Tell-tale Squares

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Transcript of Tell-tale Squares

tssN 1124-156X





Proceedings ofthe Conference held at the Institute ofArchaeology UCLon June 20'r' - 22*r.2005


MrcHrr-,r. Sprr,lno ,qrn P-lor.o Brlct


M(rLL \sr!trtu)rn(ll'!rt)B virc(llr.rLb)r. t Shon,tnl* tlh ush tltt Bdlknr\ ln l'n./ l orw\ i nit ( tt t\ tth L t t 8!\ ur, t nt L r, ).. : :t. -

SocBli Prcislorii Prnoitria Frnrli-\:(i.. Iii.sre- Qnrdcmo ll-lr){r-: ltrl.ll I




olltrddaihdisctJscdi|rlhc|c\t'lhelUthorcofhldeslhat.nd rlar dre Drcscn.. ofdre srnrc popularion h rhd ll!lk.'u is rhc rx)sr plausjblc c\plorarion.

Rl.\ssUs.To-/'!dl/4/'t(.,,l!,k,'lnqucst()lil\of|-AnftcPlctdeincs!I1CilPlob|enrJdc||coriginidel|cc||h!ledeIN{o||i..n|icodel1r|'eni!n.Ba|crnic!'^qucsloscol]odghaD.liz2atnsn'on!siDbol|codidL\o|aznn'i[cscnlisu||e|llulc i.dcll /\nart'lia


lla\ing studicd the prehisloq'ol_the Balkans in llr en\ironnrenr \here sharp dillerences in erplainirrglhe origins ol Neolithic culture existed. it was Dot an eas) task lbr a novice in lhc lield to decide on rhich ol'lwo vie\s to irdopt. One wAs thal ofD. Sfejovii s'ho. tier having disco\'ered lhc cultLrre ofLcpcnskiVir. pLrl

itll his efibrls iDto Iinking the oigins ol the State\o Culturc to lhc \4esolilhic ol'the lron Cotes. His entircchronological liame\rork ofthe period ol Earl)'and Middle Neolilhic has beeD Drirkcd b\ his lanous disco\ cr'\.The introduc t ion of tenls such as Prolo Sta|'.evo \\ as co0sequen t l) ainrcd to acccDluate the coDlin uity bel \\ cculhese No cull al pbenonrena olthe Cennal Balkans.

The othcf circle olSerbi0n prchistorians linnred arouDCl M. GamSonin. excavatoI olAnzabego\o. Macedonil.\\hoad\ocaledanideaolclosellinksoftheBalkanNeolithiccultureNithrhatollhcAmtolianDlnteau.Hislcrnr'Balkan-A|larcliaD conrplex'\\'as aiDred at eriplainirrg sinlilaities in lhe Draterial culture ofthese (qo rcgi()ns.

E\,entoallv. t\!o episodes helped me in taking sides in lhis conrdicaled nratlef. The first onc occuDed in thcsping of2000 \\'lren. as aD AlexaDdef von Ilunrboldt scholar. I visitcd nruselnrs and siles throughout soulheaslc lLlurope. in the pursuit of nratelial ibr m). pfoject dedicated to lhe chfomologv ol lhe Early Ncolithic. K. Kotsakis. olA slolle s Uni\ersil\.iD ThessaloDiki. ard P ChfisostoDrou. ol the Museum in Giannit'u. I

\as able lo bok at the rnatc al from the Earlv Neolilhic sile ofGiannitsa. The olher inlpoflant thctor lbr nr\linal decision oD lhe oligins ofthe Neolithic in ihe Brlkans caurc 0bout at the nronrcnt I flcquifcd Ozr)ri \\And B^SGLFN'S (l999) book"Neolithi( in h ey - rhc trulla o/ ti|l/l:d/lor". This book. and pa iculad) lh.chapter by R. Dt RL ( 1999) "Ire .\eolilti( ol the L.tkc Distt iLl - has uDra|clled lbr me rhe t\.orld oi'NeolIhripainted polleD of southern Anatolia.

The key proble|n in synchronizing thc Earlv NlJolilhic olthe Balkan Peninsrll Nith lhe AnatoliaD NeolIlr.used lo be the diii'erence in the colour of the onaurenlt in fie Centml Brlkans lhe Neolithic stat ts $ ith \\ h Lr!

pitinted decoralion. \\hereas EarlyNeolithic pottery inAnatoliaNas decorated $ ith fed colouron il pale sudr.,Untbrtunatel)'this \as enough fbr sonre ofour colleagues ro slop looki|lg lbr conr|non tiatures altong il:r.iculturalphenolnena,

i .)(n r ,',c rotA (lt.niogr. L d ,(,{r\ cr B(L!r.'J(. \ueo.l-\r..

Long beforc these events I had a special aflnity with the early wlrite painting olthe Neolithic ofthe centralBalkans. Il had enchanted me for its diversity ofcombinations, mixtue oflinear and curvilinear nrotifs. but alsofof the f'act that it avoids a cohereni systematization, so much preGned among fellorv archaeologists. I! alsotumed out lo be rather difficult to verbalize the content ofthis elaborately painted pottery.

The two pots shown here, different in size, shape and decoration. with one in white painting from Gjannitsa(fig. I ) (C HRrsosroN,lou. I 994) and ihe other painted red on bufl-from Kuruqay (fig. 2) (Du RU, I 994). more thana thousand kilometres away, helped me comprehend that neilher the colour ofthe omanlent, nor the shape ofpot or the motifitsell but the way ofthinkirg and appreciation ot'geometrical folms, inherent in both pieceswas the '/i/ r?rge which cou ld link the entire phase of Early Neo lithic in both rcgion s.

h the vastregioD ofthe Balkans speckled with sites ofthe EarlyNeolilhic which have a sinilar omamentalsystem structure in painted pottery str€tching ftom Podgode,Albania iD the south-west io Kovaaevo, Bulgaria inthe eastand fiom Giannitsa in the south up to Donja Branjevina in the north, atendency 10 represent geometricalmotili can ascertained. The squarc, which occurs on a nLlmber ofpots in the Balkans and southem Analolia,is perhaps the most striking ofall. But there are motjust squares depicted on po$ery. Along with them, 'steps-shaped'motifs, straight lines, nets, rriangles. wavy lines and leaf-shaped motifs are also common.

F_rg. I - Parnted pot liom Grannirsa. Fig. I - Pai,rted por fon Kururay.

Only few pots $,ith apparent sqLlares irave been discovered in the Balkans so far. which is probably lhereason they have not been recogDised earlier as crucial for the Lmderstanding the Early Neolithic ornamentalsyslem. The Giannitsa findings. discovered irr l99l bave been mentioned above. Along with those thereare liagments ofpotlery discovered in Nea Nikomedeia (fig.3, nos.9. 12, l5; YtouNt. 1996) where wecan see an identical disposilion of'rertical and diagonal lines that resemble the one from Giannitsa. FronthesiteofKovaaevothefeisoneliagment(fig.3.n. l4)decoraledinthesamenanner(PERNraEVA, l995).However, there are many more poltery fiagments with diagonal lines (straight, wavy or zigzag), whichcan be reconstructed to form the square disposition. 1t is ll1y belief that simple diagonal lines stand for thesquare in later phases of the Early and Middle Neolithic (e.g. Kovaaevo: fig. 3, n. l1 or Nea Nikomedeiafig. 3. n. l5). But squares can be fbund on different types ofobjects as well, suclr as house models, altarsand censers. and they arc aLways associated with a circle and/or diagonals, The sqLlare as a concept canbe traced all the \\,ay to dre sites of the Lakc Diskict in Weslern Anatolia, like Kuruqay H6yiik or Haailar(MILLAART. 1970; D!RU, 1994; I999). At these sites we can see identical treatment ofmetopes. related tothe circumference olthe rim ofthe pot. Sometimes the calculations become even more complicated andthe metope is divided into 4 smallef ones. There are also vertical lines between metopes, with the identicalrole ofconpensating fbf the even distribution ofsquares around the pot (examples from Hagilar: MELAART,

1965; DLrRLr, 1999; fig.3, n.2).However. along \\,ith quadrates and lectangular metopes, a strict geometical disposition can be also obsen,ed

in the propoftions olan ascoid vessel fiom Hdyiicek, but also in the disposition ofa reclining female figurine(DURU. lg99: figs. 21.22). The square appears also on a miniature table lrom the same site.As we can see fromthe chronological table lor the Lake District (DuR!. 1999) the sites of this region are somewhat earlier thanthe Early Neolithic sites in the Balkans, so it appears that this tradition must have originated in their primaryinhabitation zone. ThebackgrouDd fbrgeometry hasbeen probably setwith theaccumulated bui lding traditionsof early settled communities ofAnatolia. The masterpieces ofarchitectuue discovered at A$ykli Hijytik, Cafer









Fi-{ I ' Painlcd Nrs liom dilrc,eft silcs:('irnrits:|. (i,eecc (1..l and 7): H.cil.L V.,\n0rolia. Turket (:)i KoflLqay 1-1. Anarolir.litrke! (l): KunLrry Ll-.\natd,r Tufkcl 15): ll)d!orie- Alb0ni. (6):An2rh.So\o. Nllcedoria(3.trd ll): Ncr Nlkonedein.(ir<cc.l9.nd l:): (iodnnl.. Ronroi! ( ll))iKo\dtcro. Bul{rria

l-lityiik and Ncvali qofi Nith perfect rectiliDcar tloor-plans. or qayonii N ith intriguing gill-plan buildings.could explain the inrB)rlance ofgeomelry and its highslirndards (OrD(x-i^N and B^SLEGF\. 1999).

When lve think ol_the fact that thc squAre rs alnrostrctally absent fionr rhc nilural wofld. then we becomepuzzled by Neolithic geonletry. Quadrate lolrr is tLtterly

arlilicial aDd rcpresenls an opposition to thc circle 1e.g.L \\r l.(rR- 1989). Being a tNo dimensional shadoN ofihesphere. the circle rcpreseDts the natural world. and isrcgafded il oughoul cullural history as a synrbol ollhe'indcscr-ibable onencss . on the ofier hand. the squarc

rcpfesents the mrniiest and comprehensible world. lt$ould nppear then thal the clash betwccn circle aDd

square reprcsents socicly s battlc \\'ith natu€ atrd th€atlcnrpt to brcak liec lio l its nrthless tcmpcr:

As \\'e can see lion nuDrerous exattlplcs. A square

is alrnost altrays associated \\'ith sleps of \\'avy lincs.A \lups-sh pcd Irolrl rs irllare||rl\ a \cr] i||rl,rnirnlone aDd can be encountercd o\er a \en k)ng pcriod o[tinrc. lt can be lbund in lhe course of cntire Early andNliddle Neolithic of lhe Balkans. When printcd. steps

are Ilmost alrvays ofganized togethel rvith sonre otheromancnlandare pl ccddiagonally in rclalio]ll(J lhe dnr0.g.Anzabegovo.(lig.3.n. l3)orCradinilein Ronrania(lig. i. n. l0) (N( \. l9q2).

Sleps are occilsio|lallv leprcsenled in negative- as

it is the case on a Nhite painred pot lion Ko\ate\o. Bulgrda (Prr{\rar\\. l9q5). Occasionally thc steps are

hidden Nilhiu sonre othel ornrmcnt (Pr,RNrar\\. 1995i Plirlc |7). Whcn incised they ha\c a lirnn oi a zigzagofnanent. Thc zigzng nrotif is alurost crclusi!ely placccl diagonally Ielativc lo lhc fim. Thefc rrc also plastic

zigzag olnaurents (possibly handlcs)or Early Ncolithic potlcry ( Donja Blxnic! ina)and altan (Ko!xic\o. cube).The imponancc ol steps or zigT g nrolil! regardless ol thc nritcitl or techriquc c n be also asccfLaircd oD the

basis of a rcprcscnlation ofi zigr g shaped peDdanl rcpfcscDled on a Lnr:llc llgurirrc disco\ered rl rhc sirc ofDortja Branjer ina. One r)fthose pcndanls has been rcccntl) disco\ercd al thc sitc ol Blasotirr. Scftrir (Nrxorrc

and ZLal:\L(-:{X)|) (ilg. J). As \\c c nseeiiol'rrtlree\xnrplesiiomKo\rac\oandDonjaBmnic\iDr(fig.5).zigz;rg lines nrc closely rssocialcd Nrlh houses and rronrcn. The decolalion illcised on the butlocks on these

ienralc llgurilrcs corrcsponds \\'ell \r'ilh lhc olnanrenlill s)stcnr rcgulafly fepfcscnlcd on altafs or ccnscrs.

lf \e lakc i close-r look rl rltilrs rd house Drcdels lionl Ko\aae\o {Prk\r{ r\:\. 1995).V*nik(C\R\s.\\r\.lc)7q). Lepcnski Vir. Donjfl Brarric\inll (K\ri\r\\\rir. 1005) nd othef sitcs ol- thc ea yNeolilhicol thcCentralBalkans \c ciur concludc lbal thcsc rcffeseniarions are nrost probably nssocirlcd !vilh llre icler ol r/orras. I'emalerllibutcs oficn plilccd on the legs ol irll.lfs associatc thcnr rr ith \omen as wcll. l-hcrc is a \ adct! ol nn)lils that canbe tbund on thcsc obiccrs. flo\\e\ er. th. nrost iiequent rc /igz.rg lines. cliagonrlll phceclsteps. n(rLrldccl breasts

Dd sonretinrcs lcn Ie busrs (tig. (r). I{cgrfdless ol-rhc tcchniquc oldecolltion. slcfs tind rhcif plirce in ahnoste\el1,iihiull]dhot|sclr]odclolthcl::l||!and\|idd1e\colilhicLrl.southelstcll)l:uR|Pc'Anolhc|st|iki!|!atLlrec\clusi\elfl-oulrdoDll1ia|s\ouldbclhcassociaiiolrol-sCluiucllndci|cleil]lhIccclinlcnslo1rS'Nunsho\'1hltlheb:lscol.analta|ll\\i|\\bel|sncilcull||eccplllc|c'Solrre1ies.llsscc.uSccflonl|l,lBlanjer ina. \!c cliscor er diagonal lirrcs clf\cd in of r]xruldcd on the lo$,er sidc ol r basc. Thc c\anrplc lionr OblcZ.Serbia(BRrK\r t. Iq60)dcuronstrrlcslhclollgc\it)ol this |henonlcnon (1i9. 7) | his piece is ctrtcd l(r lhc end oflhe Strrie\ o ( ullurc. and drelc r|c opinions that il coincid.s \\ rth the bcginnins ol thc Vinaa Culrufc.


106 -

8): Blagori,r. Scrbia (,1): crivac. Serbia (5): Vrsnik. Macedonia (6)i CotiaDra TLUnba.

Fi! 5 Frgurnes lionr Ko\{4.\o (r) md Doria Bmnjelinr (b rid c).

Spectacular lindings t'r'our LepenskiVir, and hcre Ido nol nrcanthe lamous stone sculpturcs. but altars discovered in Neolilhic laycrsoftbe site. show how dceply the potters ofthe Early Neolithie couldhave plunged thinking about abstract fonns such rs squarc. cubc. spherc and othefthfee dimcnsi(nrll lin rDs (SRLJ()\1C.

l97l). lvlounted on a pedestal. represented b) a cube-shiped hon)c (./.,rx/J). similar Io thosc lionl other EarlyNeolithic sites in Maccdonia. tbcre is a recepracle ilr the lb n of a square \\'rapped over a sphqrc! Thc question ofthe relatioDship bcnvcerr these tiDds and lhc Mesolithic stl:lla ofLcpenski Vir. \hich is also an ilnportanr issue.Nill not be discussed hcrc.


I would liketo rctuln rc the pot fiom Giannilsr once nrofc (iig. l ).lD that case the beight oflhe nrotil is almostidenticalto the mdius ofthc pol. Since therc are lnorc cxanrples flom the sane period Epfcscnling an identicalstrategy (fig.3)we could agree drat $is is dellDitelv not a ulcr! coincidence. In ordcrto achieve such a decorationon a pot one would havc ro bc well aware olthe basics ol geonrell].

ln order to derronstrate the complexily ofthis Na)' ot.thinking I shall present one ofthe approaches ro\\'ardssol\ing the legenda8 nrathcnlatical problen ofsquaring lhc circle. ltthecircle wirh the radius I is rotated alongthe surllce fbr l80 thelincbetNeenpointsAandB\\illcqualDuDrberfl-Ifwedra\thesemicircleNiththeI?diusAC=AB+landcltcndthemdiusoftheighlcircleunlilitbisec(sthesenricirclcalapoinlDthenwc\rilllh s obtain tbllowiDg equation ABXBC-BD: \hich \lould soh'e the problem ofthe squaring ofa circle sinceAB=nandBC=l. The bizarre l'act is that the pol fiont Ciannitsa showt at figure I hasa m identical tothecircle of dianrelef AC. the dimersions oflhe nreropes arc idcntical to the square pr.oduced above ond the baseofthe pot identicnl rc thc cifcle u,ith the radius l.

It is quite cleaf lhal Neolithic potters rvere not awafc ol lhis dilennna in the lorm quoted abovc. aDd did notdecide on tbe hejght ofthe decofation because ofsome abstmct geomefical problent. On the othef hand, i1 isevident that the ancicnt potlels ust have had a seious prob lenr when anemptiog to pa int thc squafe rvith the s idcequal Io the radius olthc por without haying an entpty space bet\rcen the squares or metopes. This dispositionsould probably not deserve such attention ifthe circle (in lhesc e\amples detennined by the diDension ofthefi|n ofa !essel) wAs to bc divided in.l. 8 or 16. ln the cases oiCiannirsa. Rakitoro. KuruQay and some orher.\\'e can see that drcRj \\'erc 6 nretopes- so more than sinlplc bisection oflhe circle was nccdcd, Vetlical lincs\\ere placcd between squarls (sonerin€s two and son)etintes thtec ofthem). rvhich have helped to corrpcnsare

fir the inrpossibility ofapplyiig the abor e-rrrcnl ioned equationusing eithef algebfaic or geonretrical nrethods (11g. 7).

\lorc c\il|llplcs ofelaborale geonretrical crlculations can beobscf\ cd irt lhc pors iiom Podcorie. Albanin.rnd Donia Bnnjevina.Sefbra (tig. S). Orr hofi pots rhe potrc| had 1() crlculate the sizeoi ('r!h rfiilnlrl. ror i squrfe made ol-lwo lrianglcs) relnrive tothc pelinrclcr ol lhc por \.r! precisely. ln ordef to apply thisatllacri\e dccof:rtion - \\herc red and white trianglcs eDcircle rhepot in tl icrcs rnd co\ er enrire suriice ofthc pot - the calculationhad to be rel:lri\ e lo rhc diaDreter oflhe pot bt|t also to tbe sphereand lhc dianrclcr ol-lhe basc ofthe pot (tig. 9). Il is flntazing thala small cylindical pot hrs been disco\ered at Ciannitsa (tig. 10.

l:ig. 6 Alraf Ironl Obr(7. Scrbi .


Fig.7 - Geomerical calcukriotrs re.oided of Ncolitiic po ery irom Podgoric. cirDnits. and

t0i3 -

leli). \llich can b€ regarded as a geometlical exercrse.

It scens that the decoralion has been left untinished. as

if the potler was caught hallway through in laying outthc gid fbr fiiezes ol'lriangles. The shape of the potis rlso nol standald tbr this period but makes it easier

tbr thc potter to pr?clicc lhis complicated calculation.Futher exanples of identical geometrical ideas can be

lbund al Hacilar. aDd othcr sites mentioned above (fig.10. right).

But whf did ancicnl polters decide to promotegeonletry as a srandafd fbf decoration ol their display

pottery? Was it a simple replica ofthe decomtior applied in some other nredia such as baskehy of weaving(CoorNLR. 1990). r',here geoNetrical nlotifs are deternined b\' dre male rl rnd the srNcturc ol lhe prodoct

itselfl A voice against the idea that lhe elements of decomtiYe systeur tbund at Early Neolithic pottcry was

derived liom \,eaving is dral of M. M.\r l F:r ( 1994).

rvho argues that very few of lhe elemenls fioDlHagilar V portery. could be successfllly duplicatedil1 the slitweave tapestry ofAnatolia. She infoms us

funher that '.{)/orr l/?rerseLtiotls (ligned wt ticallyand nu nte rou s nurrotr paral le I rl iut I s or dictgonal s

arc.fealutes !hal eriperienced tapeslr.r' teavers tttlrci best to avoid. Subsequenlly. it must havebeen sonrelhiDg other than aesthelics that stoodbehind this elaborate geomelrical decoration. lnmy opinion it is plausible to argue that the affinitytowards conlplicated geomelrical calculatiorls withsquares painted oD the pottery ol'Lake Disorct andCentml Balkans. represented on alta|s, censel.s and

house nrodels. originates f'rom lhe lndition ofhousebuilding tiom the beginnings oflhe Neolithic in lhep mary Neolithisation zone. or more precisely ilsnorthem part,

The devotion to home aDd ils bcnefitscould haye

been celebmled in this rvay by newly sellled hunlans.But. if Ne reftember thal anrong olher beneilts ol'lhc tmnsition to a sedentary \\ay ol-life and food produclion.lhc most iDrporlant and the nlost !isible one \as

a populalion booDr and Inuch better chance of raisinghealth) ollipring. lhcn Ne nust agrce lhal thc Neolithic'ncw deal must have had much mole inrpact on rvomenthan olr nren. Therc irc lhif chances that in thc coulse ofNeolithisation woman acquired a kcy role in the donlesticrcalnr. Her ne\v dutics $ere probably focused on thehoLrschold. lbod consun)ptroD dnd slora8e nlanniDS. (ireol childlen and the clderly and organizatioD ol social litiin the village. All of a sudden she becanre :l decisior-nraker. The process ofscdentaisatioD hrs bccn obseNedin the 1960s in the Huotlqja. hunteFgathefer $ciety ofsouthem Venezuela. M. Mr L \\ K ( l99l ) inli)nns us thatin their tEDsitioD to a sedelllar\ \\'ar of life $,onreD had

the decisive rcle when detenni,riDg their future. Nunrerous Neolithic ftrnalc iiguiDes associrled with r/orrrrrs

seem to corlirm the ne\lly acquired status of\Lomen.Pottery Duking was, according to K. VrrELLr ( 1993), probably anothcr olre of her ne\' aclivities and

interests. lfso. the omamenlal system on the Early Neolithic pottery musl hir\ c bccn an cxpression ofthe ladyofthe house. The entire synbolical system prcserved on poltery i?gments \'ith squares and circlcs. zigzagmotifs and conlplex geomehy nlost probably represeil women s fational and yel emodonal stateorent. which

Fig.8 - Painred Nttery ltoDr Donja BnnJeliMtlcli)and Podgoie

Fi-{. l0 - PLrilrlcd yescls ionr CiLrnnils ( and Llacilar

fi-! I - Alta,s llonr L0Pcnski Vir (l and .l). Dor)ir llnntevina



is praising the idea ofdomrs and the settled way oflife. The power ofthis idea, visualized throlLgh squares!circles and geometry is evident in the fact that it was dispened across continents and sustained therc for a longtime. Recorded on potteryof the two rcgions we have an ideological system, which explains how far in abstractthinking those people rcached. It is also shows an awareness that this way ofthinking made them prosperous.

It is probably unwise to expect that the prcof fbr cultural links among the populations ofthe Balkans andAnatolia would emanate mer€ly through idenlical colour used to paint a pot, or in a prelelence lowards apafticularlype ofinclusion in the clay or in the shape ofa pot. On the other hand the way ofthinking that could have lainbehindthe g€omefy on the pottery as I have tried to demonstrate above, can be confirmed in contemporaneousalclraeological sites more than alhousand kilometres apart. This speaks in favourofthe existence ofa commoncultural and ideological sphere. Being utterly abstract, this complex and elaborate ideological schene prcbablycould not be transferred by a means other than narrative, which indicales that proficient verbal and symboliccommunication must have existed among these communtttes.



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