Semi-Structured Interview With A Local Coach

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Transcript of Semi-Structured Interview With A Local Coach

Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

Assignment 2 – Interview SPO025-1 Research Foundations

Carl Page (1008889)

University of Bedfordshire

Mr. M Lambert

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

1 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching


In this assignment is a report about the meaning of exercise with a transcript from the semi-

structured interview in conjunction with the subject. The interview was performed in

agreement to the necessary moral and procedural measures for qualitative research. Also it

has been constructed with an informed assessment of the current appropriate theoretical

information which offers understandable and comprehensive descriptions with explanations

for the carefully selected interviewee. Plus includes the range of guided questions that is

requested for information so that assumptions could be represented from the evidence that

has been gathered.


Even though the method used to collect the individual’s view on sport and exercise is

through a semi-structured interview. This is because the various questions were able to be

prepared in advance, since it lets the interviewer to be organised plus look knowledgeable

throughout the interview. Furthermore with semi-structured interviews it permits

respondents the choice to easily put across their opinions in detail. Since the semi-structure

interview offers trustworthy and similar qualitative data each time used. While the attention

of the interview is chosen by the researcher as they may want to discover certain topics of

importance. Plus the purpose of the interview is to know the respondent's opinion instead

of creating details about their behaviour. Also by being adaptable it allocates various types

of lead and open questions which are generated from during the interview consequently

from what the interviewee has said previously. Likewise interviewer within a semi-

structured interview usually produces an interview guide with questions to be investigated.

The method employed to gather qualitative data via planning a condition the interview

which acknowledges the respondent with the possibility to discuss further regarding their

judgements on the specific topic chosen. Additionally the interviewee’s identity in the

interview remains anonymous to the people who make use of the assessment and to the

examiners themselves. Thus providing appropriate assurances of confidentiality in the

interview itself will lower the risk of errors. Therefore by making clear what privacy is since

uses informed consent sheet stating that the researcher will have the interviewee’s own

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

2 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

answers and they will not be given away to any third party without approval of the person

concerned. However if the individual feels that their identity is going to be given to other

people this will affect the collection of data.


The reasoning of the chosen interviewee is firstly and most importantly as they have an

interest in sport and exercise. For instance they are even qualified as a FA level one football

coach, therefore has the essential experience, knowledge and skills needed in sport and

exercise for developing other people along with themselves. Even so with the proven

attributes they are then able to give detailed accounts of information from performing a

particular sport themselves. Similarly offer discussions from situations arisen when coaching

or officiating in sports. Additionally by being a spectator they are capable of explanations of

their recording analysis from the surroundings to the different types of exercise

environments too. Also having an interest in sport and exercise while being a coach the

interviewee needs to be a role model to whoever they are coaching. Therefore the

interviewee likes to lead a healthy lifestyle by regularly keeping in shape through doing

various exercises.

While the choices of leading questions are based on an assumption, as support getting a

particular answer from the interviewee. Whereas the interviewees answers seemed to be

sensible and correct this brought about the results. This helped to discover the individual’s

perception on sport and exercise. However from the answers are related to their own

lifestyles as well by getting background information. Yet with any type of lead questions

used, they are not fixed consequently and they can wonder of topic then lose validity. For

instance using open questions the interviewee can offer qualitative answers to the questions

as they are able to expand on their point in more detail. Whereas closed questions offers yes

or no quantitative answers. Subsequently allows the respondent to give straight forward

answers on the certain topic discussed.

Although being not always sure when carrying out the interviews that the interviewee

answers were honest, rightful and correct. As aware that the interviewee might intentionally

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

3 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

lie to hide something they don’t want other people to know about. Consequently with

further questioning was used for example with hypothetical questions these helped to

evaluate the interviewee’s puzzle-cracking abilities. Plus to make certain the interviewee has

sufficient knowledge in the topic chosen. Likewise with multi-barrelled questions are

connected being actually two or three questions all concerning the same topic for more

available explanations. Finally when utilising behavioural questions it expresses the finest

way to identify what the interviewee’s will do or did in a related in previous position.

Similarly from the numerous answers the interviewee states that they have always had an

interest in sport and exercise ever since a child. For the reason that they still gain the sense

of enjoyment from getting out in fresh air and doing anything which involves the outdoors.

Nevertheless due to having a family commitments sport and exercise was temporary

stopped. Though initially taken up voluntary an interest in helping out the local coaching

team for which his youngest son plays football for. Nonetheless the interviewee’s sport

progression was made by going on first level relevant coaching course to football. As a

result they now have just continued on assisting with coaching with their new qualification

totaling four years.

Whilst the interviewee has intrinsic motivation for going out running and training just to

keep them fit and healthy. Subsequently aim of competing in the London Marathon next

year if selected. Additionally believes the benefits of sport and exercise are that it is good for

the social side as being able to meet new people and have fun too. Along with the health

side benefits of keeping the body mentally and physically fit. Yet the interviewee amplifies

that extra groups of individuals ought to be inspired to take part in more sport and exercise.

This is because they explain that there are always people needed; more people involved

then further things can be done. Still the interviewee supports this by saying it can be helped

out with voluntary organisations.


Although to conclude from the information gathered there are constraints and practical

difficulties when gathering data these are time and cost. Since when doing an interview they

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

4 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

can be very costly and the time taken for the information to be comprised it normally takes

ages for researching people’s opinions about a particular topic. Although there maybe

potential sources of error like reliability and bias, as it’s whether the interviewee answers in

the interview an appropriate manner. Also reliability of the individual’s lack of detail answers

of questions so extra questions were incorporated when certain times arose in the interview

for further explanations. Consequently I now have prepared, improved and composed a

suitable procedure for research purposes. Whilst ably managed a semi-structured interview

plus explored the information gathered to create valuable considerations. Furthermore was

able to then take into account of an importance by the means information that was

produced from the processes which influenced and followed conducted research principles.


Informed Consent Form

Interview Guide

Transcript of Semi-Structured Interview



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Scottish Government Health Directorates Individual Methodologies Interview. Available at:

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Psychology Wiki Semi-structured Interview. Available at: Accessed (11/04/2011)

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Job Interview Questions Types Questions. Available at: Accessed


SPO025-1 Research Foundations

5 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching


Berger, G., B., Pargman, D. and Weinberg, S., R. (2006) Foundations of exercise psychology,

Fitness Information Technology.

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Essential readings in sport and exercise psychology By Daniel Smith, Michael Bar-Eli. 2007

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Physical activity in women with young children: how can we assess "anything that's not

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SPO025-1 Research Foundations

1 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

Informed Consent Form

Title of project: Semi-structured interview to discuss meaning of sport and exercise.

Principal interviewer: Carl Page

I invite you to take part in a research study to discover the meaning of exercise as part my

Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching with Tresham College of Higher and Further Education in

association of Bedfordshire University. This is because I seek to identify a better understanding and

meaning of sport and exercise. Taking part in this study is entirely voluntary. I urge you to answer all

questions truthfully and expand best you can about the subject. If you decide to participate you

must sign this form to show that you want to take part.

You are being offered the opportunity to take part in this research study because you have an

interest in sport and exercise. The purpose of this interview is to obtain information on the views of

sport and exercise.

The interviewer and respondent will involve in a formal interview. The interviewer progresses and

aids with an 'interview guide.' This is a record of questions and topics which require being included

through the discussion, typically in a specific sequence. The interviewer keeps on the guide, yet is

able to follow topical paths in the exchange that could wander from the guide whenever they sense

it’s suitable. The answers to questions will be recorded for the entire interview for later transcript as

analysis can be made from the information received which will be kept totally confidential.

If you agree to take part in this study, your involvement will last approximately ten minutes

depending on the length of answers to the questions. By signing this consent form, you indicate that

you are voluntarily choosing to take part in this research.

___________________ ___________________

Signature of Participant Printed Name

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

1 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

What is your name? When did you start to have an interest

in exercise?

What good/bad exercise

experiences have you had?

Who was your sporting role model when growing up?

Which sports do you like?

How much of an impact does

exercising have on your life?

Who influenced you to take part in sport and exercise?

In an average week, how many hours do

you exercise?

How much exercise is recommended

per week to maintain health?

Why did you want to have a

profession in sport/exercise?

How long have you had a profession in


What does BMI stand for and how

is it used?

How do you continually

motivate yourself?

Do you ever coach for any specific

fitness component?

Do you have any particular fitness


What would you consider are the benefits of sport

and exercise?

Interview Guide

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

1 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

Transcript of Semi-Structured Interview

Interviewer: Carl Page (Sport Coaching Undergraduate )

Interviewee: Kevin Page (FA Level 1 Football Coach)


Interviewer: So firstly what is your name then?

Interviewee: Kevin Page

Interviewer: Next so when did you start to have an interest in exercise?

Interviewee: I’ve always had an interest in exercise ever since I been a kid as I’ve been err playing

football or out doing things outdoors and that so exercise has been part of my life ever since I been a

kid really.

Interviewer: Ok yet so have you had any good/bad exercise experiences then in exercise before if


Interviewee: Good experiences yeah just enjoy it all exercises I really enjoy it get out training in

fresh air. Yeah had a bad air bad experiences really were when I broke my ankle when young playing

football, which set me back a little while but once that was healed I was err back again playing

football all the time.

Interviewer: So did you have any like sporting role models when growing up?

Interviewee: Err I’ve had always like football so I would probably be someone like err Charlie

George, who was my first sort of role model as I support Arsenal and I was always remember him

scoring the goal in the 1971 FA Cup Final and ever since then sorta like my hero when I was young,

and then ever since then its sorta like whoever was the star of the Arsenal team at the time was who

I was err my role model really.

Interviewer: So you say you like football are there any other specific sports which you like?

Interviewee: I like running, I use to like golf but err due to having a family and that I had to really

pack that sorta thing up so my main thing two are running and football

Interviewer: So what else would you say influenced you to take part in sport and exercise?

Interviewee: Err I just wanted to generally to keep fit and err the football part. I do now is err cause

my young son plays football I’ve taken up an interest in helping out with the coaching team.

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

2 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

Interviewer: So in an average week, how many hours do you exercise?

Interviewee: Well with the training with the kids at football is err three hours a week hour and a

half for two sessions and then if I wanna go out running probably try and get out two to three times

a week then I do at least half an hours running when I go out so that’s another one and half hours so

probably four and half hours all in a week.

Interviewer: Yeah do you actually know much exercise is recommended per week to maintain


Interviewee: Err no not really no.

Interviewer: So why did you want to get involved with that coaching again?

Interviewee: I only got involved err because my son plays for the team and they were short of

coaches so I helped out on a an informal voluntary basis to start with and then they needed a

another assistant to help so I took the level one coaching course and I’ve just then just stayed in ever

since then err that was about four years ago when I took my coaching course and I’ve just err carried

on helping out with the coaching ever since.

Interviewer: So do you know what does BMI stand for and how is it used?

Interviewee: I know BMI is stands for Body Mass Index which is the relationship between your

height and your weight but I don’t know how it’s used or whatever.

Interviewer: So how would you say you like continually motivate yourself?

Interviewee: Well at the moment my motivation is to keep going out running so been training to

try and run in the London Marathon next year if I am lucky enough to get accepted other than that

its self-motive motivation just to keep myself fit and healthy.

Interviewer: Ok do you ever coach for any specific fitness component at all?

Interviewee: Well they only coaching that we do is to train and get them to the kids who are twelve

under twelve’s to at the moment is to try and get them fitter and trying to gradually build up their

stamina as they get older.

Interviewer: So do you have any like you said about the London Marathon do you have any other

fitness goals or aims you care to mention?

Interviewee: No not really no that’s just my aim to try and get keep fit and hopefully be able to run

the marathon next year if I’m accepted.

Interviewer: So finally what would you consider are the benefits of sport and exercise?

Interviewee: Err I would if you exercise in a group there’s the social side as well as the health side it

err keeps you healthy err keeps you fit if your fit and healthy you will hopefully lead a fuller life.

Interviewer: Ok anything you care to add?

SPO025-1 Research Foundations

3 | P a g e Carl Page (1008889) Foundation Degree in Sports Coaching

Interviewee: No just a think more people should be encouraged to err get out and err participate in

sport even if it’s just sports on their own or help out with err voluntary youth organizations like

football there’s always these always people needed if things can be done to get more people

involved that would be good.

Interviewer: Thankyou for your time.