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Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Education in English Education Department







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NAJDATUL AULIYAH.N, 2019. Psychological Poblems in Learning Speaking Faced by the English Department Students at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. The thesis of English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. (Supervised by Nunung Anugrawati and Ratu Yulianti Natsir)

This research focused on psychological problems in learning Speaking. this research aimed at describing and analyzing the psychological problems in speaking faced by the English Department Students.

This research used a descriptive qualitative method, because it was intended to obtain information related to the psychological problems faced by the students. The subject of this research was the second semester of English Department srudents at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The data of psychological problems were obtained from the result of the questionnaire and interview.

The result of this research indicated the psychological problems and the cause of the problems in learning speaking encountered by the second semester students of English Education Department. From the data that obtained, difficulties in speaking is called psychological problems which consisted of three aspects, those are: lack of confidence, lack of motivation and anxiety.

Keywords: Psychological Problems, Speaking


NAJDATUL AULIYAH.N, 2019. Masalah-masalah psikologis dalam pembelajaran berbicara yang dihadapi oleh Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Tesis Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris , Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. (Dibimbing ole Nunung Anugrawati dan Ratu Yulianti Natsir).

Penelitian ini difokuskan pada masalah-masalah psikologis dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris yng dihadapi oleh mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif-kualitatif, karena dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh informasi yang berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah psikologis yang di hadapi oleh para siswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah para mahasiswa semester dua jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Data tentang aspek-aspek psikologis diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner dan interview.

Hasil penelitian akan menunjukkan kesulitan-kesulitan berbicara dan penyebabnya masalah dalam belajar berbicara yang dialami oleh mahasiswa semester kedua jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Dari data yang diperoleh, kesulita-kesulitan berbicara dalam bahasa inggris disebut masalah psikologis yang terdiri dari tiga aspek yaitu: kurang percaya diri, kurangnya motivasi dan kecemasan.

Kata Kunci : Masalah Psikologis, Berbicara





I dedicated this thesis special to my beloved


(Muh.Nawir and Mihram)


Alhamdulillahirabbil‟aalamiin, in the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the

most Merciful and the Almighty who never stop blessing me so that I could finish

this thesis. Shalawat is also deliver to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought

us from the darkness to the brightness and deliveredthe truth to human being.

In accomplishing the study, I realized that I never finish this thesis without the

help from the other people around me. Therefore, I would like to express my

gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr.H.Abdul Rahman Rahim,S.E.,M.M., The Rector of Muhammadiyah University

of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd, Ph.D., The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., The Head of English Education Department

of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar and also to the all lecturers who

have taught me during the years of my study.

4. My high appreciation and great thankful to my first consultant, Nunung

Anugrawati, S.Pd., M.Pd and my second consultant, Ratu Yulianti Natsir, S.Pd.,

M.Pd, for their valuable time, knowledge, and guidance with all their patience and

wisdom during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

5. My beloved parents, Muh.Nawir and Mihram, whom never stop motivate and

always pray for me everytime, and support me to finish my study.

6. My beloved friends, Ainun Mardhiah, Fitriani, Nawira, and Dewi Sartika for

giving me more strength, for sharing the same struggle, for supporting each other

to achieve our goals together.

7. All of my friends in English Education Department academic year 2015, especially

D (Different) Class 2015, for anything we shared for years.

8. All of my friends and influental people in my life that I cannot mention one by


The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and

contribution in this paper. May Allah the Almighthy bless them all. Moreover, the

researcher also realized that this paper is far from perfect. It is a pleasure to get

critiques and suggestion to make this paper better.

The Researcher

Najdatul Auliyah.N


TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ............................................................................ ii

APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ............................................................................... iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................... v

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... vii

MOTTO ........................................................................................................ viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF FIGURE ....................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF APPENDINCES ............................................................................. xv


A. Background .......................................................................... 1 B. Problem Statement ............................................................... 5 C. Objective of the Research .................................................... 5 D. Significace of the Research ................................................. 6 E. Scope of the Research .......................................................... 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Research Findings ................................................. 8 B. Some Pertinent Ideas .......................................................... 11

1. Concept of Speaking ...................................................... 11 a. Definition of Speaking ....................................... 11 b. The Importance of Speaking .............................. 13 c. Elements of Speaking ........................................ 13

2. Concept of Psychology .................................................. 17 a. Definition of Psychological Problems ............... 17 b. The Psychologycal Factor Effect ....................... 17 c. The Cause of Psychological Problems Faced by the

Students .............................................................. 20 C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................... 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ................................................................. 26

B. Research Setting and Research Object ............................... 26 C. Research Variable ............................................................... 27 D. Research Instrument ........................................................... 27 E. Data Collection ................................................................... 29 F. Data Analysis ...................................................................... 30

CHAPTER VI FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings ............................................................................. 33

1. Psychological Problems that faced by the Students in Learning Speaking .................................................. 33

2. The cause of Psychological Problems that faced by the students ................................................................... 52

B. Discussion ........................................................................... 56 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion ......................................................................... 58 B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 59





Table 3.1 : Degree of Likert Scale

Table 4.1.1 : Students like to speak in front of the class ..................................................... 34

Table 4.1.2 : Students‟ confidence in speaking English ..................................................... 35

Table 4.1.3 : Students were not worried when they make a mistake .................................. 36

Table 4.4 : Students didn‟t panic when the lecturer ask them to speak .............................. 37

Table 4.1.5: Students believe on their English language skill that they have ..................... 37

Table 4.1.6: Students prefer to make a mistake than keep silent ........................................ 38

Table 4.1.7: Students‟s participation in answering a question ............................................ 39

Table 4.1.8 : Students learn English to pass their degree and to get a good job ................. 40

Table 4.1.9 : Students learn English for travelling overseas ............................................... 41

Table 4.1.10 : Student‟s feel motivated when listening music while the process of

learnin .................................................................................................................................. 42

Table 4.1.11 : Speaking English is important for self-improvement .................................. 43

Table 4.1.12 : Being proficient in English make other people respect .............................. 43

Table 4.1.13 : Studying English enable the students to discuss interesting topics in

English with people from another country .................................................. 44

Table 4.1.14 : Student‟s feel very sure and relax when on the way to speaking class ....... 45

Table 4.1.15 : Students didn‟t feel anxious when they make a mistake in speaking

English 46

Table 4.1.16 : Students didn‟t feel nervous on oral test in English ................................... 46

Table 4.1.17 : Anxiety do not affect to the students‟ speaking performance..................... 47

Table 4.1.18 : Students didn‟t feel nervous if they have to speak in English in front

of the entire class ......................................................................................... 48

Table 4.1.19 : Students didn‟t worried if their friends speak English better ...................... 49

Table 4.1.20 : Students didn‟t feel pressured when they attend speaking class................. 50


Figure 2.1: Conceptual Frame Work ............................................................... 24


Appendix 1: Questionnaire Sheet

Appendix 2: Interview Question

Appendix 3: Questionnaire Result

Appendix 4: Interview Transcribe

Appendix 5: Coding

Appendix 6: Documentation



A. Background

Language is the most important thing in human‟s life, without

language we can not communicate and interact each other. As we know that

language is a tool in our life, language is a tool of communication that help us

to communicate each other and to express what we feel. Human being can

communicate each other using language. By language, we were able to

exchange any information, knowledge, opinions, and feelings. Language in

everyday contexts is natural, informal and constantly evolving whereas the

language of science is or should be characterized by formality, high stylisation

and precision.

English is one of the most important language, because English is an

International Language. In English, there are 4 major skills that we have to

know, those are: speaking, writing, reading and listening. One of English

language skills that must be mastered by any foreign language learner is the

ability to speak. The common question that arise from anybody who wanted

to know one‟s ability in foreign language is whether she/he can speak English

or not. Ur (1996) consider speaking as the most important skill among four

skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) because people who know a

language are referred to as speakers of that language. This indicates that using

a language is more important than just knowing about it because there is no

point knowing a lot about language if you can‟t use it.

Speaking is a productive skill, that‟s why it is very important. Because

if we are capable to speak in English, we can gather many information from

any sources and we can express our ideas so that people might understand the

main point that we convey. However mastering speaking is not an easy thing.

Basically, everyone who have learned the basic English in Elementary School,

Junior High School and Senior High School even in the University, or

someone who never learn English but they know some vocabularies, we can

say that they can speak English. But it is very different with someone who

can‟t speak English at all. They never learn or know any vocabulary, so if

they want to talk with them, they can not understand at all. Well, the problem

is, those who have learned English since Elementary School and until now

still can‟t speak English, of course this can be caused by several factors.

In learning a language, there are two problems that called linguistics

and non-linguistics problems or psychological problems, the both have a same

meaning, but the non-linguistic area is wider than the psychological problems.

Linguistics is the study of language, that is problems that come from the

language itself and cause difficulties for people who learn it. Linguistics

problems can be divide into some parts, those are : phonetics, phonology,

morphology, syntax and semantics. While the psychological problems is the

problem that influences the language learning, such as confidence, motivation,

interest, worry, fear, shyness, no motivation, low participation and so on.

Juhana (2012) had conducted research on psychological factors faced

by senior high school students in Tangerang, Banten. His research revealed

that psychological factors such as fear of making mistake, shyness, anxiety,

lack of confidence and lack of motivation hinder students from speaking in

English class. Those factors, like fear of making mistakes, were commonly

caused by their fear of being laughed at by their friends. The possible solution

to overcome those psychological factors, most students believed that

motivating them to be more confident to speak English is worth considering.

For most foreign language learners, speaking in target language is not

an easy thing to undertake because learning to speak a foreign language

requires more than knowing its grammatical and semantic rules (the

linguistic). In addition, non-linguistic elements such as gestures and body

language/posture, facial expression, and so on, may accompany speech to

convey messages directly. Of course, all of the EFL learners want to speak

fluently but some of them cannot because of some non-linguistic problems

that they face in their speaking such as: lack of motivation, lack of confidence

and shyness. The aims behind this research are: to show the importance of

speaking skill in the EFL classes, to shed some light on the non-linguistic

problems that become the obstacle for EFL learners to speak fluently and

how can they overcome those problems, and the main aim is to investigate the

non-linguistic problems that constrains the EFL students from speaking and

achieving their level in speaking skill.

As we know that non-linguistic problems has a same meaning with

psychological problem. Psychology is the study of the process of thinking

and human or animal behavior in their interactions with living environment.

Psychological problems are problems that often involve emotional or physical

health. Psychological problems like a lack of confidence and possible anxiety

bring negative effects on students speaking performance.

According to the pre-research that the researcher did, the researcher fin

some problems that can affect to the students speaking performance, the

problems is fear of making mistake, confidence and shyness. So , in this

research, the researcher focus on some psychological problems that faced by

the students that consist of lack of confidence, lack of motivation and anxiety.

Lack of self-confidence can lead to students‟ confidence in speaking

English is not good. This can be a big problem that can affected to the

students‟ speaking performance.

In addition to lack of confidence, anxiety also psychological problems

in learning speaking. Anxiety is something abnormal and extraordinary fear,

and fear are often characterized by psychological signs such as sweating,

tension, and increased pulse because of doubts about reality and the nature of

the threat, and self-doubt about one‟s capacity to deal with it.

The other problems in learning speaking is motivation. As we know

that motivation involves the biological, emotional, social and cognitive forces

that activate behavior. In another words, we can say that motivation is the

general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

Finally, the result of this research is expected to give an overview and

to describe about the psychological problems in speaking that faced by the

students of English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.

B. Problem Statement

From the statement above, there are some problems, those are:

1. What are the most psychological problems faced by the students in

learning Speaking?

2. What are the causes of the psychological problems faced by the


C. Objective of the Research

According to the problem statement above, there are 2 objectives of the

research that researcher want to explain in findings, those are :

1. To analyze what are the most psychological problems in learning

Speaking that faced by the second semester of English Department

students at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar .

2. To identify the cause of the Psychological problems that faced by the

second semester of English Department students at University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar.

D. Significance of the Research

Based on the objectives above, the result of the study is expected to

give advantages for the teacher, students and the other researcher.

1. For the teacher

This research is expected to give any advantages for the

teachers or lecturers, because by knowing the psychological problems

that the students faced, the teacher will be easier to know how to treat

and give a suitable method in the process of learning speaking and to

improve the quality in teaching speaking for students. And also it can

contribute insight into aspects of speaking according to the student


2. For the students

For the students itself, they will get easier to learn based on

their ability when they already know what is the psychological

problem is and they can find a way to overcome the problems that they


3. For the next Researcher

This research can be a reference for the next researcher who

investigate the same or similar problem. It can be a source of


E. Scope of the Research

To avoid overloading material and unnecessary discussions, the scope

of this research is limited to psychological problems. This research focused on

some parts of the Psychological problems (lack of confidence, lack of

motivation and anxiety) in learning Speaking that faced by the second

semester of English Department students at University of Muhammadiyah




In this chapter will be discussed some studies. The first thing that will be

explain is some research that similar or related to the research of the

researcher itself. The Second is pertinent ideas about this research that

includes: The Concept of Speaking, The Importance of Speaking, Elements of

Speaking, Concept of Psychological Problems, and the Conceptual


A. Previous Related Findings

About this research, there are some research that has been done by

some researcher and related to this research, as follows :

Arifin (2017) psychological problems and challenges in EFL Speaking

classroom. The research focus on the psychological problem or the non-

linguistic problem that can affect to the student‟s speaking performance. Less

confidence, speech anxiety , and low self-esteem are almost common

problems in EFL classroom. Students who have low of self-confidence are

often hardly able to control themselves for public speaking in the classroom.

For example losing belief on his/her self, losing their self confidence and

afraid of making any mistakes.

Krismanti (2017) this research focused on Students‟ Psychological

Problem in Speaking. She conducted that the students in Speaking class do

not have lack of motivation problem because from the result of the

questionnaires and the interviews, most of them are still motivated when

learning English, and they keep trying to improve their English. The students

are also motivated that someday they will be able to speak English perfectly


Aulia (2016) this research focused on The Problem Faced By English

Department Students In Speaking English. She concluded that that students

applied appropriate strategies in tackling disfluency issue. The most suggested

strategy was using gesture. Students felt that gesture will help them to ensure

the interlocutor understood of what the speaker means. Students agreed that as

long as the listener understand what the speaker means, using simple words

was better than using a complex sentences and high level vocabularies just to

sound academic. Finally, a good preparation was the best strategy that can be

applied in order to reduce disfluency moment and to practice the fluency of


Jannah (2016) this research focused on The Psychological Problem

Faced by the students. She found that psychological problems faced by the

students in speaking English had significant effect for the students and the

speaking activity itself. For the students, they inhibited them to speak English

fluently. They also made the speaking activity to be passive and the teaching

and learning process in the speaking class could not run well.

Anugrawati (2015) this research focused on The Correlative Study

Between The Speaking Skill And Psychological Factors Of The Students. She

concluded that the correlation belongs to “high correlation”. In other words,

there is an existing relationship between variable X and variable Y.

Intelligence, motivation and personality have existing relationship to the

students‟ speaking skill at the fifth semester students of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar, where students‟ intelligence and their speaking skill

have existing relationship of correlation coefficient. Students‟ motivation and

their speaking skill have existing relationship of correlational coefficient.

Students‟ personality and their speaking skill have also existing relationship

of correlation coefficient.

Anugrawati (2015) have suggestion for the causes, the first is the

teachers should pay attention more about students‟ psychological factors

because psychological factors have significant roles for improving students‟

speaking skill. The second is The teachers should also give higher motivation

for the students to practice their speaking skill and to know how important

English speaking is. The third is Further researches need to be conducted and

explored more about the correlation between students‟ speaking skill and their

psychological factors for university students.

Juhana (2012) this research focused on The Causes of Psychological

Problems faced by The Students. He concluded that the students have

psychological factors such as fear of mistake, shyness, and anxiety,. The

factors, like fear of making mistakes, were commonly caused by their fear of

being laughed at by their friends. In addition, in terms of shyness, the students

said that their shyness was caused by their nature as shy persons.

There are some relation between the previous research and this

research. Most of the previous research discussed about problems and

challenges in learning speaking and the cause of the psychological problems

faced by the students in learning speaking. So, based on the result of the

previous research above, the research concludes that the process of learning

English especially in learning speaking can not be separate with the

emergence of various difficulties influence by several factors. Therefore,

through this study, the researcher want to know more about the difficulties

especially in the psychological aspects in learning speaking faced by the

English Department students at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

This part presents about some related theories or definition which can

support this research, as follows:

1. Concept of Speaking

a. Definition of Speaking

Richards and Renandya (2002) stated that effective oral

communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately in

social interactions that involves not only verbal communication but also

paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and intonation.

Moreover, nonlinguistic elements such as gestures, body language, and

expressions are needed in conveying messages directly without any

accompanying speech. Brown (2007) states that social contact in

interactive language functions is a key importance and in which it is not

what you say that counts but how you say it what you convey with body

language, gestures, eye contact, physical distance and other nonverbal


Nunan (2003) Speaking is the productive/oral skill. It consists of

producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning and also

speaking ability is the process of developing and sharing meaning by

verbal and non-verbal symbols. It is an essential part of foreign language

learning and teaching. Lesakova (2008), Speaking belongs to productive

skills that use to socialize individuals through spoken language. It is

produced and processed in real time, means the speaker directly say his or

her message to the listener. In other word, speaking has limited time used

to cover between two speakers or more.

Speaking is not a simple skill; it requires some experience and

practice. Speaking is a productive language skill. It means that speaking is

a person‟s skills to produce sounds that exists at the meaning and be

understood by other people, so that able to create of good communication.

Furthermore, speaking is the use of language to communicate with other.

Luoma (2004) argues that “Speaking in a foreign language is very

difficult and competence in speaking takes a long time to develop”. The

EFL learners must master the language by using the appropriate

vocabulary and also be able to put words together intelligibly without


From those theories, it can be concludes that speaking skill is related

to communication. Speaking is a skill to use a language appropriately to

express someone‟s idea, opinions, or feelings in order to give or get

information and knowledge from other people who do communication.

Speaking skill itself can be stated as the skill to use the language

accurately to express meanings in order to transfer or to get knowledge

and information from other people in the whole life situation.

b. The Importance of Speaking

Harmer (2001) argues that “without speaking, show that you do not

understand what the speaker says, by looking confused or agree with,

scratching your head in confusion”. That is to say, the skill of speaking

plays an important role in speech community specially the EFL speakers.

c. Elements of Speaking

There are some elements of speaking that become the indicators to

show the capability of the students in speaking, they are:

1) Accuracy

Christine and Anne (2012) Stated that accuracy means that speech

where the message is communicated using correct grammar. The

notion of accuracy can also be expanded to include correct

pronunciation according to target language norms. According to

Thornbury (2005), the terms “accuracy” seems to cover more than

that. Specifically, speaking English accurately means doing without or

with few errors on not only grammar but vocabulary and

pronunciation, as well. He also sets the clear scale for assessment of


2) Grammar

According to Celce- Murcia (2001) “grammar become difficult

because learners do not learn structures one in a time. Even the

learners appear to have mastered a particular structures; it is not

uncommon to find backsliding occurring with the introduction of new

form to the learners‟ interlanguage.” It may occur when the students

produce the sentence such as “she cans speak English”. This error may

occur when the students speak since they have not mastered the

English grammar.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an individual word or a set of words which have

specific meaning. Kamil and Hiebert (2005) state that: Generally,

vocabulary is the knowledge of meanings of words. The words come

in at least two forms; oral and print. Oral vocabulary is the set of

words for which we know the meanings when we speak or read orally.

While print vocabulary consists of those words for which the meaning

is known when we write or read silently.

Khan (2005) states that, “the numbers of students who learn

English as a foreign language have difficulties to use word and

expression to speak.” In addition, Davies and Pearse (2000) also state

that “in the real communication, nobody paid much attention to the

correct grammar expression, but emphasized the content and how to


4) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is one aspect that important not only in

speaking but almost in learning English. Meanwhile, pronunciation is

the manner how to pronouncing the sound correctly. In Oxford

dictionary (2008) defined that pronunciation is way in which a

language or particular word or sound is spoken. And also,

pronunciation refers to the production of sounds that we use to make


5) Fluency

The term „fluency‟ is widely used in language pedagogy and

„fluent‟ is regularly appeared in language testing and assessment. That

seems the meaning of fluency is easily understood, however the

definition of fluency is various. The term “fluent‟ means a speaker is

able to use the correct structures of a language at normal speed, which

means speaking naturally with concentration on the content delivery,

rather than focusing on the form or structure of a language (Yang Y. I.


Fluency means that speech where the message is

communicated coherently with few pauses and hesitations, thus

causing minimal comprehension difficulties for the listeners.

(Christine and Anne, 2012)

6) Hesitations (Pause)

A speaker might feel uncertain and sometimes pause in his

speech. Hesitation is a non-stuttered disfluency and happen not

because of the genetic matter and it‟s not a disease, its normal.

7) Interjections (um, Uhm, er)

It is common for speaker to be interrupt in his speaking as

speaking is an activity involving 2 or more people. In speech itself, an

interjection might happen due to losing focus of speaker.

8) Revision (I want—I need that)

For such a non-delayed communication, speaking tends to be

hard in controlling the utterance. Therefore, sometimes speaker will

say another word to revise the wrong word before.

9) Repetitions ( I want- I want that)

Repetition is the very common happen among all other

disfluencies in speaking. Repetition might lead to stutter in a

serious cases. For the common repetition happen in Phrase level.

2. Concept of Psychology

a. Definition of Psychological Problems

Xinghua (2007) stated that “psychological problems were

those problems which often interfere your emotional and physical

health, your relationships, work productivity, or life adjustment

such as nervous, lack of self confident and afraid to speak.” Those

problems may affect students‟ performance in their speaking. Khan

(2005) in his research also claims that “some of his participants

have psychological problems in speaking.” This emphasizes that

psychological problems also affect students‟ performance in


b. The Psychlogical Factor Effect

1) Shyness

Shyness is identified as an emotional thing that many students

suffer from at some time when they were required to speak

English. This indicated that shyness could be a source of problem

in students‟ activities, especially in speaking English. In line with

this, Baldwin (2011) further explains that “speaking in front of

people is one of the more common phobias that students encounter

and feeling of shyness makes their mind go blank or that they will

forget what to say.”

When they speak English in front of the class, most of them

bowed their face, cover up their mouth with their hands and most

of them were also rarely to be a volunteer to answer the question in

speaking class. Juhana (2012) that shyness could be a source of

problem in students‟ activities, especially in speaking English. In

line with this, Baldwin (2011) further explains that speaking in

front of people is one of the more common phobias that students

encounter and feeling of shyness makes their mind go blank or that

they will forget what to say.

2) Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension and nervousness

associated with the situation of learning a foreign language (cited

in Nascente). In other words, anxiety influences students in

learning language. Also, their low ability in this aspect, in many

cases, causes anxious feeling among many students. Occhipinti

(2009) also stated that “speaking in the foreign language, both in

social and academic contexts, entails risk taking and seems to be a

challenging activity, in which learners who are not fluent in the

target language experience that they cannot fully express their

personality, or their intelligence.”

According to Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary (2013),

anxiety is a feeling or worried that something bad is going happen.

It is considered as one of the most common psychological

problems affecting students‟ foreign language learning. This

statement is in line with Brown (2001) who stated, “one of the

major obstacles learners have to overcome in learning to speak is

the anxiety generated over the risks of blurting things out that are

wrong, stupid, or incompressible”. When students are anxious,

their speaking performance will be influenced. In some cases,

anxiety leads no nervous breakdown where students are able to

speak nothing at all.

3) Lack of Confidence

In general it can be understood that students lack of confidence

usually occurs when students realize that their conversation partner

can't understand it or when they don't understand the speaker. In

addition, He and Chen (2010) state that “the main cause of

students‟ confidence is their low ability in speaking English.” In

this case, as they add, many students think that their English is bad

and feel that they can not speak English well. The other cause of

students‟ lack of confidence also deals with the lack of


Dornyei (2005) stated, “the concept of self-confidence is

closely related to self-esteem, both share a common emphasis on

the individual‟s perception of his or her abilities as a person.” They

argued that self-confidence formed during a childhood and it is a

combination of interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences.

4) Lack of Motivation

B. K.Pal (2011) states that motivation is an internal state that

activates guides and sustains behavior. Educational psychology

research on motivation is concerned with the volition or will that

students bring to a task, their level of interest and intrinsic

motivation, the personally held goals that guide their behavior, and

their belief about the causes of their success or failure.

According to Seifert and Sutton (2009),intrinsic motivation

means a desire or tendency to direct attention and energy in a

particular way that originates from the child himself or herself.

Intrinsic motivation is sometimes contrasted to extrinsic

motivation, a tendency to direct attention and energy that

originates from outside of the child.

c. The Causes of Psychological Problems Faced by the Students

1) The causes of the students Shyness in Speaking Class

Most students are embarrassed to speak English. When they

speak English, most of them bow their faces, close their mouths

with their hands, and they never dare to answer questions in class.

this is because they feel they do not have good pronunciation and

they are also shy if their friends laugh at their mistakes


To overcome this problem, Chinmoy (2007) suggestsed that

“teachers should encourage the students in order to realize that

being shyness was not a good thing because it will prevent them

from improving their speaking.” If the students can see shyness as

a bad thing, they will try and overcome it.

2) The Causes of the Student Anxiety

The communication apprehension refers to the students‟ ability

to communicate in the target language. Their low ability in this

aspect, in many cases, causes anxious feeling among many

students. In addition, fear of being evaluated by their teachers is

also another factor affecting students‟ anxiety (Liu, 2007).

As suggested by Harmer (2007), to reduce this anxiety feeling,

teachers need to pay attention to each students‟ strengths and

weaknesses so that they can create a learning method which

accommodates all students in the classroom.

3) The Causes Lack of Confidence

Most of the students lack of confidence. They did not fell quite

sure of themselves to speak English, most of them did not speak

English fluently and loudly. In addition Chen (2010) state the main

cause of students‟ confidence is their low ability in speaking

English. In this case, as they add, many students think that their

English is bad and feel that they cannot speak English well. This is

in line with Brown (2001) stating that “students lack confidence

and feel that they cannot speak English because they think that

they do not have the ability to speak English well and their limited

knowledge of the language. This kind of feeling, for sure, hinders

them from trying to speak English.”

Dornyei (2005) stated, “the concept of self-confidence is

closely related to self-esteem, both share a common emphasis on

the individual‟s perception of his or her abilities as a person.” They

argued that self-confidence formed during a childhood and it is a

combination of interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences.

4) The Causes of Lack Motivation

Most of the students lack of motivation in speaking English.

They did not have high interest, diligence, and satisfaction in

speaking English. It relevant with the argument from Keramida

(2009) that “provide students with positive reinforcement,

motivate students and create an ease environment in class are

important to be noticed since it can lower students‟ anxiety,

increase their confidence, and encourage their willingness to


Babu (2010) argues that lack of motivation in learning causes

students‟ hesitation to speak English in the classroom. He said that

the background of this situation is that students are not motivated

by the teachers towards the communication in English.

C. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework cover the research variables and indicators.

The conceptual framework display in the figure below:

Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework

Based on the conceptual framework above, the researcher will investigate the

problems in learning speaking that faced by the students. The researcher will focus

on the psychological problems especially in the lack of confidence, lack of lack

motivation and anxiety aspects.

According to the conceptual framework above, there is a relation between

psychological problems and the students‟ speaking performance. Psychological


Problems in Speaking

Psychological Aspects Linguistics

Lack of Motivation

Lack of Confidence


problems involve the students. Less confidence, speech anxiety, and low self esteem

are the common psychological problems that the English department students faced.

Students who have low of self confidence are often hardly able to control themselves

for public speaking in the classroom, like governing his/her behavior on that his/her

peer think, lose belief on their self, afraid of making mistakes, and also lose their

ability to manage their speaking performance in the classroom optimally and the

psychological problems that the students faced can give any impact on the

effectiveness of classroom activities .

So, In this research, the researcher focused to find out the psychological

problems in learning speaking that faced by the students, and then identify and

analyze the cause of the problems. The researcher is used three research instruments,

those are questionnaire, interview and recorder. The purpose of the questionnaire is to

find out what psychological problems are the most obstacles for students in learning

speaking. While the purpose of the interview is to know in general terms what

psychological problems that faced by students, causes of problems, and ways to

reduce these problems in learning speaking.




There were some points that would be discussed in this chapter, those

points were : Research Design, Research Setting and Research Subject.

Research Instrument, Data Collection and Data Analysis.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used descriptive-qualitative method.

There were two aims of this research, those were to analyze the psychological

problems in learning speaking, and to identify the causes of psychological

problems that faced by the student. Then , the result of this research would be

presented and interpreted into the sentence and percentage form.

B. Research Setting and Research Subject

Subject of this research was the second semester of English

Department students at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. There were

seven classes which consisted of around 25 students each class. So, the total

number of the students were 175. However, the researcher only took one class

as the subject of this research.

The researcher chose the class that would be investigated by using

quota sampling. Quota sampling is one of the suitable method for this

research, because quota sampling is taking sample based on the number of

samples that the researcher need. The sample of this research took one of

seven classes to be the sample of this research and the number of sample was

10 students.

C. Research Variable

Variables can be defined as any aspect of a theory that can vary or

change as part of the interaction within the theory. In other words, variables

were anything can effect or change the results of a study. Every study has

variables as these are needed in order to understand differences). In this

descriptive research, consisted of one variable which was the psychological

problems in learning speaking faced by the English Department students at

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.

D. Research Instrument

To collect the data, there were three instruments that used by the

researcher, those were questionnaire, interview and recorder.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher used the questionnaire as the first

instrument. The questionnaire delivered to the students. The options in the

questionnaire consisted of five options, those were : Strongly Agree,

Agree, Undecided, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree . Questionnaire that

used was checklist questionnaire. The students only gave check to the

column that provided. In this case, the questionnaire is used to get

information about psychological problems that faced by the second

semester students of English Department at University of Muhammadiyah


2. Interview

In this research, the researcher used structured interview, it‟s mean

that the interviewer prepared the set of questions before conduct the

interview. This interview is conducted to the second semester of English

Department Students in University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.

The aim of the interview is to idetify and to find out the most

psychological problems and the cause of the psychological problems that

the students faced in learning speaking.

Interview for this research conducted two until three days after

analyzing the questionnaires. The participants invited to attend the

interview session. The selected participants according to the students that

already answer the questionnaire before, and in the interview sesssion the

students would be asked some questions about related to the psychological

problems that they faced in learning speaking and the cause of the

problems. During the interview session, the researcher recorded all the

process using voice recorder. The interview lasted in 30 minutes. After the

interview is done, the researcher analyzed the result and transcribe it and

would be present the result of the research in the research paper. To

analyze the data from the interview, the researcher make a summary of the

data from the informants.

3. Recorder

The researcher would record all the interview session using voice

recorder and after that transcribe the result of the interview.

E. Data Collection

The following procedures to collecting the data :

1. Administering the questionnaire

a. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students.

b. The students have 10-15 minutes to answer the questionnaire.

c. The researcher collected and analyzed the information from the

respondent to obtain the data.

2. Conducting the interview

a. The researcher interviewed the students and asked question related to

the psychological problems and the causes of the problems itself.

b. The researcher recorded the interview session by using voice recorder.

c. Students have 20 minutes to answer all of the questions.

d. The researcher translated and transcribed the result of the interview

and analyze it.

F. Data Analysis

After the data is collected, the researcher analyzed the data. There

were several steps to analyze the data, those are:

1. Data from questionnaire

a. Scoring

. The process of data analysis in this research used qualitative

(questionnaire). The result given score for each students. The data that

obtained from this research used the analysis by Likert scale procedure

that indicated wheter 5 for Strongly Agree (SA), 4 for Agree (A), 3 for

Undecided (U), 2 for Disagree (D) and 1 for Strongly Disagree (SD)

for each statement.

Scale Score

Strongly Agree 5

Agree 4

Undecided 3

Disagree 2

Strongly Disagree 1

Table 3.1: Degree of Likert Scale


To analyze rated percentages of psychological problems that the

students faced. It was used to know the students‟ respons.

Based on Sudjana (2002) the formula that used is:


P= Percentage 100%= Constant of Value

F=The Frequency

P=F x 100 N

N= Number of Sample

b. Analyzing Problems

The researcher analyzed the problem that most of the students‟

faced according to the questionnaire result.

c. Concluding/Interpreting

The researcher concluded the result from the questionnaire by

using Likert scale formula, and then interpreting the data into the

percentage form.

2. Data from Interview

a. Transcribe

Transcribe was the process of converting data from the

recording into the sentence form. So, the researcher have listened to

the result of the interview and wrote down what the students said.

b. Coding

The data categorized by using data analysis with regard to the research

question and make a coding.

Description Code

Psychological Problems PSP

PSP Code

Lack of Confidence P1

Lack of Motivation P2

Anxiety P3

c. Classifying

The information from interview collected correctly. When the

data is collected, the researcher began to classify the result of the data

interview and found the most problems that the students faced in

learning speaking.

d. Concluding/Interpreting

The last step, the researcher concluded the result of the

interview that already transcribe by the researcher. The researcher

made a summary from the result of the interview to know what is the

most psychological problems in learning speaking and cause of the

problems that affected to the students‟ speaking performance.



This chapter focused on presenting the result of the data research that

related to the psychological problems in learning speaking.

A. Research Findings

In this chapter, the researcher described the result of the data analysis

based on the problem statement mentioned in chapter 1. The findings of this

research deals with scoring classification of students‟ questionnaire and

interview in the class. There were two aims of this study, the first was to

know the psychological problems in speaking speaking, and the second was to

know the causes of the psychological problems in learning speaking faced by

the second semester of English Education Department at University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar. After the data is collected, the researcher analyzed

the problems. The first data was questionnaire, where the data from

questionnaire used the formula in the chapter three to know the percentages of

the students. While the second data was interview, and it aim was to know the

most psychological problems that the students encountered in speaking and

the cause of the problems.

1. Psychological Problems that faced by the Students in Learning


In order to get the real data of the psychological problems in learning

speaking that the students faced, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to

obtain the data. According to the research that has been done, the researcher

found some psychological problems, those were lack of confidence, anxiety

and lack of motivation.

a. Lack of confidence: based on the research, the most psychological

problems that the students faced was lack of confidence. Most of the

students disagree with the questionnaire about the confidence.

b. Anxiety was the second psychological problem that the students

faced in learning speaking. mostly the students also disagree with

the anxiety statements.

c. Motivation: the last problems was motivation, mostly the students

were agree with the motivation statements, it meant that the students

were still motivated, although there was also student that still have a

problem in motivation aspect.

Based on the data that obtained, it can be concluded that the psychological

problems that the students mostly faced were lack of confidence and anxiety.

Both of the psychological problems can affect to the students‟ speaking

performance. Moreover, there was some student also have a problems in

motivation aspect, but it was not a serious problems like lack of confidence

and anxiety. We can see the result of the questionnaire below:

1. I like to speak English in front of the class.

Table 4.1.1 students like to speak in front of the class

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - -

2. Agree 2 20

3. Undecided - -

4. Disagree 6 60

5. Strongly Disagree 2 20

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1 above, the result reveal that there were 10

students‟ respond “I like to speak English in front of the class”. The result

indicated that none of the student answered strongly agree and there were

2 students or 20% of the students whose agree with the statement.

Meanwhile, none of the students answered undecided with the statement

and there were 6 students or 60% whose answered disagree, and there were

2 students or 20% from the total number of the students whose answered

strongly disagree. It showed that there still some students have a problems

in the confidence aspect.

2. I feel confident when I speak in English.

Table 4.1.2 Students’ confidence in speaking English

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - 20

2. Agree 1 10

3. Undecided - -

4. Disagree 3 40

5. Strongly Disagree 6 30

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.2 above, the result revealed 10 students respond

to the statement “I feel confident when I speak in English”. The result

showed that none of the students chose strongly agree, there was 1 student

or 10% of the students who answered agree, and none of the students

answered undecided. Meanwhile, there were 3 or 30% of the students

chose strongly agree and 6 students or 60% from the total number of the

students whose answered strongly disagree. It showed that most of the

students still have a problems in psychological problems in speaking.

3. I am not worried if the other students will laugh at me when I make a

mistake in speaking English.

Table 4.1.3 Students were not worried when they make a mistake

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 1 10

2. Agree 1 10

3. Undecided 2 20

4. Disagree 1 10

5. Strongly Disagree 5 50

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.3 above, it can be seen that there were 10 students

respond “I am not worried if the other students will laugh at me when I make

a mistake in speaking English”. There was 1 student or 10% who strongly

agree with the statement and 1 student or 10% of the studentswhose answered

undecided, 1 or 10% of the student who answered disagree, and there were 5

students or 50% from the total number of the students whose answered

strongly disagree. The result showed that mostly students still worried when

they made a mistake in speaking English.

4. I am not panic when the lecturer ask me to speak in English even

though without preparation first

Table 4.1.4 Students didn’t panic when the lecturer ask them to speak

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 2 20

2. Agree 2 20

3. Undecided - -

4. Disagree 3 30

5. Strongly Disagree 3 30

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.4 above, the result that there were 10 students

whose respond the statement “ I am not panic when the lecture ask me to

speak in English even though without preparation first”. There were 2

students or 20% whose strongly agree with the statement and there were 2

students or 20% from the total number of the students whose agree with the

statement. Meanwhile, none of the students answered undecided, 3students or

30% whose disagree with the statement and also 3 students or 30% of the

students answered strongly disagree. It showed that there were some students

that panic when the lecturer ask them to speak in English.

5. I believe in my English language skill that I have

Table 4.1.5 Students believe on their English language skill that they


No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - -

2. Agree - -

3. Undecided 1 10

4. Disagree 3 30

5. Strongly Disagree 6 60

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.5 above, there were 10 students whose respond

the statement “I believe in my English language skill that I have”. It can

be seen that none of the sudents answered strongly agree and agree for the

statement, 1 student or 10 % answered undecided. Meanwhile, there were

30 students or 30% whose answered disagree, and the last is 60 students or

60% from the total number of the students whose answered strongly


6. I prefer to speak English and make a mistake than keep silent

Table 4.1.6 Students prefer to make a mistake than keep silent

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 2 20

2. Agree 1 10

3. Undecided - -

4. Disagree 4 40

5. Strongly Disagree 3 30

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, it showed that there were 2 or 20% students

whose strongly agree with the statement, 1 or 10% of the student agree with

the statement and none of the students answered undecided. Meanwhile, there

were 4 students or 40% answered disagree with the statement and there were 3

students or 30% answered strongly disagree with the statement. The result

showed 40% from the total number of the students answered disagree with the

statement I prefer to speak English and make a mistake than keep silent.

7. I like to be the first participant to answer a question if I know the


Table 4.1.7 Students’s participation in answering a question

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - -

2. Agree 2 20

3. Undecided 1 10

4. Disagree 3 30

5. Strongly Disagree 4 40

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, it revealed that there were 10 students whose

respond the statement “I like to be the first participant to answer a question if

I know the answer”. None of the students whose answered strongly agree with

the statement, 2 students or 20% answered agree and there was 1 student or

10% answered undecided with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 3

students or 30% whose answered disagree and there were 4 students or 40%

whose answered strongly agree with the statement. The result showed that

40% from the total number of the students answered strongly disagree with

the statement above.

8. I learn English to pass my degree and to get a good job in the future

Table 4.1.8 Students learn English to pass their degree and to get a

good job

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 5 50

2. Agree 4 40

3. Undecided 1 10

4. Disagree - -

5. Strongly Disagree - -

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, it presented the result of the students‟

respond about statement “I learn English to pass my degree and to get a good

job in the future”. There were 5 or 50% student who answered strongly agree

with the statement, 4 or 40% of the student answered agree, and 1 or 10%

answered undecided with the statement. Meanwhile, none of the students

disagree with the statement, either none of the students strogly disagree with

the statement.students or 20% whose answered strongly disagree with the

statement. From the data result above, it can be concluded that there were

50% from the total number of the students whose strongly agree with the


9. I learn English because it is important for travelling overseas

Table 4.1.9 Students learn English for travelling overseas

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 4 40

2. Agree 4 40

3. Undecided 2 20

4. Disagree - -

5. Strongly Disagree - -

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, it revealed the students‟ respond toward the

statement “I learn English because it is important for travelling overseas “.

There were 4 students or 40% from the total number of the students answered

strongly disagree, 4 or 40% of the students agree with the statement and 2 or

20% of the students whose answered undecided. Meanwhile, none of the

students answer disagree and strongly disagree with the statement. It showed

that mostly the students agree with the statement

10. I feel motivated when I listening to the to the music while process of


Table 4.1.10 Student’s feel motivated when listening music while the

process of learning

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 2 20

2. Agree 4 40

3. Undecided 3 30

4. Disagree 1 10

5. Strongly Disagree - -

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, the result of the student‟s respond toward

the statement ”I feel motivated when I listening to the music while the process

of learning”. There sere 2 students or 20% whose answered atrongly, 4

students or 40% whose answered agree and 3 students or 30% whose

answered undecided. Meanwhile, there was 1 or 10% students answred

disagree and none of the students answered strongly disagree. The result

showed that 60% of the students were agree with the statement.

11. Speaking English is important for self-improvement

Table 4.1.11 Speaking English is important for self-improvement

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 6 60

2. Agree 4 40

3. Undecided - -

4. Disagree - -

5. Strongly Disagree - -

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, it revealed that there were 6 students or 60%

whose answered strongly agree, 4 students or 40% whose answered disagree

with the statement. Meanwhile, none of the students answered undecided,

disagree and strongly disagree with the statement. The result showed that 60%

of the students strongly agree with the statement above.

12. Being proficient in English make other people respect me.

Table 4.1.12 Being proficient in English make other people respect

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 5 50

2. Agree 3 30

3. Undecided 2 20

4. Disagree - -

5. Strongly Disagree - -

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, the result showed that none of the students

answered strongly agree. There were 5 students or 50% whose answered

agree, and there were 4 students or 40% answered undecided with the

statement. Meanwhile, there was 1 student or 10% whose answered disagree

and none of the students answered strongly disagree with the statement. So,

the result showed that most of the students from the total number of the

students agree with the statement.

13. Studying English enables me to discuss interesting topics in English

with the people from the other country.

Table 4.1.13 Studying English enable the students to discuss

interesting topics in English with people from another country

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 2 20

2. Agree 6 60

3. Undecided 2 20

4. Disagree - -

5. Strongly Disagree - -

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, percentages of data showed that there were 2

students or 20% from the total number of the students whose strongly agree

with the statement, 6 students or 60% whose agree with the statement and 2

students or 20% whose undecided with the statement. Meanwhile, none of the

students answered disagree, either none of the students strongly disagree with

the statement. The result showed that mostly the students were still motivated

in learning speaking.

14. When I’m on my way to speaking class, I feel very sure and relax.

Table 4.1.14 Student’s feel very sure and relax when on the way to

speaking class

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 1 10

2. Agree 1 10

3. Undecided 1 10

4. Disagree 2 20

5. Strongly Disagree 5 50

Total 10 100

Based on the table above, there was 1 student or 10% from the total

number of the students who answered strongly agree with the statement, 1

student or 10% answered agree, an 1 student or 10% answered undecided

with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 2 students or 20% from the

total number of the students whose disagree with the statement and there

were 5 students or 50% from the total number of the students whose

answered strongly disagree with the statement. The result showed 50%

students answered strongly disagree with the statement.

15. I don’t feel anxious when I make a mistake in speaking English

Table 4.1.15 Students didn’t feel anxious when they make a mistake in

speaking English

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - -

2. Agree - -

3. Undecided 1 10

4. Disagree 4 40

5. Strongly Disagree 5 50

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.15 above, percentages of data showed that none

of the students answered strongly agree and agree with the statement. The

other 1 student or 10% answered undecided with the statement. Meanwhile,

there were 4 students or 40% whose answered disagree with the statement

and 5 students or 50% from the total number of the students whose

answered strongly disagree. The result showed that 50% of the students

strongly disagree with the statement.

16. I do not feel nervous on oral test in English

Table 4.1.16 Students didn’t feel nervous on oral test in English

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 1 10

2. Agree 1 10

3. Undecided - 10

4. Disagree 3 20

5. Strongly Disagree 5 50

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.16 above, percentages of data showed that there

were 10 students responds. There wa 1 or 10% strongly agree with the

statement, 1 student or 10% agree and none of the students undecided with the

statement. Meanwhile, there were 3 students ir 30% disagree with the

statement and 5 students or 50% from the total number of the students whose

answered strongly disagree. So, the result showed that there were 50% of the

students who strongly disgree with the statement.

17. Anxiety do not affect to my English speaking performance

Table 4.1.17 Anxiety do not affect to the students’ speaking


No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree 1 10

2. Agree - -

3. Undecided 3 30

4. Disagree 3 30

5. Strongly Disagree 3 30

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.17 above, percentages of data showed that there

were 10 students‟ respond with the statement “anxiety do not affect to my

speaking performance”. There was 1 student or 10% of student answered

strongly agree, none of the of the students answered agree. Meanwhile,

there were 3 students or 30% whose answered undecided with the

statement, 3 students or 30% whose answered disagree, and 3 students or

30% from the total number of the students whose answered strongly

disagree with the statement.

18. I don’t feel nervous if I have to speak in front of the entire class

Table 4.1.18 Students didn’t feel nervous if they have to speak in

English in front of the entire class

No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - -

2. Agree 1 10

3. Undecided 2 20

4. Disagree 3 30

5. Strongly Disagree 4 40

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.18 above, percentages of the data showed that

none of the students answered strongly agree, 1 student or 10% answered

agree and 2 students or 20% whose answered undecided with the statement.

Meanwhile, there were 3 students or 30% whose answered disagree with

the statement, and 4 students or 40% whose answered strongly disagree

with the statement. The result showed that there were 40% from the total

number of the students answered strongly disagree with the statement.

19. I’m not worried if the other students in my class speaking English

better than me.

Table 4.1.19 Students didn’t worried if their friends speak English


No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - -

2. Agree - -

3. Undecided 1 10

4. Disagree 4 40

5. Strongly Disagree 5 50

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.19 above, percentages of the data showed that

none of the students answered strongly agree with the statement, either none

of the students answered agree with the statement and there was 1 student or

10% answered undecided with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 4

students or 40% whose answered disagree with the statement, and there were

5 students or 50% whose answered strongly disagree with the statement. The

result showed that there were 50% from the total number of the students

answered strongly disagree with the statement.

20. I do not feel pressured when I attend the speaking class

Table 4.1.20 Students didn’t feel pressured when they attend speaking


No. Opinion Frequency Percentage (%)

1. Strongly Agree - -

2. Agree - -

3. Undecided 2 20

4. Disagree 4 40

5. Strongly Disagree 4 40

Total 10 100

Based on the table 4.1.20 above, none of the students answered

strongly agree with the statement, either none of the students answered

agree with the statement and there were 2 students or 20% whose

answered undecided with the statement. Meanwhile, there were 4 students

or 40% whose answered disagree with the statement, either there were 4

students or 40% from the totsl number of the students whose answered

strongly disagree with the statement. The result showed that there were

40% of the students answered disagree and strongly disagree with the


2. The cause of Psychological problems that faced by the students

To get more valid data, the researcher conducted the interview to 10

students of English Education Department, University of Muhammadiyah

Makassar. The students asked some question related to the psychological

problems and the causes of the psychological problems that they faced.

Based on the interview that has been done, the researcher found that the

cause of lack confidence and axiety because they didn‟t feel quite sure of

themselves to speak English, so they were afraid of making a mistake, afraid

of being judgeg and also they were afraid of being laughed by their friends,

they also nervous if they were talking in front of the other people.

In order to get the reaal data, here is the result of interview that showed

the students‟ answers:

1. In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems that

include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Based on the interview that has been done, the result of the students‟

answered toward the question “In your opinion, what is the cause of the

psychological problems that include lack of confidence, motivation and

anxiety in learning speaking ?” shown below. Most of the students

answered as follows:

Student 2:” Eeem...about the anxiety, penyebabnya toh kak ? ee we

afraid to make mistake ee... when we speak in other people,

but yes afraid to make a mistake and eee kurang yakin

dengan dirinya begitue kak. ”. (We are afraid to make a

mistake when we ore speak in front of the other people and

also didn‟t feel quite sure of themselves)

Student 10:“Eeem as I say before, eee... lack of confidence eee...such

as eee.. feeling shy ee..afraid eee being judge and anxiety

such as eee...afraid to speak English ”. ( As I said before,

the cause of lack of confidence and anxiety because the

students feel shy, afraid of being judge and afraid to

speak In English).

It can be concluded that the cause of the psychological problems that

the students face because they didn‟t feel quite sure of themselves, afraid

of being judge and also they were afraid of making a mistake when they

were speaking English in front of the other people, it supported by the

students answered above.

2. Lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety, which one is the most factor

that can affect to your speaking performance? Explain Why !

According to the students‟ interview result, the most psychological

problems that the sudents faced were lack of confidence and anxiety. Both

of the psychological problems that the students faced affected to their

speaking skill, because they were afraid if they friends laugh at them when

the made a mistake. While the other reason is lack of confidence, when

they lost their confidence, they forgot what they wanted to say and stuck.

It supported by the students answered below:

Student 2:”Eee me, for me e anxiety, Because ee..anxiety, I really anxiety

if I speak, if I with other, I make a mistake and other

will laugh at me.yah yah.. I really anxiety about”. (Anxiety.

Because if I speak and talk with the other people, and then I

make a mistake, the other people will laugh at me. I really

anxious about that).

Student 1:”Okay, of course my confidence. Okay ee as I told you before,

my confident always eee most difficulty for me ee because

aaaa.. I don’t know why but if I talking, if I eeee if I speaking

in front of my friend or or others people, sometimes my

confident lose and I can not think any word and I forget all of

my words. I don’t know I, eee I don’t know how eee I dont’t

know how can eee how can I eee I don’t know what will I say

if I talk”. (Of course my confidence. As I told you before, the

most difficulty for me is my my confident. When I loose my

confident, I don‟t know what will I say and I forgot what will

I say if I talk.)

3. Why do students feel feel lack of confidence when they want to speak

English ?

Student 3:“Karna eee mungkin ee pronunciationnya, ee yang kedua eee

tidak banyak vocabnya, yang ketiga ee merasa minder kalo

misalnya takut salah, ataukah eee bilang ndak bagus eee

grammarku.”. (maybe because their pronunciation, and the

second is they do not have many vocabularies and they feel

inferior and they are afraid of making mistake.)

Student 10: “Eeem maybe eee...they eee afraid to speak English because

eee they ee afraid if ee their friend laugh at them and maybe

eeee they feel shy to speak English ee in front of many

people”. (they are afraid to speak English because they are

afraid if their friend laugh at them and they feel shy to speak

in front of many people )

According to the students answered, mostly the students feel lack of

confidence and anxiety if they want to speak English because they were

shy to speak in front of the other people and they were afraid of made a

mistake when they were speaking in English.

B. Discussion

This section presented the discussion based on the findings of the

study. The result of this research dealt with answer of the problem statement

which aimed to know the psychological problems and the cause of the

problems in learning speaking that faced by the second semester of English

Education Department at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar. The data

was collect by using questionnaire and interview.

1. Psychological problems faced by the students in learning speaking

The result of the questionnaire showed that second semester students

of English Department at University of Muhammadiyah Makassar faced

some psychological problems in learning speaking. Based on the data

analysis from the questionnaire, the psychological problems that the

students faced were lack of confidence, anxiety and lack of motivation,

but mostly the students have problems in the lack of confidence and


The research finding are in line with the theory from Juhana (2012)

about psychological problems in speaking such as fear of mistake, lack of

confidence, shyness and anxiety. He and Chen (2010) stated that one of

the major obstacles that the learners hace to overcome is lack of

confidence and also the anxiety that can affect to the students‟ speaking

performance. The other theory that suitable with the data above is Arifin

(2017) that the non-linguistic problems that can affect to the student‟s

speaking performance were lack of confidence, speech anxiety and low

self esteem. Those problems were the common problems in the EFL


Furthermore, the students also didn‟t have too serious psychological

probems in lack of motivation aspect according to the result of the

questionnaire and most of them were still motivated. This data were in

line with Krismanti (2017) where she focused on the psychological

problem in speaking. She stated the students in speaking class did not

have lack of motivation problem because they still motivated in learning


2. The causes of the psychological problems faced by the students

Based on the research finding of this thesis, the researcher found that

there were many causes of the psychological problems. The result from

the questionnaire also supported by the data from the interview. the data

from interview result showed that there were some causes of the

psychological problems that faced by the second semester of English

Department. Lack of confidence that faced by the students mostly caused

because the students were afraid of being laugh by their friend, afraid of

made a mistake and also they were afraid of being judge. While the cause

of the anxiety itself because the students felt nervous and afraid if their

pronunciation was not good and it made the students hardly to express

what would they say.




Based on the result of findings and discussion, it can be concluded

from the problems statement “What are the psychological problems that faced

by the students in learning speaking ?” and “What are the causes from the

psychological problems that faced by the second semester students of English

Department at Unismuh Makassar ?”.

1. The result of the study shown that there were some students who faced

some psychological problems in learning speaking. Mostly the

psychological problems that the students encountered were lack of

confidence and anxiety. The students still lack of confidence if they

were talking in front of the public and they also felt anxious if they

were talking in English. Both the psychological problems gave an

effect to the student‟s speaking performance, because if they were not

confident and anxious, they can not speak in English effectively and

they can not express their ideas.

2. Psychological problems that the students faced of course can influence

the students‟s speaking performance. So, based on the questionnaire

and interview result, the researcher found that the cause of lack

confidence because they didn‟t feel quite sure of themselves to speak

English, so they were afraid of making a mistake, afraid of being

judgeg and also they were afraid of being laughed by their friends.

While the cause of the anxiety it self because they were nervous if they

were talking in front of the other people, and the other cause was the

students felt that they didn‟t have a good pronunciation. So, when the

students feeling anxious, their speaking performance will be

influenced and the anxiety can lead the students to breakdown where

the students were able to speak nothing.


Based on the result of the study, the researcher would like to give

some suggestions for the students and lecturer, these suggestion hopefully can

be a consideration to develop the quality of students‟s speaking perforrmance.

1. For students

The students have to practice more to speak in front of the other

people, because by practice they can improve the quality of their speaking,

and also it can decrease the psychological problems that the students


2. For the teacher/lecturer

The teacher/lecturer should pay attention more to the student‟s

psychological problems, because psychological problems in learning

speaking have an important role to improve the student‟s speaking

performance. The other suggestion is the teacher or lecturer should use a

suitable method in speaking class, so it can make the students actively to

speak in front of their friends.


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Appendix 1


This questionnaire aims to see the student‟s non-linguistic problems in learning Speaking. The information gather in this survey will help the researcher to determine the non-linguistic problems that faced by the English Department student in Speaking.


Please check (√) the statements that match to your condition. Questionnaire consists of 20 questions.

Note: SA : Strongly Agree

A : Agree

U : Undecided

DS : Disagree

SD : Strongly Disagree

No. Statements SA A U DS SD Confidence

1. Saya suka berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan kelas. (I like to speak English in front of the class).

2. Saya merasa percaya diri saat saya berbicara bahasa Inggris. (I feel confident when I speak in English)

3. Saya tidak khawatir jika siswa yang lain akan menertawakan saya saat saya membuat kesalahan dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris

(I am not worried if the other students will laugh at me when I make a mistake in speaking English)

4. Saya tidak panik jika dosen meminta saya untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris meskipun tanpa persiapan sebelumnya. (I am not panic when the lecturer ask me to speak in English even though without preparation first.)

5. Saya percaya terhadap kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang saya miliki. (I believe in my English language skill that I have)

6. Saya lebih memilih untuk berbicara dan membuat kesalahan dibandingkan hanya tinggal diam. (I prefer to speak English and make a mistake than keep silent)

7. Saya suka menjadi peserta pertama yang menjawab pertanyaan jika saya tahu jawabannya. (I like to be the first participant to answer a question if I know the answer)

Motivation 8. Saya belajar bahasa Inggris untuk lulus dan

mendapatkan pekerjaan yang bagus di masa depan. (I learn English to pass my degree and to get a good job in the future)

9. Saya belajar bahasa inggris karena itu penting untuk bepergian keluar negeri. (I learn English because it is important for travelling overseas)

10. Saya merasa termotivasi ketika saya mendengarkan musik saat proses belajar. (I feel motivated when I listening to the music

while process of learning ) 11. Berbahasa Inggris penting untuk peningkatan

kualitas diri. (English speaking is important for self-improvement)

12. Mahir berbahasa Inggris memebuat orang lain menghargai saya. (Being proficient in English makes other people respect me.)

13. Belajar bahasa Inggris memungkinkan saya untuk membahas topik-topik menarik dalam bahasa inggris dengan orang-orang dari negara lain. (Studying English enables me to discuss interesting topics in English with the people from the other country.)

Anxiety 14. Saat saya dalam perjalanan ke kelas speaking,

saya meras sangat yakin dan santai. (When I’m on my way to speaking class, I feel

very sure and relax.)

15. Saya tidak merasa cemas saat saya membuat kesalahan dalam berbahasa Inggris. (I don’t feel anxious when I make a mistake in

speaking English.)

16. Saya tidak merasa gugup pada saat tes lisan dalam bahasa Inggris. (I do not feel nervous on oral test in English.)

17. Kecemasan tidak mempengaruhi kinerja berbahasa Inggris saya. (Anxiety do not affect to my English speaking performance)

18. Saya tidak merasa gugup saat saya harus berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan kelas. (I don’t feel nervous if I have to speak English in front of the entire class.)

19. Saya tidak khawatir jika siswa-siswa di dalam

kelas yang lainnya berbicara bahasa Inggris lebih baik dari yang saya lakukan. (I’m not worried if the other students in my

class speaking English better than I do.) 20. Saya tidak merasa tertekan saat saya

menghadiri kelas speaking. (I do nott feel pressured when I attend the speaking class

Appendix 2


1. How long have you studied English ?

2. Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

3. Explain what do you know about psychological problems in learning speaking


4. What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to your speaking

performance ?

5. In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems that include

lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

6. Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the most factor that

can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

7. How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak English ?

8. Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to speak English?

9. What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking Engish?

10. Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your answer why

do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?


Appendix 4


1. Interviewer : How long have you studied English ?

Informant : I‟ve been studied English when I was in Elementary school and

after now 2. Interviewer : Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant : Ee of course I have, ee...when I was in senior high school, I don‟t

know more about ee....vocabulary and then my teacher come to me and my teacher write down in ee white board so the ,,the most difficult in my speaking English is my vocabulary.

3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant : psychological in learning speaking English. Yes,ee...this is about eee,this is about your feeling when you are speaking English for example your ee... confidence in your class maybe. When you are speaking in front of your ee friends, ee..maybe you are not confidence because you ee.. feel and you think that your friends will laughing at you and than you feel that your confidence is down..

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant : Of course psyvhological problems that I have is my confidence. Mostly students have that, because when you are talking in front of your ee.. public or who are or andthen when you are talking and someone look at you, mostly your confident will ee.. lose, because you eee.. can not think what will you speak again because your confident eee already lose.

5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant : In my opinion, the cause of all that because we don‟t know about

vocabularies and we don‟t know how to pronounce the word and then we

don‟t know to explain the words to the sentence and then we don‟t how you

combine the words and sentence and then we don‟t know how you combine

the word and sentence when you are speaking. 6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: The most problems when I speaking is confidence. As I told you before, my confidence always most difficulty for me because I don‟t know

why but if I talking, if I speaking in front of my friends or other people, sometimes my confidence lose and then if my confident lose I cannot think any words and forget all of my words. So, I don‟t know what will I say if I talk.

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: In my opinion, this is will be very very affect for students because if the students do not have confidence when speak in public of course they will feeling strange of other people because they do not know how to make their confident back again.

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: they will feel that because they don‟t know how to pronounce the word and also nervous of course, and then they don‟t know if they are

speaking in front of the public, what will the public say about them. 9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: For me, how to raise my confident in speaking English of course learn everyday about English of course, about the word, vocabularies and how to speak in front of the public. Of course I will learn by youtube and by books and also okay I haveee, I have one key to raise my confidence in front of public. Everyday I talk to my friend from the other country.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: Of course I like it very much. It makes me happy and if I talk with my friend from another country, it makes me like I can ee i can teach my cousin, I should teach my cousin


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant : Eeee how long ee... Perhaps from the elementary school, or graduate but in the village, eee.. you know lahh eee..the basic.

2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: Eee difficult, my problems in learn is eee grammar 3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: I think the psychological problems in eee in English eee about the confident, anxiety and eee.. about your environment like that

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: Anxiety, I get anxiety when I speak in front of the other eee.. and I anxiety about my grammar it‟s wrong or it‟s true.

5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: We afraid to make a mistake when we speak with other people. 6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant:Anxiety, if I speak, if I talk with other I make a mistake and other will laugh at me .

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Infromant: It‟s really hinder the student, because the students cannot

improve of cannot buld up their skill to speak in front of the other people and they cannot express their idea.

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: there is no preparation before speaking and they are afraid to make a mistake and they are don‟t know how to inform the idea to other


9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: I think about motivation and confidence, the student have to relax and enjoy and prepare what will they say. You don‟t have to make it as a

problem. 10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: I like it to speaking in front of the other people. My speaking is low but I like to speak in front of other people. I think speaking with the other people can improve our speaking English


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant: A several years 2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: Iye ada,kayak misalnya pronunciation, listening, reading and speaking.

3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant:Psychological problem if I meet with someone ee... yang adami pengalamannya di bahasa Inggris kak

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: Misalnya anu kak,eee... minder karna don‟t have many

vocabulary, fear of making mistake. 5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: The cause is for example if we see our friend they can speak well or better than us, we feel not confident. It is the cause, karena di liat temanta kak.

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: anxiety 7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: it depends on the students, kalo misalnya itu kak besoknya belajar speaking, malamnya sudah belajarmi untuk besok, jadi ada persiapan.

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: karna..eee.. pertama tidak bagus pronunciation nya, kedua ee... merasa minder kalo misalnya takut salah atau kah bilang ndak bagus grammarku.

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: kalo saya kak menurutku yang lebih memotivasi siswa itu misalnya temannya bilang kenapa temanku bisa saya tidak. Terus yang kedua itu banyak na liat bagus na liat orang kalo bahasa inggris ki, kalo misalnya menonton youtube baru bahasa Inggris.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: kalo saya kak ada sukanya, bisaka latihan bicara, latih mental. Tapi kalo tidak kusukanya ya begitumi, takut salah, tidak kusuka kalo ada temanku langsung bilang ehh...salah itu, salah kalimatmu, salah pronunciation mu, jadi itumi kak.


1. Interviewer:How long have you studied English ?

Informant: Five years 2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: Yes I have 3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: psychological problem yang biasanya terjadi pada siswa itu kak biasanya nrvous, kalau dia sudah tidak percaya diri apalagi kalo langsung ditunjuk ki itu, kamu naik, ehh langsung stop mi itu, itu apa yang akan diucapkannya blank mi juga di otaknya. Bigitu kak ee..

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: Nervous 5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: itu karena kurangnya belajarnya kak, sama untuk meng-improve ee...speakingnya kurang kak, terus dia lazy, malas belajar gitu.

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: karna saya berfikir pasti teman-teman pronunciation-nya sudah tinggi semua sedangkan saya masih dibawah standar.

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: menurutku sangat berpengaruh begitu, ee...karena kalo kurang juga motivasinya berarti dia sudah meng-underestimate dirinya sendiri.

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: because ee.. vocabulary nya yang dia ketahui kak begitu.

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: Diadakannya meeting club,,,ee zone speak ee yang kayak zona, public speaking dan dalam satu kelas bikin juga club speaking bgitu kak.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: Eee..saya,,emmm I like speaking because I am can improve my ee...speaking di depan publik begitu.


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant: Dari kelas 1 sampe sekarang 2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: banyak kak. Terutama itu pronunciationnya sama akdang sulit mengartikan.

3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: mungkin karena malas belajar, kurangnya vocab, kurang na ketahui

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: Kecemasan 5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: Mungkin ada kak, eee,, kurang percaya diri karena kurangnya vocab nya dan ee,,, mungkin belum na kuasai grammar

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: Kecemasan berlebih, karena menurutku mungkin kalo kurang percaya diri masih bisa jaki berbicara, tapi kalo cemaski eee... ndak tau maki apa yang mau dibilang. Biar ada ee.. terkonsep tapi ndak tauki bagaimana caranya disampaikan.

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: Karna ndak taumi apa mau nabilang. 8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: Kurang vocab, sama mungkin pronunciationnya yang belum bisa ditampilkan di depan orang banyak.

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: Mmungkin untuk meningkatkan ee... lebih sering tampil di depan orang banyak, lebih belajar dan untuk memtivasi itu dari faktor keluarga, teman-teman terutama dari diri sendiri.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: Sebenarnya suka kak, karena bisaki tingkatkan kemampuan berbicara.


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant: dari SMP kak sekitar 6 tahun 2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: Banyak 3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: Psychology, percaya diri begitu kalau kurang percaya diri kadang mempengaruhi bagaimana dia berbicara.

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: kalo saya kurang motivasi kayaknya 5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: Karna anu kak mungkin dia belum yakin dengan apa yang dia tau tentang bahasa Inggris atau ilmu itu

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: motivasi 7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: karena kalau itu kan kita berbicara di depan umum, kalau kita kurang PD

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: Semacam oohh mungkin salahkan, iutmi mungkin itu bagian dari anxiety nya, padahal tidak ji juga jadi terpengaruhi ketika berbicara.

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: terus mempraktekkan kak, maksudku terus berbicara di depan begitu, membiasakan.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: yes, Kusuka kak. Karena bisa ka memberi semacam apa yang saya tahu dan bisa juga ditanya teman saya bisa memberi


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant: Dari SD kelas 3 2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: karena kurang praktek, masih kurang dalam vocabnya 3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: Biasanya itu kak kurang pengetahuan tentang vocab, kurag PD, karena kurangnya praktek ee... sehari-harinya dalam bahasa Inggris, terus ketiga yang saya ketahui itu kesan berbicara dengan orang-orang sekitar itu teman berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: Kurang praktek dalam sehari-hari, kalo nervous nya kak ndak terlalu ji, cuman yang kurang itu I‟m still lack in vocab.

5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: Tidak serius berbicara di depan umum yang mungkin hal yang paling berpengaruh itu kak, berpengaruh untuk seseorang berbicara ee...speaking itu mungkin karena kurang praktek berbicara di depan umum di depan teman-temannya.

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: Kurang percaya diri karena setidaknya jika kita punya kepercayaan dirimeskipun tidak punya banyak ilmu tentang bahasa Inggris, tidak lancar carata berbicara bahasa Inggris, tapi kita punya percaya diri

setidaknya kita bisa berdiri dan berbicara meskipun hanya sedikit di depan umum.

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: karena mereka tidak bisa megekspor kemampuan mereka di depan umum, apa.. kemampuan mereka hanya, ee,,, apa yang mereka ketahui.

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: Karena mungkin kalo menurut saya kak, saya sendiri, terkadang saya kurang, saya tidak punya pengetahuan yang lebih banyak tentang bahasa Inggris. Misalnya kita akan presentase hari ini, mungkin saya belum mempelajari lebih banyak tentang materi yang akan saya presentasikan, kurang persiapan.

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: Banyak-banyak belajar dan juga banyak berteman dengan rang yang pandai dalam berbahasa Inggris. Jadi mereka bisa termotivasi dan selanjutnya juga kita ee....ketika kita ingin berbicara bahasa inggris, mungkin kita ee...mencintai lebih dulu.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: Saya pribadi suka berbicara di depan orang banyak, akan tetapi dalam bahasa Indonesia karena saya bisa men-sharing apa yang saya ketahui dan saya juga bisa eemm...menangkap apa yang pendengar itu ketahui, mungkin dalam hal saling berbagi pengetahuan


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant: I study five years ago 2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: Yes, I have difficulty learning English 3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: Because it is less motivated, 4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: Psychological problems yang dihadapi yang dapat berdampak dalam speaking performance menurut saya itu lebih meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan motivasi diri sendiri

5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: Penyebab psychological problems dalam kurangnya kepercayaan diri emm.. menurut saya mungkin karena tidak yang dengan pemahamannya sendiri sehingga dia tidak berani tampil di depan banyak orang.

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: Emm menurut saya yang paling berpengaruh dalam speaking performance itu adalah kepercayaan diri, karena kepercayaan diri itu sangat penting. Eee apa yah, karena ee kurangnya kepercayaan diri itu eee yapa yahh,, kita tidak dapat menampilkan performance speaking kita jika ia merasa bahwa eee.. belim bisa menampilkan ee apa yah.. pemahamaman ku masih sedikit sehingga apa yahh, dia ee... sehingga ee.. kurangnya kepercayaannya dirinya.

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: Emm, karena khawatir akan melakukan kesalahan, ee.. khawatir akan menjelaskan materi yang akan disampaikan dan ee.. kurangnya kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik, mereka juga merasa ee... apa..eeee... kurang eee... apa.. tidak percaya diri, eemm.. khawatir akan ee.. pengucapannya buruk dan kurangnya pengalaman dalam hal presentasi

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: Siswa merasa kurang percaya diri saat berbicara bahasa Inggris karena kurangnya kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik. Eee apa yah... kurang berlatih dalam berbahasa Inggris dan belum banyak kosakata yang ia ketahui.

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: Yang membuat siswa merasa percaya diri dan termotivasi dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris yaitu mungkin karena eee... yang membuat siswa percaya diri itu karena dia sudah fasih dalam berbahasa Inggris. Eee,,, apa yah,, sudah banyak berlatih, eee dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris dan eee.... motivasi dalam bahas Inggris mungkin eee.... mereka memang berminat mempelajari bahasa Inggri karena bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa Internasional yang digunakan secara umum eee..atau hanya karena ingin mendapatkan pujian atau penghargaan karena ee...mereka bisa ber ee... mengobrol dengan orang asing.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: Saya tidak suka berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan orang lain eee... karena saya masih merasaee.. belum percaya diri eee merasa pemahaman saya belum banyak, eee.... takut gagal dalam eee eh ehh apa.. takut ee.. apa yah... berbicara saya buru di depan orang lain. Ee... karena saya juga ee... apa yah...eee... masih banyak kurang pemahaman dalam tampil di depan orang. Saya juga khawatir eee... akan gagal menjelaskan materi yang saya sampaikan di depan orang lain, dan saya khawatirkan jika ada orang yang bertanya dan eemmm... saya tidaak dapat menjawabnya.


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant: I have learning eee... study English when I‟m in Elementary and

I, I dan saya sudah mulai tertarik ee... dan saya sudah mulai tertarik, ee... to learn ee... to study English when I‟m in Senior High School.

2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: Yes of course 3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: I think lack confidence and suddenly getting nervous and speaking English the most psychological problems in learning speaking.

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: I think when I‟m speaking in front many people I‟m ee... I‟m

suddenly getting nervous and that‟s make me blank and I forget what will I

say 5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: I think yes, because confidence, motivation ehh, confidence and motivation is the most important

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: I think lack of confidence, because when I wil ee... when I will say ee... apa yang ingin saya katakan di depan banyak orang atau kah saya ingin berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris saya biasanya tidak terlalu yakin karena saya takut karena ee,,,when I‟m speaking, ee... orang-orang tidak akan paham apa yang saya katakan or because my pronunciation masih perlu diasah.

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: Saya pikir ee.. kepercayaan diri dan kecemasan yang mempengaruhi ketika dia merasa kurang yakin kepada dirinya sendiri.

8. Interviewer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to

speak English?

Informant: I think probably ee...the students still not sure with himself and that‟s make him eee...lack of confidence.

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: Eee.. saya rasa yang membuat siswa termotivasi percaya diri dalam bahasa Inggris ee... because English is intternational language dan dengan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggria orang-orang akan eemmm....kagum dengan apa yang kita bisa, eemmm.. saya pikir itu salah satu yang membuat kita percaya diri dan termotivasi dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: Emmm I choose ,, saya memilih like to speak in front of the other peple because when I speak in front of ee.. the other people itu eee... akan membuat kita atau ee... itu akan melatih kepercayaan diri kita ee... sehinnga kita tidak ee,,, gugup lagi ketika berbicara di depan orang banyak. I think that‟s all, thank you


1. Interviewer: How long have you studied English ?

Informant: I have been learn English since I was in Junior High School until now

2. Interviewer: Do you have any difficulties in learning English ?

Informant: Yes I do 3. Interviewer: Explain what do you know about psychological problems in

learning speaking !

Informant: Psychological problems that I know ee...such as ee... lack of confidence, eee... motivation and afraid of being judge or e...afraid to speak English in front of many people and etc

4. Interviewer: What is the psychological problems that you faced and affect to

your speaking performance ?

Informant: Emmm, psychological problem that I face in speaking performance ee... like eee... lack of confidence, eee because eee... sometimes I front of many people eee...I always feel shy and afaraid of being judge and also I still lack of vocabulary. So, can not srrsnge the sentences correctly.

5. Interviewer: In your opinion, what is the cause of the psychological problems

that include lack of confidence, motivation and anxiety in learning speaking ?

Informant: Emmm, as I say before, eee... lack of confidence eee.... such as feeling shy eee... afraid of being judge and anxiety eee... such as ee... afraid to speak English.

6. Interviewer: Lack of confidence,motivation, and anxiety, which one is the

most factor that can affect to your speaking performance ? Explain why ?

Informant: I think the most emmm... the most factor that can affect to my speaking performance is lack of confidence because eemmm... as I say before, I‟m afraid of being judge when I make a wrong sentence.

7. Interviewer: How do confidence and anxiety hinder students‟ desire to speak

English ?

Informant: Eee... confidence and anxiety can hinder the students‟ desire to

speak English because when ee... student lack of confidence, eee... they will feel nervous and they don‟t know how to express their feeling and don‟t know

how to speak English 8. Interviwer: Why do students feel lack of confidence when they want to speak


Informant: Emmm.. maybe ee...they eemmm.. afraid to speak English because ee.. they afraid if their friend laugh at them. Eemmm...maybe they feel shy to speak English in front of many people

9. Interviewer: What makes student feel confident and motivate in speaking


Informant: Eemmm okay, back to my self as students, because ee... I want to ee... speak English fluently and ee.. because if I can eee... speak English fluently, eee... maybe I can eee.. go around the world and then I will not difficult to speak with a foreign people and something else.

10. Interviewer: Do you like to speak in front of the other people ? Tell me your

answer why do you like it or why you don‟t like it ?

Informant: Sometimes, I like it ee... if I like speak English in front of my friend but eee... if I don‟t know eee... the person or people ee... I don‟t like to

speak English because eee... I‟m afraid if I wrong. n

Appendix 5

A. Coding

Description of Code

Psychological Problems PSP

PSP Code

Lack of Confidence P1

Lack of Motivation P2

Anxiety P3

Students Code

Student 1 P1

Student 2 P3

Student 3 P3

Student 4 P1

Student 5 P3

Student 6 P2

Student 7 P1

Student 8 P1

Student 9 P1

Student 10 P1

B. Classifying

1. Lack of confidence

Student 1 (P1) Student 4 (P1) Student 7 (P1) Student 8 (P1) Student 9 (P1) Student 10 (P1)

2. Lack of motivation

Students 6 (P2) 3. Anxiety

Student 2 (P3) Student 3 (P3) Student 5 (P3)

C. Interpreting

According to the data classification above, we can see that there were students who have a problems in lack confidence, lack of motivation and anxiety. So, it can be concluded that the most psychological problems that the students faced were lack of confidence and anxiety.

Appendix 6



NAJDATUL AULIYAH was born in Minggi on 1st January 1998,

as the first daugther from two siblings. Her father‟s name is

Muh.Nawir and her mother‟s name is Mihram. She began her

study at SDN 06 Bulu-Bulu and graduated in 2009. Then, she

continued her education at SMPN 3 Satap Balocci and graduated in 2012.

Afterwards, she continued her study at SMAN 1 Bungoro and graduated in 2015. In

the same year, she was registered as a student of English Education Department,

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

At the end of her study in 2019, she could finish her thesis entitled Psychological

Problems in Learning Speaking Faced by the English Department Students at

University of Muhammadiyah Makassar.