Illustrated brochure: Stone, Kouymjian, Lehmann, Album of Armenian Paleography, Aarhus: Aarhus...

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Transcript of Illustrated brochure: Stone, Kouymjian, Lehmann, Album of Armenian Paleography, Aarhus: Aarhus...

Michael E. Stone

Dickran Kouymjian

Henning Lehmann


f'rioi,..,..Urnl15 Arow• ı ıı r ı•• •tnl.,. r•t

C'i/lrlıı~ AIMt•ıo •Ki rlf tnı'O• IV.-njOfl~

ror~r-ır•••rt'lfMv•rptlllrt. flır•ttr~ ll•!

•••••rdoırr••ni i•• ,....Y hlf"•,.•l l'ıll>h.,.

orn,ı. •·•rırııırrr~r IJ • oıl'l l.rıi•"""'Y h•,d.

I'I'"•••P• ,.,. "''"' •ı l• r~rn.,llrı prlıii<Jr­

M•••prllır• . Ar• •ıtr,..ıA..-• I•n. M ... ..,.,J/B,

•rrro(J.-.-pJO,<KIIr/1 9. /'lloıo(OII nn,

-{n M..r~ ...

IO<I.W.~ .......... ,." .............. ,. ... ~ ... _,..,,,....,....,v. _ .. ,. _, .. ,. ...... ııo • •• - ...... --··· ... _.., . ....., ... -........ _ ,., ,..,. __ ...,..,.........,._.,ı .. wr

,.,, ................... _.-,. .... --"-""''*-"•toıor_....ı ......... -... - ..... _._ ... __

ımrdmwnr n~ l lr~. 1 In· Amwnllu r ı r ıı ııyru~ rmıırrrrlll rllı.cn•)l'd ııl~t~vr d\lt'$ rı ur emurılir rı

Uırıııry ı rx ı n ml w~• rrcvrr ımrr ur~ hool . llır plıllul<ıgbr. Clunln M eKler. worırlnnl

whr!hC"r ılır rvulurlon fmm ~~~ uııriıtht rrkat 'aglr ıu ~ ,jaml'll onr rnlıtln nur br dur tO

thrp;ı,.,;ıJtrfıornrhrıı~ııyru•rullrurhr rodrx followlngan an't')>ll'llnorlonbonownl

ffOm Larin ır~ln>llflll>h)l • .-..r llld Mnruıı and hi• ıı rouır n ... r nK ııaııyru• ro ll• ht fmr r·urtı

C'ft7 Th<'«' ur no Armrn ları ti3P)'rU\ rull• a nd no mrmlorı o r An)' In rhr ~urTn. Twıı

Crorgları m~nuı«iıu~ wnh p;ıjl)'tu\ hıt rrluvnl wıth ı.arrhnr<rll hı t'Ollrx or book form

frum ık tl'nth n"tllury du •urvl•r hı rh Krlllldlf' ln)lllulr for~ ndi'ni Gl'(lrıtı:ın m~ nu ·

ı.r:npl.\ In lbrll•l. .. ' llır ırlumııh of thr t•uılrır, wrhtrn un (ulrlntııap)'TIH or Jı~rrhrnl'nt

ıı:ıl(n,nY<'tlhrrullw~\lnlhrfuurıh tt' IIIUr)'. Thtr<'b.rhl'rrforr,a •ırong hhhhooıltlıar

wkrı Ma~ ı ır< drviw.l ~~~ a lıılı~hrr hı ılır n nh •·rnıury, Armrnl:ı~ LrS<'IIthr rudu rlght

frum rhr ~urt wlrt~ıuı ~ rrrm~ltlun hum rtl<' p~ııyru• ıoll."" llıuı.. it )I'C'ms morr IU)(.>n ·

alrlr runlıamlun ılır rıntlnn tlml ı he •hlfl lu )l~t!ll"l urlrurrrnl"lll~tc r rinl'uglris hı par/

nııllorlıkbyadı:oıııtrfnınırulllu(oılrx .

lluw rhrn rio wr r~ ııbln lhr rı~nıl' lronlrlll'l'lf If lhr lrruh ur ıırrhaps raıly drvrırrh

tt'nrury nırmlun u( rr.ıır 'ııg lr lrııhr VrfliCr Gu.ıırh don rrfrr lo lhl' lfll<' of ı.r:rlıır U)t'll

lnlhil rodrx. ıhrnwl'rll~)':ı •\UIIIrthaııhrlrnn wıı'"""l<'ial<'llhythr )('nlıror rarllrr

Armrnl~n .,çrll,.... wlıh rhr blhllca lııi •\lrlll'\ thal )IlC'~~ a lH1UI ılır rngr:ıvrd w(lnl. lhrrr

The Album of Armenian Poleography, compHed

and edited by Michael E. Stone, Dickran

Kouymjian, and Henning Lehmann, provides a

comprehensive selection of so me 200 defınitively

dated, handwritten texts, sampled from among the

31,000 manuscripts preserved in the major public

collections of Europe, the Middle East, the form er

USSR and North America. These were chosen to

reflect the range of Armenian manuscript hands from

the earliest dated codices of the ninth century to the

cursive script of the nineteenth century. Added to

them were a handful of early lapidary inscriptions of

the fıfth-seventh centuries, and at the other chrono­

logical poJe, some specimens of the handwriting of

Iate nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Arınen­

ian scholars and intellectuals. Other important

paleographic documents, some undated, illustrate the

preliminary chapter by Dickran Kouymjian devoted

to the history of Armen ian paleography. Each select­

ed manuscript is illustrated by a high -quality colour

facsimile of a typical folio page, and is accompa nied

by an alphabet table drawn from Jetters appearing on

that page and a sample transcriptian of several lines.

These alphabet tables were not traced or drawn by

arr IY> O ı.an:oıcl"'o lırthl' Aınırrrl~rı mırı>l;ıtkın uflhl' l!lhlr lrı whlth ılır l t iiii lrurı h ır'"'

ln rorıjunnlonwlıhwrir l ng urrrıgra~lng. hıhurh. r h<• U jlll"'o' h '"'''lf'l''"hf'/1'"/l'•"''•

'wnllrn whh :o 'ı y /u) uflwn ' . .kıb l<J :D -H: Oh rhar lll)' wnul • wrrr nuw wılllrrı l Oh

ıh~t rlıey wcır ıhawn uul In rhc crrnıal hou~! 14. /lıaı rhry wt·rr I(I~VI'/1 wlrh an'""'

jlt'/1, t•rıgr~vrı( In Jr;ıd ur on ılır Mrınc a' tlflfl•ll wlrııl"'o> -'"' Jrtrml~ h ll . 1 111<' •In uf

Juıbh h wrlırı•rı whh a Jlt'll nf Iran, aml w nh rhr IMIInı uf :o ıli~munrl Ir ı, g m~rrı uı rc rır

lht· ı :rhl~l urrhrlr hr~rı. nııd 11pon ılır hıırn• nf ymır :ıhn"'· .. ' lır hırıh ılır · !'•"'~ıl•" .rrı

Ir n n "YI U\ ur ır ıli n iiiiHIII JHılrrı ı, 11\ctl ıırı harıl ~uıf.u·,.., , "" h '" •lut\!' :nııl it'a<l . lrr 111 1

thıu l ıy mılrrın ~ı ylı" IV Il\ ırwrlıu wrlıı· U ll w rı~ ı:rlrft•l• :oıu lrl11 · \o llllt'lı "llurllt' nl "''" '"''''

rulı•vı'lrıiTtl.l".,rı;ıw)t ln·w rlnı·ır w:ox. l'lıhhw lrr n""'"h)IM"v't" Xuıı· ır;oı' ı , l/l'lut)'

tl. lfo), whurı'filll!lh ıht· t·n~ı,ıvlrrl( uflrı"''rljrllml\mrllu· '"'~ rrl rlu· V:rırlorllt"!o\ lrılhl'

Ilmi' ııfSI'mlrıınıl• : ·rıır rarh •Irk oıfıhr •tutw •uılin't ', r.ıllro • ı lllı· h·vt•llnıtwıı ~ wlrh :ı

•ty lu•. ıııarıy krrrrıı wt·rr w ı l nrn ~on lr'."'''l hr '111111111/orr 1111111 MuY'I"'"#'"'" ıh.rı

Armrnl~n• brt'W miH1ul ~rıd u'><'ll ~udr tm·r~ı •ty lu"".

Wr h~vr )("< ll rhaı 1~.--gr rr.tırı'ırgir w~' ılır ırrdrul'll -.r:ıljıl nf r :uty Arınrrıl~n •lu11r

lrıwrlııtlon \..ı,nlrun('hi'>I'IWa\ U'ol'dluc:ıl'l'rlhn<" lrnr"'.~ hrrl rrıl.ıhror l•~nln\lalll •

l)'ll<'lffj>llhlrmunurnrntalny lnrarly l"'";rtıırlo rı• . lrl• a,rhuujlhlhr lrth·I'IWC'Irl a\h ·

lunnl fnım luırı and wouhl. ıhu•. rndrrrr fuırvrr . llır rrını rı•ul'ııgir, thrrt"'ur ~. ıın.o lı

~ı.ıy ı r(~" trrtırr ıu ılır I)'JI<' ııf wrir hıg ınarlr lıy hı•rnwırrrr• uf luın, ılw" ı~ıılda ry

hi\Crl]lılon.-. wh kh Wl'lf rtı~ «:~mr ltı funn a' ıuıu~l nıaju ... ·ulr, a11rl hı ~atly nı~mı

ı.crlırlli rr.tıri'~!Jirwms..,ıırç/3ll)'u~l rurlht·lloty <lo•ı"'", ıhu•a'"K"I~rlrrıtıhr ' ırun

lt•rtrt)' wl ılı Old Tl')tum~nı rr.rıli ı ion ofwriılnl( ı h~ huly rrxı wlflı ~\/)'lu' ullrurr ll ılır

11'1111 ılhl url~irıalr uut uf lhl' ..-ıib:ıl rr.ıdhlım lrı rhr nııoylrrJ( ırf ı •:ırly (in• ı ro: l nı.ırru

'>l.'rlJII',Illlft'Qntılsılr('lıl~lrlha r thr lniıl31 nıl'arılnıcnfr.ktl/ '41{11• """''""1'1)' rln' <"tnlva

lrnıor ')('riıll umlwrhlnıf.

Uolorgir IMi ırusı.:ulc)

lloloıglr'"' orınlrıu~ılr.thr:ın~ıor ufrrıudnrıArrnrrılanryı,"·""nılnarrd"rl

hatlmıırl• fnrırrıheıhlrl<'CIIIhlulhr\lxl~rnıh(rii!UII('),nnrlt'mlllnıu~l unlrrlurtırnlnr

l t·~rll l r , Illi ıı•r furshnıl ırh rn'H" m"l roloııhum :ım lr·,·rrı ff)r ruııylnJ( nnı·ıırlrr 1!1111 1<1

wrljıl h llllt"'ll'r l "·' ~:ul)' a~ lhr rı·ın !r <'ı'lllırry.'l-l lhıt h ~ ll)l<'llflo rvrrı raıllrr, fur :n lra•l

so ını· of ılı r· lrulotglr kllt·r fıırıns mr liıuıul lır 1/w wvrnıh ••rmury ur ll<'fml". lrı rlrt·

Atmrllln nııapyrus~ndlır ıım mrı hıwrlııthlll\frnm ılw l tn ly l.:ı orrl . tlkt·orll111t·v:ıi1Jrtln

ami G r N"knılıru,r:uk,blllo.glru,.,muju'ı'u lı·ırrrıkrrt'ngl• hu ll''' ·•i>ltalh•lft'"·' ' rlll

hııt for w mr ll'llrr\ ttulır diiTrrruı 'h~ıın fur rn ı rlıal• ~nıl )u,..ı•ı ra"'· Cun\ldı·r for

lnsl~ rK'I' thr Lıııhı 1<'111"1 'A' anıllh lowrrra,r Imm 'n' urırl rlr r Arnırrıl•oı U/ıu, 11yb. Mll\1

auıhurltll"'oargurıharıhr ~ııtrad ofOOiuıgl• wa• h~\lr:ılly dur 111 rlmr anıl .... ,,.,..,,.Jr.,: Ir

)a\'1'11 vatu ıblrır:ırrhmrnl tı«:ıu'ol' m~ny rııorr wıml• nıuld ı,.. <'IJI•II"I un~ ı•aıır "'"1

1'<111\<'NI'II tlmf lırnu'>l' ılır ll'tıf"' rould lır furmnl wlrlı frwrr ıırrı •rrııLn ılı~ n ıhr

rhrrr, rour, ıırnornnV1'nrl'ılrdforrtkııt '<lgi•.- Nnori111<'1C'..>, If.~,ıı h~\lorrtıaı ııurd,

00/orglr w~ı Lmıwn rruın thr rarıı..,r n"nru.-k,.. ~' wllr,.........ı lıy ılır u..r ufrıınılom lrt

ıcr\ for hı(orm~r wrltl flg. ~ ml rhrrı laırr 11<'\'~uıır of rurK't'rr" for '1"""1 ~rırl 1'\uruımy

lıt'I-Jmr:o forrrınlı.r:rlfll,how IU<'liJIIalnllr<J>hrmıınrnrınofıhC"rnlıırıluı /fil/1\ lllurral

wrlırr? ı rr hr ~~~~wrrr rı ıhh ııırrry b ıhar ırrugrnslvrty rmlfr 00/mg/r lrrtrr) wrrr aıhll"l


mnrı~trııılon ~ ll('l'llrıl.IIO

lrrtlll ' ' flı llr'ftlhl'lnıcıiıırloıuuıılht·frt"I"DI"I'rorn l lrlrni · Ahl:ıdtrlii'Whlh·~ lrrrr ıı\·

tl'ry),Uııı~~:r ı ıcyı rt t..rr lll . I<J. ı • . '11). d~ ı hıgru thr ı rrnll <'ll r llı rrıt•nluır l' ır lr lınt lı uf l ıı.yırı

"'' ._,.,.. -....... ~ .. ._,_, ........_.,....,.... ..... .. . .,_.,.._,._, 1--r-ı+l-' ,{1"-,....,.. .... _ , .,_,..,,.. ,, ... .,.. ...... _ ıı.o-,..ı.,.o-..o

,,.. .. ı..,.~,,~ ... ., ..... ,.. ....... . .. • ... ...,"'"'""•-•1 '''""''- '"'""' . ......... ... .. ~ı ..... ~v_ ..... ~ ...

..... , .. ,,...,.., .,.._, •• tr,- •~-

..,............, .... .-J, J..n.., ı,_ .....,, .. ,.. ... , ...... ,, .. cl""'•,..•._,..,. ... ,.,.,..,....ı..ı....,.. ._ ,....,.. ,...,.,_~

<,. ..,,......-.J.,.,..,..,_ .,.._, ı.ı.....

A---ı. ~....J..,....~-,-,(11"'"'>"' ' .... "'­... .,ı,,ro• ol ı. "'"""""" ... .. ........-,, .,,tl\ r ............ ·."""""'.ı , ..,. r ,ftb-.t r,r , ........ ~ ... ... ..... ,-... ............ ... ....................................... t ........... .

·-~···~ı .......... ~, ........ , ... ,., .... ...... ...... ....... ~.__, ,, .....,"''"'~ ' "" ..... ............ .... . _ •• 01), ...... ..., ı.ı .... , ...... '"'

,.., ,,,..~,.,.,., ro,.., ,~._ ,

,.., , .. _.,-~ ........ ....... .... _. ...... . _ ............. .... ..... ,.., ........ .. r.r.ı .... ... _ı.or.~ı......

,...n, • .....,_._,.._ ı.ı ....... . ,. . ..-.-ır.., ~......,_..... "'""''"'·"· ....... ........ . -....~ ..... w.- ... . __ _

- ~---·'*"'"-"'"'""-~ .. ı-. ... ... _.,.-...-..... ~ .......... ___ :::=:.=.·:::::-..::.:=: __ ... ...,...._.....,

'"""""" ... ·-... -.. -..... ....- .... .. ,..,....,. , .,....,orAı .. _,...,.,....,, ... ... _....,_ .......... . -. ..._ . ..,., :::. ·r:..7~~::~:~=.:ı:~:~:.~:-' .... ....... -...... ,._ .. , .. ... ~, ...... ..,.. , ............. ı.. ..... .., ..... ........ ............ .

Tlıe aboue Cilician Clıancel/ery writi11g is bul one o.ftlı r nw1ıy

i//ustralious contained in the lıistorical seetion o.ftlıc Album.

handas was customary in earlier paleographic works.

They were generated electron ica lly from a sean of the

page itself under the supervis ion of Michael Stone.

Fina lly, each entry has a bibliography ofimportant

earlier paleographic li terature on the manuscript and

comments on important features.

A visual histoıy of letter forms

The 192 individual alphabet strips were also com­

bined into a series of chronologically arranged tables

for all 38 Armenian letters. These are found at the

e nd of the volume and provide a visual history of the

subtle changes in Jetter forms over a thousand year

period. They are also intended to ass ist in the dating

of undated Armenian manuscripts or fragments.

The dated manuscripts were selected dominantly

from the three major repositories: the Mastoc' Mate­

nadaran, Institute of Ancient Manuscripts in Erevan;

94 1283 Yenice Mckhiwrisı

13 13/ 150


1'/m·r; l:arı vıll~g<'lrl ıtırıırovlnı•fofK~rlıı ll'rtrnıınJ

)l'tibr: Yovharırııurrııc'

FJt'nıl~l k'Ahanay

~•'lll"'aıı, 1914,l,f.l9 646,'nooyıın.ı9U,HJI.~I\-J&

llıh <>f"'nlnM ""'~"' Pfl~ Gmpd """oi'<Un~ ıo S~ M.ırl d»pll)"' foo" ıypt> Qf.,ıltln-' lı ıwtr In ""!oı-

1" h:n ı,..,.n wıllltnln ılı< tm> ll ""h ın>M< ı~ ıı !ht!! .... hwl111m ın 1111(111.11 ı.ılo•M"· ul 1

dılfnnııoıyk,>"'"""'"' .. tlıyılt>ı>. llK'ınıl•lnnl<ııldrrh/".,,.,ıMiln.rfourkı!<ntnl.orıo:darod

ıı..n.,. ıkrn"lndl halfhıınlnınl lnLC~mı .. rrl'loı•9J

lramtolpıiDn olıcnıcın: folıımn J, hnn 1-6



I•Pfl flf' LU'!JIJIJ

41: !ldll'lı


u ~r 2 U-~1-1--t-.Q.l:: f r

ı~ l. lr ~ ~ ;;)_

Y tr s --., ~ n "1 ..-<.__

n-u sr ö t- ı ~F

This ope11i11g is o11e of 192 11/alıuscripl examplcs to be jou11d

i11 tlıe Album. Riglıt/ıall{/ pagesjcature a plıotogroplı takeli

especiallyfor the Album, ıliilere virtually all spccime11s are in

actual size. Lejllıaııd pagcs canlaili teclınical data, aıı a!p!ıabel,

and a11 enlargemenl ofo11e line ofte.rl.

the Armenian Patriarchal Library in Jerusalem; and

the Library of the Mekhitarist Fatherson the island of

San Lazzara in Venice. Other choice manuscripts

were included from well-known collections in Balti­

more, Dublin, London, Paris, Tübingen, Leiden, and

Vienna. All photographs are new, taken especially for

the Album. Thanks to the large format of the volume

it has been possible to show virtually all specimens in

actual size. In addition, each facsimile page is accom­

panied by a colour enlargement of one line of the

text, enabling the reader to study the lettering in

eve n greater d eta il.

Rather than take a dogmatic position on various

questions concerning the development of Armenian

writing, the authors have tried topresentas much

information as possible as a resource for future

monographs on individual hands, schools, and

regions. Dickran Kouymjian's detailed history of

~.ı,-~,u.-b ', • ··-· ·uL 1 '() o . :;;- · Jı ~- _;ı., ı~wıa. ı:"l,t'J'~stı;J"f~ ı~~r-n nı·yn ..

· 'l,l- hi:fEnr --ı 1--l:l'~l.u i•U::ll "t;l ı-nu_ t_sl:: ·.cı.~ı-ı.

. 1: $1:\U!..DHr U. "lU.l'')\1~·~ la.l'''}-\il.l'l:.ln.) . .(ll0!1·\!..-(l:f.(l

lli-l~~lll''' l;tl Q_\~l~tı. · ln.~·U..f l; tr ~l~ll!.fl-IIS;:'l\t


Armenian paleography presents all major and most

minor books and articles on the subject. Much atten­

tion is given to the presentation of the idea s of the

early pioneers of Armenian paleography whose

works were published exclusively in Armenian:

Yakob Tasean, Garegin Yovsep'ean, Hrac'eay

Acarean, Karo Lafadaryan and Asot Abrahamyan.

Michael Stone's analysis ofthe mutation of Arınen­

ian writing considers the various seripts as groups

but also each letter individually. Whenever possible

Michael Stone avoided using the traditional Arınen­

ian terms for the seripts - erkat'agir, bolorgir, nötrgir,

slagir- preferring very neutral and universa lly-used

terms such as minuscu le and majuscule.

The evolutionaıy process

In a separate section, computerized tables are used to

show changes in the forms of individual letters.

By following the development of letter shapes, it is

possible to discern the evolutionary process of the

Armenian seripts in a far more detailed and sophisti­

cated manner than the traditional division of the

Armenian hands into types: erkat'agir, bolorgir,

nötrgir, slagir, thereby providing much more precise


l'lhlf Maııııı.tr!ııı ll~L~ lu 11" /. 19 M10Cı1~ "' P '/ '1- t 'L • C. P- /• L f.• ı, ı,

110 JI'Jl5 .. , , , ., '1 " "~ p ,J /• 1. , .. ~ ,, {

llL MIJl9 111 r Y '1 t- 'L 1:- 1!.. fJ .! 1• L f.. b Y <

ın llnl'·tı

9~ M9?5 ..,,..1-'1"- 'L l!.O'il-loL .5- ,, )

u1 p. ,1_ 'l- Ir 'L k 1!... 1J. d lı L 1" J' 11 --4J

811 Mll24

891\ L28L "' fS- '/ ,. 1: t '- e. P J f. L f- ' 4 .ı'.t;

12111 "'f t 1- ı, 'U. 90 ML!iOO 119) 1· ,_

~ 1 MIW.J

12UJ UJff'ft t..l:l!../3- JfıLf"b-lf~

!ll Vl11l/LSO

9~ VtlU/150 1.!- .~ <t· '1 · t; Q. '~ 1· '- ,, ')

Alı,~olım 520

Alphabetic Tabfes- generateri electronica lly.fimn seans

oftlıe origiııal pages-show changes in tlıcjornıs ofindillidua/

Annenian /etters.

datings than those previously avai lab le to scholars.

The foundations are thus la id for a better understand­

ing of the chronology of Arnıeni an manuscripts and

the literature and art they contain.

This volume will be an indispensable tool for

any serious student of Armen ian language, li terature,

and art, and its innovative approach to the study of

Jettering will be of interest to both pa leographers and

codico logists.

The resea rch and printing ofthe Album was

supported by The Carlsberg Foundation of Copen­

hagen, with smal ler grants from The Bertha and John

Garabedian Charitab le Foundation of Fresno, Ca li­

fornia, The Research Fund of the Heb rew Univers ity

of Jerusa lem, The Nationa l Endowment for the

Human it ies, anda Techno logy Research Grant,

Ca lifornia State University, Fresno.

JıılilfB'ul;fl!}"'!Jfi.U •ISf' ı51• 1JI'

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J 2. ;r J J , .ı. " 2 ., !!.. ~ " •L "' ,. !1 ,.. •/• -F o

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Michael E. Stone is Ga il Levi n el e Nur Professor of

Religion anel Professor of Arnıenian Studies at the

Hebrew Univers ity of Jerusa l e nı. He is author of

nunıerous books anel articles on Arnıenian Stud ies.

He is Life Pres iclent of the Association in terna ­

tionale des etucl es arnıeniennes anel a faremost

expert on Arnıeniaıı epigraphy anel paleography.

Dickran Kouymjian is 1-l aig anel lsabel Berberian

Professor of Arnıen i an Studies an el Director of the

Arnıenian Studies program, California State

Un iversity, Fresno. His research anel publications

have been in nı ed i eva l Arnıeıı i an history anel art,

especia lly nıanuscript i ll unıin a tion. He has alsa

done extensive work on Arnıenian nıanuscript

binclings anel cocl ico logy.

Henning Lehmann is Professor of the History of the

Eastern Churches at the Faculty ofTheology,

Un iversity of Aarhus, Dennıark. He was Recto r of

the University of Aarhus from 1983 to 2002. His

prinıary fie ld of research is co ııcern ecl w ith

Arnıenian trans l atioııs of writings of the Old

Church (particularly those of the 4th and th e 5th


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The dated manuscripts were selected predominantly from the three major

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