Increasing the effectiveness of external cephalic version

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Increasing the effectiveness of external cephalic version

Velzel, J.

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Increasing the effectiveness of External Cephalic Version

Joost Velzel

The work described in this thesis was performed at the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, The Netherlands.

Copyright © 2018 Joost Velzel, Amsterdam

Cover design and layout: © evelienjagtman.comPrinted by: Gilde Print

ISBN: 978-94-6323-399-6

Financial support for printing this thesis was kindly provided by: Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, and OLVG, Amsterdam

Increasing the effectiveness of External Cephalic Version


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctoraan de Universiteit van Amsterdamop gezag van de Rector Magnificus

prof. dr. ir. K.I.J. Maex ten overstaan van een door het College voor Promoties ingestelde commissie,

in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapelop woensdag 12 december 2018, te 12.00 uur


Joost Velzel

geboren te Purmerend


Promotores: Prof. dr. J.A.M. van der Post AMC – Universiteit van AmsterdamProf. dr. B.W.J. Mol AMC – Universiteit van Amsterdam

Co-promotores: Dr. M. Kok AMC – Universiteit van AmsterdamDr. J.F.M. Molkenboer Spaarne Gasthuis

Overige leden: Prof. dr. P.M.M. Bossuyt AMC – Universiteit van AmsterdamDr. I.M. de Graaf AMC – Universiteit van AmsterdamProf. dr. C.J.M de Groot Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamProf. dr. E. Pajkrt AMC – Universiteit van AmsterdamProf. dr. V.J.M. Pop Tilburg University Prof. dr. F. Scheele Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Faculteit der Geneeskunde

Voor mijn vader – trost zou hij zijn geweest


Chapter 1 General introduction 9

Chapter 2 A randomized controlled trial comparing atosiban and feno-terol as a uterine relaxant for external cephalic version (NTR 1877)


Chapter 3 A systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for external cephalic version


Chapter 4 Effectiveness of moxibustion in women with breech pre-sentation in combination with external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Chapter 5 Beta-mimetics for external cephalic version, a secondary analysis of the external cephalic version with uterine relax-ation trial to determine who benefits most


Chapter 6 Prediction models for successful external cephalic version: a systematic review


Chapter 7 Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for external cephalic version


Chapter 8 Mode of delivery after successful external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Chapter 9 Summary, general discussion and future perspectives 163

Appendices Nederlandse samenvattingList of co-authorsList of publications PhD PortfolioDankwoordAbout the author


Chapter 1General introduction

General introduction | 11

1General introduction

The ultimate goal in obstetrical care is to achieve that a mother delivers a healthy baby at the end of her pregnancy and remains in optimal physical and mental condition. Women, when problems arise or are anticipated during pregnancy and delivery, require appropri-ate counseling in order to come to informed decision making to obtain the optimal fetal and maternal health goals. This thesis provides novel insights to improve individualized informed decision making for the prevention of breech presentation at term delivery. Breech presentation at term compared to vertex position with headfirst has potentially worse outcome for both mother and child.

Clinical management of breech presentation at term: vaginal birth or caesarean delivery?At term, in three to four per cent of all singleton pregnancies the fetus presents itself in breech position.1 In only 15% of the women with a breech presentation, an identifiable factor exists such as uterine malformation, placenta praevia, polyhydramnios, (congenital) abnormalities of the fetus like anencephaly and disorders accompanied by motor impair-ment that are reported to be associated with breech presentation.2 Compared to birth in cephalic position, vaginal breech delivery of healthy fetuses is associated with increased risk of neonatal birth trauma, low Apgar scores and neonatal mortality.3,4 The results of the Term Breech Trial, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing the mode of delivery in term breech presentations, showed a clear reduction in overall risk of perinatal and neo-natal mortality and morbidity in favor of elective caesarean delivery compared to planned vaginal breech delivery (respectively 0.3% v 1.3%, RR 0.23, 95% CI 0.07 to 0.81 and 1.4% v 3.8%, RR 0.33, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.56). Publication had an unprecedented large impact on daily clinical practice even though results correspond to a number needed to treat of 100, which means performing 100 elective caesarean deliveries to prevent one perinatal or neonatal death.5 So gain in newborn health was judged superior to the accompanied increased risk for the mother because of the associated abdominal surgery. In addition, the 2-year follow up of this study demonstrated no difference in ‘neonatal death or neu-rodevelopmental delay’ (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.52 to 2.3).6 The authors concluded that a policy of elective caesarean delivery is substantially better, especially in Western countries and in clinical practice this policy was adopted quickly. Although the results of this study seemed to confirm the presumption that an elective caesarean delivery could reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality, criticism on the trial followed.7,8 This critique mostly regarded methodological issues such as case selection, incomplete follow-up and questions on clini-cal competence of personnel responsible for breech delivery in the participating hospitals. The PREMODA study group conducted a prospective cohort study on breech delivery in 174 hospitals where breech delivery was still common practice.9 This study demonstrated

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no significant differences in perinatal and neonatal mortality between both modes of delivery (OR 0.64, 95% CI 0.13 to 3.1). The authors concluded that a planned vaginal breech delivery remains a safe option and can be offered to women in hospitals when strict criteria are met before and during labor. However, a recent published meta-analysis, including cohort studies and RCTs, confirmed the findings of the Term Breech Trial.10 This study showed that in absolute risks, perinatal mortality is approximately 2.0/1000 with planned vaginal breech birth and 0.5/1000 with caesarean delivery. The authors however also pointed out the relatively low absolute risks of vaginal breech delivery leading to a high number needed to treat (approximately 67) with caesarean delivery having negative effects on mothers’ health and outcome of future pregnancies. They stated that their study underscored the importance of the practice of individualized decision making on the mode of delivery in a term breech presentation.

Even though there is an ongoing discussion in literature about the preferred mode of delivery, clinical practice indicates that clinicians’ and patients’ choice is unambiguous in breech presentation at term since after publication of the Term Breech Trial, caesarean delivery rates for breech delivery increased significantly worldwide. In the Netherlands, the rate of elective caesarean delivery for breech presentation in the years before this publication varied between 20 and 25%, and from 2001 onwards, it is more than 60%.11,12 In Sweden, the UK and Australia, this percentage shifted up to 80-95%.13–15 Nowadays, in Western countries, breech presentation is the third most common indication for caesar-ean delivery and is responsible of 15% of all caesarean deliveries.16

The ongoing debate on this topic is understandable, considering the maternal down-sides that come with caesarean delivery being the proposed safest route of delivery for the fetus. Women undergoing caesarean delivery are at higher risk of mortality and morbidity compared with women after vaginal delivery.17 A large population-based study from Canada found a threefold risk of short-term combined severe maternal morbidities for caesarean delivery as compared to vaginal delivery (2.7% v 0.9%).18 Serious mater-nal morbidity was found like hemorrhage requiring hysterectomy or transfusion, uterine rupture, anesthetic complications, assisted ventilation, venous thromboembolic event and major infection. Also, there were concerns regarding future pregnancies in the light of the increased incidence of abnormal placentation, which can lead to hemorrhage requiring hysterectomy, and rupture of the uterine scar, which is highly associated with perinatal death (6% to 10% of all uterine ruptures).19–23 Therefore, family planning is an important topic in counseling women with breech presentation near term as a study by Vlemmix et al (unpublished observation) demonstrates that elective caesarean delivery for term pregnancy leads to a significant increase in maternal morbidity, and adverse neonatal outcome in subsequent pregnancies.

General introduction | 13

1Since currently one in three women give birth by caesarean delivery in the United States, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist published jointly with the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine an obstetric care consensus recommending prevention of the elective caesarean delivery.24 They conclude on an existence of global overuse of caesar-ean delivery because of the rapid increase of caesarean births in the last decade without the clear evidence of decreases in neonatal morbidity or mortality. Prevention of breech at term would solve the dilemma discussed in this paragraph.

Prevention of breech presentation at term: overviewAs fetal breech presentation is the reason for a caesarean delivery in approximately 15% of all cases16, prevention is an important issue. Though theoretically vaginal breech deliv-ery could reduce the number of caesarean deliveries and has to be discussed as an option with women, logically reducing the number of breech babies at term is a strategy to invest. Several methods to achieve this are described in literature and are based on different mechanisms. A preventive measure to reduce the incidence of breech presen-tation at term is postural management from 32 weeks of gestation onwards. This includes knee-chest position, and a supine position with the pelvis elevated with a wedge-shaped cushion for several minutes to one hour per day. However, a Cochrane review from 2012 concluded insufficient evidence to support the use of postural management as standard treatment.25 Moxibustion therapy is believed to increase fetal movement and could result in a spontaneous version to cephalic presentation from 32 weeks of gestation onwards. External cephalic version (ECV) is an obstetrical procedure in which a baby is manipulated by applying pressure externally through the gravid abdomen into a cephalic position. It requires training and manual skills. ECV is proven to be effective and reduces non-cephalic birth (pooled RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.29 to 0.61) and caesarean delivery (pooled RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.80).17 Sources from the time of Aristotle suggest that it has been practiced since the classical antiquity. In post medieval literature, ECV is first described in 1807. It became routine practice for breech presentation, and after a period of declined interests between 1960 and 1980, due to publications reporting on high rates of reversions and fetal complications, the revival of the use of ECV came in the early 1980’s.17 ECV is considered a safe procedure with few contraindications and can prevent breech delivery in 40-60% of cases.26 The complication rate is low, with reported serious perina-tal complications of 2.0/1000, including still-birth and placental abruption.27–30 In case of still-birth, there does not seem to be a relationship with ECV, as it equals the reported still-birth rate in the general population.31 It is important to compare perinatal risk associated with ECV with adverse outcome associated with the alternatives to ECV, namely perina-tal mortality in planned vaginal breech birth (2.0/1000) and elective caesarean delivery (0.5/1000).32 As the ultimate goal of ECV is to achieve vaginal cephalic birth, there remains,

14 | Chapter 1

however, controversy on the question whether the risk of caesarean delivery is increased for women with a fetus in cephalic position after a successful version compared with women with a spontaneous cephalic presentation. A review by Chan et al in 2004 found a two times increased risk for caesarean delivery in women after a successful external cephalic version.33 Since 2004 many studies on ECV were published, therefore an update on mode of delivery after successful ECV is needed and could shed more light on this issue.

At present, ECV is recommended to all women with an uncomplicated breech pregnancy near term.24 Furthermore, Tan et al demonstrated ECV to be cost-effective when the probability of successful ECV was greater than 32%.34 Then, the question remains: is there room for improvement?

There is still room for improvement of ECV both in the way it is executed and imple-mentedTo enhance success rates of ECV procedures, several strategies have been proposed. These methods include the use of tocolytic medication or epidural or spinal analgesia to increase uterine relaxation and amnioinfusion to increase fetal room to maneuver and methods not based on principles used in Western regular medicine like moxibustion therapy.35

Several studies have shown that uterine relaxation with tocolytic medication is effective.17 Types of tocolytics described in literature are nitric oxide, beta-mimetics, oxytocin recep-tor blockers and calcium channel blockers. The majority of studies that evaluated the effectiveness of tocolytics have used beta-mimetics and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials demonstrated that the use of beta-mimetics can enhance the ECV success rate compared with placebo (nine studies, pooled RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.0) for cephalic presentation after ECV attempt.35 However, beta-mimetics have known adverse maternal cardiovascular side effects in terms of flushing, chest pain and palpitations, and as a result the implementation of routine uterine relaxation is low.36 Patients’ willingness to undergo ECV was evaluated in a vignette study by Vlemmix et al.37 This study showed that the use of intravenous uterus relaxants with side effects decreased the chance of opting for ECV. Therefore, evaluating alternative tocolytic medication could be useful. A possible tocolytic agent that has not been evaluated for ECV is an oxytocin receptor antagonist. This type of drug could be considered for ECV as its been used as uterine relaxant to delay or prevent preterm birth and has fewer maternal side effects compared to other tocolytics.38,39 To our knowledge, there are no randomized controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of an oxytocin receptor antagonist in ECV until now.

General introduction | 15

1In addition to planning this type of trials and in the absence of trials that compare all pharmacological interventions, a network meta-analysis could be helpful. This analysis allows to rank treatments by effectiveness in combining direct (available from standard pairwise meta-analysis) and indirect evidence. Even when the results of direct evidence are conclusive, combining them with the results of indirect evidence may contribute to a more refined and precise estimate of the outcome since it maximizes existing information within the network of treatment comparisons.40,41 Furthermore, since routine administration of tocolytic medication always carries a risk for unwanted side-effects, careful weighing who benefits most is needed in providing the best a priori chance of success.

Another used method to prevent breech presentation is the use of moxibustion, part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). CAM is defined as non-mainstream prac-tices or products used as primary treatment or as a complement to mainstream health care.42 In healthy pregnant women, CAM treatments have been reported to help lower stress, improve sleep, and reduce pain, and some care providers regularly refer pregnant patients to yoga classes, massage therapists, and other CAM practitioners, though this is found only in low impact literature.43 Notwithstanding this lack of solid evidence, a survey among pregnant women and physicians revealed that up to 49% of women consult a CAM practitioner, of which only half discloses this to their physician.44 In addition, breech presentation is one of the most common topics in pregnancy to consult a CAM practi-tioner for treatment with moxibustion therapy alone or in combination with acupuncture to establish cephalic presentation.

Moxibustion therapy is a traditional Chinese medical intervention that uses the heat gener-ated by burning herbal preparations containing Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort) to stimulate the acupoint BL67 (beside the outer corner of the fifth toenail). The exact mechanism cannot be understood with Western physiological principles, however, it is thought that this method increases fetal activity and can be applied to correct breech presentation from 32 weeks of gestation onwards.45 A recent published Cochrane review in 2012 found limited evidence to support the beneficial effect of moxibustion, applied alone or in combi-nation with acupuncture or postural measures, compared to observation alone or postural measures.46 However, this review did not distinguish between studies offering ECV or not. As moxibustion in practice is used from 32 weeks which is prior to a possible ECV attempt, executed from 36 weeks of gestation, potentially both could be recommended provided a beneficial effect is present. We decided that there is a need to determine the effectiveness of moxibustion as a complementary treatment for women eligible for an ECV attempt in order to be able to answer questions from clients in daily practice.

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Implementation of ECV in clinical practice: barriers and facilitatorsConsidering the safety and effectiveness of the ECV procedure, all eligible women should be offered this treatment option. However, a study on the implementation of ECV in the Neth-erlands in 2014 showed that the implementation rate varied between 8% and 84%, with an average of 72%.47 In the United States, the implementation of ECV is even lower. A nationwide cohort study showed that only 5% of the women with breech presentation had a successful version. Assuming an average ECV success rate of 40% would imply that only 13% received an ECV attempt.48 These low implementation rates are both doctor and patient related. Among professionals the main barriers are a lack of knowledge and skills to inform and counsel patients.49 For patients the success rate and expected pain are the most important factors influencing the willingness to opt for ECV.37 Higher success rates of vaginal delivery after suc-cessful ECV increased women’s willingness (OR 3.4, 95% CI 2.0 to 5.7). As the success rate of ECV varies from approximately 35% up to 86% in the literature with an average of 50–60%17, an a priori chance of success estimate can be helpful to counsel women for an ECV.

Previous studies have shown that clinical and ultrasound characteristics are associated with success or failure of an ECV procedure.50,51 The clinical factors multiparity, non engage-ment of the breech, a relaxed uterus and a palpable fetal head were associated with successful ECV. Ultrasound factors predictive for successful ECV were posterior placenta localization, complete breech position and an amniotic fluid index >10 cm. In literature, there are several prediction models that enable individualized prediction of the outcome of an ECV attempt. For implementing in clinical practice, it is important to assess their quality by determining which predictors they used and determining their performance. Accurate and individualized prediction of the outcome of an ECV attempt is helpful for optimal and accurate shared decision making.

Objective and outline of the thesisThe aims of the presented studies in this thesis address the following research questions:• What is the effectiveness of atosiban as a uterine relaxant for ECV compared to

fenoterol?• Which tocolytic agents are reported to be the most effective for ECV?• Is moxibustion alone or in combination with acupuncture to correct breech presen-

tation in combination with ECV effective? • Can we determine who benefits most of tocolysis with beta-mimetics for ECV?• Which prediction model performs best in predicting successful ECV?• Can we develop a clinical prediction model for ECV that performs better in predicting

successful version and beneficial neonatal outcome compared to existing models? • Is there an increased risk for caesarean section after external cephalic version result-

ing in cephalic presentation compared to spontaneous cephalic presentation?

General introduction | 17

1In chapter 2 we report on the results of a randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of the oxytocin receptor antagonist atosiban as a uterine relaxant for ECV compared to the beta-mimetic fenoterol.

In chapter 3 we describe the results of a network meta-analysis that was performed to identify the most effective tocolytic agent for uterine relaxation for ECV.

In chapter 4 we systematically review the medical literature reporting on the use of mox-ibustion alone or in combination with acupuncture to correct breech presentation in combination with ECV.

In chapter 5 we report on a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial to deter-mine who benefits most of tocolysis with beta-mimetics for ECV.

In chapter 6 we demonstrate the results of a systematic review of medical literature on prediction models for successful ECV.

In chapter 7 we present a model for the prediction of successful ECV based on clinical variables determined alongside a randomized controlled trial.

In chapter 8 we demonstrate the results of a systematic review of medical literature on the mode of delivery after ECV.

In chapter 9 we discuss the results of the studies presented in this thesis and give clinical implications and implications for future research in this field.

18 | Chapter 1


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General introduction | 19

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51. Kok, M., Cnossen, J., Gravendeel, L., Van Der Post, J. A. & Mol, B. W. Ultrasound factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 33, 76–84 (2009).

Chapter 2A randomized controlled trial comparing atosiban and fenoterol as a uterine relaxant for external cephalic version (NTR 1877)

Joost Velzel, Floortje VlemmixBrent C. OpmeerJan F. M. MolkenboerCorine J. VerhoevenMariëlle G. van PampusDimitri N. M. PapatsonisJoke M. J. BaisKarlijn C. VollebregtLiesbeth van der EschJoris A. M. van der PostBen Willem MolMarjolein Kok

British Medical Journal, January 2017; 26;356:i6773.

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Objective: We compared the effectiveness of atosiban and fenoterol as a uterine relaxant in women undergoing ECV for breech presentation.

Design: A multicenter, open label, randomized controlled trial.

Setting: Eight hospitals in the Netherlands.

Participants: 830 women with a singleton fetus in breech presentation and a gestational age beyond 34 weeks were randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to either 6.75 mg atosiban (n=416) or 40 μg fenoterol (n=414) for uterine relaxation.

Main outcome measures: The primary outcome measures were a fetus in cephalic posi-tion 30 minutes after the procedure and cephalic presentation at delivery. Secondary outcome measures were mode of delivery, neonatal outcome and adverse events during ECV. All analyses were done on an intention-to-treat basis.

Results: Cephalic position 30 minutes after ECV occurred significantly less in the atosiban group than in the fenoterol group (34% v 40%, RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.93). Presenta-tion at birth was cephalic in 35% (n=139) of the atosiban group and 40% (n=166) of the fenoterol group (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.03), and caesarean delivery was performed in 60% (n=240) of women in the atosiban group and 55% (n=218) in the fenoterol group (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.20). No significant differences were found in neonatal outcomes or drug related adverse events.

Conclusions: In women undergoing ECV for breech presentation, uterus relaxation with fenoterol increases the cephalic rate immediately after the procedure. No statistically significant difference was found for cephalic presentation at delivery.

Trial registration: Dutch Trial Register, NTR 1877.

RCT comparing atosiban and fenoterol as uterine relaxant for ECV | 25



Breech presentation occurs in up to 4% of pregnancies at term. Since publication of the Term Breech Trial in 2000, elective caesarean delivery has been the dominant mode of delivery in most countries.1–3 In 2015 the World Health Organization reported that globally caesarean delivery was overused.4,5 Breech presentation is the third most common indi-cation for elective caesarean delivery.6 External cephalic version (ECV) is a safe obstetrical procedure that reduces non-cephalic birth and caesarean delivery by approximately 50%.7 In 2014 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine published a joint consensus statement on the safe prevention of elective caesarean delivery, in which ECV is highly recommended.6 This is especially relevant in low and middle income countries. recommendation is specifically relevant in low and middle income countries where the impact of caesarean delivery on morbidity and mortality is more severe.8

Several methods have been proposed to enhance the outcome of ECV, including uterine relaxation with tocolytic medication, epidural or spinal analgesia, and amnio-infusion, as well as complementary methods such as vibro-acoustic stimulation, acupuncture and moxibustion.9 Drug induced uterine relaxation using nitric oxide, beta mimetics, calcium channel antagonists, or oxytocin antagonists, can increase the success rate of ECV.6,10 Most studies evaluating the effectiveness of tocolysis have used beta mimetics (nine studies of beta mimetics versus placebo, pooled RR 1.6 (95% CI 1.2 to 2.0) for cephalic presentation after ECV attempt).9 However, beta-mimetics have known adverse maternal cardiovascular side effects such as flushing and palpitations.9

Randomized trial data show that nifedipine, a calcium channel blocker, is not effective for increasing cephalic presentation after ECV compared with no drugs (RR 1.1, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.5). 11 Atosiban, an oxytocin receptor antagonist, has no cardiovascular side effects and is becoming more widely used for ECV, yet no randomized controlled trial has assessed its effectiveness. We compared the effectiveness of atosiban with the beta mimetic fenoterol for achieving a cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV and cephalic presentation at delivery.

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Study Design and participantsWe performed a multicenter, open label, randomized controlled trial in one academic and seven teaching hospitals in The Netherlands. Together, these hospitals are responsible for 16 000 increased risk deliveries a year, with annual hospital delivery rates ranging from 1500 to 3000. We followed the CONSORT guidelines to report this study.

Women with a singleton fetus in breech position who were scheduled for ECV were eligible for the study. Exclusion criteria were maternal age less than 18 years , gestational age less than 32 weeks, any contraindication to vaginal birth (such as placenta praevia), any contra-indication for ECV according to the Guideline of the Dutch Association for Obstetrics and Gynecology (scarred uterus other than transverse in the lower segment, known uterine anomalies, history or signs of placental abruption, severe pre-eclampsia or HELLP syn-drome, bleeding less than seven days before ECV attempt, and ruptured membranes),12 any known contraindication to one of the two study drugs, suspected intrauterine growth restriction (defined as estimated fetal weight less than the fifth centile for gestational age assessed by ultrasonography), severe oligohydramnios (deepest pool <2 cm), fetal anom-alies, or non-reassuring fetal heart rate. Midwives, residents, or gynecologists identified eligible women. After counselling and reading the patient information form, patients were asked for written informed consent.

RandomizationThe women were randomly allocated (1:1) to receive atosiban (intervention group) or fenoterol (control group). An independent data manager assigned the women to groups based on a computer generated random sequence, stratified by hospital and parity. EVC was scheduled within seven days after randomization. Participants and investigators were aware of allocation; blinding was not possible owing to obvious maternal side effects that commonly occur with fenoterol, such as tachycardia, dizziness, and flushing.

InterventionsIn each hospital, a team of experienced obstetricians and midwives performed the ECV. A trained sonographer, obstetrician, or midwife carried out ultrasonography to assess the position of the fetus, including type of breech (frank, complete, or footling), location of the placenta, estimation of fetal weight, and estimation of amniotic fluid volume, including measurement of the largest pocket depth. Fetal wellbeing was established with electronic fetal heart rate monitoring for at least 30 minutes before and after ECV. Fifteen minutes before ECV a doctor gave the mother an intravenous bolus of atosiban (6.75 mg in 0.9 mL (7.5 mg/mL)) or fenoterol (40 μg in 0.8 mL (0.5 mg/10 mL)). ECV could comprise a forward

RCT comparing atosiban and fenoterol as uterine relaxant for ECV | 27


and a backward roll. Fetal heart rate was monitored intermittently with ultrasonography. The duration of any fetal bradycardia was registered. Women with non-sensitized Rh neg-ative blood received anti-D immunoglobulin (1000 IU intramuscularly) after ECV.

OutcomesThe primary outcome measures were cephalic presentation 30 minutes after the proce-dure, confirmed by ultrasound, and cephalic presentation at delivery. Secondary outcomes were mode of delivery, and complications of ECV events due to atosiban or fenoterol. Complications of ECV were persistent non-reassuring fetal CTG after ECV, occult or overt umbilical cord prolapse, placental abruption and emergency delivery. Adverse events due to atosiban or fenoterol were defined as chest pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, flushing, dizziness, hypotension (associated with fainting or CTG abnormalities), tachycardia result-ing in palpitations, local reaction of the skin on injection of the medication, anaphylactic shock, cessation of treatment due to side effects.

Post hoc outcomes were gestational age at delivery, time to delivery, admission to neona-tal intensive care for >24 hours, Apgar <7 at 5 minutes, birth weight, blood loss, women requiring blood transfusion, maternal admission in hospital postpartum in days, maternal complication postpartum defined as puerperal fever, (suspected) endometritis, mastitis, operation for placental rest, pulmonary embolism. Appendix table 1 lists all outcomes.

The data were collected on web based electronic case record forms, and uploaded cases were stored in a database. Paper delivery forms were supplied to participants who did not deliver in a participating hospital and their primary caretakers, such as midwives in pri-mary-care settings, were asked to ensure that these forms were returned after the study.

Sample sizeThe trial was designed to detect a 10% improvement in the primary outcome of cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV, assuming a 50% success rate in the fenoterol group (b error 20%, a error 5%, two sided test). We calculated that 806 women needed to be randomized to show an improvement from 50% to 60% with atosiban.

AnalysisTo ensure intention-to-treat analysis, we carried out five imputations on the primary out-come using baseline covariates. The primary analysis was subsequently performed on imputed datasets, and we pooled estimates from these datasets using Rubin’s rule. Com-plete case analysis was used to analyze secondary outcomes. Baseline data were analyzed descriptively for the women and their pregnancies. The c2 test was used to compare the rates of the primary and secondary outcomes between the two groups. We considered a

28 | Chapter 2

P value of less than 0.05 to indicate statistical significance. For each outcome we calculated relative risks and appropriate 95% confidence intervals (CI).

We performed three post hoc sensitivity analyses for the primary outcome of cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV retrospectively. The first was a complete case analysis. The second sensitivity analysis was performed because of an imbalance in baseline charac-teristics, despite randomization. We adjusted the imputed data for age, parity, gestational age at ECV, ethnicity, body mass index, estimated fetal weight, type of breech presentation, location of the placenta, and estimated amniotic fluid index. A third post analysis was performed to evaluate the robustness of the treatment effect on cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV between centers. The results were pooled into relative risks, and heterogeneity was explored in a random effects meta-analysis model. An interim analysis was planned half way through inclusion to evaluate safety. Serious adverse events were reported to an independent data safety monitoring board. They noted no conditions to stop the trial.

Patient involvementNo patients were involved in setting the research question or the outcome measures, nor were they involved in developing plans for design or implementation of the study. No patients were asked to advise on interpretation or writing up of results. Information will be used in a guideline and will be added to patient information brochures.

RCT comparing atosiban and fenoterol as uterine relaxant for ECV | 29



Between August 2009 and May 2014, 830 women were enrolled and randomized; 416 to atosiban (intervention group) and 414 to fenoterol (control group). The mean gestational age at which ECV was performed was 36 weeks, and 62% of the women were nulliparous. Baseline characteristics were comparable between the two groups (table 1). For the com-plete case analysis, primary outcome data were available for 410 women in the atosiban group and 408 in the fenoterol group (Figure 1).

Assessed for eligibility (n=910)

Allocated to atosiban (n=416)

Received allocated intervention (n=416)

Did not receive allocated intervention (n=0)

Lost to follow up (n=6)

Randomized (n=830)

Excluded (n=80)

Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=18)

Declined to participate (n=58)

Declined ECV (n=4)

Allocated to fenoterol (n=414)

Received allocated intervention (n=413)

Did not receive allocated intervention (n=1)

Lost to follow up (n=6)

Intention to treat analysis (n=416)

Complete-case analysis (n=410)

Intention to treat analysis (n=414)

Complete-case analysis (n=408)

Figure 1. Randomization, treatment and follow-up of participants

The primary outcome of cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV occurred in 34% (n=140) of women in the atosiban group compared with 40% (n=166) in the fenoterol group (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.93). At delivery, 35% (n=139) of fetuses in the atosiban group and 40% (n=160) in the fenoterol group were in the cephalic position (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.03). Caesarean delivery was performed in 60% (n=240) of women in the ato-siban group and 55% (n=218) in the fenoterol group (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.22; Table 2).

30 | Chapter 2

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study participants by intervention group for complete case analysis. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Atosiban (n=410) Fenoterol (n=408)

Mean (SD) age (years) 32.1 (4.0) 32.4 (4.3)

Multiparous women 154 (38) 153 (27)

Mean (SD) gestational age at ECV (weeks) 35.8 (0.9) 35.9 (1.0)

White ethnicity 350 (85.4) 355 (87.0)

Mean (SD) body mass index 24.1 (4.3) 24.2 (4.8)

Mean (SD) estimated fetal weight 1 2622 (391.0) 2572 (457.5)

Frank breech presentation 2 300 (76) 273 (69.8)

Anterior placental 3 127 (33) 144 (37.3)

Mean (SD) estimated amniotic fluid index 4 13.8 (4.9) 13.7 (4.7)

ECV = external cephalic version.1 Missing data: n=234 for atosiban, n=250 for fenoterol. 2 Missing data: n=392 for atosiban, n=391 for fenoterol. 3 Missing data: n=386 for atosiban, n=386 for fenoterol. 4 Missing data: n=263 for atosiban, n=281 for fenoterol.

Table 2. Results for primary and secondary outcomes in intention-to-treat analysis

Atosiban (n=416)

Fenoterol (n=414)

Relative risk (95% CI)

Cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV (No; %) 1 140 (34) 166 (40) 0.73 (0.55 to 0.93)

Cephalic presentation at delivery 2 (No; %) 139 (35) 160 (40) 0.86 (0.72 to 1.03)

Mode of delivery 3

Vaginal delivery (No; %) 163 (40) 180 (45) 0.89 (0.76 to 1.05)

Spontaneous 146 167

Instrumental 17 13

Caesarean delivery (No; %) 240 (60) 218 (55) 1.09 (0.96 to 1.22)

Elective 199 158

No progress of labor 27 26

Suspected fetal distress 4 21

Other 10 13

ECV = external cephalic version.1 Imputation for primary outcome. 2 Missing data: n=402 for atosiban, n=397 for fenoterol. 3 Missing data: n=403 for atosiban, n=398 for fenoterol.

RCT comparing atosiban and fenoterol as uterine relaxant for ECV | 31


In the atosiban group, of the 139 women with a fetus in the cephalic position at delivery, 109 (81%) had a spontaneous vaginal delivery, 15 (11%) an instrumental delivery, and 9 (6%) an intrapartum caesarean delivery. In the fenoterol group, of the 160 women with a fetus in the cephalic position at delivery, 125 (78%) had a spontaneous vaginal delivery, 13 (8%) an instrumental delivery, and 19 (12%) an intrapartum caesarean delivery. Emer-gency caesarean delivery for suspected fetal distress was more common in the fenoterol group: two cases immediately after ECV and 19 during labor. In the atosiban group, four of the 204 women who had planned a vaginal birth had emergency caesarean delivery for suspected intrapartum fetal distress compared with 19 of 218 participants in the fenoterol group (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.24 to 1.29).

The frequency of poor fetal and maternal complications did not differ between the two groups (table 3). The average time between ECV and delivery was 22 days in both groups. Labor was induced only for additional indications such as hypertension. No perinatal or neo-natal mortality occurred in the atosiban group, whereas two children died in the fenoterol group. One neonate, born five weeks after ECV, died of an autosomal recessive congenital disorder. The other baby died two hours after a vacuum assisted delivery for prolonged second stage of labor. ECV had been performed five weeks before labor. The baby had normal Apgar scores (9 at five minutes), and autopsy did not reveal cause of death.

The frequency of fetal and maternal complications after ECV did not differ significantly between groups (table 4). No woman required emergency delivery in the atosiban group but two did in the fenoterol group. In one woman, the fetal heart rate was non-reassuring after an ECV attempt, and in the other woman, ultrasonography showed the umbilical cord to be lying before the fetal head as presenting part after successful ECV. No drug related adverse events were reported in the atosiban group. The procedure was stopped in one woman in the fenoterol group because she experienced severe hypotension. A significant difference in side effects was found between the groups, with 15 women (5%) in the atosiban group compared with 209 women (71%) in the fenoterol group experiencing palpitations, (RR 0.07, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.12).

Complete case analysis showed a significant difference in favor of fenoterol for cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV (relative risk 0.82, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.98). After adjusting for baseline characteristics the odds ratio for successful ECV was 0.85 (95% CI 0.72 to 1.02). The pooled result of the post hoc analysis indicated a consistent treatment effect and no heterogeneity was identified among centers (RR 0.82, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.98), I2 0%) (see supplementary appendix 1).

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Table 3. Neonatal and maternal outcomes in complete case analysis. Values are numbers (per-centages) unless stated otherwise

Atosiban (n=410)

Fenoterol (n=408)

Relative risk (95% CI)

P value

Mean (SD) gestational age at delivery (weeks

38.9 (1.3) 38.9 (1.9) - 0.70

Mean (SD) time to delivery in days (mean; SD)

22 (9.1) 22 (9.6) - 0.23

Fetal mortality 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) - -

Neonatal mortality 0 (0.0) 2 (0.1) - 0.15

Admission to neonatal intensive care for >24 hours (days) 1

16 (0.4) 17 (0.4) 0.94 (0.48 to 1.8) -

Apgar < 7 at 5 minutes 2 6 (1) 13 (3) 0.45 (0.17 to 1.20) -

Mean (SD) birth weight (g) 3 3356 (460) 3364 (523) - 0.81

Female 204 (50) 204 (50) 1.00 (0.87 to 1.14) -

Mean (SD) blood loss (ml) 4 474 (473.2) 470 (447.3) - 0.92

Women requiring blood transfusions 5 6 (1) 7 (2) 0.86 (0.29 to 2.5) -

Mean (SD) maternal admission in hospital postpartum (days) 6

290 (3.1) 287 (3.1) - 0.94

Maternal postpartum complications 7 15 (4) 16 (4) 0.94 (0.74 to 1.9) -1 Missing data: n=399 for atosiban, n=397 for fenoterol. 2 Missing data: n=399 for atosiban, n=397 for fenoterol. 3 Missing data: n=394 for atosiban, n=396 for fenoterol. 4 Missing data: n=390 for atosiban, n=389 for fenoterol. 5 Missing data: n=400 for atosiban, n=401 for fenoterol. 6 Missing data: n=398 for atosiban, n=395 for fenoterol.7 Missing data: n=385 for atosiban, n=386 for feno-terol. Postpartum complication: puerperal fever, (suspected) endometritis, mastitis, operation for placental rest, pulmonary embolism.

RCT comparing atosiban and fenoterol as uterine relaxant for ECV | 33


Table 4. Complications of external cephalic version (ECV) and drug related adverse events in com-plete case analysis. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Atosiban (n=410)

Fenoterol (n=408)

Relative risk (95% CI)

Non-reassuring CTG registration after ECV attempt resulting in emergency delivery 1

0 1 (0.2) -

Placental abruption 2 1 0 -

Emergency delivery 3 0 2 (0.4) -

Adverse events due to medication 4 0 1 (0.2) -

Cessation of treatment due to side effects 5 0 1 (0.2) -

Minor side effects 6 86 (30.0) 224 (75.7) 0.40 (0.33 to 0.48)

Palpitations 7 15 (5) 209 (71) 0.07 (0.04 to 0.12)

Dizziness 8 25 (9) 55 (19) 0.47 (0.30 to 0.73)

Flushes 9 17 (6) 99 (34) 0.18 (0.11 to 0.29)

Minor side effects are defined as one or a combination of the following complaints: palpitations, nausea, vomiting, headaches, flushing, dizziness.1 Missing data: n=402 for atosiban, n=399 for fenoterol. 2 Missing data: n=392 for atosiban, n=390 for fenoterol. 4 Missing data: n=391 for atosiban n=391 for fenoterol. 5 Missing data: n=399 for ato-siban, n=396 for fenoterol. 6 Missing data: n=399 for atosiban, n=396 for fenoterol. 7 Missing data: n=287 for atosiban, n=296 for fenoterol. 8 Missing data: n=287 for atosiban, n=296 for fenoterol. 9 Missing data: n=285 for atosiban, n=292 for fenoterol.

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In this randomized controlled trial of 818 women with singleton pregnancies of more than 34 weeks’ gestation, uterine relaxation with atosiban for ECV resulted in a lower rate of fetuses in the cephalic position after 30 minutes compared with fenoterol. This led to a higher risk of caesarean deliveries after atosiban treatment than after fenoterol treatment. Although the difference was not statistically significant, it is highly plausible given the lower rate of successful ECV with atosiban.

Strengths and limitations of this studyA beta-mimetic rather than placebo was used for the control because at the start of the trial it was the best treatment in a clinical setting, with a 10% absolute increase in cephalic presentations at delivery.9 To allow the drugs to reach a full therapeutic blood level and to overcome unintended protocol violations, the protocol for both drug administrations were equalized; the ECV attempt was started 15 minutes after administration of one of either drug. The mean time for both drugs to reach their maximum concentrations in serum is 30 minutes, with a half life of 1.4 hours for atosiban and 2 hours for fenoterol.13–17

A limitation of our study is that doctors and patients could not be blinded to treatment owing to the obvious and common side effects of beta mimetics. However, side effects were never a reason for stopping the intervention, and bias due to non-blinding was virtually absent.

Our success rate for cephalic presentations at 30 minutes after ECV was lower than anti- cipated,9 which might be due to the referral of some women after an initial unsuccessful attempt by independent midwives in an out of hospital setting. A cohort study of ECV attempts by midwives outside the hospital setting in the Netherlands reported a higher success (41%) rate than ours.18 The success rate in our study corresponds to that in other cohort studies and randomized controlled trials comparing tocolytic agents.10,11,19,20 Our sample size calculation was still adequate to detect the anticipated increase in cephalic presentations at 30 minutes after ECV, as lower or higher baseline rates have more sta-tistical power to detect similar changes of 10% absolute risk difference.

Even though there was a difference in effect size between the imputed analysis and complete case analysis, the results are still likely to be generalizable. Missing data were balanced between groups and assumed to be random. We included a wide range of both positive and negative predictors for successful ECV in our imputation model. Correction for confounding from potential baseline imbalance showed a strong correlation between baseline characteristics and successful ECV. Uterine relaxation might not be the strongest effector influencing the success rate of ECV.

RCT comparing atosiban and fenoterol as uterine relaxant for ECV | 35


After adjustment for potential baseline imbalance, the relative risk increased from 0.73 to 0.85, indicating a smaller magnitude of effect. However, the majority of the confidence intervals still favored fenoterol.

Comparison with other studiesA Cochrane review on uterine relaxants for ECV concluded that, compared with placebo, beta mimetics were the most effective drugs for increasing cephalic presentation in labor and thereby reducing the caesarean section rate (six studies, 742 participants, RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.88).9 Our results indicate that beta mimetics are the most effective in achieving cephalic presentation after ECV. Moreover fenoterol is much cheaper than ato-siban (€0.90 (£0.80; $1.00) versus € 31.80 in the Netherlands).

Our study clearly shows that fenoterol has more side effects than atosiban (71% v 5.2%). Discomfort due to palpitations was the most reported side effect, and severe hypotension occurred in one participant after taking fenoterol. Women must be adequately coun-selled about the side effects in relation to the effectiveness of beta mimetics, as evidence shows that women are willing to undergo treatment if the gain in success outweighs the possible adverse side effects.21 In 2011 one in three deliveries in the United States was a caesarean delivery, making caesarean delivery the most common major surgical proce-dure for women in the country.22,23 Without clear evidence of an accompanying decrease in maternal and neonatal morbidity or mortality, caesarean delivery might be overused. Therefore, prevention of planned caesarean section is one of the main ways to improve maternal and neonatal outcome in current obstetric practice.6,24 As breech presentation is the third most common indication for primary caesarean delivery in the United States, and ECV is proven to be a safe procedure, implementation of beta-mimetics as routine uterine relaxant in ECV should be high priorty.25–28


Fenoterol is more effective than atosiban for uterine relaxation before ECV. Fenoterol use is recommended to increase the success rate of ECV and decrease the caesarean delivery rate.

36 | Chapter 2


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26. Barber, E. L. et al. Contributing Indica-tions to the Rising Cesarean Delivery Rate. Obstet. Gynecol. 118, 29–38 (2011).

27. Collaris, R. J. & Oei, S. G. External cephalic version: a safe procedure? A systematic review of version-related risks. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 83, 511–8 (2004).

28. Grootscholten, K., Kok, M., Oei, S. G., Mol, B. W. J. & van der Post, J. A. External cephalic version-related risks: a meta-analysis. Obstet. Gynecol. 112, 1143–51 (2008).

38 | Chapter 2

Supplementary material

Appendix table 1. All outcomes


cephalic presentation 30 minutes after the procedure

cephalic presentation at delivery


mode of delivery

complications of ECV

adverse events due to atosiban or fenoterol

Post hoc:

gestational age at delivery

time to delivery

admission to neonatal intensive care for >24 hours

Apgar score <7 at 5 minutes

birth weight

blood loss

women requiring blood transfusion

maternal admission in hospital postpartum in days

maternal complication postpartum

Chapter 3A systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for external cephalic version

Joost VelzelFloortje VlemmixDanielle D. EgbertsJacqueline C.E.M. LimpensJan F.M. MolkenboerJoris A. M. van der PostBen Willem MolMarjolein KokEwoud Schuit


42 | Chapter 3


Objective: To determine the most effective tocolytic agent to enhance the effectiveness of external cephalic version (ECV).

Data source: We searched MEDLINE,, Embase, Central, Cochrane Dare and NSHEED and PubMed Publisher from inception until January 2018 for randomized controlled trials of tocolytic therapy for ECV in women with singleton pregnancies in breech position after 34 weeks of gestation.

Methods of study selection: Two reviewers independently selected studies, assessed risk of bias and extracted data. The primary outcome measure was a fetus in cephalic position after ECV. Secondary outcomes were caesarean delivery and vaginal cephalic delivery. A random effects network meta-analysis was performed.

Tabulation, integration, and results: We identified 505 titles, of which 18 randomized controlled trials assessed uterine relaxants for ECV. We found the following comparisons: beta-mimetics versus placebo (nine studies, n=894), nitric oxide versus placebo (three studies, n=282), calcium channel blockers versus placebo (one study, n=310), beta-mimet-ics versus nitric oxide (two studies, n=133), beta-mimetics versus calcium channel blockers (two studies, n=176), and beta-mimetics versus oxytocin receptor blockers (one study, n=830). Compared with placebo, beta-mimetics was the only tocolytic agent to increase the chance of a fetus in cephalic position after the procedure (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.28 to 2.0) and increase in vaginal cephalic delivery (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.15 to 2.3). Compared to placebo, beta-mimetics and oxytocin receptor blockers showed to decrease caesarean delivery (respectively RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.70 to 0.86 and RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.72 to 0.99). Beta-mimetics had the highest probability of being ranked the best treatment option for ECV success (71%), caesarean delivery (70%) and cephalic vaginal delivery (54%).

Conclusion: Beta-mimetics had the highest probability to enhance the effectiveness of ECV as indicated by an increased ECV success rate and a reduced caesarean delivery rate.

Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CDR42014008720

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 43



Breech presentation occurs in 3 to 4% of all term singleton pregnancies. Since publication of the Term Breech Trial, elective caesarean delivery is the dominant mode of delivery for breech presentation and makes breech presentation the third most common indication for elective caesarean delivery in the United States.1,2 External cephalic version (ECV) aims to reduce the number of breech presentations at term and a recent meta-analysis showed ECV can be considered as a safe obstetrical procedure that reduces both non-cephalic birth and caesarean delivery by approximately 40-60%.3

Several methods have been proposed to enhance the outcome of ECV, including uterine relaxation, epidural or spinal analgesia and amnioinfusion as well as complementary meth-ods such as vibro-acoustic stimulation, acupuncture and moxibustion.4 Of these methods, drug induced uterine relaxation is the most promising to increase the success of ECV.4 The types of drugs used are nitric oxide, beta-mimetics, calcium channel antagonists and oxytocin antagonists. Each tocolytic has unique pathways and mechanisms, side effects, and different ways to administer.3

In randomized controlled trials (RCTs), individual tocolytic agents have been compared with placebo or other tocolytic agents. Although a recent Cochrane review demonstrated that beta-mimetics, compared to placebo, are the most effective in reducing non-cephalic birth (pooled RR 1.7, 95% CI 1.14 to 2.5) and caesarean delivery (pooled RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.88)4, this meta-analysis did not assess the comparative effectiveness of all available treatment options.

In the absence of robustly designed trials that compare all interventions of interest, an indirect comparison can provide useful evidence of the comparative effectiveness of com-peting interventions, especially those that have not been compared directly in randomized trials. A so-called network meta-analysis allows us to combine both direct and indirect evidence, and to rank treatments by comparative effectiveness. Even when the results of the direct evidence are conclusive, combining them with the results of indirect evidence in a network meta-analysis may contribute to a more refined and precise estimate of the outcome because it links and maximizes existing information within the network of treatment comparisons.5,6

We have systematically reviewed and analyzed RCTs on tocolytics for ECV and carried out a network meta-analysis to determine the most effective agent for enhancing the effectiveness of ECV.

44 | Chapter 3


Our study protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CDR42014008720). Our meta-analysis is reported in accordance with the PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate health care interventions and the extension of that statement for network meta-analysis.7,8

SourcesA medical librarian conducted a systematic search in OVID MEDLINE, OVID Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, DARE, NSHEED and the clinical trial register from inception to January 2018 to identify RCTs on the tocolytic treatment of ECV. To this end we searched for controlled terms (i.e. MESH) and free text terms for (1) breech or fetal version and (2) tocolyse or tocolytic agents, includ-ing specific tocolytic drugs. In MEDLINE and EMBASE this search was combined with a search-filter adapted from the Cochrane to identify RCTs. No language or date restrictions were applied. We cross-checked the reference lists and the citing articles of the identified relevant papers and adapted the search in case of additional relevant studies. The bib-liographic records retrieved were imported and de-duplicated in ENDNOTE. The complete search strategies are presented in appendix 1.

Study selectionWe included randomized trials comparing tocolytics to another tocolytic, placebo or no treatment in women with singleton pregnancies with a fetus in breech position from 34 weeks of gestation onwards. Two independent reviewers (JV and DE) first assessed eligibility of identified studies by title and abstract, and then by full text assessment. Dis-agreements was resolved by consensus and, if necessary, by consulting a third reviewer (MK).

Risk of bias was assessed by two authors (JV and DE) using the risk of bias tool devel-oped by the Cochrane Collaboration, which contains specific items that assess random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective reporting, and other sources of bias. Each domain was scored as low, high or unclear.9 A third author (MK) reviewed studies in which there was any disagreement about the risk of bias assess-ment.

Both reviewers used a standardized data extraction form to extract data on baseline characteristics (maternal age, maternal BMI, parity, gestational age, type of breech pre-sentation, mean estimated fetal weight, mean amniotic fluid index, placental location),

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 45


maternal adverse events as major side effects due to medication (e.g. hypotension, aller-gic reaction, anaphylactic shock, cessation of treatment), neonatal adverse events due to ECV (e.g. persisting non-reassuring fetal heart rate monitoring which necessitated an emergency caesarean delivery, placental abruption and fetal death), and the primary and secondary outcomes described below. When data or results were unclear or missing for the paper, the corresponding author of the trial was contacted for further information. Again, disagreements were resolved by consensus and, if necessary, by a third reviewer (MK).

OutcomesThe primary effectiveness outcome was successful ECV defined as a fetus in cephalic presentation immediately after ECV attempt. Secondary outcomes were mode of delivery (caesarean delivery and vaginal cephalic delivery) and incidence of fetal and maternal complications, and study drug related adverse events. Fetal complications were defined as persistent as non-reassuring fetal heart rate on cardiotocography (CTG) leading to emergency caesarean delivery, placental abruption, fetal and neonatal death, admission to neonatal intensive care, Apgar score less than 7 at five minutes. Maternal complica-tions were defined as the need of cessation of treatment because of side effects due to medication.

InterventionsWe distinguished five intervention classes: placebo, beta-mimetics (ritodrine, terbutaline, nylidrin, salbutamol, fenoterol, hexoprenaline, isoxsuprine), calcium channel blockers (nifedipine, nicardipine), nitric oxide (nitroglycerine, nitric oxide) and oxytocin receptor blockers (atosiban, barusiban).

Statistical analysisAll analyses were conducted within a frequentist framework and according to the inten-tion-to-treat principle. We conducted a network meta-analysis using a multivariate random effects meta-analysis to simultaneously compare the different tocolytic therapies for each outcome. Where head-to-head data were available we also performed random effects pair-wise meta-analyses, which were compared with the network meta-analysis estimates to assess consistency. An important assumption underpinning network meta-analysis is that there is consistency between the direct and indirect evidence10. This may not be the case if there is an imbalance in effect-modifiers across treatment comparisons. We there-fore pre-specified potential key effect modifiers i.e. maternal age, maternal BMI, parity, gestational age, type of breech presentation, mean estimated fetal weight, mean amniotic fluid index, placental location. We assessed whether they were similarly distributed across trials, through cross-tabulations and if necessary assessed the impact of these on the level

46 | Chapter 3

of the trial by adding these as covariates to a meta-regression model.11 Consistency was explored statistically assuming comparison-specific heterogeneity estimates. If the result-ing relative odds ratio (ROR) were higher than 2 inconsistency would be considered to be present. Relative treatment effects were reported as a risk ratios (RR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) and Prediction Intervals (PrI).

We calculated the probability of each treatment being the most or least effective for each outcome. As this can be an unstable metric, we also reported the rank for each treatment, with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst treatment. Statistical analyses were performed using STATA/SE 13.1 for Windows.

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 47



Of the 505 titles identified, 35 potentially eligible studies were assessed full text and 18 met the inclusion criteria (Figure 1). The characteristics of the included studies are outlined in Table 1 and all baseline characteristics of the included studies are presented in a separate table in the supplementary materials.

Records identified in

MEDLINE (n=222)

Records identified in

EMBASE (n=454)

Records identified in

CENTRAL (n=53)Sc











Records after duplicates removed(n=505)

Records excluded(n=470)

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility(n=35)

Studies included in systematic review(n=18)

Full-text articles excluded, with reasons (n = 17)

3 systematic reviews; 5 prospective cohort studies; 3 trials comparing ECV to no ECV; 2 abstracts for conference; 3 retrospective cohorts; 1 prospective

cohort study compared to historic cohort

Records identified in

Cochrane CDSR, Dare DARE &

NHSEED (n=5)

Records identified in (n=24)

Figure 1. PRISMA flow chart of search results and article selection

48 | Chapter 3

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of included studies

1st author Publication year Country Study design Sample size Overall Quality Index treatment Control treatment

Robertson20 1987 USA RCT 58 Low Ritodrine hydrochloride infusion 200 μg/minute for 20 mins


Tan21 1989 Singapore RCT 90 Low Salbutamol 4 mg orally 3 times a day for at least 1 day.


Stock22 1993 Hong Kong RCT 63 Low Ritodrine 0.3 mg per min infusion for 30 mins and during the procedure, and placebo bolus injection. Or placebo infusion and hexoprenaline 10 micrograms bolus injection.

Placebo infusion and bolus injection

Chung23 1996 Hong Kong RCT (doctor blinded)

50 High Ritodrine 0.4 mg/ml in 5% dextrose at 1.5 ml/min via an infusion pump,for 15 minutes before and during ECV attempt.

Placebo in matching infusion of 5% dextrose via in infusion pump, 15 minutes before and during ECV attempt

Marquette24 1996 Canada RCT (double-blinded)

283 Low Ritodrine infusion 1.5 ml vials with a ritodrine concentration of 10 mg/ml (111 μg/min) in 20 minutes before attempt.

Placebo in matching infusion and in same rate.

Fernandez25 1997 USA RCT (doctor blinded)

103 High Terbutaline 0.25 mg subcutaneously in unlabeled insulin syringe 15-30 minutes before ECV attempt

Placebo equal volume of unlabeled insulin syringe 15-30 minutes before ECV attempt

Yanny26 2000 UK RCT (double-blinded)

57 Low Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual spray 800 μg

Placebo spray

Bujold27 2003 Canada RCT 99 High Nitroglycerine 2 sublingual sprays of 400 mg 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

Placebo 2 sublingual sprays of placebo 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

Bujold28 2003 Canada RCT (double-blinded)

74 High Intravenous placebo for 20 minutes with sublingual nitroglycerine 0.8 mg 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

Ritodrine intravenously (111 μg/min) for 20 minutes with sublingual placebo 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

El-Sayed29 2004 USA RCT 59 Low Nitroglycerin intravenous 100 μg immediately before and after beginning ECV

Terbutaline subcutaneous injection 0.25 mg 5 minutes before ECV

Impey30 2005 UK RCT (double-blinded)

124 High Ritodrine hydrochloride (Yutopar) infusion of 50 mg (10 mg/ml) added to 12 ml dextrose saline via a syringe pump, starting at 1 ml/hour and increasing at 10-minute intervals to a maximum of 5 ml /hour.

Placebo in matching infusion and in same rate.

Nor Azlin31 2005 Malaysia RCT (double-blinded)

60 High Ritodrine inusion (0.4 mg/ml in 5% dextrose) via a syringe pump at the rate of 1.5 ml/min, beginning 15 minutes before and continuing throughout the procedure

Placebo in matching infusion and in same rate.

Collaris32 2008 Malaysia RCT (double-blinded)

90 High Nifedipine 10 mg tablet and intravenous placebo 0.9% sodium chloride and 1 ml syringe

Terbutaline sulphate (500 micro- grams/ml) together and 1 ml syringe and a placebo tablet

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 49


Table 1. Baseline characteristics of included studies

1st author Publication year Country Study design Sample size Overall Quality Index treatment Control treatment

Robertson20 1987 USA RCT 58 Low Ritodrine hydrochloride infusion 200 μg/minute for 20 mins


Tan21 1989 Singapore RCT 90 Low Salbutamol 4 mg orally 3 times a day for at least 1 day.


Stock22 1993 Hong Kong RCT 63 Low Ritodrine 0.3 mg per min infusion for 30 mins and during the procedure, and placebo bolus injection. Or placebo infusion and hexoprenaline 10 micrograms bolus injection.

Placebo infusion and bolus injection

Chung23 1996 Hong Kong RCT (doctor blinded)

50 High Ritodrine 0.4 mg/ml in 5% dextrose at 1.5 ml/min via an infusion pump,for 15 minutes before and during ECV attempt.

Placebo in matching infusion of 5% dextrose via in infusion pump, 15 minutes before and during ECV attempt

Marquette24 1996 Canada RCT (double-blinded)

283 Low Ritodrine infusion 1.5 ml vials with a ritodrine concentration of 10 mg/ml (111 μg/min) in 20 minutes before attempt.

Placebo in matching infusion and in same rate.

Fernandez25 1997 USA RCT (doctor blinded)

103 High Terbutaline 0.25 mg subcutaneously in unlabeled insulin syringe 15-30 minutes before ECV attempt

Placebo equal volume of unlabeled insulin syringe 15-30 minutes before ECV attempt

Yanny26 2000 UK RCT (double-blinded)

57 Low Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual spray 800 μg

Placebo spray

Bujold27 2003 Canada RCT 99 High Nitroglycerine 2 sublingual sprays of 400 mg 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

Placebo 2 sublingual sprays of placebo 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

Bujold28 2003 Canada RCT (double-blinded)

74 High Intravenous placebo for 20 minutes with sublingual nitroglycerine 0.8 mg 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

Ritodrine intravenously (111 μg/min) for 20 minutes with sublingual placebo 3 minutes before ECV attempt.

El-Sayed29 2004 USA RCT 59 Low Nitroglycerin intravenous 100 μg immediately before and after beginning ECV

Terbutaline subcutaneous injection 0.25 mg 5 minutes before ECV

Impey30 2005 UK RCT (double-blinded)

124 High Ritodrine hydrochloride (Yutopar) infusion of 50 mg (10 mg/ml) added to 12 ml dextrose saline via a syringe pump, starting at 1 ml/hour and increasing at 10-minute intervals to a maximum of 5 ml /hour.

Placebo in matching infusion and in same rate.

Nor Azlin31 2005 Malaysia RCT (double-blinded)

60 High Ritodrine inusion (0.4 mg/ml in 5% dextrose) via a syringe pump at the rate of 1.5 ml/min, beginning 15 minutes before and continuing throughout the procedure

Placebo in matching infusion and in same rate.

Collaris32 2008 Malaysia RCT (double-blinded)

90 High Nifedipine 10 mg tablet and intravenous placebo 0.9% sodium chloride and 1 ml syringe

Terbutaline sulphate (500 micro- grams/ml) together and 1 ml syringe and a placebo tablet

50 | Chapter 3

The treatment drug under study was beta-mimetics in nine studies, calcium channel block-ers in three studies, five studies used nitric oxide and one study used oxytocin receptor blockers. Thirteen trials were placebo controlled and the other five studies used beta-mi-metics as a control group. Figure 2 presents the evidence network of the trials that had data available on ECV success rate (2A; 18 trials), caesarean delivery (2B; 12 trials), and vaginal cephalic delivery (2C; 12 trials).

No evidence network was constructed for the outcomes of poor fetal and severe maternal complications due to the low incidence of these outcomes. An overall estimate of the inci-dence of these outcomes was determined by dividing the number of events by the total number of women. No formal meta-analysis was performed for these outcomes. The risk of bias of the included trials is demonstrated in Supplementary Figure 1.

Successful ECVEighteen trials (n = 2 613) were included in the network meta-analysis for the outcome suc-cessful ECV (Figure 2A). A total of 1009 women (39%) were assigned to beta-mimetics, 241 (9%) were assigned to calcium channel blockers, 212 (8%) were assigned to nitric oxide, 410 (16%) were assigned to oxytocin receptor blockers, and 741 (28%) were assigned to placebo.

Figure 3 shows the pooled estimates of the network meta-analysis for each comparison. Beta-mimetics was the only tocolytic agent that was found to increase ECV success rate in comparison to placebo (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.28 to 2.0). Oxytocin receptor blockers showed a non-significant increase in ECV success rate (RR 1.31, 95% CI 0.78 to 2.21). Both calcium

Table 1. Continued

1st author Publication year Country Study design Sample size Overall Quality Index treatment Control treatment

Kok33 2008 The Netherlands

Multicenter RCT (double-


310 High Nifedipine 10 mg 30 and 15 minutes before ECV attempt.

Placebo 30 and 15 minutes before ECV attempt.

Nor Azlin34 2008 Malaysia RCT (doctor blinded)

86 High Nifedipine 20 mg tablet 20 minutes before ECV attempt.

Terbutaline 50 μg intravenously slow bolus 20 minutes before ECV attempt.

Hilton35 2009 Canada Multicenter RCT (double-


126 High Nitroglycerin intravenously 10 ml of 100 μg/ml

Placebo in matching infusion

Vani36 2009 Malaysia RCT (open-label)

114 Low Salbutamol 0.1 mg intravenously every 5 minutes till maternal pulse was > 100 bpm.


Velzel16 2017 The Netherlands

Multicenter RCT

830 High intravenous bolus of atosiban of 6.75 mg in 0.9 ml (7.5 mg/ml)

fenoterol bolus of 40 μg in 0.8 ml (0.5 mg/10 ml)

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 51


channel blockers and nitric oxide performed almost equal in comparison with placebo (respectively RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.6 and RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.4). RORs in the two closed loops in the network were 1.7 (95% CI 1.0 to 4.2) for the placebo – beta-mimetics – nitric oxide loop, and 1.0 (95% CI 1.0 to 1.8) for the placebo – beta-mimetics – calcium channel blockers loop, which provides support for the assumption of consistency required for network meta-analysis. Results of the pairwise meta-analyses are presented in Supple-mentary Material, and showed to be comparable to the risk ratios found in the network meta-analysis.

Table 2 shows the rank probability for each intervention for successful ECV. Beta-mimetics had the highest probability (77.5%) of being ranked the best treatment option and had a mean rank of 1.2. Oxytocin receptor blockers had the second highest probability (20.6%) of being the best treatment method, with a mean rank of 2.4.

Caesarean deliveryCaesarean delivery was reported in 12 trials (n = 2231). A total of 895 women (40%) were assigned to beta-mimetics, 241 (11%) were assigned to calcium channel blockers, 95 (4%) were assigned to nitric oxide, 410 (18%) were assigned to oxytocin receptor blockers, and 590 (26%) were assigned to placebo (Figure 2B).

Table 1. Continued

1st author Publication year Country Study design Sample size Overall Quality Index treatment Control treatment

Kok33 2008 The Netherlands

Multicenter RCT (double-


310 High Nifedipine 10 mg 30 and 15 minutes before ECV attempt.

Placebo 30 and 15 minutes before ECV attempt.

Nor Azlin34 2008 Malaysia RCT (doctor blinded)

86 High Nifedipine 20 mg tablet 20 minutes before ECV attempt.

Terbutaline 50 μg intravenously slow bolus 20 minutes before ECV attempt.

Hilton35 2009 Canada Multicenter RCT (double-


126 High Nitroglycerin intravenously 10 ml of 100 μg/ml

Placebo in matching infusion

Vani36 2009 Malaysia RCT (open-label)

114 Low Salbutamol 0.1 mg intravenously every 5 minutes till maternal pulse was > 100 bpm.


Velzel16 2017 The Netherlands

Multicenter RCT

830 High intravenous bolus of atosiban of 6.75 mg in 0.9 ml (7.5 mg/ml)

fenoterol bolus of 40 μg in 0.8 ml (0.5 mg/10 ml)

52 | Chapter 3


Oxytocin receptorblockers




9 / 894

2 / 133

3 / 2821 / 310

1 / 830

2 / 176

A: network for the outcome successful ECV


Oxytocin receptorblockers




5 / 512

1 / 74

3 / 2821 / 310

1 / 830

2 / 176

B: network for the outcome caesarean delivery

Figure 2. Graphic representation of tocolytic trials retrieved for network meta-analysis. Lines rep-resent trials comparing two classes of drug. Numbers on lines represent number of trials and total number of participants in those trials.

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 53



Oxytocin receptorblockers




5 / 459

2 / 133

3 / 282

1 / 830

2 / 176

C: network for the outcome vaginal cephalic delivery

Figure 2. Continued.

Figure 3 shows the pooled estimates of the network meta-analysis for each comparison for caesarean delivery. Compared to placebo, both beta-mimetics and oxytocin receptor blockers showed to decrease the caesarean delivery rate significantly (respectively RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.70 to 0.86 and RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.72 to 0.99), and nitric oxide and calcium channel blockers are less likely to decrease the caesarean delivery rate (respectively RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.01 and RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.29). RORs in the two closed loops in the net-work were 1.0 (95% CI 1.0 to 1.8) for the placebo – beta-mimetics – nitric oxide loop, and 1.0 (95% CI 1.0 to 1.5) for the placebo – beta-mimetics – calcium channel blockers loop, which provides support for the assumption of consistency required for network meta-anal-ysis. Results of the pairwise meta-analyses are presented in Supplementary Material, and showed to be comparable to the risk ratios found in the network meta-analysis.

54 | Chapter 3

RR 95% CI 95% PrI

1.60 (1.28 to 1.98) (0.93 to 2.75)0.98 (0.68 to 1.42) (0.52 to 1.85)1.09 (0.76 to 1.56) (0.58 to 2.05)1.31 (0.78 to 2.21) (0.62 to 2.79)

0.62 (0.42 to 0.89) (0.33 to 1.16)0.68 (0.48 to 0.97) (0.36 to 1.27)0.82 (0.51 to 1.32) (0.40 to 1.68)

1.11 (0.68 to 1.81) (0.53 to 2.30)1.33 (0.73 to 2.44) (0.58 to 3.05)

1.21 (0.67 to 2.18) (0.53 to 2.73)

Treatment Effect

Beta-mimetic vs Placebo

Nitric oxide vs Placebo

Calcium channel blocker vs Placebo

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Placebo

Nitric oxide vs Beta-mimetic

Calcium channel blocker vs Beta-mimetic

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Beta-mimetic

Calcium channel blocker vs Nitric oxide

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Nitric oxide

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Calcium channel blocker

0.2 0.5 2 51

Relative Risk active vs. control

Figure 3. Pooled estimates of treatment effects for each comparison for successful ECV. Black line represent risk ratios (RR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) and the outer line represent prediction Intervals (PrI).

Relative Risk active vs. control

0.5 21

RR 95% CI 95% PrI

0.78 (0.70 to 0.86) (0.68 to 0.89)

0.84 (0.70 to 1.01) (0.67 to 1.06)

1.09 (0.92 to 1.29) (0. 98 to 1.35)

0.85 (0.72 to 0.99) (0.69 to 1.04)

1.08 (0.88 to 1.32) (0.84 to 1.39)

1.40 (1.19 to 1.66) (1.14 to 1.73)

1.09 (0.96 to 1.23) (0.93 to 1.27)

1.30 (1.02 to 1.66) (0.96 to 1.76)

1.01 (0.80 to 1.27) (0.75 to 1.35)

0.78 (0.63 to 0.95) (0.60 to 1.01)

Treatment Effect

Beta-mimetic vs Placebo

Nitric oxide vs Placebo

Calcium channel blocker vs Placebo

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Placebo

Nitric oxide vs Beta-mimetic

Calcium channel blocker vs Beta-mimetic

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Beta-mimetic

Calcium channel blocker vs Nitric oxide

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Nitric oxide

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Calcium channel blocker

Figure 4. Pooled estimates of treatment effects for each comparison for successful ECV. Black line represent risk ratios (RR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) and the outer line represent prediction Intervals (PrI).

Beta-mimetics had the highest probability (70%) of being ranked the best treatment option with a mean rank of 1.3. Nitric oxide had the second highest probability (22%) of being the best treatment method with a mean rank of 2.3 (Table 2).

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 55


Vaginal cephalic deliveryVaginal cephalic delivery was reported in 12 trials (n = 1811). A total of 795 women (44%) were assigned to beta-mimetics, 87 (5%) were assigned to calcium channel blockers, 181 (10%) were assigned to nitric oxide, 410 (23%) were assigned to oxytocin receptor blockers, and 338 (19%) were assigned to placebo (Figure 2C).

Figure 4 shows the pooled estimates of the network meta-analysis for each comparison for vaginal cephalic delivery. Compared to placebo, only beta-mimetics showed a significant increase in vaginal cephalic deliveries (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.15 to 2.3). Oxytocin receptor block-ers showed non-statistically significant increase in vaginal cephalic deliveries (RR 1.45, 95% CI 0.71 to 3.0). Both nitric oxide and calcium channel blockers performed almost equal in comparison to placebo (respectively RR 1.13, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.8 and RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.51 to 2.1). RORs in the one closed loop in the network was 1.0 (95% CI 1.0 to 3.3) for the placebo – beta-mimetics – nitric oxide loop, which provides support for the assumption of consistency required for network meta-analysis. Results of the pairwise meta-analyses are presented in Supplementary Material, and showed to be comparable to the risk ratios found in the network meta-analysis.

RR 95% CI 95% PrI

1.64 (1.15 to 2.34) (0.71 to 3.77)

1.13 (0.71 to 1.82) (0.46 to 2.83)

1.04 (0.51 to 2.14) (0.34 to 3.21)

1.45 (0.71 to 2.96) (0.47 to 4.45)

0.69 (0.42 to 1.13) (0.27 to 1.75)

0.64 (0.34 to 1.19) (0.23 to 1.80)

0.89 (0.48 to 1.65) (0.31 to 2.49)

0.92 (0.42 to 2.03) (0.28 to 3.03)

1.28 (0.58 to 2.82) (0.39 to 4.21)

1.39 (0.58 to 3.35) (0.39 to 5.00)

Relative Risk active vs. control

Treatment Effect

Beta-mimetic vs Placebo

Nitric oxide vs Placebo

Calcium channel blocker vs Placebo

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Placebo

Nitric oxide vs Beta-mimetic

Calcium channel blocker vs Beta-mimetic

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Beta-mimetic

Calcium channel blocker vs Nitric oxide

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Nitric oxide

Oxytocin receptor blocker vs Calcium channel blocker

210.2 0.5 5

Figure 5. Pooled estimates of treatment effects for each comparison for successful ECV. Black line represent risk ratios (RR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) and the outer line represent prediction Intervals (PrI).

Beta-mimetics had the highest probability (54%) of being ranked the best treatment option with a mean rank of 1.5. Oxytocin receptor blockers had the second highest probability (34%) of being the best treatment method with a mean rank of 2.3 (Table 2).

56 | Chapter 3

Table 2: The rank probabilities for each intervention for successful ECV, caesarean delivery rate and vaginal cephalic delivery

Tocolytic agent Probability of being the best treatment (%) based on estimated probabilities

Mean Rank

Probability of being the best treatment (%) based on predictive probabilities

Mean Rank

Successful ECV

Beta-mimetic 77.5 1.2 64.3 1.4

Calcium channel blockers 1.4 3.4 6.3 3.3

Nitric oxide 0.5 4.0 3.0 3.9

Oxytocin receptor blockers 20.6 2.4 25.0 2.5

Placebo 1.4 3.4 1.4 3.8

Caesarean delivery

Beta-mimetic 70.1 1.3 70.3 1.3

Calcium channel blockers 0.0 4.8 0.0 4.8

Nitric oxide 22.1 2.3 21.9 2.3

Oxytocin receptor blockers 7.8 2.5 7.8 2.5

Placebo 0.0 4.1 0.0 4.1

Vaginal cephalic delivery

Beta-mimetic 54.7 1.5 45.6 1.8

Calcium channel blockers 6.2 3.4 8.9 3.6

Nitric oxide 5.3 3.7 9.4 3.3

Oxytocin receptor blockers 33.7 2.3 8.9 3.6

Placebo 0.1 4.1 3.0 3.9

Effect modificationThe availability of effect modifiers in the included trials was limited (Table 3). To prevent too much loss of information and to maintain a substantial network of evidence we therefore only assessed effect modification for the three potential effect modifiers that were most frequently available, i.e. maternal age (17/18 trials for ECV success, and 12/12 trials for caesarean delivery and vaginal cephalic delivery), parity (14/18 trials for ECV success, 10/12 trials for caesarean delivery, and 9/12 trials for vaginal cephalic delivery), and gestational age at ECV (15/18 trial for ECV success, 11/12 trials for caesarean delivery and vaginal cephalic delivery). Meta-regression indicated no modification of treatment effects across all comparisons and investigated outcomes.

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 57


Table 3. Availability of effector modifiers per study

Study Outcomes Potential effect modifier

Successful ECV

Caesarean delivery

Cephalic vaginal delivery

Mean age


Maternal w


Body Mass Index

Gestational age at ECV

Estimated fetal w



Frank breech

Placental location

Amniotic Fluid Index

Robertson ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Tan ● ● ●

Stock ● ● ● ●

Chung ● ● ●

Marquette ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Fernandez ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Yanny ● ● ● ● ●

Bujold ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Bujold ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

El-Sayed ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Impey ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Nor Azlin ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Collaris ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Kok ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Nor Azlin ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Hilton ● ● ● ● ● ●

Vani ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Velzel ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Fetal and maternal complicationsIn Table 4, we demonstrate the frequencies of poor fetal and severe maternal complica-tions among the included studies. Fetal and neonatal death occurred in 12 of 2156 women (0.19%). The risk for a non-reassuring CTG leading to an emergency caesarean delivery was 0.47%. Placental abruption occurred in 1 of 1238 women (0.08%). The ECV attempt was stopped in 2 women out of 2006 (0.10%) due to severe hypotension. The distribution of fetal and severe maternal was similar between the intervention and control groups.

58 | Chapter 3

Table 4: Complications of ECV and drug related adverse events in the included studies

Outcome Number of studies

Total number of patients

Result N (%)

Adverse Fetal events after ECV 13 2319 11 (0.47)*

Fetal/neonatal death 12 2156 4 (0.19)†

Placental abruption 4 1238 1 (0.08)

NICU admission 5 1363 52 (3.8)

AS < 7 after 5 minutes 6 1521 22 (1.4)

Adverse Maternal events during ECV 9 2006 2 (0.10)‡

* All cases non-reassuring CTG leading to emergency caesarean † Two babies died after delivery of severe congenital disorder, one intra-uterine fetal death 4 weeks after ECV and one baby died two hours after a vacuum assisted delivery for prolonged second stage of labor‡ Both women had severe hypotension with the need to stop the procedure. One woman received nitric oxide, the other woman a beta-mimetic

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 59



In this network meta-analysis we assessed the comparative effectiveness of four different classes of tocolytic agents and placebo to enhance ECV success rate. We demonstrated that beta-mimetics was the most effective tocolytic to increase ECV success rate and the number of vaginal cephalic deliveries. It also decreased caesarean delivery rates.

This is the first network meta-analysis comparing tocolytic agents used for ECV. Our net-work meta-analysis considered all available knowledge on tocolytic agents used for ECV obtained from randomized clinical trials and as such is the best available evidence on the comparative effectiveness of these agents. Using network meta-analysis, we were able to provide the comparative effectiveness of treatments that have not been compared before in head-to-head trials. Therefore, we were able to rank these agents based on the probabilities of the best available treatment option.

A potential limitation of this study is that we were not able to report on all relevant neo-natal and maternal outcomes. Unfortunately, these outcomes were poorly reported in the included studies, and if reported their occurrence was rare. Therefore, we were not able to perform an accurate analysis for these outcomes. We found that the distribution of fetal and severe maternal outcomes was similar between the intervention and control groups, and therefore it seems that these outcomes occur independent of the use of tocolytics. The reported rates of serious complications such as still-birth and placental abruption in our study correspond to that in other systematic reviews of cohort studies (in our study 0.27% and in systematic reviews 0.24%).12–14 It is important to weigh this risk of complications with an ECV in light of the mode of delivery for term breech presenta-tion as alternative, in which the risk of perinatal mortality is approximately 2.0/1000 with planned vaginal breech birth and 0.5/1000 with caesarean section and in future preg-nancies 1.0/1000.15

Our results are in line with a previous pairwise meta-analysis. A recent Cochrane review found that women using beta-mimetics for uterine relaxation for ECV had a higher rate of cephalic birth (pooled RR 1.7, 95% CI 1.14 to 2.5) and a lower chance on caesarean delivery (pooled RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.88), compared to placebo.4 There was no signif-icant difference with regards to caesarean delivery for calcium channel blockers and nitric oxide compared to placebo. Our study complements this knowledge with the finding that beta-mimetics are not only preferable to placebo but also to the other tocolytic agents.Women who are eligible for an ECV attempt should be adequately counselled about the effectiveness of beta-mimetics and the potential side effects. Side effects occur frequently (71%)16, but are limited to transient feelings of tachycardia, while severe hypotension

60 | Chapter 3

occurred in only in one out of 408 patients (0.2%) after the use of fenoterol.16 In our opin-ion ECV with fenoterol is the optimal treatment for women with a breech presentation. Despite the truly unpleasant though transient side effects of tachycardia and flushes, it outweighs the risk of a caesarean section for breech presentation and associated com-plication risks. The results of a patient’s preference study confirm this: as long the gain in success rate outweighs possible side effects like tachycardia, most women are willing to undergo treatment with beta-mimetics.17

We want to emphasize the importance of core clinical outcome sets for clinical studies. The first systematic review on tocolytic agents for ECV was published in 200418 and the first systematic review on safety of ECV was published 2 years later in 2006.19 Now, another 12 years later we still need to conclude that treatment safety is poorly reported in randomized clinical trials reporting on ECV. The fact that earlier studies did not show frequent occurring major side effects does not relieve researchers from the obligation to report on important safety outcomes. Especially with rare events, only large (combined) data sets can truly inform us on the potential burdens of treatments for mothers, fetus and future offspring. An interesting topic of study is whether all women benefit from tocolytic therapy in an equal matter, or if women with more favorable baseline characteristics (which correspond to an increased success rate such as parity, placenta localization, frank breech etc.) ben-efit more or whether there are women that would benefit less. Withholding unnecessary treatment is a noble endeavor and an obligation for doctors searching for best treatment options for individual patients.

In conclusion, beta-mimetics are the most effective tocolytic agent with respect to enhance the effectiveness of ECV as indicated by an increased ECV success rate and cephalic vaginal delivery rate, and a reduced caesarean delivery rate. Oxytocin receptor blockers were less effective than beta-mimetics, while calcium channel blockers and nitric oxide are not effective in ECV. We recommend beta-mimetics as the tocolytic of first choice in women undergoing ECV.

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 61



1. Molkenboer, J. F. M., Bouckaert, P. X. J. M. & Roumen, F. J. M. E. Recent trends in breech delivery in the Netherlands. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 110, 948–51 (2003).

2. Rietberg, C. C. T., Elferink-Stinkens, P. M. & Visser, G. H. A. The effect of the Term Breech Trial on medical intervention behaviour and neonatal outcome in The Netherlands: an analysis of 35,453 term breech infants. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 112, 205–9 (2005).

3. Hofmeyr, G. J., Kulier, R. & West, H. M. External cephalic version for breech pre-sentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 4 (2015).

4. Cluver, C., Gyte, G. M. L., Sinclair, M., Dow-swell, T. & Hofmeyr, G. J. Interventions for helping to turn term breech babies to head first presentation when using external cephalic version. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2 (2015).

5. Jansen, J. P. et al. Interpreting indirect treatment comparisons and network meta-analysis for health-care decision making: Report of the ISPOR task force on indirect treatment comparisons good research practices: Part 1. Value Heal. 14, 417–428 (2011).

6. Hoaglin, D. C. et al. Conducting indi-rect - t reatment -compar ison and network-meta-analysis studies: Report of the ISPOR task force on indirect treatment comparisons good research practices: Part 2. Value Heal. 14, 429–437 (2011).

7. Moher, D., Liberati, A., Tetzlaff, J. & Altman, D. G. Preferred reporting items for sys-tematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. BMJ 339, b2535 (2009).

8. Hutton, B. et al. The PRISMA extension statement for reporting of systematic reviews incorporating network meta-anal-yses of health care interventions: Checklist and explanations. Ann. Intern. Med. 162, 777–784 (2015).

9. Higgins, J. P. T. et al. The Cochrane Collab-oration’s tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials. (2011).

10. Lu, G. & Ades, A. E. Assessing evidence inconsistency in mixed treatment com-parisons. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 101, 447–459 (2006).

11. Jansen, J. P. Network meta-analysis of indi-vidual and aggregate level data. Res. Synth. Methods 3, 177–190 (2012).

12. Collaris, R. J. & Oei, S. G. External cephalic version: a safe procedure? A systematic review of version-related risks. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 83, 511–8 (2004).

13. Rijnders, M. et al. A retrospective study of the success, safety and effectiveness of external cephalic version without tocoly-sis in a specialised midwifery centre in the Netherlands. Midwifery 24, 38–45 (2008).

14. Rosman, A. N. et al. Contraindications for external cephalic version in breech position at term: A systematic review. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 92, 137–142 (2013).

15. No, G. G. Management of Breech Pre-sentation: Green-top Guideline No. 20b Management of Breech Presentation : Green-top Guideline No. 20b. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 151–177 (2017).

16. Velzel, J. et al. Atosiban versus fenoterol as a uterine relaxant for external cephalic version: A randomized controlled trial. BMJ 356, (2017).

17. Vlemmix, F. et al. Patient’s willingness to opt for external cephalic version. J. Psychosom. Obstet. Gynaecol. 34, 15–21 (2013).

18. Hofmeyr, G. J. Interventions to help external cephalic version for breech presentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. (2004).

19. Nassar, N. et al. Systematic review of adverse outcomes of external cephalic version and persisting breech presenta-tion at term. Paediatr. Perinat. Epidemiol. 20, 163–71 (2006).

62 | Chapter 3

20. Robertson, A. W. et al. External cephalic version at term: is a tocolytic necessary? Obstet. Gynecol. 70, 896–9 (1987).

21. Tan, G. W., Jen, S. W., Tan, S. L. & Salmon, Y. M. A prospective randomised controlled trial of external cephalic version compar-ing two methods of uterine tocolysis with a non-tocolysis group. Singapore Med. J. 30, 155–8 (1989).

22. Stock, A., Chung, T., Rogers, M. & Ming, W. W. Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled comparison of ritodrine and hexoprenaline for tocolysis prior to exter-nal cephalic version at term. Aust. New Zeal. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 33, 265–8 (1993).

23. Chung, T., Neale, E., Lau, T. K. & Rogers, M. A randomized, double blind, controlled trial of tocolysis to assist external cephalic version in late pregnancy. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 75, 720–4 (1996).

24. Marquette, G. P., Boucher, M., Thériault, D. & Rinfret, D. Does the use of a tocolytic agent affect the success rate of external cephalic version? Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 175, 859–61 (1996).

25. Fernandez, C. O., Bloom, S. L., Smulian, J. C., Ananth, C. V & Wendel, G. D. A Ran-domized Placebo-Controlled Evaluation of Terbutaline for External Cephalic Version. Obstet. Gynecol. 90, 775–9 (1997).

26. Yanny, H. et al. Double-blind randomised controlled trial of glyceryl trinitrate spray for external cephalic version. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 107, 562–4 (2000).

27. Bujold, E. et al. Sublingual nitroglycerine as a tocolytic in external cephalic version: a comparative study. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Can. 25, 203–7 (2003).

28. Bujold, E., Marquette, G. P., Ferreira, E., Gauthier, R. J. & Boucher, M. Sublingual nitroglycerin versus intravenous ritodrine as tocolytic for external cephalic version: A double-blinded randomized trial. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 188, 1454–1459 (2003).

29. El-Sayed, Y. Y. et al. Randomized com-parison of intravenous nitroglycerin and subcutaneous terbutaline for external cephalic version under tocolysis. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 191, 2051–5 (2004).

30. Impey, L. & Pandit, M. Tocolysis for repeat external cephalic version in breech presentation at term: a randomised, dou-ble-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 112, 627–31 (2005).

31. Nor Azlin, M. I. et al. Tocolysis in term breech external cephalic version. Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 88, 5–8 (2005).

32. Collaris, R. & Tan, P. C. Oral nifepidine versus subcutaneous terbutaline tocolysis for external cephalic version: a double-blind randomised trial. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 116, 74-80–1 (2009).

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36. Vani, S., Lau, S. Y., Lim, B. K., Omar, S. Z. & Tan, P. C. Intravenous salbutamol for external cephalic version. Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 104, 28–31 (2009).

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 63


Suplemantary material:

Table with all baseline characteristics of all included studies

Study Baseline characteristics IncidenceIndex group

IncidenceControl group

N or mean

SD N or mean


Robertson Total 28 30

Mean age 24,1 0,4 22,4 0,3

Nulliparous 16 17

Mean maternal weight (lbs) 158 5,1 161 4,4

Mean gestational age (wks) 38,9 0,2 38,9 0,2

Mean estimated fetal weight (g) 3180 60 3043 51

Tan Total 30 30

Nulliparous 17 17

Gestation < 36 weeks 9 9

Gestation > = 36 weeks 21 21

Stock Total 21 21

Mean age 26,9 4,1 29,2 4,7

Nulliparous 9 9

Mean maternal weight (kg) 58,8 5,4 64,5 5,9

Mean gestational age (wks) 37,6 1,1 37,9 1,1

Chung Total 25 25

Mean age 30,1 24-38 (range)

28,8 18-43 (range)

Nulliparous 15 15

Mean gestational age (wks) 36,6 36-38 (range)

37,1 36-38 (range)

Marquette Total 138 145

Mean age 28,5 0,45 29,3 0,41

BMI 27,7 3,1 28,1 3,4

AFI 11,8 0,34 12,2 0,36

Nulliparous 58 49

Frank Breech 59 43

Mean gestational age (wks) 37,4 0,08 37,3 0,08

Fernandez Total 52 51

Mean age 23,4 4,9 25,7 5,4

Mean gestational age (wks) 38,4 1,3 38,7 1,9

AFI 13,3 4,8 13,2 4,3

Mean estimated fetal weight (g) 3142 434 3162 484

64 | Chapter 3

Table with all baseline characteristics of all included studies

Study Baseline characteristics IncidenceIndex group

IncidenceControl group

N or mean

SD N or mean


Yanny Total 31 26

Mean age 28 4,1 28,1 5

Frank Breech 14 12

Bujold Total 50 50

Mean age 31,5 21-41 (range)

31,7 21-44 (range)

Mean maternal weight (kg) 75 58-102 (range)

73 46-102 (range)

AFI 11,2 5,6-29,3 (range)

13,8 5,0-25,0 (range)

Nulliparous 0 0

Frank Breech 16 25

Mean estimated fetal weight (g) 3063 2218-4305


2979 2010-4031


Anterior Placenta 21 21

Bujold Total 38 36

Mean age 30 19-42 (range)

29 19-38 (range)

Mean maternal weight (kg) 72 59-113 (range)

74 37-117 (range)

AFI 11,8 7,9-20,8 (range)

12,6 6,3-22,4 (range)

Mean gestational age (wks) 37,4 36,1-39,3 (range)

37,4 36,3-38,7 (range)

Frank Breech 20 19

Mean estimated fetal weight (g) 3014 2458-4544


3050 2490-3880


Anterior Placenta 12 13

El-Sayed Total

Maternal age (y) 31,1 5,6 31,7 4,8

Gestational age at ECV (wk) 38,4 0,7 38,4 0,8

Multiparity 13 11

Estimated fetal weight (g) 3266 336 3227 398

Body mass index 28,6 4 30,2 7

Anterior placenta 21 24

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 65


Table with all baseline characteristics of all included studies

Study Baseline characteristics IncidenceIndex group

IncidenceControl group

N or mean

SD N or mean


Impey Total

Maternal age 30,6 4,5 30,9 5,5

Nulliparous 44 45

Caucasian race 61 61

Frank breech 38 42

Liquor pool depth (mm) 43,3 47,7

Gestation at ECV (weeks) 37,5 0,81 37,5 0,85

Nor Azlin Total 30 30

Mean age 29,13 4,49 27,5 4,28

AFI 15,2 4,18 14,6 3,67

Nulliparous 22 23

Frank Breech 18 14

Collaris Total 44 46

Mean age 30 5 30 5

Nulliparous 23 25

Frank Breech 21 25

Gestation at ECV (weeks) 38 1 38 1

AFI 9,5 2,6 10,6 3,3

Anterior placenta 43,2 32,6

Estimated fetal weight (kg) 2,8 0,4 2,8 0,3

Kok Total 154 156

Mean age 33,6 4,2 34,1 4,5

Nulliparous 78 83

Gestation at ECV (days) 258,8 5,9 259,3 6,2

Caucasian race 126 133

BMI 24,7 4,6 24,8 4,3

Estimated fetal weight (kg) 2732 396 2672 376

Frank Breech 119 114

Anterior placenta 44 55

AFI <10 19 23

66 | Chapter 3

Table with all baseline characteristics of all included studies

Study Baseline characteristics IncidenceIndex group

IncidenceControl group

N or mean

SD N or mean


Nor Azlin Total 43 43

Mean age 28,5 4,06 29,9 5,15

Nulliparous 18 21

Gestation at ECV (weeks) 37,8 0,8 37,5 0,4

Frank Breech 24 24

AFI 12,9 2,7 12,3 2,8

Hilton Total 65 61

Maternal age 30 5 (range) 29 4 (range)

Gestation at ECV (weeks) 37 5 (range) 37

Anterior Placenta 22 18

Vani Total 57 57

Mean age 28,2 4,8 (range)

28,7 4,3 (range)

Nulliparous 31 27

Gestation at ECV (weeks) 38 0,6 (range)

38 0,6 (range)

Frank Breech 29 28

Anterior placenta 19 33

AFI <10 28 24

Velzel Total 410 408

Age in years (mean; SD) 32.1 (4.0) 32.4 (4.3)

Multiparous women (%) 154 (37.6%) 153 (37.5%)

Gestational age at ECV (mean; SD)

35.8 (0.9) 35.9 (1.0)

Caucasian ethnicity (%) 350 (49.6%) 355 (50.4%)

BMI (mean; SD) 24.1 (4.3) 24.2 (4.8)

Estimated fetal weight (mean; SD)

2622 (391.0) 2572 (457.5)

Frank breech (%) 300 (76.5) 273 (69.8)

Anterior placental location (%) 127 (32.9) 144 (37.3)

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 67


Risk of bias:


Random sequence generation

(selection bias)

Allocation concealment

(selection bias)

Blinding of participants and personnel(perform

ance bias)

Blinding of outcome assessm

ent(detection bias)

Incomplete outcom

e data(attrition bias)

Selective reporting(reporting bias)

Other bias

Robertson ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Tan ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Stock ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Chung ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Marquette ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Fernandez ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Yanny ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Bujold ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Bujold ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

El-Sayed ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Impey ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Nor Azlin ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Collaris ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Kok ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Nor Azlin ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Hilton ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Vani ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Velzel ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

68 | Chapter 3

Supplementary table pairwise meta-analysis of interventions in random effects model.

Outcome Intervention Control Number of studies RR 95% CI I2

Successful ECV Beta-mimetics Placebo 9 1.55 1.22 to 2.0 52.3

Nitric oxide Placebo 3 1.30 0.63 to 2.7 72.0

Calcium channel blocker Placebo 1 1.12 0.85 to 1.47 0.0

Nitric oxide Beta-mimetics 2 0.49 0.30 to 0.80 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Beta-mimetics 2 0.67 0.48 to 0.93 0.0

Oxytocin receptor blocker Beta-mimetics 1 0.82 0.69 to 0.98 0.0

Caesarean delivery Beta-mimetics Placebo 6 0.77 0.67 to 0.88 24.6

Nitric oxide Placebo 1 0.84 0.68 to 1.04 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Placebo 1 1.11 0.88 to 1.40 0.0

Nitric oxide Beta-mimetics 1 1.07 0.73 to 1.6 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Beta-mimetics 2 1.38 1.10 to 1.7 0.0

Oxytocin receptor blocker Beta-mimetics 1 1.09 0.96 to 1.23 0.0

Cephalic vaginal delivery Beta-mimetics Placebo 5 1.7 1.10 to 2.5 52.3

Nitric oxide Placebo 2 1.20 0.48 to 3.0 80.5

Nitric oxide Beta-mimetics 2 0.69 0.39 to 1.20 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Beta-mimetics 2 0.67 0.40 to 1.01 0.0

Oxytocin receptor blocker Beta-mimetics 1 0.89 0.74 to 1.06 0.0

Systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for ECV | 69


Supplementary table pairwise meta-analysis of interventions in random effects model.

Outcome Intervention Control Number of studies RR 95% CI I2

Successful ECV Beta-mimetics Placebo 9 1.55 1.22 to 2.0 52.3

Nitric oxide Placebo 3 1.30 0.63 to 2.7 72.0

Calcium channel blocker Placebo 1 1.12 0.85 to 1.47 0.0

Nitric oxide Beta-mimetics 2 0.49 0.30 to 0.80 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Beta-mimetics 2 0.67 0.48 to 0.93 0.0

Oxytocin receptor blocker Beta-mimetics 1 0.82 0.69 to 0.98 0.0

Caesarean delivery Beta-mimetics Placebo 6 0.77 0.67 to 0.88 24.6

Nitric oxide Placebo 1 0.84 0.68 to 1.04 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Placebo 1 1.11 0.88 to 1.40 0.0

Nitric oxide Beta-mimetics 1 1.07 0.73 to 1.6 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Beta-mimetics 2 1.38 1.10 to 1.7 0.0

Oxytocin receptor blocker Beta-mimetics 1 1.09 0.96 to 1.23 0.0

Cephalic vaginal delivery Beta-mimetics Placebo 5 1.7 1.10 to 2.5 52.3

Nitric oxide Placebo 2 1.20 0.48 to 3.0 80.5

Nitric oxide Beta-mimetics 2 0.69 0.39 to 1.20 0.0

Calcium channel blocker Beta-mimetics 2 0.67 0.40 to 1.01 0.0

Oxytocin receptor blocker Beta-mimetics 1 0.89 0.74 to 1.06 0.0

Chapter 4Effectiveness of moxibustion in women with breech presentation in combination with external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Joost VelzelRui WangGabriëlle R.M. KoningJan F.M. MolkenboerJoris A. M. van der PostBen Willem MolMarjolein Kok


72 | Chapter 4


Background: Breech presentation is mostly managed with elective caesarean delivery. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of ante partum moxibustion on acupoint BL67 as intervention followed by a possible ECV attempt.

Methods: To identify relevant studies, we searched the literature for articles published from inception to January 2017, using Medline, EMBASE and Cochrane databases. We also hand-searched the bibliographies of retrieved articles to identify additional related studies. We included randomized controlled trials reporting on moxibustion to correct breech presentation. Study quality was assessed by using the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. The primary outcome was cephalic presentation after treatment of moxibustion (at 35 weeks of gestation and before possible ECV). Outcomes were reported as a pooled risk ratio with 95% confidence interval (95% CI).

Results: A total of 13 studies were analyzed, including 2,555 patients. Cephalic presen-tation after moxibustion treatment occurred more in the moxibustion group compared to routine care (RR 2.8, 95% CI 1.6 to 4.7, I2 74%). In studies offering ECV to all women in case of persisting breech presentation after moxibustion, neither cephalic presentation at delivery nor caesarean delivery differed significantly (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.28, I2 10%), and, RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.20, I2 21%).

Conclusions: In women with breech presentation, the use of moxibustion may increase the number of babies presenting in cephalic version. However, moxibustion followed by a possible ECV attempt does not reduce the caesarean delivery rate.

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 73



Breech presentation occurs in 3 to 4% of term pregnancies1, and elective caesarean delivery seems beneficial for short-term neonatal outcome as established in the Term Breech Trial.2 After publication of this trial, caesarean delivery rates for this indication increased significantly worldwide. Nowadays, in Western countries, breech presenta-tion is the third most indication of elective caesarean delivery.3 However, caesarean delivery is associated with short and long-term consequences for maternal and neona-tal health.4,5 In 2015, the World Health Organization reported that globally caesarean delivery was overused.6

External cephalic version (ECV) is a safe obstetrical procedure that causes a statistically significant and clinically meaningful reduction in non-cephalic (pooled RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.29 to 0.61) and caesarean delivery (pooled RR 0.57, 95% CI 0.40 to 0.82).7 ECV is recommended in national guidelines and all women with an uncomplicated breech presentation should be counselled to undergo ECV.8–10 Besides, it is considered a safe procedure with few contraindications.11 The reported rates of serious complications are 0.24%, including still-birth and placental abruption, and the pooled risk on fetal death is 0.19%.12–15 However, implementation of ECV is limited to only two-third of all patients.16 For professionals, the main barriers to counsel women for ECV are a lack of knowledge to fully inform and counsel patients and the inability to counsel women who preferred a primary caesarean delivery.17 Most important factors influencing patients’ willingness to undergo ECV are expected pain, adverse side effects of tocolytic drugs and success rate of ECV.18

Worldwide an interest of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) exists, despite lack of evidence for effect.12,13 In obstetrics, surveys among patients and physicians revealed that up to 49% of women consult a CAM practitioner, of which only half dis-closes this to their physician. Therefore, there is a need for provision of valid information concerning these alternative methods.14–16

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy that uses the heat generated by burning herbal preparations containing Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort) to stimulate the acu-point BL67 (beside the outer corner of the fifth toenail). It is thought that this method increased fetal activity and can be applied to correct breech presentation.17 Moxibustion to correct breech presentation has been evaluated in multiple randomized controlled trials. A recent published Cochrane review in 2012 revealed a beneficial effect of moxibustion, applied alone or in combination with acupuncture or postural measures, compared to observation alone or postural measures.17 Since then three studies were published18–20,

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of which only one confirms these findings. Alongside an update of this review, we want to focus on ECV as previous reviews did not distinguish between studies who offer ECV and studies that do not. Furthermore, moxibustion therapy is applied from 32 weeks of gestation onwards and ECV is performed near term and therefore, both could be rec-ommended if a beneficial effect is present. Therefore, the aim of the current systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of moxibustion to correct breech presentation followed by a possible ECV attempt.

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 75



Our study protocol was designed a priori and was registered in PROSPERO: the inter-national prospective register of systematic reviews (CRD42014013524). This work was performed in accordance with the PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate health care interventions.21

SearchWe conducted a computerized search in Medline, Embase, and the current Cochrane data-bases from inception until January 2018. We identified published randomized controlled trials reporting on the use of moxibustion to correct breech presentation.

To ensure the inclusion of all relevant articles, references from identified publications were manually searched for additional relevant articles. Language restrictions were applied for common Western languages (English, French, German, Spanish e.g.) and Chinese. The complete electronic search is available from the first author. This study had no funding source.

Study selectionTwo independent reviewers (JV and GK) screened the electronic search for relevant articles. Based on title and abstract, full text articles were obtained if they seemed eligible. Both reviewers used the same standardized data extraction form. If disagreements occurred, they were resolved by consensus and, if necessary, by a third reviewer (MK). Extracted data on study design, number of patients, characteristics of the patients, inclusion and exclusion criteria, intervention and outcome measures were reported. Studies retrieved from references in Chinese, data were extracted by a Chinese native speaker (RW). Inclu-sion criteria were full text article availability, women with singleton breech presentation, comparing the effect of moxibustion to a control group, providing information on our pre-specified outcomes of interest.

Quality AssessmentThe same reviewers evaluated the methodological quality of the articles, using the crite-ria stated in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.22 The risk of bias was assessed at study level, taking into account random sequence generation, concealment of allocation, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective outcome reporting and other sources of bias. For each study, the risk of bias was separately scored in each domain as low risk, high risk or unclear. When at least five out of the seven domains had a low risk score, with at least random sequence generation, we considered the overall study quality to be high.

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Interventions and outcome measuresThe experimental group consists of moxibustion alone or in combination with acupunc-ture. We described moxibustion as stimulation of acupoint BL67 by moxibustion rolls and acupuncture as puncture of acupoint BL67. The control group consists of routine care or placebo (stimulation of another acupoint than BL67 with laser or acupuncture). Routine care was described as care as usual or in combination with frequent knee to chest posi-tioning management.

The primary outcome measure was cephalic presentation after treatment of moxibustion (at 35 weeks of gestation). Secondary outcomes were cephalic presentation at delivery, caesarean delivery rate, total number of ECV attempts and ECV success rate defined as fetus in cephalic presentation after ECV attempt. We have categorized all studies into two different strategies; one strategy in which ECV is offered in both intervention and control group if persisting breech presentations exists, and the other strategy includes studies that did not offer ECV either in the treatment or control group. This applied for the out-comes caesarean delivery and cephalic presentation at delivery.

Statistical analysisOutcome data from studies were pooled into relative risks (RR) for all dichotomous out-comes. Heterogeneity was explored for all the meta-analyses. Analyses were undertaken using a fixed effects model. In case of substantial heterogeneity (I2 ≥50%) the random effects model of DerSimonian and Laird was used to obtain the pooled risk ratio estimate. Outcome measures were reported as RR with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). P value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Review Manager 5.3 was used to carry out the statistical analyses.

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 77



We identified 85 citations and reviewed 46 articles for inclusion. A total of 13 studies (2,555 patients) met the inclusion criteria and were eligible.18–20,23–32 A flow diagram of the electronic search and selection process of the articles through the different stages of the review is shown in Figure 1.

Records identified in

MEDLINE (n=62)

Records identified in

EMBASE (n=79)Sc











Records after duplicates removed(n=85)

Full-text articles assessed for eligibility(n=46)

Studies included in systematic review(n=13)

Full-text articles excluded, with reasons (n=33)

20 reviews; 2 case series; 1 non controlled study; 2 reported other outcome; 2 Cochrane review;

2 studies including cephalic presentation; 4 used other technique

Records identified in


Records after cross referencing (n=5)

Records excluded(n=44)

Figure 1. PRISMA flow chart of search results and article selection

78 | Chapter 4

Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies

Study Country Sample size (n) Inclusion criteria GA atrandom-ization (wk)

Treatment method

Control group Study primary outcome

ECV offered

Huang 1990 China 387 (193/194) Breech presentation (Not reported whether confirmed by ultrasound scan)

28 - 32 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Cardini 1998 China/Italy

260 (130/130) Nulliparous, breech presentation diagnosed by US, normal foetal biometry

321 - 337 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at 35th week

Yes. For both groups subjects with persistent breech presentation after 2 weeks of treatment could undergo external cephalic version anytime between 35 weeks’ gestation and delivery.

Lin 2002 China 122 (63/59) Singleton breech presentation confirmed by physical examination and ultrasound scan.

30 - 37 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Chen 2004 China 143 (73/69) Singleton breech presentation confirmed by ultrasound scan.

30 - 37 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Neri 2004 Italy 240 (120/120) Caucasian, weeks GA, breech presentation confirmed by US

33 - 35 Moxibustion + acupuncture

Routine care Presentation at birth No

Cardini 2005 Italy 123 (65/58) Healthy, non-Chinese nulliparous women, breech presentation confirmed by US, normal foetal biometry

32 - 333 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at 35th week

Yes. For both groups participants with persistent breech presentation could request ECV after the 37th week.

Yang 2006 China 206 (103/103) Breech presentation confirmed by palpation and ultrasound scan.

28 - 34 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Neri 2007 Italy 41 (31/10) Maternal age 20-40 yrs, frank position, 33-36 weeks gestational age

33 - 36 Moxibustion or moxibustion + acupuncture

Routine care CTG characteristics No

Millereau 2009 France 68 (33/35) Singleton breech presentation, confirmed by US at 32 weeks

34 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at birth


Guittier 2009 Switzerland 212 (106/106) Women with single foetus in breech presentation confirmed by US

34 - 36 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at delivery or before ECV if attempted

Yes. For both groups, participants with persistent breech presentation could request ECV after the 37th week.

Do 2011 Australia 20 (10/10) 18 years or older, singleton breech presentation confirmed by US, normal foetal biometry

34 - 365 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at birth

Yes. For both groups, participants with persistent breech presentation could request ECV after the 37th week.

Vas 2013 Spain 406 (136/270) Breech presentation confirmed by US, at least 18 years old, normal foetal biometry, no prior treatment with moxibustion to achieve version

33 - 35 Moxibustion Routine care, knee-chest postural management

Cephalic presentation at birth


Coulon 2014 France 328 (164/164) Breech presentation confirmed by US, at least 18 years old

334 - 354 Moxibustion + acupuncture

Placebo (inactivated laser)

Breech presentation at 372 weeks of GA

Yes, ECV was offered between 37+2 and 37+5 weeks of gestation for both groups.

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 79


Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies

Study Country Sample size (n) Inclusion criteria GA atrandom-ization (wk)

Treatment method

Control group Study primary outcome

ECV offered

Huang 1990 China 387 (193/194) Breech presentation (Not reported whether confirmed by ultrasound scan)

28 - 32 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Cardini 1998 China/Italy

260 (130/130) Nulliparous, breech presentation diagnosed by US, normal foetal biometry

321 - 337 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at 35th week

Yes. For both groups subjects with persistent breech presentation after 2 weeks of treatment could undergo external cephalic version anytime between 35 weeks’ gestation and delivery.

Lin 2002 China 122 (63/59) Singleton breech presentation confirmed by physical examination and ultrasound scan.

30 - 37 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Chen 2004 China 143 (73/69) Singleton breech presentation confirmed by ultrasound scan.

30 - 37 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Neri 2004 Italy 240 (120/120) Caucasian, weeks GA, breech presentation confirmed by US

33 - 35 Moxibustion + acupuncture

Routine care Presentation at birth No

Cardini 2005 Italy 123 (65/58) Healthy, non-Chinese nulliparous women, breech presentation confirmed by US, normal foetal biometry

32 - 333 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at 35th week

Yes. For both groups participants with persistent breech presentation could request ECV after the 37th week.

Yang 2006 China 206 (103/103) Breech presentation confirmed by palpation and ultrasound scan.

28 - 34 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation after treatment


Neri 2007 Italy 41 (31/10) Maternal age 20-40 yrs, frank position, 33-36 weeks gestational age

33 - 36 Moxibustion or moxibustion + acupuncture

Routine care CTG characteristics No

Millereau 2009 France 68 (33/35) Singleton breech presentation, confirmed by US at 32 weeks

34 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at birth


Guittier 2009 Switzerland 212 (106/106) Women with single foetus in breech presentation confirmed by US

34 - 36 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at delivery or before ECV if attempted

Yes. For both groups, participants with persistent breech presentation could request ECV after the 37th week.

Do 2011 Australia 20 (10/10) 18 years or older, singleton breech presentation confirmed by US, normal foetal biometry

34 - 365 Moxibustion Routine care Cephalic presentation at birth

Yes. For both groups, participants with persistent breech presentation could request ECV after the 37th week.

Vas 2013 Spain 406 (136/270) Breech presentation confirmed by US, at least 18 years old, normal foetal biometry, no prior treatment with moxibustion to achieve version

33 - 35 Moxibustion Routine care, knee-chest postural management

Cephalic presentation at birth


Coulon 2014 France 328 (164/164) Breech presentation confirmed by US, at least 18 years old

334 - 354 Moxibustion + acupuncture

Placebo (inactivated laser)

Breech presentation at 372 weeks of GA

Yes, ECV was offered between 37+2 and 37+5 weeks of gestation for both groups.

80 | Chapter 4

The characteristics of the included studies are outlined in Table 1. All studies enrolled only women with a singleton breech presentation. The gestational age ranged from 28 to almost 35 weeks. In five studies, ECV was recommended in case of persisting breech presentation in both the intervention group as the routine care group.18,20,24,28,32 In those studies, ECV was offered from 37 weeks of gestation. In four studies the number of ECV attempts and the success rate in each randomization group was registered.18,20,24,32 A total of 10 studies compared moxibustion to routine care18,19,23–26,28,29,31,32, two studies compared moxibustion together with acupuncture to routine care.27,30 One study compared mox-ibustion with acupuncture to an inactive laser.20 Study quality of the included studies is demonstrated in Figure 2. We considered the study quality of six studies high.19,20,24,27,28,32 All studies that offered ECV were of high quality. All studies in Chinese were of low quality.

Figure 2. Methodological quality of the included studies

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 81


Figure 3 demonstrates forest plots for all three comparisons of the outcome cephalic presentation after treatment. Cephalic presentation after treatment occurred more in the moxibustion group compared to routine care (eight studies, pooled RR 2.8, 95% CI 1.6 to 4.7, I2 74%) (Figure 3a). Also for the comparison moxibustion with acupuncture to routine care (one study, RR 1.91, 95% CI 1.12 to 3.2) (Figure 3b). There was no significant difference for this outcome in the comparison moxibustion with acupuncture to placebo (one study, RR 1.48, 95% CI 0.93 to 2.4) (Figure 3c). All studies measured cephalic presen-tation at 35 weeks of gestation.

Figure 3a. Cephalic presentation after treatment in comparison moxibustion to routine care

Figure 3b. Cephalic presentation after treatment in comparison moxibustion with acupuncture to routine care

Figure 3c. Cephalic presentation after treatment in comparison moxibustion with acupuncture to placebo

82 | Chapter 4

Table 2. Outcome of studies after categorizing studies into two strategies; one strategy in which ECV is offered in both intervention and control group if persisting breech presentations exists, and the other strategy includes studies that did not offer ECV either in the treatment or control group.




Studies offering ECV Studies not offering ECV



n de



moxibustion versus routine care moxibustion versus routine care

moxibustion and acupuncture versus placebo moxibustion and acupuncture versus routine care






n at




moxibustion versus routine care moxibustion versus routine care

moxibustion and acupuncture versus placebo moxibustion and acupuncture versus routine care

No data available

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 83


Table 2. Outcome of studies after categorizing studies into two strategies; one strategy in which ECV is offered in both intervention and control group if persisting breech presentations exists, and the other strategy includes studies that did not offer ECV either in the treatment or control group.




Studies offering ECV Studies not offering ECV



n de



moxibustion versus routine care moxibustion versus routine care

moxibustion and acupuncture versus placebo moxibustion and acupuncture versus routine care






n at




moxibustion versus routine care moxibustion versus routine care

moxibustion and acupuncture versus placebo moxibustion and acupuncture versus routine care

No data available

84 | Chapter 4

In table 2, we have divided studies that offer ECV in both intervention and control group if persisting breech presentations occurs, and studies that did not offer ECV either in the treatment or control group. In studies that offered ECV for persisting breech presentation, in which moxibustion was evaluated as an additional intervention versus routine care (i.e. moxibustion in advance of ECV versus ECV alone), cephalic presentation at delivery and caesarean delivery rate did not differ significantly (respectively, four studies, pooled RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.28, I2 10% and three studies, pooled RR 1.01 95% CI 0.82 to 1.20, I2 21%)).

Further, table 2 also demonstrates studies that did not offer ECV either in the treatment or control group. Caesarean delivery did not differ significantly for the comparison mox-ibustion versus routine care (two studies, pooled RR 0.87 (95% CI 0.71 to 1.06, I2 0%)). One study compared moxibustion with acupuncture to routine care and demonstrated a significant difference in favor of moxibustion with acupuncture for caesarean delivery (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.58 to 0.95).

Four studies reported on outcome measures of ECV, all comparing moxibustion to routine care. There were no significant differences for the outcome need for ECV (pooled RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.47 to 1.32, I2 79%) (Figure 4) and ECV success rate (pooled RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.54, I2 32%) (Figure 5).

Figure 4. Need for ECV in the moxibustion and control group

Figure 5. ECV success rate in the moxibustion and control group

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 85



This meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials shows that the use of moxibustion may increase the rate of cephalic presentation after treatment. If ECV is offered as addi-tional intervention for breech presentation, caesarean section rates are similar between the groups.

To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis that was performed to determine the effect of moxibustion in combination with ECV. Given the earlier positive results in favor of moxibustion and the increased acceptance and use of CAM and therefore the associated questions to discuss with patients in shared decision making, makes this an interesting topic to discuss.24

The strength of our review is based on compliance with strict criteria for performing a systematic review. We analyzed the studies with and without the use of ECV, gaining new insight in the efficacy of the combination of moxibustion and ECV and the efficacy of those treatments used separately. Also, we included studies performed in China and a native speaker extracted data.

Not all included studies were methodologically well executed. The randomization was not performed adequately in every study. Only seven out of the 13 studies used an intention to treat analysis. As a result of our quality assessment, we found that all the studies that also offered ECV were of high quality. Studies with the most positive outcome in favor of moxibustion, had the lowest quality. Furthermore, we could only derive one outcome from these studies and we were not able to compare mode of delivery.

Although the present study was performed according to established methodology, there are limitations to our findings. Most studies used different study protocols. There was a large variation on gestational age at the start of the treatment, amount of treatment, and performance of treatment by a health professional or by the patient self. Moreover, we found a possible beneficial effect of moxibustion on acupoint BL67 if ECV is not offered, these results should be interpreted with caution due to clinical heterogeneity (including differences in interventions, sample size, and study populations), and varying levels of statistical heterogeneity. Furthermore, publication bias for this topic could exist as RCTs with a non-significant treatment effect may not be published.

We chose the need for ECV as an outcome of interest. Even though there was no significant difference between the groups for the need for ECV, the numbers of ECV that were per-formed varied widely between studies and within groups. This might be through possible

86 | Chapter 4

treatment bias. For example, in the study of Caridini24, there were no participants with a fetus in non cephalic position after moxibustion that underwent ECV in the treatment group, in contrast to 19% of the participants in the routine care group. Implementation of ECV is low in the included trials, and therefore, ECV does not appear to be standard treatment. Even though ECV is considered as a safe obstetric intervention with a low risk of complications33,34, concerns about safety are an important reason for patients not to opt for ECV. For moxibustion, contraindications and adverse events are not described, nor to expect from hypothetical effect. For now, it remains unclear if moxibustion followed by an ECV attempt is beneficial in terms of a reduced need for ECV as implementation is limited and therefore could result in a lower caesarean delivery rate. Future research should include women with breech presentation at 32 weeks of gestation and ECV should be recommended in case of persisting breech presentation in both treatment and control group. This study should be of sufficient power to answer this research question.

The positive effect of moxibustion treatment is thought to be the increase of fetal move-ment, which is demonstrated by two trials24,27, included in this review. Several hypotheses are suggested to explain this increase of fetal movements. It is for example thought that moxibustion therapy might stimulate the production of placental estrogens and maternal prostaglandin due to hyperthermia.35 It also might increase free cortisol plasma levels in women.27 Therefore, future trials evaluating moxibustion therapy for breech presentation should also focus on its pathophysiology, and measure for example estrogen and cortisol levels before and after treatment.

In conclusion, prevention of breech presentation at term is an important topic in cur-rent obstetric practice considering the high caesarean delivery rate for this indication.3,4 For clinical practice, if breech presentation exists at 32 weeks gestation, moxibustion on acupoint BL67 may increase cephalic version and could be discussed in shared decision making. If persisting breech presentation occurs, ECV should be recommended from 36 weeks of gestation onwards.

Moxibustion for breech presentation in combination with ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 87



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32. Guittier M-J, Pichon M, Dong H, Irion O, Boul-vain M. Moxibustion for Breech Version. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2009;114(5):1034–1040.

33. Collaris, R. J. & Oei, S. G. External cephalic version: a safe procedure? A systematic review of version-related risks. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 83, 511–8 (2004).

34. Grootscholten, K., Kok, M., Oei, S. G., Mol, B. W. J. & van der Post, J. A. External cephalic version-related risks: a meta-analysis. Obstet. Gynecol. 112, 1143–51 (2008).

35. Vas J, Aranda JM, Nishishinya B, et al. Correction of nonvertex presentation with moxibustion: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009;201(3):241–259.

Chapter 5Beta-mimetics for external cephalic version, a secondary analysis of the external cephalic version with uterine relaxation trial to determine who benefits most

Joost VelzelEwoud SchuitFloortje VlemmixJoris A. M. van der PostBen Willem MolMarjolein KokMohammad H. Zafarmand


92 | Chapter 5


Objective: To investigate patient characteristics that influence the chance for a successful external cephalic version (ECV) with tocolytics.

Study design: This is a secondary analysis of a multicenter, open-label randomized con-trolled trial that assessed the effectiveness of atosiban (n=416) compared to fenoterol (n=414) as uterine relaxant during ECV in women with a singleton fetus in breech presen-tation with a gestational age of 34 weeks or more. The primary outcome measures were a fetus in cephalic position 30 minutes after the procedure and cephalic presentation at delivery. Using logistic regression modelling, we investigated associations between out-come and 14 different maternal and fetal characteristics, all collected at study entry.

Results: Among the studied characteristics nine of them showed a statistically significant association with successful ECV. Multiparity, higher gestational age, higher estimated fetal weight, higher Amniotic Fluid Index and presence of relaxation of uterus were associated with a higher chance of ECV success; while Frank breech, lateral left position of the fetal spine and engaged breech were associated with a lower chance of ECV success. However, none of the markers were associated with higher chances of a successful ECV following administration of atosiban compared to fenoterol (P-value for interaction >0.10).

Conclusions: In pregnancies with a singleton fetus in breech presentation and a gesta-tional age of more than 34 weeks, the investigated prognostic markers for successful EVC are unlikely to be helpful in identifying women who have a high chance to benefit more from administration of atosiban or fenoterol as uterine relaxant during ECV.

Beta-mimetics for ECV, a secondary analysis of the RCT to determine who benefits most | 93



External cephalic version (ECV) is a safe obstetrical procedure that reduces non-cephalic birth and caesarean delivery by approximately 50%.1 Improving the effectiveness of ECV can highly contribute to the goal to reduce elective caesarean deliveries.

To enhance the success rate of ECV, drug induced uterine relaxation is the most promising to increase the success of ECV.2 In the past, beta-mimetics have shown to be the most effective as uterine relaxation for this matter.2 As this type of drug gives substantial side effects in terms of palpations, flushes and headaches, routine implementation could be low. The oxytocin receptor blocker, atosiban, which is used in the prevention of preterm birth3, was recently studied as uterine relaxant for ECV by our group in an RCT. We found that uterine relaxation with atosiban for ECV resulted in a lower rate of fetuses in the cephalic position after 30 minutes compared with fenoterol (34% v 40%, RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.93).4 This led to a higher risk of caesarean deliveries after atosiban treatment than after fenoterol treatment (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.20).4

A matter of concern is whether this finding is generalizable to all women who opt for ECV. For successful ECV, multiple predictors are known, and beta-mimetics give side effects in up to 75% of all women.4 To examine who is likely to benefit most from tocolytic medica-tion, we performed a post hoc analysis of data from the “ECV with uterine relaxation” trial. We evaluated the known markers for successful ECV with atosiban compared to fenoterol for uterine relaxation during the procedure.

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Study design and patientsThe ECV with uterine relaxation trial was a multicenter, open-label randomized controlled trial in one academic and seven teaching hospitals in the Netherlands. The background, methods, baseline characteristics of the randomized patients, and results has previously been reported elsewhere.4

In brief, the trial included 830 women with a singleton fetus in breech position who were scheduled for ECV. The study was approved by the research ethics committee of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam (reference number MEC 08-364) and by the board of directors of each of the participating hospitals and was registered in the Dutch Trial register (NTR 1877). All women presenting between August 2009 and May 2014 with a singleton fetus in breech position who were scheduled for ECV were eligible for the study. Exclusion criteria were maternal age less than 18 years old, gestational age below 34 weeks, any contra-indication to vaginal birth (e.g. placenta praevia), any con-traindication for ECV (scarred uterus other than transverse in the lower segment, known uterine anomalies, placental abruption in history or signs of placental abruption, severe preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome, third trimester blood loss or seven days prior to ECV, ruptured membranes), any known contra-indication to one of the two drugs, suspected intrauterine growth restriction (defined as estimated fetal weight <P5 for gestational age assessed by ultrasonography), severe oligohydramnios (deepest pool < 2 cm), fetal anom-alies or non-reassuring fetal heart rate monitoring. Women were randomly assigned (1:1 ratio) to receive atosiban (intervention group, n=416) or fenoterol (control group, n=414). Participating woman received an intravenous bolus of atosiban (6.75 mg in 0.9 mL (7.5 mg/mL)) or fenoterol (40 μg in 0.8 mL (0.5 mg/10 mL)) administered by a physician fifteen minutes before starting ECV. Experienced obstetricians and midwives performed the ECV procedure, and the procedure was successful if the fetus was still in cephalic position 30 minutes after the ECV attempt. For the ECV procedure a forward and backward roll was allowed. The fetal heart rate was monitored intermittently by ultrasound scanning during the procedure, followed by electronic fetal heart rate monitoring after the procedure. If fetal bradycardia would occur, the duration was registered. Non-sensitized Rhesus neg-ative women received anti-D immunoglobulin (1,000 international units intramuscularly) after the ECV procedure.

The primary outcome measures were cephalic presentation 30 minutes after the proce-dure, confirmed by ultrasound, and cephalic presentation at delivery. Secondary outcomes were mode of delivery, and complications of ECV events due to atosiban or fenoterol. Based on literature5,6 and clinical reasoning, we selected 14 potential markers which were

Beta-mimetics for ECV, a secondary analysis of the RCT to determine who benefits most | 95


reportedly prognostic and therefore could have potentially been informative for treatment selection. All markers are available in clinical practice and were recorded before the ECV attempt. The markers we selected were parity (multiparitiy vs. nulliparitiy), maternal age (years), body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), ethnicity (non-Caucasian vs. Caucasian), gestational age (weeks), placental location (non-anterior vs, anterior), Type of breech (other types vs. Frank breech), estimated fetal weight (EFW, gr), amniotic fluid index in cm (AFI), position of the fetal spine (others vs. lateral left), breech engagement (any engagement vs. non-en-gaged), symphysis fundal height (weeks), possibility of palpation of the fetal head (difficult vs. easy), and relaxation of the uterus (no vs. yes). Ethnicity initially consisted of six differ-ent groups, but it was recorded as Caucasian or non-Caucasian in this study, as a review showed a negative effect of Caucasian ethnicity on successful ECV.5 EFW was calculated with the Hadlock formula.7

Statistical analysisWe performed an intention-to-treat analysis at the randomization time. To increase the statistical power and reduce bias from a complete cases analysis, we used Multivariate Imputations by Chained Equations (MICE) for missing values.8 Ten datasets were created to handle missing values. For each marker we developed a univariable logistic regression model to predict the chance of successful ECV by marker (independent variable), treat-ment (administration of atosiban vs. fenoterol), and marker-by-treatment interaction. The latter term expresses to what extent the treatment effect is associated with the marker value. In this context, we define that markers could be potentially useful for treatment selection if they show a biologically plausible qualitative interaction with treatment.9 A marker has a qualitative interaction with treatment if it is risk factor (odds ratio >1) in one arm of trial and protective factor in the other arm of trial (odds ratio <1). The presence of a qualitative interaction would imply that for a subgroup of pregnant women uterine relaxation with atosiban is beneficial, and for the other subgroup administration of feno-terol is beneficial. We selected markers that showed marker-by-treatment interaction effect P-values below 0.10 for multivariable model building.10 To investigate the possibility of non-linear associations for continuous markers, we repeated model building using natural splines up to four degrees of freedom and tested if using splines would improve model fit in terms of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Given the exploratory nature of our analysis, we focused on the magnitude of the interaction and the associated precision, not on statistical hypothesis testing. All analyses were done using R for Windows (Version 3.4.3; R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).

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Between August 2009 and May 2014, 830 women were enrolled and randomized (Figure 1); 416 to atosiban (intervention group) and 414 to fenoterol (control group). Baseline characteristics of the women and fetuses who participated in the initial trial are summa-rized in Table 1. Cephalic presentation 30 minutes after ECV occurred in 34% of women in the atosiban group compared with 40% in the fenoterol group (RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.93). Caesarean delivery was performed in 60% (n=240) of women in the atosiban group and 55% (n=218) in the fenoterol group (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.22).

Assessed for eligibility (n=910)

Allocated to atosiban (n=416)

Received allocated intervention (n=416)

Did not receive allocated intervention (n=0)

Lost to follow up (n=6)

Randomized (n=830)

Excluded (n=80)

Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=18)

Declined to participate (n=58)

Declined ECV (n=4)

Allocated to fenoterol (n=414)

Received allocated intervention (n=413)

Did not receive allocated intervention (n=1)

Lost to follow up (n=6)

Intention to treat analysis (n=416) Intention to treat analysis (n=414)

Figure 1. Randomization, treatment and follow-up of participants

Table 2 summarizes the results of our analysis of the associations between markers and successful ECV separately for atosiban and fenoterol. Among the studied markers nine of them showed a statistically significant association with successful ECV (p-value main effect < 0.05). Multiparity, gestational age, estimated fetal weight, Amniotic Fluid Index and presence of relaxation of uterus showed a positive association with ECV success; while Frank breech, lateral left position of the fetal spine and engaged breech showed a

Beta-mimetics for ECV, a secondary analysis of the RCT to determine who benefits most | 97


negative association with ECV success. However, the strength of associations were similar in women who received atosiban or fenoterol and none of the markers were associated with higher chances of a successful ECV following administration of atosiban compared to fenoterol (P-value for interaction >0.10).

Table 1. Maternal and fetal characteristics of the participants in initial trial at study entry

Baseline characteristics Atosiban (n=416)

% missing Fenoterol (n=414)

% missing

Nulliparity (%) 62.2 0 62.3 0

Mean maternal age (years) 32.2 0 32.4 0

Mean body mass index (kg/m2) 24.1 0 24.2 0

Caucasian ethnicity (%) 85.3 4 86.7 3

Gestational age (weeks) 35.8 1 35.9 0

Estimated fetal weight (grams) 2614 25 2598 24

Amniotic Fluid Index (cm) 13.8 37 13.7 32

Frank breech presentation (%) 71.2 7 65.7 6

Anterior placental location (%) 29.6 8 34.5 7

Lateral left position of spine (%) 40.6 17 42.8 12

Mean fundal Height (weeks) 36.2 14 36.3 14

Non-engaged breech (%) 25.6 10 26.3 8

Easy palpation of head (%) 72.1 18 73.9 17

Relaxed uterus (%) 63.0 18 67.9 17

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Table 2. The relationship between characteristics and successful ECV is shown separately in women who received atosiban and in women who received fenoterol. For each biomarker, odds ratios (OR) show the relative change in the risk per unit increase in the marker. The interaction OR presents the ratio of the two odds ratios.

Potential treatment selection factors Atosiban (n=416) Fenoterol (n=414)  


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)

p-value main effect c

p-valuefor interaction

Maternal age, years a     1.04 (0.99-1.1)

    1.03 (0.98-1.07)

0.059 0.675

  <25 15 5 (33.3)   18 5 (27.8)      

  25-29 102 25 (24.5)   98 39 (39.8)  

  30-34 205 74 (36.1)   188 79 (42.0)

  ≥35 94 34 (36.2)   110 45 (40.9)

Body Mass Index preconceptionally, kg/m2 a     1.01 (0.97-1.06)

    1.04 (0.99-1.08)

0.122 0.459

  ≤20 49 16 (32.7)   66 25 (37.9)

  20-25 225 75 (33.3)   216 83 (38.4)

  25-30 97 31 (32.0)   84 36 (42.9)

  ≥30 45 16 (35.6)   48 24 (50.0)

Parity     3.12 (2.04-4.78)

    4.76 (3.1-7.29)

<0.001 0.171

  Nulliparous b 259 61 (23.6)   258 69 (26.7)

  Multiparous 157 77 (49.0)   156 99 (63.5)

Gestational age at ECV, weeks a     1.11 (0.89-1.39)

    1.25 (1.04-1.52)

0.014 0.424

  ≤36 144 50 (34.7) 145 60 (41.4)

  36-36.9 208 61 (29.3) 194 68 (35.1)

≥37 64 27 (42.2) 75 40 (53.3)

Female ethnicity     0.72 (0.37-1.41)

    0.82 (0.43-1.57)

0.261 0.790

  Caucasian b 368 125 (34.0) 370 152 (41.1)

  Non-Caucasian 48 13 (27.1) 44 16 (36.4)

Estimated Fetal Weight, kg a     1.85 (0.99-3.47)

    2.47 (1.35-4.51)

0.001 0.517

<2.5 143 43 (30.1) 169 52 (30.8)

2.5-2.9 229 75 (32.8) 198 89 (44.9)

  ≥3.0 44 20 (45.5) 47 27 (57.4)

Amniotic Fluid Index, cm a     1.09 (1.03-1.14)

    1.05 (1.01-1.1)

<0.001 0.373

  <10 49 7 (14.3) 40 10 (25.0)

10-14.9 140 40 (28.6) 162 54 (33.3)

  ≥ 15 227 91 (40.1) 212 104 (49.1)

Beta-mimetics for ECV, a secondary analysis of the RCT to determine who benefits most | 99


Table 2. The relationship between characteristics and successful ECV is shown separately in women who received atosiban and in women who received fenoterol. For each biomarker, odds ratios (OR) show the relative change in the risk per unit increase in the marker. The interaction OR presents the ratio of the two odds ratios.

Potential treatment selection factors Atosiban (n=416) Fenoterol (n=414)  


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)

p-value main effect c

p-valuefor interaction

Maternal age, years a     1.04 (0.99-1.1)

    1.03 (0.98-1.07)

0.059 0.675

  <25 15 5 (33.3)   18 5 (27.8)      

  25-29 102 25 (24.5)   98 39 (39.8)  

  30-34 205 74 (36.1)   188 79 (42.0)

  ≥35 94 34 (36.2)   110 45 (40.9)

Body Mass Index preconceptionally, kg/m2 a     1.01 (0.97-1.06)

    1.04 (0.99-1.08)

0.122 0.459

  ≤20 49 16 (32.7)   66 25 (37.9)

  20-25 225 75 (33.3)   216 83 (38.4)

  25-30 97 31 (32.0)   84 36 (42.9)

  ≥30 45 16 (35.6)   48 24 (50.0)

Parity     3.12 (2.04-4.78)

    4.76 (3.1-7.29)

<0.001 0.171

  Nulliparous b 259 61 (23.6)   258 69 (26.7)

  Multiparous 157 77 (49.0)   156 99 (63.5)

Gestational age at ECV, weeks a     1.11 (0.89-1.39)

    1.25 (1.04-1.52)

0.014 0.424

  ≤36 144 50 (34.7) 145 60 (41.4)

  36-36.9 208 61 (29.3) 194 68 (35.1)

≥37 64 27 (42.2) 75 40 (53.3)

Female ethnicity     0.72 (0.37-1.41)

    0.82 (0.43-1.57)

0.261 0.790

  Caucasian b 368 125 (34.0) 370 152 (41.1)

  Non-Caucasian 48 13 (27.1) 44 16 (36.4)

Estimated Fetal Weight, kg a     1.85 (0.99-3.47)

    2.47 (1.35-4.51)

0.001 0.517

<2.5 143 43 (30.1) 169 52 (30.8)

2.5-2.9 229 75 (32.8) 198 89 (44.9)

  ≥3.0 44 20 (45.5) 47 27 (57.4)

Amniotic Fluid Index, cm a     1.09 (1.03-1.14)

    1.05 (1.01-1.1)

<0.001 0.373

  <10 49 7 (14.3) 40 10 (25.0)

10-14.9 140 40 (28.6) 162 54 (33.3)

  ≥ 15 227 91 (40.1) 212 104 (49.1)

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Table 2. Continued.

Potential treatment selection factors Atosiban (n=416) Fenoterol (n=414)  


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)

p-value main effect c

p-valuefor interaction

Type of breech     1.73 (1.09-2.76)

    2.61 (1.71-3.99)

<0.001 0.204

  Frank breech b 318  96 (30.2)  283 94 (33.2) 

  Other types  98 42 (42.9)  131 74 (56.5) 

Placental location     1.37 (0.87-2.14)

    1.29 (0.86-1.94)

0.091 0.852

  Anterior b 133 38 (28.6) 155 57 (36.8)

  Non-anterior 283 100 (35.3) 259 111 (42.9)

Position of the fetal spine     1.16 (0.77-1.74)

    1.58 (1.07-2.35)

0.037 0.282

  Lateral left b 197 62 (31.5) 203 71 (35.0)

  Other positions 219 76 (34.7) 211 97 (46.0)

Breech engagement     0.25 (0.16-0.39)

    0.35 (0.22-0.54)

<0.001 0.298

  Non-engaged b 120 67 (55.8) 119 70 (58.8)

  Engaged (descent into pelvis or fixed in pelvis)

296 71 (24.0) 295 98 (33.2)

Fundal height, weeks a     1.16 (0.98-1.38)

    1.13 (0.99-1.29)

0.012 0.788

  <36 63 17 (27.0) 74 29 (39.2)

36-36.9 229 73 (31.9) 210 80 (38.1)

  ≥37 124 48 (38.7) 130 59 (45.4)

Palpation of head possible     0.71 (0.37-1.37)

    0.56 (0.29-1.1)

0.051 0.616

  Easy b 364 124 (34.1) 369 155 (42.0)

  Difficult 52 14 (26.9) 45 13 (28.9)

 Relaxation of uterus     0.46 (0.27-0.78)

    0.41 (0.24-0.72)

<0.001 0.785

  Yes b  317 117 (36.9)  337 149 (44.2) 

No 99 21 (21.2) 77 19 (24.7)a The odds ratios are calculated using the variables as a continuous factor and not a categorical factor. The categories presented here are just made for presentation purposes.b Reference category.c p-value main effect is the p-value of the association between the marker and successful ECV, irrespective of the treatment women received.

Beta-mimetics for ECV, a secondary analysis of the RCT to determine who benefits most | 101


Table 2. Continued.

Potential treatment selection factors Atosiban (n=416) Fenoterol (n=414)  


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)


Successful ECV n (%)

Odds Ratio(95% CI)

p-value main effect c

p-valuefor interaction

Type of breech     1.73 (1.09-2.76)

    2.61 (1.71-3.99)

<0.001 0.204

  Frank breech b 318  96 (30.2)  283 94 (33.2) 

  Other types  98 42 (42.9)  131 74 (56.5) 

Placental location     1.37 (0.87-2.14)

    1.29 (0.86-1.94)

0.091 0.852

  Anterior b 133 38 (28.6) 155 57 (36.8)

  Non-anterior 283 100 (35.3) 259 111 (42.9)

Position of the fetal spine     1.16 (0.77-1.74)

    1.58 (1.07-2.35)

0.037 0.282

  Lateral left b 197 62 (31.5) 203 71 (35.0)

  Other positions 219 76 (34.7) 211 97 (46.0)

Breech engagement     0.25 (0.16-0.39)

    0.35 (0.22-0.54)

<0.001 0.298

  Non-engaged b 120 67 (55.8) 119 70 (58.8)

  Engaged (descent into pelvis or fixed in pelvis)

296 71 (24.0) 295 98 (33.2)

Fundal height, weeks a     1.16 (0.98-1.38)

    1.13 (0.99-1.29)

0.012 0.788

  <36 63 17 (27.0) 74 29 (39.2)

36-36.9 229 73 (31.9) 210 80 (38.1)

  ≥37 124 48 (38.7) 130 59 (45.4)

Palpation of head possible     0.71 (0.37-1.37)

    0.56 (0.29-1.1)

0.051 0.616

  Easy b 364 124 (34.1) 369 155 (42.0)

  Difficult 52 14 (26.9) 45 13 (28.9)

 Relaxation of uterus     0.46 (0.27-0.78)

    0.41 (0.24-0.72)

<0.001 0.785

  Yes b  317 117 (36.9)  337 149 (44.2) 

No 99 21 (21.2) 77 19 (24.7)a The odds ratios are calculated using the variables as a continuous factor and not a categorical factor. The categories presented here are just made for presentation purposes.b Reference category.c p-value main effect is the p-value of the association between the marker and successful ECV, irrespective of the treatment women received.

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In this study of women undergoing ECV with tocolytic medication, we investigated the 14 well-known clinical predictors of successful ECV for identification of women who might benefit most from the administration of atosiban compared to fenoterol. The treatment interaction tests could not identify any potential treatment selection marker that could indicate a successful ECV with administration of atosiban compared to fenoterol (P-values for interaction >0.10).

Our analysis was based on data of a nationwide randomized controlled trial of 830 women who underwent ECV and were randomly allocated to atosiban or fenoterol. None of the evaluated baseline clinical markers had affected the choice of tocolytic agent. This gave us the opportunity to study the association between treatment selection markers and tocolytic agents without the risk of selection bias. We incorporated all relevant markers identified by previous systematic reviews on both clinical and ultrasound variables which are easy available and inexpensive to measure in daily clinical practice and found them to be informative for the chance of success.

One should keep in mind that the real chance of success could be higher as our data come from a RCT in which women already decided on an ECV attempt compared to women who are considering this intervention. Nevertheless, our success rate corresponds to a large cluster RCT in the Netherlands in which all women counselled for ECV were included.11 Furthermore, it might be that women with an anticipated high chance of successful ECV might not have been included by caregivers in the RCT about uterine relaxants. On the other hand, our success rate in the RCT could be higher compared to daily practice as ECV attempts were undertaken in centers that perform ECV frequently and it is strongly believed that experience of the performing caretaker and in which setting the ECV attempt is performed, effects the success rate of ECV positivily.12,13 Unfortunately, information on who supervised the attempt and in which setting an ECV took place (special ECV clinic or in outpatient setting) was not available in our study, meaning that we were unable to determine treatment selection in different types of ECV management.

The initial trail was conducted to evaluate the oxytocin receptor blocker atosiban, to feno-terol, a beta-mimetic. For this trial, we initially chose a beta-mimetic as a recent Cochrane review found that women using beta-mimetics for uterine relaxation for ECV had a higher rate of cephalic birth (pooled RR 1.7, 95% CI 1.14 to 2.5) and a lower chance on caesarean delivery (pooled RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.88), compared to placebo.2 After the trail, we concluded that atosiban is inferior to fenoterol to increase successful ECV, and this was supported by the development of the prediction model of data of this trial, in which the

Beta-mimetics for ECV, a secondary analysis of the RCT to determine who benefits most | 103


administration of fenoterol is a predictor for successful ECV.4,14 In counseling women for an ECV attempt, it is important to inform that beta-mimetics give side effects, though, this is mostly limited to transient feelings of tachycardia (71%). Occurrence of unwanted side effects with the need to stop the ECV attempt, such as severe hypotension, is minimal (less than 1%).4 Also, fetal adverse events due to beta-mimetics, hypothesized as transient hypoglycemia, is not observed.15 In addition, even though the complication rate of ECV is very low (pooled risk on fetal death is 0.19%16), it seems to be independently to the use of tocolytics.16 Therefore, we believe that beta-mimetics are safe to use for tocolysis for ECV.

Even though we could not find an association between subgroups and the benefit of administration of a tocolytic agent, the findings of our RCT and prediction model clearly demonstrate that fenoterol increases the chance of successful ECV and reducing caesar-ean delivery for this matter.4,14 Supported by these conclusions, beta-mimetics for ECV need to be a discussed in shared decision making. Especially for caretakers, as we know that implementation of beta-mimetics to improve ECV outcome is limited due to mater-nal side effects17, it is important to stress that a patient’s preference study found that women are willing to undergo ECV as the gain in success rate outweigh the unpleasant side effects.18 Implementation of ECV varies widely. Therefore, future research could focus on whether administration of beta-mimetics for ECV in selected subgroups compared to routine administration would be equally successful but more acceptable in daily practice. A pragmatic RCT in which women are randomized to an attempt with a beta-mimetic, or to a first attempt without beta-mimetics and if unsuccessful, a repeat ECV with beta-mimetics, could potentially provide evidence to define these subgroups.


In pregnancies with a singleton fetus in breech presentation and a gestational age of more than 34 weeks, most of the known prognostic markers for successful ECV seem unlikely to be helpful in identifying a subgroup who could benefit from administration of atosiban or fenoterol as uterine relaxant during ECV. For clinical practice, counseling about tocolysis with fenoterol must be performed before a first attempt.

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1. Hofmeyr, G. J., Kulier, R. & West, H. M. External cephalic version for breech pre-sentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 4 (2015).

2. Cluver, C., Gyte, G. M. L., Sinclair, M., Dow-swell, T. & Hofmeyr, G. J. Interventions for helping to turn term breech babies to head first presentation when using external cephalic version. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2 (2015).

3. Van Vliet, E. O. G. et al. Nifedipine versus atosiban for threatened preterm birth (APOSTEL III): A multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 387, 2117–2124 (2016).

4. Velzel, J. et al. Atosiban versus fenoterol as a uterine relaxant for external cephalic version: A randomized controlled trial. BMJ 356, (2017).

5. Kok, M. et al. Clinical factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a metaanalysis. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 199, 630.e1-7; e1-5 (2008).

6. Kok, M., Cnossen, J., Gravendeel, L., Van Der Post, J. A. & Mol, B. W. Ultrasound factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 33, 76–84 (2009).

7. Hadlock, F. P., Harrist, R. B., Sharman, R. S., Deter, R. L. & Park, S. K. Estimation of fetal weight with the use of head, body, and femur measurements- a prospective study. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 151, 333–337 (1985).

8. Buuren, S. van & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. mice : Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R. J. Stat. Softw. (2011).

9. Polley, M.-Y. C. et al. Statistical and Practi-cal Considerations for Clinical Evaluation of Predictive Biomarkers. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (2013).

10. Steyerberg, E. W., Eijkemans, M. J. & Habbema, J. D. Stepwise selection in small data sets: a simulation study of bias in logistic regression analysis. J. Clin. Epide-miol. (1999).

11. Vlemmix, F. et al. Implementation of client versus care-provider strategies to improve external cephalic version rates: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 94, 518–26 (2015).

12. Kuppens, S. M. I., Francois, A. M. H., Hasaart, T. H. M., van der Donk, M. W. P. & Pop, V. J. M. [Fewer breech deliveries after imple-mentation of a modified cephalic version protocol]. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. 154, A63 (2010).

13. Kim, S. Y. et al. Evaluation of the learning curve for external cephalic version using cumulative sum analysis. Obstet. Gynecol. Sci. 60, 343–349 (2017).

14. Velzel, J. et al. Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for external cephalic version. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 228, 137–142 (2018).

15. Neilson, J. P., West, H. M. & Dowswell, T. Betamimetics for inhibiting preterm labour. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. 2 (2014).

16. Collaris, R. J. & Oei, S. G. External cephalic version: a safe procedure? A systematic review of version-related risks. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 83, 511–8 (2004).

17. Rosman, A. N. et al. Facilitators and barri-ers to external cephalic version for breech presentation at term among health care providers in the Netherlands: A quantita-tive analysis. Midwifery 30, e145-50 (2014).

18. Vlemmix, F. et al. Patient’s willingness to opt for external cephalic version. J. Psychosom. Obstet. Gynaecol. 34, 15–21 (2013).

Chapter 6Prediction models for successful external cephalic version: a systematic review

Joost VelzelMarcella de HundtFrederique M. MulderJan F. M. MolkenboerJoris A. M. van der PostBen Willem MolMarjolein Kok

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, December 2015; 195:160-167

108 | Chapter 6


Objective: To provide an overview of existing prediction models for successful ECV, and to assess their quality, development and performance.

Study design: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library to identify all articles reporting on prediction models for successful ECV published from inception to January 2015. We extracted information on study design, sample size, model-building strategies and validation. We evaluated the phases of model development and summa-rized their performance in terms of discrimination, calibration and clinical usefulness. We collected different predictor variables together with their defined significance, in order to identify important predictor variables for successful ECV.

Results: We identified eight articles reporting on seven prediction models. All models were subjected to internal validation. Only one model was also validated in an external cohort. Two prediction models had a low overall risk of bias, of which only one showed promising predictive performance at internal validation. This model also completed the phase of external validation. For none of the models their impact on clinical practice was evaluated. The most important predictor variables for successful ECV described in the selected articles were parity, placental location, breech engagement and the fetal head being palpable. One model was assessed using discrimination and calibration using inter-nal (AUC 0.71) and external validation (AUC 0.64), while two other models were assessed with discrimination and calibration, respectively.

Conclusions: We found one prediction model for breech presentation that was validated in an external cohort and had acceptable predictive performance. This model should be used to council women considering ECV.

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 109



Breech presentation occurs in 3 to 4% of all term pregnancies.1,2 Vaginal delivery of a fetus in breech position is associated with higher rates of neonatal morbidity and mor-tality compared to a planned caesarean delivery.3 Consequently, worldwide the rate of term vaginal breech deliveries has declined substantially.4,5 However, caesarean delivery is associated with short and long-term consequences for maternal and neonatal health.6,7 External cephalic version (ECV) is a safe and effective procedure to reduce the number of breech presentations at term and consequently the caesarean delivery rate for this indication.8–12 Considering the worldwide general rise in caesarean delivery rate in the last decade13–15 and the urgency to put a hold to this rise6,7, ECV is an important intervention that can contribute to this goal.

Even though procedure related complications rarely occur, concerns about safety of the procedure can be a reason for women not to accept an ECV attempt.16,17 Additionally, knowledge about the effectiveness of ECV also influences acceptance of ECV.16,17 The success rate of ECV varies from approximately 35% up to 86% in the literature with an average of 50-60%.4,18 Thus, a reliable more precise and individualized prediction of suc-cessful ECV could be useful to counsel women for an ECV attempt. Previous studies have shown that clinical and ultrasound characteristics are associated with success or failure of an ECV procedure.19,20 There are several prediction models that enable individualized prediction of the outcome of an ECV attempt. However, since the use of poor-quality prediction models could have a negative effect on decision-making21, careful evaluation is needed before these models can be implemented in clinical practice.

Therefore, the aim of this review is to give an overview of existing prediction models for successful ECV, to evaluate their quality, development and performance and to identify important predictor variables described in the selected articles.

110 | Chapter 6


Study identificationWe performed a computerized MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases search to identify all studies reporting on prediction models for successful ECV published from inception to April 2015. Language restrictions were not applied. Together with a clinical librarian we developed a search strategy including all known synonyms for the term ‘exter-nal cephalic version’ and we performed a search filter for prediction models. References from selected publications were manually searched for additional relevant articles not identified by the computerized search.

Study selectionThis review focused on articles that reported on a prediction model to predict the out-come of an ECV attempt. A prediction model was defined as a multivariable model that expressed the chance of successful ECV as a function of at least two predictor variables. In order to be eligible and selected, the articles had to report on a prediction model sufficient to make predictions for individual cases. Two independently working reviewers (JV and FM) selected articles by assessing titles and abstracts. When there were any doubts about the eligibility after reading title and abstract, the article was included for full text reading to make sure no potential eligible article was missed. Any disagreements were resolved by consensus and, if necessary, by a third reviewer (MK).

Study quality assessmentA framework was developed based on the recommended guideline of Hayden et al22 in combination with recommendations derived from the Quality In Prognosis Studies tool23, in order to adequately operationalize items for assessing bias and study quality of the selected articles. The framework was divided into four sections: study participation, pre-dictor variables/prognostic factor measurement, outcome measurement and analysis.

As recommended by Hayden et al, we assessed our four potential bias domains in two steps. During the first step, we assessed the fully operationalized relevant quality items which were scored with ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘partly’ or ‘unclear’. During the second step, we used these item responses to judge each of the four potential bias domains. Each of these domains was rated as having high, moderate or low risk of bias. This approach to qual-ity appraisal follows a method that has been described by Wortman24 as ‘mixed-criteria’ quality assessment.

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 111


Additionally, we assessed the overall risk of bias and therefore the overall study quality for each study by combining the ratings of the four bias domains of our framework. We took into account the importance of each individual bias domain, with ‘analysis’ and ‘predictor variables’ being the most important domains, which were determined a priori.

Predictor variablesWe collected all predictor variables used in the selected articles together with their defined significance, in order to identify the most important predictor variables for successful ECV. Predictor variables are the potential predictors, which were tested both during model development and in the final model. The most important predictor variables were those described as statistically significant input variables in both univariable and multivariable regression analysis in three or more studies. When a predictor variable was only tested in two studies, and not in the other included studies, both studies had to describe this variable as statistically significant to label it as one of the most important predictors.

Model development assessmentWe assessed the development of the prediction models with a published evaluation scheme25, which distinguishes three phases of model development: model derivation, model validation and impact analysis. In the model derivation phase, predictors are iden-tified, based on prior knowledge, and the weight of each predictor (regression coefficient) is calculated. Model validation, the second phase, consists of an internal and external validation phase. With internal validation, the ability of the prediction model is evaluated in the group of patients in which the model was developed. Since internal validation consis-tently gives a too optimistic impression about the predictive accuracy of a model, external validation is a crucial next step in assessing the performance of a model. With external validation, ‘generalizability’ or ‘transportability’ of the prediction model is evaluated. This means that the ability of the model to predict the outcome in populations other than the population in which the model was developed, is evaluated.

The third and final phase of model development is impact analysis. During this phase, prediction models are tested for their ability to change and improve clinicians’ decisions and patient outcomes.

All prediction models identified in this review are classified into the different phases of model development. We tried to contact all authors of the selected articles by email to investigate if there were new results of model validation or impact analysis, which were not published yet.

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Model performanceFor the models that were evaluated we quantified the performance of the prediction models by assessing calibration, discrimination and clinical usefulness. Calibration describes the agreement between observed outcomes and predictions of the outcomes. Calibration usually is reported as a calibration plot in which predicted probability is plot-ted against the actual outcome fraction. Usually reported in a graphical illustration of the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test.

Overall statistical performance measures incorporate both calibration and discrimination aspects. In this case, discrimination relates to how well a prediction model can discriminate those with the outcome from those without the outcome. Discrimination is commonly reported as the concordance (c) statistic, which indicates the discriminative ability of gen-eralized linear regression models. For a binary outcome, c is identical to the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). An AUC of 1 implies perfect dis-crimination, whereas an AUC of 0.5 means that the test does not discriminate at all. For this review, a model is considered to have poor performance if the AUC lies between 0.50 and 0.70. An AUC between 0.70 and 0.80 represents fair performance, and an AUC between 0.80 and 0.90 represents good performance. Another way to evaluate model performance is by assessing its clinical usefulness. Both clinical usefulness and discrimi-nation describe the ability of a model in distinguishing between women with a poor and women with a good chance of successful ECV, which is influenced by the cut-off point used for this classification. Once the cut-off point is chosen, clinical usefulness measures such as accuracy, sensitivity or specificity, positive or negative predictive values or likelihood ratios can be defined.

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 113



Study identification and selectionWe identified 373 potential eligible articles with the computerized search. After screening titles and abstracts we selected 21 articles for further reading. One paper was retrieved from cross-references. One article was not obtainable in full text version and was therefore excluded since it could not be assessed for study selection. Fourteen articles used uni-variable and/or multivariable regression analysis to evaluate the significance of predictor variables but did not develop a prediction model in order to express the individual chance of successful ECV. Finally, eight articles met our inclusion criteria and were included in our review (Figure 1).26–33








Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n=24)

Records excluded on base of title/abstract (n=349)

Records identified MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases (n=373)

Studies included in systematic review(n=8)

One study retrieved from cross-references (n=1)

Full-text articles excluded(n=15)

Figure 1. Flowchart of study selection process

114 | Chapter 6

Study characteristicsStudy characteristics are shown in Table 1. We identified eight articles reporting on seven prediction models. One study described the development and internal validation of one prediction model in two separate articles.27,28 One study29 described the development and internal validation in a first article and the external validation of the prediction model in a separate article.33 One study30 described the development of two separate prediction models in one article.

Table 1. Study characteristics of included articles

Study (year) Patients Exclusion criteria Outcome Individuals (n) Overall success rate (%)

Study design

Burgos et al. (2011/ 2012)27,28

Women with a singleton pregnancy at ≥37 weeks, a live foetus in a breech position, and no contraindications to vaginal birth

Placenta praevia, placental abruption, oligohydramnios, foetal compromise, foetal death, severe foetal malformation, multiple gestation, Rhesus sensitization, uterine abnormalities and clotting disorders

Successful ECV 1000(phase 1 = 500; phase 2 = 500)

phase 1 = 52,2%;phase 2 = 51,2% Overall = 51,7%

Prospective two-phase study

Kok et al. (2011)29

Women with a singleton pregnancy in breech presentation at ≥36 weeks of gestation

- Successful ECV 310 121 (39%) RCT

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)26

Women with breech presentation at ≥37 weeks of gestation

Placenta praevia, history of vaginal bleeding, AFI of at most 5 cm, foetal anomalies, foetal growth restriction, previous uterine scar other than low-transverse, non-reassuring non-stress test, EFW exceeding 4 kg, suspicion of nuchal cord or uterine malformation.

Successful ECV 128 78 (64%) Prospective cohort study

Wong et al. (2000)34

Women with breech presentation at ≥36 weeks of gestation

Intrauterine growth retardation, hypertension, placenta praevia, oligohydramnios, previous caesarean section and multiple pregnancy

Successful ECV 140 (phase 1 = 53; phase 2 = 87)

phase 1 = 64,2%; phase 2 =61,4%

Prospective two-phase study

Lau et al. (1997)30

Women with breech presentation at ≥36 weeks of gestation

Described by Stock et al37, full text version not available

Successful ECV 243 169 (69.5%) Prospective cohort study

Newman et al. (1993)31

Women with singleton gestations Mentioned contraindications for ECV: abruptio placentae, placenta praevia, premature rupture of membranes, foetal compromise during preliminary foetal heart rate monitoring

Successful ECV 394 (phase 1 = 108; phase 2 = 286 (20 for transverse lie))

166 (62.4%) in phase 2 (success rate transverse lie 18 (90%))

Retrospective and prospective two-phase study

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 115


Patient selection and inclusion criteria were not the same in all articles. Three articles included women with breech presentation with a gestational age of 36 weeks or more in their study29,30,34 whereas two studies included women with a gestational age of 37 weeks or more.26–28 One study did not report their inclusion criteria concerning gestational age.35 Two studies did not mention contraindications to perform ECV.29,30

Table 1. Study characteristics of included articles

Study (year) Patients Exclusion criteria Outcome Individuals (n) Overall success rate (%)

Study design

Burgos et al. (2011/ 2012)27,28

Women with a singleton pregnancy at ≥37 weeks, a live foetus in a breech position, and no contraindications to vaginal birth

Placenta praevia, placental abruption, oligohydramnios, foetal compromise, foetal death, severe foetal malformation, multiple gestation, Rhesus sensitization, uterine abnormalities and clotting disorders

Successful ECV 1000(phase 1 = 500; phase 2 = 500)

phase 1 = 52,2%;phase 2 = 51,2% Overall = 51,7%

Prospective two-phase study

Kok et al. (2011)29

Women with a singleton pregnancy in breech presentation at ≥36 weeks of gestation

- Successful ECV 310 121 (39%) RCT

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)26

Women with breech presentation at ≥37 weeks of gestation

Placenta praevia, history of vaginal bleeding, AFI of at most 5 cm, foetal anomalies, foetal growth restriction, previous uterine scar other than low-transverse, non-reassuring non-stress test, EFW exceeding 4 kg, suspicion of nuchal cord or uterine malformation.

Successful ECV 128 78 (64%) Prospective cohort study

Wong et al. (2000)34

Women with breech presentation at ≥36 weeks of gestation

Intrauterine growth retardation, hypertension, placenta praevia, oligohydramnios, previous caesarean section and multiple pregnancy

Successful ECV 140 (phase 1 = 53; phase 2 = 87)

phase 1 = 64,2%; phase 2 =61,4%

Prospective two-phase study

Lau et al. (1997)30

Women with breech presentation at ≥36 weeks of gestation

Described by Stock et al37, full text version not available

Successful ECV 243 169 (69.5%) Prospective cohort study

Newman et al. (1993)31

Women with singleton gestations Mentioned contraindications for ECV: abruptio placentae, placenta praevia, premature rupture of membranes, foetal compromise during preliminary foetal heart rate monitoring

Successful ECV 394 (phase 1 = 108; phase 2 = 286 (20 for transverse lie))

166 (62.4%) in phase 2 (success rate transverse lie 18 (90%))

Retrospective and prospective two-phase study

116 | Chapter 6

Study qualityThe results of the study quality assessment are shown in Table 2. Three studies27–29 were rated of high study quality. The four other studies26,30,34,35 were rated as having an overall moderate risk of bias and therefore moderate study quality. After critically appraising these four articles by comparing the ratings of each prompting item and bias domain, one study35 was considered to have the lowest overall study quality. This was due to the fact that, in addition to the ratings of moderate risk of bias for ‘analysis’ and ‘predictor variables’, this study did not completely describe inclusion criteria and patient characteristics.

Table 2. Quality of included studies

Burgos et al. (2011/2012)

Kok et al. (2011)

Wong et al. (2000)

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)

Lau et al. (1997)


man et al. (1993)

Study participation:

Description of setting and study period Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Description of inclusion and exclusion criteria Yes Partly Yes Yes Partly Partly

Consecutive patient selection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Number of patients reported Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Success rate of external cephalic version reported

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Clear description of patient characteristics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partly

Predictor variables:

Clear definition of all predictor variables evaluated

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Description of proportion of participants with complete/missing data

No Yes No No No No

Outcome measures:

Clear definition of outcome Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Description of evaluation measures Yes Yes Partly Partly Partly Partly

Description of model-building strategies Yes Yes Partly Partly Partly Partly

Overall quality*: + + +/- +/- +/- +/-

* This only concerns study quality based on operationalized items as mentioned in this table. Other quality aspects will be discussed in the discussion. + Low risk of bias; high study quality; +/- Moderate risk of bias; moderate study quality

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 117


Predictor variablesTable 3 shows a total of 23 different possible predictor variables, which were reported in the seven selected studies. We divided these predictor variables into three groups: patient characteristics, ultrasonographic findings and findings at clinical examination. The variables most commonly described, in four or more articles, were parity, gestational age, type of breech, placental location, estimated fetal weight (EFW) and amniotic fluid index. The most important predictor variables, described as statistically significant input variables in both univariable and multivariable analysis in three or more studies, were parity, pla-cental location, breech engagement and amniotic fluid index. Parity and placental location were described by all studies included in this review and were found to be statistically significant in both univariable and multivariable analysis in four studies and were incorpo-rated in their final model. Breech engagement was described and found to be significant in three studies and was incorporated in three final prediction models.30,34,35 Amniotic fluid index was described in all selected articles and was found to be statistically significant in three studies.27–29,34 However, only two studies included amniotic fluid index in their final model.27–29 Palpation of the fetal head was described and found to be significant in two studies, leading to incorporation of this predictor variable in two final models.30,34

Phases of model developmentAll of the included models had completed the phase of model derivation. With the excep-tion of one study26 all studies passed the phase of internal validation.26–29,31–33 One study30 performed an internal validation by cross-validation, by randomly dividing their dataset in two parts, developing two regression models and testing both models on the other subgroup. Three models were tested by temporal validation, where their model was tested on a group of subsequent patients in the same center.27,28,34,35 One study29 used bootstrapping for internally validating their model and this was also the only study that reached the phase of external validation.33 After contacting the authors we received one response from the study-group of Burgos et al, who claimed that their model is currently not being externally validated.

Performance of the prediction modelsAn overview and specification of the performance of the models described in the selected articles is presented in Table 4. Discrimination was described for two models27–29, and calibration was described for two models26,29,27. Only the performance of one model29 was evaluated by calibration and discrimination in both internal and external validation. Aisenbrey et al26 did not perform an internal validation of their model, nevertheless they assessed calibration with the Hosmer-Lemeshow test, which had a value of 0.92.

118 | Chapter 6

Table 3. Predictor variables evaluated and used in prediction models

Burgos et al. (2011/2012)

Kok et al. (2011)

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)

Wong et al. (2000)

Lau et al. (1997)


man et al. (1993)

Patient characteristics

Maternal age 3 2 3

Ethnicity 3

Parity 1 1 2 3 1 1

Gestational age 3 3 2 3 3

Previous Caesarean Section 3

Ultrasonographic characteristics

Type of breech 1 2 2 3

Placental location 1 1 1 3 3(+) 1

Position of foetal spine 2 3(+)

Foetal position 2

EFW 1 3 2 1

Amniotic fluid (index) 1 1 3 2 2 3

Foetal growth parameters* 3 2 (AC only)

Clinical examination characteristics

Maternal weight 3 3 3

Maternal height and weight 3 2 (height only)

BMI 3 3 3

Uterine tone 1 1 2

Palpation of head possible 1 1

Cervical dilation 1

Breech location 1

Breech engagement 1 1 1

Symphysis fundal height 1 3

* These contain biparietal diameter(cm), femur length(cm) and abdominal circumference (AC) (cm); EFW: Estimated Foetal Weight1 Statistically significant in both univariate and multivariate analysis and therefore included in prediction model2 Statistically significant in univariate analysis and not included in prediction model3 Not statistically significant and not included in prediction model+ Not statistically significant variables in univariate analysis but included in multivariate analysis based on prior research

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 119


In the study by Burgos et al27,28 there are three different AUC described; the discriminative ability or their model was of fair performance in model derivation, 0.74 (95% confidence interval 0.70 – 0.78) of poor performance in internal validation, (AUC of 0.67 (95% confi-dence interval 0.62 – 0.72)), and in total of fair performance 0.70 (95% confidence interval 0.67 – 0.74). The model by Kok et al29,33 had a fair performance in internal (AUC of 0.71 (95% confidence interval 0.66 – 0.77)) and a poor performance in external validation (0.66 (95% confidence interval 0.60-0.72)). Calibration of the model was visualized in calibration plots. Calibration was good at internal validation. At external validation, overall a slight underestimation of ECV success was seen, with a maximum difference of 14% between observed and predicted probability. However there was no overlap in the confidence intervals between women with a poor prognosis (less than 20% chance of successful ECV) and a good prognosis (more than 50% chance of successful ECV). The Hosmer-Lemeshow test in both internal (p = 0.66) and external validation (p = 0.30) was not significant.

Three studies30,34,35, described the performance of their models at internal validation by clinical usefulness, in terms of likelihood ratios or accuracy. Overall, the performance of these three models was fair.

120 | Chapter 6

Table 4a. Evaluation of model development and model performance

Study (year) Specification of model development

Type of model & presentation (clinical decision rule) Development phase Internal validation (method) External validation

Burgos et al. (2011/ 2012)27,28 Multivariable logistic regression analysis (maximum modelling strategy) Score Chart Rule and index score

Internal validation completed Prospective Group of subsequent patients in same centre n=500


Kok et al. (2011)29 Multivariable logistic regression analysis & stepwise backward selection procedure Regression formula

Internal and external validation completed

Bootstrapping (200 times) De Hundt et al., 201233 n = 320

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)26

Multivariable logistic regression analysis with backward selection Presentation of regression coefficients and constant; No model presentation

Model derivation & calibration measure completed, no internal validation

- -

Wong et al. (2000)34 Univariate analysis (χ2 or Student t test) Score Chart Rule combined with likelihood ratios

Internal validation completed In the same study, group of subsequent patients in same centre n= 87


Lau et al. (1997)30 Multivariable logistic regression modelling with stepwise forward selection 2 sets of regression coefficients and constants

Internal validation completed Split-sample; Two patient subgroups in same centre;Group 1 n=129Group 2 n=114


Newman et al. (1993)31 Stepwise linear regression analysis & discriminate analysis & χ2 and Student t test Score Chart Rule

Internal validation completed In the same study, group of subsequent patients in same centre n=266


Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 121


Table 4a. Evaluation of model development and model performance

Study (year) Specification of model development

Type of model & presentation (clinical decision rule) Development phase Internal validation (method) External validation

Burgos et al. (2011/ 2012)27,28 Multivariable logistic regression analysis (maximum modelling strategy) Score Chart Rule and index score

Internal validation completed Prospective Group of subsequent patients in same centre n=500


Kok et al. (2011)29 Multivariable logistic regression analysis & stepwise backward selection procedure Regression formula

Internal and external validation completed

Bootstrapping (200 times) De Hundt et al., 201233 n = 320

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)26

Multivariable logistic regression analysis with backward selection Presentation of regression coefficients and constant; No model presentation

Model derivation & calibration measure completed, no internal validation

- -

Wong et al. (2000)34 Univariate analysis (χ2 or Student t test) Score Chart Rule combined with likelihood ratios

Internal validation completed In the same study, group of subsequent patients in same centre n= 87


Lau et al. (1997)30 Multivariable logistic regression modelling with stepwise forward selection 2 sets of regression coefficients and constants

Internal validation completed Split-sample; Two patient subgroups in same centre;Group 1 n=129Group 2 n=114


Newman et al. (1993)31 Stepwise linear regression analysis & discriminate analysis & χ2 and Student t test Score Chart Rule

Internal validation completed In the same study, group of subsequent patients in same centre n=266


122 | Chapter 6

Table 4b Evaluation of model development and model performance

Study (year) Specification of model performance Predictive factors used for final modelCalibration Discrimination

(AUC)Clinical usefulness measures

Result as reported in paper

Burgos et al. (2011/ 2012)27,28 - Internal validation 0.67 (95% CI 0.62 – 0.72)

Used to create ROC-curve

This score can be a useful tool in decision-making, given that it individualizes success probabilities. If the ECV index score is 7/8, the success rate prediction is 56,5% and if it is ≥ 9, the success is 76,8%. If it is ≤ 6, the success is 30,9%.

ParityPlacental locationType of breech Amniotic Fluid

Kok et al. (2011)29 P=0.66, Plot shows good overall perfor. P=0.30 for ext. validation

Internal validation 0.71 (95% CI 0.66 – 0.77) External validation0.66 (95% CI 0.60-0.72)

Used to create ROC-curve

We were able to discriminate between women with a poor chance of successful ECV (less than 20%) and women with a good chance of success (more than 60%).

ParityEFWPlacental locationAmniotic fluid

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)26

P=0.92 for Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit statistic

- Accuracy of 93% Of the 78 successful cases, 75 were assigned probabilities greater than 0.50 using our model. With 0.50 as a cut-off, 93% of cases were classified correctly in predicting success/failure.

Uterine toneBreech locationPlacental location

Wong et al. (2000)34 - - LR ≤ 1.8 for version score ≤ 2 LR = 30 for version score 3LR = 57.7 for version score 4

Using our scoring system, prediction of successful ECV was possible without ultrasound or vaginal examination, and counselling could be given once breech presentation was diagnosed.

Palpable headBreech engagementSympysis-fundal height (cm)Uterine relaxation

Lau et al. (1997)30 - - Overall accuracy of 79.4% in internal validation

The findings confirm that the outcome of ECV is predictable, and that the model derived is reliable and reproducible.

EngagementParityHead easy to palpate

Newman et al. (1993)31 - - LH 21% for version score ≤ 4(p ˂ 0.05),LH 88% for version score ≥ 8(p ˂ 0.05)

We believe that this simple, quantifiable scoring system is a refinement in our ability to predict the likelihood of ECV success.

ParityCervical dilationEFWBreech engagementPlacental location

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 123


Table 4b Evaluation of model development and model performance

Study (year) Specification of model performance Predictive factors used for final modelCalibration Discrimination

(AUC)Clinical usefulness measures

Result as reported in paper

Burgos et al. (2011/ 2012)27,28 - Internal validation 0.67 (95% CI 0.62 – 0.72)

Used to create ROC-curve

This score can be a useful tool in decision-making, given that it individualizes success probabilities. If the ECV index score is 7/8, the success rate prediction is 56,5% and if it is ≥ 9, the success is 76,8%. If it is ≤ 6, the success is 30,9%.

ParityPlacental locationType of breech Amniotic Fluid

Kok et al. (2011)29 P=0.66, Plot shows good overall perfor. P=0.30 for ext. validation

Internal validation 0.71 (95% CI 0.66 – 0.77) External validation0.66 (95% CI 0.60-0.72)

Used to create ROC-curve

We were able to discriminate between women with a poor chance of successful ECV (less than 20%) and women with a good chance of success (more than 60%).

ParityEFWPlacental locationAmniotic fluid

Aisenbrey et al. (1999)26

P=0.92 for Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit statistic

- Accuracy of 93% Of the 78 successful cases, 75 were assigned probabilities greater than 0.50 using our model. With 0.50 as a cut-off, 93% of cases were classified correctly in predicting success/failure.

Uterine toneBreech locationPlacental location

Wong et al. (2000)34 - - LR ≤ 1.8 for version score ≤ 2 LR = 30 for version score 3LR = 57.7 for version score 4

Using our scoring system, prediction of successful ECV was possible without ultrasound or vaginal examination, and counselling could be given once breech presentation was diagnosed.

Palpable headBreech engagementSympysis-fundal height (cm)Uterine relaxation

Lau et al. (1997)30 - - Overall accuracy of 79.4% in internal validation

The findings confirm that the outcome of ECV is predictable, and that the model derived is reliable and reproducible.

EngagementParityHead easy to palpate

Newman et al. (1993)31 - - LH 21% for version score ≤ 4(p ˂ 0.05),LH 88% for version score ≥ 8(p ˂ 0.05)

We believe that this simple, quantifiable scoring system is a refinement in our ability to predict the likelihood of ECV success.

ParityCervical dilationEFWBreech engagementPlacental location

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We systematically reviewed existing articles reporting on prediction models for successful ECV. We found eight studies reporting on the development of seven prediction models for successful ECV in women with a term or near term fetus in breech position. Five stud-ies27–30,34,35 described at least one aspect of internal validation, but only one prediction model has reached the phase of external validation.29,27 Of all seven prediction models, only two models were rated as having an overall low risk of bias.27–29 None of the studies had reached the phase of impact analysis and none of the models used all important predictors assessed by meta-analysis.

The strength of our findings is based on the fact that our study is performed according to established methodology concerning model development assessment and model perfor-mance. For quality assessment, we developed a framework based on recommendation derived from previous studies.22 Therefore, we effectively reduced the risk of bias by preventing inadequate reporting of quality assessment.

External validation of a prediction model is essential for a model to be implemented in clini-cal practice. So far the only model of which the performance has been tested by calibration and discrimination in both internal and external validation, was the model developed by Kok et al.29,33 There was a good calibration of the model at internal validation. Unfortunately at external validation the model had a slight underestimation of the changes for successful ECV. Nevertheless the model was able to make a distinction between women with a good prognosis and a poor prognosis of successful ECV. The discriminative ability of the model was fair at internal validation but poor at external validation. There is a growing recognition that the discrimination in the evaluation of a prediction model is less important than the calibration. ROC analysis presumes the capacity to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful ECV. However, the probability of a successful ECV is never 0% or 100% and even seldom above 60%. Consequently discrimination will always be imperfect.

In this review we found five important predictor variables: parity, placental location, breech engagement, amniotic fluid index and palpation of the fetal head. Previous reviews have also indicated palpation of the fetal head, breech engagement, maternal weight, parity, amniotic fluid index, placental location and uterine tone as important predictor variables for successful ECV.19,20 Another possible prediction variable, although not indicated by previous reviews, could be the experience of the clinician performing the ECV.36 However, none of the model incorporated all these variables in their analysis. As a consequence, they probably reduced the predictive accuracy of their final model by excluding these variables from their analysis and therefore from their model. Future research should focus

Prediction models for successful ECV: a systematic review | 125


on developing a model, or extending the existing models, by incorporating all identified relevant predictor variables by previous research19,20 and our review.

Our review shows that the probability of success of ECV varies between 20% and 70%. In a process of shared decision making women should be informed with unbiased non-directive information

on the advantages, disadvantages and expected risks and outcome of an ECV attempt. A prediction model can guide in this process by for example persuading eligible but other-wise reluctant women with a predicted high success rate. On the other hand, a predicted chance as low as 20% might still be worth an attempt, considering the safety of the pro-cedure.8–12 It is however unknown whether complications rates are similar for all women, or that complications are more frequent in women with a low predicted success.

Little is known about risk factors for complications during an ECV attempt.8–12 Therefore, we are currently unable to determine which women have the highest risk of having a com-plication.8,12 Future research should focus on identifying possible risk factors associated with the occurrence of complications using large cohort studies. Hopefully, this will provide new insights and an answer to whether or not an ECV attempt should be withheld from subgroups of women with a poor predicted chance of success.

In order to support counselling and clinical decision making regarding an ECV attempt, the question is if one or more of the available prediction models described in this review should be implemented in clinical practice. The use of poor-quality prediction models could have a negative effect on decision-making.21 Therefore, careful evaluation is needed before these models can be implemented in clinical practice. Unfortunately, currently none of the available prediction models are ready to be implemented in clinical practice as none of the models completed the phase of impact analysis. Furthermore, none used all important predictors assessed by meta-analysis. Future research should focus on the development of a prediction model using a dataset reporting on all important predictors

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1. Hickok, D. E., Gordon, D. C., Milberg, J. A., Williams, M. A. & Daling, J. R. The frequency of breech presentation by gestational age at birth: a large population-based study. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 166, 851–2 (1992).

2. Rayl, J., Gibson, J. & Hickok, D. A popu-lation-based case-control study of risk factors for breech presentation. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 174, 28–32 (1996).

3. Hannah, M. E. et al. Planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: a randomised multicentre trial. Term Breech Trial Collab-orative Group. Lancet 356, 1375–83 (2000).

4. Impey, L. W. M. & Hofmeyr, G. J. External cephalic version and reducing the inci-dence of breech presentation. R. Coll. Obstet. Gynaecol. Guidel. (2006).

5. Rietberg, C. C. T., Elferink-Stinkens, P. M. & Visser, G. H. A. The effect of the Term Breech Trial on medical intervention behaviour and neonatal outcome in The Netherlands: an analysis of 35,453 term breech infants. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 112, 205–9 (2005).

6. Villar, J. et al. Maternal and neonatal indi-vidual risks and benefits associated with caesarean delivery: multicentre prospec-tive study. BMJ 335, 1025 (2007).

7. Lydon-Rochelle, M., Holt, V. L., Easterling, T. R. & Martin, D. P. risk of uterine rupture during labor among women with a prior cesarean delivery. New Engl. J. 345, 3–8 (2001).

8. Collaris, R. J. & Oei, S. G. External cephalic version: a safe procedure? A systematic review of version-related risks. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 83, 511–8 (2004).

9. Collins, S., Ellaway, P., Harrington, D., Pandit, M. & Impey, L. W. M. The complications of external cephalic version: results from 805 consecutive attempts. Br. J. Obstet. Gynae-col. 114, 636–8 (2007).

10. Nassar, N. et al. Systematic review of adverse outcomes of external cephalic version and persisting breech presenta-tion at term. Paediatr. Perinat. Epidemiol. 20, 163–71 (2006).

11. Rijnders, M. et al. A retrospective study of the success, safety and effectiveness of external cephalic version without tocoly-sis in a specialised midwifery centre in the Netherlands. Midwifery 24, 38–45 (2008).

12. Rosman, A. N. et al. Contraindications for external cephalic version in breech position at term: A systematic review. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 92, 137–142 (2013).

13. Villar, J. et al. Caesarean delivery rates and pregnancy outcomes: the 2005 WHO global survey on maternal and perinatal health in Latin America. Lancet 367, 1819–29 (2006).

14. Zhang, J. et al. Contemporary cesarean delivery practice in the United States. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 203, 326.e1-326.e10 (2010).

15. Betrán, A. P. et al. Rates of caesarean section : analysis of global, regional and national estimates. 98–113 (2007).

16. Leung, TY; Lau, TK; Lo, KW; Rogers, M. A survey of pregnant women’s attitude towards breech delivery and external cephalic version. Aust. New Zeal. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 40, 253–9 (2000).

17. Caukwell, S., Joels, L. A., Kyle, P. M. & Mills, M. S. Women’s attitudes towards manage-ment of breech presentation at term. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 22, 486–488 (2002).

18. Hofmeyr, G. & Kulier, R. External cephalic version for breech presentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. (1996).

19. Kok, M. et al. Clinical factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a metaanalysis. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 199, 630.e1-7 (2008).

20. Kok, M., Cnossen, J., Gravendeel, L., Van Der Post, J. A. & Mol, B. W. Ultrasound factors

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to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 33, 76–84 (2009).

21. Leushuis, E. et al. Prediction models in reproductive medicine: a critical appraisal. Hum. Reprod. Update 15, 537–552 (2009).

22. Hayden, J. A. Evaluation of the Quality of Prognosis Studies in Systematic Reviews. Ann. Intern. Med. 144, 427 (2006).

23. Hayden, J. A., van der Windt, D. A., Cart-wright, J. L., Côté, P. & Bombardier, C. Assessing bias in studies of prognostic fac-tors. Ann. Intern. Med. 158, 280–6 (2013).

24. Wortman, P. M. Judging research quality. (Russell Sage Foundation, 1994).

25. McGinn, T. G. et al. Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature. JAMA 284, 79 (2000).

26. Aisenbrey, G. a, Catanzarite, V. a & Nelson, C. External cephalic version: predictors of success. Obstet. Gynecol. 94, 783–6 (1999).

27. Burgos, J. et al. A prospective study of the factors associated with the success rate of external cephalic version for breech pre-sentation at term. Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 112, 48–51 (2011).

28. Burgos, J. et al. Clinical score for the out-come of external cephalic version: a two-phase prospective study. Aust. New Zeal. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 52, 59–61 (2012).

29. Kok, M., van der Steeg, J. W., van der Post, J. a M. & Mol, B. W. J. Prediction of success of external cephalic version after 36 weeks. Am. J. Perinatol. 28, 103–10 (2011).

30. Lau, T. K., Lo, K. W., Wan, D. & Rogers, M. S. Predictors of successful external cephalic

version at term: a prospective study. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 104, 798–802 (1997).

31. Newman, R., Peacock, B., VanDorsten, P. & Hunt, H. Predicting success of external cephalic version. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 169, 245–249 (1993).

32. Wong, W. M., Lao, T. & Lai, K. Predicting the Success of External Cephalic Version with a Scoring System. J. Reprod. Med. 45, 201–206 (2000).

33. De Hundt, M. et al. External validation of a prediction model for successful external cephalic version. Am. J. Perinatol. 29, 231–6 (2012).

34. Wong, W. M., Lao, T. T. & Liu, K. L. Predict-ing the success of external cephalic version with a scoring system. A prospective, two-phase study. J. Reprod. Med. 45, 201–6 (2000).

35. Newman, R. B., Peacock, B. S., VanDorsten, J. P. & Hunt, H. H. Predicting success of external cephalic version. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 169, 245-50 (1993).

36. Kuppens, S. M. I., Francois, A. M. H., Hasaart, T. H. M., van der Donk, M. W. P. & Pop, V. J. M. [Fewer breech deliveries after imple-mentation of a modified cephalic version protocol]. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. 154, A63 (2010).

37. Stock, A., Chung, T., Rogers, M. & Ming, W. W. Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled comparison of ritodrine and hexoprenaline for tocolysis prior to exter-nal cephalic version at term. Aust. New Zeal. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 33, 265–8 (1993).

Chapter 7Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for external cephalic version

Joost VelzelEwoud SchuitFloortje VlemmixJan F. M. MolkenboerJoris A. M. van der PostBen Willem MolMarjolein Kok

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, June 2018; 228:137-142

130 | Chapter 7


Objective: To develop a prediction model for the chance of successful external cephalic version (ECV).

Study design: This is a secondary analysis of a multicenter, open-label randomized con-trolled trial that assessed the effectiveness of atosiban compared to fenoterol as uterine relaxant during ECV in women with a singleton fetus in breech presentation with a gesta-tional age of 36 weeks or more. Potential predictors included maternal, pregnancy, fetal, and treatment characteristics and were recorded in all participants. Multivariable logistic regression analysis with a stepwise backward selection procedure was used to construct a prediction model for the occurrence of successful ECV. Model performance was assessed using calibration and discrimination.

Results: We included a total of 818 women with an overall ECV success rate of 37%. Ten predictive factors were identified with the stepwise selection procedure to be associated with a successful ECV: fenoterol as uterine relaxant, nulliparity, Caucasian ethnicity, ges-tational age at ECV, Amniotic Fluid Index, type of breech presentation, placental location, breech engagement, possibility to palpate the head and relaxation of the uterus. Our model showed good calibration and a good discriminative ability with a c-statistic of 0.78 (95% CI 0.75 to 0.81).

Conclusion: Prediction of success of ECV seems feasible with a model showing good performance. This can be used in clinical practice after external validation.

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Breech presentation occurs in 3 to 4% of all term pregnancies.1,2 Vaginal delivery of a fetus in breech position is associated with higher rates of neonatal morbidity and mortality compared to a planned caesarean delivery.3 Consequently, the global rate of term vaginal breech deliveries has declined substantially, while the rate of planned caesarean deliver-ies increased for fetuses in breech position.4,5 However, caesarean delivery is associated with short and long-term consequences for maternal and neonatal health.6,7 External cephalic version (ECV) is a safe and effective procedure to reduce the number of breech presentations at term and consequently the caesarean delivery rate for this indication.8–12 Considering the global rise in caesarean deliveries in the last decade from approximately 23 to 34%, of which malpresentation is the third indication (approximately 17%)13, ECV is an important intervention that can contribute to put a hold on this. Even as the complication rate is very low (a pooled risk on fetal death is 0.19%8), it is important to weigh these risks of complications with the alternatives to an ECV, namely the risk of perinatal mortality in planned vaginal breech birth (2.0/1000) and planned caesarean delivery (0.5/1000) and with caesarean section and in future pregnancies (1.0/1000).14 Therefore, ECV is recom-mended to all women with an uncomplicated breech pregnancy near term.13

The success rate of ECV varies from approximately 35% up to 86% with an average of 50-60%.4,15 Therefore, a more reliable and individualized prediction of successful ECV would be useful to counsel women for an ECV attempt and to improve individualized care and shared decision making. Recently, a systematic review including six prediction models for successful ECV was published.16 They concluded that one prediction model was validated in an external cohort and had acceptable predictive performance. However, none of the models incorporated all important variables in their analysis determined in literature17,18, thereby potentially limiting the performance of the models. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify which combination of all important variables in daily clinical practice best predicts the success of ECV.

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The current manuscript was reported according to the TRIPOD reporting guideline19, and is based on data that had been prospectively collected as part of a multicenter, open-label randomized controlled trial in one academic and seven teaching hospitals in the Neth-erlands.20 This study assessed the effectiveness of atosiban compared to fenoterol as uterine relaxant during ECV. Atosiban was associated with a lower success rate (relative risk 0.73 (95% confidence interval 0.55 to 0.93)). The study was approved by the research ethics committee of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam (reference number MEC 08-364) and by the board of directors of each of the participating hospitals. The study was registered in the Dutch Trial register (NTR 1877). In this randomized controlled trial, all women presenting between August 2009 and May 2014 with a singleton fetus in breech position who were scheduled for ECV were eligible for the study. Exclusion criteria were maternal age less than 18 years old, gestational age below 34 weeks, any contra-indication to vaginal birth (e.g. placenta praevia), any contraindication for ECV (scarred uterus other than transverse in the lower segment, known uterine anomalies, placental abruption in history or signs of placental abruption, severe preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome, third trimester blood loss or seven days prior to ECV, ruptured membranes), any known con-tra-indication to one of the two drugs, suspected intrauterine growth restriction (defined as estimated fetal weight <P5 for gestational age assessed by ultrasonography), severe oligohydramnios (deepest pool < 2 cm), fetal anomalies or non-reassuring fetal heart rate monitoring. Women were randomly assigned to receive atosiban or fenoterol. Fifteen minutes before starting ECV, the participating woman received an intravenous bolus of atosiban (6.75 mg in 0.9 mL (7.5 mg/mL)) or fenoterol (40 μg in 0.8 mL (0.5 mg/10 mL)) administered by a physician. Experienced obstetricians and midwives performed the ECV procedure, and the procedure was successful if the fetus was still in cephalic position 30 minutes after the ECV attempt.

Candidate predictorsBased on literature17,18 and clinical reasoning, we selected candidate predictors that are available in clinical practice. Candidate predictors were: parity, maternal age, body mass index (BMI), ethnicity, gestational age, placental location, fetal position, estimated fetal weight (EFW), amniotic fluid index in cm (AFI), position of the fetal spine, breech engage-ment, symphysis fundal height defined in weeks, possibility of palpation of the fetal head, and relaxation of the uterus all assessed by the clinician performing the ECV. Ethnic-ity initially consisted of six different groups, but ethnicity was recorded as Caucasian or non-Caucasian, based on a review on ethnicity. It showed a negative effect of Caucasian race on successful ECV. EFW was calculated with the Hadlock formula.21 Fetal position was defined as frank breech (reference), non-frank breech, incomplete breech or transvers lie.

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Placental location was defined as anterior (reference), posterior, fundal or lateral position. Breech engagement was defined as non-engaged (reference), descent into pelvis or fixed in pelvis. Palpation of the fetal head was defined as easy (reference), difficult or unremark-able which is defined as not easy nor difficult to palpate the head of the baby. Relaxation of uterus was defined as relaxed (reference), unremarkable or non-relaxed.

Data AnalysisWe used successful ECV at 30 minutes after the attempt as the end point of the study. Var-ious candidate predictors had missing values (Table 1). Because these are often selectively missing, deleting them would lead to a loss of statistical power in multivariable analysis and it is well documented that a complete case analysis probably yields biased results.22 Hence, we used multiple imputation (ten times) to handle missing values. The imputation model included all potential predictors and the outcome.

Baseline characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented as mean with standard deviation (SD) or median with interquartile range (IQR) for continuous variables as appropriate, and as numbers and percentages of the whole population for categorical and dichotomous variables.

To assess potential non-linearity of the association between the continuous variables maternal age, gestational age, BMI, and EFW, and the outcome (i.e. successful ECV) mul-tivariable fractional polynomials were used, and continuous variables were transformed accordingly.23

First, the univariable associations were assessed for each individual variable with the outcome using logistic regression, resulting in odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and corresponding p values. Since selection based on univariable statistics might result in unstable prediction models we chose not to perform any preselection and to include all candidate predictors in the multivariable analyses.24,25 Subsequently, multivariable logistic regression analysis with a stepwise backward selection procedure was used to construct a prediction model for the occurrence of successful ECV. Selection of variables was based on Akaike’s Information Criterion. Since results may differ between imputation sets variable selection was repeated within each imputation set. Afterwards the final model was determined based on the majority rule, meaning that variables that were selected in 5 or more imputation sets were included in the final model.26 Afterwards, the final model was fitted within each imputation set separately and intercept and regression coefficients were pooled using Rubin’s rules.27

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With each model development there is a chance of overfitting, meaning that the model is too strongly fit to the data on which it was developed and consequently may per-form poorly when externally validated. To assess the degree of overfitting or optimism, we internally validated the model using bootstrapping techniques. One hundred boot-strap samples of equal size to the original data (n=818) were drawn from the original data set with replacement, allowing for multiple sampling of the same individual. Within each sample the entire modelling process described above was repeated. This yields a shrinkage factor, with which the regression coefficients of the predictors are multiplied (uniformly shrunken) to correct the model for optimism and overfitting.24

Model performance will be assessed using discrimination and calibration. The discrimina-tive ability of the models, being the ability to distinguish between those with and without a successful ECV, was assessed with the c-statistic.24 Calibration was assessed graphically using calibration plots.

Furthermore, the following accuracy measures are assessed: sensitivity (or true positiverate), specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and false positive rate. As no clear relevant cut-off value exists, these measures were presented for different cut-off values based on the deciles of the predicted probabilities.

Data were analyzed using R version 3.0.1, package RMS for prediction modeling purposes and MICE for multiple imputation (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2013, Data and codes are available upon request from the corresponding author.

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Between August 2009 and May 2014, 818 women were enrolled (410 received atosiban (intervention group) and 408 fenoterol (control group)). The overall ECV success rate was 37%. The multifractional polynomial analyses indicated a linear association between the outcome and all continuous variables except for AFI and gestational age at ECV. AFI was transformed to 1/AFI. The suggested transformation for gestational at ECV was complex and difficult to interpret, thus we decided to dichotomize this variable to term (gestational age from 37 weeks onwards) and preterm (gestational age < 37 weeks).

Predictors related to the outcome in the univariable analysis were fenoterol as uterine relaxant, nulliparity, gestational age at ECV < 37 weeks, EFW, AFI, type of breech presen-tation, position of the fetal spine, breech engagement, possibility to palpate the head and relaxation of the uterus (Table 1). In the multivariable analyses ten predictive factors remained after the stepwise selection procedure: fenoterol as uterine relaxant, nulliparity, Caucasian, gestational age at ECV, AFI, type of breech presentation, placental location, breech engagement, possibility to palpate the head and relaxation of the uterus (Table 2). Of these predictors, the most important are breech engagement, nulliparity and perform-ing an ECV at term. All three predictors contribute negatively on the chance of success. Administration of fenoterol, posterior placenta and amniotic fluid are the most important predictors with a positive effect on the chance of success.

Table 1. Characteristics of the study population and the univariable associations between potential predictors and successful ECV


Missing data (%


Overall Cohort before

imputation (n=818)

Successful ECV (%)

Unsuccessful ECV (%


Univariable Analysis

OR 95% CI

Administration of fenoterol (%) 0 414 (50) 166 242 1.37 1.03 – 1.8

Nulliparous (%) 0 511 (62) 128 383 0.25 0.19 – 0.34

Maternal age, year (SD) 0 32 (4.1) - - 1.41 0.99 – 2.0

BMI, kg/m2 (min - max) 66 (8) 23.1 (16 – 48) - 1.15 0.84 – 1.6

Caucasian (%) 25 (3) 705 (89) 273 453 1.23 0.76 – 2.0

Gestational age, weeks (SD) 16 (2) 36.2 (0.94) 0.58 0.40 – 0.84

Estimated foetal weight, gr (SD)* 192 (23) 2610 (336) - - 2.1 1.30 – 3.4

Amniotic Fluid Index, cm (min – max)

281 (34) 15 (3 - 40) - - 0.18 0.08 – 0.42

136 | Chapter 7

Table 1. Continued.


Missing data (%


Overall Cohort before

imputation (n=818)

Successful ECV (%)

Unsuccessful ECV (%


Univariable Analysis

OR 95% CI

Type of breech (%) 41 (5)

Frank breech 568 (73) 189 409 1.00

Non-frank breech 117 (15) 54 69 1.7 1.1 – 2.6

Incomplete breech 49 (6) 25 26 2.0 1.1 – 3.7

Transversal 43 (6) 35 12 6.4 3.2 – 13.1

Placental location (%) 52 (6)

Anterior 266 (35) 98 186 1.00

Posterior 267 (35) 121 165 1.42 0.99 – 2.0

Fundal 142 (19) 48 103 0.89 0.57 – 1.4

Lateral 91 (12) 36 61 1.12 0.67 – 1.8

Position of spine (%) 108 (13)

Anterior 59 (8) 26 42 1.00

Posterior 29 (4) 9 25 0.56 0.21 – 1.5

Lateral left 346 (49) 135 266 0.80 0.46 – 1.39

Lateral right 242 (34) 106 171 0.99 0.56 – 1.8

Transvers up 20 (3) 18 7 4.4 1.5 – 12.8

Transvers down 14 (2) 12 5 3.7 1.01 – 13.4

Fundal Height, weeks (min – max)

111 (14) 36 (32 – 40) 2.4 0.75 – 7.8

Breech engagement (%) 62 (8)

Non-engaged 215 (28) 136 102 1.00

Descent into pelvis 440 (58) 160 313 0.38 0.28 – 0.52

Fixed in pelvis 101 (13) 7 101 0.05 0.02 – 0.11

Palpation of head (%) 132 (16)

Easy 606 (88) 276 440 1.00

Difficult 66 (10) 21 61 0.55 0.31 – 0.96

Unremarkable 14 (2) 5 13 0.64 0.20 – 2.0

Relaxation of uterus (%) 130 (28)

Yes 541 (79) 261 379 1.00

Unremarkable 135 (20) 40 122 0.47 0.30 – 0.74

No 12 (2) 2 14 0.23 0.05 – 1.17

Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for ECV | 137


Table 2. Multivariable associations for our prediction model

Predictor β* Odds ratio 95% CI

Intercept: -0.382

Administration of fenoterol 0.261 1.30 0.93 – 1.8

Nulliparous -1.008 0.37 0.26 – 0.51

Caucasian 0.360 1.43 0.83 – 2.5

Gestational age at ECV from 37 weeks onwards -0.388 0.58 0.40 – 0.84

1/Amniotic fluid in cm: 0.449 1.6 1.01 – 2.4

Position of fetus:

Frank breech Ref Ref Ref

Non-frank breech 0.282 1.33 0.83 – 2.1

Incomplete breech 0.423 1.5 0.80 – 2.9

Transversal 0.583 1.8 0.80 – 4.0

Placental location:

Anterior Ref Ref Ref

Posterior 0.349 1.5 1.00 – 2.2

Fundal -0.007 1.0 0.60 – 1.6

Lateral 0.150 1.2 0.67 – 2.0

Breech engagement

Above pelvis Ref Ref Ref

Descent into pelvis -0.440 0.64 0.44 – 0.94

Fixed in pelvis -1.935 0.14 0.06 – 0.35

Palpation of head

Easy Ref Ref Ref

Difficult -0.448 0.64 0.33 – 1.22

Unremarkable 0.705 0.49 0.12 – 2.0

Relaxation of uterus

Yes Ref Ref Ref

Unremarkable -0.401 0.70 0.40 – 1.10

No -0.340 0.71 0.12 – 4.1

Mean shrinkage factor 0.83

138 | Chapter 7

For our model, internal validation showed good calibration (Figure 1) and a good discrim-inative ability with a c-statistic of 0.78 (95% CI 0.75 to 0.81). The mean predicted chance for success was 36.9% and this chance ranged from 1.7 to 93.6%. The mean observed success was 37.0%.

The predicted chance of successful ECV can be calculated using the following formula:

Predicted chance = (1 + e-LP)-1,LP = -0.382 + (administration of fenoterol * 0.26) +

(nulliparious * -1.008) + (Caucasian * 0.360) +(Gestational age at ECV from 37 weeks onwards * -0.388) +(1/(AFI/10) * 0.449) + (non-frank breech * 0.2817) + (incomplete breech * 0.4227) + (transversal * 0.5833) +(posterior placenta * 0.349) + (fundal placenta * -0.007) +(lateral placenta * 0.583) + (breech descent into pelvis * -0.440) +(breech fixed in pelvis * -1.935) + (difficult palpation of the fetal head * -0.448) + (unremarkable palpation of the fetal head * 0.705) +(unremarkable relaxation of the uterus * -0.401) + (no relaxation of the uterus * -0.340)

In the formula, in categorical variable (administration of fenoterol, nulliparous, Caucasian and gestational age at ECV from 37 weeks onwards), the value ‘1’ should be used if a women belongs the reference group and ‘0’ if she belongs to the non reference group. For the categorical variables, the value ‘0’ should be used if the woman belongs to the reference category and ‘1’ if she belongs to the non reference category. For breech presen-tation, frank breech is reference. For placental location, anterior placenta is reference. For breech engagement, above pelvis is reference. For palpation of the head, easy to palpate is reference. For relaxation of the uterus, a relaxed uterus is reference. For amniotic fluid index, the cm must be fulfilled.

For example, a Caucasian, multiparous, preterm, with 15 cm of amniotic fluid, incomplete breech, posterior placental location, breech is descent and not fixed in pelvis with a unre-markable possible palpation of the head, a relaxed uterus and administration of fenoterol has a predictive chance of 50.8% for a success full ECV.

Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for ECV | 139

7Figure 1. Calibration plot with the observed chance of a successful ECV by predicted probabilities. The dots indicate deciles of women grouped by similar predicted chance of a successful ECV. The vertical bars through the dots indicate the 95% confidence interval of the observed chance of a successful ECV.

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In this study we developed and internally validated a prediction model for the outcome of an ECV procedure. Our model showed good calibration and a good ability to discriminate between women with a successful and unsuccessful ECV.

Our study has several strengths. First, this is the largest study on the prediction of ECV success and compared to the c-statics of 0.67 (95% CI 0.62 to 0.72) of the study of Burgos et al28 and 0.70 (95% CI 0.67 to 0.74) of the study by Kok et al29 our performance was better (0.78 (95% CI 0.75 to 0.81)). Second, our study was performed and reported according to established methodology concerning development and validation of a clinical prediction model. Third, we believe our model is generalizable as we used data from a well-described, large, nationwide randomized controlled trial in the Netherlands. This resulted in stan-dardized data collection in high quality.20 Fourth, we incorporated all identified relevant predictor variables that lacked in previous prediction models16–18, and all characteristics used in the model are readily available and easy to measure for the clinician who will counsel the patient for ECV. Therefore, the model will be easy and inexpensive to apply in daily clinical practice.

To improve uptake in clinical practice, we present a formula to allow calculation of one’s individual chance of success of an ECV attempt. Before this model, seven other models were developed of which only one model was validated externally. Despite the fact that it is usual to use the best model for updating, we have chosen to make a new model. The previous models used a maximum of five possible predictors. Since we designed this study alongside a RCT, after recording the most important predictors, we were able to make a more accurate model. Before our model can be implemented in daily practice at least two additional steps are needed. First, our model needs external validation, and if nec-essary updating, to assess the model’s performance in another population.30 Thereafter, an impact analysis is needed to test for the model’s ability to change and improve shared decision making and evaluate (un)intended effects on patient outcomes.

Our study has some limitations. First, it is possible that our results might be less reliable due to missing data. However, we used multiple imputation including all potential pre-dictors and the outcome to decrease this potential effect. Second, we used data from a comparative study that found a treatment effect in favor of fenoterol, and therefore, we included administration of fenoterol as predictor in the model.31 Compared to the other predictors in the model, uterine relaxation had a moderate effect on the success rate of ECV. Third, as our model is developed using data from a RCT, the observed chance of success could be higher compared to the general population as it is being developed in

Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for ECV | 141


a population who already decided on an ECV attempt. On the other hand, those women with anticipated high chances of successful ECV might not have been included by caregiv-ers in the RCT about uterine relaxants. The baseline characteristics of the patients in this study correspond to a large cluster RCT in the Netherlands in which all women counselled for ECV were included.32 Nevertheless, inclusion and exclusion criteria for the initial trial were in accordance with common guidelines, which makes that our study population is a representative sample of the general population. However, to further confirm the gen-eralizability of our model we are planning to perform external validation in a cohort of women who are considering ECV. If the model performs well at external validation, impact analysis will additionally be performed. Fourth, ECV attempts were undertaken in centers that perform ECV frequently, this could also contribute to a higher chance of success compared to centers that do not perform ECV frequently as it is strongly believed that experience of the performing gynecologists or midwife and setting are of importance in increasing the success rate of ECV.33,34 We have not included experience of the operator as a potential predictor. Furthermore, Yun Kim et al35 undertook the first step developing a standardized learning curve guideline for ECV. They concluded that a minimal number of 57 ECV attempts need to be performed in order to reach a 50% success rate, which underlines the potential importance of considering operator experience as a potential confounder or predictor for a successful ECV. Unfortunately, this information was not available in our study, meaning that we were unable to account for this. As a result, the current model may overestimate the ECV success rate in a less experienced setting. Fur-ther external validation studies in a such a setting are needed to confirm this hypothesis.

ECV is recommended in international guidelines as it prevents caesarean deliveries and related morbidity in current and future pregnancies.14 A calculated low success rate based on a prediction model might discourage women to give it a try. And this might leave a clinician in conflict whether to use the model in such a situation. We think that the model (after above mentioned additional evaluation) should be used for all women because it contributes to personalized care. It helps to translate data of a large cohort into daily practice on a patient level and truly helps shared decision making on an individual level.

Our model can be applied to demonstrate the increased chance of success if fenoterol is used as treatment, and therefore to better inform women the potential positive effect. It is known that more than 70% of the women receiving fenoterol experience minor adverse side effects such as palpitations, flushing, and dizziness.20 For some caregivers, this is a barrier to offer uterus relaxants to women, or at least to try a first attempt without med-ication.36

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From a preference study, we know that women are willing to undergo treatment with possible side effects if it generates an increased success chance.37 Therefore, before the first attempt counseling about tocolysis must be performed, as we believe that the most optimal attempt must be provided. In light of routine administration of tocolysis, future research should focus on determining who benefits most. Our model may help further facilitate such personalized medicine.


In summary, in women undergoing an ECV attempt for breech presentation, a combination of parity, ethnicity, administration of fenoterol, amniotic fluid index, fetal position, placental position, engagement of the breech in the pelvis, uterine tone, palpitation of the head and gestational age best predicts the chance of ECV success. After external validation, our model can be used in daily obstetric clinical practice and optimizes personalized medicine and shared decision making for women with a breech presentation near term.

Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for ECV | 143



1. Hickok, D. E., Gordon, D. C., Milberg, J. A., Williams, M. A. & Daling, J. R. The frequency of breech presentation by gestational age at birth: a large population-based study. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 166, 851–2 (1992).

2. Rayl, J., Gibson, J. & Hickok, D. A popu-lation-based case-control study of risk factors for breech presentation. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 174, 28–32 (1996).

3. Hannah, M. E. et al. Planned caesarean section versus planned vaginal birth for breech presentation at term: a randomised multicentre trial. Term Breech Trial Collab-orative Group. Lancet 356, 1375–83 (2000).

4. Impey, L. W. M. & Hofmeyr, G. J. External cephalic version and reducing the inci-dence of breech presentation. R. Coll. Obstet. Gynaecol. Guidel. (2006).

5. Rietberg, C. C. T., Elferink-Stinkens, P. M. & Visser, G. H. A. The effect of the Term Breech Trial on medical intervention behaviour and neonatal outcome in The Netherlands: an analysis of 35,453 term breech infants. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 112, 205–9 (2005).

6. Villar, J. et al. Maternal and neonatal indi-vidual risks and benefits associated with caesarean delivery: multicentre prospec-tive study. BMJ 335, 1025 (2007).

7. Lydon-Rochelle, M., Holt, V. L., Easterling, T. R. & Martin, D. P. risk of uterine rupture during labor among women with a prior cesarean delivery. New Engl. J. 345, 3–8 (2001).

8. Collaris, R. J. & Oei, S. G. External cephalic version: a safe procedure? A systematic review of version-related risks. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 83, 511–8 (2004).

9. Collins, S., Ellaway, P., Harrington, D., Pandit, M. & Impey, L. W. M. The complications of external cephalic version: results from 805 consecutive attempts. Br. J. Obstet. Gynae-col. 114, 636–8 (2007).

10. Nassar, N. et al. Systematic review of adverse outcomes of external cephalic version and persisting breech presenta-tion at term. Paediatr. Perinat. Epidemiol. 20, 163–71 (2006).

11. Rijnders, M. et al. A retrospective study of the success, safety and effectiveness of external cephalic version without tocoly-sis in a specialised midwifery centre in the Netherlands. Midwifery 24, 38–45 (2008).

12. Rosman, A. N. et al. Contraindications for external cephalic version in breech position at term: A systematic review. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 92, 137–142 (2013).

13. ACOG & SMFM. Safe Prevention of the Pri-mary Cesarean Delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 123, 693–711 (2014).

14. No, G. G. Management of Breech Pre-sentation: Green-top Guideline No. 20b Management of Breech Presentation : Green-top Guideline No. 20b. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 151–177 (2017).

15. Hofmeyr, G. & Kulier, R. External cephalic version for breech presentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. (1996).

16. Velzel, J. et al. Prediction models for successful external cephalic version: a systematic review. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 195, 160–167 (2015).

17. Kok, M. et al. Clinical factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a metaanalysis. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 199, 630.e1-7 (2008).

18. Kok, M., Cnossen, J., Gravendeel, L., Van Der Post, J. A. & Mol, B. W. Ultrasound factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 33, 76–84 (2009).

19. Collins, G. S., Reitsma, J. B., Altman, D. G. & Moons, K. G. M. Transparent reporting of a multivariable prediction model for individ-ual prognosis or diagnosis (TRIPOD): The TRIPOD Statement. European Urology 67, 1142–1151 (2015).

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20. Velzel, J. et al. Atosiban versus fenoterol as a uterine relaxant for external cephalic version: A randomized controlled trial. BMJ 356, (2017).

21. Hadlock, F. P., Harrist, R. B., Sharman, R. S., Deter, R. L. & Park, S. K. Estimation of fetal weight with the use of head, body, and femur measurements- a prospective study. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 151, 333–337 (1985).

22. Donders, A. R. T., van der Heijden, G. J. M. G., Stijnen, T. & Moons, K. G. M. Review: A gentle introduction to imputation of miss-ing values. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 59, 1087–1091 (2006).

23. Royston, P. & Altman, D. G. Regression Using Fractional Polynomials of Continu-ous Covariates: Parsimonious Parametric Modelling. Appl. Stat. 43, 429 (1994).

24. Harrell, F. E., Lee, K. L. & Mark, D. B. Mul-tivariable prognostic models: issues in developing models, evaluating assump-tions and adequacy, and measuring and reducing errors. Stat. Med. 15, 361–87 (1996).

25. Sun, G. W., Shook, T. L. & Kay, G. L. Inappro-priate use of bivariable analysis to screen risk factors for use in multivariable analysis. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 49, 907–16 (1996).

26. Vergouwe, Y., Royston, P., Moons, K. G. M. & Altman, D. G. Development and validation of a prediction model with missing pre-dictor data: a practical approach. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 63, 205–214 (2010).

27. Rubin, D. B. & Schenker, N. Multiple imputation in health-care databases: an overview and some applications. Stat. Med. 10, 585–98 (1991).

28. Burgos, J. et al. Clinical score for the out-come of external cephalic version: a two-phase prospective study. Aust. New Zeal. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 52, 59–61 (2012).

29. Kok, M., van der Steeg, J. W., van der Post, J. a M. & Mol, B. W. J. Prediction of success of external cephalic version after 36 weeks. Am. J. Perinatol. 28, 103–10 (2011).

30. Moons, K. G. M., Altman, D. G., Vergouwe, Y. & Royston, P. Prognosis and prognos-tic research: Application and impact of prognostic models in clinical practice. BMJ (Online) 338, 1487–1490 (2009).

31. Groenwold, R. H. H. et al. Explicit inclusion of treatment in prognostic modeling was recommended in observational and ran-domized settings. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 78, 90–100 (2016).

32. Vlemmix, F. et al. Implementation of client versus care-provider strategies to improve external cephalic version rates: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 94, 518–26 (2015).

33. Kuppens, S. M. I., Francois, A. M. H., Hasaart, T. H. M., van der Donk, M. W. P. & Pop, V. J. M. [Fewer breech deliveries after imple-mentation of a modified cephalic version protocol]. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. 154, A63 (2010).

34. Zandstra, H. & Mertens, H. J. M. M. Improv-ing external cephalic version for foetal breech presentation. Facts, views Vis. ObGyn 5, 85–90 (2013).

35. Kim, S. Y. et al. Evaluation of the learning curve for external cephalic version using cumulative sum analysis. Obstet. Gynecol. Sci. 60, 343–349 (2017).

36. Rosman, A. N. et al. Facilitators and barri-ers to external cephalic version for breech presentation at term among health care providers in the Netherlands: A quantita-tive analysis. Midwifery 30, e145-50 (2014).

37. Vlemmix, F. et al. Patient’s willingness to opt for external cephalic version. J. Psychosom. Obstet. Gynaecol. 34, 15–21 (2013).

Chapter 8Mode of delivery after successful external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Marcella de HundtJoost VelzelChristianne J. de GrootBen Willem MolMarjolein Kok

Obstetrics & Gynecology, June 2014; 123(6):1327-34

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Objective: To assess the mode of delivery in women after a successful external cephalic version by performing a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Data sources: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE,, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and the Cochrane Library for studies reporting on the mode of delivery in women after successful external cephalic version at term and women with a spontaneous cephalic-presenting fetus.

Methods of study selection: Two reviewers independently selected studies, extracted data, and assessed study quality. The association between mode of delivery and successful external cephalic version was expressed as a common odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval.

Tabulation, integration, and results: We identified three cohort studies and eight case–control studies, reporting on 46 641 women. The average caesarean delivery rate for women with a successful external cephalic version was 21%. Women after successful external cephalic version were at increased risk for caesarean delivery for dystocia (odds ratio 2.2, 95% CI 1.6 to 3.0), caesarean delivery for fetal distress (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6 to 2.9), and instrumental vaginal delivery (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.7).

Conclusion: Women who have had a successful external cephalic version for breech presentation are at increased risk for caesarean delivery and instrumental vaginal delivery as compared with women with a spontaneous cephalic presentation. Nevertheless, with a number needed to treat of three, external cephalic version still remains a very efficient procedure to prevent a caesarean delivery.

Mode of delivery after successful ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 149



Breech presentation occurs in 3–4% of all term pregnancies and significantly contributes to the overall caesarean delivery rate. External cephalic version is a safe and effective procedure to reduce the frequency of breech presentation at term and consequently the number of caesarean deliveries for this condition. A Cochrane review on external cephalic version in term pregnancies showed this procedure to be effective in the reduction of non-cephalic birth (relative risk 0.46, 95% confidence interval 0.31–0.66) and caesarean delivery (relative risk 0.63, CI 0.44–0.90).1 International guidelines recommend an external cephalic version to all women with an uncomplicated breech presentation at term.2-4 There remains, however, controversy on the question whether the risk of caesarean delivery is increased for women with a fetus in cephalic position after a successful version compared with women with a spontaneous cephalic presentation. A review by Chan et al in 20045 found a two times increased risk for caesarean delivery in women after a successful exter-nal cephalic version. Since this review, there are two studies published, which confirm these findings6,7, but also two studies that could not find a significant difference.8,9 Because of this controversy, we wanted to update the review by Chan et al from 2004. Additionally, we wanted to examine the risk of instrumental vaginal delivery after a successful version and stratify our findings for nulliparous and multiparous women.

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SourceThe review was conducted in accordance with the Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) guidelines.10 Together with a librarian, we performed a computer-ized search in MEDLINE, EMBASE,, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and the current Cochrane databases from conception until April 2013 to identify articles reporting on the mode of delivery after a successful external cephalic version. Language restrictions were not applied. References from identified publication were manually searched for additional relevant articles. Together with a clinical librarian, we developed a search strategy including the keywords: “version,” “version fetal,” “ECV,” “breech presentation,” and “breech.” The complete electronic search is available from the first author. Reference Manager 12 was used to manage the results of all searches.

Study selectionTwo independent reviewers (M.d.H., J.V.) screened the electronic searches for eligible studies by title and abstract. All identified articles were retrieved in full and assessed by both review-ers using the same standardized data extraction form. Any disagreements were resolved by consensus and, if necessary, by a third reviewer (M.K.). Cohort studies, case–control studies, and cross-sectional studies were all eligible for inclusion if they made a comparison between the mode of delivery in pregnancies after a successful external cephalic version and sponta-neous cephalic pregnancies. A two-by-two table had to be available from the articles, either directly or retractable from the data supplied. When data or results were unclear or missing, the authors were contacted for further information. We undertook a quality assessment for all included articles using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale. Each study was evaluated on three broad perspectives, first selection of the study groups, second comparability of the groups, and third ascertainment of the exposure or outcome of interest. Study quality was graded as poor (1–3 points), intermediate (4–6 points), or high (7–9 points).11 From the data of each study, two-by-two tables were constructed, and odds ratios (ORs) and their 95% CIs were calculated. The I2 test was used to assess homogeneity using an I2 value of 30% as a threshold. A common OR with a 95% CI was calculated for each exposure by means of the Mantel-Haenszel method. If homogeneity was rejected, a random effects model was used to calculate the common OR. Potential reasons were explored to explain heterogeneity using subgroup analysis and sensi-tivity analysis for study quality. Funnel plots were used to assess any publication bias. Review Manager 5 was used to construct forest plots and visualize the data. We estimated the number needed to treat for additional beneficial outcome with a 95% CI for the outcome caesarean delivery. In this review, the number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome is the number of women with a breech presentation at term who are offered an external cephalic version rather than no external cephalic version to prevent one caesarean delivery.

Mode of delivery after successful ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 151



The initial computerized search detected 1 471 studies, of which, after excluding the duplicate articles, 810 studies remained. After reviewing title and abstract of these 810 articles, 26 were selected for assessment of the full article. Of these 26 articles, 15 were excluded after reading them in full (Figure 1).

Retrieved from searches MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane (n=810)

Excluded after reading titles and abstracts (n=784)

Articles retrieved in full(n=26)

Excluded after reading articles in full(n=15)

Studies included in systematic review(n=18)

Figure1. Flow diagram of literature search

Reasons for exclusion were insufficient data to construct a two-by-two table in 14 articles, whereas one article was excluded because it reported on the same study population as another included article. In total, 11 articles were eligible for inclusion, reporting on 46 641 women.6-9,12-18 In an attempt to obtain additional data, we tried to contact the first author of all included studies by e-mail. We wanted to retrieve additional information on the indication for caesarean delivery and instrumental vaginal delivery from the studies that did not report this in their article. From the studies that did not stratify their data by parity, we wanted to retrieve this information by contacting the authors. Five authors responded7,14,16-18, but none of the authors were able to provide us with additional data. Characteristics of the Included Studies Characteristics and study quality of the included studies are outlined in Table 1. Of the 11 included studies, eight had a case–control design6-8,12,14-17 whereas three were cohort studies.9,13,18 Five studies were performed in the United States,8,14,16,17 two studies in Hong Kong,13,15 and one each in Japan,9 Israel,12

152 | Chapter 8

Canada,7 and the United Kingdom.6 The number of women included in the studies ranged from 15214,17 to 28,726.13 Six studies found a significant difference in caesarean delivery rate between women after a successful version compared with the control group,6,7,12,13,15,18 whereas five studies did not find a significant difference.8,9,14,16,17 In 10 studies, tocolysis was used to facilitate the procedure, ritodrine,7,12,14 terbutaline,8,13,15-18 and salbutamol;6 in one study, this was unreported.9 The average success rate of external cephalic version was 59%. Seven studies were of high quality,7-9,13-15,17 four studies were graded of intermediate quality,6,12,16,18 and none of poor quality.

The 11 included studies all reported on the caesarean delivery rate of pregnancies after a successful external cephalic version and pregnancies with a spontaneous cephalic pre-sentation. The overall caesarean delivery rate was 20.7% in pregnancies after successful version and 10.9% in the pregnancies with a spontaneous cephalic presentation. Overall there were significantly more caesarean deliveries in the pregnancies after a successful version (pooled OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.7–2.8, I2 44%) compared with the control group (Figure 2). The OR for the eight case–control studies was 2.0 (95% CI 1.6–2.5, I2 45%) and the OR for the three cohort studies was 2.7 (95% CI 2.2–3.3, I2 0%). Separate analysis of seven high-quality studies7–9,13–15,17 revealed a pooled OR of 2.4 (95% CI 2.0–2.9) with low statistical heterogeneity (I2 17%); data not shown. Six case–control studies6,7,14,15,17 and three cohort studies9,13,18 reported on the indication for caesarean delivery and made a distinction between caesarean delivery for dystocia or suspected fetal distress. There were significantly more caesarean deliveries for dystocia (pooled OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6–3.0, I2 33%) in the group of women after a successful version (Figure 3) (case–control studies pooled OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.4–2.7, I2 19%; cohort studies pooled OR 2.7, 95% CI 2.1–3.6, I2 29%). We also found an increased risk for caesarean delivery after successful version for fetal distress (pooled OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6– 2.9, I2 10%; Figure 4) (case– control studies pooled OR 1.9, 95% CI 0.95– 3.8; cohort studies pooled OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.7– 3.5). Funnel plots of each analysis showed moderate asymmetry; data not shown.

There were seven studies reporting on the incidence of instrumental vaginal delivery, six studies with a case–control design6-8,12,15,17 and one cohort study.13 There were significantly more instrumental vaginal deliveries in the group of women after a successful version compared with the women with a spontaneous cephalic-presenting fetus (pooled OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1–1.7, I2 22%) (Figure 5). Separate analysis of five high-quality studies revealed a similar odds ratio of 1.4 (95% CI 1.1–1.7, I2 9%).7,8,13,15,17 Only one study examined the indication for instrumental delivery.13 This study showed a higher incidence of instrumental delivery for the indication prolonged second stage of labor with 8.2% instrumental deliv-eries in the external cephalic version group compared with 6.7% in the control group. For the indication fetal distress, this study reported 5.0% instrumental deliveries in the

Mode of delivery after successful ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 153


external cephalic version group and 5.6% in the control group. There were two studies that analyzed their data separately for nulliparous (N=527) and multiparous (N=646) women.7,8 When we combined the data from both studies, we found a significantly increased risk for caesarean delivery after successful version for both nulliparous (pooled OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1–2.9, I2 34%) and multiparous women (pooled OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.5–8.0, I2 42%; Figure 6). The average success rate of external cephalic version of the studies included in this review was 59%. The average caesarean delivery rate for women after a successful exter-nal cephalic version in this meta-analysis was 21%. Based on the literature, we defined a control event rate of 0.85, considering an 85% caesarean delivery rate when breech position persists.19-21 The experimental event rate was calculated by combining the cae-sarean delivery rate of women after a successful version with the caesarean delivery rate of the women after an unsuccessful version, resulting in a 47% caesarean delivery rate in the group of women after an external cephalic version, which makes the absolute risk reduction 0.85– 0.47=0.38 and the estimated number needed to treat 1/0.38=2.6 (95% CI 2.0– 3.9).

Figure 2. Overall caesarean delivery rates in the version and control groups

Figure 3. Caesarean delivery rates for dystocia in the version and control groups

154 | Chapter 8

Table 1. Characteristics and study quality of the included studies

Study Study design NumberCase/control

Caesarean rateCase/control

Matched for Outcome Study quality (Newcasle-

Ottowa scale)




Jain 2010

UKCase-control 93/103 18.2% vs 7.7% Not matched

(Women with low risk pregnancies during the same time period)

Caesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

×× × ×××

Clock 2009

USACase-control 197/394 16.8% vs 11.9% Parity; History of CS; Gestational age; Labor

onset Caesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

××× ×× ×××

Matsuzaki 2006

JapanRetrospective cohort 53/2,988 15.1% vs 8.0% N/A Caesarean section ××× × ×××

Vézina 2003

CanadaCase-control 301/301 25.1% vs 10.5% Parity; Gestational age Caesarean section

Instrumental delivery××× ×× ×××

Chan 2002

Hong KongRetrospective cohort 297/28,447 23.3% vs 9.4% N/A Caesarean section

Instrumental delivery××× ×× ×××

Ben-Haroush 2002

IsraelCase-control 96/192 19.8% vs 6.3% Maternal age; Gravidity; Parity

Ethnic originCaesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

×× × ×××

Wax 2000

USACase-control 38/114 10.5% vs 7.0% Gestational age; Labor onset

Prior vaginal delivery; Cervical dilatation on admission for labor

Caesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

××× ×× ×××

Siddiqui 1999

USACase-control 92/184 22.8% vs 23.4% Delivery date Caesarean section

Oxytocin augmentation×× × ×××

Lau 1997

Hong KongCase-control 154/308 16.9% vs 7.5% Maternal age; Parity; Labor onset

Gestational age; History of CSCaesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

××× ×× ×××

Laros 1995

USARetrospective cohort 174/11,987 31% vs 15% N/A Caesarean section ×× ××

Egge 1994

USACase-control 76/76 8% vs 6% Delivery date; Parity; Gestational age Caesarean section ×× ×× ×××

The Newcastle–Ottawa Scale, composed of three items, was used to produce a rating of the risk of bias. Each item could be awarded a maximum score: selection of patients a maximum of 4 points, comparability of study groups a maximum of 2 points, and ascertainment of exposure or outcome of interest a maximum of 3 points.

The numbers presented represent the individual scores, per item, of each study. Combining the three items, each study can be awarded a maximum of 9 points. Study quality was graded as poor (1–3 points), intermediate (4–6 points), or high (7–9 points).

Mode of delivery after successful ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 155


Table 1. Characteristics and study quality of the included studies

Study Study design NumberCase/control

Caesarean rateCase/control

Matched for Outcome Study quality (Newcasle-

Ottowa scale)Selection



Jain 2010

UKCase-control 93/103 18.2% vs 7.7% Not matched

(Women with low risk pregnancies during the same time period)

Caesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

×× × ×××

Clock 2009

USACase-control 197/394 16.8% vs 11.9% Parity; History of CS; Gestational age; Labor

onset Caesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

××× ×× ×××

Matsuzaki 2006

JapanRetrospective cohort 53/2,988 15.1% vs 8.0% N/A Caesarean section ××× × ×××

Vézina 2003

CanadaCase-control 301/301 25.1% vs 10.5% Parity; Gestational age Caesarean section

Instrumental delivery××× ×× ×××

Chan 2002

Hong KongRetrospective cohort 297/28,447 23.3% vs 9.4% N/A Caesarean section

Instrumental delivery××× ×× ×××

Ben-Haroush 2002

IsraelCase-control 96/192 19.8% vs 6.3% Maternal age; Gravidity; Parity

Ethnic originCaesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

×× × ×××

Wax 2000

USACase-control 38/114 10.5% vs 7.0% Gestational age; Labor onset

Prior vaginal delivery; Cervical dilatation on admission for labor

Caesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

××× ×× ×××

Siddiqui 1999

USACase-control 92/184 22.8% vs 23.4% Delivery date Caesarean section

Oxytocin augmentation×× × ×××

Lau 1997

Hong KongCase-control 154/308 16.9% vs 7.5% Maternal age; Parity; Labor onset

Gestational age; History of CSCaesarean sectionInstrumental delivery

××× ×× ×××

Laros 1995

USARetrospective cohort 174/11,987 31% vs 15% N/A Caesarean section ×× ××

Egge 1994

USACase-control 76/76 8% vs 6% Delivery date; Parity; Gestational age Caesarean section ×× ×× ×××

The Newcastle–Ottawa Scale, composed of three items, was used to produce a rating of the risk of bias. Each item could be awarded a maximum score: selection of patients a maximum of 4 points, comparability of study groups a maximum of 2 points, and ascertainment of exposure or outcome of interest a maximum of 3 points.

The numbers presented represent the individual scores, per item, of each study. Combining the three items, each study can be awarded a maximum of 9 points. Study quality was graded as poor (1–3 points), intermediate (4–6 points), or high (7–9 points).

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Figure 4. Caesarean delivery rates for fetal distress in the version and control groups

Figure 5. Instrumental vaginal delivery rates in the version and control groups

Figure 6. Overall caesarean delivery rates by parity in the version and control groups

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This meta-analysis shows persuasive evidence that women after a successful external cephalic version are at increased risk for caesarean delivery as well as instrumental vaginal delivery. Our findings are in line with the review by Chan et al from 2004 that showed a twofold increased risk for caesarean delivery in women after a successful external cephalic version. We found five additional studies that examined the relationship between a suc-cessful external cephalic version and delivery outcome. The strength of our findings is based on compliance with stringent criteria for performing a systematic review and the sensitivity analysis restricted to high quality studies that upheld our main results. Although the present study was performed according to established methodology, there are some limitations. First, we were only able to perform univariable analyses, because we were dependent on the information provided in the articles and did not have individual patient data from the original studies. Not all factors with a higher risk for caesarean delivery could be matched for; eg, advanced maternal age, macrosomia, maternal medical complications, and prior caesarean delivery. Multivariable analyses or analysis of individual patient data may well find less strong associations than we found.22 Another limitation was the hetero-geneity among the included studies, for the outcomes caesarean delivery and parity, which was not found in separate analysis of only high-quality studies. We included 11 studies in our meta-analysis of which six studies found a significant difference in caesarean delivery rate between women after a successful external cephalic version compared with the control group;6,7,12,13,15,18 three of these studies were also included in the review of Chan et al,13,15,18 although five studies did not find a significant difference.8,9,14,16,17 Nevertheless, all studies except for one found a higher percentage of caesarean delivery in women after a successful external cephalic version compared with their control group.16 Small sample size could have been an explanation that some studies did not find a significant difference. The main difference in the study by Siddiqui et al. was that the caesarean delivery rate in the control group was much higher 23.4% than in all other included studies, for which we could not find an explanation.16 Because funnel plots of each analysis showed moderate asymmetry, possible publication bias could not be excluded. The association that we found, between a successful external cephalic version and caesarean delivery, was slightly stronger for multiparous (pooled OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.5– 8.0) than for nulliparous women (pooled OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1– 2.9). These analyses are based on only two case–control studies, and CIs overlapped. Therefore, these data should be interpreted with caution. The reasons why women after a successful external cephalic version have an increased risk for operative delivery compared with women with a spontaneous cephalic presenting fetus remain unclear. Several hypotheses are suggested that try to explain this difference. First, it is thought that breech fetuses are biologically different from cephalic-presenting fetuses with a smaller head circumference, lower birth weight, lower fetoplacental ratio,

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and different heart rate patterns in utero.5,23,24 This suggests that breech fetuses might be less tolerant to labor and show earlier signs of fetal distress. Second, known risk factors for breech presentation such as uterine anomalies and maternal pelvic configuration may also be a reason for a higher risk of dystocia during labor, thus increasing the operative delivery rates.7 A third explanation could be that the women with an unengaged breech are more likely to have a successful external cephalic version and during labor to have an unengaged cephalic presenting fetus with an unmolded head in an asynclitic posi-tion.7 This hypothesis is also supported by a study by Kabiri et al. that demonstrated an increased risk for intrapartum caesarean delivery in women with a successful version if delivery occurred within 4 days after the procedure.25 A fourth explanation could be that women with a successful version have an increased uterine compliance, which can cause abnormal uterine contractility during labor.7 One of the main benefits of a successful external cephalic version is the decrease in caesarean delivery rate. With this study we show that women after a successful external cephalic version are at increased risk for operative delivery compared with women with a spontaneous cephalic-presenting fetus. Nonetheless, these rates are still significantly lower than the rates of caesarean delivery performed for primary breech presentation. With an estimated number needed to treat of three, this procedure still seems very beneficial. Therefore, we still advise an external cephalic version to all women with an uncomplicated breech presentation at term.

Mode of delivery after successful ECV: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 159



1. Hofmeyr GJ, Kulier R. External cephalic version for breech presentation at term. Cochrane Database Syst. Rev. (2012).

2. Mode of term singleton breech deliv-ery. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 340. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet. Gynecol. 108:235–7 (2006).

3. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynae-cologists. Guidelines: external cephalic version and reducing the incidence of breech presentation (guideline no. 20a). (2006).

4. NVOG (Dutch Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology). NVOG richtlijn stuitligging (guideline breech position). (2008).

5. Chan LY, Tang JL, Tsoi KF, Fok WY, Chan LW, Lau TK. Intrapartum cesarean delivery after successful external cephalic version: a meta-analysis. Obstet. Gynecol. 104: 155–60 (2004).

6. Jain S, Mulligama C, Tagwira V, Guyer C, Cheong Y. Labour outcome of women with successful external cephalic version: a pro-spective study. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 30:13–6 (2010).

7. Vezina Y, Bujold E, Varin J, Marquette GP, Boucher M. Cesarean delivery after suc-cessful external cephalic version of breech presentation at term: a comparative study. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 190:763–8 (2004).

8. Clock C, Kurtzman J, White J, Chung JH. Cesarean risk after successful external cephalic version: a matched, retrospective analysis. J. Perinatol. 29:96–100 (2009).

9. Matsuzaki S, Shimoya K, Murata Y. Cesar-ean delivery after successful external cephalic version of breech presentation at term. Int. J. Gynaecol. Obstet. 93:248–9 (2006).

10. Stroup DF, Berlin JA, Morton SC, Olkin I, Wiil-iamson GD, Rennie D, et al. Meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology:

a proposal for reporting. Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiol-ogy (MOOSE) group. JAMA. 283:2008–12 (2000).

11. Wells GA, Shea B, O’Connell D, Peterson J, Welch V, Losos M, et al. The Newcastle-Ot-tawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of nonrandomized studies in meta-anal-ysis. Ottawa (Canada): Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, University of Ottawa (2010).

12. Ben-Haroush A, Perri T, Bar J, Yogev Y, Bar-Hava I, HodM, et al. Mode of delivery following successful external cephalic ver-sion. Am. J. Perinatol. 19:355–60 (2002)

13. Chan LY, Leung TY, Fok WY, Chan LW, Lau TK. High incidence of obstetric interventions after successful external cephalic version. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 109:627–31 (2002).

14. Egge T, Schauberger C, Schaper A. Dysfunc-tional labor after external cephalic version. Obstet. Gynecol. 83:771–3 (1994).

15. Lau TK, Lo KW, Rogers M. Pregnancy out-come after successful external cephalic version for breech presentation at term. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 176:218–23 (1997).

16. Siddiqui D, Stiller RJ, Collins J, Laifer SA. Pregnancy outcome after successful exter-nal cephalic version. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 181:1092–5 (1999).

17. Wax JR, Sutula K, Lerer T, Steinfeld JD, Ingardia CJ. Labor and delivery following successful external cephalic version. Am. J. Perinatol. 17:183–6 (2000).

18. Laros RK, Flanagan TA, Kilpatrick SJ. Man-agement of term breech presentation: a protocol of external cephalic version and selective trial of labor. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 172: 1916–23; discussion 1923–5 (1995).

19. Rietberg CC, Elferink-Stinkens PM, Visser GH. The effect of the term breech trial on medical intervention behaviour and

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neonatal outcome in The Netherlands: an analysis of 35,453 term breech infants. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 112: 205–9 (2005).

20. Hartnack Tharin JE, Rasmussen S, Krebs L. Consequences of the term breech trial in Denmark. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 90:767–71 (2011).

21. Sullivan EA, Moran K, Chapman M. Term breech singletons and caesarean section: a population study, Australia 1991–2005. Aust. New Zeal. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 49:456–60 (2009).

22. Moons KG, Grobbee DE. Diagnostic stud-ies as multivariable, prediction research. J. Epidemiol. Community Health. 56: 337–8 (2002).

23. Kean LH, Suwanrath C, Gargari SS, Sahota DS, James DK. A comparison of fetal behaviour in breech and cephalic presen-tations at term. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 106:1209–13 (1999).

24. Chan LY, Lau TK, Chiu PY, Wong GWK, Leung TN. Levels of cord blood thyroid stimulating hormone level after external cephalic version. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 108:1076–80 (2001).

25. Kabiri D, Elram T, Aboo-Dia M, Elami-Suzin M, Elchalal U, Ezra Y. Timing of delivery after external cephalic version and the risk for cesarean delivery. Obstet. Gynecol. 118;209–13 (2011).

Chapter 9Summary, general discussion and future perspectives

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The work presented in this thesis focuses on improvement of care for women with a fetus in breech presentation at term in order to improve both neonatal and maternal outcome. Nowadays, the dominant mode of delivery for breech presentation is elective caesarean delivery in most countries. As a consequence, breech presentation is the third most common indication for caesarean delivery.1 External cephalic version (ECV) is a safe obstetrical procedure that reduces non-cephalic birth and caesarean delivery by approx-imately 50%.2 Implementation varies widely and is between 18% and 72%. In 2015, the World Health Organization reported on the global overuse of caesarean delivery, leading to increased maternal morbidity and risk of mortality due to caesarean sections.3 Improv-ing the effectiveness and implementation rate of ECV can highly contribute to the goal to reduce elective caesarean deliveries.

First, we summarize the subject and main findings for each chapter. Subsequently we will discuss novel insights, clinical interpretation, implications for daily practice, and recom-mendations for further research.

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The introduction (chapter 1) gives an outline of the specific research questions addressed in this thesis. Even though there is an ongoing scientific discussion about the safety of vaginal breech delivery, the clinicians’ and patients’ choice is unambiguous. Since publi-cation of the Term Breech Trial, caesarean delivery rates for breech increased worldwide and, in several countries, even up to 95%. ECV is proven to be effective in reducing breech presentation at birth (pooled RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.29 to 0.61) and thereby the associated caesarean deliveries and thus contributes to reduction of adverse maternal and neona-tal outcome during current or subsequent delivery. Several tocolytic agents are used to enhance the outcome of ECV. Their mode of action differs with respect to on which uterine myocyte receptor they act and the majority of studies used beta-mimetics. Meta-analysis demonstrated that beta-mimetics can enhance the ECV success rate compared with pla-cebo (nine studies, pooled RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.0).4 However, beta-mimetics have more prominent maternal cardiovascular side effects (e.g. flushing, chest pain and palpitations) in comparison with other uterine relaxants and as a result the implementation of its use for routine uterine relaxation is low.5 Alternative tocolytic agents with less side effects could be useful to increase uptake by patients and professionals. Comparing different tocolytic agents on effectiveness and side effects is an important step to improve clinical practice. In addition, it has to be explored whether tocolytic agents should be offered routinely or if we can distinguish subgroups who benefit in a greater or lesser extent.

Moxibustion therapy is another method asked for by women to prevent breech presen-tation. Its mode of action is not based on regular medical theoretical principles. A recent published Cochrane review in 2012 found limited evidence to support the beneficial effect of moxibustion, applied alone or in combination with acupuncture or postural measures, compared to observation alone or postural measures.6 However, this review did not dis-tinguish between studies offering ECV.

In general, when counseling women on the treatment options for breech presentation, an individual a priori chance of success estimate can be helpful. Several prediction models are available and carefully assessing their quality is needed before implementing in clinical practice. Also, women may be at increased risk for caesarean delivery after successful ECV compared to women with a spontaneous cephalic presentation.

In chapter 2 we presented the results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in which we assessed the effectiveness of atosiban or fenoterol as uterine relaxant for ECV. We performed a multicenter, open label, RCT in eight hospitals in the Netherlands. Women with a singleton fetus in breech presentation were randomly allocated to either 6.75 mg

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atosiban (n=416) or 40 μg fenoterol (n=414) for uterine relaxation. The primary outcome, cephalic position 30 minutes after ECV, occurred significantly less in the atosiban group than in the fenoterol group (34% v 40%, RR 0.73, 95% CI 0.55 to 0.93). Cephalic presenta-tion at birth and caesarean delivery occurred less often in the atosiban group than in the fenoterol group, though not significantly. No significant differences were found in maternal outcome, neonatal outcomes or drug related adverse events.

The RCT revealed important information regarding two specific tocolytic agents for uter-ine relaxation for ECV. As there are multiple classes of tocolytic agents, we performed a systematic review and network meta-analysis to determine the most effective therapy. A network meta-analysis allows us to combine both direct (available with standard pairwise meta-analysis) and indirect comparisons. Combining them maximizes existing information and contributes to a more precise estimate of the outcome. This study is presented in chapter 3. We identified 18 RCTs on 4 tocolytic agents. We found that, compared to pla-cebo, beta-mimetics were the only tocolytic agents to increase ECV success rate (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.28 to 2.0). Beta-mimetics had the highest probability (77.5%) of being ranked the best treatment option and had a mean rank of 1.2 for successful ECV.

The results of the systematic review on the effectiveness of moxibustion alone or in combination with acupuncture as a complementary treatment for prevention of breech presentation are described in chapter 4. We identified 13 trials examining 2,555 women and cephalic presentation after moxibustion treatment occurred more in the moxibustion group compared to routine care (RR 2.8, 95% CI 1.6 to 4.7, I2 74%). In studies offering ECV to all women in case of persisting breech presentation after moxibustion, neither cephalic presentation at delivery (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.28, I2 10%) nor caesarean delivery dif-fered significantly (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.20, I2 21%).

In chapter 5 we presented the results of a secondary analysis of our RCT presented in chapter 2. In this chapter we aimed to look for a clinical marker or a set of clinical mark-ers to determine who benefits most from tocolysis with atosiban or fenoterol for ECV. Among the studied markers nine of them showed a statistically significant association with successful ECV. Multiparity, higher gestational age, higher estimated fetal weight, higher Amniotic Fluid Index and presence of relaxation of uterus were associated with a higher chance of ECV success. Frank breech, lateral left position of the fetal spine and engaged breech were associated with a lower chance of ECV success. None of the markers were associated with higher or lower chances of a successful ECV following administration of atosiban compared to fenoterol.

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In chapter 6 we described the outcome of a systematic review of prediction models for successful ECV. This study was performed to provide an overview of existing models and to assess their quality, development and performance. We identified eight articles reporting on seven prediction models. The most important predictor variables for successful ECV described in the selected articles were parity, placental location, breech engagement and the fetal head being palpable. We found one prediction model to prevent breech pre-sentation at term that was validated in an external cohort and had acceptable predictive performance.

The development and internal validation of a novel clinical prediction model for ECV was presented in chapter 7. This study was conducted alongside the RCT presented in chapter 2. We chose to make a new model, since previous models did not include all important predictors. Including all important predictors could increase the models’ accuracy. Ten predictive factors were identified with the stepwise selection procedure to be associated with a successful ECV: fenoterol as uterine relaxant, nulliparity, Caucasian ethnicity, ges-tational age at ECV, amniotic fluid index, type of breech presentation, placental location, breech engagement, possibility to palpate the head and relaxation of the uterus. Predic-tion of success of ECV seems feasible with a model showing good performance (c-statics of 0.78, 95% CI 0.75 to 0.81).

In chapter 8 we described the results of our systematic review and meta-analysis on mode of delivery in women after a successful ECV. We identified three cohort studies and eight case–control studies, reporting on 46,641 women. After successful external cephalic version, women were at increased risk for caesarean delivery for dystocia (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6 to 3.0), caesarean delivery for fetal distress (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6 to 2.9), and instrumen-tal vaginal delivery (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1 to 1.7) compared to women with a spontaneous cephalic presentation. The a priori chance to have a caesarean delivery for a woman with a fetus in breech in presentation if an ECV is not performed, is much higher. Therefore, we estimated a number needed to treat of 2.6 (95% CI 2.0 to 3.9).

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General discussion and future perspectives

The main objective of this thesis was to generate more evidence on how to improve the effectiveness of ECV. This thesis provides new insights on both tocolytic agents for ECV and prediction for successful ECV.

We were the first to evaluate oxytocin receptor blockers compared to beta-mimetics in the largest single trial on uterine relaxation with ECV thus far. This trial confirmed that a beta-mimetic still is the best agent of choice in improving the effectiveness of ECV. The network meta-analysis on the subject further consolidates this conclusion, showing that beta-mimetics were the only tocolytic agent to increase ECV success rate (RR 1.6, 95% CI 1.28 to 2.0) and had the highest probability of being ranked the best treatment option. Therefore, we recommend beta-mimetics to be the preferred tocolytic agent for patients to choose to improve the success rate of ECV. In addition, for new trials comparison should be made against beta-mimetics.

From previous research we know that the implementation of use of beta-mimetics for tocolysis to improve ECV outcome is limited mainly due to the maternal side effects.7 The frequent occurrence of side effects was confirmed in our trial, in which two third of women participating experienced side effects for the duration of the ECV attempt. Most reported side effects were transient feelings of tachycardia and flushes, while severe hypotension occurred in only one out of 408 patients (0.2%) after the use of fenoterol. The results of a patient’s preference study showed that women are willing to undergo this treatment as the gain in success rate outweigh the unpleasant side effects.8 However, some women will never opt for tocolysis as their decision is often based on a more general personal principle not to expose the fetus to any medication that might harm the fetus, in which this principle outweighs the potential positive effects of the treatment. We believe that tocolysis is safe to use during pregnancy, as the hypothesized transient fetal side effects hypoglycemia and tachycardia do not appear more frequent after administration of a beta-mimitic.9,10 In light of this discussion, it is important to stress that the side effects of beta-mimetics are transient and limited to maternal side effects such as palpitation, headaches, nausea and vomiting. In addition, in our network meta-analysis we found that the distribution of fetal and severe maternal outcomes was similar between the interven-tion and control groups, and therefore, severe outcomes as placenta abruption (0.08%) or fetal or neonatal death (0.19%) seem to occur independent from the use of tocolytic agents. However, as occurrence rate of serious complications is low, larger datasets are needed to confirm this finding.

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Women who do not opt for tocolysis or even ECV, as they perceive the risk of harm from medication or manipulation higher than the potential benefit of the treatment, often seek refuge in alternative treatments. In our meta-analysis of moxibustion therapy as a CAM treatment for breech we found that this may increase cephalic presentation. However, the positive effect we found could be due to publication bias as studies with the most positive outcome in favor of moxibustion had the lowest quality. Also, only the outcome cephalic presentation after moxibustion therapy could be derived from these low quality studies and we were therefore not able to compare mode of delivery, which we consid-ered as an important outcome. Heterogeneity was observed among the studies for the outcome cephalic presentation after moxibustion therapy (I2 of 74%). In addition, there was inequality between study procedures regarding quantity of treatment (once a day, or couple times a day), performance of treatment (health professional or by the patient self) and the gestational age at the start of the treatment (30, 32 or 34 weeks of gestation).

For our meta-analysis, we were not able to determine the additional effect of moxibus-tion therapy to ECV as implementation of ECV was low (for example, 19% of the eligible patients opt for an attempt in the trial with the highest quality11). ECV appeared not to be standard treatment in the five studies that performed ECV. For these five studies, we were not able to obtain information about the experience of health professionals with ECV and if tocolysis was administered. For now, moxibustion followed by an ECV attempt is not proven beneficial in terms of reducing caesarean delivery for breech presentation.

The success rates reported in different prediction models vary from 20 to 80% depend-ing on patient characteristics. Prediction of successful ECV on a more individual level improves shared decision making. Knowledge about the effectiveness of ECV also influ-ences acceptance of ECV.8 We reported on six prediction models for successful ECV that are published. None of the models incorporated all important variables (e.g. parity, pal-pation of the fetal head, breech engagement and amniotic fluid index) determined in literature in their analysis, thereby potentially limiting the performance of the models.12,13 Therefore, we have chosen to develop and internally validate a new prediction model using all important variables. The model performance was better compared to the other pre-diction models.14,15 A limitation of our study results is that ECV attempts were undertaken in centers that perform ECV frequently and it is strongly believed that experience of the performing gynecologists or midwife as well as the setting influence the success rate of ECV.16,17 Consequently, this could contribute to a higher chance of success compared to centers that do not perform ECV frequently.

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We found that women with a successful ECV still have an increased risk for a caesarean delivery compared to women with children in persistent cephalic lie. It is important to weigh this risk with the chance of a caesarean delivery if ECV was not conducted. There-fore, calculation of the number needed to treat could be helpful. In a population without ECV, the rate of elective caesarean delivery for breech presentation is approximately 85%. Compared to approximately 47% in a population with ECV (average success rate of ECV is 59% and chance for a caesarean delivery after successful ECV is 21%). This makes the absolute risk reduction 0.85–0.47=0.38 which corresponds to a number needed to treat of 2.6 (95% CI 2.0 to 3.9). Consequently, we need to perform two to four ECV’s to prevent one caesarean delivery, and therefore, it seems very beneficial. In obstetrics, but also in medical treatment in general, this is a small number needed to treat that can prevent major abdominal surgery in young fertile women.

Clinical implicationsThis thesis confirms that ECV is a proven effective obstetrical method to reduce breech presentation at birth and thereby the associated caesarean deliveries. Therefore, it should be offered to all women with uncomplicated breech presentation at term. Also, it is con-sidered as a low resource treatment and can be performed all over the world, also in low resource countries.

The data presented in this thesis show that uterine relaxation with a beta-mimetic increase the success rate and decrease caesarean delivery for breech presentation. All women who consider an ECV attempt should be adequately counselled about the effects of adminis-tration of a beta-mimetic. An ECV should be discussed with women providing an adequate estimate of the individual a priori chance of success. For uterine relaxation during ECV, uterine relaxants other than beta-mimetics most likely reduce the chance for successful version and if a new class of drugs is developed, their effectiveness should be evaluated in a head-to-head comparison to a beta-mimetic.

Compared to placebo, beta-mimetics decrease caesarean delivery with 20%, which cor-responds to a substantial health gain. Table 1 demonstrates the benefits in health gain if beta-mimetics for ECV were routinely administered in the Netherlands. Based on previous studies, that calculated an optimal implementation of 82% (8% of the women have a con-tra-indication and 10% are reluctant towards this intervention), a live birth rate of 150,000 with an incidence of breech presentation of 4% at term, assuming a caesarean delivery rate of 75% in case of an unsuccessful ECV, we calculated that for the Netherlands 17 women would not experience short term severe morbidity due to caesarean delivery for breech presentation per year. The health benefit would be substantial combining short term and long term consequences of caesarean delivery.

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Table 1. Health benefits by preventing caesarean delivery in one year when implementing beta-mi-metics for ECV in the Netherlands

No use of tocolytic medication (number of women)

Use of tocolytic medication (number of women)

Difference in absolute number of women

Overall severe morbidity 52,3 34,9 17,4

Hysterectomy 1,2 0,8 0,4

Cardiac arrest 3,7 2,5 1,2

Puerperal venous thromboembolism 1,2 0,8 0,4

Major puerperal infection 11,6 7,7 3,9

Obstetric-wound hematoma 25,2 16,8 8,4

Data from Liu S et al, Maternal mortality and severe morbidity associated with low-risk planned cesarean delivery versus planned vaginal delivery at term. Maternal Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. CMAJ 2007;176(4):455-60

Our prediction model should be used for all women who are deciding on an ECV attempt because it supports personalized decision making in clarifying the possible success chance. After external validation, an impact analysis is needed to test for the model’s ability to chance and improve shared decision making and evaluate (un)intended effects on patient outcomes. Our model helps to translate data of a large cohort into daily prac-tice on a patient level and truly helps shared decision making on an individual level and therefore, contributes to value based health care. To improve the uptake of ECV and increase personalized medicine, external validation of our prediction model is needed before implementing this in practice.

Despite the fact that ECV is highly recommended in international guidelines, the imple-mentation is low. In the Netherlands, 72% of the eligible women were offered an ECV attempt, and approximately 18% of the women in the United States.18,19 In the last decade, the majority of studies on ECV are from Western Europe and Australia, this could be due to differences in approach in the management of breech presentation worldwide. Nev-ertheless, evidence that ECV is effective is overwhelming, as a consequence, awareness about optimal implementation is needed.

Implications for future researchThis thesis clearly demonstrates that a beta-mimetic improves the outcome of ECV, however, to further improve the outcome of ECV, future research should focus on imple-mentation of beta-mimetics, complications of ECV and drug related adverse events, implementation and updating of a prediction model and determining the existing of an operator effect and best setting to perform ECV.

Summary, general discussion and future perspectives | 173


To generate more evidence of the beneficial effect of routine administration of beta-mi-metics for ECV, a pragmatic RCT should be performed. This trial should randomize between an attempt with a beta-mimetic immediately, and on the other hand, a first attempt with-out beta-mimetics and if unsuccessful, a repeat ECV with beta-mimetics. This study can create awareness on implementation of beta-mimetics and could identify a subgroup who benefits from beta-mimetics as first line treatment.

Concerns about complications and adverse events remains for patients who are con-sidering ECV. And now, 12 years after the first systematic review about safety, we need to conclude that this is poorly documented among published cohort studies and RCTs. Therefore, future research should focus on the incidence of complications in ECV and on identifying possible risk factors associated with their occurrence as it is helpful in counseling women. As the incidence of complications is low, these datasets should be of sufficient power and prescribed outcomes are needed. Outcomes of interest are fetal death, placental abruption, preterm birth, vaginal blood loss, the need for caesarean delivery within 48 hours following ECV.

To further confirm the generalizability of the model we developed and internally validated, external validation, and if necessary updating this model, is needed in a cohort of women who are considering ECV. If the model performs well at external validation, impact anal-ysis additionally needs to be performed in order to improve the uptake of the model in clinical practice.

To increase the likelihood of successful ECV, it is strongly believed that experience of the operator and setting is of crucial importance.16,17 However, this has thus far not been under proper investigation. Therefore, future studies should focus on measuring the effect of experience on ECV outcome, the effect of evidence based learning programs on improve-ment of skills, explore the existence of a minimal number of ECV attempts per year needed to remain experienced and in which setting an ECV should be performed. Information on this should be implemented in guidelines to provide the highest a priori chance of success.

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12. Kok, M. et al. Clinical factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a metaanalysis. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 199, 630.e1-7; discussion e1-5 (2008).

13. Kok, M., Cnossen, J., Gravendeel, L., Van Der Post, J. A. & Mol, B. W. Ultrasound factors to predict the outcome of external cephalic version: a meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 33, 76–84 (2009).

14. Burgos, J. et al. Clinical score for the out-come of external cephalic version: a two-phase prospective study. Aust. New Zeal. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 52, 59–61 (2012).

15. Kok, M., van der Steeg, J. W., van der Post, J. A. M. & Mol, B. W. J. Prediction of success of external cephalic version after 36 weeks. Am. J. Perinatol. 28, 103–10 (2011).

16. Kuppens, S. M. I., Francois, A. M. H., Hasaart, T. H. M., van der Donk, M. W. P. & Pop, V. J. M. [Fewer breech deliveries after imple-mentation of a modified cephalic version protocol]. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. 154, A63 (2010).

17. Kim, S. Y. et al. Evaluation of the learning curve for external cephalic version using cumulative sum analysis. Obstet. Gynecol. Sci. 60, 343–349 (2017).

18. Vlemmix, F. et al. Implementation of client versus care-provider strategies to improve external cephalic version rates: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand. 94, 518–26 (2015).

19. Weiniger, C. F. et al. Maternal outcomes of term breech presentation delivery: Impact of successful external cephalic version in a nationwide sample of delivery admissions in the United States. BMC Pregnancy Child-birth 16, (2016).

AppendicesNederlandse samenvattingList of co-authorsPhD PortfolioList of publications DankwoordAbout the author

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Het gepresenteerde werk in dit proefschrift richt zich op verbetering van de zorg voor vrouwen met een foetus in stuitligging rond de uitgerekende datum om zowel neonatale als maternale uitkomsten te verbeteren. In de meeste landen is tegenwoordig de meest gebruikte modus partus bij een stuitligging een electieve keizersnede. Als gevolg hiervan is stuitligging de op twee na meest voorkomende indicatie voor een electieve keizersnede. De uitwendige versie is een veilige obstetrische procedure dat het aantal stuitliggingen en het aantal keizersneden met ongeveer 50% vermindert. Implementatie van de uitwendige versie varieert sterk en ligt tussen 18% en 72%. In 2015 rapporteerde de Wereldgezond-heidsorganisatie over het wereldwijde overmatig gebruik van de keizersnede, wat leidt tot een verhoogd risico op maternale morbiditeit en sterfte als gevolg van keizersneden. Het verbeteren van de effectiviteit en de implementatiegraad van de uitwendige versie kan in hoge mate bijdragen aan het doel om electieve keizersneden te verminderen.

SamenvattingDe inleiding (hoofdstuk 1) geeft een overzicht van de specifieke onderzoeksvragen die in dit proefschrift worden behandeld. Hoewel er een voortdurende wetenschappelijke dis-cussie is over de veiligheid van vaginale stuitbevalling, is de keuze van clinici en patiënten duidelijk. Sinds de publicatie van de Term Breech Trial, zijn de incidentie van keizersneden voor stuitliggingen wereldwijd toegenomen en in sommige landen zelfs tot 95%. Het is bewezen dat de uitwendige versie effectief is bij het verminderen van het aantal stuit-liggingen bij de geboorte (RR 0,42, 95% BI 0,29 tot 0,61) en daarmee de bijbehorende keizersnede en dus bijdraagt tot een vermindering van nadelige uitkomsten bij moeders en pasgeborenen tijdens de huidige of volgende bevalling. Verschillende tocolytische medicijnen worden gebruikt om de uitkomst van de uitwendige versie te verbeteren. Hun werkingswijze verschilt met betrekking tot de myocyt-receptor van de baarmoeder, en de meerderheid van de studies gebruikte bèta-mimetica. Meta-analyse toonde aan dat bèta-mimetica het succespercentage van de uitwendige versie kunnen verhogen in vergelijking met placebo (negen studies, RR 1,6, 95% BI 1,2 tot 2,0). Bèta-mimetica geven echter prominente cardiovasculaire bijwerkingen bij de moeder (bijv. opvliegers, pijn op de borst en hartkloppingen) in vergelijking met andere tocolytische medicijnen en als gevolg daarvan is de implementatie van het routinematig gebruik ervan laag. Alternatieve tocolytica met minder bijwerkingen kunnen nuttig zijn om de implementatie te verhogen. Het vergelijken van verschillende tocolytische medicijnen op effectiviteit en bijwerkingen is een belangrijke stap om de klinische praktijk te verbeteren. Daarnaast moet worden onderzocht of tocolytische middelen routinematig moeten worden aangeboden of dat wij subgroepen kunnen onderscheiden die hier in meer of mindere mate baat van hebben.

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Moxibustion-therapie is een andere methode die door vrouwen wordt gevraagd om stuit-ligging te voorkomen. Dit werkingsmechanisme is niet gebaseerd op reguliere medische theoretische principes. Een recent gepubliceerde review in 2012 vond beperkt bewijs om het gunstige effect van moxibustion te ondersteunen, alleen of in combinatie met acupunctuur of houdingsmaatregelen, in vergelijking met observatie alleen of houdings-maatregelen. In deze review werd echter geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen onderzoeken waarbij de uitwendige versie ook werd gebruikt.

Over het algemeen kan een individuele kans op een succesvolle versie nuttig zijn bij de voorlichting van vrouwen over de behandelingsopties voor stuitligging. Er zijn verschillende prognostische modellen beschikbaar en het is belangrijk om de kwaliteit ervan zorgvuldig te beoordelen voordat ze in de klinische praktijk worden geïmplementeerd. Ook kunnen vrouwen een verhoogd risico lopen op een keizersnede na een succesvolle uitwendige versie in vergelijking met vrouwen met een spontane hoofdligging.

In hoofdstuk 2 presenteren wij de resultaten van een gecontroleerde gerandomiseerde studie (RCT) waarin wij de werkzaamheid van atosiban of fenoterol als een uterus relaxan-tium voor de uitwendige versie evalueerden. Wij hebben een RCT uitgevoerd in acht ziekenhuizen in Nederland. Vrouwen met een eenling in stuitligging werden gerandomi-seerd voor 6,75 mg atosiban (n = 416) of 40 μg fenoterol (n = 414) voor het ontspannen van de baarmoeder. De primaire uitkomst, hoofdligging na 30 minuten na de uitwendige versie, trad significant minder op in de atosiban-groep dan in de fenoterol-groep (34% versus 40%, RR 0,73, 95% BI 0,55 tot 0,93). Hoofdligging bij de geboorte en een keizer-snede kwam minder vaak voor in de atosiban-groep dan in de fenoterol-groep, echter niet significant. Er werden geen significante verschillen gevonden in maternale uitkomsten, neonatale uitkomsten of bijwerkingen gerelateerd aan de uterus relaxantia.

De RCT onthulde belangrijke informatie met betrekking tot twee specifieke tocolytische middelen voor uterus relaxatie voor de uitwendige versie. Omdat er verschillende klassen tocolytica zijn, hebben wij een systematische review en netwerkmeta-analyse uitgevoerd om de meest effectieve therapie te bepalen. Een netwerkmeta-analyse stelt ons in staat om zowel directe (beschikbaar met standaard meta-analyse) als indirecte vergelijkingen te combineren. De combinatie hiervan maximaliseert informatie en draagt bij tot een meer accurate schatting van de uitkomst. Deze studie wordt gepresenteerd in hoofdstuk 3. Wij hebben 18 RCT’s identificeerden die betrekking hadden op 4 typen tocolytica. Wij vonden dat bèta-mimetica de enige tocolytica zijn om de kans op een geslaagde uitwendige versie te verhogen in vergelijking met placebo (RR 1,6, 95% BI 1,28 tot 2,0). Bèta-mimetica hadden de grootste kans (77,5%) dat ze de beste behandelingsoptie zijn en hadden een gemid-delde score van 1,2 voor een succesvolle uitwendige versie.

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De resultaten van de systematische review over de effectiviteit van moxibustion alleen of in combinatie met acupunctuur als een aanvullende behandeling voor de preventie van stuitligging worden beschreven in hoofdstuk 4. Wij identificeerden 13 onderzoeken met 2.555 vrouwen en een hoofdligging na behandeling met moxibustion kwam vaker voor in de moxibustion-groep in vergelijking met standaardzorg (RR 2,8, 95% BI 1,6 tot 4,7, I2 74%). In studies die een uitwendige versie aanboden aan alle vrouwen in het geval van aanhoudende stuitligging na moxibustion, verschilden noch het percentage hoofdligging bij de bevalling (RR 1,11, 95% BI 0,96 tot 1,28, I2 10%) noch keizersneden significant (RR 1,01, 95% BI 0,82 tot 1,20, I2 21%).

In hoofdstuk 5 presenteren wij de resultaten van een secundaire analyse van onze RCT gepresenteerd in hoofdstuk 2. In dit hoofdstuk hebben wij gezocht naar een klinische marker of een set klinische markers om te bepalen wie het meest baat heeft bij tocolyse met atosiban of fenoterol voor de uitwendige versie. Van de onderzochte markers ver-toonden er negen een statistisch significante associatie met succesvolle uitwendige versie. Multipariteit, langere zwangerschapsduur, hoger geschat foetaal gewicht, hogere Amniotic Fluid Index en een ontspannen uterus waren geassocieerd met een hogere kans op een geslaagde uitwendige versie. Onvolkomen stuitligging, laterale linker positie van de foetale rug en ingedaalde stuit waren geassocieerd met een lagere kans op een succesvolle uit-wendige versie. Geen van de markers was geassocieerd met hogere of lagere kansen op een succesvolle uitwendige versie na toediening van atosiban in vergelijking met fenoterol.

In hoofdstuk 6 beschrijven wij de uitkomst van een systematische review van prognosti-sche modellen voor een succesvolle uitwendige versie. Deze studie werd uitgevoerd om een overzicht te geven van bestaande modellen en om hun kwaliteit en waarde te beoor-delen. Wij hebben acht artikelen geïdentificeerd die rapporteren over zeven prognostische modellen. De belangrijkste predictoren voor een succesvolle uitwendige versie beschreven in de geselecteerde artikelen waren pariteit, placentalokalisatie, indaling van de stuit en een palpabel caput. Wij vonden één prognostisch model dat extern is gevalideerd en een acceptabele prognostische waarde had.

De ontwikkeling en interne validatie van een nieuw klinisch prognostisch model voor de uit-wendige versie wordt gepresenteerd in hoofdstuk 7. Deze studie werd uitgevoerd naast de RCT gepresenteerd in hoofdstuk 2. Wij hebben gekozen voor om een nieuw model, omdat eerdere modellen niet alle belangrijke predictoren bevatten. Het opnemen van alle belangrijke predictoren zou de nauwkeurigheid van het model kunnen vergroten. Tien predictoren werden geïdentificeerd met de stapsgewijze selectieprocedure om geassoci-eerd te worden met een succesvolle uitwendige versie: fenoterol als uterus relaxantium, nullipariteit, Kaukasische etniciteit, zwangerschapsduur bij de uitwendige versie, Amniotic

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Fluid Index, type stuitligging, placentalocatie, indaling van de stuit, een palpabel caput en ontspanning van de baarmoeder. Voorspellen van een succesvolle uitwendige versie lijkt haalbaar met dit model dat goede discriminatie vertoont (c-statics van 0,78, 95% BI 0,75 tot 0,81).

In hoofdstuk 8 beschrijven wij de resultaten van onze systematische review en meta-analyse van de modus partus bij vrouwen na een succesvolle uitwendige versie. Wij identificeerden drie cohortstudies en acht case-control studies, met 46.461 vrouwen. Na succesvolle uitwendige versie hadden vrouwen een verhoogd risico op een keizersnede voor niet vorderen (OR 2.2, 95% BI 1.6 tot 3.0), een keizersnede voor foetale nood (OR 2.2, 95% BI 1.6 tot 2.9), en een instrumentale vaginale bevalling (OR 1,4, 95% BI 1,1 tot 1,7) vergeleken met vrouwen met een spontane hoofdligging. De a priori kans om een keizer-snede te krijgen voor een vrouw met een foetus in stuitligging als een uitwendige versie niet wordt uitgevoerd, is veel hoger. Het number needed to treat is 2,6 (95% CI 2,0 tot 3,9).

Algemene beschouwingHet hoofddoel van dit proefschrift was om meer bewijs te verkrijgen over hoe de effecti-viteit van de uitwendige versie te verbeteren. Dit proefschrift biedt nieuwe inzichten over tocolytische medicatie voor de uitwendige versie en het voorspellen van een succesvolle uitwendige versie.

Wij zijn de eerste die oxytocine-receptorblokkers evalueerden in vergelijking met bèta-mimetica in de grootste studie over uterus relaxantia tot nu toe. Deze studie beves-tigde dat een bèta-mimeticum nog steeds het beste middel is om de effectiviteit van de uitwendige versie te verbeteren. De netwerkmeta-analyse over dit onderwerp consolideert deze conclusie verder, wat aantoont dat bèta-mimetica het enige tocolytische middel is om het slagingspercentage te verhogen (RR 1,6, 95% BI 1,28 tot 2,0) en de grootste kans hebben om als beste behandeling te worden gerangschikt. Daarom bevelen wij bèta-mimetica aan als het geprefereerde tocolytische middel bij de uitwendige versie. Indien een nieuwe type tocolyticum geëvalueerd moet worden, dan dient dit vergeleken te worden met een bèta-mimeticum.

Uit eerder onderzoek weten wij dat de implementatie van het gebruik van bèta-mime-tica voor uterus relaxantia om de uitwendige versie uitkomst te verbeteren beperkt is, voornamelijk vanwege de bijwerkingen bij de moeder. Het frequent voorkomen van bijwerkingen werd bevestigd in onze studie, waarbij 75% van de vrouwen bijwerkingen ervaarden. De meest gemelde bijwerkingen waren voorbijgaande tachycardie en opvlie-gers, terwijl ernstige hypotensie slechts bij één van de 408 patiënten (0,2%) optrad. De resultaten van een patiënten preferentiestudie toonden aan dat vrouwen bereid zijn om

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deze behandeling te ondergaan indien de winst in succeskans opweegt tegen de onaan-gename bijwerkingen. Sommige vrouwen zullen echter nooit voor tocolyse kiezen omdat hun beslissing vaak gebaseerd is op een meer algemeen persoonlijk principe om de foetus niet bloot te stellen aan medicatie die schadelijk kan zijn voor de foetus, waarbij dit principe opweegt tegen de potentiële positieve effecten van de behandeling. Wij geloven echter dat tocolyse veilig is om te gebruiken tijdens de zwangerschap, omdat de veronderstelde voorbijgaande bijwerkingen bij de foetus, hypoglycemie en tachycardie, niet frequenter voorkomen na toediening van een bèta-mimetica. Het is belangrijk om te benadrukken dat de bijwerkingen van bèta-mimetica van voorbijgaande aard zijn en beperkt zijn tot maternale bijwerkingen zoals hartkloppingen, hoofdpijn, misselijkheid en braken. Daar-naast vonden we in onze netwerkmeta-analyse dat de verdeling van ernstige foetale en maternale uitkomsten vergelijkbaar was tussen de interventie- en controlegroepen, en lijken onafhankelijk te zijn van het gebruik van tocolytische middelen. Omdat de frequentie van ernstige complicaties echter laag is, zijn grotere datasets nodig om deze bevinding te bevestigen.

Vrouwen die niet kiezen voor tocolyse of zelfs een uitwendige versie, zoeken vaak hun toevlucht in alternatieve behandelingen. In onze meta-analyse naar moxibustion-therapie hebben wij vastgesteld dat dit de kans op een hoofdligging kan verhogen. Het positieve effect dat wij hebben gevonden, kan echter komen door publicatiebias omdat studies met de meest positieve uitkomst de laagste kwaliteit hadden. Ook kon alleen de uitkomst hoofdligging na moxibustion-therapie worden afgeleid uit deze onderzoeken en kon de modus partus niet vergelijken worden. Forse heterogeniteit werd daarnaast waargeno-men (I2 van 74%) en was er ongelijkheid tussen de verschillende onderzoeksprotocollen met betrekking tot de hoeveelheid behandeling (eenmaal per dag of paar keer per dag), uitvoering van de behandeling (gezondheidswerker of door de patiënt zelf) en de zwanger-schapsduur bij het begin van de behandeling (30, 32 of 34 weken). Voor onze meta-analyse konden wij het aanvullende effect van moxibustion-therapie op de uitwendige versie niet vaststellen omdat de implementatie van uitwendige versie laag was (bijvoorbeeld 19% van de in aanmerking komende patiënten koos voor een uitwendige versie in de studie met de hoogste kwaliteit). De uitwendige versie bleek geen standaardbehandeling te zijn in de vijf onderzoeken die de uitwendige versie wel uitvoerden. Voor deze vijf onderzoeken konden we geen informatie krijgen over de ervaring van verteur en of tocolyse werd toe-gediend. Voorlopig is moxibustion gevolgd door een versie-poging niet bewezen effectief ter voorkoming van keizersneden.

De succespercentages die in verschillende prognostische modellen worden vermeld, vari-eren van 20 tot 80%, afhankelijk van de kenmerken van de patiënt. Voorspelling van een succesvolle uitwendige versie op een individueel niveau verbetert gedeelde besluitvor-

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ming. Kennis over de effectiviteit van de uitwendige versie beïnvloedt ook de acceptatie van uitwendige versie. Wij rapporteerden over zes prognostische modellen voor succes-volle versie. Geen van de modellen betrok alle belangrijke predictoren. Daarom hebben wij ervoor gekozen om een nieuw prognostische model te ontwikkelen en intern te valideren met behulp van alle belangrijke variabelen. Dit model voorspelt adequater dan de andere prognostische modellen. Een beperking van onze studie is dat uitwendige versies werden verricht in centra die frequent versies uitvoeren en er gedacht wordt dat ervaring van de verteur een belangrijke positieve predictor is.

Wij vonden dat vrouwen met een succesvolle uitwendige versie nog steeds een verhoogd risico hebben op een keizersnede in vergelijking met vrouwen van wie het kind primair in hoofdligging ligt. Het is belangrijk om dit risico af te wegen met de kans op een keizersnede als een uitwendige versie niet wordt uitgevoerd. In een populatie zonder de uitwendige versie is het percentage electieve keizersneden voor stuitligging ongeveer 85%. Vergeleken met ongeveer 47% in een populatie met een uitwendige versie (gemiddeld succespercen-tage is 59% en kans op een keizersnede na succesvolle uitwendige versie is 21%). Dit maakt de absolute risicoreductie 0,85-0,47 = 0,38, wat overeenkomt met een number needed to treat van 2,6 (95% CI 2,0 tot 3,9). Er moeten dus twee tot vier uitwendige versies worden uitgevoerd om één keizersnede te voorkomen.

Klinische implicatiesDit proefschrift bevestigt dat de uitwendige versie een bewezen effectieve obstetrische procedure is om stuitligging bij de geboorte en daarmee de bijbehorende keizersneden te verminderen. Daarom moet dit aangeboden worden aan alle vrouwen met een ongecom-pliceerde stuitligging voor de uitgerekende datum. Deze procedure wordt ook beschouwd als een goedkope behandeling en kan over de hele wereld worden uitgevoerd.

De gegevens in dit proefschrift laten zien dat tocolyse met een bèta-mimeticum het sla-gingspercentage verhoogt en het aantal keizersneden vermindert. Alle vrouwen die een versie-poging overwegen, moeten worden voorgelicht over de effecten van toediening van een bèta-mimeticum. Als een uitwendige versie wordt besproken, dan dient een adequate schatting van de kans op succes te worden besproken indien een bèta-mimeticum wordt toegediend. In vergelijking met placebo, verlagen bèta-mimetica de kans op een keizer-snede met 20%, wat resulteert in substantiële gezondheidswinst. Op basis van eerdere studies berekenden wij dat 17 vrouwen geen ernstige morbiditeit op de korte termijn zouden ondervinden als gevolg van een keizersnede voor stuitligging per jaar in Neder-land. Het gezondheidsvoordeel zou nog forser zijn als zowel de korte- en lange termijn gevolgen van keizersnede zouden worden gecombineerd.

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Ons prognostisch model moet worden gebruikt voor alle vrouwen die nadenken of zij een uitwendige versie willen ondergaan. Dit, omdat ons model gepersonaliseerde besluitvor-ming ondersteunt. Na externe validatie is een impactanalyse nodig om te testen of het model in staat is om gedeelde besluitvorming te verbeteren en (niet) beoogde effecten op de uitkomsten van de patiënt te evalueren.

Ondanks het feit dat de uitwendige versie sterk wordt aanbevolen in internationale richtlijnen, is de implementatie laag. In Nederland werden 72% van de in aanmerking komende vrouwen een versie-poging aangeboden, en ongeveer 18% van de vrouwen in de Verenigde Staten. In het laatste decennium kwamen de meeste onderzoeken over de uitwendige versie uit West-Europa en Australië. Dit kan te wijten zijn aan verschillen in aanpak van management van stuitligging wereldwijd. Desalniettemin is het bewijs dat uitwendige versie effectief is overweldigend en dient dit optimaal geïmplementeerd te worden.

Implicaties voor toekomstig onderzoekDit proefschrift laat duidelijk zien dat een bèta-mimeticum de uitkomst van uitwendige versies verbetert, maar om de uitkomst van een uitwendige versie verder te verbeteren, moet toekomstig onderzoek zich richten op de implementatie van bèta-mimetica, compli-caties van uitwendige versie en medicatie gerelateerde bijwerkingen, implementatie van een prognostisch model en het bepalen van ervaring en de beste setting om de uitwendige versie uit te voeren.

Om meer bewijs te verkrijgen over routinematige toedienen van een bèta-mimeticum bij de uitwendige versie, moet een pragmatische RCT worden uitgevoerd. Hierbij wordt gerandomiseerd tussen een versiepoging met een bèta-mimeticum en aan de andere kant een eerste poging zonder en indien dit niet gelukt, een tweede poging met een bèta-mimeticum. Deze studie kan de implementatie vergroten en mogelijk subgroepen identificeren die baat hebben bij bèta-mimetica als eerstelijnsbehandeling.

Bezorgdheid over complicaties en bijwerkingen blijven groot bij patiënten die een uitwen-dige versie overwegen. Daarom moet toekomstig onderzoek zich richten op de incidentie van complicaties bij de uitwendige versie en op het identificeren van mogelijke risicofac-toren die samenhangen met het voorkomen ervan. Omdat de incidentie van complicaties laag is, moeten deze datasets voldoende power hebben. Uitkomstmaten van belang zijn foetale dood, abruptio placentae, vroeggeboorte, vaginaal bloedverlies en de noodzaak voor een keizersnee binnen 48 uur na de versie.

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Om de generaliseerbaarheid van het door ons ontwikkelde prognostische model verder te bevestigen, is externe validatie van dit model nodig in een cohort van vrouwen die een uitwendige versie overwegen. Als het model goed presteert bij externe validatie, moet een aanvullende impactanalyse worden uitgevoerd om de opname van het model in de klinische praktijk te verbeteren.

Om de kans op een succesvolle uitwendige versie te vergroten, gaat men er sterk van uit dat ervaring van de verteur en de setting van cruciaal belang zijn. Tot dusverre is dit echter nog niet goed onderzocht. Daarom moeten toekomstige studies zich richten op het meten van het effect van ervaring op de versie-uitkomst, het effect van leerprogramma’s op het verbeteren van vaardigheden, het onderzoeken naar het bestaan van een minimaal aantal versie-pogingen per jaar om ervaren te blijven en in welke setting een uitwendige versie moeten worden uitgevoerd. Deze informatie dient te worden geïmplementeerd in richtlijnen om de hoogste a priori kans op succes te bieden.

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List of co-authors

Joke M.J. Bais Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Centre Alkmaar, Alkmaar, The Netherlands

Danielle D. Egberts Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Liesbeth van der Esch Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

Christianne J. de Groot Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Marcella de Hundt Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Centre Alkmaar, Alkmaar, The Netherlands

Marjolein Kok Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Gabriëlle R.M. Koning Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jacqueline C.E.M. Limpens Clinical Librarian, Medical library Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ben Willem J. Mol Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Monash Medical Centre, Monash Health and Monash University, Australia

Jan F.M. Molkenboer Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Spaarne Hospital, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands

Frederique M. Mulder Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Brent Opmeer Clinical Research Unit Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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Mariëlle G. van Pampus Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dimitri N.M. Papatsonis Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Amphia Hospital, Breda, The Netherlands

Joris A.M. van der Post Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Ewoud Schuit Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Corine J. Verhoeven Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Maxima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, The Netherlands

Floortje Vlemmix Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Karlijn C. Vollebregt Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Spaarne Hospital, Haarlem, The Netherlands

Rui Wang The Robinson Institute, School of Pediatrics and Reproductive Health University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

Mohammad H. Zafarmand Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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List of publications

Velzel J, Schuit E, Vlemmix F, Molkenboer JFM, Van der Post JAM, Mol BW, Kok M. Develop-ment and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for external cephalic version. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018 Jun 18;228:137-142. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.06.019.

Mol BW, Bergenhenegouwen L, Velzel J, Ensing S, van de Mheen L, Ravelli AC, Kok M. Perinatal outcomes according to the mode of delivery in women with a triplet pregnancy in The Netherlands.J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 May 28:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14767058.2018.1471680.

Velzel J, Vlemmix F, Opmeer BC, Molkenboer JF, Verhoeven CJ, van Pampus MG, Papat-sonis DN, Bais JM, Vollebregt KC, van der Esch L, Van der Post JA, Mol BW, Kok M. The Atosiban versus fenoterol as a uterine relaxant for external cephalic version: randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2017 Jan 26;356:i6773. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i6773.

Rosman AN, Vlemmix F, Ensing S, Opmeer BC, Te Hoven S, Velzel J, de Hundt M, van den Berg S, Rota H, van der Post JA, Mol BW, Kok M. Mode of childbirth and neonatal outcome after external cephalic version: A prospective cohort study. Midwifery. 2016 Aug;39:44-8. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2016.02.014.

Velzel J, de Hundt M, Mulder FM, Molkenboer JF, Van der Post JA, Mol BW, Kok M.Prediction models for successful external cephalic version: a systematic review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2015 Dec;195:160-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2015.10.007.

Velzel J, Roovers JP, Van der Vaart CH, Broekman B, Vollebregt A, Hakvoort R.A nationwide survey concerning practices in pessary use for pelvic organ prolapse in The Netherlands: identifying needs for further research. Int Urogynecol J. 2015 Oct;26(10):1453-8. doi: 10.1007/s00192-015-2697-6.

De Hundt M, Velzel J, de Groot CJ, Mol BW, Kok M. Mode of delivery after successful external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Jun;123(6):1327-34. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000295.

Velzel J, Vlemmix F, Egberts DD, Limpens JCEM, Molkenboer JF, Van der Post JA, Mol BW, Kok M, Schuit E. A systematic review and network meta-analysis comparing tocolytics for external cephalic version. Submitted

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Velzel J, Wang R, Koning GRM, Molkenboer JF, Van der Post JA, Mol BW, Kok M. Effective-ness of moxibustion in women with breech presentation in combination with external cephalic version: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Submitted

Velzel J, Schuit E, Vlemmix F, Van der Post JA, Mol BW, Kok M, Zafarmand MH. Beta-mimet-ics for external cephalic version, a secondary analysis of the ECV with uterine relaxantion trial to determine who benefits most. Submitted

PhD Portfolio | 191


PhD Portfolio

Graduate School AMCPhD student: Joost VelzelPhD period: January 2013 to December 2018Promotores: Prof. dr. J.A.M. van der Post Prof. dr. B.W.J. MolCo-promotores: Dr. M. Kok Dr. J.F.M. Molkenboer

Seminars and scientific meetingsSeminars, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013 – 2016Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam Lunch meetings, Seminars, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013 – 2016Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam

(Inter)national conferences attended45e Gynaecongres, Leeuwarden 201419th Annual Conference of the Perinatal Society of Australia and 2015New Zealand, MelbourneFirst Amsterdam Breech Conference: Teach the Breech! Amsterdam 2016

SupervisingFrederique M. Mulder, medical student, scientific internship 2014Bachelor of Medicine (UvA) Gabriëlle R.M. Koning, medical student, scientific internship 2015Bachelor of Medicine (UvA)Tessa Slutter, medical student, scientific internship, 2018Master of Medicine (VU)

Danniek Vinkenvleugel, medical student, scientific internship 2018Master of Medicine (RUG)

Oral presentationsDe kosteneffectiviteit van het uitvoeren van een versie voor stuitligging 2014bij 34 weken zwangerschap vergelijken met het uitvoeren bij 37 weken zwangerschap. 45e Gynaecongres, Leeuwarden

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Atosiban versus fenoterol as a uterine relaxant for external cephalic version: 2015a randomized controlled trial. 19th Annual Conference of the Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand, Melbourne,

How to improve the effectiveness of ECV? 2016First Amsterdam Breech Conference: Teach the Breech! Amsterdam

Het optimaliseren van de versie! Versiecongres, Nieuwengein 2017

Dankwoord | 193



De totstandkoming van dit proefschrift is niet zonder slag of stoot gegaan, hoogte- en dieptepunten, maar een prachtig resultaat waar ik tros op ben. Ik heb hulp gehad van velen en wil een aantal in het bijzonder bedanken.

Als eerst wil ik graag alle vrouwen bedanken die belangeloos hebben mee gedaan aan onze trial. Deelname aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek getuigd enigszins van moed, en het overduidelijke resultaat dat deze studie heeft aangetoond, draagt mee aan doelmatigere zorg. Hierop aansluitend wil ik ook graag het consortium bedanken voor de infrastructuur waarlangs deze trial heeft kunnen bestaan.

Professor Van der Post, beste Joris, mijn eerste promotor. Graag wil ik je bedanken voor al jouw inzet in het beter maken van dit proefschrift. In het begin raakte ik je vaak kwijt in het gesprek dat vervuld was met hersenspinsels die 5 stappen vooruit lagen. Jouw intelligentie is bewonderenswaardig. Na promotor-promovendus, is er nu opleider-AIOS, en daarmee nog een hele toekomst voor ons.

Professor Mol, beste Ben Willem. Graag wil ik je bedanken dat je mij in 2013 onder je hoede nam. Jij gaf mij de gelegenheid om een wetenschappelijke carrière op te starten en te vervolgen tot dit proefschrift en altijd het netwerk om hulp te krijgen. Ik bewonder jouw vastberadenheid, je mentorschap en de drift om verbetering te brengen. Dank voor je kritische blik met ‘Caps lock’. De Skypegesprekken gevuld met allerhande metaforen, anekdotes en opmerking over mijn gewicht zullen mij altijd bijblijven.

Dr. Kok, lieve Marjolein. Onze eerste ontmoeting kan ik mij nog goed herinneren. Wat volgens mij een kennismakinggesprek was, bleek een sollicitatie voor promotieplek. Er was direct een klik, gevolgd door een jarenlange samenwerking, zowel wetenschappelijk als klinisch. Graag wil ik jou bedanken voor jouw steun bij al mijn projecten. Dank ook voor de ruimte die jij gaf voor mijn ontwikkeling en tijd die kreeg wanneer nodig.

Dr. Molkenboer, beste Jan. Ooit begonnen bij jou als ANIOS en later jouw eerste promo-vendus. Wetenschappelijk wellicht ietsjes minder ingebracht dan de andere uit het team, maar daarom nog meer ruimte voor de belangrijke work-life balance! Dank voor de kri-tische blik, leuke dinertjes en heerlijke wijnen, en ik zorg ervoor dat er meerdere volgen.

Geachte leden van de promotiecommissie. Dank voor uw bereidheid mijn proefschrift kritisch te beoordelen. Ik kijk uit naar de aanstaande discussie.

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Alle medeauteurs van de verschillende artikelen wil ik ook graag bedanken. Beste Ewoud, fijn dat wij samen hebben gewerkt aan de diamant van het proefschrift, “onze” netwerk meta-analyse. Dear Hadi, I know this research has your particularly interest, and thank you for helping me with the secondary analysis. Lieve Marcella, dank dat jij mij onder je hoede hebt genomen in het begin en mij de fijne kneepjes van het onderzoek hebt bijgebracht.

Graag wil ik ook mijn wetenschapsstudentes Frederique, Gabrielle, Tessa en Danniek bedanken voor het samenwerken aan verschillende stukken. Jullie hebben mij veel plezier in mijn werk gegeven en door jullie heb ik mogen ervaren hoe het is om als mentor te mogen werken.

Veel dank ben ik al mijn onderzoeksmaatjes verschuldigd. Aangezien mijn onderzoektijd schaars was, stormde ik vaak zomaar binnen met allerlei vragen die dan per acuut opge-lost moesten worden. Dank voor al jullie geduld en wijze lessen. Daarnaast wil ik ook mijn excuus aanbieden voor de techno-herrie, de ongefilterde opmerkingen en getier als het even niet lukte.

Gynaecologen van het “oude” Spaarne Ziekenhuis in Hoofddorp wil ik ook graag bedan-ken, want dankzij jullie werd mijn enthousiasme voor de gynaecologie bevestigd en jullie hebben mij verder geholpen. Alle collega’s aldaar hebben mij als onwetende jonge hond opgevoed en afgeleverd als betere dokter.

Lieve collega’s van het OLVG West, graag wil ik jullie danken voor de meest fantastische jaren uit mijn werkende leven. Dank lieve verpleegkundigen, alle verloskundigen, de assi-stenten waarmee ik samen in de beste app-groep ooit heb gezeten en de gynaecologen die mij het leerklimaat hebben gegeven waarin ik mocht shinen. De zelfstandigheid die jullie generen voor de assistenten is bewonderingswaardig. De patiënt staat op nummer 1 en er is ruimte voor het alternatief. Ik kom terug, met nog meer bagage.

Alle medewerkers van de vrouwenkliniek van het Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC wil ik natuurlijk danken voor alle tijd en geduld die jullie in mij hebben gestoken. Na twee jaar elders te hebben gewerkt, kom ik thuis in een warm bad, waarbij de opmerking “goh Joost, op vakantie geweest, tijd niet gezien”, wellicht typerend is.

Een veel gehoorde vraag; waarom toch 4 paranimfen? Zonder hen had het nog langer geduurd…Anne, mijn eerste paranimf, al zolang samen en al zoveel samen meegemaakt. Ik waardeer jou wil en doorzettingsvermogen enorm en ik wil jou onwijs graag bedanken voor jouw

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geloof in mij. Daarnaast ben jij de enige die mij kan versterken in mijn hysterie. Het hardste kan ik met jou lachen, wij zijn elkaars grootste fans. Matties for life!Femke, jij één van de mini’s, ik één van de maxi’s. Dank dat je de afgelopen jaren een klankbord voor mij bent geweest, jouw relativerende vermogen heeft mij menig keer verder geholpen. Ik waardeer jou ‘andere’ mening zonder waardeoordeel zeer en jij bent bewonderenswaardig.Floortje, door jou is dit alles begonnen en het vertrouwen dat jij vanaf het begin uitstraalde is heel speciaal. Dank dat ik jouw project mocht overnemen en blij dat wij dit samen tot een hoogtepunt hebben kunnen brengen. Jij bent voor altijd de meest energieke, best multitaskende en slimste para 2 ooit! Ik hoop dat ik nog meer projecten met jou mag doen. Kim, besties vanaf de eerste blik, daar op die rondvaartboot. Ondanks dat “wij” niet altijd begrepen worden door anderen, begrijpen wij het maar al te goed. Allebei ons eigen leven, maar diepgeworteld met elkaar. Allebei onze eigen toekomst, niet ver van elkaar.

Mijn collegae, lieve vrienden van het beste cluster, stuk voor stuk zijn jullie iemand om trots op te zijn en ben ik zeer blij met jullie te mogen samenwerken. Jullie maken mij iedere dag een stukje beter, beroeps-technisch maar ook als persoon. Een grote groep, super-succesvol, lekker met de meiden, de moekes en een paar echte Y-chromosomen. In het bijzonder wil ik Anne Roos, Anna en Lot bedanken voor jullie steun in de finale fase, dat ik crackers mocht jatten en koffie mocht slijten om uit te razen. Op de fiets, het terras en iedere verdieping van onze vrouwenkliniek staan jullie voor mij klaar. Fijn dat ik jullie altijd kan oppiepen (zelfs ongepast), en mag knuffelen (nooit ongepast).

Grote dank natuurlijk ook aan mijn vrienden en vriendinnen. Een grote groep loyale mensen die ik de afgelopen jaren in toenemende mate heb verwaarloosd. Vanaf nu is er weer meer tijd en het besef is duidelijk aanwezig om te investeren in ieder van jullie. In het bijzonder wil ik enkelen bedanken. Lieve Marisa, officieel niet mijn bestie, maar die van die andere. Toch voelt het wel zo, trots op jou hoe jij tot hier bent gekomen. Het vertrouwen in elkaar is onvoorwaardelijk.Lieve Zoë, mijn pareltje uit de Bij, de beste tijd ooit, jij als powerbabe, ik als kerstengeltje. Dank dat je altijd in mij geloofd en er voor mij bent in voor- en tegenspoed.Lieve Timo, fijn dat wij van alles kunnen delen; spullen, vrienden en voorliefdes. Jij bent een echte vriend, en staat altijd voor mij klaar wanneer nodig.

Mijn lieve familie, lieve Annegien, afgelopen jaren waren voor jou niet de makkelijkste, maar ik ben trots je kleine broertje te zijn en trots op jouw grote levenskeuzes die je hebt gemaakt. Het glas is tegenwoordig half vol. Dank voor je onvoorwaardelijke steun, de liefde die je mij altijd geeft en het wederzijds respect! Jona, de backoffice-medewerker, de familie-clown, mijn zwager. Ook jij bent er altijd voor mij geweest, in de toekomst zullen we er voor

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elkaar blijven zijn. Lieve Daan en Jasmijn, toen ik begon met mijn promotietraject waren jullie nog klein, en nu bijna pubers. De tijd vliegt, maar er komen leuke tijden aan voor ons!

Mama, mijn liefste mama. Ook voor jou waren de afgelopen jaar zwaar en bewogen, en wat heb jij je staande weten te houden. Ik ben trots op je en sta vierkant achter je, niet alleen op zondag. Dank voor jouw prachtige opvoeding, jij hebt mij al die mooie eigenschappen mogen leren.

Lieve Arco, de liefde van mijn leven, mijn allessie, en niet alleen op dinsdag. Onze relatie is geboren op Ibiza en grootgebracht in Amsterdam. Al voor het promotietraject waren wij samen, en nu gaan wij dit samen vieren. De afgelopen jaren die wij hebben overleefd, maken het voor mij meer dan duidelijk dat dit voor altijd is. Door jou kan ik dit allemaal doen, jij maakt mijn leven fijn en jij hebt mij altijd door als ik weer doordraaf. Lieve Arco, jij maakt mijn leven iedere dag tot een feestje.

Papa, mijn lieve papa. Helaas heb jij het eindresultaat nooit kunnen zien, maar ik weet dat jij ongelofelijk trots zou zijn geweest. Ik vind het een compliment nu mensen steeds vaker zeggen dat ik op je begin te lijken. Graag eindig ik met jouw woorden, die ik vaak heb gehoord, zittend naast je bureau op het strafstoeltje als ik weer iets had gedaan, en jij het moest oplossen… “Als het niet gaat zoals het moet, dan moet het maar zoals het gaat”.

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About the author

Joost Velzel was born in Purmerend, the Netherlands on January 17th, 1986. He spent his childhood in the loving presence of his parents Johan and Anja and his sister Annegien in Broek in Waterland playing tennis and riding his pony Jolly Jumper. He attended high school at the Don Bosco College in the famous town of Volendam and graduated in 2004. After graduation he started medical school at the University of Amsterdam. Even though Joost was a knowledgeable student, he was even more talented in exploring all the extra-curricular benefits of student life. He effortlessly combined exploring Amsterdam nightlife, working at the Bijenkorf, being part of both the ‘Feestcommissie’ and ‘Almanakcommissie’ of the MFAS and playing awesome DJ sets at ‘Eerstejaarsweekend’. All these important activities did result in a few re-sits, which he off course gloriously passed. His first steps in science were taken during a (mostly) scientific internship at the Ospedale S. Anna in Turin, Italy. Here he wrote his first paper under the supervision of Prof. dr. Tullia Todros, a landmark paper on acceleration and deceleration in CTG reactivity.

Being gifted with great empathy for everyone he meets and the capacity to let the sun shine wherever he goes, he decided to specialize in obstetrics & gynecology. He took the first steps in his clinical career path at the Spaarne Gasthuis in Hoofddorp. His talent flour-ished and he managed to slightly temper his outwardly open, positive and enthusiastic temperament and started the transition to becoming a serious doctor. A transfer to the Academic Medical Centre followed to increase his chances of a residency in OBGYN. His transition now continues even to the level of an academic doctor. With enthusiasm he took over an RCT that had almost come to a dead end, and turned it into a successful trial that he published in the BMJ. Meanwhile he started several other reviews and meta-analyses which all together led to this thesis, and even managed to keep up with Kim Kardashian’s personal life. His perseverance is admirable. In 2016 he was warmly welcomed into the OBGYN residency at the OLVG West. Currently he works at the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. He is still as enthusiastic about his job as on the very first day he started it.

He lives together with Arco, the love of his life, in a vibrant neighborhood in Amsterdam, in the most Elle Interior worthy house.

We have no doubt that our intelligent, inspiring, tremendously positive, warm and fit friend will have a prosperous future. May all your dreams come true!

Anne, Kim, Femke en Floortje