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All praise are given to The Almighty Allah SWT, for the

grace and blessing to help the writer to finish this final

assignment paper for Basic fundamentals of Political Science

with the title “The Influence of Realism in the Governmental

Policies in the Guided Democracy Era”. This paper is meant to

finish the first semester of the 2012/2013 academic year in the

study of Basic Fundamentals of Political Science, in

International Relations Majors, Padjadjaran University. The

main theme of this paper is about the influence of realism in

the lives of Indonesian society. This theme is based on the

strong influence in the policy making process in the guided

democracy era or “Orde Lama” by Ir. Soekarno. Realism is one of

the oldest political theory and still we can see its changes in

the world, and still continued to develop constantly throughout

the ages and times. We can explore it more because many

countries in the world even organizations in the world are

still adapting this concept because this basic theory what

makes the states in the world as it is. Realism is used by many

countries and has many philosophers that thought of it. The

influence of realism in the guided democracy era is very strong

and can be seen by the policies that our president at that time

Ir. Soekarno made, including the discharge of Indonesia from

the United Nations, which is a very brave move and really

influence the perspective of the world about Indonesia. Ir.

Soekarno, was the greatest president in the history of

Indonesia. As a father founder of this nation, and also the

proclaimer of independence which has occurred in August 17th

1945, he was also an adapter of the realism theory which made

him also a realist. Reflected in his policies, he believed that

Indonesia has the potential to be a great nation and also a

powerhouse nation in the world, powered by a wide and rich

range of natural resources, and the great maritime heritage

which had many endemic flora and faunas. His speeches always

heard and anticipated by the Indonesian people, because his

charisma always shown in the way he speaks about Indonesia and

its people, he always emphasizes the importance of nationalism

and the dedication of the Indonesian people to fulfill this

nations dreams and goals, his words reflected the realism that

maybe people at that time wouldn’t understand and he also

emphasize the realism in the nations day-by-day policy that

eventually will change the structure and the minds of the

people of Indonesia.


The writer wishes thanks to every element and aspects that

helped the writer along the way and in the process of finishing

this final assignment, either its directly or indirectly. The

writer also wishes to thank Mr. Dr. Arry Bainus, M.A. and Mr.

Wawan Budi Darmawan, M.Si. for their support and guidance

throughout this semester. This final assignment is not about

the theory of realism itself, but more to the application of

the realism theory in the policy making process by the

Indonesian government in the guided democracy era.

Jatinangor, December 10th 2012





TABLE OF CONTENTS...........................................iii


1.1 Background..............................................1

1.2 Research Questions......................................3

1.3 The benefits and objective..............................3

1.3.1 Objectives............................................3

1.3.2 Benefits..............................................3


2.1 Theory..................................................4

2.1.1 Realism...............................................4

2.1.2 Realism and Nationalism...............................8


3.1 Soekarno, The proclaimer of Indonesia...................10

3.2 The Policies............................................11

3.2.1 Asian-African Summit..................................11

3.2.2 NEFO and OLDEFO.......................................16

3.2.3 The confrontation of Malaysia.........................19

3.2.4 The discharge of Indonesia from UN Membership.........21



4.1 Conclusion..............................................23

4.2 Suggestion..............................................24





1.1 Background

Realism was found way back all the way to the times of the

olds. It all started back in the ancient Greeks, where

Thucydides, a Greek historian who wrote the History of Peloponnesian

War, then Thomas Hobbes, an English Philosopher. He was one of

first to made fundamental theories about realism. He was the

man who found and developed the theory “Social Contract”. This

means that men should give some of his freedom and liberty to

the state to protect his natural rights. The time before this

theory was said by Hobbes, was the “State of Nature” which is

the time when a man has the natural right or liberty, to

preserve and kill one man’s life if he thinks it’s necessary,

this was said by Hobbes as “war of all men, against all men1”.

He believed in the power of the state in the form of absolute

monarchy, where he pictures the ruler of the land or the king

as the Leviathan. And then there’s Niccolo Machiavelli, an

Italian philosopher who wrote “The Prince”, where he explains

that the states interests is always the goal of the state, and

the ruler of the state should do everything in their power to

achieve that goal, not regarding anything what the people would

think. The state will do everything in every possible way and

whatever it takes to achieve the goal. Then, led by the1 Hobbes, Thomas, 1651, De Cive. London:J.C, Chapter 1:XII, p.11

guidance and doctrine of raison d’etat, the national interests

of a state will show the characters of this nation. This

particular theorist is considered to be a Classic Realist which

means that nations had the greatest sovereignty and there is

nothing above the state. State is always considered as a vital

actor in the international politics. And then realism developed

throughout the ages into a new theory called Neorealism, with

the figures such as Kenneth Waltz, Robert J. Art, Richard K.

Betts, Joseph Grieco, Stephen Walt and Randall Schweller.

Focusing on the international system, they believed that this

system is anarchic and the state is not always the main actor

in the international politics.


They made an argument that war is not caused by not only

the “State of Nature” that Hobbes stated, it is also caused by

the international system, which caused the states to war

against each other because of this anarchic structure system

which controls the world. The point is that realism is more of

an empirical theory rather than a normative theory, because

realism always sees the world as seen right now, there’s no

expectation to be made and always seeing through the reality of

this world as it is.

Realism than became so influential in the international

world, its effects have came through to the South East Asia

region, Indonesia to be exact. In the times of struggle against

the colonialism by the Dutch Empire, there’s an underground

movement of men who thinks critically and radically, to fight

for their honor and the glory of their nation throughout

diplomacy and war. A young man named Soekarno, had a dream to

live in an independent state, and to fulfill his dream and to

end the colonialism by the Dutch, he gather the youth from

different regions in Indonesia to join in the effort to achieve

independence. His mind was overflowing by the thoughts of how

strong Indonesia will be, if this effort for independence was

conceded by all the people of Indonesia. His effort to unite

the youth of Indonesia was not in vain, Indonesia gain

independence in August 17th 1945. But this is just the stepping

stone towards becoming a glorious and prosperous nation, he

believed that the love for the nation should be uphold by the

people of Indonesia in a great way including the constructions

to build the nation from zero ground up. It was a journey

itself after the independence has been declared, many countries

in the world tried to break the sovereignty of Indonesia, but

Ir. Soekarno always stand tall for his nation and then break

the attempt apart. His love for Indonesia was so great, he

bravely made the governmental policies that many countries in

the world would not dare to do, such as making a Summit of

Asian-African developing nations to make a joint effort to

maintain world peace, then making the Non-Block Movement, to

make a pact to not to follow the Eastern-Western ideology at

that time. And then another brave policy that Soekarno made is

to step out from the United Nations, that was a very shocking

move for the whole world, for what a new country can do with

their brave and charismatic leader. And then the last is the

movement to confront Malaysia with the slogan “ Ganyang



1.2 Research questions

What drives Soekarno to make such policies? What does the

realism have to do with Soekarno’s policy? What does realism

have to do with nationalism?

1.3 The benefits and the objective

1.3.1 Objectives

To show the power and the influence of realism in the

governmental policies made by Soekarno in the guided

democracy era

To explain the reasons behind the policies made in

the governmental policies made by Soekarno in the

guided democracy era

1.3.2 Benefits

People will understand the reasons behind every

policy made by Soekarno in the guided democracy era

People will understand more the effect and the

understanding of the realism theory




2.1 Theory

2.1.1 Realism

Realism as a theory is based on the knowledge that the

state is the most important actor. This theory then developed

through many changes and this knowledge has been adapted by

many leaders in the world. Realist believed that there are 4

main points that define realism:2

1. International system is an anarchic structure

There is nothing that have a higher level of

sovereignty that the state

Constant antagonism, which images the

international system

2. The most important actors are always the States

3. In the system, the states are all unitary and rational

actors of the world

4. Surviving, is about the main concern of every state.

These points serve as the common basis of the realism.

These points represent the behavior of the states that adapted

this kind of approach. But not always this approach is

implemented to a state, it is often to be taken as

consideration by individuals as well to influence their mind

and to acknowledge the truth on what is happening in the

international system.

Hobbes, the father of realism define that the time before

this what we experience right now is the time where he explains

that human is a Homo Hominilupus or where a man for one is

another man’s wolf, this explains that human is in the “State

2 Jack Donnelly, 2008, The Ethics of Realist, in Christian Reus-Smith, DuncanSnidal, The Oxford Handbook of International Relations, Oxford UniversityPress, p. 150

of nature” where he stated that the situation is a place where

he explains it as “war of all, against all3)”. He stated that:


“In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit

thereof is uncertain, and consequently, not culture of the earth, no

navigation, nor the use of commodities that may be imported by sea, no

commodious building, no instruments of moving and removing such things

as require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth, no

account of time, no arts, no letters, no society, and which is worst

of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of

man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.4)”

This makes men to make peace, because they fear death and

therefore making “social contracts” with each other, for

security purposes and so on. For the sake of their lives and

other people’s lives, they made social contracts with each

other. In this way, Hobbes explained this as a governmental and

political society which defines the main idea that Hobbes

wrote. He also explained and believes in absolute sovereignty.

Like the monarchy, making the commonwealths with its

social contracts. Then again, going back to the original frame

work of the early social contract theory. But anyhow, this

theory serves as a basis of International Law and the Realism


3 Op.Cit.4 Hobbes, Thomas, 1691, Leviathan, Chapter XII. 9.p.76

After Hobbes, there’s Morgenthau, with his book Politics

Among Nations, he described the six principles of political


1. “ Political realism believes that politics, like society in general is

governed by objective laws that have their roots in the human nature.

In order to improve the society it is necessary to understand the laws

by which society lives. The operation of these laws being impervious

to our preferences, men will challenge them only at the risk of


2. The main signpost that helps political realism to find its way through

the landscape of international politics is the concept of interest

defined in terms of power. This concept provides the link between

reason trying to understand international politics and the facts to be

understood. It sets politics as an autonomous sphere of action and

understanding apart from other spheres, such as economics (understood

in terms of interest defined as wealth), ethics aesthetics, or

religion. Without such a concept a theory of politics, international

or domestic, would be altogether impossible, for without it we could

not distinguish between political and non political facts, nor could

we bring at least a measure of systemic order to the political sphere.


3. Realism assumes that its key concept of interest defined as power is

an objective category that is universally valid, but it does not endow

that concept with a meaning that is fixed once and for all. The idea

of interest is indeed of the essence of politics and is unaffected by

the circumstances of time and place. Thucydides’ statement, born of

the experiences of ancient Greece, that “identify of interest is the

surest of bonds whether between states or individuals” was taken up in

the nineteenth century by Lord Salisbury’s remark that “the only bond

of union that endures” among nations is “the absence of all clashing


4. Political realism is aware of the moral significance of political

action. It is also aware of the ineluctable tension between the moral

command and the requirements of successful political action. And it is

unwilling to gloss over and obliterate that tension and thus to

obfuscate both the moral and the political issues by making it appear

as though the stark facts of politics were morally more satisfying

than they actually are, and the moral law less exacting that it

actually is.

5. Political realism refuses to identify the moral aspirations of a

particular nation with the moral laws that govern the universe. As it

distinguishes between truth and opinion, so it distinguishes between

truth and idolatry. All nations are tempted-and few have been able to

resist the temptation for long- to clothe their own particular

aspirations and actions in the moral purposes of the universe. To know

that nations are subject to the moral law is one thing, while to

pretend to know with certainty what is good and evil in the relations

among nations is quite another. There is a world of difference between

the belief that all

nations stand under the judgement of God, inscrutable to the human

mind, and the blasphemous conviction that God is always on one’s side

and that what one wills oneself cannot fail to be willed by God also.

6. The difference, then, between political realism and other schools of

thought is real, and it is profound. However much of the theory of

political realism may have been misunderstood and misinterpreted,

there is no gainsaying its distinctive intellectual and moral attitude

to matters political.”5

And then Morgenthau also mentioned that Realism maintains

that universal moral principles cannot be applied to the

actions of states.6 And also realism is anti-utopian: it

insists that principles cannot serve as standards for political

life unless their implementation is feasible in the world as we

know it.7 it is easier to understand realism in terms of what

it is not than in terms of what it is.8


Hobbes and Morgenthau’s theories then developed into a

more sophisticated mode of frame work and had a bigger scope in

the international system. This kind of approach is then later

called as the Neorealism, which was developed by Kenneth Waltz

who is the developer of this theory. He explains that that war

is cannot be evaded sometimes and he said that “The root of all

evil is man, and thus he is himself the root of the specific

evil. War.9” The realists have the assumption that the world is

5 Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, SeventhEdition, New York: Mcgraw-Hill, p.3-136 Ibid.p.97 Galston, William A., 2010, “Realism in Political Theory” in European Journalof Political Theory, 9:395, DOI: 10.1177/14748851103740018 North, Richard, 2010, “Political Realism: Introduction” in European Journal ofPolitical Theory, 9:381, DOI: 10.1177/14748851103740129 Waltz, Kenneth, 2001, Man, The State and War., New York: Columbia UniversityPress, p.23

anarchy and the ultimate power in the country that defeated the

existence of non-state actors.10

He explains that the world now is in a state where the

international system is basically anarchic. The type of anarchy

he meant wasn’t about the total destruction and massive chaos,

the anarchy he meant that in the international system, there’s

nothing that can govern the states in the world. So basically

he’s saying that there’s nothing above the state that has

higher level of sovereignty and he also argued that this

international system is lacking the “central government”.

Actors can appeal to a central authoritative system in the

domestic landscape area which we call the government, but in

the international system if the states is particularly in

danger, there’s no organization that can help these states to

provide the security they need. The anarchy of international

system is defined where there is no authoritative organization

or an authoritative enforcer that can reprimand the behavior of

these states and bring peace to the international system. Many

realists, especially in recent decades, have given near-


emphasis to anarchy, the absence of hierarchical political

rule.11 Realism is an empirical type of theory which emphasizes

10 P., Kartika Y.M., 2012, “Jurnal THI: Realisme and Neorealisme” dalamJurnal THI, accessed from on December 11, 2012at 10.30 11 Donelly, Jack, 2000, Realism and International Relations, p.31

on the fact that is being seen in the world and in real life,

that’s why its called realism. The philosophers of this

particular theory is always seeing the facts with a pessimistic

way, because they always hold the thought that this world is in

an anarchic system where they always seek for higher

authoritative institution to provide them with security and

they will give up some of their freedom in terms of law abiding

to gain this particular type of security.


2.1.2 Realism and Nationalism

Nationalism is not a key component of any realist theory.

Yet most realists appear to believe that nationalism has been

an especially powerful force in international politics.12 This

theories is closely related to each other because of the main

concerns of this theories, is about the states. The realism is

mostly concerned about the survival of the state, which leads

to the nationalism, which embraces the devotion of a society to

a country, which in this case that the nationalism will count

as an important aspect in the realism theory. Realist believed

that the main goal of the state is to follow their personal

(read:state) interest. To do such thing, a nation must be able

to survive the threat within the nation or outside the nation,

like from other nations. Survival is not the only goal for the

12 Mearsheimer, John J., 2011, Kissing Cousins: Nationalism and Realism, University ofChicago, p.1

units, of course, but it must be their highest goal for the

obvious reason that if a unit does not survive, it cannot

pursue those other goals.13

Nationalism, is considered as a powerful force in the

making of a nation, and also the survival of the nation.

Nationalism also brought people to do whatever it takes to

preserve their nations survival and existence, in the middle of

this anarchic international community. Nationalism what drives

people to make war and defend their nation from threats that

are threatens the nations sovereignty. Even the smallest of

threats, can drive two nations to war and to defend their

nations. This is the power of nationalism, where it influences

people and make them to devote their lives to the nation. This

particular power is expressed by the realist as a key to

survival, and to achieve their nation goal. Realists believe

that power is the currency of international politics and that

states compete with each other for power.14 This perspective has

been approved and has been interpreted in the states across the

world. For example, we can see that America has a big influence

in this world. The policies that they carry out will affect the

political community of the world. This kind of power is what

the realist meant, for a state to have power and use power as

their own to fulfill their nation’s goal and interest. If we

look at the example of America, they can do nearly anything to

13 Ibid. p.414 Ibid, p.5

fulfill their nation’s interest, because of the power that they

have and the strong sense of nationalism.


They can sabotage how a country should work and they can

influence states around the world to basically follow and

fulfill their nation’s interest. But in the journey to have

such big power, a state should be able to survive and maintain

their existence in the world. This particular power was had by

Indonesia in the guided democracy era led by Soekarno. The

influence that Soekarno has was very big, he believed that

Indonesia will be a great nation and an influential nation in

the world. Driving him was his sense of belonging of his nation

and the spirit of nationalism, he tried to convice and show the

world that Indonesia is a strong and influential country and as

well might be a superpower nation in the international system.

But realism also categorized into four distinct groups that is

Thucydides’ complex realism, Machiavelli’s fundamentalist

realism, Hobbes’ structural realism and Rousseau’s

constitutional realism.15 Realism is unique in that it offers a

realist perspective on central political theory issues, such as

the nature of the political and the conditions of legitimacy,

rather than simply critiquing liberalism on these fronts.16

15 Feng, Liu and Ruizhuang, Zhang, 2006, “The Typologies of Realism” inChinese Journal of International Politics, vol.1, p.110, DOI: 10.1093/cjip/pol00616 Sleat, Matt, 2010, “Bernard Williams and the possibility of a realistpolitical theory” in European Journal of Political Theory, 9:501, DOI:10.1177/1474885110382689




3.1 Soekarno, The Proclaimer of Indonesia

Born by the name Koesno Sosrodiharjo, Soekarno is one of

the most vital person in the history of Indonesia. He was the

first president of Indonesia and probably most respected in

Indonesia also in the international world. He was known as a

bold and brave yet wise man, with his brilliant mind he led

Indonesia to its independence, releasing the chain of

colonialism and imperialism.. Soekarno who was a Javanese was

known as the father founder and the proclaimer of independence

of Indonesia. Born in the colonialism era, he studied at

Technische Hoogeschool Te Bandung (now known as Institut

Teknologi Bandung) to gain his degree in Architechture

Engineering. He had many wives and children in his life



Inggit Garnasih



Ratna Sari Dewi Soekarno ( Naoko Nemoto )


o Guruh Soekarnoputra

o Megawati Soekarnoputri , Presiden Republik Indonesia masa

jabatan 2001-2004

o Guntur Soekarnoputra

o Rachmawati Soekarnoputri

o Sukmawati Soekarnoputri

o Taufan  dan Bayu (dari istri Hartini)

o Kartika Sari Dewi Soekarno  (dari istri Ratna Sari Dewi



17 Ibid.

The colonialism was hated so much by Soekarno, he then

became a realist and also a nationalist as well, to prove that

Indonesia has a great power as a country, like a Garuda,

waiting to be awaken and soar the skies of Indonesia.

After he graduated he then made his journey towards

becoming the most influential minds in Indonesian history. He

began by joining various youth organizations such as Jong Java and

The Indische Partij. And then in 1926, Sukarno founded the Algemene

Study Club in Bandung. This organization became the forerunner of

the National Party of Indonesia which was established in 1927.

Sukarno’s PNI activity caused the Dutch to capture him in

December 1929, and led to a phenomenal defense plea: “

Indonesia Menggugat “, to be released on December 31, 1931. He

than began to made his impact to these organizations and made a

controversial debate to change the language of the Jong Java’s

newlestter from Dutch to Melayu. He then continuously made way

to Indonesian political world. In times of Japanese

colonialism, he then made an organization to prepare for

Indonesian independence, where he and his colleagues of

gentlemen who has the same vision of a free and sovereign

nation of Indonesia, made the “ Piagam Jakarta “ which its

points serve as a basis for later Indonesia’s main ideology,

the Pancasila. He then later became the first president for

Indonesia and also the proclaimer of independence of Indonesia.

Furthermore, he became known in the international world, fluent

in more than 9 different languages, including Dutch, Germany,

Russian and French, he was known to be a charismatic leader and

well respected among the leaders around the world. In his

leadership, he made some controversial policies and could’ve

been the boldest of policies ever made in the history of

leadership in Indonesia.

3.2 The Policies

3.2.1 Asian-African Summit

The Asian-African Summit was done in Bandung, in April 18-

25, 1955. This summit was held to encourage the Asian-African

nation to maintain world peace, and also to encourage African

nations to declare their independence to show their existence

in the international world.


This summit is one of the policies made by Soekarno, in

the guided democracy era, to show the world what Indonesia is

capable of doing, and also to conduct good relationships with

Asian-African nations. The summit has four main objectives to

be done:18

To assess the interest of Asian-African Nations

To enhance the cooperation in the economic, social and

cultural field18 Accessed from on December 11th 2012, at 3.25

To discuss about state sovereignty, imperialism and the

problems of rascialisms

To discuss about the position of Asian-African nations in

the effort to realize world peace

This summit was not just held without any preparations. To

prepare for the summit, a conference was held in advance, in

Srilanka to be exact. In Srilanka’s capital city Colombo, the

conference was made to prepare for the Asian-African summit. It

was implemented in April 28th 1954 until May 2nd 1954. The

outcome of this conference was to make a continued conference

between Asian and African nations.

Then, further meeting was done in Bogor, Indonesia, in

December 28-31st 1954. The meeting was done to discuss about

further preparation for the Asian-African Summit. The

committees discussed about the possible countries to be invited

to this summit to represent Asia as well as Africa. This

conference was known as ”Konferensi Panca Negara”, which in

Sansekertan language, “Panca” means five. This conference was

attended by the delegates from five nations who pioneered this

summit, which is:

Indonesia, represented by the Prime Minister Mr. Ali


India, represented by the Prime Minister Shri Pandit

Jawaharlal Nehru

Pakistan, represented by Prime Minister Mohammad Ali


Srilanka, represented by Prime Minister Sir John


Burma, represented by Prime Minister U Nu.


This conference then produced some points of discussions,

whih is:

To Organize Asian-African Summit in Bandung in April 1955.

To point out the five participating countries of Five

Country Conference (Bogor Conference) as state sponsors.

To appoint how many Asian and African Nations who will be


To determine the primary objectives of the Asian-African


After further deliberation and carrying out these

objectives, the five nations then spread out the invitation to

the nations who will be invited in this summit, there will be

29 nations who will be attending this summit, which is19:



Saudi Arabia


19 Ibid















South Vietnam



North Vietnam








Chinese People’s Republic

The committee of the Asian-African summit is as follows20:

Committee Chairman: Mr. Ali Sastroamijoyo

Chairman of the Economic Committee: Prof. Ir


Culture Committee Chairman: Mr. Moh. Yamin

Secretary-General: Ruslan Abdul Ghani

Throughout the Summit, the delegates representing each

nations give in their opinions and several field is being

discussed, such as21:

Efforts to increase cooperation in the economic, social,

cultural, and human rights.

The right to self-determination.

Racism (color difference).

International cooperation.

Disarmament problems.

The problem is the people who colonized North Africa.


The issue of West Irian.

The initial point of this summit is basically to create

some sort of cooperation among the Asian and African nations.

And then after a long and hard deliberation and discussion, the

20 ibid21 Ibid

summit then produces the “ Dasasila Bandung “ which includes

ten important points of discussion. This is the content of

“Dasasila Bandung”:22

To have respect for human rights in accordance with the UN


To have respect for the sovereignty of each nation's


Acknowledging the equality of all races and equality of

all nations large and small.

To not intervene in matters in other countries.

To respect the right of each nation to defend itself on

its own or collectively.

Do not put pressure on other countries.

No aggression against other countries.

Solve the problem by peaceful means.

Promoting cooperation in the economic, social, and


Respect for justice and international obligations.

This policy is very influential for the cooperation and

the impact for the developing countries in the Asian and

African nations, which is showed by the declaration of

independence of many countries in Africa. This is one of a the

policies carried out by Soekarno to prove to the world that

Indonesia is more than capable to unite the world and to

22 Ibid

cooperate with Indonesia to realize indonesia’s national

interests, which is showed in the UUD 1945 Preamble, with the

word “ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia”, or in to participate

in the establishment of world order. This summit also produces

the Non-Block Movement, which emphasize its follower to not

follow the Eastern nor the Western ideology at that time.


3.2.2 NEFO dan OLDEFO

New Emerging Force or NEFO was the words used by Soekarno

to describe the next policy that has been carried out to

confront the imperialism and neocolonialism. This policy is one

of the boldest policy ever carried out by Soekarno, because in

that time capitalist states such as America has a great power

and influence around the world, but Soekarno with his believe

for his nation and a strong sense of nationalism, he confronted

those nations with making these nicknames for them. NEFO, or

New Emerging Force was the term used by Soekarno to describe

the revolutionary progressive nations such as Indonesia and the

common communist state. And OLDEFO, or Old Established Forces

was the term used by Soekarno to describe the countries that

has established, which is the capitalists nations which is a

neocolonialist and imperialist. To create NEFO, Soekarno made

the pivot Jakarta-Peking-Pyongyang. Then he made another bold

move, to compete with as what he says OLDEFO’s Olympic games,

he then created GANEFO or Games of the New Emerging Forces,

that pushed the development of Gelora Bung Karno in Senayan,


The participant of the first GANEFO was about 51 nations

from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. With over 2700

athletes competing in these games, the GANEFO was a huge

success in the Soekarno policy. Some of the participant, such














Ceylon (Srilanka)

Cuba23 Accessed from on December 11 2012,at 6.34


Democratic People Republic of Korea

Dominican Republic



East Germany
















People’s Republic of China






Saudi Arabia





Soviet Union

North Vietnam

United Arab Republic ( Egypt and Syria )




3.2.3 The Confrontation to Malaysia

This policy is again one of the bravest move ever made by

Soekarno, which has an impact that we can still see nowadays

how we people of Indonesia is still sensitive in terms of

competition against Malaysia. This policy being carried out

when Malaysia decided to be given the independence by the

British empire, this according to Soekarno was not acceptable

because by opening themselves to the British empire, that also

means that this cooperation will open the gate towards

imperialism and Soekarno was against it as much as he could be.

Not only opening the gate towards imperialism and

neocolonialism, but also jeopardizing the sovereignty and unity

of Indonesia, which is the North Borneo. By taking in Sabah,

Sarawak, Brunei and Singapore to joint the commonwealth, to

make the federation of Malaysia24.This move by Malaysia was

confronted by Soekarno, and then declaring that Indonesia will

confront Malaysia with this speech:

“Kalau kita lapar itu biasa

Kalau kita malu itu juga biasa

Namun kalau kita lapar atau malu itu karena Malaysia, kurang ajar!

Kerahkan pasukan ke Kalimantan hajar cecunguk Malayan itu!24 Accessed from onDecember 11, 2012 at 13.55

Pukul dan sikat jangan sampai tanah dan udara kita diinjak-injak oleh Malaysian keparat itu!

Doakan aku, aku kan berangkat ke medan juang sebagai patriot Bangsa, sebagai martir

Bangsa dan sebagai peluru Bangsa yang tak mau diinjak-injak harga dirinya.

Serukan serukan keseluruh pelosok negeri bahwa kita akan bersatu untuk melawan kehinaan

ini kita akan membalas perlakuan ini dan kita tunjukkan bahwa kita masih memiliki Gigi yang

kuat dan kita juga masih memiliki martabat.

Yoo...ayoo... kita... Ganjang...

Ganjang... Malaysia

Ganjang... Malaysia

Bulatkan tekad


Semangat kita badja

Peluru kita banjak

Njawa kita banjak

Bila perlu satoe-satoe!”25

This speech was so influential and so pervasive in the

Indonesian peoples mind, it burns the spirit of nationalism in

the minds of the people of Indonesia and Indonesia to make

people so upset and burned in the spirit of nationalism that is

transmitted by a leader who is so charismatic that is Soekarno.

The sense of public anger mounting in people of Indonesia’s

mind as Malaysia’s prime minister at that time Tengku Abdul

25 Accessed from on December 11, 2012, at 12.10

Rahman, by deliberately step on Indonesian national symbol is

the Sacred Garuda. That moment was lashing the spirit of

nationalism of Soekarno as president of the republic Indonesia

unwilling nation's dignity trampled like that. It appears that

the movement of the "crush Malaysia" which starts from a speech

made by Soekarno and confrontation against Malaysia continued

until the end of his presidential term.

This particular policy has imprinted in the minds of the

people of Indonesia, until now in time that Malaysia and

Indonesia met in some competition or some sort, the tension of

the meeting of this two once in confrontation nations was

always high and flavored by the scorn and taunting each other

in a very barbaric way. The nationalism of Indonesia were very

high, and everytime the is something that say bad stuff about

Indonesia, Indonesian people will always fight back in anyway

possible. This confrontation has led to a more extreme policy

carried out by Soekarno himself.


3.2.4 The discharge by Indonesia for UN Membership

This is the policy again carried out by Soekarno as a form

of disappointment after Malaysia has been appointed as the non-

permanent UN Security Council. This is again what has been done

by Soekarno again and again, he stayed on his principles and do

everything to maintain their nations pride and honor,

regardless what the world thinks about his nations. There’s

basically six reasons why Indonesia leave the UN:

First, about the position of the United Nations in the United

States. Bung Karno criticize, in the atmosphere of the cold war

the United States and the Soviet Union complete with

psychological warfare going on, then it should not just be the

United Nations headquarters in one of the perpetrators of the

cold war. Bung Karno proposed that the United Nations

headquarters in Geneva, or in Asia, Africa, or another neutral

area outside the United States and the Soviet bloc.

Second, the United Nations who was born after the Second World

War, intended to resolve disputes between nations can be swift

and decisive. But what is happening is the UN are always tense

and slow in addressing conflicts between states. Indonesia

experienced two times, ie, when the liberation of West Irian,

and Malaysia. In both cases, the United Nations does not bring

progress, but only a field of debate. In addition, the post-

World War II, many new countries, newly freed from colonial

suffering, but the fact that the charters were born and in his

preambule, never mention the word colonialism. In short, the UN

did not put the newly independent states in proportion.

Third, the organization and the membership of the Security

Council reflects the economic map, the military and the year

1945, does not reflect the rise of the socialist countries and

the emergence of the fast development of the independence of the

countries of Asia and Africa. They are not accommodated because

veto only American-owned, Britain, Russia, France, and Taiwan.

Conditions are not actual anymore, but no one else tried to move


Fourth, the issue of the secretariat which is always held an

American chief of staff. No wonder so many policy outcomes to

accommodate the interests of the West, at least use the Western

system. Bung Karno menunjung not be high on the basis of the

system, “Imperialism and colonialism is the biological child of

the system of Western countries. As with the majority of UN

members, I hate imperialism and I’m disgusted at colonialism. “

21 Fifth, the UN considers Bung Karno confused by refusing

representatives of China, while the Security Council sat Taiwan

is not recognized by Indonesia. In the eyes of Bung Karno,

“Putting aside the great nation, a great and powerful nation in

terms of population, culture, ability, an ancient cultural

heritage, a nation of strength and power-economically, to the

exclusion of the people, the UN greatly weakened the power of

and the ability to negotiate precisely because he rejected

membership greatest nation in the world. “

Sixth, the absence of a fair sharing among UN personnel in

institutions. UNICEF is the former chairman of an American.

Chairman of the Special Fund is America. UN Technical Assistance

Board chaired by the British. Even in Asia as well as dispute

the formation of Malaysia, the plebiscite failed UN-organized,

chaired an American named Michelmore.”26

The six reasons is basically why Indonesia discharged from

the UN Membership, its not that Indonesia has been kicked out

from the UN, but Indonesia resigned from the UN.



CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION26 Accessed from on December 11, 2012 at 17.36

4.1 Conclusion

Realism is basically a believe that state is always the

most crucial actor, there’s nothing more important than the

state. And the close resemblance with realism is the

nationalism, which has also a connection with the policies

being carried out by Soekarno, the first president of

Indonesia. He carried out so many bold and brave yet

responsible policies that has been influenced by realism and

nationalism, which he shows in his policies that he always

withstand on what he said and always stand by his principles on

a strong basis. This kind of attitude shows that Soekarno has a

great sense of nationalism, which derives from the realism

theory that developed furthermore into nationalism. This

principles has shown in his policies that he conducted and

made, to show the world what Indonesia is capable of and what

Indonesia is in the mind of Soekarno, which is a great and

strong nation, which showed in the capability of Indonesia to

proclaim the independence on its own. The realism has its own

part to be an influential theory that drives Soekarno to make

such policies, besides the nationalism that also drive him

further to make the difference in the history of Indonesia.


4.2 Suggestion

The policy being carried out by Soekarno is one example of

the power of the nationalism. The strong power of nationalism

will drive people to do something meaningful and beneficial to

their country, and respect their country’s history, as said by

Soekarno that a great nation is a nation who didn’t forget his

nation’s history.




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