 ) 1/2 70.PACESETTER BUS PROP NYSE 4 1/8 6 4 71 .PACESETTER HO MES NASO 8 1/2 9 1/4 7 72.PACIFIC INLAND BANK NASO s 3/ 4 6 1/ 4 s 3/ 4 7 3 PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC NYSE I I 3/8 + I 1/4 16 1/ 4 10 1/ 8 74 PACIFIC ARE HLTH SYST NASO 16 + I 3/ 4 27 1/2 14 1/4 75 PARKER AUTO MOTIVE NASO 4 1/8 - 7/8 10 1/8 4 1/8 76 PLAZA COMMUNICATIONS NASO 1/ 2 5/ 8 3/ 8 77 PRINTRO NIX INC NASO 9 7/8 - I / 4 13 7/8 9 S/8 78 PROVENA FOODS NASO 4 1/4 5 I /2 3 3/4 79 QUIKSILVER INC NASO 19 1/ 2 + I 1/ 2 29 1/ 2 17 1/2 80 RAINBOW TECHNOLOGIES NASO 9 1/4 ..- I 14 6 3/ 4 ~ READICARE INC NASO 3 1/ 4 - 1 / 8 4 7/8 2 1/16 8 lrol'AK CORPO RATION NASO 6 - 1/4 9 4 3/4 83 SAFEGUARD HEALTH ENT NASO s 1/ 2 + 1/4 8 3/4 5 1/4 84 SHELLY ASSOCIATE S NASO 2 2 1/2 I 3/ 4 es SPI PHARM AMEX 7 1/2 + I 7/8 9 7/8 s 5/8 86 STANDARD PACIFIC NYSE 8 1/8 + 5/8 IS 7 1/2 8 7 THREE 0 OEPTS AMEX 4 1/8 - 1/4 ~ S/8 4 1/8 88 TOKOS MEDICAL NASO 10 + 1/2 16 1/2 9 1/4 89 TR~NSCON INC NYSE 1/ 2 2 1/2 13/32 90 TRICARE NMS 6 3/ 8 - 1/4 9 6 3/8 9 I TRIMEOYNE INC NASO 2 1/8 + 1/2 6 3/ 4 I 5/8 9 2 UNICARE FINANCIAL AMEX 12 t 1/8 13 7/8 11 3/4 93 US FACILITIES CP NASO 3 5/ 8 + 5/8 s 5/8 3 94 VARCO INTERNATIONAL NYSE 11 1/4 - 1/ 8 13 1/2 s 5/8 95.VIRATEK INC NMS 3 1/8 + 3/8 7 1/ 4 2 3/4 96 WEST COAST BANCORP NASO I 3/ 8 + 3/8 3 1/4 1 97 WESTCORP AMEX 7 + 1/4 8 S/8 6 5/ 8 98 WESTERN DIGIT AL AMEX 9 5/8 + 1/4 14 1/4 8 3/8 99 WET SEAL NASO 14 1/4 + 1/ 2 18 3/4 13 3/ 4

100 WYNN'S INTERNATIONAL NYSE 17 3/ 4 23 7/8 17 3/4

Greet"' Perce1tta9e Gain• Greatest Pewcenuee Lo•M• I ICN BIO MEOICALS + 4 2 50% 1 Parke r Automotlvr - 17 .Soelb 2 SPI PHARM + 33 33% 1 Three 0 DtPU • 5.71 % 3 J M PETERS + 29 63% 3 RO PAK CORPO RATION - 4 00'*' 4 .US FACILITIES CP + 20.83% 4 TRICARE - 3.77% 5 FHP INC + 2000% S REAOICARE INC - 3 7()Clb

TICU• TA.UC.I U.S Fac1llt1ts announctd strong ope rating rrsults for Its second quarttr. pnmaflly anrlbutablt to 1ncrrases In 1u number of accounts and its rarts H~vtr, more lmpq_rtantly. managerMnt rxprtssed ~litf that tht lmprovtmtnt 1n r~tnuts and earnings should cont inue and that the company tx~cts to ac h itvt rr cord o~rat1ng rtsulu

Data supplied by Ntwport St cunt1t s Corp Fo r rt starch 1nfor~t1on on any o f these companits. contact Jeffrey Kilpatrick, prts1dtnt of Newport Sccuflt1ts, at 9 57- 1081


' ·-


Orange £oast . Business Dates

Tbe Board of Ditedon of IM Muni<:ipal Water DiltrM:t of" County wUI hold public hearinp oa Prope>lition1 128 a.nd l 4 l at 9 Lii\. on Scot. $, at the d.i1trict oflicet located at 1950 E. 17th St. in Su&a· Ana. Water u.. i1 likely IO be affected lf either of' the iniU.Uves IN paned in November. Prop. 128 is an ccolotical measure that fl pa.-.1 would establish the Envil'OOJlleolll~ Protection Act of 1990. ProD.. WI .~ dcsianed to amend the Sdi Drtnk­ina Water and Toxic En~tn Act, or Prop. 6S passed by tOten in 1986, to implement ~nina procedures for water aaendft .

0 The Lido Marina Villaae in New­

port Beach wdl be the site this Sept. 6, for the openina of the l 7th annual Newport Fall New Power and Sail­boat Show.A selection of 1991 inter­national and domestic models will be assembled side-by-side for easy comparison. Show houn are l I a,m. to 6 p.m . weekdays and I 0 un. 10 6 p.m. weekends. Free parkinJ will be available at the comers of Tustin and Avon· Avenues with com­plimentary shuttle service available

, every 20 minutes.


0 The Fountain Valley Chamber of

Commerce will sponsor a Sunrise Mixer, at 7 a.m . Sept. 7. at the Ciao Bella Ristorantc in the Los C.baJlcros Sports Villqc. "To Catch a Thief' author. Mike McCaffrcy will be the guest McCafftty spent 20 years as a professional cnm1nal before turning straiJht He teaches audiences how to avoid beina a victim of a crime. Call the Valley Chamber of Com­merce for more information at 962-4441 .

0 On Sept. S, the Orange County

Chap~r of Mceung Planners lnter­nauonal wall present a mtcting with the theme ... Put Magic in Your Meetings." Representatives from Disneyland's entertainment. cater­ing and convention services will discuss the cost, timetables and in­formation plannen need to know when pulling on a " magic" event. The meeting will take place at 11 :JO a.m. at the- Disneyland Hotel. 11 SO W . Cemtos Ave. 1n Anaheim.

Q A seminar entitled " Mec-t Your

Creati ve Mind" will be given Sept J f and 18. from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. at the- Ho liday Inn in Huntington Beach. Doreen Wulbrccht of Oxford Compan) Partners wtll present the seminars. which w1ll focus on crcat­ina solutions and actting the edge in the marketplace.

Ice cream industry eyes Japan

TOKYO - Hav1na hit 1 rocky road in the fat<onsetous Unned States. domestic ice cream makers hope to cap1taltu on new op­portunities 1n Japan

The entbu11asm comes in the wake of the Japanese 1ovemment's April I move to eliminate ice cream import quotas., which held annual U.S. sales in the country to a avcraac of S200,000 a year from 1985 to 1989. As part of a 1988 trtde aaree· mcnt between the U.S. and Japan, the country this year dropped the 110 mctnc too annual hm1t on U.S. ice cream uports.

A recent report from the federal Foman Aancuhu~ Scrvke noted that Hona Kona alone accounted for 27 percent of U.S. ice cream expons 1n 1989. The report also said Japan holdJ the arcatest potential for tm· pons now that the limits arc aonc.

- ll¥ Sff In Nern ~nltt

Prescription for the federal deficit: Put a limit on Congress' credit card

... 8y JOHN CUNNW, ,,,,...._~

NEW YORK - Conaress. says the profesaor, is a bit like a person in ~ion of a credit card on which the i11ul111 bank somehow fo~t to put a.. limit

• Credit limitt on bank cards are there to protect :t,ou from bantnipCcy, .. be •JI. While )'OU, petbi_.PI. are 1tmiblc ~ not to tptnd youndf into the poorboute. DOI l'YCf'YODC is. ..

Colelw. be lamenta, teem• to be in dliac le1ler ~. It &alb about cuttilll .... .,.... cldldt. be .. ,.. but 11 ... an.cty railed IPCDd•ftJI ~ 11 Plf'Cll.lll beyond IM pma. ..... pi ....

T'• prof111or, William

~,'f!!t=s .• _ .. : • .:. .. .:.a:-= .. ............. . • "Wtll ""' - ........ but

llllllillm ...... _ .......... ,_. -I .


tt11tory demonstrates that Ameri­ca needs to put a cap on federal spendina, just as ceruinJy as those caps are needed on credit cards. H1Story proves it, he says. Conp-ess chOOICS 10 rlllC lallCS 1n1tead of cunina spendina.

Whenever tuts are railed. he continued. you may be aurc that lpmdint alto wtll be railed. And When spmdiftl is railed, just 11 ctnainly you can expect tues to be rabed.

But. the elected olfidaJ aJibit. fOV• C11Jment needl more money bec:aute of innation. Not 10. 11y1 Du~ He uJ)lains:

If tbe tu me it 10 percent you earn a dollar, tlM ,overnment .... 10 CtllU.. If in.ftacjon raitet your ~ 1'y 10 percent, you wiU ,et Sl~ IO ud me towrnmnt will 11tt 11 GaM1. or I 0 l*'Cftl lllCft. ffoM••. ... ..,.. .,.. ........ ,..; ..... l'O'ri111 •• PifCllM

ICMal iacomc, ud tWl 19oires bWler tu ma - or Iott of new

... . .

tucs. That's what hM been happen· int: M 11y1.

' Wby should aovcmment at' more of our outputT' he asks. He sugesta everyone consider that questio n and make a political de­Clsion:

"We mutt limpl)' decide if we are Fttint ow mooey 1 worth ftom t.he doUan beias ..-• "' tovtnUllCftt. "If ~ are, ...... be Mppy to pay. If DCM.'" abouJd C\lt apawli.,.· and lend lbole dollan beck IO tbe people wbo arc auOPQted 10 be the btftelkia.ria ol lflC 90vcnunentaJ tytiem - the ws.~" Dun~ .. •batnct tJaiaUr. bl ii • . cal ,enon wbo

undmeuda and Ital IO Uvc wttbia oec • deian of Tanple Unl­vmity'• ICbool ol bull-. ''Wt mutt cap fedaa1 epmdlns." he cle­darn.

fk "SC:' we cansfdlr propNllt .... .. ..... .,, .. QJ-ClllD A~ ol Ccmlntftle wt ,......,, ..... woWd ,.., • ' pef• cea1 annUll C8lt on llO\'ft"Dmau


spcm.ltna increases. And 1f inflation ate that up. so be it.

" It has a happy ' side effect of maldna aovemmcnt interested 1n teei:rina inflation Jow," he obtervcs. tr we did that, he promitcd we wou&d produc:e a b&Janced budect within a few ycan. and then aurplutea to reduce out11andin1 sc>v­cnunent debt or to provide funds for DtW fDdcraJ tu C\ltl.

Noce, be 11ys. thia S percent cap would not deny ,ovcnunent an an­nual illaale. Eich yal' it would .UU have about UO billion in new ~ina to aHoc:aie aa it 11w fit.

All that we're ~ here1 u y1 Duakdbtta. i• makins •t poaiblc 10 ehmiuse lk deficit. Al metlftl AUCl. he e.Mins. 001Ptftdina is now propammecl IO po- by m°" than rwveaua every ,.., ...

"'1 a s penat cap on ipmd.ina 8")Wtla. .. ~ ud .ttb ~· tu code we."""9111 ICMe\l'C la ft~ Of .... ,_.. ............... fOr.,.,., ..... a 1 ............ Md after ~&. a eu.rpla


hMlth demand• the NIM -ltton thtat ~ ,........ ctoee.·· uya. ··we think ot ou'911We ore, educating our dlenta to

cona of lnveatmenta. And we ofllif"'ftllllJlat ftnandal checkupe.'' ,J. Smffh

,--......;..;;~!:!?!?~-~... Arlyn Smith points out, are geared toward teechlng people how to manage their money. " We c:on8'der not onty a cllent'a age, Income and tax brecket, but alto his or her h'weltment temperament.··

The Smtth9 Inform prospective cllenta " what'• out there" In the way of Investment opportunltlel, then acMM them aa to the beat lnveetment In thefr particular lftuatlon.

The ftrat worklhop wtll be presented Sept. 12 and 13 at 8:30 p.m. whlle the A."""" aecond la 1Chedu\ed for Sept 19 and 20 at

the ume houra. Attend ... may chooee e4ther date for each ....ion.

AddttlOnal Information on the Investment workshops may be obt.,ned from either Arlyn or Jeannine Smith at the Newport Center office of Bateman Eichler. Hiii Richards In Newport Beach, 478-5100. Reaervatlons may be made by contKtlng Sheri Ford at (800) 824-6021.

Herachberr new Pacifica director Marvin Herachberg has been appointed exeuctlve direc­

tor of Pacifica Community 09pltal In Huntington Beach. Herqberg began hi• eer In hospital administration

aa admlnlatrator tor ambut rams for Umted Hoepltala of Newark, N.J. He was tater promoted to auociate admlntatrator of the 825-bed teechlng he>apltal and subse­quent'¥ wu executive director of Lydia Hoa­pltaJ In Nft York, San Bernardino County Mec:f Jcat C«tt« and the Medical Center of Garden Grove.

In addition to hla ho9J)tta1 career, he founded and operated an Independent medi­cal admlnlatratlve eonauttlng company. In Henchberg thla capacity, he organized and managed multl-S,,P8Clalty medical groupa and • hoepftaJ.

Herachberg ha held f8culty position• at Adelphi Unlver­lfty In Garden City, N. Y ., the Unlverlfty of Phoenix. the Untwrtlty of Redtanda and the University of La Verne. where he conducts ca ..... In hMlth care management and trends.

The new Pacifica director graduated with a master's degr• from Adelphl Unlwr.,ty. He and his wife Diana have ft¥e children and ltve In Yorba Linda.

Barraina abound at NY Baaement Nft Y()(t( City, which la home to moat ot the top

dee6gnera In the United StatM. alto 11 home to what profeMlonal ahoppera call "the buemerit."

To any New Yorker who knowa bargains, the basement ta a ,.,,,...., term wh6Ch refer• to thoee covet tull of designer dot'- at bottom Pfk*- New York BaMfMnt In Corona del Mar contmu. thlt tradttton with quality brand-name clothing at pr1cM that are affordabte.

Along wtth dothlng, Nft York Buement alto carries an ueortment of KCM1<>rlea which Include exotk: jewelry trom Morocco. scarves, hats and befta In ... ,her and faahlonabte designs.

Suhalla Reehada, whO opened the shop about two monthl ago. aays ahe goes to New Y~ u well u Europe to find the unique dothlng and acceeaortea In her Shop.

" Every thing In the ahop has been per90nal.,!t hand-Mfeeted, ao you can get a one-of Ind p'9oe whk:h you wtll not find In

"11ft1ll1 1 department etore," lhe aays. Aa __., u dothlng Md atCM80r'99, Reilhada point• out

that there la a eoloftul -.ctlon of ceramlca and atatuettea which are alto one of a kind In Oranoe County.

" In my thop you wtfl recefve the very beat In customer eervtce," Aeehada Adda. "In feet, In the future, we wlll be havtng euatom atteratlOna done In the at ore." To further enhenee cuatomer con.,tenoe. AMhada aJto point• out that there la meterteM partctng In the beck of the atore.

New Yonc Buement ta located at 27« E. Coast Highway In Corona del M•. For more Information, call 721--0934.

Stepping Out In ...

llally.1'1111 Judy's Cafe Society

one burger, but hold



Local resi­dents arc up in. arms.

They're say­ing $I 5 IS too much to pay for a hamburger at the Village Inn. and many regulars arc threatening to · boycott the place.

Judy Chamberlain 1t seems it's ••••••••••••• bl-en a long-held . Bal Island custom to indulge in a fat. j uicy burge1· at th<' Village Inn (afTcctioncatcly known as the .. VI .. ) at leas1 once a week · tor as long as anybody can safel y remember.

But that was back when a burger used to cost $8.50.

Inexplicably. the VI has raised the pnct of 1ts burger not SI.. not S2 ... but a ""hopping S6.50.

Which means that a burger at 1he Village Inn ""Ill now set you back a hefty S 15.

Oh. sure ... that includes a salad and a trul> luscaou'i baked potato.

But the gang's sa)ing thanks. but no thanks to lht' stanltng jump an pnct'.

For S 15. you can have a full-on dtnner almost anyp/act in town

Ptoplt' who h\e on Balboa hland didn't get there b)' being stupid. you know.


There's a stof} c1rculat1nB around the rumor mill that Rex Chandler's ne"" Fa'lht0n hland \ho""plau.· "'111 feature Northern l t.i/1an cu1\1nc

Could this be true? And what will Wt' do "'tth anotht•r Italian re\·

taurant an that locauon Thcre'<1 alrl'ad' /eppa .rnd there's Tutto Marc

Carmelo·s ts down thl' strcct and \apon are up the strcct

Maneo·s and Mena l uf\l' are o' l'r 1hen:· \DOH'.·

where, too. We'll·ha't' to cnange 1hc na~ ~'n'l\ purt &·.il h 111

Tuscan). Ifs gcttrng nd1culous What gives. Rex'>.

PETAL POWER .. I nevtr understood lht' allure of frc'ih tlo"'l' r' -

co go - at d1nnt'r an area re<.tauran1~ Then. one n1gh1. I bought <.Om<' from L 1\a Dunl .tn

- who works for Evtnang Ro~ an (o'lla \1c..a Hol) hi) ol the 'all<"}' The' "'<'ft'.' l hl.'aper lhJn lhl'

blooms of 1he same 'ane1' l'.d lloughl t'.'arhcr an the da' at the sapermar>.et

Buy your flowers at d1nnt'r - and ~'c )Ou~lf a tnp.

Bruce and lngnd Greenfield. who o"'n the com ­pany, send 1he1r ladies out into 1he n1gh1 Jrmed wath beau11ful Ha.,,.a11an let<; (SI:!), hi' 'llt'ms ($8 ~Ofor two) and orchids ($7.50 for 3 handful). as wt'll a<. the mori standard ro~s

HOLD MY C.\LL<i. l'M \Tl TT I!'- Hff C .\R Wet'knights. Robtrt Douk''i Stu fl '\ c)(x!le nro ' 1dt•\

free hmous1nc service to 3n) customer "'ho wan1' 11 Af\cr a certain radius. he ha'I to charge a nom1nJI kt• - but since he ov.ns 1he car hc''i happ' 1f peopk JU\I remtmber to 11p 1he dn'<'r

Douk's free limo ndts come not a manult' to(1 \oon - he's in the procc'ls of e'p3nding h" har

WHO WA.S THAT MA.N" I'd seen him tver.wht're Lurking bth1nd t.h<' polled palm 1rees al The

Counhousc ... Ju&&Jin& hol lra)s al Mancuso:.~ and Maxi's .

• I asktd ham his name Big sm1k ··Alt'' C1arc1a. ·· he said (Jarc1a 1s one ol thC' mo\I profe<,s1unal bu\bo>' I' ' t'

ever encountered He's al\O ""orked al Tu110 Marc Savannah Gnll and B1stabgo



Lido luxury ,EnJOY 1n cxpansavt' v1cv. of Nt.,,.port llarhor

from this i.pcctacular custom home on Lido Isle Tht unique property has JUSt bl'cn completed

b> the Raymond ott Corp . and hu a dock that will accommodate a 65-foot yach1 plu add1t1on1I vcucl

The rontemporal') four-hcdroom four~nd..a ­hal( bath home has S<-vcral exceptional featu re,, 1nclud1n1 a car 11') crc11tin1 a four<u pragc, ond a camera op the front door which ' ' wm.'d throuah­out the hOUS( allowma an) tclcVl ion set to monnor the ~ntry v.a)'

L1v1n1 room. danana room, flmal> room. ma • ter ~room and aourmct kitchen offer \' IC"" of the v.-attr

1 M propert)' '" ofTertd at S2,9~.000 l or anfomlltton. call Grci Lomhlrd1 11 673-1:\00 or 61$· )I


, Orange Coast I

Inside: •Orang#! Coast ·WIM Ct!llar/Cl • Ann Landt!rs/C 1 • Entt!rtain~nt/C 4 • Wt!8Cher / C 6



P•rty pl•nners •r• ffrom left) Paul Estabrooks, M•rllyn Reed, Pat Warmington, Karen Malanga. Laraine E99te1ton and Suzy ltll•J·

Carol & Company

Magical Moroccan night awaits guests An Arabian


A. year o1gu ,organi1e~ of 1hc Sandpapen grand opening gala tor lht' Patt' and uc o rgc t1 o ag Carol (anu~r ( cn1cr d<.>· Humphr•ys c1ded 3n Arabian '!;;

N1gh1\ 1hcme .,,.ould he JUSI the •••••••••••••• hot 11cke1. The} didn' t lno"' ho"' hot

.. v. ho "'ould ha\C known "'hat ""ould bt going on 1n thl' v.orld - 1n 1he 'V11ddle East So we've leaned a"'a) lrom lhl' \1 1d-Ea4'1crn idea. 1hal's 100 scar> W<.>"rc calling 11 more ol J \1orocco. ( asa Blanca thing:· \aid decora11on., chaarv. oman ~U/) Rtlc)

'\ o mallt•r "'hJI 1t'4' lallcd. thr S 150-per-pcr<,on hlal k-11c lxnl·li 1 w open the larges I free-standing ou1pa11en1 cancl·r 1reatml·nt center in Orange ( ounl) 1\ '11.1ld out \ fore 1han 1()() people v. 111 cn1cr lh<.' "'orld of (Jcn1cland on 1hc u·n1cr grounds nt',t· SaturdJ\


n1gh1. <\ CO\lumed she1l on an .\rab1an 'llallton "A 111

1.1.ekome part) ·goe~ into a tt'nted dc~n oaw. draped .,,.Ith colorful stlh and ablaie .,,.1th"t light· 1ng Dcsen colored hntns "''ll cover 1he dining tables n:n1ercd with replicas of J<.'W<"l-encrus1ed camtls <hcr­head a genie l v. ank from hts n\lng carpct

To reach 1he danct' floor ~ 11h m I ll·pt«c or· chcs1ra couplt's "''II .,,. ind thC'1r ""a) lhrough :!CJ-loot h'"C' palms. hfe·stze camtls. tx-11~ danctrs. torth ~arers and the catering ere"' from Tumap Rose sen 1ng Tabouh salad. ix11te fillcl5 with bordelatSt' s.aurc .tnd boneless chicken breas1 dnbbled v.1th ~samc ~ sauct' .._ desS<'n of ""htte chocolatt' mousse chct'iCCakt' "" 'II conclude the feast fit for a sultan .

The evening. which v.11l raise more lhan SI 'iO 000. "'as planned b> I 0 cit'' er past prc'ltdt'nl~ ol tht· '3ndp1pers. all "' ell 'coed 1n gala g" mg

.. We all "'orked toge1hcr so "'C'll. "At' ma\ go 1010 1he.e,cn1 planning bustnc'is "'hen thi s 1s all " 'er." ..aid ~tanl>n Recd. pre'l1den1 of the 50-mcmbl·r <,uppon group of Hoag Memorial Hosp11al Presh}tcnan Her pan> planning cohons 1nduded Jo) C um Rile' Pat V. armang1on. Laraine Eggleston. t-.arcn V. h11alcr.

'.Ranch' opens door to fitness By JEAN HASTINGS ARDEU.

Karl Prlc<.' \al 1n the loungC' and glared al lhl' Red Zangtr aced tea .ind fresh 'cgetables that pass for fi' c o'clocl cocktail\ a1 Rancho l..a Pucna

"This plJt c reminds mr of tht' Arm) :· he -..aid ·-rm eating lood I'd ne,cr 1ouch. and doing thing\ I never dreamed I'd do·· Tht' 69 ytar-old rcllrt'd ll'k­' 1s1on produn~r from Los Angeles had signed up tor .a "'eek al Mciurn \ 'enerablt' spa to 1mpro\t' his health a1 his daugh1cr0

\ \uggtst1on Now. on his first e'cnmg. he .,,.as h1n 1ng \Cl ond thoughts

The ranch. as 11 1s known 10 m fans. 1s cekhra11ng 11s 501h )ear ol 1mpro,10g people'~ health f.ith Saturda) up to I ~O gucsls am\C at tht' ranch·, 1mn gates on 1he outsl..trts of Tccatt' an Baja CaltfornaJ

Most spend stven days, though longtr stays can he.· arranlled. The) 'rt ht'rt' not onl)' for the health ful food and naorous c'croS<'. but also to repin a sen'I<' ot tranqu1ltty Sc\t'nl) ·fi'e percent are re~tt'n. who book up to .. )t'ar tn advanet' 10 panake of tofu ..alad and lcn11l patties. al\d workouts But to a ntwcom<"r like K.arl Pncc. the t'irst da)S can bnng sore musclc'I and mealtime blucs

Concierge [\-a Padilla '!malts at the challt'n&l'


fitnt'\S no\lces prcst'nt <ihC' ht'ltt'\ ~ thl'\ ·11 feel re­markable chansc<; 1n th<"1 r health b' v.~~ · .. <.>nd. .. h 's al.,,.ays been this way though no"' mor<.> pc-oplc am\C~ al read) fit. ·· Senora Padalfa. who hu an ca"' -goi ng 'manner and a quick sm11t'. has bttn shanng tht' ranch's holtstac gospel for 25 )Cars

The Ranch has been htlping people regentrate 1ht'1r lives for decades The lettcrhcad 'llalC'\, "Where thc Fatness Re' ol u11on Bcaan an I Q40 ·· That's .,,.htn Edmond and Dt'bora SZt'kel) fi rst gathcred fnend~ and acquaintances 10 talk phalosoph' and climb Mount ( uchuma

In thoSt" carl> )Cars gut'sts sla,<"d 1n tenb , used kerosene lanterns for hght. and p11chC'd 1n v.11h thc l:horcs Tht') came for the orpnicalh ,ro .. n food and 1he e>.erc1se v. h1ch Professor zckeh promoted bt(ort 11 was popular to do so. and for spantual rentwal

Tht ranch docs speak to )Our soul Set on 150 al'rc\ of h1ah desert. chaparrel and native hv(' oaks ~hammer in the df} air A~ hour spent mtdtng an a ~~luded hammock or tdly swmama on lht IO\-t'r5° bench bcnt'ath 1n old pepper Utt restores <-'' t'n the lov.tst sp1nts

La vender and ro~mary sctnl the bnck paths ff'teaw SH TRAVEL/ C21

Janel Saw) er <... arol) n P1kt'. Debbie Hogan and Patt1 E.subrooks v. altcr Cicrktn .,,.ho led the canar ~nl.CT fund-ra1Stng campaign. 1s honorary chairman

Estabrools as part1Nlarly excited about the center opening. h her mother. 1he late Connnc "Corley" El l oun v. ho founded the Sandpapers in 1975 As a cant<"r patten! Ell oun bcht\ed 1htre .,,.as a need for btttt'r qualtt' canc<"r 1rea1mcn1 an Orange Count) The Sandp1~n lollov.ed ht'r drC"am. ra.as1na mort than SH 0.000 IO"'-ard building the centt'r

.\nd v. hat a CC'nter' Headed h' Dr Robcn Dillman tht' S:!.:! malhon.

65.000-square-"rooi thrtt-slOf! fac1ht~ houses outpa-11cn1 rad1a11on and chcmo1herap' chnical research. t<>unschng !K"n 1t t'<. and cducauon· programs

..The \p... .. ial qualtt' of rad1a11on equapmtnt and lhl' w mb1natwn of research and care all 1n ont' mai.t' us un1quc for a lommunll\ hospital ·· Dillman said.

.\ nd no1 an' 100 soon .. ( anct'r as a "'ho!<.' IS ancreas1 ng. .. Dtllman said.

"There v.ere one m1ll1on nt'"' cases in the Cnated St.ates last )Car. I 0 000 new ca~\ 1n Orangt' C'ount) About one half of 1he\C casts sun'' e ··

A lesson in cutting costs of textbook$ 'Y MTH c~ 0..,,,...,. c ........... .

h's ~cxtbook Time. Time for COllC11Ans aero " the counU) to underso

one o ( those nJht of pusllt' 1hat bond them forever It tak~ place 1n a flash - a plu second really - a thty stand 1n the aisle of th( coll<"St booksto"' and act their fint aJimpsc of rcalit) ' tht' astronomical pncc of today's tc't

Af\cr the ihock v.ears off, the srumblLnJ bq1M. You can alwa)s spot ftt hmen thqi romplaan 10 the ca h1trt. The uppcrcla men know bc'ttcr the c8'h1ers art u ually studcn11 tbtms.:l~n - umana a buck at m1n1mum wqc to pey (Of lhctr own tc"tboob

Bcaute a dctatltd duculltOft of tM drud(ul com of pubhsh1na 11 abOut a hctpful to a fin:mcially trauma111ed 1Cholar as a l«tutt on lhc h11lt co a of

• mC'\hr•I care as to a P1llcnt 1n need of PR. hctt's a quick surva\'or's 1u1dc fOr bookstore trMf'ICMta.

. ' '

r1nt, don't bu)" books unless ou'rt ctrtlan )OU'rt 1n the class. "Bec~u~ bookstorn stock for prOJ«tcd enrollments. speculators who buy. tuu before the)- 're offinall) added to the rolls make at hard for t VeT)O•\C," ~)'S J.asa o"k)'. councbook coorchnator for Unaver­SH) BookJtore It UCl. When • ~uartd book IS kt out, at can bt ordcmt. but shippana takes tame and a rush order usually costs mott.

Next. buy only the ··~are<f' ttxts Wait until the ell'! ~ns and find out ho• the instructor intends to utoe the· opoonal" &at - you may da~ver you don't n~ 10 b\iy any of them.

\Vhcnever po able. b\iy u'ltd books. Because thne Kii for 25 ptrcent lea lhan new boob. they acll out fa tcr.. Many u.ted book.a arc an mint cond1t.ton. but 1f the Kl«tt<>n 1s hmated wacct a cop)' with as ftw notes an 1t 11 posstblc. H'lblipo.,.. undtrl1n1na and tmbbln are dastrattana - .and theft's no ure way to tell af the)-'"t bttf\ pu.Kd on by an ~ <1tudtnt or by t0mconc


who flunked out of the C'ourw ancc some tuts arc d ame you may bt able to

S11vc money by 1 ppina at a discount oft'<ampus boobton-, JUSt bt sure you' re buyin1 the nabt ediuon. otMrv.1tc you' ll be out of S)'nC Wllta the clul •hcta \be instructor ttfm to spearac P91ft.

Some words of wamana: Don't watt too~ eo buy · your books. 11n« stom must bqjn retwnU. UIOld stock to make room for not semente:r .. a (or q..,.,-1) clasles

Ftnally, \lkt heart theft's alwa_yt '*"'9i:b. T OV>'lrcl the end of cl.a all cotatee bookltolWI ~ students a chin~ to recoup c-.pnsa. Hin'• Mir it WOfts:

If a book i tcheduled 10 be .... = .. ore -•II buy your~ (tf n's ia r m ., ...

C'Oftd1llon) at half price. (Some bot*"•• ..... new· boot ra1c. IOtnC .,.,. ~ '=.


James Mi~hener: His secret iS routine 9y JAC.X KDVll ,. 0 , .... .._

AUSTIN - Rouunc as Jamn Micbener's l«RL Bul lhc rctults att hardly routtoc.

Despite qumtuplc bypass heart $uraery. a new left hip, e.11tens1ve dental work and an auack of per· maocnt vcf'ti&o, the PuJttzer Priu­wmnina novelist still produces masuve tomes 11 lbc age of 83, 10 books alt<>tclher in the last four )Cats.

His fans, an a~ of his outpul. wonder how he docs 1l. With lhe September pubhcallon of has lat~l v.ork. lhcy'U find out

ln a lenalhy prologue lo "The Eq1e and Ru en." Mtdtencr ~ys lhc work may appear lo be "an almost indecent dlSplay of frenued industry but it was earned out slov. · I), c:attfully. each mornana al the t)'pcwnler. each afternoon filled

with a ritint racarc:b and "fleoc. tioo." ~t ea.cmsc and d iet. a nap and

clus1c:aJ mu.sic arc pan of each day for lhjs probfic wnter. wbo says he could not possibly remain idle

··1 have bad a burst of enet'JY I could never have anticipated. not only to write more books but pat· ticULa.rly to leave a pteturc of a professional wmer al work," Michener AJd.

Micbmcr divides his ume amona Austin. where be teaches wnlina at the University of Tenl; St . Pctersbura. Fla.. and Brunswick. M&IOt'.

Deborah Brolhcrs. co-owner of StAle House Press of usun, which LS pubhshjna the book. s~ud the proloaue answt'r$ man) quest1on5 reader ask about Michener s life

"Cunousl) . dunng th1~ spurt of encl'J)' I ha\C ne'er thought of m)· self as cuher compuls1' t' or dn,cn

- nor was I," M icheoer -.Id. .. Throuab decadts of wntina I bave acquired c::enaio patterns or bcblv· ior and worlananitup whicb bad enabled me to wnte Iona books.

··1 merdy adhere to th<>te 50lad rules. I nse each day at 7:30, wa1h m) face in cold water but do not shave, eat a frupJ break.fut of bran sprinkJed Wlth liaoana. raisins and slum m ilk, no aupr, and ao dircrtly to m y desk, where the day's work has been laid out the niabt before.

" W1lh deliabt and a feelina of welJ-beina. I leap into whatever wk awaits and remain at It until half after noon, when I bavc a lilht lunch after which I lake a nap. I never type in the afternoon but do meet clas~s at the university.

" At dusk each day, reprdless of the weather. I take a mile walk at a rather bnsk clap. Supper, the evening neW5, a nine o'clock movie 1f a good one ts available on tclev1S1on. a half·

Best sellers BOOKMARKS From C1

lfa book 1s not schedukd tu be: u\ed ag;un tht' hu\ t.ack deal~ (usuall) v.holc:s.tle~ "'ho handk bu) bad.\ tur tbt' bookstore) ma) offer up to 10 pem:nt tor 11.

,1nle tht' )' tf) to resell It through a d1fferrnt college Unfortunate!), workbooli.!t (lc\I\ that h,nc "fill 111

the blank" tear out pages) u\ualh are not bu) bad, matenal, -5tnce even in perfect cond111on. no rt'.sdler ""anu to deal w1th having to go through tor missing pages

The good ne~s ts thal rnll<'~C' bou~\t·lkrs Jrl'">1tJve to all the grumbling and '" to k'>'K'O the trauma their cu!>tomcrs npenl·nte \ rt'll'nt lhCl ~ of '>range (oast campus b<.x> ~'l tort''> 'ho"'" an Jrnalln~ 1..uncem for customer'>. thllt re,l·al<. thJt hl .. 1~ <,t·ller\ 1.. are for something more than · 1..J<.h 1..hl·1.. ~ 11r 1..rnltt 1.. ard."

l"1ne Valle} College\ buu~\ti11r 1s l<t\ Jl ll.I tr1 .1 1ra11t'r ( oastline the colkgt "'1th11ut a l Jmpu\ '><.'II<. hooks from the: (ourth floor •>f thc: < 11a\t < ornmunll' < olleie D1stnrt's bu1ld1ng in I 11unt.11n \ Jlk' Sou thern Caltlomia College hd\ 11 ., u \\ n \ture tin lam ou'> l 'C I ha'> a la,1\h ne"" 0. 1111.c,tore

Orange Coast Wine ~ellar

FICTION I "Memones of Midnight. .. Sidney Sheldon 2 "The Burden of Proof. " Scott Turoy. J "Tht: Women in His Life . .. Barbara la) lo r Brad lord 4 "Message From Nam," Danielle Steel 5 'The Stand." Stephen King

NON-FICTION I - " ea/th Without R1Sk, .. C harlcs (11,ens 2 " Trump Sun1 nn1_ Rt the Top." Donald Trump J " .\fen at Work.·· George F Will .i " Homccommg, .. John Bradshaw 5 " Tom undry ... Tom Landr)

l>esptte the~ superficial d11lerence'> thn \hart• J 1.. 11111 mon goal. and the espnt de torps ul thl· book-.clkr\ ,., 'urnmed up h) Co"'leY " We all tr) lo hdp l'a1..h other out - after all. the idea 1s to help pi.·uplc: , get an edu 1.. Jtton ··

hour o( cJeanjftl my desk at I I and off lO bed.''

Aho be said, .. Each my without £ail, I find time to liaten to classical music on m y new compact d itc player ," 1nclud i n1 C h opin. Beethoven, Uut, Schubert. Brahm$, Banok. Stravinsky and optntic anu.

... never play the music •halt I wor'k at oriainal composition but often listen to it when doina routine work like check.Ina pqjnation. rad .. ~ Sllets of accumulated mail or tllina iuearch maaerial. The k>na walbi the scnQble djet and the mu1ic keep me heatlhy and able to complete lhe work. .. Michener said.

One nauina question .remains. " Was T ... apprehensive of work­endi!!J death? And .. . md I labor so dih&ently becau"sc of m y aat and the approach of a ume when r could work no more?

" I th10k not. 1 write at 83 for Lbe


same reasons that 1mpelJcd me to write at 43: I wu born Wllh a puaionate dcslre to communicate, to orpniie e~pcnence, to tell talC'S that dra.mati2c lhe advenlures whk h listeners ma&ht have had." M1cbencr wd.

'1be job of a storyteller is to tell storia, and J have concentrated on tbat obliption."

lbt ~eU1na in "The EaaJe and the Raven ' comes in a modified. e.tpanded venion of a lenathy chapter pulled from "Teus," pub­Hlhed in 1986.

It fol.Iowa the lives of generals Santa Anna of Me.111co and Sam lious&on of Tu.u. Their bne.f en· counter in 1836 at the Battk of San Jacinto, which enabled Texas to win its indeptndenoe from Mexico, 1s consickrcd by many h1stonans to be one of lhe decisive battles of the world. .H111e1 Mldtener

the woman from New York who stayed for a year and lost over 200 pounds as an e.11cep1ion. The ranch is not designed to treat obcsily.

v.h1ch wind around roclc outcroppings and quiet tefT'8 cotta Hied '1llas pz<' across the 'alle) at Mount Cuch uma . The mountain was known as the "<':tailed high place" to the Kume)aa} Indians because of Its healing powers. Toda> ·s behe,<'rs sa} the mounuun has a strong enrru ' ortex

Mount Cuchuma calls each morning at 6:30. when hard-core exercisers take a gruehnf hike up the rock) face The less adventurous can 'slll get a good aerobic on the day on the 1 o'clock meadov. hTke Breakfast 1s simple: fresh fru it and 1u1ce. <'ggs and a cereal bar - even coffee' - on the shad) patio

What the ranch does offer 1s a tasty diet of 1.000- 1.200 calones a day. Fish twice a Y.t'Ck 1s the onl) de' 1at1on from the lacto-veaetanan fa~. Nq use look· ing for salt on th<' table. Most diners St"ason t'Vl'I) thing from salads to baked potatoes with thl' ranch's dr­lluous fresh salsa

Fresh lru1ts and vegetables, artfull) prepared. and more legumes than )OU kne" cx1sted arc the st.apk s here B) m1d-v.ecl ) ou find ) ourself leaving the table saw.tied. but not stuffed. and fl"t'hng smug at the loY. t alune count

After that, while no one male<, ~ou eAeruse. it's eas) to follow the flow of traffic to a 9 o"clock morning stretch or body toning l lass. Clas~s run -l5 minute'>. allowing eAerctscrs I 5 minutes to towel off. grab a rup of water and find an aerobics clas!> or recreational sport

Food at a spa lake<> on cosmic 1mportantc Mn'lt guests want to lose a fev. pounds and cartfull) \IUd) the menu. with calone coun t, Y.h lC" h is posted datl\ Hut the staff cautions again st <'XJ>CCt1ng weight-loss miradt.'\ 1n a "'ee~ Jose Manuef Jasso. managing partner. l llC\


F11ness classes continue alter lunch unlll l.ltnnN. though man) guests male tune for a massage a faual or an ht'rbal "'rap There arl' .iho lo"'·le~ optton., <,ut.h J!> T'a1 Chi and nutnt1on "\

f-or 1nforma11on anJ rt·senattun~ ""ntc to Rant ho La Puena. P 0 . Ho' :!S-lW. E:~ond1dn Y:!U' '\, or tt'lcphune (bl'I) 744- ..i 22~ ~tnglc ratn rangr from SI SOO·S I 900 plu'> ta' pt'r "l'l'~ d11uhlt ratt''> I rum S I. :!OO-S I .h<J(J per pt•r<,on pl U<. Id\

Wineries make history after WWII Prolonging a life not always..._ the best thing

.\fter pro h1h111on " enl 1nt11 l' lh:,1 1n I 920. hundrt·J , 11! '' lrll'rll''> 1w1 ,., 1c:J . "'1th onh .1 h.1ndtu l \ur' '' "'•' t" ma~1ng \dlfJllll'fltJI "' tnl' 111 "It "ll. grape!> to hctn1l '" 1nl·m.1 ~ l 1' \ r•IO \ l\IOn ha\.! h\•1..•n 1nduJnl Ill lh1

1,1 .... th:it alhJ"eJ thr ""hc:Jd 11! h1111" h J · tu rna~t· up 111 :!I.I( ) )'(Jll111" 111

• '' re per \l3r !111 thl' IJm il • ., 1 llfl

\l I 1pllt1n - J l1111ph11k \I di Ill tt1 1

l111t1 k \I £)('mand \l.J\ \t • gn:J I tliJ t ,11111

pric es all Ud lh rt 1\c: d u1..· I t> • 11, 1•1.ihun\ •>I tt10\ <11 graix·, lhJt -.'l'I\' \hipped b> lhl· tra1nluJl.I 111 hn111t· v.1nem.iker'> auo" .\mn1-.1

B) J•His li'l' HJf\Jltnt h~·rlJl<..11 • t pruh1h111un t1lmo\l /\IM1 "lfll'lll'' l1 .1J '>prung up 1n ( .1lil111n 1.1 I 11 l11rtuna1t·h . OW\l ll l thnt· "fX' I <111 .. 1 ' "'l'ft unJ~·rtinJOlt•d J nJ pr .. d tHt'd "'IOl''> of qul'\1111nJhll qu.1 ' ' 1lut 111 J ...:'ere \hOrtJ~l' •ii 11,uncd \.\llH

111.1kt'f\ '1nr\.irJ n1J11.i1u " .111d u"-lhlr equ1pmt·n1

I a1..~1ng an at.kqu.1l t llJt11111JJ d1' 1t 1hut1un \\\ltm th" po'I l'r .. htl 1 1111 n huhhk 11 ! """' pr11d111 l111n h1tr\I 11 J tlw numht-1 11! tund111r •w '' 111t

I \ drt1pfXJ I• 11\I 11\ tr • "

\he 1 '-' or II.I \\ Jr 11 J 11 " •' • • 11 r .lll•>n uf cntrrpr1\111g 1A 1111·111.1 ~ l I' lt1.g;tn tu IJ ~ thl' j(fl •11nd'" lf ~ '"' ,1

Baked Meat oa

I \ t"I \ l.1 -l.l!i 11 11111 11" ( (lftlll,1 1kl \1.11


I l ' \ It.JI 1 /l J J flJ l" \ flJlhlt-d \\ llll' 111

du\11\ :'-kn t>f '1\11111 .111.t d<' 1lr111111.11111n plJntul '1111 JIJ, .111.J b1.il1 .qm·ril' 11 .. 111 \It nd,,.in .. 1 ..

I f!H 11.1 .ind ..111 , rJ 11! <. UJ"'""1 tn h1111l11~· quJlt\'. .rnd \I\ k l'llll'lf· l'd lr11111 lhl" ,l\hl 11! pr11h1h1111111 ;111J

"' .ti r hl j/11 '\.I p1 1i ll'\\ll!\ JI I c I >.1\ I\

\ 1111..'I Ill! " lll)d(l1>l1 .ifld C ll IJ\\ l,1 h111nl 111 IH"' 1dt "'1111111.1~1..·r<. 1hc ht'\I '" h'~ h111 .ii II I If m.1l11tn h.1w.t on \11lid "ll 111111 rt'\1•,11 I I >rw l•I thu1 ttl l Jl t'\I 11111• 1hul1<11l\ \\J\ lht ntJpp111g 11f till' \I.Ill" 10l1t Inf\ flt

lll nl,llt\ • I l lo.. 11 •V.111~ Ill .1d\,lflll' .... 11,,!, grJl'l\' \Jll1•11..'' q111ld ttl"" il(' \I Ill ,IJI\ p,11(11 11.11 '' ,1l111n

I Ill\ 11.1\ .11l11\\1'd ( .tl1!111111.1 '\\1111' 111du'" to 11111111\h "1tli 1L1I u1il111 Ill ~ 1111' l\'llllllll'\ 11! l'\ ll< II\\ HI.ii .11 J 111111 \Utltrnl 111 I 111111"'

I ht 11111t~t11~ ut,i.· ti! """ll ·" .1 p.H I I I Ill' l'\ l I' d.J\ Ii k\I \It 11 1 \ : lt'IH .Ill\ I\ Ill l.1f!ll p.111 d ill t11 1111' II ll\ .. : 1!111\ l"P !>11111 l I\ 1111111

\f .,dl ''" I 11.1 '1 .111 .I lulit • \1 ,ir11rw 111 I 'I~ I lh( 'll1.ll " l111l ' l.11t .. 1nt !111

fllJfl\ \l,IJ\ \01 ht fl l' Iii\' I Jl\ljf1 l f .I

j<t1nd '"11''1! hq{I • t ·' 1111' ,1l .1 •lf\

.11'111 d.1 I •h "' l

I t1d.1\ 1!11 ,111..· lf,. p1 11ud .111d '"ll 11 \\flll\ •I tl1t l.11¥t'\I \\IJlll· 11

1111 h11d,I .111d 1111·. ll ,111 ~ .1 , I• r \ • Jf ...... 1,." t

\ ~ll"ll 11u111tx1 111 "''·"'' 1 ""1111· ri1' l1J '1· 1·1111 r ~· d '1111 ,. \\ 11 Id \\ .11 11 th.11 h,1\(' "'" 111.1d1 .1 ' >' 11111 ·"I 1111p.1 : l•ll lh1. \ttlll'' .. 1 \\llh '"'

IOI• f l.tflll\ 1\ 111111 11 t I I I lxg.111 Ill p111J11 l p1 1·111111111 ' h.ir11p.l)llll'

\hit \ r1.l[ ~f ll1 ~• \\lf t I lJ 1 ,,tp,I

John Stahler

r ) ~-

\ Jiil'\ thu' wtt1n~ thl \l;:!l!,l' for llltlll' " 1p-n111d 1 buhhl' pl Ottuu•r, I 1 l. l· \ , hr.., 111\l'k. rl( I I 111, ..i I I >omJ int' I h.1mlon 11•1 \ 1 Jlld ( ult" :rl\1111 (I 11' I 1

\l.1111n 1<.1 \ 1\.1111.1 < nit \111un 1.11r1' I ti-i'•I '"" .1 lllJn o l l.111 t.lll~l"lllll\ II rnpt'lllll'lll \I.ho nl'\l'I .tl h1 .uf g.r1..Jt 1111tttr1l'l\ 11r li 1.. IJI \11<1.•" f 11 111\ rtd11 hn"'l"ll '' thr 1nt1u<.ln "Ilk prJ1. t1u· nl 11arnlll!>! thr \pn1hl ~r.1rx 1.aricl\ I ( h<Jrdon llJ \ l 11n111 ' t1 r tl 1 nn thl· lalx·I ,l\

.... r11 ,1 .. dr'tfn.111ni.t "h1l h 'inn.11d thl· 11.r.1rt·., ""lll' g101An 111 \Ulh ·" ·1>ullt111 l<J nt h 111 "' \\ 111l"f\ l .1 1.t ·

l' rl '111u<,I\ tht '.1\I ntJ)lll 11' 111 "llll \.\J\ 1.iht:lnl \lmpl\ < 1,11\'1 · 11urtrnnd' · 111 ·1 h.1hl1' · I hnl' l!,l' Ill Ill n.tnH' ,, IHI\\ u<.ed on lhl l.1hl.·h 111 ·1u11· "'llll' ' mJ1.k pnmdrih h, thl IJtttl' < 1· \ .1lln "'int'rt1..' <. I 11d1.·1 lnlu,11 IJ" J "int·n lJll U\C: "h.11n a gr.If)('\ tt v. 1'ht'\ to .1 gn1rm ·· Bu1gurhh ·· 11r "C"hahl1\ ..

( 1111\l"l \l'h .I \\11\l" IJhl.·kd h\ \JI 111.11 l i: \l ul<•t ur /1nl.i ndt'I mu<.t ,11111.1111 ,1 ni1n111111111 111 1 'i pc:rc.enl ol ilw ' 0Jrr1td 1111 1he lahcl. .ind d1tl l·" tl1rl' th !rum the: Frl'Tlth

JHJll11..t· ul u\lng 11nh the: "'lnt'I\ (( hatcauJ name \alud' 1-..:r\t l '.irt ')

Cl'RREl"T WINE P ICK: I IJll,.., (JI lllU .\ \ IOClilfOS J>1111>t \ 1111 IJ/Jnt . \Jp:J i 'JJIC.\

··oc1l I.It• Pl'r~:it · lf\l' 111 rhc l'artrtdgcJ l hl· nml· 11f thl\ p.1Jr pinl \'!Ill' h1n1' o f ix•j1.. hl·\ .ind hunn .ind hJ' J H"hl'I\ m11111hkd f ht• fintsh I\ \nlOUlh an~! \lilt 1llll" to

II'> hghl 111 ~ percent .11l11h11I .ind unlt kc otha hluc,h \I.Int'' ,.., rdrnh -1ngl) dn C1rt:'at "Ith an' ltght IJll' 11r tor p1l·n1 1. '> (ioo<l '.1lul· JI $ t1 ht•I · lk

Joba St•blrr Is .a Orangt' Coun t_t buttd w/ntt consultant and "int' t'di· tor of Cu/laar)' Trrads m•g111Jntt

Mixed emotions on loss of crown

.\Tl ·\:"iTI< ( 11' 'J -- '\t1'' .\mem·a 1990 l)('bh\l• J urnn <..1 \\ gt' ing up hr1 un"' n lht' ""l'l'I. "' Ill ht· h11ter\\H'l't hut \hl• lllllll' l.lnl 'hl'' loo~1ng lorv.ard to l11unlt(1ng J fl•un<l "'1th nu malt up 11n

Hut .i lier J "l"ck ol rt· la \Ing II "111 ~ hack to thl· boo"'° ' to tinl\h hn degree 1n 'e1c:nnM) mrd11..1ne

"' II t'I J hllll'f\\\l'l'I l' \p!.'rtl'rllt' l ht'I hd\ Ocl'rl J gooJ \ldf and \t1U a)\loa\ '> hate Ill \l"l' II l'llJ. '" f lltnl'r ~1d -. 'I'm '>Ull I II ht.· a littk "Ct'P' about 11 ··

Dl .\ R .\""' ~ I .\'I I H K ") I .1111 \\rlttn~ thl\ klll'I tn lhl· h11)X" 1h.11 II '"II \j\l" \l l llll' nl \•IUf fl.Jdl'f\ the angul\h I hJ'C: ~'lll"n Jnd th.11 11 might .tl\u pn·<,t.'r\l' thr J1gn11 ' ot lhtl\l' "ho arc: terrnmall\ 111

\\ h1k J pJllent 1n thl' ho\J:)llJI nl\ hu~h.ind \ ht· J11 \IHflf'k.'d \ n eml·rgl·n1..' tram ru'hl·J 111 Jnd ""llll.l•J In l'rl\hl\ lll ll'\U'>1. 1t.lll' him I hl ' \Ulll'l'dl·l.I ~ound<. ''11nJalul'' \.\ di. not t.' \Jllh I h1.· ""J' M1 \t:dr' llld JIHl hat.I 1nm1nJI t. alll ~' r lfr II\ n l a1rntht•r th11·1..· dJ" 1n .1g1111\

fi, nu \tn•t1..h Pl th\' 1mJgtn.11111n wuld ··...i, 1ng· h1'> lik ht- l j lkd .1 Jl"l H1..· "'lluld h.1.\1' hl'l·n mud1 111. ttrr 1111 had th1..•\ 1u't kit him a l11n1.· '\n·dll''' 111 '>.l ' ' o "'uuld hd\l I .!\ "di a'> th1..· otlwr memht-r'> ol 11ur fJrn th

I hupt• \nu' "111 pnnt th!\ kllt'r aml olkr \onw c,uggc,t1ons on h1"' thl'> \llrl l•I ll\.'lUrfCnll' lJn hi_• prn en tell VI l' hear .1 Int aht1u t "thl· right tu die·· Jnd "I" tng "111<. ·· hut I h.i'e nl'HI hl·ard 111 an,onl' """ llltr:tiJ ~ "'"'' hdrx·d h' 1hml' 1h111g' Pit-a-.~: nplJtn \nn I \1 P \l)'\OI< \ . ( \I II

OEAR SONORA: You ralst' some vital qut'Stlons and l shall auempt to answer the m. According to the Jutte Issue of the Harvard MedlC'al S<-hool Health Lener, llvlng wills have been d lscu11ed a crut deal more than they bave been used.

In 1977. after lhe Karen Quinlan case , California began to honor lh · In!( wills. As of this moment, onl) ttll[bt uatu ha' e ye t to give tbem

Ann Landers

official n-cognltlon. Those s l•le1 ue Massac husetts. Michigan, l'\ebr11ka, 1'iev. York, Oblo. P eDJlsylvanla. Rbode Island and South Dakota.

It v. ould be enormously helpful If patients cbtck Into bospllals were routine!) asked whether tbey have a living will and. If tbey DONT, standard forms should be made 8\'allable. It also would be helpful if physlC'lans would discuss living wills as a routine part of lbelr responslblllt) to pallents .

l 1nfortunately, lhe wonders of mrdlcal technology no"' can keep people all\ e long after tbe qua lit)' of life bas disintegrated. Add to Ibis tbt' sue-happy late of 1he union. and bosplta ls , pb)slcians and caretaker~ are afraid of being ha uled Into court. Consequently, hundreds . If not thousands, of people are being krpt alive on machines w.ben It would be mrrclful to let them KO

Dl .\R .\:-..'.'\ L .\M>E:K~ ~.i . 1ru1..· -hlul' IJn hul \11ur n·1..en1dJd1t111n111 · ( •l'nl 0 1 thl· l)J, ·· dn't'' nH· up J "all

\ltn' rt•JJ1n~ a kiter lrom a h.11· ten·J "'11<: . 01 J 'nualh ahu'>t·l.l tl'C'O· Jgl'r 11·~ unn1..n 10~ 111 mal e a onl .. 'l(.·1..11nd cm1l11nn.1I Jum p to thl· d,l\ ·\ gl·m I"' ll~t· 1t·ll1ng lo..ncx ll. - ~n<11. ~ JO~l'' JI ..t lum·r.11

\ ou t.l l1n'1 nrl·J It \ our u1l11mn •dll \IJlld llll lhl· \lfl'nitth ul \UUr pt•r,onalll\ nat1' C' "11 and rctkl"· 11110\ on \ \llllf (\\\0 parcnt'i taught ~ou

--...... Weddin1 Gown• OftCI 1'0fl A IM ,, • · • • ", t... , &- "• I

.\nn L.inl.lcr<. d1>t·,n·1 nn·d to 4uutl' Jn~onc cl<.c: Im " gl'm' ·· The n'\t of u~ art• <.jUOt1ng \ Ol - < ( ·. IN C tll( AGO

"'""" 111 11101~ bae> SI II

Germa n H o me Bakery 11 .. ins h4'.i1<.h 1. '•• t ' I • f .. . . , "' ,... _,.., . .. . . . . . .. . , ti .... ,

\\ t rld1r,.• <- .tk1·'> fh1 ·tl/1I I irmal\ 1. ""•dp1tt f'\ ' I d llf wt DOflC Wl.O • "' • . .. ,,., ~, .• . f "" h1un V. ,J\ ! ' I 1( I l •• , I( l I fl LUl t:' St:'lt'<lllll•

( M l.111 fur rnlo 540-0281 786- 6570 A fRU SBVICI fOR M.l ll!RllU1 Sll~ J06 7

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SuncMr. ~ 2. 1te0 ca

Long jackets, short skirts dress up tall fashions 9y PIANONI ,_AJtNIS ,,,, ............

lf1 tune to plu1 tbc pps an your fall wardrobe. If you're not too late, you can place your bets on these looks that arc movina quickly o ff the racks.

JACKETS arc a tall wardrobe staple. This season th~ shoulders arc sof\cr. the bems longer. some mid· thiah or nearly to the knee. "Jackets arc topping ev~ryt.~tnJ from catsuits, le&&.in$5 and slim trousers to s~ns. says J oan Kaner, Neiman Marcus fashion director. . At Calvan Klein, where the )ackc t has always been !mpo~nt. " what's mak1na fashion news is the 32-inch Jacket, says Paul Wilmot. senio r vice president o f public relations.


"Thete 1CCX>nd akms are the key laymoa pieces for fall ," aayt Kaner of Ncunan Marcus.

Catsuits., the fonn-fitttna jumpsuits., are one of the newest looks, and you don't need a lot of money. lndc«l, Donna Karan has a black pleated wool ven1on at SSOO at Neiman Marcus. But Baryshnikov Spon's stretch. velour can be had for about S7.S at Broom­inadale's, Dayton Hudson and Nordstrom.

C.tsuits can be worn alone. for those who~ exercise rcg.imcn has paid off. or they can go under almost anything from tup1c-length swcatet'9 to walking shons. ·

• Then there arc thick lcwngs. which wal.k.eQ d own

European and New York ruoway$, topped by ovH'S1zed sweat«S or scarves wrapped Slll'OnJ-style at the wa1s1.

At Manha lntemauonaJ, a best-seller 1s an A-hne navy chiffon .. baby doll" dres trimmed 111 blue saun. h's from-sad&Jey Miscb.ka for S lJ90. Also sclli,nJ well as Christian Francis Roth's black woolJcrwy multacolor trapeze drcu. $840. With rock-like apphqucs. h~calls it a "rubble" drcs"S. a la The Flintstones.

UTl'LE BLACK DR~: Crayon colo rs like o r­anJe. red and purple, which arc mixed and matched or pured wtth black. are making news. but the little black dress 1s a staple. Off-the-shoulder. slip-like and' body· buging styles are common. Cal van Kletn ha!> a short. basic black T -shirt ~uan dre-ss. about $3.000 at Nan Duskin 10 Philadelphia and Bergdorf Goodman.

ANYTHING SllORT: A lot of barely-there look!. came down the runway for fall . 1ncludang lsaa r M12rahi's popular ··placemat" skin - a stnp of fa bnc wrapped o ver opaque leggings and tunleneck and held 10 pla~ by a sing.le button at thefhtp

att .i1ll stro na. Updaun1 lhe look art lux u l") fabncs like satin, silk, suede: and lather

BLll Blass' red satin park.a fo r e verung. hned 10 taupe sa1in, 1s a best seller " Even 1f you ha ' e a hnle no1hina dress and )'Ou bu ) that parb. you ha"e a brand new look. " says spokesman Craig Nat1ello.

Blass pairs the parka with a pctre-1 grren 'i~ater and green and aold metallic lace skin The three pieces go for $6.680 at Martha. Neiman Marc us. I Magnan and Sara Fredcnch

A leather ano rak IS S2,995 at G ucci boutiques.

"' Best sellers an the new lo nger length include Klein 's collarless wool and rayon cardigan in about $93.S. There's also a double-breasted style w11h peaked lapel, about $700 1n hunter green. Both at

/' Bcf"&dorf Goodman. Ralph Lauren also has a grccn Jac ket that's selling

"'ell. h 's a d o uble-breasted loden wool and cashmerc blend, S 1.360 at Po lo-Ralph Lauren boutiques.

Narrow trou~rs have tbc slendcF line of lcging.s. Stirrup pants an suede or crushed velvet arc a

popular daytime look. espec1ally when paired w11h a short swrna coat

Even ron~attvts such as ACtolfo and 8 111 Blass arc lakinf. the sho rt c ut. Blass ts talking about his "nt.'" ballgown · - a sho n . strapless satm she~th ~1th d

dramatic sash that drops to the floor It comes 1n pak blue for $3,000 at Elizabeth Arden. Neiman MarlUs and Bergdo rf Goodman

COATS: ho n and swing) T hret'-Quan er length coats are swift sellers at I Magnin. acco rding to Wilmer Weiss. senior \ace president of commun1cat1on~ " They're perf«t o'er li ttle dresses sho n skirts and leggrng.s." he ~)'> T here' s a black fa u>. leopard b) Sonia R> k.u:I. SQ90. a tea l dutlle coa t b} Y' es Sain t Laurent, s:uoo. and a burnt oranae or pale blue lna1an blanket coctt ~1th sha~ I cullar b) .\dam Douglass. S195

Also doing well. sa\s \.\ Cl'>!> 1s a collection o f v. ool­mohau fnnged c<.>a\s 1n bnght \.Olo r' '>UCh as grape JCll) bcan green fut hStJ and tomcttu The' "re SI 59 fro m T he Galler,

• ..

" We 1mmed1ately sold two hunter green quilted _ Chanel Jackets dunng the August opening." sa) s Lan; Buchanan. general manager o f aks' . new store an Den ver. The) can; a S:?.82.S pncc tag.

Isaac M1zrah1 1s making news wnh cool pastels. His " 001 bla1ers come in sherbet shades lake lemon. m andann and ucam 4>1cle About $750 at Saks Fifth

DAYTIME DRESS; It 's back. The chemise 1s a fal) fa vonte ro r Adnenne Vmadtni. Michael Ko rs. Isaac Mtzrah1 , Cal van Kletn and Charlotte Neuv11le. amo ng o thers. Kaner suggests to pping 11 with a thret'-<1ua11ers or scvcn~1a,htbs coat for an ensemble look.

Al Bob Mackie. " The chem1~ IS 'i t' for da) ," sars Ra} Ag.ha) an. president o f Bob Mackie Inc . i\ hne in black. teal o r red wool JCr~y. each about SI.I 00. 1s at Elizabeth. <\rden. Manha and Sara Fredendcs.

DAV FOR NI GHT: Daytime clothing 1s sho"'ang up IO IUXUI") fabncs hke washed silk, satin. suede and fur. both fake and real Norma Kama\1 has spon~ catsuns an dress) fabncs hke crushed vel vet Da)1tmc fabm s hke panstnpe 'WOOl and tweed are turning out for C\ enang. in Bill Blass' strapless cocktail dresses

ANORAKS: A. caTT) -over fro m last ~ear. anoraks

HOODS: It \uu're lud..' cn11u&ft10 tind a toat, parka o r ca1su11 "'1th a houd gl\ e \>OU~lf an ell.tra point 1n 1he updating gamt.'

It ~ou d uublc: 'our hooded par~a '-'Ith a hooded shin add shoulder du\lcrs Jnd th1gh-h1gh suede boots. and 'ou're rcc1d' Im 1(1\t about an\th1ng this fall


t Jame!> Ep1~opal Churc h w as the se t11 ng fo r the J uly 2 1 marriage of Elizabeth Mille r Knight and MJChael .\n thon~ Sc. uJ en omc1at­ang a l the reremon~ " l're the Re' . Da' 1d ( .\ ndasun. rl'l·tur of St Jame'> and tht• Re' Jcflrt\ Bae~ald SJ-

The bride 1<; tht· JJughter of fl'· tired Orange Count\ \uPl·nor Court Judge H \\ .irren l\ m ired. of Laguna Beach and "lane) Mor..e l\. night ot :-..Oc" pon Beach lihc wore hl·r mothn\ "l·Jd1ng go" not chan· 1111 > lace

fhe bndl·'<, s1m·r \.1r'> Mark C1. l11.Jrdon. "'as matron ol honor Bndt·!>mald~ 1ndudl.'d Mr-. Michael F-1ore t t1 . ~f r\ l a'-'rl·nre Po1 ~ardO'-'\k 1 and l>chor:ih '°)tudt:n. )!Ster!> of the tmdt·groom. a nd Mr\ Charle~ Forner a nd Margan· • l r O'i ler .... old Ka th t:rtne C1rau.• Gordon. tht• hn1k'\ n1l'l'e. \.\a\ .

tlo" er girl and !\fatt hl'"" .\ u\tlJl F1oretll . nt•pht' '-' ot the bndt'groom "a~ n ng beara Thi.' guest hook " d' an cnded h\ knnifrr F1ken \cudcn . the bnde~oom·\ ntt'l't'

Mr. and Mrs. Mlchael A. Scuderi Mr. •nd Mrs. Scott Wenk•

~ \1 r and \t r\ ( armelo J ~ uden ofSpnngfidd -.1as' art• the parl'nl\ u l the hndcgroom lie '-ho~ h1\ lather as tlc'>l man and u\ her' \\t•rc \ ndrcv. R l\. n1~hl . brnthcr of lhl.' bndl· and \1ephen \ah ahHt' .\ ngclo and '•c holas \( uda1 hrutht'f'> ut the Jindt·gmom

.\ ltcr a "'cdding rC'rCpt1nn 1n tht' home of the Jindt" ' mothl'f tlw t11u plt• "t'nt 11n J hont'' mt~•n tnn '"

BOX-CASPERS Sherman (iankn \ 1n corona lkl

\lar " a' the \Citing lor thr J uh 14 m arnaf e of Hla1r Mom,on < a<>rx-r' and r-.. ar\... Thomas Bm . hoth of Sc"pon Rcac.:h I hl' roupk grec tt•J I i-.11 gurw • .lt their rec<"plion in the garJc.•n' follo" 1ng the.· c.·crc.·mon\

The hnd l' 1\ the daughtt:r o f M rs RonalJ \\ 1ll1am C J \rx·rs ,ind the la te Orangt' t ount' Super' 1sor Ronald { aspo:r~ ( 11' t'n 1n ma m J ge tl\ her brothc.•r ( •rt'g ( J'>pcr'> \he "' ore a go" n ol "'h1tl' ..attn " 1th J ~hon \ke' cd <\al"tnna n<'d.llm· ho<lK(' t•mticlh'>h<'d \o\llh l,tc.e ' .tnJ <.et•d ix:arl\

Her s1\l<'r. !\.mien. "cl' m a1J o f honor and hnd('\matJ\ "en· Kt>ll~ Chn'>ten!>Cn. DJ"' n l J'>pc~ . Sarah Tenaglia and \hdk~ Helhng

The bndegrnom " the \on of DJ nit· I Thomae. RO\ of lo)1 h c.·r l..a l r and tht• \.lh: \t r\ Bo \ Roorl lkd.,tt:Jd \.\J\ ht·<,t ma n. anJ uc; hc.·r<; \.\Cfl' l ra1g .\mcrl hJn1an (1t•orgc.· Lt' ingston l\. 1m C hn,tcn'cn and f1m f unk

l he: l'oupk arc a t home an ( O'>ta \ k ..a a ftrr a " eJd ing tnp to Maui. \ht• " \ell e rnplo)c.'d at .\I11' l1c lnlcnor'i and hi: 1\ the o \.\ nrr of ~e,\pon \ a\h anJ Door

JUDY From Ct

( urrcntl) . C1arua '' on the d.I\ sh11\ at Bistro :!OJ - .lnd he " a rk'> e'cnings at / c ppa

The ma n ha~ tas te. nu dou bt J hOUl ti

C ELEBRo\TE The first anniHNlr. o l Ragatta.

Cln th<' Pe ninsula the classtL c uisine llf Ita l) " 1th a thrte -" cd fO<>d und "' 1nc fesll ' al al the Wesun South ( oa~t Plaia Hotel the c hanging -----

lla"' a11 fht·) art' at home in Spn ng­fidd . wht."re the bndcgroom 1s t'm· plo~t·d b~ Engineenng and Sale" ( o H is 1A.1k. v.ho holds a B \.t E dC"gret· from the l n1' c~1t) o l Rcdland'> and a ~I \ E E d l'grec fro m the l "'' ers1t\ of Soulht'rn < Jhforn1.t. is an engineer ""h M1ll1 · tnh Corp an South ~erf1cld


The "edd1 ng o f \.\ end) Brennan

" Cather o u t o n the patio a t l -"l ' Bn sas in Laguna Beach

C LOSED . . The Good Eanh in Fashion

Island. which ma> o pen again soon under new o wnership ... R.W 's Crab Hideout. despite the pubhctt) gcncr· atcd af\cr se' eral wtdel) di\ crgen t re' iews fro m d1ffcre-nt ncwspape~ and the ensuing markeung tactic\ "h1ch kept business cortuna in unul . ane,phcabl}. the doors were s1mph shut o ne da)

Ma) be their rent was too high

Unique Creations For Every Occasion!

.... t:A ltl~. Ft' I "~'n .... H OHi' r··

• Fresh Flower • Europc:An (.,ardcns • Balloon Bouquet~ • Plants • (,1hs • Basket • DneJ Flower p l/f, \ I IO 1' \ 1\1 .. \111/J

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JM-2 •• 'l't'MI e t F'-4. N •• ,.., ·~la ,~.-.............. )

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NENORl!S ARE MADE OF LOVE MD HOPE. An Amtt1can c..ncer Sock() '1cmorial Olft thoWI you care

In • wry apcdal MY· l'or mOft tnfonNKlon, contact )IOU' k)CAI AJMrk:Am Cancler ~tv

o l Nonh Po le. Alaska. and Scott Wenke of Ne"pon Beach w3$ sol­e mnized o n So' 28 1n Our lad> g ueen o f Angels Catho lic Church in ~e" pon Beach .\ rt'C<'pt 1on fo r ~00 guests follo" ed at the Santa .\ na C ount r. C'lub

Members o f the "'ed ding pan~ included Cuurtnt'} King a nd .\Ia n Baron, Lisa. T ina a nd .\no Brennan. sisters of the hndl'. and Kent '>'e nkc, Brt'n \ \c.:"' an John \tem· bicker and \.\ cston l\. ruger

T he couple are res1dt."nt'> ll f

Phocnt \ . .\n 1 . " here '>he 1s J ti~t lieutenant and a na' 1gator o n a Ct 35 1n :he \ nwna .\1r ' Gua rd a nd he 1s a RF Phan to m II pilot in tht• ' t."bra\ lc1 .\1r "' at1onal G uard

\.\>a lter and Barba ra Brennan o t ' onh r'o le and Bill and Jean \.\ enkc of ' <'" pon lkach ar<' the parenis of the c.. o upte

ANDREW AND VERA BILLINGS Vera Dttrt and Andrew Hunlocl 811l1np. "hu " '"re mamcd an Ll1'

.\ngeles in \ 9 23. celebrated their 6 , ,h ~edding anniHNlr. o n -\ug If\ in the Lake Forest Nursing Center 1n El Torn

She will be 94 an September and he is qQ The couple ha'e o ne daughter. Julia Vining ,it In inc. tour granJ ­

l htld ren and nine great grandchildren o\ttend1na the ctlebrat1on "'rt thetr daughter their IVl'!'ddaughter

t-.a l") n m1th of M1ss1o n Viejo. and llo)d Rmd'> 1l3\lor of Senior .\dult~ and Hospital V1s1ta11on for Cah af) Chun· h in Sant~ .\na w~cre the rnuple ha'c been act1,c pansh1oners smcc: fQ., I. teaching unda' School artd pnH id1ng transponat1o n to church and medical a(lpo1n tments for other members

The couple worked for Pacific Tekpho ne t ,, in l o' <\ ngele unul thr1r rc11remcnt . The) were 19-year n-s1dents o t T u\lln 11nd n:-centh ml1' td to the Lake Fo rest Nursing C't'nter



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1!81 PAllVllW IOAD OOSTA Ml8A, CA lmT (714) 646-6800


Iraq crisis boosts ratings of TV news


~---d-~• HO LLY\\ 000 - lra4 'n'I' h.i' tx·t'n ~ooJ nt'"' tor ni.>v.\

sho" s Latest ratings <.ho v. nc. t"'•lrk ,1 'l'rJg.t' Loi tht \.1 1dt'ast 1s boosting ratings for e'ening nl·.,,.c, pr11iram' Jhc•' tht' '-um hint'd num btrs drji"n b' pnmc·llmt' t'Olt"n.Jtnn1t•n1 'ho"'

:--.1ghth nc"~a<>ts h.t'<.' a\t'ragt."d JU".l Jh<ne J ~ :'\ raung and a 60 percent aud1t'nt c share '-'h ik '1lUHTI\ c.·1, Jrt' gl'lllng. J ~"' -plus and a - ' Pl'rcent '>hart: a'> \ht' l rl\l'I .iintmun ~ J• h ra11ng p.11nt rcprc~nts about -11 11 ( II K 'It'" t'r' .\lt1•gt·thn t" pcrlt'nt mo rt.' .\menran"> arc "a\\. h1ng C'' t·ning nt· ... ' thJ n in prl'"' n<.1C\ da~ '>

Hits tbc mark - ( nm1'- <. get 1n d1g1, Jt Iraq's \addam Hussein .\ Ian King rcdub' the dictato r ··so Damn ln..ane · while ~lam Brill note\ that Hu!>M'tn ·s lif..t namt' 1n .\rah1c. mt.'am ··one "' ho 1.ontro n1s .. " In .\mema .. 4u1ps Bnll . ··he'd be called ~addam D1tt'· Hussein ·· •

Team reunion - Rcu- • ~ ruon 1s in the " orJ.. s lor .\n Carne\ .\udn:' \ kado"' \ "'ho ha,en:I "'vrkC"d tog<.'lhcr on T\ ~ stn•e then da'' on ·The Hune,mt1onc:r\· "'1th )Jtk1l' Glea~n T ht·'· hoth appear t>n a tall cp1sodc u l th<' ne" l B\ \ .. l nlle Bul l "It h C arnc~ pla ' ing a lOn artl5t "' ho d rops 1n on the tam1h and fall .. lor srandmJ \ ft'ado 11. ...

Alan Klug Pcfwdcr a.nd,a1nt - \lak.l'.'up anl\t Fr.rn,t'\ ·· rrannic" .\nold

reiires 1rom C B • \ alter .iii H'af'\ o t po"'Jl·nn~ ntlSt'\ ht' ll1

the uk('s o t Ed"ard R \ forro"' \.\ alter l n1nl11c ld \ ulh-. an and Dan Rather Th( anist"~ mo\1 famuu\ m t1mt'nt -. amc m 19/\1 1 ""hefl R1'-hard ""tin rch.1'l<'d ll• all''" h1m<oelt 111 r...· m adt' up tor h1' fir.,t T \' debate "1th John f l\.ennt·d ~ '\ l\on crnaged ltl<1kinl? hJuarJ and s" eat' be\1dc tht' '<1u1htul t-..ennl'1.h P<""~" ,ll<.t1n~ him the elt'l llOn

Lincoln lov~d - \\ ' ' t ' 01snc' can rl'\t c.'J'' nn11. Patn· o l1t fe·f\ c.)r h1r "( 1r<'JI \ h 1ml·nt\ "'Ith \f r lmH1ln' kt•ep' ~ ' 'car-old auJ1n-:in1matrnn1l \Pl·c('hma J.. ing \~r.iham I tn· coln rcphl a a.i1-.t' ,,n £)1.,. ne' land\ \l.un '1n·e1

Parl 1fft.iah pl.innt'l1 tt• replace thr < I' ii \ \ ar prt'<iu.knt \.\ 1t h l\.l•rmn the f rug and 1\lht'r \I uppet~· ''' dv. md llng aud1cnC<.'\ bu1 (\<I' in~ guc'>\'I "'ouldn't hear o t 11 · l 1ntuln "'as a president ·· -.aid one I.> \Car-old ·· l\.erm1t 1'i 1uc.1 a fr - and ntll C'' en a real one ..

\.\ alt D1snc~ p<'r'4rnall~ de­\ 1gned the l 1ntoln ro bo t. sclc .. ·tcd h1!> \pt:C\ h l"\~·erpts sometime!> ca llt•d the ~h11" the must im portant pJrt ot hi\ parl



'Sisters' is labor of love for Kane 9y HIU.IL IT AUi 1"1t1d•••,,.. .......

NEW YORK - Carol Kane took up actina because it pve her the chance to express herself in ways she never thouatu possible.

disappear, like " Harry and Walter ao to New York," a 1976 film in which Kane and pals appeattd.

" It's just a miracle u aot done," Kane said of the new film. " It seemed impossible. Even thOUfh Diane was worki04 really hard on 1t, it seemed impossible we'd get the money, I.hat all three of us would be available. It seemed more likeJy to fall through then to come through ...

She is the most opumisuc of the threc1 perhaps too optimistic, a way of thtnkina Kane says wotks bener for herself than for Franki.

··1 went to ace a play, 'Alice io Wonderland,' and 1 ftU 1n love with what I saw,'' she recalled. ''My fam­ily life was not ve7 bappy and l saw an CICI~. I aaw oould be free in a ce_rtAln 1tnse and happy and creative, I.he most me. There wasn' t much room like that for me at home at I.hat time."

She chooses friends for the same reason.

She isn't with Just anybody. With some people, she feels less intercstiOJ and less in­telliaent. " And other people, you feel so strong and so many things can happen and hfe 1s an adventure." Kane e>.plamed m a ~nt mterv1ew to {>romote " Thr Lemon Sisters:· tn which she stars wtth close fnrnds Diane Keato n and Kathryn Grod}

"The Lemon Sisters." which opened this "'eekend along the Or­ange Coast. 1s a nsk. a mone about the fnendsh1p of thrte wo men with no '1olence or special effects and no guarant~ bo\ -onice stars. It could be a scnumental hll. such as last \ear's Bette M1dler mone. :.&aches." It could also quickly

Freeman in ~Robin

Directed by Joyce C hopra ("Smooth Talk"). the film takes place in Atlantic City. N.J .. often flashing back to black-and-white footage of when the three fnends were growing up.

Ke.aton 1s the eccentnc Elo1S<' Harner. a collecttr of cats. sta1ues and TV an1facts. while Grodyn plays the practical Nola Frank . Kane is 1he amb1llc.:Js Frank1 D1 Angelo. an aspmng smger named af\er Frank Stnatra.

" I will not change m > st) le." Frank1 snaps after a less-t han-1m­press1ve aud1t1on. " M} st} le 1s me ..

" You ha ve to be irrationally posjtive 10 keep aoina." Kane in­sisted. " J once auditioned 13 times for 'The Prime of Miss Jean Brodir' on Broadway over a period of over a year and I didn' t get it. I 1hought I was going 10 die.

" But 1 bounced back because I needed it so bad. You have to be obsessed."

Kane was born tn 1952 in Cleveland. and was forced to move at age 8 when her parents split up. She was sent 10 boarding school in Connccucut and later li 'cd in New York with her mother.

It was the of hfe that made her 1ntelhgencc shnnk. that made the world look no bigger than the walls of her bedroom. Kane needed somethmg to take her mmd off her s1 tua11on at home. something not quit~ of this world.

Local dancers sought by New York Ballet

Hood' role NE\\ "\ OR i... - \I organ Free­

man . "ho &J'l' an .\ ladl'm~ .\\\ard-., nominated ix·rlormanll· in I 99ffs Oscar-\\1nn1ng mo' 1e .. Dn' 1ng ~hss Dais' .. \\Ill ro-star tn " Rohm Hood Pnnlc lll 1 hie' cs:· stamng i...c\ in l o tncr

COST.\ MES-\ - Four girls arc needed tu perform "11h Ne" "\ o r!.. Cit~ Ballet pnnc1pal dancers tn the Ballet ··Mozamana:· Balanchine·') tnbute to ~l ozan . at the Orange Count} Pl· rforming .\rts (enter later this month

4 p.m. - lasting appro>.1matel} 3 hours each - wnh the performance on Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. Dancers muc;t be a' a1lable fo r all rehearsals.

Those in1eres1ed in audttoning should call the recorded aud1t1on 1nforma11on hne a1 556-~ 121. e·H 5.S . and lea\e 1he1r name. phonc number. age and he1gh1 Applicants who desire an 1nformauon packet on ho" to obtain a \\Ork permit should also lea' c a mailing address

. The girls must be 11 ltl 1.i }t·a~

ol age. 5 feet tall or undt•r and ha'c a strong ha I kt hal !..ground

.\ud111uns "Ill he held Tuc..Ja\ .

Fret•man ' ' 111 plJ' the rCllt" ol .\slan. j fl 1r11111L and ""c \.iratcn "ho bdnL•nJ, and helps Rl1h111 HooJ. T h1: film "111 Ix: rekaSt"d 111 the L'n11ed \t.llt's and ( anada nl'\t \ear b) Warm·r Hro.,

- B . .-Tbr An oclatrd Prrss

Sept 18. from ~ 10 K pm at ttic Center. Girls should come prcpart•d to dance and "Ill need a 'ahd " ork permit Rehearsals are Sept. 19-26 at

New York Cit) Ballet perform<; at he Center Sept. 25-30 for <;evcn performances. The engagement in ­cludes four West Coast premieres


BIG NEWPORT Nnwport Cir acro\s from Rob1n,ons

644-0760 C>M0ST lf'GI

110l l0600 . )()~ )() NHUMfO INNOCINT 1111

110, >0>) &00 90 )()

mx· OAatCMAN 1111 U • ) JOO )00 100 900 !100

THE ISLAND •••"•°" telan• aetw_,, I Meen1n An411 lhe 8'o•••••

640-1218 WI SflYI


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YOUNG OOHS 2 Poe; •JI 17~ 1

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FtHM*Nfl'GI 1016 '~ IOO

l"MI TWO JMIS r-1 1001 4 00100 1000

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HO &1$ 900

Newport llvd. Al YI• Lido 673-8350

M LIMOM lllTtlS fl'G Ut (1200 2~ • OO

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HARBOR TWIN H•rbor lllvd • I Wils on


EDWARDS ORIGINAL Hubor lll• d 11 Adi"''


CINEMA CENTER M•\A V••d• c.,,, •. 11 H1rbo• & Adam\


SOUTH com VILLAGE S1111ftowtt 111111101 MOIUI of So11111 Co11t P1111

540-0594 TAIOMGCMI

IUS*MllS (I J (~ .)(H lOI ) 0600 11)10l0

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HUTION CENTRE M••n St. Uac Arll'lur & 55 Fwy.

662-2266 ntf IXOltCtlT l 1111

1100 l.>01600 . u 10 lO \Al 11 •S

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1 4$ 1000 \Al 1,00

NII AMHtCA 1111111 lSt HO 8 00 S.0.1 12 )()

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TOWN CENTER 0" Pert. Ce ,.1er D•••• laet of e r••to• & Af'1 o,. AdJ•te-nt to •O'S l wr

751 -4184

ntl WITC*l tl'GI 111 lO UOt 4 lO 700

WllD Al MIMTJl l 900 1170

"'° OMll. ltf'I' IWllT 1111 112 • s l 1Sj600 11 lO 10 ~


NllUMlO INNOCINf 111 112u-•u11 00 9~

RATUNUS 1• 1 ('7 lO-lDOI UO 100 10.JO

BRISTOL 9r•,IOI II Mac& rthv•


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""*" Uf' ntl ~(I) lf1 U l~ H~ 1 lO US

IXOttan J Il l (f21$ 2 JO) '~

100 t1S 11 tS

SOUTH COAST PLAZA lr•1lol Sv,,"o••' ,,.,, lo Ptrlormonq •'''Ct• 546-2711

WESTBROOK ... . \' ..,.. • ·~ I


TUSTIN MARKETPLACE S•nt• An• (1·51 fwy •I J•mborH


WOODBRIDGE l•rr•nc• Pkwy l of Culver

551 -0655 .. "'>

11'00 2001 ~ 600 &00 IOOO

SHlltMll' OH ntl ~f 1rcou1111 >0 1 JOI


OARtC MAH 1111 11' >O 1 lOI 4 JO

•JO l lO IO>O

OOCIOALIS 1<;1 11110 1 >01

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854-8811 , . .

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°"°" fl'(; Ill 1' '00, .>01

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s 6 a oo 101s

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HUNTINGTON TWI IHcllU•1n SI 848-0388

?MtCMU. (I) 112u lOOl ~00

7 IS 9 U SAi !11$

MY llUl MIAVUf (PG \ll 112 n 2 u1 ' IS

etS a1s IOU

CINEMA WEST We1t rn1n1lt• al Golden Wul


CH ARTER CENTRE Werntr 11 Buell


OMOST ff'G-UJ I rn» 1 lOI s 00


nil LI MOM lll11ln f l'G U J flOO lOOI SOO 100 900 90)0

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'l'OOHO OUNS l fPoe; 131 1,0)t 6l0 90)0

NlSUMlO fNNOCINT 1111 1111!> 7~1


VILLAGE CTR. luch 2 lllk1 H ol Q.Q Frwy

891 -0567 WITCMO ll'GI

111 JO 11$ 3001$00 ) 00

Mt AM1tte4111 1ao1100

YOUNG GUMS 2 (l'G 1lt 110S1))09!1()

Otl HMO 2 1• 1 (l 101 I lO

WH AT W04tle (PG Ill 1"00 HIOl 400

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f Al()HO CM1 Of tusaNISl (lll 111 1!>-7>0J

••S 1009 U 11 ~

WESTMINSTER TWIN On ( dw ltd\ oulltdt Mall

S 0 '"' 11 l o1u 895-5333

WESTMINSTER MALL lnt1de ol Wutm1n1ter Mall


RAJft1~ :-: J!! ) 1 0010~ MTCMll ll'GI (11 »11~l 1SJ

s •s 1 1~

IXOttan J 191 • •s $A111tS

..., llUI NIAVIM (PG UJ !1l•S lOOI soo

100~W ta'MI

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CINEMA VIEJO SO F .... ,1olAPu•• c""''"" 830-6990

VIEJO MA LL \DJ,.,,,,~ .... ... 11., P•t. A' J64·6220

SOUTH com LAGUNA Cout H• 1 11 lro•dw11


PUMP UP 1MI ~ i-1 t•l 6$-J l~I H 5 9DO tO<lO

FlAJUNUS 111 ltl .U 2 • >0100•

IXOltCGT J 1• 1 (t1 ~ JOO! s 1S

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MIACHN<>f'HOelA 1Poe; 1ll 1112013U11S

otCtc 1'IAC'I' f PG I 11701S50 1C)1$

YOUNG OUNS 2 tPG 131 (160) 600 ~110

Dt1HMO2 1111 111201 u o a oo

ntl UMOH lmUS IPG UI 112 lO 2 301 • lO

6 JO I )() IO lO

FRANCISCAN PLAZA len Juan Capt11ra"o Ne•t T o Tta1n Deoot 1 • •oc• o f Old M ••••on

661 -0111 Mll ...... (PGUJ

11200 2001 400 eoo a oo 1000

ottOS1 ff'G 1lJ lfl IS 1 U ) 600 . )() 10 liO

0Aiowt 11 1 112 .u lOOI

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NIWD ...OC8ff 1•1 (11lO700) • .)01 tS 9 .s _,. AT WOlllC tl'G-UI

1'21~1.JOI '4$ 700H$1''1$

SADDLEBACK 5 .D J w1 ( I Toro 11 Aockfotld Ad


EL TORO SD Fww a tflTc•rled Behind J .. dd'"' k•r\

581 ·9500

EDWARDS SoCAl L aqvn1 H oll\ M Aii

~ 0 J "', 11 l r • R~

768·6611 ......

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Her smaJI voice emeraina from under waves of blond hair, Kane sta~d on stqe. screen and tele­vision, appearing in several Broad­way plays, camina an Academy Award nomination in 197S 1 5 best supporting actress fo r " Hester Strttt." She won two Em mys as Simka in the hit TV series "Taxi"

In "The Lemon Sisters," Kane plays someone far less ta:cnted herself. Frank1 1s clearly no Sinatra. She performs ear-pluagmg rendi­tions of "That's Life" and '"These Boots Arc Made for Walkin'." and knocks a few props around as she gnnds her hips to " Wild Thing."

" I think I.he most fun about it was getting the nerve to go a~ar as possible. " For 'Wild Thing.' I think that Diane and (music dlrcator) Paul Shaffer really encouraged me to go funher. not be embarrassed. Diane had a lot to do with saying. ' More, more, more.·

" My amng teacht'r tal ks about that, make a choice and a commit to 1t. And that 1s temf}1ng. Once }OU

do commit )'OU ain't got no clothes on whatsoever," she laughed

C.rol Kane play1 ••plrlnt singer l'r•nkl DI Angelo In ·The Lemon Slaters.••

Orange Coast An Scene

The search for Art is not without its rewards locally

By DAVID BATTENBERG OM!y ,._ , ...., • .....,_,...

An is a difficult son of gu~ to find Man> are the i;oc1al I!.'&' g1,en b) soc1et) l~pc\ h~ping tht• 1mm1-ncn1 arr" al of that pr<.''il1g1ou., gut' \t .. .\rt Bcnt·fit" thr pubhl 1t"""' 111 tout. c11.cept that when )llU get ther<' .. .\rt .. 1s nowhere tu be found

Well. one of the placc'I 10 loo!.. for .\n I!> al '6:'1 \\ \1at..\rthur Bhd 1n Santa .\na ~nuagkd dl\l rrt·tl> amoni a 'a net' °' tlu~incss tn\talla· 11on.-. 1~ 1hc Orangl' ( nunt' ( cntn for ( on1cmp(1rar. .\rt ( urn·ntl~ on d1spla} 1s an unu\ual "tcm !X)ra~ tnstallat1on an fX'rmancnt matenals" h~ Tom C1a1ne\ and R.p:hard \\ h11e thal the\ l311 .. J-igurt' 111 a wnd-


scape ·· .\ l(1m1rullwn u1mp1lat111n of bml.. tial\. lenien t and mortar 11 has a dehnlll' holclla ust-mC't'h· lUhl'>I kd to 1t I hl' l'\h1h1t kJ' l' ' ~pt. 16

At the other l"nd ot Orange ( oun­t) is anolhl'f mumt·111nu~ art hang­out lc><:atcd 111 "hat "ould appear to be another bus1nns kll·ak 1 he

plal·e in question 1s the .\Ile)' Galll'~ located behind the House of Earlc Pet Shop in ~an Clementc. Run h\ art1!>t Peter Vanl.)orcn Huo;I.. , the All<') Galler) " featuring one ot thl' best emNgtng ar11s1c; around. C on­stanll' llulton Hulton''\ " Or i.. 1\ !>Ultn . St'\) and at lime\ d1'ilurh111g "tlh l\SU('S SUl"h as ince<;I and abus1' t' bt•hd' 1or l' \Udtng from her m1\t'd-med1a l·an' asses

0 Speaking of ming star<>. >oung

arch1 1ect Stncn Da' ld £ hrli t h hc:at out hea' >"eight contender\ suth J'I ~t1chael Gra,es and R1lhard \ kll'r fur the l·omm1ss1on w de1>1gn Orangl' ( uast ( ollegt··s S 11 m1lhon .\rt (enter. duC' to bc w mplt'IC'd h' tall '45 ..\ relep11nn honnnng l:hrht h "Jll bc held ")cpl :'.., at thC' <>rJngt" Coast ( ollege .\rt (.Jailer. ..\n c \ h1 · b1t1on fea1unng his " or!.. '-'Ill he on d1spla} there Sept 19 through ()\ 1 26

0 The Diane Nclwn (ialkri tn

Laguna. Bear h has reache-d hc)ond

Movie listings Costa '1t>l'a •DWA•os CINI- CINT•• • •:l ··•·l .... 0 Vt \ .t V • • Qr (~,.. 9'' • ~ 4 1

' Tlte --· 1l'C.1 'I ..., 1 IO • If) II )I AJI -eric• • A• H J ... ., .. w .. tr ,., • I I I "1 VI I lO S .1(1

1 1f' q \i

I •r atve "••••n if'!,, I l • 1 \ ' • •O !M.J • t •tac:tMe f t It • 4 \ t 1\ \ · ~ R 0 _,

I OWAltOS CI NIMA ,.., .c,.., I '> 1 "1 .1...,.., "' • • \ f 6 ••rt ..

D.,...,.... • I , • ~ " ' tn W"I

its normal stahk ol art1.-.1' lnr their rurrent sho\\ \\ atcrnJllln\t < arnl Caner. ~ho 1s from St l o ut\. \.11\· ~oun . I'> a hot propert ~ \\ho Iran' late!> her trad111o nalh mdr, jnl mt• d1um into a d~ nan11~ and l'\prcssn I.' genre mort" 1nd1cat1H· ot oil tha n " aterlOlor Ont• p1cct' pJ(1 1C ularl~ stands out Entitled " fmcrgcnu.· · the 0' cr-'>11ed pamtmg deal., "1th the painful leelings l'\fX'rtl'nll'd tn Carter al the rapid decline: and dl'Jlh til a do..e lncnd 1t1 tht· \II>\ ep1demK


J.\nother ren•nt 1mJXln h' h' ,1

Lagu n.i &al h gdlle~ 1\ '-l'" "\ or .. ' Barbara St·gal b~ 110 (1.tlkr-5 u111

'en1t•n1 h ')llUdtl·d alr from the Laguna LA~ Bn..a~ .\ ha' l rl·att·d hc.>r o"n nu\ re·' ~lone "Ori.. trcalcd so a~ tu J .11

lil..c d111h1ng Her a11cmpt 111 Ix­"h1m~1lal \Ct ..a~agcl ~ '3n a,t1l ,1\ sht• \allrtll'\ '>ot· 1ct~ h\ tJl..1ng tht• fdm1ltar and neaung thl· h11Jrrc in a lharmm~ ~, .. , of u1ur\e

SOUTH COAST ,.\A.IA 111 ' .,.,, • • Oe .... Mefl't • • t ,\ f t/f • K !Iii '°

,. ~ .. , ~tv. H,eev eft

I Tl\e l e ....... Jffte, -1 P "I (

WUTH COAJT VIU.AGI .,. .,,, ,. • • ~ 4< I'\••

~ • '~'"1 ~·· •' a..u.. ... • " Delta ,..,c• J • • " ·" AMerlc•

• t\\t\"' . ......... .,... .. • t ••

,. ., , "'

HAnot1 nw1N ciN••As .......... 'II .. ~ , " "" ~t-wport Rt-t:u• h \f,fl'fl' f & ' 1\()

la.,cltt 111 • i ,• • ~ • \ 11 lO 10 4 \ IJU.eOA CINeMA ,.. I t.. • ~ l Sfw ...... - - ._ ... !"<• lo l I 4\ • I 0..-. Pet-- I

Chuck Norris 1t4lrs In " Delt• Poree J ."

-.......... (1)

l_rtt_ IMDMl (I )

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' l(l ~ lii t tr(I 'i "'

MaJ.A CfNIMA -.., r..-,., t lvt1 ! 'Irr- \f ,. t i'\ ~1}\

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TOWN CINTS• CI HIMAJ \ '"''' • A H ., .. ,. 1\J . ,9'1

I "'• Wttd'te1 1Pf1t , t.1 J tf l 4 \t1 Wtti4f ., H•en 1•1 ~ 11 10

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•-<I> ~ WUAT~ tl)

--~ 1• - ' • - - - ~MAl lfUOIOS MOllYWIOO -.--........._ ..

: BRIWANT" • C... ~,.

•fRAEse&TlBLE" ·•a-.OIWG~~

•TWO THUMBS up· ·- •rm!' •MAGNIFICENT• ---~-'°"' llCIT

IS~ .. "THE BEST" ----..... Ull«AU




·---­-,,, . ._....

IOWA•OS "-l"W~OlfT CllWtMA • ,, "• _,.., _ O• "' ,,. "' "4 , ~

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H Ur>1lN0"1U N B EAO I



U \ GUNJ\ B l:AO I R1·v. CouN I h,NtJLJ<S(JN

Slll ·ITFR E Xl ·l'l "llVI· D IRITIDR -Al'.CllOR lloUSE SAN Cu:~ 1E :-."IE E J.U·.N G JLCllRIST

S HELlT.R E xr.i.vnvE D 1REc10R -T110.11As I !oust· GARDEN GROVE

B l.R .~IF S ELi.

S111·1TFR Exin·n\·1· D 1RLCl1JR -/ :'1. f\10/JESA Sllf.l.Tf R


JOHN A RArlllWMll-

S111c: .11'.R E XH.1'11\'f, D IRf.CIOR -Nt.11' \'/STA S111-1.TfR FULU ' KTON il ARllARA ) OllNSON

SHEi TF.R E Xl·CT fllVF OIRl-Cl[)R -l !YTER\IV. I l uusE MIDWAY C rrY


SllEl:rFR ExEn.·nv1· D IRECIOR


•u1•oo·n-....., kt •••• ,,[ ...... ·-



\OC· ' .

.. • , ..




ADDRESS:- ----------- -----------­

PHONE=------------- -------------



EXPIRES NOVIMBER 50, 1990. • .,-cut me out

_ • ..., .... 1111.0T _

ce 1r•11•••1a ,., a._,



Pillt THER

Li it " ' l~t INOllll' fllld lllOIA

,.. "" c!Nh H1fa w 70. i. NllOs lows '"


CIU ! th1ow1h Mollllir lioC'l1 I~ t~ II 0 lO• S /lb

74 73

13 13

taDAY: lbtty sunny. HWts 11o,. tM coast in lM 1116-70s to the mid and lllPtt' IOs lfttlnd. lows 1n tflt mld·60s.

TMJllOW: Sunny with htchs tn the mid·70s alone the coast to tht mid- and upper 80s f nland. lows tn tht mld-60s

73 74







l t i rtot•~wl' lllonu 1 Rf\ort h'lh' DOI~ O'y\ •

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Sunrise 6 26a m Sunset 7 16 pm

() Full Moon

Sep: 4



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Moonrise. 4.57 pm. Moonset.. ...... 3:54 a.m.

New Moon Sept 18

1s1 Otr Sept- 26

· Tide sourc" A•,trono•n1c i i OatJ ServwPs Colorado Sprtngs Colo





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Some new sounds-from some familiar.faces \ ome lrl'\h mU'>ll lr11m '''nw 1.1l1' ' "

a' a1lahk th 10, "' l'C' lo. 1n O rJngt C 11J\t rl·111rd ''""'

• "Tugled" }Jnt' \\ 1ccl/Jn fl \ti 1 Janl· V.. 1l·dl1n wa' IJrgel' rt\p11n\lhll 1111 1'\l' t'

thing that >'3\ good ahout the < 111 < ' "' O n · I .trt)'kd ' her \Cl. ond \ 0 111 proJl'l l. \hl· 1mprml'' ,,1,th upon 1h.11

The I ll ~kt11on\. n1n1· of th1111 ll• 1A. r111111 t" V..'1edltn "'Ith other\ lean tn"' a rd ho11n1' !( drt,t•n pop with engaging fl·mll k harm11n1n th.11 rt'1 all 'lit h 1980-.. (10-( HJ'> hit\ a' ··n ur I 'P' \ rt 'it·Jktl · .11111 ·v.. e·q: C1o t thc Fka t ·

But thl' 'ung' o n ··1 angk d " Mt 1111111 111111pln .111d ,,med :"o o t"' 11 tral k' \ound J li kt· Jlt' 1h.1p' hn.w,1 no two "' C' rl' \lor ll ll'n 11\ thl' ..a rnl' t1·.irn

Lu" t' I'> t1 lllrnmun th1·nll· 1>n llH .llhum 11111 1,,, 1· ha '> man ~ IJ tl'\ .ind V.. 1cdlin tJk1'' .1 ~1u1d 11111~ .11 .1 numhc r o l thl·m

The title trdl lo. 1'> ahout th1· t.1nglnl ·m11t11111\ lhJt anc,c "' hen J 111\ c g111.· ' had hut t h1· nt;nl t111 I••\\' re main~

V..'u:dltn n.plorn thl' o ther \ltk o t thl llllll 111 11 1~

Kod. (and} ~1 11un tain .. 1n "'htl h ll "'11man 1.11kd " ' too mam hl·anhrl'ak' t an h.irdh twltn c 11 "'h1·n 'h1· tin<1ll~ fimh tht• rtal th ing

" V.. orld 11n I irt· .. thl' fir \! \lll ttk tn1m th1· .1lh11111 I'> d pl<1 ~ lul pum ped -up '>(.tlfl hl'r th.11 111nt.11n' thl.' mt:morahlc ltnl' I lccl tht· Oa ml'' ul ln'r d1mh1ny ur m~ pant, ho~··

-'\nd " Paper lkan .. a m11,1ng h.1llac.J h~ \\ 11·111111 and (~ ndt I aurx·r I'> about thl· pain ol \ l"Cing ,1 h\'lml'd fnt:nd t hangi:d and t0n'lumc:d h' drug .1ddH 1t11n

··Tangk d" '' a \o ltd rcka '>t· thJI ' o un1h ht·t t1·1 \\llh l'J l h ll\tcn1ng \.\1l·dhn 1s an .in"l to "' atl h 1n th1· 11f1'

By Oa\ld Oi ~borau Auocla t~d Pr~ss Wrttt' r

• " Blaze of Glory" Jon Hon J p 11 1 \ fen uf'\ / '11/1 C ''· '"'' F1roit Madonna wa '> "1 n,pm·J and nm• Ion li11n

Jo, 1 ts "' inspired .. fhe source of all th" 1n.,rnrat ton 1\ ll oll\\.\11od

Both singer\ arc hug1: v.1th11u1 out .. 1tk hi: lp hut ti 1lw l an cash 1n on a mo" 1e·, ponularn ' \\ h' n11t''

Thus Madonna relea'>t·d hi:r ' 'I'm Hrl"lthlt" · album this summt'r. and 11\ .ilrl'J (h al htc \l'd 111ul t1· platinum status and churnt:d out <1 -.... o I I· \ 11gur'" 1 and a Top 10 h1l (" Hank) Pank ~ .. , The record 111·, hl·r stamng role tn " Dick Trac>·· a\ a n1gh tc luh \l ngn gangster moll wtlh the pcncx.l mus1l of thr mm 11 resulting in an intt:res11ng d1vi:r\ron for the pop \ta r

Now Jon Bon Jov1 ha'> follov.l' d \Ull "'"h " llla1t· of Glory.'' an album " 1n\p1rrd "' h) " \ ou ng ( 1u n' II .. Yet he has fio stamng role to lit' thl\ Jlhu m 111 and the music has noth ing to d o "'llh the 11ml· fra ml· of thl·

-1 .

Jane Wledlln (left) •nd Jon Bon Jovl •r• among the former pop group members

ltlm Bl.111 111 C il11f") ·· " JU'I .1 kn h on "'hatn n 'llUll~ ( t lJll\ 11 l. Jll nl U\ll'I

B1111 Ill\ 1 ~t'l' nut 11f thl' g.11t "'"'' t nough "-Ith thl· t1tk 11 .i, ~ .1 \OlJ'>h li"t "ngk "'1 th ' ome. altx-11 '~hm.1lt1' \\ t\t1rn llJ \or .\ 11m•11"" 11ut o fplat l'. hut l \l t11ng r1•111p \\l lh I 11tlr R11 h.11d r ' 11u R1·alh < 1ot \k ""\' · 1 !t'\l' 1h" rnord 1t' 11111\ 11 thn c,urgr ol .1d rt· n<il !Ill'

I rut• tu lorm Hon ) 11\ 1 ' 'Ill!' 1'"11rh 11n mo\t ol tht· .1lhu111 '1ra1111n1t hi\ int' '><.<tp.1hh ~·r.111ng \111rc atr11\\ lhl' h<..,,l,tlh g1H>li rh~ thm o f Bill' < 11•1 '\ our C1un'i .. dmn111g 111ndt0 \\h 1n the JU't .1"' tul '4'1lll nll' ntaltc;m 111

\1 11.i1k .ind "nthing 1n "' n·t1h1 '-' \t'lf· tndulgcntl' on lhl. 11utlJ"' •>dl Ju.,t1u· in th1 H.11rl I·

H~ th1 l.1,1 '"'" Hon Jm 1 '""ti' Bang a Drum" and lh in \ 1n'1 \.iuch ot a I 1\ 111 · 1hc ;ilhum rcachl.''> lll J\l nlUlll 11q• rt.. il l No mat11·1 l\11n Jo\ 1 ha'> madt· mo m tl·r h1t\ out of "-'l'3k m.1 tt•r 1.11 .tll a lung '\II ht• nt:i:d' J r l' "11111· tt1111J ' 1den~

- By Chuck Campbell Scripps Howard N~w• Service


now moving out on their own with 1010 works released this month.

• " Are You Oby?" Wa~ (Not Was) (Chrysalis) Was (Not Was) creates 1magmat1vc. catchy music

\lamped v.11h intt'lltgt'nC<' and oflbeat humor Ud b) Oa' 1d Wcm and Don Fag<'nson (also known as " brothers·· Da' 1d and Don Was), the band dt'hvt'rs a pov.crful follo"" lo its 1988 hit " Walk the Dtnosaur" with the album "Art' You 0 1..a)'" ..

Getting new exposure may take somt' dTon : " Walk the Dinosaur" was soml·th1ng of a novelty hit. and tho~ "'ho chan w11h no"t'lty songs rarel) art' ht'ard from a second time Was (Not Was) should not be grouped \I.1th such m1n1mal talents as Wt'1rd Al Yanko\lch. hov.ever Although .. Arc You O kay?'" spins through numt'rous ecct'ntncttl<'S. the bottom lint' 1sn"t hc1ng weird for th<' sakt' of being Wt'1rd.

I n~tead , the t1llt' track 1s more about infectious danle music. with Jeff Lorbcr"s Oowing keyboards and S"'cat Pea Atkinson's husky vocal dovcta1l1n1 on a contaf1ou\ groovt' And "' Papa Was a Rolltn' Stont'" 1s a too fun!.. remakt' of th<' Temptations' 1972 classic.

On the darker s1dt'. " Mana Novarro" is the story

of a woman murdered by her abus1 vt' husband. and " You' You' You!" 1s a surrcahst1c duct b} We1s!I and folk singer Syd Straw

Guest vocahsl Leonard Cohen's smoky v.h1 spcr­JTOWI through " Elvis' Ro lls Royce" is natu rall) amu!l­ing. but the wh1msu~al track is more appeahn' for its storyline of a man who buys Elvis Presl<'y s Rolls Royce at an auction 1n London and. spurred b) the voice of El vis that emanates from th<' car. dnH·s 11 across the Atlantic to Mt'mph1s

Then- art CTCamy rhythms. too - such u th<' house track " How tht Hean Behaves"' and th<' cas) beat of "Just Another Couple Broken Hean s ··

Cerurnly Was (Not Was) isn't pla ying with a full deck here bt..l " Are You O kay?" has an abundant supply of aces

- By C'h<'k Campbell Scrtppt Howard News Service

• .. Crol1road1" Enc Manenthal. GRP Enc Manenthal 1s panly successful in dt'aling v.11h

the choice he reaches al the "Crossroads ... In a fairly aptly named album. the sax man laces

the dcc1ston of whether to go tn a trad1t1onal Jau d1rcct1on or continue with the popular. commercial· Jazz format of his past releases

He's successful tn taking the former route and showcasina his rapidly dt'vcloping talent The album falters, howt'vt'r, in its matcnal Few of the son&s arc outstanding

To be sure. Mant'nthal displays hts instrumt'ntal skills. Whtie he is best known for has work with Chick Corca's Elt'ktnc Band as an alto pla)er. he also 1s mort" than capabl<' on soprano and tenor.

Soprano may be his weakest instrument , some­times he shows an inappropnatcly thick ton<' "Ycllov. Roses." for instance. 1s an attracti ve ballad, but hi\ soprano seems to be calhng for anotht'r horn. ma) be the tenor. On the o ther hand, "Two Bits" 1s performed Wlth the Au1dtl) that has helped the w prano thn vt' sine<' the days of Sidney Bccht'l.

He docs a lot better on the tenor and alto, and probably should stay there "Schmooze" 1s a rh) thm­and-blues-flavorcd piece that lets Mancnthal show ofl h1s cnsp antculauon and clean tone. "Cross ( o untry" perhaps shows has horn altitude the best.

If more of the material on this release had be<'n more o f the natutc of '"Cross Country" and '"Schmooze." 1t would have done more to reinforce th<' considerable talent of Manenthal.

- By Bob llarlovl&t Scripps Howard Newt Service

Badcstage J

Irvine' Community Theater cast party set this week

I - --• •

a < 642-5678

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From Notth Or-.~· From South OrMge County

540-12JO 496-tlOO

CM ... COAIT OM.Y PILOT ~. 8eptambet 2. tllO DI

rr~C;l.A:;SS;,l~F~IED~l~N~D;E;X~642;:·56~71;=[lr~iij~:§r::Im ,:::::::;;;:::1.:Conlfti~=clll=-:::::l~02~l &;;= 1024 INN 1044 ,NftreortiNCtl 1069 I 9 ,,~NORT.-,.""~~ccoo .. ... _,.1111 DIS~SALE .. '--... ,.. £x!!Pz!l!A •lllTIWI• o !..~~!.. '2'..._ ••ll•IEBI II ....,.. ..,., , .,...._ •••• ·I~ w/poot epe + 1IW of L111n•1 lrnmeculale I IA, 2 IA '- ,..._,, ....... ~ IYO..: "**""NlfU(b

1 .. I • • '

... PW mint! • Oftly t1H.IOO Two 11ory t1om• . to OOW\ a ttiocM. ~ Hc>t Heftte •BR ~ C... OOd. "'°"' ..... Ill I In NMr ,,._ ~ ~ ~ w/T£,.M81 MU919MI c .. 58A 38A. (,.._., bdrm Lu1clou1 land1cepl"9 to Mii, S425K. Must ... w/G'*t QuMISI, ..08a & entry, Frenoh doots, ~t location lg lot corfl9f lot . SCMM oceen & PATRICK TENO A E '*" Cl'*· Private pe11o Sl)fldou8 to eppr.clate "4-73'2 offloe. 5'f5 eat.-ina Or.

T .. DAILY "'-OT CLAlllFIE.0


!~Set~ M 0<1 fr• Sam 5 30pnl

au,.,_, Coun1 .. u r e oo.,., s OOoM


Moncley T...Sey w~,

l t'lutlday Ft~ S..lut~ ~.,

Fri S30 Aail MonUOPM T!*UO Pt.t & 30 PM

lt'lutt S 30 PM F•1&30 PM Fro S 3t PM

C .. Cet Y<>Uf' AD THE f19'ST DAY

,,.. D•fly PllOI '"'"" for eftoe.ency end llCCUfKy ••-4'•t'f °''.-ally .. rora oo oc:cut PleeM 11S1en vmton '(OVI IO<f IS rffd llK!I en(! Cleek 'fOU' ad d*'Y ~I e<tOf l omm«IJ•lety IO 642 ~78 f .... ~ P1IOI acceot• no ... °'"'''°' •"Y error on "' ao-•-t IOt wt\och 11 mey be retbon11ble ••cec>t IOI I"' ~t ol t l>e ~l>IKC:> nc:~ lly tt>e .. ,or C•ed•I cen only boo .. ~lo< '"" l.t\t on-tl()n

AftJ amount not pa.a .A.,. JO d9YI H rt1Q<W.O - be wl>jlKI 10 Dul not ....... eel I O ~ ~ comput.O ., ' ''°• ol !fie une>atd t>•- per mor'lll'I .. COlleet~ CMts and eny r.-able allor~ a•-

~ ... . ... L~

.. . ' ~ ~ ·. ··:. £:~

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Hou ••• 1111111 for'>•'• ...

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.. unu llUll" Cha1mlng 2BA 1BA cot-

_...., ______ , tege w/lrplc, newly re-

Ho4M1/Condol m<>Oeled, oe.k kltellen l .......... .._....,...,.._ __ , t>ethl + 2BA 1BA Apt


21 Great for vectlon home or

ten I al prop«ty- -&630.000.



ONE-of-a-kind Lido Soud Balboa locallon wtth 82 '"' on PrimN I 007 tile weter featuring 3 • Cut 3 BA 2 B'" 2 ~rooma a ~/Nbfary. • • "'• car 3 5 t>atha 1 dramatiC o-aoe. A-2 lot GR~T fa mily k i tchen w i th POTENTIA Lll 1369.000 granite counter tops and • 551-0100 * GE " Monogram ' Mrlee BV OWNEA-OCEANFANT applfanoee. lap pool , ... 2BR c:ondo OPEN HOUM c;urt ty. and • Hndy S.1/Sun/ Mon $295,000 t>NC:h CrM tlve financing 600 E <>c.tnlront • 2F. a pou1t>11ty Call IGf lnfOf· Won' t Lut 7~22 matlOf'I S 1.950.000

llf.t1M G~~E El .KJ NS SELL

I'!!! ~ \ ~II'\." liill llUI TOil.._. home aervlce

through classified

• Spa • Pool • view

*•Waterfront **•Waterfront and Pool

V"Glve Address at Guard Gate


~tttult;:-• J:.d .,.. room fGf .~ 38R cUy 1111t1 vi... SBA ' t.,. w/ eeperate entrance entry, tlll the emenlt ... ! *FAPLC patio new Udo 1~6.000er..tlw""*"°" w/ dedt. 5, . 28A. Walt( to aaiboa 5'At8A • . trplc:a. A/ C & aee dOwnttalra a 2 Aoom Apt r:u_ woutcS, .... ~.t0001n • new , tnopl/ bMcn 2 BA. 2 BA tog av911 142-"31

Rm laland. No r.uonet>.. tyttem. hi* la open to w/ beth upetelrs). Front & ......... ... _., 1950/ VRL y Adult 3 BA. 2 BA. lerge off•r refuMd ailon.rtt ,..., patio. 2 eet gar~ PIUllla&.llT11U Ho•"::AV9lln0w

1 ii~~~~ bedty.,d. Cltcu&w drM- ptloed home In irvtne Ter· A SOLID VALUE at w/ opener Neer 405 & Real & & ln"4!tment * 942..381 1 * 111 ... - • .. _. ;.._, "'-· wey. Ex~unl- S1,ot5,000 Fr-..ys & South Cou1 720-1618 """ ",._ ·- ""' ... fOt I Won't rec.. Jerry Jonea, AMOCl•led Ptaz:a. A gOOd veiue at •• - t11t • .... * cellent coodltloo. ~ ie.t. Xlnt locetlonl ~ 8'otuwa 841"'879 Biie to l>eedl, 38R tw>nw. $31,000 Poet1"': ~ dOwn ;91ed Owner m.y '*TY

duced 10 Wl.500 MU• Lml 111 "1 lg lot. apa. 12 t l .000. CALL PAT (Ritt) Of your home lfl tr.O. Or I•• I e / OP I IO" · Owner ..... nowt 111-Mll wllt-1• <>Pen Houee. Sun lG-e, 111-1111 1n..8 21 1 1/\8 KOfon 575-1101 S369.000. AQent, DonM. PIUlll a.1. llTlta Re/Mu of trvtne, Rltra Owner· 722~ L.lfN ltad'I "' 79(). 1803

RMIEst•t•&lnwatment INVESTOAGfMlt Custom Cosuliltsl 1024 ............ ***** ......... "'* llJmll-IT .... 120-1618 sooo· a.a• vi.w 1n spy- .., Lll1'lll 2 tlOmea .... , Prime e·9'de ftTI wam ~" 3eA 2~. pool. io ywd.

gl... See undef ln-...1· loca11on Single lemlly LIWllf.... llTY LmTl Yllft REDUCED '350.0001 dt>4 g11r Very nice ne6Qh-•-•• - -• ment Oppty pp e.40- 1._.9 UITW .... detached 3BR, 2'ABA. 5BA 2BA neer SC Plaza. 38 A 28A char 2BR N9'* cuatom home ' BR. ' t>omood. MUST SE.LU ~~__, ___ Quiet cut-de-<uc 1oee11on. Alklng $290,000 BtOll• new •oof lreahlypalnted mer °' BA SP9Ctaevlar view! $545000 esc>-41S4

UT/• /- 38drm 28e, . GC>fQ90UI coo pera11.v • OPE N aaklng 1220.000 o..n.; 18:" • MC>81•t• guect Open Oalfy 1-S Agent --·--· ------,.. •• CAIEl llllEI kllctten. trench doora. SAT/ SUN()( call f()( ap- Ceppel 131-1296 unit Walk to beech N9W Kitt, 536-5759 .. ,_ n .-OCEAN VEW

new roof, gr"1 ltreet polntmen1. S•I· 7001 kltctletl . fireplace 119,,1 2BR 28A, t i p, ate ...,.,_ IPTllAll a&, Mothllted ...... oi.n. 320 E 2111 St C M AKA ton... 2 car garege 'C 1330 IQ tt &21.000 I...,. I.Im• ~ 131-128& · Colina Vista ~11 lSe0.000 *SP&ClllS t>etO:. mk1 val. ,;_... ....

MW Mlm -n• ....... -- 2 BR 2 BA Condo Guaro S275.000 675-MeO

.-IPll• 1-1 - ._.,_ · PllY&lft! g1ted c;ommun1ty ....... ~ •1 f••- a Hft •Br 3Ba. 2.00 IQ ti . ._.._ ._...._ I040 38R 2BA. light & t>right j w/ tennll & pool1 Up- •llJHllD*

Custom home w/lal>ulous --- houM • lg room OYer .,..."" _ _,, great ne lght>orriood I graded uM w1ape 1ub. Oes.IQner remodeled 2.400 vtew of OCMn I city ' Large bdrm• • maid'• a 221 E 19 ti Ml h l"'hls. 5BA •BA. lamily q

1u111er1. pool , walls of IEIT llYSI gi rage I l m'f .. U Tl SAii Single iev ... tam11y rm, 1nllde 1nory 2 yu ,_, IQ hOIM w/ 3 e111 o-·

'11 1y bNct1 Open Sat 2-5 5'97.000 8 Gataoee 12 5 X groea. fireplace, spa. $374 .900 Centrally IOCated wl walk aoe on oversaed lot. rm. ~ble l loon. Frenctl g .... P' ateS llC· -SEVEN Bo ~• • 279K Owner. 720·9033 Xlnt __ ,,. $. 7,,.5 OOO F red A I b u q u e r q u e t o t> e 1 c '1 A 1 k 1 n g $915,000 S.r 863-9580 doors & wtndowa all new ~ Aalclng 1.A90,000 .....,.... • ~ ............ " • · I 7 .. o ......... ., llltOhen red tile r~f pool Make Us YOUR Offer! We North of C.M. In Sou1t1 Bkr. Jim Wiison 969-- 1063 831-1790 AeMax Rltrs 1276 000 For more Info 2• 5 MAnlN ..,....., ,, .. & IP• On ,_.. •er• lot ... wlll lllllen. Coul Metro ...... DESPER•TE! * * * * * Giii 673-12.0 Agl " must ..... 81 llU • LG 3BR CONDOS 182K ft MUI V11W 4 PLO I - - -2'.o\BA with t>lg dbl gerage • All direct wet• vtew •WllT ... Ill. •BR 3.5BA entertainment

11,411,000 Ae/MuAMttora 1n BMt1. MftllUH • Large38A2',.8Atwnhm . A cherm1ng 2-tty re&1· riome w / pool , •P•. • EASTSIDE REDUCED lllT llW • Plus 2BR 2',.BA and j deoce 1n 1 desirNt>le gourmet kltehen T much

EST.El YI.I 114-1111 tr Ouiet atreet lo11 of tr ... Eutllde 3BR 2BA cul-0.- (two) 2BR 2BA. 7 e111 gar Newpot! ~ICh 1069 !amity '*QhbOrM Fr..,, morel MOOel perfect, ........ bf HI $289 000 sac cut e ' • No blOg btwnyou & Mnd u I ' 1mmac •Br 2 sea nome $ 1,595,000 Mull ... ,

lll IHI., ..... 11H • R-2 °LOT WITH HOUSE chariner tonacoo~ n ~~~ ert111 11 not ..... lend Ill llU I w/ 2 p11io1 & rneo en1ry & Call PATRICK TENORE - - - $2 19.000 Build another radft ·$3 19 900 OBO • life time buy at 1705 ooo Bey 6 OOMtl View 3BR. M ttng ., .. Low usoc 721-1200 Agt ·

. I BUY unit. g 1 '1'1631:8'37 • Bull1197• S.r 969'- l063 lam rm, bonus rm, pool dues pools & tenn11 tCNer $130.000.000 Sold!

Catpentw Pre>Qertfel Al1r Pnnopals Only Pleue I IP& $775,000 Agt Mel court Slept to oceen \l\\'l\"'l 'll" l'l \ II 6'5-2nOAgt 67S-0530 --- Kiddle OPEN Sat / Sun 631 -• 911S37• 5000nr

qc•Lr~c; • I lhrough classified 12YUIRW-4ft.D fe'~'f!~~~ Irvine 1044 c~0 ... ~1·;::=::Y *UlllllLE*

12.000 ~ft. lot bortlood Large yero 673-3777 lllfTlllAllAI YllU 8*ourt T - , 28R CorON dtl MM 1022 CorON dtl MM 1022 Bk XlnJt ~ ~0001~,, CIOM to IChools Proc. * PIESTll•S -·_;;;; .. _ - 1 Prest1glou1 Linda 111e 2 ~.BA. fGf model

r . •m l lOt'I '"':r ..,..., reduced to $199 500 * TllTlElllCI _._, ~ t>ayfront Completely re- Sl . 150.000. must tell

2 Exciting new town­homes - Big, bold & fun , $650r000 Each.


(~•a "Mipta.IU)

3 IR plus FAii Rll or DEii • 2639 Buciceye. Newport Beach

644'- 1600 $665.000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

* • 3069 Corte Marin, Newport North, N B 631 -7300 $652.000 Sun 1-5

1500 Cumberland, Westcll tt NB 642-5200 ~85,000 Sun 1-5

• * 1052 HenrleUa. The Greens. Placentla 6"2·5200 $3 15.000 Sunday 1-5

• 2030 Holiday Rd . Baycrest. NB 63 1-7300 $599,000 Sun 1-5

•••5 10 Kings Ad . Newport Beach 673-3777 $775,000 Sat/Sun 1-5


llWll 01-"' PIUIAI ~ UTITIS Lovely 3 yr old with Wtll1• m<>Oeie<l In 1989 • B~ s 721-03'3 ...,, .., __ , E g Wllet ~ •BR •BA. BA main ct\anMI views ---.,,.---

28A 2BA, desiO'* wall ...... state Investment • Ramod411ed d•t 3BR Newport Pen P1 Lovety dock IC)( 2 lar • !>oats BAE.A THT AKING "'-' of cov l lhuners wd l i ra 720- !'188 • Closet organl%ws trml din. 2 m81t>ie t rplca Cell !Of 0911,15 g I t>ay Callllna & enw e S205K. oner 957-3207 ----,._. • Cu1torn d9COf I gouret k ilt 3 ~-· g • • coastltne l ots of up-

_.,_ A5" •Gour~ kttehen 3000 st ·s 1 915 .oo'O * * * * * * graoea. Latget 2 BA. 2 •MESA VERDE• 2BR hUQe lot s2eo.OOO •Hendpalnted Illes OPEN SallSun/ M- 1·5 ·--..,. •11:•-· BA $350.000 SllldiO on

2BA house. F/ P, S352K • Solarium 1>rkla.s1 nook 1718 E. Ooeantront Bot> G()(ge<>us 3 BR 2 BA re- smell !1"9811t>elt With Iota Totally remooeled 3BA Newport Pacific 6'5-3683 "' ' ••u-• •• - I

OWC Owner 8• 0 ·973e WTSllf Y&lllJ • Sunny lamlly rm Berg Ag1 Cannery V•I· cent!) remodeled upper of trees Large1 tri.n __ Beavtltully remodeled 3BR • lnt•lof atrium 1age Realty 673-3777 °"""* 1 unit with large m

5 os1 ll'IOws Ilk• I mooel


•PIJll UllOTllll w/ pool • lg 101 Only • Fr dra/ bay wll'\OOW$ •----T •••-· O.C:k Downsta1t1 1 BR 1 1 1

' • ~3, 1: gen 1

3 BR 11 " 1 $322.000 Must ... , Call * Brtok f ireplace -.:.r-::. - BA r9'1tal unit S530,000 I tot>e~tl~ayomecose PATRICK TENORE ·~rltysystem *-&:.-"lllT• * * * * * * Prtme Newport H.ighta REDUCED! $ 198 500 *"""'"81 air Pen P1 3BA 3BA townhse R- 1 Lot w/ exJst1ng ttnlG· ~ · • Nft roof All Custom 8e1te< than PIUCU llU l1TATl1 tu re S•2S.OOO 480

vi • Gorgeous landscaping New Sec. urily syslem I Real Estate & Investment San1e Ana !we S<l&-3807 2 Mstr Suites. 2 car at- • Lovely gardens $795.000 720- 1688

leched eno unit, • Private yard IPll fYDY IAY 1-;'f:' -- •11:1111 ... a..:1 Prl~ Newi>Ofl Heights I """' anec1ou at lO 8 N 5'84 S00 ••• 1 ....... 1 ~ A- 1 Lot w/e1llallng strUC• r.,..., ..,.. 9 p 1 tMMACULATe 3BA 2BA • 1015 E Balboa BlvO A I Cl'Ulfm""' H..,.hta Home lure S• 25.000 •80 • much more A8"1ng OCC 0 .. & · Agl H«t> Marsnall C .. . ., ~.. s .. $ 18~.000. For more In f.:> ~r a,. Ille. IPll Sii 12·4 Canoery Vtllage Reetty u slom k•t & Mstr BA 3 t an11 Ana A...e s.a&-~807 673- 12'() Agt th09 & spa MUST SELL' 11121 y••- II 673-3777 or 673-6'27 BA 3 BA l1m rm Frml LJll- till OllT•

Newport Pec1hc 6'5-3883 - Oon N ook ~ yaro 3 YIUJlllUllnllm -- - (Tunler~/Groumonl) IEWPllTHlllT1 c a• o•r Pa ouc e o .. CHOICE LOCATION 3BA


9lU m•~ Pl.U CALL VtflW lot Ocean Sid• or $579 900 Ag! 8• 3-6767 I Jus l comp le t ed 3BR 7 BA att g&r S 11MK Ne•tterfect to ·ownr occupy .111111 WMIAll Clttt Or Call 10 - plen 2 "BA pro! decor"•ted

to SC0

Plaza 2 tJ/ 59i725 t Larger than a Covington II 1-U 11 ed. Ill $5'9 000 Can,__. Vil· ••oe1*1t noor Pll n · .A Beaut ., .. & Maut cono Grut>t> & Ellis · ·~' CUFFUYll must see• FOf privet• aasam l1IAIJ I $529.000 Bltr 969- 1063 I lage Realty 673-377 7 ~OVEL y 4 C>Orm •roe Sl'IOWlng call 963~78

Large ~ V•de SBAt ICUIFlllT * e>eameo c .. 1tng4K1 lem•ty Geofge Realty Co 2"'oBA wlln-11'# q'*1•• •um• • PlO I IMooetn 3BR 3BA 2 SIO<y room "'''" ••pie & Oecll - -1n good condl1ion w/pool, Pride ' unit 38R own«s wlln soa ,,, !towe< ftlleo LSE OPT Walk to t>eed'I spa • 11rlum 1284,900 unit • 131 3BAS 111 2 Ba I lfyou #8nttolumltflan ~~';': ~m~~ ":;:~ yard Ownef ma) carry 3Br 2Ba beactl condo Cati PATRICK TENORE I Garaoee w/ auto oc>eners eoartrnet1t ~lll>ll\Sl¥11} noora 2 e111 gar vaulted t s 1 T •u s 1 0 e • d sundeck pool 2-cat :;g

721- 1200 A4t Encl yards BHulflul c.tastlloec:t a rl'le way to QC> c e•I Furn ava•le t> I• 760-3600 U 50 000 6'2-8759 2 ll-456- 1

quiet era• $530.000 Cant-" to get to all S 1 199 0 0 0 0 PE N . __.• • .. •.• ····· ....... ~ l'-attllt..&l

Rtehard Ham"*'ICl\leg 1"°" •eoair IOb9 around the Sat1Sun t-5 27 12 W ' 556--3600 Of '32-895 1 hOuM? Lil ' '"' CllSalfled

t;a. · ::- , n .... lilt ...... llf !\I f\\M~ I FIRST AMERICAN PROP .....ceellrect0ty'*'>)'OU Oceanfront Russ Flulet

find r.Uable n., Cannery Viii~ Aeelty 573-3777

* 2264 Port Durness. Newport ·aeach •• 1201 Glenaire. Tustin 640-2500 $634.900 Sun 1-5 644- 1600 $839.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

•v 19 lochmoor. Big Cyn Nwpt Bch , * • •v 17 Royal St George. Big Cyn, NB 644- 1600 $1,595.000 Sat /Sun 1-5 644-6007 $ 1,770000 Sunday 1·4 30

* 12 Monterey. Spyglass. CdM 14 Winged Foot Ln Big Canyon. NB 759-9070 $747.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 63 1-7300 S 1 295.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

813 North Fern St. Orange 6 IEDROOll 631 -7300 $254.000 Sat/Sun 1.5

• 2 Park Place. Newport Beach I*•• 111• E Balboa Blvd. BalbOa Pen 644- 1600 $1 . 100.000 SffSu/Mo 1· 5 675-616 t $2.950.000 Sat /Sun 1-5

••• 1218 Polaris. Newport Beach 640-2500 S 1 .350.000 Sun/ Mon 1-5 6 BR plus FAii RM or DEii

• t 16 Rue St Cloud. Big Canyon, N B 631 -7300 $ 1.395.000 Sun 1-5 * 1339 Harnpshlre Circle. Newport Beach

760-5000 $959.000 Sat/ Sun 2-5


V.\llHl•o•'' ICIAIYllW~ 111 ' "" ' .. ,,.. 3BR 2BA $785.000 ~l • ' i- Open Sii & Sun 1-S

,. 123 30th St Agt 675-4630

3 IEDROOll **t 1015E BalboaBI t: A (PenPt ) NB

673-3777 $795.000 Open every day 1~

••42 1 Seaward /401 Serra. CdM 673-8494 $650 000 E& Sal/Sun 1-5

* • 22 Sw1tt Ct Newpon Crest 673- 7300 $299 000 Sun 1·5

3 R ,1us F All RI or DEi * ••2926 Perla Bluffs NB

760-0865 $569 000 tee

519 Playa Newpor1 Beach 640-2500 $439.000 tee

Sun 1. 5

Sunday 1-5 3200 Clay Street, Newport Hgta. N.B 631-7300 $388,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18592 Paseo Pizzaro. Turtlerock. lrvlne • 2so 1 Salt Air Cir . Har View Hiiis. CdM

759-9100 $820.000 Sun 1-5 760- 1900 $339.500 Sun 1· 5 206 Driftwood, Newport Beach

64'0-2500 $1. 14'9.000 Sunday 1·5 18592 Paseo Pluaro. Turtlerock , Irvine

2463 Santa Ana (E'slde) C M. 760-1900 $339,500 Sun 1-5

6'45-3683 $260,000 Sat/Sun 11-3 ••t 1809 Seadrift , Irvine Terrace

2 IR lll•s FAI RI or DEi 24 Betcourt Dr .. NB

721-0343 $ 1.150,000

3 IElllll

Sun 1· 5

64'4·9060 $769.000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1300 Weslcltt Dr . Wealcllff. NB 631· 7300 $4'75,000 Sun 1-5

••4 WlndlO<, Harbor Htll, Npt Bch 644-1600 St.495,000 Sunday 1-5

4 IElllOOll •••1718 E. Oceanfront. N.B.

673-3777 $1,975,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5

1945 Sanderling, C.M 751 -6190 $369,000 Sun 1· 5

• 4501 Surrey, Cameo Highlands. NB 644- 1600 $849,000 Sunday 1-5

1126 White Salls Way. Har View Hiiis. CdM 631· 7300 $750,000 Sat /Sun 1-5

20 15 Windward ln. Baycrest. N B


1 IEDROOll 631 -7300 $518.000 Sun 1-5 * "' • lOO Sci'lolz Ptza PH 15 NB

t V"2001 Yactlt Vigilant. Seavlew. N B


640-2500 S 164.900 644-9060 $825.000 Sun 1-5 * v • 280 Cagney 3 11. NB

640-2500 $215,000

Sat /Sun 1-5

Sat/Sun 1-5

I IElllOOI 2 IEDllOOll 2128 Ar1ll1. Coron1 cMI Mar

e.&0-2500 1519,000 *V't5 Rue Fontal~. Newport Beach s

Sat/Sun 1-5 e.&4· 1600 $1, 195,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 25~~~t. ~·::.=-- Sunday 1·5 1400 ~99.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 ~

994 Bayakje Cove West. N B I

4827 Cortland Dr .• Cameo Hlghland1 873-7300 $835,000 Sun 1-5

2018 Highland, Baycnlet. N.8 . e.&•-90e0 $524,995 S1t1Sun 2-.5

+1839 Hlghtend Dr. Hrbr Hlghland1. NB 759-12f9 $489,900 Sun ,_..

2833 Monter9)·. C.M. e.u.-0303 S.'4.700

2742 Portofa. Cotta Meta Ms-o303 t.2ee,000

212 Ao<Met«, C.M. 87~7300 $340.000

121 The MMtw'1 Qrde, C.M. 11:s-1300

Sun 1-5

Sun 1-6

Sun 1-&

•••2112 w. ~•on•.~ IMctt tTWm 11, 1 .. ,000 SM/Sun 1-5

t.-.1eoe YecM Merta, l•M•, N.I . 844 .., 1111.000 8un 1·t

• 2382 Sllktr ... Tu1t1n 640-2500 *319 .900 Sunday 1·5

**te19 Via Lido Soud. Lido 111e. Ne &31-7300 .$1.975,000 Sat/Sun 1.5

4 II ,111 FAI II tr IEI

* 1827 Buttonahetl Lane. 8aycr•t. N B &31· 7300 $e75.000 SatfSun 1-5

t V'30 Canyon Fatrw.y, Big Cyn. NB e.&4· 1900 $2,495.000 Sa1/Sun 1· 5

515 Catlltnl Dr., ~ ~t&. N.8. M2""'31 1686.000 "SIVSun 12·.5

1430 OofpNn TlffllOI. ltvtM Terr909, CdM "44·1800 1818.000 Sat/Sun 1-6

*t4501 F~. CelMO Shoree. CdM 854-2&05 11,400,000 ~y 1· 5

114 Amethytt. Balboa 111and .; • t 270 Cagney 207. VIiia Balboa. NB 973. 7300 $875.000 Sun 1· 5 &40·2500 $399,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

1827 Port Renw'lelt. Harbor View, NB 270 Cagney Ln 311 , VIiie Balboa. N 8 S.4- 1900 1780,000 Sunday 1-5 &31 -7300 $599.000 Sun 1-5

1984 Port SMboume. Harb View Hm1. NB 721·9131 no price Sat/Sun 1..-.

eoe Like# 18 o. H.B. e.&5-0303 $214,9$0 Sun t -5

•• 18572 San Fetipe, C.M e.&S-0303 $319.500

...., •• 210 Liiie 1206. NB Sat/Sun 1-5 640-2500 S279.000 Se11Sun 1-5

I II 11111 Fii Ill tr Ill '* •+2 P<*'lt Loma Dr, Spygaa. Hlft. CdM

7fJ0..5000 S1,495K Sa/Su/Mo 1:30-.5·30

t v21 8umlng T'l'M, ~ ~ &M-1900 f1,'95.~ Sun 1·5

•v•t102 SdM>tZ Ptn ~ 30. NB &40-2500 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1· 5

2 II ,111 FAM II tr Ill

t 107 Cryatat. Lltttl 8atbo9 11 "4-0080 1 1.125,000

+••V270 CtlGMY l..n 307, VIM 8lilboe.. N8 Sat/ Sun 1..S M2-6200 $449.000 Sat/Sun 1-.S

t300fem111Jf, CdM "41..-.111 11.,

•* 1519 CO.nwell Ln, w.tdlft, N.8 . Sun 1..S 631· 7300 $235,000 8at18Un 1~


.. I

4 IEDROOll 345 Un1verslly Dr l · 1 C M

673-7300 $232,500 Sun 1-5

4 BR plus Fil RI or DEi • • "' t 27 St Tropez Newport Beach

640 2500 $895.000 Sat/Sun 1-5



• 123 30th St . t~ 87~830 $785.000 Sat/Sun 1·5

411,an111 31e a 31e·~ ~OOc\ • loft) oecte CctM

769-9070 1750, tM\ 12·5

lllES Fii IEIT

llH I Dfil·: Mobat Homes By CHARLES GORE1'1


For S. 1100 W•rfrellt ..... let. Ardon Mobile· Side Room HAL 1'111 llf.H• Cute Comfy S.ech Home


\\ ._ ... , + \ oid

\ ulrm ,1Mc l ,\\I• "OR 111 • ~ J 10 ' K l 2

\ old

" (} H + AJllJ

1' A'i I

IO 9 7 6 J IO II 7 fl

• 7 \" .IK ~ .! " ,, !

+ IJH71 + 5 " :? '°' IH • A(.)6 5 -4

111 Ju11\J11) . Ded.irer Jr1'" trUlllJ'l\ in

•'Ill' 1.111nJ. rullc."J rhc -i ure n o t h1·.1r t-, then ._.1m p !,•1c:J 1he \l rtp h1

Fully furnished EAtras s 16.SOO owe 5•8~0664

1.J , lrn11: 1h1ee rnunJ• u l dub, , l'nd- l•Lo-ts-~·0·,·S.t-lt---·,·400-111).' , hJnd ' ''" tkda1er kd a Cowan Heights \ acre d1.inwnd, 11111.-nJiniz 11• pld1 llum- I wtlncredlble 111ew Trede-1111',11~·h1 rt \\ l•q pro<lULl"<l ,1 It'" p artnership-sell Oltlce .l1.1111o•11J 1ltudh c:nJpl.n 11111 l .t 'I 642- 1334 hm 548 -~861 I 111.1111111.111'11. \ \ t'\l h.1J \t'Cll lhl' 11,,,111vn tid uH J11d 1m rr rc:J tht> laut of County 111111· I k, 11111'"t·J 1hc \j11n11. PrOj)!rty I 525 I "1 1~ "' 111, l. 111).' ,snJ J th,1rnunJ --

QUIET & charming 2BR '!"'"'-------~- house Fully furn & equip Balboa Island 2106 Lndry l carpor llgatden Charming 28A 2BA + den S 1350 winter 673-1568

f1plc g er8Q6. greet con- Rooma. ltl)ettmentt home9 d1hon yeatly S 1500t mo 1 · clauili.d can u usty you• Walk ro t>eh 675-2578 houll neeo1


FIND th rough dassif1ed

IOUIYDIYllYll New car~t. 511 Seaward, 28R, flplc, gar999. S 1&90


Ocean view. llke n- IBA. 2 car gerage s 1500/ mo

yrl y IM 248-0787

• NMOO 031 il3S pue pewew noA Mne"JeQ '11\ll,. 1>9PP'lt OUlf ~ pu9QSnu •&H ,.1s11 Aw pev6os Pill If ft H • I UelU .. "°"5 ~ UI W I

Astral Answers/by Joe Taylor Ford (.)4

!l,1, I.. kit •k,la rn " 11h anlll ht'r l•ht:r j Wla4 fato •1411way 111 ·h.11 ,u11 J,1.,.. 0 •ll\C: In beautllul Apple Va1rev-----------------------------------------"'!"---------------------

w1tn 180 panoramic OEAR A A I .Jm a L1brol tSrpt 30- 01~1 Ht\ divorced Ht •m ows tocuy wtttt t hln91 •nd people In '"• view Cusrom built 4BR Oc l 12) A ye.111 .1190 I w .n 1nvOl\ltd now I fttl wt O•scuu ·I ..Jll 1nr 1 1~ here and now ••• not In .-e 1ort 3SA tam11y room nome w •tti d ~d91ua11 u s (Nov 29-0tc 10) Ht f1ncu mt c111tc1C11vt bur Oo t s not of m•)IM -Hay· tf )IOU ltve4 Over 3400 sq It with all Wt n.i cJ d vtry strong dt11ac11on ror wrsn to hc1vt an aN•11 I am unhctppy 1n closer 10 each other. tt M'9"t lae •

~ " ·' •11. (.)6 I he t>1dJ1n~ t- •~c ' nulh \\ r'f \tiff h

I> •

11 .nl ,I 1mm, ',11am1,nJ 'flt" t>e.:n 111, 11111,· r.1lht'f th.111 1hc: er ~ ht Ut.'· . IJ1t'' •• ltn1 \\111tld h.t \l' l'n~11 111111 p11111I ft , IH'I <'I h.t,1·J •'II l •l 'I '

l' l'l'lllll): hid, lh1°1<' \\,I• J \IHt 111, I., l111t .11.«l.1kl1•

a meo11tes $399 000 ""'" 01nt r A U o f ii suddt n ht sto pped my m.arr1.l9f' llnd fttl I v t finally found eood pett1,....1>ut alttence wllf

tlltd and wt' t l'\dtd up not ldlkln<J unru l'drty 1n11 SU~I Ht knOws that I lovt hrm bul IS lrfllotlll'Cl w ith ¥lCM"'' wolT\dn Ht says nn 1eldt1omn1p With ht'r could l>t' btlll'r ffam1ty probfemsf Wt' .llll' goinc;i on .II C.llWM ddlt SOOtl Is rtlt'1t' ""Y futurl' t o • us 1n tht' lov~ depart mtnt 1

I I • Pa'' Pit'~ Pa~ Pa>'

Slltwtl•t Realty ca111ng N ttcJltH to say 1 was nu rt · Mr R19hl h 1nt 1t' • ny no~ to• a Mae th• h••rt eo fonder- '-6 t9/24"·07 l 7 br okl'n ~l"Vtral moru n\ latl' r hi" <.Jmt rt 1.it1onsn1p7 IDlfteone ••••·

Of'"'" II~ t'JJ I 1·11 Cll

\\ h J I' l1HJf •1lll J'k'1 '' ·" I•• I~ 1r1d ,, 11111h1,h1111.J Jlr1·r \\ ,.,, k.1,l• J ht:Jrl \~J I,. II Jn, I i.I II~ I ,.

p1,nrn1' 11"1 l.11111 ,,,, 1 .111 Ir 1101. h1 .trl'lul 111 ''"'J 1111· 111r 1.h11,,·10 I ' • 1.r Jt'. Ian 1

1 .• 1 .. 11l·h t.l'IJ t•1•1t1 '"' ·'" ind Wk14 Water ll1tre1t ~111v •'' hl'J!l' '"' h" 111111.11 .1d11•n 1°~e1.1~~1·~~,v~~~,e~80';:~g '"· .11•e• 1111 1 111~· lh1· •'l'\'11•1 !l k.1J . 1 11 J BR 2BA hom,. w1tll 111·.l,lf\ •lwur.l h I \\' .11.1"11 1hc ;4~30 •OOm •or 1• •ll l •• 1,hl.'d ttt1l thl 1hrc:c ,luli enfer1a 1nme n1 overs1zea

' ""I ""'' '•'1111'" h.11 '' !('1t";J I• hc.u ')uulh 1111:r • ..1ll th1 ,1111· li1:.11 l

r "• • • ·11,lm..- m h.rnJ .1 11J 111, 11 fl'J pa110 w boat doc~ & 1h1•,

1m 1·r "' 11 ,1,., \\ twu \\ ,I lt•I ra mp on w1de ct•a"ne t In

a1e a o t I'll.Ill million dolla r I. l•«J h•" ·" l' IJ'(dtJ, 1t1\r1 111 ••I nome s S360 000

11pen111~ t-1J II I I .. ,,.. •p.1Ju "1111'

11rcnrr r .11c:J I 1.,. •111·, •t hr 111 lhH \Ull ~ 111~'· \ .,•·to "J' ,n11 1·11• lo tio,1\I thl "''" 'J"' '" '' ' 'I' I J .. • .. \IJ rh1· ·l11•rlr\l ,, Ill I • 'hlr

1 111111, ,fl'.f.111 r 1h HllJ 11.1\\' J" w11n t1ea1111y do w n • •' fi,1 1 I .dl 1 11J 11 1111lhl'I11.uJ P8ymen1 5 18kt' over t st II .1r ••111.J h,I\ lf I J \I ""h rht TD (),..r1e• •11111 c.arry sec

\\ nr lc.J lh1: (II ., !11'.Hh, 11111.'J

"f'll••ll 1 1 1 •t-Jlllj.' thl' •IHllf.t d \IJ d

r1111 •11111 •" t-, k.tdrnjl m11• dum 1111 · , 111.IJ•" d1.1rnpnJ ri:11.i.t•


Shtwti•t Rtalty 5192u-o~17


I • T,..

4 Ro~Pdf•" ..

8 "' '"" 12 $"1t1 Cir n 1<

1~ Ru'>'>•Hr "ill• • \8'1o !>hl'l1P• 1Cf APL ">v,. 20 FL 11

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28 TeH ml' "1"'' • 30 T i P4' o r

oamtrnq J2 Pa y.•blP 34 Near a (.P f'I ...

35 Gre.>I. pea• 36 Grain '>P•k*' 17 Dow• 10 .. r

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t'l.., A, tr •·~c;

j 8P !otr>

' ConduClor h .1nd

' Ar .. ,, t

lhtl lilt·

I f


1° 'cot>ulC.f' (I f t•l' I \

8 Gr~•I " ' < Sl,)r•ll

1r-srrumer11 I 0 LJ!ler Ad 11 P a n• d" "!o

1oppir•4 12 Help' ') fhp W,.!ol

14 Mend1~1< < 1

15 t;rr,t•Qhfpr If San o r .,r

C A I 7 "" ulh l~ 11 Encouraqe 1, Magnon lfi Perie>O ()I n . ..

,•Cf Be 1n d P!ll 1t ~ 1 f'.'1 ~ vf"dC•ru

,,n, Jf

, I lr••P11IO•

"""'"") • Jae• .,,.,, Hl'lm">

;8 M•'> A11 ,.,,. Bul"~ Pr

4 u 10 ..

<;re<tti n IJ"

JI <;rnt>ll Su\pt-<1

"OmP th11r 1

44 POf'IT•

4 r, In '"" "·•' • ...

4i Ch111., .11

h"vf'• ' A c;, •u•• I-'• 4 ':# OuP'''' f ,,... " ">0 Ynu11q rt ti• !•"

" A C.llP\< fJ.t• '•" ~. r,.,, <; •1 •

COdf' 7 fi C noppl"Cl down ,<i ('""off~

Bn R .. .:l, P~ldli> Wiii

"'' c a•d 9am1-llJ 011 ello

Vlll i1 1'1 h 4 M<111nPr ti• Sr.,. ro-.r 11••1

.. h~p 8•J Yokn

8'l l••01or· w a1rio1

Cl \ (.,inc 1nna11 1P3m

<!2 MOV"l!lm

D"'"~s 95 Ahce s oou 97 Pamp111e1 Cl8 Unci•mmon

100 AllPvld' f"

•01 Ct I"' ' 10J r ,, , , D•Q1w

-0' Ar1f11u-" • f • • ff ,.,c., l~P 'S I

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'"' ... 4 Ar l1Que c ,,. ' t ,,,. , .... ,~• f1tt\tl '

lhnn t\titq

•, - MonQ•f'I ', t r • (•t'.>r I

, & ' f-4 f r1J h C P

1 10 Sut•Sod .. • 1. Author J "') I l4 Mu$1C

Ode Ir mto my 111,. .tnd rwo months .1190 - w,1111r><;1. out not pa111'n t1y OE AR A A A lritnc:l ano I would ltkt h t' left .... 9a1n N t•plan.ttion no1t11n91 Dear W•ttln91 Senslbl• Tawrwtl 10 havr our Chol• tS prtpartd We do - PISCl'S 1 s<Jw nrm a coupfl" o r 11mr s .ind nt T•wua II too loy•I and con- not know wno Clot s 1n1\ and how ro lll'dlt'Cl ml' hke I wa\ pulling 1wn out aervathre to be Interested In the 90 .Jl>Out r1ndrnq \O~Orlf' w hCI rl'ally NOW ht s neav1ly C111nlung ano C101nq co,,fw1ln9, emotlonal twrmoll knows wn.11 '""Y ,,. do1n9 Wl' know arug ' af\d uv on<J ""1'" 1wo gtrrs wno arr C•nc•r dreamJ up. Yov' d ba far 1n1s sn~ ~ P•l'pa1td 1nc11111du111y \uppo•11nq n rm Wh> '' ,.,,. cJo•nq th1' laetter off If JO" turned 1owr at- and no• by computl'• How \ hOuld wt

De•r ~lscelf Yow Me lnvohre4 with • Vlr90/ Ultr• (le,c . JJ· JOf" .. Ub,. wtto ti Influenced .. ,. Vireo. ArMI JCMK Mtt Mt .. to keep dtb rela~ ~I.

to ml' .Jno h1m\clf7 ten1ton to yowr fallln9 nuir14tee Ql'l u.1•tl'd? - Libra •"4 , ... -· •n•r•~ .... , • • "JOU - EY

~·· ••p« .. "1 • Vlrp/~•. wlll not re"""'41 well to the eMO-

Dear Ubr•1 He.·1 ,,ot doln9 It to don·t do tt 1ovr1elf. 9et ICNfte Dear •Yr I cannot ...... e speclfk )IOY- H,_ •• doln9 It to hlmaeff •.. and ~ofeulon•I coun1elln9. At the recCNftme,,da .. ona. I would advise If I were )IOU I'd .. ••P out of hit fltDlftent, JOw· re not fr•• to 1ou \o check tout new1-••)I •nd loolll elsewhere for ro- pursue • relettona.hlp with en1- p•per, o<ewlt bootr sfM>p. natw•I Pftance. Se,,11tlve Ubra w•nta llfe one, •nd T•wrwa llnow1 It. foods store Dootr -'telf °' t>utletln 10 worll owt r'9ht for ever1one, DE"R," A I • m a L1b1a fStpf 30- bo•rd, or •rtro109ic.1 or .. nla•­but there ere -• people who Oct 17J m iovl' w rrn ~ Gl'm•ni/C 11nct1 tlon. ~ere are ptoe..ltl)I Meft)I Just have to find thlntp out the fJuN' 11 111 Wt Qf't alOn<J wl'U bu! such. IOW<•• lf'I JOUr M••· And. tty hard ••)I· I predict that yow· 11 nnd we d not 11111• .Jnywnrrc ~~r tacn the W•)I. • c-pvterued chart 11 '°"'•one new to love within the orner r am 901 n<,1 10 sec n 1m at tnl' tnd • start. Yow m19ttt not w•nt to

tto~I up• •IMll MWftl _,. Pflces eaperlertee. Tt\ey .....,, ...,,en' t the wndenurt4lft9 or tfte pe­ttertee. Your hletory wtdt tNI fl • pretty good I~ of how he' ll re.rt In the ~•· Aa fat M ,... love tlepan.wenc pe1, rov"d lte "'udt b•tter off loottlnf for • C.ncer IJvne ll·Jufy l1J or • Sc~ f0c1. JO..Nov. l1J. ff 9ttfter one of them croue• )IO"' ~. neat 1••r ••• Ubr• l1n' t ovt of love or !h t ' ummt"r. ana I w ould h~l' ro discount It eo haltll)I.

for v•r)I lon9I ~now I .,,,,,. w •ll bt dblr le krl' p tn•\ D EAi! A A I .tm a P1sct\ tFtD l b · ..... )10~ -··· D EAR A A I •ma Cancro • 1Ju"" )R th•"9 oo•r>IJ M.t1cn 191 wno '' maary 1ri 1ovr w •lh " Pr~ml l r h l' .tnJW!'rl lf\dy tw In !fl t

nars W rrtt A.scrdl l'lnswt'' J c/o O•HJ ftNot, P 0 oo.. 15C!:Q .-;Cost.a Me,.. 91616

Ju1y ] I) Cll"ll:l hllvf' faHt' n m,\dly' m IO\l t' - l11>rd W•lh d r .lUIUS (Apr1r 17 M.Jy I 9f Un L• l>•.l t>orn on 'i>l"Pt 1'f Ldst ytar Wt'

Oe•r Ubr•• aoth Ubra and wtre 1nv01v t o for a couple o l monrns ' lv"" ' " 'Y 1 m m.Jr1tt Cl <Jna n1rit 1roa1\ Gemlnl/ C.ncer do better de•lln9 ana tnl'n hl' o iokt 11 o ff 1 wils drov<Js ·

By SYDNEY O MARR Sunday, Sept. 2

ARla S /Mdrc h 2 I -Ap111 191 Many o f your ronar sr ,,, p l' \ d l'srres w rit be luH1Jll'O C.Jnc t't Capricorn. ,l',QUarru\ p t' r\ons play \19n1f1ca nt rot~ \ You m19ht b t \ dYln<J I nevtr w ould Dt ht v,. I 111..JS \( popu1a rl Si!trsty curros11y

TAUltUS l"P"I 10 May 101 G <J1n •nd•lal l"d truou9n rf'aOin9 w rill"9 thorou9n 1rwe s119at•on o r cla im\ madl' tly mt mbl"r o f o ppOSll,. se• Ci hott t11p < 1ICJ 1nvotvro G f' mm1 V1r90 Sc1911t(!11t1\ "d v 1luAI\ F1.r on •\ pan o r H t"rt.11

GIMINI 1Mc1y I I Junr 101 D ,,m,.st c i!OJustm('n t f t .. tur l'O f amily t f'11n•on 111qh119nrs Od)' l h i!I co1nc•dr1 w 1111 11 •wt r\ musrc 1ecog l"ll t 1on o r \Pr ru.1 "' "' 'u l" \ l 11na r dSP " r I rmph Hi tt' \ c11\l <1 nc " 1..inqua91' f>l\llO\Ctpny mi1 r•t .JI \t.ltll\

CAHCIR (Junl' l 1 J111y } }I M on,.., I ..,,_., .. or p .trtnl'• r.gurl's prom1n,.nr1y

" CJynAm1c sc t" na rro o ,.rine ft rm\ in· \•\I _,n f,1cru al .Jccounting Scurci' ma 1 .. • .'!1 ..v.1 bl' mc'Cl r ava11'10lr Pl' rff'rt ,,., '"'•Qlll' \ strl'.imllnf' prOC l'OlJl t'S

Lao 1Juy /3 Au9 llf Comm11.,,e nt m.l<11' lf' g41 F C'f u\ on JU U 1r t Or

1r1m•n,i1 1nn mvr \ tmrn t d l'aCltinr l'lrp• H .•I,, .n p11lll•l •fl •c\Qf' c omr unat r •,(. 1t111y l'IQ(f'( I \l' lf 1n emol •OnAI 1,,,11,. \ ( '' "' rr C .4pr1rorn P"rsons 1n ,,,,,.

By PATRIC WALKER day th is wet'lc Howevl" r it •s mo rl' SCOlll'IO f0c t .?3 N ov 11) l11ru1- Sund•y Sept. 2 likely tn .;u you clrt now hortily s•ck

11ori 11 on till t9t t you II learn ""'1thou1 • o f pitt ing your w it\ cll'lO puwng yovr lo 1ma1 t ra 1rnng Oon t Wel l! lor o thtr\ ARl•S fM-" ' '' 2 r ·!tp11r 101 So 1n9enurty 10 r~ tl'U - l'SPt'C•ctlly on - t.tlct lt<ld bt' Sl"ll-uartl'r Un mucn now appear s to b t a N"Clt"d by ttie w ork l1ont Tht rtfO•l'. you m.iy orthodo • proc r dur ,. p •ov1dl"S acn•t vl' c11cumsr.tnce\ ove r w n1cn you hclVI' well oecrdt ro opr out fln(I lt,JYr. ment. v•ctory •l'Willrd C anc tr n.Jr 1vl" ltlllt or no contror rnert'for t y ou 01~rs ro tht ir o w n lle vrc t's now 1nvolvtd must bt' confust d .tnd .Jpprthtn s111ro Yo u certa1nl)' c .Jn 1 t\'1o rd co r111ow

aboul long- tt rm ca rtt r or p ro ;Jny mor l' good morie y aftt r bad or SAGfTTAftlUS (Nov 21-0ec 21 J rtss ronal inttrt'SIS HOWl'\/t' I If)' 10 pldCl" your O W '1 lc·nq l f' rm fin.Jn( •d i

01vt 1s1ry d1spr.iy humor 11111ll1n<Jl1l"SS to reallze tn•s c .Jn a rso Ot ont o r tnr stcu111y .it risk t'•pr rrmt nr Sr1011 tr p rivofvros rela11vt' most rtward1nq futri llin9 t\nd t'•Cll SCOltl'IO tOc.t } 4 Nov } <'I w no rl'c l' n lly S.i•O I.,,. bet'n neqlt ct ing period s you n4vc t vt'r l'~ Un111 Sept 18 '\Al'•cu•y t h r plclntl o t " Cl' fll'ml'n ts o l r m.119 ruck ril11" w 1rn Pf'l1enc l'd In lt\ct oricr Mt' rcury int mrna .ll"ld .1 11 form\ 0 1 com­y'Oti >lnoth l' r "·' Q•lt t1r1an plays rol r tu rns t o d1t r c1 mot 1011 on \ l' pl IA mun•c a1 1on c1ppe ar' to ttavel

y ou \t10Uld o r c! Olt' 10 t urn l' V f" f'I lJ.lC lcwaro Ill th!' h l'dV f' ns Tht rl'IOrl" CAftRICORN f01"C 1 1 Ja ri 19 1 en lOICt'd ctl.Jn(Jl'S o• upht dvdls t..., mucn o f w n.a r 'S ScN1 tir 1mpl1r d 1n1s

Moon °n yow monl' y 11oust rroprl' st n t \ you r o w n a t1v cl ntdQl' wl'rk 1\ lll•tly 10 Of' b.tSl'd ori rumor opportunity ro r ur l•ri./l nCl./ll Jt!Ckpol TAURUS f"P"' 1 I M t1y 11 J O p - or con1t cturt aho o es11;inf'd ro con­You ,,. v1 so1oa 9ru.,rn:1 st 11ous <trttn p or1 u n1 t •es t o br o a d t n y our lu \t •nttnSt'ly p t r\Orl.ll or r mot1on.,1 11 .:>n ,.. ,11 b l" PA•O to your su99f'U1t>ns h onzo •H travt l pl<Jn\ .!nd p101t ct\ HUt\ So lctl'P your own counst l P10lf'<1Ull'S T o1uru\ '•"Y\ Im <tlf tor <1t s19 nt' C1 lO l" nnanc t you r ' "PU .Jnd under no c1r<umsr<Jncts t<Jlll' on ytJu' t<Jr ron <J S w t ll .JS srrtn91nrn yout •ny m.JJOr comm1rmen rs o r a9ret 10

r1n.inc1 c11 pos111on art <tll n19ht•9ht"d <Jny forrr o f srrrl1'mr 111 - no m.Jll t • AOUAltlUS f)dn 10-Frb fAI rnrs wl'rk Ho w,. .,,. , t\S f<tr a s monf y now l'•ptos1vt rnt s1tudt1on 0tcom

M< or 1n yo1;• \•Qn 1119n1t9m s ptr m.Jrrers .J rf' tonc trntd you ma y t s sond ly JUOQIT',.nf 1nw111on inar p l'n h .Jvr t o W<l•t a wh1ft befort patt rit rs SAGfTTAltlUS (No v 13-0t c o,.nc " ' " • c1pprA lnh1b•l•On\ r.111 by 01 OuSl•'W'U dUOC•dtt'I " ' " Pll'P.Jrf d } 11 rhe Sun a t lhf' mrd neaven po1nr w .ty\l<lt f't'rJplr will l"•Cl<trm Ir \ ro l1n<th1t tr<Jns<tcttom or re linquish o r your \Ol.11 chdl[ now fo rces you to ma •vl"luus w und,.,tul bur •\ •t ' '""'? Ct'ltdtn 119nu No m<Jll l' r You navt p ut on '* show o t Slrl'"9ln ano m<tke v 'Y ''" ,,, ,. ., lt.Jrflf'd 1J 9rtetr d rat mort .lbOut Sf'll · 11 plcJin t hdt no t a srnqtt s119n1 n as

p•estrv.Jl•on rl'ceo nrty .ll"ld no Oflt' o r g one urinot •C l'd Howt v f'1 don 1 90 no tn•n<J l dn rr afly un<J l' rmmt' your way over " ' " to p whtn dtahng w tlh ftlSCIS fl r ll 19 Mt\1rn 201

DO!nf'\I' ill'ljll\l"1f' nt ,,.i!tur r o \ r crtt rl' .. l"<l '" d .... ( f' rnor19 money l.tmrly o w ne rs111p .,. "' 11 o ,. r t"ht' vf'd mor,. st rurt ""' ' 'l1\1.t \rrt w ill rt'plaCI' l'nnu1 Yt>tJ m•yl•I l>I' •• 11\•1111 I ll' .tlly k•'" W I dil '"" r.n.,. 1

confrdenc t now c<Jrel'r or p1ofru1on.JI matters Ot' GaMINI fMt\y } l June } 11 Cur C,/JU\l' Ctlldln lndlYldu dlS dll' in POS

re nt pfaflt't.Jry 1nflu t nc l' s 1na1catt Sl'H•On o f inlorm<J11on ttl.JI covld 1ha1 you <trt t •ptr1t'ncm9 somt ll rnd su1p 11st o r c."mb.JrrdsS yo u "lso 1n or .Jn t mo11on .... 1 watl"rst'll'Cl a'Xl st ill spill' o r your 1tputac1on ro1 Of' •n<J c• nnoc 9er ovt r th t' ftl' lrfl9 o f • t Jl"C adtpt at lfldrnpulat•n<J rin.tnces you t ion or CJ•sappo1ntmrnr No w you •t"..tlty mu st .:1vo1d " " forms o t 1nt ri9ul' mu st Also. lace up ro any /Olnt <tnd SP!"Cu lat1on lrkl' tht pl.t9ut !hrs

Bur'lt/n 80 Wool 011 82 Banisnf'd 84 Haw• in~ o,,, SS Blessing

l f"tnf r"P• If"'

1S8 l rt-bP• •·• Jf' ~ nt·1~

1•,q M•\"·'" ""u<o•nQ

160 ,,,. Pl1t111f' ~ ll

Ty , .. , •+--•'\

S' l Pr<ll nl

•, f Relf'3\Pd

r,e Chaw !IQ CllllrQP '"

propprl, 61 B11r tltll 65 Add ,uqa• 10 6' lJnpmr ·ft(Jnoil f)Q Re1tg 1ou\

lltrt•( 1101 '1f r r<•'lnw.t l•··

11, t

1 I ' ()Id f nqlt\11 l1>11er

I Jct f 11SI murdl'• v1tl1n·

VIRGO t>l uCJ I l \ l' p l 111 Lun./11 " ' 'P"<l 1 >1nc1111'\ w 1t1 ' l'mplo ymtnt Las" Hut' \ collru1011 o l r,.Clpes You It C tmplt lf' "MJOf ptOJl'CI - .Jddl'd f t'(•

I oq n111on follow\ r ./llrP spf"c1al ca r,. rn

tr S•l"T. 2 IS YOUR atR'THDAY1 lindf')(•AI d rfftcullles <Jnd ii flt'Ct'Sd r)' Wtl'k Sl'Vl'f unpro f1tt1blf' tres Only thtn CAl'ltlCOllN fOcc 11 un 201 c<Jn 'f0;.1 str aoout reo 19<Jms1n9 and Afte r a lot o t flt'g;1t1ve rcsponsts , rcsnap1t"l9 your hft Tht o ppo 11uri1 tts delays 4'nd frustrat ions you should .J rt thtrt and all that •s reQUir l"d rs no w bt able to make rt latrve s and t he courAQf' an<J cont1d t nc ro ro br91n coll•9ue1 rtallzt you ar,. about to " ntw phase o r chaptl'r sn<Jkt rne dusr fr om your htf'IS

You arr mo\ •l y' l'mot1ondl \l"nS•t•vf' psyc 1111 rom.1nt1l C J ncr r ( dprr(orn •l"ld,,. """ '\ ,. r,. dr4wn 10 you C urr t'nt c y(ll" 1119n119nu poix1l'1 11 ty socra l t\C111111y tl'nd,.nry tn 9A1n we19n1 You II tir mn1" dWiJ•P o t Wclld robt' booy 1nM9r Journf'y th•\ month could p1ov10t JOY conl1dl' nc l' v.t1u.Jblro ts You n" v" 9ou rtnt"r apptr irt In Novtmt>er rom<Jnc f' floutrsnes .is 1esufl ot t>trria d <1te 01 '1111a11on MaJor doml'strc .idJU\lll'll"nt t-1kts ptac t 1n o,. c t mbt'r

8 7 Easy nalu•~I

ga11 88 0t-p811 89 0epr111 eo

90 Canadra n pro vmcf'


I Sh1rlev Mee l a rnfl movie

-; A l! Pmpl

supPrior 72 Yf' ShOPPf' 7 4 T rop1c.11 I• u11 75 One kind o t

14 1 0411 .. d,.~··

l' n1 f'v'"I 1• 1 ~a1u 1e 146 Gu•Oo '> noll' 148 Melt1r um1 150 Silkworm 152 S ign of


I t1.~ n(l1tng or V1Arp OlJjl"ClS. 1ncludlnQ roots

Lt•RA (Sl"pt 2 l Oc r 111 r1mf' tor r1t sh s1 .t1 t bein9 open to rom.Jncl', r tomm1tml'n t You tlt'td not P'" Y l l"C ond l•Cldle lmprrnt Hytr stakro olll ,,.,ritO•y \po 11t9ht on stmua11ty. VAll l'ly d 1sco11try so. <lPPt<ll


~ Daily Pilai l . • .. l.. .. ~\ SS1 F 1 E O 642-5678

CANCalt tJuflf' 11· July 13J The FcJnt<n11c .upecrs 10 1h1te o r lt'll' tx-u wily to Capt' wttl'l cu11tnt pan- m.iJOr pl.Jflt'ts 1n Cap11co 1n and" Full n t rsh1p 0 1 t moc1onal probtt'ms 1s by Moon 1n Pisces s19n1ty a umt o f d 1stancin9 youf\ell 101 " wn11t' .Jncf unrQUt opportun1t ll"S to lt'Or9'1n11r 1tlus1ng 10 pi.y ""Y mo1t Q .. lnf's Tht the." o vl'r a ll pan e m o r your ,. ,,. 10 \u11 sllu.Jt1on has Oeco lnf' r.,, too con your ntw rtQUlft'ITif'nts ./Ind evrn ruseo arn1 upirottrng .Jnd you are complettly changt d rre cuon en11tlt d to ll'Ct'IVl' .J Qlt''11 df'~I mort' AQUARIUS fJan 2 1 Feo 19 ) coope1.11t1on •nd rt spect Howrver Jt<\lousy rt st ntlnf'nt 01 .Jn1mos1ty

·thr Fun Moon in Pisces on Wf'dnt's - apptar 10 be ma1t:1n9 1nis a 1 1~ o r day m.iirks lht' end o f Oflt' P< tlliJf. unctrta1nry and confusion to r ch•pt t r or cyclt' •nd you don I havt you HOwt'vtt C>tcause ttlt' Sun. to spt'nd your d.iys in limbo o r now p.11u1ng through Vrr90. rs w.Jrtrng at tht f'n<I o f lht' teltphone brrll1.Jntly asptctl'd by three planets

L•o (July 24- Aug 231 What 1n Capr1Corn you 0U9ht t o d1sco11er favorab~ •spects do take plact th•' why, w~n and how some kind o t wttlt: will onty st'rvt t o rtmln<1 you m1Sundtrst.11nd1no toolt pl~t .lnd }Ust how C~llOUS. Slt:tp!ICdl <Ind Who IS rtally to blctrnt What ttan­•mlt t you sull rwto to bt ~n sp1rri during tht' urty P•n o r tht' h¥l0!1ng .,,..ttrs o r d JOlnt t1nanc1.i . coming ~tit should c ttt<tinl)' rt ­buslllfu. tOlll or 1t9.J1 n.11t url' •nd sto1e y our con.fldt nc t and ~pum1sm tnsure tNlt you Mt noc bl'•ng m..- l'llC•I (Ftb 20-March zot Thtrt nipulMrd or <ttc t ivtd ti~f'r. art bound to bt rnomtnu this ~t'lr rra r11p1rts 1roond rht u~ or whtn you rffl Ilk• 1•1no orr •nd the Fu# Moon 1n P1scts on Wrdnes- luvtno p.trtrwrs to INtr own <tt day m.ty ~ be tht' iaJt strltW and vie.ts H~tr. tN FUii Moon th.It torct yoo to opt OV1 of • !OnQ· ttrm t.Jkrs pl"Ct on WtdllfJd.I)' shOutd commit ment. w-nture or p roject m.tlrt yOl.J rt.iire that tt~rr .,, er r·

VlltGO (A~ ) 4-Stpr 2 )f Yoor t.iln Jttuat1om yOl.I c.,-,noc control or birth 1191' rr ally cfot.s Sftm to ~ Int' chaf'l9t' lllwJ rndtvlOl.Mls whO ~ most arrtcttd by cutrt'nt discord 1n llfVt'r admit 10 Ming at '""" T'Mrt­tne ht'avtns - tspeci.tlty Mrrcury, to1t no ~ ot etltlellm, com­your !\Mr In t e tr<>o.lld• rncmon ~s or outcries must pr~.m you HOWfvtr. wNtt you art CU4'fff'tly from fOfgmv ~.ct with a ql.IJOt 1•" "9· e~11~nc1ng or endurtng is ~trattCW\ tn the ~Ing pauem of not sonwchlng which h.11 h~~<f yOUt "'' ovt m191n bc'Uul# '°' m.tny rnonins w ""· a ti YOUlt •nM· now 'f04J llPPfM to n.v, ~tn DAY r- .-...... •· ,_..,_ ':t;' up In aomt kll'ld of•'""' Of • ,..., ................. .,row on..,.._, c.n only«» dftcrlkd lS )Otnt uno.r < t ~. ~motlOt\lly Ind It UlltlngS. rnpons~lta Of f°"""""t 11 orly 'JOUf' ''°""'~ PIC~t""' rntf'At ~tr. ne9d to COftW up with ~·fTstrMIC which Ns j)ffWn<fO a a NW~ Of ttret"9. So much P""lnt °' tht WIYI r~fltt ... dtp9nd on """'"'* Of

U9aA C~ 24-0ct 2lj If )'Oii • not Ont <loM t .. Of •t«'*'-"t CM'I '"!JOY lntrtgue and unr.w#lnQ IUtYM tNt CUHff'lt dtfn.1d1og ~

f)Ut•s. lhfn )'OU 'hou!' haw I ~ dlfnclJft phlH



.. c-1111 - 212z ,ea..-. 2124!'-'ttl!fliitdt 2169 NfW,on1t~ 21691LiOI -- - ;,.-~, 2624 coa 26 4

I . of PCA. OK14bi - -• IOC!lefl -.. 2 •fl 2 Llmf- t El..EOAHTlY APPOINTED ....... 2606 CHAMtlHO Country 'r WHTMV APARTMENTS ••'fll.u.11 ...._ .. ~ . BA. IU50/mo ~. 1 'f' * · 38A 28A. den. 1 .. WATa mW! 1 9A Condo, gate d ~ fumlthed 2 Cott109, bf"lnct new 18R '200 Off MOV£•1Ht ;_,~-·~-.. rt~nl"!!INdl!_-fJ.-ir£:::2~66rz9: Agt. C~ l enJi.,, ~ti\ cell, fp, .-ec oat. lg Enjl)y br•ttltfllclng vtew & COfl'll'" Poot, epe, patio, 8,_,2 IA watet1ront until den, WIO. '9frtg 1 1300 FHturl ng pool . IP• . ... 1111" •

122· 1.... patio, Or1nge Ave eunHt• from tl\11 w"* to bdl. 11400/mo June '"1 12400/ mo. /mo 4t5-st12.n.1c>m pe110t enctoMdpettdng i.~lft I•-------· PIEllll•U ~ vwa. SIA 2'A8A I 1S!O/mo, ti mo ...... •P•CIOYI 38R 2 SIA untutn.,: 11eoo1mo tum Aoeft'. 75t-~ LAAGE HA. 28A' study sOrry. No~ TQt> ., ... park~• Mt· .. , "' .... tni •••

fp, llltm. utJI rm, '#1111 to no P9tl l73-M32. ~.!::!J· =r Agt t 3~ VAL Y S 1200/mo OeluU Avall now 310>,\ ltil St • 2 2~a.:;~s:~:s ~ ~t1~75 ~na •Win •T .... lll&f ......

beed\/~, 11995 NB.IC M 81u"9 3 BA. 3 oc~up1ncy poul bl .. hcluelv• Bluff• ., .. 2BR .~. G8'I091J>Ke. ~•lrombctl 1 1400/mo 2Bd<m28atwnhlesa55 t8R l 725Up bCL\JSIV£1EACH .... llLYlllD 541 .. M00/ '40- 141 BA Twnhle on 3 le¥eil Cl'llldren &pete ok Sl\or1 TowMomel 1Mge3BA. w/dl\kup 10doof'llTom )"Mrty • 811-2131 125C..terSI 842· 1424 COHOOS . 18A 1715 & COMMUHITY • 2 & 3e.d.oomit

=Ml""' w / trplc, gar. lt,416/ mo or long ••rm IHH 2-.; IA. la<ge p1Uoe the wlter 815-1151 Ooeetl vi.w. 18A apt --- 28R 1,.8 A bi~• 2BA 2BA w/ bMutltul pool • unturnlllfled Lv meeg 54&.8721 U450/mo 11.250-11500 per mo 12H lfff iatege, wi d llOOlo.· uP ~ MIC:to d/ w, fire- • Otoee 'o beCtl

1M ... flew NWPT HEIGHTS 2BA .. lllllf Uke ~ 131 Am19<>1 wl pello, qui.«. no petl * ALA MO.ANA APTS * 995 No pate place & g111109 Enjoy~ . ,,.,_*"-CALL TOOAYl 49R, dr. fr , Ir, 2t,P.. PoOI. IBA .., util paid. w 10 1_ __ ... Wey * 84• ·8458 llllol,,,..., 2607 '~4~~~Y .. ~~8~ui .. 1 BDRM a 28DRM. 18.A. Cell VELMA Pf'vt bMCtl 1 1700 Al VIW IDTIU ptlv. corner lot . Mw 0/W, lg yd. gardner 1no1' •••-W l 1111 HARBOR VIEW 3000 eq ti - DIW t>Mutit\14 pool WM (l1•\&.4l•-J-.l ma1n1enanct Ind c1rpetlng. remod•l•d I 1350fmo 850-908() RfNAC ••ac home w/ guetl "" 1" BLOCK FAOM SANO Sp1c1ou1 2BR 1 '~BA Laroe rec room 1 i.unory _,.--~ _ •AL.SO t8drm s 1430 111-4112 k ltcl\•n . pnl/111 • ./ 4BA 3'1\8A $2500 .... 18A .,.,,men .. on " B" lwntl~. CloM 10 beactl room. cloM to .......... ' WEST8AY APTS ..... ~·-· S 4 . 0 0 0 I m o d 1 y W&ITll Tl UIT& •11 •·• SI $650/mo lnc:lu.cMI utlt- & ~ 1960/mo .. .._. ...,... 883.0682. eve 844- 1988. Jbr 2b• "°"" win•~ 10 \f\X'l :'l)'I' I~ \ 'I I ~%~:.~53f ~r8 bi!!~ 8

ltiee 973. 3152 900 s.. t.ane 844·2ell t>YMt ~5!s-:.1~mo A~~:i~!~v: ~:~~11 ;:'.11~ s~vl~: Tm llMftll 840.1388 rent VfKY relllble end ~ALTORS ~ ' -- 1 BR ept, OCHnfront bldg SpeciOU., cl\ermlng 2 BA, Ill~ tendsc1p1d Hlllng SpllCl.OUI 263-B-R•- d«l.

Clean-I will t1ke care or Hert>or vi.w HotnM·3BR. 18-40/mo Incl utll Stove & 1 BA wlvlew 2 bike from 722•9012 Ot 832•2232 Sorry No Pe11 •----... ~~~~! IOIM wttl\ OCMtl VleM.

TIE TllUOES the l\OUNI Wiiiing to p1y New 3 8A Me, llv rm, lem I Piii yd. m1y tall• 213 yr refrlg. Avall lmmed. 1007 beh WI O I Cir git S · p 1 Bedroom $750 I BR f I h d A 1 on Fairway of Newport 1 900 - $ 1000 / mo rm, 2'1a BA EtegentMelr '" Mlyllkepe1?$1850 E. 8aJbo11Blvd. 673-'50e

1 12001mo6

7S-HH orryNo .. , 2Bdrml ' •B• $850 unurni • P Beectl Country Club

2 b9droom. 2 bath Great 581-9398 BR, 2 I~• S2.500t mo Avl nowl Bkr 640-5664 A LARGE I BR. 7~ C 1s1 E 2111 St S48-2408 S850l mo Wiii reduce Gated community 2 cat locetlont Welk lo the - - 23-i7oa • LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT IOW/ IAY VIEWS Ufllque lg 2BR I~ 2 Shlllm1r Dr cat OK. - - - - rent dur~~~~true1lon QAl'I09 w/ t10teoe. fir• beach, etoree. eenlor D1n1Point 2126 • 3BA 2,1\BA Newporl Charming turn 3BAJBA 28A I BA Sundeck . frptc1 d ining rm. pvt 1550. lo S700 move 1n Bacnetor 1825 pi.ce, pool. 9'>•. w/ d oet'ller Tenant mu11 be Terrie• cond o , perk, horn• s3500/ moyrlylM itove/ refrlg 1· 2 mature patio. A\11 nowt S1200 642-3307 631~640 1 Bedroom $ 710 2BA 18A v1uttedcelllngs hkup$ From S28501mo 82 or over $ 1,600/ mo NEW HOME 3Br 38a nigM & ocean vleYll. wl d. Bill Grundy Ally. 875•8181 ~IOnl S990/ mo inc utlt· 780· 1811 or 844-7363 2Bdrm 1 ·B• 1840 encloM<I patK>. garage No pe11 (At Newpor1 Century 2 1 Cout11nd. Grell vliv. Gited com- lyl N/ S N/ P • Big. DMut qulel f t llde 1i.a1E 18th SI 64&-U16 0 1w No pell $850/mo CArtlerDr&GranvllteDrl &40·0020 muntty Wllerlord Pt S 1200l mo 831• 1153 HV Hom" 5 BR. 3 BA 3 yr M . Com ~ 2624 BBQ paho 011 lndry - - - - - - 631· 7S30 St\own by Awl 844-0eo3

~-5828 (818)886- 1546 • EASTBL.UFF Delu• turn gar , fresh paint Wiik 10 llJ·•tl2 cable avl Bech & IBR 18e<lroom S70S

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill ... -. 1 - - 2br. w/ llbry & MP den nr elem SCh004 Comm pool 28R turn. ~tte Bly. new .... LIOATIM * $645 No petl 631 -8427 2Bdrtn I ·B• S820 WALi "TH IUlll Hunt. Buch 2140 bCk b1y. frwys 9 mo IN S2800tmo 644-7_!25 pamllcrp . herdwood I L Ir g. 2 e R 1 • ., BA •WT191• 2250 V111QU1ro 540·9e26

2:~ ~~~·:o ':i'ih ~I WINTER AENT AL. IOvely furn 2BR 28A with oceen view ger1ge Aero•• lrom ~ 645-5038 Enjoy Catone del M1t 11 28R w/garage carpets. S2.500 PP 12l·

8113 •UM llll• floor s S 1700 / m o lownnouH LnOry rm I C.IHttry WH41 2626

$1300 850-2298 111 bell 1n lhll apeclOul fenced yard water pd • UDO ISLE Furn home 2 Lo11ely JBR 2•,BA nome . 2t3!375·5SOO patio all bu•ll ·ins Large 1BA loft . 01110 '!"D•'"'-·P•<*tt------end luxunou1 3BR 2' ,BA 636-4 120 9·5PM BR. 2 BA New k•t pnt Av111 turn/ unlvrn 2 Car • NEw--;eR'"'teA. frplc. S82Si mo country semOQ $745 No 0 1rec 1l y ov erlooking •211,11 llll* ••rD IDYil t>eautyt 1mmec1111e OC· ~110 Delaware 'E' 5745 crpt. Obi gat. wt d Wtme< g1r1ge S30001mo Avl lndry S850/1'119 uhls pd 2078 THUAlN pets 646-42621645-9543 Manna Spectacular day * 1•• HIO* turn 3BR 28A. 1 block 10

cupancy P<>Salt>le s11or1 1BA FU~N HOUSE Gar: S 1600/mo 575.01 14 911 Ag1 875-4912 No 0•"99 & ·no pets 832 ·2~~~ ~';~J.9012 I rnght ·- 1BR tp F.'~c• "4S 4•'s1so"• ~~ ;r,dt, ~;'J&i;-or long term lelM Chll- ~41f & waler . teoced l •UH Plll ltll atHl UDO ISLE Live Ille 1 8esl 631-4637 •WTllll• $130 plus u111 496· 7S92 .. ·~ ,,.. .. .. dren &pel1 ok S2550/mo ylrO $715/ mo Cal ' 1n th1s381\ . din end IBR tBA DUPLEX New ...... k __ J________ W ln1et Aenlal 2 BR

Mii lllUT 830·9506 or 675-4704 Enioy 1ranqu11 sool htng 3BA home Won' t Last *RT IOlllHllll j ~~~.'s~'!fih:i a'~'~.;,:O ~~~;:,,,1Y R0rlBA Hunt. Bu ch 2640 ---------• ~nl[,~ ~3~:~ 121-Hll If llO· IOOO I views from your•ous 673-34aS Yearly 3BA 2BA. new I with dePOlll 642·58S8 S750tmo • dep No pets BACHELOR "'" ' " i.,11cnen ClllERJ 714-6.46-- 1858

RU• 9l( 2BA 1BA, ground lloor no & generous 28R condo UDO ISLE lovely 3BR c arpet & paint Very 642-2816 eue SSSO mo Qui~ • u-r I one above enc gar High above the hussle ol 2BA furn New carpel•. ct ean all amen t ies 2BR 18A encl gar trig ctoM to beacn utot 1nc1 REITILS, llC, 'ft Winter & v .. rty Rent••~ .., _._ $7SO 7 141970 .2223 ' dally ac11v1lles Fully paini AYIJI Sec>l ·June $1500/ mo I wate r trasn 1nc 1 j COUNTRVCOTTAGE Av1 11 9 1 S36·6697 • On & ottOceanrronts

'\t.W'J \~"fl' llJ " 11 j guarded security build s2200, mo * 673_.484 ,. •• lllY IUT11 • I $69Sl m o $400 oep I E side bac:lo,bay 2BR wotn1 ll5-.. 108 Property HOUM Rttrs V. · "'- • ' Prestigious 2 story 2 yr 1ng ReeOy l o occupy 0 1· - _, It 1970 Wallace Ave CM laundry & storage pvt Immaculate 3 BR 2 BA ~ 642·3850

REALTORS • • new beach Twnhm Call lered at $30001mo LSE/ OPT Walk 10 beach lll· 480I 631·6487 baci. yd rurn i unf S92S w O hkup d w d•soosai ·Hu MANY Yearly

I Co Io we 11 Ba n ke r . 3Br :>Ba beach condo i mo S3SO d e- n 'c e I r P 1 c E "c 2Bdrm & 3Bdrms Avail 1 San OetnetU

~-~!'------- 668·9333 •IEWO•MUIET• I sundeck, POOi, 2-car 8ar - --- - - 2 8R. 1 BA. 2201 Pac•hc I posit moves you in 1 patio yard very special Costa Mtu 21241 ! Big Canyon custom '1ome 642-8759. 213-4S6- 1 39

3 B~~~~~ ?!:'!f~:Ji

2 ~::~ ~~g>~1 8.,18~ 1~;~ 642-8760 or 642-7967 ~~; 'i~~ ~"0~1 .,6~

26 76

JSR 2BA, 2 car lrplc. l1m - · Pac lnt'I Reau 38A 2 ~BA wtocean view. Frptc. garage. d l w . gas

• Good Neognborttoods1 • GOOd Condt11ons•

CALL IOW! J BR 2 BA blk from bch Ocea n view on - site tn O r y $9 7S / m o 661-6142 leave meuage

OllUIEPlHlt•E llrvlne 2144 1 ~~~ •• 4~~1~o0' much ! ·~ITCRHT BR, 2 BA, patio 11.500 r,8~ - ~~ ~ d:~o'on1a;: E:4s9~s1g;, 1~~:Rp:.'; ER i oep 213·S92 2214

lly yardSt..1!~/mo Hurry! Beaullful 2 8R Jetached l2l UIO Y pool tennis spa & walk BBQ Vrly 673-7538 2t3·372·S7iOevenings ln adullpark ;MlulonVlt jO 2667 642·9797 I Lg country k itchen, lrplc. • to beach 12 Goodwill Cl DELUXE Furn 2BR wntr. 2 BR. 1 BA Eas1s1de gar · I 7S9-S590 or 673-7787 ---------•1 Misc. Rentats

I ~~ \:. 2 car gar w/ opnr Comm 5 1450/m o yrly 642·3890 1300 slf. sips t:>eh' Frptc age & yaro Cnarming E StDE large 2BR l ' tBA Cnarming 1 BR 1• B.A on

•4 r • · pool, grdnr Nr shops •PRIVATE lfACH Nr beh 2BR..2BA duple• open beams, deck HBO units' lmmed occupancy Beaut encl gar carporl lllllT I AllY 1 la c a,, 11 near Newport Rooms 2706 ! I school tennis take l rplc tr ig . wl d lg patio $975 mo 8 18-968-0352 S 1 2 S ' m o K e v' n pa110 1nor'I cable hi\ up 1 balh li ving d ining ts1ano No pe1s Street ~-------..... --'!!.~-~. 4322 Vale St 09 51mo 1 BR. I BA · $750 S 1tOOt mo yrty 5406 BS 1-0424 No pets S8SO 650-3407 lo. ii Ch e n w lf h O S" · Pl•k ong oroty s69s mo Beauti ful L1guna Bch

I SS 1·2776 2 BA I BA $9()0 washe< •dnge F11eplac.1 OGeanlront home Full BA

NEAR ~n 2BR llouse I 2 BR 2 BA S t~SO Neplune 240 2606 Lg 2BA apl Avall 91 I 2 BR 1 BA large vard All f 'Sllf LIE 111 IPlJ "'alk · " c oset pat o 675•6606 & pvt tnOscpd paho pvt gl! & yard S860 lBR The Terrace Cardi! 2BR Ltd~ Mobile Home Park Nwpt Hgts 2 BA 1 BA $97St mo Pteue ca.Ill garage $750 mo Some Grdn un11 security N-pets enclosed gar19e Free- Excl1Js ve Btulls a re• enlry $700 mo 721.11 ' " duple• wl storige aree 2BA 1200 SQ 11 pool 673·60:¥> S 17 . Boise Matur e Connie 67S-8404 agt pets OK S46 '228 e.,,es Red· now $650 722-0252 way cios~ S 7 4 !. ... o • o .... nhomes 1..arge 3 BR clean $6 15 650-7549 I 1ac Avail mod Sepl • • Ad111ta Nb pets Grdnr . 6• 6- 1096 day !> S300 Oepos1t Ta1<e o~et 2 • BA arge p al•os COM LG ltuO•O b ig

S 1100 7S2·2881 3 BR 2 BA relng & Slove c S89S 0 673 7353 Ve:arty 2BR 28A w/frptc E sooe PYI PBl•O t BA 1 •ease tor 4 ,., 0,. 1111 S, 250 S •SOO per mo ctosets W D pallo pri. UOl llJ Tl ..... ( crpung window cover on m · gar Avall 9 1 Nr 1enn1s 2 BR t BA person Park ng 1ndry 58 9398 83 • vale Nsmkr $590 Avl

4BR 2'>8A • b1lcony 2 WOODBRIDGE Spacious mgs use or comm pool & Ocean bay views Villa courts Steps to ocean Near gr OCf'•• store & ut1 po Grea1 1oca11on 1 · ~e ne.-. Amigos now. Everungs 721 -9~ car g1raoe end unit t>+g l 4BR 2 •BA lam rm. tennis courts ·, bll< to Batooa 2 BR 2 BA 675--0604 818·2« · S512 s ti o P 5 N Pe Is $600 m" 675.)335 wa, * 644 6458

yard. cleen & vacanl frplc cov pa1oo la1o.e. ten- ·~ S 1495 mo 870 7404 S 1 S50 mo Oav10 Agt S675 mo 6J t ti 155 •DO tSl E ?Br sto~ & I UIO MllaYI nos POOi prtw s 167S mo .. c 0 d ""e 11 Ba n f(e r URIE 28'1 nn Newport Bf~ 2669 re• 11~ Q.l' ... . pa10

I.I. TlftMne· M I F StuOent Olo. $350 • $300 dep nc uflls 84 ' ·2326 640· 1327 or 720-78S2 4BR EXqC Rental $4'900 722 1488 Corona dt l Mar 2622 2~: u~BA e~.~~o~::; q P~•~ A .. a Hab•e . m r:.ed a1" ' • OCLUSIVE GUARD • S • •50 r'N A~· tO ..

IMlU TIWlll•I 1---------· 3BR plush ocnlrnt $2300 Oceanfron1 2 BR 1 BA 2 BA 1•,, BA Twnhse aol small yaro S700 mo 63 1 • 086 all~• '2 "'"'r • GA TED COMMUNITY • <i 1 c 0"""'" O PEN ---------

JBR. 2''19A end unll uguna Beach 21 48 2BR Penm Pl Hm s ISOO Garage lndry Ou1e1 I Frplc new carpel . pool, 540 ·6899 ME SA VERDE 2BA .;DOf'• ON 101n FAIRWA Y Noo• 8 ~~~8. 58~~6 SU N Hotels/ Motth 2718 poo111enn11 I Emerald Bay ocean views Call Pav •Ori RE area No boardwalk 1 deck $87St mo 'ft Et SIDE 2BR w qarage a-. el cu de-sec e"ci Ill C&IYll SU LAii •nL

IUOO llHYI 3BA 3BA nr beacn •se 6JS 8 t 20 SS 1 SOO mo Y' 1Y orl ";3l1~~~~~~~~T


new carpt'lt & drps POOi g ct•age s7oo sec ClllTIY CLll llW Ha 21& 1'1 llTS Wl( ty rentals now 1v111 $4 000/ mo I urn Agl 1 100 mo w 1 n t 8 r · · spa no pets Ou•f'1 •vsn 498 ·936 or ~5' 94 8J VavllPO ce•tmgs bl lCO") S 147 oo w• c!I up 22"'4

Do.ILD ,FAFF 499· 1678 494· It 77 X39 NE.WPORT CREST 3 BR J 722-8384 I *' UIO llW JU JU grounds 631 7J76 MOVE tN SPECIAL <OFF' 2 & 3BR 2BA AplS ''P'' .., garage $950 No PtJts N"'P' Btvo CM 646· 7445 TERRACES 2 BR 2, BA BA condo w ocean view OCUI Fll•T Ffont deck rear patio I • M OVE-IN BONUS' * 1s1 montr• ren l Remod wet bar micro wshr dry• ' 60 1713 or 851 •776

142·1lll 2 car gar pool view , pool tennis S 1 67S mo l 2BR t BA llp gar . wl d av laundry rm garage No Sp1cious & broghl 2BR 2 1BR tBA ga1eo oa•~ •ng " ~ups cen1rai air 1 car NWPT HGT S small 2BR Roomm1tes \I/ 1nted

I j"~~\: S t.250/mo wl< dndsteve .. 1ttt casn d•scount S 9 • 15 $ 1300 644-8586 I pels 760- 17131857-1776 1 lullbalhs btt1ns no pels Ndoetsptease 642 -5858 gar "'i tra storage All •dea' , ,, 1 person Re- 27 24

I!: ___ ::~ 60'6923 8~~~~~~~ ~j4 OCtH VIEW •PlmllSI "'* s850

mo Pam 546 5880 PHISllf witcu• :~l:~;·~~~-0~~9 Sorry ~.~ ~~~ ;~'l5g·~ 1 ~~ Corona De• Mir ON THE

A . }119 CITY LlllfTS Y ear I y -'I ease 7 0 S, , VIEW!!! BEACH 3BR 2BA pro

E'SIDE ~1r1 lrg 3BR 2BA ~ decor. lrplC O/w Ind!) 11'\Cd yd grdnr Ou1e11St150 673·3600

Newport Buch l 169 • l&CI llY TOWHOHE Jasmine upper rear unit * HM•H SPECllL * .!BR 2BA g patio '-lo peis * LIH WATH VIEW! Ocea111rortt c1ean 1 B~ vate gate ,,. d decl< tor ----------- JBR 12BA lrpc 2 c ar Q•r WALi Tl SllPS 1BR 1BA k1lchen 3 lg •••• IU From S8!>0 mo 215, Pa- 2BR 28A I p or Jr. t f" Ccl'Pet, O•PS 9 t 6-3-042 I LIDO BAYFRT SBA 4 >BA tndty rm pal•O balcony Lido Park Drove 1BR 1BA ctosels 11111119 rm IQ pri . L '' '•<.. ,. .e See MQr 1BR 2BA Yrt~ 6 '3 5088 c11.r ~ 11a·a9e t persor w 3-boll dock 4 l i p din w vie.. 2000 s l pool conoo 1n security bu110. I 1tate deck $9S01mo 1 &' 2BR Poot 1acvu i 8 10 1 855 0665 llCHO•a~r lPTS S9Sll mo r••y 642 3443 2BR Apt 2 btl<s 10 t:>en ' Lg terr 2 tevets sand}' bch $ 1500 21J 862 3008 1ng S 1650/ mo ullls pd ' $900 sec Lil 723.1 s 13 cable hook up No peis n •ti:: '"SI• t:>Orm avt S450-S80001mo Ag1675-2311 Fred A lb qu e ro e Wesllal\e Wtage Ou1e1 Es10~ 2 BR 1,BA ONTHEBAY ICUIVIEW S490mo Catt Chris

2&3BR 2' 1l3A Condos E·s1de Frplc. lnOry hf\ ups microwaves sec sub1err parking $ I 150 & up G1llet1a 646·44 72

1 BAYSMORES P"t gate· 83 1 8790 R ~ All u • >CTRA LARGE • Aparlments 64S 81 22 •wnnse Lnor) •ac•t• ties 2 BDRM 2 rBA S< •OO '2 BR "'Cflly turnosl'led 1 6'2· 1280 0, -22 1089

PVT CLUB 3000 sl PH guaroect comm 38r 2Ba · e a• rs Studio wl d New crpt pnt fenced , .m:l .,0 pe•s ooor to ocea" Great JBR 3' •BA I P club hOvse Walk to oeacl'les •WYllW• ut>t S69S mo gar av1 11 ' ~ S1:1 .?S m 2.: 48 E•den 2 BDRM 2BA S

1 350 area Sept .,.,,., June 3 BR Costa Mesa Twnl"IH POOi spa Sweeping & pvl BBC No groups 49"· 4262 2 WEEK S FREE RE T Lol i 53;~ '-lo pf'tS Da· I~ q 5 5950 ,..o 6'< 4699 Ha~ e " e r y In ' n 0 narbor ocn Cataltna vu 8 18 799.48s6 • BR 38A Piii community 2BR 2BA tow "10•e ,. S48 ·'5C• 5 • SO .,., 0 111 smH $3900 mo Agt 675-231 t 71'·646-6219 S3500 mo JS9· l 46S lrictrt a &J,, tndry carport s '•5 me VEPv large tBR 1BA BAC>t SAY ·BP 1BA '"e s ...... ; J•C! O• . .. D, acr Slv- £.46-40 • 4 I..• message

2BR gar99e renceo yaro pa100 oet 011 S750 mo 201s - A w1 11ac e

171 41361-S754

IUCH l&Y UYHIT SHYlfW 2BR 2BA taund rm ""'" S48·509 1 or 775 ' i t9 '""" -:: ,..e.., . arpe• •l'' p.ace .,, e"' • c;ar 9arag.e :l nc •I t."~' A~•" w d walk 101:>4UKh. p1rll. I ') '•e"" • tt I vert "' <11.1IOOC."''!' $8"5 '""0 ,.,,. t'O s5 • 5 ,..0 nc1

UCLISIYI YlfW 3 BR 3 BA w family room TIWl ... E l arge muter tu •le

•BR 2 ~BA beau11ru1 min Co ty hghtt Vl lW Gated comm pool & 1en· n1s garonr S? 900

& snops S 1350t mo Hol> ino t"4HIQU.P sm1 pet accei>• 64 2 58S6 A'• •o• J11r · . , • •60 ... 111 \ .,,, 55~ 16'6 67


1menteno 9'>C>OI- tney ,,_,

*l•All lrw* Near Fashion ISiand JBR double 91ra9e Av1 11 n I>" 2 •BA xtnl cond111on Va 1, 1 90 Comm 1enn.s

18 Townhouse 1par1 · c111nt $ 1800 mo $6 000 mo Call PAT ments 3 BR 2r BA 2 0Htlf'1Jlllt•• ~URLEY COLDWELL SHlElmlllll Cill gar w d hto. ups pool .. BANKER 644 9060 spa Many detuae rea • 120.117' tr 110· 1000 I

00 3 BR 2 BA w 2 car garage

lures S 1 250 mo Lease • • BEAUTIFUL BAVRI E $ t 7S0 ' mo Bluffs IO·

11~.ii~~ \:·1 Sunny conoo c11ne<1rel cation near Fashion on;2~11r111- Ro1d • 4 • , I ce11 g.t led comm 2 BR Island back Day & CdM

Betw Wilson & Avocado %Q: + I pool spa W d . frig gar Conven1en1 access to 13 s I I No pels L!ie s 122s mo & • OS Ir " YS Av l ll P~s~e~~llc!~crou rom l LIDO ISLAND lmmac 2BR Av;a11 now 644 -48 tO I tO 1 90 720·8177

OPEN DAIL V TIL 6 P M ?BA ti9ome w 'newty remdl Beaut1lut Waterfronl JBR Spac•ou ' 4BR 3' 1BA lg

• 644 20S7 •

For 1nlo 722 ·8S29 ~ itc onus rm w frplc 2BA new ~ 1 tchen g•r bonus rm p1111101 Ovtlf· r <l oor s 10 pat io yd dee It t >r e p• t han nice landscape liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-•

• EASTSIDE 3BR 2BA S28SO ,.,o Call Ronda Sl • 50 •mo 6o&6-2983 1ci., .. g & 1 nse all new in\1dfl tncd Hein 513.3777 nJ-6412 -.ssoc tennis poo yd w d big s1orage gar , $2400 mo 640- 132 1 S 109S Pet 011 ., 642 9666 Nwpt Terrace 3BR 2 5 tory 1 ILUFFS STWl VE RS A IL L ES · L •

twnnome 1 car gar · cp " u r Y 3 BR 3 BA very p11vate Poot new cpl paint Totally remodPled sing le tlml'"•t " " 1BR com·

EastsiOfl Townhome 2 s 1200 mo Creoit •eoort story 1BR 2BA be8uly pte tet) l vr".. PQu•PI S9SO c ar garage r p w d req o Rusty 631 · l266 tnctudes lo•mal O•n1ng mo s.c • 22 9113


TMllOlll 1111 IEW llPlllYEI



tlvew1ys patios pa1h1 etc No 1ob loo small

HIS. ., ... , Ul· OIU

macutlle Avail q 1S • 4 , thedr at ce111ngs & more 2 , BA T ..;nsnse Ob gar Reasonable PricPs Ou1h Deck Coa11ng

nkup • 811 ameni1oes 1m ~ Drano ne"' k•tcnon ca Welk 10 sriopo•ng 2 BR CONCRETE and BRICK

St 37S mo Cell KPvin Snort or 1ong 1erm lease End uni t No Pets Avail ly Wor lo, Fr"' Est 8kr 8S 1-042• . Cnitdren & pets Ok Im· no.... s •• OO mo Open '1SA" -...c- CALL 111, 241-2111 .... , rHf Ctati111


Roro - n-86•6


Call oltff llJ-1222 ,,;HQ!olE REPAll'

,,,.w TH SK ,LL ""'D CARE E•c•~t•O"• Oua •y Wo·~ Rers Ca • •om 6"5 ·62n

BEAUT newly remod~'~ • EXCLUSIVE GUARD• m•O i alte1 · 2°sccupencv ,..o ... ~ Sat Su~ 1 S 308 S .. .......... O••StDE CO .. ST Dfoc.-s etccn es sta•rs • mo H -A O C II C.,,.. .~,~ ,..C . ·~ O .. al•ty -...oo -22·8:'ti9 •• BUY ll "4S••tl

3BA 2 t S BA toll near • GA TED COMMUNITY • lfll lffalST arr c S0 ,i 8 us1om orocrtle <> Ma v

stream Ip dbtg1r poo ON 101n FAIRWAY I b • 2 $2.44 per day sonry L1C S12963 ~~ah ~ E~ .~~"'a:'~~~.~·:~

110 pets $ 1400 49S·294S Ill CUJll lM0-11 tr llO· IOOO WPstChll 3B 3BA tam rm 1.,. guaranlNd 5'0 • 39 ~N y LU l(ennels w··•811 ... ,. 6

• "' • .l~A.V Tno11 s All you P.l'f for I ~" 7-

Br1nd n- l ownnouse ClllTIY CLll vr... 11111 ne• k 1cn bllhS elC 4 11nes 30 da) m1n1mum ~presents DOG ·AOTTEAS 3BR eacn w lull baths l 11e coior~ nu cpt painl •n the T1c1 1r-eoo oil" •t •cs to w•l" • , bath lg 2 car garege 2 & JBR 2BA Apls trptc '. '.\ I l 1 'I I l \ SotQ'>O "'O 64 S·9313 tie ep 011101 ,a..• Jog 498-07 - s L HAUUN VI

1 ~ firs FrM est Reis l•C • • ..,.

u ~

Vassage Tnerapy "' t'MOP' act c olfoe• tnsur

acc~teo 536·;789 A~aoS

•A· 111¥111* 730-1353

~. EAN ANO E\PER" • OR ... JOB wEu DONE S• '" 09 O C to• · ! .,ea•s

llC T t58 64:;'

mOdern kitchen Sl 450 ... el bar micro .... hr drvr ,,, ' • • I • SERVICE Sho- s Counle<S Ptl •OS - Gar ..... YO Ctnuos Trees mo 67S· 1199 Frank h" uPS central a•r 2 ctr WllTEI at-••s 1 1 1•1 1112

e lu l ls To~ nnome on "•- 2"'-rs Gt><>rna 85'-4958 ILIN _...,111s ..... 8 ,,.-.... ••• • • MU I L EAST SIDE 2BR Houtfl oar w Jira storage All - u r .. - .. ~.. ...,

Large Front Rear Vero maintenance incl Sorry greenbell 3BR 2BA * IAJFIHT * DIRECTORY RELIABLE MouMC:le1rotng ro tel'O P•.ts•er oatch•ng tMMEOtA TE SER\rl( f 'ilughl b~ \JC M usic Ml" Con,ide• Small Pel No vets 644-0509 while & bflghl ciean ICWF•HT• by tne day Local area wa1 •e · •~·tt~ ~ ll•v,.,alt ANY T>< !lj(j • u Ol- V P ,:'~~.n~ad~':r~•• ~W,,~~d

"""Y rlif' al OYoe< town wl'ler t'OU Cat' IOcate c:>ert• ID< your .... 119 ... ... .:.IBMll*''

fl'S PUSTElllll RMtuccos Patchel

Tea lv•t>S Repairs tnl E• I Free esl !>63-34 111


U•Dl•Ml·U22 qPS>Ot!"loal lndUS1 r11

·" 54 1878 v.u Mast9f

ORA•NS cte11reo "om $9 water rieat~s t0sta1i.o trom S • • q ComPl• te < c. PP~ ' •eo o~s tr o m

$695 i:t water ma•r •rom strM I from

s 195 l c S96809 ,_.ome Plumbing Root9f Service !>48-555 1

Psychics ' I 1 $ 1350 mo 640 S66~ PElllSIU NllT• E•1.ellent References 1 ' ·nist> 1ng ' '~ ,.~· CL EAN v P • COllll Rflf

EHi Stdt new 2BR 2' rBA * •lllFFI* * Fantullc Boy View 3BR llOO tt 12100/ •t. CALL TOOA Vll PO">• l•on All !f>Yf!IS •n *"' ... *PU* S 1250 mo 63 t 7602 ---------• EAST BLUFF TOWNHOM f For more •nlormatton CALL YOianda 6J 1 5q67 I Tt•, 141· 1211 • T~EE S Joh" 6"< •6;>!1 P a"O i..eys Tl'l11 " ' Com

townl'louse. cir all gar 4 A. pattos nr pool 2 SBA Beautifully up I I ti . . r u•" lu·l' tr as t- "~• - - ~" 2 8R 38 2 c ,, , rill I ( ISi FOR LOIS TIE llUlll&L DUMP q L•NS "41\ L agvna Beacn •99-• 640 f r••11T .... , 111•-

w l O hOOl\vp must ... s21001mo GISEL A graded S2SOO 261Q 111· 1120 Your tWtlttTIUllAI AICfltefrlt1ISt"iHI b•it"'""' app a ., Tells past pres.nt lulure $ 129S 631 -2480 I 644·04t:>or760SOOO V1s ta Ornad8 7201361 Service Oirector~ Leato.y snowers· Ac1d w11S" RM•O~nt1 1 W•r•ng & Re Ca1v.11.e· d~s 6o& 6 •1Cit 11Yntfl lHal S5Spec:1a17141821-S173

E SIDE HOUSE 2~A REAM~ Representative & r119rout New & R• P••' P••' "~" '1(.4 ~~ •• aNY , Sea F11re Condo 1 8R lull C Bathrmt Snowe• doors 1o<ARD W(H'~"" EAC:: i:too• Ouat•I) M1ridf'O

l'·BA FI R w1l rp• SIOlfe I appllances •nc w 0 & South oast Metro 142-4321 K •IC·F toor s Plumbing [Ql ' fla • " " Const ruCl•('r 'It' Cu~I •'T'lt'rS RtC:hii•d Sin<" relng lg lnco yd 2 car l \I \\ I ) I I 'I \ I rel rig Poot Joe Wallo. to 2 I 86 Eat. 310 L1c 2s~rs O C 6' l 8065 ~ ,.,,., ups Ht•m• Ow" l''i l' "' Rflts 64!> 3209 gar w/opnr new p11nt , S 1200/ mo S48 7658 Ht Al ,, 'IA" • bch $87S S81 3• 66 F ab ulou t SI Alb an s T•LE in1111~ & Repaorf'd l-1 11uh09 5, 5.5-eo Pllmll t WALLPAPla

your neighbor (-r\, know --

Conoo 2BR 2 lull BA .. _________ Prompl C.ourtoous Se•v•ctt GN1jfjlyl!#•H§4f@+ Rf MOV • l Pro~pt ! "Cl 1200 sq It ac.. Ip spec- NIUO HTICE Free Est & ReferflOCes TUCY EUGTllC MOMO°EPAt~ tml)(ove ReH '"• b " to' • ~q3

I llCullr lake view len The Calif PubllC Ullllltes John & Shelby 8466 1761 \flt E\ 1 P1rn11ng Large & TOPOU.t.L •\ PANTlllG pool SP• 58C A must Comm1u1on REQUIRES ~ TIHIU O&lLI Sml ll Jot>' F'ree I Si nl E , 1 :o •t'a 0 C. see• 644- 7424 that all used housenold • • ALL PMASfS 8'f'(; .. Orio. CALL Steor.ttn ~-39S5

goods molfefs print;lhetr AV A x S~~4SQ C.48 23 1 • lteenM n<i.;• ...:l 'lt11"


I LA MIRADA 38R 2BA $&-S & $825 Outel netgnt>Orhd nr 90Clools Call N1ncy 843-21Wi}

p u c Cat T nvmbef B•ll lo.IUI lunctl 1n Q 1aw111 Ct1STllCTlll PROM PT 830 · ~86 hmo s & chauffeur s pnnt snec~s Large yaro CfK.IH UIS · 1100. r LE CARPET M ARBLE •ICUIL Cll PlllTlM tl'le4r TCP numbef •n all lots ot n111l* a.n<1 ptay \.4osl 1ns1a1111.,,-m \ )()y•5 loc '1 Bo" dfld 854 17-2 1d\er1tsements II uou • 64,. ""84• e•o Loe t:>Ond •44.0113 Sl2 01 l.•ATER•AlS

, 0 "" A.lt1reocf'S f -~ • 006 tlave 1 Quetl•on at:>Oul tne 1e91111y ol 1 mover limo or chauffeur CaH Pubhc Ulll l lH Com· m1SS1on 714-558-4tS 1

UC Exp chr1st1an care Full or ' di~ F'rt I< UP

f' ncd )'O pll) rm ~1 B lot • Jooe 10783 840·20 10

. A "'I W I ~atr RedWOOd Cedai

Po1t ' epl9Ce c M Ne Jim Whyll 642 7206

.• , . LJ• C\1 "''' \ ' lt;. t•"t ·r'o I

.to t; I r. •j I

M U SITTING S(RVICES 5emof S111~1 l~tn L< Bof\decJ 720-0707

-........LaMM..a.1 Como111e 1n11111e1Ton•

Cement-8 r1Ck· Spr1n 1o, .. rs Pt1nt1n9 LIC •S3?314' f' ree E't Pat 642 944!1

GREEN LIFE by ERIC °"'9n 1n11a11 Matn l


tnl f' I L '< B nele<i S:ree l'l~t All wO" · gua•11n1eeo l•t • ~ 10'.'• 6 ol98 -020

llWI PlllTill llt. Ht • Tl'•orougtl prep reas retes

Jim 7S4· KIWI "54 S49" ,.,.. ,,.... ,. ...... ,.._ construction & re pe1ntg • 583? 11 78!1 9766

YISOIPUm• & Ou11t1y·

'lrorlo, • S83&t5 Ht 1349


UIUl'S ..... ,-,. , 875-S095

Summer 19«1111 Se>«:•• ' oie r Comm 810Qt

s,rt9'1ers .... . HanO}'man CAL l

Pete Kunst 722· ;132

'"' f,.-. Ell .-... ,_., .. Screenii & $dle lnetudld Tt\anlts fOI' ClllnQ ~

11 (7 14) 790-7009 YOU"~f T,_tlO AlL


• BOST • • 25 t - 1111

ll•r l Qh our

C l<l\\ I •'d

i" tron

W ho t ' • y our heme Mrvlce ••ct•lt) •••• ,.,, .... t

."."'"'•' •••• ,

AdvertiM In cl41Uifle4 ..

- - - . -

m 1002 "f'OlMtnl SSlO 5530 (

OOAGE:OUS BL ONOE lllTM. P111f... Hurnen Aeeouro.. ~~~Pt• ... ----•• -n•t


1 5'2'", 100 lb PEAF"ECTLV FOf ~ BMch ome.. 1111111 T ONED. OUTSTANO· 4 OayaJW.- Front I •


]il~E;~;1-----...... 21..,6_9l INGLV PROPOAl'IONEO b k :~ ..... _ful TUTIYE BO OV BMVUful ec 8\.~535 ·- .

leaturn . It blue eyes ISSISTllT SENSUALITY PLUS! In- llP&IYllflT

1111 ..... 11011&11

1ell l ge n t h l ghly llOUTAIY OIEWLWIL_ .•. : ~=tr:dy ~~=:~. f:i~ So C • I b aHd Clvll L;~~~anrm~~.:k~ The Ortotnll P9MySaQ g rlty PROFOUN DLY Engrg t l and Planning poll1hed . p ersonable , a Olvtalon oft'48f1•Hanke yoU1hlul 47 Nonl smkr firm seek• dept MC· mature lndtviduel 10 aa- Commun~atlona. laMek·

,_E_"f'OX.._ .. mtnt ____ s_s 30_ ElllPIGYl'Mnt SS)()


$75,000 to

$150,000 Comm1u1on

lllt. ITATlll ATTla FIT P IT )Cini condltloN I pay COM IS73-a320


*'"'n .. • Sut.t.IRJOBS Jolnlng ollic.s It . a cor­n«), ground floor , la1ge windows. use ot con· lerence rm. ofltce equip ment & kitchen Great 10-cauon 1n Koll Center

Seekl"O Gentlemen of rallry wi th xlnl com list Human Resource• ll'IQ two 8k.pefienc«I Proe Natlonel compwiy now e• · characler & aubstance municatlon /.phone skills M 11nager M us i h1ve to lee<S crewt on the OMA pen\lil'IQ In So Cal We Capable of appreciating end a working knowledge WordPerfect and Lotus and Mueller lnaar t lng are a high growth com­quallty M UST be gentle· 01 Wordperlect 5 O POI· t -2·3 1kllls, wlt'1 gOOd equipment 10 mel~:aln pany w1tn more than a_p1t t led . l un-lovlng Ilion ollera xlnt salery, sense of organization. peak elhciency Oual led S350 M ILLION In annual



mll1tona1re • 40-65 tor benel111 and pr,ote111onat 1 eble to deal with cl'lang· ~~~ledaartsH•·wlll11epoueun"• on sales II you are serious YS01UOOCfNND EMAOARNE SEA50CH. B•lbo"' lsl•nd 6106 Co ... ,.••-• "' marriage RE S PO N D work irio env ronmen Ing priorlues and work In· ;.;,.,Ys, OMAft'; Sh;,idan about your future, we will " • • • n• """'-ONl Y w l lh recent Send resume 10 Rober t dependently ""Ulpment Your high· ltlow you an mcredlbte WTIMEEEK•. WORKING PA RT EST'AfE SALE

6 124

Office Spece for rent CLEAR photos. & note. Bein Wtlham.~,ost & As - ... k d w are JI

1e 1 .. '25 Al ton speed machin e •• · tree recor e ma1hng 1ddress and 111 aocia a t E.~c•llant compensallon perlence tn bmdery or seeking aiable . sincere Antiques a~mo 1r es

OLD 10011 wall clock . st ools . tablt lamp s oceantlake fish poles'/ reel" 490 Cotta Mell St

C.M. 48A M ... V8fde hm month to monlh Skyllles, ~· frol, non amokers t>eaulllul aree. various '3&0/mo, CIOM 10 OCC atzea from S250 Call Avell hpt 1 751·8404 661-7 t06 or 240-5844

respond in kind Ann Pkwy, Irvine. CA 92 7 18


and benefits program rn a comparable equipment profeHlonals looking tor We nave a NEW PRO bedroom sets , plants Bok 87 t4. NIB 92658 Attn ol lhomas Fuentes modern non-smokmn ol - 1 F r II de1111a GRAM for SlUOENlS I bookshelves el

" Will be conatd8'ed POI- a urture or u 12· 16 YEARS OF AGE 306 Corel Ave Pre· Sale DRIVERS lice Mail or FAX resume lllon r equtrea w ork and a personal 1n1erv1ew. lo GREINER INC Attn lhrough the weekend and call Gary al helping us get new cu5 1 Sat g , t 2pm 6pm Sun

Tools f'louse desk 01111ng room table small p iano misc Sat Sun 8 6 '211 Alber l Pl CM

Corona Del Mar. $525/ mo Central Costa M•sa Full lnctdt "-al, wat8f alee· service From 300 sq It to trldty, patio, gar. gas 1300 New 1mp rove ­orltl. '714/0 75-68'72. leave menls $ 90111 plus l ree

Employmtnl t t I

delelle d m esu ge to r rent S.6-9663

30 18 1 P9tet P i DorMstlcs Eut Side Colla Mesa Commtrcla l roperty -----,.· ,·de ___ _

Prot. i.m. to 1hare ll airy 2778 Ac· vP Paralysed woman r..imn ... 25 ~ -$395 plus PIUMERnlll Mon r ,, 8-S ~$1.SOO mo 'h ulU. 650- t336 NEWPORT BEACH tem Ba 1., 6 '> 5bS?

FEM no n •mk r share S E corner Wes1c111f Dr IS P 1 1nlan1 care n!*Oed n Newport B• acn home Irvine Ave HIQh v•'l•btllty fast C M "omt> Motner

~ Spa, private BA $550 tralf•l ,,90 SQ II "" Chill.I 01\ Mu~• SPtiali u t il No pets 631 5596 145-1101 ~me Engtost 6J 1 '\4q 1

H.B stir very nice 3 BR hm

Walk to bch Pool J.ic Industrial Z788l employmtnt SS 30 M / F prof $400 · , u111 ---...-........ --'!"""- -.,.,._...., .. _______ _ Gordon 968-2707

1~~c~? F~r~vl:r~ne F"r~~: ' * llRLIH JOH* M ature Male for lg condo OOOf , tc .,Q IJ M 1 QOO 654 n'\S Eio.t 124

on Back Bay above W1lo s 1 ooo ,, 'n 7 w• 11 I Flight Atlenaant!o $3'\K L i le Preserve Ou1t11 1,8 , \ M "'"' 540 •J.;5~ I l 1cke1 Agents S32K pool S500tmo 644 2607 eve' h4U 1,1!.' 1 Cus1ome1 Sttrvrctl $'2GK

1300 'JQ It ~ rnrit 0111('., SAM t!PM 7 Day'I $14 Fet' m/f. prof 2BA 2BA !lleps

to ocean great place $6Q Q1mo Gr1:1g 72'2-6195

L.arge rlll)I l)r , .. tr d0•1r AFTER SCHOOL CHILD t785 w• ,p ,.., ~' C,.ost;i CARE Mesa 54C en~~ [>ayo; Watch 7 )'' old di our Mcs.1

M Prof 25 35 ,hr CdM '2 BA hse w ltplc gilt w l d t>lks to bch i490 • '' v iii Ava119 15 ~20 J991

646-068 t E .e1 "' !> >1etOt' nome , 5tim M r

NB 1 blk to bch n4'at M F shr spac1ou<, Jb1 '2ba

Bu1lntn & I !!J. Flnanc111 Ii'"

w gar '>Or'l'lt' v<.'• view ----------$450 OP~ '2 0 ~,.'t• Buslntss

N B JBR hSf' • DO•rn4' ch' Opportuntt l t S nov. onP.,, P•' Lillf Jrd ___ .., ____ _, ____ _ 1904

rm iMI• J 1 gd• rd A Vf NDUI& Steps 1 'f'ilcn t 3 t 35112 SS BUSINESS SS

NB m I 2BP 2BA Hll''1'11, q N11t> '>l.C.

POOISIO,. 'ill"' "' • 1 ~ .. .-c "' ~ I ,a, 1nd !>Ch S~70 pl;~' it'' ultl ~ ~, 1, d' '' ll ~"CHlu I~ dep 646 44F,3 • .,0 <; f L ,..~, ~,\ o, ... ro·

NEED lematP 10 m•,., •" 1 shr IBA 11 • !.11

•' ""

wa11ac1:1 A ... c s• 1 ·~""1 645-842<1 it'dJt m ""

Non 'lmkr 10 c.,11!l•t· 2BA fondr, "" •' unoergrouroo 11• J

1enn1s 64, ""'''' NW PT H T '5

., '

'> ~'" rr PJ • el l ;i, ct~ ,,., u l : , 1,..< Nat lt-"' ~ ,s f1y~'"' 'it•.J 'f\ ........

"'f ... fo t' g" t s • " '·~ t e , , ~ w~ 1,1 1 ... ~· S5CJI!:!

1 • • • ~ 114 ·41·0 ljQ,\ • r q


f\un sn "' ; ' ':\f

HUGE • • t >'~ • t.;1• • t t. . " ' .

Reis '"Cl Cl N 'lm~r ~66 '658 l • M g

"''"'""$ $1'il<. 751'\ N I It 1 •o H r r !l Ill l)Ol> 11,:>no; C~I •1131 448 9800 .. , , A I 1:'4

BOOKKEEPER f ,~ '~ngs ,,., .,.,,.._

(.di Ori l () r C.1.0<.I 1 ~.ilP'\,1 c, . c 51,1 1 0" P1,r ~ .... t" • t 5'""'' 1 Pt• ao .. ( "'>'3 ... ....... CA •;>f':



4•ct''J & .,,,...,,., A l ••r • ' 'S At-till , "u, ''4•''1\

c '' 81o10 o"''d ~ .. ,.. .. •

CO'clTAIL WAITRESS p • , ? Q V , T ,,.,, r r r"

\. t,~r- 1PP~n ,1! • ..,,,

(, .id lf\. ri~,. • ~· , • '

.. , ·~ v ' •. , , .1 ,,, \Jl • .,,: M ' 11


p ' • • -I r ' . '

For hotel shuttle NeYtporl J Scrulcher 1221 East 11 a fu ll ltme opportunll" { 7l•)• 7• ·•101 tomer11 101 our news g 3 & Mon g ,3 9a 4pm BedCh Commerc1.a1 Over Road Sui te 100, , paper• license requued F T Sant.a And C A 92705 at t>Oth or M11a Loma and !M OVI N G SA LE turn $6 H1 lips 252-0700 FAX 17 141979 7928 Brea lac11111es Can· Sal81/Human Servl08S HERE'S THE DEAL clothes app111nces

d1001e9 must possess ex PHYllE IHIH t This 11 not a paper misc Sat tSun 9 :> 1'25 Tools washefldryer 1119 i;lothes m•SG Sal Suro 197t wallece

DRIVERS Full & Part Time nttedeO Oehvt'r y or blueprml~ ir·

01 anyt: Cour"~ <.;om Pcln1 ,., $6 Hr Mon f r 1

Bnr•g OMV prn•I our IC OCB Reprog1;,iph1C.f>. I~ ]'11 M1ltnf' ll l rv tn f' (r ""' Al"!lr111 & Vdo A'ltlurl

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quaht1es 1ncludmg 1nte, . Area luneral homes look· lfOlved ---------- --~~~---~~ personal and w r11ten mg tor people to provide '2 We provide 1runspor jBalbo• 1 :H:u:":':· :~::a:c:h====6:1:4:0 commun1ca11on skills be pre need serv•ce!I Mu!ll 1a11on and training Ptnlruula b 107 '"'ell organ1 zaeo end tie able to rel.ate well 10 J You would bt> working ---~--.-----deadline or1entt'O p1>op•e Slable 1ntome wilh kids your own JQe on Pen Pt f'urn1Tu•e kitchen YAlll S&LEI

r T c ureer £.1ce11en1 1 an aOult-suporv1s11d s111es ware lOr'I " \o<: S<tl Sun Cruiser Bike BreolYtOod Harte Hartks oflt11s ,., 11a

c1:1p11on 111 salary il "ar•el)' I or company spon~ored bener.ts a pos1hvEi work llnv1ronmen1 c1no l~P portu1101y lor advancfl I mt'nl Pli.asf' subm11 " rt•

1rain1ng & loving support team 1 IOAM ru 4PM 1: 11 rocker ano tots or mis No uperience necess 4 ~ Earn GOOD MONEY Plaza De• Sur cellaneovs good•n"' Be 8•y bul must lo ve I and ha .. e a chance 10 Here11 510 7th St 1-iunt µ .. i.. p,,. c a 11 L 1 z earn daily 4 v. Pe~ iv c;.ash Costa Mtsa b I Z4 ing1on Beacn 10AM I No

21J-~JJ 1911 bonuses plus ?o on oul ' rurniture apphences earlier please I

sum!' or ,.ppl) 1n vf!rson * SALES * Mon f11 Sam 10 4µm et 1 I H,Hlt.- H11nl\ !> ShoppPr'> . fwt HR oc p qo 4 .2aJO The Roo1sson 0 C aorpor1 Orb•IP• 5 1 Br Pa CA I •S t11t1ng for 1111erollice 9262 i prurnot1v11 Business to1


A prel t!"8d wOrl< envtlOfl nlt'I I olncl drl "'QUd Cl' ' µurtu•111~ "'mv• yt>r

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•SECRETARY r>r 1t ••-,~1<111d! otti"- t' ri ePt.1~

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BE A WINNER!!! Eddie Gonzales. wbiner of a Nintendo entertain ment system, sold (40) new subscriptions f Of

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(The Thrltt Dt•1rt111ut Sttrt )

Now r11n11g h>r M,.1 tr1o1n d '.I' P11c f'I < A Sc1lt1''• k '> W11 Oo n flt>r I.It'll elol~ & no11anct>m""' np ~ 1u r1 1'H1!t"" f lJll t ml-'

"'"l ~ l >1<)tl11tllt• ,,, ""' 1.,,,., AµµI~ .ii

!t.l IJl M.1g11pl I ,1 11 .. m1111gtnn B1•1t I •

SALES llHA&Ell ' ,,, Grow·no Co E •eel

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BeAut••v1 snl" lr1,. ... ,., 11 C. h•''' n 1t "HYl1Hl '•'"' l1'

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Q.;. 1 ro • 'r ~"' s. "• <)J• l l l•mSt • • <I •,vi i'li 4 t't ') '- pr ,.,, ~,.,

$4,'1 I 11t .,_r l <• ' 11

10 .. e•t'••' ShOO Q., • .,n mall '"" :'>~""'' S:? ~·>' M 111 11d q~ i l)l)'i)

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IQ87 B"v'""'r Brow• dt'• !l'>h~· Ir J1ler s• P<•on n CP M s~ ' lO •II-• 0 lb t • 't>P l\101

• 141, 1 l·""' Lr ;ill 18 -;,. I •• • rt l .IP''' l ~ "' ' J'>O r ~ll•v • 00 r.,, M11riog n tt--t 1 r t f><Nlr~d fH! 'W

oJo19t>s L'<> ~k "' ru1n1111 ., n 111 '" r r "'d 1 o 1 < I c t t .J ' r "'I h A rlldl t;; <ISl>•L 8<1) (.1v1S8< SI:? 500 ) llpr 64 '\-9127

Ptu & Animals 604 9 S•ll Bo ats 701 4 ----------------*AUGUST* PUPPY SALE



A 11 p11p(11es gu11rantM<! ~fTlANO PAVILION

LH'EN 7 DAYS 16374 Be t.h Blvd , m1 S

405 twy ne't lo Target BetwMn Edinger & Hell * 1•1-3231 *

FOR SAL f I mllll" remoll . AK< r9911t11Jred DAlMATION PUPPIES M9 124!1

14 h~rg·ass Gupp, fhed •- ll•rr 1 •hP motor fun tllSy to <•I S 1 450 548 4616

25 Brt510I Star Sa•I lull kf't"I .,1000 steeps • 4 sa il s 9np oul bOlll<l <,eom f! ... or k 0 11.- 1 489-9• 1Q

26 Le9un11 1983 AoyAI Btue 1nte11or & cover\ VHF Aulohelm 1000 p1opene BBQ 4 sa11s shore power rt"lrtgt1r · alor much more must aell Bslboa shp poss•blt" $ 18 000 080 ,,.,.. maculate e13. 7753

Spud/ SJtl Bo'ts • LOOKINO for a Compa· 7016 mon' Wf/ hftote wonderful Iovino doOI i ' ' '' ev•ll ·, t 199& ttawuettl SSO .i.t •bl• for adot:ition Mull Skis w•th trali.t custom go to rt1tponl1bl• 0 ,,..1\tN paint many exuae e' Cor~ and ... we mt0hl I lent too<MIOn p&clo:age ha1te the per le<.t Ptll tor caal 14800 Call Bu1cn you 81 t 10:1


ev•mnos 714 242· t538

1-ll·A-•ILUll Hll Sllps/ Ooctu/ Storagt 7011

R£M £ M8ER Mlkft l htt Dog I •• BOAT DOCK •• In e>o-n end Out in Up to 50 sllo 1n 1enQ1t1 Bever ly Hrnt? Youno Powef waler. etc Nr bay t>IK k a ....tt1te Bot<* Col tatand on Pen1n 873· 1943 ... male al>andone<I "' • cs.aer1 mo1e1 SI°'*' by p eo ple. conH que nlly bhnct In nM eye Su• kW Ing and 10 ~ nMd of I ftmltt Thlt OM 11 ont-ln-8 m1lltonl CAn l~..OSIO

1• to ~·,:u: .= M8Ull.T • ******* 8MW 'llW HOMOA 1•Aooord LX .IAGVAA 1111 XJI. Ml.~ 1117 "'°91c MIACma 11MIOCa.o ..-. ..... '*"'· W1TM~t2211 . ._ ......... hed lOADG> * ..-. rmc:JM "· ~ C°""*'Y t'•Y' V'9Y·· .a11owroom .... 1111&duleoM1tton. t1ew1 .... tt1ec1r •""l'§!!!]~;![J!§l!ii!iii[~!BI 171,0171 aa. Ma.oee7 Wt\lte, '-door, air. tedlo lllOO oeo ~7• cer 1-.d 10 .... 11,IGO e:iondttk1•UP•c:W...._ Nl(tnlee, dwomitcentra pelolMio i.ctw. tr.0001:

li-;;;;~~=·ll """ (OOeOal - 145-1160. 121.000 Dll)'l IU·~: ..,...., ~c. ""'1P Jn ... ,... au .too. ~· ~ A ~ • llm :Z: IHOHOA ·a PAEUJOE E~ 730-5425 llklne. eunroot, nMll.. tss..noo w. 7M-OMS" "~ 1112 t.M1 , 1 , llWI 111. 11uur111J11• ··--·--- --unm 1•1 Ale u ----.. .. := J,.00 ... 1aa.v.. 11• .000. 142.1150 M"'-·"""'· 1 ~ ·~· Aect. er. 00ft.-

c11 or no l'al , ·~· d .air •••r•o -- ........... •-... • ,_,.,.,....,., "' • "" ..... ...... "''""""'~ _,.,.., dlllon tS!I eppt US-2110 13.l) ' ' 2 0 W. K ...... Orenoe .,_, 35nW IHOO. 144- 20I light or•y. ahowroom MERCEDES 1NO 300ld Turbo, t>Mutlful con- • ' '

•11•1 Tnity e lOW.,.....c:etW/ qual"Y· 5~000 mllfl, Tutt>o OieMil. Noty, lrn- d1tlon, orlQINll~ . .. only. 72 .. _11_~---- •11& -T SUI'. """'· Her· ... eunroot, 11110 1r1n1. ew s1t.to0 144-8M3 maculete, 1 ownlf, car rec:orde.. "btue 113,000 PEUGEOT 1 ... 6055

bO'lf llP to 31' bOet. £.z ft11•tN ...... feN ******* IHthe[~:::s) morel fp._1ftl1IW JAGUAR t•JUS<:pe ptw)ne, entoY a belutltul 720-0210 Ou, etatlon wagon , ··-·---·~:t:;-:~:r- lmliitiir....,. ******* lleclt/ten, 90rgeeu1 wtlffe/t.n tnlnt()Ondltlon cl aulc , u .ooo . MERCEDES t9M3809e N ,000 mt ... S.,000 : :.••.~ ~ • ..... ...... * an.- * 1°1 .. n> phanl t33K ...... 24re · 494-2t1C>. Ml'9t ... price 12• soo 120- '* - -

OOCK-15', trom tie Oft .... 11MYWlllHM LwltW1•I111ef •lllMllllUlt ' M£ACfDES 1'83 3000. fdO...c:i4241-3100.' . POASCHE tt72911T ·•• 1lllm77> .. cflannel In N.81 Must " 11-..u .. 11 Bia. elt, lm/ fm cwett• 13590 ~ .. w .. mnatr ........ ,,..,, engine and more. -- REST~EO LIKE NEW • ·---. .. IOllW ~tor bridoe· w/IS~ert, powel'wtn. ...... ll!OOAuto...,.Of, SA l.111111111'11 ucallenl condition MEACM·~D£t_!, 1,91410800190E Call ma 110 000 · ·---~--S2601mo.l1~ dowlllodla, crulM tllt. ••• • 171 2 to chooM from wtlh $12,000 Deya &e2-5«9: - - · 642-2923 ... 1171

·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; RARE 1111 VW c,._ Cab cuttom 5 epotc• 8'Y' ....., rnoorvoof. 1Utomat1c. for e~ T30-5"25 L o / mllaga . 1unroof · MfsC. T~ :i~P 1~:~ Eng Ina


1• !~ AUOf 1914 5000 TURBO, - to I a1 '' La• 111 y ' I -- -- rntsV Qraien 5"9-152& -1111 Ml .. .,.._ Otymplc: model L.oaded. HONDA •17 Accord LX (2R0029f. 2ROl»97) MERCEDES 1913 300 NlSSAN '90 300zx UM 111111 1- UITI Ml Ml W ·

c.,,.,.J!nlll1n fk>l4 V 119111 ftUIWMll 81,000 rnil•. Excellent 4dr. 59'>(1, •7K mllee, orig- * 11 ...... * TurbO dleael, anthltc:it• Gold, II.Ito, toyS. 3e<>O Th\a buu1nul bladl euto- 11&"5 t fr••• •-- .w 9040 210W. Katllla, Oranga con d ition 15 . 350 1nel o wner, U .300 L llW ..e...t- .. grey w/ b!O lnterlOf, 1 rnllas S2e ~. S83-t559 mot>ltat1u123 Htraen- 11~.-a ~199 ... n-• r owner. non/ amkr. car ' ' gine, 11.1tomauc: tran1. an .._ -

20. TreHer In good I 1·1111 2t3/ 592-"256 13590 8-cll 81 Wltmn.str phone alt oPllona, axe.I- d 11 fully loaded from the '--_.....,;:;.....;.__ _ _;,;;;.;;;J

d1t1on. s1eoo. a..~· *TWl20'YAll ******* -~ lent ruM1ng. 1mrnacu1ate lllUIPIUll 1- tac:tory 1010&37> ·79 WINNABAGO 29• Formerty U·Haul lructlt, ACURA 1989 V6L Legend lmn IUDI 'II 11116 611111 'M 11\llde & out. S lS.OOO 1S.-•pd p/ 1 a ir. c .. 1. Nll.M,., ... +tu SUBARU. HHl5 Cll. CH IE FT AN

113,000. rlfurblthad In March of 40R. tully lc>eded, Ille.I· •WO, • 3 tllre, Tahoe Auto. elf (2HXS8'9) llrm 7 l 414JM..5951 and 1Unrool (RLURAGE) 48 rno CiOMd and la&M 4x4 Wagon 5 lpd ale:

440 englM, •9K ml. Mlc:fo- tills year, Including com- lent cond ition. 30,000 Pkge, lull ~ aqu1p 11,HI MASER.All 1982 Oued 494- 1107 satll S3000 drl'ol9 out ,... aunroof tter90 alloy

2 OOf • .,11 1., d Plete .. faty Chac:k new mll .. ••tended wer (2NBA523) --·· 4dr. lulluryMdan, rne1alllc: -I - • •-1..l~f • S12 ,462 86 r e11dual whl1 car co.,.; billa

wive, r .. r · an paint )obi and · h ' • 111,111 -••• brona, 49 ,000 mtlel, ••· 1MERCEOES 1965 300T0 1 ••II ert-. et Toll l o t p 1 y ments re ek $3 ,200 0 80 bad. etc: 751·3215 tell •Oftl wtiefe ':c,:· r anty , S 18,500 day 1500 Auto Mall Or. SA celleflt c:oad1tlon, tpecial WAGON White leatri.t Jiii..,.., ...... S15.88 l 28 plue 11.'! on 836-9702 OVERHEAD CAMPEA Ona h11 rat>ufft .,.,.,1ne 591-2120. eve 873-5679 ...,.. _ IJa..•111 whffl l , S 18 .500 PP , ~ -.-.. ~·bathroom IOCI new catb E•;;.'i.nt BMW 3201 1980 I 1500 Auto Mell Or. SA • 1 1 4·/ 1 2 1 . 0 8 1 I ; unroot Ex c a ll e n 1 I aw.,...., etedlt TOYOTA 83 SUPRA

Ov.n/ 1tov1, ralr tg No rubber on bOth truclle cassette Super cla~· lla..1111 7141476- 11~ . 18 950 759-7035 - 11 2 10~a~anoe 60Kn1 51Pd excell9nl l~•. $300964-5323 Orhmdally, verydepen. One owner $4 500 1~'!;~:' ~~·~.l~t~ot e j -- (l1•) 1Jf·ll11 con<11t1on $5700 OBO

STORAGE Cotta Mffa d l bla 15,995 ea OR 2 675· 7272 need In ctaalflacl , ,.... , .,._... - ,_, I 733-0330

• for S11 ,000 Contac1 Secured parking for RV & Hank Kn. lghl 11 Dally t>Oat etorage S60-S95 P1101, 71'-6'2-"32 1 covered Call 842-5858 ·

--~;;;;~;,;;;/~-;;;;-;;;-;,;;;--;;;;, ' 82CHEVY"VAN Motorcy on·a Nft ores, ' T Ion work van _.Sciioiol.!oot,..en~""'!l'!!"""'.;C7o.J-..;.•.- run 1 gr ea 1 S 1 8 o o 1979 GL 1000 GOLOWING 953-5406 Cyc:Ja. full dre11 l2 ,200 -~------I 0 80 646-2307 - ~.

4 Whfff 0rtve / .Jtts>s Omks 904 s 9030 1958 PONTIAC Chlet111n I

--~Im"!' ..... --._ V8 . 2-door hard top CHEVROLET B LAZER 6 1.000 miles Automatic I

1987. 4 • 4, tan, new Power steering and w es, babied 16 100 brakes 011g1n11 paint re-

s.4~·• 193 Sl<>red in1enor SS 000 494-0591

CIM kUD 1114 ·52 TO MG,,. very clean 1

Au to. alt , p/Wlndows & gOOd CQnd111on. S 12.500 I lock•. CrUIM , cass. maQ j 1•52TDMG) 650-5049

whls. lllt (2ARYY40)

1 ••ttl I CADILLAC ' 1960

.. 30 000 miles lour door Irr-•••••• ~t ..W.S ftrlll ••t con<1111on ona owner I 2MI..,.... ... Ill., s 10.500 640- tu 2

Oetfalleu CHE VY ' 57 BEL -AIR 11 ..... 2 .. 10 I SEDAN 0f1Qlnal con-·--------1 d111on. low mileage runs greet RARE BEAUTY

DodQa 1987 Charger SS!>OO Of lrade 540-6064 4a.4 360.:1 v8. 601< ml IJIC FORD 1930 Model A

cell9'11 cond111on pros· Tu dor go-. con<1111on pector Pllg lull tratlef S7 650 Clays 895 1074 pac kage ga rn e1

1 eve 894·4269

red / ivory s I Q 950 640-1568 I FORD ~MUSTANG

• -------• 289 engine 1u1omat1c I 95• • restoreo 673 0 138

lllZI 'II Moms M ini 1958 Woo<ly TlllPll ••• 1 Wgn Resroreo w11h mag i

A•r c111. p 111,aring I wneels cuslom uP· 11N8005~) ho111ery & new p11n1

""' $7 000, 714/546-2990 I

nte4ertl.WHhrlll lAutoslmporttd 91001 J ... lethr lltlll,, 19 f 6 VW RABBIT GOOCI

Oett1 •u I con<111ton Best oller Call 11.._..2 .. 10 Dave 497·5047

BUY JEEP 1988 Wr1ngler I Sal'\ara edt11on 17 000 mites l•C" ll~nl con· o •·on s 10 !>00 neo ca11 your flrat C•r alter 5 492 7865 througb dass 1 ~ 1ed

0 A T A f ~ ' · '-' ' • ' "' • f' \ A • "'• ~ .- · H•.• .. ,,.~. . . .... ,, •' '

" ' • • ' ' .. I \ .... f . " .... \\

: .. v V .... o4' , f# I I . .. .



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Daily Hit 642-5678


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Huntington Beach Fountain Valley




We will sell your car If after 3 weeks your car isn't sold. we will run your ad tor tree'

NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Just call us to renew your ad.

Run 10 words for 3 weeks at $ 18 50. SSc each additional word Must be prepa\d A word constitutes anythmg that has a space between rt

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--- - ". ----- - - ··- .. ___ - ---..;.--···

-----. 'mfl.\Ul:P lllillii'#lfidlt' l0i\ililiiomiii..,.iiit1iir I .::=mr'. ...,,,._. ,...~ .. t2,... .. ,,. ................ ,............... ~ ,.. ............. ,..._.... ........ "" ...............

!!!.'!!!:. ~"to..5: :r=•i:.11..::.::tm'i-"'= t- ..:.-..::::t-.::'.:: ..:·.~If!:= ,,.,.:."":':: "':'l"m~~ -.W1h•• ...-.~ · ..... c.i.w lilliltMt.UM111~-:- ,,. •M l'tetlttout lw11_...,.... ...... 0111...,.1 .._ ...... Olll . .... ....._a,....c..; NtM

• - 1'1MAiiel:A#AA'111mitT8 AIMn H._.,., ...... .-ri...,_, .. ,._,..._,c.11. 1. 1:11 •M • ITUDY ~L.U•11•Ml0t- JrMk Hueo ........ &:.....- .... lfte. , ,_.. ....... 311 • TU8TtN 14441 fllMMlt ltMI AM =·~· ......... C.... llw, ~ ~ .......... IOMI 11 ... Cllloli CAl OfllOUf' HO II" 1UU Cott......- Cir., C II 1•. tnt1 Lllpa '- N OMp, .,,,_ ~ Or• • =· n..t.0.. IMIO · ~::1"'-. :_ C.. llM 1 .. f1o.rtioDl'M.W..... UWr "'-" IJ Dl&tlt •-..Dr ............... ~..._, CeM, •I, l.lilllN Nlpil, c.. . .;..,c..-.·n91 • ·1ee:. """ - - · 1M4 ... ~ ....... 11'1w "-· .. , c.lf. tllll ,....., ,._. II ...._,Cell, 11110 Nt4l' MW TNI bu16neM 11 ~ I lo .. ''°"' ... Ml ..... Ill 1rt•.t• ............. Com Mw. fNI .,..,__ II """' TM ........ ....,_. TNI'IW .. 10n- TNI .....,_ II OOft- In lndl"11folll .-,.. c:. ..- .::.,.....,..=-. Cllf, W ..... iW:MRNt• , ..... . MQ~MKT· ,..,...,...,,., ........... dl"*'• ..... ':t;.:"'llOllltCM ,-.. ,.;...trM.{11 OOfft•

!!!!!!~:·;·;·~·:·;·;·~!!!!!~ ! ,,. ...... 61 oon- ~ 11'19 ,.:: n. ...._ 61 ..,._ T1'e l"l01Ult9'1f1CI) ...... ING 1 ... In ar._. C01.fttw Oft The ,......,Mt(I) IOMo -~-- em(I) COM• nwad to trMWt .... .,...w. 111 .,....., w - ...._..,_..,,llW ... .,.... to.....,......,.. D. Jl'UeUC~ Julr 10_, 1110 ''ll 1MM141 to.,.,..... .... ......,.'°.,_..., !Ml-,.. ...ww tM ~ TM ,..,,..,.....,1 OOlft- eu.iness. MIN(•> ltltlid The ,..._.,,IC•> ... w ....,.... • ~ ~t. eom .... -.neut N0.'411117 w urmw ._ ,.,...... ,... UlldW u. ~ ._...,_... "tMll•I 11


VehlO taiDt ...._. tO .,.,.._ ~ ~~,_ ,....... '° .,.._.. ~ hllftW ,..,....,, llMM No. M-12. ~ .... llMo "rrp1ri•1a........., 1nc.. eu.i,,... MINl•I !Isled lllelftW ~•J u.ted llbowort!.M,2'4 '"° .,.... =1JJld ; It 1'1111 ..... 1t11 ~ -..... ........ _ IWll...., W. 'lcttttoul ...... ; .-.,. -l,1MO 101,,lnt '"d I01dlnt C•OtTa.2'90Mot*OOr. llt0¥lot1: N/A llbolMOl'l:.-...,.10, tMO AoberU ....


' .... -) Mt .. ,,..stllli11911fW lual!\119 .... __.,, llMM "'*'*tO.~ PfO'Mlonl ot Humtfttton._..,.,........,,..,...,..,· l"tlnll~HoffnlM ,........_,,,p, lflil T...... -• •unroo"( Te ;•~-: · .,....-:: 1Mo s

1 wlth~-~c.t:-otOh ....,. ... : MIA"~ TNI •••wl w fllllcl a..ati 01•1MoeCOdland TMt ~~ - Thilil ... ...,_.,. - Ntd Thia••••·~ ... llfill w1tt1ctMeo:;"'a:'ot.OI' -. 111-W • • . LYM V• '9norw .... _,.. . .., on n , Ndwd " · l'fltl ...,. ... County an of Or- Oowni- lpeollc ""'"· dllOled by. OOtpOratlofl w+th IN Coutlty c.t:.·OI Ot- ...... tM ~a.ti of°'" ..,.. County on AutUll 2 a ' Thlit t1ta1a: ... 1 .. flld IMO . - !Nt ••a••lf ... fllacl Wiii COUl'lt)' on Ai9* 11, ~l. f!lulllol11-.tMOlly'1 U. M.....n ........ M01 Cowll~ Ol'l ..... . U,.,... ~on-~ Q. 1HO '

tii#d!M4(W0\40N wtt11t11eCownfy0....010t. Wlttlthlec.;;.ty06st:ot0r· ltia ~...,..,_ ...... lfllltfiU.Countytain:ofOr· 1t00 1llO ir.-11 l•C•ll1nt condition . 1!'111 County on Aufu1t I . ~hsl°::S:.,. err =County on Auouaf 17, ~~·"'=~II COMMINTI.,;.! =County on Augult 2,, IM:llllhlO Otlnflli '1'o: ~ Orlfntl ~ Publlahed 0t""99 Cout ~41

d•Y• only ttiO ......,. 11, ». 1HO Nmttl ~Plot' H..,.. mey not":.~ to 1 l"ublattld or co.ti Piiot llpMimbef 2. 1 . EMiiy Ptrot .....,Mr 2, 1, o.My.::,~~2· it. 2t,

I l'VMlngt "'*""*' -0r..,,. Coeel lu-Mo ~ °'""' twnber I, . . '"° ofNr9. No action Cll'I be 0-"Y JIJUot -~ ' · • • ~3. '"° tt. 2:S. '"° 9lpt ' 81.1-511

vw ,... .. o.11)' "'°' """* 11 M Dllfw Pilot Al.IQUll :lt, .... ~ llkS'I by OOW'Oll M.,,.. llml; 1:"'...:"'~'~"'~-;;;;;;;;~'. l::!!i!j~~~ .... ="':11:J~~:::!~~ .... E":' /:;~~~~!;;: Good '** 10 llChool cw, ~ 2 . • • '"° . ' Pia.IC lll1lC( timber 2, • . ' '· INO I . COHNHT CAllNOAA • ' Th-612 Pia.JC NOTICE runt & looti:a good. .,... ~ JWUC ftOTIC( 1!·2. VICltlonofportlonof ..,_.,. MOTIC( PWlJC NOTU t 1 100 OIO l4f.040t AClllNUe •Fl I 'JM ~ J '" Old ..,..,ct Streat. ~ · ' · ,.....,..,_.,. I ractneouewu 1-2. A1ti••101 1•1• rtm.ICNOTlCE racTTnDU1wH Aennoue-.. PICTrr?DUa....-:u

WI 1179 Bua Comtrtlb?e. TM~ pel'ION.,. "8JC NQTlC( MAm ITATWT 111111ment1 Ind mltlta- IT AT IM I 111 I op; NAm ITA'l'alll.NT ...... ITATWT ~:'-'" =~.:~~~~L:· ..C~.=:ru ~=:-IC~ OF ...... Cou..T l~=f::::-.,.=.lor~tl~ ,_~:.~ .. ~==:~-·~=f:*""'.,.~~E:::::~

VW '10 8U() CQNV ii500 The~ ppgw we MUSIC, llOS Otlf'IOI A...... DI' CALW0MU. MAAllEWORK8 l!TC.. I! ..... Dilpolll of ,_.,.do DNM,TWI; ~ NfWPOl'IT HEAL TH 8f'AMPIOE ITUOIOI , VICE 11531

~Ont Clt -Nbult . d<*la bullt-. .a: eo.ta ...... Cllf. •1t21 couwn DI'.,,,.. 2'2 w........, Street,~ CM _.. "'tla'IM • Viti- FtCTITIDUI •u1111111a GROUP. 234 E••I 1701 3l'I HMlllton Stt'M4. ee-a di Fountain V.-,.Y c.llf

on englN. ~ FlNE IMAGE GLASS Paul 8 .V, Owlt, 190& Ot· Ir! the Men1t of"""~ a.en. CMll. 12113 °""-· ..... St,... ~· 111. COit• ...... Cellf. '2G7 127oe . . 109, """'"'-· grMt In- 9051 Collier lro w .. t: ..... Avie .• co.t i ...... e.tlon of JEN NlfEA IALO TNl'l . ....-n.. 2,2w11r1111 Et llthywCommuntty I ~·c.111. 92927 ~f. Hutne, , l71H- "'- ... ., .. Th•b••U· 11rlor, AM/ FM We, l'l'llMt.- Cell1 I~ . Cllllf. •2127 on behatl of TAIATH St., Newpot1 IWll, C.W. Deus a~-1 ~ Otll'lt T?le tollowl!'lf P9rlOn '- Mlch •el D. Murr a y. lllon 8tI•. ca.ta ....... Bnooi 11531 01-.:ltlont ~· °' ... , .. 12eoo 080. ~ ForO to58 Collier TMt w.tna. •• con, l YNN DU£NAS, • minor t2M3 buOQel. -.tthcf(- ... ~II pit'!- O.M.D .. 7512 Ellll A¥9. •J7. Clllf. t2127 Qrdl f°"'1t91r! v.._ c..

PP. Ma-<t1tl l" WMtm1n •• ., C• Jlf OUGt«I by. .... lncft...iou.i No. A 1ss.:sta ~ J . Mo6CIMtct , E-l. ..,._,t ~ ,.., "°'" ltll ~'*INC> op. Htmlll'lgton 8Mch. c.i11. Gltetyn "'*' Hurriey, 371 12709 ' WANTED· Prtvl 1tUJ . ' TM reg1s1r.nt(1I com- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 11731 l!K:I• . Huntf"otoro the AIOl1U1l~t Agetlcy •tllroo urodet lhl flct1tioul t2tft H•mlllo" S!tHI . Co111 TNt IM.ltl"Hs

11 con-

. •• party ,,.. ~ .. con- mtr'IOlcf 10 lrlt1MCI ~ F()Jl CHANGE Of NAME liMch. CINI. 12147 anct Pa:llftc COMt Cotpor-~ Mme of THE UN- AngMel Mlf'llla Murrmy, MeM.. Celt. 12127 duclld by. an lrodMdWll roe•d• cheap , Clearo dlM:ted by. 11'1 lndMcfuel - urodll' the fletltlout JENNIFER SALO on TllM bull,...., •• coro- •tloro - Hunllnglon KNOWN ARTUiT oll 301 E. 7562 Elli• ....... •J1. H\lnl· Tti.11 buelMe• .. con· The . llltll'I s com-cat/pk:ti~p/vM . Ca1h . Tl'll reglllfllf'll(l l COin• llu•l"••s n1m~1) lltl•cf Wlalf of TABATHA LVNN ductlcl by: • ~ .. .,..,. Projecl AtM. ltlh Slrtiet. Coeta ....... •noton BMdl. Cllff t2"8 OuctldbJ': fluManclWtdWlfe """'*' ~ ,,~ bull·

573-0587 rnerlOlld 10 lrll'INICI buel- •bowon: N/ A 0U£NAS. ernlroorn.lllede '*1INp E•7, ... _.. - Mlllro- c.lff . Thi• bl.llln•11 II COl'I • The regl1trant(I) com- NM wndlt the ,,... uroder !he flctltlOut Pa.ii S .V. Devil pe!Hlon In INt Coutl lor 11'1 The reg111rant(t) com- 1lt>eroce and Nie ol ....nlctM The tlctillout bulltlMI dueled by· hulbarlcf lll'ld wife ll'l9flCecf lo tranMC1 bu• lutlnetl "•IT!e4•l llitect

AutCNOcNMICk 9lCX> lwilnet• "'"'~') llated TIMI tt1temen: wM lllect order allowlrog petlllon .. to~ to 1Fet1MC1 bull· Mllldp!#'9"111'111olhellWI nll'l'lell•tementtotthlpart- The reg l•Tr•nl(i l com- ,._. utlOlt the FlctHIOut at>o¥eon· Fl'bn.lety27

1tt0 •bow oro· AuQu9I 1 1990 wflh the County c-. ot Of- cllatlge 11111,,... n1tn1 rrom ,..... tMtOer tM Flctttiou. lorfeiture ptogtMI ,..,.,.Ip - Nied oro s.p. marioed lo l•--.::1 bull· Bu11ne11 n1"'e(1) Jiited AoM M ThatloMl.t-B~

- 1111 ltllllrt Aancty Fonf ' ange County' on Awgu11 7. TABATHA LYNN DUENAS Bu1ln•u n1m~s) Hated 1!:4. l!:)llMllOl'I of egr.- !ember I, , 1"8 In the .-. under Ille F'lc1HIOU• •bove Ol'I~ NIA Thll .1a1.,,..,..1 WM fll.o '-doof, Aft electric. ~ Thit •llt_,..,I - tlled 1tl0 to TABATHA l YNN SALO. .00.... on: Auguel 27, 1tl0 tnent • COMHIM ln-trnent County of 0tang9. Bui!netl ntme(t) llttecf 0..tyn Sl(>lro Hlil',_,. wflh the County Clertl ot Ot-

lhlny! S3500 with ll'lll County c~ 01 Ot· ,__,., If I• lllt.oy orderld 111a1 TIM R. lutM Group • ProlK! Ft,111......,. aroct AddrHI o1 above on· Augull 2,, 1990 Thlt 1tat.,_.,t _WM MOe County on AyOuat 2 169· 1552 , ange Cou ty A t 1 Pvblllh9ct Ol'lll'lge Cout 9ll '*"°"' lnl1t•led In !hi• Th .. llllel'l'llrll WM lllld ArM, <.> Illa p.,ton Wllhdrtwl"g: MlchMI D. Murrty with the County C~ of Ot~ 1H0 '

• lHO n on UOUI · Delly Pllol Auguti 11, 29, "''lier •lor•1ld appear wttr. the Coutlty Clark of Of. E· t . Aoctger1 Senlort Nlgll Cl'latlM P.9ge, 13@ Tt111 11atement w•• 111911 lll'lge County Ol'I Augvlt 2'. F-..0 CADILLAC 1971 Sevtne ,..._ $9ptembet 2. 1, ltlO blfore lhl1 court lro Depart- •nos County on AIJtul! 17, Cent• - o.lgrolbulkl OOC:~ Santt ... Oii A~m.nt e with the County Clet~ of Of. 1HO Publllhed Otlroge Coe•t

Hght grlMl'I , ~' wit• Pvblllhed Otet'IQll Cout Slr-52' """' No. 3A II 700 ClvlC 1tto rntrlis . Cell for Bldl. Colt• u.... 'c1111. . aroge Couroty on Augu11 23, ,...,.. o.lly Pflol AU(IUll 12. 1t. 21 . ...neef1, new t09/tlr11. PMot AU(IU•t lt. 29. Center Drive W•t. Sarot1 F.- E-10 . Supplemen111 Pvbllllhecf Otano- Cout 1'90 P\lblWled Orange Cout Sec>lemblr

7, ltlO

I• at he, s 3 loo Seolemtiet 2 a 1990 "8JC NOTICE Ana, Callfornl1, oro Oclotiet Pi.ibllehid Oteroge COM! egr-.i1 with G. M. Boe· Dally Pilot Augu•t 19 28 ,...,.., Deily PIM>t $epllt?lbel' 2. t . Su !20 75 1-097, · · · · Su-525 t . 1tto 11 2:00 o 'docll p .m .. Dally Pllol Augu11t 28, Sep- ton Com9ert~ tor Hu11tlng1on $epllt'!Mr 2 1 lt90 ' · Publlahed Oftnge Coelt 18. 23. 1990 •

. f'ICTTTIOUI ........ aroct tl'lltl and lhlrt lll'low llf'lti.r 2, • . 18, '"° H• clNl'l·UP ' ' Su-53e Deily Piiot $e;)litmber 2. a , Sv-511 ... _ ... Mft'hl'r C.clHlac 1985 COY •-.,. _..llC[ tu• 8TA ..... llfl' CMIM. II tltl)' lhey "9'<'9. why &·5'' E- 1 t . Aulhorlio111on to 19 23 lHO ,_ nu1ftol:

Belge, loaded. "'Int con- ,--..., "" Thi lollowlrog P91'1tON .,. Mid petition tor cflerlge of 1Ubmlt dlMblll!y ret1r.,_.,1 ..,_.,. NO..,."' · ' Su-5Y "8.tC JllTIC[ f'ICTmOUe ., ... ,. d lUon 15•50 557-e2&4 ........... bull-au namelhouldrool tieor1r1ted, ..,_IC NOTll"r app11ca11or1110 PE~S 1 --!':!!!!~~:..!!!!;•~~~-- 1 ----------11 -:-:=:::""":":':"'.::c:- I 110-2&31 ' . . PICTmOUa ..,_.. -p.:c1F16A so'FTWAAE It 11 lufttllt oroar.ct Illa! I ,---. nw: E- 12. Beac:ll MalrolltllrlCe FtCTmOUI ....... NAllll ITAft•llfl'

T~rn.WT TECHNOLOGIES, 11231 Ellll Cop)' ol thll order to lll'low Ftennaut .._.. f9Clllty • Appropriation ot rM:nnout ...,..... PlllllC fllTICE ...... ITAft•WT The~ WIOnl ... CADILLAC 1975 Eldorado doing~ pertonS ... Ave,,.,,. •3C Hooll"tlOl'I C.UM be publllhed Ir! Ot- ....... , • ......,. lunct1. r:~':! 1r1 ftCTITIOUS 1U.-11 Ttoe lotlowlroa pel'IOl'll ... ~:u=:o. 32221 Conv. low mlle bNuty. Ntwlll u: EA BMdl Calif a'2Me eniae eo..1 Diii)' PMo1 , 1 ThllkillowlftOJ)ltlOl'lltr• E- 13. Alt•,,.t•Commut• dolroa~H· .,,_ITA......,. dOlngbull""'" All paz •

171 Sefl Ju•n

a..1 °"" over 15500, sE':. l\llERA CL NINO .. are l Jullut 8231 Ellll "•••P•P•I ot gener a l doing~ .. Plan. er: sf w Es TERN The lollowlrog pel'Mlf!I .,. !•IKD LEASING COM· C9P11trMiO, G8Ht 11875 850-1150 820'\11C~3:12 .y~or'C.!:. Avenue ' •C. Munll"OiO" clfCUl•t+ori , pu!>lithedlrltl'lll MANAGEMENT DE · E- 1' DemoltUon of Vitt· C7P•ESS 'NN 7,1 , W•t d~bu .. .._..u PANY (O)KO DEVELOP- Otte M•k ... llh R" dOo

. I• - . BMch C9111 t28'1 county 11 IMllt once• W.- vtLOPEMENT SERVICES out ttructut• -.!lhln 1• · MENT COMPANY !381 - · CADILLAC '82 ~It.,... IH21 ,. .. _:..._ M·-~- '"' for lour conMCu!I .... ....ell• ,,, · · -'"· ~- - : 0.•efOQrTlel'll II- - G<- K•lll ......... . St.,,ton. CalH A IMAGE LIMOUSINE . 32221 Allpa.i • 171 , S• n

I a.or,. H Khoury 332 ..,_ _ -·"- · ...,....._ ...,,..., 10 to110 COMPANY . 4~MllCAttllur Com,.,..,clal Orr .... Hun!- Jue n Ctpliti•"o C • lll g 1n1 . tr1n1m l1s lon . Vlel _ S · 82<M Cot SundlalDrtveUnltA.. C'*'c""°'101r..d• yotMklhMt- portBMcfl. CellltHe3 1M 19cflf'I0. 1roe Win Time Lief 133s81Yd• 2 1a , Newport8"ch , lroalonBeactt. C1111t2~ia t7e

75 ·

btak• need wor~ . Beel ~Calif! 9 . t• Hlh Clllf 11709 "\ ..... 111. Perry Bowman E· 15 GtS'11 ot M-.-it . KMrny ..... Road. San Calif. 12900 beVICI p ENM. Sll1 com- TIW bulln••• II ton· CUh oil• 213/ 7S&-617"4 Thlt bu . I 2927 I T,;.. bull"••• ti coro- ATE. AUG 30 1990 Wtcf J..,._ 1(.....,, Bowm1r1 S IS Ww111t Ave . E/ O 0 941 Diego. Cel!I. t2'428 lktbar• Ru .... I. ,._c191 Omioe. Hoolirootoro ctuct«I by •n lroct•vklual

CADILLAC •79 Eldot'ldo. c:lueted by ~:J....,!,.fon · ducted Oy: ~0¥!111tl J JULI::, ~~l~:·~t:; IOl ~Ford A .... • Wiim: ~~WIS Oo!hatd, S IO Th11 butlnett 11 con· 4500 MtcArtllu.! 8tvd •219, BMdl, Call! 12'149 The ra.g1111•n t(1) tom-Oleiel Sh1rp 8tK TM reg11tr•nl(1) com- The reg•it i • nlft! com- c~• ,,. "'°'D:"· C.MI 907 44 f. . 11 - 0 ., .. ducledby • ~ml! edp.artlllt'- ~BMch. Celil 12MO Kwl F Elin . $3e1 Com- meroced co lranMC'I bull-

s 0 · rnerlOlocf t 1 1 tiuai. menoad 10 lrll'IMCt !:Mal· l'h•1 t>u1lnu1 11 co"- 1 or lh<p Thi• butln••• 11 con· n'letoel Ortve, HunUngton "'"' wroOe< the FICl!tloue loaded 2350 O B . ,_. 000:. ~:s-"Flctnlou ,_. urodet 1,,. Flctltiout ,,.,..,.,If• Salo. 2327 S9nt1 dt.lcled by hulbllnd .,.a .ii. 1e rv1c e1 between At - The reglillafll (ll com- duc:llKI by Ml lndlvlctulll 8-ch. C.Wf lil<'8'9 Bull"••• "•me(•) ll itea


-6589 B 1 1

Bu11ne11 na"'e(I ) ll lled A"• Ave • Cott• M"'· CA Troe •egl1tr1nt(1) tom- deveiopmerol Agency • net - - od 00 •••··-• • ·• - Tn.e ,.,11,,•"l!I) com· Tn11 bu11"n1 11 ton· ·-·- - . " ' ' 'o"o , .. 1 '~.~- u• n•••. n•me(e ) U1l•d lbov9 Otl, Not -'PPl!c:tiblll 1214'7 menced to lrll'iatcl Dull- Redwine l nO Sri.trMI . Mal" · .. ._ ... ,,_ .,.. ti '" unln- ......., ... ,

..,,v• ·~ N/ nAK Mlle L Ju~ Publllhld Oftnge Coal! ,_. ul'ldet the FlcllllOUI Pier Projolcl ArH _ Sup- neu ul\Otlr the f'ltlftlou1 rnencect to !t*'1MCI bu ... cfutted Y' .,o..,. Aucflfl ' dr . power windows, -- H. lloury T..... 0 1 - Detty Piiot Sepiemtier 1 8 B ) p!emer1lel egr..,...,..t Bu11ne 11 no1me<•! ll•l•cf,..... unoet rhtl Flctltlou1 corpor11ect ••toc 11 11on Thll •l•lement •U hied crulH control $5 900 Thlti •1•1-1 was l'llect .... •ta_, wu 15 22 990 ' ' u"nets "•me<• 11 •••ct E 7 1 •bove on. Augu•! 14, 1890 Bu11ne11 neme(1) U"ed Otllef rnan t P..-IMJ.tup wotri ,,.,. County Clerk ot Ot-0 80. 088· 2098. ' wlll'I the Coun.., Cler- of O• · lll'lth 1114 County Cieri< ol Or- · ·

1 •bo.,.. on Augu11 I , 1990 •

1 Acc •ott nce 0 A.,,,. J 0 .. above on Auguit 25. IMO Tlla 1egl11r1ntf1) com- ·~ "°""'' _ •·-·•• >.

•-· " ~ Coun•> ~ Aunu .. t I St701 •·-K "--· - quotCl • lm de •cf from ¥ ~.-., ' O • .• -· -· . arooe .,.,...,1y on Augu•t 1 ...... ....- . ,._,_ ...,.......,, Sou p fie t Thi• ,,,,..,..,.., Wal t!led Barb .... Ru ..... I ,,_.._... 0 lll"IMC .""' • , Piii '14 HIT• LJ 1900 '

11 Th11 1to11ernen: was !llecf lllarn tel •lntpor- w!ln 1,,. Courii, Clerk ol Or- Tlllt 11o11emeon1 wa• r~ neu u"°9r 11ie flcl•lloul ,. ...

P:-1 PlBJC NOJtC£. wllh 4114 Count7 Cl9tk ol Qr . ll hon Co IO< !Pie P1et110. '' '"' C o c ... -• .-... B 1lne11 "l t m..,•I lleted Very 1harp, run1 soper. '4"a4 Publllheoel O.•roge C.O..t County on A 11 15 P•ope!'ly 9(>ge County on Augv11 23, wo oun Y '" .... - u ,.. F'ut>lilt>Ml Ot•roge Coast Whit•. A I C . automttlc. D ~~~f*' 0t.,.,.. ~· D••ly Piiot Augull 10 :M ftCTrTIOUI ...,..... : uou . E- 18 seniem.nt ot Shell 1t9o = Counly Ol'I Avgull 21. Ibo ... on, Augu11 14, 1990 D9tl)o Piiot Augult f2 19 4'1 1uro roo! , 72K mt l•• . s!,,i11m:. 2A1'u1•~ • · Septemtier 2, 9 '"° · · NA•ITATI•NT ,~1 Qllp.octuc11ont" Publt.iiect 0tino!''ro!: ,417M

7 ~.~101ia1::=, 1 •a• lllect S.01...,bef' 2. 1990 ·S\> ·

5 ·

S4350. 1133-3310 d1yt · • S 528 ' S... -530 Tlte followlng 1*90tll trl Put>J!lhecf Qftnge Coul F AOM IN IS T RAT IVE Diiiy Pt1ol SeQlllmbel' 2

. Ii, Put>lo.nect Orange Coait .,.th !he Cou"IJ Cle<k OI 0..- • 2' 1 840-6930 •V"'11"GI u- dOing bulll'IHt u · 0.lly Pllol Augu1! 21. Sep- ITEMS 11. ''· 1.....,., D•lly Piiot Sepllt?lber 4' , I , ange County oro Augu1t 23, -- -•"C NOTICE AB SOLUTE WINDO W temblr 2 a 111 '"° F· l PrDPOMO Holl~ · S... - ..... 1900 Pllll.IC NOTlCE

FORD '118 THUNDERBIRD ' P\ltlJC N0TIC£ rwau WASHERS. 2se11 Arl(IOl'I · · · Su· 5'42 c1o11 O.Vetop"*'t AQr.,.. Su·55e 16, 23. 1980 Su·5el 1 f4t790l l---'-'"""'-"""-""---Elan, Fully lo1d9d. mus1 l'ICTl110Ul IU ... lt Wty. Yoroo1 Uncta , C.111 ......,1 · Ptc1!!c Coat! Hor-. Publilhect O. Coa.t ftCTITIOUl IU ... 11

'•,·~ ~.,,•,• .. 900 p Bo , FtcTITIOUt IU ... a• NA• ITATl:llllNT 92~?',._.~ w 1111-- •. ,__ PtlllJC JIJTICE Pt':~2 •or 0ow,.~~?,:n •n""~'. P\et.IC MJTIC[ DIDIJC NOTICE 0..1)' P•IOl Sep111m1>e< 2. a . NA• ITATl•NT N...- ITATl•JfT The lollovrnng Plflonl 111 ....,, _,~, _ ,. "' · " ,,,_ 18, 23 1iil90 tne IOllowlng '*~ .,,

The lollowt"" -~ .,1 ......:nn ..,_, 258 17 Aragon Wo1y, Yorba ·--·• ---·· "*Cl• I to<e l tH ftCTfTIOUl IU-11 s.,,..554 dOlllg ~ u . . .. ..... ¥~· ......... ne .. u Lll'ldl . c .. 1f 92&e7 ""'"""'"' -- F-3 Aec:om'"""'°thof'I ol ...... ITATl•NT l'temtoUI .u..... HUN TI NO TON FUNC · , ... (-T... CI OU"O but!-.. THE UNKNOWN ARTIST, Tn10 • ··11 .... 1 ,, ,,A_ NA• ITA.TIMEllfl' l ltwan. ... _.,. cll7 The I.....,__.,, -ICl!IS -·· NA.Ml ITAn:•NT T•ONAl ASSESSMENTS

OPEN CHURCH U INIS· &>190 Grl()I L•ne. Bullctlnog - ., The '°"°"""Cl perton1 .,. -• ~·-- " .. ,..... - .,_IC NOTICE Auto . 11r. tlereo t•••. TRIES, 1300 Adam• •SK, C, Cotti ....... C• l1! 929211 Oucted by • n 1no1 .... au.. OOlng bullnnt.. dep•11men1 dOlnO tivtH'leal •• The IQllowi...g pel'l&>I .,. r~ PHYSICA L THERAPY COA·

p l 1teer•roo 12EOE590 ~ Coet• M ... , Clllll 9418211 FUc Pl•rd Cn1rle1 Trria1· Tn• •eQ!tlt•nl(l l com- OATA MED EXECUTIVE G ORDINANCES FOR THE COLLEGE CCNNfC· ctoino bu.inn. ... FICTITIOUl IU ... •• PORATION, 11700 ..... n St

llfll J- ._.,.,.Rutz. 1300 170 5 She rlng1on •20 , ~~ •;:~ll=~ SEARCH , 431~!•Ave , A~~:~Clinll'ICeNO 3073 =· 1 ~~~5~ ... ~ri',~: IN~l~~T'rl 1 ;'~6~11!;'!:: NAMISTAft•NT ~~~17 .92~;11ngton S..-cn.

...... llMinF1r .. =:~2~ic Co111• Mfta. ~=:.;-i:~ 9~~ ~=·=A::.~~~ . ii=d co:n~.ClelLM.,Ru.=i .92~~ ~~'~°:~ c~~~':!.. 507

M0tn<"" l:;'"3Newoor1 BHcfl C.itt 0:.,:::::=:rton1.,• Pn='j;!.:..~~~C~-!llller'9tlh4.., T,.._ butir .... '' ton- CIUC'lldby • n1nC11...oo.I &entemin W N•lb<lt Begoroi• Ave , Cororoo1 Ciel HJol1 .. ty Ruldel'll lti •! C.,,yon Ad . Cororoo1 o; Bud S+mmt. 117Ri....,l'Oe BA YVI EW FINAN CI AL lorro<ol 332• ~le A,..

..... ... OOcled Dy tn ind1V10u•I The •9Qlll t o1n l(t ) com. Tllli 1111...,.,,1 was flied Mii. Cell! 17«125 !he toulll-t cornet ot the Mii , Celi! Ave . Newport Beach, c.JH UNLI MITED. 4122 Oi 1nge ...._ ,...;.._ C9!it II""'"• 71'-MJ• t• f ile feQlll•l"l(l l com- '"'ll'ICecf

10 l•ll'IMCt Duel· wttn the County Clerk of Of- Th•t bull,,,. I• 11 toro- 111terMCllCWI of Wat,_,. Ave llrtl • f I Wall y, 5202 t2ee3 Sl< HI. Newp.o<l Besch, ..,. rN'"';" bull"e::'

11 coro·

,,... un61ot 1ne F1C1!1lou1 Bu11n111 ro o1me(1J !11ted -...-- · Tne reg111•t nl(1) com- · · d ll'ld .,.. .._ .... ~ 1 1 , eo.. ..... • ......... ~ ' :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:/~ to 11anMC1 bull· - ....,...,... troe Flct111ou1 1~ Count• on A•""•t t 23 ducted by 1r1 lncllvldu.. l Lhlle l - Crown Coutl . WM!m!nil., , Th11 ..ou1•ro••• 11 con· C•UI 14'ee3 d· -t.O 0..- 1 t-"""••-Bw1lne1s n tm--'• I lilted ..__ 4 ,, .-. "° 1 G- 1b O<ct •n • "c• No C.H 921583 UCllKIOy.,.. 1Vld ·.....-• ro-men • The r99111ro1nU 1J com .

., '"""• on or ...,,,,, 1 · f4t7,10 rnencect to l<anaac1 bu., . 3074B • Aernov9d regu- Th11 l>u•ln••• fl con. Tll4 •eQl•lrlro1i1I com- por11ion, Cllilor"" Colp . mtnOld to lr111WI butl ·

Ibo ... on NIA Rlcl'l.,ct C Tr ioo Put1111hed 0.ol~ Cout ,_. under tPll Actillout l1tlon1 pe.1.,nlrog lo hedQe ctuctld Oy )Clinl -11ure rnolf'ICect to lfMIMCI bull- ,22 5 El Cemlroo RMI •37, ,_. undlt 1114 FicliloOUI F• TAllll •. J- H Rull Thll ll•lement ..... !lied 0..1)' P11o1 5«>1itmtie< 2 t Bu1ln••• no1 me(• ) u111d htlognt "'"Thtn Ill .,Cl.,.. Troe r-e••t1 1t1t{1I com- ,,,... ""°"" 1he f1C1 ltl0u1 San C..,,...,,te . c.111 92972 Bu11ne11 n1me(1I 1111ad

Th11 1t1t~1 ,. .. !tied lll'llh rl'ltl County Cletk ol Or· 18 23 1HO · ' •tlove on Augvtt 13, 1990 Publt"""° o. !roge C:O..t menc:ea 10 1,.,..MCI but¥-- Bu1lne11 n•me{1) Uslect R1ch•rCI SuUlv•n . 222 •bOWI oro July 111 1890 Only 15, 1'8 Klull mllea ""'h the County Clertc ol Of, •,"119 Coun1y on Aug1111 II, · · 0.tlf• AulMll 0 0 , S.O 2 ~· lbove on. A• ..... •11 10. 1tt0 Ors"• St1eet . N••l'O•-t M- ••·;o ••m'-•o

Ol'I this \1·8 Mdarol Take I et'1Qe Coun!y on Aug.ult 17 990 Su-552 TPiil •1•1-I WU "'-' 1 1111~ •IOI l9'"tie< . ,_. undel' the r"'ullou9 -...... ... -- ,.._ ... ,,.,..,,. ...,R,_ _ . .., 1990 _ . ..,.. . ,....., 990 lull"••• na"'e(I) H111ct Bua Simm• _..,, .,._., ,._, Th•• •letemenl ,. .. hied

tnl drl.,,. llld )'OU' ll N I ....... with Ille County Cletk ol Ot- Su 5&t tbOwo on Augull 15. ltlO f'hll .i11-.1 wu n11uc1 Thi• butlro••• 11 con· wnh !he Couroly Cle<k 01 0

,_ tlki"O this t>Nuty home! f-11 PuOli.ried Oraroge Coftt P'IJBllC fllTIC( iange County on Augu11 !5. • lfflie Z•lk "'"'h the Co1,'" IY Cllttl of Of. outt9d by t ..,,.,at P"11- anoe County on A•...,ull

2 ( 18857,l Publllhed O.ange Cou1 D• lly Pllol Augul! llil, 7«1 . 1990 Thi• 1111

_..1 •• lllld .,.... County oro A,,,oguel 23, ,...,91'11p

1990 -· ' * 11.C "' ... D• lly Pllol A-:xull 26. Seo- Septlt'ltier 2 ' · 1990 ,tCTITtOUI au•••• ,_ PUBLIC MJTICE Wlfh 1114 Couroty Clerk of 0.- 1990 The feQ!tlr•nl(I ) com- f"..aJ112

L M •• __ , .. llt'lbef 2, 9, 1 ' 1990 Su-532 JrilAMI ITATl:MIWT PuOl• lhed Or•nQe COUI ·-n·-·• au-•• .,.... Coun!) on Augu11 23, 1"4'1'414 rnenced 10 ltll'INCt bull- Publllhect °'•"""' Co•ll IUI.. " • , Su· !'15 Tri. lotJowing pel'l&>I tr• 0 111y PHol Augutt 21. s.p. ... ........ '"° Publl1necf Orange Coetl ,,.. und ... ,,,. Flctllloul D•lly PllOt Augu11 ·r2- It 26

13590 Beach 8 1 W11mn1tr P\8LIC fllTK:( doing l>ualneu u · llt'lblr 2. t . llS . 1'90 NAMI ITATIMINT '411• 0111ty Pllol Se9lemtie< 2. 9. Butlne11 n1"'e(ll 1r111d S.ptitmt>er 2 1990

· · ·

~":~~l~l~J~-l~Hl;~~~l·~~Ml~~IC~NO~T~ICE~~- 1:~~~~~;~~ I SHOOT THE WAVE , Su-!>40 Tiie loll47wlng Pl'IOl'll tr• PublJtllea a..,.... Cout 11. 23, 1990 aboveoro· Apr~ t , 1990 • Su ·&llil PICTITIOUI 90 ... 11 11271 Sitter , Fount1lro Vtl , doing butlnen.. Diii) Pilot ·~tlt'lbet 2

. t . Sw-5"9 Or E, V1r1 Ptlfly ftCTITIOUI IUUlllaSI NAMI ITATl:MIWT le)- , Co111t 12708 l'lB.JC JllftC( WESTERN ORE CO . 741 11 23 IHO Thl1 1111-1 w•t lllect 1---------

0MC t989 Suburtl•ro ..._ ITATUllfWT The IOlfowlnO Pl"IOn• ,,. f oon111n Viney P•lnl• Olamonct St . L-ciun•, ' · Sv-!53 •-.,. NOTICE wtth tl'lll County C•k o4 Of., --~Ml,.,,1,CcNO""T"l'C'E--• d 27 000 I , __ _. _.. The 'OldOwlr!O pel'IOl'll • r• doing bu......... Inc ' Ct lllo•nlt , 11271 ,ICTtTIOUl IU9-N Cllll 928!1 ,._ anoe Couroty on Aug.ull 4'3 1·

w ' ' miff, ........., , d°""llbu .. nMllU BUDGET SIGNS. 41022 S!ll•< , Fo unt t ln V• ll t y. ..,._ITA......,. loll B l• ntn1 749 1t00 ' llCTITIOUllU .... 11 S19,000,

720- 1380. THIN NE Fl FACTS , 280 Ql.ialt St . Newooi t S.acti, Call! 82708 The lollowlf'lQ pertoni lie Oo.moroct St . L90un1 Pllll.fC fllftC( 1fCTITIOUI .... II ,oll7,11 ....... IN.Tl•NT

JEEP 1987 Cheroll• . rid, Cagney L- • 120, Newport C .. 11 94'HO Tr.11 Ou11ne11 II tOf'I- ~bull,_ M . Ct11I lil2151 Ill,,_ ITATl:mtn' PubN""-cf Of""9i1 Cout fd'll IOllowll'IO P«ton_I tre air , 1ter90, au1om1tlc. &Nch, c.111 t2e83 J ..... K .... nBowmen ar>ct dueled by • corpo!t!IOll Cl W ENTEAPR ISES Gregg f J lll.OOton, 7•8 rtemtoUllU .... 11 TheJolowintpetlOnltr• Qelly PMot Se¢1t?1be! 2. 9. ~A~A~HIT E CTS , s 11 ,250 C a ll Rob . S1r1n Borod, FIO. 2eo Mii.,.. p ... ,.,. Bowmlf\ 801 Th• •eQ•ll ••ntt• ! com- 21192 Summer Clrcie, Hurtt : OIMIOnO St L•Q•·'"· BMcf'I NA .. ITATIMINT ~~ ~MUN•TY ii. 23. 1990 550 .. __ ...__ Or 498 . 73 2J evero l" 9 s Ctgney l -•120, Newport ...,..,,.,. Ford Av• Wii m- rne<">Ced IO l•• nuct bull· lrl( Calll t2'148 C .. ll 12851 T11410N0win0pettontllf'I MORTGAGE CO MPAN 'I' &;-557 1 ...,,......, 1 .... C0<on1 5!t6-0et5 di ' !Midi, C1tlf 14'ile3 lflglon C• l1! 907•1 ,..., unoet Ille FicUllou• Chrll L• Wegeherlket Al'NflCan S~te, c.h- dOll'IO bull,_. u

7 $ti Cir Su · Orll Mllf' , Ctl!l 9294'5

-~~---"-----! fh11 b<.>tl"••• 11 c.on- lr.t1 Ou11n1111 " con- Bw11n•1• nt me(1 ) li1ted 21812Summerewc., Hool '. l0<nta, 1822'1'1 Newport81vct CAEDlf ,.... EXPRESS 1 11-15 rParti di. Ill P'UBlJC M)flC[ K.,m11 Donut ~ At -LINCOlN ·11 Corionental ctUC'lea by 1r1 ltlO!Vldulll duct.a oy nv.1>1nd • 1'(! wote a b<wl on Augull 23 1990 1n91oro BMctl, CaAll 92949 • 175. COit• "'""· Clllf 2112 Dupont °''"· Sune " ·~~c.l!MC:,:1 •Beebe M>C••'" C•lrforn11. 1960 '80 engln. Rufl1 good The reg11trtfllfl ) CDl'I · Troe regl1t•an1(1J com- Prelldenl Thi• bullMtl 11 con- 92827 • • . lrw>e, Cllll 112715

375 Woodtet>d Pl . eo.ui 'ICTITIOUI .usaNllS 2• 20 S.,.t•ao..i S:r .. 1. ""-·

1 1250 SEE; 142-0!87 m9"Clcf 10 tr1r1MC1 buel- '"9"ICecf IO lt• nMC'I bu .. - Tn11 1tal...,.,,I •M Ill«! duct9d tty .,. lncflVld""t Thi. bu11ne11 II COn· 8o1<bifl A Aober11. 20 NAMI ITATl:MIMT POt1 8"ch. C .. 11 941660 ,_ undlt 1114 At;lnlOUI neu uode< 1ria Fic lot•OUI ""th the County Cletk ol Or · The ,.,11ti o1 nt(t) com- dueled bW t ~•I Pll'1 · M0t-. 1,_. Calif 12715 Mfta, Cell! 12627 Tl'lll iollowll'IQ pwton1 ••• fn11 Ou11nes1 11 con-

llNCOlN '82 ConU"911191 8u.ine11 n•"'eC• I U11ect Bu11 ne11 n o1 met1 l lill •cf ange County on Aug1111t23, meroced to tranMC'I bu.,· ,...llhlp Klfl'l tietly J Scott. 28021 lullttlrlJohnKr-. 114l ctol!'Gbu.W- OUClectby I COIQD'&llOll Lu1ur10ut Md1n, lrnpec· •bOYe on M•y I 1990 tt>ove °" not yet 1990 ,..... wno.r the Flctllloul The ,.,111r o1 n1(1I com- s.tflllO Ct , f l T°'o· CM! Port T:' Pl • Newoorl HUGHES C~NSTAUC- TM reg11tro1ntt 1J lull power, digit.. Serar. Bond J..._ I( Bowmo1n P4t7.-il Bu1lrie11 ntme{t) ll1ted ~ 10 !•.,,MCI bull· tMJ0-1432 Bllcto, l2&80 TION 113<' S..blult Oorve rnenced 10 l<Mtl&CI bu_, · tnttfum..-lll , ... !~ 11'1· Thll llel-1 wa1 n..a T ..... M•l~I w•t hied PuOiltl>ed D<•nge Coei1 •bOvll on Al.lgul1 !7, 1990 ,_ undel ll>e Fict1tlou1 Tllll 1>u11ne11 11 con- MtrcJa Scon Kitmei , Coeti Mft.1, CllH 92627 ' "9SI Uroder the l'iclltlOUI ,.,lor, dr l......, reu thlro won 1114 County Clerk ol 0.- wttri lhtl Coun1y Clerk ot Of. D111y Polo• Sep1.,,,tiet 2. I . Civil Wegrahlnkll Bu11n111 ntmljl ) 1111ect duct.a by • IJ"l'l9'., Plf'I - l8' 1 Pon T~trt Pl · ~- w.,_

1 l AO•JI.,, 1132 8u11roe11 no1me(1 ! t11:eo

6 .000 miles 1 :;.er , priced ange County on Augu11 15. anoe Count~ on Augu11 15 18. 23. 1990 Thll 11a1'"*'' w•• 111ec1 •b<wl on Augu11 1 1990 ,•P ~~=--:ti!:. '~oro· cs..""',-°"",, . c o.11 -.. ... , llbo've,.,,:; r1o,~,,'_5r 1 ,'!" betO'fll booll . musl be 111'90 1t90 Su· 551 .... 1r. the County C..,k ot O!· Gregg E J ... otlton The 1eg111r•nl(t ) com- dueled .....

1 -• Pill all! '"' • "' .. ,.

•••ro . s' .967 8 1 C a ll I'- rr.-. arige1

~ty on A..gu11 11. Ttut 11a tement ..... flied rnenc:IKI 10 11anuci Oull· ~ ~, - Thlt bu .. n••• 11 con · Thl1 1111.....,.,1 ••• hied 722 9220 PubM"'1«1 Or troge Coftl Publlthed Or•roge eo.11 1HO Wl\111114 Coooty Cletk ol Of. _. unde< the FIC1111oul lltHp ctvct9d try an lncllvodu•t ""'h Ille Counly C .. k ot O.·

- Dall)' PllOI A;['" 211 . Sep- 0 11ty P11o1 A~u11 2e , Sep. •-IC NOTICE ,...... ol"Otl County on Augult 10, Butin••• no1me(• ) ll •t•cf Troe re-g+•rian U1> com· The ,.,ritran tttl com. MOe County on Avgu•• 2.

'-- 2 9 ' ,....,. r~ IMO .........ocea lo trtnuct bull- 1990 ... 'II Ulll Wll _ ....... · , "'"' llllfltiet 2, 9 1 , 1990 Publlllhld Otange eo.11 •boYe on &ept.,,,b<lf 1 ,_. Ul\det lhe FIC11tlout meroced to tr•nMCt bull-

TQ9 condition Su-54 ! Su-539 r1CTIT10Ul.,....a1 Oali'y Pllol Augutt 28. Sep- , __ 1990 B -· urodet 1114 Flcl ltlou• ,~ OtU.ln1J owroer t NAllll ITAft•WT ,.,.,..., 2, a . 1e. 1990 Publl•llecf Of tnge c ou,,1 9.,.,.,. A. AoDer11 .::·.: A:;:'.~~I ,~•cf Bu11 ...... n•me(•I U•••ct 0 Pu~•thecl Ot~ Copj

000 "' l'llll.IC NOTICE The lollowlng tt• Su· 547 D11ly Pilot Augu•I 19, . Tl'llt ll•t.,_.,t wu 111.o CIY B.w. •bOWI on Jul)' 25 1990 111)' •lot Augult 2. 19, H . 72541.~ ;•::1 .i~c:i l'llll.IC NOTJCE fctolng tiuti._ M : S.Ot.,,,blll' 2. 9 . 1990 with the County Ci..k 01 Of- ~~;':'=em'!,..~,. .. lllld W•nne• L Ai>aj1.,. S.Ollt?lblll' 2, 1~ l'tCTITIOUllUIMll CHA NDLER COM - "8.JCJl'.lfte( Su-53! M99 County on Augu11 8, wlthtll4CourotyClerkofOI'· Thl11111.,,...,,1 wr.11 fitecf, Su-51•

Mercury 1178 Comal "'~~:.~:-:..;• ...... ITATl•llfl' M u N I c AT ION s . eot 1900 ange County Oii Augu&I a . with the County Cle<k ""Or· Exo.llent Condition, Au10- The lolkMWol petlOM .,1 Ttoe loUowt"V l*IOl'lt ••• l•t~tpur. Coron• del Mat , 'tCTrTIOUl IU ... 11 , .... 1900 ange Coun•v on Augu1: 2. "8.tC fllTM:( maflc, A/ C , I l .295 080, dolroQ ~ u · doing tiu.,,_. 11 C111I 12t25 NAM1 8TAft•rn A,.ltta ho!Allgl,llt ctev- , Publill'lltO Otange Cout Nllt• 1HO S36-7311 . OAAPHICSTOG0. 10044 t • l O OlD STAA Roclerl Biillr• Cllandlet , TheJollolwlnfper1on1•r• rtWllclnQlth•dlo"-P•• D.11)' Pilot Augu1t 19, 28. Put>hllled Ot•nge Coul ~1 'ICTTTtc>Ue ...... 1a

ENTEAPFltSES /blSWEET IOlil l•klfPU•, Corone Ciel doing~ .. : nlght?Vour ... oondltk>plrog Seclllt?lb<lf:Z , 9, 1990 Oell)' Piiot AUOllll 11 28 Put>lllhect Otet1ge eo.11 N,,..ITATUllNT Aclllml Ave Ste

131· Hunt- TH ouo Hrs (C) AU D E ...... Cll!f 92825 DIRE C T WE B INT E · ....... caro bilOfWctbyCOI\- Sv-5311S.01.,,,0.-2. Ii. 1990 . ' Delly Pllot Auouet ft>. 1t, 2t. Tiie 'ollowlne pel'.otll ....

~:'1!::' · ~'s:=a . TH 0 u 0 HT s I Cl , Fu N Tn11 bUllnHI •• con· ORATED. ' 01 ll•y1ld1 "'tlrJ~. Su-533,,ber 2. 1990 dOlng bu..,_. ... FOOOS. 24211 New9ort Blvd dueled by an lndlvklu•I °'"""·Newport e.acn. c .. 11 Su--$19 THE PEN -LO Fl COM·

10331 Shl f!Orl-11, Huro! · •5. COiii Mei•. C• ll l The regl1tro1 nt(1) com- 112660 PANY. 1"33 Suoolflor Aw .. lrogt~ BMch, CllH tUAI 92127 met'lOld to tranuct bull- Gery Sf9Pl'*I TllMlt , '°' Suite 318, ~ a..ot'I,

li .. t t>ullnni 11

CO"· SflarcWi P-...i.tte Aid\llcti ,_. undlt thl Fic!lllout lley1Jde D<lve. Ne•oort c.111 1Me3

ductld by-' IFl lrldlvldu9I 22412 Formen1°' M~ Bw11ne11 n1me<•I H1ted llMch. c.11. 12MO SlilRTING A NEW BUSINESS"" Pltvllrl A Pleetarot. l"33 The reglelr•nl(• ! com- Viejo, C91H 17"4' •bove on· My 24, 1~ Thi• bull!'lffl It con· Supltior A~ , Site 3M, ::::*' uroc!! '~:~,::!; fh1t 1>u11ron1 1, coro- Rober1 B Cl'llndler Ouctld try 1r1 lndlwl<h,ill ~ llMch. c1111. 12813

=:!,.rte~ ~"!..m,oto11090n1tect "~,:3~.,:",,,"',.!:", ,"',',-. .... tn~~·~b::-of~ ,,.!:.ctre;r:;=.:;:;:: • • duc~:.i:,~con-OlOll 1- •--- ... .... ,...... ..., ... ,.__ • , The L-•> Oep1r1-nt at ,..... Pltt•se stop by to lile you' •• 11 ...,_ Aclf'-"t~ inenc.ct lo trolnMCI ou.,;. M\91 """"'ty on """"" · ,_ vrodW lhl ~lllol.ll -• ,, ..., ,..., The t9(11ttra"t(I ) com· preme. 2-door, loeded. Th .. etet.,,....,,. •• tllecl ,..... -aer ,,.. F1cuuoue t990 lu9lrte1s nam•• I ll •t•ct Darty P 1101 11 ple•Md to 1n- lict 11ious business 1t1temen1 al INl'ICld 10 ttll'INCI tiuet-111•1a ..,., 1 owner. wtth Itta Couroty Clltll o1 Or· eva11~••• na me111 1111ed F.-.. aoo.... oro: A~t 13, 1lt0 nounce •new servk:e now avail · the Daily P ilot leQ81 Depart - ,,_ ...,,...,., Itta F'lctltlOut I 2 ' 5 0 . E • c • II • n 1 eoum 2 •tioYe oro ~t 15 ttto · Putllllhect °'::ii: CoMt Q&f) d. Tlll'Pllt abfe to new buslnesset, ment , 330 West 81y. Costa 8u11""s "'~SI n11ect 77S.8&"40 = Y on AUQ!.111 · SftltOl'I lillcNtoi · Oeliy PldOI Awgu1t

11· 21• Thia • 11"'*" wM lllld we w lH now SEAACH the Mesa , Call lornia ti you can no! ttiow ot1: Juroe t . lltCI ---~S7U"llA~R"U-107lc2--. f ~'I TNt llalltPlll'lt w• ,.._, S.Otitmtiet 2. 19t0 Su- w11t1 tt'le Couf'lty C1er11 of Of. I b I II P.w. A PtMMrot

HATCHBACK.~ Publllflecf °'~ COllf ..tth ~tyClerk of Ot-51

' : County°"~ 16' ~~;~!~~Y~•~;: ~~· :~:'~e :,0~11Yi.1P ::i .. ~~ ,~s fJt1ens1on -~s~-:it;:'of~

dependa~3-~ OllO g:r:,A8'~ 2' tt. 21

' = on A~ ~ Otanet ": !tip ID the Court House In Santa 3 15 o r 3 16 and we will matte :I: Couroty oro Auguti 2• Su-St

7 PublW'l9cf Orlnfl COM: P'\8.JC JIJTICE a.- Piiot """'* 21 • ...,.. Ana Then, of course. after the a1rangemen1s tor you to l'landle ,_11 r- 1--=------I~ Piiot ~ n . Sep- FICTmDUll .,...11 MlfnOet 2, a , 11. lltO search 11 completed we wlll tile this procedure by, mail P\ibhhed Otlf'IOI C-t ~-------, PlllUC NOTICE temblt 2. a . 11. 1tto NMm ITA~ lu-6e.a your hct111ous busJness nafTl.e II you should have 1ny further r;>eil)o !Jilot AUQU9112. 11. H .

..._ "10 4 1·-;;c;;;;~~~~- f---:::=-::-:=~~!!""~l' Tri.~. ........ .,. d S..,temblt 2, lttO

---·• ._... 'M:TITIOl.le Mil I IN - . .,... --- ~ ~---~""' 111tflmenlwithlheCount., Clerk . ques11ons , pteasec111us1n we .... ,,, AlMHfUdll IVlll'YM' I! ,.._IT•~ ftalC JIJTI:( ltUlt.ICATIOHI, publish once a week tor tour w1U be more 1h1n g11d to 111111 ~

Thefo!IOWlnOpertOna .,. · 231tWl'lltellrllllDrM•' · weetts .11 tequired by t•w 1nd you dolroa bullNM • · PICnnoul .,..... Hunllflttoln lrllch, Cllttf, lt'len f ile ,our pool of publi · Good luc k 1n yout AO-Vf:NTUllli 11'5 Mml'TA,._. lt2t4I . - llMml'TA,_,. A,..,_,. Aw. 1:SA. Coela Thi fa10w1r1t pettOl'll IN Jotl Knaljen Ano111aoo, Thi tollowl!'IO '*90nt.,. c111on w ith the County Clerk new bu11n•111! ...... Cllll t2U7 dOlt'I ~ • : 2J11 Whitt..,,. DrM ''· dolli'll ..........

OlllC'1tlut0... lr!Mmltlofllt YfMt NOHTI, 317 ... ~Ctn llMcft, c.Mf, JIJ4 ~ DUION, I ..,. Pfoduc1s lroc. (:al.. ..tftd, ""'-°"' lwh, Celt . • ,.... ......... •Id -~:Z- ,....._. ICitftll COrp tMJ ~ NtlO _ TllNilftr PW MCIOilll ..... ~,Cllf .. A9N A .... 1M. c09i1 ....,a... ~ncwct. are. n11WhRea.-orti.e •.r, - "JOitlM. Llr~ f 12127 ""'· ~ lroaiacft. Celt. ~°" lllr:ri, c.M . ........... 9!".!. ~

TIMI but1NM le oott• t2ttO HMI ..... C... YnA ctutted tlJ:" 1 oorpor9'IOll Thia ....,,.... It OOl'I-- TNI ...,_,. ta GOn- Thll ........... 61 ~

TM tef191tll'lfCI) eom- dl.iClld by. M INIMdual duCtld toy: Ol>i*'llW9 cNded D;: M lrdMfJlll fMnOld kl II'"""°' _,. TN ,.......,..,, ..,.,. Tftt "'"''IMftl OOlft• TM ,.....,tfltll) ._ 1'1111 uNtr tM Ac'*°"' INNllld IO It~ twlf.. INNllld kl ..... ......,.. 10 .,___. '1us6o htl""t "llM(I) Meled ,_ Wider h l""'9tioue ...... Wida' ""' ,..... ,_ ...., 1fll flCtlloul ~on: ......,. , 17. 1MO lklelMM '*""(•)_ llttM lu9'neN nln'MI(• ) hted ~ nll!M(eJ l+lted

NlllOy' Lee.~ .-owe ot1: """'* I , IMO ....... or1: NIA ....... Ol'I: ......,.21, 1llO This IMlll 1•41 ... llllcf "-i~lcf 'lord JCMI MMtM NO I ! Joftrll L ..._._,

..... ""'COWifY Clltl "'Or· "* •••• ¥Mil ... flld .,,.. .... , •• , - flld "* 11111 ••If .. ,.., -...... .-.... = eow.ty on....,_~· :;. ~C:::.°t: ::.~C:::.~: ::. ~~~°1. -=··-- ,..,1 tllO ,... • -- .. = .. 3 n lllCI °' Col:(lt O • ,__. ,_ ,_


. ~·~ -~/r ;; , . 8..

·--' r an A&.Hllll -·-~~ -=------ ~"::..-:::. ~ .. ~·=-·~ .. ".°:'. ~.~~,.:;-=:-.~ ... "":

.':==--===·===·=:!!___ - ~ "'"' ... rr.-.o...,, ~:·-_•_w • ..,.... ........ ~':°~~ " ' •

• -----·-- .. --- -



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Kudos• Granola aars ASSOrted tlM>n. 8 ct. pack.

Home Pak Paper Plates

Smirnoff Vodka 1 75 Liters

Sutter Home Wines Assorted. 750 ML


Diamond ® Budget Foil 25 sq . ft. roll.

Dole• Plneapple

Assorted vartettes. 8 to 8.25 oz. cans.


•Black velvet Whisky

•Cordon's Gin · •EVan WilUams 90 Proof Bourbon 1. 75 Llter5.


Sebastian I Wines White Zlnfandel, White crenache or camav Beau­Jolals. 1.s liters.

99 \ EACH

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Lindsay Pitted Ollves

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Assorted flavo~. 6 oz. cans.

Heidelberg Beer

Bacardi Rum or Passport scotch 1.75 Liters

Meister Brau -Beer 12·Pk./12.aunce cans.

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Honors 5-button tleece tops

7 88&ch, • reg. 9.99

• Generous flt style • Reinforced double-etitch

seams • Pastel solid colors or

prints • Easy-care

polyester-cotton • Ladles' sizes S-M-L • Ptus Sizes 18W-24W

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14. 99 Reg. 19.99 ScmanZll long •l•ewd ~ lhlrta add touch a class to the mos1 basic skirt -ieans. Covered pCackst wtth detded ~ Shoulder padS. Machine wahable. lAA.:... ry bnghts. S-M-L yy I lJla,


17.99 Reg. 24.99 .._... Btlttaiu be"9d denim )Mne. Orop­)l'>ke style with front P'MIS and palate)'.,_, waist· band. 100% frosted canon denim. Mock leather bett. SU. 6-1&

25 % Bllttlliu •tchee tor men and OFF women. Unique dllll dnlgns, al with

genuine lellttler .,.. Reg. 2'4.99-39.99 . .... 11.74-29.99

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IT'S ThE SIMPSONS! 6 99 Slllipeon'a T4f*ta .. tot8ly cool. Get In on the trend

111 a low "Qwglt price. 0'°°89 from an eaacnnn ol . ===s~~"'~ Men's • Eql' lim 8-18,, .... UI • ~· 1G814-7, .... UI



16.99 Reg. 22.99

1199 PaJr. L reg. 2.49 Women'1 Orutlltnd IOCka In assorted styles. induding 5'ouch, embrot­dered Cf'fNI and textured. OlOOS8 from a wide assortment d colons that are fashion-right for Fall '90. Al - .. ,,

L49 Palr, reg. 1.99

Women'• Oreatlend enldeta or bobble IOdcll ' A ............. colons for fall , '"~°"' ( Flt ..... ,,


8the boots. A great Women'• ge~ulne le ~or jeans. Choose fashion look wedith ~supple leather uppers, from 3 updat -1""" durable outso6es. si- 5~ lO.

9.99Pa .. Women'• court lhoea in h9'*>P or~ stytes With padded collar tor comfort, duf'lt*t outsoles and vtnyt uppetS. Reg, 14.99 si-u. 10

Ollie' or toddle'9' court lt'°99 keep up With active kids. Hlghtop or low<ut srytes With vinyt uppers. durable outsotes. Cl..... 11.99-13.99 ~· _._tO ""' - 11 · )

Pack. reg. 5.99

ThEY -GROW UP So FASI 8.99 Reg. 12.99

17.99 Reg. 23.99

Girt.' 7-14 owr'ltzed mock turtlenedt tops with aH-o>.<er pnnts. The perlect complement to denims. 100% cotton.

Girt.' 7-14 Saaon denim ...... Fun stytes in indigo blue Of b&ack,

made " comtottable 100%conon.

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8.99 Twin 3-pc. set, reg. 10.99 SoffckoloC'ed sheet Mta ~ st>nnge Pwrtormence. Qisp pol)'ester-an>rt in peach, porcelain blue, navy Of English roee. 4-pc. Hts wtth 2 pHkMc11n: •Full. reg. 22.99. 17.99 • Queen, reg. 29..99, 24..99 Solid color QUln.d ~ Machine washable. • lWin, rf!IJJ~ UM • FuU, reg. 34.99, 29..99 • Queen, reg 3Q.89. 34.99


14. 99 Twin 3-pc. set, reg. 21.99 Sheet Hts in 3 patterns: Confetti, Hurrah and Block Island. Polyesa~ blend. Fun 4-pc. Mt, reg. 29.99, 19..91 lWtnltuU cocnbtlr, reg. ~ 39.99 S1andllld pillow 1Mma, reg. 12..99, 9..91 MCh ~ .... ...,... ... ._~ .... a;•a -

19. 99 Each, reg. 24.99 N9w 11t Target! Hwdwood stools stand 29" high and come in bfack. green, wtlil8 OI natural color. A bright additk>n ID your snaddler.

39.99 Reg. 49.99 SINe $10 \hie week on our hak>gen tofChieN Finished In blacK with a 3-way switch. ) Coneemporary Slylirlg, ~ de19'1.


49.99 Reg. 59.99 Coeco 5-ehetf wait untt has enamef-finlSh steel tubing and easy-clean tamtnase shetves in ~ OI while. Free-standing unit IS 65" high. No toots needed tor assembly. Measures 66Hx3(1M(11"40". ~ ~

29.99 Reg. 3939 Coeco 3-she" watt untt has same features as 5-shelf unit. Ideal for bedroom. den or doon­room; anywhere a little extra space is needed Measures 37Hx3CM'x11:V.O". ~NQU!f'ed


19.99Each Meco toking card tllble. 34x34" with padded vinyt top. Reg. 'Zl99 Meco pedded folding chair. Reg. 2499 Coeco floktlng steel chair, Gf'9at Buy 9.n

256;, Entn 1111 ction of - dodca in an uaort· ment d ltytee aid eden. a... tor home. oftlce, rec room, dafm. R4tg. ~.99. .... 7~21.24 .... 0.-0lllll ........... .. .., ......................... lftCl!rlDn.


9.99 Proctor-SUex I~ steam and dry Iron has a durable coo&. body and smc>othi1hde sole plate. No. IU07

256b Pilllbury ceram6c acc:eaorlin. Cookie )81'. sal1 and pepper set, spoon rest, magneCs, 3itC. bow1 set. napkin holder and more. Reg. 4.99-19..99 . .... 3.7'914.99 ,.. ....... 1'\ ...... ClyOtO...-


119.99 Deluxe Hoow9r Bite eoo upright cletmer With >pc. tool set has 6.£)..amp rn<*>r, ~ automatic height ~ustment. brushed-edge deaning and wrap-around fumitufe guard. Nil ~



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GO FOR IT! Scratch off the silver spot on your gamecard to reveal a possible game score for the upcoming Monday Night football game. Then watch the game. If your gamecard score matches the final score of the game specified (without regard to the winner or loser of the game), you win a $5 Target Gift Certificate.

PLAY, EVEN IF YOU MISS THE GAME ON TY. Just bring your gamecard to any Target store and check

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YOU CD WIB INSTAmY TOO! Most gamecards will feature a game score under the silver spot. Some will feature Instant Win Prizes of SUPERBONL TRIPS for two, or SONY 'ZI" color TV's.

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9.99 Proctor-Sl'8x liQhtwetotrt steam and dry Iron has a du~ cOOl-touch body and smooth-ghde ~ plate. "'° n301


PLAY A NEW GAME EACH WEEK. Pick up a new gamecard every time you visit Target. Each week new cards will be distributed to match the next Monday Night game. You can try to match the score with as many gamecards ~ you have coUected for any given game. Save. each week, tool A coupon from a weekly Match Game sponsor will be attached to every gamecard.

9.99 Proctor..sflex lightweight steam end dry Iron has a durat>ie cOol-touch body and ~lide sole plate. No 11307




ll9.99 Deluxe HooY9r Eltl 800 upright clMner with · · oc. tool sec has 6D-amp mo1or. ~ au1omatic 'leight adjustment, bruehecHdge cleaning and ... rap-around fumit\n guard. 1e ~


THE ColVIFOITTS OF CAMP. 49.99 Reg. 69.99

Saw $20 on Wenzel Sllgebruah dome tent. Make this tent your dome ffNrtf from home. It sleeps 4 comfortably. Features nyton taneta wans and rod. and shocic~ fibefglass frame for quick and easy S8kJp.

24. 99 Rog 3499 CIA cloAl1 8lr bed II grea1 for cm-...... ~,N....,ig. ~ WMh 111r coil suppoft sysaMT\.

a... .... 58W>09lJc5H". reg. 44.99, .... 34.t8




79.99 Futy assembled A. Hufty 20" bilclls tor boys~ girts. Girts' SW88I Dreams Of boys' Racing 35 BMX bikes ate single speed wrth OOB9l8f brake. Girts' lndudes nyton carry bag. t>ovs' has tun pad kit and rear Sldeputl t>nUa .... l'l\JSA

139.99 ~ IHllmbied

a.~ 15--epeed Fox~ mountlllln b-. 1n men's and women's stytes. Ban feature dual calipM brakes. easy thumb shifters. comiort sadd~ and 26 .. bres.



99.99 Great Buy Nintendo Action Mt comes ~e with con­trol deck, two oontrollers. Zapper Gun and Duck Hunt/Super Mano Bros. Game Pak. Prt:Mdes hours c:A fast-action video tun tor the entire family.

5129 Reg. 169.99 Canon Su1'9 Shot Supreme 35fM1 c.meq is fully aU10matic. With DX coding, accurate tocusing from 1.8 ft. '° infinity and bulh.fn ftash that fires a~. Andwith filHn flash and ftash canoet capabilities, self-timer. tndudes case and lilhrum battery. ~b¥C-~

PLAY IT BY EAR Save 55()

199.99 Reg. 249.99


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13" remo11e color TV wtth on«:reen ~ Plus 155-<:hannet cab6e-compatJb6e tuner, s'8eo timer and automabC fine tuning Ho l'CC25l Tl[,,. ~-no--. .,._.. _ _...,pan

VCR wtth on-ectHn progrwnmtng. Includes renne control, 110<:hannel tuning system. ~ programmabchty and 2-speed viewable picture search. No ~

Cobra 49.99 Each. ~ 5999

Tlm1•1per,...,.,.. •lephone ••u1rtng m.chh• (left) with wice announcement d timMSay tor 89dl call. Ptus 1-touch operatJon and power failure protedtOn. ND nc , Cordleee telephone (center) with red181. digital 1eCOrtty coding and dear call circuitry tor audio quality like a corded phone So advanoed no one knows it's cordless. ~HoCP~

129.99 Reg 14999


19.99 Reg. zi.99 Metnor deluxe swtvel-mount hoae reel holds 150 feet d 518" hose. Made <:A heavy-duty struc­tural foam thai won't rust or corrode.

8. 99 Reg. 11.99 Swan Garden Hues 518"•50' hoee makes your watering more colorful ... just like your garden. White, blue or taupe.

19. 99 Reg. 24.99 Toro home duty trimmer/ weeder has an 8" cutting path, specially-designed 2-amp motor. automatic hoe feed and comfort110p handle- 1«> 9iO




Schoot, home or otflce .upt>Hes: • 96-sheet construction paper • 2-pk. Better BaU pens • 2-pk. Uni-Ball pens • 10-d. sheet protectors • 112" or 1" poty binders • 3-ct. report cowrs • 48-ct. larget crayons • 16-ct. wateroolor paints • Faber UHU Glue Stick

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: File box tor 4x6~ f:' cards • 3x5'' index dividef's A to Z • 5lC8'' ruled Index cards • C8mbridge single legal pads • A1I Cambridge et'1Y84opeS • 12~. lettef-6ize file folders • r.iA_cm envelopes: 25-d. 6Xi": 18-d. 9x12" or 15-ct.

10x13" • 5-subjed notebooks • Liquid Paper in Bond White,

Just For Copies or Ink Fluid 1QO...ehMt writing tlll:Mts, ruled°' plain. Meed boxed envelot>H in letter or legal sizes regutar °' security stytes.

L99 Each. reg. 2.89 OecoFle OfgmMaf keeps papers, notebooks. repot1s and '"8aazlne9 in proper order. White, tMck. putty °' i1ate blue.


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ReNu eye care: 12-oz. muttrpurpose . '>On 16-a thermal or 20-c1.

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2ro.5 27-ct . New Ff'9edom. Maxi. super

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27-ci. Sblyfree maxi pads 27-ci. Sure & Natural rhrn maxi stuelds.

2. 99 Pad<. reg l99 3-pk. men's Honors IOCb. Crew· length heel and toe. Conon blends Whrte. black, navy or gray. ht saes 10-13.

199 Reg. 4.'ZT AJm.y one co.t "'89an. Hypc>allergenlC bmula in ~. t>lacJ(Jbrown Of brown.

5.89 1oo-ct. 'TYienoi extra-stengttl gebps 30-ct. 'TYienoi chOdren'1 chew­at>te in regular or grape navor. 2. 1 9

~·• nutll: 12-0Z mlX8d. lightly uhld moaed. 10-oz cash9w ~Of ,, .S<Jz honey roueea P99"U1 & Casl'lew mot.

2 ss Reg~ packS tor 958-11.58

3-pk. t8dles' Frutt of the Loom I cotton pm rdn. Whft8. pastels ()(

pnnts. ... -- ~10



1.88Each~ 64-ct. boJC of Crmyota crmyona. Non-toxte. Has built-in sharpener. I-ct. aa. of Cnyota waehabte mat1cers. Broad or narrow •llyteS In primary, bold or pastel colors Noo-tOlllC.

5tol4 Moisturizing beauty bars: 4.75-oz. Dove or caress

.89Pack P9ns and pencils. 10-ci Ste S1ic or 6-C1 Sic Hot StlC pens, ~. mechanical pencils

• 4.6-oz. ~e tube tooth-pate rn vanous formulas.

2tol5 Aussie for hair. Shampoos, condrt10ners, focatrves. crtnfier, hair salad .

9-pk. Minute Maid juice rn apple, grape or punch fla\'Ors 9-pk. Minute Maid orange juice, 3.69

95-ct. K.leenex Boutique or Softique fllcial tisaoes.

199 Frwn oil flltet'a. to frt most vehides. Frwn air filtera, 3.89 e11eh

• Pringln chips in light, sour cream 'n onion, BBO and others

12.99100 . 51*- Kodllk 24-Gp. 1S5 cok»r "'"'· • 200 ~. 14.91 •400ASA.11.19

0 Etl'tt)' T..., AllM • l•I_

S11ppb.-<• ls 1TCtc l ; #kl,~--~_,.,,