Skripsi IAIN Metro (2).pdf

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Tarbiyah Department English Education Study Program


1437 H/2016 M



Presented as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

in English Education Study Program




Sponsor : Dr. Widhiya Ninsiana, M.Hum

Co-sponsor : Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd


1437 H/2016 M





The goal of this research is to improve students’ grammar mastery. If thestudents’ have a good grammar mastery, they can have a good mastery in writing andspeaking, because grammar in one skill of someone to communicate. In this researchthe resercher use match game media to improving the students’ grammar mastery.The researcher realize that match game media can improve the students’ grammarmastery.

This research is classroom action research, which was conducted in twocycles. Each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. In collectingthe data used test, observation, documentation and field notes. This research usedobservation technique to get an accurate result. The target from this research is 75%students gained scores ≥77.

The result of this research shows that match game media can improve thestudents’ Grammar Mastery at The Eighth Graders of Junior High School Ma’arif 09in Way Jepara East Lampung. It is proved by the increament of the studentsscorefrom the data as follow: The average score pre-test is 58,50, the average score ofpost-test in cycle 1 is 71,00 and the average score of post-test in cycle 2 is 80,50. So,there is progress 22,00 from Pre-test to Post Test 2. So it can conclude that the“Match Game Media can Improve Students’ Grammar Mastery at The Eighth Gradersof Junior High School Ma’arif 09 in Way Jepara East Lampung.”






Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuanpenguasaan bahasa siswa. Jika siswa memiliki penguasaan bahasa yang baik, makadiharapkan siswa mampu menguasai kemampuan yang lain dalam menulis danberbicara, karena tata bahasa adalah salah satu kemampuan seseorang dalamberkomunikasi. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan media permainan mencocokandalam meningkatkan kemampuan penguasaan bahasa. Penulis mencoba membuktikanapakah media permainan mencocokan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tata bahasasiswa.

Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukandalam 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan danrefleksi. Dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan test, observasi, dokumentasi dancatatan lapangan. Target dari penelitian ini adalah 75% siswa berhasil mendapatkannilai ≥77.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa media permainan mencocokan dapatmemperbaiki penguasaan tata bahasa siswa dikelas VIII SMP Maarif 09 Way JeparaLampung Timur. Hal ini dibuktikan oleh peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan datasebagai berikut:nilai rata-rata pre-test adalah 58,50, nilai rata-rata post test 1 adalah71,00, dan nilai rata-rata post test 2 adalah 80,50, jadi ada peningkatan sebesar 22,00dari pre-test ke post test 2. Sehingga itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa “Media PermainanMencocokan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tata bahasa siswa kelas delapan SMPMa’arif 09 di Way Jepara Lampung Timur.”




A. Background of The Study

Knowledge on grammar is important for master the language skills. In

English language teaching has identified the “four skills” listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. However the grammar items which are

considered to be difficult for the students could be presented explicitly and

separately as they are related to the theme and kinds of text being


Grammar rules are presented with examples. Exceptions to teach rule

are also noted. Once students understand a rule, they are asked to apply it

some different examples.1However in my opinion teaching grammar is still

necessary because grammar is very important if you want to speak and

write the language accurately.

A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and

sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work,

which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more

often an expression of aesthetic or ideological elements. However, the

distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work

1Diane Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford UniversityPress, New York, 1986, p.14


or art. Match game is one of game in english learning. Matching games are

games that require players to match similar elements.

Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction.

Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both.

Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or

otherwise perform an educational, simulation, or psychological role.

Based on pre survey the researcher got the data score of English pre-

test students in class VIII A. It can look at the table below:

Table 1The Authentication Table of the Teacher Archives, Pre-test at the Juniorhigh school of Ma’arif 09 in Way Jepara class VIII

No. Score Frequency Percentage Categories 1. 80 - 100 2 10 % Exelent 2. 67 - 79 3 15% Good 3. 50 - 69 13 65% Low4. 00 - 49 2 10% Bad

Total 20 100%Source: The Teacher Archives, Taken on the prasurvey at Mey 30, 2015

From the table above, it can be seen that there is two students have

exelent score, three students have good score, thridteen students have a

low score and two students have bad score. Most of the students have

lowest score in English study and they do not reach MSC (Minimun

Standard Criteria) yet. In Junior high school Ma’arif 09, Way Jepara

achieve MSC (Minimun Standard Critria) is score 77. From the data pre-

survey could be known that the students’ grammar mastery is very low.


And the other problems above, the researcher found some

problems in grammar subject. In teaching learning process at the eighth

graders of Junior High School Maarif 09 Way Jepara, East Lampung,

students had low motivation and not interest in English subject especially

in grammar, they have lack in grammar, and their attention toward the

lesson are not good in learning English.

Based on the data above, this situation needs to solve. One of possible

solutions chosen is the application of match game. The game is fun

activity who students relaxed and enjoyable way in learning. Based on the

reason above the writer has a certain opinion that a match game is one of

the games that help the student’s grammar mastery at the Junior high

school of Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara, East Lampung.

B. Problem Identification

Based on background of the study above, the writer identifies the

problems as follows:

1. The students have a lack motivation in learning English.

2. The students have lack of grammar.

3. Student’s attention toward the lesson are not good in learning


C. Problem Formulation

Based on the delimitation above, the researcher formulates the

problems as follows:


Can by using match game improve students’ grammar mastery at the

eighth graders of Junior High School Maarif 09 Way Jepara, East


D. Objective of Study

Based on the problem formulation above, so the objectives are:

To find out whether match game can improve the students’ grammar


E. Benefits of Study

The researcher hopes that the result of this research can be useful for:

a. For the students

As encourager the students more interest and motivated in

learning English.

b. For the teachers

As informer for English teacher that match game is a good

media to improve the students grammar mastery.

c. For the headmaster

As provider the quality of learning in the school. The

headmaster could make this research as basic to take the knowledge

to develop the English education in the school.




A. Theoretical Review

1. Concept of Grammar

a. The Definition of Grammar

Etymologically according to the Oxford Advance Learner’s dictionary,

the word “Grammar” means rules for forming words and making

sentences. Grammar should be taught inductively. There may never be an

explicit grammar rule given.1 The term “grammar” refers to a set of rules

operating in the mind of the native speakers of a language.2The grammar

and vocabulary that the students learn follow from the function,

situational context, and the roles of the interlocutors.3 ‘We all use

grammar from the time that we can speak in intelligible sentences,

because grammar deals with ‘the abstract system of rules in terms of

which a person’s mastery of his native language can be explained’.4

Grammar is perhaps serious and central in learning another language

that all ways should be searched for which will focus students energy on

the task of mastering and internalizing it. One way of focusing this energy1 Diane Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford UniversityPress, New York, 1986, p.23 2 Sanggam Siahaan, Issues in Linguistics, Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu,2008, p.253 Ibid, p.1304 Barbara Dykes, Grammar for everyone: practical tools for learning and teaching grammar,Australia: BPA Print Group, 2007, p.5


is through the released offered by games.5 A grammar generates its

language by performing derivation steps that change strings, called

sentential forms, to other strings according to its grammatical


Grammar is to language a sort of self-examination.7 Grammar rules

are presented with examples. Exceptions to teach rule are also noted.

Once students understand a rule, they are asked to apply it some different

examples.8 Grammar includes two aspects, the arrangement of words

and the internal structure of words.9 Formal grammar is defined as a

systematic way of accounting for and predicting an ‘ideal’ speaker’s or

hearer’s knowledge of the language.10

From explanation above the researcher conclude that grammar is

rules for forming words and making sentences, grammar includes two

aspects, the arrangement of words and the internal structure of words.

5 Rinvolucri, Mario, Grammar Games: cognitive, affective, and drama activities for EFL students (United kingdom: Cambridge University press, 2008) p.36 Alexander Meduna Martin,2005, Grammars with Context Conditions and TheirApplications, Canada : Wiley-Interscience,p.17 Gould Brown, 2004,The Grammar of English Grammars,Produced by Karl Hagen and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team,p.408 Diane Larsen, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, p.149 Graham Lock, Functional English Grammar An Introduction Forsecond LanguageTeachers,United Kingdom :Cambridge University Press,2011, P.410 James E Purpara, Assesing Grammar, United Kingdom:Cambridge University Press, 2004, P.6


In the sentence always has a pattern S + V + C/O. Grammar should be

taught inductively that means in the sentence complement (C) is a basic.

The inductively sentence is often the end of sentence.

The example:

Mother cooks rice in the kitchen. S V O C

“In the kitchen” was called “inductively” because as a complement that

explanation the subject “mother” cooks in the kitchen. Actually,

something which began of explanation than the theme in the end is called

inductively. And the something in beginning the theme than explanation

in the end is called deductive.

Grammar not just for the analysis of English but for the analysis of

all the languages of Europe.11 The major grammars of languages,

particularly languages that are both spoken and written, include

information about all the word, phrase, clause, and sentence

constructions.12 Grammar deals with the rules for combining words into

larger units.13Grammar is the support system of communication and we

learn it to communicate better.14Like that grammar is taught inductively

11 Jim Miller, An Introduction to English Syntax, Edinburgh University Press,Edinburgh, 2002, p.53 12 Ibid, p.4813 Sidney Greenbaum Gerald Nelson, An Introduction To English Grammar Second Edition,Malaysia: Pearson Education Limited, 2002,p.1314 L.G. Alexander, Longman english grammar practice for intermediate students, New York: Addison Wesley Longman,1990,p.1


that began explanation or the example than rule the end given. Taught the

grammar also should appropriate situation and has function. So, lesson

the grammar not useless.

According to Brown that Grammar is the system of rule governing the

conventional arrangement and relationship of word in the sentence.15

Technically, grammar refers to sentences-level rules only, and not to rules

governing the relationship among sentences.16 Grammar gives us the form

or the structure of language.17In other words grammar, tells us how to

construct a sentence (word order, verb, noun system, modifier, phrases,

clauses, etc.)18 Grammar is contextualized in meaningful language use.19

From the statement above the writer assumed that Grammar is not

only relationship or arrangement of word in sentence but explain about

form, level role, construct a sentence and contextualized in meaningful of

language. So, from the grammar we not only know about the word or

sentence but also situation context and meaningful in language. It’s can

make we as speaker in use language is complex.

15 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to LanguagePedagogy,Second Edition, Logman Pearson Education, New York, 2001, p.362

16Ibid.17Ibid.18Ibid.19Ibid., p.367


Grammatically, the procedure consists of a set of instructions written

in imperative. Redundant items such as articles and prepositions are

deleted.20 From the statement, writer concludes grammar should be taught

by an easy word so that students are also easy to understand.

The study about grammatically generally to communicate with

composed the good sentences.21From the statement, the writer tries

assumed that Grammar is knowledge of someone to produce and interpret

a sentence in daily communication. Everyone has different knowledge on

produce and interpret a sentence to communication. This differences’

make someone different to other.

From some explanation above, the writer tries to conclude that

grammar is the study of how words and their component parts combine to

form sentences and about structural relationship in Language, sometimes

including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history. When we

present grammar through structural patterns we tend to give students tidy

pieces of language to work with. And in learning as teachers we should be

prepared to use a variety of techniques to help our students learn and

acquire grammar

20David Nunan, Discourse Analysis, Penguin Books, England,1993, p.5121DediIrwansyah, English Grammar, AnugrahUtamaRaharja (Aura), Bandar Lampung, 2013,




b. The Kinds of Grammar

Almost every sub of knowledge has a principle term or a key word. If

we learn reading, we will hear a schemata, scanning, skimming, and etc.

Like a wise if we learn about structure and grammar.22

The structure and grammar are basic elements in learning English,

and the structure grammar are important component of the students to

mastery the other skills easily. These are examples in structure and

grammar: auxiliaries, question words, tense, passive, question taq,

conditional sentence, subjunctive, preference, causative, reduced clause,

direct and indirect, part of speech and etc. But the structure and grammar

pointed in Junior High School Ma’arif 09 is question taq.

1) The concept of question taq

Question tags are short questions at the end of statements.

Question taq is used to assert a question or we do not feel

confident with the question that we speak.23 Question taq is a word

or phrase that is used to provide questions and ask the person to

talk to agree with us.24 Question taq is an affirmation of the actual

22Ibid, p.123 Imam baehaqi, Let’s Speak English, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2008, p.13124 Drs. Akhmad Kardimin M.Hum, Fundamental English Grammar,Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar offset, 2009, p.379


question because this question does not seek answers, but rather

affirmation of yes / no and the answer has been estimated by the


Making a tag is very mechanical. To make a tag, use the first

auxiliary. If there is no auxiliary, use do, does or did. With a

positive sentence, make a negative tag and with a negative

sentence, make a positive tag.

They are mainly used in speech when we want to:

a) Confirm that something is true or not, or

b) To encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to.

2) Form of question taq

Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb

from the statement and the appropriate subject.

A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag.

Example :Jack is from Spain, isn't he?

Mary can speak English, can't she?

A negative statement is followed by a positive question tag.

Example :They aren't funny, are they?

25 Deny Rhomdony, Integrated Comprehensive English Grammar, Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc, 2005, p.122


He shouldn't say things like that, should he?

When the verb in the main sentence is in the present simple we

form the question tag with do / does.

Example :You play the guitar, don't you?

Alison likes tennis, doesn't she?

If the verb is in the past simple we use did.

Example :They went to the cinema, didn't they?

She studied in New Zealand, didn't she?

When the statement contains a word with a negative meaning, the

question tag needs to be positive

Example :He hardly ever speaks, does he?

They rarely eat in restaurants, do they?

c. The Principle of Grammar Intervention

The principle of Grammar Intervention as follow:

1) Make the basic goal of all grammatical interventions to be helping

the child achieve greater facility in the comprehension and use of

syntax and morphology in the service of conversation, narration,

exposition and other textual genres in written and oral modalities.

2) Only rarely, if ever, target grammatical form as the only aspect of

language and communication in a language intervention program.


3) Select intermediate goals to stimulate a child's language acquisition

processes rather than to teach specific language forms.

4) Base the specific goals of grammatical intervention on a child's

functional readiness and need for the targeted forms.

5) Manipulate the social, physical and linguistic context to create more

frequent opportunities for grammatical targets.

6) Exploit different textual genres and the written modality to develop

appropriate contexts for specific intervention targets.

7) Manipulate the discourse so targeted features are rendered more

salient in pragmatically felicitous contexts.

8) Use sentence recasts to systematically contrast forms used by the

child with more mature forms from adult grammar.

9) Avoid telegraphic speech by always presenting grammatical models

in well-formed phrases and sentences.

10) Use elicited imitation to make target forms more salient and to give

the child practice with phonological patterns that are difficult to

access or produce.

d. The Advantages of Grammar

There are some of the advantages of studying English grammar:


1) Students learning English grammar are better able to understand

how the combination of words can create intricate meanings and

how these can create subtle literary effects. As a result, students

will likely appreciate literature better and they will pay more

attention to the text.

2) Sound knowledge of grammar influences students to be analytical

and receptive readers.

3) Being able to comprehend English grammar's intricacies enhances

students' writing and text interpretation capabilities.

4) In addition to writing, a sound knowledge of grammar also allows

for better skills at speaking. As a result, people who are able to

articulate their words well sound more trustworthy, mature and


e. The Disadvantages of Grammar

There are some of the disadvantages perspective studying English


1) Someone who is new to learning the language will often learn the

prescriptive form. The native speakers may use non-standard forms

leading to confusion for the non-native speaker.

2) Relating to the previous point, non-native speakers may find it

difficult to emulate the language they are hearing or reading it is

not part of the standard form they have been taught.


3) In the case of prescriptivism itself, we have to understand that

language is constantly changing. Like a fluid, it will fit its

container to best fit the users need. As such, the rules which govern

the language will be constantly changing. This mean that if an

exception to a rule became commonplace to warrant a change to

the rule, the non-native speaker(s) will be at a disadvantage.

4) This is a tenuous one but, it can discourage the use of a local

dialect with an overt prestige being associated to the the more

'correct' prescriptive forms. This means that an individual may

have to abandon their dialect to be successful in their job. This

change in their dialect is a disadvantage as there is some loss of


2. The Concept of Match Game

a. The Definition of Match Game

Etymologically according to the Oxford Learner’s pocket dictionary,

the word “Match” means combine well with. The word “Game” means

form of play or sport with rules. It means that game is performance with

direction. It means that match game is game that require players to match

similar elements or thing. Game is one of the most effective learning

processes which may or may not serve a certain purpose, in which


children participate willingly and enjoyably.26 Students’ are more

enthusiastic when they learn a new language with different games and

activities in early ages.27

In ordinary language, we speak of a “game” as a (generally amusing)

process of interaction that involves a given population of individuals, is

subject to some fixed rules, and has a prespecified collection of payoffs

associated to every possible outcome.28 Games are important because they

have certain features in common with real communicative events there is

a purpose to the exchange.29 Game theory as the (relatively) rigorous

analysis of situations of strategic interdependence.30

From explanation above the researcher conclude that game is a

process of interaction that involves a population of individual who where

in the process there are certain rules.

26 Dr. OnulKoksal“ Views of Turkeys EFL Student with regard to learning grammar withgames” international journal on new trends in educational and their implications January 2004 volume:5 issue: 1 article:009 ISSN 1309-6249.p.82

27 Res. Assist. Fazilet ozge MAVIS “2nd year students’ and their teacher’s perspectives onEnglish language program applied for the first time in 2012-2013 academic year” international journalon new trends in educational and their implications october 2014 volume: 5 issue: 4 article: 18 ISSN1309-6249.p.20528 Fernando Vega-Redondo, Economics and the theory of games, New York: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2003, p.1

29Diana Larsen, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching., p.12930 Mary Ann Dimand And Robert W.Dimand, A History Of Game Theory Volume 1, New York: Routledge, 1996, P.2


Game is an activity that had done with role.31Games are highly

motivating because they are amusing and interesting. They can be used to

give practice in all language skills and be used to practice many types of

communication. A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for

enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.

The researcher completes the statement that game is an activity that

helps person to be more active in doing something without leaving the role

that had been agreed before and one of the functions of game is giving

positive effect in developing learner understanding. Here, the students try

to be active by the way that has been decided. Students may simply

become concerned with developing strategies toplay the game quickly or

easily, without focusing enough on the intended language practice.

Games like supermarket alphabet.32 The games are designed to get

students to practice a grammar point within a context. Students are able to

express themselves, although it is rather limited in this game notice there

is also a lot of repetition in this game.33

According Diana Larsen, the advantage of using game is to improve

the habitual learning that usually formal teaching, pace of the lesson and

also keep motivation, increase to communication, fun class, students can

learning in real audience context and purpose. The statement above31 Kasihani K E Suyanto, English for Young Learner, PT Bumi Aksara, Jakarta, 2007, p.117-

11832 Diana Larsen, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching., p.47

33 Ibid


implied with the using game can make the students doing fun activity. So,

the process of teaching learning is enjoyable. This situation is a way to

make the students stay at the class without bored.

There are some kinds of games; the research takes a match game in

this research. The match game used a medium that contains

grammatically sentence are incorrect. The students were analyzing the

sentence grammatically. If the students who were playing made a mistake

in analyzing the sentence then the opportunity is lost and replaced by the

next students to analyze and fix it.

The materials focused on question taq that gives students the

opportunity to analyze similar problem. The students expected become

familiar with the matter. The students get more opportunity to the

analyzed and remember of the form of question taq.

b. The procedure of match game:

The procedure of match game as follows:

1) The researcher prepares six sets of paper (each set consist two set

of paper) that consist of paper to play the game. The prepare five

or more sentence of question taq is incorrect.

2) Divide the students into small groups which consist of 4-5

students each group.


3) Tell the students about the objective of learning English using

matching game .

4) Share the sets of paper to the groups, one set each group.

5) Ask one student from each group to match one set paper to one

set another together.

6) Ask each group to discuss of sentence that according form of

question taq.

7) Teacher and students to analyzed the sentence according form of

question taq together. And the teacher gives the score to the

correct sentence.

c. The Characteristic of Match Game

The communicate language game have 6 characteristics, they are:

1) Players must interact with each other. The players or the student must

to keep the communication with each other.

2) Players must understand about the rules of the game. The rules of the

games must be easy to understand for the student. It will make the

student easy to performing and enjoying the games.

3) The game has a clear goals. When playing games, the games should

have a clear goals. It will make the participants get the advantage

after playing games.


4) The context of the activity of game must clear. The students or the

participants will enjoying the games if the context of the activity of

games are clear.

5) The player must involve the game actively. The games will be more

fun and communicative if the player involved the game actively.

6) The player get special rule in game.34 Do not give the binding rules

for the young learners, because they have own way to playing games.

Teacher as a facilitator.

d. The Advantages of Match Game

The advantages of using match game can be elaborated as follows:

a) Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the

language class.

b) They are motivating and challenging.

c) Learning a language requires a great deal of effort. Games help

students to make and sustain the effort of learning.

d) Games provide language practice in the various skills- speaking,

writing, listening and reading.

e) They encourage students to interact and communicate.

f) They create a meaningful context for language use.

34Kasihani, English for Young Learner., p.118


Students learn through experimenting, discovering and

interacting with their environment. Students need variation to

increase their motivation. By using games students already have a

context in which the use of the target language is immediately useful.

This learning situation is similar to how mother tongue speakers

would learn without being aware they are studying.

e. Disadvantages of Match Game

Language game in performing has the advantage and

disadvantages. The disadvantages of games are:

a) If the number of students is too many, it is difficult to involve all

students in game.

b) Not all the material can be carried out through the game.

c) Game contains many elements of speculation, so it makes

difficult to be reliable measure.

B. Action Hyphotesis

Based on the above, the researcher formula test the hypothesis, the

hypothesis as follows:

“By using the match game media, the student’s grammar mastery can be

improved at the eighth graders of junior high school Ma’arif 09 in Way

Jepara, East Lampung?”




A. Setting and Subject of the Research

The setting of this research is the Junior High School Ma’arif 09, which

is located in Jl. Danau, Way Jepara, East Lampung.

The subject of this research is the students of the eight graders of the

Junior High School Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara. The data about the subject can be

seen below:

Table 2Data of the Subject of the Research

Data above explained that there are 14 male students and 6 female students

in the eight graders. The total of the subject are 20 students. The researcher

chooses the eighth graders as subjects of the research, because most of the

students is very low score especially in grammar subject.

In this research, the researcher needs the collaborator in this research. He

is Mrs. Yuliani Masruroh, S.Pd. She is an English teacher in the Junior High

School Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara, East Lampung.

B. Object of the Research

The object of this research is students’ grammar mastery by using

match game media. In this research the researcher choose match game as a


No Class Sex Total

Male Female1. VIII 14 6 20

media to improve student’s grammar mastery. In gane, the students make a

group and play game to understand the material so the students can improve

grammar and reaching the goals.

C. Action Plan

The kind of this research is classroom action research. Action research is

one of the efforts to improve the teaching program quality in all educational

level and activity to developing the teacher profession.

According to Mc. NIff that action research is a name given to particular

way of researching your own learning.1 It means that classroom action research

is the action research which the aim is to solve the problem in teaching learning

process in the class. Hopkins stated that Action research combines a

substantive act with a research procedure; it is action disciplined by enquiry, a

personal attempt at understanding while engaged in a process of improvement

and reform.2 Action research can be defined as an action research conducted

by teachers as well as researchers in class or together with others

(collaboration) by designing, implementing and reflect the actions of

collaborative and participatory aims to improve or enhance the quality of the

learning process in class through an act in particular a cycle.3

1 Mc. Niff, Jean, Action Research: Principles and Practice, (London and New York,2002), Second Edition, P. 15.2 David Hopkins, A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research, ( New York, 2008), Fourth Edition, p.473 Kunandar, S.Pd, M.Si, Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Sebagai Pengembangan Profesi Guru, Jakarta Utara: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2011, p.45


Here is step of classroom action research design:

Figure 1Sequence of Action-Reflection cycle by Mc. Niff4

Based on the explanation above, it can be inferred that classroom action

research is research or approach that is done together, with the instruction from

the teacher in learning process and it can improve the quality of learning


There are four steps in cycle. They are planning, acting, observing and

reflecting. If the first cycle has failed or only reach less improvement, and the

4 Mc. Niff, Jean, Action Research: Principles and Practice.p.15


cycle must be reviewed again in the second cycle and so on. That can be

illustrated by like these procedures as follows:

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

Planning is the first step on teaching and prepares the

researcher before doing an action. With the planning the step will

run well. Here is the step that the writer can make in planning:

1) The researcher identifies the problem and find the problem


2) The researcher explains the reason why the research have to do

3) The researcher makes a lesson plan

4) The researcher prepares the material, approach, method,

technique and strategy of teaching

5) The researcher prepares the source of learning

6) The researcher prepares format to observe

7) The researcher prepares format to evaluate the students’

activities after teaching learning process.

b. Acting

The second step in the action research is acting. It is the

implementation of the planning. Without the action the planning

just imagination that never can be real. In this step the researcher

acts as follows:


1) Pre Teaching Activities

a) The researcher greets, lead praying and check

attendance list

b) The researcher asks the students some questions

related the topic

c) Chooses the appropriate with the material going to

be taught.

2) While Teaching Process

a) The researcher applies the lesson plan

b) The researcher explains about the match game as a

media that used in teaching learning

c) The researcher makes some group, then give a set of

paper for each group about question taq then the students

apply match game and answer the question based on text

d) The researcher gives evaluation.

3) Post Teaching Activates

a) The researcher asks the students about the

difficulties of the lesson

b) The researcher make conclusion together with the


c) The researcher give homework for them


After giving treatment in cycle 1. The researcher will give the

post-test. The instrument will have different type from the

instrument given in the pre-test.

c. Observing

Observing is the activity of recording the event and action.

The observation is done in teaching learning process. Based on

the observation, the researcher can determine whether there is

anything that the research has to be improved grammar ability. In

this step, the researcher observes the process of teaching learning

by using format observation.

d. Reflecting

Reflecting is the last step in this process. The researchers

would analyze and observe the test result during teaching learning

process. In this step the researchers will use the data for evaluation

to make improvement for the second cycle. If from cycle 1, there

are some students not successful, so the researcher must conduct

cycle 2. The result from cycle 1 is for evaluation material for

reflection to cycle 2. If cycle 1 is failed, it must review in cycle 2,

and if cycle 1 is successful, cycle 2 is continuation from cycle 1.

2. Cycle II

a. Planning

1) The researcher identifies the problem and finds the problem

from the first cycle


2) The researcher makes a lesson plan

3) The researcher prepares the material, method and strategy of


4) The researcher prepares format to evaluate the student’s

activities after teaching learning process.

b. Acting

The researcher applies the action plan II:

1) Pre Teaching Activities

a) Prays and greets the students

b) Checks the attendant list

c) Asks the students condition

d) Chooses the appropriate with the material going to be


2) While Teaching Process

a) The researcher applies the lesson plan

b) The researcher makes some group, then give a set of paper

for each group about question taq then the students apply

match game and answer the question based on text

c) The researcher gives evaluation

3) Post Teaching Activities

a) The researcher asks to the students about the difficulties

b) The researcher greets for the students.

c. Observing


In this step, the writer observes the process of teaching

learning by using format of observation to collect the data in action

plan II.

d. Reflecting

In this step, the researcher would compare the score of pre-

test and post-test. The researcher reviews and reflects on students’

activity whether it is positive or negative, the second cycle enough

or need for the next step.

D. Data Collection Method

The researcher collected the data by using data collection method as


1. Test

Test is the question that is used to measure skill, knowledge,

intelligent, ability that have by individual or group. In addition, test is a

method of measuring a person’s ability or knowledge in a given domain.5

There are two kinds of test, such as pre-test and post test.

a. Pre-test

In the pre-test the researcher gives some question in the first

meeting. The type of pre test is objective test, the researcher use

objective test in the form of multiple choices in this test. In order that

to know their ability before giving the treatment.

5 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to LanguagePedagogy, Second Edition, New York: Logman Pearson Education, 2001,p. 384


b. Post-test

Post-test is the result after giving the treatment in the pre-test. The

result show there is any influence using match game to improve the

student’s grammar ability

2. Observation

‘Nasution (1988) state observation is the basic of all science’.6

Observation is a monitoring and recording systematically to the

phenomenon that is investigate. In this research, the researcher use the

observation sheet, it is used to observe the students’ activity in the

classroom. The purpose of observation is to get the data about the students

and the teacher activity since in the teaching learning process.

3. Documentation

Documentation as the method which is used to get information from

the written source or document (for example: books, magazines, notes, and

other) of information. Documentation use to gain information and data

from the school such as the total of the students, teachers and the condition

of the Junior High School Maarif 09 Way Jepara, East Lampung.

4. Field Note

6 Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif danR&D,Bandung:Alfabeta, 2012, p.226


“You would keep notes of the situation ‘in the field’ as important

instances of critical incidents. The field can be a workplace, a bus queue, a

classroom, a home.” It means that the researcher needs the field note to

record all the data. It eases the researcher analyze the data. It is done during

the teaching learning process.

E. Data Analysis Method

The data would analyze step by step to take the average score of the

pre-test and post-test.

And the formula to get average score as follows: X =

∑ X

NX = Average

∑ X = Total of ScoresN =Total of Students.7

Furthermore, to know the students achievement after the test, the

researcher will compare between pre-test and post- test. If 75 % of the students

get score at least 77 in the post-test, it means that match game, improve the

students grammar mastery. Then, the result is matched by minimum standard

criteria (MSC) at the school at least 77. If from the cycle 1, there are some

students are not successful so researcher conduct cycle 2. The minimum cycle

in Classroom Action Research (CAR) is two cycles, if from cycle 2 all of the

students are success; the cycle is able to stop until cycle 2.

7 Burhan Nurgiayantoro,,, Statistik Terapan, (Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada UniversityPress.2009), p. 64.


F. Indicator of Success

The Indicator of the success takes from the process and the result of the

learning activities. This research are called success if 75% students get 77

score in the post test, it means that the game can improve students’ grammar

mastery. The Minimum Standard Criteria (MSC) at the Junior High School

Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara, East Lampung is 77 score.




A. Description of the Research

1. The History of SMP Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara

This research was conducted at the Junior High School Ma’arif 09

Way Jepara East Lampung. The Junior High School Ma’arif 09 Way

Jepara was building in 1992. The Location of Junior High School Ma’arif

09 Way Jepara is very far from Metro, it located in small village, Jln.

Danau Indah Km.1 Sumberejo, Way Jepara, East Lampung.

The condition of Junior High School Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara is very

crowded, because this school was building beside the elementary school

MIMU Sumberejo Way Jepara.

The name of the teachers and officers in the Junior High School

Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara we can see in the table below:


Table 3The name of the teachers in SMP Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara

No Name Position

1 Muhadi,S.Ag Headmaster

2 Cipiyanto S.PdI Vice of curriculum

3 Khalisatunnasikhah S.Ag Teacher

4 Sumarmi,Dra Teacher

5 Umi Sofiyah . Dra Teacher

6 Ponirah,Dra Teacher

7 Tugirin S.PdI Teacher

8 S. Fahruddin, A.MaPd Teacher

9 Marsumah Z. S.PdI Teacher

10 Sarjiono,Drs Teacher

11 M.Masruroh,S.Ag Teacher

12 Widodo S.Pd Teacher

13 Nurin Nihayah S.E.I Teacher

14 Asih Subekti,S.Pd Teacher

15 Durotun Nasikhah S.H.I Teacher

16 Novita Gani, S.P Teacher

17 Yuliani Masruroh Teacher

18 Ahmad Nur Ihsan, S.Pdi Teacher

19 Desman Yusri, S.Pd Teacher

20 Erni Muroh,S.Pd Teacher

21 Muhaimin Siddiq, Teacher

22 Badrul Fauzi, S.I.Kom Teacher

23 Khoirun Nisa Indah KS Teacher

24 Ferdian Saputra.S.PdI Teacher

Source: The school officer’s data ofthe Junior High School Ma’arif 09Way Jepara academic year2015/2016.

2. The Profile of School

a. Name : SMA Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara

b. Address : Jln. Danau Indah Km.1 Sumberejo


Sub district : Way Jepara

Regency : East Lampung

Province : Lampung

Zips code : 34196

c. Phone number : 0725-641137

d. E-mail :

3. The Buildings of SMP Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara

Table 4The Building of SMP Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara



Name of Building Total of Room

1 The Headmaster Room 12 The Teacher Officer Room 13 The Class Room 104 Laboratory 15 The Library Room 16 The UKS Room 17 Parking Area 18 Canteen 69 Toilet 3


B. Research Finding Description

This research used Classroom Action Research. It was conducted in

two cycles. The students result was gotten through test that was given to the

students in the begin research and in the end of every cycle, while the activity

data was gotten from the observation the learning activity was happened.

In this research, the researcher collaborated with English Teacher of

eight graders of students at the Junior High School Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara,

East Lampung; she is Mrs. Yuliani Masruroh, S.Pd. Before implementation

the treatment the researcher and the collaborator prepared the lesson plan.

One cycle in the research accomplish in two meeting (2x45minutes).

This research concerned four steps in every cycle; they were planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. These were research finding of cycle 1 and

cycle 2 by every step inside.

1. Action and Learning at Pre-test

a. Pre- test activity

This learning was conducted on Tuesday, January 20th 2016 for

2x45 minutes. In this meeting the researcher was being a teacher and

the collaborator was being observer. The collaborator opened the class

by greeting, praying, and checking attendance, and asking the students’

condition. And then the collaborator gave for 70 minutes to the

researcher completely. The researcher told the students that the

researcher would conduct the research in their class to know the ability

of the students before giving an action, in the first meeting was used as


the pre-test. The kind of test is multiple choices consisted of 10 items,

the researcher gives a text and then the students answer the question

individually. In around 10 minutes the researcher gave a little

explanation about material that would be discussed in the next


The pre-test was done for 30 minutes to measure how far the

students have mastered the material which have given. Based on the

pre-test, the student seemed difficult to answer the questions. There

were many student complain that it was very difficult.


b. The students’ Score at Pre-test

Table 5Table of the Students’ Score of Pre-test

No. Name Pre-test Note1. A G 70 Failed 2. A G S 70 Failed3. A A 60 Failed4. A S 60 Failed5. A A P 60 Failed6. A K 60 Failed7. A F 60 Failed8. A S 50 Failed 9. A O 60 Failed 10. B D S 40 Failed11. C K 50 Failed12. D S A 60 Failed 13. D A P 50 Failed 14. E F 50 Failed 15. E S W 80 Passed16. F 50 Failed 17. H D 50 Failed 18. I W S 60 Failed 19. L S 80 Passed20. L A F 50 Failed

Total score 1170Average 58,5Higest score 80Lowest score 40

The table above is the score of pre test, it can be seen that the

score of the students’ grammar mastery various. Therefore there were

18 students who gained score ≤77 and 2 students passed the standard

score. The lowest score in pre test was 40 and the highest score was 80.

It means the students did not fulfill the minimum standard at SMP

Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara yet, and it was perhaps would improve in the


future. Besides, from the result pre-test, the researcher got the average

58,5. It showed that the result of students’ grammar mastery at the pre-

test was unsatisfactory. Therefore, the researcher used Match Game

Media to improve the students’ grammar mastery.

2. Cycle 1

a. Planning

In this stage the researcher and the collaborator prepared

several things related to teaching and learning process such as prepare

the lesson plan and instrument that would be examined as post-test in

cycle 1. The researcher also planned to give evaluation to measure how

far the materials that have been taught can be accepted by the students.

b. Acting

1) The First Meeting

The first meeting was used as the implementation the action

in the cycle 1. The first meeting was conducted on Wednesday,

January 21th 2016 for 2x45 minutes. The meeting was started by

praying, greeting, checking the attendance list, and asking the

students condition. Before going to the material, the researcher asks

the students to mention about question taq, but nobody knows about

question taq. Then, the researcher explains the material about

question tag that would be learned.

After that, the researcher explains about the procedure of

match game. Then, the researcher makes clear how to implement the


match game media.Then; the researcher introduces the question taq

and gave the formula. The researcher guides to back up the students

in remember the formula of question taq. After that the reseacher

asked students to came forward and write the formula of question

taq. Then the researcher gave the paper that consist 2 colum;colum A

and colum B, then the students must match colum A with colum B.

In this stage, the condition of the class was not effective

because there many students who were noisy, students were less

active in teaching and learning process. In the end of meeting, the

researcher gave motivation to the students and stimulating the

students to conclude the material. And then, the researcher greets to

closing the meeting.

2) The Second Meeting

The second meeting was conducted on Tuesday, January 27th

2016 for 2x45 minutes. This meeting used to post-test after the

students given action. The meeting starts by praying, greeting,

checking the attendance list, and asking the students’ condition.

Before continue the material, the researcher asked students about the

last material to know how far the materials that have been taught can

be accepted by the students. In the end of meeting, the researcher

gave post-test to the students. The kind of test is grammar test use

objective test in the form multiple choices. The researcher gave a

text related with the previous material. In the post-test 1 only 6


students who passed in test, but the result of the students’ test was

better than the students’ test before giving treatment.

It could be concluded that there was an improving of

students’ learning activities during study time through match game

madia in improving the students’ grammar mastery. This cycle also

showed that average of the score in the pre-test of the students was

58,5. Meanwhile, the average of the score in the post-test 1 of

students was 71. It showed that there was any significant effect

between pre-test and post-test 1 in this cycle.

c. Observing

1) The succes of the product

In observation of tecaher’s action the researcher presented

two meeting in cycle 1 of learning to find out the information in

learning process. The researcher explained the material about

question taq and match game as a media to comprehend of

grammar easily. Although the researcher had explained the

material reading espesially reading comprehension clearly, but the

students were still confused and got difficulties to remember the

formula. The students who got score more than 77 in pre test only

2 students of 20 students. In the first meeting in cycle 1 the

students began be active and interested in teaching learning

process. In the post-test 1 in of cycle 1 only 6 students who got 77

or more.


After knew the score of pre test the resercher gave post test

1 to know the improving at the cycle 1. The table below showed

the result of students score at post-test 1 in cycle 1.


Table 6Table of the Students’ Score at Post-test 1

No. Name Post-test 1 Note1. A G 80 Passed2. A G S 70 Failed3. A A 60 Failed4. A S 70 Failed5. A A P 60 Failed6. A K 80 Passed 7. A F 70 Failed8. A S 80 Passed9. A O 60 Failed10. B D S 70 Failed11. C K 70 Failed12. D S A 80 Passed13. D A P 60 Failed14. E F 60 Failed15. E S W 80 Passed16. F 70 Failed17. H D 70 Failed18. I W S 70 Failed19. L S 90 Passed20. L A F 70 Failed

Total score 1420Average 71Higest score 90Lowest score 60

Based on the table above, it could be seen that 6 students

from 20 students were succes and 14 students from 20 were not

success. It was more higher the result of pre test. The criteria of

students who was successful in mastering the material was the

students who got minimun score of 77, while the class be said

successful in achieving the material if 75 % of the students in the


class who got score at least 77. The fact showed that the result was


2) The succes of process

In learning process, there were four indicators used and

mentioned to know students’ activities. Every student who was

active in learning process gave a mark in observation sheet. For

students were not active in learning, let the observation sheet

empty. It can be seen on the appendix. The indicators of the

students’ activity are:

a) Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.

b) Students ask / answer the questions from the teacher.

c) Students are active in following the Match Game


d) Students are able to do the task.

Table 7The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle 1

No Students’ Activities FrequencyPercentage

(%)1 Students pay attention to the

teacher’s explanation

14 70%

2 Students ask / answer the

questions from the teacher

5 27%

3 Students are active in following

the Match Game Media.

9 47%

4 Students do the task 20 100%


Total Students 20

The table above shows that not all the students active in the

teaching learning process. There were 14 students (70%) who

gave attention to the teacher’s explanation, 5 students (27%) who

ask / answer question from the teacher, 9 students (47%) have

active in match game and all of students (100%) do the task.

d. Reflecting

In this step, the researcher concluded that cycle I did not run

well because most of students did not achieve the standard score. It

can be seen from the result of pre-test score and post-test I score.

Beside that, most of students’ scores had improved although the

condition of learning process was uncontrolled enough.

From the result of observation in cycle I, there were some

problems that found, as follow:

1. There were some students that shown unenthusiastic to the

teacher’s explanation.

2. Some students not be able to remember the formula of question taq.

3. Some students did not ask and answer the teacher’s question about

formula of question taq.

Based on the result of reflection in cycle I, there were some

problems to be revision in cycle II, as follow:


1. Teacher kindly gave more detail explanation about the material and

gave question after explained the material.

2. Teacher kindly guided the students who not be able to remember

the formula of question taq.

3. Teacher kindly gave stimulus to the students for example by giving

reward to the student who brave answered the question.

3. Cycle 2

Because the action in cycle 1 was not success, in the stage need to

be held the cycle 2 again to repair the weakness in the cycle 1. The step of

cycle 2 as follow:

a. Planning

Based on the observation and reflection in cycle 1, it showed

failure. So, the researcher and collaborator try to evaluate it and arrange

the planning for cycle 2. Therefore, the researcher prepared the lesson

plan, prepared the material, prepare the instrument and try to identify

the problems and found the cause of problems and try to overcome the


b. Acting

1) The First Meeting


The first meeting was done on Wednesday, January 28th 2016

for 2x45 minutes. This meeting was opened by praying, greeting,

asking the students’ condition and checking the attendance list. In

this meeting, the researcher gave grammar material more interested

in teaching and learning process, so, it can make the students interest

in learning English, especially grammar.

After that, the researcher was explaining the material more

clearly than before. Then, the researcher makes clear how to

implement the match game media.Then; the researcher introduces

the question taq and gave the formula again. The researcher guides

to back up the students in remember the formula of question taq.

After that the reseacher asked students to came forward and write the

formula of question taq. Then the researcher gave the paper that

consist 2 colum;colum A and colum B, then the students must match

colum A with colum B. Most of students answer the questions


The conditions of this class in this meeting more effective

than before because the student understand how to apply match

game. In the end of meeting, the researcher gave motivation to the

students and stimulating the students to conclude the material. And

then, the researcher greets to closing the meeting.

2) The Second Meeting


The second meeting was conducted on Tuesday, february 3th

2016 for 2x45 minutes. The researcher began the lesson by praying,

greeting, checking the attendance list and asking the students

condition. In this meeting the researcher gave post-test for cycle 2 to

the students. Most of the students could answer the question

correctly. It can be seen from the result of post-test 2. There are 17

of 20 students got score above the MSC (Minimum Standard


c. Observing

1) The succes of the product

In observation of tecaher’s action the researcher presented

two meeting in cycle 2 of learning to find out the information in

learning process. The researcher explained the material about

question taq and match game as a media to comprehend of

grammar easily. The students who got score more than 77 in post-

test 1 only 6 students of 20 students. In the first meeting in cycle 2

the students began be active and interested in teaching learning

process. In the post-test 1 of cycle 2, 17 students who got 77 or


The table below showed the result of students score at post-

test 1 in cycle 2.


Table 8Table of the Students’ Score at Post-test 2

No. Name Post-test 2 Note1. A G 80 Passed2. A G S 80 Passed3. A A 80 Passed4. A S 80 Passed5. A A P 80 Passed6. A K 80 Passed 7. A F 80 Passed8. A S 70 Failed9. A O 80 Passed10. B D S 80 Passed11. C K 90 Passed12. D S A 80 Passed13. D A P 70 Failed14. E F 80 Passed15. E S W 90 Passed16. F 90 Passed17. H D 70 Failed18. I W S 80 Passed19. L S 90 Passed20. L A F 80 Passed

Total score 1610Average 80,5Higest score 90Lowest score 70

Based on the table above, it can be seen that the students’

average score (mean) in post-test II was 80,5 The lowest score

(minimum) was 70 and the highest score (maximum) was 90.

According to standard score, 85% students passed the test. Most of

students could develop their grammar mastery. It means that cycle II

was successful.

2) The succes of process


In this learning process, there were also four indicators used to

know students’ activities like in learning process before. The result

score of students’ learning activities observation, as follow:


Table 9The Result of Students’ Learning Activities in Cycle 2

No Students’ Activities FrequencyPercentage

(%)1 Students pay attention to the

teacher’s explanation

16 80 %

2 Students ask / answer question

from teacher

9 47 %

3 Students are active in following

the Match Game Media.

12 60 %

4 Students do the task 20 100 %Total students 20

The table above shows that the fourth students’ activities in

cycle II were improved. The students’ activity that had high

percentage were do the task, all of students (100%) could do the

task well and the second high percentage was gave attention to the

teacher’s explanation, there were 16 students (80%). For the

students’ activity that had low percentage were 9 students (60%

asked or answered questions from teacher), and 12 students (60%)

who active in following the Match Game Media, but it also already

had improving from cycle I to cycle II.

d. Reflecting

Based on the result of observation learning process on cycle 2, it

can be inferred that most of the students pay attention the teacher. From


the test result, it can be said that the teaching learning process was

successful, because the students who got score under the minimum

standard criteria only 3 students. It means that the teaching learning

process using match game media has positive effect and can improve

the students’ grammar mastery. The researcher concludes that this

research is successful and would be not continued in the next cycle.

C. Interpretation

1. The Result of Cycle I and II

In cycle 1, English learning process was successfully, although the

students’ average is low. Nevertheless, there is improving score of the

students’ post-test 1 than pre-test. In cycle II the students’ average score was

higher than in cycle I. The following table is the table of illustration score in

cycle I and II, as follow:


Table 10The Result Score Pre-test, Post Test 1 and Post Test 2



Cycle 1


Cycle 2

Improve NotePre-testScor






Post-test 2Score

1 A G 70 80 10 70 80 10 Passed 2 A G S 70 70 0 70 80 10 Passed3 A A 60 60 0 60 80 20 Passed4 A S 60 70 10 60 80 20 Passed5 A A P 60 60 0 60 80 20 Passed6 A K 60 80 20 60 80 20 Passed7 A F 60 70 10 60 70 10 Failled8 A S 50 80 30 50 80 30 Passed9 A O 60 60 0 60 80 20 Passed10 B D S 40 70 30 40 80 40 Passed11 C K 50 70 20 50 90 40 Passed12 D S A 60 80 20 60 80 20 Passed13 D A P 50 60 10 50 70 20 Failled14 E F 50 60 10 50 80 30 Passed15 E S W 80 80 0 80 90 10 Passed16 F 50 70 20 50 90 40 Passed17 H D 50 70 20 50 70 20 Failled 18 I W S 60 70 10 60 80 20 Passed19 L S 80 90 10 80 90 10 Passed20 L A F 50 70 20 50 80 30 PassedTotal score 1170 1420 250 1170 1610 440Highest score

80 90 30 80 90 40

Lowest score

40 60 0 40 70 10

Average 58,5 71 12,5 58,5 80,5 22


Table 11Frequency of Students’ score








1 81-90 - 0% 1 5% 4 20%2 71-80 2 10% 5 25% 13 65%3 61-70 2 10% 9 45% 3 15%4 51-60 8 40% 5 25% - 0%5 41-50 7 35% - 0% - 0%6 31-40 1 5% - 0% - 0%

Total 20 100% 20 100% 20 100%

Pre-test Score Post-test 1 Score Post-test 2 Score0










Figure 2The Comparison of the Average of The Students' Score on Pre-test, Post-test 1 and Post-test 2

Based on the result of pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2, it could be

conclude that was an improving of students’ grammar mastery. There is

progress from 58,5 (10%) to 71 (30%) and 80,5 (85%). It means that match

gamemedia have positive effect toward the teaching and learning process,

especially in improving the students’ grammar mastery.

Based on the result of post-test 2 (80,5) the researcher was stopped

the research because it was more than the Minimum Standard of Criteria


(MSC) of English (77) in the Junior High School Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara,

East lampung.

2. The Result of The Students’ Activities

The researcher approached the students’ activities in the learning

process by using observation sheet. The comparison of two activities can be

seen in the table below:

Table 16The Result of the Students’ Activity in Cycle 1 & Cycle 2

No Students’ Activities

Cycle 1 Cycle 2Increasing F Percentage F Percentage

1 Giving attentionto the teacher’s explanation

14 70 % 16 80% 10%

2 Ask / answer the question from the teacher

5 27% 9 47% 20%

3 Students are active in following the Match Game Media.

9 47% 12 60% 13%

4 Do the task 20 100% 20 100% Constant


Figure 3Chart of Students Activities Result in Cycle I and Cycle II


g atte


n to th

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s exp



Ask / a


the q


n fro

m the t





are ac

tive i

n follo

wing t

he Matc

h Gam

e Med


Do the













Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Based on the data had gotten, it can be explained as follow:

a. Giving attention to the teacher’s explanation

The students’ attention to the teacher’ explanation from meeting to

next meeting was improved. In cycle I was only 70% and in cycle II

80%, it improve 10%.

b. Ask / answer the question from the teacher

The students who asked / answered question from the teacher was

improved from meeting to next meeting. It shown when the teacher


gave question to the students, they were brave to answered although

not all question can be answered well. For this activity was improved

20 % , from cycle I 27% and cycle II 47%.

c. Students are active in following the Match Game Media.

The students who had active in following the match game media

also improve. From 47% in cycle I became 60% in cycle II, so it

improve 13%.

d. Do the task

All of students had done the task well. This activity had the highest

percentage than other activity. It can be seen in cycle I and Cycle II,

there were 100% students who did the task well.

Based on the data above, it can be concluded that students felt

comfortable and active with the learning process because most students

shown good improving in learning activities when match game was applied in

learning process from cycle I to cycle II.




A. Conclusion

Reflecting to the result and discussion of the research, the researcher

cagerly would like to conclude that the use of match game media improve the

students grammar mastery at the eighth graders of Junior High School

Ma’arif 09 in Way Jepara East Lampung, it can created the students’

activeness and interested in learning process. It is supported by result of pre-

test that is lower than the result of post-test. The average score pre-test is

58,50, the average score of post-test in cycle 1 is 71,00 and the average score

of post-test in cycle 2 is 80,50. So, there is progress 22,00 from Pre-test to

Post Test 2. It means that the action research hypothesis which stated that

“the use of Match Game Media can improve the students’ Grammar Mastery.

Increasing the students’ grammar mastery, it can be seen on post-test

result in cycle 1 and post-test result in cycle 2, from 71,00 (35%) up to 80,50

(85%). Improving the learning process in English such as the students in

English learning is improved, the students felt easy and enjoy in

understanding the material that was given, and the students could achieve the

target. The target is 75% students gained scores 77. It means that the

students’ score could achieve the target and also mean that use Match Game

Media can improve the students’ Grammar Mastery at the eight graders of

Junior High School Ma’arif 09 Way Jepara, East Lampung.


B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research and the conclusions stated previously,

the researcher proposes some suggestions as follow:

1. For the students

This media can improve their motivation in English learning, especially in

Grammar Mastery. The students are suggested to learn Grammar Mastery by

using Match Game Media.

2. For the English Teacher

The English teacher can use Match Game Media in English learning in the

classroom, because this media is very effective to improve the students’ Grammar

Mastery and the teacher can give more motivation to the students to be more

active in teaching and learning process. The English teacher can create fun and

easy way in English learning by using this media in order to the students feel

enjoy in teaching and learning process.

3. For the Principle

The principle should take positive side of this media as the new media in

English learning that can improve Grammar Mastery. The principle also must

facilitate education media especially that able to improve Grammar Mastery. By

applying suitable media the students are hoped understanding the material easily

and clearly.

4. For the Researcher


It is suggested for the other researcher to develop this research with the

new innovation and hopefully the result of this research can be reference.