The Gay Liberation Front: A Group Terror Plan

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Transcript of The Gay Liberation Front: A Group Terror Plan


The Gay Liberation Front: A Group Terror Plan

John Cisar, Chris Inks, Alan Looney, James Looney, Autumn Martin, and Alexander Schraut

Angelo State University


The Gay Liberation Front


Throughout time, members of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender (GLBT)

community have faced discrimination, persecution, and worse. Even in this modern day, GLBT

persons face oppression and maltreatment both here in America and across the world. In

Uganda, the state criminalizes same sex relations and is proposing a law that would put to death

anyone convicted twice of homosexual relations (Lavers, 2012). In United States, GLBT

individuals are treated like second class citizens by states denying them their constitutional right

to marry their loving partners in life. In response to these outrages, we have formed the Gay

Liberation Front to fight for gay rights both in America and in the world. In the past, the Front

has conducted peaceful demonstrations, but we are weary of the pace of progress and have

decided to violently strikeout against GLBT oppression and persecution. Texas wing of the Gay

Liberation Front will perform two operations to attack our enemies. One is a peaceful protest in

opposition of Gregg Abbott, current Texas Attorney General, who has made several rulings

opposing same sex benefits. This will maintain the nonviolent face of our movement. The

second operation will send a message worldwide by blowing up the international symbol of gay

hatred which is the Ugandan Embassy in Washington, D.C. Our group has divided into

functional sections. Alan and James Looney will handle all public relations and media issues.

Chris Inks and Alexander Schraut will find a secure and safe way to raise money to fund our

group activities. Recruitment is Autumn Martin’s expertise in addition to finding ways to

monitor members, provide secure communications and maintain internal security. Charged with

planning, John Cisar will devise a detail blueprint to execute the Abbott and Ugandan operations.

With a sound and comprehensive group effort, the Gay Liberation Front will succeed in

disrupting Greg Abbott’s campaign, destroying the Ugandan Embassy and calling worldwide

attention to GLBT oppression.



Public Relations and Media

The Gay Liberation Front originated in July of 1969. Our group history has sparked an

equal protection movement across the country and welcomes all pro-homosexuals to join and

ensure our rights under the protection of the United States Constitution. Homosexuals have

failed for decades to peacefully achieve equality through judicial litigation. The Federal and

Judicial systems have continually failed to recognize our rights under the Full Faith and Credit

Clause of the United States Constitution which requires the recognition of same sex marriages

(Rosenberg, 2008).

Throughout history, homosexuality has been accepted and practiced by some great

civilized countries and their leaders. Julius Caesar was a homosexual and was arguably one of

the greatest Roman Emperors. He was often called the “Queen of Bithynia” because of his

homosexual relationship with King Nicomedes of Bithynia and possibly with his slayer, Brutus.

(Gill, n.d.). Ancient Greece also supported homosexual relationships. The Greek homosexual

love poetry depicts same-sex relationships between gods and heroes. Alexander the Great was

also a homosexual and his relationship with boyhood friend Hephaestion paralleled Alexander’s

favorite book “Iliad,” authored by Homer. The parallel of characters Achilles and Patroclus, in

Homer’s book, represented two heroes who were lifelong friends and were homosexual

("Alexander the great," n.d.). Great civilized societies and their leaders have accepted and

supported homosexual relationships, yet the United States has not modernized into supporting

same-sex relationships. Senator Byrd from West Virginia asserted that one reason for the fall of

the Roman Empire “was the acceptance of pervasive homosexual conduct in the Roman legions


from Julius Caesar on down” (Clinton, 2004, p. 484). The inference made from the longest

serving Senator from West Virginia is that acceptance of homosexuals in the United States will

destroy this country.

“There has been no such major national legislation prohibiting discrimination against

gays and lesbians” (Rosenberg, 2008, p.417). The Supreme Court has failed to outright grant us

full equality as homosexual American Citizens and we are tired of being recognized as a second

class. We have been under attack by the Federal and State governments for decades. For

example in the Arkansas State House, Bill Stancil, representative from Fort Smith, introduced a

bill to make homosexual acts a crime (Clinton, 2004).

Third world Uganda has a government that is in the process of passing legislation called

“Kill the Gays.” This legislation imposes the death penalty upon anyone convicted of repeated,

same-sex sexual acts (Lavers, 2010). In Uganda, homosexuals are considered to have caught an

“un-African disease imported from abroad” (Holden, 2013). The acts of homosexuality are not

only categorized as a disease but unnationalistic. The United States Federal and State

governments are approaching this oppressive legislation, similar to Uganda, by not allowing

homosexuals in the military to express their individuality (Onziema, 2013). General Carl

Mundy, commandant of the Marine Corps, stated, “That if gays were permitted to serve openly,

the military would be condoning immoral behavior and could no longer attract the finest young

Americans” (Clinton, 2004, p.483-484). The lack of recruiting of openly gay soldiers in the

military signifies the unnationalistic traits that the United States Government views in


The lack of the Executive Branch of the United States Government to ensure equality for

all citizens is paramount. President Clinton was a self-proclaimed advocate for gay rights, but he


failed to follow through with his campaign promises, stating, “I didn’t want the public to think I

was paying more attention to it [gay rights] than the economy” (Clinton, 2004, p. 483). The

President of the United States was not interested in our cause after he received our votes to get

elected. He did not fully protect or support gays in the military, who were dying for the

freedoms that the Federal and State governments were not rightfully ensuring to our class of


President Bush was asked by a moderator in the 2004 presidential campaign, “Do you

believe homosexuality is a choice?” President Bush expressed his conviction “that marriage is

between a man and a woman, and said the law should reflect that time-honored truth” (Bush,

2010, p.293). The Executive branch is not protecting our interests and is directly discriminating

against us. The Attorney General of Texas and Republican candidate for Governor of Texas,

Gregg Abbott, stated, “Domestic partners can’t receive health benefits from counties, cities or

school districts because doing so defies Texas law on traditional marriage” (Hoppe, 2013).

Attorney General Gregg Abbott must not win the next upcoming gubernatorial election because

it would be a step back for our cause. Gregg Abbott is against equality and the complete

foundation of our movement. The betrayal of the American government has gone on too long.

We must take equality. The Federal government is not allowing our society to modernize. We

must make changes ourselves and achieve equality like other minority groups or our country will

erode to an uncivilized country such as Uganda.

Statement of Principles

1. The United States is a country founded on freedom. The United States is founded on

the basis of freedom. Throughout our country’s history we have fought for freedom from


bondage and slavery. Currently, our class of people is in bondage and we cannot enjoy

the freedoms granted to other classes of people.

2. Traditional marriages are an oppressive institution. The law only protects traditional

marriages and we believe that this legal institution is oppressing our class of people.

Until homosexuals can lawfully get married and share the same benefits under the law as

heterosexual couples, we will peacefully refuse and protest such as refusing to pay taxes.

We are discriminated against due to the lack of tax reliefs for our people that are provided

for traditional couples.

3. We are refugees in America. Our people are not allowed to assimilate in society due to

discrimination. We have to assimilate in gay bars and restaurants because of society and

government unwillingness to acknowledge and accept our class of people. Our

movement will change our social status in America. We will proudly assimilate with

traditional couples and force acceptance.

4. Ensure Equality. Our party will ensure equality to all members and we do not

discriminate like the Federal and State Governments. The Gay Liberation Front

welcomes all pro-homosexuals into our cause and movement. Those who sympathize

with our plight; those who understand the indignation we suffer on a daily basis know

that we aren't even afforded the status of second-class citizens. Homeless dogs are treated

better than we are and it's time we take the respect we deserve!

5. Cultural Revolution. Regardless of your sexuality, we are committed to living our lives

in a new sexual democracy in which sexual stereotypes do not exist and human rights are

preserved. This movement will change the world and societies from stereotypes and


stigmas. Our revolution will dismantle status quo and heterosexual domination of


Our media department will produce daily YouTube videos to help spread our message

around the globe. We currently have a newspaper called “Gay News” and website which will

also spread our message. The message will spread quickly and the anticipated followers will

grow due to the social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Our grassroots campaign

welcomes everyone to become familiar with our movement. These social media outlets can be

located at Google+, foursquare, Vine, and Flickr. The Google handouts provide a live chat feed

so everyone can become involved and express opinions about the oppression of governments

across the world. When any event occurs, such as protests or other types of incidents, our media

department will quickly correct the false propaganda that originate from such news channels as

Fox news.

Financing the Group and the Operations

We will seek to diversify and decentralize as much of our financial aspect of the business

as possible in order to increase the longevity of the group. Doing so, if one cell of the

organization is compromised, the remaining cells will be able to continue driving toward

completion of the organization’s goals without worry in regards to where they are going to get

the needed funds. However, this does not preclude some type of overall management of the

financial function. Only a few individuals will understand the entirety of where the illegitimate

money is coming from and how it is dispersed to the individual cells, what legitimate businesses

we are running, and how we are laundering the money. Since this is a very sensitive position,

the individuals directing this will need to appear as disconnected from the organization as


possible. Mitigation of the appearance of organizational connectivity will be accomplished

through the use of liaisons and runners with at least five levels of separation. Most analysts and

law enforcement officials stop link analysis chains at three to four levels of connection. Also, by

using non-integral people to facilitate transactions and communication between the organization

and those at the top of the financial leg, there will be limited traceable involvement resulting in

the appearance of clean hands. There will never be any direct connection between the

organization’s finances, the individuals at the top of the finance leg, and the organization. At the

end of the day, the most important thing is survivability.

When it comes to funding, it is understood that to be most effective and maintain

longevity it is important to have, both, legitimate and illegitimate sources. While the illegitimate

source of funds (i.e. donors sympathetic to our cause) will benefit the whole of the organization,

we will also proactively create legitimate businesses which, while providing a limited source of

legitimate funds, will more importantly serve money laundering functions. These legitimate

businesses will be located in dense urban areas in order to take advantage of the sheer number of

potential “legitimate” customers thereby masking large quantities of currency laundering, not to

mention the likelihood of specific terroristic actions taking place near such areas. Because each

cell can be considered its own company, each location will require an individual to overlook the

day-to-day business operations of the local cell’s legitimate businesses. This individual will not,

however, have any knowledge of the overall organizational financial situation or those

overseeing the finance function. This is done as a protective measure for the organization as a

whole. Due to the nature of money laundering, it is important that the businesses be heavily

cash-oriented. As such, the businesses we are going to create include:


Car Washes – Car washes provide a business with little to no inventory and no

government oversight. Large amounts of cash inserted into this type of business

will draw little attention from banks as well.

Nail Salons – Similar to car washes, nail salons provide a negligible inventory

business with no government oversight other than health inspections. Most

customers pay and tip in cash. Most salons in New Jersey require cash only as


Laser Tag – Laser tag has no inventory other than snack bars. Banks would also

expect this type of business to deposit predominately in cash due to the nature of

the business.

Indoor Child Playgrounds – This type of business is a money laundering dream.

There is no inventory and little to no records of how many children come through

on a given day other than sales receipts. The business itself is self-perpetuating

and allows for massive amounts of cash to be inserted into its revenues.

Lawn Maintenance – Lawn maintenance is the simplest type of business to set up

and has no oversight at all. All you need is a cell phone, truck, lawn mower, and

edger and you have a business. There is no government oversight, it is almost

exclusively conducted in cash, and there are no records to maintain.

Laundromats – Laundromats are a cash only business where large amounts of

cash can be laundered.

As mentioned, all of the above businesses provide fantastic opportunities to launder money

obtained from illicit means and private donors. Additionally, the businesses are very profitable

and can provide additional organizational funds through their normal operation. Which


businesses we will pursue in which location will remain wholly dependent upon the monetary

need of the local cell(s), general makeup of the local population, and available resources. As a

final note, such locations also offer many opportunities for recruitment.

When it comes to paper trails, because it is impossible to completely eliminate them,

especially in regards to the legitimate businesses the organization will be running, it becomes

immensely important to make them as complicated as possible. Additionally, there is a need for

offshore tax havens so that the organization will be able to keep much of its money out of the

prying eyes of the State in order to facilitate its movement across borders and between cells.

This will be accomplished through the creation of a complex maze of various shell companies

and trusts in countries that respect individual privacy much more than Western countries. This

step is particularly important because of the pressure applied by the United States toward other

countries to comply with requests concerning financial records. In the United States’ pursuit of

terrorism, it did not take long for Switzerland to bow to pressure recently. Therefore, we have

chosen to exploit Panama, the Cook Islands, Belize, and Seychelles for the time-being. Each of

these countries has strict privacy laws and require little information in order to create the entities

we need with very little reason to ever bend to the will of the U.S. and violate the privacy of their

customers, especially since so much of their income is a direct result of the incorporations and

trusts set up in their countries. They have all recently stood up against U.S. pressure to divulge

financial information protected by their own laws. We are also aware that, as times change, the

policies of various countries will also continue to change, so we will keep up-to-date with the

laws of these and other tax havens and move, create, and/or dissolve the various incorporations

and trusts the organization has as the demand for such needs arises.


Money transfer is the final area of the finance function and once again, we are employing

multiple methods in order to reduce risk. Although we have been referring to the organization as

if it was entirely U.S.-based, the truth is that we are looking to become global. As such, methods

that work in the U.S. will not be relevant in other countries, however this does open up multiple

other options not available in the U.S. Therefore, in order to transfer money between cells and

individuals in the U.S. and worldwide, we will be employing the following methods:

Hawalas – A hawala is a traditional Islamic money remittance and currency

exchange business where money can be transferred from one entity to another

with no paperwork. The system essentially works on trust. Person A, in the US,

wants to send Person B, in Syria, $10k. A goes to his family’s trusted hawala and

informs Hawaladar C (the operator of the hawala) that he needs to send $10k to B.

C says great, makes a note in his records of the amount and a code for the

transaction. C tells A that B can pick up the money in an hour at Hawaladar D. A

then call B and provides the code and the location of D. C also calls D and

provides the amount and the code for the transaction. B visits D, provides the

code and receives the $10k. Since this is a traditional Islamic banking system and

Islam is known to be anti-homosexuality, it provides our organization an

opportunity to transfer money via a system that would normally be looked at but

due to our ideology would not be.

Stored Value Cards – The use of stored value cards (SVCs) as a method of

transferring money is relatively new. Essentially the systems works where Person

A goes to Store B and purchases a SVC in cash for say, $5k. A then gives the


card to Person C. C sells the card to a third party for a reduced amount and

receives cash in return.

M-Pesa - M-Pesa (M for mobile, pesa is Swahili for money) is a cellphone based

money transfer service currently in use in Asia and Africa. The system allows the

user to enter their local cell phone store and load any amount of money on their

phone. The user is able to then “text” the money to any other user. The system

provides a highly secure method of transporting money across borders with no

threat of loss of funds since the cell phone company keeps track of the money in

the account. The benefit to this system is the lack of tracking of fund transfer

information. When A sends money to B using this system, there is no record

outside of a text message between the two. One account losses the transfer

amount while the other gains the amount. No record of where the money came

from or went is kept. This is the main reason why this system is not in use in the

United States.

The final and probably most complex (other than the maze of incorporations and trusts)

opportunity we will be taking on, is the effective exploitation of decentralized digital currency

(DDC). This will be handled by the few individuals overseeing the entirety of the financial area

of the organization as it will require specialized knowledge to operate and day/swing trade.

Bitcoin is currently the oldest and most active DDC (Kapur, 2013) but its success has led to the

creation of other competing versions such as Ripple (Stone, 2013), Litecoins (Irerra, 2013), and

Primecoin (Stuckey, 2013). What makes this form of currency viable is its lack of connection to

any central bank or State. Because of this, there are neither paper trails nor any way to

physically shut it down. Bitcoins are traded from one individual to another with no record of the


transaction other than IP addresses which can be easily spoofed. While it has great utility in

facilitating legitimate transactions, this has already led it to much use within the black market

also (Chen, 2011).

For those who think such an operation is just a fad, as of April 15, 2013, a mere three

years after its inception, the total value of Bitcoins in circulation was just over $1 billion

(Simonite, 2013). However, the viability of DDCs is not limited to their resultant transactional

secrecy. At the market’s high, a week prior to April 15, the total value of Bitcoins in circulation

was over $2 billion dollars after a short run-up in value (Simonite, 2013). Instead of State

currencies, whose value continues to drop as more are created in response to continued

government spending, because there can only be a limited amount of Bitcoins ever in existence,

speculation and perceived value continue to drive the monetary figure upward. What this means

is that Bitcoins bought and held for a rather short period of time can literally double or triple in

value, all without pesky government records. This is as good as free money for the organization.

Therefore, Bitcoins and other DDCs will benefit the organization by allowing the transfer of

funds from one cell or individual to another without being traced and the ability to earn a return

on funds held as Bitcoins.

Of course there is always the potential for the DDC to go down in value at one time or

another, even if only temporarily. However the longer term tracking shows a continual upward

trend. Even if it did decrease in value at some point, the holding currency trading would

generally be limited in duration so as to mitigate the effects of such a decrease and it would be

considered merely the cost of doing business. Certain transactional costs are associated with

money laundering and movement regardless but with this particular option we have the very real

potential of getting away with a much lower cost and doing so in a much safer way.


The Uganda and Abbott Operations, described in the next section, will need a

combination of cash and multiple pre-paid credit cards. To provide the funds to our agents in

these operations, we will use one of our trusted Hawalas in the operation location. One of our

trusted financial agents will pick up the funds and purchase multiple pre-paid credit cards (less

than $100 per card) at various locations. The cards will then be passed on to the operation agents

at a pre-determined location and time. These operational agents can sell the credit cards as

needed to obtain cash for all required purchases, further avoiding surveillance cameras at ATMs.

This will allow the agents to only have a small amount of cash on hand reducing the chance of

capture and loss of funds. Hotels are the only component that must be paid via credit card.

Agents must utilize locations that utilize minimal records and surveillance to avoid law

enforcement backtracking once the operation is complete.

People and Recruitment

Abbott Operation. A major recruiting factor for our organizations is that the GLBT

community has been brutally oppressed and discriminated for years. The group, their friends and

families have felt the hurt and sting of this treatment which in many cases that has led to suicide.

These emotions would be a powerful motivation to tap into for our cause.

By using social media, we can recruit more members without being geographically

limited. Not only would this be helpful in building our member base, we can also gather

intelligence through these sites. This would also be another platform to share our information.

Being that Abbott's office is in Austin, we can use the local population to recruit protestors. The

local “Keep Austin Weird”, UT at Austin, and the local GLBT groups would be great to recruit.

With all the protestors being from the community, there would be no cost for housing, and we

would just need to provide the group with one or two meals, depending on the time of day of the


sit-in. Recruitment and selection for this op (20-30 Protestors including one Media

Spokesperson) would be through fliers at the college or reaching out to “Keep Austin Weird”

and the local GLBT group. A Facebook page would be established promoting the cause would be

created to keep members up to date on information and allow communication within the group.

Ugandan Operation. Recruiting should begin with cement companies that are well

known and have employees that are known to have lots of wealth and are sympathetic to our

cause. There is a local LGBT Community in Washington D.C., which would also be a great

resource for recruitment efforts, as well as for procuring the alternate identities, safe houses, and

obtaining used vehicles so as to remain inconspicuous while this operation is underway. The

safe houses should be stocked with food/supplies enough for a few days/weeks after the

operation when our recruits go underground after the attack.

Fake ID cards will be vital for the recruits to maintain cover while preparing for,

executing, and staying underground following the operation. These ID cards will allow the

recruits to rent vehicles and hotel rooms, gain access to restricted areas, and provide a level of

separation from their true identities further protecting them and our entire organization from

detection and prosecution. The website Plastic Card ID has everything we need to create the

alternate identity cards. A dual sided printer with magnetic encoder named the Evolis Primacy

card printer is equipped to handle all of our card printing needs (Plastic Card ID, 2013). Primacy

delivers cards in runs, thanks to 100-card capacity input and output hoppers. These modules are

conveniently located at the front of the printer and can be accessed easily and monitored at a

glance. The Primacy is the very first printer in its category to offer this level of performances

through such a compact size and footprint. The printer also ensures top-notch printing quality at


an unmatched printing speed. If we have a card printer, we could make IDs as many as we need

and not have to hassle with outside documents. The cards come in 500 count boxes and for

$34.98 we could get started with 3,000 cards. This is a large amount for this operation only but

in the future more ops like this may arise and we need to be prepared. Table 1 details the costs.

Table 1

Alternate Id Cards Costs (Plastic Card ID, 2013)

Evolis Primacy duplex card printer system $3000

3,000 Blank cards $35

Signature panel $16

Magnetic strip $33

Estimated total cost $3084

As for the farmer and farm/barn area, we need to go with the same route and look for

large farms close to the attack site with members of the GLBT community who are willing to

work with us. We have to remember and ask ourselves: Why would these farmers/cement

workers join a terrorist organization? They are part of an oppressed, discriminated and

disaffected group in American society and thus they have a motive to effect change.

Internal Security. For the Abbott Operation with it being just a one day event, the need

for security would be minimal, although still needed. The recruits would meet at a pre-

determined rally point and from then on move as one cohesive front to carry out the operation as

smoothly as possible. There would be a designated supervisor within our group to monitor the

recruits at all times. We would need a secure mode of transportation that would be large enough

to carry the members but not large enough to draw attention and suspicion, such as small


passenger vans. This is a peaceful act of civil disobedience so there should not be much

incidence with the operation.

The Ugandan operation’s internal security is going to be a big issue. The members will

have to have alternate identities so their true identities remain unknown and will have to proceed

to the safe-house as soon as possible after the attack is carried out and then be monitored the

whole time. This is going to be our violent act, so it is going to cause a lot more media attention

and fear than the Abbott operation.

Monitoring Members. Since the members will be together throughout the operation,

monitoring for the Abbott operation will be a fairly easy task. After the sit-in, the Facebook

page would be another alley to monitor the group and the actions surrounding the cause and the

issues we face. There will now be a united, established presence in the Austin community and

there could be further operations planned in the future by locals. Should an incident occur,

further action can be decided upon. For the Ugandan operation, the team members will carry

burner phones to stay in contact with the group and once the attack has been fulfilled, the

attackers will take cover in the safe houses until it is safe for them to resurface.

Secure Communications. iPhones will be bought and distributed to the members with

the CellCrypt Mobile App which will encrypt phone calls to a level that is not breakable via

current methods. The actual App is free however the service is pricey but we can afford as many

of the phone/app combos as we need. Additionally, we can use World of War Craft's voice chat

function or draft emails left in a shared email account.


Our own private internet network could be set up using TOR and we would be able to do

basic background and credit checks on people like the farmer, drivers, and other key members.

the most important advantage to be had from using TOR is the anonymity and protection of

one’s privacy. The way Tor works is it encrypts all the information that is relayed from one

server to another, with the current server only knowing the IP addresses of the server that gave it

the data and the one it is supposed to pass the data to, making the process virtually untraceable.

No one has to know what you’re up to, and no one has to know who’s on the other end of a

conversation you’re having online (Kotenko, 2013).

Another option would be to use Freenet. Freenet is an anonymous peer-to-peer data-

sharing network similar to BitTorrent but with one key difference: All uploaded data is assigned

a unique key, sliced up into small, encrypted chunks and scattered across different computers on

the network. Freenet routes fetch requests through intermediary computers on the networks that

do not store records of the request, thus ensuring that no single computer on the network knows

the contents of any one file (Wawro, 2013).

The Details for the Abbott Operation

The Plan. Fortune has smiled upon our movement. Greg Abbott is running for

Governor and has started campaigning. Thursday July 18, he has a ‘Come meet Greg Abbott!’

event at the Scholz Garten located at 1607 San Jacinto Blvd Austin, Texas 78701 (Texans for

Greg Abbott, 2013). The event starts at 5:00 pm and is just a few blocks from the University of

Texas campus. As a campaign media event, we will have plenty of press on had to document our

protests and actions. The Scholz Garten (2013) has far less security obstacles than the William P.

Clements State Office Building where the State Attorney General’s office is (Augustine, 2009).


The People guys need to register the 20-30 people for the free tickets to get into the event at (Texans for Greg Abbott, 2013). We will also require rainbow T-shirts

(about two weeks lead time) to unveil at the event when they start their protest (Custom Ink,

2013). Media guys will come up with a catchy slogan for the shirts. We will meet at the front of

the UT Penick-Allison Tennis Center at 14:30 and move to a place in Centennial Park to eat

lunch and coordinate our actions. A map is included in Appendix A. Lunch will need to be

ordered the day before (Thunder Cloud Subs, 2013). People can walk from the UT campus, take

the bus, or park for a fee at the UT Trinity parking building off of MLK Blvd. The rules of

engagement will be strictly passive resistance and the yelling of slogans. No alcohol or drug use

during this operation will be tolerated as excess consumption of those items led to many

problems. We will teach the protesters what slogans to yell and how to become dead weight

when one is being removed by security and police. Being in control and passive at all times is a

must. Those situations will be practiced with the protesters. The goal of this operation is to put

forward a peaceful face on the Gay Liberation Front as our movement and its goals gain

nationwide attention. At 4:00 pm, the group will walk over to the Scholz Garten to take

positions. The T-shirts will be concealed until the protest is started at which they will be

displayed. Actions will be coordinated via text message using a pre-paid burn phone to all

players and a backup visual will be coordinated. At some time after 5:00 pm during Abbott’s

speech, the signal via text and visually will be given and the protest will begin. One concealed

member will film the protest. After the protest, the group will meet back over at Centennial Park

for a post mission debrief and Amy’s ice cream. Ice Cream needs to be ordered two full days

ahead (Amy’s Ice Cream, 2013). At all times this group must be totally separate from the

Ugandan operation and have no knowledge of it.


The Requirements. We will need two logistic people for set up and clean up in the park

(food, water, ice cream and T-shirts), two operations people to train and supervise the protesters,

one media operative to video the event, and twenty to thirty protestors. The material

requirements are listed in Table 2.

Table 2

Abbott Operation Material Requirements and Budget

Thirty box lunches from Thundercloud Subs (1608 Lavaca Street) $260

Four cases of water bottles, ice and two ice chests $100

Two 2.5 Gallon Boxes of Amy’s ice cream (1012 West 6th Street) $70

Thirty T-shirts uni-sexed (S, M, L, XL) $400

Van one day rental $300

Estimated total cost $1200

The Details for the Ugandan Operation

Requirements. A family farm of a sympathetic supporter or member in the Virginia or

West Virginia area that has 100 acres or more and a large barn is needed. The barn will conceal

our bomb making activities and provide a reason to buy the fertilizer. Farm supply stores like

American Plant Food Corporation in Bartlett, Texas will sell custom mixed ammonium nitrate

fertilizer (about 33 percent Nitrogen) and rent the spreader for free (if you buy from them). Five

tons (10,000 lbs) is a common amount and will fertilize about twenty acres of corn or fifty acres

of hay (Maguire, Alley & Flowers, 2009). This amount of fertilizer costs about $550 per ton for

a total of $2750 (Richey, 2013). The spreader hooks up to a heavy pickup truck (use the

farmer’s) and is a convenient way to transport the product. We are going to use a cement mixer


truck which affords many advantages. They can haul up to 40,000 pounds of material and can

easily mix the material (Molina & Vincent, 2013). It is common on the road and the truck can

crash many fences, curbs, and other vehicle barricades. The explosion can achieve higher

pressures in the mixer than in other methods of transportation. Chaparral Concrete Equipment in

the Dallas / Fort Worth area specializes in no questions asked trucks sales in some of the

sketchiest areas throughout the world and has good used cement mixer trucks under $20,000

(Molina & Vincent, 2013). The truck could be obtained in the Virginia or West Virginia area

through a similar company or private sale. Three reliable used mid-sized cars can be bought

from private sales for $4000 or under each (, 2013). One car is for the

reconnaissance team and the other two are for the actual operation. Car and truck sales can be

coordinated before the team leaves via email and pre-paid burn phones with a primary and a

backup for each. We will obtain four AR-15s and four pistols with 50 rounds of 40cal and 100

rounds of 5.56mm for each weapon (Ammunition to Go, 2013). Mr. Inks will supply the 3D

printer made weapon suppressers. Eight people in total are needed with a two person recon

team, two people in lead or pilot car, two people in the truck and two people in the trailing or

sweeper car. Pilot and sweeper car teams need to have one trained marksman and one driver.

Eight alternate identities are required with Virginia or West Virginia driver’s license and cover


Table 3

Ugandan Operation Material Requirements and Budget

Motel rooms 8 people for 7 days at $100 a day $5600

Per diem 8 people for 7 days at $75 a day $4200

Weapons (AR-15s and Glocks) $10,000


5.56 ammunition 500 rds penetrator ammo $400

40 S&W Tactical Bonded 155gr. Hollow Point 200 rds $200

Three used cars $12,000

Cement mixer truck $20,000

10,000 pounds ammonium nitrate fertilizer $2750

200 pounds of Tannerite exploding targets $800

110 gallons of diesel fuel $380

Travel via car from Texas to target location $1000

2 pounds of IMR smokeless powder $70

Estes rocket engines, wires, PVC tubing, 2 timers, and 2 cell phones $200

8 Pre-paid cell phones $400

2 Used I-pad and one used digital camera $800

Estimated total cost $58,800

ANFO Bomb. Since the weight of our bomb is not an issue, we will use 10,000 pounds

of ammonium nitrate fertilizer (about 33 percent Nitrogen). The Ammonium Nitrate - Fuel Oil

(ANFO) bomb requires about six percent of weight to be fuel oil or about one gallon of fuel oil

for each 100 pounds of ammonium nitrate. This ratio assures an efficient chemical reaction of

the nitrate (Pike, 2011). Two fifty-five gallon drums of diesel fuel will be needed. Nitromethane

could also be used, as in the Oklahoma City bombing. Nitromethane is used by racers and in

remote control planes and can be purchased in fifty-five gallon drums for about $1000 per drum

plus shipping (Klotzwarehouse, 2013). McVeigh used a twenty-four percent nitromethane mix

in his device. Aluminum powder was also investigated as a fuel additive and is readily available

at places like Alpha Chemical (2013) for shipment at $240 for forty pounds. An ammonium

nitrate, nitromethane and aluminum powder mix would be more powerful but more testing and


research is needed to get the proper fuel / oxidizer ratio. For simplicity, we will use only diesel

fuel which will provide the necessary explosive force to destroy the target. The detonation

system consists of two Estes rocket engines (Estes-Cox, 2013) (one to a cell phone and the other

to a backup timer) to one pound of smokeless gun power like IMF 4320 (Cabela’s, 2013) in a

PVC tube to detonate 100 pounds of Tannerite, also in PVC tubes arrayed around the gun power

charge. One should note that Tannerite can be legally bought, stored and transported in any

amount in its binary form. Only after mixing do the hazardous chemical restrictions apply

(Tannerite Sports, 2013). The detonation system will sealed in a liquid proof wrap to prevent

damage to the components. For redundancy, the bomb will have two of these systems to explode

the 11,000 pounds of AFNO. The detonation system ignition can be tested by replacing the

rocket engines and a dry arming run will validate the five minute timer setting. A movable steel

plug will be inserted in the back of the mixer hole. This will increase the pressure generated by

the explosion.

The Plan. Driving time from Texas to the target area is about 20 hours. The recon team

will drive separately and the bomb delivery team will take two cars. The Estes rocket engines,

wires, PVC tubing, timers, cell phones and Tannerite can be brought in Texas and divided

between the two cars. The timeline is a day and half of travel time. Day two is to finish travel

and buy cars. The Texas cars will be placed in multi-day parking lots near the egress points and

used for the drive home. Day three through five is the start of reconnaissance and procurement

of the cement mixer truck, the fertilizer, diesel fuel, weapons, gunpowder and ammunition. On

day five, the bomb will be assembled. During day six, the attack will commence around or

before noon and the drive back to Texas will begin. Day seven, the teams will arrive back in

Texas and abandon the Texas cars.


The reconnaissance team will accomplish the target survey of the Ugandan Embassy.

They will observe and record the physical layout, security measures and habits of embassy

assigned personnel. The team will test the ingress and egress routes and note any difficulties,

traffic problems, law enforcements activities and locations. They will have no knowledge or

contact with the bomb delivery team other than email. They will email the report with the

recommended ingress and egress routes and the optimal time of day for the attack. Target and

route pictures are located in Appendix B. The report will detail difficulties and possible

solutions that the bomb delivery team will face. Good operations security procedures are a must

for the successful outcome of this operation which means no discussion of plans and people

outside of the cell group and secure areas. All location services on the phones and I-pads will be

disabled. Phones will not be on or used at the farm. The bomb will be assembled in the farmer’s


The day of the attack, the farm will be cleaned of all items and motels rooms checked

out. The two person pilot car team will lead the cement truck by several miles and relay any

traffic problems or law enforcement to the rest of the team. The pilot car will take up a position

just outside the embassy and will neutralize any guards just prior to the truck entering through

the gate and into the parking lot. They will give cover as the truck driver and passenger escape

the truck and into the cars. The two person sweeper car will follow the truck and observe if

anyone is following the cement mixer. If cement truck gets pulled over or into any trouble, the

sweeper car is responsible for neutralizing the trouble or law enforcement and achieving an

escape. The sweeper car provides cover to the escaping pilot and truck teams after the truck

enters the parking lot. The two person cement mixer truck team will drive the truck safety and

within all traffic laws. Just several blocks short of the target, they will arm the detonation


devices and start the five minute timers. They will insert the detonation devices into the ANFO

bomb and close the plug. The truck team will drive into the embassy parking lot through the

gate and over any vehicle obstacles to get as close to the building as possible. The diver will

remove the ignition key and set the parking brake before leaving. The driver will go to the

sweeper car and the passenger will leave in the pilot car. Cars will proceed to the egress points

and the Texas cars. All players will change clothes, destroy phones, I-pads, weapons and any

other evidence of the operation. The drive home will take a day and half.

The Front itself will not claim responsibility for the embassy bombing. Our media team

will anonymously plant the story with several media outlets that unknown members of GLBT

community attacked the Ugandan embassy because of Uganda’s persecution and oppression of

gays. With our peaceful credentials built up with non-violent protests like the Abbott operation,

we can get our crack media team on the talk and news show circuit as a voice of reason to

explain why pent-up anger caused GLBT members to strike out violently. Thus the act of the

bombing results in public attention which allows the Front to get its message out while retaining

plausible deniability about the bombing. The group’s nonprofit funding would not be

jeopardized by anti-terror funding laws and law enforcement could not take action with evidence

linking us to the bombing. Without the terrorist label, the Front’s access to the media should be

uninterrupted to spread our message for future events.


The Front has a well-developed concept to accomplish both the Abbott and Ugandan

operations. The media and public relations section has brilliantly articulated our movement’s

principles and stands ready to tackle any media issues. Our finance team has created an


outstanding blueprint to securely, safely and generously fund all of the group’s activities. Martin

has recruited motivated members to carry out the Front’s desires and secured the means to safely

communicate between individuals. Cisar designed two detailed plans which will successfully

accomplish the objectives of disrupting Abbott’s Austin campaign stop and destroying the

Ugandan Embassy. These operations by the Gay Liberation Front will call worldwide attention

to the group’s principles and strike a blow for gay rights and freedoms.



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Appendix A

Abbott Operation Target Study Images

The Front View (Google Map, 2013a)

The Stage View Were the Abbott Rally will be Held (Scholz Garten, 2013)


The Back View of the Scholz Garten (Google Map, 2013a)


Map of the Scholz Garten (A), Centennial Park, and the Tennis Courts (Google Maps. 2013a)


Appendix B

Ugandan Operation Embassy Target Study Images (Google Map, 2013b)

Front View of the Two Ugandan Embassy Buildings from 16th



Street North View


View of Right Turning from 16th Street onto Manchester Lane (Red Line is the Truck’s Route)

View of Right Turn Off of 16th

Street onto Manchester Lane


View of 16th

Street (across) and Manchester Lane (Vertical)

Side View from Manchester Lane with Parking Target


Corner View with Parking Lot

Pilot Car Position (Red Box) with View Down Manchester Lane


Local Map of Target with Truck Route (In Red)