可持續發展報告Sustainability Report - 2015

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Transcript of 可持續發展報告Sustainability Report - 2015

可持續發展報告Sustainability Report


About this ReportSino Group is pleased to present the Sustainability Report 2015 (‘Report’) to provide an overview of our commitment in achieving economic, environmental and social sustainability through our sustainability pillars – Sino Art, Sino Green, Sino Care and Sino Heritage.

Self-declared to the Core requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines, this Report covers our sustainability initiatives during the reporting period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015. Please refer to the GRI G4 Content Index Table in this Report for more details on performance indicators. The Report is also available on our corporate website www.sino.com.

This Report provides major updates on our sustainability programmes and activities, which are related to the Group’s core businesses in property development, property management and other related services as well as hotel investment and management in Hong Kong, China and Singapore.

Information which relates to our sustainability performance, including financial data and corporate governance, are presented in our Annual Reports, available on our corporate website.

We welcome your feedback on this Report and our sustainabil ity initiatives. Please contact us by email to sinogreen@sino.com.


本報告乃參考全球報告倡議組織(GRI) G4指引所編寫,經自評符合「核心要求」。本報告涵蓋了集團自2014年7月1日至2015年6月30日之可持續發展工作。有關績效指標的詳情,請參閱本報告內的「GRI G4內容索引表」。本報告亦已上載至集團網站www.sino.com。



我們歡迎 閣下對本報告及我們的可持續發展工作提出意見。有關意見可電郵至sinogreen@sino.com。


The Table of Contents目錄

About this Report 關於本報告

Our Sustainability Material Assessment 2可持續發展重要性評估

Message from the Sustainability Committee 4可持續發展委員會的話

About Sino Group 6信和集團簡介

Asset for Growth 12與持份者共建未來

Dedication to a Greener Environment 21致力保護環境

Care for the Community 34關懷社區

Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture 49推廣藝術文化

Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage 58活化及保育歷史文物

Awards and Recognition Highlights 62獎項及殊榮摘要

Performance Data Summary 68表現數據摘要

GRI G4 Content Index Table 71GRI G4內容索引表

2Our Sustainability Material Assessment • 可持續發展重要性評估

Our Sustainability Material Assessment

可持續發展重要性評估Sino Group places great emphasis on stakeholder engagement. We actively engage our stakeholders through various practices and channels such as regular meetings and dialogues. During the preparation of this Report, we have identified a list of relevant aspects and defined their boundaries based on sustainability context and our previous stakeholders’ engagement exercise.



Material Aspects重要議題

Aspect Boundary議題界限

Within Sino Group信和集團內部

Outside Sino Group信和集團外部



Maintenance and investments on property and equipment

物業和設施的保養和投資√ √1

Voluntary investments in social infrastructure and assets

對社會基礎設施和資產的自願性投資√ √1


環境Indoor air quality

室內空氣質素√ √1

Waste reduction and management

減少廢物和管理√ √2

Combat climate change through incorporating green building design

透過綠色建築設計對抗氣候變化√ √1


社會Employee benefits


Create social value for people with special needs

為有不同需要的人士創造社會價值√ √3

Leverage on business strengths and expertise to contribute to the society

運用商業優勢和專長貢獻社會√ √3

Establish community dialogue or partnership with social groups

與社區組織溝通合作√ √3

Formulate long term sustainable engagement programmes with the local community


Remarks 備註:1. Mainly refers to suppliers and contractors

主要指供應商與承辦商2. Mainly refers to residents and hotel guests

主要指住戶與酒店客人3. Mainly refers to community partners


3Our Sustainability Material Assessment • 可持續發展重要性評估

This year, we have conducted a stakeholder engagement exercise by an independent consultant to identify and prioritise the relevant economic, environmental and social aspects. The exercise was conducted through distributing a questionnaire to our major stakeholders, including employees, green groups, community programme partners, and suppliers.

The sustainability matrix developed in this Report is based on the identified material aspects that are also defined as topics of the highest concern to the stakeholders and Sino Group. Size of graphic in the matrix shown as above denotes our efforts on particular issues during the reporting period. The material aspects and the matrix follow the principles outlined in the GRI G4 Reporting Guidelines.



物業和設施的保養和投資Maintenance and investments on property and equipment

對社會基礎設施和資產的自願性投資Voluntary investments in social infrastructure and assets

室內空氣質素Indoor air quality

減少廢物和管理Waste reduction and management

透過綠色建築設計對抗氣候變化Combat climate change through incorporating green building design

員工福利Employee benefits

為有不同需要的人士創造社會價值Create social value for people with special needs

運用商業優勢和專長貢獻社會Leverage on business strengths and expertise to contribute to the society

與社區組織溝通合作Establish community dialogue or partnership with social groups

長期參與社區的可持續發展計劃Formulate long term sustainable engagement programmes with the local community








0 2 4 6 8 10 12



ce to





Importance to Sino Group 對信和集團的重要性

Sustainability Matrix 可持續發展相關性示意圖

4Message from the Sustainability Committee • 可持續發展委員會的話

Message from the Sustainability Committee

We are pleased to present our fifth sustainability report covering the reporting period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015. Developed with reference to the GRI G4 Reporting Guidelines, this report highlights the latest sustainability issues that are material to the Group and our stakeholders.

As a committed corporate citizen, Sino Group is devoted to the sustainable development of the environment and regions where we operate. Under our four CSR pillars, namely Sino Green, Sino Care, Sino Art and Sino Heritage, we have launched various programmes and initiatives to promote sustainable development both within and outside the Group.

To play our part in combating climate change, we apply eco-friendly design in our developments and practise green office and property management. We have achieved and surpassed our 2015 carbon reduction target and have set a new carbon reduction target1 of 16% by 2020 based on the 2012 emission level. During the reporting period, we have upgraded our electrical systems and appliances through technological innovation to conserve water and energy. Besides saving energy and resources, we continue to put our efforts in waste reduction and recycling.

Sino Group has collaborated with institutions to develop green solutions that help minimise our impact to the environment. During the reporting period, we collaborated with The Open University of Hong Kong on the purification of food waste filtrate with microalgae to further reduce food waste and improve quality of waste water. We have also partnered with Arup on development of the patent-pending city air purification system to clean air in the open space. A research on the in-building hydropower system using unused waterheads in pipelines to generate hydroelectricity was conducted with Arup and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

We places a strong emphasis on the development of the young generation. In 2014, we launched the ‘Go Code’ project to sponsor children from underprivileged families to learn computer coding and the Sino Junior Reporter Programme to provide training in English writing and reporting for secondary school students. We have also been actively supporting community development through volunteering activities under Sino Care, such as Sino Home Visit Programme, Sino Care Celebration Series, Sino Children Mentorship Programme and Hearty Soup Delivery Programme. During the reporting period, our ‘Sino Caring Friends’ volunteer team has accumulated over 117,000 service hours and we also commenced voluntary services in China and Singapore in addition to supporting the local community.

Sino Art promotes art and culture to the public through exhibitions, education programmes as well as other means of support. We launched Sino Art in Community in 2013 to expand our charitable efforts on bringing art into the community in collaboration with local artists and NGO partners to serve local organisations including kindergartens, hospital and children’s home. On heritage preservation, the Tai O Heritage Hotel, previously the Tai O Police Station prior to the revitalisation, has received its second award from the American Institute of Architects Hong Kong Chapter in recognition of its efforts on heritage conservation in Hong Kong. In Singapore, The Fullerton Heritage has won the Architectural Heritage Awards from the Urban Redevelopment Authority.

At Sino Group, we look forward to working closely with our stakeholders on our sustainability journey, and your valuable

feedbacks are welcomed.

5Message from the Sustainability Committee • 可持續發展委員會的話

可持續發展委員會的話信和集團發表第五份年度可持續發展報告,概括2014年7月1日至2015年6月30日之可持續發展工作。本報告參照了全球報告倡議組織(GRI) G4指引,重點闡述對集團和持份者來說重要的最新可持續發展議題。




我們致力推動兒童及青少年發展,並於2014年舉辦首屆「Go Code程式小先鋒」,讓來自基層家庭的學員免費學習編寫手機應用程式,以及「信和校園記者計劃」,為獲選的中學生提供英語寫作和報導技巧培訓。我們繼續透過「信和友心」舉辦各類型義工服務和關懷活動,如「信和愛心家訪」、「信和集團傳揚關懷系列」、「信和兒童師友計劃」及「愛心暖湯行動」等,積極支持社區發展。於報告期內,我們的義工隊「信和友心人」累積服務時數超過117,000小時。除支援本地社區,我們亦於中國及新加坡開展義工服務,傳揚關懷。


信和集團將繼續與持份者在可持續發展的里程上緊密合作,並感謝 閣下的寶貴意見和支持。

1 Confined to wholly-owned buildings of Sino Land Company Limited


Representatives of Sino Group Sustainability Committee 信和集團可持續發展委員會代表

Mr Daryl Ng, Executive Director 黃永光先生 執行董事

Ms Alice Ip, Executive Director 葉慕蓮女士 執行董事

Mr Giovanni Viterale, Executive Director Giovanni Viterale先生 執行董事

Mr Francis Lim, Associate Director 林穎華先生 聯席董事

Mr Roger Poon, Associate Director 潘發柱先生 聯席董事

Mr Terence Ng, Associate Director 伍振民先生 聯席董事

Ms Shirley Sam, General Manager 岑雪麗女士 總經理

Ms Dora Kwok, Deputy General Manager 郭美瑩女士 副總經理

Mr Ivan Yau, Deputy General Manager 邱文華先生 副總經理

Mr Nelson Leung, Assistant General Manager 梁志文先生 助理總經理

6About Sino Group • 信和集團簡介

Sino Group is one of the leading property developers in Hong Kong headquartered in Tsim Sha Tsui East since our establishment in the 1970s. The Group comprises private companies owned by the Ng family and three companies listed in Hong Kong – Sino Land Company Limited (083), Tsim Sha Tsui Properties Limited (0247) and Sino Hotels (Holdings) Limited (1221) with operations in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Singapore.

The Group’s core business includes development of residential, office, industrial and retail properties for sale and investment. The Group also runs other associated business including management of shopping malls, property management, car park operations and management, security services, environmental services and real estate agency services. In addition, Sino Group is also active in hotel investment and management as well as club management.

As a committed corporate citizen, we have been actively participating in a wide range of community programmes, green initiatives, art, cultural and heritage events. With the synergy of Sino Green, Sino Care, Sino Art and Sino Heritage, we strive to build a more sustainable community where we operate.

信和集團成立於二十世紀七十年代,為香港的主要地產發展商之一,總部設於尖沙咀東部。集團包括由黃氏家族擁有的私人公司,以及三間香港上市公司 - 信和置業有限公司(083)、尖沙咀置業集團有限公司(0247)及信和酒店




About Sino Group信和集團簡介

7About Sino Group • 信和集團簡介

Sino Heritage was established in 2011 with the aspiration to cultivate a sense of identity and strengthen relationships among the community through the conservation of our cultural heritage. We are dedicated in identifying and showcasing the heritage significance to the public through our historical projects in Hong Kong and Singapore and to further promote sustainable development.


Dedicated to promoting local art and culture and enriching the daily lives of Hong Kong people, we initiated the ‘Sino Art’ project in 2006. We provide local and international artists opportunities to showcase their talents through art exhibitions and public art installations at properties of the Group in addition to promoting art to public through education programmes. To add vigour to the creative community in Hong Kong, we sponsor multiple art and design events in town. Sino Art has extended our outreach and charitable efforts to the community by launching the ‘Sino Art in Community’ programme since 2013.


We are committed to achieving sustainable development through green architecture, green property management and green initiatives in all our properties and at the same time we are well aware of the importance of protecting the environment. We also strive to build a sustainable community with our stakeholders through green education and activities. By adopting the latest green practices and environmental standards, we aim to reduce energy consumption, save water, minimise air pollution and improve indoor air quality.


We believe that our people can better contribute to the community through voluntary services while developing personal capabilities such as leadership, management and communication skills. We have been actively participating in various voluntary services and community programmes with our long-standing community partners. We established ‘Sino Caring Friends’ in 2008 and launched ‘Sino Care’ in 2011 to further encourage participation in voluntary services. Our voluntary services include home visits, festive celebrations, youth and children development programmes, charity walks and fund-raising events.


8About Sino Group • 信和集團簡介

Corporate Governance 企業管治Sino Group places great importance on corporate integrity, business ethics and good governance. At each of our listed companies, the Board of Directors (‘the Board’) is the highest governance body and provides overall leadership and control. The Audit, Compliance, Nomination and Remuneration Committees under the Board further ensure that we maintain a high standard of corporate governance. Clear information on the performance of our listed companies is provided through the timely publication of interim and annual results and reports, circulars to shareholders and announcements in accordance with Listing Rules requirements. The Board at each of our listed companies is responsible for safeguarding the interests of the company and its shareholders by ensuring implementation and maintenance of effective internal controls.

Under Sino Group’s internal control and risk management framework, each operation unit or department is required to identify, assess, evaluate and mitigate major risks according to their potential impact and the likelihood of occurrence twice a year. We adopt a precautionary approach to risk management in operational planning and development. We disclose our risk management structure and response strategy to stakeholders on a regular basis through our interim and annual reports and at annual general meetings.

We have formulated a Code of Conduct (‘the Code’) which sets out our position and standards regarding operating ethics and employee conduct such as bribery prevention and avoidance of conflict of interest. All staffs are required to fully comply with the Code and any breaches are handled in strict accordance with internal disciplinary procedures. We invite experts from external organisations such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Personal Data Protection Committee periodically to deliver training to our employees.




Sino Group 信和集團

Property Development, Investment & Management 地產發展、投資及管理

Hong Kong


Property Development




Property Investment


Mainland China中國內地

Property Management


Hong Kong




Hotel Management& Investment


Mainland China中國內地

Hotel Management



Hotel Management& Investment;酒店管理及投資

Club Management俱樂部管理

Corporate Structure 集團架構

9About Sino Group • 信和集團簡介

Sustainability Governance Structure 可持續發展的管治架構Sino Group set up a Sustainability Committee in October 2010 to optimise the planning and implementation of our strategy for building a more sustainable business. The Committee is chaired by Mr Daryl Ng Win Kong, Executive Director of the three listed companies under Sino Group, with other Committee members drawn from the senior management of all business units across the Group. The Committee sets the overall direction of our sustainability approach, including our environmental strategy and other CSR initiatives, and facilitates the implementation of the policies and programmes related to corporate sustainability. The Environmental Policy outlines our long-term corporate plan to guide the environmental management systems and standards for different business units.

We have a Green Audit Committee which conducts regular checks on energy usage at buildings under our management, reviews energy audits reports and provides suggestions on ways to reduce energy consumption and save resources. The Committee also facilitates internal and external communication of our environmental performance.

Through the establishment of an Employee Safety and Health Committee, we administer our health and safety management system and ensure the principals are adopted across the Group in our day-to-day operations. Our Work Injury Committee focuses on reviewing injury cases for loss control and prevention.




Our Vision, Mission and Core Values 我們的願景、使命和核心價值We share our vision, mission and core values with our staff through various communication channels to ensure a common direction and clear understanding of our goals. These guiding principles enable us to work together in achieving quality excellence and a sustainable business.


Vision 願景

To make Sino the preferred choice for customers, investors and employees


Mission 使命

To achieve qual i ty excel lence by thoroughly understanding the needs of customers and consistently surpassing their expectations


• Staff Integrity

員工誠信可靠• Customer First

顧客至上• Quality Excellence

卓越品質• Teamwork


Core Values核心價值

• Continuous Improvement

不斷求進• Preparedness

充份準備• Sense of Urgency


10About Sino Group • 信和集團簡介

Key Stakeholders 主要持份者

Key stakeholders and communication channels are as below:


Stakeholders 持份者

Communication Channels 溝通渠道


• Handover Service Survey (Property buyers)

交樓服務調查(置業者)• Customer Satisfaction Survey (Tenants and residents)

客戶滿意程度調查(租戶及住戶)• Home Visits by Property Management Team

物業管理團隊家訪• Customer Service Hotline

客戶服務熱線• Regular Gatherings with Customers

定期客戶聚會• Social Media

社交媒體• Daily Personal Contact



• Town Hall Meetings and Monthly Mini-Townhall Meetings

大型座談會及每月小型座談會• Newsletters

員工通訊• New Hire Orientation

迎新課程• SinoNet (Intranet)


• Annual General Meetings



• Investor Conferences



• Regular Meetings with Green and Charitable Organisations


Partners (suppliers and contractors, academia, the government)合作夥伴


• Tendering Process

招標程序• Meetings

會議• Conferences

研討會• Exhibitions

展覽Mass Media傳媒

• Press Conferences and Luncheons


11About Sino Group • 信和集團簡介

Participate in the Public Topics 參與公共事務Sino Group actively participates in the discussion of public agenda, including climate change, waste reduction, conservation of biodiversity, corporate social responsibility and tourism, through being part of business coalitions, members of NGOs and government-led initiatives. The following list summarises the corporate memberships of Sino Group.


Sino Group Corporate Memberships 信和集團企業會籍

Business Environment Council


Council Member (Sino Land Company Limited)

特邀會員(信和置業有限公司)General Member (Perfect Green Supplies Company Limited)

協會會員(綠玲瓏供應有限公司)The Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners


Member Hotels


Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign


Members of the Food Wise Hong Kong (Subcommittee on Food Waste reduction Good Practices in Institutions and Commercial and Industrial Establishments) and its working group (Hotel Sector)

惜食香港(工商業界及其他機構減少廚餘良好作業小組委員會)及其工作小組(酒店業)成員Members of the Food Wise Hong Kong Committee and its working group (Residential Sector)

惜食香港(工商業界及其他機構減少廚餘良好作業小組委員會)及其工作小組(住宅界)成員Members of the Food Wise Hong Kong Committee and its working group (Shopping Mall Sector)


Friends of The Earth (Hong Kong)

地球之友(香港)Earth Partner

The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies


Council Member Company


The Hong Kong Green Building Council

香港綠色建築議會Patron Gold Member

黃金贊助會員The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

香港社會服務聯會Caring Company Parton’s Club – Jade Member


Hong Kong Hotels Association



會員Chairman – Food Safety, Hygiene & Green Initiatives Development Sub-Committee

食物安全、衛生及環保行動發展小組委員會主席The Hong Kong Security Association

香港保安業協會Executive Committee Member

執行委員會委員The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong


Board of Directors/Vice Chairman – Executive Committee


TSTE Property Developers Association Ltd

東尖沙咀地產發展商聯會Member (Tsim Sha Tsui Centre and Empire Centre)


12Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

Sino Group treats every stakeholder as a valuable asset. We treasure our staff, our customers and our

business partners, who all play important roles in the sustainable growth of our business. We endeavour to

create a fair platform for our employees to develop. We adhere to our ‘Customer First’ motto through providing

quality products and services to our customers. We engage with our business partners through supporting

local companies and encouraging them to conduct sustainable practices.


13Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Our People 我們的員工Sino Group provides a fair and equitable workplace advocating non-discrimination and diversity among our staff together with competitive remuneration and benefits, as well as a range of opportunities for career advancement based on employees’ merits and performance. As of 30 June 2015, we employed 12,147 people across Hong Kong, China and Singapore.


Recruitment and Retention 招聘與保留人才We believe that having the best people is fundamental to our success. From talent acquisition to providing retirement benefits, we offer an equal platform for all of our employees. Each year, we recruit young people to join our comprehensive Management Trainee Programme and develop them to become our future business leaders. We ensure that employees from all backgrounds are treated fairly in development opportunities by applying the same performance review system throughout the organisation. Moreover, we enforce zero tolerance in discrimination and workplace harassment, and we have a grievance reporting mechanism to protect our employees.

We strive to foster a strong sense of belonging for our people through transparent and two-way communication channels to understand their needs. These include Town Hall Meetings, monthly Mini-Townhall Meetings, department sharing sessions, site visits, regular staff newsletters and the staff suggestion scheme. We also encourage work-life balance by organising a variety of recreational activities for employees and their families, providing counselling services and free holiday houses. Examination leave and voluntary service leave are also in place to encourage staff development and continuous participation in CSR activities.

During the reporting period, we organised several activities such as ‘Sino Ocean Park Halloween Fest’, ‘Tai O One Day Tour’ and ‘Happy Hour’ after work.




14Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Training and Development 培訓和發展We encourage lifelong learning at all employee levels. Internally, we organise ongoing courses, seminars and workshops tailored for different categories of employees, covering topics in leadership and management, customer service, technical skills, legal issues and language. Our Sino Academies provide more than 120 training modules ranging from professional knowledge in property management to environmental protection practices such as energy saving and food waste management. We also provide mentoring programmes to promising employees in order to facilitate their career development.

We have launched the Manager Development Programme at our hotels during the reporting period, to groom staff and offer leadership and management skills. The Programme nurtures future hoteliers from our talented and ambitious personnel and develops the road map to an effective succession programme that aligns current talent development with future leadership needs. Through the 18-months of training, participating staff are able to work across different departments, strengthening their capacity in various positions, establishing an advanced level of problem solving skills and learning tactics to handle potential challenges faced in Group’s operation.

We encourage our staff to further develop professional skills through job-related external education and training programmes. Education sponsorship and examination leave are available to support those self-development initiatives.




2014 Children Education Award and Assistance Scheme2014員工子女獎勵及資助計劃

We launched the ‘Children Education Award and Assistance Scheme’ (‘the Scheme’) to offer financial assistance to the children of our staff for supporting their academic studies. In 2014, 65 children of our staff benefited from the Scheme in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements, good conduct as well as active participation in community services. In addition to the award of Scholarships, Bursary Grants and Book Reading Award, two new categories of subsidy, namely Textbook Subsidy and Tutorial Subsidy for Primary and Secondary Students, have been introduced as further forms of financial assistance.


We organise a wide range of training sessions for different categories of employees to encourage lifelong learning. 我們為不同範疇的員工舉辦各類培訓課程,鼓勵他們終身學習。

15Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Quality Improvement Champions質量優化大使計劃

In addition to attending training courses, our staff are also encouraged to ‘learn by doing and leading’. We launched the Quality Improvement Champions (QIC) Scheme, which enables passionate employees to collect, share and act on ideas to improve service quality. QIC comprises management representatives and 15 Champions in each of the 6 functions – Accounts & Administration, Clubhouse, Car Park, Environmental, Security and Customer Service. The roles of QICs include:

• Collecting ideas from colleagues on how to enhance service quality in related topics in their designated teams.• Benchmarking to bring in new ideas.• Implementing ideas to enhance service quality.


• 收集同事就如何加強他們所在團隊之服務質素的建議。• 參考市場,提出新意念。• 實踐意念,以提升服務質素。

Based on the total headcount of 10,598 on 30 June 2015 in Hong Kong, Sino Group has organised a total of 109,675.56 hours of training – an average of 10.35 hours of training per employee during the reporting period.


2014/2015 Training Hours2014/2015培訓時數

109,675.56hours 小時

Service Enhancement 提升服務The Car Park Team launched a smartphone app with GPS function that enables drivers to locate and reach the nearest Sino car park by its navigation feature as well as information on the availability of vacant spaces. At our designated car parks, vacant parking bays are lit by LED Indicators. Drivers can make use of the Automobile Parking Navigation System for better customer experience.


16Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Equal Opportunities and Social Integration 公平機遇及傷健共融We strive to promote respect and provide equal opportunities to our employees and disadvantaged members in the community. We collaborate with the Hong Chi Association and the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf by offering long-term employment and training opportunities.


Occupational Safety and Health 職業安全及健康Certified under the Occupational Health & Safety Management System (OHSAS18001), we have established a holistic mechanism to ensure the safety of our employees, especially our construction site inspectors, technicians and cleaners. Our Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) Plan clearly assigns responsibility for SHE issues at General Manager, Operation Manager and Contract Manager levels. The SHE Plan is reviewed annually or updated on an ad-hoc basis as necessary to ensure applicability and responsiveness. Internal audit and inspection programmes are conducted to monitor the implementation of the SHE Plan.

Our risk management programme identifies and mitigates safety risks associated with our operations. From time to time, we review and analyse working procedures and operations and we audit our safety management system annually in accordance with the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Management) Regulations and OHSAS18001. In addition, we adopt the precautionary principle for SHE management by implementing safety prevention measures for identified potential hazards at the workplace.

In order to foster good staff habits to pursue safety standards, we hold regular safety training programmes through the Sino Safety Academy including mandatory basic safety training course (green card) and building fire safety envoys. We further strengthen our specialised skills through external courses such as certificate in first aid and automated external defibrillator. We encourage our employees to attend external safety activities such as occupational safety and health competitions, various exhibitions and seminars. Our Employee Safety and Health Committee, which meets on a bi-monthly basis, is responsible for ensuring that safety principles are adopted in our day-to-day operations. The Committee also reviews injury cases for loss control and prevention.




17Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Engaging Our People in Singapore

新加坡富麗敦天地與員工建立關係In Singapore, the Fullerton Heritage pays exceptional attention to talent retention and staff communication. We have launched a range of holistic activities including organising learning and development programmes to engage and develop employees’ careers and help our people discover their strengths and enhance teamwork.

During the reporting period, we organised the ‘HEART of Fullerton’ Learning Carnival, employees were brought through an experiential learning session designed to engage and align participants with Fullerton’s Core Values and ‘the 18 Fullerton Ways’. Through the session, we aim to achieve a team-based customer-centric mindset that empowers individuals to play complementary roles in serving our guests.

We also hosted a town hall session for all staff to enhance two-way communication. The objective of the session was to communicate the year-to-date business achievements and to share the key highlights from each department for the upcoming months in the year in order to facilitate a synergised working partnership and to achieve a common business goal.

To strengthen team bonding and improve personal well-being in an informal setting, monthly recreational events have also been organised for our teams. These include marathons, night cycling, a visit to the new Madame Tussauds Museum in Sentosa, and durian parties held in Johor across the Causeway in Malaysia. A variety of healthy activities such as yoga and futsal are organised on a regular basis to promote work-life balance.


於報告期內,我們舉辦了「Heart of Fullerton」學習嘉年華,讓員工透過參與特別設計的體驗式學習,體會並運用富麗敦的核心價值和「富麗敦的18種待客之道」。通過是次學習機會,我們希望能培養員工的團隊精神和以客為先的服務態度,從而提升服務質素。



18Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Our Customers 我們的顧客Based on the core values of ‘Customer First’ and ‘Quality Excellence’, Sino Group is committed to delighting our customers with first-class quality products and customer services. We strive to make ourselves the preferred choice for customers through developing premium properties and delivering wide-ranging property services to our customers in a heart-felt manner.


Understanding Our Customers 用心聆聽We believe that healthy growth and success is enabled through feedback from our customers. By establishing open communication channels, we make every effort to understand the needs of our customers and we evaluate our service quality through daily personal contact, regular inspections and customer satisfaction surveys. In 2014, our overall customer satisfaction rating was 3.47 out of 4. This result reflects our continuous efforts in surpassing our customers’ expectations on the quality of our services such as facility maintenance, cleaning, security, car park and environmental performance. We have our Customer Satisfaction and Complaints Handling System certified to ISO10002 to deal with complaints. The entire handling process is recorded by our complaint/incident handling platform ‘iPromise’. With this platform as a resource, our specialised Customer Relations Team is able to address our customers’ needs appropriately, in order to turn them into learning opportunities for our continuous improvement.

At our hotels, we constantly follow through every piece of feedback through daily cyber patrol, courtesy calls, online guest electronic surveys, mystery shopper programme and social media platforms. This year, we extended the efforts to harness content-driven, social media marketing strategies, upgraded our mobile booking applications and optimised technological data search engines in order to enrich our customers’ digital experience and enhance communication with the customers to meet their needs. We also constantly review our iPrestige Rewards programme by offering a range of complimentary and reward packages exclusively for our frequent guests. The Programme empowers our staff to show appreciation and treat our loyal guests as prestigious individuals.



Safeguarding Our Customers 保障顧客

As a conscientious organisation, we safeguard our customers’ rights by ensuring that our marketing and information materials are fully compliant with relevant government and industry regulations, such as the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance to maintain high transparency of providing detailed information of our properties throughout the sales process, and the self-regulatory regime of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong (REDA). For our leased properties, handbooks listing fittings and fixtures guidelines are supplied to our tenants. We have also updated our mechanism to handle the personal data of our customers to strictly follow the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance since its release in 2013.

Besides, we also care and safeguard our customers’ physical safety and respect their rights through upgrading our facilities to create a barrier-free environment for people with special needs and to provide comprehensive security measures at all our properties.



19Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Engaging Our Customers 回饋顧客

We endeavour to maintain long-term relationships with our customers by engaging them with different initiatives. Through Sino Club, we closely connect with our members and offer them an array of exclusive privileges spanning property, shopping, dining, hotel, parking, yacht club, storage and more. We also invite our members to join lifestyle activities covering art and culture, environmental conservation and community services. Embracing ‘Trust • Value • Care’, Sino Club actively engages its members in different voluntary services to promote a harmonious community.

我們致力與顧客維持長遠的關係,並透過Sino Club與客戶緊密互動。我們為會員提供旗下物業、商場、酒店、停車場、遊艇會以至存倉等各項獨家優惠和獎賞,更邀請會員參加一系列富生活品味的活動,包括藝術及文化、環保及社區服務等。本著「信•誠•愛」的理念,Sino Club與會員攜手服務社群,締造和諧理想的社區。

Barrier-free Environment and Culture 無障礙環境及文化We are committed to promoting a barrier-free access and culture at our properties. Various facilities are installed for people with special needs at our properties, such as disabled lifts and tactile guide paths. We also introduce Braille menus for the visually impaired individuals at our hotels’ restaurants and supporting guide dog services.


20Asset for Growth • 與持份者共建未來

Our Business Partners 我們的業務夥伴We proactively collaborate with our business partners (including suppliers and contractors) to deliver quality sustainable products and services. These include building maintenance services, electrical and mechanical services, hygiene supplies, IT and telecom supplies and services. We manage and oversee the ethical practices of our suppliers in accordance with our ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’ and standard tender documents, which stipulate the requirements for regulatory compliance, labour practices, environmental measures, green procurement, occupational safety and health, anti-corruption and so forth. If suppliers failed to comply, we will consider suspending the supplier for a predefined period, to delist them or to conduct interviews in accordance with the ‘Policies and Procedures for Group Approved Contractors/Suppliers’ for further action.

During reporting period, we engaged 3,296 suppliers with over 50% of suppliers based in Hong Kong. We assure the performance of our suppliers using the supplier approval process and conduct the following measures during the contractual period:



Promoting Green Procurement推廣綠色採購To further promote our green practices, we encourage our suppliers to reduce packaging and use eco-friendly materials whenever possible and adopt ‘Green Purchasing Guidelines’ that have been updated and incorporated in our ‘Group Procurement Policies and Procedures’. The Guidelines clearly list the key issues on green purchasing that we should take into consideration during the procurement process. These issues include but not limited to:

• Considering alternatives to purchasing a replacement product, such as reusing, recycling, reducing, greater durability and energy efficiency;

• With all factors being equal in the purchase of a product, choosing the product with the least environment and/or social impact;

• Considering the emissions, pollutants, energy and water issues at all stages of the life cycle;

• Reducing the hazardous material content in purchases including toxicity.

In our hotels, we provide bathroom amenities that are packaged in biodegradable bags or FSC-certified boxes. We have also followed the WWF’s Sustainable Seafood Guide and have ceased serving shark fin at all of our restaurants and banquets to conserving marine biodiversity in addition to providing quality food.


• 當購買需要替換的產品時考慮其他做法,如重複使用、回收再用、減少使用、選購耐用性較強和較高能源效益的產品等;

• 採購同類型產品時,如所有其他因素相同,應選擇對環境和/或社會影響最少的產品;

• 考慮產品生命周期所有階段中與排放、污染物、能源和水有關的項目;

• 減少採購產品中有毒有害物質的含量。


1. Factory audits/site visits


3. Spot checks on the delivered goods at site

在現場抽查交付的貨物2. Lab tests by an accredited

laboratory in Hong Kong on the delivered goods


21Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

Dedication to a Greener Environment致力保護環境

Sino Group recognises the importance of sustainable development and environmental protection. Over the years, we have placed our efforts in eco-friendly architectural design and green property management, as well as green education and programmes. At our properties, our environmental management system has been certified to ISO14001. We strictly maintain and follow the Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy and Environmental Aspect Register (EAR) to better control Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, water pollution, land contamination and waste disposal.

Our Sustainability Committee has been established to identify green initiatives and promote a green corporate culture. Long-term corporate green strategies are incorporated in our Environmental Policy. Through regular environmental reviews conducted across business lines, we are able to update goals and identify priorities.



22Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

Green Developments and Management

綠色建築及管理Eco-friendly Architectural Design 綠色建築We apply eco-friendly design in our project developments and incorporate landscaping, vertical gardens and tree preservation to achieve green developments.


Our Developments Eco-friendly Elements發展項目 環保設計元素



A ‘green shopping mall’ in Hong Kong featuring the first-of-its-kind 7,000-square-foot vertical garden.

香港首個 「綠色商場」,建有總面積近7,000平方呎的直立花園。

The Avenue


This development comprises green façade and lush plantation featuring a landscaped area of over 70,000 square feet, which accounts for 83% of total floor area, resulting in an oasis in the city.


Exchange Tower


The first office tower in Hong Kong featuring a balcony on every office floor and a Sky Garden on the 15th floor.


Green Office Management 綠色辦公室管理We set up the Green Audit Committee to regularly review the green practices that have taken place within the offices. During the reporting period, the Green Audit Committee revised the ‘Green Office Management Guidelines’ to further encourage green practices, such as use of paper, printing, energy saving, water saving, waste recycling, transportation and procurement. To minimise environmental and social impacts in the lifecycle of materials that we have procured, we have refined company policies pertaining to green procurement. Our Green Purchasing Guidelines were updated in June 2015 and recorded in the ‘Group Procurement Policies and Procedures’.


Citywalk 荃新天地

Exchange Tower 國際交易中心

23Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

To promote a Green Office, green practices adopted include:

• Turning off unused electrical equipment (lighting, air conditioning, computers, monitors and printers) when away from office;

• Pull-down blinds/curtains to shade against sunlight and reduce solar glare;• Recycling paper and avoiding unnecessary colour printing or photocopying;• Re-use of envelopes for internal mail. 為推廣綠色辦公室,我們實施的綠色措施包括:

• 員工離開辦公室時關掉所有電子設備(包括電燈、空調、電腦、顯示屏和打印機等);• 利用百葉簾或窗簾減低陽光直射及對室內氣溫的影響;• 循環使用紙張及避免不必要的彩色打印或影印;• 循環使用信封作內部郵件傳閱。

Used Stamps for Charity Programme回收郵票做慈善

We held a used stamp recycling programme in May to June 2015 to make our efforts in promoting waste reduction and playing a part for charity. All collected stamps have been sent to the Church Mission Society in Australia for fund-raising purpose to support their charitable work in Africa for enhancing the life quality of African.

我們於2015年5月至6月舉行舊郵票回收計劃,在推動減廢的同時,亦為慈善出一分力。我們把收集到的舊郵票轉送到澳洲的Church Mission Society作籌款用途,以支持他們在非洲的慈善工作,為非洲的人民生活帶來改善。

Green Property Management 綠色物業管理

In addition to creating a greener environment, our property management

team undertakes initiatives to reduce energy and water consumption

and to improve indoor air quality. We have introduced the solar and

wind energy system in some of our properties. Other than Pacific

Palisades and Skyline Tower, Park Metropolitan and The Avenue are the

two recent properties that have introduced such system to help reduce

energy consumption.

除綠化環境,我們的物業管理團隊透過各種措施,節約能源和用水及改善室內空氣質素,如引入太陽能及風力發電系統。除了寶馬山花園和宏天廣場,最新項目包括觀月 •樺峯和囍滙,均引進節能系統,減少耗電量。

24Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

• Energy and Greenhouse Gas Management 能源及溫室氣體管理

Reducing carbon emissions is part of our environmental commitment. We are

signatories to the ‘Manifesto for Energy Efficiency in Buildings’ issued by the World

Business Council for Sustainable Development, the ‘Carbon Reduction Charter’ issued

by the Environmental Protection Department and the Cancun Communiqué on climate

change. Various energy-saving measures including installation of LED lighting and the

water-cooled air-conditioning system have been adopted in our properties.

We manage our indirect emissions and pollution through the enhancement of equipment

performance and reliability. We arrange regular air duct cleaning for our buildings and

we have installed high arrestance filters for fresh air intake. Besides, a UV system has

also been installed at our headquarters to improve the indoor air quality. During the

reporting period, we received a total of 42 Indoor Air Quality Certificates.

In order to enhance energy efficiency performance at our buildings, we continuously

review and uphold energy efficiency standards for major building services installations

in line with the building energy code under the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance.

By analysing the results of the mandatory energy audit of building facilities required

under the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance, we have built an energy database to

establish a benchmark for building operators to refer to when identifying improvement

potential among buildings of similar operation and physical characteristics.

In our hotels, we have incorporated various sustainable energy measures and practices

to use energy wisely in our daily operations as well as monitor the energy consumption

to track our energy performance on a monthly basis. During the reporting period, energy

efficient heat pumps have been installed and more than 90% of the lighting systems in

the hotels have been equipped with energy-efficient lamps.





25Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

Sustainability Highlight – Conserving Energy with Innovative Technology可持續發展摘要 – 運用創新科技節約能源

Lighting 照明

Occupancy sensors have been installed in clubhouses and common areas, such as staircases, at our properties to reduce energy use in lighting. Daylight sensors with timers have also been installed to turn lights off when daylight is sufficient.


Mechanical, Ventilation and Air Conditioning System機械通風及空調系統

We are progressively phasing out the central chiller plants that use hydrocarbon fluorocarbons (HCFCs) as refrigerant. We have also installed a Central Control and Monitoring System for chiller plants to monitor and increase the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the whole system.


Electrical System電力系統

A Variable Speed Drive (VSD) has been installed in our electrical system to facilitate ‘Supply on Demand’ for motor driven systems, such as fresh and flushing water supply systems, chilled water pumps, etc. to conserve energy. By installing an energy monitoring system, we have collected energy data which, through use of computer software, has resulted in operational action items which in turn can be converted into energy savings.


Indoor Temperature室內溫度

We are signatories to the Energy Saving Charter on Indoor Temperature 2015 which commits us to maintaining an average indoor temperature between 24°C and 26°C during the summer months of June to September at 63 shopping malls, office buildings and residential developments under our management. We have also invited our tenants to participate in this Charter and have received 127 tenants response to support.


Lift Modernisation升降機優化工程

Passenger lifts are modernised with Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) Lift Drive to save energy and improve riding comfort.


26Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

We adopted energy-efficient LED bulbs for festive lights during the Christmas and New Year and have significantly reduced electricity consumption and lower our carbon footprints.


We have installed 128 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations with free charging services for electric vehicles at 56 of our car parks.


• Waste Reduction 減少廢物We recognise the importance of source separation and recycling of waste to lessen the burden on Hong Kong’s landfills. We have placed tri-coloured bins across our properties to encourage sorting and recycling practices. To collect views and gain experience in waste charging, Island Resort participated in the Environmental Protection Department’s Pilot Scheme on Municipal Solid Waste Charging and completed the Scheme in November 2014.

Besides, our hotels have recycled used soaps from the guest rooms since November 2014. The soaps, after proper treatment and sterilisation, would be donated to needy communities in developing countries.



As of 2014, the reduction of carbon emissions across common areas1 compared to 2012 was 3.9%.截至 2014 年,於我們管理的公用地方 1 之碳排放較 2012 年之水平減少 3.9%。1 Only wholly-owned buildings of Sino Land

Company Limited are monitored.


Our new target in carbon emission reduction is 16% by 2020 based on the 2012 level2.我們訂下新的碳排放量目標,於2020 年前將碳排放量從 2012年的水平減少 16%2。

2 We exceeded our 2015 carbon reduction target in 2013 (15% reduction against 2008 level).


27Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

• Food Waste Management 廚餘管理

Our Food Waste Recycling Programme was launched in residential properties, shopping malls, office and industrial

buildings including Pacific Palisades, Hong Kong Gold Coast, Olympian City, tmtplaza, Citywalk, Island Resort Mall,

Sino International Plaza in Fuzhou, 1/F Remington Centre (Best Result Environmental Services Limited – Headquarters

Office) and Yau Tong Industrial City (Perfect Wash Dishwashing and Sterilisation Service Centre) to support waste

reduction at source. During the reporting period, we have further upgraded the capacity of the high-efficiency food

waste decomposer at Olympian City to 500kg allowing us to encourage more tenants to join the programme.

Food waste recycling programme is also in place in our hotels. We employ a contractor to collect food waste from our

hotels on a daily basis and convert the collected food waste into animal feed to support local agricultural activities. We

also initiated food donation programme to donate unused food to the needy in the community.

Summary on Recycled Materials (by weight or volume) during the Reporting Period報告期內各類回收物料量(按重量或體積計算)

Plastic Bottles 膠樽11 tonnes 噸

Paper 廢紙2,660.9 tonnes 噸

Used Cooking Oil 廢棄食油 9,394 litres 升

Aluminium Cans 鋁罐 750 kg 公斤

Glass Bottles 玻璃樽*5,284 kg 公斤

Remained Amenities*剩餘日用品 260 kg 公斤

Other Metals 其他廢金屬

6.8 tonnes 噸

* Data only includes Sino Group of Hotels. 所顯示之數據只包括信和集團旗下酒店。

28Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

On top of the initiatives on food waste reduction, we

shall continue to show our dedication to waste reduction

by supporting the Government’s food waste reduction

programmes and introducing innovat ive ideas to

reduce food waste and sharing within the industry. We

also encourage our customers to ‘take what you can

consume’ at our F&B outlets to help further reduce food





During the reporting period,we collected food wastefor recycling over於報告期內,我們共回收了廚餘超過 500 tonnes*

* Data includes participating properties managed by Sino Properties Services and Sino Group of Hotels.


Algal Purification of Food Waste Filtrate胞藻類淨化廚餘濾液

In addition to introducing the food waste management in various properties, we also collaborated with The Open University of Hong Kong on purifying food waste filtrate with microalgae in further effort on food waste management. Food waste filtrate is fed to bio-reactors, where pollutants l ike ni t rogen, phosphorus and suspended part ic les are removed, before feeding to a centrifuge for further processing to yield bio-diesel. Basing on the empirical data, a reduction in carbon emission of 12,800kg per annum can be achieved, which is equivalent to the daily absorption of carbon dioxide by approximately 210,000 mature trees, presenting a green solution to sewage treatment and a cleaner alternative to producing renewable energy.


29Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

• Water Conservation and Management 節約及管理用水We monitor and control water consumption in our properties. Our water conservation activities include replacing lavatory faucets with automatic sensors or self-closing faucets, using bleed-off water from fresh water cooling towers for flushing and reducing fresh water used in irrigation. At some of our residential properties, swimming pool covers are used for indoor heated pools to reduce heat loss and water evaporation during night time, hence saving water and energy.

In our hotels, we strive to increase water efficiency by installing water saving devices and adopting water reduction practices such as inviting our guests to support our linen and towel reuse programme, replacing bathtubs with shower cubicles, reminding housekeeping and kitchen staff to pay great attention to their water usage practices to ensure that water is not being wasted.



In-building Hydro Power System大廈水力系統

During the reporting period, we partnered with Arup and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on the research of the first in-building hydropower system that makes use of unused water heads in buildings’ pipelines to generate hydroelectricity in an eco-friendly and cost-eff icient way. Under the prototype, water current passing through the pipe drives a novel vertical-axis turbine, generating hydroelectricity that can power the lighting system of a typical lift lobby, translating into a saving of over HK$1,200 per annum in addition to reducing carbon emission by 700kg per annum. The system offers an innovative way for generating electricity in addition to reducing the carbon emission that makes the building more sustainable.


30Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

• Greener Living Environment 締造綠色生活環境We are dedicated to building a greener and cleaner environment through introducing an array of green initiatives and innovations. In 2012, we established Perfect Green Supplies Company Limited (‘Perfect Green’) to provide innovative solutions to cater different clients’ needs, ranging from food waste management, solid waste recycling, healthy indoor solutions, environmental hygiene product supply as well as one-stop catering hygiene service. Perfect Green has also joined the ‘Hong Kong Cooking Oil Registration Scheme’ as a registered waste cooking oil collector in December 2014. Developed by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, the scheme aims to facilitate the traceability of used cooking oil.


City Air Purification System城市空氣淨化系統

The Group joined hands with Arup on a patent-pending city air purification system, which can clean air in open space through filtration. Preliminary research data show significant improvement in air quality. Fabricated in the format of a bus shelter, air is drawn into the prototype from the inlet at the bottom, the air current then passes through a bag filter, which is effective in removing fine suspended particles (PM10 and PM2.5) before coming out through the louvre overhead. Empirical data show an average reduction of 40% in concentration of air pollutants.


31Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

Green Activities and Education 綠色活動及教育To raise awareness within the community, we collaborate with green partners to host and support various environmentally themed activities and events.


Partnering Organisation綠色夥伴


Environmental Bureau / Environmental Protection Department環境局/環境保護署

Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign「惜食香港」運動

Hong Kong Environmental Protection Association香港環境保護協會

Tree Recycling ProgrammePeach Blossom Tree Recycling Programme 2015樹木回收保育樹木計劃2015桃花回收行動

Island District Council and Agricultural, Fisheries and Conservation Department離島區議會及漁農自然護理署

Islands District Healthy City Tree Planting Festival 20152015離島區植樹節

WWF Hong Kong世界自然基金會香港分會

Earth Hour 2015Walk For Nature – Mai Po 2014地球一小時2015步走大自然2014米埔自然保護區慈善步行

Green Sense環保觸覺

No Air Con Night 2014Green Sense Charity Hike 2015無冷氣夜2014環保觸覺綠步郊野2015

Greeners Action綠領行動

2015 Lai See Packet Reuse and Recycling Programme利是封回收重用大行動2015

Christian Action基督教勵行會

Mooncake Box Recycling Campaign月餅盒回收計劃

St. James Settlement People’s Food Bank聖雅各福群會食物銀行

Chinese New Year Gift Giveaway 賀年禮品轉贈計劃

Church Missionary Society, Australia澳洲Church Missionary Society

Used Stamps for Charity回收郵票做慈善

32Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

The Fullerton Green

富麗敦環保計劃The Fullerton Heritage recognises the importance of sustainable development and environmental protection. Over the past few years, we have successfully restored and preserved key iconic and historical landmarks in the precinct. We have also allocated resources to practice green property management and implemented energy and water saving initiatives.

To foster a green culture, the Recycled Craft Competition was organised for staff as a part of the Fullerton Green Campaign. Staff from various departments made use of recycled materials to build any buildings located within the Fullerton Heritage precinct. The creations were displayed during the Town Hall Meeting held in April 2015. In addition to the competition, Fullerton Heritage also invited Sharks Savers and Food Bank to set up booths for raising awareness of our staff on protecting sharks and saving food respectively.

Waste Reduction and Recycling減廢及回收The Fullerton Heritage launched its recycling project in March 2013 with an aim to reducing waste and stepping up the management of recycled waste in all properties and work closely with green partners to achieve better results. Recycled items included cans, plastics, glass, office used paper and waste oil.


Average Monthly Recycled Wastein 2014/2015

2014/2015 年平均每月回收廢物7,753.3

kg/ month 公斤 / 每月

Total Waste Disposal 棄置廢料總量

232 229tonnes/month噸 / 每月(2013/2014)

tonnes/month噸 / 每月(2014/2015)

Compared to 2013/2014, our monthly waste disposed reduced by 2,550 kg/month in 2014/2015 (at 229.2 tonnes/month); and monthly recycled waste in 2014/2015 has increased to 7,753.3 kg/month.

2014/2015年平均每月棄置廢料總量為229.2噸, 與2013/2014年相比平均每月減少2,550公斤;而2014/2015年每月回收廢物增加至7,753.3公斤。


為培養企業的綠色文化,富麗敦天地特別為員工舉辦了物料循環再用設計比賽,讓員工們發揮他們的創意,以回收物料建造出任何位於富麗敦天地的建築物,各參賽作品更於2015年4月舉行的員工溝通大會期間展出。除設計比賽外,富麗敦天地亦邀請了護鯊行動(Sharks Savers)及食物銀行(Food Bank),在場內設置攤位,向員工們宣傳保護鯊魚及珍惜食物的訊息。

33Dedication to a Greener Environment • 致力保護環境

Encouraging Our Guests to Go Green顧客環保意識At The Fullerton Hotel and the Fullerton Bay Hotel, we actively engage our guests to work towards green consciousness through two programmes:


Soap Recycling Programme 肥皂回收重用計劃

Since January 2015, both the Fullerton Hotel Singapore and the Fullerton Bay Hotel signed on the Clean the World Programme to collect used soaps from both hotels. The soaps are recycled and shipped to developing nations in need of hygiene products. This small effort on our part translates into a great impact in reducing waste in landfills and helps reduce the spread of disease among communities lacking proper sanitation.

自2015年1月起,新加坡富麗敦酒店以及新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店簽署 Clean the World Programme,回收所有已使用的肥皂,然後再送到一些需要衛生產品的發展中國家。此舉不但減輕堆田區的負擔,同時亦讓一些衛生設施較落後的社區可減少疾病的散播,意義重大。

Save The Earth 愛護地球

Guests are encouraged to make an active choice whether to change their bed linens and towels daily. Both hotels have achieved good results since the implementation of this green practice with a significant percentage of guests embracing our green culture to reduce water usage to save the environment. This has also resulted in cost savings for us.


Change of Bed Linens減少更換床單次數

Savings (SGD$)減省成本(新加坡元$)

The Fullerton Hotel 富麗敦酒店 29,637 64,015.95

The Fullerton Bay Hotel 富麗敦海灣酒店 9,631 24,559.05

Our Total Savings 總節省

72,510.54 88,574.97SGD$新加坡元 $(2013/2014)

SGD$新加坡元 $(2014/2015)

34Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Care for the Community關懷社區

As a committed corporate citizen, Sino Group actively participates in community services. We established ‘Sino Caring Friends’ in 2008 to organise voluntary services for our colleagues in collaboration with our community partners. We launched ‘Sino Care’ in 2011 to foster volunteering culture and to encourage business units to serve the community with their professional skills. The focuses of ‘Sino Care’ are community engagement services, venue sponsorships and publicity support for NGOs.

In recognition of our continuous commitment to the community, green and art activities, the Group has been recognised as a ‘Caring Company’ since 2003. During the reporting period, we have received the ‘10 Years Plus Caring Company Logo’ from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.



35Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Promoting Volunteering Culture

推動義工文化We constantly encourage our colleagues to make positive impacts on society by taking part in voluntary services. We support staff undertaking voluntary services during office hours for at least one day a year. The ‘Volunteer Incentive Scheme’ was rolled out in 2011 to recognise colleagues with extraordinary voluntary contributions. In 2014, 34 colleagues were rewarded under the scheme. In addition to supporting local community, our voluntary services have also been commenced in China and Singapore by Sino Caring Friends.


117,752 hours 小時

Volunteer service hours of Sino Group in 2014-2015:2014-2015年信和集團義工總服務時數:

Our Main Beneficiaries and Programmes 主要受惠者及計劃

Elderly and Underprivileged Families長者及基層家庭

Youngsters and Children青少年及兒童

• Sino Home Visit Programme信和愛心家訪

• ‘Go Code’ projectGo Code 程式小先鋒

• Sino Caring Celebration Series信和集團傳揚關懷系列

• Sino Children Mentorship Programme信和兒童師友計劃

• Hearty Soup Delivery Programme愛心暖湯行動

• Food Donation Programme食物捐贈計劃

• Birthday Celebrations生日慶祝活動

• Festive Workshops節日工作坊

• Sino Junior Reporter Programme信和校園記者計劃

• Future Stars Project「明日之星」上游方程式

• Enlighten Your Life Programme燃亮生命計劃

• Green Education Programme環保教育計劃

People with Physical and Mental Impairment傷健人士

Community Partners社會合作夥伴

• Mission Green Top商廈天台綠化計劃

• Mission Green Thumb信和幼苗助養計劃

• Hong Chi Climbathon 2014匡智競步上雲霄2014

• Employment and Training Opportunities就業和培訓機會

• Sign Language Teaching Course員工手語課程

• Sighted Guide Technique & Guide Dog Techniques Training接待導盲犬使用者技巧培訓

• Charity walks and fund-raising activities慈善步行及籌款活動

• Sponsorship贊助

• Providing venues for events提供展覽╱活動場地

• Providing storage and office space提供儲物倉和辦公室

36Care for the Community • 關懷社區

‘I learned how to work as a team and take care of people. Thank you to Sino Caring Friends for spending time with us and giving us the wonderful moment.’「我學會了互相幫助和照顧別人,也學習到很多新的知識。感謝義工哥哥姐姐的指導,為我們帶來歡樂回憶。」

Natalie Cheng, mentee of the Sino Children Mentorship Programme「信和兒童師友計劃」學員 鄭曉霖小朋友

‘I’ve joined the programme for three years. I’m watching the growth of our mentees and building up a rapport with our mentees.’「已參加計劃近3年,見證小朋友的成長,這份經歷讓我們彼此間建立了一份信任。」

Jobie Leung, mentor of the Sino Children Mentorship Programme「信和兒童師友計劃」義工導師 梁慕君

‘The friendship of volunteers and children is precious. The programme can bring a memorable experience for the children.’「義工和小朋友的感情真誠可貴,義工活動能為小朋友帶來不一樣的經歷。」

May Wong, social worker of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Jockey Club Tai Kok Tsui Integrated Services Centre東華三院賽馬會大角咀綜合服務中心社工黃娥薇

Sino Children Mentorship Programme 信和兒童師友計劃

Since 2012, Sino Group launched ‘Sino Summer Mentorship Programme’ and ‘Sino Children Mentorship Programme’ in partnership with the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Jockey Club Tai Kok Tsui Integrated Services Centre, 80 children from the underprivileged families in Tai Kok Tsui have completed the programme since 2012. In May 2015, Sino Group launched ‘Sino Children Mentorship Programme 2015’. 25 children aged from 7 to 10 from underprivileged families in Tai Kok Tsui, under the mentorship of Sino Caring Friends, would complete the eight-month programme with the themes of Green, Care and Art. The programme has been designed to help mentees build up positive attitude, confidence and team spirit in a joyful learning environment.


Youth and Children Development 兒童及青少年發展Sino Group places a strong emphasis on the development of the young generation and promote joyful learning environment and exploring opportunities to the children. Sino Group launched ‘Sino Summer Mentorship Programme’ in 2012 and ‘Sino Children Mentorship Programme’ since 2013. Children are encouraged to well-equip themselves through creativity and learning of ‘soft skills’. In 2014, we launched several youth and children development programme including ‘Go Code’ project, ‘Sino Junior Reporter Programme’ and the Future Star Project of Commission on Poverty to provide a wide range of learning opportunities for the young people. Besides, we also continue to support ‘Care & Concern Concerts – School Care Subsidy Scheme’ to encourage young people to spread the message of love through music.

我們深明推動教育發展對社會培育人才的重要性,並希望兒童在成長過程中,獲得愉快學習和探索的機會。自2012年舉辦「信和暑期師友計劃」及其後的「信和兒童師友計劃」,從創意及「軟技巧」出發,在成長階段裝備自己。我們於2014年推出多個項目,包括首屆的「Go Code程式小先鋒」和「信和校園記者計劃」,及由扶貧委員會主辦的「明日之星」活動,為青少年提供多方面的學習機會,助其探索未來的方向。此外,我們亦繼續支持「校園音樂大使展關懷」資助計劃,鼓勵青少年透過不同的音樂表演傳揚關懷。

37Care for the Community • 關懷社區

‘Go Code’ projectGo Code程式小先鋒

In 2014, Sino Group partnered with First Code Academy and the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association Sham Shui Po Integrated Social Service Centre on ‘Go Code’ project. Through the programme, about 20 pupils from underprivileged families in Sham Shui Po to learn coding and create their own smart phone apps. In 2015, the Group is expanding the ‘Go Code’ project and extending partnership to CityU Apps Lab, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and WebOrganic to provide more coding classes. The 2015 programme provides junior courses and intermediate courses in 3 semesters and about 300 pupils, have enrolled to the 2015 programme.

我們於2014年與First Code Academy及香港基督教女青年會深水埗綜合社會服務處首辦「Go Code程式小先鋒」課程,讓來自基層家庭的學生免費學習設計手機應用程式,學員並可將程式傳送到智能電話應用及上載與親友分享。我們於2015年進一步拓展教學範圍,並邀請香港城市大學應用程式實驗室、香港社會服務聯會及「有機上網」合作,開辦更多課程,惠及更多學童。2015年的課程分為初級與中級,分為3個學期,服務超過300位學生,超出預計的名額。

The ‘Go Code’ project launched in 2014 to provide a learning platform for children from underprivileged families to learn coding.

「Go Code程式小先鋒」於2014年展開,為來自基層家庭的兒童提供學習編寫程式的機會。

The ‘Go Code 2014’ graduation ceremony was held at Olympian City 2 in January 2015 for trainees of the 2014 class.

首屆「Go Code程式小先鋒2014」課程畢業禮於2015年1月假奧海城2期舉行,見證學員的努力成果。

The ‘Go Code’ project in 2015 has expanded to organise more classes for children from underprivileged families.

「Go Code程式小先鋒」2015的課程拓展教學範疇, 希望惠及更多學童。

The ‘Go Code Exhibition’ was held at Olympian City 2 in March 2015 to showcase the apps created by trainees of the 2014 class and students from the City University of Hong Kong.

「Go Code程式小先鋒」於2015年3月假奧海城2期舉辦展覽會,展出首屆學員及香港城市大學學生的手機程式作品。

38Care for the Community • 關懷社區

‘Coding is the new universal language and an essential skill for us as individuals and for our society. Through the “Go Code” project, we hope to offer children from underprivileged families an opportunity to gain knowledge in information technology and learn coding in an interactive and joyful environment, and thus building up their logical thinking and problem solving skills as well as enhancing their upward mobility.’「Coding是新的國際語言,每個人都應該有機會學習。集團希望透過『Go Code程式小先鋒』課程,讓來自基層家庭的學生有更多機會接觸資訊科技,在互動的環境中愉快地學習,訓練邏輯思維和解難能力,更好地裝備自己。」

Daryl Ng, Executive Director of Sino Group信和集團執行董事黃永光

‘Basic coding training is crucial for the development of youngsters. When they begin cultivating coding knowledge at an early age, it is highly beneficial for their future learning capability and development.’「課程不但為基層小朋友提供編寫程式的學習機會,亦對我們的團隊及各參與的學生導師,在編寫程式的技術上以至個人發展,都有正面影響。」

Dr Ray Cheung, Director of CityU Apps Lab香港城市大學應用程式實驗室總監張澤松博士

‘After participating in this program, I understand the importance of the programming that helps operating a computer. Through learning coding, I am able to make my own apps with creativity and take challenge to making more difficult apps. I successfully created a game drive and shared with my family and friends for my achievement. It also inspired me to create an apps for my mother reading recipes and food calories. I hope to design some free apps that help people to deal with the daily affairs and shall introduce my friends to participate in this programme to let them feel the joy of app creation.’「參加這個計劃後,我了解到程式的重要性及其如何讓電腦運作。學習coding,可讓我加入自己創意,提升自創遊戲的難度,做一個獨一無異的程式,令我很有滿足感,尤其當我成功創作了一個遊戲程式後,更希望立即與家人和朋友分享成果,並啟發我想到可設計一個讓媽媽查看食譜和食物卡路里的應用程式。此外,我亦希望可設計一些能幫助別人處理日常生活事務的程式,供免費下載,讓這個程式變得更有意義。將來我也會介紹朋友來參加這個課程,讓他們也感受到創作應用程式的喜悅。」

Lau Tsz Ling, Student of 2015 programme2015年課程學員劉子稜

39Care for the Community • 關懷社區

‘Students are excited to interact with the staff from property management team and to gain a better understanding of the duties and scopes of the field.’「是次活動讓同學們有機會與物業管理的團隊交流,實地了解各物業管理崗位的工作流程,令他們對物業管理有更深入的認識,獲益良多。」

Tai Wai Yiu, Social Worker of the Asbury Methodist Social Service.循道衛理亞斯理社會服務處社工戴煒堯

‘I am impressed by the parking facility of Sino Parking. The use of technology to enhance management effectiveness of car parks and the customer experience change my view of car park management. I look forward to joining the team after my graduation.’「我十分欣賞信和停車場的設施,親身體驗科技如何提升管理質素及客人的體驗,更改變了我對停車場管理的印象,我期待畢業後有機會加入停車場的團隊,一起工作。」

Mr Cheng, a F.4 student就讀中四的鄭同學

Future Stars Project of Commission on Poverty扶貧委員會「明日之星」上游方程式

We organised two career workshops for students from St. James Settlement and Asbury Methodist Social Service as part of our support to the Future Stars Project of Commission on Poverty. Students learned more about career opportunities in property management and gained insights through sharing by senior executives and site visits at our shopping malls and residential projects.


40Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Sino Junior Reporter Programme 信和校園記者計劃

We launched the ‘Sino Junior Reporter Programme’ in collaboration with SCMP Young Post in 2014 to provide training in English writing and reporting for secondary school students. We received over 600 applications in 2014 programme and shortlisted 28 students who had completed the programme. Five outstanding entries were chosen for their originality, creativity, writing technique, accuracy, style and relevancy to the spirit of the photo. Through the programme, students are equipped with essential reporting skills and knowledge as well as a better understanding of the Sino CSR Initiatives through interviewing executives of the Group. In 2015, the programme has been expanded to Singapore featuring the theme of heritage.

我們與《南華早報青年報》(SCMP Young Post)於2014年合作首辦「信和校園記者計劃」。此計劃收到逾600份申請,當中28位中學生獲選成為信和校園記者,接受英語寫作和報導技巧培訓。評審團以稿件的原創性、創意、寫作技巧、準確性、風格以及圖片的相關性等方面評分,選出共5個優秀作品。通過該計劃,學生能學習報導技巧和學問以裝備自己,亦在訪問信和管理層的過程中對我們的企業社會責任的工作有更多的認識。於2015年,此計劃以保育為主題,擴展至新加坡。

2015 School Care Subsidy Scheme 2015「校園音樂大使展關懷」資助計劃

Sino Group has been sponsoring the ‘School Care Subsidy Scheme’ organised by the Music Office of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department since its launch in 2009. The scheme has drawn participation of over 190 school music groups and reached out to over 19,000 people from underprivileged families.


41Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Serving Our Community 服務社區As one of our major initiatives of community engagement, Sino Care launched the ‘Sino Home Visit Programme’ in 2011. By collaborating with our community partners, we organise regular visits throughout the year to underprivileged families and elderly in different districts to encourage their social participation in the community. We have served over 4,000 underprivileged families in Sham Shui Po, Tai Kok Tsui, Kwai Chung, Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin since the programme launched. ‘Sino Home Visit Programme’ includes festive home visits, monthly home improvement services and elderly home visits.


Festive Home Visits 節日探訪

Besides regular monthly visits, we encourage colleagues to share festive joy with those in need by organising home visits during the festive seasons, such as Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Winter Solstice. In 2014, we have extended partnership with the Christian Family Service Centre in Kwun Tong to organise home visits for elderly in the district.


Monthly Home Improvement Services 每月家居改善服務

We have established a technical team to support underprivileged families by leveraging our professional expertise to offer monthly home improvement services such as circuit checking, basic maintenance and cleaning services. During the reporting period, with support from the Wai Ji Christian Service, we extended our services to people with disabilities in Yuen Long district.


42Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Monthly Elderly Home Visits 每月長者探訪

In collaboration with our community partners, the ‘Monthly Elderly Home Visits’ programme has been run for the fifth year. Since 2014, we have also reached out to elderly homes in Shatin. In addition to paying visit, we provide outreach activities to elderly residents so that they can enjoy Chinese opera, tea parties and shopping mall visits.


Sino Care Celebration Series信和集團傳揚關懷系列

We launched the ‘Sino Care Celebration Series’ in 2013 to further engage underprivileged families to reach out the community and make new friends. During the reporting period, more than 1,000 people from various organisations participated the Mid-Autumn Festival Party at the Pierside of The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers and the CNY Party at the rooftop garden of Skyline Town in Kowloon Bay to celebrate the festive seasons. Besides, we also invited social enterprises provide catering, workshops and family photo booths for the participants to offer job opportunities and encourage them to utilise their skills to help others.


Mid-Autumn Festival Party

信和集團傳揚關懷系列中秋節晚會Chinese New Year Celebration Party


43Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Community and Charity Events

社區及慈善活動We have been a long-standing supporter of the Agency for Volunteer Service, the Community Chest of Hong Kong, Hong Chi Association, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association. During the reporting period, Sino Caring Friends participated in a number of meaningful causes:


The Community Chest Wheelock Swim for Millions 2014公益金會德豐百萬泳2014

SHKP Vertical Run for Charity Race to Hong Kong ICC新地公益垂直跑 - 勇闖香港ICC

2014 HKSAR Charity Football Invitation Tournament2014香港特區慈善足球邀請賽

Team Challenge 36「團隊挑戰36」越野慈善賽

Hong Chi Climbathon 2014匡智競步上雲霄2014

New Territories Walk for Millions 2015新界區百萬行2015

AVS Charity Run Sports Fun DayAVS義跑慈善競技日

2015 Hardwood Classic Basketball Charity Tournament2015 Hardwood Classic 慈善籃球賽

Happy 3on3 Basketball Tournament開心三人籃球賽

Our In-kind Support 其他支援In addition to providing voluntary services and participating in charity events, we also support our community partners by providing in-kind support, including venue sponsorship, free parking spaces and special nominal rental offers, as well as enhancing their publicity with free promotional channels, such as posters, printed materials and video clips displayed within properties under our management. Beneficiaries include Feeding Hong Kong, Enlighten Hong Kong, Christian Action, Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian and many more.


44Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Hearty Soup Delivery Programme愛心暖湯行動

We have launched ‘Hearty Soup Delivery Programme’ since 2011 to deliver the elderly and those in need in the community with soups making by our hotel’s chefs on a regular basis and outreach to elderly who live alone. We have already served over 23,000 elderly across different districts since the programme launched.


Food Donation Programme食物捐贈計劃

In partnership with food-related charities such as the Foodlink Foundation and Food Angel, we continue our efforts to donate cooked food to the underprivileged families on a weekly basis under the on-going ‘Food Donation Programme’ launched in 2011. During the reporting period, we have donated a total of 2,263.4 kg of food, which is equivalent to over 8,107 meals, to the green partners and other food charities.


Festive Workshops節日工作坊

We strive to demonstrate our concern for the well-being and leverage our resources to serve our community. To share festive delight to children and families in need, we host a range of educational workshops and celebrations during festivals, including Christmas, Chinese New Year, Easter, Mid-Autumn Festival, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.


Sino Group of Hotels Care Programmes 信和集團旗下酒店關懷項目

45Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Sino Care China Programme

信和友心關懷計劃(中國)Sino Caring Friends has continuously participated in voluntary services to serve and support the needy and underprivileged families in various China cities. The community outreach activities organised during the reporting period include:


Chengdu• Donations have been made to different organisations and those in need including two children with congenital

heart disease, Danba County for the maintenance of slope and a primary school in Sichuan Province for reconstructing the campus.

• Organised a trip to Aladdin Farm for children from a special child care centre and their parents to celebrate the Chinese Children’s Day (1 June 2015).

成都• 為不同機構及有需要人士提供捐助,包括兩名患有先天性心臟病的兒童、丹巴縣斜坡修葺及改建北斗坪材小學校舍。

• 與愛慧特殊兒童關愛中心的小朋友及家長遊覽阿拉丁農場慶祝中國兒童節(2015年6月1日)。

Xiamen• Organised a reading activity on World Book Day 2015 in Yueyang Community for children enjoy reading.廈門• 於岳陽區舉辦閱讀共享活動,啟發兒童及青少年的閱讀的興趣。

Chongqing• Visited Chongqing Love Manor and sent gifts to the children living there to celebrate the Chinese Children’s Day.

The Manor is home to around 500 children with about two-thirds being physically or mentally disadvantaged.重慶• 探訪重慶市兒童愛心莊園,為住宿兒童送上日常生活用品,慶祝中國兒童節。莊園現時約有500名兒童及青少年入住,當中約三分之二園友為傷健人士。

46Care for the Community • 關懷社區

The Fullerton Care Programme 富麗敦關懷計劃The Fullerton Care Programme aims to enhance social values and enrich Singapore’s unfolding history, which began at the Fullerton Heritage precinct, by reaching out to family units in Singapore. We believe our family-focused initiatives and community care outreach programmes through various platforms and events have strengthened the concept of the family unit. A selection of community outreach events organised by the Fullerton team in Singapore during the reporting period are introduced below:


Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 中秋節慶祝活動

The Fullerton Heritage partnered with People’s Association to invite 40 Pioneer Generation seniors from underprivileged families for an excursion at The Fullerton Heritage Precinct in September 2014. The seniors, together with 20 Fullerton volunteers had an interactive time making paper lanterns and were served with a special heritage afternoon tea and mooncakes at The Clifford Pier, a place which brought back fond memories for them. The evening ended with our resident tour guide recounting tales of the bygone days and stories of the transformed Singapore to the seniors and an impromptu sing-along session of oldies.

在新加坡,富麗敦天地與人民協會(People’s Association)合作,於2014年9月中秋節期間,邀請了40位來自基層家庭的建國一代之長者遊覽富麗敦天地。長者們連同20名富麗敦義工一同製作紙燈籠,並於紅燈碼頭(Clifford Pier)享用特色下午茶及月餅,讓他們細味昔日情懷。此外,導賞員亦與一眾長者分享往事和新加坡的轉變,並一同即興合唱懷舊金曲。

Christmas Craft-making Workshop and Christmas Light-up Ceremony聖誕手工藝品工作坊與聖誕節亮燈儀式

In November 2014, The Fullerton Heritage hosted a Christmas Craft-making Workshop for underprivileged children from Hope Centre Singapore. During the workshop, children learnt to make Christmas-themed bookmarks and crafts which were presented as gifts to hotel guests during the Christmas Light-up Ceremony at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore. On the day of the Christmas Light-up Ceremony at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore and The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore, underprivileged children from Hope Centre Singapore were invited to decorate gingerbread man cookies for charity sale and to perform a special dancing show. S$20 from every dining patron of Giving Hope Charity Buffet was donated to help fund Hope Centre’s Bursary Awards, benefiting underprivileged children under their care. A total of S$6,740 was raised from the charity buffet, the sale of the gingerbread man cookies and the limited-edition Fullerton Christmas plush bears.

2014年11月,富麗敦天地為來自新加坡希望中心(Hope Centre Singapore)的基層兒童,舉辦了聖誕手工藝品工作坊,教授他們製作各款聖誕飾物及書籤,並於聖誕亮燈儀式當日送給惠顧的貴客。於聖誕節亮燈儀式當日,新加坡希望中心的基層兒童亦被邀請製作薑餅人曲奇作義賣及表演舞蹈。此外,當晚每位成人顧客的晚餐消費中捐出新加坡幣20元作善款,為「新加坡希望中心助學金」籌募經費。慈善自助餐、薑餅人曲奇及限量版富麗敦聖誕熊義賣合共籌得新加坡幣6,740元。

47Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Lunar New Year Celebration 農曆新年慶祝活動

The Fullerton Heritage partnered with People’s Association to invite 40 Pioneer Generation seniors from underprivileged families in February 2015 to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Seniors participated in a series of activities including a red packet lantern-making workshop followed by a mega yu sheng (a salad that is popularly enjoyed in Singapore during the Chinese New Year) tossing session and a special appearance from our very own Fullerton Postmaster Bear. The day’s festivities concluded with a Dim Sum Tea Session.


International Women’s Day 國際婦女節

In celebration of International Women’s Day, The Fullerton Heritage partnered the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisation (SCWO) to raise funds for women-related causes in the month of March 2015. The Fullerton Heritage celebrated the achievements of women in Singapore through purple-themed dining offers including afternoon tea sets, cocktails, mocktails, a custom designed limited edition Fullerton Wonderful Woman plush bear, a special room package for ladies as well as special exhibition and tours to learn about Singapore’s women pioneers. Both The Fullerton Hotel Singapore and The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore were also decorated in elegant purple hues throughout the month of March. A total of S$15,865 was raised for the SCWO Service Fund.

為慶祝國際婦女節,富麗敦天地與新加坡婦女組織理事會 (Singapore Council of Women’s Organisation, SCWO)合作,於2015年3月為推行婦女相關項目籌募經費。富麗敦天地以紫色為主題,推出多項餐飲優惠,包括下午茶套餐、雞尾酒及無酒精雞尾酒等,並特別推出限量版神奇女俠造型的富麗敦小熊、專為女士而設的特別住房優惠,以及展覽和導賞團,了解新加坡女性的故事。新加坡富麗敦酒店和新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店亦在整個三月份以高雅的紫色色調佈置酒店。是次活動共籌得新加坡幣15,865元之經費。

48Care for the Community • 關懷社區

Mother’s Day Programme 母親節慶祝活動

The Fullerton Heritage received children from Students Care Service and their families for a special Mother’s Day celebration with our Fullerton volunteers at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore in May 2015. The afternoon began with a session of family bonding ice-breakers and family portrait for each family. The fathers and the children then joined a creative session of scrapbooking while the mothers gathered for an empowering session to learn communication skills and effective ways for self-care. The evening ended with the fathers and children presenting the scrapbook to the delight of the mothers and a buffet feast at Town Restaurant.

在2015年5月,富麗敦天地邀請來自學生關懷服務(Students Care Service)的兒童及其家庭與富麗敦天地義工們,一同慶祝母親節。活動當日首先進行了熱身遊戲及為每個家庭拍攝有趣的家庭照。孩子及父親們其後一同參與拼貼簿製作工作坊,而母親們則聚首一堂,互相學習溝通技巧及自我關懷的要訣。當晚,一眾家庭更於Town Restaurant品嚐豐富的自助餐,並向各母親致送精緻的手造拼貼簿以表敬意。

49Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Dedicated to promoting local art and culture and enriching the daily lives of Hong Kong people, Sino Group

initiated ‘Sino Art’ in 2006. We aim to serve the broader community in Hong Kong through arts accessibility

and arts education programmes. We received the ‘Award for Arts Sponsorship’ for the years of 2007

and 2008, and the ‘Award for Arts Promotion’ of 2008 from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in

recognition of our efforts on promoting art and culture in Hong Kong.

信和集團於2006年成立「信和藝術」,推動藝術融入生活,讓藝術普及化,及以藝術教育服務社群。我們獲得香港藝術發展局頒發「2007香港藝術發展獎」之 「藝術贊助獎」及「2008香港藝術發展獎」之「藝術贊助獎」與「藝術推廣獎」銅獎,表揚我們在香港積極推廣藝術和文化的努力。

Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture推廣藝術文化

50Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Sino Art in Community 信和社區藝術Sino Art and Sino Caring Friends launched the ‘Sino Art in Community’ programme in 2013 to expand our charitable efforts on bringing art into the community. Through the partnership with local artists, we create murals for hospital, kindergartens and children’s home. We also organise art workshop for children in collaboration with different organisations. During the reporting period, we have completed 3 projects for more people to learn about art.


‘We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sino Art and Sino Caring Friends for bringing vibrant art to our village. The series of creative and colourful mural paintings of “Squly & Friends” has brought much excitement among the girls. The mural painting session provides an opportunity for them to learn and cooperate with others. Thanks to the help of Sino Caring Friends, the interiors and façades of the dormitories have a fresh look. Besides, designer also hosted art education workshops, which cultivate the girls’ interest in art and design. On behalf of our girls and colleagues, we would like to thank Sino Group for their support; we look forward to more collaborations in future.’

「衷心感謝信和藝術及信和友心人將藝術帶進兒童村,設計師悉心設計一系列充滿創意及色彩鮮明的『Squly & Friends』壁畫,令她們十分雀躍及積極參與為壁畫填上顏色,讓她們能夠學習與他人合作;加上『信和友心人』義工隊為家舍飯廳修葺牆壁及天花,令家舍內外猶如添上一層新衣,煥然一新!設計師又為宿生舉辦藝術工作坊,讓她們增加對藝術設計的認識及興趣,實在是一個很好的教育機會。在此,謹代表我們的孩子及修女們,衷心感激信和集團對兒童村的關愛及支持,盼望以後能有更多合作的機會!」

Sister Ko Koon Kwan of Precious Blood Children’s Village


Precious Blood Children’s Village寶血兒童村

We partnered with local design collective Chiilaku on the creation of 7 mural paintings for Precious Blood Children’s Village in Fanling and organising workshops for the girls. With assistance of Sino Caring Friends, the interiors and façades of the dormitories have been repaired and repainted.


51Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten (Wanchai) of The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong 香港小童群益會樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔)

We invited local artist duo All Things Bright and Beautiful and Centre on Behavioral Health, the University of Hong Kong to create mural at the rooftop of Cheerland Nursery School cum Kindergarten (Wanchai) of The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong and organise an art workshop for the children.

我們邀請了本地藝術單位All Things Bright and Beautiful及香港大學行為健康教研中心,為香港小童群益會樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔)的校舍製作壁畫及舉辦藝術工作坊。

‘We are delighted to partner with The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong’s Cheerland Nursery cum Kindergarten (Wanchai), and hope they enjoy the repainting works by Sino Caring Friends and the new nature-themed mural. I would like to sincerely thank the artists Joanne and Ah Li for their wonderful designs and hosting the creative workshop, and also express our deep-felt gratitude to the Centre on Behavioral Health of HKU for the meaningful ‘Expressive Arts’ workshop with multi-sensory activities for the children. We look forward to more opportunities in spreading the message of love and care to communities.’

「很高興與香港小童群益會樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(灣仔)合作,製作壁畫及為兒童舉行工作坊,希望他們喜歡由『信和友心人』進行的外牆翻新工作及全新製作以大自然為主題的壁畫。我衷心感謝藝術家Joanne及Ah Li設計壁畫,並主持創意工作坊。我在此亦向香港大學行為健康教研中心致以謝意,為小朋友們舉辦『表達藝術工作坊』。我們希望有更多機會,為社區帶來愛心與關懷。」

Nikki Ng, Group General Manager of Sino Group


52Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Ma Tau Chung Nursery School of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children 香港保護兒童會馬頭涌幼兒學校

We partnered with a local original character brand La La Woodland and Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation on the creation of a 22-metre mural of the campus of Ma Tau Chung Nursery School of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children as well as organising an art workshop for the children.

我們與本地藝術單位La La Woodland及香港青年藝術協會合作,為香港保護兒童會馬頭涌幼兒學校的校舍製作長達22米的大型壁畫及策劃藝術工作坊。

‘When I stepped in the school today, I was immediately attracted to the colourful mural painting near the entrance, with the adorable animals cartoons participating in different programmes. Indeed, the parents and children share this view and find the school environment refreshing. On behalf of our children and parents, I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Sino Group and La La Woodland for their efforts on repairing the wall and creating such a lovely mural. We would also thank Sino Art for organising workshops for our children that enhance their creativity and art potential. Thank you again for the support of different professionals in bringing all these wonderful events to the children. We look forward to further collaboration with Sino to bring different experiences to our children.’

「今日甫踏進校舍,我就被一幅色彩繽紛的壁畫吸引,牆上可愛的動物卡通角色正在參與多采多姿的活動,家長和小朋友都有煥然一新的感覺。我謹代表本會衷心感謝信和集團以及La La Woodland為香港保護兒童會修葺牆壁及重新設計壁畫。我們亦十分感謝信和藝術帶來的幼兒藝術工作坊,啟發小朋友的創意及藝術潛能。是次活動得到不同專業人士的支持,為我們的幼兒帶來美好的回憶,期盼可再與信和合作,為本會的兒童及青少年帶來更多不同的體驗。」

Susan Choy, Director cum School Supervisor of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children


53Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Art Events 藝術活動We aspire to bring art into people’s daily lives. During the reporting period, Sino Art organised two art events with different themes.


Beats of 80s Music Spectacle 「流行八十」音樂派對

In August 2014, Sino Art collaborated with Chiczando to present ‘Beats of 80s Music Spectacle’ at tmtplaza, providing a platform for new generation artists to perform alongside professional artists. The event revitalised the 80s top-hit music through the integration of diverse modern art forms including beatbox, live band, DJ and dance. Young performers such as Stereo Is the Answer and the Hong Kong YMCA Chinese Orchestra were invited in this professional-amateur performance.

於2014年8月,信和藝術與Chiczando合作假屯門市廣場舉辦「流行八十」音樂派對,由多個專業音樂團隊帶領不同新生代創作單位同台演出,其中新生代表演者包括由專上學院畢業生組成的樂隊Stereo Is the Answer和香港女青中樂團。一眾表演單位結合不同的新生代藝術形式包括人聲敲擊樂、現場樂隊、捽碟、霹靂舞及新派健康舞等,重新演繹八十年代經典金曲。

‘Grandpa Grandma Silver Strand Gala’ Expressive Art Exhibition「老爹媽銀光滙坊」表達藝術展覽

In October 2014, Sino Art, Sino Care and ‘Art for All’ jointly hosted the ‘Grandpa Grandma Silver Strand Gala’ Expressive Art Exhibition and a series of workshops at Olympian City 2. The exhibition was the wrap-up activity for a research project using art intervention involving elderly people suffering from early stages of memory loss. The exhibition showcased multiple artworks created by participating elderly members, who applied different expressive art modalities including digital videos, life-sized self-portraits and a large-scale four-metre wide communal Chinese ink collage. A series of workshops such as a Chinese ink workshop and art jamming were conducted to boost the public’s understanding on how expressive arts therapy helps the elderly to transit into their golden years.


54Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Sponsored Programmes 贊助計劃We are committed to bringing inspiration through art events. In addition to organising art exhibitions, we also provide sponsorship to the local art and cultural community. During the reporting period, we supported large-scale art and cultural events including the Hong Kong Arts Festival (‘HKAF’) 2015, the sixth Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme and When Arts Meet 2014. We brought 4 world-class performances presented by the HKAF 2015 through the ‘Sino Group Arts Celebration Series’ and invited students from the Music for Our Young Foundation to attend the world-renowned Los Angeles Philharmonic concert conducted by Maestro Gustavo Dudamel. We also sponsored graduation shows at art schools in universities to cultivate the next generation of artists. To provide operational support to art groups for their sustainable growth, we have offered venue sponsorship for Asian Youth Orchestra and Asia Art Archive during the reporting period.

信和藝術致力於通過藝術活動啟發心靈。除了舉辦藝術展覽,我們亦為多個本地藝術和文化團體提供贊助。於報告期內,我們贊助了的大型藝術和文化活動包括香港藝術節2015、第六屆校園藝術大使計劃及When Arts Meet 2014。其中信和集團再度成為香港藝術節的合作夥伴,贊助「信和集團藝萃系列」4場國際級音樂表演,更邀請青年音樂訓練基金的學員,觀賞由國際知名指揮大師杜達美帶領的洛杉磯愛樂樂團演奏會。年內,我們亦支持各大院校藝術課程畢業展,培育新一代的藝術家。此外,我們於報告期內繼續為藝術團體提供場地贊助,包括亞洲青年管弦樂團及亞洲藝術文獻庫,以支持其營運及持續發展。

Gala Flamenca – talk and live music and dance demonstrations

《星耀佛蘭明高》 – 講座及現場音樂和舞蹈示範Gala Flamenca – workshops for local dancers

《星耀佛蘭明高》 – 為本地舞蹈員舉辦工作坊

Bobby McFerrin demonstrated his iconic improvisation at the master class

波比•麥非於大師班示範其獨特的即興演唱技巧Los Angeles Philharmonic concert by Maestro Gustavo Dudamel and 30 students of the Music for Our Young Foundation met after the performance


Hong Kong Art Festival 2015 香港藝術節2015

55Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Julien Marinetti Exhibition 朱利安 • 馬里內蒂彩繪青銅雕塑展

The Fullerton Heritage collaborated with Galerie Bartoux Singapore to present an exhibition of painted bronze sculptures by popular French artist Julien Marinetti from November 2014 to January 2015. Marinetti’s signature pieces such as the Bulldog, Teddy Bear and Panda were featured along Singapore’s stunning bayfront including The Fullerton Bay Hotel, Clifford Pier, Customs House, One Fullection and Merlion Park.

在2014年11月至2015年1月期間,富麗敦天地與畫廊Galerie Bartoux Singapore合作,於富麗敦天地一帶海濱地標,包括新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店、紅燈碼頭、前海關大樓、富麗敦一號及魚尾獅公園等,展出法國著名藝術家朱利安 •馬里內蒂(Julien Marinetti)多個彩繪青銅雕塑,包括如鬥牛犬,泰迪熊和熊貓等作品。

The Fullerton Arts Programme

富麗敦天地城市中的藝術Dedicated to promote the local art and culture scene, The Fullerton Heritage initiated ‘The Fullerton Arts Programme’ in 2009, working with artists, galleries and partners to host exhibitions. Besides providing premier venues for arts and cultural events, The Fullerton Arts Programme aims to promote locally established and emerging artist by proving them with the visibility and platform for their works and talents. A few selection of art exhibitions organised during the reporting period included:


56Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

Art for Diversity: Autism Art for Diversity: Autism展覽

From January to March 2015, The Fullerton Heritage presented the ‘Art for Autism: Diversity’ exhibition to showcase the different talents and perspectives of people with autism in collaboration with the Autism Resource Centre (ARC) and Pathlight School. The exhibition featured new works by 17 student artists from the school’s signature Artist Development Programme (ADP), capturing the unique perspectives as seen through the eyes of artists with autism. All proceeds raised from the exhibition were donated back to ARC and Pathlight School.

富麗敦天地於2015年1月至3月期間,與自閉症資源中心(Autism Resource Centre)及新光學校(Pathlight School)合辦「Art for Autism: Diversity」展覽,展示多個自閉症患者的藝術天賦。是次展覽展出17位來自藝術家發展計劃(Artist Development Programme)的學生作品,與大眾分享他們所捕捉獨特的視野。是次展覽所籌得的善款均會撥捐資源中心及新光學校。

Nanyang Classics: Second-Generation Singaporean Artist經典南洋 – 新加坡第二代藝術家

In April 2015, The Fullerton Heritage collaborated with local gallery ‘Cape of Good Hope Art Gallery’ to present the ‘Nanyang Classics: Second-Generation Singaporean Artists’ art exhibition. In celebration of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, the exhibition shined a spotlight on 9 notable acclaimed local artists: Ang Ah Tee, Choy Weng Yang, Eng Siak Loy, Goh Beng Kwan, Koeh Sia Yong, Leo Hee Tong, Lim Tze Peng, Low Puay Hua and Nai Swee Leng all of whom have upheld traditions and continued to push creative boundaries in their selected medium – calligraphy, Chinese ink, oil and watercolour.

2015年4月,富麗敦天地聯同本地美術館好望角畫廊(Cape of Good Hope Art Gallery)於富麗敦天地畫廊(The Fullerton Heritage Gallery)合辦「經典南洋 – 新加坡第二代藝術家」 (Nanyang Classics: Second – Generation Singaporean Artists) 藝術展。為慶祝新加坡建國五十周年,9位享負盛名的新派藝術家包括洪亞弟、蔡榮恩、翁錫禮、吳 權、許錫勇、梁其棟、 林子平、劉培和及賴瑞龍,以不同創作媒介,如書法、中國水墨、油畫及水彩畫等,向公眾呈獻他們的作品。

57Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture • 推廣藝術文化

The Little Prince Art Collection 小王子藝術品展覽

In May 2015, The Little Prince Art Collection made its world premiere at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore. In collaboration with the Antoine de Saint Exupéry Youth Foundation, French artist Arnaud Nazare-Aga presented 14 unique hand-painted sculptures which were inspired by the original watercolour illustrations from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s world-renowned book, The Little Prince. The exhibition attracted over 10,000 visitors to The Fullerton Hotel Singapore.

2015年5月,全球首個小王子藝術品展覽於新加坡富麗敦酒店舉行。是次展覽由法國藝術家阿諾納紮雷阿伽(Arnaud Nazare-Aga)與聖艾修伯里青少年基金會(Antoine de Saint Exupéry Youth Foundation)合作,根據安東尼•德•聖艾修伯里經典著作《小王子》的水彩插圖,塑造出14個獨有的手繪雕像。展覽期間,共吸引超過10,000名遊客到訪新加坡富麗敦酒店。

Ceramics Indulgence Exhibition 《陶然食在》展覽

In June 2015, The Fullerton Hotel Singapore’s very own Master Chef Leong from Jade Restaurant held a debut exhibition in June 2015, showcasing over 30 skilfully handcrafted traditional and contemporary ceramic pieces as part of his tribute to Singapore’s Golden Jubilee celebration. His works were inspired by natural elements like the organic textures of tree bark, foliage and rocks, as well as auspicious Chinese mythical characters such as the dragon and phoenix. All proceeds raised from the art exhibition were donated to Autism Resource Centre. As part of the exhibition, Chef Leong also conducted ceramic workshops with the students from the Artist Development Programme to impart his skills.

新加坡富麗敦酒店於2015年6月舉行《陶然食在》展覽,展出總廚梁志賢師傅的30件陶藝作品,作為他對新加坡的金禧慶祝活動的一點心意。他的作品主要以大自然元素為題材,如樹皮、樹葉和石塊紋理等,同時亦包括中國神話角色,如龍和鳳凰。此外,作為展覽的一部分,梁師傅亦為藝術家發展計劃的學生主持工作坊,向學生們傳授秘技。是次展覽所得的款項將全數撥捐自閉症資源中心(Autism Resource Centre)。

Sino Heritage was established in 2011 with the belief that conservation of cultural heritage helps the community

build a sense of identity and strengthen relationships in the city. Sino Heritage identifies and showcases the

heritage significance of historical projects in both Hong Kong and Singapore, including Tai O Heritage Hotel

and The Fullerton Heritage.


Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage活化及保育歷史文物

58Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage • 活化及保育歷史文物

Tai O Heritage Hotel 大澳文物酒店In March 2008, the Ng Teng Fong Family, the major shareholder of Sino Group, set up a non-profit-making organisation named Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation Limited (HCF). In December 2008, HCF won the tender to revitalise and convert the Old Tai O Police Station, a Grade II historic building, into a boutique hotel. Named Tai O Heritage Hotel (Hotel), it is home to 9 colonial-style rooms and suites and commenced operation in March 2012. The Hotel, operated by HCF as a non-profit-making social enterprise, is part of the HKSAR Government’s Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme. In 2013, the Hotel received the Award of Merit, UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation organised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognising the efforts in heritage conservation by the Hotel and engagement of local community.

The Hotel is also dedicated to enhancing the relationship with the Tai O Community through providing employment opportunities to Tai O residents. Besides, we endeavour to promote sustainable tourism through organising cultural experience tours and hosting an array of cultural tourism programmes for both local and overseas visitors.



59Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage • 活化及保育歷史文物

In order to raise public awareness of conserving our heritage, we organise free guided tours for public on a daily basis.

With the theme of ‘I Love Tai O’, a two-day open house at the Hotel was organised in November 2014 and received two thousand individuals and local charity groups.



Local tradition is part of culture and heritage which one can understand and appreciate more about the daily life of the local community in the past. During the reporting period, the Hotel participated in the Tai O Water Marriage Parade 2014, promoting these unique traditions of Tai O culture and sustainable tourism.


In November 2014, HCF has been honoured by the American Institute of Architects Hong Kong Chapter with a Citation Award, in recognition of its contributions to heritage conservation in Hong Kong.


‘I Love Tai O’ Open Day 20142014「我愛大澳」開放日

Tai O Water Marriage Parade 20142014大澳水鄉婚禮

American Institute of Architects Hong Kong Chapter Citation Honour 2014美國建築師學會香港分會頒發2014特別嘉許獎狀

60Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage • 活化及保育歷史文物

The Fullerton Heritage 富麗敦天地The Fullerton Heritage is Sino Group’s large-scale waterfront development project in Singapore’s Marina Bay. The architecture combines historical with contemporary aspects to add vibrancy to the long-established culture and heritage of the central business district. The development comprises 7 buildings, namely The Fullerton Hotel Singapore, The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore, The Fullerton Waterboat House, One Fullerton, The Fullerton Pavilion, Clifford Pier and Customs House, which were converted from historic and valuable buildings.


We regularly organise guided tours for public to raise their awareness of the historic precinct. During the reporting period, we have organised two tailored heritage tours for the public. In July 2014, The Fullerton Heritage organised 2 exclusive Sunday tours coupled with discounts on Singapore’s heritage delicacies at Clifford Pier for public to sign up in line with Singapore Heritage Festival 2014 organised by National Heritage Board.


As part of a series of tours of significant buildings and monuments which have won the URA Architectural Heritage Awards (AHA), The Fullerton Heritage together with Urban Redevelopment Authority, conducted two architectural themed heritage tours for members of the public to promote Singapore’s built heritage in October 2014.

作為贏得市區重建局「舊建築復修工程獎」(Architectural Heritage Awards)的歷史遺跡之一,並本著推廣新加坡文物遺產的信念,富麗敦天地與市區重建局合作,於2014年10月舉辦了兩個以建築保育為主題的導賞團予公眾參加。

Singapore Heritage Festival 2014新加坡文化遺產節2014

Architectural Heritage Awards舊建築復修工程獎

61Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage • 活化及保育歷史文物

62Awards and Recognition Highlights • 獎項及殊榮摘要

Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility 企業管治與社會責任

Awards/Recognition 獎項/嘉許名稱 Issuing Bodies 主辦機構Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index (since 2012)• Constituent Member of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index恒生可持續發展企業指數系列 (自2012年) • 恒生可持續發展企業指數成員

Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited恒生指數有限公司

The Fifth Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Awards (2014)• Certificate of Merit in the Volunteer Team Category – Sino Group • Certificate of Merit in the Enterprise Category – Sino Group of Hotels• Corporate Citizenship Logo

– Sino Estates Management Limited (Pacific Palisades), Island Resort Estate Management Company Limited & Sino Parking Services Limited

第五屆香港傑出企業公民獎 (2014)• 義工隊優異獎-信和集團 • 企業組別優異獎-信和集團旗下酒店• 企業公民嘉許標誌-信和物業管理有限公司(寶馬山花園)、藍灣半島物業管理有限公司及信和停車場管理有限公司

Hong Kong Productivity Council and the Committee on the Promotion of Civil Education 香港生產力促進局及公民教育委員會

Caring Company Logo 2014/15• 10 Years Plus Caring Company Logo

– Sino Group & Sino Estates Management Limited• 5 Years Plus Caring Company Logo

– Sino Parking Services Limited, Sino Security Services Limited, Best Result Environmental Services Limited, City Garden Hotel, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Island Pacific Hotel, The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers, Avon Mall, Regentville Shopping Mall, China Hong Kong City & tmtplaza

• Caring Company Logo 2014/15– Island Resort Mall, Olympian City, Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club & Sino Club Limited

2014/15 「商界展關懷」標誌• 10年Plus「商界展關懷」標誌-信和集團及信和物業管理有限公司

• 5年Plus「商界展關懷」標誌-信和停車場管理有限公司、信和護衞有限公司、恒毅環衛服務有限公司、城市花園酒店、香港黃金海岸酒店、港島太平洋酒店、皇家太平洋酒店、碧湖商場、帝庭軒購物商場、中港城及屯門市廣場

• 2014/15「商界展關懷」標誌-藍灣廣場、奧海城、黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部•遊艇會及 信和之友有限公司

Hong Kong Council of Social Service香港社會服務聯會

Fifth Asian Excellence Recognition Awards (2015)• Asia’s Best CFO (Investor Relations)• Best Environmental Responsibility• Best CSR• Best Investor Relations Company

Tenth Corporate Governance Asia Recognition Awards (2014)• Asia’s Icon on Corporate Governance

Second Asian Company Secretary of the Year Recognition Awards (2014)第五屆亞洲卓越大獎(2015)• 亞洲最佳財務總監(投資者關係)• 最佳環保責任• 最佳企業社會責任• 最佳投資者關係企業第十屆亞洲企業管治年度嘉許大獎(2014)• 最佳亞洲企業管治第二屆亞洲公司秘書年度嘉許大獎(2014)

Corporate Governance Asia《亞洲企業管治》雜誌

Awards and Recognition Highlights獎項及殊榮摘要

63Awards and Recognition Highlights • 獎項及殊榮摘要

Awards/Recognition 獎項/嘉許名稱 Issuing Bodies 主辦機構The Fourth Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Award• Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Award第四屆傑出企業社會責任獎• 傑出企業社會責任獎

The Mirror Post《鏡報》

Outstanding Social Caring Organization Award 社會關愛企業卓越獎

Social Enterprise Research Institute SERI and CUHK MBA Mastermind社會企業研究所及香港中文大學商學院Mastermind智庫

18 Districts Caring Employer Scheme 2014 • ‘Five Years Plus – 18 Districts Caring Employers Awards’

– City Garden Hotel, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Island Pacific Hotel & The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers

2014年「十八區關愛僱主表揚計劃」• 「連續5年或以上大獎」-城市花園酒店、香港黃金海岸酒店、港島太平洋酒店及皇家太平洋 酒店

Labour and Welfare Bureau of the HKSAR Government, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities, The Hong Kong Council of Social Serviceand 18 District Councils勞工及福利局、康復諮詢委員會、香港復康聯會、香港社會服務聯會及十八區區議會

2013-2014 Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organizations Recognition Scheme • Supreme Inclusive Organisation Awards

– City Garden Hotel, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Island Pacific Hotel & The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers

2013-14年《有能者•聘之約章》及共融機構嘉許計劃• 至尊共融機構獎-城市花園酒店、香港黃金海岸酒店、港島太平洋酒店及皇家太平洋 酒店

Labour and Welfare Bureau of the HKSAR Government, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities勞工及福利局、康復諮詢委員會、香港社會服務聯會及香港復康聯會

Happy Company 2015– Sino Group of Hotels & Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club2015開心企業-信和集團旗下酒店及黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部•遊艇會

Labour and Welfare Bureau of the HKSAR Government, The Hong Kong Productivity Council & The Promoting Happiness Index Foundation勞工及福利局、香港生產力促進局及香港提升快樂指數基金

Volunteer Movement 2014• Gold Certificate

– Sino Estates Management Limited, City Garden Hotel, Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel, Island Pacific Hotel & The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers

2014義工運動• 金嘉許獎狀-信和物業管理有限公司、城市花園酒店、香港黃金海岸酒店、 港島太平洋酒店及皇家太平洋酒店

Social Welfare Department社會福利署

Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2015• Gold Award

– Sino Group of Hotels & Gold Coast Yacht andCountry Club

2015年「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃」• 金獎-信和集團旗下酒店及黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部•遊艇會

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer & Equal Opportunities Commission政府資訊科技總監辦公室及平等機會委員會

64Awards and Recognition Highlights • 獎項及殊榮摘要

Quality Customer Services 品質及顧客服務

Awards/Recognition 獎項/嘉許名稱 Issuing Bodies 主辦機構Euromoney Real Estate Survey 2014• Best Developer Overall in Hong Kong• Best Residential Developer in Hong Kong• Best Retail Developer in Hong Kong• Best Leisure/Hotel Developer in Hong Kong• Best Mixed Developer in Hong Kong• Best Industrial/Warehouse in Hong Kong2014年度地產選舉• 香港最佳發展商• 香港最佳住宅發展商• 香港最佳零售發展商• 香港最佳休閒╱酒店發展商• 香港最佳綜合項目發展商• 香港最佳工業╱貨倉發展商


China Property Awards• Best Mixed-Use Development (Hong Kong)

– The Avenue中國卓越物業大獎• 最佳綜合用途物業(香港)-囍滙

Ensign Media and Perspective MagazineEnsign Media及《透視雜誌》

Outstanding Developer Awards 2014• Outstanding Development – Comprehensive Development Landmark

– The Avenue• Outstanding Development – Classic Waterfront Residence

– Mayfair By The Sea資本傑出發展商大獎2014• 傑出發展商-綜合發展地標項目-囍滙

• 傑出發展商-海濱經典住宅-逸瓏灣

Capital and Capital Weekly《資本雜誌》及《資本壹週》

2014 Building Inspectors Academy Awards• Building of the Year – The Avery• Quality Building of the Year – Park Metropolitan• Man of the Year• Spirit of the Year2014年度建造及裝修業優秀大獎• 最佳屋苑-The Avery• 優秀屋苑-觀月 •樺峯• 最佳品質監控人員• 最敬業樂業

The Hong Kong Professional Building Inspectors Academy香港專業驗樓學會

Quality Property & Facility Management Award 2014• Merit Award (Shopping Centre) – Olympian City & Citywalk• Merit Award (Medium-Scale Residential) – Pacific Palisades &

The Hermitage• Merit Award (Industrial & Car Park Building) – Westin Centre優質物業設施管理大獎2014• 優異獎(購物中心)-奧海城及荃新天地• 優異獎(中型住宅)-寶馬山花園及帝峯 •皇殿• 優異獎(工業及停車場大廈)-威登中心

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies香港測量師學會及香港物業管理公司協會

65Awards and Recognition Highlights • 獎項及殊榮摘要

Awards/Recognition 獎項/嘉許名稱 Issuing Bodies 主辦機構Excellence in Facility Management Award 2014• Theme Award for 2014: ‘Waste Management’

– Bronze Award – Skyline Tower• Excellence in Facility Management Award (Office Building)

– Exchange Tower & Skyline Tower• Excellence in Facility Management Award (Retail)

– China Hong Kong City, tmtplaza & Citywalk• Excellence in Facility Management Award (Private Residential)

– Pacific Palisades, Park Summit & Vision City• Excellence in Facility Management Award (Industrial)

– Fullerton Centre & Remington Centre卓越設施管理大獎2014• 2014年度「廢物管理」主題大獎-銅獎-宏天廣場

• 卓越設施管理獎(寫字樓)-國際交易中心及宏天廣場

• 卓越設施管理獎(商場)-中港城、屯門市廣場及荃新天地

• 卓越設施管理獎(私營住宅)-寶馬山花園、奧柏 •御峯及萬景峯

• 卓越設施管理獎(工業樓宇)-富登中心及利登中心

The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management香港設施管理學會

Hong Kong Internet of Things (IoT) Awards 2014• Silver Award (IoT Implementation Excellence) & Silver Award (IoT

Application Innovation) – Sino Parking Services Limited香港物聯網大獎2014• 卓越物聯網運用(銀獎)及創意物聯網應用(銀獎)-信和停車場管理有限公司

GS1 Hong Kong香港貨品編碼協會

Big Data Analysis Awards 2014• Big Data Analysis Award 2014 on Variety – Sino Parking Services Limited大數據分析2014年獎• 大數據分析2014年獎(元素性)-信和停車場管理有限公司

China & Hong Kong Enterprise Market Development Association中港企業市場發展促進會

2014 Best of the Best Culinary Award• Silver Award in Seafood (Prawns) category

– The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers美食之最大賞2014• 銀獎(海鮮-蝦)-皇家太平洋酒店

Hong Kong Tourism Board香港旅遊發展局

Hong Kong International Culinary Classic 2015• Hot Cooking – Professional: Sous vide cook

– Organic Chicken Breast Bronze Award – The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers香港國際美食大獎2015• 現場熱盤烹調(專業組別)「真空慢火煮食-有機雞胸肉」銅獎-皇家太平洋酒店

HOFEX and Hong Kong Chefs AssociationsHOFEX 及香港廚師協會

One Michelin Star • YUÈ, City Garden Hotel米芝蓮一星• 城市花園酒店「粵」

2015 Michelin Guide Hong Kong & Macau米芝蓮指南香港澳門2015

Comfortable Hotel• City Garden Hotel香港舒適酒店建議之選• 城市花園酒店

2015 Michelin Guide Hong Kong & Macau米芝蓮指南香港澳門2015

Quality Tourism Services Scheme-accredited Restaurants• City Garden Hotel

「優質旅遊服務」計劃認可餐館• 城市花園酒店

Hong Kong Tourism Board香港旅遊發展局

2015 Best of the Best Culinary Award• Gold with Distinction Award (Minced Meat Dishes category)

– City Garden Hotel• Gold with Distinction Award (Chicken Pot category)

– Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel美食之最大賞2015• 至高榮譽金獎(肉餅組)-城市花園酒店• 至高榮譽金獎(雞煲組)-香港黃金海岸酒店

Hong Kong Tourism Board香港旅遊發展局

66Awards and Recognition Highlights • 獎項及殊榮摘要

Awards/Recognition 獎項/嘉許名稱 Issuing Bodies 主辦機構Asia Boating Awards 2015 • Best Asian Marina – Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club亞洲遊艇大獎2015• 年度最佳亞洲區遊艇碼頭-黃金海岸鄉村俱樂部•遊艇會

Asia Pacific Boating & China Boating

2014 World Boutique Hotel Awards Asia’s Best City Boutique Hotel – The Pottinger Hong Kong2014世界精品酒店獎亞洲最佳城市精品酒店大獎-中環•石板街酒店

World Boutique Hotel Awards

Singapore Quality Brand Award 2014• The Fullerton Hotel Singapore2014 新加坡卓越品牌大獎• 新加坡富麗敦酒店

Singapore Quality Brand Award新加坡卓越品牌選舉

Business Traveller Asia Pacific Awards 2014• Best Boutique Hotel in Asia Pacific – The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore2014亞太區商務旅遊大獎• 亞太區最佳新精品酒店-新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店

Business Traveller《商旅》

Best in Travel 2014• Top 25 Conference Hotels

First – The Fullerton Hotel Singapore• Top 25 Business Hotels

Third – The Fullerton Hotel Singapore• Top 25 Leisure Hotels in Asia

– The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore2014 最佳旅遊大賞• 25間最佳會議酒店第1位-新加坡富麗敦酒店

• 25間最佳商務酒店第3位-新加坡富麗敦酒店

• 25間亞洲最佳休閑酒店-新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店

Smart Travel Asia

Singapore Experience Awards 2014• Best Hotel Experience Award

– The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore• Food & Beverage Customer Service Award

– The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore2014 新加坡體驗獎• 最佳酒店體驗獎-新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店

• 餐飲客戶服務獎-新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店

Singapore Tourism Board新加坡旅遊局

World’s Best Hotels 2014• World’s Top 100 Hotels

Eleventh – The Fullerton Bay Hotel SingaporeSixty-ninth – The Fullerton Hotel Singapore

2014全球最佳酒店• 全球百大最佳酒店第11位-新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店第69位-新加坡富麗敦酒店

Institutional Investor《機構投資者》

T+L 500 World’s Best Hotels 2015• The Fullerton Hotel Singapore2015年度世界500強最佳酒店• 新加坡富麗敦酒店

Travel + Leisure USA《漫旅Travel+Leisure美國》

Forbes Travel Guide• Five Star Hotel 2014 – The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore福布斯旅遊指南• 2014五星級酒店-新加坡富麗敦海灣酒店


67Awards and Recognition Highlights • 獎項及殊榮摘要

Environment 環境

Awards/Recognition 獎項/嘉許名稱 Issuing Bodies 主辦機構2014 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence Sectoral Awards • Bronze Award (Hotel) – The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers• Certificate of Merit (Hotel) – Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel & Island Pacific Hotel• Certificate of Merit (Property Management) – Skyline Tower & Olympian City2014 年香港環保卓越計劃界別卓越獎• 銅獎(酒店)-皇家太平洋酒店• 優異獎(酒店)-香港黃金海岸酒店及港島太平洋酒店• 優異獎(物業管理)-宏天廣場及奧海城

Environmental Campaign Committee環境運動委員會

CLP GREENPLUS Recognition Award 2014• Grand Award (Prestige Honour Award) – tmtplaza• Gold Award (Property Management – Shopping Mall) – Citywalk 2• Silver Award (Property Management – Residential) – The Hermitage• Bronze Award (Hotel) – The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers中電「環保節能機構」嘉許計劃2014• 尊尚榮譽大獎-屯門市廣場• 金獎(物業管理-商場)-荃新天地2• 銀獎(物業管理-住宅)-帝峯 •皇殿• 銅獎(酒店)-皇家太平洋酒店

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited中華電力有限公司

HSBC Living Business Awards 2014• Green Achievement Award

– Gold Award – Exchange Tower– Certificate of Excellence – Perfect Green Supplies Company Limited & Skyline Tower

2014年「滙豐營商新動力」獎勵計劃• 綠色成就獎-金獎-國際交易中心-傑出獎狀-綠玲瓏供應有限公司及宏天廣場

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Business Environment Council, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司、商界環保協會、香港社會服務聯會及香港人力資源管理學會

Health and Safety 健康及安全

Awards/Recognition 獎項/嘉許名稱 Issuing Bodies 主辦機構Good Housekeeping Competition 2014• Gold Award (Best Presentation) & Merit Award

(Good Housekeeping) – Maritime Bay良好工作場所整理比賽2014• 金獎(最佳演繹獎)及優異獎(良好工作場所整理)-海悅豪園

Occupational Safety and Health Council職業安全健康局

Best Property Safety Management Award 2014/15• Gold Award (Safety Culture Award) – Hong Kong Pacific Centre • Gold Award (Best Presentation) – The Centrium • Bronze Award (Best Safety Enhancement Program for Working at

Height) – The Centrium• Merit Award (Best Property Management Award in Occupational Safety

and Health) – Shatin Galleria最佳職安健物業管理大獎2014/15• 金獎(安全文化大獎)-亞太中心 • 金獎(最佳演繹獎)-中央廣場• 銅獎(最佳高處工作安全改善計劃)-中央廣場• 優異獎(最佳職安健物業管理大獎)-沙田商業中心

Occupational Safety and Health Council職業安全健康局

7th Hong Kong Outstanding Employee in Occupational Safety and Health Award Scheme• Gold Award – Vision City• Merit Award – Best Result Environmental Services Limited &

Island Resort Mall 第七屆全港傑出職安健員工嘉許計劃• 金獎-萬景峯• 優異獎-恒毅環衛服務有限公司及藍灣廣場

Occupational Safety and Health Council職業安全健康局

68Performance Data Summary • 表現數據摘要

Performance Data Summary表現數據摘要Economic Performance Table 經濟表現列表

Direct economic value generated 產生的直接經濟價值1 Unit 單位 2014/2015

Revenue收入 HK$ 21,838,516,109

Economic value distributed 分配的經濟價值1 Unit 單位 2014/2015

Operating Cost營運成本 HK$ 736,606,473

Employee wages and benefits 員工薪酬及福利 HK$ 1,474,907,106

Payment to providers of capital 向出資者支付的款項 HK$ 3,219,758,000

Hong Kong profits tax paid 已付香港利得稅 HK$ 401,471,294

Taxation in other jurisdictions paid 已付其他地區的稅項 HK$ 309,464,937

Community investment (i.e. charitable donations and sponsorship)公益投資(慈善捐款及贊助)

HK$ 5,694,000

Total 總計 HK$ 6,147,901,810

Economic value retained 留存之經濟價格(Difference between Direct economic value generated and Economic value distributed即產生的直接經濟價值減去分配的經濟價值)

HK$ 15,690,614,299

Percentage of other suppliers by geographical locations 按地區劃分之其他供應商比例 Unit 單位 2014/2015

Hong Kong 香港 % 51

China and Taiwan 中國及台灣 % 27

Asia (except Hong Kong, China and Taiwan)亞洲(香港、中國及台灣除外)

% 9

Europe and North America 歐洲及北美洲 % 4

Other regions 其他地區 % 9

69Performance Data Summary • 表現數據摘要

Environmental Performance Table 環境表現列表*

Energy Use and CO2e emissions 能源消耗及二氧化碳當量排放量 Unit 單位 2014/2015

Purchased electricity 購電量 MWh 兆瓦時 287,808

Purchased towngas 購煤氣量2 MJ 兆焦耳 13,011,421

Indirect CO2e emissions 間接二氧化碳排放量 Tonnes 噸 163,058.28

Materials used 物料使用 Unit 單位 2014/2015

Water 水 m3 立米方 1,790,304

A4 paper A4紙張 Kilograms 公斤 102,442

Social Performance Table 社會表現列表*

Employee Statistics 僱員統計 Unit 單位 2014/2015

By location 按地區劃分

Hong Kong 香港 No. 數目 10,598

China 中國 No. 數目 785

Singapore 新加坡 No. 數目 764

By gender按性別劃分

Female 女性 No. 數目 5,971

Male 男性 No. 數目 6,176

By age group 按年齡組別劃分

Under 30 years old 30歲以下 No. 數目 1,928

30-50 years old 30-50歲 No. 數目 4,831

Over 50 years old 50歲以上 No. 數目 5,388

By employment category 按職級劃分

Senior Level 高層管理人員 No. 數目 568

Middle Level 中層 No. 數目 1,707

Entry Level 普通員工 No. 數目 8,350

Contract staff/Short-term staff 合約或短期員工 No. 數目 1,522

70Performance Data Summary • 表現數據摘要

Health & safety 健康及安全 Unit 單位 2014/2015

No. of reportable accidents (sick leave > 7 days)須報告事故數目(病假>7天) No.數目 90

No. of hours lost to accidents (sick leave > 7 days)因事故而延誤的工作時數(病假>7天) Hours 小時 77,745

No. of fatalities 因工死亡 No. 數目 1

Injuries rate per 1,000 employees以每千名員工計的工傷率3 Rate比率 7.4

Total hours of training completed 員工培訓總時數 Hours 小時 109,675.56

Certificate and Certification Programme 證書及認證計劃1 Unit 單位 2014/2015

Certified OHSAS18001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System 獲OHSAS18001職業健康及安全管理體系認證

No. of Building Certified


Certified ISO14001 Environmental Management System 獲ISO14001 環境管理體系認證

No. of Building Certified


Remarks 備註:1 Data includes Sino Land Company Limited only. Please visit www.sino.com for additional information about

Economic Performance of the Group. 所顯示數據只包括信和置業有限公司。有關集團其他經濟表現數據,請瀏覽www.sino.com。2 Data includes only Sino Group of Hotels. 所顯示數據只包括信和集團旗下酒店。3 Calculation is based on the total number of injuries per year/total employment size x 1,000. 計算方法:每年工傷總數╱總員工人數x1,000人。* We will consider to report more information (if applicable) in the coming report. 我們會探討在未來的報告中披露更多資訊(如適用)。

71GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI G4 Content Index TableGRI G4 內容索引表Sino Group Sustainability Report 2015, which provides major updates on Sino Group’s latest performance and programmes on sustainability, was prepared by following Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines – ‘In Accordance’ Core Option, and the Construction and Real Estate G4 Sector Disclosures. The following table provides an overview on the General Standard Disclosures, Specific Standard Disclosures and Specific Sector Disclosures, which are either referred to the relevant report chapter(s) or supplemented with additional information.

信和集團可持續發展報告2015乃參照全球報告倡議組織(GRI) G4指引-「符合」核心方案及《建築及房地產行業披露》所編寫。本報告涵蓋信和集團的可持續發展表現和項目之最新情況。下表詳細列出「一般標準披露」、「特定標準披露」及「特定行業披露」,並標明與報告有關的章節連結或提供額外說明。


GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋


G4-1 Statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organisation 機構最高決策人的聲明

Message from the Sustainability Committee 可持續發展委員會的話


G4-3 Nameoftheorganisation機構名稱


G4-4 Primary brands, products, and services 主要品牌、產品及服務

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-5 Location of the organisation’s headquarters 機構總部位置

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-6 Number of countries where the organisation operates 機構營運所在地之數目

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-7 Nature of ownership and legal form 擁有權的性質及法律形式

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-8 Markets served 所服務的市場

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-9 Scale of the organisation 機構規模

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-10 Number of total employees 僱員總數

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要

G4-11 Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 受集體協商協議保障的總僱員百分比

There are no formal collective bargaining agreements in place. 我們與員工並沒有正識的集體談判協議。

72GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋

G4-12 Organisation’s supply chain 機構的供應鏈

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

G4-13 Significant changes during the reporting period regarding the organisation’s size, structure, ownership, or its supply chain 於報告期內機構規模、架構、擁有權或供應鏈的重大改變

About Sino Group 關於信和集團Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來There are no significant changes.沒有重大改變。

G4-14 Report whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organisation 機構是否及如何按預警方針及原則行事

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-15 Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes or which it endorses 機構對外界發起的經濟、環境及社會約章、原則或其他倡議的參與或支持

Message from the Sustainability Committee 可持續發展委員會的話Dedication to a Greener Environment致力保護環境

G4-16 Memberships of associations and/or national/international advocacy organisations 機構參與的聯會及(或)本地/國際倡議組織

About Sino Group 關於信和集團


G4-17 Entities included in the organisation’s consolidated financial statements 機構綜合財務報表或同等文件內包含的實體

About Sino Group 關於信和集團Please also refer to the Annual Reports 2015 of our listed companies for details.詳情亦可參閱本集團上市公司的2015年度報告。

G4-18 Process for defining the report content and the Aspect Boundaries and how the organisation has implemented the Reporting Principles for Defining Report Content 界定報告內容及議題界限的過程,以及機構如何於已界定的報告內容實行報告原則

About this Report 關於本報告Our Sustainability Material Assessment可持續發展重要性評估

G4-19 Material Aspects identified in the process for defining report content 決定報告內容過程中界定的重要議題

Our Sustainability Material Assessment 可持續發展重要性評估

G4-20 Aspect Boundary of each Material Aspect within the organisation 機構內各重要議題的界限

Our Sustainability Material Assessment 可持續發展重要性評估

73GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋

G4-21 Aspect Boundary of each Material Aspect outside the organisation 機構外各重要議題的界限

Our Sustainability Material Assessment 可持續發展重要性評估

G4-22 Effect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports, and the reasons for such restatements 解釋重整舊報告所載信息的結果及原因

No restatement on information in previous reports was made.對以往的報告內容並無更改。

G4-23 Report significant changes from previous reporting periods in the Scope and Aspect Boundaries 報告的範圍及議題界限與以往報告的重大分別

There are no significant changes. 沒有顯著變化。


G4-24 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation 機構的持份者群組清單

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-25 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage 界定及挑選相關持份者之基準

About Sino Group 關於信和集團Our Sustainability Material Assessment可持續發展重要性評估

G4-26 Approach to stakeholder engagement 與持份者的溝通

About Sino Group 關於信和集團Our Sustainability Material Assessment可持續發展重要性評估

G4-27 Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organisation has responded to those key topics and concerns於持份者參與的過程中提出的主要項目及關注事項,以及機構的應對

Our Sustainability Material Assessment 可持續發展重要性評估


G4-28 Reporting period for information provided 匯報期

About this Report 關於本報告

G4-29 Date of most recent previous report 上一份報告的日期

About this Report 關於本報告

G4-30 Reporting cycle 匯報周期

About this Report 關於本報告

74GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋

G4-31 Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents 查詢報告或報告內容的聯絡方式

About this Report 關於本報告

G4-32 GRI Content Index, the ‘in accordance’ option the organisation has chosen and the reference to the external assurance (if any) GRI內容索引,包括揀選的「符合」選項及外部認證參考(如有)

About this Report 關於本報告GRI G4 Content Index TableGRIG4內容索引表

G4-33 Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report 為報告尋求外部認證的政策及現行措施

We engaged an independent consultant in reviewing the report content. We understand the importance of verifying the data disclosed in the report, and will consider external assurance in the future. 我們已就報告內容聘請獨立顧問進行評估。我們明白由第三方核實披露資料的重要性,並會探討在未來的報告中尋求外部審計。


G4-34 Governance structure of the organisation 機構的管治架構

About Sino GroupPlease also refer to the Annual Reports – Corporate Governance Reports of our listed companies.關於信和集團亦可參閱信和集團上市公司所出版之年度報告-企業管治報告部分。

G4-36 Appointment of executive-level position(s) with responsibility for economic, environmental and social topics 機構有否任命管理階層負責經濟、環境和社會議題

Message from the Sustainability Committee 可持續發展委員會的話


G4-56 Organisation’s values, principles, standards and norms of behavior 機構的價值觀、原則、標準和行為規範

About Sino Group 關於信和集團

G4-58 The internal and external mechanisms for reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior, and matters related to organizational integrity 對於舉報有違道德或不合法行為及機構誠信相關問題的內、外部機制

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

75GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表


GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋


G4-DMA 管理方針

About Sino Group 關於信和集團Message from the Sustainability Committee可持續發展委員會的話Dedication to a Greener Environment致力保護環境

G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed (including payments direct to government) 產生和分配的直接經濟價值(包括直接支付給政府的款項)

Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要

G4-EC2 Risks and opportunities posed by climate change that have the potential to generate substantive changes in operations, revenue or expenditure 由氣候變化帶來的風險及機遇所造成,於營運、收入或支出方面出現的重大變化

Message from the Sustainability Committee 可持續發展委員會的話


G4-EC6 The percentage of senior management at significant locations of operation that are hired from the local community 在重要營運地點於聘用當地社區人才出任高級管理人員的比例

We mainly hired talents from local community as senior management to serve local operation needs. 我們主要聘用當地社區人才為高級管理人員,以配合當地社區的營運需要。


G4-DMA 管理方針

About Sino Group 關於信和集團Message from the Sustainability Committee可持續發展委員會的話Dedication to a Greener Environment致力保護環境

G4-EC7 The extent of development and impact of significant infrastructure investments and services supported 開展重要基礎設施投資與支持性服務的程度及其影響

Care for the Community 關懷社區Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture推廣藝術文化Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage活化及保育歷史文物

76GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋

G4-EC8 Examples of the identified significant positive and negative indirect economic impacts the organisation has, especially on research and development that enables innovation and increased productivity 對機構造成重大正面與負面的間接經濟影響的例子,尤其能為機構提供創新和提高生產力的研究和開發

Message from the Sustainability Committee 可持續發展委員會的話Dedication to a Greener Environment致力保護環境


G4-DMA 管理方針

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

G4-EC9 The percentage of the procurement budget used for significant locations of operation and spent on suppliers local to that operation 在重要營運地點,採購支出來自當地供應商的比例

Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要


G4-DMA 管理方針

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN1 Total weight or volume of materials that are used to produce and package the organisation’s primary products and services during the reporting period 於報告期內用於生產及包裝機構主要產品及服務的物料的總重量或體積

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境Performance Data Summary表現數據摘要

G4-EN2 The percentage of recycled input materials used to manufacture the organisation’s primary products and services 採用製造機構主要產品及服務的循環再造物料的比例

Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要


G4-DMA 管理方針

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN3 Total fuel consumption from renewable and non-renewable sources in joules or multiples, including fuel types used 再生能源及非再生能源的總能源耗用量(以焦耳或焦耳的倍數計算,包括使用燃油類型)

Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要

G4-EN6 Amount of reductions in energy consumption achieved as a direct result of conservation and efficiency initiatives, in joules or multiples 從節能及效益計劃直接減少的能源耗用量(以焦耳或焦耳的倍數計算)

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

77GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋


G4-DMA 管理方針

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN8 Total volume of water withdrawn by source 總耗水量

Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要The source of water withdrawn within our organisation is mainly surface water. 地表水為機構內的主要水源。



Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN13 Enhancement and creation of diverse habitats (i.e. Green roofs or Green walls) 加強和創造多樣化的棲息地(如綠化平台或垂直綠化)

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境


G4-DMA 管理方針

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN16 Energy indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) 能源間接溫室氣體排放量(範疇二)

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境Performance Data Summary表現數據摘要

G4-EN19 Amount of GHG emissions reductions achieved as a direct result of initiatives to reduce emissions 從減排措施直接減少的溫室氣體排放量

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN20 Production,imports,andexportsofODSinmetrictonsofCFC-11equivalent臭氧消耗物質(ODS)(以相等於CFC-11噸位計算)的生產、進口及出口


CRE-3 Greenhouse gas intensity from buildings 建築物溫室氣體排放強度

We are exploring to collect the relevant data and will consider to disclosure such data in our future reports. 我們正研究收集有關數據,並會考慮在未來報告中披露。

78GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋


G4-DMA 管理方針

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN22 Total volume of water discharges 總污水排放量

We do not have significant water discharge in our operation. Please refer to Dedication to a Greener Environment for water conservation activities in our operation. 我們在營運過程中並沒有任何重大的污水排放。有關在營運過程中所採取的節約用水措施,請參閱致力保護環境一章。

G4-EN23 Total weight of hazardous and non-hazardous waste and disposal method 危險及非危險廢物總重量及其處理方法

We do not directly generate significant hazardous waste in our operation. Please refer to Dedication to a Greener Environment for waste management practices in our operation. 我們在營運過程中並沒有直接產生任何影響重大的有害廢物。有關在營運過程中所採取的廢物管理措施,請參閱致力保護環境一章。

G4-EN24 Total number and total volume of recorded significant spills 重大洩漏記錄的總次數及體量

There were no significant spills during the reporting period. 於報告期內並沒有發生重大洩漏事件。


G4-DMA 管理方針

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境

G4-EN27 Extent to which environmental impacts of products and services have been mitigated during the reporting period 減低於報告期內產品和服務對環境影響的程度

Dedication to a Greener Environment 致力保護環境


G4-DMA 管理方針

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

G4-EN32 The percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria 使用環境標準篩選的新供應商比例

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來


G4-DMA 管理方針

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

G4-LA1 Employee Statistics 僱員數據

Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要

G4-LA2 Benefits that are standard for full-time employees of the organisation but are not provided to temporary or part-time employees 只提供予機構全職僱員的標準福利(不適用於臨時或兼職僱員)

We provide additional health support such as counselling services to our full-time employees, and we timely review the benefits provided to our employees. Please also refer to Asset for Growth for more details about employee benefits. 我們為全職員工提供額外的健康支援,如心理輔導服務等,並適時檢討提供予員工的福利。有關員工福利的詳情,請參閱與持份者共建未來一章。

79GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

Cross-reference/Comment(s)互相參照 ╱ 註釋


G4-DMA 管理方針

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

G4-LA6 Types of injury, injury rate (IR), occupational diseases rate (ODR), lost hours rate, absentee rate (AR) and work-related fatalities, for the total workforce 總僱員人數的工傷類別、工傷事故數目(工傷率)、職業病病發率、因工傷損失工作時數、缺勤率、因工死亡率

Performance Data Summary 表現數據摘要

G4-LA7 Workers who are involved in occupational activities which have a high incidence or high risk of specific diseases 從事容易或存有較高風險引致職業病的職業活動的勞工

Our operations do not involve occupational activities which may have a high incidence or high risk of specific diseases 我們的營運並沒有涉及容易或存有較高風險引致職業病的職業活動

CRE6 Percentage of the organisation operating in verified compliance with an internationally recognised health and safety management system 組織在核實符合國際認可的健康和安全管理體系的比例

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來


G4-DMA 管理方針

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

G4-LA9 Average hours of training that the organisation’s employees have undertaken during the reporting period 機構僱員於報告期間接受培訓的平均時數

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來


G4-DMA 管理方針

Asset for Growth 與持份者共建未來

G4-LA12 The diversity of individuals within the organisation’s governance bodies 機構管治成員的組成

Please refer to our listed companies’ Annual Reports 2015 – Corporate Governance Report 請參閱信和置集團旗下之上市公司所出版之2015年度報告-企業管治報告部分

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Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-LA13 The ratio of the basic salary and remuneration of women to men for each employee category按僱員類別劃分,男女基本薪金和報酬比率

We create a fair and equitable workplace and strive to provide equal salary and remuneration to our employees.我們營造了一個公平、公正的工作環境,並致力給予員工平等的薪酬待遇。



Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-LA14 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labour practices criteria使用勞工守則標準篩選的新供應商比例

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Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-HR3 Total number of incidents of discrimination during the reporting period於報告期內歧視事件的總數

There were no identified incidents of discrimination during the reporting period.於報告期內並沒有發生歧視事件。



Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-HR5 Operations and suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of child labour發現存在重大使用童工風險的營運點和供應商

We strictly enforce our employment policy to avoid child labour. We also manage and oversee the labour practices of our suppliers in accordance with ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’. None of our operation or suppliers have exposed to the significant risk of having child labour.我們嚴格遵守聘請守則,致力避免僱用童工。我們亦按照《供應商行為守則》監察和管理供應商的作業,確保遵守相關的法律法規。我們的業務或供應商並沒有涉及僱用童工。



Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-HR6 Operations and suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour發現存在重大強迫或強制性勞工風險的營運點和供應商

We strictly enforce our employment policy to avoid forced labour. We also manage and oversee the labour practices of our suppliers in accordance with ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’. None of our operation or suppliers have exposed to the significant risk of having forced labour.我們嚴格遵守聘請守則,致力避免僱用強制勞工。我們亦按照《供應商行為守則》監察和管理供應商的作業,確保遵守相關的法律法規。我們的業務或供應商並沒有涉及僱用強制勞工。

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Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-HR7 Percentage of security personnel who have received formal training in the organisation’s human rights policies or specific procedures and their application to security保安人員在機構的人權政策或具體程序及保安應用方面接受正式培訓的比例

Our security personnel are required to comply with our established internal procedures in performing duties. Disciplinary actions may be taken to those without full compliance.我們要求保安人員在執行工作期間嚴格遵守公司的內部程序。對未有完全遵守程序的保安人員,可能予以紀律處分。



Care for the Community關懷社區Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture推廣藝術文化Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage活化及保育歷史文物

G4-SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs實施當地社區參與、影響評估和發展計劃的營運點比例

Care for the Community關懷社區Efforts in Promoting Art and Culture推廣藝術文化Revitalisation and Conservation of Cultural Heritage活化及保育歷史文物

G4-SO2 Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities對當地社區具有重大實際及潛在負面影響的營運點

Our tendering process ensures that the impacts on local communities will be minimised.我們的招標程序確保對當地社區的影響減至最少。

CRE-7 Number of persons voluntarily and involuntarily displaced and/or resettled by development因項目發展而需自願和非自願地遷徙及重置的人數

There were no identified cases that require persons voluntarily and involuntarily displaced and/or resettled by development.沒有因項目發展而需自願和非自願地遷徙及重置人員的事件。



Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-SO9 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impacts on society使用社會影響標準篩選的新供應商的比例

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82GRI G4 Content Index Table • GRI G4內容索引表

GRI IndicatorsGRI 指標

General Standard Disclosures一般標準披露

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Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-PR5 Results or key conclusions of customer satisfaction surveys conducted in the reporting period於報告期內進行的客戶滿意度調查的結果或主要結論

Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

CRE-8 Types and numbers of sustainability certification, rating or labelling schemes可持續發展認證、計劃或評級類別及數量

Performance Data Summary表現數據摘要



Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來

G4-PR8 Total number of substantiated complaints received concerning breaches of customer privacy接獲有關侵犯客戶隱私權的投訴總數

Asset for Growth與持份者共建未來
