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Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 174214119













Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 174214119















I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been

previously submitted for the award for any other degree at any university, and

that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material

previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the

text of the undergraduate thesis.

June 28, 2021

Ignatia Purnaning Putri





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

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Dengan demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal 28 Juni 2021

Yang menyatakan

Ignatia Purnaning Putri

Nama : Ignatia Purnaning Putri

Nomor Mahasiswa : 174214119




You cannot be an important and life-changing presence for some

people without also being a joke and an embarrassment to others.

Mark Manson




I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His

abundant blessings and grace. I am very grateful that I finally finished this


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor, Dra.

Theresia Enny Anggraini, Ph. D. for her guidance and encouragement throughout

my last year in Sanata Dharma University. I would also like to thank my thesis

reader, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M.Hum. for the suggestions and corrections in

finishing this research. I would also give my gratitude to all the lecturers and

staffs of Sanata Dharma for giving me a chance to study.

My gratitude also goes to my family, especially Father Medardus Sapta

Margana, Pr, and Father Bernardus Agus Rukiyanto, SJ, they are always giving

me their moral and material support to finish my study. I would like to thank my

boyfriend, Daramjwi, for always supporting me. I am really grateful. I also want

to be thankful for my closest friends: Alfiana, Fuad, Astika, Eka, Soffi, Bayu,

Dita, Cecilia, Anton, Dyah, Fahri, Coki, Aditya, Chandra, Swoon, and Edho.

Thank you for showing support and stay in contact when I have problems.

Ignatia Purnaning Putri




TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................. iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ........................................................................................ iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .................................................................... v


UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS .......................................................... vi

MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xi

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................... 5

D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................... 6

A. Review of Related Studies .............................................................................. 6

B. Review of Related Theories ............................................................................ 9

1. Theories of Character and Characterization ................................................ 9

2. Theory of Conflict ..................................................................................... 12

3. Theories of Message .................................................................................. 13

C. Theoretical Framework ................................................................................. 15

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................. 16

A. Object of the Study .................................................................................... 16

B. Approach of the study ............................................................................... 17

C. Method of the Study .................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 20

A. The Characteristics of Isabella Swan ........................................................ 20

B. The Conflicts Faced by Isabella Swan ...................................................... 29

1. Internal Conflicts ....................................................................................... 29



2. External Conflict ....................................................................................... 35

C. The Messages Revealed through Isabella Swan’s Characteristics and

Conflicts ............................................................................................................ 37

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 44

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 46




PUTRI, IGNATIA PURNANING. (2021). The Messages Revealed through

Isabella Swan’s Characteristics and Conflicts in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata


This study discusses the characteristics and conflicts of a major character

in a novel. The object of the study is Twilight novel, focusing on the major

character: Isabella Swan. Thus, this study aims to reveal the messages through

Isabella Swan’s characteristics and conflicts.

There are three objectives in this study. The first one is to find out the

characteristics of Isabella Swan. The second is to find out what kind of conflicts

that Isabella Swan faces in the novel. The third is to reveal the messages through

the characteristics and conflicts of Isabella Swan.

In this study, the researcher used library research. New Criticism approach

is used in analyzing this novel. The primary source of this research is a novel

entitled Twilight. The secondary sources are journals, books, and articles. The

theories used are theory of character and characterization by Murphy, theory of

conflict by Holman and Harmon, and theories of message from Beaty and Hunter,

Spectrum, and Henry Hudson.

The result of this research shows that the characteristics of Bella are

curious, brave, altruistic, clumsy, and deceptive. Those characteristics shows her

tendency to deal with the conflicts in her life. Bella’s conflicts are divided into

two, internal conflicts and external conflict. The internal conflicts are between

Bella’s love versus safety and Bella’s willingness versus resoluteness. The

external conflict is between Bella and James. The messages revealed through

Bella’s characteristics and conflicts are we have to sacrifice ourselves for the sake

of others goodness and we have to dare to take a decision and the consequences of

that decision.

Keywords: characteristics, conflicts, messages




PUTRI, IGNATIA PURNANING. (2021). The Messages Revealed through

Isabella Swan’s Characteristics and Conflicts in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata


Penelitian ini mendiskusikan karakteristik dan konflik dari seorang tokoh

utama dalam sebuah novel. Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul

Twilight, dan berfokus pada tokoh utamanya, yakni Isabella Swan. Maka,

penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pesan-pesan melalui karakteristik

Bella dan konflik yang ia hadapi.

Terdapat tiga tujuan dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, untuk mengetahui

penokohan karakter Bella. Kedua, untuk mengetahui konflik apa saja yang

dihadapi Bella dalam novel. Ketiga, untuk mengungkap pesan-pesan melalui

karakteristik Bella dan konflik yang ia hadapi.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi pustaka. Kritik sastra baru digunakan

sebagai metode pendekatan dalam menganalisis novel ini. Sumber utama dalam

penelitian ini adalah novel berjudul Twilight. Sumber sekunder meliputi jurnal,

buku, dan artikel. Teori-teori yang digunakan adalah teori karakter dan penokohan

oleh Murphy, teori konflik oleh Holman dan Harmon, dan teori pesan dari Beaty

dan Hunter, Spectrum, dan Henry Hudson.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Bella memiliki karaketristik

yang ingin tahu, pengendalian diri, pemberani, altruistik, ceroboh, dan

pembohong. Konflik yang dihadapi Bella dibagi menjadi dua, internal konflik

dan eksternal konflik. Karakteristik tersebut menunjukkan kecenderungannya

dalam menghadapi konflik dalam hidupnya. Konflik yang dihadapi Bella dibagi

menjadi dua jenis, yaitu konflik internal dan eksternal. Konflik internal terjadi

antara cinta dan keselamatan Bella dan kerelaan versus keteguhan Bella. Eksternal

konflik terjadi antara Bella dan James. Pesan-pesan yang terungkap melalui

karakteristik dan konflik Bella adalah kita harus siap untuk mengorbankan diri

demi kebaikan dan berani dalam mengambil keputusan beserta konsekuensinya.

Kata kunci: characteristics, conflicts, messages





A. Background of the Study

Leisure time is an essential part of human life. It is a period of time spent

before or after daily activities such as eating, sleeping, going to work, and doing

housework (Neulinger, 1981). Nowadays many people are working from home,

but they rarely have leisure time to rest. There are plenty of things to spend leisure

time that can help someone not to feel bored, for example reading a novel.

According to Sumardjo (1998), novel is a story with the prose form in long

shape; this long shape means the story including a complex plot, many characters,

and various setting (p. 29). Novel deals imaginatively with narrating individual

experiences of characters, creating a closer, more complex portrait of these

characters and the world they live in.

There are innumerable benefits by reading a novel, some of the benefits

are: provision of pleasure, improves theory of mind, provoking of thought, and

entertainment (Moawad, 2019, para. 2-3). It can give a kind of lesson of life by

understanding and learning the content of novel. Reading is a beneficial exercise

for human brain and mind; it enables reader to be more insightful (Lambrini,

2018). Novel can enrich their knowledge and inspire them to endure their life in a

better way. It develops the ability to make wiser decisions and solve problems.



The writer believes that the messages can give knowledge for the readers,

which can be used by them as an inspiration in their life. Twilight is one of the

novels which show the reader some messages. Twilight shows the messages of the

novel from Isabella Swan’s characteristic and conflict.

Twilight has vampire characters but they are not horror stories. The

researcher selected the novel because Twilight presents new vampire

characteristics that have not found in the previous vampire stories. Twilight shifts

from vampires who inability to control the body to bodies that inhumanly

beautiful and its imperviousness to time, age, weather, and attack (Wilson, 2014,

p. 35). The old vampires are burn under the sun, while in modern vampire,

Twilight, vampire glows beautifully in the sunlight. Stephenie Meyer also makes

the vampire more sympathetic than its eighteenth and nineteenth century depiction

(Buckley, 2016). Victorian society believed vampires creating a threat, while

Twilight indicates the vampire’s desire to embrace and interact with human. The

old vampires have to sleep in coffins or live in Gothic castles. The vampires in

Twilight do not sleep at all; it gives them time to be highly educated and skilled in

various fields. Meyer takes the vampires depiction to a different level, she makes

them romantic and compassionate. The main focus on the relationship between a

vampire and a mortal is to stress that this type of love is forbidden.

Twilight focuses on the development of a personal relationship between a

human teenager Bella Swan and a vampire Edward Cullen. It includes the

subsequent efforts of the Cullen to keep Isabella Swan and her family safe from

villainous vampires. Bella is the daughter of Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer. The



Cullen consists of Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Emmett, Edward, Rosalie, and Jasper

Hale. The Cullen family are different from the other coven. They are a coven of

vegetarian vampires while the natural food of vampires is human blood. They are

known to be very loyal to each other and put more value on human life than most

other vampires. One of the reasons Bella expresses a desire to keep in love with

Edward is because of his perfect face. Despite of his gorgeous face, he has true

nature as a vampire; he possesses potential for evil. Her desires continuously drive

her to pursue him, despite the danger involved. The fact that Edward exhibits

constant rejection of the evil of his vampire nature, it makes Bella’s feeling

stronger than before. The passionate relationship between Bella and Edward is

forbidden, it can be dangerous for it is in the vampire’s nature to drink human

blood. At the same time, James’s coven decides to kill Bella after catching her

scent and seeing the Cullen’s protection over her. It is a coven of three nomadic

vampires, James, Victoria, and Laurent. In that complicated situation, Meyer

inputs some messages of the novel through Isabella Swan’s decisions to faces

those conflicts. Therefore, Twilight is a great example of the novel that carries

several messages.

Moreover, Twilight book was selected among other books because as

noted from USA Today Best Selling Books it was the most popular vampire-

themed novel. Twilight has reached worldwide popularity. Meyer has proved that

romance between supernatural creatures and humans, conservative manners, and

traditional roles are a winning concept in a modern vampire story. Besides that,

Twilight also contains several great messages for the readers.



The elements of a literary work can be the object of the study by doing

close reading of the text itself or correlating with any other extrinsic elements

such as the biography of the author or the socio-historical background. In this

study, the writer makes literary analysis that focuses only on the intrinsic elements

of the novel itself. Thus, New Criticism approach is suitable in this study since it

emphasizes on close reading.

The main character of the novel, Isabella Swan faced several conflicts

within her life both internal and external. The internal conflict occurred when

Bella falling in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen. Thus, her desired to

protect both of her family and her relationship with Edward. Meanwhile, the

external conflict occurred when Bella has to face a coven of vampire caused she

and her family in danger.

Twilight is the first novel of Twilight Saga by American author, Stephenie

Meyer. The Twilight Saga consists of 5 novels; there are Twilight, New Moon,

Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and Midnight Sun. The Twilight Saga novel series have

been adapted into The Twilight Saga series of motion pictures by Summit


This paper aims to identify the messages through Isabella Swan’s

characteristics and conflicts delivered by Stephenie Meyer in Twilight. There are

several messages that the readers can learn from it. Therefore, it is important to

discover what the author is trying to tell the readers through the messages.



B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulation can be formulated as follows:

1. What are the characteristics of Isabella Swan described in Twilight?

2. What are the conflicts faced by Isabella Swan?

3. What are the messages revealed through Isabella Swan’s characteristics and

conflicts in the novel?

C. Objectives of the Study

There are three objectives in this study, since the problem formulation is

divided into three. The first objective is to find out the characteristics of Isabella

Swan as depicted in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. The characteristics of Isabella

Swan will show her tendency to deal with conflict. The second objective is to

investigate what kind of conflicts that Isabella Swan faces in Twilight. It includes

the internal and external conflict. The third objective is to discover the messages

revealed through the characteristics and conflicts faced by Isabella Swan.

D. Definition of Terms

Character is the imaginary people that the writers create. The authors

make the people in the story based on their fantasy (Diyanni, 2001 p. 54).

Conflict refers to two or more opposing forces in the plot. It gives tension

between the protagonist against four kinds of conflicts (Holman & Harmon, 1986,

p. 107).

Message is defined as the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can

be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (Beaty & Hunter 1994, p.






In this chapter, there are three parts that are presented. The first is review

of related studies. The first part contains the review of previous studies which

becomes the references of this research. The second is review of related theories.

This part contains theories used in this study. The source of related studies and

theories are taken from books or journals that useful to conduct this research. The

third is theoretical framework that explains the contribution of those theories and

reviews in solving the problem.

A. Review of Related Studies

The researcher considers that these related studies are useful as references

in order to conduct this research more reliable. This consideration makes the

researcher gather several theses which are related to this study. The related studies

are presented one by one.

The first related study is an undergraduate thesis conducted by Ikhsan

Jamaludin (2018) entitled “The Messages Revealed through Adrienne’s Conflicts

in Nicholas Spark’s Nights in Rodanthe”. The thesis focused on messages that are

shown throughout the characteristics and conflicts faced by Adrienne as the main

character. New Criticism approach employed as the main approach and combined

by the theory of character and characterization, theory of conflict, and theory of

messages. Jamaludin concludes that Adrienne’s characteristics are charming,

affectionate, dedicated hard worker, tough, and wise. There are some conflicts



faced by Adrienne either internal or external conflicts. Jamaludin gains the

message through the way the main character deals with the problems in her life

and her resilience to survive. It can be seen through the dialogue and narration of

the novel. The message is about the power of love; letting go is the only way to

heal, struggling for the beloved ones, and love has the powerful energy the wound


Similar to related studies mentioned above, this research uses New

Criticism approach and the topic about revealing messages in novel. What differs

betwwen his study and this study is the object of the study. The object of this

study focuses on Stephenie Meyer’s novel whereas Jamaludin’s thesis focuses on

Nicholas Spark’s novel.

The second related study is an undergraduate thesis entitled “Revealing

Messages through Erin Gruwell’s Characteristics and Conflicts as a Teacher as

Seen in Freedom Writers Movie Script”, by Evi Shinta Nastiti (2016). The thesis

focuses on investigating conflicts faced by Gruwell contributing to the message.

Before that, Nastiti analyzes the behavior of the character using theory of

character and characterization in order to understand the characteristics of Erin.

Nastiti also employs theory of teacher to measure criteria of a good teacher. Then,

she reveals the conflicts of Erin in keeping her professionalism and competences

as a teacher. The conclusion of this thesis is Gruwell as an enthusiastic and

optimistic teacher still faced several conflicts both internal and external. The

dominant message is professional teacher should teach about humanity.



Like Nastiti’s study, this research also presents about characterization,

conflicts, and messages. What makes this research different from Nastiti’s study is

the approach. The approach applied in her study is Psychological approach while

in this research the main approach used is New Criticism approach. In Nastiti’s

study, the object of the study is Freedom Writers movie script while in this

research the object of the study is Stephenie Meyer’s novel.

The third related study is written by Chintia Arlita (2015) entitled “The

Messages Revealed through the Way the Main Characters Solve the Conflicts in

Anne Schraff’s Lost and Found”. The purpose of the study is to reveal the moral

message through the way of the main characters attempts to solve the conflicts.

Arlita employs the theory of character and characterization to understand deeply

the characterizations of the main character. Meanwhile, she collects the conflicts

based on the story then reveals the moral messages based on the way the main

characters solve the conflicts. In the end of study, Arlita concludes that the main

character got many problems such as problems in school, family, and their love

life. The main characters can solve those problems. The message from overall

conflicts is we should be grateful for everything which happens in our life because

it gives us a lesson to our life and we can be a better person.

The similarity between the related study and this research is employed

New Criticism as the main approach. What is found different from the related

study and this research is the object of the study. In Arlita’s thesis, the object of

the study is Anne Schraff’s Lost and Found while the researcher of this study

takes Stephenie Meyer’s novel to be the object of the study.



B. Review of Related Theories

The following reviews the theories applied in this research. Each research

is elaborated and discussed in order to synthesize the theories beneficial for this

study. There are three major theories applied, which are theories of character and

characterization, theory of conflict, and theory of message.

1. Theories of Character and Characterization

A character according to Robert Diyanni is the imaginary people that the

writers create. The authors make the people in the story based on their fantasy

(2001, p. 54 ). It can be concluded that a character is any person, identity, or entity

that exists in literary work. Moreover, a character can be human, supernatural,

mythical, divine, animal, or personification of an abstraction. Any entity that

builds and involves in the novel or other fictional works can be classified as a

character, due to its contribution and existence in the configuration of the story. A

character can be known through the way the author portrays in literary works.

Henkle stated there are two categories of character, those are major and

minor character (1977, pp. 86-88). A major character is the center of the story, it

mostly appears from the beginning to the end of the story. It can be identified

through the complexity of their characterization. The events of the story always

involve him or her whether directly or indirectly. A minor character is a character

that supports the development of the major character. It is usually interacting or

affecting the major character.



In literary works, characters need to be portrayed by the author. The

process when an author creates a character is called characterization (Rohrberger

& Woods, 1971, p. 20). Hence, it can be said that characterization provides

information about the character that participated in the literary work given by the


Each character in the story has different characteristics to distinguish them

from other character. Theory of characterization is useful to discover the

characteristics of Isabella Swan; it includes the physical appearance and

personality traits. In this case, an elaboration of characterization found in

Understanding Unseens by Murtagh John Murphy (1972, pp. 161-173) is helpful.

Murphy offers nine criteria in analyzing the characterization of a particular

character, namely:

a. Personal description

The author can portray a character’s appearance and clothes. In describing

his character, the author uses some adjectives to tell the readers the details of the

character’s appearance, such as his face, skin, and eyes. It is important because

each character has an individual aspect so that the reader can have a better


b. Character as seen by another

The author describes a character’s personality by letting the other

characters in the story tell what they see from the characters they encounter. So

the readers will gain some clues through the judgment of the other characters.



c. Speech

The reader will gain some clues to a person’s character through the

character’s own words. When he gives his opinion in conversation with another or

self-talking, he is reflecting his personality. From his speech, we know his attitude

toward other characters and life.

d. Past life

The reader learns some events or experiences about the character’s past

life that has some close connection to his present life. The author gives a clue

about the character’s past experiences or moments that have influenced and

formed the character’s personality. This can be done through some straight

comment from the author himself through his conversation with the other

characters or through the means of another character.

e. Conversations of others

The author gives the readers hints to a character’s personality from the

other character’s conversation about the other character. It focuses on how the

other characters talk about one specific character.

f. Reactions

The author describes the character’s personality through his reaction to a

certain moment. The readers may know the quality of the character’s personality

when the character dealing with the moments.

g. Direct comment

The readers know the character’s personality through the author’s direct

opinion and comment about the character.



h. Thought

The author lets the readers know the character’s personality by stating

directly what is in the character’s mind.

i. Mannerism

The author describes the character’s habit and behavior either the positive

or the negatives ones. From his habit and behavior, the readers can know the

reflection of his personality.

This research endeavors to use these nine categories optimally to analyze

Isabella Swan, when the textual evidence prove it possible to do so. Murphy’s

categories of characterization are chosen because they are comprehensive and can

cover a large area to understand Isabella Swan’s character.

2. Theory of Conflict

According to Holman and Harmon (1996) conflict is the struggle that

grows out of the interplay of the two opposing focus in the plot (p. 98). Holman

and Harmon stated that conflicts can happen in many situations like:

a. A struggle against nature

It happens when a character struggles against dangerous condition of

nature. For example, a character should survive when faces natural disaster or

extreme weather.

b. A struggle against another person

It is conflict between characters against another character. This kind of

conflict happens when two people or more have different ways of thinking that

lead to a conflict.



c. A struggle against society

This type of conflict happens when a character faces a society. There are

some specific issues which can lead to a conflict against society, for instance,

rebellions against social rules, or protests against government.

d. A struggle for mastery by two elements within the person

This type of conflict is called internal conflict. It means a struggle within

the character himself. It happens when a character has more than one choice in his

life. The character finds difficulties to decide which is the best for him.

This theory is employed to shed light what kind of conflicts faced by

Bella. In literature, the portrayal of conflict does not only show the struggle of

protagonist against someone or something, but also shows some motivations and

aim that wants to achieved (Holman and Harmon, 1986, p.108). Basically, the

writer has to understand Bella’s instincts and desires. The writer has to identify

potential causes of Bella is prevented from getting her desire. It can be what or

who is coming between the protagonist and her goal. When the goal is to have a

relationship with Edward, while another coven of vampires gets in their way, then

that is a conflict. After that, the writer classifies the sentences or paragraphs which

described the protagonist’s conflicts.

3. Theories of Message

Beaty and Hunters stated that a message is defined as the real meaning or

some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of

art (1994, p. 899). It means that an author wants to give something that can cover

the whole idea inside a work of art which can be summarized Or found through



a work of art. The meaning of message is often confused with theme. It is better

to have an understanding about the difference between message and theme, in

order to avoid misconception.

The difference between message and theme is that message seeks to

inform or convince, theme seeks to have you comprehend and emphatize,

so that the idea are more broadly accessible (Beaty & Hunter, 1989,


From the quotation above, message is a lesson that tends to encourage the

readers, it can be repeated words, images, thoughts, feelings, or other story

elements. Beaty and Hunter stated that, the model of literary communication they

imply is the author sees a great truth, which he teaches you by example; there are

such things as fables, parables, and allegories (1989, p.899). The example of

message can be in a form of valuable word, advice, God’s commandment as

guidance to give advice, and the like. Thus, the author’s belief, wish, combined

with the reader’s interpretation can be one of the ways to reveal the message in

literary work.

According to Spectrum (2015, p.4) message is often in a form of a life

lesson. It means the readers can use the lesson as a reference in real life to solve

the problem they have wisely. After reading the book, the readers can get some

inspiration in order to take the lesson from the book and learn from it. Henry

Hudson states that, good messages do not tend to follow general pattern or norm,

but it creates new pattern based on human values (1958, p.23). Based on that

theory, a good message gives a different perspective to people based on human




C. Theoretical Framework

In order to answer the first problem formulation, some theories about

related problem formulation are needed. The first one which is the theory of

character and characterization is used to inspect Isabella Swan’s characteristics

portrayed in Stephenie Meyer’s novel Twilight. The theory of character is used in

this study to conduct an analysis of Isabella Swan as the protagonist in Twilight.

Theory of conflict is applied to answer the second problem formulation. It

helps the researcher understand what conflicts are faced by Isabella Swan and

how she overcomes those conflicts. It could be both internal conflicts and external


Theory of message is needed to reveal the message through Isabella

Swan’s characteristics and conflicts. This is depicted from the way Bella faces the

conflicts in Twilight.





This chapter reveals three parts. The first is object of the study which

explains the general idea about the object that is researched. The second is the

approach of the study which discusses about the approach that is used to conduct

the study. The third is the method of the study which contains elaboration about

the method of the study which includes data collection and data analysis.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel entitled Twilight. Twilight is written by

American novelist, Stephenie Meyer. It was released on October 5, 2005. The

novel has 24 chapter, an epilogue, and 498 pages. Twilight is a novel series that

incorporates a love story between human being and vampire. It also mirrors their

social life, since they have faced uphill struggles during their relationship.

Twilight has translated into 37 different languages. The Twilight Saga consists of

5 novels: Twilight (2005), New moon (2006), Eclipse (2007), Breaking Dawn

(2008), and Midnight Sun (2020). Those have won multiple awards, such as

British Book Award for “Children’s Book of the Year” and 2009 Kids’ Choice

Award for “Favorite Book”.

The Twilight Saga Series have been adapted into 4 films. The first film,

Twilight, was released on November, 21 2008 from Summit Entertainment.

Twilight Saga films are winning MTV Movie Awards for “Best Movie” in four

consecutive years (2009-2012).



Meyer begins the story when a teenager named Isabella Swan moves from

Phoenix to Forks to live with her father since her mother remarries. Bella get used

to cooking, washing clothes, shopping, and driving a car without help from her

father, since she is an independent teenager.

In Forks High School, Bella is hypnotized by Edward Cullen’s face who

actually a vampire. Bella is curious about Edward and his vampire family. Instead

of feels afraid after understands Edward’s true identity, Bella still maintains her

curiosity that changes into love. Bella and Edward become closer, but they have to

confront a coven vampire who liking to Bella’s blood. Bella hides in Phoenix,

where the sadistic vampire named James lures her to confront him alone. He

almost kills her, but the Cullen saves her, and they returned to Forks.

B. Approach of the study

In this study, the writer makes a literary analysis towards Stephenie

Meyer’s novel entitled Twilight using New Criticism approach. New Criticism

developed in the early twentieth century in America by John Crowe Ransom. New

Criticism approach is applied in this study since this study tries to find messages.

Its concern is not with context-historical, biographical, intellectual, but its concern

is exclusively with the ‘text in itself’, with its language and organization (Selden

et al, 2016, p.19). By applying New Criticism, it means the researcher should

evaluate literary work based on the text itself. New criticism approach considering

critics that have orientation to analyze literary work outside the text is irrelevant.

It is not necessary to connect the literary work with the other aspects, for instance

the background of the author because it would ruin the purity of the text.



Therefore, the writer discovers the message in the novel through close reading, it

requires taking the text apart and looking at its intrinsic elements, such as

characterization and conflicts. When the meaning is found in the text, it is

necessary to read really carefully to understand the true meaning of the text.

C. Method of the Study

The method that the researcher uses to analyze the novel is library research

method. The primary data used in this study is Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight. The

secondary data are Stephenie Meyer’s official website, the books of theories, and

journals. The books and journals are related to the theory of character and

characterization, theory of conflict, theory of message, and New Criticism

approach. Those books are Understanding Unseen by Murtagh John Murphy, A

Handbook to Literature by Holman and Harmon, and New Worlds of Literature

Writings from America's many Cultures by Jerome Beaty and Paul Hunter.

The data research is collected using following steps. The first step the

researcher read the novel by Stephenie Meyer several times to gain understanding

about the novel and to find the main data that related with this study. The purpose

in analyzing the data was to identified the characteristics of Isabella Swan found

in the novel. This section was done in order to see its influence to solve the

problem that she faced. It was using theory of character and characterization by

M. J. Murphy. The second step was identifying and selecting both internal

conflicts and external conflict faced by Isabella Swan. It was using theory of

conflict by Holman and Harmon. The third step was revealing the messages as

reflected from Bella’s characteristics and conflicts. It included her thoughts, the



way she was dealing with the problems in her life, and her relationship with her

lover and family. It was using the theory of messages by Beaty and Hunter,

Spectrum, and Henry Hudson. In order to find some messages, the researcher was

looking at Bella’s characteristics because it is shown her tendency to deal with the

conflicts. Lastly, the researcher drew the conclusion from the analysis.





A. The Characteristics of Isabella Swan

All the characteristics of Isabella Swan analyzes further in the following

sections. It includes the physical appearance and personality traits of Isabella

Swan. According to Murphy, there are nine ways that the author uses to make his

or her character understandable (1972, pp. 161-173). These ways are used to

understand Bella’s characteristics as the main character in Twilight. In the novel

Twilight, the researcher finds that Bella’s characteristics described by character as

seen by another, speech, conversations of others, reactions, direct comment,

thought and mannerism. Based on Henkle theory, the researcher finds that Bella is

categorized as the major character in Twilight. It can be identified through the

complexity of her characterization. Moreover, the events of the story always

involve her whether directly or indirectly.

1. Physical Appearance

Murphy stated in his theory, speech can be used to identify the

characteristics of a character. The author gives the audience a hint of a character’s

characterization through the character’s own words. Bella is an albino and has

very fair-skinned. This is apparent in Bella’s speech when the first time Bella

meets with the Cullen. She said, “Every one of them was chalky pale, the palest of

all the students living in this sunless town. Paler than me, the albino” (Meyer,

2005, p. 18). It appears through her conversation with Jessica. A seventeen-year-



old girl named Isabella Swan who described in the novel as a charming girl, a

heart shaped face, with brown hair and eyes. Bella’s good-looking has been

questioned in Meyer’s official website; she admitted that it was “modeled by her

life experience” that “beauty is subjective”. Meyer also emphasizes that Bella’s

looks are open to interpretation (Meyer, 2020).

The characteristic of Bella can be analyzed from her speech and what other

people around her think about her. It is related to Murphy’s theory, character as

seen by another. The scent of Bella’s O negative blood is incredibly appealing to

vampires. Bella’s blood is sensuously rich scent, and this is what draws Edward to

her in the first place. Edward and James said Bella’s blood smells like floral. It

also makes other vampires target her. The situation is getting more complex,

which generates most of the tension in the books as Edward attempts to choose

between dating with her and accidentally tearing her face off. Moreover, her extra

fragrance in the blood is something that she has no control over.

The first person who notices Edward’s worried by Bella’s presence is

Mike Newton. Mike is one of Bella’s friends in Forks High School. Mike says

“He looks at you like you’re something to eat” (Meyer, 2005, p. 221). Mike

Newton does not like Bella have relationship with Edward; since Mike notices

that the way Edward looks at Bella like a prey. That is the third times Mike

notices how awkward Edward looks at Bella.

Edward admitted about his addiction towards Bella’s scent, he compares

her scent to a drug. At first, Edward mentions alcohol but decides the reference is

not powerful enough as an illustration. When Edward tells her about his attraction



to her blood, Bella offers the analogy that she is like his brand of heroin. She said

“What you’re saying is, I’m your brand of heroin?” Edward replies “Yes you are

exactly my brand of heroin” (Meyer, 2005, p. 267). Her scent very intoxicated


2. Personality Traits

a. Curious

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, curious is someone

who has strong desire about something, it can be said as eager to knowledge

(, acquired on October 13, 2020). The

curiosity is a common nature for human when they are put in undefined condition.

Bella’s curious personality in the novel Twilight shows from her speech and

reaction. Bella wants to understand Edward’s true identity. Bella becomes curious

toward Edward and his vampire family.

“You owe me an explanation,” I reminded him.

“I saved your life – I don’t owe you anything”

I flinched back from the resentment in his voice. “You promised.”

“Bella you hit your head, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

My temper flared now, and I glared defiantly at him.

“There’s nothing wrong with my head.”

He glared back. “What do you want from me, Bella?”

“I want to know the truth,” I said (Meyer, 2005, p. 64).

The paragraph above is a high temper conversation, due to Bella’s

curiosity to know in what way Edward saved her life. When Tyler Crowley's car

almost hits Bella, Edward knocks her out of the way and shields her from the

collision. Bella realizes that it is physically impossible for a human being to cross

the distance to her in time. Moreover, Edward is four cars away from her a split-

second before the truck crushed her. Edward holds back a pick-up truck by his fist



without suffering any injury. Because of the collision, Bella has a big hint about

Edward’s identity. She also wonders the reason why Edward helped her in the

midst of the crowd.

Bella displays great curiosity on pages 121-123, when Jacob’s friend

named Sam said that the Cullen are not come to La Push beach. Jacob and Sam

are Quileute members. They have the power to transform into werewolves. Sam’s

tone intrigued her because it seemed like the Cullen were not allowed in La Push

beach. She asked Jacob to walk down the beach to gather information about what

does Sam mean over the brief comment on the Cullen. Jacob explains about the

Quileute tribe's legends regarding vampires. He tells her what he knows about the

cold ones and how the story relates to the Cullen family. He does not actually tell

her what Edward is. In turn, she is forced to do her own digging to get the answer

she wanted. Curiosity begins with keen observation. Bella begins to search on the

internet and also look for a book about vampire.

Edward chooses to explain the details of his life and identity due to Bella’s

strong curiosity. He shares his private information, such as he belongs to what

kind of vampire, what kind of family he lives with, what kind of food he prefers to

as a substitute of hunting human. Instead of assumes about the vampire world

without possessing sufficient evidence, Bella’s curiosity leads her to ask Edward

many questions.

“Tell me why you hunt animals instead of people,” I suggested, my voice

still tinged with desperation. I realized my eyes were wet, and I fought

against the grief that was trying to overpower me.

“I don’t want to be a monster.” His voice was very low (Meyer, 2005, p.




“I’m curious,” I said as I picked up an apple, “what would you do if

someone dared you to eat food?”

“You are always curious.” He grimaced, shaking his head (Meyer, 2005, p.


Bella is curious about how a human can transform into a vampire. Bella

asks Alice about it, but Edward prohibits Alice for telling the truth. Bella still

bombards Alice to explain about the transformations.

"Would you tell me the truth, though?"

"Yes. I will always tell you the truth." Her voice was earnest.

I deliberated for a moment, and decided she meant it.

"Tell me then… how do you become a vampire?"

My question caught her off guard. She was quiet. I rolled over to look at

her, and her expression seemed ambivalent (Meyer, 2005, pp. 412-413).

Alice’s answer to Bella’s question then became the beginning of the

decision that Bella made to live with Edward forever. Since she already knows the

theory to become a vampire. Using the same theory, she believes it will be a

successful way.

b. Brave

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, brave is someone

that wants to do things dangerous or painful (,

acquired on October 13, 2020). The writer sees the notion that Bella has brave

personality when Bella still maintains her love for Edward. After she realizes a

person she loved is too dangerous. It shows in her thought.

About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was vampire.

Second, there was part of him –and I didn’t know how potent that part

might be – that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and

irrevocably in love with him (Meyer, 2008, p. 195).



Even when Bella already knows her blood smells very good for vampire,

Bella still brave to having a relationship with Edward. When Edward asks Bella to

meets with his family, she is courageous enough to meet them. Instead of afraid

because headed to meet a houseful of vampire, she worries what if they do not

like her. It can be seen through her speech.

“I’m not afraid of them,” I explained. “I’m afraid they won’t … like me.

Won’t they be, well, surprised that you would bring someone … like me

… home to meet them? Do they know that I know about them?” (Meyer,

2005, p. 316)

Isabella Swan is indeed a brave girl. She tends to come face-to-face with

life-threatening danger head-on, even though she can get scared later. She decides

to save her mom from James, the tracker vampire, alone.

She does not need to discuss it with Edward. In 10 minutes before she is

escaping, if she wants to wait for him, they will hide somewhere looking for a safe

place. Both of them will live together as Edward’s plan, but she decided to save

her mother first. Moreover, she comes alone in Ballet Studio as her promises to

James. She also writes a letter for Edward, she warns him and the Cullen do not

need to come to Ballet Studio. She tried to reassure herself, “There was no need to

be afraid, I reminded myself. I had to hurry; my mom was waiting for me,

frightened, depending on me” (Meyer, 2005, p. 441).

c. Altruistic

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, altruistic is caring

about the needs and happiness of other and being willing to do things to help

them, even if it brings no advantages (,

acquired on October 13, 2020). The evidence that shows Bella’s altruism to others



is clearly seen during a moment in the novel, when James decides to hunt Bella.

Bella shows how altruistic she is to others through her speech. It shows on page

430-432 Bella risks her life to keep her mother safe. She lives in a family and

strength the feel of belonging. This will make a relationship between one and

another member of a family becomes stronger, even though Bella is living in a

broken home family.

She also endures a lot of personal discomfort for her parents’ happiness. It

shows in the earlier of the novel. She prioritizes her mother’s happiness. Bella

teaches us that people should be able to pull aside the selfish and together build a

comfortable situation.

“She stayed with me at first, but she missed him. It made her unhappy . . .

so I decided it was time to spend some quality time with Charlie.” My

voice was glum by the time I finished (Meyer, 2005, p. 49).

d. Clumsy

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, clumsy is people

that moving or doing things that is not steady or careful (https://, acquired on October 13, 2020). The

evidence that shows Bella’s clumsy characteristics is when Bella thinks the reason

why her new friend in Forks assumes her attractive. Then, she confesses about her

clumsy behavior.

Perhaps it was because I was novelty here, where novelties were few and

far between. Possibly my crippling clumsiness was seen as endearing

rather than pathetic, casting me as a damsel in distress (Meyer, 2005, p.




Another situation that shows Bella’s clumsy is when Edward and Bella

debating about Edward see her as unique and completely irresistible. However,

Bella feels absolutely normal and she has no particularly remarkable skills.

Edward emphasizes on she does not see herself very clearly; actually, she

attracted many human males in school.

I'm absolutely ordinary-well, except for bad things like all the near-death

experiences and being so clumsy that I'm almost disabled (Meyer, 2005, p.


On page 459, the readers can notice how Bella’s clumsiness helps to cover

the fight with James. Her clumsiness can help her to overcome her conflict with

James. Edward says to Bella that the alibi is cunning since it could happen in

regard to Bella’s balance problem. As explained by Murphy, the reader can

analyse the character’s personality through thought and speech (1972, p.167).

Based on the evidence above, Bella’s clumsy characteristic obtained from her

thought and speech.

e. Deceptive

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, deceptive can be described as

tending or having power to deceive (,

acquired on June 1, 2021). People resort to lying for so many different reasons.

Bella usually lies to protect herself from seeing someone hurt.

She tries to convince her mother, Renée, to go to Forks and live with

Charlie. Bella lies about the happiness about her decisions. Renée knows well that

Bella loves Phoenix, but Bella’s decision is unshakable. “I want to go,” I lied. I’d



always been a bad liar, but I’d been saying this lie so frequently lately that it

sounded almost convincing now (Meyer, 2005, p. 4)

She also lies about her interest in Forks. She is not intended to harm her

friends about the fact that she hates Forks. Later on she tells to her friends that she

does not like snow or rain.

There was always someone braver than the others who would introduce

themselves and ask me questions about how I was liking Forks. I tried to

be diplomatic but mostly I just lied a lot (Meyer, 2005, p. 17).

She lies to Mike, Charlie, and Jessica about the cancelation to go to

Seattle; actually she will be in Seattle with Edward. Bella knows that Jessica will

invite Mike to the dance party, hence she cannot join with Mike. Bella also

realizes Charlie’s worries when she goes to Seattle alone. Then she lies to go later

until Jessica or someone else can go with her.

“Are you going to the dance with Cullen?” he asked, suddenly sulky.

“No, I’m not going to the dance at all.”

“What are you doing, then? He asked, too interested.

My natural urge was to tell him to butt out. Instead, I lied brightly.

“Laundry, and then I have to study for the Trig test or I’m going to fail.”

“Is Cullen helping you study?”

“Edward” I emphasized “is not going to help me study. He’s gone away

somewhere for the weekend.” The lies came more naturally than usual I

noted with surprise (Meyer, 2005, pp. 248-249).

Bella maintained the secret of the vampire existence. He lied about it in

order to not exposing vampire to her friends and family. Based on the evidences

above, Bella’s deceptive characteristic mostly obtained from her confesses and

conversations with other characters. As explained by Murphy, the reader can

analyze the character’s personality through speech and thought (1972, p.167).



B. The Conflicts Faced by Isabella Swan

There are two kinds of conflict Isabella Swan faces as the main character

in Twilight, which are divided into internal and external conflict. The internal

conflict deals with two or more desires within the character. The external conflict

is about the fight of the main character with another character, it could be more

than one character.

1. Internal Conflicts

This kind of conflict is also called a struggle for mastery by two elements

within the person. Based on Holman and Harmon in A Handbook to Literature, it

takes place inside the character, meaning that he or she arguing with themselves

(1992, p. 98). Bella has to deal with 2 internal conflicts in Twilight.

a. Love versus Safety

This is the main conflict in the novel. Edward who has true nature to

consume human blood and Bella poses a threat to the vampire world, the two

develop a relationship. The uman-vampire relationship gets worse. The human’s

readiness to enter into the vampire world becomes a more dangerous threat to the

vampire than ever before. Actually, Bella is not quite sure what to do about her

growing feelings toward Edward. It is difficult for her to deal with her feelings.

She feels clash between competing desires to be safer without Edward or having

relationship with him.



The first time Bella meets Edward is in the cafeteria at Forks High School.

During the lunch, Jessica Stanley directs Bella’s attention to the Cullen. Since the

Cullen are exceedingly attractive, both physically and personally, therefore Bella

is immediately interested in them, like everyone else.

The first interaction between Bella and Edward is at the beginning of

Biology class, after lunch. She shares a table with Edward. When she nervously

takes her seat, he immediately seems repulsed by her. He sits on the extreme edge

of his chair while remaining at the table. His posture is tense the entire class, like

he smells something bad. Obviously it is because she has such aromatic blood

coursing through her veins. He has to control his outrageous lust for her blood.

After a week, Bella is not accustomed to Edward’s absence. She cannot

stop thinking about him, unable to escape the feeling that his absences due to her.

In the evening, Bella asked her father about the Cullen family, a clear indication

that her mind is still on Edward. She tries to figure out who is he and his

mysterious family are.

Bella’s physical desire for Edward, as she feels the light breeze tickle her

skin, and the sun touch ‘my eyelids, my cheekbones, my nose, my lips, my

forearms, my neck, soaking through my light shirt’ (Meyer, p.148). She falls

asleep feeling the warmth of the sun and the light breeze on her skin; the

description is quite sensual, and when she wakes she is momentarily confused and

struck by the abrupt sensation that someone with her. It also coupled with the

sense immediately upon waking that someone is there, all create the sensuality of

this moment that grows out of her frustrated desire to see Edward.



This conflict is intensified after she knows that Edward is a vampire. Bella

questions her right to choose when the first time she understands that Edward is a

vampire. Edward repeatedly warns her that she must avoid him. She is confused

about whether avoid him or maintain her love for him. She rejects the pain for

avoid him. She is also afraid if Edward disappears again. She tries to positive

thinking, so far he does not hurt her. The Cullen family are not supposed to be

dangerous because they are only hunted animals. In fact, anytime vampires can

make mistakes, for example Bella allowing herself in the woods only with

Edward. Bella says, I didn’t know if there ever was a choice, really. … I wanted

nothing more than to be with him right now (Meyer, 2005, p. 139).

She already knows the consequences. There will be so many risks of

injury or death if become emotionally close to one another. His relationship with

Bella defines by his overwhelming desire to protect her, not merely from others

but from himself. The more Bella understands Edward’s situation about vampire,

the more she loves him. Bella is not afraid of Edward and the risks she might face

in dating a vampire and befriending his equally immortal family.

“It’s wrong. It’s not safe. I’m dangerous, Bella−please, grasp that.”

“No.” I tried very hard not to look like a sulky child.

“I’m serious,” he growled.

“So am I. I told you, it doesn’t matter what you are. It’s too late” (Meyer,

2005, p. 190).

Edward feel conflicted on the morality of having feelings for and

developing a relationship with a human girl. Whenever Edward warns Bella about

the risk, Bella feels afraid and stronger love at the same time. Edward’s special

interests in Bella lead him to save her from a number of accidents that might



seriously harm her. Edward also admits that the smell of Bella’s blood is highly

appetizing, so he has a difficult time being around her for fear of biting her.

Edward fights his overwhelming desire for Bella’s blood.

Edward breaks the rules and they are having a relationship. Edward still

seems like trying to say goodbye when he is saying something else. It is difficult

for Bella to handle her feeling again.

My decision was made, made before I’d ever consciously chosen, and I

was committed to seeing through. Because there was nothing more

terrifying to me, more excruciating, than the thought of turning away from

him. It was an impossible (Meyer, 2005, p. 248).

She describes her serenity after her turbulent morning in the woods when

she accepts that Edward is likely a vampire and she still loves him. Previously,

Bella realizes her willingness for having relationship with Edward is impossible.

Therefore, Edward and Bella try to speak the truth to each other and discuss the

compromise. Bella finds it difficult and painful to make decisions, but once the

decision is made; she is rarely assailed with doubts and second guesses. She feels

instead relief as she simply follows through.

Bella realizes that Edward is a vampire and truly dangerous, yet she cannot

stay away from him; the intense desire between Bella, Edward, and the danger of

that desire. Bella learns about what makes Edward run from her at the first

meeting in order to make the situation easier for Edward close to her.

“But I want to help, if I can, to not make this harder for you.”

“Well … And the smell of your throat.” He’d stopped short, looking to see

if he’d upset me.

… I tucked my chin. “No throat exposure” (Meyer, 2005, p. 275).



Her need to be with him supersedes any instinct for self-preservation.

Bella is not afraid of Edward’s blood-thirsty needs and the fact he could kill her at

any moment. Bella is more afraid when Edward disappears. She does not want to

lose him.

After Bella visits the Cullen family at their home and Edward formally

introduces himself to Charlie. Bella makes decision to become a vampire to

remain forever in love with him. Thus, she could spend eternity with him. Bella

describes Edward as an angel or angelic. He is more a creature of heaven than of

hell. Thus, he belongs to heaven is evidence that he must have souls. Edward’s

perspective, he is soulless, commandment-breaking monsters.

When Bella’s hand is bitten by James, Edward sucks the venom out of her

hand, so she does not become a vampire. Edward is reluctant to change Bella into

a vampire, believing that becoming a vampire will destroy her soul. This

difference point of view caused Edward is particularly careful with Bella’s soul.

At one point she worries to grow old and eventually looks like Edward’s

grandmother. They are arguing constantly about the transformation of Bella into

vampire. Edward says he will always want to be with Bella no matter what she

looks like as long as she is happy. Since Edward sucks James’s venom out from

Bella’s hand, Bella starts to get angry after she awake in hospital, “why you did it,

why didn’t you just let the venom spread? By now I would be just like you.”

(Meyer, 2005, p. 473).



Edward does not have choices on prevent her. Edward offers an idea, if

she wants to become a vampire, at least she should marry with him. Bella agrees

to marry Edward on the condition that he will make love to her while she is still

human and then turn her into a vampire.

b. Willingness versus Resoluteness

Bella struggles to decide whether she will save her mother or hide to

somewhere looking for safe place with Edward. Despite her struggle to remain

resolute in maintain her relationship with Edward, she put her mother’s safety

first. It is a form of consequence to reveal her motivation to be with Edward.

James plays a trick on Bella and pretended that he took her mother in Ballet

Studio. Bella is specifically focused on how willing she is to go to extremity if she

feels it is necessary. She has to go to the Ballet Studio without protection from the

Cullen family. It is difficult, since every vampire in the Cullen family has special

abilities. Alice's power works by receiving visions of the future. When Bella

decides something, Alice’s vision will know the end results. Jasper has the ability

to sense and manipulate people's emotions. He used the power to managed Bella

calm down to such an extent that she fell asleep. Bella said, “I had to think clearly,

because Alice and Jasper were waiting for me, and evading them was absolutely

essential, and absolutely impossible” (Meyer, 2005, p. 430).

Bella knew that she would have no chance of winning the battle against

James. Bella is in the hotel, she writes a letter for Edward. Before she run away

from Alice and Jasper to face James, she gives the letter to Alice, but pretends that

it is for her mother. Bella tells Edward not to take revenge. She also asks him to



forgive her. She does not want anyone get hurt because of her. The letter

symbolizes Bella’s effort to protect everyone that she loved safe; her mother,

Charlie, and the Cullens. She has to accept the plans of live together with Edward

already disappear, even it is what she really wants.

2. External Conflict

Bella’s external conflict happened when she becomes the target of a

tracker vampire named James. He enjoyed the hunt as a sadistic game. The fact

that Bella is a human that has a relationship with the Cullen really bothers James.

It becomes James’s concern because of her relationship with Edward is forbidden

in the vampire world. It shows young lovers who are forbidden to be together but

take their chances for love. Humans who discover the existence of vampires are

considered a threat. The Volturi enforced the laws for the vampire world, they

implemented dictating that said humans either be killed or changed into vampires.

They protected the secrecy of the existence of vampires as an attempt to hide from

the notice of humans. When vampires violate the law, whether it is intentional or

accidental. They have to tell the truth to the Volturi, then the Volturi have the

right to decide on issues of life and death. Besides her blood smells good in the

entire world, she is noticeable because of her relationship with Edward Cullen and

his family. Edward emphasizes the reasons why James decides to kill Bella.

“If you didn’t smell so appallingly luscious, he might not have bothered.

But when I defended you … well that made it a lot worse. A large clan of

strong fighters all bent on protecting the one vulnerable element. It’s his

favorite game, and we’ve just made it his most exciting game ever”

(Meyer, 2005, p. 397).



Since the Cullen family is the second largest and a powerful coven, with

only the Volturi ranking higher in number and power. The Cullen family is more

mature and stable than most others, a result of abstaining from human blood and

hunger for power. Therefore, human being that has relationship with the Cullen

family is easily detected. The Cullen have told Bella about the origins of

vampires. She gained knowledge about the vampire world. The more she knew

about the vampire world, the more terrible she felt.

James instinct as a tracker makes this situation challenging. He is intrigued

by the Cullen’ relationship with a human. She feels guilty; it is possible that

James attacks her family and the Cullen. “How could I live with myself when it’s

my fault? None of you should be risking yourself for me” (Meyer, 2005, p. 410).

James lures Bella into a trap by claiming he has captured Bella’s mother.

However, Renée is still in Florida. James says that unless Bella does what he tells

her, he will kill her mother and film it. Bella escapes from Alice and Jasper in

order to meet James. She wants to exchange her life for her mother’s. In Ballet

Studio, James attacks Bella. James bites Bella on the wrist, it obviously leaves a

bloody bite mark. It causes immediate pain at the bite site. She writhes in pain as

venom spreads to the bloodstream. The moment Edward arrived at Ballet Studio,

he immediately sucks the venom from her wrist. He struggles to stop himself from

sucking all of her blood from her. Then, James attempts to kill Bella, but he is

killed by the Cullen.



C. The Messages Revealed through Isabella Swan’s Characteristics and


In this part of chapter, the writer analyzes the messages revealed by

Isabella Swan’s characteristics and conflicts in Twilight. The messages are taken

by analysing Bella’s characteristics then it will show her tendency to deal with the

conflicts. The writer uses Beaty and Hunter’s definition and characteristic of

message to find the messages from Bella’s characteristics and conflicts in


1. We have to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others goodness

The first message that can be obtained from Twilight is we have to

sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others goodness. This message is formulated

through the analysis on the internal conflict which is willingness versus

resoluteness and the external conflict. Bella has several considerations to take

aside her hopes and dreams. Bella sacrifices herself is a form of consequence to

reveal her motivation to be with Edward. On multiple occasions, Bella expresses

the desire to sacrifice her own well-being and happiness for the good of those she

loves, she refuses to worry about her own welfare. It is clear that Bella is willing

to sacrifice her life to secure those she loves. The first situation when she wants to

save her mother from James. Her letter also indicates her effort to keep everyone

that she loved safe; not only her mother, but also Charlie and the Cullen. It is

Bella’s own decision not to let anyone get hurt because of her. Bella believes her

death could save Charlie, Renée, and the Cullens; that is the reason why she

sacrifices herself.



Bella’s conflict with the tracker vampire, James, proves that she has the

willingness to sacrifice when she feels it is necessary. By having brave and

altruistic characteristics, it helps Bella to face the conflict. It can be seen from the

way Bella argues with Edward about the plan. After Bella becomes the target of

James, Edward’s plan is they must escape from James, while Bella’s plan is turn

back home to protect Charlie. After that they can go somewhere to hide. Edward

opposes Bella’s plan, she still tries to convince Edward that she must protect

Charlie. Usually, Bella quite obedient towards what Edward’s orders, but in this

situation she is unshakable about her plan. Bella says, “despite my brave talk, I

could feel the hairs on my arms standing up. I thought about Charlie, alone in the

house, and tried to be courageous” (Meyer, 2005, p.388). Despite the threat to her

own life, however, Bella insisted on going to back home instead of protecting

herself. This concern for others represents altruism that Bella continually displays

is a central part of her character. Consistently thinks about the impact of her action

on others. She acts instinctively, but always with a sense of protecting other


“He’ll find someone, he’ll hurt someone I love … Alice, I can’t –“

“We’ll catch him, Bella,” she assured me.

“And what if you get hurt, Alice? Do you think that’s okay with me? Do

you think it’s only my human family he can hurt me with? (Meyer, 2005,

p. 425)

After Bella makes sure that her father is safe, she goes to Phoenix with

Alice and Jasper to hide from James. Bella does not want James to hurt someone

she loves. She has no choice, but she has to try. Therefore, she evaded from Alice

and Jasper to confront James, alone. He wanted to drink her blood, she has to

admit it. Even there is no guarantee that James will stop his brutally hunt.



Bella says, “surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else,

someone I loved” (Meyer, 2005, p. 1). That proof can be found in the preface and

repeated before Bella sprinted to the Ballet Studio to save her mother from James.

Bella put herself in danger in order to avoid people that she loves being hurts.

Actually, James prepared an ambush on Bella, he admitted never captured

Renèe, her mother was still in Florida. James attacked her aggressively.

Fortunately, Edward helped Bella as fast as he could. She sacrifices her own

safety, but she never regrets doing it.

“You don’t sound angry that I tricked you.”

“I’m not.” My sudden high made me brave. What did matter now? It

would soon be over. Charlie and Mom would never be harmed, would

never have to fear (Meyer, 2005, p. 444).

The second situation that strengthens the idea of Bella’s willingness to

sacrifice happens at the beginning of the novel. When Bella moving to small, rain-

drenched Forks to live with her father proves to be a tumultuous change. She cares

about her Mom’s happiness, so that she prefers to live with Charlie who is almost

a stranger to her. Bella wants her mother to be happy living with her husband who

often moves several times.

“That doesn’t seem fair.” He shrugged, but his eyes were still intense.

I laughed without humor. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you? Life isn’t fair.”

His gaze became appraising. “But I’d be willing to bet that you’re

suffering more than you let anyone see” (Meyer, 2005, p. 49).

She is not comfortable living in Forks, even so, she is absolutely sincere

about her decision for her Mom’s happiness. She also admitted it was not fair for

her. This decision is not easy for Bella, who seems to feel an exceptionally strong

attachment to her mother.



2. We have to dare to take a decision and the consequences of that decision

The second message that could be learnt from Twilight is we have to dare

to take a decision and the consequences of that decision. This message is

formulated through the analysis on the internal conflict which is love versus

safety. Bella strives to reach her goals. In fact, her goal is to have a relationship

with Edward. The daring resolve to make tough decision. She is accountable for

the outcome and takes responsibility for the repercussions of her decisions.

Bella characterizes as a brave person. She is fully realizes the outcomes

and consequences of her decision, as well as her options and desires before

becoming Edward's girlfriend. The fact that Edward is a vampire, it does not make

her feel afraid at all. Bella realizes about the dangerous effect that she will get if

she tries to know further about vampire world. She totally understands and accepts

the consequences of her action to be close to a vampire. She remained to interact

with vampires even it could threaten her soul.

I was consumed by the mystery Edward presented. And more than a little

obsessed by Edward himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I wasn't as eager to

escape Forks as I should be, as any normal, sane person would be (Meyer,

2005, p. 67).

Instead of keeping a safe distance, she is fascinated by the vampire world.

Bella admitted that she was obsessed by Edward Cullen. She realized that she

gave more awareness toward Edward than others did. Bella’s curiosity about

Edward has dragged her deeper and deeper in love with him. The more she

thought of him, the more she fell in love with him.



Bella is described as someone who has curious characteristic. She can

solve the mystery Edward presented. She observes about vampire world and

figures out being good or evil is a decision of the vampire makes, rather than

being an uncontrollable fate. The belief that all human life is precious, it creates

vampire that feeds only on animal blood instead of human. It is a vampire who

possesses great mental strength and willpower as a human, he will find it easier to

control his wild. Those who do learn to value human life are able to subsist on

animal blood, for example, the Cullen and Denali covens. When vampires are not

just myths and legends, she also realizes the existence of the good vampire.

In Twilight, the Cullens is described as divine beauty. Especially Edward,

he is gorgeous and he does not date (yet). Bella frequently indicates Edward in

detailed descriptions whenever they meet, such as “he is more like a Greek god”

(Meyer, 2005, p.106) and “Edward is just too beautiful to be real” (Meyer, 2005,

p. 134). Passion is depicted by Bella through her physical attraction to Edward.

Bella’s physical attraction to Edward is portrayed by concentrating her attention

on Edward, increasing energy being closer with Edward, and feeling of great

admiration on Edward. At first, Bella's attraction for Edward is due to his perfect


I had to keep reminding myself that I'd made my choice, and I wasn't

going back on it. He wants me to be safe, I told myself again and again. I

would just hold on to the faith that, in the end, that desire would win out

over the others. And what was my other choice — to cut him out of my

life? Intolerable. Besides, since I'd come to Forks, it really seemed like my

life was about him (Meyer, 2005, p. 129).

That had always been my way, though. Making decisions was the painful

part for me, the part I agonized over. But once the decision was made, I

simply followed through — usually with relief that the choice was made.



Sometimes the relief was tainted by despair, like my decision to come to

Forks. But it was still better than wrestling with the alternatives. This

decision was ridiculously easy to live with. Dangerously easy (Meyer,

2005, p. 140).

From the two quotations above, it shows that Bella decides to maintain her

attraction on Edward and needs to take responsibility for the choices that she has

made. Even if Bella assumes Edward and the Cullen are not a threat, there is a big

possibility another coven of vampire can hurt her. She ultimately finds greater

courage within herself, as a result of daring to face consequences. The moment

Edward enters her life, she attaches all her dreams and aspirations to him. Bella

admits she wants nothing in her life except Edward. It is undisputed that Bella’s

affection toward Edward made her want to be with him all the time.

Continuously, Bella feels threatened that Edward would leave her one day.

She asks him a question is he would disappear "Are you sure you won't vanish in

the morning?" (Meyer, 2005, p. 160). She is afraid to be deserted by him and

separated from him. The disappearance of Edward can hurt her feelings. Thus, she

even thinks in order not to be abandoned, she would rather be killed by him rather

than rejected by him.

After Bella is in a relationship with Edward, some consequences are

threatened by the vampire, can not telling the truth to her family and friend, and

isolated from normal life. To be with Edward is complicated because all

information about him is a secret. So, the best way to keep a secret is to keep

silent or tell a lie. Since Bella has deceptive characteristic, it is not really difficult

for her to tell a lie. Bella would like to tell Charlie about Edward Cullen, but she

knows that he would never understand about the truth that the Cullen family is a



coven of vampires. She does not want supposing that Charlie panic-stricken, she

decides to not telling the truth about the Cullen identity. Consistently thinks about

the impact of her action on others. She acts instinctively, but always with a sense

of protecting other people. Bella also keeps the distance from her friends: Jessica,

Angela, Mike, and Eric. It is because the more she spends time with her friends,

the more possibility they discover about Edward’s true identity.

When Bella speaks falsehood after the accident with James, it causes a

serious injury. She states to everybody that the accident was caused by herself

because of her weakness to lose control when getting down the stairs. She is afraid

her family will get mad at Edward, there is possibility they prohibit Bella’s

relationship with him.

Bella has so many problems in her life but she did not regret about her

decision, she admitted “My path was set. I just had to follow it now” (Meyer,

2005, p.440). It shows Bella’s sincerity to let all situations flow. She has strong

will that always motivates her, so that she courage to maintain her resoluteness in

remains her relationship with Edward.





Isabella Swan, the major character of Twilight is 17 year old girl. She

moves to Forks, Washington, to live with her dad, Charlie. Her mother, Renée,

needs to travel with her new husband, since Phill is a traveling minor league

baseball player. In order to let her mother spend time with Phill, she moves from

Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington. The characteristics of Bella are curious,

brave, altruistic, clumsy, and deceptive. Her characteristics are highly related to

her tendencies when dealing with the conflicts in her life.

Bela faces both internal conflicts and external conflict. The first internal

conflict appears when she has to deal with love versus safety. She fall in love with

her classmate named Edward Cullen. Edward believes he will continue to place

Bella's life in danger as long as they are together. He attempts to avoid being with

her and to conceal his identity. Then, Bella discovers that Edward and his family

are vampire. Even though they survive off of animal blood instead of human

blood, but it is not safe for her. In this situation, Bella is in a dilemma. Unsure

whether she wants to leave him or not, she still needs him. The second internal

conflict is between Bella’s willingness versus resoluteness. Bella owned the

resoluteness and the sterner sort of courage to maintain her relationship with

Edward. At the same time, she more than once expressed her willingness to go to

extremity. When Bella becomes the target of a tracker vampire named James.



James lures Bella into a trap by claiming he has captured her mother. Bella want

to exchange her life for her mother’s life, instead of hiding in a safe place with

Edward. The external conflict is Bella against James. The day when Bella and

Edward exposes their relationship, James chooses her as his target. It becomes

James’s concern because of her relationship with Edward is forbidden in the

vampire world. Those conflicts and also Bella’s characteristics helps the writer

reveals the messages in Twilight.

There are two messages that can be revealed from the story. First, we have

to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others goodness. Bella’s external conflict

with the tracker vampire, James, proves that she has the willingness to sacrifice

herself for the sake of others goodness. It is also related with her internal conflict

which is willingness versus resoluteness. By having brave, altruistic, and curious

characteristics, it helps Bella to face the conflict. Second, we have to dare to take

a decision and the consequences of that decision. Bella decides to maintain her

attraction on Edward and needs to take responsibility for the choices that she has

made. It is the way Bella handle her internal internal conflict which is love versus





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