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2020-4 ||


IS COMING!JOIN US ON JANUARY 21 for a free virtual event on the technologies,

people and organizations that will lead us to the

settlement of the final frontier! Space Settlement

2021 presents the finest minds in this revolutionary movement, with experts discussing the hows and

whys of humanity’s migration into space: where we will go, why will we go there, and how we will do so. Highlights include: a student space settlement competition, precursors to space settlement, the

classic ideas of Dr. Gerard K. O’Neill, new initiatives by visionaries such as as Jeff Bezos and other

NewSpace visionaries, and much more.

Virtual Space Settlement 2021 is presented

through the generosity of the Space Settlement

Design Competitions.



3Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

Nicholas Booth

Emily Carney

Frances Dellutri

Dr. Lorna Jean Edmonds

Alex Gilbert

Jared Frankle

Elizabeth Howell

John F. Kross

Anthony Paustian

Rod Pyle

Robin Scott

Melissa Silva

Dale Skran

Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried

Fall 2020Volume 32 • Issue 4

Contributors + Columnists

COVER ILLUSTRATION “Three on Mars” Credit: James Vaughan

All images, content, and materials in this magazine are used via permission of their respective creators/

licensors, or are in the public domain.

4 || adAstra ||

PUBLISHERNational Space Society






PRINTING + MAILINGPublication Printers

Denver, CO

ADVERTISING CONTACTSAggie Kobrin949.836.8464

Rhonda Stevenson 720.327.9051

Joseph M.

Ad Astra, ISSN 1041-102X, is published quarterly by the National Space Society

at 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350, Reston, VA 20191

For questions about membership, please call 202.424.2899

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6 || adAstra ||






15 WHAT’S IN A NAME? By Anthony Paustian





14 CREW-1

18 INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW Why SpaceX Has Not Won the Collier Trophy? By Dale Skran




By Melissa Silva





[BOOK REVIEW] By Emily Carney





7Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||





The National Space Society and the producers of A Day in Space would like

to thank for their partnership in our first large global broadcast.

A Day in Space is available in its entirety on’s YouTube channel.

Individual talks will be archived on the NSS’s YouTube Channel and,

as well as Roku, Amazon Fire, AppleTV, and several other locations.



A one-time member registration

gives access to all issues.

Back issues include book

reviews, selected articles,

tables of contents and more.

Complete online electronic

editions of issues from 2009 onward

are available for members only

with a one-time registration.










8 || adAstra ||


hat a year 2020 has been. The major

story, of course, has been the global

COVID-19 pandemic, which has

thrown our lives, as well as global markets, into

turmoil. While we all hope that a vaccine can be

mass produced in early 2021, nothing is certain, and

we continue to live extremely constrained lives.

This being the case, it’s been astonishing to watch

SpaceX send two crews to the International Space

Station aboard their Crew Dragon spacecraft. The

company’s part in the Commercial Crew program has

been remarkably successful, and while the inaugural

crewed flights came years later than hoped (due in no small part to intermittant underfunding by the

government), the performance of the Crew Dragon,

Falcon 9 rocket, and associated systems has been a ray

of sunshine in an otherwise tumultuous year. As readers

of Ad Astra know, it’s all been done at a remarkable

price point—by NASA’s own estimates, a fraction of

what traditional cost-plus contracting would have cost.

Underlying this success is another inspiring story:

that of NASA and SpaceX soldiering on through the

pandemic in order to adhere to their launch schedules,

at least in broad terms. Both organizations have shown

remarkable tenacity, and admirable resolve by their

employees, to keep the program moving forward. Cheers

to both SpaceX and NASA, and we all look forward to

next year’s flights of Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner as well.Of course, there is more to SpaceX’s story than the

success of the Crew Dragon alone. Elon Musk’s intended

replacement for his current stable of rockets—the

Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy—is his Starship spacecraft

and Super Heavy booster. At the Mars Society’s

virtual convention in mid-October, Musk spoke with

Robert Zubrin about a variety of topics, the most

intriguing of which was his update on the Starship.

While we are all aware that “Musk Time” is

often aspirational and optimistic, when asked about

schedules, Musk estimated that the Starship would

make an orbital flight in 2021. He explained that it

Rod Pyle, Ad Astra Editor-in-Chief

would take a crewed

flight to the Moon (most likely in a free-return

trajectory; no landing)

by 2022 or 2023, with a

possible uncrewed landing

on Mars in 2024. Critical

to all these efforts, Musk said, would be success

with orbital refueling (by other Starships) which he

hopes to achieve in 2022.

So we’re all anxiously

watching our calendars as

we see the long-awaited

future we have hoped

for unfurl before us.

In this issue, we report on the success of Crew-1, and John Kross

writes on recent progress in the lunar lander component of NASA’s Artemis

Moon program. Alex Gilbert details new advances in the long-overdue

advent of the application of nuclear reactors in space for both propulsion

and on-site power, and Dale Skran questions why SpaceX has never won

the Collier Trophy for “achievement in aeronautics or astronautics.”

Beyond these startling advances in human spaceflight, we also cover the Mars 2020 rover Perseverance, the first astrobiology mission to visit the Red Planet since the Viking landers landed 44 years ago. Should NASA be so

fortunate to find evidence of life on Mars, past or present, the occasion will be a showstopper; but in any case, the new drill on the rover’s robotic arm

will take small core samples (about six inches or 15.2 centimeters deep) from the Martian surface, depositing them in recorded locations for pickup by a

retrieval mission now in the planning stages. Articles by Elizabeth Howell

and John Booth, as well as John Kross, detail the upcoming mission.

Our next issue, the space settlement special edition, will feature a

detailed article on the MOXIE experiment aboard Perseverance that will

attempt to extract oxygen from the Martian atmosphere. Here’s to some

good news from space as we wait out the tail end of the COVID pandemic.

We could all use some.



9Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||



Your donation of up to $100,000 will be

matched through the generosity of NSS

Secretary Anita Gale. We have reached

20% of our goal ... won’t you help us to

achieve liftoff? Your donation, in any

amount, will assist the NSS to continue its

efforts to work with Congress, educate

the public, and help young people to

find a future in space.








NSS Matching Mission:Count Up to Lift Off





Goal is$100,000




n these very partisan times, it is important

to recall why the National Space Society is

non-partisan. The NSS stands for a hopeful

future in space that benefits everyone; one in which the vast resources of space improve the lives of all people

on Earth. A future that is unbounded, in which self-

governing human communities spread throughout the

solar system and beyond. This future should be the

common vision of all, and not associated with a particular

political party or ideology.

Therefore, the NSS reserves the option to:

• Support bi-partisan space policies,

• Support the space policies of any party or


• And oppose the space policies of any—or all—

parties and ideologies.

In short, the NSS stands for our vision of a vast

and hopeful human future in space, but this path is

challenging. During the Obama Administration, the NSS

frequently found itself supporting specific policies, such as Commercial Crew, that had much stronger Democratic

than Republican support. Over time, the NSS became

subject to attacks saying that the organization was “left-

wing” or “pro-Obama.” During the Trump administration,

the NSS has again found itself supporting policies and

nominees supported by a president, ranging from a

commercially-based return to the Moon, to the Artemis

Accords, and the nomination of NASA Administrator

Bridenstine. This may have created that impression that

the NSS simply echoes Republican policies, but this isn’t

the case. The NSS won’t shy away from supporting good

policy out a fear of being associated with a particular

party. Taking this stance in the modern age of “you are

either with us or against us” is an act of courage and

moral clarity that we embrace without fear.

Some NSS members ask whether it would be better

to only favor space policies with bi-partisan support.

Sadly, this would mean that the NSS would be essentially

neutral, and would do nothing in this partisan era. We

reject this counsel of

timidity and passivity,

and there is nothing

that says a bi-partisan

space policy can’t be

a bad space policy.

Recently we have seen

bi-partisan support in

the House for canceling

the commercial Human

Lunar Landers in

the Artemis program

and reverting to a

government owned and

operated monopoly of

lunar landers. The mere

fact that this retrograde idea has bi-partisan support in the House does

not mean the NSS should support it.

Our spirit of non-partisanship extends to ideologies. Part of the NSS

vision is that people should be free to create new communities in space

governed as the inhabitants see fit. We might not want to live in a socialist settlement or a libertarian settlement, but the NSS stands for a future

in which these can coexist. Working back from this neutrality, the NSS

should avoid entanglement with ideological battles so that we can truly

stand for an open future. There is, of course, an obvious exception to this

neutrality—the NSS must work diligently to prevent any single ideology

from dominating space. For example, if the Moon Treaty became the basis

for the human settlement of space, libertarian and capitalist communities

would be prohibited, since this treaty represents an extension of socialist

ideals to space. Therefore, the NSS should continue to oppose the Moon

Treaty or other similar attempts to establish uniformity of governance in

space beyond the minimum needed for space settlement to succeed. This

leads us to a new topic: what is the minimum uniformity of governance

needed for communities in space to thrive? I will return to this in a future

column, but until then: ad astra!

WHY WE ARE NON-PARTISANBy Dale Skran, Chair of the Executive Committee of the NSS

find a future in space.

11Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||


While the findings are still extremely preliminary, two papers recently published in the journal

Nature discussed the possibility of life

existing high in the toxic clouds of Venus. In

the decades since the chemistry of Venus’s

atmosphere was first defined, it has been assumed that the acrid clouds would be

hostile to living organisms, and the surface

of the planet is assumed to be deadly. But the

telescopic discovery of phosphine in the upper

atmosphere, which is most commonly associated

with biological processes, may change this. Of

course, there have been challenges to the idea of

living organisms as the source—other scientists have

posited that the phosphine could be the result of yet-to-

be-understood atmospheric or geological processes. In any

case, the finding is one more reason to follow NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine’s reaction: “It’s time to prioritize Venus.”




Credit: NASA

12 || adAstra ||

In more Blue Origin news, the company recently flew its seventh successful launch-and-landing test of a reused New

Shepard rocket. Other than launching a few weeks late due

to technical difficulties, the flight went by the numbers, including a test of a NASA lunar landing navigation system.

This flight also brings Bezos closer to assuring that the New Shepard is safe for space tourists to fly on, possibly as early

as 2021. Overall, New Shepard rockets have flown 13 times, with this most recent test peaking at an

altitude of 66 miles (106.2 kilometers).



Blue Origin, the space company started by Amazon magnate Jeff Bezos, recently made a new commitment toward his ultimate goal of settling space. A recent job posting entitled “Orbital Habitat Formulation” said that the company is seeking a candidate who will conceptualize and

develop how “millions of people living and working in space” can be achieved, with a near-term goal of developing outposts in low Earth orbit.

The initiative will diverge from the purposes of the International Space Station to form “value-creating economic activity,” with responsibilities

to include the creation of “technical concepts, product strategies, business cases, customer relationships, market-shaping outreach, industrial

partnerships, implementation approaches, and supply chain.” If you’re qualified, apply now.


Credit: Blue Origin

An orbiting space

settlementCredit: Bryan Versteeg


13Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||


The Artemis Accords have arrived. As a further indication of the U.S. commitment

to furthering the exploration and development of the Moon and its resources with

international partners, NASA has invited other like-minded nations to sign on

to the document, with Australia, Canada, Italy, Luxembourg, Japan, the United

Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom signing a revised version. Bolstering the

Outer Space Treaty of 1967, the accords strive to assure the

peaceful exploration of space, transparency in space

activities, international standards for interoperability

of space systems, an assurance of mutual aid

in case of a space emergency, the registration

of objects placed in space, a full release of

scientific data, the protection of space heritage sites, clear rules on the extraction of space

resources, and increased monitoring of (and commitment to reducing) orbital debris. Neither

Russia nor China have yet signed on, but it is hoped

that these guidelines will eventually appeal to all

spacefaring nations.

The Crew-1 mission has successfully delivered

four astronauts to the International Space Station.

As the first operational mission resulting from NASA’s redesigned partnership with commercial

operators, Crew-1 is a milestone in renewed

U.S. access to human spaceflight. As noted in a previous issue, NASA’s internal studies have

indicated a massive savings in overall cost of

flying both cargo and crew to the station, and these savings should only increase over time.

SpaceX’s success is a strong example of how

entrepreneurship and the co-investment of

funds by both government and private industry

in spaceflight will ultimately enable robust and affordable growth in the space economy. With Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft scheduled to begin its

own operational runs within the next 18 months,

the future of human spaceflight is bright.




Artemis astronauts deploying experiments on the MoonCredit: NASA

The Crew Dragon spacecraftCredit: SpaceX

14 || adAstra ||


uring my sophomore year of college, I

worked as an assistant manager in a 24-

hour grocery store. Being the lowest link

on the managerial food chain, I was given the

responsibility of overseeing the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. time

slot—the graveyard shift. One of my last duties each

morning was to check in the daily milk delivery.

One day, for whatever reason, it dawned on me

that all our milk, regardless of brand, came off the same truck. Our store carried three distinct “brands” of

milk: Borden (the primary national brand with “Elsie the Cow” as its mascot), Parade (our store brand), and generic (with the boring white label and black text). All of these brands came in a variety of types

including whole, two percent, one percent, and skim.

I wondered why the same truck would deliver all of

our milk, so I asked the driver if he had to make separate

dairy stops to pick it all up. His response surprised

me. “No,” he said, “they all come from the same dairy;

cows are cows.” There were no such things as Borden

cows—although the Elsie campaign made a strong

case otherwise—Parade cows, or generic cows. The

delivery driver went on to explain the same exact milk

was in each container; only the labels were different.It was a stunning discovery, and I was inspired to

help our customers. My bosses didn’t mind since we

actually made higher margins on the cheaper milk. One

day I spotted an elderly lady reaching for the Borden

milk and I politely suggested there was no difference between the brands, and she could save money by

purchasing the generic milk instead. She shot me a look

I will never forget, one that suggested I was ignorant,

stupid, or naïve, at best. She informed me that she had

been drinking milk for about four times as long as I

had been alive, and I should mind my own business.

This was my first lesson in branding: perceptions of reality can be more important than

reality and often drive people’s behavior. Despite

Anthony Paustian, Ph.D.

having the exact same content, the packaging of the products created

perceptions that were subsequently extended to the content itself.

Elsie was a cartoon cow that had a very soft, feminine voice in the

Borden commercials. The consumer couldn’t help but like Elsie,

and her endorsement of Borden milk enhanced the perception of

its quality for many. It didn’t matter that she was a cartoon.

On the other hand, the Parade brand was only as good as the

customer’s view of the store itself. As long as the customer trusted the

store, they were likely to trust its store-labeled products. As for the generic

brand, with its simple black text on a plain white background: despite no

difference in quality, why would anyone trust this product when given the choice? How good could it be if no one was willing to put a name on it?

Like with milk, the knowledge we gain from learning and life

experience continuously shapes and molds our perceptions, which

creates a variety of predispositions. Some might call this gaining

wisdom. However, this bias may alter our thinking in ways that

narrow our capacities or even distort how we view things.


15Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

Take a moment to solve the following problem, which

is typically solved by children in just a few minutes:

Did you struggle with it? Did it create anxiety or stress?

Many of you probably viewed it as a math problem, and when

told that children solved it quickly, may have assumed it should

be simple to solve. Schooling has taught us that numbers

and symbols reference mathematics, and that as adults we

should be smarter than children, so it must be easy to solve.

However, the problem has nothing to do with

mathematical equations, only shapes and counting. If you

count the closed loops in each number, you will arrive at

the solution: zero equals one, six equals one, eight equals

two, and so on. Therefore, the answer for 2253 is zero.

Our biases affect how we look at everything, whether it’s numbers and shapes or a brand logo. NASA’s brand

has created a variety of perceptions over the years, ranging

from nostalgia for the Space Race to a belief the program

is waste of government resources. It has inspired many

and caused resentment in others. Retailers such as Coach,

American Girl, Urban Outfitters, and Target have featured NASA’s logo on their merchandise, and popular movies and

television shows like The Martian, Hidden Figures, and

The Big Bang Theory have placed it front and center.

In the same manner, the National Space Society’s logo

also creates perceptions. Some of these date back to a time

prior to the merger of the National Space Institute and the L5 Society. Others are attached to many of the NSS’s individual

programs such as the ISDC®, Space Settlement Summit, and

most recently A Day in Space. Like it or not, because of its

context, the brand of the NSS is tied closely to the brand of

NASA. In other words, in terms of the general public, how

NASA is viewed directly impacts how people view the NSS.

6020 = 3 3305 = 1 8809 = 6 7777 = 0 1970 = 2

2321 = 0 7783 = 2 2022 = 1 3928 = 3 5588 = 4

9999 = 4 1111 = 0 1619 = 2 7175 = 0 7756 = 1

3333 = 0 5395 = 1 6666 = 4 5531 = 0 2253 = ?

Credit: iStockPhoto

16 || adAstra ||


The same also holds true for NASA. Once considered

the brand for all things space, the organization is now more

publicly engaged with a number of commercial entities such

as SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Boeing. The collective successes

or failures of these and other external companies will now,

more than ever before, shape the future of NASA’s brand.

Brands are representations of perception and are

therefore very subjective. Perception is influenced by how people view the brand, how they feel when viewing it, how

they mentally categorize it in terms of other brands, and

if they personally identify with it. A brand is a reflection of messaging which is interpreted through a variety of

moods, perspectives, attitudes, values, and feelings.

When building brands, there are a few key questions to ask:

• Who is your customer and what motivates

them? Customers are the ultimate owners of

brands, so it’s important to know what characteristics

they share and what keeps them up at night.

• What experiences are we delivering? In other words,

what are we promising and how does it make people feel?

• What works for others? It’s imperative to

find best practices we can adopt and apply that work well for other organizations, perhaps

even those in a completely different context.

Building a brand—image and trust—is a fragile

process. The longer a brand is built, the more likely it

will be able to overcome periodic setbacks that can’t be

avoided (such as NASA overcoming the Challenger and

Columbia accidents). A concerted effort to build a brand, focused on every detail and personal interaction, will

help most organizations overcome these setbacks. Thus,

what’s on the outside needs to match what’s inside.

A brand lives in the hearts and minds of everyone who

comes in contact with it either directly or indirectly, whether

applied to food, clothing, automobiles, or even space exploration

and settlement. Just as Elsie adds value to the Borden image

by creating a personal connection with the consumer, the

generic brand provides nothing to help create that connection.

Whether it’s NASA or the National Space Society, organizations

must take control of their brand or risk being viewed as

generic and of less value. Cows aren’t always just cows.

Used by NASA for formal agency eventsCredit: NASA

Created in 1959 as NASA’s official logoCredit: NASA

Created in 1975 to “modernize” NASA’s imageCredit: NASA

17Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily imply endorsement by the National Space Society.


Why SpaceX Has Not Won the Collier Trophy?

By Dale Skran

n August 13, the National Aeronautic Association (NAA) announced that X-37B autonomous spaceplane was the

winner of the 2019 Collier Trophy, beating nominees

that included the Hubble Space Telescope and the Stratolaunch

Carrier Aircraft. According to the NAA statement, the X-37B

won for “developing and employing the world’s only reusable,

autonomous spaceplane, which logged more than 2,865 days in orbit across five missions, changing access to space and serving as the nation’s workhorse in space experimentation and technology.”

My first reaction was positive. The Boeing-built X-37B, a second-generation mini-shuttle, is a remarkable craft with

an impressive record of success. There can be little doubt that

it was a worthy choice, and I decided to take a closer look at

the past winners. Blue Origin’s New Shepard won in 2016 for

“for successfully demonstrating rocket booster reusability

with the New Shepard human spaceflight vehicle through five successful test flights of a single booster and engine, all of which performed powered vertical landings on Earth.” Again, this was a

deserving winner that blazed a trail toward our future in space.

With all the amazing things SpaceX has accomplished, I

assumed the company must have won the trophy at least once

and been nominated several times. However, I discovered that

the company has been nominated exactly once, for the successful

fourth Falcon 1 flight in 2008, with the International Space Station (ISS) team winning that year. This was a solid choice in retrospect—after all, the ISS was the culmination of many

years of effort and an enormous achievement. In comparison, the flight of the Falcon 1 seems almost modest. Looking back, although foundational, the success of SpaceX’s first rocket is the least of the company’s many subsequent achievements.

The Robert J. Collier TrophyCredit:


18 || adAstra ||


What was surprising is that none of these subsequent successes

were nominated for the Collier. For the record, the nominees

for 2009—the year the Falcon 1 might have won—included:

• The ISS team (winner),• Aircell,

• Ares I-X Flight Test and Ares I design teams,

• C-5M Super Galaxy, • Kandahar Airfield operations team,• MC-12W Project Liberty enterprise team,

• SpaceX Falcon 1 development team,

• And John Warner and the Excalibur Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle.

For context, Robert Collier, the publisher of Collier’s Weekly

and president of the Aero Club of America, commissioned a

525-pound (238.1-kilogram) “Aero Club of America” trophy in 1910. The award was first given to Glenn H. Curtiss for the development of the hydroplane in 1911. Curtiss is a remarkable

figure in his own right, and a visit to the Curtiss Museum in the Finger Lakes area of New York highlights his many achievements.

As a long-time Tom Swift fan, I find Curtiss the most likely model for that fictional character. A self-taught engineer and mechanic, Curtiss built and raced bicycles and later motorcycles,

and held the world motorcycle speed record for several years,

racing an eight-cylinder motorcycle of his own design.

After Collier died in 1918, and the Aero Club dissolved in

1922, the competition was taken over by the NAA and officially renamed the Collier Trophy in 1944. The trophy is kept on

permanent display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space

Museum in Washington, D.C.

The awardees are a who’s who of American aviation and space

achievements, ranging from Orville Wright to Neil Armstrong.

The trophy recognizes “the greatest achievement in aeronautics

or astronautics in America, with respect to improving the

performance, efficiency, and safety of air or space vehicles, the value of which has been thoroughly demonstrated by actual use

during the preceding year.”

Who actually awards the trophy? Unsurprisingly, it is a

committee—and one that is heavily weighted toward aviation

over spaceflight. However, this imbalance has not prevented a significant number of space-related awards over the years.

Now, let’s consider what SpaceX has accomplished that

might plausibly have been nominated since their first (and only) nod in 2009:

• 2010: First private company to successfully

launch, orbit, and recover a spacecraft (SpaceX Dragon on COTS Demo Flight 1 on December 9, 2010).

• 2012: First private company to send a spacecraft to the

International Space Station (Dragon on May 25, 2012).

• 2010: First private company to send a

satellite into geosynchronous orbit

(SES-8 on Falcon 9 flight 7 on December 3, 2013).

• 2015: First landing of an orbital rocket’s first stage on land (Falcon 9 flight 20 on December 22, 2015).

• 2016: First landing of an orbital rocket’s first stage on an ocean platform (Falcon 9 flight 23 on April 8, 2016).

• 2017: First relaunch and landing of a used orbital rocket

stage (B1021 on Falcon 9 flight 32 on March 30, 2017).

• 2017: First controlled flyback and recovery of a payload fairing (Falcon 9 flight 32 on March 30, 2017).

• 2017: First re-flight of a commercial cargo spacecraft (Dragon C106 on CRS-11 mission on June 3, 2017).

• 2018: First private company to send an object

into heliocentric orbit (Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster on Falcon Heavy test flight on February 6, 2018).

• 2019: First private company to send a

human-rated spacecraft to space (Crew Dragon Demo-1, on Falcon 9 flight 69 on March 2, 2019).

• 2019: First private company to autonomously dock a

spacecraft to the International Space Station (Crew Dragon Demo-1, on Falcon 9 flight 69 on March 3, 2019).

• 2019: First use of a full-flow staged combustion cycle engine (Raptor) in a free-flying vehicle (Starhopper, multiple tests in 2019).

• 2019: First reuse of payload fairing (Starlink 1 Falcon 9 launch on November 11, 2019). The fairing was

from the ArabSat-6A mission in April earlier that year.

• 2020: First private company to send humans into orbit

and to the ISS (Crew Dragon Demo-2 on May 30-31, 2020).

Apparently, a list of achievements, no matter how

spectacular, is not sufficient to win the trophy. It appears that the criteria include a craft and a team that “thoroughly

demonstrate” the required improvements during the previous

year. In this case, the plausible SpaceX candidates include:

• Falcon 9 rocket,

• Dragon capsule,

• Falcon Heavy rocket,

• Dragon 2 Capsule,

• And StarShip spacecraft.

Though Starship is far from being “thoroughly

demonstrated” since it is still in development, the Raptor

may well be the best rocket engine ever built. But the award

is for a flying craft, not an engine, however capable. So despite

19Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

the obvious potential advancement in rocketry that Starship

represents, it is clearly not eligible for nomination in 2020.

However, with the successful trip to the ISS and safe return

in 2020, the Crew Dragon would appear to be “thoroughly

demonstrated.” Was the Crew Dragon the greatest improvement

in “performance, efficiency, or safety” in 2020? This can only be determined after comparison to the other potential nominees,

but on its face, the Crew Dragon represents a significant advance in safety over the shuttle and perhaps any previous American

spacecraft. It is a truly modern, clean-sheet-design spacecraft

that is different in countless ways from older spacecraft designs. Innovations include a “pusher” escape system and flat-panel controls. By any reasonable estimation, the Crew Dragon

should at least be nominated for the 2020 Collier Trophy.

When the Falcon Heavy flew in 2018, it became the most powerful American rocket, with about twice the capability of

the Delta IV Heavy. Questions might be raised as to whether it

was “thoroughly demonstrated” in 2018 since there was only a

single flight, and the center core was not recovered. The Falcon Heavy could again have been nominated in 2019 (although reuse of the center core has not yet been achieved); but although the

rocket appears to represent a major advance in both performance

and efficiency via reuse, it wasn’t nominated in either year. A discussion of why the Falcon Heavy didn’t win the Collier in

2018 or 2019 isn’t useful since it wasn’t even nominated.

This brings us to why the Dragon wasn’t nominated for the

Collier even though it has been flying for many years, and appears to be eligible during most of those years. The Dragon’s extensive

flight history surely meets the “thoroughly demonstrated” criteria in most years from 2012 onwards. Perhaps SpaceX

is just too busy to be bothered with applying for the award,

or maybe the Dragon is not considered to have sufficiently demonstrated improvements in “performance, efficiency, and safety” relative to other vehicles such as the Cygnus. The Dragon/

Falcon 9 system brought the commercial launch industry back

to the U.S. and revolutionized the space launch industry—

yet, the criteria for the Collier Trophy seems too narrow to

allow it to be given for these kinds of large-scale impacts.

So why wasn’t the Falcon 9 nominated for the award?

The “thoroughly demonstrated” box has been checked more

than once. As of October 12, it has flown successfully 93 times. The Falcon 9 has an enviable record of performance and

efficiency improvements, including the usage of super-cooled fuel and routine first stage reuse, both with return to launch site and landing on an autonomous drone ship. Although

the Falcon 9 first stage landing in 2015 may have come too late to be considered a “thorough demonstration” that year,

surely this metric has been met in each year since then.

Starship during reentryCredit: SpaceX

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It is particularly puzzling that Blue Origin won the Collier

for the New Shepard in 2016, a year in which the Falcon 9

flew eight times (more than New Shepard’s four flights), landed the first stage on a drone ship four times (as well as once at the launch site), and yet was not even nominated for

the award. Keeping in mind that the Falcon 9 is an orbital

vehicle while the New Shepard is a sub-orbital vehicle,

there is no real comparison between the achievements—the

Falcon 9 towers over the New Shepard in difficulty. One can imagine making an argument that the New Shepard was

more reliable and ought to win over the Falcon 9, but the

failure of the latter to even be nominated is inexplicable.

This puzzle continues for each consecutive year,

during which the Falcon 9 continued flying and thoroughly demonstrated its many improvements. It is possible to imagine

the Falcon 9 being nominated many times and losing for one

reason or another, but the failure of this enormously innovative

rocket to garner even a single nomination seems incredible.

This inexplicability increases when we realize that SpaceX was

nominated for the relatively modest Falcon 1 flight in 2008, which ranks among the least of its many achievements.

When asked to comment on the lack of nominations

for SpaceX, NAA President Greg Principato stated, “the

Collier trophy is awarded annually based on a certain set

criteria. In the past several years, SpaceX has not submitted

a nomination or been nominated. NAA would be delighted to

receive a nomination in the future. NAA hopes SpaceX will

submit a nomination for the next and future competitions.”

This was not a total surprise. As a serial entrepreneur,

I’m well aware of how tight money is at startups and rapidly

expanding companies. Additionally, when management is

forced to choose between applying for an award and fighting to win a big customer, the latter always wins. Of course, none of

SpaceX’s competitors are going to spend the time to nominate

SpaceX. With regard to SpaceX nominating itself, the company

has been busy in the past 12 years, growing from a small

upstart trying to launch a tiny rocket to the company that:

• Has dominated global commercial launch;

• Operates the world’s largest satellite network, Starlink;

• Won 40 percent of the National Security Space

Launch (NSSL) contract in competition with ULA;

• Beat Boeing in the race to send American crews

to the ISS by having a higher quality product;

• Is, at this time, the only American company

that can launch humans to orbit;

• Operates the most powerful operational

launch vehicle in the world, the Falcon Heavy;

• Is on a course over the next few years to

launch more satellites by itself than the total

number of objects launched into space since 1957;

• Is well along in building a next-generation

spacecraft, the StarShip/Super Heavy, designed to

obsolete the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy while

dramatically lowering the cost of getting

into space and to the Moon and Mars;

• Just received 149 million dollars to build four

early-warning satellites to track missiles,

a first encroachment on the military business of the traditional aerospace contractors;

• And has demonstrated revolutionary reuse technology

that has lowered the cost of getting to space, driven

some rivals effectively out of the launch business, and forced all competitors to re-think their space

launch strategy.

In other words, SpaceX has been busy. It is absurd that

because the most innovative space company of our time may

be too busy achieving great things to apply for the “prestigious”

and “famous” Collier Trophy, it has received no consideration

whatsoever; shame on the NAA for this oversight.

For more information on the Collier Trophy, see

A Falcon 9 launchCredit: SpaceX

21Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

n November 15, SpaceX successfully launched its first operational crewed flight to

the International Space Station. This

represents yet another milestone in the

impressive progress made by NASA

in moving routine spaceflight toward private contractors. As NASA put it in

a statement, “The Crew-1 mission is a

major step for NASA’s Commercial Crew

Program ... Operational, long-duration

commercial crew rotation missions will

enable NASA to continue the important

research and technology investigations

taking place onboard the station.”

The Crew Dragon spacecraft, named

Resilience, carried NASA astronauts

Michael Hopkins (commander), Victor Glover (pilot), and Shannon Walker (mission specialist), as well as Japanese space agency (JAXA) astronaut Soichi Noguchi (mission specialist), to the station. The flight was scheduled earlier—at one point, on Halloween—but delays were

encountered, the most recent of which

was, according to NASA, “off-nominal behavior” of the gas turbine on a recent

Falcon 9 launch. This launch was un-

crewed and not a NASA mission, but has

caused concern nonetheless. As NASA

put it in a press statement, “NASA and

SpaceX ... use the data from the company’s

hardware testing and reviews to ensure

these critical missions are carried out with

the highest level of safety.” The Crew-1

spacecraft had been in preparation at the

Kennedy Space Center since mid-August.

As Kathy Lueders, NASA’s associate

administrator of the Human Spaceflight and Operations Mission Directorate said

before the successful launch, “With the

high cadence of missions SpaceX performs,

it really gives us incredible insight into

this commercial system and helps us

make informed decisions about the status

of our missions. The teams are actively

working this finding on the engines, and we should be a lot smarter within the coming

week,” adding that the space agency has a

strong working relationship with SpaceX

that allows them to share important data

relevant to mission safety and success. The

mission is planned for 180 days at the ISS.

During this mission, a number of

uncrewed spacecraft will also arrive at

the ISS, including a Northrop Grumman

Cygnus supply mission,

an updated SpaceX cargo

Dragon, and possibly the first successful uncrewed test of Boeing’s

CST-100 Starliner. Additionally,

there will be arrivals of new crew

members aboard a Soyuz capsule.

Mission commander Michael Hopkins

joined NASA in 2009, and this is his

second long-duration stay at the ISS. His

first was in 2013 for the Expedition 37/38 mission, and he logged 166 days in space,

participating in two spacewalks. Pilot

Victor Glover joined the space agency in

2013 while serving as a legislative fellow

in the United States Senate. This is his

first flight. Shannon Walker has also flown before, logging 163 days in space during

the Expedition 25/25 mission in 2010. She joined NASA in 2004. Finally, JAXA

astronaut Soichi Noguchi was selected as

an astronaut in 1996 by JAXA’s precursor

agency, NASDA. Noguchi flew on the shuttle in 1998 and again in 2005, and was the first Japanese astronaut to conduct spacewalks on the ISS. He flew another ISS mission in 2009 aboard a Soyuz spacecraft.

His total tally of days in space stands at 177.

DRAGO Nby Rod Pyle

AIn Flight


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DRAGO N The flight crew inside the

Crew Dragon, prelaunchCredit: NASA

Credit: SpaceX

The crew of Crew-1.

From left, Shannon Walker, Victor Glover,

Michael Hopkins, and Soichi Noguchi

Credit: NASA

Crew-123Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||


By Jared Frankle

Mission Launch Date: November 15, 2020

Launch Site: Kennedy Space Center, LC-39A

Booster: Falcon 9 B1061

Capsule: Dragon C207 Resilience

Crew: 4 (3 NASA, 1 JAXA) [Expedition 64]

Mission Overview

Crew-1 (USCV-1) is the first operational launch of astronauts from the U.S. since STS-135

in 2011. This flight carried NASA astronauts Michael Hopkins, Victor Glover, and Shannon

Walker, along with JAXA astronaut Soichi Noguchi, for a total of four astronauts. Mission

duration is expected to be 180 days with a return time around June 2021, splashing down

in the Atlantic Ocean. This mission is 117 days longer than the 63-day mission carried

out by DM-2 and is enabled by this Dragon’s upgraded solar panels and flight software.

Dragon C207 Resilience

Changes have been made to this mission’s Crew Dragon capsule due to findings from the

Demo-2 mission as well as mission-specific requirements. Resilience will have a software

upgrade that will allow it to undock from the forward port and redock to the zenith

port, pending the planned arrival of an uncrewed Boeing CST-100 Starliner from OFT-

2 during the mission. There were also findings from Demo-2 showing that a heat shield

tile experienced more erosion than was expected. SpaceX has tested improved heat shield

materials and will be reinforcing Resilience’s heat shield in response to this issue.

The Demo-2 flight also suffered a late parachute deployment due to a clogged filter on

an atmospheric pressure sensor—the filter has been enlarged to ensure proper barometric

readings. Resilience’s solar panels have also been upgraded to endure longer exposure

to the environment of space. The solar panels are now rated for a 210-day mission. For

reference, the longest space shuttle mission was STS-80 which totaled only 17 days. Upon

landing, there will be a 10-mile (16.1-kilometer) no-boat zone around the splashdown

zone to keep both civilians and the crew safe, as well as make the jobs of the recovery

team easier. This is in response to several civilian boats that got dangerously close

to Endeavour, the spacecraft used in the recent Demo-2 flight, after splashdown.

Main components of the Crew Dragon spacecraft

Credit: SpaceX





by John F. Kross

he famed astronomer Carl Sagan once likened

Earth to “a dandelion going to seed” as space

probes from our planet waft across the solar

system. If ever there was a time that fit that analogy it is now, what we might call the Summer of Mars. In July, an

international fleet of spacecraft launched toward the Red Planet, with China and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) sending their first probes there. NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, featuring the Perseverance rover, is aimed at Jezero

Crater, a site potentially habitable in the distant past.

First out of the gate was the U.A.E.’s probe, Al

Amal or Hope, launched July 19 on a Japanese H-2A

rocket, with the aim of studying the Martian climate and

showcasing the country’s emerging space capabilities.

Hope carries instruments that include a camera and

infrared and ultraviolet spectrometers to investigate the

planet’s atmosphere. “One of the requirements very early

on was to send a mission that does more than capture

an image declaring that the U.A.E. reached Mars,”

said Sarah al-Amiri, the minister of state for advanced

sciences and deputy project manager for Hope, adding:

“We are the very first weather satellite for Mars.”The U.A.E.’s orbiter will study how energy moves

through the atmosphere and track lofted dust particles

that impact the temperature profile of Martian air. It will also analyze hydrogen and oxygen at the fringes of

the atmosphere, which is implicated in the erosion of

the planet’s gas envelope by solar wind. Scientists hope

to unlock how Mars lost much of its air and water.

The U.A.E. collaborated with several American

universities in designing and building the probe, including

the University of California, Berkeley’s Space Sciences

Laboratory, Arizona State University, and the Laboratory

for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of

Colorado. NASA is providing tracking capability via the

agency’s Deep Space Network. Arriving at Mars in February

2021, the 2,975-pound (1,350-kilogram) orbiter, managed by


25Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre

in the U.A.E., will slip into an initial

elliptical orbit and migrate to a final science orbit at a distance from the planet

of 13,700 miles (22,000 kilometers) by 27,400 miles (44,000 km). Once there, Hope is slated to operate for at least

one Martian year or 687 Earth days.



Next up was Tianwen-1 (which translates as “questions to heaven”), China’s first attempt to land on the Red Planet. The

11,000-pound (5,000-kg) multi-element spacecraft, consisting of a lander, orbiter,

and rover, lifted off July 23 from China’s Wenchang launch site and was boosted

on a seven-month cruise to Mars. In

February 2021, the craft will enter a

highly elliptical orbit and then move into

a near-polar orbit (with a periapsis of 165 miles or 265 km) before releasing the rover and lander for a planned touchdown

on Utopia Planitia—the same rock-strewn

plain where NASA’s Viking 2 landed

more than 45 years ago. If successful,

China would follow the United States as

the second country to soft-land a rover

on Mars. “The Tianwen-1 mission is a

major landmark project in the process of

building China’s aerospace power, and a

milestone project for China’s aerospace to

go further and deeper into space,” mission

deputy commander Wu Yansheng said

in a statement from the China Aerospace

Science and Technology Corporation.

In April 2021, the orbiter will release

the lander and rover prior to atmospheric

entry. An aeroshell and supersonic

parachute will scrub off much of the orbital speed with a retrorocket doing

the rest of the work to the surface. A

62-by-12.5-mile (100-by-20-km) landing ellipsis was picked to balance science

goals and engineering constraints, such

as low elevation and thicker atmosphere

for the parachute. Hazard avoidance

systems will allow the craft to dodge

large boulders or other obstacles.

The orbiter and rover are packed with

science payloads to study the Martian

atmosphere, magnetosphere, surface,

The Chinese Mars rover of

the Tianwen-1 mission

Credit: CCTV


26 || adAstra ||

subsurface, and climate. Instruments

aboard the orbiter include a mineralogy

spectrometer, subsurface radar, neutral

and energetic particle analyzers, and a

magnetometer. There are also medium

and high-resolution cameras, the latter

resembling the HiRise instrument on

NASA’s 2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The orbiter is designed to loop

around the planet for one Martian year

and serve as a communication relay

for the solar-powered rover, which

has a lifetime of about 90 “sols” on

the surface. Its six-wheeled chassis

will carry ground-penetrating radar, a

camera, and a laser spectrometer along

with instruments to investigate the

climate and magnetic environment.

Tianwen-1 was launched aboard a

Long March-5 rocket, which is roughly equivalent to United Launch Alliance’s

Delta IV Heavy in payload capacity and

is crucial to China’s plans over the next

decade. The vehicle is powered by four

kerosene-liquid oxygen boosters and

hydrogen-liquid oxygen engines in the

first and second stages, with an optional hypergolic third stage. Tianwen-1 is

the fourth Long March 5 mission; the

second launch attempt of the rocket in

July 2017 failed due to a faulty oxidizer

turbopump, and the launch vehicle was

subsequently grounded for two and a

half years while the problem was solved.

With the fixes, the Long March-5 returned to flight in December 2019, clearing the way for the Tianwen-1 launch.



NASA’s Mars 2020 spacecraft joined the

international flotilla following a successful July 30 launch on a ULA Atlas 5 rocket. Fifty-seven minutes after liftoff, the rocket’s Centaur upper stage commenced

a five-minute burn that set the spacecraft on a course to deliver the Perseverance

rover to Jezero Crater on February 18,

2021. Scientists have eyed the crater for

some time because of its intermittent

wet history—more than three and a half

billion years ago, a river carved a channel

through the crater wall, creating a lake

tens or hundreds of feet deep. Some

models suggest that water spilled over

the rim for up to ten million years.

The deluge carried clay minerals

from the surrounding area and sketched

a river delta on the crater floor as the planet dried out. If life arose there,

microbial fossils could be trapped in

the lakebed or shoreline sediments.

“This is a wonderful place to live for

microorganisms,” observed Perseverance

project scientist Ken Farley of Caltech,

referring to the remote past when the

lake was full. “It is also a wonderful

place for those microorganisms to be

preserved so that we can find them now so many billions of years later.”

NASA has a long record of sending

probes to fly by, orbit, or land on Mars, starting with Mariner 4 in 1965. Mariner 9 spotted dried riverbeds from orbit

in 1971, and the twin Viking landers

touched down in 1976. The first rover was Mars Pathfinder’s Sojourner in

1997, followed by Spirit and Opportunity

in 2004, and Curiosity in 2012, which

is still trekking across the surface.

The 2,314-pound (1,050-kilogram) Perseverance rover will be the

agency’s fifth and most sophisticated Mars surface explorer to date.

Although Perseverance resembles

the Curiosity rover, it boasts a number

of upgrades and enhancements. “We’re

A mockup of NASA’s Mars helicopter Ingenuity underneath

the Mars 2020 rover PerseveranceCredit: Dustin Smith

27Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

carrying about 50 percent more surface payload than Curiosity did, and that was

by far the most complex thing we had

ever done up until that time,” said Matt

Wallace, the Mars 2020 deputy program

manager, at a pre-launch briefing. A lot of that sophisticated technology focuses

on the collection of carefully selected

rock and core samples. Perseverance

will cache and leave behind up to 40

samples in chalk-size tubes for a planned

return to Earth by later missions from

NASA and possibly the European Space

Agency (ESA). Upon return, scientists will study the samples for signs of past

microbial life. “The mission has three

major goals,” explained Farley. “The first is to seek signs of life. Second is to collect

and cache samples [to] … bring back to

Earth and the third is to test technologies

[for] … future explorers of Mars.”

Other upgrades include a terrain

relative navigation system to pinpoint

the landing and auto-navigation cameras

and algorithms that allow the rover

to drive autonomously up to 655 feet (200 meters) per day and weave across challenging terrain. “We have added

a new auto navigation algorithm so

we can drive … through more difficult terrains that have more rocks,” said

Jennifer Trosper, deputy project scientist

for surface operations. She went on to

say that Perseverance has improved

navigation cameras aboard: “They

are color and [have] twice the field of view and … resolution of the Curiosity

cameras.” Engineers also redesigned and

toughened the rover’s wheels to avert

the wear-and-tear seen on Curiosity.

Altogether, there are 23 cameras

aboard the Mars 2020 spacecraft, with

some supplying a front-row seat during

entry, descent, and landing. “The vehicle

actually has the ability to take selfies,” said Trosper. “We have some … that will

watch the rover go down the sky crane.

On the rover … cameras will watch

the descent stage and get the fly away moment,” when the sky crane rocket

pack detaches and flies a few miles off to crash far from the rover, its job now

complete. “We also have a microphone,

so we are listening to ourselves as we go

through the atmosphere,” she explained.

Another microphone will allow NASA

to hear sounds from the rover as it

investigates the Martian surface.

Perseverance will carry seven

science instruments ranging from a

zoomable panoramic camera (MASTCAM-Z)—a first on Mars—a laser micro-imager (SuperCam), and a subsurface radar (RIMFAX). There are also two spectrometers (SHERLOC and PIXL) and a weather station (MEDA). The car-sized vehicle also totes technology that

will pave the way for human exploration

of Mars, including an instrument

(MOXIE) that will generate oxygen from the planet’s thin carbon dioxide

atmosphere. Essentially, MOXIE is like

a fuel cell run in reverse. A typical fuel

cell heats fuel and an oxidizer—often

oxygen—produces electricity, while


28 || adAstra ||

Diagrammatic view of the Mars 2020 rover PerseveranceCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

MOXIE combines electric current with carbon dioxide to

generate oxygen and carbon monoxide in a process called

solid oxide electrolysis. Plans call for MOXIE to churn out

around 0.7 ounces (20 grams) of oxygen per hour over at least 50 different Martian “sols.” That would be about one percent of the scale needed to support a human mission—if

it is successful, NASA has plans to deploy similar but much

larger units to Mars in the future. But MOXIE is not the

only technology demo aboard—also included are samples

of future spacesuit material and a piece of helmet visor

material that will be exposed to the Martian environment

and evaluated over time to measure their durability.

Perseverance stands about seven feet (2.2 meters) tall and 10 feet (3 meters) long (excluding the arm) and is powered by a plutonium-fueled radioisotope thermoelectric

generator (RTG). Strapped to its belly, it clutches a small four-pound (1.8-kilogram) helicopter that will be released after landing and take flight at least five times over 30 days. The solar-powered craft, dubbed Ingenuity, sports

a small camera to snap images of its airborne hops. A pair

of graphite blades (4 feet or 1.2 meters in length) will spin in opposite directions and generate enough lift in Mars’s

thin air to hover 16.5 feet (5 meters) and travel almost 980 feet (300 meters). “Human beings have never flown a rotorcraft outside of our Earth’s atmosphere, so this will

be very much a Wright Brothers moment,” touted Mimi

Aung, Ingenuity Mars Helicopter project manager at the

Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The rotorcraft will communicate

directly with the rover and aid in navigation for the mission.

Perseverance overcame plenty of obstacles to get this far,

persevering in the face of a planet-wide pandemic, a small

earthquake at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s mission control,

and an approaching hurricane near the Florida launch site.

Despite these challenges, it joins the two other spacecraft en-

route to Mars. Scientists hope that NASA’s newest rover and

its fleet-mates can answer some of the outstanding questions posed by the heavenly body next door.

29Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

ULA’s Atlas V launching the Mars 2020 mission

Credit: Dustin Smith

Artist’s impression of Perseverence’s sky crane maneuverCredit:


A Space Nuclear Power Revolution

n 2018, a tiny nuclear reactor in Nevada reached

criticality and operated for more than a day.

The reactor, named Kilopower, represented a

milestone—it was the first completely new reactor designed, built, and operated in the United States for several decades.

However, the potential implications were much larger for

the space industry than the nuclear industry, as Kilopower

was intended primarily for NASA’s use, powering the

future exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

Nuclear power is poised to make major inroads as private

companies look to commercialize space and countries look to

by Alex Gilbert

Sparki ng

30 || adAstra ||


revitalize crewed exploration. But its use

in spaceflight is not new. The simplest nuclear technology, radioisotope power

sources, has been used in spaceflight since the 1960s. The decay of certain

radioisotopes, usually plutonium-238

and occasionally polonium-210, produces

small amounts of heat with limited

radiation. This heat can be used directly

in radioisotope heating units (RHUs) to maintain spacecraft temperatures in

the cold of space. It can also be used in

radioisotope thermoelectric generators

(RTGs) by converting heat to electricity to power spacecraft. Although the amount of

heat and power produced is small, usually

tens or hundreds of watts, they do so at

a low mass and have no moving parts,

making them exceptionally reliable.

Radioisotope energy powered most

major deep-space exploration missions

including the Pioneer, Voyager, and

New Horizons missions, as well as the

Curiosity rover on Mars. An RTG was

also used on five of the Apollo lunar landings to power the ALSEP experimental

package left on the surface of the

Moon. All U.S. radioisotope missions

are powered by plutonium-238, whose

78-year-long half-life allows RHUs and

RTGs to produce heat and electricity for

decades. This long life was essential for

the interstellar missions of the Voyager

and New Horizons probes. In addition

to these missions, the Soviet Union’s

Lunokhod and China’s recent Chang’e

landers have relied upon RTGs or RHUs.

Two upcoming missions at the

spearhead of NASA’s search for life

rely on RTGs. The Perseverance rover

recently launched to Mars is powered

by an RTG. Meanwhile, the recently

announced Dragonfly mission to Titan

features a quad-copter drone that will

use an RTG to explore more area than

any previous planetary lander—the heat

generated by the radioisotope will allow

the probe to survive Titan’s brutally cold

temperatures, an average of minus 290

degrees Fahrenheit (minus 179 Celsius).Compared to radioisotopes, nuclear

fission has played a relatively limited role in supporting space missions.

During the Cold War, the United States

only launched and briefly operated a single space reactor, SNAP-10, as a

test project. On the other hand, the

Soviet Union launched several dozen

reactor-powered military observation

satellites, but the greater absolute mass

of reactors compared to radioisotope

power limited them to Earth orbit.


With more powerful rockets, lower launch

costs, and expanding space operations,

fission reactors are now poised to move beyond Earth orbit, and Kilopower is the

first step. Designed by the U.S. Department of Energy to produce reactors ranging in

output from one to 10 kilowatts of power,

NASA hopes to use Kilopower-class

reactors to support future crewed missions

Sparki ngArtist’s impression of

a nuclear-powered nuclear rocket

Credit: NASA

31Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

and possibly robotic probes as well. At this power output, several

reactors could support a research station on the Moon or Mars. NASA

is turning to the private sector to deliver these space-rated reactors,

with plans to finalize first stage development contracts by 2021 for an eventual flight test on the Moon’s surface as early as 2027.

As with broader space enterprises, nuclear power is also being

revolutionized by the entrance of commercial actors. Historically,

all nuclear-powered missions have been planned and launched

by governments, with private entities limited to a contractor role.

While BWXT (an incumbent vendor and provider of many services to the federal government) will play a key role in future federal

space nuclear missions, new entrants are now eyeing government

contracts for space nuclear services and using reactors to serve

commercial markets. Seattle-based USNC-Tech is developing

several projects including a nuclear reactor, atomic batteries,

and special fuel for space applications. Atomos Space of Denver

previously announced plans to use nuclear electric propulsion,

combining a reactor with an ion engine, to enable in-space towing.

Underlying this renewed government and commercial interest

in space reactors are advanced innovations in terrestrial nuclear

technology. Most existing terrestrial reactors are light water reactors

that use water to cool the reactor and transfer heat to turbines.

Globally, the nuclear industry is experiencing rapid innovation due to

the need to mitigate climate change and address safety concerns with

light-water technology resulting from the Fukushima reactor accident.

New designs employ new fission cycles, fuel forms, materials, and other innovations to make nuclear power safer, cleaner, and

cheaper. These innovations can enable

new space nuclear technologies since

light-water reactors are poorly suited

for space applications.

Many new designs are microreactors with capacities of

less than 10 megawatts which may be light enough for launch

into orbit. Based on the success of NASA’s Commercial Crew

Program, commercially-developed reactors could greatly reduce

development costs when compared to government-sponsored

nuclear power sources.

However, reactors are not the only area under active research.

Nuclear thermal propulsion, otherwise known as a nuclear rocket,

may revolutionize deep space transit. By heating propellant

directly with fission and then expelling it, greater thrust and specific impulse results when compared to chemical rockets. During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union

both had active programs developing such rockets, but none ever

flew. In the last several years, the U.S. has begun developing two separate programs, one led by NASA and the other by the Defense

Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Russia and China have also announced intentions to develop similar technologies.

Russia is actively developing a nuclear rocket, while China’s

plans indicate the goal of a nuclear-rocket-powered space shuttle

by 2040. The European Space Agency is investigating the use

of the radioisotope americium-241 for RHUs and radioisotope

power supplies (RPSs). While americium-241 produces much less energy than plutonium-238,

its half-life of over 400 years can

support centuries-long missions

beyond the solar system.

The renewed and

broadening interest in

space nuclear power

is being driven by

two primary factors.

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First, the unique characteristics of nuclear power sources

make them ideal for many types of long-term government

and commercial missions. Second, the same fundamental

changes revolutionizing the space sector offer solutions for new energy technologies and applications on Earth.


There are three sources of providing energy in space: chemical,

solar, and nuclear. Chemical rockets are the best way to launch

spacecraft from Earth but have too much mass to support

long-term propulsion needs. Solar power, the energy source

of choice for almost all satellites, generates electricity on the

spacecraft and can also be used for solar-electric propulsion.

In many locations, especially in Earth orbit, there is sufficient solar energy for these systems, but their dependence on

sunlight creates limitations. Long nights on the surfaces of

the Moon, Mars, asteroids, and other celestial bodies can

prove insurmountable for a solar-powered system. As light

travels further from the sun it also weakens quickly, so for

spacecraft traveling further than Mars, solar irradiance is so

reduced that the ability to power missions drops quickly.

Nuclear power has several key advantages over chemical

and solar power. It has an extremely high energy density that

maximizes energy output based on mass. Nuclear power sources

also deliver reliable power on demand as opposed to weak or

intermittent solar resources. Although nuclear energy requires

radiators to manage excess heat, it offers superior thermal management for spacecraft. For deep space missions beyond

Mars, the combination of low mass, high reliability, high energy,

and heat production makes nuclear the energy source of choice.

Falling launch costs, larger launch vehicles, and expanded space

access are opening up new mission possibilities. While a fission reactor may have been too massive to launch beyond Earth

orbit during the Cold War, evolving large and affordable launch vehicles will be up to the task. Many

activities can use nuclear power; from

acquiring space resources, to in-space

manufacturing and orbital towing, and

interest in crewed Mars exploration

are also factors. Both nuclear electric

propulsion and nuclear rockets offer advantages, including shorter

travel times that reduce the

crew’s radiation exposure and

even abort-to-Earth to facilitate

a quick return home in the event

of an in-flight emergency.The emerging “Moon

rush” is one of the most

powerful near-term factors

driving the nuclear renaissance

in spaceflight. The United States, China, Russia, India,

and other space powers harbor lunar ambitions, and plans

for scientific missions are proliferating. The U.S.-led Artemis program plans to return astronauts to the Moon within a few

years, while China’s lunar ambitions could lead to taikonauts

landing there by the 2030s. Artemis provides NASA the

opportunity to test out space nuclear systems, namely Kilopower’s

successors, as they aim for a journey from the Moon to Mars.

Finally, the potential to produce lunar resources is driving

emergent commercial interest in nuclear power sources.

Space mining could prove to be the most useful and

transformative use case for reactors. In the near term, the Moon

may see the first in-situ resource utilization in space as mining water ice and refining it into fuel for chemical rockets can enable off-Earth refueling architectures that would increase space commerce, support Earth-orbiting satellites, and even enable

future crewed Mars missions. The high energy density, reliability,

and power output of nuclear reactors make them an ideal choice

to support space mining—they are preferable to solar-powered

operations during the Moon’s 14-day night cycle, and many

locations with water ice are in permanently shadowed craters.

The possibility of cislunar trade is a key factor behind the

Department of Defense’s interest in nuclear rockets. While

the newly created Space Force is currently focused on Earth

orbit, lunar commerce by mid-century could require a “blue

ocean” Space Force that can project power to the Moon and

beyond. Nuclear thermal propulsion’s superiority to chemical

rockets makes it an ideal choice to secure space commerce.



Space nuclear power raises policy questions in areas of space

law and nuclear law. International law provides a basis for

national and private activities, but it lacks binding rules for

space nuclear systems. What guidance it provides is outdated

and meant for an era with limited missions launched only by

governments. Effective governance of space nuclear power is needed to ensure its ability to power future exploration.

National policy under the Trump administration has been

broadly supportive of space nuclear power and is laying the

foundation for future government and commercial missions.

Most importantly, the administration released new guidelines for

launch approvals for space nuclear missions in mid-2019. These

new guidelines provide clear safety benchmarks, modernize the

approval process, and provide a commercial launch pathway

for the first time. In early 2020, the administration added the Department of Energy to the National Space Council, recognizing

the importance of its nuclear research and development for

future U.S. space efforts. The government is also working to streamline the environmental approval process to launch RHUs.

Despite this progress, further and more durable support

is needed. In the United States, Congress has an important

role to play in funding the Department of Energy and NASA’s

research and development as well as developing launch

33Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

rules. While the revamped launch protocol is helpful, it is an

executive action that can be reversed by future administrations.

It also continues to grant the president veto power over any

nuclear launch. A Congressional framework for space nuclear

power can formalize launch approval, provide certainty for

commercial vendors, and address other policy concerns.

The top policy concerns are safety and operational risks,

nuclear non-proliferation, fuel supply chains, and commercial

operations. The risks of using space reactors are well

demonstrated by the operational history of the few reactors

used to date. In 1978, a nuclear-powered Soviet Kosmos satellite

crashed in Canada, resulting in radiological risks and causing

an international incident. This event and the near-exclusive

use of reactors for military purposes resulted in calls to ban

reactors in space in the 1980s, and orbiting nuclear reactors have

been decommissioned and placed in graveyard orbits, meant

to serve as orbital repositories for their spent fuel. However,

these orbits may no longer be safe for that purpose. In 2009,

the defunct nuclear-powered Kosmos-2251 satellite collided with the active Iridium 33 satellite, creating thousands of pieces

of debris, some radioactive. The U.S. reactor and other Soviet

reactors have also been identified as possible sources of space debris, likely from collisions with other orbiting detritus.

Nuclear non-proliferation may be the most limiting

political issue. Radioisotopes for RTGs could be used in an

improvised radiological weapon if a spacecraft were to crash

on Earth during launch or later. Similarly, space reactors use

highly enriched uranium that could contribute to a nuclear

warhead. A key international goal for nuclear power, driven

by U.S. leadership, is to reduce the use of such uranium in

civil applications, and since Kilopower is currently designed

to use it, this has raised concerns about NASA’s civil use.

Prohibitions against commercial ownership of highly enriched

uranium mean that commercial vendors are pursuing low-

enriched uranium designs. Although such a design has fewer

proliferation risks, it also carries a substantial mass penalty for

systems under one megawatt. In the long term, large-scale use

of space nuclear systems could require international monitoring

to protect against clandestine weapons programs in space.

Related to non-proliferation, nuclear fuel supply chains

also pose a potential bottleneck. The key radioisotope fuel,

plutonium-238, was originally produced as a byproduct of Cold

War nuclear weapons production. Inventories have diminished

from both use and radioactive decay, and this has limited the

Department of Energy’s ability to support NASA’s missions. Due

to this, the New Horizons spacecraft launched with 15 percent less fuel than its design capacity, shortening its post-Pluto

mission lifetime. This limitation was part of the motivation to

pursue the uranium-fueled Kilopower reactor. Similarly, ESA’s

investigations into americium-241 are due in part to proliferation

concerns. This problem may be short-lived, as the Department

of Energy recently started to produce plutonium-238 directly

instead of as a weapons byproduct. Ongoing innovations in

uranium fuels to support terrestrial reactors may also create a

sufficient supply chain for space reactors and nuclear rockets. Although past use of space reactors provides a precedent for

future government missions, there are obstacles to commercial

use. Commercial vendors require approval from the Nuclear

Regulatory Commission for nuclear fuels and potentially their

reactors. The commission does not have a clear regulatory

pathway for space reactors and faces the policy question of

whether they will regulate a reactor outside of U.S. borders

(albeit still within U.S. jurisdiction). Private reactors raise liability questions that require the federal government to either

shoulder the risks, or to figure out how to channel it to the mission operator. Finally, commercial operators must plan out

decommissioning and waste storage for space reactors. While

governments face this challenge as well, commercial entities need

clear guidelines to enable mission planning and reactor design.

The future of nuclear power in space remains very

promising. As expansion into our solar system accelerates,

the unique energy characteristics of nuclear technologies

make them preferable for some applications and essential

for others. The research, development, commercialization,

and policy challenges are real but manageable. As we

continue into the final frontier, nuclear energy will play an increasingly important role in science, exploration, and

commerce, and we will benefit from its unique capabilities.

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A Mars 2020 display at

a pre-launch eventCredit: Dustin Smith



PREPARINGby Elizabeth Howell and Nicholas Booth

he clock is running for the race to retrieve samples from another

world—to complete, in effect, the first-ever round trip to the Red Planet. After its textbook launch at the end of July, NASA’s

Perseverance rover is now heading to Mars. Next February, it will hurtle

through the Martian atmosphere and come to rest within the outermost edges

of an ancient impact basin. This will allow mission scientists to examine some

of the oldest features yet seen on the world next door. For the first time in over 40 years, life and its astrobiological significance are at the forefront of a NASA mission.


35Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

“Perseverance is the most

sophisticated spacecraft we’ve ever sent to

the Red Planet’s surface,” says Lori Glaze,

director of NASA’s Planetary Sciences

Division. Equipped with a suite of brand

new instruments, many of which have

never been sent to Mars before, the rover

promises to shed light on the age-old

question that has tantalized humanity for

centuries: is—or more likely, was—there

life on our planetary neighbor?

The Perseverance mission may

represent a turnaround from the findings of previous missions to the Red Planet, which

beheld an utterly alien, perplexing, and

sterile landscape. If successful, Perseverance

will be the tenth American mission to make

it onto the planet’s surface. If there is a

simple summary to describe the scientific approach for all the most recent missions—

especially Curiosity, which landed eight

years ago—it is to follow the water.

Earlier rover missions, such as the

Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and

Opportunity, acted like robotic field geologists, searching for clues as to

whether water had flowed across the ruddy plains in the ancient past. They showed

that conditions were such that great swaths

of the surface, perhaps even in the form

of transitory oceans or lakes, were indeed

covered in water. More recently, Curiosity

has added nuance and detail to that story,

The Perseverance rover sits beneath

the sky crane rocket pack in this photoCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


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including narrowing down habitability

and finding that there were conditions present billions of years ago that could

have sustained life. Now, Perseverance will

take the next step, explicitly looking for

what one investigator calls “life as we don’t

know it.”

Ultimately, this is a fundamental

riddle at the heart of astrobiology:

would life on the Red Planet be similar

to forms that have evolved on Earth?

Astrobiologists are considering how life

on other worlds might come to be, the

kind of environments where it might take

hold, and where it might be found. Most

agree that in the ancient past, Mars could

have hosted life in some form, and this

exciting possibility has informed the goals

of this latest rover.

In that sense, Perseverance can

be better thought of as a time machine,

peeling back the layers and sediments it

will find to reconstruct ancient conditions and then searching for materials of

astrobiological significance. To achieve this, Perseverance will not be just a re-

run of the Curiosity mission. Consider

that most of the interesting discoveries

from the Mars Scientific Laboratory (as Curiosity is more formally known) have

come from its “chemical oven,” the Sample

Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument, which has zeroed in on unexpected

details. Over the last eight years, SAM

has discovered ancient organics and

evidence for water-borne sediments

that could have allowed life to form.

It has done that, in the phrase of

one scientist involved, by using “the bulk

sample approach.” That is, there has

been supersensitive elemental analysis

of materials which have been drilled out

of the surface rocks and then dropped

into SAM. However, there is little spatial

resolution in what has been found. They

know it’s there, but not exactly where, and

that knowledge gap is what Perseverance

will literally fill in. It will pinpoint with microscopic precision exactly where

unusual features may be found.

Once it has landed, the rover will

zoom in towards targets of interest—at

first from afar, and then it will move closer using a series of 23 cameras. With

a target in sight, the rover’s instruments

are capable of looking down to the scale of

50 microns. That way, the Perseverance

mission scientists will be able to find the most interesting materials worthy of

sampling, using a series of bore-sighted

instruments at the end of its robotic arm.

They will search out biosignatures, tell-tale

textures, patterns, and chemical clues, all

of which hint that life may have existed in

the ancient past.

To do that, Perseverance will map

those features in exquisite detail. At its

Looking up at Perseverance inside its aeroshellCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Perseverance tucked inside its

protective aeroshell at NASA’s

Jet Propulsion LaboratoryCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

37Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

heart, one instrument—the Scanning

Habitable Environments with Ramen

and Luminescence for Organics and

Chemicals, or SHERLOC—will look

for organic molecules and minerals by

firing ultraviolet laser pulses focused onto a microscopic area. The return

signal will reveal the minerology and any

organics present. Working in tandem

is another instrument, the Planetary

Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry or

PIXL, which will look at the elemental

composition in greater detail using

X-rays. Watching over the sample they

are both examining is a microscopically-

capable camera called Watson.

“We’re basically going to abrade

into a rock and we’re going to analyze

what we find,” says Dr. Luther Beegle of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, principal

investigator of SHERLOC. The tiniest

variations they observe will hint if there

are tell-tale signs of rings of carbon atoms,

known to be important in the evolution

of life. “Anything with a ring is going to

fluoresce really well,” Beegle says, “So

we’ll see spectra from those fluorescences if there is organic material there.”

In some sense, such organic rings

are the chemical holy grail; the backbone

molecules needed for the creation of

simple cellular lifeforms. There may

well be a smorgasbord of organics

available on the Martian surface.

Some may have been deposited by

meteorites rich in organic compounds

called carbonaceous chondrites, which

have effectively gardened the topsoil (more accurately called regolith). Such

The Perseverance rover with the Mars

Helicopter Ingenuity in the foreground

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


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organics will tend to be homogenous,

while more spotty concentrations at the

molecular level would hint towards life

processes indigenous to the planet.

To eliminate the possibility of false

positives, the various components of

Perseverance have been sterilized and

made cleaner than any previous rover. The

great fear had been that its instruments

will accidentally find terrestrial contamination they have brought with

them—an irony not lost on the NASA

teams who prepared Perseverance for

launch in the midst of a viral pandemic

on our own planet. Dispatching the rover

within its narrow 20-day launch window

led NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine

to aptly term it a “stunning achievement

even in the midst of difficult times.” Over the course of Perseverance’s

primary mission—one Martian year or

687 terrestrial days—its operators will

narrow down the collection of samples

at the landing site. The mission teams

will look for what one researcher has

called “the most compelling scientific cache of samples that we possibly can.”

At some point in the future, roughly

30 of these samples will make the ride

home on another spacecraft, which

NASA and the European Space Agency

(ESA) hope could fly within a decade.That is for the far future—more

imminent is the bare-knuckle ride

of landing on another world. The

Perseverance engineers will once again

undergo another seven minutes of

terror (many of whom are graduates of Curiosity’s descent), as the rover descends

to the Martian surface. Notably, the

landing zone is even more constrained

than Curiosity’s was. During Curiosity’s

descent, an instrument called MEDLI

picked up clues to how a vehicle weighing

over a ton behaved while plummeting

through the thin atmosphere. The

temperature and pressure it encountered

have been modeled as a result, and a

more advanced version of this technology

now flies on Perseverance. Minute

changes in the Martian atmosphere

that can affect the landing can be better anticipated as this latest machine

makes its way down to the surface.

Another innovation is in something

called “range triggering,” a way of

narrowing down the aim point for

Perseverance. The rover can’t waste

time driving many miles to the area

where the most desired samples are—it

needs to land as close to these targets as

possible. Advances in computing power

mean it has a far more acute “autopilot”

as it comes in to land, reducing the

uncertainty, called a landing ellipse,

by half. Curiosity’s landing ellipse was

about 12 by four miles (20 by seven kilometers); Perseverance’s is eight by

four miles (13 by seven kilometers). As it descends, real time information from

its sensors will dictate the timing of the

exact moment when the main parachute is

released, resulting in increased accuracy.

Perseverance’s target is a 30-

mile (48.3-kilometer) wide bullseye called Jezero Crater, which sits on

the north-westerly edge of an ancient

impact basin known as Isidis Planitia.

After long and sometimes acrimonious

deliberation, Jezero was chosen because

it displays some of the oldest surfaces

geologists have ever seen on Mars. In one

estimation, some of the material in and

around the crater rim dates back to the

earliest epochs of the planet’s evolution

and that, in one geologist’s estimation,

means “getting closer to four billion years,

a far earlier period of Martian history.”

When searching for life, older

samples are better. In ancient times, the

planet’s magnetic field may have offered greater protection from solar and other

radiation (according to recent findings from the InSight lander, Mars had a much

more active iron core in the past). Also,

the atmosphere may have been thicker

and warmer, and water might have

flowed freely. While nobody believes the Red Planet was ever like the Bahamas,

conditions could have been balmier

than they are today. Jezero exhibits

tell-tale signs of aqueous features that

formed in a river delta—according to one

amused observer, “the sedimentologists

are drooling over this site.”

Significant clues as to whether life has ever formed on Mars may also be

lurking in the walls of Jezero Crater,

especially where it has been breached

by extensive water flows in the ancient past. Landing near this region offers the best choices of samples for Perseverance.

The starting gun will then have been

fired for returning them later in the decade. The more accurate the aiming,

the less time the rover will waste.

But there is another bonus in store.

Jezero is one of the few places on Mars

where carbonates can be seen from orbit.

39Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

Water flowing through a predominantly carbon dioxide atmosphere should

have created some kind of selzer-

like environment in the past. It is not

too far a stretch to imagine minerals

precipitating out as carbonates—at

least that’s the theory. Over geological

time, however, unknown chemical

reactions and deposition of dust have

leeched and bleached the evidence

across Mars, but, for reasons not yet

understood, the innermost rim of Jezero

crater is replete with carbonates.

“We really don’t see that anywhere

else on Mars,” says Professor Briony

Horgan of Purdue University. To some

geologists, their presence implies the

rapid deposition of minerals in which

microbes could have collected. An area

that Dr. Horgan has examined in detail

has also been christened “a bathtub

ring,” a sedimentary layer comprising

shallow lake margins likely deposited

in the ancient past. On Earth, such

carbonate deposits act as fossilization

agents wherein stromatolites—the

oldest biological features seen on

Earth—could have been lain down.

Much of NASA’s confidence in carrying out this latest mission comes

from the continuing success of Curiosity.

Perseverance shares its chassis with

Curiosity, albeit with a cross beam

added for better stabilization. The

Rover Computer Element is a brain

in two halves—one acts as a backup

in case of failure—and uses the same

battle-tested RAD-750 processor as its

predecessor, hardened against radiation

and operating at 200 MHz (10 times faster than the Spirit and Opportunity

rovers, which landed in 2004).

But there have also been many

advances for the new rover. For one thing,

its central nervous system—better known

as its Inertial Measurement Unit—is

capable of far greater sensitivity. Combine

this with the fact that the operators back

on Earth have experience maneuvering

Curiosity, and they will be able to shorten

their planning and execution of driving

across the surface. An easier-to-use

software interface means that driving

plans can take minutes rather than

hours to complete. Along with increased

autonomy onboard, this should enable

Perseverance to travel roughly twice

An image of stromatolites, a fossilized form of ancient life, from Glacier National Park in AlaskaCredit: Wikipedia/James St. John


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as fast as Curiosity on the surface.

Trundling around a Martian crater is

the ultimate in interplanetary off-roading. As Curiosity has shown, wear and tear on

both its wheels and suspension has been

greater than expected, so the six wheels

on Perseverance have been completely

redesigned. Each is slightly larger yet

narrower than Curiosity’s, with a thicker

rim. And, where Curiosity had chevron

treads, called “growsers,” Perseverance’s

are gently curved, resulting in fewer

stress points. “Our overall philosophy for

Perseverance was not to have problems

with the tires,” quips one engineer.

This latest mission is the first step in what will be a giant leap for Mars

exploration. “This is the first rover mission designed to seek signs of past

microbial life by collecting and caching

rocks and soil samples that will be

returned to Earth by future missions,”

says Lori Glaze. It’s going to take another

three missions to bring home the

evidence, however. NASA and the ESA are

working on their designs, knowing that

they can’t wait too long. Central to their

plans is the return of sample caches. Years

after the samples are hermetically sealed

in small titanium tubes and left behind

by Perseverance they will be picked up by

a fetch rover, taken to an ascent vehicle,

shot back into Martian orbit, and then

captured by another craft before being

sent home. “If it sounds complicated,”

says NASA’s Lori Glaze, “it is.”

Privately, many engineers are less

gung-ho than they seem in public, as it

may take more than one attempt to get all

the elements of a sample return program

to work. The Soviet Union spent many

years and millions of rubles planning

such missions in the past, but none ever

flew as they were simply too complex. But the result of all this Herculean effort should be worth it. Consider that many of

the Apollo lunar samples from 50 years ago have yet to be examined; they are,

as new techniques become available, the

gifts that keep on giving. So it will be with

the precious caches from the Red Planet.

“Samples from Mars have the potential

to profoundly change our understanding

of the origin, evolution, and distribution

of life on Earth and elsewhere in the

solar system,” concludes Glaze.

Elizabeth Howell and Nicholas

Booth are the authors of The Search

for Life on Mars: The Greatest Scientific Detective Story of All Time (Skyhorse,

$27.99). With more than 30 years of

reporting on Mars between them, they

jointly tweet as @search_mars.

Artist’s concept of the Perseverance rover using its instrument-laden arm to drill a core sample

from a promising target in Jezero craterCredit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

41Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

ifty years ago, Grumman engineers faced a nearly impossible task: cram

tons of propellant and “watchmaker’s machinery” inside an eggshell-

thin fuselage and land it on the Moon. Working around the clock and

thinking out of the box, they overcame the odds in July 1969 when the Lunar

Module Eagle settled onto the Sea of Tranquility. Five more Apollo Lunar

Modules followed including Falcon, the first to carry a lunar rover for extended exploration. Today, a new generation of engineers are

grappling with the design of a crewed lunar lander for Project Artemis

using lessons learned and updated technology to go back to the Moon

and stay.

In April 2020, NASA awarded 10-month base period contracts

(limited-time contracts that may be extended) for the Artemis human landing system (HLS) as part of a NextSTEP-2 announcement. Instead of a traditional cost-plus contract for one company, NASA proffered fixed-price awards to three industry teams to develop crewed landers through public-private partnerships modeled on NASA’s Commercial

Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program. In this scheme, NASA shares development costs and purchases services along with other customers.

The largest contract, worth 579 million dollars, went to the team spearheaded by Jeff Bezos’s company Blue Origin. The firm announced its intent to compete for the HLS program last year, joining forces with Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and

Draper Labs in what it called a “National Team.” NASA also awarded HLS contracts to SpaceX and another group led by Dynetics that

included Sierra Nevada Corporation and more than a dozen other companies. “This is the last piece that we need to get to the Moon,”

said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine during the announcement. “Today, we’re going under contract with three companies that

are going to take us all the way to the Moon.” Notably missing from the awardees was Boeing, whose proposal required two launches of

the oft-delayed and costly Space Launch System (SLS). In making the awards, NASA specified three criteria: technical proficiency, price, and management ability (in descending order

of importance). That is, technical factors were more important than cost, and cost outweighed management considerations. Each of

the three proposals had benefits and drawbacks, with the National Team winning praise for their partnership approach and having no significant weaknesses apart from the propulsion systems. In NASA’s view, their “teaming approach,” drawing upon heritage hardware, increased the odds of meeting the 2024 deadline. The agency also lauded the National Team’s “strong commercial

approach” to “accelerate the development of a cislunar economy.” Low cost was another feather in their cap.

Bird of a Feather

by John F. Kross

The “National Team” Wings Toward A Lunar Landing

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The National Team’s proposal

echoes NASA’s “reference”

three-element architecture

that features a lander,

comprised of descent

and ascent

elements, plus a



to ferry

the lander

in lunar orbit.

Blue Origin, the prime

contractor, will oversee

development of the descent element, based

on its Blue Moon cargo lander, while Lockheed

Martin handles the ascent element and Northrop

Grumman the transfer element. The BE-7 hydrolox

engine developed privately with NASA support will

power both the descent and transfer elements. Lander

avionics and software will be the domain of Draper Lab (who developed the Apollo program’s guidance computer).

Blue Origin’s National Team

integrated lander designCredit: Blue Origin

43Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

According to NASA studies, three-element designs, like

the National Team’s proposal, increase operational complexity

by requiring multiple launches, rendezvous, and dockings.

They also incur a small overall mass penalty but allow more

equal mass distribution among the elements and foster

greater launch vehicle flexibility. Splitting powered descent between the transfer and descent elements reduces the size

of the descent element while allowing the transfer element to

maximize launch vehicle capability. “The reason we [adopted]

three elements is … to leverage the expertise of all members

… and give ourselves the most flexibility possible,” explained John Couluris, HLS program manager for Blue Origin. “We’ve

been able to mass balance … among the elements … [giving]

us a lot of flexibility in launch vehicle selection. He added that they have the capability of “going on a number of different commercial providers … to ensure we make it to 2024,” indicating

interchangeability with a number of available boosters.

In fact, the growing stable of U.S. commercial launch

vehicles offers unparalleled speed and flexibility to National Team mission planners. Given their corporate lineage, Blue Origin’s

New Glenn and United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) Vulcan Heavy are favorites to launch individual HLS elements. Commercial

vehicles are optimized to deliver satellites to Geosynchronous

Transfer Orbit (GTO) and New Glenn’s “Payload User’s Guide” claims the rocket can hurl 15 tons (13.6 metric tons) to GTO. Unofficial payload estimates, anchored to GTO performance, indicate a payload capacity of 11 tons (10 mT) to translunar injection (TLI). This increases to around 15.4 tons (14 mT) or more in expendable mode. New Glenn also features a spacious

8,228 cubic feet (233 cubic meters) dynamic payload volume.The Vulcan Heavy will almost certainly launch HLS

elements. Featuring six solid rocket boosters and two upper

stage Centaurs, this Vulcan variant can lift 13.3 tons (12.1 mT) to TLI according to a ULA technical summary. The first stage of both New Glenn and Vulcan Heavy are boosted by

methalox BE-4 main engines, manufactured by Blue Origin.


There are many trajectories from the Earth to the Moon, ranging

from direct Apollo-style trajectories to long-duration low-

energy transfers. The National Team has been tightlipped about

architecture details, but their proposal will likely take both paths.

Artemis astronauts will fly a short-duration transfer (about five days) to near-rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) onboard the Orion

Alternate view of Blue Origin’s lunar landerCredit: Blue Origin

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spacecraft launched by the Block 1 SLS (bypassing the Gateway for the 2024 landing). The three HLS elements will be launched

separately on commercial rockets, probably taking 90-day

“ballistic” (or “Weak Stability Boundary”) transits to the Moon. These low-energy transfers take advantage of regions where the

gravitational attraction of Earth and the Moon balance each other

to achieve lunar capture at little or no cost in delta-vee. Although

three-element architectures are extremely sensitive to commercial

launch vehicle capability, the margin improves with ballistic

transfers and technologies like active cryogenic fluid management.Achieving a 2024 landing also hinges on building the lightest

reasonable ascent element. This is because this element has the

highest “gear ratio” that drives the size of the descent and transfer

elements. According to Brent Sherwood, Blue Origin’s vice

president of advanced development programs, “the modularity of

the architecture gives us a wide dynamic range of payload delivery

[to the lunar surface] … all the way up to about 15 [metric] tons.” An ascent element (with a full propellant load) weighing up to 16.5 tons (15mT) could be launched by the New Glenn (and possibly by the Vulcan Heavy) through translunar injection.

The descent element has undergone several design

changes, balancing mass with the transfer element to optimize

performance. The latest version of the descent element was

recently revealed in a full-scale engineering mockup at the Space

Vehicle Mockup Facility at the Johnson Space Center. Derived

from the Blue Moon cargo lander, the descent element sports

a pair of BE-7 main engines and “stretched” liquid hydrogen

(LH2) and oxygen (LOX) propellant tanks. Estimates based on tank size indicate a mass of roughly 19.8 tons (18mT) or more when fully loaded. Several commercial launch vehicles

45Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

have the muscle to boost the descent element into low-Earth

orbit and initiate translunar injection. One way to optimize

launch vehicle throw capacity is to deliver the descent element

to a lower apogee and let it complete the TLI maneuver. For

“sub-TLI launch delivery” to work, however, the propulsion

performance and design efficiency of the payloads must be on par with or better than the launch vehicle upper stage.

Fortunately, Blue Origin’s high-performance hydrolox

BE-7 engines propel both the descent element and transfer

element, thrusting up to 10,000 pounds-force (44 kiloNewtons) with a specific impulse (Isp) of 453 seconds. The descent element’s two BE-7 engines are also deeply throttleable. This

translates into sufficient delta-vee for Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI, 1,475 feet per second or 450 meters per second) and descent from low-lunar orbit (LLO) to the surface (6,890 feet per second or 2,100 meters per second) with enough

delta-vee left over to contribute to translunar injection.


Hopefully, in the not too distant future, launch day will dawn for

Artemis III; tasked with landing the “first woman and the next man” on the Moon. Along the Cape Canaveral coast, commercial

launch vehicles, such as the New Glenn and the Vulcan Heavy,

will stand poised on Launch Complexes 36, 41, and others. To

the north, the SLS and Orion spacecraft will rise on Pad 39B

where the crew of Apollo 10 set off more than 50 years before.In a slow-motion salvo, the ascent, descent, and transfer

elements will be launched over a period of days and follow ballistic

trajectories to NRHO around the Moon. The ascent element’s

storable hypergolic propellant should make the long-duration

transfer with ease, but the descent and transfer elements will

need cryogenic fluid management systems to slow the boiloff of their LH2 and LOX propellant. This critical technology will also

boost loiter time in lunar orbit. “We want to get to NRHO and …

perform a checkout” with an ability to loiter from 30 to 90 days

to make sure the integrated lander is ready prior to the crew

launching, explained Couluris. Any boiloff of super-cold LH2 will chill the LOX tanks and supply fuel cells generating electricity.

In near-rectilinear halo orbit, the transfer element will

perform an autonomous rendezvous and docking with the

descent element. The ascent element will then execute a similar

maneuver with the combined descent and transfer elements,

creating an integrated lander (elements on subsequent Artemis missions will aggregate at the Gateway). Altogether, the orbiting

HLS stack will span roughly 80 feet (24.5 meters) from end-to-end. The transfer element’s main role is ferrying the integrated

lander between NRHO and low-lunar orbit, but it also supports

“functions, such as power, cryogenic fluid management, and the attitude control” while in lunar orbit, explained Sally

Richardson, Northrop Grumman’s program manager for the

transfer element. The latest edition of the transfer element

is also slated to perform the initial braking burn that sets the

integrated lander on a descent trajectory from low lunar orbit.

The transfer element heavily leverages Northrop

Grumman’s legacy systems, with the cryogenic propulsion

and service modules derived from its Cygnus cargo vessel that

Artemis astronauts will conduct

multiple explorations of the lunar

surface before the end of the 2020sCredit: NASA

46 || adAstra ||


services the International Space Station. The solar arrays,

some of the avionics, and many of the other systems and

subsystems are scaled up from the Cygnus vehicle, according

to Richardson. In addition, the autonomous rendezvous

and docking system is derived from the company’s flight-proven Mission Extension Vehicle (in early 2020, the first MEV used its own thrusters and fuel supply to dock with a

geosynchronous satellite and extend its lifetime). Inside the

transfer element, long-duration composite cryogenic tanks will

store tons of LH2 and LOX propellant for the BE-7 engine.

Once the HLS stack checks out in lunar orbit, the crew of

Artemis III will launch aboard the SLS, taking about five days to transit from Earth to the Moon where Orion will rendezvous

with the HLS stack and dock with the ascent element. Getting

to the surface will start with a 12-hour transfer from NRHO to a

circular 62-mile (100-kilometer) low-lunar orbit. After loitering in LLO for several orbits, the transfer element will perform a

braking burn and then separate from the integrated lander and

its two-astronaut crew. Next, the descent element’s engines

will lower the orbit over the landing site in time for powered

descent, which will slow the lander into a surface-intercepting

trajectory. The crew will get their first look at the landing site as the lander slews around before beginning a vertical

descent from about 3,280 feet (1,000 meters) to the surface. Integrated autonomous navigation and precision landing

systems with flash LIDAR will guide the terminal descent.We are “tying all the systems together into an [integrated]

human-rated package of … sensors … hardware [and] software

components that … provide all the information necessary

for the astronauts to land safely … [at] the desired location,”

explained Seamus Touhy, principal director of space systems

for Draper Labs. “It’s a very traditional role for Draper going

all the way back to the Apollo program,” he added. Building

on legacy systems, Draper and NASA teams are already flying key lunar landing technologies on Blue Origin’s New Shepard

launch vehicle as part of the agency’s “Tipping Point” program.


Standing in the ascent element, the crew will peer out of a

pair of windows at the lunar surface more than 40 feet (12 meters) below. Inside, the cockpit will have a familiar look

with “a lot of systems similarities [and] commonalities with

the Orion deep space capsule,” stated Sherwood. They are

trying to use as much existing Orion infrastructure as possible,

including the hardware and software, people processes,

and supply chain key to meeting the 2024 deadline.

Ninety percent of the ascent element’s avionics and

software will have Orion lineage including the Vehicle

Management Computer, the “brains” of the vehicle in charge

of flight control and other software. The power distribution units, vision processing unit, display systems, and the

S-band processor and antenna will all be repurposed from

Orion. In addition, about 90 percent of the Environmental

Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) will stem from Orion, including common crew displays and interfaces.

The crew cabin will be less spartan than Apollo’s Lunar

Module, measuring about 8.5 feet (2.6 meters) across. Aluminum-lithium alloy—used in the Orion spacecraft and

the super lightweight external tank of the space shuttle—will

form the pressure vessel and other structures. Solar arrays

will be mounted opposite the windows so the crew can see

the long shadows of potential obstacles as the arrays capture

the low sun angle. The hatch will be offset 90 degrees from the windows and solar arrays to allow access to the ladder.

A refurbished and modernized shuttle Orbital Maneuvering

System (OMS) engine will thrust the ascent element with 6,227 pounds-force (27.7 kiloNewtons). The OMS engine burns pressure-fed hypergolic propellant for greater reliability.

The first sortie to the lunar surface will last around six and a half days, about double the length of the longest Apollo

mission. Two astronauts will conduct as many as four EVAs

on the surface, making scientific observations, deploying instruments, and sampling possible deposits of water ice.

Unlike Apollo, NASA plans to pre-position gear on the surface

including an unpressurized remote-controlled rover. Ways to

deliver the rover are under study, but an uncrewed descent

element demonstrator is slated to fly to the Moon’s south pole in late 2023. Several permanently shadowed regions with potential

ice deposits are only three to nine miles (five to 15 kilometers) from possible Artemis III landing sites. At the end of their

surface sojourn, the crew will ride the ascent element back to

low-lunar orbit and meet up again with the transfer element.

NASA aims to strike a balance between a speedy initial

landing in 2024 and long-term sustainability by developing

and maturing key technologies such as in-situ resource

utilization, autonomous docking systems, and refueling

capability. The architecture they are planning to use for 2026

and beyond allows for the insertion of modular upgrades

to provide sustainability. To this end, the National Team’s

automated rendezvous and docking systems, hydrolox engines,

and fuel cells all advance the push into deep space. “Our

LOX hydrogen … BE-7 engines are very important ... for that

sustaining mission [because of] the ability to produce fuel

and oxidizer on the Moon,” Couluris added. According to

Sherwood, “it feeds forward to … [a] future where we derive

oxygen, hydrogen from lunar materials.” Refueling capability

will progress as the ascent and transfer elements evolve.

Project Artemis is not the domain of one company

or organization; it is NASA working with industry and

international partners to achieve a common goal. The

political momentum for returning to the Moon has not

been this great since Apollo. As always, much will depend

on who occupies the White House and the willingness of

Congress to adequately fund the program. But barring

political headwinds, astronauts may soon fly to the Moon on eagle’s wings and other birds of a feather.

47Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

o matter the mission type, it

will take a continued effort by many nations over a period

of time that transcends most political

administrations to reach Mars, so the

need for assured continued funding

and resources is profound and the costs

will be enormous. While a few nations

could fund a modest mission—such as a

crewed Mars flyby—it may take a global commitment involving many nations

for a crewed mission to the Martian

surface. NASA is currently funding the

International Space Station, the Artemis

Program, and robotic missions to Mars and

elsewhere—and they do so with a budget

approximately one-tenth of that during

the Space Race. How many initiatives can

they undertake at one time? And if such

a sortie is first attempted by a private entity such as SpaceX—as Elon Musk

plans—can this possibly be done without

a substantial government infusion?

HOW TO FLY TO MARSThere are seven types of human missions

to Mars.

A Free Return Flyby is arguably

the cheapest, quickest, and safest way to

send humans to Mars. In this scenario,

the spacecraft would simply fly past the planet, not orbiting or landing. There

is a lot of science that can be learned

along the way, as well as while in the

neighborhood of Mars. In addition to

the basic human mission, satellites with

a propulsive capability can be launched

when near the planet and left in orbit.

These can be instrumented to achieve

specific science goals in addition to serving as navigation and communication

aids for subsequent missions and could

be targeted to Mars’ twin moons. A

cluster of small satellites might also be

deorbited for different science objectives.While there are several ways to

perform a Mars flyby, the option requiring the lowest delta-v, or velocity change,

is to launch into a heliocentric orbit

that intersects the planet on either the

outbound or inbound leg. As a result,

there are two opportunities, seven months

apart, during each two-year Earth-Mars

synodic period (the time required for Mars to return to the same position relative to

the sun as seen by an observer on Earth).

Such missions would spend between


by Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried

There are many types of early human Mars

mission profiles but which will be used won’t be determined for many years. There are various reasons why; it is not because we don’t know how to get there, are unprepared for the risks, or don’t know how to build the vehicles. So what’s stopping us from planning the mission, building the hardware, and departing for the Red Planet? We have discussed sending people to Mars for at least 70 years, since Wernher von Braun first released his seminal book The Mars Project in 1953.


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one and two days within Mars’ sphere of

influence. In one case, the closest approach to Mars is on the order of 6,214 miles

(10,000 kilometers) and occurs near the dawn-dusk terminator. In another case the

closest approach is 311 miles (500 km).There are 42 different opportunities

for this type of mission from 2033 to

2040. The shortest travel duration is in

2033 and takes about 1.05 to 1.14 years, while the longest travel time in 2038

or 2040 is almost two years. Speeds

required by different flight opportunities vary by about 5,000 miles per hour (8,000 kilometers per hour) and account for the differences in flight times.

Another key tradeoff is the Earth reentry speed, which varies from about

38,232 miles per hour (61,528 kph) for

the shortest mission to 27,156 miles per hour (43,703 kph) for the longest mission. NASA’s Orion spacecraft was tested to

19,909 miles per hour (32,040 kph) during its uncrewed 2014 flight, and will reenter at 24,539 miles per hour (39,492 kph) on its next flight—there is clearly work remaining to be done on the spacecraft to

prepare for a return from the Red Planet.

A Venus-Mars Double Flyby

Mission is a variation on the Mars flyby mission that uses an outbound Venus

swing-by mode which limits the Earth

reentry velocities to approximately 25,000 to 32,000 miles per hour (40,234 to 51,499 kph). The Earth reentry speed is critical as the Orion’s heat shield can only

withstand so much heating—one way

to reduce the return speed is to fly past

Venus on the inbound or outbound leg.

However, flight opportunities are far more limited for this type of mission design.

Flyby missions have the advantage of

requiring the least amount of resources,

the fewest number of vehicles, and can

be accomplished many years before a

landing mission (maybe even within a decade). Certainly this type of mission

would cost much less than the NASA’s

preferred “long-stay” mission.

The flyby option provides many benefits for the first human mission to Mars, including prestige for the country

(or company) who achieves this first—it would not matter if they land or not; they

will have been the first to the Martian sphere of influence. However, radiation is still a concern, especially if the Venus

An early design for a crewed nuclear-powered Mars mission

Credit: NASA

49Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

flyby trajectory is used. Of course, mitigating the effects of radiation is crucial for all long-duration spaceflight.

Whether by NASA, the Chinese

space agency, or a company such

as SpaceX, a flyby is an appealing potential first option for Mars.

Mars Orbit, Observe and Deploy

Satellites is another option for the first human mission to Mars that would be a

flight to Mars orbit for observations and to possibly deploy propulsively-capable

satellites that could establish themselves

into various orbits. This would be similar

to the flight of Apollo 8 in 1968; all of the operational functions for a future

landing mission would be achieved

except those that relate to a descent,

landing, stay, and return to Mars orbit.

This type of mission was examined by

the Planetary Society at a 2015 workshop, where they concluded that early crewed

Mars missions could be most efficiently achieved by first orbiting the planet, then attempting landings in subsequent

efforts. Orbital missions provide ample opportunity for scientific investigation of the Martian moons, while providing

essential long-duration spaceflight experience, and—perhaps most


be made to

fit within NASA’s budget parameters once it is no longer supporting the International

Space Station (though it should be noted that the Artemis lunar program was not

planned at the time of this study).

To accomplish such a mission, braking

is required to enter Mars orbit, via either

rockets or aerocapture. Aerocapture at

Mars for human missions has been well

studied, and one must limit the maximum

g-forces experienced by the astronauts.

The current scientific consensus is that five times Earth gravity is about the maximum

limit. It is possible that this could be

increased for short durations, as many

pilots and astronauts have experienced

higher levels with few problems, but

overall, lesser g-forces are preferred.

Various mission designs propose

leaving the spacecraft in an inclined and

very elliptical parking orbit which ranges

from 155 miles (250 km) and 21,010 miles (33,813 km), called a high Mars orbit, whose period coincides with one

Martian day (called a sol). This higher orbit would leave the spacecraft optimized

for the return to Earth rather than

for rendezvous

operations to reach the two

moons, Deimos and Phobos.

Mars Orbit and Rendezvous

with the Moons is a variant of the

orbital option. This mission would

target the Martian moons for close-up

observations. One variant would go to

Deimos and then Phobos, to and from

high Mars orbit. Or the mission might

target Phobos first, so that if there is a problem during or after that phase of

the mission, the crew could scrub the

Deimos phase, then regroup and optimize

the trajectory for the return to Earth.

This mission concept was the subject

of my 2017 book, Exploring the Martian

Moons: A Human Mission to Deimos and

Phobos (Springer/Praxis Books, 2013). An inclined, highly elliptical parking orbit

could require substantial maneuvers in

order to rendezvous with each moon, so

propellant mass would be a factor. This

plan requires another crewed spacecraft

possessing propulsive capability, called a

Space Exploration Vehicle



to leave the docked spacecrafts to

rendezvous with Deimos and Phobos.

Part of the crew would remain aboard

the primary spacecraft for return to Earth

in the event that their colleagues fail to

return from their investigations of the

moons in the SEV. Most likely, two (or more) crew would remain behind while two

others explore the Martian moons. Finally,

the total time spent in orbit around Mars

mustn’t exceed that identified by trajectory analysis for a reasonable flight home on an opposition class trajectory, which

would be approximately 30 to 90 days.

There has been interest in a

rendezvous with Phobos as a precursor

to landing humans on the surface of

Mars, and this would remove the risks

associated with entry, descent, and

landing to the Martian surface on the

first human expedition. Phobos could also serve as a platform for teleoperated

robotic exploration of the planet’s surface

and a sample return from Phobos, which

some researchers suggest may contain

Martian soil from previous impacts.

The outer moon Deimos is the more

accessible of the two, though it may

be better to rendezvous with Phobos

first to take advantage of the available aerocapture maneuver since it is closer

to the planet. The spacecraft can then

intercept Deimos through a Hohmann

transfer before returning to the high

Mars orbit and subsequently to home.

Mars Orbit, Rendezvous and

Landing on the Moons is an option

once systems and crew conditions are

favorable. In this option, by the time the

orbit has been adjusted to rendezvous

with a Martian moon, the crew can

then determine if they want to attempt

a landing there. This is not as easy as

it sounds for either moon, which are

relatively small bodies with weak gravities.

One idea would be to rendezvous

with each moon and station keep; not

necessarily to land but to safely stand-

off or tether to the moon (studies would be necessary to determine safe stand-off distances). Perhaps equipment would be

deployed from the spacecraft to tether

or attach to the surface, with a provision

to disengage. A crewmember could land

and operate a sampling mission from

inside the lander or conduct a tethered

EVA. Many options need to be studied

before such determinations can be made.

Exploring the Martian Moons discussed

this option in more detail, including the

station keeping and tethered operations.



As soon as a mission is planned for the

surface of Mars, the entire operation takes

on an increased dimension of complexity,

resources, risk, additional crew, and

higher costs. This type of mission requires

leaving Mars orbit and contending with

the deep gravity well of the planet via the

risky entry, descent, and landing phases.

Once on the surface, the crew must

survive 30 to 60 days, launch back to the

high Mars orbit, and return to Earth.

Once we commit to a surface landing

mission, more launches and vehicles

are required. Approximately twenty-

six months prior to crew departure

from Earth, uncrewed flights would be required to pre-deploy additional

landers to high Mars orbit for subsequent

journeys to the surface. These include a

Mars lander and surface habitat, a Mars

ascent vehicle for returning to orbit, all

surface experiments and equipment,

an Exploration Surface Vehicle (unless pre-positioned on the surface), other

cargo such as oxygen, food and medical

supplies, and either ascent propellant

or the resources to make it in-situ.

Upon a successful landing, the crew

would need a short period of adjustment

to the low gravity of Mars. A short stay

on the surface would follow to conduct

experiments and deploy equipment

and experiments. Upon leaving the

surface the crew would rendezvous

with those elements left in high Mars

orbit and prepare for the return to

Earth. One advantage of this option is

that the short stay does not require the

vast amounts of surface resources that

the crew would need if the stay was

significantly longer than a month or two. A “Short-Stay” Mission and

Search for a Subsurface Shelter is

a variation of the above, in which the

crew targets a site that includes potential

subsurface shelters such as alcoves,

overhangs, caves, lava tubes, pits, or

51Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

other geological features that can be used

for protection against radiation, thermal

extremes, and micrometeoroids. This

concept minimizes the vast amount of

resources required to protect the crew on

the surface of the planet. If used for the

first mission, this option would depend on excellent landing site identification and targeting, as the crew must be able to land in

the vicinity of a protective surface feature.

The “Long-Stay” Conjunction

Class Mission is the option NASA has been

planning for decades, and represents the

mission that most people think of when they

envision going to Mars. It is also the most

challenging, most expensive, and riskiest

option. A Long-Stay Conjunction Class

Mission represents the pinnacle of human

exploration, engineering and operational

excellence, scientific achievement, and international cooperation, on a monumental

scale. This is also the least likely to be

the first human flight to Mars, and might best be built atop smaller, incremental

mission options, taken over time.

The steps leading up to the landing

and return are essentially the same for

either a short or long stay except for

the surface activities—but that longer

surface stay adds massive costs due to the

resources required, and will take a toll

on the crew while living on the surface

for a year-and-a-half. We also need to

factor in an additional eight months of

total exposure to the rigors of spaceflight. In addition, it would take years to pre-

position all the resources required for

the crew to survive, let alone conduct

science and engineering activities. Note

that successful development of SpaceX’s

Starship Super Heavy could streamline

these requirements somewhat, but the

overall demands remain the same.

Some mission planners cite

advantages of this option such as

including increased productivity with

the longer surface stay (500 days versus 30 to 60 days), which means more

research time on Mars, more complete

measurements of human responses to

the Martian environment, and increased

testing of the support systems required

for a sustained human presence on

Mars. If you’re going all the way to

Mars, they say, you might as well stay

a while, get some experience, and

conduct as much science as possible.

Regardless of the mission profile chosen—with the exception of the

expensive, rigorous long-stay option—the

human exploration of Mars should be

tackled one step at a time. Waiting until

all the necessary resources for a long-

stay mission are available could delay

the exploration of the planet for a full

generation—or more—and increase costs

dramatically. We should take small steps to

Martian orbit, then longer strides prior to

landing on Mars with the ultimate goal of

long stays—and possibly permanent ones.

Manfred “Dutch” von Ehrenfried is

a former NASA flight controller, aircraft crewman, pressure suit test subject, and

author of several aerospace books.

Wernher von Braun’s 1969 plan for Mars transport and landing craftCredit: NASA


52 || adAstra ||

xxxCredit: xxx

SpaceX Starships next to an early Martian settlementCredit: SpaceX


ccording to a 2020 report by Aviation Week Network

on the aerospace and defense industry workforce,

only about 19 percent of executives in engineering are

female. However, this is a big step from where women started

in spaceflight; the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, flew in 1963 as part of the Soviet Vostok 6 mission. NASA would take 20 years to follow suit, with the first American woman in space, Sally Ride, flying on the Challenger in 1983.

In 2008, Peggy Whitson became the first woman to command the International Space Station (ISS) and NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir performed the very first all-female spacewalk in 2019. Several other female astronauts have

made history in space, but women had been in the business

of human spaceflight long before crossing the Kármán line. As Margot Lee Shetterly explores in her 2016 book Hidden

Figures, women worked at NASA during the space race as

human “computers,” performing complex mathematical

calculations. The history of women at NASA begins with the

organization’s precursor, the National Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics (NACA), which began hiring women as computers in 1935—28 years before a woman flew to space. These mathematicians worked at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical

Laboratory in Virginia, now known as the Langely Research

Center. In 2019, the Congressional Gold Medal was awarded

“in recognition of all the women who served as computers,

mathematicians, and engineers at the National Advisory

Committee for Aeronautics and the National Aeronautics and

Space Administration between the 1930s and the 1970s.”

Efforts of increasing intensity are being made to diversify the workforce and include more women in aerospace as engineers,

executives, and astronauts. NASA’s Artemis program, for example,

plans to land a female astronaut on the lunar surface in 2024.

“However, if you look for discrimination, you’ll find it, so just don’t look,” laughs Anita Gale, an aerospace veteran. Gale worked

as the Senior Project Engineer in Space Shuttle Payload and

Cargo Integration for the Boeing Company in Houston. She also

serves on the National Space Society’s Board of Directors and co-

founded the International Space Settlement Design Competition,

but her career started on the space shuttle program in 1974.

During the 1960s, when Gale was in junior high and

high school, the Space Race dominated popular culture. She

remembers taking an aptitude test when she was in school and

scoring well in careers that were traditionally male but poorly in

those that were traditionally female. “I was always a tomboy,”

she said. “I grew up in a suburb of Seattle ... picking berries,

digging clams, catching fish, doing all the Northwest kind of stuff … In high school, there was a class called engineering concepts that had 35 kids and two of those were girls. So, I was exposed early to this idea of going down paths” that were

nontraditional. Gale reports she was only one of about three

girls in her engineering-related classes in junior high and high

school, a trend that would continue into her college years.

“Those were fun classes,” she said cheerfully, recalling

her early college education. “I didn’t mind being around

mostly guys and being the only girl in a college class. I took

aeronautics and astronautics ... and in all my AA classes,

I was the only girl—I was the only person who didn’t see

a girl in class, because I was the girl,” she laughed.

When Gale entered the workforce, women had to take the lead

on conduct. “[Our male coworkers] had been around women who

were secretaries, but they hadn’t been around women who were

peers and the poor guys just literally didn’t know how to behave,”

she said. ”We had to help them. Now, women are just part of it.”

In terms of modern-day advances for women in engineering,

Gale says there are fewer “firsts” remaining. “There’s functionally not a glass ceiling anymore ... There are women who are at

ANITA GALE Breaking Barriers and Leading the Way

Melissa Silva

55Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

the top of the engineering profession,” she explained, citing

former Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson as an example.

“Of course, Gwynne Shotwell at SpaceX is famously female.

So, [there are many female] engineers now. It’s terrific.” Most discussions with women who are in a position of

power in business or successful in their careers often arrive at

the question of how they balance work with their personal lives

as wives and often mothers. Author Lauren Groff famously respectfully refused to answer the question until she saw a

male writer asked the same. For Gale, the path forward was

clear and a matter of choice. “I knew I could either be the best

engineer I could be or the best wife and mom I could be,” she

explained. “I decided I had to pick one or the other because

there was no infrastructure. So, I decided to not be a mom.”

Though she never had children, Gale co-founded the

International Space Settlement Design Competition with her

husband Dick Edwards, who worked on the shuttle for Rockwell

International. The competition is supported by NASA and gives

high school students an opportunity to simulate the experience

of working on a proposal team for an aerospace company. The

students are asked to design a proposal based on five engineering principles: structural and operations engineering, human factors,

automation design and services, and business development.

The teams are large—there can be as many as 50 in a group—and the students often work with people they don’t know, an

experience shared by many engineers working in the industry.

One of the aims of the competition is for teachers to adopt

some of the strategies Gale uses to make learning more engaging

and practical. Gale also finds working through the proposals refines students’ reading and writing skills, something she believes is missing from STEM curricula. “What we see through

the window of the design competition is that there are some

teachers who feel insecure if there are kids who know something

they don’t know. We’ve actually seen resistance to adopting

some of our practices,” she said. “For teachers in education, I’d

love to see them to develop a culture of being comfortable with

a kid being smarter than you, a kid wanting to learn to know

something you don’t is a force multiplier, in a military sense. That

actually happens in industry ... if you have to be smarter than

everyone else in your group, you’re limiting what you can do.”

The competition can be life-changing for the students

who participate. Gale recalls a time in her early career where

she struggled to find a mentor. “Nobody wanted to mentor a girl,” she said. “[That was] early in my career, a time when

most people need a mentor to help show them the ropes.”

The competition is open to a diverse array of students,

and Gale shared a story about a particular competition she

and her husband ran for NASA Dryden, where a few students

from an alternative school were invited to participate.

After the event had concluded, Gale says they received a

letter from a teacher at the school describing four students whose

perspectives had been significantly broadened, thanks in no small part to the volunteer engineers who helped run the competition.

“One of our volunteers said it’s intoxicating to work with the kids,”

she explained. “You watch them. They come in Friday night and

they’re a bunch of gangly teenage kids,” but by the end of the

competition “they are trying their best to act like professionals

and adults. [You see] this transformation in front of your eyes.”

“Every culture has treated women differently than men,” she continued. “I think we’ll always know and see the

difference between men and women and just acknowledge it less in the workplace. The differences between us are not really what’s important; what’s important, especially

as engineers, is getting things accomplished.”

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56 || adAstra ||


s the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect in-person gatherings worldwide, National Space

Society chapters have continued to adapt and are

organizing exciting and informative outreach activities online.

On Saturday, September 28th, the Tucson and Phoenix L-5 Society chapters held an in-depth discussion with Stephen

Fleming of the Arizona Space Business Roundtable leadership

forum about the feasibility of building a space-focused ecosystem

in the state. Fleming advised the chapters to focus on space

situational awareness, launch services and manufacturing,

space mining and resources, and other enabling technologies.

To honor the launches of robotic missions to Mars this year,

the NSS North Texas chapter held three consecutive webinars

on Mars exploration. Topics discussed included SHERLOC

(the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals), an instrument aboard

NASA’s Perseverance rover, the Mars helicopter Ingenuity, and

more. The podcast is viewable on the

chapter’s YouTube channel.

As many NSS members

and Ad Astra readers are

aware, World Space Week

took place October

4th to 10th, and was

celebrated at over

8,000 events in

96 countries. NSS

chapters joined

the festivities

with an webinar

discussing SpaceX,

Blue Origin, and space

tourism. The webinar

was moderated by the NSS Director of Information Systems

and Data Protection Officer Jim Plaxco, President of the Chicago Society for Space Studies, and was free to attendees.

Participants had the opportunity to ask questions of the

panelists including leaders from five NSS chapters. The South African Cape Town Space Society, which celebrated

its first anniversary in March, featured Executive Board member Donovan Martin in the new Netram Podcast, which is hosted by

Brendon Maartens. Martin discussed his involvement with the

Cape Town Space Society, space travel, science, and his work

with chapter co-founder Hildreth “Hal” Walker Jr., who famously

helped measure the distance between Earth and the Moon during

the Apollo program using an adapted ruby laser. Martin is also

the founder and Managing Director of Donix Embedded Systems.

The Huntsville Alabama L5 Society hosted a Zoom presentation by Dr. Roger D. Launius on October 13th. Dr.

Launius, of Launius Historical Services, was formerly the

Smithsonian Institution’s Associate Director for Collections and

Curatorial Affairs at the National Air and Space Museum. His presentation explored the evolution of thinking about

Venus and Mars and how they compare to Earth, as

well as the ongoing search for life in the solar system.

Finally, we invite interested readers and

NSS members, especially those with children,

to visit the NSS Philadelphia Area Space

Alliance website and take their Planet Quiz

( Participants will be asked to guess how far

each of the planets in our solar system are from

the sun; a good learning tool for those with

children at home and members who want to brush

up on their knowledge of planetary science.


Melissa Silva

goal of the National Space Society and its Huntsville

Alabama L5 (HAL5) chapter is to perform space related community and educational outreach, further the careers

of students interested in space, and inspire future space leaders.

The Society for Technical Communication-Huntsville/North

Alabama (STC-NA) endeavors to advance technical communication. These goals were well represented when the organizations worked

with Dr. Ryan Weber of the University of Alabama in Huntsville

(UAH) and author, longstanding HAL5 member, and past Policy Formulation Subcommittee chair of NSS David Hitt, who delivered

an online space-author panel discussion The Write Stuff: The Authors Who Chronicle Humanity’s Outward Odyssey to the

space community on September 15, 2020. The Ordway Award-winning Outward Odyssey: A People’s History of Spaceflight series is published by the University of Nebraska Press (UNP). The authors for this series prioritize the human stories of space with

an emphasis on technology and an international perspective.

Meeting coordinator and STC-NA President Heather McCain

opened the proceedings and author Hitt introduced each author

panelist: series editor Colin Burgess, author of Shattered Dreams,

Fallen Astronauts, In the Shadow of the Moon, Into That Silent

Sea, and editor of Footprints in the Dust; Michelle Evans, author

of The X-15 Rocket Plane; Francis French, coauthor (with Burgess) of In the Shadow of the Moon and Into That Silent Sea and editor

of Apollo Pilot; Jay Gallentine, author of Infinity Beckoned and

Ambassadors from Earth; Hitt, co-author of Bold They Rise

and Homesteading Space; and John Youskauskas, coauthor of

Come Fly With Us: NASA’s Payload Specialist Program.

The familiarity and friendship shared between Hitt and the

author panelists created a pleasant environment for the panel

discussion. Hitt’s questions ranged from “Who are you when you

are not being an author?” to “What is the secret to writing a book?”

Answering the first question, Burgess said that he combined his interest in space flight history and short-story writing for the Outward

Odyssey series. As a child, Evans noted that her father, who worked

in the space program, took her with him to work and that she lived

near the X-15 program’s base in Southern California. Professionally, Evans was in the Air Force and then in the aerospace industry as

an engineer, but her first love was to write about the X-15. French noted, “I don’t really remember a time when I wasn’t into all of this

stuff. The human stories have always been more fascinating than the technical stories to me.” Gallentine developed into a writer from

a background in broadcast, movies, film production and editing. Hitt had dreamed of becoming an aerospace engineer but found

that he preferred writing about space as a journalist. As a child,

Youskauskas went to space museums and saw spacecraft, which

inspired him to become involved in aviation and spaceflight history.Addressing the secret to writing a book, Burgess said that

many writers write more than needed because of their enthusiasm

for their subject, and “the hardest thing for them is to curb this

enthusiasm to bring the manuscript down” to size. Evans said

she had gathered information for 30 years and thought, “I was

never going to be able to get this book written” but ultimately

completed the project in eight months. French revealed that you

start by writing something, receive input from others, and then

make edits until “you end up with something you’re proud of.”

Gallentine asks himself what he can do each day to move the

project forward. Hitt noted simply that “the secret of writing a

book is to write a book.” Youskauskas included that he and Melvin

Croft, his coauthor, shared ideas and motivated one another.

Many other questions were fielded during this live, interactive event. When discussing how technical or non-technical space or

science backgrounds affected their writing, coauthors Burgess and French (who are not engineers) divided their chapters, and helped each other, expanding one book into two. Burgess and French

encouraged technical experts to give them details to flesh out the story. Youskauskas and Croft had technical backgrounds, so their

challenge was to bring understandable, enjoyable, and entertaining

information to the reader. Gallentine and Youskauskas found that

experts can have difficulty relaying their own information and that memories can fade over time, so these authors agreed that facts

must be checked rigorously. French noted that the timing of the

Outward Odyssey series gained the authors access to technical

experts at a point in their lives when they were able to tell their

stories (after the Cold War or some timeline of secrecy, for example).The panel discussion wound up with the authors discussing

their favorite stories. Series editor Burgess enthusiastically and

whole-heartedly said, “Nothing really stands out because everything

is extraordinary ... This whole series has been incredibly successful,

its longevity is amazing, and its future is somewhat assured.” This

discussion is available for viewing on YouTube at acknowledgement to Heather McCain for her part in

editing this article and to HAL5 President David Newsome for his

input on the meeting.


Robin Scott


58 || adAstra ||


he NSS International Space Development Conference®

(ISDC®) has been the incubator for many products

and ideas, and the 2017 conference gave birth to a

remarkable program for students who are space enthusiasts

and who seek to become leaders in the space arena. The space

policy and UNiversalization (spUN) Debates emerged from a conversation between the NSS Deputy Director of Education

Frances Dellutri and 14-year-old Indian students Apoorva B.R.

and Souvik Mukherjee after attending a presentation by Dr. Lorna

Jean Edmonds of Ohio University on the topic of universalization.

The basic premise of universalization is a shift away from

a focus on the globalization of Earth to the governance of “the

world within the universe” and for space to be the next frontier

for us all. For the diversity of humanity to be sustainable, an

inclusive and cooperative approach is required for the governance

of space and other worlds, including habitation, exploration,

discovery, resource deployment, and mitigation. As we are

learning from the COVID-19 crisis and climate change, we all

must work together to ensure humanity’s sustainability while

safeguarding our diversity. The presentation was a call to action

urging the next generation of leaders to get engaged since they

will be the most affected by the continued development of Earth. The goal was to create a space policy debate through the

lens of universalization. Lynne Zielinski, an NSS Board Member

and Vice President of Education and Outreach, and Alice

Hoffman, the NSS’s president from 2017 to 2019, joined the team to design a debate about space policy and universalization

with ISDC high school attendees. The vision was to develop a

publicly accessible community for debate participants of the

next generation from all cultures, communities, and languages

worldwide who would learn to compete cooperatively.

ISDC 2018 hosted the inaugural spUN Debates that featured

16 exceptional students between the ages of 12 and 18—three

young women and 13 young men, representing four countries

and eight nationalities. The teams worked virtually for two

months with only 24 hours of face-to-face time to prepare for

the debates. They were mentored by experts from the NSS, and

quickly grasped the key concepts of universalization and the

principals of the debate. As one Indian participant commented,

“cooperation and compassion—universalization, in my point

of view, will change the world to a better place and a bold new

way to problem solve together.” Another participant said, “it is

an interesting topic that we really need to explore in depth if we

want to go into space, set up stations, and live there.” The student

involvement made us realize that when you remove borders

and bring together imaginative minds of all ages, religions, and

cultures, learning occurs and the possibilities are endless.

The level of expertise of the spUN Debates has raised the

bar for both the participants and the program. The process now

involves international professional debate coaches and offers tutorials on the debate topics and the process of cooperative

competition, or “coopetition.” The 2020 virtual learning process

started in January after student selection, but since ISDC 2020

will not take place due to the ongoing pandemic, the decision

was made to hold the debate tournament virtually. Debaters

were challenged to critically analyze pressing space development

questions in an open forum in which anyone could watch their

performance. The first topic to address was: “Money spent on space exploration is not justified when there are so many problems here on Earth that we need to solve first.” The second topic was: “NASA’s Gateway will be critical in expanding human

presence to the moon and deeper into the solar system.”

Even with the challenges of online interaction and

pandemic isolation, many of these students excelled. One

Romanian student commented: “This contest gave me the

opportunity to learn so many new things—how to select the

most suitable information for my arguments, to present my

ideas in a clear and understandable way, and also how to

gesture and speak in order to attract the listeners’ attention. I

became more interested in space exploration than I was before,

and I gained a different perspective on the whole world.”

INCLUSIVE SPACE POLICY DEVELOPMENTFrances Dellutri and Dr. Lorna Jean Edmonds


59Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

The spUN Debates underscore the universalization

concept in action, building global friendships on two of the

most exciting topics of this era—space and sustainability—in

an environment in which everyone learns critical skills and

how to cooperate in a diverse and inclusive framework. We

will expand the spUN debates for 2021 for greater impact.

Going virtual again provides an opportunity to extend our

engagement with no barriers to participation except a small

application fee and access to virtual technology. If you are

a high school student keen to “critically analyze how space

exploration and investment are being formed and how they

should be governed,” while learning the leadership skills of

inclusive cooperation with students from diverse backgrounds

all over the world, this is the debate competition for you.

To become acquainted with the 2020 spUN Debates, please visit:

2021 application information is available at:

To donate to the spUN Debate program, please visit:

Participants in the spUN debates represented four countries and eight nationalitiesCredit: Robin Scott

“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”

— Desmond Tutu

“In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest.”

— William Penn

“It is better to debate a question without

settling it than to settle a question without

debating it.” — Joseph Joubert

60 || adAstra ||


The Ultimate Engineer by Richard

Jurek, who co-wrote Marketing

the Moon: The Selling of the

Apollo Lunar Program with David

Meerman Scott, offers a rare look

at the life and career of NASA

leader George Low. Described

by Jurek as “NASA’s ghost in the

machine,” the reader follows

Low’s life from childhood to his

ascent to the highest places

spaceflight could take his

career. Published in December 2019, this

book serves as a coda to an anniversary year because it

underscores what one modest but strictly businesslike

engineer did to make human spaceflight a reality from

the late 1950s through the space shuttle era, chronicling

the entirety of his career, from the high points (one of

which was surely the moment Neil Armstrong set foot

on the Moon), to the lowest point, which he described as

“the longest days” after the tragic Apollo 1 fire in 1967.

Low was born in Austria, but by the time he was in

his teens Europe was torn apart by war, and the Jewish

Low family saw their businesses and livelihood wiped

out by the brutal realities of Hitler’s Nazi regime. The

family would eventually flee to England, then the United

States. There, as a young adult, Low would thrive despite

witnessing firsthand the horrors of the Second World War.

By the mid-1940s, this same war would briefly interrupt

his education at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

when he entered the United States Army. In 1948, with his

degree in hand, Low’s goal was to work at the nascent

NACA. First employed at the Lewis Flight Propulsion

Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio (now NASA’s Glenn

Research Center), his time at the NACA prepared him for

the Space Age future that would arrive in the late 1950s

thanks to the successful flight of Sputnik 1 with its radio

“beeps” that would both electrify and horrify Americans.

By 1958, Low was focused on human spaceflight at

the the NACA’s successor, NASA, where he would serve as

Chief of Manned Spaceflight. The Ultimate Engineer informs

us that in the early days of human spaceflight at NASA

there was no long-term plan for people in space beyond

the Mercury program; in addition, Presidents Eisenhower

and Kennedy had no real interest in human spaceflight due

to the perceived high costs of more advanced missions.

However, things would change quickly following Alan

Shepard’s first Mercury flight, when President Kennedy

challenged NASA to bring men to the Moon and back,

and Low’s vision was not only vindicated, but accelerated.

Low became known for challenging NASA to take risks;

for example, he was the one who insisted 1965’s Gemini 4

should have an EVA. Low was also responsible for making

photos of that EVA part of the national consciousness—

he understood that pictures evoke strong emotions,

and regularly insisted on looking at mission photos to

select the most impactful ones for public release.

But the momentum of human spaceflight came to a

halt with January 1967’s Apollo 1 fire that resulted in the

deaths of Ed White, mission commander Gus Grissom, and

rookie astronaut Roger Chaffee. The Ultimate Engineer goes

into great detail discussing not only the technical changes

made to the improved Apollo Command Module, but also

discusses Low’s methodology in changing NASA’s leadership

during one of the agency’s most difficult times. Low forced

NASA management, then beset by poor communication

and a lack of integration, to become one entity working

together rather than several independent entities. These

technical and management changes would lead to Apollo

8 flying to the Moon within less than two years of the fire,

and of course, Apollo 11 would land there in July 1969.

By then, Low had become NASA’s deputy administrator,

and for a time was its acting administrator between the

Thomas Paine and James Fletcher eras. Low became an

instrumental figure in guiding Apollo to its (some would say

premature) end, and advocated for the space shuttle, even

though he correctly realized the shuttle was by far not a

solution for mitigating high spaceflight costs as advertised.

By 1976, Low, who by then had successfully fought an

aggressive form of melanoma, went back to the Rensselaer

Polytechnic Institute, becoming his alma mater’s president.

Low died in 1984 at age 58, and he has been to some

extent forgotten by those familiar only with figures such as

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. The Ultimate Engineer should

be required reading for all students in engineering cohorts,

as it shows how a student with modest, some might say even

turbulent, beginnings became one of the key figures in getting

humanity off the planet, into Earth orbit, and far beyond.


AUTHOR: Richard Jurek FORMAT: Hardcover, Kindle, Audio Book PAGES: 344

PUBLISHER: University of Nebraska Press

ISBN: 0803299559 DATE: December 1, 2019 RETAIL PRICE: $32.95 (Hardcover), $15.48 (Kindle)

>> Reviewed by Emily Carney <<

61Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

When most of us think of

The Right Stuff, the first

thing that comes to mind is

Philip Kaufman’s 1983 film,

followed by the original

book by Tom Wolfe. At the

core of both works is the

story of the buildup and

execution of the Mercury

program from the end of

the 1950s through the early

1960s. While the book was

a somewhat satirical recounting of the era, the movie was a

downright romp in myth-making, playing fast and loose with

the facts but telling, for the most part, a fun and engaging tale.

For many, however, it’s rather unsatisfying in historical terms.

Now, almost forty years later, Leonardo DeCaprio and

National Geographic have partnered with Warner Brothers

Television and Disney+ to bring us a new, and significantly

more dignified, version of the story. The first season delves

into the origins of the Space Race and the rapid acceleration

of the effort to recruit astronauts for America’s “Man in

Space” program. In somewhat of a surprise, by the time

you’ve watched all eight episodes, we’re just on the cusp of

the launch of Alan Shepard’s flight, the first Mercury mission

to carry a man. The series takes its time in developing

the setting of the late 1950s and early 1960s, chuckles a

bit at the culture of that time, and defines the characters

in the great drama that was the Mercury program.

By taking this first season at a leisurely pace, one comes

to know the Mercury Seven in a much deeper way than

from watching the motion picture, though not as intimately

as from reading Wolfe’s book. In Kaufman’s film, each

astronaut—along with Chuck Yeager, the test pilot who first

broke the sound barrier in 1947—was treated almost as a

caricature of themselves; this was Kaufman’s cinematic

shorthand to ignite his mythological telling. In the new series,

which appears to overlook Yeager entirely, the characters

are well-developed people who simply want to do their

best for America while, of course, pushing the envelope

and breaking records—these are test pilots, after all.

In this first season, one meets the astronauts, of course,

but also becomes intimately acquainted with Chris Craft, the

legendary fight director of Project Mercury (played by Eric

Ladin); Bob Gilruth, who moved from the NACA to NASA at

its founding to oversee Mercury (Patrick Fischler); and Glynn

Lunney, who begins the season as a new hire at NASA but

rapidly becomes an integral part of the flight control team

(Jackson Pace). Of course, Alan Shepard (Jake McDorman),

John Glenn (Patrick J. Adams), Scott Carpenter (James

Lafferty), Gordon Cooper (Colin O’Donoghue), Wally Schirra

(Aaron Staton), Deke Slayton (Micah Stock), and Gus Grissom

(Michael Trotter) are all there as well. Grissom, so far, gets

much fairer treatment than he did in the motion picture.

If you loved the 1983 film, you may become impatient

with this retelling of the tale; if you enjoyed the book, you

will probably find yourself engaged with the show, while

wondering what happened to Wolfe’s sharp and acerbic

sense of humor. It’s not here; at least not with the incisive,

repetitive style that was emblematic of Wolfe’s writing

(“It could blow at any seam!”). But if you enjoyed the HBO

miniseries From the Earth to the Moon from 1998, or even

the movie Apollo 13, this show will likely appeal to you.

At the core of The Right Stuff is a general attention to

detail and historical accuracy. That does not mean that the

expert viewer won’t pick out a few errors—they are there,

as they are in all historical recreations. One will spot a bit of

too-modern consumer technology or hear a phrase that was

not in popular use until later; even some of the chronology is

rearranged. Television shows are not written by aging Baby

Boomer experts; they are crafted by younger, enthusiastic

scribes who may occasionally insert something not of the

era. That said, some highly qualified historical experts were

consulted in the making of the show, something sadly lacking

in similar programming from the past.

At any rate, dead-on historical accuracy is not the point of

The Right Stuff; a compelling retelling of the history of the first

days of the Space Race is. In that sense, it succeeds without

falling into the melodramatic morass that some parts of last

year’s For All Mankind did. For now, the show is available

only on Disney+, but will likely migrate to other platforms

eventually. When you watch it, forget the movie and hold your

memories of the book loosely, and you will enjoy it.

Disclaimer: The writer was employed by National

Geographic on the non-fiction documentary version of The

Right Stuff, filmed at the same time as the dramatic show, but

was not involved in the production of the version that is the

subject of this review.


DEVELOPED BY: Mark Lafferty BASED ON: The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Lafferty, Will Staples, and Jennifer Davisson

A Co-Production of National Geographic Television, Appian Way Productions, and Warner Brothers Television

RATING: TV-14 RELEASE DATE: October 9, 2020

>> Reviewed by Rod Pyle <<

62 || adAstra ||



Learn what local NSS chapters are doing

Get the latest chapter contact information updates

Please send any changes to theChapters List Administrator


Vice-President for ChaptersLarry Ahearnldahearn@aol.com773-373-0349

Chapters Committee ChairDavid Stuartdstuart@prodigy.net206-241-6165

Chapters Support Liaison at NSS HQLaura Elphee nsshq@nss.org202-424-2899

Chapters Resources CoordinatorLarry Ahearnldahearn@aol.com773-373-0349

Chapters Internet CoordinatorRonnie Lajoiespace@knology.net256-509-3833

Chapters Assembly ChairBennett Rutledgerutledges@peoplepc.com720-641-7987



U.S. Chapters CoordinatorBennett Rutledgerutledges@peoplepc.com720-641-7987



Northeast District Chapters CoordinatorDennis Pearsondpearson@enter.net610-434-1229

DC — DC-L5P.O. Box 3955Merrifield, VA 22116-3955Contact: Donnie

NJ — NSS Space and Astronomy Society of NW JerseyP.O. Box 270Oxford, NJ 07863-0270Contact: Karl J.

OH — Cuyahoga Valley Space Society5819 W. 29th Street, Apt 103Parma, OH 44134-2965Contact: George Cooper

PA — NSS Philadelphia Area Space Alliance928 Clinton Street, #6Philadelphia, PA 19107Contact: Earl



Southeast District Chapters CoordinatorFred Beckermach25@comcast.net321-271-9064

AL — Huntsville Alabama L5 SocietyP.O. Box 22413Huntsville, AL 35814Contact: David

GA — North Atlanta Space Society, Inc.2500 Clairview StreetAlpharetta, GA 30009Contact: Mark Wyssbrodmarkw@leviathanspace.com770-663-0873

KY — NSS Louisville Space Society1019 Lampton StreetLouisville, KY 40204Contact: Greg Hartlouisvillespace@protonmail.com502-500-9485

TN — Middle Tennessee Space Society508 Beechgrove WayBurns, TN 37029Contact: Chuck



North Central District Chapters CoordinatorLarry Ahearnldahearn@aol.com773-373-0349

IL — NSS Chicago Society for Space Studies700 Cape LaneSchaumburg, IL 60193Contact: Jim

WI — Sheboygan Space Society728 Center StreetKiel, WI 53042-1034Contact: Wilbert G.



South Central District Chapters CoordinatorSean Freemannss-sc-district@warmpuppy.net214-493-9757

MO — NSS St. Louis Space FrontierContact: Colleen

OK — Oklahoma Space Alliance NSSP.O. Box 1003Norman, OK 73070-1003Contact: Clifford

TX — Clear Lake Area NSS8327 Lanham LaneHouston, TX 77075-2658Contact: Eric H.

TX — NSS of North TexasP.O. Box 541501Dallas, TX 75354Contact: Ken

TX — NSS Austin Space Frontier Society12717 Bullick Hollow RoadAustin, TX 78726-5204Contact: John Strickland,

TX — NSS North Houston Space Society9237 Swansea Bay DriveSpring, TX 77379Contact: Nathan

TX — San Antonio Space Society609 Ridge View DriveSan Antonio, TX 78253Contact: Joe B. Redfieldcredfield@stmarytx.edu210-744-2968



California District Chapters CoordinatorJames Spellman, Jr.wspaceport@aol.com760-379-2503

CA — OASISP.O. Box 1231Redondo Beach, CA 90278Contact: Seth

CA — Sacramento L5 Society7482 Greenhaven DriveSacramento, CA 95831Contact: Joseph



Independent District Chapters CoordinatorBennett Rutledgerutledges@peoplepc.com720-641-7987

AZ — Phoenix Chapter of The NSSP.O. Box 67701Phoenix, AZ 85082Contact: Phyllis

AZ — Tucson L5 Space Society969 N. Miller Dr.Tucson, AZ 85710Contact: Al Anzulduatucsonspace@gmail.com520-409-5797

CO — Denver Space Society1 Cherry Hills Farm DriveEnglewood, CO 80113Contact: James W.

63Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

OR — Oregon L5 Society, Inc.P.O. Box 86Oregon City, OR 97045-0007Contact: Thomas

UT — Utah Space Association378 I StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84103Contact: J. David

WA — NSS Seattle14618 21st Avenue SWBurien, WA 98166Contact: David

INTERNATIONAL CHAPTERSInternational Chapters CoordinatorClaire McMurraycliffclaire@hotmail.com405-329-4326

AustraliaNational Space Society of AustraliaGPO Box 7048Sydney, NSW, 2001Contact: Wayne

Newcastle Space Frontier SocietyP.O. Box 1150Newcastle, NSW, 2300Contact: Jack

Sydney Space Frontier SocietyGPO Box 7048Sydney, NSW, 2001Contact: Wayne

EcuadorGuayaquil Space Society1717 N Bayshore Dr, Unit 1151Miami, FL 33132Contact: Robert Aillonraillon@leviathanspace.com954-943-0803

GermanyDeutsche Raumfahrtgesellschaft e.V.German Space Society (GSS)Ronnebergweg 5148151 MuensterContact: Michael

GreeceGreek NewSpace SocietyKerasoyntos 33-35Nea Smyrni, Attica, 17124Contact: George

IndiaNew Delhi Space SocietyC-2/6 Vasant ViharNew Delhi, Delhi, 110 057Contact: Shiv

NSS (USA) - Mumbai502/5 Aakashganga complex Vijay Garden, Ghodbunder roadThane, Maharashtra, 400 607Contact: Akshat 91-869-200-6741

NSS (USA) - Nashik India Chapter35, Panchavati Housing Society, Vijaynagar, New Adgaon NakaNashik, Maharashtra, 422 003Contact: Avinash 91-942-2245300

JapanNSS Japan Chapter2-23-17 KomachiKamakura, Kanagawa, 248-0006Contact: Taichi

South AfricaCape Town Space SocietyUnit 1, 8 Rainbow ParkRace Course Road, Montague GardensCape Town, 7447Contact: Hildreth (Hal) Walker,

SPECIAL INTEREST CHAPTERSSpace Nursing Society3053 Rancho Vista Blvd, #H377Palmdale, CA 93551Contact: Linda Plushlplushsn@ix.netcom.com661-949-6780spacenursingsociety.orgInterest: Space Nursing




If you support the exploration and

development of space and the

creation of a spacefaring civilization,

joining the National Space Society

(NSS) is a good first step. But

what if you want to do more?

If you want to meet others of like

mind, if you want to explore how

your special interests and abilities

fit into the larger picture, If you

want to share your enthusiasm, if

you want to engage in research or

teach others about space, then you

should join an NSS Chapter. It’s easy!

Your first step is to see if there is

a chapter that meets your needs

already. Chapter contact listings

are in every issue of “Ad Astra”

and online at

chapters-directory. Then contact

the local leaders or check their

Chapter websites for upcoming

events and activities near you.

Local chapters also often

concentrate in special areas (e.g.,

rocketry, education, original peer-

reviewed research on space

settlement, etc.) and will generally

welcome distant members who

share their particular interests.

If there are no existing chapters that

meet your needs, you may want

to form a new one. Instructions

are available on the NSS Web site


chapters. You may also contact

Chapters Resources Coordinator

Larry Ahearn to get a NSS Chapter

Starter Kit emailed or mailed to

you. Chapters in good standing

with the NSS have access to

assistance and resources from

both NSS national and other nearby

chapters. Resources from both NSS

national and other nearby chapters.

Resources include promotional

materials, educational materials, and

membership recruitment rebates.


for-chapters for more details.

64 || adAstra ||

Stephanie Bednarek

David R. Criswell

Marianne Dyson

Daniel Faber

Don M. Flournoy

Graham Gibbs

Peter Kokh

Alan Ladwig

Florence Nelson

Ian O’Neill

Chris Peterson

Seth Potter

Stan Rosen

Ken Ruffin

Stanley Schmidt

Rick Tumlinson

Lee Valentine

James Van Laak

Paul Werbos

Vice President for Space Development

Greg Autry

Director of Branding and Communications

Dr. Anthony Paustian

Director of Creative Arts

Chantelle Baier

Director of Education

Lynne Zielinski

Director of Information Systems

Jim Plaxco

Director of Strategic Relationships

Gary Barnhard

Director of Publications

Aggie Kobrin

Chairman, Board of GovernorsKarlton Johnson

PresidentGeoffrey Notkin

Chair, Board of DirectorsKirby Ikin

Chair of theExecutive CommitteeDale Skran

Executive Vice PresidentAlfred Anzaldua

Senior Vice President &Senior Operating OfficerBruce Pittman

Vice President, ChaptersLarry Ahearn

Vice President, DevelopmentHoyt Davidson

Vice President,MembershipBurt Dicht

Vice President,Education and OutreachLynne Zielinski

SecretaryAnita Gale

TreasurerJoe Redfield

Assistant SecretaryMichael Snyder

Assistant TreasurerJohn K. Strickland, Jr.

Karlton Johnson, Chairman

Mark Albrecht

Buzz Aldrin

Eric Anderson

Norman R. Augustine

Lance Bass

Howard Bloom

Bruce Boxleitner

Dan Brandenstein

Tom Cruise

George Dietrich

K. Eric Drexler

Arthur M. Dula

Don Fuqua

Newt Gingrich

Jeff Greason

Harry Hamlin

Tom Hanks

Tanya Harrison

Janet Ivey

Mark Jannot

Edwin Jones

Lon Levin

John S. Lewis

James Lovell

Kenneth Money

Nichelle Nichols

Geoffrey Notkin

Glenn Reynolds

Henk Rogers

Martine Rothblatt

Harrison Schmitt

Michael Simpson

Anthony Tether

Stephen Trimberger

Maria von Braun

Simon “Pete” Worden

At-Large Directors

Laurence Ahearn

Dale Amon

Alfred B. Anzaldúa

Greg Autry

Chantelle Baier

Gary Barnhard

David Brandt-Erichsen

John Charles

Hoyt Davidson

Frances Dellutri

Anita Gale

Al Globus

Buckner Hightower

Mark Hopkins

Kirby Ikin

Gabriela Lindberg

Jeffrey Liss

John Mankins

Bruce Pittman

Joe Redfield

Dale Skran

Michael Snyder

John K. Strickland, Jr.

Lynne Zielinski

Regional Directors

Region 1: Avinash Shirode

Region 2: David G. Stuart

Region 3: Hannah Rens

Region 4: Bryce L. Meyer

Region 5: Gabriel Rothblatt

Region 6: Lorna Jean Edmonds

Region 7: Joseph M. Rauscher

Region 8: Amanda Moore





65Fall 2020 || Issue 4 ||

Steve Adamczyk

John Adams

Robert Adolfsen

P. Alpaugh

Edward Apke

Janet Asimov

Daniel Babcock

Jack Bader

Kevin Baines

Roger Bara

Lincoln Baxter

Christine Becker

David Blanchard

Blandy Boocock

Susan Bottom

Amy Bouska

Philip Bowman

Christopher Bradley

Greg Brand

Greg Brandt

Bruce Bury

Randall Buss

Christopher Butcher

Reb Butler

Brian Campbell

Paul Canolesio

Louis Clairmont

John Clancy

Bruce Clark

Don Coleman

Lammot Copeland

Michael Cronin

Hoyt Davidson

Robert DeBock

Richard Deno

Robert Dettmer

Daniel Devescovi

Donald Disraeli

Stephen Donaldson

Richard Dowling

Mike Dudley

David Ehrlich

Bob Everett

Ramon Eves

Alfred Ewell

Steven Fenner

Mark Ferrari

Arthur Fleischer

Gregg Foote

Marc Foulkrod

Dick Fredericksen

Richard Garriott

Joseph Gillin

Erland Gjessing

Frederick Graboske

David Gray

Vincent Greene

Gregory Gudalefsky

Eric Gunnerson

Jim Haislip

David Hamlin

James Hammond

David Hampton

Christopher Hancock

Ed Harris

Alfred Henneberger

Mark Herrup

Daryl Hester

William Hettchen

J. Hirche

Mark Hopkins

Hugh Hotson

Mijan Huq

Frank Inferrera

John Irwin

Neil Jacoby

Steve Jaynes

William Jaeger

Jeffrey A. Jaschinski

Chris Jensen

Stephen Jensen

Carol Johnson

Paul Johnson

Edwin Jones

James Jones

Richard Kacik

David & H.B. Kaplan

William Kelley

Dean Kennedy

Don Kimball

David Korpi

Ronnie Lajoie

Barry Lamont

Tim Lehmann

Michael Lekson

Charles Lenzmeier

Fred Link

Michael Livanos

Charles Livingston

Thomas Lutgens

David Lyon

Douglas Mallory

Gordon Mandell

Leonard Mangini

Matthew Marchese

Raymond Marshall

Don Martin

Pat Martin

Alden McKelvey

Karen Mermel

Rick Miller

Michael Miller

Gene Milstein

Pamela Monroe

Pat Montoure

Mary Morss

Mike Neary

Byron Nichols

Candace Pankanin

Jerald Parker

Kevin Parker

John Pascoe

Alexander Peters

John Melvin Pinto

Ed Post

Joshua Powers

Steve Price

John Pritchard

Kent Radek

James L. Rankin

Joe Redfield

Mike Rees

Pete Ricketts

Bill Rintz

Steven Rogers

Bina Rothblatt

Gabriel Rothblatt

Martine Rothblatt

David Rucker

Greg Rucker

Edwin Sahakian

Peggy Schultz

Gary Scotto

Tim Seeley

David Shulan

Frederick Simms

Randall Skinner

Dale Skran

David Smith

Mary Lynn Smith

Shirley Sontheimer

George Sowers

Gregory Stanley

Trevor Stone

Russell Stowe

Scott Strobel

Ron Suter

John Swanson

David Swingle

Steven Tague

Stephen Thompson

Eric Tilenius

Pat Tomasko

Michael Tomkins

Patrick Trani

Donald Twombly

John Vance

Monica Visinsky

Raymond Visneski

Richard Von Glahn

Sigrid von Hurst

Craig Ward

Alan Wasser

Richard Waters

Barry Watson

Alton Werronen

Doug West

George Whitesides

Peter Wilhelm

Jay Wittner

Brian Yanagitani

Cynthia Yarborough

Robert AdolfsenP. AlpaughBirute ApkeKennith ArmourMark AtonJack BaderKevin BainesRoger BaraChristine BeckerChristopher BradleyGreg BrandGreg BrownRandall BussReb ButlerRonald CarnEliza ConstantinescuJames CovelStewart DaveyHoyt DavidsonFrances DellutriRobert DettmerBurton DichtRick DottererRichard DowlingDavid DrydenBruce EgloffDavid Ehrlich

Bob EverettThomas FurlongDavid GoodFrederick GraboskeVincent GreeneAlbert HalsteadDavid HamlinChristopher HancockStuart HarrisMark HerrupJ. HircheMicah HitchcockDavid HollandJohn HrivnakMijan HuqMichael HustonNeil InglisJeffrey JaschinskiChris JensenCarol JohnsonEdwin JonesRichard KacikPhillip KvammeRonnie LajoieMichael LeksonCharles LenzmeierFred Link

Vincent LoefflerThomas LutgensMatthew MarchesePat MartinKen MillardRick MillerDavid MillerMichael MillerPat MontoureKenneth MortonMark MoschRonald MurdockFranklin MusgraveJason OrrKevin ParkerEmery PriorJohn PritchardJames ReidMichael RoamMichael RosenKen RuffinMichael ScarderaTimothy SeeleyKaren Seiter CarterisGeoffrey ShiflettKevin ShinpaughFrederick Simms

Randall SkinnerDale SkranDavid SmithMary Lynn SmithGeorge SowersGregory StanleyWilliam SticklenRussell StoweJohn StricklandScott StrobelPaul SwanSteven TagueRandall TaylorLarry ThorbjornsonEric TileniusMichael TomkinsPatrick TraniMary TuncerAlan VekichMatthew WeinzierlAndrew WeirbackDoug WestWillard WilburWalley WilliamsCarolyn WoodBrian YanagitaniTerrance Zawacki



66 || adAstra ||


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