Plym outh O bserver - Plymouth District Library

Post on 04-Apr-2023

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Transcript of Plym outh O bserver - Plymouth District Library

[omeTownCOMMUNICATIONSN E T W O R K P l y m o u t h O b s e r v e r

Y o u r h o m e t o w n n e w s p a p e r s e r v i n g P l y m o u t h a n d P l y m o u t h T o w n s h i p f o r 1 1 6 y e a r s

Plymouth District Library 223 S Mam Street

Plymouth, Mich, 48170

V o lum e 116 N um ber 31

11 b oys and girls, n augh ty or n ice , know S an ta C lau s w ill

>n be checking h is C hristm as l is t - an d checking it tw ice That m ean s P lym outh you ngsters need to g et th e ir le tters to th e Jo lly Old E lf w ritten a n d headed to th e N orth Pole

O nce a g a in th is year, th e Plym outh O bserver is ask ing you ngsters to send u s th e ir le tte r to S an ta a lon g w ith th e ir sch oo l photo to appear m the Sunday, D ec 23, ed ition To m ake su re w e h a v e tim e to forward the let ter s to th e N orth Pole, get th e letters to u s no la ter th an M onday, Dec 17

Send y o u r le tters to S an ta , care of th e P lym ou th O bserver 794 South M ain, P lym outh , MI 48170

I N . J H E , P.A P.E'R-

TODAY" I s l F E

jHoliday cheer: Members o f the Livonia Garden Club, w ith the help o f members from the Angela Hospiceteen volunteer program, are brightening the holi­days for hospice home care fam ilies , Read the fu ll story on/C S

Bring it in: I f you're th inking o f dragging out the same old decorations and displaying them the way you always do, then take the advice o f David McKnight: Bring the out­doors in. / C l

INDEXA partm ents/E 6 At H o m e /C l A utom otive/F6 C lassified/E ,F Classified

lndex /E 4 C rossw ord/E5 E n te rta in m en t/B l

Home Town Life/C5

Jobs/F 2 0bftuaries/A 4 Opimons/A8-9 Real E s ta te /E l Service Guide/F5 S p o rts /D l

6 53174 0008

75cPlym outh M ichigan ©2001 H om eTow n Com m unications N etw ork™

School se a t a ttracts 9 hopefuls■ W hen S tev e G uile d e c id e d to r e s ig n h is sp o t o n th e P ly m o u th -C a n to n B o a rd o f E d u ­c a tio n , n in e h o p e fu ls l in e d u p fo r a sh o t a t th e o p e n s e a t , a n d th e y ’ll g e t a c h a n c e to say w hy th e y sh o u ld b e th e c h o ic e o n M onday.

B y t o n y b r u s c a t oSTAFF WRITERtbruscato@oe homecomm net

The Plym outh C anton Schools Board o f E ducation w ill in terview n in e candi d a te s M on d ay n ig h t to f i l l th e s e a t vacated by form er tru stee S teve G uile

T h e d is tr ic t i s req u ired to f i l l th e

vacancy by M onday, 20 days after the resign ation o f G uile, w ho is m oving the B eaverton , M ic h , to becom e city m an­ager

A m on g th o se w ho h a v e w ritten le t ­te r s s e e k in g in te r e s t m th e p o sitio n are

■ Cheryl Dove of P lym outh Town­

ship, a project m anager/technology con­su ltan t w ith Ford M otor Com pany,

■ J o a n n e L a m a r o f P ly m o u t h T o w n sh ip , a lo n g -t im e s c h o o ls a n d band booster,

■ F red Libbing o f P lym outh, a for m er h ig h sc h o o l c o u n se lo r w h o ra n u nsu ccessfu lly m th e Ju ne 2 0 0 1 school board election ,

■ R o b e rt N elson o f C a n to n , co ­o w n e r o f A ir f lo w S c ie n c e s C orp m Livonia

■ Michele R uppal o f P lym ou th , a consultant,

Musical madness

Photos bi Donald .J ailly

On sta g e : Guitarist Corey Pejza of the band Silent Spent p lays at the Penn Theatre on Satur­day in a fundraiser for Afgahn children Most of

the bands and audience were Plymouth Salem and Plymouth Canton students Pejza is a senior

at Plymouth Scflem. The concert was pu t on as part of a corrknunity outreach project for the

geography class o f fifth-hour geography teacher Erin MacGregor Right, Bassist Nate Boos, a

sophomore a t Plymouth Canton High School, performs with his band, Mercury Shoes

Township squad cars to go to videoB Y B R A D K A D R IC H S t a f f W r i t e rbkadnchO oe homecomm net

It m ig h t n o t be on t e le v is io n , b u t P lym outh Township police w ill soon be conducting their own version o f ‘ Can did C am era” during th e ir patrols

The P lym outh Tow nship board T ues day n ight approved th e purchase o f 10 m car cam era u n its to be in sta lled m th e to w n sh ip ’s e n t ir e f le e t o f sq u ad

c a r s T h e V H S fo r m a t u n i t s a r e d esign ed to capture v isu a l evidence at tra ffic sto p s , accid en t s ite s and other police functions

T h e c a m e r a s p r ic e d a t $ 4 ,0 9 0 apiece, w ill be paid for in part through a gran t Lt Bob S m ith o f th e P lym outh T o w n sh ip P o lic e D e p a r tm e n t w r o te and w a s gran ted through th e M ichigan M unicipal R isk M anagem ent A uthori­ty , th e to w n sh ip ’s in su r a n c e carrier

The grant w ill cover $19,975, th e tow n­ship w ill foot th e r e s t o f th e price ta g

‘ I b elieve th is is a w ise p urchase for th e tow nsh ip a t th is tim e,” S m ith told th e board T u esday “This eq u ipm ent is tailor-m ade for law enforcem ent ”

A cc o rd in g to S m ith , t h e c a m e r a s w ould be activated every tim e an offi cer sw itch ed on th e o verh ead lig h ts ,

Please see VIDEO, A6

■ C arol Saunders o f P lym outh, for m er coordinator o f th e d istrict's ad u lt e d u c a t io n p rogram a t S ta r k w e a th e r E d ucation Center,

■ M arcy Staley o f C anton, a m em ­ber o f th e d istrict’s H ou sin g and F acili­t ie s C om m ittee,

■ P h ill ip S u g g o f C a n to n , p r e s i­d en t-elect o f th e P lym outh Com m unity C ham ber of Com m erce, and

■ R oland Thom as, form er sch oo l board tru stee

W h oever is ch osen by a v o te o f th e

P le a s e s e e SCHOOLS, A 6

Townshipapprovesbuildingofficialb y B r a d k a d r i c h S T A F F W R IT E Rbkadnch@oe homecomm net

W h en C h ar les M c llh a rg e y r e tire d s u d d e n ly m S e p te m b e r , P ly m o u th T o w n sh ip T r u s te e K ay A rn old sa id th e 14 year b u ild in g official w a s “irre­p laceab le ’

W h e th e r t h e y ’v e r e p la c e d M c ll h a rg ey w ill be know n in tim e, b u t a t le a s t th e y ve filled th e position

M ark L ew is w a s in troduced as th e to w n sh ip ’s n ew b u ild in g official T u es­d a y a f t e r a s e a r c h t h a t to o k m o re th a n tw o m on th s to com plete L ew is h ad served as th e d ep uty bu ild in g offi­c ia l m C anton T ow nship since 1998

S u p e r v is o r S t e v e M a n n p lu c k e d i* V L e w is from a f ie ld o f 15 a p p lica n ts , fo u r o f w hom w ere ch osen for in te r - jj v ie w s T h e b o a rd a p p r o v ed L e w is ’ 1 ap poin tm ent unanim ously J

“H e w a s c lear ly th e top ap p lican t,” J M an n said “W e w ere very im p ressed % w ith h is know ledge ” \

L e w is b rin gs 12 y e a r s o f b u ild in g ex p er ien ce to th e ta b le m P lym ou th *B e f o r e la n d in g m C a n to n , L e w is tserved for a year a s th e bu ild in g offi­cial in B n m ingham Prior to th a t, h e ’d b een a build ing inspector in C anton i

L e w is h a s a b a c h e lo r ’s d e g r e e in ? b u sin ess , w ith a focus on m anagem ent o f o rg a n iz a tio n a l d ev elo p m en t, from S p rin g Arbor C ollege, and a construe- t io n e n g in e e r in g te c h n o lo g y d e g r e e >from L aw rence In stitu te of Technolo­gy

“O th er th a n I th in k i t ’s a trem en d ou s op portu n ity I don’t know w h a t to sa y ,” said L ew is, w ho w ill sta rt th e ( n ew job in Jan u ary “I th in k it sh ould b e a p retty ex c it in g job I s t i l l th in k th ere’s a lot o f grow th le ft over th ere ” ;

L e w is sign ed an “a t w ill” con tract th a t starts J a n 1 and runs u n til te r t m in ated by e ith er p arty H e 11 sta rt a t an an n u a l sa lary o f $65 ,000 H e’ll g e t 15 d a y s v a c a t io n m t h e f ir s t y e a r , th e n 20 days m su b seq u en t years

T h e c o n t r a c t h a s a c la u s e t h a t a l lo w s L e w is to t e r m in a t e w it h a th ree w eek n otice I f th e tow nsh ip te r ­m in a t e s th e a g r e e m e n t , i t c a l ls fo r se v e r a n c e p a y e q u a l to s ix m o n th s ’ sa la ry f


Stewart to get challenge in 2002 GOP primaryBy Tony Bruscato S t a f f W r i t f rtbruscato@oe homecomm net

In so m ew h a t o f a p o lit ic a l tw is t , a N o r t h v i l le w o m a n w h o r e c e n t ly an n ou n ced sh e w as ch a lle n g in g 20th D is tr ic t H o u se R e p r e se n ta t iv e J o h n S te w a r t (R P ly m o u th T o w n sh ip ) in n e x t y e a r ’s A u g u s t p r im a r y h a s dropped ou t o f th e race

A n d , a s q u ic k ly a s T e r e s a F o lin o d eclared sh e w a s out, P lym ou th r e s i­d en t Jo n a th o n G rant procla im ed h e ’s m the R epublican prim ary race aga in st Stew art

“I h a v e a job opportunity th a t ’s too good to p a ss up, and I’m going to w ith draw from th e cam paign and g iv e m y support to Jonathon G rant,” sa id F oli­no “I ta lked w ith him (M onday) m om

• m g. and a ll system s are go ”F o lin o , w h o lo s t to S te w a r t b y 81

votes m th e A ugust 2000 prim ary, had been cam paigning and so licitin g contri­b u tio n s for th e 2002 race H ow ever,

F o lin o sa id h e r n ew job a s T ech nica l T r a in in g C o n s u lt a n t fo r A A A A u to C la im s w i l l ta k e a lo t o f h e r t im e E ven so, Folino added sh e w ill contm ue h er p o sitio n a s v ice-ch a ir o f th e 13th C o n g r e s s io n a l D is t r ic t R e p u b lic a n C om m ittee

T h is w ill be G rant’s first a ttem p t at s e e k in g p u b lic o ffice , th o u g h h e h ad c o n s id e r e d a ru n for P ly m o u th C ity C o m m issio n H e p la n s on form ing a co m m itte e m J a n u a ry , and f ilin g h is in ten tion s n ex t spring

“S om etim es people w ho h ave been m office b eco m e ja d e d ,” sa id G rant “I b e l ie v e a f r e s h p e r s p e c t iv e c a n b e Jiealthy ”

G rant sa id h e d isagrees w ith th e vot m g record o f S tew art “Y es, I do My b ein g approached to run is a sen se the com m unity is look ing for effective lead ­ersh ip ,” h e said

O n th e to p o f G r a n t’s l i s t o f cam -

Please see STEWART, A6

Holiday fever

STAFF PHOTO BY BRYAN MITCHELLDecorative display: Twenty-month-old Jacob Vick of Plymouth checks out some of the Christmas trees in Kellogg Park deco­rated by local schoolchildren The tree is one of nearly four dozen decorated by businesses, school groups, organizations and families m Kellogg Park as part of the annual Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce decorating program The trees will be on display through the holiday season

A2(P) T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic f THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001


T e p i d e c o n o m y c a n ’t s l o w d o w n U n i t e d W a yB y Tony bruscato Staff Wr itertbruscato@oe.homecomm net

D esp ite an. econom ic downturn t h a t r e s u l t e d m a r e c e s s io n , topped by em p loyee layoffs and th e attacks o f S ep t 11, th e P ly­m ou th C om m u nity U nited W ay re p o r ts i t w a s a b le to -su r p a ss th is yearns cam paign goal

“W e k n ew w e h ad a challeng­in g y e a r a h e a d o f u s , an d th e com m u n ity an sw ered th e c a ll,” sa id M an e M orrow, U nited W ay p resident

In th e face o f unfavorable eco nom ic fo r e c a s ts a t it s A u g 28 cam paign kickoff, the local U n it­ed W ay se t it s goal at $ 1 1 m il lion for th e second year m a row A s o f T uesday* a ftern oon , M or­row reported donations o f $ 1 1 5 m illio n , w i t h t h e f ig u r e s t i l l grow ing a s th e m am cam p aign continues through th e end o f the year

“We fe lt th a t b ecause w e su r­p a sse d t h e g o a l la s t y e a r , w e could m ain ta in th e m om entum ,” said Morrow “W e k new it w ould

be a ch a llen ge , b u t everyone h a d a p ositive a ttitu d e ”

C a m p a ig n c h a ir m a n H a r r y C respy sa id , “T h e success o f th e c a m p a ig n ca n b e a ttr ib u te d to th e h ard w ork o f th e c a m p a ig n tea m an d th e g en ero sity o f th e donors ”

T h e b ig g e s t co n tr ib u to r t h i s year w a s Joh n son Controls w ith m ore th a n $600 ,000

“I a m p ro u d to sa y J o h n s o n C o n tr o ls e m p lo y e e s m e t t h e ch a llen g e from th e U n ited W a y t h is y e a r , a n d resp o n d ed w it h

o u ts ta n d in g participation and a t o t a l d o n a t io n o f more th a n $ 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,” sa id Chuck Harvey, g r o u p v ic e president of hum an r e s o u r c e s for Johnson Controls a n d c h a ir m a n of the board for t h e P ly m o u th Community U nit­e d W a y “In addition for th e o v e r a l l c a m p a ig n m the P ly ­m o u th a rea w e met and exceed­e d t h e U n ite d Way goal of $ 1 1 m ill io n , w h ich is also fantastic w h e n y o u ta k e into considera­t i o n t h e t ig h t econom y t h is y e a r ”

V is te o n employees contnbuted u p w a r d s o f $200,000

“T h e em ployees of Visteon are f ir m b elievers m the United W ay a n d t h e w ork it does,5 said Roger C a ld w e l l , p resid en t of U nited A u to W ork ers Local 845 at th e V i s t e o n S h e ld o n Road p la n t “W e b e lie v e m helping the le s s fo r tu n a te and giving back to the c o m m u n ity ”

T h e P ly m o u th C om m unity U n i t e d W ay supports 15 lo ca l a n d 20 s ta te agencies which pro­v id e serv ices m the local area

M orrow noted some companies w il l h o ld U nited Way campaigns in J a n u a r y and February which c o u ld p u sh the total closer to la st y e a r ’s $1 2 m illion final figure

S k a t i n g e v e n t

a i d s r e s e a r c hT h e P lym outh Figure Skating

C lu b w i l l b e hosting the 2001 “S k a t e for th e Cure” Synchro­n i z e d T e a m S k atin g Cham pi­o n sh ip th is weekend

M ore th an 53 teams with more th a n 1100 skaters will be partici­p a t in g National teams from the P ly m o u th “Gems on Ice, ’ Detroit S k a t i n g C lub “Team E la n ,” C h ic a g o “J azz ,” and Ann Arbor “H o c k e tte s ” w ill be just some o f t h e te a m s participating

T h e e v e n t starts at 7 45 a m o n D e c 15 a t the Compuware S p o r ts A rena m Plymouth

A p ortion of the proceeds w ill b e g o in g to the Barbara Ann Kar- m a n o s C ancer Research Center T i c k e t s a re $6 This event is sa n c t io n e d by the United States F ig u r e Skating Association On J a n 3 0 through Feb 3, the P ly­m o u th F igure Skating Club w ill b e a ls o h o stin g the 2002 M id­w e s t e r n Synchronized T eam S k a t in g Championship For fur t h e r inform ation please call (734) 4 2 0 -0 4 6 2

S a n t a ’s F a v o r i t e C h a i now B arca \ounger® H oliday Sale Priced!

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L ittle B ook Shoppe on th e P ark m d ow ntow n P lym ou th w e l­com es il lu s tr a to r G y sb e r t (N ick) v a n F ra n k e n h u y z en and h is w ife , au th or R obbyn S m ith v a n F ran k en h u yzen , from 6-8 p m Saturday, D e c 15 T h ey w ill be sign in g th e ir book Adopted by an Owl

N ick h a s a lso illu stra ted m any other books in clu d in g The Leg­end of Mackinac Island, The Legend of Sleeping Bear, The Legend of the Teddy Bear, an d The Blue Spruce

Chamber giftsT h e P lym ou th C ham ber o f Com m erce is h op in g to attract peo­

ple try in g to find th a t “on e perfect gift” for th e person w ho h a s everyth ing a P lym outh g if t certificate

T h e g ift certifica tes are a s good as cash a t 14 local restaurants a n d m ore t h a n 5 0 sh o p s P a r t ic ip a t in g r e s t a u r a n t s in c lu d e B u s h e l’s C a fe , C a fe B o n H o m m e, C o m p a n ’s , C ozy C afe , EG N ick s, H a rv ey ’s O lde V illage D eli, Jack D u n leavy’s G rill, L ittle Bangkok, M aya’s D eli, P ap a Rom ano’s, S ean O’C allagh an ’s, S ta ­tion 885 and th e S w eet A fton T ea Room

T he certifica tes are ava ilab le by phone w ith a V isa , M asterC ard or D iscover card, by ca llin g (734) 453-1540 T he cham ber office is located a t 3 8 6 S M ain

Concert packageS till need a gift for th a t on e person w ho h a s a lm ost everyth ing’

You can now g ive th e g ift o f m usicT h e P lym ou th S ym p hon y is offering a m in i-se n e s subscription

p ackage for i t s rem a in in g sea so n su bscrip tion con certs on J a n 19, Feb 16, an d M arch 16

T n o P ack ages are availab le for on ly $42 for ad u lts and $35 for seniors or co llege stu d en ts Individual t ick ets to th e se concerts are $15 for a d u lts and $12 5 0 for sen iors and co llege stu d en ts C hildren a tten d sea so n su bscription concerts free G roups o f 10 or m ore rece ive a 10-percent d iscount

In ad d ition to receiv in g tick ets to three concert perform ances, th o se w ho p u r c h a se tr io p a ck a g es are e lig ib le for se a so n su b ­scriber rew ard s T h ese b en efits in clude, b u t ar% n o t lim ited to, d iscounts a n d priority se a tin g for S pecia l E v en t C oncerts, priority n otification for a ll P S O e v e n ts , t ick e t ex ch a n g e p r iv ileg es , and ack now ledgm ent m PSO program s

T ick ets for A Night at the Oscars, th is year’s a n n u a l PO PS con cert/auction, are a lso on sa le T he ev en t ta k es p lace A pril 12 at L a u re l M a n o r m L iv o n ia T ick e ts are $ 6 0 for a d u lt g en er a l adm ission a n d $30 for ch ild ren For tick ets, season subscriptions or m ore in form ation , p lea se contact th e Sym phony Office a t 734 451-2112 , e -m a il p lym outhsym phony@ aol com , or v is it th e P ly m outh S ym phony’s w eb -s ite a t w w w p lym outhsym phony org

Jaycee food driveT h e P ly m o u th C anton J a y cees w ill collect can n ed goods, non

perishable food item s and h ea lth and b eau ty a id s for th e Fam ily Food D rive th rou gh S atu rd ay, D ec 15 B a sk e ts w ill be d istn b u t ed D ec 18

D rop-off lo c a tio n s in clu d e th e C anton P ub lic Library, Canton F ire and P o lice sta tio n s, th e S um m it, F am ily V ideo, Good Food Com pany a n d Lou L aR iche C hevrolet

F or m ore in form ation , ca ll th e h otlin e , (734) 453-8407

Gallimore blood driveG allim ore E lem en tary School, 8 3 7 5 S h e ld on R oad m Canton

w ill h ost a n A m erican R ed C ross blood drive T hursday, J a n 10 from 2 p m u n til 8 p m To sch ed u le an ap p o in tm en t p lea se cal] S h eila S tir sm a n a t 207-8425

Y o u ’ll h a v e y o u r h a n d s f u l l w i t h t h i s o f f e r .

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A Division of Leisure Services

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D E A N B . S G M M E R F I E L D , D . D . S

J O H N H . P A Y N E , D . D . S .

H A H I O N J M A I l D U S

M l M i n i m i . M A L I r m i ;

4 2 8 0 1 S c h o o i c r a H

P ly m o u t h , M l 4 8 1 7 0

( 7 3 4 ) 4 2 0 - 2 3 2 6

! ' U I I S M I L E ,

\ssocintui l a'; ii \\iiitening Ceuta


T h e O b se rve r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001 (*>A3

B o a r d O K s 1 s t

r e a d i n g o f D D AB y B rad k a d r ic h Staff w r iterbkadnch@oe homeeomm net

P lym ou th T ow n sh ip offic ia ls , buoyed by su pp ort from W ayn e C ounty E x ecu tiv e E d M cN am a­ra , to o k on e s te p c lo se r T u e s ­d a y to e s t a b l i s h in g a D o w n ­tow n D eve lop m en t A u th or ity to a d d r e s s th e A n n A rb o r R o a d Corridor f

T h e P ly m o u t h T o w n s h ip B oard u n a n im o u s ly a p p ro v ed th e f ir s t r e a d in g o £ ,th e o r d i­n ance th a t w o u ld e s ta b lish th e D D A a fte r g e t t in g a s su r a n c e s from S u p e r v is o r S te v e M a n n th a t jM e ^ a m a r a , a P ly m o u th T ow n ship res id en t, w a s b eh in d th e p lan

W ith M c N a m a r a ’s b le s s in g , th e W ayn e C oun ty C om m ission la s t w e e k v o t e d to r e m a in a p la y er in th e D D A , w h ich w ill fu n d b e a u t i f i c a t i o n p r o j e c ts from E c k le s to S h e ld o n T h e D D A w ill be fu n d ed w ith prop­er ty ta x e s ca p tu red from b u s i­n e sse s w ith in th e d is tr ic t T h e c o u n ty i s t h e l a r g e s t o f t h e sev en ta x in g a u th o r itie s m th e t o w n s h ip a n d w i l l m a k e u p m ore th a n h a l f o f th e ta x le v y w ith in th e D D A

“W a y n e C o u n ty o p t in g o u t w ould h a v e b een a su b sta n tia l blow ,” a d m itted tow n sh ip d irec­to r o f p u b l ic s e r v ic e s J im A n u lew icz “T h o se d o lla rs w ill n ow b e c a p tu r e d th r o u g h th e D D A ”

O n ly o n e r e s id e n t , A r le n e K arell, sp oke a t T u esd ay’s f ir st read in g o f th e D D A ord in ance The to w n sh ip now m u st h o ld a second read in g , probably a t it s first m eetin g in J an u ary , a fter w h ich th e D D A w il l b e e s ta b ­lish ed

O nce t h a t h a p p e n s , th e r e is other b u s in e ss th a t w ill h a v e to be ta k e n c a r e o f m r e la t iv e ly q u ic k o r d e r In o r d e r t o u s e 2001 a s i t s b a se y ear , th e D D A m u st h a v e i t s T a x In c r e m e n t F in a n c in g a n d D e v e lo p m e n t p lan s done b y th e tim e W ayn e C ounty eq u a lize s i t s ta x e s M ay 28, accord in g to A1 M cF ayd en , th e v ice p res id e n t o f econ om ic d e v e lo p m e n t fo r M c K e n n a A ssoc ia tes, th e firm g u id in g th e tow n sh ip th rou gh th e D D A pro-

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■ "Unless we make this investment, we will continue to see deteri­oration’

J im Anulewicz_________public services director

c e ss“T h e w a y th e la w is w r itte n

on ta x in cr em en t fin a n c in g and d e v e lo p m e n t p la n s , ea c h p la n h a s a b a s e y e a r , d er iv ed from t h e d a te o n w h ic h t h e T IF is ap proved ,” M cF ayd en sa id “It’s a lw a y s t ie d to th e eq u a liza tio n p rocess ”

T h e to w n sh ip w ill a lso h a v e to ap p o in t a b oard to a d m in is­te r th e D D A A s th e su pervisor, M a n n g e t s a n a u to m a tic s e a t A c c o r d in g to A1 M c F a y d e n o f M cK en n a A sso c ia te s , th e D D A c a n h a v e u p to 12 m e m b e r s , p lu s th e su p e rv iso r M an n h a s ta lk e d m th e p a s t ab ou t u s in g a n in e -m em b er D D A board

T h e p ro jec t h a s th e su p p o rt o f t h e c o u n ty , b u t th e C ity o f P ly m o u th is s t i l l a n on -p layer, m e a n in g m o s t o f th e im p ro v e­m e n t s w i l l c o m e a lo n g t h e n orth s id e o f A n n A rbor Road T h a t m e a n s t h e p la c e m e n t o f u til ity lin e s u n d ergrou n d — th e m a jo r r e a s o n t h e c i ty c o n s id ­e r e d g e t t i n g in v o lv e d m t h e f ir s t p la ce — a lm o s t c e r ta in ly w o n ’t h a p p en , u n le s s c ity com ­m iss io n er s ch a n g e th e ir m in d s

“T h e m a j o r i t y o f v i s u a l l y i n t r u s i v e l i n e s a r e ( in t h e c i t y ) ,” A n u le w ic z s a id “T h e y a r e e x c lu d e d fr o m t h e D D A , a n d a ll fu n d in g w o u ld h a v e to com e from w ith in th e D D A ”

B u t A n u le w ic z w a s q u ick to p o in t o u t t h e to w n s h ip c a n ’t j u s t focu s on th e u t i l ity w ires

“I f y o u r e a l l y t a k e a h a r d look , w e ’v e g o t p ro b lem s o th er t h a n t h e w i r e s , ” h e s a id “U n le s s w e m a k e t h is in v e s t ­m e n t, w e w i l l c o n t in u e to se e d eter io ra tio n ”




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C o m i n g a l o n g n i c e l yM a y f l o w e r p r o j e c t o n t i m e , m e e t i n g b u d g e t

BY TONY BRUSCATO Staff w ritertbruscato@oe

Wh a t w as once con sid ered a w h ite e le p h a n t a t t h e corn er o f M ain a n d A n n A rb o r T r a il i s s lo w ly tr a n s fo r m in g in to th e d o w n to w n r e ta il ,

office a n d con d om in iu m g em d ev e lo p e rs prom ised

A fter a n early s ix -m o n th d e la y m con ­struction because o f fin an cia l problem s, th e $13 m illio n M ayflow er C entre ap pears to be back on track

“T im e-w ise the bu ild in g is about 75 per­cent com plete D ollar-w ise the bu ild in g is about 55 percent com plete, as w e’re sp en d ­in g m th e neighborhood of about a h a lf-m il­lion d o llars a m onth,” sa id Mark B ak er of D o w n to w n P lym ou th V e n tu r e s , th e re a l e s ta te h old ing com pany o f the M ayflow er “W e’re on target and w e ll w ith in budget ”

C on stru ction on th e M ayflow er C en tre cam e to a n abrupt h a lt ab out a y ea r ago w h e n T r i-M o u n t V m c e n t i C o m p a n ie s ow n er J o h n V in cen ti b eca m e f in a n c ia lly over-exten d ed V in cen ti tea m ed up w ith in v e s t o r s to form D o w n to w n P ly m o u th V e n tu r e s , w h ich se c u r e d a $ 1 0 m ill io n bank loan to com plete th e project

“T h is project had a bad rap, and it w as w e ll d eserved ,” a d m itted B ak er “P eop le eam e m doing an h o n e s t d ay’s w ork an d didn’t g e t an h on est d ay’s pay W e w en t from b e in g 30 d a y s la te to cu r r e n tly 15 days ear ly m paying contractors

“N ow y o u can see th e stone, brick, w in ­dows and doors people m P lym outh can see it com ing together,” h e said “Once w e add th e fin a l touches th a t ’s w h en it w ill turn in to a gem ”

No leasesN o le a se s for th e re ta il and office space

h a v e b e e n s ig n e d , th o u g h B a k e r s a id th e y ’re co n fid en t S ta r b u ck s an d P a n e ra B read s t il l have p lans for th e ground floor

T he on ly office space leased w as for N ew Liberty B ank, w hich h a s reportedly pulled out o f th e M ayflower and bolted for a pro­jec t th a t w ill transform th e M ason’s build in g on Penm m an in to a b ank w ith a drive- th r u B a k e r d e c lin e d to ta lk a b ou t th e b ank’s p u ll out, o ther th a n to sa y “I can ’t com m ent on that It’s b een referred to our attorn eys ” One source in d icates th e tw o s id e s a re w ork ing o u t a f in a n c ia l s e t t le ­m ent

A t one tim e, it w as reported there w a s a prospective buyer for th e $1 2 m illion cor-

STAFF PHOTOS BY PAUL HURSCHMANNCompletion nears: Construction workers nail down floor boards m the condominiums lower floors Tuesday

n er con d o t h a t o v er lo o k s K e llo g g P ark H ow ever, th a t, too, fa iled to transpire

“W h en i t go t to th e p oin t to sign a pur­chase agreem en t, th e y w eren ’t ready to do th a t,”* sa id B a k er “So, a ll 11 condos are availab le a t th is p o in t ” T h ey range from 3,500-square-feet to 6 ,500-square-feet, w ith cost ran g in g from $600 ,000 to $1 2 m illion

D esp ite th e lack o f ten a n ts and th e bad p u b lic i t y s u r r o u n d in g t h e M a y f lo w e r ,B ak er r e m a in s o p tim istic th e M ayflow er w ill flourish

“W e u n d e r s ta n d p e o p le a r e t a k in g a w ait-an d-see a ttitu d e I f th e y are going to sign u p for som e h ig h -d o lla r le a se sp ace, th e y w a n t to se e th e b u ild in g g et d on e ,” said B ak er “T he on ly th in g w e can show them is progress I t w ill be done, and they w ill be sa tis f ied w h en it ’s fin ish ed ”

B ak er sa id th e b u ild in g w ill b e availab le for th e f ir st ten a n ts to b rin g in th e ir in ter i­or fin ish in g crew s la te m th e first quarter o f 2002, w ith condo o w n ers m th e ea r ly part o f th e second quarter

“I f you offer a q u a lity project a t m arket rates, peop le w ill com e,” h e sa id “T hey’ll soon b e lo o k in g to r e s id e a t th e p rem ier address m dow ntow n P lym outh ”

Lookout: The mam entryway to the Mayflower project looks out over Kellogg Park and downtown Ply­mouth


D e c k t h e H a l l s . . . a n d t h e W h o l e H o u s e - I n s i d e &

W e h a v e G if t I d e a s

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D u e lo o u r in a b ilit y to se ll a m a jo r ity o f o u r sto ck th e S ta te o f M ich ig a nh a s g ra n te d a te m p o ra ry e x te n s io n

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A N A D D I T I O N A L 5 % - 3 0 %

T hursday, Decem ber 13,2001 (P)A4


S ervices for Jack K eller, 30 o f C anton T ow nship w ere h eld Dec 11 a t N eely-T urow ski Funeral H om e w ith the R ev R oy F orsyth officiating

M r K eller w a s born A ug 19, 1921 m Jack son and died D ec 8 2001 m C anton T ow nship He w a s a p ain ter

Survivors in clu d e m other, M arlene (Don) H oefler, father, Joh n K eller, brother, J e ff B m k ow sk i, sister, Ja n ette (Bryan) C aen ep eel, sev en grand children, four great-grandchil dren, and grandm other, B etty K eller

A rrangem ents w ere m ade by N eely-T urow ski F u n era l H om e CLIFTON E . BARROWS

S ervices for C lifton Barrows, 92, o f P lym ou th w ere h eld D ec 4 a t V erm eulen F u n era l H om e w ith th e R ev B arbara E W el- baum offic iatin g B u ria l w a s a t R oseland P ark C em etery in B erkley

M r B arrow s w a s jpom J a n 4, 1909 m S h erid an T ow nship and died D ec 1, 2001 a t S u n rise A ssisted L iv in g H e w a s a job se tter

S urvivors in clu d e w ife, A rtus B arrow s o f P lym outh, daughter, E lean or N ew lan d o f Lansing, daughter, M ildred F ow ler of D earborn H eigh ts, daughter, P atr ic ia (T hom as) W h eatley of W arren, 14 grandchildren , 17 great-grandchildren, four great great-grandchildren, and step ­

son, G ary (M ichelene) Crisp o f Plym outh

M em orial contributions m ay be m ade to th e Salvation Arm y, Plym outh, P O Box 6296 P ly m outh, MI 48170

A rrangem ents w ere m ade b y V erm eulen F un eral H om eJACOB GOODBALIAN

Services for Jacob G oodbahan, 83, o f Canton w ere h eld D ec 7 at V erm eulen F un eral H om e w ith th e R ev D J W est officiating

Mr Goodbalian w as b o m J a n 2 2 ,1 9 1 8 in G rand R apids and died D ec 5, 2001 m Superior Tow nship H e w as a p osta l c lerk w ith th e U S Post Office He served in the U S Arm y d uring W orld War II H e is a grad u ate o f U n ion H igh School

H e w as preceded m d eath b y h is brother, A lbert G oodbalian and sister, M ary Goodbalian

Survivors include sister, R ose H ughesian , nephew , Jam es (Barb) H ughesian o f P lym outh , n ep hew , Terry (Nancy) Good- balian , niece, Judy H u gh esian , niece, Barbie H u gh esian , n iece, T am m y (Gary) W heeler and n iece, N ancy Goodbahan

M em orial contributions m ay be m ade to A ngela H ospice, 14100 N ew burg Road L ivonia, MI 48154 5010

A rrangem ents w ere m ade b y V erm eulen F un eral H om e MICHAEL WILLIAM MCNAMARA Services for W illiam M cN am ara, 80 o f Plym outh w ere h eld D ec 12 at S t K enneth C atholic

C hurch w ith th e R ev Joseph M allia officiating B u ria l w a s at O ur Lady o f H ope C em etery in B row nstow n T ow nship

M r M cN am ara w a s b om Ju ly 2 1 ,1 9 2 1 m P hiladelp h ia , P en n and died D ec 9 , 2001 m South- field H e w a s a retired cost an a­ly s t from Ford M otor Com pany and h e w orked at th e Dearborn S tam p in g P lan t H e cam e to th e P lym outh com m unity m 1978 from Redford T ow nship H e w as a m em ber o f S t K enn eth C ath olic C hurch in P lym outh H e w a s an excellen t craftsm an m sta in ed g la ss w ork H e enjoyed h istory, tra v e l and farm ­in g H e grad u ated from th e U n i­v e r s ity o f D etro it and served in th e A rm y A ir Corp d u n n g W orld W ar II

M r M cN am ara w a s preceded m d eath b y h is V d e , M ary A nn M cN am ara ^

Survivors m c liid ^ lS a , M ichael J (N ancy) M cN am ara o f ^ ^ t h Lyon, d augh ter, P eg g y M (Ger­ald) M ato o f F arm in gton H ills, daughter, B ridget A M cN am ara o f R och ester H ills , d aughter, M artha J B raun o f M io, son, K evin W (K elly) M cN am ara of B righ ton , and son , P atrick G M cN am ara o f L aM esa, C a lif , 27 grandchildren , and s ix n ieces and nep hew s

M em orial contributions m ay be m ade to S t Ju d e C hildren’s H osp ita l

A rrangem ents w ere m ade by Schrader-H ow ell F u n era l H om e

P o l i c e o f f e r t i p s t o m a k e h o l i d a y a l i t t l e s a f e rT h is h o lid ay season should be

a t im e o f g r e a t jo y a s w e c e le ­brate and sh are g ifts w ith those c lo se to u s U n fo r tu n a te ly , it c a n b e a t im e w h e n c r im e b eco m e s m ore p r e v a le n t P ly ­m outh T ow n sh ip P olice officials offer th e se “H ob day S a fe ty T ips” to h e lp m ake th e h olid ay season a s a fe a n d h a p p y on e P le a se ta k e som e tim e to read th em and share th em w ith your fam ily and friends

■ Be A lert — W alk confident­ly , w ith your h ea d up, and sta y in w ell-ligh ted and w ell-traveled area s P a y a tte n tio n to peop le w a lk in g in fron t o f and b eh ind y ou P a y p a r t ic u la r a t te n t io n w h en you are in crowded areas, or m a l l s a n d s t o r e s t h a t a r e f i l l e d w i t h o t h e r s h o p p e r s P la d e s w it h la r g e cr o w d s a re fa v o r ite s for th ie v e s a n d p ick pockets

I f you carry a p urse k eep it in fro n t o f y o u a n d c lo se to your body Y ou can do th is by cover­in g th e flap or c la sp w ith your h a n d or forearm N ev e r lea v e your p u rse m a shopping cart or

on a cou n ter w h ile you p ay for y o u r p u r c h a se s W h en u s in g p u b lic w ash room s u se ex tr em e c a u t io n T ry to a v o id p u t t in g your purse on hooks or door h a n ­d le s R em em b er n o t to c a r r y open w eave bags or p urses w ith ­out zippers or flaps T hose item s are e a sy m arks for pickpockets

K eep your p u rse w ith y o u at a ll t im e s K eys sh o u ld n o t be ca r r ied m y o u r p u r se In th e ev e n t o f a p u rse sn a tch in g , th e th ie f w ill h ave your address and k ey s to your h om e K eep you r k ey s in your pocket i f p o ssib le I f y o u carry a ch an ge p u r se or w a l l e t , k e e p i t in y o u r f r o n t p a n t s p o ck et or m t h e in s id e b r e a s t p o c k e t o f y o u r c o a t A lw a y s be a le r t w h e n o p en in g your purse or w allet

■ B e d is c r e e t — N ever carry large am ounts o f m oney W hen­ever possible, u se credit cards or ch eck s in ste a d o f ca sh W h en u s in g cred it card s , m a k e su re o n ly on e cr ed it s lip i s p r in te d w ith your charge card A lso, be sure to tear up any carbons th at m a y b e u se d to c o m p le te th e

tr a n sa c tio n C red it card fraud can ru in your h o lid ay season

T h ie v e s an d p ic k p o c k e ts are m ore l ik e ly to b e a t tr a c te d by e x p e n s iv e c lo th e s a n d je w e lr y W h e n y o u a r e o u t d o in g y o u r h olid ay shopping, d ress com fort­ably and casu a lly

■ S ecure y o u r c a r — C ars can b e an e a sy ta rg e t for crim i­n a ls P ark your car a s c lo se to your d estin a tion a s p ossib le and m a w e ll - l ig h t e d a r e a W h en you do your shopping, rem em ber to s to r e y o u r p a c k a g e s m th e tru n k o f th e car an d n o t on th e back sea t

A lso , i f you ta k e p a ck a g es to th e car b u t p lan to retu rn to th e store or m all, d n v e your car"to a n ew location w ith in th e parking lot

C rim inals can b e on th e look­o u t for u n s u s p e c t in g sh o p p er s w ho sim p ly drop th e ir p urch ases in to th e tru n k an d th e n retu rn to k eep shopping

W hen retu rn in g to your autos (or hom e) h ave your k ey s in your hand , ready to open th e door

M A N Y P R I C E S B E L O W C O S TDealers by appointment only

F r i d a y

S a t u r d a y

S u n d a y

/trttcvenk Cecvelenb" * GLENN BEDNARSH, PRESIDENT

O n e o f A m e r i c a ' s p r e m i e r t r a d i t i o n a l j e w e l e r s

6 2 0 9 O R C H A R D L A K E R D . W E S T B L O O M F I E L D

1 / 4 M I L E N . O F 1 5 M I L E


2 4 8 -8 5 5 -0 0 0 5

p e n 7 d a y s

QJb J D<L>








u iillfe

/ ■' t ^ ■ » > i • \-i>; T

ih e fu tu re is

N o r ;■ r to:| i i n h e a lt h

t o in t e r a c t iv e

l l i t a t l y s u p p o r t .

S t t e n t t y / o p e n a

I j b s o M c t i o n .

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l i t d e g r e e ,

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T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic ! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001 ★ A5


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A6(P) Th e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic ! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001•i w. ** s *

Stewart from page A1 Schools from page A1p a ig n is s u e s is K-12 a n d college level ed u c a tio n

“T here seem to be m ore q u es­t io n s th a n a n s w e r s ,” h e s a id “We n eed to look at w h eth er w e are effectively m anaging th e rev­enue w e h a v e We n eed to ta lk about so lu tion s ”

G r a n t s a id h e a lso p la n s to bring “in te n se focus to sen ior se r v ic e s a n d th e e n v ir o n m en t, a ll w h ile s tr iv in g to k eep ta x e s low ”

U n lik e th e r e c e n t P ly m o u th city co m m issio n e lec tio n w h ich g o t d o w n r ig h t u g ly a t t im e s , G rant sa id h e p lan s to s t ic k to the is su e s in th e upcom ing cam ­paign

“I w on’t g e t n egative,” h e sa id ‘ That’s n ot to say I w on’t a ttack Joh n S te w a r t’s p erform an ce or votin g record, b u t w e w ill stick to the is su e s ”

S te w a r t s e e m e d a b it s u r -

■ The newly-redistrict- ed 20th House seat includes Plymouth and Plymouth Township.

p n se d to h ear o f G rant’s in terest in h is H ou se seat

“Jon ath on told m e h e w a s sup­p ortin g an d endorsing m e about a m o n th a g o ,” h e sa id “I w el­com e an y and all ch a llen gers to th e race ”

A s a s ig n t h a t p o l i t i c s is a lr e a d y a l iv e a n d w e l l m the c a m p a ig n , G r a n t s a id “T h a t’s ju s t n ot accurate ”

T h e n e w ly - r e d is t n c t e d 20th H o u se s e a t in c lu d es P lym outh , P ly m o u th Tow nship, N orthville, N o r th v ille T ow n sh ip , a s lice of C a n to n T o w n sh ip a lo n g 1-275 an d th e c ity o f W ayne

T o o C h e z B i s t r oN ow S e rv in g a Fab u lo u s

S u n d a y B ru nch10 a m to 2 p m

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cu rren t school board w ill serve through June

“T h ey w ill a ll b e in te rv iew ed w ith t h e sa m e q u e s t io n s , and w ill an sw er questions on a rotat­in g b a s i s , ” s a id E l iz a b e t h G ivens, school board p resident

“(T he q uestions) w ill a llow us to gau ge how inform ed and how q u ick ly up to sp eed th is person w ill be I th ink th a t’s a rea l key is su e for an appointm ent,” added T rustee Judy M ardigian

T he departure o f G u ile m ean s th ere w ill be th ree board sea ts to f ill in J u n e T he four-year term s o f S u s a n D a v is a n d D a r w in W atts w ill end D av is, w ho w ill h a v e se rv e d e ig h t y e a r s on th e s c h o o l b o a r d , h a s a lr e a d y an nou nced sh e w ill not seek re elec tion W atts h a s y e t to in d i­c a te i f h e w ill ru n for a secon d term T he election to fill G uile’s board se a t w ill be for th e rem ain­in g one year o f h is term

■ G o t a n o p i n i o n o r s t o r y

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NOTICE O F PU BLIC HEARINGPROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Act 184 of the Public Acts of 1943 of the State of Michigan as amended, .-and pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton will hold a Public Hearing on Monday January 7 2002 m the First Floor Meeting Room of the Canton Township Administration Building 1150 S Canton Center Road at 7 00 p m on the following proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance BELANGER7WHEATLEY REZONING CONSIDER REQUEST TO REZONE PARCEL NOS 134 99 0013 000 AND 134 99 0021 000 FROM O 1 OFFICE TO C 2, COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Property is located on the east side of Old Canton Center Road between Michigan Avenue and Geddes Road



Written comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received at the above address prior to Thursday January 3 2002 in order to be included in the materials submitted for review

V I C G U S T A F S O N C h a i r m a nPublish December 13 and SO 2001 l obssoo


A regular/ study meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton held Tuesday December 4 2001 at 1150 South Canton Center Road Canton Michigan, 48188 Supervisor Yack called the meeting to order at 7 00 p m and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Members Present Bennett Burdziak Kirchgatter LaJoy McLaughlin

Shefferly YackStaff Present Aaron Machnik Tony Mmghine Dan Durraek Anne

ConklinOthers Present Dale Yagiela Growth Works Item 1. Growth Works UpdateMr Yagiela indicated Growth Works has been addressing the needs of high risk youth m the community of Canton This has been accomplished by providing services based upon a process of accountability which has included feedback from the community The program has been benchmarked against similar programs The strongest part of what Growth Works does is building partnerships with the stakeholders System change approaches can produce measurable results and create impact that make a difference in the Canton Community Mr Yagiela reviewed the present programs that are in place at Growth Works* Youth Assistance Program* Adolescent Drug Treatment Program* Western Wayne Care Management OrganizationThe Human Service Center will meet the guidelines set by HUD/ CDBG The building will serve mostly Canton residents It will also be the home to the Canton Community Foundation and provide Character Counts TrainingMr Yagiela suggested that Board of Trustees assist the agency in developing a ‘Service Center system change He indicated that Human Service agencies see themselves as businesses Services are free but waiting lists to service those without insurance are often long There is presently little coordination of agency service Duplication is present and accountability is lacking There is no scale of economy thus limited success at impacting long term rehabilitation of youth at nsk The service center would not provide all services to all people but rather provide referral to agencies that benchmark process and are accountable for service Agencies that show continual quality improvement would be part of the benchmark The Township can assist by restricting access and looking at support funding and sponsorship of agencies A collaboration vs competition model is being proposed by Mr Yagiela Item 2 Adm inistration Building ExpansionDirector Mmghine reviewed the process with TMP to date Models were shown to the Board of Trustees for review Director Machmk indicated that the cost of the building was still proposed to be 14 million Floor plans would soon be drawn as well as a site planMotion by Bennett second by LaJoy to adjourn at 8 15 PM Motion earned unanimouslyThe above is a synopsis of the actions taken a the regular/ study board meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton held on Tuesday December 4 2001 The Full text of the approved minutes including comments will be available following the next regular board meeting held on December 11 2001THOMAS J YACK Supervisor TERRY G BENNETT ClerkPublish December 13 2001 335902

Video from page A1


and it w ould con tinu e recording th r o u g h w h a t e v e r e v e n t to w h ich th e o fficer w a s re sp o n d ­in g T he tape could be d eactiva t­ed m anually in se lec t in sta n ces, i f deem ed appropriate

P lym ou th T ow n sh ip w ill jo in m any other local m u n ic ip a litie s in a rm in g th e ir f le e t w ith t h e cam eras C anton T ow nship j u s t d id i t e a r l ie r t h i s y e a r a n d , according to S m ith , squad cars m Livonia, W estlan d and for th e W a y n e C o u n ty S h e r i f f h a v e video equipm ent

“(C a m e r a s ) a r e p r o b a b ly in i a b o u t 80 p e r c e n t o f th e scou t' c a r s in W a y n e C o u n ty r ig h t now, ’ h e told th e board

S m ith to u ted th e ev id en tia ry v a lu e o f th e sy stem , and town-* sh ip a tto rn ey T im C ronin , w h o h as seen su ch tap es u sed a t tr i­a ls

“W e’ve foun d th em to b e verj^ e f f e c t iv e t o o l s ,” C r o n in s a id ^ “W e’v e fou n d ju r ie s h a v e b eefh im p ressed b y th e ta p e , ev e n vfx* so m e c a s e s w h e n we w e r e n ’t! even su re th e y w ere effective ” *

Osmond brother will film video at AcademyH e “w a s born a ch ild o f fr e e ­

dom given lib er ty and life” an d w h e n M e r r il l O sm o n d s in g s th o se w o rd s from h is n ew h i t so n g America i t w il l h e a lo n g w ith 530 ch ildren w ho a tten d a charter school m Canton

O sm o n d w i l l u s e a l l o f t h e school’s pupils to h elp h im s in g t h e s o n g a n d f i lm a v id e o , a c c o r d in g to C a n to n C h a r te r Academ y’s m usic director, C ath y Feldm an

Osm ond w ill m ake an appear­ance a t th e A cad em y a t 2 p m Friday, Dec 14 for th e video, th e school is a t 49100 Ford Road an d Ridge Road m C anton

M e r r ill O sm o n d , t h e l e a d

v m g e r o f t h e fa m o u s O s m o n d B r o th e r s , record ed th e Song tfii r a i s e f u n d s fo r t h e S e p t 1*1 trkgedySH [e ch ose a s h is c h a n ty th e F a m ilie s o f F reed om F u n d founded b y BiR C linton and Bob D o le to p ro v i4 © e d u c a t io n a l sch o la rsh ip d o l la r ^ f e r ^ i^ v io t im s’ fa m ilies and th ose injured) m th e S ep t 11 attacks ’

O sm ond is a lso m tow n to pr&S m o te th e W a y n e C o u n ty C om ­m u n ity C ollege D istn c t, th e y are sponsoring th e even t a t th e Cah- ton C harter A cadem y

T he A cadem y m oved in to then* n ew school b u ild in g th is fa ll '*

*- Doug Johnson

This performance made possible ;by generous contributions from




S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 5 _____________________7 p .m ,___________________

P E A S E A U D I T O R 1 U ME A S T E R N M I C H I G A N U N I V E R S I T Y

Tickets available at the Convocation Center Ticket O ffice, or charge by phone at 734 487 2282 Purchase tickets online at

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Presented yHands Oft Center For Physical Therapy

SHOULDER PAINThe rotator cuff is made up of The final step is resistance trainin;

four muscles that surround the arm with weight machines or frei bone This cuff keeps die shoulder weights steady as the arm moves If is is But don t do this at home e injured pain will usually occur in least not if you arent under th the front or the outside of the care of a physical therapist’ Th' shoulder Pain relief strategies wrong exercises or the right exei include active rest, ultrasound and cise performed too soon with tou ice treatments Normal function much weight or resistance can can be restored with special exer actually worsen your condition If cises The first step of rehabilitation you are experiencing pain or stiff therapy is simple range-of motion ness ask your physician for a referexercises By bending over and ral to the HA’NDS ON CENTER moving (rotating) the shoulder in FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY located large circles the serious complica at 470 Forest Avenue Suite20 We tion of rotator cuff injury called a offer all the latest treatment frozen shoulder can be avoided methods and a pleasant spacious

Range-of motion exercises are fol environment in which your privacy lowed by resistance exercises using is respected To schedule a consul rubber tubing or light dumbbells tation call 455-8370 £PS. A tear of the rotator cuff is suspected when pain persists in spite of a good 2 rehabilitation program or when here is weakness in certain motions of the arm S

S T A R T A T T H E M A N G E RChristmas Conceit

featuring the Celebration Choir, KP2>, £fi$0#b/e, Soloists and Orchestra

Friday, D ecem b er 1 4 ,8 - and

Sunday, D e cem b e r 16,

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 4 3 0 6 5 Joy Road (betw een Lilley ahd Mam)

Canton, M l 48187 734-


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 ~ Canton Center S Canton Michigan will accept sealed bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3 00 p m Thursday January 3rd 2002 for the following ;


Bid forms may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department counter or you may contact Mike Sheppard at (734) 394 5225 All bids must be ^ submitted in a sealed envelope clearly market with the proposal name 1 company name address and telephone number and date and time of bid » opening The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race color national origin sex religion age or disability in employment or the provision of services

TERRY G BENNETT ClerkPublish December 13 2001 084862

T h e O b se rve r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001 *A7

LinkM ichigan ‘broadband’ development plan draws fireBy Mike Malott Hometown news service mmalott@homecomm net

A cc ess to “broadband” - h ig h sp eed con n ection s to th e In tern et - h a s y e t to a r r iv e fo r m o s t M ich igan resid en ts , according to G ov J o h n E n g le r and h e fears

t h e s t a t e m a y b e f a l l i n g behind

I f M ich i­g a n d o e s g e t b ro a d ­b a n d , i t

i P U M i c o u l d m e a n t h e crea tion o f a n a d d i-

Gov. John Engler t 1 o n a 1 5 0 0 , 0 0 0

jo b s a n d “a n in c r e a se in s ta te O u tp u t o f g o o d s , s e r v ic e s an d incom e o f n early on e-h a lf o f one tfil lio n d o llars ”

So E n g ler is ask ing law m akers to c r e a te a m e a n s o f f in a n c in g th e s t a t e ’s “L in k M ich igan ” pro­gram T h e p la n in c lu d es a n ew a u th o r ity to provide c a p ita l for d evelop m en t o f broadband, a sec­ond a u th o r ity to o v ersee u se o f th e p ublicly-ow ned rights o f w ay, dpwn w h ich telecom m unications c o m p a n ie s m u s t s t r in g t h e ir w ires, a n d a 7 cen t per foot fee to b e ch arged to th e firm s th a t u se th o se r ig h ts o f w ay

T h e p la n i s a lr ea d y d ra w in g f ir e f r o m b u s in e s s i n t e r e s t s in c lu d in g th e M ich igan C en ter for P u b lic Policy

“W e a re n ot say in g th is is not a problem , b u t creation o f a new ta x - 7 c e n t s p er lin e a r foo t - yvhich w o u ld cost taxpayers $70 to $100 m illion is not th e w a y to go a b ou t it ,” sa id R ich S tu d ley , sp o k e sm a n for th e s ta te C ham ­ber

*Not r e a d y f o r b r o a d b a n d ’A c c o r d in g to t h e M a c k in a c

C enter, 78 p ercent of h ousehold s in M ich igan already h a v e access to h igh sp eed cab le m odem sy s ­tem s a n d 45 percent h a v e access to D SL (d ig ita l subscriber lin es) Y et o n ly 12 5 p ercen t o f h o u se ­h o ld s a r e s u b s c r ib in g T h a t m ea n s res id en ts here don’t w ant access or aren’t ready for it, th e C en ter concludes

“T h e d e m a n d s id e o f M ic h i­g a n ’s b r o a d b a n d m a r k e t i s p r o m p tin g te le co m m u n ica tio n s p ro v id er s to d ep loy h ig h sp eed serv ices b ased on sound b u sin ess p ases T o ign ore m ark et s ig n a ls an d d ep loy an y faster is a recipe h r f in a n cia l d isaster ,” according a jo in s t a te m e n t is s u e d by th e C ham ber an d M ackinac C enter• T h e p la n in c lu d e s p r o v id in g ijinancing to schools and m un ici­p a lit ie s , and th e sta te m ay own a n d o p era tio n broad b an d lin es h s w e ll , so i t is “a p p a ren t th a t Jhe g o v er n m e n t in te n d s to ow n th e sy stem ,” S tu d ley contended

T h e c h a m b e r w o u ld r a t h e r la k e “a m o re m a r k e t-o r ie n te d a p p r o a c h ,” h e s a id , s p u r r in g broadband developm ent through th e rem oval o f regu latory barri­ers and th e creation o f ta x incen­tiv es* “W e’v e go t to q u it look in g for th e b o g ey m an m every propos­a l ,” s t a te S en Joe S ch w arz (R- B a t t le C reek ) re sp o n d ed “T he t r a m is le a v in g W e h o p e th e y are on board W e hope th ey w ill h o p on b o a rd , b u t th e tr a in is st ill le a v in g th e sta tion ”

S e n a te b i l l sS ch w a rz is sp on sorin g tw o o f

th e th r e e b ills n eed ed to im p le­m e n t E n g le r ’s p la n s , S e n a t e B i l l s 8 7 9 a n d 8 8 0 S e n L eo n S t i l l e ( R - S p n n g L a k e ) in t r o ­d u c ed S B 8 8 1 to co m p le te th e p ackage

S ch w arz sa id h e b elieved com ­p a n ie s a r e n ’t d e p lo y in g b road ­b a n d f a s t e n o u g h , a n d t h a t A m e n te c h sp ec ifica lly i s “d rag­g in g it s fee t ” So the sta te needs to b e a n “in s t ig a to r ” o f b road ­b and serv ices, Schw arz sa id

E n g le r to o k is s u e w ith com ­p la in ts th e m ark et is not ready H e n oted th a t th e sta te h a s cre­a t e d a g e n c i e s to do s im i la r th in g s for other in du stries in th e p a st T h e M ichigan S ta te H ouse D e v e lo p m e n t A u th o r ity , w h ich m a k e s lo w in t e r e s t lo a n s for in n e r c i ty h o m e b u y ers, is on e exam p le, E n gler said

C r it ic s s a y E n g le r , w h o h a s a sk e d la w m a k e rs to p a s s th e se -b ills b y t h e en d o f th e y ea r , is ^going too fast

“W e’r e r e a d y to g o ,” E n g le r ^said “T h e proposal is read y In >ny exp erien ce, th e rea lity is th at nvhen som eon e says w e l l do it in ■January, w h a t th ey m ean is th a t vwe’l l do i t in A pril or M ay I ^feel som e p ressure to m ove now

ta k e s t im e to g e t so m e th in g ,lik e th is u p and running ”

B u t S tu d le y c o n te n d e d la w ­m a k e r s sh o u ld h a v e m ore tim e to con sid er th e package, because o f its com plexity

“I f th is is a good id ea , it w ill stan d the te s t o f tim e I f it is a good idea, it w ill s t ill be a good idea m January or February,” he said “I think it is very unfair to ask leg isla tors to pass th is before they h ave really had a change to look a t it ”

N o t a ta xE n gler took issu e w ith critics

w ho a r e ca llin g th e 7 cen t per foot f e e a tax

“S o m e le g is la to r s h a v e b een to ld t h a t n o th in g i s b e in g c h a r g e d to d a y ” for t h e u s e o f th ose rights o f w ay b y te lecom ­m unications com panies

“W e ll ,” E n g le r sa id , “t h a t is

n o t a c c u r a t e I t v e r y m u c h d ep en ds on th e ju r isd iction and it depends on th e com pany ”

In fa c t , so m e m u n ic ip a lit ie s ch a rg e c o m p a n ie s so m u ch for u se o f r ig h t s o f w a y t h a t t h is p a s t J a n u a r y , E n g le r la b e le d th o s e c i t ie s a n d to w n s h ip s a s “broadband b an d its ”

Scot Schrager, o f th e M ichigan M unicipal L eague, exp la in ed h is group h a s s ig n ed on to su p p ort th e b il l H a lf o f th e 7 c e n t fe e w ill be returned to local u n its o f govern m en t to cover th e cost o f overseein g righ ts o f w a y m th e ir jurisd ictions

A m e n t e c h d i s a g r e e s t h a t

■ ‘We are not saying this Is not a problem, but creation of a new tax - 7 cents per linear foot - which would cost taxpayers $70 to $100 million is not the way to go about it.’

Rich Studley—Spokesman for State Chamber

deploym ent o f h igh speed lin es is go in g slow ly A ccording to com ­p a n y sp o k e sm a n S te v e K a u ff­m an, A m entech h as w ire enough o f the sta te to m ake D SL a v a il­ab le to 2 1 m illion, regard less o f w h e th er th e y a re a c tu a lly now su bscnb m g

T h e r e i s m o re b r o a d b a n d availab le to M ichigan cu stom ers th an th e s ta te b elieves th ere is , a c c o r d in g to T e le c o m m u n ic a ­t io n s A s s o c ia t io n o f M ic h ig a n p resident S cott S teven son

W hen th e M ich igan E conom ic D e v e lo p m e n t C o rp ora tion w a s

p r e p a r in g i t s L in k M ic h ig a n r e p o r t l a s t y e a r , h e s a id , th e in d u str y d id n o t g iv e th e sta te in form ation about th e d egree o f d e p lo y m e n t b e c a u se t h e s ta te w ould not agree to k eep it confi­d e n t ia l , h e sa id T h e in d u str y considers th a t in form ation to be a trad e secret

S te v e n s o n a lso a r g u e d th a t “t h e r e i s a m a jo r d is c o n n e c t b etw e en w h a t th e sp o n so rs sa y th is w ill do and w hat it actu ally w ill do ” N a tio n -w id e , h e con ­ten d ed 75 percent o f broadband s e r v ic e s a r e p ro v id ed th r o u g h cab le te le v is io n co m p a n ies , not th e teleph one com pany

H O L ID A Y H O U R S S h o p T h u r s d a y 9 0 0 a m ’til 1 0 0 0 p m , F r id a y 8 0 0 a m ‘til 1 0 0 0 p m





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O pinio nA8( P) w w w . o b s e r v e r a n d c c c e n tr ie , c o m Thursday, 0«cemb*r 13 , 2001

Plymouth dDbsewerP a r t o f H o m e T o w n C o m m u n ic a t io n s N e tw o rk ™

Brad KadrichC O M M U N IT Y E D IT O R

Hugh Gallagher M A N A G IN G E D IT O R

Susan Roslek P U B L IS H E R

Dick Brady V P / G e n e r a l M a n a g e r

Jeanne TowarV P E D IT O R IA L

Dick Aginian P R E S ID E N T Philip PowerC H A IR M A N O F T H E B O A R D

Our fundam ental p u rp o ses are to en h a n ce th e lives o f our readers, nurture th e hom etow ns w e se rv e a n d contribute to th e b u s in e s s s u c c e s s o f our cu sto m ers

Gay d isp lay ruling is a win-win d ecisio n

Two years ago, w e argued th a t es ta b ­lis h in g d isp la y s at W est M iddle School and Salem H igh School centered around th e gay life sty le — an d th e su p er in ten ­d e n t’s su b se q u e n t o rd er to d is m a n t le them — w as a free-speech issu e

L a s t w ee k , an a rb itra to r e s s e n t ia l ly agreed w ith us, ordering P lym outh-C an- ton school d istrict officials to apologize to M ik e C h iu m e n to , a m u s ic t e a c h e r a t W est M idd le S ch ool, an d Tom S a lb e n - b la tt , w ho te a c h e s m a th a t S a lem , for vio latin g th e ir F irst A m end m en t rights

At th e tim e, w e said a silen t show case presenting gay h istory in a positive m an ­ner is reinforcem ent a ga in st h arassm en t and h a te crim es In h is ru lin g la s t w eek , arbitrator P aul G lendon sa id C hium ento and S albenb latt w ere “not teach in g a n y ­th in g by p u ttin g up th e d isp la y s , th e y w e r e m e r e ly p r e s e n t in g in fo r m a t io n w hich th ey hoped w ould im prove th e c li­m ate o f th e school b y en h an cin g u n d er­stand in g and acceptance o f gays and le s ­b ians th e ir purpose in doing so w a s to help create a sa fe , accep tin g , a ffirm ing learn ing environm ent for a ll stu d en ts ”

In ter im S u p er in ten d e n t K en W alco tt said a t th e tim e sexu a l orientation w a sn ’t a part o f P lym outh C anton’s curriculum , and ordered th e d isp lays to be rem oved “W hen w e h ire staff, w e don’t a sk th em th e ir race, color, creed or lif e s ty le ,” h e said “B ut once w e h ire , w e practice K-12 instructional goals adopted by th e Board o f E d u c a t io n , n o t l i f e s t y l e m a k e -u p That’s not our m ission ”

G lendon w a s cr itica l o f W alcott, w ho h ad b een d o in g th e job on an in te r im b a s is an d w a s re p la c e d a few m o n th s la ter by K ath leen B ooher, n otin g , “i t is p a in fu lly a p p a ren t h is r e a l re a so n for ord erin g g n e v a n ts to ta k e d ow n th e se d isp la y s w a s th a t th e y th e m se lv e s are gay and m (W alcott’s) p erson a l opinion, their purpose w a s to ‘prom ote (their) own lifesty le ’”

T h at d oesn ’t ap p ear to b e tru e, s in c e n eith er C hium ento nor S a lb en b la tt h a s ever b een accused o f try in g to in fluence anyone one w a y or th e o ther, excep t in try in g to m ak e th e sch oo ls an en v iro n ­m e n t m ore a c c e p t in g o f d iv e r s it y N o h a rm in t h a t , g iv e n th e w a y n e g a t iv e

fee lin g s and h o stility toward those o f us w ho are different pervades society

T h e d istrict, for it s part, d isagrees w ith th e ru lin g , but “resp ects th e arbitration process ” The apologies to Chium ento and S a lb e n b la t t w i l l b e w r it t e n , a n d an ap p ea l o f Glendon’s decision is u n likely

In ou r op in ion , G lend on ’s ru lin g is a w m -w m s itu a t io n for th e d is tr ic t , th e tea c h e rs and th e stu d en ts T he d istr ic t h a s to apologize b u t k eep s its ab ility to e s ta b lish and d irect it s curriculum , th e te a c h e r s g e t v in d ica tio n , and s tu d e n ts w ill b e exp osed to is su e s th a t bear d is-

Even though public schools must remain secular they can still teach moral values. One

such value - acceptance - when modeled by a staff and an

administration willing to allow for a free exchange of ideas and unwilling to allow discrimination

of any kind, meets the highest ideals of democracy.

cu ssionT h e P ly m o u th -C a n to n sc h o o ls m u st

crea te sa fe and accep ting en vironm en ts for a ll stu d en ts , in clu d ing those w ho are g a y or le sb ia n or ju s t ask in g q u estion s A s w ith o th er s e n s it iv e is su e s w e m ay n e v e r ag ree on se x u a lity E ven th ou gh p ublic schools m u st rem ain secular th ey can s t i l l tea c h m oral v a lu e s O ne su ch v a lu e — acceptance — w h en m odeled by a s ta ff and an ad m in istration w illin g to a llo w for a fre e ex ch a n g e o f id e a s and u n w illin g to a llow d iscrim ination o f any k ind , m eets th e h ig h est ideals o f dem oc­racy

T h is is s u e g en e r a te d a g rea t d e a l o f d ebate, m th e form of le tters to th e editor an d w ater-cooler ta lk , tw o years ago It’s su re to gen era te ju s t a s m uch th is t im e around

W hich m ean s th e b iggest w inner o f a ll is th e on e w e con sid er m ost important F ree speech

State school chief leads public education cheers

S in ce becom ing th e M ich igan D ep art­m en t o f E d ucation S u p er in ten d en t Tom W atkins h a s b een a vigorous sp okesm an for public education

In n u m ero u s co lu m n s an d sp e e c h e s , W atkins argues th a t our public education system is good now and can only g et b et­ter

In a sp eech T h u rsd ay a t th e L ivon ia Cham ber o f Comm erce, W atkins defined h is job “I’m a cheerleader for public ed u ­cation I do w an t to stan d up and ch eer for h ig h -q u a lity e d u c a t io n a c r o ss th e sta te B ut m ore im portantly, I w an t to be a m egap h on e, w h e re I ca n am p lify th e voices o f great educators about th e good th in g s t h a t a r e h a p p e n in g m sc h o o ls every day ”

Public education h a s b een th e target o f n u m e r o u s c o m p la in ts P u b lic s c h o o ls h a v e b een k ick ed arou n d by p o litic ia n s a n d railed a t by re lig iou s groups E very ^pundit h as a secret p lan for “savin g” our schools

W atkins h a s b een a con sisten t voice in support o f w h a t is good about public ed u ­cation and a leader m d efin ing w h a t can be better

O ur p u b lic sc h o o ls a re fa c in g se v er e reven u e problem s A s th e econom y con­tin u es to decline, school sy stem s w ill be forced to m ake do w ith le ss

W a tk in s h a s som e id e a s for r e v e n u e e n h a n c e m e n t, in c lu d in g an e d u c a tio n licen se p late, but h e a lso is gen eratin g a -number o f bright id ea s to involve every­o n e m th e education process ■» A brochure, “Thirty Id eas in 30 D a y s,” <lraw s to g e th e r so m e in te r e s t in g id e a s labout public ed u cation and how w e can 'becom e involved in our schools

Som e exam ples■ T he L ad der v s th e H am m er S e e k

opportunities to lift up public ed u cation r a th e r th a n c o n s ta n t ly h a m m e r in g it down

■ C reate an Arm y o f Involved P aren ts

P aren ta l involvem ent is crucial to acade­m ic ach ievem ent

■ S tu d en ts a s Teachers The b est w ay to learn and m aster a subject is to teach i t E n c o u r a g e u p p e r -le v e l s tu d e n ts to tu tor or m entor younger children m their school d istrict

■ S chool to W ork or School a t W ork

We agree that it is the respon­sibility of all of us - educators,

parents, business leaders, legis­lators - to understand how

important our public schools are and to work together to

improve them.

Prom ote a ltern atives to trad itional h igh sc h o o ls by crea tin g schools a tta ch ed to a n d in teg ra ted w ith lea d in g b u sin esses and other em ployers a s w ell as cu ltural and learn in g in stitu tion s

■ W a lk a m ile in S o m e o n e E l s e ’s S h oes Once each quarter, arrange a two- w a y job shadow b etw een school su perin ­te n d e n ts and prin cip als and k ey ex ecu ­t iv e s from th e local com m unity

■ M aintain a Solid Foundation Protect th e F oundation G rants to our schools a t a ll costs

■ T each er recogn ition C elebrate th e accom p lish m en ts of to edcuators w ith a T e a c h e r o f th e Y ear a w ard s p rogram , sp onsored by a lead in g b u sin ess organ i­zation

■ L isten to th e PublicW e support W atkins m h is en th u siasm

for public education W e agree th a t it is th e resp onsib ility of a ll o f us - educators, p aren ts, b u sin ess leaders, leg isla tors - to u n d e r s ta n d h ow im p o rta n t ou r p u b lic s c h o o ls a r e a n d to w o r k t o g e t h e r to im prove them

■ Bad rulingA fter reading the front page story o f

th e ru lin g in favor o f hom osexual d is­plays for “gay” h istory m onth m th e high school and m iddle school, I am sad th a t our schools are being u sed th is w ay

I send m y ch ild to P lym outh schools for an academ ic education — n o t for th e teach in g o f people’s agendas

I see w h y som e o f m y neighbors choose private schools over public schools T hey don’t h ave to accept everyth ing th a t is som eone’s “righ t” to teach your children

B y th e w ay, w h at do th ese teachers teach9 M aybe they should stick to those subjects

K a t h y I s r a e l P l y m o u th

■ PFLAG wrongIt ap pears th a t th o se w ho c la im to

prom ote tolerance and a d esire for th e hom osexuals m our society to be seen as “contributors to society” are ta lk in g out o f both s id es o f th e ir m ou th s th is h olid ay season

The leadersh ip o f (PFLAG) P arents, F am ilies and Friends o f L esb ian s and Gays along w ith the Triangle Founda­t io n a re t e l l in g t h e ir m e m b e r s arid su pp orters to p lace fak e $5 b ills in to th e p eren n ia l S a lvation A rm y k e ttle s across th e sta te m protest

A s t a t e m e n t fro m t h e P F L A G D etroit C hapter page te lls m em bers to “L et th e S a lv a tio n A rm y k n o w th a t you op p ose th e ir d ec is io n to re sc in d t h e d o m e s t ic p a r tn e r s h ip b e n e f i t s offered by th e w estern sta te s T hanks to PFLA G G en esee C ounty for th e “I w ou ld h a v e d on ated $5 0 0 ” h ill th a t you can g iv e to th e S a lv a tio n A rm y S im p ly P rin t and p lace m th e S a lv a ­tion A rm y’s B ucket ”

A n y o n e v is i t in g th e P F L A G W eb p age can a ccess and p rin t th e s e b ills th a t read

“I w ou ld h a v e d onated f iv e dollars, b u t th e S a lv a tio n A rm y’s d ec is io n to d iscr im in ate a g a in st gay a n d le sb ia n em p loyees p reven ts m y d on ation now and in th e fiiture ”

O ther M ichigan chapters in Jackson a n d G ra n d R a p id s h a v e t a k e n t h e sam e stance and are encouraging th e ir supporters to follow su it A nd in C leve­lan d O hio, th e PFLAG ch a p te r th ere h a s g o n e a s far a s to r e p l ic a t e th e A m erican one dollar b ill and ch anging it in to a th ree dollar b ill for p lacem ent in to th e Salvation A rm y k ettles

So i t se em s th a t th e se lo c a l h om o­sexu a l support groups are u s in g social sabotage efforts to bankrupt an organi­zation th a t offers h elp to th e poor and n eed y no m atter w h at th e ir sexu a l ori­en tation is A nd in turn, th e y (PFLAG and com pany) ask th a t th e rem ainder o f society trea t them as eq u a l, produc­t iv e an d co n tr ib u tin g m em b ers even th o u g h t h e y a re c o n d u c t in g t h e m ­se lv es m a very narrow -m inded, h a te ­ful and se lfish m anner

N o m a t t e r s id e y o u a r e o n w it h regards to th e sexual orien tation issu e , you sh ould a sk you rself i f th e poorest of poor sh ould be u sed as p aw n s by th e h o m o s e x u a l a c t iv i s t s m s o c ie t y to m ake th e ir point

I f th e h o m o se x u a ls in s o c ie ty a re tru ly a s ca r in g an d con cern ed ab ou t th e q u a lity o f life and ta k in g part m the lead in g productive lives m peaceful coexistence w ith others, w h y are th ey tak in g food, clothing, sh elter and funds aw ay from those too poor, hungry, sick and or w eak to defend th em se lves9

I for one p lan to do m y p a rt to try a n d m a k e u p for t h e s m a ll-m in d e d efforts o f PFLAG by d onating to every

red S a lv a tio n A rm y k e ttle th a t I see P le a se jo in m e m bringing a lit t le joy and love to th ose w ho are in m ost need th is t im e of year

F r a n k F in c h C a n to n

■ Just a thoughtS om e thou ghts on recent articles■ The Band — I, too, connect a high

school (or college) band w ith their foot b all team , th ey are a lm ost as m uch a part o f th e experience as the actual gam e B u t w e don’t h ave a h igh school b and in our area W e have a group of h ig h school age m usicians who identify th em selves a s th e P-CEP M arching B an d and com pete in an activity that does not restrict m em bership to a sin­g le h ig h school Good for them th a t th e y h ave been so successful, ju st understand th a t th ey are not a h igh school m arching band and don’t expect to se e them a t ath letic events After all, w h a t school’s gam e would th e y play a t — Plym outh, Canton, or S alem 9

■ The DDA — P lym outh Township sh ou ld n ot w a it around for the c ity to p articipate m th e A n n Arbor Road b eautification project However, b efore th ey ta lk about streetscapes and railroad overpasses, they should concentrate on th e vacan t party stores, d elis , and alm ost th e entire strip by CVS a t the corner o f Sheldon and Ann Arbor Road Those build ings are look­in g p retty seed y th e se days

■ The Tree — Odds are the copper b eech tree w ill n ot survive transplant shock I f developm ent p lans do not in clu d e the tree m th e present location, w h y n ot cut it down and u se th e lum ­ber to construct som e special furniture (M ichael Camp w ould be an appropri­a te artisan) and d isplay it in th e Ply­m outh H istorical M useum 9 You could also tak e som e cu ttin gs from th e ex ist­in g tree to propagate som e new trees and p lan t them at th e Wilcox location S ave th e futility and m oney sp en t try­in g to save th e ex istin g tree and pur­ch ase som e large trees to p lant w hen th e n ew developm ent is finished

R a n d y J o s t P ly m o u th

■ Lame rulingO n th e ru ling in favor of the g ay d is­

p lay I th in k th is is th e lam est ru ling sin ce w e decided it w a s OK to m urder th e in nocen t unborn and exonerate each o f us from th e gu ilt Is it m e or w a s school designed to learn th e basics m reading, w riting, and arithm etic9

I can see it now OK class w e need to hurry up and fin ish th e chapter on p arts o f speech so th a t Johnny h a s t im e to te ll you w h y h e h a s decided to h a v e se x w ith other boys in stead of g ir ls P lease' N ex t th in g you know th e pedafiles w ill h a v e their sa y a s to w h y th ey w an t to h a v e se x w ith ch il­dren, and w e w ill a ll h ave to lis ten cau se it would v io la te the first am end­m en t not to'

O h one m ore th in g now th a t the g a y s are allow ed to publicly “edu cate” our children on th e ir agenda, can our children publicly p ray in school each d ay to ask for God's b lessin gs9

M a r y J a r m a n P l y m o u th T o w n s h ip

■ Many thanks ^D ea r Plym outh S alem H S C lose

U p C lassP le a se accept th is le tter as an

expression o f our th a n k s for your g en ­

erous contribution o f $ 4 2 ,4 7 5 to th e U FA W idow ’s & C hildren ’s F und

The S ep t 11 tragedy affected th e en tire w orld , b u t w a s particu larly dev­a sta tin g to th e N ew York C ity Fire D ep artm ent W e lo st 3 43 o f our broth­ers and are st ill try in g our b est to d eal w ith th a t horrible rea lity T h e care and concern show n by you and so m any others w ill en ab le u s to provide a sig ­n ifican t m easu re o f fin an cia l h elp for th e fam ilies th e y h ave le ft behind I can a ssu re you th a t firefigh ters never forget th e ir fa llen brothers and your contribution a s s is ts us in th a t w orthy effort

God B le ss YouK e v in E G a l la g h e r

P r e s i d e n t

■ Court updatesI w ould lik e to ta k e th is opportunity

to u p d a te y o u r r e a d e r s o n w h e r e th in g s s ta n d on th e n ew ju d ge for the 35th D istr ic t C ourt S ta te Rep Bruce P atterson , S ta te S en ator T had McCofe ter and m y se lf h a v e b een w ork in g d ili­g en tly to accom plish th is goal *

It h a s b een a d ifficu lt fig h t b ecause there are m an y other area s o f th e sta te th a t fee l th e y n eed a n ew ju d ge a s w ell. H ow ever, th rou gh th e efforts o f Bruce P atterson , w ho h a s b een our leader oh th is is s u e , th e id e a h a s n o t y e t b een rejected T h is is s ig n if ic a n t b ecau se other areas h a v e b een to ld “no ” “

Bruce h a s w orked t ir e le s s ly on 35th D istn c t Court issu e and h elp ed defeat a plan th a t w ould h ave sp lit up th e 34th D istn c t Court D u e to h is hard work, a proposal th a t w a s u nd er consideration to sp lit up th e 35th D is tn c t Court and add one ju d g e to th e 3 5 th w as la id to rest W e a ll w an t to se e a n ew judge i£l th e 3 5 th , b u t n o t a t t h e e x p e n s e erf other w ell-run courts m th e area *

B ruce i s cu rren tly le a d in g n e g o tia ­t io n s w ith G overnor (John ) E n gler oh g ettin g a n ew ju d g e m th e 3 5 th and w e are h o p e fu l t h a t t h is ca n b e accom ­p lish ed B u t b e a ssu re d th a t ev en & w e are n o t su cc essfu l m our effort & w ill n o t b e from a lack o f try in g Thijs is an im portan t is su e an d w e sh a ll do our b est to succeed

L o r e n N . B e n n e t t S t a t e S e n a to r

8 t h D i s t r i c t

Share your opinionsWe welcome your letters to the teditor Please include your name address and phone number for 'verification We ask th a t your letters " be 4 0 0 words or less We may edit Cfor clarity space and content ^


Mall: lLetters to the Ed itor *

Brad Kadrich **Plym outh Observer :

7 9 4 Sou th M a in *

Plym outh, M l 4 8 1 7 0

E-Mail:bkadrlch@ oe.hom ecom m .net

Fax:7 3 4 -4 5 9 -4 2 2 4

H o m e T o w nC O M M U N IC A T IO N SN E T W O R K

T h e O b s e r v e r f THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001

O t h e r O p i n i o n s (l£PfteGe)A9T h u rs d a y . D e c e m b e r 1 3 . 2 0 0 1

FBI questioning raises hard constitutional issu es

Phil Power

Last w eek m arked the 6 0 th an niversary o f th e Jap an ese a tta ck on P earl H arbor The n a tion a l mood o f ou trage led to th e tr iu m p h an t A m erican entry in to W orld W ar II It a lso led to th e sh a m e­fu l in te r n m e n t o f h u n d r e d s o f t h o u s a n d s o f Jap anese-A m encans

And la s t w eek FB I a g e n ts b egan to in terv iew 560 people w h o are 18 to 3 3 yea rs old, from M id­

d le E a s t e r n or I s la m ic cou n tr ies, w ho are liv in g m so u th ea stern M ichigan on n o n - im m ig r a n t to u r is t , s tu d e n t or b u s i­n e s s v i s a s T h e in t e r v i e w s a r e p a r t o f a n a tio n w id e effort to con ta c t m ore th an 5 ,000 p eo­p le to d eterm in e i f th e y h a v e b een recruited by or h a v e in fo r m a tio n a b o u t O sa m a b in L a d en ’s te r r o r is t o r g a n iz a t io n , a l Q aeda

T o h i s c r e d it , U S A tto r n e y for s o u th e a s t

ern M ichigan Jeffrey C ollin s h a s sa id th e in ter view s should b e conducted in th e “lea st in tru sive m anner p o ssib le ,” th a t th o s e in terv iew ed could b e a c c o m p a n ie d b y a la w y e r a n d s h o u ld b e advised th a t none are su sp ected o f terrorism B u t I ’v e h ea rd a lo t o f s to r ie s a b o u t th e fe a r an d alarm exp en en ced by p eop le w ho got th e govern­m ent le tter in v itin g them to b e interview ed

Sure, i t ’s e a sy to sa y t h a t i f th e y ’re in n ocen t and w an t to cooperate, th e y h a v e n oth ing to be w orried a b ou t B u t I d id n ’t g e t th e le tte r , m y stom ach isn ’t ch u rn ing a s I drive by th e police station on m y w ay to w ork

N ationw ide, 1 ,200 people w ere d eta ined sh ort ly after th e terrorist a tta ck on th e W orld Trade Center O f th e 600 or so s t i l l in custody, around a dozen are b ein g held a s m a ter ia l w itn esses to th e outrage, 60 or so are b ein g charged w ith ly in g to fed era l a g e n ts an d th e r e s t are b e in g h e ld for unsp ecified v io la tio n s, p resu m a b ly o f im m ig ra ­tio n la w s M ost o f th e ir n a m e s a re s t i l l b e in g kept secret, som e h ave la w y ers , som e do not

The b ed rock le g a l d o c tr in e o f h a b e a s corpu s ( lite r a lly , from L a tin , “w e h a v e th e b od y”) is in tended to m ake sure th e governm ent does not arbitrarily and m secrecy th ro w som ebody in th e slam m er for an in d efin ite period w ith ou t b e in g charged in a p u b lic p ro ce ed in g w ith a sp ec ific crime A ttorney G eneral J o h n Ashcroft first sa id th a t n a m es o f th o se d e ta in e d w ere b e in g k ep t secret to preserve th e ir p r ivacy H e th en argued th a t to re lea se th e n am es w ou ld ad vertise to al-

Qaeda w ho w e had picked up In h is forceful testim on y la st w eek before th e

S en ate Judiciary C om m ittee, th e A ttorney Gen­er a l rea so n ed th a t th e co u n try is a t w a r and therefore w inning the w ar aga in st terrorism and k eep in g Am ericans safe from terrorists ju stif ie s w h a t m n orm al t im e s w o u ld b e r e g a r d e d as e x c e s s iv e m e a su r e s b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t T h e response from civil libertarians and som e sen ato­r ia l cr itics is th a t i t ’s e sp e c ia lly im p o r ta n t at m om ents of crisis to h old fa st to th e prin cip les th a t define and gu arantee ju st w h y w e are m the right m th e w ar again st terrorism

Surefit’s easy to say that if they're innocent and want to cooperate, they

have nothing to be worried about

I adm ire people w ho are b lessed at a ll tim es w ith th e ability quite clearly to d istin gu ish right from w rong W hether th e y re b est describ ed as ‘tru e b e lie v e r s” or “ter r ib le s im p lif ie r s ,” th e y

h ave th e advantage m crisis tim es like th is The effectiveness of their certa in ty is th at th e y need n o t con cern th e m s e lv e s over s h a d e s o f gray T hings are either black or w hite, and th a t’s th at

W ell, th in gs in the rea l world are rarely that sim ple

In te r n in g J a p a n e s e -A m e n c a n s a f te r P e a r l Harbor seem ed lik e th e n g h t th in g to do a t the t im e B u t in w a rtim e b a ck th e n th e re w a s n ’t m uch public debate or d iscu ssion A nd th e ver­dict o f h istory now is th a t th e episode is am ong th e m ost sham eful in A m erican h istory

The contending v iew s are powerful On th e one side, “th e C onstitution is not a su icide pact,” as Ju stice Robert Jackson argued 60 years ago On th e other side, our governm ent should be o f law s, n o t o f m en or o f p a r ticu la r c ir c u m sta n c e s , as John Adam s pointed out during th e d eb ate over th e adoption of th e C onstitution

T h a t ’s w h y a r o b u s t p u b lic d e b a te a b o u t w h eth er th e governm ent is going too far, too fast in th e w a r a g a in st terro r ism is so im p ortan t, w h eth er it’s the U S S en ate or th e D etroit chap­ter o f th e ACLU raising th e q uestions A ttack ing those questions and th at debate a s unpatriotic is to m iss th e point entirely

P h i l P o w e r is c h a i r m a n o f H o m e T o w n C o m m u n ic a tio n s N e tw o r k In c ., th e c o m p a n y t h a t o w n s t k i s n e w sp a p e r . H e w e lc o m e s y o u r c o m m e n ts , e i th e r by vo ice m a i l a t (734)953- 2 0 4 7 , E x t . 1 8 8 0 o r b y e - m a i l a t p p o w e r @ h o m e c o m m net.

D o n ’ t l e t t e c h n o l o g y ,

w o r k , w o r r i e s k e e p y o u

f r o m t r u e m e a n i n g o f

h o l i d a y s e a s o n

T h e ca len dar sa y s it’s C h n stm astim e b u t you’d n ever k now it b y look ing outdoors It’s hard to get in to th e sp irit o f th e holidays in 60 degree, balm y w eather, b u t don’t fret T his is M ichigan and it is D ecem ber A ny tim e soon M ichiganders w ill be k n ee deep in sn ow and com plaining about frigid tem p eratu res So, m ellow out and enjoy th e im i­ta tio n sp rin g

T h is y ea r th ou san d s o f Am ericans are h aving th e ir own d ifficu lty “gettin g in to” th e sp irit o f C hristm as after th e 9-11 tragedies L osing loved on es is a lw ays hard no m atter w h at the season T h ose first ga th erin gs w ith em p ty chairs m ake ev en th e h ap p iest festiv ity fee l strange and u nim portant in com parison to everyth ing else B u t g a th erin g togeth er as fam ily and friends, sh ow in g love and support for each other, is im portant, p articu larly to th ose grieving I f ever th ere w ere a tim e w h en friends and fam ily could m ak e a difference m som eone’s life, certain ly it ’s now

M aybe th a t’s w h a t holidays are all about - g e t­t in g togeth er w ith people w e don’t often take t im e to treasu re m th e everyday h u stle and b us­tle o f life It seem s th a t la te ly there’s very litt le t im e le ft a t th e end o f th e day for spending w ith th o se w e love

O ur p ersonal liv e s are put on hold w hile th in gs o f m ore im portance tak e precedence - often w ork re la ted th in g s lik e paperwork, expense reports, research , and perhaps the b iggest cu lp n t o f all, e- m ail

Y ep, th ere’s no doubt technology h as invaded our liv e s forever, ironically k eep in g u s electroni­ca lly connected w h ile driving u s further apart as carin g h u m an b ein gs W hile B aby Boom ers and th e X G eneration le t com puters d ictate how th ey sp en d th e ir tim e, th e senior generation is often le ft out m th e cold, unable to participate from la ck o f techn ologica l know-how They are not m em bers o f th e electronic age M any do not w ish to becom e on e e ith er

A nd m 100 yea rs from now, w h en all o f th is m ak es very lit t le difference, Who w ill be th e b et­ter for it7 T he electronic fools w ho sacrificed per­so n a l re la tion sh ip s and tim e sp en t w ith those th e y loved doing lit t le th in gs lik e sharing a cup of coffee and lis te n in g to each other’s dream s, or the trad itional-m ind ed seniors w ho still enjoy sw ap ­

p in g s to n e s and b ein g togeth er w ith fam ily m em ­bers m th e sam e room w a tch in g te lev ision at n ig h t and w o n d en n g , w ho th e h eck com es up w ith th e q u estion s for “W ho W ants to b e a M il­lionaire^”

This holiday season, why not look into your heart and find the true meaning

of Christmas, right where it always was, just temporarily blocked by

outside forces and unimportant things eating away at your potential?

U ltim a te ly , w e a ll control our own d estin y , so w h y are w e so driven b y im person al forces7 S u c­cess and job se c u n ty p la y a h u g e role in how w e live our liv es and th e sa c n fice s w e m ake along th e w ay B u t is th a t w h a t’s m o st im portant7 Is th a t w h at sh ou ld consum e u s7 Is th a t rea lly the le sson p lan o f life7 I f th e traged ies o f 9-11 tau gh t one th in g , su re ly th a t w ou ld b e to treasu re the tim e w e h a v e on earth w ith th o se clo sest to us, know ing th a t life is p recious an d m lim ited su p ­ply

T h is h olid ay season w h y n o t look in to your h eart to fin d th e tru e m ea n in g o f C hristm as, n g h t w here i t a lw ays w a s, ju s t tem p oran ly blocked b y ou tside forces and un im portant th in gs ea tin g a w ay a t your p o ten tia l7

T h is year spend t im e w ith som eone w ho’s h urt m g, check-m on sen iors w ho liv e alone, vo lu nteer to h elp th e n eed y in your com m unity, donate your h elp to local a n im al sh elters , su rp rise th e children’s w ard o f a n y h o sp ita l w ith sm a ll g ifts and toys, or contact th e S a lva tion A rm y to see how you can h elp o th ers le s s fortunate th an your s e lf - sh are your boun ty w ith th e w orld and reap th e rew ards o f your efforts A fter all, th a t is w h at life is a ll about

Susan Noguera is a freelance writer and an adjunct assistant professor of English at Madon na University, where she mostly teaches journal ism classes, including editorial / feature writing

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A10* T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic I THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001

A i r p o r t s a y s i t h a s e n o u g h c o n c e s s i o n s d e s p i t e d e l a y sBY KURT KUBAN S ta ff Wr it e

I n th e sam e w eek D e tro it M etropolitan Wayne County Air­p o rt opened a m ajor new ru n ­way, officials confirmed a num ­ber of shops planned for the air­p o r t ’s new m idfield te rm in a l won’t open when the term inal is unveiled m February

According to Metro spokesman Len Singer, the delay h as come about because New York conces­sionaire Select Service P artners w ithdrew from the midfield te r­m inal project in late September S e lec t Service w as to open 15 sh o p s a n d re s ta u ra n ts in th e M cNam ara Midfield Terminal

Despite th e delay, Sm ger said Metro passengers will still have plenty of options to eat, d n n k or shop w hen the te rm in a l opens Feb 24 H e said the te rm inal’s o th e r 65 v en d o rs a r e a ll on schedule to open on time

“W hen th e te rm in a l opens, th e re w ill be p len ty o f re s ta u ­r a n t s , sh o p s an d b e v e rag e p ro v id e rs a v a ila b le fo r c u s ­tomers,” Singer said

A ccord ing to S inger, W ayne County officials have split Select Service’s space into five different

bids, which went o u t to the pub­lic in la te November He said the num ber of shops is dependent on w hat kind of proposals come in from vendors

“We have sep a ra ted th is into five separate bids, so local busi­n e s s e s w o u ld h a v e a b e t te r oppo rtu n ity to provide conces­sions in th e new te rm in a l,” he said

“W e w o u ld l ik e tw o C oney Island-like concepts, and a t least one sit-down re s ta u ra n t, which could be a national chain such as

a TGIF Fridays O ther th an th a t we are open to all ideas We just w an t to m ake sure th a t th e con­cept is appropriate for the avail­able space ”

S inger sa id all th e proposals shou ld be in by F ebruary , and th e hope is some of th e shops w ill be open fo r b u sin ess th is sum m er

“If everything goes absolutely perfec t, an d we get th ese p ro ­je c ts on th e f a s t tra c k , e a r ly sum m er is a real possibility for some of these places,” he said

N e w r u n w a yThe news of the delay th re a t­

ened to overshadow the Tuesday o p e n in g o f t h e a i r p o r t ’s new10,000-foot, $225 m illion r u n ­way, which gives Metro a to tal of six runways

According to Metro spokesper­son M ichael C onw ay, th e new runway, officially commissioned as R unw ay 4L/22R, w ill m ean le s s d e la y s fo r p a s s e n g e rs , because th re e p lan es can now land simultaneously

“For passengers, th is new ru n ­w ay m e a n s le s s d e lay s , m ore opportun ities for m ore d estin a­tions, and more frequent flights to curren t destinations,” Conway said “W hat an advantage for our community ”

The new runw ay was unveiled Tuesday at a ceremony attended by W ayne County Executive Ed M cN am ara and several Federal A v ia tio n A d m in is tra tio n offi­cials, including Jan e F Garvey Garvey said the new runw ay will g iv e M etro a d v a n ta g e s o v er

some of the nation’s o ther m ajor airports

“Nationwide la s t year, a large n u m b e r o f com m ercia l flig h ts were delayed or canceled While m uch of th a t w as due to weathr e r , m an y o f th e n a tio n ’s la rg e airports have h a d trouble m eet­ing a ir traffic dem ands,” Garvey said

“T h is new ru n w a y w ill give D etroit M etropolitan Airport one of th e m ost efficient airfields m th e country ”


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M adonna sets advising n ig h t for Jan . 8

M adonna U niversity in Livo­n ia will h o st an advising night on 4-7 30 p m Tuesday, J a n 8, for s tuden ts interested in gradu­a te - le v e l b u s in e ss p ro g ram s School of Business faculty mem­bers will be available for gradu­ate interview s, career guidance and academic advising Students will also have the opportunity to enroll and register for classes

L ig h t re f re s h m e n ts w ill be served and business card draw ­ings will be held for prize give­aways

M adonna U niversity offers a m a s te r ’s deg ree m b u s in e s s a d m in is tr a t io n (M BA) a n d a m a s te r o f science m b u sin ess adm inistration (MSBA) degree

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M adonna University is located a t 1-96 a n d L evan R oad T he School of Business is located m th e M aerten s B uild ing , 36300 Schoolcraft Road


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P D F i 0652?

E n t e r t a i n m e n t

P ly m o u th D ib tn c t Library 7 223 S Main Street Plymouth, M ich 48170

BF i s h e r T h e a tr e ,J3 3 " M o v ie M i

See images o f galaxies, planets and stars project­ed three stories high m the New Detroit Science Center’s Digital Dome Planetarium, 5020 John R, Detroit. Views o f the Universe, the planetarium show, is shown 10a.m .-2 p.m. Monday-Friday and noon-4 p .m . Saturday- Sunday . Admission is $4. General science center

t admission is $7 for adults f and $6 for senior citizens

and children, age 2-12. (313) 577-8400.

American Mars celebrates the release o f No City Fun, w ith openers Judah Johnson, 9 p.m. a t Magic Stick, Detroit. Tickets $7, call (313) 833-9700.^HANDSON

You mix the music in Cran- brook Institute o f Sci­ence’s ongoing exhibit, Mostly Music. Visitors also get a

chance to conduct, experi­ment w ith different insturm ents and singt karaoke. The exhibit is free with museum adm is­sion o f $7 for adults and $4 for children and senior citizens. Museum hours are 10 a .m .-5p.m . daily, extended to 10 p.m., Fri­days. Call 3245.


Ear playT e l l i n g r a d i o s t o r i e s t o a l i v e t h e a t e r a u d i e n c e

Sym p h o n y o f So u nd : M arty Bufahm conducts actors, sound effects and recorded music at a rehearsal o f It ’s a Wonderful Life on stage at Second City m Detroit

U sin g her v o ic e : Sa ra Fouracre portrays M ary Biley m a radio version o f I t ’s a Wonderful Life

I P s a W o n d e r f u l L i f e

What: Local actors and a sound effects crew perform a radio version of the popu la r C hristm as story, m ade famous by Jim m y Stew art on film

When: 2 p m , Saturday and SundayWhere: Second City, on Woodward, next to the Fox Theatre, m downtown Detroit Admission: $12 for adults, $8 for children under 12, students and senior citizens

Available a t Ticketm aster locations or by calling (313) 965-2222 Details: The troupe will perform for broadcast a t 8 a m , Friday Listen to the

m orning show on WKQI, 95 5 FM for details


I f Sue Zizza invested m the next “sure th in g ,” sh e’d p u t h e r m oney in to audio dram a — plays an d stories produced for radio, W ebcast or cassette and CD

Zizza, an in d ep en d en t audio producer and sound designer from New York, heads th e N a tio n a l A udio T h e a tre F es tiv a ls , Inc , an organization dedicated to develop­ing audio th e a te r She calls audio story­telling “a sleeping g ian t” m th e a r ts and entertainm ent business

“It’s a sm all industry th a t is in th e pro­cess of w aking up and looking around and saying, ‘where do w e go next7’ ” she said “Look a t how th e audio book industry has done It s ta rted sm all and look a t i t now I t’s an ever growing industry ”

An audio book is p rin ted m a ten a l read on tap e , u s u a lly by a s in g le n a r ra to r Audio dram a or rad io th e a te r is w ritten for the ear I t goes beyond simple n a rra ­tion to include dialogue, sound effects and music And it includes both contem porary stories and old tim e radio shows

“The sam e p eo p le l is te n in g to audio books, given th e opportunity, are buying audio theater,” Zizza said “We are finding more interest on th e national level for the a r t of audio th e a te r and for tra in in g m th e art

“There is a g row ing audience for th is I t’s a m atter of education - not educating th e consum er, b u t educating th e people w ho m ake a d v e r t is in g a n d m a rk e tin g decisions th a t th e re is in fact an audience for this ”

At least two upcoming events m south­ea s te rn M ichigan seem to b ea r o u t h e r notion

G arriso n K e illo r’s fa n s s n a tc h e d up tickets fa s te r th a n you could say “Lake W obegon,” fo r h is live rad io b ro ad cas t from Hill A uditorium m Ann A rbor Tick­ets to A Prairie Home Companion, Public Radio In terna tional’s weekly mix o f Keil­lor storytelling, sk its and music, sold out in a week F an s can listen to the show a t home when i t is broadcast live a t 6 p m , on Saturday, over 91 7 FM Or m eet Keil­lor a t 2 p m , S unday a t th e Borders store in downtown A nn Arbor

M eanw hile, M a r ty B u fah m , a w rite r and in d ep en d en t producer from G rosse Pomte, will d irect a cast and sound effects crew through radio-style perform ances of It's a Wonderful Life, th is weekend on the Second C ity s tag e m downtown D etro it Shows are a t 2 p m , S atu rday and Sun­day The tro u p e also w ill b roadcast live over WKQI, 95 5 FM a t 8 a m , F riday

“I ’ve been d o in g rad io show s aro u n d town for five or six years,” said Bufahm , who produced h is first few audio th ea te r

Please see RADIO, B3

Sound to o ls The effects crew creates an aural environment with everyday objects

N o t A n o t h e r T e e n M o v i e s t a r s s p e a k o u t

By Stephanie Angelyn Casola Staff w r

Ju s t as the W ayan Brothers managed to m ake good fun of Blasher films with S ca ry M ovie I a n d / /-^ D ire c to r Jo e l Gallen found ano thef genre w orthy of spoofing - teen movies

In N ot A no ther Teen Movie, opening F riday m m etro a rea th ea te rs , Gallen asse m b les a c a s t o f c h a ra c te r s th a t reflect th e m ost loved, hated and memo­rable nam es from the past two decades of teen-centered cinema R isky Business

kicked off Tom Cruise’s film career and b ra t pack films like Pretty m Pink, S ix teen C andles an d The B reakfast C lub m ade cherry-haired Molly Rmgwald an unparalleled teen icon

Now film s like A m erican Pie, Cruel Intentions and B ring I t On continue the tradition , adding more shock value th an film s re le a se d m th e 1980s could ve m ustered

“Basically i t ’s m aking fun of our own industry ,” said Jaim e Pressly, who por­trays Priscilla, “The Bitchy Cheerleader” m th e film “I t’s hilarious ”

In November, Pressly and fellow cast m em ber E ric C hristian O lsen (Austin, “The Cocky Blonde Guy”) visited B irm ­ingham on a tour to prom ote the film D u rin g a p re s s in te rv ie w a t th e Townsend Hotel, the actors confessed to being tru e fans of the teen genre When asked which member of the John Hugh es b ra t pack they wished they could be, Pressly and Olsen lit up

I th in k I m ig h t’ve b e e n th e A lly Sheedy (c h a ra c te r) m The B rea k fa s t

Please see TEEN, B2

N ot your a ve r­a g e high sc h o o l: A tJo h n Hughes H igh, cheer­leaders like Priscilla (cert* ter, portrayed by Jaim eD ____ 1 . A __ 7„ *

i f C0 WJ7 • w it' <

X o t A n o t h i ? • / »> Mm a

m. tVw. ahsert 6rnti(frvcBntrrc com S fttirn n D «irn«iv F c lito r 7 3 4 95-3 2 0 5 -

B2* T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic l THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001

C h a r a c t e r s m a k e O u t C o l d w o r t h a l o o k

S n o w y te e n f lic k : I f y o u l i k e b e e r - d r i n k i n g s n o w b o a r d -

e r s , b o y - m e i t S ' g i r l p l o t s a n d b u x o m b a b e s , y o u ' l l l i k e

t h i s m o v i e d u d e .

B y C h r i s t y L e m i r eA P ENTERTAINMENT WRITER

NEW YORK (AP) - How cool w o u ld i t be to w o rk a t B u ll M o u n ta in 7 ‘C au se re a lly , you don’t w ork As th e guys m Out Cold prove, you snow board all day, then drjnk beer, th en snow­board some more

S o m e tim e s y o u sn o w b o a rd W H IL E you d r in k b e e r , m a gam e called K ing o f the M oun ta in S ee , y ou h a v e to b o a rd down the en tire m ountain w ith a full mug m your hand, and who­ever has th e most beer left a t the b o tto m is th e k in g D u d e ' I t should be an Olympic sport*

B ut one day, the high-altitude h ijinks come to an ab ru p t h a lt for Rick (Jason London) an d his slacker buddies, Luke (Zach Gal- l f ia n a k is ) , A n th o n y (F lex A lexander) and P ig P en (D erek Hamilton)

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E n tr e p r e n e u r J o h n M ajo rs (Lee M ajors) - a stereotypical, cigar-chomping good ole boy who w ears a cowboy h a t - buys the A laskan resort and tu rns it into a yuppie haven, com plete w ith sushi and espresso

T h is a ll m ak es th e m ovie sound feffr more complicated than it is, however

I t ’s b a s ic a lly a lo w -re n t re m a k e o f th e 1984 lo w -re n t teen-age sex comedy Hot Dog The Movie, instead it has snow- b o a rd e rs in s te a d o f s k ie rs ‘C ause , like, nohody sk is any ­more, d uh’

Brendan and Em m ett Malloy - firs t-tim e directors cred ited as “The M alloys,” as if w e’re sup­posed to know who th ey a re - have basically created a feature- le n g th v ers io n of those videos th a t a re on a co n stan t loop a t s u r f an d ski shops T he snow­boarding IS impressive, though, fe a tu r in g s tu n ts from some of the world’s top pro boarders

I t ’s easy to m ake fu n o f th is movie for being m indless, sopho- monc, predictable, you nam e it - especially w ith M ajors, th e Six Million Dollar H as Been, as its big-name s ta r And it is all those th in g s B u t th e c h a ra c te rs are p r e t ty l ik a b le , a n d th e c in e ­m a to g ra p h y o f s n o w b o a rd e rs carving perfect S -turns th rough pristine snow is gorgeous

And Out Cold wouldn’t be com­plete w ithout a P laym ate of the Year - the blond, buxom Victoria S ilv s te d t (1997) re p la c in g th e b lond, buxom S h an n o n Tw eed (1982), who appeared m H ot Dog before going on to m ake C anm bal Women m the Avocado Ju n gle o f Death and Cold Sweat

But we digressS ilv s te d t , "an A n n a N ico le

S m ith lo o k -a lik e , p lay s In g a , J o h n M a jo rs ’ S w e d ish s te p d a u g h te r , w ho l ik e s to r id e mechamcal bulls and go hot-tub- bm g in the snow, naturally

Majors’ o ther daugh ter, A nna

(Caroline D havernas), happens to be a girl Rick m et and imme­diately fell m love w ith m Can cun So when she shows up with h e r dad a t th e B ull M ountain pub where Rick and his buddies h an g out, h e g e ts to quip in a sham eless Casablanca reference, “O f all th e b a rs m a ll th e ski tow ns m A lask a , w hy did she have to walk into th is one7”

B u t A n n a is en g a g ed to be m arr ie d , an d everyone knows th a t Jenny (A J Cook), a cute, laid-back snowboarder chick, is a m uch better m atch for Rick any way

So w ill R ick an d h is friends ta k e back th e m oun tain m the n am e of a l l t h a t is p u re and r ig h t in th is w o rld 7 W ill Rick and Jenny end up together7

Dude, you know the answers to those questions

O ut Cold, a Touchstone Pid tu res release, runs 89 minutes

Teen f r o m p a g e B 1

Club,” said Pressly “She’s some­one no one would th ink I’d play, and someone I’d love to play ” ..The rec lu siv e “b a s k e t c a se”

Allison Reynolds does seem far from P risc illa th e cheerleader, p a r tic u la r ly fo r th e s tu n n in g blonde actress

O lsen sa id w ith o u t a doubt, he’d choose a John Cusack char­a c te r - m ost likely th e ro le as awkward, sensitive Lloyd Dobler m C am eron Crowe’s S a y A n y th in g Yet i t ’s h a rd to im agine A ustin - who speaks m ignorant rhym es throughout the movie - ho isting up a radio b larin g the rom an tic song In Your Eyes to get the girl

“The films in th e 80s were so good,” said Pressly “I t got to the p o in t w here th ey cam e b ack ” She w as ac tu a lly p a r t of th a t rev iv a l, ea rn in g a ro le in th e ro m a n tic t^ e n com edy C a n ’t H ardly Wait six years ago

“This is really big rig h t now,” she said "So m any things came o u t o f th a t (movie) ” P ress ly ’s c red its also include th e te lev i­s io n show Ja c k a n d J i l l an d movies Tomcats and Joe Dirt

W hat sep a ra tes N o t A no ther

Teen Movie from th e re s t is its b la ta n t ab ility to exam ine and e m u la te a g e n re d e v o te d to teenage behavior The story here fo llow s J a n e y B rig g s (C h y le r L eigh) on h e r t r a n s fo rm a tio n from g lasses-and-pony tail sim p lic i ty to n e a r P ro m Q u een m aterial She’s the object of a bet between popular jock Jake Wyler (C h ris E v a n s ) a n d h is cocky fr ie n d A u s tin (E ric C h r is t ia n Olsen) and the object of affection for h e r b est friend , th e u tte r ly obsessed Ricky (Erie Jungm ann) Meanwhile, Jak e ’s ex-girlfnend, P r is c il la (Ja im e P re ss ly ) , h a s fo u n d som eone new - a ca m ­c o rd e r- to tin g boy n a m e d L es (Riley Smith)

T he J o h n H u g h e s H ig h S ch o o l’s F re s h m e n “V irg in Posse,” M itch (Cody M cM ains), B ruce (Sam m L evine) a n d Ox (Sam H u n tin g to n ) a re tra i l in g a f te r a new fo re ig n ex ch an g e s tu d en t (C erm a V incent) And Sadie (Beverly Polcyn), th e 90- year-old undercover reporter has been spending a little too m uch tim e w ith C atherine (Mia K irsh ner), “the c ru d es t girl in school ”

“You cross a lo t of lin es th a t

h a v e n ’t b een c ro ssed before sa id O lsen H is cred its include th e film Pearl Harbor and televi sion shows like Sm allville , Get \ Real and E R \

“We push th e lim it so much in th i s m o v ie ,” ad d e d P ressly “E ven th o u g h w e spoof every th ing it’s still so original ”

E v en th e a c to rs being ‘ spoofed’ m th e film agreed to m ak e cam eo a p p e a ra n c e s - which Pressly and Olsen consid er a testam ent to th e good spirit shared by its cast

“I la u g h e d fo r tw o s tra ig h t m onths,” said Olsen

T h e h u m o r o f N o t A no ther Teen M ovie i s n ’t for everyone T he ac to rs a re qu ick to adm it th a t Pressly said she isn’t a fan of “sick h u m o r” b u t th e shock factor m ade th e film th a t much funnier “Yes i t grossed me out m certain p arts ,” she said Olsen com pared i t to a t r a m wreck, s a y in g a s m u ch a s you don t w an t to w atch some scenes, it’s hard not to look ’

L ik e i t o r n o t, N o t A n o th e r* Teen Movie p roves one th ing - parodies are h ere to stay

F A M I L Y N E W Y E A R 'S P A R T Y

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T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic l THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001 *B3

Radio from page A lF i s h e r T h e a t r e m a r k s

perform ances a t Greenfield Vil lag e in D e a rb o rn “I d id a t re m e n d o u s am o u n t o f w ork w hen I s ta r te d I searched all over for scrip ts I s tarted doing I t ’s a W onderfu l L ife th re e or four years ago This is our sec­ond y ea r w ith Olympia E n te r­tainm ent ’

Olympia expanded the group’s perform ances th is year I f need­ed, they’ll add a Dec 22 show

“It’s a Wonderful Life is such a p e re n n ia l fav o rite I t ’s such a feel-good script I do have other s c r ip ts I h a v e a p re t ty good script of Christmas Carol b u t it’s done o th e r p laces M eadow B rook ( th e a te r ) does i t every year,” Bufalim said

“Nobody does I t ’s a Wonderful Life, especially the way we do People love i t I t su rp rises me how m u ch k ids love i t People are fa sc in a te d w atch ing those different characters come out of the sam e th ro a ts and by seeing how the sound effects are done A nd h o p e fu lly , w a tc h in g th e director will be fun ”

Bufalim , who also has tau g h t broadcast performance a t Wayne S tate University, will cue actors a n d so u n d e ffec ts crew from

behind a m usic stand on stage He’ll also play th ree characters m the play

S ara Fouracre of Beverly Hills, a m o rn in g show co -h o st a t WKQI, h a s p layed th e p a r t of M ary B a ile y fo r tw o y e a rs WKQI morning show voice man, Enc H arthen of P leasant Ridge, also re tu rns th is year to portray George Bailey

“I m ade an audition tape and tried every voice I played it on the phone for M arty,” Fouracre said, recalling her inform al audi­tion las t year

“Every once and a while on the (WKQI) show, I get to do a char­acter voice or parody or sk it th a t Eric p u ts together for me But mostly on the show we ju s t try to be ourselves This (It’s a Wonder fu l Life) gives me a chance to do w hat I ’ve always w anted to do, which was act ’

Fouracre, a Birm ingham Sea- ho lm H ig h School g ra d u a te , s tu d ied b ro a d c a s t jo u rn a lism and th e a te r a t M ichigan S ta te and com pleted th e p rogram a t Specs H ow ard School of Broad­casting, before landing th e job at Q 95 5

“Radio acting is very different

from th ea te r acting T hat’s why I try to get the same people every y e a r,” B ufalim sa id “I te ll my studen ts in m y classes a t Wayne S ta te to use your body, gesture, use y o u r face Don’t ju s t read T hose a re ju s t chem icals on a piece of wood pulp I t’s your job to m ake it come alive ”

B u fa lim hopes h e an d o th er audio dram a enthusiasts will get a chance to perform again in the fu tu re

“I ’d like to see i t go fu rth e r, m aybe do a one-hour show some­w here once a m onth,” he said

Zizza said funding is a m ajor challenge for serious audio pro­fessionals

“You need funding, resources and m ateria l There are a lot of hobby ists o u t th e re B ut i f the product isn’t good, it won’t sell,” she said

Zizza isn ’t ce rta in how m any audio dram a troupes nationwide re g u la r ly produce s to rie s , b u t says they use a varie ty of venues - from the Web to radio

“I can te ll you w e have over 5,000 people on our m ailing list ”

i t s 4 0 t h

By Christina fuoco Spec ial Writer

W ith its perfect acoustics and e lo q u e n t d e s ig n , th e r e is no other venue like the F isher The­atre to H arry Nederlander

“I th ink it’s a building th a t will p ro b ab ly n ev e r be re p e a te d ,” s a id N e d e r la n d e r , 84, w hose fam ily com pany, N ed erlan d e r Co , runs the Fisher

“I t’s so lavish and so beautiful and so fine Today, I th in k th e cost of pu tting th a t building up would be totally prohibited Ju s t look a t the work in the lobbies ”

P le n ty of D e tro ite r s h av e stared in awe a t the lobbies and th e m agnificent a rch itectu re of th e building on th e ir way to an evening of theater

The gem of the Detroit theater scene is currently celebrating its 40th anniversary

In honor of th e b irthday , th e N e d e r la n d e r Co a n d W ayne S ta te U n iv e rs ity c re a te d th e “Apple Award,” a prize th a t will be awarded annually to a nation­ally recognized th e a te r profes­sional who has m ade significant contributions m his or her field This year, the inaugural “Apple Award” - $10,000 and a crystal apple - will be presented to play­w right Neil Simon a t a black-tie g a la in th e sp rin g The aw ard presentation was to occur Tues- day-Wednesday, Nov 27-28, bu t h a s b een p o s tp o n ed b ec au se Sim on is recovering from back s u rg e ry A new d a te w ill be announced soon

“I th in k we’ve tr ie d to judge people as we see them and out of th e g roup we cam e up w ith a w inner,” Nederlander said about th e decision to honor Simon “It w asn’t ju s t a single shot to get som ebody some p u b lic ity I t ’s very worthwhile ”

In a press release, WSU Presi­d en t Irv in D Reid echoed th a t sentim ent

M o r e a u d i o

1fpU about au<tto theatl.r radio broadcastsand e1Mb aU%1$$k3 ? »,

Kere’s a sampling of audio prbitt^rs and o rg an j^ a tisa r s , explored

■- National Theatre Pe&Wal Inc * a Its sciem non-profit training tic gums

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B u d d in g dhetlon crew rad ioworkshop Academy Award Wming ^ound designer, Bandy Them of Skywalker Sound is among the geest trainers for 2002 The orga-

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They served you B re a k fa s t They gave you Pte , Now we're gonna stuff your face

m m M i l l n m is S I I I I I l m m I f M il l I ! I I f s t i l l I I i ISH1I a I l f 1 1 M i l l » I 1

, J H l i l l l I f l f J I S f l i i l l l f f i f f i l l Jff M UM llffli " J i l l « . 3 i l l ! t i l l I f f l S i l l ! M l i t 1 H i s ! 1 ! ,1111

’ i s i i i i r n i u u i p ,“ = 1wtsw w w p ic tu r esUL mmwwwT !



So ry No Passes Coupons V Pi Group Act v ty T ckets Accepted • Check Theater D ecu es Fo Showt mes

a n n i v e r s a r y4.

“W ayne S ta te U n iv e rs ity is extrem ely pleased th a t a profes­sional of M r Simon’s statu re will be the first recipient of the Apple A w ard T h is is a n exceptional opportunity for our s tuden ts to i n t e r a c t w i th a n a t io n a l ly renow ned th e a te r p rofessional who has devoted much of h is life to the arts ”

S im on’s re su m e re ad s like a B est of Broadw ay - Barefoot m the Park, The O dd Couple, Plaza S u i te , L a s t o f th e R ed H o t L o v e rs , T he S u n s h in e B o ys , Chapter Two, B iloxi Blues, Lost m Yonkers, T he Goodbye G irl am ong others

T he aw ard w as n am ed a f te r N e d e r la n d e r’s m o th e r , S a ra h A pp leb au m N e d e rla n d e r , who w a s a f fe c tio n a te ly k n o w n as “Apple ”

“The biggest kick I get out of it is th e m em ory o f m y m o th e r T h a t’s w h ere th e ‘A pple’ cam e from She w as q u ite a wom an She had a lot to do w ith the busi­n ess , k eep in g th in g s to g e th er Nothing runs 100 percent all the tim e,” he said

T h e F is h e r a lso m a rk s i ts a n n iv e r s a ry w i th a c lea n in g , new wallpaper, carpeting and a ir co n d itio n in g I t ’s 4 0 th season

kicked off in Septem ber w ith The Best L ittle Whorehouse m Texas I t w in d s u p m M ay w ith th e P u litz e r P rize -w in n in g d ram a* Proof

L o n g h is t o r y <T h e F is h e r T h e a t r e w as"

designed as a 3 ,500-seat movie"' and vaudeville th ea te r Opening Nov 11,1928, it featured “Mexi- can-Indian a r t, b an an a tree s , a go ld fish p o n d a n d w a n d e r in g macaws th a t audience m em bers^ fed by h a n d ,” according to th e F isher’s official history I t closed m December 1960 Z

The th e a te r re-ogened O ct l , c 1961 after a $3 5 million facelift w ith a l i t t l e m ore th a n 2 ,000 s e a ts for th e a te r-g o e rs D av id Tobias (D T ) N ederlander, son of a D e tro it c ig a r m a k e r , b eg a n m anag ing an d booking p roduc­tio n s , a s h e h a d done fo r th e nearby D etro it O pera H ouse It soon becam e a fav o rite am ong th e a te r a c to rs M ary M a r tin , C a ro l C h a n n m g , J o e l G rey , B e rn a d e t te P e te r s a n d L y n n Redgrave have performed on the F isher T heatre stage The venue h a s h o sted w orld p re m ie re s of

Please see FISHER, A6






D EC EM B ER 27, 2001 - FEBRU A R Y 9, 20 0 2 Call tism gm m m r (248) 645-6666

or w w w t cke tm aste rcom T ckets a t the f is h e r Theatre Box O ffc e & all n e w n f f g a t a r o utle ts Groups (20 o r m ore) call (313) 871 1132





NO REVIEW SHOULD GIVE AWAY.I t s a bold leap that g ives Tom C ru ise one of h is m ost

challenging io Ic s Cam eron D iaz is sensational





* + * + ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST.



A (111 1 1 f i


lllllll M Mh u hMinim i n n JAiiEfinHwiiiEiiii " iw it i «:;iNYe«i

s s y o i i i i m m m f i i m i i i w i i n i i f i smichaeldovei

« n W A L W F,“ I0HERIE 11A IIR E l E l l ITBffiff niLHIHBItH

www vanillasky.eom ------ —








% A *

£ % f


:(0F*)B4 T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic / T hursday, Decem ber 13, 2001

Q days a weekA G u i d e t o e n t e r t a i n m e n t in t h e M e t r o D e t r o i t a r e a

On sta g e : I t A in 't N oth in 'But the Blues comes to Music B a ll Center for the Performing Arts in Detroit Showtimes vary now through Sunday, Dec, 16, Tickets are $32-$42, Call (313) 363-2366.


T H E A T E R .

C E N T U R Y T H E A T R E . FullyCommitted c o n t in u e s 1 3 0 p m W e d n e s d a y 7 3 0 p m W e d n e s d a y

T h u rs d a y 8 3 0 p m F r id a y S a tu rd a y 5 3 0 p m S a tu rd a y

S u n d a y a n d 1 3 0 p m S u n d a y a t

th e t h e a t e r D e tro it $ 2 7 3 2 5 0

$ 3 7 5 0 ( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 3 9 8 0 0

D E T R O IT R E P E R T O R Y T H E A T R E Misstzzy and the Angel Tree c o n tm

u e s to D e c 3 0 8 3 0 p m

T h u rs d a y s a n d F r id a y s 3 a n d 8 3 0

p m S a tu rd a y s an d 2 a n d 7 3 0

p m S u n d a y s a t th e t h e a t e r

1 3 1 0 3 W o o d ro w W ils o n D e tro it

$ 1 5 ( 3 1 3 ) 868 1 3 4 7 G E M T H E A T R E Dinner with Friends c o n t in u e s 2 p m W e d n e s d a y 8 p m W e d n e s d a y F r id a y 6 p m and

9 p m S a tu rd a y 2 p m a n d 6 p m

S u n d a y a t t h e t h e a te r D e tro it

$ 2 7 5 0 $ 3 7 5 0 (3 1 3 ) 9 6 3 9 8 0 0 J E W IS H E N S E M B L E T H E A T R E

Talley s Folly c o n t in u e s to D e c 3 0 D e c 1 3 - 1 6 1 9 2 3 an d 2 6 - 3 0 7 3 0

p m W e d n e s d a y T h u rs d a y an d

S u n d a y 8 p m S a tu rd a y a n d 2 p m S u n d a y and W e d n e s d a y D e c

1 9 No e v e n in g p e r fo rm a n c e D e c 1 9 $ 1 6 $ 2 8 ( 2 4 8 ) 7 8 8 - 2 9 0 0

F IS H E R T H E A T R E P r e s e n t s

C o n t a c t t h r e e s to r ie s a b o u t p e o p le

in w ild p u r s u it o f lo v e D e c 1 6 3 0 1 1 W G ra n d D e tro it F o r t ic k

e t s c a l l ( 3 1 3 ) 8 7 2 1 0 0 0

M E A D O W B R O O K T H E A T R E A Christmas Carol c o n t in u e s to

S u n d a y D e c 2 3 a t th e t h e a t e r on

T h e c a m p u s o f O a k la n d U n iv e rs it y

R o c h e s t e r $ 2 8 - $ 4 0 01 E b e n e z e r

S c ro o g e a s k s a u d ie n c e s to le a rn

fro m h is le s s o n s a n d b r in g non p e r

is h a b le fo o d d o n a t io n s to th e th e ­a t e r d u r in g th e ru n o f A Christmas Carol ( 2 4 8 ) 3 7 7 3 3 0 0


AVO N P L A Y E R S : The 1940s Radio Hour a nostalgic m u s ic a l b y

W a lto n J o n e s D e c 1 4 1 6 an d 2 1

2 2 8 p m F r id ay S a t u rd a y 2 p m

S u n d a y $ 1 5 (2 4 8 ) 6 0 8 9 0 7 7

S T A G E C R A F T E R S Annie c o n t in u e s

to D e c 2 3 8 p m T h u rs d a y S a tu rd a y D e c 1 3 1 5 a n d F r id a y

S a tu rd a y D e c 2 1 2 2 a n d 2 p m

S u n d a y D e c 1 6 a n d 2 3 a t th e B a ld w in T h e a t r e R o y a l O a k ( 2 4 8 )

5 4 1 6 4 3 0


A N G E L FO O D C A F E : The Great Ypsilanti Tram Robbery o f 1916 An Evening o f H istorical License5 1 5 p m a n d 8 1 5 p m F r id ay

D e c 7 a t t h e r e s ta u ra n t 6 W e s t M ic h ig a n A ve n u e Y p s i la n t i $ 3 9 9 5

a n d in c lu d e a g o u rm e t 3 c o u rs e ""dinner A d v a n c e t i c k e t p u rc h a s e

an d m e a l s e le c t io n re q u ire d ( 7 3 4 )

4 8 3 0 1 3 5


H IL B E R R Y T H E A T R E : T h e c o m e d y Season s Greeting c o n t in u e s in

ro ta t in g r e p e r to ry to F e b 2 A Doll s House c o n t in u e s in ro ta t in g re p e r to ry th ro u g h D e c 1 5 a t th e

t h e a t e r D e tro it $ 1 2 $ 2 0 ( 3 1 3 )

5 7 7 2 9 7 2


Cinderella a m a r io n e tte b a lle t v e r s io n o f t h e p o p u la r s t o r y 2 p m

S a t u rd a y s in D e c e m b e r a t t h e th e a t e r D e t ro it $ 7 $ 5 c h ild re n

( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 1 7 7 7 1

M A R Q U IS T H E A T R E * Charlotte s Web 2 3 0 p m S a tu rd a y S u n d a y D e c 1 5 1 6 and 2 9 3 0 a n d J a n 5

6 1 2 1 3 a n d 1 9 2 0 an d

W e d n e s d a y F r id a y D e c 2 6 2 8 a t

th e t h e a t e r N o rth v ille $ 7 5 0 No

c h ild re n u n d e r a g e 3 ( 2 4 8 ) 3 4 9

8 1 1 0

Y O U T H E A T R E Goodnight Opus 1 1 a m an d 2 p m S a tu rd a y D e c 1 5

an d 2 p m S u n d a y D e c 1 6 a t th e M il le n n iu m C e n tre S o u th f ie ld $8 a d v a n c e $ 1 0 a t d o o r ( 2 4 8 ) 5 5 7

7 5 2 9


I T ’S A W O N D E R F U L L IF E *

T h e a t r ic a l p re s e n ta t io n o f a n o ld

t im e ra d io b ro a d c a s t 2 p m S a tu rd a y S u n d a y D e c 1 5 1 6

S e c o n d C it y T h e a t re D e t ro it $8 $ 1 2 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 R A D IO C I T Y C H R IS T M A S

S P E C T A C U L A R S t a r r in g th e P to c k e t te s t im e s v a r y c o n t in u e s

th ro u g h S a tu rd a y D e c 2 9 Fo x

T h e a t r e D e tro it $ 1 5 $ 5 7 5 0 ( $ 1 3 ) 4 7 1 6 6 1 1

R E D F O R D T H E A T R E : Miracle on 34th S t fe e fF r id a y - 'S a t u rd a y D e c 1 4 - 1 5 W ith g u e s t o rg a n is t L a n c e

L u c e an d D e t ro it 3 0 0 ft lm s U d e s , 8 p m F r id a y and 2 p m an d 8 p m

S a t u rd a y o rg a n o v e r t u r e s b e g in 3 0

m in u te s e a r l ie r a t t h e t h e a t e r

1 7 3 6 0 L a h s e r R o a d a t G ra n d R iv e r

R e d fo rd $ 3 ( 3 1 3 ) 5 3 4 1 9 5 4


S O N G & D A N C E . F e a t u r in g

A le x a n d e r Z o n j ic t h e V il la g e

P la y e r s a n d t h e s p e c ia l s t u d e n t s o f F A R C o n s e r v a t o r y p e r fo r m s 7 3 0

p m T h u rs d a y D e c 1 3 a t th e V il la g e P la y e r s T h e a t e r 7 5 2

C h e s t n u t a t W o o d w a rd

B irm in g h a m $ 5 0 $ 5 0 0 p ro c e e d s

g o to FA R C o n s e r v a t o r y o f

T h e ra p e u t ic a n d P e r fo rm in g A r t s in

B irm in g h a m a n o n p ro f it t h a t pro

v id e s c r e a t iv e a r t s t h e ra p y a n d r e c re a t io n s e r v ic e s f o r c h ild re n an d

a d u l t s w ith m e n ta l p h y s ic a l a n d / o r

e m o t io n a l im p a ir m e n t s ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 6

3 3 4 7 o r ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 4 9 6 6 7



S T R IN G S T h e M y s t ic T ru m p e te r

c o n c e r t 8 3 0 p m (8 p m re c e p ­

t io n ) F r id a y D e c 2 1 a t H a g o p ia n

W o rld o f R u g s B irm in g h a m $ 1 9

$10 s t u d e n t s a g e 12 a n d u n d e r

( 2 4 8 ) 5 5 9 2 0 9 5D E T R O IT S Y M P H O N Y O R C H E S T R A *

Y u le t id e C e le b ra t io n 8 p m F r id a y

S a t u rd a y D e c 1 4 1 5 2 p m

S a t u rd a y S u n d a y D e c 1 5 1 6 a n d

7 p m S u n d a y D e c 1 6 a t

O r c h e s t r a H a ll D e t ro it ( 3 1 3 ) 5 7 6 5 1 1 1

L E S A R T S F L O R IS S A N T S P r e s e n t

C h r is t m a s M u s ic o f M a rc A n to in e

C h a rp e n t ie r ( 1 6 4 3 1 7 0 4 ) 8 p m

T h u r s d a y D e c 1 3 a t S t F r a n c is o f

A s s i s i C a th o l ic C h u rc h A n n A rb o r

$ 3 5 $ 4 0 ( 7 3 4 ) 7 6 4 - 2 3 5 8 M R B M E M O R IA L C O N C E R T : To

h o n o r M ic h a e l B is t r i t z s k y C a s s

T e c h H igh S c h o o l O r c h e s t r a d ire c

to r ( 1 9 4 4 - 1 9 6 8 ) 7 p m M o n d a y

D e c 1 7 a t C a s s T e c h n ic a l H igh

s c h o o l 2 4 2 1 S e c o n d A v e n u e D e t ro it $ 1 0 $ 5 s t u d e n t s ( 3 1 3 )

5 9 6 3 9 0 0


C O N L E N P R O D U C T IO N S * P r e s e n t

G ia n C a r lo M e n o tt i s Amahl and the Night Visitors 3 p m S u n d a y D e c

1 6 a t A ll S a in t s E p is c o p a l C h u rc h

1 7 1 W e s t P ik e P o n t ia c ( $ 1 0 a t

d o o r) an d 7 p m S u n d a y J a n 6 a t W a rd P re s b y t e r ia n C h u rc h

4 0 0 0 0 S ix M ile N o r th v ille No

c h a rg e


W ith th e C a n a d ia n B r a s s 8 p m

T u e s d a y D e c 1 8 a t O r c h e s t r a

H a ll D e t ro it ( 3 1 3 ) 5 7 6 5 1 1 1

M O T O R C I T Y B R A S S B A N D *P r e s e n t s S o u n d s o f th e S e a s o n 3

p m S u n d a y D e c 1 6 a t th e

S o u th f ie ld C e n tre fo r th e A r t s $ 1 0

$8 s e m o r s / s t u d e n t s $ 2 5 fo r a fa m ily ( 2 4 8 ) 7 8 8 6 6 1 8 o r ( 2 4 8 )

4 2 4 - 9 0 2 2



C h r is t m a s G lo ria c o n c e r t 8 p m S a t u r d a y D e c 1 5 a t S t C la re o f

M o n t e fa lc o C h u rc h G r o s s e P o m te P a rk $ 1 5 $ 1 2 s e m o r s / s t u d e n t s

( 3 1 3 ) 8 8 2 - 0 1 1 8


C H O R U S : 8 p m F r id a y S a tu rd a y D e c 1 4 1 5 a t M e rc y H igh S c h o o l 1 1 M ile a n d M id d le b e lt F a rm in g to n H ills $ 1 0 ( 8 1 0 ) 6 3 2

4 0 6 7

A U D I T I O N S / O P PO R T U N I T I E S


L o o k in g fo r n e w m u s ic ia n s fo r th e

6 5 m e m b e r a d u lt b a n d a ll m s tru

m e n t s w e lc o m e e s p e c ia l ly low

b r a s s a n d p e r c u s s io n r e h e a r s a ls o n W e d n e s d a y in G ro v e s H igh

S c h o o l b a n d ro o m (2 4 8 ) 4 7 4 - 4 9 9 7 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 7 7 5 8 6 o r v is i t th e W eb

s i t e a t

b irm m g h a m c o n c e r tb a n d co m L IV O N IA Y O U T H P H IL H A R M O N IC . I f

y o u a re a m u s ic ia n in g ra d e s 112 w ith a t ie a s t o n e y e a r o f e x p e r i e n c e a n d in te re s te d in p la y in g w ith a y o u th o r c h e s t r a th e L iv o n ia

Y o u th P h i lh a rm o n ic is h o ld in g au d i

t io n s fo r it s w in te r s e m e s t e r b e g in

m n g J a n 5 o p e n in g s a v a ila b le in

m o s t s e c t io n s ( 7 3 4 ) 5 9 1 7 6 4 9 o r o n l in e a t w w w LY P M o rg

N O V I T H E A T R E S A u d it io n s fo r The Sound o f Music 7 3 0 p m M o n d ay

D e c 1 7 ( 2 4 8 ) 3 4 7 0 4 0 0

F R A N K L IN V IL L A G E B A N D * A d u lt m u s ic ia n s fro m s o u th e a s te rn

M ic h ig a n a re in v ite d to jo in th e F r a n k lin V il la g e B a n d A ll m s tru

m e n ts a r e w e lc o m e b u t th e re is a s p e c ia l n e e d fo r f lu t e s a n d c la r

in e t s T h e band r e h e a r s e s M o n d ay

e v e n in g s in th e F ra n k lin C o m m u n ity C h u rc h s o c ia l h a ll o n F ra n k lin R o a d

b e tw e e n 1 3 an d 1 4 M ile ro a d s Fo r m o re d e t a i l s c a l l B i l l P r is k a t ( 2 4 8 ) 4 7 4 8 8 6 9 o r B o b Z im m e rm a n

a t ( 3 1 3 ) 5 3 5 4 1 1 9

P O P S / S W I N G /C A B A R E T

B IR D O F P A R A D IS E O R C H E S T R A * 9p m M o n d a y a t t h e B ird o f

P a r a d is e A nn A rb o r ( 7 3 4 ) 6 6 2

8 3 1 0 (b ig b an d s w in g b o p )

J A Z Z / B L U E SR O N B R O O K S T R IO * 9 p m T u e s d a y a n d T h u rs d a y a t t h e B ird o f P a r a d is e A n n A rb o r $ 5 c o v e r

( 7 3 4 ) 6 6 2 - 8 3 1 0

L O S G A T O S : 9 p m W e d n e s d a y a t

t h e B ird o f P a r a d is e A n n A rb o r $ 5

c o v e r ( 7 3 4 ) 6 6 2 8 3 1 0

M A T T M IC H A E L S T R IO : W ith s p e c ia l g u e s t G e n e P a rk e r ( s a x e s f lu te a n d v ib e s ) 8- l i 3 0 p m

W e d n e s d a y D e c 1 9 W ith g u e s t

v o c a l i s t B a r b a r a W a re 8 1 1 3 0 p m

W e d n e s d a y D e c 2 6 a t R o n s

F i r e s id e In n 2 8 9 3 7 W a rre n R o a d tw o b lo c k s e a s t o f M id d le b e lt

R o a d ( 7 3 4 ) 7 6 2 7 7 5 6

L A R R Y N O Z E R O J A Z Z Q U IN T E T : P e r fo rm 8 p m to m id n ig h t

M o n d a y s a t M itc h H o u s e y s Fo o d

& S p i r i t s L iv o n ia ( 7 3 4 ) 4 2 5 5 5 2 0

o r v i s i t t h e W e b s i t e a t w w w Ja r

ry n o z e ro co mT O N Y P O P E 'S N ’O R L E A N S S I X : 3 6p m e v e r y o th e r S a t u rd a y a t S K

B re w e r s Fo od a n d S p ir i t s

S o u th f ie ld $6 c o v e r Fo o d a v a i la b le

d u r in g s h o w a n d d in n e r h o u r ( 2 4 8 )

4 7 6 2 6 7 4

F O L K /A C O U S T I C

L A R R Y A R B O U R : 7 p m

W e d n e s d a y F r id a y a t FJy/ng F /sh

T a v e rn 1 7 6 0 0 W e s t 1 3 M ile e a s t

o f S o u th f ie ld R o a d ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 7

7 7 4 7

W O R L D I V I U S I CP A T M C D U N N : 8 1 1 p m F r id a y a t

D u k e H u m p h r ie s R o c h e s t e r H i l ls

No c o v e r ( 2 4 8 ) 6 0 1 1 1 0 0 ( I r i s h )

P A 3 V O E

B A L L E T IN T E R N A T IO N A L E . W ith t h e

M ic h ig a n O p e ra T h e a t r e O rc h e s t r a

p r e s e n t The Nutcracker D e c 1 3

1 6 a t t h e D e tro it O p e ra H o u s e D e t ro it ( 3 1 3 ) 2 3 7 S IN G o r v i s i t t h e

W e b s i t e a t

w w w M ic h ig a n O p e ra o rg F U L L C IR C L E D A N C E C O M P A N Y .

P e r f o r m s a c o n c e r t fo r c h ild re n 7 p m F r id a y D e c 1 4 a n d 2 p m

S a t u rd a y D e c 1 5 in A d ra y A u d ito r iu m in t h e M a c k e n z ie F in e

A r t s C e n t e r o n th e H e n ry Fo rd

C o m m u n ity C o lle g e c a m p u s D e a rb o rn $ 5 ( 3 1 3 ) 8 4 5 - 6 3 1 4

M O O N -D U S T E R S * B a llro o m d a n c in g

to liv e b a n d s fe a tu r in g s w in g fo x

t r o t w a lt z c h a c h a a n d L a t in

8 3 0 1 1 3 0 p m S a t u rd a y s a t t h e

L iv o n ia C iv ic C e n t e r 1 5 2 1 8 F a rm in g to n R o a d a t F iv e M ile $ 5

( 2 4 8 ) 9 6 7 1 4 2 8

R H Y T H M N ’ S H O E S W e e k ly b a ll

r o o m / L a tm d a n c e p a r ty w ith D J

8 3 0 1 0 3 0 p m T h u r s d a y s a t th e

c lu b 2 1 7 2 F ra n k li ln R o a d

B lo o m f ie ld H i l ls $ 7 ( 2 4 8 ) 3 3 4 -

0 2 9 9

U-M B A L L R O O M D A N C E C L U B :B a ll r o o m d a n c e le s s o n a n d o p e n

d a n c in g 4 1 0 p m S u n d a y a t th e

U n io n B a llro o m A n n A rb o r $ 2

( 7 3 4 ) 7 6 3 6 9 8 4

C O M E D YA N N A R B O R C O M E D Y S H O W C A S E :

J a c k i e F ly n n T h u rs d a y S a t u rd a y

D e c 1 3 1 5 a t t h e c lu b A n n A rb o r

( 7 3 4 ) 9 9 6 9 0 8 0

F O X T H E A T R E : R ic k S m i le y h e a d

l in e s t h e D e f C o m e d y J a m w ith

M ik e E p p s R ic k y H a r r is H o n e s t Jo h n a n d D J S h o w t im e 9 p m

S u n d a y D e c 3 0 F o x T h e a t r e

D e t ro it $ 3 2 5 0 $ 4 2 5 0 T ic k e t s fo r

S e p t 1 5 p e r fo rm a n c e w il l b e hon

o re d ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 J O E Y ’S C O M E D Y C L U B A T P A IS A N O ’S :P a t n c k S p r in g

T h u r s d a y S u n d a y D e c 1 3 1 6 a t th e

c lu b 5 0 7 0 S c h a e fe r R o a d

D e a rb o rn ( 3 1 3 ) 5 8 4 - 8 8 8 5 M A R K R ID L E Y ’S C O M E D Y C L U B :

J e r e m y H o tz T h u r s d a y S a t u rd a y

D e c 1 3 1 5 $6 T h u rs d a y $ 1 2 F r id a y $ 1 4 S a t u rd a y ( 2 4 8 ) 5 4 2

9 9 0 0

S E C O N D C I T Y : N e w o n T u e s d a y s

Law & Disorder a n d Standing on Ceremony Ja m m m W e d n e s d a y s

f e a t u r e s The Best of Second City Mayor Go Round s h o w t im e s on

T h u r s d a y S u n d a y a t S e c o n d C ity

D e t ro it T ic k e t p r ic e s a n d s h o w

t im e s v a r y $ 5 $ 2 0 ( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 5


M U S E U M S A 1 S T P


S C IE N C E : Mostly Music a h a n d s

o n in t e r a c t iv e e x h ib it t h a t o f fe r s

o p p o r tu n it ie s to l i s t e n to m u s ic f ro m d if fe r e n t e r a s a n d c o u n t r ie s

a n d e x p e r im e n t w ith v a r io u s in s t ru

m e n t s w h ile le a rn in g a b o u t h a rm o ­

n y a n d d is s o n a n c e to n e a n d p itch

a n d rh y th m a n d s y n t h e s iz e r s co n

t m u e s to J a n 6 a t t h e m u s e u m

3 9 2 2 1 W o o d w a rd A ve B lo o m fie ld H i l ls $ 7 a d u lt s $ 4 c h ild re n a g e s

4 - 1 7 s t u d e n t s w ith ID a n d s e n io r

c i t iz e n s a g e s 6 5 a n d o ld e r f r e e fo r

c h ild re n a g e s 3 a n d y o u n g e r 1

8 7 7 - 4 6 2 7 2 6 2 o r w w w c ra n b ro o k

e d uD E T R O IT H IS T O R IC A L M U S E U M :

Polish Presence in Detroit e x h ib it

c o n t in u e s a t t h e m u s e u m F re e

w ith re g u la r m u s e u m a d m is s io n

( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 1 4 1 9


C o n t in u e s i t s F r id a y n ig h t p ro g ram

m in g 6 9 p m F r id a y D e c 1 4 a t

t h e m u s e u m ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 7 9 0 0 H E N R Y F O R D

M U S E U M / G R E E N F IE L D V IL L A G E :

E n jo y w a lk in g th ro u g h t h e v i l la g e a t n ig h t d u r in g t h e T w e lv e N ig h ts

o f C h r i s t m a s l i t b y g lo w in g

• la n te rn s t h e w a lk in g tour features e ig h t h is t o r ic b u ild in g s w h e re t ra d i

t io n a l h o lid a y c o o k in g i s o n g o in g 6 3 0 9 3 0 p m T h u rs d a y - S a tu rd a y

th ro u g h D e c 2 2 $ 1 2 $8 fo r c h il d re n th ro u g h a g e 1 2 ) IM A X

m o v ie s N S y n c a n d S u p e r

S p e e d w a y c o n t in u e a t t h e m u s e urn D e a rb o rn ( 3 1 3 ) 2 7 1 1 6 2 0

M E A D O W B R O O K H A L L : T o u rs c o n t in u e th ro u g h J u n e 1 3 0 p m

M o n d a y S u n d a y a n d 2 3 0 p m a n d 3 3 0 p m S u n d a y t e a s 3 -4 3 0 p m

T u e s d a y J a n 1 5 , F e b 1 9 ($ 3 0

p re p a id r e s e r v a t io n s re q u ire d ) a t

t h e h a l l in R o c h e s t e r R e s e r v a t io n s re q u ire d ( 2 4 8 ) 3 7 0 3 1 4 0 o r

w w w m e a d o w b ro o k h a l l o rg E X H IB IT M U S E U M

O F N A T U R A L H IS T O R Y : P la n e ta r iu m

s h o w s w e e k e n d s d u r in g D e c e m b e r

1 1 0 9 G e d d e s A n n A rb o r

( 7 3 4 ) 7 6 4 0 4 7 8

C H A R L E S H . W R IG H T M U S E U M * O f

A f r ic a n A m e r ic a n H is t o r y

T h ro u g h J a n 1 3 2 0 0 2 - J a z z in D e t ro it B e fo r e M o to w n A

P h o to g r a p h ic H is t o r y t e l l s th e

story of jazz in Detroit from 1 9 2 0 - 6 0 th ro u g h p h o to s m a p s a n d r e c o rd e d m u s ic T h ro u g h

M a rc h 3 , 2 0 0 2 - J a c o b L a w re n c e

a n d t h e S t o r y o f Jo h n B ro w n c o m p r is e d o f a s e r i e s o f 22 s e r i

g r a p h s i s o n e x h ib it in t h e B a n k O n e G a l le r y T h e im a g e s n a r ra te

t h e s t o r y o f a b o l i t io n is t Jo h n

B ro w n a n d h is q u e s t to e n d S la v

e r y 3 1 5 E W a r re n D e t ro it $ ( 3 1 3 ) 4 9 4 5 8 0 0

A R TS H O W S &



T h e a r t ce n te r s G a lle ry Shop will fea tu re h o liday g ifts through Dec 3 1 G a lle ry sh op p u rc h a se s support area a r t i s t s and A rt C e n te r ou treach pro­g ra m s 1 1 7 W L ib e rty Ann Arbor (7 3 4 )9 9 4 - 8 0 0 4 e x t 1 1 8


P r e s e n t s a H o lid a y G la s s S h o w

th ro u g h D e c 2 4 P e r fu m e b o t t i e s s c u lp t e d b o w ls v a s e s an d

o n e o f a k in d p a p e r w e ig h t s on

s a l e G if t c e r t i f i c a t e s a v a ila b le

2 3 4 2 6 W o o d w a rd F e rn d a le ( 2 4 8 ) 5 4 3 1 8 6 8



O ffe rs ad u lt and youth co u rse s mclud mg c e ra m ic s je w e lry m ak in g figure scu lp tin g and d raw ing R e n a is sa n c e pa in ting t ile m a k in g m o sa ic s g la ss b low ing p o tte ry pupp etry c la y on th e w heel and m ore 1 1 7 W Lib e rty Ann A rbo r (7 3 4 )9 9 4 8 0 0 4 ex t 1 1 1

ART OF LIVING STUDIO O ffe rs c la s s e s in d raw ing s c a r f dye­ing and aw ake n in g you r a r t is t ic v is io n book co n ve rsa tio n and poetry n ig h ts 1 1 S B ro ad w ay Lake Orion (2 4 8 )6 9 3 3 6 3 2

ART MUSEUM PROJECT P u b lic non c re d it stu d io a rt c la s s e s and w o rksh o p s a re offered a t th e U n ive rs ity o f M ich ig an D e a rb o rn

4 9 0 1 E v e r g r e e n N o 1 1 6 5 A B D e a rb o rn ( 3 1 3 ) 5 9 3 - 5 0 5 8

D & M S T U D IO S

O f fe r in g p a in t in g a n d d ra w in g

c l a s s e s fo r s e n io r c i t iz e n s on

T h u r s d a y s f ro m 9 a m to n oon D ra w in g a n d o p e n s t u d io w ill b e

f ro m 1 3 p m C l a s s e s h e ld a t 8 6 9 1 N L i l le y C a n to n a n d T h e

S u m m it a t 4 6 0 0 0 S u m m it


C la s s e s in va r io u s a r t s fo rm s includ ing o il w a te rco lo r p a s te l and draw mg a t th e Je ffe rso n C e n te r Room 1 6 9 5 0 1 H enry R u f f L ivo n ia Ca ll M ary Ann A d am s a t (7 3 4 )4 6 4 6 7 7 2


( O N - G O I N G )


O p e n s D e c 1 1 ~ G ro u p s h o w

w ith F r a n k B r u g o s M o n ic a

L e a n in g D o ro th y L in d e n Ju lie

M a h o n e y C a t h e r in e P e e t Todd R ic h t e r S h a ro n S t c h u r an d

J a m e s T a h a n a th ro u g h J a n 2

2 2 6 W a ln u t R o c h e s t e r


T h ro u g h D e c 1 3 - Sculptures b y M ic h ig a n n a t iv e Jo d i C a s e o f T h e P it t m a n P u c k e t t G a l le r y 1 9 5 W

N in e M ile F e r n d a le ( 2 4 8 ) 3 9 8 7 1 0 5

Please see next page

The O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic ! T hursday, Decem ber 13, 2001 B5 (O F*)

C o n tin u ed fro m p rev io u s p a g eANN ARBOR ART CENTER

T h ro u g h J a n 7 - R e v o lv in g A r t in

G a l le r y 2 1 1 7 W e s t L ib e r t y A n n

A rb o r ( 7 3 4 ) 9 9 4 - 8 0 0 4

CASS CAFET h ro u g h F e b ru a ry - S c a p e s A n

e x h ib it io n b y A lle n B e rk e 4 6 2 0 C a s s D e t ro it ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 1 1 4 0 0


T h ro u g h D e c 3 1 - Portraits o f Honor a d o c u m e n ta ry on H o lo c a u s t s u r v iv o r s in t h e D e t ro it

m e tro p o lita n a r e a by p h o to g ra p h e r C h a r le s S i lo w 6 6 0 0 W M a p le

W e s t B lo o m f ie ld ( 2 4 8 ) 6 6 1 1 0 0 0


T h ro u g h D e c 2 8 - A p h o to g ra p h y

e x h ib it m a p p in g World Religions in Metropolitan Detroit p r e s e n t ed b y t h e P lu ra l is m P r o je c t a t

T h e U n iv e r s it y o f M ic h ig a n

D e a rb o rn 4 7 W il l ia m s P o n t ia c

( 2 4 8 ) 3 3 3 7 8 4 9 CPOP GALLERY

T h ro u g h D e c 3 0 - B o b B u rd e t t e

an d R ic h a rd B o rg e 4 1 6 0 W o o d w a rd D e tro it ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3

9 9 0 1


Through D ec 3 1 - Artists Take on Detroit Projects for the Tricentennial 5 2 0 0 W oodw ard Detro it (3 1 3 )8 3 3


Through D ec 2 2 - Human/Nature by M ark Pom ilio 2 8 8 E M aple B irm ingham (2 4 8 )2 5 8 -9 2 8 2

FORD GALLERY G ra d u a te T h e s is e x h ib it io n s b y

J i l l H e n ry th ro u g h D e c 1 4 a n d by

Jo h n L o n s w a y D e c 1 7 2 1 1 1 4

Fo rd H a ll E a s t e r n M ic h ig a n

U n iv e r s it y Y p s i la n t i ( 7 3 4 ) 4 8 7 1 2 6 8


T h ro u g h D e c 3 1 - W o rk s b y

M a ry S h a f f e r an d J a y M u s le r

4 4 0 0 F e r n le e R o y a l O a k

( 2 4 8 ) 5 5 4 - 0 5 9 0

HERMITAGE GALLERY T h ro u g h D e c 1 5 - Venice Series by C a o Y o n g a n d C h r is t a K ie f f e r 2 3 5 M a in S t r e e t R o c h e s t e r

( 2 4 8 ) 6 5 6 8 5 5 9

ROBERT KIDD GALLERY T h ro u g h J a n 1 2 - A tw o p e r s o n

e x h ib it io n b y r e a l is t p a in te r

D e n n is W o jtk ie w ic z a n d s c u lp t u r e L is a C la g u e 1 0 7 T o w n se n d

B irm in g h a m (2 4 8 ) 6 4 2 3 9 0 9

ARNOLD KLEIN GALLERY T h ro u g h D e c 1 5 - K ip K o w a ls k i

o il p a in t in g s an d w a te rc o lo r s 3 2 7 8 2 W o o d w a rd R o y a l O a k ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 7 7 7 0 9

DAVID KLEIN GALLERY T h ro u g h D e c 1 5 - An e x h ib it io n

fo r N e w Y o rk s t i l l life p a in te r

J a m e s D e l G ro s s o 1 6 3 T o w n s e n d B irm in g h a m ( 2 4 8 ) 4 3 3 - 3 7 0 0

LAWRENCE STREET GALLERY T h ro u g h D e c 2 8 - Celebrate Clay 2001 6 N S a g in a w P o n t ia c ( 2 4 8 ) 3 3 4 6 7 1 6

LIVONIA ARTS COMISSION T h ro u g h D e c 2 8 - V il la g e P o t te r s o f P ly m o u th R e c e p t io n

2 3 0 - 4 3 0 p m S u n d a y D e c 9

F in e A r t s G a l le r y L iv o n ia C i v i c

C e n te r L ib r a r y 3 2 7 7 7 F iv e M ile

L iv o n ia ( 7 3 4 ) 5 2 5 3 0 1 7 MANISCALCO GALLERY

Through Ja n 5 - Truth The Exhibition fea tu rin g w orks by Ky le Stone V ito Valdez M ark Ja c k s o n Ja c Purdon J e s s ic a Flint M ichael Cooper III and A m anda M an isca ico 1 7 3 2 9 M ack D etro it (3 1 3 )8 8 6 2 9 9 3


T h ro u g h D e c 2 3 - Transitions In Time b y L y n n G a lb re a th a n d

Rituals b y S a l ly S c h lu t e r T a rd e ila

2 0 8 W ils o n H a ll R o c h e s t e r c a m

p u s o f O a k la n d U n iv e rs it y

( 2 4 8 ) 3 7 0 3 0 0 5 PF GALLERIES

Through D ec 1 5 - Prints & Paints by L isa G oedert and Sung Hee S o n 2 1 3 E 1 4 M ile C law son (2 4 8 )9 8 9 8 8 8 9


T h ro u g h D e c 2 1 - Printmaking Show a n e x h ib it io n s h o w c a s in g p r in tm a k in g a r t i s t s in t h e M a in

G a l le r y S h o w in g c o n c u r re n t ly in

th e F i r s t F lo o r G a l le ry i s New Works in Sculpture b y G ra n d

R a p id s a r t i s t D av id G re e n w o o d

4 0 7 P in e S t r e e t R o c h e s t e r

( 2 4 8 ) 6 5 1 - 4 1 1 0

PEWABIC POTTERY T h ro u g h D e c 3 1 - Earthly Treasures a n a n n u a l h o lid a y in v i

ta t io n a l 1 0 1 2 5 E J e f f e r s o n

D e tro it O n D e c 2 s to p b y t h e

P e w a b ic b o o th in fro n t o f t h e D e tro it In s t i t u t e o f A r t s d u r in g

Noel Night Detroit Cultural Center ( 3 1 3 ) 8 2 2 0 9 5 4

REVOLUTIONT h ro u g h J a n 1 9 - J e a n P ie r r e

L a ro c q u e R e c e n t W o rk 2 3 2 5 7

..... .......... .. ..... ......... .................... i ■■■■...... ......................... ..................... .. ..

S 3 w e e kMaking contact: Please submit popular music items for publication to Sharon Dargay; all others to Linda Chomin, two weeks in advance to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers,

36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150 or by fax (734) 591-7279

G u est a rtist: Gary Hoey performs 8 p m Saturday\ Dec 15 at the Magic Bag in Fer­ndale Call (248) 544-3030 for ticket information

W o o d w a rd F e r n d a le ( 2 4 8 ) 5 4 1


Portrait o f Hope 2001 Suite Dreams Traveling Exhibit V o lun

t e e r s t r a n s fo r m b e d ro o m s o f

c h r o n ic a l ly il l lo c a l c h ild re n into

m a g ic a l s a n c t u a r ie s to e n c o u r a g e h e a l in g a n d re c o v e ry w il l be

o n d is p la y th ro u g h D e c 1 5

2 6 0 0 0 E v e rg re e n S o u th f ie ld

( 2 4 8 ) 9 4 8 0 4 7 0

SYBARIS GALLERYT h ro u g h J a n 1 9 - Head Turners a n e x h ib it io n o f tu rn e d w o o d

2 0 2 E a s t T h ird R o y a l O a k (2 4 8 )


T h ro u g h D e c 2 2 - 4 Matter of Perspective b y L y n d a C o le i s a d ig it a l in s t a l la t io n p r e s e n t in g per s p e c t iv e s in re a c t io n to t h e

W o r ld T ra d e C e n te r a t t a c k 2 1 5

E W a s h in g to n S t A n n A rb o r

( 7 3 4 ) 7 6 1 2 2 8 7 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY

T h ro u g h D e c 2 1 -U p from the Streets Detroit Art from the Duffy Collection, i s o n d is p la y in

t h e E la in e L J a c o b a n d

C o m m u n it y A r t s g a l le r ie s 4 8 0 W H a n c o c k a n d 5 4 0 0 G u lle n

M a ll in D e t ro it ( 3 1 3 ) 5 7 7 2 4 2 3

WOODS GALLERYT h ro u g h D e c 3 1 - S a n t a F a b io s

F r ie n d s a n d F a m ily 2 6 4 2 5

S c o t i a H u n t in g to n W o o d s

( 2 4 8 ) 5 4 8 0 4 6 0


AL CARM ICHAEL: 7 p m M o n d ay

D e c 1 7 , F o x & H o u n d s B lo o m fie ld H i l l s A ll a g e s F re e ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 4 -

4 8 0 0 , W ith T e r r y S t e v e n s o n 7

p m T u e s d a y D e c 1 8 F o x &

H o u n d s B lo o m fie ld H i l ls A ll a g e s

F r e e ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 4 - 4 8 0 0

AL HILL TRIO : 8 3 0 p m T h u rs d a y

3 3 6 M a in P ly m o u th ( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 4 6 5 0 0

ALICIA K EYS : 7 3 0 p m T u e s d a y

J a n 2 9 S t a t e T h e a t r e D e t ro it

$ 3 5 7 5 - $ 4 3 2 5 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 AMERICAN M ARS: C D r e le a s e for

No City Fun w ith o p e n e rs Ju d a h

Jo h n s o n 9 p m d o o rs m u s ic a t 9 3 0 p m S a t u rd a y D e c 1 5

M a g ic S t i c k D e t ro it $ 7 1 8 and

o ld e r ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 9 7 0 0


S a t u r d a y D e c 2 9 , P a la c e o f

A u b u rn H i l l s $ 3 5 $ 4 7 5 0 ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666BARRY MANILOW: 8 p m F r id a y

S a t u r d a y F e b 1 5 1 6 , F o x T h e a t re

D e t ro it $ 1 7 5 0 $ 6 7 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5

6666B .B . KING: W ith B o b b y B lu e B la n d

8 p m F r id a y J a n 1 8 F o x T h e a t re D e t ro it $ 3 0 - $ 3 7 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 4 3 3

1 5 1 5BLISS 6 6 : 8 p m S a tu rd a y , D e c

1 5 S t A n d re w s H a ll D e t ro it A ll

a g e s $ 1 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 BLUE CAT: 7 p m F r id a y S a tu rd a y

D e c 1 4 - 1 5 F o x & H o u n d s B lo o m f ie ld H i l ls A ll a g e s F re e

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 4 4 8 0 0

BRIAN MCKNIGHT: W ith T y r e s e 8 p m S a t u r d a y J a n 1 2 Fo x

T h e a t r e D e t ro it ( 2 4 8 ) 4 3 3 1 5 1 5

CATCH 2 2 : W ith R id d lm K id s , S t u d e n t R ic k L u c k y B o y s

C o n fu s io n , 7 p m T h u rs d a y D ec

1 3 S h e l t e r D e t ro it A ll a g e s $ 1 0

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 - 6 6 6 6

CHARLATANS UK: W ith S t a r s a i lo r 8 p m W e d n e s d a y J a n 2 3 S t

A n d re w s H a l l D e t ro it $ 1 5 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 - 6 6 6 6

CHROME FLIES : 8 p m T u e s d a y

D e c 1 8 G e m T h e a t r e D e t ro it $8 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 CINDY BULLENS: 7 3 0 p m

S a t u r d a y D e c 1 5 T r in ity H o u s e

T h e a t r e L iv o n ia $ 1 0 ( 7 3 4 ) 4 6 4 - 6 3 0 2


D e v ic e A t a la y a 9 p m T h u rs d a y

D e c 2 7 , M a g ic S t i c k , D e t ro it 1 8

an d o ld e r $ 7 ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 9 7 0 0

CREED : The Weathered Tour W ith P u d d le o f M u d M o n d a y F e b 1 1

T h e P a la c e o f A u b u rn H i l ls $ 3 6 50-

$ 4 2 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 CROSBY, ST ILLS , NASH & YOUNG. Tour o f America 8 p m

W e d n e s d a y F e b 6 T h e P a la c e of

A u b u rn H i l l s $ 4 3 $88 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666THE CULT- W ith L ik e H e ll 8 p m

T h u rs d a y , D e c 1 8 , C lu tc h C a rg o

P o n t ia c 2 1 a n d o ld e r $ 2 0 (2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666DARK STAR ORCHESTRA: 7 p mT h u r s d a y D e c 2 7 R o y a l O a k

T h e a t r e R o y a l O a k $ 1 6 - $ 1 9 All

a g e s ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 DETROIT COBRAS: W ith D ir t

B o m b s K o & T h e K n o c k o u t s , 9

p m M o n d a y D e c 3 1 M a g ic

S t i c k D e t ro it $ 1 2 ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 -

9 7 0 0

EKOOSTIK HOOKAH: T h u rs d a y

F r id a y D e c 1 3 1 4 M a g ic B a g F e r n d a le $ 1 5 ( 2 4 8 ) 5 4 4 3 0 3 0

EL VEZ CHRISTMAS SHOW: 8 p mT h u r s d a y D e c 1 3 M a g ic S t ic k

D e t ro it 1 8 a n d o ld e r $ 1 2 ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666GARY HOEY: 8 p m S a tu rd a y D e c

1 5 M a g ic B a g F e r n d a le ( 2 4 8 ) 5 4 4 3 0 3 0

GORDON UGHTFOOT: 8 p mS a t u r d a y A p ril 2 7 M ic h ig a n

T h e a t r e A n n A rb o r $ 3 7 5 0

$ 4 2 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 o r ( 7 3 4 )

7 6 3 T K T S

GREAT BIG SEA- S a t u r d a y M a rc h1 6 S t A n d re w s H a ll D e t ro it $ 2 5

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666GREG ALLMAN AND FRIENDS: 9

p m T h u r s d a y Ja n 3 R o y a l O a k

T h e a t r e R o y a l O a k $ 2 8 ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 - 6 6 6 6HATEBREED W ith M a r ty r A D

P o is o n t h e W e ll S w o rn E n e m y .7

p m T u e s d a y J a n 8 S t A n d re w s

H a ll D e t ro it A ll a g e s $ 1 2 ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666HELLTOWN TOUR W ith P r o je c t

B o rn S o l H e ll s K it c h e n 6 p m W e d n e s d a y D e c 2 3 E m e ra ld

T h e a t r e M t C le m e n s $ 1 3 $ 1 5

( 5 8 6 ) 9 1 3 1 9 2 0

HIP HOP SMACKDOWN: F e a tu r in g

J a R u le J a d a k is s J u v e n i le P e te y

P a b lo T r ic k D a d d y M is t e r C h e e k s

E c l ip s e a n d M s T o y 7 p m S a t u r d a y D e c 2 9 C o b o H a ll

D e t ro it $ 2 9 5 0 $ 3 9 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5

6666HIS NAME IS ALIVE: W ith Ta j B e ll

a n d d j o n 9 p m S a t u rd a y D e c

2 2 M a g ic S t ic k D e t ro it 1 8 an d o ld e r $ 1 0 ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 - 9 7 0 0

HOOBUSTANK: W ith P r e s s u r e 4 5

E a r s h o t 5 p m M o n d a y D e c 1 7

T h e S h e lt e r D e tro it $ 7 ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666THE HOODS: W ith R in g w o rm

W it h o u t W a rn in g 8 p m

W e d n e s d a y D e c 1 9 M a g ic S t ic k

D e t ro it 1 8 a n d o ld e r $8 ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666IMMUNITY: 1 0 p m F r id a y D e c

1 4 T h e C a v e rn C lu b A n n A rb o r

( 7 3 4 ) 3 3 2 9 9 0 0 ISLEY BROTHERS- W ith T h e

D r a m a t ic s 9 3 0 p m M o n d a y D ec

3 1 , F o x T h e a t re D e tro it $ 4 7 5 0

$ 1 0 2 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 - 6 6 6 6

JAGUARES 7 p m F r id a y D e c 1 4

S h e lt e r D e tro it A ll a g e s $ 2 7 5 0

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 - 6 6 6 6

JIM M Y ATTO: 9 p m S a t u rd a y , D e c

2 2 C o y o te C lu b P o n t ia c F re e

( 2 4 8 ) 3 3 2 H O W LJIM M Y EAT WORLD. W ith F e w a n d

F a r B e tw e e n 5 3 0 p m S u n d a y

D e c 1 6 S t A n d re w s H a ll D e tro it

A ll a g e s S o ld o u t ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 JUDAS PR IEST : W ith A n th ra x Ic e d

E a r t h to u r is r e s c h e d u le d to 8 p m T u e s d a y F e b 1 9 T h e P a la c e o f A u b u rn H ills $ 1 8 5 0 $ 2 9 5 0

T i c k e t s fo r t h e o r ig in a l d a t e ( s ) w ill

b e h o n o re d o r m a y b e re fu n d e d a t

t h e p o in t o f p u r c h a s e ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5

6666KEN MURPHY TRIO : 7 p mW e d n e s d a y T h u rs d a y D e c 1 9 2 0 F o x & H o u n d s B lo o m f ie ld H i l ls A ll

a g e s F r e e ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 4 - 4 8 0 0

THE KINGSNAKES: W ith 2 D a y s

S t r a ig h t B L in e 1 0 p m F r id a y

D e c 2 1 T o k e n L o u n g e W e s t la n d

$ 3 2 1 a n d o ld e r ( 7 3 4 ) 5 1 3 - 5 0 3 0 KOMPOSIT: T h u r s d a y D e c 1 3

B lin d P ig A n n A rb o r $ 7 ( 7 3 4 )

9 9 6 8 5 5 5LADY SUNSHINE & THE X BAND:1 0 p m F r id a y D e c 1 4 M e m p h is

S m o k e R o y a l O a k ( 2 4 8 ) 5 4 3

4 3 0 0LARRY GATLIN: 8 p m S a tu rd a y

D e c 1 5 M a c o m b C e n t e r C lin to n

T o w n s h ip ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 LUTHER VANDROSS. 8 p m F r id a y

F e b 8 F o x T h e a t r e D e t ro it ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666MARDUK. W ith K a t a K ly s m A m o n A m a th D ia b o lic 4 3 0 p m S u n d a y

J a n 1 3 S h e lte r D e t ro it A ll a g e s

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 METAL CHRISTMAS W ith

E n s la v e d E le c t r ic W iz a rd

M a c a b r e D ia b o lic S c a r C u ltu re 8 p m S a t u rd a y D e c 1 5 S h e lt e r

D e t ro it 1 8 a n d o ld e r $ 1 2 5 0

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666THE M 80S : 8 p m M o n d a y D e c

3 1 R o y a l O a k T h e a t r e R o y a l O a k

T i c k e t s $ 1 0 e x c e p t N e w Y e a r s E v e

s h o w $ 3 5 a d v a n c e 2 1 a n d o ld e r ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666MICHAEL QUEST: 9 p m S a tu rd a y

D e c 2 9 J a n 5 C o y o te C lu b

P o n t ia c F r e e ( 2 4 8 ) 3 3 2 H O W L

MONA FUNDRAISER. F e a tu r in g D J

S h o r t ro u n d D r iv e t ra m M ia

S im o n e m o re 9 p m S a tu rd a y m D e c 1 5 W O W (W o n g s on

W o o d w a rd ) b e tw e e n 1 3 a n d 1 4

M ile ro a d s o n W o o d w a rd R o y a l

O a k $ 3 0 to b e n e f it t h e M u s e u m o f

M o d e rn A r t 1 2 4 9 W a s h in g to n

B lv d S t e 2 0 0 in D e t ro it

MORPHIC: W ith In n e r R e c ip e

T h u r s d a y D e c 2 0 E m e ra ld

T h e a t r e M o u n t C le m e n s ( 7 3 4 )9 9 6 8 5 5 5


T h u r s d a y D e c 1 3 S t a t e T h e a t r e ,

D e t ro it A ll a g e s $ 3 3 5 0 $ 3 8 5 0

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 THE NIGHT 89X STOLE CHRISTMAS: W ith B lin k 1 8 2 3 1 1

J im m y E a t W o rld A d e m a T h e

C r y s t a l M e th o d 7 p m S a tu rd a y

D e c 1 5 C o b o H a ll D e tro it

$ 2 9 8 9 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666 OLD DOG’S : F r id a y S a t u rd a y D e c

1 4 1 5 M a jo r T o o le y s N o r th v ille

( 2 4 8 ) 4 6 5 1 6 8 0PENNYWISE: 6 3 0 p m F r id a y J a n

1 8 S t a t e T h e a t r e D e tro it A ll

a g e s $ 1 3 7 5 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 - 6 6 6 6


p m T h u rs d a y A p ril 1 1 D e tro it

O p e ra H o u se D e tro it $ 4 2 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666RANDY VOLIN & SONIC BLUES: 7p m F r id a y S a t u r d a y D e c 2 1 2 2

F o x & H o u n d s B lo o m fie ld H i l ls A ll

a g e s F re e ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 4 - 4 8 0 0

RUN DMC: 9 p m S a tu rd a y D e c

1 5 S t A n d re w s H a ll D e tro it $ 2 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666THE SCENE CASUALTIES: F e a t u r in g

m e m b e r s o f t h e P a rk a K in g s T e le g ra p h 7 p m W e d n e s d a y D e c

2 6 S t A n d re w s H a ll D e tro it $ 5

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666THE SIGHTS: W ith B lu e S o n g 1 0 p m S a tu rd a y , D e c 1 5 3 1 3 J a c

u p s t a i r s fro m J a c o b y s D e tro it

( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 2 7 0 6 7

SIMPLICITY- 1 0 p m T h u rs d a y

D e c 1 3 3 1 3 J a c u p s t a ir s f ro m

Ja c o b y s D e tro it ( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 2 7 0 6 7 SMOKESTACK: W ith J ia n t

B a s e m e n t a l it y F r id a y D e c 1 4 B lin d P ig A n n A rb o r $ 5 - $ 7 ( 7 3 4 )

9 9 6 - 8 5 5 5


L ife s S a k e B e fo re I G o 7 p m

S a t u rd a y D e c 2 9 S t A n d re w s H a ll D e tro it A ll a g e s $ 1 0 ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666SUPER DIAMOND: N eil D iam o n d

t r ib u te b an d T h u r s d a y J a n 2 4

R o y a l O a k M u s ic T h e a t r e R o y a l

O a k $ 1 2 $ 1 3 2 1 a n d o ld e r ( 2 4 8 )

6 4 5 6666

THE TEMPTATIONS REVIEW:F e a tu r in g D e n n is E d w a r d s T h e

C o a s t e r s fe a tu r in g C a r l G a rd n e r

a n d T h e C o n to u rs 7 3 0 p m

W e d n e s d a y D e c 2 6 T h e P a la c e o f

A u b u rn H i l l s $ 1 4 - $ 2 9 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 - ,

6666THROTTLEBODY: W ith D ir t y

A m e r ic a n s T h e F a g s S a tu rd a y ,

D e c 1 5 B lin d P ig , A n n A rb o r $ 5 -

$ 7 ( 7 3 4 ) 9 9 6 8 5 5 5

12 ANGRY STEP S : B r e a k u p s h o w ,

9 p m S a t u r d a y D e c 2 9 M a g ic * S t i c k D e t ro it 1 8 a n d o ld e r $ 7

( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 9 7 0 0

UNTIL SUNDAY: W ith R e v J e t t i s o n

R e d A v e ra g e Z e ro 7 p m

T h u r s d a y D e c 1 3 E m e ra ld

T h e a t r e M t C le m e n s A ll a g e s $ 7

$8 ( 8 1 0 ) 9 1 3 - 1 9 2 0

THE VERVE P IP E : 8 p m

W e d n e s d a y , D e c 1 9 , E m e ra ld

T h e a t r e M t C le m e n s A ll a g e s j

$ 1 0 ( 8 1 0 ) 9 1 3 - 1 9 2 0 0THE VON BONDIES: C D re le a s e

w ith T h e B u z z a r d s T h e M o d e y

L e m o n , 9 p m F r id a y D e c 2 1 ?

M a g ic S t i c k , D e t ro it $ 7 ( 3 1 3 )

8 3 3 - 9 7 0 0

WAYNE “THE TRAIN” HANCOCK:W ith T h e O r b it s u n s 9 p m F r id a y

J a n 4 M a g ic S t i c k , D e t ro it $ 1 2

( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 9 7 0 0

YO LA TENGO: W ith O u t ra g e o u s 3 C h e r r y S lu m b e r P a r t y 8 p m

M o n d a y , D e c 3 1 M a je s t ic

T h e a t r e D e t ro it 1 8 a n d o ld e r

$ 2 2 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 5 6666

^ W O R K S g O g S ^

SUNDAYS @ 1T h e A n n A rb o r A r t C e n t e r b r in g s ,

fu n to t h e fa m ily d u r in g S u n d a y s ,

@ 1 w h ic h ru n f ro m 1 2 3 0 p m

S a n t a s S n a c k P la t e D e c 9

A f r ic a n P o t t e r y D e c 1 6 W in t e r

S o ls t ic e C e le b r a t io n D e c 2 3 , a n d

Y e s lM o s a ic s A g a in * D e c 3 0 A

s e r i e s o f h o lid a y g if t m a k in g

w o r k s h o p s w il l b e h e ld in

D e c e m b e r C r e a t e w ra p p in g

p a p e r D e c 9 , M a k e b o w s D e c

1 6 a n d M a k e c a r d s D e c 2 3 1 1 7

W L ib e r t y A n n A rb o r ( 7 3 4 ) 9 9 4 -

8 0 0 4 e x t 1 1 1

YOUNG AUTHORST h e Y o u n g A u th o r s P ro g ra m o f

T h e D e t ro it W r ite r s G u ild w il l c o n

d u c t w o r k s h o p s th ro u g h M a y

2 0 0 2 f o r c h ild re n g ra d e s 3 - 1 2

f ro m n o o n to 3 p m th e th ird

S a t u r d a y o f e a c h m o n th a t T h e

S c h o o lh o u s e , 1 9 3 6 3 L iv e rn o is ,

D e t ro it T h e f r e e w o rk s h o p s w il l

c o n s is t o f p o e t ry e s s a y a n d

s h o r t s t o r y w r it in g ( 3 1 3 ) 2 7 2

7 0 8 3


AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST: M o re th a n $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 in

p r iz e s w ill b e a w a rd e d t h is y e a r in

t h e In t e rn a t io n a l O p e n A m a te u r

C o n t e s t T h e c o n t e s t i s o p e n to

e v e r y o n e a n d e n t r y i s f r e e

D e a d lin e f o r s u b m is s io n s i s D e c

3 1 O n ly o n e e n t r y p e r p e r s o n o f a h

8 in c h e s b y 10 in c h e s o r s m a l le r

u n m o u n te d p h o to in c o lo r o r b la c k

a n d w h it e A ll e n t r ie s m u s t in c lu d e

p h o to g ra p h e r s n a m e a n d a d d r e s s

o n b a c k , t h e c a t e g o r y a n d t i t le o f

p h o to C a t e g o r ie s in c lu d e p e o p le

t r a v e l , p e t s , c h ild re n s p o r t s

n a tu r e a c t io n , h u m o r, p o r t r a i t u re

o r o th e r M a il to T h e In te rn a t io n a l

L ib r a r y o f P h o to g ra p h y S u it e 1 0 1

2 6 1 2 3 6 0 0 C ro n d a ll L a n e O w in g s

M il ls M D 2 1 1 1 7 o r s u b m it o n lin e

a t w w w p ic t u r e c o m


a r t i s t N ic k C a v e ju r i e s th e 2 0 0 2

c o m p e t it io n S l id e s a r e d u e b y J a n

3 R e s u l t s m a i le d F e b 1 1 F o r

m o re in fo rm a t io n c o n t a c t t h e

B irm in g h a m B lo o m f ie ld A r t C e n t e r

a t ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 4 0 8 6 6 , e x t 1 0 3

POETRY LOUNGE: Jo in th e O p e n

M ic p o e t r y s e r i e s a t A f f i rm a t io n s

L e s b ia n a n d G a y C o m m u n ity

C e n t e r 1 9 5 W N in e M ile

F e r n d a le B r in g o r ig in a l a n d / o r p u b ­

lis h e d p o e m s to re a d o r j u s t c o m e

a n d l i s t e n P o e t r y L o u n g e t a k e s

p la c e e v e r y th ir d W e d n e s d a y

th ro u g h A p r il 2 0 0 2 in th e P it tm a rv

P u c k e t t A r t G a l le r y w ith in t h e c o rh

m u m ty c e n t e r ( 2 4 8 ) 3 9 8 7 1 0 5

SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS: T h e f a m ily

o f re c e n t ly d e c e a s e d a r t i s t R ic k i

B e r l in h a s e s t a b l i s h e d a fu n d to

h o n o r h e r m e m o ry a t th e

B irm in g h a m B lo o m f ie ld A r t C e n t e r

C u r r e n t a n d fu tu re a r t i s t s s e e k in g

s c h o la r s h ip fu n d s fo r c l a s s e s a t th e

A r t C e n t e r a r e in v ite d to w r it e t h e ir

r e q u e s t to D e b o ra h C a l la h a n , e d u ­

c a t io n c o o r d in a t o r B irm in g h a m

B lo o m f ie ld A r t C e n t e r 1 5 1 6 S

C ra n b ro o k B irm in g h a m M l,

4 8 0 0 9

6B(C,P)(6A-Re) T h e O b se rve r & E c c e n t r ic / T hursday, Decem ber 13,2001

/ rj

R e s p o n d t o t h e s e e

1-900>S4 38 first m inute, $2.1

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S4 38 first minute,$219 each addt’l minute

LET S GET TOGETHERYou found her! Adorable petite prefers gentleman 46 60 full of I fe great sense of humor Ikes to have new experiences Call you won t regret t Oakland County BOX 25008

WHY HESITATE?Sngle whte female 38 no ch dren Looking for a goal or ented serious mnded unattached grown up male for companionship and possible relationship My Interests ncludemusic theater moves anl mals and oh Idren BOX 12590

JUST A CALL AWAY Tall blonde divorced white female 58 medium build non smoker In search of a very tal whte gents man 50s to 60s under 245 lbs who s honest financial y Inde pendent and enjoys dancing clas sic movies wnte walks For fnendshp possble long term rela tonshp BbX 14155

CAMPFIRE GIRL Strawberry blonde 28 yrs old 5 9 never ms ried Look ng for a man for friendship that Is also marnage minded outgo ng and fun I enjoy travel theater camp ng and music BOX 14179

OAKLAND COUNTY GALDvorced female grown children ong red hair attractive 51 nurse smoker 54 155 lbs Not ntosports or m nd games Seeks hon est male that I can have a relat on ship wth BOX 32503

SOMETHING IN COMMON? Sweet and sassy red head In my mld60s51 148lbs good health act ve wou d I ke to meet a wh te male 65 or ove who enjoys fish ng boat ng going up north cas nos and comedy clubs Let me know f we have someth ng n com mon BOX 10874

LET S ROLL!D vorced white temale 48 ta l and slender ooklng for a gentleman who enjoys the outdoors and life wants to tavel and s a honest and sincere BOX 10761

JUST A CALL AWAY I work for the federal government I love football Green Bay Move to dance dneout walks movies rd ng the dunes up and like beng wth that special person BOX 12440

SENIOR FRIEND WANTEDI am a 67 yr old wdow 140 lbs 5 4 I ke to dance sing go to cas nos ong waks home fe I would ike a man 67 or olde who s a soc al dr nker and non-smoker for fun and companionship BOX 12455

DOWN RIVER FEMALESing e wh te female 40 5 7 we ght height proport onate brown hair ha2el eyes Enjoys horseback rdng swimming dining out moves Seekng dependable secure single white male 35-42 for possble relationship Wayne County BOX 33719

ME JANE YOU TARZAN Jane s tal slender feisty ovable enjoys outdoors the rver sun shine moonlight laughter pas s onate evenings Tarzan must be tall tr m and fit handsome 48 58 cons derate romantic sensitive Jane te ost n jungle wthout Tarzar Come swng over to me and leave your phone number BOX 12385

I STILL BELIEVE I am 511 ooklng for someone tal athlete honest trustworthy wtth a good sense of humor BOX 12402

GOING DOWN THE ROADI am an As an moths of four fully employed Ikefshng horseback rdng waks in the park movies I would i ke to meet someone with same nterests Who knows where t may ead? BOX 12403

TRUE LOVE WANTED This tal slender sassy down to earth woman s part tomboy and part southern belle loves outdoors tavel daneng cuddlng andspol ng a man Seek a lifelong compan on 48 58 who s tall si m to med um nee looking and romantc BOX 14074

GOOD FRIENDS & CHATI am secure intell gent educated attractve 32yrsod white femae not a nag Seek an older man who s secure and wise for friendship and good conversat on BOX 11134

ATTRACTIVE BRUNETTEOutgo ng pette and live n Pymouth Looking for an attract ve non smoking single whtemae 46 to 58 who s trustworthy emoton ally/f nancially secure with no dependents Someone w th a jest for I fe Wayne County BOX 27026

LET 8 8EE A MOVIE 33 yr old s ngle wh te female blonde hai blue eyes 5 8 non smoker who enjoys workng out mov es etc Seeking 29-39 single white mae to spend tme with Wayns county BOX 36099

IT TAKES TWOAttractve white female 5 8 45 ys old 130 lbs smoker seeks affeo- tionate wh te ma e 42 to 50 for a long term elatlonshlp Farmington area BOX 10788

LIKE A FLOWER Single 60 yr old young at head long blonde her green eyes 5& Enjoy camping woodwork ng muse an mate cuddlng movies Seek romant c guy 45 55 f om Down Rver area BOX 12354

A NICE COMBINATION Whtf female 56 140 lbs ong brown har enjoys the outdoors race cars dancing and qu et times at home Seekng someone to enjoy fe with and share the same nterests BOX 32426

LOOK NO FURTHER Tali s m and blonde ret red mode and teacher would I ke to f nd a specal man to share my life with BOX 10686

THE TIME IS NOW Dvorced whte female young 455 9 140 lbs ft attractive honest sneere professions well educat ed and romant o Enjoys good con versaton sports famly dining nature Seekng a divorced or sin gle* white male 38 to 55 profes slcmal tal ft attractve honest and share similar interests BOX 12295


/ * *- J■ r


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m 1 -800-630-2941munice

IT TAKES TWOYoung looking 51 54 si m we I proportioned Market ngRepresentative no children non smoker social drinker caring romantic and humorous Seeks an attractive emotional y and flnan dally secure for frerdshp leading to more BOX 13960

LETS START SOMETHING Sngle whte female 30s blonde medum buit fun ovlng enjoys outdoors sports movies dancing Looking for s ng e male 30 45 who s w lllng and ab e to help raise a family in a comfortable fashion BOX 14005

PRETTY ENTREPRENEURGiving lov ng compass onate curvy lots of fun great conversa tlonallst 55 looking for sincere euccessful Caucasan gentleman 45 late 70s to be my soul mate Float your boat make your day answer my ad today BOX 25322

QUALITY QUALITY Seekng a sincere honest no games played non smokng socal drnkng sngle whte mate by a divorced whte female 54 who I kes to do a most everything Look ng for friendship compan on ship or someth ng long term West sde Wayne County BOX 25333

BEAUTIFULIntell gent classy ady 50s loves trave boating golf tennis walks on the beach and romantic dinners Search ng for male who s fun with similar nterests BOX 26072

NO GAMESSingle wh te fema e 27 n search of a sing e white male 29 39 financially emotionally secure fam ly oriented enjoys a wide va I ety of nterests like music being by the water read rg for friend ship possible relat onshp Wayne County BOX 26997

STARTING OVER Single motheroftwo 36 56 120 lbs wth long brown hair look ng to meet a s ngle male 36 to 45 fo casual datng and possbly more BOX 28256

START AS FRIENDS Sngle whte female 45 seekng someone to share travel garden ng walks quiet tmes shows dn ing out flea markets and enjoy ng companionship wth each other BOX 32375

SO MUCH TO OFFER S ngle white female old fashioned wth blue eyes and bonde hal seeks man w th Chns: an values for a long term relationshp BOX 10859

THE GOOD LIFEActive wh te widow honest actve opt m Stic affectionate and a lot of fun Seeks Catholic gentleman 65 to 75 over 58 who has similar qualltes I am a sen or lookng to share life BOX 10977

INTRODUCE YOURSELF Attractve snge white female 54 130 lbs non-smoker fnan dally and emot onally secure Seeks gentleman 45 to 60 non smoke with o d fashioned values easy to get along with 11 ke old es mus c d n ng out garden ng antiques and open to new th ngs BOX 11193

SHARE MY WORLD White female 511 1/2 attractve height and weight proportioned soft spoken non smoker social drinker Seeking male 6 2” or taller 49 and up no drugs non-smoker socal dr nker and enjoys having a femln ne woman to share act v t es with BOX 12362

THAT PERFECT MATEBrght tradtlonal merest ng lady 52 medum buid very I ght plat numhar Looking fo a man whos educated caring wo Id traveled 65 to 70 w th trad t onal va ues for a long tnrm relat onsh p BOX 13942

READY SET CALLWhte female 54 145 lbs non smoker ft caring sneere Enjoys quet tmes walks the outdoors camp ng concerts fam ly and trav el Seekng someone wth similar nterests BOX 14055

SEEKS PERFECT MATE Attradve 50+ widow fun lovng physcaly ft Seeks mae deslrng travel workng out beye ng golf mounts n hktng sk ng swmmlng dancing dnng out famly cook ng quiet even ngs closeness sharng intimacy love Request ng to much? Te l me BOX 24980

POSSIBLE CONNECTION An att actve brunette 49 54 115 lbs slngte wh te profess onal female wth great smle and good heart enjoys fam ly and friends boatng Red Wings and you f height we ght proport onate humorous caring f nancially stable and emotionally avalable Wayne County BOX 25014

ROMANTIC FEMALE S ngle beautiful b ack female 46 medium build enjoys dnng out trave Ing and moves Seeking male with similar nterest race unimportant for dat ng and possible relat onshp Wayne County BOX 26981

i M YOUR LADYAttractve white dvorced 45 5 2 138 lbs female brown/blue enjoys walking sw mm ng movies music and d n ng out Seeks wh te male 40 50 slim to medium bu Id 5 6’ non smoker occas onal drinker affect onate and sneere for a meanmgfu reatlonshlp In Garden City BOX 26999

BUBBLY & CLASSY Intell gent fit 5 6 brown eyed blonde passionate about Ife and laugh ng enjoys golf b k ng the ater boat ng and great conversa tlons nterested in meeting tall 50 to 58 f nano a ly/emot onally stable true genteman wth sm ar nter ests Oakland county BOX 27010

GOOD TIMES AHEAD Female 55 5 3 fullfgured bue eyes I kes fun parties county muse not a big dr nker but sill knows how to have a good t met BOX 32418

VIVACIOUS OPTIMIST Pet te 51 attractive white profes s onal divorced mom Enjoys work ng out daly good conversat on mus c sports and is an opt mist Look ng for a professions {College degreed) divorced vtfitemale 40 TO 55 physically ft/actve tal no beard or mustache good sense of humor non smoker Oak and County BOX 36068

ARE YOULooking for someone specla who 8 s ncere honest and fun ov ng could be me I am a dvorced whte fema e 54 non smoke who likes to do almost everything West S de area Lets talk Wayne County BOX 36084

LINE UP A LONG SHOT20 yr old snge whte female 410 cuivaceous brown ha r blue eyes no ch Idren Ike watching basketbal and taking long waiks Seek ng attractive b ack male 25 to 30 BOX 10783

CHERISH MEI51 yr old 56 singe female wth auburn har brown eyes honest senstve and carng Lookng for large built white man 50 to 60 who enjoys quality time w th a spe cial someone BOX 10860

STYLE AND CLASS Attractve slender tall and elegant age 55 a smoker Intelligent fun loving warm hearted Seek a pol te gentleman 55 to 69 tall ntellgent smoker nterested n qu et d nmg laced with conversation BOX 10909

GIVE ME A CALL SOON31 yr od single whte female seeking an Afrcan Amercan gen tleman who has a d red ons In life tor movies concerts long walks qu et t mes at home together I w I call you back BOX 11081

READY TO SETTLE DOWN Divorced white female 55 130 lbs dark hair outgo ng likes mov es concerts and dining out Look ng fo a tal! handsome man 50 yrs or o der who would I ke a monogamous relationship BOX 11120

FINER THINGSWidow back pette female 50ish attractive honest sincere and full of I fe Seek ng a gentlemen 48 68 tall honest truthful who enjoys din ng out movies concerts travel and all the finer th ngs nife Race unmportant! BOX 11250

FULL OF ENERGY Widow black snge bu It female54 honest sneere trustworthy full of Ife Enjoys travel ng moves concerts and f ner things I fe has to offer Seeking singe genteman slm lar interest over 49 raceunm portant! BOX 11251

LETS CONNECT Dvorced whte female 55 pretty perky plump sociab e soc al work er Seek rg white male 45 62 non smoker omantlc flnanc ally and emotional ysecu e Enjoys movies theater dnlngout travel readng fish ng and maybe something new BOX 11541

LOOKING FOR LOVEAttractive honest sincere divorced wh te professional female 45 looks 35 5 9 140 lbs ft educated easygoing enjoys nature conversat on and more seeks ke male 38 to 40 ft and postve BOX 12292

TOUCHING HEART55 yr old comfortab e n Levis and a Gown 5 4 curvy brotyn eyes nee turned up nose p etty nsde and out I kes ope a boating f ne dlnng people ch Idren and an mate mx wel n crowds cares about people BOX 12294

A MUST READBlonde good figure pretty owns home no work but a busy I fe loves art and deco at ng L fe s good but t could be better w th an intelligent non smoker w th a sense of humor 67 to 75 BOX 12342

SUTTON AREADvorced white female 41 average looks 8 iflht ful fgue nurse home owner mother of one seeks com mltment m nded man to enjoy moves concerts ski ng and home and fam y l te BOX 12363

FLOAT YOU RE BOAT Make you re day answer my ad

today 65 yr old entrepeneur pret ty nsde and out 54 beautfu har and bg brown eyes great complex on and phenomena pe sonalty Ikes movies plays con certs boatng fne dnng Ife t self Seeks a sngle male n hs 50 s sp ritual fun successfu and postive BOX 2387

FILL THE VOID43 yrs od 5 3 250 lbs single female great persona ty love peo pe omance and dining Seeks male whos honest and down to earth and knows how to treat a lady BOX 13968

FIRESIDE ROMANCE Female 29 sngle back female no k ds non drinker non smoker lookng for an older gent who s also ookng for a friend and ong term eatlonshp down the road BOX 13995

MEETING OF THE MINOSWhte femae 50 5 6 enjoys movies zoos f sh ng parks Seekng whte male ntelligent with a sense of humor for a se i o u s

re at onshp BOX 14050 WHAT I WANT FOR XMAS

Whte female 48 6 225 lbs hon sst and carng Seekng a white mae 61 or taller 42 to 52 carng honest and enjoys a varety of things Enjoys movies muse daneng sports and more BOX 14051

PRETTY LADYBlack female tal pleasing to the eyes seeks man with ntegrity and can desc be h mself n a similar manner then cal BOX 14054

SOONER THAN LATER 8 g e black female 45 5 4 140 lbs lookng for the ultimate soul mate who s not afra d of commit ment enjoys movies bowing and dnng out Lets talk soon BOX 14061

MOTOWN GALLooking for a knd sneere snge

or divorced male 48 to 60 non smoker for ong term monoga mous elatonshp I am 51 yr od dvorced femae love Motown mus c anc class c cars I believe n romance and enjoy s mp e pleas ures Down River a ea BOX 14471

SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE Pretty petite pass onate divorced whte femae 40 sh Seeks non smokng sngle whte mae ove 35 fo datng and relating Lets create sparks and watch them fyl BOX 25332

PROFESSIONAL MOMSingle whte Chrstan profess onal femae 46 I24lbs att actve with a heart ot go d great cook Enjoys

let tmes and movies walks eeks wel groomed whte male

42-50 noismoke with Chrstan values Wayne County BOX 26052

CUTE AND CLASSY Sngle black female mid 50s enjoys Joggng concerts and walks n the park Seekng a gentleman ove 50 wth smlar nterests Oakland County BOX 26066


cute and Classy40s 54 sm degreed non smokng fun athlete adventur ous dvorced white profess onal female with brown hair and bg b ue eyes Seek ng Inte Igent degreed 3 Im non smok ng gen tleman 42 to 52 for water sports dnng movies bike riding rol e blading travelling and long term relat onsh p Oakland county BOX 26995

SONGS FROM THE HEARTDivorced whte female 47 5 7 blonde/blue v vac ous passionate Chrstan church muscian Seeks white Christ an male non smoker 510 or taller who Is ntel Igent, artculate romantic and honest with a passion for Ife Oakland County BOX 27014

JACQUELINE SMITH m told often that I resemble her

and Jacke Kennedy Bg haze eyes auburn hair great smile very classy lookng 5 6 molher hgh energy person Loves water boat Ing fshng travelling Seekng nonsmoking gentlemen 59"pus 48 to 58 wth slm lar nterests Macomb County BOX 27021

NEW BEGINNINGS Singe whte female 47 5 4 176 lbs never mar ed 3 grown chi dren who enjoys candle! ght d n ners moves homebody seeking black ma e 49 to 52 for dating and poss ble relationship Wayne coun ty BOX 27024

30 SOMETHINGDegreed single Chrstlan black female 35 att act ve w th H spamc descent looks marriage mnded and loves Seinfeld desires single Chrstian professional whte male healthy degreed 510 plus 30 to 37 preferably slim Macomb County BOX 27028

COUNTRY GIRL Divorced wh te lady non smoker non dr nker I kes horseback rid ng has own horses Enjoy camping walkng boating feamakets od cars mov es Seeks gentleman 57 to 65 wth slm lar nteresl Monroe County BOX 27030

STILL ROMANTICDivorced white female 61 affec tonate healthy actve attractve and fun to be wth seeks counter part to share the good I fe and pos stole long term relationeh p Macomb county BOX 35901

ACTIVE SENIORS ONLY Well traveled educated ovlng wh te professional female Seeking a sophisticated Christ an man 62 to 72 who can also be down to earth Interests are c assl cal muse art appreciation world events and travel Comfortable one on one and n soc al s tua tons Oakland County BOX 35911

5 2 EYES OF BLUE Oh what I could do for you’ Enjoy everything n life that s fun a man wth a good sense of humor good teeth Blonde 56 just call me Wayne County BOX 35919

GOLF PARTNER WANTED Wdowed white femae 55 seekng knd gentle go f partner with sense of humor I ke travel fine dining and Florida Ir the winter If you are wldowed/slnge let's ht some balls and see f we can be a team Wayne County BOX 35932

NO GAMESD vorced white Chr st an cute female 5 5 brown ha r and eyes he ght/we ght proportionate enjoys all outdoor activities daneng movies dnlng Seekng carng considerate wh te male 45 55 with s m lar nterests Prefer non smoker Oakland County BOX 35936

GEMINI GIRLSngle white female 47 slender blonde hair hazel eyes enjoys golf swimming boatng people Looking for a s ngle wh te male 42 53 who s genu ne down to earth stable for dating possble long term relationship Wayne County BOX 35938

KiCKSTART MY HEART40 yr old single white profess onal male 56 180 lbs Enjoys swm ming camping the beach ong waks moves amusement parks Seeks female he ght we ght and age are open BOX 12603

LET THE GOOD TIMES Roll 44 yrs old 5 7 240 lbs hon est easy going like to have fun karaoke classic cars country music camping motorcyces fsh Ing movies etc Would I ke to meet a nonsmoking socal drnkng woman between ages 37 47 with 3 ml ar Interests BOX 12627

LOOKING FOR YOU Single blaok mae 5 5 176 lbs employed Enjoys candle ight din ners parks Seeks whte female attractve s m build BOX 14106

i M WAITING44 yr old male 6 240 bs broad shoulders good natured omantlc spontaneous good heart works two jobs Loves sports an mate kids long walks cozy fres Seeks down to earth woman 40s BOX 14162

SINGLE AND LOOKING51 yr old profess onal wh te male college educated professional no dependents non smoker occa sonaldnnke 511 196 lbs fnan c ally secure Enjoys outdoors walkng keeping fit quiet times Seeks special female 40 to 51 to share the holidays and Into the future BOX 14163

LOVE IS FOREVER6 225 lbs I tost my love but was left w th more Insight to love uncon dtionally Looking for another love of my life someone I can buld my world around BOX 32477

MAKE TIME FOR ME My background Is Middle Eastern Lebanon I am athletic likes soc cer d n ng out humorous honest Looking for a whte or Hspanc female 18 to 30 who s honest faithful employed and physcalfy ft BOX 32509



1e l t h e

s t e a l

c h a n c e

r o m a n c e !

Iy o u r F fS E f iT S o n a t s a d to d a y a n d

w r it e y o u r o w n H a p p y E n d in g .

1-888-829-6359LOVELY BUT LONELY

Tal sender attractve romantic fun lady seeks honest loyal romantc flexbie gentleman thats 65 p us over 510 and 'un to be wth Lets start as f ends frst Oakland County BOX 27034

INTRODUCE YOURSELF Att act ve wh te female 58 49 yrs o d smoke seeks ong t9im re a tonship wth an attractive whte ma e Farm ngton area BOX 27491

LIFE S RICH PAGENTS ngle white female 47 yrs old look ng for an honest sincere man to nteract with on a da ly basis I am full flgu ed w th a large heart to sha e I enjoy walks ong drves ca ds and qu et even ngs at home Reford area BOX 29830

TRUSTWORTHY Attractve classy dvorced white female 5 5 130 bs dark har sincere trustworthy who enjoy concerts and dancing Seeking tall handsome mae 50 or older to share wth me all that life has to offer for monogamous relat on ship BOX 30203

SHOOTING STAR Divorced wh te professional female 5 5 125 lbs brown back ha rand eyes dmpes looks 40 sh and stabe Seekng a divorced wh te male 57 to 63 att active 6 stab e and a good sense of humor BOX 31913

MAKE ME LAUGH 51 yrs old 52 110 lbs sngle fema e profess onal woiid I ke to meet a man we ght and height pro port onate Likes a wa pad sense of humor and enjoy comedy clubs ethn c d n ng dancing sporting events and family gather ngs Seeks chemstiy but wthout bag gage BOX 33874

UP FOR ANYTHING 50 y od white femae young look ng and acting 5 4 attractve slm

ft no dependents non smoker ght soc a dr nker pofesslonaly

empoyed Seeks quaky whte mae attractve wthout depend ents 46 to 55 emotions ly and f nancially stable BOX 33376


Call 1-900-454-5566 $4 38 first minute

$219 each addt I minute50/50 RELATIONSHIP

Black male 5 5 185 lbsempoyed financially secure Enjoys fshng outdoors cookng social dr nk ng cas nos d n ng out Seeks white fema e 30 to 45 si m bu d full fgure flnanc a ly secure BOX 12435

TRAVEL INTO MY HEARTFt youthful whte male 60s 5 8 many nterests loves the sun Seekng an intelligent attractive sensual female compan on whos free to travel and would accompa ny me to resorts In the Carbbean health spas and cruises BOX 12520

WANTED FULL FIGURES59 155 lbs interested nmeetng affect onate full figured females for friendship frst datng next Age race looks unimportant BOX 12535

TIRED OF BEING ALONEW dowed and lonesome male 5 9” 166 lbs socal drinker smoker healthy gentle and gvng Enjoys camp ng fishing travel wa kingEames and quet tmes at home

eeke wel put together female under 60 with a nice personality BOX 12547

WHAT S INSIDE COUNTSDivorced whte male 5 5 155 lbs brown hair blue eyes profess onal honest caring sincere Enjoys campng swmmng ong walks Looking for a white female He ght we ght or ocks are unmportant BOX 12557

YOU FOUND ME 28 yr old Caucasan male 6 2 245 lbs easy go ng open m nded employed non-smoker occasional dr nker no chi dren Enjoys Looking for an attract ve n ce fun non judgmental lady to get to know F endsh p poss b y more BOX 12599

HONESTTall dvorced whte male 64 good physical condton 56 non smoker set employed honest sneere sense of humor I would I ke to meet a s ender ady 45 to 53 who s easygo ng w th good vaue8 for compan onshp and possible longterm relat onshp BOX 35964

LATE FIFTIESSingle mae 5 8 175 lbs auburn har and blue eyes non smoke fnancally stable enjoys campng long wa ks games quiet times at home and more Lookng for a female w th s m a nterest3 for possib e relat onsh p BOX 10700

TRYING TO FIND YOU! Attract ve lady under 60 si m to f I my lonely heart Wdowed attrac­tive gente bg hearted looking for a permanent relationship BOX 33704

WAITING ON YOUR CALL37 yr old dvo ced white male 155 lbs and 5 6 easy going carng affectionate and fun lovng Enjoy camping the wate moves can die! ght dinners if Interested please call BOX 10886

ALL CALLS RETURNED 63 and 190 to father of one 41 enjoys al sports movies dinners daneng travel ng and spend ng time with his daughter Look ng for a female who s easy to get along wth BOX 12317

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR Attract ve honest big hearted wh te non abus ve sober man Active secure wdowed and lone some If you re under 60 attractve sender and serous call me Im your man Romulus Wayne County BOX 33735

WE MUST MEET 511" mae with mustache 180 lbs seeks female 40 to 55 slender to average bu Id who s nterested n trave dinners movies quet tmes at home cas nos boating and more Cal f nterested BOX 12370

ATTENTION CHRISTINA 1 responded to your ad #10802 and you called me and left a wrong cell number Pease call back with you co rect number please BOX 12446

For more ad« vjsft

m o m k m

http./Aivoma.we‘ it mis«un

HI THERE!50 yr od Down Rver area mae would like to meet a female who enjoys music danc ng the theatre car r des and more G ve me a call! BOX 12450

WAITING 4 UR CALL!D vorced 32 yr old white male S 5 and 195 lbs professional and hard worker enjoys campng huntng fshng moves the country and much mo e BOX 12467

LONELY LAST WEEKEND? Meet sharp and sneere single white male 40 Is ooklng for com fortabe car ngs ngle white female who has bsen home atone too tong and needs to oe loved sweet talked and appreciated BOX 12488

NEW TO THE AREA32 yr old white mae 62 and 165 lbs cean cut non-smoker non dr nker and drug free enjoys horseback rldng ballroom danc Ing cookng and much more Seek ng white female 19 to 38 for longterm relationship BOX 12506

FRIENDSHIP TO START 25 y old 511 190 lb athletically built male s looking for an ath etc female to be friends frst BOX 12516

HONESTY IS A MUST!35 yr o d d vorced white male 6 3 and 225 lbs enjoys mov es sports camping amusement parks and more Seekng sngle Christ an honest and sincere Hispanic female 27 to 37 BOX 12519

ARE YOU OUT THERE?32 yr od male 5 and 215 bs te looking for sngle attractve white female who enjoys dnlng out moves romantc times and good sense of humor for poss be rela tonshp BOX 12529

QUALITY MANGreat look ng super nice guy 38 non smoker and non drinker 6 190 lbs honest and romantic te seeking a n ce lady fo one on one re at onsh p poss ble marriage BOX 12573

ARE WE ALIKE?59 yr old male 170 lbs kes walks gardening old moves conversa tons and hobbes Would Ike to meet a medium to pette lady wth slm lar nterests BOX 12581

TAKE TIME 2 GET 2 Know mel Pr nee charm ng

knight In shnng armor I will sweep you off your feet early 30 s ma e non dr nker non smoker enjoys the ocean sports long weekend get a ways Seek a femae 21 to 35 with moras sta ble and charm ng BOX 14151

IS THIS YOU!€3 200 lbs snge white goodookng mae 44 te looking for a very pretty single whte femae who enjoys sporting events movies trave Ing for casual rela tonship whch could turn nto a ong term one BOX 30178

KIND & AFFECTIONATE 48 yr old s ngle wh te Ita an male n ce bu Id k nd affectionate pretty fit likes muse moves sports dn Ing out trave and more Seek ng an attractve proport onate female 32 to 48 wth similar nterests BOX 32472

SEEK CHRISTIAN LADY35yrold dvorced ft Christ an white male 6 3 and 225 lbs Look ng for Chr st an fema e 27 to 37 must be family oriented have God In her fe actve n the church amusement pa ks and enjoy quiet times at home BOX 32476

TAKE A CHANCE ON ME 48 yr oid d vorced wh te ma e 1 am teacher 6 200 lbs Ive n Troy area have a child I ke outdoors have cottage up north play guitar and s ng Looking for a woman to join me In al! k nds of fun BOX 12303

ARE YOU A MATCH?34 yr old sngle white male well bu It handsome Intelligent 6 non-smoker kind honest actve outdoors Lookng for a woman w th s m lar attributes for re at on ship BOX 12343

COME ASYOU ARE32 yrs old employed s ngle white man Ike swimmng ftehng the beach camping moves concerts dinner Look ng fer a woman who te rea not hung up on he ght and we ght BOX 12468

DO YOU BELIEVE IN love at frst sight’ I do Cheerfu sngle white male 510 looks good wel behaved seeks lady33 49 for tong lasting love connec tion BOX 12496

LOVE AMERICAN STYLE 32 yr old sngle whte male non smoker non drinker 6 2 175 lbs clean cut Lke horses bowing cookng movies Seek long term relat onshlp with female 19 38 and am manage minded BOX 12507

I M A SINCERE PERSONif you are 48 to 58 slim white and att actve call me If you are look Ing for a non violent lov ng happy go lucky non dnnk ng guy call me rm 59 175 lbs attractive wld owed and lonesome lookng for a life tme re at onshp III answer your call Down River no games BOX 33419

COME SAIL AWAY Ret red 61 yr old male non-smok er non drinker go to church sing In the choir work a 1 ttle at the golf course bkerdng salng Looking to meet someone for friendship who a so enjoys the outdoors BOX 33872

TAKE IT FROM THEREGrI Single mae 47 165 lbs 59* 1 * * * 5 brown hair seekng tong term rela tonship wth a lady in early 40s w th a n ce bu Id and shape I live In the Wayne County area and wll cal you back BOX 10746

LOOKING FOR A GIRL Sngle male47 59 165 lbs seek tong term re atlonsh p w th shapely lady n her early 40 s Wayne County area BOX 11110

LONESOME MANIm whte wdowed attractive Ight hearted well bult enjoy all the good things In life Look ng for anattractive we I bu It ady under I for possble permanent relat on sh p Dearborn Wayne County BOX 35956

TIRED OF BEING ALONEIm your man Hard workng

: vorced wh te ma e 49 58 175 js seek ng easy go ng and Intell ent pretty whte femae n he O s for a poss ble tong term rela onship I m waiting to hear from ou Redford Area Wayne County lOX 36011

FILL THE VOID5 8 ft hopeless romantc employed stable love ch Idren and animals Looking for a fit sweet lady who wants to meet a great guy and estabish a relationship BOX 11194

ENTIRELY YOURS61 48 yrs old enjoy hunting fish ng walking In the country lame

smoker occasional drinker and enjoy having fun so drop me a message BOX 12395

LET S BE TOGETHER Relable sngle white male 41 handsome and articulate seeks new female friend to spend t me with BOX 12405

FRESH STARTD vorced white male 40 two chil dren looking for someone possibly n a s m lar situation to m ne I like moves drives walks swimmng camping stay n relax sledding Lets start off as friends BOX 12415

WANT TO MEET Agreat guy’ Divorced 43 yr old wh te male professionally employed by a major software company in Southfeld 6 olive skin Italian work out regularly I I ke comedy concerts dinners Looking for a single wh te female without dependents professional educat ed fit and attractive 35-43 yrs over 5 5 BOX 32448

STARTING OVER!Carng affectionate lovng hard working dvorced white male 54 5 7” sTver fox hair 176 lbs Loves ocean beaches spend ng qua ty time together Steekng frendship for monogamous relationship 40 to 50 yr BOX 35913

LET S TALKTall 63 270 to small business owner seeks bright traditional nter estng lady for boating classical muse travel conversation dining danc ng and most normal actlv ties I do want to talk with you so lets talk Oakland County BOX 27032

WANTS TALL LADY 58 yr old w dow 6 4” white non smoking mate intelligent fit and sneere Enjoys dancing dining romance the arts and travel Seekng tall intejl gent non-smok Ing ft actve happy lady 49 59 for permanent relationship BOX 11558

AS GOOD AS IT GETSVery kind respectful cons derate single white male 39 65’ 246 lbs wtn brown hair and green eyes i enjoy camping fishing hiding any thing outdoors daneng and the movies Seek ng an honest loyal and lovng female who enjoys doing similar things Ch Idren okay BOX 15466

LET S BE FRIENDS Divorced white male 44 6 250 lbs enjoys travel swmming boat ng and more Seeking a female 35 to 50 with the same Interests for friendship and maybe more BOX 32423

FIRST TIME ADSinge black male 31 61 229lbs handsome businessman s seek ng female 21 to 45 for com pan onshlp height/weight propor t onate race unimportantl BOX 36095

SENSIBLE SINCERESingle white male 45 down to earth mild mannered no ch Idren but enjoys them and pets too socal activities and the arts seeks a kind hearted pleasant lookng female for frendship and more BOX 10742

INTERESTED CALL!54 yrs old 510’ 180 lbs single male brown hair blue eyes employed as a Psychology Instructor ambtous hard working with a great sense of humor In search of a single female for fnend ship frst possble relat onshp BOX 10929

WHERE ARE YOU? 43yrold 5 5 200 lbs easy gong sngle whte male never married profess onally employed Enjoys camping swimming weekend get aways and amusement parks Age he ght we ght s un mportant whats nside s what matters SOX 10973

A GOOD CATCH5 5 180 lbs 45 yrs old white wid ower male easy to get along with thnk what s nsde is what s mportant and am not fussy on age race and weight I am gainfully emp oyed hard worker enjoys tne beach camping swimmng motor cycles SW Wayne County! BOX 11104

TAKE A CHANCESingle white father of one 46 5 6 135 lbs smoker Seeks single wh te female 36 to 50 who loves children cats sailing and rollerbladng BOX 12296

FLOWERS FOR YOU)White widowed male profess onal55 180 lbs blonde hair blue eyes enjoys the outdoors and can die light dinners Looking to meet a s ngle female for friendsh p Age openl BOX 12339

QUALITY OF LIFE S ngle white male 52 511 195 lbs brown grayish hair and brown eyee Enjoys movies concerts din ing out cookng In sports bowling cards and more Seekng single whte female 40 to 52 to have fun wth and enjoy life BOX 12366

JUST LOVABLE Single white male 44 loves hug glng cuddling kissing and lots of affecton Sesklng female with the same interest age race size open BOX 14939

FULL FIGURED LADY S Dvorced whte male 43 5 9 165 lbs blondlsh brown hair green eyes down to earth Seek ng a sn gie or dvorced whte female 38 to 45 who te down to earth and enjoys the simple things in fife For a poss ble relat onsn p Wayne county BOX 27006

AVAILABLE OOD HOURS! Nee lookng male 40 works days nto the night therefore t shard to meet that special lady Seeking a s ngle white female 30 to 50 for friendship dating possible rela tonship BOX27465

READY FOR SOME FUN?Sing e white male 36 yrs old seek ng ladies 18 to 45 for frendshp and more Full figured ladies a pus! I enjoy riding bikes the beach going up north Las Vegas dnng out and much more BOX 32378

ALL AMERICAN TYPEMature athletic type 50 plus blonds 63 205 lbs professoral attractve dverse Interest active lifestyle Seeks outgoing fit attrac five unencumbered single female To create sparks through datng travel long term relationship Oak and county BOX 35995

4 0

N E W A D S !

FUN ATTRACTIVE GUYAbove average In looks very young n mind and heart Passion for romance travel old cars adventure and I fe tself S ngle white male 57 years young seek ing fun attractve lady Oakland County BOX 36123

GOOD NATURED COUNTS more than good looks Single

white male 39 510 195 lbs sn cere soc ab e seeks good natured fun s ngle white female 22 to 36 for fr endshlp and possi ble relationship BOX 10840

ARE YOU OUT THERE? Single black male west side of Detrot own my home Seeks down to earth lady attractve 30 to 45 for friendship relationship I enjoy music sports romance sharng and commun eating BOX 10924

FULL OF EXCITEMENT! Single whte male 49 54 136 lbs brown har and eyes mus tache smoker social drinker hon est and sincere Enjoys golf bowl ng summer tme dnng craft shows dancing daytrps movies and Art Seeks a sing e lady with same Interests and qual ties BOX 10931

KNOW WHAT I WANT!Exper enced educated estab I shed sngle wh ta male enjoys Interacting with an attractive white lady in her 40s for dating and pos stole relationshp BOX 10938

ROMANCE IS THE KEY Black male 37 seeks romantc female In her 30 s non drinker loves cooking for a lovng and meaningful relatlonsh p G ve me a calll BOX 11002

IT TAKES TWOSingle black male md30s look ngforasngle female of any race 25to36 Chrstan 5 5 weighs 130 to 155 lbs with no dependents co! lege educated great personal ty i love moves parks Jazz clubs non smoker non-drinker and out going BOX 11021

SKY IS THE LIMIT World traveler adventurous sin gle attractive (It 6 3 200 lbs blonde profess onal 50 yrs have hgh standards Seeks positive educated slim attractive, fit model type lady 35 to 48 Caucas an/H span c for pass on ate and long term relationship BOX 11040

LET S MEETWhite male 511 dark hair and eyes handsome mustache slen der Seeking a tall slender lady 40 to 55 to enjoy cas nos travel boat ng and d nlng out BOX11225

FINALLY READY 58yrold 5 9” 170 to retired male non smoker non-dr nker L kes music old movies gardening and more Would like to meet a medium lady near Wayne County I am a home body type person BOX 11264

ARE U THE ONE?Somewhat disabled white male 45 kind and consdered Seeking s ngle wh te female age open some d sability okay for friendship and companionship BOX 11920

WHY HESITATE?Male 48 56 185 lbs black/slver hair sometimes with beard Seeks open m nded honest person who s ready to take on the responsibilities of a monogamous relationship BOX 12302

HONESTY IS THE KEYSingle black maie 511 180 lbs enjoys movies cas nos oar raoes romantc dnners Seekng female he ght weight race open Just be sincere and honest BOX 12305

IT TAKES TWOSngle whte male 20 6 brown eyes 160 lbs seeking femae for friendship and a possible relat on shp Enjoys muse romance con certs and more Give me a call BOX 12349

CELEBRATE LIFE 36yrod white mae 64 250 lbs hard working fnanc ally secure Look ng for a woman 30 40 white or Aslan for friendship first I live every day like It was my last Jo n me' BOX 12365

CALL MESingle whte male 56 160 lbs brown ha r and blue eyes easygo Ing fun loving caring and honest Enjoys camping shoppng malls movies concerts and more If inter ested g ve me a call BOX 12373

Call 1-900-454-5566 $4 38 first minute

$2 19 each addt I minuteJUST CALL ME

36yro!d 56 180lbs snglemale love camping fishing swmmng shooting pool and auto races Seeks female any age or race for friendship and more BOX 11024

The Pub sher assumes no liabl I ty for the content of or repl es to any advert sement or voice greet ng Such I abl ty rests exc us vely wth the advert se or respondent The advertiser and respondent agree to Indemnify and hold this publ cat on and Advanced Telecom Servces its employees and agents ha mless f om a I costs expenses lab tes and damages result ng from or caused by this publ cat on o ecordng placed by the advetse o any reply to same ATS reserves the r ght to ed t or reject any ad The advertisers and respondents agree that they are at least 18 years od Advertse voce greet ngswll be re acted Itheycontan ast names phone numbers any addresses e ma addresses or expl c t sexual language You should screen your espouses carefully F rst meetings shou d be held n a publ c place The use of cordless or ce! ular phones s d s- couraged Customs Service s ava lab e by dia ing tell f ee 1 888 256 4449 Mon Frl 9 00 5 30 EOTCopyrghtATS 12' 1 01

P la c e y o u r F R E E 3 0 to 4 0 w o r d a d , c a l l t o ll f re e 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 2 9 - 6 3 5 9! R11L l n i c e ( i r e e l i n g * I III I M e s s a g e R e t r i e v a l ( I x W e e k l y ) • I R I l : I n t e r n e t -1 d

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B6*(B8-CP) T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001* J*• s

The Reindeer Section invades Glasgow Fisher from page B3

~*When fo rm in g a su p e rg ro u p With 15 m usic ians, g e ttin g th e en tire band together to perform a show so u n d s im p o ss ib le T he Reindeer Section hasn’t appeared hve w ith a complete line up yet - F e a tu r in g v a r io u s m em b ers p o m G lasw eg ian d a rlin g s like M ogw ai, B elle a n d S e b a s tia n , r A rab S tr a p , E v ar— 3 5 | I f } a n d A s tn d , an d I I th e b ra in c h ild of'Jm gBy Snow P a t ro l ’sJjm S | G a ry L ig h tb o d y ,\ \ l ip ! th e b a n d le n d s1 _ I J y i ts e lf m ore easily■ |J | to a studio project

And its m usic can Steohanie stand alone Casoia O n Y a ’l l Get2- S c a re d N o w , YaH earf Lightbody intrigues, ra th e r th an frightens I t all began when fie a p p ro a c h e d f r ie n d s m th e Irlasgow music scene m the mid­dle of a Lou Barlow gig “We were i l l out one night and I said ‘Let’s m ake a record ’ I don’t th ink any­one expected anything to happen $he next day, I wrote the record and we w ent in and did it ”

J <

The Reindeer Sectionl i s t e n i n g t b


H Sladem s r n■ D J Laurent Gamier

U M m % t e t o il p f J)ead■ TheM TiiteS8 & A 9

^ H e m akes it all sound so sim­p le B u t m G lasgow , i t ’s n o t(inusual for a m usician to play in m ultiple bands o r sit in on some­one e ls e ’s re c o rd “I t b ro u g h t everyone together m a really nice ^vay,” Lightbody added

RevealingZ* H e is aw fully m odest w hen it ponies to h is songs, m any of them h e a r t -b re a k in g an d ro m an tic *Jt’s kind of a safety net record, to Be honest,” he said “For me, I’ve always been m a relationship I’m §t se n a l monogamist This is the f i r s t t im e I ’ve b een s in g le in seven years and its kind of (like) w antm g to be a warm blanket or a h u g ”

C o m p ared to h is w o rk w ith Snow Patrol, Lightbody said the p ro cess o f m ak in g Y a ’l l G et S ca re d N o w , Ya H e a r 1 w e n t quickly The pressure was off An element of spontaneity w ent into th is reco rd Some of th e m u si­cians had ju s t popped the ir heads into the studio for a listen , and w ere h an d ed an in s tru m e n t or microphone

In the Section, Gary Lightbody is accom panied by J o h n C u m ­m ings (M ogwai, g u ita r), Jen n y Reeve (Eva, violin and vocals), Colin M acintyre (Mull H istorical Society , vocals), A iden M offat (A rab S tr a p , v o ca ls), Jo n n y Q u in n (S now P a tro l, d ru m s), Mick Cooke (Belle and Sebastian, trum pet), Richard Colburn (Belle and S eb as tian , v a rio u s in s tru m ents), G ill M ills (BBC Radio, v o ca ls) , M ich ea l B a n n is te r (piano), Willy Campbell (A stnd, g u i ta r a n d vo ca ls), C h a r l ie C larke (Mogwai, guitar), G areth Russel (Astnd, bass), Bob Kildea (B elle an d S e b as tian , V-Twm , guitar) and Roy Kerr (drums)

Bright S ta r RecordingsWhen it came time to release a

record, th e choice was easy - a new label based in his hometown

o f B e lfa s t c a lle d B r ig h t S ta r R ecordings “I’d know n Johnny Davis for ages,” said Lightbody “We’re th e ir firs t so rt of proper re lease We came m ju s t a t the n g h t tim e and helped each other T hey w ere rea lly e n th u s ia s tic They’ve done it the n g h t way ’

L ightbody takes the re igns in th is band, n g h t down to th e cover artw ork on Y a’ll Get Scared Now, Ya H ear1 The blue and gold “evil re indeers” are h is own creation T h o u g h h e a d m its i t ’s n o t fa r from s tick figure a r t, th e little m ascots add a playful quality to a record of unrivaled beauty

Live, th e band m ight no t have it a ll together Lightbody admits “we w ere a b it sham bolic to be honest ” He descnbes the shows to-date as “good fun,” though, and isn’t th a t the point7

I t s ta rted w ith an inexpensive gu itar he received a t C hnstm as tim e , age 12 Now, L igh tbody said , “I don t know w h a t I ’d do w ithout it - listening to it, play m g it I love everything ”

And he does m ean everything One peek a t L ightbody’s record collection reveals an eclectic mix From Stevie W onder to Roberta Flack, Tool to Fleetwood Mac, the D eftones to N in a S im one, h e ’s garnered quite an array of music

“Music is more im portant than any th ing else,” he said "Every­thing else is secondary I f you’re gonna be passionate about some­thing, you’ve gotta do it ”

The big question rem ains, will The Reindeer Section ever make it over the pond for an American tour7

“W e’re go ing to do th e n ex t record in Am erica,” said L ight­body “We m ight do some shows while we re over there ”

S te p h a n ie A n g e ly n C asoia w rites about po p u la r m usic for the Observer & Eccentric Newspa pers S h e ll be w a itin g In the meantim e she can be reached at (734) 953 2130 or e m ail at scaso la@oe homecomm net

For more on Ih e Reindeer Sec tion check the Web a t www rein deersection com Ya ll Get Scared N ow Ya H ea r ' is ava ila b le a t record stores now

s e v e ra l m u s ic a ls an d p lay s including Hello Dolly, F iddler on the Roof, Sw eet C hanty and Golden Boy

“There have been some great shows,” said A lan Lichtenstein, executive director of the Neder- lander C o , which also operates th e Masonic T em ple T h ea tre “M adame B utterfly and Angels m Amenca were really spectac u la r shows C ertainly, Les Mis erables was sp e c ta c u la r The firs t tim e we played Les M iz, it w as an en o rm o u s su ccess I really enjoyed S tom p We were th e f i r s t c ity in th e co u n try th a t played S tom p for a week T h a t w as a p r e t t y e x c it in g moment ”

L ic h te n s te in , w ho h a s worked at th e F ish er since J a n 1, 1981, is responsible for book­in g the productions th a t v isit th e th e a te r e a ch sea so n H e calls it a “fu n ” jo b and som e­w hat of a challenge

“Every year it’s a little differ^ e n t We try to find th e b e s t; package of shows every seasoijE and determ ine how to m arket? th e m T h a t ’s th e fun p a r t ? Every show is a little differentia I t’s nice to keep the lights on in t D e tro it I t ’s a g rea t t h e a t e r ! The shows look good in th e re ,1 Lichtenstein said

The “quiet” thea te r scene in'* Detroit has allowed the F isheS- to h o s t s e v e ra l o p e n in g s ’!!* “Shows can open very quietly!1 in D e tro it a s opposed t o a l |f your eyes on San Francisco o $ Boston They can work m peac^’ and get a show ” j*

Lichtenstein is just as in love" w ith th e F isher as N ederlande^ is W hen speak ing abou t th^? venue, h e sounds like a p ro u tf fa ther talk ing about his ch ild ^

“I t ’s ju s t th e intim acy an<jb th e acoustics The shows sounc^ good m there Plus, there’s n o t1! a bad sea t in the house ” ¥

G e t i n t h e p i n k w

H e a l t h & F i t n e s s

FocusedLightbody was draw n to music

listen ing to bands like N irvana “I t was h is angst, b u t I could just te ll h e s lep t and d ran k m usic,” h e sa id “I ju s t saw p assion in him and I wanted it so m uch I m not very good a t an y th in g else Playing th e guitar, th a t was me I ’ve n o t h a d any fo rm al tra in m g ”

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Accent your home with outdoor greeneryBy Diane Gale AndreassiSPECIAL WRITER

If you re thinking of dragging out the sam e old decora tions and displaying them th e way you always do then take the advice of David McKmght

Bring the outdoors mMcKmght owner of Fm erald City Design in Plymouth

recommends a simple style th a t can lead to a breath tak ing look McKmght suggests grouping th ree evergreens ranging m height from three foot to nine foot then deco ra te them with white lights and snow

“Less is more McKmght said ‘ I t brings together the whole thought of the holiday tune It’s an accent and it s not like you look a t it and say Whoa - th a t ’s too much

Carole Nefe a designer w ith Thrifty F lorist in West land likes the na tu ra l look for h e r own C hristm as tree The tree m her home features bark birds, cork screw wil low twigs b e rn ts and very little else

“I like trees w ith a natu ra l look opposed to ones with too many ornam ents ” Nefe said

McKmght advises th a t decorators trim branches from spruce evergreen and holly trees and add th a t greenery to create a festive look to any m antle or em pty space

Collect a few branches snip them to th e size you want and tie them together w ith a special ribbon Add a few ornam ents or pine cones if the look is too sparse for you

Lay the arrangem ent on a coffee tab le among framed fam ily p ictures and you ve in co rp o ra ted th e glorious beauty of nature w ith a homey family touch

F r u it is d e c o ra tiv eFollowing th a t natu i al them e Carolyn Russo owner of

Flowers from Joe s in Livonia says fru it ornam ents in all kinds of sizes and m aterials are popular

“F ruit is huge th is year she said “Not only do you see fru it motifs m decorating righ t now of course b u t for Christm as i ts big Crystallized fruit, sugared fru it and gold fru it are prevalent “You re seeing i t on trees and centerpieces ” Russo said It s kind of an older southern tradition and it s coming back very strong ”

Holiday decorating J o c s n t have to stop m the front room s Add seasonal ch eer to bedroom s by s tack ing wrapped gift boxes and pi icmg them inconspicuously m a corner If the thought of w rapping em pty boxes seems like a w aste of tim e and m oney use th e gifts you ve already purchased

There s no rule thta t gifts have to sit u n d er the tree until they re undressed on the bfg day

‘ We re all about clustering different th ings and bringing things together ’ said McKmght who has won several awards a t the Fes tival of Trees display a t Cobo C enter in D etroit

Every nook — What child wouldn’t love a little holiday tree m their play area * With a “Curious George" theme sur­rounding the tree, it ’s obvious this special corner is for kids only

While he stresses the beauty m simplicity for holiday decorat m g McKmght also has a tas te for the spectacular - if it s done right L ast year Emerald City Design awed spectators a t the Fes tival of Trees with a 6 foot, lifelike G nnch w ith a decorated tree below it s arms

While a 6-foot Grinch m ight not be righ t for youi home, there are some ways to en tertain your guests w ith unusual table se t­

tin g s L ike, a r ra n g in g th e top of th e ta b le w ith greens crystallized snow, ribbon and any o ther fla t decoration Top the a rra n g e m e n t w ith a sh ee r or organza fabric The effect is confusing a t firs t, b u t th a t’s the idea

Avoid oversized centerpieces th a t will dom inate a table and ultim ately ru in the d inner party because th e re isn ’t enough room for th e p lates “And m ake sure th a t you can see and ta lk to the people across from you,” McKmght said

If you re m aking your own centerpiece, th in k about grouping candles of various sizes and arranging them on a serving dish or wooden board and adding green ery

Choosing the unusual in everything you decorate will elicit the excitement you w ant

In s te a d of trim m in g o u t a w indow w ith w hite lights, there s so m any o ther opportunities, like trim ming a door w ith gift boxes, McKmght said

Decorating ideas to stay aw ay from include trim ­ming the roof line of a house and tak ing lights to a window six feet away And a t a ll costs, he added, avoid tack y C h ris tm a s tre e s k ir ts t h a t d on’t fit around the tree

“A sk irt can be created w ith a piece of fabric or a tab le cloth th a t ’s bunched aro u n d th e tre e tru n k , instead of som ething th a t goes h a lf way around the tree McKmght said

If you’re buying fabric for a tree sk irt you 11 need about four yard s of m ateria l to create th e d rap ing effect Standby colors, like red, green or gold m aterial are popular O r pick an accent color th a t will m atch the hues of the tree ornam ents

A lot of people think th a t cer ta in colors don’t mix like silvers w ith go lds a n d c re a m s w ith w hites But, they actually look good together if they’re accented r ig h t , M cK m g h t s a id F or instance th e silvers and golds look s p e c ta c u la r on a t r e e if th e y ’re g ro u p e d w ith sm a ll white lights creating a sparkling scene, he added

A new er tre n d in decorating tree s is to mix and lay er ligh t sizes and blend those th a t tw in­k le w ith those th a t don’t The key is to m ak e su re t h a t th e en tire tree h a s all v a rie tie s of the lights a t all levels

D ecorating C h ris tm a s tre e s w ith a re d , w h ite a n d b lu e them e is extremely popular th is y ea r explained Je r ry B aker, a designer w ith Thrifty F lorist m

Westland‘ I’ve seen a lot of trees w ith a

p a tr io t ic look go ing on s in ce w h a t h a p p e n e d S ep t 11,” he

STAFF PHOTOS BY PttJL HOKSCOMANNUnique: David McKmght, owner of Emerald City Design m Plymouth, freshens traditional holiday decor by bring­ing the outdoors indoors

said “They’re taking little flags and buying red and blue orna­m ents w ith white lights or using red, w hite and blue lights ”

The burgundy pom settia is ano ther new item th is year I t joins the rose pomsettia, th a t came onto th e p lan t seen a few years ago They join the traditional red and th e less common pink, yellow, peach and peppermint flecked choices of the C hristm as p lan t

Hom em ade ornam ents th a t th e k ids have m ade an d cherish m ight no t have the best craftsm ansh ip o r m onetary w orth , b u t they’re packed w ith sentim ental value and shouldn’t be forgotten ju st because you’ve chosen to have a tree w ith a them e, or because you th in k it might m ake a n elegant tree look folksy

“P u t them on another tree,” M cKmght said “They really create a holiday atmosphere ”

A lot of families le t each child p u t up a small C hristm as tree th a t reflects their individual sty les and in terests O ften tim es the tree is sm all and can fit on a tabletop in th e ir bedrooms

Homeowners are decorating w ith a passion th a t Russo said she hasn’t seen m past years They’re filling every space, from powder rooms to guest rooms and m ost im portan tly the foyer, which pro­vides every visitor’s first im pression A lo t more people a re s ta r t­ing to decorate earlier too - by mid-November th an they h ad in the past, Russo said adding th a t she h a s seen a big in te re s t in whimsical ornaments and figurines

“People love snowmen ” Russo said “I t ’s kind of a trad itional thing th a t has exploded Even if they have a real e legan t house they still have a couple of snowm en here and there We found th a t th a t is bigger this year th an the S an ta figurines ”

A lot of homeowners are buying simple, bu t elegant fresh flow­ers, like a dozen red roses w ith fresh greens, to fill th e ir rooms, she added ’

After you ve tried to incorporate th e unusual, some of th e trad i­tional, m the season of traditions, are necessary, too Ju s t as every little girl can’t leave the house on C hristm as day w ithout h e r new holiday tights, every house needs g a rla n d and o th e r g reenery packed w ith fresh bernes to create a festive look

If all th e decorating is done and you still d o n t have the holiday spirit, McKmght recommends looking outside our hom es and our-

Please see ACCENT, A2

Sm aller is better: Think small and fru ity for a holiday table center- piece Anything with fru it and candles is in vogue Add a little fresh garland for a crispy, mellow scent

JO E GAGNON_________________________

Appliance doctorMicrowave ovens

recalled, appliances need care to stay safe.

See Home Work, Page 3

M ARY F IG LEY___________________________

GardeningThey're hip. Hip, hip,

hooray for rose hips.See Garden Spot, Page 3


PhotographyD ynam ic photos.Pay attention to good

composition. ti \ < J See Home W o r k } r d ^ 0


k* r f . 1 t g . i K * - r r 1l . W i t ' C O m m »'/ ♦

C2* T h e O b se rve r & E cce n tr ic fT h u rsd a y , December 13, 2001

Accent from page A1

selves and tak ing on a project to help people who are less fo rtu ­nate

“I th ink people do get tired of how C hristm as h a s gotten com­

mercialized,” M cKnight said “If you involve yourself w ith a com m um ty center o r a charity, since t h a t ’s w h a t C h r is tm a s is a ll ab o u t, p eop le w ill g e t to ta lly excited about th e holidays ”

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H i p , h i p , h o o r a y f o r r o s e h i p s“T hat which we call a rose/By

any other name would sm ell as s w e e t,” from S h a k e s p e a re ’s Rom eo a n d Ju lie t, is a well- known phrase

A n o th e r of S h a k e s p e a re ’s p h r a s e s , from Tim on o f A th e n s , n o t o ften h e a rd , is, “T h e o ak b e a r m a s t, th e b r ie r s s c a r l e t hips,” so we do find th a t h e knew a b o u t th e f r u i t o f th e rose

T h o s e w onderfully re d seed

re c e iv e th e atten tion that roses do, so per­haps if we share some in terest­ing facts about them we will all le a r n a b o u t ro se h ip s an d appreciate them more

Rose hips contain m uch vita­m in C D uring World W ar II, syrup was made from rose hips to supplem ent th e d ie t of sol­diers because rose hips have a m uch h ig h e r co n ten t o f th a t v i ta m in th a n c i t ru s f r u i t B ritish volunteers gathered the

h ips from hedgerow s to make th e syrup

H ips are still prized as food a n d m ed ic in e T oday we can g a th e r our own hips (or heps, as th ey w ere called long ago) and m ake our own concoction

T he flav o r of h ip s is tangy yet sweet, and they can be used fresh , d ried or p reserved The m ost prevalen t use today is to s teep th e m for te a R ose hip s y ru p , p u re e , ja m , je l ly and sauce can be used as is or as a flavoring in o ther recipes

The process to p rep are hips is qu ite involved T n m off blos­som an d stem ends w ith scis­so rs, c u t in h a l f len g th w ise , re m o v e th e t in y h a i r s and seeds m th e center, and rinse Don’t use alum inum utensils or pans, or th e vitam in C could be destroyed

D ry th e h ip s by sp re ad in g tile halves in a single layer on screens or trays and place m a dehydrator, an oven on the low­est setting, or a dark, dry, well- ven tilated place Store in glass ja rs m a cool, dark place

I f you wish to try a recipe for soup, here’s one th a t is adapted fro m A H erb C ookbook by Painter, published m Auckland

C o m b in e 3 cu p s p re p a re d fresh hips w ith 6 cups water in a saucepan and sim m er for 25

m inutes Cool and d ra in hips, reserve liquid Mince hips and com bine w ith liq u id and 1/2- cup sugar Bring to a boil, s tir­ring

Com bine 1 tab lespoon each cornstarch and cold w ater and slowly s t i r in to th e h ip m ix­tu re , boil un til m ix ture th ick ­ens Remove from h ea t and add 2 teaspoons lem on ju ice and 1/2-teaspoon each grated lemon rin d an d g round g in g er, m ix well

Cool and re frig e ra te Serve chilled, topped w ith a spoonful of heavy cream or sou r cream m each bowl

I u n d e rs ta n d now w hy w e don’t ru n across m ore recipes th a t use rose hips - w hat a job'

N e v e r use h ip s from roses th a t have been trea ted w ith a p e s tic id e t h a t i s n ’t c le a r ly labeled as safe for food crops

These bright orbs are also a d e lig h tfu l a d d itio n to d r ie d flo w er a r r a n g e m e n ts a n d w re a th s The co lor la s ts for m any years

You will find hips m clusters on old fa sh io n ed s h ru b ty p e roses like the rugosas I didn’t cut a ll the spent flowers from my Bomca roses and they are full of h ips G ather them now (we’ve h ad our f ir s t frost), or enjoy th e ir colorful beau ty on

y o u r sh ru b roses a n d le t the songbirds enjoy them this win­te r

C o n g ra tu la tio n s to th e fol­lowing South O akland County R esource R ecovery m em bers, w ho received spec ia l recogni­tion for the ir h a rd w ork a t the r e c e n t A n n u a l V o lu n te e r Awards Program

H o w a rd K n o rr o f B ev erly H ills , P e te r B ray o f B irm ing­h am , B a rb a ra B m i of Bloom­f ie ld H il ls , J o h n K e a n e of B loom field T ow nsh ip , Peggy M a ln a ti o f F arm in g to n H ills, C e le s te W a tts o f F ra n k l in , P e n e lo p e M o rris , M a r th a H um phrey and Holly P inder of Berkley, Dena Serrato of Royal O a k , a n d A nn M c ln n is o f Springfield Township

Good garden tip : W hen you get your C hristm as tree home, cut 1/4-mch from th e bottom of th e t ru n k and se t i t in w arm tap w ater to keep it fresh Keep w a te r m th e s ta n d w hen you tak e it indoors A spray of Wilt- P ru f will also hold m oisture m th e needles

M arty Figley is an advanced m a s te r g a r d e n e r b a sed m B irm ingham You can leave her a message at (734) 953 2047 on a to u ch tone p h o n e H er fa x num ber is (248) 644 1314


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T h e O b se rv e r & JSccew/ric/Thursday, December 13, 2001 *C3

H om e W o r k

Ovens recalled, appliances need care to rem ain safe

A few weeks ago, I m entioned h e re th e r e c a l l o f c e r ta in m icrow ave ovens p ro d u ced by W hirlpool A t th e t im e , th e se p ro d u c ts w e re n o t b e in g repaired, bu t now they are

T h e W h i r l p o o l C o rp , m close cooper a t io n w ith th e C o n ­s u m e r P ro d ­u c t S a fe ty C om m ission, has vo lun tar­ily r e c a l le d app rox im ate­ly 1 8 million m i c r o w a v e h o o d co m b i­n a t io n s to r e p a i r th e p r o b l e m

O th e r b ra n d n a m e s m ad e by W hirlpool a re K itchenA id an d Kenmore

To d e te rm in e w h e th e r y ou have one of these products, said to be sold between Jan u a ry 1998 an d S ep tem b er 2001, a n d a re •probably m ounted under th e cab­inets m your k itchen , view th e seria l num b er I f i t s ta r t s w ith XC, stop using th e microwave I f i t ’s a W hirlpool or K itchenA id, call for service a t (800) 785-8952 I f it’s a Kenmore, call for service a t (800) 4-MYHOME

This recall is one o f th e m ost serious I can ever rem em ber m all my years in th is industry

These un its have th e potential to cause fire, so the cost of th is

Web has books to inspire children

The com plete Spriggles M oti­v a tio n al Book S eries For C hil dren (ages 3 6) is now available in soft cover a t h ttp //w w w spng- gles com

Spriggles combines “sp irit” and “giggles” to in sp ire ch ild ren to lead healthy, active an d en thusi­astic lifestyles

M otivation for y o u n g ste rs in Spriggles In sp ira tio n includes A im h ig h , B u t te r f ly , Keep on trym ’, Lion and N ever say can’t, A nt

Among th e encouragem ent for children in Spriggles H ealth & N u tr it io n a re E a t a b a la n ced meal, Seal, Take a bath, Giraffe and B ru sh before bed, C opper head

Spriggles Activity & Exercise urges youngsters to “Go for a jog, Frog,” “Play m the park , Shark,” ‘Ride your bike, P ike” and tak e part m other activities

V is it S p r ig g le s a t h ttp //www spnggles com to learn more about these books, examine sample pages, and read testim o­n ials from p a re n ts a n d p rofes­sionals

Have a g reat day, B lue Jay '



* 3

i h ear i t \&

. ^

■ An acciimulatSon of steam and oil vapors in and around the wave­guide opening can lead to overheating and fire, which could cause per­sonal injury and proper­ty damage.

v e n tu re by W hirlpoo l w ill be staggering I certainly hope th a t every one of the 1 8 million con­su m ers w ho own th is p roduc t will be notified of the problem

It will tak e months - perhaps y e a rs - u n t i l ev e ry u n i t is repaired During th a t time, some fires m ight occur Whirlpool has offered to reim burse custom ers for an inexpensive microwave at $100 or less, a countertop model you can use until they come out and fix yours The company will sen d you a check fo r th e fu ll am ount w hen you send in your invoice "Whirlpool is also going to give you a new w arranty for one y ea r s ta r t in g th e day they fix your product This is also anQth- er expensive p a rt of th is venture

I m u s t g ive W hirlpool a n A plus in customer satisfaction

Think of how many millions of microwave ovens have been pro­duced and sold since 1970 Why would th is happen on th is partic­u lar brand and model’ An accu­m ulation of steam and oil vapors m an d a round th e w ave-guide opening can lead to overheating and fire, which could cause per­sonal in ju ry and property dam ­age W ith th is s ta tem en t m ade by W hirlpool le t me give you a few words th a t I wrote in a past column

Clean the ceiling“If you don’t clean the ceiling

in your microwave oven, th e food splatters will cook over and over again u n til they become a rock- hard substance These areas can cause a sparking affect, which in tu rn can ignite whatever m ateri­al is near the spark ” Those of us who fix microwave ovens see th is all the tim e because consum ers miss the ceiling part w hen they are cleaning M aybe th e m an u ­factu rers of these ovens should pu t a little warm ng label where it is easily viewed th a t s ta te s “Your warranty is void i f you do not clean the ceiling ”

I c r ie d l a s t y e a r w h e n a woman told me of h e r daughter, fresh out of college, who moved into h er own apartm ent and died a s h o r t tim e l a t e r T he m icrowave caught fire an d she died in the fire Her lawyer can’t even get an opinion on why the microwave oven caught fire

There are 15,000 house fires a year m th is country caused by the clothes dryers and yet most people ju s t tu rn i t on and walk away

You w ouldn’t leav e a loaded gun ju s t s ittin g on th e k itchen ta b le , y e t m o st h o m eo w n e rs don’t pay enough a t te n t io n to m ain ta in ing m ajor hom e appli­an ces Look a t th e to a s te r m your k itchen W hen is th e las t tim e you m ade sure it was free of bread crumbs’

Take care, my friends Appli­ances can be like a loaded gun

Stay tunedoe Gagnon can be heard Sa tur

day a n d S u n d a y on 760 W JR He is a member and p a st presi dent o f the Society o f Consumer Affairs Professionals H is phone number is (313) 873 9789

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K e y i n g r e d i e n t s m a k e

d y n a m i c p h o t o g r a p h sM o re th a n a s n a p s h o tSan Marco Cathedral provides the backdrop for this photo­graph of moored gon­dolas m Venice

I ’m often asked by students a n d p h o to g ra p h y frie n d s , “W h at m akes a p ic tu re good’ W h a t se p a ra te s th e dynam ic

p h o t o ­graph from th e ho hum snap­

shot’”There are

a number of key ingredi­e n ts th a t g e t a p ic ­tu re noticed an d give i t a t t e n t io n - g e t t i n g power

F ir s t is i m p a c t , so m e tim e s

d if f ic u l t to d e s c r ib e b u t so im portan t m th e formulation of a good photograph You might say th a t i f a p ic tu re arouses fee lin g s an d em otions of joy, appreciation, excitem ent, even anger or sorrow, th en th a t pho­to g ra p h m ost a s su re d ly w ill have impact

How do you obtain impact m your shot’ Begin by selecting su b jec t m a tte r t h a t is e ith e r u n u s u a l o r is t r e a te d m a n unusual way

U se a special cam era angle o r p e rh a p s a d if fe re n t lens Place the subject in an unusual environm ent or try special fil­tra tio n Try shooting on a day w ith fog or m is t o r d ram atic

cloud patternsPay attention to good compo­

s itio n Place th e e lem en ts of your picture m th e viewfinder m the strongest way possible T ry to exp ress on film w h a t you see and feel w hen tak ing y o u r sh o t F ill th e fram e for added impact and watch back­grounds for d istracting objects

A good picture will hold the v iew er’s a t te n t io n an d keep h im or h er th inking about the image I t will also s tir up im ag m ation A good photograph will often have a story to tell th a t w ill h av e m ean in g an d su b ­stance

How best to p u t m eaning m y o u r sh o t is to p h o to g ra p h th o se su b jec ts t h a t c a p tu re your own interest

I f your own feelings become p a r t of your pho tograph , you m ost certain ly w ill produce a fine picture, one th a t will have

m o re im p a c t fo r o th e rs to enjoy

N o t on ly s h o u ld a p h o to ­g ra p h say so m eth in g w o rth ­while, b u t it should say it well T h e p ic tu r e m u s t be w ell focused and have proper expo­sure*

C olor s a tu r a t io n an d con­tra s t should be technically cor­rect and your p icture should be presented m a n ea t, profession­al way

A lso, s h a rp e n y o u r v isu a l aw aren ess an d percep tion of th e w orld a ro u n d you I f you do, your p h o to g rap h s will be rem arkably improved

M onte N a g le r is a fin e a r t photographer based m Farm m gton H ills You can leave him a message by d ialing (734)953 2 0 4 7 on a to u ch tone phone H is fa x n u m b er is (248)644 1314




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C4* T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001

RELIGION CALENDARTHE GLORY OF CHRISTMASNorthRidge Church, 49555 N orth Territorial Road, Ply m outh will present The Glory o f Christmas, Christmas Day again Dates include 7 30 p m Dec 14,1 and 7 30 p m Dec 15 and 3 p m Dec 16 Tickets are $10 Call (800) 585 3737 or visit www ticketsplus net Tickets on sale 9 a m Nov 12 No refunds or exchanges CHRISTMAS MUSICAL M em m an Road B aptist Church, 2055 M em m an Road m Garden City will p resent Gift o f Heaven, a musical about the b irth and life of C hrist 7 p m Dec 15 and 6 p m Dec 16 BIRTH OF JESUSCelebrate the b irth of Jesus St M atthew ’s U nited M ethodist Church, 30900 W Six Mile, Livo­nia, will host a b irthday party for Jesu s 10 30 a m to noon Sat­urday, Dec 15 The free event is designed for 4 year olds through six th graders Enjoy crafts, games, songs, cake and special tre a ts You m ust register by call m g Anne Fairchild (734) 422 6038 by Dec 9

CHRISTMAS PAGEANTAll are invited to celebrate with the kids of N ardin P ark in their annual Christm as pageant 10 a m Dec 15 a t N ardin Park United M ethodist Church of Farm ington Hills Music, drama, costumes, carols to sing w ith the audience m ake this a family event Admission is free There will also be a pancake breakfast a t 9 a m Dec 15 before the pageant $3 per person Call (248) 476-8860 by Dec 12 if you’d like to attend breakfast CHRISTMAS CONCERT Join us m celebration as Ward Church presents its Christmas concert Majesty m Our M idst 7 p m Dec 15 and 5 p m Dec 16 No tickets necessary Ward Church is located a t 40000 Six Mile, Northville Call (248) 374- 7400CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONThere will be a free Christmas celebration for children ages 3- 11 a t the Church of Jesus Christ of L atter day Saints, 31450 Six Mile From 10-11 30 a m Dec 15, children will m ake Christ m as crafts and hear a Christmas story From 11 30 a m to noon

Santa C laus will visit During Santa’s v isit, paren ts m ust be p resen t to supervise the ir chil­dren Call Nicole Davis a t (313) 538-9051ST. PAUL’S CHOIRS t Paul’s L utheran Senior Choir, under th e direction of Chris K itzm an will perform Tom Fettke’s C hristm as C an ta ta Sing and Shout for Joy a t 6 p m Dec 15 and 9 15 a m Dec 16 The church is located a t 20805 Mid- dlebelt, Farm ington Hills THEOLOGIAN TO LECTURE Theologian Cornelius P lantm ga, J r will be speaking on the topic of C hristian m oral v irtues a t an all-day conference a t T rinity Church m Livonia, Saturday,Dec 15 He will be inaugurated as president of Calvin Theologi­cal Sem inary in G rand Rapids m Jan u ary R egistration begins a t 9 30 a m Dec 15 Advance regis­tra tion is $20 ($5 more a t the door) and includes the cost of lunch Group ra tes available Call T rinity Church (734) 425- 2800 Trinity Church is located a t 14800 M iddlebelt, ju s t south of Five Mile m Livonia P lantm - ga will also preach a t T rinity

Church’s Stmday morning wor ship service a t 10 45 on Dec 16CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS SERVICEChildren of Christ Our Savior L utheran Church, 14175 Farm ­ington Road, Livonia, will pre­sent A ll Paths Lead to Bethlehem during th e 11 a m worship ser­vice Dec 16 A ll Paths Lead to Bethlehem is a Christm as musi cal dram a for children and adults depicting Christm as tra ­ditions from around the world A staffed nursery is available for children 0-3CHRISTMAS CANTATAThe Chancel Choir of Clarenceville United M ethodist Church will be presenting a Christm as C an ta ta 7 p m Sun­day, Dec 16 the musical presen­tation entitled One King is w rit­ten by Robert Sterling, Lowell Alexander and Deborah Craig- C laar UMC is located a t 20300 Middlebelt, LivoniaHOLIDAY PROGRAM“Christm as Music, Poetry, and S tones” w ith Rev Alexander Riegel of Um versalist U m tanan Church of Farm ington is sched­uled for Sunday, Dec 16 UUCF

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is a spiritually diverse congrega­tion, welcoming and affirming the inheren t w orth and dignity of all people w ithout regard to race, gender, religious and cul tu ra l background, or sexual ori­entation Services, Sunday School, and N ursery a t 9 and 11 a m 25301 H alstedR oad (N of G rand River) Call (248) 478 7272 or www uufarm ington orgADVENT MUSICSt Jam es Presbyterian Church, 25350 W Six Mile, Redford, will host a musical event 10 a m Dec 16 The Chancel Choir Can­ta ta Let Us Adore H im will be presented A C hristm as lun cheon will follow th e Dec 23 ser­vice a t 10 a m The Handbell Choir will appear Dec 24 6 45- 7 30 p m An organ recital will conclude the advent musical senes a t 7 30 p m featuring Gim Robison, C hnstm as Eve service 7 30 p m Call (313) 534-7730

I f y o u w ou ld l ik e to s u b m it anite m fo r th e re lig io n c a le n d a r fa x i t to ( 7 3 4 ) 5 9 1 7 2 7 9 o r w r ite R e l ig io n C a le n d a r , O b s e r v e r N e w s p a p e r , 3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o lc ra ft R o a d , L ivon ia , Ml 4 8 1 5 0 T h e d e a d l in e fo r an a n n o u n cem en t to a p p ea r in th e T hursday ed itio n is n o o n M on day

NEW ARRIVALS■ Je n n ie M arie and David)

M ich ae l B la i r of W e stla n c tv an n o u n c e th e b i r t h o f th e i r d a u g h te r , M egan E lizab e th ,bom Sept 29 a t Oakwood Hospi­ta l A nnapolis C en te r - W ayne M egan joins sister Emlie M ane,3 1/2 G randparents are William and K athryn B lair of Davenport, F la , a n d R o b e r t a n d S h e lly Dillingham of D earborn Heights G re a t-g ra n d p a re n ts a re A lice Harvey of Dearborn Heights and D on an d I n s M o n tg o m ery of W estland

■ B re n t and S h e rr i H ill ofC an to n an n o u n ce th e b ir th of th e ir son, Gavin Maximus Hill, bom Wednesday, Nov 7 a t Oak- wood H ospital in D earborn He jo ins G raigory M ichael H ill, 3 G randparents a re M r and Mrs M ark Ayers of Canton, M r and Mrs Charles Smelcer of Monroe and M r and Mrs Michael Hill of Petersburg, Mich M r and M rs R oland L azette of M onroe and M a rg a re t H ill o f P e te r s b u rg , Mich are great-grandparents

■ B e th a n d M ike S to u t of W estland announce th e b irth of th e i r son, B re n d a n W illiam , bom Oct 16 a t Botsford Hospital in F a rm in g to n H ills B ren d an jo in s sib lin g s Z ach ary , 7, an d K iers ten , 5 G ra n d p a re n ts are Bill and M ary Stout o f Plymouth and Oscar and L aura Dedeckere of Clare


Charles Leidy of M edina, Ohio an d J a n ic e K m itt o f L iv o n ia an n o u n c e th e e n g a g e m e n t o f th e i r d a u g h te r , A n g e la V io le t Leidy to C hristopher P au l Cook of Redford Township

The bnde-to be is a 1995 grad­u a te of Livonia F ra n k lin H igh School and a 1999 g ra d u a te of E a s te rn M ich igan U n iv e rs ity , w here she ea rn ed a b ach e lo r’s degree m sociology S he works for FCS A dvertising & M arket­ing m Livonia

H er fiance, the son of Dale and Robin Cook of H a rr iso n Town­s h ip , is a 1995 g r a d u a te o f L ’A nse C re u se C e n tr a l H ig h School in H arrison Township He c u r re n tly a t te n d s S ch o o lc ra ft

College m Livonia He works for ( Bob S e lle rs P o n tia c GMC m Farm ington Hills t

A F e b ru a ry w e d d in g is I p la n n e d a t F a i th C o m m u n ity J W esleyan Church

Korzi-HaagR obert and V irg in ia Korzi of

W e s tla n d an n o u n c e th e m a r ­riage of th e ir d a u g h te r , N ancy M Korzi to Anthony M H aag II of Livonia

The bnde works for B um s and W ilcox In su ra n c e C om pany m Farm ington Hills

H er husband, son of L inda and Anthony M H aag of Brighton, is an employee of Schonsheck, Inc of Wixom

The couple wed Aug 18 a t Mill Race Pond m N orthv ille before Judge Dennis Powers

T h e b r id e w a s a t te n d e d by Tammy Fedngo The groom was a t te n d e d by J a m e s F e d n g o , Robert Korzi J r and E n c Haag T h ey re c e iv e d g u e s ts a t

E rnesto’s in Plym outh and tooka honeym oon tr ip to M ackinac I s la n d T hey h av e m ade th e irhome m Livonia


'D i c h e n d O l d e T p a J f c o n e d C f a i d f a n a S $ e J i i v a l

November 23, 24, 25 D ecem ber 1,2,8,9,15,16,22,23

Saturdays 1-7pm, Sundays 1-5pmEvery weekend is full of family fun Set m the days of Merry Olde

England you 11 see and hear the sights and sounds of Chnstmas Come mingle with the Dickens characters nght out of one of Charles Dickens Victonan tales Witness the occurance of Marley s ghost

[i Bah1 Humbug1 with Ebenezer Scrooge and be entertained by Old Man Fagan s little urchins'

Food merchants dressed in penod costumes will serve hot & hearty delights Local shops are filled with gifts for everyone on your holiday shopping list Experience traveling musicians carolers jugglers and Father Chnstmas among the strolling Dickens characters After strolling through 40 specialty and antique shops

^ you 11 find a carnage nde the perfect ending to a fine day'

CHILDREN S CHRISTMAS PARADE The parade features Santa his live reindeer floats decorated in the ^

old fashioned look keeping in tradition with the Dickens era After the parade the reindeer will be in a tent next to Joseph s Oak Shop on Saginaw St for the children to get an up close look

[i DOWNTOWN DECORATIONSDecorations on shops in downtown Holly reflect the decorations

popular durmg the time of Dickens in England There are lights on trees buildings and lamp posts cedar garlands on buildings and light ^ posts also decorated with bows in burgandy and gold In the middle of downtown is the big Chnstmas tree decorated with the handiwork of Holly children

Fo r More Inform ation

C a ll the i H olly Chamber o:




















H omeT own L ifec *

★ R e t t m o n C a l e n d a r C 6

S tu d en t ’s s id e o f l if e

Celebrate life by celebrating your birthday

It w a sn t until late la s t night th a t I realized it was one my friend’s birth days Then it occurred to me - every

one has a birthday w hether he or she chooses to acknowledge it or not I s tarted to wonder when birthdays are no longer fun When do they cross the line of being just another day in the year9

Recently, I watched my younger cousin mesmerized a t the glow of the two candles on her b irthday cake I thought of how I celebrated my birth days as a kid Passing out cupcakes to my classm ates was the highlight of my birthday I remember counting down weeks, days even m onths till my birthday I am only 16 years old now, b u t the idea of b irthdays has lost some of tha t magic, it s ju s t not the same anymore I go to school, go to swim practice come home do my homework, and then go to bed It s practically a normal day - no big hur rahs for me

■ ‘B irthdays are a lso a celebration of life, and after the recent trag ed ies th at the United S ta te s has undergone, the value of th o se sp ecia l m om ents are p rice less

I t doesn’t really bother me th a t th a t’s w hat happens on my birthday I’m not a celebrity, my birthday isn t a national holiday I was ju s t won denng where has the fun gone9 I have often heard adults talk ing about their birthdays as if they were a chore or a depressing day True, w ith each birth day, another year is added to your age, b u t isn’t it worth it9

I encourage you to celebrate your special day If not only to add anoth er year to your age, bu t to remember and celebrate everything good th a t has happened over the las t 12 months - or your life m general for th a t m at ter

My friend, whose birthday I almost forgot, is 12 years older th an me She’s m arried, has a family and is someone I’ve relied on to give me excellent advice She’s been through more th an I have, but a t th e same tim e is young enough to help w ith the problems I face We have drifted ap a rt in recent months only commu m catm g occasionally which is why I almost forgot her birthday

I w ent to the Web site of our favorite band and sent her an e mail card A little impersonal, I know, but give me credit - I remembered before it was too late I checked m y e mail the next morning to find th a t she had w ritten me back She complained of getting “old” (at the age of 29) and thanked me for sending the card Evi dently she has been having a rough past few weeks and she said th is card really cheered her up I t doesn t take much to brighten someone’s day and help them feel special

Not everyone becomes an ti b irth day ” Children have fun on their birthdays, and then there are also people like my Nana, who have fun everyday and enjoy life My N ana is 84 years old and is proud of each one of those 84 years

As people get older and have their own families they tend to do more for the ir children s birthdays, and cele bra te those over their own But birth days are also a celebration of life, and after the recent tragedies th a t the United S tates has undergone the value of those special moments are priceless

Celebrate your birthday and cele bra te your life it’s som ething th a t everyone should take tim e to do To celebrate each year and w hat you have gained from it, ra th e r th an gripe .about getting “older ”

Jen ny L inn is a 17 year old senior at F ranklin High School m Livonia and is m her second year working with the school newspaper, the Packet Her hobbies include sw im m ing and softball (she v* on both school teams) She resides m Livonia

F in ish e d P ro d u c t:M arilynn Irwin

o f the Livonia Garden Club

show one o f 76 centerpieces that were being made Saturday morn­

ing at Angela Hospice m L ivo ­nia The garden

club, volunteer students and

scouts used live greens, red bows,

red berry’s and pine cones for the

centerpieces to give to hospice

patients and to fam ilies who lost

• their love ones This was the

eighth year that the garden club

donated the materials and

made the Christ­mas gifts



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Teen project beautifies hospice

T a k in g c a re : AngKaithn Hayes of School, prepares with the Livonia

Members of the Livonia Garden Club, w ith the help of m em bers from th e Angela Hospice teen volunteer program, assembled approxim ately 75 holiday centerpieces S atu rday for hospice home care families

‘We are honored to be chosen by the generous members of the Livonia G arden Club for th is pro­ject which benefits both the doers and recipients,” said Nickerson

This is the th ird year hospice volunteer and teen group coordinator Linda Nickerson has partici pated m the holiday project

H e lp in g h a n dThe Garden Club supplied fre&h greens, pine cones, ribbons and candles for th e project and guid­

ed the teen volunteers through the creative process of m aking holiday centerpieces S haring the centerpieces w ith patients and families who appreciate being remem bered during th e holiday sea­son is a fulfilling end-result to the project say participants

Teen volunteers have participated m m any projects to benefit the adult and pediatric patien ts of" keens is comprised of students from several area Livonia

m, F ranklin and Ladywood

H elp in g o u t:Volunteers Lauren Su h k (left) a senior from Livonia and Christina M unoz (right) a

junior from Canton, both attend Lady- wood H ig h School pre­pare center- pieces at Angela H o s­pice m L iv o ­nia with the Livonia G a r­den Club last Sa tu r­day

A u t h o r h e l p s

o t h e r s n a v i g a t e

s p i r i t u a l j o u r n e y

By Kimberly A . Mortson Staff Writerkmortson@oe homecomm net

M argaret Feathers is certain things happen for a re a so n N o t b ecau se she m ad e th e m h a p p e n b u t because she finally realized how to l i s te n to h e r in n e r voice to le t things happen naturally

“I ju s t surrendered and let go ” s a id F e a th e r s w hose book, Journey o f a Soul An E x p lo r a tio n o f S p ir i t w as recently published by JaM ar Publishing of Plymouth

“The words were ju s t given to me by way of divine guid

ance th ro u g h o u t th e w hole w rit in g process I

------------------------------------P le a s e s e e j 6 u"RNEY;-C9

Margaret Feathers

J O I I R M i

L i t e r a r y le c t u r e r s t o p

T o w n H a l l s e r ie s a g e n d aThe Livonia Town Hall Lec­

tu re series for the 2002 season s t a r t s m J a n u a r y w ith an appearance by guest speaker Thomas Lynch

Possibly th e most celebrated fu n e ra l d irec to r m A m erica, Lynch is th e au th o r or th ree collections of poems, S ka tin g w ith Heather Grace, Grimalkin & Other Poems and S till Life m M ilfo r d H e h a s also au th o red two books of essays The Undertaking and h is most recent w ork Bodies A t Motion and A t Rest

T he U n d e r ta k in g w on an A m e ric a n Book A w ard a n d was a finalist for the National Book Award

Lynch describes h is work as th e “l i te r a r y an d m o r tu a ry a r t s ” T h e M ilfo rd fu n e ra l director will appear 10 30 a m Ja n 16 Copies of h is book will

Thomas Lynch

be on sale before and after the lecture

C o n c lu s io nThe la s t of th e professional

speakers to appear during the 3 8 th s e a s o n o f th e le c tu r e series is Elliot Engel, a scholar

....M ^ se s e e T O W N T O u :;C 9

w w w . o b s c t v a t t in d c c c c n t r ic . co m Sharon Dargay. Ed ito r 734-953-2054 SH ln rguyw oc. h o m e c o m m . n o t

ce* T h e O b se rve r & E c c e n t r ic ! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001

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CATHOLIC CENTRAL■ Class of 1961For inform ation about the Girls Catholic C entral of Detroit 40th reunion, call J a n Seefeld (248) 398-7777 or Nancy Nowak Kush (313) 291 1165 CHADSEY■ Class of 1952A “golden anniversary” reunion is m the early planning stages Alumni are being asked to call and share the ir interest m attending a reunion Call Flo­rence A Azzopardi (313) 937- 1246CHERRY HILL HIGH SCHOOL■ Class of 198120+1 year reunion is planned for Cherry Hill High School in Inkster Saturday, Feb 9, 2002 Contact- Heidi (Galbraith) Erlandson for more details Call (248)735-8671 or e-mail heidima- ma@yahoo comDETROIT REDFORD■ Jan u ary 1952Get ready to celebrate our 50th We are close to setting a date of May 18, 2002 for the party Call ASAP Gina Stocker Alexander, (313) 535-8575 or e-mail ginaalex2@aol com or M arlene McGregor Ruppenthal (248) 855- 9010GROSSE POINTE NORTH■ Class of 1991







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REUNION CALENDARCall (800) 677-7800, visit www taylorreunions com or e- m ail info@taylorreumons com or culbertson@taylorreumons com or write Taylor Reunion Ser­vices, P O Box 597, Dallas, TX 75221-9929 GROVES■ Class of 1971We’re looking for interested alum ni to help organize our 30th reunion Call Linda M iller (952) 942-9559 or e-mail kmiller@sprynet com or send nam e and num ber to Linda Miller, P O Box 44203, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 HOLY REDEEM ER■ Class of 1962 C lassm ates call F rank S Barkovich regarding the class reunion m 2002 Call (734) 397- 8777LIVONIA STEVENSON■ Class of 1972A 30 year reunion is p lanned for

Aug 9, 2002 The reunion com­m ittee is tak ing inquiries Call Kathy (Guilbault) H a m s (734) 462-1772 or Paul S t Henry (734) 591-6081 MARIAN HIGH■ Class of 1996Contact Jenn ifer L atim er (248) 646-9060 or T ina Malloy (248) 433-1795MCFARLAND JUNIOR HIGH■ Class of 1966Classm ates are being sought for a 35th reunion Call Karen (810) 573-7145, Vickey (517) 548-5133 or e-mail misst27@aol comNORTH FARMINGTON■ Class of 1991A 10-year reunion is in the p lan­ning stages We are looking for classm ates Call Reunions Made Easy (248) 592-9565OSBORN HIGH SCHOOL■ Classes of 1960-63 Reunion is planned for June 1, 2002 Call (248) 746-3305PERSHING■ Class of 1952A 50th reunion is planned for June 22, 2002 m Farm ington Hills Call Ron B u n n (248) 623 2454, e-mail rburm@prodigy net or Fred Neilson (352) 365-1483 or pershing52@aol com■ Class of 1962

Perishing High School - Detroit, C lass o f 1962 and 1961 sum m er school graduates are invited to a 7 p m Ju n e 15, 2002 reunion a t the A m encan Polish C entury Club, 33204 Maple Lane, S ter­ling Heights C allF neda Luttsehyn (810) 643-5619, Jo Corriere (586) 566 2644, Carol K raus (734) 878 6943, and Cham e Corso (517) 546 8145■ Class of 1962A reunion is being planned Class of 1961 sum m er school grads also welcome Call Carol K raus (734) 878-6943 or e-mail csimgrz@ismi net or Chame Corso (517) 546-8145 or e m ail chieorso@ismi net PIONEER ANN ARBOR■ Class of 1991The committee is updating addresses/ phone num bers of class members Call (800) 677- 7800, visitwww taylorreum ons com or e- m ail info@taylorreumons com SOUTHFIELD LATHRUP■ Class o f 1971A 31st reunion is planned for Aug 3, 2002 Call M ark L u n a (248) 661-9505 or e m ail m ark- luna@ aol comST. MATTHEW PARISH■ 75th anniversaryA reunion will be held Ju ly 20, 2002 a t Wyndham Garden Hotel m Novi Contact Sam Carollo (313) 701 6520 or Anne McGraw M ueller (313) 937 8324 Class of 1970 should call Colleen Hagger­ty Diamond (734) 522 6666 S t M atthew P an sh m Detroit will be having a 75th anniver­sary reunion dinner dance on May 5, 2002 If you are a former panshioner, we w ant to hear from you* If you are a graduate of S t M atthew Elem entary School and 21 years of age or over, we w ant to hear from you’ We w an t to invite as m any for m er parishioners and graduates as possible, so please spread the word and help us find them Contact Bob Spansky (St M atthew , 1956) by e m ail (rspansky@msn com) or tele phone (313) 882-6738 Monday- Fnday , 6-8 p mST. THERESA■ Class of 1951

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C lassm ates are being sought for \ a 2001 reunion Call M ary Lee ] (Kuteron) Suchan (313) 291- 6359WAYNE COUNTYW ayne County G eneral Hospital1 employees reunion is p lanned fdf \ 4 30-9 p m Tuesday, Dec 11 a t \ \ R yan’s S teak House, 34615 War- re n Road, W estland No reserva­tions required Call Dennis A braham (734) 721-2917WAYNE MEMORIALT he W ayne High School Class of ? 1952 is looking for lost class- * m ates Our 50th reunion will be held Saturday, M ay 18, a t the Rom ulus M arrio tt Hotel near tt^e? D etro it W ayne M etro A irport , T he firs t new sletter announcing ! th e reunion was m ailed Oct 12 I f you or someone you know from th e class of 1952 did no t receive th is mailing, please contact Mar- \ ilyn (Anderson) McKinney ■ th rough one of th e following 1 m ethods address 35564 Knight D r , Farm ington Hills, MI 48331-3523, (248) 478-1173, or e-t m ail mmckmne@umich eduWESTERN " |■ Class of 1952 tA 50th reunion is p lanned for Sept 29, 2002 a t th e Hellenic * C u ltu ral Center m W estland *" \ W e’re looking for classm ates 1 Call D ons (734) 340-3584 or Scharlyne (248) 689-1471 *W ILBUR WRIGHT■ Class of 1962C lassm ates are being sought for !' a 40-year reunion I f you are a * classm ate or know of a classmate call u s Don Simirts, (248) 814- ? 9425 or Jacqueline B artley (24S£t 442 8851 I

a s s p a c e p erm its , th e O bserve! & E c c e n tr ic N e w sp a p e rs print,, w ithou t charge, announcem enter o f c l a s s r e u n io n s S e n d t h e inform ation to R eun ions, Observ­e r & E c c e n tr ic N e w s p a p e r s . 3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o lc r a f t , L iv o n ia 4 8 1 5 0 P lea se include th e daU \ o f th e reunion, o n e c o n ta c t p e f \ s o n , a n d a te le p h o n e n u m b e r J The d ea d lin e for an a n n o u n c ^ i m e n t to a p p ea r in th e ThursdSy\ ed ition is noon M onday »



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Santa Claus and w agon Rides W eekends Only

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^ W a s h t e n a wCommunity CoUege

C la s s e s b e g in J a n u a r y 1 4

The O b se rve r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001 *C7

SINGLES MINGLESINGLES CRUISENew Hope C enter for G nef Sup­port is planning a seven day Caribbean cruise for widows and widowers aboard Princess Cruise Line’s “Sea Princess ”The cruise will be leaving Detroit J a n 27, 2002 and eruis- mg th e southern Caribbean with stops a t Barbados, St Thomas, and other ports of call Call (248) 348-0115 SINGLE PU C E PROGRAMS Single Place presents n Sunday worship a t F irst P res­byterian Church (200 E Main Street) Northville 11 a m fol­lowed by brunch a t 12 30 p m a t Northville Crossing R estau­ran t■ Thursday, Dec 13 Friends, Faith and F un for the Holidays Nora Butcher guest speaker7 3 0 p m $4■ Saturday, Dec 14 a t 6 30 p m Progressive Dinner Call F irst Presbyterian Church, (248) 349- 0911 $18 includes appetizer or dessertDIVORCE SUPPORTThe Women’s Resource Center at Schoolcraft College sponsors a Divorce Support Group from 7-9 p m a t th e McDowell Center (room 225) Call (734) 462 4443 Group m eets the second (discus­sion) and fourth (speaker) Tues day of the m onth Upcoming schedule includes■ Group discussion, J a n 8, Jan 22, Feb 12, FEb 26, M arch 12, 26, A pnl 9, April 23■ New group for those divorced over 1 year Meets from 7 30-9 p m across the hall from WRC, Jan 10, Feb 14, March 14, and April 11BETHANY SUBURBAN WEST■ Monthly m eeting Ja n 17 as the deacon and head of the Archdiocese of Detroit Dept of 1fouth and Family will be the guest speaker for m inistry and "prayer Topic When God Speaks Your Name No cost■ 10 a m Sundays a brunch is served a t Redford Inn (Beech Daly and Five Mile Road)ff 11 30 a m Mass a t St Aldan Church (Farmington Road north pf Six Mile)■ Tuesday’s Coffee and Conver­sation a t 7 p m at Thomas’ Family Dining (33971 Plymouth Road) Livonia

■ New Year’s Eve Dance Dec 31 a t S t Robert Bellarmine 9 p m to 2 a m Tickets will be $20 if purchased m advance $25 a t the door■ M onthly dinner J a n 3, 6 30 p m a t Pick-A-Bone Rib House & Saloon, 30325 Six Mile, Livo­n ia Call M ary Selwa (734) 722- 2612WESTSIDE SINGLES DANCEEvery Friday W estSide Singles hosts a dance a t B urton Manor in Livoma (Schoolcraft w est of In k s te r Road) from 8 p m to 1 a m M ust be over 21 — dressy a ttire (no jeans) Upcoming dances are Dec 14, 21 and 28 Open to the public A deejay will be playing Top 40 music and cu rren t h its Appetizers will be served (hot/cold) E arly admis sion special $4 before 8 30 p m and $6 afte r Call (734) 981- 0909 T here will be a special New Year’s Eve Dance 7 30 p m to 2 a m Dec 31 Hot/cold appe tizers, fru it/dessert table, conti nen ta l breakfast, balloon drop a t m idnight, etc Call (734) 427- 9110 for tickets or (734) 981- 0909SINGLE ADULT MINISTRIEST alk I t Over m eets from 7 30- 9 30 p m D inner a t 6 30 p m Cost $6 W ard Presbyterian Church, 40000 Six Mile Road, N orthville Call (248) 374-5920■ C hristm as caroling, 7 p m Dec 21 Call the SPM officePARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERSP aren ts w ithout P artners, Inc is a non-profit organization ded­icated to the single-parent fami­ly We offer educational, social, and recreational activities for single p aren ts and the ir chil­dren Dues $30 per year Call A nn Arbor C hapter #38 call (734) 973-1933 or visit th e Web page a t www aapwp org■ Singles Dances Public is invited to attend Zal Gaz Grot to, 2070 W Stadium , Ann Arbor Music by D J Imperial Sound C ash bar Non-smoking dance area Sponsored by HVRC-Parents w ithout P a rt ners, Inc Dance 9 p m to 1a m , $7 00 non-member, $5 00 m em bers Call (734) 973-1933 TALK IT OVERTIO m eets th e second Friday of each m onth m Knox Hall from

7 30-9 30 p m Free will offering Coffee/cookies served Call (248) 374-5920METROPOLITAN PROFESSIONALSThe MSP invite you to m eet new friends, dance and socialize from 8 p m to 1 a m There will be a Top 40 D J , cash b ar and hors d’oeuvres (8-9 p m ) The ballrooms are non-smoking ■ Euchre, pinochle, bridge and dinner from 6 30-9 30 p m a t Cowley’s Old Village Inn, every Monday (33338 Grand River, Farm ington) All skill levels CHRISTIAN SINGLES Attention singles - Christian Singles Today Interactive Sat­urday Fellowship is held from 7 1 1 p m a t The Church of the Savior (Five Mile Road a t New­burgh) m Livoma Call (248) 478-1410 for informationWEDNESDAY SUBURBAN SINGLESWednesday Suburban Singles Dance Parties I n c , m eet every Wednesday a t The W arren Chateau Banquet Center (10 Mile Road one block east of Mound) m W arren from 8 p m to 12 30 a m Open to th e public

ages 21 and up Proper attire is recommended (no jeans) The Single Mingle Dance costs $5 $4 before 8 30 p m For informa­tion call the hotline a t (313)842 0443SINGLE POINT MINISTRIESSingle (30 years and older) and feeling alone9 Coming join us Single Point M inistries of Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church (40000 Six Mile Rd - west of Haggerty m Northville) invites you to join over 550 sin­gle adults each and every Sun­day morning a t 11 30 a m in Knox Hall for fellowship and encouragement For information or a new sletter call (248) 374 5920

I f you w ould lik e to su b m it anitem for th e s ing les m ingle cal endar fax it to (734 ) 5 9 1 7 2 7 9 o r w r ite S in g le s M in g le O b se rv e r N e w sp a p e r , 3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o lc ra ft R oad, L ivom a Ml 4 8 1 5 0 T he d e a d l in e an announcem en t to appear in the Thursday ed ition is noon Mon day


:R , IN C .








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I SUNDAY 1 DEC 16I ° ,E ?

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C 8 * The O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic ! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001


m S fZJA'2m C an to n C h r is t ia n Fellow ship“Where the Word is R elevant,

P eople are Loved and Christ is the K ey ”Join us for Worship Service at 10 30am

Sunday School and/or New Members Orientation 9 00am Located at 1275 Haggerty Road • Canton, Ml • 734 414 0856

Between Ford Hoed and Cherry Hill Inside Eriksson Elementary School

It’s not about Religion it’s about Relationships Come to n piece tel ere licet are cl anged fai lilies ore m de whole rid mu utry is real!t c J R

v r p T i r r r n p p 33640 Michigan Ave • Wayne, MI*■v C i T'V •K X V /l £ (Between Wayne Rd 8- Merriman Rd )

B A P T I S T <734> 728-2180C H U R C H Virgil H um es , Pastor

Sunday School 9.30 a.m Sunday worship * 00 & 10-45 a m Wednesday Praise Service 6 00 p m Wednesday Children Youth & Adult Bible Study 7 00-8 oo pm


„ f j o f / f y f r f t r s

( O u r f? £ r f t t i j c r s

\S S | M ill I I s ( ) l ( , ( ) l )

Y o u A r e W e l c o m e A t

T r i - C i t y C h r i s t i a n C e n t e rM ichigan Ave & H annan R oad (1 m ile e a s t o f l 275)

7 5 4 5 2 6 0 5 5 0 • w w w T ri City C hristian c o m

Worship Service & Children s MinistriesSelectivesYouth ServicesFam ily N igh t

Sunday 9 00 am Sr 11 00 am Sunday 5 30 pm

Tuesday 7 pm Wednesday 7 00 pm


St Anne’s Academy • Grades K-823310 Joy Road • Redford Michigan

5 Blocks E of Telegraph • (313) 534 2121 Mass Schedule

First Fri 7*00 p mFirst Sat 9.30 a mSun Masses 7 30 & 9 30 a m

Confessions Heard Prior to Each Mass Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

Tuesdays at 7 00 P.M


47650 N T e r r ito r ia l R oad P ly m o u th • 453 0326 R e v Jo h n J S u lliv a n

Masses Mon Fn 8 00AM Sac 400PM Sunday 8 00 10 00 AM and 12 00 PM

5 00 P M Life Teen Mass

H O L Y A S C E N S IO N Catholic Church


16115 Beck Rd at 51/2 Mile Northville ALL ARE WELCOME

Info (313)582 1424 www holyascension orgYOUTH CATECH SM CLASS 5 30pm

RESURRECTION CATHOLIC CHURCH48755 Warren Rd Canton Michigan48187


Weekday Masses Tuesday & Friday 8 30 a m

Saturday • 4 30 p m Sunday - 8 30 & 10 30 a m

ST GENEVIEVE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL 2 9 0 1 5 J a m is o n A v e • L iv o n iaEast of M ddlebelt between 5 M le & Schoolcraft Rds MASS Mon Wed Thurs Fn & Sat 9 00am

Tues 7 00 p m • Sat 5 p m Sun 8 30 & 1000 a m & 12 00 noon

7 3 4 - 4 2 7 - 5 2 2 0

( H I I K H I S O I III! W \ R F \ I

( I I K I M I WSC II N ( I

PLYMOUTH CHURCH OF TH E NAZARENE45801W Ann Arbor Road • (734) 4531525

Sunday School 9 45 A M Sunday Worship 11 00 AM Sunday Evening 6 00 P M


First Church of Chnst Scientist Plymouth1100W Amt Arbor Trail Plymouth, MI

Sunday Service 10 30 a m Sunday School 10 30 a m

Wed Evening Testimony Meet ng 7 30 p m Reading Room

Moxiday-Saturday 10 00 a m 1 00 p m Monday • Wednesday • Friday 1 00 p m -4 00 p m


m s c o i ' u

( O M . K K . M I O W I

M t. HopeC o n g re g a tio n a l C h u rch30330 Schoolcraft Livonia • 734 425 7280 (Between Mlddlebelt& Merriman)

9 30 a m Sun d ay sch o o l 10 30 a m w o rsh ip se rv ic e

nursery cere AvailableThe Church You ve Always Longed For


Livonia Michigan 48154421-8451


WWednesday 9 30 A MWed (Sept M^jfiODPM

Holy Eucharist Dinner & Classes

Saturday 5 00 Pl\/l Holy EucharistSunday 7 45 & 10 QO A U Holy Eucharist Sun (Sept May) 10 00 AM Sunday School

Sunday Morning Nursery Care Available wwwstandrewschurch net

The Rev Aaron B Zuil interim Rector


C h r is t O u r S a v io r L u th e ra n C h u rc hRev Luther A Werth Sr Pastor Rev Robert Bayer Assist Pastor

With Jesus Christ love really can be all It was meant to be!Sunday Worship Midweek Education

8 30 am & 11 00 am Wednesdays at 6 30 pmSunday School at 9 45 am All ages

■M | H LocationStaffed Nursery for young 14175 Farmington Road

children every Sunday (just north of I 96)

7 3 4 - 5 2 2 - 6 8 3 0 w w w .christoursavio r.o rg



Worship Service 915&T100AM Sunday School

915& 11 00AMNursery Provided

The Rev Timothy P Halboth. Senior Pastor The Rev Victor F Halboth, Assistant Pastor

Grace Lutheran Church46001 Warren Road • just west of Canton Center

Sunday Worship at 9 30 am Sunday School at 10 45 am

734-414-74220u mss on at Grace Lutheran stomake teadiand send out d sc pies vho share Ch stwth all people

HOSANNA-TABOR LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL9600 Leverne • So Redford • 313 937 2424

Rev Lawrence Witto / Rev Steve EggersSunday Morning Worship830and11 00am

Sunday School & Adult Bible Class 9 45am Thursday Evening Worship 700pm

Christ an School Kindergarten 8th Grade 313 937 2233

R i s e n C h r i s t L u t h e r a n46250 A nn A rbor Road

(1 Mile West of Sheldon)P lym outh • 453 5252

Worship Service815&10 45am Sunday School 9 30 a m

Pastor David Martin Hugh McMartin Lay Minister

c o M \ u \ m( I I I K( I l l s

ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL20805 Middlebelt corner of 8 M e & M dd ebel

Farmington Hills MichWORSHIP SERVICES

Saturday Even ng 6 p m

Sunday Mo nng 9 IS am

Bible C ass & Sunday School 10 45 a m

Pastor John W Meyer • 474 0675

O r c h a r d

t h r o v e

C om m unity C hurchChris Cramer,: Pastor Sunday, 10,30 A M

Wednesday, 7 00 PMLocated in


28123 Orchard Lake Rd Farm in g to n H ills

248-324-1700 wwworchardgroveorg

ST. MATTHEW LUTHERANChurch & School 5885 Venoy1 Blk N of Ford Rd Westland 425 0260

Divine Worship 8 & 11 00 A M Bible Class & SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 30 A M

Monday Evening Service 7 00 PM GaryD Headapohl Adm n strat ve Pastor

KurtE Lambart Ass stant Pastor Jeff Burkee Prlnclpal/DCE


T im o th y L u th e ra n C h u rch8820 W ayn e R d

(Between Ann Arbor ‘frail & Joy Road) L iv o n ia • 427-2290

R e v C a r la T h o m p so n P o w e ll, P a s to r9 00 a m S u n d a y S c h o o l (a ll ag e s)10 00am Family Worship (Nursery Avail)

http Wwww tim othylivon ia com

Lola Park Ev, Lutheran

Church & School14750 K nloch • Redford Twp

313-532-8655Rev Gregory D Gibbons Pastor Worship Sunday830&1100 am

Bible Class & Sunday School 9 45 a m Wednesday Advent Services 10 00am &7 30pm

Grades K thru 8 Phone for Enrollment Info

WQLV 1500 Sunday J 0 30 a m


9415 Merriman - LivoniaSunday W orsh p Services 8 30 am & 11 00 a m

Sunday S chool & B ble Class 9 45am

School Grades • Pre Schoo 8 Church & School off ce

(734)422 6930Hs t . p a u L s e v . L u t f r e iu N

C D U R C p & S C H O O L17810 Farmington Road • Livonia • (734) 261 1360 May thru October • Monday Night Sendee • 7 00 p m Sunday School & Bible Classes For alt ages 9 45 a in

Sunday Worship Services 830am &11-00am

Pastor James Hoff Pastor Eric Steinbrenner

P a g e C h a n c o ^ , C


l \ \ \ U I K \ l PRI Sl«Y 11 Is I \ N


10101W A n n A rb o r R d , P lym ou th5 M iles W o f She ldon Rd

From M 14 take Gottfredsors Rd South

7 3 4 - 4 5 9 - 9 5 5 0Dr W m C Moore Pastor

W o rs h ip S e rv ic e s

8 3 0 a m , 9 4 5 a m & 11 15 a m

E d u ca t io n P rog ram

9 45 a m & 1 1 1 5 a m

N u rse ry & C h ild re n 's P ro g ra m s a t

A l l 3 S e rv ice s


r“ ’ m R D£«»f<bcW frabjurm Ckmk

40000 Six M ile R oad"just west of 1-275"

N o rth v ille , M I 248-374-7400

D r Jam es N M cG uire, Pastor

W orship Services S u n d a y School

8 30,10-00,11*30 A .M .

Contemporary Servire * 8‘45 A M

Evening Service • 700 P M N u rs e ry P ro v id e d

Services broadcast 11:00 s.n . Sunday WMUZ 560 AM



16700 Newburgh Road Livonia • (734) 464 8844

Sunday School 9 30 a m ♦ FamTy Worsh p 1100 a m"A T ra d it io n a l C h r is tm a s P a g e a n t”

Rev Dr Janet Noble Richardson Pastor


*** «* (734) 459 0613* =3= c Sunday Worship & Sunday School* 3IKI 5 900am &11 am* Qulv Education For All AgesChildcare Provided • Handicapped Accessible

Resources fo r Hear ng and Sght tmpa red www genevachurch oig

Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church (USA)9601 Hubbard at W Chicago Livonia Mi

(between Me man & Farm ngton Rds)(734) 422-0494

First Worship Service 10 30 am

Second Worship Service 12 30 p m

Nu sery Care Arov dedWe Welcome You To A Full Program Church

Rev R chard Peters Paster Rev Kell e Boh mann Assoc ate Pastor

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHMain & Church • (734) 453 6464

PIVM0UTH8 3 0 ,9 30 a n d 11 00 a m

N u rse ry ava ilab le a ll se rv ic e s

D r Jam es Sk im in s D r Jenn ifer SaadSen or Minister Intern) Assoc ate Mnster

Accessible to All p rector cl Christian Eduction

IV \ \ ( . M K M

( O V I N W I

M I I I M H I K< I I H I ( H U M


Livonia 48150*421-5406Rev Larry Hoxey In te rm Pastor 9 15am Adult Classes

10 30 a m Worship Service and Youth ClassesNursery Care Ava lable


FAITH COVENANT CHURCH14 Mile Road and Drake Farmington Hills

(248) 661-9191Sunday Worship

and Children s Church 9 15 a m Contem porary

11 00 a m TraditionalChild Care provided for all services

Youth Groups « Adult Small Groups

l M I X R I W l M \ F k S M I M


25301 H a is ted Farm ington H ills 248 478 7272 www uufarnvngton org

A 150 Year Old H sior c Landmark A Welcom ng Congregat on

Rev AlexanderRegel Mnster Services & Sunday School 9am & 11am

l M i l l ) M l I I I D D M

Building Healthy Families..,

9 00 &.11-00 a.m Traditional Worship 4 30 p.m - Connections

Contemporary WorshipDynamic Youth L Children s Programs

Adu lt EducationChild Care Provided

Pastors Dr Dean Klump Rev Deborah Leach

First United Methodist Church m .— of Plymouth

IT 457.01 N. Territorial Rd. (West •( Shctd.n Rd.)^ ( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 3 - 5 2 8 0

C larencevllle United M ethodist20300 Middlebelt Rd • L von a 474 3444

Pastor James E BrittWorship Services 10 15 AM, 6 00 PM

Nursery Provided S u n d a y S c h o o l 9 A M

Office Hrs 9 2 pm

fazteA S ilirtft <z£

Pnited Methodist Church10000 B e e ch Daly, R ed fo rd

Between Plymouth and W Chicago B o b & D ian a G o u d le , C o -P a s to rs

313 -937 -3170

3 Styles of Creative Worship8 0 0 a m - Cozy,Traditional, B as ic9 30 a m - Contemporary Fam ily

1 1 0 0 a m - Traditional, Full Cho ir

Sunday School9 30 - Adults 1100 - Children Youth Adults

P“ “ “ ———————i Josephi Matthew 1 18-2$


309C0 S x M i e Rd (Bet Me r man & M lddlebe t) Chuck Sonqu s t Pastor

10 00 A M Worship 8t Church School Logos Youth Club

www gbgm umc org/stmatthews livoma Nursery Prov ded • 7 3 4 - 4 2 2 - 6 0 3 8


Stephen M mstry Congregat on36500 Ann Arbor Trail

betw een W ayne & Newburgh R d s

422-0149W o rsh ip S e rv ic e

9 15 & 11 0 0 a m S u n d a y S ch o o l

9 15 & 11 0 0 a m

Rev Thomas 6 Badiey Rev Barbara E Welbaum

visit our website www newburgumc org

*The words “grace” and gratitude both come from the Latin word gratus” which means favorable or pleasing, and from which we get the expression gratis which means a gift or favor that is freely given We see the connection between God s grace and our gratitude m saying grace” which is expressing our gratitude for God’s freely given gift of food How easy it is to forget and thus to be unwittingly ungrateful for all the wonderful things in our lives that come to us freely by the grace of God Our families and friends our health and wellbeing indeed our very lives and the world we inhabit are truly gifts from our heavenly father These are given freely to us and our Lord expects nothing m return except our love and gratitude Surely this is a testimony to God s overflowing and abundant love for all of us We do well to remember the ultimate source of this great bounty our loving and gracious God In turn we should imitate his love through our chanty to others

O g i v e t h a n k s u n to t h e L o r d ; f o r H e i s g o o d : b e c a u s e H is m e r c y e n d u r e t h f o r e v e r ..K i n g J a m e s V e r s io n - P s a lm 1 1 8 :1

T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001 *C9

Journey from page C5 Town Hall from page C5

never visualized I could w rite a book but I did ”

A licensed occupational thera­p is t a t Providence Hospital, the P ly m o u th re s id e n t took th re e m onths leave of absence m 1999 to dedicate h e r tim e to writing The resu lt, she says, was some­th in g b ig g e r th a n sh e ev e r e x p e c te d J o u rn e y o f a S o u l takes the hand of the reader and g u id es th e m th ro u g h a b e tte r u n d e rs ta n d in g of a h ig h er self th a n the one they tru s t physical­ly

“I a lw ays h a d th is in tu itiv e feeling th a t there was something bigger ou t there th a n myself It took me tim e to g e t used to it and now I know where it comes from and how to m ake sense of i t I always struggled w ith th a t an d w en t th e o th e r w ay to an e x te n t ,” s a id F e a th e r s who d e s c r ib e s h e r u p b r in g in g as “s t r i c t C a th o lic ” in a fam ily w here she Was one of 12 siblings

A lthough h e r childhood was happy she says m h er book th a t h t times it was h ard for her par­e n ts to s h a r e “sp ec ia l t im e s ” individually when th e ir were so m an y ch ild re n to d iv ide th e ir a tten tio n between As an adult, £he m arried into a relationship t h a t w as “h ap p y a n d b lissfu l” b u t ended due to a lack of n u r­tu ring She goes on to say th a t a se v e re m ed ica l co n d itio n su f­fe re d b y h e r h u s b a n d added additional stress and pressure to th e ir relationship — eventually leading to divorce

T urning pointThe catalyst for th e change m

h e r life em otionally, physically an d sp iritu a lly cam e when she f in a lly succum bed to th e pain she felt for years and cried out fo r h e lp S h e sa y s “H e ,” answ ered h er th rough the voice of a friend who was teaching an extended learning class She was g iv en th e assig n m en t to w rite very honest and straightforward letters to all the people she h a r­bored an g er tow ard , then b u rn them so nothing rem ained

The exercise opened the flood g a tes to F ea th ers emotions To th is day she says know one could know th e power of th e exercise unless they do it themselves She sa id she cam e to feel a strong ^ en se o f re lie f , p eace , pow er,

omfort and maybe most lmpor- antly, forgiveness

F rom th a t po in t on, th e P ly­m o u th w o m an ’s life h a s been dram atically different The jour­ney she has taken has lead her to a b e tte r grasp of th e healing p o w ers she p o ssess in c lu d in g clairvoyancy and th e use of Reiki (hands-on technique for spiritual healing)

“H ealin g is no t ju s t done on one level bu t is multi-dimension- al,” said Feathers who has since r e s ig n e d from h e r OT job a t Providence H ospital “You have to give yourself over to a higher s p ir i t w h e th e r you call i t God, A llah o r M other S p ir it I help guide people to a h igher spiritual aw aren ess once th ey open th a t door to u n d e rs ta n d th e deeper m eaning in life ”

T h e P ly m o u th a u th o r describes her healing process in th e book through chapters th a t <?over “lea rn in g , h ea lin g ways, love, dim eiisionality, simplicity, reality and commitment ”

Feathers is in a fa r different place m h er life th an she was a d e c a d e ago S h e say s sh e ’s le am ed by doing, w hat direction h e r life is going

“T here are days w hen I have w o k en u p a n d th o u g h t I w as going to do th is and th is and this b u t o ther things occurred and I realized it wasn’t th e right time fo.p th em to h ap p en T hat took sojne getting used to You have to | be patien t during the process thb u g h and le t th ings unfold as thjey w ill,” sa id F e a th e rs who credits m editation to bringing a -calm and focus to h e r life

H e r m e tam o rp h o sis h a s led

Don’t miss

Health & Fitness in Sunday’s

h e r to a m u ch h a p p ie r s e lf Today she’s involved in a new relationship, is looking forward to the b ir th of h e r f irs t g ran d ­child, the debut of Journey o f a Soul and is wholeheartedly com m itted to w riting two more books in a senes of three

To contact Margaret Feathers, o b ta in a schedu le o f p erso n a l appearances l book s ig n in g s or read a n excerpt from her book visit www jam arpub lishm g com or call (734) 454 0458

and perform er — h e will give the audience new in sig h ts in to th e backgrounds, lives and accompa­nim ents of th e g rea t m asters of English and A m encan literature

Engel earned h is bachelor’s a t Indiana U niversity and h is m as­te rs and doctorate as a Woodrow W ilson Fellow a t UCLA W hile th e re , he w on th e U n iv ersity ’s O utstanding Teacher Award He is p re sen tly a t N o rth C aro lina S ta te U niversity The books he authored have been published by b o th B r i t i s h a n d A m e ric a n

p resses , an d h is a r tic le s h av e a p p e a re d in n u m ero u s m a g a ­zines, including Newsweek

He presents several lively dis­cussions about lite rary notables titled

■ The Dickens Nobody Knows■ T he B ril lia n t an d B iza rre

Brontes■ T h e T o r tu re d G e n iu s o f

Edgar Allan Poe■ S ca rle t F ev er T he G re a t­

ness of Gone W ith the Wind■ How W illiam B ecam e


■ M yth Em ily Dickinson E ngel w ill lecture 10 30 a m

Wednesday, March 20 Both lec­tu r e r s w ill a p p e a r a t th e S t M ary C u l tu r a l C e n te r, 18100 M em m an Road, Livonia

T here a re a v a rie ty o f tick e t and luncheon options available F o r in fo rm a tio n , c a ll E m ily S ta n k u s , (734) 420-0383 T he Livonia Town Hall is a non-prof­it o rg an iza tio n su p p o rtin g the Livonia Sym phony Society and other chan ties Elliot Engel

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CIO* T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13,2001


N ew burgU inted M ethodist Church in Livonia has new cook­books featuring the ir favorite recipes — ju s t m time for the holidays $10 each or th ree for $25 Available from Ju n e Stopa at the 10 a m coffee hour or from th e church office 8 a m to 4 p m M onday-Fnday C a ll(734) 422-0149TREE OF LIFEThe Angela Hospice annual Tree of Life will be on display a t Lau­rel P ark Place in Livonia through Dec 31 The tree extends its branches to those who wish to give a gift of remem­brance by adorning the tree with an angel wing ornam ent bearing the nam es of loved ones, living or deceased If you are unable to attend call (734) 464-7810 COOKIE WALKThe United Methodist Women of First United Methodist Church m Garden City, 6443 M em m an Road, will be having the ir Annu­a l Cookie Walk, 10 a m Dec 15

Purchase a decorated coffee can for $6 o r $8 and then walk around tables filled w ith deli­cious hom em ade cookies and fill your cans5K FESTIVAL OF LIGHTSRunners, w alkers and families are invited to reg ister for the fourth annual Festival of Lights 5K ru n and w alk and Kid’s Kilo­m eter to take place th e evening of J a n 5 All events a re on paved roads and pass by th e more th an 3 million lights of the S t Nicholas L ight Display Day care will be provided for pre-regis­tran ts only and space is limited The event is a fund ra ise r for H ab itat for H um anity o f Huron Valley Call (734) 482-4388 or visit www athleticventures com CORNISH PASTIES Newburg U nited M ethodist Church is m aking and selling Cornish pasties as a fund-raiser Pasties a re $2 50 each and can be ordered by calling (734) 422- 0149 9 a m to 12 30 p m Jan 8- 9 Call in orders only Do not

leave any orders on the answer m achine or by fax or e-mail Pick up tim es are 1 1 a m to 5 p m J a n 17 and 1 1 a m to 6 p m J a n 18 The church is located a t 36500 Ann Arbor Trail, Livoma O rder early Only 1,000 pasties will be madeCOMMUNITY HOSPICE RAFFLECommunity Hospice & Home C are Services, In c , of W estland is hosting a raffle for a 1966 Bed Ford Fairlane All proceeds ben­efit Community Hospice & Home C are Services, Inc Tickets are $5 each The drawing will be held 3 p m Aug 25, 2002 You need not be present to win Call H eather (734) 522-4244

If you would like to submita n it e m fo r t h e fu n d -ra is in g & b e n e f i t s c a le n d a r fa x it to (7 3 4 ) 5 9 1 - 7 2 7 9 o r w rite F u n d r a is in g , O b s e r v e r N e w s p a p e r , 3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o lc r a ft R o a d , L iv o n ia , M l 4 8 1 5 0 T h e d e a d lin e a n a n n o u n c e m e n t to a p p e a r in th e T h u r sd a y e d it io n i s n o o n M o n ­d a y


‘B o b ’s J o b ’ t e a c h e s k id s a b o u t w o r k ;dSome people m ight h a v e co n ­

s id e re d Tom D a ld m a n d K ic k Y arm y foolish fo r m a k in g t h e decision to c rea te a c h i ld re n ’s te le v is io n show to g e th e r i n D etroit One considered h im s e lf crazy enough to q u it h is jo b m ra d io to t r y a n d m a k e t h e i r dream a reality

T he r e s u lt w as B ob’s J o b , a program th a t shows children th e childlike enthusiasm adu lts h a v e when they tru ly love the ir jo b I t shows kids th a t you don’t h a v e to be a n NBA s u p e r s ta r w i t h p u rp le h a i r and a $10 m il l io n endorsem ent deal to be h a p p y , say creato rs T he p rogram fe a ­tu r e s r e a l e v e ry d ay w o r k in g h e ro e s w ho a re h ap p y , c h a l ­le n g e d , a n d fu lf ille d b e c a u s e they love w hat they do for a liv ­in g E pisodes include f e a tu r e s abou t a pilot, v e te r in a rian a n d house builder

A fte r w in n in g a n E m m y fo r th e i r second ep isode, D e t r o i t Public Television, WTVS C h a n ­nel 56, is a in n g th e th ird episode

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o f B ob’s Job Veterinarian The show w ill air 8 30 a m Dec 23

Follow ing the premier a iring o f t h e v e te r in a r ia n episode, W TVS will a ir all three episodes o f B ob’s Job on consecutive Sun­d ay s a t 8 30 a m

T h e show is different they sh o o t i t documentary style and f e a tu re a character named Bob (p la y e d by Tom Daldm), who s h a r e s th e fascinating and fun p a r t o f th e adult work place w ith k id s A nother great twist to the sh o w is th a t the featured guest

isn’t sim ply shown on his or job The show’s silly host foil them from the m om ent they ro l| out of bed m th e m orning, until t h e i r h e a d h i t s th e p illo w a f n igh t T he firs t show features a real “day in th e life” of a n airline pilot

Tom and Rick’s goal is to sho\^ th a t i f you love w hat you do for d living, an y job can be fulfilling^ Y ou d o n ’t h a v e to be a ro c k T spo rts , o r movie s ta r to have a fun, challenging and rew arding life


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m f q C o lle g es D 3 W e e k A K e a t

Agape wins openerCanton Agape C hristian 's volleyball

team opened its season w ith a 15-1, 15-6 v ic to ry over W estla n d H u ro n V alley L u th e ra n m a m atch played Tuesday a t Garden C ity United

Kelly Hays and Sylvia Moore each had five service aces for th e Wolver­ines Lisa T her added four kills

Skate for the CureThe Plym outh F igure Skatm g Club

will host th e Skate for the Cure Syn­ch ro n ized T eam S k a tin g C h am p i­onships, s ta rtin g a t 7 45 a m S a tu r­day a t Plym outh’s Compuware Sports Arena

More th an 53 team s featunng over 1,100 skaters will partic ipate Teams from Plym outh's Gems on Ice, Detroit S k a tin g C lub, T eam E lan , Chicago Jazz and Ann Arbor Hockettes will be competmg

Tickets are $6, w ith a portion of the proceeds going to benefit the B arbara A n n K aram an o s C a n c e r R esea rch Center

O n J a n 30-Feb 3, th e P lym outh Figure Skating Club will host th2002 M id w e s te rn S y n c h ro n iz e d T eam S k a tin g C h am p io n sh ip , w ith m ore th a n 140 team s a n d 2,500 sk a te rs competing

F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , ca ll (734) 420-0462

Ambassadors selectedS ev en N o rth A m e r ic a n H ockey

League players an d one coach have been selected to re p re sen t th e USA J u n io r S e le c t T e a m a t th e 2002 Viking Cup Dec 27-Jan 6 m Camrose A lberta , and th re e o f those p layers a re from th e C o m p u w are A m b as­sadors

F o rw ard s D a n K n a p p a n d M ike W alsh and defensem an Andy Greene w e re A m b a ssa d o rs n a m e d to th e team K napp, headed to Ohio S tate, leads th e NAHL m scoring w ith 15 g o a ls a n d 34 a s s i s t s (49 p o in ts ) , W alsh is eighth in the league in scor­ing w ith 18 goals an d 12 assists (30 pomts)

Greene leads th e NAHL’s defense- m en in scoring w ith 23 points

The U S team w ill be in Pool B and w ill open p lay D ec 27 a g a in s t th e Saskatchew an Ju n io r A Selects The U S team goes a g a in s t th e S lovak N ational Selects Dec 29, th en plays the A lberta Ju n io r A Selects Dec 30 Pool play for the U S squad finishes w ith a g am e a g a in s t th e F in n is h N ational Selects J a n 2

Mayer provides liftK n ste n M ayer, a senior from P ly­

m outh Canton HS playing basketball a t S t J o h n F is h e r C o llege m Rochester, N Y , cam e off th e bench to score 10 points in F isher’s 79-64 victo­ry over C larkson U n iv ersity S a tu r­day

M ayer also had five rebounds, two s te a l s a n d tw o a s s i s t s a s F is h e r improved to 6-1 for th e season

AAU girls basketballT ry o u ts fo r th e W e s te rn W ayne

W ildcats AAU girls basketball team s are se t for J a n 8 an d Ja n 10

O n both days, th e 10 and 11-year- olds will try ou t from 6-7 30 p m a t C en tral M iddle School m Plym outh The 12 and 13-year-olds will try ou t from 7 30-9 p m on th e sam e days a t the sam e location

F o r fu r th e r inform ation, call F red T hom ann a t (734) 484-7746 or Bob Blohm a t (734) 459-1763 or a t (734) 414-8156

Soccer officials trainingT ra in in g fo r new soccer re fe rees

w ill be conducted a t H igh Velocity S p o r ts C e n te r , lo c a te d a t 46245 M ichigan m C anton C lasses will be from 9 a m -1 p m on consecutive S a t­u rd a y , J a n 12, 19, 26 an d Feb 2 Those interested m u st a ttend all four classes, and they m u st be a t least 12 years old

C lass size is lim ited To reg is te r, send your nam e, social security num ­ber and a check for $43 m ade payable to M ichigan R eferee C om m ittee, to 9115 M uirland, Plym outh, Mi 48170

F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , ca ll (734) 454-7335

Anyone interested m submitting items to Sports Scene or Sports Roundup may send them to sports edi tor C J R isak, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI, 48150, or may FA X them to (734) 591 7279

uvvw o h b 'f 'n e t .in d e c c e n tn c co m

_ ______ >

2 1 - 5 r u n l i f t s B e l l e v i l l e p a s t R o c k sb y C .J . R is a k Sports editor

Bob B rodie described i t b est “I t ’s hard to stop everything ”

In its basketball home opener Tues day, Plym outh Salem could stop very little of w hat Belleville offered — p ar­ticularly in th e second q u arte r when the Tigers outscored Salem 21-5 in tak m g a 40-22 halftime lead

T hat was more th an the Rocks could overcom e T he f in a l w as 64-49 , B ellev ille im p ro v in g to 3-0 S a lem slipped to 0-2

“T hey h a d m an y w e a p o n s ,” s a id Brodie “They h i t th ree s , they could fast-break , they scored off th e glass They don’t w aste any tim e (shooting) b e c au se th e y know th e y ’ll g e t th e rebound

“We didn’t take our time (offensively) in the first half, and th a t h u rt us We did a better job of th a t m the second h a lf”

Salem kept pace w ith the Tigers and th e i r up-tem po s ty le for a q u a r te r , th a n k s to eigh t f irs t-q u a rte r po in ts from Dave Hoskins Still, Belleville led 19-17 after one

W hat h u rt th e Rocks most was the T igers in side-ou tside gam e, w ith 6 foot-2 sen io r g u a rd J a m e s H olm es doing m ost of th e dam age H olm es, shooting alm ost exclusively from the right-hand side a t the top of the three- pom t circle, drilled five triples m the first h a lf He had 19 points before half time, finishing w ith 23 for the game

H olm es’ ou tside pun ch effectively s h re d d e d S a le m ’s d e fen se B rod ie switched back and forth from m an to­m a n to a 1-3-1 zone, b u t n o th in g w orked B ellev ille did p re tty m uch w hat it wanted

“We knew their quickness would get to us,” said Brodie “I f you go outside to stop them , they tak e you to the bas ket ”

Which is w hat m ade Holmes’ penm e te r shooting so effective “When we got h im on th e floor, w e knew we h a d som eth ing spec ia l,” B elleville coach Mike Krogel said “The nice th ing is, he’s not the only card m the deck

“We got a g re a t gam e from M ike

Please see SALEM , D 4

Staff photo By Bryan Mitchell

Going inside: Salem's Brady Pastalamec drives through the lane against Belleville to score two o f the 10 points he scored m the game

C a n t o n

s l i p s p a s t \

M o n r o e ;*

G reat s ta rt, sagging middle, fantastic finish ,,

T hat w as Plym outh Canton’s basket­b a ll gam e T u esd ay a g a in s t visitinjg Monroe The Chiefs jum ped out to a 21- 9 lead afte r one quarter, then allowed the Trojans to overtake them and take

■ BASKETBALLthe lead going into the final quarte r s

B u t C an to n had a com eback of its own left A th ree-po in t p lay by Steve T h o rn to n , fo llo w in g a n o ffen siv e rebound, w ith less th an a m inute lef| was a key factor in lifting th e Chiefs to a 54-51 victory »

Canton improved to 2-1 Monroe is lr1 :

“After we got th a t firs t quarte r lead, we relaxed, said Canton coach Jeremy Rheault “Monroe pounded the ball into the post, th en kicked it ou t for a three

“B u t w e fough t back We got some good defense, and we got a good game from o u r sen io r lead e rs T hey did a good job ”

The C hiefs’ 12-pom t lead afte r one q u arte r sh ru n k to two a t h a lf (30-28) a fte r M onroe outscored th em 19-9 in th e second period The T ro jans th en took a 39-37 a d v a n ta g e a f te r th re e quarters £

But C anton hung tough Billy Gazsj led the Chiefs w ith 10 points Brendan M urphy a n d Kyle L asko added m n | po in ts apiece, and A ndrew MeagrOif had eight *

Please see CANTON, d |

Major threat: Ben Dzialo was one o f Salem 's best swimmers last season and fig­ures to be again this year

S a le m c o u ld m a tc h la s tse a so n ’s f in is hBY C .J . RISAK Sports E ditor cjnsak@ oe

I t’s a classic TV ad A vis — we’re No 2 so we try harder

Well, if Plym outh Canton’s boys swim team , No 2 in the W e s te rn L a k e s A c tiv it ie s A sso c ia tio n l a s t sea so n , plans to a t least close the gap on th e lo n g tim e d efen d in g cham p , No 1 P ly m o u th S a lem , i t w ill h a v e to improve dram atically

Because Salem doesn’t fig­u re to slip

In facttJ Rocks’ coach Chuck Olson thinks h is team might

a c tu a lly be b e t te r “I th in $ we have some talen ted k id s |’ he said “B ut th ings happent A ll w e c a n do is w o r j th rough th e season and look a t th e league m eet 1

“We’re not going to sit back and get pushed around ”

As Olson sa t on the Salem poo l deck d is c u s s in g t h | Rocks’ future, team member^ crow ded a ro u n d a b u lle tin board , read ing a new spaper s to ry ab o u t C an to n ’s swnp te a m an d how i t w an ts t£ pu sh Salem *

P lease see SWIMMING, D6

Golden Goose#srj-a*i

F i n n e r t y ’s n e w i n d o o r s o c c e r f a c i l i t y i s r e a l k i c k jBY C .J . RISAK Sports editor

Bryan F innerty is tak ing a year off from soccer — well, sort of

A t least the “Goose”, his long-time nickname, won’t be playing pro indoor soccer th is season To say he’s out of soccer, however, would be very wrong

This weekend,F innerty and his partners will open the High Velocity Sports Center, locat­ed on Michigan in front of the Canton Softball Center I t is a 110,000-square-foot facility th a t will fea­tu re three full-size indoor soccer fields, two mini soccer fields and a roller hockey n n k

“This has been a long time m coming,” said Finnerty “The city’s buzzing, get­ting excited ”

I t should be These

indoor fields won’t be anything like those of th e past, which were nothing more th an concrete covered w ith artifi­cial tu rf Those surfaces weren’t much different th an playing on concrete, except falling on tu rf left nasty rug bum s

The indoor fields a t High Velocity are covered w ith a rubber- based, grass-like tu rf th a t is fa r more cushioned th an its predecessor and has more give On artifi­cial turf, a player’s foot often stuck to the surface which led to an abun­dance of ankle and knee in ju ries

Deciding to go w ith this type field w asn’t an easy decision, b u t m th e end it gave the Canton location som ething no other indoor field in southeast Michigan had

“U ntil the 11th hour we were going to go w ith the regular (artificial) tu rf ”

P lease see SO CCER, D 4

Turf time: Bryan "Goose" Finnerty (left photo) hasn't ju s t p u t together another indoor soccer facility, but one that fepture^ the best type o f indoor turf, the k ind that feels and reacts likeim al * grace The High Velocity facility will feaf^y^^fyf^rpguM ilon- sized indoor fields, two sm aller fields a n d a roller nockey rink

C J R1-..1U Ed itor 73 1-953 210 8 r/r/s.iA 00 homc< om m n r t

D2(CP) i

T h e O b se rve r & E c c e n t r ic / THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2001

S a l e m b l a s t s W e s t e r n , 1 3 - 6E ig h t f i r s t -p e r io d g o a ls —

th ree of th e m by Kevin W ilson and two by Jo h n Shultz — were enough to carry Plymouth Salem to a 13-6 h o ck ey v ic to ry over Walled L ake W estern S a tu rd ay a t Lakeland Arena

T he w in b o o sted S a le m ’s record to 5-0-1

The Rocks led 8-1 a f te r one period and 11-4 after two W il­son finished w ith four goals and two a s s is ts , w hile S h u ltz h a d two goals and th ree assists

O ther scorers for Salem were


M ark Nagel w ith two goals and two assists, B rad Proodian with a goal, Dave Gill w ith a goal and two assists, Mike Crowley w ith a goal a n d tw o a s s is ts , B ry a n Young w ith a goal and an assist, and Dan Valentine w ith a goal

T he R ocks h o s t L iv o n ia Franklin a t 6 p m Friday a t the Plymouth Cultural Center


Saturday at SalemTeam results 1 Redford Catholic Cen

tral 256 points 2 Belleville 250 3 Plymouth Salem 237 4 Southgate Anderson 160 5 Adrian 148 6 War ren Lincoln 146 7 Holt 132 8 Wyan dotte Roosevelt 130 9 Saline 127 10 Ann Arbor Huron 76

Match resultsHeavyweight — Championship match

Caleb Hatfield (B) def Scott Aaron (WL) 7 1 Consolation Pat Clark (CC) pinned Andy Cebulski (A) 3 54

103 pounds — Championship match Matt Steintrager (CC) pinned Ryan Stump (PS) 32 Consolation Chris Rowe (SA) def Jeremy Troisi (H) 10 6

112 — Championship match Robert LaFave (WL) pinned Chris Mullins (S) 34 Consolation Mike Dendrmos (PS)

def Mat Koziara (CC) 5 2119 — Championship match Pete

Bobee (PS) pinned Albert Gomez (WR)4 46*Consolation Joe Caudill (B) pinned Corey Shoemaker (H) 1 30

125 — Championship match Mike Goethe (PS) def Mitch Skover (WL) 115 Consolation Thomas Maloney (H) def Ryan Webb (B) 6 0

130 — Championship match Erik Gray (WR) def James Erickson (B) 8 6 Consolation Kyle Ghastin (H) def Bran don Sammut (PS) 15 1

135 — Championship match Ken

Miller (WR) def Nathan Dillard (PS) 8-6 (OT) Consolation Dan Duncan (A) pinned Nick Loose (B) 1 31

140 — Championship match Mike Bowman (WL) def Nate Stirgus (B) 7 3 Consolation Kian 0 Donahue (CC) def Will Schultz (PS) 112

145 — Championship match Tony Kennard (PS) def Nate Rodriguez (CC) 7 6 Consolation Charles Watson (B) def Mike Siwicki (CC unattached) 6 0

152 — Championship match Trevor Stewart (CC) def Ryan Furnis (B) 13-4 Consolation. Adam Schaefer (PS) def Kevin Kajat (SA) 3-1

160 — Championship match Mike Chesher (A) def Craig Blair (PS) 7 6 (2 OTs) Consolation Tim Connor (B) def Eric Esshaki (SA) inj default

171 — Championship match Lucas Vanetten (A) def Dickson Mann (B) 3-2 Consolation Adam Furman (SA) def J P Foley (CC) 13-7

189 Championship match Chris Cracchiolo (CC) def Ryan Conn (S) 9-4 Consolation Cody Waters (A) def Eric Chudzlnski (B) 12 6

215 — Championship match Blake Naysmith (CC) pinned Jason Ceo (S) 3 06 Consolation Austin Thompson (AAH) def Jesse Cummings (SA) 91

Tournament MVP — Robert LaFave (WL)

Salem s next event 5pm Friday at Catholic Central vs CC and Clio

Plym outh

W halers vs.


Decem ber 1 4 V a t 7:30 p.m .


T h e P e r f e c t C i f t ' f o r t h e

H o c k e y F a n o n y o u r

C h r i s t m a s L i s t

Santa 6-PackL6 Games for only<*29

F a m i l y V a l u e N i g h t s ! :

4 t i c k e t s • 4 H o t D o g s • 4 P e p s i ’s

a n d 2 P r o g r a m s f o r


CC 3, Park Tudor (IN.) 0: Red- ford C ath o lic C e n tra l b ro k e a sco re less t ie w ith th r e e qu ick goals n ea r the end of th e second period to beat P ark Tudor ( In d ) S a tu rd a y a t th e R ed fo rd Ice Arena

The defending Division I state champions are 2-3 overall

P a t C o ld ren ’s goal from J e f f Davis and T J Q uatlander w ith

3 40 to go m the second made it 1-0 Sean O’M alley scored 1 10 la te r from Ryan O’Dea and Bill Makela

O’Dea capped the scoring w ith 48 seconds left in the period on a power-play from E nc Giosa and Erie R einhardt

S op h o m o re J im B la n c h a rd made 12 saves in the CC goal to earn the shutout

The Sham rocks h ad 32 shots on. goal

C h i e f s f i n i s h 1 s t__ _____ 0

a t N o v i T e a m D u a l s

Talk about screw-ups Novi, p erenn ially a pow er m

wrestling, hosted the Novi Team D uals S a tu rd a y — ex cep t th e W ild c a ts d id n o t fo llow th e weigh-m rules and had to forfeit its dual m eets


A p p a re n tly , N ovi w e n t th ro u g h w e ig h -m T h u rs d a y a f te rn o o n , in s te a d o f th e required F riday deadline Since th e W ildcats h a d a lread y gone through th e ir maxim um num ber of w eigh-m s for the w eek, they were forced to forfeit

Plym outh Canton didn’t mind The Chiefs came aw ay w ith four d u a l m e e t v ic to r ie s , b e a t in g Lake Orion 46-24, Oxford 39-30,

an A ll-S ta r te a m co m p rised mostly of Novi w restlers, 42-16, and the forfeit win over Novi

“W e a re r e a l p ro u d o f o u r guys,” said C anton coach Jo h n Demsick of the Chiefs, now 10-1 in d u a ls “We w o u ld h a v e enjoyed ta k in g on Novi in th e n o rm a l w ay a n d fee l a b i t deprived of the opportunity

“Nonetheless, we are proud of our first-place finish ”

Four Chiefs — Rob Schnettler (112 p o u n d s), Doy D em sick (130/135), Chris Hosey (140/145) and Phil Rothwell (215) — went 4-0 fo r th e day D an B ergsm a (125) an d G reg M u sse r (145) w ere 2-0, an d D u s tin A rm er (125/130) and Steve Hogg (103) went 3-1

T he C hiefs h o s t th e C an ton Invitational Saturday

^ ..1 '........1 m W goal (frommtteM a, arid WiM Y eo)?€

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tepken Gherson had 41 from stm g

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C a l l (7 3 4 ) 4 5 3 -8 4 0 0 to c h a r g e t ic k e t s b y p h o n e

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D3(CP) The Observer & Eccentricl

MU clipped in consolationWell, at least it was closerBut just like the Lions, it was

another loss for Madonna Uni­versity’s men’s basketball team S a tu rday in the consolation finals of the Bethel College Tour­nam ent Indiana-South Bend held off the Fighting Crusaders to post a 91-87 victory in South Bend, Ind

The loss was the seventh straight for Madonna, dropping them to 3 8 for the season Indi­ana-South Bend improved to 7 3

The game was close through­out, the Crusaders trailing 38-35 at the half Their shooting was certain ly no detrim ent They converted 34-of-68 from the field (50 percent), better than South Bend’s 29 of-65 (44 6 percent) And although Madonna was hardly sharp from three point range (5 of-16, 29 4 percent), South Bend was worse (l-of-16, 6 25 percent)

■ M EN ’S H O O P S

The difference came on the boards and a t the free throw line South Bend outrebounded Madonna, 45-33, and converted 32-of-41 free throws (78 percent) Madonna made 14-of-19 at the line (73 7 percent)

Mike M assey came off the bench to lead Madonna with 22 points, making 8 of-14 from the floor Tony Jancevski (from Ply­mouth Salem) enjoyed his best game as a C rusader w ith 20 points, 11 rebounds and two steals, with Steve Horn adding 14 points and Noel Emenhiser ne ttin g 13 pom ts and four assists Joe Kofahl contributed eight points and three steals

In Friday’s tournament opener against Betnel College, the Cru­saders pu t 90 points on theboard — and didn’t even come


close, as the P ilots outscored them by 22 in the first half and 20 in the second en route to a 132-90 victory

Massey’s 23 points led Madon­na Horn added 14 points, five rebounds and five assists, John Bennett (Livonia Churchill) had 14 points and five boards, and E m enhiser fin ished w ith 12 points, 10 rebounds and four assists

While the Crusaders shot well enough (38-of-68 from the floor, 55 9 percent) and they had the same number of rebounds as the P ilo ts, they com m itted 39 turnovers Bethel had 18

Six players reached double fig­ures m scoring for Bethel, led by Thomas Jackson and Jake Park­er with 21 points apiece David Keister and Chris Adkins added 16 each

C r u s a d e r s t a k e I n v i t e t i t l e

M adonna U niversity’s women’s basketball team made it two titles m four tournaments when it claimed the Scotty Invi tational championship by beat­ing Seton Hill (Pa ) 67-47 in Sat­urday’s final a t Edmboro (Pa ) University

The game was close until the second half It was tied at 14-all in the first half when Madonna put together a 15-8 run to take a 29 22 lead into the intermission Seton Hill pulled to within three early m the second half, but a 16 2 run by the Lady Crusaders cemented the victory

Four of M adonna’s five starters scored m double figures, with Lindsay Simmon netting 13 points (on 5 of-6 floor shooting) and th ree steals and Carissa Gizicki also getting 13 points to go w ith nine assists and two steals

■ W O M E N ’S H O O P S

K athy P anganis added 10 points, seven rebounds and two steals, and Tera Morrill (from Westland/Livoma Franklin) had 10 pomts and six boards

Mindy McClelland’s 15 points paced the Spirit, w ith Cortni McGinnis adding 14 points

The win boosted Madonna’s record to 7 4 overall

Lady Ocelots stumbleSchoolcraft College ranked

ninth m the NJCAA, had fourth- ranked and unbeaten Kalamazoo Valley CC on the ropes Saturday in the final of the Schoolcraft College Invitational

But the Lady Ocelots couldn’t maintain a nine-point, second- half lead, eventually falling 78

71 m overtimeThe loss left SC at 6-3 for the

season Kalam azoo Valley improved to 6-0

The Ocelots led 44-35 w ith 13 29 le ft m the game, but KVCC drew even and led by three with 1 36 remaining before SC knotted it to force overtime

But for the Ocelots, it ended there KVCC scored the firs t seven points of OT and SC never caught up

Devin Francois led the Ocelots with 26 points and 10 rebounds K era H ill and Kelly G renan (from Redford Thurston) each added 13 points, with Grenan hitting four three-pointers and grabbing eight boards

D anielle W illiam s topped KVCC w ith 25 points and 20 rebounds


Dec 1 0 a t SalemVault 1 Mary Moreau (LU) 9 2 2

Bethany Bartlett (PS ) 9 15 3 M elissa Drake (P S ) 8 7 4 (tie) Ashley Aquinto (PS) and Kacy R isner (LU) 8 6 each

Uneven bars 1 Drake (PS) 9 15 2 B a rt le tt (P S ) 9 1 3 A sh ley Aquinto

(P S ) 8 75 4 M oreau (LU ) 8 5 5 5 April Aquinto (PS) 7 8

B a la n c e beam 1 L is a Thom pson (LU) 9 0 5 2 Ashley Aquinto (PS) 9 0 3 Bartlett (PS) and April Aquinto (PS)8 85 each 5 Drake (PS) 8 6

Floor exe rc ise 1 April Aquinto (PS)9 4 5 2 B a rt le tt (P S ) 9 3 3 Drake (PS) 9 15 4 Katie Edwards (LS ) 9 05

5 R isner (LU) 8 9

All around. 1 Bartlett (PS ) 36 4 2

D rake (P S ) 3 5 6 3 A sh ley Aquinto

(PS) 35 1 4 April Aquinto (PS) 3 4 35

5 Moreau (LU) 34 25

Dual m eet records Livonia Unified 0

2 overall Salem 1 0 overall

★ ★ ★ ★ y t , a n d p r e s e n t s ★ ★ ★ ★

R E D , W H I T E * * A N D Y O U ! * *

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service charge), all t i c t c o t m a s t o r outle ts in clu d in g M arshall Field's an d H a rm on y House

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L. 101(5336 PDFS 08533

D 4(C P ) The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 3 , 2 0 0 1

•from p a g e D 1t J JHall He's" oiify 6 2 and he gets it dpne (inside). H e carried us m the first part of the game ”

H all scored n ine of h is 15 points in the opening half, seven doming m the second q u a rte r The Tigers converted 7-of-14 sjiots m the period while limiting S^lem to 2-of-8 shooting r Also in d ica tiv e of S alem 's defensive problems Belleville, despite its fast-pace game, had ju s t two f irs t-h a lf tu rn o v ers, none in the second quarter The Rocks, facing some fu ll-court

pressure, tu rn ed th e ball over seven times m the second quar­te r and n ine tim es m the first half

I t did get better for Salem m the second half, bu t not much The Rocks did manage to close to w ithin 12 on a Hoskins three- pointer with 1 30 left in the third q u a r te r , b u t th e gap never reached single digits

H osk in s f in ish ed w ith 13 points to lead Salem P at Abra­ham and Brady Pastalamec each contributed 10


f g |% $



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S o c c e r fro m p a g e D 1

said Fmnerty These surfaces certainly cost more — “more than twice as much” — but there will be fewer injuries, which should lead to lower insurance premiums since the possibility of litigation will decrease

The facility will offer a lot more (more on tha t later), but most important may be Fmnerty’s name attached to it Unlike another sports organization that didn’t rec­ognize the value of name recognition — the now-defunct Detroit Rockers dumped Fmnerty, their keeper for a decade, ju st as they moved into the Plymouth-Canton area, where Fmnerty is well known — this one has a great chance to succeed

And not just because of its location, although that can’t be discounted According to Fmnerty’s studies, located within a 20 mile radius of High Velocity are more than31.000 youth (5-19 years) soccer players playing for 2,100 teams There are also27.000 adults (20-and-over) playing for more than 1,700 competitive and recreational teams

These are figures he’s well acquainted with Fmnerty has been the director of coaching for the Canton Soccer Club, and its 157 coaches and teams, since 1995 Being associated with that many youth teams can be extremely beneficial when you’re opening a soccer facility (the kind of association the Rockers failed to recognize)

Fmnerty is smart enough to capitalize on these connections He will have his own offices m the new building, but there will be additional office space available Fmnerty

has already made available one of the offices — free of charge — to the Canton Soccer Club, which previously had no permanent location He is negotiating with other local soccer clubs with a similar offer

All of this started when Fm nerty was m his first year with the CSC At the time, the Canton Softball Center was offering indoor soccer in a temporary dome set up in the parking lot That, however, was discontin­ued

“We were trying to get set up with the dome,” said Fmnerty When it closed, “we were sending kids up to Novi to play ”

That left a soccer void tha t Fmnerty want­ed to fill When the city, which purchased the softball center, offered 11 acres of the center’s property for w hat they paid for it ($110,000 per acre), Fm nerty started making contact with possible investors

“This is w hat I envisioned,” he said “It’s a perfect training area for local soccer clubs ”

As for what else High Velocity will offer, the three regulation fields (175 feet by 80 feet) will be joined by a roller hockey n nk the same size W hat adds to the facility’s uniqueness is the seating, which will be on the mezzanine 15 feet over the arenas

The two smaller fields will also be on the mezzanine level, they, too, will have the same prescnption-turf fields Each field will have sound and video systems, with televi­sions that will allow parents to watch what’s going on m other areas — such as a son play mg video games m the arcade while the par­ent watches his/her daughter’s game

In addition to the arcade and video games, there will be a full-service concession area, four locker rooms and four meeting/party rooms

“We want to be, not only the best facility m Michigan, but the best m the midwest,” said Tony Collard, one of Finnerty’s partners

League play with the season’s next eight- week session, which begins Jan 2 There will be a 6 v 6 Christmas Cup Tournament, with youth teams (ages seven years through high school) and adult teams Dec 26 30

As for Fmnerty, his playing days are again linked to the Rockers organization, which folded prior to the current season and has a doubtful future “If the team came back here — I’ve heard some grumblings about a new ownership group — I’d play,” he said “But I wouldn’t like to move to another city again ”

After the Rockers dropped him, Fmnerty signed with Buffalo It was a different expe­rience, considering he had played m Detroit for the previous 10 seasons In Buffalo, he had no public appearance obligations, which allowed him to spend more time with hi3 wife, Denise, who at the time was pregnant with their twin sons, Joshua and Owen, now 10 months old

“From a player’s point of view, it was awe­some,” said Fmnerty

Yet he couldn’t wait to return to his adopt­ed state, Michigan — an odd statement com­ing from a native Californian And it appears Fmnerty intends to stay this time

C a n t o n fro m p a g e D 1

Pat Sharrow’s 18 points paced Monroe Mike Leach contributed 16

The C an ton defense forced 25 T ro jan turnovers (the Chiefs had 16), and Canton had a 27-24 rebounding advantage

Redford CC 84, King 69 : Four players scored in double figures Saturday as Redford Catholic Central (1 0) opened its season with a win over Detroit King m the Beverly Hills-Detroit Coun­try Day Classic

Ryan Clark led the Shamrocks with 19 points, while Steve Wasil and Ryan Wroblewski each added 10 Jeff Niemiec contributed 14

Shamrocks head coach Rick Coratti said con­sidering the team h ad only been p ractic ing together for one week, he was “very pleased” with the outcome Six members of his 12 man team w ere football p layers and th re e were starters

"We did fairly well,” said Coratti of the win “It was 38 all at the half and we had nine three’s in the game It was split up fairly well ”

Catholic Central plays Orchard Lake St Mary Friday a t 7 30 p m

THE W EEK AHEADPREP BOYS BASKETBALL Saturday Dec 15 Ypsi Calvary 5pm

Thursday Dec 13 Farm Unified vs Northville PCA at Lutheran East 5 30 p mHuron Valley at at Novi Ice Arena 6 30 p m Inter City at Luth W sld 5 30 p m

Greater Life 7 30 p m Stevenson at Cranbrook 7pm Saturday, Dec 15Friday Dec 14

C ville atA A Greenhills 6 30 p m

Salem at Wat Kettering TBA Redford CC vs New Trier (III ) at Redford Ice Arena 8pm

Portage Northern Tourney 8am Allen Pk Invitational 8 30 a m

Thurston at Franklin 7pm Sunday Dec 16 Delta CC Invitational 8 30 a mStevenson at Churchill 7pm Salem at Wat Kettering TBA Taylor Invitational 8 30 a m

Romulus at Wayne 7pm PREP WRESTLING O L Lakes Tourney 9amRedford Union at Thursday Dec 13 Airport Invitational 9am

Crestwood 7pm Franklin at Garden City 5pm MEN S COLLEGE BASKETBALLGarden City at Lincoln P< 7pm Wayne at Woodhaven 6 30 p m Saturday Dec 15Salem at G P South 7 30 p m Harrison at Dexter 7 30 p m

Redford CC at

Luth W sld at Divine Child 7pm Friday Dec 14

Salem Clio at Redford CC 5 p m

Schoolcraft at Kankakee (III) 2 p m

OL St Mary 7 30pm Saturday Dec 15 WOMEN S COLLEGE BASKETBALLPREP HOCKEY Canton Invitational 8am Saturday Dec 15

Thursday Dec 13 C ville Team Tourney 9am Bethel (Ind ) at Madonna 3pmRed Unified vs Mt Carmel Berkley Tournament 10 a m ONTARIO HOCKEY LEAGUE

at Redford Ice Arena 7 45 p m PREP BOYS SWIMMING Friday Dec 14Friday Dec 14 Saturday Dec 15 Whalers vs Windsor

Franklin vs Salem at Ply Cultural Ctr 6pm Churchill vs New Trier (III)

WLAA Relays at Salem noon Redford CC vs Saline

at Redford Union 2pm

at Compuware Arena 7 30 p m Saturday Dec IS

at Edgar Arena 6pm PREP GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Whalers at Erie (Pa ) 7 30 p mRedford CC vs Brother Rice

at Hazel Pk ice Arena 7pmThursday Dec 13

Huron Valley at TBA — time to be announced


fe* B U S IN E S S O W N E R S • B U S I N E S S O W N E R S • B U S I N E S S O W N E R S




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The Observer & Eccentricf THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 3 , 2 0 0 1 (C P )D 9

COUGAR ALUMNI HOOPSGarden City will host an alum

m basketball festival beginning at 6 p m Dec 28 Cougar coach Greg Williamson is asking inter ested alum ni from the 1960s, 70s, ‘80s and ‘90s to contact him at (734) 762 8350 for the forma tion of teams FIREBALLS AAU TRYOUT

The Farmington Fireballs will have tryouts for their 15 and 16 and under girls AAU basketball teams 10 a m to 1 p m Satur day, Dec 15, a t Power Middle School m Farmington

The school is located off Gill Road, south of Nine Mile There is a $20 tryout fee (includes AAU m em bership card) For more information call Steve or Carol Palaian at (248) 478 1241 CC SEEKS COACH

Catholic Central is looking for a varsity soccer coach For more information or if interested m the position, call athletic director Bob Santello at (313) 534 2798SOFTBALL HITTING CAMP

Madonna University will stage two sessions of hitting camps — 9 30 a m -12 30 p m , Saturday, Dec 15 (session I) and Dec 29 (session II) at the school’s gym

The camp will included two hitting cages plus one live pitch ing station to work off tees and soft toss

Each session is limited to 30 girls The cost is $20 per session Checks should be made payable to Madonna University Softball

For more information, call MU women’s softball coach A1 White at (734) 432-5783 TRACK COACHES NEEDED

Redford Union High School has openings for a head boy’s track coach and a head girl’s track coach for the upcoming Spring 2002 track season Red ford Union is part of the Michi gan MEGA Conference and com petes in the White Division m boy’s and girl’s track

Those who are in te rested should send a letter of interest and an updated resume to Brett Steele, athletic director at Red ford Union High School, 17711 Kinloch, Redford, MI 48240

Application deadline is Jan 11 2002LIVONIA YMCA HOOPS

The Livonia Family YMCA is offering w inter basketball for ages 6 and up Registration will be through Sunday, Dec 23 or until leagues fill up

The season runs J a n 12 through March 9

For more inform ation, call (734) 261-2161FPS SEEKS COACHES

Farmington Public Schools has need for coaches m the following areas girls track, girls soccer and boys diving Anyone inter ested in the positions should con tact A th le tic D irector B rian Swmehart’s office at (248) 489 3352EMU BASEBALL CAMPS

Eastern Michigan University will again host wmter baseball camps for boys and girls 8 18 at Bowen Fieldhouse

Camps will be Dec 22 and 29, Jan 19 and 26, Feb 10 and 17 plus another on May 11 Work outs begin at noon at Bowen, or outside a t O estrike Stadium w eather perm itting, and con elude at 4 p m

Single day camps cost $45, $85 for two, $120 for three, $155 for four and $175 for five or $200 for all seven Applications must be sent m a week prior to camps to avoid a $10 late registration fee



R*J JEN K IN S P 15486 A ttorney 38580 Five Mile R oad Livonia, M ichigan 48154 PATRICIA J McMILLEN P la in tiff vs LESLIE RAYMOND McMILLEN Defendant


At a session of said Court held m the City of Detroit Wayne Comity Michigan on

November 14 2001Upon the Plaintiff s ex parte verified

Motion for Substitute Service the Court being fully advised

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED th a t the Plaintiff be allowed to effect constitut onal service of here Complaint for Divorce against Leslie Raymond McMillen by publishing a copy of th is Order allowing substituted service in a new spaper estab lished published and circulated m Wayne County Michigan for three consecutive weeks and by mailing a copy of this Order to the Defendant by registered mail return receipt requested and by ordinary mail both addressed to his last known address This should be accomplished before the last publication

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED th a t the Defendant s hereby notified that he has 28 days from the date of final pubbcal un of this Order to file an answer or take other action as permitted by law a t the Wayne County Circu t Court located a t Two Woodward Avenue Detroit Michigan 48226

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED th a t a failure to file such an answer or take other action as perm tted by law within the time specified above may result in a default being granted and the Plaintiff being granted a Judgment for the relief requested


Prepared by R, J Jenfc ns P 15486 Attorney at Law 33580 Five Mile Road Livonia Michigan 48154 734) 427 3060

Publish November 29 and December 6 13 and 20 2001 0623 3


Coach Roger Coryell and his EMU staff will conduct the ses­sions, which feature position and team fundam entals Topics include h ittin g and bunting, catching, baserunning, pitching, infield play, outfield play, strength and conditioning, arm and bat speed development

To register or for more infor m ation and applications call (734) 487-0315, fax (734) 487 4568 or e-m ail roger coryell @emich edu BASEBALL TRYOUTS

•The WaCO Wolves 16 under and 14 under travel teams are still holding tryouts for the 2002 summer season

Those interested should call Bill a t (313) 562 4667 for 14 under and Lou at (734) 595-2975 for 16 under

•Tryouts will be scheduled in February for those interested m playing for Livonia Travel, an under-10 baseball team

Livonia Travel will played 20 league games and three to five tournaments (not including post season) beginning in mid-May Home games will be in Livonia Away games will be within a 20 mile radius

For m ore inform ation, call Brian Bolton (734) 464-4616, or e-mail bandcbolton@att net You can also visit www eteams com/ livtravFLAG FOOTBALL

Total Soccer of Wixom will hold a 7 on-7 flag football league Games w ill be played every

Thursday from Jan 10 to Feb 28

Players must be 18 years old and rosters have a 14 player maximum There is a 16-team maximum

The cost of $799 per team and $79 per individual For more information, call (248) 669 9817 or e m ail totalbballw ixom @aol comSOCCER OFFICIALS TRAINING

Training for new soccer refer ees will be conducted at High Velocity Sports Center, located at 46245 Michigan m Canton Classes will be from 9 a m 1 p m on consecutive Saturday, Jan 12, 19, 26 and Feb 2 Those interested must attend all four classes, and they m ust be a t least 12 years old

Class size is limited To regis­ter, send your name, social secu­rity number and a check for $43 made payable to Michigan Refer ee Committee to 9115 Muirland, Plymouth, Mi 48170

For more inform ation, call (734) 454 7335 LIVONIA COURSES OPEN

The City of Livonia Depart­ment of Parks and Recreation golf course schedule has been revamped

W hispering Willows will be open during throughout the win ter months (weather permitting)

For more inform ation, call (248) 476 4493 INLINE HOCKEY LEAGUES

The Skatm S ta tion , 8611 Ronda Drive, Canton, is accept

mg registrations for its winter 2001-02 youth and adu lt leagues along with winter 2002 youth league? Sign up early to reserve a spot on a team

Age brackets are available for 16 and under Ages are deter­mined as of Jan 1, 2001

Youth cost is $120 (includes 10 games, a jersey, championship shirts and referee fees) Youth evaluations for the 2001 02 sea son begin Friday, Dec 7

Winter 2002 youth evaluations will begin Jan 5 Ages are deter­mined as of Jan 1,2002

For more inform ation call (734) 459 6401 or v is itwww skatmstation2 com

Adult leagues are also avail able for 17 and 30-and over

For adult league information, call Dave Jackson a t (734) 459 6401BASEBALL COACHES CLINIC

Total B aseball, located a t 30900 Wixom Road, Wixom is staging a baseball coaches clinic 1 4 p m S atu rday , Dec 15 Space is limited

F eatu red speakers include Toledo Mudhens manager Bruce Fields, Central Michigan Umver sity a ss is tan t coach Stephen Ja k sa and Lee B jerke of the Michigan High School Baseball Coaches A ssociation H all of Fame

The cost is $35For more inform ation, call

(248) 668-0166 or reg ister by em ail at totalbballw ixom @aol com


Baseball School will be individu­al and small group lessons in power pitching, hitting and field­ing assisted by minor leaguer M ark R utherford For more information call Gordie Ruther ford at (734) 421 4928 HOCKEY PLAYERS NEEDED

The Farmington Hills Adults Hockey Association needs addi­tional players for the curren t season in all three age groups - 18 and over over-30 and over 40

The association has enough goalies, no more are needed For more inform ation call the FHAHA at 471 6004 and leave a voice mail messageREFS, INSTRUCTORS WANTED

The Livonia Family YMCA, located at 14255 Stark Road, is currently hiring individuals 16 and older to fill the responsibili­ties of sports instructors and ref­erees

Positions are available for bas­ketball, inline hockey, soccer, volleyball instructors and refer­ees Training is provided, bu t candidates m ust possess a strong, outgoing personality, a general knowledge of sports, and desire to work with youth

Hours are prim arily a fte r school and weekends, with some daytime hours available The YMCA offers competitive wages and free membership to employ­ees

Applications are available a t

the front desk or to schedule and interview, call (734) 261-2161", Ext 3325, or em ail evesey@ ymcametrodetroit orgFISHING MEETING

The Four Seasons F ish ing Club meets 7 §0 9 30 p m the first Wednesday of each month at the Livonia Civic Park Senior Center, 15218 Farmington Road

Visitors are welcome For more inform ation, please call Jiih Kudej at (734) 591-0843 SUBURBAN HOCKEY SIGNUP

Registration is under way for the Breakfast Club and Prime Time P rogram — S uburban Hockey’s weekly skills and con­ditioning senes for adult hockey players of all ability levels *

Suburban Hockey will h av l two 10 week sessions (October Decem ber and Ja n u a ry to March) of the Breakfast Club at four locations, including Subur­ban Training Center m Farming- ton Hills and Novi Ice Arena

In add ition to the weekly morning sessions, Suburban is offering an Advanced Program at Suburban Training Center on Thursday mornings and a Prime Time Program at STC on Tues­day evenings

For more inform ation or tQ register, call Suburban Hockey a t (248) 478-1600 or v is it www' suburbanhockey com

To submit items to the Sportk Scene write 36251 Schoolcraft R d , Livonia, M I 48150, or send via fax to (734) 591 7279

see why ers nationwide. w ire le ss


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Canton opens withThanks to a strong finish by

the 400-yard freesty le relay team and three state-qualifying swims by Matt Wisniewski, Ply mouth Canton slipped past Dex ter 94 92 m its season-opening dual meet Tuesday at Dexter

“In the first half of the meet they outscored us big, by 16 points,” said Canton coach Ed Weber “That 400 relay pretty much determined winning or los mg the meet ”

Wisniewski reached state cuts by w inning the 200 freestyle (1 49 29} and 100 butterfly (55 27) He also led off Canton’s victorious 200 free relay team in a state-qualifying 22 64 for the 50 free

■ S W I M M I N G

Joe Le also won individual two events for Canton, the 50 free (23 37) and the 100 free (51 09)

The Chiefs compete m the WLAA Relays Saturday a t Ply­mouth Salem


Tuesday a t Dexter2 0 0 -y a rd m e d le y r e la y . D e x te r

{Logon M Pom pliano Ir ish B V es sets) 1 4 3 56

200-yard freesty le M att W isn iew sk i (PC) 1 49 2 9 (state qualifying)

20 0 yard Individual medley 1 Logon (D ) 2 0 9 2 0 2 Y u h e i Uno (P C ) 2 11 56

S w i m m i n g fro m p a g e D 1

Will the Rocks withstand the challenge and m ake it 10- straight WLAA titles’ Olson did­n’t answer the question directly, but did say this “I sleep well at night ”

He should The Rocks have lost some key contributors m Aaron Shelton (breaststroke, sprint freestyle), Brian Mertens (ind iv idual medley, distance free) and Jim Ross (free)

B ut everyone else is back, including three of the four mem­bers m all three of their relays, relays that finished first in the state in the 200-yard and 400- yard freestyle and fourth m the 200 medley

At last season’s state finals, Olson opted to load up his relays, asking some of his best swimmers to sacrifice possible individual honors for the good of the team I t w orked Salem enjoyed its best-ever perfor­mance at the state finals, finish­ing third overall

Much of the nucleus of that team returns, led by five seniors Eric Lynn and Mike Johnson were both members of all three relay teams at state, Lynn also placing third in the 100 free and Johnson taking third in the 50 free At the WLAA finals, Lynn won the 100 free and was second

in the 200 IM, while Johnson won the 50 free and placed third m the 100 free

They will share the team’s cap­taincy with Kevin Schopieray, who scored at league in the 100 butterfly and 100 backstroke Other seniors are Ben Mellis (back/free) and Jim F ranks (free)

The third returning member of the state relay teams is junior Ben Dzialo, who won the 200 free and placed second in the 100 fly at league Illness kept Dzialo from perform ing his best a t state, he was 14th in the 100 fly

Once again, quality depth won’t be a problem for the Rocks And there’s plenty of talented freestylers, which has long been a Salem staple

Key jun io rs who re tu rn include Mike Horgan, ninth m both the 100 fly and 500 free at the WLAAs, M att Showalter, fifth in the 100 breast and 14th in the 200 IM a t league, Je ff Nevi, fifth m the 100 back and 10th m the 200 IM at league, Adam Sonnanstme, who scored m both the 200 and 500 free at conference, and Joe Aumiller, a breaststroker/IMer

The top member of the sopho­more class is Casey Johnson, who could fill the gap in breast-


The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/heanng upon two weeks notice to the Charter Township of Canton Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Charter Township of Canton by writing or calling the following

David Medley ADA Coordinator Charter Township of Canton 1150 S Canton Center Road

Canton MI 48188 (734) 397 5435

Publish December 13 and 30 2001 i. 0BS201


The Board of Education of the Plymouth Canton Community Schools invites all interested and qualified companies to submit a bid for Distnct-W ide M echancial Services Specifications and bid forms will be available at the MANDATORY walk through scheduled for 10 00 am Thursday December 20th 2001 at the Plymouth Canton Schools Maintenance Department located at 987 South Mill Street Plymouth, Michigan For further information please phone either Dan Phillips Assistant Director of Finance & Purchasing at (734) 416 2746 or Laura Hagan Facilities Construction Manager at (734) 416 2953 Sealed bids are due on or before 1 30 p m , Tuesday January 8th, 2002 The Board of Education reserves the right to accept and/or reject all bids, as they judge to be in the best interest of the school district

Board of Education Plymouth Canton Community Schools

JUDY L MARDIGIAN SecretaryPubbsh December 13 and 16 2001 i. 0SS62!

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N O V I 2 4 8 3 4 4 2551 4 2 2 0 0 G ra n d R iv e r (5 blks East of Novi Road) =

S O U T H G A T E 7 3 4 2 8 5 5 4 5 4 14 40 5 D ix (2 blks North of Eureka Road) I

close win50-yard freestyle Joe Le (PC) 23 37D iv in g J Po m p lian o (D ) 2 0 8 4 0

points100-yard butterfly W isn iew sk i (PC)

55 27 (s ta te qualifying)1 0 0 -y a rd f r e e s t y le Jo e Le (P C )

51 09500-yard freestyle Ryan Ahern (PC)

5 13 37200-yard freestyle relay Canton (Wis­

n ie w s k i Le Jo h n F a ra o n i A h ern ) 1 3 5 08 (W isn iew ski sta te cut for 50 yard free 22 64)

100-yard b a ck stro k e 1 Ben Logon (D) 57 4 8 2 Brad Nllson (PC) 58 36

100-yard b reaststroke M ike Pompli ano (D) 1 07 03

400-yard freestyle relay Canton (Wis­niewski Uno Ahern Niison) 3 30 98

Dual-meet records Canton 1 0 Dex te r 0 1

stroke created by Shelton’s grad­uation

Now for the newcomers — the freshmen Two made an immedi­ate impression on Olson Nick Dixon, a strong sprint freestyler who, like Lynn and Dzialo, could excel m any stroke, and Penn Chou, a swimmer who “has got all the strokes — he!s got a lot of ta le n t ,” p a rticu la rly m the breast, according to Olson

There are also three freshmen divers the Salem coach is hoping will garner some points along the way

Indeed, diving could be one of the weaknesses on th is team, and there aren’t many As Olson rep lied when asked w hat his team’s strength was “Flexibility We’ve got a lot of guys who can swim the 50 or 500 (free), and we’ve got state-qualifiers in the IM and free

“And we have three All-Ameri­cas back m Lynn, Johnson and Dzialo That makes making a lineup a lot easier ”

T alen t som etim es shrivels when faced with adversity Olson doesn’t believe tha t could hap­pen to this team

“Their attitude (is a strength),” he said “They’ve got some expe nence It’s tough to put them m a situation they haven’t been m They swam well everywhere ”

If Dixon lives up to Olson’s expectations, the Rocks could perform even better a t state

“T hat depends on w hat the rest of the state does,” the Rocks’ coach said “We could swim even better than last year and not do as well ”

Then he added, “I would be disappointed if we don’t go faster than 3 09 (at state), if we stay healthy ”

The best indication of what to expect at state could be revealed at the Rock-Kilgore Invitational Jan 12, when the s ta te ’s top three teams from last season — Rockford, Ann Arbor Pioneer and Salem — together with Can­ton, D earborn and Livonia Stevenson will collide “I’d pay to see that,” said Olson

That week, which includes the Canton-vs -Salem dual meet two days earlier, should more clearly define both Canton’s and Salem’s chances Olson believes Canton could fin ish m the top 10 a t state

Not th a t he’s willing to give anything in to the Chiefs The Rocks are still No 1 in the area, and they plan to stay there

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r ? i :." T r4-6pmdaly


9 8 1 -1 9 0 0SS SO DAILY Matinees til 4pm & Seniors

88 76 Students & Late ShowR^&jat $7 OO Evenings Mon Thurs ALL SCREENS

DIGITAL STEREOFree Drink & 250 Corn Refills

Ifi Tab/e

GIFT O FM O V IESl,$ 10 B o o k P lu s $1 Free

GIFT CERTIFICATES$ 2 0 B o o k P lu s $ 2 Free

12/9-12/13 O OCEANS ELEVEN (PG13)11 30 1 55 4 20 7 05 9 300 BEHIND ENEMY LINES (PG13)1200 230 440 715 935HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER S STONE(PG) 2 PRINTS/2 SCREENS1220 1250 320 400 630 645 925 940

11 15 1 10*305 500 655 855B u m m T < P G 13)1 00 300 510 7 25 920


p a r .

I 2 0 o z D R IN Kwith $1 50 (1/2 price) purchase of 46oz bag of buttery popcorn

W W W . G Q T I . C O MPDFS 079959

The Observer & Eccentric! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 3 , 2 0 0 1

B U S IN E S S R E V I E W S E R V I C E S , IN C . P R E S E N T S - - - "

"A CLOSE UP LOOK AT LOCAL BUSINESSES”P a u l K e n z i e , O . D .

Therapeutic Certified OptometristPlay it safe have Dr Kenzie examine your eyes even if you don t think you need

vision correction Early intervention is important Many eye diseases do not have symptoms until it is too late for treatment In addition high blood pressure diabetes and other diseases not related to the eye can be detected through an eye examination Years ago an Optometrist s primary responsibility was to examine the eyes for the purpose of prescribing optical correction whether for glasses or contact lenses They would also check for eye health problems including glaucoma diabetes, cataracts and high blood pressure However if any eye health problems were discovered it was the optometrist s responsibility to refer the patient to a physician That is not the case anymore Due to that fact that Michigan state laws have changed more than 70% of Optometrists m the state havegonebacktoschoolandhavebeenre licensed to provide treatment for eye problems outside of surgery However any systemic problems or neurological problems will always be referred to a specialist in that field Dr Kenzie offers adult and pediatric vision care treatment of eye disease and injury complete eye examinations anda large selection of eyewear and contact lenses This information has been brought to you in the interest of better eye health by Dr Paul Kenzie, located at 108North Main Street (across from Central MiddleSchool)mPlymouth,phone 734-453-8450 H a p p y h o l id a y s to a l l f r o m D r K e n z ie & s ta f f

H o r t o n P l u m b i n g I n c .Serving the area with over 25 years experienceHorton Plumbing has been proudly serving local homes and businesses for

16 years They are not just your average plumbing company They are considered by many as experts in the plumbing field Their wealth of experience and knowledgeable staff will assure you of only quality work at competitive prices There is great satisfaction for local residents m knowing that when you rely on Horton Plumbing you are dealing with professionals/ Horton Plumbing offers complete residential and commercial plumbing

services from the smallest repair to a large installation They feature repairs and regular maintenance Bathroom remodeling complete dram cleaning including Hi Pressure Jetting and Video camera services and sewer and water service installation

Horton Plumbing has a complete bathroom remodeling service including all carpentry ceramic tile and glass block installation Their showroom and vendors reference material is equipped to help you select fixtures faucets and a wide variety of materials now available Call for a free estimate

We would like to take this opportunity to bring to your attention Horton P lu m b in g locatedat!382S Main Street m Plymouth Phone 734 455 333p Call for more information or visit the show room Everyone at Horton Plumbing would like to thank their customers and wishes happy holidays to all

W a r d e d C h i r o p r a c t i c F a m i l y H e a l t h C e n t e r

Dale Wardell, D.C., P.C.Welcome to the exciting world of chiropractic Join many of the patients

and even some of your neighbors who have discovered the benefits of chiropractic care at W arded Chiropractic Fam ily Health Center You may wonder What is chiropractic for? Many people experience chiropractic as a natural drug-free way to get healthy For example a little boy who no longer suffers from headaches and sees his grades improving may tell you chiropracticis for headaches Others may tell you that chiropractic is for digestive problems breathing difficulty back or neck pain sciatica neurological problems whiplash work injuries and many more conditions But this isn t all that people will say You 11 also hear them say that they come to W arded Chiropractic for more energy, for improved sports performance for feeling more alive for better resistance to disease and to help ensure drug free lives for themselves and their families

What does Dr Wardell do'? He removes a serious interference of the nervous system called vertebral subluxations which prevent you from functioning at your best Then you can be more balanced with less stress on your nervous system and body structure th is information has been brought to you by courtesy of Wardell Chiropractic Family Health Center located at 28252 Ford Road, in Garden City, phone 734-421-4110 Dr Wardell & his staff thank their patients for their patronage and would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season

C h a r i s m a S a l o n S C D a y S p aCHARISMA SALON locatedinLaurelParkPlaceMallinLivomaatI-275

and 6 Mile Rd phone 734 464 8686 is more than just a hair salon They feature an innovative hair salon and a separate full service day spa CHARISMA has always been the leader in the most up to date approach to hair fashion for men and women as well as skin care and body care services CHARISMA is the latest state of the art full service salon in the metro area They feature SOTHYS European facials full body massage pedicures nails make up lunch or snack brought to you from Sweet Lorraine s m the Mamot Hotel and of course the finest in hairstyling Over 30 Hairstylists Massage Therapists Nail Technicians and Facial Estheticians are here to serve you CHARISMA is open 7 days a week for your convenience and have extended hotirs to fit the busy schedules of their clients Gift Certificates and Package salon services are perfect for Weddings- Make overs or Special Occasions LOOK ING GOOD GRAMS (gift certificates) are available by stopping in the salon or by phoning 734 464 8686 Group and Corporate Packages are die ultimate gift for those that want tb give a personal and pleasurable experience Wedding parties, corporate groups or just you and your friend may spend a few hours enjoying a relaxing break to indulge a bit These services have been available for the past 14 years and are available now to handle the demand for more of the SPA SERVICES CHARISMA SALON ’ WE CREATE,THE OTHERS IMITATE',has been themotto and it will continue in the year 2002

A n d o v e r L a k e s I n c .With the confusion that exists in housing today it becomes necessary to

know more and more about not only the type of home that you want to build but the builder that you choose Many people in the area are choosing Andover Lakes for that extra measure of service Known as the builder who cares their homes are not built with tangibles alone They are built with foresight and planning as well as pride in craftsmanship These hand crafted custom homes provide distinctive residences to reflect your personal tastes and life styles

From the initial planning to complete on the job supervision, Andover Lakes maintains their high standards while using only top grade building materials Their experienced craftsmen and workers recognize quality and are quite proud to be able to offer it This local firm has been building quality homes for many years As a custom builder their homes can be altered and enhanced to suit individual tastes and life style needs Their emphasis on meticulous planning, quality construction and meeting customer s expectations have been the foundation for every home that they build Call Andover Lakes located in Plymouth Township, phone 734-459-6964 for all the details on our new subdivision Andover Lakes West o p e n in g s o o n & ready t o serve your building needs We feel once you ve seen their homes you 11 understand why Andover Lakes has become synonymous with qual lty craftsmanship throughout the area


Air Duct Cleaning 1-800-675-2298

Air Duct Cleaning may be the healthiest home improvement you will ever make Do you have to dust your home more often than you would like9 Have anybody m the home with allergies asthma or respiratory ailments9 Have pets that shed9 Have dust clinging to your cold air returns9 Have dark edges on your carpet9 If you answered yes to any of these questions you may suffer from indoor air pollution Contamination begins immediately m your air ducts during the construction phase and continuestobuildupovertime becomingabreedinggroundforgerms bacteria fungi dusi mites and molds Dalton Environmental Cleaning can eliminate these problems with state of the art equipment highly trained personnel and E P A registered sanitizing solutions There are many good reasons it makes sense to have your air ducts cleaned but most importantly it can be amajor health benefit to everybody in the home Air duct cleaning also improves air flow through the house and can increase both the operating efficiency and life span of your heating and cooling system

We suggest to our readers that you have your air ducts cleaned on a regular basis by relying on the professionals at Dalton Environmental Cleaning at 1 800-675-2298 Kurt & Kelly at Dalton Environmental Cleaning would like to thank their clients They value your business and look forward to serving your needs

Over the past few years the living habits of Americans have changed dramatically One of the major factors m this change is the emergence of the modern apartment community Many people turned off by continual maintenance problems and the expenses of home ownership, have opted for the carefree style of apartments like those avail

able at Canton Club East Apartment HomesLocated at41265 Crossbow Circle Canton Club is a prime example of

sophisticated gracious living At Canton Club they are dedicated to pleasing their residents Well planned soundly constructed 1 2 and 3 bedroom apartment homes are available Canton Club also features resident s activities and a MonsterClub program for the kids Each apartment features many luxury amenities including private entrances Berber style carpeting throughout cable ready hook ups in every room energy efficient appliances and full size washer and dryer are optional

Now is the opportune time to visit Canton Club Apartments and begin living in a pleasant environment Canton Club is served by the Plymouth/Canton School District Conveniently located close to great restaurants and plenty of shopping Call 734 398 8000 for more information or visit usascantonclub@ced concord com orwww to sched- ule a tour of the community fSEjSSs

Come L it t le C h ild ren C e n te rToday s parents are becoming more and more aware of the importance of a

quality day care andpre school If you want your child to have a planned, active, well- balanced day, enroll them at Come Little Children Center located at 45050 Warren in Canton, phone (734) 455-4607 Although Come Little Children is a catholic pre school and day care they welcome children of all religions They are licensed by die State Department of Social Services and are a member of Archdiocese of Detroit school system They accept children from 6 weeks to 12 years and offer daycare pre­school kindergarten and latchkey

Sending your child to Come Little Children at a young age only prepares them better for their later school years and life experiences Children learn through active participation with hands-on experience through exploration discovery ai)d learning Come Little Children Center is divided into carefully structured activity areas Children explore freely while supported and guided by teachers who are trained to help children make their own decisions Activity is important and planned exercise periods are scheduled throughout the day If you would like to find out more information or would like to see what this center has to offer just call (734) 455-4607

C o m e L i t t l e C h ild r e n w is h e s y o u & y o u r s a h e a l th y a n d h a p p y h o l id a y s e a s o n

M o r t g a g e C o n c e p t s I n c .Today there is more to home mortgages than meets the eye All

one has to do is read the ads to become totally confused and ultimately we re at the mercy of the institution with whom we re dealing From

variable to fixed rates, to closing costs and points to pay how do we know for sure * we re getting the best service9 People in our area have come to realize one thing when it comes to home mortgages It s straight talk that keeps them coming back time and time again Mortgage Concepts, located at 4952 Dewitt in Canton, phone 734-397- ' 9600 can be relied upon for honesty integrity and an all round fair deal when purchasing or refinancing your home They have built a good reputation in this area by not only offering a competitive rate but also by using terms the average person can understand They will carefully explain to you the best method of financing or refinancing your home Their loan professionals are skilled mfinancingand make every effort to put you at ease from the first meeting to the actual settlement

Make no mistake there is areal difference in mortgage companies Dont be confused by the fine print rely on the experts at Mortgage Concepts You 11 see first hand why so many homeowners in this area have turned to them for their financing and refinancing needs "'tsF* >

F i r s t C h o i c e F l o o r C o v e r i n gBeautiful interiors begin wnh quality flooring Everyone who wants the very

best can literally roll out ’ a room full of beauty with new floor coverings fromFirst Choice Floor Covenng located at 43225 Ford Road in Canton, phone 734-354- 9500. Thisis truly your full service flooring center They feature a complete collection of nationally known brands of quality carpeting laminates ceramic tile wood floors, vinyl tiles and area rugs They offer a wide range of styles and colors

First Choice Floor Covenng is continually updating their merchandise to provide consumers with the latest technology in floor coverings They can service both existing homes and new construction Their staff will assist you m selecting the style color and type of floor coverings for your individual needs They can also help you with your new construction floor covenng allowance And estimates are always free In addition professional installation is available to complete your purchase

Rely on First Choice Floor Covering your O N E - S T O P F L O O R I N G C E N T E R for information or advice concerning all of your floor covenng needs Stop by their showroom and check out their wide selection E v e r y o n e a t F i r s t C h o ic e F lo o r C o v e n n g w is h e s a l l o f t h e i r c u s to m e r s a s a f e a n d h a p p y h o l id a y s e a s o n

A l s a g e r A n i m a l C a r e C e n t e rDr Mark Alsager *Dr Katherine Daigle * Dr Judi Fleischaker

Alsager Animal Care Center is becoming more important each day to the vetennary concerns of this community The reason for this is that they combine agood atmosphere for treatment with all the knowledge and skill of the vetennary medical profession Dr MarkAlsager Dr Kathenne Daigle and Dr JudiFleischakerare dedicated to improving the quality of life for your pets providing the finest care available Their philosophy is to work with clients to keep their pets healthy They encourage regular preventive care which avoids more expensive and serious problems later on

Alsager Animal Care Center is located at 44262 Warren Road (just east of Sheldon) in Canton, phone 734-459-5070 This full service vetennary hospital is open seven days a week They offer high quality medicine surgery and dentistry for cats dogs and exotics Dr Mark Alsager has a special interest in feline medicine and is a member of the Amencan Association of Feline Practitioners Alsager Animal Care Center adheres to the standards of the Amencan Animal Hospital Association They are continually making changes in order to keep up with the rapid developments in the vetennary medical field They will continue to guard the health and welfare of the animals m our community We compliment Alsager Animal Care Center for us fine service to the animals of our community Call 734-459-5070 for an appointment

M r . E l e c t r i cExpert Electrical Service

As one of the area s leaders in the electrical contracting field M r. Electric, located to serve all o f Wayne County, phone 734-779-0000, stands ready to serve businesspeople homeowners and builders with recognized dependability

Whether the job requires the design and installation of the entire electrical system or the simple replacement of a circuit breaker this is the firm to contact when only the best in electrical contracting will do They specialize in all facets of electrical work including new construction and repairs rewiring fuses to breaker conversions outdoor lighting troubleshooting and service upgrades for any residential or commercial contract large or small

So when you need an electrician get M r Electric’s years of experience on your side Do what general contractors homeowners and businesspeople throughout the area have done for years Stay with the professionals by relying on M r Electric E v e r y o n e a t M r E l e c t r i c w o u ld l ik e t o th a n k t h e i r c l i e n t s a n d w is h e s a l l a b r ig h t a n d h a p p y h o l id a y s e a s o n

P h i l i p R . S e a v e r T i t l e C o m p a n yWhatistitleinsurance9 It is peace of mind A written assurance

that your new home is all yours and that there are no claims or legal defects that can interfere with your usage and enjoyment of your property Philip R Seaver Title Company are experts in our area Their wealth of experience and knowledgeable staff will insure that

your closing is smooth and efficientThere is great satisfaction in knowing that when you consult Philip R

Seaver Title, you are in conference with an authority on the matter of abstracts and titles pertaining to everything on file in the office of Recorder of Deeds We are pleased to bnng to your attention Philip R Seaver T itft Company located at 30640 West 12 Mile Road in Farmington Hills, phone 248-932-0660 and in Brighton at 7600 W. Grand River Road, phone 810-227-4211 Rely on Philip R Seaver Title Company for all of your closing and title insurance needs

Philip R Seaver Title Company would like to thank their clients They value your business and look forward to serving your needs m the future

H o u s e m a s t e r I n s p e c t i o n S e r v i c e sTom Rusco - President

A home is probably the largest single investment you 11 ever make Therefore you should know exactly what to expect before you purchase your home, in terms of repairs and maintenance Housemaster Inspection Services, located at 33228 W 12 M ile Road in Farmington Hills, phone 888-848-0202 offers complete and profes­sional home inspections A home inspection is a visual examination of the physical structure of the systems in the home The building inspector represents their client and no one else The inspector examines the heating system central air conditioning intenor plumbing electrical systems the roof and visual insulation walls ceilings floors windows doors the foundation basement and visual structures A house cannot fail an inspection A professional inspection is simply an examination into the current condition of your perspective home to indicate the items which will be in need of immediate major repair or replacement This will enable you to make your purchasing decision more confidently

If you are in the process of purchasing a new or existing home or currently own a home that you would

/ F n f K t n l like inspected we suggest you contact u S w S m B S S i l l H U P H ousem aster Inspection Services at Q S S s £ £ 2 S S 5 £ E

888-848-0202 -The Horn# >nr*t)km rwwfe •

T o w n s h i p A u t o m o t i v e I n c .Specializing In Honda & Acura, Import Repairs

Advanced automotive technology necessitates a more professional approach to auto repairs and servicing Locally owned and operated Township Automotive is a recommended auto repair center where your guarantee of satisfaction lies in the fact that the owners personally supervise every job Their shop is located at 41980 Joy Road in Plymouth, phone 734-453-6669 and is fully equipped with the tools and machinery to render total auto service Technicians employed here offer prompt professional service including computerized tune ups oil changes electrical service brake, shock and exhaust system repairs engine and transmission service etc In fact all of yourpreventive maintenance major and minor repairs can be handled atthis one con vement location Withtheirextensiveknowledgeandexpenence they can perform repairs on all makes and models of foreign and domestic cars and light duty trucks

We are pleased to point your attention to Township Automotive Whether you are in need of preventive maintenance major or minor repairs you can rest assured that you will receive the best in service at competitive prices when you place your confidence in these pros

M o r r i s o n . S t a n w o o d ,P o l a k f i t H i l l a r d P . C .

Certified Public Accountants *Historically accountants have advised businesses on a variety of tax and

financial issues Today s financial and compliance rules go beyond just business and encompass the financial and planning affairs of individuals and their families Locally, Morrison, Stanwood, Polak & H illard P .C , located at 823 Penmman Avenue in Plymouth, phone 734-453-0209, can meet the challenges of accounting and compliance for businesses professionals and individuals The members and staff at Morrison, Stanwood, Polak & Hillard P C , have the experience and skills to meet your current and future financial needs Their full range of services were designed with you in mind including bookkeeping tax planning litigation support computerized business systems payroll tax preparation financial and estate planning and more

So if you own a business or you are a professional or individual looking for a firm to handle your financial and planning challenges f o r to d a y a n d to m o r r o w call on Morrison, Stanwood, Poiak & H illard P C. for information or an appointment

M o r r i s o n S ta n w o o d P o l a k & H i l l a r d P C w o u ld l i k e t o t h a n k th e i r c l i e n t s a n d w is h e s a l l a h a p p y h o l id a y s e a s o n


K a r e n S m e r e c k D D SGentle, Caring, Painless Dentistry

It s a proven fact that good dental care is vital to your overall health as well as your appearance With today s emphasis on preventing dental problems before they start, there are many advantages m seeing a dentist on a regular basis Being treated by the same dentist each visit establishes a good relationship where your dentist is-% familiar with you and your individual needs and can best help you to prevent decay" or other dental problems

At the dental practice of Dr Karen Smereck her orientation towards preventive dentistry helps you maintain good dental health From regular check ups cleanings and fillings to cosmetic dentistry the advantages of this practice means personalized individual attention Dr Smereck strives to keep up with all of the latest advances m dentistry She is continually updating her dental education as well as, utilizing the newest technology m dental techniques She also meets and exceeds all sterilization requirements New patients are always welcome and Dr Smereck gives all new and existing patients a complete comprehensive exam

Knowing your dentist and seeing her regularly will help you maintain - D E N T A L H E A L T H F O R A L I F E T I M E ' For more information or to schedule an appointment just call the office at 734-207-0885 They are conveniently located at 7278 N Sheldon Road in Canton D r S m e r e c k a n d h e r s t a f f w is h a l l th e ir p a t i e n t s a h e a l th y a n d h a p p y h o l id a y s e a s o n

D u n l a p ' s S e r v i c e N e t w o r k [Heating * Cooling * Appliance Repair

Located in Plymouth for 52 years Dunlap’s Service Network has re­cently opened a new location with a parts center and showroom in downtown, Plymouth at 898 S Main Street, phone 734-453-6630 They feature appliance-, parts air filters humidifier filters and furnace parts and electric motors They offer,. in stock parts for all brand name appliances and furnaces as well as service on every brand Stop by their showroom to preview their working heating display Oru

*, display is the Carrier Infinity the world s most over all energy efficient furnace,'3" and the most quiet *

At Dunlap’s Service Network your service call is dispatched directly from the office In fact you can call and schedule appliance or heating service anytime including 10 PM if needed Along with appliance repairs part sales ancK seasonal maintenance programs Dunlap’ s Service Network offers great customer; v* oriented service When you call Dunlap’s Service Network our customer service! representative will schedule a convenient date and time for a te c h n ic ia n to c o m e t<$L your home They feature a full line of Carrier furnaces and central cooling systems-* They also carry air cleaning products including ultra violet lights/air purification systems that do not produce ozone and kill all bacteria . (

For more information on all the many services available jcontact Dunlap’s Service Network at 734-453-6630 or stop by their showroom at 898 S Mam (comer of Sutherland) D u n la p s S e r v ic e N e tw o r k w o u ld l ik e to th a n k th e i r c u s to m e r s a n d w is h a l l >1a h a p p y h o lid a y s e a s o n www!

N . A . M a n sK i t c h e n S B a t h D e s i g n C e n t e r

Believe it or not more time is spent in the kitchen than any other room in your house Doesn t it make sense then that your kitchen should be functional attractive and enjoyable If you are dissatisfied with your kitchen or bath then we? suggest that you contact N.A Mans Kitchen & Bath Design Center They have two locations to serve you 41814 Ford Road m Canton Township, phone 734-844* 2679 and 2836 W. Jefferson in Trenton, phone 734-692-0072

Locally owned and operated N A Mans has been serving the area for over£ 100 years They pride themselves in offering quality products and creative designs '2 * They have the expenence to turn your kitchen or bath into the beautiful functional room that you have always dreamed of Just stop by their showroom and let thenw show you what kitchen and bath craftsmanship really means They feature the latest-^ in traditional and contemporary style cabinetry They specialize m both kitchen anc£" bath remodeling as well as new construction They will assist you in selecting the styled and type of cabinets and countertops for your individual needs In fact they will alsc£3- help you with your new construction allowance ^

N A. Mans Kitchen & Bath Design Center would like to take thisj? opportunity to thank the community They value your business and look forward Kr* serving your future kitchen and bath remodeling needs Z"

H o l i d a y I n n E x p r e s s O f C a n t o n jHotel & Suites *3

Good hotels sure indispensable to the progress and development of a growing^-, city Holiday Inn Express O f Canton, located at 3950 S Lotz Road, phone 734<* 721-5500 accommodates a great many of our neighbors and businesspeople m manner that assures them of continued patronage and good will of the traveling public^ Much of the credit of the splendid reputation of Holiday Inn Express is due to the’” executive ability of the General Manager Joe Churgin and the Assistant Generali Manager Laura Thompson whose untiring efforts and careful attention to detail have'™ maintained a standard of-hospitality and service which would be difficult to surpass - With winter approaching the management and staff would like to introduce everyone 3 to their winter Hibernate Rates During the months of November December ” January and February, based on availability rooms are $59 00 (king or two queens) or $79 00 (standard king suites) Z

It is a pleasure to bring to your attention Holiday Inn Express Call today 3 for information or a reservation Holiday Inn Express O f Canton would like to thank their guests & looks forward to serving you in the future Everyone at Holiday Inn Express O f Canton would like to invite all to share New Years Eve ^ ~with them There are five different packages available all including champagne for two and a complimentary continental breakfast Call 734-721-5500 or more information or a reservation

L iv o n ia 's W o o d h a v e nR e t ir e m e n t C o m m u n ity

W f l l J D H A V E P i Livonia s Woodhaven Retirement Commu-Kitt MunttRKf nity is firmly committed to encouraging and

supporting the independence of its residents Woodhaven's services and accommodations include extended care Alzheimer s care, adult day services assisted living andmdependentlivingapartments Therefore when your needs change your home doesn t

As a not for profit Christian organization Woodhaven is committed to providing a high level of service with some of the area s most affordable rates A beautifully furnished bedroom with meals housekeeping and 24 hour care is only $2 000 per month’ Woodhaven is proud to have a very stable staff that is both compassionate and skillful Woodhaven’s blend of stimulation and comfort make it a place where living to the fullest is truly possible

If you would like a personal visit or FREE literature, please call (734) 261- 9000 The Woodhaven Retirement Community is located at 29667 Wentworth Avenue in Livonia Feel free to visit their website at www.woodhaven- retirement com C o m in g in 2 0 0 2 s k i l l e d n u r s i n g c a r e '

U n i t e d H o m e H e a l t h S e r v i c e s ;What is so special about health care9 It touches us all old and young -

rich and poor educated and illiterate handicapped and gifted Illness accidents and Z disabilities play no favorites Hospitals nursing homes rehab centers all play an « important role however hbme care is the future ~

The focus of Home Health Care is Home That s where everyone would ~ prefer to be Young and old with very limiting disabilities or minor illness find that family is really the best medicine of all United Home Health Services has been »

providingquahtyhomecaresmcel983 They can provide skilled nursing rehabilitation „ therapy medical social workers personal care wound care psychiatric,and nutrition services The staff is carefully selected to ensure the patient and family^ (rust .Care ~ is scheduled intermittently as dictated by patient needs and physician’s orders^i^if. - trained personnel offer committed capable caring services for all patients /

Call today for more information regarding the services o f fe r e d b y U n i t e d Home Health Services located at2200N Canton Center Road,Suite250 in C an toir' Twp., phone 1-734-981-8820 They are Medicare Certified Joint Commission- Accredited with Commendations and approved by the Michigan Department of Consumer Industry Services

D 8 (C ,P ) The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, DEGRiMBLR 13, 2 0 0 1

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3 Interactive Messaging sent or received In excess of 100 messages are toe per message Wireless internet requires cBgrtal service with an approved caUing plan and a WAP-enaWed handset Theeervtcei conversion limitations Wireless Internet Is only available n select Cingular Wireless service areas Wireless Internet Is not equivalent to lanrftne Internet. Only select sites accessible throu$t a mobile connection j

Usage and overage charges for Wireless Internet service are billed in cne-minute increments from jour votce-caltlng plan and charged as provided in your rate plan Charges apply for ail time spent wl ' ton where available Third-party contentprowders may impose additional charges Refer to Wireless Internet brochure for additional details Other tarns and conditions apply Optional feature may be and fees apply See salesperson for details Other restrictions may apply Cngular Wireless and the graphic icon are Service Marfcs of Cingular Wireless LLC. ©2001 Cmgular Wireless LLG AH rights reserved

© b s e r u e r E c c e n tr ic

★ R e a l E s t a t e

P ly m o u th District L i bra tv\ 223 S Mam Street

’ Plymouth, Mich 481/0C la ss ified A d s

T h u rsd a y <%D ? c ? m f)e i'" t3 * 2 0 0 1

Time varies to redeem foreclosureDue to an error m a

recent column, we repeat the question with the cor­rect legal conclusion

I sold using a land contract. The buyer owes me 60 percent of the purchase price, plus back taxes and insurance. How long will he get to pay me off if I get a judgm ent?

After a default, you may terminate the land con­tract by forfeiture and obtain a judgment of pos-

The buyer has 90 days, if he has paid less than half the purchase price (six months if he’s paid half) to get current and to reimburse your court costs

The term purchase price doesn’t include unpaid taxes or insurance premiums Your buyer must pay everything due, plus court costs, within 90 days after judgment

You instead may sue to foreclose the land contract, sell the property and obtain a judgment for any deficiency

Although the purchaser will have six months after the date of public sale in which to redeem the property, he will have to pay the amount bid at sale, which usual­ly is the full balance of the purchase price, plus interest, court costs and the costs of sale




Robert M Meisner, a lawyer, concentrates his practice m the areas of condominiums, real estate, corporate law and litigation His e mail address is bmeisner@mich com

’■ ...................' ■,n ' ’ Ll " tC IT Y TALLY

Total number of residential units of all types permitted January through September in selected metro areas.



BYDOUGFUNKE S t a f f W r it e

It helps to understand the nuances of the language, if you want to participate in the activity And real estate has a lingo all its own

Agency - The relationship between a Realtor and others m the negotiation process A Realtor can represent the buyer, seller or both The law here requires Realtors to disclose exactly whom they represent

Closing - The meeting m which all the papers are signed, fees paid and the home legally changes hands

Closing costs - Fees usually paid by the buyer to obtain a mortgage and process paperwork relating to a property transfer They include title insurance, appraisal, credit report, document preparation fees and recording fees

C om m ission - A negotiable fee, about 6 percent, paid by the seller, divid­ed among all Realtors involved

Down paym ent - A cash deposit, usually 20 percent of purchase price paid at closing that becomes the buyer’s immediate equityiruthe home

E a rn e s t m oney - A cash deposit, usually 3 percent of a purchase offer accompanying tha t document, from a buyer to show a sincerity of purpose

E q u ity - Ownership in terest in a home Equity equals sales price (and later, appreciation m value) less mort­gage owed

Escrow Account - A fund set up for the purchaser of a home by the mort­gage lender to mclude the property tax and sometimes the homeowners insur­ance portion of the monthly payment The lender then pays those bills directly when due

Homeowners Insurance -r An annu­al insurance policy that repairs dam­ages to a home resulting from weather events, fires, criminal activity or person­al injuries to visitors

Home W arranty Insurance - A pol icy usually paid by the seller to entice buyers covering breakdowns m major mechanical or structural systems for the year after sale Cost ranges $375 $425

Inspection - Usually included as a condition of sale by purchaser to get a third-party overview on the condition of a house and its systems

The buyer usually pays the fee Listing agent/agreement - An indi­

vidual with whom a seller contracts to sell a house Interview several profes sionals as to their m arketing plans before deciding on one

Mortgage - A loan from a financial institution to a purchaser to buy a home All kinds of products are available with various conditions

M ultilisting Service - A compilation of all homes available for sale updated by computer and available to Realtors

Open House - A marketing tool m which prospective buyers can walk through a home available for sale The seller’s Realtor usually hosts the open house while the owners are out

Points - A fee paid by a purchaser to a mortgage lender to obtain a more- favorable mortgage interest rate Fee usually ranges from 1 to 2 percent of amount borrowed

Pre-A pproval - A letter based on credit check and employment verifica­tion stating how large a mortgage the lender will grant to a would-be buyer

P riv a te M ortgage In su rance - A monthly fee required by a mortgage lender to borrowers who make a down

payment of less than 20 percent to pro tect the lender in the event of financial problems and foreclosure

PMI can be costly On a 30-year, $150,000 mortgage, the monthly cost is $90 with 5 percent down, $65 with 10 percent down and $36 with 15 percent down

PMI is no longer required when an owner’s equity reaches 20 percent

P u rc h a se A greem en t - A legally binding offer from the buyer to seller th a t proposes specific term s of sale Both purchaser and seller may want to consult lawyers before offering and acceptmg

Real Estate Sales/ Transfer Taxes- Usually paid by the seller at closing, the tax is applied at a rate of $8 60 per $1,000 of a home’s sales price

Realtor - A sales person who belongs to a professional association and sub scnbes to a code of ethics Every Realtor is an agent, but an agent doesn’t have to be a Realtor All agents however, must be licensed by the state

S e lle r D isc lo su re S ta te m e n t - Required by law and available to prospective buyers, the form requires sellers to reveal their knowledge about the condition of the home

Settlem ent Costs - These are pay ments including sales commission, sales/transfer taxes and title insurance from the seller at a property closing

Title Insurance - Usually required of both buyer and seller to protect finan cial interests m ownership disputes

The seller buys a policy for the protec tion of the buyer, and the purchaser acquires a policy for the lender On a $200,000 sale involving a $180,000 mortgage, the seller’s policy would cost upwards of $900, the buyer’s $350

P r e p a r a t i o n

k e y s s u c c e s s

w i t h m o r t g a g e

Have you have ever been faced w ith a daunting task that you know is su re to sap your tim e, effort and energy, but you know it must be done?

Too often that formi­dable task keeps slip ping to the bottom of your prioritized stack Most us would rather knock out 10 simpler list items than tackle “the monster’

Your mortgage loam officer is really no different than you are m that regard In light of the current mortgage refinance market, you should take every effort to make sure your fife gets a high priority on your loan officer’s list An easy way to get your file off to a good start is to prepare to complete a bulletproof loan application

Initially, your lender will need the complete name, current address and social security number for each borrow­er to pull their credit histories For most of my clients, I check credit dur­ing our very first phone conversation If your credit report is a bit bruised up, your loan officer may immediately give you specific tasks - I call them home work assignments ~ tha t will help him either clear up those blemishes, or at least mitigate their impact

Some of these credit-related tasks may include supplying copies of divorce or bankruptcy papers proof of paid col lections or copies of previously dis charged mortgages These requests may seem tnvial (or even painful) but leaving them undone may resu lt in your loan being left undone Do these things right away

During this pre application phase, plan on also digging out some other documents, including your past two pay stubs, your most recent banking and investment statements, and your past two years W2s or tax returns if you are self employed

Renters should also compile their landlord information for the previous two years, and real estate investors should list property and hen mforma tion on each of their properties

Getting your mortgage approved effi ciently requires a team effort between you and your loan officer You will usu ally receive priority service from your mortgage loan officer if you give the same energy m return

Tim Phillips is a mortgage loan offi cer m Plymouth For a free mortgage pre qualification or credit assessment go to www vlender com Ip /philhpshq or call (734) 797 5522 Homebuyers should always consult a professional for guidance specific to their situation




T h e s e a re the O b se rve r & E c c e n t r ic a re a re s id e n t ia l rea l e s ta te closings record ed the week of Sept 17 21 2 0 0 1 at the Wayne County R e g is te r o f D eeds o ff ice L is t e d b e lo w a re c i t ie s ad d resses and sa les prices Canton4 6 5 2 2 Aarons Wy $2 52 00 0 7 2 4 8 Aimaden Ct $2 52 00 0 8 4 1 1 Alton S t $1 70 00 0 4 3 6 4 7 Amber Ct $2 44 00 0 4 4 0 3 0 Applewood$180 0 0 0 4 7 2 2 5 Ashley Ct $ 3 6 8 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 1 Beechwood$191 0 0 0 4 2 3 5 2 Beechwood$209 0 0 0 4 6 3 6 3 Briargate $ 2 9 0 0 0 0 4 5 8 4 6 Buckley Rd$245 0 0 0 2 7 4 4 Calloway Ct $ 3 4 1 0 0 0 4 8 4 9 6 Central Prk$243 0 0 0 4 8 7 7 2 Central Prk$130 0 0 0 4 8 9 6 9 Central Prk$145 0 0 0 4 3 8 0 1 Cherry G rv$ 2 2 7 0 0 0 4 3 8 0 5 Cherry G rv$ 2 3 0 0 0 0

4 3 7 9 1 C herry HI $ 2 2 0 00 0 2 5 4 6 Clevelnd W y$28 4 00 0 7 0 3 7 Copper Crk $ 1 9 2 00 0 3 9 7 6 9 Coronation $ 1 9 4 00 0 7 5 1 0 Em bassy Dr $ 2 2 7 00 0 4 3 9 2 5 Frd rcksb rg $ 17 8 00 0 4 3 9 6 7 Frd rcksb rg $182 00 0 4 3 1 7 9 Hadley Ct $ 2 2 1 0 0 0 4 1 4 3 8 HggrtyW ds$232 000 4 4 1 1 7 Hanford R d$195 00 0 6 9 5 7 Harvard Ln $ 1 1 8 00 0 3 9 8 4 8 Hillary Dr $ 1 7 5 000 8 6 3 6 Holly Dr $ 1 9 0 00 0 4 5 1 3 3 Horseshoe $1 87 00 0 4 6 8 0 Hunters C ir $ 1 5 8 000 4 3 5 2 3 Karh Ln $ 2 8 5 00 0 1 2 2 4 Kennebec $ 3 3 0 00 0 2 1 5 0 Lone Wolf Ln $ 20 0 ,0 00 4 8 9 9 2 M anhattan $ 3 5 4 00 0 6 5 9 2 M arshall S t $ 2 4 5 00 0 4 6 9 2 3 M ornington$373 00 0 4 7 8 8 6 Pavilion Rd$399 00 0 1 9 4 2 Preserve C ir$ 23 5 00 0 4 7 5 7 3 R iver Wds $ 3 5 1 0 0 0 2 4 3 4 River Wds $ 3 0 7 00 0

2 5 8 9 River W oods$306 0 0 0 4 5 8 5 5 Sam antha $ 2 4 8 0 0 0 2 4 2 Se lk irk S t $ 2 0 5 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 Stafford Dr $ 1 6 6 0 0 0 3 3 7 Sylvan Dr $ 8 4 0 0 03 9 0 Sylvan Dr $ 4 3 0 0 0 04 3 5 0 9 W ArborW y$127 0 0 0 6 8 4 0 W oonsocket$245 0 0 0 Garden C ity2 9 5 5 6 Beechwd $ 1 2 3 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 Cardwell S t $ 1 5 0 0 0 0 6 5 1 5 Deering S t $ 1 2 4 0 0 0 2 9 5 4 1 Florence S t $ 4 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 3 2 Florence S t$ 1 3 4 0 0 0 1 7 1 3 Gilman S t $ 1 3 5 0 0 0 5 7 1 6 Harrison S t $ 1 0 8 0 0 0 2 8 9 3 3 Jam es S t $ 1 4 8 0 0 0 3 3 6 0 3 Kathryn S t $ 1 5 6 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 5 Rosslyn $ 1 2 7 0 0 0 3 3 0 3 1 Rosslyn $ 1 0 8 0 0 0 2 8 4 6 6 Sheridan S t$ 1 3 4 0 0 0 Livonia3 5 2 6 8 Bennett S t $ 2 8 2 0 0 0 1 4 1 7 9 Berw ick S t$ 2 3 8 0 0 0 3 0 4 8 0 Bonny Dl $ 2 1 8 0 0 0

1 4 1 1 0 Brentwood $ 1 6 3 0 0 0 3 4 1 6 3 Bretton Dr $ 2 6 0 0 0 0 9 6 5 1 Cardwell S t $ 1 3 5 0 0 0 1 1 5 4 7 Cavell S t $1 38 0 0 0 3 3 4 8 0 Cindy S t $1 71 0 0 0 2 9 5 5 6 Clarita S t $1 08 0 0 0 1 6 5 6 1 Cntry C lb $2 66 0 0 0 8 9 9 6 Danzig S t $1 50 0 0 0 1 5 8 7 9 Deering S t $1 34 0 0 0 1 8 7 1 7 Deering S t $1 75 0 0 0 1 7 3 6 8 Doris S t $1 87 0 0 0 3 4 2 7 6 Dover S t $ 1 6 3 0 0 0 3 6 6 3 3 Dowling S t $1 95 0 0 0 3 0 1 2 3 Fa irfax S t $ 1 5 3 0 0 0 1 4 1 4 4 Fairway S t $6 0 0 0 0 1 4 9 3 2 Flamingo $2 17 0 0 0 1 7 5 7 1 Floral S t $1 59 0 0 0 9 9 4 5 Garden S t $ 1 6 4 0 0 0 9 8 8 1 G atvett S t $ 1 7 0 0 0 0 9 9 7 0 Garvett S t $1 54 0 0 0 2 7 5 6 3 Goff S t $ 1 7 2 0 0 0 2 9 4 3 6 Grandon S t$ 1 0 5 0 0 0 3 2 5 6 7 Greenland $3 04 0 0 0 8 9 1 2 Hubbard S t $1 75 0 0 0 1 5 6 4 5 Hubbard S t$ 2 4 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 3 3 Inkster Rd $ 1 2 5 0 0 0 3 6 5 3 3 Joanne S t $ 1 7 8 0 0 0 3 3 0 5 0 Joy Rd $ 1 5 7 0 0 0 3 8 5 2 3 Kingsbury $ 2 1 5 0 0 0 3 3 9 2 5 La Moyne $ 1 6 0 0 0 0 9 4 5 3 Lathers S t $ 1 5 4 0 0 0 1 9 2 1 3 Levan Ct $ 4 5 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 6 0 Lyndon S t $ 1 8 5 0 0 0 3 6 2 7 1 M allory C t $ 3 2 0 0 0 0 3 7 8 8 3 M allory Dr $ 2 5 5 0 0 0 1 5 0 4 6 M arsha S t $ 1 6 1 GOQ 2 9 8 0 9 Mason S t $ 1 7 1 0 0 0 1 8 4 0 8 Melvin S t $ 1 7 5 0 0 0 3 0 4 7 6 Minton S t $ 1 6 9 0 0 0 3 7 7 8 1 Myrna S t $ 2 4 5 0 0 0 3 7 7 3 6 N Laurl P rk$2 35 0 0 0 3 1 1 6 0 Olson S t $ 1 6 5 0 0 0 1 4 4 3 0 Pere S t $ 1 8 3 0 0 0 1 7 3 4 3 Pershing S t$ 1 8 6 0 0 0 3 6 6 3 0 Pm etree S t$ 1 6 0 0 0 0 3 2 8 2 5 Rayburn S t$ J6 7 0 0 0 3 0 1 6 4 Richland S t$ 1 5 5 0 0 0 9 6 0 5 Roseland S t $ 1 5 4 0 0 0 3 9 3 4 4 R o ss S t $ 1 9 6 0 0 0 1 6 4 5 1 Rougeway $ 1 6 1 0 0 0

3 1 3 3 7 Roycroft S t$ 1 6 8 00 0 3 5 9 7 3 S ix M ile R d $ 22 8 0 0 0 3 0 3 2 3 W Chicago $ 1 5 5 0 0 0 9 8 1 8 Woodring S t$ 1 7 2 0 0 0 Plymouth5 2 2 Ann S t $ 2 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 Blunk S t $ 2 2 0 00 0 4 8 5 4 0 E Normndy $ 3 8 9 0 0 0 9 0 2 4 Elm H urst $ 1 1 8 00 0 1 9 5 Garlmg Dr $ 1 7 8 0 0 0 4 4 8 0 0 Joy Rd $ 1 9 3 0 0 0 1 4 9 2 9 M aplew ood$208 00 0 4 2 2 6 3 Mill R ace $ 1 3 8 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 Morgan $ 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 N Mil! S t $ 6 3 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 3 1 N V iew $ 3 5 1 0 0 0 5 1 1 4 8 N V iew $ 3 5 1 0 0 0 1 6 8 3 Old Sa lem $ 2 5 0 0 0 0 4 9 7 3 0 Plymth Wy $ 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 8 9 Red Maple $ 3 0 9 0 0 0 4 6 1 3 2 Rockledge $ 2 8 5 0 0 0 3 9 7 Su n se t S t $ 2 0 7 0 0 0 1 1 7 3 1 Sycam r # 6 $ 1 4 8 00 0 1 1 3 6 8 Terry S t $ 1 6 9 0 0 0 1 1 5 2 2 Waverly Dr $ 2 3 8 0 0 0

9 5 5 7 W interset $ 3 1 8 0 0 0 Redford1 3 9 7 8 Berwyn $ 1 0 5 0 0 0 1 2 8 0 1 Brady $ 1 2 9 0 0 0 1 8 4 0 4 Brady $ 1 2 5 0 0 0 1 7 1 9 7 Centraha $ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 1 2 4 Centraha $ 7 7 0 0 0 1 8 6 5 5 Delaware $ 1 1 9 0 0 0 1 8 7 2 1 Denby $ 8 6 0 0 0 1 9 7 4 2 Denby $ 1 9 0 0 0 0 1 5 3 7 5 Dixie $ 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 5 3 0 6 Donald $ 1 9 8 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 Elm ira $ 1 3 3 0 0 0 1 9 1 3 4 Gaylord $ 1 3 5 0 0 0 2 5 2 2 6 Keeler $ 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 7 0 3 0 Kinloch $ 1 3 4 0 0 0 1 9 3 5 9 Kinloch $ 1 2 3 0 0 0 9 5 9 2 Lenore $ 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 3 2 3 Leona Dr $ 8 8 0 0 0 1 5 5 0 9 Leona Dr $ 3 3 0 0 0 1 5 8 8 2 Lola Dr $ 8 9 0 0 0 9 3 1 4 Louis $ 1 5 3 0 0 0 2 0 4 1 4 M acarthur $ 8 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 7 Marion $ 1 3 4 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 5 Marion $ 7 2 0 0 0

1 2 2 7 0 Nathalme $ 1 1 7 0 0 0 9 9 0 3 R i/e rd a le $ 9 2 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 R iverdale $ 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 4 8 5 9 R o ss Dr $ 1 6 5 0 0 0 1 2 8 7 0 Sa lem $ 1 4 8 0 0 0 2 6 7 3 5 Student $ 1 4 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 0 1 W Chicago $ 7 5 0 0 0 1 9 3 5 4 W akenden $ 9 6 0 0 0 1 9 1 7 1 W oodw orth$119 0 0 0 1 3 5 3 6 W ormer $ 1 2 9 0 0 0 W estland8 5 7 9 A lper S t $ 1 5 1 0 0 0 7 3 6 0 Arco ia S t $ 1 2 5 0 0 0 7 5 0 1 B ison S t $ 1 6 7 0 0 0 3 8 0 2 1 Carolon B lvd$98 0 0 0 3 4 9 5 0 College S t $ 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 5 1 Dover C res $ 2 0 4 0 0 0 3 7 6 1 8 Laram ie S t $ 2 2 5 0 0 0 7 6 2 4 Mnr Cr # 2 0 1 $ 8 1 0 0 0 4 1 4 N Hanlon S t $ 1 3 5 0 0 0 4 0 8 N Karle S t $ 1 4 2 0 0 0 - 3 4 3 5 1 Sheridan S t$ 1 3 8 0 0 0 * 3 4 9 1 5 University $ 1 1 8 0 0 0

v& lfgpt v e r a n d o 'c c r n tn c .c o m •« 'T ' - j ^3-210Jr ‘ k t i t v g o i f i k f : h 6 ^ 7 c 1 r m h l i ^ n & t tm'

R e a lto r F u ll P a g e A d In d e x

R ealtor Page#Century 21 Tbwn & Country 8E

Coldwell Banker Preferred 3E

For the Best Home Buys in your Hometown Check the

Sunday and Thursday Real Estate Section.

- —


In-town luxury living* 7 new, turn-key site condominiums designed by Victor Saroki built by Brody Homes and BRG Custom Homes These homes boast exquisite details

including 10' ceilings, hardwood floors and gourmet kitchens Spec home available with luxurious second floor master suite conveniently served by elevator

Plan to see 594 RIVERSTONE (S of Maple, W of Southfield) $1,794,000 RIV594Custom build of other spec homes starting a t $1,400,000

K a t h y W ils o n & D a n T e a h a n H annett, Wilson & W hitehouse

(248) 646-6200

O PEN SUNDAY 1-5594 Riverstone (S. of Maple, W. of Southfield)

A t *


E2* The Observer & Eccentric! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 ,2001



Real estate briefs fea tures news and notes on professional associations, office activities, upcoming meetings and semi nars, new services/products and consumer publications

W rite Real estate briefs, Observer & Eccentric Newspa pers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livo nia, 48150 Our fax number is (734) 591 7279 Our e m ail address is dfunke@ oe homecomm net

INSPECTORS MEETINGThe Michigan Chapter of the

National Association of Home Inspectors presents a program, “New Dimensions m A sphalt Shingles and Roofing Products,”

6 30 p m Tuesday, Dec 18, at Leon’s R e s ta u ra n t, 29710 Wixom Road, Wixom

Cost is $7 for nonmembers Dinner is optional To register, call Tom Fisher a t <248) 524- 2384

CAREER OPEN HOUSEReal Estate One presents a

free class on how to get into res­idential real estate sales noon to 115 p m Wednesday, Dec 19, a t its West Bloomfield office, 32961 Middlebelt a t 14 Mile

Topics include licensing , training and evaluating a bro­ker

To register, call Steve Leib- han a t (248) 851-4100 Ext 405

C O L D W H I X B A N K E R S c h w e i t z e r R e a l E s t a t e

- W 5 6 9 E i v i: M l l e , L i v o n i a

A GOOD D E A L M O R E .. - for a good deal less! Redford Bungalow offers 1 100 sauare feet and has 3 bedrooms 2 baths finished basement and 2 car garage Newer w ndows & updated central air have been added Appliances nclud edl Come see t today1 $119 900

s i

T A S T E F U L L Y D E S IG N E D C O N T E M P O R A R Y -located in Green Oaks Th s 2 650 square foot home with 3 car s de entry garage has hardwood floors & white cabinets in kitchen great room w th fireplace & a first floor maste with walk n closet & separate tub/shower Many upgrades & added features throughout Call todayl $o59 900

C O M P A R E R O O M S IZ E S - Castle Garden s 3 bedroom Colonial is filled with updates new cen tral a r electr c ty extensive landscaping w th brick pavers & light ng and fresh neutral paint col­ors in each room Floor plan includes large kitch en living room plus family room with fireplace 2 car attached garage & finished basement Marne warranty included! just listed! $209 900 C L O S E T O W H A T Y O U N E E D - Livonia Condo bu It in 96 offe s 2 bedrooms & 2 baths 1 100+ square feet great room with fireplace cathedral ce lings & appliances included Priced for qu cksale! 1134 900Q U A L IT Y U P D A T E S - and maintained to perfec tion Dearborn He ghts Bungalow offers well over 1 200 square feet, newer windows & entry doors updated quality flooring & a fin shed Basement with full bath for even more living space A value at $139 900

T R Y C O N D O C O N V E N IE N C E - Ranch Condo with attached 2 car garage offers wonderful floor plan that includes 3 bed'ooms 2 A baths iivng room w th fireplace & doorwall to deck Extras include finished basement and all appl ances Pr ced for qu ck sale! $169 900 K E Y W O R D I S " M O R E " - Located in a won derfui neighborhood this Lvoma Ranch offers more space than most in the area Three bed rooms 1 h baths liv ng plus fam ly room w th f re­place & a f n shed basement complete with newer furnace/central air See t today $187 800 A L L U R IN G A A F F O R D A B L E - Three bedroom 2 bath Brighton contemporary has a fabulous great room with fireplace & 2 story loft Includes finished basement with prvate off ce & extensive landscaping Close to major roads yet offers a quiet & secluded bock yard Come see for your self! Only $236 905

PYRAMID AWARDSNomination forms ar$ now

available for the fifth annual Pyramid Awards, sponsored by th e W ashtenaw C ontracto rs Association

Exceptional projects built in th a t county during th e past year are eligible

For information and a nomi­nating form, contact Gretchen Waters, executive director of the association, at (734) 662-2570

FIX-UP TIPSFelix Osuji, a Realtor with

Century 21 Today m Farming- ton Hills, offers a free report, “27 Quick & Easy Fix Ups to Sell Your Home Fast and for Top Dollar”

Call (248) 538-2806, or visit the Web a t www michiganreal- ty org

ENERGY CD-ROMThe B uild ing Owners and

M anagers In te rn a tio n a l h as re leased a CD-ROM, “The Property Professional’s Guide to Building Energy Performance ”

Cost is $15 for BOMA mem­bers, $25 for nonmembers

To purchase or obtain more in fo rm ation , call (800) 426- 6292, or visit the Web a t www boma org/pubs/energy_cd htm

BIA UPDATES The Building Industry Associ­

ation of Southeastern Michigan now provides weekly updates of news and information affecting the construction industry to members via e-mail

Contact Rosalie Lamb a t the association, (248) 737-4477 for details

CONTAMINATION SITESVISTAinfo, a publicly owned

company based in San Diego, has a Web site that offers a free overview of environmental con­ditions - contam inated waste sites, hazardous waste locations and landfills - by ZIP code

The In te rn e t ad d ress is www NearMyHome com

J^ore specific rep o rts a re available for a fee

PLAYGROUND SAFETY A book available from the

Community Associations Insti­tu te can help commumty associ­a tio n m anagers and board m em bers en su re th a t th e ir playgrounds and tot lots are as safe as possible

Detailed information is pro­vided on safety mspections and im p lem en tin g an effective maintenance plan

“Playgrounds for Young Chil­

d ren” is availab le for $40 by calling (703) 548-8600, or order­ing through www caionline org

M EMBERSHIP DRIVEThe Fair Housing Center of

Metropolitan Detroit continues a m em bersh ip d rive C a te ­gories include individual mem­bership ($15), family ($25) and organizational ($50)

For inform ation, call (313) 963-1274

SALES WEB SITECurious as to w hat houses

are selling for in your neighbor^ hood7

Steve Wiese of Southeastern Appraisal Corp m Farmington Hills has updated m aps on a community-by-community basis w ith th a t in fdrm ation on the Internet And it’s free

Ju s t dial up www homeval- uemap com


'•*' if '

♦Payments as low as $525 per monthF e a tu r e s in c lu d e♦ Two Bedrooms♦ Full Basement♦ P rivate yard♦ P riv a te D rive♦ B rick ex te rio r♦ N O assoc ia tion fees



5 J

! ll Gtemroal^

Michigan Ava

M *

Paym ents based up o n a 30 y r 8 2% f xed n te ies t lo a n w ith 20% d o w n p a y m e n t nc lu d n g p n n c pals m erest taxes an d nsutance


(734) 728-519535 01 5 F o rd R d W e stla n d M I 48 18 5 I S J

• O th e r p ro g ra m s a va ila b le fo r as l i t t le as $ 5 3 0 D o w n - j

Home equity loan can pay for holidays

Interest rates are close to what they were 40 years ago This is an opportunity for new buyers and homeowners who w ant to turn equity into cash to pay off bills or buy gifts for the holidays

“As the end of the y ear approaches, th is is a perfect opportunity to use some of the equity in your home for extra holiday cash,” said Jeff Jannett, vice president of sales, Shore Mortgage “Given today’s low mortgage interest rates, credit card purchases should certainly be avoided However, before you make a move it is a good idea to study your situation thoroughly”

Make a list of your debts, total your m onthly paym ents and determine what you can accom­plish with some extra cash

For example an individual who has a m onthly paym ent including principal and interest

of $1,230 on a home with an ini­tial mortgage of $160,000 and a current balance of $144,000 His current interest rate is 8 5 per­cent John also pays $400 a m onth on a second mortgage with a balance of $30,000 for a com bined m onth ly m ortgage payment of $1,630

The homeowner was quoted an interest rate of 6 5 percent on a 30-year mortgage of $174,000 - a loan large enough to pay both^ mortgages He refinanced and his new monthly payment is now $1,099 - a combined savings of more th a n $500 a m onth % money to pay off c red it card debts and/or buy holiday items

Shore employs dozens of loan officers who speak languages including Spanish, Slovak, Rus­sian, Hungarian, Japanese, Chi-' nese, G reek and a num ber of Arabic languages


CAN TO N $389,900Nearly New' Hurry! This 4 bdrm 2 5 bath w/ 3 car gar on quiet cui de sac in beautiful golf community Many upgrades t/o Lawish master w/huge w ig a real beauty'For lease$2700 (BGN04CYP) 248 347 3050

CAN TO N $265 ,900Upgrades Galore! Makes this beautiful golf course condo an incredible buy' Vacation at home w/open floor plan Luxurious master ste gourmet kit finished LL & deck (BGN49THI) 248 347 3050

D EA R B O R N H E IG H T S $159,900Great Curb Appeal Well maintained 3 BR 1 1/2 BA brick ranch w/bsmt 2 1/2 car garage & fenced yard 12x12 Florida Room C/A newer windows storm doors roof HWH & glass block windows BGL 48WAR 734 462 1811

D ET R O IT $59,900Big Family Home Huge big family home has new windows thru out New carpet living room fp plenty of closet space & huge backyard Seller willing to help w/new roof cost after closing BGL 960RE734 462 1811

LIVO N IA $269,900Stately Rosedale Colonial Much renovation completed in 94 Four bedrooms up w/huge master suite Large family room First floor laundry/lav Two full baths up Double corner lot Must see B G L 00MEL 734

PLYM O U TH $369,900Stunning 2000 Built Cape Cod' W 3brs 2 5 baths hdwd floors den 1st floor master w/jacuzzi & large waik-in closet Garden basement Premium lot Neutral decor (BGN10NOR) 248 347 3050

PLYM O U TH $174,900Vintage Charm Enjoy old style character from this updated 3BR 2BA bungalow within walking distance to town Newer roof vinyl windows CA finished LL nice landscaping fenced rear yard (BGP 03Hol) 734 453 6800

CAN TO N $369,900Hurry over to this exceptionally sharp clean & neutral 4 BR 2 5 BA colonial w/a 3 car side entry gar Features include lux mas ste w/vaulted clg & fash bath open & airy kit nook & fem rm (BGP 32Gle) 734-453 6800

CANTO N $249,900Wide Open Spaces Backing To Beautiful Commons! 4br w/new carpet & nice decor Finished basement huge porch & great location Hurry or you II miss this charmer (BGN28MA!) 248 347 3050

PLYM O UTH $512,000Unbelievable1 2 000 built 4 BR 3 2 baths 2 story family room w/bndge fireplace butlers pantry gourmet kitchen w/sunroom 9 ceilings master suite w/glamour bath 3 car garage BGN 10WOO248 347 3050


D ETR O IT $13,900Great Investment Property All investors must see" 4 bedrooms huge living room large kitchen beautiful wood trim lull basement Property AS IS Buyers must sign Affidavit of Compliance BGL 80FAR 734-462 1811

LIVO N IA $259,900Awesome Livonia Colonial' Wonderful family rm & great rm newer Anderson windows newer roof finished basement new exterior brick newer paver patio 2 5 car garage updated bath & immediate occupancy' (BGN78COU) 248 347 3050

PLYM O U TH $328 ,500Quality & Style are hallmarks of this secluded detached ranch style condo Custom bit w/2400 sqft of living area plus a full finished bsmt w/bath & kitchenette Florida rm skylights Woodmode cabinetry Pella windows (BGP-01Ann) 734 453 6800

R O Y A L O A K $199,900Lots of Bedrooms' 5 bdrm 2 full baths could easily be a 6 bdrm' Kitchen has dining nook accented with carved wood trim Upstairs front 2 bdrm have bay windows (BG-L 02MAN) 734 462 1811

CAN TO N $359,900Hallmark of Elegance' Stunning 4 br 2 5 ba Colomai in golf community features gas fp private backyard security sys 3 car garage Neutral decor Complete w/brick paver patio (BGN01HEA) 248 347 3050

CAN TO N $249,800Wooded Views are plentiful! End unit Cape condo backs to 10 acre wildlife sanctuary with walking trail 2BR w/loft fin bsmt private entry att 2 car garage Loads of updates' (BGP16Pre) 734 453 6800

D ET R O IT $78,000Opportunity Knocks! Clean & well maintained 3 BR bungalow New roof electrical some new windows & kitchen cabinets Hurry this one won t last long (BG L 40EVA) 734 462 1811

FARM INGTON H IL L S $369,900End Unit Condo Gorgeous 4BR 3 5BA 2 story condo Courtyard treecTlot w/ponds gazebo club house & pool Great rm w/dming area mstr suite w/jetted tub walk out basement 1 Yr HW BGL 24LEG 734 462 1811

LIVO N IA $224,900Much Sought After! Coventry Gardens Brick Ranch with 3 br 1 5 baths attached 2 car garage fireplace in living room & a beautifully landscaped lot (BGN190AK) 248 347 3050

PLYM O U TH $257,500Tranquil Setting Backing to woods & stream you II enjoy the peace & quiet & the birds TWo large B R s 2 5 baths remodeled kit Gas log F P tib/den finished lower level w/sauna 2 car garage (BGP-14Pm) 734 453 6800

S A L E M T W P $339,900Incredibly Rare & Much Desired! Completely updated 4BR 2BA home on a gigantic 1 2 acre setting New kit & baths 99 furn & AC 2000 carpet & paint 99 new well 99 vinyl siding 2000 Must see! (BGP 72Hom) 734 453-6800

M S BFor more properties

visit o u r w ebsite at:


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Livonia Offices - 734-462-1811/734-591-0333 • Northville Office - 248-347- 3030 • Plym outh - 734-453-6800

A n n A r b o r • B i r m i n g h a m • C l a r k s t o n • B lo o m f i e ld H i l l s * G r o s s e P o in t e H i l l • G r o s s e P o in t e W o o d s • L a k e s L i v o n i a • T h e M a c o m b C e n t e r • N o r t h v i l l e • P l y m o u t h • S o u t h L y o n • T r o y • W e s t B lo o m f i e ld

The Observer & Eccentric!THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 3 , 2 0 0 1 * E 3


This column highlights promo tions, transfers, hirings, awards won and other news within the real estate, construction, architecture and mort gage communities

Send a brief summary including town o f residency and, black and white photo to Real Estate Movers and Shakers, Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Lwo nia, 48150

Our fax number is (734) 591 7279

C hristine K. Miller, a graduate student studying construction engi­neering and m anagem ent a t the University of Michigan, has complet ed an original paper, “Construction Innovation - An Annotated Bibliog

raphy”The work, a list of citations to ref

erences on specific construction top­ics, is available at no charge on the Construction Innovation Forum Web site, www ciforg

Miller is the forum’s first construc­tion innovation scholar

M a rc u s & M illich a p In v e s t­m ent B rokerage has been awarded the exclusive listing to market the357,000-square-foot Fair Oaks Mall m Columbus, Ind

P au l K erber, a retail specialist m the Detroit office, is part of the team that received the $19 8 million


M ilestone R ea lty S erv ices mRoyal Oak acted as mortgage broker and procured permanent loan financ­ing for an office building at 32270 Telegraph, Bingham Farms

The $6 1 million, 10-year loan for the two-story, 58,000-square-foot, Class A office building was arranged by M artin West, Milstone president, and Jacqueline Paul, its chief oper­ating officer

GE Capital was the lender The building, constructed in 1984, is owned by an unidentified Michigan limited partnership

Remodeling calls for good decisionsB Y K E V IN B R EN N ER AND K A T E K E L L Y T o d a y ’s H o m e o w n e r O n l in e

“Decision fatigue” is a common reaction m homeowners new to the remodeling process who underesti­mate the pace and sheer number of decisions required of them m the design and product-selection stages

Any building or remodeling job requires dozens of crucial decisions that set the pace for a small army of workers and craftsmen Slacken the pace, and you lose momentum and end up paying for downtime Make snap decisions, and you could live with expensive mistakes for years to come The key to avoiding decision fatigue is knowing which decisions you need to make and when to make them Then coordinate as many of those decisions as possible with your project m anager and the various subcontractors before the remodel starts

Know what’s comingEarly in the planning stage, ask

your contractor or architect to work up a complete room-by-room, ltem- by-item list of decisions your project involves You’ll notice the list breaks out into two general categories design and products

Design decisions include appli­ance location, skylight and window placement, heating duct or base­board locations, door placement and

■ Any building or remodel­ing job requires dozens of cru cia l decision s that se t the p ace for a sm all army o f w orkers and craftsm en.

swing direction, the number and location of ou tle ts and ligh ting plans Product decisions concern the type and size of items such as cabi­nets, kitchen and bath sinks, shower stalls, toilets, appliances, flooring, tile, windows, doors and electrical fixtures, along with their features

Even la te installations demand early decisions on design and prod­uct For instance, while a shower stall is one of the last fixtures to go into a bathroom, which you choose affects plumbing rough-m locations and the framing plan, both of which affect the floor-tile pattern and how much drywall is needed The same goes for electrical fixtures, which a re supp lied by hidden w iring roughed m before the drywall goes up A late location change for a ceil­ing fan can mean having to remove and reinstall wallboard And while adding a garbage disposer in the kitchen m ight seem like a minor detail, i t could require an extra 20- amp circuit that’s tough to rough in a fte r dryw all and cabinets have

been insta lled The re su lt is an expensive change order

Create a calendarOnce you have your list of deci­

sions, work w ith your builder to organize them procedurally around the steps of the job

For each decision on your lis t, assign a date by which you’ll give the builder your final choices and deci­sions But be realistic Leave enough time before each due date to do some research m magazines and show­rooms

Use a loose-leaf binder with sub­ject dividers for each major decision area Fill it w ith notes, business cards, brochures, paint chips, fabric swatches and other information And organize each decision area accord­ing to its due date Then stick to those dates

Any remodeling project is a three- dimensional chess game where each step affects all the others Seemingly minor decisions like cabinet trim and backsplash tile can be as impor­tant as major ones like window and tub placement

Keep your promises, and you’ll find it easier to insist your contrac­tor does, too Timely decision-making puts the performance onus on him and reduces the chance of error Best of all, you won’t hear the contractor say he could have done a better job if only he had had more time

W e i r , M a n u e l , S n y d e r & R a n k e^ _____ .. . . . . . _______S e e a l l o f o u r f in e h o m e s a n d V ir t u a l T o u r G a lle ry a t


mSm . . . —Sll IPJJL

P E A C E F U L V IEW O F N ATURE1000+sq ft of cedar decking overlooking aerated pond and treed commons This custom built cape cod offers a 1st floor master suite w/contemporary bathlarge library w/bay window+book case wall and vaulted great room w/fieldstone fireplace framed bj French doors with curved transoms Finished walkout level $510 000 (67QUA) 734 455

E X C L U S IV E CONDO D EV ELO PM EN T13 acres of common grounds provides the setting of this 3000+ sq ft ranch unit Marble entry to stately great room offering prime pond view Master suite w/deck access Second complete living area in finished lower walkout level w/access to newer brick patio $448 000/sale or $3,000/lease (24EA1 734 4!

LO V ELY 2-STO RYWith absolutely prime location situated deep m a beautifully maintained tranquil wooded sub Convenient to this light & airy 3 bedroom 2 / bath Colonial are schools shopping & X ways Neutral decor $242 900 (50FOX)734 455 6000

NEW EN G LA N D "SA LTBO X" CO LO N IALThe court location and crisp landscaping compliments this Plymouth classic 2 story Features 4 bedrooms 2 'A baths, large country kitchen, oversized family room formal living & dinmg room,

" ' ' ' ),900(oor‘ _6000

library, 1st floor laundry $395,9001 734 455


C LA S S IC HOM EExceptionally built on large lot w/fimshed walk out lower level Traditional floor plan Oak kitchen w/island & deck area Built m gas cook top double ovens & microwave Family room w/adjacent ceramic sunroom Lower level great room w/fireplace dry bar storage & full workshop $585 000 (54HUN)734 455 6000

HOURS: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturdays 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. Sundays 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

U N IQ U ELY AND E LE G A N T LY ...Appointed classic Plymouth property Exceptional 700+ sq ft master wing Gourmet kitchen w/every convenience & amenity Cherry family room hosts entertainment center wet bar 4 upper bedrooms includes princess suite European style courtyard « w/light & sound features $890,000 (71WOO)734-455 6000

• 298 South Old Woodward• 7285 Orchard Lake Road■ 1205 West University Drive• 500 South Main Street• 325 East Brown Street

Birrringham/Blooinfield Hills • 248-6*14-6300West Bloomfield/Farmington Hills -248-851-5500Rochcster/Rochestei Hills -248-651-3500Plymouth/Northvillc/Canton/Novi • 734-455-6000National/lnternational Relocation -800-6S2-I950

C O L D W E L L B A N K E RP R E F E R R E D . R E A L T O R S


CANTON 3 BEDROOMGreat clean updated 3 bedroom colonial Plymouth/Canton schools located near shopping and schools $219000 (515AP)

E 1030 Cl orr, St Pl.rrouth o f Plym outh, W o f Starkweather

We re putting you on to a great opportunity Zoned light industrial and grandfathered residential this 3 bedroom ranch offers much1 Features are updated kitchen windows roof furnace central air cedar closets and more One car detached garage Stop by'$121 700(010CH)

BEAU TIFUL HOME ON DOUBLELO T - This cozy home has everything done Jus! move in Newer vinyl windows new carpeting throughout maintenance free exterior new double drive with a 2 car garage Bring all offers $106 000 (555IR)

GORGEOUS FARMINGTON H ILLS TUDOR - This 1985 built 4 bedroom 3 5 bath 2 700 sq ft colonial features remodeled basement (5/00) which includes a full bath w/Jscuzzi tub wet bar Berber carpet Neutral dfcor throughout ceramic foyer master suite w/gas FP and walk in closet Spacious kitchen & private study $364 900 (505WI)

JU S T L IK E NEW - Loaded with PRIME CANTON LOCATION - 84upgrades' This beautiful colonial has 9 acres of prime real estate awaiis a creative ceilings a 2 story family room huge entrepreneur willing to seek township kitchen with an island and a tandem 3 car approval for special land use Could be angarage $279 900 (756TA)

T r r n w /

adult care facility private kennel B&B or a religious institution Consider building your dream home or renovating the existing structure All utilities on site land contract available $159 900 (975HA)

CHARMING BUNQALOW - Neat and clean and waiting for you Great brick bungalow with large 2 car garage Updates include paint and furnace 2001 breaker copper plumbing and more' City certs and repairs done Sale subject to probate approval $84 900 (355AS)

’T T 1 W

P R ETT Y PLYMOUTH - Spotless 3 bedroom 2 full bath ranch full basement big garage and a great Plymouth Township location $194 900 (858BA)

BA C KS TO WOODS! - Premium interior location backing to woods close to clubhouse and pool' Absolutely beautiful updated ddcor Awesome master suite with full bath Gourmet kitchen overlooking woods Huge family room A MUST SEE* home $264 900 (554CL)

SU PER SIZED CANTON COLONIAL- Get excited about this larger than most Canton colonial offering 4 spacious bed rooms 25 baths & a full basement Expanded oak kitchen w/nook traditional LR & DR Family room w/FP w/custom granite hearth 1st floor laundry/mud room Nicely landscaped yard w/patio & 2 5 car

'-me look! $258 900 (443RI)

DEVELO PER -Trail between Sheldon and Beck 450 front feet Currently home to 2 older ranch homes $1 000 000 (107AN)

A LL BR IC K RANCH - < 3 ROLLING H ILLS - Are you looking for abedroom i 5 earn nome witn larged b car beautiful piece of land to buid the home of garage Freshly painted Newer windows your dreams on? This 3 5 acre parcel is and much more'$123500 (971WA) yoursl Across from S&lem Hills Golf

Course rolling terrain & backing to Federal land What more could you ask tor’ Prime area with many estate size homes $119 900 (000VSI)

R E T IR E WITH EA S E OF LIVING -Bradbury Park offers this 2 BR 2 BA condo w/views of trees from att patio Large LR w/att DR Kit comes complete w/pantry & appls Finished bsmt w/BA for extra rm Two assigned parking spaces community pool & clubhouse Utilities included in monthly association Immediate occupancy close to churches & £ g g £ 2 9 ^ 0 ( 5 3 0 N ^

SUPREME LIVING - The City of Plymouth is where you will find this beautiful home with loads of updates You could just move in and set up housekeeping' Three bedrooms 1 5 baths (updated) kitchen w/maple cabinets and ceramic tile flooring (updated) $299500 (434BL)

BEA U TIFU L B R IC K RANCH -Stunning brick ranch with newer roof wood floors paint more Newer gourmet kitchen Remodeled living room with fireplace cherry floors doorwall to newer deck sunny & neutral throughout Superb finished basement $279 900 (002GA)

DON'T M ISS YO UR CHANCE!! -Relax by the warmth of the family room fireplace Attractive 3 bedroom brick ranch totally updated kitchen 96 bath updated 94 finished basement 98 Windows doorwall siding gutters & trim 91 furnace A/C HWH 97 8erber carpet 98 Neutral decor bright open floor plan & immediate occupancy $139 900 (313SE)______________

STA TELY CANTON COLONIAL -Elegant 3 300 sq ft colonial situated on a premium lot overlooking a pond huge kitchen that opens to family room 4 spa cious bedrooms 1st floor laundry den hardwood floors formal living room/dming room 3 full baths 3 car finished garage and upgrades galore $479 900 (977NO)

GREAT FAM ILY HOME - Large lot updates include bath kitchen windows 9 ft closets in bedrooms doorwall in den freshly painted exterior basement and garage Enclosed front porch great addi ttonal space $119 900 (673MO)

EXECU TIVE HOME - This newer Canton colonial w/4 large bedrooms offers 3 full baths and a full finished basement Huge kitchen with Integrated family w/fireplace traditional LR and DR Master suite h/h closets full bath and jetted tub Nicety landscaped yard with paver patio Plymouth/Canton schools close to everything! $329 900 (806TI)

15 MINUTE OPEN HOUSE - Dont miss this 3 bedroom brick ranchll Only 15 minutes to see a very special home $130 000 (617BE)

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345 348




-3 9 0 - :t9 8C o m m ercia l/In d u str ia l

<390 Business Opportunities I 394391 Bus ness & Profess onal | 395

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L IIndustrial Sale Or Lease Office Business Space Sale Or Lease Commercial /Industrial Vacant Property Investment Property Land


300 Homes


1 BOO 5 7 9 S E L L


1 80 0 5 7 9 S E L L

BLOOMFIELD HILLS Open Sdn 1 4pm 6335 E Surrey 41 replaces 4 bedroom 2 bath newly remodeled mint cond S43D 000 (248) 645 8835PLYMOUTH TWP come see this 4 bedroom 2 5 bath home Pr ced $250 000

(734) 260 6269 Builder


Many new features in this move in ready colonial New drywali restored hardwood floors new kitchen new doors new elec trcal plumbmg/furnace Freshly painted Plan to see 1324 HUM PHREY (S of Lincoln E of Woodward) $224 900 (HUM132)

■ Ha n n et t*Wilson & WHITEHOUSESW (2 4 8 ) 646 -6 20 0

BIRMINGHAM Sharp all brick ranch 2+ bedrooms basement garage $210 000 Bloomfield Realty 248 647 8080BLOOMFIELD HILLS (Franklin & Maple) 1 A acre park like set­ting 4 5 bedroom 3 full bath home Hardwood floors tile kitchen 2 fireplaces Priced to sell at $449 900 (248) 851 5460

Your Hometown Realtor DON GRIESER (248) 283 0337


305 BloomfieldTw

B L O O M F IE L D HILLS$ 1 8 9 90 0

Desirable 3 bedroom 15 bath Ranch on almost 'A acre corner lot offers large kitchen w/appliances included formal dining room & family room Spacious living room w/firepiace 2 car attached garage Updates include roof windows furnace C/A carpeting & more (BA176)

BIRMINGHAM $ 2 1 9 90 0

Charming original dwner Bungalow offers hardwood floors wet plaster & coved ceilings 3 bedrooms fin ished basement & garage w/new door & opener Formal dining room & living room w/fireplace Updates include tear off root win dows & more Appliances included (WI276)

Gnlu«^C E N T U R Y 21 TO D A Y

, (2 48 )647-7321 j

306BRIGHTON/HOWELL 1550 sq ft new construction 3 bed rooms 2V6 baths 2nd floor laundry 2 car garage paved roads & sewers immediate occupancy $189 900

810 225-8944COLONIAL 2 stoiy 2200sq ft partial finished basement hardwood up & down spiral stairs brick frame 1 acre near expressway $269000 Call (810) 2271997HARVEST HILL Sub 2600 sq ft home 4 bedrooms Imme diate occupancy $258 900

(810) 612 8891

308 Canton

B E A U T IF U L L Y UPDATED all brick ranch with 2 car attached garage Newer roof and windows Fire­place in family room Nice landscaping deck Has neutral colors and it s so very clean

$187900 (F397) (734) 326-2000

iwww raalestateons com

CHARMING BUCK INGHAM PLACE HOMEI 4 large bed rooms 2 staircases 3 car side entry beautiful sunroom court location deep into sub backing to commons Only7yrs old & better than new!

$434 900 (W48786) (734) 591 9200

iwww realestatsone com

COUNTRY LIVING IN CANTON in this 950+ sq ft ranch on 59 acres features 3 bedrooms 1 bath open kitchen living room w/fireplace 2 5 car heated garage deck & morel

$166000 (61SAL2) (248) 348 6430

D Rail Busts it s ...■ a www realestateone com

GOOD INVESTMENT! Three bedroom ranch sits on a corner living room family room w/fireplace basement nice big yard 2 car garage $165500

Q n lu ^ i

C A S T E L L I & LU C A S (7 3 4 ) 4 5 3 43 00


w w w .o b s e rv e r a n d e c c e n t r i c . c o m

308 Canton

POPULAR LOCATION IN CANTON! Beautiful in & out Creek runs along back side & views of pond 4 large bed rooms master suite family room w/vaulted ceilings lots of updates & special features Hurry!

$299 900 (R6688) (734) 591 9200

S Real Busts Abb..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

PRICED RIGHT! This 3 bedroom 2 bath freshly painted colonial is waiting for you' You II be pleased w/the spacious bedrooms Large family room large living room w/fireplace 2 doorwalls lead to large deck $226 900 (23G45875)

(734) 455 7000

w w w re a le s ta te o n e c o m

ROOM TO ROAM! In this 4 bedroom 2 5 bath quadomal in Windemere sub Updated include roof trim garage doors central air windows etc Basement finished Call now!$244 900 (23P45030)

(734) 455 7000 filRan* Batata Bin..

f l lw t v w realestateone com

TOTALLY REMOD ELED HOME ON RAVINE LOT New kitchen baths roof win dows more Extensive slate floors & new car petlng 4 bedrooms 2 5 baths formal dining room brick wall fire place in family room

$275 000 (P41635) (734) 591 9200

S Raal Busts Bos..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

TWO ACRES' Five bed room home w/unlimited potential! Includes one bedroom apt or in law/ teen suite Canton schools 3100 sq ft Needs your TLC & decor Many more amenities$299 830 (23H47830)

(734) 455 7000S R n l B ila ls Bob..

A www realestateone com

DEARBORN HEIGHTS MOVE RIGHT INTO THIS SHARP RANCH' Updates include win dows central air & fur nace 96 patio 98 roof 99 kitchen counter/ intenor painting 01 Fin ished basement & 2 car garage' Wonderful area!

$139 900 (82WHI2) (248) 348 6430

S Rssl Busts Bos..A w w w realestateone com

DEARBORN HEIGHTS Handyman special Immediate

possession Call Now! 734-748 7770

DEARBORN HGTS BETTER TAKE A LOOK at this 3 bedroom bnck Dearborn Hots ranch with full finished base merit with natural fire place _ 2V& car garage

air newer fur hot water heater

windows hard wood floors & newer car petmg doornail to cov ©red patio

$159 900 (D624) (734) 326 2000

B R ifll Busts Bss..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

DEARBORN Must see 4894 Korte 3 bedroom brick bungalow Move in condition

$149 900 (313) 359 1676

311 Dearborn-DearbornHeights


Move right into this charming ranch New electric furnace roof driveway central air copper plumbing siding win dows gutted kitcnen carpet fin ished basement w/2nd bath and more $139 900 (P51PEN)

— 451 5400

MAJOR UPDATES 3 bedroom 1 A bath bungalow New roof furnace & C/A Remodeled kitchen neutral paint & flooring Finished base ment w/bar & bath Deck 8c hot tub $154 900 (03CLE)

Gntui |


(73 4)464-7111



inytop to bottom Newer roof furnace airconditioning win dows carpet electrical and more Great neighborhood close to everything

$121 900Mary Ellen Ramseyer

(248) 855 8552 Century 21 MJL Transfer Corp

312 Detroit

WELL MAINTAINED! 3 bed room 1V4 bath 950sqft brick cape cod mw/ extensive remod ©ling 6 Mile & Woodbine N to house $95 900 313 255 3690


COMPLETELYREMOD ELED RANCH' Updates include furnace hot water heater windows siding electrical plumbing carpet bath room kitchen garage door & opener ana deck!

$49 900 (27MON2) (248) 348 6430

S R sbI Busts Obb..~• ■ w w w realestateone com

LARGE FAMILY HOSfE or investment Home has 4 bedrooms 2 llbrarys 2 living rooms 2 batns 2 Dantries Sec arate entry from rear of home Sold as Is city repairs in office

$59 900 (G343)(734) 326 2000

8 Ileal Busts Bbb.~■ ■ w w w realestateone com

312 Detroit

SHOW & SELL' Nice 3 bedroom bungalow w/2 full baths Partially fin ished basement Upstairs extra room could be used for a com puter or library Tree lined neighborhood!$97000 (32L11627)

(734) 455 70008 Rssl Busts Bss..

■ ■ w w w realestateone com

314 Farmington/ Farmington Hills

BY OWNER 3 bedroom 1 bath VA car garage satellite dish Priced for quick sale $134 000 248 345 4036COMPLETELY RENOVATED 3 bedroom 2 A car attached garage large lot great schools 248 361 2436 734-595 3792


W o n d e r fu l 1926 4 b e d ro o m , 2 fu ll b a th C a p e C o d in " O ld R e d fo rd " area , fu ll b a s e m e n t, LR w ith f ire p la ce , fo rm a l d in in g ro o m , 2 ca r g a ra g e $ 8 9 ,9 00

|u d y P a lm er 2 4 8 -6 4 7 -3 2 0 0 X 1 4

R E/M A X Sho w case H om es

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734 459 1010 or 248 737 6800

A ll A d s R u n O n l i n e

A Value O f U p To $87 00

1 25 A C R E S E T T IN G 3 bedroom 2 5 bath Cape Cod w/updates including new kitchen oak entry door roof windows and doorwall Patio w/professional land scaping & 2 car attached garage $349900 (VA301)

CENTURY 21 TODAY (734)462 9800

SELL YOUR UnwAnt&d Item*! Call 734-591-0900

LIVONIALivonia colonial 4 BR Ik BA brick

home w/profess finished basement nat fireplace family room w/doorvvall to patio oak floors & Berber carpet Tasteful dScor Burton Hollow sub


LIVONIALivonia Ranch! Excellent opportunity completely updated including kitchen

bath siding roof windows and much more


ROMULUSCountry living In the cityi Beautiful

spacious brick ranch 3 BRs 3 / BAs fin bsmt currently being used as Day

Care State & City licensed Many extras & on 5 acres Home warranty

Beautiful Wmdndge ranch on a culdesac Over 1600 sq ft

AIL new carpet and paint fail 2001 Livonia schools

$257 500

iF; mgion

COUNTRY RIDGE #4 Fabulous 4 bedroom 2 full 2 half bath large master bed room w/ietted tub & dressing area full finished lower level 1st floor laundry largeS jrmet kitchen with island &

nan counters large bay windows $379 900

(248) 851 6700 CENTURY 21 MJL



C a * w —

ChaletS a l ia i - Q » « | is l i

PLYMOUTHNice & roomy ranch large private

backyard with mature trees 3 bedrooms living room dining room

almost 1 200 sq ft 2 car garage plus workshop


FARMINGTON H ILLS3 bedroom 2 bath bnck ranch baths totally remodeled hardwood floors fireplace in family room new roof

windows & furnace $199 900

REDFORD5 bedrooms 2 baths C/A newer

roof windows HWH & vinyl siding Lots of storage space 2 car garage

doorwall off master bedroom to deck Immediate occupancy

WESTLANDElegant updates throughout this 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch Finished

basement with full bath new deck, 24x24 garage roof & more

$179 500

Ask About ExcIu sivg Buyer R epresontation C e n tu ry P laza

C o rn e r F ive M ile & N ew burgh 3 7 2 9 0 F ive M ile R oad

L ivo n ia , M l 481 54( 7 3 4 ) 4 3 2 - 7 6 0 0


FREE Pre-Approvals“0 DOWN

Call Today For More Information! Pager:

L. (810)595-6700 (734)462-2771

PAUL RICHER AVP/Branch Manager,

The Observer & Eccentric T h u rsd a y , D ecem ber 1 3 ,2 0 0 1 C la s s if ic a tio n s 3 0 0 to 345

Fanamgton/Farm mgton Hills

CUL DE SAC4 bedroom 2VS bath colonial Spacious rooms family room w/fireplace Istfloorlaundry full basemen) 2 car side entry garage $269 900 (43SMI)




FARMINGTON HILLS CUSTOM BRICK RANCH Privacy yard newer furnace aircondi tionmg carpet & flooring in kitchen fireplace in family room & in finished basement w/wet bar & walk in cedar closet

$214 900 (F21731) (734) 591 9200

f Rial In a ls Baa..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

FARMINGTON HILLS FABU LOUS CUSTOM RANCH 3 bed rooms 25 bath home built in 1996 is on 'A acres profession ally landscaped wooded lot with scenic park like setting! Beautiful master suite with walk in closet and ceramic tile bath 20x20 cedar deck with custom fitted 8 person hot tub ADT Mom torsd Alarm System 2 5 garage natural fireplace Close to expressway and schools Cali Paul Mecklenborg @ Century 21 Meek (248) 887 7575 (32500C) 21097588

FARMINGTON HILLS UNIQUE & CHARMING' 3 bedroom ranch on the blvd This home features large family room updated kitchen and baths newer windows & carpet 2 furnaces living room has natural fire place neutral decor 80x360 comer lot

$179900 (025535) (734) 591 9200

S Real Batata Boa..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

FARMINGTON HILLS Many updates 32650 Briarcrest Knoll (SW corner 14 Mile & Mid dlebelt) 2 full baths fireplace sunroom basement hardwood floors New kitchen $231 900 Open Sun 1 5 Buyers agents welcome 248 737 1528

FARMINGTON IMMACULATE RANCH in move in condition Updates in past years include kitchen roof & insulation Great loca tion in Farmington!

$134 900 (28VI02) (248) 348 6430

B R obI Batata Boa.■ ■ w w w realestateone com

NEW ON MARKET Colony Park Sub on a premium wooded lot Newly decorated 4 bedroom VA bath brick colonial Natural fireplace in large ferrety roan newer country kitchen fomtal living & dining rooms library 1st floor laundry Florida room 216 car side garage $319900

BRICK COLONIAL On a court location 4 Bedroom 2A bath 2 story Fireplace in family room sunny kitchen w/breakfast room formal dining & living rooms basement attached 2 car garage $229 900

C EN TU R Y 21Nada Inc 248 477 9800

OPEN SUN December 16th 12 3 Solid brick 3 bedroom ranch 2 Baths jacuzzi finished basement 4 car attachedgarage completely renovated /A & lots of extras Farmington

Schools 21689 Lundy S off Folsom W of Orchard Lake

Call 248 477 9673

Garden City

DONT MtSS THIS OPPORTUNITY 3 bed room brick and vinyl tri level with updated bath newer furnace roof Clean and waiting for you and your family

$129 900 (D336) (734) 326 2000

B R bb! flstata Bui...■ ■ w w w realestateone com

GORGEOUS 3 bedroom home with a beautiful remodeled kitchen 2 full baths central air finished basement 2 car garage many updates $135 900THIS FABULOUS 3 bedroom brick ranch has a great room with cathedral ceiling & fire place 2 full baths central air partially finished basement attached 2 car garage over 1 300 sq ft must seel $164 900

O rr|u ^ !

CASTELLI 734 525 7900

GREAT GARDEN CITY Brick ranch on comer lot 3 bed room 1 bath Tons of updates windows roof aluminum trim furnace & C/A Beautiful new light Oak kitchen Dont pass this one up' $138 000 (BGVE P)


Rem erica

HOMETOWN H (734) 453-0012

HOME FOR THE HOLI DAYS Updated ranch with newer roof siding windows furnace elec trlcal and more Give yourself a Merry Christmas in your new home

$87 900 (H571) (734) 326 2000

LIKE NEWTotally rebuilt 3 bedroom hon with basement and 2'A c garage New siding roof win dows kitchen flooring even drywall Great opportunity Just $137 900

Call the Anderson sC e n tu ry 21 D yn a m ic

3-7800(734) 728-’

319 Hamburg

THREE BEDROOM ranchattached garage lake access mature oaks $135 900

(734) 878 3264

320 Hartland

STAR LIGHT STAR BRIGHT your holiday wish come true with this wonderful new Planters Cottage style home situated on 2 country acres' This lovely 3 bedroom 2 5 bath home includes 2600 sq ft a wonderfully planned kitchen with eating area formal diningroom gas fireplace in the great room large first floor master suite large deck across rear of home with access from both the great room and master bedroom Home also features a 20x16 finished bonus room 1st floor laundry walkout lower level plumbed for additional bath and a 2 car attached garagel Hart land Schools $349 900GIVE YOURSELF A PRESENT! Welcome home to this charming Cape Cod in convenient country location The covered front porch and brick pavers welcome you to this wonderful home that features 3 bedrooms 2 bathsS kitchen with wood floors

l dining room living room with gas fireplace and daylight windows in basementl 2 car attached garage with pull down stairs for added storage large deck and nice landscaping with sprinkler system' Hartland Schools $240 000THE PERFECT GIFT! Pnvate hilltop and wooded 5 84 acre setting is where you will find this beautiful home built In 1998 The 2 story foyer welcomes you to this lovely home that features a well planned kitchen with ceramip tile floor eating area and doorwall to large deck Great room with fireplace vaulted ceiling and arched win dows and additional doorwall to deck for entertaining! Plus 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths large 1st floor laundry/mud room walk out lower level and 2 car attached garage' Hartland Schools $330 000

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE248 474-4530 or 1 888 211-9560


GOOD THINGS do come in little packages' Cute updated 1 story home in Highland Town ship' Home includes 3 bed rooms 1 5 baths large corner lot with shed and privileges to all sports Woodruff Lake for year round enjoyment! Huron Valley Schools $119 500TO BIG FOR A STOCKING' Sharp contemporary 2 story home on 1 acre backing up to state land! Open floor plan includes great room with fire place nice kitchen and eating area 3 bedrooms 1 5 baths and 2 1x12 unfinished bonus room over garage Basement has day light windows and is ready for finishing' 2 car attached garage multi level deck nicely land scaped yard and Huron Valley Schools $199 000

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE248-474-4530 or 1-388-211-9560


YOUR CHRISTMAS TREA SURE! Love everyday in this lovely 3 bedroom 2 5 bath new home on beautifully landscaped lot at the end of a cul de sac' The use of crown moldings hardwood floors and 9 foot ceil mgs gives the wonderful home the feeling of elegance' Home features very gorgeous efficient kitchen large bonus room which could be 4th bedroom or private office Plus a walkout basement central air and 2 car attached garage $339 900ENGLAND REAL ESTATE248474-4530 or 1-888211 9560


BY OWNER 32227 Oakley Charming 3 bedroom brick ranch offers the following updates roof windows siding landscaping & family room Pre approved buyers only No agents $179 000

248 223 6236CHARMING % ACRE COLONIAL in a nice location updated kitchen bath 3 fur naces over 1 500 sq ft 24x26 insulated garage backs to elementary school with gate access

$159 900 (B19610) (734) 591 9200

i M B ilan Bib ..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

COLONIAL 4 bedroom 2 A bath basement 2 car attached garage $349 900 (ADWMA)


(734) 459 6222DISTRESSED SALE Bank fore closures Free list of forclosure properties Free recorded mes sage 1 800 966 8426 ID# 1042 Agent


Four bedroom updated execu tive colonial on pr nium golf course site Ml the most asked for extras $319 800

248437 3800B R ia l Batata Bob. .

LOCATION QUALITY VALUE & CHARMI Brick quad level 2100 sq ft of living area 4 bedroom 1 5 bath new kitchen central air roof windows & doors 2 5 car garage landscaped & fenced yard

$189 900 (P19680) (734) 591 9200

J^RbbI Batata Bob..


OPEN SUN 12 4 4 bedroom 2 5 baths 1916 sq ft colonial Kimberly Oakes Sub Many updates must see immediate occupancy $243 000 14302 Hubbard 734 261 2891

REDFORD Three bedroom bnck ranch Eat in kitchen built in stove microwave Newer cabinets hardwood floors updated windows land scaped yard & deck Finished basement bar & full bath 2 car garage & openerCANTON Gorgeous Pulte home Upgrades include raised ceiling in basement glass block windows rough plumbing for bath deeperS 3 hardwood flooring

ler system Deck off kitchen just 2 years new Move in condition $279 000Century 21 Hartford North

(734) 525 9600

ROSEDALE GARDENS 3 bedroom VA bath ranch com pletely updated finished base ment oak kitchen large deck $175 000 734 261 9997

SUPER CLEAN RANCH with family room & half bath off master bed room Newly painted and new carpet open floor plan and great curb appeal$189 900 (42WES2)

(248) 348 64308 R ia l Batata Orb,

■ ■ w w w realestateone com

UPDATES GALORE'3 bedroom VA bath ranch Totally updated kitchen over looks family room Finished basement 2 car garage Newer windows roof & more $179 900

Joann DlabOnfuKv


(734) 464-7111

WELCOME TO THIS CLEAN & WELL MAIN TAINED colonial in a great neighborhood! With Livonia schools loaded w/updates call to unlock your dream today!

$259 999 (L16757) (734) 591 9200

i M Bm h b Baa..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

326 Milford

BY OWNER 4400 sq ft 5 9 acres backs to state land 4 bed­room 3 5 baths 24x27 great room high ceilings baseboard heat in ground pool w/cabana/full bath Pole barn w/stable $510000 (248) 684-7496HOUSE FOR sale or lease 2 3 bedroom ranch w/2 car attached garage completely remodeled bathroom & kitchen Lake privl leges immediate occupancy Seller motivated $139 900

(248) 685 2698

328 Northvilie

BY OWNER Must see Beau tiful traditional 4 bedroom colo mal approximately 2500 sq ft 3 A baths 21A car garage kitchen w/island finished base ment Appliances Northvllie schools Toomapyextras.toilet $369 900 Call for an appt

734420 2807CUSTOM BUILT HIS TORIC DESIGN REPRODUCTIONS on 2 75 acres! Charming kitchen & breakfast area family room w/cooking fireplace inti mate dining room living room w/gas log fire place 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths Wonderful home'

$359 900 (00BEC2) (248) 348-6430

8 RbbI flite ts Bbb..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

DESIGNERS OWN HOME REFLECTS charm of country manor! Large great room formal dining room family room 3 bed rooms finished base ment and so much more A must seel North Beacon Woods!

$391 200 (14GRE2) (248) 348 6430

Iw w w realestateone com

ENJOY LAKE VIEWS form this stunning builders model! 4 beef room 3 5 baths gourmet island kitchen 2 story great room w/2 way fireplace into kitchen

$699 000 (67CL02) (248) 348 6430

8 B bb! Bsiats Bbb..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

GRACEFUL ELE GANCE in prestigious Fox Hollow' Dramatic ceilings crown mold mgs gourmet kitchen w/granfte ceramic & hardwood floors fin Ished walk out base ment security system & numerous amenities $1 250000 (25LAU2)

(248) 348 6430I M Batata Bbb..

■ ■ w w w realestateone com

No matter what it is, I know will find it m

my Classifieds!

SU PER SH A R P WESTLAND CONDO! This ‘87 built 2 bed 1A bath Townhouse offers a full basement,1 car garage, pnvate patio, an excellent location & quick occupancy $125,000 g

Askfor $M I K E G A L E S A C ffl

RANCH 2 bedroom newer kitchen new roof $139 000 Call for appt (810)632 2055

O nM fcjlTow n & Country 24&366.1674

(* )5 E


G R EA T CURB APPEAL Beautiful cul de sac location on pn vate setting well maintained family room w/vaulted ceiling deck 4 bedrooms 2 5 baths possible 5th bedroom Over 2 300 sq ft I

$309 900 (W42945) (734) 591 9200

8 Baal Bsiats Bob..■ ■ w w w realestateone cam

IMPECCABLE 5 BED ROOM COLONIAL' Hardwood floors walk out lower level 3 car side entry garage Backs to parks & walking trails Absolutely move in condition'

$499 900 (13COA2) (246) 348 6430

S iR ia l Batata Bob..■ n ilw w w realestateone com

LOCATION LOCA TION LOCATION! Walk to downtown Northviile 4 bedroom 2 bath colo mal unlimited potential possible 3 unit dwelling or build your dream home 89x142 tot

$229 000 (74WIN2) (248) 348-6430

8 RbbI Bstotfl Boa.■ ■ w w w realestateone com

NORTHVILLESPECTACULAR WOODS OF EDENDERRY! Georgian colo mal features gourmet kitchen 5 bedrooms Dutlers pantry master suite w/balcony profes sionally finished lower level!

$679 000 63STO (248) 348 6430

WONDE-RFUL HIS TORIC NORTHVILLE home features 4 bed rooms 3 full baths huge yard backing to me Rouge River More square footage than it seems'

$349 900 (16ROU2) (248) 348 6430

8 RbbI Batata Boa...■ ■ w w w realestateone cam

329 Novi

5 OPEN HOUSE WITH SANTA? 5 Open Sunday 25 \? 43169 Ashbury Dr it H/8 Mile E/NoviRd i? Make your Christmas wish i1 come true with this stunning \ M bedroom 1996 Colonial , f 3 300 sq ft with all the bells j2 and whistles' Come visit with | p Santa enjoy refreshmentsI and tour a wonderful home1 Il CAROL COPPING 1 (248)873-0001P 43155 Mam St Suite 2300 f i Novi S

AFFORDABLE NOVI HOME! Beautifully maintained colonial 3 bedroom 15 bath 18x15 family room large kitchen w/breakfast room Freshly painted lots of basement storage 1 433 sq ft of afford able home Novi schools' $189 900 (P61WAI)

(734) 461 5400, f L G M A C

l KOH-iuiiiInc, \ i v>t.av

NOVi BEAUTY Sun filled 3 bedroom colonial finished basement w/4th bed room or office ceramic tile cathedra! ceilings built in 93 is ready for you 22x14 deck on big lot backs to woods privacy' Family Sub walk to Elementary 12 Oaks Mall 1 mile away $309 900


(313) 796 1436NOVI- JUST LISTED

Outstanding brick colonial 3000 sq ft plus 450 sq ft finished basement Library 1st floor laundry hardwood floors Wil sonart counters & Island in kitchen New (00) stove & Maytag dishwasher Neutral carpet Shows beautifully

MARGIE WELLS (810)912 7373

J^ RbbI Batata Bbb. _43155 Main Ste 2300 Novi

NOVI NICE'3 bedroom ranch in great sub w/ swim club park walktoelemen tarv Anderson windows roof 1994 huge kitchen $183000


(313) 796-1436NOVI

OUTSTANDING OPPORTU NITY to own a ranch home in Simmons Orchard sub! Close to x ways shopping library & Novi schools 2 bedrooms 2 baths Priced right!

$177 900 40SIM2 (248) 348 6430

NOVI RANCHJust listed immediate occu pancyl Beautiful bnck 3 bed room ranch built in 93 2+ car garage full basement Backs to creeic with view of lake in front Novi Schools $285 000


(313 796 1436

SELLER IN BOSTONImmediate occupancy Gor geous 2800 sq ft 4 bedroom 2 5 bath Colonial built in 97 Professionally finished day light basement Hardwood floors in gourmet kitchen & foyer Premium elevation Beautifully landscaped Huge deck $389 900 (KI409BS)

BRtAN SCHWARTZ (734) 748-8844 Century 21 Today

19500 Victor Pkwy Livonia


BY OWNER 4 bedroom VA bath colonial near town Double lot 2 car garage partially fin ished basement new kitchen newer windows & central air $204 900 734-454-1192

PLYMOUTH PLEASURE Gorgeous 4 bedroom 3A bath colonial built in 1995 is perfect Pro finished basement with office wet bar full bath 2300 sq ft immediate occupancy Be in for the holidays' $359 900


(313) 796 1436

©bsmrer j Eccentric



Spacious 4 bedroom 2 bath home is it' Nicely updated Light bright decor Living room w/bow window formal dining room 25 ft family room w/fieldstone fire place Great deck w/seatmg backyard w/mature trees Imme diate occupancy Bring offers I $234 900 (P52FAR)

(734) 451 5400I L G M A C

P«>i iTift.R i a l f c i *

PLYMOUTH TWP By owner Very clean 4 bedroom updated colonial 1A bath central air 2 car garage enclosed back porch $2360009133Baywood Open Sun 1 5pm 734-459 8476

SHOWS LIKE A MODELI 4 bedroom 4 baths 2 lavs hardwood floors in foyer kitchen nook Gourmet kitchen cherry cabinets double oven & cook top Jack& Jill bath gorgeous master suite w/sitting room finished basement

$534 900 (N50258) (734) 591 9200

8 RbbI Ru b Ib Rob..■ n h w w w realestateone com

SURROUND YOUR SELF IN ELEGANCE in prestigious Fox Hollow' Dramatic ceilings crown moldings gourmet kitchen w/gramte mag nificent master ceramic & hardwood floors fin Ished walk out base ment Numerous amenities!$1 350000 (35W002)

(248) 348 6430

www realestateone com

TAKE A LOOK! Ranch w/3 bedrooms and only 1 block from downtown Plymouth Currently rented for $800 a month Zoned general business

$169900 (23D521) (734) 455 7000

iwww realestateone com

THIS 3 BEDROOM 1 5 BATH COLONIAL has everything you II need to move nght in including new roof 2001 beautiful bath w/jacuzzl great neighborhood Home warranty'

$204 900 (95ASP2) (248) 348-6430

8 M M ob Bbb..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

335 Bedford

A MUST SEE! Lovely 3 bedroom Bungalow Coved ceilings Wet plaster Dining room Spacious upstairs w/Berber carpet Fin ished basement Porch 2 car garage $110000 (BR171)


Cozy 2 bedroom Ranch w/1 5 baths Natural fireplace w/marble hearth New pergo floor in kitchen & family room Hardwood floors Pella windows w/mim blinds between glass 2 car garage $132 900 (LY260)


(313)538 2000

BEAUTIFUL 3 BED ROOM BRICK RANCH on corner tot priced to sell New carpet win dows & roof All appli ances stay Close to schools stores churches & parks Homewarranty

$130 000 (M18216)(734) 591 9200

8 RbbI Batata Bob....■ n h w w w reafestateone com

3 BEDROOM BRICK ranch air deck partially finished base ment new roof $139 000 Move in cond (313) 937 8056

BET YOULL LOVE THIS ONEI 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch newer win dows central air garage door great finished basement lots of storage great deck'

$151 900 (W26250) (734) 591 9200

8 RbbI Bstotfl Bob..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

BRICK RANCH 3 bedroom 2 full baths newly painted new roof Central air newer furnace Ail appliances included Needs some tender love and care

Cal! (313) 475-4248CLEAN CLEAN'

Updated 3 bedroom 2 full baths open floor plan finished basement w/built in entertain ment center to remain garage doorwall to deck Only $119 900 Call JOE DURSO

Re/Max Classic Realty 734 231 7800

DONT MISS OUT on this cute home In one of Redfords most popular neighborhoods Lots of big ticket updates neu tral decor garage base­ment walk to parks & schools

$124500 (D15507) (734) 591 9200

8 BbbI HUM Bob..■ n hw w w realestateone com

FABULOUS SOUTH REDFORD RANCH! Newer roof furnace central air windows 2 5 car garage This house shows beautifully 3 bed rooms & 2 full baths Hurry'

$127 500 (R23437) (734) 591 9200

8 RbbI Bilan Bbb..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

LIGHT AND BRIGHT best describes this won derfuily conditioned home updates include kitchen windows fur nace & central air Refin ished hardwood floors spacious yard South Redford schools

$130 000 198BRA2) (248) 348 6430

8 m b n Bbb..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

R e a l E s t a t ew w w . o b s e r v e r a n d e c c c n t r i c . c o m


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference limitation or

discrimination based on race color religion sex handicap familial status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference limitation or discrimination Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18

This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free at 1800 669 9777 The toil free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 800 927 9275

335 Redford

$3300 MOVE IN Stunning 3 bedroom bungalow full basement 2 A car garage beautifully decorated flawlessly maintained with quick occu pancy Many updates

KEVIN BRAMBLE 800 722 2030


BRICKJust listed three bedroom one and one=half bathroom ranch oversized fenced lot 2 car garage $139 900 248 437 3800

J^ Rait Batatfl Bn8_

SPACIOUS 4 BED ROOM COLONIAL Hardwood floors open floor plan new root 2 car garage/work shop some TLC needed Clar enceviile schools

$115500 (S20019) (734) 591 9200

www reaTestateone com

THREE BEDROOM RANCH IN REDFORDI New roof windows dish washer and water heater Cove ceilings wet plaster walls full basement & detached garage

$97 700 (05BEE2) (248) 348 6430

8 RbbI Bsiats Bob..■ n hw w w realestateone com

336 Rochester/AuburnHills

OAKLAND TWP By owner Custom built 3 bedroom L shaped brick & cedar Capecod 3 fireplaces oak paneled study formal dining room & living room many extras 3 93 acres of beautiful rolling hills & woods just 5 minutes from Downtown Rochester 5130 Old Mill Rd S off of Silver Bell btwn Adams & Orion Rd $599 000

248 650 1864ROCHESTER HILLS 2375sqft ranch 3 bedroom 3 bath 3 car

Many extras Immediate 248-524-0106

337 Royal Oak/Oak Park- Huntington Woods

FERNDALE 2032 Farrow new construction VA story brick 3 bedroom full basement N of 9 mile E of Hilton $179 500 For appt 248 952 1599

NORTH OAK PARK Sharp 4 bedroom VA baths family room cathedral ceiling Berkley Schools Redone kitchen air great condition

$189 900 (248) 851 6700 Century 21 MJL■liafl8tef..C9ffi.

339 Southfield Lathrup

SOUTHFIELD Very Desirable 4 bedroom w/fireplace finished basement 2 car garage quiet neighborhood $185 000 SHARENET (248)842 1620

342 | Waterford/Uwon iLake/WhiteLake

JINGLE ALL THE WAY to this newly remodeled ranch on large lot in nice neighborhood! Home features a new kitchen with light oak cabinets & ceramic tile new doorwall to pnvate backyard spacious living room new floor coverings and freshly painted throughout' 20x28 garage with workshop too! Just move in and enjoy! Waterford Schools $145 000

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE 248-474-4530 or 1-888-211 9560WATERFORD w/Silver Lake privileges 3 bedroom 2 bath hot tub included Motivated @ $206 900 or best offer See it at wwwsandysmith com or call (248) 737 6800 ReMax Classic

344 W Bloomfield- Orchard IMeego

BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL with white ceramic floors updated kitchen cabinets and counter tops Newer roof and fur nace Some new windows New hot water heater

$299 900A DREAM COME TRUE Almost an acre of land 4 bedrooms walk in closet 2'A bathrooms 2 staircases 3 car garage oversized rooms huge kitchen library dining room & great room

$699 000 (248) 851 6700 Century 21 MJL Transfer Corp



network 4 Attention

getter6 walrus teeth

11 Wandered13 Pail14 Lb fraction15 Sponge17 Racing sled18 Egg — yung20 And21 Cartoonist

Capp22 Scare silly 25 Go on the -— 28 Backpackers

stuff30 Agreement32 Not they33 Rations 36 Resides38 Com Belt st39 Rural

structure41 Passport

companion42 Stump

remover 44 Window

cover47 Doubtful

answer49 Zeppo or

Chico50 Double curve 53 Neferliti s

river55 Yogurt choice57 Thumbs

down58 Ruffles 60 Meeting62 Expire as a

Answ er to Previous PuzzleL A V a HI C I NIGA R E N AR E D ■ t

63 Not Ige64 Pumper s


DOWN1 Fac member2 Goofball3 Brazil scont4 Brewers

need5 More unusual6 You to Juan

7 The Bruins8 Crossbones

partner9 Party supply

10 Sault— Marie12 Banquet VIP13 Complained

16 Radar screen 19 Gem23 Mythical

archer24 Fishtail26 Leather

punches27 Butte cousin28 Trot or gallop29 Joie de vtvre 31 Strauss of

jeans34 Muscular

spasm35 Declines 37 Finish a

jacket40 Like Sabin s

vaccine43 Dutch export45 Pitfalls46 Principle 48 Diner on

"Alice”51 Arrogant

person52 Piglets

mothers53 Vikings org54 A Gershwin 56 Compass pt 59 French erode 61 OR neighbor

mrealtor* Complim ents o f the BBRSOAR

S T U M P E D ? C a R f o r A n s w e rs • T o u c h - t o n e o r R o ta ry p h o n e s 9 5 c p e r m in u te • 1 -9 0 0 -4 5 4 -3 5 3 5 e x t c o d e 7 0 8

W Bloomfield Orchard IMeego

BLOOMFIELD HILLS schools 4 bedroom VA bath colonial Fabu­lous family neighborhood & loca tion $389000 248-851 6281


A MUST SEE!This immaculate 3 bedroom ranch offers many updates including newer roof furnace and C/A basement 2 car garage $145 900

O n tu ^ j

CASTELLI & LUCAS (734) 453 4300


LAND CONTRACTWayne 4 bedroom interior like new C/A Garage No qualifying

$109 900 $7500 down ROSS REALTY (734)326-8301

LARGE LOT 60x200 lot for your new home Close to xways & shopping

street $39 900 (NAMO P) NANCY AJLOUNY

313-815 8361

Rem erica*HOMETOWN II (734) 453-0012

WAYNEHandyman special Immediate possession Call Now'

734 748 7770

345 Westland/Wayne

MILLPOINT SUB 1700 sq ft Raised Ranch with 3 bedroom 2 baths 2 car attached garage & appliances $169 900

WHAT A DEAL!3 bedroom bungalow with 2 car garage stone fireplace Florida room & appliances $130 000 Century 21 Towne Pride

(734) 326-2600


IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 3 bedroom ranch huge 2 5 car garage Updates roof on house & garage windows carpeting hot water heater kitchen w/full wall of cabinets recessed lighting new tub & surround in mam bath $132 500 (P44PAR)

(734) 451 6400, „ tv f # G M A C

ratiTR'i n-.s l*.-

WESTLAND 4 bedroom 2 story Move in cond 2 baths new carpeting 2 5 car garage $181 500 734-728 5985

WESTLAND GREAT 3 BEDROOM TRI LEVEL IN WEST LAND! Livonia schools updates Inside/out 1 5 car garage perennial garden great curb appeal move in condi tion newer roof/dnve/ deck bay window elec trie central air hot water heater & lower level

$162 900 (13CON2) (248) 348 6430

.www reaTestateone com

345 Westland/Wayne

WESTLAND GREAT LOCATION CLOSE TO EVERY THING* 3 bedroom 1 5 bath colonial has been well cared for New 20x19 family room w/fireplace & hearth hardwood In kitchen & dining area combo new windows sprinkling system over 1 700 sq ft!

$170 000 (J34815) (734) 591 9200Rflfll Batata fins,.

■ n h w w w realestateone com

WESTLAND HERE IS YOUR START 2 bedroom 1 bath ranch on nice corner lot Cen tral air furnace win dows hot water heater all updated for you Make it your own

$59 900 (R319)(734) 326 2000

8 Baal Batata Bbb..■ n h w w w reaTestateone com

WESTLAND HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to own a 2 bedroom 1 bath ranch with 2 car garage Newer windows nice lot and good room sizes "As is" assumption required

$59 900 (SC254)(734) 326 2000

i M Itta ia Bbb. .■ n h w w w reaTestateone com

FAX US YOUR AD 734-953 2232

Y o u r

R i g h t ,

O u r

B u s i n e s s

| As members of the NATIONAL

! ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, the Western Wayne Oakland County Association of REALTORS® is proud of our contributions in support of the Fair Housing Act and other Fair Housing Compliance programs

Our REALTORS® have led the housing industry in promoting fair housing and are committed to opening the door of your choice


6 E (* )

345C la s s if ic a tio n s 345 to 400


WESTLAND IRRESISTIBLE SUPER CLEANI New windows updated kitchen and bath finished basement wrti bath 2 car garage neutral decor hewer fur nace new landscaping w/lights covered patio Mint!

$145 000 (D214) (734) 591 9200

l M Hstatt Bb i,.■ ■ w w w realestateone com

WESTLAND LOADS OF POTEN TIAL This 3 bedroom ranch offers covered front porch circle drive open floor plan from kitchen to dining area and living room door wall to back yard 2 car garage

$112 000 (C356) (734) 326 2000

sum i b m i n .■ ■ w w w realestateone com

WESTLAND MINT CONDITION Maintenance free exte rior central air oak kitchen vinyl floor newer carpet ceramic bath windows replaced custom blinds master bedroom has walk in wooded lot

$116 900 (R350) (734) 326 2000

f i l i a l paten I d i.■ ■ w w w realestateone com

WESTLAND SUPER HOME with lots of square footage Large family room lovely kitchen 4 nice size bed rooms spacious master suite 1st & 2nd floor laundry Quick occupancy'

$237 500 (43MEG2) (248) 346-6430

B R ib I Ratals Dm ..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

WESTLAND THE PERFECT HOME IS NOW AVAILABLE' Updated & maintained to perfection Custom mapte kitchen ceramic bath w/jacuzzi & every thing else Imaginable Dining room family room sun room large fenced yard & 2 car garage Move right ini

$114 900 (S1832) (734) 591 9200

f i Real Hatata Baa..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

WESTLAND WESTLAND HOME WITH LIVONIA SCHOOLS Many newer features in this 3 bed room VA bath brick ranch Furnace & central air roof shingles hot water heater storm doors gutters privacy fence finished base ment driveway

$137 900 (B291) (734) 326-2000

Dm com

RANCH 3 bedroom 1 k bath basement HA car garage $139 900 Call Rebecca Pavy

R e m e r i c a -

H O M E T O W N (734) 459 6222

VAN BUREN TWP ALMOST NEW' Won derful cape cod in Andover Farms Neutral throughout 1st floor master w/bay window & luxurious bath 10x10 loft & 2 more bedrooms upstairs Light oak foyer spacious kitchen $259 900 (23D42844)

(734) 455 7000fi Reel H in ts Bin..

A www reafestateone com

VAN BUREN TWP FIND THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE In this 3 bedroom 2 year old colonial w/family room living room formal dining room finished basement 1st floor laundry 2 car attached garage central air paver patio with footings

$215 000 (G447) (734) 326 2000

B Real Batata Boa..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

Livingston County

BUILT 70s Pretty 4 bedroom colonial 15 bath basement totally updated! 4 car garage 5 acres + option Horses & hunting' $263000

(734) 498-3386

Wayne County

TAYLORYES THE PRICE IS CORRECT Great starter retirement or rental home Priced to sell Buyer to assume repairs

$35 000 (H597)(734) 326 2000Rad Batata Bna..

I vvww rea esfatecne com

Lakefront/ Waterfront Homes

Wolverine Lakefront 2900 sq ft 3 bedroom 4 walk outs many updates $414 900 Open Sun Dec 16 1 3pm

1393 Shankin Dr (248) 960 9393

Country Homes

AUGUSTAPARK LIKE SETTING' home was completely remodeled in 90 Almost 3 acres large pole barn 2 car heated garage w/workshop 2 300 sq ft hardwood floors huge great room$269 900 (23R10196)

(734) 455-7000RRaat Batata Baa..

■ ■ w w w reafestateone com

363 Farms/ Horse Farms

NORTHVILLE/SOUTH LYON 37+ acres nice remodeled home indoor arena 28 box stalls Great location splitable NEW HUDSON State of the Art Facility 30 acres lovely ranch home heated barn 33 box stalls indoor arena many custom features prime develop ment areaKathy Crowley Horse Farm Specialist ReMax 100

(248) 486 5007

364 Real Estate Services

ACCESS GOVT forclosures Houses apts & commercial

iperty Little or no down pay ment Low interest loans 1st time buyers & investors

800 397 5511

372 Condos

BIRMINGHAM Ground floor 2 bedroom VA baths courtyard view $137 000 Bloomfield Realty 248 674 8080BRIGHTON 2 story 2 bedroom 2 bath modern fireplace garage $180 000

(810) 343 3946CANTON CONDO

Links of Pheasant Run Beau tlful 3 bedroom 1999 built Cape Cod 2 car garage full base ment Golf recreation pool library and morel $262 000


(313) 796 1436CANTON CONDO 1200 sq ft end unit 3 bedrooms 1 5 baths w/basement com updated only $135 00i

(734) 844 8136CANTON

QUIET COMPLEX Pn vate end unit condo Great room cathedral ceilings fireplace 2 story foyer 1st floor laundry 2 5 baths 2 car attached garage Open airy floor plan

$194 900 (H452) (734) 326 2000

f i Reel B u m One.,■ ■ w w w realestateone com


$85 900One bedroom w/carport Living room & dining rooms Oak kitchen Appll ancesstay Pets permitted Poo! & clubhouse in com plex (FO760)FARMINGTON HILLS

$149 9991 381 sq ft end unit condo w/balcony 2 bedrooms 2 baths fireplace 2 car garage (OR305)

$99 9001101 sq ft 2 bedroom 2 bath carport (TW319)

$91 900First floor 1 bedroom condo w/patio & carport In unit washer & dryer Pool & tennis in complex (FO305)


1 200 sq ft 2 bedroom VA bath v./finished basement Living room w/fireplace Deck lakeview Pool & tennis in complex (AN423)

REDFORD$74 900

2 bedroom first floor cornerunit across from pool All appliances stay Heat included in association fee (J0267)


1 390 sq ft 2 bedroom 2 bath condo w/2 car garage Living room w/flreplace Updated kitchen master bedroom w/walk In closet Balcony adjoins 2nd bed room (RO203)

TROY$178 345

1 404 sa ft 3 bedroom w/flmshed day lite base ment & garage Many updates pool & tennis in complex (BR150)


1141 sq ft 3 bedroom VA bath ranch condo w/basement & garage Updated kitchen All appliances stay Quiet complex (WI621)

O n t U B g

CENTURY 21 TODAY (248) 855 2000


FARMINGTON Great Place to start Roomy condo with heat & water included Wqlk to down town Enjoy the ducks & wildlife on the nver Great porch and cov ered parking $74 900 (21089782) Call Bill Law ext 104FARMINGTON HILLS TAKE YOUR PICK! Your choice of 2 different 2 bedroom updated Condos Both nicely updated and under $90 000 Cali Calvin Pietila ext 127

CENTURY 21 HARTFORD (248) 478 6000

FARMINGTON HILLS 1st floor 2 bedroom 2 bath ranch condo on quiet corner laundry room 2 car garage full base ment $240 000 By appt 248 851 4611 fax 248-895-4800FARMINGTON HILLS oversized 1 bedroom condo Second floor Balcony overlooking ravine Association includes heat $78 900 (248) 231 7057

FARMINGTON HILLS Nova Woods condo By owner Beautiful customized sky lights fireplace closets galore big kitchen 1st floor master bed room suite 2 car $310 000 (248) 661

FARMINGTON HILLS Immaculate River Pines condo 9 Mile & Drake 2 bedrooms den 3 baths finished lower level 2600 sq ft Many upgrades Deck backs to woods

Open Sun 1 4pm $289 900 248 474 9213

FARMINGTON HILLS Cozy condo overlooking wooded ravine All appliances $56900 Greg Mollet Century 21 Row

372 Condos

LIVONIAGreat location in The Woods condo Ranch style 1 bedroom 1 bath w/carport Screened in porch Newer furnace & A/C Year round pool & dub house Priced to sell $119900 (UN183)CENTURY 21 TODAY

- (73 )462 9800

LIVONIATHE POPULAR WOOD CONDO COM PLEX Much sought after townhouse tea tures 2 bedrooms and 1 5 baths 2nd floor loft area basement and attached 1 car garage Club house activities and indoor pool

$157 500 (U18240) (734) 591 9200

fewww realestateone com

NORTHVILLE CO M FO RTABLE CONDO' Lovely North ville condo w/new fur nace c e n tra l a ir windows hot water heater dishwasher storm door etc Super size bedrooms full base ment Large private patio A great location' $149 900 (23F42138)

(734) 455 7000jp Real Hsfal* Bm..,■ ■ w w w realestateone com

NORTHVILLEDetached Cape Cod w/3 luxurious levels Out standing first floor master suite Stunning finished walkout lower level w/k(fchen & possible 4th bedroom Three & A baths A rare find $499000 (LA169) CENTURY 21 TODAY

. (734)462 9800

NORTHVILLEWONDERFUL 2 STORY 3 bed room downtown Northville condol Open floor plan w/great room dining room & library Fin ished daylight lower level $319 980 103TL2

(248) 348 6430

NORTHVILLE W O N D E R F U L 2 STO R Y 3 BEDROOM downtown Northville condo' Open floor plan with great room dining room & library Finished daylight lower level!

$319 980 (10STL2) (248) 348 6430

www reafsstateons com

NOVI 3 bedroom condo VA bath full basement central air $135 000 (248) 851 5682Novi

3 Detached Ranches2 bedroom 2 bath w/unfimshedwalkout $274 9003 bedroom 3 bath w/fimshedbasement $288 9004 bedroom 3 A bath w/finlshedbasement $309 900

BOB LAMKIN 248 737 6800 RE/MAX Classic

NOVI 2 200 S q ft 2 Bedrooms 2 baths Chefs kitchen w/gramte countertops and breakfast nook Formal living and dining room Separate den plus a year round sun-room fitted wrth natural light Spectacular wooded and water views From $305000 Contact Bob Bowden w/The Faibman Group @ 248-348-8866PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom condo with basement $89 900 Must be 55 or over 734-453 6531PLYMOUTH Bradbury Great Ranch Condo in 55+ commu mty 2 bedrooms large walkm closet VA baths upper laundry good size rooms large open basement alt appliances $130 000 734-981 3093PLYMOUTH POINTE CONDO reduced to $169 900 2 bed rooms 2 baths basement garage 313 996 7627

PLYMOUTH THIS 1 761 SQ FT CONDO offers 2 bed rooms w/private baths a vaulted ceiling w/3 sky lights besuitiful fireplace wnite kitchen 1st floor laundry 2 car garage Make this home a good buy!

$179 900 (D49714) (734) 591 9200

B R ib I Hstctie Bna..■ ■ w w w realestateone com

PLYMOUTH WELCOME HOME'This home is in move in con ditlon ranch condo w/newer carpet throughout large 1st floor laundry newer remodeled kitchen including floors & all appliances sliding door wall to enclosed patio more

$167 000 (E44829) (734) 591 9200

iB a r i B u m B n .■ ■ w w w realestateone com

TROY Desirable Northlield Hills 2 bedroom Townhouse w/neutral decor & finished base ment $161 500 SHARENET (248)642 1620WALLED LAKE Wmwood Place 2 bedroom 2 bath quiet and unit ranch w/basement garage walk to restaurants shopping $178 000

(248) 926-8867WESTLAND

LIKE NEW 2 BED ROOM 2 5 BATH CONDO on gorgeous wooded lot Finished basement attached garage Includes all appliances)

$165 000 (41DEE2) (248) 348 6430

DETROITUPPER LOWER Could be a single home Charming older brick features basement and garage Shingles replaced within the last 6 years Live m lower and rent the upper

$79 500 (K158)(734) 326 2000

JK R h I B A M B n■ ■ w w w realestateone com

T h e O b server & E c c en tr ic T h u r s d a y , D e c e m b e r 1 3 ,2 0 0 1

® b s m r e r £ j fe c e n i t icTowahouses

NORWAYNE remodeled 3 bedroom New siding kitchen bath windows furnaces $14 400 gross $99 500

248-477 1769




$465/moincludes house

payment & tot rent248-474-650010% down $287/mo

for 360 mths @ 11% APR

l i t t le V alievn/rti. \Vcuuj 'R-tfA

$399 PER MONTH IN C L U D E S L O T R E N TUp to $4000 cash rebates New 3 bedroom 2 bath Call today!

734-654 2333PLYMOUTH HILLS Beautiful 2 bedroom home over 1000 sq ft Center island snack bar new carpet & windows all newer appliances large Glamour bath his+her sinks Was asking $22 900 Must sacrifice looking at all offers Ask for Dawn

(734) 454 4660

Mobile Homes

ADULT PARKNEW home available Now $550 per month total' WONT LAST

(10%dn 8% Apr 240mos)Hometown USA 734-654 2333

BELLEVILLE double wide @ slnglewide price 3 bedroom appliances new cabinets Mobile Home Brokers 734 697 2433BELLEVILLE MANOR 1988 Redman 14x70 2 bedroom 2 bath w/garden tub 10x20 deck exceptional condition Lot #275 $16 900 734-697 1107DEARBORN HEIGHTS 1 bed room furnished mobile home $4 500 Please call

734-398 6971NOVI Recently remodeled 2 bedroom 2 bath fridge & stove Immediate occupancy $7500/ best (734) 699 8232


FOR$ 3 8 5 / M 0 N T H


'Tteeu P rice d

t& e $ 2 0 %

*3 bedrooms• 2 baths

• GE appliances• Skylights

*o n se lec t m o de ls b a se d on

1 0 % d ow n 10 2 5 % A P R 2 4 0

p a y m e n ts In c lu d e s 2 y r s it e

re n t ln ce n tve Interest rate

sub ject to cha nge

Offe r e xp ire s 12 31-01

S o u td - S t


On Napier Rd 1 mile S of Grand River 1 m ile W o f Wixom Rd

Call John(248) 344-1988

Milford/WixomOWN A NEW HOME



TUm - P rice d'pTU M C t£ e $ 2 0 %

• 3 bedrooms• 2 baths

• GE appliances• Skylights

on select models based on 10% down 10 2 5 % A P R 240pm ts Includes 2 yr s te rent ncentive Interest rate subject to ehange

Offer expires 12 31 01



on W ixom Rd 4 m iles N of I-96

CallKathy Snoek

(248) 684-6796


$2400 rent credit for qualified buyers at participating dealers Westland Meadows Westland

734-729 5500

PATRIOT 1995 14 x 602 bedroom 1 bath appliances $17 900 (248) 474 2131

Flamingo MH& lot #H27

PLYMOUTH unbelievable deal 1980 2 bedroom 1A bath Thermo windows C/A $8500 Mobile Home Brokers 734-697 2433

REDFORD 2 bedroom mobile home partially furnished washer & dryer $4500/best offer 313-592 4576

SOUTHFIELD 1974 mobile home excelfent condition 21301 Southfield Rd $2500

313 366 8669

WESTLAND 1971 mobile home 12x60 2 bedroom 1 bath ca low rent park Livonia schools $6900 734-422 8056

WESTLAND 2 bedrooms 1 bath large kitchen & living room 8x10 front porch C/A appli ances $15 000 734 728 9538

Lakefront Property


Just under 2 acres wooded 800 acre lake listed at $42 000 now just $36900 8-8 Daily Loon Lake Realty TOLL FREE

886 805 5320 www looniakereaity com


Lakeside & Poolside Units FROM ONLY $80 900

2 & 3 BEDROOM MODELS Call Today for Free

Color Brochure'1-800-932 0008

Crystal Bay Condominiums

NEW LOG CABIN on 3 acres with free boat slip & private lake access Tennessee mountains Near 18 hole golf course $69 900 Terms call

1 800 704-3154 ext 239

IN NOVIWinter Special

14x662 bdrm 2 bath C/A

appliances deck w/awrung $12 900

1200 sq ft 2bedrm 2 bath all appliances newly

decorated Must see $31,200

1400 sq ft fnulti- section 3 bdrm 2 bath FP CA all

appliances like new' only $58 900

"H e w ^ fo m e e

'ykom (6e $40 %


N o l G ra n d R iver bet Meadowbrook & Haggerty Rds

C a ll J o a n n e

(248) 474-0320 or (248)474-0333


FOR$ 3 3 0 / M O N T H


*H cw - "T fw te d "P ric e d

* 3 bedrooms • 2 baths

• GE appliances* Skylights & More

on se lect m o de ls b a se d on

1 0 % dow n 1 0 2 5 % A P R 24 0

p aym ents In c lu d e s 2 y r site

rent incentive Interest rate

subject to cha nge

Offe r exp ires 12 15-01

Wayne Westland Schools a t

S h e rw o o d V i l la g eon southeast corner of Michigan Ave & Haggerty Rd

Call Bernie

( 7 3 4 ) 3 9 7 - 7 7 7 4

C I N C R E D I B L E ! )

O w n A N e w

Manufactured Home

6 0 9 / m o

) &cen trieA p a r tm e n tsw w w . o b & p f v e r a n d e c c e n t r i i . c o m

1 55 ACRES★ HOWELL Schools ie Wooded Good perc* Modulars OK

$44 900Dan Davenport (Owner)

(810)229 8900 . Re/Max All Stars __

BLOOMFIELD HILLS Residen tial 9 acres all utilities Great Location' PRICE REDUCEDI $289 900 (248)723 2400BUILD YOUR OWN HOME Save $1 000 s Pierson Gibbs builds the shell you finish it $Financ!ng$ (800) 799 7417

C A N T O NM U S T S E L L T O D A Y '120 X 112 Plymouth Canton Schools $25 000 cash

(734) 502 4572HowellWOODED LAKEVIEW LOTI

Located at end of Cut de sac near park & lake access to Thompson Lake City sewer & water at street Walkout site pos­sible $69 000

CALL CHRIS PATRICK (734) 455 5600 ext 2901


KINGSTON 20 acres hunting land Deer & waterfall Asking $49 900 (517) 552 9947LIVONIA N Attention builders 2 vacant lots 'A + acres $69 000 each plus road assessment before 8pm (248) 449 2760SALEM FARMS Sub Beautiful 2 5 acres on cul de sac paved road $140 000

(248) 437 2476S COLORADO CLOSEOUT LAND Sale 40 acres $29 900 Rolling fields rocky mountain views Enjoy country living yet close to city amenities Year round roads survey telephone/ electric excellent financing Cal! Red Creek Ranch toll free

1 877-676-8367WEST BLOOMFIELD Nearly 11 acres with sparkling spring fed lake and many trees Prs mtum Upper Straits Lake beach and boat privileges Build your own estate or parcel may be split into 2 lots $1 200 000 (GRE350)BBB HANNETTAVILSON m u & Whitehouse^ -

(248) 646-6200

384 Lease/OptionToBuy

TAYLOR Lease with option to buy Newly remodeled 3 bed room brick 116 baths lamer lot move-ln condition $800/mo + $1 000 security No Section 8

AERO REALTY 313-402 0187

385 Mortgage/LandContracts

SSSAMAZING LUMPSUM P CASH $$$ We buy Structured Insurance Settlements Lottery Winnings Trusts & Casino Jack pots The Best Guaranteed' www ppicash com Call toll Free Now 877 435 1245 ext 33




'H e w P ric e d

• 3 bedrooms* 2 baths

• GE appliances• Skylights

on select m odels based on 10% down 10 2 5 % A P R 240p m ts Ind u d es 2 yr s t e rent Incentive Interest rate subject to change

Offer expires 12 31 01 K

fy r fte qS c fo c fa


on W ixom Rd 3 5 miles N of I-96

Call Kathy


i t t m

j | A N N ARBOR SCHOOLS T 1309 sq. ft., 3 Bed, 2 Bath *1 Deluxe G.K. Appliances



• Multi-Section• 3 b e d ro o m s

• 2 bath s• G E a p p lia n ce s

• Skylights'on select models based on 10% down 10 25% APR 240pmts Includes 2 yr site rent incentive interest rate subject to charge

Offer expires 12 31 01


M E A D O W Son comer of Mich Ave and

Carpenter RdCall Annette or Krista


Mortgage/Land Contracts

$$CASH$$IMMEDIATE CASH for Structured Settlements Annuities Notes Accident Cases and Insurance Pay ments (800) 794 7310

DOCTOR LOANS MONEY ON REAL ESTATE AND BUYS LAND CONTRACTS Fast closing immediate cash Deal directly with Doctor Daniels & Son 1 800 837 6166 1 248 335 6166

500FASTCASH COM SHORT TERM Loans up to $500 00I We want your business! To Apply 1 800 290 8288 Loans by County Bank Rehoboth Beach DE (FDIC) Equal Opportunity Lender

if you sold your property and are receiving payments on a mort gage I will buy that mortgage for cash! Call1st Advantage ask for Sales

(248) 561 0500

“ "’LAND CONTRACTS**** If you re receiving payments on a Land Contract GET A BETTER CASH PRICE IN ONE DAY Argo Realty (248) 569 1200 Toll Free 1 800 367 2746

‘•‘-MORTGAGE LOANS’**’ Refinance & use your homes equity for any purpose Land Contract & Mortgage Payoffs Home Improvements Debt Con solldation Property Taxes Cash Available for Good Bad or Ugly Credit! 1 800 246 8100 Any time! United Mortgage Services

STOP FORECLOSURE!' Behind on your mortgage’

Dent File Bankruptcy We can help you save your home Guaranteed Service

800 915 9704 Ext 225 U S Mortgage Assistance

WHY RENT Own your own home 0to 3%down Shortterm employment OK credit prob Jems OK bankruptcy OK Cali Randy Lesson Metro Finance 248 610 9576

386 Money To Loan/ Borrow

Money to Loan' Good or Bad Credit' Consolidation business loans Sound financial advice! Call 1 866 433 9800

NEED FINANCIAL HELP’ Good Credit Bad Credit’

Personal Bankruptcy?1 888 259 4178

387 Beal Estate Wanted

A BETTER ABSOLUTELY ALL CA$H OFFER! We buy houses! ANY condition & price Local (734) 502 4572 or Toll Free message 24 hrs (877) 626-9736

www reoptions com

A BETTER PRICE for your house Any condition all cash! 1 800 660 0904

• 3 bedrooms• 2 baths

• GE appliances• Skylights

‘on se lect m ode ls b a sed on 1 0 % dow n 1 0 2 5 % A P R 2 4 0 p m ts Inc ludes 2 yr site rent Incent ve Interest rate subject to cha nge

Offer exp re s 12 31-01



On Grand River I 96 to exit 153 Across from

Kensington MetroparkCall Erin

(248) 437-2039




Hew- 0Ohmee Priced

• 3 bedrooms• 2 baths

• GE appliances• Skylights

*on select models based on 10% down 1 0 2 5 % A P R 240pm ts Includes 2 yr s te rent ncentve Interest rate subject to change

Offer expires 12 31 01

v t& tr * V c ilC e y


CEDARBROOKE ST A T E SO n M 5 9 w e s t o f B o g ie L a k e R d

C a llJoyce H ed

( 2 4 8 ) 8 8 7 - 1 9 8 0

400’sR e a l E s ta te F o r R e n t

400 Apartments/Unfumished 420 Halls/Buildmgs401 Apartments/Furmshed 421 Residence To Exchange402 Condos/Townhouses 430 Garage/Mmi Storage403 Duplexes 440 Wanted To Rent404 Flats 441 Wanted To Rent405 Homes Resort Property406 Lakef ront/Wat erf ront 450 Furniture Rental

Homes Rental 456 Rental Agency407 Mobil Homes Rentals 457 Property Management408 Mobil Home Stes 458 Lease/Option To Buy409 Southern Rentals 459 House Sitting Service410 Time Share Rentals 460 Convalesce ntfl-totne411 Vacaton Resort/Rentals Health Care

412 Living Quarters To Share 461 Foster Care414 Rooms 464 Misc To Rent

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

Commercial Industrial Sale or Lease


390 BusinessOpportunities

AFC HOMElocated in the Thumb Area very profitable $550 000 Cll Inc

248 889 5590CLASSIFIED ADS

WORK1 800 579 SELL

392 Comm JRetail Sale/ Lease

BIRMINGHAMAdams Square Shopping Center space for tease 3630 sq ft Rates starting at $16 50

(248) 646 5900


On 10 Mile Rd Btwn Halsted & Haggerty

AVAILABLE Retail Space

1200 2400 sqft Excellent exposure


FARMINGTON 1200 sq ft office with retail like exposure 25% discount/rent by Jan 1stOffice & retail space in Village Mall 325 to 700 sq ft Immediate occupancy

Call Joyce Cornwell 248 477 0157


248 4775114 www cornwellbush com

FOR LEASE Executive and pro fessional space in Downtown Plymouth 1 000 to 12 000 sq ft available immediately Contact Tim Reilly (734) 455 5600LIVONIA FOR sale by owner Jewelry store Must sell! 248-557-8060 or 248-449 7397

394 IndJWarehouse Sale/


• 3 Mos FREE RENT •immediate Occupancy

Canton & Novi areas call (248) 344-8970

Also in ihe Wixom area call (248) 347 6680

Office Business Space Sale/Lease

AMERICENTERS• Furnished Windowed Offices• Conference Rooms• High Speed Internet Access

Troy Livonia Southfield &Bloomfield Hills 734-462 1313

ANNOUNCING Instant offices from 150 sq ft Conference rooms secretary & T 1 Farmington Hills Novi Ster ling Hts Detroit International Business Centers

(248) 344 9510______BLOOMFIELD HILLS

Single office suite with confer ence room & utilities $525 per month 248 334 0566FARMINGTON HILLS Profes sional office space on Eight Mile One 6Q9sqft & One 430sqft suite Gross rent includes janito rial services and use of confer ence room (248) 477 9112

LIVONIA For Lease 8 Mile & Farmington Rds Medical or General Office 4690 sq ft Free standing building Full basement


LIVONIA Immediate occu pancy 600 sq ft gross lease Ample parking Set your own

(734) 261 7020hoursOFFICE & WAREHOUSE

SPACE AVAILABLE 200 1000 sq ft Farmington Rd & Jeffries Fwy Attractive bldg Call Joe (734) 762 4800


400 1250 sqft 2 locations All beautifully redecorated

Includes ail utilities CERTIFIED REALTY INC

248 471 7100

STREET FRONTspace available in Birmingham s Adams Square 3 630 sqft rates starting at $16 50


Office SpaceLarge windowed office over looking Big Beaver and across from the Somerset Collection available January 1 2002 in new office suite with reception service excellent parking facili ties Use of library conference room copier and facsimile included Rent negotiable Needn t be attorney

Call Sandor M Geiman at 248 643 6654

RealEstatef o rR e n t




APARTMENTSNea Pymouh+laggety Roads

Spacious 1 S 2 bedrooms FREE HEAT

MOVE-IN FOR $400♦ Spa k ng Poo• IPonjjivgjed Apa ments

888-221-2898IF9-530 [closed 12)SAT 10-3 SUN 2>



0 Arp Arbor T a was of nkste

1 & 2 Bedroom from$586

FREE HEAT $360 off your

1st Months Rent!• nd due y con ro ed cen al

beat and a/c• 0 shwashe Ce ng Fans

Wak nCosets Poo andmne• Loca ed nex to seen c H nes Pa*

734-425-6070M F 9 5 30 SAT 0-2 SUN CLOSED


O nPontacTa nea BeckRd

Largest floor plans in the area'


• A m a * n g c oset space• D shwashe ce ng ans

pa os/ba cones poo and mo e

248-624-8555MF9 530 SAT TO 2 SUN 12 3 |


248-569-8880 t s * !


All areas ail prices'Call for FREE list

North Bloomfield Properties 248 366 8484

www norfhbloomfjeld comAUBURN HILLS

2 mo FREE No Security deposit 2 bedroom washer/ dryer carport included Spec- trum Apt Searc-h 800 457 1357

BLOOMFIELD CONCORD Condo Apartment 2 bedroom VA bath heat included Car peted $700/mo 248 932 2148

BLOOMFIELD HILLS $399 Moves you into a spacious 2 bedroom Apartment Home! FREE Heat Water & Carport

Whethersfield 248 645 0026



Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom A#s Small Quiet Safe Complex

Ford Road near l 275 STARTING AT $585

(734) 981 1217 -CANTON

C a rr ia g e C o v e L u x u ry A p ts

(LILLEY & WARREN)We take pride in offering the fbl lowing services to cur tenants• Pnvate entry• Maid service available• Emergency maintenance■ Beautiful grounds with poof &

picnic area with BBQs1• Special handicapped units• Restful atmosphere• Cable available• Many more amenities

NO OTHER FEES• 1 bedroom $665 900 sqft• 2 bedroom $725 1100 scrft• Vertical blinds & carport

included• Ceramic bath & foyer• Professional on site

management• 23 plus years experience• Near x ways shopping airpbrt

Rose Doherty Property Manager (734) 981 4490

CANTON Country 1 bedroom stove/refrigerator coin washer/ dryer Carpet & blinds $550/mo includes heat 734 455 0391DOWNTOWN NORTHVILE

3rd story apt for rent 1 000 sq ft 2 bedroom Very quaint $1 200/mo (248) 349 8900

(D b s e n r e r iB c c e n t r ic

T h e O b server & E ccen tr ic Thursday, December 13,2001

A p a r t m e n t sC la s s if ic a tio n s 4 0 0 to 400

All Ads Run Online(★ )7E

A Value Of Up To $87 00w w w . o b s c r v c r a n d e c c e n t r i c . c o m

400 Apartments/Unfurnished

^ /cA N T O N / P L Y M O U T H ^

I FRANKLIN | t PA LM ER II A P A R T M E N T S II On Palmer between Lilley I j & Sheldon j

I MOVE-IN II FOR I| $ 4 0 0 || F R E E H E A T |

e | Spacious 1 & 2 Bedrooms | b | Central Air Dishwasher |

! I 734-397-0200 I1 Mon Frf 9*S 30 ^ at 10 2 Sun 12-3

. f t .


^ n t o r ^ TOWNHOUSES

Spacious 2 Bedroom

$ 6 4 0* $200 Rebate for new residents only call for details


. (734) 455-7440 ,





APARTMENTS•Newly Upgraded 1 & 2 Bedrooms

•Close to Downtown Plymouth



In Southfield offenng one month FREE on huge 1 & 2 bedroom Apartment homes and Town houses Free Heat

248-557 0810

| Dearborn Heights |

V Dearborn i! C lu b Apts. !■ One Bedroom Apts |■ Two Bedroom ■I Townhomes |I FREE HEAT I■ Spacious Floor Plans ■

Tons of Closet Space ■ | Minutes from shopping | a Patios & Balconies a■ VA baths in townhomes ■| (888) 348-7431 |■ Located on Inkster Rd ■

just North of Ford Rd ■JOpen Mon-Sat f f i v S ■Call or Stop In! Jaaft ■ U m m m m m m m m *


Clarencevlile School DistnctCEDARIDGE

2 Bedroom UnitsFrom $705

Vertical blinds carpeting Hot point appliances security system storage within apt Enter on Tulane 1 blk W of Middlebelt on the S side of Grand RiverNear Botsford Hospital Livonia Mall & downtown Farmington

Model Open Dally 1 6 Except Wednesday

248 471 5020 586 775-8206FARMINGTON HILLS


Starting from $540/mo 248 473 1395

FARMINGTON HILLS 9 Mile/ Middlebelt 1 bedroom at $495 includes heat appliances car peting 248 478-7489Farmington Hills

HAPPINESS IS Moving into a cozy 1 bedroom apartment Verticals & Carport included Starting at $570

Cedarbrooke Apts 248 478-0322

4 0 0Apartments/IJnfun

BEST APARTMENT VALUEFARMINGTON HILLS(N on Tuck Rd off 8 Mile between Middlebelt & Orchard Lake Rd corner of Folsom)


DELUXE1 & 2 Bedroom Units

From $620Includes appliances vertical blinds carpeting pool optional carports Model Open Daily (9 5) Rental Office 248-478-1487 Home Office 586-775-8206


'Special $0 Security Deposit*

I Beautiful 1500sq ft 2bed [room Z'A bath townhomes j [featuring large eat in| ■ kitchens walk In closets | full size washer and diver and storage area Car ports pool and tennis courts starting at just |

$1225 per monthCall (248)473-1127]

or visit us dally at 26375 Halsted between

11 & 12 Mile in Farmington Hills’Conditions apply*


23078 Middlebelt Rd 1 2 bedroom central air

$565/$665 248 473-5180

Farmington HillsSUPER LOCATION

Grand River/Orchard LakeSTONERIDGE MANOR

APARTMENTS Deluxe 1 & 2 bedrooms

Starting at $640 Includes Patio or balcony carpeting vertical blinds deluxe appliances and free carportEnter off Freedom Road West of Orchard Lake Road South of Grand River

Mon Fri 1 00 6 00 Rental Office (248)478-1437 Home Office (586) 775-8206

Farmington Hills


BIAMOMMSTA Cut Above The Rest Exceptionally spacious one and two bedroom

apartment homes « Individual entrance♦ in home washer/dryer♦ window blinds♦ fully equipped kitchen with

dishwasher & microwave♦ cathedral ceilings♦ patio/baicony♦ covered parking♦ running track pool

Jacuzzi tennis courtsNO PET

RESTRICTIONS23140 Halsted Road

between Nine Mile & Grand River 1 mile east of I 275

Hours Mon Fn 10-6 Sat 10 5 Sun 12 5Call Toll Free (877) 329-2281

Emaildiamondforest@bleznak com

WWWdiamondforestapartments com

4 0 0Apartments/Unfurnished

Farmington/LivomaOPEN HOUSE• Cleanest & brightest

apts aroundHeat & Water

Included• White Formica Kitchens• 1 Bedroom from $620• 2 Bedroom from $720• Plus SPECIALS

248 477 5755 Whispenng Woods Apts On Memman Rd 1 blk S of 8

^GARDEN CITY>iFord/Middlebelt Area |

| Spacious 1 bedroom Apts | | Amenities Include |■ • Owner Paid Heat & Water ■ J • Central Air JI • Intercom System || • Garbage Disposal j! • Laundry Facilities !I • Window Treatments/ Ij Mini Blinds || FROM $510 MONTHLY | | GARDEN CITY TERRACE | | 4jbb> (734) 522 0480 |v f S l ________ J

FARMINGTON HILLS 1 & 2 bedrooms available from $595 Washer & dryer In unit

(248) 427 1748FARMINGTON Upscale 2 bed room/900 sq ft Hardwood floors/vaulted ceillngs/upgraded/ appliances $750-1- heat Quite building NO PETS Call Joyce

248 477 0157LIVONIA Beautiful brick ranch 1150 sq ft full basement 2 bedrooms VA baths CAattached 2 car garage $1200/mo248-909 5357 or 248-474-5150


E xperience the Q uiet,

C onvenience

a n d

A ffo r d a b ili ty o f

Concord Towers A p a r tm e n ts

We re minutes from Oakland Mall movie theaters several restaurants and 175 and 1696 Our spacious and affordable apartment homes have plenty of room for everyone to bt very comfortable Our distinctive one and two bedroom floorplans offer ceramic tile baths large living areasand all concrete construction for quiet living

O ne bedroom from #555 Tw o bedroom s from #615

F e a tu r e s :• Storage in each apartment• Fully equipped kitchen with

dishwasher & disposal• Fully carpeted •Cable TV available• Laundry on each floor

• Central air• 24-hour emergency maintenance

• Lighted carports• Intercom entry system• Elevators

DIRECTIONS; We are located at 14 Mile and 175 next to the Abbey Theater and directly across from Oakland Mall

m u mOFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 10-5 • Sat 10-1

(248) 589-3355 m

32600 Concord Dr. • Madison Heights

*Happy Holidays

Franklin RiverHuge One/Two Bedrooms Contemporary floor plans

Walk in Closets Vertical Blinds Free Carport

$ 1 , 0 0 0 *Rebate

248-356-0400On 12 Mile

East of Telegraph www paragonapartments com

“Limited Timet Select Units j

Happy Holidays'

, 0 0 0 *Rebate

2 Bedroom Apartments •Supersize Closets •Breakfast Bar •Intercoms •Cable Ready •Central Heating & a/c

Livonia SchoolsCALL TODAY!(734) 422-5411On Warren Rd between

Wayne & Newburgh on select units for limted tme

www paragonapartments com

k T f i l Apartments/ Unfurnished



Farmington at 6'A Mile Rd Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom units Private entrance washer/dryer patio/baicony pets allowed park like set ting Immediate occupancy

248 473 0365


fcG R E A T

S A V IN G S !'

2 M O N TH S F R E E R E N T(long term lease)

FREE APPLICATION FEE• 2 Bedroom/2 Bath• Large 1 Bedroom• Extra Storage

in Apartment• Pet Friendly• Lighted Carports Inci• Glittering Pool• 24/hr Fitness Center• Quiet Secluded Area


(Middlebelt Road Between 6 & 7 Mile)(248) 477-6448

E mailwoodndge@bleznak com

www woodridgeapartments com

m^ivonia jj Make Us Your [I Home for the ■I Holidays! II We are offering II one month I

F f i iR S B S n s K f l■ (with Good Credit) i. - Washer/Dryer In unit I • Private Entrance &

Storm DoorLivonia Schools & Morel

I Newburgh between Joy/■ Warren In Westland■ Mon Fn 10 30-6 30 V — SunJ2,2 —


Memman Rd corner of 7 Mile Near Livonia Mall

Deluxe 1 & 2 Bedrooms 2 Baths Starting at $695

Includes Patio or balcony carpeting vertical blinds deluxe appliances pool


248 477 9377 586-775-8206

4 0 0Apartments/unfurnished



1 & 2 Bedrooms 2 Bath Units

Starting at $715 Immediate Occupancy


Between Farmington & Mer riman (behind Joe s Produce)Includes full washer & dryer in each apartment Commua room patio or balcony

te appliances optional carport

1248-473-3983 586-775-820


Rent Includes Heat and Vertical Blinds

6 month or 1 year lease Well maintained Newly decorated

Features* Air conditioning* Refrigerator and range* Smoke detectors* Laundry facilities* Extra storage* Swimming pool* Cable available1 & 2 Bedroom Apts.L E X IN G T O N

V IL L A G ESm all P e t Section

From $540I 75 and 14 Mile opposite

Oakland Mall248-585-4010


From $585|1 block east of John R lust |

south of Oakland Mall |248-585-0580

H A R L O A P TS . From $555Warren Ml

IWest side of Mound Rd justl north of 13 Mite Opposite

GM Tech Center810-939-2340

NORTHVILLE 2 bedroom apt $700/mo

w/heat & ho) water 1 year lease 248-348 9250

4 0 0Apartments/Unfurnished

NOVI 2 bedroom townhome with basement washer dryer hook up Large dog OK $832 $875/mo 248 349 8200




Charming community nestled In wooded streamslde setting Featuring unique 1 bedroom and 2 story 1 bedroom loft style apartments Includes vertical bilnds appliances & covered parking Great value from ONLY $675 Availability limited EHO

CaJI (248) 347 1690 Novi Rd just north of 8 Mile


T W I N A R B O R SC o m e h o m e t o c a r e f r e e

l i v i n g . . .

f e a t u r e s l i h e :

•M o d e m fitn ess center & pool •M in u tes from I-96 /I-275

in terchange•P lym ou th /C an ton S ch ools •P e t Friendly •L arge apartm ents w ith

extra storage

2 M O N T H S F R E E R E N T & $ 1 0 0 G I F T C E R T I F I C A T E

CALL TOLL FREE (877) 529-2*80h-.MA IIl\vin;irhorsCp hic/.nak .com \vw\v.twi]iarhors;ip;irtiiK'

C r o s s i n g :AT CANTON

M o v e - I n ftv D e c e m b e r 3 1 s t . 2 0 0 1w i th R e d u c e d S e c u r i t y D e p o s i t ,

$ 4 0 0 so O ff F ir s t M o n th s R e n t , P lu s $ S 0 s s O ff E a c h M o n th fo r 6 M o n th sLim ited Number of U nits Available

F E A T U R IN G :• 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments• 2 3 &4 Bedroom Townhouses• Covered Parking •19 Floor Plans• Sunken Living Rooms• Cathedral Ceilings• Dens• Fireplaces• Spiral Staircases• Washers/Dryers Select Units*• Fitness Center• Window Treatments• Microwaves (Apts)• Secured Entries (Apts ) & Intercoms• Basketball & Volleyball Courts• Club Room• Canton Plymouth Schools• Saunas• Olympic Indoor Heated Pool• Small Pets Welcome

/■■■........... *I Novi




• Close to major freeways &

$199 SecurityCredit

• Private Entrances w/ Storm Doors

• Tennis Court/Pool• Washer & Dryer in every

Apartment10 30630 Mon Fri

12 5 Sat & Sun On Grand River between Meadowbrook & Novi Rd (behind Chevrolet Dealer)

42101 Fountain Park Dr. 248-348-0626 .

NOVI 43546 Grand River Rear apt 2 bedroom newly remod eled appliances C/A Private yard $850/mo 248 348 1250


2 MONTHS FREE RENT1 & 2 BedroomsTownhomesCarports24 hour emergency maintenance No Pet Restrictions

£ r

NOVI RIDGEApartments/Townhomes

10 Mile between Novi Road & Meadowbrook

Call Toll Free: (877) 329-2286

NOVI 2 200 Sq ft 2 Bedrooms 2 baths Separate den plus a year round sun room filled with r ttural light Spectacular wooded ana water views Short term leases available Great opportunity for corporate stay as well From $1 900/MO Contact Cher! @248 348 7595

m \ n , J tsample 2 bedroom floor planMonday-Friday...........l0-6Saturday.....................10-5Sunday........................ 12-5

A ^ ^ *?A *?A Located in Canton on Joy Rd. 4 o - t — bet ween Hlx & Haggerty* Select Umts/Certain Conditons Apply* New Residents Only m wwwdolben com

Profe88ionail TTa g ^ ^ m


SAVE $700Extremely large 1 & 2 bedroom apartments feature spacious rooms and closets oversized >atios/ba!comes deluxe itchens vertical blinds central

air covered parking for select units The area s best value from only $680 EHO

TREE TOP MEADOWS 10 Mile & Meadowbrook

(248) 348 9590PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom duplex washer/dryer/stove/refrigerator $775/mo includes all utilities Year lease 734 455 0391

TV Apartments/ M Unfurnished


Starting @ $570 734-455 1215

PLYMOUTH Close to Down town One bedroom $560/mo Year lease No pets Available late December 734-454 0056

PLYMOUTH HiddenCove Estates & Liberty Woods Spacious 2 & 3 bedroom apartments & townhouses Starting from $900 Call about specials'„ (734) 420 1933 .

PLYMOUTHSHELDON PARK APTS Spacious 1 bedroom c/a

Carport $550 734-453 8811

PLYMOUTH Smoke free one bedroom all utilities no pets $650/mo + $500 security

Dave 734-459 0919 evesPLYMOUTH SQUARE APTS Spacious 1 bedroom 825 sq ft air conditioning window treat ments $640 734-455 6570ROCHESTER NEAR down town Rochester one bedroom $550 per month Utilities (except electric) included

246 651 8090ROCHESTER 850sqft1bed room apt includes heat water appliances No pets $565/mo 120 Campbell (248)505 8414ROYAL OAK Across from Beaumont Hospital Deluxe 2 bedroom apts with basement Starting $675 248 521 1984ROYAL OAK between 12 & 13 Mile off Coolidge 1 bedroom apt newly redecorated carpet $560/mo Heat & water included 248 488 2251Southfield

Get Your Free Shopping Spree at The Keningston

248 644-0059

4 0 0Apartments/Unfurnished

SouthfieldGet Your Free Shopping Spree at Carnegie Park

248 355-2211

STERLING HEIGHTS $505 w/1 mo FREE Heat & water included Spectrum Apt Search 800 457 1357

IYTV Apartments/ J i l l Unfurnished

TROY Large 1 & 2 bedroom apartment homes Excellent location Appliance package Heat & water included Call today to view your beautiful new apartment (248) 362 1940

T h is C la ss if ic a tio n C o n tin u e d o n

P a g e F1


Auturramidge■ - ■ ■ -

• Washer/Dryer hook• Self cleaning oven •Vertical Blinds• Swimming Pool• New Fitness Center• Pets Welcome• Furnished Apts Available

OJCherry Hill


AutumnA r A w"t m i n T . i

Cherry Hill at I 275

734-397-1080Open 7 Days < £ >

Mon-Fri 9am 9pm ~ vsr Sat 9am 5pm • Sun 12 5pm


560• 24-Hour

Gatehouse• Dishwasher• Vertical Blinds• Air Conditioning• Fitness Center• Tennis Courts• Swimming Pool• Furnished Apts

availableOpen 7 Days Mon Fn • 9 00am 7 00pm Sat • 9 00am-5 00pm Sun • 12noon 5 00pm


3 1 3 - 5 6 2 - 3 9 8 8

Canterbury WOODS ^


Move in todayLIVE RENT FREE IN


O N E a n d TW O B E D R O O M A partm ents F IT N E S S C E N T E R a n d PO O L

bloom fieldN E X T TO OlQCG ^C A R L ’S G O LFLA N D % Open M F96Tucked away off the west s de of . Sat 10 4 Sun 124TelegraphRd north of Square Lake Rd ( 2 4 8 ) 3 3 8 - 1 1 7 3

* A v a i la b le to n e w re s id e n t! , o n ly r e s t r ic t io n s a p p ly


From 8U 9 5 “ amonth

1/2 car attached garages Close to Novi Town Center and Twelve Oaks Mall

(2 4 8 ) 669-5900On 14 M e Rd East of Novi Rd

From 7 6 0 M a month

(248)Located on Avon Rd between Rochester Rd and Livernois Rd

(248) 651-1091

Downtown Northville

MainQentdeClose to shopping/dimng and entertainment

From *95000 a month Located in downtown Northville

(248) 347-6811At the corner of Main and Center Streets, Northville

W e s t B l o o m f i e l d


Luxury 2 bedroom apartment homes Attached garageEasy access to 1 696 & M 5 connectorl

From *1225® a month

(248) 661-5870On 14 MQe Rd just West of Halsted

SIMMi /»# i»» •! 1 1 » • a

w w w .s in g h a p a r tm e n ts .c o m


8 E * The Observer & Eccentric/Twjrsdph, D e c e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 0 1

PLYMOUTH - Walk to towmi From this appealing Bungalow in great neighbor hood W onderfully updated kitchen bath & master bedroom' Coved ceilings tasteful decor newer carpet & central a ir $209 900 (25AUB) 734 455 5600

ROM ULUS - Oak kitchen with ceramic floor & counters Vinyl windows & door wall Steel entry doors Hardwood floor under 2 year old carpet Newer carpet in family room with fireplace Furnace & central atr Qfi Newer vmvl sided ? car c ilectrie $125 900 (47JUL) 734 455 5600

CANTON - 11th hole of course! Beauti ful wooded view! Th is is a 10+1 Three bedroom 2/2 bath Cathedral ceilings kitchen with 42 oak cabinets hard wood floors master suite 2 way fire p la c e doorw all to d eck $289 900 (04THI) 734 455 5600

FA RM IN GTO N H ILLS - Condo Th is Crosswinds townhome is ready for you with 2 bedrooms and 1 k baths A rare find at this price Enjoy the fireplace this winter & finished basement/exer c ise room y e a r around T h is hom e even has a garage $159 900 (62COU) 248 349 5600

S O U T H F IE LD -E xp e c t to fall in love If you are fussy this is the home for you Three bedroom updated Tri level plus spacious with plenty of room to roam Gorgeous wooded yard with oversized patio $217 000 (45DOV) 248 349 5600

R O C H E S T E R H IL L S - More house than it looks Recent additions to this 3 bedroom 2 bath R anch g iv e s th is house a lot to offer Master bath with jetted tub w alk in closet an office & small family room Large eat in kitchen 2 ca r ga rage with opener $169 900 (47DEA) 248 349 5600

LIVONIA - Hurry' Th is one wont last! Livonia schools lovely Livonia neigh borhood' Three bedroom 3 full bath Ranch with finished basement with fire place & pool table1 Cherry wood kitchen- /V - - .J CH ! __—

PLYM OUTH - Doll house' Completely updated & in absolute move in condi tion' Beautiful perennial gardens border the x tra long driveway Oversized 2 car garage with loft Updated kitchen &

------- dwood floors in hallwayIN) 734 455 5600

S A LEM - On 2 ac re s! Breathtaking home! Four bedroom 4 k bath Colonial with South Lyon schools' Master suite with 2 walk in closets & Jacuzzi profes sionaliy finished walk out cedar deck 3 c a r garage 2 fire p laces gorgeous kitchen & decor $574 900 (6 8 T U S ) 734-455 5600

W ES T BLO O M FIELD - Wooded acre Mahogany beveled g lass front door Open flowing dream home Two story great room with cathedral ceiling fire place Island kitchen First floor master & bath jetted tub & view of back yard Finished lower level walk out with fire place $325 000 (00COM) 248 349 5600

GARDEN C ITY - Great location' Three bedroom 2 bath brick Ranch Newer w indows furnace a ir conditioning doors storms & beautiful oak kitchen! S e lle r w ill g ive $1 000 carpet allowance Great family room with nat ural firep lace F in ish e d basem ent'

: v : s s o o

R O M U LU S - W elcom e home' Com pletely updated! Everything including the bath tub with the last 5 years! Beau tifu l oak kitchen w ith d ishw asher & microwave Newer roof shingles & fur nace with centra! air Oversized 2 car

& finished basement' $124 900 34 455 56,0,Q.

O m u n fI 21

Town & Country

LYON TW P - Secluded yet easy com mute You must see this lovely 3 bed room Colonial in a great fam ily sub Hom e b acks to open wooded a rea Newer Pergo wood floors bay & box w indow s fire p la ce 2 c a r a ttached g a ra g e c e n tra l a ir & b asem en t $239 900 (61APP) 248 349 5600

VT*f t

W E S T LA N D - V ery nice 3 bedroom brick R anch Therm o vinyl w indows deluxe Le n o x com puterized furnace central air large laundry area & storage area off k itchen Large lot & private back y a rd w ith a ttach ed sh ed $114 000 (45FO R ) 248 349 5600

FA R M IN G T O N H IL L S - U pg raded Ranch walk out on wooded cul de sac lot Open plan Finished walk out has its very own spa area overlooks wood ed setting Totally updated & detailed w ith fin e c ra ftsm an sh ip $ 3 7 4 80 0 (95QUA) 248 349 5600

PLYMOUTH705 South Mam St.


NORTHVILLE175 C ad yC en tre 248-349-5600

LIVONIA - What a deal' Three bedroom2 L a IU i a | / D i a q i Ooain DficK oungaiow oovea ceilings & hardwood floors Bowed window & built in cabinets in dining area Upgraded kitchen cabinets G lass block windows in basement Detached garage $136 884 (15CAV) 734 455 5600

H O W ELL - Better than new' Built in 2000 & backs to open park area' Hard wood foyer bay window in living room & formal dining room Kitchen with oak cabinets pantry & appliances Break fast nook with deck to doorwall Family room with vau lted ceiling $227 500

A m e r i c a ’s # 1

C e n t u r y 2 1 F i r m !

N O R T H V ILLE - Location' Location ' Ranchi Preferred Abbey Knol! offers 3 bedroom with open floor plan for easy en te rta in in g S u n n y g rea t room & kitchen D e ck s at m aster & k itchen open to lushly landscaped rear yard & desirable privacy Northville schoo ls

PLYM O UTH - Great income property Currently being used as an income (2) family but could be charged to a 4 5 bedroom fam ily home Th is is a must see to ap p recia te Hardwood floors double lot & n ew er roof $2 79 90 0 ( 6 8 H A R ) 2 4 8 3 4 9 5600

P L Y M O U T H - Fa n ta s tic 1989 built Colonial that is totally neutral inside & out & ready to move into Th is 4 bed room 2 'k bath home is located at the entrance of a cul de-sac setting Fin ished lower level with play room & sep arate o ffice/exercise room $364 900 (60LIT) 248 349 5600

P LY M O U TH - Se c lu d ed & private Great location overlooks garden pond bridge fountain & woods! Ranch style upper level 1 bedroom Condo in Plym outh New in 2001 ceram ic kitchen floor carpet living room & dining room refrigerator & micro Private balcony $90 000 (' '' (00FOR) 734 455 5600

CANTON - Truly a gem' 1999 built with updates' Three bed 2 bath Ranch with x tra deep basem ent Hardwood floor entry Large master bath & walk in clos ets First floor laundry Pro landscaped Fireplace in great room with cathedral c e ilin g s B a c k s to open sp a c e ' $252 900 (45PON) 734 455 5600

CAN TO N - Entertain & enjoy! Four bedroom 2/2 bath Colonial with open floor plan of family room kitchen & din mg combo enhanced with firep lace F o rm a lliv in g room 1989 built with decor of recent paint & carpet foyer tile floor & lan d scap e d lot $2 39 528 (62VAS) 734 455 5600

SO UTH LYO N Large brick ColonialT U ia A 1 a\i\\9 newer *r ueuruuni nunie is lUvdiuu in popular Hidden Creek sub Backs to walking trail Everything has been done including sprinklers brick paver inside has oak floors in foyer K itchen with island open to family room Dual stair case $299 900 (7SH/i

LIVO N IA - Th ree bedroom 2 'k bathK-|-ly -aaaU ITi ill <IIMAki\i4 l\AAAmAAt ,i»»kuncK faii^i 1 run iiMfeiieu uabenieiii wiuigas fireplace Large kitchen with lots of storage formal dining room coved ceil ings hardwood under carpets Newer

NOVI - Mystic Forest beauty Colonialii;i|k Q kAAinAAASA Q j kntk t/riAkan \ if it hiW illi O U ( /U rU U I tl9 c / 2 UCUM K llO lltf ll WIUI

oak cabinets & white counters Master bath with jetted tub & separate shower Two story foyer with hardwood floors Great room with vaulted ceiling & fire

Pro landscaping & brick paver 900 (52M YS) 248 349 5600


RED FO RD - Outstanding home' Great home1 Beautiful yardl Ready to move in & enjoy' Stove refrigerator washer & dryer stay F i v e c e i l i n g f a n s & w in d o w air conditioner Three bedrooms part finished basement & garage $119 900 (68FOX) 734 455 5600

CANTON - Exclusive style living' For mal dining & formal living room with fireplace Relax in either library or fami !y r o o m w ith fireplace Gourmet kitchen with Jenn Aire appliances & white cabi nets First floor laundry Master suite with garden tub $399 450 (1 6P O P ) 734-455 5600

DEARBO RN H EIG H TS - You must see this home' Three bedroom brick Ranch with 2 k ca r garage & part fin ished basement' Newer furnace & central air updated electric & hot water heater Fresh paint Dining room & hardwood floors under carpet Dearborn schools' $129 900 (48VIR) 734 455 5600

W E S T B L O O M F IE L D - Fa b u lo u s Ranch Condo Quick occupancy on this dream home with light neutral decor marble entry formal dining room fire p lace 2 bedroom 2 'k b a ths Huge kitchen/breakfast deck partially fin ished basement Vaulted ceiling great room $389 900 (80RID) 248 349 5600

G ARD EN C IT Y - Great starter home Three bedroom 2 bath Bungalow with awesom e m aster with sky lights fire place and loads of storage Fin ished lower level with separate office and full bath L o a d s o f up dates inc lud in g kitchen and baths $139 900 (5 0BR I) 248 349 5600

SO UTH LYO N - Perfection throughout Awesome executive home features first floor m aster suite 4 bedrooms 3 full & 2 half baths 2 story great room cherry & gran ite k itchen $599 900 (60PO I) 248 349 5600

PLYMOUTH - Beautiful inside & out-! Large double lot with mature trees & privacy Three bedroom ranch with enormous great room with fireplaceK i t c h e n h a e in t rvf r a h ir w a t c 8, la r n o

CANTON - WOW' Th is is it! Wonderful Condo with open floor plan! First floor master suite with gas fireplace walk in closet & full bath Large living room with soaring ce ilings E a t in kitchen with doorwall to deck U psta irs bedroom with private bath W alk out basement & loft’ $289 900 /20P R E) 734 455 5600

LIVONIA - Rosedale Gardens' Come home for the holidays! Beautiful brick Ranch Newly updated 3 bedroom 2 bath in great area with 2 car attached

finished rantral airrs firepl

and appliances 734 455 5600

RED FO RD - Lovingly cared for by orig inal owners Wet plaster & hardwood floors All the important updates fur nace central air hot water heater electrmal \*/inHrtu/e lritrhen& hath (Parana

HARTLAN D - Lakefront home Three bedroom 3 bath Lake Tyrone beauty with gorgeous view Too much to list Skylights first floor laundry great fin­ished tiualk nut with familx/ rnnm first

W A YN E - Almost totally rebuilt Like new construction Quality built Th ree bedroom 2 bath walk in closet first or second floor m aster First floor laundryfrnnt A h a rk nnrrh nowar furnana ran

W ESTLAND - Great home & area! All brick Ranch with finished basement & 2 car garage Kitchen with updated ceram ic floors & counters - opening to a gen erous family room with fireplace Two additional bedrooms in finished base ment $168 500 (28HAM) 73 455 5600

S U M P T E R - Country Colonial' Th is home sits on 2 8 wooded acres Four bedroom 2 bath spacious family room updated kitchen newer furnace & cen tral air Second floor laundry & 2 car garagel New carpet & paint being done S e lle r o ffering $2 00 0 at c lo se '

/e right mi f certificate ofroom Bungalow certificate of occupan

cy already complete' FHA & VA buyers welcome Newer double hung windows Kitchen remodeled 2001 roof & carpet updated in 2001 $92 900 (48W ED ) 734 455 5600

LIVONIA - Rosedale Gardens Ranch Super area within walking distance to schools & Edward Hines Park Three bedroom 2 bath home with natural fire place in living room finished basement & oversized garage $173900 (48H EE) 248 349 5600

S O U T H LY O N - A du lt C ondo on Crooked Lake Ranch style with garage & 2 full baths Clean and neutral ready to move into and enjoy the easy life $125 000 (52CAM) 248 349 5600

M ETICULOUS NORTHVILLE COLONIAL 4BR 1 5BA home has spacious rooms hrdwd floor T/O foyer kit & breakfast room F R w/frplc & cathedral ceilings 1st fir laundry huge bsmt 3 car gar upgraded Indscpg & view of the pond Shows like a model $419 900 (62WOO) 248 349 5600

4820 Rochester Road, Troy 248-524-1600

294 E. Brown, Birmingham 248-642-8100

2600 Union Lake Road, Commerce Twp. 48680 Van Dyke Avenue, Shelby Twp. 248-363-1200 810-731-8180

722 W. University, Rochester 248-652-8000

7125 Orchard Lake, West Bloomfield 248-626-8800

39750 Garfield, Clinton Twp. 810-286-6000

4301 14 Mile Hd.. Sterling Hts. 810-939-2800

E-mail: Web site:


• Complete Home Marketing Plan Local and Regional Multiple Listing Services

Full-Service Relocation Services (810) 939-0944 or (800) 448-5817 • Financing Services (810) 264-5400

CommerciarGroup (248) 626-8800 • Home Warranty Program m CENTURY 21



• *»* •?


( D b s e r u e r lE c c e n t r i c

T h e O b server & E ccen tr ic Thursday, December 13,2001

A p a r t m e n t sTh is Classification

Continued from Page E7.



Rochester Square Apts.Located in Downtown

Rochester$300 O F F

1st Month’s Rent

1 & 2 Bedrooms Avail• FREE HEAT• Dishwasher• A/C & Ceiling Fans• Picnic area on

Paint Creek(248) 652-0543

Mon Fn 9 30-5 XSat 10-4 Irassl


TO W N H O M E SSpacious 2 & 3 bedroom Townhomes Large eat in kitchen fireplace basement security system 2 car attached garage Secluded wooded setting convenient location

FROM $1545/mo 29600 Franklin Rd

Northwestern across from Franklin Racquet Club

Open 7 Days248 350 '1296

SouthfieldS T O N E B R O O K ET O W N H O U S E S

26361 Franklin Pointe Dr Corner of Franklin

& Beck Rd Spacious 3 bedroom

townhouses available for IM M EDIATE

O C C U PA N C Y Short term leases

available Call Mon Fri 9 5 Sat by appt

248.) 355-1367


W e l l , D u h !Isn’t it obvious,P a r k L a n e

A p a r t m e n t sIs a Great Place

to call HOME248-335-0770’ Specia ls to qualified

applicantsparagonapartments com


© California Style Apts • 1 bedroom from $550 • Heat & water included • Cathedral ceilings • Balconies • Carport • Fully carpeted • Vertical blinds

• Great location to malls • Livonia school system

(734) 261 5410


Three Oaks Holiday Special’

Move In by January 6, 2002


SAVE$ 1 , 0 0 0Or More'!!'Call Today- Don’t Delay!

248-362-4088Watties Rd (17 Mile) between Crooks &


WALLED LAKE Area Hawk Lake Apts 1 2 Bedrooms and townhouses Lake privileges fishing balconies central air free storage cable ready

248 624-5999

$499 M O V E S Y O U IN

1 & 2 Bedroom Apis1 Bedroom Starts at $5852 Bedroom Starts at $665 FREE HEAT & WATER


(734) 326 7800

WAYNE Attractive 1 bedroom apt located in best area of Wayne $405 all utilities Ready at once Call 248-879 6540

Westland Barclay House Apts Extra large 1 bedroom Quiet clean Air heat appliances included $500 810-229 8748

WESTLAND 2 bedroom with office private entrance $775/mo plus some utilities No pets (734) 721 1639

Westland EstatesOn Wayne Rd S of Warren

Spacious 1 bedroom 700 sq ft - $540

Pnce shown is for 1 yr lease Shorter leases available

Great location/heat/water/pool Blinds/air/no pets

& much more(734) 722-4700

WestlandForest Lane Apartments

Studio $5001 Bedroom $5602 Bedrooms $600

Heat & water includedOn Wayne Rd between

Ford & Hunter 734 722 5155



34630 Gienwood E of Wayne

(Under New Management)1 Bedroom starting at $530

• Heat water & blinds • Walk in closets734-641-9623

Westland@ 7

$ 1

H a p p y H o l id a y s *

, 0 0 0 *Rebate

1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments

Free Heat*•Free Carport •Tennis Courts

•Clubhouse •Exercise Facility

•Beautiful Views of Land scaped Grounds •Many Extras

•Livonia SchoolsCALL TODAY’(734) 459-6600On Joy Rd between

Newoourgh & Hixon select units for Imited tme



A P A R T M E N T SOn Mernman between Ann Arbor Tr/Warren 1 & 2 bedrooms


$300 O F F 1st mo rent• Livonia School District• Air Conditioning• Pet section available

888-221-2978Mon-Fn 9-5.30 (dosed < £ > j^ SatSunJ^ ^ i .r fel


WAYNE/FORD RD AREA• Gas & Water included• Laundry Facilities• Appliances

1 & 2 BEDROOMS FROM $515


m (734) 721 0500

W estland Park Apts Across from

Garden City Park Spacious 2 bedroom

VA bath 936sq ft $615

Urge 1 bedroom 700sq ft $540

$200 Security Deposit with approved credit

Very clean apartments Appliances include dish washer Intercom/central air/heat/vertica! blinds

No pets (1 year lease). (7 3 4 ) 7 2 9 -6 6 3 6 .

WestlandV E N O Y P IN E S A P A R T M E N T S

1 & 2 bedroom apts some with fireplace ClubhouseCENTRALLY LOCATED

IN WESTLAND (734) 261 7394

WestlandWestern Hills Apts$399 M o ve s Y o u In

12 Month Lease Only1 BEDROOM FROM $5402 BEDROOMS FROM $605

FREE Heat & Water7 34 -7 29 -6 52 0

We re located on Cheriy Hill between Wa nejS Jewour T

FARMINGTON & S LYON 1 bedroom CONDO washer/ dryer clean carport No pets 248 380-5405 810 662 8588


Birmingham • Novi Royal O ak • Troy

Furnished AptsMonthly Leases Immediate Occupancy Lowest Rates Newly Decorated

S U IT E L IF E 248 549-5500


Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apts in small quiet complex next to park Includes dishes linens etc Cleaning services available Rents from $800 Heat & water included V 248-681 8309 >

R O Y A L OAK DOWNTOWN Fully furnished

1 Bedroom apartment $700/mo Studio $500/mo

Plus security deposit In quiet secured complex

You pay electric we pay heatNo pets Laundry facilities

street parking availableOffGainfully employed w/minimum

income $30Q0Q/yr (248) 258 6200

SOUTHFIELD 5000 Town center 1 bedroom 1 'A bath appliances washer/diyer Garage parking $1500 248 356-4471


BIRMINGHAM 1 bedroom condo totally renovated walk to downtown available immedi ately Hardwood floors new refrigerator & new bathroom $650/mo 248 644-4249Birmingham 1 bedroom Condos dose to town $715 & $75Q/mo Includes carport heat water air & appliances immediate occu pancy 248-855 9655 SHARENET (248)642 1620

BIRMINGHAM501 E 14 MILE Near Pierce Beautifully updated 2 bed/1 bath townhouse All white cabinets 1 car garage Available Jan 1 Only $975 No pets1778 GRANT Lincoln & Wood ward area 2 bed/1 5 bath new carpet & tile pretty fenced yard carport 1 cat OK with fee Avail dele Dec $1095 INCLUDES HEAT EHO

All feature full basements & central air

Call The Beneicke Group weekdays at 248-642-8686

BIRMINGHAM-First floor 2 bedroom 2 bath ren ovated condo with new kitchen white blinds throughout laundry in unit private patio private ana

entrances CarportFurnished $2100/mo or unfur

$1 800/mo (OLD885)Hannett-Wilso n & WHITEHOUSE&* (248) 646-6200

BIRMINGHAMFirst floor 2 bedroom 2 bath ren ovated condo with new kitchen white blinds throughout laundry in unit private patio private and common entrances carport Fur mshed at $2 100/mo or unfur mshed at $1 8 0 0 /mo (OLD885)


★ BIRMINGHAM ★ Sunny 2 bedroom 1 bath 3 level updated condo $995/mo

248 474 4513BIRMINGHAM TOWNHOUSE newly remodled 2 bedroom $1400/month (248)227 4192BLOOMFIELD TWP (The Heathers) 2200 sq ft lakefront condo Library 2 fireplaces all appliances walk out basement CA 2 car no pets/smokers Available Jan 1 at $2400 G O O D E (248) 647 1898 R E A L E S T A T E

FARMINGTON HILLS 2 bed room 2 bath condo carport pool blinds ca washer/dryer $950/mo 734 788 1191

FARMINGTON HILLS Non smoking first floor 2 bed room condo w/spectacular wooded view private patio breakfast bar greatroom all appliances large closets $825/ mo includes utilites/fee Limit 2 occupants 248 539 0534



CaII P°r

Orchard Lake & Middlebelt

.F1G D M FIELD :V L / a n t h e g r e e n *

• 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts• Air Conditioning• Pets Welcome• D ishwasher• Microwave• Vertical Blinds• Carports Available - 2 Poofs

• Fitness Center Furnished Apts Available

i 5 > 248-682-2950OPEN 7 DAYS • MON FRI 9am 9pm • SAT 9am 5pm • Sun 12 5pm

2 S e d w u *

I f l

P lv n ) O u t I ) i u

' \ \ b o d s J R

M \ \ i I I l i t * —•< iH I'lin h t M lI ’ IIIW II F \ i B B• i m i l » m < i i i i ' « - m n : i i |• I'M in - o k n tm iM «

P L U S . .................................IN D IV ID U A L L A U N D R Y R O O M

WITH — im i .i ■WASHER W a r f m l




w v /w .c ib s e rv e ra n d o c c c n t r i c . c o m

402i Condos/Townlouses

FARMINGTON $590/mo 1 bedroom Great view Washer/ dryer Good credit No pets

Call Michelle 248 263 0157LIVONIA 1500 sq ft condo 2 bedroom -t- toft 2 5 baths all appliances full basement $1200/mo 716 754 7455NORTHVILLE 2 bedroom 2 bath immediate occupancy very clean $850/month

MEADOW MANAGEMENT (248) 348 5400

NORTHVILLE Country Place Condos 2 Bedroom 2 bath Car nage Ranch unit 1 car attached garage FULLY FURNISHED IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY a gem! $1500/M0 1 yr lease No pets & no smoking Call Mary L Bush 2484779600


248477 5114 www cornwellbush com

NORTHVILLE Sharp 2 bed room townhouse condo base ment patio C/A all appliances Available 1 1 1 000/mo

248 348 8189 #732NORTHVILLE Spacious 2 bed room 2 bath carport verticfal blinds storage area air appli ances $950/Mo 248 348-9616NOVI New construction 3 bed rooms 2 5 baths basement 2 car garage $l995/mo LIVONIA Laurel Park area 2 bedrooms 2 5 baths basement 2 car garage $2300/mo NORTHVILLE Blue Heron 4 bedrooms 3 5 baths finished walkout 4200 sq ft $3500/mo

ONE WAY REALTY 248 473 5500

PLYMOUTH bath condo

2 bedroom 2Vf> 2 car attached

garage laundry room fireplace redecorated throughout Includes major appliances Within walking distance of down town Plymouth No pets non smoking home $1400/mo Available in Dec

734-459 3546 or 734-223 7525

PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom 950 sq ft New carpeting & paint all appliances washer/diyer C/A balcony fireplace carport private entrance month to month lease pets OK $950 313-531-4363ROYAL OAK 2 bedroom cen tral air finished basement deck washer/dryer Available fa $975/ mo + sec (313) 303-2712

S LYON DOWNTOWN 2 bedroom $650/mo sign 12 mo lease get 13th mo free"

Sharon 248 437 7786SOUTHFIELD 1 bedroom 1 5 bath in Southfield s prestigious 5000 Town Center Fabulous view from 8th Door All appliances Many amenities Availabls now $1050 248-348-8189 #734


Southfield5000 TOWNCENTER

1 2 & 3 bedroom luxury condos $1 100 to $2 900 per mo RE/MAX 100 Call R W Watson

248 736 3000TROY SQUARE Lake & Liver nois 3 bedroom 3 bath attached garage no basement $1300/month No credit checks (248) 594-3373

402' I j | a nrl'AftMLAiaAamLlHluuSriOWBDOuscS

W Bloomfield (Maple & Orchard Lake) Large 3 bedroom built in 2 car garage 2 baths all appli ances $1400/mo 248 932 7515

West Bloomfield spotless 3 bed­room condo w/2te baths & 2 car attached garage 2163sqft $2495 SHARENET (248)6421620

WESTLAND 1 bedroom great layout appliances private entrance pool heat & water included $595 248 546 2339

m Duplexes

BIRMINGHAM Townhouse 2 bedroom 1A bath basement central air washer/dryer private yard fireplace $935/mo plus utilities Larry (248) 335 9798NORWAYNE 2 bedroom fenced appliances no pets Sec­tion 8 OK 31479 Alcona $560 $840 security 734 722 5075

NORWAYNE 2 bedroom updated kitchen & bath car peted freshly panted large yard $629/mo 313 278 0282

NORWAYNE DUPLEX 3 bed­room stove new carpet storage shed on side $750/mo

(734) 844 2250

PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom base ment appliances walk to park & downtown no pets $850/mo + security 734-495 0761

WESTLAND 2 Bedroom full basement New furnace with central air Ultra clean move right in From$645/mo now thru Dec 31st 734-721 8111

WESTLAND Lovely 2 bedroom duplex new carpet privacy fence nice quiet area $400 + secunty (313) 240 6062WESTLAND / NORWAYNE 2 bedroom sunroom fenced yard $485/mo 1st & last & security 734-353 1013 313 274 1560

WESTLAND Norwayne Remodeled 2 bedroom $500 3 bedroom $600 + deposit No pets (313) 562-4451

WESTLAND Quiet 2 bedroom home with plenty of storage No pets $800/mo includes all utiii ties & cable (734) 729 1385

4 0 4Flats

FERNDALE Beautiful large 2 bedroom lower hardwood floors C/A storage nice yard great street $795 248 545 4244

PLYMOUTH Attractive upper flat w/2 bedrooms plus booknook All residential neighborhood Kellogg Park walking distance Well insulated stained wood work Available now $700

248 348-8189 #710R IC H T ER & A SSO C

REDFORD 2 bedroom unit $925/mo 1 bedroom upper unit $625/mo 1 bedroom lower unit $575/mo heat water appliances and carpeting included with all units and discount is avail able (734)812 0920

404ROYAL OAK large 2 bedroom lower flat w/hardwood floors & fireplace 2 blks from downtown in great neighborhood $1 050 per mo includes utilities &S Nonsmoking no pets

le Jan 1 248-593-4914


A A A C R E D ITor

BAD C R E D ITBuy the home

of your dreams for $0-$2 850 downl


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1-877-997-1608Fairway of America Inc


All areas all pricesi Cali for FREE list

North Bloomfield Properties 248 366 8484

www northbloomfield com

AUBURN HILLS 3 bedroom ranch appliances remodeled 'A acre 2 car garage $850 RENTAL PROS (248)373 RENTBIRMINGHAM & ALL CITIES RENTALS SINCE 1976O W N ER & R EA LTO R ®


ShareNet RealtyLeasing Management Sales

2 4 8 -6 4 2 -1 6 2 0725S Adams #19 BirminghamBIRMINGHAM Attractive 2 bedroom near Downtown New kitchen appliances $950/mo

248 538 1598Birmingham 2 bedroom w/neutrai decor new roof & freshly painted exterior $825 248 360-2095 SHARENET (248)642 1620BIRMINGHAM 1244 Emmons 3 bedroom ranch 2 car

fenced yard central new carpet Available Dec $1150/mo Lease EHO THE BENEICKE GROUP

248 642 8686BIRMINGHAM 1200sqft 3 bed room 1 5 bath 897 E 14 Mile $995/mo Beautifully updated All appliances 248 797 5348 www smartgateway com/rent

BRIGHTON 3 bedroom 1 5 baths appliances fireplace 2 car garageRENTALPROS (248)356-RENTCANTON 3 Bedroom 2 5 baths great room/fireplace basement 2 car attached garage Rent includes lawn & snow removal $1695/mo OneWay Realty 248 473 5500CANTON 4 bedroom Spanish colonial 2/6 bath large lot w/deck Immediate occupancy $1600/mo 248 210 8512CANTON freshly painted bnck ranch fireplace 2 car base ment air $1250/mo D&H Properties (248)737-4002CLARKSTON 2 bedroom ranch on 4 acres $700 3 bed room ranch $800 RENTAL PROS (248)373 RENT

405DEARBORN 3 bedroom all appliances fireplace fenced yard 2 car garage $800 RENTAL PROS (734)513 RENTDEARBORN HEIGHTS Updated 3 bedroom brick ranch 1 5 baths 3 car garage finished basement C/A $l075/mo

248 347 6623DEARBORN HGTS Bnck 3 bedroom ail appliances VA bath finished basement $775 RENTAL PROS (734)513 RENTDEARBORN HGTS SOUTH Option to own 2 bedroom 2 car garage a/c fenced yard $800/mo (734) 513 6730FARMINGTON & ALL CITIES


248 642 1620FARMINGTON HILLS 3 bed rooms 1 car garage no base ment $850/mo+security Pager

248-471 5®)6246-868-8888FARMINGTON HILLS 2 bed room ranch Non smoking building Near by school appli ances included S' —last security

$825/mo 1st & (248) 888-0083

Farmington Hills Good location' Large 2 bedroom bnck ranch with 3 acres hardwood floors garage $1100/mo 248-474-3770

FARMINGTON HILLS 2 bedrooms appliances $725/ mo Immediate occupancy

734-525 2794FARMINGTON HILLS 2 bed room ranch on 3/ 4 acre Large kitchen & newer carpet Avail able now $825/mo

248-348 8189 #733R IC H T E R & A SSO C

FARMINGTON HILLS 3 bed room bnck appliances fire place pets welcome $800 RENTAL PROS (248)356 RENTFarmington ranch garage $1650/mo

Hills 1800 oversized

sq ft 2 car

air large deck large lot 10 248 932 7515

FERNDALE 2 bedroom appli ances garage hardwood floors pets negotiable $700 RENTAL PROS (248)356-RENTFERNDALE 935 W Marshal 2 bedrooms & hardwood floors Large driveway and backyard $750/mo (313) 260-3121FRANKLIN 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch large lot attached garage C/A Birmingham schools An unbelievable value at $1600/mo 248-737 8460GARDEN CITY 2 bedrooms 1 5 baths basement S of Ford E of Middlebelt 28548 Barton $850/mo (246) 474 2930GARDEN CITY 2 bedroom super clean new paint base ment fenced yard immediate occupancy 1 5 months secunty $850/month (734) 525-4403GARDEN CITY Nice 3 bedroom ranch large kitchen & basement on comer fenced lot in quiet neighborhood Available now

248-348-8189 #720 R IC H TER & ASSO C

GARDEN CITY remodeled 3 bedroom ranch finished basement immediate occupancy Option to buy $75Q/mo 248-7&-1823

W e’reBIGon Square FeetHugeA partm enl & Town Homes

f ro m $ 7 9 5

Amenities l**0" **•Formal Dining Room • Carport • Heat Included •Health Club •Clubhouse/Pool • Close to Birmingham

C o u n t r y C o m e r30300 Southfield Road

Located on Southfie ld • Between 12 & 13 M ile Roads

248-647-6100 !§* 1-800-369-6666Accredited Residential Manager

Member Southfield Crime Free Multi Housing Program


m m m m s2 2 2 5 0 R o a d

N in e M ile R o a d ju s t west o f P on tiac T ra il in South Lyon

C h o o s e a n a p a r t m e n t h o m e w i t h■ Spacious Floor Plans■ Private Balconies■ Brand New Fitness Center■ A Pet-Friendly Environment

B r i n e ) I n T h i s A d T o r

2 Months Free Rent

( 2 4 8 ) 4 3 7 - 1 2 2 3www brookdaleapartments com

• P rivate Entrance• Patio/Balcony• Large Playground• Ceiling Fans• W alk-In Closets

E Z A C C ES S TO 1-94 ,1-96 ,1-275


CALL OR COME IN! 734-981-6450


WAmtOPH t. /


P m i C ^

Westland’s Best Value...B L U E G A R D E N


• Close to• Convenient to Shopping'

Our V alu e P ackag e Includes:• Fashionable updated • Heat and Water A va ila b le

apartments » Balconies • Cable TV• Dishwashers • Air Conditioner • Special Pet Units• Mini Blinds ♦ Laundry facilities m• Large secure private each building

storage room with each apartment

• Pool and Clubhouse

RENTS FROM ..We’re proud to offer the most value

for your money In Westland Cherry H ill near Merriman


C la ss ific a tio n s 400 to 405 < * ) ir•4

A l l A d s R u n O n l i n e


F R E E !3?<!X'

A Value Of U p To $87 00

4 0 5GARDEN CITY WHY RENT Own your own home t) to 3% down Short term employment OK credit problems OK bank ruptcy OK Cal! Randy Lesson Metro Finance 248 610 9576HIGHLAND 3 bedroom bun galow air dining room base ment fenced yard $850 RENTAL PROS (248)373 RENT

H O U S E F O R R E N T Ferndale/Hazel Park

(248) 975-8785

INKSTER 3 Bedroom brick fireplace finished basement $750 2 Bedroom ranch garage $490 Option (248) 788 1823KEEGO HARBOR excellent cond All appliances + washer/ dryer $575 mo 1871 Sylvan Glen Rd (248) 737 7002LAKE ORION 2 bedroom home with office 1 5 bath large kitchen option to buy $795 RENTAL PROS (248)373 RENT‘LEASE W/OPTION TO BUY* Northville 3 bedroom 1 5 bath fireplace garage finished base ment $1 500/mo

(248) 412 1003LIVONIA 4 bedroom 2'A bath very clean immediate occu pancy $1995/month

MEADOW MANAGEMENT (248) 348 5400

LIVONIA 3 bedroom brick ranch garage presently all newly updated $1 200/mo

248 348 6965LIVONIA 3 bedroom 2 baths full finished basement appli ances riverfront property 2 car garage 734 207 5123LIVONIA 3 bedroom 1 5 bath 1 1 0 0 sq ft ranch new kitchen all appliances finished base ment fenced lot 2 car garage Livonia Schools $1300 + deposit (734) 635 0007LIVONIA 3 bedroom 2 fire places attached 2 car garage A acre Livonia schools $1150/mo (248) 470 0409

405LIVONIA 3 Bedroom 1 5 batte ranch Updated kitchen and basement 2 car garage a| appliances Stevenson High School area $1395/ma« OneWay Realty 248-473 550CH

LIVONIA 3+ bedroom ranch 214 bath family room appliances garage $1250 248 889 3149 No pets pager 248 305 002J2

LIVONIA 2 bedroom ranch ll appliances garage fenced yard $775 **RENTALPROS (734)513-R0*T

LIVONIA 3 bedrooms family room over 1 acre newly remocT eled could be zoned commdr clal $900/mo + deposit 734 453 2923 734 462 1348

LIVONIA 3 bedrooms 2 fyll baths all appliances finished basement c/a security systent fenced yard garage Available now $1275/mo 313-408 0868

LIVONIA 2 bedrooms updated kitchen & bath Livonia schools carpet 11668 Areola $850/ month 248 669 45g2

LIVONIA Cute 3 bedroom fS bath ranch C/A finished basr ment new paint & carpet storage shed Available now $1 075 248-348 8189 #72-8

R IC H T E R & A S S O C .^

LIVONIA 7 & Middlebelt 3be£ rooms partially finished Pay­ment new intenor No pets $975/ Mo + security 248 661 6620

LIVONIA 5 Mile/ Middlebelt area 3 bedroom 1 bath appfl ances garage $90Q/mo + sec 9 5pm (734) 421 7203

LIVONIA ONE MONTH RENT Cute 3 bedroom w/C/A stove refrigerator washer glassed in porch schools Newly decorated see Inside Available now

248-348-8169 R IC H T ER & A SSO C

E 4 S Itor m t

.o f i - 8 2 7 0

L s D

Must Move In By 12 31 2001



X M O N T H F R E E R E N T(New move-ins only)

1 a n d 2 B e d ro o m A p a rtm e n ts• Olympic Size Indoor Heated Pool• Attached Garages• Fully Renovated Apartments Available• M icrowave• Central Air

C A L L N O W ( 8 6 6 ) 2 0 7 - 5 3 2 8 toll f r e e

...........................m ............................

Y O U C A N A F F O R D T O M O V E N O W ! ! !

O N L Y $ 5 0 0M O V E S Y O U IN

A R B O R W O O D S offers:• Private Entrance• Large Floor Plans• EZ Access to 1-96,

1-275, Downtown• Livonia Schools



734-4644100O P E N SA T U R D A Y 1 0 - 4

★ Individual ★ Laundry Room

From premium-view studios up to expansive 12 & 3 bedroom suit® including private cowed parking from $900 $2 365

* 9 aV ie w in g W e ekdays until 5 p m .

Evenings & Weekends by appointment ta n

555 South Old Woodward Avenue Birmingham248-645-1191


Your Assurance o f Q ua lify Living and b u s ness tnvironn


2 F (* ) C la s s if ic a tio n s 405 to 500 The Observer & Eccentric T h u rsd a y , D ecem b er 1 3 ,2 0 0 1


LIVONIA ONE MONTH FREE RENT on this newly redecorated Cape Cod 3 bedrooms 2 5 car heated garage stove refriger ator fenced yard Wont last ^Available now $1 195

248 348 8189 #735 R IC H T E R & A S SO C

LIVONIA WHY RENT Own vour own home 0 to 3% down Short term employment OK credit problems OK bankruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson Metro Finance 248 610 9576LYON TWP 3 bedroom ranch w/basement fireplace & 2 car garage 9 Mile/Napier Northvllle schools pets ok short term leaSe $795 (248) 926 6600MILFORD 3 bedroom ranch 1 bath appliances 1 acre many updates $1 175/mo w/option to buy (248) 736 2915MILFORD 2 650 sq ft colo mal 2 fenced acres 4 5 bed rooms 3 baths clean $1 700 .Near I 96/GM Proving

(800) 858 6641OAKLAND TWP 2 bedroom ranch 1 bath 2 car attached garage private country setting on cul de sac available soon $1175/mo 586 949 3898PINCKNEY SCHOOLS Com pletely updated 3 bedroom ranch lake view with access $1150/mo 810 940 0269- PLYMOUTH 3 bedroom updated dishwasher close to downtown $900/mo + secu

rity (734) 459 6788PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom ranch all appliances basement garage $760RENTAL PROS (734J513-RENTPLYMOUTH 4 bedroom colo hial near town Double lot 2 car garage available now $1700/ mo 734-454-1192

405 I Homes

PLYMOUTH Custom 3 bed room colonial 2 5 bath family room 2 car air deck $2400/mo D&H Properties (248)737-4002PLYMOUTH CUTE 600 sq ft home for rent ideal for one person Herald St $750/mo


beautiful 4 bedroom 2 5 bath finished basement w/ lots of storage 2 car detached ca

Available Immediately $170Q/mo OPTION TO BUY

(734) 454 1192PLYMOUTH FARMHOUSE Modernized 3 bedrooms 2 baths -dining room enclosed porches Upper level available w/bath & rooms Appliances + washer & dryer 2 car garage Lease short term Easy freeway access $1250+security deposit


Beautiful In town location 4 bed room colonial Large fenced yard w/2 car garage Available 2/1/02 Call Renee Elliott

RE/MAX 100248-486 5000 or 734 453 8911PLYMOUTH/SALEM TWP Historical home In lovely country setting on spacious grounds Well maintained 4 bedroom 2 5 bath kitchen appliances fire place 3 car garage basement 4000 sq ft Plymouth schools .......... Cal! Magq$2100/mo

(734) 453Maggie 3 7272

PLYMOUTH Sheldon Rd & Ann Arbor Trail 3 bedroom brick bungalow basement garage

corner tot Remodeled $1550/mo (313) 278-6745PLYMOUTH 844 Sheldon 1 bedroom apartment $450/ month + utilities $800 secunty deposit Call Pat after 4

(248) 437 3494

m 405 Homes

PLYMOUTH Upper 2 bedroom $860 Also avail 1 bedroom upper w/garage in town Jan 1 $695 734 591 6530/455 7653REDFORD A must seei 3 bed room brick ranch w/basement garage fireplace & C/A all this on a large lot very well mam talned quiet neighborhood Available now $1 295

248 348-8189 #721 RICHTER & ASSOC

REDFORD 2 bedroom 1 bath neat & clean new paint & carpet washer/dryer fenced yard $675/mo 734 453 3569REDFORD 2 bedroom garage fenced yard basement $750/mo + security

248 767 1056REDFORD 2 bedroom garage fenced yard available now $625RENTAL PROS (248)356 RENTREDFORD 3 bedroom ranch Air appliances 2 k car garage Very clean No pels $l050/mo 248 735 1650 734 462 1408REDFORD 1100 sq ft 3 bed room house Stove refrigerator 1 k car garage $775/mo plus utilities Vk mo security deposit One year lease No pets Avail able immediately Call

248-442 8850REDFORD TWP 2 bedrooms one 3 bedroom basement garage fireplace appliances air From $785 Dave 313-255-5678REDFORD TWP 3 bedroom basement appliances carpetedfarage fenced No pets 925/mo 248 685 8138

REDFORD WHY RENT Own your own home 0 to 3% down Short term employment OK credit problems OK bankruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson Metro Finance 248 610 9576

REDFORD TWP Brick ranch 20476 Sumner 3 bedrooms 2 k car garage finished basement air appliances fenced yard Reduced11'! $895 Available Jan 3rd Shown Wed Sat & Sun @4 30pm Office 248 593 0064

Mobile 313 920 5966RENT TO OWN

Inkster / Avendale and Middle belt 3 bedroom ranch garage corner lot Updated $750/mo + sec No pets (313) 278 6745ROCHESTER HILLS 2 bed room ranch appliances pets are negotiable $645 RENTAL PROS (248)373 RENTROYAL OAK & ALL CITIES


240 642 1620

ROYAL OAK 4 bedroom base ment appliances pets nego tiable $895RENTAL PROS (248)356 RENTROYAL OAK 3 bedrooms new bath finished basement

fenced 4221

w/laundry air garage fe yard $1300/mo 248-496ROYAL OAK Immaculate 2 bedroom 1 bath ranch in presti gious Red Run sub All appli ances 1 car garage hot tub finished basement Must see $1300/mo 734-216 6161SOUTHFIELD 2 bedroom Ranch w/new windows & appli ances quiet neighborhood Available now $715

248-348 8189 #737 R IC H T E R & A S SO C

SOUTHFIELD 4-5 bedroom basement 2 baths appliances

$985RENTAL PROS (248)356 RENTSOUTHFIELD cute & cozy 2 bedroom appliances S 9 Mile E Inkster 27155 Shiawassee $725/mo (248) 474 2930

m Homes

SOUTH LYON On the golf course An executive 3 bed room plus den w/finished walkout basement Sprinkler deck alarm system Available now $2395/mo Contact Debbie Jodway 248 538 1389 X 230TAYLO R/D EA RBO RN HEIGHTS Area 2& 3 Bedroom houses for rent starting at $650 & Up 734 229 0452TAYLOR Don t Miss This One' Nice ranch or large lot new carpet and C/A Stove refriger ator washer & dryer included Available now $750

248 348-8189 #719 R IC H T E R & A S S O C

TROY 4254 Beach Rd 4 bed room 2 5 bath 2 5 car garage $2 300/mo (248) 736-6394WALLED LAKE immaculate 3 bedroom 1 bath alll appliances garage $1 l 0Q/mo + security

248 661 4912WATERFORD 3 bedroom ranch appliances basement 2 car garage $850 RENTAL PROS (248)373 RENTWAYNE 35302 Ash Cute 922 sq ft 2 bedroom ranch garage fenced $790/mo 734 397 7751WAYNE 3 bedroom carpet appliances fenced yard pets negotiable $750 RENTAL PROS (734)513 RENT

WEST BLOOMFIELD 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch Living room w/ fireplace family room about 2000sqft all appliances 2 car attached garage $1650/mo (248)855 4411WESTLAND 3 bedroom ranch basement garage Available today $1 250/mo w/$500 deposit 734 504-0354WESTLAND 3 bedrooms 1 5 baths finished basement garage $1 175/mo 734-504-0137

405WESTLAND 3 bedrooms full basement pool $1250/mo $50 reduction if paid by the 1st 734 461 0505

WESTLAND 2 bedroom ranch near school garage Section 8 ok $650RENTAL PROS (734)513 RENT

WESTLAND 3 or 4 bedroom 2 bath full basement great area1 Stove refrigerator washer/dryer $1OO0/mo 734-729 3372

WESTLAND remodeled 2 bed room 2 k garage fenced no pets 1648 Elias $775/mo + $1162 security 734 722 5075

WESTLAND WHY RENT Own your own home 0 to 3% down Short term employment OK credit problems OK bankruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson Metro Finance 248 610 9576

407 Mobile Home Rentals

TWO BEDROOM Mobile Home $550 Rent to own

Spectrum Apt Search 800 457 1357

FARMINGTON HILLS 1 & 2 bedroom appliances window treatments air No dogs Call (248) 474 2131

409 Southern Rentals

BOCA RATON FL Luxury Oceanview king bed queen sofabed 2 baths all amenities $2500/mo (313)885 5352

MARCO ISLAND Condo for rent On the Gulf 2 bedroom 2

bath Dec April $l500/week $4000/mo (248) 553-0311

410 Time Share Rentals

GOT A CAMPGROUND MEM BERSHIP OR TIMESHARE? Well take it! Americas most successful campground and Smeshare resale clearinghouse Call World Wide Vacations 1 800 423 5967 24 Hours

BOYNE COUNTRY SKI RENTAL 5 bedrooms 3 baths TV s VCR s microwave & dishwasher 734 420 1274

Cape Coral Florida 3/2/2 heated pool w/lanai new carpet paint 5 mo minimum $1950/unfurmshed $2150/ furnished (248) 866 1573

CHARLEVOIX lakefront Condos sleeps 2 8 jacuzzi fireplace rear skiing Ready now 248-855 3300 248-363 3885

CHRISTMAS IN ORLANDO 2 Gold Crown Condos available Dec 22 29 1 2 bedroom$700 $900 248-855 1754

GRAND CAYMAN Islands 2 wks 2 bedroom 1 5 bath Time of yr Flexible water front Price negotiable Chns 248-375 9754

HARBOR SPRINGS Harbor Cove Condo 2 bed room near Nubs Nob & Boyne Highlands 231 798 8386

HARBOR SPRINGS luxuiyapt In renovated historic building 2 bedrooms V k baths Sleeps 6 Washer/dryer 734-429 4630

VILLA CENTRAL Florida Rent/ lease 2 bedroom 2 bath gated community on golf course

(352) 237 6110

Living Quarters to Share



SHARE REFERRALS 248 642 1620

725 S Adams Birmingham

CANTON 5 acre wooded lot large room $350/mo includes utilities cable laundry

734 544-4636

PROFESSIONAL WOMAN seeking same to share 2 bed room Lakefront condo in North vide $650/mo includes utilities

248 344 1114

W BLOOMFIELD Female to share home non smoker semi private bed & bath $750/Mo utilities included (248)738 1568

414CANTON Near I 275 Chris tian non smoker or drinker quiet employed male $295/Mo New No lease 734 394 1557

FERNDALE & REDFORD Air Jacuzzi in rooms maid service

HBO Low daily/wkiy rates Tel-96 Inn 313 535 4100 Royal inn 248 544 1575

OUTSIDE ENTRANCE Private bath Florida room Cable Livonia Non smoker College student preferred $100/week (734) 421 0915

REDFORD Working respon eible person $75/wk + deposit Shared utilities (313)534-0109

WESTLAND PREFERRED woman to rent room kitchen privieges & laundry $100/week

(734) 641 9181

M Office Space (See Class #395)

BRIGHTON 700 sq ft prime Grand River location

utilities paid $1 000/mo (810) 229 7500

NORTHVILLE Main St offce space for rent Warm atmo sphere great for professionals (734) 765 1755

m Commerce (See Class

NORTHVILLE OUTSIDE storage & office space available Zoned heavy industrial located on Chubb Rd between 5 & 6 Mile Rd (248)380 1568 Cathy

430GARAGE SPACE FOR storage available whole or half ask forChris Reasonable rates

(248) 893 1030ROYAL OAK 1 k car garage $1200/year Easy street access 248 855 9081

www vixmanagement com

457 Property

ABOVE THE REST Accredited Management Otg MeadowManagement Inc Novi Leasing & management of angle family homes & condos Specializing for absentee owners & rwesiors.

OUR 32nd YEAR Bruce Uoyd 248-348-5400

458 Lease/Option to Buy

DEARBORN HEIGHTS bnck ranch 3 bedroom 2 baths fin Ished basement 2 'k car garage fenced yard $1095/mo + sec Option tq buy (734) 591-4881

(Dbsmrer Eccentric E m p l o y m e n t A H A d s R u n O n l i n e

A Value Of U p To $87 OO

5 0 0 ’sE m p lo y m e n t

500 Help Wanted General §01 Help Wanted

Computer/lnfo Systems §02 Help Wanted Office

Clerical503 Help Wanted

Engmeenng504 Help Wanted Dental§06 Help Wanted Medical508 Help Wanted

Food/Beverage 510 Help Wanted

Health & Fitness §12 Help Wanted Sales 520 Help Wanted

Part Time524 Help Wanted Domestic 526 Help Wanted Couples 530 Entertainment

S32 Students 534 Jobs Wanted


536 Childcare Services Licensed

537 Childcare/Babysittmg Services

538 Childcare Needed540 Elderly Care Services 550 Summer Camps 560 Ecf ucatlon/i nstructio n582 Business &

Professional Services 564 Financial Services 560 Secretanal Services 570 Attorne$/Legal

Counseling 572 Tax Services 574 Business Opportunities

Employment/ Instruction Services



The Observer & Eccentric will issue credit for typo graphical or other errors only on the first insertion of an advertisement If an error occurs the advertiser must notify the Customer Service Department in time to correct the error before the second insertion

-ACCESS TO A COMPUTER-? Mail order/Internet

800 646 8455 www FundsAtHome com

POLICYAll advertising published in The Observer & Eccentric Is subject to the conditions stated in the applicable rate card copies of which are available from the Adver tismg Department

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia Ml 48150S 4) 591 0900

server & Eccentric reserves the right not to accept an advertiser s order Observer & Eccentric Ad Takers have no authority to bind this newspaper and only publication of an advertise ment shall constitute final acceptance of the adverbs kers order


$7 50 $9 00/hour to start Dependability honesty & post tive attitude a must Apply within 1pm 8pm KrispyKreme 27695 Grand River Livonia

G e n e r a lM a n a g e r


a*r 1

We are m search of a self motivated professional with strong project management and organizational skills to direct our extremely fast-paced, growing web-based Internet advertising company Candidates must possess a BA/BS or equivalent, five years management experience and three years experience m the Internet industry P & L knowledge and media experience preferred Excellent written and verbal communication skills are essential, with the ability to deliver presentations to customers, internal staffers and executive management Must be able to work non­standard work hours and accept rapid change We offer a competitive salary including participation in executive bonus plan, plus comprehensive benefits plan and generous tune-off policyTo apply, please forward resume and salary history to David MonnVice President, Systems & Technology HomeTown Communications Network Job Code GM e maildmorm@homecomm n e tfax(734) 591-9424 mailO bserver & Eccentric N ew spapers c/o D avid M orin 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia, M I 48150

ACCOUNTANT/FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER with account reconciliation through financial statement preparation expert ence Bachelors degree in related field or equivalent expen ence is required Creative Solu tions and Peachtree experience helpful We are a progressive CPA firm located in Dearborn Ml Excellent compensation and benefits accompany full or part time flexible hours in our new facility Please fax your resume to 313 278 1675 Attn

Jan Matthews or e-mail jmatthews@numerico com

BILLING CLERKAggressive growth oriented company seeks a billing Clerk to be responsible for daily customer billings the Ideal Candidate will be detail onented and posses the ability to work in a fast paced environment Requirements include high school graduation or equivalent three years clerical accountmg/bookkeeping expert ence ability to compose corre spondence experience with computer oriented accounting systems and ability to use a per sonal computer for word pro cessing and spreadsheet applications Competitive salary and full benefits Send resume to Attn human Resources Atlas Oil Company 24501 Ecorse Rd Taylor Ml 48180Accounting


MANAGERHeartland Health Care Center of Ann Arbor is currently seeking a full time business office man ager Duties include supervision of staff as well as management of the day to day activities of the business office This is a sala ried position with a weekend administrative rotationThe successful candidate will possess strong customer ser vice and leadership skills and the ability to work in a dynamic fast paced environment Expert ence in accounting/busmess management required Bachelor degree in accounting/business strongly preferred Background in a healthcare and/or long term care setting a plusWe offer a competitive salary and full benefits package 401 k paid vacation sick time tuition assistance program and a pleasant supportive work environmentPlease mail e mail or fax resume with salary requirements to Heartland Health care Center Attn Kenya Drew HR Manager 4701 E Huron River Dr Ann Arbor Ml 48105 Fax 734 677 5857 E mail 4262 hr© her manorcarecom


CLEANING Vacant units

Plymouth/Westland areas Hardworking & depend able 30 hrs week $9/hr Apply now! 734 425 5731AUTO BODY TECHNICIAN

CRESTWOOD DODGE (734) 421 5700

1------------------------SAn established and well recognized bottler and distributor of water prod ucts is rapidly expanding its manufacturing organl zatlon and is currently recruiting for a new third shift operation for its beverage line in Ply mouth MiAvailable positions include

Material Handler/Hi Lo Operators

Previous experience & Fork Life Certification RequiredAbility to work safely in fast paced environment

Packaging Machine Operators

Ability to work In a fast paced environment and perform multiple tasks Ability and willingness to learn basic machine setup and adjustments Previous filling and pack aging experience a plus

General Labor Sanitation Ability to complete daily scheduled tasks with min imai supervision Can do attitudeAll positions Additional weekend overtime will be required from time to time to support the needs of the business Please send resume to Attn Pro­duction P O Box 701248 Plymouth Ml 48170 Or fax resume to (734) 416 3810 Email

hr_manufacturmg ©hotmail com EOE


Pull time position at River Bend Apartments In West land Opportunity to work with professional apartment management and marketing teamExperience preferred Call for an appointment at

(313) 565 9850 or fax resume

. ___ (313) 565 5807 .

APARTMENT MANAGER A Progressive Management Company is seeking experi enced Property Managers for Oakland & Wayne County Must have at least 2 yrs of Property Management exp Benefits Fax resume to (248)352 2637 EOE

Needed for Christian learning center in Plymouth Part time flexible hours benefits available Also Seeking full & part time

TEACHING ASSISTANTS Call Nanme 734 455 3196Assistant to President

of Novi firmProvide security run errands occasional chauffeur and misce) laneous concierge duties Prefer CCW permit and gun Resume to kathy@fwtg com EOE


(734) 421 5700

ATTENTION! GET PAID During our 2 week C D L Truck Driver Training Program! Hundreds of immediate Job Openings in Michigan! Earn $800 per week1 No Layoffs! 1 800 688 7009ATTENTION PET LOVERS'

Work with pets' Walking playing bathing $8/hr Full time or part time position Will tram Call for details 248 372 7000

A U T O B IL L E RMetro Detroit s leading Ford Dealer is seeking an individual to fill a full time position as an Automotive Biller Experience required Interested and quail fied individuals should apply within to

BILL BROWN FORD INC 32222 Plymouth Rd Livonia Ml 48150


For direct repair shop Competi tive wages and benefits Sign on bonus available I CAR a plus but not a must Contact Doug at


DRIVERS WANTEDLoading new truck onto railcars

** Good pay & benefits ** Applicants apply at

HAMPTON INN 30847 Flynn Drive

Romulus Ml 12 13-01 thru 12 14-01

12noon to 6pm


NOW HIRINGAuto Mechanic/

CertifiedExcellent pay & benefits

Call MikeCanton 734 454 0440


CREDIT UNIONMichigan s largest

Credit Union wants you to join their teaml

Now hiring service oriented Individuals for our Fairlane location

Part Tim e Member Service

Agent IIService delivery duties in a call center environment Customer service experience

preferred Applications accepted through

Fri December 28 2001Apply in person at


Human Resources Dept 400 Town Center Dr Dearborn Ml 48126


BARTENDERS WANTED Earn up to $250 per shift Make $$$ get Trained Fun Exciting Envl ronment Call 800-806 0085 ext 201

BOOKKEEPER Part time receivables and payables

payroll Excel & Quick Books essential for small Investment

Advisor in Canton Fax resume (734) 844-7075

Full-Time & Part-Time Positions AvailableCreative professionals wanted1 The Observer & Eccentric publishes

16 award winning community newspapers and we are in search of candidates that can create and design high quality, visually appealing newspaper pages

The successful candidates w ill have an Associates degree or equivalent in graphic arts, journalism , or related field, prior experience with designing print or ad pages, and knowledge of NewsEdit, QuarkXpress, Q Tools,and DragX Xtensions software programs Basic understanding of AP Stylebook, and newspaper law (libel & privacy issues) an added plus Flexible schedules available including day, afternoon, night and weekend shifts

We provide a competitive pay and benefits package, coupled with a good work environment Are you up to the challenge?

P l e a s e s e n d o r e m a i l y o u r r e s u m e a n d s a l a r y r e q u i r e m e n t s m

c o n f id e n c e to

T h e O b se rv e r & E c c e n tr ic N ew sp ap e rs 36251 S c h o o lc ra ft E d . L iv o n ia , M I 48150 E - m a il: e b ib ik@ o e .h o m e co m m .n e t F a x : (7 5 4 ) 955-2057 P le a se in c lu d e jo b co d e : P a g in a to r%

KS2 S 9


■ QUALITY 'l CONTROL i§ Plymouth Ml beverage J | company Is seeking a |■ full time Quality Control ■

Technician for a new ■ | Third Shift Operation | ■ Responsibilities include ■ ■ water analysis cleaning ■ | and sanitizing tanks and I ■ filters and filling of ■ * tanks Qualified candi ! I dates will have 2 years I ■ of college biology or ■ ■ chemistry or 1 year 5 I experience in Quality I | Control in the food/ | i beverage industry or £ I allied field IJ Additional weekend I I overtime will be required I ■ from time to time to sup ■ 5 port the needs of the ! I business Please send I ■ resume to Attn Produc | Z tion P O Box 701248 S I Plymouth Ml 48170 ■■ Or fax resume to I Z 734 416 3810 j? E mail iI hr_manufacturlng I| ©hotmai! com |I EOE |U m m m m m m m m J

CABINET MAKER Cabinet Company seeking custom cabinet maker & installer for Dearborn Area 313 561 7101CAREER OPPORTUNITY' Earn excellent income processing medical claims lor local doctors Full training & support provided Home computer required Call Physician & Healthcare Devel opm ents to ll free 1 800-772 5933 ext 2072

CARPENTERS Serious experienced for residential rough company 734 513 9800 734 525 2256CFI NEEDS TEAMS AND 0/0 Loads with miles available immediately! Company "Owner Operator" Single and teams Call 1 800 CFI DRIVE

www efidrive com

CHILD CARESite Director 35 hours per week Mon Fri id location Requires 60

college credits with 12 credits in child related field Kindergarten and school age enrichment pro grams Medallion School Part nerships Call

734 722 9157 Ext 3

CLEANERS MALES Part time weekends for

Sports Club oi Novi Good pay Call Dale 248-735 8850


LIVONIA Novi & South- field 2/6+ hrs eves Mon Fri 248 615 3554

C LEA N IN G P O S IT IO N S Part time cleaning positions available starting after January 1 2002 in the Plymouth area Day and evening openings 4 to 6 hrs per day 5 days per week Must have own transportation We offer competitive wages and a great work environment!Call our toll free number for

more information 1 866 530 9372

Metropolitan. Bldg Maintenance

COMMERCIAL CLEANERS needed $7 $8 hr Evenings Contact Jackie (313) 387 5833


ive Heidenhain controller land work NC experience

313 535 7631

COMPANY REP Entry Level Field Measurements & Cus tomer Relations For Commercial Glass Co PO Box 51922 ECC Livonia Mi 48151 0922

FIELDSUPERINTENDENTMinimum 5 years experience Fax resume 248 547 1842CUSTOMER SERVICENow hiring at $14 00 guaran teed by application Full training provided Must be reli able possess good attitude and have neat appearance For interview please call Mon Fri 9AM 5 30PM Ask for Amy 248 552 9185

DATA ENTRY Process Med ical Claims' No exp needed Will train PC required Great income! 1-800 240 8197 Dept 700 www hpnmed comDATA ENTRY We need Claim Processors Now! No Exp Needed' Will Tram PC required Great income! 1 800 240 1548 Dept 700 www epsmed netDCAGRO U P HOME MANAGER Seeking person experienced in group home management con sumer services and personnel management Taylor area I 75 & Eureka $11 35/hr good bene fits For more information call 734 458 8140 or fax a resume

to 734 458 8195DELI HELP

Needed for Bottles N Stuff in Livonia Week days Good pay

464 3.(734) 3222DELIVERY DRIVER

for fitness equipment, heavy lifting mechanically inclined full time union wages 1160 W Ann Arbor Rd Plymouth 734455-8790DELIVERY DRIVERS

Swing DriversAm shift 1 k to 2 hours 7 days per week No billing no coi lecting Earn over $550 n

Call (313) 565 9122DELIVERY DRIVERS full or part time retirees welcome call

Speedy Auto Parts 248 474 2010

DELIVERY DRIVER Williams Panel Brick a 30 year old company that is now employee owned (ESOP) has an opening for a delivery driver Requirements CDL Class A with HAZ MAT good driving record Apply Mon Fri 10 2 at 32680 Capitol St Livonia Ml 48150 Contact John Werner 734 522 2733 ext 647 Fax 734 522 2969

DETAiLER BUFFERAutomotive supplier in South field needs experienced indi vidual to finesse exterior car parts Good wages & benefits Full time 248 226 6003DIRECT CARE Full/part time support positions in small group hom@s and apartments serving adults with developmental dis abilities in Downriver and Western Wayne County commu mties Entry level management positions also available Com petitive wage & benefits training provided call 734-7284382LANDSCAPE CO has Truck Driver position Must have CDL Top pay & benefits Apply at Crirnboli Nursery 50145 Ford Rd Canton 734 495 1 700

DIRECT CARE STAFF Dependable & serious for full & part time positions in Livonia with Everest Inc Eligible for 100% company paid benefits in 30 days Certification through CLS preferred but will tram Call for immediate interview Mon Fri 10am 2pm 734 524-1361

D IR E C T C A R E S T A F FWiil tram qualified persons to work in the care giving field $7 70 $8 20 hourly wage with excellent benefits Call pro grams listed below

LIVONIA734 522 6428 734 591 9239248 478 3856 248 474 6996

734 591 0272 R ED FO R D

313 535 8605 313 255 7639W ESTLA N D734467 5667 734 513 5347RO M U LU S734 942 1959

For further information call 313 255 6295

D IR E C T C A R E S T A F FLoving group homes Good driving record a mustl $7 30 $7 80 per hour Afternoon Shift

D EA R BO R NStephanie (313) 274 1890

PLYM O U TH Ruth (734) 429 0876

B E L L E V IL L ELaura (734) 699 7497

LIVONIAPatty (248) 980 3307

DRIVER OTR & CANADA Dnvers needed for expedited ST TK & tractor owners teams pre ferred Need excellent MVR w/no arrest history or DUi 1 8 0 0 6 4 0 7 0 5 5

www panthern comDRIVERS GRAB THE WHEEL & Turn Toward Success Hiring Exp only 6 months min OTR Class A CDL Solos & Teams Needed Gainey Transportation

1 800 326 8889DRIVERS/OTR & T/T We offer you the security your looking for Excellent starting pay/1st day benefits/Ciass A CDL required Call Now Marten Transportation LTD 1 800 395 3331Dry Cleaner needs evening help See Glenda 16729 Mia dlebelt Livonia bet 7 30am 3pmEarn extra $$$ photographing weddings We are the nations oldest and most respectable family owned studio Must be available Saturdays have trans portation and 35MM equipment

No experience necessary! Call Lisa M Th between 12 9pm (248) 948 9500

CLASSES START IN JANUARYEARN $25 000 to $50000/yr Medical Insurance Billing Assis tance Needed Immediately! Use your Home Computer get FREE Website & FREE LONG DISTANCE 1 800 291 4683 ext 407


Must possess adequate knowl edge of electrical circuits and components to make repairs and/or identify problems High School graduate with 2 years of formal electronics education One year of work experience troubleshooting necessary Health Care Dental 401k plus incentives included

4pmApply m person 9 30am ‘ DIAMOND SYSTEMS 23400 Haggerty Road

Farmington Hills Ml 48335 Equal Opportunity Employer

- H i g h C o m m i s s i o n • E x c e l l e n t B e n e f i t s • E x p e n s e A l l o w a n c e

Ivcted sales person to sell Internet advert sng for lewspaper network We are not a web bu Ider! Th s •in a trusted prnt medic orgamzafon and enjoy the

explosive potent af of Internet med a growth

Must be very organ zed goal onented and have outside sales experience develop ng a territory Prev ous ad sales experience will reip Don t miss th s ground floor opporfun ty with high income potential

S e n d re su m e in c o n f id e n c e to the a tte n tio n o f S a le s M a n a g e r

su c c e s s@ h o m e to w n l if e .c o m


ENGINEER Canton C E firm needs BSCE to plan design supervise con struction of la/ge residential sub s including sanitary & storm sewer parking roads side walks Analyze reports maps drawings aerials soils hydro logic characteristics topo data Need 2 yrs exp in AutoCAD

Send resumes Box #1364 Observer & Eccentric

Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd

Livonia Ml 48150


Canton Township is accepting applications for the position of full time Equipment Operator Considerable knowledge of the operation and maintenance requirements of various types of heavy and special automotive and power driven equipment in public works activities Current valid CDL Group B with the added Endorsement N from the Stale of Michigan Good dnvmg history that does not create ila bility concerns $19 34/hr Appli cation must be picked up at Canton Township Personnel Division 1150S Canton Center Road Canton Ml 48188 or send a self addressed stamped business size envelope to address above tor application (please specify Equipment Oper ator application) An application form is also available on the Canton Township website at www canton mi org Job description posted at the Town ship Administration Building Applicant MUST attach a copy or their CDL Group B Endorse ment N with the completed written Canton Township appli cation form Resumes will not be accepted without completed written application form A Canton Township application form must be completed in its entirety and the form must be received in the Personnel Divi

accepted ship of Canton does not disenm mate on the basis or race color national origin sex religion age or disability in employment or the provision of services An Equal Opportunity Employer

★EXPEREIENCED & Dependable Rough carpenters wanted

(810) 872 5784

EXPERIENCE RV TECH for facility located in Wixom Michigan must be experienced in all aspects of RV repair Top wages to the right person

(248) 446 1283


Busch s is seeking a Floral Clerk for our Farmington Hills store on Grand River and Drake Candidates will assist guests with purchases and product information mer chandise department and create displays of floral items Creativity and flair for customer service preferred We offer an outstanding growing company to work for including excellent compen sation Apply at the store at

24445 Drake Rd Cal) Human Resources at

734-944-4322 email jobs@buschs com

or visit us at www buschs com

tor more info

GENERAL FOREMANSmall plastic injection shop In Plymouth Excellent working conditions Knowledgeable self motivated applicants should lax resume to (734) 455 0201

GENERAL HELPER General helpers needed to handle light maintenance apart ment prep and grounds Call Mon Fri 9am 5pm EOE Detroit 313 3410725

GENERAL LABOR Currently accepting applications for our Belleville production facility First & second shift available Only persons willing to work & dependable need apply Starting wage $8 60/hr Medical after 30 days Apply 41775 Ecorse Rd Suite 290 Belleville

GENERAL LABOR $8/hr &up 40 hrs per week Benefits Machine Operators in the metal industry Milford area

(248) 684 0555

(Dbsmrer fa Eccentric

T h e O b server & E c c en tr ic Thursday, December 13,2001

E m p l o y m e n tG L A S S G L A Z IE Rneeded full or part time expen ence helpful but will tram mechanically inclined Pay according to experience Must be reliable (734) 699 6500 or 313 402 8930GOVERNMENT JOBS $11 $33/ HR Paid Training on entry level positions Full Benefits No exp necessary Call 7 days a week1 1-800 320 9353 Ext 2222"GOV T POSTAL JOBS” To $18 35/hour Free Call for appli cation examination information Federal Hire Full Benefits 1 800 842 1659 ext 150 7am 10prfi CST 7 Days

GRINDER JIG Minimum 5 yrs exp

Top pay Benefits plus IRA 248 668 0143

HAIRSTYLISTS NEEDED We have full time positions avail able or if you re looking to work just 1 or 2 days a week we re the place for you Positions available in Westland Plymouth


Livonia Garden City W£ Allen Park Taylor & FarmingtonGuaranteed $10/hr plus tips Call Steve @ Fantastic Sams

734-595 6003HAIR STYLIST

We are looking for creative and artistic stylist in our Fantastic Sams in Farmington Guaran teed $l0/hour Sign on bonus Paid vacation 248-474 4328HELP WANTED 13 positions in journalism advertising manage ment with Michigan s 300 news p a p e r s V i s i twww michiganpress orgHOT TUB SERVICE TECHNICIAN Full time w/ benefits good driving record pleasant working conditions plumbing or electrical exp a plus Cal! Kathie at (734) 367 6600 ext 233


With hotel executive house keeping experience New 120 room hotel offers a great working environment and good management support Must be hands on positive & detail oriented Excellent compensa tion Call (313) 323 3500

HOUSEKEEPERS For American House Senior

Living in Northville Call Judy at 248 449 1480IN S TA L L E R S SALES/

M A N A G E M E N T$500-$1200 weeklyl

8 openings no exp required Call today' Start tomorrow'

248 735 1707INSURANCE AGENTS Take Notice CE time again 24 hours $64 95 year end special The

best deal In the industry Check our site at wwwjececom or call 1 800-834 8975


Person needed for Westland apartment community Both hands on abilities and excellent people skills required Must be able to take charge of staffs and protects Full benefits including 401(k) Call Danielle at


Beautiful upscale apartment community in West Bloomfield is looking for a consultant who is enthusiastic motivated and who enjoys helping people Does this sound like you’ We offer a formal training program and our compensation package includes bonuses insurance a competi tive salary and the opportunity to work with the very best

Please fax your resume to (248) 661 3246


Farmington Hills law office Excellent phone skills

248 865 0860

M A C H IN E O P E R A T O RCNC operator for afternoon shift with set up experience Pro gramming experience helpfulWe offer Profit sharing/40l(k) health drug dental short/long term disability and life insur ance vacation sick/personal days and a clean work environ ment with a regular full time schedule on afternoon shift Must be able to lift 20lbs routinelySend resume or apply In person Must include desired wage (Industnal Park Dnve is located next to the Holiday Inn on 10 Mile near Grand River)ACE Controls Fluid Division 23435 Industnal Park Drive Farmington Hills Ml 48335

FAX (248) 476 2470 E mail

jgiles@Acecontrols com

M AINTENANCENEEDED for Waynewood Apart ments Must have experience in all aspects of maintenance 401 k& paid holidays offered No faxed resumes please Apply inSerson 6737 N Wayne Ad/i .........../estland 734 326 8270


Waltonwood Senior apartment community in Rochester Hills seeks maintenance tech Retirees welcome Full time employees are eligible for medial and dental insurances E E O Apply in person at 3250 Walton Blvd Rochester Hills Ml or call 248 375 2500MAINTENANCE TECH Experi enced Fulltime Apply in person Fairway Club Apts 40530 Tam arack Drive Canton or fax resume to 734-728 1 005

MAINTENANCE TECH Southfield Property Manage ment company has full time openings for various locations Must have 2 years experience in heating electrical plumbing & carpentry etc Benefits EOE Fax resumes (248) 352 2837 Or call for Dearborn Heights

(313) 271 4649MANAGEMENT TRAINEE TO $75K/yr + Great Benefits & Tuition Reimbursement Start as Account Exec for~Financia! Instrtu tion SALES experience from any field Openings in all areas Employment Center Agency

(248) 569 1636MANICURIST Full or part time Cllentelle waiting Farmington Hills salon (248) 553 2480MASON CONTRACTOR seeks exp mason laborers appren tices for custom work Top pay good benefits 313 864 0008

M A R K E T IN GTutor Time a national childcare company seeks an individual to join their team Full or part time Fax resume (734) 420 2701 Email judge1@hotmaU com

p&BHFUBqBusch s is looking for an ■ experienced meat cutter ■ to assist with growing | sales and be a part of a ■ great company Candi ■ dates will cut and pro | cess meat merchandise ■ department and mam 5 tain inventory Excellent I wages and benefits ■ including medical 5 dental vision and life I insurance after three | months Please apply at £ our store on I

24445 Drake Rd I (corner of Grand River .

and Drake) I in Farmington Hills |

or contact »Human Resources at ■

734 944-4322 |email ■

jobs@buschscom ■ for more info |

Visit us at ■www buschs com ■

& S» *»•» ■

Q U A L IF IED M ECH A N IC For full time position performing maintenance and repair of small engine lawn equipment snow removal equipment & truck fleet management must supply own toob Wage commensurate with experience Drug free workplace EOE Call Jeff at 248-349 8384

M E R C H A N D IS E R SNational marketing company has openings in the Ann Arbor Belleville and Ypsilanti areas merchandising in mass & gro eery chains Other work also available You will have flexible hours but must be available Tues Wed & Thursday during daytime hours Must be Reset and Plan O Gram literate Reli able transportation a must Cal! 1 800 869 8393 x 3901 Leave name phone & best time to reach you


TRAINEES to $125 000 yr + benefits Base Salary + Commis sion No previous experience required but 2 yrs+ SALES experience from any field is nec essary Call for an appt Employment Center Agency

(248) 569 1636M O R T G A G E

P R O F E S S IO N A L S !" !!

Contemporary Services Is seeking top mortgage profes sionals for leading mortgage companies We are currently seeking 2 experienced proces sors for permanent positions in the NW suburbs We also seek a Non Conforming Underwriter with a minimum of 2 yrs solid underwriting experience

Please fax your resume to 248 362 5959 or email

swettergren @ mortgagestaff com if you wish to take advantage of these excellent opportunities

Agency fee paid


CAREER OPPORTUNITYHammell Music Inc is hiring a full time reliable people person with the right busi ness skills for potential super visor position Benefits great atmosphere Challenging yet rewarding for the right candi date An ambitious trainee will be able to earn up to $12/hr after 30 90 days

Mail or fax resume to L Bennetts

15630 Mtddlebelt Rd Livonia Ml 48154 Fax 734-427 7515

O T R D R IV E R SExpress Leasing seeking owner/ operators 48 states & Canada H Endorsement required Call Roger 800 673-6253PAINTER/DRYWALL REPAIR

SUPERVISORAbility to schedule and monitor both painting and drywall repair work for multiple locations as well as self perform applications Please fax resume & salary requirements to 248 471 5943PAINTER Part time tor trucks & equipment Spray painting experience a must Plymouth area Call (734) 516 1000


For “Commercial Painting Con tractor Minimum of 8 yrs exp required Must have proper painter tools valid drivers license and reliable transporta tion Full Benefits & 401K with great advancement opportuni ties Call Melissa Mon Fri 9 4pm MasterCraft Coatings

1 800 390 6351PART TIME POSITIONS for mature individuals great for at home moms or seniors 10 am 6pm or 6am 12 am New Arby s in Troy please call for an interview (248) 988 7567

P H O T O G R A P H E R STo photograph weddings for 2002 season Experience with medium format equipment great personality and willingness to learn Training also available Call 586 776 8750


WE are an expanding industrial/ commercial service company 75 years in business looking for a candidate with exp in the com mercial pipefitting field Com pany vehicle provided Exec compensation & benefit package 401K w/50% match and profit sharing Apply in person @ AJ Danboise 31015 Grand River Farmington Hills or apply on line @

www ajdanboise comPLUMBER EXPERIENCED? Residential & Commercial Wages benefits & IRA nego tiable Call Ron

(246) 640 5623POSTAL JOBS Up to $18 35/ hour Hinngfor2001/2002 Paid training Full Benefits No expen ence Toll free 7 30am 11 pm CST 1 888 726 9083 x1700Real EstateWANTED BUYERS AGENT Busy Farmington Hills Realtor needs agent to service targe list of buyers No cold calls Matt K 248 848 3000 x211


Beautiful Canton apartment community seeking experienced Property Manager Excellent people skills organization & computer skills a must incentive package available w/good bene fits Please fax resume to

847 392 4413


The City of Rochester Hills has 2 full time non union openings for Purchasing Analyst $38 042 $49 192 annually Coordinates economical and timely pur chases In proper quality and quantity maintaining compliance with the City s Purchasing Ordi nance and procedures Required Bachelor s Degree from accredited 4 year college or university in Business Admin istration Public Administration Accounting Finance or closely related field OR 4 years recent full time purchasing experience OR equivalent combination of education and expenence Valid Michigan driver’s license with no more than five (5) points cur rently on record Preferred Public sector purchasing experi ence Strong current computer ekille including experience with financial and purchasing soft ware Experience with JD Edwards software Applications accepted through 01/11/02 500 p m Apply in person or submit cover letter identifying position and resume to Human Resources City of Rochester Hills 1000 Rochester Hills Drive Rochester Hills Ml 48309 or by FAX (248) 656-4739 EOE


Ann Arbor Welding Supply has a great opportunity for the right person! We are seeking a quail fied candidate for responsibilities that include purchasing and inside sales This full time posi tion requires a team oriented detailed individual Welding experience and computer knowl edge a must Excellent benefits Including 401 k and salary based on experience Send resume to Ann Arbor Welding Supply 4811 Carpenter Rd Ypsilanti Ml 48197 Attn Steve




w/computer experience to run office

For upscale spa Must have spa or salon experience

1 800 321 8860ROOFING HELP

Will train No crews Own transportation a must

Year round work 313 533 5579

Sales Assistant New ConstructionSingh Homes seeking Sales Assistant for New Construction Homes in Novi/Canton area Part time position MUST be able to work weekends No experience necessary will train t E O

Fax resume to GCK @ (248) 865 1630

S E N IO R B U Y E RPlymouth manufacturer is looking for an organized dependable senior buyer with 5 7 years industry experience Full benefit package Salary based on experience

FAX RESUME 734-453 5180


734 453 2300EOE M/F/V/D

SERVICE TECH For fitness equipment electronic background mechanically inclined full time union wages

1160 W Ann Arbor Rd Plymouth 734 455 8790SH IP P IN G C L E R K

Needed for printed circuit board manufacturer Shipping experi ence preferred but not required Competitive wages and benefits» within at

North Maple Saline Ml 48176 or fax to 734 429 1902


Must have own plow truck 313 383 1468 248 503 0195

Special Shoppers! PT/FT Earn Big $s Start right away No experience required Call today toll free 1 800 304 7311 ext 2468


HEAT TREAT OPERATORSteel Industnes Inc currently has the following position available HEAT TREAT OPERATOR

Looking for an individual who is aggressive and self motivated to tram In the steel forging trade Basic math and ability to read a tape measure is REQUIRED Forklift experience a plusSteel Industries Inc offers a competitive salary and benefit packageApply in person Mon Fri 9am 4prr @ 12600 Beech Daly Road Redford south of I96 on the east side of the road


SUMMER INTERNSHomeTown Newspapers is accepting resumes for summer interns to work full time In Its Special Sections Department Interns will set appointments conduct inter views and write advertonals Applicants should be at least junior status In college and possess good writing grammar ana communication skills Quark experience a plus TraveUs required in Liv ingston and Oakland Conn ties and Hoily/Fenton area Dependable transportation Is a mustSubmit resume to Special Sections Department Living ston County Dally Press & Argus 323 E Grand River Ave Howell Mi 48843 or

e mall toineff@ht homecomm net

TEACHERS CERTIFIED To tutor ail grades all subjects especially math Plymouth Learning Center 734-455 3443

T A X / A C C O U N T IN GTAX season accountant with general ledger exp Alsoperma nent part time bookkeeping posi tion Email Dan at liscpa com or fax 313 255-4973

H E A D T E A C H E RNeeded for child care center in Dearborn Heights CDA or 2 yr degree in Early Childhood including 12 hrs of child devel opment Benefits Mail resume

P O Box 421Dearborn Heights Ml 48127

TELEMARKETING Part time positions S E MlchiSans largest Toshiba dealer >ave Fisher 248 489 0000 x202

UPHOLSTERER Experienced needed in all aspects of furniture upholstering Full or part time

Call (313) 563 0433UP TO $18 35/hour possible Free call for application/ examination information Fed eral Hire full benefits 1 800-842 2128 ext 100


must have experience with vending machines or related field very competitive pay Plus benefits & company supplied van for more info call 248 548 7750$$$$WEEKLY| stay at home Processing HUD7FHA Mort gage refunds No exp required FREE information call 1 800 449 4625 ext 7507$38 000 PLUS 1ST YEAR! Receive your CDL in 15 days! We Pay Up Front For Hotel Transportation Meals DOT Physical Contact Us Today'

1 800 550 4818



with P C experience and knowl edge of windows and visual basics must be able to work in a fast paced production environ ment Send resume and salary requirements to Action Data Inc 23077 Greenfield Ste 525 Southfield Ml 48075

I T M A N A G E RNovi area Minimum 2 years of management experience Supervise and support UNIX NT MS Windows MS Office MS Exchange MS Access and Crystal Reports Additional knowledge of Nortel Norstar a plus Send resume and salary history to Human Resources

53400 Grand River Ave New Hudson Ml 48165

email HRJB@jerrybaker com or fax (248) 437 3884

ACCOUNTING CLERK Immediate opening part time Good computer and phone skills Excellent wage and bene fits Dealership experience a plus Apply at Mark Chevrolet 33200 Michigan Ave Wayne


C O L L E C T IO N Sfor Ferndale construction com pany Good salary & benefits Fax resume to 248 547 1842ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST property man agement company Livonia excel and word $20 000

246 688 8400Administrative Assistant

Growing company looking for assistant for the Director of Food Services 1 2 Years Admimstra tive assistant experience required Microsoft Office preferred Full time position Benefits & 401 (K) Please fax or mail resume to Attn Job Code CDRS 001 44800 N 194 Service Drive

Belleville Mi 48111 Fax 734-697 9287


CPA firm has full time opportuni ties some overtime required competitive salary & benefits excellent working environment "Administrative Assistant to assemble tax returns file mail & other administrative duties "Word Processor heavy financial statement typing Word required Send resume & salary requirements to Pam Nixon Parker Wittu8& Co 2000 Town Center Suite 1100 Southfield Ml 48075 Fax 248 354 1067 pmxon@parkerwittus com (email)


Bloomfield Hills custom builder needs administrative assistant forfurniture/interiordesign CAD/ Drawing Microsoft Office expen ence required Email resume to

knicol@lermancorp com


• Large Dearborn auto dealer ■ | Is In need of Accounts Pay | ■ able/General Office Clerk ■ I Organizational communica ■ I tion and people skills a must I , Experience a plus Pay plan , I negotiable Great work atmo I I sphere and benefits Please I , fax resume to ,I 313 274 2018 IV Attn Human Resources J

mm mm mm mm « h n ^AUTOMOTIVE DEALER

RECEPTIONIST Metro Detroit leading Ford deal ership is looking for someone with customer handling Multi tasking and organizational skills This Is a full time position with competitive benefits Interested individuals should apply within at

BILL BROWN FORD INC 32222 Plymouth Rd Livonia Ml 48150

BOOKKEEPERFarmington Hills CPA firm seeking experienced Book keeper Skills in Quickbooks Creative Solutions & payroll tax returns Position can be full time or flexible part time Fax resume

248 477 5692BOOKKEEPER Part time to job share Knowledgeable In Medicare billing payroll com puter literate Quickbooks Fast learner self starter Excellent growth potential for sharp mdi vidual (248) 338 1016

FAMILY NURSE CAREBOOKKEEPER/RECEPTIONIST with Computer skills needed part time for entertainment agency Call 248 851 1992

BOOKKEEPER/SECRETARY Part time for Southfield CPA firm Computer skills required Fax resume to 248 424 5592

CUSTOMER SERVICE Dynamic rapidly expanding salon product distributor is seeking a customer service person High energy positive attitude people oriented indi vidual is required MS Office experience preferred Benefits include salary health generous vacation education subsidies and discounted professional salon products Position to start early January Mail fax or email resume with salary history to IBS Inc attn CS 30469 Beck Rd Wixom Ml 48393

Fax 248 669 6845 email


For non smoking Livonia branch office Mon Fri 9am 5 30pm $9/hour Medical benefits

Please call 734 524 7598 Or fax resume 734 524 3488

D A TA E N T R YFor Southfield Law Office Com puter proficiency a must Full or part time excellent salary Fax resume 248 352 6254

D A TA E N T R YPart time automotive experi ence helfpul Keford Collision 39566 Grand River Novi

(248) 478 7815Executive Secretary

High profile position at an Inter national Headquarters in Farm ington Hills Will handle agendas meeting minutes company air craft schedule & confidential mat ters MS Office Word & Excel required $35K + great benefits! Fax resume 248-932 1214 or call Gloria 248 932 3661

Harper Associateswww harperjobs com

FULL/PARTTIME OFFICE help needed for busy law firm in Southfield Phones filing light typing etc Previous computer and office experience helpful Competitive wages and benefits Mail fax or e mail resume to Langnas & Assoc P C Attn Lisa 24359 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Southfield Ml 48075

Fax (248) 356 0716 Email LisaF@LangnascomFULL TIME RECEPTIONIST Are you dependable respon sible and friendly? Do you

enjoy helping ana supportingothers’ Does working in a pro fesslonal Real Estate office

appeal to you?If you answer YES to these questions please call for a

confidential interview CALL 1 248 646 6205

G E N E R A L O F F IC ECarpet company in Novi seeks full time office help Experience with Word & Excel a must If interested fax resume to

(248) 735 8873 or call (248) 735 8405

LEGAL SECRETARY Attorney located in downtown Birmingham seeks full time Legal Secretary with experience in Doth litigation and transac tlonal matters Salary and bene fits commensurate with experience Please submit resume via fax to 248 203 9950

LEGAL SECRETARY Opening for Legal Secretary in litigation department of Bloom field Hills law firm Excellent wages and benefits Fax resume to Litigation 248 645 1876LEGAL WORD PROCESSOR full time for Bloomfield Hills firm Must be proficient in Word Access & Power Point Good wages & benefits Fax resume to 248-645 1876MARKETING ASSISTANT Major company seeks creative person to assist with marketing projects Must be a great team player and have knowledge in Microsoft Office Top benefits'

Diversified Recruiters(248)344-6700 Fax(248)344-6704

Email jobs drc@prodigy net

P A R A L E G A L / L E G A L A S S IS T A N T

Needed for busy Farmington Hills Insurance Defense law firm Must have knowledge of Microsoft Word and type 70 wpm Excellent benefits Please fax resume to (219) 794 1 892


busy Southfield Litigation/ personal injury firm looking to fill various positions Paralegal Candidate must have a min Imum of 2 years expenence with strong writing research and computer skills Legal Assistant/ secretary for busy medical mal practice attorney Team player with experience pre requisite Salary based on experience Excellent benefits Non smoking office Fax resume to Richard 8 Kepes 248 352 5490PART TIME SECRETARY Real estate office 20 25 hours\week 1 person office property management back ground exp reliable Send resume to Property Manage ment Office PO Box 5326 Dearborn Michigan 48128

RECEPTIONIST Full time/Part time Plymouth

Community Chamber of Commerce (734) 453 1540


seeking general office help including answering multi line phone system Monday Friday 8 30am 5 00pm $8 00 an hour Benefits include paid holidays & vacation Please call (248) 542 3888 to request applicationREAL ESTATE ASSISTANT

Wanted' Self directed moti vated office coordinator for fastRaced top producing agent lorthfille location 5 days/wk

no eve/weekends computer and communication skills a must real estate experience a plus (248) 347 3056 ext 434

R E C E P T IO N IS TBusy office needs pleasant voice to greet and direct incoming calls and perform light office duties Full time $8/nr Blue Cross 401K apply within March Performance 6020 Hix Ret, Westland Ml 48185

RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER Outstanding full time opportunity for enthusiastic individual pos sessmg excellent verbal commu mcation skills and professional attitude Excellent working con dltions great pay and benefits with plenty of room for advancementSEND RESUME OR APPLY IN PERSON

Suburban Honda P O BOX 8065

25100 Haggerty Rd Novi Ml 48376 8065 Attn Joan Kowalski Fax (248) 427 7973

Phone (248) 427 7972RECEPTIONIST/

FRONT DESK Great Part-time Job

Answering phones setting cus tomer appointments and light data entry Will train energetic Individual Evening hours 5pm to 8pm Mon Fri Sat 9 4pm Sun 11 4pm Some flexibility available Apply in person between 9am 4 30pm 31391 Industrial Road Livonia or fax resume to Pam at

734-427 6564RECEPTIONIST LOOKING for some with good phone skills Tasks will include answering the phone shipping and receiving Please mail in your resume to the attention of the office man ager at 12600 Arnold St Red ford Ml 48239

Or fax to (313) 535 0862RECEPTIONIST/

SECRETARYBusy phones Microsoft Word helpful (248)344-9510


Mature dependable person to work part time evenings and weekends Must be available to tram during the day Please call Mon Fn 9 4 (734) 425 9200

★ Receptionist ★Senior apartment community in Canton seeking to fill evening position Individual should be organized responsible and dependable Applicants must be caring and have the ability to work well with the public E t O Apply in person at Waltonwood or Canton 2000 N Canton Center Rd Canton Ml (E side of Canton Center Rd S of Ford Rd)


Experienced office manager position Computer expertise and telephone skills necessary Fax resume to 248 357 6616

SECRETARIAL POSITION need excellent computer skills Microsoft Word & Excel Must have good grammatical skills to be ghost writer Ability to take dictation and transcription would help legal or real estate back ground good Farmington Hills salary & benefits commensu rate w/ experience

Fax to 248 851 5007SUBURBAN AREA mid sized law firm looking for experienced Legal Secretary and experi enced Receptionist Please respond by fax (248) 352 4495 or email Iawoffice1234@aolcomVETERINARY RECEPTIONIST Part time Experience preferred but will train a person with good communication skills and a friendly attitude Griffith Vet Hos pital Westland (734) 728-2520

WEEKEND SECRETARY Real estate office Plymouth Sat 8 30 5/Sun 10-5 Computer and good communication skills are a must Fax resume to (734) 459 1740/Call

(734) 455 6000

Help Wanted Dental

ANN Arbor office seeks Recep tronist warm & cheerful Exp pre­ferred but will train Also Hygienist part/full time 734-995-5400AWESOME DENTAL ASSISTANT If you are energetic career on ented w/dental exp and enjoy people please apply Must be organized self motivated & inde pendent to work in one doctorgeneral and implant office of Dr avid Banda 16/Woodward

Great hours (no eves /no Sat s) Great boss' great benefits

friendly staff and interesting work Dentrix exp helpful

(248) 647 5434 ext 22 Fax 248 647 7688


Must be stable & dependable (248) 335 1000

DEARBORN OFFICE offering full time position for experienced individual clinical exp a plus Good communication and com puter skills are basis for five star service attitude Excellent com pensation benefits for right indi vidual Call (313) 581 5844DENTAL ASSISTANT Chair side for our busy Canton orfh odontic practice Ext3 4 days/wk 734-981 2444

DENTAL ASSISTANT High school graduate Non smoking office No experience necessary Wlfl tram Westfand practice Call 734 728 2616

D EN TA L A S S IS TA N TFor Livonia periodontal office Full time weekdays only Exp preferred Benefits included Call Karen 734 522 7313

DENTAL ASSISTANT Must have experience & dental software skills Full time position in Southfield office Competitive salary & benefits Fax resume to

248 395 4703D E N T A L A S S IS T A N T

Novi office seeking full time expanded duty Chairside Assls tant to join our highly motivated fun loving team Must be an out

people person Please call (248) 348 3784DENTAL HYGIENIST

Part time Farmington Hills/ Southfield area Pleasant office Call Jaenatta at 248 354-2244 or fax resume to 248-354-8883

D E N T A L H Y G IE N IS TDependable team players wanted for part time at our Canton office Excellent bene fits vacation and personal time with guaranteed salary plus commission Call Tracy or Dr Hadjiev at (734) 207 3740 for more information or fax resume to (734) 207 0197 EOE

D EN TALi*> ) H Y G IEN IST v— Red Wing Team Dentist seeking dedicated hygienists with a positive attitude Those interested in joining our growing staff in a newly remodeled facility call (734) 591 3636

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Canton Full time Organized team playerwith greatcommum cation skills Dental or medical exp preferred Excellent salary & benefits 734 981 4246


Part time Mon Tues & Thurs Plymouth/Canton area

Call Mary (734) 459 4430

A growing billing company seeking experienced

MEDICAL BILLERS• Full time• Benefits• Great opportunity

Fax resume to 313 240 7301ATTENTION ALL CERTIFIED




F R E E TR A IN IN G !!!Please call Nancy Hart Director of Nursing at

734-453 3983 regarding our straight day position opening

C E N A sAfternoons Full & Part time

Days Part time Apply in person Marycrest Manor 15475 Middiebelt Livonia Ml 48154

FRONT DESK for busy Livonia Drs office part time Mon Wed & Thurs afternoons no bene fits 734-421 2840


in medical office to work and mange front desk Will serve as liaison between dr s and front desk staff College preferred Excellent benefits Send resume to P O Box 826 Birmingham Ml 48012 0626


BUSY INTERNAL Medicine office in Canton accepting appli cations for full time front desk position Experience preferred Benefit package offered Fax resume to Clinical Manager

(734) 981 0653FRONT OFFICE

Looking for career minded person to work in a busy alterna live health care practice Approx 30+ hrs 401(k)/benefits Office experience a plus Send resume to DHS 39595 W 10 Mile 4112 Novi M I48375 AttnPam


Full time available for an enthusl asttc person to be directly involved in patient care & perform multiple tasks (248) 865-4170

LP N O R RNFull time No evenings or

weekends in friendly Ypsilanti area medical office Fax

resume to Dawn Carson at 734-434 8777

T E L E M A R K E T I N G9

Do you wish there was a place where you could be rewarded for helping businesses reach the people in your community? Are you looking for a way to make a great income while doing something you can really sink your teeth into’ Well look no further HomeTownLife com, a division of The Observer & Eccentric and HomeTown Newspaper network is now offering full time & part time positions in telemarketing and there are only a few openings available This job will teach you many aspects of the sales end of the Internet advertising business If you are going to school for Marketing Advertising Business or Communications or just dreamed of working in these fields then this is the job for you!You will receive training and great experience while making an hourly wage plus commission This opportunity comes with the excitement of being part of the new Internet portal for our award winning newspaper groups which are respected through out the industry EOEIf interested in this opportunity, please forward your resume to the attention of the

Attn S a le s M anagersuccess@ Hom eTownLlfe com Or Fax .(7 3 4 ) 266-2501 EOE

A l l A d s R u n O n l i n e

C la s s if ic a t io n s 500 to 508 <*) 3F

A Value O f U p To $87 OO

H tST O TEC H N O LO G IS THiibnch Dermatology Lab In Garden City has a full or part time position available HT or HTL preferred Monday Friday flexible hrs Fax resume to


for chiropractic office Flexible hours Females encouraged to apply 248 471 0440

M E D IC A L A S S IS T A N TFull time experienced MA for expanding Multi specialty office Fax resume to 248 541 6862MEDICAL ASSISTANT full & part time positions available for busy family practice office in Mil fora Experience required Fax resume to (248) 685 0057 or call (248) 685 3600 ext 11MEDICAL ASSISTANT/LPN/RN Medical examiners needed to perform mobil medical evalua tlons Must have good phle botomy skills and reliable car Pay Is a percentage of grass + mleage All shifts avail Fax resume to 866 522 5200

M ED IC A L A S S IS T A N T Energetic and a team player needed for busy family practice in Plymouth Full time Good pay with medical benefits 2 years experience preferred Fax resume to 734 455 3405

Attn Carolor call 734 455 2970 Ext 11

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Wanted part time in Livonia office Experience preferred Fax resume to (248) 888 6897 or call (248) 888 6843

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Experienced busy family practice Garden City Venapunc- ture injections EKG x ray a pfus Fax resume 734 522 7012

M E D IC A L A S S IS T A N TPart time for OB/GYN office in Southfield Experienced only Call Cheryl (248) 855 7491

M E D IC A L A S S IS T A N TFull time Experienced only Dearborn internal Medicine office Contact Laura at

(313) 584 3359MEDICAL ASSIST7RECEPTIONIST One physician medical office Troy full time all benefits

Fax to (248) 649 9770

MEDICAL BILLER Experienced medical biller needed for Farmington hospital Candidate must have DME expe nence Pay rate is commensurate on expenenceCall Cheryl Robinson between 830 am and 12 30 pm @

(248)355 2440 Tne KPM Group

MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLER experience in all phases of insur ance a plus Please fax resume tc 734-281 0775

Medical O ffice Staff Great positions for Billers (to$14 50/hr) In Farmington Hills Livonia & Southfield Many loca tions for Receptionists & Medical Assistants 2+ yrs required Fax resume 248-932 1214or call Angie 248 932 1202

Hatpei Associateswww harperjobs com

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Full time for busy Southfield ophthalmology office Experi ence preferred 248 358 3937

M ED T E C HMT/MLT for midnight shift part time (32 hours bl weekly) Rotate weekends & holiday Generalist experience to Include Blood Bank desired Apply in person mall fax or e mail resume

Hospital Consolidated Laboratories

MED TECH Prov Park 23775 Northwestern Hwy

Southfield Ml 48075 Fax 248-358 1311

or EmailR e su m e ® P rovidence H o sp ta lo rg Subject MT/MLT Prov Park

M ED T E C HMT/MLT midnight shift Chem istry position Rotating week ends and holiday schedule Generous benefits $2 000 SIGNING BONUS Apply in person mail fax or e mal! resume

Hospital Consolidated Laboratories

MED TECH Chemistry 23775 Northwestern Hwy

Southfield Ml 48075 Fax 248 358 1311

or EmailR e su m e@ P rov ld en ce H o sp ta l org Subject MT/MLT Chemistry


Position available in a Livonia Physicians office Exp pre ferred Part time days Call (734) 464-9200 ext 245

O F F I C E C L E R KFriendly reliable detail oriented individual needed to staff one of two urology offices located on the William Beaumont Hospital campus Experience preferred Fax resume to Nancy at

248 551 9965

OPTICIAL DISPENSER with exp needed full time for friendly private practice in Ply mouth Call (734)453 8450



RN s up to $28/hr LP N s up to $23 75/hr Contingent up to $28/hr

Outstanding S ign -O n Bonus

At Heartland you II take advap tage of• Flexible scheduling• Tuition reimbursement• Nurse student loan repayment

plan• Nurse scholarship program• Exc medical/dental benefits• 401k• 8 and 12 hour shifts• Shift & weekend differential• Various bonus programs• Subacute unit premiumApply in person e mail or fax resume to Kenya Drew Human Resource Director Heartland Health Care Center 4701 E Huron River Dr Ann Arbor Ml 48105 Fax 734 677 5857 Phone 734-975-2600 or E mail 4262 hr@hcr manorcare com



Expanding surgical practice is seeking an experienced oph thalmic Assistant Travel & occa sional Saturdays We offer full time position w/benefits Fax resume to (248) 357 5726

PEDIATRIC OFFICE in West Bloomfield seeks

part time medical assistant Call 246 540 4892

Fax resume 248 540 6402PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE

Part time afternoon for enerPetic personable individual in armington Hills outpatient

orthopedic facility Will train 248 478 7330

RECEPTIONIST/BILLER for Farmington Hills office Mon Wed Fri Sat Exp $9/hr 248-851-6655 fax 248-851 2088

RN/LPN Part time (Day & Afternoon shift)

Apply m person Marycrest Manor

15475 Middiebelt Rd Livonia Ml 48154

R N O R L P NFull time Assisted living facility in Livonia Good working environ ment Fax resume 734-522 5797 or mail to 49517 Polnte Xing Plymouth 48170 or Call 810-243 8613

RN s & LPN s For home ventilator and/o

* trach patients Adult & Pediatric

Please call Days Mon Fn 248 39543777

Evenings 248 553-8162WANTED Expenenced

Nurses and Home Health Aids Please call 734) 287 5767 Fax (734) 283 6420

COOKSFull & Part time

Starting Gate Saloon 135 N Center St Northville


Buschs is seeking experi enced Seafood and Deli Managers ready for a new challenge in our state of the art perishable operations Candidates will conduct inventory assist customers with food choices order stock and merchandise product and be responsible for department operations Experience in food service and passion for great cus-1 tomer service a must Busch s offers excellent com pensation and benefits and career opportunities with a growing company Fax/send resume to Buscn s 565 E Michigan Ave Saline M( 48176 Fax 734-994 4327

Voice 734 944 4352 Email jobs@buschscom

HOST & WAIT STAFF AM & PM Closed Sundays

Apply at Hercs 36685 Plymouth Rd Livonia


A great place to work! Flexible schedules available!

Now Hiring Part time • Restaurant Servers •

Excellent wage and benefit package' Will train!

Please apply in person at 14600 Sheldon Road

Located at M 14 & SheldonNEW ITALIAN RESTAURANT

OPENING IN LIVONIA We need experienced Waitstaff

Line Cooks Manager & Bussers 734?560-6781

P A R T T IM E CO O K & W E E K E N D D ISH W A SH ER Contact David or Mike after 2 30 Eurasian Grill West Bloomfield (248) 624-6109

I n t e r n e tP r o d u c t i o n

A s s i s t a n tSeeking a web production assistant for entry-level position with a division of major local newspaper network Must be articulate, have good proof reading skills, and capable of managing several task with little supervision Familiarity with HTML, FTP and other Internet protocols is a necessity Excellent ground floor opportunity for the right individual Part time may be ok for right individual, students encouraged to apply S e n d re su m e in c o n fid e n c e to O p e ra tio n s M a n a g e r: s u c c e ss@ h o m e to w n life .c o m


4 F (* ) C la s s if ic a tio n s 500 to 702 The Observer & Eccentric T h u rsd a y , D ecem ber 1 3 ,2001



CLERKMust be available evenings and weekends Retail expenence and natural food knowledge a plus Please direct all inquines to Nicole (248) 960 9740

PREP COOK.Apply in person Tues tliru Fri Ask for Joyce at the Livonia Elks Club 31117 Plymouth Rd Livonia (734) 425 2246

Qualified management positions available outstanding benefits health insurance and paid vaca tions Little Daddy s Restau rants all locations

Call Ken at 248 865 8600

A C a ree r in R ea l Esta te

Free Training

Location Location S E Comer of Six/Haggerty• Free Pre Licensing

Training• Full and Part Time

Positions• Group Health Coverage• Structured Training

Program• in House Closing

Department734 464 6400

Ask for Larry Frey or Frank DAngelo

O n t u ^ j

Hartford South Inc

C heck us out at www c21 h s com


REAL ESTATE IS BOOMING Excellent Commissions

Great Training DOUG COURTNEY

HOMETOWN (734) 459 6222


Arbor Dodge Ann Arbors exclu sive Dodge car and truck dealer is looking for a new and pre owned salesperson to add to our staff We offer an exciting line up of cars and trucks and a well stocked pre owned Inven tory We have a 5 day work week excellent benefits including training 401K program Blue Cross and Blue Shield and an excellent team atmosphere If you re interested in an exciting career in automotive sales please call me today to discuss this exciting opportunity Phone Matt LaFontaine at

(734) 971 5000


(734 421 5700



SCHWEITZER How many times have you thought of a real estate career?• Flex Time• Unlimited Income• The Best in Marketing

Resources• The Best Training• Support You Can

Count On• Free Training Experience our newly expanded Farmington Hills/ West Bloomfield location Now interviewing new & experienced agents Call Joan Char Manager for a confidential interview

(248) 737 9000C O LM JU e U -B A N K e i t U




Up to 50% Commission • Small Pack

• BC/BS• Dental• Vision• 401k

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Please Contact John Blanchard Pat Miliiken Ford

9600 Telegraph Road Redford Mi 48239

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512 Help Wanted* Sales

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Contact Jim Miller 248 360 1425

e mailjmiller@cbschweitzer com

If you re not call the other ads


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This Is the CURVE we use to measure agent satisfactionWhat CURVE does your

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C O LD W ELL BA N K ER Schweitzer Northville

EARN EXTRA $$$! Booming real estate office in Livonia has openings for out going Salespeople! Training available Call Judy or Kim


734-525-4200EXPERIENCED SALES & Ser vice professionals needed for established company Long term opportunity w/benefits Fax resume to Ken Bank President Banks Vacuum Superstore

(734) 432 0112HOME IMPROVEMENT SALES Well established Southfield home improvement co seeking expenenced Sales Person Qual ified leads & strong financing available Benefits available

Call Mr D (248) 353 9174Looking for reliable SOBER retired sharp (TIN MAN) to work with the BEST Salary plus commission Mr Joseph

(248) 670-1303


Earn $50 000+ Should have home improvement exp & good follow up Must pay attention to detail LeafGuard Is an employee owned business Ben efits available Contact Dave Gordon 248-437-3700

LEA SIN G CO N SU LTAN T Floater position for metro area properties Expenence pre ferred Fun professional work environment Competitive wages & benefits Send resume Email ddrozd@bleznak com Fax 248 489 1118 EOE


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R E A L E S T A T E70/30 Split Great Training

New Office"Cal! Mike Workman Sr

O 734 452 1180 Keller Williams Realty Livonia

S A L E S A S S O C IA T EMarathon Linen services in In need of a professional dedi cated self motivated individual to join our sales team Must have strong written & verbal communication skills as well as strong presentation develop ment and delivery Salary plus commission many perks including an impressive benefits packageFax Resume to 313-921 2426 Attn Lynne

^ e f Am erica

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We all know the circumstances that have made this one of the most unforgettable years m our country s history No one will ever forget these last few months but we believe that these next few months will be a time to heal

The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers would like to help the people that have been effected the ones who lost their jobs by all the cutbacks

For the cost of $1 per line (15 20 characters) you can tell prospective employers about your qualifications and why you would be an asset to their company This promotion is only for people looking to find a job within a company

Your ad will run in a special location in the classified section titled “The O&E New Career for a New Year” and will appear m the Sunday January 6th 2002 edition

As a special bonus the sooner we receive your ad the longer the ad will appear m the paper and for no added charge that s right FREE1

December 8th is the first edition your ad can appear for free It will be placed in the “Jobs Wanted” (534) category of classifieds All you have to do is get your ad to us by Wednesday of that week and the same holds true for every week until Wednesday Dec 26th Write down your qualifications and either mail or e mail them to the Observer & Eccentric We will then contact you to set up your ad and give you the total cost All ads must be prepaid Please include separate from your ad the phone number you can be contacted at, and your E mail address if sent by mail

The 0&E New Career for a New YearThe Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

3 62 5 1 Schoolcraft Road • Livonia, M l 4 8 1 0 5 Or email oeads@oe homecomm net

sopho\i ( w/wms/'



Our affiliation with the GMAC Real Estate Network unites two of the most trusted names in the Western Sub urbs Our exclusive real estate services help you become more successful• Top Notch training• Marketing tools• Strategic systems for

your client relationships• Global relocations ser

vices• Financial servicesPlus our agents are entitled to GM Car discounts vendor discounts group health msur ance investments in GM demand notes and many more benefits We are now looking for 4 more agents to complete our Fall semester training session Classes are forming nowCall Darlene Shemanski

(734) 451 5400

1365 South Mam St Plymouth Ml 48170

SALES REPMichigan Lottery S31k+ with benefits Requires BA degree with Bus Mktg or related major + 1 yr geographic sales expert ence selling tangible products to retailers W/out degree 5/yrs similar experience Send resume and transcript to Michigan Lottery c/o of HR PO Box 30023 Lansing Ml 48909 Resumes due by December 21 2001 EOE

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If you are thinking about entering this very lucrative busi ness call Ken Kernen at

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LITTLE VALLEY HOMES with over 35 years in manufactured housing has a few openings NOW’• Paid sales training• Benefits• Great earning potential Candidates will be highly moti vated Sales background & good closing skills Call now for confi dentiaf telephone interview

734-697 1924 Fax resume to 734-697 9558

520 Help Wanted Part-Time

WEEK END directional sign route $15/hr Must have truck or trailer w/open bed No heavy lifting (800)875 4064 ext 120

524 Help Wanted- Domestic

LIVE IN HELP for Senior Light housekeeping May hold day job References Livonia 734 522 6792

Employment/ Instruction Services


530 Entertainment

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534 Jobs Wanted- Female/Male

YOUNG LOVING experienced live out housekeeper/babysitier Seeking full or part time posi tion (248) 569 1674

536 Childcare Services Licensed

Help Wanted Part-Time

MYSTERY SHOPPERS $25/ hour for local area businesses Plus FREE merchandise meals and more’ No experience' www job usashopftrm comPART TIME RECEPTIONIST/

SECRETARYLivonia Real Estate office seeking Receptionist/Secretary for 2 or 3 week days from 2pm to 7 p m and Sundays 10 am to 5 p m Some computer skills necessary We will train for spe cific tasks All ages encouraged to apply Call


In Canton 15 Hrs/week flex ible Office organizational & computer skills required

734-844 3400TUTOR WANTED for autistic child No experience necessary Will tram (248) 645 5291

ADORABLE SETTING in my S Redford hqme Meals crafts pre school program Very clean CPR/State Cert (313)255 0466LICENSED educational child care by loving Mom/teacher in my S Livonia home Lots of TLC 734 427 0716

537 Clnldcare/Babysit- ting Services

Best childcare everl Ann Arbor Trail/Middlebelt 7 30am 4 30 Cindy (734) 522 2567

538 Childcare Needed

NANNY NEEDED for 9 mo old in West Bloomfield home Full time Mon Fri Expenence matu rity and flexibility a must!Cail 9 5 (248)539 3345

N A N N Y W A N T E DMon Wed Thurs 8am 8pm Infant 8 months in my Bloom field Hills home Fax resume & references to 248 524 1903


MARKETPLACE560 Education/


M A T H T U T O R Available' Algebra grade 4 8 College quality low rates' 313-581 2259

PHOTOGRAPHERSWedding photography classes now forming for individuals with good people skill and a basic photographic knowaldge Lim ited openings Fox Portrat Stu diOS 596 776 8750

www foxstudios net

Financial Service (See class #082)

CHRISTMAS SEASON9 Personal / Auto9 Bankruptcy?

Need financial help9 Call 1 888 808 7601

572 ! Tax Services

FULL SERVICE CPA Firm spe cializmg in Turnaraund/workout management strategic and busi ness planning Income tax ser vices and more Authorized E File provider (248) 693 5399 or

(248) 663 4041

574 lOppt (See Class 390)

ANGELO S CONEY island #1 in Flint with 53 yrs of success Now you can purchase/license your own 810 577 5310ATTENTION GET Started Now! Work from home' $5000 full

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Guaranteed $519 Per Week working for the Government from home Call Nowl 24/ 7

1-888 820 5106INTERNATIONAL CO need help $1500 part time $5000 full time from home paid vacation training bonuses phone 1 8 8 8 2 1 3 9 9 5 7www polishfreedom com



600 Personals

Earl V Williams Trying to reach you regarding

piano accompaniment Call (248) 932 0896


A m ericas #1 Su ccess Expert

B R IA N T R A C Y L IV E 'Jan 16 Day OR Eve

$99 or FREE with Series Details? 1 800 454 5937

ext 814

A am dy Am d AM m dbShmfycmdkm

Birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, blessed events, memoriam. promotions. Remember your Mends and family and share the news.

lo v t

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636 Lost & Found

FOUND CAT Fri Dec 7th* Vicinity of Warren & Lilley

__________ (734) 844 8488FOUND dog 7 Mile/Middlebelt area 248 474-5307FOUND Gray cat young Old Rosedale Gardens Livonia

(734) 513 2778FOUND piece of jewelery Farm mgton Hills Strip mall Tell when where & what 248 788 0807GREY CAT Gold eyes Found on Deerng St on 12 10 01

(248) 442 7218LOST black male cat front paws declawed REWARD

734 454 4519LOST CAT small male gray w/white markings no front claws* 12 Mile & Orchard Lake Reward (248) 489 0937LOST small white female poodle Grand River area Reward 248-476 7775

642 Healthjfetntion, : Weight Loss

BALLY LIFETIME MEMBER SHIP moving must sell let s talk

(248) 552 9258



700 Absolutely Free

CHRISTMAS TREE Full size in sections good condition

(734) 261 7337C L A S S IF IE D AD S

W O RK1 800 579 S E L L

DESKS 2 white formica with chrome trim You pick up

248 478 5853ELECTRIC WHEEL Chair Lift for stair case (very heavy) you pick up (734)425 0662FREE 2 mirrors 4 5 x3

(734) 591 6046FREE riding tractor 16 hp w/accessones Please call

248 889 2036LOWERY SPINET organ 2 key boards foot pedals Exc cond You pick up 248 643 8087OLDER RED paver bricks from patio some bricks mortared together Livonia 734 513 9983

702 : Antiques/


Rare antique & Collectable art prints of engravings from 18th century Sale and Exhibit starts Dec 7 Thru 22 3807 E 10 Mile Warren Ml 586 755 1700ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE

15 30% discount Town & Country Antique Mall 31630 Plymouth Rd Livonia

734 425 4344ANTIQUE OAK roll top desk Exec cond $1500 or best rea sonable offer (810) 228 7146ANTIQUE PHILCO refrigerator for sale $30 You II need a hand cart to remove from basement


Sun Dec 16 1pm 5089 Dixie Waterford


A N T IQ U E SFurniture Windows & Doors

Lamps Chandeliers Sconces Collectibles

Way too much to mention 6000 sq ft Come Explore'


BOGARTS ANTIQUES 11am to 6pm every day

600 E Eleven Mile Royal Oak A Mile east of Mam Street

248 398 0646BEAUTIFUL DOLLHOUSE 7 rooms 2 baths electrfied 3 floors 4 ft x 3ft high asking $850 unfurnished $1495 fur mshed Also room boxes and extra miniature furnishings for sale (248) 698 3616

6 0 0 ’sA n n o u n c e m e n t s

600 Personals 602 HappyAds 604 Graduations 606 Mothers Day 608 Fathers Day 610 Holiday PotpourA 612 Sweetest Day 614 Valentines Day 620 Special Announcements

Meetings/Seminars622 Legal Notices623 Adoption624 Misc Notices

626 Political Notices 626 Car Pools 630 Cards Of Thanks 632 In Memonam 634 Death Notices 636 Lost & Found 638 Tickets 640 Transportation/Travei 642 Health Nutrition

Weight Loss 644 Insurance 646 Bingo 648 Wedding Chapel

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

7 0 0 ’ sM e r c h a n d i s e F o r S a l e

700 Absolutely Free (1 day) 730 Commercial/lndustrial702 Antlques/Coliectibles Restaurant Equipment704 Arts & Crafts 732 Computers706 Auction Sales 734 Electromcs/Audio/Vkfeo708 Rummage Sale/Flea

Market736 Video Games, Tapes

Movies710 Estate Sales 738 Farm Equipment711 Garage Sales Oakland 740 Farm Produce-Flowers712 Garage Sales Wayne Plants713 Moving Sales 741 U Pick714 Clothing 745 Hobbies Coins Stamps716 Household Goods 746 Hospital Equipment718 Appliances 747 Jewelry719 Pools Spas Hot Tubs 748 Lawn Garden & Snow720 Bargain Buys Equipment721 8 cycles 750 Miscellaneous For Sale722 Building Materials 751 Musical Instruments724 Business & Office 752 Sporting Goods

Equ pment 753 Trade Or Sell726728

Office Supplies Cameras & Supplies

754 Wanted To Buy

7 8 0 - 7 9 3A n i m a I s / P e t s I k780 Animal Setvices/Supplies 787 LI---,-,Horse boaramg781 Breeder Directory Commercial782 Birds 788 Household Pets783 Cats 789 PetGrooming'Boardmg784 Dogs 790 Pet Services785 FarmAmmals/bvestock 791 Pet Supplies786 Horses & Equipment 792 Pet Wanted

793 Lost & Found

BEAUTIFUL EARLY 1930 s bankers roll top desk mahogany & brass $1350 or best offer day 313 538 1370 Eve 734 458 7582


We Make House Calls!

Estate & Private Sales Also Insurance S Estate

Appraisals ..Yo u ve Seen The


If you have unusual Items you feel would appeal to a W ORLDW IDE IN TERN ET audience we will research photo and sell the items for you through the internet

Please call for information

W E A R E A LSO LOOKING TO PU R C H A SE Fine china Crystal Silver Oil Paintings Furniture Costume & Fine Jewelry

M EM B ER O F ISA Visit our G allery located tn the Old Church at

515 S Lafayette Royal Oak

Mon Sat 11 6. 2 48 -3 9 9 -2 6 0 8

DEPRESSION GLASS lOpcs cobalt Royal Lace $600 2 pc pink Mayfair $50 Wicker dolt stroller $700 (734) 421-0478


(734) 416 0121

HUDSON SANTA Bears Mint All years $20&up Extra hat for 1988 bear 313 538-0115


A N T IQ U E SFor the best selection ofquality merchandise Down town Romeoweek 10-6

Open 7 days a 810-752 5422

LLADRO Collectibles society & retired pieces early holiday spe C ia lS 3 1 3 8 3 6 - 6 1 4 2


Buy Sell Trade Service (313) 770-1008

THE AREAS newest multi dealer shop 2 blocks W of theBerkley Theater Qpen 6 days 11am 6pm Sun 12 5pm 3248 W 12 Mile (248) 399 6098

WILLIAM MOSS Artist of Detroit Paintings (6) Limited Editions Originals Signed by Gordie Howe other athletes & by the artist

(248)661 2155

W I N rY O U R




c o u ld b e a lu ck y w in n e r >f a fam ily p a c k to the

D e c e m b e r 31st irst N ig h t C e le b ra tio n

w h ic h in c lu d e s A dm ission B u tto n s an d 2 First N ig h t L ig h ts '

(Children under 10 & under get in free')

Here s how to enter - Send a postcard with your name day phone number an(

address to

p a r t y ^ £

GiNG ^3NGS , f

M i s r / * .

AGiC >







jazz . ................... A U j j r -

STEEL BAND !! i/V(?HAM i°°i


c /o O BJ

& E C C E I


36251 S ch o o lcra ft

L iv o n ia , M l 48150(Send one entry only)

W in n ers n a m e s w ill be ch o se n from all

p o stca rd entries and pu b lished

D e c e m b e r 2 0 23 & 27 in your Hom eTown C la s s if ie d section

d D b sm re r lE c c e n tric"1 2 % AII A b o u t YO U r

(Bbstcmrfe l E c t e n t r i c

The Observer & Eccentric T hursday , D ecem ber 1 3 ,2 0 0 1

Market PlaceC la s s if ic a tio n s 001 to 721

All Ads Run Online(★ )5F

A Value Of U p To $87 00

Thomas Kinkade paintings Private owner For titles & prices call (248) 933 7872

706 Auction Sales

A HUGE estate & unpaid storage Sat 6PM

Box lots furniture appliances 5089 Dixie Waterford



Sat Dec 15th 7pm CULTURAL CENTER

525 FARMER PLYMOUTH MICHIGAN Christmas Collectibles

Costume Jewelry Glassware

Coca Cola Items Movie Posters

• Over 2000 Misc Items •Cash MC/Visa AmEx

Ml Check W/ID Doors Open 6pm

J C Auction Services Inc (734) 451 7444


708 Rummage Sale/ Flea Markets

FLEA MARKET Sat Dec 15th 9 3 30 St John s corner Northline/Telegraph Taylor

(734) 287 3866

710PRESTIGE ESTATE SALE Fri & Sat DEC 14 & 15 10 4 183 Hillcrest Lane Grosse Points (E on Moross turn S on Kercheval 1st st to the West) Henredon furnture bakers rack nice accessories and much morel 313 886 0509

A GREAT SALE' By Everything GoesFriSat Dec 14 & 15 10 4

2425 Loch Creek Way The Heathers Bloomfield Hills North off Square Lake Road East of Opdyke take Upper Scotsborough Way to Loch

Creek Way turn right DECORATOR CONTENTS 6 panel carved oriental screen Leather by Hancock & Moore Baker Cocktail tables sofas dining table & chairs Custom master suite w/granlte tops & wall unit Bakers rack Iron & glass dinette Games table Work out room 2 large screen TVs Rugs Elio wall unit Marble top dining table & 6 chairs Artwork Curio items & accessories Designer clothing Fine & costume jew elry Pato set sports & gotflANNOUNCING Next Week Wed thru Sun Dec 19 23 A huge store iquldation sale Antiques & estate furniture 30507 Woodward Ave W side S of 13 Mi Royal Oak Call 248 988 1077 for details

Offce 248 855 0053

BIRMINGHAM ANTIQUE misc sale' Fri & Sat 9 5 344 Fairfax bet Southfield & Cranbrook

A U C T I O N AT T H E G A L L E R I E SFriday December 14th

at 6 30 p mSaturday December 15th

at 1100 amSunday December 16th

at Noon


E x h ib it io n H o u rsFriday December 7th 9-30 e m S 30 p mSaturday Oecember8th 930am 5 30pmTuesday Decemberllth 930am 5 30pmWednesday December 12th 930am 8.30pmThursday December 13th 9-30am S 30pm

N o e ha w e a e no open o exh b on on M onday




FINE ART APPRAISERS & AUCTIONEERS SINCE 1927409 East Jefferson Avenue • Detroit, Michigan 48224

(31 3) 963 6255 or 963-6256 • Fax (313) 963 8199 (Across from the Ken Cen)




Fri Dec 14 &Sat Dec 15 10am 5pm

Sun Dec 16 12 noorv4pm 18970 Blrchcrest Detroit

South off 7 Mile East of Livernois

Gorgeous French Dining Room Set An Outstanding Large Curio for those col lectibles 2 Very Nice Sofas Master Bedroom Set and 3 other Bedroom Sets End Tables Glass Top Coffee Table 2 Elegant Bombay Chests Console Table 2 Nice Barrel Back Uphol stered Chairs Stunning Decorative Trunk Wrought Iron Florida Room Furni ture Also Wrought Iron Patio Furniture Heavy Bamboo Den Furniture Assorted Glassware Oil Paintings A Large Collec tiorr of Decor Accessories from around the world Crystal Bronzes Brass Wood Carvings Porcelain Figurines Lamps Mirrors Oriental Bronzes MUCH MUCH MOREI Everything like new



w 248 478 SELL .

J another L



TOWERSFri/Sat Dec 14 15 10-4 16500 North Park Dr

Apt 1904 (Alongside the Lodge Freeway S of 9 Mile

North of the Ambassador Hotel)



APARTMENTGeorge Steck Cherrywood piano Queen Anne mahogany sideboard wing back chair plaid silk sofa large oriental cocktail table mahogany bachelor chest French Cherrywood chest sofabed loads of china porcelain collectibles silver linens crystal ladies comfortable size clothes stackable washer & dryer plus huge amounts of good things

SEE YOU THERE! (Please park in the visitors parking lot

enter the main lobby ask for the estate sale)



t (313) 869 5555 I

Farmington H lls Dec 14 15 10 4 30594 Orchard Lake Rd S 14 Mile Rd Imported furni ture household goods baby items clothing Persian carpet

BIRMINGHAM VERY fine antique china crystal silver (many over 100 years old) Fruit wood cherry dining room col lectibles Ethan Allen all household Friday 9 5 Saturday 9 ? 373 South Glenhurst between Southfield/Cranbrook Lincoln (14,6 mile) /Maple No pre salesDEARBORN HEIGHTS 4602 Monroe E of Telegraph N of VanBorn Thurs 1213 thru Sun 12 16 9am 6pm Collect! bles maple furniture Blue Onion dinnerware tools books Avon glassware 33 LP s washer dryer kitchen utensils Entire household to be sold



L i l l y M .& COMPANY

Call Toll Free1-800-558-8851

Southfield 21305 Negaunee 3 blks E Inkster 3 bite N 8 Mile Washer dryer new refrig erator range bedroom furniture etc Delivery available Sat Dec 15 10am 2pm

WEST BLOOMFIELD Sun Dec 16th 10 3pmGorgeous lake home w/many antiques french armoire mahogany desk sofa dresser tables art work bookcases rugs stained glass windows & home accessories 2396 Pine Lake Rd North of Long Lake Rd W of Middiebelt Cash only

711BIRMINGHAM Sat Dec 15 912 Misc items including queen size bedroom set Must sell make offer 764 Hazel wood between 15 & 16 Mile W of Woodward off Oak streetSOUTHFIELD SAMPLE SALE Its a garage sale in an office Coffee mugs to calendars to tote bags to clothes to tables Low low prices 17200 W 10 Mile #107 Mon Fri 8 30am 6pm

BLOOMFIELD HILLS sofa patio carts dresser oriental rugs aeterge accents Sat Dec 15 1 4 4041 W Maple E 204 E Telegraph entrance drive adjacent Comerica bank Call 248 642-4385FARMINGTON Couch loveseat wall unit dining table & chairs kitchen set desk washer dryer golf clubs misc Dec 15th 10 5pm Cali 248 788 2686FOX CROFT Sub 9am 5pm Fri & Sat Furniture antiques ski boots winter coats & misc No pre sale Telegraph and Maple 8025 E Surrey Rd

F U R N I T U R E IN g o o d c o n d all r o o m s C a l l J e f f ( 2 4 8 ) 9 2 6 9 9 8 9 o r e m a i l j e f f k ru k @ y a n o o c o m

MOVING SALE Everything Must Go1 Chest dresser w/mirror & night stand $100 5 piece sec­tional couch w/reclmer $600 27 TV entertainment center $100 coffee table $25 hp deskjet 882C printer $40 Dirt Devil swivel vac $35 Call 248 790 4596

BLACK RANCH mink (size 4) $1250 248 338 6762FULL LENGTH Finnish Rac coon Classic Style Size 10 fur coat Perfect cond ($7 000 new) Best offer 248-848 3773WEDDING DRESS Never worn Oleg Cassini size 18 $500 734-427 1410 248-478 8744

716 Household Goods

ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL Leather sofa loveseat chair 100% top gram anahne leather hand crafted in Italy with factory warranty Unused in plastic

Cost $4500 must sell $1450 248 444 8575ALL BRAND NEW furniture brought up from North Carolina still m boxes including bedroom dining room 100% Italian leather sets oriental rugs granite end tables Name brand s include Lexington Thomas ville Broyhill and others No rea sonable offers refused Everything must go! Cal! Sean

(248) 789 5815ALL BRAND NEW SEALY & STERNS & FOSTER mattress sets all sizes available still In plastic no reasonable offers refused Delivery available Call Sean (810) 217 5224ANTIQUE BEDROOM SET Dodge estate 8 pieces rose wood mahogany Walnut burrow exc cond $4000 (313) 537 9691 (810) 774 2242

\Q$550 Crate & Barrel! sisal rug 6x9 $125 248 375 1588MORGIEAU birch cub/mattress rocker/ottoman dresser/ changing table 4 yrs old exc cond $1300 (248)348 4228BASSETT Sleigh Crib clear maple like new $350 new sell $200/best 734 525 5245BLACK leather couch glass dining table w/etched glass base desk small upholstered chairs 248 568 6008

BANQUET SIZE Mahogany Chippendale style dining zoom tables w/rope edges Royal Stafford china (15 place set tings) Curio cabinet round & rectangular dining room tables w/leaves Mahogany bedroom chests highboys bachelor chests dressers King & queen size mahogany 4 poster beds Very large & small breakfront/ china cabinets by Baker Drexel and others Sets of dining room chairs {4 10 per set) Wide assortment of desks lamps oil paintings oriental rugs brass sconces and chandeliers Too much tco list!!


ROYAL OAK (248) 545 4110BEAUTIFUL TRADITIONAL cherry wood china cabinet round table & 4 chairs $2600 Mahogany carved Chippendale breakfront 10 ft table 8 claw & ball chairs $5800 Fabulous hand carved sle gh queen sized bed armoire & mghtstand $4800 Mahogany Chippendale 3x5 part ners desk $1850 Carved walnut library table 32x60 $975 Mahogany secretary desk $675 1930 s pie crest table several hand painted pieces bombay chest counsel tables Tiffany style lamps stained glass win dows Wholesale to the public

AR Intenors 607 S Washington Downtown Royal Oak

Open Every Day 248 582 9646 or 810 634 1561BEDROOM Master Suite Hem mgway Plantation leather bed with dresser mirror 2 side chests & armoire 6 mos old must sell $3950/best originally $13K 248 449 6980

BEDROOM 9 pc cherry Maison Philippe Sleigh Set

Suite includes dresser/mirror 2 mghistands armoire Still boxed Cost $7K Must sell $1900/best 248 514 6122

3 BRAND new sofas dark grey cloth $350/each

3 piece modem bedroom set black Misc lamps Dark grey kitchen table w/ 4 black chairs 3 piece green leather sectional Bloomfield Hills (248) 851 1197

CHILDCRAFT OAK Cnb/toddler bed w/ drawers 2 dressers & toy box exec cond $1000/best 734 207 3750COUCH beautiful plaid with 2 built in recliners like new $300/best (248) 426 8589DEN FURNITURE 2 twin beds w/headboards(sold) misc furni­ture Stackable washer & dryer Everything mint condition 248 §65 0465 248-561 0750DINING ROOM a 14 piece cherry solid wood large double pedestal table w/leaves 60 lighted hutch & buffet 3 Chip pendale chairs side server Unused in box Cost$11K Must sell $2300/best 248 939 0013DINING SET 8chairs buffet Rosewood w/gold trim New $8900 ask $4400 248 454 6677DINING SET Henredon Table 3 leaves 8 chairs & buffet pads Mint $9000 248-594 3204DINING SET solid oak table 4 chairs Exc cond 40 x60 w/12 leaf $500/best 248 945 1191DINING TABLE white Oak table top seats 6 4 chairs matching hutch $375 Cal! after 5pm 734 427 5837DISHES Swid Powell from Neiman Marcus White w/blue Service 8 10 $360 10 matching chargers $200 248 642 7787FUTON W/MATTRESS like new $95 (248) 681 1171

FORMAL THOMASVILLE dining Complete set like new Solid cherry 2 leaves 60 84 or 100 Inches protective pads for tops 8 chairs serving table 60 inch buffet ligfhted hutch new $7000 asking $4000

(734) 905 2222HOUSEFUL OF Furniture Tanning bed Hail tree Rocker Office furniture Much more All like new (248) 437 1193INTERIOR DECORATOR selling home furnishings acces sories & collectibles Fri Dec 14 9am 3pm (248) 542-4410MIRRORED WARDROBE $225 Weight bench TV stand plus clothes 14 wheels 248-541 2230

ORIENTAL RUGS Persian Bijar meshed Nam

Belouchi others George (248) 887 3559

QUEEN SLEEPER sofa (Hudson s) wheat color Pillows good cond $200 248 661 0832SLEEPER SOFA Sofabed full size like new $250

248 471 9104 248 219 7968SOFA & loveseat yellow Utopia pattern like new $500/best

(248) 393 3195Towle sterling Candlelight 8 set tings extra 13 pcs like new $1200 1847 Roger Brothers silver plate 8 settings extra pcs new $200 248 477 9208

GE elecctric range with venthood almond $100 Evenings (248) 354-380730 INCH Jenn air drop in range convection oven grill & griddle $499 (248) 644 6034Kenmore vacuum canister type w/rotabng brush all tools exec cond $30 (313)755 7624MIRCROWAVE Samsung White Brand New Must sell $80 Sandy (734) 425 7583

NEW AND USED Kitchen Appliances Priced between $75 $175 (734) 454 1262





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You II receive 4 standing room only tickets to a Red Wings

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Here s how to enter Send a postcard with your name day

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(Send one entry only)

Winners names will be chosen from all postcard

entries and published every Thursday & Sunday in

your HomeTown Classified section

Employees of the Observer & Eccentr c and Detro t Red Wings are not el g ble

Dec 19th . . Vancouver........ . .Doud Ford of SouthLyon

Dpc Z1st San Jose Liiurpttr Vasjn o ' Livonia

Dei 27th .. Columbus...... ... Bna Butler of Auburn Hills

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WALKER WATERPROOFING Cracks & small leaks or entire basement Lc & Ins Family Owned/operated 734 675-1246

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Call Jeff (734) 432 7878

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031 Building/Remodeling

ADDITIONS PLUS INC• Beautiful Additions

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Contemporary Interiors for free estimate 734 717 6465

C & S building free estimates referrals Additions remodeling repairs 30 yrs exp Lic/insurea 248 446 9419 8t0 823 1000

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Rec Room Kitchen Bath Special ists All Remodeling Formica & Laminate Visa $ MC AMEX

248-476-0011313-835 8610

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qual tycarpentry

248 471 2600 313 835 8610

Rec rooms Basements Kitchens Bathrooms New & Repairs

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PATS CARPET REPAIR Power stretching burns seams tears pet damage etc Expert Repairs 888 775 4404

045 Catering, Flowers, Party Plan

CUSTOM Greeting Cards or Announcements Your photos logos or copy or use our creative services David 248 335 1062

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049 Cleaning Service

CHERYLS TOTAL CLEANING Dependable hardworking & honest Res & Com I 248 615 3708wwwcherylstotaldeaning 20m com

OFFICE CLEANING Quck & Quality Work for

reasonable rates'734 728 4251

L & J CONCRETE Large & small jobs welcome

Licensed & Insured Free estimate 734-762 0266

COMPLETE DEMOLITION & removal of interiors garages buildings houses etc Removal of all household & unwanted debris 248 354 3213

069 Drywall

★ A1 PLASTER & DRYWALL*• New & repair work • Texture• Coves • Dust free repairs •

All wofk guaranteed 32 yrs expInsured O 248 478 7949DRYWALL FINISHING 28 years experience No Job Too Small1

(734) 673 3781★ ★ DRYWALL FINISHING &

PATCHWORK * *Free Est Reasonable Prices

John * 734 427 6289 ★

070 Electrical

ALL RESIDENTIAL EXPERT Free estimate Senior discount Low prices 7 days 24 hrs Lie & ins Call 1 800 253 1632

ARNOLDELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR City & FHA violations corrected Comm/Res 734 462 1877

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248-398-1600FAMILY ELECTRICAL Citycer tification Violations corrected Service changes or any small job Free estimates 734-422 8080

F R E E E S T IM A T E SInstallations & repairs Small or Large Lie/Ins 248 872 6060RES COMM WIRING/REPAIRS

Low Rates Free Est Licensed Insured

313-533-3800 or 248-521 2550

084 Firewood

ABSOLUTELY SEASONED Split mixed hardwoods

(8x4x16 ) $65 for 1 $125 for 2 3 or more $60/ea Free delivery Livoma/nearby 734 266 4015



QUALITY SINCE 1946 (248) 474 6914

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248 474-4922SEASONED FIREWOOD $65 for mixed hardwood $75 for solid oak (4x8) Free delivery 313 574-7129 734 728 2773

Floor Service

HOLIDAY SPECIAL At Metro Floor Covenng Livonia Good better best' 100% nylon carpet by Queen Carpet pad & installation starting At $18 99/yd Dont miss this onel Free estimates (734) 425 2000NATURAL WOOD FLOORS INC Specializing in Installation sanding & repairs 15 -yrs exp

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CHRISTMAS CLEAN UP Basement & house cleaning garage removal & painting

734 504 3343 734-425 5559

D & J MOVING & HAULING Clean up hauling & disposal of misc items We haul anything 10 15 yd dumpster trailers You load we load Westland Visa/MC accepted 734 421 0111


S E R V IC EWe clean out homes attics basements garages offices warehouses & anything else Complete demolition from start to finish Free est

248 354 3213

Furnace Installation from $1195$2150 Duct cleaning from

$199 Free est Lic/lns 35yrsexp 24 hrs sve All makes/models 734-266-0547 313-477 4210

106 Home Improvement



Save money by using Amer ca s largest handyman ser vice Insured bonded guaranteed

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108 Housecleamng

HOUSECLEANING Experienced honest hard working Russian women w/excellent references Let them do the work for youl Wkly/Bi wkly Free est 313 282 7990

HOUSECLEANING Experienced honest hard

working women w/references Cell (248) 703 9631 / Business (313) 871 3836 Ask for IreneSPOUSE PAIR Looking for house/yard or office to clean Good references

( 3 1 3 )8 7 1 2 4 2 6

114 Intenor Decorating

HOME AND GARDEN PARTY Needs demonstrators 40% commission Potentially FREE KIT Home decorating accesso ries and pottery plus more1 Now booking parties (734) 482 1597

121AFFORDABLE PROFESSIONAL landscaping construction & lawn maintenance Old landscaping r e m o v e d & n e w in s ta lle d irr iga tion grading sodding fali clean up 27 yrs exp free est 248 354-3213

188 Movmg/Storage

AMERICAN DISCOUNT Moving Local / Long distance

From 1 item to entire household Call toll free for quote 1 866 9WE MOVE (993 6683)

AA SUNSHINE HOME Improve merit Painting repairs & wall paper removal For specials call 248 442 7543

ALLIANCE PAINTING interior & Exterior

Fully insured References 15 years exp (734) 697 2959

ANY PAINTING REPAIR Res Comm Interior Exterior Remodels Floors Carpet Call Nick anytime (248) 212 6695


248-476-001131 3 83 5 86 10

P A IN T IN G / P A P E R IN G Plastering R e p a r s W a ilw a sh ng

V sa & M C A M E X

DON S CUSTOM Painting mte rior exterior drywall repairs & plaster repairs insured Reason able (734) 525 6904

HERMAN PAINTING Int & ext painting Plaster & dry wall repair 46 yrs exp Insured Free Est Larry 734 425 1372


•Res •Coml •Staining •Textured Ceilings *Faux Finishes •Plaster/Drywall

Repar •Wallpaper Removal •Free Estimates •References

1248-349 7499 734-464-8147/

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Res/Comm ♦ Uc/lns ★ 16 yrs experience ★ Phone/fax 248 449 7225

Cell 248 207 1854


29 years exp Insured Ref Call (734) 354 6551

Q U A L IT Y P A IN T IN GThorough Preparation

Work Myself since 1967 Neat Reasonable & insured

248 225 716550% OFF

Int/Ext Painting Textured Ceilings Insured 30 yrs exp

Est today paint tomorrow 248 887 7498 810 229 9885

734-425 9805

*A1 PLASTER & DRYWALL*• N e w & re p a ir w o rk • T e x tu re• Coves • Dust free repairs •

All work guaranteed 32 yrs expinsured Q 248 478-7949


m SL D athiii r\uuitni ot douiFree Est Mark 248 360 6773

PLUMBING SERVICE Repairs & alterations New con struction Professional service & installation 248 7871164

SAMS PLUMBING Bathroom remodeling all plumbing services sewer cleaning video inspection Resi dential & commercial Licensed master plumber

248 626 7267(SAMS)YOUR HOUSE is great but the toilet doesn t flush worth a damm''Faucets water heaters & plumbing repairs 248-245 1004


Res Comm & Service Uc Ins 24/hrs 248-477-8507

(248) 471-2600Plumbing & Sewer Cleaning

Repairs & Alterations


WEATHER AND EMERGENCY REPAIRS of bams houses and garages Call Woodford Bros fnc Tor straightening leveling and foundation repairs Free estimates 1 800 OLD BARN www 1 800 Old Barn com

1(54 Roofing

★ APEX ROOFING ★ Quality work completed with pride Family owned Lie Ins For honesty & integrity call

248 476 6984 • 248 855 7223BANDY HOME Improvement offering 30% off all services All weather damage Call Today'

(734) 325 2684DCR CONTRACTING

Lie & Insured Member of BBB 313 730 9295

GARDEN CITY CONST• Roofing • Gutters • SidingLie/Ins 734-513-0099

LEAK SPECIALIST Flashings Valievs etc • Warr Member Better Bus B • 29yrs exp Lic/lns 248 827 3233

248-471-2600New & repair also rubber roofing carpentry insurance work

SIDING/WINDOWS/GUTTER WINTER specials Free esti mates Free glass blocks/gutters w/order (734) 326 6060

VINYL & Alum siding gutters trim awnings roofing related work


181 Snow Removal

B U L K S A L TPick Up or Delivery Crimboli Nursery

50145 Ford Rd Canton (734) 495 1700

191 Telephone Service Repair

All Types expert wiring & reprs Res/Bus Lic/lns Systms

JEM COMMUNICATIONS 734-591 9068 or 248 314 1455

196 Tree Service

^ ACE S TREE SERVICE Trims Removals & Storm

-!~ e* work Best Prices Free No obligation estimates

Senior discount 810 423 5834

MICK & DAGO TREES• Removal • Trimming• Chipping • Clearing

Uc Ins •248 926-2386

* WALLPAPERING *You take care in choosing your paper We take care in hanging it Call Chris 248-349 7775 or

Cathy 734 427 3749

248 471 2600 Papering Removal Painting Repairs Exp Women Visa/MC

237 Wedding Services


Ministers Elegant Decorated Full Service Chapel Photos Videos Honeymoon Cabins Fourth Night Free Gatlmgburg

TN 1 800 933-7464 www sugarlandweddings com

Email weddings ©sugarlandweddings com

6 F (* )

722C la ss if ic a tio n s 600 to 822

Building Materials

NATURAL GRANITE Counter tops Warehouse clearance Beautiful prefabricated Natural Grants 25/* x 84 96 Wth \kfull bullnose edges $410 each 36 x72 island tops with bullnose edges $510 each Many colors to choose from (248) 486 5444 Ask for B I

730 CommJIndustnal/ Restaurant Equip

RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT and Surveillance Equipment

Call (734) 261 9208

732 Computers

NEED A COMPUTER BUT NO CASH7 You re APPROVED1 Financng GUARANTEED! No Cash Needed Today' Bad C edit OKAY No Credt Check No Cred it Turndowns! 1 877 727 4255 WWW PPC CREDIT COM

734 Electronics/Audio/Video

PANASONIC 32 TV model CT 32SF37 Superflat Almost new $595 (248) 465 1542

745 Hobbies/Comsi


1/24 & 1/32 scale WW 2 & modern day $100 to $200 Beau tiful for display 734 525 9767

746 Hospital Equipment

STAIRWAY UFT/Ameri Glde easy to nstall $600 Exc cond Bill Lewis 248 645 0266

750 Miscellaneous For

ARCADE GAMES CrusinUSA $900 Golden T Fore Foosball others (248) 553 4295ARTIFICIAL CHRJSTMAS Tree full newer 9 ft was $400 sell $185 248 745 1950 64* 1340ELECTRIC potters wheel used once $150 Large wooden desk $100 248 642 7787FISHER PRICE Castle $100 16 boys bike w/tra nmg wheels $30 twin bed $50 snow blower $100 248 473 8691Football table great Christmas present Virtually brand new $100 (734)953 0180GUITAR BUGLE sew ng machine bicycle w/attachment 33/* LP records (313)535-4257HEX TANNING Units commer cial grade On location n working condition Getting out of the tanning business Good for home or commercial use Call Steve for info 734 635 0369

JUKE BOXESSeeburg Rockola & AMI like new great for Christmas $800 ea/best Private 734 878 4178

Miscellaneous For Sale

KNEELING CHAIR $5 42 round kitchen table with leaf and 4 chairs $30 Bentwood rocker

Nordic Track Ski machine (734) 397 0566$10 1 $160

PINBALL MACHINE 1978Bally Super Sonic 4 player like

734 427 £new $400 9633REACH 2 MILLION Michigan readers with a 2 x 2 display ad for only $949 Contact Linda at Mchigan Newspapers Inc (517) 372 2424SAWMILL $3 895 New Super Lumbermate 2000 Larger capacities more options Manu facturer of sawmills edger s and skidders Norwood Sawmills 252 Sonwi! Drve Buffalo NY 14225 1 800 578 1363 EXT 300 NTAN AT HOME 24 bulb 240 volt commercial all steel bed $1 999 Buy Factory Direct Get 90 days same as cash Bulbs for alt beds Cali (800) 325 4294

751 MusicalInstruments

ABBEY Piano Co 248 541 6116 Used Consoles $795 to $1495 Used Baby Grands $1495 up

Used Panos Low PricesAEOLIAN BLACK baby grand piano Good cond $2000

(734) 425 7162DRUM SET Pearl Export Seres deep blue 5 drums 2 cymbols $750 248 318 8400STORY & CLARK console piano 57 w x 24 d x 40 h $800

248 874 7609PIANO Baldw n oak upright 2 k years old exc cond $2500

(734) 453 5422PIANO BALDWIN Spinet with bench cherry finish beautiful condit on 248 683 5568PIANO 1980 Chickermg USA made walnut Beautiful mellow tone $1450 (248)391 0998PIANO D gital Technics PX73M excellent cond $1200

(734) 453 5722

with bench Fair cond best (734) 455 62725 PIECE beginners drum se

Exec cond $100 (734) 464 1 255 after 4pm

RENT A PIANO $25/mo > This weeks special free delivery' Call for details Open Thurs until 8pm' Michigan Piano (248)548-2200 www mipiano comSELMAR ALTO SAXOPHONE w/ case 3 years old $700

(734) 459 6012VIOLA 15V* inch looking for high quality used viola for teenage daughter (616) 399 7916WARLOCK Electric Guitar brand new, includes amp straps & stand $250 734-591 2437

KEYBOARD CASIO w/stand & books $80 Collectible dolls porcelain & vinyl $50 each Call after 4pm 734 459 8914LITTLE TIKES kitchen Step 2 Playhouse (used by 1 child)

(734) 397 1225

752 Sporting Goods

HOME GYM WEIDER 9640 10+work out stations excellent cond $450/new sacrifice $200/ best Air dyne bi<e $50 After 3 p m (248) 661 5884

Sporting Goods

PARABODY EX500 200lbstack 6 functions $800 Para mount Performance abdominal crunch machine 1501b stack $750 Like new 248 318 8400PINBALL MACHINE (Baity) Addams family $2 400

(734) 953 4185POOL TABLE BRUNSWICK 9 ft white washed oak w/matching rack like new $2000

(248) 626 8136Pool Tables All slate

antique ultra modern bar size Buy direct from Fac 248 399 7255 E 248 547 :

POOL TABLES (6)$600 each or sell all 6 for $3 000 All Brunswick 4 x8 Call Plaza Lanes (734) 453 4880SOLOFLEX WITH attachments $400 (248) 879 9784TREAD MILL Schwinn Excel lent condition $500 Bill Lewis

(248) 645 0266TREADMILL WESLO Good condition Very powerful $275

Call Larry at 248 848 0331TREADMILL WeslOlOp! wide/ extra long tread Power Incline $150 SOLD

783 Cats

ADORABLE CHRISTMAS Kittens Short hair $20 (248) 888 7438

Big lovable laid back all black fluffy cat Well manered neu tered all shots 248 981 6582KITTENS 16 weeks Vet exam wormed shots Adoption Fee

(734) 223 0569SABLE BURMESE CATS CFA 4 young adults 20 mo 3 yrs neutered spayed all shots $200 $250 (810)229 7044

784 Dogs

ADORABLE AKC Rottweiler Pups Turn 6 weeks on Dec 23rd (313) 359 0185

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD pups AKC/ASCA champion line $500 (248) 231 0705COCKER SPANIEL Blue Healer mix playful healthy adult male

(734) 397 5820ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES PDSB registered Male & female 8 weeks old puppies & starter dogs (248) 471 4794JACK RUSSELL pups broken smooth shots wormed Mini Schnauzers (517) 423 3151

JACK RUSSEL puppies w/ papers males & females

(248) 437 8256LAB BLACK mixed female 8 yrs old Affectionate likes people SOLDMALTESE PUPS AKC 6 weeks old Male & female $450

(248) 967 0053

New snowboard equipment Liqud Vortex $140 Burton boots size 13 $60 Airwalk Bindings $85 (734) 459 4795

ONLY TO A GOOD home a wonderful 1 yr old spayed female husky/snepard mix Very loving & affectionate

313 543 0203PUPPY SHEPHERD MIX very cute 10 weeks old $75 each (734) 673 6933 Or734 326 2024

You could be the lucky w inner of 4 t ic k e ts to the Motor C ity Bowl!


- Presented By -

'G e n e r a l M o to rs . Daim lerChrysler ^

S a t u r d a y . D e c e m b e r 2 9 ,2 0 0 1 • N O O N

Diversity of Toledo Rockets

Mid-American Conference Champions 9-2 Ranked #25 (AP Poll)«IIRA Riinnara.iin b e a r c a t s !7-4, Conference USA Runners-up

T o d a y s W i n n e r s A r e s

R o n a ld H a r m o n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . .W e s t B lo o m fie ldJe ro m e W e in g a rd e n ............ . . . . . . . . . . .W e s t la n dV ir g in ia S u m m e r s ...................« * ....'n * o yC a ro l B r o c k s c h m id t ..... ■ C a n to nH e le n e L e v e y . . . . . m.* . . . .

took foryoirliekois to arrive tn'yoyrmsiflfQxofi© welkJ. ................... - a .K l

Here’s how to enter:Send a postcard with your name, day time phone number and address to:

M o to r C ity B o w lc/o Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, Ml 48150(One entry per person)

WiniiH iunit-' will h > h i imm all postcard entries and published m i iy Thm riiy -nul '-nn Uy m \mjr Observer &. Eccentric Newspapers

LM h 'U n F F ■> \NP M h M h rn > nc TH F IR F A M IL IE S A R E N O T E L IG IB L E

784The Observer & Eccentric Thursday, December 13, 2001

©bserirer feentricDogs

SAMOYED PUPPIES AKC 6 wks old 1st shots $500 419 234-2026 419 643 2015SHIH TZU Puppies AKC 12 wks vet checked males $500 females $550 313 215 4954YELLOW LABS puppies AKC OFA champion blood lines $450 (810)653 1290

788 Household Pets Other

LOVEBIRD/COCKATIEL BABIES hand fed spoiled rotten (248) 852 3844

(248) 446 0005

I S O1

Automotive Recreational Vehicles


800 Airplanes


1 800,579 SELL

802 Boats/Motors

ALUMINUM BOAT 14 Star craft 25hp electric start New trailer $1700/best313 278 0069BAYLINER CAPR11989 15 ft force 50hp trailer must sell $1800/best 734 564-0999BAYLINER TROPHY 1990 20 ft center console 125 horsepower outboard bimmi top player boards $6800 (734) 453 6661CATALINA 30S 1980 Sailboat $22 500 (all offers considered) i 1 hp diesel aux all sails (5) wheel steering full electronics ail equipment (248) 625 3699

cporiker@aol comCHAPARRAL 216SSI 2000 bow rider 5 0L trailer all covers stored inside sharp 30 hrs $27 800 (734)525 5159CREST PONTOON 25 ft 35 hp Evinrude ladder & chairs $2700 248 682 6868DONZI 1995 Classic 16 ft 5 hours like new with trailer best Offer 810 463 7676

FOUR WINNS 1987 17 low hrs 220 Camper top Exc cond

248 S4S 5061IMPERIAL 1978 17 ft Open hull needs minor repair boat & trailer $600 or best Call after 5pm 810 231 8236Mariah Barchetta 1995 192Z 19 Bowrider only 70 hrs $10 995 734 476 5200RUNABOUT 13 ft fiberglass 1966 55hp Johnson trailer new battery cover misc extras $975/best (734) 459 5243SAFTMATE 15 Evenrude40hp great shape call for a ride $1800/best 248 409 0550SAILBOAT CATAMARAN Dingo 15 ft 6 inch 24 ft mast $600 (248) 698 2645SEADOOS (2) 1995 SPX exc cond very low hrs double alu minum trailer life vests & covers $5500/best 734 417 5191SEA NYMPH 1998 Fishing Machine 175SC Like new w/ trailer & cover 90Hp Johnson $10 999/best 248 647 6529SEANYMPH 1994 19 ft 115hp Johnson motor bunk trailer extras $8995 (313) 294 2806

Sliver Liner 16 k ft w/trailer140 hp inboard mere motor must sell $1450 810 686 3194SYLVAN 1980 deck boat 19 ft I/O 170 hp w/trailer creatcond $2S00/best 248 738 1532

805 Boat/VehicleStorage

807 Motorcycles/ Mimbikes/Go Karts

COMBI CAMP Extras Like new Tow with Motorcycle

(248) 476 7078DUCATI 1996 Monster Yellow 3K miles Must sell Days 734-481 5053 eves 734-944-0305HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000 black FLHTP police model fuel injected 3000 miles $18 000

(313) 515 2891HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Cus tomized Fatboy 3000 mi Adult owned Must see Winter sale First $17 000 takes it home Warranty 734 729 9552HARLEY DAVIDSON 2002 Her tage Classic No miles real red/ ice $18 900 (248) 446 8292HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000 Road King Aztec/lce $17 000

(734) 326 5449HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 Road King black beautiful loaded $19000 248 342 8400HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 Roadkmg fuel injected teal & white 1900 miles $17 900

(231) 275 5403HARLEY DAVIDSON 1997 Springer Heritage many extras exc con extremely low miles a must seed (734) 641 8196HARLEY DAVIDSON Super glide 1999 extras olean original owner $16 000 Harley Davidson Sportster 883 1990 $4000 (734) 522 9366HARLEY DAVIDSON 1999 Widegiide red/biack 8500 miles Corbin seat other extras $16 500 246 650 2753HARLEY 1999 Fat Boy 1200 mi Detachable windshield bags extended warranty Many extras $15 900

734 516 1107HARLEY 2000 red extra chrome saddlebags 80 miles $9 500 734 591 3522HARLEY 2000 Softail 1580 miles Extended warranty

(248) 683 1241HARLEY SPORTGLIDE FXRT 1983 Last of the shovelheads 2500 miles after rebuild S&S heads cases & Carburetor Crane camshaft full hard bags windshield You dont see many of these Nice bike $8000/bestDaysEvenings

313 779 0069 734-427 3449

HARLEY 1987 Sportster 20K $4300 Cali (248) 960 4243HARLEY 1976 SXT125CC 557 actual miles (collector bike) $450/b6St (734) 397 1548HARLEY 1979 XLS rare 16K miles all new parts Mint condi tion $5200 (248) 960 6373HONDA CR125 2000 Good condition too many extras to list Equipment included $4000/ best (810) 629 2788HONDA 2001 Elites SA50P 49CC 650 miles $1295 Cali (248) 650 8510 after 6 pm

SEARAY 1994 300 DA T5 7L V Drives 1 owner includes dockage $59 900 248 373 5770

THUNDERCRAFT 1981 23ft (rare) 5 7L i/o 260 hp AF/CA sleeps 4 low hours clean Load Rite trailer (1998) $l050Q/best llmcha@aol com 734 762 9770TIGER SHARKS(2) 1995 Day tona & Monte Carlo less than 20 hrs trailer $6000 248 363 0504WELLCRAFT 1995 32 ft Martin ique 360 twin Merc crusiers GPS iow hrs 60K 313274-9450

BIRMINGHAM GARAGE 1 year lease $125/mo Starting 2002

(248) 642 3190CAR STORAGE in Southfield for antique & classic cars

For more info call (313) 531 7128

GARAGE SPACE FOR storage available whole or half ask for Chris Reasonable rates

(248) 893 1030WANTED Storage for auto motibile until Jan 16 2002

313278 1136

HONDA GOLDWING 1992 1500 SE teal 30K miles helmet w/intercom new tires exc cond $9 000

(313) 531 5827HONDA MAGNA 1984 7O0CC 14 000 miles new tires exc cond $2000 313 622 5705HONDA 1986 Shadow 700 Black very good cond 15 800 mies $2500 (734) 261 7875HONDA 2000 Shadow 600cc silver 8K miles 3 year warranty garaged $4900 734 340 4363HONDA 450 1970 $450 Yamaha 650 1981 $550

(734) 453 1195SUZUKI 2000 DS80 like new' $1350/best

(248) 814 7188SUZUKI 2001 Katana 600 yellow full warranty 57 mi $4900 Canton 734 525 3097THREE RAIL MOTORCYCLE trailer w/ramp & 3 new tires $450 734 421 8413YAMAHA 1978 XS 400 Road Bike 4500 actual miles runs good $450/best 734-397 1548

808 Motorcycles Parts & Service

MOT ORCY CL E / AT V/ SNOWMOBILE TRAILER all aluminum with diamond plate bed like new $1 100

(734) 397 8167MOT ORCY CL E / AT V/ SNOWMOBILE TRAILER all aluminum with diamond plate bed Ike new $1 100

(734) 397 8167

810 RecreationalVehicles

HONDA 1987 250X w/reverse exc cond must see! $1975/bsst

(248) 471 1568

811 Snowmobiles

A utomotive811ARCTIC CAT 2002 ZR800 Cross Country black 0 miles $8000 734 207 0786MXZ700 2001 35 milesfler

ided high performance $5500/Sest (734) 729 9118

POLARIS XCR 120 2000 like new $1500 313 278 4356

ARCTIC CAT 1997 EXT 580 EFI deluxe $2950/offer 1999 Arctic Cat ZL600 EFI $3450/ offer Both have reverse mir rors studded track good condi tion 810 227 9456ARCTIC CAT 1992 EXT Spe cial $1300 Skdoo 1987 for mula plus $1000 Skidoo 1994 FormuIaZ $1800 313-527 4968

amm r ^

wuu wasp u u u i m i u w m u i u u g i a i v uw ? b u o u b i a s a

desperately trying to find a place to call home Although he never found a home he hasn t given up hope He is still hoping that he will soon meet his new owners and be taken to his new home in time for the holidays Due to his friendly personality this pooch would make a great family pet or a wonderful companion for anyone who s in need of a lifelong friend Although he is a little on the heavy side, with a little help from his new owner and some regular exercise he will be a very healthy pooch who will share many happy years tc come with his new ownei

I f you w ould like to welcom e C aptain in to you r family visit the Michigan Humane Society Westland Shelter

(734) 721-7300

SKIDOO 1997 583 Grand Touring 2up reverse elec start Exccond $3800 313 938 3464SKI DOO (2) 1985 377 Safari good cond $1000/best

(734) 416 9120YAMAHA 1980 340 Enticer Deluxe electric start exc cond First come Rebuilt trailer & sled $1100 734 591 1768YAMAHA 1998 XTC700 triple electric start reverse mirrors super clean adult owned Garage kept $3500 Rochester

248 650 8513

812 Campers/MotorHomes/Trailers

AEROLITE EIGHT 26 ft super lightweight trailer sleeps 6 like new $11 800

Frank (248) 474-4300APACHE 1972 popup trailer microwave tv furnace stove $500 (313) 372 8886 or313 220 0850CARDINAL FIFTH Wheel 2000 Includes screen room $26 000

(248) 852 9293COACHMAN 1984 24 ft bunk house sleeps 6 many updates $3600 (248) 689 7704COACHMAN 1979 32 ff good cond sleeps 8 $4000

313 388 2842COACHMAN 1999 Popup sleeps 8 loaded used twice $8000 Mike 734 464 7663COACHMAN 1997 5th wheel 32 RK non smoker/pet perfect shape loaded low miles owe $22K best offer 313 565 5469COLEMAN 1999 Nevada folding trailer screened porch set toilet shower furnace water heater exec cond $6000 734 525-4120COLEMAN NIAGARA popup Toilet Shower furnace 3 way fridge awning w/ screened room sleeps 8 & much more' $7500/best 734 844-0618DOLLY Car w/straps & chains old style no plate required $300 6/lnkster Rd 734 425 0215DUTCHMAN 1998 1002 XS Duck pop up sleeps 7 many extras $3500 734 421-0854FOUR WINDS Motorhome1999 21ft Ford E350 new cond war ranty $27 000 734 283 3131FOUR WINDS 1999 28 motor home 14K miles exc cond $37 000 after 6pm248 486 6441GMC 1975 Mobile Traveler 18 ft Motorhome a Sportsmans Special all self contained runs great as is $3600/best

248 879 6534HOLIDAY Rambler 1994lmpe rial 37 5 Ft 36K great condi tion $50 000 (248) 848 1074HOLIDAY Rambler 1995 impe rial 37 5th wheel w/15 slide out extras $25 000 248 879-0841HUNTERS SPECIAL 1977 Midas Motorhome 76k $1100/ best Offer 248 634 9965HUNTERS TRAILER 19ft Reese hitch sway bars new electric brakes & actuator Pro pane stove light furnace & fridge $1500 (734)464 9488JAYC0 23ft 1996 motorhome 26K miles sleeps 6 generator Ford chassy many extras $27 000 (734) 981 4115JAYCO 1998 26ft sleeps 8 includes power jack linens kitchen accessories & seasonal campsite in Jackson paid through Apr 2002 non smokers air furnace hot water tank bathroom w/ tub/shower $14 500 (734)844 0866JAYCO 1985 23ft sleeps 7 microwave refrigerator stove furnace air bath w/ shower full awning $5 300 248 770-4616JAYCO 1998 popup camper like new sleeps 8 furnace refrigerator stove awning $3950 734 464 7009

w w w . o b s e i v e t a n d e c c e n t i i< .c o r n

814 Construction, Heavy

J O S ! ______GENERAL LOW Boy Trailer 1969 19 ft bed 15 toncapacity 12 wheel electric brakes $1000 734 284 6772HUDSON 1999 Heavy Equip ment trailer 9 ton capacity $4000 (810) 463 6867

JAYCO SWAN 1989 29 ft seif contained with two 30 lb LP tanks & spare tire good cond $5000/b6St (2481 474 7826POP UP 1998 sleeps 8 fur nace refrigerator stove Like new $4200 248 634-1632PROWLER 1999 25 ft travel trailer fiberglass exc cond $670G/best offer 248 670 7829ROCKWOOD 1999 Roo U n iq u e tra ile r 2 1 ft all e x tra s m int $ 9 5 0 0 firm 2 4 8 4 7 7 6 5 0 7

SHASTA 1987 motorhome 24ft low mi good cond air clean list $9000 $5800/best734 467 1878STARCRAFT 1983 Pop up 12ft box sleeps 6 8 Excellent cond $1900 (248) 777 7289SUNLINE 21 FT 1996 sleeps 4 full kitchen & bath $6995

313 533 3755

816 Auto/Truck Parts & Service

BLACK TURTLE top for pick up $500 734 459 4166FIBERGLASS CAP fits 1993 & newer Ranger Splash or Sport side w/added accessories $300/ best Must sell 734-427 4315

offerfor parts 248 698 9225

819 Autos Wanted

800charrtycars org DONATE! One of Oprah s Angels' We pro vide vehicles to struggling fami lies Tax deductible free tow 1 8 0 0 C h a r i t y(1 800 242 7489)

SUNLINE 1988 Hunters Special' 24 5ft sleeps 6 air & heat pro pane furnace fridge gas range microwave power wench awning Very clean exec cond $4800/best (313)274 6888TRAVEL EZE MOTORHOME Shower sink stove air re built engine sleeps 4 or 5 $2500/best 248 474 1244WILDERNESS 1992 29ft Queen bed air stereo stove microwave spare tire 2 batteries $7000 (734)261 7524WILDWOOD 1998 31BH bunk house w/queen lower bunk air m crowave 4 corner jacks Awning AM FM exc cond $9500 (248) 442 9536WINNEBAGO 1996 Class A Warror 254 ft heavy duty chasls sleeps 6 39k Ike new $37 500/best 734-591 2019YELLOWSTONE 1985 Fifth Wheel 35 double bed awning new tires $4400/best Optional tow truck 734 459 5243

814 Construction, Heavyi s ! ______

DUMP TRUCK 1980 Ford L900 25 000 miles 3208 CAT engine 4&5 speed 10 cu yd asphalt shoot Bay City Best offer 989 894 2277 after 6pm

989 682 5809 cays

DONATE YOUR Car Be Spe­cial Help disabled children Call today 1 877 GIVETOK (IDS) free quick pick up IRS tax deduction SPECIAL KIDS FUND donate online

www speciaikidsfund org

820 Junk Cars Wanted

ALL AUTOS-TOP$$Junked Wrecked or RunningE & M 248-474-4425Evenings 734 635 1831

822 Trucks For Sale

CATERING TRUCK GMC 1994 1 Ton w/stainless steel body Great business opportu mty cater to workplaces & other events State licensed $12 500 Serious inquires 989 826 6943CHEVROLET S10ZR2 1999 Loaded! Extended cab 3rd dr 23k miles black $16 500 (734)673 7536 Or (313)278 0379CHEVY S10 1998 extended cab black 43 000 miles exc cond $9800 (248) 320 5744CHEVY SILVERADO 3500 1998 4 door 6 5 diesel 27k mi cab hi cap 2 WD 734-453 8033CHEVY 1998 S10 LS Step side 4 cyl auto 47 000 miles $7900 734 635 7063CHEVY SUBURBAN 1997 4X4 % TON 454 leather black beauty $15 500 Call Ken

(734) 459 9594CHEVY 1991 1 ton Dooley extended cab exc cond $9999 Days 810 725 2628CHEVY Z71 1999 extended cab 3 dr 350 very clean 34K $20 650 (313) 382 1807DODGE 1998 Dakota cab+ air auto 6 cyl Chrysler warranty 64K $10 500 248 348 9822DODGE 1998 Dakota Club Cab Sport 3 9L V6 Tonneau cover bedimer air AM FM CD $10 000/Best 734-522 5898

8 0 0 ’sA u t o s / R V s

800 Airplanes 829 Sport Utility802 Boats/Motors 830 Sports & Imported803 Boat Parts 832 Antique/Classic Collector

Equipment/Servlce Cars804 Boat Docks/Mannas 834 Acura805 Boat/Veh cle Storage 836 Bu ck806 Insurance Motor 838 Cadillac807 Motorcycies/Min b kes/ 840 Chevrolet

Go Karts 842 Chrysler808 Motorcycles Parts & 844 Dodge

Service 846 Eagle809 Off Road Vehicles 848 Ford810 Recreational Veh cles 850 Geo811 Snowmobiles 852 Honda812 Campers/Motor Homes/ 854 Lexus

Trailers 856 Lincoln814 Construction Heavy 858 Mazda

Equipment 860 Mercury815 Auto Misc 861 Mitsubishi816 Auto/Truck Parts & Service 862 Nissan817 AutoRentals/Leasng 864 Oidsmobile818 Auto F nancmg 866 Plymouth819 Autos Wanted 868 Pont ac820 Junk Cars Wanted 870 Saturn822 Trucks For Sale 872 Toyota824 M nl Vans 874 Volkswagen826 Vans 876 Autos Over $2 000828 4 Wheel Drve 878 Autos Under $2000

DODGE 1995 Ram 4x4 exc cond snow plow $7250

248 514 7460 248 827 1688

F 250 1999 7 3 Dei 33K Rhino bed 4x2 loaded w/accessories Like new $24 000 734 427 0562F250 1999 diesel extended cab approx 32K miles engine heater am/fm CD Rhino liner trailer hitch asking $25 000/ best 734 367 0227F150 1997 Extended Cab5 4L fiberglass cap 70K $12 900/OBC (734) 453 8181FORD 1996 4 door dully 70K loaded looks and runs extreme Garage kept 1 owner needs nothing To much to list must see to appreciate $13 800(248) 548 2350FORD E350 Cube 1995 16tained

ramp Dies $8200/best248 789 2953

FORD F250 1986 Club Cab diesel runs great $1800 or best Offer 810 750 4084FORD F 350 1 999 Crew dual wheels Diesel 4x4 low miles loaded assume lease or buy $31 000 (734) 455 6158FORD 1996 F150 Eddie Bauer w/cap tonneau cover exc cond $6900/best 313 645-2645FORD 1996 F150 Eddie Bauer w/cap tonneau cover exc cond $6700/best 313 645 2645

DODGE DAKOTA 2000 SLT 13k miles loaded grill guard sun roof air CD changer Ton neau hitch warranty exc cond $14,500 248 634-2294DODGE DAKOTA 2000 Sport 5 speed black V6 Clean 40K miles $8490 248 647 6529DODGE DAKOTA 1991 V6 good cond 120k mi Auto w/cap $3000 248 471 7371DODGE DAKOTA 2001 V8 4x4 4dr 18k miles Loaded $21 500 (810)632 5463DODGE RAM 1991 318/AutO 2WD cruise air stereo nice truck 134K needs nothing $3800 or best 243 922 0160DODGE RAM 1992 Good cond 120K miles newer tires & brakes cap Cassette $2600 248 477 1592DODGE RAM 1500 Laramie SLT 1996 V8 dub cab 8ft bed/w liner Loaded Like new! $11 000/best 313 543 0675DODGE RAM 2001 Red 4x4 sport package short box & con ventional cab loaded 5K miles $20 000 after 4pm 248-373-7622DODGE 1998 RAM 1500 Sport quad cab V8 4x4 long bed/ liner tow package loaded exc cond $14 500 248-626 7667

FORD 1996 F150 Eddy Bauer loaded 57 000 miles $6950

734 981 5927FORD F 150 1995 EXTENDED cab good cond 140 000 miles auto well maintained 6 cyl $5500 (734) 425 3379FORD 1997 F150 35K 8 cyl inder auto sport package $8999TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566FORD 2001 F150 King Ranch Super crew 12 000 mi leather loaded $25 500 248 656-4129FORD F 250 1995 manual transmission 91 000 miles good cond $5500

(248) 872 5064FORD 1989 F 250 pickup 85 000 miles 460 V8 never used as a work truck reliable recent repairs $3500 Lake Orion 248 693 4636 after 7pmFORD 1989 F 250 pickup 85000 miles 460 V8 never used as a work truck reliable recent repairs $3500 Lake Orion 248 693-4636 after 7pmFORD F150 1992 Super Cab XLT w/cap new tires/radio 105K well maintained $3800

(734) 522-0819FORD 1999 F150 super cab 4x4 loaded black 25k under full warranty $18 500/or bring offer Must sell 248 476 0102FORD 1979 12 ft stake truck needs some work $200

(734) 207 5483

FOR D F 150 1992 Very clean very dependable nice stereo/ sub Must See $3950

734-788-2337FORD FI 50 1995 4x4 Eddie Bauer crew cab Exec cond $9500 (248) 634-3667FORD 1994 F 150 4x4 extended cab exec cond $6 900 or bes 313 999 2269FORD 1999 F 150 XLT air power steerlng/brakes & win dows V 8 auto cloth seats 8 ft bed bedliner AM/FM cassette 45K $12 000 (734) 718 4748FORD 1998 F150 XLT clubcab 8 ft box 3 door extras $11 500/ best 517 294 2689 223 7589FORD 1992 F150 XLT 99 000 ml $3500/best offer

248 980 8757FORD F 150 XLT 1997

Supercab white 4 6L V8 auto air buckets trailer tow included airgate rhino lining $9 990 (734)455 6111FORD F 150 XLT 1997 V8 47K miles exc cond new tires $10 900/best (248) 888 7747FORD F150 1997 XLT 4x4 V8 4 6L 34k Miles Burgundy W/ Matching cap bedliner Sharp' S13 900 810 636 5220FORD 1995 F 150 XL 4x4 4 9 5 speed 2nd owner Must see $6 900 (734) 428 8894FORD F250 1991 4x4 302 many new parts runs good S4500/or best 734 427 1404FORD RANGER 1993 98k miles 3 liter V6 5 speed $3200/ best (313) 937 6347FORD 1993 Ranger STX auto exc cond 123K clean $3400

734 729 5244 313 436 9528

FORD 1993 Ranger supercab 4x4 5 speed manual back cap 120K exc cond $6 500

248 541 4679FORD RANGER 1992 3 0 V6 5 speed manual 98K & more' $2500/best (517) 819-4630FORD 1995 Ranger XLT manual 60 000 hwy miles Red $5000 Call Jay 248 613 8102FORCX RANGER 2002 XLT SuperCab 4x2 silver 3 0L V6 engine loaded under 500 miles 2 wks old $18 500

(734) 981 0597FORD XLT LARIAT 1990 extended cab w/cap rear sliding window $2500/best

Call after 4PM 734 721 3323FORD 1994 XLT Ranger Nice ride runs great 72 000 mi

' ' 734-427 1066$4606/besiF150 1994 5 speed manualoverdrive 90 000 mi 6 cyl $6500/best offer 734-207 5307GMC SIERRA3500 19S6Crew cab 5 7L auto w/ overdrive 63K miles all power air Exec Cond $15 700 734 261 1379

If the w hole w orld is going **& *dogs»you m ay as w ell Have on© o f your ow n.

F in d a f r ie n d to d a y in y o u r

Observer & IBccentricC L A S S I F I E D S

“ I t ’ s A l l A b o u t R e s u l t s ! ”

T O PL A C E AN AD CALL:1 -8 0 0 -5 7 9 -S E L L (7 3 5 5 )

Visit our website w w w o b s e r v e r a n d e c c e n t r jc c o m

822 Trucks For Sale

$21995Jfa tffo lM a n -

Westland (734) 721 1144

GMC1995 1500SLT 57autO extended cab long bed leather $11200 734 676 1317GMC SONOMA 2000 air cruise tilt p s & p b bedlmer 34Kmi $10 400 734 8781795GMC SONOMA 1995 4cyl auto 83K, A8S looks/drives good $3950 248 682 1141GMC 1994 SONOMA extended cab V6 Cap bed liner power everything trailer package air cruise 90K priced to sell $5 700

(734) 462 0106GMC 1998 Sonoma Extended Cab SLS 6 cylinder auto air $8 995 (734) 453 3600

s u n s H i n eIH O ilD A

GMC 1997 Sonoma S10 High Rider loaded extended cab 56K $10 900 (248) 474 4582GMC SONOMA 1993 w/ Capgood cond minor work $1800/ est 248 476 0618

GMC SUBURBAN 1997 4x2 loaded leather 65K miles exc cond $15 000 248 478 3468GMC 1996 4x4 SL 55k single cab 8 bed 3/4 ton air new tires $12 900 248 253 7837MAZDA 1996 B3000 pickup cab+ 5 speed air AM/FM CD bedlmer excellent condition $5000/best 734-844-0171RANGER 1991 Super Cab XLT V6 auto cassette bedhner 82K good cond $3700 734 953 2644S 10 CLUB cab pick up 1994 auto air good tires brakes body & interior in great shape New engine (V 6) All highway miles Rick up topper included Dependable transportation Asking only $3 700 Clarkston

(248) 623 7216TOYOTA TACOMA 1991 PICK UP 2x2 air auto basic truck some rust runs good $1975 Call for info (734) 522 5552TOYOTA 1998 Tacoma Xtracab $10 400/best 64k exc cond air (734) 455 6992

824 Mini Vans

AEROSTAR 1993 auto air very well maintained 7 pas senger $2500 248 225 9222AEROSTAR 1993 Exc cond Power/cruise/air 88 000 mi $3500 734-261 1118AEROSTAR 1992 Exc cond Loaded 87 000 mi $3450

734 394-0774AEROSTAR 1990 extended V8 fully loaded runs great CD hitch $2900 734 454 4660AEROSTAR 1992 fair condl tion runs great $1 500 Call (248) 349 6931AEROSTAR 1992 runs & looks great 67k miles $2500 _____________ (734) 981 4359AEROSTAR 1993 V6 Eddie Bauer Extended A/C loaded hitch exc cond runs great 93k miles $4100 248 553 8597AEROSTAR 1989 XLT 90 000 miles dependable $1600

(734) 464 7097AEROSTAR XLT 1996 rear air/ heat all power great cond $7800 (734) 591 9224ASTRO 2000 Van Conversion low miles captain s chairs bed fully equipped save $13 980 John Rogin'Suick 734-525 0900CHEVY ASTRO 1994 ail wheel drive 103k Colorado miles Exec cond $4 999 248 922 0687CHEVY ASTRO 1994 CL EXT 8 passenger power brakes/ steenng air aluminum wheels $5000/best (734) 459-4855CHEVY ASTRO 1995Conver sion van ail leather interior very well maintained 78K Exec Cond $8500 (246) 375 2632CHEVY 1997 Astro 7 pas senger 74K great condition $8700 (734) 522 0359CHEVY ASTRO RS 1991

64K good cond original owner $4 900 (734) 421 8124CHEVY LUMINA APV 1996 Auto V6 tlit/cruise air original owner new brakes & tires $6 950 (248)647 0477CHEVY 1999 Venture 4 door extended 55k Warranted to 100k $15 900 248 474 0944CHRYSLER TOWN & Country 1994 3 8LABS fully loaded 2 owners 94 000 miles very good cond $4 800/best _____________ (248) 661 1344CHRYSLER 1997 Town & Country exc con 65K quad seats $12 500 734 453 2454CHRYSLER TOWN & O 1996 excellent condition 87 miles red must sell asking $6900 (248) 344 4031_______CHRYSLER 1997 Town & Country LXI loaded leather new tires brakes 89K mi $11 500/offer 734-522 4416CHRYSLER TOWN & Country 1996 loaded 95K miles exc cond $6900 (248) 5461334CHRYSLER 1997 Town & Country LXi loaded 77K good cond $9 000 248-788 1344

824 Mini-Vans

FORD 1993 Aerostar 60K air to p/w p/l newer tires call

before 9pm $3000 248-348-7495FORD 1993 Aerostar 60K air auto p/w p/l newer tires call before 9pm $3000 248-348-7495FORD WINDSTAR 1999 exc cond Many extras Priced to

I at $10 000(810) 229 2485

FORD 1996 Wmdstar GL cham pagne tow package new tires/ brakes $4500 (248) 478 6296FORD 1998 Wmdstar LIMITED loaded great condition priced to sell' 248 828 7124

CHRYSLER Town & Country 2001 LX 4k miles must sell moving to Europe Paid $28 300 asking $22 900 248 647 1780DODGE CARAVAN 1996 4cyi 7 passenger auto $8700

734 427 9748DODGE 1995 Caravan Runs great Air new transmission 77 500 mi $4500 313-533-1940DODGE CARAVAN 1996 Sport V6 1 owner exc cond 124K hwy $3900 248 543-4219Dodge 1996 grand caravan ES 3 8L 78k power air leather am/fm cd cassette stereo loaded $9400 248-646-6188

FORD WINDSTAR 1998 loaded 68K new tires & brakes very good cond non smoker $11 000 (248) 548 2877FORD WINDSTAR LX 1999 blue auto air loaded 28QOO miles 6 month factory warranty $13 500 (313) 534-3691FORD WINDSTAR 1995 seats 7 passengers tan air tape power steering/brakes cloth interior $3995

(734) 455 7407GMC SAFARI 1995 conversion van teal good cond original owner $5 500 248 650 3306

DODGE GRAND Caravan ES f996 exc cond 95K 3 8 Liter $6900 (313) 533 1539

GMC SAFARI 1993 8 pas senger 114K extended new engine $4500

(734) 522-0076GRAND CARAVAN 2000 exc cond 23K full power white $16 250 734 459 0389GRAND CARAVAN 1996 SE 4 dr 6 cyl air 100K hwy clean loaded $4200 734 383 6208MAZDA 1990 MPV runs & looks great no rust very depend able $3200 734 462 9387MERCURY 1993 Villager LS Leather loaded w/power sun roof $4200 313 574 5440MERCURY 1997 Villager exc cond 6 CD sound package 89k miles $7 350 (248) 486 1562MERCURY VILLAGER 1997 loaded like new 74K runs great $8400 248 698 1314MERCURY Villager 1997 87K loaded very clean new tires/ brakes $7500 734 420 2797MERCURY 1996 Villager Nau tica loaded only 48 500 miles Interior mint $10 800

248 476 5973MERCURY Villager GS 1997 67K Miles blue loaded power seas rear air very good cond $9000 248 651 5758MONTANA 1999 duel doors white leather loaded 36K mint $16 990 248-685 1833OLDS S j L HOUE T E EXTENDED 1998 GLS loaded brand new all season radios extended warranty 64K exc cond $12 500 or make offer (248) 644-5(63OLDS SILHOUETTE GL Ext 1998 54k 6 cyi oil changed every 3000 miles all new Mich elin X one tires front & middle row captain chairs Very dean $12 000 248 344 4074OLDS 1999 Silhouette Premier LTD 46K highway miles fully loaded including rear air video player & towing package Seats 7 indigo blue asking $18 500/or best offer 734 516 9321PLYMOUTH 1993 Colt Vista good cond new tires very clean $260Q/besi 248 380-8354PLYMOUTH GRAND Voyager SE 1996 V6 good cond inte grated child seats $6000/ best (734) 354 9614PLYMOUTH GRAND VOY AGER SE 1994 white/tan quad seating 139 000 miles good cond $4000 (734) 462 9295PLYMOUTH 1996 Grand Voy ager good condition CD loaded 82K $6 300 248 348 6884

PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER LE 1995 alarm 6 disk CD hands free phone loaded lug gage rack one owner non smoker $5000 (248) 865 3010PLYMOUTH 1996 Voyager sunroof cruise 57K exc cond $6 950 248 524 9886PLYMOUTH VOYAGER Rallye 1997 44K many extrasChrysler 7/70 warranty Immac Ulate $9375 248 554 0667

PONTIAC TRANSPORT 1994 7 passenger all power while $5300 (248) 624 4052

The Observer & Eccentric T h u rsd a y , D ecem b er 1 3 ,2 0 0 1

824 Mini Vans

WINDSTAR 1998 GL Wheel chair conversion lowered floor kneels side power sliding door w/fold out ramp 18K miles like new $22 000 734-455 5882

PLYMOUTH GRAND Voyager 1998 Mmtcond 61kmiles CD/ Cassette Must sell!$10 800 248 661 9525

PONTIAC 1998 Montana clean garage kept fully loaded trailer pkg $12 500/best

248 334 3806PONTIAC TRANSPORT 1998 exc cond pretty well loaded new tires & brakes executive car w/74 000 mostly hwy miles $12 250 Call for test drive

(248) 626 6515

PONTIAC TRANS Sport 1995 73K miles air all power good cond $5700/best 313 595 8226

WINDSTAR 1996 62K miles Clean new brakes & tires Loaded trailer tow & rear air $7500 (734) 397 9519WINDSTAR 2000 Limited 11K miles pristine cond all options leather power doors wood gram handicap lift w/motorized cart retail mid $30s $27 000

248-681 4333WINDSTAR LX 1995 Clean runs good 101kmiles new parts $5000/best 734 522 3106

SIENNA 2000 XLE top of the line loaded leather moonroof

$22 995JfeeO foA tan-

Westland (734) 721 1144

WINDSTAR 1995 LX 127k miles NADA trade value $6400 Asking $5000/best Great cond 734 667 3501WINDSTAR 1997 Red 77 000 mi Great cond CD player air $5900 248 895 0037WINDSTAR 1999 SEL royal maroon neutral leather dual air power doors CD simply stunning

$11 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200


TOWN & COUNTRY 1993 V6 leather quad seating premium Infinity sound system premium aluminum wheels running boards power everything $3900/ best Call Gary 248-496 7112© TOYOTA 92 Previa All

power & air w/ new remote security catalytic converter

battery/ alternator belts pant Good brakes/shocks/tires 1 owner 120k $700Q/bes? 248-626-4840VENTURE 1998 Extended 4 dr tow package 65 000 mi $10 400 248 634 1632VILLAGER 1995 loaded exc cond well maintained 75k miles $6200 (313) 565-6912VILLAGER 1995 loaded exc cond well maintained 75k miles $6200 (313) 565-6912

FORD AEROSTAR 1993 extended many updates exc cond $5899/best (313)255 0466FORD AEROSTAR 1993 ext wagon dual air runs & looks good $2500/best

(248)-<553 3340

VILLAGER SPORT 2000 18 5K Black CD player 7 passenger $18 500 (734) 421 3539VOYAGER 1992 auto air good cond $1200/best

(734) 421 3539WINDSTAR GL 1996 green fully loaded 98K miles $4000

(734) 39744355

Aerostar 1994 extended AWD 135K good cond needs minor work $1700/firm 248-435 6842AEROSTAR 1995 Workvan exc cond new tires & brakes

248 476 1215CHEVY BEAUVILLE 1992 8 passenger 350 V8 clean $3950________(734) 464 9408CHEVY 2001 cargo V6 auto rear wheel drive 8k miles w/lock gate & shelves air $17 000 (248) 789 8808CHEVY 1991 Coachman con version van blue Perfect for sportsman Great shape V8 89 000 ongmal mi Will sell for $6995 Call 248 765 5566CHEVY 1991 Coachman con version van blue Perfect for sportsmen Great shape V8 89 000 original mi Will sell for $6995 Call 248 765 5566CHEVY 1996 Conversion 350 very good cond fully loaded tow package $11 500 313-565 3285CHEVY 2000 Express 3500 Senes 15 passenger extended window van Dual air/heat all power options $12 750

734 464 0925CHEVY 1994 G20 Conversion Van Rare find 28 000 mi orig Inal showroom 313-535 0916CHEVY 1995 G20 dark green clean 75K miles $6 500

(248) 852 5262DISABLED? NEW and used wheel chair vans Trades wel come New and used wheel chair lifts hand controls etc VA and workers comp wel come 1 800 345-3150DODGE 1989 8250 Conversion Van 78K hwy miles good cond $3300/best 313 532 9146

826 Vans

DODGE CONVERSION Van 1999 5 9V8 loaded TV/VCR tow Warranty 33K miles $17 500/best 734 451 6835DODGE 1992 full size conver sion van Too much new to list $3500/best offer 313-538-8379DODGE 1998 loaded 50 000K warranty till 98 000 $11 500 (734) 459 0559DODGE RAM B250 1992 Con version vacation van V8 cus tomized 104K highway miles $3950 Must sell (248) 538 4939DODGE 1997 Ram Conversion 2500 sharp 1 owner low miles $9800 734 261 3951DODGE 1997 Ram Conversion Van 1500 80K V6 needs trans work? $5800/best 248-969 2995DODGE 1986 Royal SE 2500 window van loaded 1 owner $800/best (734) 427 0906

E 250 CARGO VAN 1995 90 000 miles white good cond $4800 (734) 261 4188 or

313 601 1282


FORD 1979 86 000 miles 6cyl 4 speed garage kept no winters $4000 248 471 2066

4 Wheel Drive

FORD WINDSTAR 1998 dual air great condition $9500

248 625 4762GMC 1995 CONVERSION van white/mauve highway 60K miles loaded great cond $9 800/best (248) 737 0679GMC 1995 conversion van 2500 Series 5 7L loaded all power $7 000/best 734-844-3606

DODGE 1989 work van ladder rack shelves $2200 Call week days 7am 5pm 248 933 8659

EXPRESS 1999 Conversion Van V 8 extra nice blowout


FORD AEROSTAR 1993 7 pas senger automatic air stereo ps pw pi 1 owner good cond 192 000 miles $1900

(734) 462 3248FORD 1994 cargo van 1 ton extended exec 84k New tires brakes $5500 734 753 4503

FORD 1996 Club Wagon Chateau V8 towing package w/Class IV hitch remote auto start 104K Very Good Cond I $11 500 (734) 451 5415FORD 2000 Club Wagon Cha teau Loaded many extras 25k miles remote start rear air $18 000 Cali 313 937 8223FORD 1985 Club Wagon XLT 302 V8 w/overdrive & trailer tow package 50K winter stored like new $6800 (734) 455 8526FORD 1994 Conversion Full power TV/VCR 76K 5 0 V8 $7595 248 932 3243FORD CONVERSION VAN 1992 $3 000

(248) 471 6946

GMC SAFARI high-top 1995 con version van loaded clean 69k mi $8 000/offer 248 788-7840GMC SAVANA SLE 1997 loaded seats 8 350 towing package rear air/heat $8500/best (734)260-4386RAM 250 Conversion Van 1993 great shape $4500/best 1988 Chevy Van good running best offer (734) 427 3023TOYOTA PANEL Van 1988 114 000 miles Excellent condi tion $1850 (248) 813 8889

FORD 1999 E250 Cargo 46k original white V6 exc cond $12 000/best (734) 595 7857FORD 1998 Eclipse high top black 44K loaded air TVA/CR/ 6CD $16 000 248-644-8475FORD 1998 E150 Club Cha ieau Wagon 38K front & rear air with warranty $11 900 TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566FORD 1991 E150 Conversion Van only60K showroom fresh $4 995 (734) 453-3600

sunsiH inEH O n D A

FORD E150 1997 Econoline Chateau fully loaded 67000 miles $10 500 248 665 1809FORD E2501992 37 000 miles exc cond original owner $5000 firm 248 960 9980FORD 2000 E150 Van Chateau package quad captain seats sliding door red 4 6L auto matic 28K exc cond $16 500

734 697 2317FORD 1990 E 150 work van shelves 66K all power V 8 new tires/brakes shocks/etc exe con must see clean $3 500 or best 248 474 6824

BLAZER 19954x4 red loaded 139 0Q0 miles tow package $4500 or best offer

(734) 354 1542BRONCO I11990 Eddie Bauer red/tan loaded 75K 1 owner $5400 (734) 453-0701CHEROKEE 1998 Limited deep amethyst loaded mint $15 900/best 313 881 2202CHEROKEE SPORT 2000 red 4 wheel drive 18 000 miles $18200 (734) 394 0972CHEVROLET 2000 Suburban 4x4 LS white 24 000 mi $24 995 GM warranty Beeper 1 810 704 5988 734 718 8767 After 9amCHEVY 1999 Suburban 2500 LTGMcertrfied all options mint cond 30k $27 000/best

(734) 973 8728DODGE 2000 Durango RT Red loaded low miles Ext war ranty $26 695 248 683 1241DODGE 1999 Durango SLT plus 3rd seat 4x4 V 8 full power Wow' $17488J F o a ? H i l l sC h ry s le r-P Iy m o u th -Je e p

734 455 8740 1 800 494 9481DODGE 1999 Ram 1500 SLT Magnum V 8 quad cab chrome wheels loaded 4x4 thats waiting for winter

$13 995OPEN SAT 10-3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

DODGE RAM 1500 SLT 1997 4x4 5 2L V8 custom cap run mng boards remote start 79K $11 000/best 810 629 5914

JEEP WRANGLER 1999 Sport red black dual tops air cruise manual many extras $14800/ best (248) 853 9667JEEP WRANGLER Sport 1999 6cyl 5 speed Pioneer Stereo system 43 5K miles Exec cond $16 000/best 248-489 5519JIMMY 19964x4 loaded trailer tow exc cond S11 000/orbest Offer 734 417 5191LAND ROVER Discovery 1996 Great deal) Tan leather 65k miles $14 500 313 831 4631

ESCALADE 2000 Silver sand low miles On Star $32 900

(248) 661 0012EXPLORER 1995 2dr full power air custom garage kept New tires $7990/080 734-397 1996EXPLORER 1993 4x4 limited 150K miles looks & runs great $3 500 (734) 432 9231EXPLORER 1993 XLT 4x4 leather 130K hitch CD $3200

313 755 2626 248 706 0727F1501979 86K miles new 460 engine new transmission new paint new interior $550Q/best

734-426 1940FORD BRONCO XLT 1995 351 auto loaded red air tilt cruise remote alarm new brakes/tires/shocks/ABS $9 000 248 486 4218FORD BRONCO XLT 1993 runs good $5600/best

(734) 641 8633FORD EXPLORER Sport 1999 33K 100K warranty new tires loaded$14 500 248 685 1148FORD F350 1996 crew cab all custom Interior radio diesel mint $19 500 248 477 6507FORD 2000 F 150 Extended Cab 4x4 low miles priced to sell! John Rogin Buick 734 525 0900FORD F 250 XLT 1996 4x4 off road new tires/brakes/exhaust/ Clutch $8300 248 634 2115FORD 1998 Lanat pick up 4WD extended cab fully loaded 49K miles $18 500 810 629 2269FORD 1993 Ranger Ext cab STX 4x4 4 0 L auto alarm 76k $6900 734 844 2316GMC 1993 Jimmy new engine/ tires/newer brakes good condi tion $5 000 (734) 455 4509GMC 1999 Sierra 1500 Regular Cab Z 71 loaded SLE tow pkg $15 900/best 248 262 5647

GMC 2000 Sierra 4x4 A ton loaded auto 4 3 40K miles $18 000/best 810 231 6160

GMC 1993 Suburban new tires/ brakes 89K mites like new $10 900/best (734) 632-0829GMC 1995 Suburban SLE 4x4 trailer package Power every thing $8250 734 464-0925GMC SUBURBAN 1995 4x4SLT package fully loaded 95K $14 350/best (810) 227 9456GMC 1997 Yukon 4x4 loaded CD tow package exc cond $11 900/must seliT734-427-3690HUMMER 1997 4 door wagon 6 5 turbo loaded exc cond 60k mi $47 500 810-634-1255

NISSAN 1999 Pathfinder LE leather chrome wheels CD 4x4 low miles and power moon roof too

$17 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

NISSAN PICKUP 4X4 1989 SE extended cab V6 loaded cd sunroof 1S0K $2500

(734) 449 9813SEBRING 1999 LXI 5Yr/75K Warranty remote start loaded 21k $14 200 (248) 661 4929

ISUZU 1992 Rodeo 4x4 black automatic excellent condition $3 500 (248) 437 9775JEEP 1996 Cherokee Country 4x4 4 door loaded hitch 93k $6800 248 662 7424JEEP CHEROKEE Country 1994 Green & tan 95K loaded clean hitch runs greatl $7 000 734 427 2701JEEP 1995 Cherokee Country Auto loaded trailer tow 81K miles $7200 (734) 455 7718JEEP 2001 Cherokee LTD loaded immaculate black 20K miles $18 000 248 706 1601JEEP 1996 Cherokee Sport 4x4 classic red auto pw/pl privacy glass Alloy wheels exc cond $7500 (248) 642 0161

S10 1999 Extended Cab LS 4x4 loaded GM Certified only



Sport Utility

FORD EXPEDITION 1999 Eddie B&uer loaded heated seats limited slip 47K hwy $19500 firm (248) 871 1121FORD 1996 Explorer Eddie Bauer 4x4 Loaded' Warranty 77k $10500/best 734-981 3289FORD 1994 Explorer Eddie Bauer loaded leather new Michelm tires clean $5400

810 615 3138

Sport Utility

OLDS BRAVADA 1998 AWD CD leather moonroof loaded $12 900 248 366 7518PATHFINDER 2001 3 5 LE 4 wheel dr 16 wheels loaded cloth forest green 6000 miles female owner pampered flaw less Sticker $32 600 Asking $27 500 (248) 541 0544

FORD EXPLORER Sport 1996 2dr 67k miles CD leather new tires $10 200 (734)425 1494

JEEP GRAND Cherokee 1994 hunter green 116K miles power windows ps premium sound mint $6200 (734) 397 7131JEEP 1993 Grand Wagoneer 4 WD loaded leather 70k $9 900 248 583 4190 x 24JEEP 2001 Wrangler convert ible stick under 2500 miles air CD $17 000 (248 477 5245

Suburban GMC 1998 tow pkg 3 seats 4x4 loaded $17 500

248 474-5407 248 4172771SUBURBAN 1999LT mintcon dition loaded 35K $24 000

810 750 4398SUBURBAN SLT 1999 4x4loaded black w/tan leather rear air CD 3rd seat 35K miles $25 900 (248) 553 4613YUKON 1998 SLT 4x4 4 dr leather fully loaded exc cond $16 000 (248) 594 2891

829 Sport Utility

BLAZER 2001 LS 2 wheel locking rear 2 dr 8K exc cond $16 200 (248) 328-0656BLAZER LT 1996 4 dr

------------------------------------- --------- . - , s


BRAVADA 2000 all wheel drive white leather CD 31K only

$19 500/fat/hfatUL.

Westland (734) 721 1144

BRAVADA 1998 dark beige leather Interior exc cond $13 999 810 667 3018CHEVY BLAZER 2001 Black 2 dr 11K loaded exc cond will ay transfer fees Assume Lease ;350/mo Eve 248 626 2808

CHEVY BLAZER 1997 4dr 4WD exc cond 59000 miles $12 000/best 100K Warranty 248 669 9728 248 390 7390CHEVY BLAZER LS 1999

towing pkg 2 power seats CD aluminum wheels keyless entry

synthetic oil only 40K Very Good Cond $16 500

Call 734-453 0737 after 5 pmCHEVY BLAZER LS 1997 4x4 4 dr exc cond new tires/brakes 68K $12 500 (313) 531 4775CHEVY BLAZER ZR2 1998 Pewter 41 k miles Loaded sun roof Exec cond one owner $14 500/ftrm 313 538 8494CHEVY 1985 Suburban looks runs great loaded seats 8 $2300 (248) 338 2713CHEVY TAHOE LT 1996 2dr 4WD 95K miles exc cond $13 300 (313) 278 2341CHEVY TRACKER 2000 4x4 4dr CD air auto Take over lease $255/mo 313 537-4420DODGE DURANGO 1999 SLT Plus 5 9L black fully loaded assume lease 0% down $425/ mo (734)261 1496DODGE DURANGO 1998 SLT Plus moonroof rear air 4x4 3rd seat V8 53K tow package leather like new cd garage kept $16 985 734 432 O'DODGE DURANGO 1999 SLT 4x4 5 2L 3rd seat blight red exc cond $15 900

(810) 7359155DODGE RAMCHARGER 1990 good condition new tires high miles runs great $3500 or best offer (248) 693-3413DURANGO 1999 XLT 4x4 must sell white cloth interior loaded $18750 734-266-61851995 EXPLORER Eddie Bauer 4 wheel dr Green/Tan Loaded 139K $6 950 (734) 464 9344EXPLORER SPORT 2001 10K highway miles dark blue moon roof fully loaded cloth interior $20 000 or best offer

(734) 728 1846EXPLORER 1992 SPORT 160000 miles $2 500

(313) 527 4968EXPLORER 1995 4 wheel drive Eddie Bauer loaded sun roof good cond 125K $7950 (734) 665 8757EXPLORER 1998 4x4 looks & runs like new with warranty $8999TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566EXPLORER XLT 1997 fully loaded 82 000 miles $9800

(248) 398 0841

FORD EXPLORER SPORT 1999 air cd auto start new tires moonroof power every thing dark green sharp 51 00Q miles $16 500/best Call (734) 453 1 877 after 5 pmFORD 1997 Explorer Sport Exec cond New tires & brakes 72k $11 000 (734) 432 2553FORD EXPLORER Sport 1993 4x4 5 speed, 4 0L 132K Miles $325Q/best 248 348 6602FORD EXPLORER 1996 4x4 clean dependable cd extras $7500 (517) 552 4696

EXPLORER XLT 1994 4 0Lauto 4x4 104K very good cond pw/pl cruise etc $6500/ offer (734) 425 3671EXPLORER 2000 XLT 4x4 45K all highway ail power Clean $15 700 734 674 4751EXPLORER 1997 XLT 4x4 loaded V6 SOHC 24K miles mint cond $13 600 Cali before 6pm 734-422 6363EXPLORER 1997 XLT 4x4 loaded 75K miles $10 500

(248) 360 4909

FORD EXPLORER XLT 1998 82 000 miles good cond $11 900 (734) 427 1837

FORD BRONCO 1996 XLT Sport 351 loaded blaok $11 500/best (313) 538 3643FORD ESCAPE XLT 2001 fully loaded 8500 miles moonroof $23 900 or best (248) 777 7902 after 4pm

JEEP WRANGLER Sport 1999 6cyl 5 speed Pioneer Stereo system 43 5K miles Exec cond $16 000/best 248-489 5519

GMC JIMMY Diamond Edition 2000 blue 4x4 31 000 miles loaded exc cond $18750/best offer (734) 455 7188GMC JIMMY 1997 SLE 4 door 4 wheel drive automatic 68 000 miles dark green/sliver exterior grey interior well equipped well maintained $11 000 Call Bill at

(734) 394-0565GMC 2000 Jimmy SLE Lease Assumption Loaded moon roof AM/FM CD auto 4WD 4 door 11 mos left on lease $377 monthly 734 513 6643GMC JIMMY 1997 SLE 4x4 4 dr loaded w/moonroof exc cond 1 owner 57k mi $12 500 248 542 7997GMC JIMMY SLT 1995 4dr loaded exec cond Original owner new brakes & tires $7500/best 248-317 7293GMC JIMMY SLT 1997 4x4 4dr loaded leather 71K miles red $9 950 248 641 0899

RANGE ROVER 1990 66kOriginal miles exc no rust loaded Must See'$9 500/best (248)547 5331TAHOE 2000 LT package black 3rd row seating rear heat $28 500 (810) 750 9092

GMC JIMMY 1996 SLT 4x4 loaded exc cond 1 owner 48k $10 900 248 594-6733GMC 1998 Jimmy 4x4 4 door loaded $10 500/best offer

734 421 0283GMC 1991 Jimmy 4x4 4 3L auto 1 owner 152K runs/looks exc $3900 734 454 6610GMC 1995 Suburban SLT black 4 wheel drive 8ak loaded $14 600 (248)593 0964 (248) 892 4328GMC 1997 Suburban SLT 4x4- 63K Loaded leather 1 yr ext warranty $16900 734422-0445GMC Suburban 1985 2WD 9 passenger new transmission runs strong looks good $2800 Call 6pm 8pm 313 532 9359

dmai rea v o auto »95/ le d / fo A ta r t.

Westland (734) 721 1144

GMC YUKON SLT 1999 4x4 Loaded leather tow package warranty Only 30k miles'

500$23: (248)486 7750GRAND CHEROKEE 1996 Lim ited loaded white/biack leather $10 900 (248) 391 5161GRAND CHEROKEE 1999 Lim ited 4x4 V 8 moon leather loaded 38K $21 988J F o ^ r H i l l sC h ry s le r-P ly m o u lh -Je e p

734 455 8740 1 800 494-9481GRAND CHEROKEE 1996 low miles garage kept CD new tires $8 950 (734) 525 6235GRAND CHEROKEE 1995 LTD 4x4 loaded $6500 TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566HONDA 1999 CRV auto silver certified $15 495

(734) 453 3600s u n s H i n e

IH O n D AHONDA 2000 CRV EX 4x4 auto red certified $17 900

(734) 453 3600s u n s H in s

H O n D AHONDA 1998 Passport 4x4 auto white $15,995

(734) 453-3600s u n s w i r i E

H O n D AISUZU RODEO 1992 V6 auto ps/pb air looks good runs great' Must sell! $2700

(734) 459 5087JEEP 1999 Cherokee Classic 4x4 4 Door green 92K ml$9900 (313) 359 3764JEEP CHEROKEE 1994 Country 4x4 good cond loaded 122k $5800 (248) 375-0269JEEP CHEROKEE 1989 4X4 brand new alternator brakes starter replaced thermostat $4 000 (734) 207 3342Jeep 1993 Country loaded exc cond high miles runs great $3750,best 313 535 6111JEEP GRAND Cherokee 1998 5 9L V8 limited Silver 48K Fully loaded exec cond never ofl road $22 000 248 705 8403JEEP SAHARA 1999 low

milage $16 000/JEEP WRANGLER 2001 low milage $18 500/ GMC SUBURBAN 1995 $12 000 (248) 540 2856LAND ROVER Discovery 2000 loaded mint $26 900/best offer 248 613 7007 517 655 2949

TOYOTA 1991 Landcruiser white loaded sunroof good cond $7 900 248 650 9098TOYOTA 1990 4Runner 4x4 V6 loaded 97K miles black asking $7450 248 672 7770

MERCURY Mountaineer 1998 V6 Leather 78K Miles Exec cond $11000 (248)685 3617MOUNTAINEER 1997 awd blue 6 cd new tires 68 000 miles exc cond $11 000 (248) 926-8684MOUNTAINEER 1999 Black w/ grey leather 30K loaded cle^l $18 500 (734)591 6796

YUKON 2000 SLT 4WD 6K Mint executive vehicle pewter exterlor/lntenor leather sunroof 3rd seat $32 500

Eves 248 538 9536YUKON 2000 % ton SLTloaded 22K warn wench $29 000 248-674-6900

Sports & Imported

NISSAN 1996 Pathfinder auto roof rack 78k ml black $9900/ or best best 734 425 0031

FORD ESCAPE 2001 XLT 4x4 loaded tinted sunroof mint cond 12 000 miles $21000

(248) 642 5423FORD ESCAPE XLT 2001 4x4 loaded sunroof blue 12 500 miles $20 500 (248) 437 9592

NISSAN 1987 Pathfinder SE 4x4 V6 mint cond 95K miles $6500best (313) 386 5758NISSAN XTERRA XE 2001 4x4 silver power sport utility & towing pkg under warranty CD 24K $18 000 248 593 5221

ALFA ROMEO Spider 1988 red convertible 46K mi'es 5 speed mint $7600 (810) 220 3446AUDI 1995 A 6 wagon black/ beige leather sunroof 81k dean $10 000 734 260 4521AUDI QUATRO 1999 auto take over lease or buy Perfect condi tion black 41000 miles Full warranty (248) 703 3653BMW 2000 323ci 5 sp silver coupe sport pkg moon roof xenon lights 21k mi $28 500/ offer 248 651 0688BMW 323i 1998 Convertible dark green black leather 48 5K auto alarm premium sound/CD $23 000 810 779 6553BMW 540i 1997 dark green/ tan mmtcond loaded sunroof CD etc Extended warranty 67 000 miles will sacrifice $27 500 246-546 8309BMW 1999 323i exc cond sport package moon auto CD 56k $20 900 (248) 391 4795BMW 330i 2001 Immaculate purchased In Aug 2000 No acci dents $34 000/neg 248-568-2477BMW 530I 1995 3LV8loaded 87K Green 100Kwar ranty $15 000 (313) 882 7433BMW 1998 528i Purple/sand CD changer sunroof good cond 85 000 mi $21 900

810 445 2739BMW 1997 328is coupe red/ beige loaded CD changer exc cond Non smoker 53k miles $19 995/best (248) 647 2068BMW 1996 3281 5 speed 90K clean & loaded $12 000

734-479 8186BMW 325IS 1989 tan leather loaded sunroof 5 speed 150K $3000 or best offer

(248) 651 0845BMW 1988 M6 black/gray immaculate 140K miles many extras all service records $17 500 248 360 2095 eves

248 682 7755 daysBMW 2000 M Roadster Metallic silver/black leather WARRANTY No winter driving Looks great runs great Must sell’ $34 800/best

810 777 1117BMW Z3 2 3 1999 premium pkg loaded upgrades 32K miles $22 500 (248) 871 1121CORVETTE 2000 auto blue/ black CD like new, Sr owned 10K $32 500 (248) 240 6709CORVETTE 1990 auto new injectors new exhaust OZnms rare color great shape stored $13 500 810 494-8999CORVETTE 1994 auto $3000 stereo ZR1 rims mint must see $12 500/best 734-753 5903CORVETTE 1981 auto t tops aluminum wheels power win dows & doors 47K miles $9 500 (734) 261 3217CORVETTE 2000 Black Con vertible 6spd 700 miles loaded wk734-481 5053 734-944 0305CORVETTE 2000 Convertible red on red black top loaded

(810) 726 6336CORVETTE 1998 Convertible auto black chrome wheels low miles dealers car $28 980 John Rogin Buick 734-525 0900CORVETTE COUPE 2000 Pewter high gloss wheels $35 998 (246)568-6655CORVETTE 1992 LT1 polo green/beige leather int 49000 miles new brakes newer tires must sell $14700 734-427 7609

C la s s if ic a t io n s 8 2 2 to 838 (★ )7F

Sports & Imported

MERCEDES BENZ 1998 C230 black sunroof clean $19 000

248 540 0695MERCEDES BENZ 1994 E320 silver 96k $15 500

(248) 569 9807MERCEDES BENZ 300E 1993 2 toned white with gray leather ABS 101 000 miles moonroof like new in & out must see $13 495 or best offer

(248) 851 5750MERCEDES C280 1996 Fully loaded! 33k miles exc cond $19 000/best (248)363 6638MERCEDES 300E 1986 good cond loaded $5700 or best Offer (734) 741 7319MERCEDES 1986 190E 1owner exc cond 123k garaged $4500 (248) 879 2490MERCEDES 1991 300E Tan Sunroof CD exc cond 120k miles $8600 248 760 1208MERCEDES ML320 1998 Silver Loaded 4x4 55k miles jump seats exec cond Must Sell' $23 900 248 470 7982

CORVETTE 1990 turbo red V8 40+K 6 speed 2 tops garaged $14 000248 625 8705CORVETTE 1995 VR1 white w/black interior mint cond 2400 miles $55 000 248 737 9037CORVETTE 1985 white loaded S9K miles ZR1 nms looks great $8000/best 734 525 5641

- COUNTACH ri^ B ^ R EP LIC A 1984

Fiaro many spare parts and molds

80% complete $9000 or best Offer (810) 227 6204

INFINITI 1994 Q45 clean Florida car loaded 152K mi $680Q/best 248 420 5117JAGUAR 2000 4 0 S Type $33 900/best Platinum w/black leather loaded 810 665 0881JAGUAR 4 OS TYPE 2000 Plat inum/lvory leather Loaded $31500 248-594 1195

JAGUAR XJ12 1996 immacu late dark green tan interior 63 000 miles $23 900

248 788 1333

HYUNDAI SONATA GL 1999 V6 White 4dr power lock/ window front/side air bags war ranty exec cond added safety features $10 000 734-354 5091

JAGUAR 1998 VDP Blue/ Cream Loaded Immaculate 47k Premium sound winter package Non smoker Ali mam tenance records Michelm tires $26 500 248 391 0214

JAGUAR 1994 XJ6 new paint new tires cherry 57k $16 200/ best Corvette 1973 Stingray low miles cherry green/tan $12 200/beet (734) 326 0060JAGUAR XJ8 2000 white loaded 21 000 miles like new Full warranty Must sell $37 000 (248) 396-7292JAGUAR 1997 XK8 Coupe black/tan interior loaded exc $36 500 248 589 1679MAZDA MIATA 1999 White/ black top & leather interior loaded 9k miles asking $17 000/ best after pm 248 373 7622

MERCEDES 500 SL 1997 5 900 miles black w/camel inte rior convertible w/ hard top $51 900 Oall Days or leave mes sage 248 353 3166MERCEDES 560SL1989 white/ blue convertable 51k miles exec cond Loaded spoke wheels $24 999 810 775 0520MITSUBISHI 3000 GT SL 1992 82k 5 speed white leather $9 995/best offer 248-553 0109PORSCHE 1987 911 Carrera Targa red 89K mi exc cond $19 500/best 246 723 9639PORSCHE 1977 924 red black interior newerbrakes exhaust system shocks tires very good condition $3 200

248 626 1920SAAB 2000 93 Convertible Rare white w/ blue top auto Leather/ wood Loaded' 27k miles $24 000/flrm 248-626 9625SAAB 9 3 convertible 1999 black loaded 45 000 miles dealer serviced GM factory war ranty garaged with loving care $19 445 (248) 652 3933SAAB 93 2001 loaded Excel lent Assume lease 1 year 17K miles left 248 723 4294SAAB 1997 900SE Black 5 speed all options new clutch/ brakes $13500 248-363-3561SUBARU 1991 Loyale station wagon manual 148k mi runs OK $600 248 477 7882TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 15001974 convertible great shape $4500

(517) 552 3631TRIUMPH 1978 Spitfire white convertible runs good $2500

(734) 421 7364VOLVO 1991 240 DL 100K miles Florida car no rust 1 owner $5400 246 613 8414

Antique/Ciassic Collector Cars

VOLVO 1992 960 loaded needs engine $3700/best 734-426 8749 313 505 1994VOLVO S40 2000 all power leather CD auto air power sunroof very clean 11 500 miles $20 500 248 203 9934VOLVO S 70 1998 $15 900Excellent condition' Red tan leather moonroof loaded 48 000 miles (248) 760-4865VOLVO 1988 740 silver fully loaded low miles exc cond $4000/firm (248) 593 0887VOLVO 1993 240 wagon 98k miles good cond all power heated seats/mirrors new tires & battery $10 000 248 584-5984

Antique/Ciassic Collector Cars

BUICK 1963 LeSabre Custom 4 dr 19K ongmal miles exc cond $3950/best 248 375 8887BUICK REGAL 1985 Limited 6 cyl rust free Alabama car new paint $3050 517 545 5927CADILLAC 1979 Eldorado 88 680 miles single owner Bloomfield Hills 248 646 1013CADILLAC 1969 Fleetwood Brougham 58K miles stored since 1985 (248) 645 2567CADILLAC 1955 Fully restored Everything new $18 000/best Offer (734) 729 3711CHEVY MALIBU classic 1979 white w/blue interior & landau 57 000 miles FLA car 3 3L V6 $3950 (248) 477 1024

MG TD 1952 original car per feet ynrestored cond only 14K miles you will not find a nicer TD $21 000 248 682 7755

eves 248 360 2095OLDS DELTA 88 1968 allong mal runs needs work $875

(248) 628 0011OLDS 1984 98 2 door garaged for 17 years never seen rain or snow 1700 miles cherry cond $26 500 313 534 2696

CORVAIRS 1964 Monza 900 sedan fresh paint very clean $3950/best 1965 Corsa convert Ible $5800/best 248-540-2418CORVETTE 1977 auto 37k miles tan great shape $9100/ best offer 248 737 7809CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE 1968 w/hardtop 3-speed $12 000 (734) 427 3023FIAT 1972 Spyder low miles runs great many new parts $1950 Pete 313 272 5330FORD FLATHEAD V8 engine starter generator carburetor transmission radiator Intake Complete $1250 248 669 1668FORD 1974 LTD 2 dr red w/white vinyl hardtop many accessories 13 243 original miles pristine cond real gem must seel 248 546 8258FORD 1931 MODEL A 1931 rumble seat coupe good cond $7600 (248) 540 2106FORD MUSTANG 1966 Dark Blue Run great Nice cond $6600 (248) 352 6981FORD 1964 THUNDERBIRD crea'm color auto asking $5000/ best offer 734 367 0227GMC 1993 Typhoon black 59k exc cond $14 500

(248) 375 5085LINCOLN COUPE 1950 Rare Hot Rod Lincoln Mild custom original 337cu in flathead & auto transmission Bubble skirts Lakes pipes Recent new paint upholstery & chrome Texas car no rust Drives great Excellent show car Many parts Must see' $17 500 (734)455 5458LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1977 4 dr blue 20k miles on rebuilt engine clean body must see $2000 (313) 526 6947MAZDA 1981 rx7 16k actual miles mint cond loaded $9350 (734) 453 4538MERCEDES 220 1969 Diesel garage kept appraised $5500 Best offer 810 982 2400MERCURY 1951 4 dr sedanrestored & rebuilt looks/runs great $12 800 734 878 1795MG MIDGET 1966 olderresto ration extra parts $1500

(734) 397 0785

OLDSMOBILE 1949 Rocket 88 Absolutely must see

$14 500/best (734) 459 3832OLDS 1979 Toronado gold 54 000 miles good cond garage kept $4000 After 12pm

734 522 3273PLYMOUTH 1967GTX 440HP at PS Solid southern car $7 500 or best (734)854 3072 (419)466-1332PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SJ 1977 dark blue Onginal/good cond 87k miles one owner all power $3000 (734) 455 7036PONTIAC 1962 Star Chief all origipal restorable $4000/ best 248 356 0322SCRIOCCO 1987 16V 113Kmiles Calif car new clutch & transmission etc $4700 248 642 6573 248 548 2244THUNDERBIRD 1963 Runs & looks good $4 500/best

(248) 547 5859TIFFANY CLASSIC1984 White V8 30k original miles $22 990/ best (734) 455 3501

INTEGRA LS 1994 mint 1 owner automatic sun roof all power $5 950 (248) 442 7980LEGEND 1993 taupe 4 dr sunroof auto exc cond on9 owner $10 000 248 644-3933

CENTURY 1996 4drV6alu minum wheels 1 owner 30K miles $6995 248 335 9104

2000 CENTURY LTD Dark green leather seats

$12 999 loaded 19 900 miles (248) 476 3265

LESABRE CUSTOM 2001 brand newblue exterior blue leather interior loaded fathers estate 4400 miles $19 000

(734) 595 8715

MUSTANG 1983 5 0 GTClassic convertible $2900 4

(248) 541 9099 s*

LESABRE 2000 Limited leather chrome wheels CD how about this??

$10 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

LESABRE 1997 loaded 98k exc cond Must sell' $6000/ best (810) 629-5348LESABRE 1997 loaded 67K very clean $6900

(734) 663 3902LESABRE 1997 Silver loaded 46 000 miles $11 500 or best EXC cond (734) 462 0460PARK AVE 1999 exc cond loaded 1 owner non smoker $13 750 248 626 5507PARK AVENUE 1997 full loaded exec cond 63 leather $11 990(248)652 9014PARK AVENUE 1999 31K exc cond red loaded GM execu tive $15 500/best 248 646-0972PARK AVENUE 2000 leather heated power Seats like new Now only $19


PARK AVENUE 1997 loaded non smoker garage kept clean 34K $14000 810 978 8698PARK AVENUE Ultra 1998 1 owner FL winters 54K 100K warranty$17 900 248 344 9466PARK AVENUE 1994 white black leather loaded clean 78K miles $6500 (734)453 7805REGAL CUSTOM 1996 6XC condition loaded low miles 23K $8 250 (734) 591 2250REGAL 1991 custom 63k miles new brakes/battery/tires Must sell $3475/best 248 855 8703REGAL 1996 CUSTOM 3 8L 41K miles exc cond dealer maintained have all records $8000/best (313) 846 2766REGAL GS 1998 supercharged 3800 V6 blue-grey cd 1 owner $11 500 (734) 425 6531REGAL GS 1997 V6 super charged leather full power key less entry am/fm cassette cd Excellent cond 59 000 miles $11 000 (734) 459 5627REGAL 1992 32K miles like new'one owner loaded kept $6500 734-722 24 7RIVERIA 1997 V6 Metallic Silver loaded exc cond 83k $10 000 248 737 2264RIVIERA 1995 CD/cassette heated seats moonroof 170K $5950 (313) 527 2595RIVIERA 1995 Coupe 2dr auto 3 8L V6 black/leather good cond Loaded 80K Miles $7500/best 248 361 3341RIVIERA 1995 loaded black leather 50 options good cond $7500/best (248) 889-3149RIVIERA 1996 loaded grand ma s creampuff 37 000 miles $9800 (734) 462 4278RIVIERA 1997 V6 sandstone taupe leather sunroof loaded garage kept showroom cond $10 000 (248)477 9126SKYLARK 1996 custom beige in & out exc cond 95K hwy $3900/best (734) 422 6521SKYLARK GRAN SPORT

1994 great cond super clean 116K loaded looks new $3795 (248) 592 059Q

ALLANTE 1993 Convertible loaded stored winters Meticu lously maintained 1 owner 58k $23 900 (248) 393-4441BROUGHAM 1990 V8 loaded 1 owner 46K miles estate sale $5500 734 459 8143CATERA 1999 exgc cond 27K warranty silver w/ chrome wheels black leather loaded $18 900 (248) 449-3277CATERA 1998 fully loaded Bose stereo with CD/tape moonroof new tires still under factory warranty 38 000 miles $15 900 or best (810) 598 2388CATERA 1998 Loaded leather Bose CD/tape 39K Warranty $12 900 734-427 9748

♦ it*

8F(*) Classifications 815 to 861 The Observer & Eccentric Thursday, December 13, 2001

•CATERA 1997 28K real nice $12 495 (734)453 3600

s u n s i n i n EH O n D A

' -CONCOURS 1994 all leather loaded 62K miles must see1 $9500/best 248 669 3025CONCOURSE 1995 exec cond loaded 94K highway miles $7400/best SoldDEVILLE 2000 black diamond black leather chromes heated seats power moon Santa can t beat this'

$19 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

DEVILLE 1997 Delegance white diamond neutral leather chrome wheels CD looking for a real deal™

$10 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

DEVILLE 1997 4 door 41 000 mi Leather se a ts chrome wheels $18 350 248 478-3802DEVILLE 2000 DTS white dia

--fTiond chrome wheels CD player fully equipped $28 980 John Rogm Buick 734-525 0900DEVILLE 2000 loaded On Star

-? biack/black exc cond 19 000 - miles $29 900 810 575 8387

DEVILLE 1991 1 owner runsgreat well maintained $3900

(248) 661 6689DEVILLE 2000 Silver/Silver Excellent Non smoker$28 600 (248) 656 8619DEVILLE 1996 white 57 000 mi Loaded Clean Remote start 248 363 1849DEVILLE 1999 white with bur gundy leather interior 70 000 miles very good cond $15 900 (248) 408 6877ELDORADO 1997 black 2 dr loaded 67K miles $16 900 _________ (248) 852 7394ELDORADO COUPE 1988 Silver Loaded Florida car Exc cond Meticulously maintained 111k $3900 248 393 4441ELDORADO 2000 ETC black sunroof chrome wheels CD priced to sell $21 980 John Rogm Buick 734-525 0900ELDORADO 1998 ioaded leather heated seats 49k stun n ng $21 900 (248) 693 4636SEDAN DEVILLE 1998 dark green 50 000 miles Michehns $17 500 248 661 3208SEDAN DEVILLE 1992 Good cond 58k mi loaded $6800/ best offer (734) 729 3711SEDAN DEVILLE 1997 Peart white leather exec cond non smoker su n roof chrom e wheels $14 200Call Tami 313 884-4133SEDAN DEVILLE 1996 pearl white near perfect cond not winter driven every option $11900 (248) 380 6379SEVILLE 4 door 1997 exc cond 69K miles well main tamed silver $ 16 800

(248) 852 7394SEVILLE 1985 76KExtremely Nice $3800

(248) 625 4938SEVILLE 1995 SLS exccond low miles non smoker $11 900

(248) 6151391

838 Cadillac

SEVILLE 1995 SLS excellent loaded Northstar engine sport interior sunroof CD pearf red neutral shale leather tinted glass new tires & exhaust 76K $12 300 (734) 453 0001SEVILLE SLS 1997 mint loaded 12 play CD 54 000 miles $15 200 734 454 4110SEVILLE 1992 STS black loaded CD excellent condition 79K $7950 (734) 765 5566SEVILLE STS 1997 Polo green loaded certified warranty bumper to bumper lady owned non smoker well maintained $18 500/best (734) 522 6124SEVILLE 1997 STS power moonroof CD chromes black on charcoal better hurry on this one1

$10 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

STS 1996 loaded white dia mond 62K exccond warranty $15 500 734 576 4062

CAMARO 1985 Irock 305 I auto new brakes rotors > idler arms new paint $3300 (313) 531 1823

CAMARO 1997 Rally Sport 1 owner 22 000 miles loaded $15 000/best 989 826 6115CAMARO 1997 30th Anmver sary model T top coupe auto 32 000 mi CD keyless entry $9 500 Call 248 661 6756CAMARO 1999 V6 Fully loaded Leather chrome rims t tops all power Must sell' 55K $12 000/best 246 349 7708CAMARO Z28 1999 every option Exc cond 5000 miles $19 500/best 734 981 4910CAPRICE 1994 147K miles47K on motor body good runs exc $3000 734 426 1940CAPRICE 1994 State Trooper/ Impala SS done new paint alu mmum wheels immaculate $10 750 (734) 844 8296CAVALIER 1995 ABSarbags pi air 5 speed alarm cruise exccond $3200 734-416-1663CAVALIER CONVERTIBLE Z24 1994 V6 air power windows and locks CD w/amp sub woffer new breaks & tires Very Clean $4950 (734) 427 5963CAVALIER 1999 Convertible Z 24 black beauty Low miles GM certified Only $10

1-800-335-CAVAUER 1995 Red Excellent condition Runs great $4000 Lisa (734) 728 4973CAVALIER 1993 RS 4 dr station wagon 4 cyl auto air 98k $2 000/best (734) 367 0455CELEBRITY 1986 new engine new breaks air clean' $1500/firm (313) 592 9211CHEVROLET IMPALA SS 1995 Very Fast Clean $10 000/best

Day (313) 218 4628 Night (248) 435 5336

CHEVY PICK UP 1993 5 speed $7500/best 1996 Cavalier$4000/best 734 326 9031CHEVY SILVERADO 1999 Z71 fully loaded w/cap 4WD $17 900 (248) 561 3900

840 Chevrolet

CHEVY SILVERADO 1999 Z71 fully loaded w/cap 4WD $17 900 (248) 561 3900

CHEVY S 10 Trailblazer 2001 loaded exc cond take over payments (734) 673 4543CONTOUR SE SPORT 1998 cabernet red V 6 auto air cd cruise moonroof new tires good cond 67K $6500/best

(734) 454 4634CORSICA 1992 90k newexhaust tires brakes Pioneer CD (734) 751 6995CORSICA 1995 V6 blue exc cond loaded auto air 45 000 mi $4600/best 248 643 8087IMPALA 2000 loaded 25K Includes extended warranty $12 500 (734) 451 8203LUMINA 1993 4 dr 6 cyl exc cond air tilt power windows & locks $3800 810 750 8114LUMINA 1992 4 dr 6 cyl 80k mi new brakes fires no rust $3800 734 425 4641LUMINA LS 1997 loaded 34K miles $8600

(313) 538 1819LUMINA 1997 LTZ Loaded 47k miles remote start exc cond $7 250 (734) 667 3656LUMINA 1999 3 1V6 aircruise green/grey 52 000 mi $7800 248 477 7999LUMINA 1991 V6 2 dr new tires oil & water pump runs/dnves great $2000 313-622 5705LUMINA 1997 V 6 low miles new tires only $7


LUMINA 1992 Z34 160K miExc cond $3500 or best

734-453 8265MALIBU 1997 Loaded V6 53k miles cruise CD stacker all power dual air bags Exec cond $8600 248 561 9316MALIBU 1998 LS 4 door sedan V6 31 liter auto transmission 16K miles 4x4 $9500/bes1 offer (734) 595 1339 734 722 0069MALIBU 2000 LS V 6 full power GM certified' 5 to choose From $11


MALIBU 1998 LS V6 full power low miles new tires only



MONTE CARLO 1988 black 50k very clean loaded $4000

(248) 474-4582MONTE CARLO 2000 LS

Loaded moonroof 11K exc cond $15 500 248 561 3500MONTE CARLO 1995 880 COO miles well maintained great reli able $5 900 (810)599 9468

MONTE CARLO 1997 Torch red w/all available factory options including power moon roof cd player rear spoiler 84k Hwy miles $9750/best

(248) 366 7495

MONTE CARLO 1998 Z34 bright red loaded super clean 53K highway adult driven must sell $11400 (248) 477 1193MONTE CARLO 1995 Z34 loaded white good cond Runs great $4200 734 454 0056SPECTRUM 1989 auto ps/ pb clean 35mpg dependable $1250/best 248 225 9222


CHRYSLER 300M 1999 loaded black sunroof CD leather $15 900 248-661 4477

CIRRUS LX 1998 Gold 6 cyl auto all power leather CD Cruise Exec cond $9300/best 248 613 9421CIRRUS 2000 LXi metallic red leather camel interior 16 000 miles CD changer super clean $15 500 248 366 6393CONCORDE 1994 loaded 1996 interior deep red 58K sunroof asking $7000 (734) 422 7562CONCORDE 1993 loaded moonroof leather clean car Exc mechanical $2895 or best offer (734) 420 6030CONCORDE LX 1997 16K miles clean 6 cyl 4 dr dark silver $9 500 (248) 625 4211CONCORDE 1995 85 000miles ioaded gbod cond $5200/best 734 641 0555CONCORDE 1994 mint new transmisslon/brakes/tlres/air/ computer well maintained $5200/best 313 532 5934CONCORDE 1995 V6 auto air full power $4 866F o x H i l l sChrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734 455 8740 1 800-494-9481CONCORD 1995 78K mileswell maintained loaded $5390

248 650 6275CONCORDE 2000 Silver Clean Exec Cond 45K $11 999 (313) 330 3693FIFTH AVENUE 1987 silver/ grey leather runs good $l300/best (734) 453 0677LeBaron 1994 Convertible GTC emerald green/tan loaded Very sharp dependable & funl $5900 or best offer 734 697 6144LEBARON 1991 white fully loaded sunroof exc running cond $1800 (734) 459 9834LHS 1997 fully loaded 4 door leather 63 000 miles $8900/ Best 248 219 7317LHS 1997 46 600 mi Loaded CD leather sunroof black $8995 Work 313 336 6303 Dick Home 248 474 6495New Yorker 1990 4 dr 6 cyl loaded looks new immaculate in/out $1800/best 313-724-0148PT CRUISER 2002 every option including moonroof and chrome wheels only 1000 metes priced to sell’ $20 980 John Rogm Buick 734-525 0900SEBRING 1997 Convertible Red $9000/best Very clean & ioaded 248 735 0358SEBRING 1997 JX convertible white 79k mi new brakes tires good cond loaded $7850/best

248 738-9110SEBRING JX11997 Convertible Loaded, New brakes & tires 96K hwy miles dark puiple runs great! $7500 734 323-3680SEBRING 1997 JXI Convertible auto start 90000 mi original owner $920Q/best 810-923-2867SEBRING 1999 LXi white 42K miles loaded sunroof leather CD power everything like new $15 500 248 304-9980

AVENGER 1995 Fully Loaded! Black/grey Leather 105K miles upgraded sound system Must Sell $4900/best 313 541 3464

® A CU RAN o w F e a t u r i n g


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*m920“ "».*262"39 month lease Total due at signing $296 73

2002 ACCORD EX 4 DOORwith Leather

C G 5662JN W »Sto ck #9101 Demo»2 to choose from 1

04 m W ,39 month lease Total due at signing $303 64 ^

2 0 0 2


CG165»Stock #9117 Demo*3 others at sim ilar savings1

*22,615“ on *292*!L39 month lease Total due at signing $329 46

2001 S2000^ C h r i s t m a s

Special!AP1141EN W

*29482___ _f 39 month lease Total due at signing $42319

I* * $* 31

s u n s H i r iE H o n D A o1205 PLYMOUTH RD‘’ 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 3 6 0 0 j S a S T I ©

w w w .su n sh ine h on d a .n e t‘39 month closed end lease. 12,000 miles per year. Payment plus tax. New plate extra. "Sale price plus lax, title, doc , destination and plate.

DYNASTY 1992 V6 ioaded well maintained new parts $2100/best offer 734-421-4487

INTREPID 1997 4 dr V6 3 5L engine purple all power 64K $5800/best 248-7381554INTREPID 1995 ES loaded runs/looks great Garage kept $5600/best (248) 922 2776INTREPID 1994 138 000 miles Very good cond $3195 248 705-4483 / 248 693 4521INTREPID 1997 red hwy miles good cond $5300

(810) 940 8015INTREPID SE 2001 loaded 11K mi warranty $14 650 248 524 8784 248-342 6427NEON 1999 au to a ir $4699TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566NEON 1997 auto air $3450TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566NEON 2000 highime low miles dark blue sharp car priced to sell at $10 980 Sale John Rogm Buick 734-525 0900NEON 2000 36K miles air auto all power 4 cyl exc cond $8900 248 360 2649NEON 1997 RED 50K 4 door auto air new tires & brakes exc shape $4500

(313) 303-5158SHADOW ES 1994 auto air 90K power steerlng/brakes am/ fm cassette clean $2700/ best (734) 981 2848SHADOW ES 1993 160K Runs Well $650/Best

(734) 495 1506SHADOW 1992 Manual trans mission 125k mi Good cond recent maintenance runs great $1000/best 734-459 9355SPIRIT 1990 E xec cond High miles air all power very clean interior $3500 (313)533 5073STRATUS 2000 gold 4 door V6 auto w/auto stick loaded $13 500 (248) 473 0346

VISION 1996 TSI Loaded CD leather power moonroof 45K Mint $7650 248 601 8182

ASPIRE 1997 great mileage new brakes Michelln tires bat tery Well maintained 1 owner $3495 734-464-3815ASPIRE 1994 83K exc trans portation oil changed every 3K $1400 (734) 207 5182

CONTOUR 1996 GL auto air cd all options 77k great shape $3900 (734) 762 7782CONTOUR GL 1997 80k miles alloy wheels new tires & belts air CD auto good cond $4 500 313 322 7714 734-484-1094CONTOUR 1998 LX dark forest green very good cond 49 000 miles standard transmission $7250/best 248 375 2208CONTOUR 1996 LX 24 V 6 power windows/locks stereo/ tape this one is perfect

$4 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

CONTOUR 1999 SE 59K miles new tires manual air cruise $5500 (734) 454 9524CONTOUR 1998 V6 black 50K aluminum wheels new tires/ brakes S6500 (248) 591 9791CROWN VICTORIA 2000 LX charcoal gray leather loaded 28K miles exc cond $15 900

(734) 453 1797CROWN VICTORIA LX 1997 loaded beautiful car Mlchelm tires well kept $8990

(734) 453 7161CROWN VICTORIA 1999 LX silver 31 000 miles with comfort group handling & performance package $15 000

(248) 538 6305CROWN VICTORIA 1996 LX leather loaded exec cond hwy miles $7 300

(517) 546 4021CROWN VICTORIA 1996 LX power windows/locks 6 way seats all the options and spotless'

$4 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

ESCORT 1997 auto air stereo $5999TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566ESCORT 1995 2 door hatch back green tinted windows CD player 91K miles $1700/best

734 513 6794ESCORT 1995 Hatchback 46k miles good cond ps/pb air new tires $4500 734 422 3673ESCORT 1995 32 000Loaded Exc cond $4500/best

248 486 3998ESCORT LS 1991 immaculuate much new equipment 1 owner no body damage perfect inte nor $2750 (248) 427 0070ESCORT 1997 LX 4 door mint condition $3800/best

(248) 477 0165ESCORT 1995 LX 2 door 5 speed 88K air dual airbags alloys $3300 313 278 6042

ESCORT 1997 LX 4 dr air all power 47k $4800

(248) 471 6984ESCORT LX 1997 4dr auto loaded 71k Miles Immaculate sacrifice $5300 248-855 0225ESCORT 1993 LX 5 Speed 104K Exec Cond $2000/best

(734) 522 1043ESCORT 1996 LX Station wagon auto air very good cond 313 999 4718ESCORT 1993 LX Wagon auto air very good cond $2500/best (734) 422 2488E S C O R T 1993 LX Wagon real nice $5 295 (734) 453 3600

s u n s i - i i r t EH O n D A

ESCORT 1997 manual full power 72K miles great conch tion $4400/best 248 477 3596ESCORT 1997 41000 miles clean $6 000 Good condition

(734) 464 0692ESCORT 1998 SE 4 dr auto air 43K $5 995

(734) 453 3600s u n s H i r i E

H O H D AESCORT WAGON 1995 48K mi $4000 248 651 8260

ESCORT 1999 SE 55 000 mi Auto silver 4 dr power Key less entry $6200 313 318-0378

ESCORT 1993 wagon, 84K miles very good shape $2500 ESCORT 1983 wagon $500/ best 734 981 7239ESCORT WAGON 1995 LX auto air 128k hwy exec cond $2500/best 734 4161199ESCORT WAGON 1998 Red estate car 24k miles Great Shape' $6950 (734) 513 2268ESCORT WAGON 1993 Silver 5 speed 155K miles one owner runs & looks great $2200 248 426 6273ESCORT 1992 WAGON 4 speed air cassette just detailed $1500 734 416 1558ESCORT WAGON 1994 5 speed 92 000 miles air cas sette new brakes & tires $2500 (313) 541 4761ESCORT 1999 ZR2 36K auto air & more only $6 888J F o a : H i l l sChrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455 8740 1 800-494 9481ESCORT 1998 ZX2 black char coal 61Kmi auto pw/pl&moon root CD $6300 248-925-0103ESCORT ZX2 1998 black 2 dr auto loaded 83K hwy $5500/best (248) 393 2838ESCORT ZX2 1998 69k mifes sport pkg 5 sp Premium sound $5995 734-844-5446ESCORT 1998 ZX2 51K miles silver exc cond CD sunroof auto $6800 248 544 9728ESCORT ZX2 2000 sun roof auto leather seats CD $10550

(734) 981 5417EXPLORER 1997 XLT fully loaded 85K highway exec cond $11 500 (810)504 5646EXPLORER XLT 1993 V6 4WD manual transmission new brakes no rust 91K green $5300/best 248 969 7491FAIRLANE 1962 $1000/best

(734) 729 3489FOCUS 2001 fully loaded 12 300 miles exc cond sports

asking $11 500 call 427 0480

package asking $T Ron (734)FOCUS 2000 SE black beauty auto $9 795 (734) 453 3600

s u n s H i r i EH O n D A

FOCUS 2000 SE 25K Warranty $10 900

734 955 5996 / 734-427 9748FOCUS 2000 SE 25K

Warranty $10 900 734-955 5996 / 734 427 9748FOCUS 2000 ZX3 33K 5 speed red great cond adult owned $8400 (248) 674 2822FORD ESCORT 1994 4 door sedan automatic air ps pw pi cruise 1 owner good cond 122 000 miles $2200

(734) 462 3248MUSTANG 1996 Cobra Con vertible black on black CD chromes nows the time to buy

$11 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

MUSTANG 2000 convertible wifes car 29k sharp red $15 500 (248) 693-4636MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE 1993 5 0 automatic 78 000miles $8200 (248) 478 5674MUSTANG 1998 Convertible V6 red/tan leather CD 30K miles $14 000 248-476-9644MUSTANG 1996 Convertible GT black on black 5 speed 4 6L power doors/locks am/fm CD 9600 mi winter stored exc cond $16 000 734 495 9843MUSTANG 1998 Convertible V6 black/tan leather CD 52K $11 800/besi 248 851 4496MUSTANG 2000 Coupe emerald greefi/grey manual 16 600Kmt Mint cond $15 200

248 855 9852MUSTANG GT 1994 convert ible garage kept candy apple red black top must see $10 000 or best (313) 535 6984MUSTANG 2000 GT Convertible loaded leather auto adult owned $16100 734-459 5605MUSTANG GT 1999 convertible 35th Anniversary edition White body black top fully loaded Auto 19K miles $19 995 Must sell (248) 596 0864MUSTANG 1997 GT Dream Cruise loaded hard top 49K sacrifice $12 500 248 933-8337MUSTANG GT 5 0L 1994 5speed weli preserved & main tained 69K very clean $8500/ best (734) 427 6112MUSTANG GT 1999 Roush Stage 1 18500 mi vtfplenty of upgrades, $22 500 313-792 9085MUSTANG 1996 GT 5 0 $6500TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566MUSTANG 2000 mint cond black w/tan leather all options $11 500 248 514-2319MUSTANG 1995 red 80k miles Mach 1 stereo exc cond new tires $6800 734-422 6344MUSTANG 1997 Red V6 fully loaded excellent condition $8 000 (810) 598 4239MUSTANG 1999 SVT Cobra Convertible V8 5 speed 9 000 miles $23 000 734-459 5314MUSTANG 1999 V6 4700 miles stored auto air spoiler power group premium sound warranty $14 999 734 455 1154MUSTANG 1999 V6 5 speed loaded exc cond must see $11 300 586 764 0592MUSTANG 1999 Yellow 35th Anniversary edition V6 5 speed 24k (734) 397 8662PROBE 1993 GT black loaded sunroof 90K original owner exc con $3900 248 489 1984PROBE 1994 GT Excellent condition 99K new brakes/tires $4100 248 884-4765PROBE 1991 GT 5 sp turbo very good cond loaded senior owned $2500 734 722 9620PROBE 1995 GT sunroof 5 speed clean $4000

(734) 844 1431PROBE GT 1995 V6 5 speed loaded moonroof CD 66k $4250 734 427 9777 after 4PROBE 1993 GT white 90 000 mi 1 owner Must see $3 900 248 888-9391PROBE 1989 LX red 148K auto electronic gages $700

734-455 1260

848 Ford

TAURAS -SE 1999 45K exccond $8500/best

(248) 344 4562TAURUS 1995 3 0 exccond 114K hwy miles new front tires & radiator $3400 734-432 5019TAURUS GL 1997 59K Exc Cond $6000

(734) 455 2072TAURUS GL 1996 82K hwy power locks & windows cruise $4500/best 734 459 1168TAURUS 1995 GL 91K miles V6 runs great well maintained $4000/best 734 459-6865TAURUS 1990 GL 95K power extra clean must see 1 owner $2900 (248) 647 6411TAURUS GL 1997 Loaded exec cond 67k miles $5600 248 473-8778 or 248 342 6427TAURUS GL 1997 37 000miles brand new tires $6900 firm (313) 295 9045TAURUS 1995 GL very good cond 75 000 miles $3500/bestoffer 248 347 6081TAURUS 1999 LX 4 dr silver cassette well kept 1 owner 49k $8 500/best

(248) 685 7958TAURUS 1997 LX red loaded ABS new tires keyless 88k $5700 (248) 743-2999TAURUS LX 1996 SEDAN 30K new cond silver leather inte nor V6 24 valve loaded with every option available $9 200

(248) 476 8733TAURUS 1999 model SHO V8 black tan leather loaded CD 26000 miles $15 500

(586) 781 9440TAURUS 1999 1 owner 36K power cruise great condition must sell $7500 734-323-0546TAURUS SE 1998 Dark Blue Leather power seats spoiler remote start chrome moon roof Mach stereo w/ CD extra clean Asking $7995 248-437 9242TAURUS 1995SE Exccond V6 4 door leather interior 97K $4300 248 477 3603TAURUS 1999 SE exc cond many extras 3 0L 4V 6-cyl 11 500 low miles $11 395

(313) 248 3339TAURUS 1996 SE Immacu late $5999TYME AUTO (734) 455 5566TAURUS SE 1995 111KHwy miles Loaded all power 1 owner no rust new tires & brakes $3795 (734)454-1111TAURUS SE 1998 43K light blue gray leather interior ABS exc cond $10 900 (313)565 9196 or (313) 845 7260TAURUS 1998 SE 47 000 ml Premium sound system impec cable maintenance record $8650 734 459 0018TAURUS 1999 SE V 6 auto air power group 41K only

$9 999Fox HillsChrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734 455 8740 1 800-494 9481TAURUS 1997 SHO leather seats Green power everything! V 8 74k keyless entry climate control $9 900 248-613-2292TAURUS SHO 1999 34 000miles must sell $13500 Ask for Rob 734 425 7879TAURUS 1996 Sho nice & clean V 8 chrome nms 82K $6495/best 313 999 2269TAURUS 1999 SHO silver low miles loaded exc cond $16 000/best 734-326 1632TAURUS 1999 SPORT like new loaded low mi must seif $10 500/best (313) 534-7468TAURUS 1993 station wagon exc cond 122k hwy miles clean $3900 (248) 706 1363TBIRD 1994 Exc Originalowner V8 silver auto air AM/ FM cassette pw/pd/ps 100k $420Q/best Photos athttp //www cris com/~hopeorch/ george/tbird html 248-549-8413TBIRD 1997LX 48K auto air full power extra clean

$7 888Fox HillsChrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455 8740 1 800 494 9481TBIRD LX 1994 46 liter V8 65k mi Loaded Exc cond $5000 734 427 2202T BIRD LX 1996 V-8 63K mifes loaded chrome wheels exc cond $7500 (734) 432 0188TBIRD LX 1994 V8 loaded moon roof CD 48K miles $4900/best (248)647 6529T BIRD 1992 V 8 Green Good Cond 155K miles 1 onwer $29G0/best (734)878 3338TBIRD 1993 V8 5 0L auto loaded exc cond 89K miles $4Q00/best 734-495 3314

TEMPO 1994 Fully loaded Exec cond 82K miles $2900/ best (313)640 8951THUNDERBIRD1997 low miles black loaded moon roof great cond $8 000 248-209 1865THUNDERBIRD 1995 46LV8 new tires & brakes 106k good sound system good cond $4400/best 734 266-0103THUNDERBIRD LX 1997 loaded Metallic red perfect cond full power low mites $8750/best 248-210-3556THUNDERBIRD 1990 new engme/alternator/battery/ radiator/air compressor & rebuilt trans $2500 (734) 358 8988THUNDERBIRD 1995 only 59k mi CD V6 tan good condition $6500/offer 313-410-4163THUNDERBIRD 1987 Turbo black 63K mi 5 speed CD SS performance exhaust many extras Spotless $7900

248 770 2803THUNDERBIRD 1997 V6 auto 43 9K red w/gray interior ps/pb air am/fm cassette cruise con trol $8300/best 313 320 0621THUNDERBIRD 1995 V6 58K miles cassette very dean ori ina! owner $6000 734-422 9782

WINDSTAR LX 1995 7 passenger 176K

highway miles Good cond $5500 (810) 287 4024

852 Honda

ACCORD 1999 4 dr LX V 6 certified $15 900

(734) 453 3600s u n s H i r i E

H O n D A

PROBE 1990 many new parts low miles $2800 or best

(734) 513 5375

ACCORD EXL 1999 auto cruise air security system key less entry power moonroof w/tilt leather seats CD player $14500 (313) 533-7107

852 Honda

ACCORD 1994 EX 4 door 54K miles 1 owner loaded $7800 Dave 734 459-3631ACCORD 2000 EX fully loaded moonroof spoiler 19Kasking $21 700

it spoiler 734-722 7606

ACCORD 1999 33K am/fm cas sette power doors & windows air $13 500 (248) 616-9799ACCORD 1999 26K keyless entry $15 900 or assume 9 mo lease 248 486 7750ACCORD 1998 LX 4 dr auto air 52 000 mites CD sunroof $12 000 (734) 425 6066ACCORD 1997 LX 4 dr auto 47K Honda Certified $11900 (734) 453-3600

s u n s H i n eM O I I D A

ACCORD 1999 LX 4 dr leather alloys sun roof 50K $12 900 (734) 955 5996ACCORD 1995 LX Exc cond 43 000 mi $8900

248 348 0524ACCORD LXI 1988 4dr 110k miles all power moon roof CD very good cond One owner $3 500/best (734)737-0702

ACCORD 1998 LX 3 In stock low miles save thousands priced from $11 980 John Rogln Buick 734525-0900ACCORDS 1996 LX 5 speed or auto 5 to choose from All Honda Certified 7 yr 100 000 miles Priced from $11 900

(734) 453 3600s u n s H i r i E


CIVIC 1996 2 dr hatchback 5 speed air tilt red 33MPG' $5700/best (734) 942 9301CIVIC 1998 4 dr LX auto black 36K certified $11 900

(734) 453 3600s u n s H i n E

H O r i D A

CIVIC 1995 EX black Exc cond 2 door auto air sunroof 80 000 mi Must sell Only $6100 248 366 8868CIVIC EX 1999 Coupe Black 1 owner immaculate Cond dealer maintained warranty 22 5k mi $13 800 248-705 8403CIVIC 1993 LX auto air cruise power pkg Great carl $3999 (248) 506-7963CIVIC 1998 LX auto air power group black beauty $10 468Fox H illsChrysler-Plym outh-Jeep

734-455 8740 1 800 494-9481CIVIC 1999 LX 4 dr auto 40K remote start $11 500

810 220 8603

CIVIC 2000 LX 4 dr auto 20 000 mi Exc cond $13000

734-464-4353CIVIC 1997 LX 4 dr 4 speed 40K certified $10 695

(734) 453 3600s u n s i - i i n E


CR V EX 1998 Loaded exec cond 77K miles $11 200/best 248 360-4316 248 763 7316HONDA 1991 Accord 5 Speed High miles runs good $1950 or best 734-635 0369HONDA 2000 S2000 silver cer titled $25 900 (734) 453-3600

s u n s H i r i EH O H D A

PRELUDE 1997 35K black auto superb condition $16 200

(248) 628 7086

854 Lexus

LEXUS 1993 ES300 White leather ABS all power Exc cond 107k $8495 734-464-5955LEXUS ES 3001992 White sun­roof leather cd 95k onginal owner $890Q/best 248-454-6677LEXUS 1990 LS 400 blue leather int 93k miles $8900 (248) 476 9678LEXUS LS 1991 400 4 dr sedan ioaded auto air heated leather seats CD changer sun root Rides like a dream $10 500/best 248 865 9178

856 Lincoln

CONTINENTAL 1998 clean extras Best offer

248 477 6641CONTINENTAL 1997 Exc Cond 80 000 mi All options + 7 yr 100K extended warranty $13 900 734-427 2132CONTINENTAL 1991 Exec good cond low 70K miles no rust $5000 734 634 7603CONTINENTAL 1990 Grey loaded Exec cond $3000/best

313 531 5827CONTINENTAL 1998 51Kmiles white gray interior loaded $15 800 248 360 1886CONTINENTAL 1997 58K red w/grey interior very sharp ioaded $11 900 (248) 788 3162CONTINENTAL 1994 Owned and maintained by repair shop manager 100K perfect inside and out mechanically flawless $6500 (246) 426 8458CONTINENTAL 1987 V8 65K original miles blue like new must sell $5 200 248-548-0988CONTINENTAL 2001 white moonroof 4K asking $34 000 800 527 0714 extension 490CONTINETAL 1'996 Moonroof CD leather new struts hwy miles $5900 248 647 6529LS 2001 V8 7700 miles char coal green metallic exterior light parchment interior ioaded moonroof heated leather seats 6 CD changer premium sound chrome wheels Take over lease $497/mo Tom 734-453-8019MARK Vlil 1993 black 68K moonroof loaded new tires mint $6000 248 626 2864

MARK Vlil 1995 silver/c intsnor 67K hilly loaded Non smoker $7000 248 589 2307

856 Lincoln

TOWN CAR 1998 Cartier ivory leather CD changer sun roof 48K $17 500/bestUvonia Day (734)367 5516

Eves (734) 420-0286TOWN CAR 1995 Executive series low miles nice $8700

(734) 453 6159

MARK VIII 1995 exc cond 64000 miles Loaded moon roof chrome rims CD player $9800/best 734 464 8227MARK VIII 1994 Mint Cond 62K miles Loaded $9 000/best 248 887 9202

MARK Vlli 1994 very good new tires many extras $3 70Q Eves 248 553 2605MARK VII 1990 super clean 59 000 miles $6000

(734) 728 9302TOWN CAR 1988 black w/burgundy leather 78 000 miles CD sr owned $3500/ best Offer 734-421 4830

TOWN CAR 1989 good cond new paint 160K miles $3700

(734) 729 7612TOWN CAR loaded extra clean inside & out well maintained $2000/tlrrn 313 292 5248TOWN CAR 1989 Signature exc cond 100K miles new brakes $3500 734-634-7603TOWN CAR 1992 Signature Series white loaded leather exc cond 88K miles $60Q0or best offer 734 513 5017TOWNCAR 1991 Signature Series V8 loaded including CD & sunroof mint cond gray 89K miles $6500 248 851 4508TOWN CAR 1999 Signature 29K CD moonroof pearl white

734 913 6206

858 Mazda

626 1 995 4 dr 65 000 MILES DX model Exc cond $5000/ best (734) 414-7267MAZDA 1990 626 LX tow miles loaded CD sunroof $8000 248 644 6027MAZDA MPV 1998 4x464 000 miles loaded $11000

(734) 464 8390MX6 1994 109k exc condexcept needs minor body work $3 200/firm 248 322 4049

860 Mercury

COUGAR 1999 black moon roof 49K miles V6 5 speed manual $9900 248 582 8180COUGAR 2000 Black/V6/auto ioaded/14K/sport package Mint1 Moonroof $13900248-442 9043COUGAR 1996 clean ioaded 52 000 miles leather brougham top electric start $8 500 or best offer (248) 347 4686COUGAR LX 1997 Red V6 Loaded 47k miles new tires Mint $7900 248 647 6529COUGAR 1999 18 500 miles clean foreign assignment must sell $11 500 734-981 5663COUGAR 1999 18500 miles clean foreign assignment must Sell $11 500 734 981 5663COUGAR 1996 silver blue V6 super nice $6200 Serious inquiries only (248) 626-8238COUGAR 1996 silver blue V6 super nice onginal owner garaged $5000 (248) 626 8238COUGAR 1992 XR7 Florida Car V8 loaded Like new low mi $5500/best 734-458 4908COUGAR 1995 XR7 loaded low miles exc cond $5750

(313) 278 0069Grand Marquis 1992 LS leather mint garaged no rust maintenance records hwy miles must sell 248 650 8182GRAND MARQUIS 1995 GS loaded 41 000 miles beige 4 door $7995 313 534-2852GRAND MARQUIS 1991 loaded very good body runs great $3650 (734) 729 1343GRAND MARQUIS 1997 newer Michelm tires 77k tuned $8 200/firm (313) 531 3024GRAND MARQUIS 1996 Red/ light grey leather Exec cond 72k miles loaded -$8900 734 397 0962 313 248-2680

GRAND MARQUIS 1987 runs greatl $1800/best (313) 541 9280 or (313) 268 6127

Grand Marquis 1991 station wagon (2) very good & exc cond $2600/$3000 248 988-2250GRAND MARQUIS 1997 Very Clean very good cond No salt 79 750 mites $8 700 firm

(734) 722 3891 After 6pmMYSTIQUE 1998 loaded V6 leather 48K miles mint cond all power $7900 734 495 1890MYSTIQUE 1999 LS exc cond 16K miles black V6 auto leather spoiler warranty $11 900 248 661 1170SABLE 1997 Black gray inte rior exc con runs great ip5k 1 owner $5200 (248) 420 2876SABLE GS 1995 3 8L V6 94K runs very good very clean sun roof $3990 (248) 613 0631SABLE 1995 GS V 6 auto air power group 69K $4888Fox HillsChryaler-Ftymoufh-Jeep

734-455 8740 1 800 494 9481SABLE 1999 GS V6 auto air 34K full power special

$10 488Fox HillsChrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734 455 8740 1 800 494 9481SABLE LS 1992 excellent con dition air power must see $3 795 Call (734) 522 8957SABLE 1999 LS like new loaded 17K tape leather $13 500/best (248) 644 5015SABLE 1999 LS Loaded silver/ blue excellent condition $8500 Ask for Kim 734 525-2917

SABLE 1995 LS 54 500 mi loaded 4 new tires very good cond $6500 248-477 6736TRACER 1997 manual remote entry & alarm dual airbags 97K highway $3900 www ezsll com/ 97tracer 313 755 4935

861 Mitsubishi

ECLIPSE 1999 Red loadedmust sell Exec cond$13 000 248 767 4804ECLIPSE 1999 Red loadedmust sell Exec cond$12 000 248 767 4804GALANT 1998 4 dr auto air $5 995 (734) 453-3600

s u n s H i n eH O n D A

GALANT 2000 ES power win dows/locka stereo/CD low miles and not a mark on this one

$9 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

GALLANT 1995 auto very good cond clean stereo air cruise $3000"'b6St (248) 366 6689

The Observer & Eccentric Thursday, December 13,2001

Observer § lEccentrtc A u t o m o t iv e A l l A d s R u n O n l i n e

Classifications 815 to 878 (★ )9F

A Value Of Up To $87 00

8 G 2-NISSAN 1998 200SXSE 2 dr red auto $8 495

(734) 453 3600s u n s i H i r i E

H O I 1 D A

PATHFINDER LX 199914 4x4 pearl white loaded leather moon roof like new 22K miles $22 000

734 675 5959SENTRA GXE 1995 full power auto am fm cassette 66k Bur -gandy $7750/best 734 516 6595SENTRA GXE 1999 Limited Edition black 75K $8400

(734) 276 8092SENTRA 1990 still running 4 new Goodyear tires 173000mi Best Offer 248 569 7357


AURORA 2001 cherry loaded leather power roof $22500

(248) 641 3948"AURORA 1999 36K full pi


warranty $14 888

JFox HillsChrysler-PIymouth-Jeep

734*455 8740 1 800 494 9481AURORA199860K veryclean sunroof chrome wheels all Options $13 900 248 593 9399CERIA 1996 air AM/FM cas sette More $4700 _____________ (248) 766 9403CERIA 1993 air am fm cas sette power wmdows/doors 80K $4 1 00 (248) 478 2816

CUTLASS CIERA 1996 4 dr 75K miles new engine & brakes Runs great very clean $5995 248 589 8036CUTLASS 1993 Ciera 4dr pw pi V6 low miles Good cond $4150 734-981-4681CUTLASS 1990 Ciera 1 owner 4 dr air no rust many new parts $2 000/best 248 642 3935CUTLASS 1995 Sierra air AM/ FM new brakes tires Great Shape $3495 734 522 1297CUTLASS SUPREME 1995 red 2 door leather exc cond S1K $5900/best 248 435 5172EIGHTY EIGHT LS Sedan 1998 medium green metallic exc cond low miles 1 owner 4 dr CD $14 500 248 347 6512INTRIGUE 1999 GL white w/gray leather Bose CD moon roof chrome wheels freshly detailed 45 300 miles $11 900

248 960 0519INTRIGUE 1998 GL white CD moonroof new tires & brakes loaded 69K $8500 2484393-2226INTRIQUE 1999 3 8V6 59000 hwy miles $9900/best

(734) 266-6100 x 205OLDS CUSTOM CRUISER 1990 Wagon no rust must see $2350/best 313-255 78451996 OLDS Cutlass 2 door air automatic full power 52K Mint $8500 (248) 474 5126OLDS 1994 Cutlass Supreme Convertible fed w/white leather interior white top 67K miles sharp $6500 (248) 553 4613OLDS 1998 LSS Super Charged handling package Leather sunroof & much more Flawless 734 464-0925OLDSMOBILE 1992 ROYAL exc cond low miles many new parts $5400/best 248 477 4752


ACCLAIM 1992 5 speed low miles new brakes + many new parts $2 500 248 681 6052BREEZE 1999 exccond21K miles 1 yr warranty keyless remote $9 800 248 486 7750.NEON 1998 4 dr 72K miles manual air cruise all power one owner exec cond $3900 734 459 3582NEON 1995 4dr Red 103K miles Outstanding cond CD air $2700 248 788 4528

NEON 1995 Runs Excellent $1 950

Call 734 458 2414MEON SPORT 1995 red 4 dr auto 140K miles good cond $1850 248 328 0327SUNDANCE 1988 light blue

,950/best (248) 258 9303


Bonneville 00 SSE I 19995 T G ra n d P rix G T 00 15 995

LeSabre 00 leather 12995 G rand A m 00 G T 13 995 Yukon 01 S L T 34 995 M ontana 99 loaded 14495

„ Venture 99 29k 14 995Yukon 97 S LT 12995 Jim m y 96 1 owner 9995 Cheyenne 93 P ickup 4 995

B O B JEA N N O TT E Pontiac-Buick G M C Truck Plymouth (734) 453-2500

BONNEVILLE 1993 gray all power new tires very good cond $4 800 (734) 981 2381BONNEVILLE SE 1997 fully loaded exc cond 87 000 miles $8950 (248) 475 1960BONNEVILLE SE 1996 71K moon roof very good cond tgal $8200 (248) 624-4667BONNEVILLE SLE 1998 exc cond leather sunroof CD 60 000 miles $9 000

(734) 464-7912BONNEVILLE 1999 SSE Moonroof leather loaded exc cond $16 000 (248) 626-1559FIERO 1984 Show Room Cond 16k miles stored almost new $6900/best 248 967 1428FIREBIRD 1999 auto black T tops loaded $11 900/best offer 248-348 2404 248 212-4919FIREBIRD 1994 full power CD 33 9K miles like new red $7500 248 647 3061FIREBIRD 1996 V6 auto loaded T tops Monsoon stereo ext warranty stored Winters 19500 mi $12500 734-266-1874

w w w . o b s e rv e r a n d e c c e n t r i c . c o m

8 6 8Pontiac

GRAND AM 1993 4 dr SE sedan immaculate fully loaded non smoker 1 owner 3 3 L V6 engine $3950 248 427 0070GRAND AM 1996 GT coupe runs great green $4000/best

248 618 8420GRAND AM GT 2000 V6 black 32K $15 000

(734) 454 3567GRAND AM SE 1997 4 door very clean exc cond Inside & out new tires automatic air dual airbags $5000

(734) 634 6796GRAND PRIX 1995 exc cond loaded power s w radio con trol 70k $4900 248 615 0847GRAND PRIX 1997 GT black 1 owner new brakes 60K miles $9200 (248) 426 7466 or248 753 2210 Mon FnGRAND PRIX 1997 GT 2 door exc cond loaded ext war ranty $9 900 810-446 9565GRAND PRIX 1997GTP 4dr black loaded CD heated leather 85K $8000 248 723 9098GRAND PRIX 1995 GTP 80K Exc cond $5800/best offer Beverly Hills 248 417 9930GRAND PRIX GTP 1999 35K miles feather loaded Exec cond $12 800 734 425 4418GRAND PRIX 1998 GTP power moonroof CD chromes 4 dr leather spoil yourself this X mas!

$8 995OPEN SAT 10 3

LAW AUTO SALES (734)722-5200

GRAND PRIX 2001 GT silver 15K miles A 1 condition $17 300 248 539 0893GRAND PRIX 1998 SE black 3 8 V6 low miles exc cond $10 000 734 458 9184SUNFIRE 1997 4 door auto matic air ABS power windows/ locks cruise control air bags purple 73 000 miles $5200 Waterford 248 682 8067SUNFIRE GT CONVERTIBLE 2000 cd spoiler white with camel top/mtenor 11 000 miles $16 900 (248) 335 9104SUNFIRE 1997 GT Loaded power sunroof 1 owner 72 000 mi $6000 734-467 7751SUNFIRE 1998 SE Coupe auto new tires only $7

1-800-335-5335SUNFIRE SEDAN 1996 auto 88K ABS new tires fair cond $3 800 (248) 737 8036

870 Saturn

SATURN 1999 auto 1 owner non smoker power 39K cruise clean $6800 (734) 323 0546SATURN LS1 2000 35 000miles CD & tape tilt auto $11 200 (248) 486 3675SATURN SC1 1995 auto air 103 000 miles exc cond no problems $3200 734 425 6066

870 Saturn

SATURN SC2 1999 Sow miles, red auto sunroof priced to sell' John Rogln Bulck734 525-0900SATURN 1995 SC1 58 000 miles $4800/best Call after 5pm 734 522 2282SATURN SC2 1996 89 000miles good condition auto mafic air alarm $5500/ negotiable (313) 538 3323SATURN SL1 1995 Air rear defrost new tires brakes & bat tery $4900 734 728 8737SATURN SL2 2001 auto air 4dr CD 5 000 miles$10 900/best (734) 482 7650SATURN SL1 1998 auto air all power 67 000 miles new tires $6000/or best 734-425 0031SATURN SL2 1997 4 door automatic air power windows & locks well maintained 34K $7000 (248) 645 5921SATURN SL1 1995 4 dr auto air ps/pl cassette excellent cond $2600 (248) 375 1488SATURN 1997 SL2 4 dr Very Low Miles Loaded Careful Owner Non Smoker Like Newl $7950 248 318 5755SATURN 1999 SL2 5 speed air cruise power windows key less entry with security 65K miles $9 000 734-762 0533SATURN SL2 1992 twincam auto air cruise 4 dr 110K very good cond$2900 248 879 5761SATURN SL1 1995 very good cond 93 5K 734 947 2657

eves 734 422 9426SATURN 2000 SW 2 wagon Silver 16 valves air auto CD $10 250 (248) 642 7494SC 2 1996 64K leather air

auto power Great Cond $6300/best (734) 421 2865

870 Saturn

SC2 1 997 49K loaded warranty till July 2002 Non smoker $8 900 (734) 591 9261SC2 1997 leather moonroof real nice $7 295

(734) 453 3600s u n s H i n E

I H Q f l D A

SC21995 loaded auto sunroof tinted cd spoiler fogllghts new brakes runs great 93k $3995/ best (734) 718-8130SL2 1 995 auto air loaded exc con 1 owner leather cas sette $4950 248-539 0696SL1 1997 4 dr auto power windows and locks security system cruise air AM FMcas sette 4 cylinder hunter green exec cond no rust 45K$7 000 (313) 533 3624SL2 1993 4 dr sunroof 83K miles garage maintained $2400 (586) 825 8608SL2 1995 51K loaded new tires & brakes exec cond $5 400 (313) 617 1035SL21997 loaded ps/pb moon roof dark blue auto $6250

734 459 0108SL21994 Twincam 4dr auto air alloy wheels cassette exec cond 1 owner only 73K miles $4450/best 734-464-7682SW2 1995 Wagon 59 000 mi Clean car $6500

734 721 4581

872 Toyota

AVALON 1995 XL beige leather exc cond 41 000 miles $11 000 248 334 6505CAMRY CE 1997 loaded 66K very good cond below whole sale $7 000/firm (248) 437 2807

872 Toyota

CAMRY 2000 Factory war ranty Loaded many extras $16 000 (248)477 7324CAMRY LE 1998 alloy wheels ABS loaded security system $13 500 248 474 6245

CAMRY LE 1999 4 door sedan V6 70K highway miles $12 500 available early Jan (810) 287 4026CAMRY 1994 LE green/tan cloth 4 dr moon roof well maintained $7700 313 277-0303CAMRY LE 1997 1 Ownerauto all power air 71K miles Beige Great car Good cond $9450 (248) 437 7376CAMRY 1999 White Exec Cond 40K New Tires CD/tape $16 500/best (248) 988 6921CAMRY 1993 XLE V6 78K mi 1 owner no rust fully loaded $6700 248 506 5223CELICA GTS 2000 16m tires CD auto sunroof 10k mi exec cond $19 500 248 299 4288CELICA 1992 GTS 5 speed CD air sunroof 125K newer tires good cond Reliable $4500/best 734 454 4412COROLLA 1999 4 dr auto air 39K $8995 (734) 453 3600

s u n s H i n EH O n D A

COROLLA 1998 4 dr auto air $7 995 (734) 453 3600

s u n s H i n Ei- io n o A

COROLLA 1999 LE 28K mi green power windows/locks CD alarm $9500313 982 1705CRESSIDA 1990 loaded 123 000 miles runs great white $3200 (248) 674 3671

M B iK n lSO P E N S A T U R D A Y 1 0 :0 0 A . M -3 ‘0 0 P M

t i Alto A/CV6 4X416 alloy wheels A r changer heated pwr mirrors power ocks keyless A a arm & more 9B3262EA WAS *29,$90A N O W O R L E A S E

' $ 9 E fU Q * * 3 6 9A 1 I I m T I $19 99 T o ta ld u .t a ■ w j V ■ w signing plus plate | $999 Total due at signing plus plate • .

2 1 3(2 BLOCKS N. OF 8 MILE) • FERNDALE - 2 4 8 - 5 4 8 - 6 3 0 0

% U m2 0 0 2 P A S S P O R T E X

16 disc


2 0 0 2 C IV IC E X C O U P EAuto A/C power sunroof key ess entry w/power A ocks windows mirrors cru se ti t AM/FM CD V.


$2 3 5inc tided on lease ^


‘Price plus tax, title,documentation, destination & plate. On. approved credit'Saleends 12/31/G1 “ Lease 39 monlhs/39K. Price plus tax,title.& platoon approved credit. . , Lr;h- . : , r



C A D I L L A C S U P T O 6 0 M O N T H SW IT H M T R O U I K R F D I I


1 9 9 9 D e V I L L E 1 9 9 9 S E V I L L E S T SHalf Top

Gold Package

$20.900Pearl Red

Fully Loaded *24.995

OVER 60P R E - O W N E D


C H O O S E F R O M !

M a s s e y C a d i l l a c2 4 6 0 0 G r a n d R i v e r A v e n u e

( ' A M i l e w e s t o f T e l e g r a p h )M on. Thur. 9 -9 , T u es., W ed., Fri., 9 -6

(3 13 ) 5 3 1 - 2 6 0 0

872 Toyota

MR2 1991 white with blue inte rior stereo air cruise ttops 5 speed 120 000 miles $5500

(248) 770-4616

874BEETLE 1999 Red 5-speed power windows & locks keyless entry CD player clean and well maintained extended warranty 6QK $11 000 Call (248)722-0272BUG 1999 red 5 speed 38K $12 495 (734) 453 3600

s u n s H i n Ew o r i D A

GOLF 1999 VR6 5 speed leather moonroof 30k miles $13 900 (248) 252 4977PASAT GLX 2000 silver V6 2 8L black leather power all 49K $22 500 (248) 891 0355PASAT GLX 2000 silver V6 2 8L black leather power ail 49K $22 500 (248) 891 0355VW JETTA 1998 5 speed manual air black 49 600 miles $9 600 (248) 650 2124

878AEROSTAR 1990 extended window van V6 auto many options $1800 734 981-8017

878 Autos Under $2,000

BUICK LAESABRE 1987 V6 4 dr $600 734-464-8262BUICK LESABRE 1987 V6 4 dr $600 734 464-8262BUICK REGAL Grand Sport 1988 good cond many new pats $1500 248 922 0029

CARS FROM $500' Police Impounds & Tax Repos Lists 8 0 0 3 1 9 -3 3 2 3 X 7 3 7 5

CHEVY BELLE AIR 1962 94 000 original miles $1500 or best offer (734) 748-5377CHEVY 1986 full size 350 auto runs good $1100

313 336 2323CHEVY 1992 Lumlna very clean but needs engine $150 Cali (246)DODGE 1994 Shadow ES V6 126K miles great transportation $1500 734 728-7245FIFTH AVENUE 1986 best (248) 368 9965


FORD CLUB Wagon 1989 XLT all power runs great beautiful interior $1200 248 477 7102FORD ESCORT 1991 2 dr hatchback auto 107K runs good $995/best 734 397 1548FORD ESCORT Wagon LX 1993 new tires AC new brakes $1300 (313)336 2323

878 Autos Under $2,000

FORD F 150 1987 exc cond reliable with cap 6 cyl manual $1395 734-522 8957FORD PROBE 1989 5 speed navy blue 125K $900 Good cond (734) 522-8284FORD RANGER 1993 pick up 4 cylinder no air good running cond 74 000 miles $1800 or best offer (248) 478-8925

FORD 1989 Tempo Runs great $1300

734-425 5275

GEO 1990 Prism Runs good $700/best 120 000 ml Calf after 5pm week days 734 266 6285GMC 2500 Van 1991 $1999/ best (734) 416 1013GRAND AM 1994 white 2 dr good cond $2000/best

(248) 514 4678MERCURY 1989 Grand Marquis LS loaded must sell estate car $2000/best 734 261 2402MERCURY 1991 TRACER Wagon 129Kml $900/best Call after 5 week days 734-266-6285OLDS 1990 Cutlass Sierra runs well air am/fm must sell' 81700/best 734-464 6635OLDS 1988 Cutless Ciera runs great 100K miles $1099/best offer 810-923 6477

Autos Under $2,000

PONTIAC SUNBIRD 1Q87 Runs Fair Cond $800/best

(734) 397 9691

PROBE 1990 100K new tires everything works Very clean $1 999 (734) 432 9068

TOPAZ 1988 loaded good transportation $800 or best offer 734 513 2029

TOYOTA CELICA coupe 1986 5 speed runs good reliable 125K miles $1500/best 313-535-5985

1993 TRACER 4 dr many new parts needs new transition $1 200/best (248) 474 9792

F i n d / f

h e r e !

O B S E R V E R 9c E C C E N T R I C C L A S S I F I E D

1 - 8 0 O - 5 7 9 - S E L

' 9 8 E S C O R jAh u m itk HR I

* 7 8 8 8' 9 8 N E O NPOWER ROOF, spoilsR, AMETkyST, AUTO, CD

* 7 9 8 89 4 La B ,

Conv GTC, fiUck Ckm!

* 7 8 8 8

' 9 9 C O U G A RI \'b, Full power, Alloys

* 9 4 4 4' 9 8 C O N T O U R


* 6 8 8 89 8 A U R O R / I


* 7 9 8 8

_ * 1 J , 7 9 9' 9 8 R A M \ A N

' 9 7 C H E V Y V E N T U R E

A u t o , a i r , V-6, c a s s e t t e . I t \H iil CD

‘ 1 0 . 4 8 8

' 9 9 A S P I R E7 SpEEd, CASSETTE >\

* 1 7 7 7 * 1 7 , 9 8 8 1 0 , 9 8 89 6 C H R Y S 1 F R > ‘9 8 ~ R A M 1 5 0 0

T 0 U N & C O U N TR l 1 2 T O NIE U c t p ic B iir V 8 lo w m i I i

* 1 7 . 2 8 8

' 9 9 M A Z D A B 4 0 0 0

Dick ScullU S E D C A R S

2 7 5 4 9 Fond RoAd • G aihIen C iiyj u s ! W e s t o f I n k s t e r R o a d

7 7 4 7 2 2 7 8 2 0

S a t u r n

R an k ed #1 N a m e p la te in Sales S a tis fa c tio n b y

J D P o w er a n d A sso c ia te sJ D Power and Asscc ates 2001 Sales Satisfaa on Study®" Study

based on a total of 46 364 consumer responses www ] dpower com

0o//oA P R

$2 5 9p er m o nth fo r a 39-m o nth le a se d

for qualified buyers on all 2002 Saturn L200s. *995 due at lease signing on

Standard features include• Air conditioning with dust

and pollen filtration system• Eight-speaker CD player• Power windows and door locks

with Saturn Security System

N o security deposit required Tax, title and license are extra

Head Curtain Air Bags* Anti-lock Braking System with Traction Control Cruise control Dent resistant front fenders and door panels


fAPR m onthly paym ent is $2778 for every $1,000 you finance Example down paym ent 14% Some customers will not qualify Take delivery by 12/31/01. N o t available w ith other offers +tLease payments based on specially equipped 2002 L200 w ith M S R P o f $19,070 Thirty nine monthly payments total $10,101 Option to purchase at lease end for amount to be determined at lease signing Prim ary lending source must approve lease Take delivery from participating retailer by 12/31/01 Mileage charge of $.20 per mile over 39,000 miles. Lessee pays for excess wear Payments may be higher in some states N ot available with other offers

“Head Curtain Air Bags are designed to help reduce the risk of head and neck injuries to front and rear seat occupants on the near side of certain side-impact collisions Always use safety belts and proper child restraints ©2001 Saturn C orporation

SATURN OF PLYMOUTH9301 Massey Drive, Plymouth

(Ann Arbor R oad & I-275)

7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 7 8 9 0

SATURN OF FARMINGTON HILLS24730 Haggerty, Farmington Hills

(Haggerty, N. of G rand River)

2 4 8 - 4 7 3 - 7 2 2 0

5 A T L R N .A D i f f e r e n t K in d of C o m p a n y

A D i f f e r e n t K in d of C a r w w w s a tu rn co m



2 f E r

a M U M U f t

Observer & Eccentric/TmjRSDAY, December 13,2001

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Air 4spd autotrans. 24Ltwincam 16Vei CD. Stock #020075

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•Pus tax title license Low t nanc ng n I eu of rebates Rebates ncluded where applicable * Lease payment based on approved cred t 12 000 miles per year w/20© excess m for 36/48 months Due at lease sgnmg Is plus tax t tie and l cense • GM Empoyee Price subject to ellglbilty of GM purchase program $750 Grand Prx loyalty for current Grand Prx owners For current GMC GMAC lessees See dealer for deta Is Wlfhapp ovedc edt tAARP offer not val d w th low Interest rates or incentlvtzed leases _______________ ____________________

GM Employees GMS • GIRO • PEPSuppliers Welcome

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Below Employee Pricing**4To eligible CM employees & fam ly members

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Four speed automat c transm ss on power looks CD rear ndow defogge ar conditonng cruse control pit ear seat Stock #02 1255 oU 1

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Six way powe drve sseat dual ext S ect cm-ors vortec 4 spd autotrans 00 amp alt chomeg ew/comp head amp powe ccks & windows 11 speed contro AM/FM stereo cass Metton unn ng boards Vsta Bay shades floor mats & e g cover clothes hooks del wood package TV p ep w/H antenna Stock #01 5398

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Vortec 600 V8 4 speed auto t ans ocks fog lamps 17 6-spoke alun equp OnStar eathe wrapped tit changer rea seataudocontos Stock #0

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$2 4 M i m sk

Pwr si d ng ght s de door 3 4L V6 eng fou speed auto trans AM/FM stereo rad o w/auto rev batt rundown pro deep tnt glass all win fog lamps halogen comp headlamps rear carge area ■ outlet front doo/seat back map pockets Stock#02 1169

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Vforteo 4200 nl ne sx cyl nde four speed automat c trans SL.T AM/FM stereo cassette/CD heated f ont seats fo r whee d sc brakes eatherseatng Stock #02 5 62

GMSK Leose

Retail Lease



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HDt a er ngIftgate with Iftgess Vorteo 5300 V8 transm ss on AM/FM stereo w/cassette & equ pment Stock #02 5677- WAS S*8,4S9 OO - g *GM « \ t ummm

Price c3£. u RetailRecall o ' l u t l & l LGOSt Mcits*

r deflector & fog lamps hgh w des de body Vortec 4300 V6 4-speed auto trans

4C)as mo ia ooo mi fiMt Tata Baa tlKM?

back front bucketETRAM/FM stereo CD/caee deep t nt g ass 60/40 sp it bench

seat lockng dffer leather wrapped stee ngwhee sum whees tttstee ng/cru se contro Stock #02-5346- w as e sa .sss oe - fig i <n f ( SLease

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Lock ng rear d fferental Vortec 5700 V8 SFI gas eng ne 4 speed automat c transm ss on AM/FM stereo w/CD powe w ndows/door ocks 11 & speed contro Stock #02 53 6

cm a , . „ E S U Priee

Retail Lease

Mi^ v 6$ J

Deeptntedglass ext eeutTieatedmi rors w des de body ockngrea dffer Vortec 6000 V8SF gas eng ful featu e bucket seats AM/FM stereo w/CD S cass snow p ow p ep prov HD tralerng equp leather seat ng surfaces 6 way pwr drve/pass seat OnStar comm sys Stock #0 -5942

— W A S $ 3 8 ,0 4 6 .0 0 —

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Deep t nted g ass 60/40 front sp t bench seat wides de body Vorteo fou speed automate trans ar cast aum whee s stereo rad o w/CD conv package Stock #0 -6069

^ r m i m

Second row bucket seats s de-step runnng boards power sunroof Vortec 5300 4-spd auto trans alum wheels SLT decor utrasoft front leathe AM/FM/CD/cass ear seat aud o contro s OnSta Stock#025517

GMS «,» t , -v -m

S i™Retail Pri(ice

Heated front seats Vortec 4200 SFI 16 four speed automate transm ss on turn sgnals trave note OnSar fou wheel d sc brakes steer ng wheel rad o controls Stock #02 1080

GMS , ; j ? t . Lease

RetaH (?p- Priee ‘


. . . T - h f .1 t t p n l l * i b c j r jn in

248-674-0475O l d s m o b i l e .

B a c k e d I m i t h e P e o p le

“ W e a r e P r o f e s s i o n a l G r a d e "


* * * S o m e p r o g r a m s c h a n g e , s o m e r e m a in t h e s a m e S e e d e a le r fo r d e ta ils

f M a a p a W7q S ) S 9 Q 0 § a 3 dl 3 G Q U a @ [il » ® 0 033B MBB | \ j R | ■ All prices pins tax, title Rebates applicable assigned to doaler ***GMC leases based on 36 month closed end lease Pius 6% tax, 12,000 mites per yearR H I P | W I V H H « 20 cents per mile excess mileage Lessee responsible for excess wear and tear Lessee has option to purchase at lease end for pries determined at tease

inception Picture may not represent actual vehicle Based on & be approved by 0 M A C Approval Some programs may change, call dealer for details Le8ste responsible tor excess wear and tear & excess mileage Security deposit, first month payment tax & registration due at inception Picture may not represent actual vehicle 2002Envoy must be in current GMCGMAC lease Low % may be limited by term of loan ~~~

.TXr*T£ iT’See Dealer for Details

• XS'Or _ S t -fsyv-rffiMyr-gTi ^ ~m & j, g &
