THE-NEW-ERA-1940-09.pdf - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

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Transcript of THE-NEW-ERA-1940-09.pdf - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

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"A load ~ ~ .bcM\ ....... \ftt\~ ~ .,. ... '.~f.~ .. 'll-IE NEW ERA







~ M.,tor V~h,d~ D~.,.rtl\\ltt\~ '4rith .tile "lo .. n~ on \)Ic:a'~. " con~1t'd o\ter ~ h\lmbler of auto. Youna Men of New J-, mobt'- ~~t a~ oVft'd~ for in~-

PRO CL A MAT ION A.eomm~ ... \de .... in·Ch'ef of the military and na".l fon:es of

UfItd to £nllit in ~ .~ A\af\llt 1, b\ th~ .-co"d Nht Two Weeb in~tion period or th~ lMO ~ ••

, t ... tioh 181', Motor Vehldt Comml,-Lt. CoIOhtlll'rblt A. Na",",- Jr .. IlOhler Arthur W. M.~ tald tad.,.

proml~~ Rlftl'tOnlaft, lIM ~ He fftn that tht .1~.\iOh will tmd pven up hi. ". pradi~ to.~ to COl\lftl!ol\ at the IIt.tion" laftr a f\lU tim~ ... lanm~nt lnm \h~ 00.. on. ""Of or H~. JerftJ to bandlt on. Ho pOlltlll notic~" a~ IItnt for the trW"", (Of the 44th DMalon, New 1t~l\d inllpection I>triod tllcel>t In Jensey Natiohlll Guard. the cuell of new recilltl'ations. 'Ie-

Colonel M.thew, ha. I:)ptned of. hldell .~ due for inspection on ot' 'ttl! 'in room alII Staft Kl:)u~ about lix mOl\th" trom the daft of 'l't-enton, Where he II orllnlalnl • the linst period in"pectiol\ which date ~ruitinl Itt.Up for the entire State. appeal' II 01\ the rlu:e of the IIlIdrer. Colonel Mathewl Iltated that 3000 re- Commilllionu Maaft IItllted that crulll art needed to brl", the 44th o\ler ',000 leta of realatratlol\ plates Divillon I\P to It I fUll p"~·ttme have been I>lcked Ul> IIlnce April 1 Itnncth. for (aUu~ to comply with the pro.

d 0 villoni of the inlpection law. 18 an \lei' The Ilecond il\lIllectlon period for

Enllatmentl are optn to 10\11\1 )tear 1940 beran Aurullt l. .

P. T~ A. Program I. Announced

the State of New Jeney I have a natural pride in the profidency Thi. Se~tion Aiaitt Fortunate .'U\d integrity of those (on:es. The induttion of the 44th Divislon. A. Nearby CODUnunitita which indudes the Ittajor portion of the New Jeney National Are Hard Hit . ~\lard: into the Arltty of the United States for a year's training. Relldtnta ot RIVerton. Pal~. 15 obvlously- imminent. and Cmnammaoll .aam consIdered

lilemaelvel mOlt lortunate aa the dI •• It is my gN!at desiN!. illS it should be that of every (itizen of Ulmus Ilorm that ravaaed Soutb

the State\ to maitltain these elements of the 44th Division as Jeraey lell lhl" aeWon WIth dam­distinctly New jersey troops. To insure this it is necessary for aile ot 0111)1 aver), mlllor n.ture, ai-h lhouth malty other cotnmUlulIea ib

t em to reach. by voluntary enli.stment. the strength authorired bUI'lmalun .:ounly aullered heavily. by Regular Army peace·time tables of organizatiol\. and this will On Sunday allernoon. it w., 1m­I equlre the enlistnl~nt of approximate)}' three thousand men in poillble lo ao any conllldtl able da •• OUt State. . lance lrom here WIthout runl\mII IIll0

blo .. ked roadl and detours of aU de. I tht!N!fore call upon all patriotic young men of Ntw jersey emption.. Many hlllhwaYIl wele

who do not have others dependent upon them for support to ted- blocked entirely. I.. The losa on couuty IIlllh\\ a)'& and

OUiS." consider enlisting in these elements of the 44th Division bridles will take some tiln~ to de-prior to September 15th. which date now seems to be the last date termlltt. but II certam to be ver), upon which enlistments in the New jersey National Guard may be heavy. The road, department, aI·

~ ready fa:.:ed with a de6':lt becau&o aecepteu. 01 anow removal .:oat~. will doubtle ..

'Upon the enactment of the selective service bill into law I!lUch need addlttonal lunda to cope with young men will be drafted into the service. and will not have the the emergeltcy. OppOi'tuni~y of selecting the unit and 'branch of service which they Mt. Holly Hil

men of 18 and over Without depend. tIIlt.. 'l'ht1 will I'el:el\)l the reautar army raft o( pa, ot $30 pet month od wlU IeI'Ve for I:)ne yeat' In acli~ f\lU time duty .ltd two 1UI'I In the rqular olle-nlaht ••• week Natlt)nlll Ouard tralnlnl IIchedule Wlth two weelta tIlch lummer In tralnlna clinP.

Colonel Mathewl 1IOinttd out that JOuna metl enUltlnl now In the 44th 1)1\>lIllon wUl haVe lome choice III lelectlna their pnlt within the elM· lion and will .t1O have the .dvanta .. of attllnl In their one 18r ot ler­vice rlrht aw.y. FoUowln • . thelt one year of acUve duty they will be alven a certificate .howln, proof 01 lueh aervlee altd will then be avail­able for work In their cholen lield of endea\lor. He pointed 'out that employel'l will be much more will­Inl to, employ )loun, men who have had the year of tralnln, than to em. ploy a younl man who ml,ht be given a lob only to be .taken out of the lob for reaular .rmy tralnlna •

wish to join. I should like to point out that those who now enU~t One of the wont Hooded ama The topic for the ~ear of the Rlv-' h Nil G d h I Mt H 11 h 'd I~ .,. ' an teat ona Uar will ave the advantage ot training with the wal n . 0 y. were rell · eht ....

erton P.'l'.A. II "Education for 44 h Di i I aome Itctionl were laced WIth con. Cltl.en.hlp" and the proaram III an· t v II on at Fort Dix. New Jeraey. with a unit and branch ditlolll Ilmilar to thOle experienced nounctd thla week III al followl: of lIervice of their own choolling. leveral limn durina the put few

September And I further appeal to all Mayors. ' governing bodlell of munt. yean. Althouah planl for Rood con· . Ii' d bl' • trol have been made. the project hal

clpa hell an pu 1t oR'1cialll, as well as all patriotic organizationll nOl beeil started and the weary dtt. Motlda)', September 16th, at 3.30 p.m.-Meetina and tea In auditorium. ,Speaker, MIa. Caroline M. Stilmllb. Pdnl:lpal. Topic: "Penonal Growth In Attitude. and Habit,:'

Odober Monday. Ol:tober 21. at 8 p.m.­

Annual reception to parentI and teat hers. Speaker, Vr. Francia Har­vey Green. Headlllallter llelttliltatotl School. 'topl\: t "'1'he Job We· Have.~'

Weduellday. October 9, at 10 a.m •• Bordentown Iltdustrlal School. 1'he

Beglltl September 16 I Burllnatoll Counly Couhcll Meetlna. The training period bealns on Oclobel' 16, 17. is-Annual Con·

September 16th at which ·tlme the ventlon of New Jeraey Conllre81 of .... tll 1I1vi8ton Joins three other dlvl. Parents and Teachen, Atlantic City. lions for a year of active dut)l. November

The pI eBent recrultlnll Jllan has the bllcklllg of the Governor of New Monday, November 18. .t 3.30 jtr~cy, the American Leillon, the p.m.-Meetina and tea Ul audilorium. Nationnl Ouard and the support of Iltternatlonal Vay. COltumes and the press of New jer.ey. movlel of Sw\t£erland. Mr •• Nathan

T\\Io lotal melt who have enlisted Lane. .re John B, Mathew. of Riverton Mond.y. November 18, at ~,30 and Emil Dohu., of P.lmyra. p.m.-Child Study Oroup.

Flower Show September 13, 14 A Flower Show wlU bt held at

the Community Center September 13 8nd 14-thll beln, promoted by the Oarden Department of the P.I. m yrn WOluan's Club, cooperatln, With the Rlverton.Palmyr • • Clnna-111111 " 011 ComftlUhlty Center.

Those In charge uri' th.t all ,ar. dtn~ra In thtle thtee communlU .. 1'1 ~ I'Rrl! to exhibit the productl 0' their Rower ,.rdenl, Prl... 01 w(trthwhlle n.ture will be .warded In the vlrloUI dlvilion.. Watch fI •• t wpek for. complete lilt of dlllilion .. A Ipeclal dlvl.lon for children will lI ve the youn, ,.rdelter. alt op­pllrtunlty to dllpl.y Sow.n and pro­t\U\P arown In their youthful ,u· dtn ~.

Everyonl both ,oun. and old Ihuul<1 feel free to place an tlthlblt ill thll Community Flower Ihow. Call we make thl. Ihow 10 Import· lilt thai It will be a an· nual 10CRI .ffalr. particlp.ted In and I!lelldell by am

December PrldllY. December 20 •• t 10 •. m.­

Cbrl.Un •• Party [or the School.

Janu·r)' Monday, Januu)' 20. at a ,.m. In

.uditorlum. Father'. 8pulr. er, M.yor John tr. Ward. of p.t­myra. Topici "Community and 10-el.t Growth and Action to Drib, About Bett~r Cltllen. and Civic D •• lIelopment."

Wt4n.aday, JaquaI")' 111 •• t 10 a,m •• R1veraide-BurIUt,ton Count)' COUD­ell Mlltin"

February Monday, tr.bruary 17 •• , 2 ,.m.­

Pounderl D.y .nd Talent Da" Pood 1.1. and Play. Pounder. Da, T.Ik, Mrl. Rieh.rd Burtll, County Council Chairm ....

Monday. Pebruary 17. at 2.10 p.m.-Child Study Oroup.

March Monda" lIarch 17, at 7 p.m.­

Ichaol Ibhtblt. April

Monday. April 21. at I.JO p.m_ M.aUn, and tea In audltorfum. lpuk.r, R.v. Prancll B. DeNn •• Rector, Chrllt Church. RIYerton.

TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS ~~~:~.H"Kducation for Iplrfhlal

Monday. Aprfl 21, at 1.10 p.m.-The New Bra wiD be pl.aNd to ChUd .tudy Oroup. the piper .ach wHIr. without lIa, • ddilionRI char... to I0Il. ud Monday. M.y 19, at a.oo p.m_ dlUlhter. of our IUbacrf,*,. who Meetln, and t .. In alidltorlum. An· mlY Le aw.y 'rom home AUllldln,\ nual reportl. Inltallatfoa of 0'-II hool or co...... fl.,.. Child lhady Oroup.

Kindly ad .... tlatt ......,.per the Wadaeada),. lIay 14, at 10 LIII .• Ilud.nt' ........ aact 1IiIdr ...... _ Palmyra-.utIln.ton COtInt, Coila-what elate to .tart ...w.. the papar, ell M,edq.

and public-lIplrited citiuns. to aid the effortll of the official. of una had to meet the problem that the National Guard of our State to bring thcHr organization to haa caused heavy losses in the p •• t.

h i Althouah tldeB in the Velawar. strengt • n order to Insure the integrity of lIuch organization as were hlah Oil Sunday and Mond.y, a teal . New jeney military unit. and thull pUt New jersey as a t.he nver nele dIll nOl ao over the State 1n the forefront of our great effortll for national defenlle. bankll, althouah the water was ntar

OIVEN unclel' .Iny hand and the OreAt Seal of the Slate of a lIood stale in the trlbulartU In New Jersey, thlll thll'd day of Seplember. In the year of our ' this sectloll. Lord one thOUsand nine hUlldred Ind forty. IIl1d In the 111- The water was level wllh lhe top

dellt'IIdence of lhe United Slatell the one hundred and shu)'. of lhe Hlverlun Yacht Club pIer fifth. . Mondav allel "Olin and lhe sueatn

(GREAT SEAL) By the Ouvl!rnor

(Siglled) A. HARRY MOORg, Wfl S hlled \vllh a Wille "arlet}' of de-Governo, . biIS. In ,,"Illlion tv belllg ' ell' murky.

(Slanetl) THOMAS A. MATHIS. - .- ____________ ...:SecrctaI Y ol State.

The Porch Club ' THANKS

I'.tilltllli d."6", 1\111 " m unue tllli Lamon Named

Club President ~he Rlverton. Palmyra Chapter. y~ al ulldcl lhe UII e, l,,'n " I M I , IJ:m. British War Relief Sodety extends It II Mel-ullnell. ut Hauuollhcld.

Waller D, Lamon was named Jlresldent of the Business and P\,o­fl!88lonal Men'l Club of l'almyra and Riverton at • meetinll held on Tuuday of thll week, at the River. ton Country Club.

its thanks 10 nil those who have al. Ali lhllle ", ltu \\ I HIt tu JOIII lhese ready sent In contnbutOius to the "laNsel WIll please ,"ullt ac l Mrs. Jay Hospital Bedll EqulJlment Fund. The Hceu, phone J H, al C.1l hc~l ,:ollven· responle has been entourallina. but lellcc, III 01 lIet U"ll IIIelllbel 8 llIay be slow. and the need Is acule. vla~ed III plopel d as.cb.

Last weak SalllUel A S I Will all chairnwn 01 del'lll tmentl , , a vaae. . I" U I 1'1 I. I The Ie ilion followed a cUII8Uon

of activities durlna AUlust and w.s atlended by 25 memberl.

pi esidellt of the B. W.R.S., an· 1 01 IIC nlVl:llUn ,UI ~ I ... Uu peate /wut,,:ed that since Febru.ry the So- cOllla\.t . MI'I . . Vavld Yould. phone dety had dllpatched Ihlpmenll by 1101, II they wllh .1I\1all~e publl .. ty. thlrty·thl ee Ihipl. all of which had rellleOlbetlh!" that nOles llIuai be tn

reached their dl!8t1natlon •• fely. 'I'he New l£ra olll.:e not !Iter than Four vellell c.rryinc shlpmentl Wednelday noon lor publll;llIon.

Other offlcera named were I jOlleph L,, vice pruldenll WUllam Price, secretary and Oeorae P. Oln· ther. treasurer.

Prior to the election of permanent offlcerl. Walter D. L.mon, Jr .• w •• ch.trlilan of the oraanllltlon. H. leavu thl. month for a year'l actlv. • ervlce with the New Jerley Ha. tloltal Ouard.

Dlcldn.on Ip.Otr Th. Ip •• ker of tha da, wa. M.jor

Chari.. DII:llln.on. in command of the lit Battillion U7th Pilid Artil­lery. N. J. N, 0 .• who talked about the r.cent .rm)' m.n.uYer. h.ld In New York,

from the Society .re now .t lea. Our Own fourth bOil leavea Rillerton to. day. cantlin Inc 101 more lervlce "woollel" and Itverel line Uled rar­mentl for refucee uie.

New window dllplaYI of the worll we are dollt' .re now out. Look (or them In KeaHn,'1 Drol Store .nd The Mildred Shop.

Rlverton.Palmyr. Ch.pter. B.W.R. •.• C. O. Murr.y. Chairm.n.


To d.te, Itven re,l .. Th, Major hli .ubject tered .t the Palftlyr. pOllollle." .c­

with • lllt,e'lcaie mlp of the t.r· cordllli to • Ilatement mlde by the r.ln .nd traced the mOYement. 0' POltlllllter. X.vler Walter. Mfi. the IIIrlou. bodl .. of troo". In the MetvlJ E. H .... Riverton poltm .. ter. fln.1 ph'ltl of thl "w.r" problem. reported that no re,l,tr.tlon, have

He .,.Id hl.h tribute to th. or,anl. been thul lar In th.t' com. .. tlon 0' the 44U1 DIYlllon, of the munlty. Ouard, headed by M.jor Oen"al Althou,h IlIenl have until the lat­Clilford R. Pow.11, .who, h •• tated, I tel p.rt of D.cember to c:ompl, with had w~lded the force under hll com- the re.lltratlon I.w, both JlOItm ... m.nd Into one of the f.ltett.movln, l ien ur,t th.t perlOnl .1I.cttd .p­.nd hard'lbikln, outlitl In the army. ptar to fill oul the nece ... ry papen

Major DlclrlnlOll ur,ad that all well In .dvlln"e of the final date In ,oun, mill 0' c:onKriptlon a,. lorder to avoid lalt.mlnute del.,. HYlnta,. of II1U.tln, In the Na. which will occur U the proc.dur. II tlon.l Ouard before the till to actfye l poelpon.d . .. r~CI. dtfna the IIIIn), benefttl 0' ______ _ lUeh. cour ... PLAOI PLYINO

The 'orel.n flHt acrOli the rfver Under the JOth .mendment to the obHnad L.bor DI, accordln, to

ConltltUtJon. the n .. t PreaJdent wUl our cultGaa. br •• Irln, out all ."alI. telie offlte Januar, 10. ...... 'able buntin, In • bray. dllpla,.


The Hlverton Board of Edulation Intt on Tuelday llIalll 01 lh" "tcl· • Arlhur H. BUlnl, vice pruldenl oc­cupyinl th. chair In the ablellle of "'rUldent Mrl. Charlea H. YO~I. who II convalescin •• t her home.

The property committee, DI . J. Rowland Vey. ch.lrm.n, was htlrul)' cummellded by the board lor the 6n. m.nner in which the te,ondltlonlll, work .t the Ichool durin a the t um· mer w •• or,.nlnd .nd IUl'ervlled,

MI .. Ann. P. W.i. 1 WII al'l'Olllled part-time home economitl trach.r for the ye.r. Bhe lubltltuted a ""r. lion of the lilt term.

Other routin. bUllneli was Illnl' .cted .


.. ". Gaudy Niaht" cl!lebr.t lOn will br ,iven It Ihe Riverton Country Club Iiturd.y evenin,. October !I. by the local Chlpttr ~f th~ Brltllh WI,' Relltl So['j ~t)'. "rocted. to 10 to the Hottpital Bedl Equipment .... und. lIVe thll dlt •• nd Witch for further Innounttmentl.

In Ihe work. of min ., In thaN of nlture It i. the Inlendon whkh II chltfly worth .tudyln,.-ooethL



I NOTICE INational Youth Administration, . •

I round match "l&ytd of( I. that ot . 1n Burlinlton county, which com· 'fhe first fall meelllla of Burllnt-Bill M~Camy who defeattd Bob Ca~. The members of Dtlawat~ F,re . N V A dl lrkt 7 outposts ton Counly Chapter Amerkan :td non 15.3, 1\ 2. The men'a and. women" Co. No. 2. East Riverton. wllh ~o pnses ... s ' . n t Crosa will be held on ~udlY, e~ .. Inllta ti'ophy art on dt"Splay In lake thia mtans of conveylnl the,r 1 have betn opentd In BurltUlto ,a ttmber to, at 2 p,nt., In St. Mal')' a c

o M

Bowker'a \vllldow. thanks to all those who anilttd the City Hall opentd every Tuesday I Guild Houllt, Burllnlton. The Sepl"llIber me~tina .of the eilher by their presence or. con- hom 10 a.m. to 12 noon; and in roV"1 Min Pearl Creecy, State Field

dub will lake pl ll~e thiS .Fnday ~t tributlollS. to the succus of thtlr reo enlde at the City H<lII, opened every I Represenlatlve, will be l?reaent and M E N T

Society Hall at Ii A dub te.nllls cent carnIVal. Tuesday from I a .. m. to ~.SO p.m. 1 plans for the Roll Call WIll be made, ",:\tcl\ that ''''" ,,(hcdula'l for Labor Trained personnel at these N.Y.A. Day afternootl with Rost Valley, of ONCE \\lORE outposts are prepared to live inter. COlJNTY POPULATION Burlinglon. will probably t"ke place , dl • e~ted Burlinaton county youth. aa . _

! on Se"tcmber 14th or lSth. A final An impartial survey 0, con uo~a "'_11 aa the public. information !'e. , Burlington county haa 96.8311 real I . ' 1\\ b at the Burlinaton ~ounty lall. III -~ dl the recellt cen ~ _____________ ~lalltloulI~eme\11 <It th.s mat~h w e ~onsideration of the "Iovement to garding the N.Y.A. resident centeu I dents, aceor na to I k h"

W H "H d PI-ked" made next week. construct an annex to the century· and work ·prolects, according to I sus. It w'aS revealed th s Wi w ell "~ e an . ' I old Institution will be made In the Alvin A. Zorn. super-'isor of District figllres for New jersey count el were

Thne .s mudl dIS~U,.s.lon W~let le~ DEMOCRATS MEET No.7, whose central offkes are 10· announced. eh I Edl I all I I'lcked near future according to a report ________ _ b a~t5 50n ",A. th' ~e\V Deal 'the Demo<rat. 01 P"lmyra. held hom MI. Holly last week. caled al ll5 Ewlna street, Trenton. . , \ h ~. aa~e. to Iler~e . e r "f New ,\II illiormal meetinl in Society Hall. . h The measure of a man a rea c Ir-

IJ" candIdate for Go,erno Thursday of last ,veek, Howard Ile;.~~fna:.el:f ~.~~ ~!~teC~~::'~r:n~ Secl'e\ .tudy silelll thollaht. ia. af-I Ode,' i~ what he would d~ 1£ he k~W eney. . •. . 'ked" Is harsh, ~~ I'owell pre."lillg. Jury will be! Asked to m.ake a com. ter all, the rr:iahtieat aaent in hu- I hI: would never be foun out.- a-The tern; ~al\d pl< Uk t e it Among the .peakers were Thomaw plete inspe~lion of the JaIl and to reo n1311 "Il"irs.-Channlng. I caulay.

l',iost peap e 0 not e 0 se S D' 1\ ~onal'enional <a"didate fi" dl I ed = u&ed ill conl\cdion with a man of i .' Ilgnt' IN ' jersey dlstrkt; ,'Ort their ndlllg., It was BC os Mr. Edison's replltation. it must b" 11\ t 'e ourt I e" n idate for A •• by 'Prosecutor Daniel' Li(htenthal. eOllleesed. howev"r. that the circum- Edwin C·.t · Cia:. cear d'andidate for atance. of hi. candidacy don o~e~l sembly; ~arr~ F~~ehotdcra; Ralph th" way to more or Ie .. harsh cnu- the B?la 0 d'd t for Palmyra

L. Sa. or. can I a e clsm. _ . Borough ' Coundl; Harry Tranchl·

In the first place. Charle, Edison II ' alldldate (or Boroug" Collee· oCllupled the tint place. "e"t to the te a, , Pre.idem. 111 the Nalion'a vast tO~ong tho Be attendlna the affair ."hem", of defen8e. He W88 not leas were members 01 the Democratic Important as a member of the Preal- County" Contn,ittee from Palmyra cient', cab met than the Secretary of and Cinnaminson.

State, Cordell Hull. ============== The pOliti on Mr. Edison held, in

thia tlll,e 01 emerlency. was far more Important than to be the Gov. ernor of ally State. or of a dOlen Stat\!l, providing Mr. Edlaon waa a' capable as hi' backen will try to make him out to be. Nobody be· Ilevell that Mr. Ed,son would will· Inaly swap one of the lint places in the United Stotes Government to become candidate for Governor 01 thll State, in ;. time whell the chBn~es are far fmm being lood that he will be elected.

Charles ELlison, however it Dlay be recallell, was ~hose\l lJy .onte. body-ailainsl hi. will. it may be believed-to I elinquish a very illl' pbrtalll. IlIstorJ/' luaklll" posl to Iry lo help Ihe New Ueal plIll Its ~hest· IIl1lq Ollt 01 Ihe ri l·e In New jersey. 'l' here IS 110 J.iougillll il. lIURI.INOTON COUNTY CIRCUIT

COURT MOl eo"cl , Mr. Edisoll would not l

be the ~~ lI!lIdate of the New Deal C. H. ».In .. a S.n.. In AIII" u"onl . 101 Govcrnol' ot New J(, I !:ICY, if MI'. Inc . Pl aintiff. On Contract

lIulllle did lIul WIIlIl him very badly VI. I NOTtCK OF to ullalertakc that very L1ulJiolla anLl Honry ll. H.ln... ATTACHMIINT IlJlIkult chance. O.I<n,llnl. .


The openina of N.Y.A. outposts in various municipalities 01 New jer· sey where applications will be reo ceived from youth Intereattd In en· rolling at· N.Y.A. relldent center. or In securinl part.time N.Y.A. Jobs, WaR announced today by Bernard S. Miller, state admlnlstralor of the

Dall SHalllDII


17 Weat Broad Street Pllmyra. N. J.

Phone 978

Helpful Suggestion Thl! Snover Funeral Home. because 01

in lengthy and varied experience. ~ery often aids those who seek Ita servIces by offering many helpful sUlatst!ons.

These helpI and the many refinements big and little are a part of the regullr Snover service and add nothln, to the expense.


The Snover Funeral Home

J ncorporated 313 E. Broad St .• Palmyra, N, J.

Phone-Riverton 830

Mr. l!: .. lHWtl, whattvcI may be Haid, Nuth .. e '" helehy ~h·en \hlt a Wd\ oj ia 801d to the New Deil), as (l'1"onk AH~dHnt'nll . li t .tlll~,t "~,Il~ ~t. ~ t-~~ .'t!rt !!;r1~I'I~

. Id . dill ' ., lit S.,,,.. " •. ' . I I I I Ilnli. HaiUC 15 SU to tt, 311 to l1C IIru r\ln lley" I1n11 dlCl' l "lo , ,,' u(;)lI, ani ( II u: '( h

tC:rl11 ldea. In elcltins him the peo· 8m.) ' Cl1rlHf;TJ.!,1 :: [r:lbURII)I'I&Co'III~A~s~ p1e u[ Nf!W Jersey win elect the ~$s~o.8u l I ","~~d uUt 0" the lJurllnvtOnr N~\Y Ural to cunlrol ils aflair s . t IU" I ~ 9~~nl~~tHI~1~~~:e c: n tl~~1! ' l:c\~oll~aYd:Y

Fill the Clothes Chute • • •

-Eli t abeth Uaily Journal. \ ~~I ~u uu .. t: 1940. hll ~ hun suvr,l and .halr, eKeclll e~ Olut w it returntd on the thi~te~rH' day 01 JuTy. 1940. by the SherifT 0 . ur·

TENNlS TOURNAMENT IInolOn Cuunly. . D. ud AU R, ult 2Ud. 1940. .

Due to the ineleDlellt weather duro \. P/ILMER L. AOA.MS, Ina the past tcn days, Brat and sec· CURRY It PURNELL. CI"It. ond rOllnds in the t\lurnament were , •. ~~'~:~~r;:~o unable to be played. However. the \ ::::..:.:.:,.:.:..:.:.-------__ -:--first alld second rounds mUlt be play· TOWNSIIIP OF CtNNAMINSON o:d off by this Saturday niaht (men'a NOTICE and women's) or they will auto. I NOTICE IS II EIH! DV OlVItN .1111 Th. mltlcally default and will be unable . Town.hl. 01 Clnn.h,ln .. n In th. Colln.y ,,(

d UurU~.l~on Stltl 01 New ]ene}l, on to continue. One relull of a lecon I TUESDAY. 8EPfEMifER 10. 19~ .0.

It 130 o' d ud .. in ,lie evenln, CStandlld

ii •••••• ii.iii.~ Time" 1n the Clnnamlnton

FUbUc 8t.hoo l. Ihulte on tht Mourutuwn.Rlverion ROld a,

..... ".


• w ....... pkW ... ..,-......... .., I o'doda ...... , ...... _ .... l1li .. . ....... e'dodl .. ... ~ • 1I.lh ...... .1QJl1'01l ..... , .... -."''1 ................

the interultion of thl Pomona Road. In thl Town.hlp ul Cinnaminson, lIurUn,tuft Coun· ty New )Iney. will . , 11 It public .. II. upon the followln, tet"", all 'h!lt cerlain parcel of tand (h~tt lnahtr r.ferr~d to at th. proP"' crty) .It",at, 'n thl .. ld Town.hlp on t.he loutherlt II de or Cuthb.rt Roa. ang ~eplft& lot nurn end 159 on a mtp .nUtl.u ';~ myra Kaun,lttn A4jolnlhl Pa1m~ra. H. J,oI d.,ed April. lU6 ,nd rU.d In thl offiCI the C aun,t' Clerk of lh. laid County 01 bur1iftllOnl

TERMS OP BIlLE I. 8.14 ,)l fJ perlY wlJl bt IOtd to thl hl.h·

tilt bllldtr thlldar. but nOt for Ie .. di." '10'-1)0; .ntl no bid I,,, th ... Hid .mount ",.11 bl netlv.4,

) The r.unh.llr ,hall, Immadlately uliOn thl ' . cc:ep 'f' '- ' of hi. bid. PlY 2C!jr otL,ht .mount thereol In c;uh ,~ ,h. -low".nl.1 and In the .vent 01 the •• lIur. of thl bidder 10 m.k. I\llh parm.nt. thl propart, "m 1m· medla" lr be a,.in offered for .. Ie u •• • ut h bid had not be •• M •••.

, The balanc. or tb. Imolllnt of til ..... upled ~ .h.1I be ,.1. 'ft u,b to thl Tqwn.h,p. whhln '"Irt, "IY. If.., ..... "18 01 'hi Mle, I' the elite 01 ,h. TOWIIMi • T, .. ,urt,,; I'" ur,0n rrnlpt of IUch ,I" mtrn the Townth p .lIt d,U.,.r to tb. p.r. chner a ,p.da' warrlnty .... conn,.'II, the- propert,. in IN .Impl.. lubjtet. bow· aUf to the "Iual nlldln, ... ... 'f" .trlcOtlon. contained In deed. hertto(otl JDad

h ••

b" thl .. Id townlhlp for tot. thown oa I • Sl id map 01 Palmyra Sa ..... IOft ,

4 Tha tltl. £on ayad b, Ihe TownahJr 10 ,h, pure hi'" .h,n bt fr ••• ". tI .. ,. 0 .11 tla,u . ...... ment. and other raunlr..4pal u.a. up 10 and Inel"'la. Itt. ,ee,. IflO.

t , 1n th • .-w .... that th. ","cha .. , ....... f. ,1 (lor It'"'' to p., tha ba1Ia,. of tbt .mount 01 Ill' Icupt" ItW aa' 1ICUf't • dud of ron.ey .. '" ot ,1M: pro .. "ty hi ac: .. ((.ordaau whh 'M ItrrD' of ..... 1 tIM ,."..!; 'T .... 11 ... r...-.vW. c..-Ith Of .. hout • A.a • NI."YID prica, •• the T ......... C ......... tl! ".,,. d.'.NII""), J,IHI ,be amo._l ~ t_ dcofi,Io.<,. If •• , . .U I.e ....... 10. 1._ .... 1.lIlal ,.,... •• t .... ..,. tho ..... ,.,c"-••• ....n I.e ... a1'" ...!!'..1.!'" l:"'.~' ~ a, ...... of .... T_, .• -Th. T .......... c ........ _ ...... c ... t, of •• r......... HA.OLD .. W&IT.

,......., Ct.rtJ. De ... A._ ....... .. JII .... ....

Wh" Itol IlIvcst ill electric laundry equip. 1I11'/;t? Choo~e a wa@her thnt has u anethod os genlle 08

hl\lul wn~ll ins, Y Ott can sclect one with an ironing n\ln,.I'I ' WIII w1lic'h r('places Ihe wringer when it is tiane

In iron or "011 may IJreler an electric iron dl01 hna ill

0\\ n t/ll.I,·. Thi~ type I'IlII I", 1110\11'11 IIhout ('n~ily. Prir!'~ lire 11l0tlerotl' nllll puy-ant'lIl t!'rmll art' I'osy.

Your !'ll'clric tlClllcr l'llrri('R Ihesc lahor-

r H I • • D e.o •• N.ID. 'IOU. H • L P



, happy one. for Humea let the loclla down with I miserly total of lout hltl. all widely IPaced.

Concludes Successful Season with Wins Over Palmyra

and East Falls

He walktd three and one man waa aafe on an error that did no damaae. This was thl! extent of the Riverton offen1e. Durinl most of the morn· ina the Terrellmen were drlvln, Iround ball I that were handled flaw­lusly by the Palmyra supporting calt. Bartschell, at first ,etting 18 aS8ists. Freund. third baseman took care of five chances. while Hamlin, at sltort. had eilht.

Carhart Starts

Riverton A. A. wound up I auc­ct,.ful seaaon on Labor Day by 01\ Idlng the last two lamea of the year with Palmyra. The loeala dropped the mornina fracas by a 4·0 dedsion. alld took the afternoon en· gagement by the count of 5.3. Carhart was the Riverton .tartina

111 addition to these two affairs, pitcher and he retired in favo.· 01 Rlvel·ton also took the measure of Baker as lhe fourth frame rolled Ea$t Falla Oil Saturday afternoon. around. The {orlller W3S scored on Th. game scheduled for Sunday with in thl! secolld, tltis tally being un· Riverside was called oR on account earned. 01 wet Irounds, 'the third waa ~ different I.'ory,

By dividina the holiday bill, .Riv. h.oweve.·. as Ha,mlln opened With .. erton aot the edae In the series with ol.ngle. Henson 8 bunt rolled for a their local rivall. winning four I hIt and H~mcl smacked .a double to games out of the Beven played dur- push one m. Freund h.t lafely to ing the year, 8~ore two more. .

I Afler Baker assumed h.s post the

Afternoon Game Palmyrlana lot only one hit and did Tlte p.m. contelt was clole not threaten durin" the balance of

throuahout with the sount beitlg the fracas. deadlocked' at 3.all aa late as the' Riverton tried to escape a shutout eighth Inninl. In the ninth, but to no avail. Me·

Thomal went the route for River. Dermott Irollnded out, but Kem­ton, allowing aeven hlta. Indudllla a merle, battina for Wittmeyer, con· triple by Ed Humes and a double by nected. He atole aecond, took third Ci. HamUn. Murray started for Pill. 011 8n, Infiel~ out. bllt ~xplred al myra, but retlrtd in the second with Karms brlltllna hit to th.rd proved two away after allowlnl two runa to be the ~nal out. and five hit.. He wa. aucceeded by In addition to his mound wo!k. D. Hamlin, who waa toucbed for 10 Humes lot himself a brace. of hlta. blnalea which were well acattered Henion allo collected a pair while with the exception of the elabtb. the otber three for Palmyra were

Thomaa had excellent control and made by Hamlin, Freund and De. did not Illue a alnll,! pall. He Vinney. fanned elaht batter.. The only Riverton lads to Joatle

Score Early the apple were Kemmerle. Witt· meyer, Rothbaum and Snyder.

Saturday Game Pete Leonard. who toiled lor seven

Innlllil and Len Baker, who worked tbe laat two, held Eut Falll under complete control Saturday aher.

Palmyra tabbed a alnlleton in the fint, added an unearned marker in tbe third and concluded their acorlnl acllvitiel in the fiftb. Tbla lalt tally waa made pO.llble by a alnale from the bat of Henaon and a ~u"ln, noon. triple by Humes. L.eonard allQwed only two hltl

Riverton annexed a pair in the ~Iurln, hla term, one beln" a Icratch second and another III the following IDlield blnale. He walked one and atan... They had cbancea to acore whiffed seven. Baker ,ave no hits. in tho Ilxth and seventh, but the pay· \ but paaaed three. He fanned I"ur off came one innlnl later. Rothbaum during his brlel period ~f lervlce. opened with a ainllll! and pilfered The local. lot only SIX Bafetlu off aecond. Wittmeyer's hit brouaht B~lIman, enemy hurler. two 01 these Sam in and Cole', alnlle sent the bema made by Freeman and a pair fo~mer to aecond. Thomas allo hit by Wittmeyer. Wallace and Williams safely, but Wittmeyer was caught In accounted for the others. a rundown. Unearned

Brewster'l ,In,le brouaht In the The first local tally was a 1 1ft. final taUy of the lame. Wittmeyer slnilled in .the second.

stole second and also pIlfered third. Perfect Day He continued to the rubber as the

Sam ROlhbaum had a perfect day catcher hurled the apple Into left al bat. gettinll fOllr for four. In. field. eluding a double. Brew.ter had The only other run of the game three out of five, while Kemmerle came In the fifth. Wallace opened and Cole each aot themlelvea two. with.a one·baser. He wellt tp third

For Palmyra Broderson and as W.lllama laid down a perfed bunL Bloom.trom led ihe attack with two I Freeman', aecond hit of the day lin aiel eacb. broulbt Wallace In to acore. The

Hamlin. at ahort. Ind Huron, at . lame waa one of the beat leen here the lnltlal .ack, performed brilliantly I thla Ie. Ion. for the 10lera. the former leUllla aI. j --------a .. i,ta, whUe Humea handled 14 RIVERTON MAJOR NAMED chancea, lOme of tbem exceedinlly LIEUTENANT COLONEL dlflicult. without lemblanee of an cr· Promotion of Major Oeorlo M. ror. MacMullin. Infantry. to rank of lieu.

Momllla Oame

Becluse of a deartb of repllr p,lching material. Mahaaer Rapp lent Ed Humca, hi. relular firat b •• eman. 10 the mound alalllat Rlv. erton. HII choice proved to be •

tenant colonel, ba. been announced by the War Departmeat. Colonel MacMullin la the 10ft of the late Samuel MacMullin. HI. mother. MR. MacMuJUn. atill relldea on Main Itreet. Riverton.



Results of the Labor Day Relatta al Beverly:

Comets I-Sommervelle. Red Drallon; 2-

Fanington, Red Dragon; 3-H. Lip. pincotl. Riverton; 4-H. Horner, Red Dragoll; 5-B. Lippincott. Riv. erton; 6-Sheb\e, Riverton; 7-Mec· rna", Riverton.

Cricket I-Knipe; 2-B. Kane; 3-East.

(All Reu Dragon). Duster

I-M. Lippincott; 2-Ed. Smith; 3-1'. Mooney; 4-R. Lippincott; S­Earl Mlnkwhite; 6-&,. Kane. jr" 7-Story; 8-Knight; 9-Sanuy Gunn.

Star I-S. Lippincott, Shoemaker; 2-

N ebb, Ayre.. (All Riverton.) Free·for.AII-45 Boats

Duster. I-E. Smith. Riverton.


Two Important events on the aportsmens' calendar-lhe re-open· ina of the New Jersey trout sealon for thirty day I and the bealnnlnl of the three-month rail bird sealon­occurred on Septtmber 1.

Relulatlons governing trout fish. in, which prevailed during the reau. lar lea.on from April IS to July 15 will be in effect durin, tbe thirty day September .. uon. Tbe dally bac limit la ten trout and the fi,b



Realtor 116 CIIUtalDIIIIOD A .... PIIltD,n, N. J.

PboDa RI.moo 21

R....J Trl/I. ,. CllMHi 10 (p_"" H .... vart.

$2.30 Every Week-Day 000' Oft Spatlfte T .. I ..

$2.55 00 ~I~~~:~~~ ,,,~clfitd u.I"~, Rtt. on

r""lar trlln. fwm (Pt""a Sta) , H .... York prior !b S A. III ( 0 .5 T. ' Mond.,.

PrOl1l P.A.... I.a.. Hew York 10 11.lloft on Oround. • • . ..,. .. a"'. ••• IG ml".te.-IG cant ••• d .... ,.

8ee Ply.,.. or tlk ",.,1, for dIUI'. ,

:!: .. a~~\11~ ~dD:~ .. ,!~·';f:.n.: con union for only SOt. '" Rill· ,o.d. on Perad. I

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD , I ' r . " I I ' 1 '1 ,., (J • , r, ~ ,,. •

',. " ~"' ''''' , . ( • • r J .,!'

111'"1.""""111""111"111"111 .. 11111111111111 .. 11111 .. 11111 ........ 11111.1111111 ....




Vacation Over It·. now back to work . . . meaning .Iso that garden

dutlea. which have been aomewhat negJected during the .ummer. mu.t be taken up again-reseeding, harveating and new plantlnp.

Dreer·1 in their new Autumn Cltalo,. offer auiat· anee in their complete line of what it be.t in Sred •• Planta. Bulbi, Pertilize,., Inaecticidea and Tool. . . . Evuy­thing for the Garden. Send for a copy.

Henry A. Dreer, Inc. Bowl for


BlI,ljillJ GO'MII' 8,13",,/,,1 Jl lla 16"

.,oed ud ...... A .... PALIIYIlA

Plant the an of F_ "preme Daffodil_Twelve Bult».. J .. d, of the foat v.netia ilJutrat" ia colora on the foyer 01 the CIItaJoa-fCll' IUS.

muat be at least leven Inchea In Those reaislered totalled 2.222.204. lenlth. . or about 200.000 more than in 19~8.

'l'he ra,il bird aeaaon will remain I The total vote ca~t was 913.528 or open until November 30. It will be about 20,0110 more lhan the prevloUI the open season for Sora, Marsh or hiah record in 1936. Mud Hen (known as Clapper and 1 - _ . - -Kina Railo) and other rail. and Gal. 1 DON'T FORGET linulu except coot. Durinl the open I -period the South Jersey counties of COMMUNITY CENTER NEEDS Salem, Cumberland. Gloucester, YOUR FINANCIAL HELP Cumden.. Burlinaton and Atlantic Which rail birds Inhaabit In areat DONATION BOXES IN which rnil birds Inhabll ill Ireat LOCAL STORES e51 for a great number of .port.· men.


Over 3.000 lelephones were put oul of commlfision early Sunday 11101:" ­ing by the 1100d which inund rued certilln ,.clion. of Soulh jer"ey. In addil,on, 16 Gables were .. endercd u,eless by the c\olldbur.t.

lJamaae was most s~verc in the B. ,dgelull area, according to Q "tale. , mont made by offic.als of the New Jersey Be II Telephone Company this week. .'

So elTkient was lhe repair wOI'k of the organization. however, lhat a complete restoration of service (ex'j cept in parta of Bridgeton) had been accomplished by Sunday nlaht, len than 24 hours after the Aood oc­curred. Crews were rushed to the affected area from points as far north as Newark.

Aa uaual, the operators remained at their POlla throughout the entire ItOI'm.

More person. were reaistered and more voted In the May primary elec. tlon In New Jeney than in any other primary in the State's hlltory?

PAY AS YOU 00 Pta, OoU 011 I lporty Co_

IRON· ROCK PARK GOLP CLUB .. .....,.. ..... ,. sad Ho .....

~1.2:> " ....... WK.1lt1t DAYI ,...-, ~>l' ... aU .. ' , ...

HId",," •• I' Road

P.nn ... "" ,.o ...... Jp

I' HolM



1V!'iJiil1 ~1IICIDt ~ ..........

Matan.e Daily at 2.00 p.m. Evenings 7.00-9.00 o'dock

THURSDAY. Seplcmher 5


South of Pago Pago ' Added-The March of Time


Frce Gifts to Ihe Ladies

FRlOAY and SATURDAY September 6·7



Andy Hardy Meets Debutante

-Saturday Matinee Only-DICK FORAN in


MONDA Y and TUESDA Y September g·IO



The Man Who Talked Too Much

Monday-Free Gift. to the tadiea




I The Phantom Raiders -and-


You're Not So Tough COMING-Friday and Snlurday

All This and Heaven Too

KNOW* ~ o c:: Do~s a 8ank~r

Grant a Favor \t\'h£'n He .\\()kes 1I LOiln?


NO. Profitt ar ', ~rial to lOund ~n\Cina. and • bank'a prOIlU come through ha~'n" Its loanable funda employed Credit la pan of a bank'. stock in tr. ,de. and 10 the banlcf'r i. aa eaarr to estend credit thro~ makm, Mlund loen ........... CM •• la to .. II hIS good • .

The pra.pective borrowe-r should no more hni· tate to rf'quett a to.n for • .ound ptII'JJOR than M would h..ttatf' to purchaw a sutl of clothes.. By borrowmc from Il.f' I»nk be ~ I f'ur· chuer of cr«1it and the bank becou_ ... 1If'T of credlt .

The- cbid dl"ft'~ bet .. HIt the benkrr and tM merchant iI that the banker daft not It'll the funda outri&bt. buI metely aells t~lr Ult'. Conat-qlWfttly he mUll ~ C'are tn (1'lIn~ln, a loen bKawe the ~ be» belonp to the ...... cSrpo.ton.

a-.. in. BIlk _ Trill Co. RIVERTOII, N. J.



THE NEW ERA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1940 • mimt while Weal wa. seeded No. •. It II intcreatinr 10 note aU the malchel played by Wett In the 'tournament have been won by two "etl. The other Iwo memberl Ii_ted in the leml-final. are memberl of the Rose Valley lennil club.

The wmner of the aRah' will re­ceive the Senator Howard Eastwood trophy.


Into tha Comet Alaoclatlon wblc:h lon, Leon R. Randolph. Sea Gin. /

;7;h h;: :h:i~:~~a~::ln:':~:ee: Frfduanyer:: ~~rovi~~~. ~~!':eth~el~o;~ II MAIN ST out first in the Nationall of 1938 Uld:!n~::;:u?· t~~li~e~~ 6~II~i'r::~~; • third In 1939.

PerhapI the mo.t IntereaUn, fea. ofJi~~~~~~~t will be made in Mt. MAR K [T-ture WII the lublequent informal Pence Cemetery, Philadelphia. under discua.lon of the many boat. he hal the direction 01 the Snover Funeral built and helped build and the many Home. bOYI he ha. Interelted In water ac· The deceased Is survived by his tivitiel durin, yean prior and IUb- ,Ister. Mrs, Ellis, and a son and aequent to hla terml al Commodore daulhter. 01 the Riverton Club-a contribu­tion to community life which he has feverllhly and unltlntlnlly oRered for man)' yean.

___ ._0 __ . ___ -----

Ethel's Beauty Salon 511 Howard Street


WALO and CANHART • . Propa.

528 MAIN STREET Next tu Chew'a Dabet


Edward K. Merrill. opeaklnl at the Rotary Club on AUllust 29. traced the history of )'a~htinll on the Delaware ill B moot onlel'lalninlr way.

.. ------------~ draw'"l upon a store of Information



William F. Randolph died on Sun. day. September 1. at the home of hi'

Phone Rlverton 1090

"BILL" and "BUTTS" Mra. Emma Marlin. of 423 Lippin­

cott avenUe. wal a auest lalt week at the Chalfont-Haddon Hall. At. lantic: City. -Mlaa l.ouile Moorhoulc. Of River-ton. left Tuesday lor New York, where ahe will enter the Bellvlew Hoapitill »chool of nurainl.


Mia. Dorothy Dawna. of Palmyra. will enter the Weat Jeney Ho.pltal Ithool of nuroln, on September 11.


Mr. and Mra. William Denneler Uld aon John, of Cinnamlnlon. epent Labor Day at Ocean City.


The River Townl Ladlea Club will bold their card party today (Thur.­day) at 2 p.m. in the K.G.E. Hall, Rlverlide. Mrs. Frand. Edinaer will .erve as hOltell. A apetial meeUnl of tbe club will be held at the bome of Mra. Anna ' T. Denneler. Riverton. on Friday, September II at '.l.G p.m. Ali member. arc uraed to be prea~nt.

-0-Mrs. Claire Lippincott. of 114 Le.

coney Circ:le. entertained the execu~ tive committee of the BurUnaton County RepUblican Women'. Club at luncheon last Thursday. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Morria Beck. of Hllhland avenuc. left thl, week for a motor trip throuah the New Enl­land atat" •.


The J. D. Girll. of Riverton. Helen Coles. Marlon Speaker. Becky Greer. Kitty Oliver. ,Betty Atklnaon and Ann Coles. have returned from a two weeks vacation at Se-aalde Hellhta.

-0-Diatrlct 3 of the P. O. of A. will

hold a union meetinll on Thursday nlaht. September 12th. In the P. O . S. of A. Mrs. Emma Oreen. dla­trict prealdent will pre aide. All memberl have been uraed to come out to make thll cecalion a .ucc .....


Mr •. Stuart S. BuchJ1olz, of Ealt Charles Itreet. wao lut week'. win. ner in the Sacred Heart P .T.A. mer­c:handlle club.


MR. Edward Leavy. of 501 Cfn. naminson street. will entertain the Luclry Socia' Club tonlcht.


Don West. of Palmyra. laat Sat­urday afternoon. advanced to the eeml-finall In the Burlincton County tcnni_ tournament when he defeated John Tara.evlch. of Burllncton. 8-2. .-4.

Weat played Bob Jaclraon 'ast ~mlnc at ROle Valley c:oanl. Jack-10ft II aeeded No. I. In the touma.

aained in a lifetime of aaloclatlon with river front acllvilie •.


EYES &XAMINBD Phone Rlveralde 6lS


Beauty Qulture in All Its Branches

Facials and Body

Orlan;'ed boatina activities beaan as early aa 1830 Bnd in 1835 the firat oi a lonl aeries of racca (rom Phlla. delphia to Chester wal .. lied. The formation of clubs in Enlland and America were usually in thple daYI accomplllhed by a rroup of m,en ench contribulinll a Imall lum for the purchaoe of a boat and then each in tllrn havina opporlunity to lall It.

to Scott Street Rlveralde. N. J. Massalre

The New York Yacht Club wa, formed in 1844 and the first activit lea In Riverton appear to have been In 1850 when a wharf waa built. The Riverton Yacht Club WI. orianlzed in 1865 and Incorporated In'881. Up to twenty yean a,o all day racei to Chester and back were an annual feature of local club Ictivltlel.

Dlscua.lon •

Mr. Merrill told In hia charltter. latically modell way, of hie own yeara of rae ina and how after drop­pinl the Iport £ollowln, ten ),elrl with the L. I. boatl, he was entlc:ed

(Sach'l BulldlnC)

Conet.. pdl.... bra.l.rel or oa.·plec. alU'lDtala ••• de.lp. ed a.clualyeJ), 'or ),our BlUre at It.,

Mrs. L. M. McCamy Con.lI ..... d iI ....... 7., Kltlll... A....... P.IID". "'on.. al.,""" ;21



HOLD Everything

Only 10 days left--AII Used Car. mu.t be sold

SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY ACf! LOOK! See These RED HOT Bargaini! 1939 FORD . $595

De LUlie FORDOR SEDAN-Color black, aood rub­ber. perfect mechanical condition.

1939 FORD $535 85 H .P. TUDOR-Low mil ... ,e. only one owner. Ready to ,0.

1937 FORD $375 DeLu"e 4.DOOR SEDAN-Color blue, radio, v­,oad tlrea. _."

1936 FORD . $285


EXTRA-Pete Smith Novelty "STUPFIE"



Tuetday. Sept. 10


White Baa Yellow Bla

Ib ISc Ib 2Ie SPRY

3·lb can 48c can 18c

KLEK 2 for 3le

MERION CATSUP 2 14-oz. ,bottles 29c

Kellogg's APPLE JUICE 3 20-oz. cans 25c


DATE and NUT BREAD 2 cans 27c

OCTAGON SOAP 3 for llc


VELVEETA CHEESE 2 8-oz. pkgs. 29c


TOMATO SOUP 3 22-oz. cans 25c


MARGERINE ............ tb 21e


Pork Sausage Ib '25c FUIR KILLED STEWING

Chickens Ib 28c

S !b a"a.

The _

DeLu"e TUDOR-Heater. radiO, very,ood mechanl. cal condition. ,oad tit .... n_ teat coYen.

1936 FORD $265 Standard TU DOR-Coloc blaclr. aood tir .. dean up­holatery.

MItE 5Hllur a....A.~~1 OF

\\l\'OV POP1A15


HAM Ib 2& s~~~':.'='-


..... _.. ..,---It. ___ .. _to - , ...... ;::, - ,.-=: ii::,.r' •••• f .... 'e •••• _a..-........... _ -~.

1934 FORD $135 4·DOOR SEDAN-tIO.oo DOWIL

1935 CHEVY $260 COACH-Motor o.n1IaaJed. radio, ...... _ -'-t and teal cow... • .--'

1935 [N)~E $265 . SEDAN-Good IDedwUcaI coodidca, radio ..... ter.

1932·33·34 Fords and PlymoatJas $5.00 down E. Z. TERMS

. _r_ .OtADoO_

-ADDED­GearCe 01...., lind Orcheatn

PREE-To the Ladla Tueaday and Wednncta,

NMEXICALB~ Luncheon Sec

~.t I: n;;;;d.,. Sept. 11·12 HE POL OWED ADVENTURE SHE "OLLOWED HER MAli

WIIoIt or Half

....,.. ...... HALl'

SMOKES 1b25c


2 5-oz. jan 37c



.--............... ----...; ------•• _ ••••• 1 J ITOOGElLA~ COMOT '2 I-Ih caDS 29c •



_ I The St. JOleph', CouncU of the manner 01 the Friend .. In the Weat.

WHAT TO DO THIS WEaK I Knilhtl of Columbus, of Palmyra town frienda Meetin, HOUle at and Riverton held the IftltaUltton Of !

a~ 4. C ... d..... . their olfi(erl for the com inc Yelr noon oh Saturday. Auauat 31, Mias I ..... .., ..... " •• N J Col It,. 0' eveninl of thl. weei: at the Mary Taylor, d.uchter of Mr. Ind

"lrI .... "... , I K. of C. home Broad and Elm ave- I Mra. Howard G. Tlylor. Jr., of Rlv-1l;;:=== __ = ________ iiiO __ ..:a1 lIue. Diotrict deputy Patrick Me:· erton. became the bride of WendeU

September io an excellent time of year to. do aomethinl about over­.TOWn foundation planun,l. Suc:h pllntin ••• after all. are intended to aolten and complement the line, of the house and to hid.. the bric:1r or conci etc loundation, nol provide ·a acreen for the front porch.

CulloUlh, 01 Glouce~ter, wi. In A. Hinkey, of Ithlca. N. "I .• IOn of charle of the ceremonte. and repre- . lented the newl), elected atate depu\)' Mr. and Mr., .Charles E. Htnkey. ' 01 john F. X. LandfiCln. Leo C. Ter- Cleveland. OhiO, rell. waa recle~ted Grand Knllht of There were no attendanta. the local ~oun~il. Otherl who were }'oliowIPIr the ceremoliy a recep-ejected and ' inetalled were Otis tlon wa. held at the home of the Meyers. deputy rrand knlaht; Charle. Oetty, chanc:ellor; William. Sc:uUy, warden; jamea Kennedy, financial aecretary; Jos~ph Doulher· ty. recorder; Andrew J. Pfall, treas­urer; Franc:ls Shlnkel. advocate: Au,ull E. Conlow. lecturer; and joseph Yearly. john L. Strohlein and William J. Eck. Sr .. trustees,

bride', parenta. On. their return from a weddina trip. Mr. Hinkey and hi_ bride will re.ide in Ithaca.

The bride was aradulted from Mooreatown Frlendl School and Oberlin Collele. Mr. Hinkey ia also II llradutlte of Oberlin and attended Cornell Unlvecalty.

Some euerllreenl in the foundation plallllhil may be cut back, but lu,h comlers lIa apru~es and pinel are be.t taken out and replaced by more apo pro pilate planta. If you Ire plan. Dillil " neW foundation plantin,. COh­.ider Rowennl deciduoul Inrubl be­fore you devote IU the Ipace to everlreena alrain. A wide vlrlety 01 deciduous ohruba can be obtllned from moat nurserymen and thi. Ie a loud seaaon to plant them. When planted at this time. they are uaual· Iy cut bock rather hard .nd liven plenty of water. By such treatment, the plants ahould be eatabUlbed and ready to IIrow well next sprlRIl.

Most Accidents Occur on Dry Roads, Report Shows

, Routine Work

A. far al routine worlr in the ,ar. den thia montb ia concerned, the Dlost Important thini II to Ileep the weeda under control. Don't let any Crab-araao or Pilweed planta 10 to Iced. If they do. new planta will act a foothold and malre weed con­trol even more bothersome next year. Be lure to remove ftower bead~ of Oarden Phlox ao loon al the bloom II ione, lor Ii the), are lelt on the plant, the leeda will acat· tel around the plantinll and the plants which will rc.ult will be no more than weed. in the border.

' Such seedlinls are 1 .. ldom of value. for very of len the color i. much in. fenol' to lbe orillnal. The e_tabJi,h­c<1 planls ahould be well watered and sprayed for mildew at thia aea.on.

LaIC aummer I. one of the beat Ilmel to propaaate planta by layer. ina. The method r. very limple, and espeCially lUI ted to increaainl vine •• Simply pull the vine or the branch of a s hrub down to the Iround. make a wound in the wood with a _harp klll[o and j:over with earth. If they wiU not remain in place of their own accord, layerl ahould be ataked or held down by a .tone or brlcl1:. Root. will form where the wound haa been made.

The old.fashioned woman who Mpaill and pairl." now h~1 a ~u,h. tel who says "char,e It


IIILP WAIITKD ct.USJPm) o\Dvam...-n

Rate lOe Per Line (~A_.W_)

~ GIOott .. Ie - '" Pbone'7l2

SALE: 1937 1'udor Ford, Arlt daM condilion. Coad rubber. CoOO pa1Dt,

Jnuph Frid.y. S02 lIain meet. 7-2S-tf

SALE: 4O·1.llon Merion automatic aas hOI w.ter heater. Writa Box

B The New Era offiCI.

WANTED; ReprClClltadve to 100II

Ona of many ,urprilling facts revollled In The Travelers' newelt annual booklet on hhlhway sofety t.a lhot the grent majority of ac­cidents occur not on Icy. sleelY or snowy roods but when lhe rood aU,rfac:e Is dry and prosum· Ibly safe,

The booklet. entilled "Smash HiI.'! of the . Year." analysea the clrcumslnnce.a surrounding the accident. In 1939 which klllod 32,lOG Americans and Injured al­most a million and I quarter others.

Four out of five fatal acclden!.ol.

It Ii shown, happened on dry roads. Where non-fatal Dccid(, l1t3 were concerned the rnllo WOH 01 -

moat a. great. AlJout 15 prr (,(·"t of all accidents occurred wh"n lhe rood surface wal wet and, surprisingly. only IIvc: pcr c<,,,t when the road. were covl·i·l'd with ice or snow.


The ,.OWI. Sweetheatu of the popular Hard,. FamU, come dote tn the partinc of the wa,. in "Andy Hardy MUI. D~bu'lnt~.- IItrJl 01 th~ Hriea .howittC at the POll Theatre. Rivru,de. Priday and S,uurrl.y

&iter our macariDe IUbKription In­te~uta In Ri"mon and <ric:iait, • family orde.. wMcripdonL H "ntlreda of dollara Ire _pent for th<rn eacit 1.11 and wintec in thi. " .. lnIlY, Inltruction and equipment f .. e GuarAnteed lowest rata 011 all ~11<><ll(ala. domestic and ford an. Reprnent the oldat IMcuine Iceney In Ihe United Statn., Start I 'ro .... ln'.nd pHmaIICftt baainellllDl~§o .................. a..a.''''.'.'.1 •• 4.4 .................... 00 ................ a. ........................... 0;a.t ................ a •• IiIIIII'!~:.;,J 'whole M apare time. AdMeaa Moore­(Muell. Inc .• Napl" Road. NortJt Cl)boclon. New Yorlr, ~Slo"'l2

Ff..f.IABLE V_C II.. elnOre'S ... ')C1t of an, irlad. '.4 PCIIII Itren.

Riverton. ~S-H

----------------~f..: SIn Parker Pield 0.... PwII D~ bar _ 21 Inch, 12 ,...e..

i J Ib Lih - . IU.oo. Jljy. ~J.

fOR RENT: PIIf1Iiabcd « ....... JmIIed. 6 ,-.. eecGDd aocw, ~

bUt. ~u ,. __ -. a;..-. ~Il




-- -. - ~ - -- -- ---

'Rei. Price 27c-Buy 6 lara for $1.49-Sav. 130 , New Pack lISCO Pure 2·n, 2SC Pre •• rves jR'

Pineapple, Cherry, Voullgberry.

Reg. 5c PENCIL 'M,le with puroh8le of 1 loaf of Milk or Soft Twill

Brelld lit regular price.

BREAD HIII1.eIllO .\tIIl< or Mort ,'",I't 21':er::. lSc

Raisin Pound Cake I~~~~~'!:~ Ib~~ MObJ9c

Large Prunes 40160_2 fb, 17C

L.rv. C.II'.r"l. D,I.d J

Lima Beans 2 fb·1Sc

~ B ~t·", l'u4'lc 2 ~CJ ~ 17 ... ax ean •• ·"rlllll .. lt' CUI .... Ii~ C

;1SCIJ Aapar •• ua All ~r::..,~~ ... I'I:~" 1 7 c S t P SIl .. Plld( 2 No. I 19 we. eas IIlIrln<-k aan. C

lISCO T omato.a .,.~ .. J':::t17 3 N:'I~.25c lISCO Tomato Soup r.::. OIOU 5c

Fresh Prune. 2 r:,:~! 13c ' iv.r •• d, Fr .. at co.It.... NU~:D"" 19L 11.)'(0 SlIc.d PI ... "I. "~ .... 17e IISCD Cru.h.d Pln •• pple' '!:'.: 27c Phillip" To .... to '::;';·5 ,

'eney Blue Rose Rice 1t,5c:

NACHlis N~a!YI 14c ..... •• PIICIIuId III ItIal'IIOM ..... ,. rtcb ., .up,

Back to School with On. of Th ••• Cues

BRIE' CASE I.'''': Dw.N1IIa onlT 79c with purchu. of .,.00 or over.

Lar",· t:allr. Tulla, GRAPES 2 1II'13c

"'.lIf. \ ...... u ... ·i. ORANGES doe 19c

St:" ello.· 000"1 ...

APPLES 3 Ito. l4c flol"ton 'tf"lfn"

Sweet Potatoes ... " .. 14c

Fresh Pork SauAge III 25c Meaty .... ;:: .. Scrapple - 12c .- .. , ...... ..-,.,. CHICKINSw-:-.... ~ ... -19C

·13-"""'n" I ... t-"'fQI,ll'd ,..", • ..,...

Larae Hams c ... , ••

P~""" .IOcIP ..... S.W ·1. Rico '-Wi .. IUdl - a-.. .~. '5('

, ...... " nil .... f_.... I .......... ~ HADDOCK • I.~ FLOUNul.. ·I'e Prt-h ,."............ f"'rvo.... • .. , ,.

MACillRIL • 12. aunlRfllN •• ' ...... .- .......... o. ___ • ____ y_


• t II b held 111 the Guild ROOD. AD THE NEW ERA l'ubli.hed Ever)' Thurad., at eo9 Main SUfft

RIVBRTON. N. J. btefed .t the Riverton, N, J .• PoI.t Olliee aa Second Clua Natttt

Telephone, Riverton 712

The Ctllef ·!kl",.::e: 11.00 Lm. . ;'f' th"e'luar), at a o'doc" AD

I : II The Vft~r S<u"i~e: "00 p.m. : ~em~r'S and inC!nds o~ the ChWda Church NOtices At the chid s"rYlce Past~ Ro_ I are inVIted to attend this YUy hell>-.. ,II have ;IS hi. sermon theme ful ~nd profitable ser.tce. "Rumor H;IS It." At the V9~r ThuBday "....,n,nl: at • o'cJodt the

WALTER L. 80WEN, IWltor •• W. M£TZOItR, A .. odate Bdltor KARL W. LATCH, Ad • . Mar.

4 Second Stre.t, R,verton 8IZ Mor,ln Ave .. Palmy,. , Phon" 406 Phone 8&11

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Th, Nlw Era 'a a Le,al New.paper. Commi"loner'., SheriFI and

ether Bale., Adminiltrator'l and Executor'l Ad"'rtiae.menll .re. 10Ueited. TIM Na., Er. will Ipprec:ilte bein, remembered In th,. ':onnectlon.

SACRaD HEART CMURCH Fourth and Unden .beaua

R"'-toD, N. J. Rev. Jolin p, Welah, Putw

Rn. Thomal T. Barf)' A .... Pa.ter Sunday Maaaea-7. 9. and 10.30

o'clock. Daily Mllu-7 a.m. Confeaalona-SIlturday, 3.4~ to S.4~

alld '.30 till II p.m.

Su,,;ce the paltor .. ill bte'n a setles W mU! 01 the Chiit'd! will meet to oi at~Ofl' ~n "Great ~Ible Char· re:rlanize and (on~idate aU the a(ler .. ' the "nt of whkh shall ~,! Women's Oraanizationl Into ott. "The Sorry Career 01 Samson. latee or,aniz31ion to ~ known at These musaeu should pro,"e to ~ "The Women', So.:iely of Chri,tian informad • ..:. inAplrallonaJ .~d help. Service: ' Thi~ is a very impcM'tant luI 10 all who attend. It . I~ hoped meetlnl. E,,,ry woman or OW'

thaI all Ihe m .. mbers ~nd Itlenda of chunch should be present. AU melll. Bethany Chur.:h w,1I attend both ben 01 all Women's Socie1iea in oW' aervi(u or Ihe day .r~I~larly. fI >:ou church shollld be pruent. The Min. have no church alT,lIallonl and WIsh ister of the Church WIll pruide .t to worAhlp, B~lhAny w,lI be gill" to

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH welcome you to all h~r ~ervices.

Sublcrlption ".50 a Ye.r In Advance Advertilin, Ratel on Appllc.tlon


The New Er. Office ia equipped 10 do .11 kind. 01 Fltte Println, .t re.aon.ble prlcea. '

Firat Church 01 Chriu, Scienlill Thoma. Ave. and Seventh St.

Riverton. N. J. Sun dol' School. 9.30 a.m. Sunday Servlcea. II I.m. Wednelday, 8.00 p,m: Reading Room in Church BuUdlnl

Thomaa Ave. and Seventb St., River. :on. open TueadlY and Frod.y. 2.30 04.30.

Wesleyan Men's Bible Class

For Ih' Men 01 the Commu.aity "STILLNESS"

this meet,nl. On Friday ""eftlnl the Senior

Cholt Will mee! at the home 01 Ha.:hd Lord lor the lirat rehc.rAl thIs l"alt, Atter rehurlal a real part)' and treat WIll conclude the pro,ram All membe ... both old and new are asked hI be sure to be present.

CENTHAL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Oeor,e Lockett, 8.0., Putor

THE REPUBLICAN TICKET For President-Wendell L. WilIkle

For Vice President-Charles L. McNary In plaein, the Lamolll Lick Ob· Sen'leu Sunday. September 8th. serviltory 3000 [eel above the ,ur/ace, HIIlie School-IO a.m.

For United Statu Senate-W. Warren Barbour For Member .of Congress-D. Lane Powerl

For Governor-Robert C. Hendricklon


Burllnlton Pika on the lIIounla," lOP, the .delllists As Ihe ~ac.tion period come. to a .ay il was to act "God's Air." elill close, the ~ch ... ol i8 anticipatin, a re and' cloud Ie •• and the lar,er view 01 turn 10 the usual larle atlendan(1I the nUlllcroue worlds. and renewed life ind inapiration In Sunday Momln,

For Allembly-A. Matlack Stackhou.e For Coroner-Emeral White

For Freeholder-Albert C. Jonel

10 o'clock-Meetln, for worallip.


"Be It ill and know that J am Ood." the work. Thi. i, a lood time to So command. the word of Ood. that make a Fall resolution of auendln, II, ,bidinl In the quietude of the In. rc,ularly. finite, out of the dOubt I and que.. Morning Wonhip-1I.15 .. m. For Freeholder-Fred C. Norcroll, Jr. "Man" il the Leason-Sermon lub·

Ject for Sunday, Seplember I, In all Chrllti.n Science Church .. and So-

tionln,. of Ihe confusion of life. It Pastor Lockett wUl .,.in be in i. then only that one fellow.hip. the pulpit after hay in, btu! on bl. with the Divine and knowl by laith vacation. The topic for hia .. rlllon the eyer·, knowledle of will be "Our Church Home." Com Ood, •• revealed In HI. Word by I munlon will be lerved followln. t" Ihe Holy Spirit. •• rmon In which all Chrl.llana are

cietin throulhout the world. A S,--Ileech and the DoctS The Golden Text la: "The Spirit It. y - - -r 4 eelf beareth witn ... with ollr apiI'll. . i h i that we .re the chUdren of Ood: In hi. Ipeech of acceptance of the nomlnat on to t e v ce Ind if children, then heir.: helra of

pre.idencyof the United States. Henry A. Wallace tOQk occallon God, and joint.hei" with C~rl.t:' to compare President Roolevelt to Hitler. (Roman. 8:16. 17).

M.rtln Luther. wben thre.tened e.peelally Invited to partlcip.te. All by .ccleallillcal .lItbority .nd ex· them. by the choir. eluded, tben Itld one. "Where wlU EYenln, Wonhip-7.45 p.m.

. I b II d h 11 f ed mu.t be crulhed . Amon. the Lellon·Strmon cit •• Quote: "Hit er e eve t at a re om • tionl i. the followlnl from tbe Bible: Roo.evelt believed In freedom of speech, pre •• and religion." "Wherefore thou art no more. ler-

you be then?" Luther .houted: _ . Where I am now, in the hind of

"For more than .even yearl. Roolevelt hal been workin, vant, but •• on: .nd If I .on. then God," In .ccordance with the proclama

"Be StlU" In the houra 01 atru"le. tlon by the Prealdent of the Unlta4 even dI.appointment, com.. the StaIn lett In. apart thl. Sunday .. Iinowled,e 01 beln, in Ood'a care. It I day of proyer to Almlehty ODd for i, In thl. quietude 01 flith in God the reltoratlon of peace ImOil, the that we leek to le.d the Bible CII.. n.tfon., I .pecial lervice belltdn. the membe~l. occasions will be held tbla evenln,.

Iteadily to help the American people build up an demo an heir of God Ihrou.h ehrllt." (Oalatian. 4:7).

Geracy c'apable to bringing lecurity to the families of this Nation. The Lellon-Sermon 1110 Include. Parm Income and factory payrolls, two of the Itrong legs of re- the followlnl p ..... e from the cove.ry. have both been more than doubled, Buslne'l profit. Chrl.llln Science textbook. "Bdence

.nd Health with Key to the Scrip. bave been reltored and increaled." End quote. ture." by Mary Baker Eddy: "In Mr. Wallace made a fine .peech. upon which he W81 later Science min II the off'lprin. of

-armly congratula.ted by the President. and It might have been Spirit ... Spirit I. hll primitive .nd ~ ultimate lource of beln .. Ood I. hll quite 81 convincing a8 it was eloquent. if not compared with the Father. and Lift II .the law of hi.

Meet with u. next Slindly aa we The Pastor'. iubjeet will be "Prlyer prepare Ihe heart. In the mid.t of for the Nation." Appropriate mllalel lufferin, and temptation. to 'ablde In by the choir. the quietude of Heavenly. ________ -=== __ •

factI. beinl" (p. 63). Judged by facts and actione that are matters of public record BETH--A-N-Y-E-V-A-N-O-E-UCAL

and common knew ledge. Mr. Ro08evelt's idea o( "Democracy" LUTHERAN CHURCH wall to reduce Congresl to a servility heretofore unknown In the 8rold Street .nd Mor,an Avenue bistory of the United States. In this condition. the representatives Pllmyrl of the Ilcople passed lawl by the President's order which the Rev. Harold Lee Rowe, Plltor

I The Sixteenth SundlY .fter Trln· Supreme court refulled to approve. Then the President tr ed to Ity.

pack the Supreme COllrt and was defeated by a popular uprising. Be,lnnlnl thl. Sunday Bethany By the time resignations and deaths had enabled him to appoint a Church return. to It. fill Ind winter

r' .chedule of aervlce.: majority 01 members of the court who approved C?f hi' po tClel, The Cburch Scliool-10.OO a.m. Congress had regained Borne of Its rightful courage and inde~


Rev. William A. Boyd, Plltor The Rev. W. A, Boyd, Minllter of

the Methodi.! Church h~. returned from hi' vacation and wl\l preach both Slinday mornln, at II o'clock and Sunday eveninl at 7.45 o·c1ock.

Tucaday evenlnl at 8 o'clock the relullr- mcctinl of the officlll board will be held in hte Guild Room. All memberl of the Board are expeeled to be present. Mattet. of yery Irest importance ore to be considered.

The Mid·Week Church Service

pendence and refused to answer the lath. Then Mr. Roosevelt leeklng to overflow the fatherland. he led hill people through the tried to prevent the re·election of thOle who had oPpoled hil procell of building, equipping and training a huge army. With will. Hi. "purge" was no more luccellful than hi. "packing." that army al hi' bodyguard he hal 10 .trengthened hlmlelf that

The Roosevelt vcr. ion of "democracy" lent a m.n to prllon one hardly dare. breathe within the borden of Oermany without for failing to charge the price .et by the government for prellln, a epeclal permiellon from the leader. The people know opprnllon. pair of pant •• and another for not paying a .cale of wagn. allo hunger. want, and out of their Ilvn ha. gone everythlnr tFl.t prucribed by the government, which would have made it impot- meaill real, genuine happlnell. lible for him to continue in bUllneli. Some leven yearl or '0 a,o, a man came into power In the

Mr. Roolevelt. under the infamous "Potato Act," enllneered United State.. Appointed by the people to a pOlitlon of hlgb by the then Secretary of Agriculture Wallace, who now pratH rank. he hal uaed a large portion of his time during tho.e aeven of freedom and democracy. propoled to .end to j.i1 every houle. yeara to conlOlid.te hll poaltlon and make wh.t appearl to be In wife who bought a bag of potatoes which did not bear a govem. attempt to make hlm.elf impregnable. He hal taken an internt

ment teat. In the alfairl of natlon. beyond the border. of hi. own country. lnatead of trying to bring about harmony and cooperation With hy.terical crice that the day of democracy in Europe I.

between capital and labor. Mr. Roosevelt tried to Itlr up an- doomed. that the natlona of the dark continent will lOOn be over. ta,onilm between the two by referring to the "for,otten man," run by the bloody dlctatora .nd that then thi. nation will be the die "bave. Ind the have not .... and denounced employe ..... lut .tronghold of democracy, he hal ut at hi. delk and demand. "economic .... "princea of Indu.try," "the .pecial privilege cd millionl upon millloni for the bulldin" equippin, and trainin, daM." etc. of a huge army.

And if ••• ·Mr. Wan.ce claim •• farm income and factory pay. When the Oerman had realized his ambition and ,ained the loll have been more than doubled. how is it thlt there are ten power he lOu,ht. it w .. an e .. y matter to eliminlte from the million penon. ItiU out of employment. and the banb are burlt· poUtical lICene the man who bad firlt appointed him chanuJlor. in, with money which buaineu men will not borrow and put to When the American abatUHd precedent throup hit minlona work ~n, to Adminiauation ba.tillty to bualnne? The Prai· in ChicalO and placed bimaelf in a poaition of denyin, at leut dent', attitude toward employe ... w .. dearly Itated when he I8id, lOme of the precepta and traditionl of dftDOCtlCy, It " .. an .. , ripe after he wa. re-elected In J936, '*They' (the InduatriaJiatl) matter to eliminate from tbe poJidcaJ lICene the man who, actuaJJy M"e met their equaJ-now they will meet their muter." and atmo.t ainl1e-handedly. fint put him in a piau 01 nationaJ

But here are lOme other compariaona between Hitler and power.

Mr. Rooandt wbidI IIr. WaJIacc ICCIDI to bave overlooked: With hia oriafnaI .ponaor eliminated. the German b. ,one Same In'en JUrI Of ao 1,0. a man came into power in Ger· on from one clark deed to another. from one tyraDn, to 7ft ..

-y. Appointed to a po8tion 01 hlp hnk. be .......... 1,... other oppr..aion, and tben ...... to be no ...... liP .. pa to conaolidate hia poaition and in a comparetiyel, ebort .,.. Witb Ilia oripnaI IpOIIIOr' ........... tM A.e.k_ ...... ., tilDe bad ao forti6ed b __ 11 that be .... imprernablc. Thea be are tile people of tJaia nation to let tile .....,. ....... coo ...... ..... to .... aa u.tcre.t in die affairs 01 ...... ~ die aa, Joacer, Of wiD tIaey IDIke lUre dial .............. II ...... ....... 01 Ilia own couatry. PIeacIiaa ta..t ncrr OM 01 tt.a,... .... to tile I&Ory 01 "OYV .... r

Evans' Srrvlc£ Station Broad I: Main St.. Riverton, N. J.


Tir •• SIUerie •• Auto Aee._rlea Bro.d I: M.ln Bt., Rivert ..... N. j,

l:te];",' APPLIANCES



114 Cine ......... A ..... .ALMYM

T.JapIaoea 'I'



Y21b 30c lib 60c ---­WHITIIAH'I

LOV&L • COWLL ... 8MELLa ... aRGDa


L L KEATING ............... RlYDTON



P t· fiiiiI1f' SALES on laC ~ SERVICB

BELLEVUE GARAGE Br";ld and Kern S.... S. RiftftOft Telephone Rlv. 1595 • NI,h' IM-M •


The Friendly B.nk " Member FDIC

Main .t Harrison Street o ' RIVERT.ON

EA'RLE B. HAPDER Rep~irs and Inst:tltlationa

Po .... er ~nd Li,ht

306 Melrose Avenue Palmyra Phone Ri~..,r'on 1125

Cu~tom ·built Cern~tery Memorials in Gn ;Uc. Marble and S'I'onu

Will Hope & Son Washington and Federal Streets

Burlington. N. J. Phone Burlin,ton 13

Phone Rj~rtOn 2


Roealtor'5 • Gener~1 Inlurance N-otary Public

Inc. BARBERS EXPRESS W. H. SLOCUM & SON Walter D. Lamon Marble I: Gr.nite

Works • 'JACK" DAWLEY t OIdsmobll£ .


Safet), Tnted Used Can

10 Broad Street. Rivenon

RAY BANKS I 8AR8ER S~dal Attention to

All Work 30ti BROAD STREET


Shinn's Express Rivenide. N. J.

DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA Office-lOti N. 5th Street

Phone-Riverside 346 Philadelphl.-Lombard IIOU

67 "'st Main Street Moorutown. N. J.

Phone 1S9 Get Our Price



516 Cinnaminson ,the. PallD~ Phonl! Riverton 2~

e.:x. TelephonH

Merchantville 5110 Riverton 1212

Kopp£nhav£r Motor Co_ DODOE and PLYMOUTH

SALES .nd SERVICE 600 Broad St. Riverton

Phone Riverton 380



,Emerson Wolfschmidt Edward Moorhouse

5 · & 10 STORES




MAGEE & HUGHES Covered by Inaurance

Painting ED'WARD HUGHES, M,r.

114 GarAeld Ave. Palmyra Phones: 341 and 24S-M

McCROSSON Incorporated

Real Estate and Insurance 5 East Broad St .• Palmyra

Phone Riverton 500


LEON ROUSE w11l u (c .r: uar d your h1fnl,u r e an t row IU'omo bile . . .

Service Manaler 521 Howard St. Riverton SAFE DRIVERS RE"A~:>


Riverton N~t.ry Pll hhOt'nrnJ Int u rlnu Ru1 EIlI ..

416 Lippincott Av~. RlvertOll Phone Rin" lon 106 .

506 Broad Su-erl W. F. Becker BALES _ SER~lCE . BUILDERS

Moorestown Motor Co" Inc • ..::.::..;:..-------__ ---:-219 Weat Main St., Mooreatown John E. Me Vaugh

Phone Moorestown 77 or 48~ , Contractor and Builder



SI7 HOWARD S1' .• RIVERTON Phone 724-Free Delivery


L. L. Keating Leslie w. Reeves


I'i",,,~ R"'crl un 7tli or 84S RrVER1'ON. N. J. Tclel'hone Riverton 915-J AUTO·SERVICE


Flre·lon" Tire.-Batterlh J I bi o • Special Attention 10 0) ng

Burke's Service Station 16 w. CIiARLES ST .• PALMVRA

Broad and Linden Phone 1562

Phone 744 Riverton ____________ _


Patent M« liri ne. • Oilt. . Candy I S Ch rclil1g Ca rcls - Ice e'enm

KARL FRANK' ei(( ... " and Stationery ~ 29 C inll am ln "PIt A yr.-n il e

(>ALMYRA, N. J. Brn,1l1 alld Main Streels. RiyerIOn , __________ . __ _ MEAT MARKET Phi:>ne 1540 y


60' Main St, Phone 86 RIVERTON -- .,- - -------____ _ \. lo l~ F. :'~E[,A'RLY ------------ -- -- WM B Pl(;'HOP - !'.l H"crt '1I1 Ph .. " e 69-11

• • ..... ' I· ~..;:,.... - - ~ - - --I'L U MltlN O • III : IITINO RO Or-INO I HARDWARE


Complete Automobile Service 119.125 W. Broad St.. PALMYRA

Phone 1180

601 Linden Ave. Rh'~l!on, N. J'I Telephone Riverton 841

J. S. Collins & Son. Inc. HARRY C. SCHWERING

BUILDI:!»!~~I~~~:WAR& Westtnehouse G~~~~~oi~~~~EtL For n.lI.r Shoe Rep.llllla Try


BraId Ind M,ln III .. na. SALES and SERVICE 901 Lincoln Ave. Palmyrl, N. J. Phon .. 4 and • • II T I h RI t 82

SCHNEIDER'S J T EVANS 30S~e:::a;::~0:ISt~nd ;~::r:~e~.J. eep one

F :edron J N. DREIER

I~ Bro.d Sireet. P~In1 )' 1 " N. J. Phone 1135

ATLANTIC SERVICE - - CO. Phone 28 George rl ay, r. 19 W. Broad SI. PALMYRA Florida ROld T., Lubrication 0." FUEL OIL Plumblnll. Heatlnl and Rooline All Kind. of ~rth,?pedlc ShoeuWorll Lee TirOl - Exid. 8.tterl. __ COAL ELECTROL OIL BURNERS Dr. Scholls Poot Reme' e.

Broad and Moreln Pllm"r. LUMBER PETRO.NO.KOL OIL BURNER!! ___________ _ Telephone Riverton 1S71 MILLWORK 609 Thom" Avenue

~!!!!(~)!' !!!!!l!!!~ WOOLSTON'S





Cln c.ned for an4 Dallftrad P1)oM Riverton 1567


1{ H_ ..... Ice er-( " CONnCTJOM'l

tba IPcf '" .. ... ,..., ...... CJmW'8 8AJtDY

r \' sa ..... It.· ...... Pi:-1M W .......

Phona RIYerton 302 Phone 937 Riverton HAULING STATIONERY

Clenninl • Whllewa.hln. Lawn Work




LEHIGH COAL Phon. Riverton a84

207 Union Landin. Road Ellt Riverton. N. J.

Delco Oil Burner. $ 1 . 0 0 2~2 JBrold Street Phon. 80 , THE NEW ERA OFFICE

H. B. WILLIAMS Riverton, . . ' ________ -::====_


E Koppall' paoe ... eos. fUKL OIL

•• I~I., ".,.~~'ee4 and futt ........

PALMYRA Phoo. 1100



Phone 476 RI"enld.



1 C E John H. Etris 301 Wut Third St .• Palm,r. 17 Welt BTOad Street

Telephone Riverton .. I-J Palmyra



N KU&IfIaLL. .... ~ .. _'u

Radios. Refrigeraton Walhert, Etc.

Expert Repair Service Excluslvr PHILCO Drller ror

!'llmyrl Ind Riverton BARGAINS IN USED SETS


Sm.-th'. Store Rlv£rsid£ Homtlaundry C. WARD LOWDEN HOROE REFRIGERATORS

Of)' 000cIa • NodoIII • StIdD • .,. 318 Paine Street 'ndpl'RNiC:&~~~~~ !lNa McCall'. Patt_ • GiftI Ri' de N J ZENITH RADIOS nan R.varroW Ycn& • • • $14 Cinn.m __ A ....

414 MAIN •• PIIoM R ...... '" Palmyra. N. J. T .... II_ ,., PItoM ,.. ,



PALMYRA. N. J. Worlt Called For and Delivered

Rivtrton 71S

Peel Poindexter TAILOR

Clun,n, . Prellin •• D~ eln, ' · r~. Delivery S.H".

KIVF.RTON " h n. 514


REMINGTON PORTABLE A_"-_ ------ ---.. --- THIl NEW au


.,romARE IIIGIIWAY IEMCE ~ ~ ~ by NoIlIIII.wa l For-. .. ,_ ~ de_

-""~"'~-" 'IlIt •• poh drWu wIIoo WftoIIa fttIe tt.t t<o._ Iato ·"" 't'IIIh''IM Ilia ..... ""'lY ~ '-y .tlrftta -- to be <0""" _ ~ ... ~ ~ npnI for __ ' oK ... _t~ Tk:r Mt _ toao.a: ~ .. __ ~. Soud, C)( Rat~· t .

... of aft1) ..mtI ..-t -:r tra& ... ~ bt &\vd:a;1. ~ -.l a ~tial acodta, tru- ! S-th c)( ~IIIII __ • ..,., .~ Vdllidt C_m ....... . ...... W. Ma&ft laid tIIia ___ ~ ~ PIa~ 2ft'll Sat1ll'da:J.

cttiaa nlUft_ ~pWn" It- t Nonh of ~s 5. ea'ftd from motGris~ C_ipi _ ' to E1Da. W Sa....,. .... _rns tbat t.... do. p>b I N«th oi R.»rooad-Cmne.·:e_ ~ ill habit ... arn:.t. III\OIIu two I to S-<&l, 4tIl Sa~. 8qlQr"alt pro ..... ons of the Trafic FIremen wtll call in J'O'U" ana .. Act. ju-., as t .... drift!" _be ItJlCftds tbOH da.,... In the enllt Ulat Y"* Ih maaimwn speed brain. I an nus.eod a cant to R. W. Di1IIII. ~ Pa.lm,yra FIne ~ Car-elesa Dri"'"c ..... 1 CCt Instant raponste. The.a..o.e

He poIllt. OUt that Chapter 19:-4-M . • "hedule IS dleocll-..e unmcdlatel!r. .. lbe ReVlRli Stalutts apKifies that t PleaSl! remember that the ·Fire De-. "IIao ~ ~u dr"" or conduct . , panmcnt IS rt .. dy to help ,..... ~ fthldc In .udl ocondttion. so con- h<lUI'S a day ,-car arolU\d Woo't,..... 1InI':led or so loaded. as to be likely I do )'U1lr pan now In helpinC th_ m c.rUSe dclay U1 tr.olrlC or accident I We are h .. lpmi )'UU no .... b, rlddma l1li nlan, beast or p~~rty.~ ". yuu of a ntnsa.nce. Help both YOUR.

The .:areless dn"tni proov,sion SELF and the Fir.. CompaJl¥ by (39~9;) dl ... "', that ill person eltminattni a d.tnlerou. Ii ... huard.. *k-iq II "ehlde must dri",", "at ill I -Palmyra "ire Dept. camul and ptudent speed, not Ireat. .. Dor Icsa than is reasonable and Don't be looled: that "ato I~ proper, due ... card to the traffic, and hsten·· slin at railroad ~ ~drfao~fe and hwidth 0df• ithe hiih",ay D nQt tnten"ed lor the enai.ncu n .. - any Ol er con lIon. then ex- • • ~~ I To ."oid atrest and out of com- . ele~tnc com~nles .which ccnera~ , mOil courtesy. the driver who prefers more than nlnety-nrnc per cent 01 the alower lpeed. i. adviscd by Com- the ~rodu\:ed In the State. mi .. ioner Maiee to puU over to the The savllla I. reall, much areater ' lide of the road whenever ill ala nee b«ause of the cumulative effect of ill the reu view mirror tell. him that e.~ch reduction from year to year. bil pace ia .Iowinl up trallic but the exact lilure. require too

________ . much detaileU comput.tion. Tile RATE CUTS SAVE MILLIONS amount of 111.000.000 I .. therefo ....

FOR JERSEY POWER USERS lar below the real alvlne, report. Ra . the New Jer.ey Public Utility .Ia·

te rtductionl In' the ten·ye·lr formation Committee. pulod endlnlr with 1939 .ned the Public Service Electric and 0 .. electric COlllumers 01 New Jersey Company in the last decade reduced more than 117,000,000. That II dls- rates ten times, the succet,lve reduc­doaed by the .tatl.tlc:a of the four tions totaHni 112.900.000.

BeHer Prepare Now Fall and winter wlJl be here before we realize It, and II would' be wl.e to I.y in a .upply of Evan.' Premium Anthracite Coal. "It loee larther and he.t. lon,er." LeI u. have the opportunity of provinl th.t Pr.mlUm Anthracite .ctu.lly COlt. Ie •• by leet,

AI.o Genuine "Rainey. Wood KOPPERS COKE

o J. T. Evans Co.


• FiDelt Gr ... FUEL OIL. LUJllbet BaII4in, ".Ieria!t • Vita Var Pahrta Build, Remodel ad Repair oa • ..,. moathl, pa,mentL rr.tilllal.. fr ...


anti put tlte

Jilference in -~----

your Savings Account

..... Now -juat before tm

NEW OLDS comes out­

ia the right time to buy


is attracti~-el}' priced and put in excellent condition to

give many. many miles of carefree. economical and aafc

transportation. Look these can on·r. They will never

be any lower in prite than RIGHT NOW.

1939 OLDSMOBILE " 70" Series CLUB COUPE-Heater. defroat. enl, DeLuxe acceaaoriea. A very fine car.

1939 OLDSMOBILE "60" Series 4·DOOR TRUNK SEDAN-Radio and heater. DeLuxe eqUipped. «ollomical, aafe, aplendid condition.

1939 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Maater BUSINESS COUPE-Radio heater. defrosterll. Lota of extra.. •

1938 PACKARD 6 Cylinder CLUB COUPE-Radio, heater. like new. JUllt the car you hl\.ve alwaY8 wanted.

1937 DODGE DeLuxe 4·DOOR SEDAN-New car appear­an~e. .Tho~BandB of miles of unulled tranlpor­tauon an thts car.

1937 STUDEBAKER DeLul(e COUPE-A truly beautiful car and reAdy to go.

1936 CHEVROLET C:0UPE-O?od aou,nd merchandise and priced rIght for qUick Bale.

1937 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe 4·DOOR TRUNK SEDAN-A Black car, economical. Smart In .ppearance and de. pendabJe.

1935 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN-Original pllnt, good tire., one owner, a real good car,

1935 PLYMOUTH 4·DOOR SEDAN-Nothing to be dealred be. yond thll car in Ita price cI.... It la ,ood lOund tran'portation.

OTHER MODELS ranging In price from SSO to 1300 lor your inlpectlon ,




10 BROAD STREET RIVERTON TelephonH Rlv.rtGa 1212 - ..... ehaalYllle 110






CAULIFLOWER head ISc and t9c

CALIFOR.NIA FRIiSH PEAS ... _ ._ .. __ . ...: 2 Ib 1 Dc


SWEET POTATOES large sirze, 3 tb 14e

medium size, 3 Jb tOe


GRAPEFRUIT ... 5 for 29c



2 for 25c


BUTTER 21bs 59c

(Farm RoU)


BROWN SHEI.L EGGS 2 doz. 65c




EVAPORATED MILK 3 tall cans 19c


GRANULATED SUGAR lO·1b bag 48c ----



CLAPP'S . BABY FOOD Strained. 3 cans for 20c Chopped, 3 cans for 25c:


Opened nally in OUr Store



Legs of Lamb Ib 29c


Shoulders of Pork




S to 6., "I.


Sauaa,e Ib 25c


.Jt\VDTON :: .ClNNAMINSON:: PALMYRA Slat V .. No.. 34


NF.EDS lORE'. ne ........ .aa ~ ~ ROTARY CLUB TM\~l~l~U~ aioIft ~ -.l ~ .ad. nor- f'n-.h' S~-lI«J ""U "fIt'Il ~"'-


Only Shon TUne. ~emaIna ~~~~ ~1I!i::: ~ ~nI of \lie I>a~-~ ~~t- l "i.h. Bdore N. J. Diviaiuft 1llot t_t __ ~ ~ __ ~ ~r'9 Cl'Iall t'Oi\~S -- Tmt blt.\Mmc .... s ~ ret'\'()"t't'd

~ ~~ \\1 • . m. E.a<h:lim-e !)loan! mfttll\C.

Ua'ft'S for Camp I tMlbtr lat on _t of _tfIe' 'ftatms .. -y ~W'ft,...,bn ",~ut ar.J ~ q ;il" 1t1- rN,um:.. 'OOftdi1ioM. I fu\- "lot lnOntb of S<tt>tembtt and . . . .

S'GpportII!Ii by Go'ftt1lW Moon:. . . \. . ~. . I t ... r a ~_r O! ,"~~"'c ,,",-crlr. SQte Military ofidab, thit H_ Jt:ro- , .:::: .:,"=Wlfteo:;: ~ s~": ~ .... hoc Win ~r ~ aoc: Tht tltAdlmc !<ta"if ",,\; In,,:mioe th.., lief Dotfftt~ Coun<cil.. ___ 12 p.m. ot\ CI_l'on Lab Putt ~inc 10 Robtrt G. Adam'lI, <baiT. ~m-e m-etnben .lS la,t y<eU ~'\t" MISS


ht-~~. i .,w p.m . Lundt. __ Nn.. Pam,,1! Hertr)' Adams,

Q';~ oc-waniAtiona anod odIru Ath .... i.c F'~ld and t .... CoI« Gmrd man or dlft pr-ocnm <'<>tnmlttlt't, are I Mlna.n Ii. Dtoehl .. " p"n~I""'l. Mrs.. . Oontut WIn be held on ,lie atqoe in as 1""('0_: IJ· A,da.n M .. sor .. t"~ 1l<>.}" hoIOClst.

~\ of t~ N ..... J....-s<tT Fed«. at\OC\ <Of Women·r. Clubll, ~cat ~al£.et- . Muy.:. Bu~nC'6S mccune, \ t· <It" l\lndl~ l'Md'\ .. tt<)l\~ n_i1 Mn.. E. K. Mcnilt.. RI\·. M;.j).

acenaa as • IfItal patriotic: mo"" I \lie I! 9 " ,II ' ",Sit thlt ~I.t«h e''«}, M_day the dri~ to I.1KUre three ~ or:. at p.m.ha, t-cred h S~ternbtt t« ,"""I <tren~., ,nth ruptl tudlltu enlistments in Ne. J-y IUlIU of I Ducle a~d =. ~ ~ornpoeti~ Stlt-·· to.::al A~-utiotl and NatiOMl oanJ ..... renTh. thoe NallOO&! ~liard i's alKUSlfuUt melude: Amman L~ (}eten~It.~ Jamn P. HUChes and A "umi:er d u .. " 'tu.-\ent& 1""...,

~th-Saturu...y. C'OIi"", Day at Nc,", J'er~ey CoUq-e ioc Women.

undcr _a;y. but many mOl"4t ctdiat. Post 'Of Garlield, N. J., Ne. Jene, GIlbert Jall. I>«n ",,:\I\;.'<d t<l be r""~ "' ' 3 r1»US mUlta are needed to rNm thlt ob- State Chamllicns; Wm. Dolton DUran Mr. HUihes., ~tIld;ed at Ann3\)OIill, ara,\c~ In oau"h\lut the ~.:\\~l.

~tn-Tuesday. ~30 p.m . GII~ SttttOO. Illustrated L«turt. "Hhl· land Tubp\<'; NI~ Ktl$\l\a Mathlld. Kleeuoen. nati~-e Ho\lanJ er. i" ~-os. \ume.

jtttl~'It, Lte\l~ant Colonel FI"UIk A. Post Amerkan Lqion. oi North 15 a Budmen aradu3\e and mlchn The S~h\l'Ol C'Ommlttee. \l\"h\~h Mathe,,", 44tb Division Recruitina Hills., PL; tbe Pettnsyl\18nia Stalt So.<:ial Sludl~s., Palmyra H\ih. Mr. \\: mllehl Wlison IS ~hatrm.m, OffIcer, announced today. . Champions; Arch-Epl .. r Post V..F,W., Mr. Jay i5 a nati\'e of South ~erld . called a m .... tmi lor Wednesday

With on~ a altort t\l\1e remaiDlr1C Natiollal Champions for 1~9 and ~ltd a n nior in EI,""lri.:~1 Enl'neff. nliht., September Ihh. ... complcte before the 44th OIorilron i. induUtd 1940; Pltnn Treat, Cadehl of Phila- Ifti· Un"'<t~tty of Pcnn!lyh·an' '': all last mtnute arr3ng<tmtn~ for the into Federal Senice by orden of dtlphia; Ri_n :and Palmyra Post 12t1t-"Milit"ry Tralnina al Platt'S- opentni of 5.:ho<>l.

IOtn-ThUl"lda)\ 1Il. 1~ a.m. Br'. Mr. Goren. Shlte Fall Coantcr<tnClt at Asburl ParI!.

Prtsident ROO$eftlt for • ,.r·1 Ammcan Legion. burc.~ S. Herman Macey. trainmc. Colonel Mathews reiterated Mr. Mac}, is a araduate of Pltn" Road Damage

ISth-Tu~ay, ';}.30 a.m. Arts and Crans. 2.30 (l.m .• Nallonal Alfalt'S. Speaker. Mr. Phlhp CUmmtnis .

l rth- Thursdal. 10. 1~ Bt idg<t.

bi~ plea to all mell over 18 years of Last Concert Coil .. ...,. I'Owa. lausht al Westtown .. e who an: healthy and witbollt School and Gira~ Colleg<t. He i" Is Repai~ dependent. to enlist in their favor- F °d N h now Superinlendent of Admissions Ite National Gtla~ unita immedlateL, rl ay ig t and Oischaric at Gi rard. Mr. Goren.

At tlte meel'"i 01 the Clnnaml'" 221ld-Tucsday, 9.3\1 a.m. Arl' and ~ o~er that aU units Of. the 44th Oi- . i9th-"Yollth Ser"ice.· Rt" . Lyhrt Vi&IOn alay relll:h peacettme luoenlth. Friday evening In the Gro""" Pal- H . Corson. ' 0" TownshIp Com\nlttee held on Ctatu. 2.';0 p.m. lnteHor 1.) .... "0 ...

Tuesday niiM 01 this week. jO,""ph dUni· Speaker. Mn. Biddle Atlce L. Ollert. chairman of lite Itlahway Reed. who will eshlblt material, and conmllllec of Ihe orialll"allon atated Je"\lrat,, e a~"esson"s.

In a recent proclamation, Governor myra. the Mucer and Burlington Re". COl son Is a graduate: of Drew Moore pointed ou~ that u~on ~nact- ~ounty band ,vill play its final C'OIt . Semmary and 15 prominent in bo)'s mcnt of the lelecllve eetvle:e bIll by cttt 01 Ihis . ea50n. work. He is rastor of HamIlton Congre58 such youni men will be Mr. Curry, sup.,rviaor o( the band, Avenue Melho<li . t Church. Trettlon dra.fted il\to seryic.. and will not has . .. cured two youni IlTtists to ap. 26th-"Rdugee Work of Friend~ bave the opportunity of selectini the pear all 8010h!ts. Cc ntntltlee.··

that t 03d damage caus~d by the reo 2~th~ 1'hul·s·da)'. \ 0.30 a.m. llt ldit. ~"nt slol III "OU' " Illll0 UtH to approxl- l\h . Goren. ma!ltly ~5OtI a nd lhat IIc(usary re- i9th-l uesd:1l'. 10" p.m. Executive

unit and branch of ser"ice \vllich Miss Florence Perilll who aant at they would like to Join. Young men IllsI Frida~'. conc .. rt and who has • bo enllit In the Natiolial G'uard at ' always received warm l'upon8e fronl this tinoe will hllve the ad vanta Ire 'Of Palmyra aUdiehcea, will again be the beinll tr<l.ined at Fort Dbt with "oeal soloilt. frielldR in a unit and branch of aer- Mr. Paul Bryan , trombonist. will vice of their own chcoalnl, the OOY"- contribute one of the Gardel Simon ern or pointed out In the exeeut~e 8010 •. Mr. Bryan .t an ellrly age be-proclamation. came a m .. mbrr 01 the Hart Band of

A.kI Lelion Aid Trenton. Upon Iraduatlnll from hllh St.t. Commander John A. Whom. school he entered tbe University of

Iley of the Amcrh:an Leaton, in il' Mlchllan where he Is a member Ilf auln, a caU to membera of aU PO'" the band and orehe.tra. Both of throulhout New Jerl'Y. h.. allIO theae unlta are conlldered to be of atrelled the necelaltv of .d .... u.t. Ihe hllheet standard In coUelllte

# ... rank •• national defenae and tba Importanc. Mr. Benedict N.palleUo will con. of the N.tional Guard in the d.· dUct. lenae. H. "Our defen.. Tbete concert •• panlorld b; Bor. requlree .. ulfiCI by aYer10ae of UI OUlh Council were nlade . poa.lble which meanl enllatment of our IIOnl throulh the State MUllc ProJect of and other male r,latlvH, over 11 the Profe .. lon.1 and Bervlce Dlvlalon "llI of .Ie, healthy and without de. of the Wor~. ProJectl Admlnl.tra-pendm ... • lion.

Audley H. F. Stephan, cbltnnan of the New Jerae, Defen" CouneD, In endorllnl thl drIve. detlared the certificate each recruit will receive at the completion of on. ,ear'a train­Inl will provi valuable In lecurin. employment. HI aaid emplo,er. wUl be more Interelted in blrina men who have had a ytlr'1 tralnIn., rltber Iltan tho., who mllht be talten from their Imployment durinC the year.

Thomas Named Club President

Haberl C. Thom." of Palmy., waR elected pre.ldent of the rtlUl.r Democratic Club which comprise. r~. idents 01 P.lmyra, Riverton .nd Cinnamlnlon, .1 • meetlna held lI.t Weclneaday evenlnl III the ttaldenc. of Mrs. Ann. T. Denneler, of Cln­naminl on, wllh a Ilrle attendance.

Other ollicera elected Includ. "ra.

Prol'lm The proaram followl: "The Iowl March." Overture, "Wanderer. Zlel" "The ROlary." "Atlantic Zephytl," trombone 1010,

Mr. 1' .. 111 BrYln. Orand Opera Selection, "Aida."

Intermllslon "Slellto Lindo," Bpsnlsh 80nll. Soprano 8010, Mi.. Florence Per.

Ull. 8electlon from ~The Merry

Widow." "Humoreaque," M.rch, "Starl and Strip.. Por.


Library Houri Effective September 18, the RI ••

erton Library wiU be opm durin. the foUowlnC hour.:

Molld.y to Friday each wllk-4 to II p.m. IDd 7 to , p.m.

Ilturday_10 10m. to 12 noon, .lId 7 10 II p.rn. -----Ann. Denneler, vice prealdent: IIr ..

Mary Walter., aeeretlrJ'l AUan Por· ter. tre •• urer: .nd Ger.ld Malone, .. EETING TIME CHANGED .tratanl .1 .rm.. POR BANDAO. GROUP

Tile lollowln, were Ippolnted b, BeaiM1n1 Monda". leptember 18, the new prealdentl ptabllclt" Wu. Ih. Iur.lcal Banda,. Group 01 th. Ii.m Smith .nd Ployd RadcUff.; .. Rlvertoa-Palm". Chapter, B.W.R.'. tert.illm.nt, lira. Hlrt)'"rtL will meet "onday afternoonl 'rom Ann. D.nn.l.r, Jean Polo .... t. ".ry 2.00 tUI 4.JO, and .. onel., ."mlnl. E McLlulhlln, .nd John Dennel.r; from 7.10 till 10.00. PI .... not. '1111 tran.portation, Wllter C. CUlDmlnI" challa. In tlml, anel pal ..... wCltcl John J . Doonln, HlrfJ ltack. alonI. ThanlI,.ou.

The nut meelln, 01 the clab II PIIM for .... Brftllh War a.HeI achtdute4 for Thanda,. leptember Iodet,'. "01ll4J HI,ht" c .... tlotl


3~-"De"~10"ment8 In . the Dye Industry." H-. T. Greenwood. Jr.

pail s ,vere b~ltIg made . Bcal d meeting. 2.30 p.m. Ollplk.te Chief 01 Volt« Geerae Dorworth Bndge Toul ltamctll .

Mr. Greenwood. Jr., 01 Moores· town, is Pre_Went of Globe Dye Works nnd grand.on of fOUnder. He is a irBduate of University 01 Pean· s~lvania ,

asked that the Board of Freeholdera , 3hl-rhul·~day. 1tt 303m. MilS lle uraed to au ume part of th .. C'Ost IlIo\'"01rd. 0\ llchtilli Rivet road In order lhat AI'! L In .. ". mUl'e lilJ~t 01 hliher candle power Class A-O~tob~r <lid. 161h. 30th. CQuid b .. mstalled. Class B-O~toller 9th, 231''' .

10th-"Chemlcal Rl!8tarch and En· alne~r1hlr'" S. Reid MerleYI Riverton.

Mr. M erley Is a ,raduBte of Pur­due, manul.cturini e.plo.lve. .Iace '24. He is a chemical engineer for research and development in petrol­eum and allied Indu.trlea.

17th-"Adult Educ.tion ArrlvH," Dr. Everett C. Prutoll.

Dr. Evel'l!tt C. Preston received his Ph.D. at Columbia. He I, 8upervla­Inl Principal .t H.ddoafteld and is pre.ldent New Jersey Council of Adult Education.

24Ih-"Emotlonal Meter Demon­stration," Leon Schaeffer.

Leon Scha.,fler, of Woodbury, la chief of county detectives of Glou· cester county.

3I&t- ..... he Moravlans," Re". Al­bert J. Harke.

Rev. Harke Is a iraduate 01 MOl a­vian Theoloiie.1 Seminary. He h •• been paator of P.lmyra Morvl.n Chtlreh aince '25 at)d the orlilnntor and conductor of the Easter Sunrise Service Iinee '33.


The ninth annual Plower 8how ."onsored by the Garden Depart. ment of the Palmyra Woman's Club, •• llsted by membera of the COni. munlty Center, wltl be held at the Community Center on Friday, Sep­tember 13, Irom 11.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. and S.turday, Sept.mber 14, from 10.00 a.m. to p.m.

The Judie. will be Mr.. Cllvel lpark., Riverton, and John F. Perr}', P.lmy,a.

A Illver olf.rlnl will be talten. Entrlea will be made In 54 d .. n • . Tha commltt.. lpotlaorin. tha

ahow wlab.. to .MoWIel that ... lectlon H, for children •• camera will be offlr.d .a • prlle for the mo.t outltan4lnc l.hJblt.


He ~ited the Ie"eral a~cldenta that have occurred on this tltofoulhlare durin I the past months and atated that more Iliumililltion I\'ould ireally reduce the huard.

Lllhtlna Contr.ct Renewed Chalrnlan M.urlce Conrow aaid

th.t the liahtinl of county road. wa. a lubJect under consideration by the Allocl.tlon of Town.hlp Committee­men.

The lightinl contract with the Public Service Company wa. reo newed for. period of flve yeara from October. 1940.

Eaat Riverton residentl present .t the meet ina reai.tered a cOnlpl.lnt about dredllilla operation. In the Delaware, allellltli lhat the wall In certain section, was beinl under­mined.

11 wal reported. however. that iovertlment official. had been ad­VIsed of the situation. but the proJ. ect WAI allowed to continue. , The comm ittee will condu ct an in· vesllia!lon.


The lint bU6In.,.. mutinl of the Pallll}'ra Parent-Teacher Alloclltion 101 the com ina ""ason 11140-41 will be held in Ihe hllh .chool ludltorlum Oil TuudlY eveninl, September 17th. at 8.1 5 o·clock.

The P.T.A. hili done a Ireat deal durlnl the pa.t ye.r. to promote the well ... e of our underprlvD'led chll. d. en ill our .chooll. If we could a larler membe"hl~ w. could clrry on many more pro ect.. ....r­entl. won't you do your ttle bit by Jolnlnl thl. IroupP M.mbershlp I. only fifty c~nt. per year. Who would not .1". thl. much for auch a Worth, clu.d Thil i. I ch.II.IIC' to you, parenll, to ht'lp when your room mother call. upon )'ou for member­.hlp. Mn. Huel lticltn., .nd Mrl. Haul ROil .r. our II.W membft'-

It II reported that .",.t.. haft .hlp ~h.lrmen. Let ... do our part t..n aCllvl In thll _dOD a,aIn. by belnl co-oper.tlvi. havln, Iwlndled a D.laflco , Aft.r the bualn... Hftlon In I'" otIt 01 I e~rable 111m of IIIOIIIJ' • • udltorlum "hu. our preaJdent, Mra.

. AUXILIARIES MEET Represcnlati"u Irom the ,·ariou.

au.lliarie, of the Zurbrull MemorIal HOlpital met last week at the hOI­pltal with M ... Florenc" G. Wainer, ,upcrinlelldent 01 the Institution. to make plan. lor the year.

The annual Donation D.~ wlU be h.,ld on Saturday, October 12. Rlvtr. ton'. qUota will bc the u.uai wInter auppiy of potatoe •.

A. in former yean. there wiU be B tea at the nur.u· horne on th.t dal', In connection with the Ina pee· Uon of donation.. In addition, brid,e will be played thla year.

Further hoUtes will be ptlbllihed ill The New Era.

Tho.e attend ina. the meelini lut week from Riverton Were: Mr •. A. M. ElIlworth. Mr.. Thonlas A. Cultin alld Mn. Frederick W. Metz­arr.


T he Member. of the Boalll 01 MallGger. of thc CinllGnlinson Home, Rlvertoll, de.l,e to record their deep sense of lOll III the death of on\! of their valued ntemllera- Mri, Murray C. Boyer.

Mr • . Boyer w .. a member 01 the Board for many ~earl. durlnl whlcll time . he of her .trenath and time and talent.. She served •• chairman of the Annual Fele, .nd wal In.trument.1 In In­trodudnl and orlanlllni occupation. .1 thera"y amonl the ,uests of the Home. Her enthu.lasm Ind wi .. Judlment were Imonl the fine qual­Ille. which Ihe broucht to the m.,et· Inl. of the Board 01 Man.len. and her Irlclou. presener will be Irtatly mi .. ed.


Th~ lint m~~tlnl of the Rinrlon P.T.A. will be h~ld on. Monday. Oc· tober 16. al 3.30. In thr .chool ludf­torlum,

Zllth, It lodet, ball., .lIkh time at tIM al"erton Coatly ChI" .... . the .-t .peeker wiD ~ n-a. 41, ,::::.t. October Jth .... ...... McOlJlll, 01 M_eet.wa. "ho Ie ., ,. Wa'ch f. Mat ....... rhaIrmP 01 ,be BtIfIIIw\OD ~ ............ c...-t. All "..... Democr.tIc coaty ---..... AI wW ~ a&W to the ...........

The be ... hal bien ldentlled .. thelJ. C. Hoepfner wW pr ...... w. e ..m. tbat Of"'.ttd her. IOIIM time wW joerM1 to OIIf ... fteriI .... . 110. rtfrtlhIMnt. wal be .....,td aact _

,.", _ ....-hed ." • ,.,.. laIor.aI ,eeaptIoe to aD 01 _

"I .. Carollnt 8t.m. n. Prlnciral. will .pt'aa. on tht .ubJtcl "Pn.onal Growlh In Altlludn and H.bit . ...

lomrone ."1 be Ih~rt to tllte c.rl of .mall chlld"n.

.,. lnYlted to ........ ... .. , .... ,... 01 tJtJ. ..... II r ........ to ... 'Hcher. wm ~ heW. ....... .. 111 ...... • • ...., •

T .. will ~ ..... td al Ih. condu. alon 01 Ih. _tin,.

= ... In Three Great Divisions the

Three entirely new lines .• Every olle a tPTorpedo H/ Your choice of a Six

or an Eight in any model. Pri(es begin just above the lowest. .... "' .. ...

IN Tltl; GlUiA't'IST VliAtt Illl .. history, Pontiac present' , .. gfeluest line of CIf. - the t 941

Pontiac "Torpedoes"l Three ,tt/trW1 ft. 1i"~1 of clrs-every one & "Torptdo"­.nd e\lery model offeting you & choice «If 11 Sill or Eight ensinel And they're led by • new De LUIle "Torpt'Jo" ."1 new car buyer CIO .lfordl

Bisser? Vesl More powerrul? Veat Easler to handle? Vesl Mor. comrortiblel Vesl Vet they 81\'e you the .ame record economy that made thIs yeat's Pontlacs such a lensailonl

See the~e nl'W rondlcs tod.,. Then you'lI knuw why we II". '1It', AllOt"'" DIIJ Vellr for Po.,t1I1c1"

1J.1I11 wtIM,..,."", fJSJ' ,. .",AMI"""'"

.. "W llAun A .. WililY t. UKlOIID aUMIM IOAIOI


lullil.t. 0'61 aN .. .,

.. lAIGII, una 100111 ,. "W, 'IIII·Ak u,ny StIIIIIMO .. "W IHtI1IIOI WIlilY ., ""1(1'11 "flIPU·GIIIIIOMIt" ...

10, OIOICI or A SIX 01 AN IIIIf1 ..

• A1ttMODll

" .. hit ... ,. ••• "'."" ... II1II .... 1 .. 1_ .............. ' ............... -... __ ' ........ Le"'tlcU c..-

PONti,., •• w .... to ........ Low.~rlctclle.dltf of lb, InltlR ~1It hl Putillac lllMotifl II .Inch whM'blle-0"1 r.l

bo dtl .. bAI~11 I,tld S IDcb... •• mtlceall!d tun.

n DI Ir I. .lllab. In II .. mode". I')

'ONftA, CUifOM "'CHI""" Arl. of IlZ .lnlh .. heelh ... -o • ., .• ,ilealllal:C" cI~'1 tlnel A tlf II h .. ",. In Ih~ m .... lu 10 rea.. IIC ..... , •• it.,,1e .. Std .. Cciu ..... ~ .. ~ .... ~:;,n:.In.I. AI.



&nk ave"ll." from CbmamiMon to the Rlvertan ~1iIf\ liM It \mdtr-.

Mt(h \ltd d . ...... toll\l tJt\tlllllove impro'ltlMtltl .. a n., -e:~d .. =.til ~~r IOYUI 01 the ttitp~t compal\1 whh:h b\ .ttiOl\ .. IQOI\ .. the Labor ",ult of -'r bena dont b, Ult them. 11\. top thm Dlttu~ ·!o~..,:~~:I\~..:Ia~e:hti\ :M erinndl~ ~men. ca\ltht \lp wi. \iI Patl\\1t* hlthwa, dtparb\lHlt.

. .tit!' n~1\I Colll.I\~1 "'htll 1011\ b .nd ·cables :'t Btld~~onl OXfl:tV rs:, d:::r ott\mtd A tot\.aden.blt 1.1\\0\11\\ lOt mlttri&11 ~ ~Iaht.~:~~ :: t\:-t of I:e Mrl,. SIl\\lla, moml",-~ '-c'ln u~ ~t ::f:= hal bMn \lltd to briq the I~ "" . 'aU"rq In Bridll'tto!. BI.cbood. =~Ii:!~tM.t:: ~!dnlmlnIOI\ '1 tu,hl", ... ttn, 'Ill of them bi d.m :~I Uo~ -=~ ::tteOCt

at\Iite 01 luppl» bro\llht "ew table In &~ hOUri from Mt.::;·bn; ::, :~: 0'::. '!:r~iflll~ItPhOlle ph"t of tht .,roJtct h.1 ~ .COIl', pleted.

PONTIAC LAUNCHES bodlh hive b~ te'lt~ltll to Nt- Fl'CLLOWSK1P ·WEEKltMD ------TORPEDO FLEET tiler Ilorif, the T~o d"ltt\. FORM~R ~R£8IDEMT'8

. ~nti.1: tetalna Ita wtll "'own S\lltt\' V.M.C.A. lttllowahlp WHltel\d will ON TKIRD TERM




We carrt a fin1: atotk of­RULERS • PENCILS • P~tora



PEN and PltMCIL SE", Et.:..

• Tty Firat .t the

Spurred on b1 tht rtnIlrbbll! aut. 8t"" .1 • ball.: 'tJlt thfllle tor be obetnred at Camp Ocbnlcll:on WIlliam K. Tart CUI of Ita neIW I.I\d ort.lnal Thrptdo lht IIt~llth C1)I\I~ulllle 1Mt.. September k4-kS with th,," IpetW Addrql.t Columbia Ul\llltnIt1, 1915 BLANKENBUSH modela ill I94\) and ""th tta fnlor)l Brilliant chromium addl ml.l\)I II"OUpia In alttndlnl:t. I .m Itronll, Indlned to the view I.I\d dealer or •• nl •• tit)n aeued \lp hlahliahta from ndtator to rtIIr 'the lrat of thett III"OUP' wiU be that It would halle beett • wilet to Illrpaaa Ita nlillt ,u« .. aM 1tU', bUnla\tl'. Wide. malllln, horil'Ontal membera of bottd. 01 dlm:tora and proVlllon ... It wu .t Otlt time D~UO STORE Pontln Mlltor DM,lon II an. throme radiator .rillH Utendi". commlttHmen and ltadtfl .of )IOlln, \IOttd. in the COI\lIel\tion. to m....... h

I • h dl ... ~. I b d Y M ... .. 1Il"C &011 Mlin Street Ri~rt-~

1I0unc nl an \!nUn Torpedo Pleet ror rom ea amp to htad .. m." joII\ m .. 11 a lit e U I .n • . ... ft: It(- the term of the PteIldt"t IIx or ... , ... llMl, now on dllpl'1 .t tht Bellevue with fHlden, bllllipera .nd hood to retarlta. 'tht ,tcOI\d '<IfIll .:onilit of .ntll ~rs. al\d ~der hlni Inell,- ~hone RI\letton 1510 Oatel!!. Ealt Rlllttton. lin an Impreulon of powtrf\ll buu, tommllttemth. Itlldtra I"d .eue.- Ible thert~~r. I\leh a chanlt would ..... -----------1

Thert wUl be thm complete IIntll tJ. i; ••• ;ii; •• ;iii~iiii.ii.ii •••••• i .. iiiiiiiiiiiii; ot cin Itlled In the . TorpedlO man· "e."1 du" bumpera .n built Into ........... . ner . • • lonatr In whttlba.. • • • the bod,. Bllmper aurdaare ,pactd ..... ml •• IlII111IllIII.II._ ••• UI •••• _.111I1I1111


mort tracelul ••• roomier ••• more to form. natural bullt·ln IOI:.\lon .or ~ powerful • . • • low. priced DeLlIllt the trollt IIcenle plate. I,,_oul Torpedo of 119 Illch wheelbalt' a hew .. whlth an acarte­. darill. lIew 81\'el1mllner Torpedo of I, vlalblt In tht dlytlme, ftt Into 122 Inch wheelba.e arid an ultr.. hurilont.1 lpitta between the brOilS amart Torpedo of Ihe .atne .heet. radiator Irlll9 betide the htld· blit. The1 will rep"ct the Ihortlt' lamp •• wheelblled Ipeclal Ihl, DeLWte 81.. . A I'de view of the Tomedo .. t,led beLu .. Kl,ht and 'torpedo of bodlN prtlent. Improved hood alul 1940. . trunllllilti •• 1 weU ., tlew ehromllllli

UII"IUll aklll .nd Rne". h .. lIHn belt mouldln •• , tlIId a new trtathlent Ihown by PonUac: en.lnHfI In pro. of fender .klrt, and I"I1IIIIlnl board. vldlnl aU 11141 model. with either a blendlnl Into cowll.l\d ttunk. Rea: II. cylinder or .n cylinder en· fenden are prottcted from R~ln .Ine. Itonl!l by rubber pade. I

Wide Ranle 1t will not be lon, before the 10. dal lec:urlt1 .d win be broldened to Include ten milUon Iddltlonal elll· IIloyeel now ududed Irtllll protec· tlve eover ••••

Thuil wllh many comblnatltml of colorl, bodin, equipment, chll.l. IIId enlinea aVIII,ble In the new Tor. pedo Fleet. motorilla wUl • wide rartle frolll which to choo .. In .eletth'l a new Pontile. And at the ===---=-=-..... ====== low prleet .nnounced, • hllh level 01 ilaluel II cutlin to continue a. It has In recent year ••

The Dr LUxe Torpedo (119 Inch whrelbaae. II. or ellht) will be aVII\. able In lilt modell: lour. door oedan. two.door "dan, ledln.coupe. bUll· nea. COUpe. convertible ledan.coup. with power opefated top Ind ta.leab (11x cylinder only). Overall lenlth

I'lnl" Wnlnl M.r-c.llltil aI~nicurlnl

It"l, Cu'lInl lit Tlnl'nl

BI ... hl"1 luJp Tu.ttnlnt ".<fll.~tld ~~A.t IthQd 01 tyA"~ ~BHT

I, 201~. Inchel. B Sireamliner Torpedoel (122 Inch ETTY PETTY

.wheelblle, II. or ellht) preltnt at' BEA UTY STUDIO InlerelUnl .dvanct 01 lerodynatnlc ••• Clno ...... "'. An. PALIlYIlA beaul,ln alour-door .etian, I leden ... _____ P .... _ •• ~ .... O ___ ~

coupe Ind a .rlu of luper Itream. liner Torpedo bodl .. with I"ed.l In. _ .... -==_ ... _"""" ... === tulor trim. Ov.ran II 201~ Inchea.

CUltom Torpedo (lU Inch wh.el. b.... .1. or ellht) tnodela offer marked room In .... buuty and luaur· loul appolntmentl and will be avail. Ibl' In 10Uf.door ledan, ledan,couJII .nd II.tlon .... on. Overlll lenlth of p .... nl'r c.r mod.l. II 111~ Inehn. of ataUon W'lon all!!,.

Ellht colorl with render Ind wheel I'rtpin, to hlrmonl.. are a"lilabl. ... ilh an additlon.1 Iia t"o-ton. com· bin.tlon. at .lllht extra COlt.

ClJ\lda cloth. corded "oolcloth, , ... o-Ion. worat.cJt Ire "'IUlbl. on c IOltd mode" "Ith leather or cloth for the con.artlbl. aedan.coupe.

Much N." It,lIn, Allhou,h rad/atort, hoodl, 'Illdert,

other abHt mttal ,.,.. ... 'I .•



. a.,8.IOH uct rARN.WORTH RADIO.


••• el .... ' •• A ..... PALIlYIlA

T ......... fl'

A REAL Buy at Only $4500

636 Thoma. Avenue Riverton, N. J. I.t PLOOR: Reception H.n. Large Living Room, Dining Room. Kitchen,

Plntry Ind Bun Porch.

Znd PLOOM: Four Bed Room. (three llrge and one Iman).

ATTIC. Excellent Hot Air Heater with 011 Burner. Beautiful Bhrub. and Bhade Treee, Lot 60 x 150 feet In a very dellrable locatlon.


.It C1NNAlilNION Ava.

Realtor ...... 1. PALIIYIIA. N. J.

~~.: '"',~ .,' ~~;: '" "'P '''''''''' -1 OBIrr .. o\IllES I ,~ ~ 11«." •• ;o;:L: "'~ ,

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A Unl"n " .... ,ti. will 'I' .,.'11 h, ... " 0 , 01 A. th'. Inn'n ••• the I t 0 , I , of It. h." with .Itt blltr'el "......... II,.. &aun. Gr., Inl

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Monday, Sept. 16th IJ" '"In, • IIY SMALL'S

PALMYRA Bowlinl Alley.

t'::~t. <;.' ,'" ": "":::.t" ~~-..., .... '"'!'.~ ~. ~.!I'!":"' ~ l'!~ \ ... :'~'" -:~ = \r.'.-~ ..... r"'~.~, ,-.,..."! ~\'t ~

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~ i ~ 7 :E aOl)lG . e M s!:

~OQ~!: :"EAF a ~~DEP.s 1-= f:L.:"£ PS



Palmyra Sc &,1 Oc, Store

The Lubtic. ti'JM th.t Ictpt theu FLORIDA ROAD TEST CARS running perfectly for

1 00,000 Miles will be administered here by ap Atlantic eIIpert from

Sept. 16th to 21st , Inclulllv!

MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW or drop in any time during the week


SCHNEIDER'S Atlantic Service r


Phone 1571 8m." an,l Mo".n PALMYkA


", ,, :. : L~ ~ '-:l~EA.~~ ~

~~ .!Ar~ STR£ET ' '' ~r :~,. 9 ~



BO~C~L or ~tA X.\\·E :"';" HOUSE

COFFEE 2~ can

K&:":"OCiGS Tf~Y TaM


EVAPORATl::D MILK I 3 tall tabS llk

KeUogg1s APPl.E SAUCK 3 cans 2Sc

$1.95 ~r cut

Special ! Spedal ,

10 lb. SUGAR 47c


Chickens , lb 28c

s tb .••••


CHICKENS Ih 3& S 10 fib .v •.

lib Frellh Pork SAUSAGE or 2-1b SCRAPPLE


3 Ib .v,. Ib 22c


BEEF UVER Ih 28c Tendu'nd Bhank Bnd. of

Ham Ib 17e up KINGAN'S PHILA .


onaue 9Se .&Q~t.u. '"fa.'= •. 11

.\ \'. T \.. ' \\ i \..'1 1 ~ ll, 1 . S BANl~S 1\ 1 E 1\ 1 LJ R I A L S

W. H. SLOCUM & SON ·'JACKtt DAWLEY. Inc.. t---------------------

M"tN~ ~ Oft • W~

Walter Do. Lamon REAL £St'AT\i tNSURA~£ Oldsmobile

BARB£R ~l "\\tft~ \0 ,.n Wedt

_ nOlO aft£ft

IS} k'St l*,,\i\ SttMt IIllO'OnSta"-. N. ,),

~'OM l~ Get GIlt ~

~lfi C&\t'I"m~ A'<*, ~ Plw!M R\~ RS

U,LD aM naVlC •

~ 'hsttd UMIl c.n 10 Br;,ad 8tftet. Riverton


, R1VU'I'ON PAINTING ..:x. h'tpll .. ___ ll'. l*tnMat'6

Koppe"haver Motor Co • DODO .... PLYMOUTH:

&0\1.£1 ud URVlQ


.. Braa" It. ltl'*'-Phone 1U'ftI'tM -

FRANK t. LLOYD la-rid Mill .....

Emerson WoUaehmidt Edward 'Moorhouse

sal Ho .. nl It. GROCERIES Quid! S~ • 8alllta~ 'hop

W. F. Becker ,,.LII8 III IBRVICa Moomtown Motol' co.. Inc. .. _ _____________ OItOUIU •• • nVI"1 • 'no.,. ..... a

It9 w .. \ M,,1t\ It.. MOOhttGM John E MeValleh II':;~'!:-:It:::~ .. a


Lealie Wo. Reevea pbol\t lIloo~- " or ..., • -- OW"D T "1 , Cortttactor and Builder 5ll ~honeA.,,~~ DRtl=TON L L K t ' GEORGE W. ROGERS. tilt. , • • ea Ina RE~L TORS • INSURANC.


Fblltoa. 'l'lr&-8attttl ..

Burke·s Service Station aroatS and Linden

PhOI\' taU

Pattnt Medldtlu • GUts • tanQ Photll! RI\~tton 711? or M& RtVItRTON, N. J. 'hIephtme R1ft1'tOtl ItSoI KARL FRANK'S Grettln. c,,~ •. IH c~ ~29 Clnnllmlt"on Aftnlle

C · E S el Clpn "" Stationery PAl.MVRA, N, J. urUa , • lav y MEAT. MAR,KET atld M.ln Street.. RlwtttoD ------.-:~-

Phone 1540 r CON1'ltAtTOit IIld BUILDn K£Ll.OGO'8 CANN.b GOODI --------- /. II sura II ce Bllftl" Attalltltm to lobblq MII:A'fI-POULTR'"

UI W. CHARLII8 IT., PALMYRA eo, MIIIl 8t. R1VltRTON REAl ESTA'rB Phona '" Phone. Notary Public JOS. F. Y~A~LY WM. B. BISHOP~ .. RI\lerton Phone 9-"

E S. fOR· TNUM PLVMIIINO • ItBATINO . ItOOPlMO LEST R 1101 Und~ A~. RI\lerton, N. I.

ATLANTIC PRonUtTi J. S. Cotuna a Son. Inc. HARRY C. SCHWERING Telephone killtrtan .. ,


Compte~ Alltomoblle 'W¥l~ 'blu. "all , GEOR E !"or Betln Shoe Repalrlnl Tty

Ul-l11 W. Broad It •• PALMYRA .Utl.DINO IIAUltlUI-HUDWUa 'Ntlndbouse G BONSAL N. Beitz Pholtl k.1O .. u .... n-' •• O-.C:otta r..,.D--M5__ --- PLUMDINO • HEA'tINO

_____________ • __ aft. 1I.lft Itl_ BALES and SERVICE ttOOF~~~L N51t\~~NERS SHOE SERVICE

SCHNEIDER'S Ph"" 4 aft' • 11:' E. Broad Street. Palmyra, N. J.

tte(rl,natora IIId Allpll"nc" 901 Lincoln A \leo Palmyr •• N. J. ' Phone 113S

ATLANTIC SERVICE J. T. EVANS CO. 305 E." Brold St. P.'myra. N. J. Telephone Riverton U -----------

rlorlda Road Tilt LIlbrieatlon ..... PUEL OIL Phont as George Friday, Jr, N, DREIER Lee Tlr .. _ Eald, Batt'r1~ COAL 19 W. Droad St, PALMYRA

Broad atld Morlan Palm,...- LUMBaR Phllnbltl •• Heatllli .nd Roollnl All Kind. of Orlho"edlc Rhoe Wotk Tetel>~on. RI •• rtoll tafl QIII MILLWORK ELECTROL OIL bURNEttl Dr. Sehol!'w Foot Remrdlea

Phona kl.ertOll 101 PETRO·NO·KOL OIL DURNBka -------------






C.rl Ctltttl for IfI4 D.uvtrtd Phone Rlv.rton lSI7



LEHIGH COAL Phone Riverton aM

H. B. WILLIAMS ..... '011 y ..... ay

to ...

• .0 ...... aot.U eoo

'u ... 0'" .III~:,,,~'"


DAIHlr:s b

HAULING C'eanlnl • Whltewlthln.

Lawn Wotk C.D.TURNER

207 Ullion l..ndlnl_ Road Bait klverton. N. J.


6011 Tholn .. Avenue Phone liS? Riverton ST l\TIONE.:RY

H. D. Hullings & Son -------.--­PloU ... INO • IiBATINO _ lOO"NO RYTEX STAT10NERY

Delco on Burnert $ 1 .00 2011 Bro.d 8trut

Riverton, N. ]. Phon. eo THE NEW ERA OFFICE

RADIOS TAIL,OHS HARVEYFOOKS---------------~~----~

I C II: John H. Etria J. R. JOHNSON 101 Weat Third 8t" p.lm,.. 17 Welt Broad Street CLEANER and DYER

Telephone RlvertOll l"'J Palmyra PALMYRA. N. J. Work Called, For .Ill! DeUnrttl

Radio., Re£rlgeratotl Riverton 771

BISHOPS' DAIRIES ---- Wilbert, Etc. Expert Repair Servite bclusln PHllCO Duler ror

Palmyra and Riverton bARGAINS IN UIED IKTI

('ALL IlIv.aToN tI.


Phone ." R'....teI.



N, ItU.II,.La.. ..... "' __ III...... In

TAILOR Cleanln, • Prrllln.· D)'flnl

Fne DeUver,. Sen'lee RIVERTON Phon ....

T Y 1'1 : W HIT 1:: H S

{, . H~:J:ji~;.. ... Smith' a Store Riverside Home Laundry C. WARD LOW.DEN

the IdniI ,eu "II 0" Oooct. • Ifotlont • ltatIoMr1 P I 8 NORGB R&'RIOKRATORI ........ to .... McCaIJ'. Patt_ • 0Iflt 318 a ne treet .nd the Com8\tt. NiRO• LlNa

~H'r.~Ae:t. 414 MAIN ITR.IIT, RIVIIIl'I'OIf Riv.nld., N. J. JfAk~I:IT':lUADi'i,1' .. ........... 114 CIIItIJ"'''.D11 A .....

....... 1M W. _ ,.... ,.. ...... ~ fI4 .a1m" .. N. f. T ....... 'If

REMINOTON PORTABLE . ...,....--­-.-..--- ...... t


For Oo~mor-Robel't C. Hendritbon

"'01' Coroner-Emer.l White

For Ftftholder-AIMrl C. Jones

For Freeholder-Fnd C. Norcrou.. Jr.


So that it ma~' tfft-eth'ely combat so-<:allM ':Fifth Column" , -. . . '- ""'--' I I " " \. .- Th~~ i'S o\l~ ad\)allta~ ponflltd

actl,·\tIes. tne .. ~era Bu~au of n,~stl&.tlon sU"s tnt C1Iu.d b\, th~ mall wIthout fritnd.. Th~ coo~ration of the general public during the p~ent eme~ncy. i~' nobody ttl Ut~ him to be a .:artdl. The ne""papenl of New Jenley can do much to insu~ the ph)per date. -__ --:~ _____________________ .Ikind of ~oopnatlon Within the' state. The wor'st pun we h,,'t! hean! 10

lal' durin, tht \:AIn\lllan is "T1I El. wood Roole,'t!lt." Ti,e Riddell Tax In Stp~mber. 1939. tht President of ~he Unittd State. in·

l'tfUc\td tht Federal Bu~u of Inveatlgatlon to takt charge of -Repeatedly we ha\'t tditorlaUnd over the (act th.t the unan conaumer pa~" tht hea\'lest tax in ph)portlon to hla income In ,pttt tlf the fact that he ill not in the higher In~ome brac:bts. He have to omptte with tax-f~e. publicly owned utility planta. the ~tu. etc., but in higher cost of food. rent and clothing.

il1vtlltigath~ work In matters ~lating to espionage. sabotage. or .:ollrst Frllllk\i\l D. Roolt\!eit counter· espionage. sub,·trsive activities al1d "iolatlons of the neu- knows ,,\I about nuloll_' 1:1'110. Why laws. Al the same lime the P~sidel\t l'tqutllttd that any. l h~ can ~vw I",,~m, (\Ole ha\'ing I!Ifotmation conterning these matttrs IIhouTd ptOltlptir I Whtn conl(rll'tion is IIdop~ yoll tum it over to tht I\eartst Fitld DI\'lsion of the FBI. The New i can'! It~~p out of tht <iran b~ mntl, Jersey office is located at \1.)6 Raymond-Comme'rte Building in I dOSlIlC '_"_,III_d_o_"'_ •. ___ _

One or the best illustration II of thill fact can bt found with the ,Uillttu of the country. In apite of the r.ct that they often to compete whh talt-free. publicly owned uillty plahtll, the privattly ownw utilitiets are fotced to tarry a big tax burden and thill must. of coutst, be In large part saddled on to the conllumer. in the recerlt number of the Natlol\al Republic. Mr. F. O. R. Gordon \\'ell illustrates the point by IItating:

"Note that the great holding com pan)'. the North American. With a capitalization o( almost $1,000.000.000. IItrving 1,365,695 cUltomers. of which 353,947 are in Wisconsin. largely In the city of MilWaukee. Last }'tar this I:ompany in greater Milwaukee paid In taxts $4,219,049. contributed thill to the growing talC bill, JUlt .. few rears ago It paid less than ha,1£ this sum. The total revenue of this company in greater Milwaukee 16st year wall $20,851.951.5i. 'thus we see that when the consumer paid his electric bill 20.23 centll or tach dollar represented the taxtll paid by the company. 'fhl. III the way it figures out:

N~t Bill Tax~s ih Bill 2S kilowatt hours St.41 $0.29

SO kilowatt houn 2.23 0.45

is kilowatt houri 2.;9 0.56

100 Idlowa It houri 3.35 0.68

200 kilowatt hollts S.35 1.08

250 kilowatt houri 6.23 1.26

1£ the government took over all privately owned plant. It would leem that tate. ought to be cheaper becau.e of the ellmln­Itlbn of taxe.. But poor public marlagement makea a greater cDtt of operation .0 that without the tilt bill. publicly owned plant. UIUll1y to charge a. high ratea II the privltely owned plantl, or go Into the red.

Farmers For Willkie A great many polltlcll expertll are calling the 1940 campal,n

I b.ttle between the city .nd the rurel votera. In view of the .lfortl made by' the New Dealera to give the f.rmen .dequ.te "tellef" thla ma), lIem lurptl.lng to m.ny who not examined the Iituation clotely. aut the averale f.rmer I •• n independent Individual. lie want. hot the dole. but an .dequ.te market .nd fair. prlcee for hi. product.. Thl. he h .. not received de.pltl the lpendln, of hundted. of mUllonl on the Plrt of the New Dealer. It Wllhlnaton. In hi. accept.nce addr... Vice Prllldentl.1 Candidate McNary pointed out thl. (act when he 1.ld:

"The New Dill h.1 .dmlnlltered the farm problem for more than Ayen y"r.. What I. the prllent .t.te of the American firmer who, with hie dependent., male.. up a qu.rter of our population' In the yllr 1 gag, hba of the n.Uon.l Income ... the low .. t Iince ltatitUCI bAn leept. Moreover hla In· .... durin, the Hy.n N.w Dul, or Jean, yean bu IY".,,, only

Newark. Its phone ill Market 2-5511. and the office is hOW open I SAFETY PROGRAM both nl.ght and day for the convenience of the public in report!n!!; i WORTH WHILg complaints. I

The need for such coordination o( the national defense work C<lI1lI'I~lf JU5t,tkmtioll 01 tht salet)' is evident when we consider that espionage and sabotage activities I ~uca\ion work in thf s~ho()I' WII

art not local in nature. A few lactll ma), stem insignificant in- ~~~n t,II'~ WHk by Motor Veblcle • • Cotlll", ... o,ln A.rthUr W. t.hCft In

deed when Investigated by local authontita •• nd conlequently may M~"Jfllt 51ali~llcs I'r~"nl·td by hi. d.e­be disregarded as mere idle rumors. When then same bits of vartment sho\\'llI& It 71 per cent reo tnformahon art checked in the files of the FBl however they I dlld,oll ill ttallk falal\tlts amont , , . \'hlld Iledntrlans \ll\der 15 yeer. elf may assume a much broader IIlgnlficance and \lIay in ract be the ' al~ over lhe pas I eilhl y~Qrs. missing link. In a huge eapionage plot \1\ an entitely different i tn dired cOIIIl'Ast was th~ l·tcOnl sl'ction of the countt\·. Frequentl" time Is of the tall'nce In these of eld~rl)' p~~Slrian •• (115 )'~ar& and J' O\'~I') whose cl\~\l.hles Illctua~ If maltel!!. and all complaints should be reported promptly. 'I~r C~l\t o\'er th~ sam~ ptrlod.

The newspaperll of New Jer.e), can render a v.luable service "h~ KIU'\Y. "'hld\ ~o\'el'8 the fire~ , . ' 51,. 1II01llhs or ~(\(h 01 Ih~ ~llht yure,

by ImpreBlLlng upon their readen the neel,l for calm, orderl)' pro-Ilho",s that bl1~k III 1935 (tilt firet cedure In meeting the "Fifth Column" blenace, The indiVidual ~ '~at Rccld~lIt ItRtl,tlcs _I'e I:om· cooperation o[ all patriotic American. II lorely needed today. but l'iI~,I). (lg d~nJrell under 15 year. . . wei e kllltd III r.te\\l j~r,ey tralflc. thll ihould be limited to relaymg InfO. rmatlon to the proper al:'thor-, Tlti. year Ih~ loll was III. iticB. We must guard agalnlt mall hYlterla and against the dan- 63 Killed gera of ovenealoull group. or Indivlduall eng.glng In actl which D I I

A d • , UI nil t le IAllle period In 1933.

are un- merlcan In metho even thou,h patriotic In aim. I here 54 eldel'ly ptM.1l101ls loal their II". Is ablolutely no need for vigilante Broup. durin, thl. period of ' while this year the cllualtlet In· emergency. ' I creased I., 63.

Not ollly have there been I,wer DUring the pa.t ye.r thOUlandl of communlcatlonl were reo t children k\lleti but the nfety le.lonl

cel ved from patriotic cltlzenl offering their aervitea .nd In. Ilearlled In Ichool have reduced the qulrlng how they could lIIllIt the FBI In connection with natlon.1 : ~~n~~;r c!~l~,e~t ~~e .~II:~~~~:I t~: defenee work. Llkewl.e. local law enforcement I. meetln, the 'I eltlerly pedtalrlanl Inlured. ';"hlll ch.llen,e and cooperatln( to the fulleal utent, A •• result at. lewer In nUlnller thlln children hi ..

I h I decrelled but five per cent the united effort of a I. there II bten a ne&l1llble .mount of Followlncl, the record oi I.IaUti. "botage durin, the prnent w.r In contr •• t to a .\mUar period "and I~ured Iluon, thUd and eld ..... In the 8rlt World W.r. The preventive a.ped II of ·p.ramount 11

)1 p~ Htrllna durin I the IIrlt ala hhportance In both •• bot'le .nd uplon.,e. ~~~!I' period 01 the Pllt ellbt

New,paper. an excellent opportunity to .Id the United VllaUtl .. Slatu Government by urging citizen. to cooper.te when lawen-I V Children !tWtrl1 forcement •• end .. leek Inform.tlon from them re,.rdln, a viola· 1 tar (KJUtcfS) Victim. tlon of olte of the N.tion.1 Defen .. St. tutu. Certainly the newI.1191~ un ,,~r (", I: 0".)

paperl c.n render invaluable aulltance .nd by refrainlnl from 1934 73 Sj h Iff' 1935 51 114

~a~u~;~m;:u::n re.;·::.;lIy·~~.II~:~ ::w~n ~:~~!~'~~::.t~~.:r~~ !::~: ~: could be ruined by prem.ture publicity or pubUlhln& It .n In • .,-, I:: 41 SO proprllte time Inform.tion rel.tlve to memben of • p.rticular 11940 ~~ :~ IIplon.,e rIn,. I Number InJund

Little ha. been publlihed thul f.r of the .ctlvltlea of the FBt ; Children Elderl, In carryln, out It. rupon.lblllty of coordlnatln, the h.ndlln, of I Vear (~II'd VIc:tI ... Informadon re,ardln. eaplon.,e and labotale yiol.tlon •• and 11131 UI1 ~ II) (es ':'0".) for the patriotic conllderatlon the newlp_perl hlye Ihown In thi. IIIIM 1101 17. r"ard n.l Amerlcanl Ire profoundly Irat,ful. With contlaaued I ::~: ~:: 17t cooper.tion of thll type the newlplpe" of New J.ney u w.1l all 11117 i... :: thou of the entire N.Uon wUl be renderln, • real Ittylce to our 1 IlIlI lMJ 191 countr". 1 111111 1101 ." lt40 1111 1.


PALMY~A BREAKS ~VltN Palmyra remained In the Ourllnc,

tOI\ CounlY National Lee,ut play­ott. by dlvldhlll a wetken\l bill wltli Rlvenld\!.

1'he IOCIIII 1011 1\.1 011 Saturday III a ,Ime played htre. \lIit walt 4-3 In 10 Innln&s al Rlveralde ott SundlY a{tettloon. -----BGNItFtT TEA - CARll PARTV

1'he \llInual I~' 1111.1 card PUIY 81'0nsol'ed by lhe CI!,nlntlnlon Aux­iliary of the Zurbrull Hospllli will lie held ne .. 1 Wednnday, September 18th. at Mrs. Joseph 1'. Evana' rell­denct. Burllnllon Pike. Rivertolt •

'rhe parI,. II c,lIed for l.30. It which time tea and fine), .. ndwlchea will be lerved. and Illaylnc will fol­low Inllllediltel)l there.fter. 'rhere will be tabltl for Bridie, Pinochle .nd "Radio." with , prlle for each t."I~. The playen will pivol.

Proceed, Irom thl. ,1T,lr deter­mine to a larle eltent the amount of the Iroup·. Chrlltm.. 11ft to the hotpltll. Ind I very cordill Invita­tion to .ttend I. utended to U1-one Interet led In htlpllli Ih1a caUIe.


• Wet w.,h plclled 1111 br -dti"", '" • o'clock ...... , altttllOOlll del¥tntl - or ... ore • .·clod! .. ...,



Itealtor II. CIMlllllftlO1l AVI., Palm,", N. J.

Pboae RI"ertolt as

Burllhllbh Counll' lur\'QI.~I'·1 Cour' RULk TO liAR CRBDITOU

BJocUlrla', Nf~lr. 1ElJt." 01 1t'l:"11 k,.dlll a..chlt. D.u.~d, Ito. bl~:d~\ "'~~r K~'t.~ UI~:ln'~ ~~r~ I~: "I ~. c.~.rr 01 fturlin.'on. ~o'rI"' S .. I lh. 181h da~ 01 AUAUII. 1940. UPO~ Ippll· tI " of thl ubnrlbu, S:a c-'U'., .. u\~na Iht m3110tl of ImIT., I.d.t Anhn. la .. 0/ IhO CounlY 0' BU,lInt,on. d ....... / It'!, brlnf, III Ih.f. claIm •••• h.. Ih. :WI~~'~'b" ',,1. rd t!:~;. 'P~'b::'~;t l;:t ... ,~ 0' thor .. III tt ~'b'''~ 0' •• ~ ."Ion .ho .. . 'or' o.olnll II •• ,hl o"'lt •.

IeATHAItI &.. ,111.&"

Proctar I. 010. Hown.. Waltoft. Vo,odl Au,UII I •• 1140, ' .1110 t, 19·40



C. H. H~:~ ....... } In Allothmtnl. . PI,t.U. o. C ••

VI. "lilt, II. HolnH. NOTltll: 0' Def ..... L ATTACIUI&NT

ND\I •• II h ... br .1... thaI • Writ .. Au,(hmtht .t .h, .\41. af C. "1. Ihlnll " "'n •• In., ... Inll Ih. rl.hlt ond Clt"~1 ,,"ott'rl _"Ii .",thu!oodIJhd ChaU,IMn · :.~ I':,'mwu' Utr.1DliilS,lI'IMtL ot • 0 ~OO'OOI 1111""' 0.1 0' • lilt

..........., ~ltr"l1 Co~'1 o. lhe "'Ih l' ""1 1140. ..t.r •• ~1t on IItt ........ ft, 0/ AU'~II. 1140. hOI boor, _wid ,d •• 1,

• • ... ultd 'r,d ...... , ... nod OIl.lh.IhI.I ..... ' .. N ••

__ ~.. ..... '" o' J.,. ".0. b, 'he ........ 1 ... . _ 11",1" COlOn,,,. •• "It'I'OIf. IfIlW ,...11\' .,." •. Au, ••• II,., .....

.............. .,. CU •• Y • I'U • .M.'r..IlBJ L. ADA'~ i-___________ ..\I .. A~'::;~r:-...

A ... lIl ad 1ith~s a d\Ot'd tNt o~~d, d:'rOUCh the \'I'r~ \Inj .. ~ I c'C,:,.;e~ I i: 'I'n<>~l In~lh~~. vlS\Q ~"~ry ,,'()t'ld. ,brat't~ alone its .... hole el<~nt, and COII'I~y5 iI'S vibtationll \0 the ,,-tty bo5oQlft -of God!-Binney.

TIME for Yourself

THERE are a thou,and thtng,

you want to do but there

are only twenty-four hour, In a day. Th. lolutton, then, Is to

budget your tIme. That'. how

clever homemakers occam ..

plhh 10 much and eleetrlc laundry equipment can be a

bIg help.



(HOOSI! 0 washer 'hat hos a method aa

oe"tle a. hand wa.hlng. You can select

one with on Ironing attachment which r.·

place. th, wring" when It II 'Ime to Iron

or you may prefer an electric ironlr that hal

I .. own table or one that can be operated on

the kitchen ,able or on a cord table. Pdc ..

are moderate and payment terms are eOly.



HE W ER .even bUlionl dollara; whereas. during the preceding seven years" -T NE A under Republican administrationl. it averaged nine billions. Bl"ar i' C t_....... in mind if you will that the New Deal totals included all the benefit

Published Rom-, Thtl~ It 109 'hln Street d h t the payments from the Treasury of the United States-an t a

o M

IIIattttod at thtRiYel1"On,R~~~~:'~.~.! at Second Cla .. Matttr seven prosperous Republican years include the black yea~ 1932. l'elepholle. ltiWftOa 712 . which marked the depth of the depression. Throughout thIS New

M E N T ----------------------------1 D,al cycle, we have been conf~nted with the related phe".omena

of depressed farm prices and industrial unemployment. ~Ith t~e fanner producing without profit, the city worker was Idle, hiS consuming power diminished. 1 have long felt that these phe­nomena could not be separated; that a sound policy would woro{ toward relieving both of these disorders.'·

WALTER L. BOWEN, IWttor •• W. METZGBR. A •• odate Editor· KARL W. LATCH. Ad-. "p.

.. a-d Street, RI~n 112 MorpJI Aw., Palm". Phone 400 Phone 1118

LBGAL ADVBRTIS.MEMTS '11M Naw .ra ia • ·Lellal New,paper. Commillioner'" 8haril'. and

......., Idta. Admin\'trator', and Executor'a Adllerti,eltlent, IR tollclt.d. ...... Ma. Eta will app~iate belnl rtmembtred in thi. connection.

Sub.cription t1.50 a Year In Advance Adverti,inl Ratea on Application

Here is the real truth of the situation. Another fact is. the farmer well realizes that with his domestic markets thrown open to foreign, cheap land and labor competition, by the reciprocal treaties, he will not recover definitely .and permanently until there is a change in our procedure. Certainly the first thing to be brought about is the safeguarding of our own agricultural pru·

Th~ population of Walhinllton, D. C., has jumped 37 p~r cent in the p~sl t~n years. Needless to say, few of the thirty·sev~n p~rcenterl would joio in an)' chorus of "We Want Wlnkie.'·

PRINTING Tht New Era Ollice i. equipped to do all kind. of Fine Println. at

~able pricn. ducera.

THE REPUBLICAN TICKET For President-Wendell L. Willkle

For Vice President-Charles L. McNary

For United Sta~s Senate-W, Warren Barbour

For Member of Congresl-D. Lane PoweR

For Governor-Robert C. Hendrickson

For Assembly-A. Matlack Stackhoule


-When Wendell Willkle Is el~cted our ~ hoice for the son, of the winter. is "Gone Are the Daze:'

For Coroner-Emera! White

For Freeholder-Albert C. Jonet

So that it may effectively combat so·called "Fifth Column" . - d . . . . . I ' Th~r~ IS on~ advanta,e posseese activIties. the Federal Bureau of Investigation seeks the ca m by the man without friend I. There cooperation of the general public during the present emergency. i. nobody to urle him to b~ a cand!o The Ilewspaperl of New Jersey can do much to insure the proper dat~. For Freeholder-Fred C. Norcroll, Jr. -kind of cooperation within the state, The worst pun we .have heard .0

The Hidden Tax In September. 1939, the President of the Unhed States in· far during th~ campaign Is "To El­structed the Federal Bureau of Investigation to take charge of wood Ro08evelt." -. Repeatedly we have editorialized over the fact that the small

consumer pays the heaviest tax in proportion to his Income in apite of the fact that he is not in the higher Income brackets. He have to ompete with tax-free, publicly owned utility ptanta, the clgaretts, etc., but in higher coat of food, rent and clothing.

investigative work in matters relating to espionage, sabotage, Of course Franklin D. Roolevelt counter.espionage, subversive activities and violations of the neu· knows all about national crises. Why · tra.ity laws. At tile same time the President requested that any. h~ call ~ven l1la~.

One of the best i11ustrations of this fact can be found with the utUitiel of the country. In spite of the fact that they often have to compete with tax-free, publicly owned uility plants, the privately owned utilities are forced to carry a big tax burden and this must, of course. be in large part saddled on to the consumer. .ln the recent number of the National Republic. Mr, F. G. R, Gordon well llIuatrate8 the point by IItating :

"Note that the great holding company, the North American, with a. capitalization of almost $1,000.000,000. serving 1,365,695 CUltomera. of which 353,947 are in Willconsin, largely In the city of Milwaukee, Last year this company in greater Milwaukee paid In taxes $4,219,049, contributed this to the growing tax bill. JUlt a few years ago it paid less than half this lum. The total revenue of this company in greater Milwaukee la8t year was $20,851,951.57. Thus we see that when the consumer paid hia electric bill 20.2~ centl of each dollar represented the taxes paid by the company. Thil Is the way it figures out:

25 kilowatt hours

SO kilowatt hours

N ~t BII! T ... ~s ih Bill

$1.41 $0.29

2.23 0.45

75 kilowatt hours ... _ ... __ .. _ ....... _._......... 2.79 0.56

100 kilowatt hourI _ .. _ •................. __ ._.......... 3.35 0.68

200 kilowatt hours ._ . .•...••.... _... 5.35 1.08

250 kilowatt houCB ... 6.23 1.26

If the government· took over all privately owned planta It would lIeem that rates ought to be cheaper becaule of the eUmln· aUoh of taxel. But poor publlc management makel a greater COlt of operation 110 that without the tax bill, publicly owned plantl ulually have to charge 81 high ratel .a the privately owned plantl, or go Into the red.

Farmers For Willkie A great many political expert. are c.lling the 1940 campaign

• b.ttle between the city and the rural votera. In view of the ellortl made by' the New Dealer. to give the fannera .dequate "relief" thll may leem lurprlalng to many who have not examined the l!tuation clolely. But the average fanner II .n Independent lndlvldu.l. He wants not the dole, but an adequate market and fair . pricta for hla productl. Thi. he h.1 not received delplte the apendlng of hundredl of mlllioni on the part of the New Dealere at Wuhlngton. In hll .cceptance .ddrRa Vice PrRidentlal Candidate McNary pointed out thil fact when he aald:

"The New De.I h.a .dministered the Cann problem for more than Nven yeara. Wh.t il the pretent atate oC the America .. f ....... r who. with hll dependenta. m.kel up a quarter of our pgpuIationP In the year 1939, hia abare of the national income ... th. Iow'lt lince ltatiatica bava been kept. Moreover b1a In· .... clurln, the Nven N.w Deal, or lean, yean hili .v ..... e4 only

one having information concerning these matters shoufd promptly Wh~n conscription Is adopted you turn it over to the nearest Field Division of the FBI. The New can't k~~p out of th~ draft by merely Jersey office is located at 9.)6 Raymond·Commerce Building in clo.ingn __ w_i_n_do_.w_. ___ _

Newark. Itl phone is Market 2·5511. and the office is now Opel\ SAFETY PROGRAM both ni~ht and day for the convenience of the public in report in;; I WORTH WHILE complaints.

The need for such coordination of the national defense work , Cotll"let~ justification of the aalety Is evident when we consider that espionage and sabotage activities I ~ducation work in the Rchools Will

are not local in nature. A few facts lIlay seem insignificant in. I seen t .hi~ w~~k by Motor Vehicle . .. ; ComnllSSloner Arthur W. Mal~e In

deed when Investigated by local authorities. and conscquently may acdd~nt statistics prepar~d by his de· be diBregarded al mere idle rumors. When these same bits of · l'artment showing a 77 p~r cent reo information are checked in the files of the FBI, however they I du~tion in tratTic fatalities amonll . . ' I chllt.! ped~.trlan. und~r IS y~ars of may assume a much broader slgmficance and may In fact be the age over the past ~ight yean. millsing links in a huge espionage plot in an entirely . different I In dir~ct contrast was the record section of the country. Frequently time ill of the essence in these of ~Id~rly p~destrianl, (6S years and

. over) whose easualtl~s Increaaed 17 matters, 8ml all complamts IIhould be reported promptly. per cent over the same p~rlod.

The newspapcrl of New Jersey can render a valuable service . Th~ .tully, which cov~rs th~ lirat .. ~IX months of ~ach of the eillht yean,

by impresSing upon their readerB the need for calm, orderly pro· ! show8 that back In 1935 (the lirat cedure in meeting the "Fifth Column" menace. The individual year IIccld~nt statiltici were com· cooperation o( all patriotic Americana ia Borely needed today, but )lil~d), .69 ch.ildretl under 15 year.

. . . . wer~ kIlled III N ~w Jersey tralllc, thiS should be hmlted to relayll1g Informatton to the proper author· I This y~ar the toll waf 16. ities. We must guard against malll hysteria and against the dan- I

f I • d· id I .. 63 KII ed gerl 0 overzea OUI group. or 111 IV ua I engagmg m acta whicn . A I I h d h h

. . . Dunne th~ .am~ p~rlod In 1933, are un· mer can n met 0 even t oug patnotic an aim, There S4 eld~rly Il,deslrlanl 10lt their livet Is ablolutely no need for vigilante groupll during this period of ' whil~ this y~ar the cllualtln In-emergency. I creaRed Lo 63.

. Not only have there been f,wer During the pllt year thousands of communications were re· , chlldr~n killed but the uf~ty leSiont

celved from patriotic citizena offering their lIervicel and In. i learn~d in school have reduced thl qulring how they could allist the FBI In connection with national : ~7Urripbe~rr innitureAdt bt

Yh automo~lle. bh, • .• cc . e lame time, t I

defense work. Likewl.e, local law enforcement il meeting the I eld~rll', pede.trian. injured, whill ch.llenge and cooperating to the fulleat extent. AI. relult ot I fewer ltl numb~r than children han h I d ff f 11 h h b 1· 'bl I decreal~d but five per cent

t e un te e. ort 0 a , t ere al een. neg 1&1 e amount of Pollowlng i. the rel:ord of fltaUtl" .. bot.le dunng the preaent war in contra.t to a .imilar period I. and injured amonl child and elder. in the firat World War. The preventive .. pect Is of paramount Iy pedHtri~. durin. thl Srat ala Importance In both aabotage and eapiona,e. I ~~~~~I period of the pllt el,bt

Newapapera have an excellent opportunity to aid the United FltalitlH Statu (lovernment by urging cltizenl to cooperate when lawen- I Children forcement agenciea aeek information from them reglrdinl a viola· \ Year (Kdilled

ti I un er IS)

Uon of one of the Na ona Defense Statutea. Certainly the new.. 193) 69 papera can render Invalu.ble a.alltance and by rebalmn, from 11934 73

the premature releue of any f.ctl on an investllation "Of thll ::~ !! nature. It can be readily realized how an entire investigltion 1917 52

could be ruined by premature publicity or pUbliahlng at an In .... 11938 41 . I ' inf i I I be 1939 33 propn.te t me ormat on re.t ve to mem ra of a p.rticular I IWO 16

Elderly Victiml

(IiSandov.) $4 51 64 51 71 SO SJ 6J

Number Injure Childrm EI4 .. I,

uplonage ring. . I Little hal been pubUahed thul C.r of the actlvitiea of the FBI '

in c.rrying out Ita relponllbility of toordinatin, the handlin, or ; Year information re,.rdina "plona,e and .. bola,e violationa. and 19JJ for the patriotic conlideration the newapapera have abown in thl. l l9M

regard real Ameritanl are profoundly &rateful. With contiaued I ::~ cooperation of this type the ncwlpapera of New Jersey .. weD .. 119n thoH of the entire Nation will be renderin& a real acrvic:e to our ,.19. _....... ' I." ---,. lINt

Killed Victime (\lIlder IS) (65 and ov.)

2004 JOO IIOS 170 IUS 171 UU J01 1411 lSI 1M) 197 IIGI ." UM ••




) All V~toed The edition also fUflushes som~ In A dllht act strtk~s a chord that

However. the ConlreSiman point. school bUies. A lotal of 468 schools ~x tend, thrOUlh the \' hole. universe. ed out. Prelident Rooaevelt ha. u.~d bus~s for the transportation of t('uehes all moral int~l1I&ence. visitl v~toed Rivera and Harbert leliala. I children. I,S61 buses were us~d. every world. vibrates alonl its whole tion in this .ellion of the Con,rell 92,712 children were transported ~ :; t~nt. and conveys its vibrations to and announced he would not approve I dally and the total cost of the ser· th~ very bosom of God !-Binney. AT HiGH SCHOOL President Roosevelt ha. been alk.

ed by Conlressman D. Lane Powert

Ten (lame. (or Palmyra Team; ' tC!lrn~ke diaas.t~r rl~l~cf modniea .v~i1. any .uch lellislation at thl. time. The vice was $2,157,44S. . . President's refunl .tymied all action The number of publicly own~d The best help Amenca can IlYe

S 0 S 28 I ab e ,or mUAlClpa Itlea an counties . eason pen. oept'

12 ; in the ftood.atrick~n arell of South

lor Mt. Holly. trucks and p"l~ng~r type v~hicletl fr~ "dom anywh~r~ Is .to prove before "Since we can have no hope of in the State Wal 13.S90. I all the world that It Is . a . system

Home (lame ct. Jersey. Conlresslonal action this y~ar," ..... hi~h can work. wheth~,r In limes of Powen ... ~rted today, "the only reo 1t'a ,~ttlnl so you ne~d a collelle peac~ or t!mes of war.-Ft. Wayne

The football season .t Palmyra In hi. formal plea to the White High School open. on Saturday, Sep· House Power. pointed out that the tember 28, at Colllniswood. This il affected counties and municipalities the lint enp,ement in a 10'lIame do not hav~ sufficient fund. avail· schedule. five of th~ conteatl b~inl able to sponsor rellular WPA proj. IIlated for the n~w local stadium, ects to reconstruct road., bridlles, whil~ the other five will be play~d on damll, etc., which were ravaged by foreien terrain. the hurricane over the Labor Day

coune we have now ia for the Pre.i· ~ducathn to be an elevator boy. News·Sentlnel. dent to make available direct Fed­eral aid to th~ stricken areas, with· out forcin,' the communities and counties to pay a Iponsor'. share. which Is the u8ual WPA procedure.

The first hom~ fracas will not w~ek~nd. Direct allotltion from the come until Saturday, Ol:tober 12, Federal Gov~rnment under authority when Haddonfield will provide the of th~ President, Powera lIaid. was oPPPOILition. . the only hop~ lor imm~d1ate large·

The home stand will include scale r~con.tructlon work. eames with Burlinllton, Merl:hant. Many I~adina citizens and mer· vUle. Moorestown and Woodrow chants of Mt. Holly, whose com· Wilson. munity bore the brunt of the ram·

"Th~ Federal Government ,ranted direct aid to the suffetlnl state., counties, communities and indlvid· uals In th~ Mlui.sippi and Ohio River dlsaKt~r Rnd I bdlev~ the sai I aid should be giv~n to th~ stricken ar~aa of ~outh Jersey.

AUTOS IN N. J. The season enda on November 30 paging Rancocas River's waters In

with Gloucester. Burlington County, wlr~d the Con. Practice Started eressman for immediate Rood relief

aid. In hi. r~pli~s to th~m the Con· Coach William Fiedler .tarted eressman stated that Presidential In·

practice on Tuesday of thil week I terventlon was the only avenue left with a lar,e squad, mostly compri.ed for correction of their Rood problem.

There wsw one passcne~r car for every 4.9 p~raon8 in New Jers~y Ialt year and the State ranked eighth In motor v~hicle registration. accordinl to the Automobile Manufacturers As· sociatlon'l latest edition of "Auto. mobile Facts and Fillurel,"

of areen material. Work to date . . terestine data on the lIubject of

haa b~en of a Ii,ht nature, but will Work~d Hard take on an Increased tempo thl_ In a statement issued to each cor-week. respondent who contacted him, the

The new Red and White mentor Conllressman reh~ars~d his effortl, faces a formidable talk in tumlnll which extend~d over a period of out a winnlnll comblnatlon, .ince the years. to obtain remedial action In only vcler\lna available are Trotta, Cone res. to curb the depradations of Keen, Austin, Llberl, Flournoy, Dur- the unruly Rancocas. Power. point. lin, · Lippincott, Lane, VIIl.arl and ed out that he had Induc~d th~ Dis· Mitchell. Of the new material, Con. I trict En,ine~r of the Wnr D~part· well, track speedater, lookll prom- ment to Include the Mt. Holly prob· 111n1. lem In his recommendation. for 801u-

Schedule tion of recurrent Roods in the Dela .. The complete Ichedule follow. : ware River watershed. The District

September 28- . Eneineer's report went to the Divi-Collin,awood, away. sion En,ine~r in N~w Yor~, whom

October !- Powers colltacted and' Induced to. Camden Catholic, away. accede to the r~commendations of

Octob~r 12- th~ District ollice. HaddonReld, home. The next step In the normal pro-

October 19- cedure for direct Fed~r81 Int~rven· Haddon Hel,hts, away. tlon, Powers d~clared, would have

October 26- been for th~ Board of Enllin~~ra, In Burlinlton, home. Washington , to .~nd th~ r~~om·

Nov~mber 2- m~ndatlon" along to the Rivers and Merchantville, home, Harbors or Flood Control Commit.

Nov~mber 9- tees of Corigre.s, which would be Moorestown, home. a8k~d by him to paS8 nuthorl~ation.

Novemb~r 16- for the work in an omnibus River. Woodrow Wilson, home. and HarborH or Flood Control Bill •

Nov~mb~r 21- Wh~n th~ authorization had been Riv~rslde, away. passed and sign~d by th~ Pr~sld~nt,

Novemb~r 30-- the Congrusman th~n planned to Glouc~.ter. away. hav~ his War D~partment Appro.

prialions Commltt~~, of whIch he la ranking Minority Memb~r, to ap'

l prove approprlationl for the work which could th~n have started In the Spring of 1941.


PAY A8 YOU GO PI., 0011 GO a Sport, Coune

IRON ROCK PARK GOLF CLUB ..~ ........ ,. lad Hallda ..

Sl.2.) ,it ifltr • , .... W&l!a PAY.

750 He Ulet .....

Hlddo ••• 14 Itoa4

Pennl •• k." Ta .... aIt. II Ho'"

TIM E· for Yourself Palmyra r~mained in the Burllne·

on County National L~agu~ play· offs by dividlni a weekend bill with Riv~rslde.

The locall loat 8·1 on Saturday in a gam~ played h~re, but won 4·3 In 10 innin,. lit Riverllde on Sunday aftcntoon.



THERE are a thousand things

you want to do but there

or. only twenty. four hours in ~111!1.~

-----BENEPIT TEA· CARD PARTY The annual t~a and card party

&pon.or~d by the CI!,namlnson Au". lliary of th~ Zurbrugg Hospital will be held next Wednesday, Sept~mb~r lllth, at Mrs. JOI~ph T. Evan.' reai. d~nce, Burlonllton Pik~, Riverton,

The party i. called for 1.30, at which lime tea and fanl:Y undwlchea will be lerved, and play in, wUl fol. low Imm~dlately thereafter. There will be tablet for Brldlle, Pinochle .nd "itadio," wIth a prize for each table. The playefl will pivot.

Proceeda from thl. affair deter· mine to a lar,e extent the amount of the Iroup'. ,1ft to the hOlpltal, and aver, cordl.1 Invltl· tlon to attend I. extended to an,,· one intereated in helplnl thla caUll!.


R.altor 516 ClIIlWllllllan AVI., Palmyra, N. J.

Pboa. Rlv.rton as

Burllntton County Su,ro,a,e', e llur , RU E TO BAR CRKDITOR&

Kwrcuuia', Notl" Ktute of Emili. Kenda1l Archer, DecMMd.

Notic. I, herehy "I"'tn that an order h •• bNn mad, by OftJrj;t B . Bll1ln •• S.rroCa•e of lh. County 01 DUfUn.ton. burin. dat. tha 16.h da, of AU KU". 1940. upon appll· cltlon of the: subtuib.r. It.ltc.ut.. r. Clillliriftl the ('fed It or. at BmUi. KendaU Arfher lit' of the County of SutUnlton. 4ecaHd 10 br'"_ ill thei, clalml •••• " ....... ""'t 01 lh. u'. d.t.d'ftt , and" ~,tI or _flinnatio" on o. tM!lor. 'ebru.ry 16. I"'. f! they .til M debl! rcd of .ttr. .eltOn there·

0T"t ."i··H'T"H'::~I:&""'ltA · ZIEU" Proctor I Oeo. Howard W.lton. Det" : A .. &"al l6. lt40 1-12'0 . . .. . "


a day. The solution, then, is to

budget your time. That's how

clever homemakers accom­

plish so much and electric

laundry equipment can be a

big help.

CHOOSI! 0 washer that has a method a.

o.ntl. as hand washing. You can select

one with an ironing attachment which r.:

places the wrinoer when it is tim. to iron

or you may prefer on electric ironer that has

its own table or one that can be operoted 00

the kitchen table or on a card table . Price.

afe moderate and payment terms o re easy.

: PURLI C@}SERVIC( THa aaD cao •• _lllD. yOU a HIlLP



G.O.P. NEEDS I All wore tiaras and face veil. and and accompanied Min Orace Hom- 'of the bride's parent. Immediately I B Elwell, of Riverton. who I •• ee-FIN AN CIAL ca~ri~d old fashioned bouquets. The lei, .ister of the bride, In voc~l 10101·1 followinl the ceremony. after which rctary of the association.

. I bnde S 91.steT. Mabel B. Saltmer. as . The bride, who wal liven In mar- the couple left on a Mome honey· The issue also contain. a blo-ASSISTANCE I Aower Ilrl. w~re II f~ock. of pale I raa~e by her lather, wore a ,own ?f moon. ra hlcal sketch of Me Elwell's life.

blue tAffetll. tTlmmed In pink, and while moire taffetn. made entraIR WI'II b- I P ~ . d . Mr. and MrM. ~ ~ Oeorle DeB. Keim, of I::dlewater carrie pmk r~sc8 and blue larkspur. and with a ~weetheart nec\r:llne let at home niter October 1. at ~02 Officers of the Palmyra WiIIlr:le

Park. chairman of the Burlinlton Marshall Wilbraham, 01 Palmyra, off by smocklnl across the shoulders Cinnaminson avenue, Palmyrn. I R B k h County Republican Finance Commit. was hi. brother's best man, and u~h- i and on the Ileeves. Her tulle veil Club arc: Leon .1I ( . a er, c air-ke. and vice chairman for thil coun- ors were Charles B. Sail mer, brother was held by a pearl tiara and Ihe man; Helberl B. Trout, vice chair-ty of the New jeney Republican of .the bride, LI,:!yd Griscom, Thomal carried a bouquet of roscs and lar- BREVITIES man; John Moffitl, treasurer. Mem-Plnance Corflmittce. recently appcal- Price and LOUIS Jander. Jr .• all oE denl~l. . .. . benhip in the unit can be obtained ell "to all those who want to lee Palmyra, M1sa Vlrl'"" Schwel!Cr, aillcr oE It i8 reported that one alleacd by (OnlaClinl Ihe followinl mern-

A the &foom, BS maid of honor, wore a local wit who parks hia car in Ihe bers: Ralph S. Rivers. Miss Vern. dress of deep rose taffeta, desllned Rivcrton one hour area has in61011ed Guest, James K. Hirea, john C. :ovith a fitted bodice and full skirt, all alarm dock In his machine. ThIS Hoepfner, Frank Rue, WilUam It.. trimmed In narrow velvet ribbon. sounds forth 60 minutes alter his de- Donaghy. Hector Davis, as weU •• Her heart ahaped hilt of net wa. parture nnd informs him that it II any of the o~icers. trimmed in velvet ribbona of a time to move ·on. deeper shade and her bouquet wal of lemon yellow roscs and delphin- -0-ium. Bank avenue, between Linden and

The bridesmaldl. Mrs. Doullas Thomas is probably the mOBt miler' Kersey and MilS Orace B\lIard. of able Btretch of hilhway that can be Palrnyra, wore frocka of corn Rower found north of the "roads" Ihat blue taffela, like that of the mald of meandcr throulh Ihe pines. honor, and carried colonial bouquets -0-of pink rosel and delphinium. At Palmyra Hilh School, a new

Nelson Rusi. oE Haddonfield. was office for Paul R. jones, supervisinl beat man, and ushen were Georle principal and Miss Veva M. Brower. Kennedy, Harry Horner, Doullal hllh Ichool principal, has bcen made Kerley and john Rockafellow. all of by the remodelina of Room Palmyra, a c1al8room. Thesc

A reception WI. held It the home also be utilized as Ihe ________________ ,_, ••• IRW room for the board of edu-

More Than Female

Church. The ceremony •• t two o'clock, wu performed by the Rev. William A. Womln ban the repuUluon of morl! than 90 per cent 01 !ill fatal

Boyd. paltor of the church. and Mrs. belnl wone driven than mell and. non-fatal accident. tn 1939 John Lord played the weddlnl mlrch but where accident. are eon- Involved male driven. Where and accompanied Mn. Louis jander Ct!med. ltatt.tlelana c.n ftnd no fatal eccldent. alone are conald·

. lD vocal 10101 precedinl. . ftaure. to aubatantlale tblt popu- ered, the female ot tbe specie~ The bride. who was liven In mar- lar beUef. hOI an even betler record. being

riale by her father. wore a lown Theae fact. are reveaied In a charled with the responsibility of white taffeta. made entrain. and 00-"1 S tor I('ss than seven per cent.

hal new ..... et U :X:llh HIt. 0' the The anawer undoubtedl" res 1-.

• lonl tuUe veil falllni from. 0 Year" just III _A Th Tr I ' • u"" y eave· an the tact thaI a "realer numbe/ of taffetll. Her bouquet w •• of rOIel. ere Insurance Compall1 811 the f d .. •• rdenlal and bouvardla. tenth In Ita annual series of bul. 0 men rive morl! mlle. each

Mrs. William Ripple. of Audubon. letlna dedIcated to strect and year and under more hazardous .. matron of honor for her coulln. highway sarl'ty conditions, the article concludes wore a rOle taffeta dre.1 with m.tch- D h t No method hal yet been tound 10 capite t e act thot a Gallup determine the. relative risks foeI'd

cation. The forrner board room will be

uled for other purpolel. Another prominent improvement

made at the Ichool durlnl the sum­mer I. the Inatallatlon of a trophy case on the firat floor hili. Thll Is filled with a IIrle numbcr of hand­lome .wardl • . -The September i .. ue of "Taxe-Iram." official publication 01 the New jersey Taxpayere Asaociatjon and af· filiated orlanilltlonl, haa a larle picture on the front cover of Francia

New Shoes From Old

"AMICO" Electrical Vulcanized

Resoling No Nans



UNln SHOE REBUILDERS lOS W. Broad It. Palm".

Many elderly widows do not y.t realize Ihey have insurance Pfotec­tion under the Old.Aae and Sur­vivors' Insurance prOlram of the Social Security act 8S amended . lilt year by Congress? Social Securlt, field offices have the information,


• trll:~dC~,=ci::

e 'n",ch Men'.' -'"

T, .... lIft,Cloalll

•, ........ a.I"_n.W .......

• hIoa ..... "-Dlunen.'-a.. W., .....



• ........ ".. .AUIftA" .... ................... ..,..


WINDOW SHADES purchaaed ......

meuured ID4 .......... PRKK

Prien ......... . Inl face veiL Poll .howed B large majority ?t by malc, and temalet and t'1

The bridelmald.. Mn. WiWam perllolU feel safer ridinA with a such data are available no u~nl~ S C H WE R I Ibedaller. of Laurel, DeL, Mi .. Doril man at ,the l~e(,.Tll)g wheel. lhl' ran say with accuracy which sell N G ' S Hltnpton, Mra, Marahall Wilbraham compal)Y' atatls/lclan. found that I .. safer al the wheel. aDd Mfl. Lloyd GriICOm, of Palmyra, _ ___ _ ____ PaIrn,.... N. J. Pboae • wore cOltllm .. Iilre that of the m •• , • ____ .. -=======_== ...... =-_== _____________ >;=~~~~~~~~~~~~~M .. -~OOOOOll~iIOl~~;;.;~~ troD of honor, the former two lD 1 ~ pink, trimmed In blue, and the bto .. two In blue. trimmed in plnlL.

• EVins' xrvlc£ Sllllon

aroM .... Ita. IU~ N. J. SUNOCO

GASOLINE and OIL ".... _ ........ AtItO Acc ... adee .............. wwt ..... N.J,


JOHN H. ElRIS .,_ ............... .......... J. .....

.THE . NEW ERA Publilbee More Loc:al Ne .. of Palm", RlvertoD and

Cinn.mlneon tbm ANY OTHER PAPER

ClrcuIated ill TIde VIdDky • .

SOME OF THE FEATURES .... Or..-a ...........

..... W-.llb ..... v ............... _ ... 111111 ...

......... 'hi ~

By necIiac The New Era repIad, fOU cae ..., ...,.... about JQUf c 4, "unity dain _ die -aut

.... at • ......,._

of ... tb.a



The Snover Funeral Home

i.u.-ated su E. B"*, It.. PaJaa,n. N. J. ~ ..




FAIRVIEW ANNIVERSARY the cavity • . . A polaroid study' dent lamp . . . the "Information 1 lamp, with special non'llare qual· Please" movie ahort that included iti~s, av.ilable for Ihe first time at a Wendell Willkie-already it's had so price . to fit a student's pocketbook- ' many repeat book in as that it rates descrt.bed as the modern suc~esso~ to as the larlest'lrossinl short subject the tame-honored "Iooscneck" stu- ever released by RKO.

The twenty-third anniversary of the found,ng or Fairview Sanatorium, New Lisbon, will be celebr.ted on Saturday alternoon. Seplember 14th. at two· thirty o·clock. This date allO markl the fourth reunion of former pallents and (rienda of thO!!' institu· tion. It is planned to hold the pro· gram, to which the public i. invited,l on the lawn. Dr. Marcus W. New­comb. 8uperintendent, will preaide. I

Frank Kreutzberg, chairman of the I committee on arranlement" has an­nounced that Dr. Chester 1. Ulmer. I Gibbstown, will be the guest speaker, I Ab Counsellor of Districl No.5, New! Jet6ey State Society, for a I num ber of years and Secretary of the I Oloucester County Medical Society,l Dr. Ulmer i. well known in proleB' lional circles. Addresses are also \ to be madc by David Styer. Borden­town. represcntinl the board of manaietl. and Mr. Krculzberl· En· I tcrtalllment is to be provided by GUI­tav Bohn, magician, while music will be furnished by the W.P.A. Band of I Trenton. Followina the proiram" the luests may tour the Irounda and i buildinls_ Handwork completed by I patients under t\le direction 01 Mrs. Elizabeth McDowell, ill charle of occupational therapy, will bo ex­hibited,

The Board 01 Manalen and staff members are Ireatly interested in tho lucce .. 01 the com in I event. Mem­bers of the board ate: Oeorle T, Tracy. M. D., prelldent, Beverly: Richard D. Anderson. M. D., vice prelident, Burllnlton; Joaeph W, Bowley. D. C., Burlinlton; Henry W. Tresch, Jobstown; David Styer. Bordentown: Marcus W. Newcomb. M. D .. Medltal Director and Super­Intendent. Browns Milia: WIlliam H. Reevel. BUllne.. Manaler and A .. .Iet.nt Superintendent, New Lisbon; Dr. Ch.rlel Gruenwald, Relident Physician, and Sunn W. Miller. R.N .. Supervisor of Nurlel.

THINGS TO WATCH FOR A new ellar. exceedinlly alender

and four Inchea lonl, m.y make Itl debut loon, termed the "Ienteel ver· .lon" of the flinoul thoulh inelegant Plttaburlh Itolle • • . the btelt In uael for polymerized vinyl plastic II U filllnis for teeth-it la claimed th.t It hardens without .hrinnle .nd thul locka itlelf permanently In

I u;,tiJiit11!1 ...... ....,. ........... Matinee Daily It 2.00 p.m. Eveninll 7.00-9,00 o'cloc\r:

THURSDA Y, September 12


Anne of Windy Poplars

Free Gifts to the Ladies

FRIDA Y and SA TURDA Y September 13·14



All This and Heaven .Too

Please Note Future Time

Friday 2.lS. 7.22. 10.03

Saturd.y 2.IS, 6.39. 9.IS



MONDAY Ind TUESDAY Septembe-r 16· 17



Maryland (m T«hm('oIor)

Monda,.-Frft Gifts to the La<tin

WEDNESDAY a TlfURSDA\, ~be-r 1 ... 9



Untamed (_ Tcdtltic:oIar)

Sweet and Sour PicklelJ PICKI.ES tOBt~ IIn,,(1. 'f l,,· ,· ~11",u· ,

In tft till) fll~"811ol1 nlui nflil flavor to 11 "n\"~' ffl lld . " lr l~ \f'" Itl'l' mnd tl nt \'(\l!rra hlC' !C ,

11'lIiI, lU l':ll, t l)\' lo t' Ii· h \' 1' 'f.l.I, \' \ ' ('d

In \ '\111 t::lf. rr fllI!.' il]' , ~ ;1I1tlt ' ll. fl\\' I'f'1·

,) k ldJ " l 'f'!l'J!·. :-;!Iil'l'~ nrC' nUt'" u e: I',1 In g l\'" " .h1il l'III '11 O:t \'or.

1'"11'111, nnt t 10 ri pI'. tlU,;n',II"lItft IhOlt1.1 111., (01-\"1'11',. f ill' tmll<ln~

"kkl rs. (,h " I' Illln 10"" \\1111 11 kn ifc tit n wl1l1.1· II h{)\\'l ; ~lll1"inf· In· ~ ""t1iltl1l" 1'1"~:Ht'.t" lf1r) HIIII' h "r the ju i,"':"' .

.TnrM of f1!1 ' lt lr"~ that ll'lrro h" " 11 OI1!' II,· t} roh 1'1\,1 111' I 11 t J ~' ('0 \ ' \ '1'1, ,1

IlIHI slnn'u hi th l' nl1 to' Il ,It lf' u ,rrlR· 1ll'U lo r.

Jl l're nre 1'/'d p l", ~ "'I' "r n f'nmll 1101'1 iun of L'adl IH1 .L!~( :iliull uB yuu.'

IlIc l,lc II ·:I !'.

Emergency Pickle. I~dla Re lish

1 "t. rn ll'"I- . ('Qul{,·,l !lIHl l'ut In ~II ' I I"

1 ""l' r"olced MlI' lng h i \II~

1 ped' 1'11'0 1011111hlt' !

3 l't1I'!( eh t l1'!l ed o"k,·),

1,;1 ('\If! wlJHo llllf <ll Ul'(.l


l ' I 'j l IH' l'pers 111 '-; 1" p,rulIud dl1uUllIOU

L j 'li1l, ul1,

~I I'''1l llf'Pfwr 1 rrd 1"'I'I,,' r or

2 1.11111"11106 chot l l1t'11

... \ 1' 1111 8U ;!IIr

('1111 "!Itt'1.:al'

," '" I'. 11:1I.r l\w ll,! tH P, !'4u lt

2 rU11S dl"I'I.etl Ullio" ...

1 ~ ('III' Hult ·1 ("I'" \'lllr ~nr 3 rnpH brown

ff ll i f'c 8 ","<1111111 01"",1 onIons, alketl

~. t!l ll IlIr· IIlI ,dc I,. tll"ll. c!o"Ct

CnmhlM tll lt l'PlliPII !' ull1l ('"ok Ilu\\,ly ulltll 1II1~IIII 'e I. tl~ lI r . Suul In elenn, bot jors,

81l ~a l'

tllup !llle Olle. p~ok rip" 101ll01"('S, dl'olll 1111'111, odd IlItl'c CllI'. choPI.ed ('l'\t' ry. t Wil t!utlM clio)JIWll oUItUlK.

Chow-Chow nll,1 ,,".··hnlr cup Bult. Let mI.· I QU. ~re~ 1l 1 ~nl\l)n 11I"e atnlld two houl's , th~/I add r'lIIr

tomtlIUl:',. \' hl~~n,. CUll! \'llu"'J::"rt three rut1s brown 12 .mnll cll cum. 1 Ih"I" "",pry ~1I!:l1r, on,,·lInl( CIlI' white nlllotllnl

hel'll • " ,1 Kl,pd. t ",.) red pepI'cl'S oho"llcd I1I1C, « green peppen 1 th'I" IIIUS' 0118 tuhl "spoon ground clllllnlllnll, 1 small head tnr,l Oll~ tnhl ~"pnnn ollolll,·" alld Oll,,·balf

cnhhalld 111 <1). nl\. tahlooponn c)f)\'es_ ~lllt IlIltrPI)fcllu II o/llons "1, II'e well, IlllCk I/lto c1ena jan a/ltl. o.lll 1 qt. all' llI~ bpans ·t"I" P " PPN ' lllllllcdlll l1'ly. 1 (' UP snit th. p, ol<l"e"I Tomato M.rm.,.a'e

2 qtlll . 1u:11 I1.- 2, CUll ~tts:"r ("hoI' tn~P thpr tmn:tto"". tnemu- In''tI! '2 t"l l , ~ilit

bel'S. pelll'Pf!I, (':\hha ~t~ . onions nnll 1 ( w. f'i,h'r 2 t ~ I , 1ll ixl'd .trll .. ; h"MIS. 1'1:,.,c 11l1~llIt'e In a II pan with alternat e hly"t'8 nr ~11 1t . " IIlI'~ ur 81' (' £"s uslng on'" (1'Ul' .mlr, rl · ... 1,LI1 \'in~ COlllhlne fllt:' rPfIl (l n tK. Cuuk mix:-enoll"h Bnlt [ .... 101' 1,,,·1'''. Let III Ix· tlll'C B)<I"ly IIIHII It I. Ihl' k. "1 11'1 "'1(' lure stand l\\' t' h~c h,)\1I·5. th N l dra in , I to P1'I'V,llH 1111ll1 l n~, Piu'k 411to clt\!Ln. Tit Ottt.! J.!nlhm " in"i.{,I1" nil e' O:IC hut jrt!'8 . Spal hnmf!dl:l't'ly,

tahlps lloon I\:\l'h or ('('1.'1 y ~I cd. I1IU3" Yello ." Tomato Prelerve. lard. sIb pi, e , T1fl Plwr and r1 J\'J"~ ; fI PI'I p ' I' w J ill D n' ct 'l""\ft' tI hPBt to blll1ll1J; 1'01111, n:l<I "" ~Cll' . , ., ~ blp*, and cook m :x1llrc U1:ttl tf';~ I r I t fl Ul:\r ' h ' 8 rind ot " !l lllon.

1 1 Ih. ~l\~" r Pn C'k thl) rlttl\\' ·f' ~H1W Into e1l an, , <')\ \' 1 I' I and lent at enro. .j ("ti ll m nr,.., J: na;"t rOll t (') r

Ih lnlr 011<,,11 r and l<·d 11111 .' r nlRn l'h tllluat')tI:.4 Ri ll! r£'11111 \ ' j)

I ftkl1U, .\rl,1 !11 UC: ,\f. lemon Ju l('~ nn d ~ rind 3n tl J:inC;;"r l ,mt, J, .. t ~':111· 1 iH r

nlcht, thf"11 rook p' nrly uIl' 11 ill .'k.


You eln wast. Ind Iron for tl1e whol. 'amlly In Ie .. I day with In electric walher Ind ironer. They ar • •• ,y to operate. Pour Intcl bot Itenllu"tl j ,ars and

Sf'a.1 at 01\("6.

Colt SS5,000 ••• Char order from .......... "Sell no mett ... how ... the prtce ••• $2,000, $3,000. 5',000, SS.... 17'-' su.OOO or what.w.r rOIl can ,etl"

GI Small [',fBk of 1Ju,n.ih, allJ 2>MinclitJII WHICH WI&'&' '011" A "'''£CT 8ACKOltOUND 'Oil MANY Y£AII. 0,. HA,.y U"'NG ,.011 AN

O/moic4n (jenlkuu, tUzd 3li, gamil"


A ..... fln ... /roa c...., ... WILL aE SOLD AT


AUCTIO ...-..-.m ~CK_WCac&:S 1 • A. 61b4Mh.1l CIOI'DII ~ rn-~~ -'-4 Q:4"~ ;,:;: .. .. , ... -:.,.

~ ..... , <IfOOII'da&!>'dIS''-oU.a.o..s.~ ~~;i ~ "...r ..... ""'" ___ ....... ....-..I __ • .-tl hIT ~ ~ .""~ . .... a~ hi.t. .. ~ __ at. r<Od a!Icn!_.,.,....,. eN! H><': -""'"

Tr..-~.""""" ~ t~ ..... _ ...... --. · ........:II·"~

::..~==ti: ........ '::'~': ~n..~:;.,~.w~ ...,. .... ...-c-'" ..... _ .......... ...,... ...... hoI-....... .)-oC*'''~ ... .,. .... ~,..,. _op-....... ...... ... t.~ ...... ~t.-.. Job!' . •• JI'I*'t ........ "":..:Ii ...... '* • .,.,. ..... , •. ~~., .. f'~ J,o,. ....... ~ .... .c.I .. ., ~ _ 01 .. .,..... k.a... ... C"~ iJXIf. ~ .... CIt ~ at ..... ~-rwt ('11"1.. ... 1"". ~ 1ICIIIII8 ..... ,..--,.... ............ Ci4 Nt l .. &,.~ .... £.. ott· . .... .a. ~ ........ 2 .... , .~ • .,., ... '" r .. • ... ....,----- -So" "'111" ".." a. .". Pr~. __ Ro, .. co :;'tJ~ TUESDAY. $Ern •• E. 11 .. S.e P. M .. D. S. ... ...... -



--~~lw~_;'~I~ Z94-0 Crop .

New Paclc Food Sale! Ih',.", ", 'h .. " ... ' "I'" .. ',It ,111'11'\ , ""1'th',,IUI' h'HIII ' lun''''I''', ( 'Ill ' !utu'1" (., fH''' ,lIlf'h .. ,unlit, (01141 .. "".' I\t" '1\ hut lIu''' , '·1"'" , ·'UII , 'ulI'I ... I,'" •. 1t1'lehtuII' I .. "H' \11"" '11'1111 .... '01"· .. 111111 &,:1" " "lll' o1.lulrt· fit Ih( .... t· htu: Sc'" "It"h \ II lUI' " ~ ' ·Olll · II'HU" "'ul'· ... I'I 'upl.· til tll'l" ,\ 'flU ntlf' " f""'IHII\' nfJ'If, ,,, ,,h""j' \flll'l1 .'Hlfl\', .... '1 111' tlU"' \ ..... , '1· t 'nn \\, .. ,-In rlU' ";1111'1'''' \\ hf'I'f' <>11 ,.111\ f ·Pllnl .. 11111' "I1Ul' ",H""

(;nt-.. , ,'lIrfIH~"1

New Pack--JyllO t:TOp/ '. ~. , 'Lur Chc:c."

lISCO T Soup I";.:,;;" l E~ch Unit

4SCP Tomato P~~I~'~ I"":':'."',', 4 (i\J1S V.g.lobl. Soup, "". ' .<1' J- . lISCO b . \\ II II I'",'" , 110 1 g" ean. 111111 '1'· ,,11"11 ""II "I f ' 'III ..,

1ISCf.t Tomato Ju;cc.' I~ '"

~ • .-. "-)"'V/"4""""'/""'/""'~i:'

lISCO Pane"lc. 6rap.r ru,i ~:.',.':: ~:; :~ 1 ~:';1l" '7 or Buckwheflt T d iet Tissue ,..,,,1,,,,, 6 -"H·-.;5

Flour k Sc lISCO Lhemes \'::~~ ";,,,;: 22, ______ ,._" ___ N •• C. Pride Allr.. ,,'I',', 1St

• lISCO Wh •• t N.B.C. Coole; •••. 1110", Ib 19c ,... ~ice Hur" Spaghetti 2 ~.I,,; .. ISc

P ft 2• 9 1o .... to •• ~.I.\:f ·' ;~::~1t 2 ~';:~I.! 15(.

11 s II~::' C Maro"nal.. "";::i::" '. j;,:" 9<

No. 2V7 17C" Delicious can Fruit Cocktail

3 s .. :l 2.5c ~"

. Hurlock String B •• n. ~:~14 ~;,.:l.13c T d L· 8 s,,"' 4 So :I 23 .n . • r 1m. ..n. Pnrk ~""',, C O· d C t Sew 4 t~·o .. 13c IC. .rrO' Puck ,·un.

Mix.d i~~~~ 4 ~:; .. 2 23c

1IS'1'n Sweet Pea. ""'W "lICk 2 So. 1125 "" Ill",. t .. IK'i c..... C

Ivory Flalces 2 '~.'.:~~39~ ,vorySnowl CRISCO

1~1 • . n' ftt. . It, 2 ph' 39~ ~~16~3..::45c \\'1I"'1I1 ·· I!JCI) "" r,· 'Tllil

Beet Stew 2 I~~;:: 2Sc

Preserves 2:,;~29c

~U.\ tu.'" ant! M:I'\C, Thf" \\'lIono 'Ab,,' llro....... Jour ,able.

' ·dUI • .::,.,M')'. Pm, II. 1410" ... • her .... , Clwl'rT ... tra\\tK'rrJ. 1;"'«,,1\111"(', It"",,' ... rr,.. .\\). ri4 ...... ontl '·tn,·ItI~I'I(",

Fresh Fruils af)d Vegetables l Peaches 5 lb. IS:, Lare •• Lu.ciou •• Yellow Elberta

.""'"' ...... It" 'l ........... t-.~ ~~rtn ()n·h nt,l ..

ORANGES ."~~~. .Iv) 19c PRUNES 1 ....... I1'.~~·.. dOl. 5c POTATOES "~Ii;.;.:..t... 15 .. 19c I

GRAPES '~:,~r:.::: -2- .a. 1 ~c .'h,·.' ..... ,ft '----------____ =_' .... ~ _ .. _---16c a 2Sc

Glenwood Apple Sauce 2 -llc

RI" n.4 , fl In J ••

PORK LOINS c::.:~ • --.\, U .1 .. ' ... ... ,n ...

Small Hams ~~:..": Lar.e Hams -.... L .. I ... LlnOf'd

... t ,1 L • ~NI-1 P t() , ..

Slice. of Large Hams

111 19C al3e a35c

, ..,. •. " ' 1' .. h h. ' ....... '--'\9.' ,", •• __ ' t l,' It;,.....,.

Frying Chickens 1b23c Pork Sau~alt. .. 21c Meaty •. ~;~.. Scr 31pple a 12c

\ HADDOCK" ...... 19< MACKiliiL 'ow-I t ... ..-=r • "- - 't M! ':III""C'Wl.~ " .. CROAkERS .. nl ~RA8 MIAT .. I~

D."';.d ~'/I," ''to ..... II. p ...... K.... .. IOe I Ai .. ~ •• ~.. '''';': ISe

PAGE TEN THE NEW ERA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1940 ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C~H~R-I-S~T~I~A~N~S:C:IE:N:C~E~C:H~URCH It ~ 3 ~m. by the Loub Tr~m~

.------------... MORAVIAN CHURCH WI' M' Auction Co., of Penna.

I I Palmyra es eyan en S Plrlt Church ol Chrilt, Bclaatllt Mr. Trniman ia a well·known fi,. Church Notices Albert J. Harke. Putor B,oble Class Thomal Ave. and Snenth St. ure th,ou,hout the Philadelphia

Servicee for Sunday. September Riverton. N. J. arel where he ha. aold millionl of 15th: Sunday School. 9.30 ... n. dollars worth of real e~tate. Hil .. lei

SACRED HEART CHURCH Fourth Ind Linden Avenue

Riverton. N. J.

Sunday School. 9.30 a.m. Sunday Servlcea. 11 a.m. are always well at(ended, and th, Mornin, Service, 10.45 a.m.-Ser· For tb. MeA of the Commuait7 Wednead.y, 8.00 p.m. public hal IIrown to know and have

mon, "Four Oreat JOYI." "MISUSE" Readin, Room In Church BuUdlnl complete confidence In thele .. lea. Christian Endeavor, 7 p,m.-Albert rhoma. Ave. and Seventh St., River. An immellse crowd is expected to

Rev. John P. Wellh. Pa.tor Rev. Thomlll T. Barry AII't Pa.tor

Sunday Malles-7, 9. and 10.30 o'clock.

F. Harke. a student at Moravian The late Sir Oliver Lod,e, the dil' _ attelld this spectacular lale. k ., h d Sit' t h h on, op.en Tueaday and Ptlday, 2._ I I Collclle will be the spea cr. IIII,UII e c en ", w en e law This ullulunl auction la e wi I be

the misuse of his own discoveriea, '0 4.30. held on the premia ... re,ardle .. of

Daily Mnll-7 a.m. Confeasiona-Saturday. 3.45 to 5.45

and 7.30 till 9 p.m.


Broad Street and Morllan Avenue Palmyra


Rev. Georlle Lockett, B.D., Pastor Services, Sunday, September 15th. Bible School. 10.00 a.m.-In view

of what is hapl>enill, abroad, we should count it a privilelle to be able to worship unmole~ted, In our reo spective schooll where the way ol true living is taullht and where wo

Rev. Harold Lee Rowe. Pastor can renew our faith and become reo The Seventh Sunday after Trinity. freshed from the evil tendenclea with Church llchool. 10.00 a.m. which we arc conlronted In our daily The service. 11.00 a.m. livinll. Not only should every memo The \I eapers, 8.00 p.nt. ber of the school avail themaelvcB ol On the Calendar of Caus .. of the this privile,e but they should share

United Lutheran Church in Amerita, thil blellinll by invltlllil othen. Tho September is dcei,nated al Parilh school has no aile boundariel, at Education Month. In keepinll with . there arc clalles ran,ina lrom the thil Paltor Rqwe will brin, a mel" cradle roll to the centenarian. eaae at the morninll lervlce on tho Mornin, worship, 11.15 a.m.-Alain theme-"Teach All." At the velper the putor ha •• elected a mOlt timely .. rvice the p~ltor will deliver tho aubiect In "The Relillion ol the Cloak .. cond mella,e in tbe leriea, "Great or Sword." AI the pOlt-vacatlon lea­PeraonaJiti .. ol the Bible," ulin, al Ion is comln, to a dOle the choir il bit theme-"Jezebel, a Rene,ado a,ain presentinr Itlelf In roodly Prlncea •. " Bethany ur, .. all of ·her numbert and will au,ment the wor· membera and friendl to attend all of Ihlp period by 1010 and antJiem. itl .ervicel. Evenlnl worlhlp. 7.45 p.m.-"What

_ Think Y e of Chrllt" wlU be the Wedneaday evenin" Sept. 18, at Paltor·. lubject for tho evenlnl ler·

the Pari.h Hall a IOciaJ will be held mono A queltion that every Indlvld· for the conareaation and lriendl of uaI Ihould ask of himlelf and wei,h Bethany. It will be know/! u the the anlwer. Those not attend In, the "Dlatrik Skule," and an evenin, of evenin, aervice mill a fine mellare fun and fellowlhip for all i. ulured. ol helpfulne... Somethin, that I. Keep thia date in mind. 10 needed today. Make It a point

Saturday, Sept. 21, Bethany wlll to come out thll Sunday and brln, be,in the pro,ram of the United your friendl. There la alway. a Lutheran Church known at The warm welcome for everyone at "Cen· Children of the Church. AU chll. tral Baptllt." dren. a,ed 4 to 12, are Invited to at-. tend. The lellionl will convene each Saturday at 10.30 a.m.


Mill Mildred Siebke, Moravian miltionary in Alalka for the palt .Ix )leara. arrived lilt week at the home o! hcr parenti Mr. and Mrl. William .iebke, Airport road, Moorcltown, for a ycu'. furloulb. A hearty "Welcome Home" reception wal beld for her WI Wednesday even· Inl at the Moravian church whera die con,reaation ,athered for an ill· formal aervice of rreetinr.

Mi.. Slebke eapectl to return to bet po.ition at the orphanare in Alalka after her year 01 furlourh.

-Wedneaday at 8.00 p.m.-Mid· week prayer service open for any. one who II desiroul of that Chrll· tian fellowlhip that il 10 prevalent at theae meetln,l.


BurllDctoD Pill. Bunda, MOI'DIac

10 o'clodf-MeetiD. '01' wonbJp.


Rev. WIlUam A. B07d, Paltor

For centuriet the Church of Jellil Chrilt hal been al a "Rock In a Weary Land" to miUionl of people who have been forced to firht 'the battle of life. Like the Greecian wre.tler. who .eemed to ri.e with

KERCHER-A Y DE LOTTE added atren,th every time he WII

Announcement hal been made of thrown to the floor, the Church baa die marria,e of Mila Vtr,inia AYde'l risen alter every contelt or conflict lotte, daurhter of Mr. and Mrl. Jobn with renewed eoura,e and faith. Aydelotte 01 CinnaminlOn to Jobn Ever and a1waYI the church ha. A. Kercher, IOn of Mr. ~nd Mra.' stimulated and Itrenlthened the R. E. Kercher. of 10 Garfield ave.: aspiration a and hopca of mankind. Due, Palmyra, on Friday, September. Alain and alain Ihe hal lifted. and 6, in the St. Paul'a Methodiat Church, ' followed the CrOSI of J ... UI to hlrher Paulsboro. The Rev. A. L. Gonlloll, and nobler conqueatl. "We Are paltor oi the church pedormed the Able" (the subject of the termon by "remony. the Rev. W. A. Boyd this Sonday

momml at eleven o'clock) hal been

GiLPIN-KNECHT her march'"r and conquerinr Ilolan. You who read th .. notice need the

Tbe marr~e 0' Min Geraldine encouralement and inSpiration that, daulhter of Mra. Anna I comes from wonhippinr God in Hb XDccht, 01 Crou Key., and Rowland I Sanctuar,. Gilp'!,- .lOn pi Mr. and Mra. Harold I Allin in the eveninr at 7.4S. Mr. a. OiJpon. of C50Z1 UpaaJ street, Mcr- Boyd .. II diacuss "The Value of a dlaAtViUe, took place 011 SatW'da,,' Hirh Ideal." . To be aucccaaful and Scptem~ 7, at 4 o·cJoc.k in the r"- happy in life is it wi .. to depmcl aoc, of 5t. Mary'. R. C. Cburc.b, I upon ma,lc, inrenuit,. force « Williamatown. moftC1? Wh, do aome people fail7

The bride, wbo was ""ltD in mat- I Wh, do lOme _ fail cnndI1, ria&e b, ber brotbe:r, wore a rowa othcn aadJ, and -r,l HCaI' II,. .. wbue .. t ..... tnauaed wllb old lau Boyd on .... ti ..... , and impOI'tUt DClIDadc CfttraiD. Her Joac Yell w .. subject thia Sanda, e-rcaiDc. ...... witb a up 01 BdaiaD lace and J The Senior C~ a.oir will be ...... ........ w. 01 wbite uten. . pftIeIIt and line at bodt MrYIca ~

II,.. La.a Kaccbt, of GICDdor1I,., Sanda,. Mrs. RacbeJ L«cI wiJ be ........... _~ of hoGor, .... dIoae d.rectOC'-or,..aat apia tIIIa ,..,.. • hodl of aqu 1AlIcu. lriIDIDed willi I The MIeI."- Cbardl ___ will

"Think of radio," he said; "1 never the weather. dreamed that an electrical discovery W.C.T.U. MEETING The residellce il a Colonial typo of mine would ever be used to lend airplalles to bomb inllocellt chUqren. The W.C.T.U. will hold a meetinll corner property. The ,rounds aro 1 wish the .ellret of wireless si,nal. on September 19, in the Mt. Holly 16~ x 3J~ feel (approximately) land. in, had never been made clear to Presbyterian Church, with the morn· sCllpcd and planted with expenslvo me, if that is the use Idence makes Inll selslon COllvenln, at 9.045. The shrubs. lIarden~ and Illy J?ond. Shade of new knowled,e." Eaytestown Union will be hOlte... I tl ees almost hIde ~he reSIdence ~rom

The forces 01 nature. meant lor The election of officers will be held the road. The res,dence Is Ipaclpus, the convenience of man, the marvel in the morninll. while reports of all well pl~nned a~d built to la.t lor of our daYI arc now misused by evil department. will be rendered In the generations. It II In excellent condl· desl,nin, men for cruel combat. and afternoon. tion. The interi?r includes lar,o the destruction of the lafety of na· Th t k '11 b . William entrnnce hall, Ii v III, room, library

e gues .pea er WI e and dillill, room each with an open tion al1d peoplel. Herein is an ob. Wells. of Bordentown. fireplace, butler's pantry, kitchen, jecl lelson in the milapplied power., when the Chriltlike Ideall are repu. cold room, lavatory, porchel front diated. The true Ideal of Chrlltian WATERS-SHOWELL and rear. Second floor: malt •• .vte brotherhood il helpful nell and aym M d M G R Sh II · l of bedroom, dreslln, room with ono

• r. an n,. ex owe. 0 wall almo.t all mirror and private pathy In the application of the forcca 209 Howard street, Riverton, an. , tile bath, 2 other lamily bedrooml, of nature and ablUtlel of man. Tho nounce the marrlalleof their daullh. I' b tlf 1 bl k anti Bible II definite in Ita warnln'l of ter, Elsie Wrirht. to Arthur B'I leh":t,"rt'lroobm'tti eauald~ ra:~ wIth milused power "The Wa,es of lin II Wate ... of 207 Howard Itreet, on, w I e I ea. mad 11 death." Monday September 9 In Chrlat 1 bath. Third floor: 4 room. an l_

In the Bible Clall we leek to In. Church,' Riverton, the Rev. Prancl. ' cedar closet. New oU burner wltli terpret life al a .plendld opportunity B. Downl performln, the ceremony. aummer.wlnter hot water, 3·car lar-to help each other. Join handl with a,e and Itable, ,reenhou .. , fine hart!. UI next Sunday morn In, at 0.50 a.m. wood floon.


CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The beautiful rceldence at · 602 Ten years leparate the ale. of "s b "I hI · . Cheater avenue. 'Mooreatown, II to the two nomine.. for Pr"idenL

u Itance I t e ellon'lermon be lold to hi,hcat bidder at abao. Mr. Roolevelt II 58: Mr. WlIlkle, lubject fo~ Sunday, September 15, In lute auction on Tuelday Septembefl 48. all Chrlltian Science Churchel and ' Soeletlel throuahout the world. .... _____ ..... ============== _____ ===-

The Golden Text II: "If we hope for that we aee not, then do we with patience wait for It." (Roman. 8:25).

Amon, the lellon·lermon cltatlonl II the followln, from the Bible: "Bo thou ~y Itron, habitation, where. unto I may continually reaort: thou ha.t ,Iven commandment to I.VI me; ,for thou art my rock and my fortre'I." (Plalml 71 :3).

The le.aon.lermon, allo Includel the followin, pal"le lrom the Chrlltlan Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Icrlpo turea" by Mary Baker Eddy: "In Chriatlan Science, .ubatanee I. un. derltood to bo Spirit. whUe the opo ponenta of Chrl.tlan Science believe lub.tance to be matter" (p. 349).

HUNTER-ZIMMERMAN The marriqe of Mill Marie

LowH Zimmerman, of LlndeA "' .. nue, to Clayton C. Hunter, Jr., IOn of Mr. and Mra. Clayton Hunter, of Union Landinr Road, took place OD

Saturday, September 7, In Calvary Preabytcrian Church, at 7 p.m.

Tbe Rev. Charlet T. Batet, putor of the church, performed the cere­mony.

Mlal Mildred Hunter, tilter of the Iroom, H",ed .a maid of honor, and Dare Moore, wat beat man.

A reception for the immediate fam­Ulet wal held at the home of tbe bride'l parenti immediate" follow· in, the ceremony.

After a weddinl trip to New Yorl!. the couple are now at home. 606Y. Linden avenue.

Oddity: Men rent expenaive officet 10 ~ople can find them cortvcnlentl, and then bire .. cretarl.. and reo eeptionists to keep 'em out.

Ethel's kauty Salon 511 Howard Street


Pboae RiwrtOll 1090


...,. CIIltw. I • AD III .rene'­PedaJa __ Body



Meadow Saffron (COLCHICUM)

Bulbs planted now will bloom thit fall and produce

leaves in the .pring. Can also be flowered indoo... in

.auc:era without water . . . after blooming tran.plant in

the garden.

Autumnale Major-Lavender ..... _: ... 40c each: 3 for $1.10

Bornmuelleri-Roly.li1ac: .............. :._ ....... SOc: eac:h; 3 for $1.35

Henry A. Dreer, Inc. B,,,//inl Gar/'lts B,oll';("/ ",,(, 1838

Autumn Daffodila (Sternbergia) ..... 3 for SOc:: 12 for $1.75



Tltiee Bank Instruments Defined

T HRD common inltrum~ta '-I to tranefer fUGde are elfplained below:

A BANK DRAF1' ia an order drawn by one t.nk 00 another benk iftltnlctinc it to pay money to a third ~.

AI CERTIFtED CHECK it a depoaitor'. own cbedc on which the bank ... certified that the aipatur. 01 the drawer it &enuine and that the t.nk ... 1ft Miele ~ funda to pay the c:bedt. TIle check IbUi becoma an obIiption 01 the baoak ~ 01 beinc ., order 00 the t..k.

-< o c: SII:f

........ -dIiDc face ftd .... , be tbis W..ta laclay __

carried • 0DI00Iial ~ of ...... , me at • o'dock, I~======::===~ .-. The Frinodly a.oir to J-idn will I HwoId 8. Gil .... Jr~ of" MerdI8M- _ for re ....... _ a part)' ...

A CASHII:R'8 CJDQ[ it. a-t'. OWl! c:heck. dnwn _ die ~ _If .ad IIip.d .", .... caaIrieor or . taut CIMIhirr.

An 111"-_'" 01 .... __ ~ prGft heIpfaI tID ,..,

.... _ Ilia lwotkr'l be.- ...... FriIb, afierDOClll lifter achool All .. Ib,..... KoedIt" of Wau... chilclr_ between tile ac .... _

............... ""'. and t_dYe are iInoited fO C_ -r PoDotrillc a wcddIBc trip. •• C» joia the choir. Pradke for Rally

.... 1liiie 1Iride will be • ..... 0., beciBa PridIry. _ DdI!Ie Dme, ('A d ClIO, ....

~ .. DR. P. A. SPINELU

To ... riPdJ' ...... _ .. OPlOIdT'ItIST .. rilPdY ........ iI it tIaaI _ JrYa DAIfIJIKD I , .• _ .... aa-. .. ~ ..... I Jl"-Ri .... as _ ....................... ·i .. .,...... ".1' K.J. 11119~ ...... a...,. ' ~ • In a)

-- ..... ~ '- cc ... __


~r I

-~ I



_"J . ~ • _ .. _ .. __ "DAWLEY Inc .


thullalt IhODld feel dut)' bound to place an ubiblt in the ,how. E~c.r' citiaen of thcae three commun,tlw .hould feel it i. hll rcaponlibility to attend.

Center Houn


Frankly, the Center need. monq rilht away. Will you help by malriq a contribution? ------

The Democrats revolted in 19Z1" and the followinr states, normaU, DemocratIC, went to Hoover: Vic. ,inia. North Carolina. Texas anel Florida?

, . . .,;

. With the return to school by the many Center participantl, new hours have been asu,ned of which we here announce.

From Monday to Friday inclu· .ive the afternoon hours will be from 3 to 5 o'dock and In the evenin,s from 7 to 10 o'clock; Saturday 12 noon to S p.m. and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.


Because of the Flower Sho .... this week, the Center "(ill be closed to al\ activities; however. .11 arc In­vited to attend the Ihow.

Dancel at Center No dance wiU be held thil Sat ..

urday cvenin,. Dancel will be held every Sat·

urday evenin, throu,hout the fall and winter lealona, with the elOo<,ep' lion of .... hen dancel arc belDI held at the hi,h Ichool, then notice will be ,iven to thil effect. Pleale Dote that the lummer Wednesday dance I hal been dllcontinued.

Be,lnnin, Saturday. September ~, no perlon will be admitted to the Center dancea unlesl he firet pre· lents a dance card which it illued at the Community Center Office by Mr. Swayne or Mr. Keppler. If you have lOll your card be lure to pro·

N." Er. SIll PtoolO cure another. If you deaire to tske d Ri t I a ,uelt to theae dancel, a Ipeclal

The 1941 Oldl now on display at the a,ency of "Jack" Dawley, Inc., 10 Broa atreet,,, ver on, I card mUlt be procured from the attractin, the Inter~at of many car ownerl 10caUy. Pi~tured here il a ,roup lookin, over the "70 model jUlt Center Office. Personl below 7th In from the allombly plant. Irade In Ichool will not be admitted,

~~~~~~~~~~= ___ 7;~~~~~=======~~;~~~~~~:;~~~~~Th~U_~~~b~~~~ :: ht 1941. The candidatel will ' be all thOle livin, in Palmyra. Riverton JERMON, WEST I na~ed by the Conllrellman in .trict and Cinnaminlon. Help UI to pro·

W IN MATCHES YOUR GARDEN accordance with the marks'l return. tect your Intereat! cd by the CIvil Service Comml"ion, A very intcreatin, Pin I . Ponr

BK Only bona fide residents of either tournament il in pro,rell at the J. Rualell Jermon who I. seeded WHAT TO DO THIS WB BurHn,ton or Mercer counties may Center. Why not Itop In to lee It?

No.2, In the Palmyra Tennll Club Iy A. C. IIcLtall apply for the Conlfellman's ap· Mr. Swayne will show you around. tennil tournament alon, with Don s ••• _n "",ICI. H. , C.I .... 01 polntmcnta. . Mr. Keppler'l clane. in weillhtHlt. Weat No. I, advan~ed to the quarter. A."'........ Powerl doCl not have a vllcancy In, have Increaled in membenhip, finals in matchel played over the for AnnapoUI in 1941. and ltill neW membere are .... elcome. palt . weekend. Jermon defeated • h Boxin" wrcatlin" buketball and Richard Deemer 6-3, 6·3, whUe Welt Delpite the fact that vivid fall "Any younr man who W\l el to other actlvitlel are be,lnninr. Ihow-received a default from Elliworth blooml are occupyln, much alten· compete for '!thhC honor of thele ap· In, li,na of a fall pro,ram of varied \ Coatel. . tion ri,ht now, wile ,ardenere will pointmenta. e Con, said eventa

All matchel In the tournament are :~th~~~I;:' t!~Jc':~:o~~~~~:~r~h!."~c~ ~~~in'~~:~d oC:::~ :;Je 1 m:ll:t.:~ The' Center wi.hel to cl:rme~i~ ~~:~r~~ :~e b:':I~~!I:'!...I~r .!r~~~ will enhance the beauty of the rar· ~i~r~~~~ete d~~~hori~'!~~~t:~y~ a~ ~:!~~'11 ~~b~r~~str!:~~' and col. laturday afternoon and the final.· den n"xt .prln, and lummer. n ould IU elt that all who wilh to lectin, the Community Center con· llInday mornlnl. . Amon, the bulb a whl~h Ihollld be w I do ':' quickly .1 the examln. trlbution jar.. Of forty lome co~.·

Relultl ol othen who. advancedl to planted now are dallOdl'fll, Ma~o": :~::I arc Ie .. {han'a month away." taatrinaeter,I 'lcp.lpaCoetld thbryou_~oru' t BtheettYthrellle

the quarte, final. are: John Ger n, LIJllel and croculea. you a e .... defeated William G. Munroe 6·2, 6-0. expert at pro,a,atin, by root cut· towna, the relultl only netted 137.~. Frank Chamberl defeated Robert tln,a, Oriental Poppiet! may be In· TENNIS NOTES Not that we are un,rateful for thll. May 8.6, 1i·8, 8-1i. Charlea W. Snyder creeaed In thia way, althourh ama· A club tenni. match will be played but .urely the work done by thl. deleated Jack Pflieller 6-1, 7·5. Jack teurl would do better to ,et rootl of with ROle Valley of Burlln,ton thil Center far exceed I monetary valuea. Hannum defeated Jack Dietl: 7.5,6.4. ,ood lize lrom their nurHrymen. If Sunday at the local courta in the Bill McCamy defeated Bob Cannon planted at thi. time, Oriental Pop. afternoon . Trophiel for the tourna· 6-4, 6-1. John Manhall defeated Ell.. plea should ,row vl,oroualy and ment are dilplayed In the T.k. worth Stone 6-4, 6-4. bloom well next .prlnl· Aboolt and will be ,Iven to the two

Reaultl of lix other firlt round Now that rain hat broken the dry winnen al the c1ub'l tennia banCJuet matches that were not played till lpell. it ia time to lOW aeedl of hardy which will be held at the end of Oc­lut weekend becaule 01 the bad annuals. auch al poppl... annual tober. Thil event will be in charle weather were: W. Kitchen defaulted larapun, cornflowera, annual core· of the chairman of the loeial com· to Bob MaY, John Gcrln, defeatel oplil and camops.ll. Theso wlU winter mlttee. William G. Munroe. Two Bill Mack 6-3, 7·5. Phillip Van 0 .. well and bloom neat year, requirinl new membera were received into the ten defaulted to Don Welt. Frank only thinnin, of lurplul plantl. club at thl. meet In,. They wcre Chambera defeated Arthur Faunce Peoniel Marion T. Rapp Ind Ruth Yerkel . 6-1. 8-6. Lloyd MUlier defaulted to

Jack Pflierer and John Manhall de- Th. tOpl of man, peoni .. have COMMUNITY CENTER feated Charlet! Wynkoop 6-2. 4-6, 6-4. ripened and by mid-September, the

pianll ahould be ready for moviDl· COVERED DISH SUPPER When dividinl and tranlpJantill1 The Ninth Annual Flower Show

peonlea remember to leave at leut lponlored by the Garden Depart-The Ladle. Aua1IIat1 of tba D~'16ve ey;" on each divialon and replant ment of the Palmyra Woman'l Club

wate Pire Co. No.2. Eatt Rlycrtcm, in fertile soil which is not too acid. allilted by members of the Com­wUl hold a conred dlah tupper III Very often when peonies do not munlt, Center, will be held at the the firehouse on Saturda, nelllDl, bloom well it Ia becauae the aoil II ' Center thll Friday and Saturda,. September 211t, from 5 until" Brine not fertile enouch or becauae the' Thil affair II open to aU wllhlnl to a covered dilh and 25 cmtl. All roots are planted too deeply. Two i entn' a dilplay. al well al the epee­arc wel~" inch .. of IIeb!. porO\ll loam oyer the , tatorl. Every ,arden Ifower or en-

topmost e,e i. auffident; ewa 1-EXHIBITION GOLF II needed wben the aoil I. a taea.,

An outstanellnl exhibition .... heft loam. The IOU arouacl peonies arnnced for lunda,. September IS, tboWd be riell In plant nlltrienta, at the Sprint Mill Courae of the apeclall, phoap~ J>hiIadelphia Country Club, wbeD Of c-.e. ..,., dahlia IfOWCI' nationall, (arnO\ll IOU atara will pla, lIno .. about Ireeplnr planll cat back lor the bertefit of the Britilh War weU at thIa tim_ of ycu ~a ~r to ~eUd at uo. obtain ,ood b'-'tL PIDChina 01 Bobby J- will makc hil tint _ 'of the boda from eaeb &hoot appearanc:e in PbiIaddphla eillce 1930 CDCOWICe tboM whicb are left to de­.nd wiD be teen with Bin, Croeb,. wdop iIlto lar,er lewera with IOftI Ed ))adIe" Horton Smith aacJ atems. Jimm, n.ompaoa.

Tickets an ,1.50 for adults and ONLY 17 APPLY





* * 'J'f'Ul~ Camden· Bordentown JUBILEE EXCURSION

to the

WORLD'S FAIR HIW YOlK •• ,..t.. ~ Pe ... t.r ...... t

SatunIay,51pt ...... 14 Your Own Special Troir. -.... -~

L •. p.lm,Ta •. _____ • OJ A:

t:· :~:!= - -: --: ~ ~ : II Af. WorW". ran' S1atienl '~40 A II

L~ W,,~td t r~:'i:~:!1l t 1 U ....


··.;."rudy· . .. Dr.a' .tOf



05le,·"'" HENRY KING


TOO' -H.,.. ,_ .1.. Me., ... • ..... II. · - rt.,~, 1 F;,lJ

... J.If .. , LY~'~' O'l'if..lL PluAI Note : Our to the unusual

I lencth Ihe featurr WIll be presented Sunday at 2.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9 30 and

I Monday matinre 2.12 and E"enlnl at 7 12 , .. ,,1 9 3~ o·clock . TUCIday. Sept. 17

.. .,. IOC*UI IIUOIoC* _l~


Tu.'<i.~ ~nd W~JnuJ~\' 'MEXICAU" Lun.:h.on Set

W~ln~$d.y .t Thuradav. S~rt la-l • UNAFRAID TO FIGHT UNAFRAID TO t.OV£

7S cents for childnn. They an be obtained at Qimber .. W_mahr'a" Hale,'. and C-wa,."

Only 17 candiclatet frOID Mercer and BW'lincton counties haft apo plied for eon..-- D. Lane p<>wera' two appointments to West Point. which .nU be filled .. a re­wit of a ~pditive examllUltlon to ~ htId b, the U. S . Civil Service October 5th.



R~".t. TnI' tC SI 3SCtu . It': JaM v.: ... r1d., Fa.. • ~r."'C':. ~ .... ~ ..

GOLF NEWS The Soath Jerte? Or- will be

I cd at Non~dd CoatItry Clob. ~:~ntic City. Oft Frida, 01 this w~ An A_tear·Pro TotIIU...-t be held t_,- TCft 01 the pIUCIIt appticantI I""

rn- Mercer eoant)'. aad ..- from - . BvIiaCt-- P ....... • ConcreaaioN1

",., P.G."' . PIIiIecIc..,... ~ DitIrict is co.poeecI of botb c_-,".alllpi .'iII ~-W~- .. tica. bdcI tn. MOIICIay to _7 The -=c",a1 u.dIicIatea for .est __ at tIN LI ell ec.-err Powen' two apf rooi .... - to • cw.. Walter~. lItO ...... U S. Military AcacIaa, at w_ 1tiftrtCIII c-trY CII6 .. , c.....- ....... __ .... A.',,", ,.., ill ...........



L L KEATING ..... aM"" au­


tJlla ... AU. I ... n .. J.. ...... ----. , ........ .., ........ ....., ... "., ... ~ ... ...... , ~, .............. ",)""

it'S NIW' IT'S InTI .. ml'ONI SHOULD SEI n I ,..._c .... _ ...... .-n-. .. ~- ..... -...................... , .. , ... , ................ , .... PENNSYLVANIA


....... ,..... .... .. ,...... -IJ~!I! ~--

PAOE~~V~B~ __________________ ~T~H~E~~~~~E~R~A~.!T~H~U~R~S~D~A~Y~.~S~E~F~T~EM~B~ER~~I~~l~~~ __ ::::::::-: __ ~::;;~;-~~----DEMOCRATS SAY dency.-sen. &too.rd R. Borb (D). PHILA

Nebra,lIta. In Scnate. If the Senator wants to Imow my It is al .... ays danlerous to sa)' •

"";tioh. 1\ He lIa. any doubt about thac any man is evcor indispensable Of MAR K E T it, I will Q" I"at J do not expect enr was indi.pcnsable.-Sen. Alben _ in my hfe to support an), candi· W. Barkley CD}. Ky.. in Senate, _e for Ihe third term in Ihe presi. AUl\Ist 24. I~


Regardless of price. you c:annot buy a beHer houle pGint. From eo ... ,t 10 c:oest. homo own. Otl and painters havo f,rm·.·rI IhGt its beauty end protection lest YEARS longor. See its rich full body. compere its formule. Seo "ow far it spreads, how solidly it coven. SleY' colorful Gnd fresh. won 'I blistor or peel.




SUGAR CORN dozen 2ge



New CALIFORNIA BROCCOLI ...... bunch 1ge


BRUSSEL SPROUTS qt. 20e ------

Calirornia SEEDLESS · or


J. T. EVANS CO. :: Riverton 302

TOKAY, GRAPES 2 1b ISc ----


BUTTER 2 lbs G1e Betic V.lvi" .11,01 CI .. ,rlc_ Boyer Milfrtd in the "i""illg rumalll·c. history

making story i, om lh,' world nl,p',utlctl novel h·, Undlcl J-'ieltl "t the Fox Theatre. Ri"er~lfle . SIII1,1.1v ant Mu nday.

(Farm Roll)

111111" 111111111111111111111111" 111111111" 11111111".1 1111111111111111" 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" 11111111111111111111111 (!I



KRAFT VIi:LVEETA or WHITE AMERICAN i '~JACK'" DAWLEY wants you to meet the = - ' - ----------CHEESE ....... 2-th box 47c


Ii 1941 OLDS' MOBILE == WALNU!~_:: .................. tb2Sc I . . : GRANJ{~~~:; SUGAR _ lO-tb bag 48c

Here ahe ia folk_the anappiest one yet. Long, low, aleek, beautiful, and ultra modem in delign. We are mighty proud of thia one and we cordiaUy invite you to come In any1ime to look her over. The under-hood featurtl aDd interior beauty ean't be aeen in thil picture, 10 come in and have a good look for yourself. Thil fa the first of the 1941 modela in this vicinity, and already the orders are rolling in. Better have a look and place your order early.


10 Broad Street •• •• Riverton, N. J.


---== BIRDS EYE = Strawberries ............... box 23c


iii SALT OYSTERS ;;;;; §

medium size doz. 19c large frying doz. 33c


PEPPER HASH ...... tb lOe


OYSTER CRACKERS ~-tb pkg. llc

tb pkg. 19c

FRESH LUMP e CRAB MEAT tb 3ge = == FRESH FILLET of §]I FLOUNDER ............... tb 3ge


Legs of Lamb

Ib 29c S to 7 Ib .v,.


Butt·Half Hams

Ib 27c St011b.",.


Shlds of Pork

Ib 19c s~~ to 1 .....



ICHICKENS Ib 3~ II ......


0\ Itc: 'l ~. & !'It " t"c ~ t 'l:fr('''- be ....

'uU hf:\'f: b, t. ,.,~~n • RIVERTON :: CINNAMINSON :: PALMYRA.




FLOOD DAMAGE Altaltioo iI called to the fad th.t IIOCAL ORDINANCE theR ia only one Rciatr:ation day be-.. fore the Gene~ RlectiOlL

RIVERTON P. T. A. On Wednesday e\'enlnl, October ~d. thn-e will be a hUle rallp in Ihe

• Thia fAIl. IOn 'JUelll1ap, Octobu Petition Presented on Parkinl; , 15, .~ the n! .... try botanfa meet at

Bank Avenue WUl I the vanOll1 polllfta places between Be Repaiftd the hou ... of I and 5 p.m.

AU thOle who aR not recisteted muat appear on that day In Grder that they may vote on November 5.

At the meetinl of Riverton Bor­oUlh CouncU held on Thuma)' nilbt of lilt week I petition, ailftrd b)' 50 reaidents of that communil7. ... presented dealinl with the ' re«lltly panrd parkinlr ordinance.

Baker Speaks At Local Club

. . ". f Palmyra hilh school auditoMIlffi un· .The finl altemooo meebftC of ~ dCI the ausplc"s of the Triple Town's

Rlvuton P.·T.A. was held laat Mon. \ Democralic Club. day in the school audilOrium. The '. . apeaker was MiN CvoUne Staman, ! Dunnl the evem~1 several !amo\la superwiainl principal. pcl'MJnale~ who WIll speak Indude

The RCular meetinl was openrd ' Chari... Ed,son. former .e"relary ,?f by the pruident. M..... john "bell ; the ~avy. who 15 th~ Democratic Musk was providrd by pupil, or (andlda'~ for govem~r: al.o James Miss Emma Price. Elaine Friday H R. Crornw~lI. candldale (or U. ~ playrd a solo, "On the' Ice at Sweet S~nator: 'thomas j. O'lnan. candl' Briar" by Caroline H. Crawlord. A , dat~ tor Con«ress: EdWin C. B. duct was rcnderrd by Elaine Friday I Clark. candIdate (OT As«mbly . .J0hn and Thelma Da"''' "Don Juan Min. M(Nult~. ~nndldale lor ,oroner and

Emergency Now PaMed Provide Funds for

Repair Work


The document ,ave reasona why the ordinance Ihould be amended, amonl them bein, that It had been pas....t .wlthout luRicient .tudy and planninl. that the (ontinuoua time re­atriction wa. unnec ... sar, and that the area wal realdential a. well al a bUlln .... one.

Leonard R. Baker waa the apeaker u~tte" by Mourt. B.,rty K MO)l~r. candIdate {or (ree· at the meetinl or the BUlin.,.. and There will be a membership drive hclder.

At a meetinl held on Friday of lasl week. the BurlinllOn COllnt)' Board of Freeholders authoriud the issuan~e of eme,..,ncy notea In the amount of S15,000 to provide fund. for repairs 10 roads and bridles that \~cre damaged by the recent Aood .. Walter Darb". Commissioner of t­eal Government will be un.! 10 ap­prove this mowe.

The road department leIs 145.000 oi this sum. while the remainder 10es 10 the bridge department.

Fralnalona! Men', Club of Palmyra durin I the monlh of October. Mrs. and Riverton held on Tueld.y of thi', J. R. Dcoy ia chairman of the com­week. mitt .. e. It is hoped that every par.

Mr. Baker briefly reviewed the ent will became a member.

"On Our Way" Accordinl to Albert C. Jones, di­rector of highways. thll approprl. ation will enable his men to matre permanent r~pairs to all thoroulh. (ares that were damaled.

Tbe petition Wla referred to the ordinance committee for conllder-

educational and civic problems that confront both communities and MilS Staman'l Talk

"On Our Way," an rdueational revue adapted from "The Purpo.e. 01 EducatIon in American Democ· racy," will be presented in the Pal· myra Hilh School Auditorium Octo· ber Iii. 17, IS, and HI.

. atlon and n!port at the next meetinl. lndlcatlona are that the one hour Umlt In the bUllne .. aeetlon wlU be removed after 6 p.m., but will be continued dllrlnll bUlln"I hour ..

Itated that the club could, an" The talk liven by Mias Staman Ihould, be I factor toward dOiler co- was on the topic "Perlonal Growth operation between the munic:lpalltie.. in Attitudes and Habits." As she

Get Roads Open

Clarence G. Price, director of tha bridge department. stated that hia allotment would enable hIm to let all main arteries open and would take care of IS project. as far as perma. nent repairs were concerned. Othe ... would be of a temporary nature un. ttl further work couid b~ done.

Bank Avenue

The quutlon of the deplorable condition of Bank avenue, eapedally between Linden and Thom.a ave· nuel wal IIBln aired at lenlth ..

AI ptealdent of the Palmyra Board litated, the subject la 10 bl~ .that 01 Education. Mr. Baker also touchrd ahe could touch on only a few POints. upon local Ichool .yatem .nd All children have capacity for told of the many Improvementl th.t Irowth althoulh It varlel a Ireat had been made In recent year,. I deal even for children 01 the lame

ale. AU children should be taulht Committees Namrd to think lor themlelvel and make

'Preaident WaIte, D. Lamon namrd their own decisions. When they can­the followlnl committee. to lerve for naturally, help is I,ven by the par·

In order that all intere~ted people in the communily may attend the production there wiJI lie a very nom­inal admilsion charle of IS centl. However, aU chIldren under 12 yearl 01 ale may not attend the pro~ction unles6 they are accompanied by their parents. Ticketl mURI be purcl1aled lot· .• a certain evenlnl, so that all peo· pIc' ~ay be ~ecom",odaled in the auditorium.

The problem appears to be solved, however, alnce the hllhway depart· ment Wal inatructed to repBve thi' thoroulhfare where needed at once .nd to maintain It in the same condl· tlon a8 other streetl In the boroulh.

the current yearl: enta. Hablte Irow by children al· Prollram and Entertainment luminl ruponsibll!ty: School II only

.MI'. Price also Slated that every efIort had been and "as still bein, made 10 obtain Sial. or Federal .lid for the work in order that bondl <ould be issued.

JOleph L. Stack, chairman; Thomas one lactor In bUIlding character­Shorten, William H. BoUler, Dr. Home II the mOlt Important one­Dean H. LeFavor, E. M. Carhart, Jr. but school and home must be in har·

Memberlhlp . ~ony with each otber.

Grealest Ever He explain~d that financing mUlt . Paul R. jones, supervl&inl princi· I be done by emergency note~ in the pal 01 the .chool, says this about the absence 01 such aid sina the co.unty affair: "Thi. educational revue was i. on a cash basis No Arnat.

The report 01 the cbief of pollee. William Gootee, Ihowed that there were no arrest. or Ilccidents durlnl the palt month. The report of W II· Ilam H. Bottler, recorder and over­ICer 01 the poor wal commended for It~ excellence by the members of Council.

Her closlnl wordl were those of Jack Dawley, ch.airman; Dr. J. R. . Henry Adnms. "He Knowl Enoulh

Dey, Paul Schneider, Frank Bua, , Who Knowl How to Learn." Every. Harry C. Schwerln,. one enJoy~d her talk very much.

fir.1 presenled in Oakland. Calilor'l With such a .lalUs. bonds cannot nla, and last year was presented at . bf. issued unless thel c is a I" 0\'19ion the cunventlon 01 the Ameliean As· (01 a down payment in th. budlet. sO dation' 01 School Administrators at I In the present emergency. the re was 51. Louis, Missouri. Eillht thousand nu such ,low II pavment. SlIlCt the Pl"UnS ",W the revue 111 St. Louis IfloOd could not have b~.n ant lci palrd. allli plonoullced it th~ gl'eotesl educa- In Ihe ~vent Ihat olher lund, arc

Publicity Tea wal served by a committee of Frank Chamberl. chairman; F. W. which Mrs. Lloyd Major la chair.

MetZler, Ellward O'Neill. mnn.

The ordinance committee w.. In. Itrueted to prepare an ordinance for prelentation at the next meetlnll deatinl with the maintenance In proper condition of vacant lots and .Idewalks Irontlnl luch propertlCl, where .uch situation. conltltute a h.zard.

Flnanc:lal Aid

The lubJect 01 finandal aid from the New jersey Financial Anlltance Comminlon (.ubJect to chonllel in the local relief .etup in conformation with the rule I and re.trlctlon. of the Itatc) was referred to the finance committee and the Local Ani.tance Boord.

A rcport on the matter will be reno dered at t he next meetlnl 01 Council.


The report of the buildlnl Inlpea­tor. Daniel M. Clifton, .howed that p~rrnll' hnd been iBlued for seven ,,,ujee 'R. with an estlmnted co.t of $10.150 anfl the receipt 01 124.50 In (Cel .

Wilham H. Welcker W.I appointed auditor for the current filca1 year.

Departmental bills In the amount o( $10.438.61 were .pproved and or­dered paid. -----


To date, 224 pupil, han bean -­roiled at the Riverton PubUc School. a«ordln, to a atatement made tblI week by MI.. CaroUne M. ltamaa. supcrvlsln, prindpal. This number il 10 more than ·that at tb, ....,. time I .. t 'e ....

The breakdown by ,tad .. II .. fol­Iowa:

Kinderl.rlen, 29: ht ,rade, 111 2nd Ifade, 21; 3rd ,rada, 16; 4th ,rade. 26; Sth ,rade, ZS; 6tb Ifada. 29: 7th Irade, 22; 8th Ifade, •.


Joha c.rbart. Jr. aDd J-s»b I-. enby attended the __ doll of tIM New J...,. PIt_', .... ,..... datioD IMI4 - TbandaJ. Prtdap .­SaIDrdlY of lut week In AtlaDtk City.

Executive Chrlltopher N. Pedltto, chairman:

Dr. Hayes B. Brndy, Harris Seiter. Dr. john Voss, C. Ward Lowden, Harry B. Williams.

Fellowlhlp Paul Hellier, chalrmln; Paul

Burke, Willard Dolby, Oliver Bowen, Xavier Walter •.

The Ipeaker next Tuesday will be Noah Kuenaell, who will talk about hll recent trip to Alalka. The fol· lowlnl week. XAvier Walter, Pal· myra poatmalter will Ipelk on the rCllstratlon of alieni.

A Iruut at the seRllon thl. week wal E. Budd Barter, of Edll'ewMer Parle.

(Continued 'on page 2)

GAUDY NIGHT lIunal revue thty had ever wilnessed. a\'allable. the unexpended balanc~ of The produdion is a dramatic and the emergency aPPlopriation will be

AT RIVERTON mUSical interpretation ot the pur-j re,en'ed and re ,lpproprlated as sur-COUNTRY CLUB . P08es of educalion in American demo pluR revenUe ne"t year in ord~r to

locracy• I kerp down th~ , .. \'" I ate a~ l11u"h a. "Here is the Rtory 01 modern edu· p~~slble.

Are you n dead ahot with a pOI'· , cation, Its aims, It, 'trullilin. its --------sun? achIevements. Here II a mellalle (or R' t A '1'

Do you play rinll tOBl with ,*,. the American people, Ihe Itory of aver on uxa aary errlnll accuracy? . I their own public schools, the mo.t M k C II

OOel that well k~pt look tnake you dl mocralic 1I16lilution of 0 freedom· a ing 0 ection the envy o( your frienda and the del. lovinll people. Here 1ft language. pair of the boardwalk weilht clear. !IIelollious, and colorful. we For Zurbrugg Irueaserl? . i shall see what a good school triel


No mlltter what your lavonte par· to do huw it helps childl en IIrow into lor tnlellt, it will lind expruslon and healthy matunty. goud wurkcrs.

,p«hap" 1\ prize at "Gaudy Nilhl." go"d n~ighbursl good cttiz~n •. tu be held at the Riverlon Country

Th. Annual !Jon.t lon Dayal the lUI bl ul:g Memoll.1 1108pllol. River· .. <lc, WIll b. held S .llu, dilY, Oduber 1lth. A'S III l U I mer }eal5 the Rn-' tr­tun AUN lllar) hJ' plcdgt'd as lIs !;hal e the" Illler ... uppl} (,.11 l'f~l tatue.

r." thr II '''l' ltal. ,,11I.h .\Inounts 10 Enrollment at Palmyra Hlih School to date il S21, approximately the Rame number as laat year. Tbe breakdown by clanel I. a, 101l0wI:

Seniors ______ _ 145 Juniors _ 211 Sophomore •. _ ___ 236 Freahmen . 229

Totals _ .. ____ ._ 821 The enrollment In the Palmyra

,rade sehool. II 561, with 238 beln, enrolled In the Del.ware avenue buUdlnlr and 323 at Sprlnl Oarden • treet.

The number In the vatlou. cl ..... I. a. follow.: Avenue BaUdln, Min Ayre. JO MH. B.,lor ____ 2Z Mr. Bo,l. 33 Mill Bortner _ 27 MI •• Brown 27 MI .. a,an J4 MIH Van IcI"er __ • 30 Mr. Whitcr.ft IS

8prlnl Garden and Clnnaminaon Avenue Balldln,

M. Durlin . 54 R. Lln.le 30 M. Lande.. 29 D. MacParland .. J. Wallace ., O. lawn ~ 2Z v.~ • O. H~ 21 H. Job_ • II. CbambIeJ • V.o.n. •

Club on Saturday lIight, October 5th,\ New Challeng~ III 11.30 o·dock. "Eve! y day brill!;' ."l11e nr" dIal·

The 10c:,1 chapler of the B'lt " h lel1l1c and some an""'crinG uC\·elup· War Rellel Sudety Is holdllll: !liCIt! III Amellcan educalion. J;;vel y "Galldy ~ight" (the litle comes from ' y<al ad,l. It . quot~ to the rllo,o! 01 the LBtlll lIauuee-meanlnl to re· j .'I;nlill tint 1" ugl eSI. Our Rchools joice) in order to lend hospital bed . h.1V~ (ar to gu bdor~ they Iully equipment abrollrl. Ever,y lorty ~ol"I:I,al illlle< tho Imlthl PIOllli~ •• of the Inn made from Riverton s reJo",",. democratic lIad,t.on. Bllt we . who tbe nilht of October filth will send ",olk In Ih",e "chool •. along with Ihe olle hospital bed outfit, complete youth. Rml adults whom we serv., fl'om sheets to drlnklnl cup, to the .t111 pres. lorward. hopefully •• Iead· lIid 01 th~ Britl.h. Considering It I lIy. and citgerly "On Our Way:' humlnllanan backcroumi as wcll al 'fhe revu~ will b~ dtrected by Mu. It, promise 01 a new kind of lood Ruth P.raonl Strahan. 01 the Foot· lime. no one eln afford to mill liGht Pllyer •. with th~ cooperation "Oludy NI,ht." (Continued on pale 3)

In addition to the more lI,ht.henrt • ed fndoor .porte there will be brid,e (please reaerve,. In advlJlce):


there will be dlntlnl with Rlverlon', The lovernment surplu. commod·

~ ,0' IU I' lunu I ill' It.:. 1Il'1" J 1 I If i ,ola t ue llii I'!i. now

I;Ulllj; on. W,ll .tll) lIIember who hu 11l·t beell C'l)nta( It'lJ 4. I .u :y IHJIl ,IIltnl­

bt'l who wlsht~ tu dUJ1.\I~ tuher J'O. tdtocs or "lOne).' h .. ' pUr(hdS( 5.ln10 plea .. I:el \\I totldl Wllh .. ,,~ tor Ihe jullu"'''1: people.

Mr. Nalhan Lane. Jr. M ... Vlul Mccray. Mrs. Da\' ld Guuld. M,a. Ho\\ard Coe. Mrs. R. Gordon Andrcwi. Mro. Edward Bllckwell. Mr •. I. S. William .. Mrs. Joshua Atl ••. Mro. E. Orh •.


lalrest .nd mott Ilamorou •• s host· itiea projecl is In trouble, havinl no ... .,.; tbere will be exhibltlonl 01 the way to move loodltulls from frellht work which has been done by Ihe carl al Mt. Holly to the warehou. In chapler durin I the summer. and tht're thlt communIty and the supervisor will be on sale a complete Iinc of at t hal point ha. h.d to borrow British War Rellef Soclely emblem. trucks Iront kind·hurttd busin... The famous R.C.A. Girls Chorus and noveltl... men, who a,'parendy ar. be,innin, o( 40 voicel. popular r.dio and lei ...

Ticket. are filty cent. and entitle to tire 01 I'vinl ..'. No fund. vision arti,ls, dlrecled by WiUUtm the holder to I ahare in the door are avaIlable to hIre Irlnaportation. KHnly. with Miss Grace S.dglry, prins. many of whIch have bem Th. Freeholders ",ere .... rd to p,anisl. and the Jac" Holmes' male donated by loul merch.ntl. If you provul. tran.portahon. but relntlul. chorus 01 25 voic ... radIO man· hayen't Ilready bHn •• lred to buy I, dechntd. SInce hilhway and brtdle alN by C. A.. Bowen .• ,11 be ht'ard "our Iklretl. Mill Comella O. Mar· trutles cannot be UIM lor an, other al.ln by popu1.u requelt o.f Ihe rII), at 204 Lippincott annae. the purpow than lor worlr on road,. town.people on Saturday ."enml of I",.,al ,halrman. hal th~ for you. Trucks In olher deputmentl are not Ithl' WHir a~ 7.45 I'm." In the Pal­Marlr October J1h on your talmdar of adequste ~ze. it •• , tltaled. m),ra Gron If weather rermlt •. or Ie aI tbe .atllmn'a me« Importanl m., Some w., will rrobablv be found the P . O . I . o. A. Hall ISlemmt. and come to the Rlnrton to tolve the problem. ~I ~pparently I Country Clab to reJoice that Ame-rk. Wa.hin,ton olfldal. 100t Inl.reat In , 01 a truth. men af. n,y'll ally an .... n •• re IIlht .. weD a. 1m- Ihf mlterial .fter it tta. been loaded unllrd ' a m)"I~fI( u. bt>"d "I brolher. _-.. in the c..... hood make "II m~n (",e.-Carlyle


r---------------:::--' _-__ -_~ ___ - - - 1 Ju"ke is it«11 the &rea! standinl PAGE TW(' I do not hunee< for a ",-ell·stand

Mtnd, poh~y of d",1 so<iety: and any de-parture from it, under any dn:um· \ 5tan~e, hn under the "uspidon of bein, no P<llky at a\l,-Burke.

I only ""sh to I".., my lift. and find My h~rt in unIson with all mall·


\ ,

TI b I tu,'e JUlt relealed by sute authontlel I. a typical iIIuliratlon of the melllodl by which lal. dr:~I~ o'~·n~~ being taught tn the High Schooll, Tlltl preparation. emphal'rlng correct driver attltudd Ind h:bftl. IPonlorcd bt , .. d,no .ducatora and State authorlUea. II both thorough and camprchenllve-a • ubJect "prelerred" by many rrolpecthl Itudent drlye ...

- -----_. -----PALMYRA WOMAN'S


V!-=i',q-t"U1Hi.Y \)1 [hanklng the JUl..Igc:s. ll,)l 81\-lUg theu" umc. the publl~ tor tI~~1I ::,UPP\Jrl III makmg the show a bu"e ••• alld the tollowing who also \.urlllluuled.

t lle Hal mon Nurse,)" Piospe-.:t, One 01 the 1ll0'1 bcaulliul and Ohio; W. Atlee Hurpee Co .• Phila·

most successtul Aower shows ever delphia; ' j h. Conard· Pyle Co .. West


staied in Palm) 1'3 was held al the 'r'h FI G AI F

'd d 1.11 ave, .l-'a.; e ' ower rower. . This week has been designated as Community Center last 'n ay an ballY. N. V.; Oazey Manulactunnl( W k b . I Saturday. Although no .accurate ~o .. New York : Moorestown Gar. Constitution ee ecause It n· count w~s .made ot those who a.t· dens. Moorestown; Mr. Harry A. dudes Ihe anniversary of the .ign;n, tended. It IS reported by those III Kennedy; Wayside Oardens Co .. of the Constitution of the United charie that nearly 700 attended. \ Mentor. Ohio: james E. Kenney, SI1ICS. September 17th.

Many regrett.ed thaI they had not . ~Iver.tde: I-'ulper Pottery Co .. Flem. A group of ei!lhlh grade pupils entere.!:! an exhl.blt. It I. hoped ~hat ' itlgton; Pit%onka Pansy Farm. Hris. have r "l',r

e,1 • program commem·

another ~ear w,1I see , e.vena ,realer tol'. Walker Gordon Co .. P,inceton: orJllIlg thi. e,·enl. h th d

r A drnmati'Mion is cast as follow.: s o~'. WI more enlrles an 010 e ,Champlain View Gardens. Burling· exhIbItorS. . ton. Vt.: Community Cen .. r: Rex D. Lucy. Alice Cook: Mother. Ruth

Prslse should be given to those Pearce: Howard lIamllt . AlsQ dona- Coe ; W •• fllnglon. Fred Langenberg; women responsible for the .how. I lions by friends. secretary. Lawrence Hewlett: Madl· Thanks arc also eKtend~d to the , -Pubhcity. ,,,no lack Cooper: Morris, Lloyd Ma-many people who helped In arrang. jor. Franklin. Frank Mathews: Ham. Ing the exhibits, and espedally Mr. I ilIon. Aothur Reeves: delegate. ~ich. Black. of Moorestown Gardens. who RIVEl{TON P.·T.A. ar,l Horton. Announcer, Evelyn. Lez·

decorated the Ha~l. and to the dti'l (conunu. ed tram paie i) enby. eens who contnbuted generously . ' with II silver ofTertng. MISS Gal dmel > da.s " 'm Ihe Since 1935. the numher of cheml.

Follow"" will give the winners: I plallt for the 1., gest atten<lanLe of lal patents in Ihe United StAtes-mothers . one import"nl measure of progress-

List of Pdze Winners A lew challge. have been made in h" imrcase Ll 15 per cent. while the Dahlias: 1st. Lewis .Brown. 124 the board memb~r •. The list follows: number of chemical patents tn lead~

West Fourth street. oriental poppies; . .1-'1 e8idel~l. MIS. j~hn P. Abell, f,rsl 1118 foreign nations was deereaslnl 2nd. Mrs. Harry Hahn. 705 Park I vl~e preSident. M,ss C~rohne M. 12 tf) 30 per cent. Qvenue, seed order. Staman: .econd vice preSident. Mrs. .---------

Roses: 1st. Mrs. N. Beitz. 115 East Robert G. Adams; aecrelary. Mr •. Broad street. order rORes; 2nd. Mra. ' Porter B. Caldwell, treasurer, Mrs. J. Caprano. 419 Morian avenue, vase. I Charles F. Stewart.

Oarden Flowers: lst. Mrs. George Chairmen of Committees DuB ell. 823 Columbia avenue, seed

kInd. _"dmund Goose.

Passenger Cars Involved , In 4 Out of 5 Accidel1tS '

Almo-'l a,l p~r wilt ot all \'~hl ' \ c\es 1I\\' ()I\~d In falal lIutnllhlto Ie accident$ I,\5t year were p"s.. ... CIl ..

gcr ('al~. ;,u:cordhlg to an ~\na~ysis just rl'le,,"~d by The Travdcrs In· surance C"mpany. An even greal· er pcrrt'pt.1!!C of \'('Ihklcs itl nl)l\­

fatal ac! . ",t< were of til(' pleas· · I~ p ,'. Ihe study shl1w~.

77.4 06 \S5E~(J&Rk::::::.....tJ"""~ CAR

T,)(i~ 1IHi bllses. r~l a\l \'r :y l<!\\' In nun,ber, showed well with the former lI\\'ol\'~d in only 'i per cent of the accidents and the lat­ter in but 1.1 per cenl. :llolor­Ql'cles were In\'olved In 2.4 per c~nt of the fnlal crashes. lIew booklet , "Smash Hits of the

Commercial 03rs. inc Iud i n II I Year," which ia the tenth In an trucks of all types, were Involved I~nnual series of analytical but., in 17.8 per cent of Ihe fatal. and lelins published by the Insuranc~ 12.2 of the non-fatals. company In the Interest of safel'

These figures are revealed In a on the streets and. hl.!~~Y~...:'.:....


A ,ood time Is had by all when ,ood friends Itt to,ether. The celebrants In this scene from "They Drive By NI,ht" Include Humphrey BOllart, Oale Pa,el Joyce Compton. Roscoe Karns. Geor,e Raft, Ann Sheridan. Ida Luplno II allo Itarred In the romantic thriller.

order; 2nd. Mr. F. L. Wain, 922 Child Study. Mrs. RIchard Hooper. Columbia avenue. palm; 2nd (tied). Chri.tmas StockiniR, Mrs. Robert Mrs. J. Caprano. 419 MOrian avenue. G. Andrews. I Plower Oarden malazlne; 2nd (tied). Decoralion. Mrs. Georie B. Kinl., Mrs. H. Baldwin. 843 HlghI_ ave· I Jr. 1 nue. vase. ., Entertainmenl. Mrs. Deweel F. I


SI,,6, "I brlleve tbnt the Federal '0 ••

ernl ent h.s a responsibility tet equalize Ihe lot of the farmer wtth


YOU CAN LEARN I Arranlemen~: lat. Mrs. Robert Showell. I

Snow. 911 Lmcoln avenue. flower \ . ., holder; 2nd, Mrs. C. Friday, 1\00 Finance, Mrs. Charlea F. Stewart. I Hllhland avenue, haniing plant. Hislolian, Mrs. Ezra M. Carhart.

Men: 1st. Mr. Robert Snow. 911 , JI. Lincoln avenue. ' larden tool; 2nd. I Hospitality. Mrs. G. Lloyd Major. Mr. Harry Hahn. 705 Park ave .. 1\' Local Lile Membership Mn. Wal-peckale "Perfect" Garden labels. tet E. Moyer. •

Juniors: 1st. MIn Elizabelh Siein. MembershIP. Mrs. J. Rowland Dey. aven~e. 6 Phlo!! Columbia MUSIC. Mrs. Geor,e Declon. plants: 2nd. M,s. Florence Stephenl. I Pro&ralll. Mra, Robert O. Adam •. 322 Leconey avenue. Ivy plant. I Publications Mra. MOlri. H. De·

Children: .Ist. Betty Lou Martin. Cuursey. • 92'! Colu~bl8 avc~II~. camerA.: 2nd I PubliCity, Mrs. Joe E. Daniel •. (tled~. Shlrl~y ChrtB~lne, Henry ave· I "Summer Round.Up." Mrs. Thomaa nue. IVy; Shirley Fntlay. 1100 High. R T 'y l r land avenue. ivy: Phylli, Baldwin. I ao __ . _______ _ 843 Hllhland avenue, chl1d'~ rake: ... 3td, Sally Smith. nelAware avenue. 'V AUXILIARY MEETING

I, I

An F.nn \I~lnnce

Ih" t ,I lb' 1ll.'"Il/,lclUrer. If thll f '. -",t 1.,),. (I'JI1(, by purity price., [I lit r nn- 'IfI.!i riliist tHO fOllnd with l l' h'~st ''', ft, IJIc.! rl'J.:lllltllllatIlJn of tll(' r Inl ..• ~ affairs,"

trowel : 4th , lIerh~rt LefTerts, 922 l'ahllyra.J<lverton Y.M.C.A. Wom-Parry av;nlle, trowel. en'. Auxiliary will hold open houle I

S t k Wi I a'. lhe V.M.C.A. Buildinl. Broad and I ~ [ ] {~ we~p5 a e nner, I Garheld. Palmyra, Thursday. ScI" I • lat. Mrs. Roberl Snow. 911 Lincoln lember 19. at 2.30 u·clock. Mothera ,

avenue. Palmyra, .. erl orrler: 2nd. uf \'uys of V.M.C.A. ,roup member. - - - - --- -IIIn, J. Caprano. 417 Morgan avenue, Iship age are especially inVIted. An. APPLIANCES Palmyra, 50 nl Bovunl; 3rd. Mn .• nouncemenl Will be made by Mr •• I Harry Hahn. 705 Park .venue. bulbs. L. Arthur HOYI. prebident, concern·

J d d B PI V in, Y.M C.A. plans for enou'"l

u Ie y opu ar otes month.. I Tablet: lal. Mrl. Harold F. Mar· An entertainment leature will be a

.hall. 103 Mor,an avenue. plant or- musical monololue entitled "Health der; 2nd. Mr •. ]. B. Ryan. Cinnamin. Note." by Robert McKinley of the lIOn avenue. va.e. PhIladelphia Inter·State Dairy Coun.

Atrlculture Course (boys): tat. dt









New T AYLORCRAIT 50 H p " .ide·bY·lide lealin,. Ilandard

:$1475 equlpmmt

Rkh.rd Brown, 416 Linden avenue, Ralph P. Dur,in. new member of • pair cllppe .... ; 2nd, Kenneth Thoma .. the County Y M C A aUlff who'. PALMYRA :~~1 Mlin Itretl, Rlnrton. teed :,~k w~i:1 :een::"::!.I:~~:~;;'; C. WARD LOWDEN AIRPORT

Ae ow ed,ment retary Bud Reeder'. aMiatant In tIM PALMYRA ROBERT S"OV." Prop.

= = i = I 3 = i ; :: ~ =

I ~ i5 = i = =

I 1m I win be remembered by many aa --I 514 ClnnaminlOll A._lit I

".. Gatclen Department 01 the c!irectorahlp of the Home Vacadon • I .... HIP·a, PALMY"· If. J. Palarpa Woawa'a Clab ...... tiIIIlCamp thi8 paat _. Talepbooa 7.' .. _______________ .;.~~~-;;~_..I


Cast SIPPEL WINNER -nil':e thin,iS cQmfortable

I -. 'j' 'MRS. HAAS ON I YMCA BRIEf'S : IMPORTANT The .:ast ot the "".ue IS a$ IQllows: lJra"e ",.ppe •. 01 kllellun " ... n ;:1'-_ COMMITTEE Granda<l. james aallantyne. &lrls ""'Illes," the "'alm)'" 'tenn" ""' ____________ ..1 Saily, ltuth Seeb~r.. \"..tu", h. 'nilIS tvurn~mt;n\ dt L ..... \C:rtv

1,-·" ~,., h ., \\ 3\" a~ to 'T' ... ke them uncomfortable for otbln..

-Chll\~'r P(o,erb.

n-'nh ., 0 . . I\1ra, Bern"tem, Mane SchIll. " 1", at "''''"11.1..'' ,,,len ~he Jeleat··' " '<'1 ""'.. r. urll'" 11 now on the.... M M -~ vv C"um) )' .M.e.A. atalI (or tim.... ..'~ MerviJ E. Haas, postmaster ' rs. ..,\lire. Mariaret H,l1. Stcetlle. III t"o ",t, .. ~. 0·.. III Inc

-- .-'--"-"''''''''''=== ".

He beaan thlS wee It. HtS work will at R",,,non has been adVIsed by Palll Mrs.ll, Luc.:i. Oorothy May". " 11\, ;tlla" 011 "'alur .... y l.,·a,e "'\I' P" ~Wter In .... ton "'ith R. Younts, Charlotte, North Cuo- Peter t{andall, hart l<o\\e. <lel'.1te,1 ;,"d ;I\l1n, <l 6·0, "'" headquarters at the Y M C.A build . Ima. pr .... ldent of the National Ass()oo ~~ Hartley. Brian Wood. '\ " .. ,~ iI,"" St.odle oet<aled tk .I' tnll. ••• ' !':Iauon of Postmasten, that ahe: baa I'lnt Workman) Edward S.:hiU. Muitell fl· I. 6 ·4. ura.:e S'p;\el. \\ ,II

M"ullt )iolly ha be D .• be"n appointed on the transportation Second \\/01 klnan. George Inaram. b~ awarn~1 the g " tenOlS trot,h) h ,n. durl·, tS en hur&lObS , ctommittee, in conjun.:tion w,th the Jo". ~obert Str,"lan. 31 Ihe dub b <>3n<lllel '" Odl)ber

\. - 'I recen year.., were e I N 1 ,.. . . . .,\ J '1" I F e\J~uattd trom hi'h school in 193{)' a~lona .. onvenllott of th~s Qraant" n ISS on~.. ,'10 lOa Isher. Sill'. the tall oi that yur btl this : aaUon, whl~h w,lI be h"ld 10 Colum· M,ss M,llonald. Florence Sle· 6IlIlll1\er he was on the staff at th , bu~, OhIO, :>ept"mbcr 2:>lh. 26th. 27th , phens. llurllll t II (; • e I and 28th. I MISS Wnght, MIldred Mickle.

"ulgg v uub"ty el"fldren kS Honte. The organi2allon is .:ompri""d of Doris. Ella May Moore. v ttl was orn 0 Qua er par.. ' .... C I ,. el . \~ at Portland Me . 191 I Postmasters Irom "vcry State, as , ... ary. , ~t 'CHne ",elllter.

September 1929 h' t";; W 6. n ,~ell as Puerto RII:o. Alalika and ' SaOl. Frank Kates. and s ent t e ~n et e&Hown I Hawaii and has a total membership I Bob. Hamilton Gal son. III .19fl.3.2 :0 &~ 00 . yeara there. of 28,000. The conventioll last year. Don. Edwin Stoops. tlllucd at the"'N t u~a~,o~ was ~?n~ held in Washingtoll, was attended , Stanley. Bill Houe.

S I 0 I Th hO.1 w" . h onn. I, I by 5.000 and from indications this Reade,. l.,.a StCIn.

\. 1 o. en 18 mot er came to I F" ' H Mount Holl t t k'h I I YNr. the attendance In Columbus ay ..... OrlS ampton. John Wo I y 0 a e ~ ar,e 0 the , will be even greater. Bob. james Wnght. me 0 man ~emonal. Tbe sum· I James A. Farley. former Post- Dr. Browning. Martin Vogt. hI rb ~ollowtn, hIli graduation from master General. Frank C. Walker.. Speaker. Elllllce Vogt. C g ~~o0t,~a8 spent by Our,tn at newly appointed Postmaster G"neral Chronicler. Lydia Ingram. 6tro~wl e. j enn., tn ~ new I aH well as other department offi(ial~ Carl. F"mk Theurer. . ea pro ect 0 t.e Amencan and post ofT;';e inspectors will ad. Jan. Cecilia Baiada.

f rtends S~rvlce CommIttee tn (oop· 'd,-e&s the postmasterll present. I B"uy. Dorothy Jay. tratlon ~tth the Re.ettle~ent Ad. 'the National Association of Post. Dire.:ted by Ruth Parsons Strahan. mUII.tratlon. . A . t d bE' V D' h' b h d d . P masters was organIzed for the pur. , sals e y ulllce Ogt.

unn, II OY. 00 aya '" ort· pose of aldin, th" postal service and land younl Duram was a .V.M.C.~. postmasters o{ the country. In 1938 WEST WINS group member. He conlmued hll " . J . . • Y M C A .. _ h' . N . "' WIIS mstrumenta In carrytng out Don West. won out in the finals

a 'd' ·hU· mhem .... r. Ip dtnd hiorwfi'Cb all intensified publicity campai,n In of the firol annual Palmyra TenMia

n wet ere atten e s rlt I I' h h ~. M '1 I .. St tOld B • C f connect on Wit t e AIr al. as we I Club tellnis tournament over Jack N a e H er. lia~ S?n errn~e ~t as other po.tal facilities. Under Poat. Hannum held last Sunday • Scorel' Mew ~e~ In D '. ~nce tv,!,g I: master Oeneral Farley. Lelislation 16·3 7·5 6·2 West who' playa o~ to o:\~~nd ~,.::. c:~f:~enc::. cO;~~~~7 ; was enacted which placed lst, 2n~ the' loc~1 hiah sch~ol tennis team that 01 the State Older Boya' in New ,I and ~rd claes postmaater~ unde.r Civil , hao n':lt b.een ~efeated since the team

B k d 1938 39 '0 h Sl'rvlce. Postmasters w,1l be 11\ IU'I or,antzauon 11\ 1939. He advan~'d

runlWIC an ..... t e an·' Th d F 'd d S . I V M' C 1 Slon on urs ay. 1'1 ay on at· to the seml.finals in the county tennis nua ouni en s. onllrelsel or , urday. at which time. the 1941 pro· toumam"nt. Y.M.C.A. bey.ond hlih school a.,e·l gram 01 the orlanization will be I Th f b d r h I b Durmg the wtnter o[ 1938, Dur,m'. . e execu Ive . oar 0 tee u evenin • were 0 'eU ied b ni ht' adopted, deSIres to cxteJld \t. thanks to Coun·

• g ~ p . Y i , P08tmaster Haas stateR she will , cilman Roberl Knight for the per· Ichool work at the Ultlveralty o[ leave for the convention on Septem- I .. [h ' h fi I f Pennsylvania He was an original mlSSIOIl 0 aVlng t e na 0 the

b . { ' h' I h' h ber 24th and Postmasters Armstrong. tournament completed Oil' the River. mem el 0 t. e comm Uee w IC was Magee. Wolters. Cowperthwnit, Wag- ton COUl I •.


\¥i1.LI">I1> CLUH H.t:Hl!:

On Mon,lay night 01 thl> \\eek • .1

",{I •• lt. t. 1.' Up .B\.t at the hon\~ ok C. ~hf\b t e.l..m ~tC~H!; . c..oll read. h.hltr­h.' Il. h ) t v. Euulat(! p\a.n~ tOt a '\,''''Hlklt:

Ciub tll.1 ,,"I IUdud" lllembcl~ 110m }(. , cttl.)n an, p.; rtiQrt~ cit Clal\at111n~ Sl·.ll v \.\- n~llll ' .

An« u:l"hlJerable di,~u'blon. t \\ Il~ u\.:}uJct! to hOh.i anothcl n\~etlng or Monoay night ot next \\eek. at ' the home 01 M, . Mc:ar •. at whi~h tIm e IUllher organl2alloll plall. \\111

\.Hi ~\.\ n~IJ~red. Mr. Mears aded a, ,hall man of

the' ~e}i!o!l()n held. thiS \\-eek whkh \\; <' 5 I auende,1 by Ho"a,d Rogers. Alex. "",Ier B Garwood. Claren« M. ROd'j man and F. Meuger.

To have a respect for ourseh'es I guides our morals; and to have a de· ference for others governs our man· I nere.-Sterne. I



For Every Purpose The New Era, Inc .


For Complete Bathute IDd

Layout Phone Riverton 712 Industrial research has made it '

possible to turn salt into road sur-I' f .cing materials and also into fer· tilizer. ~. __________ ---,

Get ready! Winter'S coming!

ORDER formulated Jointly by. ~he Y.W .C.A. her, Earling of Burlington County and Y.M.C.A. t,o,. Imt,ate Mount are planning 10 attend this national Holly. LeIsure lime. SCh.ool ~':Iur I meeting. y~a(s agu. He· hils been Identll1e,d The businns seBsions will close on wtth thIS and o~her you'.'g people 8 Saturd~y. September 28th. at noon. comnlluee ser",ce projects ever l In the afternoon they will be guests 'llIee. , . . lof lhe Ohio and Pittsburgh Univer·

l.)~rgl.n s . V.M.C.A. work at pal'ISltiea at the annual foothall game be· myr.,.H,vcl ton. WIll be on a .part t,me tween thes" two universities. basIS lor he WIll continue hl6 colleie work this year at Temple University "ON OUR WAY" 011 a schedule which will make late

The Rose Valley Tennis Club 01 Burlington set back the Palmy," I t~nnl8 dub team at tlte Riverton tenllls court. latit Sunday aftel noon by the sCale of 6-1 Wilh , Palmyra's I lone tally recorLlccl by Oon West. who played Nu. 1. for the local tenm. He defellted Mkhael Mikul. ski 13.11, 6-\.

&) ~


Thi .. ~"IIr-"" .. III' of III(' "I~c Oil""! .·iIJ ~ollr hin ,.lIlt

h"I'I"'r" C .. I.,· III"', II lit I ror,lt'l "1,,,", "illter. Tlti" ",:i"I1-lili., 1'".·1 i"" """" .1.,r.'n".· ;'I(III""t ,·"ltl "elliher-lw"lIl1~" It gh'"'' ~Oll jll!<I II", klllll of IlI'ut ,.tII '\\I\ltl~ EII"~' 10 ""u.lle ""d rt'1!,,11I1.·, il'>i rl·tlll~· for uny "ull'rll"'''',t Alum"t "II ('url",", it "'11\'4'8 "t'ry f.,\\, u"III'''' Anti ( ..... ' •• .'­

.11Il'"tly-s",·.'!:! , .. " It l .. t of dirty wurk. n"n', 1,'1·" itu!'r cut.·" you ultl'rel'lIn'tll Or ... ·r hUl'l't,rs Cuke nowl

. alternoons allli evenings available [or his secretarial responsibilities.

Ourini this past summer he helped Seer~tary Bud Reeder with the Home Vacation Cnmp directorship .nd thus come to know itlany bOYR 01 Ihe two towna.

Secretaries Hendry and Reeder will work wllh Mr. Durlin in s"ttinl up plans for groups and other Y.M.C.A. activities In Ihls sectIon of the county In the days immediately ahead.

LEAVING FOR COLLEGE Amonll thoRe leavini for colleie

thl. week are Walter H. Drew. aon or Mr. lind Mrs. Walter Drew. of Morian avenue. 'Vho is attendln" Pnnceton; Harold N. ShebJe. Ion ot Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Sheble, 01 Gall road. altendlnll Cornell; Kath· enne Chalmers. dauahter or Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chalmers, 01 Thom.s avenue: Mary W. ROler •• daulhter ot D,. and Mrs. Harry L. Rogers. of Malll street. Mary Elwell. daulhter of Mr. and Mrl. Francis B. Elwell. 01 Mom .t reet, all o[ whom are at· t~ .. ,llllg Wellesley: Helen Borer. daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Edward W G. Borer. of Main street. who ,. allcndlng Connecticut Collelle, at New LO/ltlon. ------

JUNIOR WOMEN'S CLUB The Palmyra Junior Women'.

Club will hold their fint meetinl of the ~ason Monday, September 231d. in the form of a coua,e party at the cabin of Mra. lane Knoule. on the Rancoca.. Membera are aailed to m~et at Society Hall where they will be transported In automobllel. Thel· rna Pi.her, will prellde at the meet-




Ib 25c the ,nek·end lpeclal at the new

Riverton Meat Shop Openlnl

Satar." Sept. 21 304 Broad It. Rl.erton

(Continued from Page 1) of Miss Edna K. Ziegler. of the Hllh School Dramatic Department. The FootHiht Playen are cooperatina with' tbe school and will carry the prillclpal parts. while members of the faculty and the student body will participate In the numeroua choruses.

The entire caet and members of the production InClude approximately 150 people. The revue will be pre· sented to the County Inltitute of Burlinllon County Teachers on Oc. tober 24.

Other results are Rowland Rogers defeated Charles W. Snyder 6-2. 6·3. PUie Norcross defeated Sid White 6·1, 6-4. George Tyler defeated J. .Russell Jermon 6.2, 6·3. Glenn Chambers defeated BlII McCamy 6·4. 6.1. In the doubles Norcross and Mikulski defeated Snyder and' W,est 6 .... 6·4. Tyler and Rogers defealed White and Jermon 6·3, 6-2.

There are 40.000 di reet jobs In paint. varnish. and lacquer lactories In the United States.

Cwa-Ylotmal ~Ju/.4! WIrud

If all the 1940 Cf <rOp plus Ihe su.pply

in the Illb were used for food, it

would provide every and

the _With TWICE as mueh

~and other wheat food. al !ach ate

in the entire year of 1939.




Attractive Floral Pieces for Funerals

OIESTO"'~ G ,'BDE~S, In Cut F'-.. • PI."". Floro' iheora,jon.

".Ilil II. IU' .. I 1 .. lIn ••• IIIl •••• 1,1.

't .......... IlOO.E.lTOWH l~~

J. T. EVANS CO. Riverton 302

••• A whole new Fleet of PONTIAC ''TORPEDoES.'' Ten Sixes ••• Ten Eights ••• All Huskies. They've got weight. They've got room. They've got beauty. They've got economy!

lit ~~ ~ #;iiIu:/ BELLEVUE Carate, Broad St., E. RivertOD


K t w Kn. ~ Vc. \'oar· ~ 5.-...! S<lIC art 4'r~ n tbe ~ <::<! lo~~ Sa::: .. ~ Ka, Mo!b::. Q( lb;:; _______ R_~_rn:_-_X __ S_TA_T __ IO_N_OE_R __ 'i •• _S!_. _~ ______ ~,,' MAIN' ST. AT 'r"HE. :SEW ERA OFFICE

I PalM B~-n ;;;:;Ilttt S;.~. :X ! Hel~n' Come Out .Agio Regimentation 1'.M A R K.ET • R!'»enac r~ = a c!h.:& tri;l

tel Bn t llt last n:;:':~T wu.b a ~ ~! 1~ :an. t:>d u;i",.,. TIa!>&. Boaua ' I

. aM ' Dol~ Tht :n DoI;>I= ea-cht WALD aIIII CAItHART. PI..-. ~~: :?:: .:-rl ::i t.'>e' RUQc = of 528 MAIN STREET



The . lnumuc.h CI.u& Gf Epworth MC'thodut Church WJ..I1 pr~1 lilt,... Efit T oWfte1', who will ~ the book ~The Nuar.,.,~" on Thllnda,.. leptembu 26. at th~ church at a p.m.

Tk krtt an llc: and ma, be ~ed from Mr. . £ R. H ar.r:c. of SO~ Orchard "' ClU~ . ph'lr.'! ~-l· 1 -WtUtam Hetherinr,on. (;1 Harruon atrcet., bu enrolled u • Itudt1l! at La Salle C"Ue,e. PhJla~elphla .

-<>-Mr .. !oIl/lurt OtntZlcn, of PIula­

delphia., waa the 14th winn",r of the 8t. Aan~ GWld'l merd landlK club of the Citrin Church. ---


Dc:: t :"~i"'~ ,"c cc:r ~a.."ty !<1 M I

~ x. :Tunday. Septembu 24 at I pt a: ~ Ou -are Fu-t C0cr;paD7. Eu~ RI,'tt10:t. A~=u:_ lX..

- -0- I ! ro,.. .. -:" " .. b.. •. ::eu ::n«~ ai ·

m e Plu~tl>ea ~;..",' ;! m t Cectn) Baputt Cih1U~h wUI 3t hdd 1lmr.. dt y SQ'Hn~ 25. a cooru-ed dish lun.d:=o at 1 p.m. will be bdd be­foa the mr-tt.:nc UI me .ooaI b&ll 01 :.he : 'l. .. rcb


~~ ~ a ... d M ~ •. Cbarl« DeLaney. of Thom.u l'rtnUe, Wtte nsiton at Beach Ha '~ Sanda,..


The,« AuWary of the Dela. __ are P ta Company No 2. of Eut Rt\"t:-ton wiD hold a c.ovued dis.b 'Lp. -er :n the fire ho~ et! SatW'day e' en;q . September 21st. from 5 till 8 p..m.. Admallot! cO"ued di5b &D4 2Sc:..

The Ri ver Townl La<ilel Club .. ill The Burlml\OtI CoWlt)' Maria­bold their tr., u rd ~U~i' tont. ht trates' and Coanabl« ' Anociation (Thur.da j ) at th~ K G.E. H&ll , RIY. ..., 11 hold th=- fint meetinl of the a-aide, a: 6.30. There will ~ m&tIy ~'uor: Tu~y. Soptember 24th. at beautiful pr i.ze I . Don't min It. 1 the Kru l ht. of Goldm Ealle Ml..I at I

-0- p.rn. Gecrl~ S. Ste .. enson. COWlt)' The Rt\ enon Yacht Clu b', f&lnOUi ' presidmt. will preside.

~ SaJ! BaC"" or ~dJel orla.n1Utioo. I -.hal " lanned a lupper for Thunday, I Mr~. Al~~ Evanl. of Thoma. ave­September 26th, at the Club Hoult, nue, , ~ YUlllol Mr. ~d liItn. Sam·

Nut t1) Che." 8abrJ R1V.ERTON

Phoat 110& .FREE DELIVD'I

Kellogg's APPLE SAUCR 3 cans 2Sc:



(l-Ib tift)


CORN' STARCH 2 boxes 17c

(l-Ib bolla)

Kellogg's SOUR KROUT 2 cans 19c

(No. 2t I lift cana)


2 cans l3c

SILVER DUST 1ge pkg. 2le .

between t h~ bourl of S.lO and 7 p.m. 1 uel Btlecl, of Swi City. .

Thll . "ent is 10 be a 10" of ~Dli' I' -0- . . -llf y.tdJof III 11,1_ a .. n. WHEATIES or 6nal. ond for SOc a l hampiot! hea",.. 101m Redfield. of PtnDlylvania an. ===' ========-============ ·!::::::d7~~::, >J=w I ~::::B:;~ :::::::: : I: RIIUIIlllIlHlIUUIIHlllnlllllRllllftlllAllltlnlllRllllIlllIllllAlllBDAIII1IIiI ~~~ ~~:

I Towel Free with elch Pau.a.

A • ..,l ,3uon wi ll bold a dlIlce for the Charl« H. VOlt, of ThOllUI aveDUe, ' 0 I FEW DAYS L ft Ie Sale Ie Sale membera 'A Ihe fJ&J'Jlh thia Prida, ! hu ~etumed to Buclmcll co~eec at I == n y a . e 2 k P ff in the , .. houl audlUltlum It p.m. . Lewllbure. PL. where he WlU be al I p gS. u ed Rice ......... 2 .. c

-0- I Junior. I. . /1 pkg. Puffed Wheat ..... I.C MtI . AltJort Kenney, 01 Linden I -0- TO MOVE OUT ALL

avenue. ;.,. ... l.ul week'. winner in Mr. and Mrs. Thoma. OIUO. are . B th f 25 the Salted H .. rt P.·-f.A. mere han· I beanc cuncralulated on the .bll'th of , _ OUR USED CARS 0 or ... ........................... " C dlie dub. I a ,aulhter, Nancy Vlre1ll1a, born I VOGT'S TRIPLE TENDERI-D

-0- September 8, Mea. Gallo, ia the I , ......

Mn. H. Bucher, fJI Stewart ave- w.uehter of Mr. and Mra. Raymond : LASHED HAM S nue, Jt,veraldc l'arll. will eoterWn Carter, of 127 Eut PiHh Itreet, Pal', PRICES S , the Lud.y liOl W Club at her bome myra. •

tbia evenUle· I -0- Ib 27~ -:»- Eleanor KaYllllIlh. of LlDden ave- I OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN 2C nue, wbo II a IlUdeDt at Camden I -

Wilham ltobiNun, IOn 01 Mr. and Catholic Hllh School, will entertain I Ibs. J. J. Hobmaon, 01 Morlan a.... a number of .chool In end. at I ____ W_h_o_e_o_r_H_I_I_' __ _ nue, haa enrolled at Duke Unwenlty, luncheon at her home thl. Saturday, Bu'v A '

0' W .'

Durham, North C .. olm... at I p.m. I .., J y~ Mr. and Mn. -;:;ert Flcbter end I Mr. Fred Rohi:d. and dauchtCl'

uauly, 01 Ea.t RlverlOn, a10nl With I Anna of Clnnamlnlon avenue ban Mr. lU,,1 Mrs. Willwn Hubb.. IIId I retu~ed bome frofn Ocean Orove Mrs. Hora<-e Richman and Dorothy I where they ""ent the aummer . Richman . pent the weekend at Har. _ vay CedMI. The Sacred Heart P.T.A. will

-- aponlOr a food ul, on Thurada,., A flame and c;ard parly Will be I Seplember 26, In the Ichool audltor­

aillm by the Ladlu Auxullry 01 the lum from 2 till 4 o·clock. Orders for 1ndepend~n"e fire company 01 PIl- foodl wlU be taken by caJUnI' Mra. myra UUI everunll al tlul fire hou.. Edward SteedJe. Riverton 1501. with the Id.nun,un It 2Sc. Tbe 81. -0-

fair wtll atart at 8. ~(j. Door pnu ana Dorothy Wolcott, of LInden ave. nlruhmenta. nue, h .. returned to Duke Unlveralty

- at Durham. N. C., to resume her The Heart 1' ... T..... will atudl« where .he I. a aenlor.

hava a covered dllh luncheon \hill I _ IIternoon at I o·d.,.d.. Admlilion il ' Buddy Delaney. and Roberta Rich. 2S. ,,"d a <-overed dl.h. Mr •. Jolm , man, of Thoma. avenue, wera SUII. 81rCihietn, ,_ In l harlle of arranee- ' day yl.ltore It New York City. " menl.. 1-0--

-- I Donald Pox, lOtI of Mr. and Mri. GfJrham ... SI 'I/ enl, Jr., 01 Ri"er- , Grover Fox, or Cleveland avenue, "/

ton, Will leave tuday to becln hia attendin. Duke Unillersity. ~udlea at 1l0rdenlClwn Military . -0-

InsthuLe, The Sacred Heart P.T.A. will .tart -u- I a new merchlndlllC club next week

Mia. Verna L~muJ1, 01 Cinnamin_ with the fint drawln. to be held on IOn avenue, .. fe <-o\le rinl alter an Wednesday. Thll club will Include appenrje<tomy at Uudlllilon County a number of new Item. that wert HCI&pitll. not for .. Ie In former years. Thote

- Iinterested tn JOlnln. may contact Amon, Ihe U. S. army promotion. Mra. Edward Steerll" P.T.A. presl.

annOUOlW recently II that of Major I dent. Riverton 1501. Charlee V. DldunllOn, 01 1'almyra, to I Lleuttnant Colonel. BIRTH

-0- .

The 18th and Illth winner. of the Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jonet. of , Merchand .. c Club . ponlored by Ihe I Lcconcy aYCllue, Palmyra. are re- ,' Ladlu Auxiliary oJ the Pllry Fir" eelylnl conlratulatlon. on the blrtb Compan,. were Mra. Herman Vleten-I 01 I daulhter, Clair. Blain •• on Iep. Idmer and Mra. Eric Vietenhllller. tember 9, III Zurbrul" MemorfAJ - I Ho.pitlt, Rlv.,.8IcSe.

The Riverton Girl Ikout Troop .w IItart Pall IcdridM ..... M_ BANDAOE GROUP ., .... 1Mt 2Jrd, at the Preeb,.- The __ pw bancfq ..... oap fit die tartaD Church. All IallrMlaf .".. B.W.R.I. wIJ1 m.t at the Porch I p_ bu been pIanaecl for tift __ Club on Monda, of each week f~ " .-- . 2 to 4 ..... &olD , .. to" pa.

1939 FORD 4-DOOR SEDAN-Like new.

1938 UNCOLN ZEPHYR SEDAN-Heater, r.adlo. Beaudful car.

1937 FORD DeLUXE TUDOR TOURING-H .. t.r IIId rldio.


1937 FORD DeLUXE PORDOR TOURINO 8EDAN-RldJo, heater. Motor overhauled.

1935 FORD STANDARD TUDOR-Many mllea of Mrvlce In thE. cu.

1935 DODGE 4. DOOR SED~N-R.dlo.

1935 CHEVY MASTER COACH-Radio, heater. Motor o.,.,bauJ.d.

Many otherB 10 choose from


.Lester S. F ortnum 125 WEST BROAD STREET

Palmyra, }If. J.

RIB PORK ROAST s tb av ••


Chickens Ib 28c

S Ib IVI'.


Leg. of Lamb

Ib 27c ARMOUR'S STAR Smoked Tongues ...... tb 2s)c


Pork Sausage Ib 25c


Ham Ib17c U Ib lVI,


I MARGARINE ~~ .. tb 21c


I Tongue 9Se UOUI.AIl P&IC& .....


Broad III4l x ... ata. .. !ti ••• ~ R~. lSlS • Nla't llWl

"JACK" DAWLEY. Inc. Oldsmobile


SafItJ 'hated VMII Can

10 Broad 8treet. Riverton


Mtrchut.Ult SIlO

Koppenhaver Motor Co. DODOB lnet PLYMOUTH

SALES and .ERVleB 100 Broad St. RlvertOCl

Phont RlYtrtOD sao FRANK I. LLOYD

ServiCI M~ ... t



BARBERS 1------------------

RAY BANKS I BARBD Sped" AttentlOCl to




Emerion Wolfachmldt Edward Moorhoule

521 Howard St. Rlvertoa Q\llck Servlc' • Slnlta., Shop

Shinn'. Express Rlftnld., N. J.

DAIL Y TO PttlLADBt.PttlA Oflt_IOll N. 5th Sb'ftt

Phone-Rlvenkte S4I PhUldelphia-Ltlmbud lOSS

l\IEIVIORIALS 1-\ L:\, 1, 1 ~ S TAT 1 ~

~at()m.bunt ~ M~ III p~ RlftttOft •

Gr:n!",- IhrttIe and .... GEORGE F. GtNTHER. wIn Hope & Son J. L. LIPPINCOTT co.. Waahil\aton IlI\d Nenl Strftta Re&lton • ~l ln~

Aurllntton. N. J. N~ .... Phont: Burlil\Cttlft 1$ Wln-'~t .~. ~ ....

W. H. SLOCUM & SON Walter D. Lamon Marbl~~...rute REAL ESTATE

" Baat Main Sb'ftt INSVRANCB MoorutoWft, N. J. 5UI Cinnamilltoft Aft. ~

Phone 1st Phone Ri\lfltOa IS Cht Ollt Prite


Co'itnd b, Inaurance I~~orpotated

PALMYRA Painil'n, Real Estate and IllIUranoe Sc and lOc:STORE BDWARD ttUGHES. MIT. S East Broad St.~ Palmy.,.

o WEST BROAD. STRBET 114 Qllrti~ld Ave. Palm,n Ph b, 5 C:A."RYTlI"~QN~ s,pIIPLllTil LIMa 0' Phontll: 341 Ind 24$-M ____ o_n_e_A_"Ye_rto_n_oo __ _ o~ . .... IL." AltTIC.... ___________ _

No ... I." CANDY, .~ . INIURANca


W. F. Becker


50& Broad Street Rlvertoft

'IfIU nloRuord ,.,up 11""1111 .. , ...... "lIo~obllo •••


Ada E. Price No .. .,. Public IIUI ..... .

Olttltttli l",.uftct BUILDERS Moorestown Motor Co., Inc. ___________ _ OIlOc:.ItISI . 'RUI,. •• V.OaTA .....

D.llcol_en Co.~ttt NBAT. inti PROVIIIONI

41G LlpplntoU Ave. Rlwatoa P~... 1I1 . ... on lOt

l'I\ 'I'I'NT l\ll : Il!( 'INI :~; alII Welt Mlln 8t., MOOtelto_ John E. Me Vaugh Le,I.'e W. Ree.

p",-Phone Mool'fttown 77 or 4IS y ....

517 HOWARD ST., RIVBRTON Phone 724-Free De\lvel'J' Contractor and Builder L. L. Keat.'ng GEORGE w. ROGERS. Inc.

R£ALTORS • INSURANCE RIVERTON, N. J. Patent Medlclnes • Glftll • Cend, Phone Rh'ertt'n 187 or 845

------------ __ T_,_le_ll_hO_n_._R_I_II_tr_to_"_.1_5_-J:....-._IKARL FRANK'S Greetinc Cards· Ice Crtam 529 Clnhamlnsot'i Avenue' CIIArs and Stationer,. PALMYRA. N. J.

MAR~!:s L~::~i';,TION Curti, E. Stavely MEAT MARKET Broad and ~~~e ~~:t., RI"erton ----__ ....:.-.-.:=--__


Flr •• tone Tlret-Battttlel CONTR~CTOR and BUILDER KELL~~~~a.:!~~~~R~OODS ['/11 sur a Jl c e Burke's Service Station Spaelll Attention to JobblnS G07 Mallt 8t; RIVERTON REAL ESTATE

IG W. CHARLES 8'1'., PALMYRA Plione 8G Notary Public Brold Ind Linden RIYIItOD Phone 744 ___________ -.;.....----------1 . JOS. F. YEARLY

Phon. net --------- WM. B. BISHOP ~ . Riverton Phone G~II HARDWARE PLUMBING· HSATING . ROOPING LESTER S, FORTNUM IIOt Linden A.... Riverton. N. J.

ATLANTIC PRODUCT. J. S. Collinl &- Son. Inc. HARRY C. SCHWERING Telephone Riverton 847 SIlO~: HCPAIHINC

Compl'tl Automobll, S,m" 'hlufl-eoalt . GEORGE BONSAL 11~125 W. pBhroad la,t-SO' PALMYRA BUILDING IIA"aIlIALI-HUDw .. a "'tI!!dh01lSe PLUMBING _ HEATINO

on. LUII ... -,aao-cOICll r,... ROOFING • OIL BURNERS

For Beuer Shoe Repalrln. 'l'l'J'


Broae I.e lIaln 111_ SALES .nd SERVICE _ COAL S"'OK"R8 Ph I '" 117 E. Broad Strl!<!t. Palmyra, N, J.


ATLANTIC SERVICE J. T. 0"" • and • 1101 LIncoln Ave. Palmyr •• N. J. Phone 130.W

Refrl,arltora Ind AppliancH Telephone Riverton 12 E VANS CO, 305 Ea.t Broad 8t. Pllmyre, N, J. ----.:.------

Florida Road THt Lubrlcitlon TIre. - Baldi BIHltlH

Broad nd Mor,1II PaIm,..a Telaphonl RlvertOD 117'

~!!!!(e)!!!!l!!!!!1!iI WOOLSTON'S





Clr' Callad for IID4 Dell .... Pbone IlIv.non 1567


ItUEL OIL Phon. 21 George Friday, Jr.


LUMBBR Plumbln., Heatln. and Rooln. All Klndl 01 OrthopedIc Shoe Wotit ELECTROL OIL BURNKR. Dr. Scholl'. Foot Rtmedlet MILLWORK . PETRO.NO.KOL OIL BURNERI __________ _

Phone RIYlrton 102 ------------ 11011 Thom .. Avenu. --------- HAULING Phone 937 Rlvtrton

E, P. GRIFFEN BERG Cleanln. _ Whit_a.hins STATIONEHY

PALMYRA, N. I, Llwn Work

LEHIGH COAL 20~' Ue~n '{~~!!~!d Phon. RIII'rton 8M Ellt Rlvlrton. N, J.




Delco OU Bunten . $ 1 . 0 0 202 8rold Itrllt

Rillerton, N. J. Phone eo THE NEW ERA OFFICE

~ aOP •• R .... oea •• con IiiHIIIiI .un OIL .tII .. ~~ ,..:m:;."


RADIOS HARV~r!OOKS--J-o-h-n-H-.-E-tr-i.---J~.~R~.~JO~H~N~S~O~N~

JIll Third II., Pltm". 17 Welt Broad Street CLEANER and DYER DAIRIES T.I.phon. Riverton lU-I Palmyn PALMYRA, N, J.

Work Called For and DtU"" ..


Phone 47. RI ......



N. aUaHlaLL. ... "'--1U9wMe .n

Raolol, Refrigenton Rlvarton 771 Washer., Etc.

Expert Service! PHllCO Dell" ror

Pllmyrl .nd RlVtrto. 8ARGAINI IN UIBD .ETa

CALL .IVaIlTO. '7'

Peel Poindexter TAILOR

Clunlnl - Prnaln. - Dy'lDa Free DfU"..., lervlc.

RIVBRTON Phon. 114

JlANCY BAIUNO S· h' S ' C WARD L W ;~::: ~ :,o-ccaro

, :::.: ::' .,. 318 Paine Street .':?':G~O::'~la~:ai°l't... {

' H_ .... Ice c..... mit. tore Riverside Home laundry • 0 DEN REMINGTON PORTABLE

- .. - -- 0 • FARNIWORTH, R.C.A. ... • CK.!!f.'I ..... A:::t. 414 IIAIN .na.,., RIV8aTON Riverlide, N.J. ZENITH RADIO.

- 1'4C~A ..... pa... .M WI"" ..... 7U ..... Rho ....... 1M Palm,.rl, N. J, T ........ ,..,

..... ...-­-._--- ... ..... r THE IdW lIlA


h" loIr< £'''7 7b.~l ~ ..... III • ,~ fi:."&ItTOS S., ' .

e' ~ It. 'r."::o- S j. "'*' 0..-... til ~~ C-7et;, ':.-~ "r '~.S3r ... !. ~

:".EG 1.:' ~:", U' 7'! ~ £". E'" 71 Tlot S~ I.' . 4 .. ~.( .. -"t .. ,~· C==:'_'t'~r"''' ~~, a:.: .,., "loft 4~"'_!. '··1 . , .. ., : "'afo'C.:·c~_ A.:'..,-;- ~:::-. .... a.~ ~

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K K E N 'r

V_ ~t':t '~' :':- &.:: ~.~ s; a.-, r.~ ~' tll~~ ~_ tIntA u~~:-t"I .... :: ... ~.: ,,~ It ~:.~ .. "',- ~'t 0lil; ...... .... ~.z.:: •• 'C r-~·

~;. : ~ ~ ;-.::-~*~ ct ~ .. :i~ ~.~ ~~ a.:::~~~~, t!!e:::. c( ~'\'ft. --:''1!'':. :i ~,"~ S ,;.c."--~ ... ~ s~ ~~ ~ Q bC~ ~~ BUS1~ESS ~ ~~ ~ :'::'e =~~t e:: a ,~~. \\~ ~i-' r ·,·" K· R~ ~~t ~~t.. d¢ ... ·I1.~ \"t:~ -11 I :- .. -~ v,. ';!;-7'4:::t !ct 1:-.a.:;~H ct-. " ttat tl::e awntt)"'1 ·U • '''''';-;r~,1t "h,",-..t cal'Cca.. uter • loGe

~ \:,tt'" ¢: .. :.. ... ',y. h;a.'t ~\lIL1~ ~ ~v. ~:~ a:t::t-. ;:i ~ ~H"';:- .'t- ..... -'''t: .... ~ .. ..l'~. ""a~ -t; =h.kt~ ... r. 1.~-~\.i ;:n~~. 1M

..;.~ ". "... , «~~ ~~; .. : ~.; -;; ;, ~-~:"-.=",; :~ ;, ~ c "';, :_::t.::-".i 'all.l t .l t<eau retail MI_ •• t ":-~'=.c :.: -- ,. :.. o!' ~:. tlJt !'~tl;c. l ,~f _~;"'u; ", f" ... ~_ I~ .;! :t4"~" : .... " tt: i\o." ''-0 m.a.kt: stt ..... ~ mr~a .... ~;-t- ;--: ..... , .... ~.-~ ::.l ~t:~~t ...,,~~; : -~ -.: ... !' s.t ... -~~t_ .. J,..~~ "'1: :""- t-~~ ... t%'_.:-! «!.c~tr~"" &!'i.~..ut. v.."Hk .... - ~~ ~ ~. :~.-t ... ~~-~ ....... ' :. :.~ Ct- 1: ... ~~~"· ... t,,. ... ..;t -~· .... } - , .. t ~ · t ~ a' ,,\&.Itt' &;: cr·t.-..iuc.i.":' Ct tele-. W," .. .: ·t·-P"'"':~" .~,t: 1"'-:t:"":~ ~e s.t- flo: M..:"l.~"'- :.' ~''t ' ~ i ·at"~l .::-.1. ~t:'~, deh~ 'et~' iett.n £~~"l-c.'''' ~~~ "',t g ;. .. '£_:-~ ~'l.~ F..\ ~~ .\ ...... ~, .. ~ ... :~ ul'':tt·.'i~.~ra ! ~.: rt'l .:;Il ~lh~r rod' 'r ':'" ':~ .. .a. t ~~'~,~r- ~~ ':~~--~ "'i -0-- \. t",.:. t'; .... H=~ t.~i l::i !ir:..!.ni th~t.t ~l'~ita. &=- --- -',f "-E' :.. , ~ ~ ;;: ~·:·.';l· ~~ ~'.i."~ £~;""l:M :; .. "t. t C ::1 ~-~;';.. \t. 'a...l.l.s. \ ;:.",-, h.Y. M .... t ~~.ttt-. 6c ..

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--0-- - :,~! a~ a. ~ ~;:'«.~~: .. :-t'~~::-. ,.;' ... ;. .... . ~~t \\~ ..... E.n and w\.,.t-eJ. .~ . .. "'1 . - _ .. ,. :: .. ~ ~"; ;, ." ·a c: L: ::'t- ... {' .. - ' -~G.!,,_" : : n \.. '.r-,,- • ~_.;~ .\\ t:;c. .n "'L-..:.r ..... JematuL.. t~

... to :..; ': ... "" -{ l ~ ' ~t~-: ~=-"-:.,~ ," .. ~, ... '"!'iC:;'7:',! :-". ~ .:!:z"t I .:''\ t :<:-t~' ;-e.).: .• ~ itt"a::-: ~~ ~~ r fa li !-t:et:l a) .. 1..:' '' :. - c\ft--:. I. - t-·~t!;""'P:::..a..:. ~, :- '-.0( ,:-.. ,.- '-"'t ,:"".:1..- i ..... t:; . H '§urt t~ Gf' \f"r) iOOO. \Vtth a ~;~- ~ .:;J~· t-g,· -I " foe-" -:-: .. !..:"! :It :'.'"t'''''. ,a: li t a.~~'.-..i.:i.l ...,t \'\..~''tn t:niU .. ~u.r-. ~l:-"_ "':t· II: ,: .... Z:- ·'.;. ' .... L: i:"'U:t:t- r:.t.-.~ ."£'".- I. . ~: \..:-'t;\.H"t~ th e: rt:;a ~di=a';ltr b~lni taitm by ,,-ariou.'

f ...... ~·' ... -r~ . p~. ..;,... .... !-~;..~ .;: ·~':.{" i J,:..;~-!!:-··- -f S ... .a.te i ~~· (,:ut\t.ti\ .... rJ't: '~ l-.lme m:U. U't -...0-- l .. " t--::7"t-" -:-.~ :-e 1:,. ~~ D~~ ·.xritl~ I e~ t-~. ~:1\·Lr. i t..;. ~~k Cl.;.!t\7'i m~l"S for ..

4 ] ." ~ =--: bI'! -.he r...l~t:y , ~-a:~f ;:a... .. . 't -C'~:··~-t~,:. C":~~ ~t ' E--5~~~ The un · uttlC' c).\ra ttme on dw'~ne • . tt:. ~ ;~~, . ..::.~.t,,! U • ~1;""..;kh~·;c ~ ... i!~ ' I'" ~ :! ,~~ E..;ii~,:- pr-DQu..,~t- . • t.;t ~u -.C \: ,a a..,! ... ~': bark at c;'.~-t. Ht::>~,u.-:, de.:l~~, "as that , DINNER,OANCE :J,~ ~'Yr.I ~. ".,>ltt a iet ef ri~ ~ tO t ... ere .ew. , I U", u,t.t·H .tate .' l th "'rt- '

' ~ -"n ":l th cuk (~ ' c'-, '~:1 h-.U"U'- t~t cow: be abol- I rn ••• mm .. r ) Plolll& 'Or e.. etc.::· 'I .... . ' • . I uoo ..unner " .. n~e 01 tbe Burlulat_

- ab·! .n t.'l. '''tfl'~1 of , o,.rnmtntt , <" " 1)0 oun .. Ht~'''Ia,;aDI

I · ...... _ .. ;.. L__ t lid effi " m ' ,' "Ollnt) "lUt., - ...... _ We .c"".,'t &nO_ a:rt~ ~I I",;"t to<O'!lOCl a . 1". '.' • ...ere Ju.:uued on Frldaf I1I&bt at a J - C', t) 1\ lr.a bat lvd&inc from In H~ndncltsoa o:oulltered Edison s meetw& ot the t:l1ltrWllmult ~aa­N":I t ,t nucbt be a a:»od pta" to rcmara With tht tut~cnl that the . nuttte held at the home 01 the dIur-wei Jot Ode" I Democratic " .. n<¥-te tither "'" "un- man. M. A. LYbr-and. in Maple

S (" I G" b '11

- I f.nuhar~ .... tb New Jersey ao\'ern. Shade la Ie d41a r)' 1 a You "'n,hew1 about the fa.mou.l ~er.t Of '."t~nd~ his remarlls ~or The' .ulan, wbl~h will be the IiDa.l ' !·Ktlkmnt)' cat~ Wdl the ~ cla, I C1m1~PtJon b) tbe .Hacue mlchine bll lodll nent oj the Repl.lbLicu

Some weeh ;tg'l it Wa.I re1o'uled that huda of 50me depart- two FlOMIi. retl .. ~Ile o~ton lot whIch IS hll lpouot... . campaiCn UI 8ur-~ton .:1IUD\)" will mtntl of State. g'IHr r1 mer.t "'ere taking ad",nt",1: of a loop-bole I la,r,"'" RC.j ""}. .... t tl c l ~e~ • bWM Hmdndrso,n SlId there art .man) be beM at tbe 1.01 Cablll LocIato

'. .- ~ ,~~ \lI\n~_ry ~o~ and bureaus that I MtUtord Lake .. on Satlltdq niCht. 1n Ua G«ltrel Ar.r, r,,[>tlatl<Jnll BIll anri had rtc.ommend~d ut.ty I - <:*n be eliminated Ind thlt rtal teo November 2. inctu.« for Staa !!mplo;~e. wh~ eemlngl alt"dy were in D,,) ', u .. ant t ~ leno .... whether we ~t ,aniUliOtl I)f I'onrnment in the A lar,e crowd II tIlpected, and the the hjgh~r braCileti. This tn 'Ipite of the fact that the State thla are I 'JI"i \, be rusht? ~n t'), th .... ·at' mterKU ~f the t~lI1Ia)'tn could .not commmet pla~ a prolram whicla

. I W "d: Wm<ltll \'i ",k.. . If hla take .. lace until th,~ "'II accompllih. " ... n be luU ot UltU'ut and pln.ur. yeu ilvtrtt'.l a h Ul; '! ';th<:1t ~'Y a narrow ma,r!; n . v',c ·e .. loh tjnu~ towards the So- ed. . fOI everyone.

5.enatrJt Hen<iCl(.kvm, Republican nGmlnte for Governor, took v~mb.r vidory ~ rJ ~' .pp~r~n\h In GUY . ,Ge,or,e Oabnel!on. G.O.P, Ticket. ,,~Il be placed on nle eooa, a f'Jrthri l;hi. WAiW)f' 'in thll IUUt . Appro ..... ing .. Lary inCrtll1l1l " , "' . ... ·e ""III ~ .n It ~fort the tnd , C.mra.,n "!anacer. reported ptana · and "ill bc oblatnable in all part. of

. . o! S'rttm~. [d?h t acculI! the for accelerattnc the pace of the Re- the (\lunty Ctan~erj \'1 ~;at'! emrJ!rJi.~:' ellrnmg under $1500 ~nnua1ly .1 p~·tJtn.t ?f m~it"l1n, an, weh , publican dr"'e. Wendtll Wilikie. It I Comnlitt~ea appointed by Chair-m« ... ry 'J keep \l[J eff,clency and moral. t, Hendnckson con- I"li,,, '1. I ~C<UR hint 01 Ie ... of the I Yo U P'lnounced. wilt com. to New I man Lybrand on Friday nl,ht at. II demned glllntln!; ,,r I;'!neral ular .. increases to higher br8cket rt ten\ toerroblt. obvioul and unden.i. Jene)' at lu~t t .... lce next month. folio"",,

' ebl. h)'pocrhf~ and bttte,.I§. But Althourh hll opponent 15 .tumpln, I I'rollram-5amuel Trout .. of Bey. worketl, I th ''1k he hll abd icated Intellectual· the Sute. United Statft Senator w. , edr. Tldcetl-l-tay WeU .. of PUll.

The R'!pu\,j.<.'~n I r,mlr,~,: l>'lintt'J 'Jut that Nt"" Jeff.e;· cit!· , benon, and Jane Wriaht, of Beverl,. , ena la(.~tl Ih,: l.r~"\I, .. r;t <,f · ~ ,ha ri,l!" hlKe ·1 Federal till burden due ions on other lubjects, were decidedly irregular, Hague then de- I Dtnllcr-Edlth Troula, of beverly, to the ·lemar·h 'JI the Nall<lI'al [)el~ n~ e pr()g~am . Non-deltnae tided to keep hl5 horlle in the stable until 19"0. : and Ada arant, of Delan~o, HOlt.

. . elles-Lornl Phllippino, ot Maple ~.ptnrl l t urtl of grJ\ ernment, I I endnr,kfirm auerted. mUlt he kept I With the Washington Adminlstr.tlon working hand.ln.glove Shade; Edith Troutl. Ada Qrant and dfl"tn at thia ti me Qf ctiail. The Republican nominee dem.ndetJ I with H.gue, Crom~ell wall named Mlnllter to Canada-the Initial JaM Wrlrht. Orcheatra-WIlllam that the J\ ~~embly ~I'Jp thl .. \alal y grail by adopting the Zink move in the campaign to build him up a. a public Bgure. Lilt Wade, of Burllnrton, and Clillord E.

I .I 1 hi~" -'1 1 'I . H 'bl ' C II d hi d 'd Malle),. of Entertain· bill , pau~r1 In the Senate an- 'ltllgne. to pro. lit Incru.n to .. i Apn • With ague I elslng. romwe announce • can 1 acy, ment-H. Preacott Htrr, of Moor ... hl~her aalaried State wr)rkerl I That', the story of how Jlmmy Cromwell became the H.gue town, and Florence Lev.ndoskl end

When the I,e ll illature was calle'] beck to Trenton the Aa· candidate for U. S. Senator. ' Viralrua Vennel1, of Mlple Shade. . . . k II I h I I I d II Flor.1 decorationa-John Kenny, of a.embly ar.terl Qn I hnrlritkllOn ~ luggullrm. The ZIn hi WII The people of New Jeraey rtlent lue po It Cll ea ng, and Rlvenlde. Publicity, Walter K. La

palled. '/ he salary grail was blocked, they can Ihow their resentment by re-electing Senator W. Warren Tour, of Mount Holly. 11 i~ h')fJe,1 that Hendrickson will continue to deal frankly Barbour, who lervea only the people and not BOil Hague.

and c<)Urager)u~ly with thue prohlems of government. Thl, kind '01 direct 8ctifln il unulual and unorthodox, partiCUlarly around Electl')Il time when candu.late& lor public office generally are long on talk ahuut tctJn'lmy but Ihort on action .

It may I,l! nQlerl that Charlea Edison, the Hague·New Deal Dl!mocra\lC candidate fm OIIVern,)r. made no proteat agllnlt thlll l'lly grall, alth'lUgh II Wit' crlntrary to Il!glslatlve Intent and got J,lenty .)r .tltl!ntllJn III thl! newspapers. lIere waa a definite piece of .. olitlcol manipullltlOn tr) whIch Mr, Edl!lon. avowedly an advo­cate of econlJnly In govc:rnment, IIhould have given altentlon.

G'rol11u'ell C01ldidalJ' Jo"rJllI i l: .... "~IJ Ihe IJc'nocrntic NatIonal Committee an­

nounced a t50.000 contrlhutio/1 from Mr •. Dotls Duke Cromwell. 01 Some, ville. AM you'd cXjJe~l. Frank lIague. overlord of New Jeraey ·JJeIlIO(.l ...... illlllledialely gut busy, Jle atarted to check Uf'. and helc'" the b~lluel1te 01 evellta that followed that political ,1ft.

lJague learned Ihat the $50,000 donor'. hUlband, Jimmy Cromwell, .elf.fityled econondat but better known al II .oelety playboy, W81 politically ambitioul. Cromwell even took the trouble to vote that year-the firat time he voted In New JerlllY.

lJague thueul,on aet IIbout Inking to gratify Jlmmy'a poUt­Jcal dealre.. With the aul.tance of Governor Moore, both Dorla and Jimmy were aplmlnted to varlou. non· .. larled poItI. WIthin • I.w month., Jimmy wa. beln, talked about for appointment to the United St.tu Senate. In November, 1937, Oovamor Moore IICImltt.d · Jimmy'. name wa. under con.ider.don.

Cromw.ll didn't I.t the .ppointmtnt-becauH It d.v.loped ..... WI ..... oa the American Coutltution, .. Will II hla opln.


-'iT , . ~.~~

I . I(. o(t~ •

ATTENDINO MIDDLEBURY Richard S. Kinley, Ion Qf Mr. and

Mr •. Edwin M. Klnaey, 403 Main Itreel .. Riverton, WQI amon, the asa ntembers of thl. year'. FrethlllAll CI... which arrived at Mlddlebul')' Monday for a three-d.y Fruhmln Week openln, thl •• venlnr. Kln •• t wal lraduated from the Moore .. town (New Jersey) hl.h Ichool where he W81 one of the leadln, ItI,. dentl In hi, el ....

A hundred .nd 10rty.thrH mID re,llleret! In Middlebury Coli ••• , while I hundred and nine women matriculated In Ihe Wonten'l Colle,. of Middlebury. Upperd ... men will return Thur,day, rlilln, the tnroll. hlellt filure to over 300 Itudentl, the lar.ett In the hilioty 01 the coUe, .. Prtaitlent Paul D. Moody will wel­come the Ilude"t. It • lIPecial chapel .ervlce Thuraday mornln.. .nd cla .. e. will .tart PrldlY,


The fiftt re.ular fall meetln, of Ihe BUtlin,ton County Wom.n'. R •• publlcln Club, In Informll receptioa for Mrs. Pearl M. Brldelum. R •• publican Nallonal Commltleewom .... will be held at the Moornto .. n Fltlel Club, on Ftld.y, I.ptamber 17, at • o'cloek.

OUelt. pre •• nt will b. ItII.tor W, W.rren B.rbour. Con ... _u D. Lan. Pow.,., both of whom .r. un· did.t .. for r ... I.ctlon ucI Robert Co Henelrlclaton. R.pu"Ucan eudIda .. lor 10" .... or.

There will be millie lAd , .. t ..... manti.

. .....

f ~~ .... ~~~~~ ~~ -- 10 I WORKING HARD S'I'AMPS HONOR FAMOUS t.o~ For man~ Is die "\lOt YOUR GARD£N

. !Capt 1\1..- ~ __ ' .­, ", ..-oR FIRST GAME . ANERlUN INV£NTORS of tht human n~: it d_'tftte

WHA1' to 00 1'Hl$ WElUt I .. "- (.. .t .... .-~I~"

IC\wIlbtrlal\d ____ _ _

~----G~\'er Il~ . " __ '. H\m\'enlon ___ _ N~ _ . ____ _ NNdIau ___ ~


10 3S

• 21

l6 I A ~ia' Rries CI( PM~ sW'IIps 'huth and ~ d\";ue Lo~ I~ P .. I~~ "ittls &tid "t\llld ~ honortna hmous A_rean In_t- , -ttlar, B:all'C!t- Bddt. ~ bftt\ . ~t l~wme Illr'tl\UOIls I on .ttl be pla\:'td Oft ale 01\ t~ ~ llla":'l\.'1! ~ ~ COld! W .. halD d.ata and et ,~ oIfi,,~ Iis\'ed. btlo.~ • ~""-----------.t

:n Fts'dlltl' durlnc the paat 'f>'td: an.l is I I-Cotnt.. Greet _ Eli \Vbitlle.,. I n&lhl4r 1Itttu\1 tnt.) .bapIt ~ thoe ' I-

M~llth ~ __ Fall is die _ whtIa 80ble of Notris

th't _I u\'eftsh~ planbl\C wort: O .. ~ "::- -----

3; 2~ 13 15 21

al bft qa\ust CWIiIlC"WOIOd 011 tht lat- a.cotnt, Red-samud F, 8. N-. ;sa firat ~me of the .~_ on S~. s." ... nna,., Oa ... Octobltt' 't, I 1& \'er'. field, Ne\\' Yorlk, N. Y., CKtobet- J.

SCHOOL SUPPUES Ihoutd be dOIIt 1.11 die cant-. ~ Pa~ _ ~

''tt O\lt u't'l1 tIIoqh 80 that tM:f ~ail S-Ittn ~_. __ _ t The loQls MYIt .. touah *""n- ~-Ccnt. ~rple-CJTU5 H. McCC)1'-

2l nltent ahead of lhtin end wiU p"ob- mh:k. L'tltll1Cton, V~ .. CKtobtt 14-develOJ) _ root .,.~a belon tht s.mteRltt _____ _ Cl'>und ftftfta and wh~ Ih-.en 1\1111· SIlSSU


• 3 1~ abl1 r<eb 01\ an atrial uti~\Il~"I! un".., S-C~t. Blu_ElIas Ho_, Speno

the badltitld IS umemely baht. «r. Mass., O.:oobtr 1'4-EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS ~ .. ,t\\ wat«. fttoOIIt plal\\a thrl,.., beat \!llion

and ai'~ htl\'er bloom, tht follo\'rinc Wen;en 41 13

~ On S<lllad lo-Cent Bro'"", - Alaander Ora-l. The , .. Rity a<luau at pft5ent is ham Btll, Do~oon: Mull., O~tober 28-S \.-.:lntpG$ed of the (ollowint: Durcin, . Th~ st~mPl\ will be M!~ by 0:98 )" .f plant~ in aulllmn.

G..1~,"'tr& wh\) w.ant to att tIona "hll tll\$ w~fk .:all boecin by ttlna­plantnta 't\1'tta~n' and fiu.:b ahruba a. Ida.:., dNtllta and nto.:k ortt\C'tll­Tho~ dtdd\lull shrubs are ulually m.,\,~ in O.:tobtr '.\'et all the lsves ha, .. 1! (alleu. but If \:ut back model" ately th~ can be handlN ''t!'1 IUC­(~"fullt now.


AU earl)' bl\loltlll1C pelelluiall whi~h ha,"t be\:onte too l~ end ~Io\\ded can bc dult, di"id~ aud re­planted tlow. Thle tlPl'liea to peonle .. dt¥ HUe.. primUlas. Plrethrwna, Shasta D.isitS. japane.e lriaes. end a ho.t of other..

Columbine. and plat)"Codons do not divide eaail1. (01' they uau'111 make a larae central root; the, are bet\'er rai.~ from ae'td. Delphin­Ium. db well If dlvid~ in the sPrilla, althouah the, c.n be divided in the lall If the work la done earlJl and the plantl are ca .. ~ for propetl~. U )'OIl have not .I ..... dy sown delphinium .~ for "eJtt yea .. 'a blilOm. ~ou c.n etlll db 80 but it wm be neCft8ary to wll\ter them ,I" • coldframe for thet \\I01'l't aet bill tnou.h to winter setll­tactorilJl In the optl\ .round. AI. thou,h herdy, the.y eft heaved b, fro.tll In \\JInter unle.a planted earlt enoulh 'to attain some .In.

The constlentloua Itlrdener prob­abl), he. • pl.nllhl of bardy annual neds well uhder way by now. SmaU aeedllnls of ComRowers. .nnual lark,pura and popplel will wlntet well: others may not, but If the seed. are pl,nted now they will be ft.d, \0 come ' up the first thlnl In the aprlnl.


New Jerl.y traffic fatalltles dur­Inl the lirat seven month. totaled 4311. an Inneale of 32 deathl o\'et the aame monthl of laet year, Motor Vehicle Commlulonrr Arthur W. Malee reported thl. week. The In­cru.. .. .. leven per cent.

Union had the blnelt county In· creale with 23 mont death. tha" I •• t year whlle Camden County r.hked lecond with 13 additional. Snen other count!e. with hl,her delth tolls were Ber,en, Cal;'e May, Huh. terdon. Monmouth. Ocean, Salem and Wlrren.


PoUowln, il • compet.tlve levea month. record showln. the numer· ICII chan,e In the countlul

County 1040 Atlanllc , •.. ___ ._ 17 Beraen ... _ .. ___ .. _ _ 85 Burlln.lon .' __ . _._....... . 111

loao a7 30 II

$2.30 Every Week-Day Oood Dn .... IS. ,. ......

$2 55 WEEK·END 00 1',I41Y u. '.IU,d.y Dn

• Ipectftt4 tlllhi. 1111.. oa IIlula, ".In, Iro.. (P.llnl. '".) 14 ... Yo, ••• 10. 10 • A. " (D.I ,T,) lIon4.,.

,... • .... ' It.,. Naw .. Yo,1I .. tD ... tIM ... Orollll.. • • . .. , ". • . ' .••• ,._11 ........... , . ... ",.111 Dr "" ...... 'or '.IIU" .... a,,;: Iuw (0:\ .11.11::"11 1otIta. •••• " ,A'::.!"Dn .... '.u.' , ................ ,_. , _ .... 1' ..... 1

IItHOYIVlltHA IIl1llllOlI(J _ • • , •• , r I.,

. '" . . .. I." .

__ 439


",0) Conwell, Llppin\.'Ott, Floumo)'. Clair, Ind, In S12e. artanR'td ' ... rl\~"lly. IS'

Wil\~11I, Vtltel\hclmer. Kcttt, Atkin- 5U~ in shffts of ~o. alld pnnt:>td by ZUl1, Emmet'''' Villari. SO_11I, the rotllry proeea, Gnmes, South",kk. 1'I-ott", Lane,

TO THOUSANDS Stow". Cono'''I!r. Call1wtll. Lefferts. PALMYRA LOSES I I\ustill, \y~ntftl. wnlon, Delt~ BIl" Pal~m \\as elimltl~ted from the roll. MItchell, Moraan. Mltro"l llutlington CC)unty Nati\lnal Leagu<! I Powen. Caroeil, Libert and S~Il\et. I'la)'.oft'~ by Rl\ltfSide, the 'IIeo", .

HUIIJ~6 \)( tllou5a"d. of 00)'5 and 1'I-oua, olle of the few , ... Ierans, h~itlg 5-..' I


SETS y\lUIIa men rlMd THb I\l\lEHICAN WIlt be out for 5tv'tl"al wteks due to I Each t.alll had l'","iously ''''<In ont BOY Maaa&llIe -" 'U)' tuOltth and ;i. se' ... ...., filii!!\" mjury, game in th~ semi.fin~1 round, con SIde.. ,t m\ll e as a 11\'\1\& ,,-on\· A pral!ti(t gatl'e will be played (III I LK E TIN G p;tl\l\ln than at! • nt~a&1ne. Friday nft'Clnoon of th ,s week with HOCl\:EY PRACTICIt l~. A

"It's a~ htuclt a buddy to me aa Ill)' Nancocas Valle)' Re&lonal Hith 1 ' . I lIeilhborhood chum," writ'tl one School at Mt, "ally, . I ' A large squ~d III out for the P,H.S. I hillh 6~h\)()1 aenior. "TH~ AMEek. glrl'a ho~k~y team and prllcti« la CAN 80\' seems to understand. PRESS CLIPl'iNO BURKAU b~ing h~1J dlli~ under the dlrectiolt !

Brolld ami Main Streets RIVERTON

boy's problcms and ~<lulliders them 1S iNTERESTINO PLACg of Coach Matuson, ~, .. ------------..s in such a sympathetk Ilnd helpful II )'ou were to viait BurroeUe'l Prell \Y~, 1t ai\t'tl advice and tn~rtaill. ClIpllitil Bureau in dowllt~w" Matt-i1'l1l £'Cadma on every aubject 11\ hattan, you'd lilld a hundred YOURIt whi.:h a younl fellow i. lntereeted, lirls dolna nothilll but readina ntwa­lt la particularlJl helpful 11\ aport.. papers an,d maaa.lne., The offh:ea, 1 made our a~hool bal~tbaU team which overlook the Hudlon RiVl!l'. bccauI't of playinl Up. 1 relld 111 al'e at quiet aa • library ftadln, THE AMERICAN BOY," room, and all you c.n tee are news-

Ma", famous athlem in eU lporta pdpoera .teck~ In pilea .... dy to be <redit nluth or their .Uectl. to help. read and ~Upp~. Harold Wynne, a lui IUlatltionl received from aporta )loUnl collele lraduat't who II preli. artldea carried in THE AMERI. dt1'lt of thli unuauII orpnlution CAN BOY Me.allne. Vlrtu.lIy MYI: "Our litla enJoy I't.dihl t .. , every Isslle offe ... advice lrom a la. Riverton New Era bee'IIM It ton­maUl or pl~er, Football, tIlln' 10 min), Int_tlnlltem •• bout baaketball, trll:k, tenal.. 11\ flct our eUent •• " I every major 'port ia tovel'td In 6e- Burrelle', Pre.. CUpplnl Bu .... u I tion IIhd (IItt articles. wal started back In 1888 \\11th two I

Tnchen, Ubrarlen.. plrenta and retldera lind • handful or papers. leeders of boys' clubs allo reeom- Frank Burrelle. the orl,ln,tor of the mend THE AMElUCAN BOY en· dlpplnr bureau Idea and founder of I thualasiictllly. They have found that I Bunelle·s. overhe.rd one man lilt . as a lIencral rule reaular readers of another If he had aeen the article In . THE AM.ERICAN BOY advahcC! the mornlnr paller which m<!ntioned I more "ap,dly and develop mQre hili l1ame. From this convenntlon I worthwhil. characteristics than do : bqlan Otl oraanl.ollon Which loday boy" who .to not rend II. I has branch 01J1ct8 all over the wor1.d

'(":lilttd wrlte.'s and artists, f.moull and Ipends more than 140,000 a year I co,!chcs and athletes. explorers, I fOl' newspaper and maga.lne lub. scientists ond IIItn successful Itt busl- scriptlbllS, n<eas and Indultry Join with an ex-perienced statT to produce In THE .. ~

AMEIHCAN BOV. the 80rt of read- PAY AS YOU 00 Inlt matter boys like best. ))1., OoU on e aporty COlll'le

THE AMERICAN BOY .ell. on IRON ROCK PARK moat newlltands a~ 25c a copy. Sub· scription prices are 12.00 for one GOLF CLUB year ot '3.50 for three )'eara. Por- ...... " ' •• dan ,tid Ho'!"" eiln and Canlldlln retea SOc. YMr ~1 .2.) extra. To subaet/be .Imply lend ",/ .Ii ... , ..... your name. address .nd remltt.nce Willi. DAV. direct to THE AMERICAN BOY, i;'}(' 7430 Second Blvd., Detroit, Michl· lie ." ... , ... ,In. Hac·"

Ju.tice lind truth make min free, Injuttlee and errot enilive hIm. .

~::''3:.n -Mary Baker Eddy.


EYEII BXAMINBD Phon. Rlvenld. 1115

10 Bcott Itreet Rhltrald •• N, J. (Iaeh'. Bulldln.)


F ,

1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi 1111111" 1111111111111111111111 1111" 111111 IIIlIIlttl" 1Il1" 1111" lit, 1111111 It

"SNOWFLAME" A lIensational new Oriental Poppy. The lower half

of the petalll is pure white ... the upper a flame·orange

... n lovely snd effectlvl: contrnst-a etronr: !ttower and

(ree bloomer •••

Price 75c each

Henry A. Dreer, Inc . Huddilll a,,,J,,,, H,oJUII!"J /lH,' i ,Utl

Early I.ptember I. a lood Ume to plant trl.. Peonln and Poppl •• for .prln, color In the ,anSen.

Equipped and .Able The Sno"er Funeral Home. wiih It,

trained personnel and ntensive equip. ment. i. a self, contained unit,

The Sno"er service i. complete in every detail. rrlievinll members of the family of ul\nece8~ary responsibilities in their hour of bereavement.


The Sn()n~r Funeral Home

Incorporated 313 E. Broad St .• Palmyra, N. 1-

Phone-Riverton 830


Ho,,, to 1\~ronl'ile Y 0111' .\rl'(JUnt

T HII rollowing. method of recon(,lhng the bRI· once al .hown br your d wt'k stubs Voltll lhe bAIRnce ,hown on your bunk slah'lI1t'nt ,. 5UIt­Itl·sted by Ihp LC'I',;I D t'l'lIrtllll?ltl of the AmC'n· CRn Bankers As",,,',allnn:

1. SOIl d.e('ks nU ,Ir h.1 ,Io.ll!.

2, Compart' • "!ull\, li \. I' ... \ . Ith ",' of du',:ks on tht.l q"f.~lnt·n· 1 hi I • ": t': > I u t


,I. Un ,·.,nr hluh~ .tll'd. nil ,.Id. Ill.'111 I'llIli b :. th ,. h \Ilk. l\1 ftk, II iI~t III till' IIUlltl., . ll. I n""Julll~ uf tll ,. ~toll "U\,t '"lIh,,\(. T" til.· sum of tli t' l'1I1,\.HIlI"'L: dll" ,",911, ' .1 thp h.,l llH~" n" ~hown ('11 " 1,1f l h"l'k ht.l-ok

4. N"xl h.t nil dPI"'~ItB ,,11I.h do not 8ppt'lIr 01\ tlw .tllll.'lIWllt. Alld th l! tllUI\ to tlv' bAI, .'" '\' .hown by IIw.t""".lt' lIt

Till' 1\\1' 1 .... UJt. shvul,l ' .. '~l·. lind .1 •.•. ,1.1\t,'IlH! lIt rpm\t'rt'J i. """""1.

Cinnamjoson Bank and Trust Co. RIVERTON, N. J .

..cI o d ~

.--.--~---=-..::-~--:. ::. . .: - --



TlI£ NBW ERA, TUURSDA Y. SEP'1'EMBltR 19. 1940

l;:eMIt In m"'a. Althouah inttftud GOVItRMMItNT NElms STATE POLICE STI~L VAL~D n food pri~'tS were antldpattd with th.

TENPOR~. PART.TIMIt ACTIVITIES When th~ th~ro term '~dlle wild' ~'I tbreak oi wllr a )lUI' alO> thia 1a • "''''IC'''RS dt\· dll':lIl11lOn ,n the Cooh ~ a mtn· I 011 • I . _-' N~DICA .. 0.... n istntlon '"dina Demo.:ntl.: "naton the litst substllnua rise re~_.

The tltpansion 01 the atmy auts Varied indeed art the tUn.:tiona of "nd Stna~ N.n". expreued lhe "Lo"~r pri~~1 for f""lt frIIltt and II net.i for abollt 600 I!Mlian mtdi~al the New Jent)) State hike alld a 'Opinion Ihat tht third term w .. a ~eet3bltl In A~lIst helped to coun·

J. Wilson Syl~,!", .of RIftrton, olli~tI in veriOUII .,..dtll for .-_ alan, .. throuah the report IIlIbmltted dan~ to the .:<Ountr),. Stllator Nor- terhal.nce the hllher .:ost Of •• '!'...", .... a«<pted an 11I\),tat\Ol\ from tbt" . .......... ~ r h rls tht Star qlloted Sunday lIS IIt""'- and prtwnt ;I artater ~ .... ~ 0., 'huattts .~ the General Alumni I porary and part-tlmt """'.:t. ...... b)) Col. Marik O. Kim r Ina. t e inl tht mtna.::e to free institutions of in~rea.e in the ~venat \.'OIIt of food~, 8ocie\) of tht Uni'ftnl\1 of ~nn- duties of fUll-time olfi~ .. n will ~ to IUpetintendent, ttftela the many Ihe 1I1e of the enormous presidtnti.1 D. L. Pitt. lien lor alr\cllltural ataba.

• ...., . I d f --'" In a '\1'- phall8 of Hr\li.:e, lIrt'ftlltion. pro· pat-~I1- m ...... '·n- ... ob,~,'11 a third tl~I'an I'n the D~partment of Aph:ul. ., •• anla to ~t nIl aumn,.: au act IllS o.:ton 0 m .... l.:ln~ "n tution and at<uri\1 pro\1idtd by the '~'.- n_" - 'v n rd - 'H" h con at ape.:'-' con\lOCations to ~ htld pradi.::e in hospitals, in dlapenurifl, auantians of tht rural hlahw"" who term. Senator Waantr aalcl .. thl tllre ~ltpl"intd. . Olft'ftf. e • 1lurina the Unlftnlty'a B\~tennlal and in the field. The dub of ~ do not lUllction in communities term propoul waa ''unwis~ unpa· tinlltd. "the he~' ,. vollime o~ local Celebration Week. time ol£i.:en will ~ to report for ... ed r f tnotle and fraUlht wilh d.naer." c:rops beains '.Ior~al ~echne III

Mr. Syl\)uter, whoH home is at sil.:" .:all at a find hOllr "ch dat i!:il ae~~~o::'Q' :; =he;~ld In his • .:«ptall« sJ)tt.:h Prealdent September w~lle It '.~ unhke., that to? St~tb .trett. attended 'the Col. and to be subject to emeraenq.:all cln:umstan.:ea. Rooft'ftlt wholly \I"ored the Ihlrd meel .:osls WIll droP. hae of Aria and Sden«11 at ~nn- at all times. In New Jene,. thfl't I, a rural term ISlIlIe. He apolte as if a third FIRE AT DUMP Q'nnia and Is a member of tht The Civil Service Commi .. ion In area of approximlte" ',000 term _re no different from It second Cia .. of 119$. maltlne thia announcement caUs par-. mUte. which i .. to a areattllttnt dt- pro\>lded the Incumbellt were ao self· The Rl\)erton Fire Department an·

On Friday afttmoon. Sep'-~r ticular attention to the rad that »art- penilenl I1POIl the State Police for .. .:rillclna 1\11 to want It. swet'td ;I .:all shortly after 10.SO Oil ao. tht alumni rep,,"entatl_ will time oftieen will be able to continue prottctlon, Nany dtliltn. ,,"Ide on Senator Norris, Sellator W .. ner Thllrada), e'ftnln, of lallt weelt for a lad their danK In an alumni par· their relulat pradice. In oroer that or own proptr\1 which la a\tuated and their collealues seem to ha'ft fire at the dllmp In the rear of Mem. Mle from the Dotlnltory Qlladranlle thia may be done, appolntmenta to many mUts from the neareat en. 't)factten all about their objectlonl orial Parll. to Convention HaU, whert ~ ~. tht part.time poaitionl will ~ .made fOfCtment .ne, and th_ are en. to a third term. But to the tellintr, The firemen remained at thl! tcen, wol:ation of Unl'ftnlty Collncll will of medi.:al oftlctn In the VICIIII.." of tirtly dependent on the State Police the araumenta ... Inat It Ihey made for 30 mlnuln befort the bllat w .. form part of a notable pfOltlm ~ the plaCt of duty. for prottctlon. In addition. to patrol. In 1928 aeem as con\)Incina thll year exllnaulshed. atnnlna at 2.30 o·c!oc:lk.. Information .:onl!el'1'llna th_ poai. IIna tht hlahwaya. tht department In. aa they were twel\lt )'eara alO.- ___ 1111!1== .... __ =-= ....... _""

Proar.m tiona ma, ~ obtained from the Sec· vestlaatea complaint&, aome 14,973 of Kansal City Star. retary o( the Board of U. S. Civil whlth Wttt rtCti\ltd durlna the fiscal ______ _

Durina the convo.:ation Presidenl Ser\)lce Itltaminen at an)' lirat or 1Sr; operate. a State-wide teletype ANALYSTS ANTICIPATB Franalln U. Roostftlt. who I. Hon. setol\d-.:!ass POSI offl.::e, or from tbe alarm syalem and a State Bureau of CONTINUED RISE IN PRICES .. fary \:hairman o( the U niteo Statu United Statts Civil Service Com mi.. Identllb:atlon, and a Detective Bu. Uninrait)r of 1'tl\lIsy\vanla Blcen. sion. WashiI\IU)n. D. C. PhY81c1lna reau wbleh aida In III\lealiaatina knnial Commission, and Sir Lyman art urled to apply at once. 'I'hll Ilrlme and pro\lldea delectl_ for P. DuR, Chief Juatlee of Canada. will work Is of the Ireatelll Importance to work at lIarloua aatherln .. and fur­leCtin" honorary dean~ea and deliver the 1II1C~eSS of the National Defense nillhea Informlltion to aU pollee or. .ddftSln. . proaram. aanl.attanll.

Addreaaes also will be delivered .. Anolher reaponslble lunetlon I. a

FI"ptWa't\na .10 .... 111". IIlonlcuri". Hllt Cuulnll Hllt Tlftll", BIOlChlft. SulpT_llMftt F.cI." a,,4 DIIAtt IItlllo<l" PERMAN.NT WAVINO

b)' Df. Thomlls S. Gates. Prealdenl THINGS TO WATCH FOR BUrtau of Safety Bdl1catlon, whleb of tht Universit)'. lind by Justice luptrvlsn all State Polle, School

Hllher (ood prices (or the cominl montha Were prophesied by (ood cost analyst. In the New . Jerley State Department of Aarklilture today, balllni their predlctiona on the l.OS per cent In the averaae New Jtraey retail priCta of all foods In Auaust and the Jllmp of ll.~ per

Owen J. Roberti. of the Supreme A very neat lipstlck.and-powder Safety Patrola In the rural dlatrlctl. Court 01 the United States. who la a compact for milad)'. with llltenetla of A totlll of 4&0 patrola aid In thll 10 blah .chools. ,wlce each month Penn8ylvanlll allllll"Ua and a member her favorite Presidential candidate work and durin. the fiscal year a for nine monthl.


IIf the federal commlsaion for tbe for decoration . • . A bomb-proof total of .,622 bOl'l and 3.223 ~rI'

IU Clftftl",lftlOft A... PALIlYItA Pho".410

BlcentenltiaL IIhelter-made In Amerh:a, at Quincy, were member. of Safety Patrols Allolhu Impressive convocation. Maas .• In fact, It's pyramid-shaped which protected~04,SOO children. Dllr.

which will brlnl the Bicentennial a"d ateel plated, Ilhd wUl aecommo· Ina the Pillt school term no member Celebration Week to a close. will be date a family of alx (tome early and of the Safety Patrol oraa"lutloh or held In Convention HaU at 10 o'clock avoid the rllsh) • • . A new milk pllpll wall Injured or Inyolved. in IIny

lOO.O ••••••••• O ••••••••••••••••••••••••• l •••••••• ~

VENETIAN BLINDS on Saturd\iy mornlna, Septe.mber 21. bottle, " five ounces lIahter Iha" the kl"d of accident aolnl to or comlna

Goyernor Arthur H. James. o( old style. one Inch ahorter, and with from 8chool. In addition, a lecture Ptll"sylvanla. Prealdent Gatea. and a aurale-proof neck .... And watch coutle on tafe drlvlnl waa alven In 1>r. Georle WIlUam McClelland. fo, a CIImpail" for the restoration of


Provost of the', will de- bread-makina as lin .Amerlca" home liver addl'usel at this conyocatlon; art. twenty·ohe honorary dearees will be conferred. lind there will be a recep­tion (or 500 deleaates (rom other col­leaea. universities. lind lellrned socl. etita.

Precedina the Convocation on Sat. urday will be a colorful parade In which the Pennsylvania aillmni In­vited to represent the varlolll chtsull will mllrch with officials and tlleliity liIembers ofthe University. reciplentl of honorary dearen. and Ihe dele· aatel from other Institutions and or· aanlllltionl. ------

Down in thelt hearls. wlae know this truth: the only way 10 hell> your· aelf i. to help olhers.-Elbert Hub­bard.

Evans· Service Station .road a Main 8t.. Rlvefton. N. J.


Tir ... aa",rI ... Allto Acc .. aorlel .road a Maln Ita, Rillerl" •.• N. J.

811.llftlloa CO~"I" •• ,",,-.'.'1 Court RULli: TO BAR C.XDITOIII

Ba.eulrla·. N,tk. ""It 0' Emilie 1t ... d.1I Areh ... D.e .... d.

New Shoes From Old

"AMICO" Ele(;trl(;al Vul(;anized

Reloling No Nanl

No 8t1tchn

llao .. ahlned



• Wilt waah piclrad up '" ... driva,. b), I o'cloell II""", ''.1I'l100II' dall"end _ Dr befora • o'clock .. ..., morttla ... • N.K .... U. ...... RIVllRTON, Naw lB •• "

Pboea. R1vartoa t7I

IIcnltt II herllby .IY~n that an onl., h •• "'n tnad. by Qtor.. . 8IUln.. ' .. trall'. .. Ih. Co~nly 01 Bu. Ihlloh~ I).atlnl dll. tho IIlh d., 0' A~,ulI. 1t4l!/ upon .ppllo c.~. II of the lubtrtlb", 1Ii., etUr'_, '. •• ... Ih. c/'dlto," 01 .",111. ItI.d.1I Arc .r, I.t. 0 Ih. c,:.ntr 01 Bu.lln.lon. ..,. ____________ ~ ..... Nd. I" "rln. \a Ih .I.lml ••• 1 •• , Ih. • ""1101 III. IIld dlct '.1 ...... Ollh or ============ ............. ===== .lrl"".lIo", on Or be'ort .......... , II, "41. ., - .. r:1II ~t d.b.rr.4 01 '~T.. .dlon Ih ... . ..... II' nlkI1'H"lWI~·'l.IrA. Jill: .. ..

P_to, , 0.... How.reI W.llo •• DeU.1I A . . ... I II. 1140. .... 10 ... 19'40

BlleYt,I ••


C ... H't".: • --} •• Atllc.JIIe ... ....... O. c ..... ct

Vir NOTIC. O. ....., H. :.."'::.... A,..,AC.U .... "

... u.. It ..... .." .... ....1 • Writ .. .1"."....... "' Ih. NI ., C. H. HI_ • 10 ... 'n ..... 1111' lho .lahl •• nd .. odI~

~~i~ R.,. i"1t~"'1 C_t ........ IMG. .1l_toIe .. ....

a~t. JMG ......... Nn" E-I .. ... rt\VD" ..... I

1111,., 1140, .." 1M ...... .. • _ c .... ", _ DIll'" A\llUIt ..... 1t4e,

'A~M.. ~ ADAML C:I! •• Y •• U .... L... c: ..... • "!~.


JOHN H. EIRIS .'w .......... ....,., •• J. .......,.

F.H.A. MORTGAGES I. Prictt ......... ,


\le' CluaminlOll Ava •• Palm,ra. N. J. Pboaa RlvertOD 15

PIIaDe • Palm", N. J.

Let ELECTRICITY Smooth Out Your Ironing Problems FLATWORk, drellel. ellirh, IIn),lIling you havl' 10 ir,,"

clln he ironl'd ~kilfully wilh un f'll'f'lric irlllll'r. lilut pi"cl'lI ate euy. Anyono rlln do IIU'In tile fir~t tillll' ~he u~c'lIn ironer. A Iilll,. prlll'li!'I" i, rl'fluirl'fl r"r ulhl'r IIlillll~' Tht'rl' i. a knllf'k In JlIlJlf1Jing IIII'm hut YfJU ",on III'quire

tile nl'ccu.ry .kill. Irollt·,. ('omt' in lJilTl'rl'nt IIly11'8. SUllie ('lin)' u~ed on the kilf'llf'" loltll' or on • ('ard tahll' "llile

01114'" .re lulen,.d to tlll'lr 0"" toble.. Your f'l"clrio d"alt'r c.rrie. tbe.e .PI,1I8m· ... 100.


I .

. '

• THE NEW ERA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER lt, 19040 PAGE NINII: ,'.n ., ... O\.,n .. , .• ,., .... ,,", ........ "''''''''1\\'''''''''.,.

,~J II 11 Itipo I 10piCJ

lead, and tht prodll~tlon of bUnd- t· oUO lIuant.. structure for any fundion of the The .:ourt. insist that a man be nes. b), tht U" of eyehllh "I\d t,e· Devi~e" - Tht word "de\1i.:ta" I body of man or animala. Tht aee. l tfied for one .:rime at ;I. tlme-wh, bro_ dre containina hl,hly polaon· I means il\strumenta. appal'atll' and tion of the law pertai"lna to devi~ can', women be reaaon.ble and con­ous IlIIredienttl are ellamlllt8 of the I \:ontril1a".:ea for use In the dillanoala, will brin, under proper control a : .:entrate their Indlc.,.Ilon 01\ the cur­ntCftlllty of sarteu.rdlnl the IInlllls-\ t:'t"tment or pre\ttntlon of dl_1e in . I rtnt olfenae, If a"y. Inltead of draco

' pectin, purch,l1Iet from au~h dll .. • man or a"lmala. or to afrett the nt. d ... of producta whIch will IIIP· aina in twenty.five ye*ra of wrona. . plltl1Ient the control of other ma- dolna'

".H.I ...... ,.".U .. ,., .. ",,".'''''.,Uh' •• ''.H'h .• ''IOl..... I

Ntw Food. Dru, and Cosmetic Act

Altbouah It Itas been in eitt.:t Blnce the fint <)( the :rear, tba ntw State Food, brua and COlllnttlt: Act ... muns too little IIndtntood b, the ~'Onsllmlna public II i, dtalaned to protect. The scope and purpole of the Iqialatlon are wednet" tet forth in an tltp!anatlOl\ by Walter W. Schtlfield. c!UtI and Edwin Q. Apple. ..te. Senior Chtmllt, of the Bureau of Food and brill' of the Statt Health Department.

For ea.y readlna the major por. tiona of the act are .ummarlud .. foUowl:

Food_The term "(ood" ihcllldH every article IIsed for food or drinlr b, man or animal, every Inpedicnt 01 Ilich article, .nd aU confectionery aad condlmentl. Sale of all1 food whl~hl. adulterated or mlabrandtd II natllrally prQhlblted. The term -adulteration" Incllldel the presente o( any aubattnee which will lower or Injllrioully all~ct the Quality or atreneth 01 the product, allb,Utution of another .lIbatance. removal of any vaillable CO"ltitlient or addition of color or coatinl to conceal damaae or In(eriorlty. It also Includta the plesenee of any added .poiaonoul or deleterlolls inlredlent which may render the prodll.:t inJuriou. to health. or the prete"ee of 611h • . de· . composition, or Plltts of di.eased ani. mals or thOle which have died other­wile than by Iiallahter.

Lllbell Labelilla of (ood.-One o( the I

fundllltlental provilion. of the new 1 law II the requirement for Pl'opar labelln... whereby It II reco,nlud the bll),er o( p.eleaaed (ooda ... d drllal I. entitled to know what In. ,redielltl have been used In Iheir compoundina or preparation alld allo the name and addl·c.I o( the manu· facturer. packer or diltributor of the I pl·odut:t. WIUI thla I"(ormation any purllhaaer can Immediately acquaint blmself with all of tho dlltrit\ve or I acUve inaredienll of the product. and aven thouah lhe term. III tJmes may ba the lcientilic or technical names of the in,redlellt., It il pOllible by reference to proper telltl to learn definitely what he received for hi. money.

Dru,l-'I'h.e term "drU'I" Includ .. avery artlela Intended for tbe treat· ment or prevention of dilu.e. or to allect the .tructure or (unctJolt of the body of man or animal.. Tbl. m. dud.. artlcl.. recolnlled In lba United 8tat .. Pharmacopl •• Homao. pathlc Pharmacopeia or NaUoaal Formulary a. well all a ho.t of prep­arltion. not deltrlbed or Ulted III tboe booka. Tha introduction of any new drul I. prohibited until a full Invntl.atlon hili Ibown aucb 4ru, I ... re for ule. A reeent wlda· I)' publiclaed experience of a pollOn. 011. .ub.tllllee u"d a. a loillent for lu1pbanllamldo wblch cau.ed man)' deathl h.. Ihown tha vltlle of fllf· ther examination of each new lub· .tanca before permlttln, It I intro­duction Into tha humin '),Item.


There I. required to appear upon the label of aU proprietary dru,. the nlmea of ,II the active Inlredlenta and the name and addrell of the manufacturer, packer or di.trlbutor • In addition the qUlllltltlo 01 certain danlerolll narcotic and Ilimulint drll,' are required to .ppelr upon tht I.bel. On many product. dlrec· tlon. for u.e. adequate warnln, .tlta· menta a.alnlt mllu.e. and other It'lement. .re required In c.",. where It Is dermed ellentlal to th. public weltar ..

COlmetln- The word "co.melle" mranl any .rUde Intended to be .p­piled to the huntan body or Any Plrt there" r for clcanllnl. beautlfyln, or alter Ina the a".,earance. There 11. .. toni exllted an uflent neeeility for romplrte conlrol of thrle prodlJ(tl, The sale 01 f.ce powder contalnln,

Ideas For Eggs

EOO wbltcI 8eelll to be f"omd by tbll hnnlpmnker. 1I'rom t""nI

Ihc tllllkoa sno",y Illorln!!\lfll. ~lIffel aakn and olher dalnllrl.

For Ilorlll\l CfltI ~'olks In Ibe Ollt&­blAlIa ralrlaetalol'; nret. "IBIle thpm

, III a Clontnlner, Co\'ol' wIth a thin layer of eold " 'lItel', put tO\l OU con. plnor. .

Uee. for egg ,olkt

1. Add to while lauea or oroDm .011\1 fflr nIl \'01' alld color.

I. Add to pancnk. bnll.r. I. Maka chocolDta frolUn, for

eak. or Dookl.l. •. Mnke 'llUller cream totD. 10 .111

betweon IIrnhtlm erMI'erl. 'crambled Egg. on Anchovl' • egK". "'~II

benlen • thsp. wlllor lalt

1" "' Pller 1 thaI'. Iborlen·

\lilt. hlelled II 111<'08 to net

1 lube ollchu,')' IIiISIII 8111'01111 sllcolo or tonsl ",lib an·

Cbovy Iwalo. O~nl eggl aud wnler together. snit olltl Ill·I'llllr. M .. lt Ibot'leulllg In Ikillut. n,ld egg mIl' ture lind Ict'/1mble. BI ... ~nd aCI""I1' ble.1 t!gHI nvur allchovy tOOlI. Serve Immediately.

aak.d Egg. Mak. oue·lialt cup of whllo

.aUU8. Deat whll" of OUII ell to a Iua froth. 8dd Inuce. belltlnl COD· IInnll,. I'ut • loYer at "UC. ID ralnakln or CUP. DrOll In on. or 11\'0 .gg yolk I, eov"r with .. nca. Pillr, to "lin of waleI' and bake at IGO degree I for ten OIII1Ul.· ••

PI.I" Omel.t Break e~~. '"'" a bowl and add

tlltt! aa II \lool". allo",IlIg IIl1cook"d portion to run IInd"rllPnlh . Cook unlll lI\1htly browlled. IlU.t enre· tully wltb a ((Ow Irnlne Of Mit. rold and aerv •.

VAntATIONS:-1. Add % t_p. rulnced pal'sley for

oocll el;lI' beforo cookhl\lf. •. Add % cup .'ewed tonlnlon

for a ellIlS. OmIt wnter. I. Add 1 teos"oon boiled rillt! for

eocll elR bptor. eouklng. t. Add 1 te081100n brend crumb.

"lIleb Itn \'0 been lotlhed In broth or milk lor n.I·O mlnUlrl for elleb ellg.

loum. with Che •••

a egA'" ~11 CUll mlilt f' r. InlL

% OUII sort brcod cl'umh"

% rllll gl'/1 t ~t1 cheeoo

Hent milk ond brend cr1l1llhl un· til Imoolh. Add 1l~/1lt'n rgg )·nll'8. cheele •• 011 "ntl mlK well. ~'ljl" In till bentcn e~1I' ,,·lIltll. "our 1111 f) •

bakhll dl.h. "loco III n 111111 or "'"1'111 wllter Bt\(l Ilako nl a ~ . dcgl'e~¥ r,.r 20 to 26 1I1\l," 1C" .

'Iully EgO Nut (lndl\,ldunl,

I fill Solt "" t • ." bullpt Ppl'l'er

tHlre of tOO.l Deat fill! while "' :," • I"""

rralns 01 eDit. until olllf. Annll~" un lout, Make tI" lIf.· •• llltI In the <,,,no tcr 01 Ihe 11K wlill" and ell\l 111" ellll 70lk Into It. Arll'lnl:l" w\lh Rnlt and P"IIllcr. Snlto III aco tI"g , "re unlll .el.

ODD taltle"lll)!)tI 01 llll,pworm waler 1I'.lh New Jer .. ,. .ggl Ir. for enrll . natlt utllli w,,11 mlsed. but p'.nllful and Inupen.lve. B ,v not frollty. Mnll • 0",011 pleoll or fr •• h eggl for br .. kf .. t . nd ,or bllller In pon. 011,1 "polrn !'/l1l1 and cooklnll. conk o,~,' .. !tIW h " I ~' , Lltl .. K::II:.~m.::.'.:. . ..:..! .... ~===::::==:...=====~

111m"", w.n. TrlmmNl. f"Noolt I~ltnrl "'hltn",

P.ork Shoulder. til

s."., Kr."t 'f~·.· .. It • Appl. '."c. ~:= 2 .. ··,.e , , ... .. fUtll 141. ';"II.h. fioj"' ~'hl •

CHICKENS . ·r.llu • au • Itt. ' ... ·h

Large HAMI ".I:~tUJt:::: ; ~.'~I.~'td ... F, •• h PORK .AUSAGI M •• t, • "I::~'I .CnAPPLI Lo .. , LlVEA PUDDING L" .. c...... U.h I ~ .:.:':: •• • ,

li...teaks Tehder. JUICY ~ RUml) or Round


• ~Ic ·'2c

"·'8e "·Ilc

1b 35C I H.", ... I.. POTATO .ALAD • t"~

terial. used In the treatment of hll-man aliments and the prevention of JUltlee delayed, I. juatl.:e denied . dinne. -Glad'tone.

Food Sale!· ,\tf hht ''' 'lu1ttl1,' ' "ll'tll'''' , .. ". tnl'tt .. r\'tll "'''' h,,, .. "II I .,'t' ­..lllhlre" lhr"t)' hU"'''''rt'IU'I'8, ""tl' .~"''''t·II1I1~ tlU' <111",-. hUl:r." un QU""t't .·"un .... ,,'w"' .. , ~"\" 1 .. tt,,· .hut" tn h"~.

. Bu,' bv the Dozen- SQtJe the Difference • """. - Hu)' fI do ..... Save 21c:

PE~AS':;'"21 0 c d Ol $1.17

f~ .. h frotn flU" '""11' t1n\"or.

New Pack-Save Up to 29c Per Dozen ~.r",d.'. Strln, B..... :I~"" t 15e : d ... 87,· /lSctJ ("t R.d B.... l"~~,,: lie: : do •• 7e ' •• md.l. L1", .. 8 •• na 3S~n!25· : ..... 95e ICldft.~ a ..... ::~. 2 "~';n: I!le : dDt 87e F.r",d.l. w •• a •• ". 2'",:'.; .. : 17(' : dOl 99c tlSaJ Tomato.. S I~:;" 25c : do' 97e '.rmct •• I ~tISe: :dO' 87e H"'locie .~~~2Ic :d ... '3e ""-.AI lsoup ."~~.;.:" 19e: : ...... 7e /lSctJ Tomato Pu... " ' I.:,;~~·1ge : d •• 5'e /lSctJ J"lc. • ~:tI9c : d". SSe Sun .... 2 '!~: lit: : d ... 8Sc ~W Bun. ';:.'.!:."::.:..~,:~ " ,.:!. Ite : ••• SSt: lISCO ;:II~~~;~r:":~ 2 ~:';;I~': 15c : du. 87c ilsaJ Sliced Pl .... ppl. Ho.;.!~ lie .6 ..... 59.: E. r al.E ~paCih •• tl ) 14~~' 1ge: dUI 7)C I-.n .... al",o.. 1 :::!'. :a'e M,,4AI fI ... calc. FI.u. ":i:'; Ie ; duo 5ge

T It c I ~·ntl. 9" '. d ... • 1.00 a ,. _,,'''p .A"

nsco California Ilh,Lt: lll'h',' ' I " \", I

PEACHES 2 NO. 21'27C . calls

.... heft ur Mill .... "Mn'lu .. ' III rldi. Itl'I") "'I'UII,

A.It.Ford C.,. ~::. .. u~::: :I ~~:,~ 19t: : d .. 1 • 1.0j h " .. 11< .. ~~.' 17·· I ....... '1.00 lISCO T .... Fl. ",.1 ~ v

I 2 '" 29 .. tllI' '1.10 .... ,1 •• T .... t.J. c. I';':. A ".,ulIl.l~ •• , ...... 2Nu. • 291 : ' .. a • 1.69 .,ar.,,,' co ...... r.tIO ......

f 5 1 ' '" '" : ~". • •• 45 Wi ..... •• I.. ••• . ' n. If, C

New Low Special Price / 7C

BREAD SUj>reme Milk hHgC • or Soft Twist lonf

Victor Sliced "read .h'll Sr J .... It. M." •••• ' d •• n. ~', .~ ",., ... I .. N •• dl •• H .......... L ... May."nai •• W,t •• II .. ch :::11 Ie

2 ,.,- I3c

'1)1' ~ 9<= J!:: 11e

:' .... 90e

lISCO ~ lSc: 21~~~ 29C A ,,1ftKl 0' the \\' .... hl'. I~'II'" ( '"lfl'" "

Win Cr •• t "1'1';" It ..... 2 I, n 2Sc • "p' flr Inw

rttiQ;·jltn[t.ljIJ1'iI'a(~pm(" CaliforniA FlAming Rad


- H .. · ... 9 . • ... ~a.w. ~

N.rth ••• ter .. ~ "'".. d" !SC ," .. P ... t ••• ' '~" •. ~ ·4 ' ., .... 1ge

. C ... c.rd Gr.,.. ~"~~I lS" 3 •• 11.00 Rylex Stationery D'VILlD CAA •• - I~c • PIPPIA HAIH III tOe

$1.00 ;:i:~t'.~;l"u • 10c 1 FI~~~d·~;. • I5c : 0 RA NG ES t:::~I~':~1a ... 19C

The New Era Office I ~~;;i;"~;~;' ~S~;~;~il~O~';;·~ii·~1~3~I~H~~~d~·~~·oc~' ~11c~"'''iiiiiiiii·iiiil~9~c~i~ .... &11 ... " ...... 1111·.11\·.11\"'.· ..... 0 •• , ........ 11\ .... 111IMi .......... _".IlgeIiOii_ ...... V ..... _ ...



::- ::tt :-.ei'·t:"-: .••• ~!::-. f="';' . ,:..~ c 'ft-o..: ri:. )' ~ 'J ~!e: Y':.i. 1:: .~-• . :~C :: :.a.:..!

The EI&htccnth Sunday aUt. "Inn· ~:;<'.; :;'~/; '~:~";: ... ~~::~~~=-:~:~':.~~: ity. Chu r~h &\"hooJ. lO.OU a.m. v.aF:T, ;,ea..:--!':i i·~~:':':: il· an .: the The .ervl<e, 11.(J0 a.m. A\ thl> 'cr· Pel; .• ·! :· ,~ :" i P~:; .• ~.:::_ j 'cut

vice t'd!lt0f kCJ'Ne will ~peak on tr:;.e· hta :- : i :'f :.: a~ ~_:':: ::. :'e ': 1. hand subJc"t, 'On lIeln~ Que .honed. a:' .';. B~thanl ha~ been en~OurAJled by 7-~ ';"~ -i· .I.e!;; ::,.::~ ... :: 5e:· .. .: e is the hne attenrJanl<! at her servl\:ts. . .:. r; n::..i..:.t! -i ':;~, :::e :I''H~.;!:e. evcry A warm .... elcClme and hearty. Incr.d· ·,';ed",·s;,,-;. .·.er .. ne a: 8 ° c10~1t. ly lellClw5hip aWal\& all who w"r· Tha '-I " .. ;a~e <ii pra ; s~. prayer and Ihlp here. B,bie sn; ~ i \Ve · ... eleorr,e you to

---0- t:~.i ~'!:\l .. e. 1he V •• per Servl"e, 8. C/O. The pas- Th~ .l~"" . . CI-~r les \Vhllten. super-

tor WIll al>eak on, "1 he Go"d Relin ,r. :er.'h~. : "I :he Bridieton dlstflct 01 a (Jv"d KlI1g. · ·Th .. IS the thl. d .... ,ll he pre~nt and addres. the Bible In a .enu Cli me .. ages un 'Great S,r, 'J~1 V'ork. r5 Conference this Per>ondllue" <>1 Ule !llble. We IL· ,": c.,,';aj' e ·.~n :lli . Se;ltember 23. 'at vile al l "'he. "' at" Ult"rmat." r, ar.d ~ 3f; p.T:', All member'S of the school in 'l'li d b.Jfi t,_ C'-" .e and", " , .hlp .... Itn Cc.ard are expected to be pr~ent for u. . the d:nner promptly at 6.30.

' j hiS tvemng a grClur. 01 Luther Mrs. Effie Towner, noted lecturer. Lea~uH b Will attend a r:ull' CJi the .... ,11 appear 111 our Sunday School New j''"cy Lu:her League at Holl Tem"I., thl~ Thursday evening, Sep· Trll1lty Church, Maple Shade. The tember 26 , at 8 o·clock. Mrs. Towner Rev. S. WhIte Rhyne, execuuve IS to review that very remarkable Se"ct81 y "I the f'ansh and Church b" ok "The Nararene" by Sholen Sehoul UoanJ 01 the United States I Alch A9h. Tickets are 25 cents. Lutheran Church WIll be the speaker, I A fine burroundinll pl()lI ram is bein& I CANDY-BURGUNDER .. ranged. All wh() vlan to attend MI&s Jane Anne Burlunder, dauah. arc asked to meet at the church at tel 01 Mr. and Mrs. Budd Burgunder, 7.30. of ~Ol rourth Itreet, became the

I bride of hdwln Shaw Candy, 50n of (;HRISTlAN SCII:.NCE CHURCH Mrs. joseph P. Candy, of Philadel.

First Chu«h 01 Christ, SCIentist Thoma. Ave. at Seventh St,

RIverton, N. J. . Sunday Sthool, 9.30 a.m. Sunday ServIces, II a,m. Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. Readlnl l{oom In Church Buildina

Thomas Ave. and Seventh St., River­ton, ()pen Tuesday and Friday, 2.30 to 04.30.

SACkEI.J HEAIO CHURCH f ()unh and Lmden Avenue

/<".rt()n, U. J .

phla, at 3 o'clock on Saturday, Sep. tember 14, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. john S. Black, of the River­b~nk, Oelanco. The Rev. O . R. WiI­hams, "a. tor of tho Welsh Presby. terian Church performed the cere· many and Min Carrie Quigl played the weddlni mar\:h .•

The bride, who was liven in mar· rialle by her father, wore a gown of white satin, entrain, trimmed with lace. and 8 lon, veil. Her bouquet was of white roses and lilies of the valley.

Mrs, G. Woodburne MacCord, of Palmyra, as matron of honor, wore a iown of deep rose moire. She

Wesleyan Men's Bible Class

.-\.. ~._ .:..!.l.... .- ~ ~:-: ".!\,,; I, ,, ... l..~ l-':I't1: .. t t· ..

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..:~-ers.. In ,n-eu G.a\S 0: lW~e:-~:T :ll-e- r:~~s gf th~ Psa! ..:~c;,. .... 1l.b appr0l"natmeu. "Be "I,e,:,; .:curaie. and He shal: Itt=i".i:e::: tlace hean- P&a.lm 2l ;24.

\V e" are n Ot a1Cjj~ 111 l.Od2~dua.i a..:...! ","crld .;oncern~; thereiore ~ 01 i.x>;i cour'ie.. . He that i. lor us it mott Ul :hat can be aiaimt U1.-

We are a b=d oi ':Oltraieous ~. Iie\'era in and with tbe presence 01 1 leho\·all. tbe Chrlllt. .

Meet wlth .us next Sunday morn. ' In l at 9.50. '

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHI.:RCH RC\'. Gtorge LOCkett, B.D" Pastor

Ser.vices Sundar, September Und. ; B,ble Scho~l 10.00 a.m.-Pre"ara. ,I

lI"ns are be1l1g made tor a grand Rally l.J ay to be held on Sundar. the I lilt;'. when e" <;.orts are beini put iortb I tc ha\'e the largest at\endance in, yea". In order to let off to a good'l' star:, wby not let thIS Sunday be the b~Il,"",ni 01 a mu,h b'llier day next ;;un·j" y I

II1 'Jrnani sen' lce, 11.15 a.m.-"The Go.pel Accordmg to Luk e" has been I announted by the past"r as tne sub- . J«t I" r hIS sermon thIS Sunday. Man I has pr esented Inany verSIons of the gosVel, but we cannot 110 wronll ac­c.ptmg it ft om one who has recorded l it by divine iUldance and insplr~Iion. , Anthems and 5010 by the chOir. I

Evenini service, 7.4S p.m.-Every. j one attendlnll the evcnini service I receives untold benefits. They WIll always hear a fine sermon which of. fers pracucal help for the cOmin,/' week and wlll receive invaluable in­spiration from the association of and contact with Christian friends. See for yourseH. The subject of the ser­mon will be "The TrellurCi in Earthen Vealell."

Wedensday, 8.00 p.m.-Mid-week service. One of the lar,est meetinll for some time was held lut week. If it's the wiU of the membenhlp it can be continued. The Itudy of the book of Mathew will start this week, thus makin, these meetinas of lpe­cial interest to everyone, old or youn,.


Burhnllton PIke

Sunday Mor.1Il1L ;: ,:,,_ ~-:'I ceting lor worship


... ~ :,,', ':' ~ : •. '" ':e ... _t S<t!H tht toll ow· UI' .. • ~· t ~ .. t,· Jta-ey itllrrur, at Mt. ~". " t • •

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i.llf ,'q. Y h . !Uti!' '":: I':' 11 lle, nor

startlni at 8.30 o'clock. New oilice", 101 the year will be elected. There will be a discussion on the ora ani­zalion's plans Jar the }'~ar which will include a dance 10 be held at the Medlord Lodge late in October. AU ' members are requested to make an effort to attend this meetini, Any graduate of Palmyra High School \\ ho may be interested in joinini the group is IIwited to be present.


l.t( :j:Jl~ ·'I:t! .' I .... IIl: ·· ..... ,t: ..

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:J , otlllU.I·' f't ,",,'J.! : - 'd~ '" t:lL.~h :I( I, ,' : ~' ;.1:.:-C';\,.;.: (on ..

Two non·skld Items: A new paint that c<ln be applied to any type Boor to loran a durable, granular, non· slip surface, without using ground glall or sand or other abrasive; and a

., I,a thtub with a serpentine·embossed bottom that gives a firm, Ifnslippery Icothold . , . A shortage oi weddin& ranlls as a result of the p'ending con­scnption bIll: one company whose rroJuction has been stepped to to i.~OO rings a day is unable to keep up with the demand,

l1t:t!'''II~tn, :'IU'f :'('~ ~':'I!o.! -:.: t:':~ ~~c · , I:IH!'·'I:! f1:fl"1': : ,:,," ~~ :",2: : C'i : :l1"UH:I1Jt I!" ;.: 11Un11'IUf-- I~I "':'I': .:!..: ::C't

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..:.., ; ': :':l! IHlltfl!" '!l1H o:'.tlU;:,I:"l;r ~1:.& l' "!,' : .:t!':mam .... ~ ,"::.~:.::'

God is li\'lOg. working atill, All thlOgs work and move;

"'ork. or lose the power to will, Lose the power to love.

. -Dwlaht.

7::ere is a destiny which make. U8 .~:; ::ten; N one goes his way alone.

Edwin Markham.

Exceeding Speed Limit Tops Death Cause List

. ,r... ~? "",::: .. . rrll~ wa ..; SF! .. !.~e ~;·;~~~3t ~. ;,I!:-e C'au~e of

'..:;:-: t.a) r:",,, ::' &f,.j ir,j-..lTY "tl ~ ~,.. ·.I:;,=::~ ~o.:o~ ·:r:. "l- .. r: ........ ;: !~, ' -1

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•. ~ :~c l'?;;.I st)Lcd Ln'. : (' .. ~;"d Or,\? dea:~ out of en,," , :.'iN:t a;::l t"';~t ~ .. ef!ci "!r.r.j gn:~t fnr exYing cor.ll,t:Cjns" c~u,~d nine OUl of eveI')' :en deaths. the b,,·):let a~"firts 'hal "untl! dri\'~I'~ learn what Fpl"ed !inlas mean we must !'''Pf'ct t., c"unt the rlpal" prs fnil,,1 10 l' ''l'rt· .. e caution "nnually 111 Ii'.!! t 't ) u~ands and (' whpn a q.I<"t,nn of nAhl-of-way njurod In hundf(,d~ of I:,,··: · ·.\'as IIl \·Qlved. and 11.6 per cent

·;)"<is" d lhe accidcllis were caused 'hre than 36 r~r cent 01 . !I wll('l1 drivers ,,"pnt off the rond-

11I ~h " :03y deat h9 ' '1 1939 were Ih~ ' way r ' suit Clf excl "I\'e 'p(cci A' ,.ut I 'fhe> inslirilll<'e <'OllJpan)' is !lis-15 n~r lent \O:~re cal:' J by I . ~ - tnbut lfll1 1\\'0 and one-hal( mil­l!' .•. ; drl\'lng and an~t\lC'r 15 per lion cupies of Its booklet gratis t'nt )':!'rC! due to drt\'lng on tile this year as its contribution 10 PIe

.\Tong ,Ide of the road In 135 per calise oC street and hlgh ',\'ay 'ent of the one or both cl ri ,,- saf!'ty

Re\', JClhn f . Wel.h, Vast()r Rev. '! h"ma T Barry, A\,t I'a'tor

bUild., Ma,sCI-7, ~, and 10.30 o'clock.

wore plt1k rose. In her hair. arranged To do as you would be done by, il "'.~~~ .. ~~ .... _,..._ .. halCl err ect, and an aqua face veil the rlain, sure, and undllputed rule I': '" ~~~ u a 0 ~ DO ~

1.J'1I1y Ma •• es, 7 and 7.45 a.m. C"nl e"ICIIl.-Saturday, J.4's to 's.4S

and 7JIJ till 'J p.m.

II er bClIl'lu~t was of pink rosel. of morality and jUltice.-Lord Ches- ~,

Mr!. William Cooper and M,.. terfield. j! THE NEW ER :-:ra:!~ a:·brl~:~!~7ci .. ~~p:'~::th; I 'i~ A frocks of the .ame Ihade a. that of

The annual lony hour. devCltlon the matron of honCor with halo. of ' will .tart thl. Sunday WIth • High yellow rOles which 'allo comprlled I ~ PubllahH More Local Newt of Palmyra, Riverton and Ma .. and PrCJle'~lon at lO.30 o·d()ck. I their bouquet •. Servleu WIll be at 7.4S Sundey even-, Albert O. Stok .. , or Merion, Pe.. Cinnaminaon than ANY OTHER PAPER ina. . I serve<l as but man end Budd Bur-

Monday. mornlni Muse. WIll ~ It lunder, Jr" brother or the bride, end Circulated In This Vicinity. 6 and B 0 clock and .ervlces at 7.45 I John S. Bleck, Jr., toulln of the Corletl, linll ... bruIIere. or Mondey eventn&. Mallei on TUH' bride were ulhen. oae-plece a-ta ... ~ day will be et 6 end II o'do<k w!th Aft'er. reccptlon et the home of eel ndallnl, 'or rour· l.-rre a Hl,h M .... laklna pIece e.t 8, with Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. Candy end at Ita ta.t. a procuslon. AdoretJOn Will be all hi.' bride left for e trip to New Mrs. L M. MJ"m~ day Sundey end Mondey. York and Boston. ,,\,0 1

Confnlionl for the lorty houra They will be at horne efter Bep- . c:-.w. aN ....... will be Seturdey afternoon from 3.4S tember n et 15215 Meln .treet. , .. HIPIM4l A__ ....,.. to 5.04S end 7.30 to 9 p.m. Ind Sunday ...... -..- '" and Mondey 3."S to S."S. Mondey mornln, fr()m JO to 11 o'clock. Con. f ... lon. will b. held et the conclu­alon of the .. nicel Bund." and Mon. dey even in, •. ------CHRIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL

Riverton, N. J. ...... renc:ll B. Downl, Th.B.

lunday, Sept.mber 22. ltI,htHllth lundey elter Trlnlt,.. • e.m. Holy ComlDunioa. U a.m. Mornina Preyer and Ia­-. lunda)' Ichool be,m. September ...

Since 1918, over 200,000 product. entirely new to .. enklnd he .. e corne from Arnetleen lebotetorln.

451 Permanent ~ P08itions

r.!i~~~en. --:..:r .. 'i ItUJ_ t1aID" It ........ ....... .... .- IU ...... 1Ir., .. _ .t •••• u 'ee.J." u...,. __ * ........ .1 ." •• , .... • t •• '" ... II., • -.G I "t. '" ...... rail.

Straver', IUI'n... Schill lin C"'I_ I. '--- _

-" ... .., WHW .... ,· .... · ,.IILA" .. "

Ethel's Beauty Salon SII Howard Itreet


PbODI Rlvertaa IDIG


WAVING ...... t .. Culture 10 AU Ite Braacbea

Padala -S BodJ .......


0tIaer AetlwldH More Ort...., PIctutI .....

MOlt Weekly .. ,.... •

V ...... 1e ltore N_e Pr_teel Ie_ IDterwtiq, Reedable 11_

By readIat The New Bra replarly you can keep Informed .bout )'OUr COIDIDUnlty air ..... and the IDeI'Cbant





l'eatUlcd ill the "pertacular levuc to be ,w&ed nil:htly at Lhe New Jersey State I ;,ir. '11 L nt·.n. i" a lIumber in which Will appcar the three nll~SCS pk": ' :'t1 ilIJU\ ·C. J ilcy arc Kathlcett Cronin, Rosell'l:lI'Y Dunn and Helcnctta Wonlan . The fair opens Sunday, Seplembel' 22, and cl06es Seplember 2H.


WORM TURNS , ' I creased professional emphasis on BLUE LAWS ENFORCED diagnos" are producing results in Palmyra's blue laws were rigidly

I "The worm turned" down in Ten- cancer control. enforce~ last Sunday. when the nessee recently. the Key"tone Auto· A study of cancer cases in one has. ttl' nni~ cbourts 1111 that community were

Imobile Club reports. and a pedes. c oseu y po ice as a result of com· pital showed that in 1920 fifty.four pla'lnts by local resl'dents who I'n trian who was ~he real cause of an ' -

automobile accident was held reo per cent of the cases of breast can· siMed that the regulations be co-'bl b h S C cer arrived too late for treatment, iv' ccd to the letter.

sponsl C y t e upreme OUI t and Attention is being focussed on the ordered to pay damalles to an in· but in 1937 only 13 per cent arrived situation since it is understood that jured motorist. too late for operative treatment. a petition is being circulated askin&

Key.rone Motodst, official publi- This indicates that education which Council to put the Sonday q-uestion cation of the Club, gives details in induces people to visit their physi. on the ballot at the General Elcction. an article which says: clan early in .\,\1e pI esence of sus· The petition asks that Sunday

"Evcryone knows, that the law peeted IIldlcallon, of cancer IS of sports be permitted, but would not will enforce the pedestrian's right to life·saving valllc. perlnit open movies or the ,ale of courtesy and 'are from the motorist. 1n Ma"'" 'husetts a cancer educa. , liquor on the Sabbath. What some person. do not seem to tion;t! j)1'U&ral1l for the gelleral pub. ' reali~c is that the pedestrian owes Ii, was ill5tlllllcd by the state de· 1 ==-.. the "amC duty of courlesy alld care parlment of public health ill 1934'1 NEW to the motorist, and that the courts Each cOll5ccuti ve year from 1934

1 will impose the same penalties upon through J 939 a <i~cline in the mor. (.ardcss and inconsuJerale Jlc(]estri- lalily rflte of can~cr in wOmen hns' j

SNOW SEASON. :lns as upon the samt: kind uf auto~ been rc(o:(k,l· in Massa~huselts. i

lUobile drivers." Public health oilldais in Ma ssachu. I CircumNlancts of the case are re- ~('tt~ attnhlltcs thi s de~hnc to a

Idted as follows: ,el' educatIonal program for the gen'j Get Judgment eral nubllc t hat has heen extensive,

intcn ~h·e. :tnd sustained. !

A motorist was proceeding along Thill !c;;(UI c b I.rcparcd by the a highway with his eRr under con· Bullingtoll Cuul1ty Medical Society Frill;! \, In ,i Saturday. Sept. 20.21 trol. He observed a man standing, and thc M~rlicnl ~o"cty of New I IT'S lIIFFERENT ... DELlGHT-alongSIde a parked car talkmG to Jersey. !FUL .. OIlRI ',G. TH~ the oo;cupsnts. There was plenty of I MIRAC' E ML'SICAL . room to pass in safety, and it was I THE=g:~~~91~ obvious thc pedestrian was aware of • = the ~ar's approach. When the: auto- I ''IT ANT-ADS . BOYS from mobIle was only a shol t dl>tance . YY .R. ~ . away, .the pedest.riall str?de. out into i LOST AND POUND-RENTS-SALES ~\ : 'S"RACUSE the hIghway, directly III Its path., HELP WAMTED . f I' .

In an effort to avoid striking him CUOWI'IIID ADWRTISBMJlNTI .. • ... AllAN JONES . the driver ran oil the road. His car ! MARTHA RAYE was wrecked and he was injured. Rate JOe Per Line JOE PENNER

Investigation disclosed that the (L" A ..... ~ , WonIo) __ • _ _ _

pedestrian in this instance was a _l1li1 Cbarce JOe lor - Ad Extra-Full Length Feature strong. minded individual who be- Phone 712 Iieved in sticking up for his rights. I I He had heard somewhere thot pedes- GIRL desires job as mother's, help. , trians have superior rights on the er or half· time work. Phone Riv- : highway. and he made a practice of erton 1198.

-Saturday Matinee Only­



walking in front of carll and shout­ing abuse at drivers. The case was carried all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled that the pedes­trian's conduct was unjustifiable. A judgment of $1,150 a&ainst him was

WOMAN ATTEND~--;(;;~ -;rac. Also-"Women in H!ding latest of tical nurse) desired for invalid. 1 "Crime Doesn t Pay"


SPEECH CLASSES Miss Carolyn E. Bauer, of .S15

Maple avenue, annQun<:es the open­ing of classes in speech and dramatic

Light work. Phone Riverton 902. S;;nday and Monday, Sept. 22-23 \I·19·lt I

;OR SALE: . Sideboard and ohina! closet in good condition. 2 Fourth '

street, Phone 879.M. :

WANTED: White girl, general i housework, live in. $6 week. Write '

A .. ~"INQ ca- he,"'­_ ".,IIU

I art, Miss Bauer, a Palmyra High School graduate is now attending Glassboro State Teachers College. She wishes to instruct a class to fltr­ther her dramatic art and, for this I reason, rates will be low and classes will be instructed on Saturdays only.

Box "B" New Era. 9-19-11

I U; ~§!.!fb21!' COPJI,';ghi J.;lcc.rlral U'or'd.

T"" friendly lineman .. y.: Fellow., did you ever atop to think what might heppon to you " that kIte .trlng or youra tangled wit" one of thoae "Ig" voltege IInea-upeela"y If the atrlng happen. to be wet? Wel" eome or you might get badly hurt-ol e IIno might be put out of commission thet gIve. light to e hoapltal alek room, city flre pumpa and faetorl .... To oct lervlce atarted egaln linemen like me "ave to rl.k their live. nIght and dey. So, be cereful where you fly your kit .. and keop ewey fro .. power linea. And, by the way, for greater safety,

I The course of instruction will include pronltnciation, speech, dect/on and dramatics.

aee that there la no metal uaed In kite frame, tall or atrlng.

trom all wi res, poles, 18r~e trees, lorge stones, dlt~hes and other ohsl al'1~ •.

Never ahall I lIy lilY kite from the root ot OilY blll\dlll~

or ell'Valed 11I~INure n. a toll mlp;ht criliple IIIC ror llte.

I shllll not fly my k il P on IItl' (l('LII or hfc:.h\\,!l~·s or wh. ft'

I rnll be InJllr ... 1 by mll"III<: \'" blrlp~.

All those between the aaes of three and twenty who are interested are asked to call Riverton 316 or write Miss Bauer in care of Olasa­boro State Teachers Colleae for in­formation at Glassboro, N. J.

Classes are scheduled to start about October 1. and re&istratlon will take place durin& the month of Scp­tcm~r.

Cancer Education Produces Lower Mortality Rate Among Women.

KITE Ff_YING la gl'pat ~(lort. but Ilk" any othpr gnme It ... n be hu· erdoull If certain o 1111 I' Ie rules of safety arB 1I0t 0\)8"rveci. However, well'llhllanpd ~,llIcatlnn,,1 c.tIIl,al,,;na ro" r~l'ed O\'pr the years by varloua aatplY 01·,;" ,,17atI0Ils, civic groulls. ul illty "Ollll,olllea, 8~h,,0Is and oth"I"!4 hn\re dh'pelpd Ihe 8tlcI1rion

of \'IllIcll'"n to Ihe dOlls" rs, and the "n y ~ allll lids have h~,~ded the .... Jrnlng •.

It,collis show thut not onc talal al"' ldpIII, dh·"" tly Ptlrlhlliuble to 11\'1., "rillA', bn. or,·ul·I·"d In N~w JI ..... y ,III InA' 1118 I,",t p",h~ yrlll·S.

Shonld my kill' hrp:lk U\\;IY anfl 10(I ~c III fI:I~' Wlr()M 'u' 131'q" trpcs. 1 ehan 1.1·: \\'1-: IT TJI t:HF.. It ts hl l lll',' to 11)1o;t' til)'

klta thon my lit ,'.

Education of the public with reo, iard to cancer coupled with in·

I, in&1on avenue, or call Carl Lutz, I Riverton 049.

Thp 'I,lte }'IYf"ra" f;.ltt'l)' Lr~II'"

"',.~ t"fll'l\mht"tI a'" a f,· ;\ture or lh i ~ ~u!!,t). f',hu.'.ul"nal "'A 1,rk. 118 llrj&o

Cl,; l"" Ult' :

l\.; "U'f" BU'I'";" I 1'11 . 11 tt (' 0'11\' n tqr)1I' fl"'·I. !,I ·y(·r wHI I U S"" \\ I I', \\ t't ('I' tl or cunl Yoilh

:-: ,'lllll'r .hall , dlllh :I'll pO!"! to ,(·tlij~ 't~ I I' ~' 1. 'f' , n" tl r,. w a ~lnUf\. a~' 'hl'd t'" I' ,1rill.';. f'I' t' r wil'j'K, T.l I: J

may ('nn ~ ' d t"c'tr~c ~1:" " DIl' or to III)' t iJ'II~':lId

\\'11'''' t)P'''1 ftl It 1 II w'de h m't!:ht COIJh' i of t!l lot N.H t\· (., :1

(":tU ~ (' III J 'n' In an t"" c'ft'i,:11 11(h.1l-r ll1u ~: r,l'h~' tit the Joo j' j •• A' I," !1 (n' ""'tl"n tlt ,-, i1 · rlt." or both RIII':t!,}" (,- fra lll •. r! ur ~W.: f 11 UPl,1I l It " \; win II or IUJ;" (III lJ11Ht 'lu h .' I"" tn 1\' j'I' ! .• , J ('qU ',"lI1 III i hy apt,l)' JHK In th,' Ii 111.1111.' III OJ

\'. llt:l 'fiytll:; 111)' 1.111- I ,.11:111 IU(.IY Pllu .. t s· I' S '·1 \ .' ch')l)tSC a JI-vI ,l oSu ·n t-ll:U.· {1{>8 \')-:)l·f.:trlc a:ld (;;1." l Ifllll •• a>', .~ C \\'l r_.


The PeJmyra Red Devils will pl"y their first ,eme the first werkend in October end plan to mga,e e num· ber of the Itron, Philadelphie end South Jerae)' rlevm. thia IftllOll.

Some of those listed to play on this year'. team include Dante Mmto, guard; Bill Devinney. center; AI Sacca, end; Chari" Cardea, end: John Bromne, Bart Bornehell, teckle; Joe Pirraroll. taclde; She.. end; Paul Niealto, fullback; Tom PierarOll. Jeck Holmes, center; Joe Holm ... half-back: Bill Al1Itoc:k, tadIL


PALMYRA Bowling Alleys

Broad and Morlan. Palmyn





'II ..... ~wwt.CQ~ Matinee Daily al 2.00 p.m

~ening, 7.00-9.00 o'clo_c~

THURSDAY, September 19



Untamed Free to the Ladies

The CREAMER of the Tia Juana Breakfast Set

FRIDAY and SATURDAY September 20·21



They Drive By Night -Saturday Matin~e O ;,ly-


MONDAY amI TUES!'AY 5el'l~l1lbrr 23· 2~


JOE I'r.~; N ER In

The Boys from Syracuse -M, ·n.t.y Onl}'­

Frer Gilt. to the La,lIes

w~:nNI:Sl)AY . THURSDAY September 2$-26


Gold Rush Maisie -A,lded-

THE MARCH OF TINE-"The GU~"'a)'~ t" P~nam~"

CAlf PAct , ruN" I;' .l . t,"' ...... ..: t. !, .. r"s • MUkU ( 'iV:~: ~. :~;.'.r.o~,

Tuesday and Wednesday. S, \,t. 24·25 FREE to the Ladies MEX1CALI

Luncheon Set -On Our Screen-




Ann Sotf7~rn I·r I .

1 hoP'" ' ..1

.. ,.oW WAS I TO KNOW'"

A b. ... utdlJ' "r'·. _nUllO,

."J'II'f"~ ..,th W .un .. ba .. d ,k. found C"",t '0<0

Paul HeWer will be the head coach of the eleYeIl end will be .... ted b,. Carl Latw and AI Tbomu. Mr. Lutw, wiD aIao be the booldnc aaent. Dante IIeato wllI be captala; J .... n HeIl­-. 1nItIIIIrer; ..... Frtlbitore, traID-

Paul Hellier IUtn that then II I .tiD • chance fOC' thOle lot""'" 10 I joiainc tbi. ,.ear'1 c1ub _ to _-tact blID .t hiI boaae at 101 W .....

CALL IllS Thursday-LeLlir. m~y ha\C their choice 01 eny i(~m of the na Juana Breakfast aet while the,. IAlt. V.araat\' '·.anlht' MU"$\,.l .'ld

M .. danl). IlIustratC"d ••


OBITUARIES I respond as you have. I I' PAPER COLLECTION cerely hope that you will continue to I

. WILL CONTINUE Collections for thi$ week will be

I from Cinnaminson avenue to Elm

.. ------------.... In view of the wonderful response a~enue, and the Railroad to the ·PHILA.

MICHAEL CAMARDO by the citizens of Palmyra. and Riv- RIver BlIDk. -Palmyra Fire Co. erton to the appeal for newspapers

and magazines, the Palmyra Fire De­partment has redoubled its efforts in its collectinK so that it can cover


Michael Camardo, 25. beloved hUI­band of Rose Camarda, (nee Col­onna) and son of Mr. and Mrs.. Mario Camarda, of 473 Market street, Pal­myra, died Wednesday mominc,


September 18, at the home of his the entire town in one month. parents. Because of the work involved in

Relatives and friends arc invited to coverinK Palmyra alone we feci that the funeral services Saturday at 8 to canvass Riverton also would b~ a.m., with High Mass at the Church out of the .question. Nevertheless, of the Sacred Heart at 9 o'clock. the Fire Department will make "spe­

Interment will be made in St. cial Ca"s to Riverton for those who Peter's Cemetery, Riverside. wish them if they, wiU kindly notify

Besides his wife and parents, the them by a post card ~r letter.

Thirty yean aKo there was a prise of '10.000 offered for the first II1IC­cessful airplane Right from New York to Albany. There's one indus· try in which Kiant sirides have been made in less than a ~ingle . life-time I

The average printer annually fills in nearly 3.000 spaces on govern­ment tax blanks. And in connection wilh the filling·in of these forms, there are more than 30.000 words of instructions for him to read.



PALMYRA, N. J. Phone 1200



deceased is survived by four brothers The committee in charge also and one sister. , wishes to state that because of this

splendid cooperation they have found Mankind will be God.governed in ERNEST WILLIS I in difficult to finish an area on the, proportion as God's government be. TENDER. STRINGLESS

. . Saturday designated and in some I comes apparent. the Golden rule GREEN BEANS d' ~rne9t F~~ltls. ~f 314 Penn street, cases wilt have to extend the colJu. ! utIlized. and the rIghts of man and 2 lb ISe '~ on I rI aY'1 eptember 13. tlOns to the week following. I the liberty of conscience held

M udnera serv ces f were held on The members of the company sin . . sacred.-Mary Baker Eddy. --. .----__



CARS on ay at 2 p m. rom the Snover I FANCY WHITE

F~:~~~~~~m!as made in Wrights-' - ._-o=,:=--=-= • ~ -=-.=.~ -:: _ ::. -=~ /ONIONS for CREAMING ville Cemetery. 3 lb I4c

The deceased is survived by his

... Koerner's Baked Goods ... and by little· used we mean cars that have the best of perform­ance left in them, cars that will give thousands upon thousands' of miles of trouble-free, econ­omical transportation to their new owners.

lather and lou ... brothers.


Five local young men were among the top ten to graduate from the CIvil Aeronautics Authority ground school at exercises held in the Pal. myra High School auditorium last Friday evening. Each of the ten graduates will receive 35 hours of in. struction in the air at the Palmyra Airport under a trained intructor.

The new Oldsmobiles have, of course, brought us a few later model used cars. Each has been carefully checked for safety fea­tures and performance. Flying scholarships were awarded

to the following local men: William S. Verner, Charles Hawkins, William S. Webster and Arthur B. Faunce, of Palmyra, and William P. JCinley. of Riverton.

See These ·Today! •

1940 Oldsmobile Ward Presides "70" Series 4.DOOR SEDAN- John F. Ward, Mayo~ of PalmyCi. White side wall tires. underseat preSIded at the exercIses and. ad· healer and defrosters, push but. dresses were made by the followlIlK: I ton radio. All of the DeLuxe Lieut. Com. James B. Ryan, U. S. Accessory miles. I Navy; former Captain Harold West, I

• New Jersey National Guard; James

1940 Old b"1 1'. Hughes, instructor at Palmyra smo I e High School and Chairman of the "70" 2·DOOR SEDAN-Radio, local. sponsoring co~ttee; former heater (underseat type and de- Shenff George N. WImer and Coun­frosters), complete DeLuxe cilmen William F. Engle and T. Cur. Equipment. A beautiful car. tis Flynn.

• This class with a membership of

1939 Old b'l 54 is believed to be the first of its smo I e kind to 'guduate in the State of New 2 DOOR "60" Series-Heater 16,000 miles. A car owned ~ Riverton. This is a real buy.

• 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe MASTER TOWN SEDAN-This is really a dandy automobile. ' It has been kept beautifully clean inside and out and is mechanically perfect.

Jersey. Mayor Ward stated that he believed another would be started SOon providing those reach inc the top give altsurances that they will hold themselves ready for duty in the event of a call from the Govern. ment.


1938 PI th Jleadquarters S7th In/antry Bri· ymou g~dc, Camden, now has in ils rank~ 4·DOOR TRUNK SEDAN-A t"eh:e men from the~e communities. v~':Y nice car and in perfect con-I F rOm Palmyra the Kroup includes I clition. I Captain James Davidson, a formct'

• rc.,dent; i:nuJ R. Bohus, James Dur. ,

1938 5t d b k . ham and Frank Walhama. U e a er I Those from Riverton are Walter

BROUGHAM - Radio, heater • . M. BO>llen, Bernard Martin, William Commander series. A ,ood car. Rowan and John and William

• Mathew •.

193 7 5tud b k Russell Schoerner, R. E. William. e a er and Ralph Willis comprise the Cu,. Commander 4-DOOR SEDAN-I nammson contingent. This car we un recommend very , hichly U we Imow the car u EXECUTIVE BOARD OF k.ell as the former owner Imew . CINNAMINSON P.T.A./

II • Tbe new exeeutin board of the '" 1936 T I Cmnaminson P.T.A. bn been named , errap ane for the 1940-41 season.

SEDAN _ Good economical The officers are Mrs.. Lc&1ic W. transportation and priced ricbt Reeves. president; MrL J. K.. Taylor, for a quick ute. &ccretary; Mrs.. Thomu Bromley.

• treasure-: Mr .. A. Stowe, vice presi-

DeSo dmL 1935 to Committee dWrmcn include M ....

4-DOOR SEDAN _ Som ..... :-- William Kennard, mmabenbip; ...... , ~- Josepb Grant and IIr .. Leon Epn,

llleapensive to buy and maintain. hospitality; lin. W. Glu),,,, .publica. J • tiona; ...... Vietor Je-. propua;

'JAR' DAWLEY, Inc :~c:= .. ~~t::U:~ ~ I \,1\ llood and II .... T. W. Evaul, '"Sam- i

so fresh and delicious will k.eep your popularity as .the

family's purchasing agent "ace high:' . Make it a point

to rely on Koerner's for the tasy, fancy touches in your

daily diet.

·e· , '~ ',

~... . ~ ..

,i: (M(".~\ ,I > (.; {1





Now that School Has Started KEEP THE BREAD BOX FILLED WITH






6-lb bag 25c CALIFORNIA

TOKAY GRAPES S-lb 2Se -- Ib 6e


BUTTER 2 Ibs 6Ic

(Farm Roll)

PRESH O-P-E-N~E-D-----­

SALT OYSTERS stewing doz. Ige

large frying doz. 33e FRESH LUMP CRAB MEAT ............ Ib 39c

Ie Sale le Sale Kellogg's GRAPE JUICE

qt ............................... 29c pt ........................ _..... Ie Koerner's invite you to visit their newly remod~led store at I

362~ Westfield avenue. Camden-a truly modern and strictly

KOERNER'S BAKERY I-S-A~-~t-Fi-i;-~-!i-_eo-r 307 East Broad Street Palmyra

Telephone 1503

Reg.rdIeu pf price. you CMnot buy. better houM ~int. From to _t, "- _ • ra MOd .,.int.,.. ... ". p'o.wl tt..t its be.uty .net protection YEARS long .... See ita rich lui body. com.,.. in formula.. s.. ..... f., it ipte.da. how ""idly it CO\IWL St.,. colorful .net f ...... WOft't blid ... cw peel.


GRANULATED SUGAR 1O-1b bag 4Se ----_.- - -- --.-

HEINZ BABY FOODS (strained) 3 cans 20c (chopped) 3 cans 25e


Blueberries ................. box 23c BIRDS EYE Strawberries ..... _ ........ box 23e REAL VALUE


Legs of Lamb Ib 29c

5 to 7 Ib ave. Each lee .tamped Swift'. PrcmjQJD,

thu UllUrine )'ou of cettin& FIRST GRJUOB ~B


Shldl of Pork

Ib 19c IWIPT'I

Tenderized Haml I9clb

SIwaIr Half - 6 to 7 Ib AYe.

OLDS·1I0BILB • ma- R-.!.Up": ...... Percy Hotcb- . tia. tt ...... 1atioa; II.... Le8ter I

10 Broad Street Riverton Steele. ways and m_; and M .... I Teirphone Harry Prank, '-Ith and ... ~.

ltiwcrtoft 1212 or lIercbantWle 510

What we have inua ol the imaae I 01 God is the love 01 trath aDd jua­tite.-Demo.theoe&.


J. T. EV ANS CO. :: Riverton 302



/Roa'ting Chickens

YITA-YAR II~!I' PAINTS 35clb 5-~ ....

"The world will be nearer the Millenium when making war becomea as hard as making peace."

51st Year No. 36





Election Boards will meet in the UayliKht Savings Time ends at various local polling places on Tuea· Revue Planned Here midlliifht on Saturday of this weelC day, October 15. from 1 to 9 p.m. and e.very one gains an hour thereby.


'" 5t KOt.O(,·Y SP.2 t ..... V \.I dU"'1 ht. r

1001 ... 1.1. thO p •• p~1-ju.t • I«tlc mo~'n hall I



to reKister voters. Don't forget to turn your docks This will be the only opportunity Additional information concerning back an hour bdore retiring. Riverton - Cinnaminson

Congressman Short Points to before the General Election for those "On Our Way," educational revue, Organization Names Danger of Dictatorship . d d Lo 1 Ph 1 0 hOff'

In Third Term not reglstere t~so. I to be pre.e~ted in the Palmyra High ; ca a anx t er Icers . . b School audllonum on October 16 The Riverton·Cinnaminson WiIlkl. H on. Dewey Short, member of Registration 01 male cItizens e· . ' '1 .... t t S

tween the ages of 21 and 35 will 17, 18 and 19 was announced thIS oJ ar season for President Club was formally or-C(;ngress from Missouri, was the take place on Wednesday, October' week. burton COllw~y wa. ele~ted presi. Kanized on Monday night of thle chief speaker at the Republican din- 16. Choruses i dent at the Phalanx Fraternity of week. when a most interested crollp ner held at the Riverton Country j-illmyra.R,venon on the occaSIon of . __ I

M· D h M D' I'll on of residents in this section un ...... Club last Friday niKht, which wa,. R C I ISS orot y . lener w c - the group's f,r.t mectiuK 01 lhe neW ev. orSon s duct all the ~evue. At the "eason held on Monday evening, at mously named C. SinKleton Mean attended by zoo cuests. k present time she lij tralmng a stude?t the homc at the rClinng president, aG president of the 10cIII unit.

Congressman Short, who was in- Rotary Spea er , and an adult chorus. She w~ Thoma. CahIll. Other olhce,.. c;)ected Other officers elected were: Robert troduj:ed by Concressman D. Lane . I be a,slst~d by Mrs. Harry R. G~il'l "'tIe L. C. Guest, Jr .. v"e pre.ident G. Adams, vice president; Dou,la. Powers, of the Fourth ConKreasional . I and VIrginIa .Mlles, as accompamst. I anu program director and Thomas District of New Jeney, as the creat- .R~v. Lynn H. CorBan, a MethodIst I The {ollowing assistant direct.o~.1 P. Asay. secretary.tre'asurer. Guest Beck Tyler, treaaurer and E. A. est orator in the United States, was minister (~om Trenton, addressed .10. and committees have been appomt- I succeeds himself as vice president, Goddard, secretary. unique in manner and direct and cal Rotanans. at last weeks m~etmK cd; I with new duties of directinK the I Clarence W. Rodman WIS III­forceful in speech. .' on "My I!,usmess. and the Firm I Mr •. Walter Pew, orchestra; Mias . Kroup's proKram, while Hardy Alay pointed chairman of the membershtp

The pointed out the Represe':'t. lnf hlbs n~vel presentah • Beatrice MattillOn, dances; Mi.s · retires as secretary.treasurer. committee, while the publicity com-. f . th' tr tion de8lKned or usmess men, e Ed K ,i' I . It' d f AI d B rlpl~ trend 0 dev~ta m ;: C?W; ~ likened the Christian Church to a· ;.a z. lel

g ~r, .c~nery;.. The evenlnK's Ket.tocether was one ~~ etl '~ c~m~~s~ Gould e:~ ;~e~ ~eadJQ.gtowar ad ctatodrlh.Pbln ac IKreat firm, and cleverly maintained SI8S ledge~s .aSslsBtan atre'

J h of hearty re-acquaintance after a . r


Wo'M 8tzV •

if not an name, an urge 18 earera . h h t. tage e8lgn. arKean a n 10nK summer of separation and lnac. enc . e ger. to tell their friendl that the election I theAfcompansond t broUtKJ au founder Faunce, Mr. E. Nelson Stevens, MrL tivitv and ';'ith this spirit of con "en·

W'llki h I ter a war a ou eSU8, . V d M Ed d S hill " • All Invited of W~~ell~. I e to t e pres - of the firm which had such. humble EunIce oKt, an r. war. C iality releninK supreme the ":,ember. dency m.ean t the pre.servation of be innin 8, and had twelve saleamen The latter ~~o from the. F?otlightcra. jumped off to a c ood at art In plan. The next session will be held It the Ameracan way of life, and that I g kl

g th Id M Carlon arc supervlsmg the pamtmg of tho ninr and outlininK the ,roup's ac- 8 o'clock on Monday eveninK of

btl defeat meant God knows what." to tac. e e . wt.or it r •. t d out scenery. Frank Stewart, a &raduate tivitles for the cominc 8e8l0n. nexf week, in the Riverton Countll' . _ ISwunc Into .staus ICS. e P?ID e of the Palmyra High School is also Club. All residents of Riverton anel House Control that one-tblrd of the world a popuJa- assi9tini aided by the followinK stu. 1'0 Span lor Forum Cinnaminlon who are interested IA

. db' tion are eUatomera, and that 350,000 h I I f M W'llk' He further palDte out t at .lDeo beinK added. There arc dents; AI to matters of interest and edu. tee ect on a r. I Ie are re-all appropriation and tax measures ~~~ ~arb::ch offices or churches a Ray Stevena, Harold Moody, Ethel cation, the Group will apon.or a quested to attend. Ladles are espe­oriainate in the Houae of Re~re- Iik' number of educational instilu- Cummings, Harriet SmaIley, William I forum lometime this fall or carly cially invited and it Is planned to .del IICDtativea, it is of th~ UtmOlt lID- tiO~s 15,000 bospital., a pre •• that Nuttall, William Hall. . . wintc;r, eIther brinKID, ·to the pub- a woman vice president to the ro.ter

.parlance that Republi.cana control h fift to sixty million people . The Make.up Committee conslitII . lic a debate on IIOme important que.. of officers. the House and creaUy Increase their ~:cA:erlc~ alone and literature of Thelma Fisher and Dorothy May., uon I!oncernin& world alIain, .uch u Thoae in attendance at the meet-representation in tbe Senate. ~ ltd' t 1000' languaarel. from the £ootlichlers and the fol- a dewte on "conaeription," or a dis· ing this week were: ~amel S. Coale,

He said he liked to address u a rans a e IDD~velopment 10winK students: I cuslion baaed on lome local IItll. Walter T. Blyler. C. Slngleton Mear .. croup like thll," beuule it is the The development of the Chri.tian Marilouise ~aker.. Janet . Carlan. alion, such al "Super M~rketin.c I Howard W. ROlrcrs. Alexander F. malt dangerous-"respectable, .Ieek Church wall likened to the expansion ' LOUIse Rahelic, Richard Mallory, : verlU. Independent Grocer. . ThiS, Wood. 3rd, DouK!as Beck Tyler, Eo and comfortable." "You are tho of a business, and· as examples of Ann Sparks. I worthwhile endeavor was introduced A Goddard. DaVId F. Go~ld. S. R. kind," he IBid, "who play coif, or men who were outstanding in spread- Costumes: Mfa. Dorothea W. by the ,roup last 6pnnK and re. Coale, Robert G. Adams. Vlrtor Rlt­cive a tea or a bridKe party or ao to inK its name across the world, Mr. Holder, Miss Kathryn J. McCutch-1 ceived favorable comment throuKh-lschard •. Clarence W. Rodman and .1Iermuda, on election day, and a man Corson mentioned St. Paul, St. eon. . out the community. A committee, FrederIck W. Metz,er. aS woman who thus shirks his or her AUiustine St Boniface of old and I Publicity: Meyer Millman, Lester I consistinK of Henry DeHall, Earl duty to their country a~d it. institu- I William Care~, LivinKstone, Sbanley . A. Harker, ~iss Emma D. Sawyer, Whitcraft and Robert Morrison, w~. Y Board To tions on election. day, IS a. creat .3 I Jones, and Kaiawa of today. Leaden . John B. Hames, Robert EmenD. . 'appointed to take charKc of this traitor as the soldIer who dessert. hI. ' have not always been aimon·pure, ac· : Ushers: Chnton B. Gardner, MIll forum. AI tOt b 1 ceneral in batUe. It i~ the .• cordini to Mr. Corson, who men-! Mil~red L. Durrin. I Alao, the matler ?f the Hobby lr~ee coer homes whom I fear an thIS eJec- lioned monopoly, stubbornness to ae- TIcket Sale: George M. ·Dare, ROb-, Show annually spon.ored by the tioo." I cept new truths, snd ienorance, as ert Patchcl. Porte A. W.olfe. , group durinK youth week in May, Members of the Palmyra.R"'erton

Referrinc to the mountinc 118- frequent affUctions throuKbout t,he I Sound Eff~cts: MelVIn H. Kreps, was brouiht up and plans will '?- V.M .C.A. Board will convene for tional debt, which he declared hael bistory of the cburcb. But he 10- Harry R. Gall. 'made and the matter followed up an their 6rst fall meetinK at tb. been increased by Z5 billions of do!_ 1 Ii.ted that lar&e finn. are alway. Additional Memberl of Cast Idue course, 100kinC toward the pre- Y.M.C.A. Buildin,. Tuesday, OetOo lars since the 6rst of January thIS conlervative, and his haa kept ItII "ntadon of a biKKer and better ber 1. Thl. will be the 6rst. mectin,. ),ear, the Coneressman said that hiKh purpose under the CUidinC .pirlt Seve'.1 me~ber. ~f. the .Board of Show than ever befbre. lof the board lince Ralph P. Dur,1A Roose"elt had .pent more money of the Founder. Education WIll participate In. the rc- (continued on paKC lZ) I beKan hi, Y.M.C.A. work there SCII-that all of the prealdentll who had The firm haa never pasled a divi- vue. Leonard R. Ba~er, pr.el1dent of tember IS. cone before him, including the ~t dend period, said Mr. Corson, who the Boa~d of Education, will present GAUDY NIGHT I A review of the work already on-of the fir.t World War. pointed out that even throucb !he the all:ur. Messrl. Jamel B. ~en- th I der way this fall , plu. plans for fur-

dark ace. tbe church kept lcanunc son, Carl W. Lutz, GeQ~ce M •. Rlvel, IS OCTOBER 5 ther development will be considered Red Tape I alive. It alway. bad lomethinl to and James B. Ryan will act m the I by thc board.

"Thc Kreat "trouble with business;' give, whether it wu art for paintinp capacit~ of the "Unscrupuloua Em· "Gaudy NiKht" i, gain, to be II At Ihe meetinK of the WClfnen'. he IBid, "is intensive eovenunental and uthedrals, or jealou.y for bu- p. ioyera·; Mrs. J. Charle. Mallory, \ hUKe .ucce ••• Tickeis are being .old. Aux.iliary for moth ere of croup mem-recuIation and red tllpe. and unfair man riehta in industrial Ene1and. a salelman; Geor,e M. DurKIn, a prizes are being donated. the com. bera and Vacation camp boy •. Mn.. and excessive taXation." "What we Future Briebt .tock ~Iesman; Mayor John !". mitteu are workinK I)ard. and tbe I Hoyt announced plans for the COIl-need in Washincton is more truth The future ltill looks bri,ht for Ward WIll act as a profe.sor and will I town's b. uzzin, with curio.ily and \ tinuatlon of the bl.weekly dancel at and less trickery; more ltatesman- the firm, think. Mr. Corson. ItII also be a member of ,the cho..... antIcipation. I th~ buildinK and 31krd for \'olunteerw

(continued on pace 7) commodities are de.peratel), neccled Mrs. ~thel B .. Whitcraft .nd Mr. I What is "Gaudy Night?" In En,. ,1monK the mothers to .erve as chap. b)' the .. orld, anel the number of poe- J. J. Roblllson will.take OVe1' rol.,. .• s Iish achools it i. much like cIa .. day; eron.. The firu dance Is lehedulecl

VA .. C' A S B aible new cUltomen nnUmited. Even teachen, aIon, WIth the follth°wanl Ih~ lichter aide of commencement 1101 Saturday nieht thil week. ~ IF~ '.n pOnBOr thou,h there are hard day. ah,;ad for faculty m~bers: ~I.. Ru . . festivitlcs the priz"f. and the semi. IIr. Durgin Is now located .t the

Ad 1 Cl the bnlincu, it will win out. an Mr. L~al", M,.. CarollDe M. Petl~r •• enous c~remoniea are all brouKbt Y.M.C.A. Buildinr .nd is m~tlne U t aBSeBICoraon" judpCllt. because It can II,,, Laur. ZuIrow:sld, Earl B. Whit- OUt on "Gaudy NI,ht," and the name with ,roupl .nd leaden and ruu.

give purpoK. hope ud love. It ia craft, Thomas Bo .... Robert PatcbeL derives from the Latin. "caudco- th~ names of other boys who .... Mount Holly'. Rclional Hilb Dot ennIna the darlm ... but Ilcbt- Other faculty members are: The to rejoice" In Riverton "Gaudy to join the "Y."

School bui~ on the JlddoaYilla inC candles that dispeU the I~ 01 lmocker_Arthur TetTeU, Robert K. Ni,ht" IS 'October fifth. ';'d it will _______ _ eeIr human existence. Emen •• Lnte~ A. Harker. . be celebrated at the R,venon COUD- ZURBRUGG

Road .. ill open for a Otell-"::_ 7 '= Unde1' the auspIcH of the IDtIIlc Tbe Advertiaerl: Mis. M. Ellza- try Club with ,ame.. prUu. and of evenine cla_ on eta....... commiuee, Mr. RuuelI J~ .... e beth "c'leee, J~es B. Hucbca. aundry rejoic'n,s for the bendt of MEMORIAL all county hi&h ~u~ ..",en1 soJOI. ae~ed b), IIr. Georee II. Dare. the hospital becla equipment fund of HOSPIT AL ~!"eerc'~~ ::.. .. M-"_)'IO e:--,-- Lee lIittm first panist in the dub's Loan Sharb: John r_ Gerlnc-, th British War Relief Societ,. ... -- -- - biatory. Club _ben eOftCl'ltul.ted JO;ID C0nn0ll,. e from 7.30 on. Pees .... S3 for - Mr. Paal Jones UpoG the aninI of a Investment Racketeer: Charles W. Committee c:oune, IS for two. __ daUCbtcr in bis famll,. and..... Ray.

A ...., .. - --... of m' ---.' -- ---'-- D • H R. Galt Mi" Cornelia G. Murra,. Riyer· ... - ._. ....-- --- Ginther on hi. recent ...... ..,.e. Dr. own..,.: arry 14 ed by the folJowinc sabjecta: BodaI Grade School madelltll from the ton. il ,eneral chairman with .... clancioe, liB. Carl Sduaits, of HtMI- CAKE BALI" ~Sch.,.,lroom Scene" are: MOton Paul Mrcray. Jr .. in char,e of ,ames, donfieJd: potten/, RoIaDcI Tac:ker 01 Carson, Bob: Prank l{ates. Sam; Mrs. E. C. Huches and Mn. T. thf' Trmton School 0I1adIIIItria1 Art: A cake and pie .. Ie wiD be beld William Howe. Stanley; Jrwia Bruer Dickson '" cbar,e of pruH, c:ontract brid,e, lira.. Eliabeth lie- all da)' Saturday 01 this .edt in front DellI.. Mrs. C. Imeleton Mea .... entrnain­Carth" maRa' ~ teacher: of the llain Street 1I.nd, Rjyertoft, St~ bi,b scbool stndmtll act as mmt. Miu Marjorie Wilson. e.b~ f-.- 011 -- __ '-.L. lira. WII- for ... - benefit of the RiYftton FIre M C Ii its and decoration.. Alace Collin • V' -- --...... 7_..... ....eia: Eat~ .,..",.er. aro ne u.m VaqbaD an4 To PnaJ Reeder. C-paD),. Meuencer. Shirley Frida)'. Paulus In char,e of arnnrtmmtl at

01 the Cotmt1 Y.ILCA; photocra- n.o.e deairine to parelaa.., putry the Club. and M .... H W. ph,. RuueD Balky. natift sones ot are reqaested to caD E .... eam.rt. Y.MC.A. DANCE ""blicil, and tickets. Workinr .. ith America. iii .. Virainis Slim of the Jr~ phoae Rinrton 1128. thNe chairmrn are men and wom",. Count)' Y.W.C.A.; tJpinC for ~- The firemen wiD emll)' .~te The fint Y.Me.A. dance of the al: int .... c.t .. d in the loc.l chart .... :)If al ale. Wilma- Fennell of the hich [he patrana,e of loea! rnidclltL aeuoro will he hrld in the -Y" huild. the Britith Was Relief Ioriny. who school; Badminton. 11- J~ ... on' I ........... 01 dill.,.. have ""lunt«1''''' ttorir time and ahil· Robbins of the hieh KhooI; color ATTENDS IfEETDfG st 7.30 o·dock.. itv in order to make "Glud, Nirtn-in the H_ iii. IIartha Jaqaetta, William H. Bottcer. police recont- The atrair is for boys and airls of ~c of the 100" OIIt .. andin, bft1rlit Miu JUII Wricbt and .... BI.e_ · er- ia Riwr1oa, atulMled die 1IMft- the __ h and cicbth arades and rarti ... Ri"rnon had rrodoce4 . Wieland of the hich IChool facally· .inc 01 judees and police recanlen 01 the Y CTOUPL. AcImiMioo is 10 cent. Ticketa arC' only 50 Cftl" and I ....

AdY8llcc recistnn- will be tat. . New JenfT held 01\ 1'ueIday of .. dal.UC and 15 tents Pft' c:oapIe. • elude- a ch.ftCC' to win ?"e ol fhe the J1IIIior School. _ IIraiDerd __ at N_artt. n.c committee In c:laarce ... many y.l .... blC' door pn-. Bey :"eet. lIonda)' .... eaiIIc ... --.. TIle ~ ... s c:aDed .", 0-.. _ea that the cIaMa .at be chap- YOU" now aM ..... .re ol. , .............

JO from 7 CD • P. .. _ A.. Ibny 11..-. ---s. In this h1PIIanitariuI reiain...

Don't for,et to notify the follow­inr prople of an, dorution ,.,., _)' wi.h to m .. lre to the Zurbru" MnII­nal Hospital for ill Annual Donati_ Day. Saturda,·. OClober 11.

Mn. Nathan Lane. Jr. Mrs. Paul Mccra,. Jr. M .... Oa,;.! Gould. Mra. Howard C~. 14,.. R . Genton Andr ... .. Mro. EII"a," ~bclr ..... lI. Mra. I . 0 W Illiam •. Mr.. JCMhua AtlH M ..... F. Ocho. Mro. Hrnry Randalt. Mrl. M A. F.lb_onto. M .... Thorn ... Cat"'" Mu. Fr ..... rric1l \1/ Meu,n



... '

EnWJ\lW 1 •. MULl.EN joined the "Jock" Dawl~y 01d5-&tiobile organi ,..\lion here Ihi. week In cha..,~" of sale. . M,'. Mullen, an nutomohil~ mon of wide cXl'rrienre In bOlh PJ"liladclphia and C",,,t1en. ha~ a splendid ~clllng record in both the Dorigc·Plymoulh line and Ihe Chevrolet proriuct-. Hi~ mosl recent connection "'~ " with Rohrer Chevro­let. Camden. Mr. Dowley fi lalc. that with Ihe ~ .. i~t"nre of Mr. Mullen a new mca~\1re or Hcr"k c will h(' lIva iJ. able to cu" (omers of "Jt\~k" Dn,;·ley. Inc .. in the big buying 11I011th. ahead created hy Ihe inSI""talleouM accept­anceK of the brilliant new line of Oldllmo"i1~ produclS.


1 01. ....... f h n ha .. -....... of new pie U.u'.....at7. will aupp!eamlt lila Parent·Teacher Book Sbdvu. troo of bonor. Mr. Za1ot .. w ....... t 0 t e c nee Ofti' .......... teach\nt thl'OlllllDllt the ........... A ~-ery amlllin, aIIit "Off to the I man for hia ,on. • model.. Improvallll!1'lt in the ceneral RotOllda wu hl,hlF recommended

Dentiat" was praenttd by one of the I A reception at die home of die aituatiOll II well IIII1.trattd b, .. b, the Department of B1emaltal7 Cape M.y Study Groups. bride', parenta followed the cue- steady npanaion of carloadinp i1\ Edllc.tioQ of Temple Univeral~.

A tallt by Dr. J. M. Wlaan. con· money, after which Mr. and MfL I the -miscellaneou." cl .. s; Ihat Is. Tbe worll 01 the sdlool thlll far. .ultant, dental health procram. St.te Zayotti left for • tOllr of the 1OIIth.. manufactured and aemi·m.nuf.ctllred has taken the form of outlininc and 01 New Jersey Depa.rtment ~f HeaI~ They will reside if! ThomuviUe, 1000., .. di.ti ..... i.hed from raw ma- planni"l for the yNr's actiwitlea. concluded the sUllon. Hta N. C., where they Will be .t home terial.. week such loadin,a Some of the claaaca lie (ormine their talk was on cllrrent dental health after October 15. reached a new hiah since I •• t No- lInill around material fOUlld on tIM I conditions in the atate of New Jersey The bride attended Diclrin.on Col· vember. Front now on. the cre.t\r . II h f Uf I and the importance of preventative lele and i. a ,raduate of the Pierce riaka for buaine" men will be on the mapa pktllnn. a p asea 0 e Q

H d · d · . the Pacific Ocean Area. Theae m.,. dentiltry. e urle :11 very 1m· School. Mr. Zayotti I, a cra lIate Side ~f over-callhousne ••• nd under- have been reprodllced from the beau-portant an adequate diet, daily lise of of the Philadelphia Textile School atoclrinl. rather than the opposite. tiful mural, at the San FrancllCO the tooth bru~h and relular visits and a member of Phi Psi honorary For aa ~he defense prolram pICks lip. World'. Fair, and were presented to to the family dentist. I textile fraternity. there Will be delays ~nd ahortale. In I the s~hool by friends who attended

Afternoon S-581'on boo th men and mlltenals, Thus low I th- fa,'r thl. past summ ••• • . 'I'OMLIN-LIPPINCOTT d h • -. I u:ventoties are a ireater haaar t an. . . , .

The afternoon sessIon was devoted . . hiah ones, because os prices rise, reo 1 he sp.etlal dallSe. In mU.IC, art. tv a talk lind dls~ufision on the topk The marrl~le. of MI.s Su..,n placement cosh advance 3nd this "p. and dancma h~\le met and or,aniaeel "Valu". I'or Children That All Re. Woodward J..IPPIll~Ott and Fran~1I plie. also in the matter of akilled la. work for comms events. liClOn. Share." The speaker was Dr. I Henry . 'I'o~lin, Jr .• son of. Dr. and bar. The Kindercarten aroup is anti-Charlolte Easby Orav"s. psycholo. Mra. 10mlln, of 212 WarWIck road, cipatin(l a tflP to Millaide Dairy (list from the WOOds School. Lans- Haddo~held. took place Wednesday d f h h horne. Po. She said the most im- at . 4. 0 do.:k at the home of t.he ~x.:ellen.:e is never sranted to matt Farms 1ft or er to urt ~r t e ac· pori ant values to be developed in a brtde s moth~r. M~s. Henry H. L.p- but as a reward of labor.-Sir J".hua Itvilies In their dairY proJect. child were-a sense of security. Q p,~~ott. of Cmnammlon. ReynOlds. I The first Parent Asaembly of the ~hance to d~\'elop and the ability to the Rev. Ur. Howard Ron~thaler. yenr will be on Friday. October 4th. sh.lrr ."I'crirn<". or the need 10 be plcsldent 01 Salem Collese. Winston- 'P .............. .. .................................................. !.!p at 11 o'clock, at whkh time parent' t, uthlul h,mself in recognizins Salelll. N. C .• performed the cere· ,land friends will be entertained with railures or ,u«esscs. She lold of mony after the manner of the Mora· I' W estfie Id F rien ds' I I movin~ p"~t?res of the New York 80me 01 her experiences with chil. , \l1.m Chu~ch. . . . i . World. fa.r an<l a program . of II; en who had been under her guid. I The bride was gl~en ln .ma.rnalle . Sc h 00' i ' music. ~nce anti the results gainrd from by hcr brother. Heuhnss Llppmcott. dJ ' The first Children's ~eetilla for mectin(l a given situalion wilh under. 01 Rlvel·ton, and wat; atten~led by hcr t;) ....................... " .... .............. ................... ..... Worship will be held in the Meetins 81nnding and ~ylllpathetic advice. I slate.r. Mrs. Leon H. Collms. Jr .• of [01 Ihe 1940- 41 sc .. lon on Tuesday. I House on Wednesday, October 11th, Flom the rlisl'ussion which followed Menon. Pat . September 17th. at 10 o·c1o.:k. in the morning. A. il scemcd apparent that her talk was Hudbult Tor~hn. 01 Haddonfield. The In Ierne for Ihe year. Miss u~u.l. lunchcon may be had by Any 01 interest to all those attending and was hi" ~rother s best. man. Helen Rotonda. a graduate of Tern- guests who care to remaIn. . ' prdally belpful to leaders of study Followlllg a reception. Mr. Tom. croups. lin Dnd his IJride left for their wed·


Announcement has been milde 01 the marriage of Mis. RUlh Roselyn Bnrtley. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo.hua Stewart B,," tley. of 616 Elm ,terrace, and A. Harold Zayotti. Jr .•

dlllg journey. On their return they will reside at 125 Euclid avenue, Haddonfield. where they will be at home aite[ November 1.

BUSINESS You're always prepared

"on of Mr. and Mrti. A. H, Zayotti. It seems Lo be pretty delinite nbw of 821 Moraan "venue. Palmyra. that busine". hilK moved into what

PORCH CLUB which took place on Saturday. Sep. millhL be termed the "unanimous I;":,ber 21 •. at. noon. in Christ Church. I pha.e." Every index i. aoing up.

The Porch Cluu. of Riverton. will Episcopal. RIverton. the Rev. Francis I St~el opel'allOItK went up anot.her wekome member •. hoth old And new . . B. D?wns. I'eclor 'of the church, per· pOtlll . to. 9~.9 per cel~t of capac.Ly; on 'fue~day. October I. at 1.30 p.m .• I lormmc t~e ceremony. . automobile outpul mcreased last


COKE when ~ luncheon and Ihe lirst meel. The brIde was liven In marflale week by 21.000 car.-pr~of thaI the in& of the s eason will be held by her father. and was attended by I nlolO' -makers are bOO"LlIla ,,!"otltlC-

Th h d f h • . : her sister. Mrs. E. S. Weeks. as mil' tion into high Sear dUpite the delay e Ollore gu~.t 0 t e occas.on will be Mr<. Patrick Henry Adams. I '===============0:::::============ presidenl of the State Federation of I BOROUGH OF RIVERTON Women's Club •.

The luncheon will be followed by Sale of Lands for Unpaid Taxes for Years as Noted a short busineKs se!sion and music. Sale on Saturday Octob"r 19 1940 at 10 o'clock am Luncheon reservat tons shollid be ,.. " • • made to Mrs. Edward K. Merrill, NOTICE OF SALE Riverton 65-J. not later than Sat­urday, September 211. --Mr. Goren will (live hi, firal lec. ture in a series of live bridse les­IOns on Thursday mornin,. October 10, at 10.15 o·clock.

The fee lor non·members il '2.00 and privUeae to play In the first two duplicale bridle tournament •. Sinlle lecture. for non·member. SO cent.s.


'!'he annual fall Parent· Education Conference for South Jeney wa. held on Thursday. September Ill. at the V.W.C.A. in Camden. The Con· ference was conducted jointly by the Committee on Parent· Education of the New Jerley Con,re .. of Parenti and Teacher. and the Exten.ion Ser­vice In Home Economlcl al Rutaer. Colle,e.

Mrs, Marion F. McDowell. Exten­sion Spedalilt in Child Devolopment and Family Relationa wa. chairman of the conference and explained the purpose of the meedn,. Greetinls from the Siale Con,ru. were "". tended by Mrs. Harold B. GilpIn. vice president. Mr • . Harold D. Stew. ard. State Chairman of Parent Edu. cation .ave a history of Itudy Iroup actlvitiu. The County Chairmen from Camden. Burllnlton. Ocean. Salem and Gloucestrr Counti .. ,ave Intereatina reports of outltandlna atudy ,roups in their respective countiu. Mr •. L. B. Stila, of Cam· den Coonly told waYI of or,anizlna • pre-ac:hool ,roup.

On Procram

Mn. Phylli, B. Oa"i,. ..,I"ant Jbtmaion Specialist in Child Dtvcl· oplllfllt and Pamil, Rel.tionl n­bIbItcd materiall to be ulCd ill con­IIKdon with lIad, croops pro,"'m. aIICI ..... nted .neral boob for

Evaos' Srrvlu Station, ' SUNOCO

GASOLINE and OIL -... - BattelWa - Auto ~ccaeorlee .............. ta.. ... .-1Ga, N. J.

NOTIC .. : ill herehy "iven 111.1 J. C. Kennettl Davi., Collector of the Borough of I<lvctlot1. Coun ll uf IJtulinp loli. New Jrl'fY, JlUrfll uant tb the luthority of the 11IIU'.' in !tuLh calC nl_elf' and r,ro,"ldcd. will on alurd_)'. 'hc nineteenth day of October . 1940, at 10 o'dod, in the morn "II of •• Id dlY at the •

RIVERTON COUNCIL CHAMBERS .503 I-fowerd Slr~et. in uld .ftlnl dlltrlct. '_pOI' for •• Ie the leveral trlCtl and parcel,

:hl~hd t~:!:i~~j':lie~~cf~~c':il:r y::~. P::t n~~fJ~I~':ftI~~;'~~~:idd :~:Jf~·~tr:::r:.h~oP~~'::." :t~ lun Dr r.Crlonl ., Will ,lUft hu, the lime lor the lown, lit' 01 InttrClI' on redemptfon, but IU~ I rile ,h.1I not be more thin It per cant. p.r annum. thereon, Indud'n. inttr," lind (Olta o' .aI4.

Thil 1.1, .. mid, under th~ provilion. of In Itt of Ltlil lature enthled "An Ate

~~:!Ur:.';K'~rn~i,i: ;:ii:;il:~u~~:;:~:, b~n~h~thce:Utl~~iC!:dl :~r:fc~""~~t r::l Jr::fl:~~~.::~ (R. 8 . 1937 154 , 5· 19, 154 , $'~11 154 ,$·25) .

The lIid land. hereunder delCribtd by Block anet Lot Numb.n. and thl nun'l of the perMOn, .,.Inst whom tht .. id tlXU Ind lienl havt been '''tlled. and the amount. or the lime Inc. ludlna inler.,t to luly 1. 1040. are II follow. :

Block 31 Lo. I~ .117 Howard Street, LOI 50 x IU Udhh IJ.c"tr-P'rlm, Ruid.nll Ind Stan

Taat. for )'tlr .... . ... . ....... _ .... _ .. __ .

B'o ,~ S1 Lo. 8 40$ MldwlY. Lo. 50 • 14S Charln Shlnnon. Prame Reddence

Taxes for yUr

Block 40 Lot I 4 Seventh Strul. Lol 00 a: 110 Hat.n H . D'Autrechy

lue 1~J7 '938 1~39

1938 1917 lUI 1939

11.20 74.4. 13.9'

21.48 90.24 " .01


Intlrut to July 1. lt40

• 17 . ~D IU9 Ug S.28

19.00 18.44 II .U •• 4

, 17.20 11.19 IU7 19.24

4J.4G 10 • .•• IOS .• 1 112.12

T ••• I 'or year :m lUg t:~ , ~U~ 1939 2~ 10 1.18 21.45

1111111111111111111111111111"111111"111"111111"11111111111"11111111""111'"11IIIIHIIIIII"";1 I • i' I Glorious I Dutch, Spanish and English

IRIS Should be planted now. No garden complete

without these dainty touches of color. See col­

lection offers in Dreer'. Autumn Catalog.

Henry A. Dreer, Inc. 8",/J'.1 G"rJ'.J B'IIl1fifIlIIJ." 1818

Start LiIMa mcs--.. alao Cilia. Bab, Glactio ..... FrMlia. Ida. Glory of the SlID. Spar", etc.

Wlnler wendler laold8no terrol'!! fortho"I' fllllllllc8 "'h08e

lucl hhlK nro filled with Ko,llMJI'I4 Coke. Fur lltltl ",clelllUlc Iud III ready for the lIe"el't~l Wl'ul hcr, AIIIIII"t nil hClll­Ilroduclllg ClIrhon, It glv('" you Ihe kind of IlI'lIt you waut tvlte" Y'JI& "'Ullt it 1 Durns f!lleadily tlll'tJUgh tho

tilly-bunks weD lit nlght-colllclI "I' quickly In the

morning. And mOllt Importllnt. KOI'PCNl Coke )euvee tiel)' Jew ali/lilli, Durn this ecolllJmlCll1 fuel this wlntert.

J. T. EV ANS CO. Riverton 302



SPECIAL Ode lit to 311t



$6.50 .. -......... ~.-.... -........ ~ ... -..... -.. $5.00 $5.00 .. _ .. ··· .......................... _ ..... ,._ .. $3.30 $3.50 ... ~ .... ~ .... -.......... - ...... - .. - .... -.... $2. 95 End Permanents ... ~·.· ..... -.. -.--.. -.... --.-$2. 9 5

Betty Petty Beauty Studio

519 Cinnaminaon Ave .• Pabnyra T.~ Ri".rtoa _

Dall, 9 ..... to 6 , ... "00.. Wed. __ Frl .......... UaW • o'dock


A carefully chosen liat of the l.tat book_noutl, non·fic:tion, Wutema, m,ateriea, adventurea and jllValile .. ' all or which have been fllvorabbt re­viewed .nd matl~ placed on llata of beat-sdlen.


HOUle of Lee-Atherton. Bubblln, Sprin.-Dllffleld •• Whm There Is Love-Colver. Mr. and Mr .. Mei._Corbctt. Letty. and the Law-BaldWin. Dark Liabtnin,-MUlcr. Out of the FOI-Llncoln. Whiteoak Hulta,e-De Ia Roche. Cab base Holiday-Tbome. RI.lna Star-Miller. Dr. Harlrave·. Jacob'l Ladder-Cadrae. Prairie Fire-BardwelL. The Enllilh Air-5tevenson. Mra. Mlniver-Struther.


Bridl~ Made Wlnnin. Goren.

Vitlteat " ___ II'" Adnnhlft

To the Ind~F_tu, Story 01 Hia Lift.. A"nnt_


JllvenilH Fair American-Coataworth. Hurricane Sand_Barbour. Gridiron Glory-Hay1lch. Champion'a Choice-Ferri .. Book for Jennlfa-Dalaleisb. Junior Slripper'. Hand BbOlt-

Baldwin. All Over Tum-Brinll. Cap'n Elra. Privateer-Adam ..


Rev. Willlun A. BQd, Pa.tor

9.45 •• m. Churcl\ School. 11 a.m. Morninl Worship. Ser­

mon. "My Father'. HOII.e." 7 p.rn. Senior Hiah School LeallUe.

.peaker, Mn. William A. Boyd. 7.4S p.m. Evenin. service. Ser.

mtln. "The CtOIS of Christ va. Ger· man Timlnl Bomb."

Junior Epworth Lealue on Wed· nuday at 4 o·clock.

Contract Bridle Complete-CuI. CHRIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL bertlon.

Forty Yea,. a Country Preacher-:... Riverton, N. J.

Rev. Francia B. Downl, Th.B. OUbert. Why Europe FI.htIl-MIIlI,. Sund.y. September 29th-Peaat of Parll. Franc-Stein. . St. Michael and AU Anlell.

8.00 Holy Communion. Broken Pled.e-<ilbba. The Ddaware-Wlldt!ll. Faith for Llvlnc-MWlforcL

11.45 Sunday Schoo," 11.00 Holy Communion and aero

mono Thla il our "commencinl" ,et­v\ce. Brlnl the whole family with you.

Aa 1 Remember Hlm-Zellaner. Adventllrea of a Biololiit-Hal.


Mylterie. .nd Action Storiea

Powder KIa-Brick.

7.30 Younl People" meetlnlln the Parllh HOIl.e.

St. Michael and All Anlel', day, thl, Sunday marka a fittlnl belin. nina of the fall work at Chrllt

RendevOIlI with the p .. t-Knllht. Dr. DOlbody', Lel-H.II.

. IT'S

AHltADln8tyllngi AHKADlnS~~::,rlnCl Il. AHBAD In Sin, ComIort, Pe neel With all ftace fl,lng, Oldsmobile awln,. Into 1941 with the moet complete line of cara 10 It. hl.tor, •.. at prien thet eet new atandarda of value even .. OldamoblJe. The 1941 Old.mob/Iee are blUer-with loncer wheel­baM and wider tread. They're morw power­~/-wlth • new 100 H. P. Bcoao-Maater Enclne 10 all .1a-c,lInder modele and aids' ra-se 110 H. P. 8tra1pt-Slebt acain 10 aU &leht •• And,c:cown1nc all other &dva_ melita, all 0Ida model. lor 1941 are oft'ered with the amulnc H,dre-Matlc Drift·!

'Chun:b. Ri'Ptl'toa. A.lI of tbe OfI1U\i. I liam H. BouC'"r, of Lindm aftflue, 1.0 •• ""' ... _ lola .. Jh" .... ,>I, ............ Ations of the pariah will ba~~ a "'we wftk--lI!1'Id cue.ta of Mr. and r'oo"f, al:,:t:,~ t::';;:~~\ro.''''t''' t..j ... muthlc jl1 the Wftk foUowina, ud I Mra. Walter Mo~r at Locust Bluff, .Jt":,:~::,r:: !~.~o.~:tI o~ll,~":. ~o~~ .. ~ nery attempt I. Mina made to ae- Mlllinilon, Mar,land. l1li. 01 UtJ~ ... Rood . • ft" '0 ... ",,1-4 .... cure a Iarp COftIftPtion for the I _ <.'''<IF . .... ... pn<t $iOO 00.

E.._~ Oltoo-llelf of Lot num ... t1hI 1M tlewn o'clodt aenice on SondaJ· Robert Verba, son of lira. ~ur.!. .. ,1\""" on Satd ....... "" •• ~ "'vat. on .,,_

One of the dillit\lltiea with chunh . Yerkes. of Morlan aftfllle, i. en. ~;:!I\\'S'l.,:~d' of O.fonl ""d, m,nim_ I work, and all Worll I. th.t ...... ple rolled at Drexel. Wu •• tly "n ... ".tl or Lo. nv ...... _ 110 .. , d d 'It L. II - 't' th-f U ,~<""' 0" MId m.~ "',na ,,,,,ot. <In ... ten to n u.C .. " t In e a _ ~ Nonh!t"l, "'roe of a.totd Read 9 mlftlttwm ratber than atartinc toldher with a I T. H. Randall and Comly Randall. prtt. ISO.OO. ban,. TlIe .ervice hRi hftn "lanned lIOns of Mr. and Mn. Thomas tt I TBRMS OF SALE with .~lal empha'ia on in.pi~tion . Randall, Lincoln avenue. Palmyr~ I . SOld P",_liH ""II ... oold .. ""fIt.~ . fOI the duties of the comln, wlntu. have resumed their studies at. Pmn I ,D tho .... p .. 'h. hiah .. , bldd.n .h .... tor. Th t nl h. . S but not for len than the rf:"pt ..: " .. e. min,muftl

lit ftC or w aft ome very 1m- tate. I pric'U .bo"~t mtntiontci. and no bid hu I~d portant thinp to say whkh he hope. I \.h.n ,h. mjnim.", pti« wm bt r«.I __ td.

e~ry member of the. contre •• tion The man who does not work for I ~ . Th. purcha ... ~hall. Immedi.t.l, """. Will be able to hear at fint hand. the love of work but only for money ~~0:~~'~~:~~1 0[. h~~.~'d;o P~~e 2!fo~~h:~~

- is . not likely to make money nor to land 1ft .he ... nt of the 01 .h. bldd"" Oulld Church at 730 pm Ii d h f . I'f Ch I M'o m.~e 'v<h poym''''/r .h. \ltO\I'"Y wiD : . " . I n muc \an In I 'e.- at es • immttUattlv be aca'ft 0 er.d for •• le •• If mretln. for all members of the Altar I Schwab. IOV'h bId h.d not bttn mid •. Guild. Church at 7.30p. m. . 3 In oddition '0 'he Imo~n' 01 tb •• e-

--0-- ct:pttd bid. Lhe purchas.t:t ah.1I Pay to the

Wednud.y, October 2 - The B pr.pau.lon 01 'he dotd "I <onnyan<e an4 Woman's Auxiliary will meet in the u8ineS8 al ,o Ih. pro .... port 01 It, exp.n .. lor I

Townlhip It" t~uo".bl't t:.ptnslt fOf ch.

Pari.h Houae at 10.30 a.m. Eduealion "" ... tI .... I).... _","""inl Ih ... I •. -0-- ,otiU.. .. .. cnt:.t:. =~~I:'Pb~ t <4 . The balan ... c. o( the amount b:,' the Ie-

Thursday. October 3-The Wom-I .... ot~l.t. loe"",.,. ,,,Ia' "... I ~~~:~ e~i:~n::~e~~:h ~\~.,'.t~n I(ashe t:~~;

en's Guild will hold itl first mett· , ft1I ..... I,:~ .. t.J"';t!:.1ci ... t~.~·'fotr''!~: ;~ I !:::n~~i~h:,i:~l~ ~~t~~. ~fIl:e":r'th.:t¥o~«: inl in the Pariah Houae at 3.00. I '... , ohip Tre .. u,"" .nd upon recelp, 01 loth

_ Stravir', BUllnll' SChDDI I p,,·m.n •. Ih. Town"lhip will d.II ... '<I th. a, Le.,"", otM purch.~er I .s"edal warrant V dUd con\7tylnc Friday, October 4-Server'. Guild aot "~"::Lf~.L'M'A t ~~e :h:P:~!r.,inb~~rd,~~p~~d,u:l:(trf~,~~r:~i

will hold a short mtetins and ser- • ton.oin.d in deedo h .... of... mad. by Ih. vice in the church. 7.30 p.m. Scout. I 'rown,hip lor Lot. "ho"n on th ... Id map 01 in the Pariah HOUle, 8.00 p.m. I Palmyra £Iltt.,,'on.

TOWNSHIP OF CINNAMINSON I S. The ,III. tOn •• r.d by ,h. Town,hlp

ABOUT TOWN NOTtCE I ~~l '~:x~~r~~::::m~~~~ ~:d(t~:h:~dm~l:r(t(p:t NOTlel;: IS HEREBY OIVEN 'h •• Tho .. illinl ptlor '0 Januory I. 1941.

~:~r~h;~n of S~J~n~rriw:~ Intr!~t ~~unty of I 6. In thr en"t thlt the purchllu IhouJ4 Mary Lela Turner. daushter of ~UESDAV OCTOBtR .v·IUD 1.11 or .olu .. 'D · P'Y .he or .h.

Mr. and Mn. Luther R. Turner. of l a' 8.10 o'clock 'In .he .. onlni (S.indard a ... ovn. 01 ,be occepted bid ond ICC'I>' a 222 L · d aAenue I·ft thla week for Tlnto). In the ( Publ\< S,hool dttll 01 <on, cyan« 01 Iho proporty In a ..

tn en T ,... ahultt on the Mooreltown-Riverton ROld corda"et whh tht terms 01 tllc. the proper1, WilBOn Colleae. Chambtrlbur .. , Pa., at the intttl.clion of tht Pomo". Road. In Ihll.1 be n·lGld. (\\' ith or without I nxttl '''h h la enrolled as a aenlor .he Townohlp 01 Clnnamln.on Burlln .. on minImum prl,e. a. 'he Town.hlp Commht


"' ere II e . County, New Jeney. will well It Inlblh: may dcttrmind. and the amount of t • ~ •• Ie, "pon the rallowln, term •• but not for defi~ftn(y. If Iny. Ihalt b~ deducted from the

Tho R Bl'addock of Leconey lell thin 'hi relPective minimum prinl tpe.. Inltl.1 plymen1 madl by Ihe fint ptlfchller mal . • dficd, III Iholt una an PUte). 01 land here" and shall be rel.lned~hc Townlhip.

avenue. has returned to Colby Col· Inah .. dUllnaltd .• h. AntO bolnl .hua't I B d I.L T hi C I.. 01 I W '11 M In the .. Id Townlhip" and plrtfcul.rT"" abown y or It 0 ,""t owns p omm ee cle. atervt e. e. on I m~p tnthltd 'Palm)'ra Eaten. lon Ad. Tha Townlhlp 0' Clnnaminton 'h the CO ... Bt,

~ 'Jolnln~ p"mlia. N. /. ... ·Ni!ed April. 1921. 01 Burllnllton. Mr. and Mr •. Harry Stemlhorn. of :af,l:t .~~ c~;'n~yOI3irk 01 ,t~·.~d 120~~~ . HAROLf..:".:..x~~·r'"

Elm terrace and Mr •• nd Mrs. WII. 'Y 01 Burllnllon, Oa.ed, S0p..ember 2!~ 1940.

New OidI Special Six 4·Door Sedall. 1945·

model Eight, $987·)


NO CLUTCHI NO SHlrrl More thlUl Ju.t a fluid coupllnl ...... more than an automatic trlUl .... aIon.OId,moblle'. eulu .... e H,drs. Matlc on .. e I, a c:omblnatk>n 01 both! It ellminat. Ihe clutcb end ,ear ahltter. It .Impllft.s dri",nc. atepe up periort'Dll.-,

"JACK" DAWLEY, IDc., 10 Broad St., RivertoD


• ot T I'MAIN 'ST 'of Butlina- Counl),', l>etla«ratic She .. ,ttd with tile naoaa_ II i P .. rt, .. ill be t~rindpa1 speaker. , rdUCftS iA IIombanlmalt aRM. OBITUARIES.

I Ri.:hard Deemer, son of Mr. and DEMOCRATIC RALLY - J"~"''' ' ''' WOLF'" MARKET M .... H~ Deemer, Sr~ o~ Garfield The JOun. Democratic Club of ....... -. .... .. a'"'d\ue, ,& attendIng Gcorcaa T«b. BIIr"A-n COUIlty will tIltertllia

- ...... - Jamn E. Wolfe, of 9 West Broad • The ~~red Heart P.T.A. waU hold the candiclalel of the Democratic street, died 011 Saturda,. September I

a food we th,s afternoon in the part)' on Wedn~. October 2bd, 21. WALD and CARHART, ....,... school audItorium fnlm 2 till .. al a dinner to be ainn in their honor , Funeral seI'Victtl 'NUl! held OIl .

o·clo.:k. Mrs. HaIT)' V. Groome is at the German Kitdaen Route 8-41', Wedneada)' at 2 p.m. from the Evan-I 528 MAIN STREET chairlad) and orders may be taken Maple Shade at II o·clock. This wiU gel!.:al Congregatio!,aI. Church ~t I Next to Chew" Bahr, D) callUl& R,verton 821. . th did ill I Brownstown, Pa., WIth mterment an

. -0- cl,max Ibe tour e ~n alel w , Brownstown Cemetery under the di. RIVERTON "Iub ia conduct through Burlington ~nt)'. I . f th Snover Funeral Home. • • A new merchandlal! , AUan Porter. of him".... 18 the reellon a e • , Phone ~



scheduled to start next week by chaIrman of the committee and u,-I The decea~ed Is sUl'Vlved by hiS, the Sacred Heart P.T.A. Anyone in~ one whlhinlf to make a reservation I wife Alice R. and lIOn Ronald·

s -P-E-C-IA-L---------

tere.ted In jotnmg may cnntact Mra. should contact him a~ aoon ill poa-I He clime to Palmyra 8eY1!ral yean SPECIAL Ed\\a,d Steedle. Riverton lSOI." sible. ago opening the first home-owned I KELLOGG'S

~-----------.e.1 -0- Immediately foUowing the dinner, Five. and Ten Cent Store in this com· ! Tiny Tim LIMA BEANS Tribute Will paid in memory of Mrs. John Carhart. of Lippincott the candldatea wiu leave to attend , munl!)' and the ~wth of the b~II'1

James E. Wolle, by membeu of the avenue. will be hollta& .10 Ihe me~. huge ralli" takin. place at the Pal- , ness ',.ample testimony to the hieh 'l 2 No.2 cans 29c BUlin"s and Prolessional Men'. ber. oi the Lucky SOCIal Club thl' myra High School auditorium and ,est~m an which he. ~as held by local , ___________ _ Club of Palmyra and Riverton at the I c\·ening. Burlinaton High School Everyone I re .. de~ts. In .ddition to hi. bUI"1 KELI.OGG'S meeting 01 that organization held on I --- is anvited to attend the local rall), and ne~s Intere

rt ~ts M~ Wlo~n:ooOllk th·ne White Meat TUN A FISH

Tuesday of this week. I Hany Groome. 01 Linden avenue, h U tb ' t 1 Iisue diacu .. -a I active pa an spo ..... paT' • ear a e VI a • ~ I R' b ball te f tw -ears 19 3 55 The speaker of the day was Noah who wlil ~e anstalled 011 O~tober ", Iverton ale am or 0 J , can c _ cans c

Kuensell who told of h,a recent trip a, Ihe .en,,)r v,.:e commander of the' to EuroPe and experiences that had I R,versIde American . Legion 1~, i. • bearing on the present situation I attending the NatIonal Amencu

and sponsoring teams In softball and "PLANNED SCARCITY"

A vote for President Roosevelt Is overleaa. ,Legion Convention this week at Boa- , a

New memb~r. wet.:omed included ton. I

vote for one-man ,ove.-nmel'lt. Likewise, a vote for Wallace it.

Rev. Francis B. Downs, Morris LiP-,' ;>- . ~ lowit& and Alfred Gilmore. The Palmyra HIgh S~hool Alumna

vote for one of the New Deal', ursted bubble.-plllnned scarcity. I he New Dealers, with Wallace help--0- I AssociatIon will hold an executive IT

J b board mutIng at the residence ot i Walter D. Lamon.. r., haa een Th CahUI, of Walhington ave- 10

ng, 'pent seven years and 60 billions promoted to the rank of TeChnicalj oma. Is Ser,eant in the Headquarters Bat· nue. H teTY of the 157th Field Artillery. • A laree atlen= is expected In ' p

f dollars tryinr to make planned earclty work. Wallace did his part. e killed more pigs than any meat

acker who ever Uved. He plowed -0- I Palmyra High School auditorium on : u

Albert F. Harke, son of !he R~v. Wednesday, OClol-er 2, at 8 o·clock.. 0

and Mrs. A. J. Haa'ke, of cl!'"amm'l when the Democrats will hold a I A .on, left last we~k for MoraVian Col· rally. Prominent .peakera expetted It

nder thousands of acrea of corn lind ther foodstulr .. He pald the medcan' farmers to stop planting

heir fields. Planned or lege, where he ,. a sophomore. I to attend Include Charles Edllon, not, we cot the

catdty. -0- I James 'Cromwell, Thomas .S. DI,nan, s Miss Betty Jenkins Hew from I Edwin C. CI k, A. John MCNultY'la

Boston last w"ek to spend several Harry .E. Mo'er, and other.. How- I daYB as the guest of .aunt, Mr .. lard E. PoweU will be chairman of the W

We got a scarcity of joba, scarcity of mUls, a scarcity of traitt.

ng for our youne men growlne up. 1

Joseph J. Siddall, of Llppmcott ave· I meetIne, 0

nue. I -0- t

e got a scarcity of hope, a scarcity f opportunity and a scarcity of fu.

-0- ..' Mrs Anna Wolfschmidt, Virginia ure.-Governor James.

Mrs. Franklin ~lUott, of Rlvel'lude, Wagn~r, Mrs. Mary Reinhardt, You need not tell the truth, unle'l o those who have a right to know It

all. was the 20th wmner In the mer· Francu Reldenbaker and Jack Rein. ' .t c:handlse club' sponsored by the hardt, of Riverton were amon, the I Ladies ~uxiliary of the Parry Vol. recent visitors t; the New Yal-k I But let all ' you tell be truth.-

unleer F,re Compan,. ' World's Fair. -0- -0":"

Miss Martha L. Harke, 01 Cin. I The Ladies Aid Sodety of Cal. I naminson, is spending two weeks . vary Presbyterian Church will hold with her paren~', the Re~. and Mrl. a cuvered dish luncheon on Wednea­

Horace Mann.

N othln, II at la.t sacred but the

A. J. Harke. M,s, Harke IS employed day, October 2, at I p.m.

Integrity of your own mind. Absolve , you to yourself, and you .halt have I the Buffrage of the world.-Emerson.

. basketball.


Delicious KEATING'S

Endorsed Chocolates

Y21b 30c 1 Ib 60c




,L. L. KEATING Broad and Main Streeh


In the Treasury Department, Walh· I Members are requested to brine

Inglon. D. C" -0-:- 'I ~~=!~ ... ~~~ r~.~~~~tiO~lu:~ f1:i. P:;' I ~1II1II111I1II11H11II11II""I1II11II11I1I1I1I1II11I11I1II11I11I1I11II11I1I1I11I11I11I11I1I11II1IIW Mrs. C. Pearce WIll .erve .a host· Houdet, Riverton SSIi. W or Mr.. :: ::

River Towns Ladies Club, to be held · , = = today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock at the : L ROUX-RUTHERFORD 15 . 55


No. 21:1 can 29c -


qt: jar 27c

Barclay's PURE HONEY I-Jb size 25c


can 17c - 3 cans SOc

I IVORY SNOW Special ! 1 Large Box .............. _ ....... 23c

I Small Box ........................... Ie; -Both for' ..... ,.................. 24c

IVIN'S MAL TED MILK CRACKERS .................. Ib 23e

I:IERB .. OX CUBES Chicken Boullion, BoulUion or

Vegetable Bouillon 3 cans 25c

RIB PORK ROAST Ib 19c el. at the weekly card party of the Kendall, Riverton 474, '5 BIG . NEWS ::

K.G.E. Hall, Rlver.lde. I e a = - Word hila been received here of ,!iii :: ---A-R-M-O-U--S--A----

Don't foreet the Yacht Club Sup· . the marriage of MI .. M.ry Graeme :: :: R' ST R per tonight at the club house. A : Rutherford, formerly of Riverton, 5 IN a !.eg8 of Lamb

3 to 4 lb ave.

delicioul mul will be served be· and M. Bernard LeRoux, of France, = ;; tween 5.30 and 7. p.m. The price II which took place late In Au .... t. I:: MORE WAYS THAN ONE a Ib 27c 50c. Come and bring the family. I MMe. LeRoux, II the dau.hter of '= = .

- H. K. Rutherford, formerly of Rlver-, = . 51 The regular Demncratlc Club, of ' ton, new of Bo.ton. iii FORD V 8 i -----______ _

Palmyra and Riverton will hold a I The bride went to France almOit = _;; NEARBY ROASTINO meeting this evenlne at Society h.U' Immedilltely Ifter her graduation I Ii a Chickens at which time their newly elected from Mooreatown ru.h School I = FOR i prttlldent, Mr. Robert C. Thomas, There ·,he lI""d for over five yeat., i a will preside. Thoma. McOann, of .tudyln. at the Sorbanne and travel- I a ;; Moorestown, who Is the chairman Ing througbout that country, Ital" I - 1941 Ii Ib 3Sc =.-== .... - :...,. -=- -0 I Northern Africa .nd I.ter ~ South I Ii a

Ethel's Beauty Salon 'I Amerlc.. 1= ~_! ___ 4 _to_II_Ib_av..,;;If_. __

Sit Howard Street ON DISPLAY FRESH KILLED PbOlie Riverton I I , I STEWERS

RIverton 1090 :: :: 28c Ib P'':::~'::'T i Friday, Sept. 27th I

. ~ :::~=: 1=. 51= sui: UVER 5 Ib ••••

1I ..... e



Into "Mutrrcrart"' e"c1uai"e ,love. &ttin, corseta we put all the cunninJ learned in yean of corsetr" e"peri' .. ee. Ever, line trlma your fi,ure to the new, .Iender .Uhouette and­don It comfortabl" I

Ra"on and Cotton a In ,irdlea and I COOIblnation.. SIz" 2S to 46,

Price $3.98 • I ,







For Every Purpose The New Era, lne.


For Complet. IIetI8at. _

La,out PIIoee Rh,.,. 7aJ

Ih 28c i See what FORD has done lor '41 r New, big, I FRESH

wide bodies, ne\V easy ride, longer ~heelbaae. Pork Sausage faster Bculeration, and other (eaturea that will I Ib 25c make you want this car. Get the facts, get Our

deal-and you'll GET A FORD. BHANK ENDI 01

!25 Weat Broad Street


Scrapple 2-1h pkg 23c

Ham • Ib 17c ,i

!I Lester S. F ortnum Ii &ALaI I I

U lb ••••


A~. Star .IIOKSU

, BEEF TONGUES _ Ib 29c • .. ..,oed I&.

Palm". .... -------.4 .... PALMYRA. N. J. STRODE"




Broad and Kern SlII. It. R1nrtc11l .' Main at Hatriaon 8tnet Telepllone Rlv. 15H - Nlabt 1~1I " RIVERTON


EARLE B. HARDER Repairs and Inltaolllttlont

. Po~ and LI,ht

Cu.tom·built Cemetery Memorial. In Granite, Marble .nd Bronn

Will Hope It 'Son ...... M I A It Pal-- Waahinpn and Federal Strut. ...... e roat ven e u..... Burllnpn. N. J.

Phone Riverton 1125 Phon, Burlin,ton l!

Phont RI'ItI'tOft I


Realton - General In ..... Not.ry hbtlc:

wtm","·\\'rla'lt .,.... aI_ ....

EXPRESS w. H. SLOCUM & SON Walter D. Lamon Muble a Granite REAL ESTATE


BARBERS "JACK" DAWLEY. Inc. ...;::::::::::::::.:::::..-___ 1.:: ____ _

OIdsmobiit . SALBS and SERVICB

Safet)' Te.ted U.ed ~ra

10 Broad Street. Riverton


RIverton t2J2 Merchantville 510

Koppenhaver Motor Co. DODOE and PLYMOUTH

SALES and SERVICB IlOO Broad St. Riverton

Phone Riverton 380

FRANK I. LLOYD Service .



Special Attention to All Work




Emerson Wolfschmidt

Edward Moorhouse 521 Howard St. Riverton

Qulek Service - Sanlt.1')' Shop


Shinn'8 Expreu Rlver.ide, N. J.

DAfL Y TO PHILADELPHIA Olfice-106 N. Slh Street . Phone-Rivenlde 346

Philadelphia-I:.ombard 11055

5, & 10· STORES

67 &8t Main Street INSURANCE Moorestown, N. J. S16 Cinnaminaon Ave. Palmyra

Phone 1511 Phone Riverton IS Get Our Prke


Covered b, InlUrbnl:e

McCROSSO.N Incnt'pOr.ted


Real Estate and Insurance

5 East Broad St.. Palmyra . Phone Riverton 500 II WEST BROAD STREET 114 Garfield Ave. Palmyra



w. F. B~ker

LEON ROUSE wilt .. ftM",.rd rour fUrnlt'lft altd ,.. automobll. .••


AllO SPRAY PAINTINO 506 Broad Street Riverton Notary Publl~.nrral Intyrante IINI a-

416 Lippincott Ave. RI..-Phone Rl\."!'rlon 101

Moorestown Motor Co., Inc. -====-_______ -:-219 We.t St., Moor"toWll John E. Mc Vaugh

OROCERrES • FRUITS· VEOrfABLa. D.Uul, ... n CO,,"tl'


Leslie W. Reeves Phone Moorttltown 77 or 415

Contractor and Builder RIVERTON, N, J.

Telephone Riverton 1115· J AUTO·SERVICE

517 HOWARD ST" RIVERTON Phone ?lot-Free Delivery


L. L. Keating Patent Medlcinu • GIfts - Cand),

Greeting Card, • Ice Cream Ci,an Rnd Stationery


Phone Riverton 787 or 845 529 Cinnaminson Avenue




Broad and Main Streeh, Riverton ---------- -­Phone 1540

['Insurallce Flreatone Tire_Batteries CONTRACTOR and BUILDER

Special Attention to Jobblne 6Q7 Main St. RIVERTON

Phone 86 8urk~'s Service Station 1601,... CHARLES ST., PALMYRA Phone '144


WM. B. Broad and Linden Rlvertoa _______________________ _

Phone 1562 JOS. F. YEARLY

BISHOP ~~ ... Rimton Phone 89-11

COAL HARDWARE PLU"IBINO . HEATINO . ROOFING T UM 601 Linden Ave. Riverton, N. J. L~~I~~T~ !2!U~T8 J. S. Collins & Sont Inc, HARRY C. SCHWERING __ T_el_ep_ho_ne_R_lve_rt_on_84_'_


Complete Automobile Service 'blup ~oal' ~U b GEORGE BONSAL 110-125 W. Broad St., PALMYRA BUILDING IIATBRIALI-HAIIDWA..nd 01lSe PLUMBING. HEATING


For Brtter S hoe Repairing Try



Florida Road Teat LabrlClltJoa Lee Tin. - Eldde a.Ueri ..

8road and Mnr.u Palm". TeJephon. RlvertOli 1S71

~~~)!~~ WOOLSTON'S





Car. Cal1a4 'or 1114 D ..... PbOM Rl.atoa 1567


111 .... 01 SALES .nd SERVICE COAL STOKERS 1101 Lincoln Ave. P.lmyr., N. J.

Broad and Main Pha •• and'

117 E. Broad Street. Pmlmyrll, N. J. Phone IJO·W

Telephone Riverton 12 ___ .... , ________ _ Refrlgeratorl arid Appliance.

J. T. EVANS CO. N. DREIER 305 Eut Bro.d St, Palmyra, N. J, FUEL OIL Phon. 28 George Friday, Jr. COAL Plumbina, Hutln, and Rooen.

19 W. Broad SI. PALMYRA All Kinds of Orthopedic Shoe Work


Phon. Riverton 102 ------------- 809 Thomn Avenue STATIONERY --------- HAULING Phone 937 Riverton

E. P. GRIffEN8ERG Cleanlnl • Whlt.wllhln. .wn Work


LEHIGH COAL 207 Union Landin. Road


Delco Oil Burners $ I . 0 0 Phone Riverton 314 Ellt Rlvertoa, N. J. 202 Bro.d Itr.1t ICE

Riverton, N. J. Phone eo THE NEW ERA OFF H. B. WILLIAMS


BE .0 •••••• ROCE" COD 'UEL OIL .IIIY", lIa~r ...

... '-=aUoo PALMYRA



ICE John H. Etria CLEANER and DYER ace Weat Third It., Palm),ra 117 Welt Broad Street PALMYRA, N. J. Riverton III-J Palmyra Work Called Por and DcU"ere4

Radiol, Refrigeraton RI .... rton 77S LAUNDRIES BISHOPS' DAIRIES ---- Washers. Etc.

Expert Repair Service Exclusive PHILCO k.ler ror

'almyra and Rivtrton BARGAINI IN UIED IE1'I



Phone 471 m ......


Smith'8 Store


If. ICUXIf.n ... ...... """--....... '"

Rlvtrside Home Laundry C. WARD LOWDEN NORGE RE'RIOERATO ••

318 Paine Street .DdJPl';N~t:~H~i~~l ~n Rlvenide N. J. ZENITH UDIOI

, SI4C ........ _A ..... ................. 1M Palm),!,,, N. J. T ......... fl1

TAILOR CI ... nin, • Pre .. ln, • Dytla.

Free Deliv,r, S.rvlc. RIVERTON Phon. St4


REMINGTON PORTABLE A~ __ _._--- ......... t

THE NaW lIlA •


THE NEW ERA Thomas Jeilemm Cooli~ (,muet Undet1l~~tary of the ; t_._ Ttt.aaury under R"OG$It\~lt.. d~latltd at th~ hHrin~ : I c o M

.... ~~ ~ ft..., at ...... ft $trt<tt "The dan«tt 0( thlt £ncuth~ doolinatinR lOt her brandlta of IUY1&RTOM. ft. J. Qo\'emm~nt is alway .. prtUi'lt and must be f.ltlt~t &uarded

...... at tilt Rmrtoft., H. J .... ~ .. S~ CIa .. Matttt against. TOOIl,. we hll''e Ittn dtlinlte and open stt.,. ta~ .. M S N T

~ Ri~ tt,2 . Itxttnd the power of the £ftCuti,"e o'~·r that ()f C()ngnu and of

I th~ Suprtm~ C()urt, It\-e.n to th~ point of intuf~tltnce in state' WAL TB.1t L aOWB.H, s..tato~ l ' d ' , . ~'.' I • -'-

•• W, 1It'I1lGu.. A..oa.t. IWftw kARL W. L-'TCk. Act., "I\", e It'ttlona an lna~ttmptan~ to appolnt a ...... lOfta .JU~"'- . • ~ Itfttt, RiltUtoO lat "orpD A ..... Pal.,.. f "ToO oIfset thas Btltat "'UNit in llOwer which atul£ may be

I'tItont ... Phortt .. used to ~rpetuate the rul~r. it certainly \\'~uld Sffm wise to limit ~

UGAL AOVUTlSSMs.NT$ ..... Me. .... itt I Nt.....,..,.r. CommiMl.,.,e,', lad

........ Admlmalnltor" and &_tot'a AdftrtiUtMtlts .. aollcl~,

...... Me. £'ra will apprtdat. bant ...-.mbertd In tbi. ~k)ft.


FoOr Vice P~aident-ChlUltl L. McNary

For United Statu S~nate--W. Wlmn Barbour

For Member of CongtltlSl-D. Lane Powers

For Governor-Robtrt C. Hendricklon

For Assembly-A. Matlack Stackhoule

For Coroner-Emeral White

For Freehoider~Albert C. JQnel

For Freeholder-Fred C. NoOrcroaa. Jr.

---- ---------------------

tht time ol'l~ man may t:terdat it by a constitutional amendment."

~ooJet'eltiall lllsi'licerio'

E\'<tI'ybod)' with the allltltftt 'lI'en&t

,,1 pt"':~tiOll JIft()-n that 'If't ha~ bttn I\yirte: to.,rd ctblnlltution 11\

the Uni~ Staan. We ha\l't cone, I think, ~INCtabtr too far- in \Mt di.

Thos~ whoO atlt trying to tlttain their belief in Clan,dldate m:tlon. and the best intftHts of the Roosevelt's IIlncrrit\,' mllst ha\~ tltad his s-h in Philadelphia publ!..: demand \hat the Centra' Go\'.

r~~- e:rnmtrtt shall be stripped of wme Iallt Friday with mhoted emQtions. of its ~"st a\,'Cllmulatiob of po ... e~

. HoOW could they f'«oncile his statement that "selfish political and that they shaU be lent bad! to h I I I . the States.. I am obe of those who

t inking (ou d easi y ead to go\'emmttlt by selfish SHin!" fur ha\"e "ie~ with the IfllftSt \,"On-

l)Owtr and ridles and gloOry" with the (act that he held oOft' any .:em the lro.illa interference ,,-jtb, announcement 91 N hla intentions about becoming a candidate and dominatIon of, indi~lduals and foOr a third term until noO oOther ~andldate was available--thus buslnus b)' the Federal Go\oem· ment.-Rtp. Louis Ludlow (D). Ind~ Il'Illting It necelllary (or the Democratic convention to go through Coni. Recor.l. Sept .... 1!i14O • . the hypocriay of "drafting" him ? -

HoOW do they nCoOncUe his professed desire to promote under- ( do 1I0t think the:re is anyone who que.tions the fa.:t thai 'If't need these

atanding and cooperation between employer and employee with aIr oos". and I am alad to see the hi. attempt again to lIet them at each other's throats with the Go,'crnmtnt acquire them. Frank. &killrully woOrded phrase-hthere are ill certain quarters demandol Iless. however, \.'ompels me to say f that I fear the Attorney General, in

001' a return of government toO the control or those who. because Ilhe opinioll he rendered, erected 3

of business ability or econoOmic omniscience, are supposed to be scal~old upon whkh he hung his rep. just a touch above the a verage of OU[ citi2ens." ".Iatlon <I S 3 great law)'er.-Rcp.

The New Deal candidate asserted that "once the Government ~::t~~ ~~o,(D), Ga., Coni. Reco,d. ftllls into the hands o( a few elite, curtailment or even abolitioll _ o[ Cree electionl might be adopted as the means o[ keeping them . The e"il [orces o[ Communism are in power." a"sembllillil eyen as I speak, Momw.

IURI has been liven to their dally ad. How free have elections been under the New ·Deal whetl \'8l1ce by the opportunities accor.led

ROOlltvt1t in person ("not aa Pruidtnt but as a private cith:en") Ihem to partklpate in the operation Fear that the Roosevelt Administration III heading toOward went int o se, ~I . l States and tried to influtnce tht voters to refuh and direction or our Government. the

Q Guvernment they seek to destroy, ovunment control of labor uniohs was expressed toO Wendell to return to Congress ll'Ien who had had the wisdom and courage Tllty Oc.:u!'y high place In the coun.

L, Wlllkie. Republican nominet for President, by' a group of to oOPpose some of his !let falladtll? cils o[ the Nation. The), have been Mlthigan labor leaders. who "islted him at RUlhvilte, Indiana. And 111 the face of Illi this Candidate Roosevel.t found it In permitted to entrencb themselves in

tvery department o[ Government. The party of fifty·two representatives of American Feder- his conscIence to s ay: "On candidates and on election issues, I They have been nble to fill the rank.

ation of Labor craft union! and Railway Brotherhoodl wa. led would rather trust the aggregate judgment of all the peoplt in a of Ooytrnment service with their [el. by C. L. Dliniels, publisher of the Grand Rapids Labor Nt"'l and factory-the presidtnt. all the vlte presidtnts, the board of diree. low trnvellers-killdrtd conspirators

who await only a crisis to strike president of the Michigan Labor PreBs Association. tors. the managers. the foremen, plus all the laborers-rllther down the institutions we revere Ind

As spoktsman for the delegation, Daniel t~ld Mr. WllIkle than tht judgment of the lew whoO may be financially Interested." h) Bc~ompllsh their !iatdul \lurpose the Federal building and public works program had "hurt" labor "On such questions the aggregate total judgment of a farm o[ de.tructlon,-Rep. EUgelle E, Cox

i I (D) . Oa., Conll. Record, July 2. 1040. ler OUII )' through "the forcing down of wageB and the lengthening owner, the farmer and illi the farmhands will be sounder than that or hours." He said he expreSlltd the view of labor In Michigan of tht farm owner alone:' FORMER PRESIDENTS that only a revival of bUBinel!!. unhampered by Oovernment con- And the reault oOf that exprealed belief In the value oOf ' men ON THIRD TERM trol, would put the mlllloni of unemployed back to work, and who knew, was the lIettlng up In Wallhlngton the alphabetical Woodrow WUson maintain high labor standard.. oObligarchy known al the AAA, which told farmt[1I all over thll (From II letter to A. Mitchell p.lmer

M Wlllki Id h Feb. !I, 11113, dlecussllll pendlni r. . e to UII Ie wal absolutely oppostd to Qovernment free land of our. jUlt what they mUlt and muat not do. (Wonder Con.titutlonal amendment provldlll,

controOl of unions," Danlelll quoted tht Republican nominee. "He whoOse "aggregate judgment" It wall to make It a Jail offenlt for lor a 111I11e: Presidential term of Ilx al.o laid he was opposed to tht conlerlptlon of labor Ind that he (l houlewlfe to buy a· lack of potatoel which did not bear a gOIl- yean): Itood firmly for the right of labor to organ lEt and to bar"aln col- ernment tag ?). It I, the "IlUcit powerl" of the 1 • Pruldent., not their lealUmate Inflla-ec:dvely." Then Mr. Rooaevelt laid: "I would rather rely on the aggre. ence with the country that the advo-

Mr. WUlkle, whQ met the group at the Elk'l Club, uprelled Rate oplnlona, on matterll affecting government, or a railroad prell- elltel of a Conltltutlonal c;hall.e pro­"enormoul gratification" at tht vlllit and the pledge of lupport dent, It I Iuperlntendent, Ita engineer., foremen, brakemen, tele- fns to be afraid of, and I heattll,

I Iympathlle with them. It II Intol ... -

wh ch the callers tendered. grapherl, portertl and alt the otherl, than on the aole oplnlQn of able that any PrHldent Ibould 1M "I think theae men und~rlt.nd whafl realty Involved In thl. the few In control of management, or the prlnclpal Itockholderl." permitted to determine who .hould

clmpalgn-the fret enterprlst way of life, In which both labor and He might "rather [ely" on the judgment Qf thOle enumerlted, lucceed hlm-hlmlelf or anoahet-b1 I I patrona,e or coercion, or by allylOl't cap ta are prolperou.," he obaerved. but what he reilly did w .. toO take the advice oOf I lot Qf Inexperi- o[ control of the machinery by whick

Lulie Butter, Rtpubllcan Central Committee chllrmln, who ' enced and villoniry brain trulterl with whom he lurrQunded dele,atel to the nomina tin, con ........ I d h I b d I tlon are chosen. accompan e t t a or t egatlon to Rushville, laid "fully two. hlmlelf-and we got the NRA.

thlrdl of the.e men voted for Roolevelt In 1936." But the IInelt bit of Irony WII uttered when he laid: "We Impar-tl-al-lt-Y-I-.-th-.-lI-fe-O-f luetic .. cannot alway. bulld the future for our youth, we can build our II jUltlc. I. of all rood ,overnment. youth for the future." -Justinian.

What do .. hi mlln. "budd our youth for thl future"~ Are Th. O-o-ld-en-R-ul ... e .... w-o-rk-.-I..;.lke lravl-we to build them to be wUlInl to lIuballt on Ilphabeticll bountlel taUOII.-C. F. Dol •. Third Term Opposition

A lub'coOmmittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee h .. beeh and to lurrtnder their birthright of freedoan and Independence. and h Idl h i h I I I opportunity to mike their own way In their cholen field for a mel. National Committ .. 'a he.dqulrtera o nl ear n,. on t e reao ut on ntroduced by Senator Bctward I at 122 Rut 4211d Street, N.w York R, Burke, Democrat, of Nebrllkl, propolln, I CoOnltltlonal am.nd- 00 4ole-however it mly be nlmed? City, AIIIl Valentin., Pr .. ldltlt 01

ment to limit the Prealdentlal tenure of office to one term of Iia In the "horle Ind bUllY dIYI," whln folka were Ihnpll. the Unlvenlt,. of Rochetter and y,a.... mlndad enou.h to beUeve in thrift, pirlORAI relponliblllty and :::c~r:, Director of the or,_DIa-

Senltor Burke headl the lub-commlt~ee and Invited at the anoral obU,atlonl, and unlOphllticated enou,h to rlvere thl "nln. "W. Ir~ detpl, ImprlUld by the bearln" the Ilxteen Democrltlc Senltorl who In 11128 went on old men In black nlaht lown .... the Am.rlcan peopll were abl. to number of real Democtlt. who Ire rlCord u beln, oppoaed to I third term 'or Iny Pruldent u "un- "'buUclda futkUrt fO

I r our Iyouth," to the end that every man Who \::~:. I~:~:r.~:~e~=~!;

wln, unpltrlotic Ind frluaht with peril to our fr .. Inltltutlona." w.nt. wor cou d find t, and .vary youth could have thl joy 0' I,alnlt Mr. RooMvtlt' •• ttempt to Th. hearlnal have reaolved themlelvn larilly Into oppoaltion anlldn, W, wlY fr .. and unrillment.d. without thl aJd of pattmll mak. hlllllal. the flr.t Thlrll Term

to a third tenn, rather than conllder.tJoOn of the reaolutlon to limit pltltrona.e by the ,overnment-wlth aU the rettrletlonl Ind po. rh~·~~:!tt~.!~~I~te4Ih:=e:t:~ Prtlldentl to one tenn, 1l caJ obU,ltlonl It IntaUI, poll, on November • throulh the

laJd lenator Burke: "I am altoundld when I look at the And wben WI ,.t back to fundam.ntll prlnclplea and com- election of Mr. Wlllkl., the true nam.1 of the 8enltorl who voted In flvor of that fHOlutJon in mon honelty In govlmment ' we can do It ',lln I D.mocrltlc candldat •• or Pr .. ldent."

1028, who decllr.d then their finn convlctlon that for thll country "NO THIRD' T"IN" W Principle D.Hl'ted to do wh t I tt -" L_ do .. 1IlId. ma,. ..... Ir Into the lolld Mo.t 0' the Democ:nta who are a I now a empt ... to.... n. WII 'rau,ht with perU SENTIMENT OIlOW' rt~ W.ULJ- " ...... _ to our Ir.. Inltltutlon.,.. Ioutb '- Indkatecl '" the IUf\I" .uppo r..- Ire __ 10

S.ntlment "alnlt a ThI,d T.rm, which found the and·ThIrd Term ~~~_ ...... _" '''t!- thalt~~_~atI~ Dr, Wllllam Alfred Eddy, P,nid.nt of Hobart and wUUam parbrlllvly 'Imon, f_« ... o- tI In -- -- ... ---- t'"-~

Imltb CoUeI", I-a!dn, In op""""ltion 6_ a .LJ .... 6_ lal" '. cratk ,upport«. 01 Pr"'"" 1l00ee- l1li IIMnt ten" In the D.mocrltlc clpI .. of the o..ocratlc P.rt" Mr. r- r-- - uunl ........ .It I IlIn .... _ -"'__ auOD,hoJd. TbIa would be the Int VaJentlDe IIId. n.y'eeI thlt If

HNo 0lIl man ialndllpenaablt: the ....... alwa)'ll • ecore who d.,';";h:: tIM'c!.t;;eac~ ;mau~! 1!.~~bIicaft uaclldata 'or their part, I. to be .......... the couleS take b .. place. thoup political f_-alty may haYe .worn thIm • 1lIIY., III8CIe '" ..... N-"~-' 10__ , .. _t - WOll .., .lectoral tlflderic, ... ,. _ daaoc"tlc prtn.

-T ... -- - _olee In the lou ...... _ clplee ..... be ~ 1114 the pert, • 0 a pUIlon for anonymity." .Itt" 01 D'-'IItI-P.-WIJIde. ltat ....... br V...... redlrecte41 It-- .... U_ laid aow.

TIN PGMIWIItr tIIIt W...... L. I. I Ita ........ tIIautcl fr_ .... '" Ita ....... -: .. 1alcJ.

I . '


OLDSMOBILE \TU\'SmQ.Voe, a" ~ ~,-.. CO'I'IC l\) &\~ W\~ II .-. IM- ~~ ~ ~ns-: to \ht"~, C~~ ~ tM ~t \Pt4 ~ ._ t\ ~ .. dri~ l\) a ~ ~ • .,.. ht *" W.ft N~ ... J~ a~ ~ "'~ ba ...... t~ ~t <)( ~\&tI ~~b( a.c:M __ t. .

LAUNCHISS 1Ml •• \ttI' 0( ~ ~ .... ~ "'1'-oUo .. ~ 6nt State." I Ntah a\ t~ ~ 0( ~ balf hoov ltlt Is " ~ ~t 0( htlll,..

CAR S""bY1l:.'~ ~. ~ tilt __ ..... . ~ oted\ ~ rewm ~ nut n \&tl s.:~ .. WId Is this r'l'IIf eft~ ~~ m.t {art abo.t U. It''''~Matk It_ J~ A. h_. ~ I W~~ to ~ with ....... iI\ thot J;m'- clau 0( t~ maU­

I Dri'rt l« "" Is Wt. aI\tt __ ~ '<Ii tilt New J~ ... ~ ~ IM • ...m ~ t.wt.. 'I!l\:h nNlth.."$-k~'('It d,~ 0( ttlot ~~-Oldsmobllt .. _clIts ita a~ ,-. "'t 1ft tbot baMs 0( ~OQO 0--.. baCt ~"t~ IIpQIlt bridb _ I.:hltd tatil\a part '" thot ~'s ~. a~ ~I"_t .0( tM TM-.:h<tl'"& ~

_ with a ~ 0( .aa - mK II Ilnve dIancot 0( ~ tht mana 0( rUsmc ..... I i'S a_Ned a StOll mnom\natiofn ~ M ... win" tNta bftn adln: ill ~}ne u_ aad tkft !ticll'-- . has beti'I fullftd ~ry in it.. All It_ ~ dea. It .. dlairm,al\ UI\~ States S:niftt$ &nd.. tM utra~f aCli-ntiH 0( tM tb:at ~t tbt wWtat ~ ~'I mtuiod OII'ltrol Ms ~ Ile ...... tM' tile "\lrli~ C'*'lf fiMnce Joe K~~popu\a~ W1.S mastfl' of tcllec6. _ber of t~ ~ olIml .Ill tilt ~~ IIiIItcw7 ol ~ ~ alltOmat~ pIaas tM c:Glt- ~iltft, ~ at the mfttiq. ~iIt'5" Is "'C~ief Qlritfti"'" aM ~ho!OO dub. tM . """~ So,-"e~ CGmpall)',. ~. twOw both !l ~ t'rOl lt~ in _lI'*l pou'\ion ~ Ht tud a l'tltaTun . (Nm ~ qll'tStion$ are ~ttd b, SkIM, l... ,Sooctal l\oard. PlJb!,';It)' Commi\~ and an aaht-qlimltt: OIdsmotIllot. \Q tb<e atarM pedal Is _-11, _ J..,.tph W. Maron. ~an of the Jamft ~ tllot ed~nal stawts of Ttme Commllttr's COIII\cil. and thot tradr u.:h of the tbru pn;:e Iitlda . wbidt lllot Kdition of thia mincM-~ fu- RqMlbbu.n Natiooal Comtnitttot., and U (e m ... rinu. . tftm, art no. _ dl~ at the .... q 01 tor has been the II"Itftt ~ Wtdlna bios ft&ft\a that M c:ould !lOt TtIoot .ns' to MI"S.. Wamic'" t "Jil\,'k~ Dawlt7. 1Iw: .. III Broad alrftt, : ~ in the """n.Matic Drh-e £« be pl"K'tftt aa a~ <I-inc to the qllftt\oon i~ (t) a I:I'U~ of abollt I TtM'ltS fOR WIt.tKI& Ib~'titon. . 11Ml, fa .... l that M _ adled\md to Intro- 30..000 .:hildren to thot "oly Land, . "The Ne... Vt*'l TIm", ~ ... hl~ Old_~lt" ea-cl~'tt ~l. ~ra.Matk salft In .1M) .~ d~ ao\"Htt<W. Jam" to a -.dio (t) •\l .. pMft\ b, '!tttyY W·l. ported "'ra.~lin D. R_\>Itlt r.

loiati.: Dn~ that tl.unmatel cllll1th" I bml~ on\) b:r ~dioWI. and .. .~Iltnct tllat n\&bt. t()naftllow. .nd (3) a~ \mpon~t , ~I'den.:)' In 19S2 .nd l~ _ .:IlIl\:l\ ped~ a~ Ihifl.- aura allte- ftat. number of IInfilled onlttnl - M~. Ktim In~ ~ the .. tllotmt!rom the Opel'"&. Hansel and 10llt &pinst a third \trtn last ~ l\lllu,:ala" \I apm optiOUl. at utn. Qrried oVO!!' from la .. --- M_ $l!lnbltd a-ts the foIlo~: ' Q\'ttel. . I in 'U\ editorial annQ\lndl\& ",at ft COlt, OQ all mod. and, - til CD- , fadurina fadlitia lIa\l't bHn in- Mra. PQrl M. 8ridtaum. RItP'lb- . _lIld $\Ill~rt WeMelt L. Wit~ larari pl'Odll .. -tioft fa.:Uities, Pf'OIl'i- aused, lIowe\ltf. to • point wbotre it lk:an National Co~mlttee_an ON HONOR LIST Ob ·· th t 't "'illS m.aklfta tt. to be a deciliYotl7 ll"ltec wa fa~ Is believed I .. t r'l'IIr" OIllplat of hom N~. ' JenotJ. .. . . $1!r\'1R& III I . nd ..... -t1K' in a94a. Inc:.n:.ud room and \25.000 may ' be multiplied 1It\lt~ ltonorable A. Matlack Sta.:khouat. ,J<lhn WIllis. of 3011 Thlr.l street. ~h~.lce ot thlt Repllbh<lln (Il .... ..

COnUcKt, atftta- enaille PO_, atrik- .times for 1114a, candidalt for t'e-I!ledlott from BIW'- RI~. was named Oft the Prest> in ,\n~ of the a~t~t crisu of thta ina ne. bod:r dttipa. and IKOt"f:R ~ tinaton COIInl:r to the SltIte Alum. dent. hst of Tnnton State hachen nat'on $ hl"Nr1. detailed improv:ements an bev ... t-I DINNER SPEAKER bl,:r, . Des. to tM &$Ilia fo~ pf'Ol1'tS1l dlat Honorable Thonta$ Epn. fo\'mer c:atried Old3lil0bile in a~o to the I SOUNDS WARNING Public Utility COh\missiOlltf of

. hiabtat ,ales marb. the C'OIllJl&nt \ \Conunlled frvm Pqot 1) Pennll:rI'lllR\a. . eVft ruched. Ihip and le'l daowmandalp. "NIt\ltf Mrs, Flo,"""ce l!alttr, \lice

Special Strl.. bdon! ha" the: high otrlce of the man of the ,New Jersey RepublllCllI . " I pre:~iden~ been so .... ommH\:laliaed State Committee. . . I . Examlnauon of Olds~obUIt" .Ix and the White House SO prostituted." Mr. Frank Snover. chairman of the I

1m" of cara re~e:als thlit III the 10~Y- 1 HOIl. Sanluel F. Pr)'Or, vice chai~- B'.'rUnaton Coun.., Republkan Com- . pri«d field, thiS year .... the Special mall of tht N;aUonal Repllblican mlttft. , Series ~pl.cft the ''60 model. of I Committee and Republkan National MA. Robert C. Hendrkkson. WIfe fonner yura. Wheelbase of thill \ Committe~man fro\f\ ConnKticut, or the candhlate. ~erles has been exttndtd to ~19 was the lif'llt speaker. Mr. Pryor, -------IIlC~U, and horsepower of the alX- \' who headed tht comm!tl'te on ar- WINS RADIO cyhnder model haa b«n upped 10 an rllnlementl at the Philadelphia con- A question sent Ia\ by Mrs, Erk e,'en 100 from the 115 of last y~ar. ""ntion is In c\;arlle o[ the New Warnick, of Riverton. "'as used on Whol~y I\ew. a)1d .bound to attract York Headquarters of tke Repub- K'd .. d kc.en IIlterl!lt in thtl hlahly compet· \ II' .. all National Committee. ,vhick a re.:ent "Qui t I" program an It lye market Is the new eilht.cyllndtr' h " I t Mrs, Warnick has been swarded a S lIS ' ith 110 II e power hGlldles t e campRllln III t Ie eao em new Zenith portable radio by the I pe~ a eCln, w ora . section of the county. He gave sl'onson of tht progcam, the Miles

t.) 11\Ie it Oashina p~rformance. .. '. " some of th~ details o[ the for l aborlltorlea, mRkers of Alka ·Selt· I I!, the popular,prlce Iteld. the 7 .. 0 the l1ext ReVen we:eks and told. of

• erles of last )'Cil~ has [or 811cceSlIor h' M Wlllkl ur, h 'D I C ' I' S-rl- The the .nt u"a$m r. e c~at\!l "Quilt Kids " el.l\ unrehearsed pro. t e ynam c rUlle ~ ~.. h h Th 0 -old . . I 6 ' I k bodies o[ this line Are brand new, I w erever e goes. ere :Ire n t'~ gram. is heard week y at a ( IlC

aud are a radicil de cture (rom all7 sIleakeMl. h~ said, the bureau bemg I (C.S.T.). In th~ show. livO! Youllg· previous Oldsmob3: desian. The entirely IIIl1de up of volulltetrs. IItets. nil under !5 years of a~e and namt Dynamic Will chooen to SUI' Helldrickson Speakll s~lecte,d [or theIr hl~h Intelll.lence lest the feeling o[ Reet motion con· . and WIde: knowledgt, mat,ch Wits 011 veyed by thest; new ca~$. The lona, Hon. Robert C. Hendrlck.on, cal\· qllutlons sent In 'by rnd!o lI.t. ner$ lo\\' Qr~hlng sweep o[ the top from dldate [01' Governor. referred brieOy [rolll throllghout the Unlled Slates, Windshield to rear bumper II! as elo. to the n~ed for rdorm in the ballot Mrs. Warnkk, in her qllu tlon,

u;,nt o[ speed 811 the [ustlale o[ an Ilawl In New Jersey nnd tor economy a, ket! the "Quit Kids" to 1~ 1I as ~ t ceptor pursuit ship A 4.door III SlAte expelllllwl'cs. He spoke nlUch o. they could about the fol . '~de:n and a club sedan ~re Induded I blllhly o[ his colleRlue, Hon. A. Mat- lowing! tbe Childnns' Crusa,\e. th~ In thla series, with either SiK or ellht. lack , Stackhouse, candidate for reo Chll,lrens' Hour, anrl the Chll <1 rells cycllnder ellginu, on a generous ~Iecllon to th~ As .... mbly, Prayer. She wanted them to anower

Equipp~d and .A ble Tht Snover Funeral Home. witli its

trailled ptr .. l\Ine! an,! ext.nsi"e ~qulr' lIIenl is" self·contailled UII II.

ihe Snover •• .,;ce i. C'Omplete 111 e,'ery detail, rdie,'\ug member. 'of the famil~' of unn.,· e~,al)' r"8 1' i litie~ in their hour of berea "eRl ~nt .


' rhe SIl()\'t' r F tI ner .. 1! H t'm~

IncorllOrate,! 313 E , Broad St" Palmyra, N. J ,

Jihone- Rh'erton 8~O

wheel, base of 125 Inches. Han , Willinm D. Denny, former at lealt two out of t!iree 01 thue

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:u~e~8~~~n;8~'~~~~~~~~~~I~E~E~~~~E~~~~~~EEEE~~EEE~~ with the [rollt seat filII five feet wide, Each younillter Is scored as he proved [ar and away the most ~Opl1-lal eight Oldsmobile ever built In It I elltire hlstol')', This year, die Cua­tom Ctulsers appear wltb reline­Dlenta of detail .nd finllh, Ind with the option of either an ellht or alII­cylinder enllne. The mammoth front leat .1., of course, al wide II ever, .nd wldenlnl the treed In the rear h.1 made polllblt wIden In, the tea, leatl.

Hydra·Mattc Drive Becaule It I. the 101. type of

tr.nlml .. lon that whoU,. rellevH the driver of the neceility of 'hlftln' aearl and pru.ln, _ dlltch. Olda­mobile', Hydra-MaUe Drive con­tlnu .. II a point of Inten •• public lIa­terest In the 1041 model'. A.aln Ult •. cd .. all optional feature, .t extra COlt, It COII.I.te of I comblnltlon of liquid coupllnl .nd fully automltle


WINDOW SHADES purchued her •• rt

mea'lIIed and In.talled PREE

Prk .. R .. _bl.1

SCHWERING'S Palmyra. N. J .



• .An orpnl%ltton 01 11,000 highly mined, ~rwrtenced men

Ind WQmen I. back of your telephone-rl,uly- wlth thou. and.

of-other telephone workerlln the nation, wide Bell Sy. tlm, to

,Ive you I f .. t, dependable, friendly Mrvlce-that help. you

,et more dun •• done each day - quickly, ea.II)', chcapl)',


~L-______________________________ -

t I


THE N~\v ERA, THURSDAY, SE.Pl'ENBE.'R 2t), 1940

WDJIIE SAYS I RIJMMAGE SALE TOUR OF LUNCH ltawn-Polntri.lle-.bro_'s MiU-~· 1 SUNDAY ()Unrr I 'the li\ltii~n CountY 1\}~1l- ROOMS IN COUNTV ~~ton a~ Md boostoed t~ Rln- I No furtbff ~vel~1\11I IO~ tilt . l<Mts LIN.I'I~ ''5 maltitl& plans t'or 'it'S l'hot :annuat County Lufu:b tour 0( .. '<>Cas Rac.nt and D<e,-ti>Opraent AI- Sunday sports 1Iituatioon· Ott\lfft\t

'I1Iu. is not onl,v a c:amp&i&n iCir ~<, n'li.,annual ""MM:ace -s.a~ Wed- ttw.. IUndl rootns .n thot sdl-oots 'fri~I ' soc.a\iot\'s Cft:an .. "'tS flO" a mdt atlo\-er ttle -,:.~ in ~. Lut tile ~'hon of WtUtM .altdM.:Natl'. ne~, Octobel' '9\h, alld Thun..Jay. bot IIdd O~tobrt ~d. The PIlfll'Oft }obsto\\'1\, Hatty Ii' Sinclair ba-c~ Sunda, the tennis ~rta Wft't CII'd~ It \5 a \,'llmpal&1l fOr tM el«ti-on of o.."t<)bK tilth, 1\,\\-e ~ announ>Ced 01 the tou~ ;s to ~tte!' .a""<lIL11\llt the . . .•• ed do5'e<\, ~bltcan ~andid:l\el fur the Sena~ -as tM date'S by Mts. ~rd J. n'lt:n\het-s of the Pa~t-~oelt>tt I.s-. I ~th<t ~teq)rtse.. ~~x';ii~ ""~~ The sub~'t is to be plII<td on ~ t.. t'M Houft a~ fur St,\~ IOtfl~~ , Sn hens.. Hattfunl. who is lStntna .. a a«iations with tM wo\it- dooe il\ t -: CTOUP lIP .:atton ball-ot at 'M ~ Eledion..l~ W~ \nust pile up lSU\:h a \"Ole that the ' general ch:aimlan. ,5>:hool lunch rooms., tIO help thaft I ~i . \i . lie ""'... .:oniina ta preftfit plans. temidou'S doctrines of the b'5t 1t"'1 TM rummq,: sa~ has becoMe .k IIPhIO "read), haw Iwlcll rooms ta lhl. . ,:ay \n ta nco actton on .. . ~. )Mn W\U be .:on\pte~~" tliMina," i h.rolh-on in Burlincton ~nty, Fot pro~ thelr mell", .ltd ftn'id altd ' at the Stlte Racln& C~mm\'s:ROn IS - . hM Amm<a.-Rut.h~Ue. It1d.. Sept.. i t\\'8t~-two yea" tM\l'Cts of tIO hotlp othen tIO Inshlll :at'rd opotrate all~ "? ~ r6ponSlble foor Sin- Thtre .tS no ~rtue 10 ~ il"*t S. l~o.. I lI'ouslt'C.,anin., altd lena oeherished lund\ f1X)n'Is In their ltllool.. da.r s actllOn. and todblt-<e as )ustfte.-AddiMXI.

~ I articles fin~\Iy rtlin-quishtd by fond Thill year 1M aiM IOf the County -=======-=-..... ====="""_ ................ --==""" ...... =-==-It 'is the ~tenllon 01' the t-otali- ow~ ha\-e be<tn uftd to make pi04J. Hat Lunch Cftain'na1\, I\lrs. ~ih' ~n rulen that den'locra.:.), is not I SIble this sale (or tht ~ntfit of t'M ~h fi"reclt, il tIO ha~ serveod mo~ \Steli""'- We must prow that it is , L.,.. .. u~, Rummact Mle time 1Il1ft" ~ream IOUpS and .. tad'S. The ItOUP ~ti,,"It by maltin& (ull un of II1I , e\"eI'yone an opportunity tIO ualat b:t tS tIO mee\ at the c.ptaln Jamtl lA .. -~ ConllrtM I\as .. "On'Stitu- the promotion .ot II health p~am ren~ Sctlool on St. I\latys street. tional fUn.:tionlS alS im.portant and ; on .a ~unty-~de bar.l_n oppor- B~ .. linlton, It lo.~S a.m. 'Mm-e ~ey sacred as thOft of the Chief En(:u-I ,untty to .:ontnbute. ta buy, or tIO aa· will IObserve a d.splay of attracb~ tiw,-Rush"iIIe, Ind .• Sept. 3, 1!HO.. sist "'it~ the arran~\nents. ""ays tIO ae~ cream ISOIlpll- 'fM

. -0- ContnbutilOns WIll be called for RT'Oup win then JO tIO Wrlahl1ltown 1 am deeply Il":lteful for the olfel and \"OluntlCff aid _Icomed, if a lind observe the dtlldren beln& '

and "'lIl1lle~rtedty _kome and I\._ menace is. len at the offi~ of the s~. From there the, win JO tIO ~ ~t the proller ot asslsla"~~ from 'lUbe~uloslS Lea .. ue. 55 Main strut, Vtl'l(et\tIOwn and be ",rvtd lun~h at I my oeomradH. the war \-etlenms of Mount Holly. I>.rtklet! may also he '-1111 p,m. A.t 2.00 p.m., Mia Clara ' the United St"~s •••• That the lien at tile home of Mrs. JOI!eph T. Ii:. Hall, Home Eoeonomist for the 1 ~ranlS of all "'ars hav-e formed an I:\"ans. Cinnaminson. Atlantic City ~Iedric Compan) at oraanit.atiOtt to work in my ~h.lf H.:lmmontlO~, will 8pMk to the, ~rnup Oltty ~ohfirms tlleir inteftst In tlte TO INSPECT JAtL on tile tIOPIC "TIle Growh\g Child's\'iltion of tltis' G<:I\~rnnlent as Th~ followll1g ~ontmltlee was Nted," one repn!sent3tive or the people.- ham«l by the Freeholders last week Ruslwille. Sept. t, HMO. to inspe~t the Burlington ~ounty WITHDRAWS APPLICATION

jail. -We must not s~t up 'I d.cl3lorship Mr. Cltu,.,·h appoint«! Ille (01\0"" 11111 members: Ch~~les C. Hansbury, of MOllnt H('lIy; Mrs. Hubert

to fight Ihe ' "i~t~tor5 .-Ru.hville, Au ... 31. 1940. _ Coorer, or Moore~to"'n. and Robert

It is my philosophy that there is H. A .. tott~on. of Bordtntown. no a, bitrary di"'sion of American Freeholder Charles Stout's a,,· voters. We art a\l Amerkans.- poil\t~s were : Tom Callery. of New V!lrk Cit)" AUII. 22. 1940. Roebling; M. C. Mathis. of FloI"

_._ . eIIet', and Rnilit Hail1es. of Medford. I am aiailisl all lorms of Govern-I FteehoMtr John. Chant appointed

ment by 6ubterfullt atld Itldlrtdion.- I Paul , Durk. of Bridgeboro: Rena ]. Interview wIth Cbas. G. Ross, St. I Van Sd"er. or Palmyra. and Frealan Louis Post· Dispatch, June II, 1940. iF. SMith. of Riverside.

~_ F.reeholder ,Clartnee G. Price ap· Willkit will appeal to the common f pointed Franklin JOlles. of Beverly.

cltlaenl because he ill one o( them I and Walter AnderRon. of Burlinlton. and he has never lost the touth of Director Albert C. Jones hAa pick. the commotlpla~e .• • • We believe , ed Hiram Erne.t. of Mount Holly, Wendell Willkie will be elected and . Emery Cheesemon. of ~I"erton, atti lie will have the support 01 tens of I Amos Flake of Mount Holly. thousand. of Demo(ratl In Okl.-homa a. well as In every other Btate. • BOOM ON The Olliahottllin and Times will sup- ' The IhRux oC , Regular Artny of· port hlm.-Dally Oklahoman. Okla- , licera' families wu , under way last homa City. I week as the "an of an expected 7,000

_ National Guardsnlell trickled Into Commcntinll On the very evident I Fort Dlx Cor B year's tralnln ...

drift from the New Deal P'lrt)' to With rentals In near.~y commun· Wlllkle the Covlna:toli Republican Ities jumping lrom 15 to 25 per tent laY. that In the past two weekll no higher thlln In past years. Burltngton lell than ten promInent Democrata i county realtors are fevertsnly at-

'. In Covln,ton, three In Veedersburll I tempting to meet hlmdredli of de-

Although the National Guard mobiliutio" at Fort D1K and the up­sur~ ot business in the Wri .. hts.


• Wet waah picked up by oUr

drivers by 2 o'c1ock 8attirday aftemoons delivered on or before S o'clock MondlY momlna .. •


Phone. RIverton 071 "r

We Ask Yow" Coopel'ation

BECAUSB of the tn!mendous number of checks used in the conduct of busin_ there is a ten­dency to regard them 1M money. A check is merely 81\ order for a bank to pay money ond 811 such hal no intrinsic worth. It must be ron· verted into cash to be of use. Thus when 0

check drawn on another bank Is deposited. we must send it to. that bank to convert it into cash. The depositor therefore should not draw on a deposit of checks until We ·have hod time tn

rollect them.

rr \ve pay a check drawn on uncollected funds .we octually matre a loan without intert'st. This obviously is unfoir to our other borrowers and ~epositors. We will be glad to tell you how long It takes to C'OII~ checks drawn on differe.,~ "olnts so yoU call know when YQU mu)' 01 .. \ ,

~II your deposited item ..

r.minsoa Bank and Trod Co. RIVERTON. N. J.

."mbor F.d .. 11 nopo.1I I nlu,"nc" Corpo"'t .....

and more In other pllrtli oC Fountain I mands (rom apartment·seekln.. of. County have expressed themaelvu.. Rcers aS8111ned here ItS Instructors favortng :Willllle.-Brookville (Ind.) Cor t~e GUArdsmen and. later on. ap­Republkalt. plOltlmately 15.000 conscr!pt·ed 801-



Torpedo styling-plonetred Iblt year by l>ontlo~ and accepted len· erally by the industry thl. year IB, In It. true lorm. a Ireat deal more than JUlt 0 body Btyle, accordlnll to B. H. Anlbnl. chief e"llneer 01 Ponlilc Motor Dlvl.ion.

The aleek Ilnes oC the Torpedo Cluaht the eye and Intereat of the tlubllc In 11140 and lorced It I In­clullon In neatly every IIn~ oC UIlI thl. year.

------No pleuure II comparable to the

nalD SHaWllli

.tandln, upon the vanta,e.,round of I WllIWlII ttuth.-Frandl Bacon.



118 ClnnamJnlon Ave,. Palm'!rl. N. J. . Phone Riverton 2



C. WARD LOWDEN '14 CtnnamlnlOl1 A".nue


TaI..,bon, 711

JOHN H. ErRIS If Wilt Broad Itfllt

Palm,r.. N. J. Phona .,1

PAY AI YOU 00 PI., GoY 00 a lporty e_ IRON ROCK PARK GOLP CLUB .......... .....,. ...........

~1 ~QI"'! ,U"aN:1' .. ~ .. WIll. DAYI

7uu ........ .-H .. 1!:r" I!I:':=-......


• The LE.S. 3-way junior floor tamp Is desIgned for lighting

that "corner" where you like to read - at your favorIte aMnch:llr, tor example.

• Thi~ lamp Is not mflde a! hl~h as ~ome other tvpr!. The ~hfldl' I! a comparath·rly ~hort dlJtnnce trom reading level.

• Light I, direct and Indireet combIned -lOrt and restrul tor eyt's at work.

• A 3-IIte 50-100-150 watt Mazda bulb supplies whatever light YOl1 heed ror varIous ~eelng ta~k~.

• Thill tamp, and alt lamps marked "I.E.S.", are built to s~rlAc:ltlons of the illumInating Englnl'erlng Society to provldr proper light for comFort In ~eelng.

• I.E.S. floor and table lamps are made In many beautlrul Itytell. They wltl add beauty to your roomll. They will bring your tlghtlng up to modem standards. Use I.E.S. Better Sight lamptln your home.

.... ---~------- --~--_--=--_- ____ .-_ _- - -._-.:._=-..:::--=---::::::::-..2.-.




HlIDdreda of ~llda o(~ ... JOIIDC Inm t'Nd TilE Al,nUUCAM ao'Y Macaain~ ~~1 month .... ~ it mUR as • livit\c ___ 1>Uion than as a mqaaine.

"Ifs as muclJ a budd¥ to me .. ., netch~ chwn." Writts _ hlah s.:h1lOI a~ior-. "THE I.MERI­CAN BOV lleans to unden.tand a I,,)y's problems. and .:onsiden tbem hl $u~h I sympathetic lmi hdll£lll way, It ai~_ advice and <et\tutain. lna readin, on leftty lub~t hll which a youna fellow is intcrutoed. It Is pankularly helpful in .. Port .. I made our 5ch'OOi ba,~tball tum btcause of playinc tipe I ~d in THE AMItRlcAN BOV."

Many famous athltta in aU sporta credit much of their 'U~" to help­ful sug~tion. received from sports art.des carried in THE AMERI­CAN BOV M .. uine. Virtually Itvery issue oRers advi(e from a fa­mou!! coach or player. ....ootball. basketball, track. tennis, In fact eY<ery major sport is covered In lie­lion and fact articles.

Teachers, librarian.. partnl1l and l~den of boys' clubs also recom­mlelld THE AMERICAN BOV en­thusiastically. The), have found tha~ as a general rule ~gular roders of THE AMERICAN BOV advance more rapidly and develop more wonhwhile characteristics than do boys who do 110t read it.

Trained writers atld anlsts. famous 'coaches and athletes, ellploren, .dentists and men successCulln bUII~ nes8 and Itldultry join with an ex­perienced ataR to produce In TH E AMERICAN BOY. the so'rt o( read­inll matter boys like best.

THE AMERICAN BOV sells on most newsstands at 2Sc II copy. Sub­Icription prices are '2.00 for one year or $3.50 lor three years. For­eI .. n and Canadian rates SOc a year extra. To subscribe simply lend your name. address and remittance d.rect to THE AMERICAN BOV. '430 Second Blvd.. Detroit. Michl­lIan.

BANKERS READV At a meetln .. held this week In

Plall1field of Executive Committee of the New Jersey Bankers ASlocl­ation. representinll the 400 member banks, those present were unanimous In declarln .. that' the banks of New Jersey are ea,er. to extend their (ullest cooperation to the Induttrlel of the state which may be called up­on to aId In the Valt proaram for National Defense.

"New Jerl.y bank, are ready and able to meet all le,ltimlte c:redlt demands." said H. Dou .. las Dilvl .. P. "aldent o( the New Jerley Bankelll Association and Vice Pr.,lIldent of the Plainfield Truat Company. "They have the ruourcel. the trained per­',ollnel and the Intimate knowledal 01 their own c:ommunitJ... which equip th~m to bandle a vet')' Iar,l part o( the linanc:ln, nec:CIIIarJ to .. i,j those concern. which hive ,ov­ernment conlractl or orders placed a. the result oC ,ovemmenl1ll bUII­nesS. Thll linancin, can ba carried In a manner which will provide an adequate volume of loanl and. at the same time ... Ie,uard the fund. Ql their deposltora." -

"N ew Jersey I, one of the natioD'. g. eal induatrlal states. In the palt. through perlodl of war and of pe.c .. 01 d.preilion and of tlro.perlt,. our IIlIlustrl.,. have alway. found our bankin, Instltutlonl ready to proyldl ,II n.ceslary bankln, aervlCfl IIlId to nteet III proper demand. for loan .. A.- In the paat_ today-N •• Jt ~8tY Banka are preplred Ind will <I n their part In thl. critical period oC our hiltory. The neceasary finnt1d" .. oC National Defenle can and , hould be carried out throu,h hlnking institution ....

WANT ADS Po g N 1': 2 lar,e airy room., second jll>(". reasonable. Apply 407 Thom .. ." "I1"e. Riverton, 9·26-lt

"liNT: $50. 900 Parry ave .• PII-lII)'1a. Rtrtl ,lion hAil. living room,

11/111111 lI)om, kltthcn. laundry, 4 bed­r"",n". 111001e,n ha,dwood ADore th.our,hout. fireplace. hot watrr heat. KnlRllc. Inrg .. lot. Ihrubs, flowen • .hn<1e trHS. Waltu D. Lamon 5UI CiI,nRlTlhuon Ive.. "almyrl. phona 2S It


Man, Not . Macl'line, Chief • Cause of Traffic Deaths

In tht' m3i(\rit ~ of Ru\,'mobile acc.<lellt, thlOU,!i:'lUt th\! countQ' dUI'illll the P.~5t ) eal Ule drw<'l' , and 1I0t the car \\'(15 at faulL ae­C"rding to ~~~'3rch experts of The Tr:l\"elcrs 1nsul':.\I\1.'\> Conl­pany

The~' eshmat!'d Ih·" t 93 per cent of 011 autonl<1bHes In\.>h."d in Catal crnshes in 11139 and 95.5 p <,r cent of those in non·Catal IIccttl.en Is were In ROOd mpchanl­c:tl condition.

Of 37.000 cars dealinlt out dl' .. th. onls fiiO were found to ha\'t~ defective brak"5 and 510 had faulty lights. A puncture or blowout wos reported 35 the pd­m3\'y cause ot accident hI but 4<1.0 case3.

\\'111\1' It stressed m(ll1-fallure rather than m:l<~hlne-fa"tlre 3~ the chief eBUSC of Bcdell'"ts. the r !'port was careful not to mini­m l .. !! the Impnrtance of kCl'ping \'I'hlCl1'5 In good condition.

"It is known that man,' tlcei­dents attributed to some ' failure

on the part of tile drl\~r would be a\~rted If the t::ar were In per­fect or near-perfect condition," lite roport stated. "1\$ an exnm­pie, an In\'estigating offiCer writes Into his report l\~ thl' cause of an Rcddent: 'Ollt'fntor drove bll th" roadway.' The driver may have been Inattenth'e; hO~'e\'er. i.s it not possible Ihat with perCect brakes. perfect stt.'erlng mech­all ism. and gMd tires he could ~tm ha"e pUlled himse\! out or the hole Into which his inatten­ti\'enl'I<.' plnced hlmT"

In other words, the report con­clud('s. mt'chnn lcal failure Is often cited as B contributing enuse but not tlie prinCipal couse of acCi­dents.

~ mart oK ihtctt~ is OM ~ , maMs It II,s ,,"M\stant nih! to £ooDo.,. the road of .tI&ty •• \,~ .s n.tth -.t the TOO.."e of h,,, t'Ol'IS\:~~ point j It out to htm-lIIaty 8aItet E~.

Go.i Ct~ mlnl\oOO bllt OM due tIO $Ih.",-"CU. utte!' and eu.:t .fullti,~; that. M &UaranteM.. Ilh:all ~ al~ ea-

Rytu Sta-., $1.00

ped~q-.-We.ndelt PbUllps.. I The New Era ' 08ice



Stock Up '",Ih these l=~1t Food Values!

nll~ ._,~~.~ ."'" ""'" 1\ft. ... ,."imc: h'" 1h, .. , ,,,,, ,hqo­Wfttrwt- jwq .... ,t .. 'Xo\\ t- • "",,,,, U,t""",,,", ,'It'" f\ ..

.. td th. '-"U7 with ~\\ ~~ .. ". '1"""'\ """"" r",,~,,'" ~ __ M",b af 0 •• t"'ft'Ih''''t'f''' I"" tun hu: d '\A'U hw'''" \tt ......

.... "'\I.n""l~ of the II,,",,' .... ' hI.,.. •• 1"' ,,,,1, "'''".' ,,,"I lin", Wlwft o.alll:!" ('\lIOn", 11.,,1 ""\I~ \I"n"~ t"l,,,-. hrt~.

,H ' I

IISaJ Sauer Kraut , ,~~.\. Be: 90c Far",d.l. Corn .~t'I~~~:i~~~ '';,1:::'::. 2 ~.~~ 15c : 87. IISCIJ F ... cy Tomalo.. 3 ~~~,~ 25c : 9-7c IISClJ Sw •• t P... ';:~!: 2 ~:;.: 27 c : '1.57 'armd.l. W •• 2 ~'~:n~ 19c t ".10 Chopp.d Spinach ",,,·r,,,· •• 1 2 ~::;.,~:~ 19c : ".10 F.rmd.l. P •• , I~;~~ " ,:,,~ IOe '1.17

.,.,.., .,,:~:.~,... LARD tb 7c f,-OUR Vanilla e--'i:' .. 2Ec

. I

, \ Best Pu rl!

_ll> '1~ \1i~:~ 3 5~ Black Pepper ~~ . 'Jc I boll' - Whole Spices · - 50

tGC» Pure Phosphate T"tlpV'!: Til .. \~~"~\4 'h22r Tetlev', Tea ,':;\~~' 'I "',00

L1 tt'e Home-Dressed Fresh ROBlting

HAMS<WhOf.) tb16~ 'au.r Kraut I :;~'r Ib 'e • App'. 'auc. J CAII""15·

'r •• h P.rll M •• ty Co."t" Sau.a.e III 210 Sera 1."' 120

Steer Tongues I~r:." ;~70 \ Rloe Pudding "t~~"15c Long Liverwurst ~. 180 Tastv Pepper Halli l Ib 10.) l.unoheon Roll ... III 120 OevtlE'd Crabs wh 12r

I, Prim_Full Meated-Voung 111 2SC II

LH en Turkeys l: :b.

STEAK RUo':'P s,~.~'·t:;~l::r tb3SC Round .

For Healthy Chick. U.e Tellted .. POULTRY

!iMlnrnl. FEEDS IlIlot""tllt·lIl,. *",'I,''''''','''IIr, 001.'1('«1 a .. l' '.111 ..... ",II",' "''''tl'd. 1I:IIIIIti n ',111111,,. h. htlellt" I"""'''' , ........

~ayinl-".Ih 100.1:: .. 12.1': 251~:~55c

oy.t.rSh • . I~ IOO '~1l 7~c_:25 ' 1~,tf 20c a.".tch Gral" 100 1:./ '1.91 • 25 .~, •• _9c Chic" Gr.ln. 100 'l' ... 2.07 • 25 '.':.. 53,' "~j::lttl,ti~·.:' M •• h 100 ':: •• ' 2.39 • 25:::'. 61c Gro.'", ...... h 100 '.~ •• '2.15. 25 :~"" 55l b,.II., M •• h 100 '.',:,.: 2~3' '15 :~: .. 61e

"arm/ia/e I'"ullr . nd V.,/ry I-eedlnfJ flhttrt PHHH. Mall .. cqu~,.t to Ame,·lc •• n ,·tnrf~" en. 11211 A'. 19th Sf., ,'hll.-, •• P,.

. Shop the I/J(JJ Wa)' and Save I

B.\ ing Powder Cookies ,,~;~~ . .::;. III 21 c

tbl5c oan Appeteaser~ ';~; ' 10c Piokling Spices I~i:; 70 Corned Beepr",".,,· •. ~;:180 Sorapple ,,,"' • 2 .;:;::: 250

" ",I , .... h.) '. Nh'· .... hh""1

Codfi~h 2 ~;_':. 250

t'"IIl', OIl1t. ""' .... 1 lIIr •• Prune.


" Dlrmt "t 11.(' Worht·, .'tll .. t l '"rr.·,··

Wln-Cre.t 1 .. ·.·1 •• IUd. 2 1'"'25 ,'Ia,,'. hll&:,oi C

RINSO OAKITE BROOMS H .. rN'. Tomato or V.,.t ......... , 2 ~ .. :.;.;~" 15c H.ln. 0., •• a.Ia... •.•.. 3 III.", 2ge , 'utU_

H.I". S,a.h ... l 3 " ... , "'c '~f\"" •

WALDORF 4 roll• 17C Ic.'T' ... ~ J roIIIt 10e I IcotTo •• '1 I .... 1 .. 21e

~ff'htit#illlfrt i!i!(a ~'GRAP'E'S': 5C

~ Julc" O,a""' •• I ,!IU"tllta .... 19c , • '."'IIl'" t' l It 'HI"",.... 4Ir". ' 11 tt'lIlh'r PRUNtS ... 5. SPINACH ~ 5,

HONEYDEWS Calif. each 19C

Til ... J' H " IAII"'d ," • U .. , ' MUI 1i.I'ft ... ~ I,,,,,,,,, 411.T '" ~ II



Rev. Albert J. HI!rke, 8.0., Putor Suvlc:u for SlInday. September Ill,

1940. 11.30 lI.m. Sunday School. 10.45 lI.m. The Wtluhlp .ervlte.

The subject of lhl! pllatof', lOlpel mea ... , will be. "'three 'bruta' .nd Threl! KkCUIU."

7.00 p.m. Vounl I>eople'a .trvlce. Thle comllli Saturday, September

18. thl! ehd,tllln Knduvor ,odet)' I, lIolt to the fall meelln. of Phil­Rivet· Pal, • conftrence 01 Moravian ,oun. people. The tlpenln. senlon bellnl lit :UO p.m., (outdoor., weath­er permlttlnl> with a lonl' aervlc. followed by ', conference period 1ft ehule of Mr. John Oroen'eldt, Reid lIereta." ),ounl PlOp I.', work ot the Morlvlan chufch. A 10el.' period .Ul precede the f,llow.hlp lujper It IUO p.m. The condudlnl nrvlc. II .t MO p.m. with the Rev. Normln Paullin, plltor 01 the Rond.le Blp. tI,t church, of C.mden •• , ,pullu.

BlindlY. October e. will b, ob­urv.d ••• R.lly bay .t .11 the Hr­Ylt... There will b. I .peel., Cont munlon aervlt •• t the mornlnl wor­ehtp bour.

Th, Wllllni Worleera ."nounce their annUli a .... r and Turll.y Sup­per W.dnllda), .venlnl. October IS.


aurlln.ton Plkt lunday Mornlnl

10 o'clock-Mullnl lor worallip

CHIUSTIAN IClBNCK CHURCH Plr,t Churcb of Chrlll, Identllt

Thom.. An. .t l"lnth It, Rly.fton, N. J.

luftd.y Ichool, 8.10 •• m. lunday I.,vlc .. , II •. m. Wtdnltdey, 1.00 p.m. Rttdln, Room In Church Bulldln,

Thom •• AYe •• nd "nntb It., Rlv­.rton, Clpen TUleda, Ind Prlelay, 1.10 tu 4.10,


"RealIt," I. th. ItIIOII'HrtIIOft .11 .... Ject IClr IUllda" "pttlllbtf II. In aU thriltJan lcIenc. Churcbft and 10-d.tI.. throlilhout the worlll.

The Ool4ta Tt.t III "Pear not, Iktlt Socii I 'or It II 10ur P.ther'. = p"""" to "v. ,011 the 111ft •• .. (Lillie HId).

AaIona tIM ___ HfIDOli dta-........ tlst follow .... 'rOID tIM BI"III

IT .. AIN'T AN IAIV JOI to bullcl. U .. 01 ftI.1or lP~ t Ihlt would bettar lilt ~'. nc:otd ........ la, Polltllc.. Out thlt'. lult wbat wt~' 110M ucl the len PCllot Il10 ...... ItO". lbo, ... Ill ... "'_11111,,1

TIM ~p", Pontiac. e,. bl .. ar.1Mnar 1CIaIUq. • .. ,....rfvl ..... eftr-tIIHe ....... , leW u...-~ _ ~ "'l'~"'-wlda ,.,111 dlulet 01 • 11& or ...... Ia u, .... 1-II1II • _ De Lilli. "1'0',.110" .. die low.prIce .. 1111 ... ........ Po ..... "'I'otptdoel" .... '1




Bring Your Child to Sunday School

Sunday, Oct •. 6 :: Rally Day at the Epworth Methodist Church

Fifth Street and Morgan A venu~ On thl' d., ~ Wlnt "~llll1 It) wel~n\e Oll~ nl\lll~

membel'1l and It the tu,me time Ill» "tW al!holare Who mlaM tIn ttl Join. We have clepilrtmtt\ta ."a d"a," ftlt In atel.

Ollr o~heltra, under the dlrtttlon of Leon Olllllt, lr .. II I plelllhlil atttlc:tlon. .

Hour of Starting 9.45 a. m. "Train Up II Child In the WI" Ht ShOUld 00."

GARAGE ....... w ..... 01 God __ II DOt

........... '···'·· ..... SROAD BELLEVUE


EX\1'3 Ad led Full L~ntlth Feature S,lurday Malil1(t


::i;ii;iiiji~~ii:-~;-~· i:. SUII,lay alld M(111l1ay. ~epl. 29-J(j

1'v;'i!JE' I ... _~ ........ I

~~"In.' 1.00:-9.00 o'clo~ . M.tI"le Dilly Ilt 100 pom I


The Plllmyrl Med bevU, wilt lift tile lid off their 1!I40 lealOIl thl' 8un· day when the)' trlvel to Weat Phil.· ".ll'hla 10 OppOIt Ihe .tronl Blue Rell A. A. 01 lhlt dty, 'thll team


THU~SDAV. September 211 ANN SOTHK~N And


Gold Rush Maisie Ad!l~d-"Tht MArch of Time"

The OaltWIY to Panama thuuday Is Miscelianeoul Day

Ladles may have their choice 01 any Item of the TIA JUANA BRIl:AKFA8T SET whne they lilt. --------F~IDAV and SATURDAV September 21 IIlId 28


I Love You Again If. the fRRlel' alld fUllnleel rom·

edy of their caleera I -Added-

A DONALD DUCK CANTOON SAturday Matinee Ollly


hnl plAyed two .amn thua r.f MON DA Y, S'I'lember 30 "Ioclna both In the win column. JOAN BEN NETT and

PRul Heisler, IIf Palmyrl, will FIIANCIS Llt.lJlo:RER with Al1nln roach the ~ed Detoll. Ilid It LLOYD NOLAN In i. elCptcted thlt the leam will b, on. 01 Ihe Btron,elt III louth Jeraey 'lid The Man I Married III Ihe Phll.delphla area. The memo 1"I~ of the outnt havl! been IHklnl Frl'l' to I hp I.ldlu-Til. lar,e CUl1trlbullonl In P8Im~r. Illd Mlv. PII~her 01 th, Sl'rlkllllllt Beyer· el tOIl and they wl.h to think ,II the Pit let I Illtrchallts end the real dent. \j/ho TUEIIDAY allli WEDNEIDAV nioltd them 111 their elidelVor to put a Odober 1 nlld 2 fone lookln. club Cln the field. 'rwo ni, Lall.h Attrldlon.

Special ,cknowled.mellt I. ~Iv." BOB BURNI Illll tn tht Tlcony·Palmyrl 8rhll' am· MIICHA AUEk III .. ~ny And the MUI,lde Plrm.. The Rt·d Devils will oppoee a number 01 AI.·a. th- Deacon thr dub. In Ih. louth "" jp,oty and Phlladelphle Irtl. .nd Prnll), IIn.lelon, Allhur Llk,

Amoll , thOle who Irl .let.d to Ind Lin r IInlltl. In be In this IUlldIY', ,am. I,. Cui BI d' H McDermott. endt Wllllim MeDer., My till Lo, and WIUlam Pow,U II the" '"pear on the VOl. Mlveultlr. on.e a. mati. endl Jo. Pler,r; .. , t·lcI'lej .cr.e" In "I Love You A.aln." the rollleldli' ,tUlY 01 a mAn who 10.1 hi. Servant Trouble Dalil. MenlO" 'Ujrd tit f!Pttn.: I mind. but dldn'l milld whtll he wokt up with. lorlullt Illd • wilt. l'rll11& :~~I ~:: J'.d~t:.1 ,::rdl ';ome"I~Il: McHu.h .nd Edmund I.ow. Irt othm III Ih' mt ...• howlnl Friday ; PlrII~~'::~i,Y.:t;~~8 :.~r!.:tat1. I.tld" DomenJc Cuclea, baclal alo.., ,nd latUtelay, '-___________ ..1

Extra After School Malinte Monday at 4.00 ".m.

1ue~dAY. October 1

Lucky Kid wllh Ca~al Romero. I\l1d

MalY Beth lIulhn

FkF.E-To tht I.Allie. Tuu,lay and '''ellne.tllt\·

MEXICALI Luncheon Set

Wtdntldl),. O':lob,r 2 Olrl Hoban .. Unwanle,l Women

Girl. of the Road Ann D'· .nd Loll

Thul .,Ia'. Odoh.r l

BY l'OI'.U LAI{ R~:QUE!!1'

2 11,1, that MAd~ l'I<lUI. III,t<'f1 No" (In Ont l·r"I.Mn

The Awful Truth wllh Itell" 11unll ~IHI Cat)' G'ant

Alto-Mon.hl C"I.IIUIIl ill

Lo.t Horizon 1'1,,", Nol, ! "Th, A"lul '1'1 ulh~ ",III be rlflf"l.d at 7 00 .nd 10 $01 '1.0.1

Huliion" It • JIl ((lnet only)


panton of the .. noll. reailtrationl N. J. GAMIt COMMISSIO'N

With the new Oldsmobile


I for the two year period: The New Jerae, Flab and Gam.

(conlinued II'0nl IlIle 1) 1940 1139 Commilsion tod~ reporUtt diatribll-Other Al:th'itiel Passenaer carl - 888..564 1MO,598 tlon of 35,389 pheallnh, 11,4" qllail,



A" to the h!lhter thillg, of life. it ,Commercial --- 114,012 111,350 31),240 rabbits, ISS taccoon, 32 chlllror

IF partrldle and 67 dllcn throllihollt

was sutgnt~ that the ,roup hold armer com- tht! State durin I the palt filcal ,... all "Old ~lulll1C5 Square Uan.:e," in mercial --- 14,814 14,502 ending Junt! 30, in a report on ac. ':OllJuI\\;Uon Witl\ the \.:hl Siama He·arau - ' '13'7 7U tlvltlt!1l (or the yeat. comes I J.)t!lta Soa-onty, on Satunl81 evemna, : Omnibus -- - 7.376 7.323 In addition, the comml .. lon an-O<:lobca-~. A l:omnuUee appointed I Motorcydu .____ 4,423 4,214 nounct!d that 603,053 trout over leven

the very best to, \. thll <lance cullSllts 01 Nobert J.

j. Dt!alen (auto) __ .~ 2.145 2.340 inches. 377.650 trtlllt under leven

Fumey, 1 hOlllas \"ahlll alld &yd~)' Dt!alera (motor- illcht!!I. 130.350 larae mouth bal., l-urman. 14.300 small mOllth bls., 423,100 BROAD and GARFIELD AVB.

IN It was also IUIlt!'tt!d that the cycle) .-... - ... .....:- 23 20 1 blut!lill sunfish, 79,600,000 ye\1ow FREE DELIVERY . ,roup hold all elaborate "l'rt!alllre I Aericultural trac- p~rc~ fry and 200,000 p011lwoll were PALMYRA N. J. Phone 1200 'a"'e mo' Jet Hunt," ',Iuch WIll be held In tht! not T t01'11 ----- 7.275814 590 I dl~trlbutcd durin I the lime period In ' I~ &1 aj too distant tUlure, 1111 t!u -._- 6.675 publlc strt!aml or the State from the I CALIFORNIA TOKAY

U S E D· CAR S AlolIg otht!l' I\lIet Jiarl ~hilcraft ~ --;;:;; ~~~~tt!:;:n!h~rt!H:~!;tt:::' p!::'~ GRAPES .: ............ ..... ......... .. Ib Se

• ::~~:~db:I~~al~~~t! t~~~:;I:~Up ~~; Driven licenlcd 1;299:465 1,241,140 gatt!d. NEW GRAPEFRUIT an.y of tht! aClivlliu plall\\1ed for tbe ensuing year.

Naturally, a certaih number of AHt!r pallakillg 01 the dt!liciolls re­lite model owners have been freshmt!n16 placed belort! tht!m, the waiting for the '41 Olds to put nlt!mbenl 5t!uled back with their in its appearance-AND a cer- pipes, cigarettes alld dgan, alld t!n­tain number of USED CAR gagt!d in a (r.uillul disl:ussio~ ,,( ~-. 'II II GRADU world atlairs-a round-table of Idell

'tr • w •

NOTE the DIFFERENCE owners WI natura y • and thoughts. of study and rt!search, ' ATE to the NEW CAR C~ASS.I alld firm conviction and bdlef of the I ThUS, a very fine selectIon ot ideals lor \vhkh Alllt!.'·ica. stands and I' Ia~ model US ED CARS is here tIre democracy to whll:h It adheres.

Tht!re II a variation of approltl­matt!ly 10 gradt!1 of anthradtebde­pendhl& on Texture, Analyals, t!n­alty. Carbon. Alh contt!nt, B.T.U'I, etc, waiting for your inspection. ,

Premium Anthradtt! Coal Ii the Crt!am of Anthracltt!I, "It I..0u far­ther and heata lonler." Try JUlt one ton and be convinced of itl superiority,

• WE invitt! you to colnt! In and mett our nt!w Salt!1! Managu. Mr. Edward L. Mullt!h, ahd let him show r.0u aomt! of thut! t!spt!cially lood ate model ust!d can.

Do It now while the .eleCtion II WIt!· • 1940 Oldsmobile

"70" 4-DOOR SEDAN-4tadlo . and heater, defro'ten, de luxe wheel, white Iide wall tires, low mlleate· • 1940 Oldsmobile


A substantial Incrt!ase In tht! num­bel of motor vehicle rt!glstrations and drivers licenst!d In Nt!w jerst!y a~ of September 1. was reported by Motor Vt!hldt! Commissioner Arthur I W. Malee this wt!l!k. .

Total vt!hlcle rt!glstratJons numbt!r­ed 1.040.336, an increalt! of :;2,0021 over last yt!al' while tht! 1,299.465 dHvt!l's lict!nsed represt!nt a rlst! of I 58,325. ,

Of the various types of motor I nhlcle rt!gslrations. pasllt!nger cars led the field with an Increase :If ! 47,966 registrations. I

J. T. • Evans RIVBRTON


• Co.

FUEL OIL. Genwni KOPller. Colle Bulldlnl Materlall • Vita· Vir Palnt. Let UI hel., you ftnanc. New Hom" and Alteration. on ealY monthly payment.. EIUmat" free.

"'0" 2-DOOR SEDAN-Radio, :::===================================== undt!t-Iut heater. defrolterl,

Following Is an t!lght mt;lnths com-

dt!luxe wheel, low mlleale. Thll I. a beautiful car.

• 1939 Oldsmobile "60" 2-DOOlt-Heater and de­froltt!rs, lood rubber. exception. ally low mlleale, perfect condi­tion. • 1938 Studebaker SEDAN-Clean al a pin, Inalde and ollt. Priced real low for ·. qllick I8le.

• • 1937 Studebaker

COUPE-Paint Ilk. new, heater 1 defrolterl, deluxe wheel, ,OOd upholstery and rubber.

• 194-~~OP~'!oood paint,

rubber and upholltery. Motor completely overhauled.

• 1936 Chevrolet COUPE-Oood paint, rubber and uphol.tery. Com.,I."I,ov.r­hauled motor. • 1936 Chevrolet 2-DOOR 8£DAN-Thll cat I. In fine conditIon throu,bout. .

• 1935 DeSoto 4-DOO~ 8EDAN • 1932 Chevrolet 2-DOOR .EDAM

• 1934 Plymouth COUPB • . 1934 Plymouth

. 'BDAN-A real '* car. •• 1931 Graham


LOW O.II • .\.C. TaRIi.


10 Broad Itre.. Riverton T.lephon.

.lUvtrton 1.11 or lI.rchantYlDe 110

.. ------------------­-.----------

BUY NOW for only $4390 THE BIO PREPAREDNESS PROORAM II bound to rai •• the C:OIt of buUd­

Ing ma~rla)l-that'. why w. ur,. you to BUY NOW-at the LOW DOL­LAR COST.

.:, ....

PLYMOUTH HOUSE offen more r.allivin, and conltruc:llon featurea than any other houle for milel around-encl in mOlt caNI MORE. If you .... con­templating a home of your own-we lnvit. you to Pint LOOK at PLYMOUTH HOUSE inlide and out. Compar. It "nail for naU" and "board by board" and we know you wllJ find it to b. the mOlt prac:tic:al, mod.m and tubltantlal bom. ever offered her. at luc:h an am .. ln,ly low coat.




516 CinnaminlOl1 Avenue

. . . . Insurance Phone 25 PALMYRA, N. 1.

THIN SKIN-FULL OF JUICE 5 for 25c ._--- ---_.- -

California ORANGES for JUICE

20 for 25c --.;--- -----Fresh Clean SPINACH


2 Ib 1Sc SNOW WHITE . MUSHROOMS ......... tb 2ge


BUTTER 2 lb. 61c '

(Farm Roll)



~-Ib 3Se ---P-R-ES'H O 'PENED-'-'

SALT OYSTERS stewing doz. 19c ---_ . '------ '-..-

Fresh HORSE RADISH bottle 10c


TREE SWEET ORANGE BUTTER Ib jar 18c - 3 for SOc ------------


Homemade ICE CREAM can 2Se

JUlt add water or mllk-l V. cup. of water or milk make. 1 qt. lie cream I

RINSO-When you buy a larle pq. of RINBO at relular prlc. you let another

large pkg. for 15c -----. SEMI·SWEET

Nestle's CHOCOLATE . 2 bars2Se


tall can 25c BIRDS EYE:::---­

PEAS or LIMA BEANS box 23c



Rib Rout 32c Ib alit Cut.-A reduction of 7c ,... ., for thla srlme cut 01 beef. No PIlI: work. mOllt taa&i' 8JI4 deUcloul'




Leaa of L:am~ Ib 27c J to 7 Ib aw,.

On. Prlc_Non. H .....


Roaatin, Chickens

I .~!c.l!