The Mawashi Geri News A Splashing Good Year - KAZI'S ...

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Transcript of The Mawashi Geri News A Splashing Good Year - KAZI'S ...

The Mawashi Geri NewsThe Mawashi Geri NewsISSUE 3 - November 2007ISSUE 3 - November 2007

A Splashing Good YearA Splashing Good YearGoju Studio Visits Durban 2007

FunniesFunnies Saturday afternoon, the session moved outdoors to the tranquil Burman Bush Nature

Reserve. This beautiful natural 'dojo' is a perfect venue, and is also where Buddy Sensei undertakes his own personal training sessions. The lush soft grass was quite different to the wooden floor of the dojo. Training outdoors under wonderful conditions is most stimulating and refreshing. At 4pm the session came to an end. Thereafter, the Durban Honbu Dojo Junior Brown Belts attempted their yearly grading.

The final session on Sunday morning was held at the Durban beach front. All the kata was performed in the ocean with pounding waves testing our stances and balance. Everybody had great fun and enjoyed this new experience - especially the kumite in the water! After the

lush grass underfoot at Burman Bush the sea sand proved to be an even tougher task for the juniors balance and stances. After another good session, 2 teams were formed for a game of beach football. Many of the students showed some exceptional skill with the football and great fun was had by all. After the football, Buddy Sensei thanked everybody again for their enthusiasm and help in making this weekend meet its expectations.

My Personal experience to Durban was a blast and a half. I had a great time learning new karate movements like katas with Sensei Buddy. I had a lovely time with all my brown belt friends and Sensei Buddy's students. I also enjoyed myself at the beach playing soccer with all the karate students.

Durban TripThe most exciting part in Durban was learning karate and fighting against the Durban students. I had an awesome time at the Gateway Mall playing games, singing karaoke and having supper with my friends. I enjoyed swimming outside the Ushaka Marine World beachfront.

I had a good time swimming and practicing karate in the sea. It was an unusual experience as I never imagined one could practice karate in the water. We also went to the woods where there were monkeys and birds. It was very quite and this helped us in concentrating with our karate practice. I also had a few good karate lessons with Sensei Buddy and learnt. I made lots of friends.

On the last day I was sad to leave as I was having lots of fun and was just getting to know my colleges. I really loved my trip to Durban. I am looking forward to my next trip to Durban. Vikash Gosai

On the 9th of August, the senior students of the club left Laudium to Durban for a gashku to Sensei Buddy. It was a wonderful experience to train with Sensei Buddy and his senior students. We made new friends and trained hard throughout the week end. Our training started the Thursday eve at sensei Buddy's dojo.Friday we were given the day off as only the Black belts trained, the afternoon we all spent time together ordering food and enjoying ourselves in the hotel rooms, unaware what awaits us for the next 2 days.Our next training session was on Saturday morning at the dojo as well, where we met up with Sensei Buddy's students .We trained pretty hard. We took a break for lunch, thereafter we went to a nature reserve to have a wonderful training session out in the open, to train under the trees and a take a breath of fresh air was truly re freshening. We did kata's and bunkai under the guidance of Sensei Buddy and Sempai Mark.

That evening Sensei Buddy and Sensei Nazeem took us to Gateway Mall for an evening of fun, we just enjoyed ourselves at the Mall. Then the highlight of the trip

South African Jundokan Junior Brown and Black Belt Winter Gushuku. About 20 junior students from our Pretoria branch of the SA Jundokan, under the supervision of Nazeem Kazi Sempai flew into Durban International Airport on the afternoon of Thursday 09 August to team up with the juniors from the Durban Honbu Dojo. Ahead lay 4 days of intensive Okinawa Goju Ryu training under Buddy Govender Sensei

who was assisted by Mark Apollos Dai Sempai, Sunil Gopal Sempai, Nazeem Kazi Sempai and John Arokuim Sempai.

The Gushuku 'kicked' off on Thursday night at the SA Jundokan's Cathedral Honbu Dojo with the traditional washing of the dojo floor. This was a new and surprising experience for the students of our Pretoria Dojo, however a fitting example was demonstrated by Buddy Sensei and his senior students!

After Buddy Sensei welcomed everybody and thanked them for making the effort in sacrificing their long weekend holiday to improve their knowledge of Okinawa Goju Ryu, it was down to training at the Cathedral Honbu Dojo. The next morning the senior Black Belts were 'treated' to a morning of Okinawa Goju Ryu Kata and bunkai. Buddy Sensei then went over the 'tweaks' to the kata as

South African Jundokan Junior Brown & Black Belt Winter Gushuku 2007

this was the first time that the seniors had got together since his trip to the Jundokan So Honbu Dojo in Okinawa. Those that were invited to join this session were Mark Apollos Dai Sempai and Nazeem Kazi, Sunil Gopal, John Arokuim, Sheilish Jeena, Ridwaan Badat Sempai's and Morne' Fourie who was a guest, Amazingly the two and a half hours assigned to this session just flew by.

Saturday mornings sessions started at 8.30am and finished at 11am. The Pretoria students and those of the Durban Honbu dojo had an opportunity to train with each for the entire morning. Many good friendship were forged during this high performance session at the Durban Honbu Dojo. At this session Ridwaan Badat and Pratish Ramlal, who both attempted their Shodan grading in 2006 where awarded their Black Belts from Buddy Sensei. These Shureido belts were brought back by Buddy Sensei on his recent trip to Okinawa in April of this year. Another extremely proud moment for Buddy Sensei and the SA Jundokan.

still awaited us, Sunday morning at 8:30 A.M in our Gi's …..Wait for it …… on the beach in the water, doing kata's against the waves it was WOW!!!!!!!!!!!.After some good intense training in the water, we had a little beach soccer game.The trip overall was an experience that I will never forget .The spirit was kept up through out the gashku, when we arrived

back here that same spirit stayed with us, let us hope it will stay forever.M.Waheed Khan

Breathtaking and a magical experience, is how I would describe my experience at the recent Gashku that we attended in the Zulu Kingdom {KZN}. The club planned a trip to Durban to train with our chief instructor Buddy Sensei .

Our stay at the hotel was wonderful. We always stayed together as a team and made sure wherever we went out, we went as a team.

I thought to myself that I am going to have a relaxing time and a mild training gashku, boy was I wrong!!! .The mild training was more like intense training sessions. I learnt various techniques that can enable me to face an opponent. I was fortunate to meet a great, humble, wise and an ex t raord inary Instructor…….Sensei Buddy.

The training revolved around Sensei Buddy's training, which he instills into you how the kata's should be done. In the training Sensei Buddy showed us some offensive and defensive techniques in the kata's that we were training.

I was blown away as to how Sensei Buddy's teaches and how his students train. I made some friends with his students, which is good for both dojos. Interaction creates a good atmosphere around the students building friendship and trust.

The Highlight of my gashku was the training session we had on the beach front, doing kata's in the warm Indian Ocean trying my level best to beat the waves, but as usual Man always comes second to Mother Nature. It was very difficult to keep one's balance while doing kata with the waves continually knocking you over.

What It Means To Be Young By Samuel Ullman

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips, and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means the predominance of courage over timidity, of adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair - these bow the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.

Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the love of wonder, the sweet amazement at the stars and the starlike things, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing child-like appetite for what-next, and the joy of the game of living.

You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your sel f-conf idence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair.


Old Age

Our trip also gave us time to socialize .My fellow friend and Karateka Aston, had a singing duet with a total stranger at the Gateway Mall…and can my friend SING!!!!!!!!. Aston my friend you have talent in singing keep it up!

We were allowed to go to Ushaka Marine World and spend the afternoon there, meeting people from the kingdom.

To conclude I would say this was the best experience I had. We trained under sensei Buddy. The experience also showed that we as karateka's at our club are very united. We hope and pray we stay that way.

To my Sensei, karate instructors and fellow karatekas, I salute you. In the language of the youth we say:”FOR SHO”.

Yaseen Babamia

Miyazato Kancho and his wife. Then it was my turn, which after all those that sang before me, I could not refuse. I must profess that I did not let the house down and did a fair rendition of Robbie Williams “Feel” – which is my wife, Farhana, favourite song.

During my stay I was fortunate to meet with a wonderful couple from Australia, Helmut and Miriam Leitner. Helmut, an ex-Austrian, was training with Higaonna Morio Sensei (IOGKF) at his dojo just down the road from our apartment. Miriam was an ex-Zimbabwean, so it was good to have the company of another Southern African. During the day we travel all around Okinawa and in the evening went our separate ways in search of a common goal, Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate-Doh. The next day we would compare notes on what the training was at the respective dojo the night before. We have now become firm family friends and look forward to the day both Helmut and Miriam visit my home country and enjoy our hospitality. Helmut was kind enough to invite me to travel with them to the most Northern point of Okinawa and then drive back down to Naha stopping off at all the various historic sites. A day that will remain with us forever. Helmut was 60 years old but had a body and strength that belied his age. The day I left Okinawa, Miriam cooked all my favourite food and had me over for a superb lunch. I am grateful to have met such a wonderful couple that I can proudly call family.

My stay at the Jundokan was an excellent one. The night before I left Okinawa, Taira Sensei came up to me before the class and said that as it was my last class, “tonight

they check my Goju Ryu Karate-Doh”. Surrounded by a number of senior grades, I was asked to perform all the Goju Ryu Kata, and after each one it was scrutinised and commented on. At the end of that session I was drenched with perspiration but a t r u l y m a g i c a l s e s s i o n . Afterwards Miyazato Kancho, Taira Sensei and all the other seniors and students wished me well and said that they look

forward to seeing me again next year (the commemoration of Miyazato Hanshi’s 10th anniversary of his passing). I left with all my bonds and ties to the Jundokan further strengthened and endorsed. I thanked all the seniors and students for their “help” and assistance and took my leave.

I was now keen to get back to my family, my home, my friends, my dojo and my students.

The Toy RunHi Everyone-It's that time of the year again .It is unbelievable how 2007 has passed us by, with lots of excitement, gradings and the moving of classes into the school hall.

Once again KKC hosted its annual toy run. This time the toy run was different from the previous year's .This year we not only donated toys, but clothing as well. It was exciting to make up the hampers, sort out the clothing and toys with Sensei NazeemWho generously allowed us to work at his home. All the students that worked there had lots of fun.

Next day, Saturday was a big event. The toy run is hosted to kids from an orphanage home.A bus load of kids arrived and the excitement began. The work out with the kids was an exciting experience, fun and laughter. Watching the kids play games and giggle was fantastic. Then it was time for the snacks hampers and toys to be handed out.When I left karate that day, I felt thankful that I had the opportunity of helping to make these kids happy for at least a day.

On behalf of KKC, Sensei Nazeem, instructors and students, I would like to extend our gratitude and thankfulness to all parents who once again gave so generously toward our clubs annual toy run. May God bless your kind hearts.

Much appreciated Rahul Natha

assistance in organising the accommodation and being instrumental in sorting out various things to ensure that my trip was a successful one.

The next day, I went down to the dojo early and had a great one-on-one session with Higa Kazuya san (7th Dan) and focused on Sesan, Shisochin and Kururunfa. Higa sans kata is very sharp and focused. He is extremely happy with my “fighting spirit” and “good strong kata base”. This was a strong, good session with Higa Sensei and during the course of my stay, including the day of my Godan grading; Higa Sensei was always very supportive of me.

The students of the Jundokan train everyday for at least 2 to 3 hours with such vigour, enthusiasm and motivation. Taira Sensei, in my opinion, is a living Samurai. Watching him perform the Gekisai Kata is truly amazing and inspiring. He attacks the kata as if he is in a battle – a Samurai in full battle-cry! His knowledge of bunkai is second to non in the world! He previously worked in the elite division of the police force and has practiced hi Goju Ryu with realism, in and out the dojo.

I was informed by Miyazato Kancho that I would “test” on Saturday and that I had to prepare. Yasuda Hanshi came down for a few days prior to the grading and ‘drilled’ me on the grading requirement over and over again. On one of the days he picked me up at lunch time and took to me to a wonderful restaurant just outside of Naha City. Kinjo Sensei joined us for an excellent lunch. Thereafter Yasuda Sensei insisted that he buys my 1 year old son, Saif, a couple of outfits from the nearby store. Yasuda is a wonderful, kind man who explained to me on the drive back to Naha that his training is now focused on “preparation to die bravely – like a Samurai”. I found that attitude to be overwhelming and so profound. I am proud to have been taught by such a man.

The grading was to be conducted after a 2 hour training session for Black Belts (Yudansha) on the Saturday afternoon. There were about 14 Black Belts of various grades in attendance and on the grading panel sat Yasuda Hanshi, Gima Sensei and Miyazato Kancho. I was asked to perform Tensho kata, followed by Shisochin and Sepai kata. Without any fanfare the grading was then over with the formal bows. Miyazato Sensei then informed me that we will all be meeting at Taira Sensei restaurant in Kokusai Dori for a celebration - I had been promoted to Godan (5th Dan)! What a wonderful gesture, they had organised platter of snacks, food and lots of drinks and of course ice tea for me! During the celebrations, out came the Karaoke and Miyazato Kancho sang the first song followed by Kinjo Sensei and then

A visit from an orphanage home.

Every year our club hosts an orphanage home in and around Gauteng, to come and spend a few hours with us. This day is normally an emotional,

exciting as well as a fun day. The kids from the home are e i t h e r o r p h a n e d o r abandoned.

The day's activities started around 9:30 a.m when the kids arrived at our club. All the karate students part took and we had a tremendous time teaching these kids karate, how to punch, kick and doing

general karate techniques. After a little while we took a short break. After the break we broke up into different groups where we had a competition, competing against each to sprint and doing all kinds of physical activities.

After the training session was over each and every student received a little sweet hamper. Toys and clothing that was collected by the students 2 to 3 weeks before the orphanage could come over, was given out to the kids from the underprivileged home.

From this experience, we all should learn not to take things for g r a n t e d a n d appreciate what we have.

Laylaa Omar

dojo that a young Higaonna Morio Sensei (IOGKF) perfected his kata, that Miyazato Ei’Ichi Hanshi conducted the very first Goju Ryu classes after the closure of Miyagi Chojun Sensei’s ‘garden dojo’, and the very floor that many local and foreign students performed kata over and over again in order to gain insights into the wonderful world of Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate-Doh.

After an initial meeting with Miyazato Kancho in his office, I was informed that the seniors were very happy to see me again but cannot guarantee that I would be offered a grading as it had been 10 years since they last saw me! I explained to them that the reason I could not come again was purely financial and that the South African currency does not hold strong against the US dollar BUT that my training did not falter for a moment. However, I had to prove this to them and prove it on the floor – which was fair enough! I would like at the outset make a point of stating that my reason for going back to Okinawa had nothing to do with acquiring any grading – it was purely for training and restoring ‘old’ bonds – anything else would be a bonus. The Jundokan is open for training from late afternoon till late evening. Students arrive at about 6pm and hit the makiwara or go over their kata on their own till 8pm when Taira Sensei calls for everybody to get together as a class. For an hour we go through all the kata from Gekisai dai Ichi through to Superimpei – pausing between kata to explain and go over pertinent sections or moves. This goes on till about 9pm and thereafter the students either work again on their own or in pairs till about 10.30pm!

The first night of training was conducted by Gima Sensei in the absence of Taira Sensei. I could see that particular attention was going to be paid to me – exactly what I wanted. I was asked to perform Saifa, Seiyunchin, Shisochin and Sanseru kata’s, and afterwards I could see the positive facial expressions on all the sensei present. However, as I

had expected there were comments on the timing of certain sequences and the distribution of weight and power of various techniques – good constructive criticism. We then proceeded to practice kake’ (pushing hands) and lots of ude tanren (arm conditioning). At about 10.00pm we then cleaned the dojo floor and headed for a well earned shower Got back to my apartment, which was just around the corner from the Jundokan, at about 11pm! I stayed at the excellent Refine Apartment in Asato. Small but extremely well equipped. Glenn McIIvride, who is the assistant manager – overseas at the Jundokan organised my accommodation. He has been training at the Jundokan for about 12 years and now lives in Okinawa. I am grateful for his

Dear parent/s/guardian/students:

The club would really appreciate your constructive participation in our continuous improvement and growing success. All contact details are below, so please let us receive your phone calls, e-mails, personal discussions. Our contact details are as follows:

Nazeem Tel Cell: 082-550-1830 orLand line: 012- 3740196Shailesh Ghina: 082-555-1262

Visit E-mail

Dear parent/s/guardian/students:

: 012- 3740196Shailesh Ghina: 082-555-1262

The club would really appreciate your constructive participation in our continuous improvement and growing success. All contact details are below, so please let us receive your phone calls, e-mails, personal discussions. Our contact details are as follows:

Nazeem Tel Cell: 082-550-1830 orLand line

Visit E-mail







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After an absence of exactly 10 years, I decided to return to the home of Karate-Doh, Okinawa Japan – back to the historic home of Okinawa Karate-Doh Goju Ryu, the Jundokan. Situated in Asato which is a district of Okinawa, the Jundokan remains as it was when it first opened in 1957 by the late Ei’Ichi Miyazato Hanshi. I was fortunate to have trained and graded to 4th Dan black belt (Yondan) directly under Miyazato Sensei when I was last at the Jundokan in 1997. Every day he, and Yasuda Hanshi (10th Dan), was with me on the dojo floor, correcting my kata and explaining to me the history behind the kata, Goju Ryu and the Jundokan. He was a living legend and to have that privilege of meeting and training directly under his hand was a treasure that cannot be matched again.

Back to the Jundokan 2007 – Buddy GovenderBack to the Jundokan 2007 – Buddy Govender

Miyazao Ei’Ichi Hanshi and Buddy in 1997 Miyazao Ei’Ichi Hanshi and Buddy in 1997

–– 10 years ago10 years ago

However, being back in Okinawa and meeting all the senior students and teachers again was a good feeling. I planned my trip such that there would be no other foreigners at the Jundokan except myself – I wanted ALL the ‘attention’!! The Jundokan is now under the ownership of the Miyazato Yoshihiro Kancho the son of the late Miyazato Hanshi. Kancho was present on the floor

at all training sessions and was even besides me when it was time to clean the dojo floor! These days all training sessions at the Jundokan are directed by Taira Masaji Sensei (8th Dan), Kinjo Tsuneo Sensei (8th Dan), Gima Tetsu (8th Dan), and on the floor at all sessions are Ganaha Hiroshi (7th Dan), Higa Kazuya (7th Dan) amongst others. A rare sight these days is the appearance of Yasuda Tetsunosuke Shuseki Shihan (10th Dan), and, upon being called by Miyazato Kancho informing him that I am back at the dojo he was there in his gi the very next day waiting for me on the floor – he is now 82 years old!

The Jundokan is a living museum of Karate-Doh spirit. This is the very floor and

1 You full name?__________________________________ Salmaan Cassim Gani

2. Any Nick Names?______________________________________________No

3. HOW OLD ARE YOU?_____________________________________ 8 Years


5. HOW DID IT FEEL WHEN YOU WON THE TROPHY FOR THE BEST KARATEKA?____________________________Very Happy

6. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU GIVE TO ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO START KARATE?____________________________Don't Give Up