THE-NEW-ERA-1922-07.pdf - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

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Transcript of THE-NEW-ERA-1922-07.pdf - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


, . . .' .

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··.·., JULy , ..... -. . '. '

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Don'l J,tC I -,0 11I1l' rcNtcd 111 what you're uoi llJ~ 10 do IOltlOI' row Ihill YOII

do,,'1 do ""yllol,,~ lad,,)'. THE NEW ERA I BUY IT AT HOME I

Vol. 33 No. 27 --.. =-~. :..=..:.=.:-.---

Let the Ford One-Ton Truck cut your hauling. and deUvery costs. Records of .savings made by hundreds of thousands of users in practically every line of business are actually astounding. Let us show you.

You do not obligate yourself in any way.

Equipm .. t ~ ...... ...., Demwritable It'- y_ ..... of ooItbor .... -"'1 perin, of , .I/i ... I ... .,...t d.U..., or ............ ,.,.. 017 1/4 ... ...... "" ........ Palmyra Motor Co.

OSCAR B. McCOY. Manager 117 W. Broad St .• Palmyra, N. J.


The F ecleral Reserve Sy.tem With It. Great · Resource.

I, :a (1IIfln· ... ~ fI( ~.fl' lI..:th """'r :-+lrh iug' (fll' tlu­,,,,,1 iul. ·H· ... .... o( '"11' C"1I1111'Y, lhe ballk ... and tllc ,,""I'll' :lIul il II:. ... I'n'''CII a greal ~"III', ·C III lI "1 t·(Uitu· ... !'o in a ..... j:.. tillJ.,:" the," in fiuHucial rc· ,!lIin·IIIl'''' :--. '1'11\' l'il1f1:lIlIill!'lull National Batik,

\\ loil'lI i, " l'l"""1'I' "f II,~ .... e'ler,,1 Itl'M'''''' ' . S~ ~ t"Il1, iu\ ih'!"o ~ I ,UI' a&':('Ulnt.


. ." oF!: RIVERTON,N. J. 4'!!iiii"B! 1I!!Ii Ie Ii!! I hlli liil t!! !II fli iii Ii !iii!!iLiil !iIIlrillijli!!!iiihiih@Uii!iiiiMdiflhiiihllllllllll'liihlliliiiiliiiiiiilik






M_eetowa, N. J. S.II Phone 343 ~~t:~iance

...... Boob of tIM _

."., .......... -,..., . for ,OU IupectIoo

Curtain Materials at r__a.�e prtc..

IIRS. B. 1/' BAUGH fa '-'- • ,.,..

t W. Broed Itreet Palmyra

J.VETTER Cut PIowen aD4 PIenta

of All IDncJI W •• .,. a .... 1IM of



... RI'NrtoII I12-J·'

, .


W.· olTer a IIcnul"o Sun·Rower CUT Ice Tea OLAII al Ihe ""u.unl ,..lte 01 Uc lor (1rlday alld Salllrday only. 1I,,·, .. ,.e oL ~"UI d.llla"d lor Ihi. III ••• we call only allow .ix 10 a clIHtolller. .

Our liue 01 Chlldre,,', Sock. ha. bccn rel,lenl.hed al AIIII lowcr ,.riCCH.

Hou •• 1' "r"l. hinll. of every dCAcri l'llolI al I,ric .. Ihal will Aull your I,ockel·book. .

REX VARIETY' STORES 115 Ealt Broad Street Palmyra

. _ ==z=t .... ____ 0.-._ - -.=:::: ••• _ ..... ----

JUST RECEIVED ' Ford Size Cord. (30-331,) . SelberUn, Cord Tire.

To .eU at $12.50 . All Pirltl, Ilnll. Cared, Hea., Tread Tlrft Our.nteed tIOOO

• mlln by themalleran4b).118 The finelt Im.1I Tlr. mlM we han heard of 1ft a Ionl time AIIO a ,oqd Fabric Tire (30-3Ya) 5000 mUo ".50

SPECIAL Ford Fender. tll a tlet; Ford Headll,ht. t5 a pair


Broad and Morgan Palmyra, ' N. J. Telephone 171

A~ E. PRICE Public Conveyancer Notary


Auto f1lre Casualty Rurillary INSURANCE

Pllon.2 .. 2-M .. US Llpplnoott

Alv.rton, N. J.

IllI()HEN & co. BANl{J~.Ufo;

410 (~HIC~'L·NrJ't· ~'J·IU:IG'J'. PllILAfJlr.IJPllIA

I NV IqS'J'~J.JIlN'l' 8EOU I~ l't'l lOS


Ve.getabl.e and



Poultry Supplle.

of every


EVANS Phone 302 Riverton



Sa, It With Flow .... I'r.eb-Cllt I'lower. aad BOIIqIMU

w. epeciaJlze ta ._"I\aa~

EDWIN PARKER ....,..Itl .......... 60% Parry Aft •• l'aIIIIyra, N. J.

Pho .. Rlnrt .. JOI.W Ope. E .......


Porch ..... Wiadow AWNINGS


Carpell all.r.d 1.10 rUII and bound

Win call with _pie •• nd .... .. dmal. .. alloY.




:I ' .12 • ~' LIppIac«t A_

...,.,.., If. J.

AUen';-:;=::;';'=:' L= -===-==== OREAT REDUCTION IN HATI

VERNA L. OUEIT EIleI.I., Millinery

Broad .nd O.,fi.kI An,,'" Palm,,. OI~1t ,bil , . nUl" U,~n )tIm"." flrM.y \vc"",~.,. dud,., and "'a lur,l.y neftin.' July ,",I AUKlhl Itf,,,ftC ", •• ,lltft 511


liCE ~ Delivered in Palmyra

and Riverton daily

the year 'round

227 Weat Broad Street

Palmyra, N. J.


Riverton 396-w

Wann Weather

P.replratlott, cIut. an4 hard ...... ...... it oil .. " 10 Uep the IIpt-w';",t fabrlCi of which _ c1otJlin, I ..... \ooJ&. tal lit.


.. ....., c ..... Z fQ.IIo

Tr:... '"!cs"-:,r:: lhe .=:-c ...... ,_ orll« ,. ... ..,

call at ............... , will do the,...


CLIWfDIG. DftDIO AIID ... Al8lJfO .............

GEORGE N. WIMER Member of Camelen Real Ealat. Board anel tb. R,II

Ealata wp. of New Jeney

Real Estate & Insurance I, a.L!_ 10' It is o!lIid Ihat the twu IUlo! un Lip­

UII8 • Jlincllu AVCIIUC at $500 lind $(lOO lire Ihe unl . lutl! in Ihe boruugh u( I{ivcrlull thllt can he huughl !Inlier. 1000.

15 Eat Broad Street Palmyra, N. J.

Ph_: R1".rton 217

__ ._ x=::

PAUIYRA'S IIG aLEBRAnON Cltlonl an4 Orpnlatlonl Tam Oat

In Pall Porc. to Enjoy the D.y

~-. . :4"cll Rlc.-

I. l ~tI.,.,d IIrld., •. 1. f..rnut "I., •• ,.ld, • 1.,. I/,.hl,. ... Wllhtll 11. IlMu".II.

,," UI'f 1 .. ~tlI ,.CI:-1"""I.nMnc. n." 1022. will lie IUt'lICoo ,~ . ~ : ~~. 'r~~I::,'.rJ:.~. ,::;,,!!,i.'uleltll.UI.

memhl,ed In ,t.lm".. , .1. 1I.,,,e)' I'hll". It. I" .. " . The c.l.h, •• I""., h,ld under tile 1II1I ' I,ler, .. , .. . Je" .. I1I I11 . 1 •• ,.lr U"':IIII ,

the comh'ned ." •• nllll'on., .nd fin.nced h, :;ull ulile ,u,-J:rl~~~' ·:~-:=h!rt!:~. WI. Ihi .,fll •• t In th I. II., n,. fI'"h.,.

Th. (omm'U .... which conducl," Ihe (fl.. 2. I .. U'C'II".

- ._ z_

h,.lI"n mlr" the, p,.''''' .nI' the ."I,'t !: ~U:~~"if"flllI" . ~u:~· c':~~ndl:'l. COfrp.,.I'n. c.nnot he I'lt. ",dlC'. IU. "I "11'-

The d., be"n with Ih. n •• ,,1.lnK .1 7 Alice ·rll,. llII, It. -rtt,. lm, )I. W'III"', I'. •• m. b, tI" U,., ~ctUl. .nd Ih. lin' bl... '(III,,'e'l . flC"ru ll jollfl"'u: (I. lure, " WIll •• "". ,,1 th. nlU't nlllc· 'rll",.,1 .. II', men-wnrlh, of Ih. en.lrc c,leb'II,I"n w... tile kill Ie., l.eul.,'er, J'I . h, J .. flkhh. Jellc:,,,,,,.. p.r.,lc .t .n,. w,.un,II"". 'UI ,nllll "flll ",mll.n-

m.h, or •• nllllinn. w." . In fin. , .11 with I. ~tln'" ';",mllll, jll'" .... Jf'nkl" •. .rwwt .. "n·f,.. ... ·'rh., WIt. the r. 0, ttl A.. l. I' . Kilt,.. ).,... A. lI.fllm"",.", Ihe r'. n. !4. of A., .11. Artl .. nll, lhe K. I'll ('.. J, )f,. "'" )fr. , II." ... " . ~:,ilh: ~~;nN!'''I~~h'''''''' Ihe Olr' Mc,.UI.: I. (' lillflll 'r14,."", I'. ''' .. ,."" .

In .ddltlnn Ih." ... " Inut Ii" (11m' •• "',.... IfHJ·",1, ,h •• ", It"" .. • wlt yu"n., mell­frmn .'."" "'iO'.II,nw". RI"",.ill,. .nd flIt', I. I .. O,rull, ' m,r., .nlt tWit ".nlt., "en, chl"h." m",cht,1 2. AIt"t . McKu, In .u,.ell ... C'".tum ••• nlt Ihe,. wer •• ,lUm . .1. j llM'I.11 n,a,,". !w, III lIu'e ,"' .. In hndltf)nllIl, decMA'c,' " lice Nu. ' "-ca", • .,e.. t. C. I' . fluck"ull •.

fnltl .. Wu.'. h, "nlt.ue co"lIIm'lI .ftd.,. fur. 2. A, I .. II,HI.,.. thlr '" Ih. Int,,, .. .,1 th. ",,,uul"11 .hlr" J. I'. kllle ... "',e'ch,d 'IU' (ur ... n,,1 .'1".,.., m.,ch'n. lit ""flIIIII'" ,ltCC filII .. Itlll ' """"''''' _

·A,ch .'rtel ••• tI"n .nd h.d, hy ... ,. II( ,'II.h I. , •• , ,m",., ,I'''fflce .. ""1'1"'" .n Mm •• fI. th'n In \v.llue III''' ' lit 1. )h •. ".fllII'" III"" WiIIllI '" " .. IMlld. n",.d h, w., .. ( r,'nttlln. .t. )tr •. ,. • . II . lI ,.ulfllehllllll M, .. I I' ,.uk Kllit.

rrlll il (0' tI., "."d, w.,e II.II ,de,' It, j IOO·,d. It •• h Conu"IU.,fllI:'I-f"lI"w. : I. A. nlh'HIII.

n ... "",I«.,'n", fi,e C""""."", .. lin, clIl', Itl 2. Wm. ('0'-'", "a", V"Iunlur l'I, • . nml'III'.,.. Nfl . • : .«Cltnd, 3. W. If. R.nlt"lI. .. Ih·" CII," ,,, "1I1"'ll.ndenc.c .'itt: ("'ltml'~lIv. fI' -t . J. ~. I~u.

r~~,·r.;·,~~hl~:; t:;.CII~ '1':;!;;e~~~=~,:lde, ,.n" S" t' •• '!:.'''ar~":III:;!'~~If',~f',~~:;; ne.. lIf1f.u,'n. "r."nl"'ll(lu, .11"" ('up, 1. )ttl!. Ie. gll.,I1 .....

".Int,.,. n",. ~(,I'UI.; 1ICt'''nd. _lInr """ . J . )fr... 'hHtlllln. ('lIml' 1. r . (), ,,' A.; .hl"t. Amtrl,..n fi ll", I . )., '". Jelllll" ... Ardun". flu ), ~(,'l1tt 'ltC, 100 ,.d ,. -

' .111"'''' de.,..d"n. American fta •• K. "I C'. ( I. RIII',,1 Hu t" , . ~",,",I, 'I. n . S. ,,( A. A .~d.1 ,"In "' filII 1. 1f.",',1 Mlleller , Arnll,lu" fI" ...... I •• n the nft. 'fknuh .n,1 .1. I',,,nel, "IItt,.,"I . h"",,,.M, m,nll"n .". ,I.," .... "r'''''mI. 4. S'~II(," U..-I",,... , 'ot.n,,11 'ur .",'U""C., .nd .1." .', "It hi., 5. n.", ,."111,,.'1. 'III'ca' fi n •• nf· A,,,.hm "'ncnln, ,nd HllflC,. WrI !klt"l flC'e-If.n... J.lnco'n. " 'ml,,b', r""t •• nll" 'I)' f. S.,,,h "eKe •. t~e", •• Win" .n" MrI!. M.rth. ft. rel',lOn. 1. KIIII"I". f)",n'lIn .

M" .. , unl'lu. C'o,lI"nt ".", •• ) '"unf.l" ,.en, ' .f. k.,h,I"" CII",.. M'!I. 'Wu .... " '~ n.fI .. ft, .'11'1 'I.''' .... nl ... "Tile -t . ~1I .. t."lh "t"k.uhllch I/, .. 'tt1f:r IIf 177fiff ; (men) 1111 ... , d ... ,t. n'M.C J. at.".tt' lcn.'" . . .

, ~~::;~: ~~::;~ nl,1.. ~'~~~,:)If.r.::,tff'I~~ ~:~: J~lt·;~~!.:;"':;~:~ .. A. RON" Klnr .ft/' lMt,,1I ,:,.h.m, 1. Ctla,'e. Slm,n",. ••

ne.l dtc""I," ."''''''', U '"nk tf'fl/, .. II . J. II.", Jenltl" •. V.'b.bclh r., .. ,: .«cllnd. w.lldn .. ",,11. RUlh 4, Thu •. MeWIIII.",. mlle.",.II.': ..... dfCO"I .. d "'e,c:te. n",hI,. S. Ch." .. (·I.,k. ~~:I~':!~;n .bc.t ,f,c",.,.d 'U'''. Mr. ·rlllml.. SI~cl.ft5:!:'r.'!~;~. 'IU), " , •• H-:

(hhcr ch,,,,,.n 'f! Itee",.ff'" .. ,,-utt. w.,.. I. MIfI"d W.lful . r, •• , Jnn .... It.u.h ... r of Mr . • n" M, •. ('. 2. A,.hur 'f,,,III. W, 1u",., ,n" O'~n .. lfI. ft.", ."" nf Mr . • n,1 .1. tiellfu S"iI,It. Mr •. n"n..u" Jl.,~. ~1~clsd ,.r, 'fit ,.."111-n. P"rr,. firl cltm""", ,.."1,,, It" n,... I. (J',... 1',nt..II".... • h'lftm. dc.pJl. Ih. I.e • • h.1 "th., "'mI".nl.. 2. ~;ma KIIIK,raM, . hMl bl, • ., .",' mu,. ''',Icnl'''' /tWIt.If .. , ,,.. J. 1411"."1 Rh,ltl, •. caUN th, mtm""" Ih.m.,'"" 'urn,d ,rUI In ·rll. cllmml,,':, wllllhe. III ',ff"n",'" I', Ih' fun fo,.ce. .he J,,,nt line hnldl".. • lin. IIf " .. ld.II I. fir n,.,.." .. ,. .. "lIte '",nu.e the ,.",alle II.,. Inti .Ith .he ',Utt •• ,,,lIIn • . /If'II'','' "" ,lid nnl 1(11 ,h,.t! th" '1"" III JI( 'ICIt,If", . t",.i, .lIhl,t frl)ftl" fn II,l,lIl lft" .hey hll" ... Thl. m'.I .... wu e,"lt,., U"I"If'IIII'1II1II1 "tilt ... " JIIl,'k'n, fin.' .h".'n, .h.1 Ih, ,.M.lhn, ••• Itaw '" the " cl .h.t A, W. KI"., 'udl".

~;,.t;',"',:,~ 'cr,,":::d ~". ~:!:~ Ih~tlr'n~~r . :~:t ::~i!'~ ~:':h' at;:~::h:~" ~,~,~'~~:'i"'C~:I"~ A(kr Ih. par"d, .h. fnll".lnl p'flr'~m .".. .. •• " "I hll e"", .iII IIItJ '''I',

,,.n,f.,.A In .h •• ,Me : . Th. cnmmhlu .11141 UI"'."II I" 'f'I"'" af,. AU"" C. V.n O."n, ton, I.,,.., clition ." .hc "mllt,'.ncc •• aMl. II '1ff "" he, •. ~'ecI'tm. n, ' .ItN',I,. n,1f n. ntf In,.. "" .. r., .. • n" nu,.,.. '''''' '' .11 d, ,. Irtfl.,. r,.,., R .... n.,,., A. H.u' "Itt",n •• ,,', Ih •• ml",I",r, w •• nnl r.lle.' 1111 1.

""'VI 'n •. A""rlu n, "hIMr,n, The nfHItl ... nf '.n"",., MI .... V.,.ie R''''r~r .. W""".",. Atftfr,u M,. 'nhn Oawl._ ""lICf1t~" II nne IIptH' .. "ncc in th" ."t .. i,1 r .. ,"ltlc Ad",.... VAwin .flUm"n ,,' .h, It".. .hlch ••• ."'''l'e,1 fn, hf" """ .h,

e.mtfCfl ("..m.n., nl'I,lr. CIIu,1 recel""I. -,.".1,,1 ,,,,,,., W"Il" "'" ,,,It,, .... e, .. fUn.I .... Re". Whl" ,nd nft" Au" 'enn linn mit. at,. McUr.,m" .. , hi ","'ult ",,. v", •• f4n,,,, "t., ~.".,«" nlnner "tlMUla"un, , .. 11f It .... Ihe 1i,.1 in.,.,lrn'"1

M,.. C"{I',n Jermttn )feC.,., ",r her ''h''I~ t' ..... I ... II n.n,dldlmt R .... Dw'lftl A. r., ... n. 'I. ne "muu .n/l ch"m.n "' Iht c'mlml,.

Th. .ft.rnlKln ,' rn.ram ", rae,. .l1li u,· te'lI In "h".. "f III, n'e",.li,,,, Wetf' '" ,1," nut d,.pI •• In.e,mln,nl ,.in. Th. C/')ft · ' " lin •• : 1"rIIllt,nl. 1. ~Awkt r., •• ; "Ire flfClIIl . If"'. 'II'" aU 'nl.,,,"nl( .nd at"'" n( thrm d.n" WIII,..r ('ran. ; IIfCr,.,." , Wllm" R.". u,,. hum",nu.. Th • .".". h.d 'Iultt ...... '.m· ,f,,: I",um". Willi"," fl. (',,'.e,: fin ll flu ", Me 'n the .h", ,.,.. wflen It ~me 'n ,,,.,.... H."y f'flt'y : ",. Wllllllm n. C'",.,,.: ,.,In •• h,ir (M'.'''', Th, '.,.,. ..... "'"n h, ' fj')flc., ('f, .. ",. 'finrhnl llfl: .,HIt". Ru ... ,," WIIII.m ,1'Au"uh" Ih. "",.U,.I IMrt"'""n •. t:lM",nl 1'.'1111'1., A W. Kin",: mu.k, H. ,. •• ,~d 11ft Ihe " .. ullfe It, the JII",Mr." ,.,. 1«".'n-: d.nA.. "n. ~ ~n.Il"I : I"be ll, e,. .iIt" .h., th". hi •• h,,,. fit" '" him '" M. J. McPe,mntll ,mtln"., A. !'. KI" • . . • hI', ,ff,."l. tn find Ih,l, ,.,..n. fJ'he ".n"'fI. e .... "1 nllkl.l. W"'f' : ('h.lmu""

"r'hc 'n .h .... 11, ,. .... ru" 'II"'" lhey h.1t Ru • .,.,11 r.lhhlln: ef.,II. ,., rice ... ,:".r.e An· fit open .ult cu, •• ni' d".. .lim,n'. r'ttlh..... "crllln. Wlfm,., R.n",' ; _la,ler ... ,..,It ('",;pet ."..,e nf thl bo,. "mll,fn't ,.t Ihf'I, _ult e.l/'. William Mct',,,,n.II, Jam,. " .,11.,. 'Jlm.1tt ", .. n .n" nlhe,. hltI • It .... , wllh un'.mlll., Kn'lwh" ... , A,,'. W,lrht, ( ·h.,l.. Uawl."", ,.rm,nl •• IWWtt4e "~f .hJeh '1UIlon.:d up .h. '1",,,",,,, Itt.II" .. : "nnlt'''''''. r"., •• " " .... hlle.. I..-,n: JuArl'l. Hn I, 0" 'II",,.. fI,,,wn: N" , 2.

Th. f"I,,. fn, the .. ,u,. ,." ... "" "."11' Runf'lf " .mm,lm.n: H" . 3. T. A. flAI'"n: .. " •• , 1)( u .. /ul .ntl ... ,acl' .... ,tlcle •• 'rm" HII. 4. ",. ",.1. J • __ hl,tI '" the nn, Mc-I'M .... . " ... U Inn II( rnal, IIIIk "1'141", ... ,f "H' ",'.n T'II! "../lln .. fI,,,.,.m In .he .,,,,u w . .... . In •••• h ... h .nlf .rn,..,lu ",11,.,.. 1 Mr. A. r, R/.,., . ..,"'. 'uAu .

O.ln. I" dI, .hr; •• etlh,. , .. I". 1I •• ,tI •• ,,. I. tc.t,,,I1,,,,u f.II,.,t,. It.1f n.tuf mille I.. tft. P. n. 'C. ", A. hfIlM'nl. In .. I,.A 1. f(In.inl' ~ .. ,,)'t~wf, n( ,h. ",., .... II Inl, .. tlt". 'r'h •• Inn.u ."I! J. Vnnt ~,'", Ch,I .. 1 In I".n"'" II ("lIow. : M,. Allred C. V.n (h'''1 1I)(,).,tI. ".,h, "",. .. 11 VI I S- " . !'M',c"1Jft It.ntl

t. WIIII.m "de.:.. J. O".,lell., r.el Ih. Ifill •• lth "',n, .,,,",ntl

~: :.'hu{;n~:j(ItJl. "M',,'~jn~' :~:~~ii~. ~;;;.:.~ V:~ ':;::;; ... Jlth,. v."'''' "'. Mln.lnr " .. tr,hntI,.

IOG.rd. da ... - hoy. ,. '0 It- 7, Vt)(.,tl ~1o. '41.11' H"a,..11It n ... ,.., I. lIa,d. 8M... Mr. O.,Ie. W, f ,uu Z. 8.,.ha,dt '4.IIe" J. Charta. PI.,.h.,. ... ~r7..u • .

7,.,d . ... '" .1 ..... In ' l­I . !Io," McICeo. 1. 11.1 •• Zink. J. lid .. Meft,I ... , . ... 1''--M.", .. ,,,,fain •• fI.;I i,h kll'I.I,.ek.

15·,4 . ... 011 .1,1 •• Il '" lS­I . 1'1",,_ a ...... 2. II .... Xi ... J. X. U., .... ... P.dNkd.i (i4"H~N.

v. •• • ~ .,.,. ,ace­I I. 'A.r.'~

1. 1/" . .. 1( .. 11011. J. V.U,.,,, ('1(1, ...... 4. ',ellCl. a."., •. ~ '.;P •• I,flll-

I. lIe'- tkh"u, • , . IItr..,I' 1",.1 . .. I. 1'.41" XU~.',ick.

7J".,4 ...... 111_ .. , ........ ,..., .. 1.I'J_o..-. 1. 1btIo eo.-. -.- ..... -I. w .. ,)'A""",. 1.-'- W ..... I.C.,I .. _ •. f • .,......" .. ' ...


I 1.,. ,.­I. A. ........ ,.,,4. __ _

, 1. '-"- c:o... •. 1. 1 ....... /1_. .. JI" . .... ,fa _

. f . AI ... T.,..,..

A Plahlnl Trip . W~II.r H. Zitlll... of Hlve .. idt.

,ook 1010 .. ,Inllnll 'orr~ down '0 (1or· .. .. llIr I". Ilorlr annllal ro.hlnl/ Irl" Oil J""e 24'h. Th, parly Incillde<l Jan, •• Hap .. , Clarrll.e Jone,!! Charlr. Jon ... Chari .. Taylor. and 1.o<1y f)r­rllll. 0/ I'almyra. Tht day wat IIlor. IOIlA .nd Ihe hoy. had fin. luectu will, ' . IOlal all10unl 01 238 fi.h .

'I'lltre .. ere I,rlz,. wOn br, Chari .. J,m," ,,,,,I Will 1111 Hop". w '0 ",,"h, ,h. ror., ro.h and Charlu Taylor and "arry Vlln" who rail "111 Ihe larl/Cil .

lAdy f)rclIlI woo li.k btfore he ar· rivtd and IhouJlhl he would ralher olay aohore and dan .. wllh Ihe fllrll ""I .11 obJrtled and he wao hUIII.d Inlo Iht boal.

Wed in Ian Anlonio Mi.. Waldeck Melchior and

William P.dmund III.nnlOn. bolh 01 IItverly. were lI1arried Ihi. week in lIan Anlonlo. T.. . "',. Illevenion h •• bun wllh on" 01 thr Ireal oil rompanl.. in TalOltico. 1I .. lco, for ,h, lal l five yea ... and had nOI .etn hi. bride·lo,'" for mn .. Ihan • year.

~fI~he~~ ::.':::::;;r.e I~: ~,~ 1~.::r6! coati. lMlu Ih,1' will rei urn 10 Be .. -e,'y, where Ihey inlend 10 make Ih.I, hom • .


SundaySdlOoI V Lesson"

oI'y IU:V. 1'. II. II'ITZWATER. D. D .. 1'''"I 'h~r IIf Jl:nlllah nlbltt In the Mnod, fI,h'" '""lIlnlll ttl ellte"o.)

C''' I'),rl.h l. l Oll. W ..... rn H."a, • .,., Unl""



I.I~"""N 'l'1':I('I'-I>.nl.1 J. On.,I'F.N TY-XT-The kln.doma 0' thl.

w"rlt1 "'" h",·om. the kln.I1om. of our '.or", nnll Ilt fill Chrtlt! anet If,. 'hall mlM" fur"""r .nlt I"".- It,,,,. 1t:1 • .

"'WHRI')NI'Y, .. "TI!lRI.\I,-I.... ",. 1 : 1~ . 14 :47 : .fnhn III III.M.

1'111 MAllY 'I'01'IC-lIo" 0001 "n .... "" ''tRulttl'. l'rAY" .

.U ' NtUIt TU"le -Danlnl Re"~." the f(I""'",,.-,.,,m.

INTl!m,y,UI"TPl "Nil IIPlNIOR T(lI'IC - Ifn" Uun",1 Met. ".",r, T.,.,

ynlfNII j'''''II'LPl ANI) "0111.'1' 'l'OI'le . UOtt'. Worhl.Xln.dom: It. H.tur. and '''''hod.

I. N.buoh.dn .... ,.. Dr.ant ( ... 1·1A) .

Thl. oIr ... un IOftdft a 1r .. lllon,11I1I1 1m· ,tre'"",'"" 'IIrmn the kin.'. fIIlnfl. ilill lin hlul (urll"U.," It" tllntrnt. II.! 1Ir~I'nt· ')' .It'lIIundt't1 fit th" wi1M' nUtn thnt II,,·)· '"l1ke kll""n Iho drealll IIn,1 U. luteln" .. III"Ufl, JI4,cltnle HI tlu'lt fntl· 1If1' Ih,' klllll "'.. 0.1')' (IIrhll'. n"tI .. ""on,,,,,I~'1 nil 11m wllM! mell n( t'"h)" Inn .n 'H' "'nln.

II. Th. ".v.laUo" ef Ih. Dr .. m (,·v. H·II~). .

\\' 11fI1I tho d,'cr. w". In P"W""" fit ,'x.','urillo nilnl,,1 WII" ltOu"h. oUI tn lUI Hillin. 110 lIOullhl nn Inlnrvl .. ", ",Uh II,,· kin" 11,,,1 nhlllln .. d limp. N .. I.·:

I . 'rlll' I,rn),er lII.ellnll III Jlllhyhon (VY. 14·1H). Ollnlol "n. lI,e h'II,I"r In .1111' l'rU)'f" m""Umr, If" ., .. llttcJ h' .. (1l1I .. ",. 1"""lher lind "",.1 ,Mlnlllll)' l'r",1'I1 In /I .. tI. TheIr IIv.a "ere ., ,,'nk,,: tllI'lr n.wd Wit. Ie'"'''' .

2. 1Il1nl"I·. ",,,,rll,lIon of prol." In 11 ... 1 (vv. 11I·:lln: U .. 01 III'0rd Ilorlr ,"11),'" nnri IJftnh" rt!II,.nnrlud In loff, ."lIln ... ( I,rul ... 10 0",1.

II. 1l1I1I1~1 Iodor" Ihe klnll (VV. Z4· 110). 1I.,·nll .. , h" h,lfl Iwen wllh lloe I.H'" lind Illul fthtHlnml wl.,lulU. tlf' wnH cflunftrnt 'w'"rfl Ch,' .rt·". klmr,

-t, 'Mw c'uo •• 'n. nt the dr.·ulU (vv, 111-:11\). "onlpl mntl.. kn""," 10 IIII' kin" Ihul III hll dr •• m h" 10001 11.111'1" . II lIfllll1 111111... wllh a 1 ... ",1 o( ,,0101. h',' .. M' lin" Hr.,.. of .IIYf'r, tJlfU,. un.1 1I,IIh. ,,( Itrll ••• 1.11' ot Iroll al1ll (,"'1 I'orl ot Ir .. n IInol I'Rrl o( ciIlY. lie It,,· 111,101 II", lilli"" 1",1t .. ", Ity n .I .. nf! llno\ tim Itulle IIf·cuolI' .. "rf!u' rnnunt,,'n .

III. Th.lntlrpr.t.tlo" of til. Dream /Yv. IJII.~O) .

1. The h ... ,1 ot ."Id ...... ro""nled lloe CllllloI"lIn munurl'l,)' wllh No·louel""I· n" ... r , • .,. h,,"d (n. 111. 1lII). Wilio III" ucC'f· ... lon uf Nebur.hatluc!ZZHr tu 11101 IlIrun~. Ih. tim .. IJ( IhH lIomlllo·. 10"".11.

2. ThH Ior .... , Ind .rtn. at .lIvI!r rt tl,,.·twnl .. d th. Mp.d .... l·er"lfln 'JOw.~r (v. HlI). Tit" .(.· ... '·'~er."1II "1111,1 .. · wn •• kln"lImll In(erlor III Ih .. 1:1001 · ollll,n.

A. TI'M "elly anol Ihlllh. o( hrll~. "'1" "'IU·n ... ,' .11.., Urpvlan ernplrt· uutlMr ""·llInd.r Ih" (lr ... 1 (0. flO).

.t, 'J'tlt· h'" .. fI' I,,,n ,elJrtlWn'fl" tllfI 11011""' ""'I,lr" (n. "IHII).

(I) The Iwo I... r ..... e,,·"I.OIoI II", t'II""pr" nnll wt!",.,rll dlvl","m .. fI' Ihu leulfilin HIU"I,... (2) Th .. 'e~' fit Irm. IIlIfl "hi), rel".tIt .. n ... ,1 ttl" IW" .,hUtIf'fI' .. fit humno J(uvernmf'ol, wh'ch '"IJI" ,·,1 10 Hu, Itullllln .. rn'llff! IInil .. " • .,r,·,wlI' 'uf'HY 10 1111 '''rln" 0' J(n.erIllIlIllH. 1I1f1ll,.ly, ntJJUJlutl.m IntS 1fH!'all.m, IIr ""I"'rloIlH'" .ntl deonocracy. 'M, ... , "Ium,.ntl t,SVtt no cohorf,"':,.,

;"' •. 'fhe .. lflnH c'ut nut 0' .hft fIIuun · ,"ln (n ...... "II) . TId. I. III. kln.,lu", .. ( h~.v"" .. , IIr ... lolroll, ... 1 ("rlh III fhe Nf'" 1'eltSJnf!lIf, tor .he klnK,'mn .. ( heaven I. 1110 klnlltlom whlrlt II ... /l',,1 ", he ....... 10111 IN<t up. (I) TI", .1 .. ". ,. Chrlal (I ... !l8:III; )'"11 . 2\ :"~""). (2) Whl'l' did lloe 01"116 .Irlb? Tl,e Imp.,·1 o( Ihe 01 .. ",· w.. ul",a Ille (eet ot Ihe ... 1· 'III"" (Y. IU). Thl. .IIow. Ih"l II tlllI nol .Irlke .1 (:IIr1II·. IIr.1 """. Inll. (or lloe 1I0lOa. emplr. w .. " 111,1, .,111., Ihn,;.lIol ,@oen tI,. ,lIvlll"" .. , lI,e ell, .. lrll ... r""r~""'I"" b, II,. I w" 101. 10.11 .I.klln .. laclI a. ,.1. Th •• I ... ~· .",Ulnll · lhe ("'" "'OWI Ih.1 110" 01 .. ".· will .,rlh wloen 11o@ 110m. a """,Irll .h.1I 10 ... '-II IIhldell u" laIn I"" klnld",n •. (S) Tloe kl.I/III,IO II( I""IY"II I. Ih ... -., to .,.. h,,,ull,1 101" r"IIU"", 1I0D IhtlJUlh Ii ITIIII' tal.alrol"", '1'1 ... ",,,I I. olll It, lTallu.1 .ad pelC"flll Ill·

11'1 Ion tI,rllu,lo .. r .... 1011II Ibe .tio"el. III b,. crulhl"l/ blow. TI'~ '1""" /II" "lit flU tb ... rth b, .,.,wdlnll II,,· "01, 4U. oUI. Delther b, -.trll'l/ U • oubllll .. 11JII 10 (j1J/J. bUI dHlro,lal/ II . """Illp dlllllinioa .... 11 end In •• r •• Io : UJIOO II. ruill •• hall be buIll II,. kin,,· "III" .. ( h.aVltIl. Th. • ... "'0 "f II, .. .IODe I. o( jull,rolal. DOl ,race. '1'1,,; 1 ... 1 1,1.1111, .. ,. It I. "lIIter" thl .IIIae 10 •• d'm. II •• mUID, WOR Ibal II I",· I'I,m"" • ,r .. t IDODDtll •• Dd 1111. the wlol)l~ nrth (_ 1'.1_ 2: 6, 6; 7 .... " . 14 :1-41). JUII .. Ihe "rill p." ,,(. till. tlre.m wa. lIIer.lI, 'ulau~. 10 .".11 11M! 1 •• 1 ".rt be (ulllll4. II_I. h'. kIn,,,,,,,, .h.1I be • _I aDd IIw,.1 k1n.IIu,".

Hew. 'p,'" ., .. I' .... Jlaa. WI'II1 0'" tJM _ of Oalll ....

aDd a ..... 1 mDlU!a4e tollowll\ him. \Ieu_ 1\IeJ' leW bll mlrulla whlclo ... did oa tb_ thaI wwe dl_Nd~ 1. 6:1 aDd 2------,..,.,,-., .. ....

81 ...... r. IIIey ...... takaalt .... are tor"YIII, aII/I w"-e .... are ____ ~4:1.

I~. rae- fa tile ....... 1 .. ., CIII,.

............... 'l'II" .



THE NEW E~A' WEEKLY NEWS BUDGET for Rlyerton and Vicinity

.--- , lammer Pleld Meet of Pnalt Growe ... ,~ .... ~~~ ........ ~~~

All fruit IIro",... of . lJurllnlllon RIVERTON'S POURTH

Pllbll.hed every Friday al



The New I'.ra I. devoled to .he b".i· ne,," and horne inlrrr.-. ' " of Riverton and I'almyra. inde".nde~t of,

"olltical or r.lI"iou. beltef-the p e 0 pie' • "aper

S"b.crll~i~dv~I~~~ a year -Adverli.ln" 'ratto on a"pllcation

'rl,e N.w I!ra o;r.;:;i; "l"im,"II to do all kind. "f Fin. Prlnlln, al

ft •• onahlt price. _SCi

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 'rho Nrw gra i. a I.."a' N .... •

vaper.. COUllllluioflr.',,', Shrrifl'fI anti oth., Sale •• Aclminl, trat"r,' and g • • ecuto,·. Ad,'ortl.,mrnt ..... ollrlled, The New Hra will a"",.clate heinll r.memhered in thi. connection, ••• u::xs::sss .• __ _

Notice All reade .. or loral nOlic .. of en ·

'.,'ai","e,,", .u",prr", fal"., clance", etc., Kivell for the- vur"Ollr of raiflinM mon.y. or for which _dllll •• iein i. eI,arlltd. will he, eI.arll.d for al Ihe ral. of foft.en a line,

Deacon 1'" .. flUrf'O llC of IlIlInan Morrill 11f.·. a. "'e'l hy il . Crea· MUM.: Inr, c;u1I101 hc' pl('a Sllrf' ,

. s ince Ihat it' no /,crlfut . "en' H .. i" ;wd ImUlY fStil 0 it rn­lirdy. It 0000 •• 1. I lloink. he dis· "'1·1i1lC!.

Piroworb and Foot Rac ..

J lJs'r wh:tl i,. the ,H:!clliiar condition of mi",1 wl.irh wilt flre'V" lI1 u miln, WOlflafl or ddld (rult1 ,.nio~iru: it

fOOl r ill' " or 011 ... , a lhl,.,ir conlnl ' " in .hl" lIIo,"i"1o{ bec;w'l" he or "he j" 1101 "oinu' 10 ~rf: II tll .. . ,lay of fire'" work ,. ill tllr cY(· niflJ.!. i ~ hryond th e: ahilit), of "it' ,·dilor 10 t1rlf·rminr. hll' "i llc' h "rc Ul" 10 havr " .. rll ,h,. C3"e in a IIlIIn",.r of ili KtiltlcC'" which came to hi l' lIotice ;, .-. he .mule Iii" rOil lid ... 011 \Vrdnc",day. "Somehow." folk" ,u,id, "i' jll"" " "C'IfIC"tt to Iilke 1114' he;,,' 0111 of 'hr wholr. day." A ",I to our ,un .. prj ",,., wr (olHul II!;" mOil ' of the .,eo" 1,le WI',,, 10 Idl the . ,me way. rhcy fc lt Ihal owinK to not hnyi"", th,' firework " ill ,he' c'v,"ninu, the whole' tI ~.y'" r,·"·hral jnn W;I ~ a failure.

It i" trlle 111M II ... lIullthrr O. ,.arli. ci"ftill " and " 'Jrrlitlor ~ ""Ot "l Ilir ~ trlall · e ~ 1 for "':ttI )' yrar~. " I.Ot rl of the ·.Ii"'"r .... of Ihe crowd ~v ii~ tlndoubl · Nil)' tlllr 10 tllr 1Ji" all ·clay auractiou .. IaJ.:",1 h\' "almy ra which ha", uol lI ;u. ;HI )' I'ollrlh of ,'Illy crlrhralion e"crpl on r:u,' orcit ~j ofl ~ for many yr:tr ~ . Naillfath' Ihi ~ krl" ill Patmy,;, 'hc 'it rue 1I1I1II1"or who ""·,,jou .. ' y ralltr to '~h'er.on . ,\,itt I'lt'n. 'he wra,her ('on · ... ition ~ w"'" nol ' ;u ·orahlc-.

Uut .. h,.,. lII :t kirf~ allowa"c,. .. fo,. all thi .... 'I1r,,' .. . iII lliC "'"~ 10 h;n' t ""rn all ;lIIlifT,.,.'lIrr. it ~or' of Mhadow ha"J,,c in,,, OVf'r '11f' dOl ,.' .. ffoiuu" wt,;rh flrarly

;;rtrit!:~~!r t~"':i,~'I',,~~~i:'i~~!~c~r~~~::~ oul 0' ,11""OIl.illllill": IIIf' firrworl", . 'r.hi " i" jll'" a lilll, · hard '0 IIflllrrll 'and a lii Ihis ,1i"I.hl)' , " UlU' al Ih,. eml of Ihe ,Iayo In",,., htll a of!I'lOr' limf', ;"1(1 wall ,,· .. Uy a \,,.r., ", mall, o( th,· .,ro· .: ralll . nu, .. ollt~h"w Ih,' irll""'~Mion 14 01 ,,",o;,d 'IInl it W;' " ;111 itu'ica,ion ,I,a t f.( h " 'rlou ,Ij,I IIOt walll ""V"OIt)' 10 ,'Ofllf' in frolll oll, .. i,'r. ;uul "",. WfllII ,I,·,."ly r,."t-II"',I. ~Ollft· ",ho wrnl 10 f'aIUl~"'Ot w,' rr ,Iollh,'" ,," "rolnl'led h,. IIti " fl',·lill":. whil,· ,,011'1" 0' u' r lll Inole il (Jill ill ", ... "inu hOIll(, .

Now. w, ... lhrr .hi" f"rlirt5( waM ju,,· ,if,r" or flOI, i, i~ 1110,, 1 IInforlllu;ale ,ha ' il wa .. ,'uj,,:I',lflrn·d. \V.· r;entlO' ',lIit,· n ':" ' " .,flf· """,IJ '4 of lir ot" .. ir or 11,0 trj t: who fl" '1 .It;" "h" ',IOII i .. . lnlH' for, " 1111 "",1 it wilt 'ale.· h,., Jih,oell " 'ar" Iff r"I0: ;"" I,rr lO~ 1 "n·.,i",·, ;r

~ .. 11f' "w"r ,101'''' . hu, Wf' du rl' .. li t r I'WI frOUl 111i .. little all '(h" ' fUm will I ... ~· ,. 10 fan ' rtf'W "muli,ioll" ill '.rr flollt,l. of Jill )' r,·Irltta,;oll, .... ill fl HIt1Y of ' I(' r nthrr .If:' 1\';1 it· ...

I, w:tf. I,rrf,..·" v , h:h. an" l"OI,,. r "101' f';dm," :' .. ltn"l,t ha"f' '''' r own tml,.,,,,,,,I,· • .,.,· "a)' ,.r'rhritlioll. It W:tll :. Ii",· "fIf', ;11,,1 "'" h",.r il will he Jim' r r ;fr h v(·:.r. HUI it ,,·ill 1rIf';e1l If' " '' 'oI'o)'lr ill "h't' r,oll CUt thai ,I;",. 'rlt:.' i .. Itlf· ~' i'ahl,· N.tturall r II,.; ,,(,0,,1(' ",ill , "" ;' y a' hnll ... ;tllfl ,."joy Ihl',r own

UIII tllf'r,.t ,. havitw .. .. mall,·r "rnwll will flol IIf'",' '''''arily h .. ;, '0"'- 10 I(iv· "rtoll, if Ri"NIOII ronlinllr ... '0 ha,'" a .. "ilabl,· a tlfl pro,.,.r t'c 'rhration "hi,.11 tlff'.·t" th,. " " lui,,,,"1""'" of h e r t'~ . if'rllh . ,11f"ir fri"m' " wHo vi I' ;' III,,., nn '''~' tt"v, ;HU' IlIn., ,. rrom "'" ,,"r· ,tuttlfti" J,( Ir"i'nry who (';trC' 10 ro"t~ aflll .. harl' it with II ", iI' If,ry 'Hlve ii, tit,. I,a '" . I.ivrrton 1" 10111,. and un .. ,Iollhlrdl)' will ronlim,,. ro "avl! a cr.i .. "hration. If !'Oft\(' "rw ;lnd in'rre'I " iftl: f, ·aw,,·, ('an he "ddr,', 110 milch thl' ',rll .. r. nile "rw nlllfmrr on Ihe ,.rnJ,(ram "';' " Ihr :llhlclic I'Ven'M h .. ld nu ",r InwfI. Til,." w, 'rr "rral'y r". jnYI'd "i' tholi r w'o .caw ,ltl'm, atld "ro"i,It·, "olllrihin" fIIorC' 10 ",alee a ,.I;,rr for ,h,. Ii,,',. folk e in Ih,. aCliv .. iii .. of Ihe clay. '.

N,."I )r;., it i. t",h~ Uk"ly Iht fire .. wnrk .. ",ill h,.. " ·,, torl'd.

11 "U' ,.ri'i .. ~ of 'rllr ... day ·" tr'thra. lion It;u '" any II II",,,,." lioli li for olhtr ihff"rr .. ,inJ,C (,.alllrl'. for nr,,' )'ear. ,h,.y ,.hould ~ lIh",it Ihrm for ro,..idtralion.

Anolh.r 1 .. llIr. th.1 did 1101 • •• a,. rri'ich", wa •• 1,,. far' thaI ,h .. Jfftr "a. tlm~ed ... cel" 10 ('lub ,nen,her .c Or Irirnd . .. 1.0 hacl rard. 01 .d. m;,-. iol1 "h~ "il'r had alway. h,.en o,u!! n to Ihl' II1Jhli,.. at all tirn" ,. unlil a few yra r. a"o whru 'ht club fell lin. d,r nl'W mana"I',"I'"1 and a f~n('t wall rrtt,,.d aero,.. 1ft, f'nlrant,. f~vr " Ihen it w ; .. 0,,,." on .h .. I'ollr,,. . Tlli " yur it w •• nol. Thi., .dd.d to the facf Iha' .. om,. of l'lr rvr,IIA run off hy Iht cb.h w.rr op.n to rlllh m.m. b ... ollly.allcl Ih.1 otlo ... rOl.ld ollly h •• n"<tcl by .ho •• not m.mhe,. of Iht dub by "fay in u an ,.,,1 ranee ftt, .dd.d to the ~elleral dioconlelli.

Th. Rivrrton \ ' aehl Club i. a ",iv· ... <illb •• nel elollhll ... loa. llot ri"lot In do a ,a j, ,.Itllit. with it . own rroJ'" .rly. 1.lIt it i. a lilli. diffirult for tlo. )'Ollnll lo'k. and .omt of Ih, old., r""idtn. . to ~(,Olllt ateu.torntd '0 th ... "rowillll .ct. of .. <lu.ion. Th., , .. I they .re not wanl.d. Maybe th.y are nOI.. JIll I the ." aloofn ... on 011 • • id. and Ih. rawin" away on Ih. otlo .. do not make fo, Ih, .pirlt out of wbich .uc .... ful communlt; c,ltbr~tion. are buill.

_ _ ZA U ..... Pro,raJD, With Popular Added •• tare In lhe MomIn,. No

.I..."cwa ~~~:~:Ii~~e ()'if:~: ~: ~:::n~·~~ ~~::l; : Ii) DVICE la c'-p,

p For lnetance, adYke aboat leaYinl your haue In -mer.

8ay It at H_I

Kiverloll', l'ollrlh of July "ro",am was very much tI~c ".nle a" in formcr

M,.. O.orlle 1>. Steed Ie I~ enl.r· yea .. , whh Ihc excc"tioll of Ihe fore. lalnln" her mol Iocr from Ba,ne"al. wo,k. III the evcnh,". which wer. di ••

I. II. WliliamA h .. relurned from Wildwood.

M,.. K. 1\ . Howc .. and dau"hler, lIelly. arc vl.illn" relallve. In Bo.lon.

GeorHe W . Mcllh.nny Ancl family. 01 O'n.y. opeool Ihe 1'0n'Ih In Rive,· Ion.

MI •• Alice IIrown of Vlncenlown. 'I.enl lloe I'ourth wllh Mro. William 1\ . Major.

NOJJl gvall l' , of Thoma" AvcnUt, i~ oiowly reKlining hi. health aft.r a nervOul br,.;ekdawn.

MI.. IWzahelh ScOIl. 01 Ocrall r,rove, will ""end Ihe IIummer at the hOllle 01 S. 1\ . I'hllllly.

Mr •. II. C. I'ord. of mi.ah.lh. and her Iwo oon. , arc vl.ilin" her dan"h· ler. M,.. V. I(. Reeves.

W. H. Dick. of IIrooklYII. hal rented on. of the a,.artllleni' at the .. Ma',I .... 3110 Main .tre.l .

C/.arle. Wan"er. CeorRe II. HUlch· in. and William M. Wllhraholll vl.ited Cam,. Ockanickoll on Tu .. day.

The rel(i.trar of vilal .Ialioli .. ha. rel.orlcd for Ihe lIIonlh 01 Jllne Ihree dealh •• Iwo birth. and two .na;'riarre ~.

M... Charles fl. navis relllrned SlInday after 'I.endlnl( ;'.ve,al days in lloc oontherll ,,"1 of the SI.t. vloltinl( relative".

Mr. and .1,". Arthllr nowker rc· tnrllrd hOllleoll Wrdllr.da)' afler "I,e,ulinu the I'ollrlh with f"end" in l ~hilli".hll~lI. N. J .

Mr. ,wd M,.. nailey. 01 I,lnden ave· flllr, "nter'ained Mr. anef M n . Harrl V. Tarbark alld l.milY. of We.1 Phi · adcll,hia. 011 Snnday.

Mi"" MarJ.Carc:l "rmlltrO"", who was o"rr"Icd on ill 'fir ZlIrbrlJltf,( Mentor· jal Ho,.:"itnl, IUvctNide, all I/riday, for :t,."emliciti", 1M re"orlcd to be - doin..: vrry nirely.

'''lte annual ,.icnic of thc \-Vc~llir"t "riend. wa. held al Ihe home 01 Mr. ;end M".. Howard Taylor, Sr., on Sa' · urelllY aftc' rlloon, with an attendance 01 "bont fil1y . ,

Mr. and M ... S. II. Li,k and f'lIIily ,nd Mr. and M,.. Willialll Croneh a 1111 ramily mOlored to Torre"dale on Snnday. where Ihey .pent · lhe day al Ihe Vi.h Halcheri ...

,.elll.d with. Aher Ihe march 10 ,he river alld

' "rayer by Dr. Siahi. lloe addrCls of Ihe day was delivered hy HOIl. Jallles I h"",,,olld, of Tren,on, J'rollcetltor or lloe I'lea. of ".sex COllllty, who ' I,okc on the IIccc".ily or American" v Horouflily fIIainlainillM the American inMlianlloll" and IdealM, nlld or lire· •• rvinll tloc .allclily 01 Ihe Sahhalh.

1.:f:r.~r~~~:I~~'~.I,'Jli~~;~d-:;~~J"I'~~ .pcaker. •

A lIew fealllr. of Ihe day'. l,rOI("UII wa. all alhletlc ,"cel open to all 110. children of Ihe 100rollr.lo. The 1,,1 ... for thelle eVent H were uruhdlcd lJy the 1I0rolll(h COllncii. alld ",coentcd 10 Ihe winlle," by Ihe Mayo,.

The winncfI'I were as follows : ­,il,b 50·, .. ,,1 d •• h, IIC llffJf- fle'f!fl ' gn. kal,

Aun. '.ochuwil.t: . WrI. 50·,..,,1 d ... h, JUlIllJr-J~ .. hl!r !tcen. ,

l'.lherin. Dutr. OIrl. ,.ct-Rudl Ifiller, iluillc

l,fcl"nu. Oltlll "IWlOn and elue ,.lcc- Hulll I·ltuer.

Ntn, A'UlI 'Mhowltt , Wrl. b.ll00n Ltowili. c"nte.t.-DcUr :;110 .. '

eU, Vlr.lni. Good, . . "",. tOO·,..rd d .. h- Ulek ("ole, '_,.(o".,d 1.I.k.

Do,. Ihtcc:.1e •• cd 'Mce- I.eo" SlfJIIi allli 'AW" B.U, fi"t: JDhn Arrc. and Hd .. .ard WIIII.nn, I«ond.

U(J1. uek rlec.-Cb.. lc. ~ulU,,". Jlck lIorrl •.

110, . b.IlOO1' fhcfll- Jfcrbcrl Smitb, L.ddie IlidtlnJlOfl.

The fir.1 I.dle ill Ihe dccofllcd IIahr e',.ell I, wat. IIw,ufled 10 'm,lt",th I'"unu, Ii,..,; 1 ~ I .. ie SlllIwell. "cc'IIId ; 111111 'r1l .. nUt" 1I 01IJ· ,Ioek, t""d. !I"tlble Jlullhllu ."1 Ir. ~ . IlIi/r "'f deetH.led'cdc'l, ."d ""'fUllfil A'iI· 'et ACCflfIIl .

Th., ,uhl .It CCII _ .. lclI WCfC " Uulrd while 'he ewe"" UII Ihe Illnk WCfe hei,," tUII 'IR. .llOwed • ,ni .. , ,." ,.,/Jlle ,,1 'he tlld' l lme ill'erclI ' If I Ihi~ "JH,'I . 'rillce cia_hell Wl',t' ellte,c.1 Ihe f •• I. n :. . ... the , ' tU l"cII .'111 Ihe Ifill. flllc " 'c"i."Cf ...

tn 'hI' J .. f. , ' ,,, ,,,, Ru Shflwell. ,,/tith,u ,.ill nelte Ro." cot st".r fi, .. I, hUI W it " "WI"

'"Ulled ' b, RtI'H:,'MIII IIlu'hue 11,e' I.e"""nnlt "lIer fOundllloK tile "flil 'JIlt ')', ~IIII ,helf 1Ie'I,1 Ilu~ lu.1 till the IlIIi "h. f'M,Ie'1I 'J:.lli lo. .,, 11 Illu (O"mfll'fflUfe Ulowcr',. JI"II It l ~" "Y«"I""I.I the Uelle R"." IUld ""I.hed ~c(!,,"d. 1(,,1,· cll-on'. tlmc nYCt Ihe' Cllune w.. 1.10 :22, lI.ttl., 1."Z :OO, and Showell ""2;511.

'n Ihe IfU'" •• lIc .• lu,,,,,, c!a 4" :t'uJ,I. Ki."'. ' • JI. S. A. h" lt t •• :Iile,' I'f J. fl . lJun.,j", I ,01 fitllt 1.lacc, whh tile \' llIIku ... , ilc,1 hy ! Yod •• ,. MUlcr IItC",..', alii' Nille lIell ,., IIno ,hf'1 D, S. A. bt,.t, •• lIcd I,y P.d •• , Atillero J,., I

'rite comhin~d force" or Henrr, A , th;t'e finl."ln. let'" "'It~ fi,.,.1 lIy Mlh I Urn' r, Inr., R,"',erlon a!1~ 71~ C , .. "I· "Iunce, 'fir hi .. 'ur.iclh y r .lf. ' till' . ~ Irccl, f ',,'adelph,a, Will "old The rl."Ic.'1 I" Ihe ,.",i ... ,- ... ""~ "' .I ~ "",. ,heir fir .'" ;Ulnnal nul"'Jl 011 Sa'lIr" .. y I ',r v.. K. "'c"iII' .. ·r,..' e'<roC' .... t' ll, 1"lIe,1 "Y ;eflcrnaou .. I Itour'h .. nd JI.lm avenl... . Willi"", fr. '''' ''c,. Jr., ill I. 1M :4.!, ""I', the

I'rank C. Hell, Sr., of CillnaJllin ~o" ~:;ii!:i ,:~w'": •. "~: tlt~:w~!: .~~'.',~!:i . "., 141111 . .. I reel. who W;U' takcn Mlldde"ly ill 'rlee ,,"ernonn '''Iualic uc"'" Wf'If' ill rh :H~«' );u, wt·c:Ic, ~va~ removcd I~ Ihe L;lhk· If' lhe Ri.c,I',.. VA chl l 'I,,", ;II"J ~'t'tC W'IIi "tIOm UO",Jllal, whtre he ' M lII,derKo, ;n " ,I1"wI : i,1I"; Irc:t'mrnl, willt I',e tiope of avoid· . Afcn'. """;trHlliUK--II,c:I: 1I"IIIIIII ", II c .. d, A. !'o. jlt }.: an 0l.rra,;on. N. Smilie. .

. • Olrlt ",,,h'IInl,,. - I' .it,,- ,' ttlrt . UtI,II MII"t •. I r" Itt Jltte of thc vcry ,n"'e lllell i Swimmln •• M ,." I..! eft I(.- J"h" ntc'II"W wl'alhrr 101 ,. , S;eturday IIIC lawtl frlc' R~ .. cll "iller. ' . ' he ld al M:. ~ ntl\'illr for Ifu! hen,.Iil of I Swirnminlf, f~11 1o uutler I..! -JArk Nil,"'" ,. III,. 'r"'u:rclllo,, iM LraJluc, of U"rlill"; John Ar''', Ion county, w .. " well illltndrd a"d Ihe Row'''''.1 lor fIIc",,lm I,jdi"..,,,,, A, ·

~ro",."1 "~ cei", ,, w'in' flc."l y $U"O. thRn!'f;!::·li", llOr.- Willler Ib"cl ifJ~ . ffal . P"rlci" ,,' milk "lick r;ell into 'Iur ",tOfI I'itler. ,

"al,·" UI ,I... Main "Irct·t raifroilli I . J.f~n'l " " tiMe. Ritlle y .. . ,,1 Ri"Ut ,,, ,,I, ,.roM,ullf,t \-Veduuclay morn in" allf. lind M.urr "",,",1. "rolee on I ' of thelli . J a'rr in Ih" d - . M.ud duub'e_~i"4 UUII':'I' Ittll ' . Af~ 'ry or,r . of Perkin,,' wa"o;,,, ran in,o Ij,~ :~/~dllh Sutfl .. n :. .,,' \\;lII:. re SU'''YlfIl

" I:tllon .,la.lo"l1 a. "a'myra and waH Tiltin. c,mle",t.-AfII'er""" .. ",1 W,iI,"1 (.r .. l. ovc·rturllr". , 0,nWf'1I .n.l . f)itldn .. tlfl .... "11 ... 1.

M ... Maliida Hllh ..... ho ha. heeoo o,.e'ICHn", ,h,' "it ,,1 el.·ven itl I IC home of hrr hro'hrr .. nd " i"Ier. III · h.w. Mr. alld tot ... Victor Ri .. cloard, 11'11 Io.,e I"r Nrw yo,k on Monday. allli on Wedne. day oailed from Ih.,,! lor her home in Bolivia. Sonlh Allier. ica. .

Mr. and .1 ro. naniel Willinlllllyri: h:eve ,",onc 10 \Vashinulon, " . C ., '0 ' I,end .1", "tlm"'I'r wilh Ihrir son l,corKr \Villitu_:ruyre and family . Mr: I ';(W~O fl ;lfut familr' of ""iladcf"hia 'o",,,.r ,,. .. i,lrnl !4 0 Niverloll, arc: oc:: "u,'yirllo: 'heir hOIlMe for July and " 1I ~: If ,,, t.

"urinK Ihe "evere (·Irclrical ;tnd r;ei" to tor", which vi J' iled Riv('rlon and vidnity la ~ , Salllrda)' afterfloon a hol(' \Va tt rnildc in 'he roof OIl 'hr "~me ,,1 Olto lI~ckrr. hy a Ji"hlllinl( hail. ;ultl ".e "'"«IlIry on r he rCliidenre of William ScI.",irrcr. 011 Ih. W .. I foeld . ro:td, "' .. ~ Mhattered.

'rll,' II lIllcrinlcnd(,1I1 of the Burfin$(. tnn CouII'y HOllpilal rC'IJorted al Ihr monlhly noretinl( 01 tlor Board 01 Mitn:,u.·r_, Jilly 5, 'hI' number of ,.a· tic lt' " a .. follow ,, ! free warli "alirot ll lO, JI:ty ",ard "aliI'''' • • (" priva'e ,.a. ,itn' " ZZ, .. dllliUrd SA, dj ,,('harJ(ed 54, died J, rcmain;',..: Zit.

Mr. an" .f ... C. A. I'ellerman :til .heir Ktle,,'", Itrr mol her and "i,t,.r )f,' . Virginia IIl1ddinlier and )fi.~ Laura Buddin",er, 0' itO).nl Carm,.', " ... , anft Charlell Schwar'z. of '~Imira, Ntw Y o,k. 011 SlIlIday fofr •. Fe".r. man cUlrriaincd another al,, 'er, ... rs. U. William •• of /'hiladel"hia.

Thc many friend. of Mr .• nd lfr •. John I\rmilal(t will he 1I'.d to hra, Ihat I',ey have .,,,rchalled a healltiful l,ome .t Hollywood. C.1. Mn. A,m. ha5(''' walt injured while on hrr way to C.IHorni.. She .Ii(.".d 011 Ih. wtl "aven"'"1 a, Clrveland, and hroke her .. "klr, if.,,.i,," ill a ('alii for five w,.tk".

Thcrf' i" conflider .. hle cOIJI,.Iain' of "I'f'cdin", hy automohile,. on Thoma" avenue, "i. reporl,.d that 'wo . mall rhild .. 11 nartow'), .. calltel hein" rlln over Ihi , wr~k. '1 ill undl'r,. ,ood tl,al Ihr .1I.IIer i. 10 h. laid hdor. Ihc UorotlMh enuncil in a ,,~ritiotl re .. (Jlle ,, ';nl( II,at Ihe .r.ced law. b~ en .. lorc.d.

The Hivtr,on lirc (Om,'IIIY manntd it. trllek and lIot r.ady 10.,lIn II out ill rC'ilarkabl,. "ui('k li!Jlt when Ihe alarm "oundcd tarty Satu,day tve .. fling duri"J( ,h,. htav), atorm, al Ihe 'imr th .. ntokf'lIbac:h barn wa" .truck hy 1Il1ll1l1in" in I'.'myra. Th.y d id not han 10 1(0, but thty were ready ill Ji ll tim.. .

Thievtl .nlered the of Harry I'.. navio. d.aler in 10rloi .. . 1 •• 11 rim. for ~I ..... , al ~7 S.noollt I, Sunday. by fordnll •• <cond olory rear w.ndow. The "lace wa. ran.acktd. "olic. nnable to de· termine thc value of Ihe arliel ••• 101· .n becau •• of Ihrir inability to ,et in tOllch wilh Ihe owner. who wa. Ju .. .. "ornin" hollte from a trip to Cali. fornia.

,uunlle dnllbtr_ n . "''' r,iII ;tlill ,~ . • 'lIIe, (" •• , ri . Knl.hl stllli W. R.uldifJe lIf'r"", I.

~fcfl'. (O'ur . " ,"cY. ""OW"" Uidlr y ;1 1111 RI •• Cf fi, ... t . ~ulll",,,". t:, a R, 11 0.1"', ;11 .. ' , ' , .. " .•

I'll .. econtl. Howell)' t .cr~W. Sulli ... fI fit , l. J:.r" ,~,aR

"C""tI. Tfle fj,rw",k .. ''',,11 lite I,ier, ,,·hlel. It :." "crll

It ft.rl III I'IC nleht1ltinfi flor .. ~ tf .. celllmy, wu dhllt'llcd wllh.

Mu. Jolin HillJll otl. o( Lim,,.11 avc' . nilI', j" enlf·rtOti .. i,".: 'If'r ' ni,'('f' , Ali" .. I ~cli'h K S",o .. r. o( "it""JI" ,.;h, " ...

HOWilfci 1). Rordoll will 1" ;1\'(' 011 !4firunla." for "n r t huul. fJrr' v,o II , In .. tfCllft ",r N;lIional COff\'C'lII;OIl of 'n" IiliUr.1 nank,·,. l'o .

'r, .. : Linlon f.rul.) 'Jail y Chill' " " ';a,hi ofT i'lI; rrlilOriitl p .. "c · wilh ,I ... " na"py line, u~o livr I hal you "011'1 w.tt1t it kCI)' OUI of 11ft' paper."

Olll,.;,r t\ . Kalll .. r, of "hil:ul,·I •• hia . hal' 11I""" .. ",.eI J. ·0 . CI:.rk' ., "ro,.,.rl ,· ;., 4M 'rl,o,w." "\' (' IIIff ' o :t,,,1 1'r. CI;lrk " : I ~ fJlJrcha lltd lit,. 'Jr. ~. \\' . Collin ,,,o,,erl y at '~ollrlh "Ir" el a,id Thoma .. ;1\,,.t1t1C •.

Charlet' n. flurborow will :I,.roUl -

r!~';{. ~i~~~;~~~r:t~~ I:~i', . ,',:i~t~( ~t"\~~'I~,f~ who ;Ul' (1(I\V al ColIl'i' t kk,wicko'n . 011 a Iri,. '0 IIU' (·'UII,' Salurday :1(1(' r : nOOll, Iravin..: "alrn)' ,., al onr o·dode. . Tra""fJorlalion will hr (urt,i ..,hrd 'hoec who d c"irr to m .. k,· the 'ri,.. Mf. · Durborow ha~ .. on~(' ftlrli '0 J!;vCJ 'hr hoy. a lalk on "wimmin" and afhl('tic ~ i" Jeer",ral amt ill eXI'I'clI'rl 10 do ~orn .. I'''hihition ' IUnt t' in Ihe line lake a' lloc C •• OOI" i

Wanll Ie .... y HOlpltal for War I Velerans

JOIl·,,10 II. Scar,. New J." •• Slat. I ('o"'III.""I,·r of 'lit- '\II"o,ir;", J.ruion, It .... ac"'rt'IIi""" .. h ' lI", 10 I:o\'crlfor Edward" 011 'lI'h .. U of "'" Alflrrir;HI l.t·"";o,, of X"w J(·rl<icy, "'(jIlC"'i'r. 'dill 10 ,..:tll :t " ,f,.d .. f "CIiMOII of .he '(' ~i • . I:-.lurc JUIf JII IliIfl' 10 IIIC' I.lo"i ,. ioll of the Con"litulion of ,I. .. S':t'" 01 Nrw ',·r . ,irY, for lilt' ,1I1r1.Olli ' · of .Utl'lo';:riIlV a r,.fer,.tllllllll voir .. , 'he t.trQrral "1;.,. • lio" i!1 ~ovr'"hrr, l'Ul , "pou .11f' .. " :

I· 01 $111.1.11011 10 hooild a fl ' . ,abllhatiou lta" ,.it .. 1 IruUitlllion rnr Ihe

brtlf'lil of wOlludcd vch' ra" Ji ill the ' World War. . I

A Bouquet and a Brlckbal I On the I'ollrl h Ihe editor had t .. ·o

rt'IUUtl co"cern;,u( the ,)olice de .. I

"artmcnt. ' I On. wa. 10 com"limonl Ih. Chid

and hi. rfflr;cn, oAiC,.", (or the patrol of 'he town alld IlIr hallk durinu Ihe day, and prevtlltinl( a"lomobil •• 'rom parkinK on II", river hank roadway.'

The olloer wa. to roa .. Ihe Chief and office", ro, i"t(' rf~rin" with d,lv .. I

en who I top".d Ihdr aero on IIank avenue 10 v'ew the .vorlff. i

The 1i"1 ret,utlt came IrOIl1 a man afool. ' I

John Cia .. . nd John Karin. arrivcd ho"," . ft.,noon afler a two week'. tri" alon" the Allanlic Coa.1 in Gla .. •• I'ord racer. The boy. wrnl a. far IIorlh a. )lonlre.I, Can.

I '2.71 ~_at"" of the . ......... Daaa P .... the pea with "Ihe

Utile red puap haacIJe," hay. bam retlltCed to.7S. Othcn .... r« II ..... ad ..... de. ltop lit TIle Hew I&ni Orr­........ ,ow tteJ.ctioa.

Orowe,.· Sum",er meld M~eling in cool.eraliou with Ihe New Je,"ey I Slate Horllcultu,al ill >.finch ilrothers' Grove. Ilrld".lon. N. J .• on ' Wednesday. Jllly 12 1922. I

'floc lour ic"vcs Jlfount Holly Farlll lIurean Office nt 8.00 a. Ill •• SI.ndard lime. and ,,., ,,,,r1l throUKh Moorel' towli I"liollllfll Haddoufield. Woodbury. Mullica J-lill, ,Ut1'14 inK Scabrooles' farm s lInd "rrivinR al ""d"elon abonl 10,,10' 1 ,'u iutcrc!'lillJ.( ,lrOJ(ram Is IIrumred. 'J'akc a b"", kel lunch.

School Boarel Windl Up Bu.ln ... of Term I

AI ;m adjourned mcc lin.: of lite I Boord '01 !'.dnealioll 'I' ooi!!hl 01 1"01 week. Ilr. Ale • . M.rcy. Jr .• wa~ re-elected Uledical ius.,eclor for , aile year.

The lollowilll( 10111. were ordered

~~id,t tII lu' '' ~e'I1, t ltTll iclt ' " ,,,k •. ., ... 1510.00 I Wliller I .. III.well. I.dulhlle ...... ".. ........ 1.5.!O A. ( ~. ( ' ,. , k. n ."'.~ ...... _ ...... ,._ ._" 5.00 JUurtofl l~tI" ",.hl" l ·u., ,Uphlllu", 1,lltt ~( •. U

~~;e:I;·c.:\ · (.~~:;:r . ::~:::c.::::::=:.=::::.:::::~=: I ~ : ~~ UUllk . . ....... ,~ ...... _ ..................................... 162.(j1

Hewi ll :ilceclle ,wei children, Clarice and lin 'd, 01 Allentown, wcre the II lIeOI. 01 lois . iSl er. lIfr •. Michael JlnUII(C, over Ihe J'ollrl".

r-··_.......-............. ··· ... · .. · ....... ··· .. -The Story' of

. Our States · ., .JONATHAN BRACE


NOJl'I'" IInei Knuth Uu·

kotll lornit'd tim lIurthuru IMJctlflll "I tbe I.n u IHla Da I'urellturo by Ihe nequ'.1-

tlu .. u( which Irolll .... rutlt'c Ihl' Ulllled IIlalee ncarl, doubled Us ~I •• u. .

Tloo Dakota. woro II.. 1 ... 1 HlllleN wllieh wero IIOado up wllol· 'y 'rum Illie purebu .. ,. lu lib' C"IIIO U (Iort ot Ule Union, Khort· I), llfiu. 118 aequl.IUUII. Iho IAlW· IN IllUl elark eSJK.'ClfUOIJ WUK tKmt I/ul Iu explore II olld Ibey "I",ul Ihelr llrat wialer In 18().f ne"r Alnudllll. The Brltl.h blld IIIIIOY '". 1,11.10 In Ib'. ,egluu. and 0. lI ... y "conoldered It. I,n,t ot ",". IHI. terrll"l'7. tI,e), built a t.,,1 ioo 11110 IIenr Pemlolrll.. IIrll .. 1o riJ!hl ~, however, were wUhdru~'n

I .. lloe 'rreni, of 1818, wb"'b II.· 11I1,II.ill!1I the to,onsl ""ulldary 1",1 w~ell Ibe UDlted IIlule. 00/1 ('ulHula,

TilE IIloul I nd lunK •

who hn,' IIp.ulI very bUKllle tuwJ.rd whUe illvuHlon nnal· I, ceded a I.orlloo of

t"c'lr lund to tho Ilovcrmnurit Jr. ·11iU1. 'rhlw WUK open.'" up 10 .. ·tllemont aDd Ihull Inllnlll,alllO" WIIK .lurt~la tht. I.urt ot II .. eouplry. ID 1864 'Ihe luel"", weHt ot Ihe MblHOurl rive, be· COIIIU a 118rt ot Nebraok .. le"I· IlOry, wblle Ibe porllon 10 Ibu .:"11' waa aluel ... d Iu Minne .. ola. lIuwover. In 1861, the Hepurnle Turrllol'7 ot Dekola waH I/,,,a,,· I.PII. I'opulalloo did not 'oc..., ..... rlll,ldly. uatll 1fj(f(f. due 10 tho wurllke demooNlralloaH ot Ibe IolllluOH.

It t. trom Ihu..., ",dllln" 11.111 llou lIome Dako .. com ....


Cheapl-to you and 10 ... The co.1 hal already been borne by 0110 .....

Don'l leave your houae wilh "Away for the &ammer" or "A· way lor Iwo wee"a" wrillen all ever it. Burllara and an .. k look for auch hoo .... •

Don'l let mail and newapapera accumulale In your mail·box or on Ihe porch. Leaye a forward. Inl addre.. with Ihe poatman and a chan,e of addrell wilh new.paper and maluln. pub· Ii.h.rl. Aceumulal.d mall II a liinal of .. fety to Ihe hoult. br .. "er.

Don't pull all lhe lhadea all Ihe way down. Give Ihe palrol. man on your alreel a chance 10 "look info Ihin,a" occulonally.

Lock all Ih. doora and win • dow.. Lock_ won't foil crimi· nala bul Ih.y will Ilop boYI.

PUI your aolid allver. jewelry. and other yaluabl .. In your .. fe box.

See If your bur,lary inlU .. nce policy need. all endorsemenl. II will be In"a1IClaled if you ,0 away for more lhan roar monIlia withoul lellin, a ncancy per· mit.

If you ha .... , nelJ.cled 10 buy burllary inlurance till now, call Riverlon 18·1-4. I will lell you \he COIl of Ihe IInI burllary In· lurance policy. II will aurpriae you-Ilia eo lmalU

All 1"la il Important Ihl. year. More burllarle. are beln, com· milled now lhan ever before.

Lindley C. Robbin. Office In Finance Bldl.


The Grul Mat:";~ ;"111. Liltk Padag.


Riverton. N. j .

- ---:::---- -~- = Hilt II Iv .. not until 188f1 Ibat

tlou 'J"klOl_ .. rrllor, W"H dlyld.'fI IlIUI furlUud lato two atlltel, 1'0 II ",,111 uny '''ellng fir J(!uluuIY ItS 10 wblcb wal mudo a a .. 1e 11"'1, .10" Iwo bill_ ",ere ol"ncd . I.)' l'r,OMIII,.,.. lIarrlHoD after the1 hnd beeo DUIlled up aDd wer, 110"11 r.,...humed 110 It I_ oot kll"wlI wbleb .. a. oilloed IIraL

!OOO'OOOOGOODOOODoaaoooo~ II "Whor. QaalIt, Counla" .

I "Hirsutone" I '," U'lr "renll .re ahout tbe O'DI, Nurth IJakll" conlalnlnl 10,llf11

I "'1'10"8 mil ..... while 80uth Da· ""1/1 hll. 11.01(; "'IlIa,e mil ....

I '1'100' ""IIIII8110n 10 al... aloout "'IUU' IInei eac:h bt .·" to 'lYe "r" """'JlII"' .. I.-rlor •• (~ tll' MCClur. H ••• p • .,.r ',Ddklat • . ,

........... --..... ........... -~ ..........

TIle Dunn.Pen' clean. lIMit whJle you are lIi1iftllL

IlhMnorubberuc 10 rotl u .. k. and leak -notnin, to break IIr to let oot or order.

11"",.,. __ lllmu

... _r' "' ... "", o/Iow u11-j1lM'. ~ ......




''e_ • PolIN


Z conlaininl Reaorcln. Canlhar. ~ id ... Capsicum, Boric Acid; AI· ~ cohol and Perfume. Thi_Iaida

Ix in Ihe removal of dandrulf and

pr.venlion 'of the hair from fall. inl Oul. The frequenl uae 01

' Ihis preparation keepa lhe acalp in a healthy condition.

Small 60c


606 Main Street, Riverton


Collinl Bulldlq Harriaon II.reel, Rinrlon

Shoe Repairing


Give a thought w your feet and then be

able w forget them.

CHARLES TURNER ~ "-- TnaDka aa4

L,elhal' OoocJ. Repalrlcl IOe "-4 IUwt R1nrtoa

JIboM ...

Breakfast Cereals for Hot Weather

Corn Flakes Post Toutles

Shredded Wheat Puffed Rice


8Yzc I I Yzc


"We Deliver the Goodll"



COM.PTON·. The Better Grocer



CI J RT~N"&JlCW*"'C'" I~ C •• JrC IIIH.Ullenlll

J"h" .... '" II "IH •• in_ New "uric

S. g . Cor. 41h aood \V;olnnl St •. I'hiladcil·hi"

l'hllllC : Riyc,ton 21' .n.1 ti I'hil. drll.hl", f.ombard 20"5

11 .. ~;if·w:~;~·c;;~:;; .. · .. l And your heater and pipell are II0t in good repair ~ there may be vexalious delay. in getting pa.ts. ~

II Why not. have them 100ke.1 over now and be lIafe. ~I We will iolHpecl YOllr healing plant free 01 charJ:e

X and tell you candidly whether or not anything ,ill X

'IX needed. I I We can repair any .make . of heater. ~

We. are al your lIervice. jU81 phone Riverton 201.j . ~

I I ~ WILLIAM: H, BISHOP I ~ ~ ~ PLUMBI,NG, HEATING AND ROOFING ~ ~ '. ~ I 502 East Broad Street, Riverto~ . I ~""""~,,,,~~""" ~ 0 0 0 ~~"""""~"""~"""",,,,,,~'lo',,~

Prime Rilli 'of Beef 25c to· 35c lb.

Have you tried our

46c Butter? It is our best · seller, and gives satisfaction to par-

ticular persons

Beef Kidneys ISc each Lamb Kidneys 3Sc dozen Legs Genuine Spring Lamb 48c Ib

T~e. fth/ertoll Meat Market w. N. MATTIS

Collin. Building, Riverton Store will cloac at 1 p. m. on Wednelday. during june,

. July .and Augu.t ~


'Phone 88-R 306 BROAD 'STREET

IJelicfdessen, Fruits 4' Vegetables

WEEK-END SPECIALS Slrictly Preah E"I. doz. 45< Lar,e Size Ieraey Potaloa. Iar,e baUet _ '1.00 Our Ileal Colfee. Ib JOe Bell Lard. Ib _ _ .• _ _ _ _ lie Lar,e Iar Plain Oily.. . 19c Sweet Mixed PicIrcJ.. Ib 35< Tule Tell. Mayonal .. , bot. _~ __ 25< . Frab Potato Chipe, ~ Ib IX. Lar,. Jar Boar PicIrcJ. - - ____ 2Ic Van Camp'a Tomato Soap, un 9c, 3 for _ _ 25< Cliqllol OiDlCraic. RootbNr. 1.,..par".Iar,. bot. Ix 'mport'ed lwiee C'-. ~ Ib 23c Pimento C'-, ... Ix Cr_ Cbecae, pilI- _ _ _ _ _ Ix Tartan Com .1aIrce. J pII,a. _ _ _ _ 25<



Char"in" Ihal h.r mi.· tr,at.d h.r and two .mall chlldr.n comp.lfin. th.n. 10 live ID an nn· pla ..... d .hack al Cemb,icI\J" )I ... Wilb." Ol.ho", apvca,.d a"ain .. him befor. Ju .. lco of th. P.ace Roehri •• of RIYtn~. lUI wt.k. A jury Jeawe BI.bop opvortunity 10 CleaVC jail by provicliD)I a ,,004 home for hi. famlly .. d pay.n. for .upport aJNI pul· iDa up a t500 bOtId 10 malic 1004.

Tht con.oliclation of Ihe Pinl Na· lional and the Nalional Siale Raak •• of Camden. under Ihe name of the former becamc a facl on Salu,day when the Mcollary certilicate wa. reo crived from Com~lrolle, Cri .. inll.r, of W •• hinllon. The dircclofl of lhe con.olidal,d bank include Ih. follow· inlc! JI. Walli. Arm.tronr. Charle. T. IIrown, Ralph L. Preemaa, Alberl C. YiddlclOD. )loorellown; Klliam E. B~nnell and John T. Dorranu, Riy· .,IOn. and JI"'rene P. Hal.... )lcr. cunlyUle. formerly of WOUDI Holly.

IoIcI .,

WALTBR L. BOWEN Rivertoa, N. J.

Some are conlent wilh word" but llor truth of word. i. lelilel by delel. and devcndeDI upoa Uf • . -Bab'Ullaia. , ........................... ~~ ..................... ...

INTBREaTINO NEWS BITS Delanco open cd it. new alhlelic I,ark on Ihe Fourlh.

In an~ around Palmyra Mrs. Id. nerlron I. ol,endlng Ihe sununcr in Cape May.

a., It It Hoinel Mr •. M. J . Quinn enlerl.lned Ih. ~-.----- --.~ - -===-: I Slilch And Challer Circle yeslerday

Charles H. Weddle I",. broken (Thursday.) ground al Second and 1':1111 avenue. J . C. Tarlor, of I'hilodel"hio, h ••

Mr.. George W. Rhoades enler· "urchased Sle.dl.·. garage. al Broad lained relalives frolll Dorby Tucsday. and I' uhon slreels.

narle J . Roray, of Brooklyn, . "enl Ihe FOllrth wilh hi . lalher, A. C. Ror"y.

Mrs. C. W. Lakey I. on A 10 New York, And ex"ecl. 10 relllrll '11.0111 Ihe hr.1 of AllglIsl.

Mr. and Mr~. Fred Palman and IH,r- Howard Willlcr ami family, of !'hil -t>' were Yi :t ilor~ :H Seas ide Park on adclr,hia, spent Tuesday with his Sunday. hrot Icr, Gcorf{c N. Wimer.

"rlhur I-Iaincl'l is IIOW concluctiuJ,( Mr.:and Mrs. Alon7.o nouf :dl arc the lIIi1k rOllte (orlllerly owned hy ~Jtcl1ll1n~ the 1II0nih of July Wllh Mrs. I'. .. a Carl",rl. I' I Harold lIak.r, al Slone Harbor.

MIs. Dorolh y Z.·II.·y . of l'hlla.leI·: .Mr. and Mr<. Elvin Powell .nler· phhl, wa~ Ihe J.C llc · ~ 1 of Mis:'l Mildrecl lal~,cd Mr. ,a nd M~". Conracl HOfll­WirtH' r over the wrl'k~nd . I ~!~J~I, of 1'llIlac:\clpllla, over Ihe week·

lohn Warfler 1m" ,ulrCila l'Cfl M r)li. ' • , \Villia ll1 !'i' Itrope' rl y 011 Cillfl:Lmill !'i OIl I Mr. ;wd Mr~. Jitll!es I',,' ~c' rs~law, ;tvelille below Brotul sireci. l or Chesler, I R., arc vls hlllg her

. . mOlher, Mrs. "Iben Hodsoll, or Mor-Mr~, Herhcrl 1--1 l' III 1'1 c, or Mlallll, I Will 'lvenue '

1:1"., i " Ihe J.,tllc!'1 or Mr,.;. Isahel Hem· " . "Ie, of flroad and Wa. hll1gI01l. ~Ix Morlto.n Klrf . hiked 10 HiKh

• "OHII, 7.; IIIllcs, startinK Salurday, G. V. S. R ye r ~o", Hnd fUlllll y, or JUlie 24, nnd reaching their deHlin:Ltioll

Brookl vn, arc !" f, cOHllng a ,lew ,week I'! ilhC rollowing' ~'cdnc fo! day. wllh Mr, and Mrs. W , H. ral,ltll ,

. • ,H. S. S"illIlIJ(.r, of New York. Is MI!''' "'d~ 1I C. Sler.1iIlJ{ ha~ n'cetvc'cl !' I.ending !!!omrtimc, with Mr. and

a ~cholarsillp. :lIul ~\" I! all,m,ul a SIlt,II· I At rs. William Rawling!!!, where he hI mer ~chool of mllsu' III Iluladell1hm. rrcllpcraling aher nn operation.

.The Ki.nJ(·' na"l:hl ~rs Bihle Cia .. I Mrs. William Wilbraham and oon, Will hold Ifs I1c~t !"ee lll1F'. al Ihe hOllle : H e nry, and brothe r, A. H . Rlldduck, of Mrs. John ".lrlS, on IlIc ~da)', July I ha\'r relurned home after ~llc"dinR' a 11th. we('k al the uHazclhursI" Wildwood.

Mi~~ En1tull Ri,ar and David Land I Hcrhert Sehnridcr, of Rivrrside, is. ",!olorrd 10 Cape M."y on Rnlltrday to "",ain on the job :,t Ihe Goodyear ViSit Mr!'. Joseph 1-'alhrlll1ccr ovcr the shall after several days' illness, while Fourlh. M;maJ.{er McCoy ,,'so has recovered

Mr. allli Mr .. . \Villiam lIi1hotlrn, or, '; lIfficiCtllly 10 KO to the ~hore over \VeSI I'hil:ule lflhin, old- lime residents the week cnd. ":,r Palm y ra, were in 10wII on Ihe Mr. and Mr~. Thomas L. Lc\Yi~ hnd ,I ollrlh, a~ Iheir f,tueSIS on Ihe Fourth, Mr, ;:uul

Lieutenant Sw;tn~on and Mr1'l. , Mr~. Charles K. Mervine, jr., of Phil-Swan!"ol1. or Calli" Oix. were I4:IICSts ;ulelphia, Jean Mervine, Afr. Hud Mrs , of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Crane ove r \Vat ,.;on Mervine and daughter, MiH~ the FOllrlh. ' Marjory, or Palmyra.

, ' 11(' fI;lf"'Y 1fotlr~ Cilib was eliler­lained't\' Mr:o. Ifow;ud Alloway Mon· oa\' C\'C;lill J,:: alld all had a mos t enjoy· abie lime.

Mis .. Mary C, Md~ow;lfI illII' Miss Edlla Forchlt'y, or naltifllorc', were ~IIC!'it!'i or Mr. and I\frs. James B. Hil S·

tic all Ihe FOllrlh.

ftir l'l. Homrr Lovl', or Ply month, Indiaml, who hal' hern Ihe ","e~1 nr Mn. A. n, Powell, rClllrlied 10 he r home all Friday.

Mr. a"d 1\fr.. RII.scll H . lIowe" and children, or r.rrnHllllown, visit('d 1' .. 11,1\·ra on MOflflay \-ia Ihe flew rcr­ry. '(' lte trill look haU Ih,' reflulred lIff! c the old . way.

'rill' ncw Twin-Cil Y Hllilclil1}! .wel Loan :\ s~ocialion has n 'c('ived its charier, illll"O\-" I' h.\· Ih(' Staff' Com ­misl"io nc r of Ilallkil1~ talilt Ins urancc, and i", now re.uly 10 oprn hll , .. inc!'s.

Mr. and Mr:-. Earl Harker. rOrlm' r re ., ielc,ttt s hen', an' SIH!l1clinJ,:: tilt: :-11 111 .. mer in Camden, lllUI ,,"c 'n ' 1! III ' .. t .. I,,'re on till' fOllrth . Mr. 'ilarkl·r b· plan ­lIill ": to huild a nothe r hlln}!alo\\' ror

. !oal,) in "<llmyra.

Mr ... Frank ~Iorick!" had 11 :- ~1U'st:­ovt'r tilt' Fourlh Mr ... \\' illialll Strim­I ,h~ , nr ' ''rooklnwlI , \Va lln 111111};'I" or nlirIiIl J·· toll, l\Ii ,.;s (~('fl rlld (" Rliu' h('r, or Call1Clt' lI, Mis~ KalhcrilU' (~rahh, or I~i\' rrto'n •• tnd \Villialll Storick:- alld famil ,\' .

'rill ' I nasfll lteh lIihlc elm_s plunr 10 holfl it .. pic nic :11 Brandy winc S,.rllIJ{"; ·W«I<,,";day. July ,·'Ih . 'I'ake 7.44 tnl in ilt Palmyra 10 1I1l' ('1 f) o'dork hoal al Chcs tliut ~tn'C'I wharL HII:-· bancJ:.. anel childr('" or the flu'lIIlH'r s may fH' included alsot ,

Vhlitnr" frolll 0111 or tOWlI, " ";""(' ­hilly I'hil:ulrlphia. 011 thc (0'011,111. n '­markcd Ihilt "altll yra W" I' Ont· or thc rew town~ wlu' re' fire rr;u'k"rs ;wd oll~rr nni :-; c · makiuJ.: ,'c\,ie'c's "'pre hcanl. AI IIIO!" t otll('r placc~ Ihey ha\'(' hc('n harrc'c l hy ordinal1c(' .

Mi .. to "atlline FrizlclI wi !"hc :o to tlHlI1k hC' r In:ltl )' rrit'mho ror Ihdr J.:C'U· crOll ', .. 1IJ11lorl 'II thc (~oddC'!'o:'1 or I.ih· cc 1 \ . c·Olllc!'!. Thdr \' olc~ wl~ rc tillile ulI'#Olirilt'd, hnt 1H·\'crlh"lc .. :- Mi l(!, F, i,l(,,, ;IPJln'cii\lc:!4 s inc'crcly IIIl' s l,ir­it .. howlI_by Ihose who work eel ror her.

N"xl !{llI1(l~y - l'a stor \Villi.ulI "; ' ~ l1h · jf'(" in Ihe lIIorninJ.: 011 Ihe Celliral n:I1'1 il'i t ehnr"h, will h e "Itaith and I'r;u·tirc." AI Ih e hvili~hl scn ·icc at 7 o'dock, the .,a ~ lo r, \\:ho ito J.:i\'i flf..:' il tol' rit" of ~hort lalks on tile r"vorit e 11" 1" or ratllOIlS fIIen, will 100tk 011 ThOl1l:1 1'! Hllxl" y' I'! . lcxt.

~lInc'ay 1II0rnillJ,:: Ihe I{,:v. E. A. «ohifl l" on's lopie ;It '11,c Epworth Chun' h, will be "\Vhere do )' 011 live?" .ttll l in Ihe 1' \' (' l1i,,~ Ill! will "r('arh on "Spiclrrs." A II J.:IISIIHi 1.. \Vil .. on will !-o i"..: at thc 1II0rllinJ,:: :-cn' icc s atld in Ihl' l'"ening 111rrc will he a solo by Mi f'l" t\clalitlc Llppinrolt .

\Villialll '1'. j. Purne ll, pn'sidcllt or Ihe Palm),ra N:lIional Bank, and cli · rector or the Palmy ra unit, YMCA ha!' tl plan h y which ilny hoy who want s to "" c lld iI week at C:ltIll' Ock· anickoll (I Ie Y MC" Camp 1I('ar New I':"'''YIH), but who i ~ short or hi lids, ca ll arrallt.:'c 10 lI1~ke Ihe trip,

,1alllcto 'r. \Vc.arl, presid"1l1 of Ilw . school hoard, relllll')( I:4 11 '; 10 deny rllfllors Ihal ha\'e h('c ff cirrllialin ~ 10 Ihe "fT('ct Ihal the hoard 1,l:lII!' to ha\'r the kinder~arlen nrx l "'Yc· .. r only all Ollt.' "Ide or IIU' railroad. '('wo kinder· J!ar lrns , 01'" 011 ('arh I'ide the track~, will be l1tt4intaincd as usual, AIr, \Veilrt ~nnounccs.

AI the jllile IJI('c' lin ~ or the Palmy ra Amhulanrc A I"JoI oeialion, he ld Thurs­day'eye nill" or las t week, P. j . Me· Mahon was e lecled s('e reIR~)' 10 fill Ih. ""cx!!ired I .. ", of C. II. Horn. re­bigned. rile A~socialion is ~bo plan· lIing the rnlreha~e of a hanM:ing . I reicher, which is IlInch needed to complele Ihe emergency oUlfil.

Stveral Jlaln'-.)' ra citi7ell l werc viii· lor" at Camp Ockanickon la ,, ' Satur­day ~nd il is Ulldcritood that another big drlrlolalion if'l J,:"oin,:r up Ihi ~ Salnr· day. Amon..: Ihot'c wllo wcnt 10 the camp laK t Saturday were Townllhip Commilh'cmen Hartlcy and Hin('h ~ fIIan, William Col ~ey, JOSt'11h Rod.;eu, Mr. alld AI ... William I'''rntll. lfn. Elia. Morl/an, Mr. alld M ... Georg. N. Wim.r, Mr. and Mrs. Itr.nk "rob· lIin.; and Mr. and lfrs. Henry AI· brillill. .10. 1 of Ihem had boys ill Ihe camp.

Harold C. Beard forlll .. .. eienee head in I'almyra hillil .. hool, will ;oln Ihe faruh), . Iaff al Carnellie Inllilllie of T«hnololl),. I'ililburgh, in Ih. Jlall a l par'·limc inltruclor in the

g!~:~lelll~'1lln':1us tlr?::.·t~a~ w~ie:~~ do ~radualc work ill <hemiolry. Mr. UC'ard, a nalive of Shtlton, Conn., was I;radllal_d (ro,h Obc-rJiIl Collrl/e in 1911 wirh a dell'" of A. D. Thi. pa.1 . chool year. he bal brell twad of Ihe Science Departmeal in lbe Palmy· ra biab ICboo\.

!\fr. and Mr,; , Edward King, Mr. and Mr.. Slalllcy l\Iack. !\frs. Corella Cantl, At r. and Mrs. WarrinJ.(toli Oar. tI(' II, or Pa I Illy f:I, and Acrowelt and \Villinm Pow('II, or Merchantville, motored to StOIlC Harhor on Tur!'day, where they spe nt Ihe day.

Mr. and Mrs. Jobn neller;.·all h.d .l!'i Iheir J{IICl'I11'! on Ihe Fourl" Mr~ ·and Mrs. WIllialll Hockel and daughl.r, Mi s" I)orolhv Yorkel. Ihe . MI •••• Elh:ahcth, E,ilflla :m" Ros a Slude" · 1I\1II1l1. Mr, alld M ... J. l)alll.·1 Dllf· field alld Mr. and Mrs. J . Rllssell Ilel· Irrj cau, all or Phihulell.hia ,

Mrs, C. W. Willaims. MI •• ESlh.r 'It·all. of , I he lIa,1I1 . 1 SlInday 'School. Mr .. . Charles Ha~~rll .and ,1.wR'ht('r. Mi .. ~, ~{i ss M. Edna Lloyd, ~ti~~ HOI.e Krrshnrr and Miss Jos· "Ilhinc Hannold, or the Mcthodi~t ~lIl1f'ay School, 'ell 1II0rn. ill~ ror 1\ !4hury Park, where IllC'y will "III ' l1fl ;t wr('k al Ihe Sunday School !'\lIIl1l11cr School. '1'IlC!rc will hr twen· I ," rrom nllrlinJ,:lon County rc' J.:i!'le rcd :,1 Ihr A l'Obu " . Srhool. Next wf'rk on Thursday, Mi ... s (~rac(' r':valll ;IIHI Mi~f'I H"l1c' l1 M,'lInn will g'O 10 Ocean (~rove ror a w('rk al the Summer S('hool Ihc·r".

Complaint haM h Cl' U made hy farm· c· r .. who nllrral u' tIIntor truck" 10 Phil. :ulcll,hia lI1;trkc · t ~ thaI t,le ' l)oliec nre ('ompc1li1l).: the owner~ to f;lke oul I'c'lIn .s:y h'ania truck licenses. 'rlu' law in New J,'r,cv and Pennsy lvania it' thc ,.;ame :IS to ' visitin,:r truck~, IInmclv, Ihal Ih ey can ).:0 free for fiflet' ll day·s. 'f'hr Pcnn.s:ylvalfm offieerf'l Im v,' heen kl'rl,ill}! a fl' rord or ('ach New I uscy l,rlU'k t.:'oinJ..:' 10 Philadclilhia, :lIIcl when Ih(' (,,'c time hOI" expired dem;uul Ihal a li('cfI !' r I", p rocnrrd, or lilt' Ilrivrr IH' itrn·s h 'c1 . .

Milk W.lon Upsetl Ilavid, ~on or Edlotar C. 14r\\' i~, \\las

huri(:d uncler nn OIv:"allcllc or milk hollies wilen Ih e horse he was drivinJ.( took rri J;!111 at 0111 :11110 trllck and bolh'd 01110 Ihe 1.lalrorrn or the I'allllym "fa~ tioll WC'd,,(!~dny 11I0rnill~,

'I'h" Wilg'on wa s ovC!rtllrned am) YOllnJ{ Lewi ,.; wa!\ ~o completely co\' ­"red wilh milk bOllles Ihal AI. 110«a­J,(hy hael to break open a door 10 pull hilll alit. TIlt' lad was brlli ,.; ed and ~cr;:lI("h ed C'ollsiderahly. When he wa !'! eXlricalrd his fir s t words \\Iere "Whal happrnrcl."

Church School SlIcceliful 'I'h. lIapli" Church Vaealion lIible

school i5 nOllrishinJ.(. 'I'he cnrollme nl is IIOW 1.14. Thc children who are rrom r.ollr to rourleen years old, meet rycry lIIorninJ,( fro III f) to 12 exeC .. 1 Saturday and Sunday. Th" cOIlr;~ r con!liiSIS or fiheen minute" dcvolional service, rollowed by memory work in srriplUres and then a haH hour IIIII S· ieal "'ervicc, wilh hYIl1I1 l'i and folk !'IonKs.

' ('herr is abo cmh work, including I'c \\'in",. ha"ket lf1akinJ.:, hammock kuittinJ,(, raffia work and Kimple wooel · work.

Mi .s:!ii Marian johnllol1, of Camden, i:- 'he princir,al, ;lltK iSlcd by voilln .. Ir"r" rrom t Ir church and Sunday school.

'rhe school will eonlinlle during July :lIId Ihrre will h e a C'OIJ1It1enCr­merH scryirc probahly July 2A, at \\·hieh lime Ihe work done by 111(' plIl'il :o will he on exhibition,

P. O. S. of A. Electl Office" .\n adjollrned lIu' eliflJ: of \Vashin.:.

lOll Cam!, No. 2.1. P. O. S. of A .• was hl,let ("friday cvrning las t, at which lime s i'( additional candidales were initialed, brin~inf.: the 10lal for Ihe III('mbcrffh ill drive liP 10 117 and Kiv. iu J,( ,he Cilmp a tOla' lIIemb, rllhip of IO.lR,

The followinl/ office .. were . Iecled: Prcll idt'III, Arthur C, StranR. Vice Ilresidt'nt, Walter jones, Masler of Forms, Joh~ Whil •. Conductor, Walter Horner. I n. ,,«lor. Warrtn Smith. Ollisid. gllard. hrael Groff. , Deltltales 10 Sial. Camp al Wild ·

wood : D. n . Cole., GeOrlte W . Rog· .... Jo.eph Sehm'.rer. George W. Siahl, John lIanff, Waller M. Horner, C. Kenntlh navi •• Melvin P. Davl .. Waher Jon ... Arlhur C. Slrang, Will· hUll H . lJavilon, FAison Carharl.: .. Har. r)' R. Sioricki, John While, Henry Whirt, Chari.. A. Mallaek. hrael Groff, Thomas Given. A. NeWlon SltWarl. Nalhan A. Coomb •• William L. Firhler.

At Iutl A portab .. t".,mlel' with I faU and COIIIp\ete !iqboard Jut' like the IltUdard aUcblae. ... the R_in~OIl Portab.. It The N_ Bra ....

The findillK of a hradle .. body hal caulCd the arrtll of an American den · ti.I, Our e~,~rit'nce with dtntis t. il Ihal tbe hnd doe. n'l really eome off; il jU.I feel . Ilia I way,-Wanila Bulle­lia.

THE NEW ERA, lUVIIlTON AND PAUIYL\, NEW JERSEY, PlUDAY, JULY 1, 1922 --------r---------- . . ------


10' ....


I· one of the moet 10,lc.1 p, ....

for a brid,e a.,., •• the D,·lo"ar •• <III. to tho fact thnl Ihe I/reo.".e .. r nllr· II11Jrton \\,ullld 1II0b Ihe Hillin.

: nln« ot the Itrttnnr c'oml"lrnlh'el)' " lU', I from lUI en&hlfll'rlnt{ "tnndlKtlnt, Ahllnt . • QUllrter or II .·.·ntllr)· OKO 'Ir. Hnln.·. and lome ollwr UurUn,tunlun. Wttnt 1D10 the hrldle" I"ujeel lu ~n.h .n ~. lent Ihnt tlIP)' ohlnlnpd n "hnrler frola the "'IIIf', hUI Ito 1111111)' nbltul.'lf'H Ih~\·el· oped 1"ler tlllIl Ihe hrldKo h.H'lIIen nnnily 'O~I tlll'lr pnlhll_'"_111 oad the pilln .. wor., IIhllllclflllrrl.

Armory Colt. Too HIJlh In urder Itllll the co"tl of ('un.tract ...

Ing II ... 11rup""I',1 now I4lnt" nrmnrlefll Rt Solelll II lid )Jullnl Hnlly III.Y h. broulChl within thr "'111.000 III'pruprl· ated hy the "·ICI~I.tllre for ell.h hulld· Illg. tI,e !llnle Arlllor), Cumml_.'on d.· elded 10 modlf)' tlw 1,llInl. The CIIn· troelN will he IIwnrd .... low hl<ldeli. hili Ihe 1,11111. will he re<'Jrntle<'J h,

---, --.------:-- - .- --.,.- 8/ul<' Architect 111111 with a vi .... 10


Penalty 0' $6 Eaoh Imposed' by State Board Upon Three Men

0' Woodmansle, N. J.

10PI,InK ""I"uKlnllllrly "'.000 off each cOnlrll~t "rice.

'}"II' Inw hid 'III Ihe rronprnl conlract for "llIlHIMlcllnn of the )Jullnt HolI, .nnor1 "a •• ubmilled IlcClo.key • Co. nr l'hllRdel"hlR al tIIl,lIn. HllrrJ K. H. K.n· nr )Iounl Hn1l1, with • prn"n~1I1 of '2.100. "al low on Ih. "llIlIIltln, conl",rt.

IlInoJ(hllnN. /.oo.e ClIInpony uf I'hll. adell,hlil. wllh II bid of fD1,OO4 ...... low Cln Ihe gf'neral enntrnct rur the Sa· leDl armor),. W. H. CUlie of Salem .nlunllle" a I"" bill of f2,1\tl7.71 nn Ih. plulllhlnJ( .ontract. Carr. Schultz of

SEEKS LEGISLATIVE SESSION Trenwn wpre low ua Ihe .onlractl lor the .lectricHI work at bOlh .rmorl ...

.upram. Court R.fu •• 1 to Order C ... .. tlon of lunday Sporto In N_.rtc.

A.kl Je ... y R.f.r.ndum on

Sold' ... • HOlpltal.

"'n. Outlook for OYlt ...

Thv .. nlOa In the hay p.ade<'J Frld.,.

Shower and . In.taUation $8.50 He clicln't havc a "littlc fairy. in his hOlllc"--nor II "littlc miss" in his cnginc. Not cvcn a "Iittlc maclc" in his ccllar. Bllt 'he had a little shower in his hath ­roOIl1 t hat made un for the ahscncc of all thc !'l'st. , llc'lI tcll YOII that therc's nothing' 1110llC ('11111-

for tin g - nl 0 t' e healthful- l11l1re in­vig'ol'atillg'- thllll 10 hathc in rlillning' watcr.

J Il)w aholll :t lillie s h I) W I' t' ilr you r bath 1'1111111 ?

This offer for July and Augu8t only


OYltenntm huve had nlOMt t!neoura •• lag rep .. M. hOlh from Inlaw.r. B." aad oth.r pia at III, dill rl.1I alolll th. 1 Je .... y COUll where IlIr,e area. haY', been pl.ated with """ Ihl. .... ......

Trentnn.-Adjudged guilty of refll" Aloru Ibon 2.000.000 bUlhel1 ot aeed Ja, to . RHOI.I II nrc "arden la comblll· havo b .... n 1,lne.'" Upon Ihe hed. la Inll a fUrl .. 1 nro 01 Ohaloworlh. Uur· )lourlee IIIv8r Ct,vo b, the er ... a of . IInlltun cUllnly. the 8101. Jloord ot IlOO uYlter IOh.HIDe ... "'hleh hne been I

Gas, Steam and Hot Water Heating

Roofing, Spouting,'Jobbing

Oon""rv,IlIolI ond Development 1m· kellt bUlY IOv.rnl weokl. The larll"',' . 627 Thomas Avenue poled l .. nllltlcH of til euch upon An· bOOl1 hllve u" erll llc'" 11),000 blliho'i. Telephone 354-M

d..... ond Ilcrt AnderlOn ulld GporRe I'lanten hive h.ld oae of Ihe lOolt I ~~:;::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::=~ Riverton, N. J.

Emmon. uf WuodmaDlI.. CuIllI,I.lnt ""mlOon COII •• I rur (UOI'UIOI remMed had h ... n mude by JOlepb Abbuu of ' by hn.lnll the oilite 'Kuurd b081 DluDo Tom. River. lire "ftrdon. thO( Iho three Ihuo ,,'nco Ihu lIt'ne",,, oJonl Ihe IhoN I ,oulIg men refuoed to 81allt 101m In for InarklnK I lou b.... Ibla ..,alO1l. !IlehllnK a nre A"rli 80. ThUle lucalklllo In pUll y •• n have ~MONG IHf CHUHCHf8 The m"n tOltlllled the1 had nOI reo been 10 • lurK" ell"nl liKed by tre'" or I to ..... 10 <'Ome to the wnrdea· •• Id, hUI olher IlIndlllllrkl. and now tt II laid ' In_I''''d IIIHID belnl permitted 10 travel ' th"1 Iber. ure Iu 1m "ormHn.llt murk;' ~Mo<","~"","~","~I+"," to the 8<"t'IN! In their own Butonloblle InMI tor til" bOOM, thoulhtnd. or Act.ertllCmcnll after Illlrlllkln, of hr~nkt8l1. a~r .. of, .. nrc lUurked by pul..,

III ImllO.lnll Ihe penal II ... Ille boord whl.h .Ive Ihu .uv. Ihe all .... urunee of aanoullced Iho offenl. II • IOrlolll one a deulldod furcal wilen view,'" frOID • BDd referred to the rlrrbt of Iho board dlataa ••. 10 aummon uhl.bodled dtlzanl 10 n. More opawD thlln u.IIHI hl.1 been .11t In nre-n"hllng. nllllllnil IbuUI In Jlllmo.MI 110)' thla

Central B.ptl.t Church Chao" W. Williamo, "aolor Morninll worohiro 10.45 ' . m. Sunda), School 2.30 fl. m. "venin" Jlral~e .ervlee 7.45 " . In . I'ra),er meeting W.dn •• day 8 I'. m. YOIIIIIC People'l meeting l1riday

8I,.m. John (" I(user of Bordentown wu mODth, uccurdlmc tu the repa" troro

chOND lirealdent ot th~ Conlllervtttlon Ihe .""o'erJl lit \\'l')oI' l !rt','k, Tuckurlon. Board •• ueo<'(I(lInlll William 11'. FI<""'ll" ParkflMowlI und N.w IIretliP . Oyoler. Weltlield Friendl' Meelinll of New BrulI.wlck. Mr. Ku"er IQIle4 men thHrf! report Ihltt the Ivnl II eveD Mt.'c liuJ,: "I 10 a. III .

tor lDurope an4 the board lent It wll"8' "totter fhun 10llt )'flur. which \\'811 ron. l ___ ___ _ I- 1II"".,u,e Informlnll him .f , hla wvll uhc".1 or I,revloua ..,"l Pre.bylerl.n Church .Ievntlon 10 tllo pre.lllenc,. There Mro "hllllL IO.()U() .crti. of "".td· I(cv. N. 1'" Siahi. 11.11" ... I"i , I,·1,

Governor Kc1war41 wnl roquefltl'd to IJrcJdulttnl{ hothJllu, ulun" till! buy h&o ~ HUN' iI. III ., SUllflf' .\' S,·hq?'. rail a .1l",,1.1 .... loa of th" leJ(III~· Iw •••• n """Nldo H"'lIht. aad F"rked I I ,IN' · a. m .• ",or"lnll .e" ·<re. ture £0 .on.ld.... r .. pprollrloUnll un Rh·.r. Abny IhulINuntll of bu.h.l. of 7.15 f,' !"., Younll Peoplc'l SodelY

Mooreltown Friendl' School

Mooreatown, N. J.

o/TerM a cllll1Jllete course frolll

K intiergarlen to College ttluler 'lI

CrtrJlM of leache .. s chosen n .. 1 .. nly

( .... a,·a.It·lIIi" Iraining hut f .. r the

allll"'Jlh"re .. f cnlture :111<1 i'dinc·

lIIent with whidl partlnls <I" s ire

Ih"ir .·hilrl .. en I" I ... surr .. un.I",I.

Fill' information ;ulrln:Ks

.W. ELMER B.ARRETT, He.d M.lter.

$800.000 ba'unee from tho ,12.000,000 .h.lI. ha~e h"~n 1,1."ed upoa Ihe bed. of Chr Il,an P.ndeavor. loldl.n' bonul fuad 10 .onllruct a hOI' 10, "Ianlen holdln/l ICa .... In Uarae,.t I 8.011 fl· m .• eyenlw, ;or~hlp. . . ~"","~""~I+","~ .... +t:

' pltal for dIH"bled' veteniDl of !h. Oay. Ihl. eilitch 'I,rovldla, tba bellt ' at r:!a.;.~ro~koellnf{ e ne.' ay evenln" For S.tldlctlon Call World War. Tho requ08t cama frOin hed. for catchlnl! Ihe ap .... n. '1'be ' PALM"DA HOME IAUNDR" .JolOJlh D. S.,.n. lIote cowmnnllor ot "h,nle .. la), thai II ha. heeo .overal Ch-rl-It-C- h-a-r-ch,-E-pl-..,-opal J lUI J the American IAll(\on. Mr. 8oar. be- fearl olnee tha I .. u.petta for tutur. ' S I' J I ') I lIev .. lelllllllll.e •• 11011 .bould bn ),Ieldl have beeD "' pr"mllinl. 7.;:0' ~'.Y·m.,"ffoll I·Collllnnnlon. t.kea al on"e. to permit ,lbe el.eclorat. Naw Ju4J1 • . for AlI.ntlo II.INI a, m ., ~ror"i" u ",a )'. ' , a,," to pa •• Ul,on the propotllUon lit Ibe CouDlulor WIIII"1Il It 8m.tben, o..n. Sermon. I November e",,·tlon.. ocral of Atlnntle C't, "u .ppOlntcll R r..m.!l!vening Prayer and .e. mono

The exeeull.e lIelloMmeDl "III ~efer jnd.~ of Ihe Atlunllc Olt, counl court 'r ! •. Snnday School h .. " I .... n "Ir· lbe rl!Quelt 10 lb. Hllon,e, lIeoo,.1 It) b 0 I!Id dR' A conllnued for Ihe ,""m.... I

Phone 493·R

Wet Wash 90c per bag

Finished Work of All Kind.

B. MARTIN del.nulne If the 1lI0a..,. apecl!leolly y o"emor war.. • au......... I vOled for Ih .oldl<·n· boalll m.y h. Jud,e lto".M II. h'J(erlOlI. Chrllli.n Science Uled for "n/ ulher PUI'\IO... who will bacom .. II vie. chaacellor .Jul, Pinl Chllrch of Ohriol, Scienli"" 37 Ro .... d 8treet. Palmyra X

Ref.llng 10 ,roDI un ord.r to .om. 1, .Jud,e 8matherl ,,111 .. rn out 1111 J<iverlon, N. J . l lol;"OOOOOO •••• OOOO.oo.o.oi pel WllllulIl J JlrenqBD .. director IInexplred lerm "f Jud,. lni."lOlI. Servi.e. al Ih. churrh, 'fhomu ' . of public lafot; of Ne .... r·k. to entoree 'fhe will ."'and until COD- Avenue a",1 Sove"lh . t"e!: . II" ~~"'~".,OOOOOOO 0 ~".,. tbe .Ic.>e .ad Imlllor.llty •• 1. th~ .11. vlO.'a, of tile aeKI IHIIIII.tur.. I Slinday Scho.ol, 9.30 a. III. preme COUM Inlllll.led th.t Ihe .orn· ClI, Oomm, .. loner Thomu L. aar· . Sunday Serv.cCl, II a. m. K C I "Ialnant. have ample remedy betor. moad of N .... rk \l'n. appolnta4 tAt tb. W.dne. ,lay. R p. m . . e ep 00 Ihe (·h·1J autll"rltlvH IA!l' "PlIlel ,If'" Nortll .J .... , OOtrl.t Wlttr lupp., I The Chrl.tlan Selen.e. Readlnll I .. l,rlelDr uf Lpllr.I nll 'rllen a d.n<"; 11011 Oomml .. Jon. B •• UGC"", Ill'll. (1 1 room (rU511 Mal; otseel. R'VSI~d' I. , If there .ren't .ny bree~ ... OOUllhl Iln or<l.,r III emn";'l tbe dlreclo; IlIn.k of Woutcllll1r. ,,110 d .. Una4 ,.. open a y rom to. excelll un ay. i make 'eID witll .n to clooo MllndllY IIwllon Illttur<> Iliow. alll",lalll18DI. Oo'"Joaer lIa,..,nnll The Flnt LUlher.n Chur.h of EL ECTRIC FAN .nd prolllblt IIthor 8"ortl. followln, ac. "III not he COIIIIIl'lIed to .... In frola . P.lmyrl .nd Rlverlon I

tb N ' k 'Iou Oener.1 Eleclric .5 tlOIl of the pollre <lep.rtmenl In ar· e e"or ''''Will H. . i The n.v. Harry L. Saul, 1'". 1 or. R bbl a. M Up r .. Unll Hemel for r"nlluctlll, Hundn, Ed ... rd L, Yuun.. • .J8_, 011., Suuday Schoo' 9,.10 a. m . N~rth:"n4 yero . = dan.ea. boaker, W81 named to tbe Morrl. 0.. Moruinll ocrvic •• 111.45.

Amdu,·ltl wef. !IINI III lb •• upreme a.1 Abandllnment Uommlalloll, .ue- , Ii.veulng .ervic"" 7 10 H '), "'. court Ih .... la" Ihol u hdlf dozen Ihea· .eedla, CIrculi C'UM .JudJl. WIIII.m .- - -------,_=-------

. tl'8ll are ",viII" 8nn<luy moyln. plctur. H. 8peer of J ....... y 011" "ho r"'ID8d .,..,., 0 0 ~~~"''''''''''''''''''':. I performun.... hley.lo. ,.... aft pat'. from the comml'llon .t the .. m. tlma IIIlth·<I untl "OII"P 11,,11. are allo"ed to h. unnQuaced hi. reUreweut from Ih. 7H. o .... r.t. wltllont Inlerfer'lIce h)' the judld.r)' 10 Join Ille 1.,11 .I.ff of Ihe IlOlI.. Pahll. Service Corp0ra,lIoa September ""'."U6'~'6'. I

A r~lIt"lD haM be<>n oent to Governor I. Tbe lovernor h.a IIOt .. Ieeted. ,. ,I~. ~',I,IiI~ ,IIiiA I F ......... rd. of Ne ... J" .. oy h, Stale Com· .ur.r~_r to .Judll. "_r Ja the clreult I mlln"er Jo";,,11 D. !lean of the Am. rI. court. STORS ran 1"'1""n .. king thnl ha cln • .... M.rteet .u,..u Advl_ C.nn'nJl " 21

Anywhere, anytime, you c·:tn ,",wileh on Ih t; fan and immediat e ly a cooliu" hrec:zc drive" away Ihc! . IIninK heal. U.dnl in

~~!!, d'~~I~h~f o~~c J~rm,,~o~: Electric Serv.ntl Are Belt HOi

Wealher Help W;, ,,h erJJ, .I t ;IIIS , Vacuum CII."I11~ c rh-all do Ilu·ir 110"1 to make

" mtlltlcr I/le;"f3f1t ""I •••• Ion of thP. leJ(I.lature 10 po.. Jloapberrlea for •• nallll abould be Z • '"" pro"ldlnll for a f(!terendnm "01. purchaeed.t once ,,·hU. tb •• upply I. ~DECIALS z RQbert C. B •. at 1I1~ lIen .. r.' e'~.lIon, authorlr.'nlli an 1,leallful .ad Ihe ' ... rrt ...... Ja prim. ~ .~ n"I,,"priatlon or '8011.000 for tbe .. tab· ~oadltlon. Tbl. I. lb. Idvle. of Ibe "t ~ Everything Electrical lI.hmpnt of • rehabnltaUoD. boaplt.1 Stata Bureau et M.r~ tAt N_ .J.r· ·quar Z 117 E ... t Broad Street for ... ounllPC! ... rvl ... men. lUI)' houlIII"lv... Tha raaphe...,. crop Aluminum Saucepan I ...

('"mm.nd.r ""... ..Id tll.r. .r.. Ibl. lummar I. OIIa of tb. IIftt In rerent Phone: Riverton 74 ahollt on. thou."nll Illea who aow a_PC! )' .. r •• ad prieN ar. lIIud.r.ta. Th. with tover ~~EI~I~.~b~JI~I~h~ed~l~n~.p~.I~m!'~r~.~7~Y~ear~"~ Ir"lI"ent anll .hulIlII ,.t It trllm the bureau rem.rIIl that tha _n I. COld' • 49c ollt. h •• au ... Ih., canllot be "ell pro- l'ar.Uvely IboM .nd the ..... 1 of the I "Idrd ror unllpr proper Mlllllllion. b), .rop will be 1000e wlfhln • f_ !\aJ" 2""'''''''''' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t • tOO 0 GOO 0 O;t Ihe rM"ral lIu.~mmeat . ('.rrota .Iao or. In. __ for can· RCl:ular $1.00 valuc I

.tata Imp'.y_ "und nlnJ(. Tba, (!ol.llaln man), of the mla· Z I.muel T. AI.bley. wardea of the ... 1 .. Ita. whleb rna" .. them.a .... . Jelly Tumbler. 35c dozcn ~

N." Je .. .., Rlate If""p'tal, .nd ,h· d.n, •• Iuable wlnler food .ad their I I "!!!~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!~~~ .'.tlnt AII .. rn")' 0.08r.1 nandl B. .... .. au.h I. laer ... Jarr ... h --. I Good Luck Jar Rubber. -)ltOl'fl wprc4bl ... ted tommll.lon.ra or For beat NlDlla tb. bareaa .. ,. C!aJ'o , 3 doz. for Z5c There II I IrICe and charm the N ... J ...... , .I.t. empI01'" ,,1' rota ~ould be caana4 DOW, wbU. die . .bout III .. rwar. that malrca It tem It • mHlln. hPN. The I .. " now roota are ,OUIII and laDder. an Itlaal ,ift fM man, oc:cuIona .. OI"mlo.lnnprl will ... rve ... 1110 John 1'. __ __ -blrthda,l. weddlnp. ,radlll-null.rd of Treaton . • hl.r of Ihe War BurJlniloll Count, Circlilt Court . JOHN H. ETRIS tlonl. ate, Hlator, Jlureau; Aln.aller I . Worr uf I.udwl. 1'''.0 COO"} . 17 ' Welt Broad Street w. ha". 1ft apeclal1, .... tt Ne .... rk .ad Rlate TfIl .. ur.r WIIII.n, ... I'I.h'li" 01." ~! ... I"lhr!'!"'. • ltock that will IpPal to ,_ T. Jlelld of aamd#n. The thr ... I •• t I h II II d ~ - Palmyra Oar "aJl.eetabllabed butI_ nlmed were r ... e1l1l1 apfJOlnled 10 Ihe ; ':lu~II~~ N.llcc Phone'. Riverton Il-J reputatloD of oyer I qurtar of hoard 10, Oov.mor 1'!.lwar".. J)er •• ~..... • CCtI~ II roar llllftlltee ..

Tom. Rlv'r •• bl •• H •• ,thl.1t t.~~!!~CI 1:1 h:~:b~u~IW~r I~':"~ud-::I~ ;!ia·~ to qUJ1lty and A.lthuu,h • 101 0' nth,r tOWIi' que.- Co, ... JON,. Yurlan anJ "'orence "Urlr~ --~-- .. - - . Wriet W.... PiAl

lion It. TIUUI ntv,.r rlnltnl ro .. ave Ihe :I~~:! 1':!c.~J'!'~d :~u~f:dl:::..t:W::J' '::e'l &X&CUTO .... MICIE Watc .... atc ~II Ioeolthipol hlhl .. In the world. '1'101. ' ...... 0' Jo .. pb lIurli • •• ,1 1'10' .... lIu,II.. ....10 01 , .. 010 -- .0'" Chaine 1M thp prOl'"M I" reaannlo,: The l'nlt· ~:'t!~ef'·.':.~~ '1!1U~1t:;. :":()U~rll:.~ltl~~~~: Nodce I_ h.reb, .'n" .h ••• " I1rd~r hat fld Klatl"M Ipada the rHI of the .orh.l In Ci rcuit COUr1, OD the 1.,III, ·Uytalh da, 01 I bee. tude fI, tIIlt Sunoar"e al the CUUIJ ' , Ploe Watdl ltepe,lrial 1U'lilthy hJlhtH: Ne,,· Jprl#Y IPHd. III ~!~' ~~~~ . ~~I:~~~lew'!.~It~"~~:~'!:I~'~.::!:J ~.:'M:~tl":~.~~~f~.:t!~· u~h:h:~b~~rbclJ~ Hf thp other 1.»1111 In eland h),lCtene Ind Juad ~ai. r~lur"cd U" Ih, •• ,lIth d.,. "I Jul" r.xcculOr, rell"'r' ...... erltdhon '" Yea.r. ()rfJtln rlJllnty h.1 rhe 10WH' IIIIh,. 19Z1 b)' &.be ,"",.rill of the COWIt)' 0' P.r. !poUIWII, decUNd. leu 0' th, (!qun.,. of Bur, W L BERRY dpulb rate tit In), ('{}fInty In thl. ,....,., I~ ~:.r.:-o,IO .. t.tri.~~I~'ru:Z~"~:r·~ar!'.:r~' , heuc'e Ihe .election I)f the Tomll Rl,., JJ.lCd lulIC 14, 1911. . 1"''- 0. M ~; ..... 2.,h d., 01 Hon,". Child ltatioU .. the IIftt n· WII.I.IAII II. ay.y.v~~;..., ::rt...:'l:',.%r ./11:':".,.": ~bav.:!u'i!,.··· .mpl. of runl work .mon, the .ta· !'ItANCIS 1. ~t;'~. 10U'II I.. TJlhVll A 811Bua~~ •• w,. 1100 ...... 4Dota4 ua.ler the N_ J .... , P' ..... r. Oblld H,aIPa Bureau. loll .. Nell Bar· BROILERS 1,!!...10_7_.2a ____ ... ___ _ I ... bead 01 tile TolUI BI .... II.tlOD,


Classtlled Adnrtlstng I ADhV&r,"I •• IITI 1- •• ~' .... .. d • ~.r . _ .. " ..... OHh "nl ... s.,.. etl,.. ........ • ... '" I ell.r .. ' ..


I FOR SALB-9·room hOll8C, 5116 Cln

namilloon . lrcel. Al'l,ly 403 Itollrth OIrCOI. Rlv.rtoll. T.'cl,hone 43. ._

' LATE cabbage and lomalo 1,Ianio I,tody fir. 1 w.ek In June; 1110,,·

drR"::oU,., Icar'el IIINe zinnia., alttn, v.rhenA'. H.rb.rt W. 1Utllinall, 6!.1 l.hulen "venllc. Phon •• llll.t.!.

PACKING CASES. about 2.3, I 1M 10 24 IncheH hi~h, for •• Ie ch,·a, •.

Coml,lele wllh lid •. Snll.ble for . hil' · l.inK, ortm ('kinK "ootl" for I'tofllRC. A""ly al The New I(ra office.

SORE FEET rllr.d h)· IIr. 1I1110n's ""rin" nrclt HIII1IJOrt JC. CUrtI fulleu

nrc lef4 , ('allo ... " .. " utld ottler foot IrOllh­IUH. A. C. Hi .. rh. 7.18 IIll1hlall<l "ve.

I nile. I'~ny", . !:!!~ne 2·~0··iII.2 FOR SALE-Dining room . nilt IIn<l • .!'~~chtn cahilloi. M. H. 1I"~~':':.<r!.:

8UITS-I,orge a •• ortmenl of .n.tom I IIIAdt .1I1t.:'~ And lip. RI.d .. •• ',oall Offic •• 1211 Markcl 01 .• Phll.d.l.

I~I~ ___ ____ .:. __

THE VAN REAL, IJU· · I<.·w Val< II,·"",' ,, - Ialc'''' t Ihillt: for Stttlllll'"

\\'c'ur, ill Y.i "j;." '1'I . \VIIit .. · NiJk 1I0"iic',,' , $1 to $l, I 'odd'", 1 ... ,,1 to I'lIhll\· ja IIO,o- t offi'·I·. .

WATCH- mllin mov.menl 20·v •• r "old filled ra.e '7, v.llI. $20. 'Rlt.

der·., IZR Marktt .Ircel, ('hllael.lrhl • . , 12·30·lf

FOR RENT FOR RENT - SI. · rnOll< rl<rl<I. I,,·,1

illJtlrllllrnl ill flh'c'rlolt, ,·(·ntral. $75 ,lI' r lIIol1th. A,'I,ly "I'" N" .\\· Enl on, .. ·. 1i .• III. 11


,DRE8SMAKER- wa'II ' work . C .. llol' wril,' !lox IU4, l ' nion l,unclln J.[, E:. "' t

"h"' rton, N. J. 1",Ur.!


~A ItE~M EN ror :llIfnmnhil,· "" .c·c'in ' 11c·~ and 1l\" 'rl:11H1 UIIIUII,ohilr". ('HII II ~C' sC·f\,iI·c·" fir ClII" nr mor .. tlH'1I dllr ­;IIJ.: c'\, I'lIiru.tH. "I,pl.\' 1': "'11' ,,1 Il(' ill (~HraJ,:f ' , 141 Brifl..::c· )oro " lrc'rl, fUvrr · "hit" N. I. AJll'nillttlll'lI1 lIy ,,·lrr,hnl1r ".h·I,,,hl<·: 1(;'·,·r"i. I. · 1.\1 .

SALESMEN fur rclail IIr",,1 wj'"I<I< ~ in lid." "erlioll . Y III} UJ: ''''' II wilh

c' xIJI!ricllcc' ,. clIIlI~~ rroUl clonr In clnor p,,·frrr, ·" . (:ivc' af.(c', lIIurri,·,1 Of "ill ~ "" ;lIul ",hUI YOII hll\' I' dotll, I;,,,,, f"w ),"OIr!4 , 111 .'110 ri·(rrc·ncl'. AIll'ly "J/" Ncw Era om,·e. 1i· 11i· lr


LAWN MOWERS .harpcneel 01< r.rlndur; ~Ioo repoir.d. H.

Ch.olcr Wal.on, 109 W. nroAd .treel. I'almyra. Telephon. Rlverlon 153·R.


AT ' SERVICB-I'lnou.hle Prlnee. r.III.lered bull from Merld.l •• tock.

P.e· $5. rea.e and Plenty V.rm.

STOP atteORAIN£ 3 Ocean P.lhw.y, (jceln Orove. N. J. Special FPURTH OF JULY R.le. Salurday, Sund.y, Mondlly, Tueod.y Full Oce.n View T.ble. Feelure '''',,"e A_lIur)' I'.rk 2" ... P,W. Moht.nd,Prop.

BROADWAY PALACR __ . Week 0L~~I.:..y_IO __ _

NOTICE-durlnl Ihe .. "'nil period the Ii .. t .how· will belln It 8 p. m •• nd Ihe lecond It 9.30 unl ... otherwl ... dyeMI .. d.

Monday .nd Tueod.)' MAllY I'IC"JI"I<I, II<

"Lltlle f.ord F.unlleroy" SI,ow" "'arl :11 7 .. 10 :*",1 f) .,111

,\,lIlIi ,., ion l5r auel.k Chilclrc' fI

Wedneod.y "f'.A'<I, WIII"·F. II<

·"Without Pear" ~'· w ,.. ;uuJ COUll'fl y

A,I .. I" IRo a .. d 2c Child .. n

1'hund.y T'HI MIX ,1"

" The Filhtinl Streak" ~,.", .. aud S'IO.t ·, '<n·ic ·w

A,I"II . 1M.· "",I 2c Chl"',."

FrIday I:A'<UF:I' Ir II L' (:IIJI.S i"

"The Hunch" ~lln ". hjllC! COIJtc'IJy

lOr. .


A~ .. II. IRe an~ 2c Chilel"n 100

IIllurd.,. ALICf ': "'(AI'\' i"

"Hulh Money" Ton''' ), COIIII'dy •

Ad .. 1l0 2Se "3c ' Child"n 10c Three Iho".-6.3O. II.OII •. ..!.~ .

- .... Ikde typewrita' wtcb .... IliMIIiIrtl KIf-1NNmI-eo Ihi6int to. ..... ......... -. •.


Rlv«ton, N. J.

h.. ....,al.a4 I, .alrlfll from .11 part. AND of tb. couatI'J u to ber mPlhudl of STEWING CHICKENS keepllll tilt ,ouaplera healtb, .ad

A t t H · &XKU11IX .OTIC&

bapp,. It'- u ...... 0.11_ ......

U 0 0 Ire H'IIi« ~"':r:' a:::. ·d,.-:O:~w"r ha_

1 . BY THE DAY OR HOUR bu .. "' .... b, lb. lurr? ... ,II ..... CllUfll,

01 Bu.Ii •• """ b ... I •• </a .. "'k Ito •• 11. d •• JOIBPH H IMITH E GLASCO "I , .... 19Z •• Up''' the "1'111 'I~" "I 1"' 1

IleDI'J' .. 1IalAaa. old aurw,),or aad _ ot die ... t .Je ... , proprletu ... wbo 41811 Jaet .MII 10 Burllqtoa, wu I plon_ boom.r tor I be propoeacl "rtdp .~IOM tba DeIIw.r. rlnr be­tw_ BurUqtoa ud JlrI.WI. Por _ tileD • etDtul'J' dlat .... '- COG-

• • '1b",,, ... ,, Y.""rJ,i'fl '''11'1,1 •• II .. «..till ... 2lI LlppIacott A_. Rlwrtoa 1leet1.J.~RlIt Rlftf1!:!o ~ ~hc ~~I: r.1 .u(~I.=~ .. :· ~:!':~'p':'I·'tJ.:i! , . ------ _ .. _===- .- _l .-uuu. Wrton........ ("b' au ••• ",.1 lite ._ .. te ,A .. 14 edc.t ,

, --.. ... - f" ' 1 ....-----, under 1.1.... or .... " .... 'on ntI ur .... me 'Ie'l ".-..1 0 .tarlU til. >. -~ -- ,. ..... wr I, t9Z1 tit tile, .tl1 lie: ~1I"JI .. tI Uride- I waHl 10 buy an c.atty chair The thin", that dhid ... " a hitt'lwd III ,", acu.. "rd"" ••• , ••• tile ... w v.a'i

for my huoband. liram i. th_ lon~ u • . JJ rid,·. will 1,lca.c «u..... ANNA II !'AI.r . Sale. man-Wom.? , Ilalle Ihl. above Ih~ kilthcn .ink. ' 1).114 1_ •• • 9ZZ. • ~--',; .. .

Bride-No. Clarence. , -Baltilupr~ Sun: .... U-t-1I·33 I

I ·

\ .


F. C. RNd, to All Come ... '(he J'I.". l'fuh IJ .... fb~1I '''III cclebt.t.-l

IntlclJend,nce lilY by c"n"II\lln. II •• , •• , wlnninc .. uf,lik. whkh II .. Chlll.ttl II Irom I club that an,. '18m 'n th C,nlr.1 '-ClruC could be., .t the ",., ,,' Ihe .. I.em 10 Oftt thl can "OW trim any 0' them. IIInd I. dulnl

It. 'rh. .um h... won Nun ,"al,hI. fi ... I ... ue .IIme. Inti ... " ,wlll.hl . rtml,"I •.

RothUn ........ In .... wlcllrn 1)11 Ih. 411, . I'.'mrr . .. llflf" !llCmlrll In the "tit. Uur·

.rn, "II,. ,""U'. lint! 't' lIu~ 'It'I'." ", "It

."mt, Will" ".,. at fjul lUI "" 'flUI IfIt. um' hom. tin I •• rr, "(,11_' . Incl.. • •• ",. '"0, hall • hhr ".rl '" .lfll1ln. 'hI I.m • .

In .fle ~cflnd •• fI" 1 .. 11 lIIen w,re ch,,,,.,, M,lICI •• ,,, 1111 lu "h",.. wlm ,",,'nthre • ',nl Inl' !'t.mmr canlere,' ntt til th. nul ,.,U'Irt. Torelli .lIlh,1. n.fte af.eifullht "'''''f " hu, line I" "h" " , .'m '"nlbl,,' It '" hi,. I,.".e til Ihm. fmtne I" hu,' "Ir H,td.c, ... 'rhe Ih",. •• " "N". ~.rflrfI" -cme,' .",. bUlh 'rmclllllln,' n.'~ mfln,' "I'.

""ItJle 1t,,,,rI,, Ih('11 "'I,ld ." ,he III, K urlmc lhe ,.,.1, lllhe,"' "' hltn.

A'lllt'ler "III ""lfff~,f tit .. thl,,1 'lin I".,. "ulf. ,.1" ••• 'n ."" Ih,,1 .. ",hew,," ,"Me him "'tine .lth " hell,. .,,11''11 flU, lIIitml.

'rhen um. "" .",u'1111'1 ... IIIIIi", · H.ln .. t"", ... ,f the __ me 'n lite "l1lflll, Inil .hen "I., U"",,,ctt 'r"rClII' C'"tlIiI,,'. .et Ihe ••• hili 1If,".r .. 'tn""', Ruchlln. "ut (In hillt IIInd fin run. In " 'IIU1C"', Ilcln. Ih • ..cote.


JlIa_·1iIDaIoM On S.,urda" eY.nln«. the home of

Mr. and Mn. A. Harold Za)'olli. of MorMan avenu.. wa. the .eene of a 1".lIy wcddlll". when MI .. Florence Dal.y !!I"""o" •• dallghter 01 Mr. and M ... Oeor~. C. SIIII",on •• of 1'oronlo. Canada. beca", •• he bride 01 Mr. JUdO C. "Im",erl"oll 01 Mr. and Mrs. ohn Hltnmer. a.o 01 Canada. Th. ccre­",on" wa. I,erformed b), HeY. I!. A. "ohlnlon, I ... tor of the F.pwor,h M. I~ . Chu .. ,.

• rl~,I~~~ld wi:;: ra"d~,'In I~~~~tt ~~~:: IIIII .a bl.ek hor.eloalr pl.lllre hal. the ",Id. " .hower hOll',"CI 01 while owee. I,ea. and 1.lnk ,,"lox. She ~a. Mi.vell til ",.rrlage by Mr. A. A. Z,,-yolII. of l1.verl)'.

Tlo. b,idr·. only allend.n, wa. MI •• H'lIttla Nlwlller, or 'roron.o, "i",ter or .10. I(roo",. !!he wore a Mown 01 blue •• fTela a"d a pink orKandle h.,. alld cnrri.ct a homJlle' of pink .we •• P'"''

Mr. "rallk 1'. Mha. 01 I'hllad.lphla, "II ended .. r. RI""n". ao be •• ",nn .

A re.ep.lon (ollowed 'he cerernon),. ."d .hc IIIlIlle wa. lurnl,hed by Ihc Iloyal Or.hel .,a, 01 Palmyr •.

'I'h. hrldcwroolll ha. he.n w"h Mr. Zayolll·. ~Ion.real offieel hll' I wa. • ran.rerred '0 Ph IRdelphla. •• ".'e" tIIRnaKcr of Ihe ,,"ma coml,any •

U.,,,n Ihelr " " "rn from a weddln!! , .rll' Mr. and M ... "I",,".r will ,,"Ide in .Ioclr IICW h"" ... , 714 McGill lIvc-,1 "lie. We.' Call1llM.wood.


... "" ••• , Nlch"h .a,. iIII'.uhll, ru' .",tlrd, UIIIII, In lite llennth. '''''iIII'llI •• Ikert, d,,'e IIItC/,ntf •• f"t I" .hl"I."n " b.,1 f,e., ""II •• 1. "tpftl h"me on Jt?e ~t"elt' ••

RtMblin. lit" It lip ... In 'n Ihe .. hlhlh. 11111 Mi"A I',tlltl M. }onctt, dutlMlt'er of 'he ,,,...1,. .'rUld,,'. I .. It .t.,. Ih ..... ,.. 'n Mr!'l. 1- 1\ . Uavift, Sr., of ('almyra. and I Ihel, hll. 'r",,1I1 •• u.C'rt, I,", .u 'D,c:ctf ,,' Mr. (,r.nrKc llevtnr Chan', filon of Mr. ,erllflll whn "hr.f"UIrI hi' III I,heher. uu,· lIml , Mr,.. Geo,"r Chant, of l'erkirlft 'l r~~ ';.~~: •. ~~:',', ';:I',lt ':~:/ .~'::,'~I,~t.',t 1~~'~I:~rl!~: Lanr. w("r~ married Satttrdr.y evcnillJ(, nih,., .. Incl". 'rhll ... ,. tin! ,., . flI Ihe .em, Jllly ht. rhe ~rir1e ~orc a vrt:)' love· , 'n. a"d th •• ame eurlr" 7,6,' I Iy .Irc"" of wlllic "altn and carried a I

!"Imm,. R"f1.t,. c'lfIthmr<t '" he tin! .rut "hnwC'r hOllfluel of white ro"c" , Tile And ", tllf 1'I(.,."n. III ... fllf'1I,1"II,,",,' Ii"Ml" •• maid of hOllor wall Aft"" f~dl'h Mallar, ' hi ,. .rUI ,1,,".lnN .fI" tlln!'li"'enl hili",. n( Rcverly. 'rlt" brider,roQfII wall :11- \ mah ~Im line ", the mo.1 "",",.h'" "'1'11 if! ,rndrd hy hi" brn' Icr, lta),lJIom1 Nlrh,.,' . rIC... ! Cluw, of )" ' rkitl s Lane. Thr 4=crt-1

n",. )hth ..... I .. hu'tf",. rt",W" .hh" h, line ' . f d t" n .,i,,1 .. ,'c. fluti flu tlffn ,. ."111 ",,, ,. .. , fit' ' fl'" mony wa" pcr onne it 1(' 81 . I «,.t ~~.',1, .. hrn "".,i",( with ""lIlrlc Icam'. ' I':tfllOna:ge by Kev. ChAr"::" W . Will· I

but hi. h.dt fle,el"f",,, "",.m,,1 " Utt'e "II' tam.. Tile couple ler, for a len day .. h,," ftt ".,'pctt un IIII' "'eltt ('"ful, 11,,.,.,,,,(1. Iril' 10 'hel "hore. I Nn .. , I,nwcur .. IIIe ,I"x h.,. IN'rn ch""tti .n,t ~:,,~ cflmlnc Ift",,,,cll .11', r",u'", "i. '~".lIe II. IIIII .. "i;."", if' I,artly ;,,'(·"· ... 1/' .

r'lC'hr 1"n,,,111 h dnht •• ,,.,,, .IIIIl lin lhe Iy rncrJ,:y allli wholly " lIc'r(·",dul. I mntJnd. U" i. » ,e"trt, ""IItI.Ulnll , M"rtll.e' Nkho'" h..,'n. nhl.lnl:d hillt I",,,, Ot'"n,.n hy Ihe ""J"" 'nlll~ . Nlth,,'. 11M' .n",I,.r n... pllche" Henr" "on, TIII!/rn,.. ",fill

,h"welf .nofi .11Ift' 'n .he HUlln,C'''''. """"'. 'rh" .""'I! "n Iht l'III1flh "ltell,,1 Ih~ *er.nnll

I".U "' Ih .. ('~ntr"f f." .. ue /11'''",,,, . TtlllII Sill . tit"" I'.hu". ",,,''' "~I"'IC:tt. ,ftc ~u"n" 'ft:. '". ,. 1"""tI,neti ("nlt.' frtlfTl Itle fi"., "" ... 0' th~ HIIIWm.

-----All the Late.t Bulletin. Hot OR the

Wlr. from "Razz Berry" Park ()lIrhll~ till' la ~ ' wrf'1c ,Itt" flclh,hy

~~ '~rr""T~~il:IK'i~~';~ra'~I:r~l~fl~;.rh('~~~~~ lorf'. 1"dl' Ita .. flot hrrn ,IIII' II) aflr. dellirf' 011 Ih" "Ar' of thr "ix or,.pw • , .. ,i"nll "Iayi""" htlt it ran he: ertel;tt',1

,,, N~: ~71:~~·\h:·~·~)'id J'Ollrlh" loa-"hot it ·.,.1f 'nr anotftrr vr;.", Ihc b""JI! art 011' lor hloml ;uu' ,ilt ('hnnr,. . a't(" ,'''tv 1I1Iff"1 ill .hrir favor . Not "uti., .. rl,.tt to r,. ", t 011 f';'''' u'orir 16, th,. om:. ('rr", nf "IC' LrA~IH' tI .. rn.~nd ,hu. C'w'ry 'raUl Slrl lIIu' J,:f'I,tl"rurn, hOlh in :4J'. ,U';tr .. ur .. uud rmul"r'. "n "n not hr ""'I,ri!lC'lI if Will IIrr your .... "bUIIII, I:I.II,-r, .. on. hro,l,..ror "wc""u'art wearillM .. ,Int .", Itltlunrlr :ellli hiw:h 'Hil . It rom ;.11 1I('W!'l r'uullle-I" tlli l' ;Itlir,' \\'oilid al Irmil 1"lId a lIIor .. ari~'"rr:.lir ;llIitIUI,. 10 1I0UIl' 01 tllr tf';IIIII', r"I'N' " i.lly ,I,,· Ar.I .. ". ,,,,,I 'lte ".n.s. 01 A. flolh ,It"'t .r:ult,.' h,.a"Uf'ar "mkr .. ynll think tllr ,I .... r "ra"nn I" in- ar­I'or"ilt~ ." Ollr fri,·tu' f/,"die' f\ill~, th~ hu",UtlN: ~rrC'f'tI huilrlrr.

IllIr Irirlld Cllrry •• lte "hle-Ioodit·d mam'l.(rr 01 .hf' Naliona'" (P. o . R of 1\ .), Iu,,. 11f'('" vrry arlivc' .ry;nK 'n Itr' a lolC'ocl Iratll out of "u' em.1I

B.ln, aBo,

YOII know .h. Qu.ker "0.' wri, .. 0' Imrrloo. bo,.. and .heir ddi~h'., 01 harclool bO)'1 whit rlo •• b 01 .an and .umm.r hill. o'cr which ,hey ran-allr2 •• ive I,irlllre. lor .hc jaded, i" rllral rhy", ... 10., have ",Inc f.ded. h," 01 .hdr 'r".h I'", no' I,r .. uadcd.' If a' .. ,y "idc Jtome PO'clit fairy. witll \\'ifl~!'I and wand hal" wa"" iflJ.: airy, "hollid ~ lol' fI,,,1 offcr mc the joy!" whirh "PI,ertain 10 'hare; loa' hoy. 1'01 .ar "Wha' ",I .. hid atc yntl hrc:witl,,:' non'l varnI' mt ""ar; IhC'rc'~ flolhi"" doing. Co ofT ami 'rlnr" .. om,. olher f113', to ' hr. hoy wi.h .huk 01 •• 11 ." My 'all wa" loroll .. d in .1.eckl""I· I w ... hoy wilh of Ir •• k • • Icu,. ~('r .. '('IIeci with tli'nrll ~ ;uui "t III '" wit h ,, 'II"hle .1IIe1 hrui ,.,ed I ",j,h "'Oftf' !" and olher tuhhlr. I ' 110 mOllcy wit,' 11 I would

. IHI"", I Itad Ito hauley whcfI I . • Ioouhl 10"·.·. I l"v .. 1 .he ." •. ,, ),

"cllool' lIIartll mi""cM, hll' "rimer leid ~ Ull' ; 111 flU' ki l' lfCI", or J,;rowli "I' lad. wh" Io.d .Ioe 1.IIIck; .",1 h;elf ~rowlI hoy. wrre Oil' of IlIck. 'roo ",,"'y rock. w.ylald ",y '0.' till' ncw unil" took '00 '011": 10 J(row. :rlo. ,horn. 01 IIlc "00 all would .,rirk mr, '00 many jack· kniv("~ 1I",'d '0 niclc fIIC, '00 matty ".Iocr I.oy" rOllld lick ",r. 'roo IlIi"'Y hO!'l"r ~ Icr,,1 ute harried: 1 ha\'c hltt onc "incc I KOI tmttricd.

-11011 AI1AMS.'·Plhit. 01 ,he' Call1f' (nvrr InOO 'L========:::==;::;::== "' I;U~ I r"I,orl .)

Eftrl ("oo,lI'r. t'U' ",hl~Otllf' ,,.;ufrr of .ltf' Kite-Itrll I'olire' (~lIhcllt ., of !'y.llia", ) rlnim" ~tli honor" lor th,. ',,. oC , a"I,rutiflJ: Irflrn in 'lte l,raNIlf' . fl larry 'hlt", "almyra', Itonf'~t h:lkrr, I

IP&CIAL NOTICR 1'Iojl tI",e table II


\ .

W.lcome the can of the Ireat outdooR.

With 8prlnplme comea the announcement of our an· wool 8prlnl patternl now ~ ell I P Jay-your Inlpection thereof II bound to add to your 8prlnplme Joy in teamlnl that you can NCure the belt in Quality Clothea _t prlcea you can alford to pay. AI you welcome 8prlnl -we welc:bme your inlpec· tlon. . Your .. tllfaetion il our IUC' cell. "It'l Ouaranteed."

CARL A. PETERSQN 400 Tbomu Avenu.

. Riverton Telephoa. 95·w

Ph1latl.'phla Addre .. 244 S. &I ••• nth Street


Drop In at The New Era office and lee the New Remington Port­able Typewriter with the full IItandard keyboard. .y..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,~.y..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,,,

Conlectionerv Ice Cre8.m

Pancy Cakes

CHEW BROS. 512 Main St.. Riverton

Ben Phone 1M .Iid "a' .10" hi . r.~h'ill ~ '''" ' ill 'r, .... - . P. R. R. TIME TABLE I tla ,, ' .. ",~lInc· . How ahon. II!; .. , COon, ... r? 1ft ••• cI J_n •• " InJ

All rrrrlit .. IIoul,1 h,· "h" ,,, III,· V,·f. I • _ .·--------------.<>1 """" t .. .. ~i",,) fnr II~' .... roli," , • "ir.'· ; ~ 1 ;0 I! 1 :t "I ao!! I .. o!! 1 :; I -----"-------'---·-'--~--= lI"drr.'nnd .I!rir ~""i • .,,,,· ... " 'ill h.· .;;; .~ ii' .s. t 51t S'", .1: ~ ;'fJfu' arln~ IN'OI 10 WIfI ,,<+fllr"' . It ' ''I .... ., 401 ~ o · ~ I ~:.a I"'r" .hnll;' ,f "0' . onll,.,- • • k 'ark :.a.; t:';j E.:: .!: ~ .. ' . E ... ,\I,h"",,,' ~~ .-:A;.....:~ ~.2 ~.2 <g.,

\VI",,, I ... -Olllf' kilu' ·',r:ttff'il inclivi.. . ........ aM- &:iii. .... .. .. - , ""I ""ill~ 'a ",,,,I """y Nirlo"l. "f uo UI U6 1.49 U' • .• 9 I tftc' 'Mer!.:.,,;'" (Arli /.nll , ) H .rair CIt Ii.Oll II.J7 6,40 6.'" 6,.... 1. 1~ ,

'I;e.,. 'mlt Ilfl lit " , (~l"" Nirk'" 'otilor ~:~ ~:~~ ~:~ ~:~ ~:~~ ~: :~ ! hill tit 11 ._1 I,.. "r,·fty Id",ll . Tht' lI i""r ".56 9.19 9.21 7.41 7..... " u ",,~,II .. 'n ~rI'" Wri~1 ' • 11:U I~:~ :U~ m I::: :::~

rl,,· II" •• , •• • 1lI,"rlo louk I(ood 011 'he '0.14 '0.17 11.00 (,,·Id. I"" ,loa. i. "Ionll' .11 ,loa. rail Ioc p... l '.' ,... .... .... .. • . •• i.1. So"".I",.ly ". hd 'he wri •• ·r why .,2.4~ •.• 9 1.32 . '2.27 I2.Jn ' l.l~

\'~;;,. ~ .. ;, °i~ '~',:·,"~~~~Io:'h!~"~~r. 'ni~:;:j i:~ Hi m f:n· H~ Hi Ia'rol y will "OW "2r1 'a I,ll rio no 10" 4.12 ... 7 J.OO J.JO J.U ' .01

uamr'. . I t~ I:U ~:n ;:~~ J.~ ~:~l 'rio. ",lIa .. of I'irr (Wetlryanl ) I. J6 • . 07 6. '0 9.19 ' .2> 9."

",an, il known Ift .. 1 IhC' tUlh't'1U 011 ' 6.00 '.Z' 6." '0.... to.'" " .IS ,Iorir ""1' d" •• 110' ,,,IVerli.e "lIllIt ~ 'n ~:~~ ~:~~ 12.20 .UI I2.S1 Jay Corn .'h".Itr,.," :i" our fri('nd ?:IO " .40 9 .• ' 'rOlllttly ""Y JI , hUI ~rt· itlft'!ldrd .10 at .. ~1'n II." tI.I' 'raet fhc' "f" 01 tit.· Ol'f,0lln", purl,,,r. . ~ U.zs It.lll_ a ''''''ttlin" .hat Ill' ever latl.tled;& KUIt . I 8ulld.y. ·rh. ""Iy .rolllolr whlo nor "ohinooll'. - - - ....- .... r::=-r==-troy. i • • ha •• hey arc all' '0 win alld Mi; -:.;; 1.10 • . oa A;t. "11'1 YOII . Iooll!d Io •• r .he ruzin" from .Io~ ••.. 00'0 9. 2~ 9.J' '0.11 '0.16 .1.20 ""II.,y. I 0 .o .• u .n.OJ

lIor.o," lI.u.r, 11 ill. . Voorhl.. Ut '/" .. ~ Mark •• liar') aud I.ore have all "Iad- '.00 4.J. 4.14 I), to,,"rllh'cl 10 con'ribute any IUlul.. I ,D' I.U J.U nr"dr" for ,lie cOfltillllaf1C~ of Ihl' ~:Y: t::~ ;:~ Luwur. 'rlory all dal", .ha. .10... •.•• ' .41 ~.'8 Ita. he'ell marc cau'~ of ~woll("" 10.00 10,'. to." ",land .. , l ore ,hroa',. and lou of ""cech

rt.:t HI U. ... -7.21 _.A7

.0 .• 2


rt.'t. u. J.oa ~. J' 7.16 " .40

.... J II.IM

.. ~ UO '.JO 6.51 7.15 t).n~

10 .• 1 lI .lf

li,,(o Rau !l.rry .... k opened '0 .10. • Sa'urda)'. only IfUhllt. 'han rvtr helo .. in .he hl •• ory I ---"'_"'z~_.""""""""==="'._"",,..,,.. .... 01 .10 ... ,wo .ow".. TIlOLLn ~ TAn.

\ ' 011 .UlrC' will uri YOllr money'. j ,

,",orll, all allY llond"y. 1'lIeoday or ...!''=r.~rii.l ~ rlll".da), .nl"Io.. ' . .... .. ....

" . 8.-1. i ••• a •• d ON I(ood aull,nrh), . :,. ... ~ ~ .ha. llr. IIrrnard HodJlrr. . beller J," ~ knowu a. fl",n.y. h". "",n lar",ed f-!'!...;-"· """;':_,..:.. :::Ii au' .n .ht (',n'ral Lra"u. and will liT· .... IIkrl)' he Inn In .ht uniform 01 Oe-~ P .. T .. ~ la".o. While w. all wi. Io hi", ,10. ' n;- .. r~.... .. . h •• , 01 lurk. w •• u.. will n,il' hi. • ..... ;1, """ .If,:: ... &.iii ~ .. la",olll "lad. awa), .lId.... I"·'!.'ar.;.. . f.1t .. ~~ .... ~~ 'd't .

lllar. YOIII' J'Iow,n . i~. :.t.('jj." ,.IIL, .... 'ii..i:J; ..... 1'he l'IoIl.delphia .Ar' Alliance h., ~!':~ .. "-~'::r.tll

op.nrd a . 'Ind for .he collecllon 01 P . .. : do;;. _ii, -::.r-.. 1i':"' .. "OINu, III .Ioe I'elln,ylvania RailrOad. , J\ T .. t!r.:1 Peeleral o'"e •• ermlnal, Ca",den. The #.f;'7.L~ r~& ...... lIow.n "ill .... dlmibu.ed raeh day '0 . _ Uri.... .. ' . .he 'ollo .. ·ln" orrenlza.ionl: I"J ~

Soci •• )' '0 I'r 'ecl Chlldr.n from .,r.".. .. ~~:; Crn.l.y. 419 S. l5.h I.,ee', '",lIad.I. 1 fll~~ t..r.' .... ~''-' _ phla. iIJ.M.t!L ~ .....

"a"luille lIo'\ 7.10 and Lo",' .... ": ~t.::' -.. -.til ba,d """'. ''h'lade~hla. ,... .. .. ..

Nor.hern lIoup 80<: ••• )', 117 N. 4.h _ .. - . U!S _ ,

8'0 .• ''hllad.l"hla_ Coo ... r Jlo.phal. Camden. (The II,. hal no. be.n compl •• ,d

),el. I. will Indud. more Camden o'llalllla.lolI •• han ''hlladelphla on,..)

aIV&JtTOII I'OIT OnI" Arrl'" ud J)eptIrtwe 01 IIalJe

P"Y' •• OllT IlAV.JlIl TIIII( _ ""'VI(

Jfllt II 'l{ul goodCM

~MB to our s.Ja. ftIOIn and lee why

W. C. DURANT it proud tID' have thia car barJu.a. ...


Annual Water Rate. ohhe

Riverton and Pahnyra Water Company

"II ,.,.., ... feblall to ooaoed .ltb 'b. pub"o .alelr .uppl),. ma)' do eo bJ .ppl),ID, for """ra.' IIDd IIlta, I. wltb tb. COlDpea), at til. o'lleo. 6%2 • 'alo .tr ....

RATER "-la.. laoludlD, 10.000 "", .• ..... r quarl.'

-, -la , IDCh.dlo, 11,000 ,al .. .. per quart.,

DeUS . fI'lr.t ".000 p", aGe per 1000 .. I. IIeeOIId ".000 pi.. lie per 1000 ,al. Al. an, 10 .... pl.. aGe per 1000 pl.

BUI. ,......... quarlelrl, IUId dUI wbn flUId ..... . ror _ .... au 01 patrou, blp. IlIA, IHo .... at C ........... a NaUcmal 8u/t. .

W. aha to II •• ,004 .. "Ice. All, ... ...,au wnt r_lY. pro""l .1Id oo.u"- attat_ If .. dt .... to

Thr •• and will be o ... n every week· da)' un.1I lep •• ",ber fir •• from .I"h. In .10. mornlnll until thr,e o'clock In

";-..rl :%' .. -:. '-W; .. OHIM ., .... c:e .... n'. , ... KuI. ""Ir-::".~ p..-.a- _ Mel ..... Hl,

• 1Ie after_a. aa4 win IN la cllar,e of Boy leout ..

~------&",r,.III.. _. .0 h_ .... waitt. but lie w'" 4ou.·t ...... IN walt ....... t.

... 0........ .... ".v ......... J . DICt"1lT PIIetoe-"I--' 147

''1 -~~~·.r'" ~-~ --PM r~ _ .r.;v:; ::Z1.::J",.- 0iIee .... ra: .M te .... ,:.-;r~,'71.-: .. ..,..... ca- • ......, ......

Announcement. J .. C. Taylor announcea that he h .. porchaaed the

Steedle Oara,e at Broad and Fulton Streeta. Riverton, and wilt continue the bUllneal under the name of

Taylor's· Garage with .. (ull line of Suppllea and AccClaoriea. There witt be atora.:e (acllltiu and repair work wllI .be done by ex· perlenced mechanlclI.

Your patronage .Ia loUched.

Telephone Riverton S06-W

Nothing ~ake. the Place of Hot Water It'!'! "ne "r the htJnlc'~ ~n'atc~ t cun­\·cniclI.·cs :111.1 i, ncc.lcd Ill' cVC"Y IIICIII­

Ilc,' rof Ih.: family.

Ca, i~ .hc i.leal anrl 1II0,t Cl';,"olllic'l,1 fill' I

flfr iol'utillK watcr.

Ins tall a lallk wlltcr hl·ute,. IIOW wioil<­

our utlu :o. llal tCrlUh prevail .

$3 a month

. nllll.1 IIr Vnkall lIIakc,. I'laill or l'nalllcllcri j:u·kCb.

I },,"hl.· "01'1"'" ""il-. Qllick h('atin~ hllflll'"

Plain .Jack.·" $28.50 I':nalllcllctl Jackct, $31.50

I.arg'cr alltlflll:ltil' tYllc, for h"III'" ""'Illirillg thb chardl'r

"f hot water service. Let lIur l'xpcrt~ ccm(l'r witl1 yuu.

Are your gas appliances work­ing satillfactorlly? If not. pleue let UII know. We will inll,>ect and regulate them without charge.

Public Service

You Can Depend On Us 10 tieliver what YOII arrang'e to pllrchase ill qllalily a till servicc. Ollr hllsincss .has g'I'UWII I hrollg'h IIltr fricllti,., ",110 IOlllw. this til he I rile . I.ct liS attcllti tu yUill' IIplwlslerillg' atld rdillishillg'. ,\lId ",hell YOII arc ready tl) Imy new fllrllitlll'c. COII ­sllit liS.

Furniture PolI.h that you can de ... nd on for usc on .,.rni.h~d lurface.

2Sc: a b!,ttle

WILL K BOWEN Roberta Building, .econd floor Entrance 011 IIaIa ·IU ...

Riverton Phon. 201-.

SEEDS PLANTS . BULBS I.arKeI' eollce,ion of Hardy Perennial •• Ro.eo. Dahlia •• ete .•

Palm., Fern •• and Decoratln Plant. of aU kind. con •• antly a. h.nd at our Riverton Nur.erl... Orden .aken for Bulb •• Flower and Veletabl • . Seed •• Fertlllu, •• I.H.tlddu. Garden Tool., el •.• which are .upplled from our Philadelphia eltablllh­men.: .110. our Celebnted Lawn Or ... Seede •• hleh ma), be relied upon for quick anet permanent re.ultl.


HENRY A. ' DREER Riverton, N·. J.

IIIIBD ITOBJD. 71f·718 Oh .. tDut It.. PhJla4elphla

Chick Food Orowinl Maah

Developlna: Food

Laylnl Maah PI~ Food It:ratch Food

Skim IIIIk Powder

Dtmtly Maah Food

Scratch Food Chick Food

AJAX It:ratch Food Poultry MaIIt

Powdered Buttermilk

Shell., Pit, 0""'1»-'. ell-". me-' .upplNa and remedJ ..

o. D. o. 8uttenaiII& Bab, ClUck Food O. D. o. A." Your Dealer

_'-- Au Tba Pooclo Tbal .... J..., Poat." I-, r_

Sold by JOSEPH T. EVANS. Riverton, N. J.



Coal Lumber

c-Feed of A11 Kinda Truck Bukm

Millwork Lime and Piliter Materiala Hardware Lime for the Ground OIBla and 011 Ceme,:,t. Sand. Stone, Cinder. Wire Fencing and NettlngTerra Cotta Pipe Hay and Straw Flue Linin&s



J. S. COLLINS" SON', Inc. PAUL C. BURR. Mlr., Phon. 105

Phone 5 anel II Riverton

Kaynee Wash Suits For Boys. attractive summer 8tyle8 with low cut neck and short sleevel. Thele garmentl are good materials. well made. correct in ~tyle and reaaonable · in price.

White Wash Materials Dainty Swilses. Voilel. Fiaxonl and Or-gandies-a real

neceslity for the hot July and Augult weather

M~S. ALFRED SMITH Main Street Riverton. N. J.

00.0' H '0 0 a 0 D '"'000 0 H Q 0000.1 ••••••• 10000000000"'",. .. ;,·:;,

"I f )'our hal 'cr)" ~ ~OIlC 10 ~ c,·d­lH'n"" 'he "Iacc--drop in" !'tHy .. Spced.

S· PEED O·OAY. the battery ..... rt. know. a. much about hatterie ••• the man who Invented ·em. He'lI

repair your. and tell yoU how to take beller car. of It.

i················~···························DO .. 006' . . I z ~ Poultry Netting ~

Wire Rope Wire Strand

Fence Wire Telep.hone Wire

Vegetable Stakes

Flower Stakes

Wire Cloth for Window Screen.

Electrical Wire. for Houae Wlrlnlt

Wire 'four Home on Easy Payments




Theo. J. J. Haaa Phone Rivenide 32-R RIVERSIDE. N. J.

I I I ~ ~ z


Truth fa al Impollible to be lolled by an outward touch al the IUJtbeam. -Milton. THE N·EW ERA BUY IT AT HOME

VoL 33 No. 28 ._-== _._ -- --- - ---- ---- - 7:·'-_

No other car of this type Is priced so low - no other will give you more real motor car value-more convenieoce,more comfort, more dependability than a Ford Coupe. Equipped with electric starting and light­ing system, demountable rims, extra rim and non-skid tires an around, ' it makes . th~ ideal en­closed car for business or for pJ8asure. Reasonably prompt delivery. TermS if desired.


117 W . Broad St., Palmyra, N. J.


Don't Leave It, to Chance that you will have plenty of money for emer­gency or okl age.

Begin right now to save regularly by de­positing weekly with the Cinnaminson Nation­al Bank_

Your account il invited_

3% Interelt Paid on' Savings Accounts '


RIVERTON,N.J. 4"iHii!! .@H!@!!ih 'iJi ii Ullhl ii,it!!f!![l!i!I!!I!!.il i!!!iiil.!ilii!!!!!iliiii!!i1Ul!!!!i!ii!iii!!!Olil!i!iii iillliii!!i!!liiliiiili'iII!iiliiiiii!l!HI>.






Moocl8WWD, N. J. . BclI PhODC 343 Private


!!amPle Boob of tile aew Ipriq Papers are DOW .-4,

for, ,_ iaal*lioo

Curtain Materiala at .-bIe pricel

URS. B. S. BAUGH Ia ...... 207M'S

g W. Broed Street Palmyra

J. VETTER Cut Flowa. and Plant.

of AU Kinda ,We haft. faJ1 u... of


Orecab_ RANDOLPH A vun

But Riftl'tOa U:l-j-3 ..



---------------- r - =-- ====~==~========================~ RIVERTON AND PALMYRA, NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY, JULY 14. 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS

JUST RECEIVED Ford Size Corda (30-3310) ' Seiberlln& Cord Tirea

To sell at $12.50 All Pinta, Sinlle Cured, HeaY}' Tread Tire. Guaranteed l1OOO

, mIlea by the maker and by l1li

The finelt ama11 Tire mae we have heard of in a lonl time Also a ~ood Fabric Tire (30-3Y.) SOOO miles $9.50

SPECIAL Ford Fenders $11 a let; Ford Headlights $S a pair

GEORGE N. WIMER Member of Camden Real Estate Board and the Real

Estate Lea&ue of New Jeney

Real Estate & Insurance Is thl·S so? It is s.-. id that thc two lots ',," 1.i(l­

• pinl'ntt" \'cnuc at $500 and $C1OO an' thc nnly lots in thc boruugh uf Riverton that can bc buught undcr $1000.

GOODYEAR SERVICE STATION Convcyaneinc 15 Eaa~ Broad Street Notary Public , P N J Harry A_ McCo)" Prop_ Comniluloner of Deedl almyra, . •

Broad and Morgan Palmyra, N. J . Telephone 171 1 a::::M:o:n:eY~f:or~M:o:rt:p~l:e~~~~:~~~~p:b:on~e:::Ri:':ve:rt:o:n~2:17~~ ~~~~~~O"""""""DOOOOOOGO~O~ ~

~. - No Mishap on 1600 Mile Trip A. E. PRICE A tril' of six teen hUll ·

th-t ll miles "UIU IUvcrtoll 10 C:wall" ami relurn w!lhuu l :lccident or mi,, ­hnl', ,,·jlhou. even a I' tI n e I u reo t engine .rouMe. i , the recont madc by 10hn Gla u and John Karin", two Riyer· tnn lad, abou t ehchtern )'rau l,r ' :u{e, ,,·lIn lert h~re JUlie lZnd Ami re· lumcil 0 11 Ilic morning o f luly "Ih.

' Notary Public Conveyancer ~E4L EST4TE

4ulo Fire Casualty Burglary INSU~ANCE

Phone 242-M 416 Lippincott Avenue

RIverton, N. J.

msTADLtSUIIlD 1865

Tile trill was made in a littlc ron~ racer. which G I a s~. th e 0 -: n e r. chrbtencd t h c: "Red Devil ," Thil Ihtle car aweraled . 25 miles per "allon of .alollne, BIOREN & co. . On an e l l'edaUy de· Illned eontrinnee the lillie machine carried a coml.ldc camfJing outfit . inc:ludimr lent . cotl. oil Slove . etc. .• alld the boYII CAmped out whenevc:r they IIhWlted exeefJl in extremely wet · weather. whcli tlley /IiOuJl:ht more durnhlc. Iheller.





Vegetable and



Poultry Supplies

of every


EVANS ' Phone 302 Riverton




0 .. 612 3


54 ; Lippincott AftDae Riverton, N. J.

RefereDcce .. to .ablllty fumllhecl

----~--rcqae8t- --- -Allen's Netl


The fint slnl' W;lI~ made At Ihe l'a li ".,deJi un Ihe lIudln n. aud their nrrh'nl WaA Kreded hy a terrific thunder stomt.

After 'IOlll'inJl at Vrovittcllcc, nOloton and l'ortland. the boYI CAI11PCll fur two dayllo on . 111 i")aml in Ca«n lha)' . ",,.jth a I'arty of yOU"1( men whom they met there. , Ien rc. 1I1)'Ilon .. n.1 Portlaml. dIe boys caml~d rlo r 11"11 .1 .. )· '1 (III an j"lal1ll ill (',\5('u rf.a),. willI • 1 1'111't)' 0 ' )'Ull ll ~ mell whom Ihe y l1Iet Ihcre.

The)' "'aw :\ number of ",aper mill . itl Ihe Ne~' 1·:II,.;lallll Siale, and law "reat rA'h 0 ' lu.:: .. . heilll:' nl1Alctt dnwn the riyc:r. to be UI'ed '"r I':tllcr TIl I1 1.:iIlIC. One of the 1110l t enJnl'ohl~ 'e:.!urc .; "' thc trifJ was their vilit to ,be Itllnbel ('allll's in Ihc ~faine ,,'nucb. One flA)' the)' drn"e fourl t rn lIIi1e~ th roulCh I len ~c f"r ~ .. b wilhnut nncc fii.zh tinR' a IUJII \c. The I n;lIl ~ I\lHI lJer.1I ", .. "hf'11 nUt h)' heAY)' Pi IIl"III " . 11111 ill 111;111)' 1,1"" f' 1> Ihe), Ila .. ' efl IIYf'r ,"tUllel ' 'lU" ullllieli '111 t WIl 111:'111.: .. which hAlf hecli

Ihro".,11 Aero ... The boy .. were m),AII), enterta ined tn I'\tll"

per .t one camll and to breakf .. t At ""ntlln . and ,,'hell the), fuund that fnur meah Ada)' were ~etyed in the Iumhef region. the)' wetC yet)' much tetnpted tu fieule riRllt do ..... n :ulIl 1JccOlue lumbC'r Jack" .

When they ",ot illto C':'lIada their t rnu hl u commenced. a ~ f, relty muell eYtr)'h'K{)' Ihey met lipoke , t rench. which flut Ihe bn)", a l :t eon8iderAhie llisadvanta.ce, . And tlte rff~d ll were wnrse Ihan the lalllc ilage. Thty werc ahr.nlutcly ullimllruvcd alld r.nmllfued nJ eilhcr mud- nr d"y o r hulh tflKetller. "n,1 one Il a;' Ihe)' ,,'crt', mile" thrtt hours hefore Ihe)' were Itldlecl out.

I II ('Anada. too, they flald fori)' cellt" A ",OI l . 1t',1 fOr Kholine.

VERNA L. GUEST ........................... "' .•.• ,, .. .. ,"'.,., ..................... .... , ..... ( ! It. , Wri .. ht and R. M. Tl oliinKIII1c:td. ale nf IIlI r E 1 . M 'm ,I ' nlol fnurth idea,

xc UI1Ve 1 - nery } t PI' C 1 ~ Now, penille nl n h 'ell'm. Ket l'IKether aUII Broad and Garfield Avenuc Palmyra : aop e s' 0 umo t make Ihe Iltxt I.'ourlh of lui ), in nivert"l1 0pcn d:lil)'. c'eCC.llt OI~II . MUlIIl:.)' . Fr~day' ~ " ( ju,. :if' "rand allil "rcal all Ihe nne~ in Ihc \\ clluheln),. ,lur1llK nml ~J,.unl~)' C\'ellllll: .. I ( . S l'a ", l. ~TIII .\tlt:u~ , Phone J(I\'ertllll 517 ~ -- S CLA RENCE C. 'r! fCKE n. .

~"W~;";«",!..x.;:",_y,,,·, \ Ol'<lll to a fr.w"ion i Squall Mixes U" Boat Race t. 5 of lLlJ topicH of gUliural interestf it~ l,a ~ 1 :'::'111111 .. ; ' ", Iloat lace furnish.:.1 :l Ihlll1

J. JOSEPH L. STACI1 ~ o_"ly bcilll' rC'I'.lin"d that Iho .J>uh-':_, :1 mlnUle ' or ... wliilc wlitn the Mluall (,,311;':111 A ; C .. thc "kh'l~ rll unawarc!'. Une of the bual,. ~ . t hahor hB-vO the uame, uf, the \\' fller. ) wa .. hlllwn ;lI.hoIC atltl 'atlolher ~'A 8 enp"i;r cll.

'X { , 1 wi~~I,le7t ::kr~ .. cfik:t~rlt:d cu;.i!~a;:r~ri~~~!!: 7

1:, I C, E ~"···" .. ····"·····R·"·I .. ·V·····E··-R·'''T·····O·'':·N··'·,-.•.. "'., .. " .... -. malch_nn" ,h. ",.n a' Ih .. ,;::". ha" ,.", ... T. Illtl11 8Clvu a"'a), cnmfortahl)' when )Vithoul

Wllnll"",. Ihcy WCI·C .. I ruck II)' :I full Ii Ltcd Thc "oIl1)C "f Ihe at"ry Will he "HiY ... r t'}II." ",alc. which fur a few 1II0melll ", lilre:ltellc.1

UI\'ert",n. likc .11 o.hel 11>\\,11 ,. ill Ihi s ·l(le:. t di lla \ le r, hUI Ihe Alorm "'a ll wea lhered " ,ith flU CUUlltr),. has :. )1 .. 111 . Ireet winch III 'Wme""'hat I(realer mi.~IIOII' Ih.n a .Iuckin", fur .. nme of the

Delivered in Palmyra I' and Riverton daily

the year 'a:ound

I 227 West Broad Street

Palmyra, ·N. J.

Telephone I

lik •. o lher .\hill ~.n· cl "'l hilt ,1,cn it i" 'Iuile 11,, )'" :lIId :a strande,1 l ".r Rex Sh""",tll. ,HIlt'lrli l 111 :a lot "r ",a)'",. I,' r.,m Ihc Slal"m The cnlltJoc ""'a" hcl ..... ~e.1I l.:trdener·", I'"jlll I" Ihl' river, Ih l;le lire "ollie \cr)' J,rell), h'lUll'.. IlUll)' lind '.'ell and (1IIck~n .. Itlll1r. t ""ice 'J'ht :C.e hOllleli arc Ii llad"''''''t,1 lJ)' wl"illllcrful t rrC's :11 '1II11t1 , Iflal:lII~ 11 tolal n' hfteen Ilutell. I ..... hich m .. ke a JlCrfect archway lu Ihe rive. . In Ihe I •. I. cia.", RnllertAll1I allil Mall I'" The river bank i. olle th a t any tnwn miKht I IfDt away tOKelher. and RQherl ~"n led ' 0 Iht be proud of. Wonderful homes and butlliful II ICcond mAtk, . On Ihe btat III wind,,'arel ftlll," lawn I which run down to the " 'atera " 'here , 1ff'1l an~ Clllckens ,n the wh.~1, Ma!'I" a brick walt make I "ll foundation for nearl y a worked In.n rlr"t IIOlli tlnn . atlll while learllnl' mile ,,'a .. overtaleen hy Ihe !l llIrlll ,

. . I he II U'atthi !itlc-curled ill laleinK in hi.. "I'll! ' I There h al~ b~n :!er .U1(,~ I t rellte~ , {. is lIaker ami 1()~'~riIlK hi~ ml\lfl .. ail. RnherUl1n fa)' ",et al C In IV:I"~UII I 'lor)' I W b'C Illet Jlflt Ille II rlnnaker iu, hUI c'lu ld TlI,1 Krl hi . a lw.)" hJOlicd :or;;arc h II : IIn°th on)'h ~ It e mainsail ttnwn and rllal' nll l Ihe ",nrm f,r.c ·

~.7~:II~~WI!(~i,0Id:)' ~ • • e~ : Aide ::U:1I0~IIOcl'I ' ti('=~~tj~n~~~I~rll"'~; nl~~i; 1 hili mAiuui l !l iter lIIakinK day-not onl), by th~ younill. bUI the wind had mucleral~.1 a little wilhun l rnlll . Ihe . a)Ced al well, Alld "!t •. Iaye her~ lofore inK aboul and " 'hile excrulilllot' Ih il'l lItall . known Ihal llti t"WIl Will> tlva~IIIIM u ro. ThoulJll I"uver. ,Rohe ruon lurKed hlln lir ~ 1 1,I .. rf'. which I h:avc heell ,,""'a )' h .. m Rlverto ll . fnr fnur hc heM 1111 •• 1 IlIr ('1111 IIf Ihc ta('e.

OLIVER TYPEWRITER Riverton 396-w Yo ~. .l,

)ur'a, that 11:1I . h:.ular cla)'-the l' our,h "' While All Ihi ~ wall "nina: 1111. SlIn"'ell 111,.1 JIII),- h .. s a lwuy. found me Ihere. been blown a lihore a l eiKht mile IUlill t. whert'

9<O"Ho4IoOOIHo4IoOOIHo4I_OO-C ___ '

LINOLEUM DOCTOR A cheap Linoleum well Ieid

will wear lonfler than an eapen­live Linoleum poorly Ieid.

Ia your Kitchen Linoleum livinfl you 100d wear1 Don it lay dOle to the floor or ley in wave" Don It bulle all over1 The buleH arc the places it wean out fint . Let me prucrl.,. for It .nd J will .dd year. to Itt nre.

WM. J. PARKER ,.nS LeeoaqA'ftDae

Phone 130-M 1'*Jmyn, N. J.


M~n like JlJhn II. IWi liOJI, J. \\" (Jay .. alld hi " boal rcllt:tinrfl IIntil carl,. Ihe IICXt mllrn . J ~d"'ard Ogllen ..... crc 4IUonii thUle who hcliled InK . .. htn a, hhch titlc. it wa" tnwell in It)' IIIlt1.:c Ihe Ilay a ,,"CCe ltli. J w(.olldcr ~'!Iat It )""rice Dellm.p. .

" .!. .""000000000' oc OOOO~)

",,"uhl ha \e mtan, . .. them 011 Ihe I "nurlh Mr. Sh"""'cll An,1 hi", (,I"e~' WCIt' l,rllllMhl , JUI I 11:t .. lle.I, lUll) I,he), 'cell Ihc l ounh- a"hore hy a row Ima l. whidl "Amr I,YH '111111

Ille ll iteuitlealli cia)' ' 01 .dtlllltcrac" eu"ulle~. f'enn llyIY3I1ia.

Warm Weather

Penpii'ation, dUll, and hard ulAle make it difficult to keep the lIf1ht-weilht fabricl of which IUJDmer c\othinl i. made look­inl lit.


Rcplar c1c&niDI and pre .. -inl will keep your ouita loOk/nc freah and Dew all thc tIme_

Phone )'our order for ua 10 call at llatcd time., and we wiD do the rCIt.



IIaln Street, RiYertoo

d.liilcd to 111f: ex tent II ,,·a lo. J' ru!JaLl)' " til tht .Sixleen Jlllot clall • • Alalrnlnt Oiclf . Wat all act 01 l'ruYlllellcc th a i ram C:'IIIC In ~ol1 lIailed. hb new bnAt '" virlory. with "heh'-it did. I~,hfar Miller "« QIIII. r.l1t ~ Kllilchl . " '110 w .. "

11Id all)'IJIIC ,old .mc bef',re the VCJulih uilinK the UU II-h IIrolhcr,, ' 'Vial. w:. .. II f ' ~C' thai I'a ltnyr. wa,,: ''''IIIK to have ~ day that duriuK Ihe llIIuall. II w.'" cXllCcle.1 Ihat ';cy. wuuld heat UI. I sbould have con llllieretl It acral t" the Sea SCOllt, frnm a"rWII' Ihe rIvcr joke. bUI ",u~h • Ih in", did ha l'loell. All wl1uld f,anidl,.t.: in III" .. ix tern If'II 'l «:\'l"lIt . , water eyell". 111 .lIverlon III ulher )'eau haye but the, did not cnme I,Y"r nwill~ Ito the been held m 'lihure where thc lIanL: . havc I Ihrutl'lIilllf weather efl"flitif," ~ 'rile n" ,,1 I ~ell lined ... d lh peol,le. and HI lia )' Ihal Ihe Iti~ rAce in which Iht vi ll- i,ll n • ill funicflMl e

i~a)~il:"; . enjuyable III eye l Youc b expre'lI l11" I ~;:h~'e~ht~hr:~II~t' ''I~lr a~~ I );n!t:~.:in~,ntll::~ tl~~ 11.,1 anyonc In fornler yU h a .. eml ' ll'll If' . Tnrre,.dllh~' Thi" I, .chC11ulell ' 11 be • IlInre

ICCIIIIIII.crcialize . a. Rlvert otl I' uurth, '"e'h as I Aflair. ""' itl~ call(Je event". aquAlic "'llnrlS , f!t" cllafll'lIIl; .dllllh UHI to teU OUI t (J Ihe yach l ,,(yll ""here the eYen t s "CIC rUIl lOfT. und "'he re '

~7:i~!~:1 i;er:Y:::: • • OI~~a I f)b!:~I'~ Yacht Club Notel COlllilCIlcd to pay). the old c:itiull" ",'b'l con· Rivcrlon''j juvcn il e~ once aJ.{ain ceived the t>«autUul ~JJirit of the day would . I· made swimming hist ory ov. er th e have oPpoHd mOlt bltterl, .l11i l .ncw IIl'pa .... · weekend. the (ollowing boys ~wim.

:~II fr~nn~c W'~a~~de:~d J c~,:::;ne~ , h:~ai: .. : I across the Delaware river , and tbe old order would have p(e .. iled. Winning Ihe bronze Yacht C.lllh 1Il~d.

To demon.lrate what I can the real ' rlirlt: a l : John F . Ayres and Franc,." Ka~I"5 On tall Thanks.ivlnK Day .. lltn Ihe Riverton Ii\~am acrosf lali l Saturday tn tlllrl>' football tranl Journeyed to Riverside, tbe I' Itllnutes . whIle on Sunday Ihe Schncl·

t:~:~ i~~I;r,. o~~j::;. i:n:I;:~~oi(J ~lu~ ~~~id ~~:d ~?t~~;nl%c~~~~c1~~1 ~~~~.r.; ~I~~: 10 accompallY tbe tum to the neiRhborinwl ty . threc and thirty. five minute.; rt. ::w~:~!r t~: !~"~w:u:'~r a:,t :i~b.::~ ~~: speclively. ' could bat'e made our J'ourth a blli luc:ceu. Mr. Durborow calls ~Ip.on .a ll the

Pireworh on \he rinrbanlc havc heretofore I Yacht Club members reSiding In bOlh cOIIC'ludcd the fine prOlrarn. and tbi. YUr, Riverton and Palmyra to please do· these same firtwork. werc coP'picuoul b, nate th rir doricA and tendcrs to the their abKnce.. The dl'lll.y of fireworks have 5wim on Saturday aftcrnoon. Ah:o


Sunday Schoo] , Lesson'

(II, R>lV. I'. D. FITZWATlm, I), D. Teaeh.r of Ji:uaUlh DIble In .he Moo4J 8lbl~ In.mute of Chlca.o.)

Ct1P)'l'llbt. lUI, W .. Newavallftr l: r.ll\n





r~":SSON TEX·I'- Dnn . 6:1·3,.


001.(\1'; :-: TEX1'- Gud will hrltH; tl\'tJl'Y work Into Jtlih,'nont. with ~\'U l' )' ... ecrt!t Ihhl'; , wh,' l hlr It be Hood. {If w lhtl1c f It· be C\ 1I.-I:l'\·I. 12 :" . ll"'Ff':R I~ l'\Cg MA'reH.IA1.-U.m. lU: l ·

!II F.xod. 14 :21·:1\ ; E_tlk . 3J :l·14 : Art!; 12 10-2.'1, ,

rnUtAHY' TOI'U'-Dnnlcl 'rolh, the Kim; ur lilA Wrullg.tJUhlK.

JUNIOn. 1'1'I1'IC-lll' l"hnunr'M Fen.KI arlll Fnlt', . Jl'1'FH~tgl"ATt.: ANU S"EN IO n f'J'{\rIC

-JullulIlI'nt .\Ktdllln 1{lnr( Alcnhol . Y(lU~CI f'E( AND AnUI.1' TOP'C

- How 10 J1:nfon'e the JudMment ,\I(III1I"t Slrom" Orhtk ,

I. Bellhau.r'. Impioul Fealt (vv. ]-4) .

1. \\'11" 1I111'1111~1 (V\·. 1, ~) . U'~l · .. hl1 ? ... ur. hi .. \\'Ift' IIlltl c'ulll'lIllln,'" lIud 11 Ih" u !'I!IIHI IIr hiM lurclK.

2, 1'1'1111 \ ' 1101' IIwrl'nt (n·. a. 4)

(1) 'rhl'~' Ih'1I 111{ wine: IIw), "IWIt!!C'I! In rf!\',·h'y. (~) 'I'lli'}' ("''11111111 l cIJ Kale '

rlh'l(t'. In th('lr .lruIII,,'" rl!\·t'It·,\' I hc~ dl'nnk wln.- Hut Hf tlw 'inl'rt'l! \" 'toIt;llh

wllkh '"111 hmm I"k{'n uut u( Ihf t e lll,IIt·. fit tI,,· hnUfU' of (;cul. whlc'lt WUH lit ,h'rllt411 " ' Ill. \\'lIpn 1IIC'1t nr" un, thOr till' Inlhll'nl'l' ut Inllfxh-lIlln~ Ilqllm:", thl'Y IfI~t! nil r"l!lIr.1 tflr 'll lrr,·,1 rhlllJrtl. ( !\) "hl'~' \\'urlihllll 'ci h'ult4 1'hcy Ilrn)'t' cl lu Io!fllbl tit j.!fllcl IInll of fi ll , \'rr, uf h,rmol!ol, tlr truli . WIIHII Itnt ... 1.1.1('

II. The Hnndwritlng on the \1.11 (n·. ro-t'I).

1. ' l'U t, UIIIl' CIt (v. !i). "m',·ur l·t·tI In tl ... !'fil II it' Ituur In whlc-It I hl'Y ",t'rtl t>n':IIJ,!"11 III fl wl!' IIt·!tIlke Tl t'I·\'l·IT· ~· .

2. 'fill' I·tr"t'l 11111111 till' I' IIII-t (\' , 't) II.' WII~ J!ff·:tfl.\' Ilhtturlll'll : I,,· Wilt

8 .. hwcl wllh cllu"U· rlllltllll1 . "'1'11, ' JIIIIIII' .,r hi,.. lulll ":: \\' I'rl' IHII~I'tl. IInll hlH kIT ... ·' »UlCltl' "Ill' 1IJ.rlllmu 1IIIfIlIlI'r."

R. '1'111' klllj.! ·H 1"'hl1\' lnr (\'\' . 7-1H) (1») Ilf ' l'ulh'll (II!" II U:oIt l'uhl':I' I'f! It,"l HfIIllh ~lI.' I'I·~ . ,,1T,'rln).: rl!\\'l1l'1l fo' flf l!f1hi IIIHI "1I~IIIf1n (\' . ;·il). 'J' llI'lr 11111'1' lit Tlhlllf~' III Inft'rll r l" IIII' wl'lI lnl : l~ fI ,

tI,,· hlnl-! I,, ' I'U \\'111'1'11' IU' I' I'It ' xl',1 (2) 1111 11 11 -1 ·lu" "I j.: hl II I II ,.. "'1I · ·~ f · OoIII . 111 lit till ' flH"l'1I 1\' \'. 111. 111) . '1'111' '1"1"' 11

' 111'1'1 ' "'II~ ,,,,,'11111 1:01 Iill ' wlf,· IIf Suit", ('h: I IITlI'Y,"II" w it" 1', '1111'111111'1,,'11 1111II 1,.I'!' t4I'1'\ h~f ' III h tl'·!')lI',·tlllJ!' hl l'l dI'I ·II II1. Fill tl lIl l l'I'm':lIl\ lit· "'liS "':I'ul 1'111' 111111 1,1'1f1.1' IHI'fl :':1'1 '111 rt'\\·lIr.l .

III. Danlol Interpret. the Writing (\' \ '. l j ·::.lo{} ,

1. l'unlt'l 'H lI,hll'I'HH III ,hi' l{ illJ,! (\.\' 17'~·'). lit· '11''' I"IlIcl'l ,ud, It· hl .- 'It'fllII , it",,1 r.:lrtt4 (\'. Ii) . III' "'"tllel nil' 11I"'t' hlH "'IIt 'I·I·1t Ihlllll ',1 It)' 1111' kITlJ,:'!'i ... Irt .....

:!. '1'111' Itlft'rJlrl~11I 111I1I 'It tilt· wrllln~ (V\·. ~!!l .:!~) . , (1) " lll'lw" 1111'11111'1 " 111111"

11f'T'4·' . " (\' , ~"). "U"II lIuth . III1II1I I1' ... ',1 thy ',ll1mllllll 1111,1 liuhcl"'l) 11." (:.!I "'1',·· I k"l" Ttlf'fln)! "\\" '11:114'11" (\'. ~7), " '.lIulI uri ",'·hrlll'.1 In Ihl' 1111111111,,')001. nnli urt tU1Il1t1 \\,lIullnl:." ( :1) " P"rt ·..,:" 1111 '11111' ; "llh' III"II" (\', ~R). "'I'h,\' kITl j.! cillll. Ito dl\'llh'I) , IIlul !:h 'f'lI In t III' ~It'ill'" 111)11 1'l'r"IIIIlt4."

IV. The Judgment EXecLited hv. 21'-:11/,

'hI f·lull nh.: ht \\'UM 1;,·I:.: llI lzzlI r " 11I1t1 un,1 •• urhlfol lIil'. ~'I .. It·1I11 tlllll< til .. kin/:· clulI! ,

','h., (Ulllhh'UII 1I,vIIllMly l'ndl1d whit HrhcIIll Z1.lIr: Nn w~ IIIII .V Itllf 'rpr" t rhll' whuh ' HI'f'I1,' 1It4 111f1utlllJ,: 1" III(' .'1111 ' 11111(111 '" III IIII' 1'1111'11' II( 1IIf' I hili'" III tllf' f;f'IITih, toI 11 1111 1It4 1IIIIT1I1JU'lIlltw Ih, ' Ilr"\'lIl11uN "lITlltllhtnt4. .. ... lit.: nllllr :

I. ·n ... HI TlI,I.III~· fit 1I1t'1I. Tilt'.\'. III,,! 11I'lIllh' tIlfJII~'. Wfltlld nul "'III'n. tl.\· UX' 11111,,11'. X, ·IaUC'l IlI, III ;·1.ZlI r 'S 11111' ,.'lIlu l,. III,,·,· tlt'h'rl't'l) BI'IHlill zzur tl'1I1I1 Mlldl 'rl\'llilly.

:!. TIlt' 1IIII I:ll l1k"nl "' III"i.II,I·, ' J'IIIt· s,:r"lIf ("UHf . WIII4 f'lillfUI·IN·lz,·.1 I,y ,UIIIIII . .£1141,111.\'. lIurull,.. I1m\ "'lIIruf" 'f'I' I"' III ' ur tlll;.c UJ,:f':

: ;. Ij1TXur.\·, " 'It I' tn lllUlIt4 hunNl uJ.: g ll l'lli 'n iol "I HJ'h,\'lflu \\'(Jrf' II nuh·\\'UI'· th .\· 1''-111111''''. :-i1t.:l1 ri fir lux ury tlHIIIY IIrt! 1111 t· \·,· I·." 11111111.

.1.'I·IIIII1I1 ),: UfI'Jl I4. Th"kluJ.! wlUl)II,. wh'I'j04 11IId ('11111'11"1111':01. 1'111", 1f4 nolo· 1'111111011 .\' 1"'(' \' 1111' 111 1111111." .

.J. I:tUH"IU'HlIIUIi 1i1l1· I·U'·!:I·. ,\ ncJ 11111)' 1If11 ,III' )j11l'1'lIl'~f' uf '''IIIIY h e 10 t,X · ","'" III Illl'Jrl'i, "XlIt'Hl'4lut-:' lI,.:, ·U In (I, II 111'lIfl''' !'ollfJl IIr rl'lIl-:lfln rur IW"lIlllllry ,.;ulli. "lIdul IIhil IIfllllh'ul IlfL'fcrlllf'llI; (:!) lI ~f' of t ill' pulpit 111111 fit till' III ln· IMlry fur ,IIHI,lul' uI1I1 IIfllllrll·I.,·. ,'\' ,'n (ur I I ... '11'f11 11l~U llfJn ,,1 (UIKt' ti"l'II'llh!; (:I) IIllilitlJ., wllh tl,c l'hurl'h, n ltl ·lul· lUG Ih t.., l'ullllllunlulI , HO Uti IV '·f)\·t·r till tic,·r.' I ' .,11114; ( ·1) I III! tlHe fit lilt.: W.,rll lit {Jull lu U-h·.! Jlfllm 10 It Juke: (:i) tit!· n),lnN Ihul .11(' UII,le 111 uUlr .. Will'll, 11I" I:I u l! II II Ja,,"k u( l·rrt'rI. 1",-filK lilld

)f'J.:', ·wl ,,; (U) ,.nl·(·rITl~ ut II ... VII·J.:'J n I, il ili . 1"'IIUlIIII111I~ ( ' hrIHI 'H ill'lll' 11111 1 Kc ItIIlW I.,clfll' IJiH \,h'lIrllluM 111111"'1111'111.

Ii . ",.unlum (.'lIr'HhmIH. 'j1,(: ilund· wrltlnJ.:' Itf un 'Ill' Willi . tJud will nol "llIlun' IIIIH flll'I'\'I' r; 1IIH JIHI UUlenl Klln )1 full. ('"nliit lunM In lh t: worl,1 ImJll'lIt c lliul lilt' lltlU:~ I. flrliwlulC lieu I '. Art ,)'uu r"ad),?


Say It With Flowen Prelh-cut Plowera aDd 80taqueta

W C Ipcclalbe in PuDer" Emblems

brouliht .OU I no. oaly . tbe townlpeople but l any more b'0l5 willing 10W)i10II

report lurroundtn. eouatry people In enJor lhe to LaWlon Stecdlc or alter Arm. .llht, and many word .. nf I)rah,e .have bu.n sirong. al Ih e Riverlon P051 office. CXJlr~u b, a' people w!ndinlll Ih~lr The Riverton fleel Will leave Riv.

:::~:'ll a~:~r ~:~a I:!~eelti.:'~ -;:~r ~::~C~I:: c~ton wharf towinK Ihe doriu ~nd I wh, aU tbi .. talk about a foreilCu ,"horc ele' lulou bel ween noon and twelve·tlllrl y

Wllllt w~ f I'ul,) IIHI,lr(.· 10 "'" thltt III Ik/IIU' 1M'''''' w'" ure. 'rill' Illcrt: .. llllra· tlClD. Ii), dUlIlw:hlM' tilt: ffttUltt "lid .I,lrtf ot til., lulllll, tflr Iii .. IUUllltmt rt!Qllzei' UHeIf -)IJ·I:I . JUUltttiUlI,

W. L. BERRY D .............

no' QI"

lIIent comlp,1lo ruia our bank" on Saturday. WIlen J .. hited abe buk la,t Decol'lljon -----__ _

Da,. J louod a motl pc8uful C()Qdhiun nl aeain; a. it II.. ben 08 oceulon .... inee. Th.refore Avoid .... n Actl .....

EDWIN PARKER j:;~ •. 1 hu. lou.4 .0 need ..... I., poilu One /II'~at trouulb III dotol! a _ PaJmrra.1ti..n. I'IorIIt I hau heard lbat certaiu member, of Coun. I .Mloll '1 thut ),ou an' l"Ctmpelled ..

602 Parry Ave.. Palm,.. .. N. J. til are not .. tron .. for the old Pour.. . r. It 1un<'lultJ ".-Ith )'otlr,elt u(tpr""ard, U !'bODe RiYcrtoa 308-W DOl time: fnr tbna to drofl oat 0' th, piclU~C's : )'1111 , ..... 111 unh' hUI'" uUlhlmc tn do wttb

Opea Eftala.. I ~: r~:~:r:ha~~,:~~, 0:"::: :n~ ~~:! I • mOil \\ h" \~' IIt4 illi l lt .. "t ~uf'h melD-.. ------------_ ... wcr. IUppor1etl of aU old order;.lao a..rk. II('V I It 'll)' IIII 1>,' .t H'IIl!t •

Blndl Volum. of tho We.k. KU'Hh.) I~ Iht ~uhltu clulfl' thul

blJlll. lO~clht'.· tlu· \, .. IUIII.. ut thi week.-I~lugtclh.",·.

InJurl ... 8Uaht .h,ull luJurlc. untl Ih~, he­

com .. nunc ut ull.-Vulltu' .





THE NEW ERA WBBKLY NBWS for RlftftOn and Vicinity

Pabilihell eYer, Prlda, at

RIVERTON • . N. J. --....., ...... ..--....,.,-=-= ",.,.,....,....- t 'COIilllellm.'tIon Proceeclln .. to 8ec:are

0rCIIIIad for M_rIal Park Haft R_chell lupreme COlirt

Twent)'~nhIe Bntrin for "en'a Cham. plOlllhlp latanlq. Boroqb 0111.

cIaII Oaata of Yecbt Clllb

Advice is Cheap


Th. New Era I. devol.d 10 Ih. bll .i­nn. and h"m. inter •• to of Rh·trlon and Palmyra. Inde". of

polilieal or r.lIglou. b.llef--Ih. people' . ".p.r

sub •• rlr~i~dv~~~~ a ye.r

Adverllalnll rale. on appllcallon

Th. Nrw Era Office I •• qulpp.d 10 do .11 kinds of Fine Prlnthll al

r.a.onahl. prie .. L


p.per. Comml .. ion ... •• shorlll·. al'd olh.r 5.1 ... Admini .... lo .. • and E.· .eutor·. Advertl •• lnonlo . r •• olirhrd. Th. New F.ra will .ppr.elat. h.lnll rem.mher.d In '11110 eonn.ellon.

Notl .. All ... or loral nolie •• "f .n·

tertainments, supper.!'., da!1,!e ~. etc., Riven for the purpose nf ralSlnR' mon"·. or for which admi •• ion I. el •• rl.d •. will h. ch.rg.1I for al Ih. ral' of filleen A lin • .

Deacon Morrill

___ ._-,':'1

Tht only w.y mo. 1 0' ..... can ever repay the drhl we owe 10 our Jla~ . n," i 10 pilI our .hll·

drr:n under a~ ,.;reat a deht ,to 11 M, , to Ihe l,a' l are ,.aid only 10 the fulure.

"PIRBWORKS" It has rome: 10 the attention of Ihe

Fourth or luly cOllltnittre thai the polire drparllmmt i!'l hrin..: for nol havill J: fin"work !to on the Fourth, and a.; d,a irmMn, I would lik e 10 .. Ial e that thi li matt .. r was de­rid.d <01.1~· hl' th. Fourth of ,uly committee.

G. R EX SHOWELL. Chairman.

Riverton SUrYey'" for Free Mail DeJiftrY

On Monday. W. C. IIrinllham. from the Postal Ins pector'M Oi"i :ol ion in Phil.d.II,hi;a. vi.iled Riv.rlon and wenl over the !'itttiltion with a \·jew 10 t"slahlishinJ,: frcemail delh'cry here. Tll r lown waN IRid ollt ' in Iwo roule o.: . onC! eas t of .hl'! r .. ilroad and one " ' 1: ... 1. and two ctrlh'c ri es ... Iay .are ro',lempialed, Ihe one in th e mornin J.! bcin" ("omlJlelcd hy eldlcn o'clock. r':vcr\, hou!4e in Ihe boroll~h will he servr:&

It ili Ihe '''Irntion of thr del,arl " men. to !lta rl wilh I wo. carrit.r~ and add a Ihird one if the l'arc~1 I,OSI hllsinc!toli .Iemamls il. Each carrier will ' cov .. r ri~hl milrs a clav. Mr. 8rin.:ham l'Oaid ,hal he wOllld rrl,orl Ihe mallcr fn\'orabh' and it il" .,rob­ahle Ihal ;1 clrl'i edol1 will be reachcd h\· Ihr ,frl ,a r'lIIrnl wilhin Ih., next Irn dav:- or Iwo werk!'. and if the ~ervicr ' i!' in li tal1rd thr: deliverie~ will !'" t.ul ahnllt Ih,· firs l of O r lohcr. ,

In makinJ,: hi~ canvass of the town. Mr. IhinKha ... wa" ilUflrt"",.cd by the numhrr of ncw bOU!I'e5 brin" built anel Ka id thai in his o,Jinion that for ils "be Rivcrlon wa!' !'howinf.( man " clivilv in home IHlildin..: Ihan allY lawn fie had visih'" in a lonlo: while.

Mis~ ,Iulia Cooke i ~ 'Illite ill. 105('I,h lo\·cr. and llick Wanger, of

Ri·verlon • . ;a nd Richard GrOtm, Calvin Roal and Mr. Torr),. of I'al", ), ra. who are all a motor trip 10 California, have ~topped near Chapman. Kafl ~ils, 10 \York on a farl11,

M ~!~sT~~li:rl,;~ ';~:.~r·:~d R~i~~OII~di:~ I.inton, of Moons lown, sailrd from Nn. York on .Iuly 4th on Ih. "A.,ni. la nia" for an cx,cndrd 10llr ahroad. They will \'i sil France. Swilzrrlaml. Oavaria (",hne Ihe~1 will aflend lilt" Pa,.sion Plav al O hrramrnrrlla n), Holland. nrl,,'ium and "n"l.nrl. When in Franre and HriJ;iulII 10llrs will be mad. bv a.llolllohil •• to th. bAilie· fi.ld . 0·' the we. t.rn fronl of th. \\'orld war. ~fi.. lIerlha L. sIO\'rr, who formerl y tauloth. in the Friends School in Moores town, is conduct inK Ihe I'arl~' . which ha", a 10lal of nine membd·~ .

A SIltUIl1(, r "'fhool hil ~ brrl1 alIened in We-stlicld in Ihe colored tirhonl hy Ihe American Cnuncil for I-IOIl1t" Missio l1 ~, nr New York City, for Ihr •• r. of th e rhildr.n 0' Ihe Itali.n I,ick('r ~ in Ihi" ,.('ctioll. 'rhe tooehool 0l'. n.d Ihe fir. 1 w •• k In l .. ly .nd will clo~r Ihe 1-. ,;. wrck in AUKIIII. Any donal ion,. of jr lly . rict"i maca roni or milk will he very mueh al"".rial.d by Mi •• !laphne Condon. of Ma ... · rhll lit" It K, and MilS n e rtha Vogel , of I ndlan.. who are In charll' of Ih. mi .. ion. Ther. are now nln. kiddl .. a llenllin" . of whom Iwo are Infanu. but iI i. antidp ... d Ih.1 .1 l fif­t •• n ehild .. n will be in allendanee by Ihe fir . t of Ih. w •• k.

On T .... d.y Offierr Oni"l.y. who i /O Inra l re"ft"Kentati\'c 01 the Count)' S. I'. C. A .• was .all.d 10 I'al".yr. by I,.rlir. who had wiln .... d Rallranl abu •• of a I.air of lIIul •• btinll work.d on Ih, n.", road ronl lru.llon on Cin· nalnin. on av.nur. AccordinK 10 Iho •• IIvlnll in Ihe vielnily 10 .... ' Ilallan.

~nu1e:o~r.;t...~~n Ih: ..... n~·~~~~. II~~ diu Inlerf.r.d. ~vld.nIIY her r.mon -Irance had it all •• I. for hv Ih. liln' Ihr olli •• r .rriv.d II" .ib... had olopp.d. \Juigley. bown.r. look Ihe name of Ih. ....n impllcal.d and warn.d Ih .... Ihal If Ih.}11 Ir.almul was repealed Ih.-1 woulu be imn.edl· alely arr. I.d. Th. m.n lave . Ihelr name a C.orle And.rlOn and Charle. Ha Ilnl"

At The Lawn H_ Ui • Lellah Helknal" of Plodda. I.

. Iaying whh h.r brolh ... U. P. Bel. kn~J>.

ill I lIaum. of I·hlladelphla. wa. Ih. ho I. al Ihe ladl .. ' bridge parly W.dn.ada)' mornlnll.

at ... Dale B. PIII.r and ehlldrea. and h.r molh.r. Inolored to Ihe While Uoilnlaln. I. I Thuraday. where Ih.y will .pend a moalh.

Ur. aad Ur . ..... more, of Johnl· ville, I'L. were lueat. of friend •• 1 lb. &.a.a HOIl,e oa Tueada),.

T. E. Blake. from the Pacific CoaII. and a partlclpanl In SalurUy·. race. I a pel t bere. - .----

·01'11 a- GIft ........ Glflo Unuaual. 701 TbOlllN ." .... .l IUnrtN. Cant .. "I. coven .1 10'1:50

elll~recI _ ........ SOc nlrL Wool aweat'",'J.75. 81111 oweal .. 1'75 to '"

!atbualaana II ~I, .... ,.... part. I, CllCrp aad 1ioII' ..... 1I1

BIl, It at H_I Mr. and Mr •. Henry A. hhllrner are

al B.~· Head. . H. C. Worrell ~,",nl la. 1 weekend

In Allanl le Cley. "m • • B. H. n nn. 'r .• h .. "lIrchued

a Mr" tourin" (:ar. MI ., Emma And Ad. Price are

" ,r nrlln~ Iwn wrrko al Lavall.llr. MI •• I.OIl18A Be.k. r wa' Ih. 1111 •• 1 'rl.nd. In N.w Vork Ihl. werk.

He"linll' 1.1""lneoll and 'amily Are al Burk Hili FAil. for Ihe . un.n •• r.

Ceo rile· M. Harrl. and fAmily hay. 1I0ne I" <':a". May for Ihe . .. mmer.

Mr. anrl M ... Charle, M. ",rldlr. ,r .• and fAmily Ar. al B ... k Hill F.II •.

Mr . • nd ~fr •. BmJAmin M."hlh'lI Ar. at Marhlehead. M..... for Ihe ~tlmm"r.

CArl Wallin and 'amily ar' ' r,end . Inll Ihe . lIlnmer al F.arly H. IIhl •• MArylAnd.

Lo .. l. Corner. Jr.. and Edward 7.1. ak were fi . hlnll al Cor. on·. Inl.1 on W.dn .. day. . Mro. C. H. Wh •• I.r. 0' N.w 8run.· wlek. i. vl,illnll h.r "arenl •• Mr. And Mn . O. H. Malll •.

Mi.. EI.Anor MAury. of Minerai W.II •• Texa •• I. Ih. 11 .... 1 of h.r allnl. loin. L. R .Car".nler.

&lIs. Linda Clau and MI •• .10.' ."hin.slellwallon are . ".ndinll a (orl· ni~hl al OeeAn Cill·. .

MI •• CeceliA Beeker . ".nl laol W.d· ne. dAY a. Ihe IIlIe.1 of her .1.ler. Mr •. mm.r "rillht. al Pilman.

loin. Rob. rl Cole and children will 110 10 Wildwood salUrd.y Ihey will . p. nd •• veral w •• ko.

MI.. Rina Kehr. of 5508 Walnlll , t rert. Phlllldelphla. I. openrlinR OOln. lime wilh Mro. ~. A. PI"mly.

Mr. and Mro. Paul "arnhardl are rnlertaininJ,! hi ", mOlhrr. M'fI, C. R. Barnhardt. 0' · ~ .. lIIvan. Illinoi •.

Mr. and Mr •. L .. lh.r R. T .. rner lefl Tlle~day to :-orend the ,mll1m,., at .loy. III .• Ih. hom. of Mr •. T .. rn.r.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Pall ... on. who hay. b.en , pendlnR a week al "The Pines." ,"'!ldwood. have returned home.

Thomas Karin". of Bo. lon. I. .,,.ndin~ hi. va.alion al Ih. hOln' 0' hi. " •• Mr. and loin . .lAm", J . Karim' . .

Mr. a"d Mr>. M. sonth';mer and dallghler. Miss Cathl'rint". are "' rend­inJ: !Oomrlirne with relalh't's in Con ­nccticllt .

Mi .. Faith. Nath.n and Riddl. FiI· ler Irfl Riv~rton this week to join th tl ir (larcnt s who recently moved to \V~' nl1 c wood .

C. ". Durborow and family ' left for Ihdr (OUaRe al lJeach Haven on Wednesday to r.main Ihe h.lan •• 0' Ihe !'\ummer.

Mr. and Mr •. E. W. St •• dl • • 0' Nt"wark. IJr.I.. wt"re the "nt"~u of hi,; part"lIt!li. Mr. anrt Mrs. Morris Sleedlt". !'l r.\·crOlI day" la !'l t week.

M· ... C. H . Harll.y a"d d.UKht ... . Merle and · I~loi!Ce. have returned fro 111 an cxlcnded visit wilh relative !C and fri.nd . in Ma .. aehus.II •.

IJurlington Counly Firemcntf' AHso ­riation will hold it " next meelinl{ at Ma!lionville on Wrdncsday e\·ellll1,:. .I"I~· I'lth. at .;':ht o·clork.

Tllr 1.aurion AfJartl1lc nl !to. OIl Bank iI\·t.nur and Lippin,:ott , art" now read.\· for occupanrv and three familir '" froll1 Ihe \VCliO l are (llanninJ; 10 move in !'loon.

lohn And ... on. the a".d .. ncl. 0' \Villi.m II. Hi. ho". with whom he i. makinJ; his home. !'I uffercd a s lroke la tt l ThllrS(hl~· . a nd i!i in a !lierioill" COI1 -dition.

Fraur i!. .I . Zi~ak. who IIns:!erwcnl an oJl("ration at the Samaritan ho~pital hl !to ' week, ~ ... recoverin~ nice ly and it i. u p.ct.d Ih.t h. w.1I b. hOln' in ahonl two wer.ks.

Clarence Tllcker, " 'ho alwaY!i look an active pari in Riverlon'" Fourlh of ,uly evenl •• h • • a 1.lIer in ·Ihi. i ~!iue. cXl.reu inJ{ hi!' 011 inion of Ihis year's celebration.

Frank C. B.l l. Sr .• r.lurnell hom. 'rom Ihe Lankcn. u HO. pital. Phila· d-:lllhia, on Saturday. HI!' condition if' vcr,' nlllfh improvcd and iI is hoped Ihat he will 500n he ahoul allain.

Mr. Ithd Mr •. S. A. Plumly were "u. I. of Ihe Rev. Oliv.r C. AI'"ar and wife. of K'ean.bur" •. N. I.. Thur. · day . nd Friday of I~ .. weele. rnakin" th. Irip in Ih ... n.w Duranl Sedan.

Th. deliv.rf wagon of Ih. Am.ri· can ".preso Comp"ny was olru.k by a Irolley .ar in W •• I Palmyra la.1 Monday morning. No damalle was don. "" b.ndlnll Ihe axl. on Ih. wagon. .

Through an ov ... lghl Ih. name. of Leon Sloan and Ployd Smllh were omilled from Ih. II l i of winn.r. In Ihe FOllrlh of July .venI8. publliohed in our la.1 i •• ue. Leon 1101 fi n l place in Ih. lOO-yard dash for Junior. and Floyd came In .«ond.

AI Ih. m •• llnll 0' Ih. "orouRh C" .. n.1I Th .. rsday cv.nln". H, H. "' .. rray. ehalrmon of Ih. eomnlillet hAvlnll In .lIarge Ihe .o .. demnallon "ro ... dlnll. AUlllorl •• d hy Counell 'evcral month!i AgO in ordt"r to sctllrf' A "orllon of the Dre .... roperly 10 hr r on\'r rl ed into a m r morta l park, rr,'orl.d Ihat h~ had be.n Advi . • d b~' '"oroIlRh Allorn.y William T. IhAI III lice Kall. h. 0' th. N.w ' er. . "y Supr.lne COllrt. h~d RrAnted an order for a hcarinJ:, hut that owinN to "he pre.. of olher hn .ln... In Ih" eonrt. iI wo .. ld not h. po •• lbl. 10 take the rna ttcr up IIntii a ft~r the "Ulnmer ...... whieh tart . d July 5.

Th. hl. ton· of Ih •• fTort '0 secure thi. plot 0' ti ron"d for park p,,,post. i. hri.Av Ihi., Fit, t it was Ihoullht it mlRhi h. po •• ihl. 10 oblain II hy direci IJll rcha"c from the heir!'! , and .. everal monlh!' wc re ~rcnt by the horou",h attorney", in communicating with the varioll Orecr hei~. who are .eallered ,,"II~' llIu.h All ov.r Ihe ~Iohe. Wh.n th.y had all bern • eaeh.d wilh a propo. hion uhmill . d by the allornevs, off"rin" to hny, and !'I ta tin.: thAt a' refu!iRI 10 !'Iell would re!Ul h in condctnnation fJrorccding!'l, th. an. wer wa. a AAt 10 •• 11

fOTI::r~o~~lt~n~t~~~ ~~ aC!n~~~fCilavl nR the mallerinrharRcwR !I. and a new cOl11mitlrc appointed eharR.II wilh Ihe work of In. titullnll eond.mnalion proreedlnR" Th. InAny and vari.d "e" . n.e ••• ary 10 h. lak.n before ap"licAtion 'or a h.arlnll .0 .. ld he IlIAlie 10 Ihe .ourl have finally he.n lak.n. Th. applicali"n hA. h.en InAd. and Ihc ord~r IIranled. An .f· forI will he mAde 10 11.1 A h.arinR o. . oon a. po .. ihl. afl .. Ih. eOllrl re­. um .. o"eralion. in th. fAil .

Conuritman Oavh., rhairman of thr hh:hwa\' cotnnlilltt". rcportrd Ih AI he hart a rn,nflcd to IUlYe the corne'r rnnl1drrl OIl Ilroa" .nul Main ,. lr('l'l,. hul thnt thr wnrk w;:p. hl'in ~ hrld III' h\' t(l f' farl Ihat 11Ir Puhlic !'rrvirr had nol 1110\' ('d Ihr I,olr on Ih l.' corn('r. which wnul.. he in tlar !'I t r('('1 after thr inillrovrlllrnt h;ul hr"f1 IlInd". ~fr, nav; !'! WR!'I advi ~('d 10 .,rore·ed with hi~ part of Ihr "'ork as soon a s he was ready. and thaI aftrr th . "ole was •• I .. ally on th. "uhlie hillhway. it would have to be taken cnre of at once.

Mr. navis also rCllorlrel that many of I"t" r(' !iidrnl !' of Main s lrrel. And Ol,"vrral on 1-4ipfJinroll .wC'mlf' had ill ­rcad\, arran ~c" 10 h;" 'r tlwir curh!' cons·truelrd. and liOll1r of If", \york

\\' "21ti:::'~:'I'~I;~(~c r~:~i~~" rI ' l,o rlr d 111,· tnallrr l' whir" h;1I1 UO IW hi' fore' hi !to flcl'arttt1eni durin .L: II ... . I.a .. , month. inrllld;n): automohile arridrnls. ar­rr!'I". clc,

1\ , H . RmMllrk, of r;.hn ~· ra. who i!'l tfev.rlo'linJ: a trac t "I SrrOl1d !i' t anrl Folm R\'rnl1('. app('ar"i:l Council 10 di Rrns ~ a prnhlrfll or (·ra.:r. watrr and ~a~ . In order to flrovidr fir .. l)fOlrelio" Ihr rhairll1an nf thr firr OInd watrr committee hael ordered Ihr 10cOI lion of a hvdranl ncnr ~('rnnd and Rim. ami M r~ Rud­,1uck wa~ "h·c .. to IIndc rlOlRnrt Ihal when IIU' ('omplelio" of h i ~ hon !ll (, ~ ancl thrir OCflll,,, nr ), d (' lIIandrd a Jla,. " If(~ rl liJ,:hl it would hr plarrd thrrr: Mr, Rudduck prnpo!<lr~ In h.we livr hOli filCS .. ndrr wa y hrforc (all: Work ha,. alrcadv hr(,11 start t'd all one of Ihr m. ' . .

On ;ul"ic,' of tllr horOllJ,:h aIlOrl1l' ~' Ihr ~cwrr co.illl1i1h·(' ,:: rotnlr,1 I'rrmi,.­..ion 10 I. Br"k Tvlrr 10 hili'" a .. ewrr tn draiti hi ~ ~wi"nnilt J.! lank hun thr "cwrr "y,. 'rf1J or II,,· horoll a.: 1r. Th .. ;u· tioll of 111(' ('ommilt r c w,,!to officia lly "onfi r ltll'd h\· COllnril.

Mr. na\' i ~ , "hair"",,, o f Iht' II"", .. ommit'rr, rrpnrlrd Ih" l IlI r "uhlir ~rrvirr wa s !'rt"kin,:: p"rrni !O ~ ion to urct pol(' ~ on lrippinrolt ;n-rnllr in orelrr 10 co lIl'pl ,. a rh'rr ha nk proprr­ty wilh ~rr'\' ir(', rlaimin J.! Ihal a (l ~ I,roac h ovrr I"h'a lr flrOl lrrl ir!" hatl 'Irrn rr.ful'It"rl. /\ " 1I&: t.:(:~ lioll w .... marl .. 11 ... 1 IIU' f1rnp .. rly in .I ...... tinn h.· r .... r .. f'.1 from II ... !to:WlI' 1'011' IIr"I "lip I.lif' :- C. C. MiII" r, .lIul'lhal Ihr wirr .. hI' rnn lIIulrr .:rnllllli frn lll Ihi ~ flair to thr .Ir o.;i r('d poinl. in orclt' r to avoiel • tama J,:r 10 Irrrc whirh wonld h(~ mutU .. 'ret if an air lin(' i .. rlln. The matr e r wa e;; re(t"rrrd hack to Mr. Da\' ie;;, with conren!lIlS or opinion of hi s ftllo\\' IIIcmhrrl' of Counril that no pair. !iholild he cr(,l"lcci on thf' (lrincipal ~ lrre l ~ . anrl Ihnl C\f",,' prf' · caulion ~ hollid he lak .. n 10 prcficrve Iltr ,.h .. clr In'Cl" from injury. Th~ 'oll" "'iu)l hil' .; "rIC., " I,lcn'll IlaM :

J .. hn "'r llntl~r. Rraver l"a l. jui ul . e(' l. U~(o..'in J. W . rax "<)n A: Co., .. foi l' , \ 5 R. fl . t·leUalllt. rrl"i"., I. i.h.·a,.· ... etc. -I .\" .MO O R" .. n II, Matt i., haulinll .:r .. vel . I· .. blle ~rwlce, ~'rcel lia ... in" .. .. Wm." q l.ry I I11n .................. .

Wm. Oul.ley. rlill'. meal"-II. t ienl " Waitti' Nillu ... alary, I n1fJ......... . ..... 100.00 W.htr Willer, UI', Ine. I.-I' •• ienl" ... . Camden Sior. Oat. Cn., b. l. W.n .... br a Orll.n. 2 unifnrm" ...... 111.00 C. B. W ool •• on. auto . ul,plie • • etc.. ...... 72.05 John Carhart. "reelal oftieer .... _.. 16.00 Joha wanar co • • reelal officer ............ .. .. U. S. Rubbe r Co. ,)00 ft ho~...... . .. :ttftdle. ' Ona.e. . upplie" ..... . ......... _ .. . C. 8 . Wonl.tnn. I\Ipplle" ......... _ ......... . W.ller I.. DoWell. prJntln. a nd I,uh. ( ' innaminson Nalinnal nank. int. Inan J . !l Cullin • • Snn • • hear~. Shade "freco R , II. C'lco11. nd . fabor. e l(',. ~hade " I PO\lnh of Jul, C.lebra.lon

Rene A Mit~hrn ,'tL.. Atn n:t." n. Re. ShuWl'lI, ttll"" . .... 1' W. O. lrnth. IMnd .nd mil"" Waltci I .. ttoWC'I1 . 1"lnlin" .... ' .mt. n .mmnad. fec - . ,lftCh. ._ Mr •. J. U. (·f.r". ",I". bab)' ('f,aclte io 14. S. lUnd A Scm' I lu; re a lh. rnnb , 61 .:5

And the Overhead "Art \'011 "lire yon have "ho\\'n III('

a ll Ih .. prinri(,a l ,Iar." of thi" car?" . , krd the proJi ptclh'" purchalcr,

""c. madam, a ll the main ont"'" r . ... rn.d lb. dral ...

t i:~C"I~OI,~I.C~~ld'~~~(' t~:a:h~.~e~~:cd:i 'he billll •• 1 Ihin~. ..


\VIe,n the c.nnOli ... ,. forth it, .. a .. " 'rom the dedi 'of the .... llIlp or the )tJ"trtOft

Yach t Club IIftI ne.1 SItUI'd.,. . fiemoon . t J o'dollc, there will dlv. from Rue . Irte' wur', Phllad,'phla. a t Inat tw",t rotl.h t ot the hell dilitance .wimmer. In Ihe trnited State •• which of c:nune mean. the world. The race will be de. per."tr frotu ata rt In finlah, a. to til. laan whn 1i,.1 ft .. het .1'0" the finl.h Un. will ." the l al"une hunon of the . wlmmlnr world.

Thl, m."e. 'he fi'th conaecull "e re.r Ih l. N.l lonal chll"",I.,n"hll' ha come to Rlnrton. In 191 8 the mo.t bitter bAilie 0' .U .. a. waaed over the cla .. lc ten .mlle couu, when ben G.lble, the hu.ler New York A. C. enlry, cro,,~ Ih line in J .DI :20 aher a neck and neck · race the r nlire way wllh Y.tnle Sorp, the rhUade'l .hla . tar. • In 1919 Fou"'" T. Bolden, of the Greal I.alce. NaYaI Tnlnln. Station, and haUln. from Hew Or'ean. , tOGk thert'Wlmmin. br • complete .urpri .. br , .Implr lorlnl with • he milht r Norman Rn ••• the .Ianl Schroth of _unny CaUfornt.,. Krueler. of 1I0nolulu, 1I0, ' fl rd. fI' I'ordand. Orel, Kerrr, the Can • . dian ('hamf,iun. and m. ny other famed "Ian. You"" DoldcoJi. b), winnlnr in 1.59.111. or in time under Iwo haura, hun , u p Ihe record for the couu e. .

In 1920 Dnlden a •• la led Ihe field, fini .hlar in 'he' Alower lillie of 2.09,".

l..all rear Dolden. for a th ird t ime. pra"ed himself the fa . le. . ten·miler In 'he aqu.tic world br alaia leadla. the field, lIowewer, Bolden, b, refu . lar '0 wtar hi" .wlmmill. »ull. wa. diMJuaUfied. the race loill, 10 the ,oulhlul lion 01 Brook',. I. 2.1Z :l5.

Thi. rear Ibe race promi ... In be harder luu.hI Ih.n ever. Fred Cadr. Ihe old Phila . del"hla .wlmmln. COAch. now .1 the l .os An.ele. Athletic Club. ha. 1m' In' hil be.t bet. Thom •• Yo. Blalce. uf Pacific coa.1 'amr. Blake .rrived Tuescla, nllht and t •• tayin, . t the home of C. B. Durborow. who i. in char" of lhe race, and b pracliein. daUr in Ihe Cady h •• wrillen Durborow, I,,·edictln. thai Dfalce will win the ' r.ce. lie i. Ihe bel t man he ewer .. w •• Im In a 411,. tance race. Blalce ha. brohn .11 Ihe di "' ance

~;;;"t: t~n n!::r~;:~f ::ad!e:~n~o:~:r~yn~~':~ wilh Il lnt the ."Id mr.I .1. IIc b a dcan.cul. "'Iurd )' roun. nlan flf III • .and hi, ..oul worrr hi fur luI' Dolden will nul enler, lie I. mu~t anxlou" to mre:1 Ihe IlIinui. Athletic Club wizard. .nd i. confid~nt lie a n I. lcc hl l mea. ure. If a ulden i .. entered ••• j~ I. ex· It«:.rd he will. Ihen a new f"t:cord i. alnlu. 1 .:erlal n to be crraled.

De. idu · theae . t.ra will hr the enlire pick

r: "~~di:~ ·~:':r ¥';;:rlii:: a~~:~d·.n~c';iI~d:t Ilhia h .. enlered her be l t lalenL Manr d ark •• ar. art enlered .. and it would nnl lit liur. rri.llI, III .ee ,one ot .he un"IIOWI!Ii .leall for. ward •• d mah t rnuble fnr .11 II1c _tar".

The: · .ce will start frnm Race . Irnl .. harf. l'hil:ultilihia. a. J .,'doc". The City IJoliee ooat" will I.atrnl the r.ourJoC and 1111: raC'(' a l. lowed 10 Ii ' a rt frohl Ille I.ier III Race _trrel, The Ri"erlon. Corilllhi.n, Keyatune .nd . -; illnminR '~achl C.' luhA will .11 H nd

In .:arry Ihc "Rid.I". Ihe I'u n. n~uea to Ih i" I:tealeJil I u l 111 raer ".

fl f ' ur·mer Commodnre R . • f . lfdl.,.in Iliddle. Cconrae W .

anci Maurice (,. Dclk,.al' will rtll· re. ent Rlverlon Vaeht Cluh. A flee. from Ihe Kerlltune will hr huoled hr Ihe (to"" er .:rah "r 'nnner Cummodflre Cullcod.c and IlfCJent Commodore Jnnlan. "fhe Wi""ln.."n ­inll and , Cnriflthian will al lo , ha"e a !'fladron In "I"umt Ihln . . Commodore William II. Rower, of the Ri"erlon Yachl Club. will he in command "' the a1licd fI~cot .

('. n. Uurhornw. vice rrel lden. n' Ihe Mid. ,lie Atlant ic Auoc iallon. of th~ A. A. P .• anci chairman of the IIwimminr commillrc of Ihe Riverton Y acht Club will I~ in ' full charRr of the race and will ac . .. re'eree. Other offi. cial. will be I.nui. N. Gold . mlth . Genr.e Ki". tier. nr. J . K. Shell, lIerman C. Uryer. I.ulce J~ Smith and rreilideni Snrder 0' Ihe )tiddle Atlan.le • A. A. U.

I.oul. N. (: nldl'milh will hc darttI', .,hil .. "ulce J . Smith will he clerk of tile courAe Mild have char.e tlf Ihe . wlmnler •.

'~a~h .winuncor wilt wea , a lItunhC'f Ihal .. an he 1,lalnly ~con lUI Ihe h .. r l; 0 ' 'I i" balh ill A: "uil. t:aeh ~wimn,e" . ·iII .I,'in he furnidl".t with " rfJ .. bt,at a lld a pilol. In Ihe ho .. 1 will be d i"lll a)'rd a number to cOrre lll lN)nrl . ·ilh Iha. wnr n b)' "Ie . wi mmer.

"fhe finiah will be do" lhe Riverton Vach. Club. belween thC' whalf .1111 II )'achl an . chnr~d nul in mKblream. decbd with .the ('Iuh's emhlenul. Chaml1ion"h ill al)ld, ,.il ver and ' ,rollze medal" will be .ivttl tn Ihe three lillOl men. The nu l Ihree fi ni!ihefJi will II"

cciyco hal1,I:.oIl1t' !"ilver CUI'S, whila hl " U1CO u\C, I"I!'> . ' ill ItC' 1(1\'t'1I t it alf .fln liuilih Ihe lUll I: II I ind ill lime under J. JO.

' rllc: Rl vc:rt.lIt n" Iou.h nAielallt. hratLefl It)' )la rUl ~ilh,," I ~. Jlettllell will he .tue .. l .. 01 hllnrl, 01 11 Iha t . ~,(' .. .. i'lfI, a .. will llaynr lluo ,e. Mr. ('.IIc:U anll man)' IJfOfl1 illrnl a lld lIolrd Phil,ulel,lhi. "Aleial" .

'r.,i .. beinll' a N".i·mal l ·h.n11Iionahh, of I ' ,liled Siale Ihe Rive rtnn Y.cht Club " 'hart . '111 be Ibrown In Ihe public fin th il. IIcc. "inn. IIn,l .a banner crowd hom rhiladtl. I,IlIa . ,. eJCl lccl~d lu wt tne ... Il1 e hn ilih 0' the ch;llll l llfJ lI ~h i p c:venl. •

1 )1;111)' eft l '·I(' .. IIrc "liII eXI,cc lcod. bUI amoll" .h., .. c . Ir ... rt y in . a r .. :

1 ~ lUilld WiI,Uor"' el , to' lhe Ne.· ' -lItk A. l·. 1 ~ l l wa1t1 11. ·rhatcher. ,, ' Rueblinl, N. 1..

IIl1all llrlu'll. l'. R. "~hlclI 'rldl ... , tile Ked I)l;a.oll Canue

"Iut.. H' l'hUad(lrh ia . ' icor,;e C, C",nci. I " Ihe Rhrrloll \ 'lIch,

l'Juh. Will iam II . II. Tllu ... uf Ih~ l'tlilad~fl,hi.

S.·illlmiu. Club. Viclor .It. I.eulul. o f Ihe . thil. dell ,hia

S"' imnlillJ( Club. Juhn Wel'unl,.. uf tile l·hUallcoll ,hi. Swim.

min. Club. Jultn J. Na)'lur. of Ihe ='hanah.n l'a lhulic

('Iub. l'IIi1. ,lefl lllla. tlr. nc:ia t'. ('"Icom. n. uf Ihe SII .n.han l ·ath ·

IIlie Club. Philadtlphi • • .Mward II. TaUent, uf Ihe Sh.llahaA Calh u.

lic (' Iub, .'hil.delphi • . . Warren If. ~11f..,ner. u' J'hiladel"h ia. un • • · la('hed. . '

V.d .. a,,1 l .aIlR. " ' l'Uma'l Swi lllltllnK l " ub, 10' J', N, J .

Athe rl JI . II ft" .... n. uf the Aulne • ., Allllelie " "lIfciah ull. IIf A"lrnHrr. I'a.

'rh"nl'" 1':. Iliah. fI' f ••• " Ann ie Alhltlie t ·luh. I" f.o .. An.cole •• , ' allf.

, 'lla,ltll J . t ' ,.,.itr, "' ",unldrn. un.aUadll~d . t:d .. rel .... il:ealln,. u' the ' Oro)' ' ('Iub. o.

t\cow ' ·"r • • Victor fl . Klffe. uf Ihe l.·('u.r.1 Swin,"llil.

nub. ft' nrooldrn . f.nui" a. Jlf'rl .iR. 01 .be Cenlraf SWlmmlll.

Club. of Ihnok.ra. C. 8 . Nodine. 0' Ihe l ·cnll.l . :-i.lmmln, o. O,oollra.

Vincent Ja •• ,nI. ('01" , Ra ymund C, Po". N ... 47. AlII1eric •• I .... ion.

Albert leahl.n. 0' Hali"il r Calholic Club, loh. bica •• u' Na' iril,. ('alhnhc Cluh. J..a.rence J. \ ' olli. of Nativilr ".Ihullc

nub. 'lih. n'IJoaneli. 0'"h, Ca.hulic l ' .ub. Robert McCnol. of N.tJ"h, ca ... olic Club. hint. K. IIr.r,. of N.tJvh, CalhoUc Cluh. Zulla. Tubl •• , of M.lropuillaa A. soc'-llun

'2.7 S =. -=:'~ 01 o~ · ~.UB.U. 0; RI ....... YllCh. Club. - the ~ with ,'tIM A~:!,.,:!. ~I::;-:~:O,:...~:-=~ ~.:

lIttJ. red ~p bum .... haft .. It.. fI..tward Wan_. I "". MIft4... Cu, belli rec1aCe4 to ez,75. Othan RocdIa. lah .. l.ml_. WaIte, "dc'~. waC· .... for 1S.:14 and --~ .... SUIll.... II....... 'loa ..... '. IIIaleol. ,top .t TJi. ii_ .;:0";; 1 __ • IIIorrU llladt •• 01 .. , K.I .... wu,· and !lIAR JOIII' ~ Woo A .......... I_~ H,ltoto. B,,.,. III.r·

Por I ....... ce •• d ..... boat lea"nl ,our h_ In ....... er.

CheaPl-t0J,ou .nd to me. Th. coat.... read, been borne by othe ....

Don't leaye YOllr h_ with uAwa, for the ... mmer" or "A .. wa, for two week." written an oftr It. BIU'I"ro and .. eak &hleva look for lOch h_.

Don't let mall .nd ne_papers aeellmuJate In ,OIU' mall·boa or on the porch. Leaft. forward. Inl addlft8 with the po8tman .nd • ehanle of addraa with newapaper and mapdne pub. IIlhen. Aeeamulat ... mall I. a .Ipal of .. fet)' to tbe hOllIe. bn;aker.

Don't poll .all the .hadea all the wa, down. Gift the patrol­man on ,our &treet •• hance to "loOk lato thin .. " oeeulonany.I

Lock all the doo.. and win • dowL Lock. won't foil crimi. nal. but they will atop baJa .

Put your eolld aIIver. Jewel.,. .nd other Yaluablea In your .. f. depollt boa.

s.. If ,ollr bar,Ja., Inauranee polley ne .... an endoraement. It will be Inftllclat... If you .,0 .way for more than four montho without lettlnl a .. caney per· mit.

If you haft ,!e,Ieeted to buy burlJa., In.uraace till now. call Rlftrton I .. J.... I wID tell you the 'OIt of the beat burliary In· aurance poll.,. It will .Ilrprlle you-lt 10 eo amalll

All thl. II Important tbl. year. More burlJari ... re beln, .om· mltted now than eftr before.

Lindley C. Robbinl ,Olli.e in Finance Bldl.


SPRClAL PRICRS . on lnodo that .re .Iway. of Stanclard Quality I. our reuon for .. Irina YOIl' to favor u. with YOllr trade. •

The fonowinl .re only ~ f.w of the many barpln. we bav. lecured for' thi. week:

Fr~tone . Peaches SOc

larle carrier Lemonll 15c: a dozen Orangell 25c: a dozen

Belt J.rse, White Pol&toea

8ge ~ bullet

Phlla. Market House BrOlld and Garfield Avenue

Palmyra. N. J. 11. 11 Phone Hiv.rlo .. 187-w

"Where Qaallt)' Counta"


eon .. lninl Resorcin. Canthar· id ... Cap.ic:am. Boric AI· eohol and Perflltne. This .Ida In the remo .. 1 of clandraff and preftntion of the hair from fan. inl Ollt. The frequent fl.. of thi. preparation kee,", the .. alp in • health, condition.

Small Larle 60e , •• 00


606 Main Street. RlYerton

The Call of the Out-of-Doors

There'a .n invitation in , the fmh, c:ool breeze to take • apin Into the c:ountry.

Let ua give your Caf a thorough overhauling and greaaln, firat-put it in ahip­lhape c:ondition for • whole lummer of UK. Any re· pain made in the quic:kcat timo-caU ua for qulc:k. effi· cient Krvice of .ny kind on your car.

TAYLOR'S GARAGE B road and Pulton Streets

Riverton N. 1. Phone Riverton 506-w ~~=~===========~I ?'~:i.~~,:o-:rl,,:,::,cI'J~;.~~ - ..... II. Sof.... Yt ..................... O+ ...

JOHN EPPLE FI~E 8HOE __ ' ..... &.0 .. 1.&'.

CcIIIIaI ...... ............. 111 __

LAWN FESTIVAL ~t 8ac:red Bean Church

Of PaIm,... .and Riverton

Saturclay AfteraooIa .... E .... , July Z2 BROAD AND ELII AVENUE

PleAt)' of Good 11_ Auto Given Away

Breakfast Cereals ' for Hot Weather ,

Corn Flakes. Post Toasties , Shredded Wheat



11 Yzc Puffed Rice . t5c



COMPTON, The Better Grocer



l ·U RT~;J' IA:O'CII:t'l\l · 1\ lfo.

C"ne»I.." .. lerl' ''' Jllhn"' lft & lIi •• hl s

New \ 'nrk

S. " . Cor. 41h and Walnnl 510. Philad.lphia

"hone: Riurton II I and 6 I'hll. del"hla, I.ombard 20SS

~: ~ ~ 0 0 C ~ 0 Q Q 0010 0000000000 C , 00 0 Q 0 0 C-X--:-i

"If Winter Comes" And your heater and pipes are not In good r~Pdir there may be vexatioull delaYII in getting partll.

Why not have them lookeil over now and be lIare . .

We will inllpect your heating plant free of char!:e and tell you canilid\y whether or not anything ift needed:

We can rel'~ir any make or heater.

Wr are at your service. JU51 phone Riverton 201 ·J .


502 East Broact'Street. Riverton I· ... >.~.: ... ~.X-oM+l a II a auOD 0 11100000000000 110 a 0 01 _~.,... ... :.!

"Where your Money Buys the Belt"

Prime Ribs of Beef 2Sc' to 3Sc )Il.

Have you tried our

46c Butter? It is our best seller, and gives satisfaction to par-

ticular persons ' Beef Kidneys 15c' each Lamb Kidneys 3Sc ..dozen Legs Genuine Spring Lamb 48c Ib

T~e 'Riverton Meat Market w. N. MATTIS

Collins Building. Riverton Store. will cloa. at I p. m . on Wedneadaya during June.

July .nd Augult .


IJelicaleslJen,' I'rui(1l 4" V"get"bles '

WEEK-END SPECIALS Strictlr. Fresh {j:ggl, dozen........................ 4Sc Larl. S Ie J.r..,. Potafoea. Jarle baMet • 9x Oar Beat Coff... III SOc: Bnt Lard, III . • lie Larl' Jar PlaiD OUyea tte Iweet MIaecI PIckela. III SX T .... T.I.. ..,onaiae. bot. Dc Fr.1Ih Potato Chi,",. Will . - Ix Wrl' Jar Soar PIckell 2Ie Vu C .... p·. T_to SoaP. can te. S for _ Ix C~1lOt 01 .......... Rootbnr. Bar .. par ....... bot. Ix Jlllpomd awl. C ...... J6. . Dc PlQato C ........ , 'k C_O.......... Ik Tartu Cora Plallat. I ..... ___ Ik




[NTERESTINO NEWS BITS I . ::::tr In and around Palmyra I t -_II

Ba, k at Homel----:::- : 5 PC:> RT 5 I, =;~ U'''' ;I S; i1e, :c,:, SUlldllY ill A.-; - I hur." I'ark . I I

Mioses M,,,~are ' a",1 M.y Ilhade",' Delanco Breab Fi.ld Club'. Winnin, ~:;~n~'i~ itinJ.; II.lci r grandmolhe r at Plt - . Streak

Mr',. \" imam fl c rila l!c, of Anllllore, U, "U.II" Mathe" "

ra.'t ~I:~;~t '1'II~dflY with AI .. ~. Tholml~ th l~ h~e~~O'~o~III,~,~~~~:~ebt!~II;:;;r ,,~e II~:~~~ . • , . there •• 1," .Ithuu.h 'rom • J'.lm,r. "iew· \\' rs lol1 f~rifTc! t1ht·l'J! retllrned hallie IJOint "The SIJOile ..... mllhl be a h.Plller

on SlInday altcr s llenclillJ.: I hree wcek... chuice. in Nt'w York. AI lUI) IMe, rell'anlln .. uf the .elet!liun u'

Ihc mu",t Ile l'crilttlve litle we "'ere lahl l)t.ce· EDWIN LEES Mi s!'O N;,ol1li Cllrti.:-., of 'I'"cony, , :-.

., ,)cIlfHu5.: a few d;IYs n!' the gllest of Mis" nUlh Eiri ch .

N,,\,il1 Huchol y., who hns hec l! "i s it · iUJt hi " parent-. h en ', retllrncd '0 I'ilt .;· burgh , I':t ., on SUl1Ilay.

M "" . Willanl troll, or I'hil:ult' lphia ,

lS~!!. t \~.llCf~;~::t V:,\t,1 ~:~I~tl~IH.:-: lh'}' willt

At, .,. Tillie Siorick!' 1m" won two 10t !'O ;11 " rcc n Curvc 1"" ' if{IIIl'l , ')' rcn· lon, :1I1e1 pillns to ~cll Ih~m .

EIII1(' r JOl1t':4 and famil y rcturllcd this weck aftcr a two wrck~' vis it wilh his f,arent ", in "itl shllrgh .

'l'hi ~ lime 1 ..... 1 y('"r Ihr rOllllllilll'C (01' :trr;lIlt..:inJ.: ,III: "Old 1101111' nuy" ill Palmy ra hutl s larh'd it :-o. work.

Frc.1 nhu'kbttrn, \Villiam Fluck and ()~rar F. HIII l'ichlllan ilrc in Athllltic Cily for thc EII(:-o COlwcl1tiol1.

Misl'l Friu"es Jlls tice and ~Ias ter Brurf' ,fll s tire , o( Woodbllry, are \·isi l· iug Ih t ir illlnt , Mr!'l. M. J . Qllill11.

II . Chc!Hrr \Val !'lO Il, the black· !'! f11ith , b neJtotialill U for n 101 on Wes t Rroad streel all which 1'0 ('rcct a Sh01 •.

Mi •• Mahel Ada", ". of Wr.SI I'hila­delphi;I, i ~ spending several \Ycck:­with nr. and Mrs. Jal1tcl'l K Brown.

, ~fr!'o . J. T. Pricel o( Parry itV('nIlC, enl('rltlincd lH'r niec(', Mr:>. W. F. Sherlock, o( I'hihutrl"hia, iii !; ' wl·ck.

At r. ,wd M r:--. Cloil" Sn yd e r and (alllil\·, who vi .. i,,·.1 friend s in Oce';lI' City 'o\'c r lhe' FOllrlh. ha\'c n'llIrncd hOIll~ .

Iioury It. Slorit' k~ look ;1 trip 10 TrcnlOIl' SlInll;l\', ;,ccompunied by hi~ fittncc. Miss Kilty rrrahb, and his mother.

Bcginflin~ tu~x t week the nroadway Palae(' will have l'lho\Y!'o only thrce cvellillg~ it weck, Monelay , Friday and Salllrday.

"ani Ilamlrr i!i ~ IH' ndit1~ the ~1I111 · Iller ;at . (!i land IIt·i g- hI S, wh ere he is playitlJ.l, in Morrison':, orchCSlra at the Yarh' Clllb. .

Air. :lIul Mr:-. Batult·r .. Hnd Miss "Vin· ifrefl ilntl nolullfl Ballder will lea\'c SIIIIfI:ty 1II0rnil1": for a Iwo weeks' Slay at J.:,vclcttc.

A. F. H e nrick ... \\·ft !'! at '!\t!tUllic Cit y all wl:,·k atlcncliug' the ":Iks COlWell·

·lion., lie paradctl 'J'hur :'; llny with the Calmlt'n .... odJ,:'c.

M b .o; Ethel Cral1l~r and Mi!'l!'l Nor;t Cafl)CIIICr will Ira\'c' Salurday cvening for a \\ cck's al Uroadwal"r, Va:, Ali!' '' L'arpcnh'f'!'I home.

Mi... .. Alice \Vrh.:llt w;,,, ~h' l~ n a hirtl"I:,y parly Ihi !'> wrrk. C.1I('~ts wen' I,resenl ;rom f)t' lallco, O:\k Lane, and l~dJ.:t·wat (' r I'ark. .

~h. and Mrs. Howard W. Alloway. of 1'10 Hi~hltll1d .. venue, spenl lils t w('ckll"d as Ihe J.r1lcsts of friend s on Rivl· .. .. itlc Orin', Ncw York.

C~ot,,1 hradwflY i:" lH'illJ.: lII.ule wilh Ihc \\ "I'k 011 Cinnaminson ,,\'(' nIlC ;uIII the IIt'.t \'y'"'('rtlshC'.1 !'loll c formil1J.: the btl ~I' virillally ;,11 hecl1 laid.

Mr~. \V. II . Rr'-" :-o fonl and clall~hll' r, of .. no Ilt' lawan' a\'(·lIlIt·, Il'ft las t Fri· da}f for MOlllfl'al, Can., to visil Mrs. J. E. Mon,.;call, (ormerly o( r,lhnyra.

Mr. alld Mr,. ' Norris S. While. of TlowlnlHl !' In'c t, will accompany Mr, allli M r:-o. N. Moore , of J{h'erlon, 011 il fllotor lril' to Tr(,lIlon Saturday.

Tilt· i\mhlllan('(' Association has p:li,I ' oil $1511 Oil it s $75U not.. . 'I'he ~ofHl work 01 th e Itssocialion should brill ,: ill III;Hl l' 1II0re liberal contrihu· lioll ~.

Ne w wide conente crossin5,ts :lre h"ing hili It .lt Broad anti Mor~an ( "ollih sidd. ;,t Lin coln and Spring e;tr.l('n, and at \·Vashingtol1 ilnd Srv· ,' nIh s tree t.

I~(· \·. Dr. Phillip Volmcr has re· tllrllc:eI to hi!'> hallie ~1I Day tOil, Ohio, a(II' r s pl'nelifl~ :,ix week I" in \Vildwood ;ulfl !,:dmyra, with hi s d.wghtcr, Mr:o. F.1\ iu 1'0\\'('11.

~II' . alld M 1':-. . Clmrl,':-' Ei rich cn ­tl' ll tl illt'" hl' r II;tfl.' nt!'>, Mr. and Mr~. !", I1I1I1c1 Syphard, and he r brother .md .. i .. !t·t·. i" . IHw, Mr. and MrlO. r.arle Sy"lliIrd. o( I'hHOIcldl.lhia, during the Im:- t week .

'I'h,' I{c\·. C. \V. \VilB:tll1:' 011 Sun­d.,y 1II0rning will "roach on "Achicve· III e: II I of the \Vord," and in the eve· niug, "Michael Farad"lY'" Text." ' rld lO las t is one of Ihe I'lc rie; of favorite trx ts of (amous lIIen.

Willia", T . J. I'lIrIIell a",1 1"1111 H. l'owcr :ro: went fl shin),;: OIt J-'·ort el'lc llc on 'I'hllr,.clay of las t \f'eck, Ol S ~uc~ts of \\' ilhur C . SprinJ.:rr, o( Salem. The parl .\ of fl\'c c.Hl g ht 17R poulIIl~ of fi sh, inchuJiuf.{ a 45·110111111 drum.

Mr:-. Jo:-cph nunn, who n 'renlly re lurned frolll a Irip 10 Nrw "ork Cit \' , ha !ot (Ofllll·d a ,10'1'1 Clf'r~ hit, 01 hrr l;:adl!',' hair dre .lI;~i n~ c~lahlishll1ent, lin· der the na tlle of l1unll & (Junn. Mr~. Oun" 11t\ ~ all ad\·crti. elilent in thi s i ~M l e.

On '1Itmr!'!day a hcrlloon of litlOt wrrk thc ambulance lJroua;:ht ,'homa too Cri(· IrnbrlJ.:, .Ir . ~ hOIIl(, from the 'Ves t .I e r.,cy Ilo" l)llal, where he bad under .. Hone an olU'ra tioli (or alll~ndiciti!'l . Th" ambulance was dri\'cil by Mr. Melcher.

l.a. 1 w .. k The Weekly New •• of 1';,. 1111)' ra, ~Jlllrurcd as an ci"hl-pa},c I,a llcr, prinled on it !J own prell' in It s o\\'n ", hop. Thi s rnlrrpri!'ing puhlica· lion t' \' ide"tly propo~rll to keep (ully abrrast o( Ihe rapid Krowlh the lown is ma killg ,

Mr.. William McConllell . of I'arry avctllU', was brouKht hack froUl Ihe WOIII.II·, ColI."e Hosl. ;'al. of Phil-

~1~l!:~i::e!~~~d~e~~~~'i"1c'~~':ho~ .~~~ lIorn dro\'c Ihe Palmyra ambulance for 'he Iril"

The Rev. E. 1\. Robinion ha. cholrll (or hi " topic Sundax morninl( al the 1':I'",or,h Church • The JOY of Ihe i\n..::eh," a nd in the eve nin g hr will Ilrearh 011 "Th.¥e of Ihe Slaro." .'\1 the morning riervace Mrs. Elvin [,owell will oing. .

Mr. and Mn. J. E. Greenwall mOlored to Urar, Dtl. to viii. hi . . i,'rr. Uro. Moody. 011 Sunday. Th.y ..... olll<hl back wilh ,belli Anna and I'rallk .,oody and Hre.e Crow of Chr".r. P.a. came on Tu •• day. The cbildren will all . ' ay for Iwo w ......

f~lI y al reli l. Pur Ihe uninfurmed Ihe .I.ds· Chairman or Palmyra'. Fourth or !~rie:.e:hl~:o,~~.i:~!i»f~ N:y;~I,i::.::~~~: July Committee

II wa" the Ij n t ol'ltortunit, lor Ouff.lo The Fourth of July gencral corn· Nicholl' chrl{e. tu ylc. the ycn.tile offer. mittce, COntl)oscd o( representatives of !~~:, u:n~lI~en~~~~:"::;,rJ~:~\~U;h~~tI;~:"c:~: all the organization8 in town, met at hilled evidence 01 our nine hu.kiu would the Legion headquarters Monllay eve· I,r"we . uRieienl to conyict WI'. Prince 01 car. nin5,t to Hettie left over affairs of the ryinK cOllculed deadly curn. aboul hi" Iler. big cclebration. "" A, , .... " i •• Iden' ,hal" .,.e ob All bill. were paid .lId all alldhing ~r;ed ally in I,.rllcut.r, a. ia bor::e ubut b~ committee was arlpointed ns follows : the mule revel.llon. or lhe b..,x lM:ure. A. 5. King, chairman; Paul H. Pow· 0' cnUrAe Mr. Vol.a .nd Mr. ".c· cr~ and William H. Lindsay. The ~:II~~;":I"m~:j:l~b~~:~im~e::,r·~U~it:heu'ni::: committc~ voted to continue iuelf as wno! ,I",,, aUlI "tumlY .nd their evidencc could a permancnt 9rf.;';uJilalion, to arrangc hardly be considered more than cl rcum. lantlal. celebrations in the (uture, and will

Mr. I'rillce I" .n uperl ia lhe lIuhtle art' hold it sell 'iubject to the caU o( the .. f lhe double Crull. II', chid . lIIe t i, the ('hair. IItlllily tlJ thlnle 111' Tuud.y ide.. 011 Mon· Mr. Lees , chairman of thc /oteneral d.y murnlr,.... In nlher word. , while we were cOlilmittce tt.nd origin"Ior of' thi s "prurlln. Thnks.iyin.r .~rkc, Ifruy un ,?ur 'r,ear's relebration, publishc~ Ih e fol . ::;: i~i:d~/i::::.t~~~.~:i.~ r:~~:uw::t ~h:Pi~'::' owing letter o~ thanks : •

II ill mhchty di lcoun,.inIC alld a luw.dnwn May I la~e ,tIllS means of cXI).rc ~Hu ,,!g Il iecc ur bU llinelll for. m.n -Iu .ct ao con. the apflrl'Clatlon of the. committee. 10 trary .rnon,.. friend .. ¥.r. I'rlnce'. menl.1 charge of our comm~nlty celebratlo,n .,ruCC!lliea: arc ' on • I,ar With the deniEcn. or to those who so kindly gave their 'he ,wenlielh, "lid he h •• tlo pl.ce h e lp in making the day the success it Alllun" Iolwly IHHi l>C uor. of "Snub" J'01l.rd lIumt"th le!ll. We Itrql"Uie th.t he be yolcd oUI n { Ihe ('entral l.uHue All • menue tu the Iluedul mind. of the m.ny communities in. "'/I"erl.

'''he ".me WIt ~ II dbalJlHJintlUent ' Iu thOle wh" hudrlle .bove local hearth. tone o!. Seyen .. tral. hl "it!lurie .. had janed our ""u 10 a cherry red Klow. Reneath our nu"hed hide. la)' Ihe lUret belief th.t ~we were the can.ry'l cunlet coyer.

And then we were bum"ed into, in IIle lihaloc uf thill I'rinet. Of courllC we'ye "all expuiellce with roy.' thin •• bcft)fe, once hay jnK It Kin. 1m Ihird baH, • Duh behind Ihe b.t .nd .n ~.nd. l.kinA' II on a Saturd.y Knillht , "Ut th i. bird "lU. t hue altnm ... from tl1e br.nche" of the D'Art • .rnlin I.mily Iree. At an, r.te he waa Ihe DuuKln I'alrb.nks ul the 11th ere Iwil tera on Ihis 0( .

cuiun .nd 1I1.I{ed hi. f.rce ·comedy in leYer.1 reel. and quite. fe. hop~, .ith P.lmyra duro inK the ·reelln • • nd the b.1I the. hopping.

Of cuuuc hop •• while we think IIf it, .rc closely allied .ith r«lIn •• e'peclaUy un S.tur· day niRhls 01 Ihe .0ldeD put, but All Ihit t"'Pllen. to be a b •• eball ,tory .nd nut .n ar· ticle nil ,Imhibilion. we'll not d.ell on INch heart.relllliuf( ... alntde. . Lei UII relal'le into vrue~r wurlie. Ollr oil' wreckin' crew, 'Iill !lad 10 relale 'r .. "k a ",ril' 1111 their b.ttl .",1 rolled 1111 to Ihe

-1,late While their browl! they did knil And their tecth lilt, did clench 'Twa!! hut three healthy IIwhtCS And a lieal on the bench. I'ur Ihe bat. ",.de ('I' wood .nd the bal"

made of lcather Ami the bloomln' itlea ill 10 lIel Ihem tl'Kelher. nul y"u CIIn't do a dam thin" when )'uu take

" Innk, i\",1 o;wi nK al • ~tr.i .. hl ball and lin,1 ii'. a

hQl,le ! There Will r:cally nnly line inninlt whcn the

e"citctllellt W"1i illten"e aft they .. y II ' tile tir· CUli, . ml Ihat wa. the fourlh. A marathon ft' ('feellY thlnKI1 tiP the Iplne indiutcd the ,I:i)'chnln.ic.t period nf "rennRe." \Ve were 1"'0 run" min ull nf a b.l.nced . heet and one victim In Ihe munrue when Joe Stack bUlted thirty·three and onc·third of our hih th", p

1hc immedi.te yidnit, 0' tbird bue. J,oc then dec hied to llrnmnte the of the cunteal b, •• UnpiUlf 10 ucnnd. lnd , whea the dluck went aa wide ••• polltici.n·, pledt(u he de· 1)IIIIitcd hil care ... · on tbe Ihlrd nOleh.

Then . tiode to Ihe plale th,e ami.hle ,"lund. alCc of l.rrupinlC Larry Poll. , n 'inwinlJ a wided mllee .nd radlatinK yibr.tion," "I cunfi· dence. Priuce apparentl, ,I ... cd J'Utili inten·

. tionally but Ihe rilk he .ftllumtd ill hnin" two 011 wa. nol jUl tifird b, J.ur)'·" lIubJie. fltlent I'erfurm.nce" with the Clut.. Thill hrntll(ht til' nuddie "htt.ewli whn ha ll Men ,,:' ,I n~ "" ..: oml u, I.te anll 'he 'an ll ,11 their mindli fnr .11 jJ4lrtli It' lnelll.1 hoctu~ II000UI tit. I woulrl NrYe a. a IIIU lllllan for a b."t: hit, hut I .lIdy I,uek atld the In.lfY friend" " , Sir Oliyu Lod.e ••• illlcd nol in Ihe " 'Vee (;c'c" I,.rt)· .lId in lI (1ile of cruand (InKer" anti "itelll ' pr.,hl" "Thc Buddie" hI" 1I0rninittu.l, retr.ced hi li fOUI. tCPI 10 the cit · aclel of f.Uen idol •. ' He had hardl, lealed himself when "retllocr" Dun •• h,. thc lIe .. 1 b.Uer, •• ked him to move oycr .nd .11 ~iand" "'ere ,,"bc;;nn!lcinll il ly ".ii"fied that here the hall Wail fine I . A cerl.ln Mr. lIenr" u' T.eony, wh" nl· feu them 11(1 fron, hi. "nuth IIlde . ... Ni"efl hi" deblll by Duff.ln NiChols .ntl lou .. d • fair b.n Kanle Inr hil aIEl' and, · but when it come. tn field in" )fr. Ilenry ift b.1I Ih,. \Ve presume thia .entlemen belon •• to • batcb.n union which politlnl, 11.lea • pilcher'. bu.incu la tit piteh and not In in· terlere whh the dutle. of the infielder ..

lten,., may be .11 rill,hl oul Were but wr 1«1, •• tchin. him work, the •• me w.y we do whl'n .e w.tch qne nr thele hum." Aiu doinlC "tunta on the uUblde Itr . omebod,·, Iwrlflh noor windnw.ili. ToreU. i. nur choice fur Ihe hurlln .... i.nme" . .. he let. UI relax our toCl wlileh tr, In take. hold 0' the aolu of nur shoell when Mr. lIeory i" out there, .nd tben h' nice to be ablt tn breath now and thea durin, thoM: nint inn· in .....

After .11 II .•• Id and done the Del.l1 r.o w.a ruidue: from Ihe fint h.lf, a 1"-'111· I.ond b.ulr th.t doesn't mean any.hjn" In our , Dun, lina .n,w." .nd we'rr .till h .. re tn ,.y Ihal the bo,. will ('lIniC thnt wllh " yin« color •• nd • fife .nd dnt,.. c"rplIe, .. • he i. known .mOD, thoH: who . till wear paller enUan. And Ihem I, thOH.

Harvev Cr. Fi,;her i ~ spcndinK a week'" vacation at Camp Ockanickon.

Mr.. 1'1I111 n. J. Carler. of 429 Hor­ac(' ;:\\'c nlle, is s fJe ndinJ{ the monlh o( Jllly wi,h her dallgh'er. t.1r •. Jo:. R. r.arland, at RodJ{cr'" Park, Chic::al(o.

The Parry Fire Company is indeed proud of the CliP awarded them on ,h.· I'ou"h of Jlll y. and " ake Ihi. lUt"an" of cxprcssin" it s aPf,recialion to the jlldlles.

1.1 ... C. W. William. re",rned home Ihis Thursday aller allendinll Ihe "lIInmer srhool on Sundav School IIIclhodo condllcled by Ihe N. J. " .. 0-cialion at Asbury, "ark for a wetk. Mi,s F.. ,her Dean. Mi .. Edlla Lloyd. Mrs. Has.ell alld Ati.s Hanold. for 'he Me,hodis". al. o have been al­lending the school.

Mr.. R, D. O. Johnson. of 924 Par­ry avenll •. i. a very lucky and . killflll person. for , h. hu JUII r.ceiv.d .. chrrk for $1400 for winning a pri ze eOlll<sl COlld\,cl.d Ihrougb Ih. lIIag­.. ineo by Ihe Helllb.r Pencil Com-11O\n v. The ronlelt wall in the nature of a. picturc*word pl'zzle and wal won by Mrs. Johnson finding Ih. gr.alOlI nUlllber of word. under Ih. rul • • of thr puzzle.

lIoy. r.,urninl[ fro III Calllp Ocka­nickon on Tu .. d.~ afl.r a Iwo we.ks· vilit there were : ljeorgc and Edward Hutchinl. Gordon FOlter. Riverton. and Purn.1I "organ. "a .. ball Wil­braham. David B •• gl •• Arlhur Harl ­I.y. H.nry Albrillhl and Wllllalll Col­•• y. of . Palm yr.. Edward and Ifow­ard ScirdaD. Jack Carpenler. Jack SlIIioh,Roberl barll.y. Chari .. ".ck­.r. R,v.rlon: Wall.r "cAIII. ,.r and Htrlllan ana HalT)' P.llenl. of P.I­myraj laken 10 Camp on Tu .. -dar. or a 1,,0 w •• kI· 11~1. in lIIa­ch De. belo."", 10 "r •. Howard D. Sordan. Riv.rton. William Purn.lI. W. T . "cAlIIsl.r.· aDd Josepb Rod­ger., of P.lmyra.

was. . . '.'0 the variou!' COIHlllitiecs I wis h

to exprCS!ii my Ihallk~ (or Ihe splrndid s UPPOJ;t ~iven, everyonc entering into their work with wholeheartedness, nothing bcing too much trouble that s uccess might be attained .

To Ihe friends who so ~Iadly o;ave their talents toward the s uccess of oltr morning and evenin~ conccrts, wc ex lend onr thanks and .Ippreciation, and 10 our Township officials who sparcd no cfTorts 10 plcase. we exlt'nd our thanks ~l11d conullcndation. Above all arc wc grateflll that not withs tand· inJot Ihc larfc numher of l)eOI,le in our flllrade nm attending the raec~, thcre wcre 110 accidents to mar the 1,leasure of I he I.eopl • .

Yours, J. EDWIN LEES. ChairuJan Commit Icc.

~MONG lHf CHURCHlS AdwcrllaeNenta

C.ntral Baptilt Church Ch .... W. Willian ... pallor. Sund.v School 9.30 a. m. Mornii,g wors hip IU.4.; . Twili,.;ht se rvice 7 to 8 p. III. Pray.r m •• 'ing Wednesday R p. III . Young People's me.'ing Friday

8 p. m.

W.stfield' Friends' Me.tine Meeling al 10 a. m.

Calvary PrelbJ't .• rian Church Rev. N. F. SI.III. D.O .• lIIillislcr. 10.00 a. III .• Sunday School. 11.00 a. m., morning service. 7.15 p. m .• Young P.ople·s SOciel)'

of ChrlSlian End.avor. 8.00 p. m .• ev.nlng wor.bip. Prayer me.'ing W.dn •• day evening

• , 8 o·cloek.

Chri.tian • First Chureh of Chri ... Srien'i. ,.

Hiverlon. N. J.

.v~:~ic~~d a~e!~~thC~~~!~i : Thollla!J SlInday School. 9.30 a. m.

. SlInday Servic ••• 11 a. m. Wednesday. 8 I' . III .

Th. Christian Sci.nce R.adin!! room al 514 Main str.el. Riverton. I. open dally from 2 10 5 excepl Sunday.

Th. First Luth.ran Church 01 P.lmyra .nd Riv.rton

'I'he Rov. Harry l.. Salll. paslor . SlInday School 9.30 a. m . Morning service. 10.45. Evening serviecs 7 to 8 11. ",.

Chrl.t Charch. EpiacopaJ Sunday. July_ 16. 1922. 7.30 a. m .• Holy Communion . . 11.00 a. m .• Holy Communion and

se rmon. 8 p.m .• Ev.nlng Pray.r .nd .. rmon.

News o( the presc ntation o( a g-ift of $to.QOO 10 Ih e flllrlin/l,on COlllll y Children's HOllie by M ... Mary A. Dobbin •• of Philadelphi •. was lIIade public las t week and occ;lsioncd lIIuch JOY :ullon~ Ihe interested (riend~ o( Ihe worthy ins titution. The prescnta· tioll came in the , (orm of bonds and it is a cotldition Ih"t they become> a pari of Ihe As~ociation's endowment fund .

Schw.rts-Buddinger A Iluiet weddi!'f;: waH solelllnizcd al

'he EI.worlh Me,hodi. , F.piscopal

~~cl~~'k~g~'h~~id~l'i~:vt~\~~ ~ . sn~,d~ tlinf,tcr, or MOllnl Carm el, 1'0.., became 'he hride of Mr. Chllrles C. Schwarl •• of Elmira. New York.

Ih~'IR~v~eE~I~~ll{obi~~sol1l .. er/~1~~lib~lid~{ onl)' attendant was her s istcr, }'frs. C.

~~s t~l~~r:n::~ ~r. R~~rAt.olfe~t~~I1I~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz arc on ill

\\'eddin~ Irip and upon their re turn will make the ir home in Elnlira, N. Y.

It They are GOOD/


Welt Broad Street to Be Resurfaced At the regular weckly mcetinJ.C of

'he Bo.rd of Freeholde .. held on Fri­day a communication received frol1l l';thnyra lowns hip prol,os inl{ to J.t ivl' tht' M ltll o( $t,(ro loward buyln~ s tone for rcsnrfacin~ Uroad s trc"t, wu.; t of Lccol1cy :\Vl' IHle, Palmyra. I.rovilird Ihat th e county ", upply all ndditional 1118 lc rial ,c and the lahor ncce~sary to complele the 0llcrat iofl . A motion I,rcvailcd Ihat I Ie prolJo!ii itiol1 be ac· . cepted. :

rhe contracl to huild th e rOilel (rom ni vC'rs id c to Ilridgchoro was awarded to Ih c Union I'aving COlllpany. or I'hil.delphia. 0" ios bid of ,75.556., Hivcrs idc lowns hip as ked 10 have Ilw road buill from c llrb to cllrb from. th e bank blliidinK 10 SI. J'clcr's Church on Scotl Sireet, Rive r side, and (or ahout six squares on Pavilion avr­nile, which iJl the bCl{innil11l o( the IJridg<'horo road. Delran town ship wa nt s a curh to cllrb pave llleni (or a dis lance 0(' threc hundred (ect frol11 nrid)(choro, towards IUvt"rside and (or ahout fOil I' blpck s 011 IlridKeboro'!, maill s tree t. in the direc lion ·o( Moore!'l lown.'- 1' hc rellucs t!' were granted. Ihe ('ounly 10 Ilny (or an cight('cn·fect st rip throu..:h Ihe curb 1·0 cllrb improvement and Ihc lawn· ships rnenttoncd 10 pa \l for the rc ~ t o( the operation. .. .

Some time a~o ,Iudt(c W c lls recom· m ended tlHlt tt.n aUlomobile be Jlur · clmsed (or use o( the cOllnt y dctec· th'c 's d cpartlllcnl, and at Ihc ltI c.e tin~ h eld all Friday it was a Rrecd 10 huy an EsseN car (rolll th e Fleclwood MOlor C.r COIIII""'Y. of MOlin, Holly for $1,445. Willis ~. I'or'er. of Hllr­lillgtan, ofTe rcd 10 ~ lIflfJly a Buick mah·, hut hi :-. hid wa~ rc jc'clcd be· (, ;HI ~C it \",,'1' not in IJrOllc r forlll . Club in Palmyr. Disbands On July 6th. al .1 meeting of the

P:almyra Bicycle Club il wnl" decided to disband. after 32 years o( ~er\' ice to the men of Palmyra.

10 was orillil1ally Ihe Jackson Clllh but whcn hicycles becamc 1!01Ullar it bectt ll1t;. a bicycle club and has always kCIH that namc.

Shower and Installation $8a50 He didn't have a "little fairy in his home"-~nor a "little miss" in his engilH·. Not cvcn a "little made" in his cellar. But he had a little shower ill ' his hath · room that made up for the absence of all the rest . He'll tell vou tha t there' S'

notl;illg' mon° com ­forting-more healthful- more ill ­vigorating-than .tll bathe in roll1n i III,:' wl.lter.

How abnllt a litlk s how c r in you r bathroom?

This offer for jul~ and August only",\""",


Gas, Steam and Hot Water. Heating

Roofing, Spouting, jobbing


Classified Adnrttstng ADvaaT'S ••• "TI talMft'" ,,"dar I"', =:;:t,: ~.:,.o::r. c~ • .l:.'!c.~ ~:.1::=

I -~~'.!!~-FO:-:R::-::S:":A-=L-=.:-----,--------~~~~~------­FIVE SHARES FERRY STOCK

I for sa le- lIarKaln. Allply "M" New I Era office. , -------------------------I FOR SAL£-I)-roolll house. 51lh Ciu

I IIH1Uinson !'> Irect. Apl,lv 4UJ Fourth

!oi lreCl, Rivcrton. 1'clel,lionc 43. - -FOR SALE- Lol IRO feCI froul hv

ISO fre l depth, des irable localiol1. J.toocl ~hadc . TelcphOIl(, Rh'crton 24J, or address "COO Ncw Era oilier. 7· 14- lf

GIRLS' Middies. Il '0 16 year . i7.e •. ,1.511. Mell \ Silk Sox. 50c 10 'U5.

V;",Helt~en Collar!" in quartrr ~ilC S. Dodd's . l1r;,.r I'ahllym 1,0Nt officc.

LATE <abhattr and 10lllalo planl . rt"ad y fir!lil week in Jnnr. ; I'n .. ,, ­

(tra~on s , ~carlet sage, zinnial'i, a sleu, \·erbenas. Herbert W. Richman, 62J l.inden a\lenue. Phonc 318-M .

PACKING CASES. aholll lx.1 fcel. 18 10 24 inches high, for ~alc ('hear.

COIIII.h·le 'with lid:-. !'tlit ~lhlc ror ~ltil' " Hill).:, orpli ckinJ.t t..:ootl s (or s toraF:e. ~:II Th("1 N"\~':~ o~e.

SUITS- Large ••• orlmenl 01 <IIRlom mad(' ~lIit!', $5 anet: Itf'. Rittfrr',

T.o.n Office. 128 Mark., .. .. Phll.del­phi.. 3-24-11

WATCH- F.lgin mov.menl. 20'yrar gold fillcd e ••• $7. v.llle $~. Ri.

der· •. 1211 Markel .'ree'. I'hil.delphi. Il-30-lf

FOR RENT . -----------ATTACHED 1I01l :olC', .. e \·c lI roolll !'>,

furni shed or Imril l' , also a two and fonr room allartlllt'lIt, rlc·rlrit-. ell ­dosl'd wirc Ilon·h . 614 Garri('lci a\'c" I1IH'. Chi('kcl1 !'o kilh1d to order, abo p L' n of lay ill~ hCII !'>.

'HBLP WANTED For years all Ih e l)fominent mcn

of the lown \"ere lIIembers ;md many Riverton, N_ j. ' I.iril ed games of ellehre and I>illa- 627 Thonlas Avenue

c lie, . 11001. hilliards. and shume boarel were pla)'ed 'herr. hili a~c heg,,,, '0 Telephone 354·M SALESMEN for " " ail bread ",.''0'" Il' lI on Ihe tIIelllh,'r!' :lnd on e hv on{' . . ~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i=~ in thi. .. s t'(,lioll . YOI1I1/o: men wilh th cy rcsi";l1t'd or le rt the town" until ' c. ,·xlu·rirflc,· ~r llill~ from ,Ioor to door tltr m cmhcrs hip dwindlc.1 fro 111 161 ' in Ilrcfc rrc'll. Gin' a~(' , I1mrrirtl or ~ i" 1910 10 2 1 :Ind it was decided to dis · J.:h" and wh:tt yOIl h.H·C done la:&1 fe\\! band . "rarlo; , al ",o n·frrrnr... . " I'ph' "F" Nr"w

The ,'001 tahlc~ and :-o llume hoard 'Era OfficC'. . " · 16 .. . 1 were :-iC II I to C;UllfJ Dix. durinl{ Ih e war 10 111'11' :tI1~I !iiC the boy",.

Visit 10 Camp Ockanickon " large number of Palmyra .I1Hl

IUvertoll folk s motorcd to Calllp Ock· :lIIickoll las t Saturd:IY aft e rnoon.

The\' le ft l';llt1l\'ra !'> talion ~lt 1..\0 .and arrived at Ilie (,~Ul1fl whilc th c aqualic sporl s were in IJrOl:rcs:-.

Charle~ n. Ourborow. Hivcrlon's nOled IOIl ~ dis tancI! ~\\'inJfl1tr. was ill

:~:Ik f~:~(\Y d~:~~nl~~ra~i~~. th('H!,ofl~l s~ tf;t tcd various s trokes lI s:cd ror s pced. di slallce and endurance, anti c lllfJha­s;,:ed the value of clean Iivillg, appli­catioll, constanl prarlice atld rl:lli c lICe in I rainilt~ to hecomc :,n cxpcrt s wimmer.

1'hc visitor!'> found the C:ltlll' to he Olr. the sh e of an abandoecd (arm, 011 which Ihere was an olel mill wilh lIIill rare and wnl c r whce l. The dinillJ.: 1'00111 aud kitch en of the (:aIllH arc in Ihe old mill. Wat('r is s UPI,licll b,' a hydmulic pUlIIp. .

Two colore'" chcf~ cook fo r IlIl' 2(Hl hoys 1 .. ('a 111 I', hUI each hoy wasltl' s anti ;trran5,tcs his OWII dis hes .

The \'i !il itor ~ all partook o( IUIU'h in ca mp s ly"' , ('oll!'is ting or hot clogs, bread. buttcr, ca rTee, lal,ioca 1uuldillJ.!, tomatocs, ire 'c realll and Icmonade.

' I'hc boy s s lee p in tent s, arrangcd in a Sfluan' , and have a re,.;ular daily :-oclwtlulc. Each tent ha~ a lead('r, who see:" Ihat everythillf! is kept in order, anti priz('s arc aW~lfded (or ncatness. O~kanickon is 3l milrs frolll I'al ·

myra and fi\' e miles beyond New E~Y I) 1.

AlllonK those makill": Ihe trip (rolll I'alllly ra were William T . J . .Purnell, Charles n. Durborow. William Rlld­dllck. William McCollllell, Ceorge M. lIecker. Harvey Fisher. Ceor.:c Vi. R oJ{e rs, lame!' H. Harlley, Thomas Vall~ustcn, /\lfrcd VanAus ten, and Mayor Bcnnett, o( Rive rton.

Shoe Repairing

Give a thought to

your feet and then be

able to for~et them.


Shoe •• H.m .... Trunkl and Leatb.r Goo.lI R.pair.d

509 Howard Street Rinrton Phone 2I2·w

EXIICUTRIX NOTICE BI •• te o' .,rah P. lIonroe

IIf!~nnl~:d~· ~~ci~: ~~~~:,!:~.t oi" th~rdC~u~~': ~l r:~~i,nlll:;J , ~;;!~lItl:l·t:~:nc~~:nMtf~If ~h~ ~~bs~'hrh " Ro'ku,ir~~c!:d~'r.~~n:,; lit. Counl, uf Burlin,lolI, In brin. in the ir dalm. ., the ... I. te of .. id dl'ccdenl under ~tb or aRirmatin" un or bc:lore Ue. ~1m.,::: "~li~:Z~~e~:'o:h:~ai:!~1 t~ :.,~.7t.~~ eculd. . .

ANNA M. PARRY. nlled JUlle R, 1921. Y.aecutrix. 6·9·22-8·11 ·31

For Sati.factiOn Call


Wet Walh 90c per bag

Finished Work of All Kind.

B. MARTIN 37 Roland Street. PaIm,ra

', Auto Service A. OSBOURNE '

I I'bo ... Iliwrtoo ...... or JOI. J

One quality only­the standard for all

'. Goodrich Tires Size or price cannot modify the one­

quality Goodrich standard. You can buy

any Goodrich Tire, Silvertown Cord or

die popular 30 x 3~ clincher fabric, and

know beyond a doubt that you are getting

the same quaUty always. It is thi8 quality

which has made Goodrich Tire8 unsur­

passed for dependability and durability

in service, mileage and value.

This principle has put the real meaning in the widely 'known Goodrich 1I10gan of '

"best in the long run."

Goodrich Tire~.

Look for this Goodrich Tire 8ign over

your tire dealer's 8tore. It means sada­faction in every transaction.




LOST LOST- July I , gl'nllcltmn'~ 'iOlI!phirc

ami diamond rin~ at I~h· .. rlon COUII ­

tl'Y C luh, helwt'"u tilt' hour:- of ! and (i I'. Ill . 1{I'wa rel $lUU (or ((·turu to niH Circstnul s lree l, I·hihulclnltia. No cllU·!'> tions tl!'k cd .


AT SERVICB-Pinouchl. Princr. rcgi.,ered bull Irom Meridale .'ock.

Fcc $5. P.ace and PI.nly Farm.

DUNN '" DUNN. l.adie,· · Hair J)re~~i nJ.:, ~4R n,·lawar(' ;\\' CIIU C,

I'almyra. Marc,·lIitlJ.:', s luunpooiut..:. hC' nna l'O h;WlllooiuJ.:', s illgl'inJot, :-eill'1 Itl'alnU'nt, Ilt'nuOl d yt'i llJ.: and bleach· iug', uIOIni(,lIrillJ.:, (;,,· ial allfl day POlk. SWildlt' ~, plitT!", c IC .• m,ul" (rom ~' Ollr ('lIt ·o'T hair ;11111 cotlJbin~ :" .

REFINED WIDOW wi.I .. ·• I'osilioll a~ hOllsdh·(·lu.' r ill J{cntlrlllan',. ItOllll' .

Addrc,. 1I0x (,;;. Medford. N. J. 7-14·(,

UPHOLSTERING. rh.i" called. painliug, whitt' · wa :ro:hinu, Imrasol :-.

1I1t' llIled, jllll('r IUhe!" \·lIlc:tlli7.l'd, flI ":" \\'",l'O lI ed with a sollliion. My 1110110 • " Effici l' fI('\' with Courtrs\' . ;11111 Punr. luality ." . I'honl' l~h' l' rion 24 .~ · n · 2. I! . 1'. Williams.


GENTLEMAN ""')' ha"e rOOIll a"d ho",d. Call lIi,· ... 'oll 2.17-J.

BROADWAY PALACB W.ek of July 17th

NOTICE-durinll Ih. dayllllht .. Ying period the first show will belln at :t~~::'i:n:d~~i::;nd at 11.30 unle ..

Durinll the balanee of July .nd Au-1\111 th.r. ,.,i11 be only Ihree show. a week, .


CONS'I'i\:\CF. 'I'AI.~li\I";E ill "Polly of Ihe Pollies"

,\ rro \\ <':0111('1"

.\fll1lb ... iotl 15c' anel .k ('hil(II,.n II\:


EXECUTOR'S NOTICE a"ale of Vannw Boulton

IIl 'CK JON F.S ill "Rou,h Shott"

SlIn ... hitlc COlilerh' Moorestown Friends' School Adllll. 18e and 2c Children 10c

be~nOI~:d~' ~~er~~: ~:I~~~I!!I:t o;"th~rdC~u~:; of BurlinKton, tJcarh,,, d,te Ihe 24 th da r. 0' M.y, t922, upon _llplicatiun IJf the sulJlcrlber.

~:~f~~:.r'd:::.~~t'atteh~, c~~:i~j~~n~)! nJ;·"~~~ ~i~~:~n~rtou~lin!~c~nde~b,~ i rll~~~i;n:'a ~ca!~r" tl1~hr~

Mooreatown, N. J.

offers a complele course from

Kindcq~arlen 10 Collegc under a

Saturda, 111'. 111'. Il;\NIF.L~ ill "A Game Chicken"

SlItt",hifll ' COllled.,· malion on or IJdore the 24 th d.y 0' N,.wem· be r. 1922. I)r they wilt he d"h:.rl'~d ", any u tion thnd",' a •• inll l thr V,s .. (' ulrtr. l'nrp~ .. f lead,crs ch .. scn onl ... Adlllo . 25c &. 3c Chillfrrn !fIc

1'hr ••• how.~.30. R.IIO. 9.30 IIAIlRY AS IID U RNV,R. J0 :-;f-: rn r .. "J'flO.fAS. Youeu'or.

ProtHro 526 to 7-2"


rflr acadcmic trainin!;' hilt r"r Ih.·

allll"'phcr(" or <I,ltllre all,1 rdinr

lIIenl wilh which I'lOre/ll~ rlesin'

11".;r d,ilrlren I" he ,,"rr,,"nderl.

Fur inr" r",a!i"n address

E. GLASCO I _ W. ELMER BARRETT. Me.'. •• 1 Riverlon SI.'ion H •• d .... ter. Phone Riverton 2I2.w I ~+I~"o:a+l~"~~~~~~~

BurliDlton County. Circuit Court K e e p . Co 0 I 1'laillt1!T In Auadunent J( th 't br ....

I.udwitr ,',all" {''''' } I • ., On Contrac i ~r~r;., :;:~ an '

{;i~~~c:f'N~~ti~:"1 NOIiC'e EL ECT.RIC FAN J)elendalll".

I.~~~~I I:t htl~:It~u~iw,~~1 .tt~l: t '-~ul'::i~ l!la~I,; General Electric $5 U D CO. YL JOlle,lh Wurlin anti l'Inrrllee )lUrtill Robbin. A Mycn .=.£. ••• inll the riaht ... fI(l credit •. mnnef ' an~ Northwind !.:ncl~·'or~~p~lli\u~ll~,tt:lll~ ~'~~~IIC~"IW~:t'l!: 'nr th ~ . um ul fiftY·II. d'Jlla,. .lId .i:lc t, !five cenu. inued out of Ihe Hutl imrtoll Coun l)' Circuit CHurt, nn the Iwen lY' llC:venth d.y of I War, 1921, rcturnilble nn Ih. twent irlh da, nl June, 1921, hu be~1l ~ncd and dul) t'.tcu t ~,t .nd w., rtturned 011 Ihe twelf,h d., 0 ' July, 1921, by the Sheriff of lhe COUIl I)' of Our ' linltoa. I 1).ll'd June H, l 'iU.

\v1I.1.IAM II. 1If.Y.YI!S. (.·Ierk.

"IIANCIS J. SM ITII . Attorney .



JOIBPH H. SMITH 211 Lippincott " ...... Ill .. rtoa

Anywhere. anytime. you can .wi lch on Ih. fan and immediately a cooling breeze drives away the . ,iftillg heal. Useful in

~~Ir:~'~h~f o~~e ~r":.~o~: Cloied ... nin,. duru.. July

and AUl1llt acept Friday and Battuday

Robert C. Bitting Everythlri, Electrical

117 East Broad Street Phoac: Ili •• rtoa 7.

&\ab\llhed in Palm7ra 7 Y ....

Sold by


Rivcrtoa, N. J.





Palmyra Chamber Commerce CIaIII\II Charges for Pipe Extension Are


,,\th~ lIt"'" wal , ca~lhe charRe of $1800 lIu"I •. Ii )' the ,Vn ter CUlIIllRn)' 'or ell:tclldhlj11: 11; "II.e: .. '" the I'" hn yrn Anllex , :1 n ew real c ;. t :& te l!c \clul ,IIICII I WU I o f Arch .I~CI ,Ut· t l.lII. Itt th e IIIcC!lill ~ of ,he ChallllJu of Com. "u~ rcc: 'rul' 'I.IIIY c\Cni"Jf.

The rh:ll t fI ' lhd CUnl' Jany tu make luch "hafNe .. \\a .. fltlClltiunctl . M .. m1.H:n ch luKed Ih"" it .. I,h lic ), ill all fueh inl lllllCU , cemed I>' be VI hh th e j,lcii o f ... ecuriflK nil it Ilo»llbl)' ... 111 It " ", the 1'~"l'le. MI)'!' . lH:r.o,'" who ha,,,e ;!I'I,lil",1 ('" n :l1cr C'HIIIICl. IIOI1 J . It was saul, h a.I I/"tll f'HCI " lu I,ay cllu llJll a ll! ch~r"eJii :1II r1 •• ,In·'" ,1, r ll" ... 1 ,I. e Il ipc .. WC I-C lIIvatia iJIy '1111 111 .. nch n 1IIIII IITer lh :a . ,." OIiC IIoccure. il lI~' a.h :m l'l~c (',eel'l the. I.artlcular l,arly

; 1J ' !:" I:ii~I~; ... li(')' . it w:t~ J1 ~ .. e.l"t('ll , 11\ :utd :!ilJ lI, " .'" u,l .. 1111: I"" ... t ~ t-S " f th e. tV" II, Mr. \\ nner r "~1 1 "".la llC:c ~· where Ite'JI.Ie. 11 :111 IDCa tclll d ." ' "1"' (1' rn lher Ih :UI 1)")' Ihc he.n ·)' CflllIICClllln I h ;II .!C .. , I I \\ a .... II .. :l 1I.elte,1 Ihat Ihe com· 1, :\11\' ·.l lll e.l il ,. h ,IIIc1l1 l1e I" all Irrc~ul "r 1I ... "II~r ;,a 1l.1 " ' , he l ililc it wa" J,:rAlltl:l! , the I' re~ lI lc"1' ,.f 'h e. cum!':tll)' w~ ~ alAO eha,.rman 'If Ihe tflwn!lhill commluec:. I he. ' I+ WIl JiIIlI. te· ('eivc.1 nfl lhh,,: ft" ", Il,u cOlnl,allY fo r Ihe fr;\ I/('hl .. e OIne! .... 3 ... f •• rcc.'. to lillY IlII annual Ih 3~ ',W r .. , c:u.1t lile. 1,111 10: 'II IhC. "

I,. ':. ~:.. ' :::~ I11I: :I:I,II,~" I1 ~ . , !ii I i~:I II~, o!~:h'i:~i~~,II";~ 1\ ' ,,'I' I' 1 "',,11 , ... 1 "h,'1 n I' I ~'I ' I"

,. , ' ~I" III \ " ","e)' ~l a l hc " " wh .. Il' C{III '

' \":I'I: :~~' "~:" :::~; :.II~~~i~I ' """'1 ,.\11)' , " I.,., ,;.III~C , III (" 1 ,.hl" I"1 ,· ,i lle, .. III •• 11,.1 , I " -I" ",11,1 1111" • '.1111,111\ . "111 \ .1 I , I'j;' la ic ,. lt fll": IIl hlllar

l " I~'i'I1 :'l" "'! !:I'f~~' '~: ' ~~; ~~~ 'J.: ,,~, iI" I ,Iit'.'l i l' lI ~ \\:1.:1

.1 ".:~ .• ! " 1 \\' ' iI,'r l " hI " f 111 ,11. 11 11' .IPI,h· l'., t, ,,11 f .. , 1",1111'('1;011-. "II J '" IC (j !"\. ,,, IIIe. '" ""l' rl I." 'fli :"1" II II.! ( ~ , ' I ,It'll .. II " l' l :11,,1 III' 11 11111 , I.,. , 'I' u,· ,I,. ) 11,,,1 rt'u·i\.,,1 11<1 r l'l ll)',.

I I \\.1- ,W!!!," ,h:,1 lh, l1 ;, ~1" ri 1 'ff "I)" I'Clltt ll,1t I;""! 1 ".1'1 , ,, tl lc 111 111'111 '" ,1111' ('umll:u l)' .. ".1 _1" ",.,.' .1 tII',re n', III lIy (edun: :11111 c'",' 110111111' I .. ,1 ,,' 1',,,1.110 3 11 11 Ilt .. ;.: ,e · "f Ihe.

I II .\1 ,,111\ " .il l hllt'I ,·le w." \ Ih ... NCII~r,' 1 II\.III .'~_ '" .. f 11, .. 1.,,111-\ , ... 1111.-111)' "iI "hau""" ,I .. fil l' "'Ill' I ' .. nol ,I t 1',01 111)'1 ,. " 1 ~tI .. 1 3 11 11

,II' I .. I '" '~'' ' ' .. ·1I1 ,crillh, .. It'1i1 "i ll enme , It) I'dlll \, 1 1iI',\ \\1..1 I" .r ~(I1"" Ihe " Mllt' l w,lh

DELAIR At the reque. t of the Iml.'rovement

I\ s~oci:\tion, Ihe Pennsylvania railroad is paintinu,the severnl houses owned by the COlllpany in Delair.

The Improvell1ent Association, thru ilb president, 1-1 . Mark Reeve, has ap· pealed 10 SUlJerintendent Larrigues, of thc Pennsy l\'ania R. R ., to erect a ~hc lt er on the right hand track side at Oclair station: A. this shel­ter is ncce5sary it is prcsumed the railroad company will give the appeal favornhle consideration.

The balance of the sports program which it was unable to complete on Fonrth of July , on ;lCCOllnt of show­er". will be rlln ofT next Salurday af­te rnoon at ,1 o'clock s hoUp, on the ball rlcld . The cvcl1lS are: Nail driv­in g' cOflleM (or ladies, high jump (or 1IIC'11 and lJall IhrowillJt for men and WO III CII . SlIitahlc I)rlzes have been provided.

Mr<. Sarah COI",.cllor; of Millville, i~ "pending- a wc,' k Or two with her 11 i\:Cl.: , Mr :-o. ~Iary A. Rce\'e, o( -qeldc a\'enue,

Mr. and M ... Ralph W. Bye leave Friday to ' Ilend a we.k at Atlantic City. with Mr. and M r ,. U. G. By •.

Ne"Cl reJ:;'lIlar meeling of Dchair Im­llro\'Cl t1 Ct11 " ~:.. oci""ion will he held in I Il l.' I\~ .. ociatioll rOOI11., Friday cvening, lill y 28th. . ~J r. :",d 1\1 rs. Edw .. ,,1 Sexton are Clc(,III,yi ng th eir new hOlllc on Dc­ro\l!" l'I c avcnue,

MI''', C. 1-1 . Carson ;",cl hlr ... ,\llIIa South arc :-0 1H.: nc.lilig some time at ls­I;uu l llei ght~.

M r "" Claaric'i llaKalls and M r!li . Frank \ 'Voodal, of Curtis "'·ClIlIe. arc \' isitillg 1\1 r s. Bag-ailS' sbtcr at Lans­(la ic. I'a..

!\ics!-r r.... Stellhe ll son allli Crombie !li pcnt S;uurclay fishin~ at Crl'en Creek. II i", i"porteel thai Ihcy caught enough II) MII,ply Ihe t1ch.:hhorhood.

"Com Pluter." Wallop UKltcben PoJke"

0, DrleklOl' A s pr~lcltd In thl. column I •• t week,

Rua UUr)' rark look on, ita former apput· ance and re.ained it. lu.ty .. olce durin .. the p •• t fortdllht. To .. , Ihat it wa. a lTadual comebae.k would be JlUttlnl it all tocether too mildly. It waa a hurricane. tomado and : CII nhrht. in nD ntln'. I.nd combined. I

'('he .t.d nDise started when the Dluc Ja, Corn PII"c:rf. better lenown a. the rillar_, ne.e Weale,an.. met and conquered the fa · motU IC. of P. Wllh Richman, better leflnwn •• Uerb, in the boa. for the Police, II 'fcry ,.:ood ,.:anto wa. plaYt!d. Durin,.: thc IIm,lI ptriod 01 acnn Innln •• the eriel . jell, .nd cal·c"lt, from the ""antou. Sttelch" "'onlo; the finl base tine wu arcat.

While un thi " l ubjcCI if wilt be . 'ell to In· form our Icnde rudcu th.t OIC q»idenlic Is .preadin .. quil~ rapidly, It h .. been nOllc~' in the pa l l Iwo W"Ie. Ih.t the ,.:r.nd.tand i, . f ••• reHmblinJ( the JUflIde", of n"rlle •• Africa . ; On~ of the ell l"med te ll idenb. n.mcly Mr,' na¥llC)n-betl~r len own .. Charlie for . hort-' h:.s becomc infected, and white we. hOII~ it will be ~hckcd in linlc we mtt !l a .dmil it lonles hopclc.s. "Charlic walch your .Iep." •

Not mcaniu« thl. ncwi item 10 be a leKll1 u'Jlice of warn itt,.: wc will Iry and .... y a fcw IIII Ire iuterel'th'R Ihhllu abnttt the l.e'){l1C, (nr when it comu down to thc fin.1 IIIAI,.l i. thai really I. what we are .11 intere.led In, After tl,e plcasant e .. enlDllr cnjoyed b, the \Vu lf')'lns 0 11 Thurad.,. exce ... t our friend Hubb., who had a bit o f mi. fot'lunc durinA' the Rame in tltd form n l a .-cr)' badly injured knce, Ihe learn from fifth and ) r"n into a perfect run n l ruenc. . Itelb )(cGinley " Doc . Robinson'. bunch catilllc oul of hill hand on . ' riday nilrht. anrl on )(olldllY of Ihi. . 'cek, Ihe I.e"inn, led by ralnt )' ra·. junio r mel chant l irinc~-Joc Stick-put the "icc" riJfht under , Ihe falll flu ~ na~er duct. Oh, boy", how tl'e cidc linn dift d'cer 'em. COIl .;d~ri"R h :til. h wa~ ;l ~real dcmon,tratinn of ",'hal- " A. 1e TOnini), nr Rarney, they kn.,w." I

Gas . Range Prices Radi~y Reduced

Plain. enamel- rimmed, semi-enamel and all-enameled models, marked down (or clearance. All styles, from .OI Junior range for the tiny kitchenette to big six-burner cab­inet ranges.

. The rllht ranle for the can-. nin, .... on ia thll Direct Action,

eqUtpped witb Lorain Oftn Heat Relulatof. 'Greatly limp1lfies cannina:. A Ireat Iabor_ver.

Semi-enamel model, 51\.S inches 800r .pace, with abel(. Rea;ular price $92.40. Spec~ $84.40. $8.44 down, $8.44 a month.

stove of pollah.d lifetime.

Trimmed in w hit e enamel. Gla.. panels In ov.n door. Utensils can't slip.

42 Inches 800r space. Rea;u­Jar price $76.10. Special, $69.10. $6.91 down $6.91 a month.

Don't worry about the empty coal bin. "Do It the Better .Way with Gas."


Public Service \ , ~I ; \I~I,i,~I~ . , "I" 'I It',1 110,.1 th ~ ~I ~ Ie • 11 1.I;h":3), , ., ,,llIIi .. ,, ill" j. "liII ""'hl.lcl",," ~111111 .. "'n" (" illf.,.mill"" " "VcIlIlC cl ea t , .. Ihe nvrr h,ank i" " ' ~',, 1 ,.f , ,, ,1,,": wi llt the: ftl' ), cu~ .', IT , rl!1t ~I il h' I " '. I I\LI~ rll ll '"C" !" \I •. \\ 3 .... rr. Ui .,Jot"i ll '" Ih i~ . ' ii i hi ... , .. cl., uu, 1 a n,1 al ~n Ihe h' I'\' " ,"' 1"",', f:l\lor lin' 1.1'111. :11,,1 th~ ferry ("0 11111 ' .11) I~ \\l l1i11 ~ I" .l nl1lll," Inn.1 loO tlull

~Ii o;h Angeline Ithodl's , Mih .. Rob­l·rta \\/ ri g-hl, Alb :;:; P'.lsic Uhllnbcro ;trC t'olHllIClillJ.,: a :oilI nlll1c r " a(,;l lioll Bible .. chool in thc Met hoeli!' t church with !'>c"'!'! iclII :o' ' e\'cry day , e xccpt S:,tl1rday, fronl 10 to II a . m. The ~esslons be­~an In~ 1 week and arC! well a .. enrled.

hi r. and Mrs. l.ollis Mazzo. River ro:ul. \' is ilcd Iheir aunt, Mrs. DOIl3~

The Oucon. from llaple n"entle IIIAde a ~reat a u ault on die tum wl,lch is fiRhtlnJ: ' h:l rd I"r lU I 1,laee- thr K. of I'. The Il'r,,~t' ·

ful Hahn .lid mound dllty for t~em (lind we ~=::~~~~:::::=::~~::~:-~:::~:::-::~:::::' ~~~:r~::=~ IIlIIleuI.nc1 he will "I-; .. enluall)'. \Vh y Nnll Nllw"- Guld )fcclal-m,,~e a pitcher. \Vt!lI, :

II " ... ha'il ,' UI ' " IiHl )' Ill' rltlI1I1H\!C'1. ' 1'1 ... '1II l· .. l i,," .. f ..:" lI ,·c l· lI~ .I"It'tt~n('''' I:'I 'U''';

\\ ., ... 1I' .l i ll I U"IUl"I III ' a ll ,1 ' 1 .' h· 'IIIIII:I~" ' I' l" ~ I'U ....... ,I til 'h ,..ld Ihe , ,,wlI .. lt i,, l·"mlll1 l1 ec to it oc I'r"mi"e Ilt nl .lfl l '>11 ""," ,,1.1 he- Inktll to ,'ull r't.t nil t,,,('k . :alCe~ lifter Jul)' I. If nil ac· li"n joc Inkcl1 within lI,e nclCl 1I1,..nI1,. nt andn· flllI OC Ilfn"ccllin l:" "' A) ' lu: c'lII ~ i' !'-I(,'1.

\\'. II, FI'.he r ......... el~ lell nne"" memMr to f Ihe ( ' hamlter.

P . O . S. of A. Award. Prizes for Memb.rship Drive

\ 11 IlI h l l. .. till V nu·,' lillI! of \\' :t!'o: h ­ill :.! " I" (' ;11111' Nil. /,t. I' (I S .. uf 1\ .• w.. .. 1t,;' 111 la .. 1 ~'OIHI:1 Y ., · \·C II.1l 1-i at "hidl tillll ' h :tful .. o llu' "rl/i'" ofT"f(·tJ for '" 1" ' I' jal dTnl'1 .turill ),: IIU' n ',·,'ut IIWIIII II', .. ll il' '·;lllIl'aig ll Wt' r e "rv~C' lIlcd ill 1o ,'lla if u r Ilu' Call1l' h y l'a~ 1 StaH' I ' n· .. i,II·1I1 C,·(lPJ.!\.' ~ \\' iltlt.' r 10 I h c r" lluwim! Itrotlu' r .. : \\' alt e r ~L I1'0r· Iw r, l .. ra ~' l t ·,roIT. (~, ' o r ).{ l· ~ . \ \ ' illlcr, \\ I I 11 : 1\'i ~{1 I1 : ~atlt : ltI Cooll1h~, I ' lI\' ill I ~. ( ·01 .... :1I111 Ilarry Cllrry.

\1I (t tl u ' r illlt' fl' !'>ti n r.: £cat uf(' wa~ I hi,.' 1'1"'''' ' 11(' " (I i a ,h·Il'a.,:alion , frol11 c at11p~ ill t ' ,III1.I," . \\ hq IIr J.: , ·,1 t h e attC'url :t l1<:e or 11 111 IIH' II1I H' r~ ~"'h' ra ll y a 1111 their 1, lI l1ili, ''' , ill :1 Irip . to \ Vi lclwOOlI .on 'I' lI t .. ,b\, \ 1I ;': II :oo t 1 ~ lh. ill COIl IlC'e II OIl Willi lit. ~la tt' L':III1I' IIl10ti ll g 011 Ih e 1; 11& :11111 l i'l lI . . t ·.; l1 l1k ll (,' m llll\' 1 .1 1111' '' In" .. ' 1II : t(~t·

: '1 i.l lI ; 1. 11"' lI t .. \\il ll IIII' 1\' III1 .. I'I\' :lIlIa l:tiitq;1I1 I n rll ll " Iwdal I'. n , S. of :\ ,' II, t il ' " Itl \V illl \\,oo.1 011 \u g ll .. 1 1.; 111 i", 11 11' II"" "r (' a }III' PH'IIII,,·!' .. alld 11 \1'11 i:l1l1il i., .( (,,,h - I ' " III' .. ioll li r kr l !'> $ 111~ 1 I .:, ·" 1I ,I ill 1,:1\ ,· ... C ;lIthl'lI 7 .~(I It III\ lil! ht .. :I\·ill :": ) :ulI l la "l train III It-,I '" \\, i"h\ooll II 1'. 111 . (cla ~ li ~ hl .• :1\ ill c ) a lTonlili g Ih 9"" parliL-ipa lill J.,! 11 h'IIII ' ;t l til" !'! I" .. ,·, :11"0 du' O\lllor· Itlllil \' I. , "il lll · .. .. j " .. IIii' 11,lr:ul i ' nr tljI' II, ~) ~ of \ . \\ hi j' h l:1k,'" plan' a \ 7 .\1) I ' . I II ~I n l\ I h ,lI1 :;0110 art' ... ,.

· 1'1 ·C' It·" I " l'l llli.· i ,,;II , ill lilt" ,."rlull'.

Twcly~ Organizat ions Form Quoit Lengue

\ 1111 .. '1 h · :t~ ill · \\:t !'> "r $.! alli ~ ' · 11 al a 1I11 ',' lill l! 1:1 .. 1 1-'1 iday .I · \' I ' lIill l~ OIl tin' Fil ' I~1 ('!tIlt 1""' "1 " .lIul It 1\ll'orary om­,' ,'r" \\l· " 1' '' '1'1,.1.

Tit ., f ,,J I'I" in c II 'a ll t-. ,II" " ,pl"' l e d to LII. \ ",II I ' I ' ( ), :-:.. of A . I,"ig hh or .I ' , thi :'I". ('el,1 F " II'I\\~, ""ig ill " or Ih e (~ ~Jllh II ".,H'It . ('h :tlllh"r or COlli l11e rrc.' , It IlH .I 'I :-O L' I"b. Fi l·ltt Cltll,. \ II Il' rh'an 1., ·. iOll, l: a l" ti ~ I " , ~t.-th f)( l i .., I .. , \1'1i !'>:!"'" :111,1 1,"i,,_lth o f C .. II1I)lhu .. . 1\\'c!VC in

al\ ~ 1 ' h ~,ltl ll' i .. hci n}! a rranr,rd and f,"al nrra ll ':"lIh' I1I :o' w,' r", 10 he made at allot",' r I1Il'c till ~ Held Ihis ' rhurs· " :1\\ "\"' l1iT1 ~ :t l the' Fi,~ ltI Cluh rooms. 'I'lil' t eanl .. will IH' not jfied whal nirhts alh'" \\ ill 1. la \. ,'IIl' J,.!a mes wil be IH' Ii l I II' IW' I ' ll ',h,' (C' lIni .. ('ourl!!' :H the Fit·ltl Cluh Park. ------

County Notes '1'111' Hur1ill ~ "H1 ('UI1I1I )' ~till ; " 1'0-

th"' I'I' !'! ' ·\ s .. \?l'ia!ion will hl , I,1 ;, 1I11'd · jll ~ :11 di e l· tl llit hou -c, ill :\1 1. Ilnll y, n il :'. tll inia y ,\~ ni n :.! , Jul y 1 ~ lh, al (·iglll 0'1'101'1 . • ~t;\lldarcl lillII' . \11 UH' m ·

Ih'r . ,\I ,' n lttl l, .. t,·,! 10 h" IJI'CM Ill. ()lIitl' a 10 1 or l~"e it, · III C IlI waS

l' aI7"l ll a l 1"'otl1" " IJ ow1illt:' parlor at ~I niHil 11 .. tl), 1:t .. 1 w('ck. wl"' 11 :- 01111'-1) 111 ' ,1t ' 1 itll' lIl h ,II OI' l'r ll a :-,p:1rk in a ho , of lin \\ c,i'1,; .. 1'1",1 tl1 (' \' a ll WC'IIt u lT ill clour.. 'rlt, 'r,' \\' .... a' hit !'> )' limr f(). :t 11' \\ IlIi IlU II.· ... \\ hil,· ,"'t ' n hod)' \\." .. 111, ".\ ,ithl r ill cI (.III J.! ill ~ Ihl' f1,\'il1 ~ lIIi .... ih .. nr II \ Itl).' 10 J..irk Ih l; l' ''ploc.l· ill ;' IlIHlil ill"; Ih, ' .. t rl('1 No ~erioll s ,Jalll ,\ '_ " \\;t .. dOli, '

'I'll ,' hl1 i ldill ~ of a Itrid Vl' 10 r onlH'rt'1iu ,'1lI 11 \\ilil I:lIrlill ~t OIl Islul1Il. IIIl I), 1.1\\',\fl· ri \ l' r i\I IIU ;'l.' UI('1I1 Ilark, 1t ;1" IH' tll lit fil lild,' ""111(,<1, a !'> a rOI1l · 1' :111\ i"r tlt;II ' 11I1I'P0:o\C WilS' on . .:a ni/cd la .. 1 \\ "l t .IUll hll(lfl,oratC'tl unde r the

, bn .. ,,( N,' \\' J,' nH'Y, TltC' off,(nni1a· lioll, kllOWII as lh,' Island n('arh Dc .. \' ('IOI'IIIl' lIt COlllpany, is capitalized at $1 ;1l.IKMI

Di .. b:ui .. (it,d wilh the bOllndari('s and Il,t:',,1 limitations of it ", preunt munici· pal g O\' , ' rnlllellt. Ilevrrly citizens are :uh orating .. ~"rrrndrr of thr city l'Il:tltl' r ;11,,1 a rclllrl1 10 tOWl1 et hil' gov· , ' rnllll' nl, The 10wlI ",hip !uattls. how~ ,'\·,'r. ill Ihe pl a n contemplated will be only a 1IC'('euary I c~a l ste ll toward Ih e ",Ioptioll o( horoll.,h form o( f:;ov­,' rllllll ' nl thai would inc1udr- all tht IJrU"l1t cily and Bevcrly township with Edgewat.r Park. South Dev<rly and D.lanco. 'floe boundaries of tile IlrOI IO~ed new borough would give nt'H' rly one of .hc largeru municipali· Ii .... ill lIurlill .. ~ tOIl count)'

DEATHS '1'10,' fUIll' ral of totrl. Rachel R .. wid­

ow of till' latr 'l'homas E. Gaskill. toolo: .. Inc t' from Ihe re. idC'nce of her dauRhtrr. Mr>. W . S Harding. 7\0 M;lin '>Ift'ct, 011 1'uc5d:,y aft('rnoon, al ! .15 Mrs. Gil :;.ki1l. who has made her ItOllh' with Itl'r daughter for the pall

' t\\'o y carh. has been an invalid for

corsa, at H ohoken. ' Mr. and ~lr s, los,'ph Leonard, River

road, cnlc rlain~d a group o£ their (rie nrb : Mi !'!:o' "Iar>, R e mer, Mis~ Fl orc lI c.' Itcllncr, MI!'!!'! f{O !:iC Murray, ~Ii !'os Jean Guesltls, Mis s Josel,hhle (.ueslUs. Samuel llrunt and Charles Disiato,

Mastcr C/lristopher C. Kin!\'. 01 'Vill11inj.!ton. Pel., is ~pe ndin,:: hiS va­ration wilh his aUIII, Mrs. H . Manhall 'Valkcr, Dl'roussc avenue. . Misses Vivian and ARnes Ford have

rClurned hOIl1<' from nl'ach Haven. Mis~ Alice Sullivan ami Miss Han­

nah' \V\'Il1 :l n are :-O llendin L: their va­,,' alion iu \Vildwood.

~ti ~s C harlOll c Hollin!iihell has ~onc to \Vililwooc) for IIC'r ·v:,cation.

~Ii s': Floren('c Ridgwi\Y hi\S "e~ L-tl r'u'd h Olm ' froll1 h('r vacttlioll which wa !'! SI"' lIt ill Rivr r .. ide.

M a~tcr Ceor)!c Frame is sl)ending' hi!' vacation with rc,latives in Phila­llt-Iphia.

American Legion E .... y Conte.t Thl' National essay conI cst of the

A merican l.e,::ion which will award $15QO in cas h prizes to hoy~ and ' Rirls has bct'lI eKtcnded until OClobcr 6 IIflOI1 the IIr~"nt rcque st of ::;Iale and COllllty .. uperintrndclil s and ('ommis · .. iollt' r !'! of rtlneat ion throu,::hollt the l lnitcd Stall'S, .

' (' hc m:w ciale will al1o\y all children of Ihe LTllil ed Slatr!' ~nd irs POf'!' CS­:. ioll ~ 10 Imrlicipal c ahcr the schools opcn in Sr III CI1l1Jl'r. g: i\'illJ: Ihe teach­('I' .. all opporlunity to pres rnt the suh­jl'CI, " Ilow litC' .\nh'ric;," J,C' J!ion Can Be ... t S"f\'C Ilir Sa'tion."

'I' hl' ,, !' .. :\\, III II "' t hi' ,,' ech'cd 01 1 a pla('.· ,le .. i ~ lialcel h y thc . collnly .. upcr~ illl"IIII(,111 of ~chool ~ 1I0t lal e r than lIIidni ..:hl of OClober 6. IlJ2l.

Peculiar Ca.e 01 Poisoning ,"o(Hrcy Bochm, a Rh·c r .. idc lael.

wlto i!'o known :UI1011 ~ m :ulY of th e \· 'HlI1 ).: fo lk .. ill nh'crtol1 al1(l P;dmyra, owill~ to Ihe f:1(' 1 Iltat I", ;lIleIHit'd tilt, I'alm\'ra hi~h school, ha !'! had a lI arrow ('~canc (rolll death, owillJ.! to bein~ poisoned in :t Iwenli:.r manner white' workin ,::: al 1)rcer'!i NIIf!'ery, \\'1tC'fI' Ill' h:ul :ooec llrec.l (' mploytnent for the o;; ultlmer. You",! Boehm wa~ t:arr)·in g a plant. ,\·hich had hee n (I'e~hly !'praycd with a "'tron~ in l'l ecti· dd(', whcn h e !'!t llmhled and (cH, bnry­ill )! Ili l'> rar,' in Ihe wet fol i:t.J:c. Some or the poi l"on c ot in his mOlllh and se\'eral hOllrf' l:tter he wa!' discovcred IIncolIsdoll !' by fellow workmen, He wn~ takcn to the Zurbrugg Hosr.ital, wherr. hi s. life was dispaired of or a time, hilt hc now seelJLO; to be 00 the road to recovery.

Rain Spoils Beauty Contelt­Complexionl Run

P'.I1IIIIOYt" '~ or the H . A. Drecr Nllr­M~ri,'!'! ol"' lIt 'd th cir ne w ba ll .. ark at

r7::;:.'lla~~n~rl~~I'alo~~;'~\~ill :~ I ~~~~~i I:;~~ UII:tI ou·tint.:, The employec forCe! of the s,'cu (h' l)a rtment of 714 Che!!'tnllt 101 ree t Wil:-. invited, They came up in 011C' of DrrC'r's l ar~c Iruck". which "a," lu';\1I1i£ully decorat ed with the Natio n:11 rolor",

,\ r ha1l1piolllOhil' g amt' o( h:l ~l'bi\1I wa :-. 1'i:H'('d l1 ... t WC'(' " lIu' nr<·er' .. i\ 11 Star .. o(lti"C'rloll and thr Sce" Store. whirl! nnforfUnillrly W:1 " inll'rrllpt e rl ill IIH' hc ~in"illJ! of lite l'iJ,{hlh inning hv rail1, the ~c:ore ~Ia"ding 6 to 6. Thi f' ~atll(' will he'rd ·o\·e r again :'\1 Ih·hllonl Park . I hiladclphia.

Ov,' r 1\\'0 hllndr('Cl peop!,,· illlcndcd Ih,' oUlin.,: a nd if il had nOI raim'cl

~~~~tl(' a\~'al(~l? ' ~~d "c'I:~I~f;('~ ' r~': ~';~I,~l .~~i \\'0111(' 11, 1I('('(flc.' and thread met ..... ark racl' s . rj.;'g and spoon racrh, etc. The committee arranged elaborate re .. (refo, hmen ts (or Ihc otltin~ which were ~cn'cd under difficulty, owing 10 the rain, Tht'rc was to have been a h('auly . conte~ t for lh(' girls, but ow· ing 10 the thunder s hower and the f,(irl !' hein R caught in (he rain, tht i"d~es cO,lld not come 10 a decision because III a II y complexion. we!re washed ofT.

" is expected that , another oUling o I i. descri)ltion will be held before the s ummer IS oVe!r.

Hart When Car Tvmo 1'Iu1le Morris Ste.dl •• son of Yr. and Yri.

F.. O . Steedle. wao badly injured about th e head and body whto an automo· bile which he was dri\'inl( skidded and

~'i~~~d R~~~e b~~lw~~~ hV:ide g::3e E'!.~

Harry, we Aure do admire )'l1ur ner"t. nar· ~ ________ ... ____________________ "'!I d,. i. l ure there when il comu 10 l,itehinR-' atlOletime. and we wl,h Roy the. belle of c¥, erythinIC-wh'.1 will you have 1 I

There i •• ome ('1(),,!'lbilit y th:ll Ihe I.earrue wilt put nn the lamnt'I' OIin"'rt'1 "hnw th a i wa~ rlllt on for the Ot'lanco ('Iub nl the Cen· Iral t.eaRue. . ,

Shnuld thill lake I,h, ce il .. ·iII undollbttrll y . be followcrl by a "hirl .wai!'it- lIol·~hirt ~ancc. The chancn lire II,M It ..... iII ~Oln~ nff-we mun the flhow and cbner- in alHlII1 two weeSua. if il contea at :III, So fulk . ..... e know yml will 'he . ,ith 118 in onr entluvo; tn .i .. e you II real Kood time and trull t that you .iII ~njo)' ncr)' minute nf it . ·hen it h"I"IC"", Allumin .. th.t it dneJl take place, l ickeU will Ix! solei in.tead of "pulln,- .he hat. II I

Fresh Fruit Ice Cream

Warm Weather Is the most suitable time in which to' have your furniture refin­ished. The lonl. warm days live better dryina: conditions lor Ihe varni.h than do some other kindl 'of weather. But you can alway. be a •• ured of the belt service that can 'be rendered.

The varniah we uae is watefllroof and nev.r become. cloudy or chanle. color.

We ~e a .pecialty of refinisbina: antique furniture.

WILL K BOWEN .. Second Boor of Roberts Building (entrance on Main St.) Riverton

Phone 201-w Peach. Pineapple, Banana

Ralpberry and Oranle leu

Pancy Cakes

:~. --::;-.==--_._=._. -=----==-=--:::-=--=-==-=~.

CHEW ftROS. 512 Main St., Riverton

BeU PbODe 154

~~~-~---~-- i· OurJuly ! . Special I

A weU made SCREW DRIVER for gene .. ' hOUiehold work-4-inch blade. . A tool of the well known Winchester quality. While they lut


17 West Broad Street! Palmyra ~

Phone: Riverton 81-J ' .~

Charl;;: ·N~R.4R" - it-;.;;;;-lJi !l lrictNo~ J

Report of the Condition of I THE (INNAMINSON NATIONAL BANK


:':c ~~~c:,. ~:.I~":. .. ~~tju~fe ~o,w IJ;2~Y ' at I

R£SOURCI!S . I Loaal aDd dlscoanb, ilseludin .. reo

diKoun.. _ .. __ ...... _ ...... _ .......... $580,6.11.26 . 11. S, bond. to r.t.~ure circul.tiot, .... 25.000.00 I AU other U. S. Go,,'t HCuritie......... 17.17J.S4 Olher bond •• Sloth, I«uritiea. ell'. 5RI.60Z.l 7 . of bankln. houae .. _ ... ___ ... ,.. .4.O?O.72 Furniture anrl "durn ...... _............. 4,791.271 Real ..... e owned other thaa hank·

L~~tsr~:~e;j'th .. ·ii~(i.·i~·;.·fi·;;;k ~:i~~: 1~ ' Item. with Ped.R ... nank in pro· I

cell of enllection ............. _......... .. 16,~ t6 . J2 C •• h In nuh and amOllnl due from

national ban" _ ........ _ .. __ ....... _._ 31,742.20 , }.fi ~celllu,t'oll, ruh ilcII1 110 .. _ ..... _. 1.1 20.2S Redemption fund whh U. S. Tre... 1.250.00

Total .... _ .... _ ......................... I.J ..... Z92,"1

LIABII.ITIF.S l 'a","al . tock l,"id in._ ................. _ .. $100,000,00

~~~Sl~,~lcf3~~r,;r.· i·~··::::::·.:~:~~::::-.. ~~:.: ~~:m:~ ~~,~,!!~:~nl n~~eJlp~~~::.W::k~:::~: 2~::~:r: Ccrlifit,l C'rtc1n nutlta"rlina .... 6.575.911 Ca4hier'JI dleclu out.,anditlll ~,... I. UO.'" Illdivillual dCI IO"i u Joubjcc. 10 check UUI.91t".4ft

g~h~drc~~:e",1:~~II;-::~:.:::~:~::::: .. _:~ 5 12:gM:~ ro.t.1 .... in • • del" . ........ ' ...... ,. .)4 .01 Dill. 11~,.ablc .. _ ... ___ . .-...... 100.000,00

Tolal ..................... ' ............... SI ,J 1".29.!.IH

~t ate of New Jersey, COutuy of 8urllne lon,n. I Y. . I .. Will iam., pTe.ident of the aboyt·

"Itn.-d hank, tin anlcmn'y ,. .. ea r Ihal lite :ahn .. e ,. taICmf'nt i. Iru. In lhe ~.l of my l,:no. red.e alld helld.

y., t . WII.r.IA"~. Pr~ .idenL Subac ribe.d .11 11,1 IIoworp to bc:(ore nle Ih l.

tOth day of Jut,. 1922.







@ Mercha;:,! Tailor

PIrtI~ Pcop~

J44 I. Elneath SL . "J". DdI~=.005 ~. 400 TIl-. Ave. lliYerton

Ddt PIa_ " ...

IUVIIRTON POST OUICK ArriYal and Departarc of IIaIIa


.... Plaitodalplolo~" ... W __ 7......... 1a. .... UOp ...

p,.. EoaI. ".. .... .......... -9.10 La .... 4 ... .

Dr.rAaT 'or "'~"Io. W ...... SooooII-r! :t ....:-.. ~~ ='y: !:I1.J:i...-

~~" '" . ,. . .


Large.t colle.tion of Hardy Perennial., ROle., Dahllal, etc., PalmI, Pern., and De.or.tlye P1antl of all klndl conltanlly at hand at our Riverton Nuroerie.. Order. taken for Bulbi, Plower and Veg.lable Seedl, Pertillzero, Inlectlcldeo, Carden Tool., el •. , ~bl.b are .upplled from our Phlladelpbla ~Itablilh­menl: aloo, our Celebrated Lawn Cra .. Seed., whicb mlY be reli.d upon for quick and permanent r.ouh •.


HENRY A. DREER, Rh·erton. N. J.

SEED STOBE, '71"-'718 Ohelltnut St.. Philadelphia

SPECIAL NOTICE Thil time table is


tt'he Wekome givm chiI new Cat' .bow. thac __

W.C.OURANT aa- what che public needed.

NODBL A . .. 'IOUaJNG. .... " .... '-NoW.

(LINTON B. WOOIlTON Riverton, N. J.


DURANT ""2-/ c: I Ill'

Annual Water Rata of the

Rive~ and Palmyra Water Company

All pe ....... wlG1 ... to COIlIIec:t wltb tb. public "at.r luppl,. ma, do ... b, appl,lnl ror _tract &lid IIU... It with tb. Com,.ay at til. orll.... 511 )ratD Itr .. t .

JUT_ ",·Ia .• 'Dcludln. 10.000 pl .•

,. per quarter "'·'D .• Iac'ud .... 11.000 pl .•

P. R. R. TIME TABLE In cReet June II. 1923

!~ -.f~11rl u ~~ _ ~~ ~~ ~.E

L ...... 5.00 U3 6.08 6.'7 7.08 7.39 7.40 a.05 R.56 9.19

10,25 10,56 1t.55 12.20

. .r.:-1.28 2.20 3.44 4 ,32 " .56 5.20 5.J6 g~ 7. 15 9. 10

10.45 .!.!~l

LA 7.40 9.00

10. 10

f:~ •. 00 5.05 6,011 7.16 8.16


ri~9 1.5R 2.44 •. 12 4.51 ' .2J 5 .• ' 6.01 6.2R 7.03 7.43 9.40

tU5 12.25

.... 8.07 9.28

10..&0 p ... 1.16 ... JI 5.ll 6.37 1 ..... 11.45


LA .. .. 5.J6 5.49 6.40 6.41 1,42 7.03 a,07 7.20 9.21 7;41

to.59 '.to tz.2l 9, 13

to.l4 l'i~2 1'2~7 2.0t 1.30 2.47 2.44 U5 3.54 5.00 5.30 5.26 6.J7 " .51 7.24 6.10 9. 19 6.31 10.44 7.06 12.20

. 1.46 9.43 tl.l' 12d!. .

Sundays .... .... 1.10 1.0J 9.31 to.ll

10.4J p. .. t.39 1'i~9 4.J4 2.ll 5.36 4.59 6.40 6.18 1.41 7.2J 8,48 8.J7

to.34 10.12

• Saturday. only tI~t

.... ' .'1 6.44 7.06 7.2l 7.4" a.1l 9.t6

to.l7 1'2~0 1 .. 1J 2.47 3.57 5.33 1\,"0 7.27 9,2Z

to .• 7 12.2J

.. .. 8.01


r;~'t 2.56 ' .02 •. 21 7.2. •• 0

to.ts 11.04



f~ .. ..: -(0.. .. ..

9 6.t 7.1 7.3 7.4 •. 1 a.l 9.4

• 5 , • 5 ,

00 .. 9 ,

tt. 1':.., 2.0 l .t 4.1

5 9 l 6.0

7.0 7.5 9.'

11, 1 12.5

• 5 • 5 •

.. .. 11.3 ~

11 .2.

p ... t.20 l .20 5.30 6,51 7.5 , 9.ns

10.45 1I . ~5_

..!"'.J ~ .... ,;...~ ..':..T~ L" ... 00 .... ~ __ .-.., _til •. 00 Po ... - T.!.t:.i00 p. .. .... 4.00 .... :1t& .... , ..... ~~. lIoouiy ... 11.00 p.... _ i:..;t; _ 100 .. ..

,. per quarter ~r .. Tr#": ... -..12 111[0" 4.:, .:.:-.... p. ~~ito!. .. ~ . .:;a

nrot 15.000 p... IOe per 1000 11&1: tlJ:,.p..c.n... ... _ .. _ ... 8eoolld . 25.000 pi.. lie per 1000 pl. 4." ..... .... ..... .. ...... ; ... C?(. AU onr 10.000 pl.. IOe per 1000 pi. lIoouiy _ II." p.... _ ~ -.

B1IIJ1 . .... dared quarterl, &lid due a., .... [tt ... ~_ 4." wbn rod..... ..... ..... -."'10."

For CODyelJl_ca or ,.uou. III1Ia p.... -y ....

~~ paid at CllUlamIaaoll NaUOIIat cE..Wli .. :trt":!.4~ I w. atlD 10 atn pod~. AllY 11.41....... Po ~ .

OOlDplalata wUI raoeln prom,1 &lid r .. ..-... ---- - -'j oourteoua atl .. tIGD It .. dr .... 10 4.41 ....... 1.41 ..... &.41 .... ; ... -:f"-Y - 11.41 • -. - -- -

0ftI .. ., .... c. ... n'. 121 ........... .. II.".n.., N. ~.

Ph.n.-IIlv." 147

/.:I~ "'~'::r 4.111 ~ ::: :.: t.:Ir~.. 1 .. 1




Lumber .Millwork

Feed o( AU Kind.

Truck Baskets Lime and Plaster Materials

Hardware Lime for the Ground

Glaas and Oil Cement. Sand. Stone, Cinders Wire Fencing and NettingTerra ~otta Pipe Hay and Straw Flue Linings



J. S. COLLINS & SON, Inc. PAUL C. BURR, Mgr .• Phone 305

Phone 5 and 9

Kaynee Suits For Boys, attractive summer styl.s with low cut neck ani! short sleeves. These garments are good materials. well 'made, correct in style and reasonabl. in price.

White Wash Materials Dainty Swisses. Voiles. Flaxons and Organdies-a real

nec.ssity for the hot July and August weather

MRS. ALFRED SMITH Main Street Riverton, N. J.

;:~I~~:i';, .. C.!?)·OIl ",ay 1'111 ill a fowl

" . :-oa w YO li \\:i th a ,' :Ir (ull o f c hi tk"II!'> YC"tll'n lay."

D ON'T ,be misunderstood. Think straight and drive straiglit. Don't mhiUnderstand your car.

ft will .erve you. Iaithfully and well if you f.iv, it a chance for it. lif •. We'lI supp y you with superior suppli.s.

•••••••• i ••••••••••••• D •••• DDOOO •• O.o ••••• i •••••••• ,~ ;i'

Poultry Netting

'Wire Rope V\/lre Strand

Fence Wire T'elephone 'yY lre

Vegetable ~takes

Flower Stakes

Wire Cloth for Window Screens

Electrical Wires for tlouse Wiring



Wire~our Home on Easy Payments




Theo. J. J. Haaa Phone Rivenide 32-R RIVERSIDE, N. J.

OIl1('lill1(, and her dC'alh occurrtd on Salllr".,y. Th ... funeral itn'ictl were ron<luctNI by the R.v. Arthur S. Lew­i ... aud iutrrml'nt wal!i made in Laurel Hill ,,·nH·u·ry. Philad.lphla. Beside At rs t-Iardinf.C, one iOD lurvive •• JOI· el'b Gaskill. of West Philadelphia.

~ard avenu ... D.lair. last Thursday afternoon. Lezenby. N.lson Richman and . Arthur Wnght. who were also in lh. car, received cutl and brui.... St.cdl. and Wright .... re taken to the Cooper hOlpital in tbe autolllobile of Samuel Rosenberg. of Dclair. Wright wal able to come hOllle the .. me day. but St.edle wu kelll in the hOlpital lor an .xamina­tion (0 delernline whether or nOI any bone. were broken. He came borne tht followini day and il otlll under the car. of a phYllciua al bil bome.

7 La. U ....... LJI .... 'or oU poIa&o--6.4S Po"

Devote your Ipare time to the ton- I l ideration 01 your own fault •• for a

Oil... Hoan: I.. Ia .... ....,. thanll'e. and you will bave 1 .. 1 to .. y ClaM ........ II.It. aboul tbc-tauhl 01 your Dciihboro. tI4I ................................................... JIej ..... ~

The finc art of Jivinll 10 10 draw from each ""non hlo """t.-Lillian Whitlnll. THE NEW ERA I BUY IT AT HOME I =====~=-'"====--~-=---=~--:::-.. --, -,----_._------, -_ .. _ .. _---_._._--

Vol. 33 lito. 29

And rem""''''' ..... th. 10 ... ' Ifr~t coal, the

~~;::!tu::::r. ·v~1u~":' lUty motor oar • v.r buih.

Expand your sales zone-reach more customers. Figured from every conceivable standpoint a Ford Chassis, and a body to suit your needs will not only speed up and substantially lower. the cost.of your light delivery and hauling, but it will establish for your busi­ness an invaluable reputation for promptness and efficiency. Buy now. Terms if desired.


117 W. Broad St."J>almyra. N. J.


This Progreuive. Bank reCUl\ni l.e6 that its "rogres. hingeH on the 'inancial ~rowth of thill community.

So i\"6 perfectly natural for it to be intereflted in the I'ro~re6s of each citizen. . Consequently. for ollr mutual benefit. this bank offers ita co·operation and in viteK your account.


RIVERTON,N.J. " M'ii! mu l, Ii I ! ! I!!p !IIIII !'!'!! ! i ii'i!II!!!!i iIHi!!i!!!tfiili!!iliii!!!iI!!!Iii!!Ii1!! iiliiiil!lll !i! !iiili!iiililiiililiiiiliigiliiiliiiilili il.







11001"_0, N. J. Bcll Phonc 343 Privale


.... p.. Boob of tbe _ Iprlft. Papers ... now .... ,

for ,0lIl" lnIpectlaa

Curtail! Materiala .t r-we prien

MRS. B. S. BAUGH 1a...--. ,..,. t W. Broed Street


J. VETTER Flo"... and Planta

of All KIncI. w ...... fall IitIe of



Baat Rlftftoa PhNe II Z-H u


JUST RECEIVED Ford Size Corda (30-3Y2) Seiberllnll Coret Tire.

To sell at $12.50 , All Plntl. Slnllle Cur~. Hea",. Tread Tirel Guaranteed 9000

mil .. b, the malcer and b, UI 'l'he IInelt Imall Tire value we have heard of In a Ion II time AI80 a ,ood Fabric Tire (30-3Y2) 5000 11111.. 19.50

SPECIAL Ford Fendera III a aet; Fprd Headll&hta IS a pair


Broad and Morg.n Palmyra. N. J. Telephone 171

A. E. PRICE Notary Public ' Conveyancer


Phone 242-M


fire Ca.ualty INSU~ANCE

418 L.lpplncott Avenuli Alverton. N. J.




410 CHlllS'J'NU'J' S'J'I~lllJe'l'. Plllf..AIJI';IJPHIA

J NV ICWl' l\j 11lN'l' Smet) I~ ,'I'I'';S

• t.U'H"'"" ,0H, •• ".,. '.I· .. '" AN I) :ot .,w YUII" ,...rUCJM ~,u ' "'' tlu ..:'''



Vegetable and

Flower 0

' W~TCHMAKER 10 . 612

3 8 :\+ ' LippIncott Awnae

RI .. erton, N. J.


Poultry SuppUea

of every


EVANS . Phone 302 Riverton




LINOLEUM DOCTOR A cheap Linoleum wcll laid

will wear lon,er lhan an eapen· livc Linoleum poorl, laid.

fa your Kitchen Llnolcllm ,iYin. you .ood .... rl Don II lay dOH to the floor or lay in waYcll Don It bul,e all oycrl Th. '"', • •• ar. the ,"en it •• u. uul tint. Ltt m. ," I(l1k rOt It ••• I will ' .dd ,ur. to, h. UI,.

WM. J. PARKER 125 LaeOMY A_ •

Phone 130· " Palm"., N. J.

W. L. BERRY • ............. ft, , VI

Ref.reilC:etI .. to abWty fa~1ehed apoa reQllHt . ._-----

A.II. ri·~ 'hi, Net.


Eaclulivc Millinery n'olld and a.rfi.ld " .. nu. P.lm,.,. f 'ItC'II.hlt ly. t' ,rl'I" O,H" II )1 " ,"1 .. , • • ', hl .. " \\' c.l llcII,II,y. ,hHinK a",1 ~" 'U "t. ,· C't'rflIIlM~ Jill ) .. fill A" KUII "lImlC RiYl' II" " SI1

Delivered in Palmyra

and Riverton daily

~e year 'round ' ~ ~ ~ !

227 Welt Broad Street i Palmyra, N. J. I

. ~ ,Telephone ~

Z ~ Z

Riverton 396-w

Io'Ao'~~ 0 GOG 0 0 0 "'~Ao'_

Warm Weather

Perapl,.llon. duol. .nd 1 .... 1 u .. ,e make It diflicult 10 keep Ihc I,ht· .. ci,hl f.bricl of which IUI1lmcr dothln. II made look· In, fil.


Replar cleanln, .nd prCH­In. will keep .,our Iultl lookln, freah and new .11 Ihc time.

Phone ,our order for UI to call .t ltatcd limn. and we will do the rCl t .



IIain Street, Rl"Mtoil

Say It With Flow .. Pi .. ",ut JPJower. tIIId IIcIuqaeq

We apec1a1iu iA ...... ll:asw.a.

EDWIN PARKER ....,...amr.. ...... ~ '8U1 A ..... PaIm,r .. N. J.

PIlON Rlvcr ... .JOI.W Opea E .. e ....

GEORGE N. WIMER Member of Camden Real Eatate Board and the Real

Eatato Lea,ue of New Jeney

Real Estate & Insurance • \ d csirahlc 1ll00lcrn hOIl ~C . ill good IOl"lllinl1 ill IHvcrloll. al $6500, is a lIu vclt y; nlld y CI wc ha ve onc lu "trcr al thal fi g-lIrc.

Conv.,.nclnll Notary Public Commlilioner of Deedl Moncy for Mort.a,c


Out of P leld of Twenty-nine N.tional St.n. Riverton 80, Makea

Plfth Placc

\\'hil e . 11 Ihe .... 1111 111 111 111 ' all,. III " ,,,,, ,,,, "

.. 1111 ,,'u nit )' . a, che.l clu/licl,. the '" e,fllfllll"U r f" IlIr .. loth in 111,,1 ~" I1U ".)' ·. NA" "IU'" ,'halll ­I,j.", .. hl,' CliU lc I'I ' , wh k h "' Hrl c. ' a l ' b",: .. 11 ('('1 ""h • ., • • ,,,1 fll l'l~ h c, 1 A' th e R. y"" .. " ,tIN. H,r the hhh I'",u,(!cul i"r )'l'.r. lilc lr N. C'K I .. .. ' 1,,­IUC_' lIa l Ura lly cru le,,,,.t ill " ,,, .. ,1./11' .. 1', II t'

• 11 11 11: .. 1.1111 . It cA Ueli. " ,11 " ,muJ" hflll ,.Iurt', ' !,a rd y II lIulflK f', I111" . ,,"I "' n 'h r M 0 1 I ~:rll ' I , ,,,ill l!: ", li lt' I",,,, , " wI UlI lIr , ,, 10" ,hi .. 11 1,11: ,, ' I Iht' " I .. hr ,

I",~'r l: l'''~~::I~:! .. I~1 ~~~I I~~~el~h: 1 ~::::I:;~ Ji:,~~!~~ w h ,,~ l im •• a", l .24 :30. lIell lIuult' a " n u ll t'n ' IInl' l u ll ,. "'"I1,l rrl lll 11 llII wh,.,. \ VillI , st" ,"" llIlr l,. nil tr lllll1i mc "," rlh "1,U" U1 N ',', he ' "waHl hi" h lllll lnJ lilt' r u. ilr WII,'. Nru~ r "IICC ,Ihl h .. ' lI h u ulll il hr .. tI",~C'd Iht' II""." li llr, clulle 1111 th .. heelll Itl Kine. Ihe 'tlllll t' I u'" IWII )'l'lI'" liN" . lI d " Iwa,. .. " IIC rel4t IIw lllll'Ut' ill III I" II K , .cc: lIell ",a" i ll ' uur-Ih " lIu'co m;, ,, . Ihr rn ll rr w;ay ,, 1111 It wu all thc "Cle' ­

15 East Broad Street Palmyra, N. J.

Phone: RI .. erton 217

~u l>l ,"l l l~C' l,k l lllt' 'fht 'U .. c ri ll" cltltCIi. wC' l r ,.t'lIlIl",' I,) ~")'" HCIIJlr ll, wlln f" II.,.ttl Ihe' ract' It" " " 'lII l' l , " IIIt1u.,dll ' C 11 .,lIhlll"· lu'''' ' '. ,. .. r lll

";" 11 11), \\' rhc ht cl.t c ll .mr" l in: ",.i IlU M 1 1"", d I.y hi ' de .... ' ,1j,,1r11C ~ lIJfI "' .

I'" fI" H," I, 'fI .. I ~r. u .. I" " Ifll I". ' irrll".h UII'II I I .. " . r' IIC 'UtIiCr 1'lIuM 11 11 ,It pit .... ' he 1I ,,'"e 101,,. i ll 'he Ilt ll ' ,Ie .. ""ral,. III. i.lI . IIr ,ulI .. III II N h ili, fil'II ".,11 ~ h." ,IIOtJ III C .. i!.,,., ~ II" . , he . l ' I,,1t Nh' j ll it .. i .. rA l ra "II,(e,. - 1I1C: ,e"hl. , ivlI wull! . "" I .. c' Kn,1 1"',, ,"1' tIIe.llt l .. I', 11, 1' fi'''1 I'uce .. II/I .. live , f ll l'- 1',1 Ih l' "". t Ihre,.. l lirle I

t .., .... '" ell "II .. II,,. .... 1)' " tI,e ' 1t ,.e, III" I,. " I .. 1,liu' l' :11111 ""h' ;t e ll l' in ,III .. nur. 'r""" )e ... ' " ,t('. J :u ' &! WM " .. i" lh . lIuI 11('11 I ..... Sa tll n lM)' lIIa, l .. 11I e- IH' .. I .. h"WIIIII 14 11) Kne' I"" 1M, ,. II .. , .. H' 111 1111(' III " ",·""tlII IIII lI lI " I,)' III~ f" .. , · he 1l", I; f"~ IIIIII IIco lf .. .. t it ,. t" lh IIC: '" .!I "llim',.' ",j lll /"'1 ' II ,lt f' 11'111(,11 SI.'t .. 01 .. ,1 (' '' IIOI ''~ .

11 .. 11 ' .. '''14 1 .. 1I ' tul.1 I,r ... 11 C'III' "IIf II"rlll''''' I" r",." ""Y ,n 1t, .. ,., I,," . A" M, . IJu, I" " "", ," f',Ii "I",1 I.!III , ' r Su . i ll a 'ew yea'" l tiyt f li lll .. 111m It! 1" ,Hlm'e .. IH', (JI p. blc "~I l, ri'U( IIIII 11 ,t' ,,\ .. l i.,...1 ~ t llW II tu our (.IWII IUWII. It i". 1'. 111 11 1If'),. I., _' ar in thh H.IKin.1 rWCli 1 II rr, 111_1 It ,. , lieU. ,.d, ~h"well w:. .. .... . ".It", 1,la('t' ",,11111 "'-. h ('in ll .hlth it, "nfl. :-H.IIII )' \Vnllhl "u,le,1 Ihe Kin r l 'lII l lf')," h' I'l l '), II"" w .... Iw('Ulh in Ihr . ' ,.. , ,, ... ,": ltl

W·IoWM ..... ..,. of Union Counly

T id .. i .. II,,· la ln, t olf"'ja l Ilir lllrc or till' 1l1 0i 1i \\ 110 il'> .1,,· ", i;lI ecl i( c'ltllhlica n X U lilil lI'l" Inr f ~(J\' e ' r"ur allfl wlt u :o c' , ·" ·c·, io ll "' '< I :-.l fJ\·' ·lItlH'r ~W C ' 1II 1'i 10 he .' ..... lIn·.I .

: : ~i .. ~n~;e~h~: ~~te r "':'~I~I~ ~nrll~:: (':::;n ":w;~: :. KILLS fRIEND WITH SHOT GUN i"II(,11 tI,,. ' ... 1 Ih,l'c )·e.r_ III . 11 .... ,. ... 1 .. ', .

:,i,~'; '~~ , ~j," l~t~I t':I::~ )r~~ed,~~r . .. I,:::ac 1 ~: , u\I:: Bartley Fi. her Fatally Wounded by

~: ::'e I~~~ .. :~'l' "~~'.~' ~: I ~~~~j'~ .. :;:::::~~ :;:;111 :';~ , 1 Lu.hion Stout Who Thoulht He Allle ll l'IUI ", 'irit hni .. h",1 III ,I ,c ." .. lI t ""'/ ', Wa. BuraJar. Friend or ra r t' ~,Rlv"rl"" wilh liN ("'r .. ta,. ,·lt ll Family ror Many Year. w,,11 1f'f'1 .. a li-firlt. Wllh .. ufllr , n l II'HI.I I " III«: II h,,, Uh' r rllltl , fl . .. III 'e"' ''' ", !,., YII w' II' 1 1I ... , tl ,., If,.I,,., ... cr.' 1111,1 , .u . • a ll .. 1' ''1 "tulil 'dull hi' . " ), ihill" nt ... , t l,elf I .. (r "' I .,11,1 kil " '" I,) l.u ~ I "'1II S' '''' I. ~h' '' II , Itl te, "lit I,,. .. flull, )·. ','''',,1'10. \\· r, l lIt ~ I :.)' 111" ""1161.' " ' ,I, t' 'r ... , '"

S t'I''''' 111,1 "WiUl '"I"" la l'r flllllr tr),'"" ,.,'" I Iltr !'f '''1I 1 Ii .. ",r . .. " "t·"" "I ' l"r l. ,lit l'IIIII Ih . " ,1I ,.ni ' .. " III ~;'III "J .. li' ·" 1.11t'· 1 '~ ,I ""I4f1 1 1( , \\·,IIi .. m l" . ",I, ,, In .. .. III Ihc c ' H,k NIII,hc ... , wi ll.1 wa ll l,f". I" ", :' 11,1 ",hr ll I'''' ':\ I'iI' I II"'III ", ,II ·rI .. ,,1 " ,,,I )" " " 1 .... .. . 1 ... 1,,, , ille "' lIIrl t',1 III n'HHI "" "' Im" -"r,1 1111" II,r "' ..... JII ~ I 1f'1I, ",," IC h,," ,e It r l4 .. 1 II ... ,1t"1 .. II" ",hut . the rr_,,11 wa .. /II wh it e e. ,'I·' II., ~ ,.;t ,14 11 ... 1 I I.,. , ,.le l.I,,,,.r ",te,:",I", . which Irl,.,. Ihc "'a", ill" a" ,1 ('"UHu," " t l'yr" . 11" ,1, "j'III"" "'r''''' If' Ihe i'flbre lOU :.1 Ih,. 1IIII I Ie elll' ) , It wa .. ""I', ly hlll",ui ltle I .. "101 1" ,,, 14 ,ill 1" " lIrd '" ,I, t' ~ (' r ll" .. , ' fir .. 11" .. 1. m. lee IlwHI l ime •• nll It WI'l'" :. 1I/" ""'It' I II , "'M. ., hI' ) " .111 ,.1 1' ",1,1" " " ,llc v ' " "1111 w, '" . " II iu .. n'f lll lu cy,.n filll . I,. \\' Ii:' 1 i ~ .. II ,I,,. II 111 ,1 ...... ' 11161 "'" It lIIall ·" h .. II,1 II. III ~ 1,. 11 "''''e , r ",.,"a"'l' Iwrll t ),· I,," fi lll .. IUt" 11111 ,,' • It" .. 1 I'f,.II, IIII' I,,. ;. ff ', 11 .111" " W""t' " I . he • fi cM fl ' Iwcnl),.uin(' wh ir.1t W I'" " ,: , .ml.)' ", •• ,jlll" Itr 1r :t!1 r". lr" fl, 11(''''' ~ 1r" 1 wl" l .... Ih ,. 11I ' / l ,{ulllhrr ,,, ever tlll l·h ,II tl" ", . , .. ",1", .. 11 "~r I', 11,1' h"" -e Illu l dhrl: t1 )' 1111' c .. rll i . Ilin .III"" • • h ,. lire:. ''' . ' III'MlIIC''' ·.f "III" .Ir' a <0(" " '"'' .. 1111)' ",Jr.,I., ... rl '. Thi,l )' fII cn wt re ~lI lr"·,1 IIU I .. tiC ,.nr,1 A .. "," .11 II .. "e l"ulI.1 he ha,1 ~" ,., ~"IIIC'.fJI· , ... . nalle till al'I'rll t tl ll ' '', S,.,,,, I .. " ,,, , II" 1(".,,., .. .. ",I ",ltr ll Ih,'

: r ll t' ' '' I'f('fll e ".,,, .. ,,, ,,' tI, e llay wrll l ' " .,fli,·c,,. ,.,,,.,c.I, ,,"I """"' '''It 11,111 II l,h,,,,,,cJu il ·rI,.,,";. ,, v.: 1l1a,1t" . cht' ru nr'",," ),rJff .. 1,1 ('II ',.,. hlf,1 .. 1,ell,I ,· IIf'e li .. e ll I I'll. t,Uice , l 'd ll' , ... I .... '"'''' I"" I."" AIINt'lr . A, II lel i(' ('luh. 1I11f ".. " '1'11 ' I" , Ilr . If ,,"r , .. I "'"" I ... w . n.1 ",h,." Ir ~ ·1,1";a ,,. ,1 Iii .li r " ifillI' \\' hell !'I1' oII l 'el ll,"r,' I.c wa ~ 1,llIc,.,1 tll il ic. rll " ,' .. 1, lr , hll' 1I',IlI t' '' ,·a ni,.,1 "ff ' hr h ' JII ' , I . ""' e"" I I} ,,0"' 1'1 (/lII l( l t), ~'h" c •••• 11 Ilf rn I ', 'h t' '.II.' thru yran. A ,,'ra ' ,11I .... l i,'" ,h,. IJot I " ' , • hl4 .. ,.,1"'1'11 ... t •• ",hll . h .. 1d 1I""e """ 11 hll,l I II II.,. IIIr.wl",.,. UU'I( ' "'' ha,l tr l'I ,h·.llc,1 ,. , II " McoII lind lib"" fIIr l. H II,~,. ~' 14 " III/ .. t .Ir , '111,.1 "I " .,1 " t' J"I", ('. t; nl ..... . .. Ii " .. , · ,mr .Ir"u .. " ' m('el inac Ihr , ·hle • ." , ,,·jll ller an.1 " '1' " ,,,,,,r,1 I" .. I.UIII'I • ' 1,I II ,.rl)' .l h.ttIIIHlln te,1 whrn ht , .. ,1 ..... 1 I'. a i" ",,,., ' I' y uh,., , I,r " .. uIIII •• , Jill y "" ", ,, ,, ,",,1 I.e. r. lila",. . ".'Imml n., ""lIi,, '" I, hc:..')' ..,.11. "'l! a 11 .... 1,,·. I4r ,·" ,.11II 1( , .. . ,." "'1" Uh . , •• ",,. ... Ie .- t'r ), "1I ,",,,lIy 1II.,t" ,"u .. I, al"w,., l illlc •• 11\ 1111 " Iht' II" " ,,C, 11 1111 1.\1 .. ' .... 11 ",,"I I,,. , I''''u,11I fac t Ihe . Iuwe. , l ime (,I f ,he five. I.ce .. "1'101 clrr w" ultl. liC' , .,h l,c,," hal' ,c llI,,,r,I •• here. 11111 • • 1110,1 h,. W'III a .. ,.adly 11"11 I,,. ., ht' _1 ... It'If.e-II I " 11101,1" I.) ' .u .. I"'III "'''',, ' "II" .... e"",I'n"""e II '''I'l' ' ;u ,11,1 JJ "ltIe .,. JII .. "t' I" . 111'.11,1" ""I" .. " , 1, ... 1 I' ,-I.r, . wh., h ~"1 1 I.)' II .... 1t.IIIII I "uel'II,," ifill"" Ih" """"ICrr .. , , he h i lll .~ l f . '" 14 Ih ll,. Irllll a" '.11 I ~ ,,_ . M"' 111 . I ' ~'· ' . , ,, . , MI('n. 1111 11(1 nlllle,. "'lI~ h)' '", lIIe .. " . .. I,.,,,, I ... ) " fI,1 l lir "" • •• ffltr, '1"'jU"lI l l) " ,..1 111 4 in., a ll hr h. tI . • ,"1 . 1 li n), Ii",,, ,· .. tlhl IHI\ t' III"IfI ..... 1 thr ~ 1 "" 1 1 ... 1111' " ",I '1"lIIt' l lI lI r ~

inc:,rll"".' 'I i" "ltee,1 I" " """ ~I.I",. "'r r_ I""'. ~ ' III,ell """""1(1.1, ,I", " .. II I ,I ".", IWIII., " ." 'rh e .... Ifllml'", Ih "lII.rl vf'~ .... tlllt',1 III Ihit,1e ""1 •• ,· ,, .. ,1 .... Ihlt l h" lIIu,h l I""'" 14 ",1 ." , ... , ,Itt' , ', II I"rnl" . Iar ".'u '" httvr "",,.31 1,,, tli" I". ,,1t:''' ~ I1I''' I/, .. I . ~, " .. ,' I".ell .. ,,,,. ,,., .. , 11r" ""iu.", .. ,.1'. f41l ,11,1 mn .. " , Ihr .. ffid .. I... ' .. IfI.h , .• , 1111111)' ,r ... r4 . • )9" 'hu'-tr,.w ..... h" C' III,, ' I.iI,e,1 IH.11t I,..)'. ' rllt~"'" "'Ilh l 1' , .1'1"1 "'"' 1.11 1111,11 ~ I " II I 31 1 ,.i. III,"'" ."1' ... w Ih«fU ""'h ," wj ", •• ftCfI. W .. II' '" II .. """,,, ... I" 1" " I"t'" "')lln", _ay . it w..-,III 1iC' likc 1 ..... inK II c •• ill III' III ,'r.h,., .. ".1 I., .. ", ,'c ... ,,", I' le ''''If 1''''' 1 II,,. Ihe air. r'''UII' " ,.1 ... ,.1111' .... ,,1 . "",., .. IH, lI t 1i .. 11 ' ... · 1

,~ .c,)' (' " ." • • 111 fJt' ",a.l,. III Ihr nr .. t ' ~ f " ,,,", ",I.r .. " , .1", . IIj.1 III , II'III"IJ I Ite ", ... ,Itt ," Ini llN III ...... IWII ' '''"',U .. ,. I "' ~ l"ICC lh", It •• It •• ", .· f." .I" •• " .1,,1 " ' ,' I,. .. "r " " Iii ",i.'.

,'l r,1 a lllt "('(' IIfI,1 1,III('e . wr,c IIc"r, "'"C lliad,l . "" .. II II" ""f' 1I1 h.,IIIr .. w i ,,. .hr ,1 in ,'ou l~ 1. JlI .. L.,. wi",,/n. ' . r41 "'111"" 11" ,1 AI ~t1" "ue .,',' . .. L. I' r " .. ~ ..... lr"".1 " ) 14 Kell"u .. . 'If Nt' .. V" , Ie. whurill" lib' .. .. " ... iI ,. ".".r ,1 .. "," . ' ,11'. >III.' tl ... ".,I. , " " .... I" .. ill "t'(",n,' ,,,,, .. hillfl . \" C' l .ev.II, I. I" " I'''ttl! 1" ',lh,., ) .11",. •. I,u"" " " . 111111.". """11,,,, hr. tlel,lhhl o;.ln ll"ln. (,'111" "r l l' l lIlI . .'If! lit,. ," ,1 1 .. 11 ... 1 . .. i"", (lu",,, , .I"j "'" Kf't III till

' ,rnn , ,. '" I" 'lfl. Kl"~. " ,,. ' ·«,lI r ... 1 .... lIn'tt ll"( III , ... IU. J 1111 1""111., ' " , "" ,r, I, .. ,. ... 111".1 ' ·'ul,. III n "~lIk l )' 1I "Ia , • • II ~ '.rtH. Il . 1114t1lr )' · . ' Will" '"t ill! WC'IIIII., " ..... " . "'", hi'

'r ltt' Ilifacr.1 (' , ffw,1 " , Iii,. t'1I ' ''~ lOC' .... '" w ... ",,,,,, .1.,. " ",flit liI 1 ... 111" ... " ,1 ' ... ,f.:e" :" ' .1111.1' "ioftl,,.,t',f fI" Ih e " .rlil "lui, ",h.rl • • "" wli« 11 ",r I",,.h 1111/1 ,.. .. ,,1. S .... ", ..... I', I,r ntalee " ... hrtl ,11(' ,"" _ ,h,. lin(, • wlnu" . in """'1 A hlliit 1 .. " , he 11t'1I 111 ... "", . t' ... , ,I.,. 1.2. :;'1) ,1f"'I,It' ch .... rt tl . dl c f"'''I' ' ,., .. " I .. ",,.tf I,..,." ""i".'" •• u,1 e.II", ' lIltail" II"ea t"" IIIII their whl ~ tI". whl .. h •••• n-w\,cd by Iltt' Iu _I""ll If , lit' 1'11, 1), f ... ,,, .. ,II.' ,II,t .. ,.,.11" "m .. IIlIr Il ' aul"" .hlrh ('("wtl e/l . 11 II ,,· N ••• fI .w"r CtI,n" .. nil fI ,. .h',1 . " ",,,hl tI',WII I"".ch .... I.j thc dtt'f . 'r he "Iuft. "jewell h ' lIIt '" , lie II . IIu nl l. II C' h" .. ,.1 ;j 111' ,,, " ... ",1 'tJ~',r.j Ihe ri,,('r, .al _ ..,. .. III e"I" r The .I"", w ... "¥WII" ' .. II . ;.rcc'''''I,,,,,I ... 1 I,) I" . ,,,',Ihr,. wit .. Iinetl with . 11 " Inti. tI' en.ft . '",ft! "' " If' I, 111111 IlCr" .., .. " . ,. " lit I .... ltl .. " r;. I1",,. atll' ,1,1' ),.('1, .. I', can'l('lI .",1 ",ni,.. Krll i in. ('(hb ,,11 '""' ..- '" ."t IItllI. "'1'''"'' in '12. :In; nr_1 w .. I.,. ,," n" III 1 JJ ~ 7 'rI.C) ".11",1 Il, .. hr, "II ".. ", ,,tJII/I 1111" I, .. 1"lIowl',1 "r lCiI"~ 'n l .U :I". Iht' ll C!:ilnlC Hi". ,11".1 ill .. f('"" ,"iuU I('1 _1 ,h, .. ,1 IfIllklliK a ,.,11)"" ttl,n wlt t'n Bell whl"'~11 I.y in ZJ(,:~ ' .1 .. lrll' l'li l Lall ' I" l ilt' ,~.I will""'. w ... " "'·"fll" ... II , '(I,r 'Hall} "'... ,uII'.we,1 ' " " ullcru.lI", II l ht' , l1til.tI"I"III. hl'l,. In 2.17 :In. .,,,., .... , ' .. 1II',rlllle'.

'tl'e rl'.1 I .(t .,' .he II., a"d '"l' "Ilitl ,t" . \\ r.J,lr"'It, "" ,""m .. IJ,." ,·In'. I· ... ,"u lilli' IttIHad"tI .p'.rt '"I""re,. enjl)Y .... hdw"c" I" . ;a .. .. ' .. l ilfl l . t 'hitll l,1 t\ III1 CO . ",,,,,,,,, ... ,,ic,' I.)' W,Id ','r .... '. r, f Hew VI),Ir •• n" nill 'tltll. , 'r" "/lff' 1I;t,It'II. (" ... "',. , .. " ... ulll" ;'u" Ihe " '," II,III. ';.irnUli"lI (,Iu" , Il)r eiach III;,f C 04 ' , IIIU "1111 11 .. " .. iii' .. I." ., .... k )f u. "fI,1 nltlCh "lac.. W ihUm .. , rr letl un t il within , ... ,1', . 11,1 ' '"1'111 r"" ,/,«, Elw,,.,.,1 Ur ll"". fl .... ,r.,tI. a' the finl.h whrll h, thr ,"'''1 ", I t ',"'C .. I .... II. \jo .... 1.." I"ew: • • nlt i .. url'

::i:.' il:;i~~.·P~=!~":ed'-: ~,:,e; .:j.~t~~~. ':.:; ;.~:,iS:,,!~'~"~" .. r~~~I ,;,,%~I; I I'~~;"CI!:~!:r.I'(ad '1.II.II.,.,hl. bI". win_tn .... , I ... Ihan _ 'U· I', ) ' "ulIl ""U,. 1-,1 , .... ~.h l ire a,.II"" ,.f I)nA. tI,t' ",.",1 la,~ . ""'"c· '.u JI.,lter a",' hi.

Th .. rac~ N ~.HJner .nA O'llb"ne ll l'a"1 II.HI" ~"ItJl ',ack I" W'UlIII I 11,,11, w/th I", .. i. ' nt ,h .nd ....... tslren l .. place •• " almll.1 Ih«m. • • ...nll • • 1I,nal. nl'~ I W" r~e' we,.. ' ht IhrU &, ,. ',f thl' da,. The p',lk. ,,,,. .. tlitl 'In« .nr. In bel,ln. , he CllUrllC duro flut The' Oth., 0"., • ,I",c. w,,"er er.1t f"lu ..... 1t Ihl' r.U. .\ I' I Ir' . U" " U.' ,w" .HU lt ' "" t} ::"::: f,=:::~;,; ~~:·~~~·vti::" c:.:.,~~;~ I ." li l li' I' l "1 IIf' 1.IIt),rd " I1"" r'ull, .. "II" ..... INStIl .. , .ltoH ,achl ••• dtl' I,,,, 1\ 011 .' n"1 I r) "1 h e " 1I rIl1-411, ult dal btl.l . COIIIIftIJd,ore ,,,,dan,,' ... 1C.,." ,nf', • It" I " .. II I II I_t ' Mk )'"ur l u r n _tuI many ntN" " ,,11' II " I r It hi )'uur d Uly It,

.... ~ •• ~,~u:a,'!:'~k:J ':i.,::=d.~!ir '!:!~:IIIIII I' .; I. 'f'" tr I • .."uall" 1.1 .. crall .tId doric •• to tJ.c bA, ... ho rowell t lte IllIl,) I .'" "" "flY. VI,U IHlUd Irnt •• ., .. teh In .... 1 IN.,., .... ..,d If" .U I I: . ' " 'I 'OI,(II.,,, ,y. It )'IIU r. lit"... wllo .""H -', har" • • M ..... ,.,otI •• 001 n' • • 1. , ,·r ,I .' ,· HIII .. e tlU.1 .. n 1

1N~~t':: ::!' n~·.:!d ;j::~I=~h:' ~~h~·~~' " o:~ . I"" '~\'IIrll 'l In hll 11M ." bt-JI.oW-.-.... ".M " , 1M, ••• of.U ., .. ". ,I 1·1I'·IIuru",· 1,lIu If, ,.".".1 .. _ .... ,au, Ihe I •• I. flu t I,. , .. ,.Ir I' ;1 1 ,·,.d IU ,,,,, . .... , ... U. bcatia. d"W •• JJlc:ld~ ffolll..... '·'''1i1t'r. 10 "Aua'JP' Iti:. 'at:-o,·:.~.~ !!.bl~~ :~bf,. ,!:, I , ..


Sunday SrhOol ' ·Lesson'

(f, ,. ItI'! V. I'. u: V'T~WATV.", D. D .. TI· ... " . r (If En,lIlh IJIbl e In t,he MOCMI, fllI.I.· 1tlllllltUc of Chh:a.o.,

("" '" rlche " " . tV_, ,,,.t H"w.p • .,., U"lo •


1. I:.ktcu ", T Jo: XT- II" flle l ' :1-%11. II U I.llfo': N TI~XT-Who lhro".h f.,th

."' ,, IUt'1I kln . ,I II Ul I' . wrun.hl­r,,·"". ul ,ln l" ,.,1 . ' rumh .. ·., II tupped Ch. 11 ,1111111 .. II ' IIUh • • - n e b . '11:31.

1t "; fo'~ I"·;S('Y. MATf:RIAt-J.r. 71: , l lff! . :I ; Ace" ' Z:I ... II; %J :1J.._ : '''b. It : . H(I.

f ' U.&f ,\ IlV TO '''IC- Ootl Tak .. Car. of .,ftnl ....

oI U SluU TUJ ',. In the Den of 1. lhIU' INn: IIM Y- I) /AT Y- ANU~Y-NIOR TOPLC

•• IIAllh·r" lI. ro le I··.lth. ': , " JNO I'JoXJ l"'~t-: ANIJ AD1.1IH TOPIC

- '(ril, h, Mn,l Trlum"h" ur V.Uh.

I. Oanl.1 the ,.Ime Mini" •• of the Modo·P.ralan Impl •• (vv: I·B).

"'1.' rIItIJl wflrth "rolllCh' hllll '0 the fI'nll' IIu.1 kl'I" him The nt'''' klt l" \\11" k ... ·1t h, tlhU'.,rn hi. wurth Hnd I . , $:" '" II rl·I·"RllltlulI •

I I. An O.o .. lon Ioughl Ag_lnot (n-, HI) .

II. Till' rC" "" "1 , .. r (v •• ) . Nu doubt 1111 11 whk" ""HlIIIII",1 .hlN elf"r' . "' • • :1.1' "11\'" 111111 JI,,,I"II .. , '. 1'1"'llfflftlrIlCe IIr "11\'" nlw",'" Hhu",,, Inf.'rlurlt,·. It ". lIul'Il rlfr .111' hlllllllil '1I'1Ir' '" 'ur,h'l! .11"",· ",h" ,·.,·,d.

~. ,.."Ifur.· uC ,,'. ")' UOIi le"" "m· ,'111 1 1'. '. ·u.·,1 "'liN 1iI"IIIHI~",. . Thel " Ullitl I,", '~ ""II lind un err"r. fGlJv)' hi " 1111 h. fill' w.,rltl . '1'1,,"" " 'hit .,II·cl ID :' 11,' III", dr.' .. ltre tn Ifll" .. r In IHlltl l!'

h II)' ".r fflf'J r ,.I.· .. II .. Uf'II· • • . ,. '1'1... ",II' ke el 1,ln. . ",\., 60 .. ) .

'I'h," 11'111111",,1 III,' II " III"K" 011 the ~1'1I'"f11 fI' Itl " '''r,'IN'1I r,dhclulI. Tltl')' \\ ,·r.· II '" " UI" ' (III IIhulI' .lINr IIIp.hll,', JII~ I ,." IIlI'lr "11.1 """ utlnl ..... I. \Vhe .. "1 111""1111111 ' .1 It)' ,,1.,.11 hu""d "111), ,II. f" II " IIr 1;1111 "1111 .. ,, \ .••. I':\','r,''''''' n~erhl ' hu ' 111111' "1111,.. hi Hillti' fI' lJallte l"fI 11I."tll ,\' II", ,11" " ,'1' w .. " .hcu~d h)' the h l' l" "" ... .. \\'fluld "ut him III'" Ihe dell "r IJIIII M.

iii. O_nlol'l Nobl. Conl.Hlon (II' . 111· 1:1) ,

... 111111&:11 1'111114'1 klw\\, Ihllt .he wkked ,1t·'·I·,·" WII " " IM'III'II hi! kllelt " ttfure (Iud " " " " "111. .s"". I ht· "Ihuu"! tI' Ileruhuu, \\" '11 1; 1111'11 hlll" " 'r ; ",ruUI tn .... ha\'e 111111 ' I II " ",\' .

.. III! "lInl lill",lI hi" ,,"uHI .. "bit (" . ItI). Jet'Ulllnr 'IIII,IIIIHI .'rn,.~r I, """;"1111111 lu rhehl Uf,·. U,.IIII h ... an 1IlI'l lI l'l~lrluu 1I1(lfII 11'4' mltl .... 1H'. 1'11111,. "1'u" ullr " 'lheJ"II" Jlff'. It t! NIW" .hul tilt' ch 'U luw hocl 1I ...... ',u • .,I,. i lHllii lr "; I" ,1" willa h .. , r.-IINlflll . U"d'" It,,\ I"" hJ·~1. Wltt'll Iht! h,w .. If' uurlh "1111""'1 "III. UtHI' .. IU\"6 Ihtlre I. hlu 'till' ,hil'M In lIu. J~,," " ("rlll.ldlill '" ... ·11 .1 II ii' HII.I,·, '" " 1'11)'. fir 'fl 1I1f!~' Iu \\"I'"ltl" 4; '14 ' . hu rc III' 1III'''flr'',' "" ur 11 11:11 .

( VI". J 'nJl 'l' l ... ·lu) I'Ie'(j I" IIII' JUIIY 11 · 1:1) . "" Wltt: ",1e·k,·.1 III""

\\1111'1 11'11 Iff HUI' "UI UH III Wlt lltl ... , ,," .. h·j \\ fl lthl, ""'''rc ·h,,. 4;,,,1. 11 11" ",11"11 111"1 r';'III" Ihll' Itl' . ·",,11.11 .. ·,1 h '", \\II, "' illl' "t "It' I,,,,, 4~UJJ Ih.')' \ \ 1:111

' " I III' ~", . j,t li tH' 1'f"'Hrtt',1 flulf "II" h ' l ,1I,,1·' ·": III ,h·.1 hi" ,h·cl·' ·t·. •

,\I. 1 he F oollih O.~r.. a"'cut.d 1" . ~ ' ~' · I1J . ,

I. '1'1,.. kit.U ' '' ''' I.Ie·, ,,.cd wit It IIh", "I f (\ I·'}, II" JU""J'u,1 ItII llt t UIIIII~

"H\\ II lIt IIII' HUll I II ... ·Ih·.',. "lIlIlel . II,! .1;' " ' ·'.u ... ,", ,,,,,, 'hul II .. hu,1 "~eu UII' 111'1'111'1' .

:.!'. '1 lit' kl .. ~ ''''II'k,.. .. (v. ' ;'1 . '!'lI t 1'1'1111,1 '"II" '" lltH' 1' . 11 ' h e \\'1111 .. .... " •••

;~. ""l11d l'UI4I 1111 " IIw th·n lIt lIuolI ' ( \ . " ,I . " 11' k llf t.;" lut l'tlllJ,; ",,,rd '" Ilu lIl", \\ u" II ItW H . Ifwh'" " " "U~ lur .'1 10 ;;1111 1, ' ·WI ,.; ' ·" !'", .. ••

J. '1'111' 'l' ,II"I, · 1'I ,·ttl (\' . 17) . ·J·hl. nil"" '" II" .. 1111\\14 Ihll ' "'H' J'lHWII I w 11J 11111 11'11,.-1 11 11 ,, 11 11" '.

V: D~ulI.1 OoU\torid ,,·v. 1)j·:lII) . I. _'lilt' III,· CUII"",, ( 1,111"""11 the

II IUh. " 1" ' 111 III lhe Huu · .. . , .. " uIIII tJlt~ "'UI lit I'll' JlII I.H" ·. II, lJ.t· l.uJu ' ·e f htH ti

\\ 1114 "" 1'1 11"'11. IIU wlnh. IJulI l ... I·. f,ul t!t ' 1ft II .... . 1 JlJI'IW'" .,111,,' ';1I (t· I) II lId 1't!H" ~

\\hit-II 11' " "JI' JlltJ'l i,'IU fIr Ih" . t: "h., I I' ll i'l l 1;. ,.1 li l li ' ,. " ,. 114 " '111.

_, 'I' lli' l{h 'l{n ',lI cHlilln ID tilt "" JI' IIIUJ.,. (\ . :':0 ).

::. J '" l1 ft, l .... "I"w,·r (\'. 'J.:.! J. f;"d 'l ' " '$:. '1 '111 '" (1 1111" ' " 11 11)' "',m,f"1 fill wurk • • ' 1'1 11 1 " url ) 1' 111 h d'U II 14 . It ·JII III Hud Imnd .. ,

" I'~ "' " """ d,·.tl l.. . I . 1'11 11 11,1 ,1,·Jj, .·rl' ,J ( Y. :la). No

h ll ll" " I' "I' hUrl ",a" "IIIIUI lJ"c"UJl~ In: 1,,' 111' \,·.1 III IIiK ';,,,1.

VI . Th. Doom of HI. A""H'. ( I. ~ II .

'1'1'1" \\ 1· .. • "11111 h.III III .. "f''' IIf UUllJi Ulld I,, ·I,/n· " " ') ,. , ~ I. l 'UIlIt! I" ,II ., .JOI, (1. 111 lit f lit' ,h'u 1111'11' I ,,,"~" " ~rt: hrf,k~1I

III l 'It·' ·' ·... ·J',.l .. i,.: UII "'M f"J"~ IJI reo ' I )I,ll'" ) 11 ",11, " , l lU lIl" I',. t:JM1f11I t:1f 11'1 1111', IIII' ... ,!I.w ,rul' \\ ',Jd J the), "re­:", ,.·,1 rll r 11'111.

VII . Oar lul ' D.~r • • ( y v . 'U .. ~J . l it·,. w,''' ' I " 1r.·", ', I .. if lld f .... r I..,foflj

• '111.11'1'" 0')1'1 . .\ .. I " ",1u-1I ... r . Uurlu. 11111 1 u "hUII&,'1 /,1 '!I'ur' Me ,I' I nlf' knoW".

VIII . O. n"l·o Proeperlly (v. ~) . ' l Il IlJ" 1 ~. ,. .,. It IU IIl" IU h , the kll •• •

flll il l "",I " ,m l il lUh ' I II ',IK "lila. uf 1I' ,II11r ~\ " II f "H" " II ,Jl llu"lI" cJutll,e.

&: vonll L.1Io tho GloM. .\ JI . ,,, . 1:,,'"1 1' \f' IIII, lit til'. Ilut'*

.• 11' ilia' I lu· 1ol1"IH' It .wlt, of which ' .... , ... 11 I. I .. Ilu· rull .ta, II, I.1 . 1Id tile ,,11/1'1 hull I,. 1,'ulJloIt04J tu clbeeurtll"­\ ·" f llllr ...

Ol_ ......... t. 1 . \ (11" J.I " Iflrl l ' " ,Jl tIH ·flDt."raaueot. tIN "" '.1 IUI"'" Ihhu( h i t he "otl, .ft ,Ualm. II,I", ulIl l 1,,'ul llI.-Hu,," , e*

TO Hav •• 1' ....... 'fl,,· unl, '.\ aI)' "j tun •• "'ead ....

h t, '1, " ,Y,;w"rIlUIU •


I .


THE 'NEW I'ubli.hed every Frid.y al



The' Ne .. Er. i. d.YOled to Ihe buoi­nc~ ' ~nd home inlC'.r 't ' .. of Rh'crloJI and Palm"ra, independC'nl 6'T

politiral or rcli ~i01l5 hrlirf- . Ihe p e 0 I' Ie' , ralJer

Sllb.crir~i~~y~I~~~ • yc.,

Ad\'erti!ting ratr'~ on application .

The New .. : ra Office is cquipru"d 10 ... 10 "II l<i"d. of Fine Prjntina . 1

rralmnahle pri(';:~ '. -::- _.

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENIJ'S Thr N .. \" Eta i ~ a [.t'cal New,,·

paprr COlflmil~ionrr~'. Shcriff'!' an'" other Sale~, Admini 'l lralo,, '" and Jo:Ji . ccutor'" Ad\'Nli "C' lnt'nU ;ur ... oliC'itf'd . Tltt' New Era will aprrr("i3le hring rcmcmhcrcd in Ihi ~ conutclion.

Notice AI~ rcadf'l ~ or loral nOlic,." o f I'n·

ler'IUllllents, "uppf'r~ , fair!', ci anre ' , ctc. Rh'cn for Ihe P'lrl'O!Of' of r:.i ,cin).!; mo~f' Y . or for which :utmi" ... ioll· is (,h~rgeci, will he rhOl"tf'yf for at the ra ... of fHtr.(,1I rr.n'" a lille.

Deacon 'wi o.: h 10 kno\\' "Ol tH·· Morrill I"jlll: of nm",' Ihitl J,:'; MUle,, : hltt Ihe' .. ,n· .. ill whirh ('1J\·rr .. a widl' lu',i i..; lik,·h· 10 h(' ., h .. llow. I wi .. It 'A ht' cit·,·., :tt 'ra, ' itl .. '101 .. anel I 11111",1 limit my intcl'c:H .. :trrordiIIJ . .dy.

Claus-Lippincott :\ 'Illict hll' \'(' ry prcll)' \\'eddinJ.:

was "'QI,·ltItli /f',1 at Ih c hOllle or .IOM·"h f I. SlIIilh. .!II J.i, ll'itlcott :n-clllte. fth·cr,on. on Salllnlay, ,1uly I:;th. al M p. m ., whe'll Mi .... M:lriotl Brnnctt t iflPinC'oll. Ililtll.:"lI·r o( Mr. and M,.!'o . 1;' .. r,,11 ,.f. Smilh, tW(' amc' tit,· of Mr. , ·,,.or l.: c· I , •. ,\,.y Clan.,. of Phila­fl,·I"hi ... I .r. r\ . F. Stahl officialillJ,: . "nl\' IIIC' illfttwclial,· (alUiIi" .. of lit hdci'(. a.1I1 hrid"lr:room Wf' re' """ "I'n

TIll' hrid .. · who W;t ll ":;\'1' 11 ill mar­riaJ.(r hy III'~ .. It·I. -fatlle'r, 'y:'" allircf. in a J,:O\\'II or o.ntrr will'" C';(nIOn ("rf",w. IrilnllH'd \\'ith filII Irl1 J..: ,h, ac · ,·ordion -"Iaitt·d 1,,111('1:- .and hf' III ~ lIlrh · ill':. ill,,1 ,·:trrictl a bOilliliel or briel,·to ' ro!'i ('to and \\,hi,,· !'o\\'.· .. 1 I"·al" . .

~III' Will'o f1111 ' neh'" I,y Mi .... :Naollll IIlIrfT, al .. " o( Rh'I'rloll, who \\on' a :,:0\\ n or o",t"r \\,hi .. · ,·; ... 'on Crt·,,,· , with .1 horde' r in oriental ,1f" .. i L! II, anci

WEEKLY NEWS BUDGET for Riverton and Vlcinltv

Buy It at Homel

lI('rbc'rl ltichman and (anlil)' are OIl t)eca n Cit~'.

M r~ . S. It . Coale ;",d dall~hlen, are "I IIlIrI. Ifill F.II •.

~I r. ;lI1d M " . Charlr' A. IFI.lla".1I ." e nl :-;C'n ~ id(' Park.

\\' illiam Corner and famil y ~ I)elll SlIJulay al Allatillc City.

fl . 1'. [.ambi,.th and (atlli'y have leturneel frolll ;;Olllcr~ I'oint.

Mr. a 'lIl M r -t; f I a,.ry Kolte" were \' i ~ ilfH " 10 J\llal1lic City 011 Suuday.

C. H. ""rhoro\\, Ita ... joined IIII' Lil ' '1< E ~ ~ Harhor Yachl Cluh of 1I':&rh II.t\·l·U ,

1-1 . II . ~llIrr",y and J:uCliI), lefl 'HI "' lIlIr ..,.I;,y to "IJcnd two ''rcck s; a' I.ake , 'tll.trio.

Mi s.. I\da Price. \\'ho i., "I"elldinJ.: Ihe "'1It1lfllC'l ;&1 "a\,allcl1c. \\;t ~ in 10WII 011 Mouday.

M r .. , ":lrllcr Uri""hl. o( I'itman, ""cn' Satunlay wilh her rnother. 'Air .. . Conrad Uecke r.

Mi .. ,, · Mahel ,\ct.It" '" of I'hihulcl'lhia. will I.c Ihc ~11(''''1 ncxt weck of her .. i"I,·r. ~Ir ~ . If. E. Uro\\,lI .

M,.. and Mrot . E. OJ.tcif'1I Stcedl(' and "'on. fiilly, will l'o ,'cnd next week at Se,"crll 11 ,, 11. WildwoOd .

~fr. ami Mr .. . \\1. II . UOII J,:f' r arr rnlrrl~ilJitlJ,: h"r .. i~H .. r, ~fr" . Ceranl ;IIIfI ehilclf'rll, of C:und(,lI .

c. n. Illfrhoro\\' and f:ullil ), left on \\·'·fll", .. ct .. y 10 ",u'nd Ihc' " lIl11f11Cr ill


Mr. and Mr.. John Schuck Olocn l :O;nndar with Un. Schlick', brolher. Mr. C'Rer. of Orland. 1' • .

Mr. and M,.. Jamcs Hill arc "pclld­ing the ~tlltlfllCr in th eir COllage at PArry,

r.eorJl(' Srllllck " ,ill IfJ,cnd his vaca .. t ion at Sea 1 ~ Ic.

Chid Bruder, of Ihe I';lrry Fire COlllpaU)', will l'o "c!!tl hi" vaca tion o( I \\fQ wrf'k ~ al Salcm.

C)n Saturday the ~Io,..;'vjan Chun'" ;uut · Slinday School will hold thf'ir ;111 II liSt 1 pirnic :;H Ce'dar Lakc'. The flroJ~ ratll for Ihe fl ay i .. a~ (allow .. : I.t'otve 'he chltrrh in IUI '''('" ;t.1 ninc f)'clork : Il o'rlock, (amil\' dinner ; I ,Wl, ... iltJ,:inJ: and ",cHki",:; i .oo. ,.ace' .. : .. un. halhinJ.!: 5."0. CIII'I,(r. All wtll If'.we for hOHlt' al 7,JU o'dock. "'Icrc \\'ill h(' I'ri7C· ... for the Y01t Il J.,tl· .. t \\'110 altc wl "" , lllC' OM,·ti l, and Ihe onc who ''':tv .. l ~ thl' fa r,he .. t.

1'''''1 or' ~IJerlilfj.!, o( Ih e Mor;t\'ian church h .. .. :- ,artc'cl :1 niltle cla~ .. for Hu'n a fill WOIII('11 :;ulfl il iot mlliellv in· crcasinJ,: in flllfllhcr. '~\'~ryollc i.!"· cor-::;~~I~:I i~~~:tl''''~ . 't~ . :lll c·rut. F.\'cr~1 !'1It1 ·

~tr .• wd Mr,. M , E. Fift· l'o l'c' lIt th e w('rkc'nd willi lite n,,\· .• mel Mr~. ~p('r. Ii lit.:'. Mi~l'oc"i i<o.oI :c li'HI and Viole' l Rllerli",.:

"pe nt a \\' (·c·" willi 'hllir ..:mll(ll,an·II' ''; . Ilr. a",1 M r~ . S. S. Urumhail iot h. of I'hil;ulrlphia. .

Thert' will h(' :-: flc 'rial M'r\'irc's at 'hc Morav;;u. rhllrch ou Sfll1c1ay ;,1 ICI a. ttl . Song ~ aurl h\'mn lll h\· Zin· .I(lI.ciorl. ";OIOM, girl ..;' clu)rll l' .wcf dloir. Special ~ernron In' l'a "; lor 5,,('rlill,...

, \ 1;1\(1'11 f" clival (or IIIlT hctU'fil o( Ihc' Sae'r .. d IIt'art Church will he held ,hi .. S"'"rcl,, y ... hc·ruoo" .IIHI rvcninJ,: :11 n,.o:ut 'and E'III . Th .. rc is 10 b .. l1'rl1ty o( J.:oo,1 mu, ic ancl an ;11110 i ~ to he ~h'cn :.wa)'.


At the Lawn House IliI·ir collaJ,:e al Beaclt 11:\\'t'II. _ Mr"' . MrMilian cn' .. rl:tincd lite

\\'('du(' ... lay morn;,,)! hrich:c. Mr .. . AIr ... 'oshita S. n;trlley f'nll·rlaine.1 II:IIIU'" and MrO(. ~jrk, or Hc..'\'c rly,

hC' r ., is ler. Alrll.· Mac NOllrM'. of wC' re' amOflJ.; Ilu' J!tlc ... ls, \\'or("c"te,.. Ma~ .... la,t weekcnd. ~Ii"" 1I('IC'f! \V:tlUtit. o( l'hiiadel,',li".

Mr. :11111 Mr .. ,\rlhnr C. ()orroltIC·(' 1 anl\'c,1 on \V.cdIlC!id:H . f(' llIrnr tl on S:4t11nl:1\· (rolll a motor . I rip Ihrough ~,.\\, EnJ:!:"ul and Call · ;"Ia.

~I r. anci AI "". HOI) IlIotICl Fir.hl er. of 7.!1 Cinnamin .. on .. Irecl. an' rc'cci\" iflJ..: cOIIJ.:ro"ulalioll l't ""011 tltc hirlh of ;, "Oil, on '1' lI l·~day .

~I r. "n" M r;. S. II. l.isk ;",01 f:,mily \\ ill It!a\'c on Salurday for a inolor lrip to Sa,·annotlt. N. Y., \yhere 'hey \\'ill "'t,cnd I \\'0 wce"~ .

~lr"d &. .laJ!~er s hot'·(, o; larl('cI work on Ihr crertion of Iheir carJU'nltTf .teHI woo,h"orki"..: .. hop OJI Rroatl ,, "~c ' lI e;,r tho (rei,.:hl ~ tali,!lI .

An Unlimiled Guaranlce 1)0 ."011 know of all~' fOlllliain fir"

Ih;" i:- backeci tn' it .: II 'lf"afllec likc thi,, ?- .

The ')III1I1 · )'CII Compauy, l1H' ,. he r('iJy ~lIaralltcc~ the I )1II111 - 1',' nn to J,fivt: (,erma­IIcnl "ali s(:I(: lioll. 'rhe Dllnf. · I'c II COlllpany. Inc., :I..:rc(' )'o to rCI,lace. wilh· 0111 rhargc. ;UIY part of Ihe UUtIt1-Pcn that .. hows'defect of iany kind, ;u any ,ime. I

flllnu - l'clI Co., lHc.

"~rdNI it hOtr11llr' of "ink " Wf"(, I 'H.- a ... \\' illiam S .. \ lult, ,. .. nn, Sr., of 11("\· ·

Thr h,. .. 1 rnan \\'a" Mr. La\\,rclH'c ,·d y. itt1noun (,f' ''' Ihe ,·u).!OI J,:e me nl of hi ... Ca .. kf", of Fr:tflkforll l I.,au..:hll'r, ,\nna, to .Mr. Arlhur 1101 -

!\h ':,. lit(' w('ddinl.: .. 1I"f'c.r wa " lim: .. h('a" L('ar~· . of Moor(' fi lo\\'n .

1)111\· makrr .. of a ~ooll 1'(, ,, . ("OItltll'

aflord 10 n!;lke a ~uaralllcc like ,hal. \\le h:we' jll '" Ihe I,,,jlll ~Oll \\' ,UJI :

in ollr .. ... ' ortlliellt at 'I'he :\cw Era '

The Story o( . Our States



TIII!l me:l­tloo "f

)Ionlanl hi .. tory ImrneGl­atel), "rltl/(. · to mlDd uie Cu.ler ..... Mere 1.1 0110

of tilt· must clrolUlitie Inclclf"Ota It. hulilln wnrrure_ It tK.'CUrred In 1876, the ('('nlennlal , ... r, wbell HIK.oclul "lullb.""1 wa" be­Inl' Inhl 00 Ihe caUMe of (tCRl."fl

throulbout Ihe !"orld. TI", l!loUE Indl,,". had hreu drl .. ~u 11110 Wonlan" b)' Ihe Kuld miD.".., • nd the l !nlled St.ta ao1'8l11-n",ni ltmk .te,", to torce tbem ~lIck IDlo tbel, '"",,"allon •. Gell· ernl COBler. ",Uh lefiJH flum 300 lIU!n, Bet out to round up Ute I which were 011 the war· I'nlh. alld Of the LIIUe IIlghom river. was owhusl .. ..t b, 111111". Dull 811d 8.000 ... rrlonJ. Cu_l"r nnd all hl8 Irooper8 we,e IIl11e11. ti'HUI after lbl .. ,mUUUlcre the In­.lhUlK were defeated aod mnoJ' of them aed to Canada.

(Juld W88 dl .... "vered ID WOD­tOIlO 11. curl, a, 1852 b, the balt­hreed Ji'rnnl'Ol. Flnla, nea, Hell Gote river. TIlls. boweye,. m!­uled IItUe .U •• nd It W.ID·t Wl­lli IlYe ,ean late. wben John l:IlIYerthom d,,",uvered cold ID lJllolIlIUa. tbat ",IDIDI aclU ... "Wilts Ipranc up 10 tbe mou­lah'8. Thl •• ",IOD had beeD part ot Neb .... ". lerrllory. wblcb ID 1811:1 w .. nbdl"lded aDd became o IN)rtloo of Idaho territory. Tbe lIf!xt )'ear It •• 1 orgaDlzed lUI

Ih" He" .... te Territory of WOD­lnna_

Vll'IIlDla CIt, W08 Ibe capll.1 ,11 .. 1 here ID 11l6G WOo I •• ued tbe llltll'OIUI l'oHt. the tlhlt oewlfpll' per of the . Ute. III 1814 the CUIIIIUI WUH cbUlIgt.'tI to lIelena nnd teo )'ean Il&ler a IItate CUJ"~ HiitutiOIl wu,u.dolltLod. The stale WIIK nut taken ,Into tile Unloo, hnwL'ver, untJl 188U.

lhm.nna come" from the Span­hdl ac!JeeUve meaolog "ItJOUD­l"I"Ud.... '1M o'ea I. H!l.IIIN1 "'1'111'" mile •• !Daklllg 1\ Ihe third hlf":"HI ",ute uf III.., Uul.,n. · (@ .. ,.lIeCl.,. N.".paper H)'n.llr .. ''',,j

Royall)' Alka , avoI"II. . ~('n·t'(I. tht' hapI'\' Ct) IIP't' ,('It fur a . , lril' 10 flllio , "i .. i,jll l! ,lifTf'rt'"I ('jlif" . ~I~ " f, . If. \\ heelc,.. ,\\'ho has heen of 1I0t,.. (" lIrOtlte, a.lft litton ,11 ('it rt' \' I ~ 'IIII l:! I~er "arenh. Air. andl Mr ... n . IlIrn 11",\' "ill rtl .idt' in Philadrlphia . • 1. MaillS, for Iwo .w('('k .. , ha" rc ·

" Ifiee I K. G., E. Difttrict MedinI': Rornlly ,'" Imt II\'Cr"f' tl'l n"klna

. . . . I ' .. , -nrH fit CM'nf 1111'11, IIIHI \q lfm .htl

. lurutd to her hOlpc III Nc\\' Brlln" \\-IIII C" "14' \\(' a" h," r.OtICh!'OII .. . 10 . prh!, '" ,'ffrl';",' fir lI, jllrllul h'nmrt' th"t

1101 (·all.!or lh,' IlIrd ~ Hliurallflf.,: frolll Hlr (Jflllrl .. " )l llI'lIrU, 'hu ..... "111111 kin"." l one <;1'rIIOIl of Iht· roun'ry to :tflolhcr. ! .

The I , ,,i ~lth ';f ('olmullu . cnl('r · lilill{,l l · Ihl ' ,·" .. 1 whi.,h <l1",I·;trcd in "Sit,·· .. \\'nrlll a Million," J..: " TII in I'. O . S. of \ . Iiall 1;, "1 ~t..)', all Tm''''';I\' ('vrlliu,: ill Colli" .. ' 11 ;,11. .\ IIII1 "iral f)ro~r:'111 wit .. ",·,hl,·",·eI. ,·ou .. i ... lill lr: o( ~ ('\'C' r ",1 .... I".· ,iott l'o h,' a ",i ~, · cI '1IIar­tt'If" c'OfIlI 'o"c'cI or Mr .. ... \rlllllr lIainc' '', Air .. . (~,.or..:l · I'or"'r, \ViIIi:ulI JI~' I:t,ul :IIHI loltll (~rall:tll1 ... fllo .. hy Mi .... M:try Jo: Sh'f'III.· :"ul Mr. Ih' l.uul, ;, ft"' il" ­li~1I h,' Mr .. . 'f'orin, aiui ;t I ~ iatlo .. 010

h\ f. · l.nlC·h , of I'hil:ule·lttlli:t. Thl! .. (.fotllpa·"i"l wa .. ~Ii .. l'o Smith, of I'al -1II\' r.. . ftl ·(n, .. lu"c·II' " werc .,en·c,1 :wcl a 'd .. nl't· rollowcd.


~Ir ... , ' iruilli;! Hmidilllr:c' r, who Ita!' IwcII \'i ·.ilin J,: hcr ftaus,;htc:r, Air ... . C. A. Felll,,.n,,,". It'll 011 \V .. clnc!oday for 1'.1 . IlIil'a. N. r .. ",I"' re .. he \\'iII wake Itt'r

,hol1l(, ",ilh anothe,. daught e r. Mr ... ('harlc'" S,·hwarl'l .

rC'l ot Iflr.ct' J.:;lIht.·ri l1 J,: of Etl,.cIl'!ot . tha i ",n", II (rlt 'llIl 1'( ~Ir. «urlu·U'If·, hp. nllked j .. . Cohll!1I 1·::H.:lc". il" cXl'ct:lcfl 10' I .. kc j It III" \\'"uhl lUll ""'t' hlH Ih'hh'm'e with pl;u:c in BllrlinJ,:lol1 Ihi .; Friduy e\,e·' IIIf' mJllllllUdr. ' Iflwnr.' &.:.·111 ... ;£ till en· lIillj.: . I dowlII"1I1 (111111 ,'",llIltll"I,,',1 (fir the up.

The illlr:lI" lioll IIl'rc will IJI' Ihe di ... . . 1rC4 ',. u( IIu' ;.! n·:11 ,lIl1n.·,· n( .'('lIt .... Ilrkt IIIt'ctillJ: of the: 1I1I~ lIIlu'r s or ,111' I __ ~ __ lorh.:c (rolll Flon'llre', BC· \· t~ rl y . 1'011 ;ii!~~!!!!!!I!~1 1II.\' ra. Ilin·r ..; idc :11111 this C'ih_

The tli l'ol rirt IIIceli ng \\'ill hc ht'ld aftc' r Ihl! "c l'o .. ioll of 51. 1':'111' .. C;I l't llc :"\0. 14, f\ , (~ . I': .• awl hul'oinc .. ... C' OIl '

t'1·ruillJ..: Ihe J..:ood of III(' ordl'r \\'iII bl'

Cliflon E., Ihe (our,, )·rar·olc1 son of . ~Ir. ;"HI )1". C. 1'. Mavfielol. of FfJurth aucl Cinu"miul'toll l'o irc('I", re ' lurnee! hOlll e on \\',·dnl· ... d~\· from II ... (~c·nll:ttIlOwtt hO~ ltilal, where ' he had Iii .. 'oll .. il~ rt·fUo,·cd.

nm .. idc·n ·d. ' I Followill J..: th,' hll .. iut· .. !" o( the C· \'t,·

l1illJ.: " .. aria I hOll r will he h .. lci ;lIId il il'o c · ~'"· c· lt;d " ~clIl!ral ",.::oocl lilllC" will Ed. Fallllce anel Coo,,,' r 'rhorn""oll.

\\ho ", ,,ile'" Grortr:e I . Balel'o' hoal ..... llc 1'",,,."·I·r .. in 14l1rliu..: loll COllnly l.or;,illc" to ,\I'alllir City l" hortly ;c(­

\\ ill \\,ith' " wilh int,.r~ )0 1 Ih(" Itro..:n· "~ '('r 'he Fourth of .llIly, .hot\'" relllnl",l . nf lilt' .. "il hrollJ..:hl in Callulel1 Coun· Mr. Uolt·, anet hil'o famil y will remain " , 10 Ic''' ' Ih .. ri~ltI o( 'he ('011111 ), durill ).: thc IIIOIIIJI of Jllly. Uoard of 'l'a\:alioll '0 hoo .. t tax \!aln - _ :tlioll,". 'I'h,' ;C .. "!I·, .... O,. or flakl)' .. Wtt~ ~I~ . . ;tllIl Mr .... J . I •. Sl'rQ,ul :.r~ f ' U -onl('f('cI h\' IIII' Hoard to :ul\';cnr t' \' 011 - 1~' rttlIIlIlH:' Ihl' MI!'oIiiC ... AJ:IH· ... alld Sar:th lIalion" r: .:ncr .. lh· in hi .. "i .. t";,.!. \Vhf'fI I :,,,rolll, o,l J\\'alon! who a,!! c urOIlI~ h,.. ",rlle'll in hi .. hook .. it w; .... (onnel '0 I, .. ~ •. (!c ... ,. IlItI III Ihe J\cil"oll~lack ... ,h.1I ,hi ,. h",1 110' hrt'n done. 'rh('n (I" \\ ('cllI (, ' 11.a y Mr. alltl .~t ~ '" SprUill Ihe Hoard m :ul,. Ihe ,If' .. ire·" inc,..· :."',·... "':'" ;t.. IlfI' lr, 'f lie" I '.\ Ilham ~Ic · \"'lOh." ,.d,· prOII''' ' '' It\' I'rn"..rt." own · l:;I1H:h :" " of 111I1;ulclt,h .... l' I !'o r(",IIIt ... cI in all oreh' " 10 hil\ c' Ih e wholr .. illlltiion f'(' \·i,.. "ccl hy tllf' C:Ollr!.

The' fi n . I hi t.: .. \\'illt. a .. nell u"- Iht· I .. .. , am' . ",ill 0('('11" 011 ' \11 1.: 11 10 1 .!fJ lh,

((flw;trel f. Callrll, City Siltliqiciatl . \\' !U' II al.1 Ih e .. l:lr ",. rI .. i"f1 Ihe (,~lInlr." of ""ih'flrl"hi;, (or Ilt' a rl ,. it qllnf'1C!r \\ III ""."11 h ~' r(' . .\1"'0 thert' Will ~ I' . of a , ' ('IIII1n', ha~ IC' IIfI"n'eI hi .. rc· .. iJ..: - 11I ';\r ~II~!" '!,lda .f;UlIl'''. ' ,hc l'fuunJt,oll 1I:lli"". In ·'ak .. ' ..,T".·, 'III\· .U Mr, ".oU,:'1I ,, \\' IIIlIIlcr .of r·. f1J:land _,tHI C.lllc' lI i .. w.·11 kHowtl 10 IIW II \. Ili\'C' r . 1'. lIropc. 10Ili :IIt~.' \\ho h;,,:I' 11I ·:tnl ,h~1II l'o fl c.~k Mili !'t Marjori(' M"rn' and Mi .. " Alln 011 \ ' ,lrll)lI :-- ~'· I · ; . .. ~ntl .. III "III :ull·,,"II:I \\'atlacc n ' llIrllrd on ' :O;altlrd"y frOlll ; .. 111 "1 .. ,·,,,11,·,.·. ~"\' I ' ral yc·~ r .. ; I ~O It .. Iht'ir HIIJ :tbroOlct . Mi .... Marc \' il'o a.!rlff ',"ell .'h,· .1 1I,"u:d 1I1t' 1 ' 111I~ "!' th e I .. Jt(·lIdill ~ Ih, ' f"(' IIIOIiuclcr of Ihc~ l'o llili ' 1{1\' ('nnll .' -" ·c· LIbrary ' \ K!'onr'l:4tIOIl . ! IItC' r wilh hC' r pare nt .. , Dr.' .... 11 Mr~ .

II W:I;, JII .. ' ")·t'ar,;IJ..:o ',11;11 1111' I';I~ ' ~larC\, in Cap,. Mot" , ~Ii .. .. \Vall;".c 1II~' ra lowu .. lllfl ('HIIII." I II'I · 1111 :11 11 - will hI' the Clle ' l or" Mj .. ~ Ma,.c ' Ihl ,.

IJC IIMI b~' ;&11.

Noiice I \\iI! fI:ty 110 hill:- 1I1I1t.·!'ol'o .011 '

!r", cl~d IJy tII .\ .. I·H. (Si~'f<, 1) L .. \ . I·"C I'. .

i . .! I -J I

\\' jlli:tllI ,\ . \\· il'-iru., o( ,\IOOIC!' IO\\II, ,l l';lfIdidalc fOf· nOlnill:ttion fOI .. If· \\'­anJ of III, :1 1111 .. 11011 '" Otl Ih e Hc,Hlh · licow tirkc·l. c:dl cll al Ih e ~cw ",ra I Jllit·c whilc in ltil't' llou on Tuc .. day.

Kill. Friend Wilh Shot Gun C (;oll,illllt.'tI rrom fir~ 1 l'Ot J,: c)

'1'11" hmc:r.,1 ... · 'H(' t. ~ t. ... u J II~· l c ,1 I,) JC t:\ . \1 . :\. . 1 ''' ~ lr' . ",II I.e hclot .I I I hl: h"mc .,f "I" .w ' III"' . )I, .. . JI :IIII~) F, ,,II.: ,. "'r .• a l \\' ri.hl ". \ III~ . S . J.. a l n ne n'clt)Ck ,hi .. f J/, itla,.) .thrtJ' OI'I Ii . lut e'"lI'n , ".11 III: 1II.lIt e! 'ttl 1 ~'''' '' 11 lr ' IIC IC ' ) . l'IIII ,lIIlel"h' " . T"" ,lcccl'I Oo(rI I. Jo ur· lIve,1 f,) h, ,, ""I .... , l" ...... ;" .. 11 I/,, , ,," 1" ·'lht. ~ . Jallll!' I' i .. hcr , \\· ,iI,ch l . vllIC'. Si,hlc)' 1/, .. 1"." Itl.-cll u l! . and "'IC~ !t • • le:" )II •• flt" I " jI,. he ..

1II01l .. 1 ~ " : ... ·.e·11 Ih,' or.IIfHlllrr (or ' a \\'eekend. ) .. ewc. . c hl1,' ~, 11f" " 011 ." wl're' "u.... Folly tIt Depend on Othl'!". (,fI' ,II 1111' fIIC',·liut.: , indllclinu ,"11 Dudll/.: .hr 1m '" \\" 'I.k CHII'nl1 n, Tt.e hllh·JH'nlhm. rhntl I" Ihp. t,.lIow


Re~=n Typewriter A. capable, c:ompIc:!. CIOIIWIlimt aad c0m­

plete typewriter for evtrybody who writa.

Caaeonly four iocha high.

Sold by

WALTER L.BOWEN Riverton. N. J.

'o\\'u .. l,i,. olT'tC'i:d .. :tII,1 " ... tncm1lcr" \\'001"'011 .. old a I)urall' 101lrlll).: ("H ,,'hft IrittH III 'ItJ th'nl(" (ur hilll l·,,'I (. UIII ' of Ihl' Chamhcr of C;ornllH'rcc. to J 'UIIt' " 11. Rya n, of Palmyr .• , ,lOd" ,JOJU..'H U,, " ; I 1ft Hit .wXf 10 II' a l tlU'

"Uitl" \\' ;III"rr. Ih(' Iw(.h·(' \'c'ar olfl ""elan 10 S;ttrlllri 1'11I1IIh', or Ri\'('rlolt. HIIHI., lit' 1'.',1 "'(·""'.1111111".· .. fllI . l.IlI· hili. i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. on of ~Ir 'II1rl Mr .. , Chnrlt ... \\t . \V:I11 - Mr. \VoOl to lOn no", ha ,,- a ~i,, ·cylin"cr JI., nllVttr 11)fIll,:ht IIf .luIJl~ thl' "",IIItU" '1

J,:rt·, IlIa,l .. an illl"fI'l"lin..c trill Oil his U,,·,.a II I 101ldnJ,: COIr wilh Ihe famoulII IIl1n".,1(, 'fhllt '\iIM :t '1II1I1I"r o( lahor, ' -- - - - - --- --hicydl' o\,,.r 'hr w('(kcud. Ht '('fl ~,~~i~~~i~'! . mOlor, for demon stralion uud Inllor wu~ lint II 'h lul! lit: wIIlllel ~tltlfl:l" all"rllooll and rod,· to Atl:m · l ' III~"I'IUII)' IUIIIHI .IIUIlf , !"u Lli' JII,II lir ('jl\' , wltr,." Itc' " I'{,fli tilt' 1It,.:ht Th~ ,·Iectrit' liJ..tht ,Jolt·. which ha!) 111111'" It ft hul,1t nf "lwI'khl'" 11 1111 IlIIt- ,

Gray Goose Gift Shoppe 701 Thomas Avenue

\\'ilh o:oine "ki nd 'ady," wholll IH' ",,:l,' · h"cII holdinJ.: up Ihe illl"ro\'(,lIIell1 ,,' .'ng down thilluf( '" I II lI .uHII.·,I" (o r MIPIII''', IOth: in..: .Utel Ih e rornt'r of Broad :uHI ~Ia i " "lr('''I'' 1\11,"), D U , IIH I I" ~I; " \ 14' 111. , Men', 'Golf Stockinll 12.25 Ilr{'akfa"l. MUII,ln\' It.ortlill}: hc' rOI'" "hcrt. Ihe' tiiidcw:.11c i ~ to he cut hack . ~ IIII' II" CI t til '''' "lIilour· Beads 3Sc to '1.75 limitf' . arridllL! lal;' in tit,· :tflt' rtIOnll . and rOllndt.tI, 10 allo\\l ":""at('r roou, IJI".UlWUI, I,UI lIult did lIul fllIIlI"r. YIlII . New Handmade Sweaten '10 "Hill" 1II :"lc' Ihl' Irip ;,10I1t' f4ful ";'Y" for IrAm", '\ ~ll'o 1II0\'rcl 011 ' \\" 'dm'Mh.\. tI ' ·t· ... . hud the III,t,1t an,l tli. n ' \\11 " "'1 ' ~'~-==:::::=::::===::::~~'" ht' ,·nin.",',1 r\'c' ry IlIinllh~ of it . "'hi .. :",,1 it ito. t"lu"' lcd Ihal 111i ~ work will III1)"hIIlK ellf(! (or him to cllJ. Ii.· .1'.11,'1 1 t youn..: ;lIln'IIIII""r .... OWl'o ;, 11 II .... · c'ar· IIOW "0011 he cOltlplt'It'd. 1"'lInl 1114' flr"t ""·'flIt nlHl ,'1, hll.1 I .. ,h' I lIIatl .. ... of lotrowiuJ.: lip 10 h(' a ~rc' al I IIfl un fltlU'r'" ,h.- n ''' ' ,·r hi. d:: >" I '2 75 Som'! alyle. or the t· ~,.lon· r likc' SI:;lttlc\' , I.h·in-':l'oIOIIt· or It . . ~1. Ilollin ,,: .. lu.'ad and ;1 1II11I11H'r nlll 'If' "II1IIII .Iulk 11111.·1" "," III "11"111:1" --- r.moua DuunpnwaPrednl.' 'f"deh I(oo .. ('\,('It . 'I' h,' ."titor hrrc'ln o( (n,' ud .. \\'rnl 011 :1 fi,..hifl~ Iri" '0· t 11111' "ltll' h •• "'tit. ~flllIl: '" .1 .. , .. lit:.' -- the pen with "the a!.ci hrr.r"itl/ "'ak(' ,: f:'.rct . (' laill~ for;, ~!:ty ~hoanl M~: 1,lollil1 J.: ... lu·:ul' .. hoat t"luolu·'r \\'nll 1'(I01Il:h '0 '!I" \. ,llr little red pump handle." have 11f"" .'- 111 "IC' n "HIli kilic III '; fir .. ~ I Lr ~lntr: lolI II. fh('\' will J.: O do\\'n "If.,wt run rol,t. 1'111 h •. • H,l .', . ',. ': 111\" '. been redu~d to 12,75, Others ".'all r:llin l: lioll in 'he he • .,.1 of '\(' I'h" hi&>' atH.11I1' "' .. (ar a." '\IJow,ic (;i,)" sell ror 13 ..... and n,' a- or "ollle\\'hl'rt,. '('llInllnlo: SlItlda) '·\·CI1fIl}:. I,"" .. t weck IhlnJr. Rllf'~ ''''"n''~ fI"\"r .'. 11I1 I , .. ~, Stop at The New Era Office

__ _ _ __ . they look lilt' toalllr Irip, le;I\' itllr: 011 U·,. fI" Rel'l,trnt. TI .... " 11,,·\ ar.· II. .nd make your aclection. I County Nota 'l'hur!'oda}' and rtlllrnina.:: all SlInday. I«Jrprl~I"" "")'on" ,-I",.' I",., ' , III' tlllnil , _ •• __ •• .,

... 1l1 .... IINL-Jo:xr h .. nJef'. . .. I Thr \\ ill o( John \Va llarr, decra .. ed, I II all(~'ltrr colllllln (ound ;I I --I

of Ci'llIa,uiu"on lown~hip was pro- COlntlflltllCottlOIl Irolll Charlr!" A. - - - - -- JOHN EPPLE h .. rrl ., Mo,,", lIoll y I •• i w .. k by \\'ri ~ llI. 1",.i<l.III 01 Ihc Ri,·rrloll- Alrpllno. 80ld for eel Conta. I . SIIrrol:". M .. ' a.k. .lo"·Vh L Th·olll-. "alr!,)·r. Walrr COIIII""'-. Hi, <0'1( - TI,. JlrllI.b eO"'rnll"'III "·,·.·,,lIy 1 FINE SHOE REPAIRING .. '" of Ciutlal1lin"on j ", named a'" t'x ·· ;:rSlton tlla, Ihc COITIJHtfl)' lII~y a.,lIral AAld n uflllltwr o( ulrplnnf>14 (ur IVt I rC; lIor. • 110 til .. Puhlic 1' lililiC'!t Comnriuion for I , . t tI I' I 'I

• • • ..rrtl1i ~",ion '0 rai , t' Iht' rrnlal on fire ~::;'':f :~ .. ·,n l';tuil::I~1I n ft r. f"{'"If' CoJlin. Builclin, BUrlll1J.!'OIl al an rlrh· tlatr i", 10 h),ciruIII" will hc of inlrrr fi t 10 the tax 'nle "'.ChltIN b.,1 lJecOUIl' 0111 Itr HarrilOn Street, RiYerton

h3\'r a (aclon' (or th,. · Itt:.&tlufa("turc: pa),('r ... of ,H:i,'rrton ;&lId Palmyra. j -:==-___ -:-___ . ____ _ of 'le rfulll c~, ili ... infeCla"l~ and Oilier 'rl I. f C () k dnte after ~('\'eral 1M", If( .. 'n I,·" I'· article., . . IUI'!e rr IIrl1l11M rOIll ;U"11 can· Itn,l . hod Itt'en JunkMi. the ,,·In:.:,. .I wl I ~--------------+

• • • I Irkotl on T"stfay we're' J ack Carven . tltt' PI1k1n ... heln" remov.'fl. SI" ·f-rtlH'. I F B g i \rlill~ for Ihr MOIIIII lIolly 1I,,,i- IN. Roh~rt. n.rtl.y. "",.!, II r m"hill. I •••. Ih"I>o,.ho""n wb/J 1>81t1 m .' .... I~ . or ar a os

nr .. Mrn'" A1fiOCi;uioll for Ih~ bCflrfit Flo\'fl S"!lth, Jark S,!II,h. Charlu lor an (1lr'J~I.lIe received tlw U, I __ Viait the of Ih. f .. """ of nllrlill"'OIl rOil 11 " . . "reker .. Chari.. Codd'nilloll. Lron Ih. mot'l,ln~ ,..lIb tbe"' cow"r nllh 'I:H I Rex Variety Stor-ntl .. iut'll~ ~('rretarv 'ViIIi;"n D. Mar- ~I~all, I'.d\,ard ami lIoward Sordan. qDd I"I~. whlcb tn .n or1,luoU) I'mn ; ~ rrn h:. ... mad .. IlrOlr"l Ihroll,,:::h Ih(' ).I,\·«,r nowell alld S. U. JOllea,. Jr.. I 11S But. Broad Street 'rrrntoll Chamhf'r of Commf'rcr, Il)I\"' rlon, af~d . Charlt. Boal, XI~lor -"',,.'rlll huudred dollan. Palatrl'aj N. J,

Advice is Cheap Por inatance. adYice about

leaYinl your hou .. In IIUIlmer. Cheapl-to yoa and to me.

The COil hal alread, been bome by othen.

Don't lean your hOllJle wilh "Away for the Bummer" or lOA· way for two weeks" written .n over it. Bur,larl and sneak thieves look lor auch hOWln.

Don't let m.iI and newspaper. accumulate in your mail·box or on the porch. Lean a lorward­inl. addre.. wilh the poltman and a chanae 01 addrn. with newspaper and magazine pub­lilhen. Accunnalated mall il a licnal of .. Iety to the hoa",,­breaker •

Don't pull all the .hade. all the way down. Gin the patrm­man on yC?Ur strHt a chance t~ "look into thinl'" occalionally.

Lock all the doon and win­dow.. Locks won't loll crimi­nal. but they will Ilop boYI.

Put your ootid Iilver. je",elry. and other valuables in your sal. depolit bo,..

See il your burllary inau ... nce policy needl an endorwemenL ·It will be in .. lidated if you 10 away lor more than loar monthl without lellinl a .. caney per­mit.

II you have nellected to buy burillary inlurance till now. call Riverton II-J-4. I will tell you the coot 01 the belt burllary in­lurance policy. It will .urpri"" you-it il 00 lmalll

I· . All thi. il impcirtant thil year.

More burillariea are beinc com­mitted now tliall ever before.

Lindley C. Robbin. Office in Finance Bid, ..


IO ••••• D ••••• ~ •••• O ••••• OO

Guaranteed Watermelons

You run no (!hance in buying Walermelonti from Uti. We "lUI:

them for you

L.rae, LUllc'ious Melons


lor 2Sc and 3 lor 2Sc


Free Delivery in Riverton and Palmyra

Phila. Market House Broad and· Garfield Avenue

Palmyra. N. J. Bcll I'honc Iliverlo" IR7-w


J. "Where Quality Counis"

I ~ ~

Attention! Double Face



I SSe each

Supertone Needles 100 for 10c (Carbon Steel)

Violaphooe Needles 50 for 15c (Gold Point)

Close at 12M on Sundays

606 Main Street. Riverton

Let Us Fill Your Gas Tank Wise motori.t . , when the ~al l upply il [ow, alway" drive around 10 our lIarace 10 lill 'em up. We have the 1IP0line wilh the pep-sure Ihoolinll and eco­nomical.

All .. our needed supplies are here

Tires. Tubes. Oil Grease Spark Plugs

And all popular AcculOriel . Repairinl and Overhaulml

quickly done Rcaoonab\e prien alwaYI


BrOlld and Fulton Streets Riverton N. J.

Phone Riverton S06~w .

aa.:,aiu"" the aClion of 1't'IIn ~)' I\'aHia l ,otr(,' I, \V.lham J)o"~fel, \\tlIJalll Th,. IIUrt'huM"n, tor the gr.·" . ....... ----~;;;-~~~---4 IraW,,· offirt' r .. in I'hiladf'IIJhia in fore - I\c·r".-),. \\'altt'r llc:AIII~trr, Gror.,;-e ltart. were aoslou to buy thc' pilln ... I "'_= . .....,,.....=..,..........,---..,....=----~-......,=......,..:...---_=_-------iUJ: Nc'''' Jrr ... ,·) fanue'rHelO pro("ure P~l:dt't1. li t'rherl "ag-den tlnd liarvC'y to h,,-ak up tor 1I,....ood dUrfllJt til,. I '~~I+"+C .. I+"+C ..... ~ .. I+"+C .. I+ .. +C ..... ~~I+ ... +C~I+"1' P,,"I1 ,,\,h·;tuiu "olllttlrrdal licrnt.:f''' in J11~her. of Pahll) ra. t'OGl, Hraall bolO' dr.s.:J,:l'.1 ~ olcirr,,"'o halll .11a('it (arm I.rodufl .. to I E. 1\ , Merrill and ~on. Owen. and .betr tatbers alOlI, '0 bU1 • pin .... 111) :

Ihr Ilnl.drlph,. markrl . 1 Willi.", II . n.krr. Jr .• 01 Rivrrlorl. 'bal lhey wl,bl ePI lbe whet·l. In UOtC • • • and I' r.llk .Idlvain •• of Reverly. rll-I 'OIl .cooierw and bo ......... de aUIOIUf>o •

.La .. . wcc'k thr hom(' o( Mr ... Calh .. jo)'rd,.a p!calanl ,,'rtk'jIJ Iril' aboard I bta. . I rrmt' Pr('k • .of Maple Shade. wa~ dr· Mr. 't'rflIl'A >",clil "TraMJiCanlia U

F"O).<I II,· tift. Mr •. P«k. who h." rrlllrnin~ 10 Rlvrrlon 'on' .follday ~f ~'" Qua'NI. r.(tnlh· 'I .. nl SlOOO fo~ .htr. li"~" Ihi. w .. k. Thry, nilrd down Ih. lI.y Betl, (tumloa al door)-"1 Ihh,k 10 tll f' hou,..r, "'''I'! pr~'lantl" ~o Itrll. 'I . aud .lhrr rO.llndl"" Cal»!, Ma)' madc ....... are pert ... " ha,dul •• IIfS "m Sht' '" a, draml1.L: 'UI !ht' alflc. which Ihe ,run 10 CII\' hl.nd , wutroul a "lOp. .)ClTer .0'0, t. "'-.1& to ,'HI " 'I I' ln .... d.rk, and .. lIh a ""hled l.m1. .... Wh,lr Ihere Mr. Werroll .nd Mr. U<- L...... . .t " 'orl( "lItn Ihf' lamll explode, sel. lI"ainr had 'he pleal ure of ,ailinlJ '""A. ttw,.. DO u" Mmln, Into tI ... . "tta­linl lirr 10 Ihr buildinll. Wn. Prck aboard some 01 Ihe vieIOr)· boall in ." room atl., me-""' .. _· I ",ul1 I,. wal soon overcome by Ibr lmoke. bUI Ihe /i"1 day', eveoll 01 Ihe racing ::a!be ba!DOIOf'II al Ihe t.r eod . I I"" wao re.cued b) A. W. Addilon. weck of Ibe Larchmoo' Yacbl Club. pIaaa."--IIoI\I.a JI:,eD~ TraIlIC,IVt •

LA WN FESTIVAL . Benefit Sacred Heart Church

of P.almyra and Riverton

Saturday Afternoon aad Evenina. July 22 BROAD' AND ELM AVENUE

Plenty of Good Muaic I

Auto Given 'Away

Three Things About Soseul Coffee:

FIRST, the Boscul Colfee folks removed

the bitter chaff.

SECOND, they introduced

vacuum package, which keeps

and the flavor in.

the perfect

the air out

THIRD. we sell this super-product and

recommend it to people who are particular

about their coffee. -

., We IJcl'ivCI' tI.,e Gtlodll"·



COMPTON. The Better Grocer



' · I · f(T~R'·A'C.hlt'IJ('I\It-: t ·f"fC ~ lTlIlHlrllt ..

John .... m & IliK"inllo Ne'A' \ ' ork

S. E. Cor. 41h .... 1 \\".1" .. 1 51>. I'·hia

t'II',ne : Rivrflon .lll and 6 "hlbdr'rhil.. f.omhard 20&5


Too Hot to ·Talk I About Heaters!

But; lillie as it feels like it now. frosty 'mornings and evenings wi'll soon be here. and before you know it ypu'lI be needing a fire ill the heaier,

I~et liS look over YOllr heating plant ·while there. is still time to get parts i£ ·necessary.

·1'he inspection is made without charge.



502 East Broad Street, Riverton.


"Where your Money Buys the Best"

Prime Rib. ·of Beef 25e to 35c lb.

Have you. tried our .

46c· Butter? It is our best seller. and gives satisfaction to par-

ticular persons

Beef Kidneys I Sc each

Lamb Kidneys 3Sc dozen Legs Genuine Spring Lamb 48c tb

T~6 Hh/6JtOO M6at MaJI(6t W. N. MATTIS

I -Collins Building, Rlver.on ~ . . ~ Store will close at 1 p. m . .on Wedneadaya dUring June. Z July and Auguat



IJrli"""·NNrll. ,,''''''''N ,', Strictly Fresh Eggl, 4Sc dz.

Jer~ey 1'\lI,IIM». I~I t:e h~Bkel

Importe,l S~i .. Cheese; '4 Ib

Hoiled Ilam. '4 Ib

Jersey Appln. ~4 pk

Slliffed Olive •• mediu m size bottle

Tartan Corn Flakes. j I,k r s.

Cliquot Ginger Ale. S.II .,I,,"I ilia. Root beer'







large bottle ISc

L,uge Pretzel.. Ib

WfI:e Jar Plain Olivn ----WE DELIVER,




THE NEW ERA, RIVBR:roN_~D, ~AI.~ __ NEW JERSEY. PlUDAY. J~~!_~~~_ _. ____ ~_ I~N=T~E~R~EI~~T~I~N~O~~~=W==8==B~I=T=8~r==M==r.=a=n=d=M~r=a=~~.=S=. ~R=y=er=o=fI~.O~I=G=a=r-~I~--=-==-=-=-=-~--~-=~~~==' ---- , f~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~::~~~~::~~:::;

In and arourid p~~~ I ~~~dda~~enue. mOlored up Siale on It " "I' 11" Clisstlied Adnrtl81ng - .- -- --- --I Mr and M .. Earne.1 Shaner and SPr...R'r.S Shower and aD)' It at Home I __ '. fl~'e",:!r,I.s. penl las I Sunday on Sea. side V 1- installatl'on ADVIl:.TII ..... TI I'"ned •• dor "'I. , " I :::;:t'f ~.~~rt~, cer.: • J:.1c,··Ch ~:t~~o,:

. Chief of /'ohcc.lleck b back on Ihe , Wil/iam Su""I ... 'of f'hi/adelphia. . ' I ~.~' .. Uo. Job alter a week, vaeallon. • 'l,e nl Sunday wilh Mr. and M.. C. ' $8:50 -:P~O=R~8~A·L"-"a-----

Mrs. Cal her",. wilf I' . Eirich "Doc" Bel_rd.' Crew to Hold Porth • , ---------------spend nexl week UI B'Kh Point. 1M ... CI.,arlu McKinney. of. Gar- Here Not Tuac\ay EYCnin, FOR BALE- I.ol IHII fe .. fronl by

fi I I I k h h \" 11 '11 h h I I lie didll'l Itan~ a I 1511 feci 01"1'110. oIcoi rable local ion. The fir !J I h01l se 10 be built on the I.e ( avenue 5(lC f~t as! wee wit cr., R':.I" De;;:~ 11~~ke~u~II~~ :h: 1~.':a,.I.M:!~Yc~~ ,.:oucl .. hadr ' 'cll'lJhonc Riverton Z4J,

Palmyra Anncx is nc.ultlg cblllJlletion n~~~~n, ~:,~5 Milton LIppincott, at h. Men wer)' enterlalnl .. " We mention the "lit til' rairy ill hi!'i ~r~I~(,~fri..2~" ~~\_v_E_ra ~iet'2· 14 . tf Ed J •• ~lo" was on " hl"i".ss Inp I 'f " '1 H Iff Camden. I',

10 Asb"ry I'ark and Lakewood Ihis 3 I '~ ':'111' Y a I ,.0 •

week. , ~\'~'i~dRI~lh a I.:i;~hk with her cousin.

Ii . .lIIkhll 11.lrve) , who !li IJonl hl~ vn· catron III f Jcc.lf1 ell). ha~ returned home

Mr~ AI J f.JUIIIII will .,.,end Ihe COntlll ~' \\cek .11 The IroquOHt. t\llan· tic Cit}.

CII~~~~'II::~dh;;r~::a~ r~o~l~r~~!~t:i~e:~:: cr.lI day~ 1;,:,,1 \\cck,

~I r ,,,,eI M r_ Gilbert r Lcc', of \V.INIIIII J,:ton a\cnllC. ~pe flt lhe week end .,1 J\llanlic Cily.

MIS'" Ko.,c VallIe "I,d TOIH Allone \\cre marrlcd al E klon, Md, on ~fl~!'!1 ~ KUlh MllrrOl,). Helen Mllr· At d r.IY and Clady.; Lci"ler. of flaml'· , on :1) . "'H'.ul. ~1t.1. ,trc \'I!'illln'; Mr. Olnd Mrs.

'M" /tarry " ~I ... c), of Wa. l"n/:-. W. I! H"rman r;-~~~;I~:.ue. IS CIIJO),HlJ.: ~t month In the ~Ir .U1d Mrs Roy Sanrord, o( H'tlh-

I.llul avenuc, who have been touring Malllice S"h\\arl J: I!'! rcady to st • ." Ihl \"'-!'i l, " 'port havlnK a fine" trip,

buildl1lJ,; three :; tores JII ~ I we~t of thc r Hlltl \\erc t.'xpected homc Ihi ~ \\cck

fireit01l !'le. I 11.s. SplliinKcr, who has bcen rc· I!.berhardl Ih:II/.. or Ciullalllill !lion cuftrratillJ,; ~1.1 the home or Atr and

aVenue I!'I Ifl Ihe Lanktllau ho~ pltal Mr .. \Vlltlolltl Rawhnf.; st has rcco\cred for Mo~nach Ircalillent I !'i ufficlently to return 10 his home in

;'-:cw "ork f(u ..... ell Gibbon ami l-farry Nichols

weill fi ",h ll1~ at Calle ~ray Saturday I~al.,h l~lhhon. formerly of Ltnrten and SlInday, but had no luck. .l\CIIIIC. Klverlon, now 10eMed at

t l.o~a f1, I'a, has tendered III'" rcslgna.­Mr and Mr.. Herberl Kelllll1erle lion a~ !'iUI,crmlendcnt of the Central

are reeel\·llI..: cOflJ.(:ralUl.lIIOn!'l II1'0n thc U.llltlst Sunday School blrlh of .1 .,011. on Satllrda) las t I Se\'eral c .. rs havc run inlo the tde. Jo~cph QUlflJ,:erl .wd 1\\0 children, ' I,honc 'Joles lYing in thc roadway on

or 1'11I1.tdell,lu.l, \\crc ~lIests of Mr (~arficld avcnue, betwcen Second 8t. and AtrN N E. Belt/. l.t5t Salurday . oIIld rhe ri\'er bank, and sOllie have

. hee n rlattmf.;cd It is reporled thai J\honl Iwcnt y· fi\,c elrl SCOIlI:o. from tht"!'iC f.oles bclon..:ed 10 Ihe Tacony.

I:almy ra are <; IJcndtnJ.: a "cck al a ' I'almyra Ferry Company, but the of­\, W C A camp at I'omt I'lc:I!'iant, ' fici.lIs or thifi company ~tatc thiS IS I a. ! not correct

Ali !'!N ,\ lice lJarncli. of Camden, is I Dunll": Ihc week onJy one boat .~ !;vt:lldlllg .;c\'cr.tI wcekN \\lIh her par- brlflJ{ operatcd by the Tacony -"almy. ent !i , Mr .1IId Mr:, \VarnnJ;toll Dar- fa Io'crry COIIII,any, bUI Ihe twenty. nell 1I11f11l1~ scheclule 1!Ii bctng maintained Nc~1 \Vccltu.·:,da) c\'elllnJ.: Ihe Camp On Salurday ahernoons and Sundar,­

OIX tcam Will phi) The Field Club bOlh boat .. arc 111 OIJeration .uul t e here, with Ihc game bc,.;inmng al six .. chcdule '''' a little bcttcr thcn eyery sharp foIleen JIIIIIIJ\es Lasl Sunday Z.IIJ

Tommy Sehwmk and Harry Nlch·· ols ex pect to allend the Tendlcr­Leona,d fi/:hl al JersOJ Cily on Ih. 27110.

AI lIenncks :'tl.cnl Saturday and Sunday al Sea Is c, .lfler ft o; trclluous IUlle al the 1 ~ lk s COII\eIlUOn in AI·

"Ianlle City.

Air and Mr .. \Vllhall1 Palme.r. of Cartlcld a\'CIlIlC. ,ue NllcndwJ,; Ihree: week~ ... t hiS I'arcnl :o. ' homc In I·"re.d · erica, Uel.

ca rs crossed the rcrry and about J200 foot I)a~scngers


(;eorgc lJean, of River road, re· c~I\'cd it fractured skull causcd ' by the f.,lhng of a weight from a crane under \\'llIch he was workinJ{. He \\ as laken to Cooper hospilall and \V.I N dotn..:: nicely at fast report Mr. /)C,II' is <nol.loycd by Erwtn & L •• gh-ton Co. or Camden. •

Robert KOlhernocJ ". Ihe proud 0\\ ncr of an O\'crland car.

M,~ J I, Elcholt~. wifc 01 Ihe \Vllbur nard a.nci olher employecs l' younJ.: slallon aKent, l!!t ~1H!nd ·

of George Orie, of HI\'ers,de, enjoyed 11I~ Ihe rClllamder of Ihe :;UI1lUlcr at a fl 'ihinJ.(: trif) 10 l:orlc:,cnc o\'er thc \\otIOIl weckcnd. ~tn Charles B"..:an:;, or CurlHi ave·

The I nasll1l1ch Dible Cia:;:; of I flue, entertalntd thrce rnendli from . I Ie Gcrm.lntown on \Vcdnesday.

::::In~~;c.~~n·~·117,.r;a:;.:!lul~"~lt;I~:~lA~~ld h(ul1c"- 1I0r a "lit t I~ :h.:~~:t:ld~~in~u::d~~~~~.~~~c~II:;!It;·~:::: Iniss" ill l1i!'i l'llgill"'.

LATE cahl"'.:c :",d lomolo 1,lanlo I ready fir.1 \¥e~k In June. .n ... • clrRHon", ~ca ri c i I'IaJtc: zinnia ll, a"ltr~, I verhcl1.,,, Herhert \V Richman. It.!.' .hru ... en han • .,anable An) ftne Iha. luili Not l'Vt'11 a Ulittl~

:~=. ~haen ~a~~'h:I~I~I'~~.cdn )and' 1.lhl~ ::.=t~~~ Illa(It:" 111 hi!'i l'~t1ar . tuod Ih., .hc eaecuhye cummlUee. cvmflUKd 10' nut he hatl a little

I II .:.I~t.· f~le. Ph~II~:! 18.A!

~1~~~!';.aI't!~';:r J.~"~~~e :~I~~I~t:~. ~u.!I~d~I:: !'ih,)\\'",,, ill hi s hat h-' PACKINO CABKB. ahonl 2'" f~cl,

1M 10 J~ i~'h,'~ hiKlo, for .,,1, d"al' l!olllfth'l(' wtlh ti,l lll. Suitahle (or " htfl ~ pin.:, oq"1 rkill~ noo,l" ror Mtoraf,!e

I \llpl) .1' 'I'he Nt'\\' Era omre. ~~a;edltb~:~~tle~el:~=t,1 :uc:uirl::'l~tl \~~rlll:~; TAllY CIN GOODI rO(l111 til;,t Inacie up ~1~ui:t;o~:Y:n h!~d~~CI)~!!;I!~.c TWlhl(ht I.Uf(ue for t ht· ;d)!'il'lll"· or

Thl, week', ntw. "tm I, '"I .. d,d 10 .. 11 --- - -------- all the rl'~t. I h" l1 BOFT BheJl Crab •• ,h,\·,ft·11 "r"I" "1111 ~;r::tc;;!~~toU~ '~:d er;;.i;e r'I,:,~~ulb~:~ ~~ J;~I; t4 ..... oo->C ..... O-O .. ~D+~~KI<\)oi: tell \"CHI t hal t Ill'nt's

~'·i.~ltt:::."',;!:~~; !~t~n::·j:l:nZr. ? ~)~r I~MOUG lH[ CHURCH[{l i l1(1t liillg 111 on' ('0\1\--

Chilli:; . I'hollc ~' oltr '" onll'r .. 011 N.lI · IInl.,,· fo r Ihc (ollowlll~~~\',·ck·:o tlrlh · "1\ Moon' .. towli 4I1t· \v 7· ll · ,(

011 that date: the: ,reatest and pcrhap. thc ~l n L 0 f () r till g' - 1110 I' C

:~~. ~~:!:ra:o:n,~:-~nn~~' orCtth:t~~t!~~~1 hc:a I t h f, 11- III') rl~ ill BuiiB-=-L.rRe ;';;;~~I;;I; of -;1I.lom lII.d. .nil •• $S and up. RI.d .. ••

!~dh~·rl'~~: ~~m,~~edf(~~::ltl~at~:~I;: :Iil~u:~ Ad .... '."'.-nt. \ igoratitlg - thall tu

::)b~~c:~~e~~c~;:A ::.;:lllw~r,'":I~ur~m:: Chal~~t~~I~:~!~~ ~~~:Crh hatl1c ill rllllJlillg

/'oan om .. , 12R Markcl 01 .• rhJl.del­Jlhin . ~-24·11

benc:f'tclarICI Sltnda) School f) JU .1 til \,'aler. 10 \~~:II.·h!1i fI~~~~il:: :! :1,~ill::,~,"~I:' t::~n ~Iornln).! worclllJl If) 45

WATCH- P.lllln movemenl. ZO·!'.ar I(old fiJI"" ,".e $7, v.llI~ $211. Rie ·

der' •• 12R M.,kel .treer, I'hl/adelphl., 12-30~!! .... n In uur nut ufficlal notice, but In the T\\,lh~ht st'r\'icc 7 to R I' m

meantime .c: wuuld call )'IIUf un,II.,ltled at Prayer meet in,:: \Vednc !iiday 8 11 In. How a lIotli I

's how l' I' ill hathl'ollll! ?

a liff I., yonr HELP WANTiD IcnllOn tu Ihe: 'ullowlnl ul&'101 'ach . ,"ounK Pcoplc'li met' lila( Frldav

f I) !fhl" mm" rcl .rouJIC II undcr the til 8 P 111 reClilln 0' lJr 1 L Edward., renowncd lur hh~ ablht, 10 d" thin I' mu.lcall)

(2) )lany u' the entc,talneta are well knuwn tn thl" qction 0' the Carden Stalc 'or IhCIr a'nltty 1ft .tn. and ,lin" ".h,

tl) II _I" 'ully upttlrtf and ufficlal1y an. nounced ,hal the ewer read, er.d men '" ill the humor heard a' Ran. n,rr), J'ark 100L: and iflUnd In.llnilicant

(4) ThiS ,lCrl',rnlann: halO been Klwen at Delanco for the bcnefit 0' the baM:ban learn and at Rlyer,"lc f", Ihe lIame IIUr, ,"H'. ami mcl wllh oycrwhclmln. auccell

(5) Thc Twin CI'Y Tw.h.hl l.caRue Wh unl, ablc to J(ct .hi. ht.h a"raclllln after ,,,v.,inK cunc:lu'lIIycl, lu the manalfln" dlreCI"r Iha( Palm,,. and RIYCtllIR wt'luld m"te than arflrC'Clale Ihe ell'",t. Ihc trfJUI~ h .. I,ut ",rlh

(6) Rc"a,ctlen ul the weather 'the..e "I{ctl Ilerncn "' CU'M" wtll hn'" '"rlh un the a,, ' (Ifllnted eyentn. and It Will lu re be: a Illea.ure ,OU can nul afford tu ml ..

(7) After the "Alflca" Imatatton." arc throuKh with thClr "roUnd uf "Iea.urc·· Ihe Ruur will he clurcd fI' aU wreckaRc and man)' nimble 'eet. IIIwaYlnM' .hooltle... and bobbed head" wall tr), and kerll Itmc I.., the .,nclI I,ated mclod.cli that can flul), come frum the lIutrumcnlli ClI rcal Jan Art~ ...

un Nil man Will be: allowcd un Ihe Rt~I' whh a lair une unleu hc I. mlGu. a eoal­.I"u a .,etll

(9) T.. IIhure yuur~1f aKainlit an)' lu ... wh"hoc.,er the "a.ter u' CcrCJl1un~ ad.,lln .11 a"c","1I1I to wear the coolc'l ".rmenb I,,"ullble-nu ha,hlnK .Ult.

Oatt'nl Aver'ln Uub lIulhnlb 0' the Arti~n •• ani. Ifublul.

"' Ibe \\·cfleyal .... ale Ihe lead In" hltlcr. 01 the -Twllhcht I.eallne In Mame. I'layed Ul' to Jul, 12th 1'he hlllm" of thuc 1.0)'/11 . h.mld make the Dig .. ue Seou,,", "t ul' and lake nollcr, lIulilthu. ha li hll ,afel)' In CYrI)

Mamc he ha", (larllcl"alct! III and m .he If) time. he hu bcen al b.t h"" hit the uld all"le 9 tlmc," ff)r the loft) ""eraKC 0' HI. III

addltlun In which he hall .cored 5 run" lIubb" hit u'cly IfI J 0' the .. Kamc. he Illaycd in

lIaUIIIN awera"ell UH' JUO 'ollow "'ayer Team I'ClCcllt

We.lfield Friend,' Meetinl: Mcelin~ at 10 a m

Calvary Pre.bylerian Church R.v N F. Siahl. J) n, 1I11111s ler 10 00 • "'. SlIlIday School. II 00 a In, 11I0rlllng service 7.15 pm. Young People's SOcl.IV

01 Chn.lian Endeavllr. . 8.00 p. m. evenin, wonhip. Prayer meeling Wednuday evening

al 8 o·elock.

Chrl.t Char.". Eplac:opaf Sund"y, Jnly lJ,d. 7.30 a m .• HoI), Communion 1100 .1 111, Morning pra\ rr and

Sermon 8 p.m , EveninK Prayer and lei mon

Chri.tian Bc,ence Flnl Church 01 Chrisi. Scienli51.

Riverloll. N. J. Service's at the church, Thomas

avenue and Seventh .treet: Sunday School. 930 a. m. Sunday Senieeo. II a m 8 p m. The Chrialian Seience Readin!!

room at 514 Main alreel. Riverton. f. open daily from 2 10 5 exccpl Sunday.

This offer for July and August only


Gas, Steam and Hot Water Heating Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing


WANTEO-:-; .. nn"","her "n" honk -k,' c' ll~ r M l,tell,' .I~c·d WOIllitl1 pr,'

(, rrr. ,\""h "U" NI'\\ Fr.I ''OJ, C'

WANTED- ~/.'n \\ "h "" 10 " ,11 III lu\\ "ric' , cI COI,I Tin ", fII.ull' .tOo.

III" "I ,.J. .111,1 "'IIC II"''''" \\ 01(1 'I'i.(' Co. It(417 C,III.II. n"111011 llurhor, Mil h

SALEBMJ!:N fo, relail h ... cJ wagon. 111 Ihl ~ """Iion" YOIIII", IIIrn with

"X,H'rlt'l1fC' tool' l1illJ,t (rolll door to .toor I.n (,·rn· ,1 CtI\C' IIJ;C, marrircJ or ~ III ul,', 011111 wh:U \'UII hn\' r don" hUI (e\\ \ C.IfN, alNo rdt'rc'nrc "1'1.1) "11" Nrw

627 Thomas Avenue Riverton, N. J. E", OOire' 1;-11;· lf Telephone 3S4-M 1------------

I.!:::====:::====:=~=:=_~_=-=_~_:.I.~_~_=__=:.=_ __ =_::_=__==.:.:.:.:=====::~ : REWARD niT, ~~8~, .1" "'"'''' nl • , . I "111.111 .. 1 r.l\\ C ro, h, I 11.1":. C'OIllallltll~

Moorestown Fnends School , "''' h,,11 ,III,', ,n" .. " .11111 <"r"r1IC"'

1 )0J., III ,.lrI,\ 101111'1.'11.1 HI' lIIrll 10

Announcement Mooreatown. N, J. N", "-r" lIOI"

I eI"-In' \ .. allll""""' \11\ ;,ITcrs a "ollll'I"te ,'III1I-C ftll\ll I ·_-_-_--_-_M-I-B-C-E-L-_-L-~-N-E-O-U-8----~al"Ii(I.lrv fIJI 1"""II1.llltm L " It ' REPINED WIDOW wl"llrtoo "o",illon f'll "lIut.'rJ,!artC!f1 tn Culle'J,{c un,ler a .1" lIoII Nlkl'"ur iU":"IIII"lIIuu'too hornl'

',\.llln.: .. " UOX {J:;. Mc·clforcl. N J 7· 14 h Steward of the A)mshouse ("III p_ .. f tc-,Idll'r- "hll'CII 11111 IIl1ly ___ . at th,' I'rll":" \ 1': 1,·, 11"", . UPHOLS1'ERINO. "ha,,' <:1111' .1. ~"l'h,lt1ht.'1 21,. If'll2 !"<III'J" I (Ot al·.ull'nll e l,anllnl-:' Int.t fur tilt: 1'.1I1111f1 J,t, )ylllh·· wa .. hillt:. ,IoIrft"ol" II' lilt '''"' ·1 .... 11111 .,f lilt.' (h'. 1IIt' IIIIt.I. IlImr IlIhC'''i \' llIrftII lIf'cI. rUI!'

The Pirat Lutheran Church of atlll'l'plu'n' IIf ,"It"n' :11111 II'hut.· \\ .... 111·,1 \\1111 .1 _n lUllnu M) fIIoUn P I d R ' rt 1'111.1".111 \ I Itll ..... If I hll hllg~ . ' "ERi.·UIII \ wllh Courl" .. ) :wcl+ I'nlu··

• myra an Ive on t l ll1("lIlIlt .\ IIlI"flt \\Ith \\hlth 1'.lfI' Jlt~ .Il'!'oo,rt· IIMltt\" I'hmll 1~l\lrlntl l4t;.I~ . !

'~::~d~;vSe~~~Y9130~,a,::; pa",or WILLIAM A. WILKINS II,, '" cI"l ,it,'" t" f". , ;"rlllllld,'(I. , ~< 'I~ ~il/~~~ Morninll .",vices 1045 r II I AT BERVIClt-I'inoueitie rrlnc •• EvtninJ.:' serYicc~ 7 10 H l' III Moorestown, N. J. '11 1 1IIIIIII1Iallllll .ft • n'!';"" reJ,tiluered bull rrom Merida1e .tod" ---------- I Itt"c $S Peace and Plenty Farm

.,' C~::~ICII:~; ';~~:bt"m:c .. , • ('halll,c 'oCCIIf' ,I ~{','III~II~:~ A"I\r~II~I,,~:'1 I.) W. ELMER ~~~R::~t. WHY NOT k"I' \'Ollr lIIa~.I "' I"r III Ihe .. cvt'nth 'ratllt' C;IIII"," ,,' 'fir ... "11 I I 1110111 Y .tl hOIlH' I m.IY 1101 1.llk

Methoch"l Church h c-Id thclr aJulIIal Mrs A. U ElltnJ.(:cr, who h~ l\ a Col . 1"~~lIC at Urand) \YUle SpnllJ,;s 011 11 .\J.;t: on the: river front, has relurned

I \\ C,hIL .day. 10 hcr home In Gcrmantown M r.. Norm:m H Schn\ er and, The Methodist church IS

~ J Slack 1.~.lnn 500 " 'ree filiI' I Illite IIunrlll l "I~tel l a ",hinl' ~- - - - - • _.- .- ,t!; ~JIO'~~~~~ I \'1111 11110 1,lklll": " htlll 111I1t ~ you .1011'1 II ITIJC'e lit ""hi "arry I'flh ,. ,Hlke',1 "1I"thc r \\ .1111 . hili Will .... 1 YI \'011 .11 II ... 10\\,,' .. 1 ~;:b'~::I:rr ... ~~tll:~"e:al~ll~e ';:~~'I~~: ·~I~!II' .. I. :~,,~:: : ,.,AoOIJ 00 0 00 0'0 a 000 a 1.00 (,''''''t I " LIS TEN IN" l'IIlI'" till 11I.I ~. I / III" " >,0" do w.lIIl dallghlt' r. IIden •• nc NJlcndll1g ~c\'erall l "olHe \cry IIIlcrestlllK Iltble :i tudtes

\\eek!'i wllh rcl.llIYC~ In SI 1.oUls and .11 Ifr.lycr 1lI( elmg. eyer) Wednesday I'ort Iluron. Mlch c\cnlnt; . I'. \cryonc IK welcomc. l'ray·

er mcctlnt; :;tarls at 74S p 111, day· "ght saV inI; tlmc. AI r .. Glen Schnclder Npent Ilart or

las l \\1 ek at Heach It.,,'en and w.,:; joincd on Sund.l) h) M r Schncldcr alld ~I, alld M r- Frcd tal'cr<

'Mr.. Fr.lIIk Norn", .1IId daughter, I"ra","(' .. ! or COllUdcn, .md Mrs AUrcd J. \\ tlkln!!ton, j r, of Audlll.,:on, !'Opent 'rtu:~ .. d.I} with Mr:; j.lIltc!!> 'i" \Vc • .,1

S',ll, lor \\"' lgllll1": truck:o. .lrt: 1,,·· III,,: 1'111 III f10!!>1l10n .It Ihe end of Ihc new Siaic road 11(: • ., the ferry. Nine tonN IS the: IlIIlIt ror trlfck ~ 1I :§1ItJ,; the road

Il.lrr\ \Vlnkcl~I'cclu. of KI\'crslde, I " no\\ lIIanaJ.(er of I he Goodycar ShOll. laklll", Ihe pl.lcc of lIerbert Sdlll~l(ler. "110 h.ll.; been tran s ferred to HI\ CrMde

MI S,," Koberla Wright, I~ vlsiling frlcnds.1I1 Hammonton .

Mr and Mrs T W MUff.hy, of Velde avenuc, tAre rCCCIVIl1K congr;u· ulal,on s 0.11 Ihe birlh of a bab) daugh­ler

MIS. Hild.~arde Zelf.r •• of Allan­IIC' CiI)" I", \'i"illn,.; at Ihe hOl11c of ~Ir .lUli Mrs Austin Kaymond. Uelair I'.uk

Atr 'l'homas F Colfln/:rove. of AI­"tulle Cit).' i5 a guest at the home or ~t r.. Slar ..

Oran ;o..l alit amci, the bab) son c1f ~tr and Mrs Oran Fanner, Hatch's corne', died Thursday noghl of dll.h­Ihen.I'

MIS< l'lhcl Sulh\·.III, of Ea.1 \ ·,·Idc ot\ cutle. ~pcnt the ~cekend \"ilh rela· liveN al Kirkwood

~II " llabcl E Kr.t1I ~~. Ihe \' I sitln~ Elt'anor Barlon has Konc to \Vlld-IIl1r .. ('. ' ".,cnl Ihe \\cckcnd al Cam., wood for .l yacalton

• fin II) on Ihr Jtc rklOIl1CI1. \\here MISS Mr oe Eltzabtlh Dorey IN "pendinJ( a Blalfche Me K1IIley. her aNslNtant is Nhor. Unu' \\ ith hcr ~ister, M,ss Mary sl"' ndlng her \.1 a I ~ ___ ." Burk, nc'routjllOc avenue

'l'he GUIld of Boly TrtnilY Episco­.al church Will hold lis next meettng 'ur"day evenin~. Augu!'it Sth, at the

I III. of M .. Alberl Lawlesa,

The f1al"' ) f1o'lr Clnb ' flenl Wed­III ",cI .I,) IHCnlC'l1Ifr{ .11 Rancoral'i Park. Air .. 1(lI s!'it.'i 11 'lIlIInciman bCIII),: the ho .... ioN of the day. Thcy were. a hal'lI ) crowd .U1d ,III h.ld.a J.:ood lillI('

I r,wk Malhe\\s. Jr. wa'i one or the ~Ih 1,, 1 .. at .tII onttn..: t: 1\cn hy Judge S1.lrr, of C.lIl1cicn. to III :' \'anOIl~ asso· el.llt .... AI Heach I-Ia\e,_ Frank re· 1111 lit d home \\ IIh ;l heautlful c.l~e of po~ "oJllnJ..:

The Re\ I'. A l{ollln "on on Sun· da) lIIornlfl f,! "III pH'ach on "Iohn. the UaIJIt·!'!I." .lIlfl In th e- l' \'Clliutot lu~ 10lUC \\ III 1Jt' "TI... SeOJ.. At r. aud Mrs J\ 1. \\' ll sOII will san..: a duet III the mortnl1 ..:

"hc Re,' ':tnd M,. E A. Robm . on \\crc gu(' ~ t .. al Sea Crest Inn. Cal,e Ala\. "'everal da\" la ~ l week 'r Ie M i~'il'''' ~farian and 1':slher Rohinson ha\ c' hl'cn "'p'lIdll1j..; Sc \ "r,ll wcek .. ott t..:alJc May.

fOLdl," Johl1Non. Ihe falllou~ pilch. er of Ihe "II Slar!!> laNI vcarJ.,arrl\'('d III lown till" \\c(.·k from ·loronIO. \\ hrre he had been 1,1.l\,n~ ha ll He I" III work Oil Ihe "bll~" (arm a"aan alld 111 lhr I11ranllfnc Malla~er Nlcltols, of 1'ht' Fll'M Cluh. lI1ay ha\'c hUll pilch some for Ihe locals

Mr. and Air'! \V.lliam RllrldllC'k l or" n. are fi llt'ndin~ se\'eral da,~ \\llh their datl ..:hl e r, Mrs \VltI · lam \Vllbrahafl1. (lrlor 10 Ihc-ir der."­tun for NiaJ.:ara Fall s, from ,,"dl poinl Ihe\' \\ til take the "Lake Tril'" 0\'., Ihe Lakes, '0 Dullllh, .Itnne ftota

lSr.. Oscar Ruuchman and dau"h· ler, M". Calhe"nc, and M, an"tl Mrs \V I \VullniuJ.:. of Palrn) ra. Ilr and IIIrs. Wilham Harl and family, of Woodhury, and Mr .IId Mrs H.n .~I, of Audubon, arr ~llfndlnK the wC'l'k in joseph \ ' carl) 's cOllage al High Point.

Mr. and }.In C. Harrison I'!'yne. or Nrw York, an Ihe KuriiA or Mr. and "r A. II Cram.r, 01 nroad and Walnlll <"eel" Mr and 'In Payn~, who ha\'e rtc('ntl)' n'wrned from Me,, · ICO City. wh("rc lIr Paynr bas brt'n intrre • • cd in a\" ation, plan to sail for Eurol'. shorl ly.

~fr", C nllllard, o( Ihe rlvcr fronl, cn rlamed M Crall( and family. of No Ih Plllladelph,a, on Re IIYc ~ from Newark were al"o ,.:11 Nls for Ihr week' Mrs Buzlard

'15 OIlC of Ihe few residents in Delair who OWI1 a radio outfit •

Charl.s ShadIer, 01 It'eld. ave nile. h.l" returned from a IWO ~cck5' trip to M:llne, which hc ftpe nl willi 1115 ..:rand"artnl ... Mr and Mr" Frank COl tel

M,. Ala'lI.rel Holna/:le, of Phila­dtl"IIIa. and Mrs Florence Colfin., of Lawndale. art" visiting their lilter, Mh. Amelia Co'lIns, nclair "ark

1.011l!'t 1. \Vellenback. of RiYerside, purchafied thc I~mil Hohnbcr~ I.rop· crl)' III Utlalr Park and has moved In Th,' Holmbrr.: lamily will live III :l ""nail blll1Kalow on Rlv.' r ro.ld, pCfldin~ thl' crecllon of Iheir new hOllle

Charlco A John ' on, John A John­-on and mh. Elfison, all of Balti­mor ... Md. arc ~to"pln~ with Mu. Laura Starn,

~Io .. J~anl'tl. UIolll1an, of "hlladel ­"tlla. Ie \Isitin,.: at thc hOllle of John Rose. BndJ,:t"\' lew

MIS!!;'"" I'crrinr. CollingsJ.:rove and Marple, 01 Ih~ IrWin and Marlin ­~Ifckhofer !'i tafJ. NJlr nt the ",'eekcnd al Ihe former', home in Princelon

MrA Marie Hanson and Non. Peter. .. reOmltamed hy Mlu Grace Carson, all of f'fiilad~lphia, have vllilin!! Mr and 11 .. Frank Hanson, Velde a\'enue.

Mr and M ... John G Thol.y. of Iht Ennis Cottage on the rwer front, rnlrrtained a group of friend s OVer

~I~ ~"~d~'j~: Wi~:!~\J.'i~~e:~dj~~~: ih, 11 ... Carrie Toal and family. Carl lleadley, Sr, \vi"iam Tholey"M .. ""/:h L 1fonlgom.ry. if ro. Anlhony lIalle!:: Samuel - Egg.rt and family, Roy Thoma. and 10hnlon Tellem

"ilauulMr" Vidim Related' to PaI­m,ra RaideDt

The tragic -"hammer" murder i. Calilorn,a waf a . hock 10 a Palmyra home. for Iht victim, "n. Alberta "radow!t, was Ibe •• eond coulin 01 "n A. W . Tomlin, 01 Garfield ave

Mn Tomlin knew Ihe parenll of Wi •• Ah'a C. 'fcllhenny, 01 Ea ••• he olain .. oman' w.If, and hu ICV­

R,vrrtoll, became Ih. bride of WiII- .ral piclur.. 01 Ihe enllre lan\!ly. lam L Wiop.fI, of 'foor ... 0," n, i. a Tlo. falher'. name wal F. A. Tremaane quiel .eddin.: ,>C'rlormrd by Ihe R.,·. and all uI.d 10 live in Ihe Eall/ in E. A Rob,n,on al Ih. "elhoelill "ar- l'bilad.lphia and New York. be ore fltonagt" la~. Salurda) e\'ening. The g°tyt~!Vt"lrJ . Tremaine. died a rew

!~dnft~~ueJiJl:~clt:;i~~~te~y ~~: yearo ago ...... Tomftn olfer~d 10 and "n. Wilperl wil/ make Ibeir aive Ibe cbildrtn a born •• bul olher hom. in Woorellown. • arrao&""'...... were inalfy made.

lIulhn..!> .47 1 nubb:, \\ e..tcyanli UII siredic Arll,.nll ,,00 Oartlc) Wellle),anii tOO \\'catt I e.,"n tOf) .fer",nc Oap'lIIt tOO Rlchnla" K of r J7S KUlJwlt,," A,II,.an, J,B Mark \\ e,leyan .JJJ Trum.n I.e. tun JJJ Afldre .. ,. n.,lt'llt .JJ' 11 O.ker \\ c.l~yan JJ 1 Madlullln WCllcran JOR AK"I'I~nhflcfer Kiln' JOO

Pltehi"K AvcnKel '. PIle'hIflK leCtin) " Clltnltllt'd U'l I', July f.!lh

III .he TWlllJehl . ,.hnw lIa,d,., of na" II. t_. at Ihc head (If Iltt'! 1t. 1 With Iwu "ame, won, unc u' which ''II! a !lhUlrKlt of the Ar tl..-nPl un July Jd I am""I. of the \Vell l~) .nll. 1/1 neat wllh .hc "ame number l'llehcr Tum lIardy lIalltilt '.amlin I \\'r "leyan McGinley Arll,..nll \\' .. ham. Artl ltanli "'I),n" l.cRlftn I'ult" l.eJClon Andre"' ~ n."tlllt CooI~r K nf P Mark \\ c .. lc) all

J.uJCue siandm" July 11'­

n.,III . ' We"lcran~ Artl".n" K nf P I' 0 ~ of A

\VOII • I 2 2

"t'(CCllt 1000 1000 11)0/1

1000 11)1)()

. 000 I 001'

;00 500

l.fJ\t .·e,cent • 000 J 6110


"." 250

Beve{Jy Scalp. Field Club Dy ""all" Walhew.

'Phc Fltld Cluh w,lI 1,lay M.dford on Ihe local field Salurday

The II.ur) ,,' thc ,hi. ...cek Will. mote 'Ir Iru. br n)lM-d III Ih~ morbid h.blh mcnt .. of a c',roner'li II1quC"L To on~. whu, ,"."ired I,y Ihe Ihr,lI 0' , ,,ccc.flul c:ontIUC.I • I. won. In hmn rOKalc c:bwmclcli and "clltly trip the hc' u' I!lIthu'la, a ddral tn ... . Illaan I. a ta.k ,crllele- with d'Ulrtt.blc I ... . lurt'. and IMllcntlal mt.under.tandln."

It I. nI)l Illcaunt III draw Ibe tru.ty h.lII. Iller ltolll II . . hcath and ,mile con.ell,.1 cornradu be:twun thc cyc. 'or duncc dotn. a ball .arnc whcn ,OU rc:alla:c .bat In IlPllc til Ihclr contribution. tu thc bleo thcy are tOll . Inl 50Icly 'or the- Ihrtll and lun of the- CC)II' 'hct .ltHI nut 'ur financl.1 rCCl.lmllen.c

Thc IiUbJecl III hClt ,1I.mi .. cd by donnin. "" tcnln meiD and bmadc •• hn" altbl "1.ltnlc'lI. III .he clrC"l."t that "Ihc boy. had .n ulr day." but ca.h CUI:ICHl,cr. arc lo.tllc tu tnllllCd,alt'ty ,nlrr Ihe rrma .. u and 11"'11 Iluela I ... d. (I' abu~ 011 Ihe weary hea.h u' the unfortuna" Inllamc, .. of thclr Irc Ihat we would be &c .

e'utoed 0' .ru .... IIcrcllCII'1I1 ,,' duty I' wc did no. fu, tht'r ftay and .hru.t Ihe "ui.,enn" ur ca ..... ith Ihe r.ltlcr 0' c:ritlcl ......

T., Iho"e who lip nnt know what th .... all .bout we w,lI . Ialc that r alnlyra Icft Ducrl, late la , t Saturday on .he .. hort c:.nd of an 8 '0 '. lIe'ore The •• me '" a. a ptf.lon,cd Jc, •• .a '''",rau III o .. r h.1I club, anll Iknruu.hly nutr •• rd thc,Uhc, 0' Ihc tanli who had built up a lowcnn, edifice 0' hu,le un Ihe !, Irrnllh "' liC'yt'n COh~Ut"'e- wietorlc. But. Itke thc Park •• y balldiq.. the t~nlh and elcYn.h lloou han era.hed aad tbc 'ainl" hUrlcd hue flcd with Wild prediction. tol furtllcr .nd comilicte coll.,lliC of Ibc 'ollcrlll. w"u. remal.I.I.

Thcrc were 100 many ha.II, In""'nd In thc tun"'. tll ,,,,unl a M:nrnfu' fin"cr al •• y onc ,Adlwldual. l.ct u • .nerdy .tale that our boy. looked hke l.oc.1 .cU. Ship Carilehleu. play. In. their .nnual picnic ball .aml' IAt u. .I~ .a) dlat Ibc onl, un ."0 ranu tlaru In a., Vlrt 01 .. ric .a. WI .oUcnn ... d ancien. wruk "Glbbi.r,·· wlloac bait day. wcre ovcr .cY.ral wcek. .,0 bul who rdUH. 10 _!lcye: II. Old au .. tOlllcd blS .,cner.blc lad r.ull •• rarca •• aboul tllc ficld ill •• a.ncr that Ina,". u. cotU tltrv wilb the crack ..... ..... hird I •• loal .ar 'roaa .be caneterr. l.c:t Ihe IDOUrHn IUr. back. tIac Iowen wuh· cr alld tIt~ crape .... ICU liftk .no.llcr y&Cd ... 'or ClbWc .... bet., reJun.alcd. alld ODeC .ore .ntl, top. I. tke Ihoch". fI' lb. laur~1 •• tlluu.

lIe.ry. W'Da«er Hicllo',' IiCJIc rort.Wer. .tatted 4IM ,..... but .. .U ,a.uec &0 die bt" ,I .... t be .. ieI tlaal Id •• ~ .... tell , • • i,1Nd II for II... a.t OIM run ran be claallr:cd .1' a,.ln ..... TKI)II, 10' .. , •• bJri •• aI' II" rc.,...,. .. blhlr Tilc"""r • .,.n were Ike cNar ..... to.. 01 Ill. wwnl turponl.. cut. J'i.,e 0' 11M talli" ... 1 onr al .. r '.0 tDftI .. ad ..... relltH nc NWi •• bI ... ,. were atrociou. TIt loul. uwe ~.,ca dd ...... j ••• a.N ... a .. lbe la.t lourtcc. i_la... n. ... phd i •• i. tlte world COII""I WI. INtIl ........ a 4ict lib tlaat. , .......... r.'" ".. Nil du" b, tIN: .. It _ow ......... Ia •• '*'7 10 _ . n.., look

11,,1' The lIul thrcc 111II'"III lc her lie" d'~II III i ~ 1.11/ • .1 .. III Bow"lI. no~ ,Ill. '~I\''-'rloll.

IJn:::'::I~ '~I;;~:I:~~I1;IIt::I~kn~:;~~I:lI.l~r "I Ih" I Z K d k r' ~ Everybody'. doin, it, now that or 1,llellil l lll · \\ "·21 "u ... " .. u_ ." •• k. Ih. , 0« ..... 1 ,1"""," .".1 X. 0 a e s. ~ our popular ,h .... I,,'"y I .. cr •• k "" .. 1.1 .,.,. •• 1 .. ".1.".1 Z RADIO RECEIVINO SETB BROADWAY PALAttD ., lutl,l wllclI Illb 111"11 rull/' .. en ell II....... In 1.. are available and priced 10 that U D • .... 1 " ... 1 Let us develop your films. i everyone can own one al very

The lum III, III It .. lulUl'. hUI Ihe wuutr I" Z little expenle. )cl ,1/o IIIIJC 111 Ihlll hali .. I IlIr l,a,.;lIlIlIl1/1 alill Our careful and expert work Z :::~re"'::IIII~II:t;:,;"~~ III \~f';I~t "'~'~II~la:~) d.:~e I ;~ insure6 best results. % 111~:~::~I':~~IIJ,lrl~:ttl;~;III.:lr~ :!'::d~I'II~ can Ilu a"alll 11' .. JU Ii I " ·IUI' .. II"" II' "etllllil ~ lhrcHIJ,t1l I Ill: .111 'Il.IrvclollJoo culer· IOUI Ihre- With a lillie "'OIrc u, Ihe II'" fltchl 24-hour service on all classes ~ 1.11111111111" .lIul \.,ltlithlc IIIfurllI.l-11111: 'I>lnl a,"1 "laYIIII{ Ihe walllr 1111111 11hZ 7: 11011 011 .tli " lIhJ~ C I N 1)011'1 "YC' Thl :- 'lII"h,U" IIf hemIC IIl1ul . 1 each of work, If lel, with us he- Z ~ tlilN .. II' "lhl'l r .. , eUllit 11111111"" "I La,l. and IC'III. I.. ~ ~ tuin y'Jur II~II ,hance .. 'ltr "lIc'e',,~'"1 I'e" fore 10 p. m . t 7: The Greate.t Home Enter.

f",;;~~~~r"'"r'" a",1 ""hi I" Ihe all l>wrr I IKhl Z I taUlmenl Ever DiKovered 'rull1 ht'llftllfllll/l I .. C:IIII 'r"lor carl' IIf )',lIr We have a stock of Cameras I 7: C ""' .. J.,h l'tIIl 't' rI) 111111 the I(ltlllr Will ,a1;r in all popular nlodcJs. and Z IZ A omplete Stock of Part!i clur ,,' Ibclf , '.; __ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

I al\ kinds of supplies for Ihe f. -

" Impr~ved Streell DllCullied .amateur and professional. ! . Robert C. Bitting lown.hl" rOJ'd- w.,,· 10 lloe f!lre 1'1 Everything Electrical

,1\ IIIl" Town.h'I' CommIttee me.lonl( Z, 117 E B d S TIIl'daV"""inl( ' l Xl ast roa treet

'1'111" \\ ," ., lellcr frolll II .. Ch.II11 -1 W. T. McALLISTER ~ I X Phone : RIverton 74

Ill' of IIlollcn.11 tlM' cI In npalrfO a 101111 a myra, .. .~ . lown a.nd urJ.:lflt{ lhat it Nlanclarcl IIIJ:h 7 ,. y Cloud cven ln". "urln" jlliv .nd .rade malerial be ado tcd I ~~""""~"""",.~~ ~ , Aua:u·l U~~ Friday .nd a.,u,d.y

Week of July 24lh

NOTICE-durlnl the dayli,ht .. vlnl! period the fir.1 .how will belin al 8 p. m, and th •• econd at 9.30 unJ". olherwiac adverllaed.

During Ihe balance of July and Au­gu.1 Ihere will he only Ihree thowl a week.

Monday Oeor". Mellord', Produclion , '\The Great Imperl onatlon"

(',111111) Corlll,l) \'hllt .... 1U1I .! ~ , .lIul" (;1,,1111 ('II

Friday Ifl ,t IT (,IIISf ,!, III

"Slep On It" I., .0111, 1·1I .. 11t r ('olllcch



A,I"It. 1M, an" 2c Chi/dren 10c

Iocr of COllllllercc eri\l .... "'~ 110.· 'I",t!- PIN J II XI Eltablilhed In Palmyra 7 ~eara

COIl1f1l1t1CCl1lan Uar.t:.y rt'Jlltccllhat I - *1)',,';HOGOO'KOaOOOGO~ everyone ", hollid'ci.tIC Ihal Ihe 0000 a I •• a 0 0 leo ~~"""''''''''' ' - - --- - - _ . . . ~-- - --, . . .. I Saturday ,Iown"hi., had 10 he nl" all 12 c('nl~ I ~ I' EXECUTOR'S HOTrCE I \1" \1, ,\ \ f I\" Ifl out o( Ih e $4.75 I.,x laiC .U1d Ih.lI H I h ~ E •• alc of Pannic Boulton "A Virginia ~l)urt.hl"" wllt'n Ihe $1 ... 7 now j.:OHlj.: 10 th e ea t Z S'IIu:r" lirrrloy 'finn Ihal It ll ',rol .. , hu, ~tlllll.11I1 (uf.It'II) Nchool .. wonld he reduC'ed. It IIlIght ; ••• t: Iorr" rna"r h, the "UrruKa'r 01' " Ir ( •• 1111' \1 SIIII .. I .. '1f C,,1I1t th he flo"~lhlc to do 1II0r(' ror IIIC' 10\\ II 2 ~ : 'L:~ul~Ii!.I::'II;"'!'~~:lllj~~"I~~:~ •. ~h~h;~I~I,, ::; "rllIll'I 2~c & .le Childr"n Inc

~Ir H.lrlle) s ll~""e st('ct Ih.lI ",amI'· I C Id f II I. I Z I ' II r~III"', rrfllUonl( Ihr ... ,rtlt.I'I' . fI' "anlllr '1'1 h -II 30 100 9 JO Ollt 111\ ('SII),:.II(· why Ihe .. c hool ~ re. o . ,wet eel-co ( 111 Ica. Z 1I1)I11I. ,u, tlcrr.uell ,,' Ihr , '"un,y II I Jill' Iret • ow. . ' . ' (IHlre "'0 Jllil t h money 7. -Vlllt doctor-take medlcme. ~ I IIIIMt'ln It) I,rlllr. In .hrlt , 'ltlln" .... 111 ' 1 ,ltr

No fllntl~ arc .lVailahh. he !.alCl, for Z MediCine don't work unlnl ~ ~:!~II~n :~II \:,~" .,~i'~:;II',h'~ ~:,1.t~,~~"I!:f 'N " ::,"~ • my I'crrmuu· ttl "orl< 011 till' 10\\ tI'", X feet are kep\ dry and warm. l ncr. I?J.!. lOr tlIC, wtll i,r "l" lunert 1'( .an ) ... In'(' l iIIi 'I' ll(' m.Hcnal untler critlcif;lII. l ~ 1. 11.,11 Ihe,ef,,1 aW.III\' " H' . ,,111 I .. V'c ul" , I hOWC\ ,·r. he ... ~qJI •. "ncd. is lII('rely Ihal More Shoe Repalrane and l JU ..... ,' JI I. 'nl1r,.r:s" A'-;" UI I I(~~~!! ul '/I takcn off of Cl1Inattllll liOn avenlll', Ie.. mediCine &;lye. more ~ J" '~I :r \\here Ih" nl'" Stale high"u) I ~ hun ,.; than money. l ; 2', til 7 ZR Inilit 11 C'ost ,. Ihe 10wlI ",11I1I 1101hlll~ ~ ---------. and wa •• 1. 0 hauled free by Ihe Slalo :t A t t contraclor. "0 aher all II wa~ a vcr)' Z U 0 0 :,~~notnic.ll 1110\ c 10 pUI II 10 gINni . Z

SohCllo, Ueckenbaeh .aiel Ihal 111 - - ~ a"'lUuch a'" Ihc H yiloll ':1:1\ ,' I hank'" , Z wert' /:I\in/: OUI, I','n.ank"" w~. Ir)- CHARLES 'lURNER i tn~ 10 huy a I rael of lalld willch I~c Shoel Harnel" Trunlu and l o~nc,) ror II ....... Ike of III(' gr.lvel III ' . Z ,t. Mr ncekonh.orh -aul 110,,1 ,f I... Lealher Oood. Repllred i could hc •••• ",.d Ihal Pallllyra would S09 Howard Btreel R,verlon Z u"e J,(ravel the n('xt "f'\'cra)", . he Phone 282.w '.; would keer. Ihe land and sel/ lira vel ."l-to ".llmyr.l -~~ G G C G ~",""',.,~

ComlllitlccmOJn lIarlh.·), ha!' takrn -_ ... _-- --.-- ---- ----!!tIC,,!!> to oblain Siale aid for Ihe im - iG"'I'OOOIOoaooo,o~.+'~

IlrO\'rnH'1I1 of liii:hland .l \ ' 1::11 11(', allfl For Sali.faction Call .0J,rs 10 inlerrtH Cinn;41Il1""'On 'I'own· I"" in Ihe 1I10ve, ' 0 Ihal Ihe ,oad PALMYRA HOME LAUNDRY

ran be unproycd clt'ar 10 'lurlington pikc

Committceman Hinchman took Jil tepi at thc mcelin", 10 h.,,·e an orden .. ance inlrociucrd barrin", parking' on Broad f't. from Cinnaminson .we 10 AIr Wlmrr' oiI office. and al"o on Cin· naminti:on a\'enue. (,olh fi ides. for 50

Phone 493-R

Wet Wa.h 90c per bas

Finilhed Work of All Kinds


E, GLASCO Meet. t ra,"1 at Riverton Station

Phone RIverton ' 282-w -----_. -- ----

Burfin,lon Counly Circu,l Courl 1 11111\1)( 1',11,.. ' ... 1

1'1.,,11 ,0 hi AII.,IIIlIrfll

: ' i :.'I~::' ~\f'!I;~1~11 .. ".J f ~:!I': : ,IIII .. LI I ... "

N .. lu l' I flrfrl, . I,YI'II 1'111 ' 4 "'III ., .1 l .. d lllle'II' .. I .11(' " 1111 . ,' .hO' I ",1",,14. PI .. ", • '" , ,,, J .... e .. h ) lu ,11I1 4,,·1 111mI'm,. 1111"11 ',

:r,~~:: ~ ~',I; ,,~'6t~tl::i ~;:~II;I:"'::II.tu~~~.i · Ir~:~ mrllt_ "' "!P'1,1t )'""111 .. lIlf 1' 10",.", e llurhtl " ,r ,II .. ,,11111 I., lIlt) ... . 1"llIft .. ami .... t,. ,,,r i 1'111". l .. ~ tlr" ""' '1' llor II Urllll" ' ''OU ( '''WI ), l ' II e'11I1 (111111. IIU Ihe I ~ rll') toC'\rn ll, ,I .. ) .J )1 ,,). 1,,'1. , .. Iu, "n~ Ihl' I"'rllltt'" "IIY " I IUllr, I ~'I 10 .. " lor .. " 0.4"'(," a,lI l ,lui, ... ,ru,,11 .t1i,1 "' .. '" rc: lurtlr" '.11 Ihr ' '''tlftlo lfa) ,,' Jul ). I'UI. 10 ) Ihe' '"'''run "' Iflr ( , , 11111 ), •• , Jl III IWIIClflfl 1'4,e,1 jUllr I I . I ' l l!

ftc I norllt ).tr f)a\' ir too wa" nOI rntiullii0\51ic

about Ihe IJlan. because he liaid It", SUKRCSllon had C'Olllr frolll Ihe Cham~ her of COfllfurrcC'. but hOlh ),fr Hart ~ ley and ).f r H inehman favored It

\\ tI .LlA)' II It' v.\'r-t~;t.. . I

l I' ft \t\l'I ~ J ~~fl~ I~~!;' I B. MARTIN

37 Row.d Btr.el. Palmyra

~H>O""~0+4~H>O""~H+ --- - ---- --- ---- I I BROILERS

The altlllldt' of landholdcn in fo CV ­

eral in"laner. has been holdinK up Auto Ihe 5Cwer. It W~i rellOrled thai Louis WaJlae~ had refuled '0 a/lo\\ Ihe main" to be laid on SprinK Gar· d~n .lr~" I, we,,1 of Clflllarmruion, and '''.0 Ihal Ihe Fidd Cluh had refuoed 10 allow Sprint( Card .. n treel to be reo.,encd alool( thr rt'ar of ila: I,rop­

Service AND


("rly .. r Crl eon made a rel.ort on de·

hnelllrni taX~J, ahowin K Ihat on1r. aboul ~J/)O Waf dH. previou. 10 192 .

=-At lutl A portable tppewritM

with a flll.l and ~e lleybaard JIIIt like the atandard 1llAda11W. lee the Reaaiqtoa PortUIe at TIM! New IJ:ra dice,


Phone Riwertoo 406-w or lOS-J 211 Lippincott AYeo .... RIYerton I - - ----.---- - -. i

Sfn.: ... a SOlillu rn pl)e t· "Oh , 'Vl" ny III'H .. kill .. ollr ~ \\.'fI"" Will ha,,; 'tOIUl: five willlon "O fl ~ alld

dau~lllert. SCI.he\\ Ili and lIicc4.;" ftCorc tj .alld d,v

EXECUTa.x IIOTICa e ..... el ..... h ,. ".roc

11t'~":;~d!' ~~cr:~: ~~~~~.:~:I 'Jrntll,~rcsr:.u~~) 'If Uutlln.lnn. iN.,.n. da l« 'm llit' lIth 4i.y ,,' JUIIC'. 11)11. Upo'Jn ,ltc a" .. "ntHm I" thl' ~11'~'lU:il "Y~~:J;:f.i";)'P.'.ud!.~~!:rt~'j.~~''':,;

t:fh, th~ ('(.IUUI, "' Burllll"" •• ,,, IJunlt In thclr Aud COufltlc!'t flrAiI alld 'I ' cOlld (OU "· ~~d':'r' fJ~~~I.,~ ;~~,"~~I:,~~ ,~~ ,~11~~~e'di:!'

III ,. " ufnbc-r ". '911. '" thcy w,lI he d,."."r'" __ -- fI' an, .... H.lP IllUC"" ... 4111 I Ihc •• ut ., 'I'h(,le .lIe 1"0 "Cif """ "lliefl r\er) ctUU'.I AN'NA M )tAllaV.


The Dunn·ron clean. l\lell while fOU Ire Itlllnil il.

lt haa nIl rub""r...: In rol, crack. al1ll leak - nnlhonlllohre.k or to let out 01 order.

It I.JJ Idt ."..,41 n. ,mu" ,,.11 tU a.~ olh" "'/~II ...

• Sold by


Riverto.!!~:':'·AJ:...· ___ _

like. - -. _ ...... a"""" '------------T--.....I m .. " ollt:ht tu I"itrll- hnt! Ihr Jc:'t'nce JJ.wd J"". JII. I'Zl V.ucul"", '~(:I l'lt' twU,.r "f )'011' c:U, fir ,tIme of a...,ech; aud • .."ond. I .. 'flore dif- '" Zl • II :z ull".r Illlu\\ will L ... I yuu to it.

. .


In. of Itat. 8treet Offlo .. WII It Tranlformed Into Attrao­

tIY. Approaoh to Rlv.r.


Te... .u_r lIud.ntl H_ T",.. etat. Dap.rtltllnte C.n Cure aaoll

Ot".... D,'IOt_Hold. Unity AI ... adUlitton.

Tnnton.-Antothr, """" I •• hfl"t to bit m.1181n Ih.r"'"I",·I"·nlll\·,, plln tflr. 1.,..1, n.m .. nl .. 1'1 nnd b ... lllln .. 11 ... te trlpllnl th.t ..... ",·,,1 ... 11 ""rln. Ihe term "t Unll"" I1l8tH IIII"al", W.IIII' •• IM.e •• ""vem", ", HI'''' J ..... ,. AdYlrtIRem"n" .'r bl'ln. pllhll.h,,1'1 b, tbl .t.te n.e, t/ll n"lII" lit IItntll """Re O".lndlan Jllhn A. telllllh clllln. ro, hldll tn, "'. dllmnllllnn lit .Ix · hrlck Iroa_ lin W ... I 11101" 'Ireet, nllmbeNd trnm 117 tn 127. Inrhlll,e. .dJfllnlal thlt ... Ie h"" ... m"nI11 fin Ihl nnrth. Th., ...... ""111,,,,, 10, Iff •• Iat .. Re" M'III ,IIIN a.o anrl .. Ith little .lIe,.. lIon,flom Ihlll, "rh,lnal COII,lIt" .... hea IIIPd to, r8llldn"lIal purp'_ h ... .Ial'll hePa devol .. d 10 "",,"in, varlo". .I.te ..,.rtmlDl. tlr.1 ... ,. prftctlcel· I, tOl'l!td out ", lion ... Ie 10""",, ... 1'1l1li ot the aNd t"r more room. e.en .tter tlr. roDIIM"'''"n lOt a .u ..... all.1 .ddll"'n to "'It main hulldlnl.

WId! 1111 beeallt,ln. lit thl I.nll la tbe ,..r ot tbe IIRle 10011 ... h",I'I",ln. on tlrl Del .... ,., ,h·;',. Ibe .. I.n "'dI IUUNted or .'IInI"oll), nrqurrln. mllre

. pl'll .... rt, lID Ih .. n"rI h "n,1 ."utb "t 1101 .llle hnll'" 1M nn lit .. """".lte Ihlp or W~.I III.t" Itrl!O!' Ind rraduoll, pft .

Ilr.el, th .. moln hlllll'lin • . nr hlllll1ln. "'P.Nte "'"Irlllr ... In b",,'nll .. lIh th .. .'rbll .... "r. fIt Ihe pr .. ""nt .1.1 .. hOll"" 10 •• 10 t"r'lf a IIr"" .. "r "01 .. hlllll'l. In ..... 1110 .ppr"prlal .. "Irlel .urroulld· In, Ibe IIntlre 1.,11111.

N_ .ulldln ... "lid, ~tI, "'.ro h •• bI!O!n .bnut·

pi"' .... lID W .. t n.nilv., .treel •• hl"rk .... , fI'IIm the ",.tll h"uRe Inl'l I'Ilrp.·tly Ihroll,h t~" hlllrk trllm It •• n .. ,,· "n ... " h"l1l'1ln. nt 'r"n on" hrlrk Nt hI ,m tilt .nl'l rnur .In,l,,,, hh'h •. IQlfI .. h ... h 1l0III1 or Ihe '101" " .. ".rlm .. nf. \\'111 he m .... "" nell ...... k. Inrilldl"" Iho ... nn'" nper.flnir In on,l tr"", 1101' .Ii h''''k hullilln .. In WMI tel.I,, · air.,... The hid. rn, Ihe .... Inll nt 110 ... IK h"" .... .. III he n .. en .... In Ih. o •• p",h', rloom. h;,r .1 nnnn "n \\,.,In •• ".,. AnMII.1 2. The, will ':011 t.., ""ml,I<,II"n nt Ih .. ... orll nt 11II1I1n. IIn ... n Ihp .Irllrlllr ... • nd· rl ... rln. Ihp 1I,,,"nd ... lIhln .ft riff),' f,nm Ih ........ r'lIn" ,., fll,. ,'un'rllM.

Th .. h""IP .~J"lnlnIC Inlln",lIal .. l), Ihi> II.t. ra,.lInl I. Ih .. nl~,..1 "t Ihr .1. lin" " ' fli 'oru ... ,', ,h .. hum .. of Jutf.,! "III..., H. U,.· .. " Itt Ihp """ft ." "'rfl,,, .ntl .",.,.", .. , "urlllil .11 .. Nfhlllfllll.rn . IIfln nt O","',n"r ","nkll" )llIrph)' Ihe "til'" .U"fII,,'rd ,,. , ... ,.111,,. fhl. prup. "rt, '"' lin ItSW ... ' h 'I' IIIlIn"lnll, hu, RI. m,., ';",1". n,,','n ... "n of .'lIft.,. .. U'.Of'n. flr""nlPd an •• r",,"rnl h,. ... 1011'1, Illp .1110 .... 'n ... 1 III .. "'''I",rt,. tnr " IIIIDn .h .. flPftth .. , hili ,"",h.,. whu ••• 'fl." 1I"ftl. F:1m .. , .:",hl. tI,f',,", hu ... .. '.r, .,1 .. " taft'''''' tI.P "11I,Jjpt, find upnn Ih. 1." .. .-. "".11, I".. o.r .... m .. nl. wht~h "'fI" nf'''''' ",.pC'II'.". WHM ,.yl· dnn, tn ..... t.n .•• Ih~ 0111. 1"'"l1hl Ihe "r"\)I'rI,.

No N_ .ulldlng N_ Fnr th .. "r .... nl Ihr, .. wfll he nn n ....

hnlldln. 1I11 .... rI.k,.Il. Th •• 11. or Ihe ", ... 1 .1' ..... hnll .... I. I" h ... rad"".1I1'I .nhJ .. rlPt1 In a '.11" ... 8,111 ,.rden'", .. I.n Ih.1 I •• 1 ...... '1)· lal" nlli. Tbl • ... 111 mak. II '.HII,· an .1\,IIt1nn In 110 ..

. !>ftl ........ rto.r hl,nk I,a,k. ka""n •• IIlIt.., park. """"II.. Ih ...... ,·hon, ... th..,.. .. III .1111 h ••• I" he ... m. rrn .. d. III, 'n th. mola .Inl .. h"u .. llructure .nd In tho n.w "lIIr. hulldln. III W .. t R.a .... '" .IMII. hat Ihl. rnndliion .. III he r.II ....... II """n ........ Ihl... 'n nr· 'der 10 "hloln enlfllaCII 10 tb. W .. I R.allnr .1_1 hulld'n, wllhlllll "'. nlll'_lI, nr .olnll .. ntlrel, .,nllnd Ihe bill"" ... oll.lIon. ba ...... n romplet­lid h, lb. ".te wllh lb. lloore .... ,. h, ... hlrb lb. I" .. er portion 'ot a ,1'lI!. d",,"al propert, on W""t KI.'. "not. dl,....l, opprlltt. Ih •• 1.le hOUN. caa he allllHCI ••• mnn. nt ........ to tlr. Wilt II...... 0111.. hulldln •. WIlen Ih. IIr.. lI'IIIIal Inlel'lll c ... _ lIMo Pl'flllll'l, ... 111 he ... hnll, .rqulred b, lbe .1.,.. 'hna marllin •• aoltJ.r II." fo,...r4 In lba ...... ,_.1 pl •• eor apaaeloa ot lba ... t. "- .1Id lte fI'OII1IdI.

............ InIIltut' .... 1 Trtnlty P .... lhllUl.. uDd.rI,l.. lb. III ....

lI.bmlllt of • ('Illn".... ......,,."111 •• .,.em hit..... Ih.... ...., depart· _I. of tb ..... I..--er\IIC!at' .... hllllb aDd 1 ... lIull. __ w.,. lIuUlIIId b, eo..11IIoMr Burdetl" n. 1_ .. otllo .. ..,.rtllllllt of lutllull.... .Dd •• en· •• 1 tire OroN. (·It, .umme, ... hllOl. II, ............ tbe naal IPIIII., .1 tb. tDOrIII .......... or ... bool. m .. • ...... 11. .1Id Ill .... ,... ...... e«ed •• um· .. " 01 .dd_ b, Dr; Da.ld F.

Fresh fruit Ice Cream Peach. Pln ... pple. a.n ....

a.'PMrry .~ Oran,8 Ice.



Our July Scial pe

A well u.t. ICRBW mUVRR 101 ..... raJ I_hold wo'k ....... !nch blade. A 1001 or the w.n IInown WfM .... ter q...uty. Whili lhey lal

lOe w ...... Dr .... " B. Horrt • ..., ~I... It rOil )011 rnon~,. e,e,y day 10 ". DInkII. 'IIJNII1nlendlDl. ........1.11' ,,,· •• Ge' om •• un.hine inlo of die VIII .... fIJ, IDpIleptlCl. lire 111.1. )'ollr lalk. • JOHN H. ETRIS ... tor 01 ...... tile 1It.1. Home 1 ... ___________ ...... 1

Get a ,-tll1h-l1rade Ga8 "a11118 at a Little PrlGe

BII1-ftedllGtlol181l1all Styles . g"cI'Y h'lII~l'kccl'l'r II~C"h II K'W gll~ ralllCc. Chlll'l'inily .Iur­

illK Ihc callninK' "caM"". Our nlllltc" arc huilt up III n "1IIn,l-111'.1. nlll d"wn III a "ri,·c. Onr Jllly Male IIfTer~ ~'"11 n "'lin · dcrlul IIIJptJrlllnily III IIblain n MUllerior rallge lit a Il'w I'ril'~.

Saving. from $3 to $29 Junillr. clHlmcl'l~illlme" l'abillcl, "'IIIi-ellalllel, nll,clIIIlllel allli ralllCe~ crillippcd with Lllraill OVCII Ilclll Rrglllatlll" "

We will lnapecl .nd r ..... I. jour a ... ppllance. wilhoul chari' upon reque.l. Call Order Depart_I.

Public Service

What Do You Buy? \\ hCII .' lin hll\ C l' piece III IlIrnilllrl' IIphlll~"·l'c.1 III' fl' ­

Ijlli ~ III·.1? \\' lol'l i~ Ihl' IIIII~ I iml".rl""1 cll'm"III "IIII:rilllC illlll Ih,' Imll'lll' li"" ~ The thoroughneu 0' the men who do Ihe work.

WILL K BOWEN Second 11001' or Robe,·I. BuUdi", (enl .... nc. on Main SI.) Ri"erlon

Phone 201-w

SEEDS PLANTS BULBS ".'Ke.1 coll.etlon 0' H.rd, Perenni., ••; Dahll ••• elc .•

r.lm., F .. rn •• lind De'eorali •• 0' .11 kind. con.t.nll, .t h.nrl .t our Rft-erton "urotrle •. - Or4.r. t.ken for Ralba. P1o~r' .nd V .... lleed., Fertilizer •• Inotctlcldeo. G.r4en Tool., eIC .• which .r •• up .. I1~4 ',om our Philll4elphl. e.,.bll.h. .'.0. our Celebraled La .. n Gr... Seed .... hich m.,. M relied upon '0' quiek .nd parman.nt· r •• uh •.


·HENRY A. DREER, Riverton. N. J. 8BBD STOaB. '714·'718 OhNtDUt. 8t.. Philadelphia

lPECIAL NOTICB Thl. lillie la"lr i.


~..,0U&'su.. aoomand_why

w.e. DURANT Ie proud lID' have chia car _hil ... ~ (UNION I. WOOUTON

a,,,,.toa. N. J.

~ .. j . ... i

Annual Water Ra_ 01 the

RivertGft and.PaImyra Water Campau,

.... '.M 6.0. 7 .... 7.4" ' . ~A

In 2\ 11.55

.,t..::' 1.211 1.211 "'4 .." .t.'" un ' .. " 6l1li IIi.n 111 , 10

uue ft . 4:~

.... 740 ."" 1010

".It .... '.0. ..... , ... '.1' .....

P. R. R. TIIIB TABLB lit "'Ie. J .... I., Itza

; 1- ; ~ r~-~""""---'---'E If ·E .~ .~ :; o(g,. .... eo: eo:._

~~ ; if ~~ &!.2 'E'-.... If ....

I.U " ,)7 7.19 .. , ~, "

In,$" 11.211

Pi':'? 1.5JI 2 ••• • • 12 • • 57 1.2, 1.4' . '" Ii,,. 711t 7.4J 0,411

11.1' Ill'

.. .. .07 9.2lI

'040 ,t.7; U, US "'7 7 .••


.... u. 6 .• " 7.41 ' .07 ·.If

10.5' IU,

.... 5,4' .41 7.0' 7.211 7 .• ' • . 10 q.1J

10.'4 'i", fi'-' MI .1..1' 2.47 1.44 UI ,,. ' .no ' . .Ift 1.241 iii J7 U I 7.24 ~. In ",.,

; .~ I n~ 7. 4' ' .41 11 .1. I ..!I"


-"'0 ""2 ' .11 10.11 10.41

'11; .. ,. ' • .Ift ' .40 , .. , .... ,0.,.

rn. =:I, .... 7.31 ' .17


.. ... . ... ' .!I ' . I'} ~ .... ". Pi 7.l1li 1. '-' 7.%' 7.47 7 .... ... ' .Il U' ' .16 041

In.J7 II .....

. rz,-., 1'7,,::, ...... %,n,' 1.47 J.n J.J7 UO ' .U ~.OJ ,. .. " 7 O' 7.%7 7.5. '1,21 ,1<

1047 " I' ~U, It ,.

.... 'iif.-.01 IU6 1110

rz" 'i~ JoN ::Ill ' .111 ' .11 '" '.1' 7 I. ' .40 4.0'i •

to IS ...... II ... IIJI

eor ...,., • TI 17 Weat Broad Street IIr. lAw .. laid Iheta .re _, !/f". ... .. P bn All ,._ ......... to __ 1 wlU, fa .. hldl plllll ... Inllllul""" ....... 111 (J in Ibe .oocl old ",..w.r da).. • )Ira Ih. p .... llc: .ater .a"", •• , do ao II, TltOLL- __ ...... _.

• Salll,da,. on'y

I... ........... B, "ud,llI. thl adm'""" whirh all .ne men de litchi 10 ~: Rlftfton .I.J I ,plll"a. for _trut .... III.. II .- •• - ..... ..



Coal Feed of All Kinde Lumber Truck B •• leeta Millwork Lime .nd Plaater Materl.l. Lime for the around

ala ... nd. 011 Cemenl. S.nd: Slone, Clndera Wire Fencing and Nelling Terr. Coli. Pipe

H.y .nd Str.w Flue Lining'



J. S. COLLINS" SON, Inc. PAUL C. BURR, M,r •• Phone 105

Phone 5 .nd II Riverton

Bathing Goods MEN'S AND BOYS'


CHILDREN'S WOOL JERSRY BATHING SUITS are mOlt .uracli.e .nd. dur.ble

MEN'S WOOL BATHING SHIRTS in while .nrl navy





MRS. ALFRED SMITH Main Street Riverton. N. J.

JG 00 OOOOC'!+H+oH ~ 0 0 0 0 0 •• 1 ••••• 1.1 •• 0 oo.t 0 0 0 "Xo'"

"f\"I' 11 your I' y l' UII Ih,' rOil,11 ami ~' OJlr ,"illff un ~ith· I .'· " "ityl'o !'iIIl'I'd "'1);1), .

EXERCIBK Ihe p,oper U1re .nrl you'll h •• e lillie I,ouble on Ihe rOl'1. Don'l lei I.mili.rily hreed

conlempl. There i •• Iw.,. •• ch.nce 10' .n .ccident unlno you .re .,;,illnl. Thi •• ulo ohOfl wanl. to ' eer.e your .ulo IUllflly need •.

•••••• I ••• I ••• I.I •• III •••• I •• IO ••• I •••••• I.I •••• I.O~ . . ~

Poultry Netting

Wire Rope Wire Strand

Fence Wire Telephone 'Nlre

Vegetable !Stakes

~Iower Stakes

Wire Cloth for Window Screen.

Electrical Wire. for Hou.e Wlrlnll

lalla,.. ot Ille .. boot .,_. h. ...... '.'ai.... when l'boebu. ch.Nd . .. llh Ihe Coat,.., at II., or ...... 11 . ~~1f.:iSJ~i/~ I'" I .. llullll" nla poIal oul how ,he ."'t Ihe da,k. 110, r.rm" 'Olle -- - III.' •• 1'.... : ...... ~.. • .:..It .... oN~~ ...... oN~I+ ...... ~~ ...... oN~I+ ...... ~~I+. ICIIooI .... IINlth dl\lllrtlll Iia I a. Id Ibe la,k. Sinee lelli.lati.e . - JUT. t .... · .. tti ~ I; f.11ed I .......... In. 1l1li ,..,. :"'I'~::' J.b , ... oeko MICan 10 linke, with CARL A. PETERSON I "' ..... 1ac11l4ll1l. 1..... ..... ir.'-a. .. : A.... ... So W. ¥ . -'111 In .dj-·III, I .... ""U.I III hi. Ihe dOC'k and .Irin.llke Jo.hlla, .. --.. -~ T-'Ior . .. per 1I .... 'ler ....... -- iiiiiii Ire·· our H orne on Easy .,... ., will 10 nlOve Ihe ,"n o. 10010 _·_,or.... ~ ......... 1IdI ........ 1:'" ' .... "..,... .. ,1""''''''''1. lin". ""bile I. It atill. IIr now 01"" rioe er~ pee'''@_'''_L._p-o..I. ,.,-art·'ft· .. "m ~~ .11.1 ..... be •• a II,.., MIll",' til.. ., .. b.ard 'rom .n,. ... ~___ ....... ..-the ICbaoII )f,. I ..... 1114 ,...,.... inll bird. Th .. len I who brln.. ..0.. . :.I.. .. .... ~. Payments =.:.~ ='~II::'='Z:' !~::~ I,:I!~.:: a~lelh~::' -:t:I,.!H . ,.. ... ~~W .. = ~ : :::'::'J'ia'" :=:: ~=:l: it~ ~ .. ;;.~'!.~ S· ........ fa 1IIIIIIaIIl1, ......... tilt Ib.1 mtlk lor ,ou and Jo",", lIe ~- --- All..,.,........... .............. . ~:;.,rn.., .,. ....... -...r;;iiIi _., "'" of tilt ...... CO.... "" '0 qui, lb. h.y •• 1 on . In 400 ~ A... .... r ........ IIIIDI1IrI, ...... .. .. it .. ~ ..... UI TEN MONTHS TO PAY III ............ of....... Itl nUll Md h .. m1llh, DO' I.r,) ~... ..~ .. ,....,... ..... ..... . ._ .... .. ..,. tilt ... ................. !q, 'ear 01 klella ',om Pick .nit ,. .... ,-..- III ..."..., ...... ,.......,. ....

u. 0-. ...... -W'" Ha,r,. HUI no. III 1111118.', ... _w •• --- I .. _.a-.. FIRST-CLASS WORV''' "wSHIP ONLY -. -... ..-............... - prl •• an4 I,n tJoe milk ma. nn· IUVSltTON JIOIT Om" ::it. -- - .. _,e .... ---Sa. ~ .. ~~ --= ::..-=:':'.== .. lC~p,,, .I~ 'ar wile. Joe like AnI .... .,.,.,.. .,....... W .... CO II" .......... ., h.~.rur,,'&. .. \a''''' a.. ..... _ ... 1IIIrtft .. Ih........ l.'l:IMT:'::fa. t::t \V .. lllri:~ PAYl.lon" VIIIII ",.,. -....... .m ,...". ".." ... .. ~ "'!!!.. GAS A~D BLBc'1'RJC APP~fANCES .... .It. ............ '014 1111 wl111 II" • ala"" w..... . AUlVIl -na.u ........ .,...,.... 10 ... U' A", U-..., .. .... ., • ...., ... ulnrlOCr dan are oycrw,llrm. t:1 "1': ~~ .. ,...... '.t,!L ,.,; ~ ... "'........... wlie. w ... 1i w"r, 11_ Ill~ I I , :1oU'1'....:;n~ '"";." .... ~, .... , m--~~O.a:1

... ........ II v1c·Iace4 ~INI t wltl .. I'll .. n 7.'re ...... := ,... .........':"1" ..... - ~ ........ l1li1...... .... \"" .... .r:~I~ rt:. ~lllC'1.: IIII.AIIT .... HI •••

...... 'II .... ..,..... ..... .,ll 1.11 I., lime. '1 !!:'1';*'" It. 'f." iitft PMN......... p,y. ,our .,..,. ,- 10 til. eo.· --- .. 1 • .--.1 .......... - ewvwa.wD'1I' N. I S08 "'0"''' , :r.:.#i.~~ It!.'!! 1":'-' .. _ .... ,.~Jf_!!"'r.". '.ull."or. ..- _YW_ - -"-..,,. ",.,.."'... -:1 .... _____ -___ n_ .. _.,J,Z..".~,ifi.... 4 ~I .......... -'·=r-... ~~.:.~.: .. 'I~_ ... ""_ ..... _._ .... _ ... __ ...... _ ....... _"

Theo. d • . d. Hee

The lint that we lind In oar tra"1a ' Ia an . bonnt friend: he .. f~te who &ada many.-Robert Loala It .. • -. THE NEW ERA I BU'y IT AT HOME I

VoL 33 No. 30 RIVERTON AND PALMY~ NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY" JULY'28, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS ~~~~~. ~.-- ~- -9ii-=-::.......:.-------·-- ---_ .. _-.... ..:_ . . -~.

The Beginning of


'['he money YOII spent foolishly is help­

ing to build a forlune here for the per-

SOli who got it and saved it. 11 was

YOllr money once.

~ I )cuY YOllrself SOIl1C luxllries in order

lo Pllt money illlo your ballk accollut.

Then you. lOo. will soon be well 011 the

road to imlcpendence.



Riverton, New Jersey





- -==- _':":.-

No other car 01 tIIJI type II priced 80 low - no otber wtI1 elve you more real motor car value-morecooveoieDce,mon commrt, more dependablHty tban a Font Coupe. Equipped with e1ectrlo atartinc and Jlcbt­iDe 8,.tem, demoubtab1e ~ extra rim and DOD-aJdd tireII aD around, It IIJ8W the Ideal eo­c1aIed car b' btr*'_ or ... ........ R .... _ plompt .....,. T ..... lld 'lid.


117 W. Broed It., PUll,.... N. J.

--------==========------------.. an • .ouwrADI ... WITII • a.rm.a DD JVID IlAllDUi

JUST. RECEIvED' Pord Size Corda (30-3Y.). 8elberUn, Cord Tim

To seU at $12.50 All Pinta. Ilnlle Cared, Ilea." Tread Tirea 0anntee4 l1OOO

mIIn by the maker u4 by ... Th. 6neat IIIIIIlt Tire ftlIie we ba .. e beard of In a lon, time Alao • ,000 P.brle Tire (30-3Y.) 5000 mlIes '9.50

SPECIAL Pord Pendera f11 a aft; Pord Head1l,hb '5 • pair


Broad and Mor,an Palmyra. N. J. Telephone 171

A. E. PRICE Notary Public ' Conveyancer


Auto Fire Casualty INSU!tANCE

418 LIppincott Avenue

----=-_._-D!lTADLI8UIGD 186~


Burglar)' .

Riverton, til. J.





Vegetable and

Flower O


. 3. .13 LIppIacott A_

Ri...rtoa, N. J.


Poultry Supplies

'of every


EVANS Phone 302 Riverton


LINOLEUM DOCTOR A cheap Linoleum _n laid

win wear IoIIlCr than an expco­a1 .. a Linoleum poorly laid.

Ia yoar Kitchen LInoIeain &,,"'" you ,004 w .... , DOell It la, cJoee to the Boor or lay In waftSl DOell It l!alIa all onrl 'fbi btdeft art ..... lacn II ...,.. ottt ..... 1At_,._rlM"'" ... 1 will oM .... 10 I .. III ..


I'bone I30-M PaIm)'ra, N. J.


W. L. BERRY • ............


Ai~'-;-Hal,. Net. ·~;;-Riverton ""ii7 LADIES' WHITE HATS 'Z to t6

Other Hata reduced to half price VERNA L. OUBST

Excluaive MIUlnery Sro.d .nd Garfi.1d Avenue Palm,.,. O"en ('Very day excepl

Open Salurday evening


I ICE Delivered in Palmyra

and Riverton daily the year ;ro~d I

~ ~

227 Weat Broad Street ~

Palmyra, N·. J. I Telephone I

Riverton 396-w I ~

Warm Weather

Penpinatloo. daat, u4' bard DMle iDaIre It dlllicuJt to keep the IIpt-wei&ht f.brica of whleh ..ammer cIothiD, ia m..s. Jook.. lAc fit.


Jtenlar cleanlo, and pr_ In, WlJ1 keep yoar aalta lookin, frah ud DeW all the time.

PbaDe ,oar order for aa to uII .t alated ta., and w. will dO ' lhe rat.



IIaIa Itnet, RiylltOD


GEORGE N. WIMER Member of Camden Real Reute Board and the Real

Reute Leape of New Jeraey

Real Estate & Insurance A desirable modern house, in good location in Riverton, at $6500, is a novelty; and yet we have one to offer at that figl1re.

ecm .. enucIua N0tat7 PubJTc ColllDilaaloaer of Deeda IIODe)' for lIortpp

How Medford Trimmed Plelcl Club

13y "Hal'" Malhews

IILcfty" Johnl on, hurling sensation of I"sl year'. All Sian. attempted 10 mok" hi. dcbu. for ManaKer Nichola lasl Salllrday. " was a ralher bad d~y for any ambilious young pilcher 10 make his inilial bow in local bao<· hall as Ihe Medford midKel. were pas liming in 01lr midst.

II proved 10 be a Ilariiclllarly bad day for Mr. Johnson. who lingerrd Ileacdlllly for Ihrcc round. alld II.ell waH bombarded from Ihe 101. The filial cOllnl was 7 10 3. We blame Malla!:cr Nichols for Ihe flame Ihal singed the erllwhile wicked • 001Ih fin of .aid Mr. Johnoon. Nieh· oi l' committed a d isa,uro'us faux l,all by 1101 introducinK John.on 10 .his mallli'!1! Medford crew wilh IIroper explanations.

The Leaglle le;lders shollid havc bccn informed Ihal .hi. wa. Mr. Johnson's maiden trip in this vicinitY.: a",1 reque.ted 10 layoff Ihe lad IInlll he had al lea. I KOllen hi. • .. oud wind. nul no. Ihe Kolden oPllorlUllily paJ'lfcd ignored. and M,. Joblll~On, un· recognized by Ihe foe, W:U dealt with like any of our other hired hands with Ihe usual damalJing rClult •.

15 East Broad Street Palmyra, N. J. ~: Riftrton 117

rallghl off .eeond and Ihe curlalll wal rllng down for UI. Score 7-3.

Salurday·. Relult. 11cdford _ _ 7 Pallllyra __ J nurlinglon _ 4 Dclanco __ I lIeverly __ 4 Roebling __ 2

LeaKuc Siallding Medford ___ J 0 neverly _ _ • __ 2 I Palmyra ____ 1 2 Delalleo ._ ._"-__ 1 2 Durlinglon • • _. I 2 'Roebling ___ •. I Z


1.000 .667 .333 .333 .333 .333

Dramatic confirmation of President HardinK'~ now ramou,. IJlalemen. that "Our hundred miliion H want I~u of armament and none of war" will he round in the imt,r('ssivc dernoll~t ra · tion which the pcople of America arc: "rcpari llH" to IIwkc on . Saturdr.y, July I!l. and Sunday. Jnly 30.

UCJ.(inning in three citicli 011 the continent in 1920, the anniverllary or .h. oUlbreak of Ihe World War haM been made the occasion in F.uroIJC~ or a "no more war" demonstration. to ex I"". "I he will of Ihe lIeople 10 cnd ;,Yur forever:' Lal t_ year demons.rn· tiOll8 were held in ' ZOO chieM in Entf· land, France and Genllan)'. Th,,, Y";lr Ihe nalion. of EuroJ.e have a~rccd to participate.

What Will We Dol t. Ask the 'mini fi tcn in our town

to make clear in the JIIe rvicel'! or July JO Ihal Ihcy .. and firmly for further progres~ in the direction of world peace. " \Var i. a denial of the ehri,,· liall Gos"el as Ihe lIIe.oage of II,e Fedrral Council 10 Ihe churches de· clared, and '-muII' be outlawed."

2. O il Jul)l 29. write or teJe"raph !'re. idcnt !-farding Ihal he .... 11 be 5uIJI,or'ed in taking (urther ".eIHi to­ward ll permanent peace,

Such a petition miKht road in whole or in pari •• ubslanli"lIr a . follows : '1'0 the l're sident,

Medford i. JUIi heg.nning 10 be rec· ol(nizrd by Ihe fan . a. a ball club. " .cellls a. IhOUKh Ihe ba.eball bUllS inmginc that IliCJC boys don't ~cc Monday'. I.edllcr I1l1Iil Thursday night. and thai their l,rincipal occupa.· tion is doinf,( balancing "tunts on a cOllllle of IIlow handl • •. · The White Iloll.e. Wa.hinRlon. ,?C.

\Vell. he that a~ it may, wc Wi fih to Matc lIlost clI1lJlmtic;tlly tha.t when til e plow i1' parked in the barn and .h,·,e bird. lie. ou' Ihelr basel",U re· galia and ,",0 on a JIIarch for blood it's a clc\'cr le;un Ihat can lead them to thr wire.

Medford haM lIIore life in Ihe Sillil end 01 their olde •• bal Ihan Ihe re51 of Ih •• e wOllld· he leallue rival. could ram in thdr club hOl1flC S, Here is a team that iii on the job for nine inn· ings regardl ... of Ihe lale lold by ficore 'boardll,

I,el Ihem be len runa behind or fif· teen run,; ahead and every man iii on the job eve ry liecond of every minute, n 'Kardles!\ of which condition exi_,"'. 'J' hey arc an excellent object lellon '0 a 101 or ball IIlayen WhOMe (eel have laken root,:lnd who apparcntlr. COniC to the \'arion Ji hall I'ark!\ wit I .heir hill I.ock~ .. filII of , ash wcil(I" s. 'I'h('y arc a Irilly great ball club allcl :111 the sour s;,.ape crack" about the hayseed in their hair, and the eondi· t ion or the ,".ater" crop. and etc., dO CA not detract rrom the ",lory thcy have riljhlfllily earned .

\Vc a f5HUrC you ollr li lipilort ill fur· tl ... r 5 t ~ IJ S .,lonK the 1'3th on which thC'· worM entercd ;1I t Ie WaAhing.on Conrerence IIlItil we "hall achic-vc permantnt peace. 'Ne favor AmC!ri­can recognition or the \\forld COliri :at The H:tgllc. an economic conrer· ence called hy YOII .. elf. alld Ihe oul· lawry of war by international aUtre· ment.

Lei 11 5 aRk ourselve. , in contrib.lI· illl( our lillfe mile, arc we not carry· inK on the good caule for which our hoys fouglll and died in Ihe laiC war?

K. O. E. Dlatrict ' Meelln, Last Friday evening lIeveral mem ..

he r~ from Palmyra Ca,ule, K. C. J!" jOllrlley.d 10 SI. !'aul Caslle. No. 14. at Bllrlin",ton, to ;l"end the rCJ(ul:lr monthly mcetim, or the Burlinglo •• County District Association.

Much bu. ill .. s for Ihe 1I00d of Ihe order wa. IranoaclCd. After Ihe meeting. rdrei hment l were served.

The fitar .,inochlc Icam from I'al· myra Ca. ,le broke evell wilh Ihe. bU I lealll of Ueverly CaM Ie. Owillil 10 the lateness of the hour. the rublJer could 1101 be 1,layed.

I'he Vanllhn· •• Ihe Co.aboon •• Ihe \Vorrell'", tOJect her with Cline, Gal· hritith and McFarland. arc nameA .hat will " " read and re· read by fUlure I:rnera. ion. of Medfordil .. wllh glow· inl: pride. and I'm .ure Ihal Ihe deedo . Prize Pia, Presented to Artiuna performed by .hese boy. , • • revealed Palmyra A .. e",bly No. 65. Arlinn. again and again in the l'aJ.1es of Frank Order or Mutual ",otec.ion, met in Emy.h·. lillie bascball 1".lory book. rellular .... ion la • • eveninll'. will Hct a mark that many a town will in Society H.d l, apl,roximately 125 Mrive in vain to equal for yean to members heing prtlt'n'. cOllie. After the initiation 01 new mcrnbt(~ ,

Uut let 's Kef back to the gamc. a high·clau vaudeville "nlertaimncnl There was really IJIII two inningJi in wa~' provided by the con.ertainmcnt the bailie that . tood out prominently. cOllllni tl ec, and refrewhmcnt JC were Thcy were Ihc fourlh for Mrdford . erved. aud Ihe fifth for Palrnyra. lfedford·. Palmyra Auemllly. as a r .. lllt of rourth rrame was fl uch a lurjd tCll ioo ,lIdr Kood lihowinu in the J10urth of that it JIIecrtlcd a5 Jho the Kame would July J,arade. won a hand. ome flaK, KO on indefinitely at that I,oint with thi " prize being awarded (or the sec· the "Iaye", takinJf time ont now and olld hel t appearing organi7.atic)n in • he .. 10 marry. ra," famm .. , become line. The flail wao fonnally preoenled' grandfalher •• kicking OUI rom old 10 Ihe Au ernbly br IIrolher Wilmer al:e. and bdnl( buried in Ihe oUlfield H. Handel. wlio accepted lame from one by one until f{round rulc" would the "rize committee on behalf of the have 10 Ia. made for all hil . ,h., wenl A <li lian •. amon~ the tombs tonctt. LaAt Salll rday arternoon t,lIite a

J shall me rely tell whal each Ulan lar~e dcl,.uat;olt of mt'lI1ben of "al· did as he c .. me to lhe "Iatc, as "pace 11I)' ra A IlHcmbly attended tile balefJall doCii not ,termi. :1 dctailt:d ex,)lana· jl;3.,H· hctwccfI the J'hiladefl)hia Ath · tiou of "ubaeque'llt fflovcment l'l. It li u a lII' SI. JAlui li Uro,,'" ' , at Shibe

eli.1I \Vorre ll, li n . u ..... blUllcd 'ont I'a,k, Tlli ,. c\'ent waH known in on the nOle ror two bOt"'.' (} .. Ibraith Ar.i liall cirdc:" :u "Jhnmy nyk~s III hould have I~tn allhamcd or him e U Hay.u JilJlmy UyJcelt, the 3JC"reJlive flodrofl"~lilllgl, •. o"'k"I,'~r~aanl •. ~!'l' wHIO'a"lerW· ••• b,I'n' third·ba",rmal1 of th e Athletic., i. a • • _d ",ember of }'faill Line A ... l1lbly A.O. •• ore Ihe balance of Ihe innillll. If . I· .. alld he wao preoenled wilh a

Cbarle. Worrell I hen walked. ~horw'!ro. fboilvl,.,!. a.~earallarl"Oeub.aa'nkdeIAorf.

Johnl oll and Poli. got mixed III_ at n ~ y "'... h finl on G. eosaboon·. roller and he .ilall brolhen who were pretenl. wa. lafe. Poli. ,hen threw home to The Ar,i . an •• ec:onf1 annual lea· gel Clinl Worrell and mi .. ed him •• hore and beach frolic will be Parker nol 10 be ollidone. heaved Ihe held on Salllrday~ AUKUII 191h. al ball 10 left field and brolher Cbarlie Wildwood. N. J . I)pecial train. . Iid ovtr. Ihen-Cline waf Ib,o .. o OUI Chulnu. llreel ferry al 7.21.) a. m., ba

Ynd'-nlfc.P,. anrllaendd .'nidnllleAd. dayli"hl oaving lillie. •• pec· , l; g l. ial l ickell for the .,ill are on ... Ie al

Vaughn . inlJled and N. Vaulhn .inlf· S1.75; children under 12 yean, '1.00. led and Chnl Worrell .ingled (hll The recorder of Palmyra Allembly • ec:ond bit of Ih6 innin,) anti .ix larlle hal a ,upply of lickell for tho .. wbo lallie ... ere runa up. wi.h 10 lake Ihe Irip.

Ou, bl, fiflh looked lood fo, a ral· A larKe clelelfalion of Palmyra Ar-Iy, bUI Ibr.., run. waf the beet we li .. no n~cl to attend Ihe meetioi of could do. Sludlr. who wa. c.l<binll Camden .Allembly on Monday. llep· in place of Parker •• inglrd to left. lember 11th. Ho,er. Iben Up .. 1 Ihe dope .. i1h a The OClober meetin. of · Palmyra obarp "II to rilhl. Torella. who had A ... mbly. wbieb will .... held on Toe .. popped OUI. MacMullio Ihen lammed day. October Jill. prolD; ... to be • taken JobnlOn·. place in tbe box. (ecord·breaker, a. lhe entire etaIJ of a ocrtamcr on, Ibird and Sierdle WOII Excellent Ollicen .. ill be pre .. UD,e in. Gibbon. lied 10 lefl. tnl. and plan. arc no .. under w..y to J.)OP&lby wal hit by • phcbed ball. have Ike la,"eet clall of caa4lcJate. Polil .,ed • hil to lCfl ... d Mac In the hillory of lhe A._Illy to ceJ-rCNDpcd IIome. Doaapy Iben lOl. ellrale rbc vtlir of thue oticUt.

SundaySdtooJ , Lesson'

lEV IUIY . ... .. 'ITZWAT&a. D. 0.. Tr.chff or &n.I'-b Blbl. hi !be .. ...., Dlbltl .n.mute of Chteaao.,

,"op,.rllrhl. • .... w_, ... N ........ v .....



LF.8HON TI!:XT-J.,. .:10-1': &era I, 1-11.

OOl.URN TI!:XT-W. ho. IJUlt .11 lhln". work tu,eth ... tor .004 to theID UIII.I love Ood.-RomaM t: • •

IIl'll't;IIt-:NCIC WATICItIAI,-.... lma .; 130; UI ; J er .•.

!'IUNAny TOPIIO-God·. Paop" Ba· lunJ lIome.

JUNIOR TOPIC-Ho. 004 Kept • Oreal PromIM . .

INTBRNEUIAT& AND ermlOR TOPIC ·- How Oud ,Kept. O,..t Prom ....

YOUNO PIIlOPL& AND ADUur TOPIC -{Unkln. Manl, .. taUorw 01 004'. Pro¥, .. fIe_.

I. The Return From Captivity P .... dieted (211 :UH4).

It "",'111. Ihal talae proph~ ...... lIou,.hlllll In BaIl,loo telllni the .... plu Ihul Iho), .ould apeedll, h ... .... r.,,) to thel, 0.0 I.od. To cooole,· !Jct tid. Ihe Lord mo.,.d lereml.h to ",,"1 Ihl. j .. t.... to the c:alltlYH In IIMb,I .. 1I (vv. 8. 9). 10 Ihla .... he M' ......... I IheJU to .. ttl. c1u .. n .od l.uroue Ihelr rqul.r ealllop or lite and 1I0t to be led .atr.J bJ lhe 'ul ... 1 .... I.h.l. (n. 0, 1).

I. Th" I.nllb 01 lb. e.plInt, · h. 10). 'rbelr l..,mll" w .. til he ""tfur Me\'cnt, , .. ,.." From Daniel 11:2 It I • . cle.r th.t NvenlJ Jeera 1110,,111 II defllllte tim.. It dat ... trom .1,. lillie when the llrat CODIpeOJ .... lukell .:111111... .m""l .. blcb DanIel WON fUlilid •

2. Il.Ilellve,ed b, Ood ("Y. 1/).14). (loti·. IOUIl"'''' '10 the CIIptlYlt, .... to· cur .. Ihelll ot .thelr Idol.lroua llrac· lIe.,.. lie ••• ured thew that "bon HI. I",rl.''''' wa. 'UCCOJOIIII.bfMI he .. ould vl.U Iho",· aDd eODyloCOl Ib.m 01 , HI • . q .... 1 I.UIl'o" to ... rd thew. W ..... ODC!.

, thl. "'". 1I'lIIe tI .. , "ouId c.U upob 111m In .llIc.rll)' .ild Be .. ould be toulld ot tb •• II. Tbelr c:apllYIt)' He would lu'" a ... ,: .. thar l.hem trom aDd brio. IbelD Inlll

II. Prediction of Pul· flllld (l~zru 1:1-11).

I. TI.. laroclamatloo ot C,m. (n. 'H). (I) Tbll w.a not b, ". ehlelli. bUI Ibal Ihe word or tI,e Lord IIII,bl he fulftlled (Y. I). Wblt 0 ... '" I",. II,oJUI",,1I lie will c1u; II. neYer torll"'.' Whe,ever We Ond a lI,omb.e ,,·hlt-II Ue hoth JUode We elln re.t uV-tfI It; Ih' will Jllllk. II"'." (:l) 8)' dl.llle 1"1111111,," ( •. I). "fhe Lord .tlned up Ihe HI.lrll 01 C"u.:· How tlli. wa. dUIU' ,,'f' d .. Jlot know. I'mlHlhl, Vlnlel 'Jfulitein I .. hlH .. ' .. mthm tilt! Jlrovh'!C1 . "~I ""lIoh ,ulfl .'t!r~lIIf.h (I... .":2H; Jer. Vi : I~). t:verl 1"'«Iul ... l" do I'''''' 'n ull IlII'n J. CMUIl8d hy ,.'" ',t"cJ-eym " 'um ....... klu" who ma, Dol' have heft) ('fmllduIiM 'II dol Ii. HI" "lII, at 0041'. 111'1."1111,,.. 11111. look the 1IIIIIallye In thl. IIIlIlter. It III.,. b... heeo, tbal C)'ru .. ~IIII)' NUW bll own action .... "h'~" I}( Iflu'f!cr.d'-th" (.'r~UUIJ of • hull',·;' .1.11' 11,,1100 hetw",". hi. IIln.· ,I.,j" •• 111 IlIul of Y.IIYPI. "" tI.el a. II "'"),. G •• I .lIr, .. 1 111111 UII to do HI. " '111. (!I) '''h~ cIII,I,,"t "I lila lI,odeb,", th". (vv. 2-4). (a) ..... he I .... rd Ood "r Iwu,·t!,1 '"1111 churl"" 10* to buUd U .... II h"UNt· '" J .. ruNult ... " (Y. 2) .: Thl.' 'mak .... ch ... r Ihllt lw h .. d IOlue 'U'JH'e. .IIH' lit "lHr. I",ud upoo 111m. (b) Ap· 1 .... 1 10 J~wl.h IIlt,I"t1.1D (Y. 3). lie hl\'uk~1f Utld'" fJh ..... 1nl upon lueb .. ')""MC"" U,e .... UoP.. ,et'PuUN feel'DI. .. ,,,J ",mlJuUlu'" .btrtn to ,0 .Dd build the IlIIu,", uf til. Lord CJpcJ. (e) Lend a •• I.,,,"c,, (Y. 4). MMU, or lla. I., .. we,e ~.I.hll.hed Iu hUlI_ aad I","e· tflre ",f' re ut)t ,,,* to lb. M.p" au douht. h... IOIt thel, oat ...... 1 IIIlrlt H .. " Ihcreto,,, .. ere out .nlllO\Ul to ....

All .ucll .... r" w lead IrIeudl, .. . 1.laa"" III .lIyer. lold IWd ~a. Tlio"" wllo ...... liCIt .U to do God'. "ork JJbould .treu.tJl8D lhe baud. Of w.e wllu du MH. '

:l. 'rlf" r....,.,oae of C,I'UII' prodaw­_tlo.. (VY. n. 6). ·r ... cllef Of lhe t .. lber. of ' Judab lod IMujamlu aDd lUo. 1"1,,,,10 Inll IAyitee pr_l..cJ I ....... ""Iv"" u wllllll, alld IUd, w .... '''"e co", ... ,u, wbkll retutlMld w .. "'rll"I)' ....... ull Of nJpr_,I.tI •• of J .dull ... 11 ""ujaJUla. .

a. ..... e rU,11 lay.... (n. 1.11) ".,ru. IIroo,lIt forth tIM Y ..... of tbe bou"" ot Ibe Lord wbldJ Hebadwloes-

. za, lIad "roupt . forth oal or len· ul"'" .od lIut Into the ........ or .... II...... Tb.... ... cr .. t _r .... weill to ev.r, 1u,.1 I ... • b<Me bart bad ....... , .""y ......... the prut.naliOll uf Ib ........... , ..... -'.. Ho" 10 heYe 6,400 ',f 11,_ reaeia nl4roed to I .... r o .. rwr ..... d M .. t beck to ler\1JN1letu to be IIUI w their orI&IuaI u.N. _ a ..... rt)' r""JIOO'" b, tile 1 ....

Wile K_eth tIN Lenr. MI_ "" 11 .. 1 II .plnt..... JDdptJa all

tbln... ,lei ... bllWWlI .. JIIdpd of 110 'UI". V .... .. 110' h.lh ~n tho< wlud ut I .... l....-d, tbat lie _'I .... nu. .. blwl-J C<lnulblawl, 2:1JI, Ie.

P ....... ,- I. "-'1 . V .... tb .......... IIDJIl ....... In u... .

... 1 ..... It .. IIof "" lDudl _ ..... PW""Y __ • lhet ... aatID, to ....... tlot1u to a ~ul '--lI.ocM­luuald.

.... 11-Oudlw- 1'00 ..... ,we Ia ..... " to

luletN! to dOl the .U1 or Gad. bat ... bait to ... It.-I ... thaa Kd .. *

I.-Iee DI_ V_ r ..... or-,-. ,WI -lei IOf' dNir ....

.... oat , ... , t •• II.. .. .......

I t .


THE NEW ED~ WEEKLY NEWt BUDGET TwW,bt Leal'l' B_1Wl ~ for RI- u4 V· ... _·... The leatur. of th. rec.nt .erin I.

Publl.b.d .... " Frida, al

RIVERTON, N. J. • ___ .·_··_-.. = __ -....... ·".,,_Ith. IDur .tr.lght .. I.torln 0.1 Ih. P.

O. S. 0.1 A .• wltb. I,ocSy Orcull ph.h· Inl. which h •• pul Iii. Nallonalt In .. cDnd place.


Th. New Era I. dnDI.d 10. the bu.l· n .... nd hom. Inl.rnl. of RI ... rtDn .nd P.lmyra. Ind.penclenl 0.1

pDlhlcal or r.lllfiou. bellel­Ih. pi D.!.!..!.: • papar

Jan. M.ttl. I ... I.ltlnl Marlon HI,.t

at3.~e::d C~~i. Chari .. L. ar. at Atlantl. City.

MI .. H.nnah H. Ch.w I ... I.ltln. al J.II.,.on Hllhland •• N. H. . M,.. Mary It.Moe .. r I. cntcrtalnlnl .... Irom N.w Yorle. ..... ... J. Coddlnlton and two

.5ub.crlctlon '1 .50 a year .on •• re at Arlinlton lor a lortnlght. n ~e. The Clnn.mln.on National Bank I.

Adv.rtl.ln. rat.. on applicailDn b.lnl p.lntcd by th. S. J. CoddlnlltDn E.tat •.

Th. N.w Er. Olllce I •• qulpp.d to do. all kind. 0.' Pbl. Printial .1

r ••• prle ..


The N.w Er. I. • Leral New.· pap.r. CDrnml .. IDn ... •• Sh.rltt·. and Dlher Sal.. Admlnl.tratD"· .nd !!s. .culor·, Ad'".,tI •• m.nll .r •• Dllclt.d. Th. New Era will .ppr.cla" b.lnlr r.m.mb.r.d In thl. .Dnn.ctlDn. • • , _._ 5 _ X •• ____ _ _ ===== WI J

M,.. John Sloan I •• pendln. a w.ele at WII wood with .. ,.. Oanl.1 Cav· anaugh,

M,.. Conrad B.ek.r .pent W.dnel· d.y with h.r daught.r. M,.. Elm.r Bright. at Pitman.

Mr •• nd Mr •. 1. W. Sylv •• ter ar. enterlaln~n. her .I.tcr. M,.. Black· burn 0.1 Phlladcljlhla. .

M( .. Edr,lh. Sullivan I. th. IIUC.t 0.1 Mill EI labelh CDrner at Ihe Cun· nlngham·. al Wildwood.

M ... C. C.cll Pltler will leave Sat·

Th. P. O. S. 0.1 A. t.arn will play .t ·Th. PI.ld Club "rDund. Saturday .ft.rnoon.l.. m •• llng .hher MDor.s· IDwn P. V. S. 0.1 A. Dr th. Rlvc,.ld. R."all Club.

On Prld.y th. I'. O. S. of A. WDn Irom Ihc 10. th. tunc 01 12 10 I. On Monday th. LellDn al.o mel del •• t .1 Ihe Ii.nd. 01 th. Natlonalt; 610 ...

H.rb McOlnl.y phehlng for Ihe Artll.n. In Tu .. d'ay·. gam ... ph.hed • no·hh. no·run garne. In Ih ••• v.n Innlnll' Dnly 21 men laced him. IS 01 whorn wcre Iln,ck Dul. No.1 a IIIAn r.ach.d 8ccond bu. and Dnly one rnan reaeh.d fi,.1 ba •• on an error. Not a ball wa, hit 10. Ihe Dutfield.

Siandlng-0·111111 P. O. S.of A. W .. I.yan. Arll .. n. K. 01 P. LeglDn

5 5 3 3 2 2

I J 2 3 5 6






. 250

urday iD vl.1t M ... P. S. OrDVei. Jr.. .n.njamln R. Denny. 0.1 Camdell All reade,. or. local nDlle .. Df en· Dn Ihc CodWRaneh In WYDmlng. toll k I. d

Not," .upp.,.. lair.. dane... M... R. . SWDe' and d.ughler/ ~~~." r.~ ~~I ·b.a aer~and~~al~~nfc::~n~hc -te .• "I .. cn lor Iii. nurpD •• Df ral.lnl'! FIDr.n •• ~.DI OeirD I. are JI"e.18 0. 1{,.,lIbliean nomlnatlDn fDr corDner • ~ I I Mr. and "'n. AUl/u.tu. L . WII8Dn.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "Where Quality Counta"

KALATONE Contains Red Clover, Wahoo, Blue Flag,

Mandrake, Prickly Ash Bark, Yellow

Dock, Dandelion, Sassafras, Wintergreen

and other ingredients prepared from the

prescription of Dr. S. J. Lloyd, who for \.

twenty-five years prescribed it with unus­

ual success as an alterative blood mixture,

nerve tonic and laxative •

William H. Stiles money. nr lor wlil.h adm .. Dn • Mill Mary SI.edle3;:nt la .. w •• Ie. of Camden county . • har •• d. will h. eharl.d for at the ~ h I ~.. E··' • Ph . . r.te 0.1 fillccn a lin.. .nu •• t • lunt 0., r. anu .. n . . MDrdceal S. Halnu. 0.1 near 1010.11111 . armaclst ...:.;,;.. .......... ""' ........ =====..". H. RDyer. 0.1 AngDr. Terrae •• We.t HDlly 18 It III running Irlle 10. lorm - === l'hllad.lphl.. with hi •• IIDDtlnll and furlher .afe· THE NYAL STORE Auto. . CoUl.IDn Near Clnnalllluon Mn. A. E. Stev.n •• who hat b.en guardlnll' hi. Iltlc ID 'lhe charnplo".hll' .

HDme Ip.ndlng th •• ummer at Warn.nvlll.. 0.1 Ih. clay pl".Dn 8hol. 01 N.w Jer· 60 S R ..... and hal In very pDDr health .~ . . He .hol al Ihe annual r.~I'ler. ·6 Main treet, iverton A rar OOCIII,I.d hy Mil. R.lhcr I. ImprDvlng. I h P I I Rid

All." nnd her brolher. GCDr"e. 0.1 K.tydld. were heard Dn Sunday. e rn •• 1 0 I e .nn.y van a a roa

... ,

Three' ~s About I 80seul Coffee:

FIRST, the BOKul Coffee folks removed

the bitter chaff.

SECOND, they introduced the perfect

vacuum package, which keeps the air out

and the flavor in.

THIRD~ we Sell this luper-product and

recommend it to people who are particular

about their coffee.

r ••


T . <':: 0

"WS DELIVER ~l THE. 0000'"

~ .

Moor •• lowII. comlnlC IDward Rlv.rlDn a~d according to' gooICbDn. r,rDPh.18 Olin Club In Philad.lphla and made! nOS d ~ 8 t '11 12 ,"cl ill a 1 ... d·D" colll.IDn with a FDrd "'. Ihould have frD.t within. "w •• kI ICDr. of 147 oul 01 a PD811ble 150 lar· 'Pen un ays J rom a.m. , . m. rar driven by John T.rle ••• of WI .. I· Irom thai 11m.. . g.l. and Ihen brDke • Iflple lor Ih. Z X no",lnll. 1."1 S'alllrday .fternoon near Mr. and ..... O.Drll._ D. Rob.rllon 10." honD .. br, g~in"h .lral~1I on 2~ "ioaOOC"",",,"+COOC"",","+C~~~,",",,~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

COMPTON, The BeUer Grocer Ihe !;",nnlcr Home. Mill AII.n and have mov.d 10. Fllnl. MI.hlllan. where '''Ira lar".18 n Ie. 001-0 . "~ _ ,_ _ _. her hroth.r .. caped Injury. bUI Ih. Mr. RDberuDn ha. lak.n • pOliti on -'-f,onl wh •• 1 of Ihe car wal broken and wllh a mDlor cDmpany. Palm, .. CDn.ldefln, Old Home Oa, ~~~"H""~~"""+C~ ~Ao'Ao'~OOOOOO~..,.,.,_~. Ihe fender . The- Dlher car .ul· Mr. and . M". Evan W. SIDv.r. Df The Chamb.r 01 CDrnrnerce execu' l I oil X f ... d ",or ••• vcre da,na"e. b.ln" 10 407 Midway. are r ••• lvln" .Dnllralu, Ilv. commit I .. h .. appointed a com· This Week's SMeia s Fresh hadly broken it wa. nece .. ary 10. low latiDnl upDn Ihe blrlh 0.1 a 'Dn. Rob· mill.e 10 aACcrtain If Ihe oll,cr orllnn. ... il hOl11e. III Ihe car wllh T.rlell .rl Capn.r. Dn luly 21_1. Izalion. in 101"11 arc ill f"vor 01 hold· . H d 1"." hi. wif •• Samuel John.on and MIlO Ma. DrDwn. RUII.II lerrnon. ill" anolher Palmyra Old HOllie nay Lima Beans 15 orne-rna e Kalh.rill. Kelly. all of Wi •• lnDrnln". "Ir. and tol,.. H. E. Drown and Mil. 11 .• i. fall li imilar 10 1 •• 1 year', celebra· " quart.r peek C d John oon ",,,. CUI aboul Ih. lace and tolabel Adam • .I.. of Philadelphia. I.on. Can iei Ih. othrr "'.IIiher. of Ih. parly w.rc 'l'hu .. dal' al vccan CIt~. Th. co,n",III" I. compo •• d of W. Good Jersey Peaches hadly . hnken "I'· They w.r. lak.n John G. Wllllam.Dn • ohn C. Geill, P. Crane. Jame. II. R"8Iic. Gror"e N. 5 inlO the n"vid Cole. hOlll. and cared Waher ArmllrDnr.' "011 y" Malli. am Wimer. W. H. DavllDn and Frank A' I 1 c for. Wllkill. GaraICe on Ih. pike WRI William N. Mall I .penl lhe weekend M.lhewo. Sr. . rail.d on Ih. lelo"hDnel who a fi.hln" al New Or.lna. A I.ller hal b.en drafled nnd .ell' quarte. peck cnr which look Ihe Wi •• nomln" lolb The new line Df gal ,"aln. laid be· 10 Ihe or""ni7.alion. a.kir,IC Iheir Guaranteed Watermelol1l hOlll.. Officer Quillley waR phoned Iwe.n Moorellown and RiverlDn r.· t d I II P 0 S f A 1 '1 for. , .. "I wellt 10 IT, • .,elle Df Ih. aecl· c.nlly wal CDnneel.a wllh Ih •• upply :"~~ti~;nMDn~.y C,IId~;I~J' Ihe ' ,,~o~';~ 20c to SOC' d.lli ill II,,· ,'Dlic,' car. H •• ecured Irunk line Dn Wednuday. . iliDn and Ihe 10liDwinIC com. Ihr """" . " all Ihe parlie. In ' lhe MilO Kalherln. O'Oonllell and MI •• mhlee 10. act: Waher AI . Hor"er. · Jerley White Potatoel ,"i.II!. , .. "I detail. of thc accldenl. Mae IIl1rn •• p.nt lalt Sunday In Wild· n.orge E. Reber alld H.rry StDrrick.. . 7510

wood. where Ihey w.r. Ihe guul. Df ' ... R.c.lpt. frDm Tubereul.,.l. Leal\M J,f~Ir~n~nrr:tr!~'W.· ~.teJj':~:jan and

La"", Pet. Mf.. William ODod.nollgh have r •• Thc r.r.i, ... of Ihe lawn fel. r.· lurned horne aftcr .pendiri" a w •• k al

r.lltly III"d al AI".onvill. for lhe hen· Willlan,.porl and l'.aRle8mere. Pa. .fi t of Ihe JlurlinlClon Coun!)' Tllber· A S"". in Sunday'. L.d".r wa. de· clllo.i" I.rnICII. were 1002.711. Th. \'0.1' 10 pietur ... nd de.eriptlon. Df "I,endilllre. wer.' .97. I.aving a COllnly D.I.ctiv. mil. H. Park., .nd hal. lite of $7.16.111 lor he ·.counly hi. n,elhDd. Df running dDwn crimi. work ... hich meari. the alnlenanee nail. Df .lillie •• Dffie •• publicity •• ducaliDnal 101 ... Ouo Sau .... 101 ... John Ma· work. ",at.rial rdl.l. 'V· lony and 'Dn. M ... David Cuthb.rl cClllive .. cr.lary and AlllornDbll.. 'I and .on. Df Canada. and loll .. Ulanche do .. not go 10 Ihe counly .. naIDrlum. McKlnl.y are .p.ndlng a forlnlght at whirh i. a cOllllly in.litullon and .up· S.a.ld. H.lghl.. .

DEATH. i The lu"eral of Marllnrel KalhrYII.

•• ve,,·monlh,,·old dnu"hl"r of Mr. , .. III Mr •. William Slone. of 3ar W ... IIroad . Ireel. look plac. from Ihe re.· idence 0.1 her I,a .. nl .! Dn W.'d" •• d.y afternoon al two o'c ock. R c"~ C. 'r .• SperlinJ(, or I'ivc Po;nlfl, offic:ialin~ . I

I 1"'" in !\Iorgan celli· I el.ry. . . ' ••

Ooocl Oranl.' "rc hard '0 I(C' ill,,' 110W, hili we have them. Pr.. O.lIvery In Rlv.rton and


~hlla. Market House Broad and Oarfield Avenue

Palmyra. N. J. nell I'holle Rlv.rlon 187·w

porled ••• ud,. Throullh Ih. wDrk Work i. comlnlJ Dn apaee on Ihe of Ih. I..aglle, palienl' are admlll.d n.w bulldln". al Ih. CDrner 01 IIrDad 10 Ih,· S.nator",m: vi.lI. are rnad. 10 and Main 'Ireel •. Wat.r and .ewer 1,.lionl. Ihroll"hDIII Ih. enllr. CDun· .erviee w~r. laid Ihl. week by Plurnber

Freman Seoll 1I.I.her. Sr .• "Iccd 65 y ..... died al hi. laic re.ld.nee. 519 Garfield av.n".. I'almyr • .z. Dn Salllr· day 10.1. of a"opl •• y. Tho I"n.ral " . .~ .ervicu . cDnd"cl.d by .R.v. LDyal F. ~OO<OO<,O<~iI<. GiI<G~O~,~O~O~OIo<OIo<OIo<O~O~Y~~~Ao'~W";:

IV. The ollice of Ih. Ri"lIn"IDn William H. lIi.hDP. CDunly Tllberclllo.l. Lea"u. I. al 2211 Miu Allc. Chamb .... 0.1 Moore •• Hi"h .Ireel. RllrlinlClDn. Th. ""tell' lown. waf Ihe w.ek.nd JlII<lI Df Mill live .,,<relary I. Mill M~rll.r.t S. Clara HUlchin •• and Mill Marlfarel Haine ••• nd Ihe nll .. e. Mlu Realrl.. )fDrrl.n) Df DD .. Dn •• p_enl Ihe week.nd' l'hilli" •• bOlh of Rurllngton. ThrDullh wllh ",1.1 Arnanda Hlllehin.. . thr cOllnly ,,,e •• Ihe L.allue wDuld Mn. C. W. Klpp •• veral day. upre •• "",'redaliDn and tI,anlel IDr thi. we.k willi h.r .on·ln·law and Ihc h •• rly co·ov.ralion wllh Ihe lawn daughter. Mr. and loin. S. B. Jone~. leI •• Ihe relllrn. from which will .IIP· lr .• . al . RrDwn·.·MIII.·in·th.·l'in ... ,.1.,".,,1 Ihal of lI,e Chrl.lrnal Seal whcre Ihe" are .p.ndlng len d.y •. •• Ie : Ih. Dilly >Ollrre 0.1 lor Edward RD •• nfeldl. 0.1 l'hllad.lphia. II,,· rOllllty work who. waf on hi. way 10 Delanco 10

Orahalll Df Newark .nd I{.v. '·:d· nlond O. Raw ltoll, 01 Ardmore, look 1,.laci: Irorn Ihe hOlllo of hi. ' Dn. Thollla. T . Odehor. al Ard",ore. on . TUClday ahernoon. wa. mad. In W •• I Laurel Hili ce,"Olery.

nelide hi~ widow. Mr •. MarKarel iI.lch.r. oi" children .urviv.. Pree· lIIan SCDII 1I.lther. Jr .• and !\Ii •• Hel.n 1I.lcher. of !'almYra. Mr •. Will· ialll I'. Slew.rl and Thoma. T. lIelch· er. of Ardmore. I'a .• and M,.. W. K. Makin. and !\I r. . L . R. Hilyard. of KOYI,orl. ·I·a. Mr. lJelcher WA" II ... Df W. R. La .. ". 01 Riverlon.

'----. ---- vi. II L.w Tendler who I. training Bo.rd of Health Will RecOllUl1elld Ih.r •• wa. arr .... d IDr .peedlng b:r. J!.lcriDr and inlerior "ai"linll.

Munlel .. 1 ·Oarbe,. CDllectlon Ollicer MIII.r. Dn Sunday. and lin •. CDddinl/lon. -Adverli.em.nt. M n . H.r~y Rlddl. hal clo •• d h.r

A, Ihr "' •• linIC Df llie RDard Df hDII.. on Bank •• and aller H.alth Mo"d_y .v.ninll. II wa. llie' .pendln" a .horl Ilrn. wllh her .on. NDtice

I will pay "'0 bill. II"le., con· Iracled hy lIIy .olf.

:h: ... :i:~n~'r,II:f;,j:jO:rrr:,.J~:r f~h;n~~~~ llcllvain Hid die, will "0 10 Wynne· Dllieh C"",,ril to .,olllrnet for ,,,unld. M~~~"'~II'~:.I h.r dOllflhler. 101,.. N. "al .01l.,lion and Ihi. reeollll"endo· The drill. h.ld by Ih. Jlir. 7-21·.11 g~::n~il~ I:;:I~::~ t~~o;;~:~'~:!=r;"~:;I~ COn'l,any Iwi.e a monlh are having a

(Signed) I.. A. (,AGK

,very b.n.lidol ell'tel and Ihe bDY. are d.rn.nd on Ih. ".rI Df lII.ny cili.enl becollling thDrou"hly larniliar wllh for "'" 11 id) •• 1 }larha"e colleclion. 10. and cD," In Ihe u.e 01 Iheir do aw"y' wllh Ih. IIncerlalnli .. 01 •• r· pumpin" apparalu •.

H'. I'. Jon~. "lid (an,ily :Ire ", •• nd. in~ 11"0. w •• k. al Oce.n Ci.y.

.1 ... Lilian ROlle .. "nd .on. "rc "I l.ake Gcor,,~. -----

How Does She Run?

Do you hear any queer IIttl. nol ... aboUI your ... r1 If '0. you'd better have u. Iliten 10. ·em. fDr th.y mllht be terlou •.

We are ."pert. In rep.irlnl. w.ldlnl and carini lor the .I.c· trieal .)'.I.m. of an mak .. Df



RU.Dnabl. pricn .Iway.

TAYLOR'S GARAGE Broad and Fulton Streets

Riverton N. J.

K.d.. all oi1.e.. ,1.20 "". "I Cod· Phone Riverton S06·w



Choc:olatea and Bon Bonl


40c Virginia Peanut


33c Ice Cream 40c quart

Schillinger' a The New Candy Store

Acro,s Ih. Ilre.t from th. rnovl ••





Orange paste

Jelly Beans

Devil Food

Chocolate Drops

Cocoanut Glace Bon

Bons 8c %-tb

CHEW BROS. 512 Main St., Riverton

BeU PhDno 154


vir. whl.h all.nd Ih. pre.enl m.lhod. Mn. Anna nowe .. and daughlcr. .",1 .1.0 10 avoid drihhlln" alon" Ih. Mi .. Mary. 0.1 Main Itre". are on an . Ir.rl . of Ih. more liqllid 0.1 ."I.nded Irif, thrDugh norlhern New Ih. W"IeOl" now hoinIC n.ed hy prival. York Sial. ndlldlng a brief vl.1t to roll.r,o,.. while . Dm. olh ... have Db. OeDr"e C. Cramer. 0.1 Syra.II ••• a E".lemc. Men. Attentlonl j.d,·.1 10 ,nllnidl,al coll,cliDn on Ih. brDlh.r 01 MrI. Do"'.... .

di"I/IDn.. ~Adverli •• rnel .. . . ;,.o~",,,,,,,~Ao'~~~~~~Ao'~,,,,,,~~,.;: ~ 1°0000001010101000 •• 00000'

~ Advice is Cheap ICrollll,l. of •• p.n... The colurnn. Df 1I.lw.en Ih •• I.lion and , the cr.ek Under Ih. acl of Congr ... prDv"l. Th. N .... gra ar. op.n 10. a dll.u .. lon la.1 Tlluday ·.ft.rnoon a bDy Ihr.w ing cDrnp.noalion .for rn.n di .. hled of hOlh .id .. of Ihl. imporlanl 1111 •• • a brick Ihrou"h a windDw Dlth. N.I. in Ihe WDrld War an imporlanl pro. lion. Ii. Illy and a man and wDman were vioion of Ihe ACI .. Ialinll 10 Ih. Ii",.

•• riDully injllr.d. ' RailrDad d'leeliv .. . limil for filing d~illl' Ih.r.u"der i. Beetle E"perlment ltatlon hay. bien Ihl. we.k IrylnK 10 .alled 10. Iho allenllon 01 all who ",ay

locale Ih. boy. . . have b •• n i"jllred. or "arenll who ""on. fiflr.n 1II.",h ... of Ih. New Jo .. ry Sta .. · nef,arlnltnl 01 AKrlcul. tur,. ;lIlfl men inltrt.ted in ext"mi. flalinJ.( lit .. Ja,.anr.e Heelle, vi.lled the lal'.11 .. < H .. lle 1.aboralDry al W •• I. fi~"1 Oil AIollday among whom w.rt Ii"n. I~ II""nr I{ob. rl •• and H. F. Hall/ of Moor,olown. , .... W. Tit.rnulh. 0. S" ..... Harry R. Wei ... N.w lI"In •• wick. r,('orw:r Roge,.. of "almyra. "r.d U.I'I.incDII. Chari •• 11. Je .. u,,/ II. n . 'raylor and C. H. Hadley. 0 Rivrrloll. II. W. Jell'ori ... Sr .• rnana­,'r, of til,. \\'alker Gorden ParOJ" at N.w LI''',,"wirk. and 'Dn. H. W. J.I. fui ••. Jr .. of 1'lain.bDrD ..... $.nalo; .1. W. .Iirh. of IIri~l(.ton. C. C. Show I. of IIl1rlinRlon and C. N.W.rn. 'r. of TD"" River. They look dinner al Ih. 1..1"11 Hou.r.

KaI,hn Eata'- lnlOlYtftt Th. "rinripal hll.ine .. Ihal cam. 10.

Ih< ."ell, iDn of Jud"e ·W.II •• al Ihe .. · .. kly .e.iDn of <Ollrl, on Thunday wa. th. ron.ideraliDn of Iho o.lale 01 }o .... h KaiIChn. who. commill.d .ul. d,l. hy . hooling him.elf al hi. hom. in lloor •• lown 0" Ih. ni"hl 01 MlY • 1. 1'111. I.avinll a lon/l' 1i.1 0.1 cr.ditDri who •• ",on.y ". had mluppropriat.d and 10.1 in ' ID(k opeculaIIDn.. Th. ",all .. ci'IIIr be/ore Ih. CDurl Dn Ih. :appliraliDn of Ih ..... cuID ... Slmu.1 H. Ilichard. and lhe "ooreltowa Trll. 1 CDrnpany. 10. h.". Ih. e.I.I. dular.d In.olvonl. 'DII_.d by Ih. rtfl""1 Ihal Ihelr fiul aCODunl be al. IDW.d.

II wa •• Ialed Ihal Ih.r. are no rr •. I.rr.d . cr.dirDn. b"l Ihal all wil be "aid on Ih. Ja",e ba.i.. II I. beli .... d Iha l "lIimoltly Ih. tllal. will p.y filty I •• r cenl Df II.

Willia," f'. Wor"all i. a",D~"L Ih. errditD". . H. "ave Kaillhn ,".000 IDr i"V'·'

Jlillinlf· in dirl IDr lb. h.ulinl .. L F. Lowden. I'hDn. J2III. RlvertDn.

-Adw.rtl ........ I.

Mr. and M ... R. V. TDwn.nd and lIIay b. de,'.nd~~I ' of Iho •• who d.ied dau"ht.r. Wilda, have gDn. 10. Ma .. a. al a r~.ull Df ""hlary Dr naval ehu •• II. fDr a DrI.1 holiday. Th." Cla,m. ,"u.1 be fil.~ within. five will vi.1t WDrct.l.r. nD.IOn. and y.a .. '!Dm the dal. of dlleharll' Irolll lIIolDr inlD N.w Harnp.hlr.. Th.y Ihe •• "vce. . topp.d in 'N.w YDrk 10. .ee toln. l'ar • ."I. who are nDI recdvinll com· Townend·. hrDlh.r. F.. H. Mon •• 0.1 ,'~n'~lIon nlll il . how d."endency "The ODv.r RDad" CDmpany. playing wllhln five yea .. after Iho dcalh of al Ihe Ilijou 11.'0 penon Dn aCCOllnl Df whDle .er·

AI a rneelln" Df Ih. IIDard 0.1 Free. ,v,ce claim i. lIIade. hold ... 1 •• 1 Friday a,,"rane. wa. re. Tho. .. who have JlDI obtained a Ctr· cei ... d frDrn Ih •• ' ;,bllc· Service Rail.' lific:ate 0.1 injury mU'1 do .0 be/ore way CDmpany Ihal Ihe lunn.1 lI~d.r AlIglI.1 9. 19t2. and are urged 10 write Ih. I'enn.ylvanla RailrDad crDuin" al on.e to' Ihe U. S. Vel.ran.· lIur.all. al PAltr.waln Park WDuid be .han"ed 1J IIroadway. C~md~n. N. J .• wher< 10. malee vehlcl. Irav.1 .af.r arrange",en" will b. rDIIII,lel.d IDr a Thi. w •• recDmm.nd.d by Ih. Grand "enDnal inl.rview wilh each ap"li· Jury .ome time aiD. The "ubllc Se •• canl i",m.dialely. . vic. wa. r.quell.d 10. pUI Ihe auur. Thl. offic. d .. ir •• I". cD·overal,on anc. In wrlllni. 0.1 all all.nei .. (Ih.e A,"erican 1:'ICion

The roundin'! 01 th. curb al Ihe Vel.ran. 01 I'Dre,gn War>. OlfaltleJ CDrn.r 0.1 IIrDa and Main .Ir .... wa. V.lera", · 1, .. "" •• Ih. Red CrD ••• a"d cDmplel.d Ihl. we.k. makinlJ a fine olhrr.) In "rllin" Iho •• who may be imprDvem.nt .nd gi .. ln" much more enlllied 10. eDlIIv.n.allon under Ih. room IDr Irallie al Ihal poinl. M ... ". Vel.ran.· Ullreall, 10. lile their clailll Wrlllhi and Wllliarn •• Dwn." 0.1 Ih. al once. .. . . prDperly. ar. to' be cDmmend.d IDr . If YDU have a dltab,hty ,ncurred. l(.n.rD.h,. In conlributing 10 Ih. ,~cre .. ed Dr allKranled Ihro,,"h fer· IIDrDulih Ih. land IDr Ihl. v,urpo.. V'ce VILE A. CLAI ... .nd Ihe "aYDr and CD'P"II .cl.d If you ha,:, ~ dioabililY whic.h ha • wlNly in prDmpll), ""Pllal th. developed wllh,n one ".ar (pflDr to DII'er. Augull 9. 1911) 0.1 di.c ,arJl' Dr r .. ilJ· p.l.rlOn h.d a n.rrDw nalion Irolll .. rvic. OET A CRR· elCap. Irom dr_nlnl whil. .wtIn. TIPICATF. OF INJURY. mlal la Ihe Delaw.r •• t Ihe 1001 0.1 LlpplncDII "',nue 1 •• 1 8unday all.r· noon, Alt.r h. had be,a In th. water a .hDrt time he ull.d IDr b.lp and hi.·law. Frank Bell\' who. wa. Dn Ih' baale al th. lime •• Ipped Dtt hi. roal and .hoe. .nd weal to' lhe r.KU.. p.l.rlOa did nDI 10. .. hi. and wa. brDulht a.hDr. by pl.e· inlr hi. hand on n.II·, .bould.r. I

"Ian •• r. belal laid 10. n,ale. In. r"alla, which will be II ... n by Ih. ".rlloa laa at TDrr.1di1e Dn Salur. d~ aa .laborate and _.t .aJoyable "air. TIM Ri",rto. Yachl Club b .. """ In .. lted to partlelll.t. with h. L. J. d ... aad .I"teea·roote... The laller will be Dilted aplat lbe Sea &coUll teet 01 'raaIeIDid. Tb ... will be ca_ ... eal. OIIIn to all ._ .... A li", lot of PriNt b .... beea aad lbey awe be.a Da e"'''bilion la a .tote o. CIIe.taaa IIreet. Pltlladcl·

AI the Lawa H_ W. C. 81even, waf in oull'alD Dv<r

Sunda,.. • . W. C. Clark, who wa. In Roch .. ler.

N. Y .• Ih. laller pari 0.1 Ihe w •• k. r •• lurned MDnd.y.

H. H. Walkln •• Jr .• left 10. jDln M ... Wal"n. who I. al In. 1.",.1 •• In the Whil. Mounlain •• N.H.

"n. flDliei waf hD ..... al Iho W.dneada), mDrnlnll brldl" 'which w •• ... ry .uceeuful. .

AmDa,l Ih. vl.hD.. are Ce.1I I'. Younl. Df New YDrle. T ..... rill ODb-bin •• 0.1 Phllad.lphla ... i .. "arl.ret 8111).,0.1 Wyncole. Pa.. ODrclon PD.I. Df mlladelp"la. ..I .. Emily T.II .... fi.ld. and MI .. Kalhryn O. ·KlnK. 0.1 Germantown lell Ihl. w •• 1(, Mr. and ..... W. If. ".clllla,,_wbD are .pend· lal th. .ulllm .. al V.alnDr. arid F.. A. ".chlinJ. 0.1 "oorellown. wcre IU •• I. on Tu ..... y. ~

"law •• k. _ ~ .... and apJIlca lor aaIc at

eoalOrt wllh all tlte -at wi"'.... .. 8IonIc. PJaat. 7.-'tl loY, and Irllraacc..-8IM'UIIaII. -Mytrl~.1. ....................... ,

Sanitatioll. ynu II tec1 .~,I';;:h3~:~li I'cr(rr l "lumhinJ.( i,. our . - h um Ihe IH,noc,h. ,,' AI, . '

Q UIH; i~ the art and ~deflre "f ",akin" "

hume """,furtahl,, and if YlOU

"wkt· usc' t,( our "'cr\' icc~ )"Ju'lI fll111 we lire fair.


11111 Tuxedo Iweate ... IDr one w .. " onl,. 'UO.

CaIIfDrnIa Balhia, Ialt •• aU .i .... 13. Crochet YDIe ..... 75 aad up. l _ __

Special It. lOoquart Galvanized Iron

Pall, today only

lOe whll. they lut

.. Variel,- Stores III" .,.. .... _

_ ....,.., •• J.

f. For •• advice aboul l ~

I •• ving ybur hou .. In .ummer. Cheapl- Io you and to me.

Th. co.t h •• alr.ady been born. by olhen.

Don't leav. your hDUIe with "Away lor the IUmmer" or flA_ way for two. w •• kI" wrlUen all ov.r It. Burllar. and ..... k thlevn IDOk lor .uoh hou •••.

Oon't I.t m.iI and n.w.papert accumulat. bI your mail·bo" Dr on Ih. pDrch. Leav. a IDrward·

. inl addr... with Ih. pOllman and a chan I. of udr... with n,"'.pap.r and maps In. pub· lI.h.n. Accumulat.d mail i. a .i,nal 0.1 . ,,'ety to. Ihe houte· breaker.

Don't pull all lhe .had •• all lhe way down. Oiv. Ih • .,.trDI. man on )'our a chance to "IDOk into thin,." DCCl.lonaIly.

Lock an the doo .. and win· dDWI. Locka wDn't foil crimi· nal. bat Ihey will .top bo, •.

Pul yDur IOlid .lIver. jew.lry. aM other .. alua!>ln In )'our .. fe depotll boa.

s.. II your barllary Inau .. nee policy ne.d. an endDraement. It will be In .. allda'-d 1/ ,OU 10. away fDr mDre lhan 'our moatlia wllhout Ilttlnl a _cy par· mit.

II you han nelJeeted 10. ba,. bar,lary In.uraacl till n_. call RIYlrton If. J.... I will t.1I ,ou Ilia • .,.1 Df the bnt barl/ary In· lG .. ne. polle,. It will .urpri .. yotr-ll I. 10 _III

All thl. I. Important Ihl. year. Mor. buri/arla atl bcin, e_ 1D11'-4 now thaa ..... belor •.



(': UHT~fJ";:f!'i:1:~CKI K CfJrt~ III'(Hld~nl '

) olill son " 1lI"in. New Vork

s. ":. Cor. 41h and Wainul SI •. Philadelphia

"hone: IUnrton 21 t and 6 I'hil.d,f!lphl.. I .om~.'d 2011S


Price. Are Going Up

• I


If YOIl arc thinking of ins'tall­ing' a I.allndry Stove, clon't Pllt it off an)' I Olll::'{'r. for prices havc advallced on s loycs. pipes and lallks.

\V (I rail Illal~e illstallat ions al.

t he old pri.l·cs as long as our stC?ck



502 East Broad Street, Riverton


"Where your Money Buys the Best"

Quality Meats You cannot afford to run chaQces on Meats,

.particularly in hot weather, when a little 'careless­

'ness in handling will make them unfit for use. The

meats we sell receive every care in sanitation and


Legs Lamb Rib Roast Beef (first cuts) Roasts Veal Vogt's Liberty Bell Hams Fresh Stewing Chickens

43c tb 35c tb 35c tb 38c tb 45c tb

T~6 fth/61tofl M6at Malk6t

Store will

W. N. MAT.TIS Collin. Bulldlnll. Riverton c:iole at I p. m. on Wednllday' durin,

July and Auault



Phone 88-R 306 BROAD STREET

Delicatessen, Fruits 4" Vegetables Bond, Butter Krult and Blue Ribbon Bread'

still the big loaf, lpecial price .......................... : ... lOe

Strictly Frdh Eagl (nearby) dozen ....................................... 44c:

':Certo" makel Jaml and Jelll .. without ilc?lIIng. bot ...... 29c "C & MOO Pure Fruit Syrup. one part ayrup. leven

partl water-Uno luaar" bot ............................ ,.. ... . .... 3Sc Burke'l Quality Veal Loaf. ~ lb .................... _ ..................... 12c: Vogt', Half Bmok ... Ib ... ...... .....• ___ .... . .. _ ........ 2Sc Euton'l MayonnaiH, large bot. . . ................................. _ .24c: Bpanllh Olivel, ala.. . ........ ..• ................. __ ...... _...... 12c Btuffed OlivlI. larae Jar ..... _ .. _ _ 40c Heinz India Relilh. larae Jar ., .. . • ... ... ...... . ~ 3Sc Medlar'1 Celebrated Sponae Cake. each ... ,..... .. .. 30c Cllcquot Club. alllOrted drinkl. lara. bot. ........... ............ '" 1 Sc Honey Dew Meloni. "Iweet al .uaar'· each ..... _ , .. _ 3Sc Large Jeney .Potatoea, larg' balklt ...... .. . ........... 70c

A Full Line of Jersey Fruits and Vegetablel


'p o

, . TRB HJCW Q.A.IlIVBllTON AJO) p~ NEW,JiatsBY, PIlIDAY, JULY 28, 1922

INTBREITINO NEWS BITS In and around Palmyra

i Charles Olen II .pendhig a week In Plpt ApiDat Admlnlatratloo Started

Wildwood. In PaIm,n T.?u~·s~!~ ~r~!i.~~~g'i>~r ... ~eO"1 .pent • The loeal political campaign lOt oil

Mr. and Mrs. James T. Weart to an early start' thl. w.ek when a sp.nt la.t we.kend at Stone Harbor. group 01 voter. arranged a eomplet. • .,. It at Homel

MI •• Martha Hirsch I •• pendlng a town.hip tlckel. week at Sodus Bay, Newark, and New The lollowlng communlcalion was Offie.r Joseph Rodgers enjoyed his

vacallon Ihls we.k. York. . submitted 10 The New Era lor Mr. and Mrs. William Oerken. and publlcalion: Jam.s B. Rusllc i. sp.ndlng his va­

calion in Baltlmor • . children spent la.t w •• kend In Atlan- "The und.rsigned, vOlers 01 lic City. the Township 01 Palmyra here a.sem-Chiel h.s mov.d into his n.w

hom. on Highland avenu • . Mrs. J. T. Price and daughter, MI.I bled, belining Ihal the Township pI

HMaarryo' ;.spent lut weekend in Stone Palmyra has grown 1.0 8uch an exlent

b in Ihe pasl lew years and looking (or­Miss Ma. Konkle, o( West Phlla- ward to Ih .. (utur. 01 our Township,

~f.rlps.hiWa,. sp •. npl oSwuenlld.ay wilh Mr. and I.el Ihal 'al Ihis lim. w. should, with D B the utmost care, select from among

John P. Saar, Sr., has gone 10 Ih Orthop.dic Hosj>ilal lor .

Mn. DeWitt Russ and son, Nelson, are spending a I.w days at Ihe sea­shor •.

Mrs. Edwin D.acon. 01 Burlinglon, wa. Ihe guesl last Friday 01 h.r son, Edwin Deacon, Jr. ..

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. TholJlBs, 01 Fillh slre.l. are .pending Iheir vaca­lion al Wildwood.

Mrs. Thomas Griffenberg has as her gueslS. Mr. and Mrs. William Yea­mans, of Patterson.

Th. Olrl SCOUIS have relurn.d our lown.m"l' lhos. m.n lor our gov­home (rom a week's vacation .pent ernlng body whom we feci are capa· at Poinl Pleasanl. Pa. ble 01 handling Ihe allairs and d.cid­

Mis. Mary Sh.ridan, 01 W •• I Phila- ing Ihc imporlanl, such as delphi!'J is c::njoying a vacation with streets, sewers, schools, taxes and Mi!'8 Hannah Doonan, of Parry ave,' other imporlant matters that must' be

Mr. and Mr •. J . R. B.llerjcau spenl decided upon in Ih. near lulure, anI{ Sunday lasl wilh Mrs. B.llerjeau's Ihal it is Ihe duly 01 Ihose who arc siSler. Mu. Roland Oilpin, 01 Cynwyd. cll4>abl. 10 allow Ih.mselv.s 10 be

Miss Margarel Kinkaid, 01 Wesl Philadelphia, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. James T. Wear!.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanlord and lam- called upon to p.rform Ihi. work lor ily. who spenl Iwo we.ks with rela- Iheir township. lives Toledo, Ohio. have re- W •• Ih. undersi/(ned. have called

John A. Althouse i. spending a week's vacation in Atlantic City as the stlest of Dr. Howard Wcstney. I

lurn.d home. upon and secured Ihe consenl 01 the M,.. E. S. Childs, 01 Allanlic City. lollowing citizens. who have agreed 10

"penl Ihe we.k.nd with Mts. allow Iheir names 10 be placed npou M. Becker. Mrs. Childs was on her Ihe ballol 01 Ih. R.,lUblican Parly in way 10 Brooklyn. Ih. Township 01 Palmyra 10 be vol cd

John Saar. Jr .• has sold Charles B. Durborow, 01 Riverlo!'z a V.Ii. car/ and an Overland to Mr., Parker, 0 Palmyra.

Miss Irene Snelson relurned Sun­day night ahcr a three weeks' visit with her IIncl •• R. C. Sn.lson, al Jer-

Mrs. J. R., who has b.en upon al Ihe Primary Eleclion on spending a we.k in .Atlanlic Cily wilh Tuesdar.' Sepl.mber 26, 1922, nnd we

\~'i.~lasj!l~l;ia~{I~:~ ~~~~~eP::~~~~' 01 ~fti~:~~ Ylo~~~111~~e el~~~!'oo;lorllh~~~ Th. Boy ScoulS 01 Palmyra. und.r m.n upon Ihe R.publican Tickel .

Ihe lead.rship 01 COUOIY Scout Com- For Tow,,"hip Committ •• -J. Hor-s.y,_ City. . Mrs. Hioimes, 01 Second and Dela­

ware avenue, has returned after spending some time in the mountain~ .01 Pennsylvania.

mis~ioncr King. wilt sr,end this week- ace Finney. end camping along I.e Delaware al For Township Clerk-G.orge Spen-~{orri~ Junction. ccr. •

Dr. C . .Francis, who sail.d For Tax Ass.ssor-Wm. B. Cols.y . Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Smilh. of

901 Cblurnbia avenuel

arc receiving congratulations on I Ie birth of a daughl.r. July 201h.

Irom New York on Jun. 241h arriv.d 'For Tax Colleelor-Edwln A. Gris-in ROllerclam 011 July 51h. and i. now COlli . . laking a eourse in special .urg.ry AI Si/(ned:Wm. E. Jenkins. Harry M . Vienna. H. expects 10 relurn Ih. Schairer. Clarence '1'. Yerkes. Douglas lauer p_art of. September. Egerton, George Wi nil, Henry K. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herrin/(. 01

Hollywood, Cali I .• spenl Ihe w.ekend with At r. and Mrs. H . K. Klose. 01 Washirigton avenue.

J . Horace Finney has been elecled a direclor 01 Ihe Pallllyra Bank. fill­ing Ihe vacancy callsed by Ihe dealh 01 Ih. lale .Fred A. Truchsess.

On Monday morning. while Georg. Klose, H. J. Lees. Wm. F. F. I.eul­W. Shan.r was driving his Cadillac wyler. Will. H . Lindsay, Alfred S. Van tourin~ car west on Broad street, it Osten, Gcorg~ I. Harvey, Chas. n. was struck by a truck belonginL to Hinchman, H. A. Kennedy, Phil Ihe Abboll Icc Cream Company. ·Th. Silk S G S f J I 'f ffi mud "uard on II.e Cadillac was badly o. e. . . ne SOli, 0 10 D 0 '11, de

itled. George L. Anderson, James E. Brown, R. M. Gideon, Rowland S. Pric., 0.-

A furni shed apartment on the bay al Seaside Park h .. been renled by Ceor!;e n. Shaner and he will lake

ol'~I:~ S::~~daM~~I·'CI:~:c1:I':n bS:'~~~ car J. Bafienzien, Wflmer H. Randel. day evening at Broad and Elm avenue Thifi ticket provides an opponent was' a IHand success. The _gross rc- for John M. Davies, TO'wnship Chair­ccipts were about $2000. Henry F. rnal1, who is a candidate to succeed Michell. 01 Ihe Mich.1I S.ed Com- himself. aqd lor John W. Shade, as­' won Ihe Ford car. sessor, abo a candidate to succeed

• his family where for a two weeks' va· catioll.

Mr. and Mrs. Willialll Fichler and

F~~{,~~o~::ioar:~ ~~. Ci~dm~::':'~o;,~:~ ·T.. Tacony-Palmyra lerry was himself. taxed to its capacity Sunday when Mr. Finner has long been l)romi. the larges t ntlmber of cars for any nent in loca fraternal affairs and i. onc day since its op~ning were taken president of the \Yesleyan Bible across the river. The heavy traffic class. Mr. Colsey is president bf the were handled by Ih. police and lerry nOOSlers Club .

lasl Snnday and a very enjoy­able day.

George B. Shaner has sold his sellli­sp.ed boal and has bough I a Pallller-

. ti~l!r~~!:isY~ch:d ditl~c:J)i~'li~th ":letli~ · c0ll11Jany .in an efficient manner. Messrs. Griscom and Spencer arc The topic of Pastor Robinson"s I incumbent s in the offices nanu:d and

morrJin", !IIermon at the Methodist will have 110 0l,position. a member.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Deacon. Jr .• 01 513 Delaware avenue, arc receiving conRratulation~ on the birth of a daughler. Dorolhy Alllanda Deacon. on July 131h.

Church Sunday will be "A good mem- M ... ro. Davie. and Shade to Have ory." and in the evening ' lie will .,rench on "The Four Anchors." Mrs. Juslice, 01 Woodbur~ will sing in the 1Il0rnirtg. and Miss lira.. Evaul will sing in the evening.

Cooper Thomason, Louis Krauss, Harry McKenny and S. J . Snelson spenl Irolll Wednesdny till Sunda)' al S.aside Park. All Iraveled in ' Mr. Snel~on's machine.

The quoit tournament, under the allspices 01 The Field Clnb has begun. Th. P. O. S. 01 A, on Wednesday de­leated Ihe K. 01 1' .• and Ihe K. 01 C., d.l.aled Ihe Melhodisls.

Work has been begun by Ihe Slale highway department on repairs to Cinnaminson avenue from the railroad

!~a~II~~~et~: ~i:~~. 11;~~ed ~~~~~~r si:o~~ The nurses of the Ambulance Asso·

dation will give a c;,ke sale this Sat· .. rday afternoon ;md eveninJ( in front 01 Georg. Wimer'. office. I n case 01 rain Ihe sal. will be held in Ihe Leg-

The ambulance up 10 Tu •• day had nol had a call lor Iwo w.eks. Ihe IOIlf{cst period of idlene!ls the machine has had since it was put into service. Since January 29 ' Ihe ambulauce h .. had a 10lal 01 105 calls. Everybody shonld go 10 Ihe c:rlce sal. and buy more than they can eat.

There was a rumor this week that Joseph N un.s. 01 809 V .. d. av.mre. .Delair. was Ihe SO" 01 Ih. inventor 01 Ihe ukelele who died a I.w d.ys ago in Hawaii. Mrs. Nunc!, whtn inter· viewed ' by a New C,ra reporter, said this wa!l not true; tht whde the surmimes were the same and "fr. Nn· ne!) came from Honolulu, he was no relalion 10 Ihe' man 01 uk.I.le lam •.

ion rooms. '. A new slore lor Ihe sale of home- - Field Club Tennia


lIIade candy. has been opened al A meeling 01 Ih. 1922 T.nnis Club Broad and Leconey avenue. The cOllllllillee and ollhe Tenni. 1Itq1lUa..,.".GJUlSaHMolW1 IIroprielo~. Mr. Schil!inger announces Club was h.ld on July 51h 10 discus. "!;~:;;=~~;;~~;;:;:~~ Iwo ' I •. I~lr Ilus w.ekend else- IIlans lor Ihe Alb.rl King Cup Tour- - - -- ~-where In tl~ls . I ~~ue. . , "amcn" At this meeting it was- de· · Ro~erl nil tillS s Wireless t.~lel>honc , cided to be.:in the Annual Cu_p Tour· IS qulte the cC,nlcr of at!raCllon Ihe~e I nament on August 12th. A Con.sola. days. On 1 nesday. III/(ht 01 Ih.s . lion and Doubles w.1I b. w.ek he heard Slallon WI?A Y. all held in conjunclion wilh Ih. Cup FarKo, North Dakota, willeh w;,!' I Tournament. Prizcs will be offered broadc:asti!lJ( th~ uMarseillaiflic." in the Consolation, Doubles and Cup ' • .George N. Wilner attended a meet· Tournaments. mg of the New Jersey Real Rstate An orgahizatiol1 among the girl L,·agu. 'I.'uesday al A~bury Park. The 'lIIelllbers 01 Ihe Tennis Club has b.en LeaJ.(lIc . In a rcsolullO!, commeml~d perfected and a sepOlrate tour~anu:nt Ihe a~lIon 01 Ihe NallOnal body III,AVili be conducled by IheJ;l1. 1 he III-0PPOlill1g the opening of real estate dications arc that Mr. King will also offices on Sl~nday. . offer '3 silver CliP for the tournament

The lIurhnglon COII~IY hosp.lal 01 Ihe girls. expects to make a campaign for funds I 'I'he Continuous Club Tournament shortly an4 has appointed J . p, has met with an cntltusiastic recep· , Warner c.halrma,! for Palmyra. Mr. tion and undoubtedly has raised tlu: Warner IS formmg a cOtnmitJee of I>I;lyin~ s tandard of the Cluh as a about 20 members a!1d will be assisted .whole and afforded much competition by Charles W. Day,son. and gooll st,ort to all concerned.

Mr. and Mrs; W.lbur F. Crane and Jud~ing by Ihi s preliminary lourna-80n, \\falter, wltl! Mr. and Mrs. Frank ment there will be many live matches Chambers as their guest s, motored to after August 12th. The standing in Lake Hopatcong over the weekend. this tournament to date is as follows: :rhe Iri.p was mosl enjoyahl •• a'lord- Brackel I-Roy Hardy. lOll ~ v.ew of some 01 Ihe finesl sc.n- Braekel 2-Lons Bonsai, Harold ery 111 New Jersey. Return Wol! made Baker. by ,,:ay 01 Easlon and Do.yl.slown. Brackel J-Arlhur Wrighl, Theo- Heleu Barry ••• ghlh grade dor. H. Frison. Leonard Baker. teacher, has made a handsome luesent Bracket 4-Frank Mathews Clinton 10. Mi.s Iren~ Snels,?u in hon.or 01 .Gibbon. Russell Gibbon. C. W. W.ik-MISS Snelson .s mak,"" the III~hesl lIIilll

g.n.ral averalte in her class dllr!nl: lI~ackel S-L: B. Smilh, ' Elmer Ih. I~sl l.orm· 01 school. I~US Loughery. Hugh Thomson. Lloyd valedictorian of the graduatll1R class. Jackson, Montgomery Simmons. · Mrs. John !5aar,. --:ho has. b •• n very nrack~1 6-Morris AII.n, Arlhur ,II for some IlIn~, IS .mrrOvl~gsIOw!y . Simmons, Albert Morris, Frank Mc·

Walter Spermg. 0 Ph.ladelpilla. Cormick Val.nline G.rmann J H who has been touring California for .. :.inter' , . . Ihree years, has r.turn.d and i. sp.nd- IIrac'; .. 7-Alber{ Kn.chl Newlon inl: SOlo. lilll. wilh hi. siSler, Mrs. Morton. Harty Hemple. Raymond John M. Plumly. 01 601 D.lawar. ave- G.rey Edward Tyson Elm.r Hahn nu~. Mr. SperinK i. Ihinking 01 10- F.lwy~ Jackson. ' • , catlnJ,! here III the ncar future. Bracket 8-Jean Mervine, H. A.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry William •• 01 Jaynes Glen Chambers, J. W. Thorn­Garfi.ld. ave nile. Sl.enl lasl w.ek visil- son, Carlton Adams l William WiI­in/( Mr. Willi.m. ' sislers in Dridll.- braham. Frank Chamoers, H . R. Ri.­ville, Del. They were accompanied Ker. by Mr. Willla,ns' brolher I. N. Will- Brack.1 9-Franci. Slack, Paul iams, and his wife, of Wnmington. Powers, Dr. Baucf, Walter Fleming, On Ihe lrip Mr. William. saw Ihe Ur. M. G. Tull. Jam.s Tom • •• Harv.y· appl. orchard in Delaware. R ogcr •• F. U. Klepper. W. P. Lippin-conlaininl: 175.000 Iree.. coil .

Edward aIld G.orge B.Clon are on Braek.1 I~Roberl C. Oley. Alfr.d Iheir way 10 Denver iu a Ford alllO. Lippincoll. rhey were at Independence, Kansas, At a lIu:etintc of lhe Tennis Com· lasl Monday where Ih.,Y visit.d mill •• in July Miss Virginia Silllmons lives lollowing slops wllh olher rela- was apl.oinled 10 an organiza­liv •• in Indian. and Pillsburgh. Th. lion amon/( Ih. Ilirl m.mbers 01 Ihe boys have lound Missouri v.ry hOI Tenni. Club. Shortly ah.r Ihi. ,Mi.s and wilh rocky road.. They writ. Simmons appoinl.d the followinll they expect to come home with a committee to aid in conducting a Con· new car, because they have to buy a linuou. Tournament . imilar 10 that parI al .v.ry lown. 01 Ihe boy. : MI •• Edna Bonsai. Mi ••

lirs. Roberl M: Cook. and her I'lacid Truch . . ... Mrs. Th.odore daughler, Catherine, is entertaining Frizon. .

Kodakers! Let UB develop your filmB_ Our careful and expert work inBures best resultll.

24-hour ser)lice on all classes of work, if left with us be­fore 10 p. m.

We have a stock of Cameras in all popular models, and all kinds of supplies for the amateur and profellsional.


Palmyra, N. J.

'''LISTEN IN" Everybody'. doing It, now that

our popular RADIO RECEIVING SETS are available and priced .0 that everyone can own on. at v.ry little .IIJIC'IIH.

Th. big broadcaslillg sIal ions Ihroughoul the la"d are sending through the air marvelous enter· taimnent! and valuable in forma· lion on all subjects. ' DOII'I miss itl

Th". Greate.t HolllO Enter­tainment Ever Dlacovered

A Complete Stoell 01 Part.

Robert,C. Bitting Everything Electrical

117 East Broad Street PhollOl Riftrton 74

B.tabllahad· ln PaIm),ra 7 v ....

Ihe loll owing girl. Ihi. w •• k al As a result 01 Ihis aClion a lenta-boal hou •• 00 Ihe Pensauk.n: P.arl Ii .. pyramidal arrangement 01 play- Moorestown Frienda' C:!-"ool Coomb. , Vlrllinia McD.rllloll. Marion . <u hao b •• n mad. a. follows : ~. Furman, lsab.lI. Schill and Lillian I-Edna Graham. All I.h Wcdn.lday in a 2-Jun.tta Soa.'

1 May' Griff.nberg.

.Iraw wallon lor Ih. boat hou •• and 3-J.nny Bon. a, L.n Simmon., bav. b.en having a lime olnce. Adeline Lippincott. offers a complete course from " i. an annual given by Un. 4--Rubl' Fri. on, Clara LlppincOlI, Cook. 10 her daughler'. chum.. Virginia Simmon. , Placid Truch ..... I Kindergarten to College under a

Harry U . Neely, a writer of shorl ~rplaa Foull. I .tori.. and radio arliel .. and al. o I corps of teachers chosen not only dramalle .ditor of Tbe Ev.nin'! Pub- U.CUTN~~ IIc Ledg~r, .a • • evertly. Injure lion- Notiu ~.& ..... . rdu ka. for academic training Ilut for the day wh.n Ih. 0.1 cap blew oil ~ II, 1M Ie 01 III. Coul, a Ila. olln •• ngin. !I. ed lor .dlarging o,..r t -u..~,,,,, m atmosphere of culture and refine-Ibe .IOrBS. ball.n.. on b.. bou •• - O~.,.~ ..... r!.u ..... 1 boal al Delanco • • lrik1ng blm in Ihe 0 uk . 0 • nrt.~a 01 mont with which parel\,tll des ire forehead and inllielln\ a deep Il .. b. .... ., .. , .. II I. olr lir. Neely wa •. laken y auto to tb. ~ ~ ~~ = or ~' their children to be s urrounded. Jeft'erlOn Ho. p.lal, .ro •• lnll Ih. rlv.r I ~ .. It";-":-_ will .. \ly the Palmyra f.rry. lir. and Uri. ::.=. .... __ ....... ~ ..... , For information addresa Neel)' a few. ),ear. ago . penl Ibe .um- A .... A ... • ..... y. W •• ..... .. .... _ mer In their )'acbt at tbe Riverton DMet J- .. ItA ~ • -- a ___ a a, Yadlt Club. ........ .. -11 .........

IlQOrDtown, N. J.

Goodrich IInnounceJ

,new tire prices . -IoWfSt CDSt mikilge ever knOWIt .

Effective July 20th, Goodrich establishes a revised price list t'hat is a base line of tire value. It gives the mQtoristthe buying advantage of knowing tliat what­ever size tire he selects is of the same qUality - the Goodrich oJUN/tUIlity !tandard. It gives rum the long­est mileagez the most satisfactory service and the high­est quality his money' can buy. Results will prove that it is impossible to buy tire mileage at lower cost.

Think of being a~le to buy

SilvertownCo~ at such price$ as these:


30x 3t CI. $13.50 34x4 S.B. $30.85 31 x3.85CI. 15.95 32 x 4! S. B. 37.70 30x 3t S. B. 15.95 33 x4t S. B. 38.55 32x3t S.B. 22.95 34x 4i S. B. 39.50 31x4 S.B. 26.45 35 x 1j.t S. B. 40.70 -32x4 .S.B. 29.15 33 xs S.~. 46.95 33x4 S.B. 30.05 35 x5 S.B. 49.30

New. base line prices are also elfecti."e on goodrich Fabric Tires


30x3-"55" $9.65 32 x4 S. B. Safety $21.20 '30 x 3i -"55" 10.65 33.x 4 S. B. Safety 22.35

32 x 3} S. B. Safety 16.30 34 x 4. S. B. Safety. 21.85

This revised price list affords the motorist 88 definite a guide to tire prices as Goodrich Tires are die definite stani:lard of ti~ quality.


AMONG IH(CHU~H(8 Adn'rtiMlU'.ta

C.ntral Baptlat Church Cha . .. Vt. William., paolor. Sunday School 9.30 a. m. Morning worship 10.45. 'I"wilight service 7 to 8 1>. Ill. Pray.r m •• linll W.dn.sday 8 p. m. Young People'. meeting Friday

8 p. m.

Westfield Friends' Me.tlng Me.ling al 10 a. m.

Calvary Pr.sbyterian Church Rev. N. F. Slahl, D.D .• minisler. Morning worship a1 11 o'clock. Sabbalh School at 10 o·clock.

Chrl.t Charch, EpiaCopai Suudny. July_ 30, 1922. 7.30 a. m., Holy Communion. 11 .00 a. m., "lorning prayer and

Sermon. 8 p.m., Eveninll Prayer and •• rmon.

Christian Sci.nce Firsl Church 01 Chri.I, Sci.ntl.I,

Riverlon, N. J. Services at the church, Ta.omal

avenue and Seventh Itreet : Sunday School, 9.30 a. m. Sunday Services, II a. m. W.dn.sday, 8 p. m. The Cbrl.tlan Reading

room at 514 Main .tre.t, Riverton, I. op.n dally from 2 10 5 Sunoay.

The Flnt Lutheran Church 01 Palntyra and Riverton

The Rev. Harry L . S"ul. paslor. Sunday School 9.30 a. III . MorniulI: s.rvic • • 10.45. Evening sC'rvices 7 to 8 p. III.

Announcement I desire to IInnounce my

candidacy for nominalion fo r Steward of the Almlbouse at the Primary Election, Septemh~r 26, 1922, subject to the d ecis ion of the Re­publican Vote r s of Burling­ton County.


llooreatown, N. J.

OT!erland is one pf th.e most popular cars in' America today and stands more firmly intrenched

than ever in popular favor.

Ac .550, chc O_IoRd oUn • ... eafer aNtomobl1e va/Ne for c"e monel'

. II ..... Gn)l ocher CGr.

A IIprinabaae of 130 Inches, with bil car-ridlna comfort, modem 3-speed forward and reverse lliding gear tran.miuion, a safe braking lyatem with a .quare inch of brakini .urface to every 15 pounds of -weiiht, all-steel tourini body with baked-on lu.troul finish and many other

exclu.ive Overland features.

ERNEST REIN GARAGE Sal .. Dept. 141 Brid~.boro St. Gara~. : 18 and 20 Ko .. uth St.

Telephon.: Rivenid1y~RSIDE. . J.

$2 7 5 Some .t]lle. of the ~ famou Dunn Pen,

the pen with "the little red pump handle," have been reduUcl to t2-75. Othen .. U for 13, ... , and upwarda. St0.1l at The New Era Officc and maka )'oar aeIectIoa.



JOSEPH H. SlilTH 211 Lippincott, A_, Rh,.rton

C1assllled ldnrtlslng

LADIES' WASHABLE SUN HATS 10 well< working in Ihe prd.n, 49c.

. Boy's s triped madras and sport blouscs. 8Sc. Dodd·s. n.xl Palmyra ,Jost office. .

FOR SALE-Three-burner, Flor.nce aUlomatic oil cook stove, in perfect

condition. Apply 622 Llna.n • .

FOR SALE-Lol 180 1 •• 1 Iront by 150 1 •• 1 d.-¥Ih, desirabl. localion.

~~~~J~~~~e;·C" ~~'~'Er~ !~~~~07~1~~~1 FINE S-year-old Jeney Cow with • calf by her side, good milker, very rich milk. ~99 ~lm avenue, Riverton.

LATE cabbag. and tomato planls r.ady firSI , ••• k in Jun.: .nap­

draf!ons, scarlet sage, zinnias, .tters..!: verbenas. Herb.rl W. Richman, 62~ Linden a"enu.. Phou. 318-M.

PACKING CASES, aboul 2x3 le.I, 18 10 24 inehe. high. lor sal. cheap.

COIIII.lele wilh lid.. Suitabl. lor ship­I.iul:( orp" cklng /(oods lo'r storage. AI'I' l' at 'I'he New Era offic • .

SOFT Shell Crabs, de"i1.d crabs aud c1al11 ~ . Phone r,0urs orders on Sat·

IIrelay (01" the fol owinA' week'~ deliv· ''fl'. Moorestown 41O-R. 7-2\-11

SUITS-Large ... ortm.nt of .ultom made ."its. $5 .and up. RI.der'.

J<oan Offic •• 128 Mark.1 01.. Phllad.l­phi.. 3-24-tl

WATCH-Elgin mnv."!.nl. 2O-]l .. r I;old ./illed ea.e $7. valu. $20. RI.­

der· •• 128 Markel .lr •• I, Phllad.lpbla. 12-30-tl


FOR RENT-li-rooIU "lIarllllenl. SI't Main s treet, I(h'erlon. Apply Mrs.

Edw"rd M. lIe<lon. 707 W"shinglon aVI'l1l1 C, Palmyra.

SECOND FLOOR APARTMENTS, .. rOOI11~ , hath, I :\ r ~c l' lIc1osed porch,

11I0,It' rl1 con\'cllil'nccs, hallie stands idom'. Hh'c rton Itl()· w. 226 Horace avenue, Palmy ra, N. J.


WANTED-SlenOl:rnpher and 'book­kr.el,er. Middle af{l'll woman pre·

I.....,<\. AIIPI), "U" New Era Office.

COMPOSITOR WANTED - A yOIlI1 ~ lIIall of c lII'rg-y and ability

and 110 had hahil s lIIay find some;­thil1 ~ fo hi ~ advantage by application 10 nr. l.:ullh, Palmyra. f

500 TEACHERS WANTED - all . kinds-for N .. J . scllools. Conlracl s wailil1 J.(. N:uio",,1 1'cachers A J..:CIICY, Philadell)hi", I'n.

SALESMEN lor r.lail bread wagons in thi s section. Yount( men with

experiencc selling from door to door preferred. Give "f{e, married or !lin· gle, and what YOIl hM' t! done last few yt'ars, al so reference. Apply ifF" New Era Offi... 6-16-lf


LOST- On S"lnrday nil;hl. at K. 01 C. carnival, Broad alltl Elm, N N N

pin: R ewOlnl. Heturn to G. E. Kar­'11 '\ ,414 Lindcli avenue.


REFINED WIDOW wishes I.o.ilion as housekeepcr in J.:cntleman's home.

Address 110. 65, Meclford. N. J . 7-14-6

AT SERVICE-pinouchle Prince, bull Irom M.ridal •• Iock.

F •• $5. Peace and PI.nty Farm.

EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Eltat. of Panni. Boullon

he~nOI~:d~' I!~er:~: ~~~~:a!~:' nrntb~rd~~u~:; lIa:,ui~i22~t~~nb~~~~~.:!~:~ n~h~h:~t~bl~~rbe~~ ::~I:!::,r 'd::e~~~j~'alt~~f C:ll~:i~!~n~: :..;:~~ ~i!~::~n;"tola~JinLc~nde~~t~iru:~~i:":a:~a~~.t.t\ihr~ matlon on or bdore the 24th d.y of NOYf!m. ber, 1922. or IIley will he debarred "I any 1clHm therdor aRainl. the l aid t.;.ecutor.


"ruclor . . 5·26 10 7· 2M

Burlinllton County Circuit Court Lutl"'he 1'lIu lO e ,}.. ')

l ' lainliff l In AI~ a cllmenl n . f 1111 ,-'untract

] ""f'l lh Mu rlin and Nol ice Ilfll rence: Murtili .

Ilefconll ll ll' ".

1 1I ~~r~~~~ i: , 1r:t~!II!ur.iv:'tl "I~:t I~Ult'::ii; '~ia~~ C". VI. Jo"eph Murfin and I' lruell ce .'urlind ~~~~::! 11,1:ld :h(~~:~ ~:!~II~f:IIi::;'d~ ban:JI le~ne . fIlrnl li or Jnlltl,h Murlln anll )l1t, teIiCe Murlin. ffl r Ihe /l UIII II f r,fly·. i. dnllan and .·five: ce ll Ul. 'ill"IIl',1 nut nf th e Uurlillt(ton County l ' irCllit r:nurl . ' Ill th r: twentY·Anenth day of May, 1921. re lu tl1l1h1e on Ihe twent ieth day n' JUli e. 1921, ha" "rt'll ,.t'rYrll and duly e:.:t:cuted .. 1111 WIU rrlllrllt'd Oil thr. twelfth, rl ay o' July,

' 192 1. h y th e SherilT of Ihe: County of Our'· Ji IiNI OII . lJa ted JUlie 1 I, 1922.

WII.I . IAM II . R.·:F.VF.S. Clerk.

,THA N CI S J. SMITIf. Au u l'u(,y.

Something YOM Haw B«ra W4liting Por

Auto Service

-widl Sttmtlard ICqo 60ard ad every othao eem-~totbe laraer aaachiaa. Cue onry COUI' iDdMe hJsh. Pri«. '"" -. #60.


E. GLASCO IIeeta tnIu at Rlwn. 1tad0il .. w

A. OSBOURNE PboIlO Riftrtoo 406-w or SOJ.J

Mrs. M. 1. Quinn il. al A'I.nli~1 City f9r a week.


Riverton, N. J. /

.1'0 NEW ERA.1UVEIl'l'ON Alfl).pAUlYltA, NEW JERSEY. nIDAY. JULY 28,1922


Ne"l, Electecl 0111.... lutaJIetI at How It Ie .... IID4 How It Worb. Lut Monda,.. MeetIn, WiD Be PiaIMecl by Bad, .FaD.

Notwith.tandlng the "arm "eather, Inter.sting m.etlnlls are being heln each Monday eventng by CamP No. 23. P. O. S. 01 A .• "lth a good atten­dance.

The sp.cial I.alure of lalt Monday night was the installation 01 the 101-

. lowing offic ... by Distrlet Presld.nt Pitch.r. 01 Moorestown: president. Arthur C. Strang; "Ic. president. Walter Jones; maot.r 01 forml. John Whit.; conduetor. Walt.r M. Horner; Insfector. Warr.n Smith; guard. h­rae Groff.

Thursday ev.ning the quoit team of Camp No. 23 w.nt t .. Camp No. 746. 01 Philad.lphia. to play the lourth game 01 a •• ri.s. Camp No. 2J hal b.en victorious in all th. gam .. played. •

Enthusla.m is running high owing to the lact that our' ball team (In the Twilight L.agu.) is now tied for sec­ond place. -----

County Politic. This is an important year in New

Jer. ey politie.. A Governor. a Unit.d States Senator and twelv.­tative. in Congrc.s. b •• ld.s the usual numb.r 01 county and municipal offic­ials afe to be chosen.

The Republicans have virtually •• t­tied upon their party nomin •• s lor Governor and United States S.nator. In the S.cond Congr.sslonal District. 01 which Burlington count}' il an in­t.gral part . the same c.rtatnty exists as to the: renomination of Congress­man Bacharach. EI •• where In th. State there are serambles in prospect.

In Burlington county are lew lucrative offices to be filled this


Palmyra's sewage disposal plani Is well under way and resident enlinnr Clinton T. Vo.bury expects It 10 be completed in September.

Tbe llant lie. at Ihe fool of Berk­I.y an Delaware a'renueo and con­sis .. of the pumping Itation and the dl'!Polal plant proper. .

The pumping Itation Is at the In­tersection of Berkley av.nue and the Boulevard. It Is that all the lewage from the town will b. fint brought togeth.r. Th. pumping works chi.Ry of a cone ret. circular tank. 20 f •• t and 18 f.~t in dlam.tert mo.t of wh ch I. und.r­ground. ADove the tank will be con­.tructed a small stucco building from which th. apparatus will b. operat.d.

A dividing wall In the tank dlvid.s about on.-thlrd of it from the In this •• ction the two pumps. of ro­tary centrifugal typ •• will be plac.d. Th. pump. WIll be down in the tank while the motors which run th.m will b. in the building above. d.liverlng the power by v.rtlcal .haft.. Only on. pump will be operat.d at a tim •. The pumping begins automatically when the sewage attains a certain heighth and i. dlscontlnu.d wh.n a lower I.vel is r.ach.d.

Th. r.ason for th. pumping station is that the •• wage .must be lifted to th. top of the first of the di.posal tankl. which is s.vcral· above the ground.

From the pumping station the sew­age is conv.y.d down the Boul.vard 1100 f •• t through an fl.inch wood.n main to the clarification tank. the first

paTth:f ~r:ri~~lt?:~1 ~!~kt V:°'j8r. fc.t wid.. 20 f •• 1 long and 30 f •• t d •• p. Th.n lollows the- sludge dig •• tion tank. 14 wid. and 53 I •• t .Iong.

come vacant. Alrcady th.r. are five Th. last s.ctlon 01 the plant I. the avow.d ~sl.irants to the two R.jiubli- .Iudg. drying b.d. about the sam. can Freeholder nominations. dim.nsion. as the clarification tank.

Heading the list are two pr.sent All thr •••• etlons are in lin. with on. members, one our own George W. another and the senera) appearance Rogers. who has be.n hard at work . 01 the plant might b. d.scrib.d as lik. all over the county for some time, ex- three dominoes, two laid crosswise tendin!! hi. alr.ady voluminous list 01 and the third lengthwis. in •• n lri.nds. and the oth.r. Charl.s R. th. two oth.r. Stout. 01 Florenc •• head 01 the Board Th. clarification tank which th. and in cff.ct the party'. county s.wag. Is first pump.d into i. 01 con-

In addition lorm.r Fr.cholder Ed- crctc and its int.nor r.s.mbles two ward ·T. Hain.s. 01 Northampton. Or hoppers. sid. by side. whosc delcat last lall was a big sur- Th. s.wag. Row. in at th. top and prise to his Iricnds. is again a candi- is distributed ov.r the dat.. intricat. syst.m 01 Then

Councilman Charles J '. Lamc. 01 are a serlcs 01 weirs and bailie ' Ourlington. onc 01 the al.o-rans last boards design.d to check the lIow 01 is trying it again and Herman th. liquid so as to give th. solid. Cr05ham. a larm.r 01 Wrights- contain~d therein time to settle to the town. has al.o shied his hat into the bottom. It tak.s six hours lor th. dng. liquid to pas • . through this tank.

Other candidate. probably will ap' The tank is 'so arrang.d that th. I'." belore PrimarY Day. solids. in dropping to the bottom 01

Assemblyman Clifford R. nowell. the hopp.r .lId. down the inclin.d 01 MOllllt Holly. probably will b. r.- wall. to th~ sn,all cylindrical •• ctions turned to tho lowcr Hou. e without at the bottom. Th. r.ason lor tbis seriolls GI'Position. iK that once the plant is in operation,

William A. Wilkill.. 01 Mount lIa. will be eontinually lorm.d at the Lallrel. and Charle. A, Downe. iucu"!- bottom by lh. putrefaction 01 the ,01· bent. are .can.didates lor the Repubh· ids. and this ga';. ris!ng .Ir~ight up can nonllnatlOI) 01 steward 01 the through the water. WIll not Interlere almshollsc. with the solid. dropping down the

Rllnyon. lor Gov.rnor. Fr.Jinghuy- wall •. <cn lor U. S. S.nator .and Bacharach Alter the solid matter has dropp.d is mo.t. likcl~ the w~)' the head 01 the to th. bottom, the water having b.en Republican ticket WIll in tbe tank s,x hours. flow. through

a main direetly to the Delaware riv.r MAIL DELIVERY ROUTES a lew hundred larth.r on. .

Following are the route. lor th. . The solids. gath.rlng at th. bottom I d ' I' . R' 01 the hopp.r. lorm a thick liquid ri~ut:I~:.rr. f,eK~:::i!!K I~t r~~~r~~~~.Dd known as sludge. A large pipe, open

Mohll thence: at the lower end, riscs from the bot­NW and N'ly on Yoi .. S .... e, to runr Bonk tom 01 the hopper and to the 1': ul. River Dank to lIowani Sure. and retrace sludge dhrestion tank. The opening

to Main. 01 these plp.1 In the digestion tank is \V 011 River Dank 10 Boroulb Line. lower than the level 'of the sewage in S tn Fint Street, I~ to Linden AnnUl! the clarification tank. Consequently, S 011 l.iuden Ayenue to. Second Street when the valves are opened. the water

How Wrp Ma, a Roof BeP Stanle)' Blaek, who Is building a

new hou.. at Cinnaminson and

~~~~r: :~~"::shl~a. oh,:g ~:t a bit 01 The roo I. It Is c~arg~d by some 01

the other residentl on the street. ex­tends over lhe building line. Protelt was' made to Chairman Davi ••• 01 th. Township Committee. and •• r 01 Str •• tl Winfield Land was sent to see about It. Mr. Land work

~I~t·thll~nit t~~ulr~avaenro ,:~dta~~ down and chan,l.d.

Mr. BI.ek pOlnt.d out that the rool w.s. only the porch rool. although it wu a continuation 01 the main roof owing to \h. d.sign 01 the house and th.t were s.veral other houses on the same street, as wen as in other ~::rb.:':n t~:: •. !he same thln,s

A. the r.sult 01 the controversy tit. work was h.ld up lor a day. during whieh time Mr. Black lought advice on the subject. He was inlormed that there. is no building code in effect in lown and that many other hous.s are built th. sam. as his. so he has d.­cided to go ahead with bi. original plan • .

Let us t.aeh our children. in the public . ehool. . a .imple. straightlorward. but definite code of morall. just as we now t.ach them mathetnatics or other subject s. Then they will be able to promote a bctter civilization.

Health Cold. wei feet-cold in head-vilit

doctor-take medicine. Medicine don't work unlal leel are

kept dry and _no. More Shoe Repairing md I .. s med­

Icine aves more than money.

CHARLES TURNER Shoel. Harneu. Trunk. and Leath.r

Goods Repaired 509 Ho_rd Street Riverton

Phone 282-w

Say It With Flowers" Fre.h-cut Flower. and Bouquet.

We .pecialiu in Funeral Emblem.

EDWIN PARKER PaIm7ra-R1ftrton PJOrbt

602 Parry Ave •• Palmyra. N. J. . Phone Rlv..rton 308-W

Open E".nlngs

----- - --- ----- -----

Our July Special

A well made SCREW DRIVER lor' g ..... ral houeehold work-4-lnch blade. A 1001 01 the well Imown Wincheater quality. While they I .. t

lOcO E on Second to middle of blO(k and retrace pressure from above forces the 11udKe

to Lindell . up through the pipes and into the di· JOHN H ETRIS Sand SI': on !.inden Avenue to Broad SUnL gestion tanks. Thi~ is done at • N.: ;.~ .. ~~o~~ ~:~~::o Thoma. Ave.ue and lar intervals. 17 West Broad Street SW on Ilrood to .:t .. . A.enue. NW .... F.I.. The dlg.stion tank i. long and nar- Pabnyra

to J/ourth row, enclosed at the top and has a NI': un Fuurth Sueet to Thom .. Annue rath.r .I •• ply, slanting lloor. It i. 11 ~:=:p=h~0~n=.::::R=lv~ert~0:n~8=1=-J::=~~l-

, NW on ThOlnaa Annue to fint hou.e and feet deep at lh~ upper end and 22 feel ~ ... u". 10 I'ourth . . d •• p at the lower. A wall divid •• the ,

SI-: on Thoma. Avenue to Broad Street tank into two compartment~, When ~~:~ ~r;;!c~~~e:! ::'ou';.!~'incott Avenue. . the fint compartment gets about hair SW on Jlourtb to middle 01 )Jlock and retrace full, which is expected to take a week, NW on I.iltplncott Avenue to Secoad Stnet. a. valve is opened and the sludg~ en­sw nn Second Strut 10 Thorn • • Annue and ters the lower compartment, whcre it

retratc remains another week, after which it NW 011 up(lilicott Aunue to lIint StrHt is alloweCl to Row onto the sludge NY. on Pin t Street to Penn Stred. drying bed. SE on Penn Street to Third Street. Durin" all this time spent in the SW on Third Street to end and retracc. clarification and digestion tanks, the ~ .. ~ lI~:1 l~:~r~trs.~~~ ~:u;~~toa Street. kludge has been decomposing and the NW on ltuhon SlreCI to 5«ond Street. various germs and poisonoul elements sw on Second Sireet to IInwanl Sireet, have neutralized one another, so that SP. on Howard SlrHt 10 Malo Street aDd reo when it cornel out into the open air

RIVERTON POST OFFICE . Arri"a1 and D.parture of Malia


Prom Philadelphia, South and W«.I-7 and B • • 01. , ,and 12.30 lind " .lO I.: m,

From F. •••• New York and PorehCII -9.30 • . m,. alld <4 p. nt.

l>\!PART 1'0r PhUadelphia. We.t and Sou.h-

pIr :ndp:I:t.'"Y.a:t~ ~:'" 'y~~~ :n~O ~~;:iKn­P:r a~lrPo::'~~'S a:.d~. JO p. m.

turn to P. O. on the drying bed it i. harml •••. . Ap,,, • • imately l , ·to mil .. , 291 lomill... The drying bed is simply a Rat b.d TROLLEY TIP TABLE ROUle No. 2. belinllinM al the POll Office aad of gravel and land built on the sur· .

luina then« : race of the ground. The sand is on ~~er: ..... ..;t.~ Lfo~.T~ se nh 1Iain Streel to lIiMhwa,. top/ then comes the gravel, which is t~,p.~. ::,-c:t., ':ID ~~l:ouP'"'''' ... to SJ~ conllnllin, to 1.i(lpincou'. office .ad ... underdrained by tile pipes,

true. A diversion tiox spread" the sludge 4:~orL -::,~~ ~ ":"m..s~':..~J CC.,,: SW on lIi l hway to Thorn .. A.cnue. evenly over the land. The remaining lloult, _ill II 00 Po" .... "oarl, aatl1 ~~v o:n T;;~I::. t~o r:::rt: :!~~:e,aad retrace. liquid seepi through and goes into 2.00 L... . . SW on Park Awenue 10 Borou.h liulill .nd the drain plpel, by which it is led to _~-:~~o:.. T~ .. -:1.19"~..:2

return to Linden AYCDue. tlhte sam~fim.!n conveying hwat~r from err.lI.rt, ulltl1 lut p ..... tta .. lloart, alltll NW on Linden Avcllue. '0 Mldw.,. t e clar. cation tank to t e raver. 11.39 ~ .. NY. on llid .. a, to Thoma.. The solids remain on the sand and Por .,........ aM Ia.........uate poIatt I SI'; 0 ... Thom .. to ~i.hth Street. dry and are cleaned oft' about once a 4.JP a. a.t S.J9 ,L", .. " L ....... r2r: ~rv o~~ tti1a~!h ,!O ':::!:.:'tres~ on Mldw.,. to montli. That completcs the disposal ~.i:!. &:..'1;' ~ .. =~. ::.

Thom .. Annu«, • prWb~I~ the plant il finished, the p.L ........ ',..2 ... t t ..... I" ..... ~ha!.':JI10li0ll .. 1I .. , _til 10.2. NW on Thom .. to Snmth Street. db' I . b d d ." '" ... NY. on Seven,h to l .. ipl,incott Avenue and re. groun a out at • to e gra e up to

t".cc to '(homa.. tbe top of tbe tankl and nicely tcr- Eftltae-lPor Tnatoo ad ....... 11 ... SW on Seventh Street to Y.lm Annue, NW raced and sodded. po ~~, a. .... 5.4' La., ' .4' L a, ..

au I!lnl Avenue to Broad Street. The whole plant hal been scientific- "Jr. rI7 •• to 41 Po A, ... IMMIrfF _to NH on Broad " 0 1.inden Avenue, SI! on Lin. ally conltrueted under the direction Il~!,p..r:-..... ............... ·poUte 081,.

den to Se.enth Str«t. 01 Mr. VOlbury. who h.s tak.n great :i1l.:;.,;,·.:.a t..':i' !.:.. ~= .... '= \~~ .oo~, ~;~~. t~o T:;:~"Strftt aad retrace pain. that every line be accurate and til 2.4' La. .. )'

to U.rrilOn Strret. that every bit of concrete be 'Properly Por ea.- ............... ~ NR all IhrrilOo Strect to Lippincott A.caue. compounded and re-inforced. ~:.: :.: t:..I, -::J1~~:... ~ NW on J,ippillCOU Avcnue to Bro.d St,..1 ;;;;;~;;:::;;;;;:;;:;;:;;~~:::;;;;;:;;;:;j~I'~::;;;~~~~~~~~~===

.nd rctrace, ~ SF. o. t.i,pineolt A.rnue to s.nntb SI .... L lPECIAL NOTICE NY. on Seventh S.reet 10 Ci .... ialOll Stfftt. "Would you tbrow .a, dia· Thl. time table I. SF. on Cinnaminton Street to F.I"'I. Slmt mond away becau •• it pricked DAYLIGHT lAVING TIME

NWo:: ~i~;:; Str .. t 10 AUe, i. ror ~~~?..?n!e'r.l~~':.1n:~0~~~ P. R. R. TIME TABLE

NF. o~i:A:I~m::-d NW oroool •• ,0U,ood to . ~=f~:.:lo: u~~i~l:::~·co.J: I. "tet 1 .... II. .. 22

sw ~~o~d,!ieS:~.t about SO fut to Pahoa. between UI, let UI get togeth-N'W on PUhOD to Fourtlt SIr"t. er face to face aDd have it SW 0 .. Pourth Street to 0 ........ 100 Street. out. Quick. before love NW on Cion.m.iDaoD SI'"t to Sec:Oad Stl"ftt growl cold. I"

and retrace. I -Robert Smith. S! on CIII ..... llllOn Str.t to Broad Street. NE 011 Broad Strftt .bout SO rHt aad ntne«. ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ SW on Broad SIrwt to raUroad ckpot. .:. SF. on Main SIreet td POit 0" to place of

b«.husin • . ApprolllUnakl, .. ' ·10 a" .... ; 210 ra.w....

Correctioo Township Chairman John M. Dav­

i • • wi . " •• to .Iat. that his rtalon for oppo. ing the parking ordinance on Broad and Cinnamin.on Ilr.ell men­tioned in laol w.ek'i I tory of the Town. hip Committ.e meeting was not becau •• 111 the It would cause the public. ~r. Davie • • ays he i. In lavor '01

havlnK the ordinance. providing it on­I)' applieo to bu.y day. like Satur­day and Sunday. He lIatel tbat la !,rguinK ~galnlt \he move at the­Ing he dul m.ntlon Ihat the proposal had been brought up Itveaal time. b)' the Chamber of COmm.rce. bat that he did not mean thai he "II oPpoltd lor tbat realOn. -----

H .... ,. _ Atwa;' ...... NII. 'he ....., bee .. nppoMd to bave

t1Q..s • role In the U" .. at aU lb. _1'8 ImportaDt BQptlaa. Oneil and aomua dhlJlltl... .lIIIoq IAtIJUI It • n. had a dl,,1JIl1)' of Ita 0 ... lb. locIcIHIr lIelloDla. lIedle".1 Chrl8llana _ to ban ben qllIte .. IDler to "",,, their appNdaitoo of the InHct. WhU. tbe boow-a, bad 10 be atlall..s with the JIIItroDaI. of Beebebab. and tbe ant "a. 1\" ... obenan a pUroII U 81. IIIIluriau. the II.-, bee • • JoJ'H tb" ~odal fuor of the VlfIID or woe eveo ... "de tb. wUldIia cIOmIaI.· the ... a"I·~rv"ut fit the Lord.

T ...... Valllllltl ............ TIl .... _ an ., IIteacIa. Ue lIIDt

10" .... lie that bal ...... lie lbat III ....u._t to __ Wbo 10 ... ... a.adMe ... t ... __ WbD bat .. ... ............ ...... Wbo Ie ......... ............... M1t....--.. .......

~J f' -"La

' .00 15.01 7.01 7.40 I .U

1G.21 11.1'

·it.:t t .• 2.20 ,," ..,2 U6 5.20 ,.U 15.00 15.12 7.11 9.10

10.45 lUI

t.ft' '.01 10.10

m 1m •

~~ ·n ,~ ~ .~a ~ .. <;e . ... 0 ;f.e <co: co:_ aiL ..... ..... L .. ' .13 U<I 1.40 ' .11 6.37 6.40 15.41 11.44 7.10 7.42 ~.Ol 7.06 1.01 '.07 .20 7.21 9.19 9.21 7.4t 7.44

to.16 10.19 1.10 LU tUO lUI 9.11 0."

to." to.l7

~~ ~ r:.;-7 .,. 2.01 ~ . IO 1.11 U4 2.07 2." 2.07 4.12 4.11 1.114 1.57 U7 5.00 ' .10 1.11 ' .21 5.26 15.J7 15.40 I .• ' LSt 7.M 7.17 6.07 15.10 9.19 9.22 1.21 1.21 II." 10.47 7.01 7.06 t2.20 t2.l1 · 7041 1.4C 9.40

IU: 'IH1 12 .•

Bu""y. .... \'Ii :m Lor Uf I&:: .It lUI to..,

~ 't.I; rm l'i."tl Ut .. ,. 2.,. I'H J. .. 1.01

t" f:ff til .. 21 u: It~1 ~ ~.1i IUS ,.,. oalr


]~ a;a.

<1.19 7.1l 7.Il 7.47 Ul 1.1, , . .,

11.00 ~~ 2.03 1.1, 4." <1.01 7.05 7.51 9 .• 5

11.11 t2.11

"i:l II

~ UI I5.5t 7.11 9.05 ItU

WewiU inapeet and regulate your gall appliance. without charge, upon requeat.

For Convenience Sake Hot Water

To keep thc children healthy and dean; fur the three-times­a-day di shwa~h;ng task; for wash day ; for cleaning. mop­ping allli scrubbing. Equip your home with a

Gas Water Heater ru type fur cvery home. 'at a reasonahle cost.

Yon can jlnrrhasl' a Rnud or Vulcan tank heater on the following remark­ably low terms.

*1 <111\\,11. $.3 a mOllth. "Iaill ja~kets :i'2R50. Enaml'llcd jackets $31.50. Larger sizes for larger hOII1l;5.

Public Service

.... __ ._-----.. :.. .. -.. Quality

A Guarantee of Quality is yours. if we rcpair your Furniturc. If at any timc you fecI that our work is not all that it should be. ,Ict us know and we will talk with you about. it .

Upholstering. Refinishing. Repairing Special Pieces made to your order

WILL K BOWEN S.cond lIoor 01 Robert. Building (entrance on Main St.) Riverton

Phone 201-w

13_~_' ~~ __ ..c.,," ~~~ . .

SEEDS PLANTS BULBS coll.ctlon of Hardy P.rennial •• RD .... Dahlia •• etc .•

Palm •• P.rns. and Decorative Plantl 01 all kinds conllantly at hand at our Riv.rton Nurs.ri... Order~ taken for Bulb •• Flow.r and Vegetable S •• ds. F.rtilizers. Ins.cllcide •• Gard.n Tools. elc .• which are suppli.d Irom our Philad.lphla eitablllh­m.nt: also. our C.lebrat.d Lawn Grass S •• ds. which may b. upon for quick and p.rman.nt re.ult •.


HENRY A. DREER. Riverton. N. J.

BEED STORE. 714-716 Oh~8tDut .St.. PhUadelphla

Annual Water Rates of the

Riverton and Palmyra Water Company

tt'he Welcome given this DeW car .how. that once more

AU perRons wlsblnll' to connect with t he public wRter supply. may do Rn by applylnll tor eontraet Rnd allng It with the Companl at lbe olllc8. 622 ~fftln atreet.

w. e. DURANT latew what the public Maled.

MCDIlL A ... TOUaJNG. "'" f. .... ,.,..,_




J. VETTER Cut Plow.,. and Plana

. of AU Kinda w. haft a fIt11 u... of



JJ:ut R1ftrtoo PboM Uz"J4 8-6-tf

Our . ucc... depends on how weU "'. ca. txprua oursehr .. In I.rm. '01 work.- N&IC4! RaYI.

RATES ,,·In .• Includlns 10.000 lal .• a. per quarter % ·In.. Includlnl 12.000 181 ..

.. per quarter EXCESS

First 26.000 Sal.. SOC per 1000 pl. Second 26.000 cal.. ~6c per 1000 pl. AU over 150.000 gal.. ZOC per 1000 sal.

SIIII rendereel quarterl, and due when rendered.

For eonnnlenee or patronl. bill. may be paid at Clnnamluon NalloDaI Banlt.

W. aim to gl •• flood .enlee. ADy eomplalnla will reeelYe prompt anl\ courteoua uttebllon If addre .. ed .to

Olll~e 0' the Compan". 522 Main It ... t.

Rlv.rton. N. J. Phonc-'Uverton 147

OIlIeo Hour.: •. 10 to • . 10 dallJ'. Clo .. Wf.'4nNday U .IO.


MoorcatowD. N. J . Bell Pbone 343 Prlvat.


---------------""-Iamp1e Boob of tile ... Ipri8& Papen .... now ...."

for JOIIl' la.pecdoD

Curtain Materiala at --we price.

IIRS. B. S. BAUGH fa "'-'- 3D 78UW

g W. Broed Street PaIm,n



Coal Feed of AU Kinda Lumber Truck Boketa Millwork Lime and P1aater Material. Hardware Lime for the Ground Gla .. and 011 Cement. Sand, Stone, CindeR Wire Fencing and NettinlTerra Cotta Pipe Hay and Straw Flue Lining.



J. S • . COLLI~S &. SON, Inc. PAUL C. BURR, MIl'., Phon. 105

Phone 5 and II Rlverton

Bathing Goods MEN'S AND BOYS'


CHILDREN'S WOOL JERSEY BATHING SUITS are mOil attraetive md dlll1lble

MEN'S WOOL BATHING 'SHIRTS In white and navy





MRS. ALFRED ' SMITH Main Street Riverton,. N. J.

"Wc'lI put Ihe gCI-uJI-and. gei. back into ),our hattery" says Sliced O·Oay.

W E will sell you a new battery il you n.ed one or r.charge

I!I!I •• ~_ . your old on.. Make this your battery headquart ....

O •••••• O •••• OO •• D.OO •• OO.GG.oOQGaO •• D ••••••••••• O •• O~

I . I~ P"ultry Netting

Wire Rope Wire Strand

Fence Wire Telephone Wire

Vegetable Stakes

Flower Stakes

Wire · Cloth for Window Screen.

Electrical Wire. for ,..ou.e Wlrlnlt


Wire :Your Home on Easy Payments




Theo. d. d.' Haaa Phone Rivenide 32-R RIVERSIDE, N. J.