The effective use of one computer per classroom

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Transcript of The effective use of one computer per classroom

Hello World!

Olurinola OluwakemiEducational Technology (Ph.D)

Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-iwoye

The effective use of one computer per


Does Technology Improve Our Learning?

The equation: B = S + E – CThe technology benefit (B) comes from simplification (S) and efficiency (E) minus the additional complication (C).•Start with things that are small, meaningful, sharable, and yet novel.


2013ICT infrastructure

computer labs.

more resources pedagog

y change

computers in other venues (library, media

centre, and classrooms)

The placement in the classroom is what we will focus on in this presentation.

Does this kind of classroom work?

The one-computer classroom has been defined as classroom that has one or very few (probably up to 4) computers and the student:computer ratio is greater than 1:4 (

But I choose to define the one computer classroom in this context as one computer with a class of 25+ students.


If you research the topic “the one computer classroom” will find a high proportion of broken links or pages no more available.which is indicative of how outdated this topic has become in first world countries. However, it still holds relevance in lesser-resourced communities and countries “like Nigeria”.

Why A One-Computer Classroom?

Why A One-Computer Classroom?1. Make the best of where you are

on your way to where you are going. (1:1)

2. Most classrooms will be stuck with one computer for several (many?) years3. Setup is simple & affordable4. Software resources are increasingly available (e.g FOSS)5. Teachers want to teach this way ! Students want to learn this way !6. We live in a technologically enriched environment

Computer Laboratory

Cost of Installatio

n 1,852,967.0

0Power consumption N6646.07/3mtsCost of

Internet Hardware

Installation and Service 30,000.00

1PC to 1Child

Cost of Installatio


00 Power consumption

N119629.22/3mthsCost of

Internet Hardware

Installation and Service 90,640.00

1PC to 1classroom

Cost of Installatio

n 1,300,967.0

0 Power consumption N4601.12 /3mthsCost of Internet Hardware

Installation and Service 66,640.00

Financial Perspective

Having a computer in the classroom means that teachers do not have to regularly schedule computer labs every time they wish to integrate ICT in some way (this has been a barrier to student access as we know).

However, the teacher has to schedule the computer access within the classroom by planning learning activities which are rotational and where computers can be accessed for a variety of reasons at a variety of times.

Transit Time/ Immediate Access

Computer placement and Portability

Where is your classroom computer?

On your desk ? ×An easily accessible and easily supervised place? √

Computer placement and portability has a practical impact on how you are able to use your classroom computer.

Portability and Security


The solution is to affix classroom

computers to small media carts.

Loose computers on tables or desks

often “walk” during nights, weekends,

and holidays

Locked down computers often result in

computers that cannot be used in a wide variety of ways

In most schools, portability and security are equally important, yet competing,

issues. Portability: This cart can be moved around the room (or into the room next door, up the hall, etc.) where needed. Security: Lock down the cart to an immobile object, the media carts can be wheeled into a lockable closet or very secure room in the school in the evenings (and especially during school vacations).

If one computer is all you have, what are the minimum

feature requirements for that computer?

A computer in today's classroom should include • A word processor • CD encyclopedia• multimedia presentation software • spreadsheet or graphing software • a Web browser, and • an e-mail program. • Some content-specific software would be nice too

Hardware Needs

Desktop/LaptopScan Converter / TVLarge Display ProjectorDigital CameraVideo Camera Microphone And SpeakersPrinterMouse

Management Issues

Bottlenecks are sure to occur in a one-computer classroom, but teachers can keep them to a minimum with careful management strategies.1. Post responsibilities, guidelines, and expected behavior when using computers.2. Know the program or review the site you plan to share with the group, don’t experiment.3. Practice using it before you present it to the class.4. Emphasize the importance of pre-planning so that computer time is efficiently used.

Management…….. . 5. Create two folders: one for work in progress and one for completed work or projects.6. Have a checklist available so that after each session, studentcan indicate whether project is complete or if the student orteam needs additional time.

7. Be flexible, it may not go as you planned no matter how wellyou prepared. So have an alternative plan just in case thecomputers don’t work, the students have a problem, etc.8. Use peer partners or mentors9. Any students who abuse their privilege at the computer should immediately be removed from the computer for a period of time.

A strategy is to create “stations” or multiple activities, using the computer as only one of the tools necessary to complete assignments.    After a designated amount of time, students/groups should rotate to a different station.

Scheduling Suggestions

Rotating Students through Classroom Computers

Place Class Roster by Computers • Use a Sign-Up sheet for students to sign-up when they are ready.•Students check off their names when they have been at the computerand finish the activity or lesson.• Limit the number of times and minutes at the computer for each student. (use timer)• Try to use computer time for projects and activities related to content area.

Computers for Team and Cooperative Work

Use the Computer as Multi-Media Chalk Board or Flip Chart• Reading groups: draw story webs, have the computer read vocabulary words • Demonstrate concepts: for example, add descriptive words to a sentence or rearrange the sequence of words in a sentence to change the meaning

•Demonstrate writing or editing skills.• Demonstrate Math concepts

• Pull authentic text from the Internet to Illustrate points

Strategies for use of one computer per class

Have Students use the Computer as a Tool for Individual Input as Part of a Larger Group or

Class Project:•Lists: each student adds one item related to a topic that will be used for discussion •Science topic: students type questions of things they want to know about a new subject. The questions may be used to introduce a lesson. •Have each student write on type of sentence, for example, a topic sentence, and use this information for a class discussion on that type of sentence. • A continuing story

•Have Students Use the Computer to do Individual Work for Practice or Assessment: Correct a sentence

Practice typing a pattern Drawing or editing am image Type part of a final copy for a project - for example: the bibliography or outline for a research paper Take a quiz

• Children sign in under their name and save work in their own folder or group shared folder. • Enter personal information or opinions in a spreadsheet and then graph the whole class responses

Use the Computer as Learning Center or Station:•Use an atlas or encyclopedia: find some type of information such a six rivers in Africa•Use one component of some commercial software that goes along with your curriculum topic (Use a worksheet to direct student use.) •Calculator in math to check work •Spell checker during writing times

•Thesaurus during writing times

Tips For Making Computer Centers Work• If centers are a new concept in your room, take the time to discuss with students your procedures for moving to and from the computer center as well as how they should hand in completed center activities.• Write directions for computer activities on index cards or poster board•Before assigning an activity try completing the assignment yourself, or even better, find a student to test the activity for you. •Select a student to be the "Computer Expert" each week. •Agree on a signal that students can use if they need help while working on a task. •Parents provide their child with a flash drive so they can save class work and finish it at home.

Computer as Presentation Tool

• Using various devices to take the video output from the computer and either project it or display it on their classroom TV. Turn that little display into something that a whole class can see.  • Consider introducing a web site or software program as a whole class with a projection device before having students access the site directly.• Use presentation computer for students to present their projects e.g Take photos of a topic of interest and show on slides• This is especially helpful if you have an interactive white board, which can help take your lesson plan to the next level.  This is a great way for teachers to engage students with vivid images, video and audio while using a computer in the classroom.

Using the interactive with board to teach drawing shapes in an art class

Use an auto response system.  A great way teachers can engage students is to include lessons designed for group participation.  With an auto response system, students can further contribute right from their seats!  Mouse Mischief, a free auto response system, allows teachers to integrate surveys, polls, questions, and drawing activity slides into PowerPoint lessons.

Use As A Classroom Response System

Chloroplast will take ___and _____, and change it in to oxygen

CO₂ and H₂O

H₂O and CO

CO₂ and NO

CO and O2


Thank you for your Time!

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