Police Stay S~n· Diego ltid.Rapper.

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Police Stay S~n· Diego ltid.Rapper.


Sus pect 1denltf1ed by poltce as Ne wma n Augustine Oscbor. 22. h•ops from his s ports car a r m ed Wednes­ctu y and was immedia te ly cut down by police gunfire.

DAILY PILOT * * * 10' * * *

T H URSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 26, 1979 VOL 11. NO 11• . & \ ICTl ()jlj\ , tO ,.AGI!\

He got off one s hot a t officers. The s hooting occurred on Interstate 8 ne a r San Diego. Osebor was s us pected of holding a San Diego psychiatrist host age for more

.,..,.,.._. than t hree hours . Osebor was ident ified as a Niger ia n s tudent at hlete who had previously threa tened the hves or his victim 's fa mily. See s tor y, P age A5 today.

Dr. MacDonald Gets

Delay in New Trial

as ation .Plan • ymg II Percent

Mortgage Loan

Rates Hiked LOS ANG ELES !A P > MaJor

California savm~i. a nd loan a!>· soc1at1ons, which have often led the na tion in mortgage rate in creas~. a rc ra is ing mort~ag~ loa n r ates to I 1 pe r ce nt or a bove. the highest rate in 4 112 yea rs

G lendale Federal Savm~s said Wednesday 1t was raismg iLs (ix· ed -r a te loans to 11 114 percent

1 from the previous io:v. percent to 11 perct!nt

The firm also raised its varia ble rate minimum 11.. percent lo io:v .. per<'t·nt

Varia bl e mortgage rates. lega l in California and several other states. a llow the Interest ra te to be changed within lim1L'i as other inte rest ra tes change over the hfe of the loan. · Meantime. Home Savings, the lar ges t savings a nd loan in the nation. reported that it was " an th e throes of cons id e ri ng a change" of rates in l ight of the industry movement toward the


We ather

Va riable high cloudiness tonight. A few high clouds but mostly sunny F riday. Lows loni gbl 54 t o 58 . HJgbs Friday 66 to 70 a t. beaches, 74 to 78 inland.

INSIDE TODAY Hm ong t rabesmen ore

among the thouacmd.s of ref· i.ge11 WhO feel Like "oban· doned l~" and look to the UnUed States for o home. StoTJI , photo Page BB.



I I pe rcent mark . Rates in California h<1ve fre·

quenlly risen fas ter a nd higher than those o r o t h e r a r e a s because or demand for housing in the state

But housmg economis t!> say mortgage raws a t·m si. the coun t ry arc under ~rcssure becaui.c S&Ls mu~l pay for mortgage.· funds for lendine.

Recently. much of those funds have come fro m s ix -m ont h money m a r k e t cerl if ic ate i. which have inte res t ra tes tied to Treasury bills . The la tes t ra te a llowed on the certi ficate was 9.3 percent.

The las t time most Califorma S& Ls charged 11 per cent or more for home loans was in Oc· lober 1974.

Death Clue Scrauiled In Blood

LOS ANGELES IAP > Ady-ing man who scaled a fl ve·foot fence despite shotgun wounds and tried unsuccessfully to sum­mon help from nearby homes left a clue to his death scrawled in blood.

Ca sey J one s s crawled lhe name " Roger'' in blood on a neighbor's door, leading police to arrest his friend.

Sa n Bernardino County sheriff's deputy Raul Bracmonle said Wednesday lbal after being shot Tue8day, Jones, 28, ran to a house before leaving the bloody clue.

Roger Bury) Howard, 34, was booked for lnvesliga,Uon of murder Tuesday. He wb belnc held in San Bernardino County Jail.

Bracmont.e said the men, who had been friends about 10 yea.rs, were drinking together when an argume nt erupt ed Tuesday morning. .

B racmonte ui6d Jones was found collapsed in the back yard of lbe residence. He w11 rushed to a bolpltaJ , where he later died.

• •


~•• llttlferw .,. .. ....,....

Gas light Club waitress goes on t he picket line in he r working clothes Wednesday in employees· effort to un­ioniz~ the Washington O.C. watering spot.


United Mine Worke rs union Is Jooldng for another place lo hold a ran convention after pulling out of liiorida for its failure lo ra tify the proposed Equal Riaht.s Amendment.

it ==-::=c ¥1 ; ¥ § l W SW t

Doctor's Trial Delayed

Dr J effrey Mac Dona ld of lluntington lla roour . the fo rmer Green ~rel car>l aan charged an l hl' 1970 deaths or has wife and t wo daughters, has won a trial vostponemcnt

The tria l was to begin Mon day . but Mac Dona ld 's attorneys las t week asked U S Di st r ict .Jud ge Frankhn Dupree J r . to postpone the Raleigh. N C • tria l to g ive the m mor e t ime for prepa ra tion .

T he U.S Supreme Court re· fused in March to mtcrfere with the t riaJ . MacDonald 's attorneys argued that the tria l would re­sult in double jeopardy because a 1970 military invest 1~at1on had ended in exonera~on

Now direc tor of e mergency medicine a t St Ma ry Medical Center . Loni: Beach , Mac Donald was indicted by a federal grand 1ury in Raleigh m the de a ths on Feb. 17, 1970 of his wife Colette a nd children Kimberly. 6, and Kris ten, 3.

Military police who rushed to th e n-Green-Ber e t -Capt. Mac · Donald's quarters al Ft. Bragg, N.C .. said the three had been bludgeoned to death and the cap­ta in was suffering a knife wound in the chest.

They sa id Mac Dona ld told them tha t four drug-crazed hjp­p1cs had forced their way into his home and a ttacked him and

<See DELAY, Page AZ>

Pot Search <:osts $7 ,500

NEW YORK CAP > - A Queens high school girl has re· ce iv e d $7 ,SOO in damage s because she wa s forced b y school authorities to partially dis robe during a " de grading search " for marijuana.

No marijuana was found and U.S. Diat.rict Judge John Dociling o n Wednesday awarded the money for " mental and emo· Uonal pain" Inflicted on lbe girl, idenlilied only as ' ' M.M. '' He ree­ommended she use the money for psychiatric counseling.

Last year, a jury s ided with two Bays ide High School of· flclals . However . Dooling set aside the verdict for lack of evidence.

.... ........... Breaksl A "" Comedienne Phylhs D11le r . wearing a n t>ye mas k , 1s w hee led in to a S y d n ey , Au s tra lia , hos pita l afte r b r e ak ing her arm fa ll ing o ut of a hot e l bed while rcac hi n~ for a n a larm c loc k . She · ~ o n t o ur in J\ us t r a lia .

Tm/fie Plan Annormced For Air Show

Ir vine police ha ve announced the ir plans to cope with the massive traffic expected to be genera ted by the weeekend rur show at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

From 3: LS to 6 p.m . Saturda:." and Sunday . tra ffi c on roads le ading from the base will be al· towed to proceed in onJy a west bound dirttt ion, a way from the s ta tion, said Sgt. Bob Kredel

Affected roads a re Trabuco Road between the El Toro main ga te and C ulve r Drive and Irvine Bo ulevard from El Toro north gale to J effrey Road, Kredel said.

Also, in the Northwood vijlage a rea, two eu lbound lanes will be open between Culver and Myford Road for resldents' use, Kredel said .

On J effrey Road , between T r abuco and Walnut St reet , traf­!k will only be.. pe,cmilt_ed to go southbound durini the afte rnoon

(See TaAFFIC, Pa(e AZ>

Meeting Rejected By GOP

WASllJNGTON IAP > Prest· dent Carter made a new effort toda y to save his beleaguered standby gasoline r ationing plan from bem~ killed by CongreSl> .

With a c ritica l Senate Energy ~omm1ttee vote sched uled later

m the day, the president offered



t o a lloca t e m o r e ga sol ine co u p o n s to s t ates wh e r e mo tor is ts drive gTeater di s ­ta nces to work .

It was not c lear if the proposal would saJva&,e the rationing pro· posa l m the House or Senat~

The House Commerce U>m· m itlee, which voted to reject the plan Wednesda y. met again to­day so that Carter's supporters could make an attempt to revive 1t. But Republicans boycotted the meeting, and no new vote was taken.

Carter's s upporters on the House committee said lbe While House compromise would have -;witc hed enough votes lo re · verse Wednesday 's outcome.

The ra tioning pla n will get a nother chance on the House

<See GAS, Pa,e AZ)

lkdian Loses In Roulette

ROME CAP) A 30-year ·old goldsmith killed h i m se lf wh i l e " r e ­c r ea ting" the Rus s ian roulette sce ne from the a wa rd·winning film " T he Deer Hunt.er," police re· ' ported.

Police s ources s aid Enrico D' Andrea asked three maJe employees in his jewelry shop to stay on afte r work for " some ex· cite ment."

While they "Htcbed, he put one bullet ln a .38· caliber revolve r , spun the cylinder, put lbe gun to his bead and pulled the trla· 1er.


". er 'd .

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I f"ur14tX. Apo! n . ''11

Smoking '0-.w••' 3.5 Million America118 Kick Habit

••d a S mllllon conaldered t.Mm ... w. eaacttaefw ln kl~ Ulellaa.M.

SAN I' 8.ANC ' X> <AP > - A ,ovemment wrv 1 found u..t 1moktn& •mon1 le8Hl..,W "­rauen by 25 pettent aince ttH.

1_,__ ____ tteallh, l"Auc•tk'tn and Weltant

Sttretary JOMph A Califano Jr Hid today.

" C\early. peoplt" .,.. , .. tine and '"pondiftl lo the eubllc health mMUle lbat •moll· ln• le ak>w-moUon aulc:lde," be dttlared ln a l&K'ffh pre~,ed for • meet~na of lht1 Nallon•l ln · t-eraa~Y Counr11 on Smwaa and ll~allh

Callfano .. Id the routb aurv.y by HEW'1 N1Uona lnaUtute or ltducaUoft fouod I.bat 3.S million penoaa ap 1J to II, aome 12 percent ol I.bat 11..e 1roup, are ~IWU' amollen.


. . .


allfano alao d ltcloaed that 11\othu II ,.w poll round an ... t lmatf'd 17 mtll jon Amtir1~•nl tr1..-d lo quit 11mok lf\I lul }'"f'ar.

Pensions Up Benefiu Pay lncreaaed

WASHINGTON 1AP > T he 8 erage dderly Social ~runty ~ndu.: 1ury will fmd S2S extra m hlb government c• h t>c·k an Juh und bOmt.' Will get up lo S50 more as a result of the aulomat t l' 9 9 perce nt benef 1t increase announced 101t ay -

I'he rt•t•urd tnC'rease, which will cost t he Social Secunty trus t funds $10.2 billion. came automatically as a result of tht' rise in the Consumer Price Index in the firs t quurll'r or this yea r over the same period in 1978.

An t•st11nat(.'d 35 m1lhun retired or disabled workers · ancJ Lhcir famahcs a nd s urvivors will get the increase in

thl·ir July <'hec ks Benefi ts also will go up 9.9 percent for ;1 bout 5 million SupplemcntaJ Security Income rec1p1ents .11 J 1·ost of $415 m1lhon

Last y<•ur 's <'os t of living inc reas (• was 6.5 p.:rcent. Thi -. 1s lht• fifth annual automati<.' cost ·of-h vm g inc r ease ;1 11d l '"fft•t•d s lh<· JH"f'V 1o us high of 8 percent in 1975

Wayne Recovering At Newport Home

i\ 1· 1<ir Joh11 Wayn~ was up and :1h11ut .1t h1., N1•wpo rt Beach hom1· t11d.1v hut w<J s not prc­pa r•·tl to offl·r any (Jdd1t1ons lo :o.1":1 th111,i.: comment~ he made .tlu •u l t hi' pr1•-,s when he lf'ft !lo.ii.: J\lt•morw l 110.,p1 tal Wt.'<.! nt· -,d:ir

No. hl· f•·1·b hl• said wh:it he h;1d lo '"Y. · · !'. t·t· ret<Jry P;it St:icy .,:rnl " l h>"s up now and he 's foe l­•llJ.: f1nt• and ht· sa y~ he reels bt-t· tl·r for sayini.: 1t. " I

Waync>, 71. <Jl"tU '> t·<I unnamed news rcpe>rtl•rs of " t rying to hrihe peoµI<" ' to talk about his <·onchtton "hic·h was 1dentiJ1ed liy the hospital a -; hronchit.Js.

/\ nd he told the press in a -; tatcment issued as he left the hospital " T havf•n' t lied to the µn·ss othoul anything but they "111 not l<tk{· our repor ts as truthful.

·· rt t•portl•rs sneak around l ry­ir•J! to hril11• p c·o ple to say sumf'thing lhitl won 't coincidc " 11 h th<· offlti<t l report I don 't know why th11t IS n(•("(·ssary but [ gu1•ss 1l 1s mod1·rn d uy news m1·thods

· ' It uM•d to be cons idered ye ll ow JOUrnCJ li s m . Anyway, have a happy da y ··

W ityne issut·d the st atement throu~h spokes woman Ma rcy Mobley. She and M•Sb Stacy have re fUS(.'(j to identify the re·


1RAFFIC ... µenods . he added

K rt!del said Northwood resi ­dent'> s hould use Culver and Bryan Avenue to get in a nd out of their neighborhood.

" Wc>'ll have officers at the primary intersections. We ex · pert no problems, " he said. It 1s ei.timaled that 100,000 people will attend the air s how featur· ing the Blue An~els each' day. That translate~ lo about 30,000 curs, Krt.-dcl said .

li e a lso poi nt ed o ut that Cali fornia Highway Patrol of­ficers will be out in force to cite motorist'> who park a long tbe San Oiego, San t a Ana and Laguna freeways to walch the show. Unattended vehicles will be towc.>d awtJy, he added.


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porters who apparentl y have ange red th t- veteran Wes tern ::. tar.

W;1yn(' was husp1tal1 zcd fo r a month a t UCLA Medical Center la te las t y<'ur a nd underwent s urgery for removal of his tun C'<'fous stomach. J11s un ly puhhc upµearan<"l.' ~ i nce that surgery wa s a t thl' Acadl·my Awards ceremony April 9.

Profit Gains Continue For Oil Firms

NEW YORlt <AP l Reports from nation 's major oil com. p an ies continued ll) s how big profit ga ins in the fi rstquarter of the year largely bec ause of s harp incr eases i n world petroleum prices .

Several. including top-ranked Exxon. said the stronger dollar on currency exchange markets also helped improve profits.

Sun Oil Co. said today higher prices on foreign crude oil and re la ted products on ioterna · tional mar kets he lped it to a 43 percent gamin fi rst quarter prof. its from a year ago.

Sun. the l llh ·larges t oil com­pany. said earnings in the first three months or the year came to $120.3 million . or $2.24 a s ha r e , on r evenu e o r $2.36 billion. Jn the compar ison 1978 quarter . Sun reported earnings of $84.3 mmion, or $1.57 a share, on revenue of $1 7 bi llion.

Standard Oi l or California. the fourth larges t U.S. oil company, said Wednesday that its first quarter profits rose nearly 43 percent , to $347 million.

Smaller Amerada Hel'ls Corp. s h o wed ea rnings more than t ripled from the year -ago period , to $115.6 million.

Standard Oil of Ohio. citing special circumsta nces, reported profits up 300 percent, to $167.5 m illion from a loubled 1978 com· parison period. and Getty Oil said profits rose nearly 42 per· cent to $108.2 million .

Ea rlie r in t he week , top· ranked Exxon reported record profits of $955 millinon for lhc pe r iod . up 37 ~rcent from a year ago. Third·ranked Texaco s aid profits rose 81 percent to $307 million in the fi rs t three m onths.

MobiJ Oil, the second largest company. was due to re leue its earninga report later todey.

The m a jor companies cit e light supplies - a problem a1· gravaled the revolution In Iran - as the major reason for sharply higher earnln1s because buy ers competing ror the s maller supplies h ave bid up prices.


DELAY ••• hia family.

MacDonald w11 not available for comment Wednesday. Hls secretary 1ald be was Oft h1a ••.1 to San 1"ranclteo to meet wtth bla attorney, Bemard Se1al.

No date hu been Mt for the pottponed trial . 1be advtMCI, but Or . MacDon ald and hi t at· torney1 beUeve It will 1et under way sometime this summer.


The rate bad been 12 percent lo ••. then Jwnped to ta per· <"Ht In a 1974 survey by another HEW agency. tbe Nationel ClearlQCbol,&H on Smoking and tto lth.

Girl smokers outnumber boy 1mokers ln this age group, 1.7 million to 1.6 million, Cal.llano llld .

Smc*iog by boys ages 17 and 18 bu fallen from 31 percent a Cew years ago to l9 ~rcent now. but the rate for girls lo that age brac ket has c limbed from 19 percent in l968 to pas t 26 per· cent . he said. ~

" While men are g'i ving up cigarettes and fewer boys are s tarling women a re a pparently h nding It h a rd~r to give up s moking, and girls are taking il up in increasing proportions,· ' Califa no said.

" Our statistical research has yielded anotb<'r new a nd chilling fact. A boy who takes up smok· mg before age 15 and continues lo smoke is onJy half as likely lo Ii vc to age 75 as a boy who never smokci;," he said.

T he HEW secretary . an ex · s m o ker who launched a war aga inst smoking 15 months ago. a lso issue d a c hall e n ge to American cigarette com panies to s pend 10 percent of their $800 million advertis ing and promo· l ion budgets on public service ads urging children. teen·agers a nd preg nant wom e n oot to s moke.

He said the tobacco companies 1ns1s t they "con~ider smoking an adu lt habit." but declared "T he t1m (' h a s come to a s k the cigarette manufacturers to put some of their advertising dollars whe re their rhetor ic is."

Ca lifa no said a s urvey by ll EW 's Na t ional Cente r for llea lth Stallst1cs came up with the e s timate tha t 17 million persons . or 31 percent of the na­tion 's 54 mi llion smokers, tried to qu it smoking last year . A past s urvt•y b y lfEW 's Na tio n al Clearinghouse on· Smoking and Hea lth estimated tha t 90 percent of s mokers either tri<'d to or wou ld like lo quit the habit.

A surgL'On gener al's report re· leased J a n. 11 said 30 million Ame ricans have quit the habit s ince 1964. when the firs t sur · geo n genera l's report led to warnings on cigarette pack.a~es

The ove rall pe r cen t age or adu lt s mokers has fallen from 42 percent to 33 percent. The sha rpest drop was among men. down from 51 percent in 1965 lo 38 p e r cen t i n 197 8 , whil e women's rate dipped from 33 percent lo 30 percent.

The January r eport 5aid 6 million youths age 13 t.o 19 were regular s mokers, and 100,000 child ren under 13 a lso s moked regularly

Bird Disease Information Being Sought

A Santa Ana vete rinary task for ce figh ting Newcastle Dis ease Is seeking information from anyone who has purchas ed from or traded birds with Bob Peterson of Font.aoa since last Dec. 18.

The task force can be contact ­ed a t 836-2671 .

The task fo r ce . wh ich has spent Sl million so far lhls year Investigating and purchasing in · fe e t e d birds in a South e rn Cal ifornia outbreak , should also be notllied of any sudden or un­explained deaths of birds .

Newcastle Disease. for which the re is no effective treatment . d evas tate d th e Sout h e rn Ca lifo rn ia poultr y indus try about fi ve yea rs ago, offi cials said .

Mrs.Trudeau Story Halted

BUENOS AIRES. Argentina I AP ) Newspaper serialization of Mar«aret Trudeau 's memoi rs has beea halted while a federal Judge decides whether their pubUcaUon violates an Argen­tine law prohibiting public ad · vocacy of drug abuse.

The ne ws paper La Razon s tarted publi11hin1 excerpts of Mrs . Trudeau ' s life s tor y . " Beyond Reuon," on Monday. The paper complied with the or­der of Judge Jorie A ValeTga Arao1 on Wednesday, but the paeer called It " an effort to the ript ol dtlsena to be fully and lrutbf ulb lnf ormed. · •

The nnt e.cerpt told about Mrs . Trudeau's experimentation wlt.b a variety of clru.c• ln lloroc· co durt.na ber "flower child" period belore meetinc a.nd mar · rytnll( Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.


Save the Whale P ubhc11.ing the 1m:qu1tws 'f\Tought upon he r kind , the tn· flal<.ihl t• \\h<.t lt• Fin float5 past the Statue of Liberty lll Nl·w \ u rk Flo h <ts traveled the world a s a symbol of µrol t·st <tg~un~I thl' l.illang of whales .


Huntington Suspect Held in Abduction

WC' 1>t m1n!.ll· r pol11·1· havt hcwikl'{i a 31 yc·dr 11111 ll untin~ton B1•ach man into Orange· County Jail for !'iUSplC' 10n of kidnapµ1ng :i 26 n •ar old Wt's lm 1ns t e r woman lat€.· Wt·dncl>day

Arre-.t c'<.1 h) In 1nC' 1><1lice and turn<·d O\.-er to Wt•stm111sler of f1 cl'rs wa -, Thnma:. Kt.•lley or 10411 Samou Dnvc

1t s topJX·d fo r a n >d h ~ht on F:l Toro Road at J e roni mo Hoad in El Toro She spollt·d a '>hc•nff ., patrol car <i nd n agged 1l du>An , deputies anid .

Deputy Way ne P1 t>ratt 1m med1alt'ly radioed <.i delocr1ptwn of the suspt'{'t ' i. van The broad <:ast was monitorl'd by an rrv1nt· office r who SPolll'd the veh1ch:

• -travehng north on the Santa Ana Ke lley all · ~f'dl) pi c ke<l up Freeway ne<tr Jeffrey Hnad

Cynthia Anderson m Ins van on

GAS ••• l)oor.

Carter ' s a t tempte d com . promlk wais outUM<t In a letter from Whlt.e tlou.se aide Stuart E. Elzenallll.

He wrote to Rep. Jolul D6npll, D·lllcb .. ehalrmaa ot a ao.e Enero subeommta.. IMI. Ille admlniltraUon would double tM a.UoeA&.ioa ol r-·- !81111 - to at~te• that let they mleht IMI" been treated untalrly uocler tbe president '• orisln.al r•UoGlac plan. .

Tbe originaJ plan called for Americana to receive ~pons based on the number or cars they own.

That would mean , for ex.am· pie. that a peraon i.n Arizona who drove 50 miles to work would be ab le to purc hase tbe same a mount of gasoline u a New Jersey resident who drove 10 miles to his job.

Under the eompromlse, the governor of Arii.ona mi_gbt ~­celve enough additional guoUne coupons to make up the inequity_

Both the rationing plan and propoaed wee kend closin g a uthority have received rocky r ecepbonson Capitol HUI.

Sen. Henry M . Jackson, D­Wash .. chairman of the Senate E ne r gy Committee, predicted Congres.'i will fashion some of its own s tandby mandatory con. se rvat1on measures, a nd send others burk to the White House for rrdrafllng

" Th1> 1•urrent rat1oninR pro pos;1I 1~ t"'' cumbersom e and not work;ibh· ... J achon l>aid in an &nl t:' r Vl('W

A 'l th P adm1n 1s lratio n ·s s tandby plans we re laking their l umps Wednesday , E n e r gy Secretary James R. Scblestnaer and Sen. FAward M . Kennedy. D MHs .• were having a heated exch ange o ver Carter 's pm· posed "wind fa ll profits " t ax: on haJ f the add1t1onal revenues oil companies will rece ive after domesl!c crude oil prices are de· controlled later this year .

.. Quite frankly, I think it's a charade," Kennedy said during a joint House-Senate subcom· mittee hearing.

.. I want lo thank the chairman cKe nnedyl for hjs objective pre· :.entat1on ," Schlesinger relortc>d ~a rcasl.lca lly

Refugees Trek Alnng Border

A RANYAPR ATH E1 . Thi:ttlllnd I AP I Some 50.000 C'ambodwn c1v11tans and troops ~llll loyal to lhe ousted .Pol Pot r r_g 1m t'. tr ~kked south ward .don~ th e That- Cambodian borda today on their way lo linJc I.IP "1th 20,000 more across tbe hor1lcr

Thd1 authorihe~ said the horde Beach Boulevard m·ar Md'ad de n Avenue at about 10 pm . ar co r din g lo Orang e Count ; Sheriff's depultf' i.

De puties s aid t h e wo ma n Jumped from Kclllf~ van when

Sbenff"s orr1c1als sa id Kelley 's of refu~c-es wa.s snaking its way va n was stopped on the north· through forested flatlands and bound Costa Mesa F'reeway JUSt the Ta Ngan mountain ra nge north or the Santa Ana Freeway 111ward thc> Pa1 hn a rea, 60 mile!> where the SUS Pf'Cl wa1> turned .1wa 'Y whNe about 20,000 Cam -over to Westmins lt•r ofhct!r~ hoJ wn.c, Wl'rl' masM~d

~~~~~ ~~~~~~


Small , Compact, Space·Saving Women's R&cl iners

In a Wide Selection of Styles and F*ics


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SOt 1()..6

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491-1902 Mon • kl 10-<t

Sot t().S ao.dSundoy


1. ., •


Orange Coast· tOI TI ON

VOL. 72, NO. 116, •SECTIONS, 40 PAGES

• t

Totlay's Cle•lag N.Y.Stoeb


l Four Coast Firms Forni En~rgy Co-op

ln what ortlc1al suy 1& •

unaqut1 t'llllt"n ml'nt . four of tht­Orun it' t'ouHl ' l' htfUtt-:. t flrm 11 h avl' f orml•d an c> n t> r gy <'OOpt>rtlhVl' In n Uttt•mpt lo SUV•' four meguwuu of l' il'clnl'tly dur 1ng !ht' flst·al )1•ur h(•.clnnlng Jul y l

l''our ml'.:uwalL'> of elel'tnr1ly 111 enou.:h to s upply t'Ol' rJ(Y to 3,000 homes for a yl'ur

Tht' cu op ~"'' l;,1uru•hcd lh1i. morntni.: dur1n.: J prebi. con

ference hos t ed by Pacific Mutual Life lns u ro ncti Com v•ny . OfW' of Its mcmbt·u

T he oth r mt•mbnli .ire lhl' Ir v ine Compu ny . th \• l"luor Corp llOd South oagt Pla111

Undt-r the termb of the u"r~ mcnl :ug~ toduy ull four com 11an1ci1 will bl' llnkt'd hy a com pute r operoted hy Engtneenng Supe rv1s1on Com puny 1ESCO 1 th ul will monitor the firm :> t·ner.cy dc<1111tndll

Tht! cooperutive is designed lO reduce demand during the after· noon peak period at about 4 p.m.

Using the monitoring device, co·o p president Bud Dobyns of l'' luor said. will te ll members when to defer use of some equip· m~nl

John Phillips or ESCO said th ol won' t mean a wholesale shutting off of Lights a nd air con­d1lloning. but a selective reduc­t ion an use of some machines. He

said one pice or equipment among many . such as one of two or three elevators, might be closed down during the peak.

He described the pla n as an energy budget . but one used In concert by the four firms. rather than on an mdividual basis.

C. E . Hathway. vice president of Southern California Edison, said the program has never been tried before in the United States.

He explained that the four

companies paid for a feasibility s tudy on the project.

With the approval of the state Public Utilities Commission and Edison. the cost of implement· ing the project , about $250.000. will be borne by Edison.

Dobyns said that end of the first year trial, if the co-op has worked as planned , the group will petition the PUC for instilu· lion or a special rate as an in· cent1 ve lo gel more businesses

t.o do the same thing. He said lhat more Orange

County firms are expected to join the co-op. but that the rour we re the companies that have worked on its formation for about a year. ·

Ca lled the Orange County Ene r gy Co n se rv a t ion Cooperative, the organization is a non-profit corporatfoo .

Phillips said the project is ex­<See ENERGY, Page AZ >

: Carter· Fights for Gas Ration Supervisors' OK

Coasta1 Park I I ) Plan Backed .,

B y KATHY CLANCY OI , ... D•ll' l'llot Sl•ll

Creation of a n 18,000-acre urban national park that would stretch along the Irvine coast and through the hills surround· ing Laguna Reach was endorsed Wednesday by Orange County supervisors.

The board unanimously adopt­ed a resolut ion urging the Na­tional Park Ser vice lo create the pa r k. tukang 1n thrt:c -rourths of

State S&L Loan Rates

I Reach 11 o/o LOS ANGELES I AP > Major

California suving:. and loan as­s~iations. which have oflen led the nation in mortgage rate in· cre ases. a re raising mortgage loan rah•s to 11 percent or above. the highest rate in 4 112

/ years. Glendale Federal Savings said

Wednesday 1l was rais ing its fi x­e d -r alt! loans to 11 1/ 4 percent from the previous 10% percent to 11 percent.

T he firm olso raised its varia­ble rate minimum 'I• percent lo 10:14 percent.

Va r ia bl e m or t gage rates. lega l in Californi a and several othe r sta tes. a llow the interest rate t.o be changed within limits as other interest rates change o ver the life of the loan.

Meantime. Home Savings. the la r gest savings and loa n in the nation, reported that il was " in t h e throes of cons ider ing a change" or rates in light of the indus try movement toward the 11 pe rcent mark .

Rates in California have fre· quently risen faster and higher t h a n those o f oth e r a r eas beca use or de mand for hous ing in the state.

But hous ing economists say mortgage r ates across the coun­try are under pressure because S&Ls must pay for mortgage funds for lendim!.

Or:::c.4.Coasl ~

Weather Variable high cloudiness

tonight. A few high clouds bul mostly sunny Friday. Lows tonight 54 t o 58. Highs Friday 66 to 70 al beaches. 74 to 78 inland.

INSIDE TODA '1 Hmong tribe1men ore

ommag the t~ of re/· ugee1 um /eel lib " oban· doned I~" and look to the United State• /or o home. Storw. photo Page m.

•••e• .... _ ......... .. • rMa ....... CJ "'"".... .. ............ , ~ Al

~ "'"" Clelllk• a =- Cl .... Att ........ ~ ... ,

·~ lCN ........... CM ..... I J CJ

... -- -.

the 10.000-acre lr v1nt! Coa:.l south of Corona del Ma r

In addition , the par k boun Jaries would include the Laguna Greenbe lt , Lagu n a Beach 's Sycamore Hills and open space lands in the future com muruty or Al iso Viejo.

Su pervisor s a lso a sked that the park include the Bonner anc1 Shad y Canyons in the city of Irv ine. along with Los Tra ncos Ca nyon on the inlund s ide of Pacific Coast Highwa y south of Corona del Mar

The proposed Aliso VieJO park lands would include more than 3.000 acres of open space the Aliso Viejo Compa ny a lready has pledged to donate for public use. along with about 700 acres now s lated for development of up to 4,000 dwellings.

When supervi s or s recently adopted a land use pl a n for Al iso Viejo. they required that the ad­d i li o na I prope rt y b e m ade available for public purchase al • the March. 1979. market price

George Osborne. d irector or the count y En viron m e ntal Ma nagement Age ncy 1 E MA >. reported to supervisors that Na· tio n al P a rk Service ad .' ministrators have round the area qualifies for development a s a national park .

Their findings were bused up· on the presence of what were ca lled s ignificant natura l re­sources, primarily the Irvine coastal land . a long with the

<See PARK. Pa~e i\2)

Upper Bay Silt Study Bill Shelved

Asse mbl y woman Mariun Be r geson . R-Newport Beac h, has withdrawn h e r proposed legis lation t.o finance a study or a device to ha ll s iltation of Up­per Newport Bay.

An aide lo the legislator said Mrs . Bergeson's bill , AB 951, wa s r e m oved fr om t h e le gis lative cale ndar becal.lfie the re is no factual data to back it.

Severa l agencies concerned with the siltation or the stale· o wned biological prese r ve s ought the leg is lation whi ch would be the firs t step toward gelling a desilling bas in built up· s tream of the bay in San Diego Creek.

But Juli e Froberg . Mrs . Bergeson's adminsistrative as­s is tant, said today there has been no research done which would support the contention that such a project would indeed bait the now of mud into the bay.

Mrs . Bergeson 's e fforts in· stead will be directed at getUna federal clean water funds for t.be s tudy. ·

Such a step would require ap· proval of the stale Waler Quality Control Board and tbe rederal Environmental Protection Agertcy.

The regional water qu11lty control board meet• tonllhl at 7 o 'clock in tbe Fullerton City Council Q\amben.

Mn. Bercnon will need a Jet. ter uriPna the board to put fW\dt for the Upper Bay dulllln1 pond study u a top priortly.

ln addiUona.. the overall clean· (See BAY DILL, Pa1e Al>

ANGEL SEVEN, THE TWO-SEAT A-4 SKYHAWK, AT REST AT EL TORO AIR STATION The Sleek Blue Machine Isn't Used In the Show; It's For Giving Demonstrations


0.11, ...... S'-ff ,......

REPORTER JOANNE REYNOLDS TRIES TO EXPLAIN RIDE 'Beraerk Elevator' And • few 'Whees' Sum It All Up

'Dance Aero• Clouds' Writer_,s Ride With 'Angels' a Bit Scary

By JOANNE REYNOLDS °' .... 0.11, ,. .... 51.aff

It 's a ride in an elevator gone berserk and a dance across the cloud$.•

Mome nts of breath tak in g ecstasy are punctuated by stomach-wrenching vertigo.

To a handful of men. il j5 as common an experience as a trip lo the corner market.

For me, it was a fantasy come to life- a r ide with the Blue Angell.

More preclsely . it was a ride wilh Anlel Seven, Lt. Jack Ekl. Wednesday he gave me a taste of the air show to be performed Saturday and Sunday at El Toro M ar l.M Coe-pg AJr Station .

Aa a member of lhe Navy's

precis ion flying tea m he is one of the nation 's bes t pi lots, a va rs ity jet jockey.

Ekl looks the part. dressed in his royal blue flight suit- which happens to match the paint job on his A·4 Skyhawk- and his bright yellow ascot lie .

Aviator's sunglasses obscure hiS> eyes and his rore and aft cap sags in just the right places . meeting his glasses a t a point that no doubt marks the center line of his face . . Ekl , 32, Is cool , but not cocky.

He wants me to know whal I'm getting into so I can enjoy It.

" It's fWl . Jt never gets boring. but It's like any other job. There are d ays when lhlngs arc going really good and there are other days," Ekl exµltiln


Thal tall s leek jet I'm going lo get in is really nothing more than a standard trainer . he says.

Ekl 's right hand man Is AEl Joe BeJTY. his crew chief. Berry puts me in an olive drab night suit and straps me into the back seal or the fighter.

Be rry 's warnlnp abound ; don ' l touch anythulg painted black and yellow; be sure lo nip the intercom back to re~ive when ~ou're done talking ; don't try t.o gel out of lhe plane al the end of the nlght unUl the ejec· Uon seat ls dJsarm~d.

He points out the location of the ''barf bag" and ducks down the ladder with a cheery " have a nice ffi&ht.

W aittng for takeoff clearance. tStt ANGF.LS, Page AZ)

Meeting Rejected By GOP

WASm NGTON IAP > - Pres•· dent Carter made a new effort today to save his beleaguered s ta nd by gasoline rationing plan from being killed by Congress

With a critical Senate Energy Committee vole scheduled later an the day. the president offered



to allocate more gaso l ine cou pons t o s tat es wh e r e motori s ts drive greate r dis ­tances to work .

It was not clear if the proposal would salvage the rationing pro­posa l in the Hous e or Senate

The House Commerce Com-. mitlee. which voted to reject the plan Wednesday. met again to­day so that Carter 's supporters could make a n attempt lo revive 1t But Re publicans boycotted the meeting, and no new vote was taken.

Carter's s upporters oo the House committee sajd the White House compromise would have ,...._ s witched e nough votes to re· verse Wednesday's outcome.

The rationing plan will gel a nother chance on the House floor

Ca rter ' s at te m pte d co m · promise was outlined in a letter from White Houst! aide Stuart E. Eizens tat.

lie wrote to Re p. J ohn Dingell . D· Mich .. chairman of a House Ene rgy subcommittee, that the ad m irus tralion would double thf'

<~GAS. Pue A 2 I

Marina Lease

At Newport Transferred

The lease of the joint city co unt y Ar c h es Marin a in Ne wp o r t Be ac h ba s been transferreclto Allen M. Senall by Or ange County super visors.

Sena ll is a Newport Beach busi nessman and on e or the partners who bought the Bolboa Fun Zone and marina las t year.

The Arches Marina. located on West Coas t Highway at the Newpor t Boule vard overpass, was formerly leased t.o a limited partnersrup.

Unde r the joint owne rship agreement, Orange County gov· ernment is given lbe authority lo administer the marina's lease for the city . A cily s pokesman noted that the cily retained the a utbori l y to a uthori ze t~ e transfer or the marina's harbor permit.

He said the cily isn 'l expected lo block the transfer lo Senall.

Terms of the lease s tipulate lbal the county recei ves a percentage or the gross receipts from boat s lip r e ntal s. said county spokesman Terry Swin· die .

Tbe lease covers tbe 7S-boal m ar ina and an adjoining office building.

In related action, supervisors also aprroved a long·term sub· lease o lhe seoond noor of the marina's ofrice building for use aa a yacht club. ·

Awarded the sublease was Newport Bayview Management Co.

The contract with the county for the m.1 W. Coast Hi1bway pr"Opert.y otrers the letsee rental options up to 29 years, Swindle said

• " I t .r

t . t ~ rr

. ..


ANGEhS •••

d2 l'JA.ILY PILOT N Off ic;,.;_e_r ...... s--;;:;;POUa~;.::::.=P<:.:.L4N-=--•c ,4VCDON

Honor Slain· Cop

BJ 14Clll II •AN Ol .. IMlf, ...........

llwldr~d of 1ttlht't cer and mutor<')'t' ll' lirwd th alrttlt to d ity nouod Sl. Simon aJ>d Jude Churcib ln ttunlfoCLOG lk'acb u "'"tf' Uuan t ,000 fellow pe>aH of f1N~r11 paid lributo tn ''•In t .. n, An.ides Shetltf''4 l.k1put y Gt'Orllc> Durlhl'I , 32. of t'4,>11t a M Ii

fifty .. ~yd• ...... •••eru . a wadety of tr.• e • r 1l • r 1 • n 41 ••l~ulatora aad t •• ••torere&u will be ••••& U•• ll••• ••~· ....... ~b1U. Newport 9ueh Pollet Department

The Hie , .... under .,II)' 9 & DI _ 0 the_ lJ r·"

mf'nl '• Jljjrk1ng 101 a 8'10 Sant• Barbu• Orlvt' lo Nowport Ccmtf'r

DJ trill '9 •t. tt•1 a oa.waf COftven I' 1 line• Ule mllt.lp .. WUdlill .... m•• .. 1cekel!f .. ,,. ....., ruchlnt .... l• Weoll .... ·~ .... ..,..,... ...

•lrror. DJ ot.een .. , ''TMJ didn ' t uactlr dealtn theH lb&n11 10" 1mal people."

'fhf' Jet lilt• ienUy o ft the arou.od. eu1H:a up Ln allltude aa we ch.11ar ttw t>nd of the runway a nd then becomes an eltvaLor alra11hl up.

lntt<rnwnl for Mr KaritHtl , who h.•uv•• • w1r., and two youq t hlldrfll, waa Khf'dult!d , follow Ina 11 • m rvltt1. at Good Sh.-pht"rd C11met •rY, al10 In ll untlngton Oearh

GA • • •

l 'd been warned repealedly about Ga the l ace 1 tn aah lna arnltatlon 1tl pull from !Steep cllmbtl . No one 11ld •nytbjll(l •ooul elcv11tora .

ll '1 not a n etspccially clear d1ty , yet from our 8,000·foot van· t111ici ooint . we ean see from Mt U•ldy to Sun Clemente Jalaod, from Oc.:at\llde tn Palos Verde:ia.

Jttdge Seeora In

Loi. Angdt'a, Shc>riff'1 ofnrlals1 aald today t ht' Lo11 An1elo

ount y U &lnc l Atl-Ornt')' • P partntly will 11tt'k the dr•th 1wnu ll y llMOH1¥l two men 1.1c

t>Ui.t'd m lht' 11 ll1y1n11 A 1pokt'1unan aHt 11 ui.pcc l i.

Jami·:. l .t·ruy Nultlt• 24 , anll ( ' lun•11c·t: llo h111i.c111 , 4!1 wt•ri· i11

r .11~1wd m ( ' 11111 &Jton M u1111·1 pJI ('ourt oo murder churl(~. '.'Item min~ from la s t wt·ttk ·., tr111(t.'<iy

'l'hl' 111J11ket.man u11I lht· uu. lrtl'l Altor 1wy 'N Offrl' l' llrouJ(ht CHH' l'CIUOl " ' murch·r t'OuplNI wrlh !>IX'l' lal <·1rc•um1tl :rnn·1t 111rlud111.: hc'tnK arm"cl at the• ti "1<' of th<! i. lu vinrl that could h•:rtl lO th1• f1 t•8lh lll' rl Ull V

'l'hC' 1)111 1 !Jl 'oO fat'I' Ont· l IJUlll of f1 •lo1111111s ui.t-a rrll w1U1 111tcnl to 1·01111111t murder und on<: <·harg1· uf f1>lmuous a ssuull on a peace offtcl·r. the· :.1>11k1•:.m:in s;wl

/\ 1Jrt: hrn1nary ht·:ir111" htis bt•Pn set for May H. :i lso 1r1

Compton Mumr 1pal Cuurt Thl' spokt·-,man ... a 11I mur1l1•r

1·hunws .1ri· 111•111l111it .q.• awst Haymond ll uw:.ird. 24, or l11"lt·w110d A fourth 1tus rx·c t 111 the t;i:w . (; :rr}' M lluh li:ird , 20. or lAJS Anit•·lt· 'o fan·s alh:.:atrons 11f po!>hl'S:,IC)ll 11f 1lru~s l1ul not of 111 u rdt·r

Jack !;tyertS,

Printing Shop Owner, Dies

.la1·k E ~ly o • rs of I rvin" 11wn1•1 arul opc•rallir r1f Styt·r:~ l 'n111 0 Mal 111 ('w1111H tlc ·I M;_1r , rl11•ll W1 •1 l 111•-,1l.1 y lit llC ' l ,11:. A11~ 1 · l c11 M('1lic·1.1I Ct·ntn l k wa s ~

I\ nut1vt> of f>t' nni.ylvun1& , Mr :-,ty<'rll who llv1•d in lrv1111· ~raduat.ed from Un:xel Collegl: and worked ui. a n e ng1n ·1·r for THW and ('urt111:. Wril"hl Corp lwfon- purdW 'o lllJ.{ the offbel flrinl !>!hop rn l !.170 lie wa~ a forrm·r Navy p1lol

I' 11111· r.tl '.'l1· r v 11·1·., f11r Mr Sty1·ri. will ht> h(•ld 11l :1 I' m t-' r1 da)' a l l'i.tl' lflt Vi ew C huiwl , ..... wport ll•·uch. un1ln the d1rl'<: t11in •i f H1·v Hon /\llts1in of I r11 v1·n111 y M l'ltH1d1 bt Churd1 llurla l will f11llow u1 Panrw V. 1"w M1· m11ri11I Pur k

Mr M yc·rh rs M H v1v1•d lly hlh w 11t11w. Jarwl . of I h1• h1rnll y hnmt'. 5:1'7 1 Strubhourg Ave ; two hfill ll , .l am1•i., of !')(:uttl • 1111d J1· f f1•1y , of San l>wgo , a111I a 1otrund l1uu~ht1•r

Tht• fomlly suJ(gt•NI!\ <·ontn hu I 11111 11 lo I 111• LIOU !> l' uultng I 11 11111111 .. rn M1·nlo 1•.:trk


'-f ,air Ladx' ( ·uronJ 111'1 M ur 111 l(h S<' hool

.,1 udt·nb will s t age llw1r produi· 111111 of " My Joa1r Lady" tonight 1h1011 g h Su lur!lay IJl the N1>w 1mrt Hurhor ll 1~h Schoul /\udltonum

C11rta111 limt· 1i1 k I' m Th · pN1 1lt1rt1011 IR lhc· first musical pro 1h11·ec1 hy the high school stu dt•nli. 10 four ycari.

Kuthy Mr M1llun p lays F.llz.a IJoolllllc Lo Ir win /\ppel 's Henry lhtcglnR. Su11portin~ r olt:s are 11crformc c1 hy H1chard (;reely . Dea n Dult.on , J1Jhn t-:stey a nd Darla J ones


DAILY PILOT ''"" (J, .. ,..,.,.,,,."tlMtfy .. 1 .. t wlth • h••ht\'""' ........ f\#~ . ... ' ., ..,,....,,u.dht t ... ()fo~ t 4.-.,1 Pul>4tY.tNJ(Gn"IO.,,, .. ,,.,., ,.,.,.11f'l)Mff'f'

l,. jfth,,.._ft N'~1Ma, IP.ff"'!"' t fl0•' lftt (~I· M •'-• N~-.. t ttif·"' ~ t•\llll t u1f~Jt'\ f"f'ecfit l f f'N'f't , . ,.,_ V• tl•t fl • ff''4 l •'1..,.. r-..-c,. •.oiw•r-Cw\I A

. ,,..,,. ,. ~, •• ,.. •• ,.fti .... '~ cwN•\llf tt \ ••uttt.A• · •nn .~..,. .. ' r, •"' "'•t •• 1 ,. ,.""'' .. , .. ~, n •' ,.

w .. ,. u ..... ,. .. f ~··AA.~ l • lt .... ftt• t >t,. ..... , ........ Pt ""*"'•"" PW1ht1W-r

JoOll G-t V•t" ""' nttJlf 1111 •ftf ~,..., .. lMMQW

................ F fltWW

f,.t"'•lA M~M Me,_.u1~1 L'"'""

0-• f'IH" '-'"' ltltM'911 IUM . , ... "' . "' M.91\tt1.., ll'tth}t\

OfflOH tAI,,. "'"'• ua w,,, "•• ""~

l•OU""fl't4'• 11 .. 0.._lll'.~'Hl •tV"W4lltl\a..•t..f\ 11., i ft,.,ahftu.u .. ,..•,•

T11lepllone (11•)M2AU1 CIHtlfltd Adve111tfflt .. , ... .,.

I -

allocaUon of l(HOllnt1 cuupona lo ata~• \hat felt lht'y m11ht havt' be"n lt'\!ated unfairly under l~ &ttettdenl !'> on.cinal rallontntt plan

T hti or11(1nal ph111 r11lkd for Americans lo r t•t' l'I Vt' t•oopon..-. btt&~tl 1111 lhe• 11u111l>t•r u f t ., n. th.-y OWll

tr.very roll. chmb and dive is - eaplal'*1 m advance along with

th ¥ccele r•llon a nd decele ra· Oon lh:al 1l requires.

Jud~~ Donald. Dungan, presidinj j udJe o( the Harbor ~ud1c~~I 01s tnct Court ln Newport Beach , swears in the c:ourt s newest _Judge . Robert Polis . The new judge has be_en. serving 1n the court since 1975 as traffic com m1ss1oner Polis, 38. lives in Irvine.

., hat '411Uhl flll'MI for l'X·" " pll'. lhJl .a 1x·1 '>1111 111 Ar 111111a wh11 tlrOVt' :,() m1h- ~ tu \Nlllk 'AOUlll ht• ubk lo 11111 dw"' tht• ' umt· J mount or g J sitlllll' a b II New .Ir riw y n ·s11lc-nl who drove.· 10 rnr ll'h to h11> 1oh

That doos n ' t 1>top me fro m dmillll( my t.'Yl'S on the f ir s t roll , J Wini( ov\•r wrng maneuver t' d llcd a 1Jrudul'l111n roll

Tl wu:-. l'u:.y kecrnng them open artcr that through s ilky -s m ooth d1pN and C'urves that leave me look ing out lh<' roof al S an Ckmenk 1:.laod or lookin g down unly tu st•e tht.' wing whe re the uct•an used to be. We go from a dcmonstrulion of Gi. lo o ne for wc•1ghtlcssm•ss.

More Oil Companies Report Big Profits

IJ 111lt•r ltll' t'O lrlj)I (lllll!tl', lhl• 1oeov1•r11111 uf Arwmu rn1i~hl re ,.,.,v ... onoulo(h udd1llu11ul guwllne 1·ou1>ons l.<1 tnt1kt· 1111Uu: 11w<1u1ty

Both lht' l'allorrtng p lun 1.1nd "r 0 l>IJI> ,. ti w I' I' k 1• IHI l'I O !ii n I( authorit y huv1• rN·c1ved rocky l'f•('1•11llOl\!\01l (;u ptlt)l lllll

Sen llN1ry M J1.1 t•k11on . I> W1u1h . dwirm lifl of the Senutc Ener~y Comm1twe. predicted <;ongrcss will ta:.hion som e of its o wn s t a ndby mandatory con · ser vation measur e:.. and send others back lo lht! White lloui.e tor redrafl111i:.

" Tht• <'Urn·nt rntwnmg pro posal 1s loo cumbl•r some and not workabk." J atk1ton :.aid tn an snlervll'W

/\ 1t lht' adm1n1i.l ral1on 's -,tandb) plans w ere taking their l_umps Wefine1tday , Ene n'Y Secretar y J<tmcs IL Sch lesinger and S.•n Edwurd M. Kennedy , U -MllN:. . were huvmg a heated cX<'hUll){t' ov•·r Carter ·~ pro posed " windfall profits " tux •in half lhe addHional rt:vcnuei> <111 companies will re1•e 1ve afln domcslll' crude· oil prrl·•·s ure de· <·ontrollcd lall'r lhb yc.·ur

.. Quilt· frankly , I lhtnk it ':. 11

l'lwrndc," K<·11n1·d y !'> llld d uring a Joint llc1 u::.1· Sc·na l<· s uhc•1rn rurlll.'1' hN1nng

· 1 want lo thank tt11.· c hairman ' K•·nnPdy 1 for his 11hJl't' l1 vc IJrc M.'ntat1un ," ~·hlchmi.t• · r retort.eel s arcastically

BAY BILL .. up JJlan for llw Upper B11y . pre pared lty a conisort1um u f gov e r nmcnlal agt-11c 1e1> c3lled N IWA 1Nc·wpoit l r v1ne Wable M:intri:cernt·nl /\J.tt•n<'Y 1 11t al l)o on the board ':-. a.:1·11da

Thal plan 11> tht· <' t·nll•r 111 con t1nu111g co11truvcrsy Two mcm ht:r :. of NIWA , the· c i t y o r New port l~·ut•h and the Stute Department of l"111h und Game s ay the propcJM'cl plan will m1:n · ly a llow the s1ll 1.1t1on lo continue

They we re un11 u1·t·cssful in l(Cl tm lo( NIWA to 1·oni.1dcr the study Lo :-.upport. <'•111s truct11in of a de , :-;1ltrng haMn

Monday . N1·w1>'1rt Bea<'h c ity counc1lmt>n appr 1Jvcd a reMllU· t1011 to he pre!>enll••I lontKhl hy Councilman Ray Wil hams urK· 11 1~ r eJcc t1on of N IW A 's buy cleunul' llla11 and udo1>l1<in f)f the 1ttri c te r c·ont rolll advocal<.'<1 by lhc city and t he f ' 111h and Game d e partment

The ('fljotinc noise, tht.' bumpi. and the vibration I 'd expected aren 't there .

There's m or e noise from radio traffic than from the engine. Ekl pl:tys w1lh the pla ne, accele ral· inK just often enough for me lo r ea lize he is fl yin g very gently.

Now it's m y turn to fl y. Al h.Js urging , I take the throttle Wllh my left hand . the s lic k wJth m y right

Afte r a few tryout wobbles he te lls m e to put the stick over. all the way to lh t.' left .

I c lose m y eye!> " lley, you gotta hav<' your eyes open ." he .id mon1sh es when we right ourselv<.'S, " try 1l agam "

I compromised . One eye stays open

"OK . I' ve got the plane back now." I hope he never re ally let go

The half hour fl ight is ovcr too 11oon . We make one p11ss over the fi e ld und lund .

A s ":".<'taxi lo lhf' a pron , Berry 1s w1J1t111g . at parad{' rest.

It l akei. vf'ry lilll{• time to find m yi.elf back on the grou nd My l1•gs arc· sh;iky anll I ' m glad to ltt• where the t•l:lrlh !'>lay:. under my feet and lh<' :.ky slay1t over ht•a cl

Sti ll. I w1i.h I wab 1n that won dedul machine lh<1t make1t t.'verythmg turn up:.ide down so ea:uly .


PARK ... ;r re:r 's prox imi ty to major 1>11pulat1on t'cnlc rs '

In add1t1on , Os hornc wrote 111 hi s rnport to sua:>ervl i.o r 1> , t h1· fe d era l admini s tra t ors ha vt· argued the 11ark likely would draw v is itors rrom o the r rt• j.(IOO S

The pa rk s ludy 1s now being p rocessed through rede r a l ch an ne ls. Otihornc sai d , a nd is e x peeled lo be s ubmitted to con l(rcs:. hy May 30.

Osborne warned the par k ad ministralors' findings may tw altered before they r each con gress

And yet to be addressed In the park study a r c WllY:S the rederal i;<ovcrnment would acquire the park land , a long with the draw ing of precise boundaries and plan1 fo r pa rk developm ent

Residents Nervous

N l'~W YORK I /\ P 1 lll•port i. from nation 's maJor 011 com 1wrucs ~ont.inued tu show ht~ profit &1Hrll> in Lhe firstquurt.cr of the yea r l a rge~y b cc uui>c of s ha rlJ 1n c r ea1;cs 1n world petrole um 1>rice:-> '

Several. including top-ranked Exxon. said the stronger dollar on c ur-re ncy excha nge murket:. a lso hel~d improvt: profits

Sun Oil CIJ su1d today higher prices on forc1~n c rude oil and relat t.'d produclb on 1nterna llonal murke ls h1•lpt>d 1l to a 43 pcrcl'nl l(dtn tn first quarter prof · 1l11 from a ye;ir a~o

Sun , the l Jth.largt:s l cul com pany. said earnin~i. 111 the r1r:.l lhrt.><: llllJOth.-. of lhl' y1·<tr c.·auit• to $1:t0 3 m1ll1on . or $2 24 a s h a r e. on n · vc ru11• tif $2 36 htllton In the• c·ompari11on 197tl <1u1:1rl<'r. Su11 n •1><1rtt•1I eurnin~11 of $84 3 m1lhon , o r SI 57 a :.hare on rt·Vt'OU(> or SI 7 lulhun

Slandanl ()ti of Ca lifornia. tht· fo~rth lari~csl I J S ml c·mnµuny . !>:lid Wt·clrwsrl:iy lhat 1b f1r-, t qu a rtl'r p1ttf1t 'I rosi· n1·arly 4:$ 1wrt t•nt . lo $:WI m1ll111n

S mallt•r An11" atl.J ll•·i.s Corp !l lrow1·d 1·a1 111ngs mori• than tr1pl1·1I f111111 1h .. v1· a1 11g11 Jll'rltJl l , 111!,I1 :1 fi m11lw11

Stanclat11 011 or Oh111 1·1111111

:.~<.· llJI 1·rr<' llrrl 1> l<tllt'4•S, r1 · 1~1rt1 ·il prufrl:. 1111 :100 1wrn·nt . l1> $1r.7 '.i m II lion fr111n . 1 touhh:il 1!.17K 1·11111 l'anson pt•nod . aml Getty 011 s aid profits r11"' rt('arly 42 l)('r cent to SH~ 2 rr11ll1on

Earlt c•r 1n the w1•ek . 101> rnnked F:x,on rt·P'irtc·d rct'orcJ 11rof1lt. of $!)~; m11linun for Uw JJerwd . up ;17 pn('t•nt from .i

ye<.i r ago Th1r<I runkcd Tt·x11co :.a id µrof rl:. 111'>t· >II rwn·c•nt to $307 m1ll111n m ltic• f1 r -. t thri·1·


months Mobil 011 Corp .. the nullon 's

M·<:ond·laq.(l'st 011 c·ompuny , to 1lay also r e 1'°rtcd un >II 1wrrc•nl lll('r<·a s(' lrl r1r1.t quarter pmf1b.

MohJI s a id earnin~s row lo $437 m1ll1on m lhl• first q uartN ur $4 l l a i.han· on rcvc·nuc llr SIO 3 billion In the 1978 r1r'> l quarter earn in g1t were $4:! 4 I 1n1llwn or $2.28 tt s han: cin SH 7 ll1 I hon 111 revenue

The maJor c 11mvan1t·:-. t ile trght suppl ic:. a problt•m <iJt ~ravated lhl' r evolution 1n lrun

a s t h e m ajor r c:.ii.on fnr s harply highe r ellrningb twcau'\f' l.J u y t- r ::. N> m p •· ll n g r '" t h ,. !'> mailer buppl1cs hllve l11d 011 prlCt'S

Prices Up .9Percenl

I.OS ANG Et.ES I A JI 1 Pa<'cd b y m crea1tcs 111 tht· 1·os t of ga$t:>hnc an1I rn1·11l . <·on:->umcr prH·e:. 111 tllf' Los Angt•IPi. Ora111o(t' ('01111 ly are<s ro!'>e !J IJl' I 1·t•flt l11 1o t month . the I J S L11h•11 De partment n ·1>'Jrl1·d lo c.J,iy

The Marth 111c:rt.' lJS1' wa~ jus t a :.hadc undl'r tht· J p e r cent cosl-of ·ltvmg 1n rrt-ase for lhP month n a tlonw1dc I Rclalccl ~lory

A4 1 The mcrea1tt' means that

~11od:. 1rnd :.cn u· t· ~ that t·o1tt J dollar ut lt11: end or lhc month would ha ve :.uld for 49 I ('enL-. Ill 1007

Malibu Mountain Collapse Feared Small. Compact , Spoce·Soving Women's Recliners

MALIBU tAP l Mulihu resl de nts. gla ncinl( ncrvou1>ly 11t 11 mounl.llin of loose roc k and dirt thul rumbl e d threate ningly above them . treaded 11ofll y ae ross a sect ion of Pucific Coust II l(hway toduy a fter warni ngs were issued that the e ntire 1dl..W. area could collap!le a t un y Ume.

M MOY reliidcntK were cvacuul ed during the n i.cht , althouRh som e re turned c uullous ty to thei r homes thJs m o rning

Pedestrian& were mo ve d a c roll th e m ost d u n gc r ou11 s tretch of road In convoys of 10 al a tlme so they could be warned s h o uld the 1hlfll n g mountain 8tart lo collap1e.

Rut Callfornht lllahwa1 P at rol Sttt. Terry Banner uid that plan wu abundonc d hcc au11e , " If 1omethln1 did huppe n , they would be nmnlng Into each other trytna to act out or the way ."

After the nol1te read ings of the c reeplna mountain sid e In creased b)' thrH·fold Wednet1 day nl~t. the rn•d waa cl08ed and evacuaUona were ordered .

A team or 1eologl1ts new from Sacramento durlna the nllh\ 11 nd decided ul 4 a . m. tha t pedulrl11n1 could s o Into the area al their own tlak .

C alifor n ia Department of Tran Kpor t a t1 o n s pokesmu n Ric hard Stephens s atld the 1n c r ease in t he noises the earth wa s making during the night 10

dic uled muc h Of the dirt Wiii co me> tumblin g d own al any time.

But th e geo l ogis t s ar~ mon itorinJt the c reeping noises ever y second and meas uring the movement of heavy pikes sunk lntn the earth mass .

·'T hey believe they c an te ll when It's about to go, a nd they wou ld have sufficient time to warn anyone in the area lo gel o ut ." Stephens said . ' ' We're ex · peeling a large mass to com e down . but we don' t know when. or where, or how much."

Loa Angeles Count y e n1tlneers said 88 much H 10 million .fUbk yards of m 1terlol coul\1 com e c ra a.hlng d o wn ove r Pacific Coul Highwa y a n d Into the: ocean at any mo m ent.

Realdenta of six ex pc n 81ve beachfront homes and • four unit apartm ent building, fftOAt or whom h•v• been tou1hin1 It oul 1tnce CalTroM closed the coastal hl1hway due to heavy 1llde t1C llon, evacuated alter hearln1 the new a .

.... -:--- -

In a Wide Selection of Styles and Fcarics


COITA ' SA 369 I. 17th ST. cAerO&a lrom ROIQhS.

neat to MoflO COKenck>f&)

642·1617 Mon • r,.. 10-4

SOI 106 CIOMd SunOov

B)' KATlfY QANCY .................. The phyalelan who was wttb

Or WllUa m Waddill '• chief ac· c uacr lhe rlltclll potlee were told of ao alleaed Inf a nt aJa)'ln& took the witness 11C..nd WCS.y ln Wad · dill 's mur~r retrial.

Or 1'\omOR Ferg ulJOn told the Orange County Superior Court Jury that h e ca ll e d u Westmins t e r police acqualn · t ance arter Dr . R o nald Cornel&en a lleged be tu1w Wad· dill "alrangle and suffocate" a newborn Infant In t he aftermath of a saline ¥bortion two years ago

fo' ergusoo teatJfled Cornellen ca me to h iB homt> late one nigbt a few d ays after the alleged :.t ranguJalion

Hl1 1ta1d Cornelsen told h im UH! boby " wuq born alive, was cr y 111g, moving <tnd hreathing rn <h•pl'ndently " befor e s he a l · lci.{e<11y was c·hoked t.o d eath.

And. f"eq(uson c·o n li nued , th<ise wNe the purporl,1!d facts he r elay<.'C.I Lo police· lfhen he summorlt'd them •o his home that PVl' lllll J::

" After Ur Curn<•lse n came 1111n I bN·um1· Nincc med about h 1 s rn 1101 ve mt•nl in l he e 11e11L-, 111111 I wa!> wornc·d that he wa,; ··~ pos mit himself to som ething." I' <"rg1111on 1•xpla1nt•c1

· · J\t lh•• lat•· h<1ur I thought I 1•ould ca ll my l awyc~r in Ltm~ Uearh und he ta lked to IJr Cornel~n." fo'c•r J(Ubon les llf1cd ' J\fll·r lllal 1·onvPr-.alton and

i1011lht•r one• w ith lhl· ho!'>p1l a l ad in 1n1:-.trator. Dr C:ornelsen told nw ht· wanlt«I tn talk to police "

D..C1· n 1t <• attorney C ha rl e' Wee11 HIJO askf-d fo'p rguson ir he 11·1·a lh'1I tl'lhng 1w1l11·1• "you will h.111t• lo prot•·cl n1y hutt. "

I <'On ' l 11na)!in•· what 1l could 1>0 :-..., 11.Jl y h e ref.-rring t o " Fc•rgu:.on r eplied " I don ' l ttu~ 1t could havl' cornt· from me."

Waddill . a '13ycarold Hunt 1ngton llarbour oh!>lelncian, 1s lic1n1oe t r ied a 1tt ·t·onct tim e for 011' .1lh· g 1·rl murd1· r o r the two pou11<1 , 15 11unc1· rnfant known :ii. llabv Ci1rl W1•avc·r

l1 11t fir '>l ln.il •!Oiied last May wh1• n Jui ur 'o -, a1<l th1·y w1·1 •· 1l1•adl•wlw1I 7 In ~. Ill f;e1101 of ;11· q11 1tt. 1I

f 'rom Pogr A I

ENERGY .•. 111•1 lc•il 111 .,,iv•· th•· firms mu111•y Ill r1·1IUl 1·11 1· 111·r~y l'OOMtmption .111d lo .it<I lh1· E!l1:.u11 Comp11n) hy 1 l·d111 1111t "'·a k dt•mands

... I I t•s-,1n1• lh,11 lhf• ('()op I!\ J

\Olt1nt.1r } 1·ffw I l'h1ll1ps adclt·d th .rt hi· h11111·s tl will prove ,.,. rl11n t 11 1•••cl .1ny v11vt• rnm•!rtl 111111"''"1 11r:rnd,1t1·:. lo regulat.i· f'lll' i ~'V IJ '><- 111 lhl ''>'' hu1 ldtnRS. '





MISSION VllJO 21192 Marguerite

PlcWy. (Comet of A'le<y ond VIO f otof)

'95·1902 Mon kt 10-6

SOI 10·6 OoMd Suf'«IV

Kid11ap Susperf Dies in Bail of Police Bullets Suspt'<'t 1dent1f1ed by police as Newman Augustine O~t> bor . 2'd. leup from a sports car a rmea Wednes · cl<.1 y and ts immedia tely rut down by police gunfi re

Nude Beaches Issues Debated

SAC RAM ENTO <AP > The nudists s aid they we re bette r ad· JUStt>d because they take the ir dothes off . a nd the roes quoted Bible verses

··can you imagine the Civil Wa r bf.an~ fought in the nude ?" s a id Lynn He nsley , president of the Clothing Optional Society . .. Without the diffe re nt colors of the uniforms, the me n would not h ave known who the e ne m y was ."

P ropone nH. and opone nts of

Rattlesnake Tossed Into Struck Plant

By RA V.MOND ESTRADA JR. °''""°""',.I ... !11.ttt

Strike \r1ole n<'e a l Reeves Rub· be r Inc· gas ke t fa <' tor y in San Cle m ente esc·a latcd toda y wit h repo r ts of a li ve r a ttles na ke t hrown into t he plant and a l ire· sla shan~ . rock-throwing m elee in a d rivt•way lod<1y.

Details we re s ke l c hv a bout tod <1y 's incide nt. One ' man was reportedly arrested a fte r plant offi c ials cha rged stri ke rs with a tte mpt ing to ha lt a de liver y tru ck by slashing its tires.

Co mmunica tions Wor ke rs " ' Am e rica union m e mbe .. :; nad s cheduled a r a lly today in front o f the factor y at 415 Ave. Pi<'O.

Po lice Sgt Rill Trudeau said t o d ay a s n <i ke was t h rown throu ~h a pla nt window Wednes ­da y afte rnoon. The s na ke was in a pa pPr bag.

P la ut manager Bill Krames c ha r ged t ha t a s trike r tossed what he sa id was a r a ttles nake on to a bench where a fem ale worker s hrie ked as s he reaLized what was m the ba g. No one was hurt.

Pla nt worke rs dis posed of the s na ke . No arrests have yet been m a de in connect ion with the s na ke incident. police s a id to· day .

K r a m es s aid vio lence " has h ea t e d up " t h i s wee k as picketers a re becoming frustrat­ed about the lack or progress in tbe 17-day-old strike .

Kr a m e s c ha r ge d t hat a pi c k e t e r s tr u c k a pl a n t s upe rvisor several lim es in the head ea r ly Wednesday m orning as the victim w<is leaving the factory.

One m a n has been a rrested in connection with t hat incide nt but police said they have not filed charges.

nude beaches das hed Wednes· day a t the fi rs t or three public hea rings on a st a te De pa rtme nt of P a rks a nd Recreation pro· posal to designat e e ight clothing. optiona l beaches in the state pa r k system

Th e eigh t be ac hes a re San Onofre in northe rn San Diego County, Pira te 's Cove at Point Dume in Los Angeles County, ll azard Canyon a t Montana de Orn in San Luis Obis po County, Andre w Mole ra beach in Mon· terey Count y, Pomponio beach in Sa n Mateo County , Red Rock beac h a t Mount T a m alpais in Ma r in County, Lake Na tomas in S a c ra m e nt o Co unt y a n d Mille rton La ke in Fresno and Made ra Counties.

Tht> idea o f e s tab li s h in g c lot hing optiona l beaches was called " an attack on pu blic de ­cen cy " by s t a te Sen . J ohn Briggs

" I wouJd urge that if you de ­c ide to grant or e ffect clothing optional a reas tha t you would come back to the Legis la ture for a ppr ova l ." t h e Full e rton Re publica n s aid .

But m case the y don 't , Briggs told officials of the s tate Depart· m enl or Parks a nd Rec re ation i n c l uding Directo r Ru s sel l Ca h i ll - th at he d r afted an a m e nd me nt to block the use o r pub l i c fund s fo r cl o thin g ­optionaJ beaches .

Irene Shannon. a nud ist from Oran~e Count y , s a id s he d is ­a g reed with severa l points made by Bnggs .

" I am s ure Sen Br iggs has never talked to a li ving , wa lk· ing , t a lking nud ist. I don't know of any who a r e on s peaking te rms with him ." s he s a id

J im Hen.c;lcy . a s pofces m a n for t he Clothing Optional Societ y. s aid a m ajo r m is unde rs t a nding is t he association of nudis m with im m orality.

" We fi nd nudit y a nd se x do not go to~elher. In fact , just the op· positc happens .

" He said wom e n's clothes are des igned to a ttract specia l atten lion to certain parts o r the body while nudism e lim inates phoni­ness.

Nudists a re not a sking tax · paye rs to s upport the c lothing. option a l be a c hes and parks. He ns ley said . He s aid the society proposes a use rs' ree to s upport the a reas.

" H app y " Jac k Raa b , an O range Count y res ide n t . told Ca hill and his staff t hat wearing c lo thes is unnatura l.

" We were designed a nd built to go naked a nd lived t hat way for millions or years ...

He sa id " Roing naked helps us kee p our feel on the g round."

Pensions Up Benefits Pay Increased

WASIUNGTON CAP> - The a verage elderly Social Security beneficiary will find $25 extra in his government check in July a nd some will get up to $50 more as a result o f the automatic 9.9 percent benefit increase announced today. -

The record increase, which will cost the Social Security trust funds $10.2 billion, came automatically as a result of the rise in the Consumer Price Index in the first quarter of this year over the same period ln 1978.

An estimated 35 million retired or disabled workers and their fa mi lies and survivors will 1et the increase in their July checks. Benefits allO will 10 up 9.9 percent for about 5 million Supplemental Security Income recipients a t a cost of $415 million.

Last year's cost of livinl lncreaae wu 6.5 percent. This ls the fifth annual automatic cost-0f-livin1 Increase and exceeds the previous high of 8 percent in 1975.

li e gol off one shol at officers . The shooting occurred on Interstate 8 nea r San Diego. Osebor was suspected or holding a San Diego psychiat rist hostage for more

than three hour~ Osebor was identified as a Nigeria n s tudent athlete who had previously threatened the Ii e~ of hJs vict im 's family See story, Page AS today .


BrftlkJI A nn Com edienne Phvllis Diller . we a ring an eye m as k. i s wh e e led in to a S ydne y. Aus t ralia . hos p ita l a fter break ing her arm fa lling out or a hot e l bed while r eac hin g for an a la rm c loc k. She is on tour in Aust ralia .

HB Doctor

Wins Slaying Trial Delay

O r . J e ffrey Ma c Do nald of Huntington Harbour , t he forme r Green Beret capta in cha rged in the 1970 deaths or his wife a nd two daughte rs , has won a trial pos t pone m ent

T he tria l was to begin Mon­day , but Mac Dona ld 's at torne ys last week a sked U S. District J udge Franklin Dupree Jr. to pos t pone the Ra le igh, NC .. t ria l t o Rive th e m m o re t im e for pre pa ration.

The U.S. S upre m e Court re­fused in Ma rc h to inte rfe re with t he trial. Mac Dona ld 's a ttorneys argued th at the trial would re ­s ult in double jeopa rdy because a 1970 mi litar y invest igation had e nded in exone ration.

Now director of e m e rgency medic ine a t St. Mary Medical Cente r , Long Beach . Mac Donald was indicted by a fede ral gr a nd Jury an Raleigh in the deaths on Fell. 17, 1970 of his wife Colette a nd childre n Kimberly, 6, a nd Kris ten. 3.

Military police who r us hed to th e n -Green -Be r e t -Capt. Ma c ­Dona ld's quarte rs at Ft. Bragg, N .C.. s aid t he t hr ee had bee n bludgeoned to death a nd t he cap­tain was s uffering a knife wound in t he chest .

The y said Mac Dona ld t old the m that four d rug-c razed hip· p ies had forced the ir wa y into his home and a ttacked him a nd his famil y.

MacDona ld was not a vailable fo r com m e nt Wednesday . His sec retary sa id he was on his way to San Franc isco to meet with his a ttorney, Berna rd Sega l.

~Free' Booklets Cliarge OK'd

T wo publications now given away free by Orange County 's public information o ffi ce will cos t people $1 .50 each as of May 1.

T he Boa rd o r Supervisors ap­pro ved the c harge for the brochures "Complete Gulde to Orange County ," and - v our Oran1e County Gove rnment."

Free copies sWl will be given to cities in the county, libraries and schools, t he supervisors s tipulated.

Revenue from the ne w fees Is e xpected to be $2, 750, county spokesman Rona ld Rubino said. It will be used to offset the '6,000 cost of the publications.

Hospital Beds Costly Overbidding Hit for Medical Expense

By R E BECCA H E LM Of ,,_ O~il f " i lel Su tt

Ex ces s h o s p i t a l b e d s 1n Orange County are cos ting con s u mers a nd taxp aye r s $50 mi ll ion y<'arly . <1 pres idential aide s aid Wednesday

G r o ss ove rbuild i n g o f hos pitals has c reated t he ex · pe ns ive m a inten<incC' o f 2.004 e m pt y beds and boos ted m edical costs highe r t han a nywhe re else in the count ry, Hea lt h , Educa lion and We Uart• o ffi c ia l Michael

Refugees Trek Along Border

A R ANYA P RAT H ET . Th a iland 1A P 1 Some 50,000 Ca m bod.la n civilians and t roops

1 s till loyal to the ous ted Pol Pot r eg i m e . t r e kked' s o ut hw a rd a lo n g the Th a i -Ca m bod ian border toda y on their way to link up with 20,000 m ore across t he border .

Tha i authorities said t he horde o r r efugees was snaking its way through forested nattand~ and t he Ta Ngan mounta in range toward the Paihn a rea .

M Mur ra y to ld th e County Boa rd or Supervisors

Loca l hos pit al s · ros t s <1 r<' hootin~ upwards a nnuall y by

mo rt· tha n 20 pt-rcenl . compared to 13 perrenl n:Jt1onally . he s<.11d

Wi t h th is gro wth r a t t·. h t· addt'd, tht:' Cl\t:'rage daJI:. c·ost of a s t uy in an Orange County hospital 1i. prcd 1l·ted to n s1· from its pre<,t•nt $420 to S928 tn 1983 ·

The ll EW orfl r 1cih ca m e to Ora ngt• Count y to point out these stat istic-; in an (•ffort to drum up s upport fo r Pres 1clent Carte r 's proposed ho .. p1ta l cns t control bill

li e sa id tht· hill v. ould hm1t hoi.p1tal ra n · costs increases to ~ 7 percent a y t-a r

If passed. in one yea r s t1mf' 1t co uld save an t•s t1matcd $1 7 bi llion ft:de ra lly. S2 2 bil lion for the pnvatt- sector . <1 nd 0 01· h<1 lf billion at s t a le a nd local levels. he sa id

After passai?t'. th(' bill a llows one year for hos pital o ffl c1a b to vo lu nta ril y com p ly w it h the fede r a l cost <·on tro l ce lling Once 1n effect. however . the bill s ti pul a tes t ha t a ny hos pital's cost s that n M· above t he 9 7 per c·c n t a nnua l ~rov.th ht l<i:>. t•d al 100 pe rcent

Som e exceptions to the bill wo u ld be hos pit a ls in s t a tes whic h a lready have cos t con· trols . a nd hos pita ls in spa rsely po pul a ted rura l a re a s whic h h <i ve highe r -cost -pe r -patient l' a re . he s aid

The HEW s pokes man na med tht' .. t remendous building pro· g ram .. started seve ral years ago 1n Ora nge County as t he m ajor c ulprit an soaring hO!>pitalization cost!-. locally The link betw~n s uppl y and df'm<1 nd was lost , he s a id

· I think 1t was a case of peo pie looking fo r a profitable bus1· ness " he s aid of t he builde rs ' m o l1 vat1ons Carter~ proposed cost control

h ill fares a tough battle , accord ing to Murra y Med ica l a s socw lions h:i ve mounted s trong op po~ 1 t1on to the meas ure.

Rates Slashed HA RRISBURG , P a . <AP >

The s tate Public Utility Com· m iss ion has tem porarily slashed $25 mill ion from t he r ates <' ha r~ed by P enns ylvania Elec­trt<' Co., pa rt-owne r of the crip· plPrl Three Mile Is land nucll'ar plan t

Floor Sample Leather Sale Save 20 to 25 o/o

On Top Grain Leather So/ as and Chairs


LEATHER LudtnE'f 1i. cOOI ,ma cumlCJrtJbtt· 1n uny weJtner 001.du !>.- 11 1:. c1

11111ura1 ma1er1iJJ wn1cn ort .imt•:. on a r1 0 dpl :. 10 yuur uouy t1:mperotur~

/111: more use Lt•,1mer gvt' me more ooaullfu1 .ma c.om1or1.w11: 11 Ot:1.on ui.


, ,,,

. . ~ L



8-1 l1u•h Top Groitt Leolfler

Sofa.ff Lu>tur.ou'> :.olas w11h u nmatcht!d c.om1o r1 .ind l'legance 1n top qra1n teamer tha1 grows mo•l' De.1U11lul w ith use and ago -

• a•<111ao1e 1n several color l> 01 teal her

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SOFAS from

1899. Chairs from

-,599 . Ottomans

from 1199.

Over 40 Pieces To Select From Your Favonte O.s1gner Will Be Happy To Assisi You



COSTA MESA 646·0275,


A Pocketbook Is ue P\IU.ING 'Na PVUS l'l'UNGI: IV9ry lime the

popu.lae. pt.a an opportuatty to ¥o&e oo a money meuu.re ud IOUDdly del••tt It. tome poUOeal poobah wdl come aao., ud to to anaJy" what lt muna. Uk• me, for ea· am,a..

The cue ln polnt b:= Juat OU. Wef'k ln Sao Clemea&.e. There ••• aa ;: In adcUUon to ttlfftln& LbrM MW city rou:ncU membera, voun were to dc-clde the fate of•• million mOOQ aa.-..

Actually, I.he vote would only 1erve aa an opuuon Poll and would be acMaory to Lbe city council

BIJRUT, Lebanon <AP) - Syriaa alr force JN petro&Jed u.. 1ky over Belrul today u a e .. M.ftre arruatd by LIM U.N. peacekeeplq command 1U~ larMU and PaJeltlDlan 1uu aft.er four daya ot the heavleat ft1htlftl ID 6outbern Lebanon ID more U.aa a )'Mr, U.N. and Palettlnian apok .. mea lald.

row &oviet·bullt MIG·21 nabten atreued over u.. clty lbortly after midday . Yauer Arafat's P......._ UbwaUoo Ort~ aald the Syrlaot were Oylq "prot.ctiv• patrol mlalkMY, ; •alliut new enemy alr at.rlUe."

ll WU the MCOnd COAMCutlve day Syrtan J.ta appeared ID the aky over lbe Lebanete capital. llrMli J.ta buJMCI PLO bead· quarten ln Beirut aod refqee campe Oft the outaktnt ot the clty on Wednnday. 1parlrJ111 t.be nnt ny-over of Syrian ftpt.rt .

Obael'"lera 11Jd the Syrian llr patrola appeared to herald cloter c:ooperaUon between Syria and the PLO. lara•l'a motl mill· tant foes .

A U.N. apokesman aaJd ~ ceue·flre went into effect Wed.Dea· day niaht and was holdln1 today.

ltrael •a-reed to atop air, naval aod artllMry attackl on 1uer· rlllaa bued in aouthern Lebanon in exchan1• for a ceaaaUon or


. crou·border PalelUalaa roeW attacb aimed at Jnllb ..W.. m...U ba D01tbtrD larMI. tM U.N . .._maa aaid.

Howewer. Pale9tlnlu eouroee Mid tM P....._ Llbentloa Or11ntutJoa imist.d It would eaaUDu1 operadw bf }'a m91Dbln baMd Didi larMl. '

The Paleltlnlaa command aaid Janell air, UHi ud U'tWer)' atrlbl ldJJed 10 more p..._.1nlaD1 and LebaMM WedDllclQ, the fourtbda7o11u .. u attacbaaa&Mt Pa. ... ttalaa .-ttklM •

Tbe PLO at.kt a total ot ti PaMetlalw ..,.. killed ID lbl lour daya ot lar..U attack• la retalia.tioD fw the dea.tba ot four llrMUI In a terrorllt raid SUDday. Leba.neM proyt.DclaJ autborttiH put the overall toll at about IO PalMtlDlw and......_. killed.

Tbe PLO aald mott of WedDelday'1 cuualU .. were tn reru1ee campe around the eoutbera Leba.DeM coutal etty ot 'l')'N, 50 mUea aoutb of Belrut, abd in tbe ~town of Nabatlyeb, 30 mlles lalaad.

A PLO eommwuiue Mid llraeU JN pou.ndecl Tyre and rer­U(.ee cams- around t an.r- lar•U (UDboata lbelled tbe cltr. Lon1·r&n1e artWery lulde the laraeU frontier with Lebanon also hit Tyre and NabaUyeh, the PLO nJd.

THAT "810£, the l11~ Involved aome 2,800 acres of rant'hlanc:ts wit.hln the t'lty tOnlloea Sttveral developers •re casting t•yt•s cm thtb open 11pace on the K~t<VJ!b, V1sbt't-k und Fonitl'r r&nt'he' It would appear th11t rouJ(hly 7.000 hom~is irught pop u,, on this rt1¥1 estate

Consumer Prices Jump Again So the q~allon waa If San Clementt;arus would prefer

Land ~veloper Com/orlably Cornemplalmg Vote Results

to buy up this open space and preserve It for recreation and blue sky.

THE ISSUF. HAS some s1milanty to the long-sought Laguna Greenbelt in the halls and dalei. oohind Laguo& Beach.

Anyway. having the isi.ue Yea or Nuy on the San Clcmentf' bullot seemed to elevate the blood pressure ol som e developers who have been casting eyes on that sec · lion or open earth. They started spending money to gel the open space measure defeated They ended up spending an estimated $27.000 in an effort to turn out the " No" voters .

AND WHEN THE VOTES were counted up yonder, the Na ys really had It. It was a landslide. if you' ll pardon lhe t•xpresslon. Strictly no contest. It ended with 3,473 voters saying No Deal. Only a scant 941 San Clementeans voted yes .

Now·comes the interpretation. You might conclude all thus means that San Clemente people agree with the de­velopers. They don' t want that 2.600 acres of open space . T hey want more houses. apartments and cul de sac ~trcets . > •

You make •hat kind or interpretation of the vote and the re 1s strong suspicion you might go down as the premier Wrong Thinker In this half of the century

WASIUNGTON IAP > Consumer prices increased another l percent In March. led by sharply higher prices for food , houalng , clothing and gasoline. the government aaJd today.

ll said gasoline prices rose 3.8 percent, the largest monthly Jump in nearly four years . Both houain& and food costs were up by I percent.

The March increase in the Consumer Price Index , which followed a 1.2 percent rise in February, means that the nation's~ million Social Security reci pients will receive a 9.9 percent in· crease in benefits lo offset the impact or inflation in the pa.st year, offt ciaJs said

THE AVEltAGE BENEFIT will be Increased by W , lo S283 a month. Checks refl ecting increases will go out beaclnnina in July.

Although the increase in the Consumer Price Index was less th a n in February, it was s till at a level that eodangera the success or the Carte r adm in istrat ion 's anti-Inflation program.

Prices during the firs t three months of 1979 Increased at an an­nual rate of 13 per cent. the highest quarterly rise In 4i,; years and far above the adm inistration 's target for this year or 7.4 percent.

THE INCREASE •'OR the 12-month period ending m M,arch was 10.2 percent

One or President Carter 's top inflation advisers, Barry

Nuke Regulators -Battle Dilemma

W ASHJNGTON t A I' 1 Fedcrcil regulator:. are cuught bet ween s taff recommendations lo close eight a tomic power plants because they pose an ·· undue risk · to public safety and warnings from utility officials that the closings could lead to blackouts .

While official s considered the dilemma, a presidential commission ope ned its firs t day of hearings - - -- ---into the accident al the Three Mile Is land nuclear power plant near Harris burg , Pa .. wh ich prompted new concern over re­actor safety

Senior s taH members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission s trongly recommended Wednes day that the plants, a ll of which ha ve reactors similar to the crippled Three Mile Is land unit. be dos~ immed iately

In their recommenda tion, the NRC staff said there were de s ign problems with the Babcock & Wilcox reactors - particular ly in the cooling syste m and the intel!rated cont ro l system which ha ve a potential of result mg in an ~1 ccidcnt s imilar lo tht• one at Three Mile !:.land

Bosworth, told The Anociated Preas Wed.Deaday that if infJalJon does not begin to cool aoon, it la likely to 1et much worae as workers demand steadily higher waaes to keep pace wilh steadily r is ing prices.

Jn its report today . the Labor Department said workers ' spend able eanungs dropped another 0.1 percent in March because of ris ing rnnation . Thal raised the total los t buying power of pa ychecks an the last year to an even 2 percent.

Get The Poin t ? ..............

Hep . George Het nse. R-Idaho 1 le fl > and congressmt!n Ron Paul. Floyd Spence. William Dannemeyer and Phil Gramm, stand on a truckbed with 44,330 simulated gold bricks to d r amatize what Hanse says is the $4. l billion rost to taxpayers to implement the Panama Cana l treaties .

TO THE CONTRARY. lbe likelihood IS that San Clemenlt> sx..-ople love open space just as much as the La~una Greenbelters. the Upper Newport Ray Mudllat Savers or the Bolsa Chica Swamp Supporters . -

THE FIVF. NRC co m ­miss ioners pos tponed a final de· cis ion until today after several said they wanted more time to TOP COLUMNISTS

Why then, the enormous No vote? Simple Look al the money ll had a $26 million price tag.

diges t the information. UtiUty executives and olficials

from Babcoc k & Wilcox. t he engineering firm which built the reactors. said a shutdown is not needed a nd warned that such a move would cau~e ser ious power shortages and sporadic blackouts dur i ng th e peak s u mm er months.

You do not separate San Clemente people from S2G million very eas ily. When it comes lo a buck. they know how to hang on like a bulldog with lockjaw.

So ii the deve lopers l.lre smugly th.inking they just won a great victory in San Clemente , they may hcive anothe r think coming.

St.ore Aides Get F ortwie The shutdown ordPr would m­

vol ve nuclear plants in South Carolina, Fl o ri da . O h io . Arkansas. Pennsylvania and C alifornia . Onl y th e three Oconee r e actors in South Ca rolina and the Rancho Seeo unit in California are now operating ; the others, including a sister unit to the Three Mile Island-reactor that ran into trou­ble, are temporarily shut down already for refueling or safety

CHARLOTTESV ILLE , Va . IAP > - An eccentric grocer has seen lo It that two lo ya l employees won 't have to work another 112-hour week for a long lime .

Frederick Thacker a nd Robert Daniel are in line ror at least 1125.000 left by William Aubrey Wood. 57. who WCI S found dead or

natural causes in his home Fri· day. Piled high around him were literally bushels of coins and bills .

Attorney Orbin Carter said the two worked for Wood 16 hours a day. seven days a week and " were closer than anyone" lo him. checks.

Flood Dikes Grow W eftk Miami R ecords 16 Inches of Rai1i in Day

A lt><. Qllt ... 11 ... t• ••Ill~• BotlOf\ l•- 11,wltt• Bvffe!O Ct1r 1t111 WV e;,,.,_ CJllt ... (IMlllMil Cl~••l---0•1 l'I WUI O.nvor O.t rolt Htl tna HOll, 1011 lnd' •POll l lltt1' \ City 1..Hll~ l.ltlleRect

"~7~) .. ~ ......................... . 64 '1 UJ

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Mem~lt ,,,., . ..,, M l•wauk .. MP'• SI P Nl\hYlll• Hew Orin' Hew Von OlllL City Omtfl• ftlMINelflftlt

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Calltor td a Hllh c loudlneu .,.., I.,. SOll1"9fn

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Gu\ly • I- wtr• ••P9(1ed l'"r ld.e~ .... ..... ._, .......... . Coa•laf lt'ftalllftr .

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S~ /fl .. •4 Tld~ TMUHDAY

$«-low ) ,Op m O• Sec llftd """ e 5' II m • .O

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$Ull •I- J ... "' • Mb. » p "' MoOfl t'- ' : II e.m .. Mh • S1 PM.

S•rl llqeri H11"1111919fl, Me•porl l>Ht hU

W•••• twe It W.. '"' Condllltfl'


EARL WATERS Has spent 30 years repOffmg with unique insight on Cal1forn1a state government

NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN Pokes at stuffed shirts everywhere -with a particularly sharp needle aimed at the Washington scene.

CHARLES McCABE Places his «Jngue ffrmly ,,, chffk for humorous looks at everything from sox to sandwiches .

JACK ANDERSON He 's the best at prytng the shenanigans and secrets out ol the Washington bureacracy - he's must reading.

EVANS AND NOVAK Rowlands Evans and Rober1 Novak team to examine the polltK:af scene as 1t affects the nation.

SYDNEY HARRIS He 'If stimulate you with bright informed comments on ,,,. newa, big and ltttle and make you thinlc.

En1oy )'O(K favonte columnist on the oditoriel pages of the

DAILY PILOT 642-4321 " ......-Kt~- 86..!! mpih • lflllt ~ ,..,_"' I"

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. . '•

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'· ' I

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Carter's Nuclear Stand Hit

' AC'llAMt:NTO tAl' t Go~ Edmund Hn1wn Jr . uf a sharp Hhul&. oo P~ldent -'4'~..,..~-••..;:oo;..._-,..-.....,,,.. .. ~ c:ba.lltl'\llna the pr~s.1d nt to tell I h.- nut'lear lnd u try lhat " enouah Is f'~h

At I ~w l'()ftfl'~nct W~ d1y . Urown ul"° u1d h hoJ)e!5 tht' ti S Nu<'lur Rcwulalury Cumm11»1un v.-111 ord.- r lNn ponry hul dC'lwn~ of tht" «'tKht nuch.•ur plunu bo11t hy H11bc.•o<•k & Wllroit

. ll E AA.Ill I•' THIS h11pJWns. h<· will t•ull upon C111tforn1anlt ,1f rl·rt.-cl h~ tht• nt>arb\ Runrho ~co l)lant to c:urt111I lhl' u:.t• 11f tht>1r uar c11ol11t1011t•1' on hot bUmmerd1t)b

The uhhtlt!S :.aid thut woul<l lll c lude ('Ub tom erb rr o111 liakersheltl tu ~urek d

Tht.' Denllit· rull t i(1t verno1 who S8)b hl' mu y run for pre1>1 dent an 1980 , rep l' att-dl ) t•ratic1zed ('arter ·, pro nuclear !>Lance, :,ay1ng other encrin sour<.'eb s hould be ex plored an :.lead

" IT'S RATHER CLEAR to mt' that the combination or rt l>k!.

costs , safety problf'mi., the prob lem or storage or was te, lht.­prospecl of prol1ferat1on and even the danger or sabotage all

.c·ombsne to make at 1mperatavc that th1s country now pursue a path of altcrnat1v<' energy sources. " he said.

He said Carter, " far from en­couraging a short·cireuiling of the licensing process or nuclear r eacto r s, s h ou l d t e ll the American people and th e n.u clea r indu s tr y qualc s imply : 'Enoughisenough·"

REF US I NG TO S l\Y h1· favored a total ban on existing plants. Brown ins tead focused on hailing nuclear power ex pans ion and building olhH sa fer power sources an the future

The 4l ·year-old governor said that recent events had made al very clear t days of nuclear pow arc ande I num-bered ..

Re Sa ved ~ives Mic hael Scott Davis. 13. ham radio operator of Tor· ranee. picked up a distress call from a Caribbean fish· mg boat that was s inking 75 miles south of Jamaica ea rly Wednesday. He acted as a relay between the ship a nd the Mia mi Coast Guard coordinating the rescue of three men aboard.

Mom, Girl Slain; Cops Shoot Killer

SAN DI EGO <A P l The bodies of a woman, stabbed through the heart wtlh a kitchen krufe. a nd her 4 yee1r·old daughter. who had bt'en :.trangled . were found in the hcune or a psychologist held hostage by a Nigerian exchange ~ ~J C..: nt, police sa id.

T he i.tudent. Ne wman Augusune Osebor of Lagos, Nigeria . wa s shot and killed Thursday on an interstate highway after a 3' ~-hour standoff with police. authorities say.

'" My life was for thtm," cried AleJO Punetes Wednesday after t he hodtes of his wife, Candalaria. and daughter , Norma were re· moHd from the home or Richard E Townsend . " They were the best. they were fantastic How could anyone do this lo a little girl and her mother ?"

Mrs Puentes. 24. had worked as a maid for Townsend. a t:r l m ana I psychologist

PohC'e saad Townsend was abducted Wednesday at gunpoint. forct'd lo \\1lhdraw money from a bank and held hostage by Osebor

The 22.ycar-old Osebor was fatally shot by police after holding Townsend hostage in the doctor 's s ports car on lnterstale 8. Townsend wa~ unhurt in the shooting

• thurld9y. AQ1112'. ,.,f' DAILY ptLOT '!.

~!!!.!<A~~~~~~-~~!1!~1i Patricia Hearst Shaw denies that her Police offtcer ried April I . • • · husband attended a bachelor party that ended in a A number of police officers were reported taucous brawl at. a lesbian bar the nipt before have been members of a bacbeJor party their weddinc. buged into Pe1'1 P lace about mldalpt

baraned cuatomen. Shaw's name Ud been " It's really upsetting," satd Mrs. Shaw Wed·

neaday. " We don't have friends whole Idea of bav· ing a good Ume is going oul beating up women."

On the nig ht before their weddlng , her hus band Bernard was not living It up with bis pals but sitting with members of the wedding party at a

EARl.'S • PLUM81N C.

to the party in atones publilbed in the San Fr · cisco Olronicle.

The dialrict attorney 's oftlce and the police de· partmenl are investi1aUq the incident and two J persons.--pollceman Daniel llarr. -25, a n.d J ci vilian. Kevin Guerin, 34, have been charged with • dis turbing the peace and battery.

1 HEA fl NC.

Alli COH O '-,t ' tt ,.,,,.,,

'>ttv1r ., l 1n• \ l«tthot fO"' ' l>vo• (t1tl~toft-Nt·4r..,.., t •OV• Artff 1

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ac:l1acent to the 1ewe1 court

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• A .

Inmate Flees Jail Facility LOMPOC IAP I The car authorities believe

was used 1n the es c<Ape or George Jackson Brigade leader John Sherman . :«>. has been found. but he and his wife remained free today

City police said a green Prnlo sedan was round early Wedne:.day. parked in a res1dent1al area of town .

Police said lh<'y believe the ca r . rented Tues­day from a local car-rental agency, was driven by Marianne Pulfer Sherman, 28. when her husband, se rving a JO.year sentence. escaped Tuesday after· noon whale v1s1ting an eye doctor.

Mftli-Cal F raud Probed SACRAMENTO !AP > Some nursing homes

have collected Medi-Cal benefits for patients who had been dead for up lo a year. says s tale Con­

lrollC'r Ken Cory's office . I n r espons e lo a

[ J ques tion . Deputy Con-

~·;fATf; tro ller Peter Pelkofer . s aid Wednes day that

'"--~-~------ auditor s had found several such cases.

" We found in at leas t one case benefits being provided to a deceased person more than a year a fter death. Pelkofer said .

Shell Req~•t Appro.,~d LOS ANGELES CAP >- Ajurisdiclional battle

over air quality s tandards bas been defused , with the state approving a Shell Oil Co. request to build a pumping s tation but requ.inng the rirm lo clean up other sources of pollution.

The state Air Resources Board sidestepped a " smog war " Wednesday when it supported the operating permit issued for the oil s tation by the South Coast Air Quality Management District but lacked on the cleanup requirements .

The district approved Shew s a ppucation on Jan . 3. However. the ARB threatened lo cancel the okay because the district had not requjred " trade­off" agreements. Such agreements require Shell to clean up other sources of smog to offset polluants gener ated by the new facility.

FOflda B ft• "Rollot .loll•' SAN FRANCISCO <AP) Academy award·

winning actress and activist Jane Fonda has urged working women not to accept being "slotted lnto robot-like jobs that do not allow the development of m anagement skills, dignity or self-worth."

Ms. Fonda spoke at a noon rally Wednesr'ay at the Embaradero Center attended by several thousand persons. The gathering was one or 13 a round the nation sponsored by the 800-member Women Or ganized for Employment, to com· memorat.e National Secretaries' Day.

Organizers circulated statistics they said show 98 percent or the 3.5 million secretaries in the U.S. in 1976 were women . Although 60 percent or women support themselves or head famJUes. they earn only about 57 percent of whal the average man does. tbe group said. ·

l.All1e 8'1eeth19 C'rfttd%ed LOS ANGELES CAP> - A deputy police chief

crtUclzed two officers Wednesday for using " faulty judcment and poor tactics" in lbe f1ta1 shooting or Eula IA>ve lut January.

Tbe critlclam by Deputy Chief M1rshalJ L . An· denoa came u the Police Commlasion opened heartnp Into tbe cue.

Mn. IA>ve. a widowed mother of three, wu abot to death Jan. 3 by t"° offtcera e1lled to her South-Central Los Anaeles home following a dJs· pute over an unpaid $22.00 au blll.

tht · cli11crc'nce is



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shade you've bMn dreaming of. And With all 1'"9 beauty, you get a valuabte I YNJ ~ _,. ..,.,._ey, ptu• the practicality of $eotchg•d pro19Ctlon and •t.tlc control. Rememblr. $ie dlfl9rtne• l• Trwrire at.. Take your choice - our top quelfty 0 St. Fire," lntroduetory .... priced at only $10.99, Anet h ..... $18.99 sq. yd. For the economy minded. "Shadow Me91c." Introductory aale prioM at )Yet " ·" · Alter the sale, S13.99 sq. yd.


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• Or nge Coas t Otuly Pilot Edit rial P ~ Robert~· Wffd/ PublllMt

~ ~~-~ .... 1111miillii111 .... fhurtdey ..... ·.A.pn•1•:ze• .• '•97•9 .. iiiiiiili~llliiiiiiiiilm .. aa•'•b.-.. re•~ .. r••lb• l•ch• '•£•di• '°' .. lel .. P• ..... •. •411a .. wlll..,

Developers Still Face Traffic Woe

Murnl 1' m~hl llwpon Beach Cat y Coum•tl nwmt,.,rl'I &tnct lht' P..ielfa<- Mututtl Llft In. urance Co r eut"hetl u re •sonablt' <'<>mpromi~ on lh firm '. plan to •·~pand It

l' Wporl C't•ntl"r hcadquurten. Tht• mmpnn:, ort1tinnlly want •d tu build 350.000

M&u.m .. • h.<t'l of ofCtl'C bp..acc m addlllop to lht• appro.x1m .. tt• h :100,000 al noY> OCl' uµae~ 1'hl' Caty Counl'tl wub 1ust1rltably t•onn 1rncd :1 bout th.- truffk prohll'lllt. t.uth un •thhl1on "oul<t (',IU,1'

Tht• 2AA,tl00 -.Qua1 l' root Pl OJt'('\ .1pJlruvt·tl MoncJ<J ) ,, ,, ~t'll:. lhlt• pomt .it wh1d1 hoth :,id ·~ i.:uvt• rn J ltttl1: The· t• r t•d1 l h11 th1· 1·omill ml\aM~ (>frOI t p rohahly ~ot'' rn 1.11 g1· rurt lll \'ll llljl:lrl' ulf11•1a1, who h.l\ l' wotkl·tl ~o h .11 ti .11 ma'-111~ 1•.1l'll1t· Mutual what lht•y hkt• lo t•all ._, i:111HI c·or por.1h' c·1L111·11 111 '\ t•\.\ put I Ht.• .1t h

I l1m t '\ 1.., 1lw11• I' .111 oh\ mus '' 11111l1l111g lilm I.. 111 P ut·1f1t· M11 lu.11 · ... pl.in ' .111 o h..,ladt• th ,11 1• lik\·I\ lo b lot I.. tht• dlorh 111 .ill 1il•u•l11pt·r~ 11111·11·,ll-d 111 d11111g lullllt· WOI k Ill '\1 •\\ po1 t 1\1•.it'h

Tlwn· ' mw 11lll·1 ' l' l' llOI\ Uns t o l SI re•('! l\ort h .uul l'ctmpu' l>t 1\1' Ill.ti 'guin~ lo l>l' 1m111civ1: d 111 1h lnJ\

tn1u111 ,1nd '' 111 , 1111 lw rnorl' t·ongcstt'd th<Art ttw t1 · ~tf11c· phas 111g l,l\\ •illlrn ... "ht•ll P ;w1f1r Mulual 's Ill' \\ h111ldin~ :-. .in.• n1111µh•1•

T lw t•omp.111\ ~111 ,11 tn1 11tl lh t roadhlo c·" 011 .i h .·c.' hnH·alll,v B1it 11 looks , 1:. if fu lurt• p1 o lt'<'ls of <Ill\

~ 1~111f 1C·.rn 1 ' 111• .111· titoing tu l>t.· hrought to .1 hJlt until sonwo11t• llt•v1sl·~ .1 pJ,111 lo rdtl'Vt: t h at ll'affic C'loggt•d 111 te r SN 'llOrl

Pt•rhaµ~ it s t11m· the l'ounc·1I m<:lu<l1ng lr~cfflt· c rit1<.· Hay W11l1Uml) took a nolhl'r and mon• fu vor:1hh: look :it tht· no\.\ ulrn ndorw d nivt·r~1ly Drive <•\lt.' ns1un a s ;i µo lt•nl 1:11 sou1 c·c· o l n ·lu •f

Bridge Alte rnative? ThC'fl' .l) a J,!nm .1nkt• making lht· rounds m :"t' wp<1rt

Beci<"h lh<'M' cla~ s lo 1 h(• C'ffl'd that motoris t s str<i ndl'd in traffil· on the P ut1f'i e ( 'oust lli f.! hw<Jy bridgl' ovt•r Upp1 ·r Newport Bay l·an n<m l'nlt•rtuin them st.'l\'l·s h~ \\<.1t(· h1ng t he hi:lv fill an with mud

IL 'mi g ht hl· funn v if it wC'rc.'n ·t so t rut· In both :..i t u;1 11ons tlw I nt ffit• 'a nd t he s iltation the people o l N<.>wport h :1vt• twl'n li s t l·ning to s tate offitials talk ti l.IOul s ol ul w ns , but so fur a(·tion on either front ha::. hc<'n slow in m a tt•rial111ng

i\ol 11>11 long ago , in 1!171i . I ht' hndgt· \l•<t 'i going to ht· huilt for S.1 4 million ;.rnd 11 "11uld IH" doni' h v thl' end ot tlll:-. \'('.11 •

it wt'n '11•vt·n J.(<'I ' '••rt ·d 1f th<· ..,dwdulc· holds un til rr11d Wko and then il' ll 1·osl rnon · lh ~rn Sfl ~mill ion

On ttw oth(•r h<1ntl theu.•, the l'pp<.•r B:.i~ pn•s1:n'l'. h1111 ght hv t h(• ~la t<.• in 1974 It got 1l~ f1rlo.t muJor influx 0f mud in tht• w1n11•r of l!lfi8 G!I and it ·, lll't'n g1·11 ing mnn· of t ht• -. tuff t'\t'f'\' vcar ~) I ar nothing h.1~ been done lo 11 •m11v t· th(• mud

!-.t all• offi«ials. llrn-. wint1 ·1· got tlw ;1t1orn1•y general inlo llw at'I 111 .111 alk rnpl to fo11 ·t• pn\ :111• CJnd govern­nwnt :t1'(l'llt'1t'!'> lo t iJkl· ul'lion to r l·dul't: rnudd y rnnoff into llu· hav a nd to 1·vcnt11ully clean 1t uut But don 't look for lhl· ctrl.>dgl'r!'> tomorrow 'i'hl' very bc~l that can happen 1s th <1l a " pilot" <.ln•clging pro1cet will get s tarted next s prin g m ayh(•

/\l this parl' 01 at·t1vny on th(· part ol the Mate gov 1·nHnl·nt . Nc·wpor t Be&Jch ' "on 'l need a nt·\~ brid~l' Com · mul l'l'S "il l ht• <thll- lo d rive a<·rnss th1· L'pp1·r Bci.\ mud I I.its

Gift of Gflh P ays T h t: olcl ~:iying that younJ,!~lcrs <i huultl he M'l'll hut not

tu•:i rd got <.i t h ras h ing this month from 01 u tlJ.!l· C 'CJas l s t 11

J e n ts A lea rn from Oran~l' Co<ist Collt•J.(t• rrnrl<t~ 1·d I h<.· grft

or g<ib into a national 1•hcimp1o ns hi p 1n the :'\allon:.il Com mu n1 ty Colll'gc· S J><:ec h Tou rn<1menl. a first for OC:C

The you ng peop le from Costa '.\k•w . ll untington Re<i<:h, FounlL11n V<1lley and Newport lk~IC'h ~we pt ttw awards in e ver y thing from reader 's thl•ater to l.intl)ln Douglas rone -t o -o nc 1 d ebat e>

It 1s a tri bute lo coaches Peg Ta~ lor· ano ;\11l·h;.H:I Le ig h , who h ave led previous OCC teami- to s<:<'ond plac<' tumor.sin the nallonwic.Jc contest.

And another Costa M('s<J \ 11ungst(•f' g ifted 1n la n g uages won a top uwur d tif h is own an P1ghl -wl'<.•k trip to Paris. t'ctplurcd 111 Hw J\lllan<'l· Fr<Jnc:<J1!>t· ronlc-. t in f<, r c nc h .

The linguistic s kill of Es lunc:1;i ffi i.{h School Sl·nmr E r ic Elliott w ho also Sf){'CJks German. S panis h . Wdsh and Breton 1s, in uddilion , a tl'ihul l' to his tPat" hc•r, Leonard McNutt.

With tcachc·r s and studt•nl s likt• tht.,l'. who can say s ile n ce is golde n '!

• Op1mons expressed in the s pace above are those ol the Dally Pilot Other views exp ressed o n this page are lhose o f their a uthors and artis ts Aeade r comment 1s inv11ad Address The Dally Pilot. p o Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (71 4) 642-4321

Boyd/Humbug By L. M. BOYD

E n g lis h Kin g Jam e s II used lead . pewte r , cop per . a n y thing a l ha nd . for his coinage. Such coins minted in Dublin were r efe rred lo hy t he Irish as " uim bog" pro no unced " oombug " m ean inl'! s oft metal. They fe ll the coins we re phony without in· lrans ic value. And their word for son metal was whe re we got our word " humbug "




GuM If the Newport Oeach Fire Departme n t c an 't afford to man all Its qulpmt'nl. how un it

;1tford an "education speclaH t "?


~1~:1 .o;-,.'.~1:. ·i,·. ~:i IWU\4.iltlly refltiel - .,.,., "' Ill• ,.... ... "' ..... ,_ ,.. ........ GMeftly Gt!\, °"''' .. I ...

Inc redible a s 1l may M:t·1n. the qu11llly of acriul )'holo· g r a phy is now so good \hat the rank of a foot soldier <·an be seen from pictures taken at 100,000 feet Or so lht: ex perts report

You know that ;1ctor called Dirk Bene di ct o n t he T V· se ries " B a tll es tar Gala ctica?" He found his stage name o n a menu under " Eggs."

Please add to that list of tough tonRue -t wisters : " Blue broadloom ru~s . ·•

Q " On which type of turf is a football plnyer mo re like ly to gel hurt . natura l or o rtln rial? · •

A . Artlfi ci1tl . no doubl about It . Com1idc r lhis . In Jur y dAl B ro lle c ted over three NPL ll<'a sons s ho ws t hat JO or the J2 s tadiums with the h ll(hcisl Injury r ates have arUficlal turf. a nd 10 of the 11 s tadiums with the lowelll in jury rates h sve naturol turr.

... ..


Jack A11d n.on

Pentagon's 'Iranian Fire Sale' w A s II I N c; T 0 N Th e

Pentago n 111 ru~ hlng t o th e rt•11e ue o f American munufucturt>r11 who .cot s tuck wtth rnorr than S\O b1lhon worth of 1· <HH'C ll'd arm8 c o nt ra c li> whe11 lhl•1r fovor llf" c us tomer. lh t• s h uh u ( Ira n . w11 11 over· thro wn '

If Congrl':.' app r c1 ves the ba1loul . mm·h ul th a rma me nts u lr l'ady 1n 11 r 0 d U l ' l 1 0 II

" I I I h t • purch.1M•t.I by I h l' 1Jt•(1• 11M· fh·parlnwnt ,1 I il 11 U I llmuh· 1·0 ... 1 to the t .1\11.1H'"" of almo!-.I ~ In II ion

Tht• tdl'a hni. the !>upport of the d efense tn· c.Ju1>lry's fncnds m Con~ress a nd c)f l\dminislrataon o ffi cials who Ml.' r t-luct ant to pres11 contract da1 m s with \he new lr<tnian regime

DUBBED BY ins iders as " the g r e <1l l ranjan fire sa le, " lhc pro. posed.vur<.'hase of weaponry m tt•ndf'd for the ~h<th \\Ould be at r(• lat ivt' ly barl-{Htn prices But closl.' scrutiny of lhl' items in volved shows that many itre ob· ~ol<'le or unnecessary

The most l'X pt:ns1v1· <ind con I rovers1ul an• lht: four Spru<1nce­duss dl•stroycr)> with which lht.> s hah bad plunn<•d lo m odt•rn1ze h1:. navy Te ... l1fy1ng bc:fon· l ht: St·nate /\rmed S<!rvices Commil· tc•c. Na vy St'<'retary Graham Claytor s<1id it would be " cri minal to let lhl' opportunity ' to buy the de)>lroycrs 1 w> by. " lk note·<! that thl'y carry " the :.amt: armamt>nl. lhl• s ame g uns. I he s <1m<' cklt·ctron '-I l>P<1ratus. lht• s ame cv1•ryt l11 ng " a s the N<1vy 's npwes t gu1de d -m1:.:.ill.' Ct'UISt'r!-.

It v.a~ :i (X>lll t'Cml paflMlll 111


make . the committee vetoed furth e r pro du c tion or the c ruisers back In J975 because thei r a nti -aircr a ft tracking syste ms were found to be ob­solescent. The committee report on that decision called it " inap­propriate to build a ny s h ip . . . with a weapons s yst e m that is c learly inadequate to m eet the projected threat within a r el-

atively short p e riod of tlme a fter delivery of the ship. "

T H E FOUR destroy~ra would cost the Navy Sl.3 billion , plus another $2 mlllion or so to refit them rrom lr a n lan t o U.S. s pecifications.

Despite the enormous cost a nd the dubiOWJ value or the s hips. the Navy 's purch ase r e quest

\ C'..<I 'P'°t.L 1""' ·=~ :-l ,-r ~~- (("~ 1 If~-:.-: 8E-"'...<' ~t-:-,....:; 11 ..-<~ /N' )OtJ-2 M /N.0 JU?"~ . ."~VU ' ?CJ~ .'r,;fcS :- t'£1tJ/"J£:~ './ 2 ""C ...r=:.·• '

sailed smoothly through t he com mlttee, headed by Sen. John Stennh , D - Mlu . By no co in cidence . the s h ipbuilde r . Ingalls, a aubsldlary of Utt.on l mJustrle.a, is located in Mia· s isslppl.

" ll 's a bailout for Litt.on,'' sai d a congress ional uide . " They 'r e saving 1.500 jobs for $J .3 billion. Eve n b y we lfare s tandards that's pretty gross." At $866.006 per job, " gross" is an understatement.

Anothe r Iranian Fire Sale bar(i'am the Navy wants to grab up 1s 150 Phoenix missiles for S77 . 1 million. The missiles are carried by f·· l4s, and only Iran a nd the United States have t he m

T HE TROU BLE is. offi cia ls have admitted the r e 's no way of knowing whether som~ of the Pho e n ix miss il e s o r t h ei r operation m <1 nua ls fe ll into Sov· 1e t ha nds a fte r the shah 's ouster " W e prudently have to assume that the Russians have the m ," one knowledgeable s ource told our associate Pe te r Grant

Several co ngressm e n feel the pro pe r •course 1s to develop <1 new Phoenix missile. instead o f buy m g more of a m odel that may no lon~cr be a secr et to tht.' Soviet-. In fact . this 1s being do ne by the Hu~hes Air c r a ft Co . <1nd 60 of t he newer missiles are included in next year's budget

T h l' Pentagon 's rescue e ffort for il l> frwnds in the munition:. in d ust r y 1'- <' n c·ountc r1n g op po..;1t1on on Ca pitol Hill

Footno lt• It 0 !'. nut Just thl' manufactureri. who will J'(et off I ht• hook undt: r lht• purcha!te pro pos a l If 1l pas~ws. lht· ne w l rci nia n government would :11•tuall y 1-:l't back mu th o f 1 he $5110 million deposit t hl' ., h ah put do\\ n.

The re Are Alternatives to Police Chases To the Editor

ll seC'ms to mt· tha t there i~ ar rnga nt d1srt•gJrd fo r human rights nf lht· mnoccnl when it 1·omes 111 ' ' polln• dwse T ht· )> U:O.Pl'l'tl•d 11 ffe ntfr r mU'> l ht' 1·aught .it all tm.t , np matter ~hat lht• l'OSI

Tht· pt1)> ~1 h1lt ly that innocent 1H·opk· ~ ill 111· krlled m<11med a nc! 1•mol1011;.itly '>car rc d for i.rc 11lak1•.., no dtffcr<.'ncc. ai. lonA as lll !-.tll'P " don1• b~ t:alt'hm.: the· ~ uspt•l'll'd lav. hrl.'akt: r ln a rt' · t•t•nl l't.l!'>C' cn ... ta Me s a pohct \\t'r<' ch<l<illH! CJ hll a nd run ~u~ p1·tt do\\ n l hC' Co~I a Mc•sa '\1 1·wrwrt 1"n•pwa .v t 5!; • In tht• allt·mpt tu appn•ht•nd 1 ht• .,us 111·1•1 llwr1· \H1 ~ a mull! C'ar rra1>h I hat would probably not hav1• hatipl'nl•ll Jilt! 1nvol\•e d :.i lr<.iAll' "> llUal11111 fnr Ml man)' innor·t.·nt IH'C1pk

With 111),t :t t 1<lh1t of t·rcal1v1ty an II r II r •. s I~ h I 1 h I' w h 0 It· :-.1 tuat wn !-.hou ldn ' t h:.ivc hap· Pl'n<'d Our la x dolla r ., s upport a hC'lrcopll·r system that c<1 n track l'a r s from <tOOVl' d<1y or n1 ghl. I( lh<'rt· 11> a fleeing s uspl!cl dan~crously 1•vadmg the police. why not foll l)W him until it i ~ ,ufl' to apµr<' ht•r11l him without cndangnrnJ,! 1nr11H' l'nl byi. t an · tfrr),

C'O ULDN'T llw ('If P or pohc<' I ra ffi t· t•ontrol s low clo\\ n traffic 1s 1mi l1 ar l o acc 1<lcnt pro cedurcs• until 1l s l1lps safe ly . trapp111~ the Ml)>pt•cl 1n a trnff11· 1am and then aµ p rehc nd him ·• T lw attilud1· i'i '· Nfl , J!l'l tu m now . don' t wail " It '!> not t ht: quulity of the catch . it b how fas t you ct.in catch lhl' s us pcd at all cost..

llow man y times h ave you s e e n lh<' traffic investi gation team .. R<1ci ni;t Cod e :i · · across t.own lO a re1X>rtcd minor a cc1 d e n t witho u t inju r ie s'! ll o w man y ix.oople arc c ut off. a lmost r a mmed. and uctually c rashed mto by theiw nt'edlcss full-o ut rac·cs to h<• <1u1C'k '> How m any times have you sc•en a traffic un it c ul somt•o nt> o ff , s we rve rndkully in heavy t rafr1c. just lo g ive a ti cket oft e n t o a less sl'rious v1ol:.it1on ., In doing so and stopping 1·arelessly. one or more la nes have be<>n blocked m orct<'r for tickcts to be written

Thes<' s ituation!! mus t s top The pohl'l' scr vt• an Important runclion 1n o u r !>OC1ety But p uhlic prf'ssure must bt~ brouRhl to bear . beca use wrong Is wrong no m atter who 1s doing the wrongdflrn~ .

Th e motto ··T o Se rve u nd P role<'t" f. h<>u ldn' t be " lo ser vt' 1111d inn1ct ... Cull und Wl"itc your loc o! police c hief irnd s he rm nnd let' them know you don' t hk(' t heir cha~e procedures. Rulslng your voice now ml11ht save your llfr Ju~r '


No Ba••~ To I tw Ed 1 tor

I n·Jd Cht•1 yt Hom11 .... n1lumn with i.:rcat t' llJll) mt·nt <ind h:.ivl.' JU~I !';iui:ht up \.\1lh 1<.t ~ l Fn<l~n"~ l'd1t1on \\IH'l 1• ... 111· p.qnlt·d ,1 Vl\'ifl pH'lUl't ' of fq.~ 111 ing lh\• frl•t•v! ;n lral ftl' l'l« lo 1 h1• M 11"" Ct·nll•t


lo hl•a1 I ht· J.w, /\ng1•l t•!-. Plul h:.i rm111111·

I can 1mugin1.· h1·r h lhlwnd 's ft•tl1ng!'. "ht· n th1• 1·l 1·J.!;Jn t h;ind~onw ('ar~1 Mar t:t Ci1uhni appl·:.ir1·d 1111 I podium to 1'{111 duct lht· orch · ·1 ra and lwr

rn1mt·chat1· t•onvt:r!'.10n " t1> lhl' woncli•r!> of d:.is~ 1 cal musit·

llo \.\l'Vl'r. I wondt-r 1f Cht>n I :11111 ht·r hu ... hand arc a" an· t hat v11u tlo not ha vt• lo go lh rough .111v 11f tho .. 1· trial' and t11l;11lal1<lll!> 111 orrl!'r Ill ht•;.Jr thl.' 11rl'IH'stra . G1ulini. Me hta a n<l all tlw otlwr grt•:.it~ of lht• rnu"c "orld ·•

'1' 011 1·an lwar th1·m n~hl l11 ·n · 111 Orange < '011nt.v al thv ht )> lori(' Santa 1\nu ll1gh School. <111 n·d· l':trpell.'<1 . pknt y of fn·l' p <1rk 1ng, t•nmfort nblr rl•scrved seat)> , c•x ­t PllPot ut·o11~t 1 cs a 11d no lruffic hJM•lt•'

In f;1ct vou t:a n ht•ar the gr l'a l (; 11111111 ,;llCI l h t• Lo:- J\ngc•les l'h llharmon 1" p lu1> hl'JUI 1ful mt.•t;r,o soprano l"rcdcnca von St a <11' this Sa turday . ./\pril lH in I h t · 0 r a n g c· C o u n I y l'hllharmon11· S11t'it.•ty ·~ final rnnl'ert of the sec.1son . ri ght on \ our o"n do11r)>lep in Orange ('ount'


Net '8 .. l•~••' To the Editor ·

A recent letter lo the editor ex µressed disd a in for the " bl<'cd­rng heart do.gooders" who have s hown s upport for Hi c hard 1-; ng land

" fn busint:!>!'. '. ll said . " i ( you a r e insuoordinatc. you ' re fired .. 1'h1s business im a logy s y ndrome 1s u sC' d tu ~ upporl th e ;.1 dm inistrat1 ve po!>ilio n in the E n g land c a se at N ewpo rt llarbor Jllg h School.

Th<' reasoning ~0<')> like this A corpora te division c hairm1m rtcacher l differs in po licy , und s u bs£•qut•ntl y i n p(•r -;o na lity . "'1th thc c•o rporalc t•xecut1v1• 1 p r 1 n t' 1 pa I l T h l' d 1 v 1s 1 on ch uirm an i:. dls mi:ssc>d " It 's a s s tm ple as that "

T llt.:RE IS, however. one fl aw 11chools art> not busrne~ses nor Hrf' lht•y run like bU81n<'SSCS

I ncum pe t <'nce cx l i; t s nl :ill t(lve l~ In the school syste m tr l t>arhl'~ a re inadequat e. union! ca nnot prole<' t them . . unlcs!i they a re a llo wf'd to by lnconipc­t c n t ud m1n l :< t ra tor!I tr <1 liuprc mt'ly compe ttinl Englnnd can be up for dlsml!tul. then dead weight JS not ·· union sllfe and sound ."

P a r e nts and lt'al• h t·r ... havt' occ:oml! int·n ·:L ... uij.!I\ l'Ollct-rnc;d .ihoul 1ncump1·knn· JI Jll lt·vcb. but a c.J n11n1slrator-. 1 ··co with lht• fh1w w1· II l<H1k into that .. t \ "l' ... I l ' I I h l' r h a v I' n I) t at• knowlNl ~1·d 11 or hav1• don•· 11olhtn~ tn c·urrc·('I ti .11 11•;1..,I 11111

al Harbor l11 µli ,11111 tht d1 ... tnl·l o ff t<'t:

81\(• ' TO I hi' IHl..,llW!>"' .1 n.tl11g ' llo" lnng "nult! .1 "' '"" 1·orpor:.it1· l'Xt:(' Ull \'l' kc•t.•jl hi~ JCllJ If h t' l•IUk 18 month~ lo lrv tu rt.'t' l1f\. u per:.onnel mt.tllr-r ••nd failed " How long wou ld ht· la:.t 1£ ht• t'Ould not C'ont rol h 1), own ">laff in

mallC'rs a ... rudime nta ry :.is lak ang r oll a nd kceptn~ s tude nt-; tn cl:.i!>s ? How long would he last 1f h e woul d no t r1clm it to 1n t'ompclcnct• on his own c ampus r ··whal is incompe te nce .. ad nauseum I·• I low long wou ld t ht• n1·w ext.•cut1ve la st 1f he told om• uf his top di v1s 1on ch;urme n " ho had mad<' tht· corporation g rea t for ye;.i rs. that he will now c1t'ter m 1ne how tht' c ha irman will run his div1swn"

/\nd how long \\OUld he re main t•mplnyt'<i if he h:.id the c hance to resolve that long-te rm pe rsonnel chspule . amicably and 1n house. liut u n1l<1ter a lly r e fus ed because " It 's Jlone loo far ' .. •

f' l•rhaps school syste m i; would he better 1f they wer e more like bu s inesses. Hut. they currently "rt• not Be fore you b us iness ana logy enlh u!>1asts conde mn Ri c hard Eng land , be s ure of ~·our log ic and be abs olutely cer· l ain you know what 1s go mA o n a t 0.111 levels in the syste m .


Ll9laf• N~~•d T o I h<' Editor:

l h \t' in Coro na Del Mar. I havl' lived he re for five years. I think t here s hould be more s treet lights in Corona Del Mar

Sometimes my mothe r lets me go out to dinne r al the Place Res tuu.r::mt Whe n I go t he r e it 's so dc.1rk Thc r (? a re lo l s o f strangers in Corona De l Mar a t night Fiv<' years ago a young girl was k illed a t night by a man . So I th ink there s hould be m o r e streel ligh ts he re ror the safe t y of the people.


Ratll•fle• Rl•lc To the Editor .

J Corwi n ~ Dai ly Pilot, April 8 l obvious ly kno ws no thing :iboot rndJntlon . They key word is ron1zinl{ radiatio n wh ic h can come from the s un , or rrom a nuc lear reaction or a s un lamp. T hey ull affec t pe ople if the radiation Is powe rrul e nough.

But lO s ay a n y le vel is very harmful ts wrong . We ge t lots of this type of radJalion ever y day. If you 11tand tn the s un too IOnM . you know It ·a ha rmrul imd a lot of Coast people will get cancer

from the s un . But s mall a mount:, do not causc any ha rm In fact rt 1s d 1ff1nflt to d ett:rm 1m· \\h elJler or not a ny harm tQ J>t''" p ie will t:ver r esult. fro m thl' Thrt'c M1h' Plant accident . sinc·1• the rarl 1 ~1 lion was actually M • ),ma ll

R. M WOLf•F P reside nt .

Wo lff Engrneenng Corp

P e e Hazard To till' Ed1l1)r

I have JU' I lost my pc t . a '' t:r~ h .qip:. . ht•alth y 7 1::· Yt·ar o ld (;Nman Sht•phc>rd . who I lovl•tl il•·arl) . bt•ca11:.l' of 1nacfrqu.1t1· la 1J t·l1n ~ 11r1 dr y <l o i.: food paC'k a gcs Let rne r cc<i ll lht· eve nt!>

E verything wa~ no rmal 11nt• S unday I Marc h 251 u ntil ~a m Mo nday morning when m } dog . Gar . c<.1ml' t o my bed a nd "htn<'<f. J nolc rl that he was not fl'l·ling wC' ll und his s tomat·h w:.is !-. lig htly s wollen I wonde rl't.l what wm .. wrong . Al 2 :30 <1 .m . . hl' aga in wake ne d me and I saw that his condit ion was much worse and decided that J should gel him to the vete rinarian us ~oon as possible in the m ornm g.

Al 5:30 a .m . I woke up a nd s aw th a t Gar wa s very ill , s\.\ollen a nd unahle to walk . I rus h <'d lo the t r le phonl.' and a ft N a number of call!>. s ut· cec.>d ed in gC'lting a n emt•rgency \'t>knnarY r hnic But ii was too. latt•. Gar died while I wa s on lht• tclc µhon<'

I LEAR NED from the· c hn1 c that Gar died or s to m<1 ch bloat ca used by eating a norm<1I meal nf dried dog food a nd drinkin~ wate r . l had ne ver heard of s uch a thing_ In addition , the c linic said they enrounler m any s uch cases. Gar proba bly could have been s aved if I had r ecognized the !lymptoms and gotten him to the c linic earlier .

J feel t t'rribly distraught by the loss of Gar. Ho wever . the re IS ll hroadt.•r issue : protection Of fu ture user s or dried dog food from a s imilar tragedy . Dried dog food s hould be ta bled prom­tn<' ntly l o warn doR owners : 1 l l to eith r moisten the food firs t or prevent the dog from d rinking water a rte r eating, 12 1 to be ulc rl to the l>Ymptoms of stom aeh bloat . and 13 l what LO do 1f the· symptoms oeou r .


• "'"''' from rtadn1 art &Dfkome, T~ right to ~ &fttera to tu 8J>OCf or ctUmlnatt Ubrl u re"'11fd. wuera of aoo wordl or i.11 wW be ghHm ~~t. AU &.ltq1 ,,..,.,. fncludt! ~re and maWfto Qd .. dreu bW nal'Mt mcav be toUMdd oa ,,~,, j/ ft//icMftl ,...,,. " cap. portnC. PfMff'JI wtU not t. p11bhthed.


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• MOft!:OPtNION ~. Apf1118. 1179 DAil V PILOT

Nick 11Ummesch

Rhodesian Election Effort Merits Our Support WA IUNGTON - tr th~ uc

CtH ot the Rhodeslun <'letUoot. d~1n't dc>ar the bead!l of wm.­pollt'y·makers m thls to"' n. -. b.il will 9 Some R4 pcrtt'nt of th • e ltttorat.e t urnt•<l out A bhack maJortty" gov.-rnmt>nt ~•II take over Kltttlon ob:.tt-rvc-n from other ctmntnt'~ "'t•rt• Vt'ry Jm· prea1wd. nnd much "' th Fret' Worlct • S giving Hhod11:s1a u a11lutt•

It wu• a 'tna1u:h.' for fUmde·!lla to holtt ttw ••k\' ll11r1' Jl ult t- or m any '4•¥k ... t e rror1sti. ut t • (' k c d vlllagt•ll Ul 01 d er t u frl.Chkn Pl'O pl e •"'« Y from votin..: On elect1011 da ys, t1• 1 rorists from the Patnotac Front oJ)t'nl·d fin· '>l' \ ' l'I ,ti t1111e:. on vott'rs Jt 1-Mllhn~ at.lt 1on~ Altogether, nine c1v1hans were kill~d . act-ordmg lo reports, bv land man~ and raO<:s beloogmg to the terrorists.

Altogether. smce the country ·was mobUized to prepare for the e lections, 230 t errorists were killed, along with 21 members of

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CORONA DEL MAR ,.., l"etltlt CMtl .....

Rbod~1an ec-unt rorca and (''vi h l.l.IU

THE .S. ood Urlll h KC>V\.'rll menu, o/ficfally cool toward thl• dcmocr11l\c •nte rprl a by Rhodt" iM Prim Mhll t ·r fno S mith, mu.lit now r V&5 • tht11r th.ink•~ Jf u ConM1rvutlvt' ~ov trnmt1nt h\•fltled hy M urwon•t 'l'hatd"°r t!lkt" J>OWf•r. then• '-11111 ' bt• a nf'W , r)ot.iti V~ 8rlll ll h R hodcslun r\'lallon11h11> whu•h mll(ht bllr tJw Urt'd bluc>\J vf Utt< .,;n~ I andt>rs

Herc, u majorit v In Conaruss would hkt• lo ' '-'l' .i m.·w S ti ll Ill cHu·h to Hho<Jt'Mit Tht't c I'> .. trong senllmc>nt ln both purht>s to hfl tm· s<im•lJons wt· h•n L' lonH tmpoi.t-'t.I on lthodt·~1a

Indeed , President Cttrler ~ hand might bt· forced by the Case Ja v1ti; ball '~ I now law ) calling for an eod to such sane· twns prov1dmg Rhodesia " de moostra tes ill> willingness to negotiate in good ra1th " with all parties (Incl uding ~uerrallui. 1 a nd also conducts " free elc<· hons observed by 1mpart1aJ, in ternaliooally r ecogn1.ted ob sef'!ers."

THERE WERE a t least '"x such el~Uon inspe<:tton lcums

In R.bodetla, the most credible tx.•l oa that from Freedom Houae. the New York ba ae d or · guniu\lon which koeps watch on t h state or ~olittcal freedom und civil Ubertaes ln the world.

There were two Ameri can bluck11 on the F'reedom House l t'ia na - Prof . M au ri ce Woodward of tlowurd Unlversi· ty , 11nd Ha y ard Rustin . a lonullme civil rights leader. ttus tln vowed that if the vole turnout was big, " I would work with a number of major or ­.:u 111zallons to try and gel Amorican policy reversed. I will ctlrlamly go to the President and ('ongr<·s~ and present my report 1rnd do whl.lt lobbying I can do to bring about a change in policy."

Rui.un. wh.ile nottng the new R hodesaan constitution is not ideal , said " neither was the American constitution " when cslabhsbed <it excluded blacks. women and the poor from vol · ang >. and " did not contain a Bill of Rights "

Allard Lowenstein . who has "orked the liberal -Democratic :.1de of the American political st n•t>l for many years as a re· lormcr , and even dissident. was <1lso a member of the Freedom llous t- team. He remarked, " I




don 't think that anybody who's been here can doubt that a very large number of Africans want­ed to be part of this process."

RHODESIAN blacks had the most to fea,. and th6- most to gain from the e lections . Besides the threat from Immediate as­sault by terrorists, there was also the vow of guerrilla leaders Joshua Nkomo and Jloberl Mugabe, to one day punish those supporting the elections .

Whal Rhodesian blacks gain is a black-dominated government c whiles keep 28 percent of the parliamentary seats ), a black prime minister, a chance for a mlddle · way between

Art Hoppe

totalitarianism or the kind the Afri can Marxist-Len inist re · gimes pra(tice and the old col· onial system. By any meuure. black Rhodesians will be far bet· ter otr living under a govern· ~nt and in-a society whlch Is majority black, but with an im· port.ant while inlluence .

THE PATRIOTIC Front ler· rorist.s offer no e lections. only the Communist line, and totalitarianis m . Mozambique and zambia, the nations which host these killers, get the poorest marks from Freedom House for political rights and civi l liberties . Rhodesia, no hotbed of democracy, is r e-

aarJSed on tbe upswin&. lf Pl'etlldent Carter sticks with

the fool ish. narrow approach to Africa which U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young espouses, then U .s. Policy is moribund indeed. Young is charme.d.....by $lick characters like Nkomo and Mugabe. just as C BS's Dan Rather was' on Sixty M'inutes' last week. Both should go out and see photoe of the bodies of a ll the men, women and children these charming butchers have killed over the years. · / The vast majority of these bodies are black, just as were the vast majority of those people wh o vote d in las t wee k 's Rhodesian elections.

Help for Deposed Dictators Another of the world 's great

inJustaces 1s aoout to be correct · ed No longer will deposed di ctators. cast aside like old shoes. be forced to wander the face of the earth , unwanted. un­loved and underfoot.

Resorts International. Pfd . a Franco-Swiss combine , is now co m plelln g it s l o n g ­a w aite d Hid eaway H ave n f or F o r m e r H eadi. o f Stat~ on the beautiful Caribbean i s l a n d or Sa inte El ba.

.. We feel that we ' re perform­ing a humanitarian service by providi ng ca re fo r life's re· Jects. ··said M. Homa1 re T . Pet· tibon. director of the project.

" Take the poor shah and his family He gave Iran the best 38 years of h1s hfc and what thanks did he get'> Do you realize that today he doesn' t even have a home to call his own?

" OR GENERAL Somoza . Nicaragua has been in his famt · ly for generations. Yet now the Nicar aguans themselves want to

t hrow him o ut a nd ins tall another president. Who do they think they are. the CIA ? Nor let us forget ldi Amin. The way it looks now, those ungrateful Ugandans aren 's going to re­ward his de<:ades of dedicated service to his country with so much as a gold watch . ..

Mr . Pettibon said brochures were a lre ad y going out to potential residents. " One thing we don't have to worry about 1i. a lack or dientele, .. he said. " If necessary. we could fill the place up with former South Vietnamese generals alone ."

THE !palace . a wa y -from · palace." as the brochures rel er to it , proVldes the services one m 1ght exp~cl from s uch an establishment

" Surrounded by s parkling . bl ue, shark ·infestcd waters. " says the brochure. " The Haven offe rs iLc; guests the safe and secure atmosphere they are ac c ustomed to. ·Round the clock tank patrols a re augmented by our small but highly effective air force so that you may re lax in comtort. U1rect ltnes have been installed to all Swiss banks a nd a team or highly-trained ghost writers will be sta nding by to help you with your memoirs

and other ~host s tories.·· M . Pettibon said this last

was of the utmost importance. " If Mr. Nixon could m ake S2 million writing about has petty, 1f sordid . misdeeds. think what ldi Arrun's autobiography would st>ll for ." he said . " After all, Mr. Nixon never chopped of£ a head m his life. not literally."

M. Pettibon added, however, th a t The Ha ven 's marn con­t rib u ti on w o uld b e in "psycho l ogica l s upport services."

" We've fo und that mo s t dictators s urre r from severe pos t -partum depression on being booted out of office." he sa1d . " Wl' plan to ..greet them h~re with a large brass band and a big welcoming comm ittee ~mg­ing. •fo'or fl e 'i. a J olly Good f' e ll o w· so t hat they ' II fee l wanted.

"FOR THE fir:.t month or ~o . we ' l l surround th('m with g r ove lle rs Bes t of <Jll , t·ach di ctator will be among his own kind. Can't you see the shah and ld1 Amin reminiscing about ex cruc1at1ng methods of torture" Or Somoza and Thieu waxm~ nostalgic over the fine points or corruption'' In no time, they 'll be their old selves a~ain. ··


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A dream-come-true A computer publication recently stated that Radco Shack's $4000 expanded system w ith printer and disk memory ''. .. compares very favorably with the early 1970's IBM offerings 1n the $120,000 range." And the heart of that system is our Level II 16K TRS-80 pictured. Just $988 . And easily expandable to include printers. disk memory and more when you need 1t.

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Marriage Survives law No Divorce Ruled in Liquor Liceme Flap

01..YMPIA. Wai:.h I AP 1- l o tea.d or l(t•Uln& • dlvorte over liquor. PhyW1 and Oeorae £v1na HY they' ll " havf' a treat bl& party "

The state •ltornt'y Ceftf'ral ·11 office HY• they don't have t.o dluolve I.Mir marriaa to ordu for Mra 'Evana to llft'p Mr a.Late liqucw Uceue

~H AN OPI ION wa1TT£N FO• lhe Waabl1'1\0ft Slate 1.iquor eo..trol Board. Deputy Attorney Geotral Ph11lp Au&Un aald Mrs. Evan1 won 't lc:we lht bfoer • nd wtrno llceMe for htr Allen town Supe~\t 110ulb ot ~atUe )\.Ill becauae her husband ia a hffr truck dnvt"r

State liquor laws say no Mfl with a flnant'lal lnte rett ln liquor wbol amna tan have an lntf'r l In r~tall outlet.a and Aut1tln 's opinion umt in tht> nick of time for th~ Evan•t'•

" T hank goodneu ' " Hid M 1 ~ t-: vun!> , l 1 '' Wf' "<'fl• ~oin1it 1111\t'•d with <>ur davoret-. thanking at would be se ver•I year befort' Wt' (COt a ruling Out rl1vo n ·l· would h.t\l' bt•l' ll final the ft rM of June "

In hlb op1ruoo, Aubt1n 'fil ld, " a m ere s alural'd beer truc:k MIU llt"H~

driver" has 00 direct (UUlDClaJ lnttrtllll In the wholesahng firm, Sad Eland Co.

EVANS DOES NOT MAKE COMMISSIONS and has paycheck does not amount t.o a wboles&ltr illegally g1v111g money to a retailer, Aushn s1ud

He a lso said a married couple could get around the hquor lJ ws by drawan~ M~paratt' propt•rl y agrecmt•nL<>

Austin said a couple from Burien as sujng t he board rathe r than seeking a di vorce . Gerald Junt has an interest in a distributing company a nd his wife works in a meat depa rtment of a s upermarket whcrt• tx~r and wine are sold

A th1rd case tha t has drawn pubhc1ty involves Patricia a nd Lowen Clausen of Seattle . Mrs . Cla usen wants tu 011en a Danish res taurant 1m d

1erv• bttr Mnd wlnti Bul her hU1band 11 a S.atUe polit'eman, and the boMrd h11 denied her • lift'lls <' . 11 uylol( ht•r hua.bund tin forces liquor la ws

Tfft: C'LAtJ £NH Al' • THEY 'LL divorce and In hopes of gtott nt• IJtente th•~

like the .EvaJ\scli had planned. Thcl la teat allurn"y accooral 'a opinion does not

l!Olvt• t11thc r the Junl or Clausen situations. " I w•3 iw atcui~t gettlna a divorce, even

thoutch ""'" wert' &olna to keep on living togethe r ," Mn EvaM i.u1tl " It I n 't lhe u me. It ilSn'l easy to Lhmlt about dtvorclnti 11omeone you love.

'• J'd bt.- ~IVlllj.l UIJ l'ffiOtlonal S!!CUraty, plui, f t·oulctn 't be on rny hui.b1md's ans urance pohcy unymort> "

T H E WOMA N OWNED H ER riverfront " hOlti io tbc wull " mar ke t before sbe married •; van , 44

After the board said the Evanses appeared to bt• runrung ufoul of i.late liquor laws, the couple t~gau a year Ion~ tenul battle.

" I felt my raghti. were taken away." Mrs E vans ba1d " I gues~ f should have gone down and a1>ked the board whom I could marry.'

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Coast Panel Curb Eyed • n~tural llyO.C. If STING~

Ot-0..l•"'*"Wlff A bill drfitl(m .. >d by A:.. •mbl)'woman Marion

8t'rgesoo lo llmtl lbt• scop.• of lh\" <.:uhto m la Co !tl.-1 Commls on 111 about lo tM' ron 1d re<J b> th(• A tmbly Rt' ou r <'t'" l .und se a nd t;ne r o tommJUt>t>

Mni l~rJtf':o.Qn . n t'Y. port Rt'ttC'h . llid lht• lHm of ht•r bill , A 8 1188. " to rt'<lu<-e lhf' comma• Ion Jurt d1rt1on O\!t'r J)(' r rn1t 1tripllc a t1om for slnj(lt• fumlly honu·~ whe r r 1•1ty l)t•rm 1l.') a rt• a lrc.•udy Ot'<'U ory

" Tht• \•(fo rt-. of app11wul un• tx•mg <luplkul1•d · :.ht•sald

11£ M IDTllt; ~U:J\Sl ' Rt- \\OUld not d llll"' Ull' rommi~1on todt>n~ J d t•\ l'lopmt·nt iwrm11tu1111111·11 lund for future publal' ucql11.,1t1on or for pn''l('f\. 11tio11

for publh' im~l'i. And , :.he.· 1> .. 11d , tht• t.1111 \\ OUl(I not ullo" tht·

c-omm1ss111n 111 ckny u cJ1•\ 1•lnprrwnt IK'fffill ht•1·1tui>t' ()( tht- Cot m of owrwr~h1p ufthf'Ch•v •lovmc11t

In coutrust. :.upport fu t ttw t•omm"'mn hct ' bt't'n unoounn•d bv tht· I ll'\\ ly formt1cl (.'uu .. t.d AlhMnve 11 , .1 .:mup 11f 11111w1\11t1on and p uhhc ante re11t ~roupl> " ho 'lute· th1·11 u1rn 1l> to or~<11111t• gnss s upport for c·oc.stctl prolt•c· t w11 lt'~1 l> litl wn

H EAut.:U 8\' OR. Hlli\I> Lundburg, a n·cl!nt c hairm a n of the eoas ta l r 11mn11ss1011, the ~roup 1s ded icated lo oppos ing "ha t , .. ,. descri bed a:. ' the many unwa r ranlt-d allat· k:-. on the hrn s the people

· Tu:o Coast Darts Players Winners

Two da rts plc.ye rs fro m the• Orange Coa:-.t hav1· won first prize m the nut1onw1dc Natur;il L'n1N1rn dart c:onll'st 1n St Lou1 :. , Mo

Tom Tuylor of Cost a Mt•i.1J :md Mik<• 1.arue or Huntington Bcuc h will s plit the g r and pnzc of $1 ,000.

They pr<> vwus ly won a n ·giona l co mpetition . taking top prize of s:JllO and a tn p to the nation:,il finals.

Hospital Post Filled Carl F. Thielman , 51, has bee n named assis ­

tant administrator for Fountain VallC'y Communi-t y Hospital. '

Thie lmann comes to Fountain Valley from French Hospital in San Luis Obis po, whe re he held a simil:ir pos itio n . li e pre vio us ly he ld ad ­ministrative posts at Atlanta a nd Piedmont Hospitals in Atlanta . Ga . O' Bleness Me morial Hospital in Athens, Ohio , and The Toledo Hospital. Toledo, Ohio.

~re Damage Costly tJDJNE. Italy I AP ) A fire broke out 1n a

metal factory while e xperts we re t esting an a utomatic sprinkling system. and damage was estimated a t more than $330,000.

crt"ntNl to 111 okl't the coasUlne and Its rtJMlUfC<'li

Call 110-8200, 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. James T. Capret z or "SPt·~ 1ol 111tt•r,•bts are runnlnM Sacramento to

undcrm1nt• the bus ic principles of coullll prott-r tlun." l.u11dt,orw eld " More than 40 hill!~ dt' l{tn<'d t.t1 wet1k,•n t'Xl~t1ng coastal lcglslatlon have nlrl'ally t~'\'n 1ntruduc(•d · ·

Newport Beach has been ------------------., appointed chairm a n o r ·

• ASSt.:MHl. YWOMAN tJt; llG ESON will be thf'

~Ul'll l MlUrh·r Suturcl uy when lhl.' Capistrano Beach Chumtx·1· uf Ct1mmt!rl'e holds its " Women 's 10 KM Ru11 " ul 9u m

' l'tw nan·. l'll ' llOlli.Or<'d by Sun Diego Federa l Sn' in.: l> , w111 , t u1 t ,1nd end at Ooh1•ny Park Road a nd \ 11·tonu !'-t 1 t•t• t Oncu n1 2c·r~ l'Xpf'c-t uboul 300 p.11 t 11·1i>anh 1n I hl· 1 ..ice ove r the 6 2· mile course

O.lly ~Mt ICaH ,._..


the UC Irv ine f·oundation 's development. committee. according to Ri c h ard A. Reese . president of the UC I Foundation.

The development c ommittee ha s the re s pon s ibi lit y for

--- - - ---- - r e viewing and mo n itoring t h e fund -raising policies and


DEN'S cai;;e'iuief: instaiiation: ·custom draperies ~;,.",-; linoleum• wood floor

1 H l "-...M• ••- • c .... Mete, C• . '2,J1 ""'- '46· 4111 • '46-ZJH t 'OllMl':H C'Al.U 'OK NIA Hl•p Mark Hannaford

" ' ll bl• Uu> ft•htUl t•d -,pttu kc r May 7 at the monthly l1111l'11l·on 11( lht· Wm le.I Trudt- Center Association of 01 u n~d.'otlll\ .>

New Road Approved

ac tiv ities o f t he UCI L.------------------,. Foundation a nd the -===:=:...:::..:_..:_ _____________ ~

university . The committee a lso a ssis ts in the implementation or

0 rang e C 0 u n t >' rund -rai sfog programs s up e r vi s or s have by obtaini n g a nd c le ared th e wa y for d e v e loping volunteer

~TATt: st .. , . ·\LAN Hobbin!>. D·Va n Nuys, has co n s tru c tio n of a l ead e r s hip a nd by ,,1l hdra¥. n ~• b1ll th:1l ~ould havt' allowed a private S282 .000 ne w . two-lane . recommending to the

Jl ann<1f11rcl \.\Ill thl>l'Ul>l> " The Na tiona l Export Poli n " tlu1111i.: lht· meet ing sch4Ululed for 12 ·45 p m . ;el t he Hl·.:ht1 \ lloll'l . ln1nc

N1•wpo11 lkachch:.corlub toscr vc hquorunlll4a .m . road with bike lanes for founda tion an an nu a l Robbins said he has s he lved SB 605 until next S ·a Y br ook Lane in development plan .

yl·ar I le :..1o d he had been askl'd lo introduce the bill Huntington Beac h. o l h er m e m b e r s h} Edwa rd Ma rtinez. operator o f Tiffany's in The board approved a PP 0 int e d t 0 the Nt•\\ port Rc<ich. and by a dozen other dis co club pay ment of half the cost committeC' are Cheryl operator' o f the s ho rt s treet. It Bile~ of Tus tin . Lee

Liquor lH'l'nse holders al such est a blishments run s between Edinger 0 1 i ver o r Co ron a del .irl.'prcM.•ntl)rc<iuir edto s top scll ing hquoral2 a .m . A ve nu e and Sa nta Mat . Joh n Rau or

• Barbara La ne . Orange. La rry Smith of STi\TF: SEN. JOUN Briggs, R· Fullerton. has Huntington Beach c ity n r <.' a . or . R 0 b c rt

1ntrodut'l'd u bill that would prohibit insura nce officials are in cha rge o f Steedman of Santa Ana compan1c·s fro m inc reasing pre miums on a uto the project's desig n a nd and Llo y d Ankf:'n y , pohc1es in l'("l'S whe re the drin•r exceeded the 55 co ns tructi o n a nd a r e M a bry Steinhaus and

MERCURY SAVINGS and loon a.uociation

I •Pr •1l•ve 0 111< ('\ IK I:> f r11nqror AVI ' Hunl•nqlon OeM' ll CA 9:>&4 /

... t


... --- -··

t\ J I f)

' .. .. , ... ,, .... m ilt•s a n hour sµt·cd limit but did not travel fa !>ter r eady to prorccd. county Ro be rt Weed of Newport 1han 6!1 m t le:. :in hour The bill is s _u_1_19_7_. ------"t_a_f_r s_a_i_d _______ Bea c h ~==========--=========:=:=:=:=:===~

Are yo u ready for summer?

81k1ni & Log Wax ing­Ped1cures Featured

this rponth

• Hair Design • Sk in Care • Man1cure/Ped1cure • Waxing

A +crnOrAy (.j:t>'trt"WtllC\

Free Cons ultation

1120 Irvine Blvd. Newport Bea~h = 642-8484 =

GBrighten G(Jg GVour Castle

Thank You, America. ,

Panormwic 1~ decorator

Wall Clocks

Framed movie

Posters Fearunng 12 famous m ov i e pos ters 1n Qu al1 1y frames and prol ected by glass

20·· )( 28 ..


Tell tune w1lh one of l he se beauldul 8 x10 deep d1men s 1ona 1 clocks Choose from moun1a1nscape land scape or seascape


Prlc.H tffffffn April 25 HM oUCJlt May I .

Fumiture-to-90 _ Assemble yourself and save!---Funct1ona1 solid Otnf'I or1ces 10 varmsh ~ 1 ... • s 1a 1n .anl tQ u e decal and mo re Unassembled . easy 10 our togelher '" convenienr to carry cartons - ~

J.Drower <int R~ 17. 9S 2 5 9 5 - ~ <::;> 14124 5/ l&.Zl1

/ • " • ~ - -· _ ~ ::

5 ·~:~::=~~.·~ 51.U 38. 77~ I u· ~~. ~ 1 Ni911t it.id•~ lf.4' 12 88 ',. t'j • ~J

12114al4N • y ' 4-Drower dint ·~ 42.9' 3 I 99 --~

211/otl l 16111 5 16" N<>< t-nowm •

Twin or full size

9uilted Bedspreads Pe rm anent p r e ss R1v1era beOspreads tn prinls and solids Ou1lled too ana solid botto m Twtn and full sizes only



v--1 --;' ' RCA · ' n~. · •

Eleqant basket

Hampers Outdoor fun • • •

Wenzel 9'x 121

Cabin tent 1. • >lorlrak ,-

01t••cl ''""'~CA r" PPtn()t1• cont,C>4 f Ok.>• T, ,,., ~oo<•ls GC160A 764? n~P 768R 930A ll3~R 93~R 938~




O..l'C'I l rom RCA on COIOtTt'llll MOOels OC702 70• 706

7<HJ 715. 718




0ir"<1 tu•.,.., P( A ..,~ Rnm.-.f~ iCll!lrt•l Cotor Ir~• Mt'<fet~ l"C• 98R • 'l9R




BOND O"""' lrom RCA on C"an,,eLocli

1•l<>ctr0<"C tun1nq K!!'it>Ol!td Cof\t•o• WOClelt FC&ll~ • 86



OlrflCl llOm RCA nn Our Selec:laVt~IM VCT • OO

' '"''", ,,llY oroo•1mm11• 6 tll!'ClrQfllC lun1ng




-­,..r ......... ~Nmt non « 6"•

In bright and earth colors to 111 tn to any room where needed


Complerely waterproof and mildew proof Flame relardenr m arerioals Sewn- i n floor keeps dampnel>s ar bay

sass 1'22109

Shutter bug values •.•

Minolta SR20 I Save 50.07

Minolta 110 Sa¥e 20.07


239ss Argus CRI

Sa•e 31 .07

- ·-- ---·· . -

Eldra I SGYe 3. 11



Fishing s~ials •

Plano Plastic tackle box

Unlo ue all· around w o rmproof box opens from e ither side. 30 mo vable d1v1ders. 14~x5x 11 Vt overall.

SGYe 4.02

1197 South Coast Plaza

546-5222 Ston ..._... Moa..,,._ I O-t, s.t. I M :JO, S.. I I ·I

Bagley divln' B It s a better ba11

Saye I. I I



I ' \




II r

.. "'

- ~ ...... __ - .... .... ~- -- · AJ• DAil y ... lOf Thuracby, Ap{ll 2t, tt19 •


Would )OU hul\f Ilk '"" pk.x" Mr Uarlll')' • ro1&c t\,t..n l .. ·-"'-'°~d.

T R £NTON. N J r" P 1 - New Uont wtll be 1ent Lo alaU> le11'latot1. J~nu~y pa«.'nl3. • unr.-rnfld that 13- " I f"l UMire 11 a moral l111ue here. year old• do not un\Jl1n\and the t don't want Lo eocoura1e our IUda t.o ramtncaUonl of •"•· ar cl~u.JaUn1 ~ Romeos and Julieta al ace 13," ~tltlona 111klna that 18 be the te1al Hid Tay Miller. president ol lbe '4Rl' uf .. xulll coo11t'nl parent·tetchur organliaUon al a

The pul>Ur nr~• ~a un _ _ Westfleld Junior high school-"Wc 'rc VIiion of New Je~y·" new pen&l lt:Alklna IOOUl "eventll graders. We're c<XW lh41t &ow,ir• the uw of aexuol llllklog about UtUu kida. ·' curusent to 13, uy1 SuKan Grooten· ua.a. MILLIL' ft 8 .. ID t .. - ..dnal btw t . who 11 coordi nating tho ~ ., r. " ' "' -1taleWl~ ptiUUun \lrlvt• code would be dlRCUSStid a t lhe or·

ganiution ·~ meelln& Monday! A " I OON °T T HINK 13 y1•nr old<:, courise or ::iction may be decided 1tl

14 y1·ur old• t>r u Yt'llt vld1> urc lhat UmE>, she lidded . 11wy t·holog1cully mutur1• e nough to The cod· . which takeft effect Sept. mukt> u der111100 abOut x," said l, a llows 13 ycar·olds Lo consent to Jo~cph Uelan y. -. l'uurnus police sexual intercourse . providing the heutt•nia11t , lht- father Of three und a partner 1.~ not D relative, guardian. Or kl'y mover m lhl' 11ttempt t.o retMin 16 s upervisor. such as an e mployer or a H the aae of 11t:xua,I consent teacher

Slanatul'e!J are ht!tog rollectl'd on The code also permits sexual ac-pet I tion s at :, hopp\ng cente rs. tlvity between persons under J3 churcbels and other places where peo- years old. as long a s their partners

_ ,_ -... ... .,,, . __. ..... .... .--...... ..,. ~

Aesta Grande Is a nonstop feJtival for you, your family, and your friends. ~· s pert of what you cen look fOfWard to:

• Cok>dul Aesto dec<>nltJons ond bright coetumes ~ In Casa Maria.

• Chance to win a 7-day Mexican cruise for 2. •Free amilyFiesta--pt\Olof -• Chance to win an authentic Mexican cookbookf • Pil\atasl Children under 12 hlM! a chance to break candy flUed

pir\atas. All children share the fun at nlghtJy pifwlta breal,dngs. Enjoy Casa Marta· s Fiesta Grande during Cinco de Mayo

week-April 30- May 6-at your nearby Casa Mana.


Taste the bal of l\k'cka. HuntJngton Beach 16060 Beach Blvd.

i-ee.t• N•t~ ... , ..... ) ILi M. WESTMAN, ,.,_ Ill ... lfttWI liMOI. Ge ... __ . ,

pie gatbtr, lklaoey said. The peU· are less than 4 years older . (714) 842·254' .._,,.Net~

1.mll y W90ftb - ·· · Ulfttrll><;o ------------------:--------=----:~..;_ __ _.!!=============================~==~

-~" n."" ....... on.er .. ·­~11..-. sww_.., ,., ...._ l91My. ~ ..... rk141 i!I- -l"#m tl t J eb lon ,k y , e n• > ~,..- , _ ,., 'ioef'Vl<ft •Ill • ..... at II 00 AM Fr!Oey ~II 2',

! et llw PeclOc View Mort ... ry

P'I wlUI Rt'" J...,... KtlOIMI ol· • • 111111 lnttrm•nl P e <tf l< View

mor lel Par•. In II•" of '-•" ~-l•t eot<lrll>Wtlon\ fnljy 1» m.odt p«ll• Amtrtt tn C.nur S0<l• l y. .. <ll1t V1tw M<>r tuery Oltttloo. .... 2700

. '""'. lituTH - RIE PEHllE. rfl-of ._,.,. AJ>t, c.. . """~ ot H..,,oro, c.. ~- •-Y on ""'" 14, lt1't el the • ot n ._ mou.. of Rooen ,., .. ot Wllllll.,., Ct , R_, "-Irie of :tm•rlllo. c.. .. tovlftcl alttw ot h ­.,_.,., a# s..I e..Gll, c. "''° ..... .,.,.. try > or-Nldren Ci••"fltoe _., l<.ft wlll be llelO on Frlo.ty, AP<ll

tt.: tf1' lit I 00 PM •t El\llle- P•rlt

et.ry "'"' II•• OonelO Slur­.. llr>G. Sm.Ill & TUll>lll Mof'I_..,

......,~ 01 E 11111 St eo.ta *­......_ • MALL.ACT J;EOACiE T HALL.ACY, rn-1 of *I• ~. C.. Pe•'ioed •wey on Allfll 4 lf1' Surv!Wd by "'' "'"• VIOia. Ill\ ,,. Ml<llMI - "'"' 04MIQM~ Mery, 19Wht, TIWIOM, Ellr• ... 11>, CMol -'}trl<I• ell ot Co•I• M•••· C•. ;r.~~vdle ~kr. wer-e twld Thur~ ~· •p• ll l•, .. ,. • I 10 00 AM al \aC@,,\ton C..f'nf'tt},.., , El Tol'o. C• . .. ,., 8t!rQtron FUfWr•I HonM Otre< ·

~·· 6#1414 • OA• YEY )itllllAM M ICHAEL Ci•RVE Y , ,_

.... of s.ni. """· c... ,, •• ...., .... y I' Aprll ?J, 191' ... W oi> • rf'l ir~ ...,., ., • .....,..._ .... , -·••no tor .o ( •' • He I• WI ¥1veO by Ill\ >Oii ~ll••m M c;.r...,, Jr Of !Mtere,.....,.. "' < • , Qr•ndOaughl<'r Pelritr" >-P •.,.. al Long S..e<11. VI • or•nason ll'uo G., .. ., OI !ioacr-10. y . 8 1-ft •UOlllQ wor•l<U .. .,.,~ IMllO on 1urw.y •I t1 00 AM •t lllcl H.,_ _,., Memorial 0..0.1 w ith "•""'' ._ni1'1 H Br.....- o1 SI J onn IM 861> l9' ul-1< Chllrt ll cer;,brant Int..,. lltftt •I HOiy Crcx• c;.,...tery, Coftm•. :4- ~""~ - II"' dir94I- Of ~·l>or 1..-_, Oii .. MMl••trf of >-•·~~us.


11t111 ol s.nl• AJ>t, c... Pe•...O •••f ' Ap<ll 7J, .. ,, H• -~wit h !,e.,,. ltebuO .\ eor-., tor Jl ..-•" He 09'\ • ,,... .. .,. OI wor1a Wer 11. U s •eory H• I• wnrt...O tr;"" wllP ,,_., • . t "•ie, CS.\IOt'tff Glot1 • . '\tep.i.on~ .>inny, c;.e.ry - l,.e<ry ~-. \1-~llller K el l>y Sor9•erd •"d I) ll'9"Cl<lli- SI-• room •l•lt• lln wlllt.lleteltadey IT,,..\deYI AC>f ll "' lrom 7 00 P M to • 00 PM p,, ..... ~·•(f'\ ... loll-. 5'er¥1<9\ under .... "'e<llon ol Ht'llO< uwn.Mount OI••• ...,lu.ryotCO\IAMI>"' $t0-Uk

OltAYES flOO PER RALPH G RAV ES, ,..,. *' of Co\1• Mew. Ce s.r,,lc.s sie..o­

•ne • I ~arbor L••n· Mounl 011•• 1Mr11Mry OI Co'.lle Moe~. $t0-US4..

ASl"Ell ,AME\£. ASPER , re•l•nl Of Coo.I•

Mt>4. 0 P•• W<I •••Y on Aprll 14, •'1• H• I• ''""ioted Oy "' ' wile Ver•. l 0.UQhlH\ JO<ln MclnlO\I> OI Ol\l• ho"'"

- <-•'"''""' MOl'r of Lo• Anoe~. Cl., l Qr.•no<.hlldren, Ml~ .. nd Jinny ~lnl~h CJ! Okl• l'lom4 S.r .. iCH ""' " ...... o on Frodey •I II ·oo AM ...... Oourt" ol - C.hrl\I Of t.ller O.v 5.tlntt. ~t• ~ WMd, w llh 8 1\l>OP Mtrrill f . !.wtin\On othcl.t i119. Im.,. ""'"' wtll be •I ll>e Rl .. r\IOll Netlonel Clwn•ll,,y, Frldey ti 3 00 PM VISllt · '""will bt on fflur~V. lloelev l l rom • 11JO PM lo I JO P M •I Bell 8r0.tdwey ~e>el . tn lieu Of ,_,,. -.1-,.,... be ,,_ 10 ti. Amer lc- C.nrer ~~~:::~ Bell 8roeOw•y Morlue ry

STYE RS JAC K E . STVEtU. tnl~nt o l

" lllM, GI. P.utG ew•v on April 1~. . ,,. . llorn ""9Msl I, 7910 tn P•n·

.,,.., Survl...S ..., "" ...... J-1. •~ P - w1I• ~rtt yn ot Se•t · W•• hl ltQtOlt, J ttllttty 5 ol S•n

• C.. - 9'11'°°8"9f\lt!r Jen­n lfitr "'-· ,.,..,., -vicH will be ...... on F rlcley, Apt II '1, lflt •f 3 00 f'4I •I Pacllk V-~l•I 0-.otl W911 Rh flon Alll..., offlCI....... ln­t .. menl wlll lie •I Pttll•t Vlt! w "'!morlel Ptr11. In llw Of 1-•n

''-'' le U-~1.,. ln~llfult, 1100 S.1141 Hiii R- , Mento Pen, C. PaKkll._Monll«y*t'KMn. ..... ,

MA XllllE M.. KHIG+H, lhMllM Of L~ ,....,... C... Pe- ... , °" Ai>rll tt . ...,, Slit ts )4tf¥i- by her dt11Qhl•r JYnt lh•lt• •nd 4 ore nel t ritlOren o l Mtr<•r l\l •nd. w.,,,.,~ en0 ,.,., O.Ullhl•• TrudY e ........ ..._ o1 u.oo- " "" · c.e ,. ,., .-1er, M llOrecl Farmer o1 L"9'1rw Hiii\ , C• ••"° ~wrvtY-••· Pr tv•l• wrvlce\ MIO on ""'" , • • 1m .. Fortlt l•­Mem«l•I P-. Gi...0.1• , C.. .


c ... l.i>ed. c.. .. . former 14 , ••• r""' aent or Hunllnvton lleec:n. c.. P .. W<J -•T In S... BerNlt'OJno on Aprll ?l, lt1t Sur'Y,_ llY "'' w lle ~r-rll• o l Cer11e..a, C• . •on O•n E 01 Ce rl•o.d. c. .. O•uoM .. Ml<Mll• Miller ol HunllnQ!On S.e<h. U encl d au91>1er M•rY AO• le Ce ll•" o l C• •l>t>ed, Ce • M»n· •n·l•w. M o<l>HI Miiier ol HunU ... loft 8e•tll , Ce R0>6< f 1:l0 PM on ~y ~ .. Of ClwlJI .... 8'orltl Frl&y el 10 00 AM • l>Olll e l SI. 8one .. nl.,re Celllol lc C....r< II. -lftgton BH<I>. C.. Inter · mem c;.m ~ um.tery. H""1 rnqton -"· Ce. Bobl>oll _,,,_ .. , (.llepet , .....,, &e<-ne<o1no, C. 1n , .,.rooe o1 ... ,. __ ll.

Deaths Elsewhere

S ANTA MONI C A <A P ) John Carroll, 72. the Clar k Gable look · a l ike or Hollywood 's Golden Era who played a swashbuckling ht>ro 10

the senaJ " Zorro Rides Al(ato" died Tuesday of leukemia.

C HI CAGO CAP > Cbarle11 D. Pu~k Ill, 7 1 , president an d chai rm an o f C D . Peacock jew e l e r s Chicago's o ldest retail f irm , until his ret ire· ment io 1972. died Tues day.

HILLSBO RO UGH CAP> - Yvonne Thleriut Stent, 60, a member of the fa m ily which publishes the San 1'' ran· cisco Chronicle and a<'· live for years in social and phi l ant hro p ic c ircles. died Wednes · d ay.



Tl\f' IOllOWl"9 swrwns •r~ dolt>q llU\I • ftl'~\6~

LOU TH £ RACMAH, 19972 LOlu\ l .tilt', H""finqtOn fM.KI>, UlllOfllM ~, ....

LOOI .. ""1rM, 19911 Lolu' L-. HunllnQton ~"· C;lhlorn1••>­

E ttt<OCIPll> M l'<'lrM, 1'1'1'11 LOlu\ L•ne , HunhnQtOf\ Be.,Ut. C•h lorn1• ., ....

fh1\ t>u:s..ineu t\ <.onout lt'O O'r en 1n d•v•Ou•t



\..OJIP Pl-trm,. Tiii~ \t•l-1 Wd• l olM.I Wol" ,,... ~ ~,..~") ........_

~:':m.c~~"~coun1vonA1><•• -if!.~~1?'?' DAZZLING Publl\MO Or- C:O.\I O.il:I~:,~~ §' ;:.-~MOSAIC TILE

~------- A~2Unclf.Myl, 10, 1~97' - ~~· , •• '


646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450


110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9 150


WlnCLlff CMA'8. • Oerretory • Flower ShOp

427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-4888


627 Mam St Huntington Beach

536-6539 .......... , CWALAIMUAL

MOti4I 7801.Bolsa Ave

Wettmmster 893-3525


Comotery Mortuary Chapel

3500 Pac1f1c Vrew Orrve Newpot'1 Beach


M~CORMICll MOttUAI•~ Laguna Beach

49+1M15 Laguna Hills

768-0933 San Juan Clp1t1rano

49S.f776 I


l l>e lotl-lnQpoirson l>aotnubu\lneu n :

SOUTHE~ N CALIFORNIA DI S TRIBUTING, llUS Brooklluril Str1"!1, Cia~aenGrow, C.lllornlaWllA)

Thom•• 0 . He•1n , 111 • Nww Hempslllre, Cos!AI ~ ... CAlllorn10 ,,.,.

Tiii\ business IS (IOndv(IO<I llV •n lncs1wtou..1.

T~O. H•'"i" Tll 1S •l-1 Wa\ tiled llWllll l ht

Cou"I y Cler11 ol Or MGt County on Apr 11 24, ltl•.

'1141'1' PVbll"*I Or- Ct>e'lt 0.ol y Plto4_.

APf', l••na~yl, 10, 11, H1' 1•22·1~





' IMOE l"•MotEMT AOMIM IST•ATION 0, •ITATIEI ~ ll'ltOUTll coo•

,fflETSCOI I •1lelt of MAllEL I., YORhOM,


FllA NCCS YORSTOfl HANSON !let ltted~nape11tlonf0tl"roOt1tOfWIU end l er 1uue1tc• 01 L~ ll•rt Te.1-...tery lo Ille S>ellllOMr •ncl le>< Au01orlr•tlon to AOmlnl\ler ""°*; llltt lfl4el"~ Actmlnl~lr•tlon 01 Eillettt A(l l f't~eC-S91•1'41Ql , rttl•r•'IC4 l t wlll<ll ltlneclelorfurtl>trP•fllCul.,,, • I'd lllet tlte 11- ...0 plA( t Of ,,..,Int l ... MMeN1bMn Mtl0< ~y IS, H1',el 10 00 • m , 111 I lle courtroom 01 O.O••tmenl No > 01 "'Cl covn , "' 700 Cl•I< <Anter Ortw W••I , 111 th(! c;111 91 s.nt• AM, G<llllonllA

OtltO All"ll U , 197' t.EEA BRANCH. CounhClerl<

' 111115. Al.IC•Moo•llf'llO 11'1!111 " .. ,,,,.,.. ... _ ..__,~CA'*" Tel ; ltt•IMIW4Tl

f'ul>ll.-OtMIQe CN>I 0•11 1 POot1 ,.. __________ ...,, 16, '7..0MeyJ, 1'1' .. i, ,,

·-- -- - ----

~ • j OVftl )tO llOlll IWtlOVlMllll' ctW1lM COAST TO COAST! t

1 Westminster COSTA MESA Santa Ana= 1s1•• •••• m1 ... , • ...._ Juw.11•

. • ..... W111.a

898-3388 645-1126 547-7781 D., 9.9 P.M.-Sat/S.. 9·1:30 P.M.

I , .

I ·.

-.-.. ...

Grocer Defends Gas Pr.ice RatiOnin§ Bt;NJCJA. <AP > GalOllne 11 befn1 50Jd at sold laitt yeardunna lh aame mont.b.

tt.t c...u a l•lloo by a chain ol t• mlnlmarlu:u In Nothem Calllomla and the Central Valley IU P~•ldeftl callt lt a move to hold down aal 1 and

It In Bl• Sur and the other ls In a Soutben CautornJa mount1Jn area, be u.ld.

keep 1u llowtna. The • .t ~nta a 1alk>o for uni tded 1aa I• lo

rlfe<1 at onJy 0.,.. or lo.Ar ol the company'• out leu. Mdd John ao.coe of the Shortltop duiln h ad . Quartered br.rL.Whldt_uaed to sell di.count 1aa

" WE Aat; ABLE TO rtTaCllAffE about two lNrd• ot lbe c•tollne we ~buy in January To hold down aalH, we 've bad to railt' lbt pri<'e to dl1cou.ra1 c\&ttomtn from malJna runs on our IUppllt'tf," ~laid WedMsdl'y

"NOaMALLY oua GAS l8 CHl:API& lban .-v~ryone elM'•·" Roacoe aald. " But when tbe aOHNE& SAID THE LATEST SV&VltY othe r 11tallon1 t'IQfle becat.&M they have aold their March 2t s howed re1ular ... sellln• ror an atlotmHt, we aet a run on our 1t1Uon1. We've average of 77.8 cents per canon in the atate. up relsrd our price• to atop theee rwu." from 74.• in February; unleaded at SU, up rrom

He lnalated the boost ii le1al under federal 78. l In February, and premium 83.0, up from 19.t price rquJaUona. becau.ae In the past he char1ed In February. below tht- muimum rate. and la allowed to make "The aturr has really shot up over \he yean, up the difference now - and-. 0)0"' recentty Jl.Y the month," Rohner said.

Information u fllce r Tom Rohne r of the .. ., the trend continues, " -W.ll ~robably- see C'•llfomia State AuLomobUe Auoclation, which gasoline selling for an average ot $1 per gallon by condu('l.¥ mont.hly a.ac>llne vrlce surveys amona t he endofthesummer." more than 400 Atal1ons, uid he wu aware of only Gasoline la sellJng for 99.9 cenll per gallon ln two tAOlatt'<S t1tat1on11 which had taken advantaie of many New York sl4ttions . I\'-' as blgb aa $1.02 In t ht· fut·I rrt11la 1i1n'1 chur11ed S1 or more for gas. One ttonoluJu -t

Sen. Jake Garn. R·Utah, baa said that President Carter, in cam· paigning for ap· proval of' the strategic arma limitation trea· ty , is 11mlslead· ing the American· Pubt1c .... _

" We OJ>f'rllt' l'lO~• and ••SOhM units lh•t •rf' opt•n 2A houns ll day, ~ day~ u )'f'ltr Proplt- rnunl on o ur tort's to l'Upply lh,•rn v.uth guollnc- when


otht-r stutlonli art• <'l~t'd

" Ttus poli (')' of pn<'e rauomng h•~ t>t-en 'W<' t·e11sful l.IO thut .,,..., f(t>nt·rally havt• 1tonw i<•~ ov111l11 bh.• •t mo. ... t UffiL' t> . ut mo"it s tort• "

Blrr ABOUT .. SHOltTh'TOP lt l<tlloru r~n f)UI o'f gus lul!t "'evkend, h,• :.itul , N1mmt>nl1Jli , " Pt'<> p ie don ' t t•urt' wha t lht'y p~y All tht•y want b. tht­t:as We 're JU'>l not 1n tht4 volume gas busmes~ l.lny more We 're in th~ e mt>rgen<:y gu~ bus1nel'>~ "

The 15-ycar -o ld t'hu1n :.ell !> u ';met} of food item s and gasoline In outlets fro m lht! S1tn M1ateo County roast lO Rocklin, east or S1tcra mento , -and from Reddmg to Visalia . said Roscoe, who res1dei. m Walnut Creek

\(·~a -erde CUT RATE

l~<io~ r POPOV ...... , S699 vmlA 171~


$5 AND UN"Ett l1o ...<St AT HA.1101

refreshing May-freah start

office supplies, equipment

Ue said Shorts top. like' every other retail gas s tation. 1s operating under Energy Department al· l ocations of about 90 percent of the amount or ga!>

549-4044 organizers for your paperwork, home, office, thoughts

It's thc)t t1m~ agalnJhe days are longer. the nights ore sho rter, and the mind takes to the great out­doors where the sky Is blue and the spirit Is everything but.

We're Frontrunners We h..,ve the clothes (or the sports of Spring.

RUN! H<1ve you !>een our exciting new col ­

lection of H ead. CalSport and Ultra sport gear? H ow about our full hne o f versatlle Danskin Leotdrdsand tights?

In shoes. we've got the latest models from N ike and Adidas and everyone in between. 190styles and over 15.000 shoes!

And an you tattered soles, cheer up. We resole. All makes. All modeli. All fast.

SWIM! If you' re the type who feels most

comfortable in caps. goggles and earplugs. you 'II do a double flip ov~r our latest selection o f H ead. Laguna ond Speedo swimwear for men and wom~n

And atter you towel off. you'll want toiump

nght into one ol our very !>mdrt warm-up~.

We h<.lve the be51 of .Jelenk Fred Perry. Ultrd-

!>po rt and then some.

PLAY! Now that the court's are

dry and half the mob\ playing racquetball.1r's the perfect time to

do something about that stroke you call d backhand

We CCln' t do much for your game. but we can do w ondl?rs for your form with sporty outfits by Fred Perry and Adidas. dnd super shoes by Nike. Adidas. K Swiss. Tred 2. Tretorn, Puma. Converse and more.

SAVE! From f-nday. Aprll 27 10 Sunddy. May 13.

Casio FIOO FuJly Digit a l Stop· watch: Normally $39 99

Now $:33 99 Save $6! Ladles' Nike Senorita Cortez

(blue and white>: Normally $28 99 Now )22 99. Save $6'

Men's New Bnlance Trnll-355: Nor mc1lly \35. '}q Now $2tJ. 00

5Jve$bl • ..,uh111< I to• ~•<>t k .w,111.,b1h1v

8r1•nlw<JOd I lb40Sdn Vlc1•nt1• Blvcf (213) 820 ·758!-i N1·wi1011 IOOO Rr1, 1ol St Nonh #$ Pl1m1 N •wport (7141955-0li,;, Mun 1· 11 JOl\Mto <JPM.S.11 IOAM10 6PM.Sun 12PM1nf,PM

Redondo Beach open• Augu•t '791

-- ---· -- -----------­.. ~ , -- .... ·-- ,,____ . ·---

full suspension •teel cabinet file• top Hon brand, commercial grade con­s1ruct1on. 22" depth thumb latch and label slot on each d rawer

full au•p•n•lon ensures '>moolh drawer movement and easy access to back of drawer. even under heavy loads. tough, quiet nylon rollers fetter size 1n black, gray or sand . 2 drawer hie reg 80 99

SAVE 20.00 SALE 60.99 4 drawer file reg 111 99

SAVE 29.00 SALE 82.99 4 drawer file w11h lacrory 1n:;talled plunger style lock reg 131 99

SAVE 33.00 SA1.E 98.99

Pendaflex hanging flle folder•, durable. m0tsture and scuff resistant, with bonded-in hanger rods. feller size, 1/5 tab cut bOx of 25

SAVE 30% reg 9.40 SALE 6 .49 Pendaftex drawer fr•me., for hang· ing hies. strong, smooth rails lel folders glide. ad1ustable depth. letter size. as· semble quickly. easily

reg 5. 75 SALE 4.48 port•ble expanding file, s turdy 10x12" file for b!lls. household records. 21 alphabetical pockets. trap closing.

reg. 5.85 SALE 4.59 •t..I offtce box, extra-safe storage tor petty cash. important papers. strong steel construction. self- latching chest lock 10~.c " x 2 11• x71 1"

reg. 13.65 SALE 10.89 10Yc" x 418" x 7'12"

reg 15 55 SAU 11.ff

supplies, tools to organize your work Sanford R rubber cement, dries transparent. tor pasting. mounting. won' t shrink or wnnkle 4 oz bonte with brush.

reg. 75' SALE ff• 8" •he•rs, hammer forged cutlery s teel. double chrome plated. black enamel handles. by Clauss

reg. 9 .75 SAU 7.19 her-of·..ctlp BoM'd, holds papers tirmly for making lists. taking notes. Ill· hng out forms. fetter size masoolte board with spring loaded alummum chp.

reg. 3 .00 SAU 2 .n ....,. protectOf'S, clear plastic. 3 ring punched. peel-away pages with mag· net1c acilon keeps Inserts m place. letter size. 12 per package.

reg. 1.45 SAU_. ,.ncle, Venus Velvet brand. In 2 Of 2.5 lead degrees. package of dozen

reg. 1.75 SAL.a 1.19 NuKoto 1a1 ... penoll c...-.n, 10 sheets per package.

reg 1.05 SAL.a 7r ..._, NuKote cerllon pepor. extra­hghtweight, gwes 7 to 10 ctear. sharp copies. 10 sheets per package.

reg. 1.00 SAU 79'

••tr• ot.otrlo•I outlet., S more places to plug In. with 6' cord. grounded, heavy-duty stMI case. easy to mount bale plate.

reg. 19.95 8ALa t ...

accessories to organize your desk good lool<ing . contemporary designs keep desk items neat and ltngerllp close choose from translucent smoke­rint or walnut woodgrain l1nish

~~~ '

•tacking fetter trey, tn . out DUI!> paperwork where you want 11. leners1ze end-opening tray with 4 stacking posts smoke-tint reg. 4 25 SALE 3.39 woodgram reg 5.25 SALE 4 .19

•tationery caiddy. 3 compartments help paper. envelopes, letters stay clean and handy smoke-tint reg. 4 50 SALE 3 . 79 · woodgrain reg 5 50 SALE 4 .39


poncll hokier, sleek . square design. 4" high. 3 compartments smoke-tint reg 2 50 SALE 1.99 woodgrain reg 3.25 SAU 2.59

Texas Instruments dosk·top calculator, Tl·5100 • btg keys, t••t. easy touch operation • 4 memory keys to store. add. subtract • btg 10-<l1g11 green. flu0<esceot. easy­

to-read display • ffoallng or pre set doomal. constant.

'%. key • item count key tor inventory. averages

reg 49 95 SALE 39.H


•·C>-··· (?) (e)(eJee (• (!>]il'l l ••

(.• J(a )(3 ) •• UDO•••

~ atltmp outfit, make your own stamps, complete set. full font of YI" high letters. type holders. tweez«Us. ink&,~

reg. 13.60 SAU 1

. pric•s apply to stock in stores and through May 2.

matching a8h traf, 5¥4" square. with glass insert. · smoke-tint reg. 3.50 SA._. 2.79 woodgrain reg. 4 25 SAU 3.»

memo paper holder, tor doodles messages. wi th 200 sheets ot 4 x6 paper smoke-tint reg. 3 50 SAU 2. 79 w00dgra1n reg. 4.25 SALE 3.39

dellk.mate orveni:r.M, with 5 com· partments ot varying hetghts, widths iust the place for paper clips, ruler. pens. SCISSO<S smoke-tint reg. 4.25 SALE 3.39 woodgrain reg. 4 95 SAU 3..99

leathor-corwdosk ...... handsome golden tooting accents the genuine leathef COfners of this big 19x24" blottef pad. 6 subtle colOrs: black. brown, blue, green. marboo . or tan comers.

reg. 7 25 SAL.a s.ee

combln•tion - casaette Neordor/calcufator, do figures. dtC· rate. record meetings - all with one take-along unit! • calculator, w ith easy-read liquid

crystal display • 4 function memory. constant, floating

decimal • 0 o. square root keys • c• ... tte recorder, with automallc

levef control • bu11t-1n microphone. earphone • remote 1ack. 30 minute cassette recorder battenes not included. Ranch brand SAW 20.00

reg. 79.95 SAU .....

3 rin9 .... ....,. for business. house­hold uses. schOOl stock up while price I~ so low. vinyl cover with inside Pockets. 11" x8Yl" size. 1Yl capacity. choose your colO<S- black, red. navy. br;.:leen.

reg. 2.85 a.1e

• I

DelAmoFa9hion&qu.re South CNM Plan

Welt Covina Falhlon Plau Puente HUI• Mall

Open evenings an(j Sunday



.. ti r

C• er ~ -


" " ~ :--.~ .. ,•

~---,,_...,.,. .......

\J2 DAILY Pll.0 1 •

fnuradi.y April 28 1919

A ..... Dr P ~ t r " ournt.'. who slcprod do n um d con trovcr~~ u ei P r(.\ ' 1dt.• nt CorH•r 'H (•h id dru ~ ad l\l'r. ho:, u nt•w job t: u n:, ultlnJl the l1n lh1d ut on ur\ u mu)Or \.\ utt•r Jl l'OjN·l , IC'l'Ur(I 1 n ~ t u t h e \ \ ' . I " h I II ..i l 0 n l'oi.t ...... _.

dee to Buy Town as Tax Slielter -~MONA CAP > T he four San

1) 'ao ltlda who turned horH rnanU.N nd dead 1oohera Into • bJa money

corporallOfl u llt'd IUdco ire maltlna 10 "'uch mont-y they ' re buylnc a l l>Wn u fl ta• •heller

That '" not all. They ' ve made a deal to 1tU lhe movie rtahl• to lbelr 1tory for 119(>,000, plus " pr~entaae ot lhe

Crollla, ol COUnHt T h town they're uylrll fOf' f7SO.OOO le Gorda. SO mlJea

north ol Sao S.m~n

" I Tt:LJ. YOU T HIS, TH~Y h.ave u horr .. ndou11 tax Jlublllly i:wd Oord• hs ju1t lht' 1 h c lt c r ." lh l'lr f•lher . Rlchurd Cl•is.o• . MUtl In • telephone lntervlt'W

" Thl1 never wu ju1t a bunch of klda utchlns 'ophera," u ld Ceuna " All of th(>m havt been h•u1ht to 1et out and huatle ."

To P acl rlc Coas t Highw ay travelers . Gord a la a 20 · acre land111ark and way .station near Big S ur about halfway be tween Loa Aaael• •nd San l''n.nchsco.

Two yearA •10. the Coaana kldl Dickie, 14, .Belle, L3, June, 15, and Ne·Ne,r ll fl"und a aood wuy to make ~xtra money wh ile he lping their dad clean bis horse 1Ulblea, so they Incorporated

KJDCO LTD. VENTURF~ SOLD manure u fe rtilizer . dad c leanup Jobs

for a local developer and killed an OC· c11lonal 1opher for lbelr nel1hbor1 rn San Dle10 CoCanlry Eatates near be re

They once aald they made $3,000 11 month aeUing fert1Jber. But Cessna 1tald they " shy away from talklng abouL lhelr earnings lheae days ."

Al the tlme. st ate governme nt bureaucrat.a in Sacramento~ Jolftine revenue in the Kldco manure emplre. demanded an explanation as to why Kidco had not collected or paid sales lax on lhe fertUfaer

In late April 1977, a 12-year-old Dickie s trolled into the State Bbu'"fd or EquaJiutioo tu orfice under the glare or te levis ion lights and re

po.Ura a.od KJdto cam• out 1memn1 llke o rose. The state decw.d not to press foT the back taxes, and &be kid.I didn 't have to pay.

THE C£88N A KIDS THEN fou1ht the Department ot Food and Agriculture over the formula for the ir "secret'' gopher pe1tlcldea. Aft.er agreeing ~ to use the ~lpe, a1rlcu ltuce offlclala aald Kldco needed a pest contr0l °"Ilcen1e.'nii battle is at a s tandstill. c~ssna said the Kldco fortunes

have been boosted by the c reaUon of a pa tented gopher trap, a forthcom· mg Warner Bros . movie about hls children's trh1ls a nd triumphs and a possible television series


Hm·1·y to Wards for a weekend of super savings! ~\ ~i , ~

j. 'J .J •

Stylish T-shirt dresses for fashion-minded juniors. ChooM· from an urn.i v uf gss 1 ·11,..y-rn rl' polyt•tllt>r/cnl lon h n 1t " ty lc:-. c r1 :-.'lcr11..,... EACH liutl-.. --wectht•art nt·t·kl1m· or I· n•nch T-hack S, M. I. REC $1 :~


$4 REGULARLY 5 .9~

'1 uugh .ind ruggt'Cl d1111 hh··h lWI" ""C'hullcngn · wan:-. v.1tl1 h11rt11ck111g 111 1111 'I I rt•"" pornt., 111 :I 7 ,... j 1111 11 1 n •j.{U 1111

I 1111 11111 ' ' I ,\ 11111!1."'


BRA IN 2 STYLES Conwur ur con- 4ss vcrtihll• ~luni.<c hrw. A,B,C cu pis llndt•rwirt'. 6.:.!li fU .( , . 6 .50

~ 1111 N111\'J'lf JN~


, hour, '145 CUUOl'i lh1• h1)ll r ltO".t ttff l'••I(. pric•c• oil Import clf)Ck>1. REG. $1 10

~IN~; Jl'!Wl'. l, ll V

r Special. Short sleeve action terry shirts for men on-the-go. 1•:11 .. y·wt·11r111g c<•l lo11 / 11 y · 11111 h ·rrv -.h1rt~ frw 1:a -.ual l. 1i-h11 111 ., ... ," .. With llfl · UP

•ir li11111111 pl.1cl-.1 · I lr11111 \1. 11 li11h· v.11 , IJ:ihll · s . :>. L

6!?i1 \11' ' 11 11:-. 1 Ill'••"'

~ ~l


13!}88 REGULARLY 159.99

l•:a-.1 Iv t·o11vl·rt:-. front ··di.w · ," I rim Ungg"I and S lrntlon 1.:ng11w ".! ·hp 1 ·d~..r .... I I H.HH IHH.ttll, :J.hp . ... IOIJ.>48

1 .i\ICI II " ... 1101•

SAVE 2s(l1° MEN'S WESTERN FRAYED CUT-OFFS I lJU' • col L11Jl ur 49 7 polv1·><I t • r fro t ton M 11d11 n c w11 .. 1i und 1lry REG. 6.99

M~.N '" W<Jltl\ f"LlfrlllNf,

SAVE39°10 WOVEN WALK SHORTS FOR MEN Em1y -cnn· cul 547 tunlpolye"lcr m EA. ho nd11oml' pul· tnnK or t!Olidti. REC. $9

M~,N"S l"UlflllNO

. :!:I. !lfJ :!7.~I

Save 2Qo/c . Beautiful twin bedspread with traditional styling. 1' 11-!ht I\ 11111111 ""' l'nc11111111

"" 11111 ~ '""" l\1 :1d11111 ' \\H.,h ,111d dn 111 1·ol11r-. !10', nit 11 ·i:11l11r pt ll·" 111 tli-.1·11111 11H1• ·tl h1•d .. pn·ud-..

t I 1•111'1. ,,,, 11\1'

1599 REG 19 99

12" ALUMINUM WIND TURBINES Wind pu"t·r '"""' "' _v11u r 2/i6LIKX'1 a tt11.: C'uh 1"0-.l of mr n m d1l111ning und -.avc:-. 1•nt•rgy c:uhunin·•I ..... .. . :l/711.HH I NSTALLED

Save $4. Educational Speak & Spell rM

from Texas Instruments ". • t ' n1t prun1n1nl •·-- .... 11nt 4997

; 111ci pl.1\ l'r ,,pt•ll, 1t 11111-. t •\

hoard {'un t .11 n-. ~-HI .... orrl -. <A :! l .95.l>atuM,111" W!t7 L111lt· P1ol•·----rn 1:.un KFC 54~5

I \\IHI\


·13gss l.cwk :ihlt· '1 drawt· r cht·ttl. ;1 c.Jrawt•r l'a h1 · r\t'I v. 1 lh In ri,:t • tdAJrage u 1p.1nl v . 4 cuistcr11 -~ sw1vl'I tor mobility .

ti \Hll\\l,\IU" Ill II lll:-.1.\l<\1 1.111.\ I ~~~~~~~~~~-+~-·


VINYL FLOORING Sol L foam con• 24 7 :'i.00. lwtlcr . 4.tff SQ.YO. ,.,W , d1•IU JI(', 8.9U "Suntil11I ", 7.tJtt REC. 4.99

~ LOOH ( "UVl<. lll N( :i;

SAVE*20 26-INCH 10-SPEED RACER BICYCLE (;uv ><' or uull'I ' 6997 .. 1 Vil'., w ith Po...-1 t r1111 • II r Por cl1•ru1lll•ur. Buy! REG. 89.99

tllt 'Vl'L~.~



Out to save? See us . WA" IM' t ' Rtt INf • l "t H rr V tf .-. 1t.t"' .- "'" ~.-11.-d 11• • '""ht<lWHt '" •• • "•" ••I Uo"' 1t • •• ·••1-.,ttl•t I"•" \ ~.,.I ltilw • ..,..,,. •~,_,...,.,.. .., •• .,ft¥H4••rw.tln... ••• ... ffttf\1• .., - • , . .. -.•~• 1 ... ,..-. · .- " un tn ,.._'"9,.~t\ .,..,. It,.._.,_..,•~ ._.._,-..,,...•'" " •""•-'•f"ttl•,..,.. ........... , •• ,.tr-P,.. ...... .,., .. , ... ,,.. .. ,.... ... ,. ...



SHOP MONDAY "'(HROUGH FRIDAY 10:00 AM TO 9:00 PM ... SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 9:00 PM ... SUNDAY 11 :00 AM TO 6:00 PM


t . I. ~ ..



"Ont n prnN,.m• Th n u•n tt tn l '<lt l>vnn l;al u•1ll rut red loPt. l/tltmg tl1r aruv'f't1 uflrl tit'hon ~<1u nl'l'd h• oh"' l?k'Q\nti.• In f]Ot''"'mtnt and bu ,rntn Mall

<1ur QtM'.ttf<rna to Pat (>'llnn, At \ uur Strvi!'I' Oronpt oo~ 11 r•tror P o Rllt ism emrn .w~

'llt>'M A~ "'O"JI lf'llf"rt oa pot11hl•• wdl t .. onirwf'rf'd ~t ~ inq\11'11' , or letlf'" 001 rnd udinQ lhl' '•'odl'r s fuJl naml'. nddrt~• oNf hti.•1M O hour1 ' phoft1• n1m1tN'r ronr1.ot bf> r11ntldt'rf'd 1 h1" '""m" apµrur1 dot 111 r u tpt Sru u rdCJ 11 • •

"' .. ,.,~,.~~-ff ........ .,~ I> 1-.: \ U P A 1 l'ih "'•n p10d fo r ,1 ' uh-.t r qillun tu

~urfr1 l\t .1.:111 111c \\ t l h hi:. o wn m 11111 , 1."1 l\ u .:1i-.I l h• ' 0 11h r l'l t' 1\ 1•rt 11nt· 1 \Ut' l it- ., <.-lit•\! the 11\ 1.11(u 1.111t u n lf -.u hai. m) hu..,h.in1I tiut 111<t' c1rn' t :..•t• 111 lo J(tt ~111~011t• tu 1> l .1r t t hai. ' " h"' 11p llo n

It Ii ll .1ll1w.1 'I h" probh·m wu rt'ft'rn-d lo Maf( u lnt' At·tlon

I.Int' and follo"' .-d u., by A\':-. The· ( lil ll ls trano Kr ltl'h publi ht-r '"' ttUbM•rlpUon ' l>Ok r'""ma n .. )',. m1 .A l'ticm <',rn ht' h1kt•11 by &htl Onn14,. ( uunl.) orrtce ~cau ,. :.II !\ub!'>l'rh1tioni. havt' ~ .. " lur nt«I ovu to 1i1 i. u lJ ,., ipllon !w rvltt•. Publl"h.-r' <\id. hl ~an 01 .. go 'fh.li. ch• nt(t'l!H~r OC'•·ur n •d In Ot:cembt-r . hut 11ppart'nlly 1'0 unt' al the ma~ulnf' botb ·~d lo ll•ll you •houl ll. A VS conlach·d the 1ub11rrlptlon wrvh't' \o\hlc h rc purt1< that "lnl'f' one ma•ulne bu bf' t-n rt' lurot-d u" " uodt>llvt'rable ." 11 bold was put on th .... u~crlplloo . Then: w"' no f'X planatlon aho ut "h ' furtht> r c:onla l'l with vour son was not allf'mptl'(i ,..ublis bn"' Aid promi..es to !llart tht' i.ub1oc rlptlon a14ai11. Lt>l AVS know whlit happen". i\t lea"I In your cast-, lt apPf'ar'i that botb thf' pu bllsh.-r aod lht' "ubs crlptlon sc·nicf' do not mak4' any t'Xl ra t'ffort to follow up 0 11 :.i ~ub!lcrlber's com fJhu nt.

Ouf~a<-lt GI"~• Baad la D..at l>EAR READERS: Orange ( 'ounl)' Outreac h,

a hranc·h of the Greater Los Anl(f'le" Council on De afnt-ss Inc. <GLAD>. has open1·d a new offi ce al ~024 S . Broadway. Suite 109, Santa Ana . GLAD r>rovldes Information and re fe rral , advocal'y, com ­m unity t-duutlon , Interpreting and other se r vices as nc•eded to hearlnK·lmpalred per,.ons .

GLA D fu nctions as a n umbrf' lla organization which coordinath Its bervlces with more than 35 meomber organizations to me-el the needs and r ig ht :-. of lhf' d e af communll ). a c cordlnJ( t o s pokes nwn. Mos t :-.er vlces are frt>e and available lo a ll ag.,,.

Thh o rfict- will a ssist peoplf' In making phone ca II :. rt·la wd lO e mf' r((t'ncy situ a lions . sick ca lls lo "°'"· job·r t> lated t•a lls , medical appointments and " i m il<tr 'lil ua tlons, Skilled s ign l a ngua ge In · h ' rtH' rt..rs a lMJ a re a \ ailable to u ·t as 1 llnk lw1"1•t>n th <> hea r ing cmployf' r and the deaf job ap· pl il'a nt. Joh place m e nt and 1lf'velopme nt ai.· s is taoct' a lM> are offe red by thP Orange <.:ounly Ou t reac-h orr1c ... as is contact with &hr Southern California C'N1tt"r for law and thf' Ueaf. a branch of <.LAD "hi('h a i.i.ists pe r M>ns having legal pro­blems i11,·ol ving discrimination dut· to deafness.

Lisls of available sl~n l1ngual(e classes and t•d ucational facilhlcli Of all ly~:. ;,ind for a ll agf'S of d1•a f J)('<lple ar•· maintained. Refnrals are made " tw n a11propriah'.

l'n -.1111' intt·n·-.frd in lht·-.r .. c·rvlces are lnvll· ,.d lo i-lop at the orfh:t• or phont• 9i2 ·~2S I volcf' or l 1·l 1•l\11• wr il1·r-. 1 fro m H::10 "a . m . lo 5 p. m . " 1• 1 •k1i.1~'

Get in the

• swing tor Summer '79 I I I

Join the fun at May Company during our 3-in· 1 show wrap-ups on • fashion • bea uty • exercise Our spec ial guest speakers w ill b e Sa ndy Hill-Solomon. Ma demoiselle Fashion Ed itor. Brenda Marthaller, Mad emoiselle Beauty Ed itor, Sha ri Lynn Shattuck. roller skating expert and Sheila Young . Olympic g old medalist speed skater a nd world bic ycling cha mp ion. We'll show you how to look your best for Summer 79, with the brightest new fashions from ·May Company.

• South Coast Plaza, Friday, April 27 7:30 p .m.

ma costa mesa

south coast plaza - 3333 so. bristol - 546-9321

....... /\ dl•foult llHl~ m~n t 11 . 1 ~ h l'l'll • nt l'rt'<I a5(:llnRl <i n t c ,. t ,, I n c r J cr r v l ..t·\\lb 1n u N Ui l f d ~ d b y I o rm t· 1 h 11 11 d m J.ltr Nurnuw Owt•n" " h ot hy I A'W' "

I I -

Rock Speelal S~t_ . GRAND HAPIDS. Mach. 1AP 1 A11 a boy ' Clifford J . VanRyn

apent houri each day dreaming on a 11ranlte boulder In a city park. He propoHd to hla wife there. Last week, he waa found dead or a heart attack at the aame apot.

" You could lilly his lite began .rnd en<!eo at a ron.·· Fra nces Vunft yn Sllld of hc·r 66-year·old hu8band.

AllTHOlllnEs SAY VanRyn sufft>red tht" auuck whlle driving

al ong tnterstale 196 outsidv Hl11hland Park. A medical •x· t1m lner ruJed VanRyn probably died at once.

But poUce rep0rt his 1970 auto croHed both t.raffic lanea and the Interstate'• median, plunaeci down an e mbankment . and dld not atop unUl it reached tbe rock ~ feet below the ro•dway-

" He aJwaya called It ·our rock ' and~ occa11ionally drive by It so we could remember where we start ed." Mrs VanR yn said.

" He was aver)' romantic man ·• 8HE EXPIAINBD THAT her

husband u a boy " Uled to 10 to that rock whenever he ,w as troubled and needed to clear h18 thouahta. Ho would 1pend hours alltln1 on top of that. rock tblnk· to1 and dream1n1."

In l"'l· VanRyn took her to the. rockJ>n the nlcht before they .. toped and were marr ua.

" Mf husband ne ver for.ot about the rock... she aaid. 'It was hls very special place ."

·--~ the spcckalt~ stoTe with th• speekal dl,,.,....e&..low prleest-------------1

' •. , ••• •'lf••fl

s.qq " ., I I • 'f<ftj

6.qq t Jh j.tf t I I' ~ I•

'11;-bo-=~~ lee1Jer1· 1e1tuee a mult1l ude ot purposes'

• there are bamboo beaulles 419 I AA. 10 ~how oil a plant 1011s best adv.rntage t 6!11 ....

others lo corner your favorite fruit s ~

• "- rt11 O•<.k•llt! 1

• vr>u II roropn1111 lh1; t.imou" 111.1kPr 011 th!' p.iC~dBC'

IWO·IONI ~"°"'belllct!!! "'~ • C.r •~P . dehCICM le~~=~!~ %.99 105•4" cellophane tor protectton. pick

79Ct %.Z9 (:/ %. 1• • robbeel bf) llel)

.! ",. ... ·~189 99

plenty. salad !>eason 1s here1

Sorry. not 1v .. i.ble in our Sin Dieto.

lAMeu& B.iterafleld


Jy.t•t , ,,,

rttt 34 99


IJ~J(fY ll, 1'1tOllt!

·~t 79.99 69.99

• IJtC ~ lrom our c,leek !.t!IP<.11on ot kn•tren nvlon • heet·.•

men's <:I bo)ll' crilafon diwrs'watefla

• lhPV come '(OU• w .1y 111 m irnorci.o,1ve .irr "Y nt .,0110 r.01or~1

• .,,,..,11111noertecliri11) 111 1ke 111e!>e tu .. or.cc .. fYJ>· .. blc'

1win Ital or 11trecl

·, \

........... # . ,

•i.tronle lllGe•t-e•-•• f:IW CGleulator

• Oii• w1ltel ·jiltd "9Clr0f'll( CAWno dMl\ ffOITI 11 ~:! c.lld ' OCl(h

lahU 'h11'. double OOwll '1)111 t vtn lihe 111•ut .lnat

our 111o111 dNftt \l!Owl wlflntlf• ttlO low\ ~llO "HO\ ftJKh ol tht •ll hH 1

. '°"•~h 1011>1~rd l CO cticulllor 100 bflltnt \ rlOI W'Ciu<Jlcl

\ U.99

• ·• fJmefY tOoa tur ~ummur t • oa1 .. ,y '°"' . 00..0l!'M """ ove '"'1' "'Allh flUf flN"''< W8tf"llOS1

• 10.•v on, ,, rlHP'" qUKlf' ~weep s..<OOCI hand ,."<I dlllP I• alurt> Willur •&5'st9'11. and they glow"' ""' (11111<1 • IWO I.ice \llCI~ both on" )lee~ bl.il.k D.lnd1

• a to ••• • ._,, .... ... ....... .. .... lllOll .. .... • our <lelu •o den'"1.itt11<ne w i.e w•l h bnJ(l!I vtnvl \llll)(l~ h0\1$eScompl!'ll! 11l11flnl! P«U and •n,trUClion~ come~ 1n lhroo .,,,,,,to<"OtJ">•'lro•n1 l

... r "


HUMTIM&TOM IEACH Hunffngton Cenhr

OPIMM-.tlins.t. .... s-. 10.7

LA&UMA HILLS Laguna Hlls Mall


__ ...,... __

A ... DAii. y PtL.OT ClN

.. , J Eaav CLAll EN oe .. o...,.....,....,. With chargee of HHUll, YU·

dall1m and t'hronlt' truancy 1UU rm11n1 in I.Mir board room, H~t· ln1Jlon Beach Unk>n lll~h ~hool llaltlcl ~t ordered an ~d mini tratlv report on condlUona at Weatminatt-rlillbSchool

Tuch<'r I< a thy heraon told t ruate a that WestmlnalM ' s " teacht'rl VC'nture from th'etr


Thurldty, April H . 1119

room or olficeai u llUI aa po11l · ble

" When I.My do 10 out, U,.y often choo1e to look at the around becaUH If they aeo aom rule vklilatlon and M<'l to atop Ow problem th y arc run away from . lpored. vttrbally a~ o r their clueroom• are dl1rupl .ecf or ~ r cars and po111t•111lol\li three~ . "

M ra. I veraon c bniccd. " At

How 'Bout A Sna~k?

Weatcnlna~r lllJh School, .....,....__ Jhina withln daya. 1re routinely atolen, 3,800 atu· 00 8eeau1e there ll no e ffeetJve denla have acctH to only thl'ee dl1trlct direcUon or support lo re1troom1 (othera have been deallnl wlt.h lhae problema aod partially burned or otherwlH beCIUM the board hH not 1lven vendallztd >. lockers are re1· a upport to the expulsion of ul1rly brokt:n Into and/or set on career discipline proble m•. t.ht rt rt , and student• art c hronkal· offeodiag atudenta a r e back on ly truant and tardy to class." campua braHlng about their

behaviour end e n couragln l( I( t..achen do act, uld the otheri to act·aa they ."

11clenc-e und math teacher, the She claimed that college Mamt' tJludent 111 doing the same youths and others who are hired


for leu than 96 an hour ... eam. pua auptrv 1nra are aubJected to verbal abuae aftd pbyalcal threat.I. " W~ can ' t keep them at

Weatmlnater tilth School." Notln1 that a he hu " 40

habitual truanta In my clueea a lone ." M rs . l veraon told trustees that teachers- and ad· mlnlatrat.or11 fall ~> c rac k down on truancy benuae of the belief the oourd wanta to find ways to

Rate Increase Issue Tabled

Community C:.1hlev1s1Qn ~ request lo raise cable telev1s1on ralei. in Irvine was dealt anothl'r sl'tback this week by the Irvine City Counc il

Fo llowing lcn f.( thy d1sl·uss1on on the proposed inc re ase. the counc il dec ided unanimo us ly thut more fina ncial information was net:ded and deferred 11.'> dcc1s1on to May ll

T ll F. CABLE tl' l(•v1s10n rirm , wholly ownC't.I by the Jrvlnl' Com · pany . wa nts to c hargt: 1nd1v1duul s ubscrib<'rs with on<• o r t wo tabl€:' outle ts $10 per m on th . Thi• t•x1st ingrate is $6 for a s ing h.• 11ul11·t <J nd $8 for two outlets

It also is seeking to boost the bulk rate charged to ho meowne r assoc iations from S4 to $6. 70 per month and lhos e charged apa rt menl dwe llers from $2 to $4 70

D~'s Office AimrdedRed Lighl Furuh

Wayne Havser, the company 's pre s ident, claimed that Ca ble vis ion 's current rates and its n ·turn on investment roughly 7 percent this year are " extreme ly low ...

H E SAJDTHE: M mpan y sho uld r<'<'l' tVl' a r ate of r e t urn of 15 1>t: r cent . II<' te rmed th<' fa j.(urc an at.· n •pt('d industry s t a ndard .

Hauser s aid the firm has ex pa nded its ser v ic es lo Irvine s ubs cribers " in half the time al low e d by the F e de r a l Co m · munica llons Commi s sio n. but have receive d ve ry little ul · lo wance" for the expans ion

City s taff aides reco mmended lhe individua l monthly rate be increased to S6 40 per month for o ne o utlet and $8 for two Thev a lso µro pos ed S4 25 mo nthly bulk and S4 25 a partme nt rates .

Hn·11d;1 'l';u ·k t•l 1. 11, o l :'\l'Wf>Url Bt•ach . of tv r -. rnt ll'hw to 011t ' ol Nl' \\ po rt Ray ·~ m o n : 11 1111.., 11. il n ·-. 1d1·11h ;1 ~"an Bn·nd ~1 \.\ ;1-. • 11 oll111g 1 lw l,;1 \ li l' <•d1 nt•ar l!Jt h Strl'e l \.\ h{' n

" hv l11u11d lh t!-> pt' llH'l· I~ l11 rd .111<1 cll•t11h·rl to " h.t r l' . 1 " n;u·k Sht· -. a\ ~ l>1rd 1!'> one o l t w11

.., \\ ;111., tlw t h;1 \l' !->l'll ll'd 111 hay :-. in t t· lla· \\ 111 t1 ·,.

LOS ANGELES IAP l - In ~in unus uul dec1s1on. the district at t o rn ey ·s o rr1 c 1· h a s b ee n awardC'cl on€' yc:ir 's r e nt mone y fro m a building forme rl y ust'd for a maJOr µ()rnog r a phy ope ra · l ion .

WHIL E NOT I N favor of th.­..., t .1ff's propo-.al . lf aus c-r s :i 1cl , " 1f v.1· rnustlt ve w1th1 tv.1· Y. tll "

Mayor 8111 Vardouhs had his own 1 CJlt• 11ror,,ls als. s ugj.(c•s lmA a lO 1>erl·e nt a cr oss the· board in· 1· n·as e m rat t>S

Evacuation Plan OK'd Th e rulin g h y Los AngP lt·s

Co unty Supt·rwr C<rn rl Jud g1· Will iam P llog11bo<im as~wssl·d lhl' building 's own1•r s $16H,OOO in lie u t>f <'los ing tht· build ing for a year

Th c c·ou nc1I ag reed that · Vudo ulis ' s urrncst1on s hould be s tudied togt•the r with c apital 1n vest m ents figurf•!-t used by lhl' fi r m in computing its rate of rt' turn . It a lso was agr eed that .... t r~a ml1n l'd p rol'l·dur l's fo r future ra te chan~es , s tudy or 10 c r e a sed pubhr access to c able tt•lt.•v1s 1on fac 1lit a ·s :.ind com ph a nce with !'re s ident Carter 's vo I u nt ar ~ "age a nd p r1 c 1· ~uid..c lines .,ho uld b • explor ed hl'f o r<· a f i nal cl1·1· 1., 1o n 1.,

Families to Vacate Capo Beach 'Slums' T H F. D F.C'ISION c ;imc :i ftcr the d istnct altorm·y ·~ <>ff1cc won a c a st' unde r th l' Rt•d Light Aba le m €'nl l<iw . whic h p rovides for o ne• year c losun· of bualdmgs in volved in ptJrnog r;,aphy

Plans lo mu\ t• 1 "o <Jut.e n Cap1:.lrnno B«a«h f<t m tltc·., from wha t has bt·t·n <l<' .,C"rt l><•d <I '> s l')m1· of Oran~1· County s "ors t housing ,111\ . 11w 1·tl .1 '>l t•p lh1., "1 ·1·k lwfort: 11111111 ~ s 111wn 1.,11r.,

T ht· h<1ard <1 J1prov1·<.l pla ns lo a p ply for lht· final S.'i50 ,000 ''' a S2 2 million h•d1·rn l gra nt ti) bui ld n1·w ., u h s 1cl 111· 11 h o rn t•s fQr t h e (' a p 1s t ran11 lh •;Jc h f um tli cs . ho m1•s thf'y t•vt·nlua lly muy be abll· to purrhas<'

('Ol' NT'V 01-'Fl< 'l/\l.S S i.l t d ilS

1-.irl\ "°' fou r v1-:1r., <1go lhut lhl' I a n 11 l lt's 0

1 t•nl I'd horm·s tn ttw an•a or Dolw11y l'ark !toad mid La s V o•g ;i .., A v1·nu1· v 101 a l t· 1·ounly lt i·a Ith law:. a nti rnu.,1 lw va f' al cd.

In aclr11l 1on. I h• • owm·r of the propl'11 y lht•y n •nt ha s bcl'n hop·

ing for Co as ta l Commission a p pmval Lo devetor the la nd

Y t- l. a pprov ;il ha s bee n withhe ld whil e prov1s 1o ns ure m a de to r e loco l <' the lo we r income fam1hes in nl'arhy ho mes they couJd a fford .

T ll t: Pl. /\~ ;.q 1prt1Vl'll h v s u1wrv1s11r., lhas Y.t·l'I.. c·alls upon I h1.· county to pur r hast• t "'" <H:n •s o f l<i nd a l Domingo /\ ve n111• a nd l>oht•n y P<irk !load for cfcovelop m e nt of 30 m•w hornt''> fo r the das µl ;w e d fa mt Ill's .

T he units would sell for $29,800 for a one·bcdroom unit up to $48,355 for a four ·bcdroom unit, with mo n thly mortga~e pa y· men ls ranging from $234 to $385

The condominium·type units wo uld he managc;,d by a p ro

' Ridership Low'

Summer Bw Route Rejected by Irvine

T h<' idea of o rx.- rat mg :i s umme r bus for Irvine youngste rs m ay he worthy hut tl!') not worthy t'nough to be paid for with $17,000 fro m c1ly coffe r s .

That was thl· conseasus or a n Irvine City Council mworily Tuesday night m blocking <.:ounc ilwomun Mary Ann Gaido's propos al that the tity fund the ser vice

WITH LONG lines al the t:(as oline pumps and s kyrocket· ing gasoline pric t>s, Mrs. Gaido s a id it would m uke sense for the cil y to in s titute a s ummer traniul syste m s imilar lo the one operated in pas t ye 1:1 rs .

Th e buses co u ld pro v ide tr a n si t to c it y park~ :ind r l'c rc 1:1 t1 o n f;i (• lfiti e~ . loc a l tw ucht•s and s hopping centerJ:. , s he s aid .

In blocking the fundln~ pro· po!rnl , u counc il mu)only of Ma yor Bill Vardoulis and Coun­d Im e n Arthur Antho ny and Du v1d S ill s s u1otg es l e d that private organizations s uch a s the Irvine Company, industrial c omplex firms a nd ar e a m e r chants could foot the bill.

M ltS. GAIOO said that she is exploring tho8e possibilities.

Se veral members of the au. dle ncc sookc in favor or a s um­me r bu.~ system s aying that il would provide an a lternative to hitchhiking a nd he lp r e lie ve tra ffi c proble m s .

" L'ast year Wf' had o ur best ef­fort In publicizing the syste m , but ridership was very low and there were still kids hltchhlk· Ing," cou.nt~red Anthonv .

BOTH VAltOOllLlS and SUia aald they kept a watc hful eye on the buaee last year &JJd never saw more thao a handful of rider• at any one lime.

" We s hould stick with it , nut start it o ne summe r <and st<1p tl the ne xt. " s aid Cou n c ilman Larry Agran , who s ided with Mrs . Gaido in th(• vote . A~run s aid following the de ·

cis ion that he'll pla ce lhe matte r back on the :ige nda at for u future council meetin g .

Volleyball -Teams Need Coed Players


Players are being sought for t h e Newport Beach Parks, Beaches a nd Recreation coed volleyball program that opened t his week.

Teams for players in grades rive through eight are being for m ed a t West Newport. Park . Balboa Pier Park, Newport Heights E lementary Sc hool . Mariners Pa r k. Buffalo Hiiis P ark, Eastbluff Park and the Co mmunit y Youth Cente r In Cor ona del Ma r .

PracticH are held twice u · week after achool and games will be olayed on Saturdays . ·

The (ee ls $10, which Include!' a Jeraey. The fee ror players who already have jeneys Is 96.

For additio nal Information . contact the PB and R mcc. 640·2271.

.... .,. ~ ........

f Pt-.S tOnal firm for a bout five yc :irs. a (•cordang to a r e port lo s upe r visors. whih· rcs1de nLc; are tr <i tn t>d 1n <ll·l<.1 1b o f horn<' o wnl' r sh1p

I N /\D IH T I ON, u t11ru'>lnJ.! aut hnrtl\ \\<OU Id cont rol n •.,al•· of t h•· hornt·s to mt1kt• s ure l hev C"On t 111111· 111 IK· o" nctl lty lu"c.r a nti m11d1•ralt• tnl·oml' famil il's

R(•s1de nts oflhe e xis ting barrio known a s C11p1s trano ReHch Vtlla~e no w occupy trailers . col t a gc s a nd so -c a lle d " bootll'g hom~s." the r ep<>rl s aid , many of lhf'm without plumbing, adequate hcat1n~ and kitchen facilities .

Bc•caus<' the families earn from S6.000lo$13,000 annually. they arc unable lo a fford conventional ho m e s 1n lhC' adjacent are a where pric es av('ra~c a bout $200,000. the rPpo r ts<11d

( 'O l ' NT'V P LANNER Pe te Ma · 1o r s a id 1t may Ile s ix mo nths or m1>n· lx·for l' cou ntv offt <: 1a ls learn 1f lhe ft•dt•r a l i.:ra.nt 1s a pproved and anc1th<·r t ~o vea r). bl'fo rl· thl' ho u.,ang µ rnJcct ;ictua lly 1s bu1 It

As dcs1~ncd now the homes would be cons tructed by Afforda· hi t• Communities IArCOMJ of Lo ng Beach. :i firm which also is hu1lding a low·cos t hous ing pro· JC<'l an Seal Beach

But by th€' t1 me thC' ruling was mad e . Milto n Luro s who o wn e d ;i multi m1l11 o n d ollar pu bhshang c ntc rpraM' hous C'd in lh<· hu1ldm~ had moved out

l.UROS' BUSI N t: ss h us bt'<!n re placed by a n 1.•lectronacs firm

D e put y 01 s tr1 c t /\lto rney James Fe rruzzo s a id Wed ncs da y the ruling was s 1gn1f1c::int because al fines the OJ)(!rator of t he pornography bus iness

" To closl' a building d o"n with a legitimate firm in 1l would st•rv t• no purpos.-. .. he s aid

Eastbloff School

Plans Carnival A t•arn1\ al wi ll ht• hd d rrom I

to H p m May 11 a t fo:as thlurr El e m e ntarv S<.·hool. 21127 V1s la de f llro. Nl;" port lh •;u·h

T ht• c•arn1 v:il. to 1 a1M· funds fo r s r hoo l proJt.·rh. "1 11 ind udl' ).(<i mt·).. hod y 1w1nt1ng . .,alt· of 11).l'cl books a nd o lh l' I' ltooth., The publu· as inv1tt'll

NetDpart Maa Pre .. ted

n •a(·ht·1I As with <tll mt't' l tng '>. th1· c.'oun

c1l's ratc m «n ·<1s l' d1s c uss1on., v. <· r e b r o a cl l' ;1 ., t I 1 \ f ' o n Ca ble v1:.1on ·s loc<JI c hanm·I.

Estancia Student Gets Honor

Marltn C: Mt' E lh 1ny . 17. :i .,e n1or al Est:rn«ta 111).(h St·hool 111 t'os la Mt·!-ta . ha.., lwt.· n g1vt•n I ht· 1!!79 Yo uth (' 1t 11.1•ns h1p Awa rd hy lhl' Nt' " l>Orl llarl>or I ' h a p I t • r 0 f S CJ r 0 p l I m I S l I ntl'rn:tt tona l

\l1· fo: lh 1n y rt.•c· l· t v<'d S I OO l'l' l ll J!nt l ton Of h tS \lo o rk Wl l h h:i nd tl'a Pl>l'<.l ~oungsll'r' :incl hts 1·a m pus ac- Li v1tu•:-

i\ s t·cond pla n · "" arcl of ~50 \loa s pn·~t.·nl<!d lo l. ts <J .Jo c;rad y. 17. a sl ucl«nt :it L'ost<i M l'Si.I 1111-:h :-.«h1w l fo r he r va n l'li volunll'l'r ;tl' l lVllll'S.

Hrlg . G e n . Ronald R . B l alack . commander or the 452nd Air Refueling Wing, Murch Air Force Base. has his stars :-.1gnify1nf.t h1:-. new rank pinned In place by

his wife und 1.t. Gen. James P. Mullings. commund •r . Fifteenth Air Force, during r ec •nl promotion ceremony . Brlg. Gen. Hl alaC'k hws an Newport Neuch.

. --- - ... . -··-·------ -------------

1raduela ••rtsrt• ~ .. "' 1borteomlap.

''Y..._.y, after 12 ..... ol truancy, a couwlcw ukeicl ..,. what J could do to belp a Vuant tenior 11aduate," abe aakl.

Glen Dy1ln1er . a11l1tant auperlntendent, took ' luue wttb c:lalma that district 1tuclnU are not expelled after remedial ac· tlona are taken.

Dyalnpr aaid at leut a ball doien have been ktcked out of schools in the district over the paal 15 years.

But another assistant •'lperin· t e nd e nt . J o hn Gyves, told trustees expulsion is difficult, t h at th e Am e ri ca n Civil Liberties Unjon " ls there im· mediately" a nd the p roblems us ually end up in d ifficult court cases .

Supt. Frank Abbott echoed Gyves, noting, " Laws and courts have very honestly not given us very many teeth. "

Dysinger part.ially s upported Mrs lverson 's conte ntion that We s tminster tea c he r s s uffer abuse. noting that the district Is oursuimz one case in which a girl student aJlegedly attempted to run down an ass istant counselor in u parking lot with a car

Trustees Dor is Alle n , Stephen Smith and Brian Lake catted for law and order o n the campus . with the three urging that poss i· ble expu.lsions be brought befor e the board.

AUTHOR TO SPEAK Dorothy Briggs


Self-esteem Seminar Topic

Aut hor l)Ort>lh v Co rkal k Urt J.:J!'> \\ 111 .,JX·ak ahoul hualdang ..,elf l'!') lCt'm an duldre n on May 12 m Nt•" po rt Bt·a l' h t o be ne fi t a Nt•wp o 1t M'l: s a cl e m c nt a r y sl·hool progrnrn .

l'rm•t•t•d s fro m the scsswn . 1·a llt•d " lll'lp Yo ur Child lk ;1 Winn<'r," will go to Project Sclf­l'Slccm

Tht• seminar . s cheduh•d fo r !I :i m . lo noon a l the Lido Thcatl·r. 1· 0 :- t-. S5 Jl c r part1 c 1pant Ht•g1s tration form). arc availabh· fro m M<inly n !;laughter, 1117 Pt•mbrokt• Lane , Newport Beach 92(if,0

C h (' " k s :- h o u I d b e m ;i rl e payable to PrOJCCtSelf-esteem.

Bike Rodeo Slated in

Costa Me.sa A l'hampions hi p bicycle r0<ko

will be held at 10 a .m . May 5 in Co s ta M e s a with dc•m ons trations . information , dis plays and competitions .

The event . sponsored by the Cos ta Mesa Police a nd the Costa Ml's a Polin· Associat ion. will t ake pla c(' at Baleari c C omm unit y Ce n ter, 197 5 lfalearic Dri ve .

Safety <'Olo ring books will a lso be d is tributed al the bicyc le rodl'o.

Information as avail able by cal ling 754·5320.

Rent Rebate

Plan Nixed /\R C /\1' A <APl -

Arcata voter s ha v e rej e cte d :1 r e n t rebate initiative that would have rolled back rents In their rlty to their May levels of la11l year.

The ballot mt!asure was defeated by 3 388· voto._ margin out of 4.418 votes cas t . An estim ated 53 percent of registere d voters turned out.

A rcuta Is the sit e o f H \J'mboldt S tat e University and L'J 10 miles north ot Eureka.

c t S2 • I ·


' .

. .. . .

--......... ...


!-.-s.-. n ................. tierald Rahhoon . ~1 b 0 Vt'. pr l' !'> I d t• ll I Carll'r ' :. mt·d1u .u1 vbt>r . h~1 :. :.nltl h1!'> All nnta ~11 1\ t•rt tl)ang f irm lo u g roup o l 1n vc:,tor ... h ('~ld t• d In . Howard Rothrh1ld 1i1 1976 thl• firm <·n•.1tt•fl , 1

s~ric:. o l T\' <'n1t1 mcrrwb fo1 ( 'arlt•t .., C<lm p a1 ~ n

Calendar Art Irks Residents

MENDOCINO I AP ) lt didn't take long for the proud folk 10 Men dodno County to notice that a photo l abe led " Ca r m e l " on a 1979

Ad Splurge a Gasser f.AS VEGAS <AP l NervOUI\

about a ~dine ln touris m. lht' l~aai. Vegas Conv otlon ~rn d Vuutor Authority hae authori& d pendlnw $%24.000 In adwirtlsomenl• to 1nlorm Southern C•llrornlana that KH 111 available alOQI Lbe route

Some 3llJO radk> 1polt1 wlll bt- broatJ uat to Southern CaltfornJa durul¥ thl' fl t11l wtt•k uOd llt •Vt'rul full f)Uil' oew11 pa1>4"r ud:-. will '"-' publl11h •d tu1ch Thu rsday durln& th e l h · woek


cmer1ency procram. Th• 1&ctlom c•m• arter tourtam

dropped l1 ptrcent over the Cuter weekend. a d evelopmtol that of­fidaJa blamed oa the 1ae lbottaee itnd the United AlrllnH atrlkt.

However. a aurvey lndiCI~ tbal the v1a1tors' totals were up aubllan· t1olly lui.t weekend over a year ago.

OHlc1uJs said more than 60 percent of th() tourists who vlslt Las Vegas <1rr1vc by automobile

THURS f.. FH l , APR. 26 , 27 - 1 0-7 Sf\T t.. S VN , Apr. 28 , 29 - 1 0-6

Or - A . l Lt...., T


7 46\ Garden Grove B\vd. We•I Grove Cen1er

{7\4) 894-3960 -~-SU_P_E_f\_S_PE--:C::-,,.:-:L~l;;:H;;;ts;,wWEieeE";KUI 1

E ac1011vo Unu&ull 41110 Boau!lfuf F1broc•

From lhoM f-amou• M•'u•• NEW SHIPMENT

Gauzes cottons , andex

Lycra SP • lh.1lh l'\flll • "4.1 Ill • Jun.1ff1.tn l 111 ) .111 • (\ll•t• .. t•f ,,

a AltCl• ::,tu..u : • H op,•"Wt'll

• U \ lt' • H t 1 u , Ht ) • Mt 1yH,ut>rtt • ht-t• np,p1. • t t ' V1llJ h '' • M 0th:n• Jr


ca lend ar o f P aci r i c -------------------------­coastal communit ies was actually their Men­docino.

But it took a few mon ths of miffed but tongue· in·cheek letters between county officials and the Coast Federal Savings, which printed the caJenda r . before the matter was deemed set · tied .

County officials said the bank agreed to co­s ponsor with the county a contest lo pay $100 for a prit.e-winning photo or Mendocino County that will be used 10 nex t year's calendar if things go n ght.

Me ndocmo res idents say they ' r e not s ur­prised about the goof. Tbe calendar was print­ed in Los Angeles. about 550 miles south of Men­docino and 300 ml'l es south of Carmel.

Sanibo's License Ordered

CAMBRI DGE. Mass. I AP > - Selectmen in t be Boston suburb of Reading must give Sam ­bo 's restaurant a Ucense e ven though they object lo the fast food chain's

Eclectic?? or 1ust basic c reatu6P comforts? We design for the exotic

soph1st1cale or the subtle manor mood of the provincial gentleman. Combining international flair w1lh a supenor designer-client rela­t1onsh1p. we pride ourselves on the indulged at1ent1on we can offer the REAL you. Together. we can discover for your home or office the contemporary exciting living you c rave•

Dick Metteer Polly Dodds Hatchcock Morgan

17?7 W1•,1 r:.11 ll Or•"' Nowport Bencn • 646·1678 . :""' 9 ti Jv • l. tosed Sur' •l .h

, ,, .., '"'(I\ Rt Ari.I",,.,.....,, 1


nam e. s ay s Jud ge -------------------------~-

James L. Vallely. He ruled in Superior

Court that the na me of the Cal ifor ni a -bas ed chain is not decepti ve a nd is covered by the firm ' s ri g ht to free speech.

In October , the seleclmen denied Sam­bo ' a a license because the name offends some blacks .

Sambo is a character io an 1899 child r en 's story about a boy in In· di a whose courage t...-oed tigers to butter . Tbe chain says it de ­rived the name from t hose or its rounders . Sam B atti st one and Newell Bohnett.

Size Hit SAN DIEGO IAP > -

Sa n Diego County's grand Jury says the s ize of triaJ juries in civil cases a nd fo r manor c riminal offenses ou~hl to be reduced from 12 to s ix

Excess LAND AUCTION! 11 a.a Sil, Illy Im .........

• ... 1.hrals • Acreage

• Bulldlng Lots • Recreational

• Ranches Free Brochures


LANO BANK 1331 111tt :11• M

S....112 LIS_.9121

IJlJ) C -1133 • (213) 41Wll

... '.

~$·48 · This week only. Beautiful framed hand colored etchings. Singles and sets. Choice of four subjects: Botanlcal. Fashion. fruit, and fowl. All orlglnf'fs- not reproductions. '

each Orange County only. · .

THE ANTIQUE Geiti): The World' Largest Antique Store.

Antique Cull<fReYOMna Cll<'rge liccount/ M.-ster Charge/8.ankAmeric.Ard Delivery set'tllce avall.1ble

Oraoae Count)l Nt!WPOO fW)L •nd Dy.!r Rd. C.ut 714/ 751· 3181 Open IO to 9 Monday lhru Satumay: 1010 C> S~ '

ot T /'tG 197'9

_.,.. ... -__,.,.,~ .. -··; -------------·-· . . . .

·starts FridaY at9:30a.m.

many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection!

these items available in our

Huntington Beach Store

women's sportswear NOW

2.98 ... 4.98


5.98 7.98 98c 4.98 1.98 2.98 4.98 2.98 2.98 98c 98c 2.98 3.98

lingerie, loungewear NOW

5eHALF'SUPS... .. ......... 98c nCOTTOH AHO NYLON PANTIES. . . . • ..... l8c: 32 UNIFORM SMOCKS. . . . . .. .. . .. ........ . 3.98 29 PAHTY GIRDLES ..... ......••.•.. .... 4.98 2SLEOTAROS . . .. .. ............ .. ........ 4.98 26 HVLOH FLEECE ROSES . . . .. ... .... 6.98 19 COTTON POLY QUILT A08ES . . . . . . . . 6.98 41 HOSTESS LOUNGERS .. . .. 6.98 34COTTOHPOLYTERAYLOUNGERS . . 6.98 20 COTTON POLY PAJAMAS .. .. . .. . .. .. 3.98 3' NYLON BABY DOLLS'. . .. ..... . .......... 2.98

women's accessories NOW

348PtECESCOSTUMEJEWELRY . . .... 48c 110HANOBAGS . . ................... 1.98 78WOMEN'SWALLETS . ....... ..... . . . • 1.98 52 HANDBAGS .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . • . 5.98 19 SUNKY SHAWLS .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . • .. 1.98 57 OBLONG SHAWLS . • . . .. • . . .. . . . . . . 3.98 13 SCARVES . . . . . ... .... ...............• •. 98c 23HATS .. .. . . .. . .. . . ........ 9lc 25FAMOUSMAKEALEOTAROS ......... 10.98 11 DtCKIES . . . . . .. . . . . . .. • .. . 98c 11KNITVESTS .......... .. ............ . . . 3.98 21 LEOTARDS ...... ..•. . .............. .... 1.98 148 BEL TS . . . . . . . ........•.••. . ... 3.98 20LEATI4ERHAH08AGS ... ............... 9.98 54 SCARVES ........ .. ......... ... ..... . ... 68c

inf~nts and toddlers!., 15 BLANt<ET SlEEPEAS ..... . ..... .... ... . 3.98 28HATSANOMITTENS ..... . ....... .. •... .. . 48c •2 COYER AUS ............ .. .... • ..... . . . . 1.98 23 PILLOW CASES . . . . . ......... . .....••... 48c SOTRMINGPANTS .... . .... .......... . 1.98 14 DtAP!R BAGS ....................... ... 2.98 22 BOXER PANTS . ....... . . ... .. ........... 1.48 408LANKETSLEEPfNGIAG . .........•.... 3.98· 2tTOOOLER80YSPAJAMAS ... ........... 2.98 1180YSCAROIGANS ..... .......... .. ...•. 3.98 10 BOYS PANTS ............ ...... . . ... ... . 2.N 37 GIRLS GOWNS ... . ........ . ... . ........ . 2.98 330IRLSKMTTOPS ...... .... ..... : .. ...... 98c 15GIALSCARDIGANS ... ...... .' .. ......... 3.98 100IALSPANTS .............. ... ....•..... 2.98

savings for girls NOW

28 PURSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c 131RA9 · · ························· · · ·· · · · 1.18 1208'KINI UNO!RWEAA ... .. ........ . ...... 2lc 110 8RtEF UNDERWEAR ....... . ............ 2lc ZIOIOCKS ... . . . ......... ...... . ....... 4lc 21 JEANIUX .......... . .................. 2.48 130PULL-<>NJIAHS ••.•. •... .............. 2.48 40 llCIRTI .. ............ ... ................ 2.98 30ll.OUIEIWX .............. ......... .. .. lie IODfTTOTOPI • .... •. • •.• •. ....... ... ..... 2.98 408l!IPWEAA4·14 ....... ... ............. 2.98 80SCRl!NPRlfTT!ESHIRT8 ......... . ... 1.88 MOaOUIU7•14 .. . . . . ..•.. ...... .. ..... 1.11 21-'IANI 7·14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 5.18 1t""*'8UfTI ....... . .... ....... .. ... : . . .. 5.98 90 SHORT SLEEVE KNIT TOPS . ....... 2.98 25 POLYESTER PANTs-.-ex . . ... . ...• . . 3.98 30 POLYESTER PANTS 7· t4 .. ••••.• • ••• 4.98

savings for boys NOW 48 BOYS TIES . .. . . . . . . • .. • .. • .. 48c S3 SUN HA TS • . . . • .. . .... 48c 17 BOYS BEL TS . . . . .. . .. .............. ... Ne 88 BOYS SHORTS . • ...... . ...... ... ... 1.98 93 BOYS SWIMWEAR . . . . .. . .. .. . • 1.98 11•BOYSSHIRTS. . ..... ... . . .. 2.98 188 LITTLE BOYS SHIRTS . . • . .. .. . ........ 2.98 28 LBSURE SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . ......•. .. • . 3.98 190STUDENTPANTS ........... . .. . · ... 4.98

savings for men HOW 311 SSLYDAESSSHIRTS ..... . ... .... ... .. 3.98 36 QIANA DRESS SHIRTS . .. .. . . . .... ..... 5.11 2SOFAMOUSMAKERKNrTSHtRTS ........ 12.98 37•COLOREDTEES ...... . ... ........ .. . 98c 36 FAStlON JEANS .. . . . ................ .. 7.98 200SSLYSPORTSHIATS .... . .... . ... ...•. 1.11· 2•SSLYLEJSURESHtRTS .......... ...... 7.98 16 FAMOUS MAJC£A SHfRTS .............. .. I.II 80 L SLY SPORT SHtRTS ......... ........• •• 3.98 30 FUNNEL SHIRTS . . ............... ... 3.98 39 JEANS . . ..........• .....•. 1.98 285 DRESS SLACKS . . . • .. . . . . . . . ........ 5.98 '¥1 VESTS • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . 1.98 31 FAMOUS MAKER VESTS . . ••••.... .. ...• • 3.98 40 LEISURE surr JACKETS . . . . . . . . . . .. ..•. 2.98 '3FAMOUS~AKERSPORTCOATS .. .... 35.98 65 VINYL JACKETS . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .. 7.98 38 NYLON JACKETS . . . .............. .... 2.98 58WARM·UPPAHTS . . ...... ... . .. .. . .... .. 7.98 31 KNIT SHIRTS . . . . . ............. .... 3.98 283 SSlV COUARED KNITS.. . .. .. . . .. . . . . 4.99 1.0 S SLY CREW NECK KNfTS.. . .... ........ lie 75LSLVCREWNECKKNITS . . . .. . .......•.. 2.98

savings on shoes NOW 61 WOMENS LAYERED SOLE SANDALS .. ..• 1 S7 239 WOMENS MUL Tl-COLORED SANDALS •. 2.17 106 CHILDREHS SANDALS . ............• ..• 5.17 92 WOMENS FLA TSANOAL.S ... .... ...•. .. . 3.17

yardage, notions 'NOW 251 VOS BROADCLOTH PAINTS ... .........•. 98c 18 YDS POLYESTER PAINTS .. .. .. ... ........ 98c nYD8Q&ANASOUOS ........ . ......... ... 1.48 46 YDSCHALUS SOLIDS . ..... . . .... ........ 98c 223 VOS BEDFORD COAOUAOY . ... ...... .• .. 98c 111 YOSPINWALECOAOUROY . ......•.•• •. . 98c 78 VOS SUPER SUEDE ..... ..... ....... .... 1.48 M YOSTABOUUQAUZE ..... :: .•.. . •... .••• lie 154 VOS KETTLECLOTH PRWTS .. . .... ...... 98c •CREWELPERSIAHYAAN . . . ......•• ••••. 11c ... MACRAME AND WEAVING BOOK ....... .. .. 5c 55STITCHERY/CRAFTKITS •. ..••.•••..•.•• 1.• 44 MACAAME WOOO£N BEADS . . .......• •••. 11c •1YOSFLA ... EL ............ ...... .• ....•.. 41c 51 YOSCHtNO SPORTFA8RtC •.••...••...•• 1M • YDIOE,_ . . • ...... ... . .... . ........... . . lie 34 SKEJHS RUG/ CRAFT YARN . . . .. ..••.• • •. 21c

savings for the home - NOW

152 KITCHEN CURT AIMS ............•... . . •. 21c ... WASHCLOTHS . ........................ . • 41c '8 HANO TOWELS ........ .. . ............••• 41c 73 YINVlPLACEMATS .. .............•.• .••. lie 47 KITCHEN TOWELS ... ........ .......•.••. lie 171 STANOAAOPILLOWCASES .......•.. ... . lie 18KJNGSIZEPIUOWCASES ............... 1.98 173TWINP£RCALESHEETS ............. .. 1.98 1MFULLPERCALESHEETS ... . ....... •..• 2.98 1S20UEEN PEllH:ALE SHEETS ........... . .. 3.98 72 KING PEACA&.a SHEETS ..•...... ........ 3.98 '¥1 HANO TOWE.S ........... .............. 1.41 UVINYL TA8&..ECLOTffS .... ..........•..• • 2.11 21 'ANILS . .... . ....... . .... •. .. .. . ... ...• 2.11 27 PAlfT BLANKETS . . . • . . . . • . . . . • • •• .•. •• 3.11 2111ATHMATS ...... ........ ....... . .. .... .t.11 41PAHELS .•. . .. . .• . ... . .. .•.....•... • •• •• .t.11 15 OI. LAMPS ........... .......... . . ...... • .41 13TOR.ETTANKSETS . .... ...... .. ... ..... 5.11 11 llNI BLINDS, WOVEN WOOOI . . . . . . . . lh OFF savings on fine J•w*lw

10 MENS ANO LAOCES WATCttES .. ....... . 21.• tl.ADIESWATCHES •..••..•... . ...... ...• 21.11 11M!NSWATCH£S ....... ....... ....... .. I .II IOOl.O-ALilO EARAtNGI ........ ... ..... . 1.11



I .

1 I

' 'I ,..

I • er ~ -


fhur1day. Apnl2t, 1111

Sale Starts . . Frf:;-Aprll 21th, 10 a: m-. -------


Save $100 on Rattan and Otaaa Etagere. (2 onty) 1 og $399 1291

Save $870 on S pc. Smoke Ola•• Coffee Table Set. 1 c-offoo table 2 ond tobltts 1 or tttble and ' lll.!gtJrtt (ona only) sold LI~ ~t rug $1 030 1360

Save $100 on Looae Piiiow Back Sofe . Cotton rioral µrmt, rust on c.run10 (t only) reg $499 1399

Save $800 9 pc . Rattan cotton cushion aectlonat sofa.re9 $2582 $1782

Save $272 on 6 pc. Pine Hurst Bedroom. one only rtH) $894 $622

Save $466 A spen 5 pc. Dining Room Set. 1 table. 2 arm chairs and 2 side cha,trs (one only) reg. $765 $299

Sf1ve 50% on Roll End Carpeting. Shags. kitchen and plu'>h tn brown~ golds, greens in Siles t 1x 12, 9x 12, 7x9 12x39 and many more carpet dept

Carpet Samples. 4 x5 Special 5 .99


Save $150 on 25" Color TV. Accuscan console. floor model only reg 829 95 679.95

Save $150 on 25" Color TV. Accuscan console with elec tnc tuning Floor Model only reg. 729 95 579.95

Molded Phonograph . Solid state (n ine only) reg 18.88 12.88

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Save 102.95 . 10 wall MCS amp1tl1er reg 179 95 Speaker<,

~7 Special f77 pr.


Lifeline Gym or Exergym exerciser . r t;:g IY ~5 Your Choice 9.88

Golf Clubs. A~sr irons A~st wuotl~

Plastic Skate Boards. reg 999· 13 99

W ilson Te nnis Shoes. Women ~ Bara (blue/White) Men '> Poly Match


Work/Hobby Bench . House Pad Painting Kit .

Special 5.99 Special 7 .99

4 .99-6.88

special 7.99 special 12.99

special 18.88 special 4.99

25% off. All 1n ::. tock and special order wallpaper.

12" Turbine Vent & base. Pair installed

Rockwell 10" Table Saw with stand and two


wings. special $187

House Paint Brush Set. Contains 4 .. and 111,·· wood handled brushes special 5.99

Mirror Scenes. Mirror murals Stalltons or Cutty Sark reg. 13.88


Save $20 on Boys 10 speed Bicycle. Assembly extra. reg. 89.99

Handy Hooker. Rug by number Kil reg 24 95

Store Houra . Mon.·Frl.

10 •.m. tot p .m. Saturday,

10 a.m. to 6 p.m. t;unday

12 Noon to 5 p.m.




11 .99

.. J



Mitt•• Shorta. Polyester tn red. white and navy Siles 8-16 Special 3.99

Dealgner Blouses. Prints rn polyester and poly/Cotton. Sites S·M·L rug $1 6 7.99

Polntelle Knit Tops . The newest 1n T·shirt styltng. d$sorted colors 1n S·M-L

Special 5.99

Jr. and Missy Pant Sale. Trousers. slacks. straight leg 101.ms reg $11 · 20 8.99

Terry Cloth Active Sportswear. Tops, tanks and 2 styles of shorts Assorted pastels. sizes S·M·L Special 2.99-4.99

Sundreases. Assorted styles in poly cotton prints. Dress Dept Special 9.99

30% to 50%. off Spring Coat Sate. Long and short coats 1n popltn. denim and nylon. Jr and mrssy sizes reg $32·$55


50% off Selected Dresses. Dresses. Jumpers and sets 1n vanou~ styles labrics ;md sizes girls oept

Girts Closeout Super Denims. Sizes 4·6x reg 7 50 S1zes 7·14reg $9

3.75 4 .50

Girl's Super Cord Jeans. Sizes 7-14. reg and sltm reg $9·9 50 6 .30

Assorted Girl's T-Tops. Vanous styles. sizes. and fabrics reg 3 99·4 50 1.99-2.99 ... Boy 's Athletic Shorts . Various colors. sizes and fabrics reg 2 50 1 .99

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Boy's Mesh Football Jerseys . Vanous colors. size 18/20 only reg 3 99 2 .66

50% off Boy's Long Sleeve Knit Shirts. Assorred styles and fabrics. Large Size only

Little Boy's Denim Vests. reg 4 99 3 .49

Little Boy's Crewneck Shirt. Sol id color with contrast trrm. reg 1 89 1 .22


50% off 1979 Calender and Date books

50% off A ssorted Novelty Gift Items . Statuettes. stainglass quotes and keycha1ns


Save $30 on JCPenney 40 Channel C .B . Closeout L.E 0 channel selec tor. channel 9 indicator and scanner. Wtth S/RF meter. RF gain, ANL. NB and PA. 116221. reg. 99.99 69.99

Save $50 on 40 Channel Base-Moblle . L.E D. selector. TX indicator. delta tone. ANL. volume squelch and pa controls. lf6237. reg 149.99 99.99

Save $70 on Deluxe 40 Channel. Bast Station. L.E.D. digital readout clock with p.m. Indicator. SWR calibrath control. 3 position on·off and automatic on. 1*6238 reg. 199.99 129.99

Save $70 on 40 Channel SSB/AM DC only C .B . L E.O. readout. AM 80 SSB selector. S~F meter. TX and RX Indicators. ANL, NB. PA and CB controls. !f6247 reg. 199.99 129.99

-rrtlCPeilney rm~~D

Sale Stade f.rl., April 27th; 10 •·····- ._,.....___


14K Gold Floating Heart• . • Small •Medium • Large ...

Special buy 4.11 Speclal buy 9 .11

Special buy 14.88

Fashion Watches • 17 Jewel • Gold and si lver tone • Ad1ustable bangle styles reg. $~5--69.50

Pencron Quartz Watches • Men's and ladies • Movements and dials manufactured

by Seiko reg. 69.95·$100

25% off selected Timex watches.




30% off Assorted Fashion Scarves. reg $2·$6 ·

Straw Hats. Assorted Fashion Special 1.99

Women·s Leather Wallets.3 styles reg. 7 50 4.99

50% off Costume Jewelry. Assorted chains, bracelets and earrings.

Velveteen Handbags. reg 8 50

Women's . undt;:rwPiH B1k1 n1 Briel


50% off Men ' s Belts . Famous maker reg. $12·$14


Special 89• Special 99•

50% off Men 's . Long po1n1 collar dress srw1s. long and short sleeve reg. $10-$12

Men 's Fashion Ties. In stripes. prints and solids reg 4 50·8 50 31'10 Men's Cord Jee;n s . Navy dnd brown reg. $15 7 .99

50% off Men 's W allets.1-amous maker assorted styles. reg. $10-$12

Men's Socks. A~~orted solid color '-

Men' s unpackaged underwear reg. 1 50-2 89

Men's Casual Hats . Assorted style» reg 99'

Men 's Pin str iped suits . 3 pc poly/blend reg. $130

Special 41'1



Men's Quad Suit. 4 pc w/l'evers1ble vest L1m1ted sizes. reg. $110 $77

50% off Men·s Plaid Suit. J oc ooivtwoot reg . $130

Men's Western Suit. reg $85




Women's. Sunbackers. sandals and wood platforms Leather. suede and vinyls 1n low and high heels. Women's sizes reg. 11 99-17.99 8 .99

Boy's. Vinyl ttre tread sandals reg. 3.99

Boy's. Suede sunbacker oxfords reg. 15.99

Girl's. Rope wedge sandals. 1ute bottoms reg. 13.99

Girl's . Patent T ·strap sandal reg . 11 .99




7 .99



~ I

~: iach ta in Im, fCO· the

tas rd· tin il'd .er er




I l ) ,,. ,.

' ! •·

_.._ _______________________________________ -- --- - ---------- - --

•• ,, .. .. 1!"'1"' . , . . .. .. - -- ... -. - ~--··. - - --- --.

' INSIDE : •Stocks __

•Business Thurtdey, Aprll 26, 1919

. ~



Angels Now Sile~t Ryan Tries to Stop Skid Tonight ,,


Clinging to first place by the narrowest or margins . the Angels are lookin g lo Nolan Ryan tonight to be their stopper

What they are aslung Ryan lo s lop ls a three-game los ing streak . wh ich the Baltimore Or ioles kept alive by lurrung rour double plays to s nuff out every Angel rally Wednesday night al Anaheim Stadium.

T HE 5.z. VICTORY hrts the Orioles' win strca' lo seven and keeps the m 2'h games back 1n the American League East race The Angels fall into a percen tage tie with Texas in the West. but stHI m ainta in a half g<1me lead .

Calirorrua should have known 1l was not to be its night from the first pitch.

Al Bumbry singled sharply to lert. but Angel outfielder Joe Rudi mis played the hop and 1t rolled to the wall while Bumbry circled the bas es lo make 1t I O

Starter Frank Tanana pit ched reasonably well but allowl'd t \\'O more r uns in the s ixth and "as s addled with the loss. hb Uurd 1n fi ve decisions .

arm will build up." Fregoal sa id . conceding that Tanana ls not in midsea59n form . " I ' m not worried about Frankie."

What he s hould be worried about are the Angel bats, which were so hot during a lO·game win s treak earlier, but have since cooled orr

In th e pas t two nights. California 's 2·3· 4 hitters in the lineup have gone 2 ror-19. a 105 average from what is supposed to be the mos t productive part or the order

ROD CAR EW IS HITLESS in his last eight at-bats , hav ing bounced intp two double plays

" Carcw 's gonna get has hits. There ain ' t no d o ubt abou t that. " said Baltimore Manager Earl Weaver " But we 'r e doing what we think we s hould be do-1ni: aga1nst him

" Wc ' H hccn making some pretty good patches on ham ." Weavl·r c·ontt nucd " But heck . v.e made some good pitches on him la::. t vcar and he hit the (bleep > out or the ba II "

The only Angel who hit the blct.'p I (JUt or the ball Wedncs da~ v.as Don lfa ylor . who un­loaded ;1 !'>olo hornC' run in the "t•n·nth In his othe r three trips to the plate. he walked.

the lowest al home this year. Another season-low was ~el ln

atleoda}lce, as 19,939 showed up a nd sat politely in the stands without making much noise

Such is the e ffect or a losin1 s treak .

" They' re pitching pretty good, · ya know." Fregosi s aid ln de · fense or his hJtters. "Steve Stone had a good curve working, and he's the type or pitche r who will always keep you in a ballgame."

T rying to follow up the back· to back pitc hing victories o r Stone and Jim Palm e r tonJght will be Dennis Martinez <O· l ).

Ryan. on the othe r hand , will be rollowing a pretty good act or his own. The rireballing right· hander has won three s traight. and in h is las t outing he !had a no hitter ror 71/:oi innings. .

Ryan, who has carved four no· hitters in h1~ career, carrie~ u 3· I record and 3.33 ERA into tonight 's game In 27 innings or work. he ha:. struck out 33 and walked 20

Of thl· Angeli. ' four complete J{ames. two belon~ to Ryan.

AN(;I L NOTIS Thp tw.llle ll<'l w11~11 Ar>Qt l\ ""•f'4Q.,,,..,,,nt •nd ••ti s..,,..,. \ elf·•PPOttntMS c N-tort•.c:te< f Ot , ,,.. ,.1uD • • , ,,..•U"Q up ~'·

lot tl'to i.e -"O n..¥.-n I ""n rum. p•r.ott. ,.,o.,,no '"" \t•ou.;m ...,..or1n; an Al\Qf'rl 1trS"y. POunGlnQ • On.t#'T\ .tnd blow1nQ '' trumpet W• Q~I C.OMPl•fnh tt bGut rum ""•tr'f' tu QtH , .. ., .. Anoe• ~ner•t

What 's the Det•ision? ·-

" I T HOUGHT FRANKi E threw pretty we ll. " said Anl!el Manager Jim f'r egosi. who n : moved his southpaw <1 rter s ix in nings for th~ second straight out 1ng.

' Ile didn 't give me anything to hit I hart one s wing in rour at· bats ," Buylor sa id " That 's a ll. On('-SWIOI! ·

M•n•Q•' 96uri. l.liva,. Ho w w ould "°" 11._e 10 .,,,, ,,.. ,, , to 11'\11 ) l~ r1uo n~l'S "4Mt n1m tOfC•tMr

• t• t led trom ,,.. \ t.01um •nd prof't1btt~ " ' '" h o m P•t ~ 1no up.,._ , t1c .,~1 ~ 0<C• \ •ONlf1 1et1 t or P'um oy tht OIAV"r\ I n Sp.tno'\• CNtense, 'I J "''''

no\11,. °"'" t1 rf ul" ""O " petlllon •I lh.e DJllCMfl\, P\OO•nQ In Q .. t .-nouqh \1Qn11turtt. 10 l"Jlt'f'\O~

m• n•Of!mtnt tc, ...... v uo on n1m 8.-0y On c-9' "' •Y"'d ll'i n1 \ 1 OOO th m • 1o r ... .,QUt o~•mt"

J¥-.on~~·v •nd '"l"D'41f"<t 0¥ •PllnQ tu ' "''' t 1t·'d 1n " '' ' ' ' ' ' ef Dt.tt fne ~f191'1"l> r'la11t> ' " " ' 11 eo di '~"'' om u1lt n t- 1 ovt o l t~ llO~ 1n .. " ,. , Qdtne tn1, \it.' • '<oOn N h O•I C. "'" ' " • "' 'lO'W" t tWo •! 1\t .,.l .. Vf'I ctQ••n\t tnt:rn

Nt•wporl llarbor 's Chm·, Johnson was ruled s <.1 fc by <Jn umpire on this play at

, ~ 1 · c·und ba !> e Wl'dntsda y Hunt ington Be<.ich 's Mik e Balliet a ppe:.ircd to ha\'e the , __ -


ball in lime but the umpire ruled he wa s not in l'ontut'I with the base whc:n he l'uui.:ht lhl' h;dl See ~tory on page 8 3

Tanana 's ea rly d eparture, , plus his rompu rnt1 vc ineHt·e·t1 v1· ness. b:1v<' fed s peculat ion th;1\ he is still not the Tanana or old

" As the sea::.on 14-earll on hi !'>

RA YLOH 'S ONt: S WING was rnorl' proelut tivl' than thl' 1:ntire J! amt• fo r rno~t ()( the o ther A ngt- b Their tut iJ I or SI x hits IS

Sonics: Too Much Muscle, Defense, Noise

Pklu Montana S t. Mc.trina High's Handv Hei · dl'nn:1i:h . fi 7 1 :.i . a thr~c-year s la rtc r and l '' o -ti me All · Sunset Ll' ill.!lll' bas kC'tball µla .Vl' r , ha:. signed a nation<il lcll er of inte nt lo :.ittend

I Montmw St<1lc: Cn iver s ity of the Hig Sky Conference. -- --- -- -

! Writers Ba11 ~ Creates Furor

f In Arlington ARLINGTON , Texas IA l' i

A furor over lhc barring or women s ports writer s from the Texas Ran~cr clubhouse e rupt t'd into a s houting match Wed nt!sday between team managt' · mt'nt and men writers also kept out o f the dress ing roo m by team pohcy

Writers hu \'e not penetrated • the Run~er door during a three·

game 11eries between Texas and the Toronto Blue Jays

In a n angry, cur ::. ing episode We dnesday ni g ht . the malt'

; writers con fronted General l Man a1te r Eddie Robin son. a

! Hange r executive vice pres i­dent. demanding that he open the doors

The male writers have been

l, bannt!d from the dressing room

l.lec11use a woman reporte r , Alis on Gordon of lhe Toronto

IStt FUROR, Pa~e 82)

S EATTLE 1 AP l Too much mus cle Too much defl•nsl' Too much noise.

Tht1t ' s what carried the Seattle SuperSonks und buried the Los Angeles Lakers m thei r National Basketball As· s oc1at1on playoff game Wednei.da y night 111 the Seattle Center Coliseum

THE t,Nt\L DEAFEN ING roar from a sellout crowd or 14 .098 rans signified a 106· 100 Seattle victory over Los Angeles that eliminated the Lakers in the best· o f-sevl•n Western Conference semifinC1l s eries 4· 1

The Sonics will defond thei r con re rence lille <1~uinst the winner of the other confe re nce sem ifinal matchup between PhOt'nix and Kansas City . The Suns lead the seril's 3· l.

look ." :-. tttd St..· <1 llll· Coa c h Lenn y Wilkens · Puul Dick , Fred and DennJ:-. 11ld a fanla!'>llc Joh

" If you can 't go tu your l)('nch. )OU n · not 1n tht• game '

fina l eight mmulei. or lhc pt:riod 111 ~ s hort ba!>ehne Jumper with 26 !>econdll ldt put Seattle ahead to stay 82-81 after three pcr1odi-

•• Wednesday night's game was won m

the second half when the Sonics. buoyt:d by reserves Fred lirown , Dick Snyder . Dennis Awtrey and Paul Silas. com htned w1Lh the noisy crowd to rattle the Lak e r s at both ends of the court

Brown, who hrokl· a bonc in hi:. lert hand thrt>t: 14-Cek:-. ago a nd still play!> with tl h(•avll y l<1pcd , and S nyder replaced ll t<1 rt1n g guards Denni !> Johnson ttnd Gu!'> W1ll1am ~ early m lhe third P<'nod v.1th the Lakcrs ahead 69-59

WILLIAMS. WHO LED all :.corer!> w1lh 30 points. returned in lhe fourth quarter and kept lhe Lake rs al bay the rcM or Lhl' way . scoring 10 of his 14 final period points fro m the foul hne

A wtrcy played 20 minutes at center . .. pe lhnl! J ack S1kmC1 . and did an out· -. tandinl! dcrens1vf' JOb against 7 fool 2

<S4>t- LAKt:RS, Pa~e 8 21 " IN THE SECON D HALF' we made

~ome s ubstitutions lo give Cl different Rrown mus t•d the• t rowd and lh<'

!;on1c!> b) pumping 1n II> point s ·n lhc

LA Can't Buy Relief

A~ WI,..,....

Dodger Bullpen Spells It C-H~O-K-E •·rom AP Dis patches

PlllLADELPlllA How dn lht· Los Ange les Dodgers spell rl' lief ? Judging from the way tht''.f jJ I .:i) ed here this week . the word bn 't 1r1 their vol·abulary

t' 01 llw third lime in ai. man) 111gnl:.. the Ph1lad<'lph1a Ph1l11e<., touched u Oodgl•r rchev('r for th t> wmn111~ run tn the bottom uf the last 1nmng Unlike lht: r1ro;t l wo games, decided in the 10th 111nmg, the Phillies won Wed 11csday 's gamt• 1n the ninth. ::; 4. 1111 Pete Huse '!> RB I ~rn,::k off Hu:k Sutchffe

DODGER MA NAG f: R '1'11111 Lasorda. who was t'rtl1t•17.cd ror his strategy in Monday 's 4-:1 lo<,!\ and ejected durinF( Tuesday '!> 4 :i loss . burked when C1s kcd 1f he was concerned with his team '!-. R·12 start.

" What kind of a question I!'> that ?" asked Lasorda " Do I look happy ·1 Sure I ' m <'On cerned What do you want me to say., I'm very conce rned ..

IL was a different scene in the Phillies' locker room .

Rose won the gam e with a two -ou t . bottom -of-the ninth single and as usual was inundat ed with media types rrothin$( ror quotes rrom the $3 2 m1lhon man

Only two reporter s nockcd to the locker space or utility man Del Unser

na seh:Jll t·arN•r had ended al tht· npt• old a~c· nr 34

.. , bet• ttmt• J rrcl' age nt arter hilling a !'>11.lling 196 la::.t )C'ar r l'cttlled Unsl·r aftN ht !'> twtl hits twlpt•d the· Ph11l1ei. ... weep tht· thn•e .gamt· ::. l'rtl'!'>

l '1tls bu1 g h. Lo~ Angele~ . ~Jn F 1 anc1s co. Philacll•lph1a . and Oakla nd ull scle<'lert him 1n tht• rtraft None offe red him d th1ng. hut It dutn l ~hClkt• Cnser ' '> ru1lh in htm!'>t..• lf

"NOBOO\' MAD~ M E an of 11•1 tha t "ould J!Uar:rntet• mt: for .1 i- t>ason . ... n I t·IN' lcd lo go through lht• ' '' l'Ond pha:r;e of tht' <lrart ... ht• addl·d . wh1e h m ade him ava1lablt: lo any baseball l<•,1m

The Ptulhes invited UnM•r lo ~pnnl! training and ~1gned him " " a ll'fthand p1nc hh1tter and 11t1l1t~ out r1 c ld t• r f1r~t ha~em ~1n

In the• firth with the Dodgers IC'a dmg I 0. I Jnser opened with a s1nJ?ll'. Anothe r s in(:?l e by Manny Trillo ;md Hob Roont> ' ll two run double ga\'l' the Phtls a 2 I lead

UNSF.R OPF.NEO the seventh with a sin~le and eventually '>cort'd on Hake Mc Bride 's s ingle that made 1t 3 l

Arter the Dodgers rallied ror three runs In the eighth on con q • cu t1 vt• hit s by Gary Thom asson. Steve Garvey . Ron Ccy and Dus ty Ra~er to go ahead 4·3, tht• Phillies won 1l in

the nrnth

to ldl .JO!.l' Card<'nul bount·l•d out . sconn~ Trillo with the tying run Larry B-0wtt walked . and tht:n Rost• grounded his gamt• "inning !'>tnglc through th<· mul dlt•

Hon He('(t l I 1n relief wo n for the second !'>tr :u ghl night uv1•r tht• Dodger!'>

Tht: Dodger~ . or cuurse . ttrc pl.ty ing without s uth starll a!'> re lwH·r Terr) For::.lcr. outf1eldt'r '> th-gf.l ll' S mith and Ri c k Monda). ,1nd rehc\ocr Charhc llough htt ll bt>cn ineCfct' t1vc

Giants Reject Japan Game

NEW YORK tl\P I The San Francisco G iants voted 16·9 Wednesday rughl lo turn down a proposed trip lo J apan with the San Diego Padres for the open. mg of the 1979 baseball season, apparently killed the plan.

The Padre players previously had approved the trip which "N8S planned by J a panese baseball official s and had won approval or the managements of both ma­JOr league teams

The games in Tokyo were scheduled for March 28-30, 1!8) with the teams playing two ex­h1b1tion games in fl awaii March 22 23 before flying o n to Japan.


UNSER PLAYED center field for the Phillies Wednesday nJghl. although ror a long while this winter and spring it appeared his

Trillo started the ninth with a si ngle . reached seco nd on a sar rifice bunt. and third when pinch hitter Greg Gross singled

. One Big Obstacle for Orange County CIF

Third of a /o'our-port Senea By ROGER CARLSON

OI Ille Oallr ~llel llatt

Fagans. the Southern Section's boss for 20 years

OranMc County sectio n would ha ve to huve a good justifi<.'alion

• not co11l any more than what It now

Balboa resident J . Kenneth Faf(ans, who took the reins of the Cl F Southe rn Section in 1954 with a t ypewriter a nd tele phone and the responsibility of 260 schools! says the only real potenUal ob· !'ltucle n the path of Orange County forming Its own ClF section is convin· clng the Cl F Southern SectJon to agr~ to the move.

" •' IRST , WO UL D IT HU RT lhe Southern Section? I think t he re are a lot o r people on the Southern Section ex­ecutive committee who reel Orange County ls the central power or the Cl F So uthern Section . T he)' ' r e a ll good drawing high schools with good a thletic programs To lake out that SS, you might say the c ream of the crop. and lea vc the Southern Section with wh11t 'is left. they mjght be opposed Lo th11t.

" Without the Southern Section '-; ap· proval, it could be overruled by the stale Cl F tor which the Southern Sc<' · tlon has rour scats on an 18-seat panel 1, and le~al action could also be a factor. especially with the e nergy crunch ..

S AN DIEGO COMMISSIONER Ken· dell Webb says a quality job rates an annual budget o( $110.000 Faguns d1s­agree11.

costs to belong to the Southern Section If you ~e l e<'t a commissioner who knows offt c1atin(l. ht.• couJd assiJ?n the 0Hic1als through his oHict'

" It would mean a s mall (leogru ph1c entity Your meelinRs could be held at a central s ite and certainly there 1s rrcc s pace avai lable within the Orunge County S<'hools. especially with the con ­tinuing declining enrollment

" The CIF Southern Section would look ut the ror maUon of an Onmge County aecllon In a different way, " says "W~ver Is formulating plans ror un

" It would seem to m e Oran~e County could form its own section ond probably

" WHEN DON CLARKSO~ took over 1 he Sun U1ego Sec lion he continued as J



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O~LY PILOT Thu~. Apn1ae. tt1"f

A Capaate Report from tM Wond of Spor1a

PCAA Winner to Play In Fresno Bowl Gam

F,..AP .... klNts FRF.SNO A MW pollt•M&llOO rootball bowl ••me will be ln.augurated ._re lD ntt.mber. 1980,

U Yretno Sta\f' Ut1l\ler11ity '1 new 30,000·auat stadium t• <"Ornpltted ln ume

The NCAA appro\lt'd I.be matt hup Wedoei1day betWffn cbampk>na of lht Patlrtc o.ut Alhlttk Aasoc1atlon and tht Mtd Aowrkan COG!ertn«

'f'br lA"nt~Uv~ ll<'h~ule la to bold the fl,.t aiame on the aeeond Saturda)' aftf'rnoon tn ~mher. l980

Out If the 1tadJum 11 not read) . the firs t 1ame wllJ bl- de htYt'd until Dl'<'~mbf.r, \181, said forme1r Con1rt1•aman 8 I" Stall . ~ad or a local aroup whJt-h agN"ed l <1 underwrite ~.000 In C'Mts 1n an appt"£Aran<-e before NrAA ortl t' aal6 Tul'b day lo Colorado . pr1n11s. Colo

ComtrucUon bid_. (or the ~tadJum will be opened nert wedt

Football "f'embers of lhe P<"AA. besides Fresno, ue C~I State Fullerton. Long Bei.ch State. San Jw;c Slattl' , Un1verM\) or Puctfk and Utah State

The Mid Amt:r1can (;onference IS comprised o ( Ball State . Rowling Green . Central M1ctugan. Eastern Michigan . Kt•nt Slate . Miami . Northern Illinois . Oh10, Uruv~rsity or Toledo and W~stcrn Michigan.

..------'l-•• •I Clw Daw-------. LongshQl Joban Kriek, who has already notched two

upsets in the Alan King Classic tennis tournament in Las Ve~as. on his upcoming match against J ohn McEnroe : " I figure I ha ve nothing to lose. HI beat him, I heal a good player H he loses to me , he loses to a sup. po'ledly bad player ."

~ Trafk B1M'laa11011 1io Clla~r• All·pro cornerback Willie Buchanon has been [il

traded to the San Diego Chargers. Green Bay ••• Paeker Coach and General Manager Bart Starr sa id today Sta rr confi rmed r e po rts that Buchanon. a free agent, was being sent to the Chargers in ex­change for two choices in the National Football League draft. He _sai~ the P ackers w ill Jtet San Diego 's seventh round cho1re tn next week's draft and its first round choice In 1980 Psychiatris t ArnoJd MandelJ is appeaJing his J977 conviction by California's Board of Medic~! Assur· ance on char~es o f o ve r . presc ribing drugs to the San Diego Chargers football tea m ... George Cr umbley, executive director of the Peach Bowl . says he will know by Friday if CBS will televise the game which has been moved from Christmas Day to New Year 's Day . Notre Dame and Navy will play at least two football games In Giants Stadium in East Rutherford . N.J . in the 1980s . .. The NCAA has set Dec. 29 as the date ror the third Hall of Fame Bowl rootball game in Birmingham . .. A committee of the NCAA has r ('affirmed its s upport for establishing an annual <'ollegc football championship playoff system . . . Second· yea r wide receiver Vlnce Kinney has signed a series of one­year contracts with the Denver Broncos . Seeking depth at wide receiver . the New England Patriots have s igned free agent Ray Jarvis. a veteran of three NFL teams . . Former University of Tennessee footha ll coae h Harvey L. Robinson died Wednesday at the age of 71.

Fro• Pa,,. BJ

AV M•.Cfe .... IW• J .. 8tl'fll d•I Pl~""'- OD b1a. astJa blrtladaJ. Clall ....... 11-

earntd ht. nrat major ltal'UI rictory by btaliAI · the workl dlampkla N~w York YukMI l.O Wecf. nftda1 ~ wlt.b Hllef help from Illa ....... M loeUb, a a.fty wW. only ooe preyioUI •tart under hll belt, t0mblDed wtUa Todd for a 1ev•·htt •hut.out. EIMwta.re iD the major leapM A.I eewe .. 1incled home ,.,... .... wttb two out lft the boll.om of the D1nlb iu1DI to live Kuau City a 7 ..

wln .over tbe Chlea10 Whit• Sox . .. Jela•IU' 0..... hit a plnch·blt •Incl• to 1core A.I OUYer ln the 10th lnnlnc to pro. vide Te•u wlth a 4.3 eqe over Toronto . . • MUwaukee w111 two out.I away from a poulble vlctorf when rain forced po1tponem~nt o 'lhetr t•me aeatnn Detroit. The Brewers were leadlnc 3·2 ln the top of the nfth lnnln1 and lt wu called after a two hour, 18·mlnute wait .•. Boston' s Jim Wrl111t• pitched Oawleaa baseball for Mil innlngs and the Red Sox

• 11,..no went on to beat Seattle. 4·1 . .. A two-run double by Jolua Ca.U.O in lbe ninth inning 1ave Mlnneaota a • 2 vlctDry over Cleveland . . . Dave Puller doubled off loser Due T'>mllD to lead off the 11th inning for Piltabu1b. went to third on an lnlfeld out and scored on PlU Ganer'• sacrifice fly l-O .IOvt lhe Pirates a 3·2 victory over Cincinnati . . . Cr•l• t;waa tossed a two-hitter and Job S&eanu lined his first home run of the season lO pace the New York Mets to a 2-0 lnumpb over San Francisco . . . Jerry WllKe'a three-run homer capped' a five· run first inning that carried Montreal pasl San Diego, 9-6 ... Denali Lamp scattered five hits and Dave 1DA«man and Bobby Marcer blasted home runs to lead the Chicago Cubs t.o a 4-0 victory over Houstoo.

Goo*H Na•~d Pac· JO Seef••er ol I' ear Miss ion Viejo's Brian GoodeU, who has won •

si x individual NCAA swimming titles at UCLA. was named Pacific· IO swimmer of the year for the second lime in a row . . . Calilornia race tracks will remain open until at least May 4 after a s uit prevented the state Horse Racing Board from making any decision re· garding the current parimutuel clerk strike ... Joa Crosby, 25, has been appointed interim djrector of athletics al San

Jose State after Bob Murpb1 announced he would not return when his contract ex · pires in July ... lsao Aoki and Kenjj Mori

• of Japan share the first round lead of the C huni chi Crow n Jtolf tournament in Nagoya, Japan . Americans Larry Nelson, Rlk Massengale and Bob Byman were three-over.par at 73 . . . PeCer Lorimer set up both goals as the Toronto Blizzard finall y reached lhe win column in North American Soccer League play by downing the 'Tampa Bay Rowdies. 2· J. A

cooonL erowd of 4 , 193 watched the game in Toron-to . . Oscar Mlnnda, winner of lhe maste r 's division In last week 's Boston Ma rathon , was disqualified because ofhcials have no evidence he covered the 26-mile. 385-yard course Miranda, originally clocked in 2:16.31. says he wore a jersey over ttls entry number . a technical violation of AAU rules ... S ugar Ray Leonard will c hallenge Wilfredo Benitez of Puerto Rico for the World Boxi ng Council welte rweight title in either September or October. promoter Bob Arum said today. The scheduled IS-round fight would be held in the United States. Arum said. New Orleans and Las Vegas are believed to have the inside track. Leonard, 22, an Olympic champion from Palmer Park, Md .. is undefeated m 21 pro bouts .

T~on,Radfo TV: Horse Racing. Today ul ll<> llywood P urk , 7 p m .

Channel 52 RADIO : fia~eball Ralt1more at AnJwh., 7 25 p m .

KMPC moi Horse Racing Toda) <it Holly ~1)Q(j P ark . 8 30 p.m .. Kl.AC 1570 )


KANSAS CJTy, Mo. CAP> - 8"lt Wedman'• 21 point.a, doled If the Kamal \..,ty Klnta bad the •ap to IO-71 OD Bob Nub's tbelr bacb any cloMr to I.be layup wltJa 10;17 left IA t.be wall, u the la.Yin& aoea. theJ'd 1•m•. be •••ndl"I bebhMflt. But Idler "'1 Ford milMd a

But ev.a tbouab bl• t.am •bot tbat would bne tied It. the laces a 3-1 defklt to~ Pboenlx Suna rattled off •11bt un· Suu In the NaUooaJ Bullet~ annrered poln~!. 7. four by Aaaoclatlon playoffs . Kines Weatpbal - and u-. Kiaae were Coach Cotton Fit.ulmmons re· never cloeer than ell)sl polnta malu Mr.-Optlmiam. -~Leu alt.he 01.

.. PEOPL E WILL SAY . "EVENIJ'ftlEYwou.ldbave 'They'll throw in the towel now.' tied lt or gone ahead, .. said But t guarantee we won't." said We1tPhal, wbo bad beeD held to Fitzsimmons Wednesday night Just l2 point.I ln tbe two pre. aft.er the Suns dealt lbe Midwest vlous games, " the fact that we Division winners a crlppllng outplayed them down the ~b 108-94 bomecourt loss. wastbekeyfactorforua."

Phoen.ix could wrap up the The Suns, who finished the be1t ·Of· seven Western Con · game with 53 percent ahootlne. ference semifinals with a vie· had 20 points from Garfield tory ·over the Kingis Friday night Heard and 17 each from Walter in Ariiooa. Dav1sandAlvanAdams.

Neither Fitzsimmons nor Suns Coach John MacLeod . however. is ready to count out the Kings. the most suri>rising team in the NBA this season.

·'There were a lot of people who thought we would throw in the towel with five games to go in the season," s aid Fitzsim­mons, whose team had to win its final five games to edge Denver for the division crown.

"WE DIDN'T THROW in the towel , and I ask you, ' Who are the Midwes t Divi s ion chal'n · pions '?"

T h e Suns r ode a 26 · poif\~ performance by Paul Westpha.t and solid overall s hooting to down the Kings. who shot just 40 percent for the game and onJy 22 percent in the second quart.er when Phoenix built a 52-45 lead. In their first two playoff losses. the Kings, 49 pereenl shooters aU year. hit just 40 and 38 per cent.

Kansas City . which was led by

Fre. P8ffe SJ

FlJROR ••• Star. was also denied admission.

Robinson called the meeting with the writers before game time to explain the front office position.

" We had a meeting with the players in spring training in which I brought up how I felt we should do it," he said . "They quic kly t.old me they had their rule and that was it."

That rule, he said, was no women in the clubhouse.

" We caM ol tell our players what they ca n do in the clubhouse." Robinson insisted. " I talked to Ule A m erican League office today and they said you can 't tell them what they can do in there."

'The meeting between writers a nd Robinson grew progress ive­ly hostile before they cooled off a nd left tht: issue unsettled.


LA.KEHS OUSTED. • • Kareem Abdul-Jabbar .

For the Lakers, who shot over 60 percent in the firs t ha lf for a 59.53 lead, things began to fall apart in the third period and got worse in the fourth .

·'The fourth quarte r was onr of those quarters you JUSt don 't want t.o play, " said J erry West, the Lakers · beleaguered coach " The more noise the crowd ge nerated, lbe more we lost our poise.

lorced us to take bad shots " in the second half.

In the firs t half. the Sonics " weren't doing the things that got us Into the playoffs.·• Brown s aid . " ln the second half we got the ball moving and things Start· ed to happen "

Despite the lops ided series, West said. " J thought we had a ~oocJ s eason . but sometimes • !ha t 's not enough .


Six Soccer Stars Accorded AJl-CIF

Six Oran~c Coast area socrer stars have been named All-CIF

" I THJ1'l{I( AGAINST a good tea m sometimes you try to e->me back too quick, and tha t 's what we were doing in lhe fourth qu a rte r ."

" I thought we played almost as well as we could play in this series Seattle 1s a very good team They should give most· teams they face proble ms the rest of the way "

It was rumored weeks ago th3t West would resign as coach al the end of the current seasort. teacher on a part tim e basts to

keep his re l1rt>me nt , medical and tenure goin~ . They took almost a ll of their ideas from the Southern Sec tion . but on a :>maile r scale. The CJ F monthly bulletin Is very fancy now. But the information could be done as a mimeographed item

·· When I sta rted we used the lll'lms t-"'oundallon mimeograph ma chine and aHdrcssoJ{raph . I had take n a ye ar 's leave of ubsence ltS principal or Centen· nial High and a $3,000 cut in sa lary.

" Al the s tart or the second year I really had a decision to make. lo ,give up m y kacher's retirement and tenure with no vis ible assets But f looked at the playoffs and I knew the rormal would not raise revenue. So we started with the I ·A. 2·A and 3-A anct developed from there

" WHILE I WA S th e Cl F Southern Sc~tion rom missioner. the San Oie~o Section and Cen· tra l Coast s tarted. They came to me and asked how they could do whal we were doing. I can see the same thing happening 1n Orange County ... If they want to form a section.

" You would have to design it to cut a few corners, but they could make it a s uccess, with a bud get oUS0,000 n yea r ."

Fagans cites a couple of ad·


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vantage)> for Oran~t· C'ounl ) . ' r or tnSIClnt' t '." sayl> f'a~<ln)>,

" you r 1nd1v1dua l ., ports like wrestling. trark. :.w1mming an Orang(' County st'rtion would de· rive a very good r c-..,cnue Crom their activities in the playoffs . Right now. you get nothing. The Southem Section tak<'s it all.

"THE ONLY REVEN UE the schools share in the playorfs are team spo rt s a nd n ow the Southern SectiCJ n is asking 50 percent of a ll tl'am s ports, in­c luding the first round of the playoffs. which leaves ea ch school with 25 percent <ipiecc.

" Non-revenue sports . s uch as tl'nnis and golf, wou ld benefit because you would e liminate the long trips schools must pay for ··

Fagans' monetary figu res dif· rer drastically from Webb's in San Diego and he expla ins : " In this day and age. you ran do 1t with a ridiculously low figure , or you can do it with frill s. Rent free faci lities. usin g mimeo· g raph mater ial s a nd county mailing thost' arc things in <1n austl'rt.' burlgcl

· ' S an Die go's bud get 1s $110,000, but they 3re doing hm· ('ier things, payin~ travel a l· low a nces. sending represe n­ta ti ves to national conventions and state meetings and many other things of that nature.

"A budget o f $50,000 i s austere. hut you could get hy You would probabl y m ake money on o $50,000 budget.



" ANO Tllf.Rt: .\RE 11 lol of Olht·r y, a~:. lo gl'l help .... uch a~ Dr Pepper. which pays S.10.0oO a yea r for awards ror the <:IF Southern Sect ion TherC' are dozens of ways to get help."

Dissenters of such a mon~ ean present many potential pro­blems. Bul aside from the ul ­tim ate refusal of the Southem Section and state, Fagans says all others can be overcome .

" Take the case of the small schools. Maybe there are not enough in Orange County to have a playoff system . But the re a rc not enough in San Diego. e ithe r , so you could put the two together," says Fag ans .

r THE Clf' Southe rn Section too big. with 477 sehools under its Jurisdiction ?

" It is probably getting too bi~. " says Fagans ... It is la rger than most states . With size. though. there a re advantages that you have to consider. They may do a better jpb of serving all of the schools . Also. you have more divisions in the playoffs .

·'There is no question it could be done <forming an Or ange County section >. it's oow a ques­tion or wh e the r or not th e schools in Orange County want to do it. They'd have lo check out the plussc5 and minuses. it comcs downtothat ·

Friday : Is the re jus tification '>


l ' n1\ers 1t y l11 gh <; Ke vrn Wa ld('r , John Gl('nn and Nader RC'dja1a n . along wi th Mater Oei's P au l Kihm and San Clemente 's Doug Sanch('z and Rirky Garcia were chosen.

Walder is a firs t team choice. Glenn made the third tea m and Redjaian was select('d to the third t eam aft e r th e Tro­jans advanced to the Cl f'' cham­pionship game before falling to Mark Keppel.

Kihm was also a firs t tea m choice. while Sanchez earned ~econd team honors and Garcia was a third team selection .

For the fifth time 1n f1 \'e ga mes the Sonics beat the Lakers on the boa rds . thas time 50·37.

" They are very sound ." West said of the Sorties . " They don't beat tbemselves . 'They' ve got all their strong people inside on the boards."

" They can accord to mi ss because they get more shots." s aid Lakers guard Lou Hudson. "They 're much bigger than we a re."

ABDlJL.JABBAR, who led the Lakers with 25 points and J4 re · bounds. said, " Their defense

" My pl ans for the future will be known in seven to 10 days." lw said " Otherwise, I have no comment on future plans . ·•

CdM Ranked Third Corona del Mar Higb's Sea

KinRS. runaway leaders in the S ea View Leagu e baseball ehase. are tbe only Orange Coast area prep team listed In the CIF Top 10 polls, with a No. 3 ranking in the 2·A classifica· lion .

Baseball Standings JOHMSOH & SOM



A a gels Texas Minnesota Kansas City Chieago Oakland Seattle

W L Pd. GB 12 6 .667 JO 5 .667 ~ 10 6 .625 1 8 8 .soo 3 7 10 .412 4 'r'l 6 J2 333 6 5 l~ .278 7

East Dlvlslcftl Boston 11 4 . 733 New York 10 7 .588 2 Baltimore 10 8 .556 2~ Detroit 6 5 .S45 3 Milwaukee 7 8 .467 4 Toronto 6 J l .353 6 Cleveland 5 10 .333 6 -...,·.1c­

l!l•lll1Nrt s."""" 1 Mlllflt~ •. Ctev•l.nd 1


Houston Cincinnati San Franrisco San Diego Dodgers All ant.a

W L Pct. J2 s 706 9 9 500 9 J () 474 R ll .421 H 12 .400 5 12 .291

East Division Philadelphfa J 1 4 . 73.'l Montreal JO 6 667 Chicago 7 ll .538 St. Louis fl 7 .53.1 New York 6 8 429 Pitts burgh 6 10 .J75

-IA.t1't S<~H Pllll.t<le41lfM• S, ~' PIU\bur9113. (lrt< lnnAll 1111 •Mlf\O•I MOntre.o4 • , 5"n 01-00• Chl<<t90 • . HOU\ICfl 0 SI LOVI~ •t All<l'llf. OOd . , . ,,. ~, .. Yori! 1. S.n Fr-•KOO

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M llw..,.._ ISle\on 0.1 - C..1-11 J.I I Cl•vel- t,.~ 0.11 •t • .,. .. , CttY l~

0.1 1. 11 Hew Yori! I Tl.-.1 0. 11 •I ()Mtl- , .... 0.)1,

" l!le\IOft (~ .... tv I II •I Sffttle I M<~llfl , 01. ,. Oftly.-\~ .......... o-..

llottOfl •I~." Clevel...cl •t •-•City, l'I M llw..,.. .. el 1-o. II ll• lllmore •t 0.-i.f'O. ,. Ml~ .. O.troH. " New y-., Sffttl•, " hu•••~· "

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Ol'ltr ~ tclledllled ~ ....... , 0.fM'l

e>...-n .i - Yor• n s.<> Fr8ft<ltco el_,, .. , ( Ille-•I A llMll•. " Hou~IOl'I •I P1n so.iro11. ,. S t lOV•\ttt Ctnt•fttwih n S4n 0.-<tl Pllll-lptw#, n

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STEALING SECOND tlunungt o11 llt-d<'h High ':, Mik e Bulllct ~kul~ :,~tond a s

i'.t· " purt th .. ~• th :, Brad Westcott takes the I h r<rn

Sailors Upset HB CdM Clinches Tie jOr Title

~ewporl Harbor High '~ Sailors e rupted for ~even runs in lhe fourth inning . highlighted hy two -run douhl Ps b y John Altobelli and Don Selby to UJJ'>l't Sunset Leagul! base ball leader Hunti ngton BPa r h Wed nesda y afternoon. J HI, on the winner':. r1eld .

T h e Sailor!> co ntinu e · to threate n for a CJF playorf bt-rth with the victory, which was C1lso aided by the pitching of junior knuckleballer J ohn Cul ver who had pitched three inning~ thls seas on .

Cul ver went lhc dis h.ince 1n hold1nj:! o rr th e hard -h itting Oile r s w1lh h i s knu C' kl c r . <tl lhoug h Hunting t on Beach d1dn l exactly go down without a fight.

The Oilers got two-run homns from Cory Jo' unk etnd Kt·v'1n As bra m the s ixth and seventh before Culver put the hd on

Elsewhere Wedn esday . Marina 5, Westm inster I

The Vikings c racked a tic for third place in the race for a CJ fo' 4 - A playoff b e rth - with Wes tmins ter behind the fivt• hi t pil<'hing or Bo h Judge, who s truck out e ight and walked four 1n the Sunset League s kirmish

Chuck Hines went three-for . four with two doubles and thn.-c HUI , wh ile teammate Bob Grandstaff added three s ing les und an RBI an four trips t.o thc pl ale

We s tmin s t e r 'i. Alfrcclo Ho drigucz had lwo hits and Wes tmin s ter p1t r her l> C1v1d lfa rrt l-> also s tru(•k out eight and w a lk l'd four. but s urrt·ndered cight s afot1cs lo tht• winner ::.

Corona llf'I Mar J , ('os ta Me11a O ( ' 111 11na d<•I Mur lhgh 's Sea

l\wgs 1.·ontinucd the ir m ustery over St·a Vll'W L<·ague foes with a 3 0 dt•t1s1on over v1s1tang Cost a !'ftesa <as p1 ll"her S te ve LA!s li e hand<'ufft'd thP Mcsa ns on two hits. hi s thml s hutout o f the C'ampu11~n

Th t• \ irtory g 1vt' s the Sea K 1ng-; no "'Orse than a t ie fo r the le<iguc champ1ons h1p a ll that 1s neccsi.<1ry fur th<· outright chu m 1s one victor y (1r one Es t<1nc1a loss in thc.nc•xt three games

Lc•id1e s tru <'k out eight and wu lk<•d onlv one batter in im 11rov1 ng h1~: league record to 6-1 <Hid uvc rull m ark to 8 1

f:s tanda 13, Uoive rs :ty 4 Es ta ncia Jligh 's Eagle!. over ·

c-a mc a pair of home runs in lhc f irst inning by Un 1vers1ty ' s Da vHI Langmade itwo-run shot> :1 11<1 J im Gleason a s they s truck "1th a n eight-run fourth ·1nmng, k(•yt·d by Marty Kunsnddle 's g rnnd s lam homer

Thi· Eagks had scored twice 1n the tturd inning on a n RBI s ing le hy Mike Williams und a run :-. <·11ring doub le by Bob Larimer heforl' Kans riddlc a nd

Newport Nears Crown Newpo r t H arbor ll 1gh ' s

Sai lors moved another notc h c loser t o the Su nset League volleyball ch<.impions hip Wed· nesday night as they s hoved hos t Huotin&'lon 'Beach as1dt: 1n three games

The Oile r s were wuiting for Newport Harbor's heralded out fit and a vocal c rowd and the s terling play of Huntington Beach' s Ke nny Gr iest he lped put the Sailors down by a 14·8 count in the first game.

But the Oil('rs netted the ball in trying for tht· winner . <.ind the

v1 !>1lo rs res ponded hy reeling off eight s traight prn nt:. with Kyle S laul!hll'r :-. c·r ving S l<iughte r hall a pair or scn ·1cc aces m lh<ll ~pan

" I t hink thal broke lluntington 8C'ac·h 's bark." '><lid Newport Harbor Coa1•h Churlte Brunde " We· got i.om1· gn·al ha ck court play from Ted Cox and Bruce Cald well and l\ylc n ·a lly played Wt•IJ "

The· Sailors "'cnt on to capture the fi rst set, 16· M. then never t railt•d tn rN·ording two 15-10 Vt•rdH'h

Secrist Throws Two-ILtter

mates turned the game ms1dc out an inning later

Williams fini s hed w1lh two hits. Kans riddlc twd five ROI and freshman Jim McCah11l add ed an RRI doublf' 1n the st'vt•nlh frnmc an the Sea View Ll' <Jguc VIClOr)

E l Toro 11 , Irvin.- 4 El Toro remains a g<1mt·

beh ind second-place E stancia in

the Sea View League following its victory over Irvine .

El Toro was the recipi ent of 15 g ifts an the Corm of eight walks a nd seven I rvinc· e rrors. und com bincd "'1th e ights hits of their own . t he Chargcr i. were never in trouble .

El Toro is at Es tanci a f'rid<l y afternoon 13 151 in what could be the key to C<le h 's pl<lyoff <.'hances .

OcHn View 7, Ke nnedy 6 Ocean View 's Scahawks pulle<.1

lo within a ha lf game of third place in Empire League action with a H3 victor y over Kennedy al Glover Field in Anaheim.

The Scahawks. who h<id lost four one·run dcc1s10ns earlier in

lea~ue. pull ed 1l out 1n the seventh inning as Ooug Irvine sing led and Eric llungcrle , who had do ubl e d twi ce curlier . reached ba!ioe via an e rro r

Ra y Kotl e r 's sac rif1 C'e fl y scored the tying run . then Chris Schulz singk'<I to le ft -center for the winner

Wayne Carlander ret1rt.'<1 the s ide in orde r in the s ixth a nd seventh innings lo prese rve the ' ic to r y.

Dana llllls I, San Cle m e nte O Dana Hills continued to stay

within reach of a Cl F 2-A playoff be r t h as Urad Kinney s tined hos t S<.in Clemente on two hits en , route t.o the South Coast League triumph.

The winning margin came in the sevent h inning as 8111 Crowder s ingled and ended up on third base when he was hit by

\. t he ball in C:t douhle plC1y al· Thmpt. The ball <:a romed into the ou Ui e ld a nd h<' C'nded up on third. The n Gary Tove:y ~mgled to plate the winne r

Golden Wes t College 's wome n's for the season and 6·1 in Southern softball team s wept pas t host Santa Ca liforrua Conference action. Monica Wednesday a fte rnoon 2·0 On the high school level. Llsa Buc-bebind the two-rut pitching of clnde~ ci ni pitched a one-hit s hutout to give

. ·'-

ThUtldly. Apnl 26. 1979 OAILV PILOT


Into the Big Time ~on·a bu.lte1bal.Lem,pire woo'l bave

t!C lrviM to kJck around anymore. Kept under wraps when they we r en 't being rapped. the Anteate rs have finally taxcn that la&t big step into the big Lime.

In addition lo hla llnt-yeJr duties as lb • school's third women's buketball roach In four years. Andrea also doubles u an IMl1tant c0ach in the men's program where. naturally. his m ain duties are recruiting. But unlike the men 's te.m, which is predom1nately rrom the San Franclsco­Oakland 1trea, Andre8 didn 't go rar to recruit the women.

They ' ve gone rec ruiting. Swept inlo history like dust under a rug are

the: days M 26-game losing streaks, winless con­ference campaigns, empty gyms a nd .250 shooting percentages. One of the first p layers Andrea landed was

Newport Harbor 's Jeanie Wolfe, 8 5·8 guard · forward he likens to Michigan State 's Ervin ''Magic" Johnson. The n cam e 5.7 Mater Del guard Karen Grams. 6-1 Long Beach J ordan center Catherine Hamilton and 6-0 Palm Springs center Andrea tlay .

GONE IS T HE IMAGE of walk-ons from the intramuraJ programs recruited by flyers posted on bulletin boards. Sealed are the scorebooks fiUed

"w1lh 50 and 60-point de feaL<>. Forgotten a re the days of UCI cente rs looking up to opposinlll guards .

No longer will Irvine be a sort touch on the sc hedule. whipping girls to pad the s tats agains t . fall gals to keep the s ubs happy. After four years of taking their lumps . the Anteaters are ready to

.. It 's like the days in Ne w York , when recru iters would come in and raid the city players,·· says Andrea, who hails from the Big Ap­P.le " Now. recruiters a re coming into Cali fornia and ra iding our back yard . s tart dJstung them oul

Either that or Dean Andrea 1s going to bt: «.:et tang a lot of crow .

" Our gocil is to be tht:' best women's team o n the '>' est coac h ," s ay s Andrea. d1v1ng h ead f1r '> l into th e pr l'SS Ur l' (' OOk c· r " Women ·s- s ports" arc Just about he re.· and wc ho pt• to lead lht· w <.iy ..

Whethe r that 1s JU l> l hot air or cold facts n· mai ns to b<.> seen but ,\ nd rea has bc>cn doing a m a s l l.' rful JOb o r rc<:ruitmg . Armed with only parl1al ANDREA

.. Jearue was om· of the players we definitely had to have . She gave us c red1b11ity in our a rea . We 're tired of seeing a ll the ta lent flood to UCLA We're not going lo lose to them anymore ..

Andrea was n 't Jus t talking about recruiting battles when he said that a nd he put himself out on a limb when he eltplamed why.

" I've told everybody that 1f I can go out and get the players. we can turn this progra m around r·vc seen ll1llie Moore coach a nd I don 't think ~he's a better bas ketball coach than I am.

" (fear no onl' We welcomt· lhe UCLA 's, the Long Beach Sta tt• '-; Sure. I'm putting a lot of pres su n' on mysel f bt·causc I want to M.'t' if I ' m a '> good a couc-h <1s I think I am But I wouldn 't !},• s aying 1t 1f I d1dn 't think we could do 1t "

scholars hips. confined hy ll ~ht l\ IAW ' regulat1ons and f1Ahlmg tht: s liAma of UCf' s 9 39 record th<· last two years. Andrea lant.lt·d Silt All-Cl f' blut· l' h1ppcr:-.

Thert• <.irc st·vN<.il advantages lo coachmg women baskl'tball players: tht· most 1mr>ortant be mg the s1mplt' fact th:it women don 't dream of pla ying in the NBA . But there arc somt"problt•m ::. For 1nslant 1•

Uo you still t·all tl a m:in to m C:t n de fense" Is an <H' l' M'on·r a one-woman s how ·1

Still . 11 ·s lou~h to kt· l·p up with l ht: Joneses and the Bruin.'>

. Will tlll'rt' l>t· s1·unllly dressed , '>hrtll y v111c•"d rah rah guy' Jumping UI> a nd down lht· .,1dchne' •

Will lhF't~mcimttmt• bt• J\nll'atcn:ttes·1

C;in /\ndn·a cv(•r bt· a1.:ce11led as ' 'one 11( Lht• guls""

" Wt: don ' t ha\e tht· fund' to 1(1\t• full rirh:s i! nd \H' lost four g irls l1J muJor un1ver:-.1lle\ wht:n 11 <·am l' do"'n to t·1th(:r us or llu•m and they offcn·d more mont·} ... s ays Andrt·i! .. Hut wt• did gel four rt·a ll y g reat pl ayl· r -; w ho turn ed down full '>t0 hohirs h1ps to t·omc ht·n · and it 's tlwm thul we 'rt• i::o1ng to bu1ld around ·

Will th1.·n · ht· f:inl-> 1n th<.· .,land..,"

UCI Explodes At the Plate, In the Field

UC Irvine's ne w-found hitting power continued in force Wed nesday as the Anteaters rapped out 15 base hits Unfortunately, th e o pp <J ne nl . Coac h Gar y Adams and his v1s it1ng UCLA Rruins. countered that with 20 hits of their own a nd parlayed 1t rnto a 14·1 I non·confcrence col leg ia le baseba ll victory

UC LA 's winning m argin came with three runs in the e ighth 1n-. ning . of which two were plated by o ne of four UC I miscues dur ing the afte rnoon

In the bottom of the ninth the hosts rallied t.o load the bases, but went down empty handed The Anteaters stranded a dozen runners. six in the last two in nings

.Jim Dawson was three·Cor four with a double a nd two s ingles, Mike ll ir:mo was three for -si x and Mike Nagle had three hits tn fi ve trips to the plate for the Anteate rs .

UCLA's Jim Auten hom ered twice, the firs t with two runners on in the first inning and a solo Job 1n the s ixth for his 22nd and 23rd four-baggers of the season

UC Irvinc"s base hits total 40 in two days with Tuesday 's 25 agam st Los Angeles State.

Will m ale n ·portcr\ fi ght to bl' m.lm1llt•d 111 t h1• hH' k<•r room "

Will • .H1}bo1h t'H•n run•"

Edison Rips Lions Tars, Oilers Win Track Meets The finaJ day of Sunset League

dual track and fie ld meets Wed · nesday he ld fe w s urprises but more than 1L<> norm al s ha re of multiple wmners

A triple by Steve Odgers and doubles by Mike Dotterer a nd Jon Bulle,r kept Edison unbeC:tten 1n dual meets fo llowing Wed · nesday's 81 ·55 win over vis it.mg Westmin.'>ler

Kevin Jefferies doubled an the weight events to lead Newport lt arbor s wee ps as the Sailors overca me a triple by Kev in Romine to beat Fount<A& n Valley , 77 59

AND DOUBLES by Tracy Mc Donald and Deron Linsacum of Huntington Be a c h ove r s hadowed <.i hrilhant dis tance double by Marina 's ·Matt Blaty as the Oilers wound up the dual t·a mpaign - 5 I with an 88·48 triumph on the road

Bialy won the mile in 4 25.2 and the two·mlle in 9.42 2 to bt!at ll untington Beach's Gordon Duff e as ily in both events

LiMacum long jumped 21 2' ? and ran 52.7 in the 440 wtule Mc Roberts turned in throws of 44 .11 1, .. in the s hot put a nd 136·2 in the discus for the Oilers

MARINA'S 808 MIYAOKA set a ::.tadium record by going 43 6 in the triple 1ump.

Edison's Butle r . a sophomore , went 4:49.7 in the mile but had a more impressive time in the two-mile 19·35.5 ) Ootterer won both s prints. tt.e JOO in 10.0 and the 220 an 23.J, while OdJ.":c r i. tripled in th(• h igh JUmp 16·2 1. long JU mp f 19·9 1..<1 I a nu triple JUmp 142-9 1:- •

The meet ' s t op mark wa s. turned m by Steve Davis, whn went l•t 4 m the 120 high hurdle.'> for a non-wmsled season ~st.

FOUNTAIN VALLEY 'S Romane did a ll he could, winning the 100 110.11, 220 123.5 1 and long 1u m p 121 S J But Ne wpo rt ll arbor 's J e ffe ries led Sailor s weeps in the s hot put 152·4 > <.ind d iscus 1147-7 1 and the Tars aJso !>Wept the polt• vault and lo" hurdles to up their league record to 3·2

Scott McKay pole vaulted 14·0 for Newport. while Rudy Jiminez took tht· 440 in 51 4 and Nowell Kay the lows in 40 3

In C:t South Coas l mee t Dave ll a n co<'k o r Sa n C l e ment" doubled m thl> horizonta l JUmps t 19-7, 44-11 l a nd David Howard doubled in the dis tances <4 :43.6. !J 58 O > to lead San Clemente pas t Laguna Beach , 80-55. Jay Thorson tnpled and Norm An· derson doubled for the Art1sLs.

YOU'RE A WINNER. DOESYOURBODYSHOWIT? You've invested yet:lrs , .......... Secnst. Sa n Clt.>menle a 3·0 South Coast

The RusUe rs scored twice in t he League victory over Dana ffill s . Also firth inning whe n Secrist drove . in s parkling was the defens ive play or

While They Last! on your educdtion. Then more long yecJrs on your career. Building,

Hele n Gilligan with a sacrifice ny third baseman Lis a De nsmore. and Chris Stock scored on a Santa El Toro stopped Irvine. 10-7, in Sea Monica e rror. View League play. leaving both

Secrist struck out three. walked teams with 6-1 league records. Suzi two aod allowed no one as far a s Vargas had two doubles and a sing le third base. The Rus tle r s are now 25-6 in four lrirJS to the plate for Irvine.



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You're a winner: Prof es· sionally, socially. to your family. But does your body reflec t that?


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• . .



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UCLA ti, UC '"'"' 11 UC.L A O J 001 031 14 70 i UC Irvine OOJ ISO 020 II IS •

S<llmtot, P6Qt> 1) 1 Woll " ' lonQ ISi Y OunQ , , , ~ Amm~tort , frtorna) 1/1

l>omrf\, Woehlot' Il l Bel"nQllr t• I •nd IC.lllW W LOllQ l Wle l \IOO HR · UCLA Aut t n t?1

H•.,"" 10, LOOQ BN<.h Sl•le O BIOll J, °""""" 2 All1sit Peclflc 10, UC Al,,.rsoa. 4

S.vlMnl gjlf_.. a.tlMll AIM<l•ll-Ctnftf-• 0 Ytflll

W L T Gii W L T Cel S1a1e Fut11110 10 1 l JI 10 I Lono BeKh Stile 10 l 0 " 31 IS 1

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~···~ UC lrvlM at SM! 01990 C1 1 Sl91e Fllilef'ton el lonQ S.1<1\ Sl•le P_'dl ... .. C.I ~ .... Los Aneelet U C s .... 11 Ber-• .i loyole

Rustlers Now 26-0

Golden West College's unb e aten women ' s basketball team made it 26 in a row Wednesday night as it dismantled visitiog Santa Monlu College with a sectmd­halr bUt.s ln a 99-54 rout.

The victory cllncbed Golden West's flrat-ever Southern California Con­ference cbamplooship in wo men ' s b11ketba ll . The Rustlers were co­c ham plon s 118\1 year with Cypress.

Tbe Rustlers broke loon fro m a 38 -30 hall~lme bul1e with 1 32.. spurt, keyed by 15 point& fr om Ka r e n G11e, wbo t1n1lbed wU.h ti for tbe even.in«.

Thurtday Aoril 78 1111

K IOK K..00~ 1111w,.n M•lf- I I """'"'111.,. ... { R •

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HO Fr'""" 0.-l•tro <SI P•ull, 11-l ,, 1211 . Donn 5'1• .... ,. IL8 Wllson1. • ·1. 1•0.

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Da n "'• 0 1e IG.troen Grove•. &·S ?JO Ouanerbaek• C. ol Complo,. I F ounl•1n

Valley 1 11-t . lllO. J•ll Teolot<S IWdrre" '· i..o. 118

Runn1nq b.Kk\ M ik e Doller• • I EOIMl<'I. l>·O. 113. Uoyd He~rl>Oft !Gdr.,.1141 !>-10, t'I\, KtVV6" J,n • .,.., 'V••n•c.ti• \ to, 110 Stanley Wi lson tLA 0 .tnnono1 b o 1•s

Oetense End • - ICtn OeSh<lno ICe,,von l, 0-1, 115

M"e Richardson, !ComplOll l , l>·O, 1'10. TeclOt\ 4'nthotly CelClw•ll 1Cer\On l f>.4.

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Dell, 4-2. 110 linttb<tOen M ike Lt\IN 1£1 _,,,. 1

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tt JU ~ J M tv •nJ9' '' M '" t • f J ' M1.,.vc.;~ ., M I b 1 W hJlmu ,._.

t i~ ) M M lm H 40' PV 1 (•lf d n l tl H I/ 0 1 A nOt t M

II b J ltU<l"l • d •M II V S P t M<. Oot1ttl'1 H U U • 1 8tumm•·f

H I ... f) • l Vilt• ( ..... M ·~11

O f I N.( ()on;tl•t H 'l<>I 1 0 11 lo '1

n) ) C.,rt. .. n M • '1'1 n

S•n Clrm~nte to. U9wn• But ll SS 100 I llml! r.on l 10) 1 4'r db<

10 ~ J l Y\I"' s ·~ ~ 110 I AncJPt \C'n L '' 4 /4 f db4! 1

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l 1 QI ~ l H 111 <. 1 10 \ M tl.. t ... Oo1111 ttrd S • 1) b H J qQdt O

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J Wadl!' \ •1 • 1

Pv I I J"~ll rS• 17 0. 7 0 C.•<1ct~ •Sr 11 0, 3 Brot ttnJn LI 17·0

SP I Oo,.hron9 l'i• SI • r, 7 f ll" •b 0 J 91n1.- l 1 • I· •

(J T I (lurk •LI 1)1 ~ ., 1 Doehring •S l\b J J Bm••v l • u1 0

UnlVff'tlly '°· Irvine 4S 100 1 6 111111>\ •U 1 10 o. 1 Oull • 1 • 10 1

Lonq 11 1 10 1 710 I 61llup\ U • 118 1 Dull ti 11'

~1'0dQrd'•' tU 1l 4 U 0 I Sttodqr 6\\ I U I SI 8 1 ROl>tn'°" II t

H O. l lru""'n tUI S7 8 930 I ft#OIOl'd U 2 03 I , 2 lntJram •

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I 7& 3 3 G"1"° , .. ].< 6 , M ill" ' Al'Wtff' W\ tu q ~ ' I ' ( rurn••Y

U q SS J , 1 Marlm l UI ' S.' l?OH.. 1 otlmo,,11 I UI t•.O. 1 Gil Ill

1~ 1 l S"6nnon 111 16 • J JOLH t Gil 111 • 1J, 1 l<lmlhlll IU> tt • .

l Miller I Ull! • .U O , ,.Illy 1 I Ni~ · ~ f ~ •It re1oy t Unlve"'•Y l ll s HJ I "'"'°" •U l S-8 . 7. Lunct>IOfO I l l

S8 J Mo~ IU I S-&

LJ ' · l- I ll 19"1>1 ' · 1. Thoma• IUI

11·6 3 M iii\ I U I 19"2. T J 1 Thom&\ IU I j ().10, 1 Alllson IUI

40 I' • , l l- 111 38 II PV I StMlnnon 11 1 u .o. 1. l>l1J1t1no 11 o

17 h, 3 . ~Cit IUI 1"4) SP I M rll\ IU 1 '.lb 10•• 1. OrlrYl" n I U I

48 • ' • ; 3 HtlftU1 4.J•'•· 0 1 Or1""'n IU I ll>08 , 1 M iii\ IU > IS .. b

J 0MIOO IUI 121-0.


E1tanc:l1 M, El Toro If 100 Sieler 1£ Tl II 6 , 120 ~leler I E I 1

,, 0 , U C), BurklMtl IE•ll S9., , 880 Fo il • E>ll 1 JO.O, Mtlo - Mel<ell IE\11 S ~ b, 7· mtlo- Glv••o" IEl ll 11 J S O; llOL H -

- --:- ~ -- - ----

O.••(•Olt 1 '" ••• UO rol•¥ llloto \I" M iit r • l•Y l•t•nU• 4 0<t J llJ f't•lllllefl ltl 1 f II U ( h•ll" I t ll 1$-1° • ~p

P•llt•Wlfl 1£•11 U."

... _ u. Wtttm•11•i.r Jt 100 lll yelef> IWI II> 110 J•O~ l (. 1

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LI.- IOCll 11. Un Cltmtnlt JI 100 Moirphy IJ I , 110 McCurCIY I Li 1• •

U O Br•"'°" II I I 04 S, MO l'rtn" ' I L• , ,. ) M ilt LOu•I I L I ~ 0 1 molr D1rn111 I L I I ) I• 0. u O •ll•Y LIQ\ln" 6••<11 H S Miit •tidy L•oun• B .. ch no l ll'n ,. llOL H 0 H eol I S i I~ I H J llo" k•mp t':>o \ 0 LJ Dt 80l\Olt"< 1s 1 I \ O \ P M <(onn•ll IS • HI 0 1 C.Qr<0• ""1• •lO• 914

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H I '"-' rt«e><d '40 M .. •ll•Y I • ~· 1 •t 11001 " ' 0 10 110 <, ton• u • 1 11 •

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Ntwpon H•rC>or 109, HunllnQIOn B .. <11 I<! 100 mf·dt~v rrfav ~h·NPOrt H~Jf ho• 1 CH i

Jt/ll f1 ••· lnrt..u-1 N t i J 10 •, Jf'/O '"~' '' '""'ny Ntt 1 / J O 'fl t••• M O•f 'HI ,.. .. )'1 tl C.ht'•llfJ '\11 Q1 fl t l ft IU'• fl1 J'th l ll(> N~t 1 ~ ... t tllU ,, , t fithlf•µ\ N•• I I 00 4l

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I.fl t llj't l lJ\j"it ''·IV "'• NUU°' ,,.,,om • 01 •

S• n Cl-le 111, ..... ,.,,.,, K llh )I iOU mt dlt V C,a n ( h•M• n \ f' 1 ~ 0 )(t<

trt·"' Kl"Uh'' c~(.1 1 >O <f 100 1noo C,rutt" ~(.. I I l 1 I W Ir, ' W t- bt t ~(. '16 J 0•"

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I tt I II I 1rJ1 lift ·l'I '.1C t ht 0 • tW\ fu t Hl ft't ~.,, (1 .. m..:nh., t JI l

l'AOlllESULH Al..AH l( I NG CLA)SIC ... , ...... v., ... S.COftCI llou"" ~tn9lt>

8 10,n Botq Ot>I Jonn AlttA•fl.Ot , ., I $ .

6 1. J1mmv C<:M"not \ Ut•f tJ1n' ~lot kton • • ti •. John MJ. tnrvt d,.t for r~ 0Mrt11utt 6 J , b I Tim C,ulll~·.on dt'I t'l~• o•d '>olomor 6 • . b 1, (;.-~· M..,ytr O• t P ••ttr .,1 ,,.1n1nq•J l ,., 1 ' Jonn ,,., ..... Ot ~ 'tl dn <.""1t h I \ ti' R O\lOft T dOflf• f df•t R.,\.11 Rctm 1r., r I ~ It )


L•qund 8~•t n U • '· S.in C oem~nte 4 S1nqlf' \

CtiHl h • f t I\ 1t1 I '11'1 ro ' f I J 1 I

M i'tfh II I, I 1.1'1 t (_.1U' I f~· t M WPth ~ I ' •1111" ' I I I I It '1t P'I "" t I J f'I. /

C Oh• n l 1t W "" I 1' #. () " 1 ,, fl11V1fJ""4

LfJ IO\t l,. ' ' ~ of'lf,/ fl Double\

'Qnn\on O.t.ntl "t t ,, ~.I He' p,.,,., .,{In t> J 1 • M tllOf 'f (. .u l\0•1 l 0 h 1 ti. I ltuoN~rd N 1'11 l U Oht ' I ti

... nn I I ~ 1 S•n Cltf1\f'f'lft \t Oiind H1H\ t

S 1nql1' lid\ \(. ()i t Lu'',,• O•• fvun.J ""'

cJ• t Jm"'''~ 1 .ti 1•1 (dbt• • 1 M il ,,,,._ •l. • uf'l 1 • I) I t / / 1 Otll \( tu· I I o ti I ,. wun ti. J Uutth• r .. l '"-.t - b. 11

w 1f) I~ !fl I I,

~'"h•r\un ".,It CJ"' u d1 • W t M (.o.,.. I 1. , O r> r I.• ... . . Rvw• .. t , J M dlt(1rv M1Jr'f~l' ~· kJ I f1 Ir '1t U., ~f •. J

L••"n111 8•4tft ti, Mt 'Ut()n V•f'IO 10 Stnqlf\

Jol\n'IC'Jn I fl '"''' 1<1 ,..,,lfon I o !1• ' q,10 ~lt\~ l 4Jll,•I N uu"n bf> (> t U•·•Q• r "U lt1lll v t t 'l 0 I t i I ' t" ¥1oUn O I t.> J t nhf n l 0 h1 t (., r 4 r. ~nH h I 0 1 J.. tu I

L 6 !O 1 I t. .a h w•m ' · .a ;, ' Ooublt' \

C,,OdfrlilV W .\n f I I l~ l'h t l U\• l t fi' ,., 1 h t

•u11 t '"'¥ 1th Aonom., V\•• dUQO ' 6. ,, ' Ho w .o n 0 Jv•d!tnn •LHt Wt•n f>·'1 h 4 ' o ll l 6 1 ) I

ALLClfl1•ASOCC•lll fll"IT•-

hm B•rkOlhtn I Mtltob l•n t , Pt11 C.•\l•l•n IMlulOn Vl• jOI, Oen1el 0111 I Bell O•rden\1 , Ltil\ 0...1111 <81•1ri , fla111 ICHIM IM•ltr Oell ; Fr•nll l ewrtn IC•l•~\e\I 'iCOll M t C l 011d I EI f oro1 . S • l••dor M 1r•m011IM • Mer~ l(eppell , Bre tl N-11" •C.• l•O•H\ I, S•I Ollv l Ulllf' ICeppell M•nue1Oro1co 15acld1e1>ao1. Allrtclo ... ,., •Bell G.,.-1, ..,,_ S;olen IC lendtltl , 1tnlR w-1u.i .... 111y1; JoM w 1nc1 10n tert<> Chrl\U.atl l , Ste•• WyDfn941 10..tl!'IO l:hrl\lt..,1

S«-T-O• vl d • 11m•• n 1Mu rol>l•,. I. oten•

B•O<I• \tna I Valley Chr•Ultn I , Aot>erl 01u •Bell GM-•· Ruben F IO<et 1G1eno•••• Jlian Fre1oQU11 • ~rti 1(-11 Jose c.erct• 1 Le r"lno • J. Gr•nt (;Hmor• f( • l•b•i•\ 1 J""' GI- IUIW..-..ty l ; Amtr ICh<IW Y .. •V•ltnc111 AClrl•n K1nq ,.no11 I WebD I Brien M oller I MlUIOll VlljOt. Mer it PtlC.otk •S..rv1te l. l\klt'O 5.11(- •E l MOnte1. 0911e h•<llet 15.1• Cit-Rii i; C."I V•"Ohrt

Brrth<en • Qv1\ W 1nqenM<" f M Ol\rov 1•1 f~lnlh-

Ed A•o.iard • £1 Oor•Clo J im Coll•• Weo61. o. .. o O..ancl• ' """"'" mo . ~•~

J letf"\, •Wwr ( ny• Fet1pe G • ll•rOO ts.d di+ oat • 1 lll k ky C..rc1• IS.n Clem-•1 • l n0< n Httff¥ .. f:ullt-rtOO I J t\U\ M Arflnt/ M• ' " ~ toe>ef Aonut Ma\ eh1 dn •(,lwi

r1.tlf" Jd~ N'ltrt' I Bftll (,9r(IP"\ I (My .. N ,.l\Or'I M ll))tOl'I Vffi>tOI. JOf'Ql R~m1rP1 t lJ M on t _.. N.tCl•r ReOf•'•" I U --•ver\tty 1 .,,, .... \ -;besrnct tOnt•tlO Chfl .. fldn I. M,..r.o lftld\QU .. , iMonrov141 1 Aut>tq V•rd1ml.n tMe\fO~.,,,

( O Ol.itYtr\ o• In• ,,.. B t fl ft N o w ltn e,.,ldO•W'>l 6nd Sett OllYA l M ttrt l(.~pp._1 1 1

s_.so.i1u tO.. uh"l tOO LH .... lft Se•n•t

It 11 IP It ti tp • 01 0 • o.-o "' , Jonn-.on 1 0-0 & N ol • • ' t 1 1, s~~llon tO l l 17 At;Oul JOI 11 J /\ "' ' "'~ I t I Hooru t • • • 1• (J Jt1nn·.u• / J,., 11 u i on I I I I W 1tt1•'"' \if . , u lO lJtJMlt y I I 1 \II•' IJ (>.-0 I

... Ud\Of· J ().-• .,'""' " I G"1 " r• , ,1;.. i) \.U A.111tft1 ., I \>'I 4 ( {'I ll I \H \" tOH I t. J 4

Pob ~< " o '•v u " "'' .. " ., ~o ~ (.Mlt-r 0 0.0 U :/W -tl " " ' 'I l.llJ

fOtdh · ~ tc>- U \CIC f '•h u 111 11 l ()ti Sc.ore bv ~rt•"

I.I\ A rH~- , ~ /'I fl 11 lq 11).i. :.4'4'tth , , , .. ,., , . ·~

1 I U HM• ll .~,I'• ti ' , • •4tf lh 14

11 rt'"'"'' J\t l')I' • 1 .. "' t ,,, 'Cl"'' ~n1 ••u•; \t .. J f11r • u l/iio.


Golelell WU I ••. S4"1• Mon•u i • ~dnt• Mont<• LO-W~r • 81\"00

r,,.,,, ,q , " ""'" 1. wonv •. W••~!Wn 10 ._urtulo 1. Von.L•I~\ I Jf'n• 1n \ •

c,ol<J .. n "'"''' ~or>-r h / AAn i. --. 11 tt .1rtr, to 1k , I( UlQ I (_ ltdQI h bldn<J I~. M 1H 11

1 ( ,.....,nhar• 1t, ~i ,. l ff•~ (,oll')f n W , .. , Ji:S JO I 1Jtd l •ou1\ S....n1d MOf'ot o ll t,,c,,IOtu W• t

'J ~ 1.1!~ (J u1 ( .t rt W11ro... • v• ~'

'''"''' • S,.,nln Munn tt M 1trt1 (,,oU) l't• I

~ . ' .. . WOME" \SOl'TllAL l

JU NIOA COLLEGE Colcleft WW 1 !I.In.., Monrc • •

ldt " Wt \ f 00J lfiU ( I .,nt tt MOn1 t OCtl OCl() {; 0 I I

l tbtl .:100 f ouftf4 ~ co t> t fTt.if'll "'"~ Cu1 b r t N 1 •btll l .C-oj1·..-r""~'°'

HIGH SCHOOl Et f oro 10 tr•'"' '

P. 11t1 J(tJ t. I i

"\I rio IJ 141 U J I} f

N11• n~ · ~· nJ """'-O"' lv• • v~,,' ' '"" l \111 Q,;1

5.1,. Clemt,.lt l O• n• Kolh t Q,1nrt M UI 00) 000 0 0 t t c_;"n (lrn"W.nt UO • 00 1, J • ~ Mc k.~ntld dnd N vrm d" th .llf i n• "nd br~n



LOI AUMITOS .... ...., ......... I ......... ..., _ _., .. ,

l'lrtl ·~-Seoor• ~H ISMr-.nl 1• .eo. I .to, ).00; AnOVt Wl- t 81e<kmenl 10.0D, • tO. MOllltrlt OrMm l~I UO; U • •Ull IH I paid 115,to.

5-conc1 •••-CO-• c -.tn,. CAut11111 • ·• · l .0, t.80. Hiiibiiiy Fiiiy CWllll-•1 S.IO. 1 IO, Epk I'- IV1llendlllQl\enl) UO.

fll l rd rec.e- N• llve i.--. 10.Mltl •JO. ) to. S 00, ~ P•YM 18"1bYI UO. 00: H•rl>Or P llo4 IWllll- 11 l .IO.

-=our111 r1<.• J 8 ""°' <Scwl9Qtl 11.20, 10 IO, • .0. Met GrMCI IMarh,.111 11.00 • 17 40, Loe.I Prl"'t I S!ffth l •M; W eucw u •t 1MtldMI IO.

""'" rec•-MIM S.ssy 1a.v .. ss1 •Ml. • IO, J 60. B<e•·· J1t..W• Belle ICreM I 19.20. • IO. SINOY &lrMOf CS!lent11I S.80.

$1.,lh r~ Guy t~I 4M, • oo. >.IO. r~o •Cr- • • .10, s,60; a 1ui. B fllll ISltiet"I • .0. U uecte 11<61 peld \ 7 10

S.nntll •«•- Win I Mu\! t Pelling1 •to. \ 00 . J 60 ~•I Glen• • •• IV•ll-1119"aml • 10, ~ 00 W•• l•kl Suc>rem1 I A-son) 3.80

E •QMh r«• L¥dlci H iit '"°"""'"'' .. ..,. • IO l 70, Mv li tlle A051 ISftt"ell' S.20. J 60 f'•!ihlon Adot• ILIOey l 1 60; U euc· . .. .. 31 111ld :M llO

N U'1 h r~t M()fU(\t(! y [)PO l(iouc:lf' t"4 U I \ 80 ' llO, ] 00, Hallltt-" A I Ratc hle><Cl l ~ liO ) 20 Rowal <,~tmdr I ( loll I li 00 , '1 UM 1~ ••t o 1>1tdJJOO

Allt"~· )JOI

HCH.L YWOOO ltAAI( w......,..,.,._, 11111101 71-4.ly tllorOllfllllfH mffllllt l

I "'' ,,..,. Oeo>O Ht'u l Ody For S.tlhnQ ll Q\ott\l 70 40 II l>O, ~ tiO • ncl Runn1no True

• l'•n c "' ' 10 10, 9 • O. & 10 , lll a sc1nto • M<Ha<Quel l fjO ,

Seto n!! "Kt A11on•1re I B.tllald• I 1>3.tiO. I \ l>O 11 IO , I rl>lo ' s fr u111~ •Gont ale1 I ~) 10 t 1 l>O. Potlollno I Ha w le y • l . .O. \2 Clal· •• douote rQ.ty r o• S..11inq Allonlore l Pl•d ,~170 t Runn1nQ lr..e "llonlorl" P••Cl321>.lt0.

fhord r.t<:e !>oo"9I <Ha wll!'yl 13.80, 11.eo. \ llO. Wlt~e• IMenlll II 00, 4 00; re .. A TN Pt"COl 14(}, \S • 111<1a 11.al P••d S61.SO.

r ourlh <.tut l&Clv 81c IOela110uswve 1 I tiO 1 '°· 1 llO. """' M•oa f Piertel 10 • .tO. • •O Mosllv 4'w• y !Hawley I 1 l>O

f1ll11 rote JUllOt''loCIWI! IMc:Cllrron1 2S.llO, N llO S f/O, C..Omolle' s Pride I Oelahouswye1 ' 00. >I.Cl. O.nc~r • Ll'-OUO ! Ha w ley 1 J.otO, \\• ""'• •I 81 f)dod'747 00 ~. , ,h r ut.•• Ht.~ Dt:•ttn <P•n<:ay t •.80*

1 l'• > .0 ""' Sldl• ,,,..n l 10,.1.i11o•J>.,.ye 1 1 •l / •o Cl>.t• •m.tn 0 th bodrCI •C•H•- 1 J ••J ~• .,tntn ,,., .. w r4no1e- CHdlw ley J •~10.

1 00 r .O '°"""'""""""o •Oe•thounaye1 • f>(} ] 80. ~II IM>•n• l I> 1>0

l ' 4"'" r(t( fl V tt11et y- Oue"e n t AOWIH f \I .-,Q lb 4(}, ~ A) T111 IPletl .. 1800, • .00 . WhyCl1C11u IC..\ll''tlo!\I 10

H in t" r;1<e Con'>t.1 \ 0 1 "'' IM4!n419 ,IO. •. ' '' \ ~ ~•'t N t or m t Oe ldf'fOUS\.a'f'f' • ,,. 1 JrJ c~1 ... w.. P teH• \ 60 ' s • • itet4l I llJ 'i I Od•O •cwt 00

"ll• nCl .. ntt· l~.846



A,,_1011Le...-lHt(Ac,(j WH I TE !.()IC A\\lllMO Palllo

f(ltrttttl lM, P.t t httr, to Iow a m thif A tntif t<_,, a.-.,OC•dt•on

'°'il-.1 LU!IM N ' ' u \ otind.•·-0 Elt •\. Va1tn t 1ne .. OUI

1 • •O~' . MontrNI E •PO'>. to r • t'Uee da'tS itnd l111<cdh1m~

FOOTllALL NiltONIF-tlkNt11e

O l NVEP b ROHCO'> S•Q"''<I l/1n1e tc:1r>-"'' , t11 10f rt-<~• .,,.... to a 't'rle\ of one--'tl'ttr , Of'f ' nh '.>•(llnf(I Let G t O't'!t. c f nt f'-r

l• ~ W (.N C.LANO P A TRIOTS St9M<I t)_,., J•'"''' .-nd JC>IW\ Ptt tm w ide rKf'iver , . ""° C h110 C,.mfMCl"d, OOlln\1\lt' hne-n.

C•NMl•i" FootlMll lt.-i.,. '"ll Tl \ H COLUM BI A LION'\ SIQl'lt'd

,.dm ij 1 11t ' "" 00t• t r to d thrtt·year cM ''frt< t

HA lli'l lL I ON 1 1c.1 R t A I S S •Qn.0 Mark P 1•r • 111.otwn" 1vt tdC. " lti J nd f tm J ames. ot r. n\I ~e QUdrcJ

COl.lEG E ltAH~A~ '> IATE A nnoun<ed lht' • t!-

\1Qnu11on 01 JllCIV A Un . .. omen ' \ W)ktlO.lt <c>at n



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D•llY ,.1194 ,. ... ,.

TENNIS STARS - Orange Coast College has domina ted the South Coast Conf e re ncc m men 's ;ind women's tennis th is year with the four pl a yer s p ictu red playing a

lt•ud ing role T hey a r e. from left : Jill Joh nston. Jl'ff Tomei. J ulie Meyers and l\11kc Fcddl·r ly .

Double( s) Trouble Fedderly, Tomei Spark OCC

By JOHN S~VANO 01 - 06111 Pli.t )l•ff

The Or ange Coast Coll t!ge doubles tennis l ('am of M ike Fedderly and Jerf T om ei should be booked ro r a one - week engagement in L as Vegas as a comedy duo.

T hey ar e um ui.1ng . funn y, articulate and intelligent. Only their wurk on the court, in both sin¥ 1es anrl doubles. is taken seriously The r est '! Well. ttie r es t 1s J u s t d o w nr i g ht humorous.

" W fo.;' R E R EALLY good frumcls. " says Fedderly. who is the No l player on l ite team

" Are you sure?" r etorts his tl'ammal e Tom ei with a grin. who is No. 2 on the squad.

F edderl y and Tom ei h ave bet'n a l each other l i ke this for the past two years Prior. they wer e fier ce compet itors Fed· der ly at C.:oron:.i del Mar and Tomei at Estancia

" We m et once in high school ... says the 5-9. 150-pound Tomei proudly . " I beat him easi ly I think it was 6·2 ·'

* * *

" VF.AH, BUT WHIC H school won the m atch." cou nters his curl y ·hcaded partner quick ly . .. Didn 't we win the match 25-3?"

" Yes." answ<.'r s Tom ei wit h a sm i le " but om· of those lhrt!e Poi nt~ was a Fedder ly loss."

The two have gone on to im­prove r emar kabl y since t heir pr ep days.

The 6·2. 170-pound Fedderly has lost but one m atch as oc;c·s No. I pl ayer . Tomei , on th~ other hand. can boast ·even bet· ter cn·dentials as he has yet to loise a l all.

AS FOR DOUBLES? Wt!ll , t oi;te ther t h ey've l ost two m atches , but have played so w<.'11 they figure t o be the team to heat as OCC travels to t he Ojai tournament this weekend with the conrer ence and state championships l o follow.

" We' ve ~orked together for a :vcar und a half now and we communicate well." say'> Tomei in a more se r ious vei n. " We

* • Pirates Now 16-1

Johnston, Meyers Lead OCC .Women By HOWARD L. HAN D\'

OI Ille D•llY "iltt Si.ii

I\ future med ica l student and a bortld swimmer are pacing the Orange Coast College women's t ennis t ea m this se ason and although nl'ither has any ambi · l ions to play professionally. both have found the J{am e beneficial and a way of l ife that is helping them get a college t:ducalion.

Jill Johnston plans a m edical ca ree r and is t he No. 1 player on the Or an ge Coa st wom en 's t eam . Ju l ie M eyer s becam e b o r ed w ith s wimm i n g and turned to tennis at an early age. She is the No. 2 player for the Pirates.

Johnston. taking over the lop singles spot for Coach J anice M aran 's Pirates ( 16· 1 > this season with graduat ion of Lajla von Lul zow, Is not t he over ­powering type of player. accord· ing to her coach.

" H E R FOREHAND topspin is probably her strongest point." Maran says. " She's also good at short angle shots and is very ag. gresslve from the backcourt. As much as you can be from that spot.

" While she bas Improved over last year. l he doesn't go lo the net as much as she could lo make her a more aggr essive player.·· •

Johnston bas been playing len· nis for about six years, starting al the Newport Beach Tennis Club. She hu been coached by Linda Christian and Robyn Ray along with her school coaches at OCC aod Newport Harbor •Ugh.

" I have a schol arship to :it· t end Cal Poly CSan Luis Obispo> and l think I 'll 10 there next year to study pre· m edicine," Jobn1ton says. " l took some clateet here that made me in· &.treated ln that lteld and J hope to pursue It u 1 career.

"I WANT TO KEEP playtn1 tennis but I 'm not n1akln1 It my future."

She ai-ree1 with her coach that ber besL stroke Is her f orchand and her baHllne game. Snc has

a 13·4 recor d in singles this year and is currently team ed with Mel inda Myers in doubles.

Jul ie Meyer s was a swi mcner for the M esa Verde Count r y Club team before gelling bored with that sport and turning to tennis at the suggestion of her mother.

" I l ike tennis but I'm not that serious about it. I had an offer to attend Cal Poly 1 Pomona > on a scholarshi p out of Estancia but I decided to come here fi rst . I'm glad I did because I 've m et a lot of people and learned how to ~ compclil1ve," Meyers says. Julie is l5·2 in singles this year and t ea m s with Lisa M ye r s i n doubles.

BOTH GIRLS AGREE that t he OCC team that plays Golden West in a semifinHI Southern California championship match Monday has good depth.

" I think we'll do as well as we did last year when we went to the SoCal finals befor e losing to Pier ce,·· Jill says.

" We'r e not winning as easily as we did last yea r but we should do as well this year ." Julie adds.

Both agree that Maran has helped them trem endously at Or ange Coast.

" She does an outstanding job and we've been ver y successful under ber ." Meyers says.

" J UUE HAS IMPROVED her game tremendously this year ." Maran says. " She can now move to the net, something she could not do last yeur witbout getting cr eamed. She's not afraid to move up and into the ball now . ..

Johnaton, M eyers and Melinda M yers have switched around In slngles play t h is Reason, all three bavtna played i n the No. 1 spot at one Ume. But t he lineup is set now and they are 1·2·3.

" This lt a different type team than we had l ast year. " the coach ldds. " We don't have tbe overpowerlng No. 1 player to re· ly on. It's a dJ/fcrent type of 1trensth ln between , all lhe way down the ladder. "

compliment ('ach other. Jt'fr 1!. a big hittt'r and I don 't h.i ve a~ much pac(' on the ball a~ ht' has ..

" Neither one of us ar e big ser ve and volleyer s i n :-.tnglt•1' . hut we• are in doubles." com m cnts f edrler ly '' You haH' lo ser ve and \ ollt!Y an doubll•,;., to bl· successful ..

G EORGt: MATTIAS. OCC '!> t ennis coach. t alks ra vor ably about his tandem.

" T ht•v' re as roocl a~ any tw11 guys ~t"\'t! had at Coa<, l ," he savs without hP-.i l at1on. " They compare favorably lo some or the best.

" But JU St how gollcl a r1• tht•:. '' As they say . the proof " 111 be 111 th<.' purtding . · · :.ays M att 1as, re rerr in~ to OJai. the ~1uth Coa..,t Conrcn•nce championc;hips l1ntl the stal e finals. " If they do " c!I in . Ojai . conference anrl stale tht.>n they havc to be cons1dt•rt-.I one of the l OJ> l e<tms ever."

Fedderly and Tom1'1 approuth tht>ir m atches on a VNY \ 11w kt·y l evel. although both admit they 'II do whatc\'cr 1t takes to \\In

" \'OUR OPPONENT has an advantage when he ~ecs you ' re upset ," says Fedderly. "so I try to keep m y he<td screwed on right. I think il "s much bellt•r that way "

" If I do g~:t upset ... adds Tom ei. .. Mike is al wa y!\ then· t.1 c•lm me down . Hut i.tay1ng ca lm comes with m aturity

" A guy like John M c Enrnc gets anything he wants bccau~c <tll he cares about 1s wmning, and so do we. Which would you rather he? A nice J?UY who lo:.cs. or a hut head who wino;'!"

BOT H FEDDERLY an d Tom ei realize the import ance or thei r upcoming mat<'hcs, not on· ly as individuals. but from a team standpoint. too

" We would like to do well b<'cau-;» of all l hl' coaches from th<' m<iJor uni versities t hat will be the1 c Lo recruit . .. says Tom ei . who also indicated that the t wo wou ld li ke t o pursue their ca reers at the same school.

'" W<' ' r e look ing for a goo<l P ac ific-10 school. " chimes in Fedder ly. "becaus<' that 's wher e you get the cxp<.'rien<'e . You wouldn'l be able to get that at a smaller school. "

B UT AS WELL as rcdderly and Tomei wouJd like to pros1>er In siD!lles and doubles, their main objective is to the team.

·'When you do well as i n· d iv iduals you help the team." says T omei.

" We play ror the team and ourselvos both." Fedderl y adds

As singles player s. each is so stroni( in his own right they probably will be put in separate br ackets during the next three tournaments. wbjch suits them bothjwitfine.

" f TIONX.TIIE R E 'S a chance we could meet each other in the f i n als," says the south p aw Tomei.

• · 1 played you once already this yeru- and beat you 7·5, 6·3.'' quips Fedd erl y . •· tt wa s a cakewalk.' '

'Td pick al your back -hand and m ove you a ll over t he court," answers Tomei, now re· vealing bis strategy.

" That's lmposaible, beca'-'M! l get. anything.·· laughs Fedderly .

And on ll goes between the two. But at least one tbin,·s for 11ure. When It comes to beln& on the same side or the net, they have but ONE objective In m ind.


Gene Tierney Reveals Woes

By 808 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP > - The new movie books · The cool beauty of Gene Tierney haunted Dana

Andrews and m:illions of movie fans in " Laura" 1 1944). Now 58, and married to Houston oil m an Howard Lee. she r emains a beautiful woman.

ln ber autobiography, " Self-portrait ," she dis· closes that the life of a movie star is " no bed of roses" Hhe title of Joan Fon·. laine·s recent mem oirs I.

Miss nemcy has endured more than her shar e of woes : Rui nous romances. failed mar· ri age , family squabbles 1her own father sued her l, birth of a re t a rd e d c h i l d. m e ntal breakdowns. With collabor ator Mickey Herskowitz. she tells of such things as well as the j oyful aspects of her lire - with Ttu•n candor . per ception and no hint of self.pity.

Much of t he Tierney saga has been known. I n her book . she discloses the details of her lengthy . doomed romance with John F . Kennedy .

T hey met in 1946 when he was a navy lieute­nant visiting the set of " Dragonwyck ." She was i m m ediately struck by "the most perfect blue eyes I had ever seen on a man." They m et again at a SonJa Henie party and on the dance floor he .said ,

I could danc(' lik<.• this for the rest of m y hfe .. Dinner dates followed. then meetings in New Yo rk Kcn111 •d) was running for Congrt.'SS for the r1ri.t lim e. and tolrt of his cu l m resol ve to hl•come th~ first Ca tholic presi­dt.•ut of the Cnil ed States : " It \\ ;1:-n ' t "h.1t I h:.id in mind. wh :1t I slarH·d out lo do . But I had a Ct1mm1t nH:nt to Jot f his " :H casualt) brother I And to mv rather ..

- M b~ T1ernc) writes that ..,ht> dl'c ltnell an involvem ent KENNEDY "1th co-~ tar "J\ rone Power to continue wi t h K en nl'dy . e\l'n though :.he was warned t hat he could ne\ er marn a rti vorced wom an

On"' dli~· ovl'r u New York lunch with other pl'{)Pk K1 • 1;nt·d ~ ..,;11d " out or lhe blut•. " You krJO\\ (;1•fH'. I C':1nncvcr mar ryyou ..

ll " ·I" 11\l'I She s:.iw him three time~ again 1n l' an:- at ~1 :1\im ·s. in New York i:J t El Morocco. und 111 \\ .1:.hingt1111 .1llh t• Wh i te llousc

• •• ,\11dtl' \\ Sin<'l<1 1r docs not t•xpla1n thl!

t'UrtOU'- ).:lOILIS or Amer1c11 's great film maker 1n · .John Ford." but presents <t well-rounded portr ait r•r !ht· m;:n Ford :.pent his working lifetime" 1th1n th<.• -; t11d10 ~ysu•m b ut rem <1 1n ed i:J rebel tltrn11 ~h,11 1l

l n ini.: Thal berg. youthrul production chief of MG ~t. wu~ht ford for a movie but m ade the m1::. l al.t• of :1llov. 1ng the director to \\ a1t c111 hour for an appoint llll' lll r oril <kp:.irtl•d and left a 1.oll' · Dc~1r l r\' ing. l'rl ~an· my "'""" S\.•t· \11u l:1lt•r Jack.'

Thl' hn~1l- rc•\(•a ls lh<it 20\h Cc·ntu r~ Fox th1d Darr y l Zan ltt' k worried a bout lht• r :1J1<'J' m~·s:. :.igt• or "Grape~ of Wrath " and trit•d to rccut the film It '':.t:. impossible Ford had c1t•H•h1petl a method of cut ro110 t 111g in !ht• t·amen1. not the editor 's room. " hm1t 111µ h 1~ fool agt· and angles and struggling fC1r th~ director":. n ght lo have all his <'hosen ma terial 1n dudt•d 111 the rel{'a:.e print of an import ant film ....

The IO\'ell'rale ffiO\ ic ran, Rex Reed . hai. col lccted anothl' r p arce l of hi s 1nterv 1e" s 1n '"Tr•n oll a to Keaton " He has an extr aordanar} kn..,l'k f•ir gPltin~ ~ta rs to revea l themsel ves. tell 111g :.• •rr~l!-> they "'ouldn'l disclose l o bed com 1w n 111 r\~

C.mdrt'<.' Bergen talked to Reed after worktnJ;: for l.i1w Wcrtmullcr rn the disaster ltternlly mo' 11'. • ''l'hl· f:nd of Our World in Our l '>lllll lk d 111 <• Night F'ull of Ham ..

· It's 1mposs1blc to be more nat·l'hcstcd than I am." said B<'rg"'" · · but Lina decided to t· ha11~e en~ ryth1ng from my cyebro"s to t he color of my ha i r to nn bus• . I wor e a 11ightg1rn n ihroui;!hout most of l h1· ril m. and r "as ped cctly \\ illt ng to struggle· by like the t101>rframc I am. but L ina said enough ...

8111C£N wasn't i.ex)

" So ~ h<.' had a ru~htgown constr ucted that wa~ the mo5l int ric<tle piece or architecture. I'd l ike to r ent it for lht• re:.! of m) life:...'_'--------










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J~ t• ... ry ">(Qtf (..l41f 1o J)'1 l:.ldf'n

A"" : IU, '°'ltt M 1· ·•• (A q1'11

t '"' °"''""'\' I\ t. undvt l~d ov ffn 1n OHr1aua1

J•ffor y '> C.l•r • Thi\ ••ldtt~nl w tn f tlf'O w 1tn tnl•

C.ounl y C.le,. "' OrdnQC Counoy on Mortn l& ,~,.

"121'1 ~Ubh\f'W'O 0.--4f\9r ( OA \ t 0•1 1~ PllOI

Apr > U 14 I& IH"I I JOQ ltl



CP .. I " F 1Ul1'


1,.... 1u11owu'\Q pur\On •\ oc..mo t>u!t•

,,_ .. ,, "'1~0N U.., tiOlrf L fo!At- f '11i '

~'"'' 1 r111f1 ~v.•nu.. Lo f.1 M • , . ( • l1 torn1d 'flOll t.

t<4h -wn (.ndno, 11JO w 4...fl•'c •r• A111r A.Of :t U1 A1\&"4:_.1rtt L4'llhJ• f\t t1 ~16111

f n. OU'\•~\' ,._ \..Of"IOUClt!d Uy <10 fn d 1\HdU'9I

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(th.mt y (.hH it o t Ort4fl~ 4...0UOh .()tt

M dr ( n JO. Ill,. OROVlf ll ISCROW CORPORATIO• llOOl 1tvlM Blvd . hll•~. CA •1"'° El<"'• Ho J 1)0t7 n •

Publl>""° OrdnQI' C.va>I Claoly P..,1 Aor \ II l lf If> ,.,,., Ul~'l



STANDARD 80SS Robert C. Warren



Pre~idRtll ll11tw11 < \\ ,111 "'' 11

" •• ' Ii f ' , . II l I ' I I ' d 1111•,11h11t 11 1 !-.l.i11 cl .111I -M <.I II J )! 1· Ill I II t t 11

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con111:111v ' c•omm1 ·11 1111.

111clw. 111 .11 11 ·r1 l';111011.i1 and 111ul1 1 l.1 n 11h "" 11 1· tl

11111•1 J l lllll' V..1 <• r r 1• n .,., . 1 .., " 11· 1

pn·-. 1d1·111 of the · 1.111\cl Corp prior lo I he: new vui.1llon

S I ii n d .1 d ;\ 1 ,1 II ,1 I! I ' Ill I' II I I ... • I

cll\l' r..,1r11· rl ll' al l ' l alt· 1·111np.111\ \\l lh h11ltl111J,.! -. ,1 1111 111wr.il 111t1 ' Il l I 11 '

\ 11 J.! ,. I 1·, 1 h 1· ~ , , n 1''1·rn.11ul11 V.dlt•\ ;11111 I h1 011)!h1111I I Ill' ll:tl 11111

\\' ;11·r 1• 11 I 1' ' 11)1' ' Ill

01 .111)!1• ( 1111111 \ \\ti II 111' "1f1• B.11 li. 11 • • . 11111 I \\II "111-.


Slates Refunds ~AN OIEOO rAP I -

Rt> ident ovtr<'haraed f r tolec\J1C'lt y ln Uw .utoptlon o f a " P ch•I ml" ri•tluf tlon In 1017 ~ I ll b<• ronla<'lf-d by tht• S :1 II l> I t' .: 0 Q ,; I\ & F.h·c·t 1 it' t '11 a nd JI. I vt•n hill r,~funth , tlw Puhllc l l t1lata·~ C'o mml 1<,.,10 11 . 1 nn1111rwt•tl

1 h1• romm1,.,111on 'lllcl I hl• 1>ro1:ri11n .. 1.11trt•1•1I to "' ltw ullht y l"lldl'> u I 11 II I r II \ t • f ' \ ti \ C' I

"'hd hl·r II Jtll' (lllllh•l 'f 111f111 llWtl l' l"IC•fll t•rl\ u f llh' 11•1lun•d 11111·'

llH H 11rl' l ':o> lt111 ,1l1 ti 111 111111 I \IYlll lnt' I ., "4 l I l '

11\ 1•11· tl n1 ~1 ·tl ,1.., nlu<'h ,, , , .• n11ll111n ' 11111· 1 ,111·' " ' ·11· n ·1tur1·tl (111 .1 h."11 Jmount c1 I .- lcc tri <' Uy 1:: 10 k tlow;m s u m o nth I 111 111 \ l ' I lt~h\t ll~ ,tntJ ht>u"·hoh1 J!Jpli.111<'1·'

( . II ' I II m (• r ~ " I I h I l1•1 II1t' 'lo\ ,l ll•r hhJll'I '>, f ur na1·1·:-. .111 d " Jl <H' t' h1 · .i l 1·r' .11 1• 1·11t 1ll1•d to , . , I'll 1: n ·t1 l l·r amounh 11f

1· ll ·1· 1 111•1l v · " rc·d 11l'1 ·d ':rll' '

Marketing Officers Elected

I h l ' s Cl II t h ( • II ii ... l !\L1 rkl·t1n J,.! <iro u 11 h :1:-. l"lt•(• lt•d !\11k1· M t1d 1g:J1I 1'J'.1rt><"ll. San Cll-ml·llll' ' pr 1·'ldc•11t

()I fwr off ll'l'r:-. ,, rl' .J ;s 1· I,, 11 111 • /\ll :-.l :Jll'. San Ju;111

(°. 1 1t1 :0.( rL11\11 I - \II" \'

------------,. 11· !'> 1 tie· n I . \ 1111 1·



8y Terry Grant, R. Ph

I t. I ti ,. \\ •. 11 1 ti I , ,,, '

111111 kl\ '.111 1 ••• lt.111111111 It 1 ,11• I• ,,If 111 II lo 1 I o1I1•111

,., th.. '""'·"It •''"' d· \ · · lt1f10h•ll\ 111 '"'" 111111 "-1111111 I -. IH•ll 11111•

"'' ' " ·"' 111111 f I"• . ,,,,,. I II Ill " I I ,. · ' I I II II

1111 111 ttl.11 I\ II \1111 d11 t1Ctl

1 \ • I It 1• \\htl1· 1h1 11111

J I \Ull 1tt h\fl\\•1 .•ht

\ l oll \\ tll I• • lw.tll)111 I 11 \OU f t•flUt t• l !tt1 \ ltlJ

11111iJcf I• Ill 1· ht 1 lflf"l/r \lotll Ith\ I\ l.tll .ti l1 •.1'l u fu 1• tu fnr t ' d1t' f 1111 1 l•t \ • t

h1• "' ,,,, '"''·" ,,, ,, , , I I I\ .. ·''" It'

YClt 1H uo1-101t ( ' /\'I l' llON ... I '" w/wn \f/11

111•1•11 a 11wtlw1111• I 'td< 1111

vuur 1ir1 ·i,1· r1pf 11111 1( ~hn11 J) IO~ 111':0111\, Ill 'lo\t • Wiii

<ll' ll\•1·r Ill Olnf1l I\ 'lo\ t i h o ut n1l1.1 1•harv1• A 1• 1••11l m.1ny p1-.1pl1 · 1•11t1u, 1 " ' \\tlh l111•1r 1111·,t·11pl 1111" M ·• v \.\ " c 11 m f• 11 u 11 ti }OUI •I'

( · It r 1 :-. I e • 11 ' l ' 11 1 V 1 I I : 1

A:-. -. <H· 1.1t 1•,, ~arl .1 11;111

( • :1 11 I :-. t I :t ll II )

-.1·c·rc:1arv . Bill M<irri...on 11\11 :-. la.11 ·, Su11 .l uan (' ;1 P"l r:rno • -t1 1·a-.11r1 •r

.I o t· L 11 \ 11 I I n f 1\ 11 (' h II r ii J..: I' I 11 \ 1• ' t 1111• 11 I i.. . D ~' n a I' " I II t I .1 II rl T e d C' hr1 , lc·n , 1·n 1 f>an;i p " I n t I \\ l" ,. t: I' I e l' l l ' cl <It rtT lpr:-,

r'hl' J.!ro up ml"t'l ' Vrrrlay mnrningi. in San c 'It• rrwnll' lll huy . s l'll a ncl t•'>;l°tl<lflJ.!l' J>1"fll>t: rt1e' rn lwh :alf<1f l"l1l'nl i. a :-. \\c•ll a :o, I hl'• r portfolio.-.

f· or mformi.1t111n . l'<ill :\1 .1111 ~:: 111 ;1t l!J~· n 10 ur x:1 1 :1:1:10

Chamber Set8, ·Swap Meet'

l-'ounta1n Va ll t.·y ·s ('lr:.smhN o f C"ommt·n·t· " !> pon:.or111J..: <1 ' w :.ip nw<·I on May fi in th1• F ' ' u n l ;1 1 n V <.i I I t: y I) r 1 v 1· I n T h c at t• r . Brookhurs l Sl r c:c l at 'l'<rl hcrt A n ·nu1·

, ... uoo PH.UMACY' ., hl' m t·l'I Will 01>en lo fT-ee o..i·~ lthl' 1mbhl' ut 8 a m For

lSI Hott"tal •ood 1n l ormat1011. phone thl' ~ luch 1· h <J m h c r I) r f I l ' (.' i.1 l

..,_ ____ 6_ .. z_._, _s•_o ___ .,..Pfi2 444 l




Our over 32 years experience can be of " elp to lnd1111duals, Attorneys, and Banke rs in d1 spos1ng o f Important Jewelry

. . . .. -

'lime C11l A!"WlrH"Oto

l'ol :1ro1d Chu·I O r Ed\\ 111 l.<tnd holds a p1<"11tr(• nwdt· \\ Ith :1 1wwly dt·\'c•lo1wd ttlm \\ hll'h l&Jkt.•:o, 1n1t• m111ttf l' t11 prnduc·t• ~· fullv cl i.' v < • I o p 1 • d t ' o I o r p 1· 1 n l c· u t l 1 n g lhl't'l' mmuli.•:-. o ff l11t• l1nw of tlw present I 1lm (If) lht• m :rrk<·t

.OR~NGE C~tri,T~

n ~)

~· ),~,

~i<' h at•I R ay ~ c c;uir•· hJ ' IJ1•1·n n:imt·d 1·h1l"f lo.in orr1c·l·r u ncl ' 1·n1eir \ 11·" prl':.1<frnl for S t;ah' Mutu al Sav ings and l .11an .hsociation , Ne.•.,., port lh ·al'h

Ii i... n•:, p11ns1hll1l11 ·~ 1111'lr11l1• 111,111 11rtglll:st11111 , pro1"1·~:0. 1ng ,11111 :.1·n llT, anti " ' c·ond;ir_v nrnrl. l'l tng for lht• m'l1tut1 11n·~ C.il1foru1:s n·al 1·~ t:i l1 · lendinii proi.:ram

111• ha~ 10 yc·;ir' of t·xp1 ·rwn1·,. 111 llH· ' av1ng., ;111d lo an md11sl r.11 . "'11 h 1 · rnpha~" 111 mortgugt· han king . .,e1·un1f:1r .v m.1rkl'l1ng ;11HI n·:-.ouri·1· 111ana1.wm .. nt ;1111 1 1:. form1·r -.1·111or \ '11'1' pr1 ·~ 1<l<·n1 and tn•a, un ·r of S;1n Ow go f",.1fc-r ;.il S.1\ 1ni.:' ;ind l.11:.rn A':.m:1al 11111

Chf>ryl t\ . Smith '"" 11<·1·11 named a s...,-,1,1nt 1•11 r pllratC' 'l'l'rl'lu r y for t'11m p n·h1•ni. 111e Can• Corp , Nl' Y. port lkal' h

Shl' J1>1 m•cl llw n1mpanv 111 J!)7J and has tw1•n the admtni:-.lrall\1· a i.'1:-.lant lo the prc•,i1knl for thc 1iast Iv."' y<·:tri. ll1·r nc \\ rc·-.poni.1bil1t1t•:o, 111

l'l ucle lh~~ompl l'llClll or s tat•· lt·g .... l<!liun or 1·ur por" ll' h·ga I mall c: ,. , a nct 01 ht• r t·11rporall· :.sci rn1 n 1s lr;,IJ\1· dut11· -.

Ala n K M}n' h ,,, lie1·n n:.imt·d v11·1· p n .·'> tcfrnl o r <HIH •rl1 :-. 1ng .incl puhlll' n·lat1011:-. for lhc· l'a lifornia J\ -,.ocaclo {:om mi.,i.ion , New1x>rt B1:ach

Thc· 1 · 11mm1i.~ 11m t·onduet.' ;.i d ve·rt,...rng for .1 vel('ado gro"' 1•ri. M yt· r s "'1 ll e1)(1rd 1 n.11 t· n111su ml·r .anrf trar11• ar1111•rtt '1n g anti l"tm -.uml·r t1 Jtll' and g ro w1•r publtt n •lal 111n:-. .

• RanJc of Nc·~port , N1·wp<1rl Bt'a<'h . ha s naml·d

('a lhuinl' Goldstmro lo th1: h.1ni.. 'i. t·:-.l"ru\\ dl'part 111e nl

Shl' 1s a fnrm1· r 1·:-.c·row offi1·c-r ~1th S1:c- ur1 ly P Jc• iric National Bank 1n Co~ta l\frs a

• Maun..-n I,. Rt·cd hai. l>t> l·n appoinkc1 v1rc pn··

s 1de nl and ct1rcctc1r· <1f bus in<''S Opt:ralions for Ric bardson -Nagy · M a rlln t\rchil t'clure/ Pl aoning , Newµo rt Bt•nth

lie r rlu t1cs ind wk <; up<' n i<;1on o f the bus1nes:-. o pe ration:., re:-.pon,1h1ltty for ll·gal and financia l ac t1 v1t1cs, tl tl'lll a nd puhh1· rd;1t1oni. and ad · m 1 ms tr<illon

• R ic h ard J\ . ~ artin it. 'llcwpnrt Bea c h .

~ upcrv1i.or or buch.:1·t:-. a nct forecasts for ITT Can · non E lectric, Sant a i\ na , has been promoted to rnana~cr of ftn fl n<'1a l an;cly'"

With th1!'> d1v1s1on of lnl('rnallonal T elephone a nd Tcll•graph Corr). s ince 1976. he 1s res ponsible for financial analys is for every maJOr drpartmcnt al the Santa /\na fu c1ltty .

• •·rank X. Flt-mlnit has bct·n namt•<l vite prcs1·

dent, s ales for Mlcroda t a lnle rnalioniil Corp. , I rvine'.

lie 1s rt·s l)ons ihl(• for cxpancl1ng the distribu ­tion o ( the company 's systems in Aus tra lia , Lalin Americ a , l ht• l<'a r Efls l and Weste rn Europe.

lie has he ld m urkcting positions al Wayctcc, Calcomp, Univac <end , most recently, P e rtee Busi · n c ss Systems .

Henry R. Voss ha!\ been appointed presidt!nt a nd c ha irman of the board o f Golde n Wesl Airlines, Ne wport Reach

Ile JOi ncd tht.' company 1n October 1968 and has he ld various pos itions with1n the company, th<' most recent a s executive vice president a.d chief o perating offi cer .

Sears To Reject Federal Pacts

C IOCAGO IAP ) Sears. Roebuck a nd Co., the n a tion's lurJ(cs l r e tailer, says it will accept no fu rther fcderul contracts because of a " campaign of harassme nt" by fed e rul Investigator s over Sears' hiring practices.

Com puny c hairm an Edward--R. TelllnJt said that Sears will hono r existing governme nt c:ontracts but will not bid upon o r a ccept contracts "lor an indertnitetlmc, be~lnnlng im mediately . "

Telling said Scar s was ta king the action because the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs had started wh a t he said appears to be ·· a campa11n ofha rasam e nt. s ubterfuge o r re taliatio n: '

Compan1es that bid on government contr acts mual comply w ith Jederal civil rig h ts a nd a lllrmallve action laws a nd regulatJons.

21 Nations Protest Price Hike MEX ICO CITY IA P I - A

"rowi n a numb e r o l I. attn American rH1Uon11 . angered by m ultlplt.• lncrNUWR in world oil

• prlt t·11. urc t 1dkln~ ahout taklrlll u<'tlon ngnln11t lhe Or14uniz11Uon of l'l'lrolt'um 1'~x f)4'1rtin i;i Countrici>.

O nly VcnC!1.Uclo und E c uador. lh•· llOl'1' Lalin Americ a n OPEC mcmtw rR, favor thP 1ntcrnatlon al curkl '11 pricr• intreascs .

T W •:NT V · 0 N E 0 T II £ R nations. inc ludin g Mexico romplmn that high'1' r oil prices nrc.• ug~rnvut1ng influt1on . un<'mp 1oy m'l,nl a nd fu e l s hortu1ies m a contine nt of 335 million peopl<· alread y beset by d1Hlc ultccono m1 c problems

Tht> ma1orrty of the nut1ons ha ve hud to r a ise i..:asohne prices. :-.ome as mul'h a!> 50 per cent. and somt' huv<.• combined the n ses with s ubsidies to soften th<' blow f o r <.•onsume r~ Colo mhw. a nation of 26million . 1ssutreringan inflation r ate o r 25 percent this yea r instead of the projected 15 p('r ccnl. ·

A to1> offk Iii I of 1 m IJ<i v<· n shcd llondu ras. rt' fl ectmi.: lhl• ani..:c:r fl'll b y nil -consu m 1ni.: nation-. .dtc· r OPF:(" s M ur1• h prH·1· lllt'rl'llSl'. privat<.•ly <J('('USt•d thl' l:J natron C' i.lrtc l of l'Xcrr1s1n~ " :1ml>1tions that i.lrl' h unkruµtin i..: lhc world "

I N Mt\ lt( ' ll , OPf-:C' ra1 s Nl i i\ <·r:1gc· rrud1· oil price-. fmm S1:1 85 lll SM 51 a ba rrt•I ancl a11thor111·d ' urc·h :trJ,,:f' s t hat 10

'"mt• ra'><.'.'> r;11-.1· lht· prr <.•1· lt1 Sl'J ;ind ~J , , harrt•I on 1h1 · · ' J>ot markt"t . \\ht.' rt' ml nc11 :-.old und1•1 lcins:: ll·rm t·1ir1 trn1•1, lli au<.·llon('(I to I hl· h1 i..: hc·:-.l h111dt•r

,\h-:oco h ;i:-. th1· \\ 11rl11" ' 'txl h lari.:t·~I 1>rt1\ cn 1111 n·s1•r\'('l. and " r;"t bl·t·om1ng a major ! ' 'CllfH1.1·1

hut n·fus1·:-. to JOI n c 1P1-:c · II 1·ha rJ,!t·i. "17 Hr .1 ha rn·I for

e·rrulc-. hut r1•f11M·'> 111 , ,.11 '"' 1111' ··, po l "' mark t•I 'I h•· ' lill• ·

pd rolt•um n1ono111>l v P f-: ~1 EX

I • • I trlr 1i"HJ \f ,, ,,, .. , (• ,I • , I • ,,,,,, f ,, , I J ,, • ,.,,,..,, J

'4t 'IN 'fll' " A'' 'mw r •t

I\ :.·'\/:;:r;l·~~,J:', t ~ :;;.~ I~ I .ll•IJ ' -''I I,,, f 11·\ f, t N f•J

1clJ1 on ly under 100 1- t e rm co ntrncla and n egotia t es lnc reaitel' with cltents every three m onth11 .

TO D•:Tt;R SOME inflationary e ffect s 1tR new 0 11 we a lth Is bringln~. Mexico is holding crudti oil produc tipn to 2.5 m illlon barrels a day for the next three year s although It says It could produce4 million barrels a day .

Mexican President Jose Lopez Por tillo is quietly con s ul tin g other Latin Ame r ican headJ11 or s tate about calli ng a United Nations meeting lo de al wilh the world oil e nergy c ris is lie plans to o utline his project before the U . N . C<'neral Asse mbl y in September

Costa H1can Presid ent Rodrigo Cara zo. who l'ndorsed the idea, last week or ,::amze d <JO e~rJ:y comm1ss1on in Central Amenca to s tudy ways o r taking common ac tion ugairu.tOPEC

CARl\ZO AND LOPt:z Portillo hav e w arn ccl that t h e world

ener ty emit may •P•rk ewr g reater outburata of poUtJcat violence , especially in poor nations that havenooll.

" T he dl.8order tn produdk>n. dlatrlbuUon and consumption or fue ls aJready has humanllyoa the brink of coll&P8e." Lopez Porl11Jo said in a recent speech .

• '0 11 prices go up , the Industrialized nations pass on these increases by raising prices o f their m a nufactured goods," Car aro said last week . " But our coun tries cannot increase the priceR of coffee, s ugar, meat or other products t hey export."

F o ur Latin Ameri can presidents a nd Spanjsh Prime Minister Ado lfo Suarez agreed to hold talks about o ffsetting future OPEC in c r eases . A foinl s tatement by Suurez and the presu.Je nts of Colombia. Bolivia -Costa Rica and the Dominica~ Re public c alled the increasei. " artntrary." " <'ons tant " and ' ' 1nd1srrim1natc ."

Earnings Decrease For Savings Firm

Downl'y s..,, 1ng' and l,t>an /\s:.0<'1a t11in . he adquartere d 1n Cost a. ~1 c•i.a , hi.IS rl•portl•d IWI 1•arning' o f S2 .83l ,000 or 90 cent!> pt:r !>harl.· for lhl· first quarkr

Thi-. eomp;,in·-. ''' I h1· ~ t·:.i r 1·:.s r llt'r r>t•rrod "hen 52.979.000 o r 95 1·1•nh Pl'r ' hart· " ' ' " po-.11·rl F1r' t <1uartcr rc!'>ulti., while orr ~ l>l'r<'<'nt. n •prl':-.l'nt lht· l'ompun~ ' rmirth h1•:-.t r cport1ng quartl!r

M CIUfl(' l ' L M l"t\li...tt· r . pn· .. 11lcnt or Downey Savtngi., notl'c:l that n '<·onl 11·H·nu1·' \\ t·n · off..,t ·t hy thl• htghc:r aver age r ate pa id on ., ;ivin~., JtTounl'> .Jntl borr" w1'fl m<mc.•v

·nil· rnp11I 1 '"' 111 monc·' 1·0"1" pr1ma rrl y n •Occts the high. rail·' raul on rno nl'.,, m;irk1 l t·n11r1t·ates Cnl1 f :.uch time a '> 11\lt •rc• ' l rat1•.., Ill j.(l'Ol' r <J I fl('(•ll'<IW . l'USl of money \\Ill dctcrm1111• tlll' th•L!rt-t• r1f'Jlrnf1t;ilnht' ·· ht· ' i.11d

l>clllnt•I "i:n •Ill.! ' "1th " '"'"' CJ ( SI OX lnll111n . 1s 01wraltnf.! 'tal1 · \~.td1 · \\llh '.!7 olflt "l ''> and ha:-. :spµro~;,,i l for new fi.ll' thttt:~ Ill

\ uee;1 \ 'all•\ f-: ' l'und1d•> ;,,ind S<Jn Marco'

(h·•·r Tiu· Count•·r NASO Listinq~


" ,r I l 'p11 and Dot0ns

f>" ,. •• ,, A •. n ''"'., '• Ii ti 1,n ' N r ', 1; tH W "((Jf:l fl I AP 1 TN- •ouow1nQ Ii t

""''""' tr. O·•-• tt,.. tl)U,,h • ,., .. 'r1unf11 f\An 11 'u t '5" 1 l't f"l\y,.,Hlft fr\(ju\f ( 't H • 1f"l

'41 •It.I( • l.JA"l t~,+. • rt ,,.., • ~ w~c, Ad/liPnl 1'. 11. O.t , t M .• I /t1/M (Cl • I \ ( ... II t)A'l A1)1J1 ,n N • I • I) [Jif l ~ • An ,,uo ' J c,,.1 "'"' Ad'</M t , '"· ,., 0- I ,..tf Al,. • A ll 1 JI /t4. , 1." ., ... . t

A· 01n1 '' )J ~·•·, f A t nh ' 1• Pttn< ''' Al1t'\ft> J' J ' l-N<YI• f'.I tJrn I [.H\11• A,t-.rrot t U t) • (H>nlO n A fn;t ·C I-' ~ f ,,, IH.1\

A M u"'' 1- ' j • Ot1v lOU /\W' 1(.lnq 1•, II C>v'"' •nh Ar~,.,, 1 J Ou'"'" AA1• •ltt• "' l' ,, •• ,,, , /t.•.n• ,,. h ,, 1• r I f\~· r "HI,, I> f • I •• I hJ• , I I

At 'J•·f1( 1() 4 4 • l j, ''"' ~ /\t • wr ,,, .. 11 t I M ntlUI A\11{1.111 1) 11 C n• r u 1t Atlt t • l f 1• ,_, .~ f nt N i .ti

' I 1-. tVJ•JI ,, ,, , .. ,..wn ,, I/] Jtrn•~-. '1 '• .. ,, ., .. ,, It I\ J • . ,,, n M

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Thur day, Clo ing Pri ·es

N¥SE €0MPOSITE TRANSACTIONS --------~-~011411111-1i'il ... -r,.,,.. .... ""' NtwVttW, .. ,,_,,, Jllfi lll(. JlllW ... ,Oft, Ott roll ono Clll<lllllolll •IOt ~

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Thurldly. Aprfl 28. tt7t N

Federal £a.,

' Fund Transfers i Gain Security


1r you cli1tOver one or your credit carda la miulq and has been used. you are llable for no more than t50. If someone forges one of your cheeks, you bear no UabWtJ'.

But Ir lbe phustlc debit or acca.e card you use with an e lectronic banking machine ls l<>11t or at.oleo you mu.at act fas t. The longer you w.-it t.o rt!port your fosa, the more liability you ass ume .

UNDER CERTAIN SECTIONS OF the Electroolc Fund11 Transfer Act, which took elfect in February, 1'0U have two business days in which to report the loaa of your car.d . I( you notiry the institution that issued tbe electronic banking card within that span or time, your loss Is limited to $50.

But if you neglect t.o contact the iAsuin1 institution within two days of learning of your loss, you could be liable for a s much as ~. Even this SSOO .ceiling on liability d isappears alter 60 days . Then your liability la unlimited .

If an unu s u a l circumstance - travel or hos pita lization pr eve nt s y ou from co nt ac \ i ng th e ins titution . these time p e r io d s may b e extended.

Money's Worth

Before these fede ral r egulations governing consumers ' liability we nt into e ffec t . mos t in s titutions offering e l ectronic fund s trans fer ser vices ~etermined a t•ustom er 's lia bility for losses on a cas~-by-case bas is, ;irrnrding to u 1978 ~urvcy hy the American Ba nker s Association.

nn: F.FT ACT ALSO ALLOWS ins titutions to issue uns olicited dt!hit cards. but the curds cannot be used until ) ou inform the issue r that you have r eceived and acceptt:d the card. The ins t itution must also tell you .

trow to dispose or the unsolicited card if you don 't want it.

The te lephone number and address to use to report the car d lost or stolen

The sort of e lectronic trans a ctions that you m ay makc hy us ing the card for instance, withdrawinit mont.'y from your c hecking or s avings a,count, m oving runds from ont t y pe of account to another . making dc1>osiL'> and learning the balances in your accounts.

WIL\T CHARGES. IF ANY, you incur for these :.e rv1ces C1 nd the hmats. 1f any, on using the m .

' Thi• ci r c um s t a n ces under which the issuing ins titution m ig ht reveal information about your account to s u 1: h third µartics U!> c r edit bureaus or government agt.'n('IC'S

Oth<>r roni.ume r -. afeguards AOvernang EFT service::. ~o into cffl·c·t in Ma y 1980

T HF.S E WOULD RF.QUIRE nNANCIAL ins titutions to 1fo,rlo-;c whether the following rights arc available lo lht•1 r Efl cui.tomt'r~

I I I To ::.lop payme nt or prc·authonzcd trar fe r!> and ho" lo do so

I!.! I To t(' l'l' I VI' ;i r<•etpl ror :i n y <:lc:ctronic rund lran:.fc r» you ha ve m<id1•

1J 1 To resolvt.' C' rrors by obeyi nl( certain procedurci. • 4 1 to a:-.sume the issuer will be liable for failing lo

m a ke transfer!> that you h<tve requested Gradually and extre me ly s lowly the gaps m

:..afcguards in th(• era of electronic funds transfer!> arc being clO!'led. It re m ui ns a fi ght, but we are winning tht! prntcl·t 1onst·i.-;cntial 10 financia l security

SWcks Lose Ground On Negative Reports

NEW YORK 1AP l The stock market moved lower todav o n ncr\'ousne!>i. over the future or nuc lear powe r a nd on ne ws that cons umer prices rose hy I percent in March .

The Dow J one:-. avt>rage of 30 industrials was off 6.49 poinrs to 860.97

l>ccHncs led adva nces by a 2·1 margin among New York Stock Exchange h !>ted issue~

.'il•1t•k!e lt1 Thf> ,_,.P"' lighl

Due ro late t r ansm1ss1on today 's l1c; t1ng w ill not appea r m the Daily Pilot.

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.. DAILY PILOT Thumlay. Ap11I 26. 1919

Refugees Look to U.S. Tribe m n Feel Lik

lo'l>ITOR s (JI ,.: "' ooothtr "' 0 HTW• o/ du parch s /tom rt'/UfJU' ('(lmj)J orovnd th# worw. AP .'iJ>('t' JOl Cutn' \ J!flrwU'nt ,.,,,., Antfft and E:ddw Ad4ms It'll IJ/ llat· dllt'fttnUI Of ,, ... l'IOff\Olhr ""'°"" JH'OJM(' wh<J /OtAUht fnr lhf' CIA 1n l.0111 and "°"' nyitd tlU'mstl t'f'I 01 obunt1mwd IUf1{101/l' 111 Ammro 1 IOJt wor TN> ,., JJCirlf!r photoyrupher /tom lro1>f'/f'd 45.f.K)J milts orrou /11ur ro"11f1t•11t • in ~l"On h Cll tfu> 1mrld ~ /fl j m11l1<111 humc•ltu

"' l't•:TF: R ARNt;M' ""~ •·ic .... _ ,

t'\Ar'li , l'hu1l11111I - fo .,, 1·1 ·ntu1111~ I ht• nonh•dll and f rt't' '111rlll·1t ll11111111t \nht•i.nwn -wanclf•rt•d tht• h1 ~h 11l tt1•t•11 11( 'ouftwrn " ' 111 Todov tht•Y 11•.:urd lht•1111wl\1•i< l" lh,• uh11ndrn11•cl l111o:uwt· <if u lo't 1\nll' rll'Ull 14111

l'h1•11 I h11 fl ; llll ' l)il)il' ljlllt'll)' IA\ ht• UtlJUll lt•fl lh1• 11•!1 '•''" ,111111 1111 hi' h1 t~I(\ l•Ulll ' 1 h1• "l\11 b1·11 .. 1111 '"' · ·mh11111f1•11•cl 1:11 k1•1 11nklt·tl '" h1· v.1.111..1•11 t o .1 1111•1•t 111.i v.1th lht• l11h11l 1•ld1•1,

" ot IC ( ' tto1t ·•. \\ \~ •11111pk dt·uth ur fl1i.:ht , .. 1111 l 'hom" t 'hh·11~m . 1l.i 11111, .1 11111J11r 111 d ~ut•r till ,1 Jltll\ 111111111•11 ui I , 111!'> lt\ th1· 1\nwrH .er1 l'I.\ 1111\\ " k.11lt 1 111 U OOU 1 c• h1~1 i ·, huddlt•1I 111 th1· llt1n ~ .1111Y ,1111.tmp1n lhJ1la111I ,,, ;111 pro\ llll'l'

\111•;111\ '"" '' h htt 11011 11 1111111.: 11 slx· .. ml'll h.1H' 111.1ilt· th1· 11111111111, 11111n1t·\ 1111 ru111 out of Lt1t• 'I to 11111 t h1·111 'I li.11 l.1111J I.ti..<' "' r11.J ll\ of the v. 111 ltl ' Ill~ 11111111111 11·(ug1•1·' !ht•\ hH1l. tu lht• l nikd stall•' 1111 1h1•11 lutu11·

111•1" 111 1111r1 h1·111 I h.1tlJ11tl till'} "' c 111 th<i ll' hl'lf hlll !> ' l11111g :.dong h1lh.1tlt•:. J1t>r1>ctuall} "rr:i th1·d Ill tlw tilu l' '> rt1t1l..l· 111 1·ook1ng f1rc :. Stol'k\ "onwn 1n hla1·k 1u1li<.111l> mid ft•.., toorwd v.llh 1 1•tl p11rn Jl°'" ' h tll th• .dung t ht• 11111 ru" pal11 wci Y!> l11~g111g ""'''" 1.i1, .ind l.1ndllng v.1111<1

T lf t:V llOl' t: IT 'S hut a !-. lopovt·r on lhL·tr "ay I•> 1\m1•r1t«1. 11111 d1;11w1·' for m11.., l <Jre :-. lun

Th1.· II mong rn 1grall·d 1nt11 1.ims a ct·ntury agu f1om l>C1Ulh1.•rn ('h1n,1 and M·llkrJ high 111 tht! moun t<11 11s Jh41\'l' th1· mula na h1•tt. Then. 1n the set•und half of lht• :'<11h t' l·ntury , lht•Y wt•lll to v.ur

·1 h1•) \H•rt· n •c·n11lt'<l h;· the tho11:-.and!. by ttw Cl.\ lo halllt• 1n tlw I.am, hat·k ('ount ry ag<tin:.t t hl' l 1,1l hl'l l.ao and North\ H'lnarneM· arm1t·' In <.t IJ1t h' r .111ll J;11 J.! t·h t'l.ir11h· ., t111l' l>t ruJ,:gl1·. t lrl'} J::<tlnt·d a ri ·p ut.1111111 io1 lira\ 1·n .ind n ·"lll•nn·

rut.Ill < 1n:1.u T ll E:'\ , ... ;wt <'hum" " ""., kill ur '"' k1 1iul And f111 1:i H·ur .. lhl·\ · denied

lllUl' h of norllw1 n L.111 ' lo till' t·ommun1:-.t :.idl' llul lht· to:-l ";1., 1h•;1 r

From a 11111>11IJt 11111 qf a1 ound :!O<l,h<J'I '' c lo:.l 111 . llt llJ cl1•,11I .11111 11'11!> of I hrn t'>:tOlb \\llUIHkd .' the <'h1t·ft.i111 ... . 11cl · Our 1·a'> 11.tl l1l'' \h'fl' thrct· timl':. th1· r.1t1· 11f \1111 ·11<·.111, in \'11·1n;1m "

'I 111b~ 1n fl1 gli t tht•\ rt•Jl'h 11w Thailand 1·<1mp .1t !ht• 1 all' of .J d111•·n or '",, 1h1) S<1mL· don 't rn<1kc 11

O\'. T lf fS U \ \ ' \ T l'ah Cl11ong, li ~lek1ing Ht\1•1 ••rH'hOl'HJ.:(• \\t '<I J,!1•d l11•IWl'l' ll fl'd t la y cl1fh . •11 f :11111lw' '-'"1'1' IP11nd ' 1tt1ng 11n thl' rin·r hank .., h1 ver 111~. llt1·11· 1·ml1111111i·rt'!l 1'1111Jw.., hang ing lo cl1 y Tht·~ h:11J n11,M·d f1 om l..1 11s 1·11 rti1· r 1n tlw morning h; l) mg th1•1r 1'111ldn ·n lo hranth1 •.., and pul>hing lhl'm th ru11ghth1• -, ,, 1tt 1111111111g \\Hl(.'1

" Tht• \\liolt· \ 1llag1• of 301 JK·•iplc 1·<.lml'. '><till he ;.1dm~in 1 \ 1.1 l ' ;111 Y 11ng tu ;rn 1nl<•rroj!<1l111J! Th<r 1 p11l in·111:in Wt· tl'ft lwt:1u'>l' \ ' 1\'lnamel>e soldier.. , ,,,It• 11u1 ri1·1• ;111rl d111·k1·n-. <Jnll "e f<: ;.in·d <lc·alh ·1hrt'L'11r 11 :-. \\(•1 1• 1-.illt·cl IJ) I.art wltl1er '> during our \\ t·ck on lhl· l r .11 I

l ' N 11ffic·1t1 I' 1· ... 11mt1t1· that 11nl· 1n four rdmget: .., !1111·.., not rn;1k1· 11 111 I half.ind f)l'rll>htng on tht• 111nglt• l r~11b fl urn 1•xh.111 .. t 11111 or llll' hulkt'> 11f µur!'iurni.: '•1lrl1t·r'

••S(J,\t t:Tfltf'.!'I ~\ 1-. !'IEE lhl·ll l1od1t•., flrwtrn g tit>" n the M1.·l-.011g H J\'cr. '>Hid l.<i rry Per~on:. , :rn \rncriL·.in m1:-."11n;J1 v f rom nt:arhy Non~kha1. " :'\o om: d.r n·~ f "h llwrn 1111 l hl·c· ;111.,(· 11r I he <l;mger of gun fin: fmrn th1'<1t h1·r , .,,,.

Thl· Ban !':rm Yao t·amp 1s thn·c ye:ir' old. but lhl· pnpula1111n r1·ma1 ni. aboul c·on, t <int. While <ibout :io lea \l• 1·:11·h 111on1 h for n·.,t•lt lcment in a not hl·r 1·11ttnln , u<.1wllv Ill(' l '111!Nl St<rh·"· abou t the s aml' numbt;r11fb:rl111'.o., ar<· liorn

Many lll'rl' 11n· \\td11v. s Zua Yang. Ill. a bcihy al ' ht·r bn·a?- t . '>:Jiii h1 •r h11 '>liand d11.·ll while tr11l> . .,i ng lhl'

i\frkong H1 v1.·r . lt•a \'lrl l-: h..r with '> IX l'hlfdn·n

/\NOT ll ER WOMAN. 110111 Sagan. :11 . s t1lc h1ng 1·mbr111tll•r v w11h lwr 1:1 y1:ar ·old rlau~hlt.·r <il hN 'Ilk . told ho" h1·1 hu .. lm nd w<is killed rn the" <1r

Tht· rdugl·c lift· ,.., all<•nng th <.' 11((•..,t ylc of thl' frcv :. p1ritl·lf Jl mongs , not l1Ccustomc1I t11 1Ju1 cau1·1 an aurl n·gulat1o n.., :JOd s11nwt1mc:. g 1v1:n lo .., mok1ni.: op111m a nil ta k 1 ng :rn c·xl ra w 1r l'

1\uoul I ~ IJ<·n ·t·n t of th1.· llmong mt.> n hu\e mort· lha nonl' \\lft•

Ont• ofl lwn1 "Ch ut· Dua I ll·r . :Jll i\ short. :-. lurd y forml·r h.1ttall1111 l·11mmandcr. t'hul' 'a id he had <1!1 n11l lt'd lo i\rnt•nt·an 11ffac·1ab he had t"'o w1\cs. unin t1·ntionall) rl.-.qual1fymg h1mM: lf for rc:.t'ltlcmenl in the U nilt'<IStal1·'

" I II.\ VJ-. KNOWN uthl· r m1·n 111 lie <tbout their \\Ive~ . l'la1m1ng tht• v.omt•n "err in' t('cid their :.is lcrs, " ht• :.;ml , "1th his l\\.u w1v1·:. and five'childrcn :-la nding n1 ·arh~ ".\ntf they ~ire living happily 111 J\men1·a ..

Smokrng up1uni " a lrndllwnul h<tb1t of the older 11 mong.., , hut t ht· J\rm·m :a n authoritics frown on that. too

Sua T ua . a gaunt HR. l>aid he has s moked three pipl•s a <lay for ~cars. financ<·d from his son ·~ ea rn · ings in th(• l'amp <is a lahorcr Thl' habit cost him <i lll'kcl lo i\merira

DACK IN 1.i\OS. a wife broui:ht a dowcry of <1boul S750 In th1.· ta mp the price has plummeted lo $200. with somf! murrrngcs urrangcdon c redit.

And lhc s w .•orthe llmo ng fam1ly has diminish<!d from a normal doz<'n eh1ldrcn to only twoorth ree.

American.., in T ha11cmd believe the llmong d e '>t..'T"ve a ~pccial consideration ror immigration

nlcss a llmon1t soldier has served 4112 years 111 the U.S.·backcd arm~ he is not cons idered for rescl­th:mcnl.

" YET . 40 P ERCENT O•' those we deal with have served a rul1 J1 2 yea rs. ·· one American said .

About8,000 Hmong have immigrated to the U.S and 50.000 remain in Thailand. As many as 20,000 more are expected to nee from Laos.

Unde r the t il(hlly de fined Ame rica n program . onl y those with " anchor" relatives In Ame r ica -:.uch as pa rents. childre n and Ring le siblings -<1uallfy for r esclllc mcnl. Married b rothers and s is · t crs are not ell tdblc lo join a brother In the United Slates

• " Yt:T SOVIET J E WS url! a llowed to go to the lJ s r rgardlcss of any tie or relationship," said one A.,-,~rlrsn who works wlth the cefugeeli. " I think the rfMJIY. wh 1 fou~ht In our army should aet s imilar 1rUlmrnt "

W1lh lhc /\OWrll' ttll wllbdrawal rrom l ndoch.inlJ

·~. - ..

"Abandoned Luggage' • Ill lhl• e•.orl)' llnO:J. the: llOWf\111 wc.•rc It-ft lo fond for

themselwa Soml' conllnul·d to rcshil thl• communists tand

.irt• k11ow11 lo IK• (1.ihlln.i atlll Out lhl• unmarked U.S vl 11nt•l'l lhMl Uhl' '' tu IWj,lflly lhcrn huvc Iona( since l' IOJ)J>t'd flyan.i

O'ntt;lt llMONCtS t•a pilululcd lo the com munlNlK, -with lht• m'·n tw111)( Mrnl to re education 1·11mµ uml Lhl•lr fum11it•N tol'i>mmunulfurm1>

Bui . 1wt·ord1111t to United Nullons und Thal of f1t•l/1l' the• lllHJIH lty d t'C· 1d1•d (Cl nee beCUUl>t> they l1•ur1•<l l11t•11· 1111i.t ui.1>1>1'1Ul w11 with the Amcrkuns had 1,1111t1•1I 1 lwm 1111h1•1•y1•1111f I ht• 1•r1rn munlsts


D vacations coming ••• secure your hom_p! Viait the Costa Mesa Police Dept.'a Crime Prevention Trailer In our parking lot o n Saturday, April 28, 1979. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Find o u t how to prevent your home from being the target fo r a crlmol

extra measure of security Kwlkse1• Slng'o c 'lhnder b•ass doadlOCI< 11 s 8 w•lh key loci.. out!.1do lhumoj(ey inside 1 throw #88() nog 17 90

swing lock


Simple et1oc11vc Flop style door loci. keeps dOor SllUI 1tgn1 lor BdOCO safety Reg 95•

iwiiiet look out don't open Strong all steel chain door Jock Open ooor fus t enough 10 see who s !here Reg 1 05

. _...._ _ -- .. ---·-

'Pin' could make difference N1te-Lok patio door pon

can l<eep someone from bren111ng 1n Comple te w11n r.anger ,#15301 Rog 85'

stop-a-thief lock plate Lock Plate pieces en B• · mored barrier rn lronf or your door lock Installs tn

seconds Two tn pkg Reg 45•


thumbscrew window lock Hanoy strong s1101rig win· dow or door tock allows lor sure.stop anyw11e10 along slide Reg 75'


@ ' ' l • t v

this can save a lffe Senses ano alens you at l 1rst sign o f 11re enc smoke Easily Installed Battery 1ncludeC1


- .. - -- -WORLD

lock in valuables

Chia Kiong, 10, 1 i> a m o· n g seve ra l s i c k children in nif· ugee camps in Southeasl Asia . This hospilal i:; i n no r t h e rn T hai l and . Fi f · tee n ch i l dren ha vc died here since December:

.... Prtcea ..... TIU' .., 2. 1171 All PhotographlC, Typographtcel,

Clerlc1I and PrlnUng Etrort are Subject to Correction.

• • Sea. tt. .. .,.. wtect .. s ... . ....

Double cylinder de~boll b)' Kwrluel has 15 8 8 1 lhrow ReQuires key to open lrom both sides ~885x3 . #88Sit5 Reg 24 90

wing nut window lock Easy 10 1ns1e11 lock •or sliding windows Guerdi; against forceo f!nfry Reg 105

Steel bolled lock res1s1s forced entry Eeay to tn · stall Mounts top or bot· tom. With 2 keys Reg. 6.50

stop the sllde when you want Tamper· proof ~Alley-Lock 101 sliding doors & win· dows Locks 11ghl 'or max­imum security Reg 3 49


patio door lock For sliding glass doors and windows Mounts In any po111ton #1599 Reg 2 25



INSIDE: •Ann landers · •Entertainment •Erma Bombeck •Horoscope

r~. ~ul 20. llHi DAIL y PILOT


Gov •. Brown's 'Safari' Given Poor Grade ft) f>I\ NlS MrU!LLA

OI t!W l)a1ty fll• IUff

All thf' •'Y~ of tht' ~orld SC<'mJn.:ly ""'•re on Go\ Jt>rry Bro"'n " rece nt tnp to Africa with ro<'k alnac-r Linda Rnn tAdt . 1nc lud1nrc ~ ul one Ion" hnl'" Alr1i-a "'atc her ~ho found hlll" 11bou1 tht> t n p to comm<> nd

" I found no r .-ct .. ,• m inti Q\l ilh tlt":. in hi:. t r l•IP• IOal ta r o unt.I lh••ra'. ' i.utd J o hn P t• t•r Nuttt•nt , u NP~~v. f't>k Afn <'n bun ·uu i-hwf v. ho hu1> 'Pt'Ol rwur ly 20 )l' llr' coH•r1n~ Afru

The b11t.il'i.l prohl1•m v.11tl 'omeh<1<h ltk1· Hro\o\ n "11111..: tht•r\• iio ·' I.id< or plo nntnl( l ' '.\I t•pl lo ..:o unit M• \I ht- ':. t(OlnJt lo d<> l!ood thin~'

N Ul(t•nt ' i:. c11rn nH·nh " ''rt' lll ddt· <1 I lh1· Lu" unit ""''" 1)(11 l l lt·.it· h "'"1-. t unrt· I 1 · 11~ut• ~ 1 io11 11or•'<I To~n ll ull lt.•t·t un· i.t•nt•\ M1111du) at Jo~IJwurtl C11wou II\ l\t•v.1>0rt Ht·a c•h

T tlt: ll0l1 R 1.01'( • . , \l .K l ' O\t' lld ~1 11111lt1tu1lt• uf lht• 1·1111q1lt•\ll1t•-. thJt un· \fr11 ,, .i

I.met o f M t'otJnt rll'-.. •100 m1l1111n 1w11111 .. u11ct h,ilf till' VOll'b lr\ lht· l' ntl t•d Nt1ll1111'

.,.,.w A11 11•111·.111-. 11 .. dh kn1•'4 muc·h ,1h11u l AfrH'J J01l 1t:. p111l1ll•11 .., 1rlC'lutJ111~ -.au l ~u~1 · 11t . J crn Hro'4n

Nugt·nl nolt·d lhal B1mH1 t11lcl rcporkr-. ,,t J

vres~ 1'0nff•r1·n1·c· that ht· al'4 U):. '4Urttt..•d lo 1w 111 ' th a t count ry "

· · Afrwa 1::. not a t·ou nt n . 11 ' ,1 1·onta nt:nt . · u1d Nugt•nt " Mr ll rn" r\ a tJIMfl·nll) hi.t:.n l got te n that st raight tn ha:. mind I h· obviou:.ly \\< ( ' Ill

there lo St'<·ure the· blu<'k \/Ole 1n Ame rica .. Nugent said Bmwn we nl to a ll tht..• wrong

l'Ou nlru•s Libe ria . " lhc Unt l(' Tom c·ounl ry or Afri ca." c·or rupt Kt·nya and Niger ia where no (' lec tmn.., h<1H' llccn ht: ld ~tn('C 1ndcp<:nd .. nc·c 25 yc<1rs ago

" HE WE!'\T T tl E R F. 1Nige ria 1 appa rt•nlly to talk ahoul sol<1 r t·nc rgy," :.<.1 1d Nugent , ad ding , " Afri(·ans <m· fa irly !.oph1sl1cated bul th1·y ha vt•n ' t gollt:n 10 s ol :i r e nergy "

H t· qucstlonNI I ht' v<.tlue of chscussi ng solar 1·ne rgy in a <·011nl ry that mu:.l use dung not onl y for fue l hut lo hutlcl 1t:. hul:. bc<·aust· the re as nu '40od Tha t . hc saul. s hows ho w " pathe tic " '>om e /\fra c<sn t•ounl r tt·:. an·

' 'I'm i.: l:.id l o ~t· t· H1·11"'n lrn:-. rct urn1·d ... ug l•nt told the· aucl11•nt·e .. And mo~l /\fr1nrn:.

!.hare mv 1·nt hu-.1:.i ' m · Jr N°UJ:l'Ol i;:a Vl'I> Urn"' n poo1 mdrks for t11 -.

"no w l c J gt• o f Africa . he· 1 atl· s ~l·11 '-i I

SUNSET-The Laguna Beach home of

John Phelan will be the setting for a "Sunset

of Chamber Music, cocktails and hors

d 'oeuvres, architectural stimulation and

spectacular coastal views, " according to a

spokesperson for the Laguna Beach Summer Music Festival, which is

sponsoring the fund-raising event.

Scheduled for 5 p.m. Saturday, April 28, the

affair will be highlighted by chamber music

planned by festival music director/cellist Masatoshi


Getting Back to Basic Dirt

Claergl Rotno

.f, am currently sufforing through the worst case of spring fever l 've ever had.

Each morning I awake before the alarm goes on to the sounds of birds chirping out­side and the warm sun s treaming throug h lhe hole ln m y bedroom c urtain.

l lull myself w s leep at night dreaming of tropical Islands and lhe s mell of s untan oll and floating o n a ran and tur ning chocolate brown and doing nothJng or a ny consequence.

... . ' . . . . . .. ... . .. , . ,, • • , ., ....... t""\ ... , • ·~y . .. .... . I •

Iha) 1&kuwu 111' 111w l'u liforo1an who 1.s a scnoui:. 1tude11t (1f M r1t·un uHull x,

Nugt•nt. who oh •n lior vti:s ai; l'onsultant to a.enu t o r 11 tnd oth"'r jlOvt•rnm en t officiul s lo1 mulJlmN 111nnio n .. 0 11 Afr1cu. uccompwucd llu) uktt\lt u 111 Afrt<.' >A lual ~ummc-r

Ht: l-iAIO 1..: WAS 1mprc11sed by the 72: } ( ' 1 0111 •w11 .1t11r ., \ 1t :tl l t y und abilit y lo

J11Jl\11• th1· -.at u.1t 11111 ,uid do,. dcccnl Job " If lhl'11· ·~ .111 \ ont· ma11 Ill lhe United

'°> ltth·~ "h11 cll "'>~' I H ''t lfl'dtl fu t hrangmg a bout 1tw t•ll•t·t11111 ' 111 Hhodl's1;1, at 1:-. St•n llayaku w11 ," -. u1d Nu~t.· 11 t ' lit- c..·J 11 1t• to thl· con<.'lus ion that

Newsman John Peer Nugent

When I dn vt• to work 1:a ch day I ha ve this tre me ndous urge lo puint the no!.c of m y wanton s al vl' r Alfa Romeo toward Coas t llig hway a nd le t her la ke me where ::.he will


e lections m Rhodes ia may not be ' the' answer but it Is an ans wer "

Nugent doesn't view the black versus white conflict as the primary proble m In Africa ·s future . Tbe greates t da nger. he believes. is go­in~ to be blacks versus blacks

And that problem is nothing new l.o the continent.

''The tribal s laughter that Is going on in Afri ca overwhe lm s one 's mjnd ," s aid Nugent " Hundreds of thousands of blacks die e ver y year

NUGENT DESCRIBE D AFRICA as " not <in Afri can place It 's a place of 2.000 tribes. They thank a lone thes e lines. not nationhood."

To add to the proble m . he s aid. there 1s like number of languages and dialects .

Nugent s aid mos t Americans a r c not s tirred by reports of slaugh te r unless whites a r e killed. lie predi ct!> the killing. a mixture of tribalis m :and holy w<1rs . will cont inue

" This is a crisis a s fa r a s I 'm conce rned ,'' he said .

As for Cg a nda . N ugent s aid that JUSt becuusc dic tator ld1 /\min has been re moved does n 't meu n the country 's proble ms have been l' l1minated

The country. he s aid. wiU have to be r e · hu ilt , a t<1Sk that he rc..:cls probably will fa ll On the li nitcd Sl:.ilcs,

" l:GANO/\ HAS BEEN denuded by Aman of m uc·h l<1ll'nt ... ::.a id Nu gent " He pretty mur h s luughtere<I thl' inlc ll cl' tUals . There are fe w d l' l' IS1o n -mukang po lit ici an s who ha ve thc 1·ha n s m <1 to r un the· country because Amin ha~ :.o ckancd out the pl acl' ..

Ue~pilc the horro r s tories tha t r ame out or th<' country during /\m1n ·s bloody caght ·ycar n• 1g n . thl· JOUrnah :.l cJcscr ihcd Amin <.t:. d

.. .. 1rgin 1n thl' woods" ('ompa red to past Ugan !! a ns

" We in /\ mcrica do n·t have t ime to go bit ck 1n his tory, " he said . " Uganda hus always bt·l·n t remendous ly l'rue l /\ man was not a unu~u t· µhl'nom c..·non of mode rn du y ~oc 1et y ·

Although /\m an ha1> l<.i lll'n from p<J\o\ l'f Jnd d 1~appl'an·d. t hut d uc1>n 't nt.·t.·c:.~a rily mt•a n " H1 g Uaddy " is down and uul for thc f1 n<.1I l'OUlll

" Wc" n· told Mr /\mm 1~ 11015.hed . s u1d Nugcnt .. But I k ;.uncd lo ni:: itgo that unu l I ~ l·t· t hl· a ulupsy rC'purt I'm not goi ng lo t 11kc al f1,r

lions lo be ahlC' to gel 11 ~untan whale doing lhc la undry or typing a story and al the sa m e time s how up al the office every m orning.

As l grow up c I m a y get old. but f will never complete ly grow up I. I am begin­ning to realize tha t we a ll have to learn to g ive up portions or our freedom in o rder to achie ve our goals .

Enscna1la IS ntCl' this lime or yea r and so is Sun D1 t•i.:o a nd Sa n f<~rancisco a nd Monterey a nd C<irm e l and Sant<i Barbara and my backyard

So. you say. wha t thb woman needs ii> a va calion . Of course you ·r e right. And that 's why I have th is a lmost termina l case of the fever.

I:? Whe the r we like it or not . somet hang 's

got w twist a nd bend and peel Even someone as illustrious as Presi·

dent Ke nnedy , I am told, used to have dreadful cases of the s prings and would sit in his cabine t meetings drawing doodles of sailboats.

I just had m y vacation and. l rear. am still in the re .entry cycle . If there is one bit of advice I can offer never take your vacation in the s pringtime. The conse · quences of your a cUon will be felt unti l fall.

Spring revcr makes me reaJ1zc l am no longer able to do all the things I would like to do. It would take som e clever contor·

.. • ..

·--· -:. . :--.-: ...... . ·~-~-.. - .. - - ---- -- ... ··- --,

I don 't draw s ail boats : I pout And this weekend as I wat ched my dauf(hter a nd her fri ends prepa re for a beach party while I had to go to work . I righteously lusted In my hear t forlbose adolescent and roma ntic sp r · ingdaysof so longago. · Eve n my body is beginning to rebel. Now when l look at myself. I have a new under11tanding o f cellulite on the lhilh and not being able to see to find your glasses in the morning. And I don' t like it .

............. -.- ......

granted. Many or these d1ctawrs a re made o r Indi a n rubber and bounce back in other places."

AL THOUGH MANY AMERICANS express g r ave conce rn over the East·West ldemocracy vers us CommuJ\is m 1 connlct in Africa, Nugent descri bes the ~ituation as " quite humoro us ."

It's often d iffi c ult to say who ls o n the side or the East a nd who Is on the s ide or the West , h'e s a id . As an example , he cit ed Angola whos e major source of Income now comes from Gulf oil oper ations

To keep lhc America n operation running, ~e said , Angola sent in Cuban t roops to protect 1t On weekends. he noted. it 'a not uncommon for the Cuban soldier s and the "Texas roughnecks" running the operat ion to get together fo r Satur· day night bashes,

" Some strange bedfellows pop up." Nuge nt observed wryly . " The cold war is indeed amus mg to me. I . ror one . am not. frightened by the Eas t .w est conflict I don 't see Africa m a king <.t com m itme nt e ither to the Eas t or the West. "

Nugent added that a lthough " we are ca ught up in lhis thing ca lled human rights. application or 1t an Africa ts a was te of t ime."

THE R EAL CONCERN of the United States 1 a nd olhe r count ries) 1s with Mric<i 's mine ral rights . he said " If we were more honest a~ul it . we would get a lo ng better with the African nations."

According to Nugent, the United Stales ~hould forget <1bout the..: Peace Corps , hum:rn nghts <1nd E<.ts l-West ideology 'fhe way to mak f' 1 tnroad~ 10 AfriC'a . h•· hehcw~ . 1s by he lp IO I.: bui ld II

The n1ted St a tes 1!-. 1n a strong pos ition . ht· sa id . because African na tions would love lo get h o I d o r /\ m t ' r 1 c· a 11 m a cJ e t r a c· l o r s 11 n d m a t·h1nl'ry

" Wc"n· m assing a m aJor o pportun1t) ." lw , u1d 'Wt· ~hould :.how the husiness fl a i; 11f Aml'n ca m s l t·:oid o f ta lking c.i bout the Lincoln G t· tl v~burg Address flag ..

Tal k of freedo m . h,. 'u1d . fa ll\ on d t•af t•a r ' 1n Afnca " Ta lk of fre1•d11m mean!> nothrng 111 1.ll.'OIJIC eal1ng ha rk off lrt•t•:-. .

Nugenl -.aid ht· " <1 m a1.e<J v.hc n he v1s 1t:. Amt·n t'an collc•gt• l'am rn1~ c·~ and h1·<1 rs we ll fL•d .., t ud C'nls calling for thl' r emoval of /\me r1 c<1n 1"11 rpo rat1on~ 1n Afri ca Wi thout those JOh~ . 1\fr1<·an~ hl:IVt' to ld him . the•) will starve

In an errort to protest what i ~ happening. I went to the loca l nu rsery on Sunday mornin~ und ho ugh t a flat or ye llow petunias ,

It seemed h ke a mtlhon years s ince I las t planted a nower or played in lhe d irt. And the idea of getting really grubby was slrungely appealing .

Wearing a bathing s uit lhal had o bvious · ly s hrunk s ince la s t s umme r a nd a n old pair o r h.ildng boots with the lace!) missing . ' became so deeply involved in this act or poetic expression that l ha rdly noticed the blis te rs de ve loping on m y ha nds and the s unburn on my body.

By Monday my s pring fever had over­s pr ung a nd was replaced by a s pring cold a nd a headache. In so me ways I was g rateful.

For the firs t lime in over a month, ( thought . I will be able tQ concentrale,on my responsibilities and on becom ing a useful person. My spring had leaked.

Then this mornlng I woke tQ the sounds of a dove cooing an~ the s un made me feel glad to be aJlve and all I wanted w do was. drive tQ En.senada aeain. • . . . . . -.,.. , .. .


Rea~ Sleeeers Up In Arms D EAR Rt:AOE RS : I believe I bave

burd from o.-arly every heavy 1deeper In tile North AmtrlcH continent - H wt1ll at u..lr motben, alttertl, broU11er1. apoolH, roommates or on..,... Tiiiey are all 11111e1Ua.c urlou for1n1 of punl11tm~nt for me. <I > I should be baac~ by my thumbs for a wttk. (2) Tweaty l11bea wUh a knotted · tap bt-dt1httt. 13> My f'yes abould be prop· Pf'd opu wttb toothpicks for '8 boan.

It .eema I uraged an awful lot of folks witb my an1nver to the young woman wllliote U ·year·old brother s lmp· ly touldn' t get out of bed In the morning ualu1 abe dracged blm oat. I suggested tbt' l)04'1bWty that the guy mJgllt be a pot.head, on heavier drugs, booaed up or ~erect up. I also added, " Tell b lm that wbltevt'r bf>'s been doing to knock ltlm 1.1eU uncon»elous al bedtime, he'd be llt'r top ...

Hert: are a few samples of tbe week's mall ;

t ' ROM ABERDEEN S.D. : Dear Ann Landers I am a 30.:,vear-old wi,le and m other of four . I can sleep through 11n

earthquake. a thunderstorm In a can· vu.topped camper and three a larm clocks. I have never been on drugs, beer or booie. and an ans wer Uke yours in the new1paper 111re dldn 't help me with my fami ly. Thanks ror the " klop in the c ho ps" a phrase I picked up from your column a few years back. - NO NAME PLEASE. l ' VE HAD ENOUGH

FROM TULSA: Why did It have lo be pot or pills or beer or booze that m ade Brother s uc h a sound s leeper? Haven 't you ever heard or irregular brain waves" This was the reason a member of our family could not get out of bed in Ute morning no matter how hard he tried . It always took s pecial e ffort on the part or someone who cared e nough to see that he got to work on ti me . I hope you are ashamed or yourself. -SEE A DOC, SIS

So. dear Readers, I am eatlng m y words. Cbomp. Chom p. Chomp. Heavy sleepers don't necessarily have to be beered up, booaed up, pot·beads, or pUI poppers. They may have "Irregul ar brain waves" or they could be naturally

Aaa L•atler•

bea vy aleepera. TIM: advice I ~ ba ve glvn la tllle flnt plae. e.mes from tlaree tepara&e aouees I eoa&aded regardlllg dab problem. O Uoald llave lnveattga&ed more carefally before I pet my foot ln my moath. >

Put the full reapooslbUlty on &be sleeper to get blm1ell out of bed le Ulle morning. Don't le t bWor her pat I& on you. When a sound 11)eeper accepts U.e fact tba& be la s trictly on bl.a own, be WILL bear the alarm clock or the wake· up call - and get out of tbe sack. He may OVfl'Sleep on« or twice or even more, bat when be finall y reallies be has no one on whom to place the blame, be WILL shape up and conqoer the pro­blem.

Miss Personality Strikes Out 1\ magazine recently

s urveye d a group of tl' l'nagc girls in whic h 80 perce nt or them s aid that a p l easing ~)l·rsonality and a sens e of hu mor werC' Lh c prime cons1dcral1on in ;.1ccepting a firs t datl'

Oh s ure, and I ' ll be t thl'.' bays s aid the same thing . They always do .

ErMa Bombeck

looks like a prom queen , but do n ·t bang up unde rnearth it a ll s he ha s a p l e ac;i n g personality a nd a !.enst: of humor."

rm skeptical. I think

s urveys reflect what the part1c 1pants want t o b<:lieve is true. F'ace it. Gu ys don 't go out with <1 plea'lant personality and a s ense of humor.

They marry it though .

CONCERT - The Harbor Area Community Concert Associa­tion has planned a membership drive luncheon at 1 . Sun­day. April 29, in the Westminster home of Mr. and Mrs Phillip Kunde: Guest pianist for the luncheon will be Kristine irven. at the piano. With her is Mrs. Kunde. For informati . call 892-8034 or 644-1120.

Being to ute d for a blind date by reassuring the blindec .. s he has a wonderful pt-r sonahty .. 1s like being na m ed Miss Co n p· n i a I i l y i n t h t· Pills bury Bakl• off. It s a ki ss.off ·whocC:1 r es?

I was in school I saw boys d ate g irl s with wais ts bigger than the ir l Qs. I sat next to a ~irl once who had th e personality of a leflove r. but s he was definite ly asse mbl ed at the factory . She took the Histo ry of Rus s ia course onJy because the c lass was at 9 :30 a .m . a nd s he got the morning s un on the right s ide of he r body .

She had a da t e when s h e had her te e th c leanro

try ing to set up a boy who raised earthworms and had a collection of Uarbie dolls in his room

In all lhe year s I wa !t Fra nk.ly. a p leas ing . i n l h c d a t 1 n g

personality and a good marketplace. not o ncl' s e n l>l' o f humo r bea rs did 1 hear a hoy or g irl too g reat a s ti gma to !.UY ·· wow' w o uld you

I ' m no dummy. When

RUFFELL'S ' UPHOLSTERY Si119les l'Vl' r ovcrc·omC'. Mothers get a load o f thilt .----------­

ust·d lo !.ay that whe n pleasi ng personality Cl od lh1'y w~re try ing to palm check oul that sen~l' of

Art Show Today rhru Sunday in lhe

Hunltnglon Mall more than 50 loo l alenl art1" IS exh1b11

original works at once s lhat will please you BPach

Blvd & 405 Fwy


6 42-5678

'W1wt1 You W..t ttle led

1922 Harbor Blvd. Cotta MeH - 548· 1156

Raise Funds for your Club, Organization II your ncn-orof11 club or o ro:in11a11nn nP€'<1s

10 ri:usP funds call H unt1nq1on Centpr

897·?533 and we will .,, nd you our Comm 11n111•

HPIO dPta1ls

S1ep into the pllowy suede innenole and you a ~l'ION you'vo found the reol 1h.ng - Bos\ Sun1un•

Becou\O if it\ Boss, ifs for real.

1052 Irvine Ave Newport Beach

5 48·8684 Westcltll Plaza


~1-:\.\l'fHtT JEWISH SINGLES: Ml'l' l 11ld .11111 n1•\\ fn .. 111b .it Huth ·~ homP ut 7 30 1J m S11nd.1y. i\pnl :W. Cu ll Huth .it 1;45.2:u 1 for direc tions

S I NGLE EXPERIENCE : .. This Th ing (':llled l,on.-· wil I he d is cussed ut 8 p m Frida~ . t\pnl -.n. al the Sdf Cttnlcr tn Orange.

t\ notht' r p rogrmn al 7 p.m . Monday. /\pr ll :10. '' 111 l"<plore the i ~su c· of b<:tn~ J.!<.IY and :.1ngh· Call thl' Self Ce nter a l 997·9600 for infornwtmn

Cot·P1.E CO MM UN ICAT ION : How l o rnmm 11nl<':1 t1· in a n intimate re la tionship \.\ill be thl· tnp1l· of .1 -.1·m1nar <.i l 6 p .m . Friday, /\pnl 27. .it thl· .Jolly H11gc•r Inn , Anaheim. Ca ll 673·0937 for inform:1llt111

S1\t-'ARI S INGLES : Urunc h a t S<:ba~t1J n s \\'est in S;i n Clcml'ntc is planned for Sun1fay. April 2'J Ca ll Ann . G3 1·4375. fo r r<:scrv:.ilion!. .

ORANGE COAST S ING LETARIANS: H;.ip groups, get :1cqua tnll'd ga m es a nd danc ing will h1 ghhght ::i 7 p. m . e vent Fricl<1y , /\pnl 27. in Cos ta l\ll' s a . Pho ne Ma ril y n MC:1 c lnl y r e. 1;. rn.sss~. for inform ation

S ISGl.ES TRAVEL: A trip to Cancun . '1 C'xico. is planned for May 23 to May 28. Call I .on Hoh1.•rtson al 540·2270 for details.

WORKSHOP .. OR SINGLE WOMEN: use offers a fou r .part course bt·s.i inning TuesdC:1y, ~ta y l Fordctails.call l213 >741·24 10.

ORANGE COAST· S I NGLF.S : The ovcr·30 s ingles ~roup has schedulro a barbeque at 5 p m . Saturday, April 28. Brin~ your own m eat. Ca ll Lelia a l 642·2732 for r e ser vations.

BALBOA SKJ CLUB: J\ year.end party a nd othe r i.ll·t ivilies are planned. Call Wayne Hoover a l 545.7979 for details

PARENTS WITHO UT PARTNERS: A house part y is s la ted to be.Ri n at 8 p. m . ~;.ilu rd :iy. April 28.r Call Uolores. 638·8779, for info rmulion

S INGLES DANCE: The American Legion Jlall in Orange wi ll be t he selling for a dance beginrung at 7 :30 p. m . Saturday, April 28. Music by the Footnotes. Call 538·6311 for directions .

I f you have an Item for the Singles Calendar. send it 111 Cher.111 Romo, f'eatunng Department , Orange Coast />01/!f f'1/111 . P 0 /lox 1.560. Co~a Mesa. Ca 92626. Please 11wl11rl£' 11111Jr na me. addrrss and plume numbf!r.

Spring Surprise! Embroidered cotton blowes

in white or beige.

Ref(. '18'1' N 0 W $ J 2'XJ S, M, t

off a gi rl who brcatht•d humor ·· through he r m outh a nd Wor::-it·. no oni· ,., •·r h:id <.1 ruct• tooth . de~c ribf•d <.i hllnd datt·

0 r "hl•n Llw y wl· n· u:-. " re ally ::.l<1l·k1.·u ;rnd

( Boros cope •"RIDA Y, A PRJL 27


] ARIES <MC:lrch 2 l ·Apr1I 19 1· Spotltghl on

ga the ring data. lining up priontie~. t aking a s tand, speaking with ca ndo r.

TAURUS cApril 20·May 20 » Luna r cycle high - ci rcumstances favor your e ffor ts You c an be a t rig h t place at crucial m om e nt.

GEMINl <May 21 .Junc 20 1 You can get your >Aay. but there will be dclily. Know 1t. bl' re ;.idy forit - s trive to imprint ~ty lC' , to r e· a~sure lo ved one.

CANCER cJune 21.July 22 1 Emphasis o n fri e ndship, r ealizing you are not alone . One who is s e lective - and who broods - s hows you a diCfere nt side.

LEO 1 July 23·Aug. 22 >: Accent on customs, pres tige. c 1v1c duties, l aw and o rd e r . respons ibility. promotion , added recognition from s uperiors

VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22 1: You complete project. One who is at a distance 1s interested . You 'll know it. Aries , Libra persons figure pro· mine ntly . Travel plans should be accelerated .

LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22 l : Stress originality , pioneering project , uniqueness, independence. Leo, Aquarius persons figure prominently .

SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 l: Get second e m otional wind. If you d on 't know what to do. do nothing. Accent on legal commitments, jomt e fforts , public responses. marriage. Go s low, he low . let othe r s do mos t o r the talking.

S AGITfARIUS c Nov . 22·Dec. 21> : Work p r o cedures b ecome more " plea sa nt. ·· Pressures are relieved . One who opposed you could do a turnabout and become a n a lly .

CAPRICORN 1 Dec . 22·J an. 19 1: You have opportunity to change routine - and it would be beneficial. Young pe rson s hares ideas. con cerns . Me mber of opposite sex aids in boosting mora le .

AQUARIUS <Jan . 20·Feb. 18 !: You get more "working room." Territorial rights are est a blis hed . G<?mini, Virgo a nd Sagittarius persons figure promine ntly. Protect interests . Stand tall for principles .

PISCES c Feb. 19-Ma rch 20 >: Re latives, home environment figure in scenario. Girts. s pecial messages. visits and reunions are part o f busy scenario. You win throu~h diplomacy. Know it a nd act accordingly.

• CONFERENCE - B 'nal B 'rlth Women Pacific Southwest Region 's 2nd Annual Conference will be held Sunday, April 29. through Tues­day, May 1, at the S h e raton H o t el. Newport Beach. Mrs. Beverly Davis, o f Jamaica, N. Y .. vice pr&­sident of 8 'nai B 'rith Women International, will be the keynote speaker at the opening banquet. Conference theme fs "'You. the Volunteer. . . Today ·s Moving f-orce."

Slhl ,_ ,,., H ·~MIO M Slelt

ou an ou ant w • ...,.....,,.,......_.i, ... ...... "'-........

Youth Sewing Fashion Show

at Ella Mor's


lH 0, • ..,.1.,. Md COii& MI U

0 C c;ludenro; competP 11os '""'°'' '''' with lheir own crea11ons for llllllTHKIOtl llACll Hunrmqton Center c; annual u •-•;,,,t .. c..n ..

awardc; In the mall lJ'"A IHUS MAU Fri at 7 30 pm & Sat at • __.. h it• • • ..M

I 30. Apr 27-28 ll•""'me•tc••c! • ~"•' (ha• 91' Beach B lvd & 405 Fwy .. _______ ..

1673-F lrvlne Ave. Costa Mesa. CA 92627

Unique gifts for both men & women. Gallery featuring artist Ruth Hynds and photographe r Doug Rolph. Collectibles for all ages, Antiques and Lots More .

Open 10-6 Tuesday-Frfdey 10-5 SaJurday

(714) 631 - 1243 (3~4 "1te4t

~ ileg 'll Jlf rameru CUSTOM FRAMING & GALLERY

· If your lramcs aren ·1 Becom1nq -you should beeom1nq 10 me

~ 16731rv1ne Ave .. Ste. E . J liiiiJ Cosla Mesa•642·9021 rj

fme .\/,,,,., Sm1l' I C)(J) --------..

Ught and Airy ...

banJohno HMe IS ju\! on. tondol from our lorge collec11on. Bone. Novy Of' White Coll. .. 27.00

~ t"'i~ SHOES °"" IJ'1da't IE~ Unlll t o.m.

._.C..t,._....,_..,,.. • .,& .... -s.t.AM

Learn how to work an Interesting swltchboerd. F iil In your spare hours & be 1 helplna. hanG for Or's, uwyers, Plumbers Ind other bUSlneu peo­ple when they're out of their offices or residences. H you have a m1ture tel•PhOne voice t hen this Is 1h• Job for you. C.11 543-42'0, Moft thru f'rt .,

o . 99 Fashion Island .. .. Newport Beach •.• 759-9551

• I

----- -------- - -·--- ------ ----------..---- ---- - ------- -·--- ~ ...-....-- ................... ---... - .-------


by lrld Ander•

.... "Marmaduke and I hove been through a lot together .. butcher's bill$, vet's bill~

f ifteen brands of dog food. ·





AtiT~vt2-' $

MA~~2.1Ne s l.A B!clZ' ?11 D N

I SE~Vlc.t L ~ >



by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta DRABBLE

by Jeff MacNelly OR. SMOCK

,. .

by Tom lltluk






By Bil Keane

"It won't fly. Al it does is taxi."





by Ferd & Tom Johnson


~--< uVM! l PIOMISE I ~ON'T IX> £T THE NEXT Tl ... E

YOU TAKE Met _.,.._,,,.


by Gus Arriola


TUMBLEWEEDS we'l.l.. WRAP "THIS POW'NOW1 &~1 Wmt SOME: Of MY FAMet7 1JPIHOl-P HrN15:- e.6:1 roN'"(

bv Tom K. Ryan r--'it>-UR-K-117_17_1~-S-C_A_N_U_se-~ •.. ANP, WHeN CAUGm" f'ailNG-

11-ie:l R E:U7ERS15eNi10 ~f:V'





1tl!™ IN 1tl~IR PE:A- Wl1l-IOU1171N-t71N-iH~E:J'{ SHOOTE:RS... CLJTflNET rowN

ON1Hf: OLl7 FOOCJ ~IU.. !

~. April 29, 1979 OM. y l'ILOT.

PEANUTS by Chlrln M. Scllull



by Kevin Fagan

by George LenlOl'lt


by Jeff Millar and Jon Mcintosh

Hf.'(,lllff, !'~ ta)(JN' OUT FOf2 YCJJI lf'5 11J1llE (OIJra\Cf: 8£?iDES. You'R& JUS"f ltJ 1l4t. 'X'..fNES "fl.IAT ~VE. SOCtAL!.V Ra>Ef.M1~6 ME.Wf


ACROSS 1 Leao 6 WOOdeo

area tl Sidekick 14 love 15 Type style 16 FalsehOOd 11 BeltMling 1q Cycle 20 Ending lor

Inc or int 21 Itemize 22 Garments 24 Tien -

Aslin range 26 A bit palnful 27 Nova Scot11

caoe 30 Bnngs about 32 Was sick 33 Apple pans 34 Male swan 37 Noisy 38 Healthy 39 RooentS •O Common

abb1 Al Fashion 42 Tentll 43 Translfx AS Abstract '8 Tiiied

women '8 Llyer

49 " I don t give __ ,. 50 Sailors

UNITED Feature Syndicate Wednesday's Puule Sorveo

52 - and alack 56 Sp0rts llem 57 Emenda-

tions 60 Unit S1 Can Mt

Satnt -62 Garment

II A , s 4 II A l I II 0 0 0 I S 1 _ , • c c ( 0 • A 0

" u II •

• ' " • , A

" [ . A 11 f

I 0 f 0 ( .

• II I l I I

A ' t. A I A II l l II 111 II 0 ( I A II • • u ( 0 I l ( I I l II S I I ' [

l • -A l T l II A Ii ' l ( • Ii l v ( II A I f I I I II [

pan A 0 0 II Ii l A ' ' • o 0 y ( $ [ II I T I S • I [ y I Ii ( D _ , [ II I A . ( 11 -• c c u II . ( , " T I II A 5

63 Scepter 6A Reines 65 Joins DOWN

c 0 l A - £ y l " l 0 y I II Q

f ' • l -II [ y ( l • I D I 1 1 Created 2 Elysium 3 Excellent

s [ . , _,

4 Seized - 28 Mob v10-5 Ma Remick lence 8 large 29 Made clear

Can.export JO Ballet step 7 Decays 31 " Judith" 8 Leave out composer 9 Vehicle 33 Fuel

10 AbSO<b 35 German 11 Kind ol vote composer 12 Buenos - 38 Sugar 13 Tether source 18 Soclat unit 38 Ur11ls Z3 Mtneral 39 Severe 25 Colt ecuttle headache 28 Appealed •1 Mr. Tracy 27 &.indle •2 Cravat

II ( . ' ' ( I S

44 Russ com· munlty

45 Record 46 WO<k •7 " A Bell For

•8 Hair tock 50 Mr. Speaker 51 " t smell -

- !" 53 Mlaplece ~ Diii herb 55 Fast planes.

Abbr. 58 Cofrlda yell 59Tlny -

. . .. - ·- .. ··-·. . .. . . - - -.: . ·----------- -- - -- -·------- --- - ----- ...... ..... ..

...... -.._ ........ .._ - -- - .. .. - ·· ··-~ · · ·- · .. ·- --- -- -

DAILY PILOT fhurlday, Apul 21, 1879

PUauc NOTIC& PUSUC-WOTK:E" - Pu• uc NOTICE ----llOTlaTOC••Dt'fOH M011C• l•VlfUtO tlA LID _..ICa .. lltllMT .... ,O tTAHMe ... OtlWtfteNAWAL

"'N• ICMI CIOUllT M 'ftt8 l'Mr MAL• Cl•CVLAfl ••~L ..... ,.... l'llOM l'A•~•••IMI' U ATtOl'CAU,._.,,. "°" , •.• , 10 ,.. ~HOit•·~· •• 11, ,. on ... .,. .. u•M• ., ... mu•n Ol'MA••• 1'0.,lt. COM'•UC'\'•0.0, ....... l'I01•t0ue• U•••••UIAMI

llO. ~ MA• 0 U I• IT I I' A•• W 4 Y lt111W<W11 .. ""''*' llOIHI ( o ll!Offtl• Ille ......... '9ltOfl "•' • l"'Ofn111 l \l•lt If Ht l. &Nt llU•CtV • ·" ••N• VOI• llMI- C.. Ille YNMH._., ••· U • t•lltrol ••• 1110 I ••"' 1111

HU.IN (. t•Ae&Y, 0...u - , .............. ..., ••• '-OC.ATIOll tUl•••41 Q1101111•41 "Oltr\ or tltt P t • fllU\l\lp eo• ••tl 11t llllOtl 1111 N OllC IS HIR.IV OIVl'N le CO#T•ACTM •" H•~I - Vn!llN \(- O llfr l( I , fltfltl- MIMn - • I IHJ 'IL(

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f " " • ' • [1~,.,...1101 4 _.. , .. , 1911 .. , bt • lt••wlJ h~• ... ••t ,._, . ....... tlf•'""'\ ,.,,J Unt,' H \ •ttJl.Mn ( • Ul\l t • nCJ t .. 1.,,,,,,._,

.P BLil' OTl l ' t: lllOfltl fOCIHQHOR\

'u'••~a cou•fOl' t "' H 4 ,-_ 01' ( 4 l 1 ~Hll A 1'0•

, .. . t OUlllTT 0, oaAIOC.t. HO A ttta

&. \ Ille ot l()I) M VAN 1~> fl•• . ~ .. l01~ MAllll VA H 00)1lN "4Jf t;•\f'd

N(l l I( l I \ Ill HI I!" f ol'll l .. h' I"" c r •C1 1l0t \.,. ttw Mio,.• f\.en• '4 .t. tick f\I

I Mt ·•II Vl. • """'' """ ' lQ ••• ••Th flt\j••"•t '"• '-••<J ~ '" .,,.. '~"''"f'id tu f•I• ln.t n '*llh Uw rwt •\W'Y ¥ 0\14.Pwf \, '" ttw ufl u.ca ~ "" ''"H ot m• ... t,.,h,. ttn l 1th1J tOIJrf QI 10 (lr...vont fheutt # Ith ,,..,. n • tf',"4tY wovt rut t11 IP\• un chtt " QHtd 411"9• v tt u ~·• U1HH U f W AN Ul llSOH Alloro. , - 1 I,,,. ~ I [ ( o tor•OO 8 1'1fd \ u•t• .W 1•., uJfl'tht c~111Hnn1t1 "l101 wh1l ~ ., '"" o•••t ~ " ' o.u 10•''' Ot '""' uNJt•r 11tf'*'•C1 •" 1•11 '""' ft·t l)tltt t•inlr\Q l o tn. 1 \t~t ti I '-• H1 tk c. •d,..nl w 10 ul"t •w• "' t'ltf1 ,.,., . , l ht

' ' ' ' ' uuDlu •1 •0" '>f th1\ ncu " .. (J<tltO Aprol 10. t•I~

l(qUw·y,, M K.., ,, E .l~C \11ti • Q I tot

, e bU.tt rwtnf'd ~t• 4Jt:11I •OIERT W AN OE RSON Ml E Gelo<- 11 ..... SWtlt ... , _. •• .., • • C•lilontl it •1101 At11rr••Y •• E.•1u1tr1•

Publl\hed 0.•"91' CW\I O•tly Piiot , Ao•117•, May ) , 10 I/, 197q ll>OI 19




11< I UNOHl\l r, Nt 0 <!Oh ~·· • bv '._, l l ff ltMI. f<fh'(. f t 'f'1 Apnl I IY1~ h•• CI tf Id I!) 00 hu ,tno \ Un•Jt I t t\.t f lt 1111•111' t1rm nam.t o l Wuth < u 1\I R v .t I 1 Trttvf·f tf'fJ l 4t•u lf¥1n,.

( ~l• f u rn f~I Wht1 h f)u..,1n~ ' W d\

fn fft1Mly C.Om t.lO\ M I Of I M• ff' llO.ittnO

'" , \On WhOV" n '"'" '"' lult ''"d o• • t t 111 , 1 ·,10t"n<.•" '' _., foll,tw i., t o w 1I

Donttlt.! l C.1IC1 tll t '1 l•• ~tontt'f!~\ r ount.11n v-. 11,.1 ( • <n10tt

r • ''' ' 1tql• ' '"' t• ,._ ..... ., '•"" n t o~ ru o n()t-r trn 1•btHf1 t u t1tt,11.1•. ndn•"' 11 ntl rl ft1/tol'lf1I Of f)Uhlu .. tth()M HWr-•ot, i•• • 11 l 1ft '" lltt t,;U u •• ,,f lr1<1 t OU,, tt

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t >tll''·llt1' f 1llt'f'I I

l • Uf h n k tt1a1t ~lh·

''"' ' { tt ' • I tl1 U rt t t

•• •~' tlj ·~~ I th d Ar>f•I 1 t l'O"I

PllE •O~EA II. BUN T A TTO"!IEYS AT LAW I UI E Hi 4th SI , S~tlt 111 \ •~1• AM , ~ltl ... ~•• tllOI


~ .. yM•f\t .. \ U' '- ... vi •· • 1'f"U\f \ l\110--"I ti• \ "' m • • ,. on·•(•# •. M.-. t " ... . ""' I ' ""'''"" ~·Mt• ' ""'"' ... . fl~• td Robf,t (, M•lht \ 11111 P•\- 0 W• lr t(•1,tut1 ., ..... ,..., • ' ' """tb1t':..t'; •u• \ ( •r oltn• , 1n IV1'" ( 49p,~1r ,. f\ O

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~·" Ju'!"fl l 4l .. a t• ,.no.< "'"'•'rn• '7•H "';~~:. •'"'~:":"' .,fl-.,~: .~~l>~1 ' 1"\J (•• ... , ,'~' '' '"" ... ' U\•

11' ,.,. , U l l Y • , .... Ot.1\Hh '\ I\ l(lndut~b'f d

J•1• ' t~m • • • ' 111tt ''1 I'... Y u h.Mii tvOl.,, \l ..in v • OV•vw• i o t J \OW•• IP• t tn.r tuv H • 1ltt .. ollilk1fl1 tlf t• J ,, I 11 t 1tfill • .t• I Nt u f , .,,;, "'"" R~" C.1 t"fllll.- •

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.. ..... 6•ub h \""'3 0r4"QI" t oe 't D•llY P ilot

Apr aanclM.oy J 10. II IO / t; i.r< I•


ne\11: • '

" Ul14 "ICTITIOUS ll USl .. ES~


• A l OLO PR O V I N • l I< J:[_ A1 UtJ lll~ l lb)' P1 .. n t 11 A•e,,ue.t.•'\ft1M4'\a f •lit 1rn1-' ;)t, .''

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,. ,, ,... P'"""'"'

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lt/1rt> Pn ·.uJ• "'' .1n.11 ( hdlfMd(I f1f I ht

AUdil \utxott'H rntft 1·

"'"nll\hc!<t O t ttOOI ~'J0\1 (Mii ¥ Ptln t AIH ll70 l0, 1'7~ h i • I~

PUBLI(. NOTl<' t:


Thi h tl•O-•'"Jlft' -''" ' Jr·~M4 f•11

f M '•(.Jf f' 'I' M <J t'lf•, 11

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f)1 w1ftu" r,1t n M ,,,,. .,

',, , \ IAIHh• ·nt W tl ' 111• n .,. , ,,. ,, ..

r •1vnt1t ~,~ ,H fJ1.-. r·~~ c ru.in t r 1w Am 11 ,. ·~1·



HO A- ; N O TI CE 0,. HEARIN G 01'


C \ lnl••nl [lSI ( AOC LAI O f '>M I fH Ot ' "" '-•-d

110111 ( IS HC "~ llY r.1 vr " lhAI JULl l OHll Ptf,,ANP~ Im 101 .. 1 f\ fl' '•tn 1,1 oi•t u1on t m Prr b.1tr o t W •lt 4 n J t o r •'>'Udnt t-UI l ft11•r ._ r1·,t• tl'WfH.1t-y lo '""' P f tll f~' .. llO f Of dVthe.H l / .. f t( n l o .AOm1nl\ttr u nJt-r ttu' tn rl lt1)1·no11n1 AOtnlni\lr• tton n t [ , I.tit'' At 1 t>l'Oi.ott t fi.Jd• \ H El~-1 r •••• r• t ·, # ht '°'" ")·t'J• f Qr' , .,,.,.,. f O·•'' H1 , , '' "'J t t't1tl In• l 1fl11 ,ff\ft ;11~t 1 1Jf ' ' '°6' 1·1 ft11· ' ' '""' h it• l it 1 fl .1 ! l'H M.t ~ I' ,, • • At I J " • "' HI ,, ........ .,,,, f IJ .. ,, .• ,' """•I '' J .1 utt ,. ,, 1 ,, I ., , "', r 1t,

, , "'" W, 1 '" • ,, , r1f ' '" ' 4 ""11 ( , .. ,.,,,, ...

l•.th Of· tJt J t I"' 1 rt ~ t µ,. "1 •• '°"'~ 1 I • ' ' •

GCO llG£C WOOO~;nd W ILLIAMJ ll\'I NG\TON 1410 E C Mpm.ff'I A" t 'hH Or • n ... c • o ... Attorne1tt0f Petltlont'

Puhll\t\P(J --0t -,n'Jil ( f\,t•,f fMttY • •1 ' '1t

/'6flr I )'> /IAl'U1M"'~ ' f4'1 1 1• Jil'.1

°"'"""{ l)r1,.,••l11•1\ W llll11ttf"f '·htitt p,., .. ,,~,

I h 1·1 ' l.tlfl ,,,.nf W4~ f 1t• O W IW 0 1• f oun h <.Jer k o t Or•nv• (ou"lt 1 Qo ,.,,, '' ) j ,.,~

L..,. A A'""~ h iunty ( ff r ~

Punl+'hfl>tJ Ora,. ( '>•H' f>• il'W' p+111t Apr 7•• ... Mayl, 10, 11 1q7~ l~J "



r (J HH HONOR AllLE { Ar• .. l MARl l N

P uf\Ud nl IO Y t fl()n '7010 r 4 1i f H ,,,,, [lftl flOr\ \ C...00--, ll'f ,a Uf~I \ • '1"0 t r

g u tf'f'•d '1u ttl lfl ,a d vo t"'' e f ltu Ne• P0'1 NWJw Unlfll!O !><hool f o, ,, • Sl • t~ of C..llforn ' • n• r•b¥ • v• ,, ,f.' '"'-' ..,,.,. "'''- ttv- pr~~nr · c.t .. t • . 1 o~tlfion • nd ,,,. , w~ '"'fnft ,,, ~· t y • u r '"'' • II ttt\O '*mO"• t fr ,mi ttu o r t 11f"O f trU\ff- A r • 11'1 1n t .,•• N• NJ .. 11 M e \ • tJnll1t·d ~t'""' '' r1 •ht t 111,1 .1 ( o unty C A '•t c,rn •• ,. ,. i h '• ,,.,,.,,. • • h o n o t v• ,,., r ,,,,-., ''• '' ,., •

fh,. q• r. unch ro• rrv t,,oou ••d,. .,11 dr t ,. -. tol l ;)W'-

r h i\ , . 4 11 I'll IJd,_t. ' l i U.Jfl I/ Hill " • rttf 1,1. llCA 1 J' \ i M• "1f.A.-' t 0 '11 ,,

M U!aO 0..MtfCS ''' ho· .. _....~ ·n th"' r 11

OuO c..t (11'\htt I •fl Alf w ttt ltrt fr. QY•nt n o h 'h.U ICJ" •on , "'u

• oor••«I' " ' t1•lt1'!•"'''' "' ,u,... ,,,.. ~ · '>• Id r H . 11 ., \41Uyttt 0•' Hl,. 1ot1nw 1nu

qround'. ,,,,,.,...,.r 1AQ "' ' "' tf\f • d11c • I i n o t

l•11f)l1\hfod Otuno- (n.t• t O.t ' • /\t1r d 11'.i Ma'p ) 1". II t•IJ f t '•1f;I '""'1 (>r tl•fl' I' t• t (1.1

, H 11 1'(1t ),.,.,,,J M .-w i, t( ti t t1r1

,. I lf14l ., r •11,...1 ,,. ,, ,. PUBLIC NOTICt :

0 \1' t n1t• r f!n Poor ~r~I m • rtao- m•"t O t m1'iilf! 1n QU .i11 , ut ecJ..,, .. ,.,,,,,, Liu ., of r e -. l'.lf.Al\f• I f.I 1•1\1,1r•·"'' u t


NAME ~ TATEMEHT f OllHWlfl\I p1•r \On " ,.,,, dOlllQ ,,, . ., .. . ,. ,. J ,, o r VI lOPMI NI

'"' 1n~ ·' ( rnfrr Ott ¥1 Sutt• )'"' •· f) .,,., ,,~., •.•. .-.. ' ..... ~'" ... '1", Ao t>trt t l- """ ~l• t •• • • "·~•

I An• (U~ht Mf\,J, C 11lll()fn1rt 91b7b Jome' \I Jtn\t"n ,.40 10 Que

M1tt\.,1 ll~. Nt>wpOrt b•·~n n , ( 49l1 to r n1•

~"' ·~-N O O• r l ~ " f•tlt.. f 410. l fVhHO , l •Uvnd tit"df n < 'llflfo ' '"'"' ''1'>11

f n. , bu ''"'''. '" (Undue t111 d t.;v ' ' ,.,, ,..,., d t pa;fln1·n.n1v

J \J Jt-n·-t n I t\1\ ~talPfTI•·n t • •J\ l 1kd .-rt • I~ ·~

1unf y (1,., .,. o t Oritn(I• l•JU,..l't un AUi 11 ll 1~/fi

1'114116 1-'uDlt' hti---d OrJnQl' to1nt 0,111y Poot .

A(l! 76 rind MM J. 10, 11. ltlq lb()') It


P UBLIC NOTl( ' t :


A C A Lll'Oll N I A GE l'l lER A L P AllTNE•SH IP

A ~' n' " , t ""' '"'0'1 IJIVt'M pur • V"'"' ' " .,, t • ''" f'1Ul1 :tot Ht1 t 111 1 "' , ,, ,.,,,.,, ,,., tftn. C . ,,,_ lh.1t f JUhlt P f t,f A '\(lt 1 Ar("~ ., c d1f Qtn1 • ., ,.n .. t.1 PtUln .. , '\,,IP ff'l n \1\fln ' o t NA' 1() ~4Al llF I ltl \URM• C. ( COM PA N( " v.-rmont ''J '0'' ' "'">" """ ••~r .. O •IW ISE A (()APOA A llO N ti

r 1lh l n rnta r o 101u • ttn l\ w h 11" "'' ( , , ru•fj t)fl .,, oo .. 1tw'\ .. , .t 110 111rr" ~'' • • t . \Ulff 104 N l V¥ t10 rl f-h J'" ( 1tl 1f f1 tn11J • 1•bU w,,. dl\\f..J I Ytd . ••ftP>r l !Yr- ..,, 11 ~·p m on 0~11 mnrr 1. I,,,

II A 11t·t tn.1t <1ot1 n., i>"rtn• r 1n th# Pttr tn'"''' " P hJt . 4'Ul ,,.u;ty t1J omd th .. f',.rtn ... .-.,n.p, ,.,c•pt tu r rr. " onw+vr ( •J f'f.I O' d t ton , w n 11, ,,, 11nQ " ' l,,t

t.rtutOJltnQ P"rtn• r ' h •tlt " ' '"" .1utn rH .t1 o nl t ' '' w 1ntJ up lh t•

,,"''"' r \ n1o•lf<'l1t .• Tl<l > O PINl \ (A

( IJ i.(•QJ<AllON

.. <...,titm n••' '''O'" '"""' fh Jonnk fmw •v , Pr~•t>~1 1 t

t •>' O" Yt f ~ 01\f~tO ' " ' , 11mmun1ty rtlw..,

f•on• I "*"""' ,,.,~'00'\~1t>I"' t 1n.tn· " ' ' o•a• ' '1' '"''"''P"' Hui ,.,MJ ' ,n(ll9 \( t1tnhn•J

au11uo" t''"'"'ffJ &Jdf1tnh, te.;c. ht' ' .1rht ' 'ud,a rit•

l Hn1t1"'l µ.Ntlfr 1n111Jf 1\1 h • .trtl m•rl1nq -.1th "' ~·· .Jf t t1i1 ~

l 4 t. 1o- al J~nl 1n p t• nnlf'l!,il t ur 11\4' n.ttur•

V " \'-IOn\

V1f'1 udl tUbbil> f 1t•mo • OP"""'' Of • C11Qn - . no _,. .. •• t'"Jf'\ ot Super inl .. " O•nl O• J "'*n u W

r h t ,,. m @\ tnd bU\ lntt\11 Ot , r \•tJt'l'\( f' .Odre\ 'ill"\ o t t~ propant'nh tare . , lollUW\

• IC.• I M full•• , 10111 8eywir .. Aw• , '> • n l~ Ano t<h. { A t 710 7. ' lloro 1ue ~ 11r• tew . 111.1 H oit y Ljf tt• No • P0'1 flH<ll , '11 .. J \ LO"" ( S.l•t11t 22IO '>dnln An.o Awt Cc.ii • Mt \ 41, C.A '1'2'27 \ (ly~ 8 I l•l •~r, • t'I ltro.t8ay, c_,,..1. Mew <.A 117• 71 , ' M " luty A Fletc h•" H t B•O• d we y, C.0.1• ~'"·CA ~617

A < 00• flf "'" noltc- • ncl , , ..,. ot '\er vu"' ••~ f if ed w ith It\~ Cou nt y Cler~ . Wltllon I O• Y• o r t1linQ you m• • Ille w llll ' "" C.Ul!ly f. l•rk ' " t1n\wftr,

- ·-· -·----...,. ____ _

'Perteet Couple' -~-

Altman's New .Fihn Engaging

By llON P ENNINGTON .,.,. .. .., .... .....,.,. Robert Altman, who la undoubtedly ooe of

Hollywood'" most prolific and definitely m01t lma1lnatlve filmmakers , has followed his vastly underrated ''Quintel" with " A Perfect Couple ·· which is aJso a 20th Century· Fox release. '

Thia latest effort produced aod d irected by Altm•n. who a lso scr ipte d with music producer Al· len Nicholls is an e ngaglng UUle film about a romance between two people who gel together in

s pite or conmcting life

( ·uornE J s tyles . As usual, Altma n IU' Y • is maklng a s tatement

REJllEW about contemporary ---------' values. although this is

somewhat subdued he r e a nd the film is far more accessible than some of his previous works

THE IDEA FOR " A Perfect Couplt" 1the title Itself reflects Altman 's sense of ironic humor> was reportedly inspir ed by the performances or Paul

l ••t. uhve prOOw<•• Proch1<•' Otft>ttOt '>« .. nPl•1 Sound

A PIEal'ECT COU,ll. 2oth t "llW<Y•l'Oa

lomm' lhOmoW>n Aot»rl Allnwn

llot>ef1 Allrrwn All•n NICl'Oll\ Rot»ri C.r•••no• Oon M<l •rtll

0.L•u• Col., IP•".,,.,..,. , . ... Paul °'°'"" ' M&' • ., Mf!' f lttt. T llO\ V•ndi~ Bel1ltt l+Aor•rt0. Henry

&~~\~~ f,~:;::'.-,,t:/:;·;., A~fc:,N~:'!'r!.n::at''r~:, ~: L~ R••• • man MH.nit- 8 1\tlol,,rp t ,,.d 0 1tot, J•tt-- ~., f ed Mt-f'lt°'Y H•••n•r ~~6ft. fom1 Ltf• hr.ell~• St•'f'" ~ttrp. fony Bf'ro. ~~~t~l>O. J ell E ' " ' " · O&•o<I Lue II Uuu h S.ncttor<J A•I WOOd

R "';;;"j ~ 1::uru1' '~;;'1 "

Doo ley and Marta I ten in in " A Wedding . .. He r t Dooley plays Alex T hcodopoulos, a me mber of u very wealthy a nd :-. t1fn y cultured fa m ily, who m eets Heflin . a member of a rock group, through a computer cfaltng SC'rv1C't·

The film traces their e ffort:. to get together , with old soc·iety pitted agains t com munal living m the C'Onflicts c reated by their two " families .. It ·s a s imple. but uffet:ting , story that is beautifully re­a lized in lht touchin~ per form ances or Dooley and Ht!ni n Thest• ar" tentative. insecure people whose n l'ed for each othe r h<•lps th<:m overcome the ob· vio u:-. obstacles . etnd Doolt:y and Henan both fill their r harartcr:-. with romrn1:-.s1onate under stand ing and a Sl·nst· of a<'hmg lonclmcs:-.

MUSI(' JS A VERY important part of the pie lure and it 1:-. naturnlly ml·orporated into the plot The rock group o f \\ h1ch llc fl1n 1s a member 1s Kecpin ' 'cm Off tht· SlrccLc; t 11 n actual group that was put togethe r bx Nicholls and whic h Altmisn produced at the Roxy !>evcral year s ago 1. which performs a number of 1mpresMve or iginal songs that add e mot ional tt·xturc a nd comme ntary to the atcompe:tny1ng al·tion

Tht· group 1:-. composed of Ted Nel'ley. Heathtr M adfat'. Tom i L<·t· Bradley <ind Steven Sh ar1.1 •wit h Ren Woods JOlntng in for the final concert se qul'OC(• 1 anrl t·arh ha .., been ~iven a de fln1t <' charactenwt111n for thc film

WINNER ~1} Academy] of )--( Awards


• llMI .. .... ".

EOWl"DI' CINEMA WEST Westminster 892·4493 EOWAIUll ' NEWPORT CINEMA Newpon Be.ich 644·0160


CINEOOM( Orange 634·2553 STADIUM DRIYE·IN O'inge 639·8770


W00tYr All F~-==~~•


M/,r .JI 1/~T f AN ( 1[ (JIX ..1L ( ,ff(~HWlr"- J I'· JN' V I·\ A 11N<) ( I IA/1U ', 11 J(;I f I .. ... V.ir'x Jf N Al I l N. MN:>~,! IA( l BRICKM/\N

I •• , .. tlf

Wt ( ,[ / I. ! I ~~ ( 11/\1(11 ') 11 J( )I I I .... , I<< d f. I , ,.f..t U Hui 11( J< A ! Wf 1 I I ............. - ·~--









lhllll• ......








St 4d•um

All DP•v l •"' S 0 1'1"' 1> :30 , ,M. HIGKTL Y ( n ttn Unnr- 1 t •1 r , .. ,. u o •r\\ • ~tOd tr P1,1y91ouno



CAH lllUMla•A-

I 1ou10..1tin1)t11 Of r 11I ~ttr1n1,

l>·•I• <! Orio!>', 10 " '\ 1n not more- tr.nn 100 wor<h , to tn_. 1-------------------------------1

111 the Moottor ot I,,.. ol\opllt •llon o f l O IUIAIN E B WEIN8ER(I , l'or c n•noe ot ,..,.,.,...

L0"R/o1HE 8 W EI N8ERv h"' f 11..o a Pf!'fll;on 1n '"'' c~rt t or .. n o• °"' .itlto ...,11.q P"hl•f'>nl"' tu t rMPlQll" ,._, n•me H om LORRlll N( B VIEIHBER C. l o lORR AIN E ROBFRTS

IT IS HERE8Y O llOl:l>E O l h•I • II o•r 'On\ lntere \l t O '" "'" n1•tt--r .t tor f"\• •'1 ~·' t>otor" " "' coun 1n Ooperlment No l •t 100 C.• ••t Cen lor Ot1 11~ W1t•,t, \.8n1A An•t, (,4 litorn1t'. on Jurw ~ IQ/¥, "' 11 o (11><.k a m • • n<I rn.,n «tnd thet"f' '"°"' tdiJ"49 o 4ny tney h .. • .. ny wtd ~lll lon •o• ch~ ol l\JIM• \llO<>ld no! ~ 0' l)lll-.J

II " lur"l,,... ord4trl'(I IMI • tOPY o l lhh oro~r lo "10w t 11u"'' t>• iwbll&M<I ,,, lhf O<MIQll CAM\ ! Dally Piiot . .. n•W\P•Pftr o t CJ«ner•I c ,,.c uf•Uon, puDh• ne<t tn thU, <Ounty .;1 ltt•st one•• wt~' tor tour (.()nt."'Ut•Yf' w M ll\ prtor IQ 1114 day of \et(! he•• tnQ

1Je110 Aptil 14, n1• BRUCE W !>U MNER

Judyeot ·~ Supe<lor Cour1

lOa •AtlllE I . WEl l'lll aRO 111•eVleLl9e ...... H••"*'1 lleecll, CA '2M>l Tel : 11U l 61~14 AttWMJ IA "9 f'tr Publl~hed ()<411>99 LO.\I 0•11• Pllo l

Apr , • • Mn J , 10, 11, .. n IM!s.lq


J•11h l1\n.._>d Qf•M> f 1111~1 lJ11t1f y P1IOl

"'" '' ' " ... ,~ .. ,. / q



lh~ 1011-1no "'"'°n '' oolnQ bu\• · nPU•\

CO MM UMICAll O N A~I ~. 171 1tt11 St'"'· No 8 ••un11no1on Be•th, C.ltlorn1• '1MA

C htnQ·L.en Notm~ Sl>• ne, 121 l f lh Sl•••l , No 8 , Hunlo,.t l on llutn, C•lltorn1• in ...

I his busorwu •• ton<l~lfl(I by .,. '"' d l • ldu• I

CN,...l.ttn Motm• Shttn• ' ' " ' \l•t~nt ••\ ft l#'d w ith tht

Coun ly Cler~ OI O•en(10I County on ~f(ll 10, 1979

PIUt1t Pubh\ned Ore<>90 C.0• >1 O•lly Piiot,

A0<111•,U-Moy 3 , IO. 1'1• IUJ.l'I



r f\t t otl OWl"Q per\.-On\ •rt d otn9 bU\ln"\\ a\

tAABY E N C.I NEER 1 .. v C.O , 1U'7 Au e mbly L•ne. Hunt ington 8HCh, C:.llfOllll t ll7"4'1

C yrw• l ndu•l110\ , l•H <• C • ll lorfll• tor 1M1r • llo,.1, IU'l1 A• U"'bl tr '-•~. H uftliftQIOn B@etll. C• ltlorn l• .,,..,

Thlt bU1ln(1>\ I\ <Olldut l • <I b y • cor· p0rtl lon

CYRU~ INOUST RIE.S. IH C .-C:.Alloy, Prttldenl

Th i\ >IM- Witl I ll .. w ill! l lW County Cl•rk Of Or•n~ C911nly on Ap r il U . 1979. ,,..,u MOWlllER, OllE RTMa R & e•OWM 4MI Ce ,..,.. 0. ., Po.O . ... mf ......... llMC.11, " · fttAJ

Publlttltd 0r ... c.1 t oo•I O•llY Pllol A~. 26, ,,.., l . 10. 11 . 1•1• 1'10.19


l'ICTITIOUl e USIMllEH ........... , ........ , The 1011- 1nopeno'1 l•dol110bu1lneo

•• C Alt TWltl O Hl S (U lllTY IYlfl.MS,UI £ . P•l.0• Rd. Ane,,.lm, Calllwlll•tmis

( arlwr lgM Eng ll'I H rln Q, It\. ~atld, tll e. P tlt il Rd .. An• ... Im , Cltl1~9"0S

Tiiie ~ It <Md!Kled t>y t c« -·•IOft. ~· ... lltt•lft0, 111(. l'.J..-..,.., Vk.t~Mll OtMf'ol MaMtt•

T lllt tlt """911C - "'°"' wltf\ lllo

c:-My °"" flf °' .... c-ty.., . " t 4, "" 1'11414'1

PYDll1...0 ()<11n@I COHI Odlly ltllot, &pr H•lldMIV3. 10, II, 1t1t ,., .. , ,

-I ,, ...

\ t ait em•nt o f 1"-"' prup0ntnh ff .,.. • "' .. "'' I\ ffled • U >OY ot II mu\t two oerveO po,_..lly o r by cerllllMI m•1I on • n• ol !Tlot • llOV• or-nh

Pul h\lllld O.•n~ U M\I D• tl y Piiot ,.. , ,.1a. 1m 1611"


- NY fttllll

Find Schu1H what you want In tN Skiing cla111fled ed1 of th• Dally Ptlot.


.. ... - - · - - - - • - - - .. - .... - - ~ --- ----___ ,,___ __________ 4 ________ _

I' ,, I

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l ll ur >'•

-8. lll

t 2

' I • -i::-­_.

TQNIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS Television ·lllf\-.11\\

.WNtlilQ .. ,,. NIWI

1-...Ct°'9 A ...itll\g llr9l'Nln ~ 1t 1to11ty wllen I ll • 0#~ 11u '*"on tt'9 rour'°9

-~ ·~ ~..._ ... c.ein-Atntr~en ~Ive It ~of.....-• TMl llW1YM..aH P.iw ~ • • NGlll M:lf~ _.,. IO lie Nin ... Ill °'"'...,....,. .. • 8TM!nlOl8AH MtMCllOO 8•- ''°" • YklOu• y(IUlll ~ ~le.I\ 1161 commtuec:t 41 .,eH of ~ lndlldino ~o.t In t..o "'°"' .. I OYlllt~

oao'• ta HOM& •tlNOM ··ar...n. w-. !I!== UO. I UMIWCV EtNl'I .,__,., 41f>d6 UC> won ._re<! .,'° R ~ v ~on the OW-- ~ JMXSON °""' ioumwt Theoc»11 Wl\lte (Pflfl 1)

Oaartning Cheng

·MOW~ .......... Cl) °"°91-WrTia 11)1 MEW ONFFIN G.-i. Jeuy """' Dyke El'-' Bronnen Normlltl ....

Aud rl'y Lurtdt· r~ u sl'~ t tw ~ 1 l crll -,t•n Jnl Cht•ng I Har old Sak Ht a > tu mak<.· httr 1rut· love JCalous on · Jl 1 ~ hdt ffc· M anoi · ton lght at8.30nn NBC.t'hannH 1



MAN Stave lm!M!'"Sona1es an a tnent·mtnded protKIOf 10 188tn wn:; t lKI Rus11an a o ttered him S 1 m.nt0n tor a ,_ d1ys· W()t1.

8 8AHFOAO ANO 80H .. Wine. Women And A unt Est t>et"


7:30 B '25.000 PYRAMID IN SEAACH OF ..•

.. Slberlll't Fireball " la '""'" a poss1blllly lha l Edrlh uperlonc.oCl •n e1om1 •. 111.UI 37 yeatl befO<"e H lfO Shima? 0 OATINOOAME 0 THE OONO SHOW Q TIC.TAC DOUGH al AOAM-12 Melloy and Reed w orl< Wllh young hOI rodderli tn •n

Chann~I Li•fings 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles G KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles D KTLA (Ind) Los Ang eles 8 KABC· TV I ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB (CBS) San 01eq o O KHJ· TV (Ind) Los Anqeles ®) KCST (ABC) San Dieg o Q) l(rTV (Ind) Los Angulcs 8) KCOP TV ( Ind ) Los Angel~s fZ» KCET· TV !PBS) Los Angeles e:> KOCE· TV (PB S) Hunttngton Beacn

ett(')tt '.., u•\• ttH.m v tt 1r,. i1U-.Jf)

tr) 21 f ONIOHT Ht*"' y,,..,,.,.a11

f • Pt'f l h-Ok .t t \oul'W'" ( 4 llfornt• \ Pt•P• t • Unt)\ tur • Qu•"-•


8 00 tJ $) TIM E EXPRESS IPtot1111l•<t•I A ChUtmlr>g t>u l ur1u•uul coup10 ( Vtncl'n l I 'llUf, <..Ot ul 8 1ownt1) pl.,y ,,.,., on " mysw11ous 11a1n 11\ut tran~po• ll n• passe11-Q•l•£ 1n10 Ill" PJSI 0 WHOOUNNIT Au111a L1111Jlt1y !>'•"' .1~ 11\o

lttlll OWflt\r o t 9 h19h ·fUSll·

• ,n 'SIOt •~ wn,., t\ murdnf

"'l''' h• o•~•·cJ ti-y trw r 1nt'I 0 MOVIE • • • Sh11<1ow Over r1vt11on. ( 19681 James Fr .•Hl'"~ u·, l P~h~ N 1otson Attt., !tin ,,,,.,,11 mvr<Jen voung t>ov an 1r.couuph· !'lie man •.11 1 ~ ou t to brong t119n11y b.>< I< 10 m e heatt ~

0 1 lhO 1own<.peo01" 1:> his ) 0 rl Q. MORK & MINDY M ork , ,., i 10 prntoct M in-

OV INS llln\Mft !tom ttw town t>ullV wl1"°'11 u llng 111\Y~ IAI

lvAt tON 0, THf eoov IMATCHe"I • CA.fllOl MJNollTT AMO,..,.. Ou.1 Jtcll Ktugman • MOW! • • ' " ' The R•w•rct •• ( •96~1 Ma• von Sydow. VffUt M iffl19'.11' A t>Ounty hUlll8' ' 9(; I IOhl IM<ilt In

tNt 0..1n1 Of ~· of the llff men In • PotM 12 hra) D ncWOU"r~ OIM&Hl'ON

UOD~~ A plot by 1"8 eVlt _...

111 ~ Btecke 1e ahofl · t 11C1.1Ued by Riv lln ON!n­v1li.t tS leot\tfl Mck a ni.) 8 [QI AHOIE Afl0'9 ~ tlCO, • 'Wlltrw1 lrOnl lh" wrf)flQ tl()e Ol lhe lt~kl, l all1 •n tov• With I IJlutt DloOCJ pedla l11C181'1. G) TM£ 000 C0UPU I 1111• un•b••he<lly pr• partno to d- Ins lead r Ole 1n • b&llfM perlorm. <1n1.e wNin tne kmd Clune:« dOt!Sn tsnowup CD TUANA80UT 'F 11111er 1t1Q" Meu ..o end

d lvo<ced talhets play now roles wtthtn the l amlly

8j)() f) (J) HA WAII F'IV£-O MCG1trre1rs lnveatlgot lon of three mufders caused 0y post-nypnottc SUOOM--11on1 leads him 10 an unu­sual •llS6Gl'ctl tnslilu1e (RI 0 QUINCY Quincy attempts 10 Clf'ler mine whel ha< tho ctlarrod ·~•ns ot • body tound 1n .i t>ombed van 8fe tno.e of a hit m 1n '1 1n1en d 0Cl victim (RI 8 @) BARNEY MIU.ER A v•nCJOI wno teal$ up the station llOuse leaves a note lh!ll he's OU1 to get Batney (RI 0 SECRET OF LOVING EVO"Qt'll91 Josh McOowOll 1all1,s llbOVI m 1m t11qe won spec:l3' guest Roge< S luu ­bacn . (D MERV GRIFFIN W WORLD

Cuba Sperl And R@vOlu· 11on" Cvbo·s phonomt•nal nallon&I goorl~ program 1s modeled aN"' mose of Int< USS R and Ee~t Gorm.1 ~ IRI W THE ASCENT OF MAN.

Kno..,tooqe Or Cenamly • The r•uvet <J11cmma 111 modern sc~e contrMI Ing lhO humnn1s11c lrlldl·

TUBE TOPPERS CBS 9 8 :00 - Time t;xpress .

Vincent Price atau ln th.is new series about a mysterious train that carries Us passengers into the past.

KTLA e 8: 00 - ' 'Shadow Over Elveroo." A TV movie drama about murder in a s mall town with James Francl&eus -and Leslie Nielsen.

NBC D 10:00 - Presenting Susan Anton. The star of ' 'Cliffhangers" gets her own special with Martin Mull and Sesame Street 's Big Blrd joining her for an hour of comedy and music.

ttOn with ttw 1ec:t111ology 111\d p<ectloes of modtrn wwf ., • • le llPC>f"liiled.

~-9 CNl'TEA COUNTRY Chief Roy 1>1g1n1 to wouy ll>Out "'- jO() •hen .._ .. ol hft ~ IOM thelf !Ob41 1o younger men

t0:00 e Cl) 8AAHA8V JOME8 B11n1by. 1empo r1 t1 l y b4lnded by I bull81 wound. tri81 10 save htmself IWld 1 krf 'Wltne» from two klllefs on theff tran (RI 0 PMSENTIHG 8U8AH ANTON (Pr-e) Merttn Mvll IWld Big Bird fOln t>ost Sulan Anton 10<" an nour of come-

i music eod oanee. G H£WS • 01) DOCTORS'

PRIVATI:UVES A young 1uomey uses h8f romanoe with a medical stuoent 10 goln matptac· 11ce evidenoo 11931nst ""o heat1 surgoons Cl) NIGHT OAU.ERV " Wllcll. Wiich Burn ing Brtg11t" A psychle imr9sl._ getOf Is called In wnon a young woman 1s chought to t>e aw.ten. tJll BILINGUAL EDUCATION: RIGHT OA PRMl.EGE? '1!) NEWSCHE<!IC


10:30 m m NEWs W FOOTSTt.PS " Hairy Seery" Poron1s nt'l!Cl 10 understand ltWJ seemingly l<fotlonaJ tears het<l by 1111111 Cl'illd•on and provldP 1hem w 11h a sense o l s«u•tty

11;00 tJ 0 U CJ)@) NEWS 0 MAKE ME LAUOH 0 MOVIE • • • " Pr tnce OI Fo._es .. ( 19 491 Tyr o n e Po we r .

0non Welle&. A young men 11 llrnOel deslr~ by his defiance of C....e BO<"giL (2 hrs I • Cf«X> ANO THE MAH Under Chico's poat-hyp· notlc •igoeatlon. Ed pro. poeea mArrlege 10 F~L .., THE MNNV HILL SHOW Benny trtea W811em 1tyi. """'°' wttll. tango beat. e DI()( CAVETT ~. Guest . c.tot &Imel! (Patt 201 2)

11:308 (1) M'A•S'H A b•tt~ bombardier becomM COftVlncied ttlal he it Ille Savio<. (R) D TONIGHT 0.-t no.t Rloh lltlle.

I 800PV 8ALE8 0 8TAA8KY&

HUTCH A mountain vac.uon tvms Into a nlghlmant whe<l llKI detechves d isc over a demonic cvl1 wt1h plans to l6Ct1llC:8 a IOCal 0111 IRI


MLC becom8s the head Of the Ou1td o l Sunmnng COW ROL Agenu fD CAPT10NED A8C NEWS


A l rm l d bank c lerll acquttM 1118 ablfllV to reao o ther people's mono' Q) ALFRED HITCHCOCt< PAE8EHTS " PromontlrO,,.. A young rnan return' homt> atte< 1tn n b581\C8 o t 10\I• vea•s eno 1S st>ocked 10 learn OI his 111tner·, deolh «I) GETSM AAT 1.ea.c poses as a sate crooke< '" OfCle< to tr..p KAOS 's M r BIQ.

'Battlestar' Grounded in ABC Shift By PETE R J . BOYE R

L OS ANGELES <AP > - In a nnouncing ABC·s fa ll schedule of p r ime · t ime prog ra m s , netwo r k programm i n g c hi ef To n y Tbom opoulos said, " Our schedule c hanges a r e a gg r ess ive ... But j ud g in g fr o m th e a nn o un ced s chedule , it a ppears that another philosophy prevailed ; " If it ain ' l broke, don't fix it ."

ABC said its fall season would start Sept. 10. CBS and N BC ha ve not said wh e n the ir fa ll li neu ps wi ll be a nnounced.

TH E AGG R ESSI VE c ha nge s Thomopoulos referred to consist of the axing Of S I X progra ms, the adding o r f o u r pr og r a m ~ a nd th e t1me-chang1ng of fi ve series.

Gone from ABC's schedule is the expensive " natllestar Galactlca," a " Star Wars " 1m1tat1on that cost the network $750.000 an episode . That's big money fo r a hit , much less a bomb, whjch " Battlcstar " was.

Ha ppening" and " Delta House ," suggesting that what 's good for the movies isn 't necessa rily good ror television.

" D ELT A HOUSE" WAS an im itatio n o r t he popu lar f i lm . .. Animal House. " " Welcome Back, Kotter " starred giant movie draw J ohn Travolla . " Ma kin ' It" was inspired by Tra volla 's hit , "Saturday Night Fever ."

will move to Sunday a t 8, where .. Battlestar Galactica" once new.

.. Fantasy Is land" Moves to Friday at 8 p.m .• " The Ropers" moves to Saturday at 8 p.m . a nd " Angie" to Saturday a t 8 :30. The latter two se r ies we re successful beginners . introduced at midseason.

THOUGH ONLY SIX shows were a xed , four are ba nging on by a thread : " How the We st Was Won." ''Salvage 1," "Carter Country" and " The Osmond F a mily Hour," were said to be " in negotiation. " and were not included in the fall lineup.

. . tl:Ol 9 Cl) ml LAT9 ~

•• \.\ " Mo()ouct: 9'iteh C111tdy RldH Ag1I"" ( 19731 Oennl a Wt 1 ver , S••l•nle Powet• Four hOOdtums dteueCI tn tHOt Olftl tot> McOlol.td whllt llt II 1taotng I tNlnll robbety

11'.aG e MOYIS • • • " The Tenth \/lc11m " ( tH 5) Met~ MMtroltn· ni. Ur ... ta AndfMI. In e worlO ......,. hOmlclde •• legit. an e c lreu 11 ptom!Md dellr•ble P<»­MUIOn• If "'*can 11111 •tn people ( I llr • 5 5 mln )

ewow * • " Mui! 0 1 f he Avenotr " ( 195 1) J ohn Oertll. Jody Lawrence A men d11g111Mt hlmMlf as lhe Count of M onie Cr l110 ef1er the Auttro.ltlllitn war "' O<det 10 rout 1r111ton from C-We. (1 l'lf .. 30 m1n 1 9) MOVIE * * " All Henda On Deel<" (111611 Pet Boone. Buddy HICllett. A gwl repe>rll!f 11ows away on • anoo. cre­attng c,,_ among ttte c•ew (2 hrs I

t 2"..37 U If.I MANNIX M annllC trrM to l rnd OUl wf'IO Is trying t o k ill a ~ delectllle'I MC· retary Ind why (RI

t :OO 0 TOMOMOW Guests Los Angetes rad io dtsc; joc;lley Casey K8-n: Barry Fledel, publ!Sher of a record l>USinMS lip Sl>8el . 0 MAvauct< " Aruona Blaek Man• ·

t :A6 8 NEWS ®J AOAM-12 A teenage purse snatchet has hlS eye on blQOI!' i!_me

2:00 U NEWS 0 MOVIE • • • " M r EmmaNHll 11945) Ft11111 M•""1'. Oreta Gynl A Jew!Sh prof!llSOI' WBge'I a relentleU March l o• a l roend 11opped In Nazi <*f'many ( t hr . S8 •TM I Q) MOVIE • • • Patts M odel' ( 19!>31 1.C a11lvn Ma~-11. Pauk'!tte Goddard Four women all purchi.sa cooees n t th4> .am1> dr05'. 1n l)<Oflr to anroct d pr;r11cu 1a1 mal<I ( 1

hf 30mon I 2:08 8 NEWS 2:25 1) NEWS 2:30 0 MOVIE

• • l d \ I Plot no IO Ba11lb1lel<" ( t965 1 ROSS&na Podtttla, Ge0<9e Sandrns F'0<etQn ag<>nt<, and L1>0 a· nM<• polk.e 1<i•n forces 10

Onfy the Dally Pilot ntally tells ' YoU wttat'S new In your local community ••• ew'9fY day


.,..., ................. °' ~ (• "'··. mill.)

.... 1= • • ..81141'• 8tdl °" ·~· ( tt63) VlrCjlnle Mtyc>, ~ NlllOfl TWo ~ ....... ~ ... ..ne - 9l'Ct pollelOn. (2 llrl.)

uoe MOVIE • • " FMI" ( 1951) W*­~. $ulltl ~ Tfle ..... ~ .... Oft ~ .,.., .. .,,. blMt ~ trot*e. (1 tws l

a:taD MOYIS • ·~ .. Vou C.... Aiof10" (llM51 AoOet'I ~ LIUMttt soon. A folldlr wllll en lncut..,._ dilelM m t rr... • ~nment emj)loyM Mino Wortd W1r 11. 12 lllL) 4:261 NEWI

t:IO MOVID • • ,., .. Si.tr• P1u age " ( 1951) LOia Albrigllf, AIM H .... A m1n Ml• out to capt1Ke 1111 t•!Mt'• killer • l 1 tw , 30 min.)

4:38 8 8'T9E EDWAN>S

f 'ridat1'• Day I i..e no,,ies 1~G •• 'h"Glll'IOWtt"

( 1958) Chatles Bronson. Kenl Taylor. A LOS Angele& lll g h ec nool t e acher ~a t arget tor mob rel ftllallon When he eor­to be a 111r wltnesa In a gongland mu1der case. (1 hr. 30 men I G) •••• "TheG1y Di vorcee" ( 1934) Fred Alta.re. Ginger Rogers. M 1st 11k 1ng a l ove-sic k d11noer '°'" someone etae, a lady ..- him en 1n111ta­lton (1hr .. 50 mtn )

3:00 (IU) • • * '"1 " OB VII" (Part 5 ) 11974) Ben G a:aat1, A n thon:; Ho p k i n & A n Am4lftean &ulhor au:uaes o Pollsh-bom doct or o f betng 8 Wlr Cllmlnal ( 1 llt ., JO m tn)

3:30 0 • • '"1 " Marilyn" ( t9631 N&trated by Rock HudlOl'I. FMm e .. ce.p1s provide a provocallYe !)eek e t th& phonomenon that wes actress M 11t1tyn Monroe. ( 1 n•~ 30 m.n)

~ C..t Acton S.... OfhnASSO

..... •i•tSfiecitll 10 ~-. ~ tncludonQ prr• t te - .,..r..ctton CCaatlnQ -lorllilr'll. TV.~

ll'IOCle4onO & - I 17141 t57.02U




In the 31-week .. rc~ular season' this year. ABC finished fi rst in the ratings 26 ti mes. t ied for first twice with CBS and fini shed second only lhT ee times . It s h o u ldn ' t be surprising, then , that ABC's schedule for next season will retain 80 percenL of this season's schedule.

Al so set loose wer e " Welcome B ac k . Ko tt e r ," " Mak in ' lt, " " Sta r s ky a nd fl u l c h , " " What ' s

Each fared poorly in the ratings , The shows that will be moved to

new limes: " Laverne and Shirley, " a consistent r at ings winner , will be moved from Tuesday at 8 :30 p.m. to Thursd ay a t 8 . T ha t s pot was occupied by " Mork and Mindy," the biggest new hit of the season. which

ABC said " Family" would return to the schedule a t the conclusion or 1.1m1;m11 the " NFL Monday Night Football" .__ _______ __. 1-------------------1 season. "OLD BOY FRIENDS"


"OLD BOYFRIENDS" ~Family' Goes; ~ehie Stays ·L.:=:.==--=~~;;-..;;.~.~ ""n LOS ANGELES <A P 1 " All in the Family." hetween Tandem anrt o·c onnor. s ays Robert A. ....

the sitcom that becam<' a nal1on:tl 1ns11t ution. Daly. president or CBS Entertainment. 1:r•YJ1:1!£4m!I THEATRES

l'.'aily 6 30 Sat Sun Hol. 12 JO

GOES IT ALONE Carroll 0 'Connor

~al TV Show Set

A program designed to fully apprise defen­danta of their rigbta in court wU1 be offered at 8 p.m ., May 2, on Channel 50, KOCE·TV, Hunt­iqtoo Beach.

Sponaored by the Ora•~ Bar As· soeJa~. • the Lawyers Wives Of Onqe County and the Oraqe County Barristers, the pro­gram, .. Lesally Speak­l n1 • :1 will feature a quuuon and answer ex­change.

fi nally is no more. CBS tntC'nds to replace the Miss Stapleton will likely make a few ap· ua TWI• UA c1•ueA se ries with a show likely lo lw cal led " Archie 's J)i'aranc<'s on the new show, Daly said . but the Wes1m1ns1er 893·130!> C05t.i Mes.. ~o o~~4 ( AllllfEIM ARQ ) P lace. ·· featuring the l:.i st re muimng member o f focus would not be on the Bunker household. a s AIWlllM DftM·ll• Anallerm 17141879--98'.iO , •tto the original cast , Carroll O Connor. has been the his tory of the series, but on Archie -===================:::::::::::'I ~~~~~0 :.'::~!~~::•

" AJI in the Fumily" was for ntne yea rs a and life in Archie's bar . breaker of new ground a nd . morC' important. CRS " It \\i ll not lake place in the home a nymore m ost relia bl e hi t. It s urv1 H d 1m1talinn , the but a t Archie's pl ace. more or less ," said Daly . In challenge of s taying fre~h and t•asl attrition with fact " Arr hie's Place" is a likely candidate for the s urprising ease . But the departure of ro·sta r J ean show·s title St apleton and the expiration of r ight to use lhl• " All in the Family" title ha ve finall v hroughl an end lo the show, a t leas t as \'ll'\H·rs li ;H c k no'A n 1t s ince 1971.

A t the end of the 1977-78 .,1•:.ison. the fact: of show changed drast ic<i lly when Mike and Gloria Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers left the show to pursue other opportun ities.

BUT " ALL IN THE Family" continued to rate slrong with J ean Stapleton 1 Edith >, O'Connor. and newcomer Danielle Briscbols as a young niece left with the Bunkers by her down-and-out father. ·

Then J ean St apleton, the vt'nerable " dingbat " Edith, announced she planned to leave after this season, leaving only Archie. O'Connor is apparent· ly willing t-0 s tay with Tandem Productions, which owns the show. a nd CBS, but the new series will not be " All in the Family."

One reason is the obvious one there is no m ore family. But the t itle eouldn ' l be used a nyway, because it now belongs to Viscom In· ternntions, the syndication outfi t that owns rights to the show's returns .

TH E FUTU RE OF YOUNG Miss Brisebois is unr lear al th<' momc>nt. She 1s a favorite of O'Con· nor 's. but if the s how is centered 1n Archie Bunkcr·s bar, there wouldn't likely be a place for her in it.

Tandem spokeswoman Barbara Brogliati said the company was " hoping to have a show next season. . I don't think lhe door is closed on 'All in the Family:"

The product ion problems r emaining to be wor ked out a re appa rently such things as where the show will be tape d, at Metromedia Square . were Tandem is located , or al another sel . where O'Connor 's company is working on other projects.

Stars Sign~

A i;tory of hh.t. pas.-.ion. dl">in· -love and ~ath.

HURRICANE An lf/\I' 11!111t11tun• rl •rw 1<ntt n"11ilnr."'

·~~ ·~~IAI ' I • .. ~ ..

OIWHll MALL 11MA PLAZA Ofange 637·0340 Brea !°J29· ~339

UA TWIN Westminslor 893· 1 30~

lDWAROS' MtWPOttT Newl)Ofl Beatn 644 ·0760

and I

Present In Concert

Ceclllo It Kapono

llMCOlN ORIVE· IN Buena Park 527·2223


CBS, NATU8ALLY, WANTS to keep the " All in the Family" aDure in its schedule this fall. So. a deal between the network . O'Connor, O'Connor's production company a nd Tandem is in the works that would bring Archie back for another searon. The business e nd of the deal Is complete. leaving onl)' some producUon details to be worked out

NEW YORK <A P ) Bruce Davison. Kevin Co nw ay , Ma rga r e t Avery and Niki F1acks will star in " The Lathe or Heaven" for PBS next' fall . The science fiction s t o r y by U r s ul a K . LeGuln will be produced by WNET-TV.

"STARlOLT SEA RHYTHM FESTIVAL" Sat., Apr11 28 6:30 p.m.

at Irvine Bowl, Festival of Arts Grounds, Laguna Beach nacms TICIClllON & SOUND SPKTIUM

BUZJNG SADDLES (R) 6:3CM:15-10-00

ICE CA:!.:fS IPG) TOIG (PG) 6:50-10:35

FOUL PLAY (PG) 1 :30

OUTLAW BLUES (PG) 8:45-10:30

C COSTA MESI ) So. Cont 1u ·'i• b un ) 4'n "'•~tftf I,,, P.a.-•"" Acedemy Awerd Winner!

SUPERMAN (PG) 7:00-9:45

70 M~ Dolby Stereo Bedknoba & Bfoometldla

7:45 HOT LEAD & COU> FE.fT'

··-_..,~,.,.,•~:QO.""='l;.IO_ __!9.t NORMA.~E <PGl

FOUL~ Y (PG) 1:00-10:00

or a..irltd Ad ACTION



NOW PLAYING .UPl&U lfel , ,,. , ~'t !.339 ,.. ' * IOll);')-4t4t

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M'ION 9CMIA- • WA JllHOW HUlllCANI 1•01 ---J ll•U I • t• • I •t I e 11 ll 160

·-- • ac..-r ...... , "COMING HOMI'• lltl

'"''" Ut -1-twl'-t" __ , ."ll.AZING SAOOLH" 111

.......... , ' ·" ' t u U f / --1 M-> lll 11·1, .. , 10

\&AMC- t


·~ ..... ~ HAmHS AT NtOoO IOUUVAID NIGHTS 11 1

•lU\ ----'----.....JOOOO GUYS W EAi ILACK 1•01

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•1ut ,HANTASM tt l

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110 WIDNISDAY1, 111


A man Jrrum) oj wm11iOJJ.

A woman dre,mo oJ lovin,/· A dmJmcr dttanu uj botl1.

'Night Watch' Uneven realJna and ma&Jotalnln& t.be

c1mlnoua atmosphere vltaJ to a auapenH drama 1uch •• " Nil}lt Watch" la a tricky «1nou1h wk wl&houl betn1 aakcd to overcome the antic of 111rtmlln1 In the lMhnlcal machln•ry

Intermission Tom Titus ]

e vening · und this s he does beautifully

appear• at the moat ina p · propriate p>e>ment.a.

COMPLETING THE cut are Kathy Brothen a• a peycblatrllt. Tom Shepherd and Joe Rltkes u a pair of put-up0n p0Ucemen and J oe Cordio in a sple ndJd cameo as• aurpriae visitor.

Neverlhc:le 11 , th., cast of the Saddleback Volley Community Robert. Sax as her exasperated

huisbu nd 11 less s uccessful In his mterpretaUoo . counterbalancing moments of strength with le· quences of apparent indeclalon. Carrie Mowery . playing Miss 0 'Connell 'a bes t fri end and

Theater p ro duc.-tlon w•• IH t'llt' Ot t'lt with S U(' h II IJft>dH' lUTit- nt on 011en1n~ night And, to I I '> , . r t' ii I t I ht> coulpany wu i. ulJlc lo ovt>r«'omc Ule


M lchael Bright's apartment room selling constricts the ac· lion and ampUrles the paraoolac mode 9f the play. while Betay Southworth's painted bookcase lends an air or unreality. both ef· fective touches.

t•lt•ctruruc ~(lot 0 COM NILL

A play by Lu< Ille Fltlcr..r , <llre<lt<I 0y Ml<llael 8 1e llli, ~ ...., llQlllll>Q cM\IQf' by MICll•• I 11•1(1111, •l•Qe "'• "•9•• Joyce Prodllarn , UI de c ora llon by Betty ~utllwof'tfl, pr• W<>t..i by the s.odleta.<~ Va llo Commlinlly Tlleater Frida y• ... o \at11rO.y\ •I IP m •net s..n.s.y. April tt. • I 1 )0 p I'll '" ,,,. Minion Vteto HIQll !o<­........ R•wrv•llon\ ~1

.. Night Walch" conUnues for two more weekends, playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m . and this Sunday at 2:30 ln the Mi ssion Viejo High School theater. bud!> u.nd present ll s how which ,

If not memornhh:, wui. bolstered by 'luperior performances from l'>l'\ er a l 1nfhv1cluat cast mem h l'tl-

TMI. CAST Et • IM ~,., \11\MI O 'Conlwll JOM W .... 1.. R00.11 Sa• 81a ncl\t Col>ll• ( 4rrle MO.-rv

• BACKSTAGE Let's hear it

for Sebastian 's West Dinner P layhouse. which has a lleviated its indoor pollution problem by installing Ci ve e lectronic air purifiers calculated to remove 97 percent of the s moke. dust a nd polle n from the theater

What director Michael 81elitz' produdton fails to overcome 1s a :.traoge deficie ncy 1n ensemble eHort which prevents the s how rrom uchaevtng its polcnll1t l But this. hke the Hghting problem. as 1:1 fot:lor which s hould be al · lt.-vtal e d with fu t ur e pl'rformanccs this weekend and llt'Xt

HtlQ • J~n Sidell (11tll\ AOPleO't •• 8 ... JUUi Or Trac.ty ~· K•llly 8rol'*' Van.Ill . J041 A llllM l 1111le,....t W•l~er Tom Sl'ltpher<I ~m Ho• e JM"""'°

house gues t , is e ffective . but co m es ac r oss so mewhat urtifically. lacking the surface warmth requir ed by her role.

. dean air is a welcome ad· dition at the San Clemente <lin· ner house

UC Irvine's Orama Works hop will prese nt Edward Albee's .. A Delicate Balance .. tonight and Friday at 8 p.m . in tbe Fine Arts Lillie Theater. . . g raduate stude nt Frank Oliva is d irecting the all-graduate s tudent cast of Lynn BaJesteri , Patrick Dwyer, Nela Leighton . Cathy Hall , William Ackerman and Kimber· ly Cole . . ca ll 833·661'7 for ti cket information

t;Vt:N WITll T ll E technical u n easi ness . however . Susan O ' Conne ll delivers a s uperb portrayal in the central role of a womu11 hauntt'd by \'1s 1ons of dl·:.ath ~·ml facing t·om m1tm<'nl an a sanitarium. Miss O'Connell is ca lled upon to ope n the play in full psyt'hollc night and s ustain this state of mind throughout the

Two s upporting assignments · are given first· rate treatment by Joan Sidell as the meddling maid and Be n Jutzi as a flighty neighbor Miss Sidell grates on the audience. a s we ll she should . a nd her German a ccent is quite cr edible . Jutzi contributes splen· did comic relief in the s howy role of an animated bu!>ybody who

Omar Sharif 'Mellows'

/l.ft W H"ft)ho lo


'Scf1'nPs' St~t llOLLYWOOI> 1/\1' 1

" Chilly Sct.·ne~ or W1nlt•r '' i s now 1n produc•tion in Sult L:.ikc Cit y with .Joan Mic klan Stiver directin g her s t ' r t· t• n p I a y o f l h c· modern loH · story .John ll "ard of " B c t wN: n the Lant"s " <ind M ar yhl'lh llu rt of " lnlt'nor~ " s tar tn lht• IOOVll'


turned 47. actor Oma r Sharif readily admits that he ha s settled anto mid· die age c•omfortabli: and orderly

The Egyptian·born star came he re for one of has rare Hollywood-made m ovies. It's called " The Ba ltimore Bullet, " a comedy-drama of the pool hu s tl ing world s tarring Sharif . James Coburn , Rnnec Bl a kely and a dozen of the world 's top cue a rtists, including Wilhe Mosconi . Sharif is well ca s t ; :.imong hi s ot he r ac complis hme nts, he s hoots an ex t'cllcnt gam<', especia lly in three cushio n billiards .

Sharif seemed to he enjoymg a peri od of we ll !icing , having r e · covered from a kidney s tone opera· t10n 5 1x month:. a~n " the g rcatc:.t pain known lo man " and his longtime ad'1i<:l11111 lo g;1mhling " ::t huge los~ five or s ix yea rs <Jgo t'urcd me "

'' MY L I FE JIA S become 11ormalizcd," he comment(.'<!. " I try to a rrange it so that I work solidly for one year and then devote two yea r s to the things I like to do "

This is hi!> work year fie has alread y made two m ov i es. " Bloodline" and ··s .11. E ," the latter for CBS television.

" During my two years off. I li ve at ho m e in Paris," he said . " I belong to a club. so I can sec m y frie nds re· gu larly I play 1n bridge tourna· m c n ts, I breed rac ing horses on a fa r m in Normandy and I have a s mall racing s table o f m y own . I like to spend vacations with my son , Ta req, who is now 22. We are very good friends

" H E THOUGHT HE wanted to be a n actor . but what he really wanted to be was ric h and famous I tried to e xpl a in the ove rwh e lming odds ag:.11nst s uccess a~ an acto r . tht" chan. ces being that he would e nd up poor a nd starvi ng. ' He ag reed lo study law at the University o r Ke nt IO England and he has passed a ll has examma· lions. He is going to try at'ting , but at least he will have something to faJI back o n "

Once marned to f~gypl1an actress f' atcn llam ama , Shil rif ha s had several famou:. romances over the yea r s

" Now my love lrfe 1s void ." he dc<'l a rc•d " Wlwn you •Hl' young, you t'a n adjust to changang patterns. But as you grow older, you become set in

your habits I don 't like c hange.

"NOT BEING A kid a nymore but a middle -aged man, I hke my sort. or lonelines!> I hke to he able to be a lone and read al night. to hstcn lo mus ic without bein~ inte rrupted I have a lot of gi rlfriends and I Like to take the m out to dtnne r and enjoy their company , with no strings al· tached.

·· Even if I find a woman who is beautiful. intelligent. with all the qualities I enjoy , a fte r two or three days of hvrng together I get restless. The best solution, I s uppose. would be to live in two di ffe rent houses . rr you were in a good mood , you could date, if not. vou could r e main aJone .

" The n you would never see her an curlers a nd s he would neve r see you . in s triix.'<I paJ amas · ·




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Our decorator'> will helo you 'iOlecl lroin hundreds o l fabric'> 1h.~ oerle<:t textures color'> and n•1s19nc; to make yo11r home morn beauti fu l Wo thPn custom make ~legant window treatments which offer not ont~ beauty but orac t1ca1 u'>e

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C11omenta and Shoe••

Browse through our Oocorat1ng Studio at ou r shop o r cal l Newp0f1 Beach 144· H ee>. or Tu1tln. 544· 1550 tor an appoint· ment There11noextrt charge to r th11 pro· l esslon a f aervlce . Come in or call nowl Sale ends May 8.

JIM MATHE~ON_ 5\J~A,!-! O~AK ... LY JACK WAMOl.N A Mlt'llAI I I OIO 11 l'H<>Dll( l ION •· 11·" 1


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• 23 f • Ill• ...... . ..,.,, hacll ......, • (ltf•I• C ...... lewpert Fwy, It l 171' IL. Tllltlll Mt·liliO




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~1/ " . if~

[!lj Plus_..,., .. W•rren Be•tty

~~~Chose " HEAVEN CAN WAIT '


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.--- MMa9C08UAH ''FIRE-


fllUI (R)

"PHAN· TAIM" .. ~, ''\.OVIAT

,9"1T ltTI"

--"""'l••••rr:-~- r · .. ----- -, . . . . . ---------. ----- ... -- .. 4 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·-- - - - • - - - - -- - - - - - · - __.._ .............. ;-.... __..... ...................... ______ _

• • r

'· • ·" fr ~ .

-8. ln

t 2 I

I ~

... . :.· -

MEED CASH? We pay top dollar for good. clean. late model used cars Su CURT DAVIS or IRYAM HESkETH today!



VB. automaltc trans air cond . power steering & bmkes AM/FM radio vinyl lop & wsw tirPc; (344UMC)


V 8 . au tomatic tran s. arr cond1t1on1ng. power o;te ertng oower t>rakPs rad•o. root rack & wsw ltr06 1676LPZJ

Many, many Plymouth Champs & Sapporos

& Voya9er Vans to choose from.

And what a time to




I 978 CHEVROLET CAMARO VB. automa11c transmission. oower steering power brakes atr cond1honing cruise control tilt wheel. radio custom wnee1o; bucket seats & W'iw tires ! 303TWY) This car must be seen ro fully appreciate 111


VR .iuromattc Iran~ arr cone pwr .;; teering & brakF- " owr wtndOW!' & seat cru1o;e v1nyt rop AM FM r aor o & w <. w '""°'> 449 TTO


ve auroma1tc 1rnn~ ru11 power -c; teenng brakef; windows sp11t " t>a l & door iocks air cond cruise 1111 whPe• padded top & more• 905NCA

54295 51295 55495 54395 52895 '75 AMC


Economical 6 cyl automa11c trans.. deluxe interior. luggage rack. split seat. air cond111on1ng. rad ro. deluxe exterior. custom wheels & wsw tires (923MMOJ


VB. auromatic transmission air cond1lt0ntng po wer steering . power brakes. luggage rack, radio & WSW !Ires ( 3 14UWV)


VB. automatic trans air cond pwr 'll<'ering & brakes AM/ FM stereo radio. 111ny1 top <1p1tt seats. cruise conlrol t1ir wheel & wsw lrres (447UMK)


VS. automatic rran-; a11 cond full power - <>leering brakes -;0111 seat & windows. AM/ FM stereo. cru1sP trll whPPI lf•alher int vinyl rop & more• ( 228 724)


Economical 6 cyl du to mnttc tri'n '- AM / FM <> ler r-o w11h cassette power 'i teenng power brake~ and wsw tire-; 1898WCLI

52695 54795 53895 53995 54695

.·\ .: • • • • • • ~.·. '# #,... .

AN cers er&~ io ll'10f ..... e11 oncM.,. Plll9ID.-.~.,., ano 1- ....,tClffl •moo - -we veho untll 10 pm Sunday, """11 K . ttlf9



AL HENRY 546-1934

2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ph. l714J 546 -1934 Iii t

:· & 5

!r II. ~ .

tu or )'.


.. ' ,, .. ·- ---- .. . ·-- - --------.... •

. -.. - ..

........ , ~'··

,.. .... "··--"· · ~--·· -" .................. . ........... ,u .. ftl • .,,.,, ..... ·~,_ .... _...,.

Pvllll•hod Or0ftt9 CNJ4 0..ly Piie! Al>t ) , U , It, k " "" UlH't



In• lo1low1nq pe<'IO<> " OOtng l>v\ 1 ne u .,

ROMMC.0 A(;CiLU TI NOSCOP( OF PENN':>YLll ANIA, 1)00 011• 11 Suitt • I~. Newt.J0<1 ~6CP'I, (.A 'l'l~

J o -.. • • o IJ Herbo< l\lancl, t<tWllOf°I e..c11 (.A 916'>0

" "' O&l'\'MU ·~ <.onctu<.teo b., •n 1n 01YIOUtl

l•YM4honey fllo• \ l•'-nl WU filed wl111 t ...

(.ounty (14tf'• 01 Of•l\99 Covnty on M•r<P'l 1'1, tt1't



HO. • ·,.nt


,..11<.t .. _ , ,.. ot .,.11110" tor pro· .,.1ott will tMlor1011onln t.>me,.1t"' • •M !ff ..-..,.,_ lo • •"'"'lttor "" <l•r tM h •; '''" ' Mm••ntr•Uoft •• ....... .a.



f<.t W"t>rf'I tt Ma1 (O'\ttrn P UBLIC NOTICE 5'ub1•< I to IHUIU'\((I o• tM llCt n\e •P

- - -- -- p lh.'0 tnr, not1ctt •\ "' r'fOY Ql"f!n lh•t llr7)l" tnt undtr.iqneo propo\H to •@ II

ElUte o l J A M ES HENR Y M l T C. HELL ek• JAME S H MITCHELL, De«•~

NOTI CE IS HEREBY GIVEN '""' E MMA L MITCHELL"•' Ille<! llortm oi pe\lhOfl tor PrObat~ Of W ill •nO 10< •tWtn<• ot 1.et10,. T"lalftOm~ .. nc1 tor Aulroorl1tUOft to AGm•nl•l•r ""°'"' Ult Independent Admonillrt lfon of Estttu A<I, re1tre110 to wP'll<P'I 11 mtOt 10< 1"'1P'ltr 1W1rlltultrs, tncl IP'lllt tM Umt - Pl.Ct Of hffro119 IP'lo .amt hn Ileen M1 tor May 1. 1'19, ti 10 00 a .m .. 111 Ille toortroom ot ~ar1men1 Ho. J of M id coun. •I 100 CMt Center Orowo -M. In Ille GllY ot Stnlt AM, Ct lllornle_

OtteoA!lrll 11, 1m Ll!!E A 8RANCM, C-ty Cltrk

MITC.Mlll.L I Pll•CE u• Wllt llire It• ... htttt!Mto, w it• o i..•A~. c•*S1 Altll : J . " · Pi«<• Alttr.,."tor l'.t1-

P11bh$11ed Or•nqe Co.l\I Otlly Pilot, Af)rtlt9, 20, 7• . 1'79 loiU-1'

NOTICE TO CllEOtTOltS a •to"'>ll< °"""raQI'\ ti I~ premlae•. HO, A·ttMS d•'<,..,.,, ~ IOllo"" on IP'lo •1>6<e pro

SUPllUOll COUll T OF THE ••Oed O-tow STAT E OP' CAl.IFORH IA l'OA IS:JO? BN><h 8tvd

TM£ COU NTY OF Olt AH GE HunMql<;n B•.t<n In U'lt MaUfr ot tM ['\I.lit of MAC Pur \uMt to '-UC. I\ 1nttnuon '""" un

J . e H It H A A 0 T • ~ • M A e d., S•QMO ., •Pl>l••"? 10 ,,,. O"""rt EHR HARDT, Oocea...O me nt of AltoMll< B"•e•- Con1ro1

Nollet I\ l>for,.oy qoven 10 Crfdllor \ lor lnuanc• of •n tlCOl>OloC l>everd~ llewlnQ clt•m\ -·n~I tl\e Miid dt!ce llun•e lo< llcon"4!•1 tor fnt \P prr dent to Ille .. ,o c1a1m • In ' "" otffce ot m •w• • • lottaws lllt clerk o! '"" ~fore'81d coun or lo • 1 prH"nt lllO!m lo tno uneler\IQneO '" the Ori ...,If BM•r A Win" ofl lce ot CHARL ES L 8LEK. JR . IP\oO E<lf Pl l - S. ~pul"1tlM Blvd , No t16, Los (;CNNOR, INC At>9ef~. Ctfltr>mla -.) . •nlcn tatter J-M. c.n...ttt, otllce 11 the pl.,;e ot ""~""'' ot f P'lo un Prnldfflt deriJQntd In • II m.ttlt" perld on•no to P ullllslll'O Or..-QI' Coa•I OfllY Piiot U ld utet•. Such cta1m\ ..,11n 1111 ,APrtlH,Mty2,Q, 191q 16117' necowry _,.,,.., "''"' t>I' hlrO or ---ort \tnlea . , • for•wtc:I w1ttun four mon lP'I\ •lier tlle first PuDhUllOfl ot tht\ nntit~.


Dated Aprll 13. 1'19 "ICTITIOUS I USllllUS C 8 Ml.otl HAMI STAlEMIHT E:•e<lllOt of 111t w 111 The touow1119 Ptt'M>n 11 OOlno busl ot wld 09<-n• neu .,

C.HAllLU L. II.Ill, Jlt . J OY CE 9EOAROS E u llOPEA H - Alt«MYtl l.tw HAIR ST YLING. ?OS2 New p0n BM! ..

PVBUC NOTICE ... L.._-........ Cosl tMtw. C.A'1'1&71 Ht . au .JOY<• MitrlO Beotrd, 1"01 Brow,,.

- -------·--- - 1 I.ts A ..... e . CA._., 11'19 Awe., Tustin, CA 'l?lllCI "°1'1CI IN\llTIHG llDS Tel : U U l • 71"'1l4 Th i\ bl.ttl""u I\ Conclll<ltd by tn In·

Notice Is llereby 01ve11 lh•I Itta Pullllsl>ed OrMIQll Coast D•llY Pltot, o Mduel ... ,.. of Tr1ntees ot lllt Coest Com APf. 261nc1-.l. t0, I J, l'79 01._,. JoyU M a.dtrd

• M11nlty Olll99e Oi>lrt<I If Oftn~ Thlt llal_.,t w H fifed wllll the <*Ml y, Ctlltorn••· • Ill rtctl,,. Meleo 1.-o County C.l~rll ot Oren~ Co11nly on l>klt UP lo 1 :00 Pm . MonOey, May 1, PUBLIC NOTICr. April 10, 1919, ltft, e t Ille P\o<t P'ltS1119 l>ec>trlmtnl Of \<llld IC Mll d l\lrtct toca ttd ti U70 • ·1U41 1' d t mt A•enue , Cu lt Mes e , NOTICE TOClllDtTOIU C.lltornl., M ""11<11 llm1 '8id bids w111 MO. A-itttl 11t IMlbtlCly OIMntd ...0 rttll for: SU P811Uott COUllT 0, THI


,.,u.uo Pullll•htd Oro9f191' Coelt 0.lly Pllol

AP" 16, Mty >. 10, II. "" ltee-"


All IMdl - lo ... lft «~• wlltl In lflt Matt« of Ille E llelf of ROSS ..... !tie IMtNC11ofts - COM!tllfts - J . WRIOKT, 09< .. ..o. SUNlttOll COUltT or TMI '"'"~ Wlll<ll .,.. - Oft Ill• Notice 11 ,.,......, Ol\1111 to Crtdllon aTAT•OtJCAL"'O•NIA ,Olt efOll t'Mf ... MC'"41 lft tM 9'1ke Of 01t 119•1"9 cttlmt ... lftet IN '81d OKI• t ... COUNTY 0" OltANO• Pvl'<llMll\e AtMt Of said ~ dl1· dtnl to 1111 MIO clain'I~ Ill IM oftlu of ..._A·.,. ttkl , tM tlertl of l llt llfOrtMIO ,_, or to NOTICI O'° MIAltlNO 01'

l!t< ll ~ m~t $UOmlt Wllll lllt present them to tllt """rslQMO a t the ,.TITIOM f'Olt eoff"'lllllU<TION O'° llld. <.•tllltr'• cllec.ll, cerllfltd chick, off let ol WILL IAM • . THOM AS, SAi.i Ol' llllAl..Pllt0,•1tTY or....,.. • ...,., - PtY•ble to lllt LOEB ANO I.Oll a , O n• Wilslllre I! • I . I . 0 I I! TH I! L " . ~ti .. OtH t ~unity OM .... 8109 , S..llt 1.00, Wtlllllrl l l•d t i CO L LI NSWO RTH, Ot l!THIL P Oletr lU e..rd of Tru1leo In en Grind, L.Ol AnQtfft. Ctlllomlt toOll, ANOl!lllSOH. Ot<....O. tlMIHlt nit leta INll 11,.. lltratnt (11'1 Ttl "Ulll 62'1-0>&7, #lllCll ltttotr offlct NOTtCa IS HIRllY OI V! N tlltl tfllll tllfft tlldtttO-t11 ... tNttllt i i lht t>le<.e of 1111\1,...t Of Ille IHI• L ILANO W. RHO AOl!S llH flltcl Ol41Rr w lU eftlor Into "'9 ~ dtral9fl00 in ttl metlM'I 11trta1n1119 to l>efflft • llltltlon tor OOnllrme Uof\ et Cofttre<I II !tit .. _ II .. .,.. 10 H id Hl•1•. 5..c:ll <l• lm 1 • 1111 Ill• Sale .. ..... "'-'"• IO<•tH • • JOtt 111111. '" ... ,,.... of lailvrt t• 11\W "'· MCU stry YOUtlltn ""''' .. Ill ... or wot W•llllflOlon, seni. AM, CA, , . 11 well comrect, lM ..,_, ef Ille pruonttd • • etores• ld w 11111n four fertn<.t to Wlltcll I• madt ~ fll"ttltr <.Melt w ill • r.rt.llH, 0t lfl tllt c- """'"' ..... u. flrJI "'*41ca lion of part1c111en. tflO 111<11 tllt tlmt tncl of e MM, "'9 Ml t..m lfltf'tOf WI• ... tltlt llOllU. f)llCI o! - Int !tit '8- llM - M l ~'9dt11Nld1tMoflllslrkt. Oett0.Af)r1111. "" tor Me y IS, ""· ti t :OO • "' , t11 !tit "• ~ INf wllhdf- Ml ~ tw lillttltf e w rltllt t111n ,_.. 01 O..AIMtlt No, >et Miid

• .. ,.._ of Nn'f'llwt IO I daft eftlf Homer "'· Tlltmet court, •I tOO Clvk """'Orin Wttl • ..-Mtfwttot•n1"9tllerw, E.etlll9" ol tlle I" ,,_ CltyOI s,.IW AM, CAtlllor"ll ,

~ ~ .. '""'"' ·-·.. ~llot .... OK.-.,. Otlff Aer11-. 1m . .... ef rti.tUlll anf _.ell .... 1.otll A• l.091 L•I A. llllAH04 ..... *'" l,.,......wlllff If e... WtU.IAM I . TttOMAS County Cle,_

\Mlft_.,!IMlll' lf\919......_ AttWMT .. lAW MICMA•l.W, ,lllYI ..... : .................. . ........... ...... MONAAHl. WATION ..... *' ,. PIMt, .... ,,_ _....,., ............. 9'1M -.....,.....,CA911 ...... 'TNllMI ......... CA.I A~-1 ....._

.,..IJflM °""fl C111M Qtltf f'llel ~I .... Or-.. Cliett Delly '1i.t, ft\IMI.._ Or .. COIA Dll lf ' "" ..... ... . . "" tU.1' . . ... ....... . . .. . ,.,. 1 .. ,.,. "'~· .,, ... /IM,a, " " ,.,.

6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8

D A I L y

p I L 0 T

c L A s s I F I E D

6 4 2 • 5 6 7 ·a

,.. .............. : All reel estaw advertJaed Int.bl.a M wapaper la 1ub· ject to the l"oderal Fair lfoual ng Act of 11181 wtucb mak~ It llle1al to adver ttsc " a ny p re· feren ce. llmltatlon, o r dilcr1minaUon baaed on "9Ct, color1 reU1lon. aex. or naUOna1 origln, o r an 1nlenUon to make a ny :such prefe rence. llmlta· Uon. ordiscnmlnat1on "

·nus newspaper will not knowingly accept a ny advertlalne fo r real estate which la in viola · Uooolt.be la w.

••••••••••••••••••••••• G.neral 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••

AS SU MAILE Looks be tter t h an a model 3 bdrms. 2 beth , pl ush t• arpl'tlng . fireplace. s hake roo f & best ol all. an 111sumable loan al a ve ry favorable rate of Interest Pn ce<I for quick sale at $R7 ,000 Call 751 ·31.91.



All horse fa rll 1t1<•s needed. 5 box s l ulls. lack boxe s. automatic wat.erera. t raining nng a n il mu c h m o r e J spacio us bdrms, :. uu shiny kitchen . no wax noors. Jus t lis ted. 50 hurry' Only $136,000 Call 645--0303

FORESTE OLSON ~ " ' "'t. •( ...... ,

HOME + BUSINESS Good Co5ta Me:.a ltl\'J tJon Live hen• & oprr:lll' your antiquu busmt·~s. beauty !lhoP. c•tc PLUS Sll'llJ II 2 bedroom umt .1l tacbe<I for nddlt1onal in · come No qualifying /\)>. sume lafl(e 8p va loan f\Jll pnce ~.900 Cttll 556-26611.


DEEP LOT WITH LARGF. POOL' Summer's near and th1:. rambling 3 Hdrm. fam1I~ room homt' 1s a' a1lablc now. Also. famlly·s1zcd kitchen with breakfast room Best value in the Manners a rea ! $169,000.


Pew~ttit &ii~r ~

OPPORTUNITY knocks oft en whep you use r~ull- ~clltng Da ily Piiot Cl ass1 f1ed Ads 10 reach the Orange Coast market

Phone 642·5678


lo Plau Your Ad. Cllt

642·5678 EHottS

A4•.,llun 1hnlll

c"". ..... - ""' eR 4 r •,o rt error' -41efl4y Tlw OAIL Y l'llOf •- 11..i.illty

fer ... ,.....,--· lloMrl!M,,,.,.,.

HOUSH POI SALi 1002 . 1100

OTHM REAL HTATI 1200 • J t OO l .. TALS )100 . 46'0




... SOt4AU U SO






;~ ... . ,,. __ .... _.,_.,..


.... ,.. . 1001 •••r• ..............................................


Te rriri c location . la r ge lot . Two 2-Bdrm. l ·balh apts. in each duplex. Both on be autirully maintained 97'xl.SO' lot. Near shopping, schools, etc . This ls a n excellent investment. P r iced right. Both for $200,000.

WE$&.IY M. TAYLOlt CO .. llALTOIS 2111 s.Jo ... 1 ........

MEWPOIT CEHTEI. M.&. '44-49 I 0

LOST PAITH? Not with this 2 Bdrm. I bath home l.n which ever· ything ls 1 yur new & pn ced under $64,000 Won't l u t ! Call S40-3666.

Q.IFfHAVEH 2 Bdrmll .. 2 baths , den , Crpk Close to schools & churches. Short escrow (l06Slb le $149,500

CAHYOHCRIST Uve with dignity & com · fort l o tbl1 elegant 3 bdrm.. 2"7 ba th condo with every uparade 1 m agi.nable! l l even ha& an air filter purifie r . Handy to sport actJv1t1cs & only s min . from Newport Center. Price 1182.000

own the land '



JUST UDUCID -HST VALUI IN SIAVllW .and ln Seaview see this 4

bedroom view home with ~ sq. ft ., 2'h baths, a jacuzzi a nd over $30,000 In la ndscaping, p a tios and exterior improve m ents. Don 't rorget the community pool and tennis courts are just a jog away. The price is $279,000.

U~ l()UI: fi(),..H REAL TORS , 675.eooQ.

2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del f.1ar


Completely redecorated and ready for new f ami· ly. Spacious living room enhanced by m assive bri ck fire pl ace. D in e a rea , too ! Fin ger lip k itc he n . 3 K ing size bednns. And a huge over

CltlAMPUPF sas.soo

Immaculate 3 Bdrm 2 b a th . m a n y c u a l om f eat ur es . H a r d wood floo r s , hug e bri ck fireplace, wood Jlhake rod. 2 car plus garaae.

673-3663 i\42 2253 EASTSIDE

COSTAMES.l Uke new 3 bdr m . 2 ba . complete ly remodeled On a rge lot , wi th de· tached 2 ca r ~ara~c. f'X lra parkrng. Pnccd nghl at 1124.900

~.w. Don't ...... '"" ~rn:e ,.JM 4SO NEWPORT CTR OR. I ,.,,, ". I\",, I " " ,,_, ~

.:=~~T 11[ ~;;;~'~"~l~i"~'~I __ ·_· __ Outst.andtng view Boat 1~ 11•••=- 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, 1800 s.f. slip. 2 bedroom condo w /form a l d i ne, F .R • Tot.al secun ty bulldinJ! .. IOI S .._. C.M bn ck F.P. Obi. gar. + 13 OnJyS210.000 .. M •"' • x 20 h ea t ed s h o p , H~RT Cb...ITfR Your family will e njoy g-reenhouse and a viary

s;nr-v ~ this " pnced lo sell now" 78 x l.80' lot R V acccs:.

associated REALTY Lu.Ung. Plow up th<· huge $94,500 Ruth Lau ~;~ 640..1812 back yard and pl ant RJtr &t6·4380

B R O KE R S. REAi TOR S J O/\ IN Borb on b ' 1- 16& I

- - - - Nice frwt t r~ ! Coiy den with rireplace. q uiet 1---------­ne1ghborhood New this iJ week- pn<' l-d at $11!J ,!J50





NEWPROl rRAM ' If you mukc $14001m o, you may quali f y• I.ow down' Lt)dn.5 to s100.ooo• Ll'l u!. show vou how to cJu 1l ' Qtll now•

Talk to Red CorJMt W e Listen! 754· 1202


N1>t•tb work but l!ft'JI potential ·1 hr Iv•• ~1urw fcrt•plart' Hoom t11 butld &t.'l 7Z2 1

Picky Picky Picky a Homt• for the fus~y buyer lmmac. highly upgraded & ver y rm press1ve is this 3br pool home w / a Cam r m, hu~e bonus rm w /wet bar . bit m gas BBQ & coven"! patio Convenient lot· a · uon Call now :J7!1 5370


TURTUROCK - AMO TBllRC! 4 Br 's. pri vat e at r ium. fa mily room. dini ng room ; good condition : near parks. schools & the good life. This owner has been t ransferred & wants to sell . $144,950.


644·9060 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HtLLI fltD.


EASTBl.UFF VALUE $159,500 CllMa w hw wMi .... prt"'9 yrd. Cw°'"' l Mel. wlttl f-. ra "'­scJM>oh.

WATERFRONT W/SllP $335,• 0,.. ...... 4 .,..._... ..... ,... ... , .. ,... to..,,... • .,...,...,.,.. ......

CaUS46-414 1 -- -


3322 VIA l.100 ON TH 1-; UIG BAY ; sophtst 1cated I 1 v't n ~ a t it · 'I b c;, t Elegant four bed room condominium - Walk to

l•---------•l exclusiw Lido Villa~c 1-----------1 shops and rc:-.tauru11b $42,500 Yes. that s the full pnct• ol t.hJ..:. sharp 2 yc11r o ld mobile hom t' on Lido PerunsuJa 2 Bdrms . 2 ba ths. '>uper location Hurr} & m <l\ e 111 th•· beach' Summ1:r's Jlmusl he rt"

Step out on your s pac1ou:. bnck te rrace onto your boat - P lans UNOF:lt WAY for enlar~ 1ng bt.1.11 sbp to 64 feel l'nced to sell al 5475.000 COLE OF MEW,ORT

REALTORS 675-551 I

PRIVACY & CHARM $114,500 Lonly hw, wr-*d by .......... .. bofll ~ SltMfH, ... i-' •••. Mmy~&....y•xtrwe.ttn4 bdr• f 011tily r• ho.•. Mice ,etro, tJWCICJf &w.-hap


2'1:~h W Crl<l'I H~l11.11t1v

Nv14 ron Rt->Mh


macnab/ lrvtne realty

ffll""'"9 YOU DISlll In a custom built home by Ivan "'ells w /a ·view of Upper Bey 6 city hghts. 5 BRs, formal dining rm, fa mily rm w/bar & fplc , bay vlew kitchen & brkfst rm + 3-car garage. $400,000. Barbara Aune 64.2·8235. (F ·85)

..:re,';~ WATERFRONT

IA YRONT - Sll0,000 LMI• IOI.I Cus tom 3 BR, 3 bath home In private comm. Covered paUo on sandy beach + slip for 18' boat ft tennls court avail. Alao l·BJl apt. Mary Lou Marion 642-8285. (F .. >

iOAn:W... HOMES Inc. ...,_IT ~36 W Coa,1 HIC]h\\.sv ~

tett ."" 642-IJH '44-6200 TIAMIPOITAT10t4 N..wron Be«h tOI Dowr Orlw. HarW Vie• Center

A~ 631•1400 trvlne•t~V•UeyOtftter ts•• ·"" 7U..M14

---1~====~============~===~~~!!!!!!! ...

----- - - ---~ ---- - -- -- -- - ---- -- - - - .. _ 1 _ ___ • - . ,. - - .. ···-,19'· ... . .. - .. ... -

• 2

20 so 69 ...

,tM tl

l ' ,.,, 500 ,. r I'•\ '


B y

I II n f Ill

I hll• p•KJI )O ly ~I -J ll lt . OUI\'

Ill fl ti rnbll

llH I •LI r a•" l)l°d & out. 5 Owner f a rea. rourl !> . m s lo :a II ror •c1410'.

r -....... LE Pinn 8. CIO!!C tu 2 \Ot Z

&."1 9UH



t. h fl fc


Au ~ im ,. Sf , • E ·~

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~ d -~ • I

2 , p ,.. t f I I

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UDO ISLI Uay vit-w Cron 2 polio d k8 enhanee t"UlilOm apaclou 5 bdrm .• 4 bath traditional home..' . llkt- new Idea l for entcrtainlna Corner lot '530.000

... CANYON Golf roul"'ll' view from fiparlous 5 BR 4 bu lrudluon al home. late ram1ly room, pool. Jacuu1 1750.

OCIAM .. OMT CJuullty rrart..,munship an muho1e trim & ou lc noun ~eoi ulr th•' lundm1&rk . 4 RH . J b" hnml' 1n f1nM.t l()('at mn .. ;:. lublll\ht-tl lrt't"~ & Id\\ n' S.•tu.000

IAYNOMT ~·' 1·ral (11w h11\ front honw ...

''Ith pu.-r & -.hp

AVALON Wt•ll t•un,truc•lt-tl :1 Bl< I hJ 1111k

floor . 1111rtwl h tht' lll• nl c·o11c·r\'11· fountlution Fl.al l'> •" t •.1 $120.0CIO Ft•t.•


J I f· . , .... . u ,, ., ~. ~ c. l'l 0 10 1

.. I

IT'S A.HOMEY i\llll )llU "' Ill tllJO) Liii'

2 frµk & ~n \ 1111t y11u r.,df frvm wt•I har wh1h· llh· 11h•:ik' .. rl' hlt1l111.i on hit Ill 111\tl .111 Ullf1f'r h: I'll\ 1·r1'(I l>!ttlU I 111' 1'1,1.,, \ 1lhr. 3ha h11m1• 1,.,,. :! wd ""'"· :1 fr1>h' " F11rm.1 I ----------1 J>ll & mm•h 111111•h 1111, 11· __________ , wllnowll7!1 .• :Jiii


:itJNITS60XJCY.> 101 Own~r will l'ur'ry. '\t1hrn 1t .,u olfers <.;ru1~ . t.!20.WO

kl!:/ MAX t;.1 1 · 1~~


IUCHLIVIHG ~l tidrm, bunul> rt)()m , l~t· ----------1 1111liu. n1•w r 11rpf'I Ownn


9174 S IZES 10Y1-22Y1

L., llf e... ...... lff(.,.T.-

lop ull rn' neLkhnt '"tn • ll'Pll••tt vnoke 11na of th~ ~mt 1aorat a~ lhe ll•e<.\ °' ~•1 th1t tein lht turv~ll b<Aot~ ~am1r•t 11 , 1n10 •" e~\, \~•fl

l•rantcJ Pan~on 'ti 14 IMll 511~ 1011 111

1 1411 lfi'1

111,~ ZIJ· no,, !>11~ 1, 1, tb11$t 31 > taM!\ 2 1111 yard\ bO 1n'n ~nd SI.SO IOt tKll !1'11trn. A6d ~ tor ea<ll p1tte1n 1111 11111-Clm 111111111. h1ncll1 n1.

*'lo: MARIAN lllARllll

P.ttttirn Dept 447 Oally Pilot

U2 W.t ll fl Sl. ll~~J. llY 10011. ' rint ltAMl. NIUWl.SS, zir. SUl • sm.£ 11U111u. All lhe nt11 ciothn '!Oil ~~ toi

ur bu~y hit••• in our SPRING SUMMI R PAnlRN CAIAlQCt Dots~ tol>\. '~1m Pfnn •e\b.

11t~en Plu\ SI ~ ""' "'""" touoon Send 7~ ' I JO.s..tM-S.- ll-!16 Sl.50 ln.QlliUt(_, T11Mftn Sl..SO In.I..._. 0.119 SI.SO 111~ ' 11' ,.._ Sl.50

will Jo'1nant·f' On 1·1111 lr;wt w ith l11w tluwn o r klL'>t' option SIJ!J,JCJll NEWPORT CENTER

REALTY 640-181 2


4 UMITS 111 •'°1 ioH ':tlltJll Ill fl't'>••jlilrt lk·;wll ' ~11.;, IMlll lndutl 1ni: lol :111, l•lll ' llt•llt· r hur" 0111h1" ·

latboa lay Prop. R~olton

* 675-7060 *


1111hl of bunerfhts- bt.iulllul 111th 1 floral square

Popular l1let cro<htl - 101n IO'lfly s.qu,"ts into surl. littllt­clolh. bedsprei<l °' pillow cove• U~ bedspreld totton P11te1n 7126 chart. d11ect1ons I 0 inch square Sl.!IO lor e~ll panern Adil •O• each patltrn IOI t11sHla~ au matl 1nd llan!lhn( ~ W:

Aliu "'* Net:d tec.ralt Depl 10) Oa11v Pilot ... 163. OI• CMIMI St.., lltw '"'· llY 10011. rnnt llllM, AUrm. lip, Pi tt.Jn ll1111111tr. N(W1h ()'N1 Our 1979 Nll Oll <,kAI I C.AIAlOC uwe1 ?00 pol)u lar df\•i n\ ) lrtt ~lt~rn p!lftltd ln\IOi: ~~ft(! /!>C IJO.S...ttnSit• la H SI.SO lzt.Qlld / f.lt, Trwltn $UO 12a.h""'*' Ollila 11.so 127.aftNM ' 11' 0.... 1.!IO 1 ff.Cllf1t n...... 11.so lMd.ti ~itta 1.50 12~ ' 11 Orna111tt1b . SI.SO IZJ.~ '11' '•kh O.iltl$1.2S 12Z.Swfl 'n' h fl O.tha Sl.U UHllllw si.-Offl . il.!11 I 17 Ear llft4le,eint IM llHlfty FlttJ Qllltts 1 •• llM-Cr1tlitt Sl,M llJ.IMf.Mt Clftl Sl.IO 1 l•U J1ttr •• SUI 1tt-s- & 1111t ·11.1s 1•1•tafll llKllfllt uo IM-ll!Nllt ,..._ . lM

lf'.ltttlttlt Cr•d•t · 11• IM-i.tlllt.... 1.• llJ.HQIA .. f_, . I.It llUlmcle - . . .... ...... c.lect. , ...

Ul-..TI Ul61MTI ut•IMTI fo'uutal'ltlc vtc:w home l n I lurbor View If 11111. JlL'l l h11led und wnnlll lO b sold lhl Wt't•k ' 3 lktrm._ . a n ciccitln~ P<>OI un 1nt•r t.'d1bh.• h urbor and ocean view 0 0 11 nn <.1ml11un<'t' that remand" yc>u or a Uuvurwn rt•trl·a t or u lodgt.' 1n Vo l'fOl lt> 1 l ' & u II vt.•r)' h' uble and ufforcluhll' OrH•n On1I)' 1 -~ ul 2821 rt•bbh·, oH tiult.h•nrucl tn <.:oronu d •I M . 11 Hcultur t•uopt•r atton an viled

IJ~I Ul I t Ml: fHAI TCHlb'. 67b 0000

/44 J l d\I Cu,1~ t I l 11JhW• 'f Coro11o1 1.hll M.,1

- ... -- .._ ......... -.... ... ..... _,,,,. .... ~ ... .. .... _..,_ ~. April 2e. 1979 . . . . . .. . . . . . ..... .. . .. . ...... ..... '* ........ For s.

.,.,.. IOOJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• •• •• • •• C.... Mtie I 024 C.... ..._..

• • • ....... ....,.... ~l~C>rcbld l\vt• <;oton• del M•r

Two"'" Tlcl&eh l'1 l hl•



aOOM ~lC1 rn111& 111'18 1Jc111 1\1· tr1>u n o min ec J 11 1 C..'h1yburt(h ul the t ,c)ol( Hi·urh CC>nventlon & En h.·~nment (.;('nh •r. 300 .. : Oc1•11n Hl vd • Looi( lJl:uch

Cull 642 ~711. ('XI 272 Lorlwm your t1C'hlll

• • • 1006



LOCA TIOM! LOCATIONt Great two fa mily home with a htrge bdrm /sitlint< room tor Mom or f OUr teenoJ(ers. Please stop by this Friday between 10 to 2 p.m . St 17.500

.. (80luma dd v#a;t ~~ 673-8491/

205 L CO..t Hwy .. Corona det M•

IYOWMll lmmar I Br. 2"' Ba, h11hly up1r a d e d . ma.Uve ftple, many fl•· tru . A.uuruble. tn.aoo Call for·~ 942 ...

..-~ ...... 3 Br. I "a t>.. 2 mil f rom beach . NHr comm. PoOl. flUOO J icn ta-81•9

••••••••••••••••••••••• Two YulJ-Servtc~ 111..~1.. E uti Offled For AJI r-RDn XeC V• Your Fl.oaoclal and


OHTHISAMD $177.000

N ~ north bayfront r or nerdplx Cti tm <.;a p1•<.;od ColtoMeto 1024 CottoMeto 1024

G •lant Yard lOvt'lflment NMd11 110480. COAS'.J' HW Y .

Grt:Mtr11m1lyhomto1s 1m , ..,VI'' "G•' F"IK M~A v1-·1u,•: Ulfll' ' htlr lll• :! t111lh!lt thri•t• :1 U1J rm• :! h.itli,.. t1rv11I111• c· t 111 I 11~ t'tl 11u1 »>lt"&J dc11>l' Iv 'rhoot~ • h111>1>I01l an d 1>.irk Pnm uni) 001#101


""' ttY OWN .. : t t. II :! 1111 With l'Kl,lrnt.: :1 II H hou't' 1.:1JUil C'o:-.ta M ,.,.;t· lolt'11 llnn t'nmph:h' ""ork 1111: tJJ&Wlllj.!'o ll lllf \ afl fl lll' l '' fur tut•h 11ua 111v n ·11tal 11r t'IJfltlo tnplt•>. lk111ly l11r 1>htn II d1\·1·k Ow111·1 "' (•11n•.i1h•t l11rg1• ... uh orclrn.111 .. n 111 1111rl 11· 111.1 111111 C'all l .11rri rl )' 714 f'47 llr171 . t'\'1wkrod, , 711 ~.11; ~13-1

SPYGLASS !-' J 1111 Io l • ' It II ti r 111 ~1111hr.ir1 Cx·t-:rn & nllt· hll· \ll'W 11 . .. oollful '""11 & Jill' Ulll I OHlllY l'I< Ira . ., l'n1·1·ll 111 "'II "'1 u:.l o,t'\' ltt ·''''" t•1·1a1t· For 1111111 rnll . NEWPORT CENTER

REALTY 640-1812

11 3 HORTH C OVE W q O 11 II II I I> ti !-.

l ' 11 <ISSI N<; ~ tl41rm:. '""I tl1 ·11 ::! ' t.alh '>. i\SSt l \>\ i\ Ill. I•, IA>A~ )'.:l~.OIMI ,11 '.1 11'. c ;,,.,.nlk"ll. IJllOI & ' 1111!->l'I \ll'W l'1 u f1 •""""'alh ti t' 1·11rntt•I .1nd l.rriclM .11w•I t..•n•1• "11ucl tl o·t•k a nil 1· 1• n 1 r ,, I .1 1 r • •• 1111 lol:U.1"11

! II' 1-;,-.; !'- \ I St '\ I ' I

11 .. rn·tt ltll \ Ho•ll"'"' 1;.-1:! f>21MI


1\11 y Vt•lt·ra 11 who " quahf1t'<.I m:oy 1wrc•h:tM' ,, homt' wllh NO now N l 'l\Y M t-:NT ' ~: 1th l'r of th•""' 2 'l r,. ·1·1.11 pro11Prl ., . ., 111.1; fll y1111r 111•1•d

~c·i,t. 111 tht• t>.·ut•h lrom owrwr ' froul u n1l 3 u 1· cJ r m .. • I o f 1 to'1 r t· 11liu·t· lh·t k 11 & fM.tlM> . ... t111kt· rovl l':ill • ., ... 1113~


TREES! Pn1fc1<~1unall) tll·l·ornll•d J bdrlll hnmt' w 1•01~ fm ly rm w 111•11\ y vur1.1u1·1 floor\ & dual frpk Wurm <·Nlur p1111dlln~ Atnum l'nlr y (.'a II 11ow for appt 10 \ 11-w Opt•u t-:v1-s :iit5 !fotlll

(~l\111i! ~llrli}i Hl'al 1-:..l:ilt•


CorOftO ckl Mar llu1w 101 w11 h -.pa1· 1111h

h11111•• L11!hl a11d .11r;. lc1t1 lll'n M 11.,i.1v1• ' 111111• f1n·11lan· ~I ll1·clr111' , ru1111t v I.. ol1n111•• r Il l l'ut cn 'anrl 1lt·1·k 1'001. W11fl 1111, t ' Cull ll7:1 >la!">ll

CORNER DUPLEX Xlnl 1t•lll111 ;ofl':t ;\11 \ a1·a11c•> Ill I I .. VI ... t / 1111•t .. 1rt·1•t N1•v. cl u11l1 · ~ ::! hhK i..,., aw.1 \1 ()rw 111111 hai. 111 I\ ,olt• flHllCI 01 h1 ·r Im-. fc·111·1·ol rt•ar ynl t fr11h· Uni ) ll:H I . ~t~J llt1t•11 ~,\ ! '" ~"1~1 !111\1\

(-1\t1J:!:!l iti:f,i ""'' ''"'""'

**U.S. * * *VETERANS *

llt'('l•rol 1·1lani.:,. .., 111 \' 1\ n ·it., m.oy 1•nahlt· \•111 111 11uahf) fur $11111 c~ltl h1111"' 111.111' wllh ah~11h1t 1 ·h \II I Ut'IW:-0: I' r\' :•t t-::-O:T

World Real Es tat~ .in l1r.111~t· 1'111111! • fu 11l

tn a ~ u I .. l I' w I t h 4 U 'I ~ • ,. ' " LAGUNA BF:ACll OOd.rooms. l'lepa r aw din 497•3w1

tN '3 Hr 2 R~ ea unit ••••••••••• •••••• • • •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Skyhtt~ & loft& U1w of l&OW MAIK!T ~ th.ruout S000.000 IUILOBS lllJ( room. separ a lt> ra m•

rMh 213 /fM ~ t .. VHTOIS 21r + Gue1t 9fft 2 kdrm home . lar~c

1 b I 11 l ' 1c t u s u u t h bwld.ablt' H :.! lot S7!1,!l00 t'11yfrool <.:omplt'lely rt' Call MO 1151 for more d e 11locl 1•ll'd ~IUU .900 huls linilwr, 91.2 11847

1007 .•.....................

DUPLEX Fanl as l H· l.cH' ll t Ill n lil ot· k I r o m Ha I boa Ferry Hefurtm.hin~ 1n 11r0t'l'" Buy no w and dJOUM• culor!t' X Int 11um nl\'r 11nd w111lcr rt>nlu I



OCUH ~U DUPLEX l.i\ l tt:f•: l ' NITS 7 q, 11111 . nt·w 1· rph . tlrpi. pall11 ( '11 ol1tn I tw ro·pla1·1'( I lt>llh) fur ,,,,i, lllH P,rtt•o• 11f !(:• Ill 111111 l'O/\S'l I ' ICl 11 '~:II I I E:-.

1,7:1 :.1111

Flt t-;!-, \\I lt'. 1•; 1.~ t 11 \•"•I 111 \llUf f,1'111111• llt.llHht

d1111h•\ .111tl w1· II l11 r· 11 " h th• · "'ht•• 1, • r11ll"1 , .,,,,, . ., th 11 I I~. I I , ,. "I Ii 1 .. flnJll• , ., l •i ' "''" \lltJ( llt'l1b ( '. il l 11'1 ' 11 ...

r·u.'" \1111r 11ff1·r l~rr• ll Hit\ lt ••.:1-.ll•r

li4 i! f;21MI

Corona d el Mar I 022 ...•......•.... .. ... .. . ( 11.1rrr11111' 11,,,.1,., ~, .. ,,.

\•• t :••l11t•unHI ,,, ~ · ra1a "''


Where Family n... Beclins

Loralt>tl by ficuut 1ful r hlldrt-n · ., park

D1'11ghtful h11m1• ha i. 1 bo.'llroom.'>. form11I din111~ room. M·p11r:il1• fam ily room. 'tont• fir1•plac•p Kitchen w1lh wlfrlt•an init ovt•n :J n 1r i.:ar<tl(t' l'al111 SI Hl ,!1011 Won ' t h.1!.l, I' a II :>411 I 7211


1-. a s I ' I d t• l II r1 , rn . h11 rdw•><>ll flt>or" 1'<1\ 1• n·1hn1<•-. It 2 1111 "'1th plans for ..,..1•oncl un11 Lari.:1· J''urnat,ft· luau 9<7.:,1.11.1 ( 'all!'>41i ~

*VETERANS * I.rt 11 Vl'I llt•lp You 111111 that h•1m1· \1111 "';1111 llown u11 t11 i 1110,tM"I Cati landy Jt..qt . 24h,.,

WORLD R.E 543-1722

:tlu :!' ha .. 11111111\ tx11111---------­" I ti llfl"l•lll', , f11111 . . I " m• lt•c·k·. 111w11 tw.1111 111 hv rm. lg m,1 r l•llrr11 1>11w1t ... 1.11r-. . :1hr :! lw . • 111 f>l'lt'I f:A~ l " 'I ft \I ,Ill) IJI' "rad1·11 lluyt·r ha!. r·h•>ot ·•· uf lt·n tl,. r S270 . 0llll Shown 11, <lllfl l. pr111 1·1111•·' oroly 1,111 ~)()7K Ilk 1

BELOW MARKET! For .., ,111· "thr l\1·1•d• I I.I c >nh ,;1:1!1.!1011 m:1 t:111


.I llr 2 ha 1 1>001 /tJ f, ,.,.. 1m1nl )'llrll S77 ~"'

754-7800 Mulhearn, .... ~alty ~glster

·~· 1---------...

Uwnt>r mu 1' 1 :i t• ll Tram.ferrcd Subm1l of fer Custom 3 lid rm . f H C.:Om\'r lot. 'lh&rp llalboa lti lam1 Hc;1lly . li7U700 .,.., .. 1026 ····•········•·········


Unique bt' lH'h h o u1H' l\sking Sl23 .000



M111(1Uf1 rt'nl o<·t•an v1t•w Ni:w 3 bd. lgc rm :. t :1rd bd 'lt' p "Ulll' I /\I(! KJ3.-0623 • 7 5ll lf106

ly roo m w1l h bri c k l~SO. COAST UWY (1repli.ce, deluxe lulche n LAGUNA BEACll w1lh bull l 1 ns I' at io 49',!!067 ll.oom for pool a nd mor<' ' ~!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!~~ 118.750 Mu1>l ~ll'l' <.:il ll r ~· TAl8al. -· -----·

UNvenltyPn ~l1Lomt

LOW1':R 3 ARCH HAV 38r. 28a zsty . lg lot , otn v i e w r losc to b c h . S275,<m 644·1814

l&fAl&ftlOFfT &alders, investors & d o 1t · you r sc lf e r :. Panoramic view in N ~una Lg 2 t1lY. fi xer up~r w / room ro r t•x p.IUl.'llon. Creat ive finant· ~ By owne r MS-204~

41edrooMt Rarv4 bdrm Cornell plan 11n t'Omt•r lo t 1n " uiwr t•ond It 11 liRhl . bni.?ht & 1111')' Wl lh a $75.!IQO :ti!

wmablt• loun ill !•~~ ·. int l·---------OnJy fltt>.ooo ON THI OCIAH (;AU,(/lJ l('K&Si\Vt-: lw.odt.

OCEAN VU DU,LEX 644-7211 tO ~ •lew. with l>t-uut 3 llr . 2 bu own('r's unit plu:. 2 fir M.lm For •ort L!JllH. Iha u1111 l>unu t't1111t ., ~ SltS,000. Cid•-" lll'l'>I bu~ al Sl65.000 Hy t __.:...._ Wit, ... $200 ,.,. tq

COAST1\L - ·- • appl ' ' ft= .t

t'HOl'EllTl l-.~ .5 HH 1111.c:ay, Sl75.000 2 3 I laOWM I .E. 4\lti 113:1>4 HI! Ouk wood , SlO:i.ooo 67). I 02C>

I .1t·1·r1ro '"'"" Nt•"" t hr :t 1111 . :S."1:i:l lllw · Lur1t1•rri ·1 r111l1• l.i. t' Opt 11111 ur ' 1n ,, 11 ol 11"' 11 I\ 1: I 12 13 •·13-1 111.1

l h ( M-111 r ,J l;tlr HI l' ' h.1 I ~·1 .. 111 ', , .... T11"' 11h•1ll" 1'1. .. 1 J•11·u111. .... tun.1. "' tr.t t'lt"tn SI l!l .• ,IJl'I I-.\"' & wkrnl' ·1\13 1.:11~ 1>.1 \ ' 711 ~~~!O

IHS'l I :--;(.Tl V 1-1 h "° I" .1 r11•.1 r Il l"' 1 u.'l11m :1 ltd rm ' I h,. I 1' oni.: rm l'' n •n1 h 1l1111r' opt•n tu aro •w••Jn \I'' "' lh1• Ol><'n ... t;11r"' ,I \ '".ii

t 1•lll1 ·c l " 11 h ,t llHlll II v.c• .wl '111lu :<t1 acl1 · C 'all 1111 1non• 1t1l11r111.1llhn

< · t-::-:Tt It\ ·~ t \I. E:- I ~, .,1 IX'lll

c; Ht\N ll <>I' to'. :'\ I \o!; M,\1<1:-.l'I .\

l 'rt·:.11i.:111u:. r1·!> 1llt·111'•'' 1war lh1· rn.1rin.1 lrcom $1h!J . llUll K3 I .t 1 !)11

·~· 5-1!! 5 111

Best Ocean View :.!21.1) 'll fl h rol v. d 110111 " W••I lo.or Ill lo·\•• I Sl7 1 ~- t \ , k 1111 ""11111


642 0112 644·ti687

IE:LOW MARKET Sharp Jhr J(ri"itl l<ic •at1un • 1lc•1 ·11r w11 h arn1•r111 w' \lu'l wll 673 4311 a l(t

WOODIRIDGE ,LACE ;1 hdrrn .! 1).1 t'U!>lolll i;i1 ·uu1 roman luh. :11r 1•11111 "'' $ 125.!IOO II \ Ow11t•1 II vc1u rara frntl " It...,, t'Xi;t'll'I' r• hou:.t· 111 w.,.111nd i.:1· 1'1111 ,. hu) 11 \1 u."' "c·ll = IK S;111d:.torw ~"1..1.'ivl

•GREENTREE* z lt.·1lrm . t IH1lh . 1-' I< lit .iut1ful lan<h1·Jp111 1! 't'"' olrap<·, \lu"l ' t••·' IM IU'f :1.'i~I .xii t SX<\ .~.CKI

l 111v1•r,1t)I l':irk c·11nllr1 .! 1.wl .' 11,1 I ,1 lht•tfr ,d 1•1•!1 ltlj! I lt·,HI l '1111f .f ,11• '1'1·11111• S17!i 1)42 11721

Woodbridtje Condo 2 lit 11 , Ha . nr luk t< v11<1I "JI·• lmma1· t·nll 111111 ~G!I ~ufl Hk r 1;:11 1~

Causey &

Company 100/o DOWH


:i Hedr11nm :.! ll .11 h ctu1>lt·>. . C'lo,..•· tu 1·vc•n thin~ \. t ·r~ "''"' s11~1 .~11~1

• 1104~1 Cuu,..1111 ..... 1y

in VillaJ:I' ,. ... ,r LA<.; UN,\ 11,.:A• ' ll


V1llul!1· 11 p lu., h ;e tl r ;rn:1 1 ,..nh~·· A( " n1·"' , 111., ~Miquel I OS2 o,,..n t)(•Jm•~•I • t"ll•nJ.! . Ith· ••••••••••• • •••• •• • ••• • I Ul-.IJlt()IJ'.\1 g1.1111 I"

111g rm hrit•k l11k 1·11rlh 111111• 11•·• or llt' "' 11111 ., h tTPl~ .J u ,. I $7!1.:JCJCI '

' l• -i·1al11 1111( 111 Vt\ h111111· ---------­l11.1n' W1• ,,. llw \ 1·: ·1-; BY 0Wt>4ER /E'S id~

.h 11r I l~lrrn . 2 ltu ;\1•"' f\ n•l1·1•ur :tl\•U Ill /1,: 11ut

Wl-~T('OJ\.'i"I l ' ,\1 WI< 1n :1\l. ~.:-0·1 ' ·1 ~.

H:ll 2t;l.1C i l'llo >l~1:l~1

n • •I t·11d ur111 n11 wuk ( ,n1•nbdt , ,, .,,.. t11 .odll Laguna Niguel

Realty ., ()f( 111111 h1·lp t Ill' \' ~:T~ For muro· mlu c•,111 Bil Morton, /ii.qt.


3 111-:UllOllM IHrmJI 111 11 1111( rrn 1·:1tht·clral t·t·llm)! l11r"t' h\ rm ulil roorn HV rwrkrn" lt~NT TU (!W'N OH 1 "N'l IL ( ' l.CJ~J·: lollli,--....,....,--...._..._,...._. OF Jo~~· 11ow · Full 1>nct· !Kl.CU I'

Dun l wu1t 1 • 1111now7~,2 17110 '

THY Vi\ WJJk to l'l:a t h. 3 fi r. :! Ila . lako· II •' "" 1·1rn1l 11 $!.l:J . ~llJll ll awk111 ... I(~. 493-4!1:14

Sf :l.I. ulh• •lt•m' wll h a l>aily l'llol ('111 ~...i ficrl , ,, IY\2 56711


OVl/1 ~I! Yl:.Af( ' , 01 ' ,[ ftV/( I

SPECTACULAR SPYGLASS Lovl·ly ;, 11\-droom Coronado Model w I l h N I g h l L I g h l s v I l' w l' l'or1·sh i11nall:.• l. ;rne.lsC'apcd With M:i11 y J·:xtr:1 Ft·alurc:-. . P ool. .I .1t· u1.1.1. Sauna Entry Lt·~1d s To La fl..(t.• l.1 ving Hoom /\nd F'orrna I Dining ltoorn Cornplclcly Modern K1tc·ht.·n Down~ta1r:-. Caml' Hoom Call For /\µ poinlmt•nl T<1 ln~pl'ct $1/0() . 0011

DOCK YOUR BOAT Sµctlac ular F<.imily ll omc On T ht· W a l er In Ncwporl B Parh :l lk tlroom Plus Maid 's floom Lllrgt:> 1-·am 1l y H oom l mma ru l al(' (;t)nihli on llugt.' Dock For Your Y:l<' ht Cull Now

•# • .. ~. , •• J .... '

631-1800 181 oova DllVI

STAR GAZER'~~. _ _...__._,..---1\r CU. Y k. POLLAN

M. v- ""''' A.div~, c;.,tdt 1:). ..,. ~ ,..,,,,., ,. ,,.. ,,.,, To d .. tlOI' mt uooe for F11doy, ,.,,, "°"" -~ong 10 ,..,.,.... of Y<I"' ZodlOC btrtll algn tU- )It• 1°""' ,,., .. l•~ u GNv-.. ~

f l W• tM ., '• ..,, .... ._ ...... . t tow MfCN

~- ,..,..,. '°""' ... ., ' "'... ,, .. • ~ .... ., ••• 11th • ..,°"' ,. ........... . ''°" ... ""'' " ...... • 1 l•••,.,. IJwtliO •JIM•• ::t.. :!:~.::·· t• ~ • ~ It ()! .. c... .. uo., . ,, .. , .. ~ .. .....

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.,., Nc•ul


\ 134,900 blS·SSOO BTaro 1032 ....••...•........•....

1u1I & Ja1·u111 II\ 11v.111'r $ 11.I :,1111 ' • ,.: I 11tli 11r 5.~) WIZ

\J1 t' Kt'1•111111n11 I 1· u:.111m lilt h11nw w vau llt•r l wuolJ Loo ·;im 1·1"111111: lw;iuuful -.0 1111 o.tk c · ahl n l' I ~ thruoul , f11 ln 111 11 \ i: r m & m11~lt• r ht•d r11ofl\ lt•<lUl'(l .il;111., w1ncl11w,. , lit 1·1•r.1m1t' lll t• )u1·11u1 on m.'<lr halh

Mo-..a Wuo1b I H1 :! IJ.L •--------._ f'" l(.Ull .J 1a r~.1r x 1r." l 1NIVl-:HSITY l '1\Ht-.: Xlntt·ur1tl lit l•w llwrlt'1 :J Bt•drnom 2 ll alh

S:1l1 I• ,1,t• 'I urtlo-rm· I. llro•n ll um1• l..1r l! •''' rnt>1kl ht•'I \ 11•v. l•1I J\llil .luno· I 'h•l"' no q ... t 111l•1r ~ olh .. r 1111 clH.1ili. uuw ~:,j l l i :1

OCEAN VIEW ( 'u..,tm 5 llclr111 /I,, 1.1111 111 rm hum•• 111 ~1 1.rrtlt •ol

,.11 1.;i110 ~l IK:lll <:11rtkn llrHIW C'attw1lral r1•1lini.:. ll Jll.on Ill• · "'' "' t':J f1)1 •11111! . pool. J.H l 'llfl ,

lt'Olll!. $575 11111 hi~o 10!/2 t·Vl'l'> onl)

l(alt· 1·11mmu111t ~ " ''""' "pa. '11111111" {(. 1 1•·11111 '

PLUS A (•harmani.: 2 hllr111 n •11 lal w fr1l c & o,1•parat•· llll l 10 cll'l' k $27!J,50U

CALL 644-72 I I

l ll"'"lor musl ... ..ii I humo• I fl ( '11 ~ l .1 \1 t ' ' ,1 '\"

hruk1•ra1t1· ~t.1\mh11r'1 $112 ;,011

( ~111 ~II !.lllKI f11r 1111i.rm.1 tiun

ti\ Owrlt'r lhr . :.!ha . :\h•" a V1·rd1· S111ral!t' & oll l"I '""

r" r 11 \ ,. 1 1 •1 .. 1111

~""'"'" \ . . . ~ Mo..,,a Vt·rrlo• l11 •111111lul :t h1

• l ' , •kn. :.' •, 11.1. 1·11rn1·1 fol

DUPLE.JC t ' ornl· r lot. "" ' '"'' r plurnl)lnj.! , l!llOcl lana111· 1111( $15:1,!0J

c; II Hutw11~un , Hltr li75 11:14;z

CHOICE LOC A TIOM 'II.'.> < ;111<11.•nmcl. (.'fl M II :.! lot Hm lo 1~ r11w I\ ' , um.1bh· l!.1 TU Lo,.,,.,, pr1t·l' M 11k1· 11flt•1 Balhm1 l 1>loncl H1·11 lt" "13 K71KI

HAVE IT ALL! '1'1111 lrll'alwn , 111· ,. 1~11. 1·1>11:.tr u<· t1on \ .t lu•· Elt·i.:11 n l ' 11111• 11111 ~ , 11~ 111m gl•1n 2 fi r 1 •

I 1!1t•n Sun I ;, 97!1 >171~1

Reduced Easbide ly Owner

:t.:MI 1-; 2:.!rul SI bunh•r ('M NII 1•111111l) 2 hlk ' to IMrkh1n < " '"' h ou"· 11 p II r 11 lt 3 U II ti ' <1 I t . 1·;1rpon. 24>.:!0 i:;iral!•' 1 llr. of'f1t'l' 2 full llu . IH·~ • upphant'l'!'> • lot:. •J f "" tr;,i.., , lo muanl



Wurm & 111 v1 l inl( JtJ r , 211:1 11wnt•r mo\1111( SI02.:iotl l\>,'l ~-.411 ·62 16 or1171 KI ~)(J

By f>wm·r~ t:73 Kl 79 2:11 , _________ ,..

l'nppv ( ' UM $'.J..'1!1.000 •

Cotta Meta I 024 ....................... IRAMDMEW TOWHHOMfS

"lrit+mt Woodt" I t-:asL'lldl' i 0bl3 M t'ltu I

2432Sontu Ana /\vt•

lo:n.il111h Tudnr 2&3 llr s pli t lcvt.•I , 2&3 f'lt r ~ a r a K t' r r JI I t ' ' • rrucrowu vci. . l(fl'l'Oh11u11l' window ..,, 1>001. 'Pll 'flo.;NNIS court

.. 'rum Pt~.llW 1.-ttj ~IGI or !I~ UYlll

l.>evl'lol)t.'<l by Woodtrec Dev <:o


It 1• r rt' s h 1 n I( 11 1· , . a n hn-.:1.l'i. & .1 ' v11rkhn l! IJIXll un• JUSl cxt rai. to tl11i. 1mma<· 3 llr + 1h·n hum1: T;i :. ll'fully rll' 1·orall.>d. s 1lu:il1·cl un •• c1wti rul de 1oat·. dosl' to al l s ho pp1n~ O wn er mot1v11 l t'd C i.ti ror u·rm~

o...ltltlckdh. Rltr. 642-3263 955-0497

Upi.irad c.'<J 3 UH, fam • din 1n (( rm OWT1er a n x111u11. Sl29,500. Hulboa lsl11ncJ llNllly. 673 87()0 ---------•I <.'olk•11e P urk , 4 br. 2 1111 , LOOtc HHlll uP&ni. JM.000 Assum11

R c• du t• t' d SM . O 0 II hit• fin<' 91'1'4 Owner tX•nutlful 4 lklrm . 3 b111h l&-lo:kl M t • 11 e V t' r ti 1• h o m c reaturint( 11 <'ustom llllOI LOWEST PRICED 1tnd Jocuzzt <.:1111 546·tl8llO ''lodl le VllloQt" for more dcl allJi 3 HDtlMS. I~, b»lnll . 2



Two 3 bdrm ht.1U8C•I 0 11 It

Ill lot in <.:M i\.ient 631-0de

.. -

11tory Motl V1Jlcd 1wller. 11 t0.000

~ l.C. TAYLOI CO •



~o 1111.Jhf)m~ t ll r ~· · Ila ,.. f( [) II 1\ t S P A pal111 lg l••u t 1·ul <lo• ~a\· lol , 11111~ I rl111" •1lol MlL't 'it'll th1 'o w1·1·.k l'riro llflly l(I1 122>!

...,.,He4on leac h I 040 ..•.....••.••..•....... MURCOLLEGE

~l\'t' & m•11l. I lwdrm. I ' • h11lh homt• w 1 lan!t' f.1111 rm 1mcr4(Xbq rt 1 Clow t.oi.hoµp1n i.: & frw) l'ark Plucc. l nt• 1142 71hl

SIEOROOMS Must s t•t• th 111 l.ir Jo! •· 1•us t om1tt•d M1•ro ·cJ 11h <;llrdcn11 hontt· "' 1uvn :lnli;qft of hv1nlo! ;ir\' :t

Pa rk Plar e , lm' 842 7WJI

COOL SEJt..IRHZE So Cloisl' lo th<' !Warh

tu • l>OW\o , \ \lu\ 1.N I '1 SQ l 01' 11<1

Sli7 .;,c111 :t llr 211 .1

Ow11 .wt 7!JLI :1J3:!

The Ultimate In

Turtlerock Highlands

,, t'OOlt .. I t11lrm • \IC"' hunw or an "k~:int :> IJ(lrtn hum1· Buill b y l.u.'k i\mc111llc" i,:alor." us In II p"radl''. ,.; IC ,., .,Ill\ 1· 1n .. , "" way si:~.~.OOJ\1111 ~7.500

1•n 11 ,.·ront ~ ''" '' I'·'""' Prvt vark1111: ''' 1 .. :11'11 1495.ln.I 493-9494 495-5220 496-2413 830-5050

Newport ~ach I 069 .•.•••..••.......... ... IEAUTIFUL IACK IAY

:1 uurm 2 h.ith " ,, 11 ' ""'' "I.I ' y ,1 rfl 1\1 lo rl \ t • \

q U I ' 1 I 1• U 11 a: r ,1oJI'1 1 umcnal 1t•:. On!\ 'ltl ;~1 .• 1111 l''or ' al1· 11 .; " "' 111·r pnn c1pal!> onl) 1>1•··' ' ' Call 675 !17Ui! 11 1 :1~"' & 642 lilOO t t•\ 1•n111 J.(" •


U p~r:i1l t•tl II o11111Jl 1111 mod\'! , 3 br. 21 • 11,1 I f Ill ly r m <>t·f!tlll /Iv 111 1thl lilt' VICW {;uard ~Jll'. 1"1111 te nms . l'r1n1•1paf,. uni\ ~.000 12 IJ 1 130 ;)1;~ 1


3 lldrms, 2 halhs. fom1l y rm, easy m111ntt·nan1·c· homl' in i.uper arc·a Only tJl.!!50

l'opulur X" 1•1.111 :1 UH 2'-'l Olt . f urn Hm 1>1111•

lf 5Z3 C.olPUSDt·IRVlfllE n m . w rn 1> 11 ro u n ' ' paLH>. oo lonly 11rn hlt

L01J11M leach I 048 Sl4:>.000.

····:·;,~;:~E·~·:···· A40.6v:259 SUMSETR.E. 557-162)

MIAR lf UNT I NCTON (' f; !'nER & frt·1·w11y N1l'l' 4 Hedrm I '\•hulh n orm.• 1r1 xlnt 11rhool d1s1 Porte flltt rt'. IM IM2 7401

Orcan Md<' of hwy . lt!vet ( '~ /IY.'() J ,/ lot . eusy llfl'l'S!! lu bc1wh U< f , r Nwds paint. minor n· R E A L T Y pu1nL 1deol fnr hom1• & 1----------1ncomt• ll urry . n nl y

LOCJl9MI IHch I 048 ...••..................

1145.900 M1ss1on Realty 4\14 0731

&.raid loy Lot 673·6634

LACiUMA MIGUB. Super family home . 4 Bdrms. 2 baths. ramtl y room . Close to s h o ppi n,:t center . w i thin walking distonct• to ~chool Nice corner lot Price Sl69.000


496-7222 831-0836 nir...w ...... ..,.._


leocllDomto.H SI 05,000

Nt•wport Short•K, ult r.1 t· uvc 3 HK. n~wly 1•rpt "ti & pitlllt<'<J ln.s1d • & out ~. blk11 lo btlltCh Ow n1•r transf~ OIJl or lifl ' ll

Pool " le nrui. <'ourl' Reaaonable ll•rm .. lo qualified buyer ('ull (11 r oppt lo sec , l' l'~H>'. 9SM382, ~2498


Newport Creal, Plan II . lovely end uml. l:IO!lt' to DOOi and tennis . 2 KR 2 1111. + den. Call MO !i ltH

I P! N H11l'\ I RI Al TY


. . .... - . - ---- .. -·- --- - -~ - - --- .. ,.. - . -- . -. --.. . . ..




a ~ -·

........... -.......... . . ... .. . . ~· -· ~

oee..... ..... ................. ""'" .,.,., 'it.. r=i==== ..................................................................... ....... ,,.,,..., zoooC.-MIN JU4..... IM ..... _ .... __ _

Olltro ......... OAILVPflOT lhuf.ctJlf , Af!!tl 2t, 1•19 aa..- ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

H111et ..... I* ..._.. ,_ S-. ..................... . .•................•.••...•......•............ t ~ t.:-9• I I 00 ~~~!!? •• !!'!! ·············••i••····· ............................................. ~ ' ea. tam. rm., z ba •• frpl , w.-· ...,Mild '81, aaa.

'"·''' ~-~~ ... !~ ~.~~ ... !!~! ~~ ........ !~! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 UMITS-C.M • Duut . n e w bulldln11 .,, rt'Plarea. •lot toe.lion

YOIJI CHOICE 1100 aq. ft. Quiet corner. M25 mo. 55H5H or TrtplnS A. S102.000 tm.~ ~3115 llGlllPu.UJ .... BET OR I OINlt.L tl"flCH-112.100 ..._,,•IAulwl

BUJ"'8 ARr.A I nu •.uuful " bom• ~.. Oir.<..- at-lln & •fl'nl l oeal plan f! , hlahly ....... u. llOQlbt •R•r nil 3 llf'iirm1 I • b•lh ~-. •P•c-lou" -.yal6i vlllaie r hnmrril '""'° lo ..... 1 •I l*m •lite • mHl lV ~ den I • Ulfhly rn. . Nt1w r 111ta, r t• fa• rm 6 .ctdcod hob ~park kncolude• c •nlly ri alnltt d C' • tl

1•sTOllACH t)t)l wide t J Tralleruma 10 Nl1ae1 3 pvt b c h & ~M.t11nc-.11owt'rl J.11C'11lftl In Tntl urt• 111 .JllUI ,,.•t•llic CoaJt llw y I a1 Uc b Ofhirt-d h y Hmaiaa110' 0 M P <7 141

IBLlnvml.I fM2 1603

JIOUUltfl'BLM. Ne11r M W, 3 Br own~ra untt , 2 ba , frpl . 2 c ar gMr • 32 Br . 2 be, units

Triple• O.O. Sl.50.000 New tars• 2 Br. ' " · up- WOODBRIDGE. 4 BR 'Unlc.a + houae, IOMd a la lrs w 1 balco n 1 . ero.dmoor. 21ty, avail l Br• d en eoado . t« coore C M..- mG,000 DWllWril fs. bltU». No 5/ l (11. S126 mo loc1ds ~ Vlllq~·.}.-M&-5502 lc.ida cw .,eta. S:WO/ m o .,.r. AJr condo .. C!Oftlm ~ ,J:..;

......, V .... ,,.., 9QllO ~· • lake ace.a. Rtf _ ..... -• • °' _ ___ __.;:;__ __ • reqd.~ W-41221 - ·-·-

3 Bdrm Condo. 2v. b• . 3 •,-..;....-.---- ---Loh fw 5* 2200 walk·ln cio.eta. alrium . Condo Unlvcr1lly Park. -::1:. d 3115

b1 rm . Overl o ok v beech, pool, j a r, I' U I 7 14 H4 a.21 or nounou1 1rt•ftb\l lt 0 <' k pr 1 v a• I• a 21.l * 13$7 A1l'11t. Rt·v

1'SL lnntmc.a 642 1003

••t• HOHlll)' prlud • 17~1 11't't,J'1U W1lha m1, 714 ~" 0211

-- ~eot ~ lfWlll 0..yf rool Dupl• F11nl vu. 3llt upr 28r lwr l"p. bttm ., ldry hkup In n S umrnr / wntr r cnll. S3V<> .OOU /of r own t agt

....................... .,.UO. 2 car car. a!OO/mo. 2br. 2ba. 2 c ar 1ara1•. I

blta,l l\ l C°'Uf"ftH dpl11 t1tm t~P" Cod w 3 'Hr, 2 Ua 1·a wml ~)'Ulf"t 6 klfla UM' ol '*Uc»d1 thr uo ul iuoo . oo u c•• b 411.S/tlM l100

HY OWNt:R T ohll) n •rndl 'd :tbr, 21uc1 . ~ /fa in nn Nf'M P•J'U. •rh la & llhJtJllbic Tf'rrlfl" hu)' llJS,.OOU IU.aJ1

IAST'kUff ~ Hd.Nn, 3 b•L'"' r hoh'" • OO•l'' I JC"•Uon 1"1 t'"h ,,,. 1ut S b•k·· nior suo ..,Mee .... Rttr.


swmt.l rttCI for qi.lick aal • Nrwtte>M Blurf1 ' Bdrm 1-: u l· Townhom.- 2 1.o\ bath• ~ ltU1•ht n, • unny .,.uo. Md wur r oo1 & a rni'Dttlft !I m 1n t r 1>1tt Npt <'f'nt f'r u fft t't11 Ii 1"4>P&>ln l( l 111 111 t'd O<• l'Ulllfl l')' $t2J ,1fl l(> f>h ~·h~

Nt'W,HH l U1• 11 c h Ulr , 11 2, ) 0 0 / otr 7000 W .. t1 cl t I\• C 11 t II w y • ~ ti46 !id?8

714/$31-4441 C om mun l t y f o o I • ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCIAHNONT clllbbouae, Aval May H• rlta1e Park lrv lne

4 t'holet' Iott!. Owne r uy1 IASTSIDI CM i.t. 1525 &ease. M2of724. 'l'wnbN. Zbr, 2~ba, aar 11 t'll Su bm1l ortcu11 . 3 BR 2 BANe w 3 BR2llA cond. MSG. eve aaa.am. Jew.a With

A Pool l~ady to build . 8 a lbo11 dup&ex. Agent 646·~ New Tw1~rock homtl. 4 dy.._.. ~J1a rkll11 1& lo W l llllJllUt( ~for S• 1200 h shtnd Re 111ty , 673-8700. • br. 3 \-\ b11 . ram, lv1.•- .;;.._ _______ _

~oo l a rul b 11b11I1rq1 ••. ••••• •• ••••• • •••••••. Costa Mesa n.2 lotw13 Br Sol lir Ene rJ(y equi peel ; 3br. 2ba, gar. frplc , ranl{e. formal dlo, wet bar, BeauUful MW twnhll . East

M"UUI Nt•wly 11•111tt-tl l HMiicho Cuhl urea ' 4 5 l~ houxe . Owner will plex M )K>Ur lot ~nvert Adults, N,o P~ta . S47S. 648 comm. pool, c lbbae , n r aide C.M. 3br, Zba, 2 o r


edtv<Jm h o rn " w llh "'" n ' vun •••h., $100,000 full carry 2nd TD 8YCO your 1111 .. lot to lncom r . W l.8lhSt. S42..08JS. f:"k . QuJet ':z 11000. earMIC, t e on la , pool , furif\111 d lnlnl( rnom "'" Y 1.•m ·1., trrrm , 111 Uh l iwl l. ~ 2'l:5l Sola.r Lund Ocv<ilop mcnt Eastaide C M. Attra ctive · MCMl883 or -'724· b*.:l ext.ras. 1585 mo yr-t 11 m II y rou m w i ah A•". !f71J 4!164 ".,'724S 3b / f I d h h Del ,__, h l h • . MS•12$


f I , . 1 ' "'" .uV\~ .. "'" ' PER UN IT .,.,.,. · r w rf . 11 w s r , uxncw ... - n '"., r .,. 11 t 'I> Ml I' ' ll Vl ' I t 'I plll IO ..,.,.,... ..,.,., ..J W " o~ I b I d i

On ' " I IJ,. ..... e l1tT l I'' l. A T F F: F: . 10 UNl'f LOT A h ·~na , u . nvum o r loft. 11.AJ a . •001. A t.11 , Af ....... ,_.tlwd OICUTIYI HJCll Nc· .i• mc~t t<v..ryt h1n.i 365 ACRES PROt' F,SS IONAJ, AS Make otfer Mor~::~: ~V · b~ 1 ~;· i~ gKc ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ t/0• 3$:: ~ · •••••••••••••••••••••••

'499,000. $11 11,l~I L>o 11 t ll l' IJ >, SJSTANC f; TO s t; LL !>()(· (2l.31n4491M urc ac ' 5 . • •

' I II f• t f I II 111 c1 11 y OU f' I N C O M L,' - -- - -- Nopeta. 1525 C00.52741 213/~l-7607 ___ _ • • • Ul(I' t rn11 1,. co u r t 1.. • .. ~ l /al .. •1111 I I> "" r·y 11 •• , r t~-d o f \ uw 11rouod"' of wrlh o u k r. r unta -. tl l' P ft 0 P t : R T Y ~7 ' X203' MESA VERDfo~ HOME. I Kent love ly :Jbr. 2 'h bu S...D. MdC....._.

1h1a O ii \! IU rt• t'a l a lt 'l'80ilal Vl('Wll, 11 lnt .ir l ln J( land, w~~n;HN FtEALTY With '1ed1c aled alley . bl)'. 4 bdr .• fam . rm . dtn Un1ve n11 t y Park . Very 12RockSprtnp J-.. a u 11 ru1 h •rd w oocl ·~-.. l>fl VJk ~ atre hi kt• 11111 S~RVICt;s Wtll l:.tk l' 4 ple x with r m , $7.00 / mo . Ca ll Pvt lmmed occupa ncy lrvll\4: rtoo r a. It ., n a· h • l ' 1 ~ W-""'-'-·~

1098 IA·n y <-ompl ·t\!IY knr t·d AN RE ADVISORY varian ce I bloc k orf J 1tclue Agent 6Jl · l 266 15'15mo ~ 9024 Two Frw Tlct.h

lull hrti And • kin l( .111t.- .....,_....,. ~.lral t1111d 1 •. tit' or l 1trn 11 ~11113 Harbor Blvd (;all M ax . ' · · · to the ~lrm" ,. ur p;·r i.cm.il •••••••••• ••••••••••• • • ~rounc t <'11u ld IJt· 1> uh U:.arrc."lt Rily Heg1.11te r 4 Br Me s a Ve rde . tge Woodbndgc condo . 2 Br 2 LONG BEACH ""-'" ' '"""' , 1.,.11 iw;7171 1----------1 thvltlucJ Ill '- . tor lti rm,, Corona d~I Mar duple ic 642 5200 yard, gardener 111c l. ~ lia, den, frplc . landscap· Tiil:ATRE FESTIVAL

--------• • • , , '63,000 1 1m !illJI u r 1 522 20lt0, $15,000 down Wiii carry ----- mo. 838-49'll illfJ ft brick juru:n1. l82S IMT.-Gal.AT IUY! ~ J lur11•· lldn1111. 't halth tu okl·t fin Hy Owner 640·7 1~ Ma.~~o...rl. •400 yrly

f ._- nnil ,\, kit1 .i o ra l v __..., ,. 2br house . F e n ced yd, IOOMIOOM l"'lx.·r upper ,. • .,u h111d •..:~ 1_.1 MllU r.uwh laud f'1;.h mK. Solar t :nergy e-qwpped 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• garage. one child. 11m Jlt't ~ leedt 1241 IOOM Wa lk lu bl'• t h 4 bt ' SCOTT RlA.1. TY ~olfan1< . hor w "' HO mah·!> ph·x on your lot Conve rt '37S 000 F u rrushed T hun· OK . Avail May 9th. 1370 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUninl( urn Best Ac l'Uflm ~ & tcnn u. rrorn Nw1H Hr h l:Hwn >'.ouridlc lottoanrom e d e ;bard Ills sS l S,000 6424157. OCEAN VI EW. n t> w 3 br. tre s s n o min ee J ill T~. $1~.ouo. ~ .. w I UHfTS ---' •3•6-• 7• 5•3• 1---1 SM l>wuo lit I. A 5 t~ 10 Solar~ ~velopment Unr Bermuda Ount:i. . J Hr l "4l 8<t hom~ w 1ram1 · Ill prest1R1ou11 Portafana Uaybw'ah al the Lonu f•/ P s.,. r_. to Ha y & lw111 h JU ~~l·I~"? ,.,J wJ nJ ,.1:-,h 7 ~ m 5,000 fu.rn . 20 Ac r es ly rm. cove rt>d p11tm, &t S700mon ·rnon 499~20 Brach Convention & Erl

118.0WMARICfT! G~ul 11um1tlt! 1 /wntrrt• 11 tr .. 1111 :I CostoMffCIUttits land$30.000lo$35 .000~·r are a for vegetabl e Hwlder's Cstm Hm. 2br l.t'IUuunenl Center. 300 IUG C ANYON Conlin w l <>ri 21ou. oee.,,..ReGUstat.: 8eoc.hPr~ ll50 Sl'ulrp uruts in xlnt l()('a a e re Coml Build in g s g11 rd cn . SSSO m o . <.;all it>a, den . Somt• oc. vu 1':. Oce 11n Bl vd . , Lon~ .irN 1t loe.it10 11 ALS O JOHES REALTY •••••••••••• • ••••••• • •• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• tmn OWC al 9',. Bn•ak S6GO. OOO Mit e h c> l l & L111 a o r S baro n , Agt. &11u. yrd Gar Ha ndy to 8earh. ek:glll\.l 3br, humt• With ,73-6210 MaOileHomH CATAl.I NJ\ IS l. /\N D cv1:ntw:fon: V1M Jt ummon t n ca lto r s . 9'J7-4850 shpg. & bch 581·7000 d y!I , Call 642·5678.ext272

\w>ul +spa . only $124,00o For Sale I I 00 tlllM ,.: 3 Units $1<15,000 71537 Hw y ._111. •. Rancho --- - t"VC. Sll6-12!M to claim yourtacke~ 'r111c Onlyb'1:l 43ll Al(l _________ ...,. •••••••••• •• •••••••••• • llll lil1d1• bt'.Jull (ul la r l(t• <! 4 Umti. SIK0,000 ~arul(c , .' ;i . ;,I)~ J G07 J br • 2 1> 8 ' Kid s OK -- - - -- * * *

AffORDA.llE HEWPORTIEA.CH Hit 2 1i/\ N1·111" 111·w, lu i.: 5 UnihSJ&>,ooo .... v!· :.. a Oll · 67 2 11 o r SSSO/ mo. 2737 Fremont T~HIMsA.rea ---• ....unu.,,.RT• I d a4G J.'lZ7 Ln M es a d e l M ar . Avai l. ay l" l . 3 1'rJ,'1'', lc6oaP ..... • 3701 nwl'"'""' In thl' l.x·11 ut1fu l W1·xtd1 H Whlk lo 110111( llc~t.Jlt .r IJUkouy . 111 1 V.l' lul ()(·1•1111 /\11 tnvc·~tur:. re11m w I X " • ,

2 U-O~OOL Ul'-"l'I . l.&r l(t• 3 Bdi'lll , 2 from llui. ZUx14 rll'w '/ 'J vww $.1:~1.IMIU /\lso 4 11 ' l11t 1t-rm~ l 'rtn only /\l(t GHE F.N VALl.t; Y LAKf~ 644 ~-- ____ - lit.'(•ks. views , $HOii li.t~ • ~ t , ••••••••••••••••••••••• $165,500 l>0Jlh furruly llomt• wu h Sky hn1· :!Hr, i\dll Pk , r1· lllOOlllll( 2t.l/ '1:r.i.5JiM L •· " II 11 r n h 11 r t llu u!> t' :l n It , d " n . 2 FA.MIL y HOME I a ' l . ' <' t• u rt t y. re . lmmac l br. S teps lo Bay

l.o v <' I Y M on u t' u ' n fm·pla•·•· All on 111111·1 d oct-tl lo ~.:t:,CJ ( 07131 17 M itn2 !l:J(JO kall·ht•n., , i.e r v11•1• f"lr r h . 4Rr. 2Ba. la v r m /din rm . fon•m·t·~ 4117 2'l72 Sl'l() mo ulil inc Id . Ca ll Harbor Vlt'w Homt•t> 2 s tree t 111•ur Ncw1w1 l .,,.riCCM M.H . Solei Conwnrrclol 1600 2 Costa MffCI Units loll (;;an be UM.'<I tlb 2 Ull w:.h r 1dryr . rvrng . bk)'il . Hlwport •och 3 269 Uoyd.6?~0 tldr'Trul + dl·n + s parkh nlol schools Ofh•rt'il al uni ) 557. 9 390 Property W at.' IO man walk tu lak1•, 1ll>l 1·ar g;1ra )(e . $SOI.I 1110 ••••••••••••• •••••••••• eoro.o .. Mw 3722 I" .. 40 "'"'I L" •· p ut10 . .,co,""" Cntl .. •o 11 ~•1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1·11lh1·rl'il l>y i.:.t lt a11 .uJJ1111•• N.·1t1on " I 1-'orc•:. l , I Is " •

" ,. """' " M .. .- """ ., ,,... ' . ~• I t • t l I> ~ ~' ., > r Y ., • .,..,5.4533 N<> L ' L ',L ' • Apt • · <."t•ndo •••••••• • •••• ••• •••• • •• t'ltoM· lo l( r~nbt-ll. ijy COST. MESA ' 'OM M 1-:1tc 1 A I. BJ. I)(; vi 111

"' I s •1~~~2·:; r:!o''" n .. we.:pan.e Vll'Wb •• ' r r "' "' ' owner QJllS«· IJll ~ '"'n" wrth w purkm.: r.: o l .., ,5v Al(l 1167 3534 J Br l Ba Condo rrplc• rt•ntaL'l kl·nt <J I l'av1hon . t' u M!Sl. ocean &

Nt•w '79 1.an tc1 llil 11'1ll , """•<-.-.. l\nnui. I ~ rh»'> •n !148 6:l lti ortnllU50 ws.hr tdryr h oo k UIJ . G75-49128kr ~)' v1c;w on the waler • • "TR U , •. I 2Br 2 lh a, u d ll 11.ir k , ~ N o.,tofr...-.... h ·h k . • S1> c u rit y hld te . 2br •

... AS t .. ""s . ~ t·rnr lkduc:c d t o $25.:J!'>U rnmt' S33.JOO e wµ url TRIPLEX ~·r d' ws r .:. y utt' . palm, I 3br. rondo . w 1txwt :.hv. 2 adult 11 p oo l & ja r lot, 4br. 2~h11 Nr NM :t4.!}25 Ulvd at V111 l.1do ~ 2550 r ar Karage W/ OJ)O& • poo l l'ar " ar sg7:; m o ./ b « .,. 2 4783·1.,.< 3•43 $I. '"> Tt1UlJS SWiil ('lub. -.hOJh, -- ( 1 Harn·ll llll y Ht'l(l;.lc r W~t C(ll\t:a M t"• OJ Shuw-. ••••• • ••••••••••••••••• 165() nw Avarl MJ y I IA0-2700 1 955 OJ6t1 "" '"" .. ...,, ~ c hi s 1 1 79 , 500 . I .,,_ricanM.E. Soi.s t.4:t ~o p u lat1v 1· 1 .. 1 .. ti fl o w 40 1\1· SIY.950 Btn mln 645 •4:1!H; u r !1711 11 311 !1 mo 714-044-81K7644:!A42 S-~e 1076 S57 ll3!l0 $127,900 N,'I !.n5 061fi runc h urr1•a l(1-. tr.·\·~. ev~1wkn1.b NWPT CJU;sT CONf>< > CostoMHo 3724

••••••••••••••• •••••••• Condomlnlum1fTown- vu :.1rd '' Hkr 55r. ~ 4Br. 2"'1Ua. rPfnl( . S675 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HEW CA.RPETIHG Superbl·y f COST A M ESA. houln for 1ote 1700 2 OH A LOT Me:.a V1•rdf' J llr :! Uu 11111 mu li.t / IKl>t !l57 !IJllJ

N \'W hrndsrapanK an tha-. ·1:1 (;1·ntry l:!x<t:! J tlll 11k , •••• •••• • • • •••••• • ••••• l-:J\.'\Thlr>t-; . 'l'wu 4! lldrm ~ ~. l(ar. bit 111., , ov.11 1 1, I

tbr, 2ba . It v. llom c ,,.. Decorated w a I k t 11 ' h •1r1P111 .: &ec TownhofM' h<ws1·, an ti ~ i. l <."11:. tu Gn>•n 2700 N1c·t>' ~ S57 101,. Npt Tl'r r Twhn-.. N1·w ~eeldy. Rates

Svar 1ous Studios & , 1ruhlt• locatwn&att r .11 ll t•duc•t•tl t u S tt , :J!l !1 St•vt•rulto ihool'lt• from M1.-:;a loc.·at 111n L1H ' 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :Jbr . 211h a . 11011 1, '< U ,

P t • • tc. 11·"'1 t I th t 320 ""CRES••• 4 Ht 3 Ha, t'xn·ll M~J pa"~ ..:<t> <..., ., ..... , I l..,rlroom S\rate i. t 'omplf'l.v K itrh .. ns Muad Scr v1c·l' · TV ( 'l()(o.P to :all ma1or

tavl' rrnarrcang all for 1111 lv res ICJIOUS ,, J'7 t •n t·('(f frv m $.'>f; ,000 t u on<· or r~n >o or ·' "' ... Vi:rde ~ ~· 1237 323U "'' ,.,,.,.,, .,,.,.r rx.c.o ) 171),00U To S PI• ( ' ,1 11 Address AnlrricCWtM.H . Sote1 !i251i,UllO !'XlllW With nu c.·ar 1• rrc•t• lllVt•\l rnc•nt t n c•t•ntral (; al 1for n 1a MllM40 or !l51 6SGI ~7!1:1'JO 1lownV1\lnm' $12.'l ,llOO /\ l(l IA!>llUl!: •. ll ' a :HJ Ho hlt•!>. nl· a r On·gon I-'rnU\J y d+.-ror

'l 'n'I• Hm'll S t N O 1'1-:TS . 646-~

J hr, Zh:1, t :nl'I y nl $625 / mo l•,a.'\tlJluff I~ lot , 4 llr :!' •

Ila , fomlly r m $tm ,:>1111 < twnr MO 6004

HARIORVUHOM E I lldrm, 2 b1Jth , fu m al y r in. Monll'l<(O Mill • • lllJ ... ~~ 1t'l'1lbcl t. f)(ll•I 11nct 1\11 ; lt•r!lo11 t : l1• 111 Sc: hoo l \172,!JJO f1 ·1· l.10\J

HARBOR VU KNOLL :t. Bdrm, :! t1atl1 , 111 11 <;lfi4.!JW f•·l· lund

HARIOR VU kHOLL .1 llllrm . ~ ·'1 h 11 frimal v r oom, dt•n Ya rnrouth Mdl Sl18 .~IO "'c•t• l;cnrl

~"°" Pr'OfMrtie• 644-2542 752-2 8 38

l. rw at t"cl in h1•;1 011fu l _________ _. l'ark 1'1111·1·, 111, K-1:1 741. I 1,.'11 ;t3117 t.own 1 SJ2001a1·n · 2 Hr. bath. l1t1• lot . t•ul 111· lrt'l·way!> and l rvrnl" Nl·Wport lk ·a l'h <treas Pre :.Hlt· nt1al tl <·1nht:.

Ul>t(rad1'<.I hn1r11• w 1th :1 IA.'(11110111,, 111111 111! r°'1m . h rt•1•1.y kll t•ht·n Wi t h holl l 111'> S t 111101111•. 1111r rur!I a n d w a tlp a/''' r 2 p11 l1 01> ~1:1 . JOO l urr} . t·all 4'.15 ll•A

mRDEU. ~·



<) •old m a kl' tht• ~ mul l ······ ····· ·· ·•······ ·· dow11 µa ynw nt r1•c1111 rc1I lh1p l1 ·x Z l!hr , r;1:. ,IKHI on th111 llt•aul1f ul tw nk n · rlown Will la ni, t ';ill for lltl!ISC'!>M'l l ho m1· M a11 v 1111111. liMI "/ II~ tar c·a!> & J)rtl' l ' 1 ll •H !• 'I> IEASTSIDE C .M. f·;."y quahfy 111 1o:

Mob4i. Home Stor~ T w11 :! I.II r rn u 1111 •


J>.•I H,.,, 1·111 luw tJ .iur ,1!,lt' '.'>, __________ 1

"Xlra 1o1nrk 1111( All1•y :it

''°'' $1 :~1,llC M I t w1•;i111v :.t h r .'. t1.1 hu m•· ----------1 NEWPORT BEACH ... 1 S.Jn ( ' l1·m 1·nt1· 1•ult co11r, 1· Mu!!l ,. • ., .. 1l 1ml\ SJ1;i,10 1•

11 ,. IC't II/\ II 1-. "IH Y tc l-:1\ f.T IHIS

21!'> 0..tMJr 4:~2 4 12 1

New 4hr t cll·11 , 11>.1 N r hc·h /\' " "'"' ' lo .1 11 lll l r 14'°> !f~ li:l l tr.o!H I


$12,950 1nc:omr P~rty 2000 .•..•..•........••..... ~i.1·1• r ••nt o nlv SI 111 &. you r:m w.1lk ll) town IV Zi! UNITS. fl l•'"" p1·rm rh llt'a1'11 c: rt ·dl c·orad I0~'1 :I & loun N••••l1 l l111t '"'"' Spurlon . m .. n y X ll ol '> l'.111 114 4! 'JGll l ll l-' I t .f:Hl :t t:l 571 li75JIM4

MobfJe Homr Stor~ Olcll t n 111 ~ 1111 cllll l•1l l! r t

3 UNITS $M!l.5110 l. lkt• new ll unl lllJ.'lnn k<·;ll'h ne ar 01·c.•ar1

20 UNITS :i,7!16,0IMI N1·a r n t'w t ;01111 r1•nt a l urt'u (; a rd c•11 Grnv••


BEACH LOC A TIOH I !J lJ 11 I l 11 ff I I c• lf.t n~laurant t1t 1M011 1 t•n111 pk'! , h nan <·1.1I pu r• k;J1t1· i\11 I) ,fl !J ' of• ( 'a ., la Clll

ta.'h n ·t um .. r 11•: 1•r11 •. $2.0lll,UUU l'n n on ly

M/\t.O Y INV ESTM ,.: T !-t

C'arhharl f7 M t 7Zll· ll l!!J . 4~1 1 :u ~1

l~aulaful 45 al'ri ·-. ft·net·d sae, $3\15 mo Ch1ldr t•ll f1) r ho r i.c·s , nunll'ro u " c•. nol>f'l.\ MX 5155 !>t.a lli. & rnolJilt· h11mc 111 & t k lkty t;ondo J hr , :Jha

t l11 H on P' IUI IS.2a 6:.tl ~ IA..'1' Ann

Roval Suites l'!Cj(l Hohlt" s;,!~) ,OOU N1-w :i bdrm l '" lia t.:011 Ahm. num1·rous loL' i'JI 110 ":nd Unit. f1n·pla1·•· . ~ rnallc• r 11iirt· 1• l i. 111 hit ins. earp1·l i.. ~7~

:!(MO~ewport ttlvd 642-2611 or

S4l-200C> 1% .. 111on· & l> Urro1111drnl( draJ)t'!I . Jhl ov1·n1>, dhl :I Bdrm . 21'7 bu w / frp k 2 an ·u ~0011 ll·rm' u vJ th• ~llrltf.:• ' No pct:. $.'i'n. n rr Kllr w tl'le~: dr opnr, Nt.-wly dl.•t:or 1 br duplt•x hit• • \({'J '157!l katl'i OK t.:lo:s1• to be11t•h ""'I' by Raratott:S Quwt · t •nrw 1pah only p lt·.1:..c· Uy :. 990 6 66S. •' v t• ii t-:mply'd itd Ull ovn :i,:, l 'onu wt Kt•n Ma rk:, •• t -.n~. 2 UH, MJI . y.H d . N••W 631-0509 No 1)1.1..'! S265 548·1021

1·11t 1111· , paint N11 P"'' Edffti W. Heulck i:,,1 1t.i,. ·h•"'i1t·r . 6'1 ~ ... 172:,

ll1•11 lt11r & A:;~11\'1 ,1 h·' lli41i ~pnll l( S t rw t

l'11M1 Hohlc' t805t 238-5350 1805t 466-3049

•I:"/\ lluliy lh'l l t:rapl'lr ua t lrl(JXI l 1 1A Will c·onMdt·r tradt• l7 M I !l"l'l 1;r.'"

..... :dhh4f :lllll, 2ha , l.1111 1111 w •l11>I )700. h •· .. ~ 2!1:14

:!hr Con110 lovt:: I)' jJool t>r• v y ar'1 ti Jr IV l'l•l'f)Ort Chal'1 o r h m JWt OK M~u Vt:rd t' an"J

1.2.'; 7~"' 7'1!1h or IA•• l'.IVI'• 1.L11:J11 Ill

:i Hr t d.-r1, 2 h.1 fq 1h htt' S t ucl rv apt deco r ator yan.I 22l:l Anruv" r " u v tum pnv pat . waler ~ l.11 758 1tr11 tea.' pd $2111 mo Ml'.-5330

l.eGM/~~ Option HmaltMgfOftleodt 3740 l Hr. 2 ha, fr p lc , ~ c·J r ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1<ara1te w 101wnc r N1•ar ,.\am room for re n t . 0111 Hack Hay 1-'o rmut din ly, wkly. monthly . Utat m ic rm . 1•q ; t 1t . drps, md 7561 Cf'fllc r Dr. lt4•>. "'a.<.hl•r d ryt-r lnr d y ard II H ft9'l 7J36 "' /spnnkh·r.. S575 0 .J\ ll LocJ-o leach 374& ~14 ~~I I . ~· V1 •' 151 .,.. k ndi. ••••••••••••••••••••• • •

956-4 500 t ,l)C '\h ll r $1 (~ ,l)l>l) 1 11fr ---------·_•l s..~·h•INI on ' ' 'P ... .. h 11t1----------·1 11Wll h 11'1 K-10 IK7'1 EASTSIDE

111 .11· rt· ' w 11 r r q~ at111n

•'i/u111 . fully man;1~r·l1 /\ folf:a . ~IHI . o n & oal -. All Of' ~iJ rl ~ f~ll'I Jll' t ,w n • 7 t4 tK3>1 21i7.I

Fo.wtoift Volley 1234 ........•.....•.•...... N11 •· :!Hr ('11 nd11 11 / h ath ,, fq 1l1 11•1111 ,.;.1r1ht 1111 1· qll 2 C';Jr a t1 .11·h·'IJ :.! l(UI (111ldrn1 & pd., OK $1:!:• C.1 II 75 I 20fj(J

~ :JI~ 3:Jl Monti · V" t a JJ\( ; U,._t\ llt:A<:ll !'.1 'J' lt U:.al l '1•1u11 t:lt•)la nt l! lllC , INN $75/wk & up M,1111 ;!•,, hu home• Avail nu w ~wrv . c.·olor TV. hcat•••t HAUORRIDGE

2hr, 21Ja t'on110 Uynnst y m odt'I , t>t•'\ t l111·:1t 11>0 . t·'.mlasl at• v 11·w. Jlnlf clc· c·11rnted . many uv11 r11d1•, Hy u wnrr / hrok r r ~~.(llO. t)J)l!11 tl()US(.' Siil / l'ltrn I ~ 12<.:ovl'l'1lry N. 11 1 14 W> 111361 fi44 11.f(m

ovn look m .: a .:olf1·ouri.1• & IKO 1l1•1: r .. 1· o<·t•::tll v u T tw. horn" Iii•!• c•vt•r y thm.: J< r 111c in m i'o l r Hr . ffi ll'fO WJ V\', l"f )' l' l.JI t' h a nd 1· I 11· r !• , !. ~11 r 11 I !>l:11n•a"'" & m1w h m or1· v "1hll'l Norm l'h1lhpi. W,.:ST COAS T l'Al' JFI <.:

rt t•:AI. ESTAT E Kii ·2f.llO 4!lh ·H~.:15

,..OH S/\I. ... f>1 •l11 x c· :.!Axt~ l ' 1ti•1.1rlt-1I Sk yt1n1· in ~ •• tt. .. 1r h 1•.1r k :'. ll r 2 full hJ , fam ily 1 Ill. 11> 1.11111 ksl l' hc ·n . l;1un1I po rd1, t"tl' 1-\J ll 11Ul1>11h' 110 11•h , ;1wnin~11. 111 1111• /\\lull 1>utk Only l j m11:. 11111 S1·1• t.u 11p1ir••l'1al1· % 0 r>l!iH


4 l' I•·:>. /\" 11 1111· !'.f•lli· r w 1 11 c· a r r y 1111 p c.• r M . 1 n 11 ~: 1 · r n • · nt ,1 v 11 al A.ic-r1t , C ary IJ Uo11ln !M.il l ,l:llSli ur :-,:11 ; :wm

I ' n rw11111 I:. only

DYNAMIC DUO Ju.'>l hs lt,'1.1 . a duph·x 111 gn •al NPwpor l ll t'11(hh .an ·n . (IWnl'r ':. uni t h11" .1 rC'dwood d1•r k o vt·r l<)Ok 1111! a '> PLl rk lin it pn nl $12:1.WI Ca llt14G 1'14lJ

Red&tate &change 2800 •......•...... .•.....•.

KAUA.I HA.WA.II ........ Ofthach 3240 ...................... .

-: : .... 1 ~ Lrudt· for land & or m 11•uta v1· h11m1· 11b<1vc• llim

c•mm• pruJ>t•rly an Oran!(•· tu11,it.o11 lla rl>our. m 1.111y

Vrty lt't" ' ' SICHI mo Huy 111o0I lllat. (7 141 494·52'Jit & lleal'h th'ully 7!>!1 Olll l !MSN Cousl Hwy - --

.. :.1.\lblufr J bd r m 2 ba H.wport leocft. 3169 chn f"n> $0.SO pt•r n 10 ••••• •••••• • •••• • • ••• ••

Wutt-r puad 004 ~~:i As kl•--------­rw Hon 1 ......

Ho Qualifyin9 •Bi9 Canyon•

c:- .. ~ 1!1711 Skyhnl' , 2 hr. 2 Im , ,_. _. 1-rv l.,, clq;:, , I 1 , btol'lu. II>

'm;ilii 01·1· .111fru nl t·11n1lo 111 ~·w'lf(.!f Ml fl , ~ tll< , t•x

<.:ounty xtras. S795 Cull M 1k1". , ... .,111 M• ·~ 11 • i•it y :ap Deftnis Ricketts, Rltr ~IOOi . IJl'OVl'd 1'1t l'k ll1tC ff•l_ld)' ----------1 20 UMITLOT

1.UXlll!IOll S HAYl-'tt ONT CONDO wit h 2 bdrm ~. 2 ha "'on-vc r Vl t:W S.·1•11nt y l!i Pn'8tr gt· $1)5() / ITH) hw W att• rfr o rat H o m e ~

STIPS TO IEACH '1llH. 2 ba., wntr. S55C> :nm, 2 ba. wntr. $550 2 UIC. 2 ha . wnlr. $400'

Capistrano I 078 beach. U.K>-!>()24! . to ~o S:WO.OrlO. DOH'TPA.YTA.XES 9!_5-0~7_6~3~3 oind; 3.;-1 .,..~hu . potao . associated ....................... PEAK

OF PERFECTION l.wmry IJving at Its v•·r y l>(.o;.,l hC'r e . Cap111lrn1111 h at' 1 l' n !111 o n h u ~: 1• f'(JIJC!>lnan lot an pr11n1• ureo t: le gant 5 l:wdroom

IAYFROHT J Hr /dt·n / lgc c uh11n .1 l ' :i l111 . f rpk , 2 ll•11t•h , llpl!f'I l 1eam~. 111·w l 'fll l , liltn.,, xlnt h11: Mut. l ., •• 11 p r I I ' l' I t • d U • I Cl

$47,000 /ofr 67:.t 7800

'l '.';l. l11 v rnl~ f'42· l ti0~1 Thut'I! n itht: muny or our ------~..- dbl. ~ar . • .mr to bl·h d1ents don t IJll)' tltltl'll l s l , la:. t + $200 . dcp hc.oca use t hey havt· mora• ........ 964·21!>7 th <i n .a 1l t:c1uall· ta x ••••••••• •• •••••••• •••• ---~hcllCT from their rc•al Houles funliihed 3 hilrm ft•11c·1·d y ,1rd , e s tat e 1nves tm l' nl 1> r1n·plat' t' h uh & pl'l1> Tho6c who do pay IUllC!> •••••••••••••••• • •••••• OK $125 Pt' r llltl IJ.18 U7 1k pay fa r k'S!> than lhrnw lolM>a Island ) IO' or Ml 5 77U 1150

FOURPLEXES 631 1400 BR 01<;EllS llEA l T(J llS

2 bdrm. 21,., ha. N1•w Con 101', ~ 8rtlbr,o t It J66

do. ~ iw r mo Vcry l•-----iiaiillllliiii• ruce 67~i a ft a

$ 169 . 900 . l' r1rl1• or o wm•r !>hrp townl\OllKt' Upgr aded Gn·enl1ra11r uml. All11umc C1r11t t ruhl O.:..'t!d. You need only 20'.4 rorttulia l mveslmt"nl No c•omm1s11rnn , atr ller 111 u~t. P1r"Ht orrt-nnit. t•a ll for a privtlll' 11how1ng >fn.7832 Pnn cmly

flnorplan with d in111i:. 1----------1·a tin~ a n •a , f am ll v t'\IUf f\ , 2 f1 rcplae<'S a nd Ill • EXCITING.

All 2 Ur 2 Ha townhouse I yp1· 11n1"4 t-: l1·1·t rn hi t 111:. , 1111 t 't•cl .11r IW ll l . 1•111·1•1'\toel .:a1 J1:1·~ SI :100 11'111 1111om1· c; oocl lcH':S I 1uo OW(' :!nil T wo l t1 c h•1•1'>t' r "' m $ 1 ttL 5111> cud a

w1lhout re al ~sla t e· 1n - ••••••••••••• • ••••••••• -v~':'Slmenls 2 lldnru., 2 hath . gar. ne w 4 BH . 2 ba .: I milt< to

washer /d ryer . Newly d e bl•m·b . nr park & t :dai;oo eornu·d & rurns:,hcd. c t r 111.:h RP!':. rt'll K1di1 & ('lean Sti.'i() / y rly or ' um JX-ts 0 K 963 2832 E vei. & mPr rt•nlal Hd!:i Ownt: r Wt'\.<k~nds . $600 Mo

2 Ur 2 Ha dupl(' ll ~St. S4~ m o y rly


Duplex on 3Slh S t :J Ur2&. ~moyrly .


UAYPRONT·2Br, 28 a , 20· IXmt 11hµ optlOflal, yrly. no pc l s or c h aid r e 11 .

t-:vl'lyn 631 2482 -- - -2 Rr furn or unf 127:, Adults. no pt"t.-.. 2421 t.: . 16th N. ms. 646· u1c.a SeaTlew"s FiHst

-t Bdrm, 2'...., bath prof d ecorated & lnd 11c pd hom e wtth v 1l•w 11 of Cutalma & n1t1· h KhL'> Owner h ull pn t<'d for 'lUlck s a le . $339,500 Cu ll lor BJ>pl. ARl. O u n Bl bb8 67S-Z3 ll

BEST BUY f'r~Ugk>ua area , mony ulDl.'Oilies. Prict'<I below m a r k e l . 0 w n 1• r tr8J'lllferrt.'CI. Call now I


t t • r co m . II a n d s o m t.! beal11ed r eallngs. jacu 1.11 & s unken tub in m a11lt•r MD U! Patio and room fo r pool Hurry' $450 , 000 fiKH Kll 2714 : 4!13-134 1 toll fn -c


SanlaAIMI 1080 •••••••••••••••••••••••

Shows Like A Model

With lop of lhf' lint· c·urpdinte and cu11lom h1>1 l t · ln s ! f.ovl'ly :t b e droom ho mt• w ilh forma l dinr n M ronm , t.orulty fireplace. d e lux e ldkht.'11 with bu1ll ln11 3 C.OVF! RF.O P ATIOS O>mmun. pool a nd more. SJ 07 ,900. C.11 5-4-0- t 720

TRAW. - · -- --- ----$~~~lA-l&tlrS3

Tltat Intri guing Won/ G ome witlt a C#tud/e I-~ (1.AY I POuAN --- ---.1

0 ·-·~ ... \;"' ol ~ '°"' .. ...,.ch -lqw IO IOI"' IOu< M\'IClltt ...,. ... I TAR I NO

I r I r I I• I~ l 0 j cl I I M 0 D A H , .: Celllorn1a 11 lllO llomo of th11 "'&-,__,,,_ ... ,,- ,- .-.. WOfld'e most un111u11 e~hlb1 . . . . . . tlon 00 11 •ourncimunt. 11·11 t:All p-------- 4KI lht - .. Open

I S UTRIC I .,...._,,-, - ,- , • .-, --, .... 0 c .... ,. ..... .... t hutkt. Cl<H)l•d . - • - • - by 1111 .... , '" •ri. ........ '11 -d .__ ..... .._..__.._..._J YW "-••IU!t 11- $lf'g No J IM4ow

Hawport •octH.ido II ,. a u t I r u I I u 7 ' · c;o1<1 N1w .. 11 t 2 ur . 2 u •• horw• w1 lb111walkinJ! 111 t. l ane 1· o f t.11111 ' :0. fan1•ict !!hov111111: :in •a Smull 1w1 ....... 11-om1·

leochAreo Y111m 11 Adult l't•l I' . 11 k Ht•uut1ru1 ll1JU('10u11 :t<l x ti~1 S111nat urc llornt· w /2 l1Jrl(c l>t'droom:. plur> 2 ha, larl(e h v1111t dan111~ rm w / Wl•l 11111k & fu rri rr11 w / t•nc· lollt•d pord\ , 2 lllOrll j(C hhl'll S & ~ofl wl'lll'r Very th• lu ltc CJlK lQ!N;)

l.agilito Hiii' Special luy I

lll' Olltiful $ Stur Atlu ll l'k. lMx.00 ~8l'rt.'lll. 2 II(• ' llr, 2Bn , w ith ull lh<' xt.raa. Only $29,600



2'70S Harbor, Ste 206-A 540.5'37

A PREHIGf / -l- I HOME:\

:mi w t'oa i. I llwy, N II 645-6646

CORSICA.H 4 -PLEX N1•1rr So < '011 ~1 Plmm , h y 11w111·r s nl!1,:,oo 5-10 121!1 or 1!)1 0531l

White Water View lJ11111ut• Laguna ~ ph•x. 5 rc·ul f1rPpl11 N'S, h plat l11vt•I j)l•nl hOU!lt' . 2 Bt . 2 ba, + n R 1 hloC'k to town Ow111•r wll l C'arry wiU1 291

/. down. $.195,000 Owne r -Agent 642 9fi66

LOVE IHfLA. TIOM If you pay l!C>'k down on a property and 1t anl' rea-.e1> 111 va lue 10'.4 J Yt•u r . yo11 'v1• r t:rovcrcd y our 1nvC!ltmc>nl an 2 y1>ars' Many of our c h ents have doubled thl' v:1lucur their property m fro m 2 to :; year.; Tiley mov<'d uµ to lar Rer proiwrtre s 1n :i Tax lh'ft"rrc•d IRS SC'r t1rJt11031 E•t•h 1m1(1'


fi13 5376 Bcal't1 house on thl.' -.and. t•wport '-oc:h l 169 2 Hr 2 lia . Se<"Ur, pool , • •••••••••••• • •• •• •• ••• 6J&.3724 or 213/433·491j!j

RAYS IOt: DIU Vt: 3 lldrm.". Jll'J b11lh8. 1130 · cly llt'ueb. SI ,000 May on· ly /\t(<•nt, 642 S200 ____ _.

••••••••••••••••••••••• GaMral 3202

BRAND NF.W 2br. I mall' to bf>ach Diana 846-1371. lH()..4()27 t'V{'S .

Neur ~ach 28 r . 2 s ty I ear garalll' , l'l~Bu. no ctuldrm under 16. Ten11il4 OOW'tll, pool, jl.ICUU I Sl\:iO

Rent /Lse w /Option 3 Ddrm, 3 ba, den, Bur k Blly ove rlook1 n R 11o lf course. S7SO/ m o 645~1

IUCH A.REA/Hice l~11ut1 ru1 a nd ne wly dt: · 1•vralcd thru 1>ul 2 11tory. :i bcd rm , family rm home on Perun. Pt. Tot.nl t'han:.m:a, wutk to bny & ~. an~

mo. 646-3903 Unless you t'XP<' <'l the ~··•••••••••••••••••••• 3 lidrm home with com . pn<'c of ~as. ca rs, rood Sparlou.'1 3 lirt1 poo1 1~p11, l Town.hot.lk 3 bdr m . 1"'1 mun1ly pool. t <-nn1s. and WUl(l.'11 to roll back yr old , b1•11ut a nds caped , ba. New curpelS & pa int, ~1111 to beac h. SllOIJ m o . d1.lfl 'l expert that 1>rope r load ed w Jictru . O nly pools, t ennr.s . No pets . w...,.,_. Hwa

StudJo, ll{e. nu cpts, drpi. . nr Hoat(. I adlt , no pet.,.. S275mc uta l 631 -<n4~

l'twih ~an vu quarters ror s tra ight prof. m an w / t:11ce l ref 's . M sl r br/ba pvt palio. Ent gar Shar~ W•2 peers ba l of 11pac lux (UMI bse W / fttb .inlns & ht pool. $450/mo an t• utll mu id g rd nr 1144-0UM

I Bdrm . Prominlory P0tnl. /\viul June lsl l mo. or y r lse. '85"0/mo. fiTJ..11139 ----- - -ly pnce11w1ll e1thor ~. Mlke, IMW>-2:15". $4~ lit & last +$l50 631-t400

• • • • lcAoo p,.-;-... 3207 cle&rung 89:J..t773 _ ._ ________ /\v111I Moy 5, h11 C'h 1t1pl.

R. a.r.r JOIN OUI STA.FF ••••••• • ••••••••••••••• .,._ 3244 -- Sl.50. plt.18 clcanloa. 4.2Sl<l! HeAonluAvc W(' have u re w Opt' n ln.es l 'otnl. i,, blkloboyorbch ....................... s.c.a..... 3276 6'5-0285.

C~ronHd1· I M11r on our sales staff for 3hr. 2•n b11 , frplr , y rly · I.EMT. A.LS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Jwofr-HTlck.+t li ce nsed u p e rie n c cd , r<'nl ~mo Avail May 2 RR 2 b *""" 1'1•nn1 :;, poo l , Jae . jlf.•!,.06~! .. _ ..... -!fft ...... '- ..1

tolhe tull -time, professlonul :s J5lh. Owner 2138890590 • 8·· •""' l*f'()rflmlc Ot'n vu. 2 Br, --•-1111 LONG 0 .,;ACll with a dedlcation lo serv · 2 ltK, 2 bu, furn SOOO 2...., bll, 2 frpl , no pets •••••••••••••••••••••••

TifF.ATREFESTIVAL ln• t.helrrUentaandam . eor-.. Mw 3222 2 DR. 2"'2 b11 ...... SGSO AdllAI . t0fa nt o k . $495 ............ llO• IH THI pruvtnj( Lhear t e r hntcn I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR, 2 ba . : . . ... . . $9$0 ~103 e•l 173 bef 9am ••••••••••••••••••••• ••

IOOM IOOM f·xpert.lse Our c hentB did SPYGLASS HILL 4 BR, 2\IJ ba. S700 oral\ $pn't . Attract.lve lbr apt. extreme!~ we ll last yeur with view, 3 Br, 2 Ba, wf't 4 BR,21,AJ ba. rum .• 1145"0 Yearty/lea.H, Ref.

Sl•rrin«l~~Bc•t A<'· ~d~~~l~u;;;::~ w~~ 1>ar. nveamonam1lllon s ~i':i.~~:_a:~~sC?srS:: ~:er.. 1271 m.«M7. treu nominee Jill aver111(lnf( S2 mtll1on an H o m e• . Sl3 SO . C all SanClemenle ............................ , 11 1u.e• 3107 (,1ayhu~h al lht' l .ong 11alca each . Call or wr1te ~7 2 bdrm. l ~ ba Condo, 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Df'IK'h Convent.Ion & l'.:n Pat l'arkinson. 2 Ur, I bll~ newly fln labed car .caragc, b ike lrall to On Ocean with Bay view. tatatnme nt Ct!nltr, 300 hatdwooo noora. Pnmo beach1.. .. ~•r poof. A1k for 2 bdrm. 1 'Al ba. Top floor ,

lrv lne Adu l t P ar k : 'F. Ocean Rlvd . , Lona llOUSTIMGS locale . Al\ . 87~ Mary ulenMl·ZUJ security buildln1 . aub· Dcaut.lful double wide 2 lJeach A.a ot th1a wttk we h ave lbt houle. Slove & refrtg . BEAl1Tl"1JL 2 Hr rondo, WITaoean Paft';fs, yrly

~~ll;n b~V~~lro·~~r~ e~~~:~;rl~~~~ :n~o~·~~~~::o~ $425 y rl y 640· 9350 / alJ CWN1.pool, 2 kldA lle. flZpermo. TJ8ot pQrlt tr clubhou11c. Ap • * * mullt·mllllon dollar com· NO-.-eves . Jobn OK. avaJI 11111y 11, SS2$ pr ON the bay, view, c lean l Pl I • n c e • I n c I u d e d . p&ean m UMJ e>fflce. Ca I I New decorated 2 Br 2 Ra. mo. 831·8303 Br pad. DIS yrly inc l $42 ,000. &3~· 4V64 u rl---------1 i.oday foranapPolntm enl frplc . C.11 7AM or eve&. ,........ l2t0 1_IAil_.sne. __ 7_• ___ _ _ 55M72" lNIW21121A. with one of our hlfhl Y. .oo 87S-m7 ttS73CAJll""Da~IRt/lff£ ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.-.. ....- Jl21

Unlta + 3 Rdrm home. t r ained u let Bta f ot ' 2 bt, I ~ ba condo 2 poola , .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ~.000. over 40. We c an help put c.t. MeM 1224 Northwoods 3 br, 3 ba. chlld OK • 1111 lbt atme ., retrti '330

fil'T ICH-$52,500 -.,Mcc .... lttr. you on lhe right track t o •••••••••••••••••••••• • m> sq n., 11e faml.ty Rtt• 911.:neo da1t, yrl)' . &40.tUO/t40·lM~ BeauUful ·~ h om 1i'a S4'·772t 1et your money dolnti 38r houle. Sm mamed rm. frplc , dahwbr. fn 3'11leve .. 1 wknda eve1 Jolla mobile In eou«hl a fte r1---------1 wbatll1bould - workln1 famlly. No pet.a. Opton yd . aar . W aler • Cuda Jul& 3 --·- - ·---- -8ay1lde Vlllaae. 1 br· - foryou. C.11 "152-1920. LOAM·5PM . With in walk· gardtnttpd. Brand now . th'•dibd J .. 21 1Mp1~br,beamclaa11. tunic.en deo· l Ra. 1U1hty 3 Unlta t~ra old. Sl20,000. J '-'U •IL lnc d.latanef' to prtH1ch l 11195 mo. t<lda oll , no pet.a . _,, • -· " frpl, So. ol hwy, 2 blk. upttaded.park lncludea lk11ly Adk•r· D a n•.i. P .O. T "' thru hl1h ac hl 9 40 AR\. no fee "4·2MS; ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ot'ean , c lo1e t o park .

• PtlNl~ll(O I' r r 1· I' I' I' I' I priv. beach , pool. jac .• flolt lJ07, N•wPorttNlach p• ACE ConcnuSt. CottaMeu. 973-2971. NMrSo. CatPlauJ br,Z Avail. ~n. Ml&°'° + !Hilt> l•n?V"*U d ock pr I II e I u W3 ..,,_ ba New C'1* 6 dl"Pt "*I Aft ~ (211)930-Jm

· · · --l.081,...,• .:,u . --·- - - ---• Pl • KIDS......, C)t( P• 1 ,_.,View Afc~.,...Llo, • Jacuul ' ' . •

UN,.. .. 2wt, t1oe I I I I I I ··~ ,v • .,.... ""-'-- lltr. o.... . OPllnu , . ••• - •- -- .. _ ... Bou .... ,... • . . . ......,...... l'!·S I DE oac twnhae, NewtnbMlnT\lrtleroclt. Ir luab Pou • . SIT6 Newl-~--. th

!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~-~~~~~L~~~"~11~1Ll1n~g1~nt~e~~~·~t ,~~~2~.~~·~~~·=~~n~1~~~,~·~·~~~~~~·~ar~.~l~n~d~~~·~":"J· 2~1~.~~·•· ~ .~-~~· ~· ~•• _ICl•N-Lln.....,..laC"""""""IOll ~· ll••ll. OwnrMl·GIU : 7•·7W 10: ...... •DMave. a:~7'1hve•wknd. r.s.a..tTNua


·-- --- -- -· - - .... .. -- . . .... .. -.. .. ...... _.,



(. h r ,, c


:: <• $ , I

* · jf l

•. 1

., ,_.......... .... ·~....... Af ................ Su .... . ...... 4200 OHie....... 4400 ...................... !:.: ••• =;;: •••••••••••• •••••••••·•·••••••··••· ............................................. . C....._ l1Ji4 Cella...,_ Jl24 a.-IMdt 1141 ~rnint bayaW.vlew .-wPOnCIMTIR -············••H ·--················· ;;~············· ····· toom In bea ul. furn . llXIC sums

It I • I A ;: i Liit&..... • ... ,_ • ~ • oCT 1 ...... , 1001 °---, •sa1t1r 100 -· .. -················ • . _;_ _ _ ............. •••••••• • - ••••••• ••••••••• Loat or,.... • Dttf Call ••••• ••• -

Nftl.W... c:GDdoe, rrple, I Ir, l be, ff'fril, cpta, o.tMX.e newly dffQrau•d 2 Balboa P• nln ho me OCEAN VIEWS llllm. 1 cv .,...., •• MIO ::r,• • dop. SIM. mo '*"' tot °" onan near Avail May 6 Juoe. fulJ rROM • 1110. :O,':,,,llnl C&G10D Or _ Tm Victor tt u 110 tlu tc d huuao ~! I ~.!• •b f rp l~ , Mtw~l..-CY

1 Br duplin pt1v J l nt pom • vatoc 1ubtern · ~· Pn u,..r • t • r ... c.,.. 2 Bdrm. l b a th ;;l .-..-~.df°'• pet ::.~•rkln& •112~ J~:u'0~>r!r c:1~·a1!. :i~ 644-JltO Adwt.t. IS50, mo. Ga1 _OIL_ atO ---- - mtwdm' l'O\lp lc $11~ mo pdl ~ Sb•,,, 1 81l Ea.1\.lld1 , Ml .,,..._... Jl'9 payabht ul MlvaMe. Mr ,..._LOCATIOM

-- - ---; w l p•t e n lr a n ca • ••••••• .. •• • • • • •••• • • •• 11Ullht " . tn~ <M84S ON WAT ER. Available

==-:.~:ab:,·:ua ~·· sm mo. Ca ll P.-Mlwt<>IT V~lt ..... 4 2IO =1::'4;'ot':-a~o~:~ ftn!iplaC'e 6 pool Q\.de " art.an:? al~ ~·;o,.~ .. ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ft. Can be dlvlded into •l"ff Adw"!..,;~ta 2 Br, l ba all elt!lt ll7 E From l34i 50 I~ fOf' rt'Ol, Bii f\l"a r smaller wtlll. Ortve by .. ...... - sahSt C4. "1• mo. Ai\ Spectacular apa . t ut • I l'lly al~ 6 , hncna ru.m . 31133 w. Coul Hwy , NB.

Nt>W a Bdrm l ba t tl ~ rfl't-Hllo n p r o1um , S!S nlh: ly pr 1·pl Call then c all A seo t a t w/frpk', J&r m l " Uo - IOCUJJM'Otll'llm ·1ooot., 11 1tfler3 pm ~-1989 , ..:Ql.:.:..· 1400~:------tmhDo ,..._, 1Br. P<fth, paUo. cpta. tam&arouri. Al .,'"liMoo

dJ"PI , Dr a h osi- . bu11 1 la1and, J1tmbo~ ., Son A1 A I A I r p 0 r t 0 r r I (' e . 0ttan PH lnc l ull Joaqw ltlll• Roa'1 • cW\front Coodo. 2RR . Sec r e t ar ia l ser vi c e W.lm ,7 1

11 .. t ,., ,.,. 190 0 ilt\.I, 11ll't'P\ II . pool, n<·u avail. $140. 957.9331 -- .. -- h •n111:-. & i.olr (808> ,-

a bdrm Adult s o nly , - _ . ... ... ,.0

..- - 0~111 E1eaant olficet, 800 1q. rt sm, BHUL bntnd rww l rtrt' p lt r f' , t 1rp 11 t , ~ " ' Xlot Newport locotlon w. frp&c-, laundry rm ~ PaUo Nu P\'t& 3br. 2 bM w1vm" .. 't'e• r l'ltlnl St>n11 l(~ t;o,ndo on ...:6'.S-:..=..;..2.;..11:..:1...,.. _ ____ _ lmmt!d. OC"C\tlPY .... 1723 ly_ l-'r'l>k'. ecar, llO.W "1 10 1011 11111~ Country TSL M&mt w 1Mll TSL tilamt oo 1603 Club ~ ~30 740 Sq. Ft. 44< per sq . n.

- Lari" a1ry Jbr, nr, bfh -- $326. mo. Locat.ed off the L.A MAHCHA APTS Pal.Kl ca rport Adult.a , Nl'a r beach Ouplu , 3 lllG lH'!AH La lc c rro nt 405 F rwy n r Crown

a..,. t ..%1t3 bd l•~t No f~ c.50 64.$~ btldnn. 2 bM Vr ly l.-im • C.ihm Sml o rlgi:grou(.* Vlll.ley. AvaH Ma y 15th. .. .,u • . Ad ull tc 01h wbr, 0-roW 1126 ~/100 ~7 ~ M.:t 114il'.IW '1701 _ 83l-3361Sor831-9081

bltns, end 1ar, fl•• bbq • ••••••••••••••••••• • •• SlesJI t~ bch l br funi or t.l<'t·unfrCt nl t br . 2 ha IEACH FttOMT ~ Gu N 71K Scott lM w optavn Lo buy l'll. wtum yrly ~ w / ull l house /\vu1I nciw lhr u San Cle me nte . S uperb Pl M2 Si0'73 . ~~II «Ull~i: t-undo, z Hr 2 Ra '!6-1362« 2 t3 tt>7~7tl33 JWll' IS 61~ 4!l l2 Bkr _ View 2'75sq . ft each.

Ute. bngbt , llU'Y 2 br ' ~ ~ mo t93-0t6'1 Ask tor WIMTH RENTALS nuuoooc.th~·ud home, 3 Br Two avai l. $300/ m on . IMt. frplc, pvol & J8l' UU I Mr ~ _ Now lalllrtjt rt'!lt'rv1tllom1 J ~. pool, 2 wk m in • _1_-492 __ .1_120 _ _____ _ Adult.11.!..nop..-t.s ~l 0097 , ,.,.....,._ t.ecll 3140 Ouunood Rt-a l 1-.::S tult.' rT\lltd sei v llOl! /524 UH~ Harbor -Baker No C M

MISA PIMIS • •••• •••• • • ••• • • ••••••• _ 64$ l~73 t 'ondo :.! liR. 2 bath 44.2sq. ft . 1221 2 Br l'UI). • 'rplc . pool SHA.HP, b.-11c h t ,2 & 3 UR . Riiyfront Pc nUwUbc lO S..n l'lcmc nll· 476 sq fl S262 Jacu.cu, ll&S hbq, 1.·lt>t1t.'C Cr\)le. d.u.bwsh r. g11r1tae 3 Hr , 2,~ bu Sl2:>0 !Job Wet>~ l y or monthly A /C cpts gnd Or ull lnc

Linoo Rul&fAl'l


S... ...... •IOf"e oa C.-t Hwy. wHll ••·•It• Ii.- ead cH••lnc• foo4h. Oww wtl aaist I• ffn•c .... priced to Mil

-. . . WOtMt1'1 app• et -hott dowwtoww wtttt Wtlt foot tndflc .ct • •-.W. leoM. $6,500


499-4551 495-1720 SCMlth Lagufta La ;u • Nlc)MI 493-8812 644-7020 Dano Point Newport leocll

.iar Adult.'j, no 1~·1.l1 . ~ & pat i o ~ N o Jl ~ 1 ~· ~. 644. 5119 1 Ht!usonablc 549-l.306; 540-2200 llarlll Avi:, ~ OM7 IW-2358, wk™':! MO 6300 - 714/4\12 5051 Sub-lease 400 sq . ft. o rrice t-.....A-.a...lal 1~ ..a 5 00 ~GROOMl ... G

<'ONVt:N Jio:NT N R a J C -..-. ~ "' iru " 2 Br. ' '" bll, µ vt pa u o ~A----d v·11a d I lid $3SO mo Re.dab to S h01'9 4300 space wi th bath. osta • •••• •••••• •••••• • ••••• Xlnt East c M. locataon . a vail 1"""w. Sm111ldoo1ok ~""' I ge Wressa t.a r r romn ! ll om'"" •••••• •• • ••• •••• • • • • ••• Me s a . Sl 75 p e r m o . LS 000 Et b l h d Adul t":. " n l " . • "3 2 5 New J&2 bdrm luic ury .,,.1_1."",,,,. • ""' ATES 646-3888 or 642·3l<t2 L.AGUNAlllL -two ad· $30 . . • s a i s e ·

., v " • .... """ ROOMM Ja" '"'"" sq It M·t units. owe. Ba lbo a I s la n d !l57 6282 udutt s pts in 14 J• l.in" orr ... ..,.,.,.,

An I ma I Auletuu .,.Wm .. Jeri IM&Ue· U'l·ml. nor... ___ .......... . Loat : 11')' /•ht •lri.PPtd ~~ .. -:-~1:i eat. 1 moa. 111. •r round ~ ....... _ .......... 11 calle:D·S*ev•. ;a. ·- - · _._ UlST: remaJe Slameee Studeal ct.I .... waltn&a Seal Pellot cat. Vic. Dana Job. Cll lllB ana. p ft u I Pt. APPfOJl .... Rewerd. j II D e • I u 11 t l • e • . ~. u..aaer. st0-1721 afteJ"

LOST: Female Sb.lb-Tiu . ..;*.::1111-.::llll.::•;.;./n~•..;;._· ---::-:"77 Wbi.te/ Brwn. Sunflower ~w....e 7100 A: Smalley . Reward. •;;r--••••••••••••••• 7M-OZ111 aft SP Ill.

Lott 4-22. Gold wa tc h. Vie. $ AllllA =---=-, $ Ou r L a df Quee n o r __ ___ AD&els. Cdlll. Reward. 0Wexpan•t1n1 bc»IMN 538-2780 reqa exper Counaelors.

Great opeabap to rm 1 FOUND : Red &; white ~n Pay All Feea m1le Baaa«t Round, vie Lia RAliDden A&eacy So. H. 8 . area 962...,_ 4000 Bittb. El tab '14

Found 3-4 mo. old pup. Hooey colored part Te r · rier. Vic . Heil/Ne wland. 847-7867

Reward ror info o r re turn o( 2 ~- Husky S he p mix. w /lite b lue eyes, 2 yrs o ld & he r puppy . bnm & blk. 4 mo old wJbrwn e yes . Vic o f Valley Vie w & Lincoln. 8 .P . Aft 3PM. 826·2328.

REWARD! Lost on Lido Isle , s mall ca rd case.

Newport Beach, m-1190

ACCOUNT AMT Ne wpor t Beacb R / E lnvstm l firm -immed . open i n g - r e q u i r e ~ : degree, 5+yra exp. an oorp/ptnshp accts/ EDP exp. pref.I t.hru fin . s~mt pr e l / bu dge t /fin . analysis. Send reaumc w / sat. r e q . -T .M . l .. P .O.Box 2500. Newpor'f Beach. Ca. 9266(). Aun . Cont .

oont.auung ide ntificat ion --- - - --- - ­& Uc. cards. Please call , Attountmg Cle rk needed 673-9362 for Ne wport Bcb. Trave l

co. t&OO/mo. MS-9800. Lost : Rust /whl M. Cat • • -.-.-."-.-.-.-.~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-_ l'h yrs, red colla r . vie J ava /MVCC. Child 's pet . pls caU S49-322l - - - from $31..S .. nnnls . lcn S.C'"-nte 3876 tt.-CLM. Sa Y• $190 Up . ICC· Sl ore . new bldg , A 1 C offr , Realty , 673-8700

b th B d .,.,.., ~-~ '"' cpts, drps . A /C. 17301 fronts on Moulto n . nr F 2 B<lnn. 2 a ran nis, ws te rfa llJI, pond11' ••••• • •••• • •••••• • • • •• • F p 1 • B h H u L 1 _ .. e Foreut , le asn by Mobil Oil Corp Has o r FOUND M Germ S he p

/ .a:-h h XI •• "" L ' 1 nJOY mure . a y ess . e a c • . .u • s e . ....,. ., ... . . . new. w W:> was e r n. From San u 1ego ..rwy !Br upt. $250. l 'lll p1 All i\Rt'" & Li festyles 1142.2834 owner 8351808_ Lease Ca r wa i.h with pup , Vic . Wa r n e r &


location. $375. ~·5100 01 dn ve North on Beach lo Wu lk lo t v t> r v th111 ).! WeCh<'<'k Rder~nt•cs -- l(asolt ne rac ll1t1es 10 Magn o lia 4 · 14 / 15 . h _MG-5112agt. McFadde n then We1>I odo Ma t u r e u dlb on ly CaUS46-4282 S h ar p l i t tl e off i ce , Ai rport Ind. p rope r ty . Newport Beach . Cos ta 847·7324. ~~o:,r.:~~rtA g°::~ Y

- t.k l'' adde n to St-aw1n <192-8206 _ w / ba tb. Sl25 pe r m o. MOO 11q rt Ca l o wner, Me.<ia area Capital in · - - ---- ----1 · 'd 1 AU ADULT APTS Village . <714)1J93..5198 - f"-t roum & pvt ba th rree Scott Realty 536-7533 SS"l-5707 . 833-3003 ,estment $60M , tnun1ng F'ouod Reddish bm llusky seeks a bright indiva ua

MOW AV.AIL.AILE -- --- - --- lbt' apt, nu c·rvt:i . ' 1·ry m c•xc·hani:e ror Isle hs k -- -- - provided. ror details Ca ll nux fem. vac Yo rktown & l.Opr~par"' c l~ee~~0;1 ~J:,Ug'ni; 2 Brapts. Pool, Jacu:iz1& HEW2&3 1DR dt>a n Ol'eon Vie w . kiii: Fe male only. <:all 4000 & AOOO <iqft 71+73 1 2215. Br oo k hu r s l , H B . " "

B~T.:v E~g·/~~ge. ~~~:;.!i~~n!,~~~~~!': Sin51mo 492·3761 !~ .. ~' ~:rJe v l's ' wk n d s CH.ARMING w •;}~,~k~ fkh Partne r ror d ra pt>ry bu~ • · 537_ W_ 3_______ ::rn:~f1c~er~~t\o~~ : E .:,.,..,0 ST Slater & Va n Burt'n 2 Br, laundry . ..:ar,i~e . nr '" - CdM SUITES -- -- nl'.'S'> . excell po le n tta l, fo'ound · Fe m . Doi?. ~olden 1~esa-.." 645-24""' 847·7137 ~370 beach. 223 Ld P uJomd. Roommall' , bt>aullful 2 twwlablt! Now ' T wo 2ni1 M l or n c r . 90 ;'I. 127 NH/CM area 641> S435 wht. ti mD!'. c hoke chain Some office experie ll.I.·~·

~ ·~ $295. 5$2-1755 b h floor s wtes. 560 sq fl ca wJs roall rom m b id ~ . - &rollar . !>49·3469 helpful . accurate typm i.: t .... - s tory home o n cac · P lush surround rngs & Ille h S •·-: s --- ------ ed N ..clean 2br c:o ndo nr So <! & 38rs, move m ., .. a y, "'- .__ l"nrns cour ts. fumis ht.>J d k Cl 1 $425 mo ~I W Wt l , DM>OMS • d & IQ. key requ.1r . •>

Coast P l a z a . P ool. wile to shopping & bus . ~;::-'-A....-.. 78 ' s Wlny s un ec . C>St' n C.M ('4.23400 to luMne-ss 501 0 l"ound .,:reycur ley M og. college necessary h Id .. N S335 to $385 842 9844 __,...sn_... 38 ~mo (714 ) 042·9''75 _ l''ash1on Is la nd & many ••••••• ••••••••••• • •••• Vic . Magno lia / Hazard

C'a rport. C 1 o .. . l<J • • ' • •••••••• • • •••• ••• •••• • othe r amenities . Must 4.2().79Call 8'i8·43'78 pet.s. 833-8974. ~ & -spans1ble pror~s1onJ I ~ lO appreciate $395 o v 1-;R 200 s t uff ed toy You will e njoy a co n

- N 2 8 R 2 RA I a 2 RrlBa condn 11'1ille orfomakto i.ha rc Calll d l Stal~ 4550 d ud<s.25'- ea Ca(lJlothe Jo' o u nd presc r i p t io n .ienia l envi ro nment 10 F.ASI'SIDE. ne w 2 BR 2 cw ·enc R r , Upst.a1rs unit , $350 mo. :1br house NB •7 blk to per mo . in a a • ••••• •••• •• • • • ••• . •••. i.o ld M' Pa ra tely . Ov1•r "lasst.'S 00 4.21 Laguna deluxe new oHtces. Good Ba, rplc, bltns, S450. close to lhe beach. S370 586-6878 bch $1HO + • 1 ut1 I h t . RO G ERS REALTY l,(AK), 2·x3· IJO:>ll' rs. a ll Huts Mall. SSl-8654 Eves. salary & benefits incl ud

642·6088 mo. 964-2937 --- -- J a~t & d f'"""ll 675 1778. 67S-2 3 1 I Warehoul>I..' Spun• J:)()() s q kuxb . HY' e.1 Will s l'l l tnll free parking . For un ------ --- -1 ------ - - - --, s.ta Ana 3880 ...., ""~ fl . S600 mo ln' tn l' 12' " $375 Near oew 2 hr, 2 b.a . I~ 3 Rr 2' i Ra , 2 l'J r • • ••••••••••••• • • • •••• • ~k for Tom or l'all1_ - dr i.pnnk lt.-r~. 20· cc·1I l,1r11c· lots uni} Ca ll • Jt2·nl LOSTC~kerl.JSttpl eanb1elkl. p1upmpyo. c'°allel rWv111~·we aal ppoinlme n• oar /ca rport frpl<' pa tio J(a r ai:e . n ea r 1\05 & D-Aached "' ph 1 1 \ 1.. c;oddJnJ, a l t.i l <! .. "' u ':1 t II • . . Beach. f.150 527.4225 in . "' • llurhor An•u , 111<' '-" ow11 WANTED u~., . i\va1 t1 I uJ(~l a X210 RF.WARD $100. 645 9863 1 ~ o a . . . __ _ ----- 2 fldrm 1 ba k alis OK n••m & hHlh Ht'.1M•OJ Newport &•ach Orrite 642 1121 ------- or 645-~4 ( 714 J TSL Mg!'1~ - 642 1 60~ oct-:1\N FIWNT, inland $320mo+ dep Ava il DOW blc •If.;: 4 ~rl!h\1..' ~~ wl. lld Wrullcd IJl exdii1nj?l' for RV PARKING ''"~ - - --- -2Br w /oar-nu l'J.ll!oi pa mt view Ad'!llt.'1 only. 2 BH. M 1-· prof 1:i..:t _ Agt 955 2213 $2

5• MO ... T HLY '""'"""' ·-~· 1 5 0 IS l..o&t F Sia mese . Bl Pl Bl 8 3 3·0888

Wlr pd"636-4120 1 5pm 1 •,.~ ba , pool ,sauna .st•l' 1 f\dr m , 1 ba t h . - - " • •• ••• • • ••• •• •• • • • • •• •• l')t..~ Rl·d ha rm::.., w / 2176 Placent1a " 0 " $300 hid~. $575 'J'om, 636·6300 S275+dep Ava il now MittUr•' /\dull Ils e J)n•' . TOP LOCATION . 1250 sq "'enccd h1or.1~c for ~ our lnvestori. f'urn SO'r of pro id 1: nl ba r r el. ~ M . :!Zb1 Plac.:nlJa " A .. $3&0 nr 536-3483 <.:a ll Renaaa 556 7707 nwn ba th. IP11n1s. pool . ft , 5 OHil'Cl> , N>nf .. see txMt. caml)t'r o r t'xlra ftl i\ ·•ul't'•'S:.ful huild t• r 645-6709 IOZB.L & J AGOBS

-- Ja t. ••t1·, $22S M1t11ht•Jt'h t 'y Pnv ba l\mplepkg r ar F ur 1n r " l' a ll st'\'ks fund._, Sl ll .000 per 4500 Macl\rthur B1 v11 New 4 plex. frpl r . bltan.,, 2 bdrm. Condo. f1 rc' p la tc, ""-lwanh fvrni shed 111 ll11ntm,!:!lon S:Mi 7~!J7 $900 P e r mo Bk r IWJ·3133 llu nl Bl ..i l·h h ou ~ e 5 h 0 rt t C' rm , l,n;l S1a me!>c cat M Vic Newport Beach. CA 921AI(}

d 0 ._. h Id yl' r hook up ......-•'-"--"-L- ...11 3900 G7a f,700 u~ a d "'I G d Inane T erra ce C11 ~ 2br. 2ba. each Ka s " ~us er r or.._._-n•~ Al•a c:b h:.<• to s ha r t! pool. -- - ...... -- -- ~"' ure ,. r o r o n. 4-24. REWARD640 5H29 Srn. pt·t c•oru.1d r red . $39S \H' Ad Cl m i. / B u:. ha r d . • • ••••••••• •••••• • • •••• l ••nn1-. <" o t1rt s . Nw p t OO W NT O W N ' C. o s ta n ___._..•Wanff.d 4600 !tS.5-2464 _ -- J:AualOPPortumty See l(J t.o 11 S a t . 1828 Adulb o nly SJSO mo Ti t E E XClTI N\. llU!'r'ITill... L H /C II Employer M / F

f • , Shem~ il:!.5() &tll-8772 Ml'l>J , 300 sq rt lO 25\HI ••••••• ••• • •••• • • • ••• • • ~to LOGfl 5025 r'ound ctncve r 0 ll" 1·--~~~~~~~ P o mona , 64 5 75 73 714 l!lt .. &'ll i<! a tt;pm PALMMESAAPTS S" rt Cpl drps ·11r h i k ,...... __ , rrux, Maanolia /Wa rnc r. Olamond R I lo:: t t 1 h F d "' · .. ' • lles pon:.1 l· , wo r 1 n~ •• ••• • •••• •• • ••• ••• •• • • "' _ _!_3 ~ a e 31>r 2.,.,.hu ('nndo · h tl(h ly MINUTES TO Nl' TBCll !.111< 2 1r twn s . s i t.> cond Real>on . flk r . w r ll c> r l> ee k s uni· .tl~llH32606 ___ !•---------

., p~rade<i Yrly ls1.• 1s t BaC'h 1&2 HH CM ~ I '> an1• ul il <, M I-', Ui' tiiOO NEED Accla Blckpn ~ ' RT. l ba . s eparate ~ar rast + SI."<' 646-47M. ' . . Crom $255& uµ . ~5 :1.s . 549-2372 da y s. lfJ-UI PLUS- H 0'-' '-' JCL'S ~~od~I ~;~~to'1/c~os~~ / Found · J n~h setter . Fe m , TEMPORARY

w /yartl . KJdi:. ok . S3:!5

· -- -- --- Ad uUs. Nopt:t.s. li'IS-6t3I ewi:.__ rr ... Mesa Qwe1ru.-ss ei.sen V ~ m 0 s 0 1 cJ • Register today lo work 64()..711()( -- 2 br. 1''2 ba. s ma ll ya rd . 1561 Mei.a Dr MtF. non·s mkr , ove r 2S~ Nr ocean S300 ut1I pd . tJal Wnte Class1hed /\cl Hu s h a rd I W a r n e r on vanou.s account ing &

Lge 3br .2ba,upj?raded , no do~s $3651mo. Call tS lilkl.Eas t of Ne wport 28 R. 2oth & Newpo r t 962·93uor 96S·758l F206. Daily Pilot . P O /MONEY 847~1 bookkee pi ng a ssi g n

newly decor . Nr. O .C 91»5376. 67~-6670. Blvd ) a r e a C M OFC WfTH Box 1~. Cos ld Mc~J V F'OUND Fe ma le Germ ments. Wor k close to CoUege . E ncl. gar. f.100 N p h c d 9am-5pm 546-~ $1SOlst/last /dc p 642 1707 LT STOn ... GE 92626 Shep NRSbelte r you.rhome. Acctg clerkl>, 751·9905. Ca ll & lea ve ew ent ouse on °· · · · - - · - 644 365fi/548·2153. message. Ava i l M a)• 2br , 2 bu . bal . frp ll' . THE BEST Of l.~e La gun a house lo 1700 sq ft + rea r gara~r . Woman wnte r dei.1n·-. lhr • -- ----- bookkeepe rs . a ccuun lSlh. highly upgrd. Ten. pool, -,ha r e . S1nttle p arent S100 615 17th St H B. unf. y r round . Ua l b . FOUND · Englis h S heep tan\.S a re nt!eded thruo ut

J ()C Sce Cmplx Nr bch All WORLDS w c hi ld p rcfcrr 1• cl IW&7737or 536·22lJ eves Xlntlocalrl' f':, ti75 K515 do~ puppy Vic c rown Ontn l{e County. Call u ... Mesa Verde . :t Bd rm, 2 ba, ~JO Ca ll Sam 96MIG78 ~/rni,l P. :im, ~,4tM!044

2 ""pc- r- Bayviicc" ' orri·,.:s, CRSHT MO Valley S e h l. 495 401!1! / for more tnformauoo

1150 sq ft . 1-'rpll', t.-nd (llJ. IBI W4 1580 wor~!n u 4\I home __ .,_;;; sq ft . SJ25 ';no N~ll Sherry want~ to n·nt bd1 PRO BLEM 1!3J.1450. Robert Ha lf 's. l{a r . dshws h r . i:iarha~t' d PA Cl F IC woons fml apt W('{'k or ~. lj or 2nd & 3rd TD loans - ---- --- acco.tc111P5 J as p. $375 m o . C a II 3hr duplex fe nced y r /\dull Apartments Apt 1o s hr. Fe m. Sl87 p r &t2·2210.5'\IH558cvcs 5/14 776 11!11 or 731 S46~ _ Found in H u nt 1n ~t o n Z333 No 8roadway 951 l.568 or 7S4~16 Kids, pC't.,'i OK $395 mo c.-~. d mo 11wl ul1l Npl Bc h -- 547· 540 2 Bea c h Cent r a l !'Mk •""" r~•d II Ba k r ----- -- - - 848·L237 Geo~l' .xt a mong wa n c•nng .. · P RO !'- OFFICF-'i Want to rent or take C'a rt· Arran~ed by """"'· '""" we n e

DELUXE APTS n t!ar So :>treams & rnl lf ra~- Janr 642 3285 _ 13"4 s q . ft . 6 ufri ce s of your place ro r J ul\ . Coast H omr Loons Whale s haggy t • dog Bldg .. Santa Ana Coast Plaza. 2 br. l -44 bd ~Condo, 2 mstr bdrm rantpines h:alu re MW Non s mok•·r lo .,hu rc· + secretary. reception & A~. & ~pl Can ~ IH' -- 968-8747 t:ves l7 141835-41 0J A i C d s h wh r p ool stes21,; ba, f /p , 2 decks , 2 3 blirm Cos ta l\l cs .i wct bar a reas T aste fully .i:ood ref's 925-9909 51t0K t o 20 m il R . E Pet"'SOftds 5 3 50 ~~~~~~~~~~ :;aun~ JaCUZ%.I + m a n): pall05, yd w /d hkup, ga r •Walk· in closc·L'I llumt.- i l40 + '•' of uul. papered. carpeted & win - l)f'vc> lop Cons truct & •••• • , • ••• • • •• •• • • ••••• ~xtra.~. b I k t o b c h $ 5 0 0 . •T une-saver k1tchcms 1>4S.ll434 dow blinds . Plumbing Youni? f .tmaly Leas t• 3 o r takt' nut ln\'l'n tory . rt" RELAXING MASSAC E

J D Property Mgmt 900-44071963-2518 •Alr cond1t1ontnl( 11vail in a ll 11 paces. Ne xt 4BR housl'. . CM to San l'Ptvu l>h_..,. fin Bus t'"<

1 2787 •J.>ttorator accents St1't'c· 197t we have h t•lp•-11 lo ltlll orr Beach Blvd on Jua n Cap. up to ssoo pun<l Unba nkabh: o u r Bob J a mes Lie Mas i.eur Adnsw .. Acton WANTED MOW

· ·s .A.M. " is no w in · 1e r v1e w1 ng t hose in ­terested 111 a prof. c11rt-.•r 10 movies , TV & TV co m metttals. No exp. nc•1·, o; m ree. Call 633-2233 t: ll. l ~

--~- -- Nu lg 2 s tory 3 bdrm 2 '~ •Pool .... Gym tnousand!> of our client-. ~ewnian Assume lease X I n t I o <' a I r l ' f - i.pt.'C'talty 547·5737. u on _ Ou_ tcall 9_9_._494 5111 2br ho use Fe nl'ed yd ba f/p, 2 car gar patio & •Voll~Ybdll At Mo re find room m.ites We ca n at below a rea re nts s 5 2 O !l 6 6 16 4 5 · 2 \1 7 5 ' Bnan ~arage, onech1 ld .sm pei 96J.Yd25S14871~,,. .. ~~- 5820 1 help youtoo' Holmt'S Taylor 673-4 191 ti.JI~ OK. Avail May 9th. $370 ...,.,...... l Br from~ HOUSEMATES .lc rfc ry·Holmes Ltd. - - - - - - • Mort9~9u, Trust

MICHB.LE'S • Outcal •

Mature r1•male . w.1nts Dffdi 5035 ~7 - Wnlk to beach, bacheflor. lh.~ lla rhor Hl v1I. ~--4l:W C <! l ~1~6ti->1143 t:lX> Sq. ft Xlnl g round room /w/balh Harbor & • • ••••• • • • • ••••••• ••• ••

E /Side 2 BR vtbk d al l new. Stove & rc n~ South or f';cJ 111ger Femaletoi.ha re 4BRapt. flooron MacArthur nlvd Wil s on a r e a lr m ..i • • P 1Y • $240 mo. All util puid . o n~a r coco· ~ at 0 1C Chn te 631 9-ir LOWEST

llJ\M 2AM 8J5 :r749 --UMDA & VICKI a.teal Massoge For Tlte Futt o f It!

110 pets. $330 mo. Ls l . ast 53&~ S62-8050 8 39·2 I 4 W<tShcr . t.l ryC' r g.tr. nea r .. __ s _~_n _ _:_ • __ +sec. K.idsOK. 497.3301 • · tw•ill'h wi fitr!X Airport. Prure r Mg m t l-"--st R-'-s

Rooms 4000 Co tiJ I 7#1 l .ai.runa &•arh H e~1drnl ...,...,.. U"l1I:

.E ASTSIDE. b a c he lo r , N!.~ Juxdbtnou.s 3 ~ 2hBr ~'"i • •••• •••••• •••••••• ••• • G<~s ---- · · ~------ Nee d s .,: a r agt' r or lst T.D.'s , olso Ad mm. Ass't . read y lo latch. pool. no pets. $175 ™' · ~a r, 8 ws r . forlt~ 4350 L&r i::c o frt ce o r s ho p :.t.orage 494·3440 t•V('" 2.nd T D loClft ta k e o n m o r e

ServtnjC all Oranl(e Co. ~7313

_mo_ . 548-0916 ·- ~i!~k ~-~ $375


· •Ambassador Inn • •• •• • •••••••••••• • • •••• ~~~'1~1~~~~~1\~~ •• ~ "'air1..-st Te~~i.s1nc!0

1 !H9 COUNTRY GIRL respons 1b1ltty . Gro wt h E. Side Delx. Twnhsc , s-~ICIOU-.S 3 ,. ,, - 2•~ ba . LovelygC1n.h>n)l l111Jt1 kS Storage H1•nlJI Sl.Slmo, IC<t.'lC. 675·2855/67:l-1275 lteritds 4650 Sottler M~ Co. far m s e e kin g d e t a il

N P l < ' ' • f II ~ 111 ° le l'fW ln:.1•d lf un t. 7 5..ar.06 I I •ESCORTS * unenled md1v1dua l who 2br, 1 \l:rba · 0 els. le ·llihwi. r ' e nc l Ra r wtr a "' -- - ••••••••• •••••• • • •• • ••• 642-21 I ,..,.. C' h tld O. K $3SO / m o . la •m,..:.., ·hooku'ps. Avail' • Kllr henFU<'ll a v;11 I Rch~g~~!.l60 439~-- llO>sq . fl . of umqueoffu·~ . * * * - enJoys OUL)l1de pul1111·

... ..., , I 1 · ' 1 · Ide La"una 24 Hrs. 73K-0487 C'Ol'ltact. Exp 'd m h1rm1t ~ 5/1 Peogy, 960·4392. • . a ruu 1. walcu IXll> s pacl' in o r ,.. n !-L-..1 L p - ...11- ..... n MONEY AVAILAL[ --,. - • Wklyorda1.y maul ~rv Offic~ R~ol 4 4 0 0 Beach bw ldm~ close to "'~ ~·""' LADY & s upervismg s taff d t>

Large l br , 1 ba , cpt, drp!I, 3 Br , 2,h baths . Bra nd • TV & phont• av.i tl,1bl1• •••••••••••u •••••••••• downto wn o n P .C . H 175.'ll J ordan 2NDTD AND • FOXY * ~ired . Send resume lo bltns, balcony, xlnl lol' ne w Wa lk t o beach Low 05 $72.5 0 Wlc Perfect for Realtors. Ar· Irvine SWING LOANS . O\JTCALL ONLY HP I, 3176 Pullman, Suite AdulL'i. nopets . ~75. l 767 harbo r & s hoppin ~ ZL77 lla rbor OM THE countan ts. Attorney~ TwoF..uTiclt~ts fNTERF.ST ONLY OR ___ •_9_7_2-_ 1_1_3_8_* ___ 1_03..:.,_c _.M_._92626 __ -___ _ O ran g e . 6 4 6 · 7 993 . $475/mo. Dys 8463334 Col!U1M e<1a 64!\-~40 WATER.I Call49H 5.JS to the 1'1i l..LYA M0HTIZED... * * *' 642· llSS Pm 846-4562 bef8 Pm LONG BE ACll t..e-e Realty P REG NANT" Ca rin g ,

1 PLUS H SUITES TIIBATR F. FESTlV A I. H. E Broke r . 960-1957 confidenUal counse hni? & Alice Sdwan Mesa . Ve rde a~ra . x nl l"ine 3 8 4 4 Room w (k1lCIH!n•·t11· 350 to 1300 sq . fl BusinHs Retttal 4450 lto4 THE referral. Abort io n , adop· 3107 Ginger Ave. location. 2 Br • living r m . ••••••••••••• ••• •••••• • $66 wt·l'k & up. Fan+cnHc Vi~ws • •• • •••••••••••• • •••••• BOOM BOOM I.loo & keepmg. Costa M esa d in ing r m . c lose t o 3br 2 'hba Bra nd Ne w 548 !n!>S ~etMffh/ APCARE 547-2563 TwofneTid&et5 s tores. lmm ed . a va il Woodbndge . S57Smo. 2 _ - Wet Ba n; Fors t.ore & offlce s pact!al ROOM PtlnOltflJs / ----- - --- - • to lhe $325. 968-1100. As k for arg 2131465.4841 Pvtbdrm& bafor studl.'nl LidoMoritta reasonable rates. Slanina 1978 Bes t Ac· Lolt&FcM.td spriNalR...,. LONG BEACH Jack.9AM-6PM. car g . oremployed adult Shar t! Vlllacje 500to5000SQFt. t r ess n o min e e Jii i ••• ••••••••• ••••••• • • •• 1815S. EICamino Real THEAT R E F EST IVAL

2b 2ba or So. Coas t ~~och 3841 kitchen. Non s moke r . no Newport 675-8662 ¥ ESAV ERDE bR Clayburgh at the Long .Aww.wwnh 5 100 San Cle mente : Fully lie. IMTHE Pbz.a. Pool, Sauna . j ac • •••••• ••••••••• ••• •••• pets . $185. Avai l G· l. -- PLAZA Beach Conve ntion & En· •••••• ••••• ••••••••••• • For Appt. 492·7296 BOOM IOOM $J l S . C all a ft 5 • 2br Ocean Vie w New po rt H eight s . 500-1250 sq rt . Hwy vis· 152S Mesa Verde E. C.M. t.ertauunenl c e nte r . JOO PENNY ... .. _.. ..,_ c- 642-2515. 1biht y . Lag una . s ub 545-4123 E. Ocean Blvd .• Long • • • IOOM "'................ • .... ~cious . -- parking. New C' urpet. Beach. ~W. Orbott Stamng 1978 Bes t Ac· S:.i Spac secluded 1 br 2706 lana WuY, Love ly ~oom fo r ri•nt dra~s & paint .. 01r cond. Newport Ma rine r 's Mlle . Csll 642-5678. ext 272 PINCHER

1075Corooa Lo l ress n o minee Ji 11

,,00.& p&'oo Adults 0~ 4.97-3495. CdM. Ki l. P" ' $195. P r 1C' e n ego t i a bl e . Modern502 sq rt storeor toct81m yourl.JckcLs Costa Mesa Claybllr'gh a t the Long pets. 1887 'M ooro~i a . Ht ... iaauo60ft hach 3140 ~2810. rent in advunce . 549-U86, 557·5870 o(Oce 2630-C Avon. LOW * * * ADS Two--- 'Pt-&.~ Beach Convention & En·

....,. ....,. rent. 213/477-7001 ~ •...-n tertainment Center , 300 ~ • , ••••••• • • •••••••••• •• -- OFFICE space av ailable tothe E . Ocean Blvd. , Long

- Lag una rm , p v t b_u · a l 17875 Beac h Bl v~ STOREfttOMT ....... •flnnst/ ONLY r> LONG BEACH Beach. NEW." HOMES ,· ~ N mature emr. lady. hle near Talbert in Hunt· Harbor Blvd . prime loc . ~ • ntEATRE F ESTIVAL Clll M2·5678. ext 2'72 ' j p ra v ., re • $160 + ington Beach. $S0 per Calta Mesa 1450 Sq . rt. ••.•••••••••••••••• ••••• IMTHI to clalm yourticke lS

NOW llMTIN~ ' ~ 494-7346 month. Phone m essage ~Mo. Broker 67S-6700 -.._1-..1

S.·11 3ny item or com 1~ IOOM • • * ·~ ~ service $10 per month ~ blnal.Joo or Items fot S7S """""'

!,1( To res pons ible fe m a le . ' · · 2 Vatancles downtown Oppa.tw.ity 5005 or lei.s with J Penny IOOM ·-~:.....- couptes needed Lu~ry 3 br/2 ba . !ipacJous x MM> Nice home kitch p rivll desk $5 per monthp~aaly Huntington Beacb. 210 •••• ••••••••••••••••••• Puu·her Ad 3 llnes for 2 Starring 1978 Beal ~c· ~~lo an upandina Inte riors. Incl OW, s to vP, · " Woodbridg~. lrvme. Lm'. Pi lot o ffi c e . o n e Ma in S t. Min i m a ll GOALSlOOO MO con~uhve days Each tress n om l n ~e J il l :::_'i::s pa.rt t ime. cail (pies, 4' pri va t e 2 · c tcr ' .... ·T:":s:, da. daysal 957·1749, e ves S42-4321t!Xl. 2'7

6. 96().1558. Build a 2nd bus iness addat1onatbne1s &<>'ror Clayburgh a l the Long f:'appt.ct!H·Slll8

garages. 5 Uniq ue flnor; 561·9547 lMO. FREE R ENT Spare lime Invest $75. lhe :? dayi. Char1ie 1t ' Beach Convention & E n 1--~-------plans . r e nt i n g fr o m 2 rms nr bch, w / lll priv . 250-500 sq . ft. ofrl ces . Sho p fo r leue. h ig h ~or&U-8223 Nocommemal ads . terta.lnment Cen te r . 300 ._ ........ Senlce 5495/ mo. From S14S. lncl. util. 779 volume s hopping cente r E n...... Bl d Lo g --. r

.. .... . $2&5. util pd. Is l . last , + w 1.9thSt. S40-2200. H. B. 800 sq fl a vai l. Women's Specialty S bop. For more Information · V'.-..an v ·• n PBX o perators or a ~ . ' n.... $100 de p. No PelS. Sg. Please contact Che ry l Xlnt location, 18 yrs est. andto plat't!yow-ad call Be~11· ...... .,_, ex\272 te lep,!!one~~an~!,!"~~lnogr

l..ocotinn . _ ~J:., Mat. 67!>-5533. 645-6499 Stng!e office for rent near Green or Rick Strack NBICM area. 548· l398 .... .._.._,0 servic..., • _. ... ._. .... d k o .c . Airport. $140 pe r (2l3> 4S0-022'7 642 5&JB to claim your tlclle ls will train. U time o r

1 f'lndl olr &>M'h Rh•d Col'Mf' of Terr~ ., VIP,.polnt

YtlUIClOP&IAOOWUHl I.I'. A JllMIL\110 DC\ Wll' lllt\'r l'll<lJtt1 .... am

. ;

./ ! /


Room w ith s u n ec • mo. ~ecept /SecretariaJ BEAUTY SALON. 15 yrs. • * * * part time ~ availa -Private bomei w11~1 rpnelnc . &ef'Vices avaU. 540-64-02. BEAUTI FUL RETAI L 1831 FUUertoo Ave, CM . ble. Daya , a fternoo n · y rd . All utl " • S P AC E . Wil l s h ar e 7S1·17Z2or5S7-5529 Fomd 5300 MASSAGI aveniDp or f!ave yard. phone . m eal a i n cld . Slnal• lnn suite avail ln wtCbrlaUan de corato r , Lml& 1!!111!1.1_.ll MOD&S llu.t be a b \o work 1111M419. fuil aerv ofrc bld1. Nr aelle r of fine art., or INTERNATIONAL ... •••••• •••••••••••••• rT'W"' - 101De weekenda. Typlnll Sm r l...W. 4200 O.C. airport. Recepl & s imilar. Reply to Box REAL ESTAT E ISCOllTS 35 wpm. required. Many

phone ans. Sec y eerv , m % Dally Pilot PO NETWORK OUTC .u • OML y co. beoefllt availa ble . - • • ••••••••• •••••••• cool rm. etc. P l.1e call Box aseo. Cotta i e11, FreochiM ror s a le . Real FOUND ADS ~~...... P\eMecall llon·Fri . Udo l ale ~ayrront1, o n ~188. Ca. 82182J6 mo ney-make r , below .~2- 140 f!-1~oa1 llland area : beach. Ava.I June st to cost. ARE FREE - •• Sept Lst. $4000 m o . Elegant 0 Cflce11 • 1801 Antlquea-Sbop pc)() mo. POINT REALTY GOLD84 GIRL C oa t a M esa area : Apnt, 67!>-5626. Newport Blvd. Merchant Auoc. Co-op 714/496-5600 p,.H. m.1188 E .O.E .

Ptomoato'7 Point 1 BR.. MS-2111 ada . 800 '. 60·1071 1 bl'd bo .,_I! ROUSEHOLD HELP Is ._ 6/1.S-t/ LS $1000 per CdM d lx 1wtes. ut.11 pd. 5Q.71fl BeaUU' &boo, eat 5 P 64~5'71 CG"e ror s ic lr or elderly API'MANAGER -.. Fr ,... in lfimt. &ach. 7 s ta- av-" _ _ P'or 55 wtlu iD Costa mo. ,Aseot, 875-5626 AC, ampl pkg, $1...... SPACE TO LEASE tiona. 11iDG12 9.5 Mon· ll&l. - Men. Exper'd couple .

oeeurront Laguna. Pvr 300' . No lsereqd. &7MllOO Retailororflce Sat . r.un .. SerrlcnSHO Hut band muat h o e llepa to beach, 1 br fum , NewDOrt< 1Q.1ftlk. tob~•q".· .n, . Need Extra Money, but Los t • • l 8 • V I c . •••••• •••••••••••••••• • natal. up. Wlle bllkpt frpk. l500 lb J e <416:011 - i .ft b rd, 1 Al*' 5'>ec wttl wort on u p. can 1'2· 5073 or e-mor:::~ uo · ~~:~i~R 8.::M:::gc:=::~: ~~;:r:=-r!1~1:r,:~ ~~~1~.,~:c: yGW'carat yourhomeor <m-..-i.

SUITE Avail. Immediately mdne)'. No hard sales . face . Nam e <T o b y > at\t.alocat.loo. xl.ntrefer. =· 1:,S~~1:°"~Ji!':;: Space Ava il. 640·5470 _ Burttt IUty Rqllter Call TbotnH for appt. 5 R F.WA RD H2·4760 o r Breu (21J)582·5Zt7 H.B. a:.Af:!. ~:=im _.l6. Renaia11nce IU-SMO to7 AM. J4e..$l5I 548-28&4 Evea/ wkndl .

..,_ • ..___.. # - -

I ,. I (


••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SMmpoo • 1team cwao FJ.E -..r RICIAN t'rltrd . ua FIXIT•

t.: c.oliol' bnahteMn. whl nabt fret e•hm• ll• on "'91. C1U'Omtnblt'•r tl Clf'•n tuaaumaJIJobl Carp • nte r , p alntlnl( li•. din r m . h•ll ti& Avll U r llaJ7254 67J 03.W ltlou rale11 l & y r3 lo

~·•P•• rm ff 50, coucb lJO r hr area Ml· l1~ ..... ................ . • Ouar f'll m Pt'{ l)dor .. 'I ~ -.ctrlc VACANT APT' llOM ,.;

•Save Mon~)' · (..,,,.,. ,..,,.,, , ll ""' t!Xllf 64& tlJT• l lAUt. CLEAN ltl!:l' Allt OnVf'W• )'••Pa rk tn a lo t Oo •ofi m)'l.U Kt-fl P.\lNT LA>W COS'r ·R~pa1r1 •S.,.h'oatlnjl Sl10101 0 .. 1U:l••d1 Ir Mf ~2 • L h ' N R, C M S., .' - l<t .. ldenll• l 11.-rv1r~ __ l.llpha)t N-487l W <'•n- l-. l"Ptltflf'1t1H•r11 l';v . n .. r orM, 64~ 1003 Stud.ont wol 00 landtlrap·

Stum rl,.1n Al"o up I.JC' U.8178'7 lnii . aar1lenln1t. m u10 Mp..... holatti r ' Work auar .. ~

· -·· ---- -..--·-- ... .. . _ . ..., .. ........ , ..... ... ~__.. ... ..... __.. .. _______ ___ . ..__.__,..,,,. .._.,. - --- ........... • .. • • •• • •• f. • • ... . • · ··-·. · -· ., .. _ ..... - - - - ·- • • ,,.,,,.._ ..........

th Htdl•J ' ••••••••••••• ••••••••• Alice ' • Houo c luoln a . RlBT EASY VACATION Local, coaala l • Inland Pauoa. brick floon . Hv· rtt.IMbi.na r epalr. Spec. In Reuonable . r ellable fl SOVJCES. ~w'lty ror aen1~ to fl from St' bay en. d e c k Ina . c u 11 t o m nimodelln1. copper re · re(a. 873'121$6/846·-4171 tw:lme. care for peu. res. atta & all part.. Call firepla ces. rootln11. co pipe. fl'rol 4Mt. Top H at

... 11

r a t ea . Lie . Bo nde d . J&hr. 1dysM0-4144 ynexp . ......,.. Plumbfac, 53'1·11 .. .. o r ea c e e n c e I n ~LUI ~lunlna. Cleanln& ---------1, .. IR;/P•rllNJ Patio c overs . q u a lity ..... &..,.,.. Unlrnt.d. 6'6· 31218 .... me• ... •••••••••••••••••••• materials , popular de:· .. ••••••••• • • ••• •••••••

••••••• .. •••••• ••••••• • ·PETERS P A.lNTING si gn s . o I d w o rl d JWmodelilll. no ~ too ~~:·d~~ntt~.l~d~ l1•1rt.... Expr 'd . Reu Rates . c r a ftsma ns hip . U c 'd s ml or bite. Room 1ddl · 646.St4$ .... AMoc., twc. Free E a t . Ca ll Gene contr. 561-6464 lions. BlrC Construction.

lit rate .er-vice a l a fa ir ~~ ....._.~ -~=----~;;;,;_.;;..._ __ _ Home· AP\ ·Ofc1-Va can c. price: Personal & com · Prol pa.intina. Exl & int. •••• ••• •••••••••••• ••• • Coat1t Ho m e I m pro v e ·

••••••••••h ••• •• • • •. •• 1'-urk mount unit ... 1 t..am11 r1•p1111 & in11 t a 11 lt>rl•ll(·t• 10 your <"' u11e. WJd wek-ome Ill lo\ ln~ t'lll , l't'U r11ff' IH53714' CoflAul1 11hm1 It ih •lflltll ('11 11 M ike SSS 277!J / '---~ r, Nrtl(IU. John 1145 ~'Utl3 I·

<'A>m plete Cle anin g merc1al. Low rates. Re fs Free Ne!!l patc hes & t.extures men\. The h•rb<w area '!> 96().3'100 '75-0562 eat ~4780.~ RllE IST. ltl· l439 rineat. res idential con - '

nuuR" • .,,,mate- ' ~ oc~ CllPt'I• Stl'lfOfld yard ' 3089 "'-'- .....,,._,.

Ha ve your home s pa r k! J•*014...I tractor . Llcensed . mg. lnsu.red d om e11 t1 c11 . • •• : • • :'•••••• • ••••••• p~anl.tl ~--s~~;e'a~~ T2 Plas t e r P a t c h i ng bo n d e d & I n su r e d .

t It' n n c- d Jll 11 ( R 1· o1 ' -,, •••••• • ••• • ••• • ••• • • • • • ..._ Ser°#k•• "47 446) "411 ~131 ••• •• ••• • •••••• • • • •• ••• ':::[•••••••• • • • • • • • • • K'1 11 1- l-.N\ INt. ll O M l': S &i i\ P TS '

F.VF.RYNOOKlt CRAN· OFFICE Pl as t e r . :. tu c·co & ~ NY 1162839 968 2810 . INDUSTRIAL. yr s exp. L1r'd Dave d rywall Int/ext Free - -------- I

I I Ptlrmaneot WM t s~1. ,.. 1 l'oou <'•~t l"lt••nm!l (;"""" & 1''1•111·1• lh·111111 H4.'P1Vt•. plu• 1b. ~rpntry ,

• · R r. ST A U R A NT & 964-1045. est 540-1&41 Gt.-or f(e Carpent r y , room a d li1· XI .. _ .. _ I w ·11 H OM E C LEAN I NG . . . t1on s . r emod e l l n i: . e l'l'I NOW. ON{' ~ hamf)uo & 11 1•• .im f.o4U.OCIO lf<~JllJU ti ll' , lt1l bu 1cu10t.lcl

SUIM 1-0r l'il ~ ~1 on1pl rk1Hu11.: 1t1•n Roon 000002 nt ........ e-c e anmL I R e fs LI c / bonde d / Ins Pamung & papenng , 26 ...... ,, , .. c~ landscupe cons t.r ucu oo ~~,r~~~ood ~~r~~ M2-Sl66 yrs lla rbor a r ea S t Lie •••••••• ••••••• •••••••• Local refs. 492-9644 ur

• ........ l "I'· ti II u ' l' • 0 , ' I I .. ' • • I ... .,._ •• u ... 11.... ~ly M orut1•i. UonJt.•11 ••• •••••• • •••••••• • • ••• l\ ryanl !'. (OlrlP l' l t! ......... W.lce ~muu Ul ICV!)I l . ..indiH' <1Pir11: & ll un

552-01~ Lmdlc•hrMJ l8328l Rt.-fs M2·2356 Arn dt 's P lant C 11n1c . _498-_ l9_ H _____ _ __ H_ O_US_ E_K_ "':_E_P_E_R __ ...................... . 1nt Pamt & wallpaper Housecalls for ho u se ltoifl-

••••••··~·· • ••• • ••• •• • • ~/C:o.crete OIVORC' ti. DANKHrT(.' Y ••••• •••• •••• • ••••• • • ••

tlym .. 111St•n111· 5.:16 0914 r . Qu I k plants Trouble s hoollnR --. Energetic yng lady w ill Euro pean Landscape r a wo r · r e.u pr & house I nt 64.'> ••••• • • • ••••• •••••••••• '

lfANDYM l\N clean your home for one Top wor k Fair p rice. Freeest. Steve 547-428t 11!91 P a car e . · Re p a ir & R e roor. All

l-'UJn11 to fln i.I ~I A11100 l ..cjt1:1I SN\ lt'r" ~SIOO~ :.~t>

N<J JOh too s mall. John fee. M2 9715 Refs. 646-<1871 dys /eves F\ne e xter P a mting by R . • l Y p c s . s h ' n g I e i. D.111- '-" l'h1lltJl!'t 1rm1nl ~()(XJ,!I mall r Slnor St h e 108 T ry Reliablc person neededto r ocks hakes.c-om po :l ur . roi11·rt>t1• work 1•lll;i>t•11 Hous e c l ea n l' r , L e t S tr actors or r ent or me 8J6-s5ss24'hrs · d o1ct ·S ll imm e d iate ly Fr~ est. 541·5930 t ' in ~ 21().;l l.1<' ll bomh•d t-:,1q.1t'r to hou .;e h old . Me lissa d o the d art y suJe w/ buck ho..'?!. ti llers, - Backyard desirable, a p. Avad •

hldql1L p11vrvll '"'''"' Gnrrn·ninK. tllJn u1n. & ~urut'n . !>" 1m vool. .1uto worlc'6429104 Ref & mowe[S xtra Ke nit a lnt.ext.ser vmitareafo r 7 prox 2 m o s $20 m o , (111.uw. stm.,, . mun• ~H All l11n1t .. ot i·~rnn11 "or~ l1111d ) 1 uprn ~ \:1:uq !o.: 111J111h•n tn l'l' ttea!>unJ- lJ.Cart Concrete & Ren · yrs. Pror qua l wo rk . + rood. 675-9616 We fix leaks or r e roof. HI art' •. • ltl ~n. ICJl IClll'J lS H.,, In b11111n1·M t' 11~1 & l bu.~hJ M :1 ?07" hit· r:tti.·~ 557 ll'il>:l Xlnt. housecleanim:;, d one tal 586-7320 R es 1 d 1APl s 1C 0 m m -- -- y rs e xp . R t1 a s,on u b it'

l'OVl1t•ou.~ Wf\ ICl' 1-' rt•I' by la d y W/e xper. de · ~ D 586 , llonesl. w e'd . Jo r e<> t''>l u k k p ~ 1 h r 11 u I( h t""l rl·u ... ooulile prtt·1·~ • Vt-:KY I.OW l' IUC1'.S • HaMlincJ pend. own trans 847 3637 Spnnklt:!rs. lawn~. t ree a.'l ave_ ·84.25__ Call Mike, eves, ~2·9232 r .,lllh•mt•n t!> hal , h··•" ~t17~7 un lllnlbruiw m .11n1 • • •••••• ••• •••••••• • • •• t ri mming & rl'moval M & o c-stm ho mt· p a m l· • • • - - l hi! . nay lull, ,.~ C- C;t'Ofl(t• :~iv :!1115 ()('(' Stud"nl 1 'f()n trurk Mini or m11x1 r lc anmit 64S-112:8S/673-3910 eve!; · 1 l / t d & • -

" - - .. " Comme rc1ul & rcs1den · 10¥. n ex · resi com JoM ' .-.ciodo •••••••••••••••• . •• . ••• Kathlt"~~!~~: 111<.kp~ •••• ••• • • • • • ••••• • • • • • • .\ rn ... 111J to n1rd\'1H11.: Tnt.o.h . tret' lnm Oun t1al , Ap t s r eason able m 1 8794349____ 149 E . Bay c ER A M I c T J L 1-; l

1.irt•llb<'d 011) C.1rt· 111 my ~-t·ia l1tm~ in <·In u1i.i. li42 JZ.!4 fi4&.6098 Pro per p rep. p n mer . Costa Mesa lotctlims, ba ths, e nt ryi. 1· ho11w Supt•r 1tu 111111 1•r lrt>t• pi·unin~l'l l' 55tl <t:,iH llauhnp, & Cl~anu11 . llnckwork S m a ll Job~ pamt & pncl· f"rt•e ci.t TwofrHTick•h Yo u r t ile o r m i n e n

C.,.nter J>ro.:ram pl111111 1• il · • kl re-1dcnt1al cumml'r ntt l Prof h ousecleiin inJ?. 10 Newport. Costa Mesa & Refs Ca tl64!'>097S to thc 962·3079 1• ••••••• • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • j\.C,iw.14 (,:ird .. n <art• !'-1>nn •·r 63 1 -~I r a l es. ca ll d ys / evC!>, lrvtne 675 317!'Jevcs . -- - - LONG UEACH - - -- :. • ' rt•J>.ilr. pruni• ,,, ••. , . r ut 645-24791642·0966 JJOUSL' UA INTING T---.. t --i

l'.arl)t·ntrr l''r, t'i' l'.i.I 1\11) ,..~,_£ tr·~ · ... 1c111c11ll'I ",.lr1k11'>. ' c. r TifEATRE FESTIVAL rr-"":11 __.....,, ce ,11~· Jut»: < .. 11 /\11.m or ~._..or .. " , ,_,..., 1, 1i;, I do 1t all s lt1ploadl.'r. - Bnck. stone. block work . l::xrell r cfi.. qualtty IMTHE ••• • ••••••••• • • ••••• • • •

. , .. Ml ., • .., """9 • •• ••••• • • • • • • • • •• ••• • • o)l ... lXP ~ ;>" •lum"'rlJ<'k, h,1ul. or~cl<' , Compl ete & t h o r oui;t h t ile fl oor s. co n cre t e k C• •· """" • _.. t ( .• I •ft > ...., ... ~ In l..()C'ON'rttA<' r on:-. ' '" "'" ho u sec l l'an1nR. w k ly p1J l1os. wa lk s, d rt \t' wor ,,...,,,, ..,.. IOOMIOOM ...,., ... c~ typing 0 lu l•n n t :n.:11• t. 11 v. 11 S i·n 11 , . l'l'lnl'nl . a11phull. t ret• n ·- M!rYl<'t' only Irv a rea f' J EXCELL P AINTING ROOM t1cal ongmal le tte rs un

1lt'mo1! (.>I. r1•1w1r . )(t'l1 /\d d1ttnnh I & ~ !'. l ~ . 1''1ri•mt1n 11111v., , t·diti•.., 1111 nwl\'uL,l:l<' gJt 1257 ~ 4106 · · w ays rec ei.t ohn your letterhe ad Free 111 1•1irpl.'n l ry . oltl l 11tll' k1lcht·n&l!Jn•rnodl'I:-. , 846-1583 tu-a.-. ralci. 1-'rl't'~·:,.l Sta rnno 1978 1 ° ·•!. t Ar - io. Kann 1~ 1 . '"'"l c rafl:lman"h1p lti y r :. 10 ~7~UZKl llay..,off I timi•.., mo~~ l l uuhni.: & rh•anin~ ----- SAA2706 Expr 'd tr•'~. u.• "n o rn in':'., Ji l l - -" "'°".--

llKl il\IL 1,1wn •>4~ ~-I.I I I I .. I': x pl' r J a pa n ('~ l' Block, slum""tone. Willi!., ., > ~ ---.......... c•-aro>u l.w'd Mr P ulorn , avl•r umplrut " houserlca n 1n i.: lad)' , ,..v ' aint"9cJ/ SiCJft Clayburt:h a l lht' LonR .-.-w ~Cll'MIM} r

~> !JG21Cl1<1 • <-::i~~,~~r:~:~~~Y ~1~~;~ · .1>u~:dn':,';r~a::~:~j1111·,~·: i';~'~i~'. 557 R27 1 ~~~kl961y own 1 ran s :h; 1~~1~6 ~~~ 0 i er.., • • •••• •••••••• • • ••••• • . ~erta~~n~~~cc~~~~"~. ~ ~~~·;~:11·::;;;;;;;·, ~·~~ _

n.~ ,. h l 20 ··~ 1111,•ry "7'-7'" 7 ""'" - -- -- - (':ti Color Pa11111n° . ~ " " ""''' <·arpen l.'r, )r ... ~ .. .. ., " .... rt·a~ lltro77~ IHfl LI--- -c1- an'n --- I k II r I .. J.: Ocean Al vd . Lon° :-Cl"VI('(•, com m ' I & "'' "' "~IJ. !>IM'.'l'll•h11n.: m r.. . ' ..--c' ~ ' CJ Ll----i.u..t- B O<' .wa l'n<'{·s. l1 I'. Cu.~wm lntl.'nor !<I t :x <>-ac·h .. F'r"'·""t Cal l "•7-17''7 --~•nt , ,..,,.. '" 'SI • • •••• • •••• •••••••••• • • .._.,m .. 7 rrpk i., cer um1r lilt>, all tt-nors Re:-. & ' 'omm '"" ""- "'' ,,., " """'' mw .,.,.., ,,.,. Draperi~s Clean ups , ll :t11l1ni: • HOH I N'S ll Ol'SF: ••• •••••• ••••••••••• • •• 54R ISO " f<t 11 642-5G7R, Pxl272

I n )'

l"1n11th , f r aml n it , a dd1 t11in.~. 12 ~' rs t'iq wr I ni. tt G Conslr C'o 1>:J1 925~

CllSTOM lnh•nor Curpt•nt ry by J KY • ti4:.! Kl4()9

••• • • • • • • • • •••••• • • • • • • l.and-.c·.i1i~nl'li.:,.,.,1711111 1t d CLt.:ANINC: S E HVH'E, Mind Your Mannl.'ri. In<' ~To. •-~ !;;!· .,~: 364111 ___ ' 3_ }-_' rci: E.'>l turla1 m* y•ou*rllckt.'lS Somt•t h in i,: nt·w 111 San ~crviC'tnJ.: 1

" ·" "1 rur a thoroul!hly clean Bonded r clJllul.- peopll' .--..-, .._ ""'""'

J u an C' u p 1 :-. t 1 11 no hou..,l' !)4().007 wi ll r a re fo r you r ho me & ••• •••••••••••••• • •• • •• C'ul>lOm dra111· ril' :-., Sf>lhn,.: .in)lhin1• w11h .1 pets 8795701 liuslDL~or Pl.'r!i.ooal hc'tli,prcadi. Workroom 1>:11ly 1'1101 t'ltt,'lf1t•d ,\cl Wanl a R~l\Ll.Y CL EAN -- - Lowest on prt• m 1 !.l'~ l! & J 's 1,,;, ~1rnplt' malh•r llOIJSI".'• Call Gm~ham Sell thin1tsfast w1lh Oa1ly Hat,,.,Guar llnl l't.'<I I )rupt' nt'S lih l 14M JUSl 1'<111642 '>n7H ( ;.,, 1-'l'l'<' l'Sl ti4 ~- 5 I 23 Pi iot Want Ads ~SS 2213

Selling a nythtn l.( wit h a Daily Pllol Clas:.1(1f'd i\d is .t s1mplt' matter JU...,l call ""2 5671!

Beac·h City Plumbmi.: will beat any t•.., l hy 10': f<s.p:ur.. . n •model & re PIP!' fiJI -~70

960.3766 Res1de nual 8 us1ne:-. ...

Get l.H EJ.;N cash ror WHITl-: e le phanti-. with a Class1f1ed Ad

Ca 11642 5678


n .. H~p WC111ted 7 100 Hetp WC111te d 7100 He4p Wont~d 7 100 H~lp W011t~d 71 00 Help Want~ 7 100 Hetp W~d 7 100 He4p Want~d 7100 Help Wanted 7100 HetpWant.d 7 100 I· ....•.......•.••. ...... •....••... ............. ..••.•.....•••.. ....•.. ··••··· •· ·•·•······•··• •.•..•. .. •.......•..... ·••·•······•·········•· ..•.••.•....••••..•. •. . ....•••.•.•••.•.. •....• ··············•······· ·


Tratnt'l'S t-:xpN ••LAGUNA RBAC.:11 • • lmmed opt'nmi.:l> uv.111 for ell'tlr11n1t• a ... l-1.'mbler.. nf mi<:rowJH' r11mpont>nl 11 or ins tru m<'nL., T r1t 111el'!'. & c-x 11 t· ll·ttromt• .t !.!> t'mbl<'n•




An lncl<'Vt'ndcnl UJnk 114!1 Sunflower i-it

(.'1l!ola Me:-11

~l'd l'all for appt. ---------•I f'('n,l)llnt•I U1·pl T1·lo1111· t llt-rkf'lt>v, 49-J '1401 Lui.: lkh EOE

ARTIST / FREELANCE \1u:-. t ha''"' J!11<1d h•th•nnv :,.kill to makc roui.:h I.·~ 11 II I ' /., r I 11 I !'. h t • cl m1-.·h11m<'ab ( 'all l'l'lln ) KJI 71<:2


f''ull llmE' upcntnl! 111 11ur :-\ I\ ufr ll't' fur fJt ' I '>tlll v. •lh 1·11mm1•r(' 1,il Bani. Not1· ( ' l•·r k 1·1' p1· r H1'!'pon~1h1ht11·' 1nl'ludP I n ' t .II I nwn I & I ' o rn m1.·rc·1ol loan pruc ' '"1111! & follov. UIJ Tv111111! ~ Ill k1•) ' 1.1111> Ol'l' CM .. 1 1'~


• 81KE STORE• A,, ~l M .in.1 i.:1·r fur S<'hwtnn de.1lc•r S.11 $:1 :11\ MU!"I twv1• pr111r l11k1· ml't'h 1·xp 111 a ... 111r1· !i44 ~1.">

tiOAT 111.l> HS Wo• "'Ill l rd 1 11 i\ 11 p I \ 7 .1 m . M.td:n·r.:ur Y.11 hh. lf,Jl l'la1·1•nl 1.1 , < · \J

B lJ o I\ I\ 1-: t•: I' I'. ll s1-:c· n1-:T .\H'I ·· ~111·r ti nt'cd1•cl f11r 11 ••\• f.1 :, t ).!row1m• 1>.111 lofl ho,•l bwldini.: t•nrp 111 ( :'>1 (; rl' :• I 1111111 v to r.:ro v. w 1rorn!l.lll\ Vor .q1pt ,·all to:J I llilill. Mio :iHlll Moo l "r1

•BOOKKEEPER • 2 3 yr.., e iqwri t ·111·1'. full


UTOTEM MARKETS l)\1t•m11i.:!; nov. a\'allJhlP lor (ull .md 1mrt l1ml' l ·a ~ hll'r' on ~ni l 11nil :lrd :-. h1h" "lo 1·,1>eri.-11l'e nl' l' l'l>.., ll r> . "1· 1 r .11 n Stan .1l $3 l>l'r hour . • 1<1 va11 t•t·nwnt 0 1J1111rt unit v (or m.an,1)!1•m1·11t 1>0~1111111 iv $5 :10 p 1·r hour 1f 11ualtf1l-.I For more 111 (11rrnau1m and 1nl1•rv1l' V. ~o 1r1 '>lore· X2 JI

:Jill)(l!I Cnow n Vall1•y Lui.:una N1t.:1ll'I

'19!'JW!'JO r,,qu;il Oppor f.m p loyer

CLl::RICAL Mc'tl 1C'al fJh nl'ed~ rrn l oh· .r.1 ·c•1·1> oorust. t y1x• al leb~t 50 WPM. d1vers 1f1C'll po~ 1 Lion. plt'as.i nl work1nl.( conds . Mii l Urt• per.~011. non l>mok 1•r t;33 ·5ti35 . 11 :M>-5 E () Jo;

CLERICAL Jo;arn t :xtra M 0111·)"




COOK Oa~ ~ h1ft ( ' Jrlll1' r} lh·~la u rant. Nl'wport 1:11.•ac:h 67!'> 5777

COOK lfo s p1lal t''<P•·r JHl' fvrrcd Xlnt worl\101! run d ll W O!'. & h1°lll•l 1l~ ' l.k1y\ 1cw Con\ llc~p l ll !'J5 T hur1n , CM 642 35lti ~; I ) ~.

COOKS l-)111lrmf• 1io~1t11>11 Grl'al uµµortun1ly for atlvanct· rrn:nt Xlnt 'lilrt1nl! v. al!c + bcnd1t-. C,111 M r G:iry Wt·~tcrf 1 e ld for uppt 714 · ~13· 0570 '< 492 i\tlNldUlll. ll Vl' 10 , f111

11 t1 r a I v rt• cl 't 11 cl ,. 11 l llous1·w11rk . tin\ inj.! & J1t•rso11.il l' art• ,.>q11•r + n·f', tl !I!) hr I S:111:1

m1•r11m1· i\cl r•aul for h'f

l mm11J 1>•1.i.1t1•1r1.i. , I\ ;i1t11 hk· fur rull tirnt• 1·11111 Dl••rt·1o.1l bu11k h •ller'

l'huri:it' hookk<'1·111•r (1• r _ __ Mus t havf' pho nt- & rl'hil bll· tran.'>P 1..on)! !.. 'hort a-.s1gnml'nls . llullt.la y & vaL·u t 1on p ;iy llosp 1t a li la t 1on pl<tn ava1labll'

Sheraton NrwJ')Ort 4545 Mar t\rthur Newport Beath

~nlt• up dl·pl .,, ;-. n t'htlol ('11rt' ht•lp n~~ded l I'.\ rtrrn l'ulilll' .1ccl I! fur ('hrii. 11;111 ,.: 11, m l ' x P 1· r d 1· :. 1 1 , . d >-d 1ool U)R:l5 Bruokhur::il

Cook!> . k 1l c hrn hdp W:lllrl'SSI'~. bu:-.l)l>yS (or new i.cafood rei.lauranl Mu!i.l haq· c~111.·r11• nf1· t\pply 1n pl•rson HIOIJ5 Garfield al llmokhur~ t . f'ln VI) or call !Jl>I 4336 ror mtervww

f'lnploy1.•r 411!1 4 ;>;>.:i

f\'rn:NDANT W/\ ·n :u R~c~onist / PI X {))Jt'ntlll-: for flt'r"lll to ;11 I a!'. li<ink H1•rt-plloni~ l ft OJX"r an t•h•t•1 ron11· pubt· "O w1t r hh oa rd lk~1"'ns1 l11ht1cs will 1od IJU' IYIJC. flhnl! & rh:ah11.: with fr11·ncJly & pro rei>.'>mnal l' lll>LO~r'

714 1"i ~l!llil ·, •. v !11,17~1 (or hoard & c·an· f,1nh1' I' l in11" 41'M I<! :1t1AM . wkndsolll)

fli.. y V11.•w M annr 350W k .1) St, l ' \ 1

i;.l:l :15<15

t\ul omol I\ 1• M .Jt'hlO,...l sa111ry $24.IHIO aonual Co111mcni.ur11l1• with 1•11 111•r l\pply a l ( '1tt.IH Mt•" 1 l\llllJ StlpJlly . 211\J Ila rtx1r Hlvd C M


Over IK yca r'i uld i-:x 1icrienr1·d Mu' t h ~1 \l' o wn t r anSp(Jrlt.1!1<111 & v :ii 1 Ii (;a I 1 f II n ,. " r 'I license J\pply in j>('r :.1in lo Mr Davison.


154-0 J a m borc•e Road N Jo:WPORT IJ!o;ACH

Atrro TRANS Shop look lnJ! for c1ual tx·r~unnl'I . a pply 447 W Hay M t: M

H:.1 bys1ttc r nN•1l1'll our h<mw P rder lady ovn <IO Call 642-4 112

Rahysit tcr ll<'l"IJ(•tl . M1111 Fri. bte houscw11rk . h v1· in o r out. <'ull M r :. Thom as, 558-2603 d y!.. 003-6281 eves

8abys1u ers wanted My home . Mus t be ove r 15 N.U SJl ·OIJO

Babysitter ncc.'tlt·d Mon · Jori . please ('all Oc bby at ~ll098

Oul s la nd11lj! t'n \iron m.•nl . )!oocl , ;ilJnt''> JIHI [ll•nl'f1L..,




120l Dow St, N 11 <714 ) 752 0000

F: 0 E






Excellf!fll t rain 1nj.! np po r t un1ty for ru rN·r minc:k'<i 1r1div1du1Jls , j.!110 <1 t y p1nK s klll 11 a nd ex pene nce dl'ahn it with the ---------1111 public a plu1t. We offer u J?Ood s tart i n it salary lianklng


Excellent oppor for lndlv w/mm. 6 mos e xp. wi ll bl! pcrformln~ ne w a ccts duties a s we ll as a 11

romple m ented b y con · i;:e n i a l w o rk i n j:( al M06phere and extellent C"Ompany f"1d bene fits Appl y n p e r ~o n 9AM·3PM

Telle r fun ction s . Will 979-4200 OOM1der lndiv w /6 m oll CITIZIHS IAMK cas h ie rin g b k A<I & ,,_COST•MES• 2Swpm . Cont act J o hn _.. ,,. ~ Laun a t (714 167~4$00. 2970 Ha r bor Blvd

LOS~ILIS Suite205

BOOKKEEPER l"ull 1·hari.:e w g1·nl 11k sklll.i. nl'l'<i1'fl. 3 ~ I '> l'XP C :\I .ire,. <'a II 11<1 h . 5f>f. :.!5011 rcir 1nt1· n ll'"


HI) 0 K K I': ,.: I ' lo: II A I I 11rouml hat·k11.roun1I t•x Jll'r, xlnl workmi.: tomb fnn11.c llt'nl'f1t:-. l- 1: rnah• J>rcfr rrc'(f S:cl:iry 0111·11

II B. 1'147 k!>ll

llookkecpl'r I' t (,' (11r tr<1v<'I al!t' n t•y, South Coa.-.t Travl'I bi\6-44!l•i


Chevy deale r will udd c·x IJ('n cnct'd 0Hi<·1• l'll'rki. fo r hitht houkkt•cp1nt! . typ1n)( full t1mt· Will tr11m 1n auto account mi::. OM V l nler1"1l1 n g , plea~ant ~u rroun11tnµ~. µood pay Opp for .ul vann·ml'rtt St•t• (Jff 11·l· Mgr HOWARD C~•rolet

Dow & Quai l Sis Nl-:WPORT R F.i\t' ll

833-0555 1-:NGINtrnRl !'lt : BS dc·l.(n·1• 111 nv1I 1•n1t :ib1bly to vi·rform t•r11n1>I dt'S1 ~n of hlrtv,i. w / m m s uperv 11111m & rompll'lc r h erk1ng of proj1•1·1 drawin1o1s S11l;1ry $7 llO ri r hr- Take l h 1s 1111 tu neart'li l emp loyml'nl ell· velopm1·nl dl'J>l IJt>T ll lkthi10l4 Ad 11:1111 by employn

BU!> Dnvcns for ('hr1~ 11 11 n S C' h n o I I G H 3 ~ B r ook h u r o; l . fo ' V 96J.71Cl l

Cufe ll'n a frrna lt• p ur l tJme, no wknd11 S3 :l!'J hr wsta rt 673 4403


FIDaAL SAVINGS Costa Mesa £ o E M IF E.O. E. M / t Carpente r . a II a r uund

· · boOI roug h & rln lsh work. - --------•BAR GIRL full o r Art F1e.x hni. SSl ·20S4

~ ...__ 1...,. Ume. Neitthborbood tar Carpet lMtalle r w1u1tt'd .._._ C.M. 646-5544 ex p e r . w / r e fs . ca al

Experience pre re rred L ag un a Ca rp e t i ng but not required for our BEACH CREW City of 8-4644


nw Dally Pilot IS ~l·f'k · in>: a pcrwn to augment our Cla-;s1f1C'd Advt'rtll't · 111g dep11rtm1•nt for in s 11Jc tt'll•Jlhonc !-alt·s Tclc ph o nt' ., .,11:' .., ex pcnl'nrt· nel'l''>:>ltrY. Wiii tram fur rla:.s 1f1t·d

Hfo;IJ ·mE~ENT!i INCLl'IH:

Mu.'>t type 45Wl'M l dCl' · lnl'I Dt.•pt·ndahle

VOLT t"~ARV ti&AVICl-til

3848 Campu.'I Uri ve !Across from

Oranf!C Co. t\1rport 1 F.qua l Oppor Emplo)er

CL1-:RIC/\I. Coastal Penonnd

A«JettCy !las lot:. of johs avai l w1m any fine, s u1>t'r com · pames 11nd t hey ' re all I-Tee!

540-6055 Cocrstal P.nonnel

ACJ"CY 2790 llarbor. C M

100' ; !-' R E I':

COOK. s rMll rl'llrl·mt•nt home m La gun.1 l\<•al•h hus opcninl! ror matun'. all around. p t• r manenl part time c-ook -19'1 ·94!'>11 for nppl

COUNT l-:H p trnso:-. n~:at appcaram·1., mUl>l C'TlJOY peopl<'. abn "bk lo hd p in t he rl'nlal yd 768-4#\81

Co upl e!. w an lt'd tu man11~e ~mall busmcsi. Mu.-;1 en)Oy m1·r11ng J>tO plc. work1nit toRNhl•r. & be w1l1 1n l.( l o ll•a r n P lrusl'.!Ol pro f itable work, r rr. 963 722.5

Ciood !> l-J\'akm11 H111·1· l'lea-.ant 11crM1nJ ltly Sal<try rommcn~urall' with l'Xtx'nl'nc1· + rom m1ss wn 1-:xtel lc·nl com pany lx·neflL.., If vou a re .1mh111ou.' & want lo hl' paid Jor you r drorls please l'all for tn lt'rv11•v. Pt•rM>nnt'I t>ept

642-4321, l•l<t 277



Clt-r k Typis t need ed by C muJor s tork br ok era1tc hrm nr OC a 1rµo rt L111• tyµ1n i.:. to ha ndh• sc(•u n · With Class I br $10 h r

Neill Crane. 531 3374

J:KI W. Buy ~lr<'<:l Costa Mt•sJ

Equul Opportun11 y • Employer


ty Lransfrrs. monc•y n .. 1•1•11>1s & deb H:ri<'s lln. 7 4 Call J ohn !>40 8 121

Cocktoll Waitress Sc hoot

Jo-:Srn up to $300 pe r wk U>w t ui tion P lacem1·nl MSISl. 75l ·!H94

Major Life l ns u r a n re COLLECTOR t ' o m p a n y , h e :id · F.xpc n c n <'ed ro llert or ~11urtt• rf'd 1n Newpo rt O('(.'(fed by national c r edit Ht·t1rh has opportut11t 1c•s fi rm Str ong rollcct1on ror m<hv1dual11 with skills backgro und necessar y & ~c· n c• ral 0 H1 rt• t'X · $775 W S875 per m onlh pcnPn<'t' in om· or mo re s t.art.tng sala ry p lus ex-of 1h<: followm1ct areas ce l l e n t e m p I oy l' e

CUSTOOI AN City of 1..uguna Bcarh S7 79 1194 To maintain C1l> b1.11 ldings & offirc:. R t• quires w111ing n c·ss l o w o rk c v cn 1nit:,. & weekends & (;1m1han1y with cuslnd 1a l tus ks . Ap ply Personne l DC'pt . 505 F o rest Ave. l.a1ctu n a Beach . on or bdor c !'> pm Pri May 4th . 1979 E.O E !At\

OF.LI ll ELP-O vl• r 18 Ex per . 4 clays wc~k .


·Cil'nl /C'lc·n ral bcndils and dental plun Deli Sandwich Shop . N. U •Tymµ 4:'iwpm + Cotlu Mes a fa c1Hly. Ca ll n ee d s PT h t- Ip . N o

•l .c•i:11t S(>cy / Mai;: 11 l'XP Monday through F riday. rught.s . P refe r food e,p •Moth t:lc r ks ~. Gail Rir h ards but wi ll t r a in r e hab Iv

•Data Encoder or MikeSulbvan person. Ca ll befor e 3.30 • Pnnll' r P M 645-&IOl , or wltnds

We ha ve 1mm e d1 al<' - 634·1483. <1peninJ(11 . U you q uahfy Co m pa n i o n , P T fo r ---------- 1 WI• ol for u unique work· widow . Mu s l dri ve, DELIV E RY MAN · Ea r ly m~cnvironmcnt, in add i - p e r so n abl e & u n - Mo r ning LA T imes. t1on to exrellt•nl m m - dentanding . 4 hrs a d ay . 3 :30AM t o 6 . 00AM 6 pan y be ne fi t s Pleas e 3-S c,lays » Wt.'Ck . CdM . days per wk. SJOO wk . C'onlJu'l Personnel. :148-0776 64&-l413 or 673-2SIS

PACIFIC MUT UAL -------- ------ ---700Nt•wport Ctr Dr ive Hoose•u ie per / Compa nion DEL IV E RY . pt lime

Newport !leach U&ibysiU.c r . exper . • r e fs . Party Pleasers Flowe r F.qu111 Oppor t-:mploye r g,;~~ r a n s . M a rt a . Shop, 646-9172.

Delivery person U) or ove r

CLBICAL rl'qui ring ty plnl{ s kills & bulc kno wled ge in m at h S a l 1ry co m me nauratc w 111klll1 & e a 11. Mod ern o f cs in PMhlon leland. Conttic t


COMPUTB tH-f'UT lnlonnaJ E n vi ronme nt

J obSecurtty Company paid m edical


645-1383 ln Newport

with good driving rttord Call (: lie. Aut o m otlv<' painta Ir 11~p1Jes . 27882 Camino Ctptstra no • 82, L8l\llUI Niguel. 831 -0038

D E LIV E RY · Ava ila bl e South Coa st Plaia Olfice. Laguna Beach. Ori vera_. --------­Pl#!.W! call Ra lph KJn· $3. &0/ h r : L a borer!' • CASHIF;R, w /c xper. for nlnp at. $40-4066, 3333 13.00/ hr. Rcq u1rc1 CA Mt:n11 r e tail c h ain In en1tol Sl. Cost a M'eu. d r1 vera Hcenae Clean their new South Coa s t

DOW Top pay. i ood r rr hn . Eva . S..9. Mon-f'r l 531.(911

93S2JS b eac h e • ,. bea c h Pl:ua ~ore. P /llnw. con ~~~~~~~~·jo.ll'UcOon Ce1f Pe•r., r•clUtlet1 durlha s u m me r tact Carol Littman , fo r _ -ic •L NMd • h arp " a tro n a Deli ver L . A. T l m r 3 10

SELL ldJe Items with ll Betr Bar Mald. PuU Ume. Di.UY Pilot Claasllled Ad. Buckln aha m P a l1c:e 642-~. 498<90331498-5476

.. • -- aeaaaft. Apply Per110nne l appt. btwn 9 · 12. at -- ,,. ......... ma 18 25 to learn .wr.." racks Must be .,_ n-. 1I05 Yore.t Ave ,., .. - .,_.. Vat10U1 olflcc dutlett, 10 ,_... n • ewer l8 bavc van or P . U.

.. - S"~ua Op ""r t un i'., l~• t;. u n 8 8 e • ,. b". ·-- .. _ ...... •- t :'t mnltl'UCUon trade rrom "'' ~ ,,v • ., . ... ...,y ..... • y n1 a muel Uabll. fn1 . Sot .02 pe r Employer . . M/F. E.O .• /AA CASlllER · Eaper . with Pre vlou 11 o n ee ,.,. . =lllP· Call aft tPM. br.• mH. Early morn "

DolA Is MC. 30-35 hrs. sieri~ or an aceount· wlaldt --Some ovea & wknda . Ap· Jna maJor. a.s, Mon·l'r l Cook • nMded tmmed. · Pb •t Chlll!ln '1, So. Coast K.erm Rima ll• rd• art. Jftlflf' H.B. at&ade nt. C.11 ,.... net you wul lo Pfua. 211188 1larbof'81vd ' M bUMuk(orPete O.UyPUotClaulfled1 .

lA.•11\f•ry l'c-r .. on for bui.v lrvuw traH·I J)!t•nt \ M tJ S T 11 A V ~; R t: I. I I\ II I. 1-. MO'l'ORCYCLfo: Iv In ' Work ;ippro>. j hr' dJ1 ly M F ll rly v.;11o1e & n11h·1111.1.· pd 't5i :r.1111

DEMOHSTltA TORS vour areu S:.M +a 1l.1\ (.·a r n t' r I- r 1 ~ .i i :>41 <1711forH!Yl ;<ll(lll

C>Ptnons tratur.., "' u rk nt•ar homl' lfou,1•w.1ri·' & grl)('cnt.'s Will tr,11n Abo tt•m ckr11·al v. ork ~:J.')fi()

Ln :NrAL 11 yc;11-: N 1 ~T nl'i'l.l t'l.I for l't'n•J oh· II H ~;xp<1nd 'd fu n rtt0n:-. lit· r<'Qd :1 dy~ wk. sal OJJ('n Pror :-har ' I! & p1·ns1on plan 714 /tl42-6').JI

1)1.•nlal OHu·1• M:i11.1r.:1•r :! yr.; tXP Ovtr 30 yr-. of ~l· t' M ~I 1420

l);mtal As~t [lo )Oii V. dOI a C'urt~r m orthu I ' t1h1 in~ all your KU1\ .,kilb' 641>-0121

CA•ntal hu.'11nci.:. a:-.l't...,lanl . fr,,m de:.k trammR or t'XJX'nencl' OOXI~

F V Jrl'J

DENT Al / Assist-. -LookmR ror a change"

J ob opc_•ntng in bl.L.'>y front offlct' Will Tr.tm Would hkt• per:.on v.1th X·Ray hcl•nst· In ll·rv1ewi. \1on & Tut'~ from l 2PM & b 7 PM South Coal.I Dl'1ll1i.lr) 3Jll'> llarbor Blvd. CM

Tl ONIST I o r ~. dar $00() S1 100 mo Bu. ... y C M o ( t • Ex pl' r d " n I y ~7YCJ

DESIRAtLE JOI avatlablf' ror m J turt' pen,oo Good opportuni tv to lt'am h.tm & d t•ll n• tall bul'1nt·..,... Conta('l Mark at ITT3 !l009

Olf:Tf\KY A ID~. al C11n \ah~i·t·nt 111,...p u,,> & f'l\f ..,h1(t StablP l' ffil)lcn rnt:nt X IM·n1·f1h t-'r•'•' If\'> afln !JO day" i\pply IW.')!'.up.·nur NH

DISHWASHERS P a r1 t 1mt• No t' '<Pl'r ne<'e !>i.a r) Ba )Vlt' W <.:onv H osp . C..: M 642 3.~ F. 0 f; -- --

Dli.hwa, her Dicll Chwch's Rest.

P ~r n1tei.. 2&1~ /lit'wport Bl.CM

DISPATCHER F'..xpi·nenrc p r1•f but not ne<:l''~ar~ 1-' ull l1mt· Cu!>lOm Tow S 1•n u •1· 7!'> 1 1515

DRAFTSMAN. F.Lt:CT R IC:•\I , M t F . Comm£•r c1al & l ndu~tr1a l bwld1ng dci.1~n R t: W ,\l.L & ASSOC 546-7480 t77RI Sky P a rk Ord~. ln ·1n1•

DRAFTSMAN / EHc. T r ainet' & ex p r ' d in bu1ldtnR 1ndus 1n· F Brown As~oc 546·9995. ask for La r ry Bill-.


75 Use our famous


For ORiy $2.00 yo. c• odvertiw •Y lhtft or cCMlllHllaHoll of it..­totallftC) $75.00 or les1. O•r PENNY PIMCHH AD cOMhb of l llM1 for 2 cOMeellff•• Mys. 1oc11 ....., ..... •• 11 •er tor,... 2doys. c::r.c P..y PIM._, ~ w ... yow -rlcwd or M•~· Hoc•-, ......... _.

642-5678 DAILY PILOT

~..----~~----- - . -· · -· .. _. __ ___ .., ______ __ --- --- ____ _ .._ __ _ __ .. ~ . . -· · -----

Orapl'ry ... ca m~ l rt·, .., need{"'<! ro r s mall wo1 I. room nr OC Ai r pu11 Salary open 968·8435

UH1\f'EH y llOOM Wiii I. :ill pht1~E:l:t. l'Xj.M'r or "'Ii i Lram K·4 JO p to ~· 111 1 hr 001': C M :i n"• 642 IMJ

l>IUVl': lt ·hf•Jpn for 1•r,J1h mf1.tr 1•0 Mu:-.t l>l' t:11•111·11 dablt• $3 1:1 hr i-. l.111 j~ <"'37

llrl\1 1 . male• nn h matur1· & n•.,µon~1h l1· mmor physw..i l d1~ab1h1 \ or semi retired OK . Ca ll for dt'l:.11ls 496 28211 -- -- --


d l

11 r



.. DR IVEH . rull o r I' IT. n1,g hts. rel i a b le 111 d..1V1d ual to a1t'>l!.l & dn\ ,. ~ 1-ommcrr1al p,irktnl! 101 'W\:l'p•·r S4 00 pr h r

Il l 832 3150

• DRIVER • t-:xpand 1ni:: Co look1111• for p\:oplc wil lln.11 111 "ork Neal :1ppcar li1H11J dnVInR rec Over t i! ( 1•

\•t> h H' lt> s $3 10 111· 1 hr + mrenl1ve1t. Call 1':n1 r.73-9'..!.83

Dnver . Ftr. m ust hav•· CalJf. dnve r 'i. h e & i:0twl dnvmR record. Jo're.:w.1~ Store:. 5!'J6.()J63

DRJVERS Men or wom en 25 yr., 111 older Know t he roJ ' t c1t1es Net $180 a wt:vk 111 mo r e Oran ~e 0,1 -. 1 Yellow Ca b, 17300 M l ll c rrm a nn . f" o un la1n Va lley . <No o f S lttt1·r be twn N e wh opl' & faiclid )

E<Am exlr a mo ney work in~ P T & out of your home biS-3083

I\ If

s y

I t (

' ) 3


., I

' )

rt I !t ~II

f:Jcctn <·1an • m u.st haw l :r yrs c xpe r . in c om m . work . dys. 63l -SS6'7. a fl. 6.~. 1(


Escrow Officer 1~ Will Pay Top ~

SSS ~r Tarbell Joilcrow, Oni.' of ~ the nalion 'IJ most pro · gressive Esc row Com . _ ~ IR now intervie w l'. mg for an ~crow Off1c\:r •II for our Tustin ofli cc. /\ k minimum of !'> yea rs e" perience r equned. Ex ce llent fri n ge b e n e fi t pacltage.

IPdHolct.y1 2 Witt Pd V occrtf0tt Mlclcal/Dfftal Int For U\formation call .

Cheryl Pino 832--54.40 Xl l


,rt l ' ' 1cl IX A


ISCIOW OfflCERS AM Jr. Offlcen WMDoa'tW_. MT'-WorL

Here'• u excelleftt op ~ p o rt u n Hy t o ea r n )r m. .. wilhout wortting full \ Ume. Tar'MU &.crow is lh now l 1te t vle w 1 n a & Escrow Oftkienl and J r . ~ricen to 1'0rk a pprox . lmatel.Y 20 hou,.. a W('Ck, providing s upple me ntal he lp durtn11 v a c atio n tJrnes and during o ver­load perioda . Perma· ed ner.t. PU'l tJ me work . Eic · ~l bfnefll pack~Ge lnchl(ld:

In ... c.

IPdHel*J1 ,... ........ For lnformaUOn call :

CberylPfuo aw.40XU


( . • -



c h f (1


a -~


..... ---·-·· -· ··

~'r.~~~•~•uu?!.~~ ~!.~ ..... ?!.~! MitlPW•tect 111~ ~W..t.ct 7'001 ~Af>'ll2', t978 DA!&.Y$QI •J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••···.·••••••• l W~ 7100 .W.W..... 71H IMMOI SALIS MaN11& ment

l mmrd OJh•nln •a (or 'l'fltlln to OO~me a $alt'I ~rona1bl•. maturt• • 11 Manaarr w Jan M l.ab ro ataa rl p f wh o t' o m ~ lne Sa lf'll Tra n m unit' I ""11ly ~ ll h '""• re<-rullinl(, m10 0(1

Htjp W..tect 7100 tw. M;JM ........... _•••• PIDJ TIME HECF.PTIONIS't / Medic a l ••• • • • • ••• • • • •• ••• • •••• ~;;i;. .. •••••••••••••••• M rww bldic. nlct • utr ound ·

EVENINGS hlM•· lld fr1n1e ~nd

O'hrra S11Ln t''JJ( r'lt'n<'t' "'"' I ,. _plua but oot rC"Qutrrtl 111'1 11 •It'll 11'-" Sa nry

Tustin area Con ti. c t Adldt.a with outi ta.nd 1n11 . Y v o n ne C a r pcintar , 1 llnctl ve pcricon ahllts ~17

SALIS MAMAe8 •rr The Look known for the rinest in men's & women's European fashions throughout So .. CaUf. Is looking for 3 or 4 aggressive. ra.,hion oriented guys 4 gafs who ha ve a definite rash~on background & management Potential. We ha ve immed. ruU & part time pos itions li VtHI. in our cur ren t expansion program. Sal + comm + company benefi ts. CaU fo." appt Mon thru Sat. 10a .m.-6p.m.

Sf.CIOAllS LcJna and ellort t«m aa. .............. ,.. .. v aca t i on p a y .

Wlll ll'IJll ~fU1t hDVl' lih • ii.OPffl--(·~-·.·-5,57·-----­tytltl\l llkllla who ft\Joy worlt lnlJ wllh HH e pl 1o n1 s l Pu Is e ludl Over 21 Sli.rl al Cc.lmolt' E icp 'd o nly n<.'cd 13 ~ ~r hour Phonf.' 11 p p 1 y M ., n ~ C o 557~25 Manntt Mec'fu1nll' fo-r J.,t

Ski Odl , mu .. t k n o w about fbra la wo1k Ii 2 <'YI rownt• lnq Tr l\llwo rld fli·('n.>¥Uon. N R e:u 4800

642 · 0 2 1 t~s t 250 . bet"'11lA Cull Michelle. R .. :T W El':N 4 00 5 Oo s.sft..1114 F.OF. M /I" PM

Alla for....... RF,CEPTl ON IST Who en

=~\::~luUon p lao

VOLT t; I\ p t• r 1 f' n r f d 11l ll.11rf\' 11er Arph a t Mumiq S un SP1 1t1 • 11 17:.1 Pnmuo1t • 'J ( ' M ' 13@4

MA'rt-;Hl.\l. 111\N O l.fNG P1t11s Stoekpcrtion

f,. ,,_-nt>ncl' tlt..'tllN-d not INSTALLll /Exprd r .. e~uir •• d w 111 tr ain

l\lfl'O~t-.ft l':O Mu,. l pau. \'u m v a n y

~ual Opporturuty 10)'11 peoph· & cnn ha nd le ,.;mpJoyer b\u1y 11hone Mu 11 l br

- f1 s h 100 ('UO!IC'IO US fo r Putt Ttm e a m l>lllOU$ peo l'lcs:ant~alon Opi>0rlun 1 pie f1t1x lbl1- hour,; We ty for advancen wnt for 11how you how O vti r 18 r1 1eht Pl' r son H1c hard

' I 1 ~f •I ,1 Io • I

3948Campus Drive 5'4--4'741

(Aero.a from Or&03e Co. Airport >

Equal oPPOr E mploytr t<'artur Wor t. pt 11m1• '" '!>I l'1•m .ah• m.11 huw ll(lt•futnr W1ll 11.t1n II B An thi in . NU 1 .':k'!f

t i " I\ Mt•rt•u s:itl <H21 P'l.Y'b ll'll l 1nclud ini: b11t' k GltillRAL OFFIC E "ruy Jrvin ti ~0.7639

549 3495 Oue ll1•Ut• S alo n , ;wo THE LOOK 644-6500 ,Ix O'ER. Newport Ce rlte r 0 ~2000 "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ln.lhfTf\1111•nv1mnaw11t I MUI Ulll't' l' 111111•rty & "· () i-:

.Johwl'Ul11) Cm<lmllly ll1i1th• l a n ount M t r · I · I who WANTS j ()mi><my r1u 1d rr11 .. tw ol •• J( I ' I ' to: \ r• I r 111' I II u c U(~ I N

lo •H' l v r > 11o .. e tt. 1·r \ 1n $'70111'<1S l l\ lt l' M11u111um ~ H'> tnl'ld t.ohclp o l t•r a d y . on

!!!! SECURITY GUARD for O pe r 's fo r l (' l<' p h o n e ft f : C to; PT I 0 N I S T I l2 Mid answennl( srr v1ce Mus t Ne w p o rt lkh m ari n e IWsta urant / J a ck In T hi· Ser t-en printing produc - pvt Npt Bch c ub, . · be able to wo rk ~t>rn t• type bu., Fr on t of<: " P Box fuJI o r p / l ove r 18 lion manaice r w11nl e d . rule to 9a m ,&tor m~~n wee k e nd!! Ty pinl( 3~ peuran ce llvy phones. It Appiy 1caU 631.947!1. 385 Must have exp S.O~ =~~t'::Ope~~ucaft t'hl'11u 1·i.I Rl'f11w1' l>'ull llll. llto: tt sl\l.AHY tr1ur11: Xlt1t 1J1·1wf1\"i 111111\kt•r 64~·6_7_09 __ _

t lflw 1wr 0111111 n I p11" 1 " I r1 lfo:X I' fo.R I fo Nl' t 1-r n l S J 11111 t' ,. I 11 " ,Ml'(jjntl wpm r t> qu ire d Ex typ111g. Sat & Sun now . E~7th&.C M ____ Seam 11 l rcss, c x p ' d , ror ap\)t, 6U-5000exU20. tu~ I S r hrn11 '1f) or ~ ... .. 11t1ru111for.. llH•ltt•r .. ldll Ma 11rt11l· Stt• n o tr anscribe r . .. Ork l' "\lll'rh •l\1'1' ll>lth \ilnt•l)c>fac11\ lllt•I\ 7~ ~ltlll ... ()I' IWt-CpllOf\ U'll (Or m \."<.h l'lll

perien ce p r er.-rrc d o r full lime s u m mer Call R N needed immedia tt>ly men / wo me n a lter ations . . will t r a in. M any com 64.5-7100 Newport Bc h Doctors 0 r. N 8 Me lissa , •9.4 d ys, Ser vice Stat~on

0Atten&· d "M•nm al twlpf ul .. . qu.1 l t\4.\ 7JK;• m N •• ..,,,.,rl ln..' w um,. ofr !'145 !1441

~~r to, 111

IJ I u > r 1 ----------i I' I< I" ~ I I f, I I 1 <' !'.. Mf-du•11I Asi.1i.tant

pany benefits F u ll llml' REC~IO .... IST f1t' e V c n 1pu nr t u r e , 548-59l8 dunt , e x per d . . a y or part lime , d ay & ufle r ....- • " EKG Exper on ly Xlnl Eves. Full & p /t1me . l\p

<.1r-I to) 111"} 1<1•11 pt 10 11 Ii,.; ..,,\ '° Mu\url' wo man . urolo~y F ,1c t o r r tr .. 1n1•l' .:01HI 1\1' 11"'r ...,. ,., .... \• 1ut11111 "'lpt ll 1 I! n 1·1• d , ol{ti:t-. o;tenl1- techn1qu.-,

n oon -even 1n ic s hi ft!> Busy, f ri endly 0 H 1ce oppor Part time Ca ll SECaETAIY EXPER'D ply Shell Station, 17th & ava ila ble Plc J se eall swte st.oekt. cnlhusiast1c , Bar b 541HlS3 1 GU'I ofc . t yp ing, som e lrvllH'. NB. Mon. lhru l-'r1 543'4230 t a k e · <' h a r ge pcr~on - b ook k ee p1 n 1L la k e ---------114A'Y· '-IOI futuro' m ( 'l l nhrn1h-« Mt u1l11\l l,u k .....,,., t•l ur \ l 11t11UlllJllu11 typan >: , x r~y . sulary +

•• r o w tnw l'lu , t it' A 1q 111rt H4 11 11 .'.' 1'1·1 .. 1111.tl ltlll'" t•orn c·o r poro l c be n er1 t it EO E w1typmi: s kills & J:ood S<iles f'' :i lin c!. c har l(e ~rson S al a r y SerYke M~ phone ~rsonahl) In FuJlor Pa rtT1m c o p e n Fl1ntr 1dg l' Sc h e d u lin g & d1 .., Jt.lheil\C' <111npa11y 1:c1.r. ti-It• 1•111> m1·rt IJI ti.11 k .:round

5411 ~17

Monro \l.1 \ \t• N II ~IJI~ 11.111\111 '"Ith C \

f'llELBOTOMIST W1lh cxpen enre SJl;iry corn mensura t l' wit h hack ground Good futon· 1N 1lh good fn ngc bent'f1ts C:all 646-0216

ter~uni: & \Urll'd a ... 646·46<10 Landscape Co 546 1n91 p a l C' htn g o r se r v1 t· e s 1gnments SupN pl'oplt• 9-5 t.ecbmc 1ans. full time , fr & a ttract 1Y1· work t·o Sall'!'> --------- -- mge benefils. 6U-704U

~5125 GIRL FllOAY 111·1 1'11,1..,1• 11·pl )' I' o lmrn1'<1 11111·111111.: l1h 0 l )' I> H11ll JW1 111µ1 111 h !UliH3 l't1odel!! !-\·m a lt' <. omp,H11u11 hir

hantJ1r 11 p1wd 111.in " " nuri.ante . ht.- huw.,.. °" 111 I.. & roo k inH 1' 1 t• fc•r pt'l'\SIOflt·r Soml• om· "'h11 ll<'\!d.., d ho nw Mav h.i• t '

part lJ nw JOb Slh4 t rm & brd Car a mu -. 1 642 0463

in~ 111.. Ill kt·\ f11in·· "' '""~.lllt ph1irt1. \ IJlt .

~1li1ry Vl)t'll l><ll .UUO

W• ....ct new faces: J.1ruton111 Models Ma le & F t< m ale

PART TIME I( y 0 u r f ace ha s

v1 ronment Nc11r Sou\h Tft= Sales Secrrtary ror c·xecut1ve in Coast Pla£a Call for <le * 50(; FOR A leading manufa ct unn~ Scrv Sta Help needed 1m laib 979 2161 r1rm Need a n extreme!> med Full t ime d~y ,0 r

5 HOUR WEEk ('8pablc pt>N.On Wl\ h )(ood rughl. Apply 990 ~- c,.,t -----

(,! \/.IEH t- XJ> d Ill <• ·~ & II Ult 1:1.'"'' 7~ 1 :Jillt.

1.itt• tu.k f)>: Work hhlfh e h u r ac t t.'r , 1s hi g h .. my t1m1· fro111 5 IOl'M r:lhtuon or looks h ke the '""knit\ Wtll lram . ltl & ~irl next door Ca ll for a n

P r a c ( e m nUr l> l' i•ld WJdow. CdM L1\ft' m , It bskp. ckng, r l'(. 644 9066

P R E - SC ll OOt. T F. A C II I:: II S /\ I D 1-; JOam -l pm , Mon lo fo'rt Call 646-4318

IW<.'epuonast. f runt dci.k . ll l l' t ypan ~ . pll'dl> 1ng pcrsoo<illl y, Wt' ll ~room«d . K ~, M on Fri ~ !f,i()O !>58 SO.I I

NOW LET'S G ET HA('K t.clcphorw t uchn1qul' . l y p Hwy_;:..'c_N_._B_. ----T O R~AL I TY T l lfo: & S t H or 'PtC'dwnt RL'.ALllY T IPT SJ\Y S m~ • " 1: , k Service S t a tion a tte ndant

r. " ing Mus t ht- a b t to t a e needed full or part lime Y.,2,~,KCl\C'f;'M !;l~J:<~N r u 11 l' hJr l(t• w h·cd° To p wa ge,., J\p p l y •11

OVl'I 1· un 1q 1pl y Duy ap p o 1nl m<' nt f o r a

E T wor'k ll urin~ 1- ummt'r fJen>Onal mtcrvww. You G-R- ·A· 1tap1d 1< UIJ r y ad~a11ee could be m odehns: as _,..,, .. , .. . -, e mployer is o n r oa person La,11una Chevron R. fo; Prof)<'rty M>(m l f'OnA 25 HOlJ H WJo; Jo:K s .t dn f o r d App l t(· d


'coas t Hw y . La~· fo1oral ch •1111:rwr ··~p 1w1· t:ull ht"t w1-.·n .1 !> I'M

!ltiJ 07;J'J

SALES J O I MO W 11w 11t MlllYl!il i t•o rly as next w1•ek ' So <10ll 'l h l'S1tate , c all now . OPE~ . J 11111t11r o I · J\ 11 1>01'1 as k for lluzt-1 PtC'-S<'11ool Tca1·ht>r !>nm t·

l'X Pl'rtCnt' l' nt'('('~:,a ry !'.4<>- 1919 Mr s Olml'Clo

for Nt>wport Bt•;wh firm • PhotoCopySupph t·' 1'. n ,11 1n t' t' rin ).!, 3 11110 B<:h Tue. lh r u Sa l l. tl'cns t' • Nice Newport OHtc·1•s /\1rw 11y, C M /\hk lor __ . -----

R.ORIST / b pr'd Purt & full t1m1· .-.ul.ir• op 1• n C' o ' l J M t• " .1 ~221 1

G ll 0 I) fl /\ ' · < • 0 II I> 1{1·11111r f '11•1hly 111 llt't'il of (i31·5600 JIO~ ~ llS . f:! l l>J) t ' ON aK i:rl''>~IVl' J a111 1u r New York West

1 r. • Hi(!hl-Sl romm 11.~ 1on m Joyct• 5'10·fJ256 t•xt !'>!. __ Shlppmg cl~rk . r esi>0ns 1 ret1~rt"f fl7a·49

l2 1ndust:Ji 1 blc f ull l im e pO!>tlwn

111 I I 0 N S M /\ N Y Uniform (urn 1 ~hl't l (;uod Mode ling /\gen c-y .. :n!.l':' ' ;.E 111-: N ~: F,I TS t•mployt't.' Oi.'nl•ltti. M1~ 1:17S W 16th S t , NB f•A'i l (,IWWI N(, COM !S lltll fk·a<'ht·ra fl IH'/ 4 1 ----------

Prl' SS t• r WUOl l' d a l l 11rouod fo r quah \y L>ry <: lean1 n K l' la 11 l !-: ><. pent•ntc on ly $5 11er hr to sta rt Kent Ory C'lt·an mg. 34073 Uohcn} l ',.rk Rd Cap1Mra 110 U1·.ii:h U t 11400 ! ~33

R.E. SALES •Te lep onbc ~a les11 1-:xpr c- SECY / RECEP1

T t Y w /~ malt rra r in c 1•l t·1· H you an·Jh1l~nohb1l>h preferrN1 ut w1 train ~uper o ppo 1 u ni t r on 1e man u f a r tur1•r and you 'd Ilk{• ti, makl' lul!hlY mol1 va led Pl'rson wtnew Co Xlnt work m £ U p s ex Pf' r . h e lpful !.Om•· m onc•y in t hl' nl· it t Ii • Ea r ly I\ M lfuu r ... <:J 11 t'nv1ronm t'nl Mu~l h ave• Start $3.SO hr

645 3632 for 1' /\N Y I ' fl 0 MOT Jo;.' North /\1rix1rt W·1y !... /\

f"H0 "'1 WIT lll N T HAIN Si" ""'"' ' ' ' F () It 'I' () ,. . "' " ""V M f\ N /\ t: ic-; M I': N ' I Jl\N ITOHl/\1,

Uruqul' r r t u 1I nursN~ !'..'/'A I< T :-. I M (>pi•n ir11: i. for men .

FLORIST MOll'I d(-sk clerk . mu:.l tw neat & a b l<' l o work \l'eckends The l n n I\ t Lai.: una . 21 I N Coa s t

1>75-9910 M I-'. Ii 11m Lt> 12 ~ atll lJJd<• & J r1·ura ll' a ""'t month~ i.c·l l inll w;1t1·r noon A :.k f o r Mr t y p 1n J: 'O kil l.., Sa n t a .. ,. orll'nli-d homi•, rrum a llulahun Anu t l rvmc• art'a Salary SI LKSCREEN~RS !S uper d rop in Offi l' t' Call op1:n 714 549 7093 Hunt &::ti. Mnfgr . ncrtb

u.., ---------- -- pe rson fo r p r ec ision llwy . La~una ~a~ rwt~ds e r('l1t1v1• 111.•opl" for M 1-; D I /\ T Jo: I. \ ' · · wornl'll & rouµl1· :, 1n Npt full & p art l 1m.- Pl'rma I\ I': Y II o I\ It I ;ir1.•a App ly lJ111\ 1 ri.al n1: n l poi.1t1un .. M uq 1-: X P t:: tt I t-: :0.: ( I'' ll u1 lt11n1: Ma11111•n 11ntl' ----------1 have 1•xpeno•m·t· 1n f tur.1I llf·:Lf'FC ' I. WE lli\Vt: l22C W Slh ::...i . S:.n to.1 tlt•Slf.?n 1-:x1·1•1lt•nt Oft 0\,1( OWN Tlt i\li\ INt; /\na S42 7<.'fl!,

ROGER IROWH R.E. SALl::S RE PS for S<tlci. & Se<-rc tary rt'<'c·pl1on1!>t fo r ~ilk.screen pnnhn~ & la~ 6 73- 1020 ~ .. r v 1 t f' t o o u r Mu1s1on Y1t·JO orthodon oub Mu11mum l y r t'Xl.I

1·uslomt•r., , flc·x 1 b it• \H' offiu· flkk p~ t ' ' 7141894·5351 P HO DUCT ION

TR/\I Nt:Jo:

portumty to work 10 .1 l'HO<; IC /\M l'l!T ON B Y prc:.lli.:111u:. ... 1·t1111~ ·11 11-; C'Ol'NTHY 'S TO I Lab Assi:.lJnt P art T1nw

O It c; f\ N S ,\ 1. I': : fur Bio Ml•llt t'al t:01 fJ Ph·aw apply 111 1wr...u11. f'EO l' l.E ('/\ I. I. i\ ' Will tr;un. rlt.•\lhh• hr ... Mon lhr u Fri fl "IJ c· 1-: I-' o II ~ui11halary, ' l l.liJI lk.i.>

ROGER ' S GARDENS 2:1{/1 S:in J oaquin

JIJ 11 ... H1wd C'DM 1,411 5!+.1 1

l-'01111 pr l'JI M 1111 l' r I 7 (! J • M ll n 1 v 1· r ,, 1 t ) l\thlt •t II' C'luh 7M! 1:"1:1

Vi1n ·m11n /\"'' Mu..,l h1• n11·c·h1 111l'111wtl 111 M·t up '"' ma111l 111r1 11rod111·11on t •110111 1:.:11 M1111fln 1a /\Vl' N H Ml! 5125

l"M 'fClp ('la ~:. f. l'l(tl M1•:,1.;11(1• .. pa 1n (' M Salarv + profit " har111 1: & bonu.' Wt• provult· lhl' !>f'hool fo4.'\·3'13.1

G eMra l Ofifl c:e Ht•hahh-. m11111n· JH ' r" m .1hh: to h:.imll1· .1 v;1n\'I \ of J<>lr- tn bu!-\ f11 v1!.11>11 •M l('l' of a i.1.11 .. "'11)1· It F. lnv1·.,1 Fi r m ·1 " I"' 5.'i wpm C:J II K~'I 11.l'Mi

GENERAL OFC P /T Bk kp1t. 1\ / 1' , /\ It , 11.tyroll ( '1>11"tru t'XPl'r nw Call !'>4!1 !1~1

GENERAL OFFICE P:irt l1m1" m ui.t C'OJOV phone r 1111t;wl , workm~ w1t·us tomf•r 11 I(, <It- tad work Pel var, s 11·k J>ltl' & ht·ulth in~ Apply !lam •1pm. M•m thru Fri al flard<'n " 1'1·~• ( '011tr11I. ll!lti It ,in tin I (J h , (' M ~ O'\b-ao'l70

1-.Tfo. lt VI 1-;w Olt<: 1\ ~ l'~l 11 1-· X C' 11 /\ :-; < ; ~: , ST /\ ;-.; \( 'NN ; 14 1w, 730~ LEGAL SEC RETARY

GUARDS f·'ull & p:1rl titnt• ,\II . 1 r l · ,, ~ l ' 11 1 f 11 r rn " f11rn1 -. lit'<I /\i.,:1·1> :! I 11r nwr lk t1n·d ~ 1·it- 11rnt• No 1·x11t.·nt•n<·e fll't ' /\ p p ly Uni1·1·r.-.al l'rnt1·t'l11>n ~1•rYt(' l' . 1<!2(, W 5 t h :-.1n·1 l. Santa /\na In

l.u w firm w 1v 1·rv 1n tt•n•sl1n1: c·orp & Ill µra t1 IN' nds lt-J:;il S1·r v °" 'lUr>"nor ~kllb m l." nut 'land ~ M Al; II ,\!Jt llty lkaut Npt Ctr •1(1· i. . x ln l ... 111 II. lw1wf1ti. S1•nll rt'l'>Umt to H ll J)!i!t• rl y lif..0 N1.·w1111rt ( 'Ir Dr, S t l' i:rm. N II Ci\ !l:!l~iO

tt·n·u·w hour-. ~I 12 & I •I 1, 1• i.: u I S 1.• 1· rt• l :. r y , Mon thru fo'n q ualtftt'(f :-lr<mi.: I yp on i::.

lnml' :.rt•;i , $1150 Od.1 bit' . 979 !JI) lfj

I li\11< STY I .IST Eom S Sun & Mon

5iUI 2'.!."6

lll'lp Wanh·ll l'nval(· r>1t .,, S<·hoot

fi4h I i+l

HOSTESSES lc·h .• l/ftd .., d<1y ~hill 01wn 1111! -. uon Wt• nl'l• tl h11 ~ l1•,'if"" t'IH kl,111 W .., I l r t • ... !> (' ... &_ f I I II If Wiillt("-<,('' °W1• lr;1111 Ii( ..,toth•nti. ok Fu II 11r pa 11 t1mt• Town (., ( 'ounfn Shupp1n~ t:t.'ntt•t , l'flrlll'r of Be<ic·h & 1-:111i.. llu n\ 1n 1:t on R1•arh P honu 9ti4·221 I Plea1>c nu call!'! aftcrJ µm

IHYrEI. MA IO I .:1i::tm:1 Heh rc•Mlrt . r. da v wk, f)(I varnlio11 & honu~ i\!~I 1 Hli\

lfou.~1 ·dl'anl'r!. ll• wurk for .J arun• '" II u)!g1•dy Ann 'fUf'l- · 1-'r I Is :1 1:45 I KOO

l111u:-c1.'11•an1·r.. nel'dl'd

Liquor <.:lt•rk pa rt t1 m1· rl'tnll l i. l 1rnd f. 1q uo r Phorw mr, l,J60

Lunrh & a ft l•r -.c· h ool '> uµt•rvl'>or Grark 1;.1&H 1>.Jv1i; ~·hool 21, h r!'> da1 hi. Mon lhru Fri S3 2~, ~1· r hr Call C'hl'r)' le l:.n.a\ <I!. , 5.'>li ;14311

LYN'S l>:.y s h irt 5\.1 lwt l IJt.' Xl11l wor k llH' • 11111.l & l:wnl'(lls Rayv11•w ( 'unv 2~055 T h urio c· M 642 l,';ll5 f; 0 E

MACHINE OPER • • ~a i: una BciJch • •

to:1t•rt ron1<·:. m fr need s Jll'r-:4011 ' '' upcr dnlls. J'lrt' Nh t '" · mll b. lat h ci. & pt•rform vurt111J~ oth1·r d utu,•s 10 nu r rn a1·h 1nc s hop .Joh r<'(fli J:o"d kn hlg nl ha~1 1· math Math :.hop t•x µ h t.•lpful but no t n\·1· ('ull for uppl , l'('l~onm·I f)epl . 'f',.lonll' t Bnkclt-.v, •1!~1 !Wll Lujl

MOYIE EXTRAS i.oui;:hl h y ll o ll y"ood muvw firm SW·SlOO pl·r d ay posi. Look ing for outgo1m: 18 70 y r ol rli. waolm i;: to b r ea k into movw s 1714 I 535 0120, ~l 94 VllH:O CAS T IN<: S Jo:RVH'E (OO\l Ill '1 t h yri.lr l

NU HS Jo:s L q >i,.,t r ;rn11 N1.1n.t'!. •k~t i.try 1s tilk mg a pplt eal111ni. for ex p cr1c r11· cll ~ lll'l·n i. 1·cf per:. '>OO(•I Pr a c t H '<I I nu~m~ 11si.1s l a nt <.. m ;1 lt• & fcl'T\IJ IP Cu ll Ot•n1se for ti JIPl 6'11 05-0I;. K:ll 3125

Nu~l' /\tth•s 7.:1 . 11·7 E x p 1•rt CO(' ('d •H t't• rl SJ 25·$4 p e r h r M t•s a V<'rd<' ('on v lloi.p 66 1 Ccnlt'r St C M

NURSES AIDES Swtc cert only S4 per hr Xlnt bene f it!> & work mi: C'ond Hayvtt:W Coov <!055 Th u ri n . CM ti42·~ E 0 I::

NUR.'>Jo:.<; 1\ I 0 f:S 7 3. 3 11 /\pp rm t:<I re rt lr:.unmg progrn m Mt'i.a Vcrck• Conv llosp 6GI t'.t·nlcr S t (' \1

NURSES AIDES 7 3 JIJ & 3 l I JO 4 1 bed Good S<llary, Coun t ry Club Conv IJom c 203'i2 Sa ntti /\ n a /\vc C .M 5'19·~1

OFftCE CLERK Ne wpor t He a r h a r Pa opening fo r ambitio u s front o ff H·c r lt..•r k Lt phone~. hea v y typ1n ~ . v11r1t·d rci.pn n E x p cr nee· <:all Terry for in lt'rv1ew 644 · 7540 ----

Rubber h<>l>c produ<' l '­lrvJ11t• arc•a M UM IW'>' C'ompa n y phy., H· .il 1n dud in g bar k x ra) 54(f. 7639 t-: () to:

l ' roolrl'a <lt•r Nal U1n ·•·t Mail Adv Co 1n 111•1•d of l>lolkod proofrc11d1·r ll 1~h voluml' w ith d 1·udllnl'S I•> Ix· ml'l 1-:x1><•r hl'11.1ru I 1-:ye for de t.11 I & n n n rna nd for 1-: nJ:l1 .., h .1 must Art t larout h .11 I< j!roun d dt>s irt·d l'oll llon n . '172 1 0<1~

PfT WOMEM Wur k on <in hourly b;ii.1:, Markel Hc:;l.'a r ch I 'nm pany. Must bt· int••rl·~.ll·d

H Jo; Sal<.«;


who t·nj11y 1..-.tmi.: ,,ntJ ~dh111: 1r1 th" N1·wrx1r1 lit:·arh .in-.1 /\NU h.n 1• .1 dl'..,lfl' to .:l'l 1nln .1n1I lt·arn ('ll rrtm•· t ,.tal 111 du. ... t nal m \ t·~tnwnl prtt IJt.' rt ) IMtth 111 < Jlt/ iY I l;1wa11 F11r ,, <'1>11f1tl1·11 llal 1nt ••rvlt'v. 1 0111 ,,, l W1ll1.1m ~· l'u t 1· di iii\{) f,777

* C'otC. Rl'a lty ,\ l 1l\ •·-.trn1·nl 640-5777

m work1ni: with p1•op k 1---------­Call ;>*ll·H3 17

l' /T wurk f r om ~·1ur home , your own h•1u1 -. G n 111! m on •· y (. a I I 9623ZJ2

PUNCH PHESS OPl-, f< & S ET U P .M AN 1-: x peri enct'd fo r ::o m.ill ~ rowth orie n ted <·o Costa M~a Salary 1·111n lll(•ru,urale with ab1l1t} & c xpc:r G er ry 63 I 0700

Real & talt'


The most sen::.1hl1~ n,.,., u tate course y1•1 "''" re1vc~ . Video t'll ucalwrl prog ram with a w a r d wi n ntn ~ r a1· ull v /\1 · c l"t'd iled C:;i 11 for u r 11t locfav

CAUSEY &CO. Mf..SSo Coast ll i \l a )

LJ\G UN i\ IH:/\C' II

f{l'!.tuur.inl /\l'<"ep t10~ o.1ppl 11-.1l1om. fort'XfX•r

SERVING PER SO N Apply ~t i lh1

tM Rttger 16 Foshi0tt t~lond ~wport B~och

llc:-.laurant DAY C OOK

For ff)fttl pr1·p (,.· llrll' c·ook :ir •. 411 hr' 1i. 1 "'t•t•k Wknd ;1 11111 I fo't1_l I t 11Tw

J>ll~ l l 111n l\.o '>!Hrt7n1·r hrlp PJ .1' \'C1mm1•n .. uratt• w it h expe r ( '11rnp.1n y hcncf1ls in1•ld In-. v .11· ..1 l ion pa} . <11i.c·ount fo:x pc•r prt•fprri·rl

houn.. wrntory 1n South pt'nt·nc·t. . !'>Omt• PH work . <.1ramw <.:out1t) Ht'mlly poL'>t..od . ronKt·nial , r 1'11.1 Spet1:.I 1~ d as roun l t o

11 hi 1• 3 6 h r .. I) r w k fh.~aJ Uitatc School ~~ ~Y "I.I'' n C' J twneftt~ S a la ry t•qu a t to Cati Don . 673·7300 al>1bty St-nd rt'..,um1• lo - - - --f'<) Box Sl2. el Tor o , Ca ~t a ll o n e ry S t o r e 111

S LES !1.!6311 Corona d f'I Mar n~'<I:, t 'li. A . pt'r'd s ales la d y . Foll

( o n l ra rlo r ya rdmdn St'<'n •l..i rv t i!TlC' . 5 days. xlnt wori.. Wtlh lo.nowlt•dKP o f SE~IOR IOK ronds fo:i. p t·1·1.1ll) lumber Jll~"' 1.N1d & butlrl " flnt"<' he ntt'le 675 l() Jfl mil ma1t•n,1I ' Sal :1rv S.J SECRETARY hr 1 II H H4i X:l 11

SALES l<J<dU:.1\l t' )'Ouni,: l,JUll'\ dl'tl H' ' l>Ort~~t'.1r ' t(Jrt• 111·1·<1s 1·i<pr lull 11 m1• 1'ale::.peri.on Sal;,,iry l'om m•·n~uratl' w t·xpt•r '<Int f n n~l' l~·m· ( 11 !. C'a II 7f19 IJXll5 , J~ k for /\ n nalt·ah

SHlei.~irl . t' "-IW' Jr :.jJOrl:>Wl.'U f , f UI 1111111 '

11\l' Sc('On0 (; l,tnt I' :!l2'l W Ot t '.infront

\ 'l'wport &ac·h 675 :~.i

SALESLADY Nc:.il appcarmi.: o v .. r :!5 f.o.1d11•o; JIJllJI l'I .., hop '1..·~ purt lk.•at·h l ii:I 85311 111 ti

S.11t .,, fH·r, oo .'1 Jlun'. r,· l.tll 1·"<µ :-. H art'J

I~<! Rtll ll

SALESPERSON SouthCoa~t l 'latJ

Part t irM only 1-: 1e1wnt f'rcnrh

( 'nutune r Uout1q u1· Mu~t have f1nl' .i ppar l'I 1•xpen en<'t ' lw t>H•r 25 i>oLsed & :.oph1:-. tt tal\•d with fll•xable !>l'h1·du lc

<.::ill for ap1it 5-19 2213

Thi· Jo ,1s h 11in h l.1011 ('or por,1tt• orr 11·t· "' a lc•admg NYS ~. Corp h a .. an xlnl OIJJ>ort un1ty for /1 :,t'{' rt •t<J ry With 2 4 y r ., PitPt·n1.•n<'<• to ""or k 111 1b N1•wj)Ort li..•a 1·h la" Ill Pl XJnt ty pm i: & -. horth .. r.d

Sly l h l .... L I C{'O ~ t· cl Cosm Nolog 1s t to a i.:.i -. t BurnJ')t'an tra med i.t Jfl Mu~t have profcs~•on <il J tt.Jl ude and bt• r a r1·1•1 ortt•n \ alt.-d . /\d v1.1 n 1· t· m 1· n t flt r q u :. I 1 C 11• d pn:-on Ca l I i. J:J 11304 S<ilary_ $3~25_per hour

.., k 1 I I , 1· ., .., •· n t 1 a I S U P 1-; R V 1 S O H corpiiru11· 1•'1 Pt1..,un· d<· Proc1uct.Joo. Top p;1y Wt• ... 1r,1hl1• C ··~·ro u ... will train M acGrei.:or bt'nf'f11' 1-'or ·• l.IP l Ya1·h L.., , 1631 Pla ct•nlt:J . plca:.t• call M;irgo Ha rtlt· (.' M 642-6830 ___ . __

,i\ Sll R G I C AL SC R lJ I{ AMCORD INC. TECH or R N, for °"l>t

640- 1900 &h Plastic Surgeon o fr

S t:;C RJ-:TM <Y Call 64()..8576J9am -5pm

llAl.F t DA Y Teacher Pre ·Sch fll·x1hlc 1-:xl.'<' Sccr t l ary 9 I d a 1 hr::. 12 Units KC. I:; Iv Shorth a nd . plca-..rnt M1fo'5S6-2676 iiff1r1· <.:omm1•rt·1al R F; "' I ~ ... ~ le P'f • ., IHI 8J3 2237 ' e e.,....,.,e wo r • , . ...,

hr + bonus 1- arm1·1 ::. St-l' r eta r y / ftl't' *'PllOnii. l ln.o;uranr t• As k for Bo b u t

hl•..ivy p honr.., t yp1n K Gordon. 752· 1147 Nt>wportt•r Inn. E xN· o r - ,-- -.,- . 1-ftl''" 110-;" JJm borl'I ' TF.L to, ~ll O~ f, S/\ L , :-, N H C"Jro l W a r i. a °" Mon f ri 5·.I PM l ~rh fM 1700 Jo~ (I Jo: wage +- boou.., 549.504.,

SECRETARY TELEPHONE lmml'<itall' Ol)('ntn)( will SALES soon ht- ava1lahlt· 1n u l e ading Ht•J I t;s 1<1 t c Ot•velop m l•nt Company 1w 11 r t ht· Ora n~(· County 1\ 1r po rt 1'y p1 n l! . !> hort hand . tl 1('l.1p ho nl' cxpen ent't' cs~cnt 1111 r t•

News pa pe r s u bs . Your phone, 4 lo 5 h rs a d uy S200 & up com m . w k l:'.:Xp. p re r. Ove r 21 I I> Newspaper l:': n t . 835·1JM,3 1Lo 3PM Only

a l <'8tall' knowll'<I J?t'. p ro - --­J)l'rt} manai:l'ml'nt b <i <' k Teller GENERAL OFFICE

Wor k m brnni·h oHl<·t• of N<t t1 o n al l n , urann· llro ke r u1w firm !NII firm wi ll rt• lon11f• l n S/\ in J uoc·1 Tyrx·5:; m~1.1111 POH1tinn lnvt>IVt''i h1•11\ y typmi: & Kt·nt•rdl 0H1n· d11lJcs 2 vr-. 1·xv pre· ft•r r cd Sti1rtml( !>al.1ry m> Xlnt wor kini: c·o11d1 lions & fnni.:t• IJl'ni•fll " Quahr1L'<i apph1•ant ... . 1n· 1nv1ted lo 1·all l>ultlrt•i.

Mu ~ I hn•<· own lran!> porrnt1•111 Full & pHTt 111111· 541J H:1n

ll<!lL-..l'i'll'lmC'r\ 1 fo:x1wr & rar neccss CI ry fur work $3 75 hr to tram 1;,i1; !171<11

Ikh t-: o E OPTOMETRIC RECPT. 1-----~1111111~ MAii) Su rx- ·-rv_i_\<-.,-.--

1 Laguna l li lls T yping


Wf' '-l'f•k ,1 r11 r-.1111 v. ho 1i. Wtlltnlt lo 11'.1111 ~ pro ~rt•i.i. Mui. I h1· 1•h ·Jn . Y.t•l l i:r1111m •·d ,\ 0111 af r u11I tu "'111 h h .tr d Mu~l ltt IK 111 t1H' r \ pph tn J>I r 'tlll

.I J• ~I\( '-.

S.111.'!' ltl·t.11 1 nff11.·1· '\UP pltt·" {(, ... t. 1 l1111w r~ Fu II I 1m1· l"~•t "'"' .n .111 For .ii•JJI 557 ~:i i ~ Mr W~:.I N I" W I' Cl ll T :0-"Ti\TIONEH~

grou nd h t• n td1<• 1 a I lmmcd1ute openm~ for a P lea san t p1•r,on~1 Ii t y fuJI llml' ll'llc r w .1 i.:m~ Good c·ompon)' bt•n<·f1 t .. in~ inde pe nde nt lw11J.. Pleai.I' 1·1111 C.:arolt· F arm Previous bank lt'll1•r t'\P l'XPL' r lt' ll l'l'd, ~ al:.ry Jo' I T !l 5 SG50 I mo

8.»-00!2 llPl'n ~12 30JO -------HOUSEKEEPER



1111 12 \f),\1:-, •JI Br1"1l..h111 I •

\ppl\' \\ v11 h 1 htwn J :.1 ·.


NEEOSYOI for ap p o1n tm t·nt J I prf'ft> r r e d X ln1 0 11 714 83J 8'jlj() E () Jo: portun1 tei. & b,·1wf1t-. .

Mu s t hav1• o wn l' ar . l'ermarn•nt ~5·00ll9

MAIDS 1-:xl)l'no'nrC'd. full t 1 m<' . al'IO part ttml· &12 31.130

P/\CK fo~RS. warehouse . as.'>Cmh. with o r w ithout exprr /\II s h ift!> Nn fr t>

Full Um <' mcl'd 1'ven11tl!!. i----------1 & weekends 64<1 !>41JJ

10 fill a\alam•h1· •1f or dPr ... fr o m 111 .1r1n 1· , 11111\orcyc lt'. ' Jl11rt1n .i: .:ouch. motor s 1>0rh. rl' t.i11lrs Gre;:il t)ppt v bu\ 141' arf' \ ery St'l1·<·t1H• to. ""a11t rarf'er °" 1nn 1.•r t)'J>C"> only Wl• tram rx pertly V1s1l ui. and M't" t:all Mr Dehlsen 540 4U23

se<-rrtarv (:e nc r a I Office lntc•m ai1on a l l'm plo) l ' I'

Ht-frr r alls t u 0 0 644}2470.

r e la t io n s co 1n COM Tenna" Clut11 H U Parl Typtn~ 60·65wpm & hte t 1m1· ro unter ht•lp i.hrthnd Vam •d n ut1c<1. Sand! Bet•r !Wm e :i 1.·vc.\ m u.-;t l>l' sell :1\urtc•r , " l'll l wknd day Apµ rox 211 oqrnru i ed & ,1blt' to t a kt· hrs $3 25 to !>t a rt Ov1·r ( u 11 l ' h a r i.: 1• w h I' n 21 Ca11 Sa lly536·KI02

llOUS~~K I': 1-: P 1-; ll M /\ ll Y PO P l't NS TY i' !-: Mmd'I. a pply The· IOll 111 Paid weekly l mmed

l..a)(una. 211 N <.:oH!>I JObs nC'ar your h oml' Littt~ j, lig!! M1•,1ra, 612 6667 ic-;0 1-; MI"

Turtll·roc:k Irv .trt·:i fo r workmi: moth1·r 14 13 & 5 yr 0111 l..lve m p rcft•rrt"tl hut will nei;otiatr R m. hoarrl & sala r y provided HJ:j.ff44J! a (t 6 J> M

llwy, Lal(una B('nr h COvcr 181 Class1r1ed Ads arc rc•all)

MA IDS O\C'r HI. d a} Norrell s mall " people lo P<'Opl1•

(~ral offtte musl h av1· 10 key addm£ ma1•h ex IJt'r. llours 85 d;.u ly w t liOm l' OVl0 rl1m 1• Wi ll t r ai n Ap ply at 25RH Newport Hlvd <.: M or c:a ll 714 11>4l·7702 for appt.

e mp lovmc n l l\p p ly .,. S rv ·r~ sales <'Hlls w ith h 15: fl' Mary. San Clemente Ion , 1 c mporary e 1 ' 0 a d e r s hip a nd b 11! r<' 125 W /\vC' f;,.p1and 1a n 5.'lfi.9021 F..O ~ s u its' T o p lare your

HOUSEJ<EEPER S f'ull & • P tT1m ~· X ln t h 1• n c ( 1 l !I Ha y v I t' w Manor . 350 W Ua y S t. C M. 642-3.505 E.O K

r luss1fied ad . call t oday MAI DS WJ\Nn:n Good Sel11d~;--642·S678 642·5678

pay Ha r bor Inn Moh ' I lllilllliililliliiiiiiiiiii Gene ral Office sm:i ll - - -

1. · .

1 l'om needs m or<' o ffl l' l' Housekeepe r 1ve · 111 1r he lp: TypanJI, IO key, rr1 . out.,~arc fo~ sm all d11llt

7 M / fl75 34'13, IROO W . Bulboa Blvd N. n

Mntd wont ed g ua ranle t•d ;XJ hi"!! a W<'e k M in w 11 ue f.! u a r u n l 1· c d . C a I I

ing, pho111>, cl<· Fu ll Her s . l rvm~_559·~~ time. Beach S t a tione rs, lllJU.'>Ckeeper, 3S y r o ld M1untc nnnc c fk tirell 4020 Cumpus Or . N R b Hr h e I 0 r f a 1 h c r . couple to mana~c 15 a11ts

daU>:hlcr 14. son 11 nt·l'd ror part rent. 646 ..!_801_

iw,.300_1 ___ _

GENERAL help• Will l'xchan~e H / B Male o r f'c malc, fnendly , I ADORERS +expenses for li te hkkpg cht..ierful & d e pendable. LIU1 & l'h11d s uper vision N U helpers ne<"<fod for ne w

a r e a 7 5 1 · 7 125 d ys, and h h .. A t f I TRAINEES S WlC !I Op , •A"aU I U

fi4S.4628 e v<'S. envi ronment, u pply al - -0 EE ER Stonem11l Tcrroce. 2915 ll'S£MBLERS 11

USEK ·P A Red l-hU. C M o r c a ll IW 3 m om in)(s f PACKERS a wk, ~~~~fl Bc h :X 7951 or 559-195 1 o r

Mu•t ha ve r el i able llOUS t-: K EEPER . Live MAHAGER-TIAINH traoap. It phone. Long & i.n Balboa. $60/ wk s \ a rt Party renta l s tllr e needs t1bort lt rm a ssignm en ts fi73-ZH8 & 6?5-a345. a c a r ee r m 1 n d c d Hobday & vacat ion pny - - m anuger . tralnce . S h e H o11 p1 t ah zalio n pl a n IMMEDIATE shouJd h ke people & be a va&lable. PAITTIME an or-goruier Apply~


The DAILY P I LO T is F /lime J>061llon avail for consoUd11Ung a subst•n· the r ight per son . willing tial part of Its dis t ribu· to a ccept a d e m a ndln!l & lion into paper routes r e compt:ta tl v c b u si n e s s . 9,Ulrin g a rtcrn oon d e Move Into m anageme nt h ver y b y m o t ori i cd as soon 1111 poss ible, Jll'e· lransportaUon. vious r e tail exper pru · • l .l b e ru l in com e 11 1· fem.>d. Pleaseapply . lowAnce plus boou11 p lan PARK.LANE HOSIE R Y •Short working hou ra (7 o U untlng to n C d n

d11ys por week ) Center



Co>t Hobbles . Inc, , has immedia te ooen1ngs tor energellc Schedulers with 3-6 years exp erience

Ca nd1d a 1es mus l have expe r1ence 1n scheduling manPoWer planning. expec!ll1ng B O N capac ity planning. Posit ions involve h igh vo lume p roduct s . 1n1ech on m old . sc r e w mac hines and a ssembly line prod uction lnd1vtduals s hould have some college wilh APICS. leadership capab11t1tes and the ability to handle r>ro1ects w1lh minimum superv1s1o n

We o ffer c o mpe t itive wages. and an excellent benefits package lhal includ e s p ol d h olidays, vac ations. sick leave. ret1rement plan. c redit union, med ical . dental and Hie insura nce .

Please oontact Perso nnel Oepartmenl at 7 14/ 548-255 1 or ai»lv In person to 1606 E Warner Ave . S enta Ana. Ca 92706 We a re an eQUal 0Poortun1ty e m pl())'er M/ F


0..' I TH C'O, ll r aJ)1uTy t•x p an d 111~ ra ... 1 f o od n.-stauran1 d1:.111. has 1m nwd11.1lt· 111><-•run.:,, ((Jr full and part 11m1· hdJJ on th1• dny ond 111ght shifts /\11 ply in Jll'I ~11n !lu tl)' . ll lll.'r Jpn., 11( '111/t(J S Mum, Sant 11 /\OJ

DEL TACO, INC 1--:i11rnl CJppor l1101t y

l';mplOyl•r M 1 I-'


l' mpl oye r • ~ 8 wa y . Tow T ruckDnvern l'X 675 1814 per 'd . Top p ay . Apply s.cntarv/ MOCJCord G &W T o w i n 1t . 74 0~

SALES P e rsonabrc rndiv1d u al. Ohms Way,~~~ &12· 12.52 Unique r etail nur!>cry Mus t h 11ve ic lo t t ypin~ Tow T r uc k Dri vt•r t•JC nC'Pd-; peo p l<' fo r l h e s ki ll" & itood -cfcren~es . perienr ed only . 21 & ov1•r followmg pos1l1on' Rehcf r~l'pllon d ut ies w / ,11ood dn vln i;: rcrord

HUltSERY SJ.LES Noo s m oker Ca ll De An n C.M area . C us tom Tow 1'\ 111 time pos ition. mus t Bw·kc i.t 642.5735 Ser vice . 751-1515 have upcnl'n t' · A g r e at 141-~ .... ..._..,,..._..,,




op portunit y 1f you 1·nJoy Tta.mec. full o r p ar1 Lt m t>, t h e o utdoo r s C o m . SECRETARY m 1.1S1t sys te m s ins tull \•t.I rru.ss1on plus hour ly r a t c•. NeC'd pe r s o n w / c o m · w /some e lc 1..1nc:.i l buck

CASHIER-SALES mercial bk gd 10 work ~round. 642·3490. Parl l i m e pn'l 1t1on ~ w/VP or Ir~ . brokc raJ(c a v:u lable In add1t1on lo ftr m tn Npl Clr. F an · J(O<ld s ta r ttn l( wul(es . lasl.lc opt y & s al f'ashiers sha r e m <·Om · lrvtne Personnel J\lteo r y nuss1on pool 488 E J7th, C.:ocsl;, Mcso

PleaM' 3pply u1 per son. Moo thru Fri

Swte 224 642-1470 ~~~

,f"'"el Agney M•a11er

ror busy ne 1ihborh ood olfice. 3 Yr s . r t'latl tr11vcl expr. Send r es um e lo AtJ • t l7, Daily P ilo t. Box


l 6SO, Cos t a M l'sa , CA secan ARY 926216 631-0234 or ~75·3600 UC&'TIOMIST Thuck Onver!!

ZICH San Ju1 q um Kill& Rottd

CUM 640·5944

,.,.. ... .ct fuM.tftM I dtly ORd nHjltt po1itl0ft1 .-.nowaYoit-.... Ap­ply In ,.,.soft dwftHa SJ\L~ ,... ........ opctratiOft.l * f100 WEEK

We arc l<>e*1n.i fo r an ex· Wanted Class l dnver s . per le n ced full t im e for majo r w hol e s al e person wtlh lYPln tc s kills nurllcr y . Appli r ant ::. a nd the a b 1h ty t o u r should have c lean d n v . glll'\Jz.e. Someone who '8

1nit r eco rd & ap ­h1gh ly sclf. m oll v uted pearance. E icpdes ira blc . Salary wlll de pend on rx Contact Mr. Mo lin a or perit n cc If y o u hk u Mr Martin , 714·962·6604. plants & people, we h uve --------­an excelle nt opportuntity TRUCK M ECKA.N lC with for you. own tools. lop p a y &

..._.. ot the foNowt'"J .,., toe.Ho...: Comm & u p nu n ight

*Carl's Jr.*

2092 S.I. lrf .. SANTA AMA

work Mgmtopp'ty

Sandwich S hop tn H 8 . P /lime 10.2. Mon t hru F'ri. 13. ~r hr. Prer exp. Alt epni, as k fo r Steve IMIHl873.

beneflu. 547-5JJll P1eue applr. In pers on , -Moo lhru Fr . Typesetter f.xper . On

COmpSe\ ~10 with S-04 . ROGER'S = aru. The Office.

GARDENS 1Wilt1n1ec1er11: . nwctoo When you u ll Cl1111lfled to place an ad , you ' ru 1111 I UrOd o f II fri endl y welcome a nd bc•lp In IKll'dlng your • <f ro r bC'a t g:~ao. Call No w 1

•F.xcclJen t pa rttim c In · HunUnf(lon Beach . CA com e

F o r d e l 11H1 co ntact F'o8ter O uc:llc t 496-6800 betwe e n 9:30AM·7PM

People who need people thould a lways c heck t he Servfc~ Dt~ctnry In the

Cox Hobbies · 2301 San ~~wn f<ir -wholeu. le Mexico

Ma 1t e t b o st Moo d HUia tour company. Npt. Bc h . ~Id items you ' rt CDM f40.5t44 U 0 O I m o • J o a n o c oot u1ln 1 available to ~~~~~~~~~~~7!_!1!!4!!1Mi~..-00!!!!!__


some otbtr r1m lly by ;;; - • a d verli1ln 1 them tor SeJ.h rtth &ASf: I Mah ,You r a h opp ln a aa1e ln Cluaifled. C.11 It's a BREEZJ! -*'by ..... the Dally 842'5878 0..fied Adllda78 PUotaa.uw Ada.




.. . ..... ... ~,,. _ .. .-··--·

.. r • • ••• .._.. .... ......... ............ 9041 ... z•rt... ·~., \--:.~ ................................................................................................. ,................. Clilllil .. H• .... &amps. copper A I' PUpper Mil boat eom· LudwlC drum Mt I 0.. V Oudcf • 1• t • ....... c.rt ti JO --....... Vir" ... •••.,fe:.r.aa• aollque ~Pll =r= •'~!~ ee,.o blower: L.':9a e11110· •. • i.!.d. r:d.1 =;~~~;;:,;:; 11 •• ~----~----=~--. ,.... w/IC::e Ht. VW batter,.:.:..00•14 tqUAJNl*lll. MHTtl ~Ill. slat toad . terJ, at. aeial, dut &.ode: .ucAll ~•hi eaaan:.'eft~; UMCIU.... ~ rock T pal • QuHn lhry · l&li U. family auaat k aaANDNnl w/9wa1 SlDO Patio 1w11 bouadil. " f1at lapper, dnlpel, Nd~ c.ot&oft Sea Ray. 1974 over· IGW. '500. M2-1W Your: c:Wet fl bN1dtW lllhtftatwel&O M0-7CMI m ~!_.1111 ·~ ' md1!_n brou~~L~h721n . a al1bter . v .a Mer e . ttatatl-4 ..... 9140 bl.ell or tAelnt .......

llllK'l' .. a . e . ra ..,., mctm1 llUJOW nn. Std.Dt crui•er. Iota of eqwp. pqoe, thtM an ,.,. Corn e r bedroom ea t ~o&Mra.eorted'1oodl ... dilk, du'. Jm • mMlc, DO meat. lo bra, a beauty. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ci..ics oot to.._ to.cl

........ ii tktorr• ·--=::.. .. :::::;~ s-~A w"""° llOO Uul".tlti. s al / s u a . • . • . 3 1 t J&.lalc. rtfll·'l7n,r P.P ..... 1. nu.: .11().PEDOU:R I eleewl'ler• ID Oraa1• ........... rep&ln ·~ IOIO -.--v. r . ..-•. $ Skit, ITT. 11$. ~4114 ReliO(ioopt. CdM:- la UHi New P EUOai;OT MO· ~y. LeatWmt.riOr ~. lilr. i-111 yu, J•otlo Oood ..airOf"Jlm mlley. SCIAlf.lETS 2l' Eddyeraft 1porUither PED6 Rea Mee Now• wood dub •11 1r11'

•• •••••••••••••••• w/dalklrta Wtlt6 -- all all Call ' tilt at 3UO ' I • " PDA FltEIClHT OAllAOCD - -- - If' ttUm eatin Miia '100 1'two tolaa 9iO • 175. Rat ::e,,•v . IU-4M4 ' • eterff CHHtt,e, ll&H _ ....... A"• IOIPOINT SA4S a. Tu..Sboaw, bNu& YDJt a-door rth11. frot&· I,... tan~hi:IS. Oinett.uet 1Mt'W£IS orHarvey. PUCH M o p e d . Ma• i1 ildc cllrte1na ,m~U1~t

lu .~1 11 .. ._

0 w. w__. .,. Haltlor, o.liro klUf'ft. vfry lov e 1100 t7).J'1•. ~. Oak m1Mk>n chair NW ta' deep v Mttcbell. 140bp Lwce. \t78. New cood . ~U:::'lr.:f.:,. = ~

- S.....A.o.a 9111111 W., llU.doel ll0'43111 2 ~

11141-;;t;;t;;d; -.s. Mlac flll'D S10·S3S. bUoG - Candy - inboard, outboard Me~ $150. llU071 bu • t•ted

________ .. l'ASHPAU> SUveor Poudlt' M/ AKf' Xlnt cond . Mu1t Sell. MM1.al ~:_N&~~- c:N.att. 4 cyt: r~ lat. MooedFoxlGT ~ARINOVW W ....... Of' Wa•ff'tl. u Wahr Dryre1R eM11 llouM bnik&'t1. lr•lnod IJ"1Vi.nl . ~so:u Ut ........ 1065 Caillorala ii the bome or ~ &'!::J~ · :~ :.~n UhnewS4SO. 18111 Beach Blvd. p'd. .fUt time. ~vat~ wonr•n•ocbOlMTltal • "lblOOdhomt! Mb 11lb ei.:tDfum_,. (IWalnlald ••••••••••••••••••••••• theworld'tmaetunuaual allntru 010<J ~· M-a716PM-8PM. HlJN11NGTON BEACH ~dub, ,.. HAROAIMS-UNd Nfnp, U.. nutty IUlll'lUI u wka dartl oak (Off• It C'Omer MoYtng Sale Kitchen ta- HhlblUoa golr touma· allSPM. ' . One '78 Pacer Mopt-d , l


W...,_DllYla -..bn, d ryra, ,.t'\lr, t>nt okt Somt!Mu1• u.ble WO 5488309 =":.1-~':.~aofa ft:i0~cJl'~~~ed the J.5' oe>enboal lrlr& 7"'1hp $225 . One C la lrbc ll u UMI • -dr Buick, r uns , IUMDA T OML Y buys. " ltt\' :Jl1 Dfft IW6 lfM.4 Grtt0 -;Ing back chair f\aJJ ~.:. 67~20'11 pi, motor. $200.' 548-5676 aft M~, $100. S4S-lSOl aft open for beat offer or

1'0 dltlht>r Dally Pilot Appl ~11• · .uJO ,_..._.. 1050 w 1mat r hlng o ttoman 1-e'-r 1070 -..c•••w ,. 5PM M anytime Satur. 4P · trade.6'2·13S3 bundlt9 w urnC'r ff" W~'f . L.ady KC"f\mor . •••••••• ••••••• • ••••••• 1100 6'0-7049 _... ..,, W-.ct lull da. y . ~~/ 1..951 Ford,. dr cstm .,_..

·"' I 1 ' •'"lf PAI" ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • -••••••• •••••••••••• 9 , ...,... q..,,.. van .,,. llfl(lt 118 1100 .. ,..., LI G. ._,__ aos• SALVAGE AUCTION 150 Very gd mecll , nda Pill" u .... wqoo 11od 1o1 f(uod 1714 > 6U 1121) t'or "d u.u-d I urn, un11 Ufi - ~ Dl•mood Ring, ~rti/led WILD TURKEY May 1 1979 l2N ••••••••••••••••••••••• uphola. Wlll trd for 4 whl l~~ \'\Ott n' t'Otd P hone """""«'Ir '1'V '1o j~7 lf l3a ··~·~·;~~;=-·~·~;;~·~·!-; ~.bo~~n~,u~n:!. CERAm~~~~.7J.74 '7• 4Mt . PAC.EMA~~R. MUSl Sa~. ' 79 V:amaha 750 dr, . cyl Jeep OC' mlt ofr. r.:r:;a~:t~d)' "v"r" 1!~1~ WASUf'RS . l>ttY l.;Jt~ . Wblt r IC'~ d1111J11( • •I, 111 SAi.Ji! ~al ul:llt! O< Pvt P\y 714·963-0634 .._..._1 _ _. ---- - dfibregJ1aas,R8V71 Oetrotl = ·w1." :;; fSt:S~~~ Aft6pm, 546--93IO. Will 'fRA.qlt l 'OMPAf'TOftS bl" "" I> c· h1 i. t h111J f1t-c clUHw~ ;and 10111 11f - ie.se

8• unning /low

8 or-"""· 4wa..t0ri... tllO uam&l''~ll I t{t'<'OndltlOllrd. 111&,•

1ww t·ub11w1 ~1 ht ... l u(h•r .rntlq ue~ M v a II ab h· Wedd.Ing Set, worth $750. .,...,_,.._ 1013 hrs. By Roger Bloxham 64S-35&4 · ••••••••••••••••-•••••

Ol'PlittTUNIT \ I )' r t(ullfanh-.. . dt•ll\ t>l')I <i '* m r t" b It' $I 0 0 A m e r ' " • n 0 .a k will sac SS50 Site S\o'J • •••••••••••••••••••••• Yacht & ShJp Broke r . 223 USED ON<:f';• t-:Mrwvt:K ll:.5to $17S Noiwh1~her >IH IJJI St'nl"ti;ry . l~c On k 714 t493-T281. 892·9763. ' 63 G i bson R everse 21st St.. Newport Beach , Su. .. ukiRM 2.50

Awf••n,t'1 \1wn SM 6432 J..1br11ry 'l'ublc. /\rmo1re Mltcel•ICMK 1010 Firebtnf. with 3 pickups . Ca. 92663. 11

4167$-2001 Make Offer !

W~tOt•b\ll"ry t.1 .1n * * I BUY * * <.'1.1b11wt, numerous urflct: ••••••• •••• • • •••••••••• &hailers;. leremelo, good 25 · cab 1 n c r u 1 5 e r SS7·8393 ror party rt•nll•I store.• and homt: 1tcm11, lamps . rood. $450 960-3662 JChrysle i lo\111 or pt-time Avply 1-' t ff /\pC St l< l' rnt: . $1~. liood •L.'<'ll t- urnttun• & 1·1t· orto: N un11l <1 130. LUGGAGE TAGS ~ rll;r manne e nl( • 78 OT 175 l'.:NDURO. L1k(' ~New!JU110l"J . C'M KNuourt' W ni.ht.'r & pphllni i·-. VH 1 w ill L'\2S M"5n Verdi! Onvt· from yourbus10eucard ~{e.t <EveUeJ Clannel . 644-9'7JO . $SOOoroUe r new, only IOOOm1, mu~l

1-:k-t· l>ryer ll:.O C11ll '"·UurSl-:1.l.fur You !':,,,,,, St\' IW , Co11t 11 Send one card for each vt>ry l(ood cond. $200 . S4:IJt.obesl offcr 557-1~393 WAR EUOL!St-;Ml\N 11ft S pm. :>48 6240( ' M M.STtRS AUCTIOH Mt" u, 714 ~.46-~ tali pl~ one s pare We 642-4547 15' J" Bos ton Wh a le r --- - -

STAY IN SHAPE 646-1616 & 8ll·9625 return permanen ll y -.. __ c._..._ Ir 7<»"ip EvlllTUde. Custom '711Vam SR 500. Blk-Rolrl

'I l ~ J'"' lb k r Wuber& l>'"'-'t•r , Mc1v1n" ... •ny 1tnm• .... ~"'""""'"• t. full I like new 2000m1. 1.1ara


1• y i.Ltng vv l>J <' u ...,_._ ror th,;t '~ , .. ··• " ~ .. seal.,.. attract. 1ve tag. & ~-..t 1015 sea cover. on y 60 .. " nourforbakt1rv:::J'u vly& _. " .. 1-'or S,1ll• lh•llruom 111•1. /\pnl26,2?,28,29 20291 t t 11 ....,...r·- brs $4700 Re placem e nt kl'pt Comeset>. makeor mixlllo co u .. ~0017 ph.t. howwhohl ~nd ~·ft liuyv1 1•w . SA H x t s :s


0rap, mee in~ a r inc ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1000 7 14 642 56!5 fer 645-7777J1m.CM

'-'• '- .... :".. . • .. .a)' llcmi; l" .t 11 64U H+J:! ~M: :"43 reqwrements. Pre Xlnt new & u.st'd ore furn . . I - -'"""_..... F r o1.llt::. 11 f1t• t• Jl· r , t-Vtot. vent lat;S & the ft ' fo' o r a planfilcs. wkbenches ' 536-12.86. '75 H.ondu 400Supcr Spurt.

X RAYTIOCll Z Mlu\ur ('o lJ i> µ•ll . 11 I ' ll fl . A.nl1111H~. t·11cti, tool.'>. yd pcrsonuhtedtal(ent'losc C . .E. SURPLUS6312777 Jlft Lajll'ltrakeboat 7s hp r ed , orig inal own1·1 lho g.roup. TU'\lln un·.i bturuA• $lOO li.114325 (.'u.-,1.CJm m .1111 l.11l11rt•d 11 it. hou.'le misc Sal ·Sun wallpape r , fabric or ---- Evenrude , 2 tra ile r s, Alw;iyi. p;imperc d . Gd fr be r l d s 1'('t1onJI ~.of .i , turtnl ~Knowt>llPl.CM . . Uay c:lo" paper & we NCR 3200 bo<>kkecp1nl( Ma11e0ffor, 54S-7635 $750/ RstOfr 6311:134

nnl(t' iw . t 11<· lfot1M11nl "h·•·ln t• to tov1• , b t.' I~ 1, 1 1, \ ' 1• r., 1 ti 1 ,. will bHl'k & trim your rnaeh & Pitney lsowe1> _ __ __ Hond<t \1H 175C\ . s tn:cl •75 Che ro kee Jee p tow 0.k . contact y., 01111 ~· .:ultt. 1wlr dt'1111111.: ovl'n t·w.hion-. $.ll!l Vullli•d S.. l Apr 28. furn , l'lrt· Uljo?.S. Or try two l'ard.s fold / inserter mach Xln l 34 · Un1 flit e · l 964 all t:arpenlllr . 67!>1i817 SJ 7f> "9blil17 l1111•n lun•! "'Ll' h1·rl drvr. bt><b, l'hr,, mlbl' oockt.obaek l'O nd M ake o ff e r f1b1· r ~l a ss. W / n ew

& din. Xlntt•ond1L1u11 ' pJ<·kal(e . Mag wheels .

licyc:lff 8020 i.pn·ucl , bl u1• i.:rn pnnt, !f7ll l .uCup11la . ,.. V PIUCES 494-8571 engines, tanks. hl'ad 642 :s42() Nu tires. Very r lcan .

Matc'•cliM . . . .................... i 19 IM09l1 26~6 3 Cu l i e Santu r,:~~~~ea . SN-ret.anal d t-sk Cleft rl' pumps , s hafts. propi. . •••••••••••••••••••••• Ladil'!t IO!.vd l't•ui.:,•111, U t Bub S J C Lum ), r h '-'!r & m at ~'25 c a rpet / drapes, UP · •-"--s 8005 l1k•• n1•'~ "'J'"' """ 11:uo , P fll! it p1 11no. unllt1u1• . r ara .. an uan apo 6/'J la_ll.'I Sl.50l'll p ... hobte ry all u pRraded . _....,.... .. ~ uv ....., '°" hutd1, onl•ntul l't1ff1•1• thl Sonw fum11un' & many lOor mor e $l 40 t•a I B M t-: x e e c l t• c· ! lave 2 boats. m~t 1>t'll •••••••••••••••••••••• 714-6500 ,1h .dnnt· 1nl.1" '· z m•M TV ':. . :.c11nc no t Salt>S Tax l nrludt•d t y pewrit(•r . hk it new ... ~ ff ----------llulldift9Moterials8025 m1111•h111i.: v.1M·~ llth1·1 !"'~Ulg fo' lll /S/\T, Apnl NOCA HO ? SSOC> All f o r S67S . j;':.5~riort>er !">la~l':d;~I~

'76 Yam a h.J 4()(1 1-; nduro 5'-llc•r will I ra<.11• G1JOd c'Ond Si()() 557 -~

'74 K.Z900. runi. '> tron~. 11,000 mll(•o;, mll!>t wll b1S~ Linds a y ~~~tn~~ ~:k~•.'! ••••••••••••••••••••••• llcnL' 4!~t GI~ drl 5 ' ' «> Draw your own r send ~2274 213/634-6484 or art 6 &

llUGESELL' CTJON Snow <'ORI roor rovt•r . 10 Pt'<'an01nm"rmwhk&4 Muvin.r: S ale F urn . nui_rw. uddn."lts , one- & NCR 3200 Uookkl'cp•n" wknds7 141&C0.2682

~ r; newbu"",SO lbbeu . ~" <•hr , , .. ,~,, .• " 11n ·' gl.is'.'>Wllrt', gurdN1 •ml:,, wcllm1tkl'oiwca r ma ch U P11n ·y Bow,:: - -- 1977 XS750 V;t m;iha A ... ric• ..... ..,., ,., u ' u ' 1a0 Add 25< ea1•h f-'.. • .• c "'" • • G 0 I. D C 0 A ST· · $1200 ".· , .,. al '""'" W 548 531\3 SaC' nhl't> S:ll!"> 1"6 N7tl m1 o;1· S AT 1SU N 10 ·I. "' 1nu1ui.-.ertl r maeh xlnl ., "°"'' l..tettNtioftol 1519Sancicas tlf' , \cl M S.•ndl'hcl'kormo ' 50'x lJ ' x7 '6" d r aft , CoJ s t llw y N u

Gal.riH c-rtn & i\nt11.1ut• Mahog t.1hll· & ~lcrto rood. Makeoffer

494·8S7 t Nor l h c r n BLT . bE!tween llAM lolU'M

Open Wed thru Sat &,ii~ 8030 chn.1r, s;ioo lluff1•t SJ5<> <;ara1ite Sale Sat. Onh :1 . PILOT PRIHTI .i\DLE.H Port.able Ell'ctm· Al..B/Swd ' fuh t :qpl • -l8Q2K(1.tenn g , l rv •••••••••••••••••••••• • Xln1 c·1111ll 1 11 gal l'dm1h('8 fo~urn . bot1k,, r .o . Boxl560 Typewnter with cas e 20 nt.1. tnn , s pr11y bnnl· 74 & ' 7 tr 125 ll o nd.i


7S4 177

7 MtMlla XE7 hody only or S52 3001 °"" k1layb 54r, .4nn l'lolh<'s & 111 I H xon CAJilta Ml'Sa , ca 92626 Xlnt cond 5411.8309 refn g • comp e ll'l'l . n· El,inoret. Nt-vcr r aced ---------•I w /Fl 7 ll'ns wllh Niit' 1•vt-,, Brush Dr . If H H47 9Jm ady to l?O. SI00,000 Days 5.5bUl'4S

U N I Q UL-:-, (,' ,. R-A G L· s..'"J&:mo - /\. c 0 N•·•ll Supers wt. Taped 17141 SS7 1005 '76 Y··m .. h.·1 l"''•YZ .. "1111 r " ... _ W;it,· r h1•d w \i \ t t1.i1~ •'. 1r '.ompn•,sor , 4!0 J!.11. sc am s Used oncc GtOS&O"JOM 8090 - - ·- - u u .c.. "

SAL.E- Rf'al fo:'ltale Of Docp 8040 l-Ompl1•tt' , niu-,1 .,,.,. 111 ·•II ~)/I 10 . Uruninil draft111~ dot.-:.n 'l flt $110 548·<Yl56 ••••••••••• •• •••••• •• • • 1973 ~l'ON WllAL fo:R <'00<.l•llon ft·" •·a ~ mllc>. hre clol!mg a nd lots ol ••••••••••••••••• • • •• •• 11n'(·ta11· $:<00 or 0.•-,1 1>f mur h SC':\1 l'lt-c l)'pwrtr 2 5 11 P e I l' c s tar I S4:i01irm S.16 351ilTotl antique~ ava ll abli• .fo· nr-~ E P U PPI ES ft•r -t!Yl!.14 1:S llJ<,p<lladwsb1kc• lirown F1rt>wood Sper1al to':ln SPF"..CIALT HIS WEEK fo~vm.rudc. ti ll lrlr, xl.nt A. m e r I (' ;) n u II k • ·~·k··r Lab• I bld~k ) 1. Jorri1•n .:rdn furn Misc t.a.-;hr Bar~ain . 1

"'! <.-d $35 t'Ond 6314343 aft GPM Motor Honws. so11 .....,. • ., , L... ... /\II n l .. \l I ,.,_,., 1r,., 1 """->cc.u "'.u 23 12 I J~t·rl U<1ldw1 n Studio R~/St-- 160 S<•crelary , l~e ();1k wt•t·k~ uld E"·1·1l1•nl r .u1a11 l' """ ·•fl,. rlt-m' ,...., "' ""'.,.,,...,.,., """' ..,... ""'-7-

1 I T bl A lidrm fum. tlt•-,k or rln· .. , ~. Ust.-d \';imaha full TAX SHU. TER "i •••• ••• ••• • • • •••••• • • • • : "'ary 3 l'. rmmrr w;Jt t·hdo~:. . ~real with mi• tl>l , l~dll'~.t &mirr111 l;a rai.:t- !-.lf ll' W1 t· kt·1 , CARPETS DIRECT ronsoh·orj?an$2900 N!.!w Buy anPw

~::t•hone~~u1mtccm·r~us1 aomff11·•· c•h1ldr<·n. "'"' llY tr.ilnl'd ilbl bt-<I 'I nill ,1Jucl~ 1•ou1:h. Pll'lurc.-:. , & rn 1:.1· lie11tt.· ny lon plus h . $19~ Bnmhall H\'Rt·ney Sprnl'l CHRlc: ,.R "FT" " " ' · I'">. ~ ll007 afler I l'M h 5'1 ? ., ~ t w r ~ IO 2 r>fi yc1 R<ilhoa C:<1rpel Mi lls ~ ,.. etr. OPl-: N until 4 / 30. .inni· "" .i 21t2:! • ..t ' • un ' ~ $1149 . Us i•fl K1ml>all Le~ to Newport Ba > 1525 M~a Vnclt.- Onn· PLJ-:ASE Hfo:l.P ' l>add v ,\vrM•ado.l'il l\1 J :JH l .ci,ean, C . M Spml'l$5<19 View Yal·ht Club ~1'. 1-:ast , ~'tc· l1J4 . ' 'o•t ·' h ··· ••w· n" 1n'' W1· m u.··1 D1ntnl! room •wl, ,1rt •l1"1·11 . . • 5'1'111Ull,675·:-.90G

,, ~ ~ 0 ~""' "' ·' <,t)'ll c h1· rrv finish ~i '< 'lli <0 <1r<1ge Sale !'t1· Wll)I! BRIMHALL PIANOS IT f'REt: 10'~ IDV!.!M Mesa. 7 14 ~~ find lll'W hurrw quH'kly l;thlc· w ;: lt•aH ''• llulft·I IOdl'hlDI.' w thl. t•oueh , * • * Ac•ou lrom menl t;ix c·rcdil. 20'i ti. l

<'nrket' s Nl•st nnw " "''n Mom mu• Si·otl'h Ti•r l.ih i'.l:t.,., i·hrna 1 ;ib. 1, 1·hr, PH'lll r"' '. hook " OOfMlld Gef~r So111h Com P•••• yr dt'p Xlnl mcmne. M r ,... m ·r. r>.uld\ S1lkw T1•r lhr--. '1f.l ~I i,1;, :l~t 1 l11thm~. JCWt•lrv & m11>1· 751 1121 Duke. 7 14-04~15

Collec·t 1bll'i. . • 1ntu1111·-,, rin MO atloptwn ft·e Fh Sal , 14 5 442 1 Lau l~I Tu.'ottn Dr. )':<i !>l f.l 1fts & f.lalh•ry 1m:1 F 496-6.115 A.'fJ'H)l lJ·'.S 111 (.'(),"\l E'll , c·i•-.ood. Univcri.i ty l'k. Tui.lln 42' U111(1J te, /\.PUC: tw lrvtlW' Avt', CM 631 ·~3 - I'<., >~ Two ntt Tick.ts dJ~I radar. Sold new at l'.Jowod Sun / Mon 1 ri !> h S t'Lt er pupp •<·~ '""HY ('lock~. h1·.1tl lrvuw 552 1544 Haby f,lrnod J-'1:.chcr, al '79 LI\. Hollt Show dut• t o

RE,'llT Luxur y M11 ti.r hum 1• l.!' f' .J l1Jm .1 I

~l .. 'P'o 1. ~~, .... ~l'k + 1tm1 640~

'78 Titan~" Mowr Jlnm • ., air all xt r .1-. lmm•11 ('tJnd $)~ IKMI ur offl'r Cill ~· 1> 143 1-;"""

For !tent :!'.!' :\1'11111 horn•· v .. ry n 11 •• ~17~ wl( + 1, mill' 64ti 1Hi4 - - - -- - bl·aul.lful k wk !> AKC hoa rd,, br(•akfronl . har to lht' traellvl' an11qut• wht ·"-·- · J~ retunw'<i fn>m 6 SLUlf' Shot.-, i1<io ofr !n~ 117!~\j .. 1001 .... j('\H•lry 1• a :-- 1 ·~. ~l {'rll wavf' oven , labk~. LONG 8fo:ACll hmsh $1700 673- l301 ~ Owner i.at·nf1ecl>

buymg l np Ii Mat<·hmg tl t'S k,, l't.i gt>rn a i .. 11;i1n.,otht:r~araf.ll' !> al1· TIIEA1'REfo' fo::STIV AL at~75,000.~- 75 Open ltoJd ;.'tr !'wlf Windsor chair<i . Siiowd /\KC l\(•;iglr puppH''\ C'\"'-">CJOC'S, p;11nttni?:. . 1•1t· 1tt.•m -; S.it . 4-28 JO 2 a2 IM THE 6' Ya maha l'Ofl..'!i;>rv1tory loah, Rftlt/ c:onta1nrd . All 1 • ).tr.1 ~ SOckleys. 8 Ori~ . s i.:ncd J mah.~. t frmall' M1 -.c• ant1qul•1> wu•k1·r ~n~1·:~a. Irvine Grov\' IOOM IOOM g rand , ebon y sa tin CIMrtet" 9050 22.<tXJ m1 . Pl' 64:! 1111.3 1'honet Bentwood Capt'' 847 26ti6 hra~., P•l •'l''- Fnr 111 ROOM ~t~8 mos new. ••••••••••• •••••••••••• dy., , 645 ·511 ! \j eve~ &

c·hns. C lo1sonne, g lai.s, /\KC Tca<' UP wht M. l ' oo fllrmauon rir JPl>l to M'l' llugt• Garnitl' Sak Pool S tarring 1978 Bes t Ac · • • • wknd.~ brass, <'ollect1 blt·s Onk. elk.

4 mo~. $1ISO firm c•ull 7 1t /'1!17~ tahl•'. .,huffl<· hoa r d . trl' SS n o m i nee Jill Wurhtzc r organ " 1-'un 25' L'lass Ammlrond . .ill

9i,300./f1rm . 540-5676.

' 7fl G MC, High Sie rra , moon r oof , d ual .ias l.ltnks. A1 r . a m tfm stereo & tape Sliding rear win­dow OU r oad tires & °""hllc s poke whls . 400 ,.:nsi. Absolute ly mus t :,di th1 i. w eek . $5950. firm 675-S226or675 9910 - -· 77 J E EP C h e r o k ee . Lo.idt:d $6250. Days. 4tlli ·1601, cvcs/wknd:. '1'11• 16:!2


\ Ii, :.iut o tran~ .. air 1~x11l. l'rwl>e control, lilt wht•e l , AM / 1-' M , rour t.1l·k ,t:lC. (277SAC l

$6495 ........ Ofl.OCh

AMC/ JEEP 167.ll f:Wach Bl /847·9551

7:J ford XLT Kangcr, fu l l y 1 · 1~u1p pt· cl . Mu :;t ··Jf n f1t·1., $3700 or o fr Ji,,_,.., 768 ·77UI; Evl'i., tiol~

'78 JE9S CJ.S's & CJ-7's

:i 111 ch~r..t' fro m' All loaded w1th extras, som1• w ith l' hrom e wh e els' IU32'75,92835 l

SAYE llwif:tCMllHch

AM / JHI' lli75l Ht'8<'h 811847·9551 "' 3 l nul . cherry l\ho ..tud :.c rvict> 11 Y.ht !"lf<1luxr·rlo ~t vh· doth•">, plant s. ClayhurJ?h a l the Lon~ makn Su p\'r Spri t e " HaroldM. fhibbord (' itlrJ -.. ~;! HU wk.

rt>oeWood furn 4\lli 624:! 1 !I!!~ 21 7H 111111'(1 111 hrn H·hd l.ik,· lunuturc. Junk J!alnrt> HcaC'h Convention&. En w1lh twneh a nd ow11C'r 's J71i2San J uan 54l-40C>l iti44 071'.12 Closed Sundayi. ut•vd>i!.'•0 :! or .mJ!t' vi·h , .1 h 1 I 4 Sul II 2 tN:H tNt<imml'nl Cl'nlcr , 300 m a n u a I . S 7 5 o Tustm ·73 Ford 'h T . 4x4 C'row's N~t/\nluJu"s Uar hni: .... tutc inmiaturo m.cti h in1- <' hJir' ' '" OJ .11 . II B . cSpr t : Ocean Blvd ., Loni'? 714 6.Jl-4207 TwofrffTick.ts '71:1 TravC'tll', 17fl, ~·1>1>e l C.ood cond1t1on . $4300. 501 N. El Cam1111> lt•ul Puodlt· m·e<h .:ood hom\' ~ (lo d • r und s·1 , , .,1 111Rdall!. Sl;itl'rl 1142 1;.'>!r.1 JJcach. - - --- to the m1 , !>C·lf lOlll , lk rll!W , .'>59· 1342

lt'<>r P ah1ada I $25. I yr old li75 ~1 7 lr1b-7hl!l C'all 642 5678, ext 272 HAMMOND LONG HF.ACll awn, S99'J5 Kl3 l W.M T .. -L~ 9560. SanC'lt'mentt- Saturuay /\II Day 112 W toclaJmyourtickcl!. O TIIEATRE fo. F.STIV1\I. ·-ou

Frftto You 8045 l"cor nt•W honw >.ta rt• ·I'' Coa..,l llw y 1 Bayshor1• • * *" M MARCH IHTHE !IF.NT 23 ' J" lill-. UAl.l. • •••• .. •••••••••••••••• <.lorks. Je welry t·a :.e s . ••••••••• • ••••••••••••• with malt•hini.: Ii ' t11~. Tr;i1ler Park > NII ________ Like n ew Lis t rm et• IOOMIOOM S l-: L.fo' CON l'AIN~. ll '77 Toyota lon ,r: bt·rl

1 Jhtnels, ai·c·i·:.i.ont•!> ,. ... m Hhod H1ditebt1c·k . t1row n n ;i u 11 c 110 , ti Tools. ~om<· fum1tur\' 111 OVER 200 stuUed t oy $ll500 s acr1 flee $5000 ltl-.:ASONABLfo: 1>45-~l 1 lo mita.:e. Xlnl . conJ :,~f,71:'.,'74;.,~pt lO t.ee •eaye<t. to.l'lood hom" ' n '<'IJJ•t·r chr Xlnt <'orul d 'i:? n.iuJ? day oc-d. Loi:. dock.<1. 25' ca Can be sold Pn . pty. 631-11194 ROOM Tl"Cli~. Travel 9 I 70 S4,3oo :;.w-1129.

~--- cry polJ\el SS7 ·5730 °!:'Y_~pr ~-4u78 ofxoodlc~ m i:rooP" o~e.r. 5 <-:..~·~-~GoodsS094 t~gn~~~ n'!«':c J~~I ....................... 71H hevy_L_u_v_._S_y_r_50- .000-

~c~~d~i~ ~.~. ~=~cbt w··:···················· Clayb~h ut the Loni.: C'Ult•, ro2y trai ler for ·.uh• Warr, lnR bed , AM / 1-' M sold in 1troups ove r 5 a nt to buy u~ed Runs Beach Convention & E n W~ & }OU 11 o wn '1111r 1•a-,:-. $1200 1.·stm pk.:. t>arh Cdll Ken Goddard, ('< s k f or IJ a I \' a t tertainment <:enler 300 home C.ill \1 J c 5411 23/U SlOIX/ fOP or SS50() cash.

The Long Beach Theatre Festival

Opens April 18th thru May 13th

PERFORMANCES: Tues. thru Sat. eves at 8:30 f .m. Matinees on Wed., Sat. & Sun. at 2:30 p.m . Tickets available a Long Beach Box Office, 300 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, Ca. 90802. Call (213) 436-3661 for into. Tickets also available at Ticketron and Mutual Agencies and "Ask Mr. Foster" travel agencies at all Robinsons Department Stores.

I.ONG DUCH COtMNnONAr,ENTEIUAINMENT cana W 300 c Oc11n Blvd • lona Buch. CA 90802

alfi42-4J2I x210 21.3 /424· 1l5S K Ocean Blvd. , Loni< orSIJ<•979 780fi i ~!ll31 /~3eves . _ - - TV Radio lieach. John Waynl' Tt•nnis Cluh HlR st'..-...

8098 Call 642·5678. c•xl 272 13· Shasta lrav(' I t r;illcr ·71 1':J Cam mo, 14K ml.

F~mil y Mumhcr s h1p • ..-.~ to chumyour t1c kelS w./ pnrla p o lty . S ll~S 1• ~•ulv, P /S. P / B . V·ff , ... ~ · ••••••••••••••••••••••• * • ~ ~t;<m AM / FM , air s h ocks. f' or deLJti ls 73Hl74J ...._ ·r I 25.. I TV • - - - - -- h II 1 uo:&Uti u co or 2 Trailers, Utilit., 91 SO r s tm ~ e $6200. J 79

Ot'Sk SSO. Pro1ect1on ta hie yr wart'ant y. frC' e d e · loan. WI 9060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Westmms ter, CM __ _ $'i. Army sl~Pln j? baJ( $7. livery $98. 646- 1786. • H u"·ycle ca rri er $5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1D I D <.:ombmau on Ca r ' 63 lnle rna t1o n al, n ew T hree-seclion sc re e n VlOEO DECK JVC-V1d El.C'hell's 22·s a1l •389. ex · 1-faultnJ(. t•l e Humps , 2 prunt, mags. s he ll, ssoo. $8.5'1. 997·9817 Star . 2 hr, VllS fo'ormal re.II. cood1t1on . 645-4068 axil'. s ur.-.:e brks . $1200. 979 0995 e ves. ----------1 Almo'> t new . $4 5 0 - - - 54H7f88 or840-946H -------

lrvme Coast Country Club 84R·~3 CAL2S. VHF. spnkr. dpth . ' 76 FO•D COURIER

I rullmemberstupfor sale, "'~--- .. -c 1

TV fndr . e t e . Xlnt c ond . Allfos.t-vice,Ports PICKUP sim &73-5410 ~·ars c-J . o or con · '9.950. P / P71-t /639-06Yi & Accessories 9400 F

- sole, sohd s late. s t>ll fo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 speed, A M / M tape, Typewnter, IBM s tan · $100terms ava11.968·0551 f ' o r Sa le Al l / P,a r t Sunroofs w / remov;1blc r an ' t bt!al the p r ice : dard ; I -Owner , good con 9.5 Coronado sail boat. Good glass, full l{ua ranll•t•il U F'27<&sl dllton rood New eng. 892·2ft24 Call for .lppt Tru l,1nc S2995

$175 644.9co.. San4'1.D 350A ~terco lune r . So C /\utoTnm Int· 830 OfflSH Hwlliwqfow leach ------ """ SC.:2000 c· u-.H• tl c rt- · 18'. I al . like ne w. All . . MC

Ust•d car pet . g r een , 5 <·ord<•r , Lan<'l'r speaker~ extra.<> . 581 .1023 2 Stock l>odJ:l' v:.in seat-.. 16751 ~~c/~r::;.9551 r oom s . $200. 494·4948. $325 6.31 4975 ll('VC'r used, jade green EmcraJd Bay. Sa.nsw s te reo r ompuo <"nt ""Y'OUGH TORTILLA.. $00. lm-7_49_3 __

Wat.er softener. new full v syste m Cus to m ra <' k . 216' Excalibur 116 aut o matic _Jl,bS· amakep tune r . turnta ble. F\Llly eqwpped, a\•a il on A.altos for Sol.

~- Balboa Island r ate ••••• •••••••••••••••••• 833-1689/ 714 spe· rs & • ...-ad phones. -•·: ood P iv JM PORT/\NT

- Xlnl. eond new $1 200 . .... pal g a r ate Co rp e ll n g : Ca rpet. wtlJ take 5MQ/or best of· $1900 As is NCYfl Cf.: TO Beau~ . p l u s h brown . fer.964-3087aft. S. CallJimHayet. R l'.:ADF.RSANO 3>'x 12 l pc+ 13 stairs & 95S-03:J3 ADVERTIS Jo; Rs laodtng $100. 960-46.'>4 19" & 25" color 'TVs, $125 The pri ce of 1tl.'ms

TV S-- ---b-;-- -

1 each. I yrwar.freedel & ETC H ELLS - 22 .30 ' . advert111ed b y Vt•h1rh:

te reo ('Om 1na l OD setup 642-5340 RA c l NG s L 0 0 r . dealers '" the Vl'hl (' I(' twalnuu . 20" bike, $15. · 499-2251 dass1f1ed advert1s lnR Portable we lde r. $14. Tape deck. f'('('I t o reel. colwnns does oot mclude ~. solid state, Sony 25S $50 16 ' Hob1 Cat , T equi h a a ny a pphcab le taxl!s, -- 557·3391 Sunru1e w / trlr. Used Francisca n ware c h ina . h t"ense. transfer reci;.

I Dawn, 4 place selUnas loah & W--. twice. $2000. 213-276-6581 . finanee charges. fees ror

" &...a CaJ 2-2' ails BJr poUutJon control di;> $50 Tiger paw 70 llres ...,..,...,.. · • 5 s • 6 Hp, vtee eert1£1catwns or d e -SlS 631-4325 •••••••••••••••••••••• • l>.500 or best ofr. PP.

'77 GMC l\4 1'. Loaded, t600()

Afte r 5, 645-0884

•71 C•n-ot.t rkbp

V-8. auto. trans., powe r ~t~ring, e t c . See it, you 'll like it ! (61835J >


f eu::t°" leedl /J-IG75l 8eacb Bl!IM7·95St

fi8 Chevy ehortbed xlnt. cond. AM / FM a lereo. 350e n g . w / camper . S J , 000. afte rnnoon ~-488'1 r,,flieral 9010 ~lOPM, 110-8199 a ler docume ntary Prt' ·

P •·otabl . .... • - ... _... - parat.ion char ges unlei.s a.. e "" .,. ...,~.or ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ...... f d '7H "-'· Si l d f II chairs, JOO. a6 Wood Yawl, 6 sail!. In· ., .... e rw1st- spec1 1e by - vera o, u y

:y. h.p . Craf\s man paint 8 a 1 t lank s . Tw o bd. awe. xtras. Xlntcond. thc11dvert1ser. loaded, lo m l. Ca ll ~fayer ,11~ 1gun & r e - ~~:;.as~~e2~~~1~~is9s S81C>/Ofr. Eves00-5311. .wt•u/ ~_5902 _ _____ _ ~~~ ...,.e new. Sl2S. s teel36x.26x36. 673-.+475 C..1·28- 8 sails . VHF, ln· Clcissic.s 9520 y._ 9570

_..._.........,_ board, knoll m e ter . •••••••••••••• • • ••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~· ~~ man y ex tras . P . P . '46FORDWOODJF: um Dodge Tradesman

Family shoes " bt.'lll price ~p m..t 9010 '13.000. or best orrer. F\Jlly restor<'d ! $13,000 vn n . V8 , 26,000 m l., ever". Buy 6 prs get the .. • • ••••••••••••••••••• 7 l 4 I I 2 l • 7 1 l 2 o r 6'1~161 Cl.llllom inside, lll'eeft 2· 7tb free. S40-2039 TRAILER for 20' sallboat 7HJ831-1270. tone special paint, tully ~ !~t .. ~e61e 1.: ,J!.so 1ofr • ._-. a ... / ....... Harris c~d & panel lled In· ~ ...., ~ .,.. ~ --.... THI UTO 01 s1 e. port h o ea, air Custom rtsbing po les. ' Dodlll 9070 A M ILE vents, 11un roof b lllh new, 2 trout ll2, & SJS. 2 Monomat1c e lectrically ••••••••••••••••••••••• CONSUl.TAHT b11c k swi vel o~alu , ocunS20.•$25. 548·9832. aper1t.ed, H ll·coolal.Ded, SlltSAVAILAILI Pul rean ol el'perlence u;:e Ur e raclr. wide

23 Cha.noel Kraco C B ~~i~~:~at~~'ie~l~s;~~~ YACNcwport64&-06St ~J~·l~1~d~h: tape ~~.!':ffe ."~:. r adio. turnel' s uper side ~. Slip wanted ror "3' Gran field" a ppraisals to pru· m.4* (Fl.tllenoe). kick power mike. ground Mari.Der Cruis er w1th J3 ' dent owners & proepec· plain &nttnn1. SI.SO. Muat ..... Poww t040 beam. Quiet live aboard t I v e b u y (' r 8 0 1 • '18 GMC 4Jl4 Vu, cstm aell . 631·5833. ••••••••••••••••••••••• on b eautifully main · I NVEST Mt-; NT convenk>n +bl·ptrfenc.

Starner trunk lb bl '78 Scar•b·330 T S out· tained boat. No kldl or automobik!I. It takes a ~t.mpaint.re,aas,2..U Wl uo drivet1, ~boon. Loaded ! ptt.s 640-1582 profession a I to dt' • MJd'I tlrel It •l'lla, 1ttra

vel vet lnaide . Gnat 85 mph plW1. Stattd on , . termlne r ea l va lut- fud. U-narne ft lbe ul· cond. '75. -.5274 trailer. Muat eeU!belltof· INh. SpeM& 714/557 ·'7752. 3187 A· tlmat.etnint.~

5bp30gaJDayt.on alrcom· fer. Sid tOIO Alrw1y· l , Colt• Men, --Cb-------preHor w /2 100 ' ai r 731-12161..._t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca.t:IJS25 '

76 ev van t brt wbl

hoeel. lpulodeoail1un. -....1200C ..... t HONDOn.ATBO'lTOM. ------- ~red, P IS{ P /B~, -.-1. AM for J«Tf Perklm cuat .,.U,t 4r lnstallaUon, fl YoU'rt not tt•dintr the ~ ~=.., · 9'IDO t

wlna. many itlrat, w /or UUle ada l.o Cl.aulfled. r . Mo"lo1 Sa le : A mane M' Rl:INELL. F 18 '75.. wi'Oulrno&.or. 3 motora, to you're m.u ln1 11 lot of Daa. ft. retrt1. • mMlc. ~ trlr .. etc. sU.JOO. c.booH from. 411·S5'7 : newsy Information a1 tten..ea.l82'f. S.7eleor•INll ~ well u~al'f'•l buys .

'•DodnVan '700Plrm KMml

•- tl7 W.1, '"'~ AlllM, t.._.r+M .WO.. 1Rlf1"9d Alltoa, U1•d Alltot, Uaed •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

'71PlYMOUTH IMW t11J .._. 9111 ~~ ..... .. !!.~~ ~ ............. !!!! ~=!~•••'•••• ttZO ~·.~~••••••••••• voy•.. •••••••••••••••••••••·· •••••••••••••····•·•••• •••••·••• "" .__....~ •79 '•IUver Ck>ud l 'T2 Gremlin ll c-yl CH Miat_, ttH

127 " w h t e l b aae , '76 IM_W IJOI _._.....,."" Slt,000 aawir Map, a uco. ~. ~,. •U••••••••••••H•••••• p11o~n1er. V e. auto Silver . e unroof, a i r ~D"" C- llS '14.4 •Ul81. CHIW.lt 'Tl C.vt. 1- v .a, 1&uto. lrtlnll, nlbt sJde 1Ud c.'GDd • 1teno r aaHtt• fl """""' " .,. • - - -.......a. tt broue. nu top p /1 p /b dr . emTu oe tontru m111wMt1a (lJOPPl.> MANY • RHO Cotftlth• type, - 10 " a /c Loocl tottd. ln i out· •Yllem, AM nldlo. new 4tect.ee."-1 T•C~IH,,._I phnne option al Mint ....................... evei.Tom.M4·;7ia,. white DaUlt. '19.000 M l IAJMM MAal ...... vastTY Mu j t II~ 11 . ,. r •77 Skybawk . MOO ml. - . $2.• t'.a bt n at th YALUY WOITS '""'.- 7lA/t'7$.., l U>ltded. llke new QIOO. ONI••~• ~:-.. ~ .. ~ •::ra ll1 -20404fl•4t4' Ollllc lllll l l A c..... f76J 54fJ.1'Jl.3 e,.:;..~ HHHHHHHH•He•O l' 1rtul a t lon Ot pt .......... . wM •••••••••••••••••••••• • '4'Rlviera. 1oodC(Htd , ln · I I lir15 Cutlua4dr. Ukene w. G@411l . •xt 2 rn ' 'ft BMW )301 auto , Trwu '71 0L t:uUl)t!. lllk m t, air, dds Tow pac k •ae ..... !.:;;.~, I '4>K m llea, v iny l t o p ,

- AM •'M, .. un~• a rc ~Hurbot Hl" d new Un·"· A a condition $1000 / o rter /t r ade . . __ ,, _ loeded. DOOO. li) Dad(• Window Van ~ t"lnl M4 ('.QJlJI Mt~i6 MO 9&40 Ml 1'73' ~ 19611 1m Culla.q • dr, Uk• Wood p&Mltd Rbh II cyl JI .... c.lw ..,.. . new. SZK mllee. AM / FM n• w \Ire• . battt• r'f '76 IMW "11J (' V<'C' \\ aicoo 6'1 K1 v1era , lo mileage, -..-c- ,.,.. cue. t400(). P /pty terms • .. m/ (m t au All re ) .0 lie 43,(MIU m1 ~HOO T~ t761 Hood rondttlon 12000 . 0....1DAU4 W. Tum dya, 48'2·2100. eva \'t'lpUJ.IJ....,.\ ml SltsO o J:l nn11inal mllt" ' "II IJMI ~ ••••••••••••••••••••• • • 492 20'76 161-7222 492-2300. ~onw Cll114N ·~ U1 r t11t1u tnc-l11 1l1n.i I lHtANU N t:W llf79 '63 Sk yla rk . xlnt p l b , - --------• ....._W_.___. tStO lealhlr intt•nor . auoroor 7) I v" ti u t I \ Ir Tbyut11 \'ch,·11 Suprni; p/W, P s, A I C: . clai.1ur •77(;upn t:I -;--250 '72 Olds Cutlass, nu vrnyl - _... JlUMf'~ •ndo taillu) Uatchb.-1k '' " 111 1111 ~pu ..avlll"" •t 11 upcr alOflrm. 5'&8·2232 as:.t • top. usesanyacas. P /S. •••••••••••••• •••••••• allo> , ·~~ rb ' c41f'2.'14 l AM t M "1"1"t'U Nu tlrf'• pl1l'ft Lar1e aelectlon C\lliwm coupe, company P / 8 , clean , xlnt cond

WI WIU IUY SADDlHACIC :<lni c•uud '2. liOO or piea,w call <'1•1557 0182 ' . .,, Electra Ud, 36K m1. ~{.3J/."t cond S4.3oo 'wex>tOBO 751-7901 YOUI DA HUH S m.1k1· olt1•1 d ya 1'73 76T slvr Wi red mt. loaded.

YAU.IY IMPOltT t•w,. fi7) 3774 Toriot• ' 77 Ctllu GT _..,....lo Bluebook Muke ..., Ch .... <6 1- , - t- Olds ·14 Cutlaas Wgn, brn. PAJDFOR OKNOT Ill ,,0 .. 0 4t~4'4t ........, a '" · evy~ cy 1 · ~ on alr. regl(as, V-8. AM/ F M -D()l••a ·• - a-- f 7l0 l.tbk. 5spcl AM/F'M olfer Ed/\lll'n Mon Fr i. van20.ooom1le:. AM FM s ter" o. l o p ro nd ,_. - .,_,_. ,.ic.:. 30M nvne dl'llnt:r <AU tv" O d " • •• •• •• ••• •••••• • • •••• • I' I' N75 499340!I 01 .,......,.., ste r eo l' U:.tom1tc Blueboo k $3250. as k BM\\ 3 li'\l 'iU Jlt'r 1 It • n

Ml"I ~.-II SIU t•CIO h t tt lt Mo: 11.G!

I U111111h·1 .l111Hrnt J II tl:ll ~ 991 S 642 4471 $2600 752·2264 M.u-k 11 th• ~ ii. ror ct" Cacllac

S •••• ••••••• ••• ••• • • ••• • ·1s Mah bu Clas:. 11· Wa~

...... . I ANWll II. D•TSUH

I 'q ,

8 JI 1 1 1'> 4'1 1111'> ' 77 1MW 1 nr111n11l111.: 1'111,h11 n11 n l ·\'111·11 !(lo !\uvcr ' · p1 I Loaded low m1 1mmac butr ' Xlnt or11( rnnd C11«' w / alr . :.lc rcu & m&out $3700 or best of

'77 Olds Cutlass Supr ong. owner, 22K m1. full power, AM W M stereo, lll stet! rtng, elec. se<1t/· door lks, xlnt cond ~. 644-2263

Wi'!PAVT01' 1>011,AI< for top used t•11r-. foN11111 Uucnt'flOta 01" da~IC-'J J >•MJT car 11 .-xtra 1'1l'11n

6JOC1I C OU,I S.her "" 'th hhw IN1th•·1 1ntt'rlor 1 nw mt ll'b' AM YM 'Cl<'rt'Y UUl'th (74!JlJV'R I

lhntiltlt Mel11lllr silver m>rl' Lo ma. 1>\qler \c'Ond fir fer 552·8345 t::~~ 45;000 orl a m I 4!13 71!!_ _ _ . - • 68- -Che- v--M-a_Ll_b_u-. -2- doo- r .

'77 CeUca Lftbk , 11lvr. good transporta tion ca r 72 XJtl, very 1&u11d n md ~lt' roo. maga, lo ml, xlnt • ~ Call after 5 PM S1t•11·11 torw l' J :> 'l..t t e l'Olld 831-3736 O.SS70 '76 Cu tlass S upre m e

Rrougham, lo ml . luxry opt, 1mmac Vtn top / int uxr: mech $3000 Ca II 6424504.

l"IRST• 2 to chooH from! S AODUIAC K

VAUEY IMPORTS 831 -2040 495. 4949

1:»ioo t~lHKt Tri~ 9767 ~odoCC~~,.' - -_..,... gggf' '"'''" ·n lmpula 4 dr. all powt•r .

71 :\J t.J ,1fo!ll•lf •••••• ••••••••••••••••• • dlr. AM F~t 8 lr<Jck t :x ~iOIMl 74 Tnumph T R6. x Int ccllcnt t:'Ond All frc1·.,•.i1y

~IX 73114 cood ln & out . re blt cnl( , PURCHASE rrulcs Pvt. party. $3SOO

71t UM\\ ~'002 ,1ul11 ll' t 1 blu.• lil.1u11unkt ,111tu r ,. \1'1'-t• t ' ,J\ " ., ll-rl'v, Iii m I u11.: owm·r 49!148Q~1• v1·'

iJ Ji\\; XJ I:! L,,·.1 th mlr ocw paint, many xtras OR LEASE 751...s40 fo'\Jll )' 1-c:1wwcd ('hrome ~IOO,ofr <2 l3l 28S·J634 YOUR MEW '73 C<ipnct· CIW.:.a~ m1.

'70 442 CONV H U RST xJnt cond, $3,SOO, / 080 544-7550

~Harbor Ill HI C'OSTi\ M 1-:.-. \

wm: whl!\ , MH•h tu'l'i; '6.1Sp1thre . 1979 loadt'<l 1 onr. H·ry dean. lmm11<' 1n oul $7000. need:. work. $ !00 reg ga;. 919 0105 ·111 Olds Della 88 Hoyale

2dr. excepllonal c lean. toaded 17mpg fwy As k 1n g $ 6.200 C all 7 14 / 623 1411 d ys. 714 /64&-409'leves

979-2500 '7S IMW 200 2 ~ 4743 645,3156 CADILLAC

WE BUY ~UIHOO f 111r n 11\tl . Hluupunk t i.l t•r c•n 4 ~peed & M1 rht· l111 radJ11ls 163:iMC,..1

J.Meti 9712 Volllwepn 9770 MOW! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Chrys"1- 9925 •••••••••••••••••••••••


Used Cu M.:r S40·5630

IOll~SO~ & so~ • LINCOLN · ... ERCURY




131-2040 4fS. 4f49

UMW, '7J BJ ' .ir 1.1 1\ utn, AC, 11unrnot . .:110!1111n1J

1!14 7KHI

·1b l\MW ~Kr.! . IOI\ 1111 .di extra.-. M u;.l .,..i 1 ' '

(';,II.I em ti.11 11.IJ>I

'7'1 .l1•11M?n lleuly . very VW . Having t rou ble sell d1·un. I uwncr, " lo m1. mg your car" Try u!. Top ~ G45 91S92 doUar Paid for or Not!

KanM..; Ghia f7lS Bnng your tar to Jim Mari n o Volks wafen ,

••• ••• • ••••••••• •••••• • 1871 l Beach Blvd . . t unl· S900 inglon Beach • As k for

Run!t GclOll f):ank Manno o r To m S:lll 3755 Aikin

Mmda 9731 '56 B u~Ncw l·ng 1n1· . ••••••••••••••••• • •• ••• pilllll. tires. bra k l"~. bat

1978MAZDA l1·ry . $950 642 7169 1

l.Jlc model T11 vult1 !'. '74 BMW 2002t11 , ~lvr , 351\ Volvos. Pirku1'li & Van:. mt . new p11mt \M t-"M . l '<.1 11 ustodoy • :.urf , air 'l howr uum

GLCDElUXE 645-7:.>Al c _ _ _ :1 Door AutomaLH· trans & radio Vt' ry low m11es 1 Lie M9TX <.: Stk 420/\

VWVan. beyond ht-lief. full y custo m. Musti;ee!

$48 2682

"""~"·"' c ........ .. '111. 646-U Ol • S40-t467

SC.SH FOR C ARS T<>P dollar for c1,•an car' & trucks , paid for or not ' HOWARD Ch~•rolet

Dove & Quail !-.to, <Near Mm·Arthur

Bristol & JamlK1rt·1• 1

1-tmd 640 !JJ75

808 McLAREM's




2060 HARBOR BLVD CO!>TA Ml!>A 642 · 0010

'67 VW Bus. lute mdl rblt eng . i\M WM ca;.s • n u Ure!!, body & paml good $1!195, 645 3430

'71 VW Bug . )(ood l'Ond1 lion. call J oe at 536·11515 a{ter6

K.Jlt 'tl Bear h Hl\1l 78 GLC X lnt rnnd - h •Al lii.·Jl' h & Whitt 1t·1 umtfm stcr cass $3:!00 I I.ave S7llO l'll::. ror l(tKXI

LA llARH \ Ue:.l oHcr 631 M:>K t-:v1•-. oldcr VW ~~-171 41522-5 333 &wknds Clo.'l1od Sunc1a .' ~ WJ\NTEO 6S·71 VW Bu!J.

• ________ ._

1 ·111 RX7 t;S. Keli µl<J id '° MU..'>I be Ill very gd cond, lt·r ~ :.p s unroof. Jlr 3

NEWPORT IH-:1\Cll ·1r1 5301 Whitt• " ~ nrf Pnvate Part)' n1·1·1i.. 1 h·.111 5H~IO b!:t l ufr h~ 4 29 d('pend. rar, tr 111 k , 1•11· 4!JJ t19K3

i\M FM ;.!('rtu l' il~ s under $1500 M6·384 __ I' P $ll,9'.Jt1 714 ~ 4-t?<! 68 BUG. new eng. AM 1 fM

,74 MaM.ICI Sl t>OO AM / FM ca-;:;. mags, S1200. Ca ll radio & cusst•Ue deck , 5:"8·53'16 llaveca'h c21:11!12ti J75K

BMW •75 2002, I ' P41 .11r f'on;che 924 Takl' nv1•r AM F"M . •mrf. :.!9,000 m1 lt:llSl' . Pr1 v t1l1' l' art v 714 66l -OOJ01:v1:'1. Aft. 6pm 675 1155 · ------

.WO.. Imported •••••••••••••••••••••••

·n HM W ... unroof, /\ < '. s ll'n>o. mu;.t w ll M ,1k1• Offl·r 711 ti:i.J 1..i:i>I

-'tarPhcr11on suspension, ·66 Red. new paint. t ran:. :!2 MPG, Call ~6·2424 d ys & dri ve tram Xlnl cond or 675-:nl:Z all 6PM for $2000. :>18-0641after 5 .1pp( -- - - -

M9rc .. s hni 9740

VW Rabbit ·77 4dr. u1r t:'Ofld , stereo $3,900 .

•• ••••••••••• •• • • • •• • • • 960 .. 6401.

G•Mral 9701 Dots.. 9 7 20 '74 MERCEDES 280C

----9772 ···••··•·•••·····•···•· •..•....•..••••.••... .• •••••••••••••••••••••••

ean·t Sell Your C:1r·1


For Clean Us c·d lmrorl~ C&ll M1k1· 01 1>1111

135-317 1

9 707 ...•.•••.•••........... '71AUDIFOX

4 door. s u nroof air • .,ind .• sterl'O 1·a ..,~l·ll1· , A \e r y cleuo auto' (410VZZ)


131-2040 495. 4949 - --AMIHft 9 709 ...••.••••.•...........

·oo Austin Jlealt•\ :tOOO restored SJ.7~ 557 5073 an. 6 p.m



l20i'5 5211'•

ALS0633c~ 1 ·s IHSTOCK!

Call loday We may have lhe pre o wn ed BMW you are l ookln~ for! 131·2040 495.4949



* Z)s * DISCOUNTED ~I IOI' & COM PA I< lo:

BARWICK DATSUN , ~ 111 lu.11d II "'' I , f fl"

8ll - ll7S 49l-ll7S

*DATSUHS* LCll"¥ s~tect lon OfAllMo~ls

MLt-:.S LEASlN<; PARTS s 1-; nv1n·:


2.MSHAKBOH HI.VU 540-6410 540-0213

llurl(undy ~•th tan Ufl · hobh•ry. pow e r win -1low~. powN brakes, ai r 1•on<,hl1onml(, cruise con tml Cti82LEJ >


131-2040 495-4949

'73 21!0::iE 4.5. Complfre lht:. tar.. t·ond & \ alu,•. Maki' ofr 497 12611

·11 Mern.Jcs 2t!OS IC ll1l· ti 7 • 0 0 0 I) I' I .i m I .

M~· 1· han1ra I ly m J 1 n taint'(( $7000, 548 5:1(;J

·10 2*>SL Clasim: 2 lOJl!> , nu l' ng A IJCauty. $15,000. 714 /l#G-~.





1!166 Harbor Blvd . COSTA MESA

646-9303 540-946 7



Largest Volvo Dealer in Orange Countr !

BUY or LEASE ·16 450 SLC. 21.000 me ':.. DIRECT

i:f~~~::~Fi ~ .. ,.,,,r:, .. :-; .. ~ ... -!!11.,~r., .. ~ .. --~ .... ~-

·71 ~E J ,5 cpc, onl(, 2025 S, Manchester owner. lo mileai:c. m ust Anaheim 750-2011 see to a p p r ec iat e 833- 1689n7•·650<J MUST SELL' 78 2• 5DL.

- - - only 7,000 mt , xlnt cond. t)4 100 d1t~cl, 4 s pd , 38 BJr auto AM / FM $7900

1 •.;,=;;;;~i;;;;ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~I mp.c. S3,700 Good t·ond 752'.s.590 . • 71<1-1)38-4250 - ---

We need to IJu~· C'lt·an Uotsun u:.rtl i .. ars ..

S Will Pay Top Dollar$


--- '72 164. Xlnt cond Call af t '70 ~EL 6 3, o II options spm. Beautiful, Best In U S A 536 9766 $15,500_ p p 1703 w. - ---Balboa Blvd. Apt. t , Npt . Pumas '67 w hite w /blk Bch 714/673·9729 Inter . C hrom e w i r e

MG 97,.

2 w heels. xlnl . c ond .

"' lhr~hout. dys 636-1500 eve. 493-~. Call Terry

'76 MG Midget.red, 44.000 Whitworth. ' 77 K i n~ Cab 4 spd mtlt•s . Nee d s m inor , AM /FM 8 lrk 2l c h.nl touehup. $2800. 645·1749 74 Volvo 144. 4 spd,, air, Ce M , eves. AM/FM 8trk stereo; a p ·

ags, lun u t op - prox. 23 mi pergal. Xlnt 28,<XX> ml $4000/bst o rr p~ 9750 rond. $3,750 498-4120 ~9230/59l · l256. • ....................... ---- - - - - --

- --- -- ~ Volvo244 PS, P B, AC. ·11 240Z. nu pa mt, A/C. ·n112 924 Dlk / Dlk:. A / <.:, snrf, 4 spd w /Ove r drive mags, AMffM . xlnt Sn rf. al loys. Am / FM cond, S311()().'ti45-0104 stereo cuss. All xtras. Xlnl cond. 546-6906. --- - - No/Own, T /0 lsc. 8·6, '6t wOLVO I ,.4S ' 79 2aozx 5 s pd . 973-2077,an6. 675-883G • "' s howroo m cond . Ai r . AM FM s t ereo, n e w

Sales-Service-Le g AM /FM tas!J , Take over '76 Targa 911~. eng rebll . Miche lina , s trong run· C.-...- lealie.~6l aft5pm. ~~ ures, Signa ture Ad · ning car SllSO • - dit1on Loaded, M ust see.

Rollan.oyceJ bo BMW 'it Oataun 8210. 4 door. 497-1332 C~AFTER 7PM 1540 a m ree 18,000 ml. AC. s te reo .

NewportBeach 64().6444 AM/FM casset te, 4 s pd. 70 911 T Taro : O ne 4267

..,7 •u.w ]JOI PP. $3700. SG-8577 Owner , ne w e ng . & palnt . .... am/fm ster e o . m aga, ....._ UMd

AutO. tram., sunroof , air '76 aao z· Xlnl cond . Low ll!IOO. 646-9092 ... •••••••••• .. •••••••• cood., atereo c auelte. ml. $7000. ·~ ttOI immaculate thruo ut ! 546-2291 '70911 S. Blk /bUl, lmma c c -(9CT.JA) Many extras. l8500 firm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sevtiraltochoo!Jefrom . ,_,.... t723 CalJ dys 838-21182 ; e vea • • •

SADDI HACll ....................... 831-5335. Wt*¥ c..,..oltler YAU.IY IMPORTS ·~/~e~T~ik Db~~~~~~ ·59 Po rsc he 356A. Ltd . 17~U:uc lid

Hl-2040 4tMt4t Ser vice records a vai l F.dit, removable hrdlop, Fountain Valley

CREVIER ·o I St I altOAC)Wjl,1 SAN TA AlfA

835·3171 .Tttt ULflMATl 0111Vlfl0 MACHINr

- ··

Body • eng. concourse calld4·7941/673>Ml8 Two'::-lheTlc ..... cond. 126,500 / mk o f r '75 911S Taraa . e xcell LONG BEACH 714·751·$875. 7AM -7PM cond,, lo mllea1e . spec . THEATREFF.ST IVAL

M 9725 gazelle metallic, 554-0567 IHTHE ••••••••••••••••••••••• alt 6PM. IOOM IOOM

AATXtt Rallloyce 9756 ROOM Buttc racot c h , ster eo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Starring 1978 Best Ac · & mJ or1s. miles, One #lOEALERINU.S.A. tres11 n o m i n ee Jiii owner. atmp1. "3,700. /o f· ~ ROY Clayburgh at the Long ft'f', 562-C1631 Beach Convention & E n

CARVER wta1nme11t Center , 300 ·1e 1118 wa1o n , a u t o , ltOllS·ltOYC[ ! . Ocean Blvd .. Loni ~PM, l o m l. xlnt ,,."'."'"'" BtKh.

, M4.(Jl58 evel ... _,., 1Hd1 CaU ea.arrt, H l 212 ... " eomethlnt to aell 't ....... todalm your Ucketa O..llled ada dO It we U. ClOllO SUN DAYS * * *

NABERS '72Nt!wport

llcuwr. runs ~ood. $500 Call 548·1392 - ---------

Cot,:.W19ntat 99 3 0

'77 Cutlass Brougham . xlnt rond. $5500 661·34117 aft6PM

t!at/iffar) ...... .. . . . . ... . . .. . . . . - ---------·n Murk 111 >.Int cond ·75 M 1nl Cond Fully

$2,0050,B 0 L" rnsg EQWPl New t1rell . Good Jc>(() f kulx11 l\11111 833 1528 rrulagc $2,950 S40-338S

( o)',I,! 'I.\,,,, '>40' 1100 i tm Marvk V , d tJve gr)' Pinto 9f57

'72 t-:1 Dor ad•J C:on\ 1•rl 1

bl<· Hu:,~ct ext " hont· le11tht'r mt 1-.Hr~ 111Jl Xl nl c nn1l $.'•.OOIJ lh t Ofr ~ts Jitii() t•v l·s

w red J>•n ~ LrtJJp•n~ •••••• ••••••••••••••••• <.:Jn u-r 1 c:.1~nt:r :.en<·~ . ·n Wa!(on Nl' W dutch , lll)Wl'I ~unroof, lthr 111t 1ouf rack. A 1C . l '>Pd . 11uJ1\ldually c onlrollcd great mp)( $14!50 1oe1v.t•r St <1 1 ~ . AM / FM & 536-0475 1;1µ1• dt•1·k . <! Ill\ ma , SlO,HC~I ~ 5Jjj7

74 Coupe lie Velie . l; uud '72Mark IV Xlnl cond. co nd , Loaded , Call Bestuffer P. P. 751 3211 . llfl 6 528-7366 - - .... - ~9-0ZJti

Kan..,as r~g1sl<'red l~!I E l eorve.ff~ - - 9932 [) 0 r U d 0 d I l ' ~ t• t • •• • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • Purchasl•d April 12 . , • Sunroof plus m uny olht:r 7fl Corveltt· S1lv1•r /\nn1v extras Make orft•r 111 Xlnl rond . 7 .ooo M 1 i\ D 211; . r / o I> A IL 'r SlZ :AJO 1:11 fltiGl M t 1; PM PILOT , 1'0 Box 1560. ·75 wd' / W A M / 1-'M ~la Mel.a, Ca 92ti2tl slt.'n'O, t r cnlrl , air. lul!

·n Sprtabout. AJ<:. xlnl lYJOd , Wit\ m1. S354XJ 1mk olr ·1s Sl 11t Wgn . 40K rru. A IC $3300/bs t ofr 557 5()11

'74 P into Wagon . Xlnl 1·ond A M 1f M l· ass :. t e r co . Stee l b elted radials. mags. spt,>rtal int Hoof rack & t rl r h1lrh $17 50 / bst o fr ~art6PM

'76 SEVILLE Xlnt cond. 35km1 owner. SM.750, /Offrr


rack, $81100 J l•r r y '74 Llkencw.2 door. ncw

On SS7 ~ µamt . $!KOO o r be:>toHer

556-oo.:n Cl ft 5 78 Corv SI v r A n - ---ru\cr..af") Erl 11 . l11acled . PfynDtlth · 9960 w rover. $11.900 til l titl4'1 ••••••••••••••••••••• • •

·71 Coupe l'e V1lh•, xlu t cond, all pwr. /\M D1 Cougar 993 ) stereo, S1600 197·3149 ••••••••••••• • • • • •• •• • •

- ·73 XR7 Mttalh1· blut•. Camaro 99 17 ~lut1: leathl"r F:vl"Q fa l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• lo r y o pllon Cu s tom

1974 CHEVROLET <Jm /fm t•ass t'ltc w irl' CAMARO ~Is. low m1 lt c-R Re i:.

lm mat cond . $3400 546-0IH4

Automatic. pwr . s tcPrinl( & brakes, air cond & radio Lie. 874UZT Stk L'JOtA





Dodcp 993 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·oo Dodge, il2K o n g m1 !it ,

new Li res. s ho<'ks & l ran., , radiato r & mort: Grt•al surfer car. S600 Joey , 496 J7W

'76 Special Ed1t1on. a uto trnn'>. pwr ster ~ Jbrh. xlnl rond 5~- 1429

'77 Chevy Camaro . I mi's, P IS. P / B, AM / FM '76 Coll , lo m llc•s, :4lnt ca:..'>,, silver blue 111 r ot <:ond $2550/bs l nfr. or asking $4500. Ct1ll 53b·.t31Yl 4!!7 2903 + aft 5 pm & Ford - 9940 wknds __ --- - ••.t.!e••••e•••••••••••••

'78CAMARO -~PHIL equipped wi t h auto LONG t ran s . , a 1 r c on rl . . FORD AM /FM stereo casscllt! , 1422ULR)


131-2040 495. 4949

iO 4sp. 3:iORS, good c11111l nu paint Sl ,!!jHJ.

493-cn89 l •'• , ., . .. (•-" 1...,_ o-. .. ,, ... . . & , •• ...,. . -.c.,...... 1~

·79 LT. s ilve r . AM · __ FM /cas11. cruise, uir , '75 Gran Torino, lo mi . :n>Om1 war. aulQ. pwr, .rnlo :11r vi n y l roof 9i200 6314094 AM / j.' M, PIS, P /B, xln °

Chevrolet 9 9 2 0 rood $2300 _556-~~ •••••••••••••••• • ••• • • • ·7s Fa irmont St. Wg n, JOK

FINAL 1971 ml , AIC. MOOO/ l>l·s t oH('r ClEAltAMCf! ·1s Fi esta, 311 K mi.

on Camuros. Capri ces. t;3500 /bst ofr. ·7s Bot h Monte Carlos. Malibu., & xlnlcond 557·5041 _ _ -i ~ov~s , Uras t1 c rcduc '76 Granada , 6 ryl, 4 dr, !Jons . rur . auto , P rS, J' IB. xlnt

I f7S '1 YMOUTH Fwy Cntofft ~

3 Sc<1l Stallon Wa gon Torqucfhlt: tra ns, V 8. tml Kla.-;.s , t·mmL'>Stons control system. L H re mote <'ontrol mirrors. Ai l'. automatic . pwr u11lga tr wmclow & door locks , Priced below Blue 9nok 76.000 m1 S2.000 Below wholesale Cao be M't'n at The Daily Pilot , J:IO w Bay St . (;osta Mesa or call Circ ulatio n Uepl 642-432 1. exl 210 - - -

1976 PlyMOuth Gran Fwy C1t1tofft 2 ~Sta. WfJ11.

Blue metallic w /blue int /\ I C . AM / fo' M qe r eo. Julo . :,. pe('d l'Ont rol. t•m1 s s 10n s ro ntr o l c;ystem, tinted glass. pwr wtndows & locks. Pnced below blue book. 74,906 m1, $1,975, Can be seen a l the Daily Pilot . 330 W , Bay St .. Co:.ta Mesa or call C1rculat1on Dept 6421 4321, ext, 210

CREAMPUFF!! ·16 Plymouth

Vot.. ~to. WfJ11. Full y loaded , A / C , AM/FM, s pd rontrol. emission cont rol syste m , Carmel tan w /tan mt . acc<' o; so r1 es t oo numerous to m e ntion 44,838 m 1, $3,700 Cnn bu M'eJl al lht> Daily Pilot. 330 w Bay St . Co::.ta Mesa or rail Circulation Dept. s.2-4321. e xt . 210

~~~!! Vol-. Sto. WCJft.

SAVE MOW!!! ron<t. SJ.450. 531·3268 This beauty has A /C. auto t raru; , P /S. AM /FM .

'644dr St>dan. nd., clutrh , Lugg rac k, em1l>s1on smooth. 289 V8. rel? i:ai. control sysle m. spd con· 3- s pd . C lean . $350 trol. S pa n is h go ld 545-3349 w / mat r hing int +


2!Q)l llarhor Ill\ •I I I IS'I \ ~I' ..... \

§46-1200 Rebuilt enalne 70 Ford much. much m ore . 77•902

"' nti les $2. 175. Can be LTD. g~~~~<:i SlOOO seen at the Daily Ptlol .

'77 CHEVROLET D> W , Bay S t. . Cos tn M<>Mli ·75 Ford Granada Arr.. Mesa or call Circulat ion

4 speed . power steering. P,8 . P.S . P W , Factory · Dept. s.24321, e xt . 210 power brakes, uir condi - a ir . Stereo lupc deck Pa..tiac 9965 Uon1ng, • cyhnder, ex· VeryJood <'Ond Inside & ••••••••••••••••••••••• cellent fl,&S mileage, only ~·75 ec::nli~~Y ~~~~ · ' 75 F ire bird , ver y lo 19,<XX> m iles. (832SXAI 6Jt..cs5s · mileage, xlnl cond , A / C.

SADDC.UACK · P /S. redial Ura. s.2-1605 VAU.IYIMPORTS MaYftick 9947 . Fi b. rd T A

.31· 2040 ,.,. ,.,,.9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 79 re 1 rans m "' ..... "' ._ 2d TMOO 4-spd, rare out of

'"Ma verick r . 6ryl , l:ltnte mdl, wkod1/evea lowner . 20k males. ~

831-1$58 - ---- ----M.rcwy 9950 TWO '79 tOTH ANNIV. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Trlllll·Ams, 4 spd /a uto,

too So. c .. t Hwy.

a..-••" 4t4-l IJ I



musuell. PP. 559-0397

'70 Tempest 2 d r . a uto. air, radio & heater, xlnt bod y . $700 . 963· 34 26 tves/Wknds ltA Y R.ADHOI

lJNCOLN·MERCURY nu.rWrd l&o l8AutoCeoter Dr. •••••••••••••••••••••••

'76 Cllpnce F;a.tite Stat Sl)F'wy-Lake Forest exit '64 Thunde rb ird .. Nr Wgn, P /S, P / B, er con· IRVINE Classlt" 2 dr, a ulo. 11lr , trol. 1tereo. ~ , 1'30.7000 radio • heate r . MSO.

~ eve1/ wkodll Wbllt's Your Trade? ,r ·72 Col. Park 9 pass wag v... 9974 Sl T7per 0 ay White. full y loaded ! That:s little lo pay Xlnt ! $2,100. 675-6161 •••••• .. •~•••••••••••••

for Mn ad in the Dally Piiot t w ttS2 '7• Ve1• Sta Wen. • s:g. 8lntce Olreclory that can ..... ~ ... ,.,,........... ~ S: :ti:i lo m l, C, eatabl la h yo ur pro · •m M111t.anc Coupe V-1, 1....----· ---·----- - • f ... lona l Id entity . For • tnCJn•, auto l rant "71 OT w tcut lron mo40r. more lnforsnatlon call PIS. veey clean. Jn50. l new ~,brak•. &Jr. KW8'78. owoer. •-~. fl00.154·;iivi.1, • ·m2,

----· ·- · ..

PIClut TIUCIC 4 speed, nice shell & ONL V 50 3 t O mites Red w1lh wire Wheel covers GOOd runntng, economical truck (842DBEI

523M 1975 DATSUN

IZ I 0 2 DI. SIDAH 4 o; peed tran5m1ss1on & rae110 Cl@11n. l;jconom1ca1 car a t a low. low prec:e (709MMK)

524M 1976 VOLVO

2 000tt SfOAM • speed 1raosm1ss1on a11 cond1t1on1ng and o;tereo t 274RrDJ

S56M 1976 FORD


1973 VOLVO 4 DI. SfOAH

A u t oma ti c 1r ansm1 ss t o n a rr co ne1111onmg. rac110 & only 65.300 miles Good gas mileage A vory :;ale car t8 19JESJ



4 speed lrans . radio & 46 .300 miles _Super mileage. ~per clean. ~uper

PllCI? 192L0HJ

s3399 HURRY



-t speed trani.m1ss1on. ma9 wheeb air c ond1t1oninq stereo tapo anel radial 111es (8J7KHN)

1210 FASnAClt 4 speed lrans. slereo tape. wire baskel wheels. OOOd gas mileage. Retrab1hty and

' ' ' good '°""'5?~49RVU I

1978~mSTA Less lhan 21,000 miles. Pretty wtute car with custom en1enor . 4 speed trans. a stereo. Fun car to drive. gOOd oower. gOOd handling. Fronl Wheel Clnve. Low pnce. [ 787UZV). s3m


Aul omallc tram .• 8'r cood .. vlnyl top. m1g wheels & AM/FM Pretty g reen (270JSD)

S46" 1976 DATSUN

2IO%COUPI ' speed transmissio n , mag wttoefa AMIFM scereo (344RIW).


e l­

s e ·d Le

1e l e ve ·e

tet 1se

m· ter E.

\ell. iuse the the ~

IS to tave


SS ds •Y· i8 . a t


i re ... ,. IOft· ; to me.

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5'4295 5 TO CHOOSE



::?!ii $7228 Dhcownt I Q Q 0



.AM RADIO .•lUllU,1'<411 1£.2711#1_. 1401 11Jl!<!/•,.1't111 2E711111~llfiltl







FINANCING on approved credit

MOM4lCH V-8 auto trans factory a11


$ V -8 dUIO tran!> Pow er V fl .11 11 0 tr.in ldC.lory air

5795 Wl ndOWS p o w er '>Ca t '\ s3995 l IJfl l 1l111nlflQ (Jl) N el Landau too AM, FM '>lerpo .11 .. •r11or1 1,r,-N1·1 w int.low o.,

$ con d pow r w indow '> & $ v 8 auto tran:. lac1o ry air

5395 !> eat!. AM / FM '> lf> re o 5395 t JnO o o w t-!r :. l eering . cruise con1ro1 1111 wneel AM FM '>lerf'o & w ood

w 1 r P w hee I co ver '> AM rdd10 Lt1nat1u to o 1111 179RUBTJ •,lt>Prong f 42MXU

rallve wheels & power dOOf grain s1d1ng (706ULFJ tocks 1836SETl

19?ZL~~C 12 MONTH OR 20,000 MILE ·77 C,tfc~!.~OLET $7995

~~8nC:~'00~'!~~ · ~·\~,~~n~;' GENERAL MOTORS A•0ail~l1e1 s5395 ~a~e a~'s. r~c~1F~. s::,~~~ AM/ FM ~lereo lap • CrUl '>O ft " wn1>etc; t ill wheel. cruise

f1~~~~1 & t il t vh eer. SERVICE POLICY u~ cars control camper shell

-· Prices good thru April 30 only - Hurry while seledlon Is good

l ~~IANI NOTICl fORfAOlH 'I lhtl ~ ot «1-'""" _ .. Cl<"'• nOf lllCIUCI• ~ __ ., , .. ,.. I- lrlll'I""

left II--...•- - OCKumonlMV c...,ve, AA~ 10IO Oft -- ·-~ " " CM'~ to onoo .... 0t1 .. • •""" "'°"' 30 ltrt

- ... __ __ .. ·-·· ·- - - --- · .. ·- . . . . .



. -···- . ·· '- ------ ------- ...... _




Huntington Beach Fountain Valley


VOL. '12, NO. 116, ' SECTIONS, ~ PAGES

Kidnap Suspe~t. Dies in Bail of Polire Bullets Sus pect id('ntificd by police as Newm a n Augustine Osebor. 22. leap!> from a !>ports ca r armed Wednes· da y and w<i ~ im m ediately cut down by police g unf ire.

He got off one s hot a t office r s . The shooting occurred on I nterst a tc 8 near San Diego. Osebor . was sus pected of holding a Sa n Diego psychiatr ist hostage for more

Ye•rBe•et••• DallyNe••••per

tha n three holtrs . Osebor was identified as a Nigerian s tudent a thle te who had previously threatened the lives of h1~ v1ct1m 's fam ily . See s tory . Page AS today.

.Carter Fights for Gas Ration &by's Death Related

By KATRY CLANCV 01 1M D•ilf P i let Sta ll

The phys ician who was with • Dr William Waddill's chief ac·

cust'r the night police were told of an alleged infant s laying took lhtc• w1ln~ss sLand to<hiy an Wad­dill 's murder re trietl.

Dr . Thomas Ferguson t.old the Or a nge County Super ior Court j u ry th a t h e ca l l e d a Westm ins te r ~ol ice acquai n· l a n c e a f t er 0 r . R o n a I d Cornelsen alleged he saw Wad· dill "strangle and suffoca te" a

f> newborn infant an the aftermath '" of a saline abortion two years

ago. Ferguson test ified Cornelsen

ca me to hJs home late one mght a fe w d ays ufler the alleged slrn ngulalion

He said Cornelsen told him the baby " was born uli ve, was cry· ing, moving a nd breathing in · dependently " be fore s he al · legedly was choked to death.

An d , Fe r g u ::.o n continued , those were the purported facts he r elayed to police when he sum moned the m to his home that e verung

" Afte r Or Corne lse n came over I beca me concerned about bis involvement in the events and I was worried that he was exposing himself to something ." Ferguson expl ained .

" At the late hour I thought I could call my lawyer in Long Beac h a nd he ta lke d to Dr. Cornelsen," Ferguson testified. .. Afte r that conve rsation and another one with the hospital ad­m inistrator . Or. Cornelsen told me he wanted to talk to police."

De fense atto rney C h a rles Weed man asked Ferguson if he recalled telling police " you will have to protect my butt. ·•

,-.1 can't imaJ(ine what it could poss ib ly b e r e fe r rin g to.·' Fe rguson replied . " I don 't think it could have come from me."

Waddill. a 43·year-old Hunt· CSee WADDILL, Page A2>

Jogger Fights Assault Try

A Fountain Valley woman, on a W e dnesda y evening jog through Huntington Beach , was a ttacked in a Cent r a l Park restroom but was able to fend off her assailant a nd escaped Wl· harmed, PQlice reported today.

Poliee said they are ... king a 1cruffy, sbh1lesa man in connec­tion with the reported rape a t ­te mpt.

The victim, whose age was not available , said she was in the wome n's restroom at Centra l Pa rk at about 6 p.m. when she was grabbed from behind .

She s lammed a rest room stall door lnto her 1ttacke r and ran from tbe rat.room.


In llrdto"" /llP Wl....-W

Ga s light Club wait ress goes on the picke t line in he r working clothes Wed nesday in em ployees' e ffort to un­ionize the Washington D.C. wa t e ring s pot

More Time Needed

Doctor Wins Delay

Dr. J e ffrey Ma c Dona ld of Huntington Harbour , the former Green Beret capta in charged in the 1970 deaths of his wife a nd two daughters, has won a trial postpone ment .

The trial was to begin Mon· day , but Mac Dona ld 's a ttorneys las t week asked U.S. Distract J udge Franklin Dupree Jr. to pos tpone the Raleigh. N.C. , trial to give the m more ti me for preparat ion.

The U S. Supreme Court re· fused in March to interfere with the trial. MacDona ld 's attorneys argued that the t ri al would re· suit in double jeopardy because a 1970 milita ry investigation had ended in exoneration.

Now director of em ergency m edicine at St . Ma ry Medical Center , Long Beach . Ma cDonald was indicted by a federal grand jury in Raleigh in the deaths on Feb. 17, 1970 of has wife Colette and children Kimbe rly, 6, and Kristen. 3.

Milita ry police who rushed lo then -Green· Be re t ·Capl. Ma c . Donald 's quarte rs at Ft . Bragg, N C.. said the three had been bl udgeoned to death and the cap­tain was suffering a knife wound in the chest.

They sa id Mac Donald told them that four drug -crazed hlp· pies had forced their way into his home and attacked him a nd his family.

MacDonald was not available fo r comment Wednesday. His secretary said he was on hls way lo San Francisco to meet wilh

• m Trial his attorney, Be rnard Segal.

No date has been set for the postponed tria l , she advised . but Dr . Mac Don a ld a nd .his a t · torneys believe it will gel under way sometime this summer

Mi/,e Square Development Report Flayed

By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Of IM D• ll• fl ilet Si.ti

F o untai n Valle y pla n ning commissione rs a nd r es ide nts criticized a county environmen­tal report on developme nt im­pacts for the rema ining 86 un· developed acres or Mile Square Regional Park Wednesday ·

A stream of C'itizens at city ha ll said they want no part of a deve lopment proposa l by the VTN Corporation of Irvine that would mean:

- A l.5·acre swim lake and beach a rea that could dra w about 8.000 people per weekend.

- A l ,OH-seat outdoor am ­phitheater a bout 300 ya rds from Edinger Avenue .

- Separate s kate board and bicycle motocross courses.

- Baseball diamonds and a dde d tenn is and r aquetball courts .

- A Zll-peraoa capacity group . picnic area a nd fast .food and

video games stands. T r affic and parking impacts.

LkL _ C noise pollution . ai r quality and '-'liter overage the· demise of a flock of rare bur·

Additional Huntington Beach· - rowing owls were among con· ce rns aired by commissioners

Fountain Valley coverage ap- a nd citizens at 'the ola nnin" pears today on Page A14. (See MJLE, Page AZ>

C..-ng Doarn ,.,. . ,....,...

Rea r Adm ir a l J ames 8 . Linder. com m a nder of the U.S. Taiwa n Defense Com mand. lowers the Am e rican fl ag for the last t am e in Taipe i. The United States has broke n off diplomati c re la t ions with T a iwa n .

Bill Defeated SACRAM ENTO IAP ) - Labor

unions. doctors and insurance com panies joined fo rces with women 's.rights groups Wednes · da y a nd defeated a bill to ex· e lude abortion cover age from health insurance policies. AB 741 by Assemblyma n Peter Chacon. D·Coronado , would' h a ve pro· hibited cover age fo r elective abortions on all types of disabili­ty health insuran ce .

Coast Firms to Save Energy By JOANNE REYNOLDS m ent signed today all four com· °' .. o.iiy l'll•Ue.tt panies will be linked by a com-

1 n what officials s ay is a puler operated by Engineering unlq ue experiment . four of the Supe rvision Company c ESCO l Orange Coast 's biggest f irms tha t wUl monitor the firms · h a v e lo rm e d a n e n er g.y energy demands. cooperative in an attempt to sa ve Tbe cooperative la designed to four megawatts of electricity dur- reduce demand dwinl the alter-ing the fiscal year be1lnn1ng July noon peak period at about 4 p.m . 1. Uslq the monltortn1 device,

Four mesawatta of electricity co -op president Bud Dobyna or ta eDOQlb to supply eHflY to Fluor said, will te ll members 3,000 homes for a year. when to defer use of some equip­

ment. Tbe co-op was launched thla · J ohn Phlllips of ESCO saJd

mornJn1 duriDI a press con· that won 't mean a wboleaale fe rence hos ted by Pacifi c shutting off or lights and air con-Mutual LUe ln1u n nce Com· diUonina, but a selective Alduc-pany. one ol it.a members. Uon In U1e or some machines. He

The other members are the sald onepiceof equipmentamong Irvine Compa ny , th e Fluor ma ny, suchas oneoftwoorthree Corp. and South Coast Piasa . elev at.on, might be closed down

Under the terma of the asree· durin1 t.bepeak.

He described the plan as an ' energy budget , but one used in concert by the four firms, rather than on an individual basis.

C.E . Hathway, vice president of Southern California Edison, s aid the program has never been tried before in the United States.

He explained tb1t tbe four companies paid for a reaalbllity s tudy on the project.

Wit.b the approval of the state PubUc UtiliUes Comnlission and Edison. the cost of implement­ing the project, about $250,000. will be bome by Edison.

Dobyns said that end or the first year trial, if the co-op bas worked as planned , the IJ'OUP wi ll pefttion the PUC ror institu­tion of a 1peeial rate as an tn· cenllve to 1et more bualneaaet to do the same tbina.

He sa id tha t mo re Orange County firms ar e expected to join the co-op. but that the four were the companies that have worked on . Its fo rmation for about a year .

Called the Orange County Energ y Co n se rv a t i on Cooperative, the organ11atioo ls a non.profit corporation.

Phllllpe SI.id the project ls ex· peeled to save the nrms money in reduced energy conaum~ and to ald the Edison Company by reduclq peak demands.

Streuini that the co-op is a voluntary effort Pbllllps added that be bopes It will prove " we don ' t need a ny gove rnment­lmpoaed mandates to refUlate ene rgy uae in these buUdlnp."

Meeting Rejected By GOP

WASHING TON <AP > Presa· dent Carter made a new effort today to save nis beleaguered standby gasoline ra tioning plan from being killed by Congress.

With a critical Senate Energy Committee vole scheduled later in the day. the president offered



to a ll ocate more gasoline co u p o n s to s ta t es where motor ists dr ive gr eat e r d is · tances to work.

It was not clear if the proposal would salvage th.e ra tioning pro· posa l in the House or Senate.

T he House Comme rce Com­m ittee . which voted to r~ject the plan Wednesday. met again lo· d ay so that Carter 's s upporters

· could ma ke a n attempt to revive 1t. But Republicans boycotted the meeting, and no new vote was taken.

Ca r te r 's s upporte rs on t he House com mittee said the White House compromise would have switched enough votes to re · verse Wedn~day ·s outcome.

The rationing pla n will get a nother chance on the House n oor

Ca rt e r ' s a tte mpte d com ­promise was outlined in a letter from White House aide Stuart E . Eizenstat .

He wrote to Rep. John Dingell . 0 -Mich .. chairma n of a House Ener gy subcommittee, that the administra tion would double the a llocation of gasoline coupons to s ta tes that fell tbey might have

· been treated unfair ly .


Weather Variable hlgh cloudiness

tonight. A few high clouds but mostly sunny Friday. Lows toni ght 54 to 58. Highs Friday 66 to 70 a t beaches, 74 to 78 inland.

INSIDE TODAY Hm ong tribu men a re

Orl'lOftfl the thou.tandl of ref­&IQHI tMo fttl fu. "abcJn.. dofWd ~·· ORd look to tlw United Stoia for a hofM. Stor)I. pltoCo Page 81. .....

- -----

I' ... ..-..-•;;;..........oDAIL Y Pll.OT

8rrafu :4,..

Com edwnrn• Phyllis l>1ll~r . wcarinJ.t un c y t.· ma~k . ·~ whccll'd 111lu a S)'dncy, Au~tr ~ilia . ho.,ptt..il after brcaktn~ he r ttrm fa lling OUt Of J hoh•l bed Whllf: r<.·aching for an ulcirm c· loc· k S ht· 1-. on tour in


Oil Firll18 Oialk Up Big Gains

N f.o:W YOHK rt\f' I Hcport-. rro rn nat ion :-.. major tHI com n:inw~ cfmtinu1•cJ tu :.how b11-: pro(JI JlatnS IO the f1rstquartcr Of the yee1r lar gely tw <· au .... c ot ..., h a r p lfH' r <' a ., <' s 1 n w o r I d p(:t r11k11m prll' t''.

S1·v1•r<JI lll l'lu1lin~ t op r~inkNI Jo:, '< lln ..,,1111 lht· ..., , rrrn~l·r dullar

1111 1 u r n •ru·y t"H'h a 11 ~· 1 · m a rk(!h .tl -.o ht•IJl\' ll llOJINIV(' profit~ .

Su n 011. C<i :-. .1111 to<la y h1ghn II""''' 1111 furi·rm• c· r mk w l Jnd 11•la1erl l~ro 1l u1·\'. o n 1nti·rtn1 ltnnal markf'l !-o llf'lp1·d 1l tc1 e1 4J Jlf' rt•('nl i.:ain 1n first \j U:.t f lt•r p rof its rr o m a Yt'.11' . I J!,11

Sun . the I Ith lori.:< .... t 1111 c·om J>.-lll V. '\md 1•arn1ni•o; 1n t h<• first t hrt·t· month .... or th(• y1•ar t•a nw to $1 ;.>0 :1 rndlwn , or $2 21 n s ha rt•, 1111 r1·v1· nu1• 11f $~ :lfi b•llto n l n th<· rompanson 197H quartt·r. Sun rc·ported N1mrng~ or S84 3 m1lhon , or $1 57 a '\hare . on n•vtmue of SI 7 b1lhon

Standard Otl 1Jf C<thforn1;t, thr· fourth h1rgHit ll S 011 1·ompan) ... a id Wednes day that 1b. hr.-.t qua rter profits rose net.1rly 4:1 µc r rcn t. to $.'"147 m1ll111n

S mallrr Ame rada 11 •• ..,.., Corv ... how(•d earn1n~s morl' th1in 1r1pl1•d from the y car -a g ll 11t•1111d 11, ~11 ~ fi mil hon

Bo~a Chica Re11lal Stands Aul,lwrized

f"1vc f a s t food and hf'arh t:qu1pm<"nl r e ntal sta nd s will t>e built along a three mile :.trc tch o f Bolsa Chica St.ate Be ach 1n llunlington llcach, :.talc orfl ttals s aid Wed11e1.1day

Rids for the p roJect ure bl•ing solit:1t t'd and the stands should :.prrng up thrs year. but not in

time to scrviec t his s ummer 's twac•h crowds Aecordin~ to Tom Mtllcr. area

manager for the ~late Depart mcnt of Parks and Recreation the added s tands have been p<trt of devrlopm t.' nl plans for Bols a Chi ca for yt.>ars

The re now ts one food stand s e r v 1 l' t n g B o I s a C h 1 c :. beachgocrs , he added .

The success ful bidder will con· tru c t the stands, paying thc s ta t e a percentage of its income as a r ental flo e . Bids will be ope ned at the the de partment's headquartt!rs in Sacramento in May Mill t: r sa id the s tands would tX' evenly s paced along the 8lrelch of :.hor ehne .


i•Dlt1Qlt•1V ,,,.. r•i-..c~ ();M•~ P11•• .• •t"-n"'"' • ..,.. t>ttv,t tfit.rN#"-Pt~, 4\~i~ffhf fltJI> "'-'~ I,, .. t Pvt1h""""° ( ........,.y \l'CW'f •tf>~iti#W\· •t• l~Dl•"'"'•'1 ~f thr~ (l'ft•'f to• (0\1• Nt "°" N""~ .fl , ..,. ..,.-,, t1""'4....,.0f' &rM f'Vf~ l • lf'l VAlt•• l t ntw" -~~e(t. '°""' ('N\t A ... "O . .. , .. ..,11w1....,. ..... . ,, ...... ..,.... "-'""' ... "i'l'CI • ...,Nt,.. \ ,...,.. "'*'"' ICM'I IM'IM•\M ... lttM'll• ., .. , ... w •. ,1 n i1. • t1.-.1 (Mt.-,,,.,.1 • C.•1t.,,_~ • .,.,.. ._ .. _

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Tei.phone 171•)M2-432t

C•u•HIM Advet11elft(leu.N71 ~ ,.,.. ....,,,.Or1tMY lov'"'" (~rt~



HBMan Dies of Burm

Twenty fi ve )'Ur old Jo eph IA nt dted wednf'sdwy , fi ve day& afltr be WIUI burnt'd rrltll'&1lly In a fa"'° fn hi• lluntlngwn Heach apartment

The v1cl1m 1urfe r.-d at"c.:ond and third df'f ret• burn.t over 80 percent of hl.s body and had been rtported rn <'rlhcal condition Ml \ I(' l rv1rw Medkul (;tonl4>r unlll h is death

F1rem ... n •re- 1nvt'1Ugatlng thl" C•Ull' o f the fare whic h rau11~ $20.000 dttm111.ce~ In Mr l.an," 11 aportmt•nt a t 17074 tt St rf'e>t borUy ofter midnight Friday

They say evacknce gathered M> far mdtcateb th<tt the bla.u:: WMb acc1dental.

i'~u nera l arrangements a r e pending at Rose J tills Me monaJ Park in wtuu1cr

Mr Lane had lived m Hunt· ington Beach two yeit rs a nd was l'm ployed a:. a carpenter in the Irwindale area , cJ.Ccorchng to a brother Ile wc.i. a g r aduate of Baldwrn Park lt1 gh School.

Sur vivors include his mother. Evelyn Pur vis of Roi:.e m ead : a br o the r David of Cosl<.t Mesa uod sister Dcboruh Lane or Hawaii.

Fire Captain Hoger Hosme r M.1 ys the death ~'> the fifth fire fat:ility in llunt•n!:lon Rea ch m tht' last 13 months

" Thi!> 1s hJ Rh Pr tha n it shouJd be for a city our s ize. Four of lht' fata l hr~ we N• accidental and l'Oul11 havl' bt·cn pre vt•nt(•d ." I lo!>mC'r s;m l

110 .... rne r 1>a1d four ' ' 1ct1ms died 1n tir<'S in th1•1r home!. and one \.ICl•m died in an automot>1lc blaze.

School Plans Ctdtural Fest

.loscph f<. Perry Sc hoo l ' ' ' rh,.dult ng i t s Mult1cultu r al Fl·st1 val from 5 30 to $1 pm. to <fa y 111 the multipurpos e room

S t 11114-nts of lhf' •·lementCJry s1·hool :1t 19321 llurding Lane . II un t1ngton Bearh. p r epar e CJ rt work . learn songs CJ nd dunce!. <ind c·ook foods from othe r (.'l)O

t ries in their s tud1es during the y('ar

Coin!-. , clothing . books and art1 facti, from those countries ar<' to go on dis play for lhc com· mun .i t y and th e even in g hi g hli g ht 1s the i.ampling of f11r c: 1gn d1~ hes prepared b y pare nts. a s µokl' :.mao said .

Nude Beach Battle Bared St ate Senator John Briggs. R-Fullerton. waves petition opposing nude beaches including a proposed section of San Onofre - but fails to draw muc h reaction

from 6-year-otd Jason Hensley, who was s noozing amid nude beach advocates . See story . Page A3 today .

Fro.a Page Al

WADDILL. • • mglon Harbour o bs te trician. 1s bemg tried a seeond time for the alh.•gl'd murder o f t h e two pound . !~ounce infant known as llahy Girl Wca\>er

llis firs t trwl 1·nded last May wh e n 1uro r i. ~ •Jld they were dead locked 7 to 5 m fa vor of ac· quillal.

Weedman ha s denied his client '\tranglcd the baby but that Wad· d tll wanted no " hermc'' revi val a tte mpts bcl'ause the infant was dead or 1rreve r s 1bly on the veq~l' of dc·ath by the t ime the <loc.•tor cxamim·d her .

Dr lwma rd Towers. a UCLA professor of medicine. testified W<·dn<·~d:.ty th<tl he agreed wi th W:.idd1ll's dceision not to try and r('Vivt.· the baby g irl.

A flt·r hearing th e infant ·~ l'l inical h istory. Towers testified the b<tby w:i~ inl'apablc of s ur VIVtn~

lie told the five -m an , seven­woman jury a newborn 's heart can beat for up to 30 minutes a fte r birth even though the baby 1s d y1 ng

But that doc~ not mean the m fant has any hope for l)urv1val . Or Towers testi fied

Huntington Suspect Held in Abduction

W<.'stm tn <; l<'r 1rnl1 c (· hav e bookt:d a 31 Y<.'•1r 1Jld llunlinJ(ton Bcad1 mC1n 1nlo Orange Count) Jail for ~USPH' IOn of k1dnapptnj! a 26 y<'ar old W<'slm tn !.t<.: r woman late Wednesday

Arrested by lrvme poltce a nd turned ov<'r Lo Wt.•!.lm1nstE.-r of ftcer s was Thomas Kl'llf•y of 10411 Samoa Dr1 vt•

Ke lley aller.<'d ly p1 c kt>d up Cynthia Anderi,on 1n ht !> van on Beach B'>ulcvarrl nce1r McFad den A wnu<' at ethout 10 p m . a c r o r d i n .I! t o 0 r a 11 g c Co u n t y Sht> rtff's dqrnt1t·~

Deputi es i. :1111 the wflml.ln jumped from Kelley ·!. va n wht•n it !> top~'<I for a rt•d li~ht on J-;1 Toro H.oarl :it J 1·rcmimn Hcwd rn El Toro Sht.• ~potll·d <i ..,hcrtff''i patrol c:ar a nd fl ag~ed 1t down . deputiei. e1a1d.

Deputy Wayne Pieratt im­mediately rad10('d a descr1p11<1T¥ o f the Sill>P\'Cl ·~ van The hmad cast w;.i i.. monitored by an Irvine

UMW Pull~ Out

offi cer who spotted the vch1cl<• traveltng north on lht· Sant<t AnJ Freeway near Jeffrey Road

Sheriff's officials <>aid Kl'llt') ·., van was s topped on the north bound Costa Me !>a f"r~way Just no rth of lhe Sanl<t Anc.i f' reeway where the s uspect was turned over to Wes tmtnJ-. ter offtccr!.

Prices Up .9Percent

LOS ANGELES tt\P > Paced by inneasc s 10 t hP cos t of gasoline and me<it , cons umer prices in tht­Los Angeles-Orange Coun ty area rose .9 per cent his t m o nth . the U S Labor Department reported to day .

Fro• Page A I W ASmNGTON 1 t\ P l The Urutcd Mme Wo r keri. union 1s looking for another place to hold a fall con vl'nt1on after pulling Out of F1onda for ttS failure to r a tify the proposed F.qual Rights Ame ndment

The March increase wa s JUSt a shade unde r lbe I percent eos t -of ·hvmg in crease for the month n;i lion wide 1 Rel a led story . M l

The mcrease means that goods and se r vices that cost a dollar at t he end of the m onth would have sold for 49 l cents rn 1967

MILE SQUARE ... comm1ss1on public bea ring .

When two hours of testimony coded . county p lanner Dave Mi.irshall we nt away with " fi ve to s ix pages" of notes and " prob­ably 100 ques t ions" he prom­i s e d to a n s we r btdore th e cou nty EIR is com pleted .

City officia ls and r esidents cll'arly s upport e d their o wn pl <i nning sta ff proposa l th at ca ll s f o r pa ss ive , n o n · commercial use of tbe acreage at the northwest cornl'r of Mile Squa re P <trk.

T he e1ty wants to d evelop a youth ramping area and p1 cruc g ro und. but leave much of the acreage as na tural wildcrnes!'I or open ~pace play area

. .. , think the docu ment 1 E IR ) is highly slanted towarrls the VTN pl a n . " cha r ged <'Om mission

' Chairman J ohn McKnjMht. " As I r ead the document. the

whole e mphas is is economic " s aid com missioner B arba~a

Valley Industrial

Building Looted Bur~l ars s hatte r e d a front

window in a Founta in Valley ln· dustrial building early Wed~s­day to steal ne arly $2,000 worth or cqu.ipmcnt.

Dro wn She a nd commissio ner Dick

Ed wards led the verba l attack against the county EIR , which says the c ity's passive pla n would cost $2.9 million to de­velop and lose $205.855 a year bec ause of a lack of concession rcvcnul>s.

Tbe VTN propos al would cost about $5 m illion to buHd e1nd turn a first year public profit o r a bout $51 ,000, the ElR s tates.

The acreage is located near Brookhurst Street and Edinger A venue, highways that the coun· ty c laims are operating at S3 percent of capacity at present .

Wayne Osborne, city director of public works. said the percen · t age is closer to 60 percent. and commissioners we re ruffled to hear county planne rs say traffic could increase e ight to 12 times under the VTN plan.

By using the granite " interior triangle" area of the park , coun· ty planners said 2,600 parking s paces could be made available to handle peak usage for the new deve lopme nt.

The county is estimating that about 87,000 people couJd join the e xis ting crowds at Mlle Sq uare P a rk when the develop· m e nt <V1'N 's) is completed.


Small. Compact, Spoce·Saving Women 's Recl iners

In a Wide SelecHon of Styles. and F9rtcs

Danas rravel Debated

A p o Dallart)y City Counctlm1n Ron PaWMon will come before lhe Huntlqt.on Beach City Council May 7 to Me if 1t wUI ny.

Mayor Don MacAUllt.er bu authorized Pattlaaon•a alteo· dance at the Urban Land Institute Conference May 11 to 21 but said he didn' t autborize the use ol city funds.

" That's for the City Council to decide." he said .

Trips to conferences have long been a SOUTce of controversy in Huntington Beach.

One council faction says it believes the coofereocet provide val uable informatloo for the operat ion of the cjty, Others view the trips as junketa and a was te of taxpayer molle)' . 1bey clai m that inforroaUoa can be readily attained by other means.

Last week the City Council de­let.ed money from the budget to pay for conference trips. Each trip now is being consider~ in­dividually.

M a c Allis le r estimated total costs for the Da llas conference to b e a bout $600 inc luding a irplane fare a nd m eals .

M a c Alli s ter s aid the city s ta nds to gam a g reat de a l of in­formation at t he conference particularly in thl' area or re'. v1t<.1 lt zat1on of the do wntown are a .

Wieder Names 4 to County Commissions

Fou r llu11t1ngton Beach resi· 11<-nt '> w1·r1 · a piX>mtcd by Orange <'<,uni v Supervi s o r Harriett Wtt·dn W1·1lr11 •o;d.iy to county ad­' 1sor y c11mm11>1>1on...,

Mr' Wwd <'r . a forme r Hunt · 1n~to 11 Bt·al·h mayor , rea ppoint 1'(1 .I 1>011 llCJrtfl'ld · r , an .ardHlt·c1 . lo th1· c.·u1rnly ll <1 rbors , H1'.1<· h1·!'-. ;ind Park:.. Commission .

W1ll1 :1m M . Lansd a le , a marina owrll'r a nd former FBI r1ng1•rpnnt 1·x11ert , was named to thr l'uunry Airpo rt Com m1 !-i~ ton . r eJ.l lacing Raymond Mai.t~t or Cypress whose term CXJ)trt•d

II unt1n~ton Be<1ch a ttorney J1• r11me R am<' wa 5 M rs Wt t>der l\ appointment to the 1·ountv Fish and Game Com­m1:. .... mn. f1lhng the l'Xpired term of W1ll1ant liro wn or Lo :, Alam1to'

I n ~ urant'l' aRenl J o S . An · drrws wa ~ <1J.1po1nted t o the county Scf'ntc Hig hway Com· m1s:..1on repl a cing Lind a Moon of lfunt1ngton Bea ch whose term l'Xptrcd




Hydra Tech, Inc. offici a ls said the burglars who hit their bus1· n ess at 11 165 Condor Ave . betw~n 4:30 a nd 6 a .m . took two boxes filled with precision tools a nd an e lectric typewrite r

Rosanne Greenfield and Dave Hall , young adults s upporting the city passive park plan. s aid the VTN pro posal could en · dange r lbe s mall nock (at.out 10) of burrowing owls that live in the center portion of the pa rk .

Pensions Up SPECIALLY s 199 ~ PRICED


Benefits Pay Increased w.ASlUNGTON CA.P ) . The average elderly Social

Sccunty beneficiary will find $25 extra in his government check in July and some will get up to $50 more as a result of the automatic 9.9 percent benefit Jncrease announced today. ...

T~e record increase, which will cost the Social Sccunty trust funds Sl0.2 billion, came automatically as a result of the rise in the Consumer Price Index in the first quarter of this year over the same period in 1978.

An estimated 3S million retired or dJaabled workers an~ their famlUes and survivors wtll get the tncreaee in their July checks . Benefits also will go up 9.9 percent for about 5 milJion Supplemental Security Income reclplenti at tt cost or $415 million .

. Last ye~r ·s cost of Uvlne increase was 6.5 percent. Thas Is the fifth annual automaUc cost-of ·llvlne lncrease

.. and exceed!' the previous high or 8 percent in 1975. .


COSTA MllA 369 E. 17th ST. (AcrOM ffom Ro!Qhl,

nett to ~ CQllendOfs)

6'2·1617 Mon. · fft I~

SOt 10-5 ~~


• ' MllllOM VllJO 211t2 Marguertf9


~~°'~= 4tl·l902 Mon. • ""· 10-6

sat. 10.a CIOMd

, • I

' , I


Carter's Nuclear

SACRAMENTO 1At•1 Guv t:dmuod Brown Jr • an a wrv a sault on f>nM11d nt ( arttr, 1:. c halleQ11nt the prnldf"nl to tell th~ nuc lear tndu 11 try lho t "~M\llh ' " t'OOUlh "

At a newtt cooforonC't> We<inh day. Brown also u1d tltt hoJ>t'' lht• ll S Nuclur ttf'gulatory l'omml Inn will o rdf"r tt" m porary Shut tlOWf\t\ Of lht• ('lght nuclear plant~ bullt by lhtbcoC'k· & Wlll'OX

H t: M IU ff THIS hJppt>ru. , ht· ~ 111 call upon l'uhformaw. uf frctcd b~ tht> 1wu rby Han<' ho &-co pldnt to r urt1.11l the UM' uf their utr cond1t1o neri. on hot :.um mer dtt )'$

.The ut111u.-~ sn1t1 that would in c lud e <'U'> t o m t'r!t from l:Jakc r1> r1cld to E ureka

The Demoe r a t it· .:ovcrnor who i:.ays he ffi dy run for pre.,, dent 1n 1980 . r e p c at ed l )­l0r1t1c1z.ed C't1rtt.•r ' pro nudcar s tance, s a ing olht- r ener~}' sourt'es shoulrl bt: t•xplo red 10 stead.

" I T 'S RATHE R ( ' LEAR to ml· that the combination or n sk!> . costs, sarety problems. the prob lem of s torage or wa s te. the prospeel of proltfcnit1 on and e ven the danger of :.abolage all combi ne to make it 1mpcr<Jl1v1· lhal this country now purs ue a path of a lt c rnall vc energy sourees." he s md

He said Carter, " far from en eouraging a s hort-c1rcu1lmg of the hcens mg procesi. o r nucltar r e actors. s hould t e ll th t' Ame rican peopl e a n d t he n u c I e a r 1 n d u s l r y q u 1 t , . :.imply: ' Enoul.'(h1senou~h ' ·

R EFUS I NG TO SA\' h t· favored a lol<AI ban on ex1shn~ plants , Brown ms tead focused on hallin~ nuclear pow<·r ex pans ion and bu1ld1n J( otht.>r . sa fe r po wl•r :.our ct.>s 1n t hl' futu re.

The 41 yea r -old governor said that recent t.'v<·n~ had m ade 1l very <'lear that " the days of nuc lear powN are' indc t•d num · bcrcd ..

A11to Found

... ~ He Saved Li1'es

Michael Scott Da vis. 13. ha m radio operator of Tor· ranee. picked up a distress call from a Caribbean fish­ing boat that was s inking 75 miles south of J amaica

<'arly Wednesday. He a cted as a relay between the stup a nd the Miami Coast Guard coordinating the rescue of three men aboard .

Mom, Girl Slain; Cops Shoot Killer

SAN DIEG O <AP J Tlw hod1C'> of a woma n. stabbed through tht.· heart with a kitchen knife, and her 4 y.: ..i r ·olrl daughter . who had he-en stntn~ lcd . wc· re found 1n t ht• home of a psychologist held hostage by a Nigeria n cxchani.:c s• ~ ~ ... 11L. µolJcc said. .

The s tudent. Newm an Auj.(USl lnl' Oi:.ebor or Lagos. Nigeria . was s hot and killed Thursd ay on an inte rstate highway after a 3' "2·hour st andoff with police. authorities say

·· My life was for them." c ried AleJO Punetes Wednesday after the bod1e~ or his wife. Candala ria , and daughter , Norma were re · moved from the home of Richard E Townsend . " They were the besl. t hey wen~ fantaslu:. llow could anyone do thjs to a little girl and her mothe r ""

Mrs Puentes, 24 . had worked as a maid for Townsend. a c·nm1nal p~ycholOl-! I S t

Pohre ~aid Townsend was abducted Wednesday at gunpomt . for et•d lo withdraw money from a bank and held hostag~ by Oscbor

The 22-ycar-old Osebor wa!> fatall y s hot by police after holding Townsend hostage 1n the doctor's s ports car on Inters tate 8. Townsend was unhurt in the s hooting

Inmate Flees Jail facility LOMPOC 1Af' 1 T hl' car authoril.Jcs believe

was u~ 1n the escape of George J ackson Brigade leade r J ohn Sherm<J n , 36, has bee n found . but he and ht~ wife rcmamed free today

City pohte ~aid <A green Pinto sedan was fo und e a r ly Wcdnc~day, p<Jrked 1n a res1denllal area of town.

Pohee s~ud they believe the car, rented Tues· d ay from a local ('ar-renla l agency , was driven b} Marianne Pulfe r She rman, 28, when her husband . serving a :JO.year sentence. escaped Tuesday a fte r noon while visiting an eye docto r

Med£.Cal Fraud Probed SACRAMENTO <AP > Some nursmg homes

have collected Medi-Cal beneriLs for patients who had been dead for up lo a year. says stale Con·

lrollt•r Ken Cory's office In r l's pons e t o a

( )

question . De puty Con · .~TA1'f; t ro ller Pe te r Pe lkofe r

. s aid We dnesda y th a t "---~~~~~~~-' a udit o r s had ro und

seve ral s uch cases. " We found 1n at least one case benefits being

provided to a deeeai:.ed person more than a year a rte r death. Pelkofer s aid.

Slttrll R~q_..t Appro1't-d

th<' d 1flC 'n'l1('( ' lS



Patty Denies Bar Brawl ~ ~- .

SAN FRANCISCO !AP > - Newspaper heiress Patr icia Hearst Shaw denies that her police officer husband alt.ended a bachelor party that ended in a raucous brawl al a lesbian bar the rugbL before their weddlog.

" It 's really upsetting," satd Mrs . Sbaw Wed-:­nesday . " We don't have lrieods whose idea of bav · Ing a good Ume is going out beating up women."

On t he night before their wedding , her hus band Bernard was not Living It up wilh bis pals but sitting· with me mbers of the wedding party at a

local restaurant. she said . The couple were mU!°' ried April I.

A number of police officers were reported te have been members of a bachelor parlJ thaf. barged into P eg 's Place about mldllllbt and harassed customers. Shaw's name had been linked fo the party in s tories publiahial n the-SU Fran· I cisco Chronicle .

The district a ttorney 's otftce and the police de- • partment a re investigating the incident and two persona. policeman Daniel Marr, 25, and a civilian, Kevin Guerin , 24, have been charged with disturbing the peace and battery.

You're a Star .at





Costa Mesa (714) 540·2575

upper leve l

ao1acent to the 1ewel cour~"'




LOS ANGELES <AP ) - A jur1sdtcl1onal battle over air quality standards has been defused, with t he state approving a Shell Oil Co. request lo build a pumping station but requiring the firm to c lean up othe r sources of pollution.

The state Air Resources Board s idestepped a " s mog war" Wednesday when it s upported the operating permit issued for the oil station by the South Coas t Air Quallly Management District but tacked on t he c leanup requirements .

ChooM a brand new luxurlooa cut pile au.ony ••• elegllnt. thickly tun.ct,~ In the wtdnt,.... of cob• you can 1maoin.. You know th• color you went, and wtttl 45 to choaee h'om, you·re .we to find a,. .•uct

shade you'Ve been dreaml"tl of. And with.all U,la belluty, you gtt • vlfuebtl 5 ~ '"ldlntlal MIS .,..,_.,..w.in11hly, plu• the practlc.Hty of Sc:otc:hg•d protection and static conttol. Remember. the dlfrwence la TreYltl Slat.

The district approved l:>hell s appucalion on Jan . 3. However, the ARB threatened to cancel the okay because the dis trict had not required " trade· off" agreements. Such agreements require Shell to clean up other sources of s mog to offset polluanls generated by the new facility. ,_,,.Bit• "a.Ht I•••'

SAN FRANCISCO <AP) - Aca6emy award· winning actress and activist Jane Fonda has urged working women not to accept being "slotted into robot·Uke jobs thal do nol a llow the development of management skills, dignity or sell-worth."

Ms. Fonda s poke at a noon rally Wednesday a t the Emba radero Center attended by several thousand persons. The gathering was one of 13 around the nation sponsored by the 800-member Wome n Organi zed for Employment, to com · memorate National Secretaries' Day .

Organisers circula ted statistics they said s how 98 percent of lbe 3.5 million ~retaries in the U.S. in 19'16 were wome n. Althou1h 60 percent of women support themselves or head families, they eam only about 57 percent of what the average man does, the group said.

1.-,e ........ C'rkk-1%etl ' LOS ANGELES <AP) - A deputy police chief

crillcl91d t1IO officen Wednelclay for using ''faulty judSDMDl and poor tactic1" in the fatal abooUng or Eula 14¥e llllt J anuary.

Tbtc~cllm by Deputy Chief Marshan L. An· denoa ,._ •• the Police Commiaaion opened heariap into the cue.

lln. Love, a widowed mot.her of three, was lbot to death Jan. 3 by two officers called to he r Soutb-e-t.ral Lot An1elel bome following a d is· pat. MW ad'UD.pald $Z2.00 IU bill.

-~----- --

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• • .,. Orong eo..~1 Oc,11lv PtlOI ·Editorial Page .............................................................. ~

Aoe.t N. W.ad/Pubtl~

~· Kmbleh l l!dttor ... ,..._ Edltlr

Hear ing P r o cess Demands Fairness

The nrtn11 of Deputy C'th AUornry John 0 Connor h lS klck1'd l•P quit(' ru r ktb "' HunUnJ{lon H ·Mh

Rut thf' city P(' rsonnel omm1&~10n ~ l>JUtr<'nll v hu' I .1ken steps to d fuse thr rontrovl'Niy thl~ wt•c•k untJ pct haps rtf(hted whot could be rons lrued t o bt.· u wron~

T'hr t~ommtl'Jston 1n1ttully ~tcp~ an lht' nudtlh• of .1 ''ontn>,· •~rit} by .i.t' lertrn~ form~r Munar 11Jul <'oul'l Jud.:t· Puul Most to hl'ur O 'Connor :; upPt!ul of hu. ltr1n>t

O'Connor nutiNl obJt•ction"' thaat h~ might no t rt'C(' I\ e ,rn 1 mp.1rt ial ht•1Jr111~

O'('onnnr d.11nwfl hl· \ \ il' tw111.: ra1l10.1dt•d Jilt! h1· c· 11 t •t l u ... t •\ u1t•nt' t•

Thi Pt•r..,o nnt>I t ' omm1C1:oi1011 c·ho..,t- M 1.P,t l rom o lwld or Ont' ht• WJ' Ith' uni~ h1.•,11an~ u rflll' I rt'C.'tHrlUll'lldt•lf t)\ 1·1t offirwl'

T h t- tw"1111i.: -. "t·r 1· ·wht·tlul1·d t11 I" · l ll'ld 1r1 -....m1,1 J\11.t , no l ll u11ting tu11 H••,1d1

Till' t•o 11un1 -.-.11111 m .1dt• ttw -.dt•c 111111 ut M,1,t 111 .1

I 1 Vt' m111ult• rm•t·t 111g I h.1t w.1~ ht'ld llt•t11r11l lot kc·d doo1-. 111

C ll \ lla ll · l'hc· .,, • .., .., ,1111 \\ ,,, -.upµost>d to lw ,, 1rn1Jl1t mt•t•l1ng

hut mt•mbt•r., ol llw <·1m1mumt y wttrt! un<J hlc• lo ~•tll'rnJ 11 I hL·v hJO \\ J Olt·d l o

'l'hl' quulll u Jt turh ol M tt!-it ure nut q1w.,t 111n1•cl t1t•rt· but the tn.irHwr 111 v. lt1t h lit· v. .!~ ~elect ·d an·

lt ,1lht•r tha n holdi n g lo tlw h ard lint: . corn rn "!'>1orw1-. th1 !-> wt-.•k n ·vcr:-.t•d tht·nh t'lvcs <.inti uppotntt•d attonw~ JoM·ph Ct•nl1l t•, not MJs l . to pre!)1dc o ver lht• l1t:t1rtng

T tw rt•<·orh11frnit11m m ;1y h<1ve bct•n la l t· 1r1 1·11m111.i.: hut 1n lht· 1ntt·n·..,l :-. o l lair pl <iy 1t wa~ lht· 11g ht 1l11ng to flo .

A Muddled Effort T ht· I l11nl1ng lon H'• :wh ( '1 t y Cou nci l 1s <·t1111.!11t up 1n .1

1·onl1nuing <iu :rndar~ on hu'A t o fill a vac:a nt·y in 11 ~ 1 ank-. Wht•n fonrll'r' ~l:i vw· Hon Sht·nk ma11 s tt•pp1'<f do\\ 11

l a s t Dc•t·t•rnbt·1 tlw t·o1111<·1 I .1ppointt•d Clam-.v Yodc:r to la kt• h1:-. p latt• .1fl<:1 :1 J,!1 t:al dt•al o l grcipplrnJ,.!

T hi· <·ounc.-11 r111Y. 1::-. l <IC 'l•d "'rlh fi lling thl• 1,.,s1lton va<·att.:d h,v H1l'lla 1·(! S1t· l>l'rl 111 Mar c: h.

:\ maJOr ISMlt' IS wht•tht.· 1· th<• O('W OfftC' i a I s hou Id hc.· .apporntc>d or ii ht· or s h<· !-ihould be• t·lct:kd h\ votns 111 a :-.pc.·1·1al t'l<•t•l 10 11 .

( 'ou111.·1t m <•rnht• r "' r (•:t lly muddled n•<'<'ntl v w hen thf'\' I ~ 11 ·<· ,.J.,l \ 'Olt·:-. lo n•a ppoinl S ieber! to hi s o ld 1oh attc.•r ht· '" 1 mph ;H1<·;dh 1 t·...agrwd .1 month t•<11 lw1

' I h1· \Ult • l.11lt·d J :~

Tht· <l 1-.-.t·11t111g t·otttH'il nwmlwr" I h1 ·11 1111 n1 ·cl ,11 ound ;a 11d t 1 wd 111 .c p p11111I Tf'<I H:11 I h•I t. \\ho \\ ,, .._ rll'f 1';1 I f ·d h.incl 1 h· 111 I.hi Apnl ... t'l t•c· t 11111 , l olh(• v,tl'(llll'\

'1111-. ntO\l'.1!-.11d1ed :1 :~ 11 offlt'wl:-. tlo <·hoos1• l•> <.1PJ>ou11 d :-.Pv•·nth nll·ml>t: r .

Hit'~' s hould do :-.o only a flt·r ~1pproµrwt1• de l1hera tw11s . To fa ll tlw ' Ii.it with a c·oimctlman w ho rcs1gnc•d sa\'

m~ ttw pn•ssm·c·-. wc·1·c· too /.!r£>LJL or by <mother who was H'Je c.'lc<I hy lhl' \ ol(•rs is not the way lo gu about it .

Gift of Gab Pays T lw old sav 111g that youngsters should he set•n but not

h p:ard got a lhra~hing Hus month from Or angc Coct :-, l s tu ­d<•u l s .

A l<·arn from (Jrange Coust Collegr p<irl<.iycd lht· g ift of ~ah 111to a nat iona l c hampionsh ip in the Nn tional Corn· m un ity C:OllE>~e Spct·ch Tournament. a fir s t for OCC.

Th<' ~mung JW<>µle l rnm Costa Mes a . ll 11n1ington Ht>a<·h , Fountain Vallt.•y a nd Nrwport Reach s wept the :1wards in £•veryth1ng from readt>r's l ht·atcr to Lincoln ­Duu J,?1 .ic; 1one-to·onl' 1 debate> .

II is <.1 tribuH• to coaches Peg Taylor :rnd. Mi ch at·I Lc·1g h . who ha\'<' kd previous OCC t<:ams lo '>l·<·on<I f)l<Jct· honors m the nationwide c.·ontc'l.

And unothcr Co s t a Mes a y oung.., l<'r g 1f t e rt 1n lan~uaJ,!es won a top awal'd of h is own an c1ght-wet>k t np lo Pa ris, c.·apl urcd in tht: Allw11cc F n.111ca1sc conte-.1 111 French

The hng u1 s l1<· s k ill of Es t:mcia l ltg h SC'honl senior Eric Elliott \\ho ulso speaks German. Spanish. Wcbh •rnd Brt•lot1 1,, Ill <Jdd1t1on . a tribuk tu his t eache r . Leona rd M cNutt

With t c.•c.ic·ht•rs anrJ :-.t ud1•nts h k<: the'> f', \\-ho cnn '".V !'Ii l<.•nc.:c is golcfon .,

• Op1ncons expressed en tho s pace above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views expressed on this page are those o l thetr a uthors and artists . Reader comme nt is 1nv1ted Address The Daily P1lo1. P .O. Sox 1560. Cos ta M esa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·432l.

Boyd/Humbug By L . M . 80\'()

E n glish King Jame s tr used lead, pewte r , coppe r , anyth ing at hand , for h1 !> coinage. Such coins minted in Dublin we re referred to by the Iris h as " uim bog" pr<>­nounced " oombug" meaning s oft metal. They fe ll the coins were phony without in­trins ic value. And their word fo r sort metal was whe re we got our word " humbug."

An inventive bunch. thORc mus ical s howmen. F o r in· s ta n ce : Or c hes tra leudt•r Fred Waring inve nted lht•



Gu Was It. a typo or the truth ln tbe Dally Pllol story about two young s us pec ts arrested ror atlciedly " falclns $10 at. .:unpolnf '? With inn • . 11on what It Is. that 's all u bodv can do these diyl. t'akc It.

BROKE (,IM mJ {,"\ <-b - ....

=:..,~: :.:~~~ ~:... .... = ' _.,..... lot"" ,w. ... _ ._. • c,l• my C.11• , °""' llllft,

famed Warm~ bh•ndc r . And I he operatic i m pre~s a r io Oscar Hamme rs te in invent ed the first pract1cul c igar· rolling machin ....

Would you agree that Pres ident Woodrow Wilson with tus Ph.D. was the most s cholarly of all our c hief ex eculives? It's noteworthy, f thank. that he is s aid to hav<' never m issed an episode or th e comi c s t rip called " Krazy Kat."

Ma ting sea s on for the m a r s upial m oles of Aus lraliu <'o vers about three days e ve r y June . Immediately

You know that actor called Dirk Benedic t on the TV s e ri e1t " Bat lJ es t ar Ga lactica?" lie found hh; s tage name on a menu under " Eggs ."

Q . ··o n whic h t ypf! of turf lr1 a football player m ore Uko· ly to get hurl, natural or artlflclal?"

A . Arllricio l . no doubt about il . C-On8ider thl11 · In· j ury data co ll t}ctcd over three N 1'' L 11eHons 1how11 that 10 of the 12 11tadlutru1 with the hltehest Injury ntes have artJfictal t.urf, and 10 ol the 11 s t.adlums wttb th• lowest Inj ury rate11 h a ve natural turf.

Jack Anderson

Pentagon's 'Iranian Fire ~ale' W A S H I N G T 0 N .?- The

Pt>ntu.on 1 ~ rush1n~ to th e rl'l\(' U\' o f Ameri c an manufacturers who got 11tuck wtlh more than $10 tJllhon worth 11( e a11cehid arms contracts whe n therr tuvorite c us tomer. t he s hah of l run . was over· thrown

tr Congre~s appr oves th e bailout . much of the 11rmaments ulr eit d y 111 1nod o c li <>n will b,. purcha!>t-d by I he l>t' ft>n se lh: pa rtmt'ol . Jt an ul l1mall' cost to lht· t.ixr><J)'t'r' o ( al tnOl>t $:! billion

The idea has the support of the defe nse in­dus try 's fnends in Congress and of Adotiru l>lration offi cials who a re reluctant lo press contract da1 m s with the ne w Jnin1an rc~ime.

DUBBED BY ins iders as '' the g reat l ranjan fire s ale." the pro posed.,purc·hase of weaponry in· tended for the she1h would be at re letllve ly bargai n pri ces . But dol>(' scrutiny of lhl' items 1n volved s howi-. tha t m<Jny are ob -;olrte or unnecessary.

T he mos t <'XJ>('ns1ve and con trovt•rs ial a rt' lh1: four Spru<incc d a !>l> d(•stroyc r !> with which the s hah hcict planned to m odernize his navy. Tes tifying before the Senate Armt•d Services Commit­lt' t', Na vy Secretary Gra ham C l aytor s11 1d Jt wou l d b e " cri mina l to let the opportunity 1 to buy th(' destroyers 1 go by " II.- nott•d tha t they carry " the -<:tml' :.irmamcnt, the sa me gun!>, lht· s amC' dl'lcrt1on apparatus. tlw sJml' cvt.•ryt hang" as th t· ~a vy ·, nt·Wt•!> t gui ded .m1si.11t• t·ru 1i.c·r-.

I l ..-1.A. '" J poor 1·1>m [lilrhfJn l•1


make : the committee vetoed further production o r the c ruisers back ln l97S because their a nli ·alrcralt trackin g s ystems we re found to be ob­solescent. The committee report on that decision called it " inap­propriate to build aoy ship ... with a weapons system that is clearly inadequate to meet the projected threat within a rel-

alively s hort period of Ume a ft.er delivery of the s hip . ..

THE FOV& destroyers would cost l.he Navy $1 .3 bHlion. plus another $2 million or so lo refit them from Iranian to U .S . specifications.

Despite the enormous cost and the dubious value of the ships, the Navy 's purchase request

"au 'F:L .~~l ,""'r;.'1f!EO..(cL' lf/./..J~Z, '6'ELL'I:~ ~. ·11:5'11- .'!::' IN >0~ M/NO Jf,Wt0V fOV wRor~ ;;;faf"~ r.Yelf!Ji.';/~::: "-' ,.//2/iC £S '

sailed s moothly tbrougb lbe commit.tee. beaded by Sen. Jobn S t e nni s , D · Miu. By no coincidence, the abipbuUder, JngaUs, a subsidiary of Litton Industries , is located in Mis· sissippi.

" lt '11 • bailout foe Litton;• said a congressional aide . "They 're saving l ,500 joba for Sl.3 billion. Even by welfare s tandards that 's pre tty gross." At $866,666 per job, " gross" is an understatement.

Another I ranian Fire Sale baqfain the Navy wants to grab up 1s 150 Phoenix missiles for $77 .1 mJUion. The miss iles are carried by F · 14s, and only Iran and the United Stales have the m .

THE TROUBLE is, officials have admitted there's no way of knowing whet.he r some of the Phoenax missiles or their operation manuals fell into Sov­iet hands after the s hah's oust.er. "We -prude ntly have to assume that the Russians have them." one knowledgeable source told our associate Peter Grant.

Several congressme n feel the proper course is to develop a ne w Phoenix missile ,. instead of buyin~ more of a model lh11t m aY'no longer be a secre t to lht· Soviets In fact. this is being done by the Hughes Aircraft Co • and 60 of the ne we r miss iles art' included in next year's budget.

The Pentagon's rescue e ffort for its fne nds in the munitJons 1 nd ustry 1s e ncounte ring op­pos1t1on on Ca pitol Bill .

f' ootn<tll" It 's not j ust lht' ma nuf:.tctu1 <> rs who will gel off th<· hook unde r the· purchase pro 1)(1-.a l If 1t passes. the- ne w Ira nian A<>vcrnmcnl would actua l!} gt> I b..i«·k mU C' h nf lh t: $5011 m 1II111n depos it I he s hah put down

There Are Alternatives to Police Chases To thf' Editor :

Jt s<·cms to mt• thal there I'> ;1r ro ,::a nl d1 s reg;1rd for human rights or lhe 1nno1·ent wht.>n 1t romt's to •• po li ce chase The s us p .. c tc-d off e nd e r must be t•<J ught :.i t <ill cos t , no matter what t he cost

The• poss1b1hty thut innocent pc•opll' will be killed, majmed and e m11t1ona lly sca rred for Life m a kt•s no diffe rence. a s long a !> JUl> tt l'E' 1s donl' by catching the !> U~ pcckd law breake r . In a r l' C'C'nl ca sC' . Costa Mes a pohre we re c husmg a hi t and run !>U:>· Pl' <' l dow n the Cos ta M e!> a· NPwport Frel'way (55 >. In the alll'm pl lo apprehend the s us · peel tht•rc was a multi·car crash that v.ould probably not have happem·d and involved a lrag1<· s1 luiJl10n for so m a ny innocent peopl e

Wit h 1usl a tidbit of crcallv1ty an d fore s ig ht this whole.· s 1luat1on !>houldn ' l h a ve hap· pened Our tax doll ars s upport a he h copkr syste m tha t can track ca rs from above - day or night. If the re is a fleeing s us pect dangerously evadi ng the police . why not follow him until it is 1>a fe to apprehend him without t• ndangerin~ innocent bystan. de rs.

CO l.ON'T the CHP or pohce truff1c control s low down traffrt <s i m1laar to acc id e nt pro · cedur~ l until it s tops s afely. trapping the sus pect in a traffic· Jam and then apprehend him " The attitudt> Is " No . gel him now. don 't wa it. " It's not lht• quality of the cat ch, it is h1Jw f::l s t you can catch the s us pect at a ll costs.

How m any tim es ha ve you ~cen the tra m c investigation team " Racing Code 3" across town to a reported m inor acci· dent without injur ies ? How many people are cut off, a lmost ram med, and actually crashed intp by t hese needless full-0ut races to be quick? How many times have you seen a traffic un. It c ul som eone off. swerve radically in heavy traffic, just to g ive a ticke t often to a less ser ious violation ? rn doing so and stopping carelessly , one or. tnore lanes have been blocked in order for tickets lo be written.

_ The$e sltuations mus t stop . The police serve an important func tion in our isoc iety . But public pressure must be brought to bear. because wrong is wrong no m atter who is doing the wrongdolnit.

The motto " To Serve and Protect " shouldn' t be " lo serve a nd inRict." Call and write your local police chief and s hertrr a nd lt't them ln'°w you don't like their chue procedures. Ralllna your votce now mllht HYe )'OU.r life later I


No Bass~ To the Editor ·

I r e<ld Cheryl Romo 's column with great enjoyment und ha ve JUSt caught up '-'" Ith la!>t Friday '!> edition where !>he p :.1i nted a v i vid picture of fightinR the freeway traffic e tc . to the Mu.c;1<· Center to hear t he Lo!> Ange les Philharmonic

I c•:tn 1m.a~int• ht-r husband 's recllngs when th t• e lei.:ant . hantbome C<t rlo Ma n a G1ulln1 appl' art'd on the pod ium to r·on. duc·t the orchestra <ind her " 1mmc.>dwte <>onversion " to the wnnders of classica l mus ic .

However. I wonde r if -Cheryl and her husband are awa re that vou do not have lo go through ..iny of th o:.t' trial s and tribulah ons in order to hear t he orchestra . G1uhni, Mehta and a ll the other greats of the music world ?

You can hC':.tr lll<' m rc~ht here 1n Oranjl!e County a l the hist.one Sa nta Ana Hi gh School , a ll red· rarpt!lecl . plenty of free parkin~. c·omfortable reserved sc<ils , e x c·cllcnt acous tics a nd no traffic hassle !

In fact you can hear the great Cr 1ulini a nd the Los An~eles Philha rmonic plus bc·aut1ful m c1.zo soprano Frederica von Stade this Saturday, April 28 1n lh(' Ora n ge Co unt y Philha rmoni c Soc ie ty 's fin u l c·onccrt of the season. right on your own doorste p In Orange Count y


To S• 1'e J3 To the Editor :

Prop. 13 is going down the drain unless we stand on our hind feet and do som ething about il. According lo a ne ws a rticle, county s upervisors are urging county planners to add ne w laxes. called " user fees." lo cover the cost of such things as l i bra ri es, fir e protec ti o n , sewers. etc. Many of us opposed


s u('h taxes at nuhlw h<'annR!>. but we don 't Sl•1·m t11 have ~ollen the message <Jt· r11.,,

WE HAVF. St'W'r<il t·ho1ces of action : We can do nothin~ and lo:!t the m pile a ll thf' t axes on u~ they like . Or Wl' can a tte nd hear ­ings, every few week!> . and hc11>l' we can talk th<'m out o f some of these taxes Or w<· ra n do -.om•· ma ss reca llln i.: of puhlt c· of f1c1a ls . Or we <·an rn1t 1ate an or d inance that wi ll r equire voter approval of all ne w t <Jxes and user fees. within the county J bel i~ve the las t c ho1C't' will g1vf' us the bes t cha nce of r e taining t he benefits of Prop. 13.

ff e nough of us work together. we can force local polit1c1a ns to abide by the intent of Prop. 13. We wiU need a fe w people. in­c luding at least one attorney. to draw up a county o rdinttnce. We will need e nough money to pay for a notice rn the ne ws paper a nd for the prrnlrng of petitions . We will need one or two peoole in each city as headquar ters for s upplying c ir culators with petitions. We will need some te lephoners. We will need about 63.000 valid s igna tures. so 1l will take quite a few clrculators .

Jt is time govemmeot offi cials learn that Prop. 13 meant for them to cut expenses and not tor the m to pile new laxes on us.

R.F. DINSEN .............. To t he Editor:

J . Corwin (Daily Pilot, April 8 1 obvious ly knows nothing :1bout r adiation. They key word is ionizing radi atton which can come from the s un. or from a nuclear reaction or a s un lamp. T hey all affect people if the radiation is powerful e nough.

But lo say any le ve l ia very harmful is wrong. We get Iota of this type or radJaUon every day. If you stand In the sun too long . you know it's harmful a nd a lot of Coast people will get cancer

"It'll be a dey Of two ~-we c:oufdn't find lhe hood a.tch.··

from the sun. But s mall <Amounb do not cause <J oy ha r m . Jn fact. 1t 1s d1ffi c 111l to determin•· whether or not any harm to pt.'<>· p ie will ever result from tht• Three Mlle Plant accident . s mc<· the rad1at1on w<Js actually so s mall.

R. M. WOLFF' President,

Wolff F.nJ;?ineering Corp.

P~• B o zar d To lht• Editor

I have 1us t lost my pct. a ve ry h ap f' Y· he althy 7 112-yea r ·old German She phe rd. who I loved dearl y. bel'ausc of inadequalt' la be ling on <lry d og food packages. Le i me recall th1• events

E vttrything was norm a l one Sunday 1 M;irch lSl until 2 a .m . Monday morning when my dog. Gar . c<1ml' to my b e d ci nd whined . I noted that he was not fre ling we ll a nd his stomach was s lightly s wolle n I wondered wha t was wrong At 2 :30 a .m .. he again wake ned me a nd J s aw th a t his condition was m uch worse and decided that J s hould get him lo the veterinarian a:. soon a~ possible in the morrung.

At 5.~ a .m . I woke up and s aw that Gar was very 111 . s wolle n and una ble to walk. f rus hed lo the t e le phone a nd a fter a number or ca lls, suc­ceeded in getting an e m ergency vete rinary chnic . But It was too late ; Gar died while I was on the tele phone.

I LEAJlNF.D from the clinic that Gar died of stom ach bloat caused by eating a normal meal of dried dog food and drinkJng water. l had never beard of s uch a thing. rn addition . the clinic s aid they encounter many such cases. Gar probably could have bee n saved if J had recognized the symptoms and goUen rum lo lhe c link earlier .

I fl'el te rribly dil'ltraught by the lo11s of Gar. However. there rs a broader issue : protection of futu re user1t of dried dog food from a s imilar tragedy. Dned dog food should be labled prom­ine ntly to warn dog own rs · 1 1 1 to either moisten the lood first or prevent the dog from drinking water after eating, <2) to be alert to the symptorm ot stomach bkNat, aQd C3) wbat to do if the symptoms occur.





• &-Q_ ~ QJ] .[?- - 1....ua-tra•

c J\ ctdaull Jud~ (;;:\~Mo~ (;J;\ rfll•nt hu-. be<•n n \5 u \.} ~\'!:!I 1•nll·1 t•cl a ~tunst

Roek Speeial Spot '

GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. <APl As a boy' Clifford J . VanRyn

s pent hours each day dreaming on a granite boulder in a city park. He proposed t.o his wile

J.here. Lui_ week,. he waa found dead or a heart attack at -the same spot.

a lon1 Inte rstate 196 outs ide Highland Park. A medical ex· aminer ruled VanRyn probably died at once.

" llewas a very romantfclna:ri ... SHE EXPLAINED THAT her

hus band as a boy " used to go. to th a t rock whenever he waa troubled and needed to c lear hls thoughts. He would s pend hours s ilting-on-top-of-that r-OC~ thlak Ing and dreaming. "

l.ol o probU'm7 T~n wnlf! In f 'ul l>iJnn l'ol w&ll 1 rnk~tm(I th~ omt~nd orllmtyCJtl_,.

lo sohit> tn1-qu1trt>• 111 QOt't'rnmt>nt and tnH1M H Mu•I 11our CJLlt'Sl""'-'1 111 Pat l>&mn , .41 \ wr ~"1C'· Orangt• Cvcn l l>ml11 l"alot , P 0 Ht>J 1591 Coala Mtl<l Ci'\ !14'.;w A$ rrw1111 lf'lt1•B cu po1~1hfr will ht· an.u,.•rrd tiul phoftt'd 11W1wnrt or IC"ll1·" nut 11l<'ludln11 th~ ' ''Od r • /uJl aomr. odrlrtu or11I bun Mn httt1r~ • plwnt• nym btrrronr11){ llfl' rc>11~1tfered 1 hu C'oiumn oppeori dm 111 n1•t'pl Saturday• ·

SNrfrr·~H fe ""8a Wart" I •t-: \H P \ I M~ '()n p.ud fo r u -.ut->.\C' r1pllon to

~urr. • r \1 ,h!.11111t• "Ith h1i. uwn mon1•y Inst Aulo(ui; t lit• ' 11111\ I t •t 't 'IH'cl ont• "Mii' ll t> ' i. l ' Jl11•1I lht•

m .1i.:.11111t> .mll ... o hm. nt> husband. bul wt• 1·an ·t 1'l't• m to .:l'l ..imum· l11,tJrt t h1~ ... ubM·t1pllon

RR , HalbcM ThJ1J problt>m wn rcft'rrt'd to Magadne l\cUon

Unc• and follo"t•d up hy \ \'S. Th•· Capli.trano 8 .-a r h puhll .. ht·r ·, ... ub ... r ript ton i.pokt'i."oman ~a}"' no a r lion <-an tw lakt•n bv tht' Orangt> ( 'ounty ortice ht•caui.t• llJI .. uhi.t•rlptlnn1> hav•· ht-en turnt•d ovtr to a 11uh ... rriptlun 11t'rVlct' , Puhll11he r " Aid, In San Ult>gu. Thii. chan l(l'O\ 1·r MNrred in l>e<'ember. but appart'ntly no one• ar th.- magazine bothered lo 1 .. 11 vou about it. A \'S contacted the s ubsc ription sn vi,•.- which rt'porb tha t s incf" one magazine bas been n>tumed as " undt'lh erable ," a bold wai. put on tht> i.ub,.c rlption. Thert' was no explanation ahoul why further conlart with your son was not a tte mptPd. Publis her11 t\id promist'1> to start the s ubi.c ription a l(ain. Lt>l A YS know what happens. At lf'a!.t in your cast'. it appears that both tht' puhlbht•r and the s ubhc r ipUon service do not make an,\ f'Xtra t'ffort to follow up on a s ubscrlber 'i. complaint.

Out~a("la ,...,,..Bared Co D,.af HEAR R•:AOERS: Orange County Outrf'ach.

a branch or th.- Gruter 1.os Ange les Council on Dufnt>ss Inc. <GLAD> , has o~ned a new office at 21124 N. Broadway, Suite 109, Sanla Ana. GLAD provides information and referral, advocacy, com­munity t'ducation. interpreting and ot her ser vices ~" nc·Pded to hf'a ring-impaired persons.

(;t ,J\l> func lions as an umbrella organization whiC'h <·oordinates its servict•s with more than 35

• mt>mt)<'r organizations to mt>et the needs and ri g hts o f th.- .deaf co mmunity, according to spok<·r.men. Mos t ser vices a~ free and available to a II aJ{t'S.

Thb ortiC'e "ill assist people in making phone C'a ll o, rt·lated Lo emt<rgt>ncy situations. !lick calls to " o rk . job·rPlaled ca lls, m edical appointmf'nts a nd i. imilar -;ituations, Ski ll t>d s ign langua ge in · tnpntf'rs abo a re a va ilablf' to act as a link ht•l"t't'n tht> hearing 1·mployer and the deaf job ap­pli <." anl. Joh place mt'nt and de velopm ent a , . i.is tance also are offered by tbe Orange County Ou treach offiC'e, a!. b contact with the Southern ( 'a lifornia Ct>nh'r for law and the Dear, a bunch of (;f •. \I> which a si.bt~ JJt' r!>Ons having legal pro· hlC:'m' im11h ing discrim ination due t.o deafness.

li!.l S of availahlc ~ign language classes and f•ducational faciliti e11 of all types and for a ll ages or deaf J>("(1ple arP maintained. Referrals are made " he n appropriate.

Pn,on~ interested in these services are invit· 1·d tn ' '"P a t th.- office or phonf' 972·3925 <voice or Tt> l <'ty p .. " ri l c>ri.1 from 8::m a . m . lo 5 p . m . \\ et·kdays.

Get in the

• swing tor Summer '79 ... Join the fun at Moy Company during our 3·1n-1 show wrap-ups on • fashion • beauty • exercise Our specia l guest speakers will be Sandy Hill-Solomon. Mademoiselle Fashion Editor, Brenda Marthaller. Mademoiselle Beauty Editor, Shari Lynn Shattuck, roller skating expert and Sheila Young, Olympic gold medalist speed skater and world b icycling champion. We'll show you how to look your best for Summer '79, with the brightest new fashions from May Company.

•South Coast Plaza, Friday. April 27 7:30 p .m.

coeta mesa toUth plaza - 3333 IO. bristol - M8-9321

l' n I l ' I l ~· I n l' I' Jt•rry Lt·WI S Ill J

'"' ll r 111·1t ,~ 1111 Oll ' I' 11,1 11 11 nl l' Ill h l' I

Norru,111 Owt·ns . :-.hut ti ' I A' \\I:,

" You could say his life began a nd e nd e d at tha t roc k . " fo' r a nces Va nH yn said of her 66-year-o ld hus band

But police report his 1970 auto crossed both traffic lanes and the Int.erstate's mectlan. plunged down an embankment. and did not stop until It reached the rock 30 feet below the roadway.

" He a lways called it ·our rock' and he'd occasiona lly drive by it so we could re member where we s tarted." Mrs VanRyn said.

In 1931. VanRyo took her to the rock on the nJght before they .. toped and were married .

··My hus band never fo rgot about the rock'" s he said . .. It was his very special place."

AUTHORITI ES SAY VanRyn s uffe red the attack whiltc· d riving

~11_...__ the speelalt~ store with the speelal dlffeNnee...low prices!-------------,~=~~ ieellerg lett11ee

<1 mul\ltude of purposes• • there <1re oamboo beauties •I A9e

10 show off a plant to tt~ be'>l advantage -'~ .,, • others to corner your lavorote fruits

CWO·IOne oamooo 1:19~..-.~ d' 1t each 2Se

thursdll~ ""''! thrit su11da'

buri furniture save up to ZS% •••

and get the patio set for spring!

l t ZJ.99 so e. '° ""·"

5.99 '. lo.nit JJ1Ck1ng1 • vou II r('cogm1e lhe l.Jmou. mc1ker on the packdge'

lromcnina 'lft.' ~ JI\ . ... • ' '''>P dt>llCIOUS ICltuce packed In J.9'1 105•9" "\ '4 w ~ cellophane lor protection pick

t>oK blC 1>1slle1s , .~ plen1 'f. salad season •s here•

IKquereo lru11 oul<t ls

79C, J..29 (:/ J.. 79

· Sorry. not av.,.lable in our San Otego,

La Mesa& ~ken held


' r tg 34 99

29.99 •,

"t' J(nt' k. lh,,,ru

rtg 79.99


• pick from our sleek sclecl•nn ol l<n1llf'Cl nylon Sh••rt ·,•

men's (:I "°»I' criterion diwrs'watehes

• & 11me1y IOl•a lor summer• • • , ... 11ut ur t1ll t•rJ


I-Ht 'CJV'' P.., '

• they come your way in an 1mprer.~1ve Jrr 1¥ •Jt ~lid color .,, • \ho>hr 1mpl'rfec11on., make the'>e hJW nriccs POSS•Olt•'

i.qq twin. llat or lrtteo


· ..


·. .-ironle lllae•flie• .. -Bled ecaleulator

• our wllltt·"'9<1 electron< ' CH l<IO' ata11 ffom a ~2 •c.trd. oec11

ttk• • 'h•t'. dOUblt dowr>. N,1111 ever> l•kt llllUfll\Ct °"' m•lll dUler $llOWt •-l tnd ~'

11\0~lr~ll ol IMJ.lt114'•' • COll~h ro• Sl•ndarO l CD eolc:ur.10<. too

bll\tr .. , l'I04 1nc:IU<led


• Clavey ,on.•s' 00vo1ees wiA Clive •oglll "' woth OUt dove<s w:11ct1os• • W>ey olle< deOITI 91'°! swoop second hand and d31o fo>atUte waror rPSISlant . and ll>oy glOw "' tile dolrl<' • 1wo tace ~11e• bolh on ;i Sleek black bilnd'

OPIMMm. .. W. ..... s-. 10.7




f.f DAILY PILOT s Tt'tu,.Oey. Aptl l 21. 1119

" You sold my what 10 who?! "

\!alley Co•plex

$8 Million Project Set An 18 m 1lhon indus tria l office complex in

Fountafo Valley's indus trial redevelopm«::nt a rea 1s expected to be unde r const ruction by Augus t.

The complex, which will include some com· m e re.al s hops . will be built by the Stewart Ueve lopm ent Co. of T ust in on nine acres on Newhope Street near Wa rner Avenue.

PLANS SUBM ITTED TO THE City Council in its dual role as c ity redevelopment agency were approved unarumously

Developers hope to have the complex complct -1·'1 by March, 1980. .

A SECOND PHASE 8.5 ACR E development on Warner Avenue . worth an est imated $7 million , is under consideration.

Devf! lopers say they w1U subm it plans for the ..,ccond ha ir of the complex later t his year. The ~ c·co nd ph ase pr oposa l wi ll inc lud e f i ve n•!>laura nts. a finetn cial firm and other com· nwn 1 al u:-f!s. dcH·lop<·r !> !>ahJ. .. Staff Elected At Pacifica

Pr Fra nk R. Law has b<-cn e lected chief of .. t aff of Pac1fl(•a Community Hospital . succeedin~ Ur Paul Flanagan.

Dr Law has ser VL'<I on the staff of the Hunl· rn~tnn Beach facility s ince 1971 and on the ex· t-cut1ve committee s ince 1974.

Serving with Dr . Law for the 1979-80 te rm will be Dr. R<'medios L. Al m1tante. vice chief of s laH,

a nd Dr . Ock · M in Gin. secre tary

Or . La w. a gener a l practi· tione r . r f•ce1ved his medi cci l degrcl' at lht> Cali fornia College of Medic ine. a nd inte rned at Los Angeles County Ge ner a l Hospital

li t• 1s co·d1rector of t he Pacifica Community Hos pital e me rgency depa r tm ent, fleet

uw s u r geon fo r the Huntington Harbor An~lers. a di rector of Pacifi ca Community Hospital and the Pac iJ1ca Medical Group.

Ile is married. hl:ls fou r chHdren, and res ides in Huntington Beach.

Business Growth Workshop Set

Change for growth in business and industr y a workshop d~signed to he lp companies realize th~ir potent1aJ, Wlll be presented in Huntington Beach ~Y Golden West College on Saturday at 8:30 a .m. m Forum 2.

Presen ter s will b e four members o f P~ofessiona l Associates of Laguna Niguel. who wall deal with creating a belt.er work environment qual!lY and productivity, employee motivation.' and inte rpersonal communication.

. JOE FANELLI , MARKETING SPECIALIST ~1th Beckm~n ins truments. lrvine, will speak on inn~val1ons in marke ting and how to motivate the motivators.

Mary Stewart, Re-entry Options for Women counselor in area colleges and univenitles wlll talk on women in management. '

F~ Light, business consultant and Cypress College . ~tructor, will focus on enhancing work produCUVlty through employee participation.

JEaRY scmPPER, GOLDEN WEST Coll~ge human services instructor, will s peak on drug abuse and a~coholism, stress management, and e mployee ass1s tance programs.

There is a $10 workshop fee.

GWC ScMdules 'Women's Week'

Golden West C ol l e ge ' s third annual ••women'1Week" wlllfeatureguest1ecturers,fllma, muaic and discuuion erou111 at the HunUngton Beach campus Tuesd ay through Friday next week.

Newscuter TriUa To)'Ota, Dally PUot writer Cheryl Romo and women staff membert at Golden Weit C.ollege are among the leeturera. MOit eventa AH tree ot charge.

A ldtedule of dally event.rcan be picked up at Golden West's Women's Center WMkday• between 10 1.m. and 2 p.m.

14.1 oz. PROPANE


But t ..... tl\e Wtee to WNngle. &l\d with m • The Ou&nel of t.h. Uni-.- i.t b8: An d . in ioom • CXIMWr of th. Hu..bh u..b coucht, M.u Garn. of thet which ma& ..... m uch of Th ...





~RAWER . .. . 2.67 b5

RAWER .... 3.97 ~kWER .... 6.77 ::RAWER . ... 8.97 ~RAWER .. 11.97



~_____:..-,:,....__ 33~! Ah, Love! Could t hou 1U1d f with f'a t• con.pin To qrup thuo "°"'Sche m e of Thing• e n tire. Would not • • ehette r it t o blU - and then Remould tt ne&l'er to the Heart'• 0..U.!




Ah. h U the Cup: - w hat boot. at t o rep.et How Time "" alippin17 und • rn- th our 1"..t: Unborn TO- MORROW and dMd YESTERDAY Why fret ebout the m il TO . DAY be .....ti ·



1 t j &!~ ..... Th• M OYU\g f"inger wnl• ; and, MYU\g wnt . M- o n. n or ell they Pi.ty nor Wit S h&l l lure it bac la to c:an.oel h.u • Lane, Nor all thy T_,.. waeh o ut • Word of at

Prestone II

tLJu f!J1 I I: j.i :.!.~



1----------------tPrestone®l[with two jugs of . .. PARTICLE BOARD Summer Coolant

3/ 8" . . . 4~~. ~~·2. 97 ~: :.:.::;·~~; o n (---20n~7 "\ 1 / 2" .. ..... ... 3.47 WEATHER GIVEAWAY Pf:R GAL/

-~ ~ 5/ 8" ... . . . .... 4.47 11--------------.1 .. '

3/ 4'' ... ..... .. 5.47 The Wor ldly Hope m e n M1 thei r H..n. u pon T u ma A.h• - or it pro.pnw: and anon, Ld lae Snow u pon the O...rt'• dun:r f"ece Li~hting a UttL. Hour o r h~b - la gone.



13.!-1102 J ve ry canfully Mt t h - quat r&Uu down. f h ope you enjoy and get eornethi n g from t h em. ( J h ope t h e paper .. i. them nic:ely. If not. I'm 90r-ry. )


7:AK And nrange to tell. e.m.on.g thAt &arthen Lot Sorn• c:ould articulete,

· while otherw not: And muddenly - mow-. l.J'npeu.nt cm.cl -"Who le th. Pott.r, pray, and who th. Pot?"


~~ ... . 1.27 1" REFD..tL ...... 77 c 9" PAD ' PAINTER... . 1.57 9" REFD..tL ...... 97•

Look to °'8 ~ t.A,t blow. a.bout u. - "Lo, X..uqhing." ahe .. .,.. " Into th• World I blow: At onoe th. ai1k.n T-1 of m1 Pw.. T~. uwi it. T~ °" tlw Qudein \Now.''


Come. fill t he C up, and in the f'i r. of S p ring The W inter Garment of Repentance (UZ\g: The Bird of Time h - but a litt le wa y T o fl y - and Loi the Bird i.a o n t he Wino .


2000 SO. IT . .. ... 5.66 4000 SO. IT .. . . .. 9 • 77

• ~;;i

llkl --6000 SO. FT .. .. 12.88

Thi.a o ne I h.e" t o '-.pl.iun bec:eu.. ...,.rybody d oeen' t lir.noor whet T uri Builde.r d-. Ouy, let '• reed th• label tooet her follu . ..


16 - 3 SJT

25'. .. .. . .... 2.77 so· .... . ..... 4.77 100' ......... 7.77

Poeu will ..,.,. iring and th•lr u.t• n•n enjoy. th• tlm.411- -rd.a of men and wom• n In t h•ir MUCh for meanino (he'• .Upped h .ia ha-r. I


~ilifl MOTOR OIL

- ' -



63COT. ~ Ah, m&lut the most of what -1 .t may epend. Before - too lnto th. Du.ft o-nd; Dwrt into I>wrt. &l\d W\d.T Dust. to lie. • San. Wi.n.e. eana Song. -Singer and - Mna End.I



ffe1"e with • 1-1 of Br.ed beTwath th. Bouoh. A fl&d of Wtn e. • Boola of v- - and Thou 8-ule rn• ain gino i.n the w~ -And W~ le PazUJ.e en.ow.



6'lO"x6' 12711

8' 10"a6' 14711

M,...lf when younq did -0.,.1., frequen t Doctor and &int . and h-td qr.et Arou.tnent A.bout it and &bout: but ..,.nno,. c..me out by the earn. Door aa in I -t.


33~-FT. Ahlmy~.Wlthe Cup that cJeu. TO · DAY of s-t Rep.t. and future r ..... -To-morrow? - Wh:r. To· monow l may he M,...lf with Y ......u.,·e S-'n ThO\IMNI Yean.


~~ .. ... .. . 9!! ~~~10!!

Thu la a "Tr tu.ah quality 8 ,_,. wananteed .tu.ff, had t o tell you. ( 8-ld.. ti-. ..-•t 9ft0Vgh ~ for • full quauain. )



I l l·


* * VOL. 72, NO. 116, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES

By KATHV CLANCY Ot .... o.lh ~ .... , ...

Cr"•hon o f an 18,000 acre urban nauooal IH•rk thlll W()uld str~t~h along the Irvine roa!ll und throu.ch the hills !tUrround ang Laguna tt.>a('h wa t•ndont·d Wt•dnt'tlda by Orange ( 'ounty s upervisors

The boa rd unllnimoui.ly adopt ed a resolution urging the Na llona l Park Service to t> reutt.• tht.­park , taking 1n three fou~ or

tht> 10.000 out- Ir vi n Coast aouth of Coron& ~I Mar

In addition , the ~ boun dories would anl'ludt· th'' l. •ttuntt G ret> nbt•ll . l . 11~uni. ttea t' h ' i. Syn1more ll11ls &nd open s pat>e lands 1n ttw futurt> t>om muruty of Aliso V1t•J0

Superv1sorl'.> albo asked that th~ pa rk inc lude th~ Bonner and Shat'ly Canyons 1n the city of I rvine . aJong with Los Trancos Ca nyon on lht' inland s ide or

f'acilic Coast Highway south of Corona del Mar .

The proposed Aliso Viejo park lands would include more than 3.000 acres of open space the Ali so Viejo Company already has pledged to donate for public use. a long with about 700 acres now s lated for development of up to 4,000 dwellings.

When supervisors r ecenUy adopted a land use plan for Aliso VieJO. they requfred that the ad ·


Rider, Wearing Only Swimming Trunk•, Waa Critically Injured

• ID Crash Cyclist H11rt

Suimming Trunk-clad Man Badly Skinned Hos pita l after rece iving ex · tensi ve on·the·scene e me rgency treatment from Orange County Paramt!dics .

cidenl and restore normal traf· f1 c now. Kredel noted.

A Yorba Linda man c lad only in swimming trunks suffe red cr itical skin losses Wednesday whe n he lost control of his motorcycle and skidded 350 feet down bu sy M acAr thu r

I Bou le vard at Ronat;i Ca nyon ~ Road in Irvine

Krede l said the 800-pound motorcycle collided with a vehi· c le driven by Pa mela A Harns. 48. of El Toro. She was not in­jured.

In one odd coincidence. Kredel sa id , Z!ga n's wife passed by t he accident scene, recognized th e motorcycle and identified t he injured man as he r hus band.

Th e 4 . 20 p . m . accide nt s trangled commute r traffic and forred divers ion or southbound tra ve l e r s t o Jamb o r ee Boulevard where two unrelated non-injury accidents la ter oc ­curred.

f l took P<>lice a nd firemen more than two hours to c lean the highway of debris left by the ac-

Invest igat ion to determine the m o t o rc yc li s t 's actions im · mediately prior to t he a ccident 1s continuing, Kredel said .

Proposed Irvine Complex

e ditional property b e made ayailable for public purchase at the March. 1979. market price.

George Osborne, director of the count y En'vi r onmental Management Agency IEMA ). reported to supervisors that Na­ti o n a I P a r k S e r v i c e a.d . ministrators have found the a rea qualifies for development as a national park

Their findings were based up. on the presence of what were

Your dome&ewa Dally Ne.,spa•e• ·


Coast Park called s ignificant natural re· sources, primarily the Irvine coastal land, along with the area 's proximity to major population centers.

In addition, Osborne wrote in his report lo supervisors, the federal administrators have argued the park likely would draw visitors from other re · gions.

The park study 1s now being processed through federal chan-

nels, Osborne said, and is ex· pected to be submitted to con· gress by May 30.

Osborne warned the park ad· mlnistrators' findings may be a lte red before they reach con· gress.

And yet to be addressed in the park study are ways the federal govemmeol would acquire the park land, along wilh the draw· ing of predse boundaries and plans (or park development.

Energy Target Coast Firms Join to Conserve

In wha t offi c ials say 1s a unique experiment, four of the Ora nge Coast 's biggest firms ha ve fo rm e d an e n e r gy cooperative in an attempt to sa ve fou r megawatts of c lectricitydur· ing the fiscal year beginning July I

Four megawalli. of electncity is enough to supply energy to 3,000 homes for a year

T~e co-op was launched Uus morning during a press con· fere n ce hos t ed by Pa c ifi c Mutual Life Ins urance Com pany . one of its me mbers

The other members are the I rvi ne Compa n y, the Fl uor Corp. and South Coast Plaza

Undl>r thC' tnms of lhe agreC> ment s igncd today all four com panies wall be linked by a com pute r operated by Engineering Supervis ion Com pany c ESCO 1

that will monitor the firms · t: nc rgy demand!.i

The cooperative is designed to redu ce demand during the after noon ~ak period at about 4 p.m

Using the morutoring device. co-op president Butl Dobyns of Fluor said. will te ll members when lo defe r use of some t.>quip· ment.

J ohn Phillips of ESCO said that won't mean a wholesale shutting off of lights and air con· ditioning, but a selective reduc· lion in use of some machines. He said one pice of equipment among many, s uch as one of two or three e leva tors , mjght be c losed down during the peak.

He dcscribcd the plan as an energy budget . but one used tn concert by the four firms. rather than on an indi vidual bas is.

C.E . Ha thway, vice president of Southern California Edison. said the orogram has never been

tried before m lhe United States He explained that the four

com parues paid for a feas ibility study on the project

With the approval or the state P ublic Ut ili ties Comm is:.1on and Edison, the cost or implement ang the pro1ecl . about $250,000 will be borne by Edison

Dobyns said that end or the fir st year tnal. 1f the CO-QP has worked as planned, the gro~p v. 111 peti tjon the PUC for 1nstitu· lion or a s j>ecaal rate as an 1n cent1ve to get more bus inesses to do the same thing

He sa id that more Orange County firms are expected to 101n th~ co-op. but that the four wer e the companies that have worked on its formation for about a year .

Cal led the Orange County Ene r gy Co n se rvation Cooperat ive, the organization is J non profit corporation .

Phillips said the project is ex· peeled to save the firms money m reduced ener gy cons umption and to a id the Edison Company

IStt ENERGY, Page A? >

Eestasy Ride Write·r Flies With Blue Angels

By JOANNE REYNOLrn\ Of ... Daily P llol StaH

It ·s a nde in an elevator Root berserk and a dance across the c louds .

Mo ments of brea thtakin g ecs tasy are punctuated by s tom acb· 14TenchJng vertigo

To a hand(ul of men . it as as common an experience as a trip to the com er market

For me . al was a fantasy come to life a ride with the Blue Angels

More precisely. at was a nde with Angel Seven. Lt J ack Ekl Wednesday he gave me a taste of the a ir show to be performed Saturday and Sund ay at El Toro Marine Corps Aar Sta tton

As a member of the Navy 's prcc1s1on fl ying team ht 1s one of the nation 's best pilots, a varsit y Jet jockey

Ek l looks the part . d ressed in his royal blue flight s uit which happens to match the paint JOb on his A ·4 Skyha wk and his bright yellow ascot tie ln1ured was Frank E . Zigan,

3~. who, according to police, was trav e l i n g n o rthb ound on MacArthur when he hit one of the small re flectors on the pave. ment dividinf? hoe and lost con· trol of his high-powered bike.

Theater $6.5 Million? Aviator's sunglasses obscure

his eyes and his fore and aft cap sags in Just the right places, meeting his g lasses at a point that no doubt marks the center line of his face .

One traffic inves tigator .said portions of Zigan 's face and body were litera lly ground lo the bone as he s lid a cross the pave­ment.

" In vestigation a lso revealed tha t Mr ZiRan had a jacket and motorcycle helmet a ttached to the back of the motorcycle, but was not wearing them." said Sgt. Bob KredeJ, of the Irvine Police Department.

Zigan was listed in critical but stable condition today al Kaiser Perman e nte H ospital, Bellflower. He was transferred there from Hoag Memori a l


Wea ther Variable hJgh cloudiness

tonight. A few high c louds but mosUy sunny Friday. Lowa tonight 54 to 58. Highs Friday 66 to 70 at beaches. 74 to 78 jnJand.

l'NSIDE TODAY Hmong trfbum.en are

amOftg the Chouacmda o/ re/· ••• tmo /HI Wee "abaft· doMd ~·· and loolc lo lhe Ufrited State• for a home. StOf'JI , photo Page 81.


,._--~--- -

A proposed performing arts theater for the city of Irvine could cost up lo $6.5 million ac co rding to prelim inary cost estimates released this week by the project's architect.

Police Flock To Rites for Slain Officer

By JACKIE RYMAN Of .... Deity ,., .. ,...,

Hund.reds of police cars and motorcycles lined the s treets lo· day around St. Simon a nd Jude Church in Huntington Beach as more than l ,000 fellow peace of. ricers paid tribute to s lain Los Angeles Sheriff's Deputy George Barthel. 32, of Costa Mesa.

Interme nt for Mr . Barthel, who leaves a wife and two young cbUdren, was scheduled, follow­ing lJ a.m. services, at Good Shepherd Cemetery , also in Huntington Beach.

Los Angeles Sheriff's officials said today the Los Angeles County District Attorney ap· pareotly will seek tbe death penalty against two men ac­cwaed in the slaytn1 .

A spoke~fnan said s uspects James Lerot Noble, 24, and • Clarence Robinaon, 21, were ar­raigned ln Compton Municipal Court 0n murder charges stem· mini trom laat wee.k 's traaedy.

Tht' spokesman said the Uls · trict Attorney's Office broqht one cou.nt or murder coupled wltb special clrcumstancea -includJnt beiq armed at the Ume ol the slav1nit - that could

<See FVNEUL, Pace A!)


Current plans. based on direc· tion to the architect from the city 's Performrng Arts Theater Committee. call for a 750-seat faci lity that would inclu~ a hydra uli call y movable stage , dressing rooms. rehearsal hall a nd ba lcony seating .

Members of the committee have stressed tha t the plans a re " purely preliminary '' and may be changed.

The city currently has $1 .6 million in 1974 bond money sit· ting In the ba nk that are e armarked for a performing arts theater.

That money, however . is un· d e r attack from Mayor Bill Vardoulis who wants to use it in· stead for expansion or the city's athletic fields .

l~ian Loses. In Roulette

ROME tAP > - A 30· year-old goldsmith killed himself while " re ­creating" the Russia n roulette scene from the award·winnlng film "Th~ Deer Hunter," police re· ported.

Police sources s ai d E nrico O'Andrea asked three male employees in his jewelry shop to stay on after work for " some ex· cllement. "

While they watched. he put one bullet in a .38· caliber revolver. spun the cylinder. put the gun to his head and pulled the tria· ger.



And Vardoulis wants tne c ity to bold an election to see if vote rs want to come up with the ex tra millions that would be needed lo build the theate r

l n a lette r to the c ity . Larry Can non of Wurs te r , Bernardi and Emmons. architects in San Francisco, said the project could be scaled down and the es timat· ed cost reduced to $4.5 million.

Cannon said in the letter that othe,r de letions could be poss1· ble. but that. t hey would result " in a very diffe rent t ype of facility currently envisioned by the city ."

The City Council is scheduled to consider the cos t es timates . and theater des ign May 8 during an ove r a ll r ev i e w o f th e pe rforming a rts theater and a thletic fi e ld expans ion con cerns.

Ekl. 32. is cool. but not cocky. He wants me to know what l'm getting into so l can cnJOY it

" It 's fun . It never gets boring, but it 's Like any other JOb. There a re d ays when things are going really good and there are other days." Ekl explains

That tall s leek Jet f' m going to get in is reaJly nothing more 1

than a standard trainer . he says Ekl 's right hand man is AEl

Joe Berry, his crew chief. Berry puts me in an olive drab flight suit and straps me into the back seal of the fighter

Be rry 's warnings abou nd . don't touch anything painted black and yellow ; be sure to flip the inte rcom back to receive when you' re done talking ; don't try to get out of the plane at the end of the flight until the ejec· lion seat is disarmed

He Points out the location of

* * * For Blue A ngeb

O.lly l>li.t St.Mf .....


the " barf bag .. and ducks down the ladder with a cheery " have a nice night .

Waiting for takeoff clearance, Ekl tries to chat. It's a one-way conversation since the multiple belts that hold me in place keep me from easily reaching the in· lercom switch.

<See ANGELS, Page A.2>

* * *

El Toro Traffic C11rhed Irvine poUce have aMounced

their plans to cope wltb the massive traffic expected to be generated by the weeekend air show at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

FTom 3: 15 to 6 p .m . Saturday and Sunday, traffic on roads leading from the base will be aJ. lowed to proceed in only a west · bound dJrecUon. away from the station, said Sgt.. Bob Kredel.

Affected roads are T rabuco Road between the El Toro main

f ale and C ulver Drive and rv loe Boulevard rrom El

Toro north gate to Jeffrey Road , Kredel said.

Also, In the Northwood viUage area. two eastbound lanes will be open between Culver and MyforH Road for residents' use, Kredel said.

On Jeffrey Road , between Tr abuco and Walnut Street , trat· fie will only be permitted to go southbound durtni the afternoon per\ods, he Mtcled.

Kredel taid Northwood rest. dents should use Culver and Bryan Avenue to 6let lo and out of lhelr neighborhood.

" We'll have officen at lhe prlmary lnte•rsections. We ex· peel no problems," be said . It ii estimated that 100,000 peopJe will a ttend the air show reatur­lng the Blue Angels each day. That translates to about 30,000 cars, Kredel saJd.

He also point ed out that California Hl1hw•1 Patrol of· ficers will be out lo force to cite motorist.a who park aJona t.M San Dle10. Santa Ana and Lacuna frMways to wat.cb tbe show. Unattended vehlclet wtll be towed IWQ, be added.


Baby's IJeat RelOted


Beware the Birds It 's not that students at Saddleback College don ' t like .... wallows. What they ob1ect to is the jettisoned material that anvarwhly accompanies the historic birds . One mt>aru. uf '1)rott:ction ts to let class notebooks suffer the damfi~<·

Boy Critical After LA Police Shooting

I.OS 1\!'ICEl. ES 1AP 1 A 1:; •<t•ar old hov who fl ed when pol1<·1• spotterl ium anrl two other bovs pu -, h1ng u t':Jr d<1wn a durkt•nt•d :-tn•1•t c•urly today wa:, !>hot and crit1<'a lly wounded by a poli t·e offH·N . authorities sa id

The s hooting <.·arnc on th<: ~amc morning the r ounty l'Or· oner conducted an inquest into February ·~ fatal s hooting or Jnother teen-ager by sheriff' s deputies

lt also <'ame am id a rising <'ontroversy over police shooting policy sparked by the death of Eula Love last January. rRclat ~d story, AS 1

The Van Nuys boy who was shot Uus morning was not im­mediately 1dcnt1f1ed. Ile was la~ted 1n " very c ntical" cond1-t10n al Sherman Oaks Communi· ly ffosp1tal

Pohc£' Lt Charles H1gb1e said officer J ohn R Holland, 30, <1


Lost Refugees Reunited With Their Family

Two Vietnamese r e fugees have bttn reunited with their foster family in La~una Hills after a two-day excursion that

• left the pair hungry end root.sore but otherwise unharmed .

Trinh Tran , 22 , and he r brother . Tanh Tran , 14 , were round an a park about 10 miles away from their new home some 48 hours after lheir absence was noted.

··w e ' re s tall trying to piece together the story of what hap­pened while they were gooe, " explained Mrs . J on Hermes, wife of the mini s ter al the Gene va Presbyterian Church, La~una Hills.

·· But we 're satisfied that it was si mply their confusion that led lo their absence," she said " They are perfectly happy today and glad to be back with their foster family ."

lO·year vet('ran or the force, or dered the boy to ·'freeze ' when he tried to climh a fence arter or f1 cers spottt·d the three boys pushing a car down Hartsook Strl'et in Van Nuys during prc­dawn hours

ll1 gb1e s<i id the boys were push1n~ one of their parenL'l' c<irs. allegPdly to gel quietly away from the a rea so their parents wouldn't know they had taken the car

Holland was part of a special team in the area to protect a wit ne~s in a murder case whose life had been threatened , Higbie said . The witness wa5 to testify in the January 1969 murder of Julius Petro at Los Angeles In­ternational Airport, he said.

Meanwhile, coroner's hearing offi cer Frederic Lacey conduct· ed an inquest today Into the February death or Abel Gill, 17. which followed a high -speed frt'eway ~hase that ended in gunfire downtown.

Prices Up .9Percent

LOS ANGELES CAP I -Paced by increases in the cost or gasoline and meat, ~on sumer prices in the Los Angeles-Orange Coun ty area rose .9 percent last month . the U .S Labor Department reported to­day.

The March increase was just a shade under the l percent cost-of-living in­crease for the month na· tJonwide. I Rel a led story, A4 )

The increase means that goods and ser vices that cos t a dollar at the end or the month would have sold for 49.l cents in 1967.

Blasts Press

.............. The phyalclan who was with

Or Wllllam WadcUll'e chief M:· cueer "':;1ht police were told ot 1n all tnfant slaytac toot th• witneu .Und today in Wad­d! ll'I m\ll"der retrtal .

Dr . 'Thomu Ferguson told the Orance County SU,per1or Court Jur y that h e ca lled a Westm ins te r police acquain­ta n ce afte r Dr . Ronald CorMlaen al.Jeged he saw Wad­dlJI "atrangle and suffocate .. a newborn lnf ant in the aftermath of a saline abortion two years ago

Ferguson tesUfied ComeJseo came to his borne late one night a few days after the alleged stra ngulation

He said Com elsen told rum the baby " was born alive, was cry . ang, moving and breathing in­depe ndently" befor e she al ­legedly was choked to death.

And. Ferguson continued, those were the purported facts he relayed to police when he :i;u mmoned them to his home that evenjng.

" After Dr . Cornelsen came over I bt'camc concerned about his involvement in the events and J was worried that he was t•xposing himself to someUung." Ferguson explained .

.. Al the late hour r thought r could call my lawyer in Long Reach and he talked to Dr . Cornelsen ." Ferguson testified . .. After that conversation and another one with the hospital ad­ministrator. Dr. Cornelsen toJd me he wanted t.o talk to police."

De fe nse a ttorney Charle s Weedman asked Ferguson iI be recalled telUng police "you will have to protect my butt ."

" 1 can't 1majtine what it could possibly be r eferring to." Fer..guson replied . " I don 't think 1t could have come from me."

Waddill. a 43-ycar-old Hunt· ington Harbour obstetrician, is being tried a second time for the <1 1leged murder o r the two­pound. 15-ounce infant known a:, Ba by Girl Weaver.

His first trial ended last May whe n Jurors sa id they we re deadlocked 7 to 5 in favor of ac­quittal.

Weedman has denied h.is client s trangled the baby but that Wad­dill wanted no " he roic" revival atte mpts because the infant w as de ad or i r r eve r sib ly on the verge of death by the time the doctor examined her

Jack Styers,

Printing Shop Owner, Dies

Jack E . Styers of Irvine , owner and oper ator of Styers Print-0 -Mat in Corona del Mar, died Wed nesday at UC Los Angeles Medical Center. He was 58.

A native or Pennsylvania, Mr Stye rs who Ii vcd in I rvine , ~ radualcd from Drexel College and worked as an en~ineer for TRW and Curtiss Wright Corp. be fo re purchas ing the offset print shop in 1970. He was a former Navy pilot.

F une ral services fo r Mr Styers wi ll be held at 3 p.m. Fri­day al Pacific View Chapel , Newport Beach , under the direc · lion of Rev . Ron Allison of Univers ity Methodist Church Bu r ial will follow at Pacifi c View Memorial Park.

Mr. Styers is survived by his widow, J anel , of l be family home, 5371 Strasbourg Ave.; two sons, James, of Seattle and Jef· fery. of San Diego. and a grand­daughter.

The family suggests contribu­tlon s to th e Linus Pauling Institute in Menlo Par k.


DAILY PILOT ~ Wayne Recovering r~ n~•.,,Ofl' t f"to\tO..''• ~• "'""•...._~ .. c~ "1""°e l ,.t N....,. ~• t \...,.t°"""' tty lt..0.-~ , , ...... , ~fli1h""""'° (~ ~ .. -... ~.,.

1>••1••• ru a Mn""'~ '"" """""' t tfO"• h·r (Ml• N '4t ,._WO'.)rt hi 4'tt f\ H\lr'lt H'l-Q•Oft ftt>•~ r ftW\ 1-i f\ VAll"• l tw,... l ;"f:~ft~~~ SOiuth(N\I A ' •••t /1> 1 r-o"""• J rd f1'11f' I\ ,,..i"41~ ~1\ir-t't•Y""""'

\v~ ••' '""' ,,, ... ,, .... 1 """"''"''""pt~.,..,, llD ft'•' ' H•• \ f,....... < ~I• Mr-~ C• MOf,.t•'1t,. thNrilt ­


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Te .. pftoM (7l4)142-43'J•

CleMtfl lMf Aft.,,._ Ml-N11


At Newport Home Actor J ohn Wayne was up and

about al his Newport Beach .home today but was not pre­pared to offer any additions to •catbing comment• he made about the press when he left Hoag Memorial Hospital Wed· nesd ay.

"No, he feels he said wh•t he bad to say, 1' secretary Pal Stacy Hid . " He's up now and he's feel­ing fine and Jte says he feels bet· ter for Hying- tt. ''

Wayne. 71, accused unnamed news rcPe>rters of " tryln1 lo bribe people" to talk about hit condJdon wttJ~ wH identified by the ho8pftaJ H bronchJU8.

And he told the preta ln a state ment lasued M he left Ute bolpttaf : " I haven't lied \0 the pre., about an)'tbtng bat u.ey wm not take our nporU 11 truthful.

" Reportera 1oeak arou.nd. \t')' -


ing to bribe peopl e lo say som ething that won' t coincide with the offi cial report. I don't know why that is n~ssary but I cuess it is modern day news methods.

" It used lo be considered yellow journalism. Aoyw1ty. have a happy day."

Wayne blaued the statement throuth spokeswoman Marcy Moble)'. She and Mias Stacy have refUAed to identity the re­port en who apparently have an1ered the veteran Western 1tar.

Wayne WH hotpltallled fol' a month al UCLA Medical Center lite 1ut year and u.nchrwent aur1ery for removal of bJ8 can­H rOUI 1tomacll. Hi• Oftly publJc appearance st~ that •W'ltrY w11 at the Academy A•ards ceremony April 9.

.J11dge Steorn In . Jud~e. Do~~lld. Dungan '. presidin_g j ud_Be of the Harbor Jud1c1al Dis trict Court m NewPort Beach, swears in the court 's newest j udge , Robert Polis . The new judge bas been serving in the court since 1975 as traffic com­missioner Polis, 38, lives in Irvine .

Frorrt Pa~ A J

FUNERAL ... lead to the death penalty.

The pair also face one count of felonious assault with Intent to commit murder and one charge of felonious assault on a peace officer. the spokesman said.

A preliminary hearing bas been set for May 8. also in Compton Municipal Court

The spokesman sa id murder cb~rges a re pending against Raymond Howard , 24 , of Inglewood. A fourth suspect an the case, Gary M. Hubbard, 20, of Los Angeles. races allegations of possession or drugs but not of murder . ·

Barthel and Deputy Jimmy Hollingsworth . 30, of Anaheim. were sbol while questioning a group of men near a Watts hous­ing complex.

Hollingsworth. who was shol in the head . has been released from the hospital and as in good condition. the ~pokesrnan srud

Pot ·Search Costs $ 7 ,500

NE W YORK I AP > A Queens hi~h S<'hnol ~irl has re · ceived $7.500 tn damage s because s he was forced by school author11 ies to partially disrobe during a "dcgradin~ search" for mara1uanu

No marl.Juana was fo und and U.S. OtStnct Judge John Doobng o n Wednesday awa r ded the money for " mental and emo Lional pain ·· in01<·ted on the girl , identified only as" M .M " He rec om mended she use the money for pi,ych1atnc counst' hng

Lasl year, a Jury sided with two Bayside fh~h Sc hool of ficia Is However , Dooling set aside thl' verdict ror l:.ick or evidence


State S&L loan Rates To Hit llo/()

LOS ANGELES <AP > - Major California savings and loan as­sociations. which have often led the nation in mortgage rate in­creases, are raising mortgage loan rates to 11 pe rcent or above. the highes t rate in 4"'2 years.

Glendale Federal Savings said Wednesday it was rais lDg its fix­ed-rate loans to 11 1.4 percent from the previous l~ percent to 11 percent.

The firm also raised 1ts varia­ble rate minimum v. percent to 10""• percent.

Variable m or tgage rates . legal tn California and several other states. allow the interest rate to be changed w1th1n li rruts us other interest rates change over the life of the loan

Meantime, Home Savings. the largest savings and loan in the nation, reported tbat it was ··in the throes of cons idering a change" or r ates in light of the industry movement toward the I I percent mark .

Rates m California have fre · quenUy risen faster and higher than those of other a r eas because of demand for housan~ in the state

But · housing economis ts say mortgage rates across t.he coun­try are under pressure because S&Ls musl pay for mortga~e funds for lendm2

Recently, much of those funds have co m e from si x month 1.\oney market certificates which have interest rat.es tied to Treasury bills. The latest rate allowed on the certificate was 9 3 percent

Small. Compact . Space -Saving Women's Recliners

In a Wide Selection of Styles cmcl F*ics


COSTA MESA 369 E. 17th ST. (Aerosa rrom RoloN.

ne~t to Morfe Co"8ndo11) 642·8657 ~ . Fn 1().6

Sot. I~ Cloeed Sunday



' r,...P ... AJ

ANGELS ••• Watch.1111 t.be 1tr'UQ&. ta a

mirror. &Id obMrY•, ''1'M7 dldn ' t n.:!Jf. deal~ tlMM -~-

~':t ... '!!!!k~ ..... tround. eases up~ aa we clear the eod tlf the ,,_.., and tben becom• an eleft&or

I'd been wamed repeatedly about G1- the face·10taabln1 gravitational pull frosn steep cum bl. No one said an)'dd.na about elevaton.

It's not an eapeelaUy clear day , yet from our 8,000.foot van­tage oolnt. we can ... from lft. Baldy to San Clemeate bland. from Oceaoaide to Palos Verdes.

Every roll. climb ud dive ls explained in advance atone wltb lhe acceleration ucl decelera­tion that it requires.

That doesn't atop me from closing my eyes OD U. first roll. a wing over wing maneuver called• productJon roll.

It was easy keepinc them open afte r that through sUky-smootb dips and curves that leave me look Ing out the roof al San Clemente Is land or looking down only to see the wing where the ocean ~ to be. We go from a demonstration of Gs to one for weightlessness .

The engine noise. the bumps. and the vibration I'd expected ar en't there.

There 's more noise from radio trarric lh3n from the engine. Eld plays with the plane, accelerat­ing just often enough for me to realize he is fl ying very gently.

Now it 's my turn to fly . At his urging. I take the throtUe with my left hand, the stack with my right

After a rew tryout wobbles he tells me to put the s tick over . all the way to the ten .

I close my eyes. " Hey, you gotta have your eyes open," be ad m onis hes whe n we right ourselves. "try it again."

l compromised. One eye stays OJ)<'n .

" OK I' ve got the plane back now " I hope he never really I~ go.

The half-hour flight is over too c;oon We make one pass over the field <ind land

As we taxi to the apron , Berry 1s waiting. al parade rest.

It lakes very li ttle time to find myself back on lhe ground. My legs are shaky and l 'm glad to be where the earth s tays under my reel and the sky stays over­head

S till. I wish I was in lbat won-de rlul machrn.e lhat makes everyth.inJ! turn upside down so eas ily.

E',.._ rafl*! A I

ENERGY ... by reducang peak demands.

Stressing that the co-0p 1s a voluntary e((ort Phillips added that he hopes it will prove "we don 't need an y government-1mposed mandates to regulate energy use 1n these buildings."


MISSION VllJO 21&t2M ........

Pkwy. (CQflW d All'9fV

. and Vlo (IC<*W)

•H·lt02 Mon. . M.104

Sot. 10.S oo.d....,



ur' st 81 ll'

" •


l <:


Carter's Nuclear tand Hit

S AC..'RAMENTO 1AJ•1 C'.o Edmund Brown J r , In a abarp

l\ault °" l~idf'nt C•rtcr, '" l'h¥1Jl'""'l.Qi th JW ident to ~JI th~ nurl tla r lndu111try t hat 'c-nou)[h I tnough "·

At a M ronJer-ence Wednes 1l1•y. Urown 1tbo said he hope~ lht> U S Nul.'lt>nr- Regulatory l'omrn\1.011011 will o rder te rn porury Shut dOWM Of th(' {'ijtht nut'l••ur pl.mt~ built by 8abc>o<'k ,t W1kox

ti I:: SAil> 1•· Tiils hallJ>em. ht­"'111 l'all UJ'I'" Cu hforntuns af f~· 1· tt•d tn tht' 01·,•rby Rancho St.-,·o pl.111t 111 l' urtu1l t he use or t heir u1r <"ond1t1oncr~ on hot ~ummerday:.

The ullhUt:s ~aid that would 1nl'ludt! c.· u s t o m e r s fr om Bakcr~field to Eureka

The Demucral1t governor , who says he may run for pres1 -d e n t in 1980 , r epea t e dl y c·rati clzed Cartt.•r''l pro nuclear s tan ce, say ing othe r ene r gy ~ource~ i.hould be explored m s tead

" IT'S RATHER CLEAR to me that t he comb1na t1on of risk!., t·o:-.ts, :.afl'ty problems, the prob­ll'm of ~torai.:e of was te, the prospc('l of prol ife ration a nd t•ven the dan~C'r of :.ahotage all ('Ombane to make tl imperative tha t thas country now pursue a p<ith of .:J lternat ive energy sources. " he said.

lie said Carter, .. far from en· couraging a s hort-c ircuiting of the hcensmg process of nuclear r eac t o r s. s h o uld t e ll th e Americ a n people a nd th e nucle a r indu s try ~uite :.imply : ·Enough is enough . "

RE•'US ING TO SA Y h e fa vorf'd a total han on ex1st1ng plants. Rm"' n 1n:.tead focused on halttn~ nut'lca r power ex pan:.1on ;1nl1 hu1 l d10~ other . s;1ft>r powl'r :.ourccs in t he fut ure

Tht> 41 year old governor said tha t rc('ent events had made 1t very cleur that " the days of n uclear ~.11>wer <ire: indeed num · bt•red

Be Sa ved L ives ,. ............

Michael Scott Davis, 13. ham radio operator of Tor­rance, picked up a distress call from a Caribbean fish­ing boat that was s inking 75 miles south of J amaica early Wednesday. He act<.>d as a relay between the srup and the Miami Coast Guard coordinating the rescue of three men aboard.

Mo01, Girl Slain; Cops Shoot K iller

SAN DlEGO <AP > - Thl' bod1e~ or a woman. stabbed through the heart with a kitchen knife, and her 4-year·old daughter, wbo had been strangled , were found m the home of a psychologist held hostage by a Nigerian exchange ~~:.:..:-. nt , police said.

The s tudent, Newman Au1?uslln~ Osebor of Lagos. Nigeria. was s hot a nd killed Thursday on ;in interstate highway afte r a 3' 2-hour standoff with police, authorities say.

·· My Ufe was for them," c r ied Ale10 Punetes Wednesday after the bodies of his wife. Cu ndalana , and daughter, Norma were re ­moved from the home of Richard E. Townsend . '"They were the best . they wen~ fantasllt• llow could anyone do this lo a little girl and her mother '.'"

M rs Puentes. 24, had 11oork<'d a:. u maid for Townsend, a cnminal psychologist

Police said Townsend was abducted Wednesd ay at gunpoint. fo rced to withdraw money from a bank and held hostage by Osebor

T he 22-year-old Osebor was fatally shot by police after holding Townsend hostage in tht' doctor's sports car on Interstate 8 Townsend was unhurt in the shooting

Inmate Flees Jail Facility LOM PO • 1A P 1 The car authorities believe

was u:.(!d m the escape or George Jackson Brigade lt'ader John Sherman , 36, has been found. but be and his Wlfe remained free today.

City police said a green Ptnto sedan was found ea rly Wednesday, parked m a residential area of town

Polite said they believe the car . rented Tues· day from a local car-rental agency, was driven by l\1 <.1nanne Pulfe r Sherman , 28, when her husband , :.crvin~ a :IO year sentence, escaped Tuesday a fter­noon whtlt• visiting l.ln eye doctor.

Medi-Cal Fraud Pro bed ~ACRA M t-:NTO C /\ P 1 Some nurs mg homes

have colleclt'd Medi-Cal benefits for patients who had been dead for up to a year , says state Con·

troller Ken Cory's office. I n res po n s e to a

( )

que s tion. Deput y Con -.~T·'11:: trolle r Peter P e lkofer

_ _ s aid We dne sda y that "-~~~~~~~--' audito r s bad round

several s uch cases . ·· We found in al least one case benefits being

provided to a deceased person more than a year after death, Pc lkofer said.

Sltftl Rrq~•t Appror~d

, Ttvlday. Ap1112'. ,.,(

Patty Denies Bar Brawf SAN FRANCISCO CAP \ - Newspaper heiress

Patricia Hearst Shaw ~at her police officer hus band alt.ended a O.chelor party that ended in a raucous brawl at a lesbian bar the niebt before their wedcUng .

.. It 's really upsettmg," said Mrs . Shaw Wed­nesday. " We don't have friends whose idea of hav­ing a good time ls going out beating up women."

On the night before thei r wedding , her hus band Bernar d was no t living it up with bis pals but silting with members of the wedding :party al a

local restaurant. abe aaid. Tbe couple were 1D rted April 1.

A number of police olfteen were re]MM1.ed have been members of a becbelor part7 barged into Peg 's P lace about mtdalpt a harassed customers . Shaw's name bad been link to the party in s tories publiabed io tbe San J'r cisco Chronicle .

The distric:t attorney's oMce and the police ci6-( partment are investJcatJnc the lneident and two 1 persona. policeman Daniel II arr, 25, and al civilian . Kevin Guerin , 24, II.ave been chareed with 1 disturbing the peace and battery. a

.1f:~:s HEATIHC, Alll COH O

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' f 1

LOS ANGELES CAP l - A jurisdictional battle over a ir quality standards has been defused , with the state approving a Shell Oil Co. request to build a pumpln~ station but requiring the firm to clean up other sources of pollution.

The state Air Resources Board s idestepped a "smog war" Wednesday when it s upported the operating permit issued for the oil station by the South Coast Air Quality Management District -but tacked on the cleanup requirements.

your cboi~e

Choose a br•nd new luxurious cut p ile aaxony •.• e'8gant. thickly tun.ct. end In lhe widest r.,,..ol co&ors YoU can Imagine. You know the oolor you want, and with 45 to c:noOM from, you're ..,,. to find the Nact

shade you've been dreaming of. And wtttt illl thl• beauty, you get a veluab&e 5 yw ,..........., ..., -•Mty,

The district approved :shell ·s appucalion on Jan. 3. However , the ARB threatened lo cancel the okay because the district had not required "trade · off" agreements. Such agreements require SbeU to clean up other sources of smog to offset polluants gene rated by the new facility.

,.,_ .. Bfts "R ... t .lelJs' SAN FRANCISCO IAP> - Academy award·

winn ing actress and activist Jane Fonda has urged working women not lo accept being "slotted into robot-like jobs tha t do not allow the development of management s kllls. dignity or self-worth."

Ms. Fonda s poke at a noon rally Wednesday at the E mbaradero Center attended by several thousand persons . The gathering was one of 13 around the nation sponsored by lbe 800-member Women Organised for Employment, to com­memorate National Secretaries' Day.

Organizers clrcuJaled atatlltlcs they said show 98 percent of the 3.5 million aecretaries in tbe U.S. ln 1979 were women. Altbou&h 60 percent of women support themselYCS or bead families. lbey earn only about 57 percent of what lbe average man does, the group said.

~--.. . ... € rltfelzd LOS ANGELES CAP) - A deputy police chief

criUcl&ed two officers Wednesday for using "faulty Jud•ll*ll and poor"tactica" ln the fatal shooting or Eula Love lul January.

Tiie ertUdsm by Deputy O\ief Manball L. An· denoe ce.... u lbe Police Commiulon opened hearl ......... tile C:lle.

lln. Love, a w\eto.ed modaer of three, WU abot to death Jan. J by two ome.. called to ber ~ Lot Aqelel home followinl • dlt­pate °"' an unpaid '31.00 Pl bW.

' .... # --~


SAMTAAMA --P 2t 11 SO. lllSTOL

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plua the ptec:tlcallty of Scotchgard protection and static eofttrol. Remember. h dlfteteftce la Trwlta Stet.

Take your choice - our top quellty " Star Fire," lntf'OCIUctory .... priced at only '10.• . .,_ ._ ..... $11.99 9e1. yd. For the economy mtnded. " ShadoW lllglc1" lntrod&actory .... ll'teed • jMM • ·• Aft« ltM .... , 113.91 lq. yd. • • ·

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................ ..--

I Or nge Coo t O 1ly Ptlot Editorial ...... _ .. _______ r_ ........ _ --•.• ·-. ·.· -.~.'"'·-------~-Obet't-·N···W.ed-·/P·u·bl.llhe-r-·T"°"*-·K···"·"·'---~' .-.... ~.~ ,...,_T """ ...,_ .,., ~· Krtlbfd, / Ed!totl•I Pege Editor

€ivilian-Poliee Help Sensible

l.o&l ·t.•ar , lho (' &t y nf l rvioo luunched whnl beco m u h1J:hl\ t-UCl't' ~rut pr1>f(r m n whlC'h non "tworn. c.-1\'lll n pertoionnc•I tnV(' tljt tc trumc rtN:ld nt

Ir' uw patterned Its pro1tnm ufler om· thut 01)tm 1h.•d also wtth ~U('CN.s ln Fort Lauderdul<-. Flu

O\\ , In int• l'<>lict• Chlt•r Lt'<> Peart v. unts to ec h~ l' tl) tukt• the lt.•ad 10 Ubl' o f dvUiam. in the p<>la•t.• depart flll ' lll.

Tht• d11t.•f b propo m l{ thnl c1v tham. with proper tr3tnlOH roll c.•<· t n•µnrb on mino r t•rtmt·~ rand handlt· rout 11w t·hor1•:-. 11l lht• tlt•tt•c.'llH• t)un•uu

I h· 11b11 "ar1t i- t u t•mpluv t•1v1hun!'t 1n tht• dt>µurt mt•nt s •·:- u p1>ol'l 't•n u·t•s " UJ\' t:--100 lt hundh•!4 ull lht• bU810t''l'> :.i :o.1)l•t· t:-. th.11 11111 l'> t ht· l , tk t-n <.'<If\' of. l·vtm 1f lht.•y dun I h tt H ' ~·lot t11 du" llh dtr'\•C'l haw c nf01 cement.

T ht• dllc•I ' Ith'." 111al.l' "\'OM' ( '1v1h.111'> t'U'>t It ·~., th,111 !'> \ \ orn 1:1t•r,11111wl , 1 f .1\'\111 th.11 t Jllllut lw 1...:n111 t.•d in po-.t Pl'upo~1l1u11 1 :1 11 m1·~

\11tl 1111 111 • 1m1x11 t.1nth t r ;11h h·1 o l h·..,l'> <' l l ll l'&1I fu111' l llllh Ill \'l\llt ,111-. J.!l'h th1 polt1·t:' Offlt'l'r IJcH' k 11110 lht• hl•ld

"111'1'1' lh' ,, lll'l'lkd

Center Fill Need Ont• "'"'It' d1 :1\\JO).! ;itlNitwn the~e d ti) :-. in In int·

pa rt tt•ularl\ t h1• \ 1 I lu gl· ol Woodbradgt.· 1:-. wtwthl·r nc1g hho1·t11xul adu It .., :.hould Ix: allowed to opt·rak ~mall d tty ta1 1• t·<·nkr:-.

Tlw W<H>rllu 11lg1· Lt·mpt:!\t st:.11 t cd l>l ' \ 't' l'al month:-. ago whc.•n n1•1c hhor:, t•o mplu1ned a hout noise .ind traffi c :-.urro111 Hltng llllt' hom t· when•'' n•:..1dcnt wt1s looking aflc·r :.l' \'t ' r; tl <·htl1I n·n ol "'Ol'k 111u pare nt :-.

.\l ttw t1m<· . th•· t·o111plaanls p robahly wt• t' l' 1us t1f1t•d Totlu r. howt• vt·r. lh1• home· rs '.'> l a te Jte•eori i-wd <•n<I. thus. cnro1'1m,·nt ,., now ll m1tf'l l I<• :.1'\ c:h1ldrl'n Ttw tompl<Jinb ha v l ' «l' <1 i,c•<I

Cl\'t'n 1hc• 1rnmbt•rol wor k111g p:trC'nts in lr \'10l'. lhl'rL· ·.., littk qu1•s tton th1• l't•nll'I !-> an· nC'Nl<'d ;.ind ... hould lw pcnn1ttl•d a s a I Pg at 1m:.ik1 t•:o.1 ul'nt1 a l usl'

If wohlc·ms d<·vc lop . they !-. hould he· handll'd on a <':tSl' b\ l'tl'>l' has1:-. a t lhl' t•ommunity assodation l(•\'l'I. or with 1 h1• s t ;11 l' lt t·C'ns ing agency, if o(•ces~an

Wit tr s11d1 ~~·stt•m <; to handll· rirnhlc·m:-.. I h1·n· is no llL'l'd f ()r <1l1ol1t io11 o f the cente r s a s some have rwopo·wd

Untimely Decision It ":is ~.hor I ly <11lt•r I .1 m Wl'dnl'sda~ mormng wlwn

thl· l n ·111t• ( '1 ty Co11 n t ll took up 1t1·in No ~;, on t• wc.•1g ht y IOO Pill '.'> pag1· ;1 g1•n<f;1

E'<·<·pt tor thn.·e du:harcb. lht· only 1m1·:-. lt..·ft in lhl' a11d 1pm•1• Wl·rc mc•mhe i·s of a n Or:rngC' County l<.1 sk force \\ho had w:u l t•d patwntl ) to ~vt..• tilt' l'OUntal a full p11·, t·ntal ion on :rn cnv1ronmcnt<1I impact report . It c·ont t•rnctl a <·ounty land fall <lump proposed for 1h·v<• lopmcnt m lht• Rec <.and Hound canyons area northca!'tl ol'tht• (' ll\

B11t IK•C'a UM' of the 1c.1t<' hour. the tas k forc t! essentially d t' l 't dt 'f l ln make• 1111 J>ft'S('nt.1tmn The counci l was le ft with mak ir)g an 11nanform('d. hast y dC'l'1:-.1on on matters th~t will haH• major futu re effects o n l rnnc"s roads <.ind ne i ~hhorhoods .

Nor.c of it should h~1 vc huppcned Ttw council . for a ll its cxprl'ss('(l c·oncern about m aximum public exposure of it s :id 1v1t ws, ~hot1 ld not have been considering Lhl! re port or anythingcbe, for tha t m a tte r a t l a .m . ...

Whal :1ppcars to he m ordt..'r is a council policy that would ltmit the length or meetings or provide for an ad­Jou rnC'<l adc.Jitioo a l s ession if sufficient urgent bus iness :-.I ill n·mainl' to be cons idered a fter hrains and e nergy are dnmwtl

• Opinions expressed in the s pace above are !hose ol the Oatly Pi lot Other views expressed on this page are those ot lhetr authors and a rtists Reader comment 1s 1nv1ted Address The Daily Pilot. P.0 Box 1560, Cos ta Mesa CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-432 1 .

Boyd/Humbug Uy L. M. BOYD

Engl ish Kin~ J ames II u sed lead, pewter, copper . anythinit at hand , for his coinage. Such coins minted in Dublin we re referred to hy the Irish a s " uim bog" pro nounced •·oombug '' meanin~ soft metal. They fe lt the coins were phony without m· trinsi<' value . And their word for :;oft metal W3S where WC got our word " humbug."

Wou ld you agree that P resident Woodrow Wilson with his Ph.D. was the most scholarly of a ll our chie f ex eculi ves? It 's noteworthy. I think . that h<' is said to have never missed an episode of t h e co m i c s t r i p t' a II e d .. Kruzy Kat. "

Not everybod y realizes that what " bovine" ii; to cat­tle . " ovinC'" is to sheep.

Ma ting !fPason for the m ars upia l moles of Australia covers abou t three day s eve ry June . Imme d iate ly



Gus W.s it a typo or the truth in the O•ilY Pilot s tory about c.wo younlJ su"pects arrested for allegedly " fakln1 $10 at 1runpotnt"? With tnlla· lion whnl it 11, that's all a body ca n do these day11. F:ikc it .

BROKE C.IMl!l r ~t <-•It we ... .. ......... , .:.:.::~" ... .... . _ _....~ .. " ....... ... =~~,-~tv'r.'..l" _... •

th •reafler . a ll th e mal e moles that have mated dro1> dead . The ai n ' t -nature wonderful folk say this is dand y bccau~ al leaves more food fur the females and th e ir o ff s prin g . Scientis ts h avl' discovered it 's the mating itself, not the time or year, t ha t cau~es hormonal changes which kill the male. What price glory!

An inventive bunch, theme musical s howmen . For in· s tance : Orches tra leader Fred Waring invented the famed War ing blende r . And the operatic impressario Oscar Hammerste in invcnl· ed the first practical cigar­rolling machine .

J\ t enth of all the s hips ever built are in deep wate r at t he oceans' bottoms.

lncredible as it may seem. the quality o r aerial photo­graphy is now so good that the r ank or a fool iwldier can be seen from pictures taken a t 100,000 feet. Or so the ex­perts report

You know that nctor caijed Dirk Benedic t on the TV series " Batllestar Galactlca?'' He found his sta1e nam on a menu under ''E11gs."

Q. " On which type of turl iR a football player more like· ly to get hurt, nntural or artlflclal?"

A . Arllflclal , no doubt nboul Jt. Con~lder this : Jn· Jury data coll ect e d over three NFL scuon11 s hows thol 10 of the 12 Sladluma with the hi1heat lo.Jury ratet h1Ve artmclaJ turf, and 10 of the ll 1tadlum1 with the lowest In jury rates have natural turf.



Pentagon's 'Iranian Fire Sale_'__._. WA S HINGTON - T h e

P~ntugon l b ru~hl n ~ to the rc~cue or Am erica n rnunufucturers who got s tuck with mor~ Uum $10 bilflon worth o r cu nct>lt!d ftrm R contractR whl'n their favorite c ustomer . th.. sh t1h of Iran, wa s over · thrown

If Con ~rl'SS approves lhe bailout , mu<" h or the a rmaments ,d r .. ady in produc tion w I I J b (' purc:hu~wd hy thl· Ul'feni.t· De 1><irt rnt·nt ut tt n ul timat!.' <·o:.l to thl' t axpayt•r.., of almoi..t $2 nil hon

Thl' id ea hus the support of the defense in· dustry's fri ends in Congress and of Adminis tration officials who are reluctant to press contract c:la1ms with the new Iranian regime.

UUBBED BY ins iders as " the itrt•at I ram an fire su le ." the pro· posed.s>urchase of weaponry in­Ll·odcd for the shah would be a l relatively bargain pricci. But c lose scrutiny of the ite ms in­volved shows that m <.1 ny urc ob· sole te or unnecessary .

The most expens ive a nd con· troversial ;.arf• the four Spruuncc­<'lass des troyers with which the shah had planned to modernize lus navy Testifying before tht· Senate Arm<-<l Scrvic:(•s Commit­' et• . Navy Secretary Graham C l ay t or sa id it wou ld b e " t•rimina l lo let the opportunity lfo huy the destroye rs) go by." Il l' noted that they carrv " the ~am(· armamt'nt, the same guns. till' s amt• detl·ct aon apparatus. th e samt• l'v£'ryth1ng" a-; the :'ll a vy "; newt•:-.1 gu1dc d-m1l>st le cr111 ~1·r:.

fl was u poor 1·11m par1son to


make : t he committee vetoed furt her production o f the cruisers back In 1975 because thei r a n li ·aircrafl tracking systems were round to be ob­ftolescent. The com mittee report on that decision called it " inap· propriate to build any s hip ... with a weapons system that is clearly inadequate to meet the projected threat within a re l· - .,


atlvely short period o r time alter delivery· or the s htp."

T H E FOUR destroyers would cost the Navy $1.3 billion, plus another S2 million or so to refit them f r om Iranian lo U .S. specifications .

Despite the enormous cost and the dubious value of the s hips. the Navy ' s purchase request

A'OAJ icd. • ... - ... :-1 ,-.,..P'<fr::;.<cL. I / f '"f-·- .... 8£-'L(," ~ _;,... "t H .'1

IN Jl:Jt/12. M /NO IU:'r0V yt;IV W'<O~ 7;./CS'E" A/,CJfJ/)/I'.i.. '' .J ~ .. - ; _,. '

sailed s moothly throucb t he com mittee, beaded by Sen. John Ste nn is, D · Mlu . B y n o coincidence. the shipbuilder, Ingalls. a subeidlary of U tton Indus tries, ls located In Mia· Si88ippi.

" Jl 's a bailout for Litt.on." sa id a congression a l aide. " They're saving l,SOO jobs '°' Sl.3 billion . Even by welfare s tandards t hat's prelty gr:oss." Al $866,666 per job, "gross" iB an understatement.

Anothe r I ranian Fire Sale bar~ain the Navy wants t.o grab up 1s 150 P hoenix miss iles for $77 .1 million. The missiles are carried by F-l4s, and only l ran a nd the Un ited States have them .

T H E T ROUBLE is, officials have admitted there 's no way or knowing whether some or the f'ho e n1 x miss iles or the ir operation manuals fe ll into Sov­ie t hands after the shah 's ouster. " We prudently have to assume that thl' Russians have them." one knowledgeable source told our associate Peter Grant.

Several congressmen reel the proper course is to develop a new Phoenix missile, instead of buying more or a model that may no longer be a secre t to lhc Soviet:. In fact , this is being done by the Hughes Aircraft Co .• and 60 or the newer missiles a re inc luded in next year 's budget.

The Pentagon ·s rescue effort ro r tls friends in the munitions indus try is e ncou nteri ng op­pos1 l1on on Capitol Hill.

i-·ootnote · It' -; not j ust thf' manufor tun•r .., who will gel off lhl• hook unde r the purchase pro ro~rnl. If 1t passes. the new Ira nia n i.:overnmcnl would actual!) l!cl b.ick mul'h o f th e S500 111ill1on dt·p<Jt-. 11 llw ., hah put do .... n

There Are Alternatives to Police Chases To tht• Editor

ll seem. ... lo me that t hen· 1s ar · roganl di s rega rd for hum an r ights or the innocent when it comes to a poli ce chase. The s us p er lC'd offe nd e r mus t be ca ught <tt a ll cost , no matter what the cost

Ttw ross1btlity that innocent pt•opli• will be killed . mauwed ;.nd emollon11lly scarred for life make.., no '11ffrre m·c , a s long as 1usl 1<.·1· l 'i done by catching the s us pt'c:t1·d luw hreakcr. In a re · <.' <.•nt rasc. Co~ta Mesa police were chasing a hit and run sus ­fl Cl' l down I he Costa Mcsa­N ewport Frt•cway 155 1. In the a tte mpt to apprehend the SU!-. ­pt•ct the re was o multi -car crash that would probably not have ha ppened <tnd in volved a lra i::i<' si tuation for so many innocent people .

With just a l1dhit o f crratavity and fore s i g ht thi s whole s ituation ~houldn ' t ha ve hap­pcnrd. Our lax dollar:.. s upport a he licopll'r system that can track cars from a bove day or night. If the re 1s a fl eei n g s us pect dangerous ly evadmg t he police, why not follow him until it is safe to apprehend him without e nd a n~cnng 1nnOc:t!nl b ystan­der!>.

COULDN'T the Cll P or police t raffic control s low down trarfic.( csi mlli ar lo accident pro­cedures) until it stops safe ly, trapping the sus~l in a tramc jam and then apprehend him ? The altitude is " No, get hi m now . don't wait. " It 's not lhe quality or the catch , it is how fast you can catch the s uspect · at all costs.

How m any times h ave you seen the traffic Investi gation team " Racing Code 3" across town to a reported minor acci­d e n l withou.t injuries? How many people a re cut orr, a lmost ra mmed. and actua lly crashed into by t hese needl~s fuJl -out races to be quick ·1 How many times have you seen u traffic un· It c ut som eo ne o fr . swerve radically in heavy traffic , just to • g1 ve a ticket often to a Jess se.rious violation ? Jn doing so and stopping care lessly. one or more lanes have been blocked In order for tickets to be written.

T hese s ituations must s top. The police serve a n i mportant func t ion In our societ y. 6ul public pressure mu!ll be brought to bear. because wrong Is wrong no m attt' r who is do ing the wrongdolnf(.

T he mo·uo ·'To Se rve and Protect" shouldn't be " to ae.rve and lnlllct. " Call and write your local pollce chief and aherttf and let them know you don' t like their chaH procedures. Ralalna your voice now mt1ht save JOUt u re la\.er l


No Bassi~ To lhl· Editor

I rct11I Chervl Homo·, t·nlumn \\1th i.:rt•at cnio~ ment ;.ind havt· Jus t e<aughl up with l;.i:.t Fnduy·, l'dition wht·rt· -. ht· painted J

v i vid pacltll'l' of fig htin g the freeway traffic t'lc lo lht' Mus at· 'enter to hear lhP Lo~ Angell'!.

Philharmonic 1 c;i n imagult' ht•r husband"'

fe e lings wht•n th l' l'l l•ga nt . handsoml' Carlo Mi.1rt<1 G1ultn1 appt•arNI on l h<' podium tn ('on dut'l the or<· lwstra an<I ht•r " ammt•dtatc t•onH·rsaon to lhl· wonde rs of cla:,!. tl'al music

llowcver. I wonder 1f Cheryl and he r husband are a .... are thal you do not ha Vl' to go through :1 n y of l h n ~ t• I r 1 u I s a n d tribulations in order to hear the orch(·~tra . G1uhn1 . r.khta a nd a ll the other gn•;tl s of I he mus ic world ..

You c·an hear th1•m rig ht ht•n· in Orangt• County al th<: hastorn.: Santa Ana l1 1gh S<'hool, all red · ca rpeted . plenty or fret• parking. comfortable reserved ~cats. l'X

ccllent acoustics a ncJ no traffic hassle!

In fact you t'<lll hl'ar thl· g rt•at \. iuhni and th e Lo:. Angeles Philharmonic plu :- h1.•aut1ful mcz7.o soprano Frederica von Sl a de th as Saturday. April 2H 1n th l' Oran ge Co unt y Phi lharmoni c Society 's fi na l concert or lhe season . right on your own doors tep in Orange County.


Te8a~ 13 To the Editor :

Prop. 13 is going down the drain unless we stand on our hind reel a nd do something about it. According to a news a rti c le , county s upervisors a rc ur~ ing county planne rs to <1dd new taxes. called " user fees." to cover. the cost of s uch thjngs as li'bra ries, fir e protection . sewers. etc . Many of us opposed


!-.Uc·h laxc-. at puhlw hl'i.trlng .... but we don 't sl·1·m t11 h.1vc· goll<'n thl· mcs:.a g1• atr 11.,.,

WE HAVE 'lt' \t'fal t ho1c.·1.·., 111 ;1ct1on: Wt• ca n d<1 nothing an<I let them pile <1 11 the t .Jxes on u ... they like . Or "' t' can attend hear ing!>, every ff'w \\c•t•k.., and hop1· w<> ca n laJk lht·m out of snmt· of these taxe:.. Or wc can do somt· mass rcc<1 llrn ~ of puhl1 t· or f1 c ials . Or we t·an 10tt1att· an 1Jr danance that will rl•Qu1rc volt·r approval of a ll nf'w laxt•s and use r foes. w1th1n thf' rounty I believe the la~t l' ho1c·c will g1vt· us the bes t chantt• of relainang thl' benefits of Prop I ~I

If enough of us work together. we can force local poli tacaans to abide by lh<' intent of Prop 13 We will need a few people. in e luding at least one attorney, to dra w up a county ordinance . We will need enough money lo pay for a notice an the news paper and for the printing of petitions . We will need one or t wo people 10 each city u~ headquarters for s upplying circul ators with pl'li tions . We wi ll need some te lephoners. We wi ll need about 63,000 valid s ignatures. so it will take quite a rew circulators.

It as lime ~overnment offi cials lea rn that Prop. 13 meant for thf'm to cut expenses an<! not tor thC'm lo pile new taxes on us.


Radfatf.,. •••• To the Edjtor :

J . Corwin <Daily Pilot , April H 1 obvious ly knows nothing about radiation. They key word is 1on1zing radi a tion whi ch can come from the sun, or from a nuclear reaction or a sun tamp. T hey a ll a rrect people if the radiation is powerful e nough.

But to say any level is very harmful is wrong. We get lots of this type or radiation every day. rr you stand in the sun too long. you know it's ha r mful a nd a Jot or Coast people will gel cancer

" lt'fl be a day or two Y91- we couldn't find the hoOd i.tch."

from lhl' sun Hut small amount~ do not causc any harm. In fart. at i s diffi l'u ll to determine y.,hcth<'r or not any harm lo JX>O pi t> "111 ,.,.,.r result from lhl· Th rel' Mile I' I ant accident, sinc·t· I he radi a tion was actually so ... mall

R. M . WOl.Ffo ... President,

Wolff Engineering Corp

P r i Ra%ard To t lw Editor

l h aH' 1us t lost my pel. a very h.q.1py. healthy H ·.:- year ·old German Shephe rd , who l lov('d dP arly. hecaust• of inadequat<' lab l· l1n g o n dry do~ fo()ti packages. Let me reca ll th1· c•vcnts .

Ever.vthang was normal one Sund~y I March 25 l until 2 a .m. Monday mornm~ when my dog. Gar. came to my bed a nd .... hined. I nolt•d that he was not frelrng well and his stomach was s lightly s wollen I wondered what was wrong. Al 2 :30 u.m .• he again wakened me a nd I s uw that his condition was much worse and decided tha t J should J!et him to the veterinari<1n :is soon us poss ible in the morning.

At S.30 a .m . I woke up and s aw that Gar was very ill , s wollen and unable to walk. I rushed to the te lepho ne and a fte r a number of ca lls, s uc­ceeded in getting a n e mergency vete rinary c linic. But ll was too la te ; Gar died while J was on the te lephone .

I LEARNF.D from the clime that Gar died or s tomach bloat caused by eating a normal meal or dried dog food and drinking water I had never heard of such a thing. In addition, t he clinic said they encounte r many s uch cases. Gar probably could have been saved if I had recognized the symptoms and gotte n him to the ~link earlier .

I feel terribly dist ra ught by the loss of Gar. Howe ve r , there IS a broader Issue : protection of future users or dried dog Cood from a similar tragedy. ~ied dog food s hould be tabled prom· l ncntly to warn doc owners : 11 > to either moit ten the food

,first o r prevent the doc from .... lnk.ing water afte r eatlni, <21 ~ be alert to the 1$ymptoms of

s tom ach bloat, and 13 ) what to do if th~ symptoms occur.



-.... ,,.__

Laguita /South Coast

By KATHY CL\NC'V OI - 0.lll ,..ltc •1.ott

Crrahon of un 18,000 a t' r r urban n.allonal Jlark thiit v.ouJd s tretcb along lh I r .. 1nt• <'Oltbl a nd through lht h1llb 6urround •Oi Laguna Beath wub l'ndur t"(j Wednesday by Or1tn~l' 'oont) supervisors •

The board ununimoui.I) a<k>pl f'd a resolution ur.:ing the Na tional Park Servlri: lo c reate the park , taluni;t an Lhrec founhs of

tht• 10 ,000· acn.~ Irv~ <.:oari\ M1uth of Coronaa del Mar

In .1tfdHion, thf' park boun t111rlt> :1 would mcludi: lht• L.fa{:uo11 {;rt'cnbt-1\ , l. atl(una Beac h 'b Svramon.- U1 llR and open spaci: l11nd11 m the future commuruty or Ahso VteJo

Suµervu;ors a lso asked that the park anclude the Bonner und Shady Canyons m the city or lrv1nt! , along with Los Tranco!> Canyon on the inland s ide or


Pacific Coast Kighway south of Corona del Mar

The proposed Aliso Viejo park lands would include more lhlln 3,000 acres or Ope<t space the Ahso VieJo Company a lready has pledged to donate for public use , along with about 700 acres now s latt:d for development of up lo 4,000 dwellings

Whe n s upe rvisors recently adopted a land use plan for Aliso VieJO, they requtred that the ad·

dit ional prope rty be m ade available ror public purchase at the March, 1979, market price.

George Osborne. director or t h e count y Environm e nt a l Management Agency <EMA ). reported to supervisors that Na· tional Park Service ad · ministrators h ave found the a rea qualifies for development as a nationaJ park .

Their findings were based up· on the presence of what were

called significant n atural re· sources, primarily the Irvine coastal la nd. along with the a r ea's proximity to m ajor population centers.

In addition. Osborne wrote in his report to supervisors, the fe d e r a l adm inistrators have a r gued the park likely would draw visitors from other re· gioos.

The park study is now beinR processed through federal chan·

Your Hemetow• Dally Newspaper

nels, Osborne said, and ia H· peeled to be submitted t.o con· gress by May 30.

Osborne warned tbe park ad· ministrators ' findings may be a ltered before they reach COO· gress.

And yet to be addressed in the park study are ways the federal government would acquire the park land, along with the draw· ing of precise boundaries and plans for park development.


Snake Tossed in Strike Other Violence Mounts at SC Plant

Oi lly Pltec SI.tit PM!o

HORACE PLUMMER TENDS HIS GARDEN IN LAGUNA At Age of 100, He Still Has Opinions About Politics

Lagunan Cheers •

l Century Birthday 7 :

t By S'fEVE MITCHELL 01 , ... D• ll• I'll_. Sl.ttl

j It's been more than three dee· ' itdes s ince Horace Plummer re· ll tired as planning director for the

city of Portland, Ore i But he s till has his opinions

J about planrung. zoning laws and politicians , and th e Laguna

• Beach res ident is not the least

I• bit s hy when he re m1n1i.ces

about the old days . There's u lot for Horace Plum·

m er to reminisce about lie celebrated his JOOth birthday €as ter Sunday.

Americans to settle along the tra('ks in the West.

He lined up a job as a struc· tural engineer with Lhe Portland planning department, at a time wh en that agency wa s com· prised of five c ity employees.

During his tenute, he recalls t h at he fo u g ht with com · missioners who sought favors for flr1ends from the planning de· partment. lectured ignorant city e mployees a nd put up wilh " fussy" council members.

When he left 39 years later. he <See 100, Page A2)


Strike violence at Reeves Rub· ber Inc. gasket factory in San Clemente escalated today with reports or a live rattlesnake thrown into the plant <1nd a lire· s lashing. rock·lhruwing melec in a driveway today

Details we re ske t c_hv about today's incident. One man was n•portedly arres ted aft e r plant offi c ials charged s trikers with attempting to ha lt a delivery truck by s lashing its tires

Co mmuni cations Wo rkers of

Rationing Proposal Altered WASffiNGTON IAP > Presi·

dent Carter made a new effort today to save his beleaguered s tandby gasoline r ationing plan from being killed by Congress.

With a critical Senate Energy Committee vote scheduled lat.er in the day, the president offe red



to a llocate more gas oline cou pon s to s t a t es where motorists drive greater dis · lances to work .

It was not clear if the proposal would salvage the rationing pro· posal in the House or Senate.

<See GAS, Page A2>

Plumme r r ece ived a nice pl aQue from the County Board or Supervisors. a note from Jimmy end Rosalynn Carter and a hu~e card s igned b y f ellow parishioners al the local Com munity Presbyterian Church.

Megawatts Savings?


Plummer says he never ex, pected to reach th e century mark, and claims he owes at all to religion. good living , daily ex· ercise " and I take a can of beer at lunch."

Ye..rs or battling c rooked commissioners, inept planners a nd , politicians probabl y con· trlbuted lo his lively spirit , wh ich remains intact even to­day.

He recalls the goings-on in Portland, Ore., where he arrived in 1 905 on a cut . r ate " Homeseekers' ' train ticket. The reduced fare was to induce


Weather Variable high cloudiness

tonight. A few high clouds but mostly sunny Friday. Lowa tonight 54 to 58. Wgh• Friday 66 to 70 at beaches. 74 to 78 inlanct.

INSIDE TODA'° Hm,0ng lrfl>Hmen on

omoJag the thouaonda o/ ref· tlgfet IOho feel like "abon· doMd ~,. ond look to f11e United State• for a home. StOf'JI, photo PO{lf 88.


_______ .._ __

Companies Form Energy Effort

By J OANNE R E YNOLDS OI U. O~lly Pllet Si.ft

In what offi cials say is a unique experiment. four or the Orange Coast 's biggest firms ha ve formed a n · energy cooperative in an attempt to save four megawatts or electricity dur· ing the fiscal year beginning July 1

t 'our megawatts of electricity is enough to supply energy to 3,000 homes for a year. .

T he co-op .was launched this morning during a press con· fe r e n t'e h ost ed by Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Com­pany, one or its members.

The other members are the Irvine Compa n y , th e Fluor Corp. and South Coast Plaza.

Under the terms or the agree­ment signed today all four com· panies will be linked by a com· puter operated by Engineering Supe rvision Company <ESCO> t bal will monitor the firms· energy demands.

The cooperative is designed to reduce demand during the after· noon geak period at about 4 p.m.

Uclng the monitoring device, CO-OP president Bud Dobyns or Fluor said, will t.,u members when to defer use of some equJp­ment.

John Philllpt of ESCO Hid that won't mean a wholesale

More Coverage Other aoutb Oran1e County

covere1e ~ppears toda y on Pate Al4.

shutting orr of light!! a nd air con­ditioning, but a select ive reduc­tion in use of some machines. He said one pice of equipment among many , such as one of two or three elevators. might be closed down duringlhepeak .

He described the plan as an energy budget, but one used in c4mcert by the four firms, rather than on an individual basis.

C.E . Hathway, vice president of Southern California Edison. said the program has never been tried before in the United States.

He explained that the four companies paid for a feasibility s tudy on lhe project.

With the approval of the stale Public Utilities Commission and Edison, the cost of implement · ing the project, about $250,000. wiJI be borne by Edison.

Dobyns said that end or the first year trial, if the co-0p bas worked as planned, the group will peUUod Lhe P UC for institu­tion of a special rate as an in· centive to -cet more businesses to do the same thing.

He said that . mor e Orange County firms are. expecled to Joln lbe c<>-0p, but that the four were. the companies that have worked on lta formaUoQ tor about a year.

Called the Orange County Ener1y Conservation Cooperative, the organization ia ~ non·prollt cofl)Or1Uon.

PhlW,. said the project ia ex· peeled to save the firms money in reduced energr con~urnpt.ion and to aid tbt> Edison Company

(See BN6aGY, Paie Al>

Ameril'a union members had scheduJed a rally today in front of the factory at 415 Ave . Pico.

Police Sgt. Bill Trudeau said toda y a s nak e was thrown through a pla nt window Wedncs · day afternoon. The snake was in a paper bag

Plant manager 0111 Krame~ charged tha t a s triker tossed what he said was a rattlesnake onto a bench where a female worker shrieked as she realized what was 1n the bag No one was hurt .

Plant workers disposed of Lhe snake. No a rrests have yet been

made an connection with the s nake ml'ident . police said to day

K ra mes said vio lence " has hea t e d up " thi s w ee k a s picke ters are becoming rrus trat ed a bout the lack of progress in

the 17-day-old strike . Krames charged that a

pi c ket e r s tru ck a plant supervisor sevcnil times 1n the head early Wednesday morning as the v1ctam was leavtng the fa ctory

One man has been arrested an connection with that incident but police said they have not fil ed

charges. The strike began with a n April

9 walkout by some or the plant workers who are protesting aJ-1 eg ed " harassm ent and bad fa ith bargaining " by manage­ment

Union ofricials have filed three unra1r labor practice charges with the National Labor Rela· t1ons Board Management has de nied Lhe harassment and bad bar~aining charges .

Strikers and management of­fi c ials still say they plan to re­o pen ne~otialion t h roug h a federal mediator May 3.

Eestasy Ride State S&L Loan Rates To Hit llo/o

Writer .Flies With Blue Angels By J OANNE R EYNOLDS

Ol I ... O• llf Pile! Sl•lt

It 's a ride in an e levator gone berserk and a dance across the c louds. ·

Momen ts or breathtaking ecs t asy are punctua ted by stomach-WTenching vertigo

To a handful of men, it is as common a n experience as a trip lo the corner market

For me, it was a fantasy come to life - a ride with the Blue Angels.

More precisely. it was a ride with Angel Seven. Lt. Jack Ekl Wednesday he gave me a taste or the air show to be performed Saturday and Sunday at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station.

As a member of the Navy's precision flying tea m he is one of the nation 's bes t pilots, a varsity je t jockey .

Ekl looks the part. dressed in his royal blue flight suit which happens to match the paint job on his A·4 Skyhawk and his bright yellow ascot tie.

A vial.or 's sunglasses obscure his eyes and his fore and aft cap sags in just the right places. meeting his g lasses at a point that no doubt marks the center line of his race .

Ekl . 32, is cool. but not cocky. He wants me to know what I' m getting into so I ca n enjoy it.

" It 's fun. Jt never gets boring , but it 's like any other job. There are days when things a re going really good and there are other days ," Ekl explains .

Thal ta ll s leek jet I' m going to gel in is really nothing more than a standard tra iner , he says.

Ekl's right hand man is AEl Joe Berry, his crew chief. Ber ry puts me in an olive drab flight suit and straps me into the back

Park Project Approved in Laguna Beach

A lighted mini·park , complete with wood decking, benches and plants should be completed by July at the bue of Oak Street lo Laguna Beach.

Municipal Services Di~ctor Terry Brandt said 0 . W. Con· tracting Company of Laguna Beach was the low bidder for the park project among three firms se\'klng the job with an offer to do the work for $2<1,948.

ln addition to the base bid, the rirm will do additional bid it4'ml flUC?b as inatalllng an lrrigaUon system, soil preparation and pJanUn1, pavln1 and catch basins at ad.d.IUonal coat, thu. bringln1 the prtce tac up to S36,348.

Tbe OaJc Stiff Minipartt wtU be funded b~ city development taxea. Brandt aald , and should .,. complete.cl in tlme for the summer teuon.

D•llyl"lle!S...., .......


seat of the fighter. Berry 's warnings abound :

don ' t touch a nything painted black and yellow : be sure to flip ' he intercom back to receive when you're done lalkinJ't ; don't

<See ANGE~. Page AZ>

LOS ANGELES <AP J - Major Califorrua savings and loan as· sociations . which have often led the nation in mortgage rate in­creases. are raising mortgage loan r a tes to 11 percent or above, the highest rate in 4""' years.

Glendale Federal Savings said Wednesday it was raising its fix· ed -rate loans to 11 IA percent from the previous 10~ percent • to 11 percent.

The firm also raised its varia· ble rate minimum l/.a percent to 103/.a percent.

Variable mortgage r a tes . lega l in California and several ot her s tates. a llow the interest rate to be changed within limits as other inte rest rates change over the life or the loan.

Meantime , Home Savings, the la rgest savings and loan in the nation. reported that it was "in the throes or conside ring a change" or rates in light of the indu!ltry movement toward the 11 percent mark.

Rat.es in California have fre· quently risen faster a nd higher t h a n t ho se o r ot h e r areas because of demand for housing in the state.

But housiag economists say mortgage rates across the couo· try a re under pressure because S&Ls must pay for mortgage funds for lendinR

Recently, much of those funds have co me from s ix · month r.10ney market ce rtifi cat es which have inte rest rates tied to Treasury bills. The latest rate a llowed on the certificate was 9.3 percent.

The last time most Caliromia S&Ls ch arged 11 percent or more for home loans wa.s in Oc· tober 1974.

Pensions Up· Benefits Pay lncreaaed

WASHINGTON (AP> - The average elderly Social Security beneficiary wm find $25 extra in bis government check in July and some will get up to S50 more as a result of the automatic 9.9 percent benefit increase announced today.

The record increase, which will cost the Social Security trust funds $10.2 billion, came automatically as a result of the rise in the consumer Price Index in the first quarter of this year over the same period ln 1978. ~

An estimated 35 million retired or diaabled worlten and their families and aurvivon will 1et tbe tncreue in their July checks. Benefits also will 10 up 9.9 percent for about s million Supplemental Security Income recipients at a C08l of $415 million.

Last year 's cost of Uvtnc lncreaae wu 8.5 percent. This ls the fifth annual automatlc cost-of ·llvin8 increaee and exceeds the previous tu1h of 8 percent ln 19'15 •


........._. ______ _


' r:.: = ran. , I de­two d .. with

Baby's Death Related

ByllAftlYCIA 'CV OI .. Ooo#• ~Hiii t• .. ff

Th(' phyicu:l•n "11'hu w.t' Wllh Or Wllll•m Waddill '~ C'htef a r C'uist' r the nisbt poUct' v.-~rt· .told uf 1rn l•llt•tzed 1n'8nt layln11 took t ht• 14 1h\t"fl!' lfl•nrl today In W<u1 dtll ' i. mur(h•r n •trtsl

Or Til41m 10. 1-·,·ri.:ui.011 tnld ltw Oun.:•· Count ) Sui>t•nor Court Jur y t h MI h f' ('idled u Wt•11 lm1ni<lt•r 11o h1•c• 1H' qua1n I ~ n c .. 11 f t 1• r () r R o n a l d ('ornt"l8••n ullctt• .. 1 he s aw WtuJ dill " strnn.cle antJ ~uffo<·11t«>" a newborn tnfont tn lht• aOt·rmath Of D t.alJM bortlon l14>0 yun1 •10

Ft>r~n te:st1fwd Cornr ls t-n camt• to his home late ont· rught a h •w duys Jfl t• r tht> ,illeged !>trungul~1hon

I le 1'.Utl ( 'orn1•bt•11 111111 him lhl' tmby "~J' h111 n .thH· 14 ," 1•n rn~ . mm 1n.: Jud bt <'J th1ni; 111

d e p e ndently" bcro 11..· ' ht• JI legt!dly w&s chokt!d LO tlt!iit lh .

And , Fergu !>On r 11nt111ued , thoi.e W(•re the purported rac~ he relayE'd lo poh<·e wht>n ht· s ummont·d lh<.• rn to lw. hllll1 t• that t ' H ' Olllf.:

" l\fler Ur t '11rn<- lsen c a m<.· O\ 1•r I lw<·am<' 1·1)n<:ernc1I about lus 1nvo1v'1·mt•nt 1n th(' evf'nts ;rnd I was worru·tl t hat Ill' was ttxposang t11mM·tr to snnwllun~ . " Ferguson explnim·tl

" At the l;ite hour I thought I could call my lav.ye r rn Loni.: Hcach :.ind ht• talked to Dr CornelM:n." f"1•r gu:.on test1ft t:<l "1\flt·r that <'<IO V<: r i. :.1!11111 ltnd a 11olhc r one with the hos pital ad m 1nistrator , Or. Cornt·ls1·n toltl me he wanted Lo talk to polu 1: "

f'roM Page .it I

GAS •.. The ltoust• Comm<'r<"1• Co m

n11lt t•c , wh1l'h v11ted to n·11·1·l l hf· plan W<.-<lnes11<1 v, m1·t <iR:tin to d;i y u that l'c.M1·r ·s supportn!> t'rwld m<.1ke an atlfoll1 pt to rfl v1 11<· it But 1<1·pulillf'a 11 :-. IH1yC'111l1•tl llw rnt'l ·ting, uud 1111 111•1.11 volt· W:J S tuk(•n,

Ca rtC'r 's ... upp11r l t•r'> 1111 ltw Jlous c• n1mrrnll t·t· i.:111l th1· \\'11111• llous t' romprnn11s<· wo11 l<I ha v1· :. witchl'd l'nOURh VO((' O., to re verse WC'dnl•<;rlay ·~ 11ut1·oru1·

The rat1on1n ~ pl a n v. di ~1· 1 a nother chanc<.' on the llou~c n oor

Ca rter 's atlemp t<• d c om promise wi.s outl1nt•d rn n ll'tter fro m Whitt' llCluse :.11de Stua rt t~ Erzl'ns t;it

H e wrote to R<'p J 11hn D1 nJ(t>ll , O· M1c h . 1..•h111rniun 11f J ll11usl' Energy s ubcomm1ll t-e , that th(• adm1ruRtr11llon wo uld double lht­<1llocat1on of ~aM>lane coupons to states thClt rl'lt they mig ht have l1f'e n lrl•atl'tl unfairly unrln tht: µrl' .,1d1·nt '') (J r r1:1nc1 I r:.i trnning plan

The orr~ inal plan calll'<l for l\mt· rrra11~ to rl1l·c1ve couponi. l1CJ !>erl 1m the numllt' r of ca" they own.

That would m l'an . for t•xc.im pie . that a pc•r son rn Arrwn<1 who drove 50 mil<:s lo work woultJ he able to pur r ha i. t• th e s<1m c umount of g aso luw 11s a New J e r s ey res ident who drove l'J miles to has JOb.

Laguna Sets Parent Meet

D1 !>C1plin e :.k1lli,, crlucat1o n a n d drug <1wa r 1:nt•si. wrll be the topics of a parent Niur at111n pro g r a m a t the Roys Clu b <1r Laguna Bea1..·h begannin~ May 2.

Ric Slepht>nson, an education counselor with the Boy 's Cluh, alo n g wit h Nic k M e ss i n a , s upervisor of teacher education at UC Irvine and othe r s peukcrs will address s ingle or m arried pare n ts throuuh June 13.

The prog rum1t will run from 7 lo 9 p .m . with ch ild eur e service provided . For mor«• information, cull the c lub at 4~·2535.

DAILY PILOT r¥t)folf~<M\t0.lf1' P'f~ w~jlliWft., ~ l' "G'T' ···~ ltw N..-. • .,, ... I'\ ('llli1M ,;;,,. 1 ht'""'", ...... ,,.

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~are ihe Birds 11 ·, not t h .11 :-.ludent~ :it S<iddle bac k College d on ' t like s wallo~s Wh:ll tlwy o bjel'l to i5 the jettisoned material th ci t lll \';Jn a blv :1n·omp<rn1t•::, the his tori c birds . One m1•ans of µrolt'c t 1on 1~ l o ll'I l' las~ note books suffer the d.1111.t}.~C

Lagunan Set for Meeting ln W aslilngton

l. 011).! t1m1• Lagunu n 0 W l'r 11·1· wil l fly t o \\ a s h1ngl11n J) (' II t• \ I "' ,. ,. h l •• purl 1t.·rp ;i t.- m J ll ll't:llng ur th<· I' r 1 .., 1

d 1•nt ·.., C'n m m I I l t• l' 0 fl

.•: n1 pl<r)I mt·nt o r th1· ll a11 di cap J'l("d . Th t 8J ~ t• ., r o I d P11 1cE

forme r Vt> ll•ran... l\d m1n1s trCJ llOll C'Xt'l'Ull H' rt'C'CI \ l 'd tht: In

vrtation lo c.i t tt>nil the mcclrn~ M a) 3 <.1nd l f rnm Hern d rd P o ' n e r . d 1 r c 1· t o r o r t h e Wu~h1 ngt11n p;rn1 I

Pri<·f• is s till uc·t1vt 111 veteran a rfairs a nd 1>rnhle m -.. o r lht.' han d1ca p ped, ;md w o.i s rt·c11gnr1t"d <ts " Crti11•n o r the Yc<.1r · c·:ffht'r (hrs year <t i lh1.· La~u n <i Be a ch pa trtol 's D:.iy P a r 11dc

Ile has li ved in Lag u11 11 UcC1ch fo r m o re than 18 ycurs

Brass Rubbing Workshop Set

A Bross Kuhbmg Worksop will ta k e plac e in S <.1n J uan Capistrano May 12 fro m I to 4 p.m . in the Hot Sprin.:s Uance Hall . 32.506 Pasco Ade lanto

The popular art form employs s pecial pape r pla ced o ver r e pli c a s of EnRhs h memo rial monu me nts from the 13th and 14th centuries Silver . gold or copper wax is lhc·n rubbed over the monuments to p r oduce <.in impression uf the c ha rac te r de· pic ted.

Brasses are available for King H e nr y V III and W ll li C1m S hakes oeare

T he $1 2 f ee· cove r s ull materials needed . Tho i.c 1n t (' res t ed c an reJ,t1 :;t c r al lhe dance ha ll .

Froa PageAI

ENERGY ... by r edueing peak d e m ands .

Stressing that the co-op 1s a voluntary effort Ph il lips added that he hopes it wiJI prov(' " we don't nee d any government. imposed mandal<'s lo rcguJate ('nc r gy use in thes e buildings ."

AldhorPlam Laguna Talk

Michae l Medved, a uthor of the bes t !le tling hook " What Really Hapl)t'ned to the Cla1111 of '65'!" will apea k about the " New Jewish Generation ," May 10 at the Surf a nd S,_ nd Hote l in Laguna Beach. Medv~. a 1969 Yale 1ruduate,

polltlcaJ speaJcer a nd wrjter, la bein g sponsor~ by the South Cout Communities J e wish Center a l the hotel beainnlng at 7:30 p.m.

TJckeu are $2 for membcr8 and $.1 for non·membcra. l"or reaervaUona, call the center at 497·2070

f 'rom Page A I

ANGELS ... tr) tn j!et out of the p la ne at the l'0<1 or lht• n rght until the eJCC· ll1•n i.t·al I'> d1..,,1rnll'1I

li t· po1nh 1111t tht· location 11( I Il l· l.>a r f IJa g · a ll(! t.luck~ d CJ ..., 11 the l:id dt•r with a d wery " havt• a nin· n11 ht

Wu111111: ror t :1l-.c·1ifr t·lcCJranc·•'. 1-:kl t r11.•o., lo C't1<1!. It " u onc·· v. .11y ro11 vt•ro.,atuin -..111l·c th•• mu ltiph· IH·lh 1h.1l~ 1111· 111 pl at1· k<•••p int· from.,.i l.> readung the li t

t1•rt·om ~w1tdl W;t1c·li1111.( lh<• s tru i:(l!ll· 111 a

m i r ror , Ekl n bi.c r v e :., " They d idn ' t ('Xal' ll y d C'S lj?n th ese t h 111~.!> for :.m,111 J)f'oplc "

Thi• Jf'l lift i. ~ently o ff the f?rf>ll nd. P tt~l'S up in altitude as .,.. c l'l<·ar the• c n<i r>f the runwC1y and thc• 11 becomes an c lt.'vator :.I r;Jr i.:ht up

I 'ti h t'l'll warned r epe atedly abo ut G!-. th <' race -s mas hing ~ ra .. 1t a t1onal v ull fro m ~ t et:p t hmlJs :\11 one s a id anythin~ ab11ut t-lt•valori.

ll 'i. not a n <.'Speciall y clear d;iy, yt' l from our 8,000-foot van l n~t· 001nt. we can l>C C fro m Mt fiald y to San Cl<'m e nte lsland , (1 11 111 0<.'Ntns id« to P~tlos Verde~ .

Evl.'ry rull , chm h ;rnd d ive is ('Xpl a in('d in ad va n ce alung with th<' ac·rt•l('rati1m and dcct:lt.'ra ­lio n ttw l 1t r1·q uir es

That dm:~n · t s top me frC1m closin~ m y <'yes on t he firs t roll . a win )o! o vt•r wing ma neuver called u produetion roll.

I t wal> 1'3!; ) kct'pang them open afte r th;1f through s ilk y.smooth d ips and curves that leave me loo king out the roof at S a n Clemente Island or lookin~ down only lo sc't' the ...,, ing where tht: oc<'an us<'d to be We go from a demo n.<1tr:1t1on of G s to one for ~e1 ~htlessn<"I'>

The e ngine noise , the bumps and the vibration I 'd expected arcn ' t th<' re

Tht•rf''s more noh;e from radio traHrc than fro m the e ngine. Ekl plays with the pla ne , u ccelerat­ing just oft e n enough for me lo realize he is fl ying very gently

Now it 's m y turn to fly . At hr !-. urging, I tuke the throttle with my left hand, t he s tic k with m y right

Mtrr :J few tryout wobbles he tells me lo put the s t ic k over, all th e way to the left.

I c lose m y eyes . " llf' y, you gotta have your eyes ope n ," he a dmon ishes when we right ourselves. " try 1l agar n."

I compromised. One eye stays ope n

" OK I've J:OI the plane back now." I hope h'e never really le t go

T h e h a lf-hour flig ht is over too soon . We make o ne pass over the f ield und land.

As we laxi lo the apron. Berry ls waiting, at parade r est.

It takes very lilUe time to find myself back on the gro und . My legs are sh a ky and I 'm glitd to be where the earth stays under my reel and the s ky s tays over­head.

Still . I wh1h I was In that won ­der f ul m ach ine that makes e verything tum upside down so eaally. ·

Pair Win Bood8 ThUNlton JW\Jor H18h Schoo1

stude nt Brian Freitaa baa won • SIOO 11avtng11 bond for hla first place essay on pl'ivate property In a Laaun• Beach Board or Realtor8 cooteat. Llaa Ansell . a lftO a 'nlun1ton s tudent, won a S50 bond In the conlesl.

I •

Doctor Wins ·-

• Delay m Trial L>r J e ffrey Ma c Dona ld of

JJuntrn1iton Uu rbour, the forme r Gree n &rel captain charged in the uno deaths or his wife and two d a ughters , has won a trhd po11tpuoement.

The trial was to begin Mon. d a y . hut Ma c Oonald 's a tto rneys las t week asked U.S . District Judge fo"rnnklln Dupree Jr to postpone the Ra leigh , N .C .• trial lo give the m m ore t ime for prepar ation .

The U.S. Supreme Cou rt re­fused in March to interfe re with the trial. MacDonald 's a ttorneys a r g ued that the trial wou ld re· s uit rn double jeopa rdy because a 1970 m.ilitary investigation had ended in exoneralJon.

Now director of e m ergency med icine at St Ma r y Medical Cente r . Long Bc•a ch , M 11 c Don<tld w11 i. i11d1 eted 1,y a fe d e n 1I grand Jury m Haleigh 111 tht• deaths on 1-' cb 17, 1970 ur his wife Colette and children K im berly . 6. a nd Kris ten. 3.

Milita r y police who rus hed to th t' n Grt•en Ht' n •t C11 r>t. Mt1e Donald 'i. q ua rh •r !-. a t Fl Bragg, N C . s aid lht• three had bee n bludgeoned to d<'ath and thL· c<Jp ta 111 was s ufkring 11 knife wound in the l'hl'!>l

They :,aid Mac Donald told lht•m that four dru~ ·cral<'d hip. I.Ht':. h<1d forced th1•ir wc.iy rnto hi s hom<' and a ttacked him and his family

Mac·Donald wai, not a vailable ror romm<.' nt We dne-; t.la y Ills :.l•r r ctar) S<J rd ht." w;.is o n his way lo ~an Franc1.,co to m tet with

Lost Refugees Reunited With TI1eir Family

Two Va· tn <1 m 1·">t.: rt• fui;: ct·~ h a \ t' bet•n rt.>un1l <·<l w11h thcrr fost<>r farr11ly in l .<1..:un a Hil b ;J f f(•r .1 l "'-o <lav l'XI u1 :. ion lha l ll' fl l hf' pJ 1r hu 111.!r)I a nd footM11'r· llu l o t ht•1 l41M• u11h<1rmt<I

T 11u h '/ 1 :111 . :?2 . . rnd 111 · 1

hrollwr , 'l'Jllh '1'1.rn l •t . ~..rr• fo1111 1f Ill a pa rk uuout HI mil t.:'> a w a) from lh(•ir 11ew ho me somt· 48 h our:. after tht·ir a lJst•n e:t· v,.as noted

" Wt:'n • ~ till tryi ng to p1cc£• to~cthcr the !>torv or w h a t h a p pe ne d wlule thry wcr t gune, " t·x pla1ned Mr., Jon He rmes. wife of th e m1 n1s tcr at lht• (;cnt· va Pres by lcn ;.i n C hurch . La~una fulls

·· u ul we'n • s ;.,t1:.f1 c d t hC1 t 11 ~as s 1mpl.> t heir conrui.1on thlll lt·d to Lhcir abM·n ct•," :.ht· s <.11 d

ThC'y a rc perf(.'c lly ha ppy tod<ty :rnd g lad to be b;.i l'k wrth th(·tr lost C'r famil y "


his a ttorney . Bernard Segal . No da te has been set for the

postponed trial . s he ad vised, but Or . MacDo n a ld and hia at­tomeys belie ve it will get unde r way sometime this s umme r .

Cops Seek Laguna Rwtaway

Laguna Beach police are seek· ing an U -year-old boy who ap­parenUy r a n away fro m home Friday afternoon.

Donnell Guy was las t s een at Top of the World Elementary S<:hool shortly afte r 2 p .m . Fri· day, when he announced to a teach er he was running away.

Police inves tigator Alex Jimenez said officers sroure d caves in Laguna Beach , frie nds' homes and the beaches in a n e f fort to find the boy .

The officer said Donnell wa s spotted at a track meet in Hunt· ington Beach this weeke nd by his father . but n ed before the man could catch u p with the youth.

The boy L<> desc ri bed as stand · in g four feet t a ll. and was lus t s e e n wearing a p<1ir o f r ust colored t rouse r s. a T s hirt. blue jacke t a nd deck shoes

T h e sa ndy -haired youn~ster had onJy S2 in his wallet whe n he was last seen . his mother i.a1d

A n y o ne with 1nformulmn about lhe boy s hould call Ale x J imenez at the L<1~unC1 Beac h Police Department, 497·3311

Prices Up .. .9 Percent

LOS ANGELES !AP 1 ParNl by anrrl'ast-i. 1n ttw <"Ost o f g a::.olinc <111d m l1.1l , l'On s umcr pri ce'> 1n th t• Los Ange les-Orange Cou11 Ly a r ea r~t: 9 pc rt'l' nt la ~t month . thl• li S l. u bor D e pa rtmcn l rcpor l t·d tu d uy

The March increase was JUSl a shade under the I µc r cent to:.t -o f l1 vrng 1n c r ease for the m cmth no tlonwide 1 Rt•luted l>lon . A<t l

The rm·rca~t· m<.'an~ thJt goods and !>l'f\ ices thJt cost (j dolla r at the e nd or t he m onth would hC1 vc s1Jld for 49 I cen~ rn 1967

Smal l, Compact . Space-Saving Women's Recliners


In a Wide Selection of Styles mid Fabrics


COSTA MISA 369 I. 17th ST. CAcrou from Rolpha,

next to Morie Calendars> 642·1617 Mon. • Ftl. 10-6

Sat. 10.& CIOMd Sunday

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100 •.• was 1upervlaor of a department or 7~. and PortJand had grown from what he termed a vUlqe to o large city

Aad al&M&l•ll II&. OAJJ U · ,.nw•ee wtdti plwlQI ldDee ,.. t1rement wu a 1hort stint as a Laguna Beach PlaoninJ Com· mlaak>ner, Plummer stlll bas opinjone aboyt U. piennl'll al._ city .

" Zoning law~ ar~ too fussy lo· doy ." he says. slldlng bis fingers acroaa hi.a we ll-trimmed white moustache.

" Some of the things they fuss around with make it too hard for a m an to do busintisti. "

Plummer waa the euthOr of nearly 20 zoning ordinances and building <.'Odes in Portland, say­ing codes " s hould interact well . "

He said planning definitions get mixed up in the volumes of ordinances put o ut by cities, and leave c1t.uens confused a s to the intent r>f the law.

" T hey should be well indexed a nd conform to make It easy for the public lo do business with the city ," he advises.

T he long t ime Lagunan keeps up on current a rrairs by s ub­s c ribing to and reading -magazines s uc h as Newsweek a nd P orbe s. as well as newspupers .

He a lso has bookcases full of volumes on r e ligion , philosophy a nd fictt0n . a ll or which he en . Joys reading

·' I used lo r e ad a lot of fi ction, but not much a n ymore," he s a ys .. Tlw old li terature I used to r Pad , like WC1lte r Scott 's nov­e ls. s pent too m urh time d escrib­rn ~ the s c e n e ry a nd getting thangs s tarted

" But I rea ll y hk<~ Robert L. Stt•ven!U)n ffo, s ty le is very ap· pe<i lrng "

Whl•n h(' 's oot re ading in lhe dul ll·n•d llv1nJ: room o f t he h11m1· ht•.., hvl'd in for more tha n 2() ) can.. P lum mer c an be found gJrd Pn1ng or CXt'rC'l!>lng .

·nw world has c hanged m a lo t o f way!., " he s a y'> " Kids lo da y havt: a lot mor t' to learn. JOd mos t of ui. don t us e more than 2 Pt'rcent or o ur brains ...

lf l' thanks a lot o r pohtic1a ns do n ' t t:ven u~ that much bram-1iow 1..• r

" Look a t som P of th t! buildings lhl'y :.ipprovc.•cl uround here. " he .., .. :r~. pwnting out his front wrn­tlow " ScJm r· should have r e . q 111n•cl irnp rov{• rn1·nti., they look r•lll••fl 111• cr1111~1'<f

I tl<1n 'l t l11 n k tht: city fol k-.. lfhl•d llw11 .1ulhurity wisely in . J pprr1\ 10~ lh•·m

H111 lht·n. llw c1..•n l1Jr) man ud. m tl !-. Lo h1·1ng J hrl op um a led

· I never v. ou ltl ha ve bet•n a 1-:ood polrt11•1:.n," h e s mile:.

I 'm .1 poor .... 1h·~man "

UM\\i PulJs O ut WASlllNGTO"'J t AP I T ht!

l "'"''' Mini· \.\ orkl'r\ unt011 t"> look lni.l 1111 <.1 noth1:r p l a c t! Lo holtl ,, r J II 1·11n ventw n a rt.e r pul hn~ 11111 of J-1111 1da fnr rts failure to 1 a 11ry tht- Drl>Jll>st'd Equal Rights t\ rrw nd 11wn1




MISSION VllJO 21192 Marguertte

Pkwy. (Comet ot AWMY and \Ito bc:olof)

491·1902 Mon. • ftf. I 0-4

Sot. 1~ Ooeed~

_..., _,,,.,,. ....... --_._ ... ~~--~~-------~------~-I



SACRAM ENTO IAr t Gov ";chrrnnd Brown Jr . an a harp ass ult \)n Prt- adent Catrttr . ai. rhaJlt•ngma Ch prt>'lid~nt to ttll t ht' n u d t 11 r I n d u !'I t r y th 11 t

' t' llOllalh l'I fnt>~b " At u awwt\ eonf~rence Wed~

(htv , nro~o .Ul!lO 'l&ld ht' hope-' t111· l l ~ NtH'lt•or Re«iuhttory (.' ommtMltln "111 ordt-r ten; porur)' hut downio, or lht• t'lt(hl nut'l<'ur plunh built hy Uabc-oc'k & Wilt'<>lL

1u; MIO U' T UIS happe~. ht• ~ tll (' II UllClll C1tliforn1un:. ur f,.,., l'll by 1h1• nt•urb Hun<'ho S1·1·0 plant to 1·uruut tht' U'>t! of thl'lr u1r t•oruhtiorwr<> oo hot !'>Um mer Jay:.

The uta11t1e~ said that would Jn (• Jud e (' U:o tomer '> (r u m Uakt•r!>f1eld to Eureka

Thl' nl'm1H•rat1<' governor ~hu '>ays ht' may run for pres1 dent 1n l9li0 r epe &t .. dl y ~·rit1<'1zt:d Carter 's pro nuclear ~te1nct:' , -.ay 1ng other c.• nergy sourc·e:. s hould be t:-xplored in· :.11.'ad

" IT 'S RATHE R CLEAR to me that the <'Ombinat1on Of rtsks, c:osts . saft>tv problems, tht: prob­lt•m of stora.:e or Wli l\l e. the pros pect or 1>roliferat1on and t'ven the d<.1ngcr of sabotage a ll ~omb1ne to make 1t impcrlitive that this country now pursue a path of n llc rnat1vc energy sources. " he sa1ct

Uc said Carter. " far from en­coura~mg a short·circu1tmg of the licensing process of nuclectr rca<'lors, s h ould ll·ll th e America n peop le ;ind the nuc• lear industry quilt· i.1 mply · ' Enou~h is enough ' · ·

R•; F US JN(; TO SA V h e favored a total b<in on ex1stm~ plunts. Brown instead focused on hailing nuc lear power ex pans 1on e1nrl hullding other. sa f~r power ~ource s 1n the futUrf>

Tht· •1l -ycar-0ld governor said th<1t rf'cent events had me1de 1t Vl'ry dear that " the days of fl lll'il'ar powN an· indl'cd num lwn•d ·

/\uto l l'ound


Be Saved ~ives ..............

Michael Scott Davis, 13. ham radio operator of Tor­rance , picked up a distress call from a Caribbean fish­ing. boat that was sinkmg 75 miles south of Jamaica early Wednesday He acted as a re lay between tne snip and the Miami Coast Guard coordinating the rescue of three men aboard

Mom, Girl Slain; Cops Shoot Killer

SAN 01 EGO (AP > The bodies of a woman. l>tabbed through the heart with a kitchen knife, and her 4 year-old daughter, who had been s trangled , were found 1n the home or a psychologist held hostage by a Nigeri an exchange student . police said.

The student , Newman Augustine Osebor of Lagos . Nigeria , was s hot e1nd killed Thursd;;,y on an rnters tate highway after u 31 1-hour standoff with police, uuthorit1cs say

" My bfe was for them. " cr1t•d Alejo Puoetes Wednesday after the bodic!. or his wifr . Candalana , and dau~hter. Norma were re­moved from the homt' o f Richard E Townsend " They were the hcs t . they were fantu~t1c How could anyone do this to a little g irl and her mother" ..

Mr!. Put.'ntcs. 24 , had worked as a maid for Townsend. a <:r1minal psycholog1!->l

Poht·c !>aid Townsend was abducted Wednesday ~t gunpoint . forced to withdraw money from a bank and held hostage by Osebor

The 22-year-old Osc bor was fatally shot by police after holding Townsend hostage 111 thr doctor 's sport~ car on Inters tate 8 Townst'nd was unhurt 1n the shooltng

Inmate Flees Jail Facility LOM PO(' 1/\P 1 The ce1r authorities believe

was ui.ed m lhl' escape of George Jackson Brigade h~ad1•r John Shc·rman , 36, has been fou nd, but hl' and his wif P remained free today

Cit~ poltrt> said e1 ~reen Pinto sedan was found early Wednc!>day, parked in a res1dent1al a r ee1 of tow n

Police said they believe the ca r , rented Tues­day from a lornl c·ar -rcnlal agen<'y. was driven by M anannt> l'utrcr Shermun. 28. when her hus band , ~crv1nJ! a 30 year sentence. escaped Tuesday after noon while v1s1tin~ &n eye doctor

Medi-Col Fraud Probed SACHAM t-:NTO •AP l Some nursing homes

have collccte<l Medi-C-.1 benefits for patients who had b<..'t.'n dead for up lo a year, ::.ays state Con­

trolter Ken Cory's oHicc. I n re s ponse to a

( J question . Deput y Con-

,.,T,f7J-; trol ler Peter PeJko fcr _ sa id Wednes da y that

"---------- auditors had f o und sever aJ s uch cases .

" We found in at least one case benefits berng provided to a d<'ce ased person more than a year after death, Pel'l<ofer said.

Sltftl Reqew•t Approred LOS ANGELES <A P > A jurisdictional battle

tJ ll ' d 1fli 'f'Cl1C<' i S



_P~tty Denies Bar Brawl SAN FRANCISCO tAP ) - Newspaper heiress local restaurant. abe said. Tbe eouple were m•·

Patricia Hearst Shaw denies that her Police officer ried April l. · 1 husband at tended a bachelor party that ended in a A number t>f police olflcen were reported to raucous brawl al a lesbian bar t.he night before have been members of a bachelor puty Utet their wedding. batted into Pee'• Place a bout mldal1bt a.a

haraued customers. Shaw's name had been linked " It's rea y upietUng ,·• s aid Mrs. aw ed- ~sturies-publlsbalilrUlll-S.U-Pl81t'

nesd ay. " We don 't have friends whose idea of hav· cisco Cb.runicJe . ' ing a good Urne is going out beating up women." The c!isttict attorney's office and tbe police de·

On the night before their wedding . her husband Bemard was not IJving it up with hiS pals but silting with members of the wedding party at a

partmenl are investigating lbe incident and two persons. policeman Daniel Marr, zs. and a cjviJia.n . Kevin Guerin, 24, have been cbarced wieb disturbing t.he peace and battery.



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over air quality standard l> has been defused, with the state approving a Shell Oil Co. request to build a pumping station but requiring the firm to clean up other sourcl's of pollution.

The state Air Resources Board sidestepped a "smog war" Wednesday when it s upported the operating J)t'rm1l issued for the oil s tation by the South Coast Air Quality Management District but tacked on the c leanup requirements

your choice

Choose a brand new tuJ1urloos cut pile auony .•. etegant, thk*Jy tufted, and In lhe wklMt r.,.. ol colore ~ can Imagine. You know the color you went. and wtth 45 to chooee from. ~·re 8Ufe to ..,.. lhe ex.ct

shade you've been dreaming of. And with all this beauty, YoU tilt • valuabtl 5 YMI' , .......... ..., wranty,

The district approved :she ll's a pp11calion on Jan. 3. However. the ARB threatened to cancel the okay be<:ause the district had not required " trade­off" agreements. Such agreements require Shell to c lean up othe r sources or s mog to offset polluants gener ated by the new facility.

l' .. da Bit• "Reht .I•••' SAN FRANCISCO <AP I - Academ y award·

winning actress and activist J ane Fonda has urged working women not to accept being "slotted into robot·like jobs tha t do not allow the development of management s kills, dignity or self-worth."

Ms. Fonda spoke at a noon rally Wednesday a t the Embaradero Cente r attended by several thousand persons. The gathering was one o r 13 around the nation sponso~ by t.he 800-mem ber Women Organized for Employment, to com· memorate National Seeretarles' Day.

Organizers c irculated statistics they said show 98 percent of the 3.5 milllon secretaries in the U.S. in 1976 were wome n . Althoul,h 60 percent or women s upport themselves or head ramllies, they

' earn only about 57 percent or what t.he average man does. the group said

£eee Slleetla9 Crif lelz~d LOS ANGELES <AP > A deputy police chJel

c rlUdUJd two officers Wednesday for using " faulty Judcment and poor tactics" in the fatal abooUnc of Eula Love lut January.

The criticism by Deputy Chief Manball L. An· denon came u the Police Commiaaloo opened bearlnp lMo the cue.

Mn. Love, a wido-ed mother of three, was shot to death Jan. 3 bf two officers called to her So~lh-Central Los Aqeles home lollowJ.u • dis· pule over an unpaid $22.00 gas bill.



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' r I


• L/8 Orange Coa&t D 1ly Pilot ~ .... 1toaa1· ... 1 .. _,,_6A _______ Ttw_-__ . A·rv·11·--1&·1'1-----·A·Obef1-·N·· ·w.--·1~ __ , ... _, __ T~h0fne~l!l· .Keev_•.•1.u . .. _ ~- ---- ~ 1 ~ .. _ __,. ... -. BattMw• Krelblch l Edltcwi.t P"9 Editor

- High School Plan Looks to Future

La(luna Beach ctlool trw te la t wt-ek upprovcd u Slti.300 t- tuth rn.llhnmJt 1mprovem enl1 for thl• 50 yenr-o ld t• ttm pus thut r oulct b comt> nt"r .-ssary 1f t.'nru llm.-nt 111 (' rt•USl':,

At first h)(lk , th<' nt•ct•ssll> or th<' nt.>w mui.lcr plan for f<H"tlllt1 •1"> 1111 ~ht tw v1l'\\l'd u:, unnet•c a,;:s ur v :s1nc t• l h l' l.u ~un.1 lk..1d 1 i.t•hool d 1:,tfl(' I t ~ f:UIUt( thl uu~h ll J>el'IO<.l u( 1h•l· l11u 11,.: t•nrnllnwnl

ttut L11~ unu. unllkt• i.l'hool d1-;tr 1t· ts tu lhl' north In bu1ll 1111t t•oin m un1l u •-. ... t ill h ,1.., m11c·h 1rnJt•\ t•lnJw fl land \\ ll h111 -.d1ou l 1lt -.t 111 t hou1ul.1r u •..,

l'th' pr upwwd 5:! 000 n •i.tdl'nl AhbO Vlt' JO <'lH110lUIHt \ \\ h1 d 1 II•'' p.arlwlh \\ lthll\ tht• tlt 'lll 1t·t . .. Hid til t.' s~ l"~llllll"l' fl all .., pr11p1·1 t' ,111• l \\ 11 l' \ .1m111t•-,

T h c· 111.1 ... 11·1 pl.rn ..,, ., tht• m a ximum ... t111h·r1t 1·,qJa1·1l \ ,II lttt' 111).!)I ... 1'110111 .II I 1110 ... h J.th l h m1111• th.ill JOU Jlim l 1u 111•1111·11111ll1m ·11 t 11gt1 t l'' .it t ht• l ,1mp11:.

I lw pl.111 ,,1 ... 0 11 -.h 1mpro\1 ·m1·11h Owl ""uld l1t• nt·1·1·..,1">.11' t11 .1111111111111cl.1l f' lho:.t· a lld ll wn.11 -.111cl t•rttl'> .11111 ' ' '"' up 1mwt.11Jl1 , .11u l lm a llo l\"i to lw:.t 11 ... l . lht· l.111d J\ 111.ilih·

T hi· d 111 trn11 •11L .t1 ... 11 1' a nl'tt'l-tS ll ~ lor applH:ullon ' I>.' ' ,<" h111 1I 1111111.tl ' 1111 ' ,111ou:. g r a nt!'. and m11n1·\ ,l\,11lahll­I ro m -.1,1 11· .111d lvtl1·1 .ti .1gl'nt' ll'b t o ..,upporl 1·011:.Lru<.·L1011 a I 1 lw lugh .., , h• 1111

\\ l11lt· pl.111 11111).! 1111 trll"• •'l•M·:. in ttw !>hn1 l krm m ig ht s t' t ' lll a h it I r l\ o lou-. I ht• h ing l t>rm \'It' \' d1dut t•s tha t u pl a n tw ,1 \ .11l.1hll0

A Fresh Start San ('1l•m1 ·11lt· ha s the opportunity to ht.•g 111 a nL• \\'. w ith

~1 frL·s h e mmc· ll \ Okd 1ntn offu:c Tues d ay ni g ht II 1s llllll' fc1r a nt•w :.ptrit among 1111· fi H' to111w 1I

mt•ml >C'rs . in :1 c· 1l y lll' h ·a }.! uc rcd with b a('ktnng and no11-JJl'ogn·ss tht• p t1sl ~ t•a 1

Tlw vott•r:-. tl111w <I 1111t in la rge n um ber:. fo r lht· .J an u ar~ r1•tall t •IN ' l 1nn to ··tos:-. t he r asC"al:. ou t . • and l\ w , d ,1\ t h1 •\ vo lt•<I 111 u m·" t•ounc tl " host: ml·mhc·r:. h ,1\ <' promi:.t·d l o t• ml t h<.• Yl':.tr long batlh?

Congra t u lat 1orh to v. mnl•r:. Ka roli m· Km ·:-. t l·r Eel Kal s t·h1·d .ind B1dw rcl Ahl m a n An<I cong ratulat1o n :-. lo t ill' olhl·I' :1:1 c·:.rndrdatc::. who ~hu\H~l l'I \ ic s p1 n t h) being a\',11 lahlf• lo run tor puhlrr offa te . att~nding cofft•t• l..l.1tdw s . t·. tntl1 datc·s lorums <t nrl othe r func tions on lhl· h u:-. 1 ings

l'hl· Ill' \\ <·otinc·il s ho uld :-.ln \'l· for harmon' <1 1 gnil~ , .ind 1·1ms 11lc•ra1 ion h v m t•mlit•rs tor l'al:h o tht·1

S.in C'l1·rrwnll' v0

okr:-. ~d :-.o h ad t>w \o. 1sdom Tucsdu \' to 0\ 1·1 \·dwlm111 g lv def1 ·a t ~1st"·"' h:illo t m easu re that c,)ulci ha\ t· Im 1•t•cl ta x pa y<·rs l o pu·k up t he l'1b for purc ha:.1..~ of ~ . tiOIJ tt{·rt•:. of r:11w hland ;.it ;.i n est1mtllL·d cn~l of ')21\

rn1l lim1 VOlt 'I'!'> 'iiJ \\' l lW i ffl\ l ~llr\' m {' <ISUl"l' for w hul ll \\<I !) U

I :1 1Tv ;111<1 m~· n~ d id not ;.v<·n gl\ l ' llw hullot ml'a~ urc t'll<IUgh 1·n·cl ihil 1ly to voll' fo r 1l

Soille Still Care San ( ' lc ml'nt t•<J n Klass Hocks tra a nd Laguna Hills res ·

1d<'nl Gary Mak :.ir recc1 vC'd wc ll -descn ·ed comme nda · t wns from· Ora ng e County Supe r v isor Thomas Ri Icy and Shl·r1ff Rrad G a tes last week for thei r a c tion in assistin~ I l.'. O ~oung g irls l r o1Jbl ed hy a c hild m oleste r .

1>11 nni! the l\t ~1 r l'h 12 incad~nt m a fi e ld ad1acc·nl to P a<'1l1t· Coa :.l l11 g hway near C ro wn Valley Parkway . llnt· ks l r :t st opp •d his tclt·phone c·ompany truc k t o md u -. 1 x .\C•.tr ulcl g 1 r l who "" <1~ t ryin g to flag down t raffi c:

It 111 rrwd mil t h .it I he gi rl s nine -year-old <.'ompanio n \\ :i i- tw111~ hl'lcl 111 a I 1e ld by a s trange m a n . Hocks t r a grnhht·<I l ht• \011 n g t·r g irl a nd they manag~d to f tnd her c·om p ;,1nion

I l< wk:.I r ;1 lht· n fl :1 ~gcd d own m otorc:yel is t G a r y Ma ka r lo look fo r t h <• 5m;pccl while he phoned !.ht! nff '~ de pul H·~

J>br1•ga rding h t~ personal s a fe t y. Maka r located and :-;uhchh'd tht· sus1wct . \\ho was he adin g for his car whe re a g un was loc:ated

'l' lw onl y :-.ad pa r t of' thi s heroi c s tory is t hat Hoeks tra ancl Makar \\ NL' lht· only l\\ O c iti zens conce rned eno ug h Lo :.tor ll1wks tn.1 s aid it look him five minutes to turn ,1rou11d on ( 'oa:.t l11g hway a nd d r ive ba ck to whe r e the S l\ ·Yl'<.t l' old was madly waving tll' r arms a l passing m o t<in s t s

Why d1tln ' l peo ple g et involved ~hen s o young a girl was o bvio us ly in d is tress?

T he qua lity of our socie t y was improved upon g r e atly hy tht' i::tClio ns of llof'k s tra and Makar. They saw someo ne 111 tro uhlt• and loo k 1t upo n the m selves lo h elp


• Opinio ns e xpressed m the s pace above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views e xpressed on this page are those ol thecr authors and an1s1s Reader comme nt is invited Address The Daily P1lo1. P 0 Box 1560. Costa Mesa . CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321.

Boyd/Humbug Ry l.. M. ROVD

Engli s h Kin g .l a m es JI us l'd lead, pewter . <'Opper, u ny t h inl? al hand , fo r his l'Oinage Su<'h coins minted in Dublin were referred to by the Ir is h as "' uim bog " pro­nounced "oombu~" m eaning s o ft metal. They fe lt the <'Oins were phony without m trins1c value . And their word for sort metal was where we got our word " humbug "



Gus Wu It a l ypo or th~ truth In the Dolly Pilot story about two young s uspects arrested for a llegedly " ruin• SlO at gunpoint" ? Wlt.h lnne­Uon what It Is. that'• •IJ a body can do those dara. fake It.

BROKE ~·.~:l ::~.'::.':':'::.::. -::; -.:uMrllr AfMI 1111 ·- _. .,. ...... __ ._... .,_ ,.. ....... (,-y G<I\, 0.llY P11tt


• I I

W ou ld you agree th a t President Wood row Wilson with h is Ph .D. was the most s cholarly of a ll our c hief ex · e culives "! It 's nol.eworthy, I think, that he is s :iid to have never missed an episode or t h e com i c s trip c a ll e d " Kra7.y Kat ."

Mating season for the mars upial moles of Australia covers about three d ays e very June . Immediate ly

You know thal actor called Dirk Be nedict on the TV se ri es " Battle s tar Ga lactica?" He round his stage na me on a menu under " Eggs ."

Q . " On which type of turf is a football player mote like ­ly to get hurt. natural or artificia l ?·'

A . Artific i a l , no doubt about it. Cons ider thla : In· Jury data collected over three NFL seasons 1how1 that 10 of the 12 at.adluma wllb the highest injury ratet have artificial turf, and 10 or lhe 11 s tadium• with the lowes t Inj ury ntes have na turaJ turf .

Ja k Anderson

Pentagon's 'Iranian Fire Sale' WA S tll NCTON T h e

l'l·Otugun 1t1 .rus hin& to the r l' li<' Ul' of American r:nunufo('tUr\: r l> who icot s tuck w1lh more thun $10 bilhon worth o r l' am·e lcd arm s cont"racts whe n lht.1 ir h1vorl te cus tomer. lhl· s h;il1 of Ir a n . was over ­thrown

If t 'o n~rt·ss approves th e bailout. rnu <'h of the armaments u 1 r l' •H I y 1 o 1>r o du c t1un " 1 l I b e pun· ha~cd by lhl' l>e h'nse lh· 11 .1rtnw11l . ,1 t .1 n u I tam utc coi.l to lhe l,l\flU} l'I"" of ,ii most S2 bll ho n

T ht! id e a has the support of the defense in· dustry 's friends in Congress and o f i\dminist ralwo officials who are reluctant to press contract cl aims with the new Iranian rt•g1me.

DUBBED BY inside r s as " the great lr<Ania n rirc s ale." t he pro· posed .J)Urchuse of weaponry in· ll'nded for lht' s hah would be <1l rt•la t ively barga in prices. But dos e s crutiny or the items In· vnlvc•d s hows that m a ny are ob­sol<•tC' or unnecessary.

The most C'Xpens ivc a nd con­t rov t.• rs 1a l arc lht! rour Spruance <' lass dcstro y<.> r l> with which the s hah had planned to modernize his navy Test ify ing before the Sc.: nate Armed Ser vices Commil · l t' l', Navy Secr l' tary Graham ' l a y tor s<1 1d 1t would b e ' <" nmina l to kt the o pportunit)

11<1 buy lht> destroyers 1 go by." lk noted thut they carry " lhe s am e a rma m e nt. the same guns . the sa me de tect ion apparatus. th t• s am e e\'er y lhing ·· as the Navy·s ncwe~t guided ·mtssilc c r111sen)

It " "" a poor t•o m panson tc 1


make : the committee vetoed further produ c ti o n o r th e cruisers back in 1975 because thei r a nti -airc raft tra c king syste m s were found to be ob­s olescent. The committee re port on that decision called It " lnap· propriate to build a ny ship ... wit h a weapons syste m that is c learly inadequate to m eet the projected threat within o re l·

atlvely s hOrt period o r tame a fter delivery of the ship."

THE FOUR destroyers would cost the Navy $1.3 billion, plus a nother $2 million o r so lo' re fit th e m from Irania n to U .S. s pecifications .

Oes pil.e the e normous cost and the dubious value or the s hips. the Navy' s purchase r eques t

• NC'UI, ?'°t'L ,;t: ~7l ,"7 MEC.f"c.t.i /(~/~.:.. 5'£.:.C't....<" ~- ·<!'It .: .'.:.. !IV >()()12, M'/Nt> Jf,W-~V y~ W-?01'~ 7;/0S~ /11£J1..J/;.t>..::.. 4: .f,2/iC J ~"· '

s ailed s moothly through the com mittee, headed by Sen. John S t e nni s , 0 -Mis s . 8y no coin ci de nce, the s hipbuilder, Inga lls, a s ubsld1ary of Litton Indus tries, is located in Mis· sis11ippi.

" It 's a. bailout for Litton." sa id u t•o n gressiona l aide . " They're saving 1,500 jobs ror $1.3 billion. Even by we lfare s tandards that's pre tty gl'O'Ss." At $866,666 per job, " gross" is an understatement.

Anothe r Ira nian Fire Sale bar~ain the Navy wants to grab up 1s 150 Phoenix m issiles for $77 l million. The missiles are ca r ried by F-l4s , a nd only Iran and the United States have the m .

THE TROUBLE is, officia ls have admitted the re 's no way or knowing whether some or the Phoe nix mi ss il e s or the ir ope ration manuals fe ll into Sov­iet hands afte r the s hah 's ouster. ··we prudently have to assume tha t the Russ ians have them ," one knowledgeable source told our as sociate Peter Grant.

Seve ral congressmen feel the prope r cours~ is lo develop a ne w Phoemx missile, instead of buying more of a model that m ay no longer be a secret to the Sov iet!> In fact . this is being done hy the Hughes Airc raft Co., ;rnd 60 or thl' ne wer missiles a re inc luded in next year 's budget.

The Pentagon ·~ re scue effort fo r 1ls friends in the munitions indus try 1s e n l'ounte ring o p-110-. 1l111n on Capitol 11111

l"ootnol<· ll "s not JUSt t he m a nufacture ri. who w ill ~el orr t h C' hook unde r I hf> purchase pro­µ11:-. a I If 11 passes. the ne w Ira· nt:tn go\'f•rn ment would actually g <· t IJ a<' k m u <' h M t he S 500 m 1ll11111 ilc pn~ 11 lht· s hah put clo wn

The r e Are Alternatives to Police Chases To the Editor

It Sl'e m s to me lha l lhert.• tsar­ro ~:rnt d is regard ror hum a n riJ!h ls of t he innocent wheo it com es to a police c hase . The :-. us pcct e d offender mus t be caught a l all cost . no matter what lh<' cos t

Th<' poss1biltly tha l inno<'ent peo ple will be killed . maimed a nd cmol,Jonall y sN.1rred for life makei. no difference . a s long as JU~l tc<' 1s done by catc hing the s us pectl'd law breake r . In a re · <' t' nl C'asc . Cos ta Mes a police we n• chasing a h it and ·run sus ­prl'l do wn t he Cos ta Mes a · Ne wport Freeway < 55 >. In the atte mpt to apprehend the sus­pect the re was a multi -car <'rash that would pro bably not have happt'nl'd and involved a trag1<' s itu a tion ror s1> many innocent people .

W1lh JUSt a tidbit of creativity and f o r es i g ht thi s whol e s1tuat1on s houldn ' t have hap­pened. Our tax dollars s upport a helicopter system that can track cars from above day or night. If the re is a fl eeing s uspect dangerously evading the police. why not follow him until it is s are to apprehend him without endange ring innocent bystan­der s

COULDN'T the CllP or police traffic control s low down traffic 1s imillar l o accide nt pro · ceduresl until it stops s afe ly. trapping the s usped in a traffic jam a nd th<'ll appre hend him ? Th e altitude is " No, get him now , clon' l wail. " It 's not the quality or the catch. it is how fas t you ran catch the suspect al a ll ros ts

How muny times h ave you seen tht' traffi c inves tigation team " Racing Code 3" across town to a re~rlcd minor acci­d e nt w itho ut injuries? How many people are cul off. a lmost rammed . and actua lly crashed into by thes e needless full -out races lo he quick? How many limes have you s een a traffic un­it c ut someon e o rr . s werve radically in heavy tra ffic. just to g ive a ticket ofte n to a less s e rious violation ? In doing so and s loppinJl carelessly, one or m ore la.nes have been blocked In orde r for tickets to be written.

T hese s ituatio ns must stop. The police serve an important function in our soc ie t y. But public pressure must be. brought to bear. because wrong 1s wrong no m atter who is doing the wrongdoln".

The motlo " To Serve and Protect" shouldn't be " to serve and lnfiict. " Call a nd write your loca l police chief •nd sheriff and let them know you don't like lheir chase procedures . Raising your voice now might aave yo\lr life later!



Ne Ha••I# To the Editor

I r r ad Ch(•rvl Ho rno .., C"olumn with gn •al t'n jo .. m ent and have JUl>t l' <J Ught up ~•lh la st f'nd ;iy·s t•cht1 o n "' hl•l't.' .., h1• pa1 nt l•d d

n v1d p1<·Lu rt· of fi gh ting the frcewav traffl t• \.'le" lo lhl• Mu...i t Cent er . lo hea r t he Los Angl'lcs Philha rmonH'

I can imagine· h1•r hui.hand s fe e l i n ~!-. w h e n lh t• Pl <:gan l . handsome (,,";1rlo Maria G iulinr appea red rlfi tht' podium lo con duc t the orche~lra a nd h<.'r '" immediate <·cmvcr!-. io n ·· to lhc• wonde rs of cl.issical mus it

Ho weve r . I wonder 1r Ch«rvl and her hus ba nd a rc a w:i rt· tha t vou do not have• to go through ~1 n v of t h n s 1• I r 1 a I s a n d t n hu l:itions 111 o rd 1-• r 111 he:ir thl' ort•hc•stra . (;1uhru . Meht a and a ll 1 h1• ot he r g reats o f thl' mu..,1c "' orld"'

You ca n h1•ar tlll'm 11g ht hPrt.• in Ora n1.t<' C'ounl} at I ht• ht ston e Sanla Ana 1 ltgh School. all red· ca rpeted. phmty of free p<1 rk1ng, com rortabJC' r C'c;C'r\" l"c1 -;t•als . f'X ·

el'llcnl a coust ics and no tr affic hai.sll'!

In fact ) ou 1· .10 lwur t he grl'al Giulint <l nd the Los Ange les Ph il ha rmoni c pl u l> h e .rntiru l m eZ7.o sopra no Frede ri<·a von Stade this Saturday. April 2H m th e Oran g e C ount y Philharmonic Soci e ty's fin a l con<'erl of thl' sc·ason. right on vour own doors tep in Orange County.


T o Sa"~ 13 To the Editor:

Prop. 13 is going down the drain unless we stand on our hind feet a nd do s o m ething a bout it. Accordlnl( to a news a rtic le. county s upervi so rs are urging county pl<Anners lo add new taxes. eallcd " user fees." lo cover the cost or such things as libra ri es , fir e protec tion . s ewers. etc . Ma ny or us opposed


s uc h laxes .11 puhh1 hc•<.tnng-. but "' e don 't ... , .<•m 111 hJVl gotll•n the m essage <H ' ro-.~

WE HAVt~ "e\!'r:JI ('hOll'l'' or actio n: We t. in do nol h1nl! .111<1 le t tht•m pilt• ~di the t<.1X c" ''° 11' they like Or '"' <·a n allt·n<I hc·.tr ings . ever) fo v. "' "''k" . . rnd h11p1· we can ta lk thl'm c1111 of -.11m1• 11( these t a xes O r w1• <·an rlo :-.<1nw m ass rcca llr11 ~ o f p uhlt<· o r f1ci a ls . Or we c·:rn 1n1l tall' a n 11r dinance that v. il l n·q u tr (' vOll'r approval of all nt•w I axes a nd user fees. w1th1n the rounty I helieve lht· lasl c·hu1<·1• w ill g1vl' us t he best cha ntt· of n·t .un1ng the benefits of Proµ 1:1

If enough of us "'Mk tog(•lh(·r w!' can force loca l po lit ic ia ns to :l bide by the inll'nl of Pro1> 1:1 We will need a few people, 1n eluding al le<Asl one atto rney, lo draw up a county o rdtnanct•. Wt' will need eno ugh mon<.')' to pay fo r a notice an lhe ne ws paper a nd for the printing or pet1t10n!> We will need one or two people in e ach city a s headquarte rs for s upplying circ ulalors with p t• l1t1ons . We will need s ome te le phoners. We will need about 63.000 valid signatures. so tt will take quite a few c irculators

II is time government officials lea rn thal P rop. 13 meant for thl'm to cut expenses a nd not tor thl·m Lo pile new taxes on us .


Radlatle11 llblc To the Editor

J Corwin <Dai ly Pilot. April 8 1 o bvious ly knows noth in~ ahout radiation . They key word is ioni zing radiation which can com e from the sun. o r from a nuclear r eaction or a sun la mp T hey all arrect people if the r adiation is powerful enoug h.

But to s ay a ny leve l 1s very harmful is wro ng . We get lots of this type of radiation e very day. If you stand in the s un too long. you know it's harmful a nd a lot or Coast people will get cancer

" It'll be a day or two yet-we couldn' t find the hood latch-••

from thl' sun. But s mall a mounts 110 not <:3Ul>l' any h ci rm . In fact , it 1i. diff ic u lt to d ete rmi ne whelht'r nr not a ny harm lo peo­plt• will l"ver result from the Thre e> Milt> Plant acc ide nt . since t ht> r:idi a l1on was a ctually so ... mall

R. M . WOLF.f' Pres ident ,

Wolff Eng ineering Corp.

Per B a:ard To t ht> Editor

I have Just lost m y pc t , a ve ry happ y, he a lth y 7 1:i -y e ar ·o ld (i l·rm a n Sh<'pherd . who I loverl rl r·arl~ . lx•cause of inadequalt• l a h €.' l 1ng on dr y do g food pat• kaj?<:~ . Let me recall the 1·' cnts

f: vc•I'\ 1 h1 ng w;1s normal one S un11:Jy 1 Mart h 25 l until 2 a . m l\lond uy morntnJ: when my doj?. <i a r c·a ni t• to m y bed an d wh1nt' d I notc>d that he was not fcc hni.: well and hi:- s tomach was s h izhlly swo lle n I wonde red what was wrong. At 2 :30 a .m . he again wake ned me and I s aw th a t his condition was much worse and decided that I s hould ~t· l him lo the veterinC1rian as soon as possible in the morning.

Al 5 30 a .m I woke up and s aw that Ga r wa s ve r y ill , s wollen and unable to walk. I rus hed lo the telephone and afte r a number of calls . suc ­t Pedcd in gelling a n emergency \'Clerinary clinic Rut ii was too la te ; Gar died while 1 was on the te le phone .

I LEARNED from the clinic that Gar died or stomach bloal caused by eati ng a normal meal of dried dog food and drinking water I had ne ve r heard of such a thing . In ad<ijlion , the clin ic s :.11d they e ncounte r m a ny s uch cases. Gar probably could have been saved if I had recognized the symptoms a nd gotte n him to the c llnic earlier .

I feel te rribly dis traught by the loss of Gar . However, there l S a broader iss ue : protection O( fu t ure users or dried dog food fro m a similar tragedy. Dried dog food should be tabled prom· lnenlly to warn dog owners : 1 l I to e ithe r moisten the food firs t or prevent the dog from drinking wate r a fte r eating, <2 1 to be alert to the symptoms of lllOmach bloat, and t3 l what to d1l If the 11ymploms occur.



·Cot n Jhublem • Th'" u ,,,, lo 1'111 '"'''" 1•01 u ill rut rn/ ICIJ)f!, t't{' ll lnl/ th1 unu1wM 11nd or 1111" ll<N nr1·d lo ,ul tit' rn1·qMttl1 ' m 111•1 rn11ni·ut '' "" but int,, Mrul uour v1w ltQn• (11 l'ul l>11nr1 A.I \ "'" ~t·1<· r, <>ramµ• <"Ckot lJrult1 l "tlc•l I '() 1101 I 'II C ., .. , ,, \frau ( A 9l626 1\1 "~"II f('lfru o~ po.•'1N• 111/1 llf' rlntni.A'rt•rl flul plionnl 111</l' lnr'> 11r L1·11tra riot 1111 lud .11111 Uh rt'odrr ~lull tk1mr oddri u und hu.•nu' 1111" ' r1hm11• flMm b.•f l Ulllldl t ... I muwlcrr<I Thi 1 1tl .. rr1t11JJ1fl("fJI 1 c.Ju1

t 11 , urpf Sol u rdain

Sttrf' r SN • H •• • w lt'• N" IH•;AH l'Al' l'\h " ' " 1Jtt11l fo1 .i ,u11,1 r1p111111 t 11

Surh'r M Jl(,11 111 .. "1th hi \ "" n rnuna , t. 1 ~l Aul(u ' t lft· ' onl)' I t'l ' t · 1vt•1 I OIW •• ' UI' 111· .. I ullt•d I h1 •

11111.tMtllW and "" hu' Ill\ hu .. 11111111 . hill w1• r,in l ~ t' l' ffi lo .:~ t Ull\.11111• lll \ l .irl lh" .. u1J"·11pt111n

Hmr P afl A fla •l .1\111 1111lv mMll h.1 ., h1•1· 11 ( ' llll'I I ii tl J,: 11111., l •· n 1 ,. 1 t 11 1 n t · 1·

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~UI lrl , 111 ( h \l ' ll ll,

• hot 11\ 1 .. '"'"

-------~----·- ·---·· - ------... ··---- -

Thurldey Aprll 28. 1979 DAILY .-...or .4 , t,..

R~ek Speelal Spot G HANO Ut\PH>S. Mich 1AP 1 As a boy' CIHforc.J J VanRyn

spent hour11 ei.ch day dreamina on a aranlte boulder In a city park. lie propoaed to bis wife there. Lu\ wetk , fle was found dead of • heart auack at lhe ::.ame s pot.

" You could say h1 11 life bt-Ran .1 nd e nde d lil that rot'k ." "' ra nees VanRy n said of her 00 year·old husband.

AUTHORIT IES SAY VanRyn .. u rre red the attack while driving

a lo ng Interstate 196 outside Highland Park . A medical ex· am lner ruled VanRyn prob;,bly died at once.

Rut pollce report his 1970 auto croned bot.h tritfllc la.net and the lnt.eratate's median, pluntced down an embankment, and did not atop until it reached the rock 30 feet below t he roadway .

" He alway11 called it 'our rock ' and he'd occasionally drive by it so we could remember where we s tarted ," Mrs . VanRyn s aid .

" lie wai> a very romantic min . • SHE F.X P LAJNl'!O THAT her

husband aa a boy "used to 30 to t hat rock whenever he WH troubled and needed to c lear hia tbou1hta. He would apend hours slttlng on top of lhat rock th.ink· in• and dreaming."

I n UKU, VanRyn took her to the rock on lhe nJcht before t.bty f'loped and were married .

" My hus band never for«iot about the rock"' ishe aald . " It was hi• very special place."

H Ii Uulooa Thh prnbl1·m •h n ·f,uf>d lo M••nlnf' A«'llon

I.Int> and follu .... d up h t\ \I~ ·1 ht' t'apl11trirno Kt>at'b s•uhlli.ht' r 'i. s ubi.t·rlptlon SJIOkt''IWOmln !la)'ll

<10 at'liun c·an 1 ... t••u-11 h v ttw Oran• r ( 'ounty offkr bt-t'au...- aJI 1oubM·rlpllon11 h»Vf' bl·•·n turn .. d O\er Lo ii " uhst'rls1tlon wrvlC't', 1•ubll11h1•111 J\ld, In San Uh•f(o . Thi" C'hlil nl(f>o~•·r <M't'urrt•d In IWt't'mht•r , hut appar .. ntl) flO o n1• at tht' m»u1i11t• botht!re>d lt• lt>ll ~ ou ahoul It . /\Y~ t'OntAC'lt'd tht> ~ub,crtpllon "'n •<'•· ~hic'h rt'porb th11t i.ln<' .. out' m•gazln~ hai. h1•1•n rl'lurrwd ilS " undt'llvt-rablt' ," • hold wai. put 110 th1• \ Uh\ Ctlptlon. Tht-rt' wa .. no us1lanation ahout why furt h.-r t'ont1u·t •ilh your Mm wa" not a tt.-mpt.-d. PubliMhf'rs /\id 1m1ml\t'1> lo s tart lht· 'ub11c·riptlon af(ain. LN AV~ know what happton 1> At 1.-ai.t ln your t'ast' , it <lllJM' ltr' that both th1· publii.ht'r and thf> 1tUb1'c riptio11 1>t·rvke do nol m1kt' any f'Xtra f'lfort lo follow up on a ' i.ub1tt'rllJ4'r '1> t'll fllJl I u int.

.....,._..,__ rhc spccialt~ store with the special dlffnencc...low prlea!---------------­

fJ•Urra.-lt GI"'• ffaRd fo D~f u ... i\K Kt:A U l-:KS: Ora ng1• f'ounl) Outrt·ach ,

a hrarwh of thf> f;n•at.er 1,o, i\ngt>h·" ( 'ounrll on Oe:i fn .. ,., Int' . fG l .AO I, ha1> opt·nt>d a m·w office al 2021 '\ Rroadway. Suite IO!t, Santa /\na . G I .AU pro vid•·' information wnd n·r .. r ral, advor acy, com . mu nil~ 1·,hu a.I.ion , inlnprt>llng and olht'r \t·rv lc1•' a!J n1•1·rJ4•1l lo ht·a rinJi: ·lmpaln·d rH•rl>Ofl!> .

c. 1. \U funl'lion" .. , a n omhrt>lla organization "hit·h 1·1o0rllin:ifr' ii ' 1>1·rvic·e•., "ilh more than :1~. m 1•111h1·r oq~anbalion" lo m1•1•t th .. nPt>ds and ril(hh o f lht• df•af r ommun1h , a c·<"ordinit to i.pok1•\ m1•n \10\ t .,..r\' ic·1·" an· ln·1· an1I a v;,ila h l1• to 1111 a~' ''

' I ha ' offit't' will a "'i"t rwoph• In makinJ( phone• ra il ' rl'l..1t1·d lo c· m1•r)(1•nt' -..tuition,, \ irk ra llb lo worl. , wh rPlalf'd ca ll.,, m1·1lkal appoinlmf·nl ' and i. im ilar "'ltu11l111n.,. Sklll1·1t -.lgn langu io t•· i n · h •r111·rtt-r' al ' o an· '" a il a hle to at't a ' a li nk b1•l•,.1•11 lh1· h .. arin~ 1•mpl1nn and th•· d•·ar j11h a 11· pllnrnl. Joh pl;ac·c·rn•·nt and dt'Vf>lopmt-nt a , . ti lHlat1<'•' "'"" a rf' offt"rt'd bv t~ Oranite County Out 11· ;u ·h o Hic'f•. ai. i , c1rnt11c·t wilh the Southf>rn ( ' alH11111111 ( '1·ntt•r for la w and lhf' 1)4-ar , a branc h of fa .A I> •hil'h a -.,i11b swrM>n'I havlnic lt'gal pro­hlem ., in vol\ in11. diM·rl mlnatlun d ut• to dt'afnP""·

l.l i.l ' or a vallahl<• b iJ(n tang u1 J(1• dasse" and Nluc·atton;,I ladlitlt' 'I of a ll type·' 111111 for all agr-. of d t·ar ,,..011h· 1.ar1· mamt ain1•11. Rl'fnral" art' mad1· ~ ht·n a 11prnprlal1· .

1• •• ,..,,,. , inh·ri•,t1•1I in th• ·'>•' :o.t'nit'f' " art: invlt •·cl to -.tup al th•· orfic.·1· or r•hom· 97:! :J!l25 l vol<'t' or Tf'l1•t v1wwlit1•1"1 from 11 . :J ll a . Ill . lo 5 11. m . Wt't·krla ' '

Get in the


swing for Summer '79 I I I

Jo in the fun at May Compon'y during our 3·in· 1 show wrap·ups ~ on • fashion • beauty •exercise Our special guest speakers will be Sandy ·Hlll·Solomon, Mademoiselle Fasnion Editor. Brenda Marthaller. Mademoiselle Bequty Editor. Shari Lynn Shattuck. roller skating expert and Sheila Young. Olympic go ld medalist speed skater and world bicycling champion. We'll show you how to took your best for Summer 79, with the brightest new fashions from Moy Company.

. • South Coast Plaza, Friday .. April 27 7:30 p .m.



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• 1Jou11t1ful l.J.1' lwl \ ' '' ~··• vf• d multtlutlf' ot vurPO'>e;•

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men's U floias' criterion divers' watches

• t flH"'''V K)- ·•I ffiT "',"'"""'f' • dilv•'Y ,,,...,. °'"""1~'" w.1Ol•o 11;jll "' •fff\ t'AJt ()Vtof' wtttr l'N•\'

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. coata meaa ·f· j IOUth coat· ptaza - 3333 '°· bristol - 846-9321 1

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.11 l •I DAILY PILOT USC Thuraday. Ap111 2G. 1919

O• •I- P ilot St•ff P"OtO

NEW SWEEPER IS VIRTUALLY A GARBAGE GOBBLER Cleaner Trell• Are Expected For lrvlne Blcycllats

Bikers Gai11 a Friend Debris Sweeper Cleam Trails in Jiffy

I rvHw b1cy1'11s ts t'iHI t' XJIN ' l d<-uner und .,a ft•r trail., thunk ., to a dirt . Ji:.tf*r. metal u11d g l :.is:-; g11hbh11~~ van1um s wc1·ix·r 111 111wrnllon

Tlw $14 .000 tl11·s l·I powt·rc<I :-; wecµcr , manufoc·turl'tl hv tht· i\clvanc-t• Mut·hinc ('11

t•:.in d L·im iJ !".Iii ln t:h " " ath :1t ,1 :-peed Of Ill rnph

lkvt•lopmcnl Of brtdgl'S tn the Ci ty' :; bike tr;,i1b .,y:-;lt•m has made lhc old m e tho<l:- 1m µrat·l1t•JI , m ·t·ord1ng to <·1ty aHk!'i

fUKF. TRAfU; Wll.J. BE l'lean('(J on u l 11 ~1 ·t' kl y :-.dw<lult·

BIKJ.: TRi\ 11 $ Iii\ VE ht·f•n maintainf·d 1•1l ht•r bv hand .... wt•1•i.11ng or brooming w ith a 11 .wt111 11111lc·d lir u.,h

i\ rt•as In nl•1•fl <i f Im ffi('TiliJlt• atlf•nltOn . howt Vt·r. m.r} lw JJfltnH•d out by IJ1l'ych s ts "ho C'all tilt' nty ma1ntcnanl't' d1v1:-1on al 754 :urn;

Firin Offers FilID On Stress Dangers

/' S.in J11a11 l':i p1 ... 1 rnno IJ:l '>l'<I r1rrn IS Ofr«'rtng (I rtlm t•nl1lh·1I 'Tht• Sound 11r l>.111gt• r for '> l'l1011ls, indu:-.tnal t·1>mJJiJnlt''> a 11d lt·ch111cal 111

"'''"''''°' I lt1· 11111\ 1• · 111\ ,., , hov. 111,.:h I 11 •ftll'rtl \ 11111111 1 .111 lie• tlc•ll•f'l1·rl 111 11!1 ·11111\ 1'1Jl•·11t1:tl ... 111 •, p1olll• ·111 111 111.11 •·11 .d · ,, ,•,1·nd1l11•-. .rnd 1·q111p1111 111

' I 111• :.! I 111111111" I ii 111 11 , c• . 1111 111 .1111111 .tlld d111 · 11n11·11l.1I\ 111111.t l' I' llJ d1 1111111 I tit· h11\\ I ,t I l11111f'd l111cllll• "• 111h 1 ••ii 1•1111·l11w·· 1o111 Iii lt". t1·d ,tt1rl "" ..... 11, .. r1 ,,,, flll '> .. tlil• 11111 lur "' \\ t·.1!..111• ~ I'.

I l ti II I , •• ' II I I· II cf ' \ I "

I n (' m ;1 k {' r !'i II f th l ' f ti Ill .

m.1nufat·t un·., m1·a ... unng 1•q111p m 1•nl 111 1t-.... 1 for :-.t rtH I ura l Wf·ak n, . .,, Sonw 11(. lhf• firm . 1•qu1p UH'nl ts u.,t•cl 111 .11r pla rw :-. tu d1· ll'l' I wl'akm·-. ... 111 "1111'.'> fo'1>r rurth1•r 111fo rm<1t11111 on lh1· film phon<·X:H !J1:u

Cultural Aid Sought

In inc 1nrt1v11lu:rls who wo11lll ltkt· to -.hart· thf•tr c·ultural hc·r1lagc· wit h tln1' l'n.11 v 111 1.!h S<·hool '\tudt•nb. ;11 c• lw1 ng sou g ht II\ llw -.d10,1l .., Planning ( . o m m I t I 1· l' f 11 r M 11lt1l'ultural fo:rluc·at mn

Pt•r..,on:-; mav 1·11nlaf't /\tr Hr..inrH :1t RJJ JIJ4'1 for furlh~r information .

SC Ki1va11is Participant Iii Biketlw11

Tht• San ('l«' rrwntc K 1w;,in1s ( 'luh IS Onl' of !ht• "> Jl<IO !-.OrS of th1• third .11111u;tl h1k1·th1m .,,.l M<1y Ii! lo l11·11er1t lht· Or.1nJ.!1• Count)' Man·h of l>tnu .., 1·hapll·r

Ht•J.!1:-;tr,1t1011 "tll tw hc·ld from X to 11 :1 rn .rt C'wwor1l1t1 Stho11I '.1 120 ""' l>t·I l' r«· '- tcll·nlt'. S ;,rn Ckml'nlt-. lht• fl:1) 11( lht· racc·

Tht• nrl1• wtll lakt• htkc·r -. pa ... t th<' San Onorn· nudPar JJll>wf·r plant . thrnuJ,!h th1· m•;,rrhy s t;,rt1· µark and 1Ja1 k to •h1• !>C'ho<1I.

H1rlc•r ., .1ri· a s k1·cl Ill ftnfl s pon:-ors to rlonatf' mum·v for lh.<.•ir nc!<' 111 lht· M:1r1•h or l>im1·., to a1<1 111 ml·rl1 C'al n •st•arl'h for the pr1•v1·nt1on or l11rth dt (1·1·t:- rn h<t h11 ·:-;

S ponsor forms .i n · ;,iv:itlablt· al Mt"Donald '., ll:imhurg1·r :-. tan1b 1r1 San C'lt•m1•ntl' and S:in .Ju ;1n ('ap1slran11 Fm 111formalton . ca 11 H7:.1 l"l'711

'-Media Fair' In lrvi1ie Set,s Records

'l'ht· ln1nf' I Jn1fted School Dis . t11t·t .., :\lt-d1:1 l';i11· '7!1" ha., a l Ir . 11· t t•fl 2.'>-·1 t·nlnt''i - d11u hit• la:-.1 \1·:1r 's 1111m lwr - :ind 1.1:u iwr t1c1 pa nts. ahu a n •1·11rd

·111. r.111 ''""" 111 ... 111111· 111 ... ,, . '> ldt•nls and 1·mµloy1•1• ... o r lht• fits tr 11· t will ft•at un• p hotograph:-;, ri1rn ... t np'\ -. lult·s an d multi nu·tl 1 a prt·-.<.·nt at1ons

Following Judging n1·x l wf·ck , a "anls will ht• pn•.,entt!d ett 7 fl 111 M:1\ JO at VC'n:.ido Middle: !'>l'h11ol. 1 f)c·•·r f11 ·ld

Fu r th1·r informat 111n on th<• fo1r may h<· 11ht;i1m·d hy calling !:1111 ~d10t ·1111wltl al :i~.ii '1!J<JO, E\t II

Trip Planned To Pageant

T1 tk1·h arc• <Jv~11 l ablt' for a San .I ua n C'ap1s lra1111 Hc•crcat1on l>1·1w rtmc•nt -spons or<:d lri p lo the• Ha mon:.i f>ug1:anl on May 12

'I' h I ' $ I 7 f (' e i n (' I u d e s tra n s portatmn and sealing a l the pl:.i v. wh1C'h 1s ha:-eri on the love· :-; tory of liamona and /\lcssan· <l ro

Thl' hus will ll•avt· ci ty hall al !J :10 a m with a s loP. in Hemet J'.1rk for a no ho:-; l pi~n1c .

ll c•g 1:-trat1on c·u n he c•om plc tc!d al lht• San Juan llot S prinJ(s U a n c 1• II a 11 . :12 5 0 fi P asco /\<kl;into

The South Coast Baseball Associallon has a new ficlc1 ~1t Niguel llills Junior High School that is home for Colt and Pony leagues. Boys 15 and 16 may sign up for Colts from 9 a .m . to 1 p. m. Saturday at South Coast Boys Club in

Sn n Clem nte. Pony league signups have tw(!n hcl<J. Showing off new rield are left to ri~ht .John Adams, league president; Ed Kirkpatrick. coac h of Laguna Niguel Reds and Melinda Harris, publicity chairperson.

Art Workshop Marshall - ~Memor~·~~

Accents Music Event Set The last or lhree fine arts workshops for p~nta and their

children will lake place Sunday at Saddleback College's no cam· pus in Irvine.

T h e program, " Happenjngs : Art Affairs for lhe Family," will focus on an exploration or mu.sic as an art form .

FEATUAED IN THE 3 to 5 pm . workshop will b e th e Nortbridge Wind Quintet.... and Columbia Artitits mus ician and c ntertamer Bob Kay .

Youngsters will participate in instruction d e mons tration and performances with the chamber e nse mble . Adults will join 10 a lecture a nd demons tration con­duc te d by audition winne r s a nd tontestants 10 the m e tropolitan Opera com pet ition .

THE PROGRAM WILL lake place 111 building 100 on the north t·umpus at Irvine <.:enter Orivc and Jeffrey Road

The fee for the progrum 1s $2 50 r or 1nd1v1dual!> i.lnd fa m ilies.

For further 111format1on or r e se r vahons. phone 559-9300

Film Course Features Old Classics

Film buffs will see :some or the ~reatc:iit motion pictures ever made whe n Saddleback College o ffers a three·unil film apprecia· lion c lass

Movies lined up for the course include D W. Griffi th 's "Ba· of a Nalton," the Marx Br th s ' " Horsefeathe r s." Woody /\II 's ·· Play I t /\gain, S am ·· a n<J Bo~art s ··Casabla nca . "

Thi· course wi ll be offe red on Tut·sdays and Thur:.days from Ii to JO p m beginn10~ May 29 Tht: l'lass runs through July 5 at the Mission V1e10 ca m pus.

For information. contac t th <: Orf1c1• o f Adm1 ss 1on s and Ht·t·rt rtl ., LitR31 2MOort195 1000

aoclal e.veain._.iU take place May 4 u the kickoff event m a drive to create a acbolanbJp in memory of former Sad· dleback College Trustee James W. Marshall.

Marshall , a Leisure World re­sident, died while serving as a college board member. Before becoming a trus tee, Marsha.II served on lhe college 's Com· munily Advisory Commlllee.

The 7:30 p .m . event al Leisure World 's Clubhouse Three will feature e ntertainment by the Sa ddleback College c ho i r groups.

Donations to lhe scholars hip fund can be made at the event o r mailed in later. Donations will be used lo set up a scholarship fund . the interest from which will be a warded annu a lly in Mars hall 's name .

For furth er info rm ation, phone 831·7454

(J \CK A"'IU~:tc ~O:\il) REVEALS in the


NOW OPEN Sam -6pm

240 Broadway • Laguna Jleach

- VISA ' 497-4403 • 7 Days A Week

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Precision Drill Gulde

Popcorn Pumper • Elect " c Cornpopper

s29•• s13•9 Prcc1s1on Drill Guide (

• I I I ' Our Reg . 35·99 Our Reg. 22.39 t ~ I ' ,, ,,

• 12·c;peeo MtA· F 1m1r1 d1.11 • OouQh hookc; 101 b1eddmakrnf'I • 235 w.111 qnvrrnm r.ontrnliL'(j

moto1 111.11nt.11n .. 111r~Pt ,pet() • Au tom~t1c howl rn r.H1on $69'' • .. ., . .. . . Cat No

• • 1·7 1

Our R99. 89.99


Hare '1TRI ULTI MATZ WIAJ'Olf a\ a Him mer prlOe W!Htd Bat.e t • b a nd \rlmmer M oclel 307 Tl'tm111ra11 a nd wHd• on amall lawn• qu1011J7 a nd 1a.fel1 Wl\h "¥Ion CU\Un c 11n•


,. I t • t.• t lu 111 I f 1 +I

lOWfM UVll

s2•• Our R99. 5.49 SU•FOMI • SllAVI•

s1•• Our R99. 2.99

itWHUCI ' •1

s511 Our R99. 9.39

H- lefttfye...._. Alenll .., .. , • a.ttery .,.,.,.... , ....

tery lnGI tided), • Clrcuh t• button. • A i r entering t lftolle

aterm It oontlnuouely lllOftltored.

• Oen llelp ll"Meot ,cMir lemlly.

WIED 51711 EATER .

1RAOCl\WltC our R11. 21." ........

Orange Coast ED ITION

Yoar De•e&••• . Dally Newspaper•

f VOL. n , NO. 116, 4 SECTIONS, 40 PAGES , 1979 c

Four Coast Firms Form Energy Co-op ...


ln "hat ofh c tul ~ MY ts 1a un1qur lc'Apt'nmf'nt . four of the Or•nKt' Coui.t 's bt(Cgest firm ha ve f ut m rc.l tin ent>rg y cooperatH e In un atkmpt to save four megu-. utt:. of e le(' t r1c1ty dur mg the ftM.'al )'l'l&r beginning July l

t ' our megawatts of t> let'tnc1ty 1s enough lo supply energy to 3.000 homt!S for a yea r

The co op '4as launched this morning d urmg a press con

feronce hos ted b y Pacl ti c Mutual Lafe lns unnce Com J)any , OOf' O( lt8 ml•mbt•r

The other me mbt-r!) are the ln ane Company , the Fluor Corp Md South Coiust Pl aza

Under the terms of the agree ment signed today ~II four com pa naes will be lmked by a com· puter operated by Engmeenng Superv1s1on Company 1 ESCO J that will monitor the hrmi:. ' energy demand~

The cooperative is des igned to reduce demand during the after­noon peak period at about 4 p.m .

Using the monitoring device, co op president Bud Dobyns of Fluor said. will te ll me mbers when to defer use of some equip­ment

J ohn Phillips of ESCO said tha t won't mean a wholesale shuttmg oft of lights and air con­ditioning, but a selective reduc­tion an use of some machines. He

said one pice of equipment among many . such as one oft wo or three e levators. might be closed down during the peak .

He described the plan as an energy budget. but one used ID

concert by the four firms, rather than on an individual bas is .

C.E. Hathway, vice president or Southern California Edison, s aid the program has never been tried before in the United Slates

He explained that the four

companies paid for a feasibil1ty study on the project.

With the approval of the state Public Utilities Commission and Edison. the cost or implement­ing the project , about S250.000. will be borne by Edison

Dobyns said tha t end of the firs t year trial. if the co-0p has worked as planned. the group will petition the PUC for institu­tion or a special rate a s an in­centive to get more bus inesses

to do the same thing. He said that more Orange

County firms are expected to JOln the co-op, but that the four were the companies that have worked on its formation for about. a year.

Ca ll ed the Orange County Energy Co n se r vatio n Cooperative. the organizatioo is a non-profit. corporation.

Phillips said the project is ex. CSee ENEllGV, Page AZ)

Carter Fights for Gas Ration Mesan Victim

Officers Pay Final Tribute

By JACKIE HYMAN Of tM 0. 11~ pou .. Sutt

Hundreds of police cars and motorcycles lined the s treets to· dcty around St Si mon .and J ude Church in Huntington Beach as m ore tha n 1,000 f Pllow pPctC~ of­ficers paid t rihute to s la in Los An~eles Sheriff's Deputy George Barthel, 32. of Costa Mesa.

Jntermc·nt for Mr Barthel, 1 who le:.vcs a wife and two young

children. was scheduled , follow­ing 11 a .m. St'r vices, a t Good She phnti Ce mete ry, also in Huratmgton Reach.

Los An~eles Sheriff's off1 c1als s aid toda y the Los Ange les

Man Jailed

7 OnKidnap

i Suspicion We s t m10 s l e r po li ce ha ve

booked a J l ·year -old Huntington Beach man into Orange County J a il for suspicion or kidnapping a 26-yea r -old Wes tmins ter

1 woman la te Wednesday . Arrcstl•d by Irvine police and

turned over to W(•stminster of­fi cers was Thomas Ke lley of 10411 Samoa Drive

Kelley a lleged ly pi cked up Cynthia Anderson in his van on Beach Boulevard near McFad· den Avenue a t about 10 p.m .. ac· cording t o Orang e Co unt y She riff's deputies.

De puties s aid the woman jumped from Kelley's van when it s topped for a red light on El Toro Road at Jeronimo Road in El Toro. She spotted a sheriff's patrol car and fl agged it down. deputies aaid.

Deputy Way ne Pieratt im· mediately radioed a description of the suspect's van. The broad· cast was monitored by an Irvine officer who spotted the vehicle traveling north on the Santa Ana Freeway near Jeffrey Road.

Sheriff's offic ials said Kelley's van was stopped on the north­bound Costa Mesa Freeway just north of the Santa Ana Freeway where the suspect was turned over to Westminster officers.


\\'eather Variable high cloudiness

tonight . A few higb clouds but mostly sunny Friday. Lows tonight 5-4 to 58. Highs Friday 96 to 70 at beaches. 7-4 to 78 inland.

INSIDE TOD'4 Y Hmong tribumen ore

0"'°"9 ti-. ~ of ref· MQeft u'9o feel W. "obon· doMd I~" and look to tlie Umud Stat•• for a home. StO'JI , photo,,. 8'.

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County Dis tric t Attorney ap· parently will seek the death pena lty against two men ac ­cused in the slaying.

A spokesm an sa id s uspects James Leroy Noble . 24 . and Cla rence Robinson, 21, were ar n.11gned in Compton Munici pal Court on murder charges stem· ming from h1st week 's tragedy

The spokesman said the uas trict Attorney 's Office brought one count of murder coupled with specia l circumstances inc luding being a rmed at the lime of the s lavine that could lead to the death penalty .

The pair also face one count of fe lonious ass ault with intent to commit murder and one charge of felonious assault on a peace officer , the spokesman said.

A preliminary bearing has been set for May 8. a lso in Co mpton Munkipal Court.

The spokesman said murder charges ar e pe nding a gains t Ra y mond Howard . 24 . of Inglewood . A fourth s uspect ID

the case. Gary M. Hubbard, 20. of Los Angeles, faces allegations of possession of drugs but not of mu rder.

Barthel and Deputy Jimmy Hollingsworth. 30, of Anaheim, wer e shot while questioning a group of men near a Watts hous­ing comple >'

HolHn,gsworth, who was shot in the head. has been re leased from the hospital and is in good condition, the spokesman said.

Two Injured, Child Unhurt In Collision

Two women we r e injured Wednesday but a 2-year-old boy escaped unharmed despite being flung into a dashboard when three cars collided in Costa Mesa. police said today.

They said the rear-end mishap occurred at 2 :20 p .m . on Harbor Boulevard at the intersection with Merrimac Way after a car driven by Maxine Eva Tubb, 63, of Santa Ana . s talled at the signal light.

Mrs. Tubb, who complained of dizziness and head pain , sought private medical treatment , police said.

Colliding with the rear of her ca r was an auto reportedly driven by Mona Frances Bruce . 30. of 11-4 E . 23rd St .. Costa Mesa . Her 2 . yea r -old son , Kealilkai Bruce. was thrown In­to the dashboard but not injured, police said.

Mrs. Bruce suffered head and neck pain and said she would see her own doctor. police said.

Her car was involved in a rear·eod collision with an auto driven by Ruth Edna Reed, 52, of 3030 Madeira Ave. . Costa Mesa, police sald. She reported· ly was not injured.

Police tald-tbey received con· meting testlm001 .. to which collision occurred first .

WaidheirD hi"Hanoi HANOI CAP> - U . N .

Secretary .'Geoeral Kurt Waldheim arrived in Hanoi to­da7 to otfer bis "cc>od ofllcet" to help Vtecnam a.nd Chin• Httle a loa11tandlnt dl1pule wblc.h thi1 year resulted in a montb·loo1 war. ·

ANGEL SEVEN, THE TWO-SE~T A-4 SKYHAWK AT REST AT EL TORO AIR STATION The Sleek Blue Machine Isn't Used In the Show; It's For Giving Demonstrations


oa11, ..... , ..........

REPORTER JOANNE REYNOLDS TRIES TO EXPLAIN RIDE 'Berserk Elevator· And a few 'Whees' Sum It All Up

'Dance Aero• Clouds' Writer's Rick With 'Angels' a Bit Scary

By JOANNE REYNOLDS Of .. D.tlly ...... tUff

It 's a ride in an elevator gone berserk and a dance across the clouds.

Moments of breathtaking ecstasy are punctuated by stomach·wrenching vertigo.

To a handful of men, it is H common an experience as a trip to the corner market.

For me, it was a fantasy come to life a ride with tbe Blue An1el1.

More precisely, It was a ride with Angel Seven. Lt. Jack Ekl. Wednesday he gave me a taste of the air show to be performed Saturday and Sunday at El Toto M arlne Corpe Air Station.

A• a member of Lbe Navy'• ..

precision n ytng team he is one That tall sleek jet I 'm going to of the nation's best pilots. a get in is really nothing more varsity jet jockey. than a standard tralner, he says.

Ekl looks the part. dres11ed in Ekl's right hand man is AEl his royal blue ntght suit- which Joe. BeJTY, b.is crew chief. Berry happens to match the paint job \. puts me in an olive drab flight on his A·4 Skyhawk- and his suit and straps me Into the blck bright yellow aacol tie. seat of the fighter.

Aviator's sunglasses obscure Berry's warnings abound : his eyes and his fore and an cap don ' t touch anything pajnted sags in just the right places. bJaclL.and-ycllo~ sure to nip meeting hls glasses at a point ( l he Intercom back to receive that no doubt marks the center when you're done talking : don't line of his face . try to get out of the plane at the

Ekl, 32, is cool, but not cocky end of the rught until the eJec· He wants me to know what J'm Uon seal is disarmed. getting lnto 50 I can enjoy It. He polnts out the loc1UOn of

" It 's fun. rt never geta boring, the " barf bag" and ducks down but ll 'a Uke 1ny other job. Thert' the ladder with a cheery " have a are days when th.Inga are goina nice fil&ht. re.Hy good and there are ~;.:,:~ W~JUA& for takeoff clearaoce. days," Ekl explains . '11'1. r 'W-ANGELS, Pap AJ)

4l •• ' t i et. ....

Meeting Rejected By GOP

WASHINGTON <AP l -- Pres i· dent Carte r made a new effort today to save his beleaguered s tandby gasoline rationing plan from bem~ killed by Congress.

With a c ritical Senate Energy Commatkc vote S<'heduled late r in the day. the president offered



to al locate more gasoline co upons to s t a te s wh e r e motoris ts drive g reater dis · tances to work

It was not clear if the proposal would salvage the rationing pro­posal an the House or Senate.

The House Commerce Com· mattee. which voted to rejeet tbe plan Wednesday, m et again to· day 50 that Carter's supporters could make an attempt to revive rt. But Re publi cans boycotted the meeting, and no new vote was taken

Carter 's s upporters on the House committee said the White House compromise would have ~ watched enough votes to re­verse Wednesday 's outcome.

The rationing pla n will get a nother chance on the House floor

Ca rter ' s atte mpte d c o m ­<Stt GAS. Page A2)

Cyclist Badly Injured in Irvine Crash

A Yorba Linda man clad only an s wi mming trunks suffered critical skin losses Wednesday when he los t control of his motorcycle and skidded 350 feet down bu sy M acArt hur Boulevard at Bonita Canyon Road in lrvirfl?.

The 4 . 20 p m . accident strangled commuter traffic and forced diversion or southbound traveler s to Jambore e Boulevard where two unrelated non-injury accidents later oc· curred.

In jured was Frank E . Zigan, 35. who. according to police, was traveli n g northbound on MacArthur when he hit one or the smaU reflectors on the pave· ment dividing line and lost con­trol or his high-powered bike.

One traffic investigator said portions of Zigan 's face and body were literally ground lo the bone u be slid across the pave­ment.

" I nvesligatlon also revealed that M.r. Zlgan bad a jacket and I motorcycle helmet attached to l the back of the motorcycle, but t was not. wearing them," said 1 Sgt. Bob Kredel, of the Irvine Police Department.

Zigan wy listed in critical but • stable conllUon today at Kaiser Permanente Hoapltal , Bellnower.

Oiest X-ray Unit Al~Ceoter

A mobile cbest X ·ra1 unit wtU be al Thrifty Drq Store.ID ea.ta Mesa Friday tbroutb May I from 10 1.m. to e p.m. dallJ, (a. cludh"- weekeacb.

The X·ray and anafytla bJ a ndlololllt COlta a 1'brlft1 ls located In Harbor C..... Ill 2* Katbor Blvd.

. .................

Beck Bay Measure Removed

An••bl7wom•n Marl•• B•tl"°n. fl Newpe>rt Beech hu withdrawn hflt pros>01ed lect1lat100 to flnan~ • 1tudy ot aa dcvlCC! Lu haJt lltaUon of Up­Ptr Nf.'wport HA.)'. ••

An lllck lo UK> a.~a&or Mid Mn 9tt.-oe'• b11f, AB •t, wa s re mo vt'd t rom th e 1e1l luUv• Ull'lndar beraullt' there 1:-. no ln1• tt11~I d•l• lo back ll

kvt'rul l.Cf'nclf!I COft l'f'F'Md wtth the • lltuUOf\ of the 1tate own t'd blologlc a l preurve ~oucht lht• le«lltatlon ~hleh woeald bf- lb\- fir t "'"f toward gettmg 11 deiolt1nii b•tin buUl up-11tttam of lM bay In San OM!10 C..'tttk

Rut Jutte 1-' roberg , Mrt Beriu~son '1 admlna11tratlve u 11tant . u 1d today there hah

been no ruearrh done wt11 r h would s upport the contention tha t s u<'h a proJett ~ould indeed hal t the n ow or mud into th bay

Mrs Be rge~on ' :. effort'> jn. s tead will be dlre<'tt,'Cl &t 1etuna feder nl clean wate r funds for the s tudy

Sul'h a lttep would requ1r<! LlP· prov al of th~ s tate Wuter Quallty Control Board and the feder al Environm en t al Protection Agency

T he regional water quality control board meets tonight a t 7 o ' c lock in the Fullerton City Council Chambers

Mr,;. Bergeson wall need a let­ter urging thC' board to put funds for the Upper Bay des ilting pond study as a top prio rity

rn add1t1on, the ove rall clett n· up plan for the Upper .Buy, pre pared by 8 ('Onsortium or gov­ern m e n ta I agenc ies c alled NIW A !Newport lr vlnC' Waste Ma n1Jgement Agency) ls also on the board 's aueada

Demh Clue Scraw/,ed


dyi ng man who s<'alcd a f1 vP-foot fence dei.pitP shotgWl wounds and tried unl\U<'Ccssfully to s ummon help from nearby homes len a clue lo his death sr rawled in blood .

Casey Jones scrawh~d t he na m e " Roger " an blood on a neighbor 's door. leading police to arrest hu1 friend.

Sa n Berna rd ino Coun t y ::.he riff's deputy Raul Bracmonte ltaid Wednellday that aft(•r being shot Tuesday, Jones. 28, ran to a house before leaving the bloody clue.

Roger Buryl Howard . 34. was boo ked for 1nve s tigat1on or murder Tuesday. He w as bemr he lc.1 In San Bernardino County Jail

Bracmont t• s1:11d the men, who had IWl'I) rru·nds tthout JO years , were drink1ng together when an ur g um e nt erupt1•d 'fut•s d<1 y mornrn~

Hracm unk s a id Jones wa s found collapsed in the back. yard of the rf:slden<'e . He was rushed lo a hol)pttul , where he lawr died


'Fair La.dY.'

ln llnlfo,..,.

Gas light Club waitress goes on the picket line in her workmg clo thes Wednesday in e mployee s· effort to un· ioni ze the Washington D C. wate ring s pot

Mortgage Rate Increased 11 Percent

LOS ANGELES CAP > Major ' 'C'11l1fomia s c1vangs und loan as

:-.c1c1at1ollb, which h1Jve often led th<' na tion i n mortgage rate In· 1' reast·i.. a re raisin~ mortJ(aJ(e lo a n r:. tes to 11 percent o r above. the highest rate an 4112

yea rs . Oleodale Federal Savings said

Wednesday it was ra ising it.a fix­ed -rate loans to 11 h percent from the previous I Oll4 percent to 11 percent

Thf' firm a lso ra1st>d its vana­ble rate m inimum ' • percent to 103~ percent

Var ia bl e mortga~e rate s. lega l an Californrn and sevenal other states . ttllow the interest ra te to be <'hanged within limits as other interest rates change over the Ute of the loan

Meantime. Home Savings . the largest savings and loan In the nation, reported that Jt was " In t he throe s of cons idering a change" of rates in light or the industry movement toward the 11 percent mark .

Rat.es in Ca lifornia have fre ­quently risen raster and Mgher t h a n those of o th e r areas beCaU!le Of demand for housing in the state

But hous ing economis ts say mortgage rates across the roun­try are under pressure because S&Ls muat pay for mortgage funds for lendmll.

p,...p .4J

ANGELS •• ·• DI trill to $al. ll'a a o"""wa1 '°""'...._ ....-.. mlllt!ple belt.I tM&'llloM me ta ... e. bep me from 8elMJ reaeMq CM l• c.rtom,..... ·~ tM atrqs)e ... mlrrw. Sld obMn ... ' "ftey

dtda! ezatUy dHlllL lheae thin&• for amatl people."

The Jet 11n1 1ent1y off the around, eaaee up in 1JUtude u we d"r the end of the runway and then becomt:t1 an e levator tnlpt up. f 'd *n warned repeatedly

at>out 08 - the fUe·SOlashinK Jira vll alional pull from s leep <'li mbs. No one Raid anything about e lev1tora.

It ' 1 not an eapeclally clear day . yd from our t ,OOO•foot van· tage ooinl. we can see from llt. Baldy to San Clemente lslaad . from Oceauide to Paio. Verdes.

Every roll , climb and dive is t-JCptained ln advuce a.lone with the accele raUoo and d~­taon that it require• .

That doesn't s top me from c losin1 my eyes on the first roll. a wing over wing mane uver c~lkd a production roll.

ll was t!asy k~pang lhem open after that through s ilky-s mooth d ips and curves lhat leave me looking out the roof at San Clemente Is land or looking down only to S<.>e the wing where lhe ocl'an used to be. We go from a d<>monstration of Gs to one £or wt!IHhtlcssnei;s.

The cn~inc noise. the bumps und the vibration I'd expected a ren 't there .

There's more noi!H! Crom radio LraUlc than from the engine. Ekl plays with the plane, accelerat­ing just often enough for me to reallu he is n ying very gently.

Now it 's my turn to fly . Al his urging, I take the throttle with my left hand , the slick wilh my right.

Aller a few tryout wobbles he t ells me to put the stick over , all the way t.o tbe left.

I cloee m y eyes. " Hey, you gotw have your eyes open. " he admonish es wh e n we r ight ourselves, " try it again."

l compromised . One eye stays o~n.

" OK. I've J(Ot the plane back now . .. f hope he never really let J(O

T he half-hour flight is over too <1 oon . We make one pass over the field and land.

As we taiu to the apron, Berry as waiting, a t parade rest.

It takes very little time to find myself back on the ground. My legs a re s haky and I'm glad to be where the earth s tays unde r my feet and the s ky sl~ys over­head .

Still, I wish f was in that won­d e rf u I ma c hine t hat m akes everyltung tum upside down so easily.


GAS ... promise was outlined 10 a lette r from While House aide Stuart E Eize nstat.

He wrote to Rep. J ohn Dingell. D· Mich.. chairman of a House Energy subcommittee, that t he administration would double the allocation of gasoline coupons to states that fe lt they might have been t reated unfairly unde r the president's o r iginal rationing plan.

The original pla n called for Americans lo receive coupons based on the number or cars they own.

Tha t would mean, for exam· pie . that a person In Arizona who drove 50 miles lo work wouJd be able to purc hase the sam e a mount of gasoline as a New J ersey resident who drove 10 m iles lo his job.

Corona del Mar Jh1gh School

s tudenta will swJ:e lhe1r produc· tion of " My F'air Lady" lorught t hrough Satu rd ay at the Newport Harbor High School Auditorium.

Curtaln lime is 8 p.m. The pro. duction is the fi rst musical pro­duced by the high school s tu· denta in four yeano.

Mesa's dames Asper

Kathy McMillan plays Eliza Doolittle to frwin Appel 's Henry HilllDs. Supportin& rolea are performed by Richard Greely, Dean Dalt.on, John Estey and Darla Jones .


DAILY PILOT , .. o.-c-1CM11•"'""""' ft""'" " '"­...... ,~ .. -.~-··-·-··'"'°'­t .. \t f'tv.-t~(~f'll' "1Hrt11t• ... l teft\Mf'

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Ecorwmic Director For County Dies

Funeral service~ wiJI he held Friday for J a m es Emer son Asper of Costa Mesa . who was director of the econom ic de· velopment program for Orange County at the time of his death. He died Tuesday at the age of 58.

Mr. Alper had a Iona carffr with lhe Amer ican Embass ies in Rio de Janeiro, Braiil, and Mex­ico City, having served u in· formation ofllce r , technical a1ds coordinator and science officer from 1152 unw 1987.

He later aerved aa a staff te· u arcb consu l tant •l the Uoive,rslty o f So uth e rn Ca lifornia, di rected economic development and educa tion pro­gra ms ror the Lane CouncU of Government.a ln Euaene, Ore. and tau1ht puhllc admln11lra· lion et C1J Slate Lone Beach.

Mt . A s per publ ta hed numeroua articles on bealtb, aclenee and economic develop. ment ln tequtical Journals and won several awards.

rhey Included th e 19~6 Mertt.ortoua Service Awud from the American Embus y lo RJo, a National Science Foundation Comq,eodaUoo ln iaee and \he

Braztuan Service Crosa In 1946 and 1966, as well as a Resolution of Commendation by lhe Orange County Board of Supervisors last January.

Mr. Asper was a member of the Harbor Racque t Club, Phi De l ta Th eta Fraternity , the Brazi l ia n a nd American Ins titute , the American Society o r Publk Administration and the California Economic Develop· ment Council .

He bad worked for Orance County slnce 1973.

Visitation was scheduled from 4 to 8:30 p.m . today at Bell Broadway Mortuary In Cotta Mesa.

F un era l se r v ice s are scheduled at 11 1.m . Friday at tbe ChW'ch of Jes us Chrtst of Latter Day Satnu , ms E1tanda Drive, Cotta Meta, with lnter· meat at 3 p,m . at Rlveralde Na· tlonal Cemeter')'.

Mt. Asper luves hla w1ft. Vera Alper, of Cotta MeM; his dauahters, Cathrine Asper of Loa Anaelet and Joan Mcintosh of Oklahoma , and tw o 1randcb1Jdren.

Memonal dooaUons roay be made to the Amertean Cancer Socltty.

.J1tdge Steorn In Judge -i>c>nald Dungan , presidin_g j ud_ge of the Harbor Judicial District C(>urt in Newport Beach. sweal"S in the court 's newest judge, Robert Polis. The new judge has been serving in the court s ince 1~5 as traffic com· missioner Polis . 38, lives in Irvine.

More Oil Companies Report Big Profits

NEW YORK 1AP 1 Reports from nat ion 's major oil com· oa ni es contmued to show big profit gains in the firs tquartcr or the year la rge ly because of s harp increa::ies In wo rld petroleum prices .

Several . including top.ranJted Exxon, said the stronger dollar on currency exchange markets a lso helped improve profits.

Sun Oi l Co. said today higher prices on foreign crude oil and related produc ts on interna · tional markets helped it to a 43 percent gain in first quarter prof· its from a year ago

Sun. the llth-larges t oil com paoy . satd earnings m the fi rs t three months of the yea r came to $1 20 3 m11l1 on . o r $2 24 a s h a r e, on r evenue o r $2 36 bil lion Jn the compa rison 19711 quarter . Sun reported earnings of $84 3 m1lhon. or SI 57 a sha re . on revenue of SI 7 b11lwn _1

Sta ndard Oil or Cali fornia, the fourth la r f(cst U.S oil com pany, said Wednei.rlay tha t its hrst quarter profits rose nea r ly 43 percent . to $347 million.

Smaller Amer ada llcss Corp s howed e a rn ings m or e tha n trip led fro m the year -a g o pe riod , to $115 6 m1ll1on

S tandard Oil of Ohio, eating s pecial circumstanctis, reported profits up JOO percent, lo $167 S million from a toubled 1978 com· parison pcnod . and Getty Oil said profiLc; rose nearly 42 per ­cent lo SlM 2 million.

Earlier In the week. top ranked EJtxon reported r<!cord profits of $955 millinon for the period. up 37 percent from a yea r ago. Third-ranked Texaco said profits rose 81 percent lo $.307 m1lllon tn th1.· firs t thret>

months Mobil Oil Corp ., the nation 's

second-larges t oil com pany. to­day also reported an 81 percent increase in fi r st -qua rter prorits

Mobil saj d earnings ros~ to $437 m1lhon in the fir s t quarter. o r $4. 12 a share on revenue of SIO J billion. In the 1978 first quarter earnings wer e $241 million or $2.28 a ~hare on S8 7 billion in revenue

The major compame s c ite ti ght suppLies a problem kg· gravated the revolution in fran

a s the m ajo r reason for sharply highe r earnings bc<.'ausc bu y ers comp e ting fo r th e s maller s upplies ha ve bid up pnces .

Prices Up .9 Perce1it

LOS ANG EL.ES I A I' I Paced by inc reases in t he cost of gasoline and mea t , co nsumer prices an th~

Los Angeles-Orange Coun ty area rose .9 percent last m o nth. the U .S. L abor Depa rtmeot repor ted to· da y.

The March increase was JUSl a shade unde r the I pe r cent cost-of-li vmg m· crease for the month n1J ­Uonwide. I Related story. A4 1

The increase means thut goods and service!) thkt <'Oll t a dollar a l the end of the month would ha ve sold fo r 49. I cents 1n 1967




Small. Compact, Spoce·Saving Women's Recl iners

In a Wide Selection of Styles and Fc6rics


COITA MllA 169 I . 17th IT. (Acroe. rrom ~.

neJCt to MOt1- Collendor1) 642·1617 Mon. • Frt. 10-6

Sot. 10-6 Cloled~

Baby's 1

Death J

Relaied 9J &Aftl\' CLANCY ... ...., ..........

The physician who wu with Dr. William Waddlll 's chief ac­cuser the night police -. told of an alleged inf ant al~ took the witnna stand today la Wad· dill 'a murder retrial.

Dr. 'nlomas P'ercu.son toed the Orange County Super ior t"'.ourt jury that he ca lled a Westminster police a cqucln­t a n c e after Dr . Ron•ld Cornelsen alleged he saw Wiid· dUJ "strane le and suflocate" ll newborn Infant in the aftermath of a saline abortion two years ago.

FeTgUIOO te&Ufied Corneben came to his home late one aiCht a fe w days after the alleaed s l rangulation.

He said Comelsen tofd him the baby " was born a live . w as cry­ing , moving and breathing in· dependently " befor e she al · leged ly was choked to deal.b.

And, Ferguson continued . those were the purported facts he relayed to police when be summon~ t he m to his home that evening

" Afte r Ur CQrnclsen came over r became concerned about his involvement in the events and J was worried th<1 t he WC&S exposing himsd f to something," f''e rguson ex plumed.

" At the late hour I thought I could call my lawyer in Long Beach a nd he talked to Dr Cornelsen." Ferguson testified. " Afte r th a t conve r sation and a nothe r one with the hospital ad­m1n1stra tnr. Dr Corne lseo told me he w<1 nted to talk lo police."

D e fense a tto r ney C ha r le s Weedman asked Ferguson if he re('alled t«>lhng police " you wall hd ve to protect m y butt."

" I ca n't 1maJ(ine what 1t could pos:. 1bly be r e f e rring to ." F'e rguson replied " I don't th.ink 1l could have come> from me."

Waddill . u 43 yea r -old Hunt· 1ngton Httrbour obste trician, ts b<' tn i! lned a second time for the :. l lf' ~ ed murder o f t he two pound. 15 ounce infant known as Ua by Girl Weaver .

11 rn fm;t tria l e nded las t May wh e n JU ror f. s a id the y were deadlockt·d 7 lo 5 1n favor of ac · qu1ttal.

Fro.Pa .. Al

ENERGY .•. pe<'led to save the firms money in reduced energy cons umption and to aid the Edlson Company by reducing peak de mands.

Stressing t hat the co-0p is a \'T>luntJry e ffort Ph1lhps added that he hopes 1l wdl prove " we don ' l nc~d any governmenl-1mpost'd manda tes to regula te ener gy u~e m these buildings ."


MflllON VllJO 21192 ..........

Pkwy. (COfMf of A'My and Yla (ICOlaf)

, ... 902 Mon. · Ffl ·~ Sal'°" °"*'~



Uuter's Nuclear tanDHit

SACRAMENTO <AP I Gov Edmund Brown Jr . in a &harp assault on Pl'ft~nt Car\cr, l• r halleniln,s the pruJdent lO tell the nurl••r lnduat ry that "eno~ It .-nou1h "

At u newa c:on/ettn~., w~ d11 y. Brown all'<> aald he ~ t tic> \ I .S No r lt-aar Re1ulatory Co mm1 u io n wlll o rdl'r lf'm poraa r y abut do~!i of lh ri1tht nud cor pl@oc~ built by Babcoc'k &.. Wll('()X

Ht; SAID IY TfflS happens, ht> "' 111 l'Ull upon Cuhforn1ans a r ftt: tt.•d bv thc ncurby Raneho SfoeO plant to l' Urtall the U e Of the ir u1r <'ond1t1uners on hot bummer days

The uUltt1es said tha t would inc l u d e cus t o m ers fr om lia kersf1 etd to Eureka

T h e Democ r a t1 <' gove rnor. who says he m ay run for prt>bl d e nt i n 1980 . r e p ea t <? dl y c r 1Uci~ed Carter 's pro·nuclea r s t a n ce, saying othe r e n e rgy ~;our<'es should be explored 1n l!tead .,

" IT'S RATHE R CLEAR to me tha t the combination of risks, <.'osts . s&fet ·I" problems, the proh le m of s tora ge o f was te. the p rospeet of prolife r a tion ;ind even the da nger of sabotage a ll combine to make 1t impera ti vl• that this country now pursue <1

pat h or :i lle rn at1vc e ne r gy sources." he said ·

He said Carte r. " fa r from en­couraging a s hort-e1rcuiting or the licensing process of nuclear reac t o r s, s h o uld t e ll t h e Am e ri c an peo pl e a nd the n u c l ear indu s tr y quit e s imply: ' Enough1se11ough '."

R EFUS I NG TO SAV h e favored a total be1n on e xisting pla nts. Brown instead focused o n h a iling nuclea r power ex p a n s 1on and bui lding othe r . sa fer power !>ource!> 1n the fu ture.

T he "I ·)'Ci.lr·old {lOV('rnor swd th i.lt recent events had made it Vt!rY clt.>ar that " the days of nuclear powrr arc· indeed num hl'red ...

Auto Found

Be Sa1'ed Li1'es Al'~ta

Michael Scott Davis, 13, ham radio operator of Tor· ranee , picked up a distress call from a Caribbean fish­ing boat that was sinking 75 miles south or Jamaica early Wednesday. He a cted as a relay between the ship a nd the Miami Coast Guard coordinating the rescue of three men a board.

Mom, Girl Slain; Cops Shoot Killer

SAN DI EGO IA P l The bodies of a woman . stabbed through the heart with a kitchen knile. and her 4·year·o ld daughter. who h ad been strangled . were found m tbe home or a psychologist held hostage by a Nigerian exchange student. police said.

The student, Newman Augustrne Osebor of Lagos, N1gene1 . was sbol and killed Thursday on an interstate highway after a J 1,-z-hour s tandoff with police, authoril.Jes say .

" My We was for them," cried AleJo Puoetes Wednesday after the bodies of his wife. Candalaria . and daughter , Norma were re · moved from the hom e of Richard E Townsend . "They were lhe best . they were fantas tic. How could anyone do this to a little girl and her mother ?"

Mrs Puentes. 24, had worked as a maid for Townsend, a t nminal psychologist.

Police sa id Townsend was <1 bducted Wednesday a t gunpoint , ror ced to withdra w money from a bank and held hostage by Osebor

The 22 year-old Osehor was fatally shot by police aft er holding Townsend hostage in t he doctor 's sports car on lnlers tate 8 Town~nd we1:. unhurt in the shooting

Inmate Flees Jail Facility LOMPOC 1 AP ) T he car etuthorities believe

wa!' usW m lhe escape of George J ackson Brigade leader J ohn Sherm an. 36. has been round, but he <ind his wife re ma ined free today.

City police said a green Pinto seda n was found <•a r ly Wednesday, pa rked m a residential aree1 of town

Police s aid they believe the car . rented Tues· clay from a local car-renta l agency, was driven by M anannl' Pulfer ~hcrman , 28. when her husband, ser ving a 30-ycictr sentence, escaped Tuesday arte r ­noon while v1s1tmg an eye doctor.

ltfftli-Cal Fraud Prokd SACRAM~NTO IAP ) - Some nursing homes

have collected Medi·Ca l benefits for patients who had been dead for up to a year, says s tate Con·

trolle r Ken Cory's office . In res ponse to a

( J ques tion.; De puty Con · .~TrfTE trolle r ~ete r Pelkofer

_ s aid We dnesday that '--~~~~~~~- a udito r s had fo und

several such cases. " We found in at least one case benefits being

provided lo a deceased person more than a year after death. Pelkofer s a id Slwll ~qewst Appro.,~d

LOS ANGELES (AP > A jurisdictional battle


Patty Denies Bar Braw:l,..-==--SAN Jl'RANCl SCO ' AP I - Newspaper heiress

Patr icia Hearst Shaw denJes that ber p0llce officer husband ul~nded a bachelor party that ended in a raucous brawl at a lesblan bar lbe nl1bt before

g -- -

" lt'ti really upsettmg , .. said Mrs. Shaw Wed­nesday. " We don't have friends wbose idea of bav. ing a good Ume is going out beatlng up women."

On the ni ght before thei r wedding , her hus band Bernard was not Uvlng it up with his pals but s itting wtlb members of the wedding party at a

local restaurant, abe uid. 1be ecMaple ._.. ..l. ried April 1. • t

A number of police officers wen ~IP have been memben of a bachelor =putJ tW

--ba.t«ed Ullo t>q·~ Place a bout ml t ... . hatasted cUltomen. Shaw's name luld beea UBbd to tbe party in stories publlahed ln tbe San ..._. cisco Cbroolcle.

The district a ttorney's office ud tbe police d• partment are invesUgaUnc the Jacident and two persons. policeman Daniel Marr, 25, and a cfviUan, Kevin Guerin, 24, have been cbar1ed with disturbing the peace and battery. ·

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You're a Star at Capezio


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over air quality s tandards has been defused. with the state approving a Shell Oil Co. request to build a pumping s tation but requiring the firm to clean up other sources of pollution.

T he state Air Resources Board s idestepped a "smog war " Wednesday when it supported the operating permit issued for the oil station by the South Coast Air Quality Management District -but tacked on the cleanup requirements.

Choose a br•nd new luxurloua cut plle •&11ony •.. ~ thk:kly tun.ct. and In the wldHt ,.,.. of ccMot9 Yotl can Imagine. You know the color YoU went, end wtth 45 to d'OOM from, you·,. aur• to tlnd the •act

shade you've bMn dreaming of. And wldl all Hs....,ty, ~get a valuable S 1Mr i..-..i ..., .. __ ,.. • .,,IV.,,, plut the practicality of Scotcheard pN*CtloR and lll9t6c control. ,.........,. lae ....,.. ... i. T__.,.1111[~ '

The district a pproved ~u·s appucation on J an . 3. However. the ARB threatened lO cancel the okay because the dJstrlct had not required " trade­off" agreements. Such agreements require Shell to clean up other sources of smog to orrset polluants

• gener ated by the new facility.

.......... Ifft• ...... ,'•"•' SAN FRANClSCO <AP) Academy award·

winning actress and activist Jane Fonda has ur.ged working women not lO accept being " s lotted rnto robol ·llke jobs tha t do not allow the developmenl of management skills, dignity or self.worth."

Ms. Fonda spoke at a noon rally Wednesday at the Embaradero Center attended by several lhouaand persona. T¥ 1a~ wu one or 13 around t.be nation ~~ by the IOO-member Women Organh:ed..J~) Employment, t9 com· memonte NattoaaJ Secretaries' Day.

Orpnben clrculated statlltics they said abow 98 percent of the S.5 mllllon teeretaries tn tbe U.S. in 1971 wefe women. Allbou1b eo percent of

-•omen support themselves or bead famllies, they earn only about 57 percent of what the average

• man does, tbe group aald.

Leee Aeetla• Criceetsetl LOS ANGELES CAP) - A deputy police chief

crttlclzed two officen Wednesday for u.alnc " faulty Jude..- llld poor tactic•" ln the fatal lboot1n1 of Eul• LoJe Ja.fl January.

fte'Uttitlaln by 0.,Uty Chief Manball L. Aft• denm w M Ille Police Comml•k>D e>pened be ............. Qle.

ltn. I.Me, a widow.cl IDOdMr' of tine, waa abot to ...... Jan. I bJ two olfteen called to her ~ I.GI ADaeM bome toHowtq a dia· ~ O'Nl' a ..,.W •ot IM bW.

Take your choice - our top qwiflty "St# Fn." tnltOductory .... prlOed .C onty Stt.a Aftlr .. --. $11.19 tq. yet. For tlM tco!IOMY ~ ....... ~ .. ........._,, ...................... After the ••· St3.t0 9q· yd. ' •


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with ntln1mum dr1pery order.

Visit ~ Town tor "1m,l•lt dttaUs Huge selection of

Oecor1tor fallrtcs.

TEXTURED LOOP Toghl ly lufltd nylon pile 1n • siutd)r i.ve• IOOP c.trpet A v 1 1l1 bl t on aia b righ t mullHon• colofe11on1

Ht LO PLUSH . I 00"<. nylon .,. .. W I 6 IOop s tyte lh•t 11 "••I·••• •o• IOt>gt< _.,, Choote from new mulll·co ior comb•n•·

~. $54@ ::S5!@ NYLON CUT & LOOP



SAXONY Pl.USM Bteutlful. llUCMte ""'"'"'°"' color• llons In • ll"l·NI nylon p4u111 etyte. Sc:otcll­gerd 9nd entl-tt.tk: n.ttc1. RtQ SI.ff

S6!@ ...................... ,... !ft• .,.....,....._AR ..... :1~ .. --···· .,. .......... .... ........ , ..... ., ...

• .. ,. I

.. I

Orange Coasa Daily Pilot TtKnday. Aprll 28. 1979

Robert N. Wted/ PUDlllMf

Editorial Pflfl.e ...................................................... Traffic Planning Takes Foresight

Jr yuu'vt! l'\'l'r fought lhe ChristmaR tram(' to tto 1'hop · pm14 In • uth Co 1st Pinn•. you ·11 und n.tand th«.> c•onr n 11 Of t' ll) OfrtC'l.th. Ul ~onH.' tram (' projt'<'llOOS for th.at Ur l'tl

ll · ~ t'l'\hUIJll•d thot . "'hen Soulh Const Plunt u. com ph•ll·tl. ttw 1ana.., on Hrlt>tol Streot will bt- u"' ht1d l'Vt11 ) d u\ lll'I tltt'\ !lft• 1111\\ dunn~ th<' 1-H'Uk t'hri~ I Ul<.l b 'ICUSOll

Amt thnt 'i. JJrl'll v hod and<'E'd T h ts \Wt•k . I h t• (.'o~ tl\ MPs» l'htnning C'ommltt1m1n

fLH•t:d up lo th.it h.1rct rt·.1lt1 ' II\ 1 t•qu1r111~ South ( 'ou-.t Plu1,1 In JH••11.11, • ,1 11.tl flt• 11uwa,.:t•m1.·11I ptni:•Um fm l\\11 1[1 :- t111 ·' 0((11·,· hu11d111~s plolflnt•cl for thi• an•u IH' r'OM• t\11 ton Hnult•\ . 11 cl I rum I ht• ~111th Cou-.t Pht Lll I lu tc:I

'l'lh' p l.111 \\ill lttt1k .It ... tl('h ,,. ,~l> llllltlll'l- ·· ~ '>t.i .:i.tl'J t•tl wor k huui ' 111111 cl.1\ \\ork \H't•ks (·ar Jttiohn.: und 1m pro' t•nwnt:- 111 ... 111·1·1 ... anrt ti tiffw '1~n.ib

Sud1 pl .111' ..., ill p1 11h.1hl\ ll4· I l't f llll t•tl ol Jll lll.!IOI fllllf eel!. 1n lht• l11lun \mong ltll':o.c 1-. a 111opo-.ul lr11 . in un rdult·d d1 \l'lop1m·111 on u 150 Jl' tt• '>lh' . ... -. t 1,f ~oulh ( 'uu ... 1 PIM.1 , \\ ht•11· 1"'11111 ... :- 111n '' 'uu.:ht for offtt <· h111lcl111 g"> 111 clu-. t 11 .il h111lct111J.!' ,111d ho!h dt>n~ 1 ty rc• ... 11h·nt 1<t l tht'

T l1;it , ,, •. 1 11111•111 h .1 lwunf1ttld . \\ J .., <H 1i.,:11i.ilh ,., 1·d

tor 11·, 11fton11.tl d1 •\ 1•lop1111·nL onl ( '11:-l.1 '11 •• h.1 ... I t •:Jdlt'tl tlw J>Olllt \\ h1.·1 l' II mu:-t p11·!-

11p 1111 '.\\' \\ p111 l l\t ·.id1 ' 1cl1 •.1 of 1 equ1nng t 1.11ltt· m111 µ: 1 t1or1 rrw,1, 1111•' 111 1 rlt• \\ 111011·!'1!:. , ullhuugh 11 ... 111111111 lw h OJH'd l '0 ,.1.1 \11 •' .1 t .111 dl'al with lht• p1 ohlt•111 11)1111 • dl1•1· t1 vch and \\lllt It '"' 111,.,

F'la1111111).! t ·11n1n 11 :-. ... 1on.-1·!:. 111adt• a "'"<' d1·1·1:-.11111 111 11· q111r1n).! tilt' It :trflc· nw1w g1·m1·11t plun Without "'"II' 11• Ud". lh1 · ~11 11,h ( 'oa -. t Pl at.a •H"l'i.I c·o uld :-.orn1·d t1v h1·1·111111• so (0 11ng1·-.1t·d th111 prn:-. p1·1·t1H· n1:,tomC'r l-. would i:1k1· ltw1r h U!:. lll t''>!'> l'i:-. t •\\ 111'1 I '

Shoplifting No Lark 111 ' pr111g , )'OU ll l-! p1·11plt•.., thoughts na111rally turn lo

:-. 11 n11111·r ' ;11';11 11111 . h:n 1ng fun and ;.icqu1ri11g :1 IH''' .... ;,if<l111h1·

l 11r111111n.11 t•I' , ., <·n · '1·;11 ' "mt· of t ht·m find 11111 I h1· h c.1rd \\.1\ Ill.i i mit· <·:1-.}. \\:I\ to gl"l nt•\\ l'lo th1·' '"' " l.111cl 1111•111 Ill ,I lot 11f l 11111hll1

111 tlw 1 .. ... 1 It•\\. \\<'l•k .... :i g l<Jnc·1· al till' t'ost;i :'.lt·-.<1 pnli1·1 · 11111111'1 h;, ., -;h11\\l l a-. ni;.inv a -. ;.i <lotl' ll -.hoplift 1ng .11 n • I• , , d.1 \ ,11 ~1111 1 Ii C'o.1:-.I l'l:J/a :d11m·

'\111 .di ... 1t11pltf\1• 1'" , t r<• 111 .1d vt:·wd young -.lt•r:-, ol ('11111 "(' 111111'1' '- .111 • k1111\\ll 111 p11l1 1·1· "" lh< · lt·d11111·;d ll'l'rll 11f r· 111nl..'

H11t \\11111· llt1· 11111·:Jl 111 ; 11 , , .,, drn•-.n l <lvt1·1 1l.tl11t11.d 1·11111111,d '. 11·1·11 ill.'<' I ~, ' h11uld lw ,1 \\. 1r1· th.ii lh1 · ... 1r1n•.., m ~out Ii < n,1 ,t l'la1,1 1 ·m plo~ ~1·1· 11n1 \ lnn·1·s awl pn1wt·u11· .tll -.h r1 plllt1 ·r" I 111 ·.\ 1·a1 l'it

Tiu· Jilll 11-rlll for illlYl lltl' IH Ill' (l\'f'I ('(lfl\' Jdt.:d 111 tlwft t ~ up 111 " " month-. 111 tail nnd 11r ll fl lr1 :i $ 1 11011 I rn1., phi.. t llf' hur11tl1<1t111il of hl'1ng \1t•n • ... 1t·cl . ha nd<·uf'lt'<I and J.11h·d \ 11 11 n g" r c 1 fl < • 11 d <' r :-. :i n · t u r n l' cl o ,. l ' r· t o J u v " n 1 II· :1111hm11 l<' l-.

111 act<l1t11m. 1f 1t can ht• proved t hat lhr sus1wcl l'n ­t1 ·1·1·cl a -.ton · 111t1·nd111g lo <'l1mm11 a C'r11nt· hi' or " ht.: fiJ<' t·.., a 1.:h:11 I!<' o l n1mm1• rf'1:tl li11rglan .

\\'hilt · 11 ma~ lit• lt•mptmg to <1<ld t111>n1 ·., wardrolw a O('W shi rt or l11k1111 ti.lkt·n Y.1thout l i t·n<•f1t of pa y men t. y oungs l t•J's .-.hou lcl b1.• rt·minded thut s hoplifting 1s n t CJ

jnk t• a nd tht• C'ost <.1 Mesa pol ice a nd mt·rcha nt s don 't l n·at 11 as orw

Gift of Gab Pays f'lu· old ~a~ 111g tlwt ~·oungstc•r:-. s hould bl' l-.l' f.>n bul not

lw;11 ti got ;1 tlll':1'hrng I h1-. month I rum Orange Coa-.1 st11 <ll·nt s

/\ l1·:11n I mm Or;111gc· Co::ist C:ollt·g<• pttrlay<•d the gilt ol ~'.i tli 111111 a 11 at1<>Mil t h a mpirm ... t11 p 1n lhl· i'\iut1onal Com nninll ~ ( 'ollj •g<• Spct•th Tourn umc nt , a t11·sl for O<T

Tiu: young tH'o pl <' from Co:-.l tc Ml·sa . Huntan).:! ton Beal' h . Fountain Va lll'y C1 11tl Nt'wport HC(l<'h swc:pt t he ;.rw~1rd :-. 1n l' V<.•ryth1ng lrom read<:r's theutcr l o Lintoln Dougt;.1, ton<· to onL' 1 dl'btttt• 1

It 1s :1 1 nhull· lo C'ouc·ht·s Pt·g Tay lor t:tnd Mi t ht:tel l.1·1J.(h . who ha vt· l1·d p1'1' viuus OCC: teams to sc:tond plan· honor:-. 111 t lw n:itJon wide tont<•..,t

/\1111 i11l (11 h(•I' ('o:-. t a Me!-111 y oungs tt•r g1 ft1•<l 1n l:rnguagt·l-. \\on .1 top :tY. anl of h " own an c:1ght Y..l'ck 1 np lo l'an l-.. 1·apl11n·cl 111 lhl· AlltatH'l' Fr:Hlt'i.ll'>l' t·onlt•<.,t 111 Fn·nd1

T ill' ling w,t1 <· :-.kill o l E -.t ;.in<·•<J lhg h Sthool ..,t• nmr f~ rtl' Jo~ll1ott \\ho also '>JWCJk!-. (;t>rman. S panis h . Wcl-.h ~ind Brl'ton 1:-., 111 :i<1<1 111on ••• I nb11l1• l<J h1~ tt'C.1 Chl·r . l.c1>rwrd M1·Nut1

With l<'ad 11·1's and ... 111dt•nl s l1k(· th<:">c. who cun sa) s 1ll'ntt· '" gold<•n '

• Opinions expre!'s$Cd 1n the ~pace above are those o f the Daily Pilot Other 111ews (jXprcssed on this page are those ol their authors and artists Reader comment is 1n111ted Address The Daily Pilot, P 0 Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642-432 1

Boyd/Humbug 8~ I •. M . HOVU

Eni: f ..,h K111~ .Jami·~ II u1wcl l<•.J t.I , IJl•wter. t'oppcr . :in y th1n 1~ ;1t h11nd , fo r hi11 1·0111a1:1• Suc•h \'Oln~ m inted 111 r>uhhn were referred to by lht: Iris h as " uim bog" rm1 nounct'd " OOmbua" meitnln~ ~oft rnt•l:ll. They felt t he




Gu The Daily Pilot ne ver' hatt enough " room " to prlnt erllclo1 about. what neat things klds do such us coverln& the Park11 & llcc track meet, CMAC. Her~r Area baseball etc. Yet therl' '!I plenty of room f or print i ng t.he " wron"" they do.

PROUD PARENT ~. 4"N~• .,.. .... llllU•f h , .... ,. •1141 •• HI

---··· ·~ .. ·-· e4 ... .... .,,.,,. ...,._,.._ ..... o.-, 0-. °'"'' ll•i.4

• ..

<·mns Wl·rc phony w1lhout 1n trin~ 1c value . l\nd tht •1r word for sofl metal w;:1s wht·r.- we got our word "humhu~ "

lncr'cdthle us 1t m uy S<'l'm , the quality of aer ia l photo g raphy ifl now so ~ood that Lhc rank of a foot imld1cr can be seen from pictures t a ken al 100,000 feel Or so the ex pert.s report.

You know that actor called Dirk Benedic t on the TV se rie s " Outtlc s lur Calnctlca?" lie found his stage n a me on a menu under " Eggs."

Q . " On which t)'pc of turf la a footbaJI player more like · ly to 8"l hurt, natura l or artUiclal?"

A. ArUOcl 11 , no doubt aboul It. Consider this. Jn· j ury d1l1 collect.ed over three NFL l'eaaon a shows that 10 of the 12 11tadluma with the hlghest. lnJury rates have artificial turf. and 10 of the 1 t 11tsdlum1 with the lowesl Injury ratu have natural turf.

J uck Anderson

Pentagon's 'Iranian FiFe Sale' W AS lllNCT ON Th e

Pt•ntu l(On 1 rus h1n J( l o the rt:t-t' U t' o f Ame ric a n Ill a nutacturcr s who itot s tuck with more lh un $10 b1lhon worth v f c ,1nn•lt•d urnis conlr#c t s whtn tlll'11 fov11 r1l_. r uRlome r , t h t' , h,1h o f I ran , was over · thrown

Ir ("11111-:i I' " ll J)llrOV es the blllloul murh of the arm aments u l rl·Jdy 1n I I r 0 d U l ' I I 0 II w I I I h l'

purdrn~1·d by thl' Ud1·n , l· l> e partm1~nt •' t •• II II I 111\\Jlt• t11 ... t tu th1• luXJIJ Vt'I''> of a I lll11 '>1 :S:! bl 111011

'f' h ~· I tf I ' ,1

hu~ llw 'UPl>Ort of lh<· defense m du:.trv ·~ fr11·nd~ in Con~rc~s and ,,, \dmtn11't l r a l1on orr1c1als who ,111· n•lut'l;inl to prc·~s c·ontracl

1· la1ms with lhl' nl' w lranwn • l·~trm·

OUBIU:O RY in!:.idn1' as " the gn·u t l runia11 f11·e salt• ." lht• pro prn;ed.s>un·hasl' of Wl'a ponry 1n 11•11ded for lht- s h uh woulcl ht· al rc·lat1vt• l y hurgam p rt t'('S But do"l' :.nul111y ()f lhl · 1lems in \<Olved s how:. that m<.1ny are oh ~l'll l'le o r unn1•c·cs}a ry

Th e most <•x pt•ns 1vc and 1-on trovt•rs1al an· the· four Spr uance­da:.' dt~lroyl•ri. with which the 'ha h hud plannf•d lo modernize his na\ ) 'J'1·st1fyrng h<"fon.· the !'t·nale Arml'd ~t:n· 1c1~:. ('om m1t­l1•1." Na11~ St•t' r<.' t<iry Graham C I .1 v t or ., J 1 d 1 l w o u Id h 1·

·<·• 1m111al to 11 1 lht• 11r1)11rtunit> 'lo hu~ I hf' ci1 •-;I ""'•"<•r:- 1 go h) ·· 111• nul1-. l lh at th.-\ f'arry · th t• '>Jll w ;irmanwnl . lhl' '"mt: gun:., 1 ht · -.amt· dd••t•t 1011 ;1 pparatu.,, 1111· ' :.11111' f'Vt ' I \llung " ;" th•· N,I\ v ' 111·v.1·~ l ).! 111ded rn1 ,~1l1· c ri11i.1·1 .,

I t "'·" .1 1H1•11 1•11mp;11·1, 1111 t• J


make : the commltlee vetoed further produ c tion or the c ruisers buck in 1975 because th e ir anti ·a ir c rafl tr ac king systems were found lo be ob­solescent. The committee report on that decision called lt " inap­pr opriate to build any ship ... with a weapons system that ls c le arly inadequate lo m eet the projected threat within a rel·

allvely s hort period of time after delivery of lhe s hip."

THE FOUR destroyers would cost the Navy Sl.3 billion, plus another $2 million or so to r efit them from Ir a nian to U.S. s pecifi cations.

Des pite the enormous cost. and the dubious value of the ships, the Navy 's purchase r e qucxt

\~l/.·!.~L.,. ,.'I \ _.. ><?F,-(",:._:1'/f-·-'--~£"~~:., -d't:,..,.,,\11• , ·, ·IV.>0t¥:. 1~,.1/1;,:) J(;."T 11' ( "'U,-f-''?.'>' - /.ft"S.7 1,t..,tJ/".//C. ;: ../~,'; .. J ; '

sailed s moothly throuah the com mittee. headed by Sen. John Ste nnis , D, · Mi u . By no coincidence. the s hipbuilder, Ingalls. a subs idiary of Litton Industries , is located in Ml1-slHsippi .

" It 's a bailout ror Litton," sa id 1 a congressional aide . " 'fofley're saving 1.500 jobs for SI .3 billion Even by welfare s tandards that's pretty gross." At $866,666 per job. "gross'' is an understateme nt.

Anothe r Iranian Fire Sale baqrain the Navy wants lo grab up 1s 150 Phoenix mi•siles for $77 . 1 million. The missiles are c arried by F'-14s, and only lran u n d the Unite d S tates have thc m .

THE TROUBLE IS, om cials hav.- adm1lh:d t here 's no way of knowing whether SQme of the Phot.'n1x mi ss ile s or th e ir OpNalion manual!. f1 ·ll into Sov · u.·t handi. <tft C'r tht• shah ' !> o ustt·r " We prudently ha ve t o a ssumt· that lht· Russians have them,' one knowlcd~<'ahl t- source told our a sso<'iatc Pete r Grant.

S<'vt'ral l'Ongrcss mcn feel lhc propt•r cnun;c is lo develop a new Phoenix missile . ins tead of buy ing more of a model that m ay no longer be a secret lo the Soviet.' In r:.tcl , this is being d one by the I lug hes Aircraft Co . :ind 60 of the ne wer missiles are inr luded 1n next year's budget.

T he Pt•ntagon '!> r escue effort for 1ti. fnends in the murulions 1 tH1 u:.tr ) 11- t•n C'ountermg op r>0'>lt10n lln C'ap1tol llt ll

t· 011tno1t• 1 t ~ not jus t tht· m.1nufocturl' r.., \\ho w ill get off th• · hook unil!•r lht• pu rchase pro p1,.,al If 11 p,1.,s1•.,, lh•· new Ira n1:1n 1•ovl'rnnwn1 would actual!\ 1:1· 1 h.H·k mu1·h ''' lhe $5011 1111111011 1kim~ 11 ttw -. hah put ito y, n

There Are Alternatives to Police Chases· To tht· 1'.:<l1 tor ·

It SC't ·m i. If) me that lhe r e · ~ <i r · roa.:anl rl1 ~n·gard for hu man righ t!. of the 1nnrw1·nt wh<'n 1t 1·oml·~ to , J poltc·1• <'het :-.e Tht· :. u o., pl'<'lNI o ffrncfrr mus t h<· <·uughl ;tt ,11 1 t•oi.l , no malll'r \\ h .11 t he• c·o:-.1

'I h1• 1>0-.-.il11lltv that innoc,•nl pt•<1ph• v.111 11<' k i lled ma1mN1 and 1•mnt111n:d lv o;1·urn•d for hfr makt·~ no tltffc~<·rll'C' , a s long a :-. Jll :-. l11·t· 1:-. dom• by ca tching th1• :. us pt•1·lt-.I la\\ hn·a kt..•r In a re· <' l•nl l':tM· , Co:.l u Mt-o;a f>Olic(' Wl'rt' l'has ing a hit and run ~us· P<'d down I he Cos ta M es:. N1·w1xw1 1-'rf't•way 155 1 In lh1 ·

.1tl1·mpl l o <ipprc hl·nd thc o;u~ p1·t•l lht·n• w,1s a mulli ·cu r l' r<i !>h lh :11 w11ul1I p robabl y no l hav(' happ<•n,•d .llld 111 volvcd a trag1e "tu1111on (01 -.o m<iny innr1c('ol lll'Of)ll ·

With 11i...I a t icllul or 1·1cal1\1ty :.i n ti f o rt· l-. 1 g h t t h " "" h n I e s 11 u:..t1on '>houldn l ha ve ha11 J\('ll('(t Our lax dnll<tr~ :.uppnrl it

ht'l 1t·oph•r ~.y:-tc•m that ean lrar k cttr~ fru m <1 ho11(• day or night If t hl'rt ' I I- ti f h'C'lO~ SU!:.pC' C' l t.l;.mgl•rnu:-.b <" Vuthng the• polH't'. wh :v not folio\\ him unti l 1t 1:-.

, ;if~ lo appreh1•nct h1 m without 1·1Hlangl'ring innoc·c·nt hy~t&n der'

COULDN'T thl' ('If P or police traffi c· l'Onlrol i. low down lraffi<· cs 1mtl1 ar to ac1· 1dcnt pro ('Cd ures 1 until it slops s a fely, trappmg the s uspC'ct in a lraffir jum and lhcn apprPhc nd him '' Thi• ;1tt1tudf• i), " No , g1•I him n11w, <lon' l w ail .. It ·:. not Lht• <1ual1t y of tht• cat C'h , 11 1:- how f tr<, f ,VIJii ('U ll ('Ul<'h lht• ~USJll'(' \ at all <'V~l s

llow many t aml''- hu vc you "Cl' n lh1· 1 raff11• 111 vl'sll gat 1on lt•arn " Hac1n~ ( 'ofh• :r· <.tlTCl'>'­

town to a rc·po rtE'd minor acc1 d e nt w1th11u l tnJUrl t.>i.., !low man)' P''<mlc un· cul off . a lmost rnmmt<d , a nd a l' luall y crashed 11llo by lht•I!(' nccdl<'ss full ·out r :H'<'t. to ht• quirk'! llo w many t1m c•i. huvt' you s een a tra ffic un-11 l'U l s 111nc·1rnc off , swer ve n11h l·ally 11) ht•ovy tra ffi c, JUs t to ~t 1 v t• a t1rk1•t often t o a less i. l' riou~ v1olnt1on '' ln doing so and stoprunit rur e lessly, one o r m o re la nl's huvc been blocked In order for Uck<'ts t2J>e written.

The se situat ion s mus t !.lop The 1>0h<'c ser ve> an Important funrt lon In our soc il'ty. But public prc11!lure mu11t be brought to bear, bc.>ruuse wrong IR wronA no mutter wh~ d o inR the wron1dolnl(. -

The motto · "T'o Serve und Prolecl " houldn 't he " to sc•rvf' and Inflict. " Call and write your local police chil'f aand s heriff and let them lcnow you don' t llkc their chase proeedure11. Raising your voice now ml1ht aave your

• lire later! C GIBBS

~ - ............. _

No Ba••~ Tn th<• 1-:<11tor

I 11•ad Cht·n I Homo ' l'tJlumn lltlh µ 11' ;11 1·11imm1·nl and liu\1• _1u~ 1 1-.1ught Ill>\\ 11 h la:. l Fridav ' 1•d1l111n v.h1·11· :-. h t• p <i tnll"d , 1

\ IVlll pH llll I ' ol fi ghting ltH' fn•t•Y. ay It affH· l'lr' 111 1 lw Mu• 11· C '1·nl 1•r 1i1 IH'~t r thl' l.o' Ant.:l' ll·:-. l 'hilharmonw

I cJn 1mag1111· h 1• 1 hu ... han1t 'i

fr<· l111 J.!' v.h• ·ll 1h 1· 1·l1·,.::1n t . hanfl<.Qn11 · Cal 111 M.1r1 ;1 (i111l1111 ;q 1pl':.tn•d on the 1)11d1u ni 111 1·1in

rlu(·t ttw <11Ttw ... u .1 .ind ~ll' r " 1mm1·d1:1 11 • nin v1·r o.,ion " to lht· wond1•rs 1lf l' l a~ ... r<·a l n111 ' 1C'

llnW\'Vt' I'. I Wlln!kr II ( "ht•ryf anti ht·r hu:i h:uul .1rl' aw.11 •· that \ 011 1111 nol ha v1• lo ~!II lhrnu J!h a n v 11 f 1 It o :- 1 • t r 1 u I ., .t 11 ii tril iu 1a 111 111~ 111 onfl·r In h N1r ttw 11rdw-.1ra. (;11111n1 . Mc•hta and :t it lht· 111twr g11 · al ~ ol th" ITill'>ll' \\(ll'lrl ''

You 1 a11 l11 'o tl th• ·m t 11· hl lw11· "' Or:.rn,.:1• < '•11m1' .11 lh1• h1s l11111· Santa ,\n;i 111 1-:h "1·hool. ,J ll n ·tl ta ri>1.' tl0<I . pl• • nl ~ of f t 1·1· parkinj.! 1·om fortahlt• 1 t•,<.·1 \ l'd -.1-;11... 1 ' <'<• llt•nl ;u·nu.,l H'S anti no 11 afflc· ha:..,h· '

In fac•t HHI c:an h1·Jr tht· grNl G1ultni and 1h1· f.11, Ang1•l t•o., P h1lharmon1r p l u:. h1•aullf11I mc1.:r.o -.opr:rno fo'r1.•dt·rwa von St adt• tht~ Salurday , April 28 "' l he O r a ng e Co un t \ Philhar m o n1 r Soc ie t y 's f1 nul ronrf'rt of the ~ca~on , rig ht on y our own doorstt.'p in Orangl· County


Not •a ... 1 .. .-s•• T o the• Editor

A rece nt letter to lh1• l'•htor t •).

prc·s~ed disd um for the " bl l'N1 1n1~ h1•a rt do gooders ·· who havl· :-.h ow n s upport for H1 t•hard England

.. In busm<'s~ , 1t ~atd , " 1( you arP ins uhordinatt' , you 'r•• fired " This business ana logy s yndrome 1s u s<' d to s upp o rt t he a dm1n1slrative position In the England case at Newport llarbor High School .

The r easoning goes like this . A corpor ate divis ion chairman 1 tl'ac her l differs In policy, a nd s ubsequent ly In personality , with th<' co r1,ornte exccut1vf' 1prlnC'lpal l Thf• di v 1:.i on <'h nirmun Is <lis mis!>cd " It's u:. si mplt" a s thut ."

T tn ;R•; IS, however, one n a w : !lrhool is arc not bm1lncsscs nor urc tht>y run like bu11inesse1>

1oc>omp('lt-nc t uists al all frv<'l ll in the school sy11tcm. If teachers arc Inadequate , unions rannol protec t them unles·~ they ore allowed to by lnco mpe· t en t adm1nl 1Hrntor 11 Ir n supr ~mely competent EnJCl&nd can be up for dl1ml11al, then deadwf\ahtl11not " unlo n taf4>end sound."

Parl'nls dn1I lt0 Jl0 hcr.., hJH' hccome mcr,·a~ 111 i! IY t·onrPrned about 1nC'ompt'I• ni··· .1l ;tll lt·\.1°1,, hut admin1:. t1 ,1 1111' 1 (,11 \\ tlh t ht• fl ow \\ 1•11 l11ok 11H11 thJI 1 ~ p l ' ' I f' i I h <' I h J \ I' n 11 I acknoy, tedgl'fl 1t •ir ht1\I' <.10111• nl)lhm1• 10 1·orn'< I 1l ;11 l1•ao.,t not al ll e11 l1or ll11•h Jnd I hi· dt~lrtl' l


fi,\('\ TO th1 1i11 ~ tnf'"' a n ;tlo l-( \ llow lung \lOulll a 111 \\ 101poiul •·

1•x1•1·11t1v<· kt•t ·p "" 111h 1( lw l<1ok Iii months lo try to re1·l1fy ;t P<' l"S<Jn ncl m.1tl1·r and f:ulec1"' llow long woulrl h1· la ... t 1f ht· could not con trol h" own st <i rf in mall<>rs as rud ime n tary a:-. l<tk 1ng roll and ke1·p111g s tudent:. 1n cl as~ ., Jlow_lnng wou ld he las t 1f h c· w o u I d not .1 d m 1 l I o 1 n rompt:tencc on h1~ own campus I " Wha l IS lnt'OlllJll'll' ll<'t' ' ' ad nauseum 1 ' I lo\\ long \lOUld lht• nt'W t''<l'l' llt1\I ' I.is l 1( h1• told on1• of his 11111 <11\1:.11rn f' hairmcn \\ ho h:ul ma1fr 1 ht · 1·111 poralwn ~ rl'al ror year-. th.it ht.· \\Ill now d1·t<• rm101• h o\\ lht c·h ,11rman \\ tll r un h 1~ d l\ i...11in ..

.\nil how long '~11ulfl ht· n·m<11n 1..•mµIO\t' d if ht• hJtl th1..· C'hanct· lo rt•solvc th;1t long· l t•rm personnel d1i. pulf' , amwably dnd 1n hou~c . hut unilate rally rl'fu~cd bccau!>c '" It ·-; gone too far '···

l't•rhaps school system ~ would lw hell er 1f they wcr(• more like businesses . nut, they curre ntly arl..' not Befo re you husl nes~ ana log) t• nthus 1as ls conrtcmn ll1 c hurd England . be i. urc o f vour lugk and be ubsolutely cc·r· ia ln you know what b J(ornH on .1t all ll'vels in the syste m .


Radiation Risk To lht• Editor

J Corwin ' Ouily Pilot. April 8 l obv iousl y know:1 nolhmg about radrntion They key word 1s io n izing radiation which c an come from the s un, or from a nuclear reaction o r a sun lamp. They a ll affect people if the radiation i s powerful enough.

But to say an)' l evel is very harm(ul is w rong. We get lots of this type of r adiation every d11y . Jf you stand in the s un loo long , you know ll's harmful and a lot of Coast people will get cancer


" You want lhe premium cxpm."'"" or t ht• regul" r

('Xl)en.'liVt• '.1''

from the :-un But ~mall Jmount.' do not rnus<• any h;.irm . I n fa1·l. ti 1i. d1ffH·ult lo cte ler m in•· wht·tht·r 11r not any harm to iwo pk v.111 t' \t'r n ! ... u ll from th1· T h rc<' Mill• l'l:int uccidenl. s ine·•· the rJd1ut 1on v.a!> actually ~1 -.m:.ill

n. M . WOLF!-' President.

Wolff F:ngtnccrtng Corp.

P#'t. Hazard To th<' 1'~d 1tor

I h:tV{' 1ust lost m y pct. a very happy. ht•alth .v 7 1 :.i· year ·ol<I c; crm ;in Shl..'phcr<l . who I lov<·d dr•:trlv . ht•t'aust> of lnadequatt• I a ht· l 1 ng 0 11 dry d o~ food 11at• k agt•s I.c t ml' r eca ll the t·vt•nl :-.

E v1•r,\ th 111g " a' normal on1· S11nd.1) 1 March 2:; l until 2 a .m ;\l onday mornrng when m y do~ . ( j a r 1'.11111· 1 o m y hl•d a nd \\111111•11 I 11111l'd lhal he Y.<s~ not 11•,.ltn).! w1•ll .111!1 ht "> s tomach W<i S

'hf:hll\ '>\\lllll·n I wondered \\hat w;1i. v. rong i\l 2·30 a .rn . h1• a ga rn Y.akl'n<'d ml:' a nd I saw I ha t his rond1l1on was muc h \\ ors1.• . ind de<.·1dcd that I shoulci g l..'l h1rn to lhl' \<ctcrmarwn a~ ~0011 :Si. J)O!>~l ble 10 the morning .

At 5 30 a.m I woke up and :. av. that Ga r was very i ll , :-. " oil en and unable to walk. f ru ~ h cd lo the telephone and a rtt•r u number of calls, suc­C'l•edcd in t(l'lting an e me rgency vt,i tcr1nury c linic . But it was too lule. Gar died while I was on the k ll:'phone

I 1.Ei\RN•:D from the clinic I hut Cur dtl'd of stomach blo<tt c•aus l'd by calm~ a nurrnal meal o f dried dog food and drinking wah.•r I had rwver hcurd of such a thing In <uldllion , thf' clinic ~aid lhcy enrounter many such cases Gur probably coul<I have been saved 1f I hud rccogniied the symptoms and i;totten him to the clinic earlier .

i feel te rribly distraught by the loss of Gar. However, there Is a broader issue : protection of future users of dried dog lood rrom a similar tragedy. Dried dog food should be labled prom-1 n e ntly to warn dog owners : 1 I > to either moisten the food rirst or prevent the dog lrom drmklnfl water after eatina, 12 1 to be alert to the s ymptoms or !il om och bloat. and 131 what lo do tf the RymptomH occur.


. -. .._ __ . -



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.. s .,


Fund Transfers Gain Securit


If Yo.9 di~ver one of ~credit catda ii mial.aC ud.. has beeD uaed. you are liable for DO more than SIO. U someone forges one of your checb. you bear DO UabWty .

But lf the plastic debit or access card you UH wWa M electronic banking machine ia IOlt or stolen you must Mt fast. The longer you wait to report your loss, t-he moft UablUty you assume.

tJNDEa CERTAIN SECTIONS OF tbe Electronic Funds Trans!er Act , which took effect In February, )'OU have two business days in which to report the lots Of your card. If you notify the ThsUtution that issued the elect.ronlc banking card witbln that span of Ume. your loea l.s lhnlted to $50.

But if you neglect to contact the iaauing lnatituUoa within two days or learning of your loss, you could be liable for as much as $500. Even this s:500 ceUlnc on Uablllty dlsappe.ars after eo days . Then your liability ls unlimited.

If a n unu sual circumstance - travel or hospitalization -preve nts you !rom contacti n g th e institution. these time p e ri o d s may b e extended.

Money's Worth

Before these federal regulations governing consumers' li a bility went Into effect. most in slitutions offer ing e lec tron ic funds t rans fe r se rvi c es d e termined a customer 's liability for losses on a case-by-case bas~. accordmg lo a 1978 survey by the American Bankers Association

THE EFT ACT ALSO ALLOWS institutions to Issue unsolkited debit car ds, but the card'i cannot be used until you inform the issue r that you have received and accepted the card. The Institution must al8o tell you :

How to dispose of the unsolicited card if you doD'l want it

-- 'The telephone number and address to use to report the car<1 l06t or stolen .

'The sort of electronic transactions that you may make by using the card - for instance, withdrawing money from your checking or savings account , moving fund s from one type of account to another . making deposits and learni ng tbe balances m your accounts.

- WHAT CHARGES, IF ANV. you mcur for th;r serv1Ct't' and the limits. if any, on using them.

The c i rcumstances under wh ich the issu · g mstatution might reveal informauon about your accouo to such third parties as credit bureaus or government agenl'it!s.

Other consumer safeguards govermng EFT ~er-v ices go into effect in May 1980.

THESE WOULD R EQUIRE FINANCIAL institutions to disclose whether tbe following rights are available to their EFT customers .

( 1 l To stop payment or pre ·authortzed transfers and how to do so

121 To rt?ce1ve a rec1pt for any e1ect ronic fun<I t ra nsfers you have made

l J l To resolve errors by obeying certain procedures. 141 to assume the issuer will be liable for falling to

make transfers that you have requested. Gradually and extremely slowly - the gaps in

safclo{uards tn the era of electron.1c funds transfers a rc being closed. It remains a fight, but we a re winning the protcctionsc~scntial to financial se.::uraty

Don Estrin, Huntington Beach. h::i~ ~n named presi · dent of Eads Transrer aod S&orage Co., which has also an· nounccd ttw! movt' or Its corporate headquarters to San Pedro from Portla nd . On·

/\ former senior vi e•' preRidl'nt or the Bekins Co .. he also will head the company ·s Eads brokerage division.

lie jomed the company as a vice president in August 1978 a nd was president or Global Van and Storage Co. a nd vice pr~1dcnl of an intcrnat1onal a ir freight forwarding com pany

• William G . Pf' nfield. Huntington 8t?ach . has tx.-en

named field sales manager for l1T Jah.<1co Products, Costa Mesa. in the marine, recreational vehicle and industrial m a rkets .

A unit or Inte rnational Telephone and Telegraph Corp , the company manufactures pumps and accessories.

He will coordinate the activ1t1es of the unit"s 14·man direct field sales force in the marine. RV and industrial markets (rom the headquarters offices.

He joined the unit In 1973 and has h eld positions a s ins ide s a l es coordinator and area mana~er. He was mos t rece ntly a r ea manage r in Calirornia for manne and RV products.


Ruasell R. SUnneU, Huntington ·Beach. has been named sales engineer at Moxoa Electroalcs. a n Ana heim· based manufacture rs ' representative a n d d i s t r i b u t o r o r co m p u t e r """'•Lo peripherals, communications and instrumentation equip· m ent.

lie is responsible for sales und appllcotions support ror south OranJ.?e County .

• Ash&on F. Pft&s, Fountain Valley, has been appolnc.d

director ot property managemen\ for lhe ne ..... Co., IM Angeles, industrial real est.ate developer. He la respoaalltle for the firm's 15 buildings \n Southern Callfonlla aDd Phoenix and tor 11 bul)dings In Callfomla and Arbou managed ror the Chase Manhattan Bank. r

He also ls m1na1er or accounUnc and nnanclal • · lrols for company In real estate development adt.ttl•.

tie was an inve1tment analY•t orftcer at Wells .._..., Realt~Advieon. • •

Consultant to Speak • !\

Keith ~ll. Unkln hden1 Savtap ud ~ ANOCiadcm commualt;J relet'-' ~ wlll rs the H~ 8Meb a.ary Chlb at DOOD l'ridaJ, meetlnl wW be Mid at the l11cUlf CouatrJ Chall. Palm A~. HUllUqtoe Beadl.

lnlormatioD about reesvetJODI and aeUYWM el .. dubarea-.ldlablelrom W• Ball'dr.•1..-i.

.. .


U DAILY PILOT Thurtdoy, Ap1ll 28. l lf71

Refugees Look to U.S. Tribesm n Feel Like "Abandon d Luggage'

~ f.:DITOR S NOT lo; In ant>thrr '" o une1 of ill• in lht• l'Drly 1970., , l hl• llmong we~ left to fend for

patch<'• Jrom rr/Ullf'f' <'ompa around lhf UX>rld . AP lhe m t'lv(''i p<n:TOI C'cirtT»Jli>rwil"nt PritT""Mtwff oi.d l)ffdH---AdG.,..--~Son ~·noHn"4Ml t..u...r .. s1at 1.be..communlsts a!!d

''" oJ thl d1kmma n/ ,,,,. MPMdf(' llrnong ~pl,. who 11n· known lo ht• (11,(hlln~ 111111 Uut the unmarked lJ.S /ou9ht /or "'" CIA tn Lao• oftd now "'fl'l'd tht'm1tlvu J1lunt•11 thul Ullt' d tu itU/lply ttwm h•1v(• l''"g since 01 ot>m1do1tt'tl IUYl/'I~ 1n A~nco 1 lo•t uiar The r~ 11lu111wcl ny1nw port<'r p/111togrophrr tl'nm trtnvlf'd 4~ 000 mtJrs O<'re>u OTIO:R llMONW"i c·.1p1h1l.1tf'<1 to l ht! corn·~ /011r r ontmt•nl1 111 M ·;; h of thi' 1mrld • l fl ~ mll/1un m11111 11f '>. wllh thl• mt•n bt"1n,.: '><•nt 4'• r(• f•ducutlon

,...)wm 11 lt11~ c·11mps11ml Uw1r f;1mlht•1j '" rommunul fur mi. / But. lll't'ortJintt to l/111\l'd Nutions and T ha i of·

0 P•:TF.R k N•:TT r1rwl,, lhl' rnujority 1h·1·1fl{'d tc1 rl1•c twcaus(• t hey "'"'-·••( .. •-• ( I ti lh A h d t\N l'haal.mtl ... or C' ('nlurH•<; lh•· nomudll· 1•11r1·1 ltw1r p11 >. I .i-.1>111·111t1on "'' 1 , . mcricani. a

I .i lllh'll tht•r11111!111•1•' 1• .... 11( I h1· l'11n11nun1s l1t t411d frt•t• .,111111,•11 ll m11n1o1 trill\•i.nwn "' 1rn1h'n·d ttw hlat h pllH'l''> 11( 'outhNll A'i111 Toda~ thc•y r.-g1ud tht•m i.\'IH•:. U'> lht• UbuOdUlll'il IUHlilU~I: of a llJl>I /\lllt'rll'Ull \.\Ill

Tht•ir t' hll'ftJ1t) 'l'olw q111t•tl ) ti' ht' adJU!-i tt•d lht• n ·d i.1hh arouncl hti. 11.1~10 punlt. lhl' s thcr bl'lli. 011 t11 .. 1•mhro11h. rt•t.I )1U"k1•1 link ll'd us ht> Y. ulkt•d to "' m1•t' t1n1o1 "'1th lht· \1 1bal t'ldcr~

··Ot'R C't10 1( •. \\ ~ ' 1111plt· dt•1Hh or fh~ht ~aid Choms\ C'h1l·n~m.tlJ . onc·t> u ma1or in a guer nlla ilr m) n·1·ru11t>i l 10 l.uos b\ tht> Amt!ric~n CIA, now a l1•i.1Cit·r of IJ,000 rt• fu~.,, . ., huddled 1n the n un Nam Yao n mw m Tha1lanct' .. NJn provinrt.-

1\IH·acl\ . rwJ r ly ti0.000 Hn1011Jl tribt-smf'n h1J\ e rn :uh· llw t11rtu11u., 10111 nt·\ 1111 f11<1l out <if Laos lo north1·rn Tha1l <1 11d L1k1• so m:en\' or the " orhl s Ill .'i m1ll1<111 re fuj!c-t''> llwy look to th<· l ' nll('(f S lJl1•' fur lht 1r fu11111 •


ll 1•rl' 111 nort h1•111 ·1 hall and the \ II\ l ' 111 thatdlt:rt huJ ), '- lt U11 g .tlung h1l b 11lc), p1·rpt•l11all y wrt-;ilh1·cf 111 Uw hhw .s n 1ok1• of ('Ook1ng fart's Slot·l.y \1 11m1•n 1n hl;u·k turl1Jll '> a111l ft· .... tu<inc:d "'rth ri·cl pnmpon'°I -.hul 114' . a l1111g t hl' niirr•m path" a .\'), lus.:g ang " ;1t 1·r Ii.If ... 1111tl k1111ll111g \.\1111<1

T HE \' HOPE IT'S !Jut J '> l•Jl>eH c•1 1111 their w;1y to Arncnt·u. hut l'hant·t•!-i for m11<, t an: !>hm

Th«.• Hmong m1gratt·d into Laos u ce ntury aRo from M1uth<·rn China and s1·tllNI hi gh 1n the moun tarn)) ahO\'<' tht.> m ;•IMru ht'lt The n, in the i.ccond ha lf of tht• 20th t' t·ntury. tht·y wt' nl to war

Tht·y \H'rc rnru1lt·rl h~ the thou1'ands b) lht.­C'rA to battlt· in th<' Lao ... hack country againi. t the l'atht· I L:10 a nd Norlh \ 'rt·lnaml'<ot• armies ln a bit · lt r and largt•lv c· land<•!>lint• !>l rtt~J.!lt-. thl'y i.:u>nt'CI a r1:putntlon for bra q :r ) and n ·'>1hcnce

vacations coming ... secure your home!

Tfl t.IR C.K ,.; 1-:u Tu•:~. '<lltf Chcim!>\_ "'"" ·ki ll 11r Ii..· kllh·cl · J\1111 for IJ 'ear !> tht•\ c1<.·n1c:d

_ ~ ut h <•f n11rt II• rn I .ao ... lo I h1· c 1101 mur11:.t :.;dt· ' U111 lht• c·11 ... 1 ";i~ clt·ar

· ,..r11111 a 1111pul :it 11111 of around 20<U t00 "l' ltisl JO lll lll d1·;11 I .11111 11·11 ... p f lh1111,;infh W(JU/'ldl'd ... llll' d 1wf!.11n 'a11! ( 1t1r • .i-.11;ill w '> \\'t•n • tl1n'l' limt• ... lh1• 1',1lt• " ' 1\ll1t ' I 11'.tll ... Ill \ ' IC'l11,1 nl

T111 lav 111 fl1ghl , lh••\ r1•a(' h th1· lhalland t·am r al tlJI' t .111 • 111 .1 tl1111·1111r ''' o1 d:f\ · Si1 r111 · <111n ·1 mil kc• tl

O ;'I; Tiii s I>\\' AT l'.ik Ch11n~. a :\okkr1ng H1q·r <tnc·hora~' l' "A-l·<li.: .. c1 lwtwt·t-n n ·<I r·lay ttirr .... 41 fom1l11 · ... \.\ot·r·1· found 1> 1lt111g 11n th<· n vC' r hunk !>h1v1•r lllR. ttw1r 1•mh1111df·rc•d l lolh<·s hanging to dry Thl',\ had t•ri1 ... 1>t•d frorn Laos t:irht·r an lhl· morning by l~ · m g lhl·lr d11lcln·n lo hrant·hc·' and pu~hlOI! them through Lht• "'" 1[1 111nn1ng " :1lt'r

'Tht· \\ho l,. \'lll :ig<· or :111 1 11<•opll' l'<trn1>, ' said hl'<rdm an T\l.i l 'ao Y;mg Lu <in 1nkrrogat111J! Thai pohn·rnun Wt• lt·fl hl•l'<tll'-l' V1l'lnamec..c soldier!> stolt• r1ur ,..,., .• 11111 C'hll'kl·n' an<I \\ <' f<·.ired death Thn·t• uf us \.\o1·n· k1llul b) 1.:.io :-.old1ers tlurin~ our wcl·k on lht· lr;11I

l . • offtt·1:il '> c !-.t1matc• th ;.r t one in four refm~l' l·:. do ... ·-. not m<il.e 11 to 'I h.11IJnd, rl(: r1, t11ng on t he Jung It' lrat b f l 0111 1•X IJa1J'>l ll>n or thl• bullet~ Of JJUr~utng sol1l11·r'

"SO~U-:TUH.S "4fo. M -. E tht•ir !)()dies floatin g do\\ n lhl M1·ko11g HJ\'l'f," '°la rd Larry l'eT!>Ons. an Amer1<0an m1s<,1ona1} from m·arhv Nongkhai. ' No Ont' da n•'°I fi sh lhc·m lllJ I bl'C'UU!>l' ()f the d11n~cr Of gun· fire rrorn lhl· olht·r !-! 1111· ..

Tht• H.1n N;1m Yu11t'<1mp11' thn·l· yea rs old . but lht• populat111n n·ma irl~ about ('()nstanl. While a bout 50 lt·a \'t• eac·h monl h for re ..,<•lt lt-mcnt 1 n c.rnotht·r ('Ounl1;y, 11 ~ 11ally t ht· l 'n1lf'd Stal<'!> , about the saml' nu m lll•r of t1;1 l11t•., <.If'' h111 n

Many h1•n • art• widows. Zua 't'<ing , 40. a buh.Y at her hn'.1 '-t ..... 11t1 h1•1 hus band d11•d 1,1,h1le <· ro!>~IOR th1· M1.·k1111J.! H1\ t·r . ft- ;1' 1ng twr with s ix r h1 ldn:n

\ NOTll t: R \\'OMA~. llo u1 So.1g:m. 31. '>lllchtng cm lirnuh·1 v w1I h hn I :i yt·ar old claughtcr at h<·r i.111t•. lolfl llfll.\ h•·r hus band w;..., k1lll·d 1n the war

T>w 11•fu~('l' lrf« 1s alte ring th<' lifc .~ tyle of the frl't ' S JJI 1111·11 II mongs, not ac·rus tnm t.>d tci ht1rl•a1u-r;1n a nd n·gul<.11111ni. and ">mtttmt·s given to :.mol..mg OJtlllm and takJOJ.! an t•xl r o.J '' rr1·

/\bout 15 p1·n·l·nt of the llmong men havl' m<irt· than onl· ~•fr

One or lhl'm IS Chuc Oua Her, 3(1 A short , Murdy formt•r haltah\tn <·omma ndf'r. Chut• !>aid hl· had ad· m ilted to Amt·nc<rn ofhr1als he h<rd two wives. untn· te ntlonally dis q1wl1fy tnA himself for reselllcmcnt in the Unjted State·!'.

" I KA VE KNOWN ot h<'r men to lie about their wives, claimln~ the woml·n were instead their sis· le rs . .. he said . with his two wives a nd fi ve childre n 1:1 ta nding ne<rrby " And they a rc living ha ppily in America ." ·

Smoking opium ri. u tradi tiona l habit of the older Hmongs. but the /\ mcrican <ruthoritics frown on thul, too

Sua Tua . a gaunt 68. s <r rd he has s moked three pipes a duy for .v<';1rs, financed from his son 's e <trn ingi. 1n the camp as u hi bort•r The habit cost hi m " t ir kc ll oAmeril'a

BACK IN l .AOS, a wife brought a dowcry of about $750 In the rnmp the price hw1 plumme ted to $200. with some mnrri age:. arranged on c redit.

And th{' s11C' oflhe Hmong fa mily has d im inis hed from a normal dozen children to only twoor three.

Americans in Tha1lund believe the Hmong de · ser ve a special cons ide ration fo r Immigration.

Unless a UmonJ{ soldier has se rved 411', years in the U.S.·backed arm y he is not considered for reset· tlemenl.

" Vt.,., 40 PERCENT OF those we deal with have served a full 31h years," one American said.

About 8.000 Hmong have immigrated lo the U.S. and 50,000 remain in Thailand. As many as 20,000 m ore a re expected lo nee from Laos .

Viall the Costo Meta Police Dept. 's Crime Prevention Trailer In our parking lot on Saturday, April 28, 1979. 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Find out how to prevent your home from being the target for a crlmel

extra measure of security Kwtkset• single cylinder b•a~s doadlOCk 11 s 8 w1111 key lock ourslde 1h11mbkPy 1ns1de 1· throw 11880 R~ 17 90

swing lock Simple t1flfJCltV(.l F •P style door loc.k i..eep:. ooor shul 11ght 101 adc:Jed safely Reg 95•


look out don't open Strong all steel chain door toc k Open door 1u11 enough t o see who s there Reg 1 05


'Pin' could make difference N.re-Lok patio door pin

c11n keep someone from brea~•ng 1n Complete with hanger #15301 Reg 85'


stop-a-thief lock plate Lock Plate plates an a' · mored barrier 1n lronl 01 your door lock Installs in seconds Two in pkg Reg 45•



thumbscrew window lock Handy 6trong shdlng wu,. dow or door lock. allows lor sure-stop anywhere olong slide Reg 75•


this can save a llfe Senses and alerts you al firs t sign o f tore and smoke Eaa11y m1talle<l eauery Included


lock In valuables

Chia Klong. 10, i s a m o ng se vera l s ick childre n in ref. ugee camps in Southeast Asia. This hospital is in n or th e rn Th ai l and . Fif· l ~ <· n c hildre n h ave: died here s ince Occembcr .

Sate~ 1o011 nw.., z. 1111 All Photographic, Typographical,

Ct.rlc:al and Printing Elfora ar• Subjec1 to Co<rec1fon.

Double cyhnder deadbolt by Kw1k1et has 15 8 a 1 throw Requires key to open trom boll'! sides #885J13. #885:c5 Reg 24 90

wing nut window lock Easy to 1nstaH tock ror shd1ng wondows Guards against forced entry Reg 1.05


Steel bol ted lock resists forced entry Easy to 1n. s1all. Mounts top or bot· tom With 2 keys R90 6 SO

stop the slide when you want Tamper-proof M1tey-Lock tor sliding doors 4 win-dows Locks tight tor max· 1mum security Reg 3 49


patio door Ioele For 1ttdlng gtass doora and windows. Mounts In any position #1599. Reg 2 25


Under the llghlly defined Ame rica n program. only those with ·• a nc hor .. re latives In Ame rica -such H parents. children and Hi,ngle siblings - . quaUfy for resclUcm cnt. Married brothers a nd s is· t.ers are not eligible to Join a brother in the United States.

Conveniently Located ... Easy To lteach

,. • " YET SOVIET lEWS are allowed to go to the u.i . recndJess or any tJe or relationship." said one

erlca.n who works with lhe rduaeea. " I think the ona who fought In our army ahoWd get s imilar tment." • With the American wlthdr1wal from Jndocbln1

._ __ ,

""1(· '· 2666 llARBOR-BLVD. IN COST A MESA PHONE 546-7080


