Hymns of Including Psalms, Canticles and Anthems U F X J ~mo

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Transcript of Hymns of Including Psalms, Canticles and Anthems U F X J ~mo





f xJ) ~mo - 1


Q ‘

a d c B“ THE

REV . JO IgN‘HU fijEB, D,D .


THE usmG'

s WW HpU SE CHU RCH, u zwon.


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I will s in g with the I wil l s in g whb '


u nders tanding 315d Cor . x iv, 1


aN . H


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EMMANUEL 45 094"

Z lé

lPRA I SE ye the Lord ! I t i s g ood to smg u n to ou r God . I t ispleasan t, and comely is the hymn of pra ise.—~Ps . 1 47 , x .

I N pqalmq and hymn s and spiri t u al son g s , sing ing makingmelody wi th you r heart to the Lord .— Ep/zesians v. 19.

FROM al l tha t dwe l l) be low the skiesLet the Creator’s prai se arise ;'Let the Redeemer’s Name be su n gThrou g h every land, by! every ton g u e !E tern a l are Thy mercies , LordE ternal tru th attends Thy wordThy praise sha l l sou nd from shore to shore,T i l l su n s shal l rise and set no more .

How did I weep in Thy hymn s and can t icles , tou ched to the q u ickby the voices of Thy sweet - a ttu ned Chu rch — S t . A u g u s t z

n e.

9 Beyond my h ig hest joy,I priz e her heaven ly n vays ;

Her sweet commu n ion ,so lemn vows ,

Her hymn s of love and prai se.— T. Dwig ht .


TH IS new edition of Hymn s ,

of Faz'

t l z and I if g hes lbeen carefully reyised; and ‘

re l arrén g ed to su it the '

order of the Cl zrz's t z'an Year. A few hymn s havebeen omit t


ed, butIri



iyjzn ew


an ti bettet Ones have‘ I ‘Jbeen addeci. fn add ition to acfiiOWiedg men t s


madein the Preface to the firs t edition of thi's l hdek (geeAppendix ), I have to tender my thanks for permi ssionto use hymn s to

1 J . i l ' l 31 1

TheQHAIBMf‘N OF THE[COMM I EE of “ H ymns Ancien t

and Modern ,

"0? yiiiii s

' by Sir I‘

l "i

The FATHERS 'OF THE ORATORY, Ken sing t on, for Verfies ' fromtwo copyrig ht Hymns by the la te Dr. FABER.

The REV. JAMES BELL , Hu 11 for add it ional Hymné.The ,REv

, A MBROSE N . nmrq mog p, 3141" Bris tol.The REV . CAN ON BRIGHT , D .D . , Ch rist Ch u rch , Ox ford .Th' e R153. for





al Hymfis .

The REV . 0 5T . KIOSTERE S ih -‘ l l ll u ,



MRS . MARGARET DELAND , B(fis ton , U S. , for Hymn and Ea ster

An them . i I ‘K ' i

JOHN : BROOK£ GRE ENWOOD , ESQ. ”Manches ter.



REV. HENRY W . HAWKES , Waterloo , LiverpoolTh e RE V . J. JOHNSTON , Sa le .The REV . ELV ET LEW I S , L lan el ly .The REV. GEORGE MATHESON , D .D . , for addit ion a l Hymn .

The REV . EDWI N P. PARKER , D .D . , Hart ford , U . S .

M I SS ROBERTSON , Bridg e of Allan , for“ Even in g In tercession s ,by the la te Dr. W . B. ROBERTSON of Irvin e.

The HON . ROLLO RU SSELL .MRS . SADLER , Hampstead , for Hymn s by the late Rex . Dr SADLER.

( ‘

fi 6‘

1 I A L i J l 2I . SKE T N, E SQ, Ed inbu rg h.

MRS . SPU RGEON , for Hymn by the late Rev. C. H . SPU RGEON .

The REV . S . J. STONE , M .A . , V icar of St . Pau l's , Hag g ers ton .

The REV . W. S.

‘ TARRANT, Wandsworth. ’ 5"




I) ! 1

My. T H. GILL has also allowed me to purchase thI n “

u s e of many,

,9 f hi s hymn s, and perrms swn to


u se a

hymn by,th9 latteMiss -CHR I ST INA G. ROSSETT I has .

been Obtained on their usual terms from t he Sou etyfor Promoting Chri s tian Kn owledge. I have takenmuch trouble to avo id the in fringemen t of any pro

[iiietaryrights, bu t if I have unwitt ingly tran sg ressed

in thi s parti cu lar, I crave beforehand the k in d»; indu l g ence of the . owner

,Few, I arii sure,

are thehvmn writers who é'

re riot } bbepared'

to re—echo thewords of Dr. H orat ius Bona




s lioken in referen ce tohis own hymn s “

I con s ider them n et . as'

m y pro~

perty,but Itlhe

' property bf the-



reli ofFor ass i stan ce in correct ing proofs and for man y


suggestion s,I am much indebted to my friends


Mr. JOHN BROOK E GREENWOOD of Man chester andMr. W ILLI AM WH ITWELL of Balhani.Mr. B . SYKES

,Organ i st and Choirmaster of Trin i ty

Church,has revised the poin ting of the Psalm s and

Can ticles.JOHN HU NTER.

9 U mvnnsrry GARDEN S,

GLASGOW, jan uary 1 896 .





AN'D Brin gs ;


MN S ,iT1111:












l ’ v 4

0 11 11 151 11411“ DiscrpLEs i uP AM) SERV l CE ,







Vl . .Y l l q t ) ~ l'













MORN I NG HYMN S, J, :1 |"

n 17 .















6 ab z fiis Warship amh

LL people that on ea'rth do dwell


S ing to the Lord wit h cheerfu l voi ceHim serve wi th m irth , H i s pra i se forth tel l,Come ye before Him,

and rejoice;2 . The Lord, yé kn ow, i s God indeed ,3"‘Without ou r aid He ‘did u s make ,We are His flock, He doth u s feed


And for H i s sheep He doth u s take.


09 en ter then H i s gates withprai se ,Approach with Joy H i s c0 1irt s u n to

“ FPra ise, laud, and bless H i s n ame alwaysfi i

For i t i s seemly so to do.

4. Forwhy? the Lord ou r Gocl 18 goodH i s mergy i s for ever sure ;H i s tru th at all times firm ly stood ,And shall

0 ”4 5 1310363


Wors/z z'

p 1126 K ing . 1 1 . 1 1 .

O WORSH IP the K ing, al l - glor iou s aboveO gratefu lly sing H i s power and H i s loveOu r Shield and Defender, the An cien t of days,Pavil ioned in spl endour, and girded with prai se.

2 . 0 tell of H i s m ight, O s ing of H i s grace ,Whose robe i s the l ight, whose canopy space ;Hisldhariq t

s ofwra’th' lth’

d eep thundefléloifdsl form,

And dark i s H i s path on the wings of the storm .

3. The earth with i ts store of wonders u n to ld,

Alm ighty; Thy: p WCi:hathf éu ndafiof bldl ;Hath stabli shed it fast by achangeless decree


And round it hath cast , l ike a man tle, the sea.Thy bou n tiful care wliat t onghe can rec i te ?I t breathes in

“theair, it shines in the l ight ; 0 1

I t streams from the hil l s, 1it descends to theplain ,An ti sweetl y d i st i l s ; 'in


the dewand the rain;Frail chi ldren of du st, and feeble as frail, ‘

In Thee WCi IQU St, npn findgThee to‘faiJn; l

Thy mercies hawtenc-ler.) how firm te the ,en dOu r Maker, an d Friend .

ORSH IP the Lord .


in thebeauty ofho l in ess !Bow down before Him

,His glory proelaim ;

gold of obedienceand in cen se of lowl iness,

Kn eel and adoreH im ,the Lord 1s '


Hisl namé.

2 . Lowat H i s feet lay thy burden ‘

of carefulnessH igh on His heart He wi ll ‘

b ear i tJfor thee,Comfort th’y

sorrbws,ahdan swer thy‘

firayérf u l nes sGniding thy steps as may best for thee be.



3.1 .Fear not toen ter?Hisjcou rt s in the s len dern essOf thepoor wealth thou wouldst reckon as thine ;Truth in its beatif y, and love in it s tenderness,These are the offerings to lay on His shrine.

'n 1 [

4. O worship theLord m the beautyofhol iness .

Bowsdown befqreH imi His glory pgoclainiWith gold of obedience and incen se of lowlin ess,Kneel and adore

lH im, the If ord 15 H i s n ame.

O THOU , to whom,in anciet





The lyre of Hebrew bardsl was strun' °gWhom ki ng s adoredrin l

sopgsubl ime"


IAnd prophets Pra

ised with glowing t ongue ,2 . Not nowon Zion’3height alene, 11

Thy favoured worshippers may dwg u, 1'lNor where

,at s u l try


n oon,Thy Son

Sat weary by the pat i iarch’s wel l ; 1‘ “ r

3. From every pl ace belowthe skies,The grateful song , the Eervent prayer, r;The int en se of the heart may rise,To heaven , and find acceptance them.

4. To Thee shall age, With snowy ha ir,“


And s treng th°ai1d beanty berid t he kfiiee;

Arid childhood li sp , with reveren t air,I ts prai ses an d i ts prayers to Thee.f


Thou , to whom ,in an c ien t t ime


The l yre bfiprophet bards watSZs trurgTo Thee Pat lash; iri every icl imedShall t emples iiis eg and praise be su ng fl ma

.33i0vbn ihOd 1' PWPC’m


0 fasiéand see Mat God is g ood.


HE Lord i s ri ch and merc iful,The Lord I S very ki nd ;

0 come to H im ,come nowto Him,

Wi th a bel ieving mi nd .

His comforts,they shall streng then theta

; l

L ike flowing waters cool ;And Hé shall for thy spi rit beA fonn tain ever fu ll.

2 . The Lord i s glor ious and st ron g ,Our God 15 very high ;

0 trust in Him,trust now in Him,

And have security.He shall be to thee l ike the sea,And thou shalt surely feelH i s wind

,that bloweth healthily,

Thy si ckn esses to heal.3. The Lord 15 wonderfu l and wise,As all the ages tell

0 learn of H im,learn nowof H im ,

Then with thee it i s well.And with H i s l ight thou shalt be blest ,Therein to work and live

And He shall be to thee a restWhen even ing hours artive.

T,T1' Lynda.

. STAND up and bless the tLord,

Let young and old rejoice§ tand up and bless the Lord your God


5 With heart and soul and voice.


2 .,

rThou g h high above all praise, 1 .

Above al l rb les sin g high,Who would not fear H i s holy name,

And laud and magnify ?

3. O for theo

l ivin g flame

From H is own altar broughtTo touch ou r lips, ou r m inds inspire,

And wing to heaven bu t thought

4. There, withbenign regard,Ou r hymn s He deign s to hear

Though unrevealed to mortal sen se,

The spi ri t feels H im n ear.

5. God i s ou r strengthand song,

And H i s salvation oursThen be H i s love in Chri st proclaimedWith all our ran somed powers.

6 .

'Stand up and bless the LordThe Lord your God aldore

S tand up and bless H i s glorious name,

Hen ceforth for evermore.

[ n spirit and in tru t/z .

GRACIOU S Power, the world pervading;Bless ing al l , and n on e upbraiding


We are met to worship Thee2 . Not in formal adoration s,Nor with servi le deprecation s,But in s pir it true an d free.

By Thy wisdom m ind i s lighted,By Thy love the heart excited ,Light and love all flowfrom Thee


And the.soul. of tho-u g ht an d feel iifg ,

In the voiceTby praises healing,Mus t Thy n oblest homage be .

Not alone in Ou r devotion ,I n all being, l ife, and motion ,We the presen t Godhead see.

1 1

Cramon s Power, the woi' l d pervad ing ,Blessing al l , and n on e upbraid ing,We are'

met‘ to worship Thee.

WI . 0 1 GOD, whose presence g lows mal l I”Within

,around u s , and above;



Thy word we,b_less, Thy n ame ,

wecal l , 3‘

vVhos e Wbr'

d is‘

Tiu thjvhose name‘

js iLove.


2 . That t ruth be with thé heart bel ievedOf all who seek this sacred '

place ;Withpower procla imed

,in peace received


Our spir its’ l ight,Thy Spir it’s grace.

3 love i ts holy influ ence pour,

To keep u s meek and make u s free,

And throw its b i nd i ng blessing moreRound each with al l , and all with-Thee

, ; 7

4. Send down i ts ange l to 0 111 side,H

Send in i ts calm upon the breastFor we wou ld s eek no other gu ide, 1

And we can need no other rest . 1


3. When Th); love our shall fiil,Andy


long to dé Thy‘

wil l ;Tu


rnihg to‘

Thyhbly hil l"Lord

, éccept‘


nd sa've.1


4. Should wewandergfrom Thy fold,


peacewpossessnd save



rihly cureand wanMay.ou 1jsoulsThy

Father, hear a

XNIHEN the weary, seeking res t,

fro Thy goodn ess fleeWhen the heayy- laden castAll their l oad on ~Thee g


When the sinn er, seeking life,‘

At Thy“

feet 5111111fall :Hear then ; in love, 0 Lord , the cry,I n heaven Thy dwel l ing- place on high.

2 . When the wot ldl in g , sick at heart,’

L ifts his soul above‘ ;When the prodigal looks backTo his Father 5 loveWhen the proud man

,in his pride,

Stoops to seek Thy faceWhen the burden ed brings his gu iltTo Thythron e of grace

Hear then , i n love, 0 Lord , the cry,I n heaven Thy ‘

ciwel l ing - place on high.

3. When ‘ the stranger asks ahome,Al l his

toil s’ to end

When the hung ry craveth food,And the poor af riendWhen the sailor on the waveBows the suppl ian t kn eeWhen the s oldier on the fieldL ifts hi s heart to Thee

Hear then , in o e, O Lqrd, the cry, 3I n heaven Thy dwell ing - p lace 0 11 high.

4. When the of toil and careI n the city



When the shepherd 6 11 the moorNarnes the n ame


of God,

When the leai'n éd and the high,Tired of earthly fame


. 1'

HYMNS 0 E 1 .


U ppu hig hepjoys in ten t ,

H ear then,in love , 0 .

I ord,

’ the cry, ‘


I n heaven Thy dwell ing - place ou ,high .

5. When the chi ld,‘with g rave

“Youth or mai den fai r ;When the aged, weak and grey,seek Thyface m prayerWhen the widow weeps to Thee


Sad and lu n e and lowWhen the orphan bri ngs to TheeAl f hl s orphanwoe

Hear then,c“in love, 0 Lord, the cry,

I n hjehiien

zdThy dwel l ing place on high.

Horat zu ; Bonar.r


11611 . Emm i Goff:

U Rt



qur_hel p3in ag es vpast ,

Ou r hope foryears to come; 1,Ou r shelter from the stormy blast,And ou r eternal home : 1 r

2 . U nder the shadowb f - Thy thron eThy sain ts -have


dwel t secu r'e'Su fficien t i s Thinearrri l w


And ou r defencefl

is sureu

3. Before thehiIl s ihor


éar th’

1‘eceived t“

From everlasting Thou art God,:To endl ess years the same.

4. A thousand ages i n Thy s ightAre l ike an even ing gon e

1 31 11 11?

Short aslthe n ight ,

Before the ri s ing sun .


5. The busytribes of flesh‘ and 1116511, 1

Withral l their caresJand fears) :Are carr ied downwar‘ds by the 110 0 11,And los t‘in following years. 1 31

T ime, l ike 2111 ever - roll ing stream,

Bears all i tstson s' awayThey fly, forgotten, as a dream

D ies at the opemng day.


7 . O God, ou r help m ages past,J

'Qtir hope fon years to come ,Be Thou ou r Guard yvhile troubles last


Arid h'

u r eternal home .


l 1 H

1 .


O B, g11e Rockof Ag es ,

ho everrnore hast been,

at t ime the tempest tages,plade serené


creatibhs ,arbe' as 110114

To’endless generatidns


The everlasting Thou 1

2 . Ou n years are l ike the shadowsOu sunny hills that l ie


Or grasses in the meadowsl

That blossom bu t to Che ; t

A s leepna'

drearn, a story, 1

By strang er's qu gckly t d,A

s k J i

1I1 u n remain ing gvmy , 11 !Of things that soon are old.



fi gGod ou r Ref ug e.

LORD,Thou hast been ou r dwell ing- place

I n every g eheration ;Thy people st ill have kn own Thy grace,And blessed Thy consolat ionThrough every age Thoti heard s t our cryThrough every age we found Thee n ighOur strength and our salvation .

2 . Ou r c leaving s in s we oft have wept,And oft Thy pat i en ce proved ;But sti ll Thy fa i th we fast have kept,Thy n ame we s till have loyed

And Thou hast kept and loved as we ll,Hast gran ted u s in Thee to dwell


U n shaken,unremoved.

3. Lord , n othing from Thinearm s of loveShal l Thine own people sever ;Our helper 1'1ever will remove


Our God will fail u s n ever :Thy people, Lord , have dwelt 111 ‘ TheeOur dwell ing placeThou s till wilt beFor ever and for ever.

T. 17 .

O Thou , who dos t not slumber,Whose light g rows '

never pal e,Teach u s aright to numberOur yealjs before they fail .

Ou u s Thy mercy lighten,On u s Thy goodness rest,

And let Thy Spiri t brightenThe hearts Thyself has t blés s’d.


7g[ 047 FAITH AND LIFE. 13

7 rU niversal Praise.

f il

l . ALL lands and peoples, al l the earth,Put off the night of sadness

Make cheer and music and high m i rth,'

And prai se the Lord with gladnessServe Him with joyful heart


9 r 0 1 N xAll kingdoms do their part,And let immortal song'

Before’His presence throngFor ever and for ever I

O .§i1re1y He is'

God albne,The earth is mute before Him

And He i s burs, and we His own ,His peoplewho adore H im.

‘We are His flock, our feet'

Walk in His pastures sweetcool brooks

,the sleep

I s soft He gives His sheepFor ever and for ever 1

3. 0 enter arid.

His temple throng‘With trtimpet - tongued thanks giving ;Prai se Him in holy m i rth and song,Our Lord

,the ever - l iving

With incense to the skiesOur thankful ness ari seHis

glorywide broclaim,

Speak tc



of Hisl

g reat nameFor ever and for everQ

4. For g rac ious i s the Lord our God,“He hears our du ll g omplain ing

His {percy has asureabode,And everlas ting reig n ing

14 c zHiYMNS

Y 0 o . 2S easons and t imes rpikby,Ai1d nati ons fade and d ie,B u t 1God’s majestic tru th ILeads on ou r eager youth

J [I 1 - 1 I o,


z sz'

ng Pfaz’


l 1 . f a ii A

E prai se Thee, .

,Lord with earl iest morning

ray 1

We prai se Thee with the glowing lig ht of dayAl l things that l ive an

ti move

,byseaand lafid,

For ever readyatThy service stand .

2 . Thy Christendom 1s s ing ihg might andiday,Glory to Him; the mighty God, for aye,By whom ,

thrpu g h ,whom,in

,whom, al l beings are l”

Grant u s to, .echo on the song afar.

3. Thy name supreme, Tbykin'

g dbm,in

hs dwell,Thy W il l con s trairi


ahd feed 5118 gu ide u s wellGuard u s , redeem u s in the evil hg u r ;For Thine the- glory, Lord, and Thine the power I

s z‘

upyou r H‘

ed ris .

T O God, mosth ar !

Let al l bowdown Him,

And in aI10 yfu i



With heart and voice adore Him 1

The g reat and gracious ‘Lor—d,‘ l ' I

H Whotal l to‘ u s hath give'n,

And whose'

hig h praise is'

s tmg “4

By a‘ngei- choirs ih’ heaven .


2 . Lo, God is here Him, day and night,United choi’rs ofangels sing :

To Him,enthroned above al l height ,

Heaven’s host thei r noblest prai ses bring.

Bemg of beings may ou r praiseThy courts with grateful i ncense fil lStill may we stand before Thy face,Stil l hear and do Thy sovereign will

Ger/zard 7 ersttag en , tr.j 01mWas ley.

T/ze U ndzang ing God.

ORD God , by whom al l change i s wrought,By whom new things to birthare brought,

I n whom no change i s knownWhate’er Thou dost

,whate’er Thou art ,

Thy people sti l l in Thee have partS till, sti ll Thou art


ou r own .

2 . Spirit who makest al l things new,Thonl eadest onward we pursueThe heavenl y march subl ime.With Thy renewing fire we glow, 1

And stil l from strength to strengthwe g o,From height to


heig ht we climb.

3. Darkness and dread we leave behindNew light, new glory sti ll we find,New realms divine possess

New births of grace new raptures bringTriu mphant, our new song we sing, 1

The great Renewer bless .




euer of the‘

zfn cien'

t nightI n which creation lay .


O Everlasting Health, 1’Fromwhichal l heal ing“ springs,My bl iss

,my treasure, and mywealth;

To,Thee my.spirit cl in g s l ,1

3} O'

Eyeriasfin g Trhth,‘

Truest of al l that’s true ,Sure goitl e for e f f ing ag e and youth ,

WW" Lead me and teach me, too

4. O Everlasting Strength,Uphold me in thewayB in spite of foes, at leng th

and l ight; and day .

Everlasting Love ,-Wel 1 spring of grace and peaéePour down Thy fulness fromabove,Bid doubt an d trouble cease .


God ou r L fg /zt .1


EORD,of al l being 1 thron


ed afar,

Thy glory flames from sun an d s tarCentre and Soul of every sphere, .


Yet to each loying heart how near 1

2 . Su n of ou r’

l ife Thy .q u icken in g ray M

Sheds on rou r path the glow of .day

Star of our hope -Thy softened lightCheers the long watches of the night. 1



Our m idnight i s Thy smi le W i thdrawn,

Our noontide i s Thy g racious ‘dawn ,Our rainbow arch Thy mercy’s sign


A11, save the c l ouds of s in, areThine!


4. Lord ofal l l ife,bel ow



Whose light i s truth,whose warmth is love

Before Thy ever bl az ing throneWe ask no lustre of our own.

Grant u s Thy. tru th- to make u s free;And kindling hearts that burn for TheeTill al l Thy living altars claimOne'holy l ight, . one heaven ly flame.

God in A l l ;

O SOURCE divine;a‘



tofal l ,The Fount of being’s wondrous sea

Thy depth would everyheart appal'


at sawnot ' l‘

ove supreme in T hee .

2 . We shn nk beneath Thy vast abyss, 1”Whereworlds onw



rlds eternal b f oodWe know Thee truly but in thi s ,That Thou bes towes t al l ou r good.

3. And 50 , 1

’1n id boundles s time and space,


: Oh, grant u s stil l in Thee to dwell ,And throug h the ceasel es s web to trace,

Thy .p1es ence work ing al l th ings wel l

4 . N 0 1 let Thou life’s del ightfu l playThy tru th’s transcendent vi s ion h ideNor strength and gladness lead as tray . .

F 1 0 111 Thee.'

ou 1 nature’s onlys



L I FE .

5. Bes tovi'o


n every joyous thrill t :Thy deeper tones of reverent awe

Make pure Thyl chil dren’

s errj

in g will,And teach their hearts to love Thy law.

3 r

THY ceaseless , unex hausted love,. Unmeri ted and free,

Delights our ei


to remov'


And helps our m isery.

2 . Thyt

goodness and Thy tru th to me,To every. soul aboundA vast unfathomable sea,Where al l our thoughts are drown ed .

3. I t s streams the whole‘

creat ion reach,So plen teous is the storeEnough for al l

,en ough for each,

‘Enough for evermore.

4. Faithful , O Lord, Thy mercies are,‘

A r'

odk that cannotmoveA thousand prom ises ‘det‘ laree ‘

Thyconstancy of love.

hrou ghou t the universe i t reig ns,Unalterably sure

And while the truth of God remainsfi 1

His g oodness must endure. i l l . Wesley.

1 ! E1 s l ' ? z ilfl


THOU Grace ‘divine, encirél ing

- al l,d”

A shoreless,

Sotmdles s sea,'

“ 8 1



Wherein at last ou r souls must fall : 11. ~113

0 L ove of God;most free.‘1



2 .

OWhenover di zz heights we g o

"One soft han bl inds ou r eyes ,

The other leads as safe and slow0 Love of God most wise.

And though we turn u s from Thy faice,

And wanderwide and lorig , I I

Thou hold’

s t as still 1n kind embrace0 Love of God most strong .

The saddened heart, the restless soul,The t oil iworn irame and m ind"

A l ike confess Thy sweet control0 Love of God most kind ;

Bu t not alone Thy care we claim,

Our wayward st eps to win ; r,

We know Thee byra dearen name0 Love of God wi thin.

6 . And fil led and qui ckened by ThybreaihOur souls are strong and free,

To rise o ’er s in and fearand death0 Love of God I' to Thee.

God7 i'




s 257123.1


. GOD 1is Love : H i s mercy brightens(J A ll the path m which we rove ; HBl i ss He wakes and woe He lightens ‘

G0 4251Wi§ d9m11G04ifi

' love T

Chanceand phan g e are busy everMan decays

,andag es move


But His mercywan eth (never- z 4God is wisdom

,God i s love.


Will H-i'



chéngeles s g q o'


iessFromjhe g lo


ofn His brightness stre etht

God i s wisdom,God is love.

4. He withoea


rthlx cares enminethHope arid Comfort froi‘ri‘above


3m Hifig iq ry shiaeth 1 1

God is wisdom,God i s love.



r fig .

TERNAL Light ! E ternal Light !w pu ire the soul must be



When,placed within Thy s earching

s ight ,’

I t shrinks fidt,’

bu t with calm f del ig lit,

and l ookp n Theq !

2 . The, Spirits that s u rrou n l hy thron e,aMay bear the burning bliss 9 1

But that: i s surely theirs alone, 1


they have never, never knownA failen world like this .

3. - .O how shall_ I whose native sphere

“ 7I s dark

,whose mind is dim,


the I nefi'able appear,

And on my naked spirit bearThat uncreated beam ?

O l 1 1 l l

4. There is away for man to ri se1 oi: To that sublime abode

[Is t n bflering and a sacrifiée,A 'Holy Spirit’s energies


A I1 'A'

dvocate iwi'th d e

2 2 .


HYMNS 0 F £"


These,these prepare u s for the.sig l



Of Hol iness aboveThe sons of ig norance and night ,May dwell in the E ternal Light,Through the E ternal Love

s om 1; e I bu t 7 7m ?

HOU Lifewi thin my l ife, than selfmore dear,Thou veiled Presence infin itely near,

From al l my nameless weariness I fleeTo find my centre and my res t in Thee.

2 . Below al l depths Thy saving mercy l ies ,Through thickest gloom I see Thy light ari se;Above the highest heaven Thou art not foundMore surely than within this earthly rou nd.

3. Take part with me against those doubts that riseAn d seek to throne Thee far i n di stant skiesTake part with me agai nst thi s self that dare sAssume the burden of these sins and cares

4. Howcan I cal l Thee,who art always here


How shall I praise Thee,who art sti ll most dear


What may I give Thee, save what Thou hast given ,

And whom but Thee have I in earth or heaven ?

T/ze U nsean 'fiable God. I 1 I 1 . 1 o.

CANNOT find Thee st ill on restles s pinionMy spirit beats the void where Thou dos t dwell

I wander lost through al l Thy vastAnd shrink beneath.Thy l ight inefi







earer thari al l '

thin g s“I liffoivrh 1 1 1


JI s'

ehil dl ike fai th to me,

“ "z { 1 T 9 1 11


1 0

° 0 f l'




the darkest way' I g o od : [1 11- 17 11


,“l 1 1 An open path to Thee. ari is

‘ ( l


1 9 / 1,11 111 131

"SFil z’

al Fact ? and l ime) l f 1 11 1. f C.M.

1 211 4 11 m 11 1 1 51 A1 1 L 1MY God .

I how wonderful Thou art , i I

Thy majesty how bri§ht .

w beautiful Thy mercy seat ,11


depths of burn ing light .

2 . How'

dread_are Thine eterpal yyeats , 1 1 .

. 0 everlasting LordBy prostrate spi rits , day and night,I ncessantlyadered I

3. How'

beau t ifu l ,"howb’eautiful,

The sight of Thee mu st beThine endless wisdom

,boundl ess power,

And awful purity

4. O hawl fear Thee, l iving God 2With deepest

,tehderes t fears ; , 1

And wdrship Thee with .trembl irrg hope,And penitential tears 1


5. Yet may'

I lave Thee’,too

,O Lord


Alm ightyas Thou art ; I .

For Thou hast stooped to ask of me

The love of m5pbor heart. “ 13c I

aNo ea’

i thly fathé‘

i‘ io’

ves zmceThee , uNo mother I

‘“ 1 f :

Bears and fei‘bears'asThou hasia erWith me

m fsihfu i chiidl ; 511 1

0 0



Father b es'us,love’s Rewin d,”

Pros tiate before Thy throne to l ie,’

And lose'

ou rselves'

in Thee.F . Faber.

Thypower is Wonaéfflu l‘

lThy glory passing bright :ThyWisdom,

With its fieep on Heep ,“

A rapture to' the sights 7

2 . Thy~jus tice i s the gladdest thing 1 011

Creat ion"

c311 behold“

f' ' dT

Thy tenflefness so meek; i twins 11

The guilty to be bold? 1 h - I .

3. Yet moie '

than all, 'and ever mine , 3Should weTiby creatures“ bl esSLMost’worship'fu l of attribu tes “

Thine awf ulHol iness.


4. There’

é no'

t acraving in themindThou dd s t notm eet andThere’s not a wish the"heart Uan



Which Thdu dost not'

f u lfil !‘ 5' 1A

5. A l l things t hat have been, 511 thataie,Al l thing s t hat 1mm bedieanmdi l

Al l possible creations, made; i r 1 s i 1

Kept faithfu 1,oi~redeemed ; If

6 . Al l thes e ma15»drawJupona

hy1p6wéi9, OThymercy mayéommand ’; 11. i 1

11411121 s t il I lou tflows Tfhy bi lent seafl 0T

Immu table‘


g‘rahdg i u 9d hnA

OF . I i

7. O l itt l e .heart df m ine shal l painOr sorrow make thee moan ,

A Father al li

thine own ?

0 not, my sou l , i n search of Him,

Thou wilt not find Him there,Or in the depths of shadow dim, j

Or heights of upper.


2 . For not in faréofi'

realms ‘

of spaceThe Spiri t hath its throne

I n every heart i t findeth placeAnd wai teth to be known .

3. Thought answereth alone to - thou ght,’

And soul W ith soul hath kinThe ou tward God he findeth notWho finds not God within.

4. And if’

the vis ion come to thee 1

Revealed by inward sign,Earth will be full of Deity;And with His glory shine

5. eThou shalt not want for company, 5ANOr pitch thy tent al one

The indwellingGod will g owi th theeAnd s how thee of His own .

6 . O - gift1of g ifts, 0 grace of grace,"

ThatGod should_condescend

T0 make thy heart His dwell ing - placeAnd be thyx laily Friend 11



Then g o not thou in sear'


of Hing l

But to thysél f repaii' ; 7 11 w I

Wai t thou within'

the' silence dim,

And thou shalt find Hirri thereF . L .

0 NAME , 31] other n3mes above,Whaxart Thou not to‘

fn eP'

Now I have'

l earned to trust Thy loveAnd cast my care on Thee.

2 . Thri ce blessed be the holy souls"

That lead the way to Thee,That burn u pon

the martyr - roll sAnd l ists of prophecy.

3. And sweet it i s to tread the g rou n'

ciO’er which their fai th hath trod

Bu t sweeter far, When Thou 3rt found,The sou l ’s own sen se of God.

4. The thought ofTheel

al l sorrow calms,Our anx ious burdens fall

His crosses turn to triumph - palmsWho finds in God his


F. 2 . Howl er.

Love, L zlg l zt , Lif e. 5.

OVE of love ! as deep and freeA s the al l - absolving sea,

Hear u s,while we lift to Thee

Holy chant and psal rn.J


2 . Lig htiof lig hts ! wi th mornin g shirie,‘


Lift on u s thy Lig ht iDivine 1

And let chari ty benign'

1 mi JieW

1B reathe on'

u s -her balm . 3

"W "

Light of l ights when falls the evenLet i t close on s in forgivenFold u s in the peace of heaven

a 1 §hed 3 holy calm.


4. L 1fe .of life, our Saviour beWhy we live and die toT hee ; 1 v 1

Till with saints hereafter we .

Bear the g loriou g.1pal m.

l lI


l G. Rorzson .


. THOU Lord art Love—ythough dimlyynowThy glorious name we trace,

I t gle3ms through 311Thyworks bel ow,I t shines 111 jesus


1' -


2 . Thy thoughts are Love— and Jesus I SThe Living Voice theyfind ;

His Love l ights up the v3s t abyssO f theE tern31 Mind;i i r”

3. [ghy ways are Love— though they transcend


Our feeble range of sight,

They wind throug h darkness tp thei r endI n everlasting . light‘

3 T

4. Thy ehas t isemen t s are Love— mor'é’deépThey stamp the s eal D 'ivine'

And by a sweet compulsi on keep 3Our .

f '.

u 5


Thy heaven is the 3bode of LoveO blessed at we

I 11. 1

.Jl ‘i ‘PA

And equal to my every need,"I t is the thou ght of God.

2 . Each mgru unfolds some fresh sqrprisey,I fea'st at life’5 full board

An d rising in my inner skiesShines forththe I "

thou g h of God.

’ U

3' At mg ht myg ladness 15 my Pl ayer ; 1

I drop my, dailyl loadyAnd every care i s pillowed thereU por

1 the thought of God.

4. I ask not far before to see,Bu t take 111 trust my road ;Life


,and immortalit y

Are- ih my thoiiéht 'of Go'


5. To this their set ret strerig th they bwedThe m3rtyr

’s path w'ho trod ;

Thl ouhtain s of their patien'

ée fidwedFrem ou t their thou ght of d .

6 . Be 51111 the l ig hf dfién my way,My pilgrim s tafran


d rod,


M rest by nig htl 'my

“strength by'day,

«3 bIe‘


thdu ght of”Gd

d .

e’s dim shades remowe


rm .

C .M .


11 “

- 1 L.M.

ORD ,Thou hast formed mine everypart,

Mine inmost thought I S known to TheeEach word , each feel ing of my heart ,Thineear doth hear, Thine eye can see.

Though I should_

seek . the shades of night, 8 8And hide myself in gu iltyT6 Thee the dzirknes s seems as ht, J

The m idnight as the noon day clear. A3. The heavens, theearth , the sea

,the sky,

A11 own Thee ever preserit there ;Where’er I turn ,

Thou still 3rt nigh,

Thy spirit dv'

vel l ing everywhere:

4 O may , th3t Spiri t everblestUpon my



u l in radiancel


Till, welcomed to eternal rest ,I taste Thy presence, Lord d ivi ne

. M OST3ncien t of 311myst eries,

Before Thy throne we lie 1

E ternal Wisdom, Light, and Love ;Most Holy T

rini ty.

2 . Howwonderful creation is, JT

Thy work,which Thou dids t bl es s

’Tis ;bp t the hiding of Thy power; 5

D ivine A lm ightiness .

3. Howbeautiful the'

angels are,Thy sai nts , in radiant dres s ;They’reb ut the shadow ofThy l 1g bt ,E ternal Lovel iness .

32 JI HYMNS OF. “ 1

5. Till selfish pas s ién , s t rife; afid‘wrohg ,

And Thy c reatio‘

n be compl ete,

0 31

0 Thou E ternal Word L . 1

g n

l a l

s eHeavem -

(Zeclare t/ze Glory'

pf Gba’

. L .M .D .

. THE spac|

i ous firmament on high,With al l the blue ethereal sky,

And spahg led heavens, ashin ihg frame,Their great Original proclaim .

The unwearied s u n,from day to day,

Doth his Creator’s power display ,And publishes to every landThe work of an Alm ighty hand .

2 . Soonas the*

even in g shades prevail ,The moon takes up the wondrou s tale,

Andanightl y to the li s tening earth 1

Repeats the story of her birth ;While al l the stars that round her burn


And al l the planets 111 their tu rn,

Confirm the tidingsAnd spread the t rut

1 1

3. What thg u g h 1n solemn silence al lMove round thi s dark terrestrial ball ;What though no real voice 110 1 soundAmi



thel r radia'

nt orbs be found,I n reason’5 ear they al l rejoiceAndf c


u t ter forth aglo ri ousFor ever s ing i ng, as they shine ,{l

heIHand that made u s is divinefl z'



OME,0 come, in pious lays

Sound we God A lmighty’s praiseHither bring, in one consent ,Heart ,and voice, and ins trhmen t .Let those things whieh do not l ive,


I n st ill music praises'

g iv'

e ;

Nor acreature dumb be foundThat hath either voi ce or sound.

2 . Come, ye sons of hu 1nan race,

I n th is chorus take your placeAnd am id the mortal throng,Be ye masters of the song.

Let,in prai se of God

,the sound

Ru n anever- ending round,

That our song of prai se may beEverlasting, as i s He.

3. So this huge wide orb we seeShall one choir, one temple be,And our song shal l oyer - climbA l l the bounds of place and

.t ime ;

And ascend from sphere to .sphere

To the great Almighty’s ear.

Then, 0 come, in piou s laysSodrid we


God Alm ighty’s prai se.

G. l'


Praise. C .M .

THOUSANDS of thou sands stand aroundThy throne, ' O God most high 1 1

Ten thousand times ten thou sand soundu Thy praise ; but who am I ?

2 . Thy brightness unto them.appears


While I Thy footsteps traceA sound of God comes to my ears,But they b


ehold “Thy face.

They sing because Thou art their SunLord

,send abeam on me

For whereheaven is but once begun,

There hal lel ujahs b e.

4. Enlighten with faith’s ligh t my heart,I nflame i t with l ove’s fire

Then shal l I smg and bear apartWith that celestial choir.

I »

A l l t/zeWor l d Sing ,

LET al l theworld in every cornersingMy God and King

The heaven s are not too hig hHis prai se may thither flyThe earth i s not too lowHis prai ses there may grow.

Let al l the world in every corner s ingMy God and King !

2 . Let al l the worl d'

in every corner'

s ingMy God and King

The church with psalms must shoutN o door can keep them outBut

,above al l

,the heart

Must bear the l ongest part.Let al l the world in every corner s in g

My God and K ing l .


L .M . 6 l ines .

N ONE else but Thee, for'


One, Al l , we dread, believe, adoreGreat Earth an dH eaven shal l have their day,And worn and old shall pass away,Bu t Thou remainestpon Thy throneE ternal

,changel ess, and alone I

2 . None else we praise l'

in eve ry form,

I n peace -

of cal m and power of storm,

I n s imple flower and mystic star,

I n al l around and al l afar,I n Grandeur, Beauty, Truth , but TheeNone else we hear, none else we see.

3. None el se we love for sweeter graceThat makes anew a ruined raceThe hei rs of l ife, the lords of death.W i th earl ies t ,voice and latest breath,When clays begin , when days are done,B less we the Father for the Son 1

4. None el se we trust our flesh may fail,Our heart may sink when foes assail,Bu t Thou art Strength to be our s tay,And Glory not to pass awayNone else in life and death have we,Bu t we have al l in al l with Thee.

51“ Yea,

-n one'

but Thee al l worlds confess,

And those redeemedo nes numberlessNone else

,from everlasting One


And evermore beside Thee none J

O f al l that is}, has been, shall be,Fathen~pfiLife,vnone el s e bu t Thee. f




God in Creation . L.M . 6 l ines. .

THOU art , 0 God , the l ife and l igh t'


Of al l thi s wondrous world we seeI ts glow by day, i ts smi le by night,Are but reflect ion s caught from TheeWhere’er we turn

, .Thy glories shine, 1

And al l things bright and fai r are Thine .

2 . When day, with farewell beam ,delays

Among the open ing clouds of evenAnd we can almost think we gaz eThrough golden vi stas into heaven

Those hu es that make the sun’s declineSo soft, so radian t , L ord

,are Thine.

3. When night, with wings of starry gloom,

O’ershadows al l the earthand skies,

Like some dark beauteou s bird,whose plume

I s sparkl i ng with unnumbered eyesThat sacred gloom

,those fires divine,

So grand , so countless, Lord, are Thine .

4. When youthful Spring around u s breathes,

Thy spirit warms her fragrant sig hAnd every flower the Summer wreathesI s born beneath Thy kindling eye

Where’er we tu rn,Thy glories shine


And al l things fai r and bright are Thine. l

TIzomas Moore.

T116 D ivine N eam esy.



THERE’S. not abird with lonely nest ,I n pathless wood or mou ntain crest;

Nor meaner th ing,which does not share;

O God, i n Thy paternal care.


Holds Thee within its s ’

ol it tide ;

And Th'

ou dos t bless the wanderer there,Who makes his solitary prayer.

I n busy mart and crowded street,

No less than in the sti ll retreat,Thou


,art near

,our souls to bless

With al l aparent’s tendern ess

And everymoment st il l'doth bring

Thy blessings on its loaded wingW idely they spread through earth anasky,And last to al l etern ity

And we, where’er ou r lot' i s cast,

While life,and thought

,and f eeling last,

Through al l our years, in every place ,Will bless Thee for Tby bou ndless

g race.

T/ze Um'

mrsai Presence.

FATHéR and Friend,Thy l ig



Beaming throug h al l Thy works we seeThy glory fil l s the heavens above, w

And al l the earth is full of Thee .

2 . Thy voice wehear, Thy presence'

feel ;Whilst Thou , too pure for mortahs ight ,

I nvolved in clouds invi sible,

Reignest the Lord of life and light.

3. We knownot in what hallowed part .Of the wide heaven s


Th)' throne may be

Bu t this we know,— that


'where Thou art ,$ tren g th, wisdom, g


ness,dwel l with Thee.


Thy chil dren shall not faint nor fear,Sustained by this delightful thought,Since Thou

,thei r God

,art everywhere, “

They cannot be where Thou art not.S ir f ai m {?owring .

C.M .


THERE i s aBook who runs may read,XVhich heavenly. t ruth imparts

And al l the lore its scholars need,Pure eyes and Chris tian hearts .

2 . The works of God;above, below,Withi n


u s,and around



Are pages in that Book, to showHowGod Himself i s found.

The gloriou s sky,embracing al l


I s like the Maker’s love,Wherewith encompas sed

,great and small


I n peace and order move.

4. One Name, above al l glori ous names ,With its ten thousand tongues



The everlasting s e"


E choing angelic songs .

5. The raging fire, the roaring wind,Thy boundless power displayBut in the gentler breeze we findThy Spirit’s viewless way.

Thou , who hast given me eyes to see 1

Anti love this sight so fai r,Gii

zeme aheart to hnd ou t Thee


And x ead Thee


To eve ry wrong beneath the sun ;He i s One Lord

,the Holy One.

Lord of the Everlasting Name,

Tru th,Bea11ty, Light, Consumi ng Flame!

Shal l I not l ift my heart to Thee,And ask Thee, Lord , to rule inme ?

4 I f I be ruled in other W1se,My lot I S cast with al l that dies,With things that harm

,and things thathate,

And roam by night,and m i ss the Gate ,

5. Thy happy Gate, which leads u s whereLove is l ike sunshine in the air,And Love and Laware both the same,Named with the Everlast ing Name.

0 Love of God.

0 LOV E of God how strong and true,

E ternal and yet ever newUncomprehended and unbought,Beyond al l knowledge and al l thought.

0 Love of God, how deep and greatFar deeper than man’s deepest hateSelf- fed

,self- kindled , l ike the light,


,infin ite.

3. O wide - embracing,wondrous Love !

We read Thee in the sky aboveWe read Thee in the earth bel ow ,

I n seas that swel l and streams that flow .

4. We read Thee '


s t in Him who cameTo hear for u s the cross of shame J

L .M.


AN D LI FE.3Sent by theFather from

on high,Our l ife to l ive

,our deat h to die


love of God,our shield and stay

Throug h al l the peri ls of our wayEternal love, in Thee we rest,For eyer safe, forever,bles t 1



7s .

6 l ines .

. ROCK ofAges shelter me .

Let me stay mysel f on TheeWhen the bil lows 0 ’e1 me roll ,When temptations sweep my soul,

Save me in the evil hour .

Keepme, 0 E ternal PoWer .

2 . Nau g hbhave I to offler Thee ;A l l I have Thou gay est meAl l my best desires are ThineMine the sin , and only m ine.Thou who didst my l ife create,Leave me not to meet my fate

3. All , in vaini wi th sin I strive ,Till Thy wil l my wi ll revivey'

F ind,0 Father, find Thy‘


Wandering in the darksome wi ldLet Thy l ight upon me shine }Stir me with the love divine !

42 I 1111111111310 1?

H aGrat evf G'




nos . 6 lines .

( 0 ‘ID life’s




ievil m iked with g ood

Mid itsp1easu rejarid'

it s pain,

Mid its losi




ai1d i ts gain,Be ThoiI s til l 'my s taff and rod,A l l - sustai ning grace of God

[Like apilgrim here I pass ,Darkly see as throu ghaglassLit t le know I of the way,What shal l be I cannot say;Let Thy l ight upon me



Al l - su fficien t grace divi'

ne l


’Mid my ey er - changing moodOne that

_changeth not i s goodAnd His word within I have ,He will g uard the li fe He g aveThus I sing along the roadSteadfast i n the grace of God.

God ou r Salvaz‘z'

orz . D.

OD i s my'

s tron g salvation “What foe have I to fear ?

I n darkness and temptat ion,

My Light, my Help i s near.‘Though hos t s

encamparou nd me ,Firm in the fig ht I stand

What terror can confound me

With God at my right hand ?2 . Place on the Lord reliance ;

My soul, with cou rage wai tHis t ru th be thine affianceWhen faint and desolat e.


-Hi s mig ht thy'

heart shal l strengthen,‘

His love thy joy increaseMe rcy thy days shall lengthen,The Lordwi ll give thee peace '



"3 (Love and Life. g t, i8 8

LOVE thatwilt not let me g o,I rest my weary sou l m Thee

I give Thee back the l ife I owe,

That in Thine'ocean depths its flowMay ri che r

,fuller be.

2 . 0 Light that fol lowes t al l myway,I yield my flickerin g torch to Thee,


heart restores its borrowed ray,


in Thy sunshine’s blaze its dayMay brighter, fairer be.

3. .0 Joy that seekest me through pain,

I cannot close my heart to TheeI trace the rainbow through the rain


And feel the prom i se i s not vainThat morn shal l tearles s


4. O Cros s ' that l iftest up my head,I dare né t ask to fly from Thee ;I lay in dust l ife’5 glory dead,And from the ground there blossoms redLife that shal l endless be.

L .M .

H'ATH ‘ not thy heart within theebu



At evening’s calm and holyAs if its inmos t depths discernedThe presence bf a’loft ierpower?


2 . Has t thou .not heard ’mid forest glades,

While ancient rivers.

murmu red by,A voice from forth the e ternal shadesThat spake apresent Deity ?

And as upon the sacred pageThine eye in rapt attention turnedO’er records of avani shed ag e,

fHath not thy heart with in thee bu rhed ?

I t was the voice of God that spake,

“ lI n sil ence to thy '

s ilen t heart ; 1

. 1

And bade each worthier thought awake,

And every dream of earth depart;

Voice of our God,

oh yet be'

nea'rl II n l ow

,sweet accents whisper pea


ceD i rect u s


on our pathway here, 1

Then bid in heaven ou r wanderings cease.29. G. Bu lfincfi.

7 716 Ever;Pré§ef z?God. L .M .

A LI . scenes al ike engag ing proveTo souls impressed with sacred love

Where’e r they dwell,they dwel l with Thee

I n heaven,i n earth

,or on the sea. ‘


2 . To me remain s hor pl ace nor time,My country i s in every él ifneI can be calm and free from careOn any shore

s ince God i s there.

3. W’hile place we seek or place we shu t},The soul finds happiness inrn one ;

But with,

my God to guidemy way,’Tis eqaal joy tQg 0 .

0 f stay.


4. Could I be cast where Thou art not ,J That were


,a'dreadfhl lot

Bu t none remote I call, .

God in al l .

5. Then let me to His thronerepai r,And never be a stranger thereThen love divine shall be my guard,And péace and safety my reward .

7 1

Tbe Heaven ly Helper.

NTO Thee, zabiding ever,

Look I in my need”Strength of every good endeavour, a

Holy thought and deed l

2 . Thou dost gu ide the stars of heaven ,Heal the broken heart,

Bring in turn the morn and even,Lawand love Thou art .

3. Clouds and darkness are about Thee,Just and sure Thy throne


Not a sparrow falls wi thout Thee,A l l to Thee 15 kn own .


50 1i g 1h and End of being,A l l things in and through,Light ThOu art of ’

al l my seeing,-P6wérwarmand do.

5. Throughmyl iiez whate’er betide m e,

Thou my trust shalt b'



haVe I on earth beside Thee,t m in heaven bu t Thee ?

1 “F . L . Hosmer.

46 , HYMNS OF ‘ !




O LORD where’er Thy p'


meet ,There they behold Thy mercy- seat



Where’er they seek Thee, Thou art found,And every ‘place is hallowed ground.

2 . For Thou;wilhin no‘

wau s‘

éon fine'

d, 1I nhabi t est the humble m ind



ch ever brin g‘


ewhere they come,

And going,take Thee to thei r home.


3. W 1th heavenly grace ou r souls endueThvformer mercies hererenew UHere to our wai ti ng hearts proclaimThe sweetness of Thy saving namef

4. Here may we prove the power of prayerTo stren g then fai th , and sweeten careTo teach our fai nt desi res t o rise


And bring al l heaven before ou reyes .

"83: 6 l in es.

LET al l men know, that al l men moveUnder acanopy‘

of love,

As broad as the blue sky aboveThat doubt and trouble

,fear and pain,

And anguish,al l are shadows vain

That 1death itself shal l nb t remain.


2 . That weary deserts we may tread,A dreary labyrin th wemayathread, 71Through dark ways underground be led

48 ? HYMN S OF . 1

2 . Thine angel s speak,but sti ll must we f

The hearing ear bestowThey sm i te the rock

,but our own lips

Must stoop to drink the flow.

Lo al l things are Thine angels, Lord ,That bring my

,God to me

O for the ear to hear thei r wordO for the eye to see

Tl zeM 5297)»of God.

0 human eyes Thy face may seeNo human thought Thy form may know

But al l creation dwells in Thee, I

And Thy great l if e through al l doth flow

2 . And yet, 0 strange and wondrous thoughtThou art aGod who hearest prayer


And every heart'

with sorrow fraughtTo seek Thy pre sent aid may dare.

3. And thoughmos t weak our eff orts seemI nto one creed these thoughts tobind,

And vain the intellectual dream,

To see and know th’ E ternal M ind ;4 Yet Thou wilt turn them not aside,

Who canhot solve Thy l ife divine,Bu t would give up al l reason’5 pride


To know their heartsapproved by Thine.

5. Sb,though we fain t


l ife’s dark hill,

And thought growweak, and knowledg e flee,Yet fai th shal l teach u s.cou rag e sti ll ,And love shall g u ide x

u s on to Thee .

r‘m "

111 {mm } ; 4 nI "T

. CO lVIE O thou Traveller u n l i nownMy company before 15 g onei c 7 ,

And I am left alone with TheeWith Thee al l night I mean t o s tay,

f. 1 3! 1”



egue 11111

1119: break 6 1day;

2 . Wilt Thou hot yet to me revealThyhe



u p u t terabl e name .

ell me,I s tilibesééch Thee, tell ,

To know it now resolved I am ;

Wrestling,1 will not let Thee g o,

0 1 111 i Thy name, Thy riatu re kin sw.

3. My mayor hath power with God th7§


U nspeakabge 1 h owreceiveThrough fai th Tsee Thee face “

to face“?I see Thee face to face, and l ive .

I n vain I have not wept and stroveThy nature and Thy hame is Love.


’Tis Love ! ’tis Love , Thou lovest meI hear Thy whisper 111 myheartThe morning breaks, the shaclows flee,

Pure,universal love Thou art ;

To me,to al l , Thy mercies move

Thy nature ahaThy namei s Love. Wes l ey .

T/zf Dwme Holmess .

cr A

H OLY , Holy, Holy, Lord God Alm ig hty !Early 111 the morning our song shall rise toThee


Holy, Holy, Holy, mercifu l 'and mighty,


Who wert; and art} amid evermore shal t bed 5





,though the darkness hide Thee ;

Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may notsee,Only Thou art holy there is none beside TheePerfect in power, in love , and puri ty.



,Lord God Almighty}

Al l Thy works shall prai se Thy name, in earthandsky and sea.



,merciful and m ighty,

Who wert,and art, and evermore shalt be.

l e D ivine Mercy .

W HOM should we love like Thee;Our God

,our Guide

,our King ;

The tower to which we flee,The rock to which we cl ing ?

O for a thou sand tongues to showThe mercies which to Thee we owe.

2 . The storm upon u s fell ,The floods around u s roseThe depths of death and hellSeemed on our souls to close.

To God we cried in strong despai r,He heard , and came to help our prayer.

3. Above the storm He stood,And awed i t to reposeHe drew u s from the flood


And scattered al l our foes.He set u s in a spac iou s place, .

And there upholds u s by His g race.


4. Whom should we love ‘

1ike Thee,“Our God, ou f


G King, 1

The tower to which we flee,The rock to which we cling ?

O for a thousand tong ues to showThe mercies which to Theewe owe.

H. F . Lyte.

Tfie l ord is K ing . L .M .

THE Lord is King'

! lift up thy Voice,0 earth and al l ye_

heavens rejoiceFrom world to world the joy shall ring,The Lord Omnipotent is King.

2 . The Lord is King Child of the dust,

The Judge of al l the earth i s justHoly and true are al l HiswaysLet every creature speak His praise.

Al ike pervaded byHis eye,Al l parts of His dom inion l ieThis world of ours and worlds unseen,An d the thin boundary between .

4. Wisdom divine can ne’er m istake,

Nor Might decay,110 1 Love forsake ;

His children then should ever sing,

The Lord Omnipotent is?osz



GOD moves in amysterious wayHis wonders to perform

He plants His footsteps in the sea,And rides u pon ‘

the storm.

52 HYMNS OF2 . Deep


i n u nfathomable mmesOf never - fai l ing ski ll


He treasures up His bright designs,And. works His sovereign will.

Ye fearful souls ,clouds yé

Are big with mercy,and shal l break

I n blessings on your head.

4. Ju not the Lorgl by feeble senset rust Him for His g race ;

“Behind a f rown i ng prov‘


He hides asmil in g ‘


5. His purposes wi l l ripen fast,Unfolding



hour ;The bud mayhave abitter taste .But sweet wil l be the flowef .

6 . B l ind unbel ief i s sare to err,And scan His work in vai n

Godjis His own interpreter,

And He will make i t plain .

. l 1

THERE’S awideness in God’s mercyLike the wideness of the sea

There’s akindness in Hi s justiceWhich ismore


than l ibert y}

2 . There i s no place whe re earth’s sofro‘

wsAre more felt than u p in heavenThere is no place where earth’s fail ingsHave such kindlyju dgmen l: given ;


3. There i s grace enough for thousands'

Of new worlds as great as thisThere is room for fresh creationsI n that upper home of bl i s

4. For the love of God i s broaderThan the measures ofman’s m ind

An d the heart of the‘

E ternal

I s most wonderfully kind .

F . ?V.

Tl zeHoly Place. C.M.D.

THE Lord is 1hHis Holy PlaceI n al l things near an q far

Shekinah of the snowflake,He,

And Glory of the s tar,And Secret of the Apri l landThat stirs the field to flowers,Whose little tabernacles ri s'eTo hold Him through the hours.

2 . He hides Himself within the loveOf those whom we love


bestThe sm iles and tones that make our homesAre shrines by


Him pos ses sedHe tents within the

IOh ely heart

And shepherds eye1y. thou g ht _ ;

We find Him not by seeking long,



We lose Him not,unsought.

3. 0 111 art may buil d its Holy P lace,0 111

” feet on Sinai stand; 1

But Hol iest of Hol y knowsNo tread, no touch of hand

54 1 HYMNS OFThe listening soul mrakes Sinai st illWherever we may be,

And i n the vow,Thy will be done

Lies al l Gethsemane.

‘NZHERE i s thy God , my soul ?I s He within thy heart

Or ruler of adistant realmIn which thou hast no part ?

2 . Where i s thy God,my soul ?On ly in stars an d sun

Or have the holy words of tru thHis light in every one ?

3. Where i s thy God , my soul ?Confined to S cripture’s page

Or does His Spi ri t cheek and gu ideThe spiri t of each ag e ?

0 Ruler of the sky,Rule Thou within my heart

0 great Adorner of the world,Thy light of l ife impart.

Giver of holy words ,Bestow Thy holy power


And aid me,whether work or thoh


g ht

Engage the varying hour.6 . I n Thee have I my help,

As al l my fathers hadI’l l tru st Thee when I ’m sorrowfu l ,And serve Thee when I ’m glad .

1 T. T. Lynch.


l l sou l s’

t hat stru g gle and ‘a‘

spire} 5:

Al l hearts g f ,pra

0 11 diiskz

yt ribes and'

cen t u rie’

s s i t.

Nor bounds,nor cl ime , nor creed Thou

Wide as ou r need Thy favours fall ;The whi te wing s of the Holy GhostS toop; im seen , o’er the heads Of al l .

G. q’

l t z'


Ou r Fat/zcr.

O UR Father while our hearts unl earnThe


creeds that wrong Thyname,Still let our hallowed altars b


urnWith faith’s undying flame.

2 . Not by the lightning - gleam s of wrathOur souls Thy face shall see ;

The star of love must l ight the ’


That leads to heaven and Thee.

3. Help3u s to read our Master’s will

Through every darkening stai n



JThat clouds His sacred image still,rAnd see Him once ag ain f —T


"The brot her Man ,the pi tying Friend



weeps for human woes ,Whose pleading words of pardon blendWith cries of raging foes .

5. I f’mid the gathering storms of 'doubtOur hearts grow faint and cold , “

The strength we cannot do withoutThy love will not withhold.


b 'Shape for u s holier lives to live, ’

And nobler work to do.1 c, 1 1 .

Ol iver Wendel l Holmes .


OD of the eart h, the sky, the seaMaker of al l above


Creation lives and moves in Thee ,‘Thy present life through al l doth flow.

2 . Thy love is in the sunshine’s g lowfl'

Thy life is in the quickening air A

When lightnings flashand storm -wind51blow,There i s Thy power Thy law i s there.


3. We feel Thy calm at evening’s hour,Thy grandeur in the march of night

And,when the morn ing breaks in power,

We hear Thy word,Let there be light

4. Bu t higher - far, and farmore clear, _

Thee in man’s spi ri t we behold 1 ‘Thine image and Thys elf are there


The indwelling God,proclaimed of old .

Tfie A l l - su



andiflg Glory. 1 0 5.

FATHER,Thywonders .do not s ingly stanci

N or far removed where feet have seldomstrayed,

Around u s ever l ies the enchanted land,

I n marvels rich to Thine own sons displayed.


2 . In findin g Thee are al l Things round as foundI n los ing Thee are al l th ings lost besideEars have we, but in vain sweet voices sound,And to our eyes the vision i s denied.


nour ‘

eyes that we that worl d may see,Open our ears that we Thy voi ce may hear,

And in the spiri t- land may ever be,And feel Thy presence with u s always


UNHEARD the dews around me fal l


And heavenl y influ en ce shed '


And s ilent on th i s earthly bal l,Celestial footsteps tread .

2 . N ight’

moves in silence round the pole,


s tars s ing on unheard,Their music pierces to the soul


Yet borrows not aword .

Noiseles s the morning flin g s’

it s gold,

And st i ll the even ing’s place

And s ilently the earth is rol l edAm ids t the vast of space.

4. I n quietude Thy Spiri t growsI n man from hour to hour

I n calm eternal onward flowsThy al l - redeeming power.

Lord,grant my soul to hearxat length

,Thy deep and silent voiceTo work in sti llness, wai t in strength,With calmness to I’CJOICC.


OW are Thy servants blest, O Lord 1Howsure is their defence 1

Eternal wisdom'

is their guide,Their help Omnipotence.

2 . I n foreign realms and lands remote,Supported by Thy care,Through burning cl iines they pass unhurt


And breathe in tainted air.

When by the dreadful tempest borneHigh on the broken wave


They know Thou art not slow to hear,

Nor impotent to save.

4. The stormi s laid, the winds retire,Obedient to Thy willThe seathat roars at Thy command,At Thy command is still.

I n m idst of dangers,fears

, and deaths,Thy goodness we adoreWe praise Thee for Thy mercies past


And humbly hope for more.6 . Our life, while Thou preservest l ife,

Thy sacrifice shall beAnd death , when death shal l be our lot,Shall j oin our souls to Thee.


God is G00d.


I SEE the wrong that round me lies,I feel the gu ilt withinI bear, with groan and travail - cries,The world conf ess its sin



2 . Yet, in the maddening maze of things,And tossed by storm and flood


Toone fixed stake my spi ri t cl ings ;I know that God is good .


3. Not m ine to look where cherubimAhd seraphs may not see,But nothing can be good in Him1 Which ev il


i s in me.

4. The wrong that pain s my sou l‘

belowI dare not throne aboveI know not of His hate— I knowHis goodness and His love 1

5. And Thou , O Lord by whom are seenThy creatures as they be,Forgive me if too close I leanMy human heart on Thee 1

God ou r Home.

O LORD, in whom are al l my Springs,Joyful to Thee I come

My grateful heart ex ultant singsTo know Thou art i ts home .

2 . The shelter of Thy gloriou s armsHow strongand safe



n d sweetFrom sense and s in

,from al l alarms

, I

I fly to this retreat.

Here i s my su re


and tranquil restI n every troubled hour


WearyJ lean‘hpon T>hy


And feel i ts soot hing flower.


f purest l oveWhat wmg s enc ircl e me


My Lord if now I find in TheeSo bles t and sweet ahome,What shall the heaven ly mansion beWhen to its door I come ? 1

1 A u s t in

Res t in God.

I LOOK to Theein every need ,

And never look in vainI feel Thy touch

,Eternal Love


And al l i s well againThe thou g ht of Thee i s m ightier farThan sin an d pain and sorrow are.

2 . D i scouraged in the work of life,

D i sheartened by its load ,Shamed by its failures or i ts fears


I sink beside the road,

But let me only think of Thee,

And then new heart springs up in me.

3. Thy calmnes s bends serene above,My restlessness to still

3g round me flows Thy qu icken ing life?

To nerve my faltering willThy presence fil l s my solit ude 1 A

Thy providence turns al l to good.

Embosomed deep in “Thy dear love.Held in Thy law

,I stand

Thy hand in al l things I behold,

And al l th ingsi

in Thy hand °

Thou leadest me by U nsought ways,

And turn’st mymou rmng into pral se.

Love,and Love alone.

GOD and Father, great and holy!Fearing nought we come to Thee

Fearing nought,though weak and lowly


For Thy love has made u s free.By the blue sky bending o

’er u s,

By the green earth’s flowery zone


Teach u s,Lord

,the angel - chorus


Thou art Love, and Love alone.”

2 . Though the world in flames should perish,

Suns and stars in ru in fal l,

Love of Thee our heart should cheri sh,

Thou to u s be al l in al l .And though heavens Thy name are prai sing,Seraphs hymn no sweeter tone


Than the strain our heart s are rai s ing,“ Thou art Love , and L ove alone .

I VEX ED me with a troubled thought,That God m ight be 1

A God whosemercy must be boughtWith m isery.

f l “ HYMN S OF'

One great hope lighting al l ohrway,Throug h His dear Son , bid.

each to «say,Our , God is’ Love lo 1

How strong these words from heaven.



To kindle l ove,to banish fear,

And al l thing s high and‘

pu re endear'


O u rGod i s Love !

4. o Faihé‘


,when the night 1s nigh,

That veils for ever earth and sky,

Be this the heart’s last melody,

Our God 15 Love' .

Then,when thebrief , low stram 1s o



This truth divihe shall wi th u s soar,

1 SIAnd make sweet music evermore,

Our God 15 Love 1l

2} Davis .

ATCH INGal l through the weary night ,I n darkness, lonely s u d forl drh




I hai l the blessed morning light,Thy

“ love i s brighter than themorn.

L . 1 i

2 , Praying, but tempted and cast down,Tried from without and from withinI fai l , and fear to lose my crown ,Thy love 18 stronger than my s in.

3. Wait ing to draw my dyingN o arm to stay, no art to saveI shticlder to belong to death,Thy love is ’

deepen thari the grave.


4. 0 Love ! so bright, so deep, so strong,When this brief. span of l ife is o’er,Teach me to sing the heavenly song,And lead me to the shining shore.

H . Hin wis .


s [ 170711 of Man .

TW I X T gleams of joy and clouds of doubtOur feelings come an d g o

Our best estate is tossed aboutI n ceaseless ebb and flow.

2 . No mood of feeling, form of thought,I s constant for aday ;But Thou

,O Lord Thou changest not

The same Thou art al way.

I grasp Thy strength , make it m ine own ,My heart with peace i s blestI lose my hold, and then come downDarkness and cold unrest.

4. Let me no more my comfmt drawFrom my frai l hold of Thee,

I n this alone rejoice with aweThy m ighty grasp ofme.

Out of that weak,unquiet drift

That comes but to depart,

To that pure Heaven my spirit l iftWhere Thou unchanging art .

Lay hold of me with Thy strong grasp.Let Thy A lm ighty arm

In i ts embrace my weakn ess clasp,And I shall fear no harm .



The pu rpose of eternal goodLet me but surely know

On th i s I ’l l lean,let changing mood

And feeling come or g o ;

8. Glad when Thy sunshine fil l s my sou lNor lorn when clouds o’ercas tS ince Thou with in Thy sure controlOf love dost hold me fast.

Campbel l

S tayed on Time.

OT what I am,0 Lord

,but what Thou art

That,that alone can be my soul

’s true restThy love

,not m i ne

,bids fear and doubt depart


And stills the tempest of my tossing breast .

2 . I t blesses now,and shall for ever bless

I t saves me now, and shall for ever saveI t holds me up in days of helplessness


I t bears me safely o’er each swelling wave.

3. Girt with the love of God on every side ,Breathing that love as heaven’s own heal ing air


I work or wai t,s ti l l following my Guide,

Braving each foe,escaping every snare .


’Tis what I know of Thee,my Lord and God,

That fil l s my soul with peace, my l ips with songThou art my heal th , my j oy.my staff, my rod ,Leaning on Thee

,in weakness I am strong.



Tfie Wil l of God. L .M .

WHEN spring’s soft breath , and softer showersNew life infuse in birds and flowers ,

This song,0 Lord

,shall then be ours

This i s Thy will,— Thy will be done.

2 . When autumn cometh , golden - crowned,

With treasures of the ferti le ground ,Bright


,let the anthem sound

I t i s Thy will,— Thy will be done.

3. When children’s merry laugh and playMake sweetest music through the day,Most heartily we love to sayThis is Thy will

,— Thy wi l l be done.

4.When friends are ours,and joys increase


When sickness,want

,and tumults cease


This thought comes with divinest peaceI t is Thy wilL— Thy will be done.

5. 0 Father,in our hearts insti l

Right thoughts of Thy joy -

g iving willAl l things for good are working stillThy perfect will

,—Thy will be done.

H e of God.

O GOD,not only in distress


I n pain, and want, and weariness,Thy te'nder Spirit stoops to bless


Thy will is done.

2 . But oftener on the wings of peaceAnd girt about with tenderness


Thou comest,and al l troubles cease


Thy Wi ll i s done.


3. I n al l that natu re hath supplied,I n flowers along the country side


I n morning light,in e ventide


Thy will i s done.

4 . I n you thful days , when joys increase,I n l ight

,in hope

,in happiness ,

I n qu iet times of tru stful peace,Thy will i s done.

5. And when the burdened heart can brin gI t s sorrow to Thy feet, and cl ingTill hope surpasses sorrowing


Thy will is done.

6 . Thy will i s pure , 0 Lord and ju st,

And we,frai l creatu res of the dust


Through good or ill,can only trust

Thy wil l i s done.

A spz'

ral z'

on . L .M.

GOD, whose voice the ages hear,Whose musi c thrill s through worlds unknown


I nform our hearts with power d ivine,

And wake pale doubt Thy name to own .

2 . 0 Thou whose ocean’s tide hath fil ledCreat ion’s space with kindly sway


Touch every home from shore to shoreWith gentle tru th’s immortal ray.

3. 0 Thou who g uardes t great and small,Whose children own Thee Love sublime,Make strong each heart that on Thee wai ts,Shine through the pictured screen of time.


4. 0 Thou whose paths are sown with stars ,Whose patience every child doth gird,We thank Thy love for l ife s upreme,We prai se for matchless‘ hOpe Thy word .

Be Thou about u s al l our years ,May al l good works through Thee increase,Let sweetest calm ensue from tears


From earth’s briefwar Thy perfect peace.E A . Rol loRu ssel l .

Ex al t His N ame Tog ei/zer.

I . Y E people of the LordWho in His love abide ;

Your treasure do not hoard ,Your gladness do not hide 1Together bringYour costly store 1Together singTogether soar l

2 . Glad heart , repeat to heartThe story of thy peaceEach dear delight impart 1Each dear delight increase 1Thy foes o’


Thy sins forgiven,

Thy darkness gone,

Thy fetters riven l

3. I n love together meetFor joy together singWith m ingled voices greetEach triumph of your King ;

T. i l .

Long ing f or MeHome qf God.

I . LORD of the worlds above,

Howpleasant and how fai r,

The dwellings of Thy love,

Thine earthly temples are 1To Thine abodeMy heart aspiresWith warm des ires

To see my God.

2 . 0 happy souls that prayWhere God appoint s to bear 1

0 happy men that payTheir constant service there IThey prai se Thee st i l lAnd happy theyThat love the wayTo S ion’s hil l .

3. They g o from strength to strengthThrough this dark vale of tears



The Lord’s dear prai seTogether speakThe Lord’s right waysTogether seek

I n l inked praise and prayerYour heaven on earth beginTogether gl impses fai rOf hastening glory winFrom strength to strengthTogether g o

I n Heaven at lengthTogether glow l


Sand i}? t/zz'

s Cong i'eg al z'

ozz . 8 . 7.7.

COME , immortal Lord of gladness IFrom the immeasurable height

Scatter al l our s in and sadnes s,

Move upon our hearts in l ightA l l - pervading God, whose loveJoins u s here with those above,Make u s now Thy new creat ion


Sanct ify this congregat ion .

2 . Come and bri ng with Thee Thy treasureLove an d meekness , j oy and peace,

Gentleness that knows no measure,

Truths that cumbered hearts release,Purity and faith in right


Thirs t for hol iness and light.Hear our contrite supplicat ion,Consecrate this congregat ion.

Come,abide in u s for ever

Build Thy City in our heartOn Thy righteousness, and neverFrom i ts ci tadel depart .Fil l u s with Thy holy awe ;Make u s prophets of Thy law,

Worthy of our high vocat ionIn the world’s great congregation.


‘GIlt e 13mm325115 QIhris t : 33h; g hhzntaah31111111.

T116 Saviou r comes .

HARK the glad sound,the Saviour comes


The Saviour promised longLet every heart prepare a throne


And every voice asong.

2 . He comes the prisoners to release,

I n cruel bondage heldThe gates of brass before Him burst ,The iron fetters yield.

3. He comes from thickest fi lms of viceTo clear the mental ray,

And on the eye - balls of the blindTo pour celestial day.

4 He comes the broken heart to bind,

The bleeding soul to cure,

And with the treasures of His grace ,To en rich the humble poor.

5. Our glad hosannas,Prince of Peace


Thy welcome shall proclaimAnd heaven’s eternal arches ringWith Thy beloved name .

Mess fafi 50 77165. 7. 6 . 7. 6 . D .

RECE IV E Messiah gladly,And l ift the downcast eyes ;

Ye people,speak not sadly,

He makes the fallen riseIn al l your habitat ions ,Complaint and s ighing ceaseThe long desire of nat ionsBrings everlasting peace .

2 . He shal l come down like showersUpon the fru i tful earth

And j oy and hope, l ike flowers ,Spring in His path to birth .

Before Him,on the mountain s


Shal l Peace, the herald, g o,And righteousness, in fountains,From hil l to valley flow.

3. He comes with succour speedy,To those who su ffer wrongTo help the poor and needy,And bid the weak be strong ;To give them songs for sighing


Their darkness turn to l ight,

Whose soul s in bondage lying,

Are precious in His s ight.

4. He comes to break oppression,

To set the captive free,

To take away transgression,

And rule in equi ty.

The tide of time shall neverHis covenant remove

His name shall stand for ever,

His g reat, best name of Love.7 . Mon tg omery .


L IFT up your heads , rejoice,Redemption draweth nigh

Now breathes a softer air,

Now shines am ilder skyThe


early trees put forthTheir new and tender leaf

Hushed is the moaning windThat told of winter’s grief.

2 . Lift up your heads, rejoice,Redemption draweth nighNow mount the laden clouds


Nowflam es the darkening skyThe early scattered dropsDescend with heavy fal l,

And to the wai ting earthThe hidden thunders cal l.

3. Lift up your heads, rejoice,Redemption draweth h igh

0 , note the varying signsOf earth

,and air

,and sky

The God of glory comesI n gentleness and m ight


To comfort and alarm ,

To succour and to sm i te .

4. He comes, the wide world’s King“

He comes, the true heart’s FriendNew gladness to begin


And ancient wrong to endHe comes

,to fil l with light

The weary wai ting eyeLift up your heads



Redemption draweth nigh.

T. T. Ly nch.

Qlilt ris tmas 39mm.

OY to the world the Lord i s come'


Let earth receive her King ;Let every heart prepare Him room


And heaven and nature s ing.

Joy to the earth 1 the Saviour reignsLet men thei r songs employ


While fields and floods,rocks

,hills , and

Repeat the sounding joy.N 0 more let s ins and sorrows grow,Nor thorns infest the grou nd

He comes to make His blessings flowA s far as s in i s fou nd.


s z‘ is B orn .

ARK what mean those holy voices,Sweetl y sounding through the skies ?

Lo the angeli c host rejoicesHeavenly hallelujahs ri se .

2 . Li sten to the wondrou s storyWhich they chant in hymns of joyGlory in the highest glory


Glory be to God most high .

Peace on earth,good - will from heaven ,

Reaching far as man i s foundSoul s redeemed and s in s forgiven ,Loud our golden harps shal l sound .

Chri st i s born,the great Anointed

Heaven and earth His prai ses s ingOh

,receive whom God appointedFor your Prophet


,and King l ”


5. Sons of men , repeat the Story,Sing the gladness of His birth

Spread the brightness of His gl ory,Till i t cover al l the Earth 1

HARK the herald - angels sing,

Glory to the new- born KingPeace on earth and mercy m i ld


God and sinners reconciled .

Joyful,al l ye nations, rise,

Join the triumph of the skiesWith the angelic host proclaim


Chri st i s born in Bethlehem .

2 . Hai l , the heaven - born Prince of PeaceHail

,the Su n of Righteousness

Light and life to al l He brings,

Risen with heal ing in His wings.Joyful

,al l ye nations , ri se,

Join the triumph of the skiesWith the angelic host proclaim


Christ i s born in Bethlehem .


H OLY night peaceful night 1Through the darkness beams al ight


Where the angel s vigils keepO’er the Baby who

,in sleep


Rests in heavenly peace.

2 . Silent night holy nightDarkness fl ies an d al l i s light


Shepherds hear the angels s ingPeace on earth , goodwill they bringJesus Chri st has come.

78 HYMNS 0 11

3. Holy nigh t 1 peaceful nightChi ld of heaven 0 how brightWas Thy sm ile when Thou wert bornBlessed was the happy morn


Full of heavenly joy.

4. Silent n ight hol iest nightWondrous star O lend thy light !With the angels let u s s ing


And our humble tribute bringJesus Chri st i s here .

Tran s latedf rom Ike German of ] . Mobr

Christmas E re. D .C.,M

L ITTLE town of Bethlehem,

How sti ll we see thee l ie 1Above thy deep an d dreamless sleep,The silent stars g o byYet in thy dark st reets shinethThe everlast ing lightThe hopes and fears of al l the yearsAre met in thee to - night .

2 . For Christ i s born of MaryAnd gathered al l above


While mortals sleep,the angels keep

Their watch of wondering love.0 morning stars togetherProclaim the holy birth


And prai ses s ing to God the King,

And peace to men on earth .

3. How s ilently how silentlyThe wondrous gift i s given

So God imparts to human heartsThe bless ings of His heaven.


4. For 10 the days are hasten ing oh ,By prophet

~bards foretold,When

,with the ever - circl ing years,

Comes round the ag e of goldWhen peace shal l over al l the earthI t s undimmed splendours fl ing,

And the whole world send back theWhich st il l the angels s ing.


s lmas . C.M .D .

A THOU SAN D years have come and gone ,And near a thousand more,

Since happier light from heaven shoneThan ever shone before

And i n the hearts of old and youngA joy most joyful stirred


That sent such news from tongue to tongueAs ears had never heard .

And we are glad, and we W i l l s ing,A s in the days of yoreCome al l

,and hearts made ready bring

To welcome back once moreThe day when firs t on wintry earthA summer change began ,

And dawning in a lowly birthUprose the Light ofman .

For trouble such as men mu st bearFrom childhood to fourscore


Chri st shared with u s,that we m ight share

His joy for evermoreAnd twice a thousand years of strife,Of conflict

,and of s in


May tell how large the harvest - sheaf


LOV ELY Voices of the skyThat hymned tiie Saviour’s birth .

Are ye not singing still on high,Ye that sang peaceon earth P

To u s yet speak the strainsWherewith

,in days goneby,

-Ye bles s’d the Syrian swains,

0 Voices of the sky

cl ear and shining Light, whose beam sA heavenly gloryshed

Around the palms, an d o’er the streams


And on the shepherd’s head 1Be near through life and death


A s in that holiest nightOf Hope, and Joy, and Fai th,0 clear and shining Light

Fel iciaD1Hemam .

672773117714 5 Day .

. T O -DAY be Joy in everyheart,For 10 . the angel throng

Once more above the“ l istening earth

Repeats the advent song

2 . Peace on the earth, goodwill to menBefore u s goes the star

ThatJead s u s on to holier birthsAnd life diviner far I

3. Ye men of strife ,Your harshnés e ,

Too long ye stay the prom i sed yearsFor which the nations wai t I

And ye upon the tented fiel d ,Sheathe, sheathe to day the sword .

By love, and not by m ight, shall comeThe kingdom of the Lord.

5. 0 star of human fai th and hopeThy light shal l lead u s on ,

Unti l it fades in[


5 glow,

And heaven on earth iswon .

11 ”i "

‘F. L . Hosmer .

C.M .

LW H [LE shepherds watched their flocksby night”

A l l seated on theground,

The angel of the Lord came down,And glory shone around .

2 . Fear not,

” said he (for m ighty dreadHad seized their troubled m ind) ;Glad tid ings of great JOY I bringTo you and al l mankind.

3. To'

you , thi s day .

I s born of David’s l ineThe Saviour

,who 15 Chri st the Lord

And thi s shall be the sign .

4: The heavenly Babe you there shal l findTo human view displayed ,

A l l meanly wrapt in swathing hands,"

And in amanger laid.” n


Appeared a shining throngOf ang els, prais ing


God,and thus

Addressed their'

joyf u l Song

6 .

“ Al l glory be to God on high,And to the earth be peace

Good - will henceforth from heaven t oBegin

,and never cease 1

Glory to God ‘ i n the highest 1Glory to God

10 8 . T125 Prince of Peace.

1 . WHAT‘

means thi s glory round our feet,”

The magi mused, more brightmorn

And voices chanted clear and sweet,To - day the Prince of Peace is born .

2 . What means that star,” the shepherds said,That brightens through the rocky glen P”

And angels, an swerinl

g overhead,Sang, Peace on earth, good - will to men.


’Tis eighteen hundred years'

and moreS ince those sweet oracles were dumbwe“ '

wai t for Him l ikel

them of yore ; 1

Alas ,‘

He seems so slow to come.

L.M .

844. HYMN S OF

4. But they who to their childheed cl in g g u

And keep their natures f resh.a31morn4Once more shal l bear the angels s ing g

‘To - day the Prince of Peace is born

Bu t i t was said , in words of goldNo time or sorrow

That l i ttle chi ldren mig ht be boldI n perfect trust to come to Him.

6 . A l l round about our feet shall shineA light like that the wi se men saw


I f we our loving wills inclineTo that sweet Life which is the Law.

7 . So shal l we learn to understandThe simple fai th of shepherds then


And,clasping kindly hand in hand


Sing Peace on earth,goodwill to men

8. And they who do their souls no wrong ,Bu t keep at eve the fai th of morn


Shal l dai ly hear the ang e l - song,To - day the Prince of Peace is



3513111115 on the i ntamation.

God in Man . L.M

GOD Thou in Thy.

love dost makeThyself incarnate for


our sake,


I t s watchings, weariness , and st rife.0

2 . Thou m our very flesh dost come,Andmake this sinful earth Thy home,Al l human life to soot he and save"U p from the cradle to the grave.

3. There'

s not an hour hf l ife below;A want


,or awoe


Inwhich,to help


thehuman heart ,Thou do'st not bear Thysel f .apart .

4. Thou who art rich , becom ing poorTo g 1ve u s riches that endureThou who art hig h,

becoming lowThat we may to Tby stature grow.

5. Lowly to u s,0 Lord

,as Thou


I n Thy humil ity dost bow,

So high our nature lift .with Thine,Til l human th ings become divine l

Emanuel .

A ND art Thou come with u s to dwellOur Prince, our Guide, our Love, our

A nd is Thy name Emanuel,

God present with His world restored2 . The world is glad for Thee the rude

Wild moor; the ci ty’s crowded penEach waste, each peopled sol itudeBecomes ahome for happy men . 1


The heart i s glad for Thee it knowsNone n owshall bid it err or mourn

And o’er its desert breaks the roseI n triumph o’er the

g rievmg thorn.

4. Thou bringest al l again with TheeI s l ight, i s spaceg is breadth , and roomFor each th ing fai r


,and free


To have i ts hour of life and bloom.

5. Each heart’s deep instinct u nconfes s’dEach lowly wish,


each daring claimAl l

,al l that l ife hath long repres s


Unfolds undreading blight or blame.

Thy reign eternal wil l not ceaseThy years are sure, and glad, and slow ;

Within Thy m ighty world of peaceThe humblest flower hath l eave to blow.

And wi th Thy gu iding help we pierceLife’s labyrinth now no lon g envain

The love that frees the universeHath made its broken story plai n.

8. The world i s glad for Thee, the heartI s glad for Thee and al l i s well


And fix ed and sure , because Tfiou art ,Whose name i s called Emanuel .

Redeeming Love.

PRA ISE to the Holies t in theheight,And in the depth be prai se

I n al l His words most wonderfu l , 1 11'1

Most su re in al l His ways I Ou t


For Mer'



has ahuman heart

And Love,the human form divine

And Peace,the human dress.

4. Then exiery man ,of every d ime,

That prays in hi s dis tres s;Prays to the human form divineLove

, .Mercy, Pity, Peace.

And al l must love the human form,

I n heathen,Turk


Where Mercy,Love, and Pity


dwel l,

There God i s dwelling too .

7 715 Lord is Come. L .M .

T HE Lord is come 1 On Syrian soi lThe ch ild of poverty and toil

The Man of Sorrows , born to knowEach varying shade of human woe :His j oy

,His glory

,to f u lfil


I n.

earth and heaven,His Father’s wil l

On lonely mount,

-by festive board,Cm bi tter Cross , despi sed , aaof ed.

2 . The Lord i s come Du l lf



t s towake,He speaks , asn ever man yet Spake,The truth which rfiakes His servants


The royal'

law of l iberty.


Though heaven and earth shall pass away,His l iv ing words our spiri ts s tay,And from His treasures , new and old,The eternal mysteries unfold.




3. The Lord 15 come I n Him we traceThe fulness ‘

of God’s truth and graceThroughout those words and acts divineGleams of the eternal splend our shineAnd from His inmost Spirit flow,As from aheight of sunli t snow,The rivers of, perennial l ife, _

To heal and sweeten Nature’s strife.

4. The Lord is come ! I n every heartWhere tru th and mercy claim apartI n every land where right is might,And deeds of darkness shun the lightI n every Church where faith and loveLift earthward thoughts to things above ;I n every holy

,happy home


We bless Thee, Lord, that Thou hast come l '

Tfze Earl /zly and f ineHeaven ly.

O MEAN may seem thi s house of clay;Yet ’twas the Lord’s abode

Our feet may mou rn this thorny way,Yet here Emmanuel trod .

2 . This fleshl y robe the Lord did wear,This Watch the Lord did keep


rThese burdens sore the Lord did bear,These tears the Lord did weep.

3. Our very frai lty brings u s n earUnt o the Lo rd of heaven

To every g rief ,'

to every tear,

1 Su ch’

g lory strange is given .


Thou to our woe who down did’st QQmeJWho one with! u s wou ld‘s t be, P

Wi l t lift u s to~Thy heavenly home,'


Wilt make u s one with Thee.

O m ighty grace , our l ifeto l itie,To make


our earth divi neO mighty grace, Tby heaven

‘ to give,

And l ift our l ife to Thine.

6 . Yes , strange the gift and marvellousBy Theereceived and givenThou tookestwoe and death for u s


And we receive Thy heaven. T. H . Gil l .


115. 1 726 B r zg fzt and om z'

ug SJar . I I . 1 0 .


. BRIGHTEST and best of the sons of the morning !Dawn on our darkness and lend u s Thine aid

Star of the East, the horizon adorning,Gu ide where our infant Redeemer i s laid.

2 . Cold on His cradle the dewdrops are shining,Low lies His head with the ‘

beas t s of the stallAngels adore Him in


s l umber recl in ing,Brother and Master and Saviour ofal l . ’

3. Say, shal l we yield Him 'in costly devotion,

Odours of Edom and ofT’rin g s divin e,

Gems of the in ou ntain and pearls of the ocean,

Myrrh from the fores t; or gold from the m ine ?

4. Vainly we ofi’

er each ample obl ’ati onVain ly with gifts would His favour secu reRicher by far i s the heart’s adorat ionDearer to God are the prayers of the poor.


O THOU l n lonely vig l 1JedTo fol low Truth’s new risen star o

E re yet her morning skies are red,

And vale and upland shadowed are,

2 . Gird up thy loin s and take thy road,

Obedient to the vi s ion beTrust not in numbers God is God


And onewith Him majori ty

Soon pass the judgments of the honr,Forgotten are the scorn and blame

The Word moves on , agladdening power,And safe enshrines the prophet’s fame.


’ of old,in lowly pl ight

The Chri st of larger fai th i s born 5

The watch ing shepherds come by night,And then— the kings


of earth at morn 1

. A S with gladness men of oldDid the gu iding star behold

As with Joy they hailed its l ight,Leading

“ onward,beaming bright ;

8 0 , most graciou s Lord,‘

may weEvermore be led toThee.

2 .

'As theyofi’

ered g ifts most ‘ rare '

A t that niang er rude and bare 3

So maywe wi th hol'


joy,Pure and free f rom"Sin is all oy, l lA l l our

.costl i est treasures bring,Chri st ! to Thee our heavenly Ki ng.


RQMa‘he east ern mou ntains,Pressing on they come,

Wise men in theirwisdom,

To His humble homeStirred by deep devotion,Hastening from afar,Ever journeying onward,Guided by a star.

as: Light of Life that shineds tEre the worlds began


DrawThou near and lightenEvery heart of man .

2 . There their Lord and SaviourMeek and lowly lay, . 1

Wondrous light that led themOnwardo n their way,Ever now to lightenNations from afar


As theyJourney honieward,By that gu iding s tar.Light of Life that shineds tEre the worlds began ,

Draw Thou near and l ig htenEvery heart‘ of man .

3. On ward through the darknessOf the lonely night


Shining 51111 before thernWith Thy kindly light


Guide them, Jewand Gent i le,

Homeward from afar,

Young and old together,

By Thy g uiding Star

.3 nHYMN S 0 1”

Light of Life that shineds tEre the worlds began,

Draw Thou near and l ightenEvery heart of man.

Tfiring .

cfi lm Gat l ing fiif e of 325115.

BY cool Siloam’s shady ri ll :

How sweet the l ily n s 1"

How sweet the breat h beneath the hi llOf Sharon’s dewy rose

2 . Lo such the ch ild,whose early feet

The paths of peace havetrodWhose secret heart



influ ence sweet,I s upward drawn to God.

By 6 0 0 1 S iloam’s


shady ri llThe l ily must decayThe rose that blooms beneath the'hil l ‘

Must shortly fade away.

4. 0 Thou , whose infant fea were foundWithin Thy, Fathar’s ShrineWhose years, with changeless virt ue


crown ’d,

Were al l alike divine

196 HYMNS QF7. He grew in stature and in praise


By honest heart s adored,Til l in that home where He was bornHis brothers called Him Lord.

T7ze Bapfi'

sf and cémz.

A VO I CE by Jordan’s shore

A summons stem and clearReform be just and s in no moreGod’s j udg ment draweth near

2 . A voice by Gali lee,A hol ier voice I hear

Love God thy neig hbou r'

love l for see,God’s mercy draweth near !

0 voice of Duty sti llSpeak forth I hear with awe

I n Thee I own the sovereign will,

Obey the sovereign law.

Thou higher voice of Love,

Yet speak Thy word in meThrough duty let me upward moveTo Thy pure liberty

T/l e fi mptat z’

on .

E SU S ou r Lord who tempted wastI n al l points like as we


And didst achieve i n that dread fig htUndoubted victory

FAITH AND L IFE.2 . Teach u s , when angered at our lot


faithless 50 1115 repin e ,Man liveth not by bre‘ad alone 1

Bu t every word divine

When we would rush on dang ei’s point,And dare the lifted sword ,Speak in ou r


ears the warning voice,Thou shal t not temfit

- t/re Lor

4. And when;’d‘

eeeived by'


ide orpower,Earth’s idols we espouse,Teach u s that God i s God alone,And on u s are His vows .

5. Thus shal lwe mjore than conquerors

With Thee pass throug h the strifeAnd angel s come and min isterAround the hei rs of life.

Len}. L .M .

N7HERB’ER have trod Thy sacred feet,

Lord, teach as in Thy steps to press,Where men in busy concourse Ineet ,Or in ' the l onely wilderness .

2 . Bid u s with Thee to watchan pray,W ith Thee to die

,with Theejo rise,

With Thee to bear our cross each day,With The


e to soar beyond the skies:

Where’er Thou art may we remainWhere


g oes t may'

we g oLord, no grief is pain


Away from Thee, al l IOY is ‘




4. Oh , may we in each~holy tideEach solemn season , dwel l with Thee 1Content if only by Thy sideI n life or death we still may be.

AVVH I LE in spi ri t,Lord

,to Thee

.I nto the desert would we fleeAwhile upon the barren steepOur fast with Thee in spiri t keep

2 . Awhile from Thy temptation learnThe tempter’s wileful lu res to spurn ,And in our hearts to feel and own

Man liveth not by bread alone.

3. And whileat Thy command we prayGive u s our bread from day to day,

.May we with Thee, O Christ, be fed ,Thou Word of God, Thou living Bread .

Tfie Lom’

of l ove.


W HEN the‘

Lord of Love was here,Happy heart s to Him were dear,

Though His heart was sad ;

Worn and lonely for our sake ,Yet He turned aside to make'

Al l theweary glad .

2 . Meek and lowly were His ways,From His loving grew His prai se,

‘From His giving, prayer’

A l l theoutcasts thronged tohear,Al l the sorro u l drew nearTo enjoyHis care }


4. Master,I fai n wou ld enter there

0 let me fol low .Thee, and shareThy meek and lowl y heart

,and be

Freed from al l worldly care. 1

5. Of innocence, and love, and tru st,Of qu iet work

,and simple word


i oy, and thoughtlessness of sel f,Build up my l ife, good Lord.

6 . Al l happy thoughts, and gentle ways,And loving - kindness dai ly given


And freedom through obedience gained,Make in my heart Thine heaven.


7 . And al l the wisdom that i s bornOf joy and love that question not


The child’s bright v is ion of the earth ,Be m ine , 0 Lord, unsought.

8. 0 happy thus to l ive and moveAnd sweet this world, where I shal l findGod’s beauty everywhere

,His love


His good in al l mankind.

Tl ze Revelation of Gad.

HY home, 0 Lord , i s everywhere,

Yet nowhere art Thou’

al l revealedFor when I say, Thou dwelles t there,”

One half Thy glory is conceal ed .

2 . Yet most in man,in hig hest


I n Him that made the Cros s acrown,


Thy l iving image, Lord, I scan ,And hai l the heaven to earth brought down.



I n Him who joined the.poles of thought,

JMade sorrow joy , made Calvary shine,Mymeanness is to glorywrought,And earth is


heaven , and man divine.

C.h[ .DO

AM ID the di‘n of.

earthly strife,Am id the busycrowd ,

The whispers of eternal l ifeAre lost in


clamours lou dWhen 10 l I find aheali ng balm,

The world grows dimto meMy spirit res t s in sudden calmWith Christ in Gal i lee

2 . 1 linger near Him 1hthe throng,

And li sten to His voiceI feel my weary soul grow strong,My saddened hear t rejoice.

Am id the storms that darkly frownI hear His whisper sweet; 1

And lay my heavy burden downAt His beloved feet.

My vision swiftly fades away,The world is round me still ;

Bu t Jesus seems with rné to stay,

His prom ise to f u lfil .And toil and duty sweeter seemWhile


He abides with '


My heart i s rested by my dreamOf Christ in Gal ilee. "

Hen ry W


E need Truth’s tender lessons taughtAs only weakness can

God hath His small interpretersThe child must teach the man .

2 . We wander wide through evi l years,Our eyes of fai th grow dim

The child is freshest from His handsAnd nearest unto Him

Of such the kingdom l— Teach Thou u s ,

0 Master, most divine,To feel the deep s ig n ificance

Of these wise words of Thine l

The haughty eye shal l seek in vainWhat innocence beholdsNo cunning finds the key of heaven


No strengt h its gates unfold.

Alone to gu i l elessness and loveThat gate shal l Open fall

The m i nd of pride i s nothingness'


The childlike heart i s al l .

Tbe M iracle of Love.

DEAR Friend 1 whose presence inWhose grac ious word benign


Could once,at Cana’s wedding - feas t


Change water i nto wine,

2 . Come,vis i t u s

,an d when dull work

Grows weary,l ine on l ine


Revive our souls,and make u s see

Life’s water glow as wine.

104 HYMN S or

5. Dead to the world ,wexdream nomore 0Of earthlypl eas u r

es now_; 1 ,


Our deep,divine

,un fai l i ng spring

Of grace and glory Thou .


ng Pam} ; ‘ I'

a l l 1

Loan,1 was blind : I Eoulanot see

I n Thy marred visageany graceBut now the beau ty of Thy face vi

I n radiant vi sion dawns on me.

2 . Lord,I was deaf I could not hear

The thri ll ing mu sic of Thy voi ce ;Bu t now I hear Thee and rejoice


And al l Thy uttered words are dear.Lord

,I was dumb : I cou ld not speak

The graceand glory of Thy namea}

But now,as touched withl iving flame,

My lips Thineeager prai ses wake.

4. Lord , I was dead : I e ou l d not sti rMy l ifeless soul


to come to'

Thee 5.

Bu t now,since Thou hast qiiickened me,


I rise from s in’s dark sepu lchrl



5. Lord,Thou hast made the

“bl in d; to see,The deaf to hear

,the dumb to speak


The dead to l ive i and lo, I breakThe Chains of my captivity. W


. T. Matron .

W HEN the dark waves round u s roll,A nd we look in v‘ain '

for aid,

Speak, Lord , to the trembling sbu l ,[ t is I ; be notwf razdl”





I n mysterious clouds arrayed,Be theecho of the storm,

I i isJ

be notaf m z’



3. When our brightest hopes depart ,When our fairest visions fade


Whisper to the fainting heart,I t is

I ; be n o{ af raid.

4. When with wearing hopel es s painSinks the spiri t sore dismayed

, V

Breathe Thou then the comfort - strain ,[ t is 1 ; be not af raid.

5. When we feel the end is nearlyPassing into death’s dark shade ,

May the voice be strong and clear.f t is I ; be not gf raz



n /z z‘,L if e, and IVay .

THOU great Friend to al l the sons of men,

,Who once appeared in humbles t g e below,

Sin to rebu kez tobreak the captive

’sAnd call Thy brethren forth from want and woe

2 . We look to Thee Thy truth i s still the lightWhich guides the nations , groping on thei r way,Stumbling and fall ing in disastrous night


Yet hoping ever fer the perfect day.

3. Yes ! Thou art still theLife; Thou art'

the WayThe holiest know: Light, 'Life


‘Way of heavenAnd they who dearest hope

,and deepes t pray


Toil by the Light,Life


’Way, whichThou hast given.

10 6 HYMN S or

O FA I REST - BORN of Love and L ight,Yet bending brow and eye sei’zere"

Ou al l which pai n s the holyxs ig ht ;

Or wounds the pure and perfect ear,2 . Beneath Thy broad

,impartial ey



Howfade the l ines of caste and birthHowequal in the l r su ff erings l ieThe groaning multi tudes of earth .

I n holy words which cannot d ie,

I n thoughts which angels longed to lt now,

Chri st gave Thy message from on high,

Thy m i ss ion to aworld of woe.

That voice’s echo hath not diedFrom the b lue lake of Gali lee


From Tabor’s lonely mountai n - s ide,

I t calls a struggling world to Thee .

l z'

g /zt of ibe Worl d.

L I GHT of the World,we hai l Thee

Flushing the eastern skiesNever shal l darkness vei l TheeAgain from human eyesToo long




Nowspread from shore to shore,

Thy light,so glad and golden


Shall set on earth no more.

2 . Light of the World Thy beautyS teal s into every heart ,

And g lorifies with’

du ty 1

Life’s poorest,humblest part

qHYMN S OF5 . 7

COME unto Me 1” So spake’ the Lowly One,

Yearning in love o’e’r soul s wi th'

- care op

pressedWeary and sad

, _he

re lay your burden downCome unto Me, and will give you rest.”

2 . Come unto Me 1” still speaks'

the Voice'

of God ,Pleading in souls which wanderal l hnb l es tSeek ye the bath myWell - Bel oved trodCome unto Me

,and I will g ive '


ies t

3. Come unto Me , al l ye whose'

heartsGaining the world

,yet fevereclwiIh the quest

Take n'


the yoke My Well - Beloved bore50 shal l ye ‘

find the secret of His rest.”

l ere Abz'


es f 27 s

MASTER,where abides t

?Thou ?Lamb of God




Theewe seek ;For the wants which press u s now

- Other aid i s al l too weak : I’

Canst Thou take ours ins away ?Maywefind repose in (l

hee R:From the gracious lips to - day

As of old , breathes, Come and see .

2 . Master, whereabides t ThOu PWe would leave the past behindWe would scale the moun tai n’s brow;Learning more Thy heavenly mind.

S t il lfi

a look is al l our lore ,The transform ing look


toTheeFrom the living Tru th oncemore wBreathes the answer, Come and see.



3. Master, where abides t Thou .7’

adA l l the sprmg s of life are low

Sin and grief our spirits bow,And we wai t Thy

’ cal l to .g o.

From the heights of heavenly rest,Where the just abi ‘de with Thee,f rom the voice which makes them blest,Comes the summons

,Come and see.

Cbarles .

JONGag o the l il ies fadedWhich to Jesus seemed so fai r


Bu t the'

love t hat bade them blossomStil l is working everywhere.

2 . On the moors, and m the valleys,n the streams we love so well,There 15 g reater glory bloom ingThan the ton gue of man can tell .

3. Long ag o 1n sacred si lenceDied the accents of His prayerStill the souls that seek the FatherFind His presence everywhere.

Clambemu ltitude adoring,I n the chamber sad and lone,

m ums 2'

1‘H 6 l 8

there to help and comfort,A s they pray


“ Thy will be done I

5. Let u s seek Him,sti ll bel ieving

He that worketh round u s yet ,

Clothing Lil ies in theWill His s

children ne’er forget .1 1 ,

1 v l/V . G. Tarran t .


T/ze D ivineHealer.

01114. D.

T H INE arm , 0 Lord , in days of old,Was strong to heal and save

I t triumphed o’er disease and death ,O’er darkness and the grave.To Thee they went, the bl ind, the dumb,The pals ied and the lame,The leper with his tainted life


The s ick with fevered frame.

2 . And 10 Thy touch brought l ife and heal th;Gave speech

,and strength

,and sight

And youth renewed and frenzy calmed

‘Owned Thee, the Lord of l ight ;And now

, 0 Lord, be near to bless,A lmighty as of yore,

I n crowded street,by restless couch


As by Gen nesaret ’s shore.

Be Thou our great Del iverer sti ll,

Thou Lord of l ife and deathRestore and quicken , soothe and bl ess,With Thine Alm ighty b’re’athTo hands that work, and eyes that see,Give wisdom’

s heavenly lore,

That whole and si ck'

, and weak and strong ,May prai se Thee evermore.


H OSANNA unto David’s Son 1

The Hebrew children cry ;Hosanna to the lowly One !The Gentile youth reply.


0 happy soul of fai th divineThy victory how311m !

The love that ki ndles joy i s thine,

The patience to endure.

Come,Lord of peace ou r griefs dispel,

And wipe our t ears away’Tis Thine

,to order al l thi ngs wel l


And ours to bless Thy sway.

Peace be S1171.

LORD, in whose m ight the saviour trodThe dark and stormy wave

And tm s ted in His Father’s arm,

Omnipotent to saveI

2 . When darkly round our footsteps ri seThe floods and storms of l ife,Send Thou Thy Spirit down to sti llThe elemental strife.

Strong in our tru s t , ,on


Thee reposed ,The ocean path we’ll dare,Though waves aroun d u s rage and foam ,

S ince Thou art with u s there.S . G. B u lfineb .

Fel lowMe. 8 . 3.

ART thou weary,art i thou langu id,

Art thou sored istrest ?

Come to Me,

”saith (Dnepi‘and: com ing i

Be at rest -1T

FA ITH, AND LIFE.2 . Hath He marks to lead me to Him”(1 1

I f He be my Guide? r u n! 9?

In H is feet and hands arewou nd~print s ,

Hath He diadem as monarchThat His browadornsYea, acrown inwery surety,

Bu t

I t I find Him,if l fol low,

What His guerdon here ?Many asorrow

,many a labour


5. I f I stil l hold closely to‘


What hathH e at las t ? l

Sorrowvanqui shed, labour ended,Jordan pas t": °


I f I ask Him to receive me,Will He say me nay?

Not till earth and not til l heaven .

Pas s away 1”

Finding,following, keeping, s truggling,

I s He sure to bless ?Saints






Size Lewd M u ck.

AS Mary knelt and dropped her t earsSo, gracious Lord, would we ;

And pour the ointment of our hearts,

Our choicest love on Thee.H


1 14 HYMN S OF 3

2 . Oh the sweet joys of peni tence H I I: L

We trust Thee and adore S l alWe wonder at Thy gracious word


Arise and s in'

no more.

Thou dost forget ou r s infu l pa’stThou takest off the stain

Bathed in the ocean '

of Th'

ylove, ‘

OUr souls are pure again.

We come with sad‘

con fes sing'

lips ,For Thy forgivi ng touch

And Thou dos t'

t hril l u swith thewordsThat we have loved Thee much .

We rai se our tearfhl eyes toThee E' 1 I

And meet Thy sm iled1vme ‘ 1 WV

Where shal l we look,0 pityihg Christ,

For tendern essl

l ike Thine ?

6 . We hide our souls m Th‘ee,O Lord


I n Thee we seek Ou r rest Z,

Oh raise u s from Thy sacred feet 1"

To lean upon Thy breast.

x l

I o'be’s Ufieriflgf . “

3 ta ‘ 1 a

ASTER,no offering

,costly and sweet


“ Maywe, l ike her of ol d, 1ay at Thy feet ;Yet may love

’5 i ncense ri se, sweeter than sacri

ifibfi,Dear‘ Lord“

, to Thee.

2 . Dai ly ou r l ives would showweakness‘ma e strong,Toilsome and i

g l eorny ways brightened wi th song ;Some deeds of tkindnes s done, some sou l s fby patience won

,3 3" u



Dear Lord , to‘Thee.

1 16 HYMN S 0 11 1 .

1 u g

Tbe Transfig u gal zm . . ros. 6 ,11n,es.


,s tay upon this heayenly hill

A l ittle longer,let u s l ing er sti ll

With al l the m ighty ones of old besi [ e,

Near to theAwf ul Presence sti ll abideBefore the throne of l ight we t rembling stand


And catch a'

g l impse into the spirit - land.

2 . Stay, Master, stay we breathe apurer a1rThis


l ife i s not the l ife that wai ts u s thereThoughts, feel ings , flashes , gl impses come and g ogWe cannot speak them— nay, we do not knowWrapt i n thi s cl ou'


of light weseemtobe" f", “ I

The th ing we fai n would g row— eternally.’

‘3 a

3. No 1” sai th the Lord, the hour i s pas t, -we g o

Our home,our l ife

,our duties lie be low.

While here we _kneel upon the mount of prayer,The plough l ieswai ting in the furrow. there iu g

Here we sought God that we m ight knOW jHis wi llTherewemust do it , —serve Him,

- seek Him st ill.

on' ‘

t/zeMou n t .

N OT always on the mount mayweRapt i n the

_heaven1y vis ion be

The shores of thought and feel ing knowThe Spiri t’s tidal ebb and flow.

2 . Lord,i t i s good abiding here

We cry, the heaven lyqpresence nearThe vis ion vanishes

, Ou r eyesn

Are l ifted into Vacant skies.


3. Yet hath one such exalted hour 1

Upon the soul redeem ing power,

And in its streng t h through after daysWe travel our appointed ways

4. Till al l the lowly vale grows brightTransfig ured in remembered light,And in unti ring souls we bearThe freshness of the upper air.

The mount for vision,— but below

The paths of daily duty g o,And nobler l ife therein shall ownThe pattern on the mountain shown .

E L.

[ t is Gbozz’

M be f l ere. L .M .

LORD , i t i s good for u s to beHigh on the mountain here with Thee,

Where stand revealed to mortal gazeThe great old saints of other days,Who 'once rece ived , on Horeb

’s height


The eternal laws of truth and right,

Or caught the still small whisper, hig her’

Them storm,than earthquake

,or than fire;

Lord,i t is good for u s to be

With Thee; ahd with Thy fai thful Three, :Here, where the Apostle’s heart of rockI s nerved against temptation

’s shockHere

,where the Son of Thunder l earns

The thought that breathes , the word that bu rnsHere, where ou


eagle’s wings we move '

With him whose last, best creed i s Love.

D .


3. Lord,i t i s good for u s t o be

Entranced, enwrapt, alone wi th Thee,’


Watching the glistening raiment glowWhiter than Hermon ’

swhit est snow," t

The human lineaments that shineI rradiant with a l ight divineTill we too change from


grace to g race,Gazing on that tran sfig u red face .

4. Lord,it i s good for u s to be

Here on the Holy Mount with TheeWhen darkling in the depths of night,When dazzled with ex cess of l ig ht ,We bowbefore the heavenly VoiceThat bids bewildered souls rejoiceThough love wax cold and faith he dim,

This is My Son O hear ye Him 1”

A . P.

B efbany .

N 0 man hath seen Thee,Lord of l ig hg i

Who art around and i n u s al l ;But Jesus from Thy bosom brightCame forth to free our souls from thrall.

2 . O Saviour,l i sten to the song.

Which from ou n g laddened l ives .ascen_

d§ i

And l ift u s by Thy spi ri t strongAbove the taint of earthly ends.

3. Thy love fell warm on Mary’s heart,

While she sat musing at ~Thy feetThough Marthachose thelower part


Her serv ice s till to Thee was 'sweet.


Tbe Hou se of many -Mafl s z'

ons .

O WHEN did lips such grace declare ?The Father’s house hath room !

Yes,many are the mansions fai r ;

Thy people al l may come. 32 . The heat fen ly,

glory may not partThy lovers


,from Thee

O Saviour sweet, where’er Thou artThere al l Thine own shal l be.

3. Thou bringest home Thy shining onesI n Thine own light to shine

Thou settest high on glorious thronesThese hidden


ones of Thine.

4. Room for Thy weakli ngs Thou dos t makeAmong Thy men of m ightThose fadeless palms Thy marty


rs take,

And wear that raiment white.

5. For each Thou hast aportion meetOn al l doth wait Thy love

Thy brethren dear make yet more sweetThe Father’s house above.

6 . O i n the Father’s“house divine

Find room,dear Lordh for me,

And grant thi s long i ng soul of m ineAn endless hemewi th Thee.

359mm on the fias sirmanh?eath of g rams .

156 . Tbe i onel z'

hess of jesu s.

1 . O ’ER the dark wave of Gal i leeThe

"g l


oom of twi l ight gathers fast


And on the waters drearily L.

Descends the fit fu l evening blast.

2. The weary b‘i rd hath left the air,And sunk into his sheltered nest ;The wandering beast has sought his lai r,"

And laid him down to welcome rest.

3. Sti ll,near the lake, wi th weary tread,

Lingers aform of human kind,

And on His lone , unsheltered head,Blows the chill n ight - damp of the wind .

4. Why seeks He not ahome of rest ?Why seeks He not apillowed bed ?Beasts have thei r dens

,the bird its nest


He hath not where to layH is head.

5 Such was the lot Héfreely chose,To bless

,to save the human race

And through His poverty there flowsA rich

,ful l s tream of heavenl y grace.

I Yze Lord of C/zarz'

ty .


who on that wondrous journeySet t

’s t Thy face to die,

By Thy holy, meek exampleTeach u s Charity

Thou,who that dread cup of angui sh

D id’st not put from Thee0 most Loving of the loving,Give u s Charity 1

12 2'



3. Thou who reignes t, brig ht in glory,“On God’s throne on high,

0 ,that we may share Thy triumph ,Grant u s Chari ty 1

Send u s Fai th,that tru sts Thyprom i se

Hope ,‘with upward eye h ‘ 1“ 1“

Bu t more blest than both , arhdl g reater,'


Send u s Charity


DESCE ND to Thy Jeru sal em, O LordHer faithfu l chi ldren cry with one accord ;

Come,ride in triumph ou ; behold , we lay

Our gu ilty lusts and proud wills l n Thy way.

2 . Thy road is ready, Lord ; Thy path sC


straight,I n longing ex pectation seem to waitThe consecrat ion of Thy beauteousfeet


And hark, hosannas loud, Thy footsteps greet.

1 12

Welcome , 0 welcome to our hearts, Lord , hereThou hast a temple too

,and full as clear

As that in Zion , and as full of s inHowlong shal l thieves and robbers dwell thereiii



Enter and chase them forth,and cleanse t floor

Destroy thei1 streng t h that they may neve m oreProfane with t raffic vile that holy place .

Which Thou hast chosen,there to set Thy face.

And then , if ou r stiff tongues shall s ilent beI n prai ses of Thy fi ni shed victory,The temple stones shal l cry, and loud repeatHosanna and Thy gracious footsteps greet.

1 24 HYMN S O'

F !

4. Ride on I ride on in majesty lThe last and fierces t strife i s nigh


Bow Thy meek head to mortal painThen take, 0 Christ, Thy power and reig n

11 . I f . M ilmcm.

HEN the paschal evening fellDeep on Kedron’s hallowed dell,

When around the festal boardSate the apostles with their Lord


Then His parting word H'



Blessed the cup and broke the breadThis whene’er ye do or see,Evermore remember Me.”

2 . Years have passed in every cl ime,Changing with the changing time,Varying through athousand forms


Torn by factions,rocked by storms


Sti l l the sacred table spread,Flowing cup and broken bread,With

that parting word agree,Drink and eat remember Me.”

3. When by treason , doubt, unrest,S inks the soul



res sed ;n

When the shadows of the tombClose u s round with deepening gloomThen bethink u s at that boardOi the sorrowing, s u fl


ering Lord,Who

,when tried and grieved as we,


Dying,said , Remember Me'.


4 ,When in this thanksgiving feastWe would give to God our best,Fmm the treasures of His m ightSeeking life and love and light ;

“ Then, 0 Friend of human kind,Make u s true and firm of

m ind,Pure of heart

,in spirit free ;

Thus may we remember Thee. -IS tan ley.

Tbe l as t‘ Supper . l

THI S 15 My body,which 15 given for you

Do thi s,He said, and brake, remembering

M8 0



0 Lamb of God,our Paschal ofi’eri'n g tru e,

To u s the Bread of Life each n1'omen t .be.

2 . This i s My blood,for sins’ rem i ssion shed,”

He spake, andpas sed the cup of bl essing round8 0 let u s drink, and, on life

’s fulness fed;With heavenl y joy each quickening pulse shal l


3. The hour is come with u s m ’

peaee sit downThine own Beloved, 0 l ove 115 to the endServe u s one banquet ere '

the night’s '

dark frownVei l from our sight the presen ce of our Friend .

4. Girded with grace, still wash Thy servants’ feet,

While they,subm iss ive

,wonder an d adore

Bathed in Thy love,our spirits every whit

Are clean— yet cleanse our goings more andmore.

5. Some will betray Thee Mas ter, is i t I .

Leaning upon Thy arm,we ask 1n fear —4

Ourselves m i strusting,earnestly we cry

To Thee,the Strong

,for strength when s in i s near.

126 HYMNS 015

6 . But round u s fal l theevening'

shadows'idirnA saddened

awe pervades our darkeniiig sen se ;I n solemn choir we s ing the partinghfrrhn,And hear Thy voice Ar i se, l et u s g ohence.

Tbe Eu e/iarz's t .

1 T. HE Son of God gave thanksBefore the bread He broke

Howhigh that calm deeot ion ranksAmong the words He spoke 11

2L Thanks,’mid

those troubled men ; 1Thanks

,i n that d ismal ho

'urHis bitter foes


advancin g'

then ' 1 1 1

I n ‘al l the ir rageand powerl'

1 0 1

Thanks,o’er that l oat’hdread sig


Tha'nks; o’er that bi tter food 5

And o’f er. the cup


,that was ‘

n ot wine"


Bu t 'sorrow,fear, and blood .

( I

4. And shal l our griefs resentWhat God appoints as bes t ,

‘When ‘He, in al l th i ngs i nnocent,“

Was yet in al l dis tressed ? 1 1

5. Shal l‘


uhthankl u l b e". ' I '

For al l o'ur blessi ngs round ,

When in that stress of agon ySuch roomfor thanks He fdiind

6 . Oh,shame u s , Lord, - wliaté’er

I The fortunes of 0 11r daysP “ N O

I f,su ffering , we are weak tOJ


bear, - tl l i i l ~

I f ,‘ favou ted , ls lowto



! 1

128 HYMNS OFWe find i t hard within our heart sThe watch of l ife to keep.

2 . O Thod,who in the garden’s shade

D idst wake Thy weary ones again,When , slumbering at that fearfu l hour,They al l forgot Thy pain


Bend o’er 115, Lord , as over them,


And set our sleep - bound spi rits free,That we be faithfu l through the watch


Ou r souls’

shall keep with Theef . G. W itt?”and

Gel /zsema'

ne. 8 .

ATHER ,who in the ol ive shade,

When the dark hour cain e ou ,D idst,with abreath of heavenly aid,Streng then Thy son ,

2 . O,in the angui sh of our night,Send u s down blest relief

And, to the chastened , let Thy m igh'

tHal low the grief 1'

And Thou , that , when' the Starry ék’y

Saw the dread'

s t fife beg un ,D idst teach adoring fai th to‘


Thy will be done l— i

ByThy meek Spiri t, Thou, of al lThat e’er have mou rned the c'hief


Our Saviour,when the stroke doth fal l,

Hallow our grief l'

Fel zbzh’D . Hemam .


Gel /zsemane and Cal zwy ;

WHERE shall we learn to die .

Go, g aze with st eadfas t eyeOh dark Gethserhane



Or darker CalvaryWhere

,through each linger

ing hodr,

The Lord of grace and power,

Most lowly and most high,

Has taught the Christian how to die.

2 . When in the olive shade,His lon g


las t prayer He prayedWhen on the


Cross to heavenHis parting Spiri t given


He showed that to ful filThe Father’s gracious 'will


Not asking how or why,’

Alone prepares the sou l rto die.

3. N 0 Word of ang i'y stri fe,No an x iou s cry fox: l ifeBy scoff and torture tornHe Speaks not scorn for s corn ;Calmly fot g ivin g thoseWho deern themselves His foes


I n silent majestyHe points the way at peace to die

4. Delighting to the lastI n memories of the pastGlad at the part ing mealI n lowly tasks to kneel

HYMNS OFS till yearning to the endFor mother and for friendHis great hum i l ityLoves in such acts of love to die.

0 by those weary hoursOf slowly ebbing powers ,By those deep lessons heardIn each ex pi ri ng wordBy that unfail ing loveLifting the soul above


When our last end is n igh,

So teach u s , Lord, with Thee to die.

SaveMef rom 2711'

s Hou r.

SUFFER ING Friend of human kind !How

,as the fatal hour drew near


Came thronging 0 11 Thy holy m indThe images of grief and fear

2 . Gethsemane’s sad m idnight scene,The faithless friends , the ex ulting foes ,The thorny crown

,the insult keen


The s courge, the Cross, before Thee rose.

3. Did not Thy Spiri t shrink dismayed,

As the dark vis ion o’er i t cameAnd though in s inless strength arrayed ,Turn shuddering from the death of shame ?

Onward,l ike Thee

,through scorn and dread


May we our Fathe1’s call obey,Steadfast Thy path of duty tread


And rise through death to endless day !0 D o l ’£ u p l

13? .HYMNS OF '

2 . With its ‘wit ching pleasu resWould this vain world charm,

Or i ts sordid treas'

ures ‘ I

Spread to work“

me harmBring to my


remembranceSad Gethsemane,

Or in darker semblan ceC ross - crowned Calvary. I 4

When in dust and ashesTo the grave I s ink


While heaven’s glory flashes.O

er the shelving brinkCmThy t ruth relyingThrough that in ortal strife,

Lord, receive n1 e dyingTo Eternal Life.

f . Mon tg omery .

Tru e D iscipl es. 9.8 .9.8 .

S ON of the living God oh,cal l u s

Once and agai n to follow TheeAnd give as st rength

,whate’er befall u s ,

Thvt rue di sciples sti l l to be.

2 . And if our coward heart s deny Thee,I n inmost thought, or deed, or word,Let not ou r hardness sti ll defy Thee,Bu t with a look subdue u s , Lord .Oh

,strengthen Thou


our weak endeavou rThee in Thy sheep toserve and tendTo give ourselves to Thee forever


And find Thee with u s to the end .

H . A . Mart in .


FOLLOW to CalvaryTread where He trod

He who for ever wasSon of God.

2 .You who would love Him , stand,Gaze at His face ;

Tarryawhileon yourEarthly race.

3. As the swift moments il y'Through the blest week,Read the great story the

Cross will teach.

4. I s there no beauty toYou who pass by,

In that l one fig u re whichMarks that sky ?


5. Oh"

! I will foll ow Thee,S tar of my soul ,Tbrough the deep shades of l ife,

To‘ the g oal .“Yes

,let Thy cross be borne

Each day by meMind not '

howheavy, ifBu t with Thee.

if Thou only wiltMake in e Thine own,Give no


companion , saveThee alone.


8. Grant through each day of l ife,To stand by Thee

With Thee,when morning breaks


Ever to be 1

Tlze B eau ty of tbe Lord.

H OW beauteous were the marks divineThat in Thy meekness used to sh ine

That l i t Thy lonely pathway,trod

In wondrous love, 0 Lamb of God.

2 . O who like Thee , so calm,so bright ,

So pure, so made to l ive in l ight0 ! who like Thee did ever g oSo patient through aworld ofwoe l

3. O who l ike Thee,so humbly bore

The scorn,the scoffs ofmen before I

So meek, forgiving, god - like, high,So glorious in hum i l i ty.

4. And death, that sets the prisoner free,Was pang

,and scoff

,and scorn to Thee

Yet love through al l Tby tortu re glowedAnd mercy with Thy life- blood flowed.

A . C.

L .M .

S EVEN times He spake,seven words of love

And al l three hours His s i l ence criedFor mercy on the souls of men

Jesu s,our Lord



cru cified.


THRONED U pon the awful tree,

King of grief l I watchwith TheeDarkness veils Thine anguished face


Non e i ts l ines ofawe can trace ,None can tell what pangs unknownHold Thee s ilent and alone.

2 . S ilent through these three dread hours,

Wrestl ing with the evil powers,

Left alone with human s in ,Gloom around Thee and within


Ti l l the appom ted t ime is nigh,Til l the Son


of God may die.

Lord,should fear and angu i sh rol l

Darkly o’ermy s inful sou l ,Thou

,who once wast thus bereft

That Thine own m ight ne’er be leftTeach meby Thy bi tter cryI n the gloom to knowThee nigh .

Smbat Mater.

F OES were wrou ght to cru el madnessFriends had fled in fear and sadnessMary stood the Cross beside

2 . A t i ts foot her foot she planted ,By the dreadfu l scerie undaunted ,

Ti ll the gentle sufferer died.

Poets oft have sung.

her story,Painters decked her brow with glory,

Pri ests her name have deified


4. But’

u o worship, song, or glory ,Touches like that simple storyMary stood the Cross beside.

And when under fierce oppressionGoodness suffers like transgression,Christ agai n is cru cified

6 . Bu t if love be there,true - hearted,

By no grief or terror parted,

Mary stands the Cros s beside.

Perfia‘t/zmug }: S uf m

ng .

I T i s finished 1” Man of sorrows,

From Thy Cross our frai lty borrowsStrength to bear and conquer thus:

2 . While ex tended there we view Thee;Mighty Su fi


erer,draw u s to Thee


Sufferer victorious .

3. Not in vain for u s uplifted,Man of sorrows

,wonder - gifted


May that sacred emblem be

4. Lifted high amid the ages,Guide of heroes, saints , and sages,

May it guide u s sti ll to Thee

5. Still to Thee; whose love unboundedSorrow’s depths for u s has sounded,Perfected by conflict s sore.

6 . Honoured be Thy Cross for ever,

Star,that points our high endeavourWhither Thou hast gone before.


DAY of loss and day of gain ,Day of peace and day of pain ,

We would think of Thee again I

2 . Then did death , which struck so high ,Doom jt s very sel f to dieI n the hour of victory ;

3. Chri st, on the accursed treeBound to set the sinner free


Triumphed in His agony.

4. Wonder of al l wonders knownChrist upon the Cross aloneMade thewhole world’s s ins His own I

5. Day of loss and day of gai n,Day of peace and day of pain ,We would think of Thee again

f . S . B .

me Crown of T/wm s . D .

SACRED Head , now wounded ,With grief and shame weighed down


So scornfully surrounded,With thorns Thine only crown


Howart Thou pale with anguish,With sore abu se and scorn

Howdo those features languis hWhich once were fai r as morn

2 . What language shall I borrowTo thank Thee

,dearest Friend,

For thi s Thy dying sorrow,

This love that knew no end I

1 4° .HYMNS OF

HE crown , the palmof saints in Paradise,Our striving spirits do not crave to win .

Breathe— in Thy cup, 0 Chris t, of agon iesBreathe Thy deep love

,and let u s drink therein .

2 . To weep as Thou hast wept; we ask no more,Be ours the sorrows thatwere known to Thee ;To the bright heavens we have no strength to soar,But we would find Thee on Thy Calvary.

l ove and Sorrow. L.M .

WHEN I survey the wondrous CrossOn which the Prince of Glory died


My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on al l my pride.I

See,from His head, His hands, His feet,

Sorrow and love flowm ingled downDid e’er such love and sorrow meet,Or thorns compose so rich a crown }

Were the whole realm of nature m ine,

That were an '


ering far too smallLove so amaz ing , so d ivi ne ,Demands my sou l, my lif e, myal l.

Ou r Calvary . I 1

CD draws a cloud over each gleam ing mornWould we ask why ?

I t i s because al l noblest things are borna ~

Ifi ag ony.


2 .Only upon some cross of pain or woe

God’s sons may l ieEach soul redeemed from sense and s inm ust know

I t s Calvary.1

3. He never sends ajoy not meant in love,S t ill les s apain g I

Oiir gratitude the sunl ight fal ls to moveOur fai th the rain .

4. I n"His hands we are safe . We i’

al ter on


Throug h storm and m ire'

Above, beside, around u s , there is One‘

Will never tire.

5. What though we fall , and bru ised and wounded lie,Our lips in dust ?

God’s arm shall li ft u s up t o victoryI n Him we tru st.

6 . For neither life, nor death, nor thing s below, 1Nor things above


Shal l ever sever u s , that we should g oFrom His great love.

Frances P.

T/ze Cross .

S IGN of aglorious life afar,

The holy Cross with joy we take,

Sign of apeace strife could not mar,

Sign of afai th death cou ldu

not shake.2 . I t tells how Truth once cru cified,

N ow throned in majesty doth reignHowLove i s blessed and g lorified,That once on earth was mocked and slain .


3. U p, children of the Cross 1 and dareFollow where Jesus goes before

Be strong to take, be strong to bear,For love and right the Cross He bore.

Tfie Las t Renwza'


on . 1 1 1 0 .

ND now, beloved Lord , Thy soul resigningI nto Thy Fathef s arms wi th conscious will,

Calmly,with reverend grace

,Thy head inclin ing


The throbbing brow and labouring breast are sti ll.

2 . Freel y Thy l ife Thou yieldes t , meekly bendingE

’en to the las t beneath our sorrows’ load


Yet strong in death,i n perfect peace commending

Thy spirit to Thy Father and Thy God.

3. Dear Saviour, in m ine hour of mortal anguish ,When earth grows dim

,and round me falls the


Oh breathe Thy peace,as flesh and spiri t langu ishA t that dread eventide let there be light.

Sireng tfi f rom t/ze Cross .

T O the Cross, 0 Lord, we bearA l l the spi rit’s darker care

By the sense of s in'

oppres sed,

At the Cross we seek our rest.2 . There the way of peace appears,Calm and bright ’mid strife and tearsThere the spiri t’s rest we see


Found alone,0 God

,in Thee.


DESP I SED 15 the man of g rief ,"

Reject ed and denied bel ief,

By them whose sorrows He hath worn,

For whom He bears the bitter scorn ,

The shameful robe,the scourge



thom .

2 . .We al l l ike sheep have gone as t i’ay;And turned as ide from wisdom’s wayBut He the pat h of death hath trod ,And humbly kis sed affiict ion ’

s rod,

To lead our s tri cken soul s to God.

3. 0 let u s cast eachviceaway,Beneath theCros s eachpas sibn


lay ;

With contrite heart an d weeping eyeBehold the Saviour l ifted high,And every s in and fol l y fly.

Tize Lessons of fil e Cross .

N EVER further than ThyCrossNever higher than Thy feetHere earth’s precious th ings seem drossHere earth’s bi tter thing s grow sweet.

2 . Gazi ng thus , our sin we see,Learn Thy love while gazing thus

S in,which laid the Cross on Thee


Love,which bore the Cross for u s .

3 Here we learn to serve and give,And


,self deny

Here we gather love'

to l ive,Here we gather fai th to d ie.

FAITH AND LIFE .4. Symbols of our liberty

And our service here unite ;Captives by Thy Cross set free


Soldiers of Thy Cross,we fig ht .

Pressing onwards as we can,

Still to this our hearts must tendWhere our earl iest hope s began


There our last aspirin g s end .

191. Tfie Cross ou r Syméol .

I . I N the Cross of Christ I glory :Towering o’er the wrecks of time,

Al l the light of sacred storyGathers round its head sublime.

2 . When the woes of life o’ertake me,Hopes deceive,


and fears annoy,

Never shall the Cross forsake me

Lo it glows with peace and joy.

3. When the su n of bliss is beamingLight and love upon mywayFrom the Cross the radiance stream ingAdds more lustre to the day.

4. Bane and b less ing, pain and pleasure,By the Cross are sanc tified

Peace i s there , that knows no measure,Joys

,that through al l time abide .


I n the Cross of Christ I gloryTowering o’er the wrecks of time,

Al l'

the light of sacred st oryGathers round its head sublime.



L .M .

WHEREV ER through the ages ri seThe altars of self- sacrifice


Where love its arms hath open ed wide,

Or man for man has calmly died,2 . We see the same white wings outspread ,That hovered o’er the Master’s headAnd in al l lands beneath the s u nThe heart affirmeth

,Love i s one.

U p from undated time they come,The martyr - souls of heathendom


And to His Cross and pass ion bringTheir fellowship of su ffering.

4. And the great marvel of their deathTo the one order witnesseth


Each,in his measure

,but apart

Of God’s'

unmeas ured loving heart .

T/7e D ivine Sympat/zy.

0 LOVE D ivine,that s toops t to share

Our sharpest pang, our bitterest tear,On Thee we cast each earth - born careWe sm i le at pai n while Thou art near !

Though long the weary way we tread,And sorrow crown each l ingering year ;No path we shun

,no darkn ess dread


Our hearts sti ll whispering,Thou art near !

3. When drooping pleasu re turns to grief,

And trembling faith is changed to fearThe murmuring win d, the qu ivering leaf,Shall softly tel l u s

,Thou art near


4 And when death’s darkness dims our eyes,

From out the gloom our souls?shall ri seIn deathless glory to the skies.


Then let u s raise the glorious strain,

Love’s triumph over s in and pain,

Fai th’s v ictory over terror’s reign ;

Hallelujah 1Hal l elujah ! Hal lelujah ! Amen .

A . C. f ewit t .

Eas ier Morn .

N eyes that watch through sorrow’s night,

0 11 aching hearts and worn,

Rise thou with heal ing in thy light,

0 happy Easter morn2 . The dead earth wakes beneath thy rays,

The tender grasses springThe woods put on their robes ofprai s e,And flowers are blossom ing.

3. O shine within the Spirit’s skies,Till in thy kindling glow,From ou t the buried memoriesImmort

al hopes shall grow

4. Till from the seed oft sown in grief ,And wet with bitter tears ,Our fai th shal l bind the harvest sheafOf the eternal years.

E L . Hosmer


A/ZeZu Zd .

JESUS CHRI ST is ri sen to - day,

Our triumphant holy day.

Lately on the Cross undone,

Now His victory is won .

2. Hymns of joy then let u s singAlleluia

U nto God, our heavenly King.Alleluia

Death is slai n s ince Chri st i s rai sed,Al leluia

God the Conqueror be prai sed.

Allelu ia1

We shal l follow where our Lord,

To the Father’s throne has soared

And above the heavens sing

Allelu ia to ou r King.

Tfie Day of Res u rrecl z'

on . D.

THE Day of ResurrectionEarth tell i t out abroad !

The Passover of gladness lThe Passover of God I

150 HYMNS. 0 11“

From Death to Life Eternal,From thi s world to the

Our ’Chri st hath biou ghtWith hymns ofvi ctory.

2 . Our hearts be pure from evi l,

That we may s ee arightThe Lord in rays eternalOf Resurrection - Light

An d,l istening to His accents


May hear so calm and plai n,

His own A l l kaz’l and heari ng,May rai se the victor strain

Now let the heavens be joyful ILet earth her song begi nLet the round world keep triumph ,And al l that i s therein

I nvis ible and visible,

Their notes let al l th ings blend,

For Chri st the Lord is risen,

Our Joy that hath no end.

N eale.

T/ze R st z'

val of [mmvrtal z'

éja 1 0 l ines 75.

LO ,the day of days i s here 1Earth puts on her robes of cheer

Day of hope and prophecy,Feast of immortal i tyFields are sm i l ing in the sun


Loosened streamlets seaward ru n,

Tender blade and leaf appear,’Tis the springtide of the yearDay of hope and prophecy,Feas t of immortal i ty

152 HYMNS or

When the heart fai ls,and close and fierce the strife,

Pour into u s our l ife that waits in Thee .

4. So shall we, while we tread the painful earth,Sing like the morning stars

,and Easter be

Ours every day, and travai l end in birth,And al l our dead g o forth to Gal ilee.

And,at the last, when death unties our clay,

Claim as Thine own the Life Thou g av’s t of oldWaken , and l ift i t to the nightless dayWhere Jesus meets u s by the heavenly fold.

S lapf ord’A B rooke.

Tile Ang el by t/ze T0 7716 . L .M . 6 l in es.

HE mourners come at break of dayUnto the garden - sepulchre ;

With darkened hearts toweep and prayFor Him

,the Loved One buried there

What radian t l ight d i spels the gloomAn ang’el s i ts beside the tomb.

2. The earth doth mou rn her treasu res lost,Al l sepulchred beneath the snow,When wintry winds and chill ing frostHave laid her summer glories lowThe Spring return s

,the flowerets bloom

An an gel s i ts be side the tomb.

3. Then mourn we not beloved dead,E

’en while we come to weep and pray

The happy spiri t far hath fledTo brighter realms of endless day :

Immortal hope dispel s the gloomAhangel s its bes ide the tomb.

S . F . Adams .



I‘ HOU who didst stoop belowTo drain the cup of woe,

And wear the form of frai l mortal i tyThy blessed labours done,Thy crown of victory won,

Hast passed from earth— passed to Thy home 0 11high .

2. I t was‘

nopath of flowersThrough this dark world of ou rs ,

Beloved of the Father, Thou didst treadAnd shal l we in dismayShrink from the narrow way,When clouds and darkness are around it spread P

3. Dear Master of our life,Be with u s through the strifeThy own meek head by rudest storms was bowedRaise Thou our eyes aboveTo see aFather’s love

Beam l ike abow of prom i se through the cl oud .

4. E’en through the awful gloomWhich hovers o’er the tombThat light of love our guiding star shal l beOur spirits shal l not dreadThe shadowy way to tread,Friend, B rother, Saviour, which doth lead to Thee.

Sara}; M il es.

203. C/m'

s t ou r l if e. L .M .

1 . CONQUEROR of Death Thy mighty voiceCalls from their graves the sleeping dead

154 rHYMNs om

I n that glad sound would I rejoice,

And l ift with theirs my fal len hea

2 . Life without love,I find, 15 death

Love i s not lovewhi ch loves riot TheeBoth love and l ife flow from Thy breath ,B reathe Thou both l ife and love in n


e .

3. Thy sacrifice upon the CrossHas shown the omnipotence of love

True l ife we gai n through Thy li fe’5 loss,

Through Thy descent we ri se above.

7 726 Walk to Emmazés .

WA S at this hour, upon theworld’s great day,Two men of sorrow went upon thei rway; ,

Of bitter death they made their bi tter moan ,And One drew nigh , and with them Walk

’d u n .

known .

2 . So draw Thou nigh to u s , dear and dread LordSo to earth’s mourners sacred hope afi



I f yet we know Thee not, reveal our need ,Showu s Thyself

,the dead Chri st

,risen indeed .


’Twas at thi s hour the Sacred Wayfarer,With strange, sweet yearn ing made their heart s tosti r ;

Then when He would goon as onecon s train’d

Of prayer, Abide with u s ; retu rn’

d,remai n’d.

4. So,Lord

,abide with u s , day i s far spent

Be Thou con s t rain ’d to this Thy clear intent

Hast Thou done'

al l, and shal l that al l be irain

Blest Wayfarer,reveal Thyself again .

156 HYMNS OFShould e’er Thy wonder- working g raceTriumph by our weak arm


Let not our sinfu l fancy traceAught human in the charm.

To our own nets ne’er bow we downLest on the eternal shore

The angels , while our draught they own ,Reject u s evermore

Or if , for our unworthiness,Toil


,and watching fai l


I n disappointment Thou canst bless,8 0 love at heart prevai l.


esu s ou r Leader.

0 happy band of pilgrims,

I f onward ye will treadWith Jesus as your FellowTo Jesus as your Head 1

0 ,happy if ye labourAs Jesus did for men

0,happy if ye snfier

A s Jesus s u fi’ered then 1

2 . The fai th by wh ich ye see Him,

The hope in whi ch ye'

yearn ,

The love that through al l troublesTo hear His voi ce will turn,What are they but His



To lead you t is sightWhat are they save the efflu enceO f uncreated


l ight P

FAITH AND LIFE.The trials that beset you ,The sorrows ye endure,The manifold temptationsThat death alone can cure,What are they but His jewelsOf right celestial worth

What are they but the ladderSet up to heaven on earth

S . josepfi of t/ze S tadiu m, tr. 1 . A1.

20 7 . Tbe sameyes terday , (0- day ,

and f or ever. L .N .

1 . WHERE high the heavenly temple stands,

The house ofGod not made wi th hands,A great High Priest our natu re wearsThe Saviou r ofmankind appears .

2 . Though now ascended up on high,He bends on earth aBrother’s eyePartaker of the human name


He knows the frailty of our frame.

3. Our Fel low- Su fierer yet retainsA fellow - feeling of our painsAnd still remembers , in the skies ,His tears, His agonies, and cries.

4. I n every pang that rends the heart ,The Man of Sorrows had apartHe sympath izes with our grief,And to the sufferer sends relief.

5. With boldness , therefore, at the throne,Let u s make al l ou r. s orrows known


And ask the aid of heavenly power,

To help u s in the evil hour.

1 758 HYMNS OF

S ufi n’

ng andjoy. C.M.

HE head that once was crown ed with thorns,I s crowned with glory now

A royal diadem adornsThe m ighty Vi ctor’s brow .

2 . The joy of al l who dwell above,The joy of al l belowTo whom He manifests His love,And grants His name to know

3. To them the Cross with al l i ts shame,With al l i ts grace, is givenThei r name an everlast ing name,Their joy the joy of heaven .

4. They su ffer with their Lord belowThey reign with Him aboveTheir profit and their joy, to knowThe mystery of His love.

5. The Cross He bore i s l ife and health ,Though shame and death to Him

His people’s hope,His people

’s weal th,Their everlasting theme.

T/ze Living Savz'


r. 1 e: 1

ND didst Thou love.the race that loved


Thee ?And didst Thou take to heaveri ahuman brow ?

Dost plead with man’s voice by the marvelloussea? 1

Art Thou his kinsman now ?

God . O kinsman loved,but not enough !

0 Man . with eyes majestic after death,

160 HYM N S OF

4. We have but fai th we cannot knowFor knowledge is of th ings we see


And yet we trust i t comes from Thee,A beam in darkness let it grow.

5. Let knowledge g row from more to more,Bu t more of reverence in u s dwel lThat m i nd and soul

, according well,May make one musi c as before,

6 . But vas ter we are fools and sl ight,We mock Thee when we do not fearBu t help Thy fool i sh ones to bear ;

Help Thy vai n world to bear Thy l ight.Afired

jesu s yet l ives .

E SU S has lived, and we would bringThe world’s glad thanks to - day,

And at His feet,while anthems ring,A grateful offering lay.

2 . Jesu s has died bu t His pure l ife,So perfect and divine,Remai ns to ca uer s in and strife,I n every ag e and cl ime.

3. Jesu s yet l ives above, below,Triumphant over death

And i n His name we face each foe,And win the fig ht of fai th .

4. Jesus yet lives and O maywe,Whi le in thi s valley dim,

So feel our glorious destinyThat we may l ive l ike Him.


. R.



OU hast gone u pagain,‘Thou who didst firs t come down

Thou hast gone up to reign,Gone upfrom cross to crown .

a l ( f


2 . Beyond the opening skyNo more Thy“


we see2, 3

Yet draw our souls on high,

That we may dwel l wi th Thee.

3. U p to those reg ions blestWhere fai th has fu l lest sway, 1

U p to Thine endless rest,U p to Thy cloudless day 5


4. U p to t hat glowing l ife,U p to that perfiect peace, 1

Unvexed by doubt or stri fe,Where care and conflict cease.

5. U p, up to where Thou art;Fou nt of unwasting Love


U p to that m ighty heart, 1


A l l i ts great powehto prove.

r 1 .

p. Not now iior 'd is tan t heaveni

Or future lifewebrayLord

,let Thy grace b



g iiren

To make naThine to - day. 1N


"Here , hold u s in Thy hand, 1AHere

,by Thy Spiri t g uide,

So shal l our -heart s'



0 I


s ti ll with,Thee abide“ 1 ;

16 2 '


A scension .

H E 15 gong ; acloud of lightHas received Him front our s ig ht

H igh in heaven where eye of men

Follows not,nor angels’ken :

Throughthe veil s of t ime and spacePassed into the hol iest placeAll the toil

,the sbrrowdohe ,

Al l the'

bat tl e'fou ghtand


2 . He .

is gone ; toward thei r g oal “world an d church must onward roll ;Far behindwe leave the past ,Forward are 0111 giances tas t z


Still His words before u s rahgeThrough the agesas they chang eWheresoe’er , the tru th shal l lead , 1 iHe will give whate’er we t needc 1

3. He i s gone but we oncemore" l

Shal l behold Him as before }I n the heaven of heavens the same;As on earth HeWen t and came .

I n the manyiman sioti’

s the re,'


Place for u s nfi e will prepareI n thatworldpnseen, ) u nknown ,

He and‘we ?Ptfiil yet be one.

Seekizig Tfizng s Abozm'

E fol low,Lbrd

,1vhére Thhlh dost lead


Andi q u ickened; would ascend to Thee,Redeemed froms inQ


s qt {f ree i ndeedI nto Thy glorious il iberty. g

2 . We cast behind fearf sih, an'



Thee we seek the things above


THY kingdom coin e— on heflded kneeThe passing ages pray

And fai thful souls have yearn ed “

to see

Ou earth t hat kingdom’s day.

~ b

2 . Bu t the slow watches of thé night"

Not less to God belon g,And for the everlasting RightThe s i lent stars are Strong.

And 10 already'

ou the hi llsThe flag s

of dawn appear ;Gird up yo


u r


loin s , ye prophet shuls,Proclaim the day i s near

Theday in whose clear - shin in'

g lightA l l wrong shal l stand reveal ed; { jf IWhenjustice shal l be

‘clothed wi thm ight,And every hurt be heaIed 1

When know ledge, handain hand with'

fieace,Shal l walk the earth ahmad ,

The day of perfect fighteou sn es s ,‘

The promis ed day (I f God. 1 5'


) i 1

J i

B SU S shal l reign where’eir the su n“

Doth his "succes sivej ourneys i'u 11His kingdom stretchfrom sh61eto


shoie !

Till moons shall Wax andwa'


ho more.. I

' 1 . 1

2 . For Him shal l endIess prayer b fim sififiAnd prai ses throng to crown His head ;


His name like sweet perfume shal l ri seWith every morning sacrifice.

3. 11Peoples and realms 05every tong u e.1.

Dwell on His lovewi th sweetest swig,And infant voices shall proclaimTheir early blessings on His name .

4. fi lésiiingsabound where’er He reigns

The prisoner leaps to lose his chainsTheweary find eternal rest,And al l the sons of want areblest.

5. Let


every creatu ie rise, and bringPeculiar honours to our King ;Ang els descend with songs again,And earth repeat the


Iou d afn en .

not Szg l zl .

E walk by faith,dear Lord


and not by sightWe cannot follow where Thy footsteps led,

Nor hear that voice of tenderness and m ight,The voice that calmed the storm and raised the

dead .

2 . Yet hadwe known Thee, doubtingandweak - hearted ,With thickest veil of worldly thought between ,We m ight have stood aloof, or soon cleparted ,

And not believed that which ou r eyes had seen.

3. Bu t , if we have not seen, and yet bel ieye,A better blessing Thy dear love imparts ,More than Thine outward presence to receive


To find Thy Spi ri t formed within our hearts .


C.M .

LONG,long havemen Iip

- homage spen t fLord Jesus

,upon Thee

Long hath the world eye - service lentUnto Thy majesty.

2 . But ah dear Lord,with what faint might

Hath Thy true kingdom comeThe sound how loud, the sway how s l ightOf Christ i n Christendom.

3. I t s blood - stained annals , how they mockThe book that tel l s ‘

of TheeI t s throned oppressors, how they shockThy tender majesty I

4. How i ll hath persecuting prideThy graciou s steps pursued I

Howoft have ruthless priests bel iedEach sweet beatitude I



Ah,Holy One I i s this Thy reign ?

I s thi s Thy realm,Thy home ?

Lord Christ,i s th is Thine own domain



‘ Thi s fierce,false Christendom ?

6 . But sti ll Thou hast apeople true,

A realm Thou canst not loseI n them

,through them


'work pursue,Thy gracious self diffuse!

7 . This fierce, fal se Chri stendom unmake,I t s pride, its wrath o’


To Thy blest self the kingdom take,

And make true Chris tendom I



In Joy of inward peace, or senseOf sorrow over s in ,

He 15 His own bes t evidence,

His witnes s i s Within .


6 . The Iet tér fai ls,the sys tems

qfall ,"

And every symbol wan sThe Spirit dyér-b tdodin g fi l l



u‘ L z


z zet/z

1 . I IVIMORTAL by their deed and wordLike Light around them shed


Stil l speak the prophets of the Lord,

S till l ive the saint ed dead.I ! ) 1

2 . The voice of old by Jordan’s flo'


Yet float s upon the airWe hear i t in beat itude


I n parable and prayer.

3. And still the beauty of that rifeShines star- l ike on our way,

And breathes its calm amid the stri feAnd burden of to- day.

4. Earnest of l ife for evermore,That l ife of duty here,


Thet ru st that in the darkest h‘bu r

Looked forth” and knew no fear.‘

5. Spiri t of Jesus , still speed on ,Speed on Thyconquering way,

T il l every hea1 t the Father own ,And al l His W111 obey} F. E. Hosmer.


223 C/l rw‘wz l/z M mt/zmug fi'M n ; 1 1 1 0 1

I . SON of God, our Captai n of salvat ion ,"


" Thyself by s u '


erin g schooled to humah g i'ief ,We bless Thee for Thy sons of consolat io‘n,Who f oll ow in the S teps of Theethei r Chief

2. Those whom Thy Spirit

11vocation severs

To lead the vanguard conquering host ;Whose toilsome years are spent in brave endeavoursTohear Thysaving Name From coast tocoast

3. Those lw

hose bright faith’malges lffi ble heart s ‘

g row

stronger,“And sends fresh warriors to the great campaig n,

B ids the lone convert feel estranged no longer,And wins the su ndered to be oneagain

4. And al l true helpers,patient

,kind, and s kilfu l ,

‘Who shed Thy light across our darkened earth,

Counsel the doubting,and restrain the wilful ,

. Soothe the sick bed,an d share the children’smirth

1 l

5. 0 Son of God, our Captain of salvation ,Thyself b y su ff ering schooled to human grief,

We bless Thee for Thy sons of consolat ion,

Who follow 1n the steps of Thee their Chief ;J. E l l ertorz .


Tfzé B rideg room Comez‘fi. 1 4 1 4 12514 .

EHOLD,the Bridegroom cometh 111 themiddle

of the night,

And blest 15 he whose loins are g i rt, whose lamp l s

burning brig ht ;Bu t Woe to that dull servant whom the Master shall

surpriseWith lamp untrimmed, u nbu i'n in g , andwith sl umber

I 't"

in his eyes. 2 11“ r 1 b . A

170 - l IHYMN S OF 4

2 . DO thou,my soul , keep wat ch, Beware l es


t i thou fih’

s leep s ink.down,' 3 k

Lest thou be given 0’erd

to death,and l ose the goléeh

crown ; 1 1

B u t see that thou art sober, with a watchfu l eye,and thus

C151,“ Holy


,Holy God , havemero’

yEphraim} ;

3. That day, the dayof fear, shal l come my sou l,slack not thy toi l


Bu t l ight thy lamp, and feed i t we11, a11d make itbright with oi l ;

Thou knowest not how soon may sound the cry atevent ide a I

D e h ol d the Bridegroom comes). Arise I Go forthto meet the Bride 1 I

4. Beware, my sou l . take thou good heed lea

st thou mSlumber l ie , .

And,l ike


the five, remai n W i thou t, and knock, andvainly cry

But watch,and bear thy lamp und immed, and

Christ shall gird thee on J,

His own bright wedding robe of light, — the g l ory ofthe Son .

225. U ntil t/zeDay B reak

L W HEN dark the sky that overhangsmy sou l , lAnd m i sts are th ick that through the val le


yroll ,

Then,as I tread, I cheer my heart and say,

When the day breaks, the shadows flge

z z j' U nholy phantoms from the deep may

‘rise, r

An d gather through the gloom before m ine eyes

172 HYMN S OFA s dew 1190 11 the tendern herb, "4 11 . i'; 111

A s showers that usher in the spi


And cheer the thirs tyg rou nd u [11'


4. 8 0 shal l His presence bless ou r sou ls,And oshed aj oyf ul l ight 1 t) l lT

That hal lowed morn shal l chase away' The sorrows of the n ight ." r

l h

0 Qu z'q y Came. L .M . 6 l ines .

‘ 0 QU ICKLY come, dr‘

eaaJu ‘dge of al l l;FOr, awful though Thine advent hé,Al l shadows from the tru th‘ will fall


And falsehood die, in sight of TheeO qu iqkl y come : for doubt and fearLike clouds dissolve when Thou art

2 . O qu ickly come,great King of al l

Reign al l around u s and withinLet s in no .more ou r sou ls enthral ,Let pain and sorrow die with s in


fi n

O qfl ickl y Conie : for Thou alon eCanst make thy scat tered peopl e one.


3. O quickly come,tru e Life of al l ,

For death is m ighty al l around ;Ou evei'y

hoin e hi s shadows fall ,Oh everyheart hi s mark 15 found

0 q u icit l y come : for g rief and painCan nev

éfi cl oad i'

l ’hy gl orious reigmd


4. O quickly c'ome, s ure L ight Of al l ,aFor gloomy night Brood s o’er our


wayAnd yeakly~ souls begin to fal lWith weary watching for the day :

for round Thy thron eN 0 eye is blind

,110 night is hknown .” J .


OUT of theda‘



hircl ing sphereI s f ounding onward to the l ight

We see not yet the full day here,Bu t cheer

’d we mark the pal ing 'nig ht.


1And Hope, that l ights her fadeless fires ,And Fai th

,that shines

,aheavenly will


And Love,that courage t e- inspi res


These stars have been above u s stil l .

-3. Look backward, howmuchhas been wonLook round, howmuch is yet to win

Thewatches of the night are doner‘

TheWatches of the l

i i 1

4. 0 Thou , whosefinig hty patienceholdsThe nightand_

dayalike in view1 1 ?

Thy will our dearesthopeerifoldl



0 keep u s s teahfas’

t,Patient, true.

1 i d“. l l ;

Come. m .



W 111pome and not be slow,f 'u )o i

15Footsteps cannot err

L .M .

174 . 1 1.HYMN S 0 17 1 " 1

Before IJI im righteousness shal l g o, , 111

2 . Mercy and Trhth that long were missedNowjoyfu lly are met ;Sweet Peaceand Righteousness havekissed,An d han d 111 hand are set .

3. Truthfrom the earth l ike to aflowerShal l bud and blossom then ,

And Just i ce from herheavenlybowerLook down on mortal men .

0 happy , earth; where g ood is setTO bid al l sorrow ceaseC ity of God, whose coron etI s everlasting Peace.

EARTH shal l melt wi th feryeiit heat ;Heaven s hall vani sh l ikeasprol l ;

God shall from His judgment ~seatSpeak the doom of every 50 11] .


ithe ahcien t Scripture


saith ;We i ts mner tru th


divine ;

Through i ts picthred form of deathWe behold the Spiri t shine.

Earth shal l her Del iverer see,

Chri st shal l iii the heart appearN i

laht, and Ag e , and Winter flee)orn; and Truth, and Spring draw

O WHEN shal l we beholdThat c ity'

,al l of gold ,I 1

?FO I‘CSCCH m vis ion from the anc ient days,Where charity shal l reign,And mercy’s blest refrai n

Rear the bright gates in harmonies of ai se .1 l 1

When shall the nations come,Beneath i ts buming dome, i v

To find the Lord and bow beforeHis feet .


When shall celestial fire 1

Consume each base des ire,

And purify the world with fervent heat?

When s hal l the rebel host,

Who throng the bldudy'

coast 4 1

O f evi l,fly. despoiled of -powet t o Woiind

While peace an d love,once 1mm},


Re- ope .the heavenly door,


And trees of life spri ng forth on mortal g rou nd ?

Within Th)?Word wé see'


0 Lord I the prophecyAnd for it Wai t, and cry, with hne 2.16c“

AlFHoly One ! ag ai n1 J‘

Descend ai’rd dwell with men

Ti l l al l mankind are brethren 111 the Lo'

fd fi

:Tgomas. Lake Harris .


g iol g"


OUR blest Redeemei, erfe'

Hé bieathed1 His tender, last farewell,


A Guide, aComforter beq‘ueathed I M

2 . He came sweet influ ence to impart,”

A gracious,willing gues t’,

While He can find one humble heartWherein to ”est .

And His that gentle voice we hear,Soft as

'the breath of even,That ‘hecks each

fiau lt , that calms eachfea‘r,And q aks ofHeaven?

4. And every vi rt ue we possess,And every conquest won ,

And every thought7

bf holiness,

Are His alone.Spirit of puri ty and grace,Ourweakness , l pityi11g see

0 make our hearts Thy dwelling place,1 And worthier Thee.

Au ber.

Prayer f or Spiritual St refl gv‘fi.

HOU Power and Peace . iriwhom we fin dAl l holie st strength, al l pures t love,

The rushing of the mighty wind,

The brooding of the gentle dove l

2 . For ever lend .Thy sovereign aid, 1

And urge u s on, and keep as Thine

Nor leave the heart s which Thou hast madeFit e temples of Thy grace divine.



3. Nor l et u s quench .Thy blessed l ightBut still with softest breath ings sti rOur wayward souls , and l ead u s right


0 Holy Spiri t, Comforter I

L .M.

QUNTA IN of l ife,most pure



t Bright !Sun of the soul

, the Sp iri t’s l ightGreat Source of joy

,and End of rest


For ever blessing, ever bl eSt

2 . As the young dayspring's glorious birth

Calls in to life rej oic ing earth,

And with new beauty,love

,and power


Robes field and stream and tree and flower

3. As cool ing dews,l ike gentle sleep

On hearts that bleed,and eyes thatweep ,

In the sweet hour of evening’s calm

Oh feverish earth shed heav'enly balm

4. Shine on our souls, i n mercy shine,Thou l iving Beam ,

thou Fire d ivineB id si n’s di stract ing turmoi l cease


Thou Comforter,thou God of peace !

sf Descend , Almighty, from aboveO h beams of l ight, on Wi ngs of love

And every soul atemple be,1

Meet, holy Lord, for heave11 and Thee

fi e Stfeng t/zen z'

ng L .N .

S P IR IT of power,and tru th , and l ove

Who dwel l ’s t enthroned in l ight above,D es cend, a11d ~bear u s on Thy


Far from thes e lowand fleeting things.

180 HYMNS OFCome as the dew on hearts that pineDescend in thi s sti ll hour,

Till every barren place shall ownW ith j oy Thy qu ickening power."

Come,Wind of God sweep clean away

What dead wi thin u s l ies,

And searchand freshen al l our sou lsWith living en ergies .

OOK up, 0 man behold the sameCelestial throngs of old who came


For thee descends the spiri t - host ;Thine al l the tongu es of Pentecost.

This common earth,by mortal s trod


I s hallowed by the presen t GodAnd His great heaven i s al l unfurledIn l ight and beauty o’er the world .

While others see the chance and change,

Thy soul the heavenly spheres may range,And there discern , with finer sense,The heart of God’s great Providence;

The lonely chamber of thy restShall beam with many an an gel g uest ,And Nature lay her t ribu te sweetOf health and beauty at thy feet.

No chain shall bind thy freeborn m ight,No shadow vei l the heavenly heightBut sorrow from thy soul shall cease


And God’s own presence give thee peace .


HQLY Spiri t, Truth .divineDawn upon this sou l fof min e

Word of God and I nward LightWake my spiri t, clear.my‘


2 . Holy Spirit, Love divine !Glow within this heart ofmineKindl e every high des ire


Perish self in Thy pure fire

3. Holy Spirit,Power divi ne 1

Fill and ‘

nerve this W ill of m ineBy Thee may I strongly live,Bravely bear and nobly strive.

4. Holy Spirit,Right divine

K ing wi th in my cons cience reig nBe my Law, and I shal l beFirmly bound; for ever free.

5. Holy Spirit, Peace giivine M 1

Still this restless heart ofmineSpeak to calm this tossing sea,Stayed in Thy tranqui l l ity”

I 7zepresence of 2716 s’


t . 7s . 6

RACI OU S Spi rit , dwell with 1116I myselfwould gracious be

And, with words that help and heal,Would Thy life in m ine revealAnd

twith actions bold and meek


Would for Christ my Saviour speak.

182 HYMNS OF2 . Truthf ul Spiri t; dwell with meI myself would truthful beAnd

,with wi sdom kind and cl ear


Let Thy life in m i ne appearAnd

,with actions brotherly


Speak my Lord’s s i ncerity.

3. Tender Spirit, dwellwith meI myself would tender beShut my heart up l ike aflower,A t temptation’s darksome hourOpen it when shines the sun


And His love by fragrance own .

4. S ilent Spirit, dwell with meI myself would quiet beQuiet as the growing blade;Which through earth i ts way hath madeS ilently

,l ikemorning light,

Putting mists and chill s t o flight.

5. Mighty Spiri t, dwell with meI myself would m ighty beMighty so as to prevai l,Where u naided ‘

man must fai lEver

,by am ighty hope


Pressing on and bearing up.

6 . Holy Spiri t, dwel l with meI myself would

'holy beSeparate from s in , I wouldChoos e and cherish al l things good ;And whatever I can beGive to Him who gave me Thee . .

T..T.L yn ch

184 "I HYMN S OF I 1

I s not Thy word as mig hty nowA s when the prophets felt i ts power ?

Theancient days remember Thou,The an cient in spiration


shower. 1


. O U R God . our God . Thou shines t here,Thine own thi s latter day

To u s Thy radiant steps appear ;W e watch


Thy glorious way.

2. Not only olden ag es feltThe presence of the Lord 4

Not only with the fathers dwel tThy

, Spir it and Thy Word .

3. Doth not the Spirit s ti ll descendAnd bri ng the heavenl y fire .

Doth He not still Thy Church ex tend,

And wai ting s oul s inspire ?

4. Come, H oly Ghost l in u s arise ;1 Be thi s Thy m ighty hour ;Arid make Thy will ing peoplewi seTo know Thy day of powers

me B ram qf God.

REATHE on me,Breath of God


3 Fil l me with life anew,That I may love what Thou dos t love,And do what Thou wouldst do .



Unti lmy heart i s pure,Until withT hee I .wi l l one wil l;To do lor zto endure.

Breathe on me,Breath of God,

Till I am wholly Thine,

Till al l this earthlypart of me

Glows with Thy fire divine.4. Breathe on me, Breath of God, ‘

So shall I never die,Bu t l ive

with Thee the perfect l ifeOf Thine eternity.

245. Tl ze [ flmpst 0 718.

1 . H OWnear to u s , 0 God, Thou artFelt in the


movement of the heartNearer tha


n selfThou art to eachThe tru th



f Thin e indwellin g teach.

2 . With feverish rest lessness and painWe strive to


shu tTheebuté—in' vain

To darkened rhind'

and reb el willThou art the o


i ly Dayspri ng sti l l .

3. Eyes art Thou unto’

u s,the blind

We turn to Thee,ourselves to find

We cannot ope adoor of prayer,Bu t Thou art seeking entrance there.

4. O Father— Spirit more than near 1Through al l our thought Thy voice we hearOur lifewould welcome Thy control ,Immanuel God wi thin the soul .


5. Thou fil l ’s t our being’s Hidden spring s

Thou g iv’s t our wishes heavenward -WingsWe live Thy l ife; we

‘breathe Thybreath,And in Thy presence i s no death

N OT,Lord

,Thine ancient works alone


Thy wonders to pas t ages shown,

Make our glad spiri ts glow.

Our eyes behold Thy works of mightOu u s ful l beam Thy wonders bright

The l iving God we know.

2 . We joy not only to be told ,’

Howwith Thy saints and se ‘ers of oldThou madest sweetabode.

We of Thy presence bright can tell,|

Thou in Thy l iving sain ts dost dwellWe feel the l iving God.

3. Thou settest u seachtask‘


We bless that helping hand of ,Thine,This strength by Thee bestowed .

Thou ming les t in the glorious fig ht,Thine own thecause—Thine own the m ight,We serve the l iving God.

4. Ah ! soon we droop ! ah ljsoonwe t ire ;Our fainting hearts new strengthrequi re,

Again would qu ickehed be.

iwe ask‘

no priest we seek no sh'rineTo Theewe come for l ife divine,Thou l iving God, to Thee.

188 HYMNS OF2 . Above the whirl of traffic,

Above the stir of l ife,Am idst the songs of pleasure



o’er the din of strife,

May never ceas e with in u s

Thy whispers’

sof t and clear,N or ready hearts replying



,Thy servants bear.

3. And i n the latest conflict ,When strength and fai thare l ow,

And al l ou r s chemes of comfortAre bathed by the foe ;

Amid l ife’s feeblethf obbihg s ,’

Yet nearer and more - nean ; 5 IMay Thy sweet tones


of solace.

Speak, and Thy servan ts hear. 1'

Tl ze (Tn z'

vqrsal Spm t .

ENDU R ING soul o'


In whom'

al l beingsU nchanging peace ’mid storm and stri fe


Our Parent,Home

,and End.

2 . Through Thee the worlds with al l they bear,

Their m ighty cou i seg'

runThrough -Thee the heavens are pas smg fai r,And splendour clothes the sun.

Where’er the livi ng soul l ooks outFrom eyes of beast or bird;

Or tendril yearns in t ime of drought,

Or forest leaf is stirred."


Thy Spirit’

breathes,Thy way i s seen ,

0 Fou n t of living forceWho art , and hast for ever been ,The world’s eternal Source.

The thoughts that move the heart ofman ,And l ift his soul on high,The


skill that teaches him to planWith wondrous subtlety.

6 . These areThy thoughts , Almighty Mind,This skill is Thin e

,O Lord,

Who dost by hidden influ ence bindAl l powers in sweet accord.

No noble work was e’er begunWhich


came not firs t from HeavenNo loving deed was ever doneWithout Thine impulse given .

8. O‘

fil l me now,Thou living Power


With energ y divine ;Thus shal l my will from hour to hourBecome

,not m ine

,but Thine.

THE wondrous voi ce within the'

mind ‘

I s al l u nheard'

amid our dinIn outward things we seek to findWhat on ly can befound within.

2 . A larger, fuller life we need,Divine release from inward ill,

The right to hear’

our spirit plead ,

And learn therein the eternal will ;

HYMNS OFAbove u s shines t ’ i e az ure heigh tSo calm and L ee beyond ou r rs tvife :

But beam s not thence the inner lig ht, . I

The gu iding lawofmoral l ife . .

4. Around u s striving pass ions spreadTheir b l indihg m i st s before ou r eyes

And’m id st the jars by

fact ions bredThe l iving truth unheede

d l i es .

0 here am id these voices vai n ’

That but di stract the trusting sou l,

Thou,I nward Word , ou r l ight mai ntain ,

And gu ide u s to Thyperfect goal.

We win Thee not by searching far,In sky above or eartharoundThy voice divine



wh'ere’er we are,Must ever i n ourselves be found.

f bmes Bel l .

L .M. 6 l ines.

SPIR IT of Grace, Thou Light of LifeAmidst the darkness of the dead

Bright S tar,whereby throug h worldly strife,

The pat ient pilgrim st il l i s led'

l lhou Dayspring in the deepest g loomgWildered and dark, to Thee I come l

2 . Pure fire of God , bu rn out my‘s iri,

Cleanseal l theearthlydross front theRefine my secret heart within ,The golden streams of l ove se t freeLive Thou in me

, ,

O Life d ivi neUntil my deepest love be Thine g u a


7 776 Sin ag aifl i‘

t t/ze Hbly



koi l .

O S IN of s ins from souls of l ig hltIn gloomy wrath to shrink ;

Of works of love and acts of rightPerversely to m i sthink .

2 . To scan good deeds with evi l eye,And brand with evil nameThe Spiri t’s witness to bel ie


The Holy Ghost defame.

His gifts,His workings manifes t

To mark and m i sbestowTo take them from the Spiri t bles tAnd give them to the foe.

Lord,keep u s from thi s s 1n of si ns

That gri eved most Thy Son ,The gui lt that no forgiveness wins


That speaks the soul undone

Oh,make u s g lad Thy Spirit

’s m ightI n righteou s souls to trace,

I n love and goodness to del ightAs in His very grace .

6 . To reckon everyth ing of costAs what from Him proceeds


And gather for the Holy GhostThe prai s e of al l good deeds .

T 11. Gil l .

Qu efl c/z not t/ze Spirit;

LORD i s i t ours to entertainThy Spiri t pure and sweet ?

May we enjoy His blis sfu l reign,His biddings gladly greet ?


2 . Lord is i t ours to drive awayThat gracious glorious Guest ?

May we .cast off His bl is sful swayGainsay His biddings bl est ?

Maywe H is gracious striving s s lightTill we are slaves to s in ?

May we shut out His beam ings brightTill al l i s dark within ?

4. Lord, keep'

this darkness far from u s,

This woe al l woes aboveOh

,never may we slight Thee thus,Life - bringing Heavenly Dove !

When Thou dost sweetly shine may weMake welcome al l Thy light

And what Thou b iddes t m ightilyFu lfil with al l our might

6 . So, Spiri t pure 1 wilt Thou be .wonW i th u s for aye to dwell

So wi ll Thy holy fi re burn on .


T H . Gil l .

TbaComf orter.

COME, Thou , oh come ;Sweetest and kindliest,

Giver of tranqui l restUnto the weary soulI n al l anx iety,With pow

’r from heaven on high,Console.


194 HYMNS OF2 . Come


,oh come

Help in the hour of need,

S trength of the broken reed,

Guide of each lonely oheOrphan’s and widow’s stay


Who tread in l ife’s hard wayAlone.

Come,Thou , oh come

Gloriou s and shadow - free,

Star of the stormy sea,Lig ht of the tempest - to'st,Harbour our


souls to save,When hobe

ubon the WaveI s lost .

4. Coine Thou ,'

oh comeJoy


in l ife’s narrow path,

Hope in the boat of deathCome, blessed Spirit, come,Lead Th'bu u s tenderly


Till we shal l find in TheeOur home.

Lat in tr. G. Mou l trz'


Tf laPat/zways (f t/ze Spirit .

H owdost Thou come; 6 Comforter ?I n heavenly glory dressed ,

Down flq ating from the far—off skiesWith lil ies onJThy. breas t ?

I n lone,mysterious s i lences ,

I n vis i ons rapt and high,And hg l y dreams, l ike pathways set,Betwix t the earth and sky?


2 .


I ask no dream,no


prophet ecstasies ,No sudden rending of the vei l of clay


N 0 angel vis i tants , no opening skiesBu t take the dimness of my sou l away.

Teach me to feel that Thou art always nighTeach me the struggles tif the soul to bear,To check the rising doubt

,the rebel s igh


Teach me the patience of unanswered prayer.

Teach me to love Thee as Thine angels love}One holy pass ion fil l in g al l my frame,

The kindling of the heaven - descended Dove,

My heart an altar, and Thy love the flame .



tual Power.

S P IR IT of Wisdom !

_gu ide Thine own


Who make Thee now their choiceh

That they may never walk alone,Bu t hear Thy heavenly voice.Spiri t of Understanding LightThat thi s world never saw1Open their eyes to see arightThe wonders of Thy law.

Spiri t of Cdnn sel ’neath the cloudOf sorrow and



Cheer Thou their souls with anguish bowed,

And chase al l doubt away.

4. Spirit of S trength infuse Thy m ight,

Nerve Thy young sold iers’armsTemptation let them put to flig ht ,And ban ish hell’s alarms .Spiri t of Knowledge 1 whose deep th ing'


Are now but darkly shown


Lead them on resurrection wings,To know as they are known .

6 . Spiri t of Godliness . ! unfoldThe joys of heavenly grace

Give peace on earth— the bliss untoldOf saints who see Thy face.


7. Spirit of'

Holy Fear ! inspireDread reverence of Thy name }That they


W i th the celestial choir,

May praiseH . B u l terwor l /z .

Fatfier, Son , and Spirit. L .M .

IV E prai se to.

Him who buil t the hillsGive prai se to Him the streams who fil l s

Give prai se to Him who lights each starThat sparkles in the blue afar

2 . Give praise to Him who wakes the mom ,

And bids it glow with beams new - bornWho draws the shadows of the night


Like curtains,o’er our wearied sight

3. Give prai se to Him whose love has given ,I n Christ His Son

,the life of heaven

Who for our darkness gives u s l ight,

And turns to day our deepest night

4. Give prai se to Him who sheds abroadWithin our hearts the love of GodThe Spiri t of al l tru th an d peace,The Fount of joy and holiness 1

5. T6 Father, Son , and Spirit, now

The hands we lift,the knees we bow

To Thee,eternal God 1 we raise

Our humble,fervent song of prai se. H .


H OLY,Holy



God of Hosts when heavenandOu t of darkness

,at Thy word,

I ssued into glori ous bi rth,Al l Thy works before Thee stood

, u ,

And Thine eyes beheld them goodWhile they sang

,wi th sweet accord,

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord 1

2 . Holy,


Holy,Holy Thee

One Jehovah evermore,Father


,and Spiri t




Dust and ashes,would adore

Lightly by the world esteemedFrom that world by Thee redeemedS ing we here

,wi th glad accord



Hol y, Holy Lord

3. Holy, Holy, Holy ! al lHeaven’s triumphant choirs


shal l smgWhen the ransomed nati ons fallA t the footstool of their K ing


Then shall saints and seraphim,

Harps and voices swell one hymn,

Round the throne wi th full accordHoly


,Holy Lord

j . Mon tg omery .

Creator, Saviou r , Gu z'

aie. 8 .8 .8.


,strengthening Guide,


Nowon Thy mercy’s ocean wide ,Far out of sight Me seem o to glide. m


6 . Now to'

my greater Sel f'

I g o

From earth I mu s t eascend,

That ~deeper, nearer,'

ye may knowThe God who doth Me send l ”

7. God must be with you,and within

Your soul s that I have loved,

O f judgment, righteou sness , and s in

I nly must be reproved.”

8. OurGod His glory u tterethA s shines in heaven His s u n

He i s,— He comes



He quickenethThe Life D ivine i s One.

.A . D . T.

firing s anhC&hanks gihing .

His Mercia aye endu re.

LET u s,with agladsome m ind


Prai se the Lord,for He i s ki nd

For His mercies aye endure,Ever faithful

,ever su re.

2 . He,with al l - commanding m ight


Filled the new - made world with lightFor His merc ies aye endure,Ever fai thful

,ever sure.

3. Al l things l iving He doth feedHis full hand supplies their needFor His mercies aye endure,Ever fai thful, ever sure.



He bath , with ahityin g eye,Looked upon our misei'yFor His mercies aye



Ever faithful . et ier sure.


5. Let u s , -with agladsome m ind,Praise the Lord, for He i s kindFor His mercies aye endure,Ever fai thful, ever sure.

A l l work: praise T116 6 .

H ARK, my soul, how'

everythin g

Strives to'

serve' our bounteous King

Each 6 : doub le tribute pays,

Sings its part,and then obeys .

2 . Natu re’s


chief and sweetest qui reHim with cheerful notes adm ireChanting eyery day their lauds,While the grove their song applauds.

3. Though their voices lower be,Streams have, too, their melodyN ight and day they warbling run,Never pause

,but still s ing oh.

4. A l l the flowers that gi ld the'


Hither their still music bringI f Heaven bless them, thankful theySmell more sweet, and look more gay.

5. Only we can scarce afi'


Thi s short otheeto our LordWe

,on whom His bounty flows,

Al l things gives,and nothing owes .

6 . Wake,for shame, my sluggi sh heart,



g ladly s iiig thy. part

Learn of birds,and springs,


and flowers,

Howto use thy nobler. powers.Au stin .

‘ b \ t


‘ F ILL Thouq

my hie, 9 Lord myGod,I n every


part with praise,That my whole

beingmay proclaimThy being and Thy ways .Not for the l ip of prai se alone,Nor e’en theprais ing heart,I ask, bu t for a l ife made upQf prai se in every part.

2 . Praise 1n the common thmg s of l ife,I t s goings ou t and m;Prai se 1n eachduty and each deed

However small and mean .

Prai se 1n the commonworris l speaLife’5 common looks and tones


I n in tercourse at hearth or board,With my beloved ones .

Upon the bed of weariness,

With fevered eye and brain“

Dr standing by another’s couchWatch ing the pulse of pain . f

Enduring wrong,reproach; or 10 53;

Wi th sw'

eet and steadfast wi llLoving and bles s ing those who hate,


Returning good for i ll .

4. So shal l each fear, each fret , each careiBe tu rned in to song ;

And every winding of the wayThe echo shal l prolong.

So shal l no part‘ of clay or night

From sacredness be free,But al l my l ife, in every step,Be fellowship with Thee.

204 HYMNS oh'

OR Summer’s bloomand Autumn’s bl ight,

For bending wheat,and blasted mai ze,

For heal th and s i ckness,Lord of l ight

And Lord of darkness,hear ou r prai se.

2 . We trade to Thee ou r joys and woes,To Thee of causes stil l the Cause ;We thank Thee that Thy hand bestows


We bless Thee that Thy love withdraws .We bring no sorrows

_to Thy throneWe come to Theewi th no complai nt ;I n providence Thy will 15 done,And that 15 sacred to the sai nt .


4 Here,on thi s blest Thanksgiving night,

We rai se to Thee ou r gratefu l voiceFor what Thou doest


,i s rig ht ;

And,thus believing

,we rejoice.

Hol land.

Common Gif ts .

OR common gifts we bles s Thee, LordThe hearing ear, the eye tosee,

Beau ty forever round u s pouredIn sweet and varied m ini stry.

2 . We bless Thee for the wholesome air,For showers that fal l and suns that warm,

For darkness, and the truce to careSleep brings with many a soothing charm .

3. For gentle eou rtes ies of life'


For dear communion , friend wi th friend,Those hours with sacred meaning rifeWhen love looks to no earthly end.‘



We yield Thee praise for sovereign powerThat steadies u s o’



g u l f s of painShall we f orget Thee mthe hourThat leads u s back to peace again ?

Let not our gratitude delayL

Till good withheld constrains the prayer,Give blearer vis ion , thatwe mayHold common bless ings as if rare.

T/ze Gospel .

THY goodness,Lord , our souls confess

Thy g oodn ess we adoreA spring whose blessings never fai l


A s eawithout a shore.

2 . Su n , moon , and stars Thy love attestI n every cheerful rayLove draws the curtains of the night


And love restores the day.

Thy bounty every season‘

crown sWith al l the bliss i t yieldsWith joy ful clusters bend the vines


With harvests wave the fields .

Bu t chiefly Thy compassions, Lord,Are in the gospel seenThere, like the s u n ,

Thy mercy shines,

Without acloud between .

Tfzomzis Gibbons .



es Yet iaCome.

W E bles s Thee,Lord , for al l the joy,

Which Thou torus hast givenAnd yet, 0 Lord , we bless Thee moreFor what Thou hast in heaven .

We thank Thee for the flowers that blowA round the children’s feet


And more that we for aye may growI n influ ence good and sweet .

We pra1se Thee more for al l Thy loveThat al l the days declare,

And yet, 0 Lord , we'

love Thee more,

For love we yet may share .

4. We thank Thee, Lord, for al l thehopeThat l ives where’er


we g o ;And yet

,dear Lord

,we prai se Thee more

For hopes we yet may know.

We ask Thee, Lord, to fil l our soulsWith songs

,thatwe may rai se

Sweet hymns o f love to God aboveWhen prayer is turned to prai se.

f osepfi f ol mson .

Umeas ing Praise.

“ L .M .,6 LINES.

I’LL prai se my Maker with my breathAnd when my voice is lost in death ,

Praise shal l employ my nobler powersMy days of prai se shal l ne’er be past,While life, and thought, and being last,Or immortal i ty endures .

HYMNS OF8. Kings of knowledge and of law


To the gloriou s circle drawA l l who work and al l who wai t,S ing, The Lord i s good and g reat .”

Men and women,young and old


Rai se the anthem manifoldAnd let children’s happy heartsI n th is worship hear their part s.From the north to southern poleLet the m ighty choru s rollHoly


,Holy One


Glory be to God aloneS taf f ord A

NGELS holy,

High and lowly,

Sing the praises of the LordEarth and sky, al l liv ing nature,Man

,the stamp of thy Creat or


Prai se ye, prai se ye, God the Lord !Su n and moon bright


N ig ht and n oon l ight,S tarry temples az ure floored ;

Cloud and rain,and wild wind’s madness,

Sons of God that shout for gladness,

Prai se ye, prai se ye, God the Lord 1Ocean hoary


Tell His g lOry,l ifts

,where tumbling seas have roared !

Pulse of waters, bli thely beating,Wave advancing, wave retreating,Prai se ye, prai se ye, God the Lord 1 7



3;Rock and high land , '



Wood anti i sland“ g p , aCrag, where eagle’s pride hath soared

Mig hty mountain s , pu rplerbreasted,1

Peaks cloud - eleaving , snowy -eres ted ,P rai se ye, prai se ye, God the L ord 1

Rolling river,Prai se Him ever


From the mountain’5 deep vi

e1ii l poure

Si lver fountain, clearly gushing,Troubled tor1en t madl y rushing, ff

;Praise ye, praiseye, God the Loni!Bondand free man


Earth, waithripeopl es

‘widelzy stored, . xi

Wanderer lone o’erzpnairies ample ,Full voiced chqim, intoos t lwtempha, L

Prai se ye, pnaiSe rye; Godwthe b ordrl 1

( 131’


! .i

to. lra1seEach coursEach glad voice g ts


97 s.Praise the.

lg reat and

qmlU I a

9 17 v Z" I ' 31

Al l fixing s praise Time. 73. 6 l ines.

. A LL things prai se, Thee Lord most highHeaven and earthand seaand sky,

Al l were for Thy glory made, 1 1 38 1



That Thy g regatnes s thus, di splayedShould al l worship brin g ito Thee,H .

l 3dAl l things praiseThee :Tfi

- Lord, nhay we.


2 10 HYhh'

rs or

2 . Al l things prai se Thee— ‘ night toi

n ight

Sings in s ilent hymns of l ightA l l things prai se Thee— day to dayChants Thy power in bu rning ray

Time and space are prai s ing Thee,A l l things prai se Thee -Lord


A l l things prai se Th'

ee— round her zonesEarth

,in fragrant

,brilliant tones


Rolls a ceaseless choral strain,

Roaring wind,and deep voi ced main,

Rust l ing leaf, and humm ing bee ,A l l th ings prai se Thee — Lord


4. A l l things praise Thee—Lhig hand low,Rai n

,an d dew, and sewen -hued bow,

Crimson s unset, fleecy cloud , lRippl ing stream,

and tempest loudSummer, win tér; al l to The eGlory render — Lord


Al l thing s prai se .Thee— gracious Lord,Great Creator

,Powerfu l Word,

Omnipresent Spirit


A t Thyfeet we humbly bowLift ourhearts in prai se to TheeAl l th ings prai se Thee z— Lord, maywe.


A Tfiahh’


EH l ight and glad ; in God rejoi ce,Who i s ou r strength and stay ;Be j oyful , and l if t up you r voice°T o God the Lord al way.

rHYMivs or

2 . 0 may this bounteous GodThrough al l our l ife be


n ear u s,With ever joyful hearts

And blessed peace to cheer u sAnd keep u s in His grace


Ahd gu ide u s when perplex ed,And free u s from al l i ll sI n this world and the neX t .

3. A l l prai se and thanks to GodThe Father n dwHe g iven ;We lift our hearts to HimWho reigns in highest heavenThe OneE ternal God


{ WW t and heaven adoreWhowas ofiold, is now,And shal l be, evermore.

1 Rim kart ,’

tr . C. Wz'



l . 1

OIgD , weO

thank Thee for thepleasure1 . That our happy

~l ife- time gives,The inestimable treasureOf a soul that ever l ives


i) .o .

2 . Mind that looks before and after,Yearn in g for i ts homeabove ,

' f'

Humat ears'

and human laughter,And the depth o


f hum'

ah love

3. For the thri l l the:1eap, therg ladnes slOf ourpu lses flowing freq ; [j

E’en for everfi touch of s atiness 11 W"That may bring u s hearergThee.


) LIFE .

4. Teach u s' so ou r days to number,That We may be lowlywise

Dreary m i st or cloudy slumberNever dull our heavenward eyes.


5. Hearty be our work and will ing,As to .

Thee and not to men

For we know our souls’

fu lfil l ing .

I s to give it Thee again .


T W. [ ex B lake.

joy and Sorrow.

F OUNTA IN of light and l iving breath ,Whose mercies never fai l nor fade,

Fi l l me with l ife that hath no death,F i ll me with light that hath no shade

Appoint the remnant of my daysTo see Thy power and sing Thy prai se.

2 . Lord God of Gods,before whose thr’one

Stand storm and fire,

0 what shall weReturn to Heaiven that i s our own,When al l the world belongs to Thee ?We have no off ering to impartBu t praises and awounded heart.

3. 0 Thou that'

s it’

s t in Heaven,and seest

My deeds without,my thoughts within,

Be Thou my Prince, be Thou my Priest ;Comman d my soul, and cure my s in .


myaffliét ions beI care not



so I rise toThee.

4. When winter fortunes cloud the browsOt:summer friends, when eyes growstrange,

When plig hted fai th forg ets its vows,

2 14 AH¥MN S OF

When Earth and al l things in i t change “


0 Lord, Thy mercies fai l u s neverWhen once Thou lov’s t, Thou l ov’s t fore ver.

E d ta/z'

on . 8. 7 . 6 .

REJO ICE tod aywith one accord,Sing out with exu ltat ion

Rejoice and prai se our mighty Lord,” l

Whose arm hath brought salvationHis works of love proclaimThe greatness of His


nameFor He i s God aloneWho hath His m ercy



Let al l His saints ad0re Him.

2 . When in distres s to Him we cried,

He heard our sad complainingO trust in


Him whate’er betide,His love is al l - sustai ning .

Triumphant songs of praiseTo Him our hearts s hall rai seNow every voi ce shal l say0 prai se our God alwayLet al l His sain ts adore Him.

3. Rejoice to - day with one accord,S ing ou t with ex ultati onRejoice and prai se our m ighty Lord;Whose arm hath brought salvationHis works of love proclaimThe greatness of His nameFor He i s God alone


Who hath His mercy shownLet al l His saints adore

2 16 v Ns OF

Prai se the Lord, for He hath spokenWorlds His m ightyvoice obeyed :

Laws which never shal l be broken,For their guidance Hehath made.Prai se the L ord , for He i s gloriousNever shal l His promise fai l . hGod hath made His saints vi ct orious :S in and deaths hal l not prevai l.

Prai s'e the'

Lord of our salvation,

Hosts on high His power proclaimHeaven and eairth



d al l c' reation,

Lau d and magnifyHis name. '

13 1 ‘ Jo/m'

Kem‘pt lwm e.

9 '


ée G(idf fir ever.

BLE SSED be Thy name for ever,

Thou of l ife the Guard and Giver}.

Thou who s l umberes t not nor s leepes'lt;

Blest are theyThou kindly keepest.2 . God of st i ll ness and of 1116110 1



Of the rainbow and the Ocean,

Of the mountai n , l eek, and river,B lessed be Thy name for ever.

3. God of evening’s peaeefu l'


5;q of every‘

dawn in'

g day,Rising from the distant s ea


‘ Breath ing of e .ternity

4. Thine the flam ing sphere of l1gbtI

Thine the darkness of the night4

God of life that fade shal l never,

Glowto Thy name for ever.

2 .


l ‘



cé 6 . 6i



E the Lord is kingY our Lordand King adore

Mortals I give thanks an d sing,And triumph evermore :

Lift upyour heart, l ift up your vo1ce ;Rejoice

,in sacred lays reJo1ce.

~His win try north - winds blow,Loud tempests rush amain

Yet His thick showers of snowDefend the infant grain

Lift up your heart,l ift up your voice

Rejoice,in sacred lays rejoice.

He wakes the genial spring,Perfumes the balmy airThe vales their tribute bring


The prom ise of the year :Lift up your heart

,lift up your voice

Rejoice, in sacred lays rejoice.He leads the circling year ;His flocks the hill s adorn

He fil l s the golden ear,And loads the field with corn

0 happy mortals rai se you r voiceRejoice, in sacred lays rejoice .

Lead on your fleeting train ,Ye years

,and months

,and days

0 bring the eternal reign .1

Of love,and joy, and praise :

Lift up your heart,lift up yourvoice

Rejoice, in sacred lays rejoice.

Tflanksg z'


ng .

E bless Thee,Lord

,foral l thi s Q

Can g iVe of rest and Joy amids triteFor earth and t rees and seaand clouds and springsFor work

,and al l the lessons that it brings.

For Pisgah gleams of newer, fai rer triith,Which ever ripening sti l l renews our youthFor fellowship with noble souls and wise,Whose heart s beat time to music of the sk ies

For each achievement human toil can reach ;For al l that patriots win

,and poets teach ;

For the old l ight that gleams on history’s page


For the new hope that shines on each new ag e.

May we to these our lights be ever true,Find hope and strength arid joy for ever new,To heavenly V IS IODS sti l l obedient prove,The E ternal Law

, Writ by the Almighty Love lj . M . W/z z


Our God we t/zan/e T/zze.

U R God ! we thank Thee,who has t madeThe earth so bright


So full of splendour and of joy,Beauty and l ight

So many glorious things are here,Noble and right

2 . We thank Thee, too, that Thou hast madeJoy to abou

n dSo many gentle thoughts and deeds

Circling u s round,That in the darkes t '

spot on earthSome love i s found.

3. We

thank Thee, too, that al l our joyI s touched with pai n 5

220 HYMNS ‘or

Surmount l ike themorn in g ourmou n taiips iof'wrong ,

And fil l u s with new inspirations of song.

3. I n deep adorat ion before Thee webow,

With succour and radiance appear to u s nowAccept u s in mercy,


ou r blindn'

ess remove,

And cause u s Thy sweet benediction toprove.

4 0 Father most tender, Beginning and End iOur Hope to inspi re u s , our Strength to defend .

A l l fearfulness,fainting

, and doubting dispel :For what can harm an ywhom Thou lovest well ?

5. And help u s to tru st Thee , whate’er may betide ,

Should pleasure or painfu l ness walk by our s ideBoth shadow and sunshine are under Thy care,And daylight and s tarl ight Thy goodness declare.

6 . Our s ins are as clouds that o’erdarken'

Thy face,And hide the pure beauty and charm of Thy graceOur selfishnes s pardon, oitr evil forgive;Nor leave u s alone in t ransgres sion to live , 1

7 . 0 Light of the world ri se,

in splendour and shineThese dark hi lls '

of t im’

e tdu oh'

with glorydi vineThe kingdom of Christ and of kindness lead in


And Love’s golden reign in al l nations begin.

James Bel l .

LORD of power

,hord ofmight

God and Father bf u s al lIiord of day and Lord of t

n iight ,1

Lis ten'

to our solemn Cal l ;vLis ten, whilst to Thee we raiseSongsof prayer,and




ong s of4prai se: 1


2 . Light and love and life are Thine, iGreat Creator of al l ghodF ill ou r Soul s with light divineGive u s

,withiou r dai ly food,


B lessingsfrom Thy heavenly store,'


Blessings rich,

forevermore.3. (irafltawithin our heart oat

heartsLove undying for ‘

Thy nameBid u s , ere the day departs,

our’ Maker’s fini

teYou ng ’



together hlesé,Clothe b u r souls'with'

i'ig htneou sneSS.


4. Full ofyears and

fu l l‘

oi peace,

May our life on earth be blest ;When our trials here shal l cease,And at last we sink to rest


Eo't mtain of et ernal love, l


Call u s to oura,



A11mm f rom( l


FATHER; Iwel l‘


nay pral se ThynameI n soun

ds offliowiiig‘

song ) IAnd in g la


l worcz


s‘alou d pro



That I to’

Thee’ belong.

2 . I seeiThyTight, Thy world’s wideg c'



I hear Thy wind‘


Al t thin g éthat g iye'me


life and h'oiieAre from my Father, God.

U I'

This l ivin g s ou l , which 1 call mine,Doth feel and know an d love

I t i s an utterance of Thine,

222 HYMNS OFSo I wou ld fifl ahigher part;Self- acting, l ike to Thee

Therefore I ’l l stir my inmost heartTo l ive in action ‘ free.

This be my acti on,henceforth now,

Ever to will thegood ;And then when strength 15 fahlit ,

ThouWilt give my spirit food .


And through the grace of Him who willedTo do Thy will on earthWith truth my spiri t shall be fil led,And reach its place of bi rth .

. ‘NZHEN all Thy mercies,O myGod,

My rising soul surveys ;Transported with the view, I

’m lost

I n wonder l ove, and praise .

2 0 how s hall words with equalThe grati tudedeclare,


That glows withi n my thankfu l heart 3But Thou canst read it there. i

3. To al l myweak complain ts and criesThy mercy lent an ear, 1

Ere yet my fieeb le thou ghts had l earned ITo formthem selves in prayer. 1}

4. Unnumbered comforts on my sou lThy tender care bes towed, fl i rt ]

Before my infan t heart conceived : 115 ai 1 1From whence these comforts flowed} .


0 give thanks wi th heart and l ip,

For we are His workmanship,

An d al l creature s are His care 1.Not abird that cleaves the airFal ls unnoticed but who canSpeak the Father’s love to man ?


4. 0 give thanks to Him who came .

In amortal, suff erin g framewTemple of the DeityCame

,for sinful man to‘die

In the path Himself hath trod,

Leading back His saints t o God.

1 W 1-1u u l T .8PrayseandJPraJ/er, mT L.M.

GREATLord,oial l .

1 ou r t éifi'éo

di5 I I t “

With song and prayer we worshipTheeThy beau ty breathes its joy abroad ;Thy love

’5 warm tide flows full and free. l ' n f

2 . I n morn and evening s twilight glowThytender greeting, Torti, we Teeku

‘And midhight heavens Wi th Siléht show,Thy watchful patien t

’loverefi al


i J 1 6 61

3. But not in realms that sense can sound,iSprings the pure fou nt which‘ l ifeamperts

I t s blessed source alone 15 foundI n reveren t

,lovin g, t ru s tf ii l hearts.

. 1; 1 1 0 11 N

may that l iving fou ntaindwel l .

I n u s,reple11is l

hed fromaboye dm C . .1

And through ou r,thirs t ing spirits swel l ,

The ris ing tides of l ife an d love ,



What consecration , Goa

d of grace !Thy love doth over al l things spread


Fair nature’s light,and friendship’s face


And tender memories of the dead .

6 . Our holy dead in Thee they l iveWith them

,to - day, we live in Thee.

To u s, 0 Life Eternal give

The life of faith in love made free.

6 l i nes.

. F OR the beauty of the earth,For the beauty of theskies


For the love which from our hirl


Over and around u s l iesFather,

u n to eThee We rai seThis

,our sacrifice of praise.

2 . For the beauty of each hourOf the day and of the night,

Hi ll and vale, and tree and flower,Su n and moon, and stars of l ight


‘Father, unto Thee we raiseThis , our sacrifice of prais e.

3. For the joy of earand eye,For the heart ahd m ind

’s del ig ht7For the mystic harmonyLinking sense to sound an d s ightFather, unto Theewe raiseThis

,our sacrifice of praise.

4 For the joy of human'






,paren t, child,

Friends on earth , and friends above,For al l gentle thought s and mild ; 'l


226 HYMN S OF 1

Father, unto Thee we rai seThis, our sacrifice of praise.

For each perfect g if t .of Thin e u

To ou r race so freely given,Gra es human and divine, 1

Flowers of earth, and bu ds of heavenFather un toThee we“


This, ou r sacrificeof prai se .

For Thy Chu rch'

that evern'


Lyteth holy han ds above,Ofi


erin g up on every shoreI t s pure sacrifice of l oveFather unto T liee we rai se .

This, our sacrifice of praise .

£1115. Pierpomt .


HOU . One in al l, Thou‘

A l l in one,

Source of the g race'

that Crown'

s” our days


For al l Thy gift s ’

neat h clou d o r 511 11,We lift to Thee our g igatefu l praise. 1

2 . We ble‘ss Theefor'thi


e ilife that flows; { IA pu l se in every grai n of sand

A beauty1n the b lu shingrose


A thought and deed 1n brain and hand.

3. For l ife that Thou has t made ajoy,For streng th to make our l ives likeThine,For dh tms that ou r hands Employ} ;

Vil e bu ng our offering s to '51315; shrine.

22 8 'HYMNS OF

ING A llelu iaforth in duteou s prai se,Ye ci ti zens of heaven O sweetly rai se

An endless A llelu ia.

2 . Ye Powers , who stand bef ore th’ Eternal Light,0

I n hymning choirs t e - echo to the heightAn endless A llelu ia.

3. The Holy City shal l take up your strai n,

And with glad songs resounding wake againAn endless A lleluia.

4. I n bl issful antiphons ye thus rejoice .

To render to the . Lord with thankfu l voi ceAn endless Allelu ia.

5. Ye who have g ain’d at length your palms in bl i ss ,

V ictorious ones, your chant shall s ti ll be this,An endles s Al lelu ia.

6 . There,in one grand acclaim

,for ever ring

The s t rains which tell the honour of you r Kin g,An endless Allelu ia.

7 . This i s sweet rest for wearyones hr6u §ht back,This i s glad food and drinkwhich 'ne’er ”shal l lack


An endl es s Allelu ia. . u i

8. While Thee, by whomwere,

al l thingsma'


weprai seFor ever

,and tel l ou t i n sweetest laysAn endless Al lelu ia.

9. Alm ighty God, to .Theeour Voicessing ] ,Glory for evermore to Theewe bring

An enales s Al l eluia.l Arnem—rSpain ,

E ight}: Cen tu ry ; ir. j . E l lerton .


ORD,in this dust Thy sovereign voice

Firs t quickened love divineI am al l Thine

,- Thy care and choice

My very praise i s Thine.

2 . I prai se Theewhil e Thy providenceI n childhood frai l I trace ,

For bles smg s given, ere dawning senseCould seek or scan Thy grace.

3. .Blessings in boyhood’s marvelling hour“

' Bright dreams and fancyin g s strangeB les smg s when reason’s awful powerGave thought abolder range.

4 . Blessings of friends , which to my doorU nask

’d, unhoped have comeAnd choicer still, acountless storeOf eager sm iles at home.

5. Yet, Lord, in memory’s fondest placeI shrine those seasons sad


When looking up I sawThy faceI n kind austereness clad.

6 . I would not m i ss one sigh or tear,Heart - pang or throbbing browSweet was ‘

the chasti sement severe,And sweet i ts memory now.

7. And such Thy loving force be still’Mid life’s fierce shifting fray ;

Shaping to truth self’s froward willAlong Thy narrowway.

I . H . N ewman .



LM IGHTY Father ! Thou didst frameOur souls and bodies by Thy will ;

The matchless glories of Thy nameOur sole allegian ce follows sti ll.

2 . O righteous God Thy love unchangedGives every chi ld an equal place

And hearts Thy terrors have'

es tr'ang ed

Melt in the sweetness of Thy face.3. O loving God our thanks wepay

That Thou didst sen d Thy Son on earth,Our Lord

,our Light

,ou r Tru th, our Way,

Firs t - born of the immortal bi rth .

4. 0 Father,by His spi ri t moved ,

May we be one with Him i n Thee 10 make u s love as He did love


And with His freedom make u s free.

PRAISE the Lord ou r God,I n clouds and darkness dwel l ing


Yet Fount of shadeless l ight,Al l l ight of earth ex cell i ng 11He gu ides u s on to ag eThrough sun l it paths of you thHe glads our l onging eyesWith full u nveiled tru th .

2 . That tru th , 0 Lord , we seek,I n spi ri t rneek and lowlyTo al l who learn or teach


Giv‘e wisdom pure and holy.


5. Then teach u s humbly so to treadThe path that Saviour trod


Til l by His qui ckening spir i t led,

We meet our God.

LI FT up to Go

d the voice of pra1se,Whose breath our souls inspired ;

Loud and more loud the anthem rai se,

With grateful ardour fired.

2 . Lift up to God the voice of prai se,

Whose ten der Care su stainsOur feeble frame

,encompas sed round

With death’s unnumbered pain s.

Lift up to God the‘

voice of praise,

Whose goodness,pass ing thought,

Loads every m inute as i t fliesWith benefit s u nsought.

4. Lift up to God the voice of prai se,From whom salvation flows

Who sent His Son our souls to saveFrom al l our gui lty woes.

Lift up toGod the voi ce of prai se,For hope’s transport ing ray,

That lights through darkes t shades of deathTo r ealms of endl es s day.




the Lord ajoyful song,Lift '

u p your hearts, your voices rai se,To u s His gracious gifts belong,

'To Him ou r songs of love and prai se .

For He 13 Lord of heaven and earth ,Whom angels serve and saints adore ,The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;

rTo whom be


prai se for evermore.2 . For life and l ove, for rest and food ,

For dai ly help and nightly care,

Sing to theLord, for He i s good,

And prai se His name,for it is fai r.

For He i s , etc.For strength to those who on Him wai t


His truth to prove,His wi ll to do

Prai se ye our God, for He 15 great ;Trust l n His name

,for i t is true.

For He i s,etc.

4. For joys untold that from aboveCheer those who love His sweet empl oy


Sing to our God , for He i s loveExalt His name, for i t i s joy.For He i s, etc .

5. For l ife below, with al l i ts bli ss,And for that life

,more pure and high


That inner life which over thisShall ever shine

,and never die

S ing to the Lord of heavenand earth ,Whom ang els serve and sain ts adore,The Father


,and Holy Ghost,

To whom be prai se for evermore.


A i al f tz‘

bzés pm'


se fl ze Lord.

. AT al l times prai se the Lord : I

His prom1ses are sure .What i f thou doubt ? His steadfas t wordUnchanging shal l endu re. .q

2 . Prai se Him,





ebrightAnd gladness fil l s mydays

Heaven shames thee Wi th its gl orious l ightAnd call s thee to His prai se.

3. Prai se Him,wh 'en clouds are dark

True faith waits not t o prove 41

Though hope no brightening gleam may mark,His meaning sti ll 15 love. 1 1


4. Prai se Him, when home is sweet,As though we ne’er should paf tBut pray— while kindred spiritsmeetPray for a thoughtful heart.

5. Prais e Him ,when far away

On mount ai n or th e s ea. 1

Each place i s home to them whomayThy Father g uardeth thee .

6 . Prai se Him,when joyful song s

The sai nts onearth u n l teIn sacred chorus with the throngsOf angels 1n the height.a b M"

7 . .Praise Him,when drear and - lone

The shadows round thee fal lNo eye upon thy s ins bu t O ne

Fear not He pardons al l .


For Thy Spirit’s inward token,

For the word by prophe ts spoken,For the bonds that Thou hast broken ,

Hal lowed be.Thy name.

8. For the labour and the strife,

Years with pai n and trial rife,

For the battle - storm of life,

Hal lowed be Thy nram

For the fai th that wil l not quai l,

For the love that cannot fai l,

For the truth that shal l prevail,

Hal lowed be Thy name .

For Thy pledge of fu ture joy,Final peace where none



Endless l ife Wi thout alloy,Hal lowed be Thy name .




MAKE me, Lord, Thy statu tes learnKeep in Thy ways my feet 1 1

Then shall my lips divinel y burn ; 1

Then shall my songs be sweet.

2 . Each s in I cast away shall makeMy soul more s trong to soarEach deed of holines s shall wakeA strai n D ivine the more .

My voice shal l more del ight Thine earThe more I wai t on TheeThy service bri ng my song more nearThe ang el i c harmomy.


4. O wherefore swells so sweet aboveThe everlas ting hymnThy wil l they work

,Thy law they love,

Those tuneful seraphim

5. When, Lord, shall perfect h'ol iness

Make my poor voi ce divine,And al l harmonious heaven confess

.No sweeter song than m ine ?


[ oy in Heaven andHopeon Earflz . l ines .

HALLELUJAH Song of gladness,1 Voice o¥joy that cannot die

Hallelujah . Sound the sweetestHhard am id the choi rs on highWhich they ever s ing


I n God’s house,eternally.

2 . Hallelujah church victorious,Join the concert of the sky

Hallelujah . bright and glorious ,Lift ye saints this s train on high !But by Babylon’s dark waters

3, We m ex il e still must sigh.

3. Hallelujah'

Songs of gladness .


' Su it not always souls forlornHallelujah Sounds of sadnessMidst our joyous strains are homeFor in this dark world '

of sorrow !We for sin mu st often mou rn.



4 But ourrlearnes t suppl i cation ,Holy God l we raise to Thee 1

V i sit u s with Thy sal ‘vation ,Make u s '

al l .Thy peace to seeThen we’ll s ing our Hal lelujahOurs at last this klstrain shall be.

1 Lat in Hymn ,"m;tl z Cen t u ry .

Qionf es siim, fienitencaanh finritg .

A Prayer f or Mercy .

HE N firs t the stream of l ife runs low

From year to year our£0n g row, 1 .. 1

Have mercy, Lord !

2 . When youthful pass1ons. u sing high};I nflame ou r thoughts, and pleasures cryOn every hand, Come, taste and try,

Have mercy,Lord I

3. When manhood’

s 'baser'

lu sts preval lO’er vi rtue’§ law, and jju cl g men ts fai lTo cau se'the s tohy

' heart to quai l,Have Mercy, Lord 1


4. When manhood’s hai r i s t ing ed withgrey,And early pleasures pass away,With ou r 'd u l l ’d sens es’ swift decay, f 1

1 1 .1 0' Have mercy, Lord !


seals .u p ibis weary -

eyfi; 1

When pasmhe closing agony, v1: 110"

Then hearm isohmn l itanw :fl '

Have mercy, Lord 1

" i


I n Childhood ’s veins,and weakand sl ow


4. Yet, Lord 1‘

I thank Thee for the sightThou hast vouchsaf ed to me

And humbled to the dust I shrinkCloser to Thee

5- .A1ld if Thy l ove wi l l not disownSo frail aheart as m ine,Chasten and cl eanse i t as Thou wil t,

But keep i t Thine

I n God’s sn zJ. 1

HY should '

we vex our foohshmi ndsSo much, from day to day,

With what an idleworld concernmg u s

May think or say?

2 . Do we not know there sits ajiidBefore whose search ing eyes

Our inmost hidden being cleft in twainAnd open lies ?

O my omniscient Lord and GodEnough , enough for me, H1 1

That Thou the evil in me and the goodDos t whol ly see, 11

4. Let others please to th ink of meOr sayWhal e

’er they wi l l

Such as I judgment~seat,So am l

1 1 . .I

5. Prai se they my good beyond desert,And al l my baql ig nore


That am I which in Thy pure s ight } am,

No less , no more


My effiil'

in ex cessThat am I which in T’hy


pu re sight I'm


No more; no less. I

OPPRESSED'with sin and woe,

A bu rdened'

heart JI bear ;Opposed by many aumg hty foe,Yet will I not despair. ’

2 . With this pol luted heartI dare to come to Thee.

Holy and m ighty as Thou'



For Thou wil t pardon me.

3. I feel that'

I am weakAnd prone to every sin

But Thou Who g iv’st to thosewho seek,Wilt give me strength Within.

4. I need not fear'



I neécl not’

yiel d to fcareI need not sink beneath my woes ,For Thou wilt answer prayer.

F 5. I n my Redeeinei’s name,I give myself to Thee

And, .al l


u nworthyas I am,

My God'

willwelcome ihé.A rm: Bron te.

l ord flaw Mercy.l

LORD haye mercy when‘



S trengthto seek a'better' wayQ


When our wakenin g thou ghts beginFirst to loathe their cheri shed s in

When ou r weary s 'pi ri ts fail ,And our ach ing brows are paleWhen ou r tears bedew Thy wordThen

,0 then

,have mercy


2 . Lord have mercy when we lieOn the restless bed

,and sigh


S igh for death , yet‘

fear i t st il lFrom the thought of former i l lWhen the dim advancing: gl oomTells u s that our hour i s comeWhen is loos ed the silver cordThen

,0 then , have mercy, Lord 1

Lord have mercy when we knowFirst how vai n this world below .;

When its darker thoughts oppress,Doubts perplex and fears di stres sWhen the earliest gleam i s givenOf Thy bright but di stant heavenThen Thy fostering grace afl



Then,0 then

,have mercy, Lord

H. H.

6 . D.

SHOW pity, Lorri,For we are frail and fai nt

We fade away,

0 l i st to our complain tWe fade awayLike flowers in the sun

We ju st begin ,And then our work i s done.

244 HYM N S OF

2 . Then lifted bands will hide the face ;Then tears .our grief Wi ll prove,That such hath been t he Father’s grace


And such the chi ldren’sTove

3. Then shal l our spi rits hol d at onceA comfort and apamFor we shal l know Thy wanden ng sonsAre turn ing home again .

4. With such glad grief, such tearfu l j oy,Be our repentance blestThy comfort then

,wi thout alloy



Shall give u s heavenly rest .

Los t and Fou nd.

THOUGH we long, i n s in - wrought blindness,

From Thy gracious path s have strayed,

Cold to Thee and al l Thy ki ndness,

Wil ful , reckless , or afraidThrough dim clouds that g ather round u sThou hast sought

,and Thou hast found u s .

2 . Of t from Thee we veil ou r faces,Children - l ike

,to cheat

Thine eyesSin , and hope to hide the tracesFrom ourselves, ourselves disguise ;

’Neath the webs enwoven round u sThy sou l - pierq iéng glance has fou nd


u s.

3. Sudden, ’m idst ou r i dle choru s,O’er our sin Thy thunders rol l ,

Death his sig nal waves before u s,N ig ht and terror take the sou l


Till through double darkn ess roun’

d u sLooks a star— and Thou hast found u s.

4. 0 most merciful, most holy,Light Thy wanderers on thei r wayKeep u s ev


er Thine, Thine wholly,Suffer u s no more to strayCloud and storm oft gather round u sWe were lost, but Thou hast found


u s .

W E name Thy name, 0 God ,As our God call on Thee,

Though the dark heart meantimerFar from Thy ways may be.

2 . And we can own Thy law,

And we can sing Thy songs,

While this sad inner soulTo sin and shame belongs .

On u s Thy love may glow,As the pure m idday fire

On some foul spot look down,And yet the m ire be m ire.

4. Then spare as not Thy fires ,The searching light an d painBurn

out the s in and, last,With Thy love heal again .

Palg rave.

ovi: me,0 Lara, forg iyin g ly,

0 ever be my Friend


And still, when Thou reproyes t me,Reproof wi th pity blend.

0 pity me, when weak I fallAnd as

,with saddened eyes


I upward look,0 let Thy cal l

Come, strengthening me to ri se.

My sins,dispersed by mercy bright,

Like clouds agai n grow black0 change the winds that bring such night


And drive the darkness back.

4. This fearful striving, le t i t cease,Then fervent, fruitfu l daysShal l yield both prom i se and i n crease


And make my g rowt h Thy prai se .

T. T. Lynda

Comf ort Me.

I N the hour of my distress ,When temptati ons me oppress,

And when I my s in s confess,

Sweet Spiri t, comf ort me.

2 . When I l ie within my bed,S ick in heart and sick in head


And with doubts discomforted,Sweet Spi ri t

,comfort me.

When the house doth sigh and weep,

And the world i s drowned in sleep,

Yet m ine eyes the watch do keep,

Sweet Spiri t,comfort me.

4 When the tempter me pu rs u’th


With the sins of al l my youth ,


Ou t of if/zee /fis .

O UT of the depths I cry to Thee,Lord God

,0 hear my wai l ing

Thy grac ious ear i ncl ineto me,And makemy p

rayeravailing 1On my m i sdeeds in n


ercyl ook,O deign to blot them from Thy book


Or who can s tand before Thee ?

2 . Thy Sovere1g n'

g race and bouhdless loveMake Thee

, 0 Lord , forgiving ;My purest thou ghts and deeds bil t proveSin 113my

'heart i s l iving



None g u iltl ess inThy sight appear,‘

Al l whoapproachThy thronemust fear,And humbly t ru st Thy mercy

3. Thou cans t be merc iful wml e jus t”Thi s is my hope’s foun dat ion ;

On Thy redeemi ng g race I t rust,Grant me, then , Thy salvationShielded by Thee I stand secure, 4

Thy word is firm , Thy prom i se sure,And I rely upon Thee. z ,

Like those,

whowatch for midnight’s hour,Tohail the da


virn in g m orrow,I wai t for Thee

,I tru st Thy power,

U nmoved by doub t or sorrow.

So thus let I srael hope in Thee ,"

And he'

shal l find Thy mercy'


And Thy redempti on plen teous . ‘


L I FE .


IDHOU to whom

hou r

voices rise,King of the earth,

_an d am, and skies,For al l the bless ings that we prize


We thank Thee,Lord I “

2 . For work and rest, for home and friends.For health and streng th Thy mercy sends ,That we may serve the noblest ends,

We thank Thee,Lord

3. For idle word and triflin g thought,'For selfish pleasure we have sought,When al l for Thee we should have wrought


Forgive u s , Lord !I 1

From anger; pride, and selfish care ,From want of fai th in work or prayer,Froin s in that


we would rashly dare,O save 115


We trust Thy wisdom,love, and power

When al l i s bright—g—when sorrows lowerThrough al l our life— in death’s last hour,

Be with u s, Lord 1

1. O THOU . u nknown'

, Alm ight y Cau se;Of al l my hope and fear

I n‘ whose dread presence, ere an hour;Perhaps I must appear

I f I havewandei’d in those paths1 - q ?

Of l ife I ought to 'shunAs something, loudly in my breast,Remonstrates I have done


Where human weakness has come short, 1

Or frail ty stept aside,

Do Thou , Al l Good . for such Thouart ,I n shades of darknes s hide.


4. Where wi th intention I have err’d,

N 0 other plea I have,But, Thou art good and goodness s til lDelighteth to forgive.

Robert B u rns .

Cons traz'


ng Love. 1 I 1 0 . 1 I . 1 o.

ATHER,to u s Thy children

,humbly kneeling,

Consc iou s of weaknes s,ignorance, s in


J shame,

Give such aforce of holy thought and feel ing,That we may l ive to glorify Thy name

That we may conquer base des i re and pass ion ,

That we may ri se from selfish thought and will,

O’ereome the world’s al lu rement, threat, an d fashion ,Walk humbly, gently, lean ing on Thee sti ll .

3. 0 let not al l the pains and toi ls be wasted ,Spent on our l ife by saints now gone to rest "1

Nor that deep sorrow the Redeemer tastedWhen on His soul the gu ilt of men was pressed.

4 Let al l this goodness by our minds be heeded,Let al l thi s mercy on our hearts be sealed

Thy power,0 Lord, can give the cleansing needed ;

0 speak the word, Thy servants shall be hJ. Freeman Clarke.

252 1 HYMN S

Because I called good evi l, evil, good, ,

And thought I,ignorant

,knew many thin g s ,

And deemed my weight of folly Weight of 6m0 Lord, I do repent.

6 . Because Thou hast borne with meall thi s while,Hast sm itten me with love u nti l Iweep.Hast cal led me as amother Cal l s her chi ld

0 Lord , I do repent .

1 I

1 q m t .

Y sins have taken s uch ahold on me,I am not able to' look up to Thee ;

Lord,I repent I accept my tears and grief .

2 : Of m'

g ht s unhallowed, and of sinful days, [ways,Of careless thoughts

and words and works andLord

,I repent ‘

accept my tears and grief .

3. And in the l if e whi ch doth withinme l ive, 1And the Forgiven ess which can al l forg i veLord

,I believe 1 help Thou mine

4 Of s elfishnes s , which makes the soul unjust,Envy and strife, and every sinful lu stLord

,I repent } accept my tears and g riefi;

5. Of s ins , that as acl oud have hid Thy face,'

Of Thy care sl ighted, and Thy grieved grace,Lord, I repent accept my tears and grief."

6 . I n Love, which pu ts s i n’s enviou s veil aside

,1; :

Rending the veil of flesh which for me died ;Lord

,I believe I help .Thou mine unbel ief .

7. Sin 15my sorrow, passion is my pain ,To Thee their vil eness— and 1n me their stain ;Lord, I repen t . accept my tears and g riefii ‘


Del iver u s f mm B u Z.

7 .

That beset s b u r earthly‘ pathFrom Thy final condemnation


From Thy tran s itory'wrath


God of goodness, as del iver, ‘

And Thy name be praised for ever. 1

2 . From aheart of hate and blindness,

.From al l envy, treachery, pride,From al l harshness 0 1 unkindness,A11 to sin

,or shame allied


God of g oodness , ,u s deliver


And Thy name be praised for ever.

From the world’s deceitful pleasu res ,From i ts soul - invading snares


From the plotter’s crafty measures,Foolish thoughts and trifling cares,God of goodness

,u s deliver,

And Thy namebe prai sed for ever.

4. I n the time of tribulation,I n the bright and prosperousway,

I n the hour of l ife’s prostration,

I n the final judgment - day,

God of g obdnes s , u s deliver,And Thy name be praised for ever.

R. Mani .

A Prayer f or; '

Pu rz'

zfy. 8 .8 .

ONE thing I of the Lord desi reFor al l myway hath m iry been ,

Be i t by water or by fi re,0 make meclean .


2 . I f clearer vi s ion Thou impart,Gratef ul and glad my soul shall beBut yet to have a'purer heart

I s more to me.

Yea, only as the heart i s clean ,May larger vi s ion yet be m ine,For m irrored in i ts depths are seen

The things d ivine.

4. So wash Thou me, without, wi thinOr purge with fire, i f that must be

Nomatter how, if only sinDie out in me.

LORD,when we bend before 'I‘hy throne

And our confessions pour,

Teach u s to feel the sins we own,

And hate what we deplore.

2 . Ou r broken spirits, pitying, see ;True penitence impartThen let akindling glance from TheeBeam hope upon the heart.

When we disclose our wants in prayer,May we our wills resign

And not a thought our bosom shareWhich i s not who l ly Thine.

Let fai th each weak.

petition fil l,

And waft i t to the skies,

And teach 0 111 hearts’ti s goodness sti l l

That grants it,or denies .

D .


F1 0 111 morning watch t il l night i s nearI plead Thy



s name.

4. Ile'



d,there i smercy now


As ever was with Thee ;Before Thy throne of g nace I bowBe mef cifu l to me.

x 1

S ir H , W. Baker.


ofmercy, God of love !Hear

l0 111 sad~

repentant songSor10wdwel ls on everyfaceLPenitence onevery tong ue

2 . Deep regret for follies pas t, ”1Talen t s was ted


't ime m i s spent ;Heart s debas ed by worldl y cares ,Thankles s for the blessings lent

Fool i sh fears, and fond desires ,Vai n regrets for things as vai nLips too seldom tau’ght toprai se,Oft to murmur and complain

These, and'

every secret fau l t,

Filled with grief and shame we ownHumbled

,at Thy feet we l ie,

Seeking pardon from Thy throne.

God of merey, God of g raceHear ou'r sad repen tant

son g s

Oh restore ThyShppl ian t'


Thou to whom al l g racebelongs


O F al l the precious gifts, 0 Lord, .

Thy mercy can impart,Whate’er Thou willest to withhold,0 grant aperfect heart .

2 . Behold u s , how we feebly floatThrough many achanging mood

Howoft one flash of thought annulsOur firmes t choice of good.

We sin,repent

,and fondly think

Our hill is now made strongOur state of grace, restored, abidesThou knowest


,how long.

4. Alas,for prayer - made purposes

That l ive not half the dayFor goodness like the morning cloud


Like dews that pass away

Oh take our incoherent wills,

And set them straight with Thine,

Our broken threads of moral l ifeI n one strong whole combine.

6 . Make u s each day more fix ed in love,To Theemore s imply given


Till perseverance lands u s safeI n thine unchanging heaven.

Make Clean Ou r Hearts .

G IVE as , 0 Fount of Purity,A conscience clear, without ofi



That Thou in u s unceasinglyMay’st deign to keep Thy res idence.


258 HYMNS OF2 . Between u s and Thyself remove

Whatever hindrances may be,That so ou r inmost hearts may proveA holy temple meet for Thee.S ti ll grant u s , by Thy godly strength,A mind more perfectly renewed

A l l fai l ings rooted out at lengthOurselves with new- born powers endued.

Let coward fear to hope give place,

And meekness reign,l ike mother m i ld

And Charity, the chiefest grace,Pu ienes s of spiri t u ndefiled,Regard Thee with afil ial loveNo slavish fear wi th in u s be

That so our cherished thoughts,above

Aught else,may ever rest on Thee.From Me Lat in tr . T

L zlg iztm Ou r .Darkrzess .

H that thou wouldst the heavens rend,And comfort me with light

I n love and holiness descend,And scatter al l my n ight.

2 . Consume my wrong, my fear d ispel,Bid feebleness depart ,

Be stronger than my selfish will,

And g reater than my heart f

Then,when my s in has found defeat


And Thou has t'

al l my soul,Lead me to pastu res soft , where sweet


”The heal ing wateis rol l, s.

2 60 HYMNS OFGive u s humi l i ty

,that so

Thy reign may come within ,And when Thy children homeward g o,We too may enter in .

4. Hear u s , ou r Saviou r ours Thou art ,Though we are not l ike TheeGive u s Thy Spirit i n our heart


Large,lowly, trusting, free .

Georg e Af aca’



T/zy Servan ts . 7s . 6 l ines .

RACIOU S Father, hear our prayer,Leave u s not

,lest we despai r

Let Thine arm ou r safeguard be,Hear the prayer we rai se to TheeGod of power, and God ofm ight,Shield Thy servants in the fig ht .

2 . Soldiers of the Cross, we standArmed for battle by Thine handRock of strength

,to Thee we fly

H ide u s in adversity.

God of power,and God of m ight


Shield Thy servants in the fig ht .

T/ze K nowledg e of God.

H INE forth, E ternal Sou rce of Ligh t,And make Thy glories known ;

Fi ll ou r enlarged,adoring s ight

With lustre al l Thine own .

2 . Vai n are the charm s, and faint the raysThe brightest creatures boast

And al l thei r grandeur and their prai seAre in Thy presence lost.


To know the Author of our frameI s our sublimest skillTrue science i s to read Thy name,True life to obey Thy will.

For this we long,for this we pray,

And, following on , pursue,Till visions of eternal dayFix an d complete the view.

I mploring D ivine Lig ht . 1 0 . 1 0

THOUwhose powero’ermovingworlds presidesWhose voice createdandwhose wisdom guides

On darkl ing man in pure efiu l g ence shine,And cheer the clouded m ind with Light D ivine .

2 .

’Tis Thine alone to calm the pious breas tW ith silent confidence and holy restFrom Thee,Great God,we spring, to Thee we tend ,Path, Motive, Guide, Original and End .

Boet lz z'

u s,ir. Dr. Samu el jolzn son .

C .M .

THY home is with the humble , Lord 1The simple are Thy rest

Thy lodging is in childlike hearts,Thou makest there Thy nest.

2 . Dear Comforter ! Eternal Love !I f Thou wilt stay with me


Oi lowly thoughts and s imple waysI’l l build ahouse for Thee.

2 62 HYMNS 0 1?

B LEST are the pure in heart,

For they shall see our GodThe secret of the Lord i s the irs


Their soul i s Chri st’s abode.

2 . The Lord who left the heavensOur l ife and peace to bring


To dwell i n lowliness with menTheir pattern and thei r king

He to the lowly soulD oth sti ll H imself impart ;

And for His dwelling and His throneChooseth the pure in heart.

4. Lord, we Thy presence seek ;May ours thi s bless ing beGive u s apure and lowly heart


A temple meet for Thee .

jo/m [ f eble and E .

Help M e I

ICHT of my l ife i my God , whose powerQuickens me in each weary hour


Strong would I bewi th strength from Thee0 Thou who failes t not, help me !

2 . Oh , poor am I,and frai l and weak

Withou t the aid I dai ly seek,I fal ter if not held by Thee0 Thou who fal teres t not, help me l

3. I yield beneath temptati on’s forg e,Oh g ran t me strength to keep my cou rse

L .M .

26 4 HYMN S OF

7 . Al l hues, al l harmonies d ivine,

The holy earth about,

Their souls wi ll send forth into m ine,

My soul to widen ou t.8. And thu s the great earth I shall hold

A perfect gift of ThineRicher by these

, a thou sand - fold,

Than if broad lands were m ine.

QIhrifit ian fiiscipl sz hip anh § n bims e Heavenwam’

Cal l . L .M .

HAT shall I do, my Lord , my God ,To make my l ife worth more to Thee ?

Within my heart, through earth abroad,Deep voices sti r and summon me.

2 . Through strange confusions of the timeI hear Thy beckoning cal l resound

There is apathway more sublimeThan yet my laggard feet have found .

3. My coward heart, my flagging feet,

They hold me in bewildering gloomCome Thou my stumbling steps to meet,And lift me unto larger room 1

4. The deares t voice may lead astraySpeak Thou Thy word my gu ide shal l be,Oh

,not from l ife and men away,But through them

,with them

,up to Thee

5. I t i s not much these bands can do :Keep Thou my spiri t close to Thine,

Till every thought Thy love throbs through ,And al l my words breathe truth divine


6 . With souls that seek Thy pure abode,Let my unfaltering soul aspire lMake .me aradiance on the roadA bearerof Thy sacred fire 1

L u cy Larcom.

Tize Can secm fm’Road . L.M .

OW shall I follow Him I serve ?How shal l I copy Him I love ?

Nor from those blessed footsteps swerveWhich lead me to His seat above ?

2 . Privations,sorrows, bitter scorn,

The life of toil,the mean abode


The fai thless kiss , the crown of thorn,Are these the consecrated road ?’Twas thus He s u fi


ered, though aSon,Foreknowing


,feeling al l


Until the perfect work was done,

And drunk the cup of bitter gall.

4. Lord , should my path through su ffering lie,Forbid that I should e’er repine ;Still let me turn to Calvary


Nor heed my griefs, remembering Thine.

Fol lowing C11f ist .

THOU say’st Take up thy cross,

0 man,and follow me

The night i s black,the feet are slack


Yet we would follow Thee.


2 . But O,dear Lord

,we cry,

That we T'hy face b ould see

Thy bles sed face one moment’s space“

Then m ight we follow Thee

3. Dim tracts of time d ivideThose golden days from me

The voice comes strang e o’er years of chang e

Howcan I follow Thee ?

Comes faint and far Thy voiceFrom vales of Gal i leeThy vis ion fades in ancient shadesHow shou ld we follow Thee ?

Ah,sense - bound heart an d blind


l s nought but what we see ?Can t ime undo what once was true .

Can we not follow Thee ?

6 . 0 heavy cross— of fai thI n what we cannot see

As once of yore,Thyself restore ,

And help to follow Thee

7. I f not as once Thou cam ’s t ,

I n true humanity ,Come yet as guest within the breastThat burns to fol low Thee .

8. Within ou r heart of heart sI n nearest nearness be

Set up Thy throne within.

Thine ownG0

,Lord we follow Thee.

2 68 HYMN S OF

2 . Thou wert the end,the blessed rule


O f Jesu’s toils and tearsThou wert the passion of His hear tThose three and th i rty years.

I love to ki ss each print where ThouHast set Thine unseen feet

I cannot fear Thee,holy Will


Thine empire i s so sweet.

Oh , do Thou breathe into my soulA special love of Thee

A love to lose my will in Thine,And by that los s be free .

I have no cares,O blessed Will !

For al l my cares are ThineI l ive in triumph, Lord 1 for ThouHast made Thy triumphs m i ne.

6 . When obstacles and t rials seemLike prison walls to be,

I do the little I can do,

And leave the rest to Thee.

7. And when i t seems no chance or changeFrom grief can set me free,

Hope finds i t s strength in helplessness,And gai ly wai ts on Thee .

8. Ride on , ride on triumphantly,Thou glorious Will ride onFai th’s pilgrim sons behind Thee take.The road that Thou hast gone.

111 that God blesses i s our good,And unblest good i s i ll

And al l i s right that seems most wrong ,I f i t be His sweet will .



Prayer ag ains t Worl d/z'

ness .

REAT Father, well Thou know’s t that oft

We find the world too strongThat powers at deadly war with fai thAround our pathway throng.

2 . When things of sense their claims assertW i th such a royal m ien


’Tis hard to keep al l homage backFor majesties unseen .

3. Self- hardened towards diviner things,

Each day men own them lessWhile through their being steals the plagu eOf utter worldliness .

4. Oh keep u s,Lord

,from such adoom !

Oh grant u s power and love,

What l ies before u s here to do,

Bu t fix our hearts above.

5. Amid the transient make u s trueTo that which knows no endLet holy thoughts and acts of fai thWith earthly business blend

6 . 8 0 shall the beauty of our GodBeam o’er u s every day

And this poor handiwork be richI n fruits that ne’er decay.

Complete Sacrzfice.

O THOU,who deig nes t from above

The pure celestial fire to impart iKindle aflame of sacred loveOn the mean altar of my heart .

270 HYMN S 0?

2 . There let i t for Thy gl ory burnWith unex t ingui shable blaze ;

And trembling t0r i ts source returnI n humble prayer and fervent prai se.

O Lord,confirm my heart

’s desire,

To work,and speak

,and th ink for Thee ;

Sti l l let me guard the holy fire,

And sti ll s ti r up Thy gift in me

Ready for al l Thy perfect will,

My acts of fai th and love repeatT ill death Thy endless m erc ies sealAnd make the sacrifice complete .

Cfiar les

T/ze Narrow Way .

BEL IEVE not those who sayThe upward path i s smooth,

Lest thou shouldst stumble i n the wayAnd faint before the truth.

2 . I t i s the only roadUnto the realms of joy,

But he who seeks that blest abodeMust al l his powers employ.

Arm,arm thee for the fig ht !

Cast useless loads awayWatch through the darkest hours of nightToil through the hottest day.

4 To labour and to love,51

‘ o pardon and endure,To lift thy heart to God above,And keep thy cons cience pure


Tfie L iving Sacrifice. L .M . 6 l in es .

GOD ,what sacrifice can I

Bring to the glory of Thy Throne ?Thine i s the earth and boundless skyWhat have I which i s not Thine own ?Nought but my will, myself, my whole,My body

,spiri t

,and my soul

2 . These Thou hast deigned to ask of me,And yet they are Thy gifts, and I

Am bound to render them to TheeTherefore in power and love be nigh


That I with no reluctant browMay bring them to Thy footstool now.

3. Put Thou my body to Thy school,A l iving sacrifice to TheeO’er al l the gates of feeling rule


I n self- control my freedom be,

Till every sense,and al l des ires

Be purged by Thy refinin g fires .

4. Fill me with righteousness and truth,With joy and peace

,and gentle mood


Courage,and hope’s immortal youth,

Long - s u fi’

erin g and fortitude,Meekness and temperance and awe,And most

,with loving of Thy law.

5. And oh, where I am most alone,Deep in my inner nature, beClothe with perfection l ike Thine ownMy spiri t

,let me put on Thee 1

Then lift me,Lord, to heaven , and move

My life throu gh worlds and worlds of love.S lapf ord A Brooke.


Ou r Masiar.

O LORD and Master of us al lWhate’er our name or sign, 1

We own .Thy sway, we hear Thy‘

cal l,

We test our lives by Thine .

Thou judgest u s Thy purityDoth al l our lusts condemnThe love that draws u shearer Th'eeI s hot with wrath to them .


3. Yet weak and blinded though we be,Thou dos t our service own 1

We bring our varying gifts to Thee,

And Thou rejectes t none.

4. To Thee our full hhman ity,I t s joys and pains , belong

The wrong bf man toman on TheeI nflict s adeeper wrong.

5. Who hates,hates


Thee who loves, becomesTherein toThee al li ed

A l l sweet accords of heart s and homesI n Thee are multiplied.

6 . To do Thywill i s more than praise;A s wordsare less than deeds,

And simple trust‘

can f ind ThywaysWemi ss' with chart


of creeds f'

7. Apart from Theeal l' l

g ain i s loss,A11 labourvainly doneThe solemn shadow oFThy CrossI s better than the s u n.

8. Al'ohe, 0 Love ine


ffable !Thy saving Name is given 1

To turn as ide from Thee is be ll ,l

u p f

To walkw1th'

Thee 15 heavenJG.


Tbe Great Compan ion . 5. 5.5.

I . BSU S,Brother



Guide u s to the endWhere Thou art

,the weakest sadness

Wins the strength of love and gladnessLife i s victoryI f ’ti s l ived in Thee.

2 . I f inglorious ease,Or if wealth should please


I f the world and al l i t s fleet in g ,Should allure u s

,soft entreating


Let Thy holy cryB id u s rather die 1

3. When our life i s gray,Cold and dull our day

When o’er dusty ways we’re fari ng .

Hoping half,and half despai ri ng


Quicken u s with good,

J oy and forti tude

4. I f our friends depart,Or deceive our heart,

When our dreams have dread ful waking,When our heart with grief i s breaking"


Teach u s Thine own prayerFor the Father’s care .

5. When with shame and s inWe are tossed within,

May we hear Thy voice from EdenCome to me, 0 heavy laden,I wi ll g 1ve you res tOn my Father

’s breas t.”


N Chri st we read the Law,The Way, the Truth, the Life,

And see the glory whi ch He saw,

And feel His kindl i ng love to drawOur hearts away from strife.

2 . In Chri st the Man D ivineOf al l embracing l ove,

We see God’s Fatherhood to shine,And feel man’s brotherhood benign,

As angels feel above.

I n Chri st the Living HeadOf spi ri ts bound and free


We hai l the l iving from the dead,

And feel no more apang of dread,

To pass the unknown sea.

I n Chri st the Son of GodWe learn what we may be

Perfected by the chastening rodWe leave to


t ime thi s fleshly'

loadAnd grasp'eternity.

L .M . 6 l i n es .

N OT ours to ask Thee,What 1s truth

For here it shines the l ight of l ig htAnd al l may see it , age or youth,


Who will but leave the outer night’Tis ours to tread, not seek , the


WayThat brightens to the


perfect day.

2 . Bu t thi s we ask thee, gracious fbord,Let fai th, so precious, feed and grow


And make our lives the more accordWith fear and love, the more weknow ;

For thus we too shal l point the wayThat brightens to the perfect day.


3. Nor have we learned it save to teachI t i s for ot hers we are wise :The humblest man has charg e topreachThy kingdom in anation’s eyes,

A nat ion groping for the wayThat brightens to the perfect day.

Aa’wm f ew Domine. C.M .D .

HOLY Child of Bethl ehem ,

By heavenly hosts adoredO wondrous Child of Bethlehem ,

Earth’s dear and gracious LordCome in Thine infant l ovel iness,Be born anew our childThy little hands our hearts caress


And make them pure and m i ld.‘

2 . O blessed feet in Gal ileeThat trod the busy shore ;O welcome feet in Gal ilee


Whom thousands thronged before l '

Walk 1n our crowded ways to - day,And help u s jaded men

Our sickness heal,our fears al lay


And give u s heart again .

0 gentle friend in Bethany,Who loved the si sters twainO weeping Christ of Bethany,Who shared our parti lng pain I

278 HYMN S OF '


Be with u s i n our human love,Our human loss and grief ;

And tu rn , as then , our thoughts aboveI n conquering bel ief .

4. O wrestler in GethsemaneWith mysti c fate and fear

0 victor in GethsemaneO

eral l that tempts u s hereNowmake u s strong our foe to fig ht,And meek to bend our will


That we may choose the path of right,And heavenly lawf u lfil .

5. O thorn - crown ’

d head on Calvary,

That bowed for u s in woeO pierced s ide on Calvary


Whose blood for u s did flowLet Thine upl ifted Cross have powerTo draw mankind to Thee

Yea, cleanse our sight this very hou rThy Cross of love to see .

6 . 0 Son of Man in Paradise,

Who prayest for u s now0 Son of God in Paradise,Before Thy face we bowOur hearts to keep, our lives to spend,We offer at Thy feetOh bind u s

,t i ll our years shal l end

In loving servi ce meet. E . S . Oakley,

Ou r Smal l Lives . 85. 7 l ines .

PAT IENT Christ ! when long ag o,O ’er old Judea’s rugged hills


Thy will ing feet went to and fro,

To find and comfort human il l s ,

280 HYMN S OF 1 r

Vai n i s al l those voices say l—t

Show me Thy way 1

2 . B l i nd am I,as those who guide me

Let me feel Thee close beside mc'


Come as light into my beingUnto me be eyes

,A l l - Seeing !

Hear my heart’s one wish, I pray

Show me Thy way 1

Thou must lead me‘

and none other,

Truest Lover,Friend

,and Brother


Thou art my soul’s shelter, whetherS tars gleam ou t

,or tempests gather


I n Thy presence night i s day1 '

.Show me Thy way 1L u cys rcom .

Tear/z me Tby way . L .M .

T EACH the, 0 Lord , Thy holy way,And give me an obedient mind;

That ‘

i n Thy service I may findMy soul’s delight fromday to


2 . Help me, O Saviou r, here to traceThe sacred footsteps Thou hast trod


And meekly walking with my God,To

grow in goodness,truth

,and grace.


me, O Lord,“ that - I may n


e’er '

Forsake the right, or do the wrongAgainst temptat ion tmake me '

s trdng ,

And ronnd me spread Thy sheltering c'are.


4. Blessme,O Saviou r

,in e


Begun, continued, done for TheeFu lfil Thy perfect work inWhat less— what greater— dare I ask ?

Ou r Pu f fer”.

LORD,as to Thy dear Cross we flee,

And plead to be forgiven,

So let Thy life our pattern be,‘

And form our souls for heaven

2 . Help u s , through g ood report and i ll,Ou r daily cross to bear,Like Thee

,to do our Fathet’s will


Our brethren ’

s grief to share.

Let grace our selfishnes s ex pel,Our earthliness refine,

And kindness in our' bosoms dwe l l ,As free and true as Thine .

I f joy shall at Thy bidding fly,And grief’s dark day come ou ,We in our turn wou ld m eekly cryFather

,Thy will be done

Shou ld'

friends m i sjudge,or foes defame


Or brethren fai thless prove,Then , like Thine own , be al l our aim,

To conquer them by love.


6 . Kept peacefu l in the midst of strife,Forg iving and forgiven ,

0 may we lead the pil grim’s life,

And follow Thee to heaven IJ. H . Gu rney.

BSU S call s u s o’er the tumultOf


our life’s wi ld restless seaDay by day His sweet voi ce soundeth,Saying


,follow Me.”

2 . As of old disciples heard i tBy the Gal i lean lake,Turned from home and toil and kindred,Leaving al l for His dear sake.

3. Jesus cal ls u s from the worshipO f the vai n world’s golden store,From each idol that would keep u s ,Saying , Chri stian ,

love Me more.”

I n our joys and in our sorrows ,Days of toil and hours of eas e,S till He call s, i n cares and pleasures ,Chri stian , love Me more than these.”

Jesus call s as 1 by His mercies ,May we hear our Saviour

’s callG ive our hearts to His obedience


Serve and love Him best of al l .

Cecil Frances A l ex ander.


2 . The martyr firs t, who se eagl e eyeCould pierce beyond the grave


Who sawhiS 'Mas ter in the sky,

And called on Him to save.Like Him , with pardon on His tongueI n m ids t of mortal pain


He prayed for them that did the wrongrWho follows i n his train ?

A glorious band,the chosen few

On whom the Spiri t came,

Twelve val iant saints,thei r hope they knew


And mocked the cross and flame.

They met the tyrant’s brandi shed steel,

The lion’s gory mane,

They bowed thei r necks the death to feelWho follows in their train ?

A noble arm y,men and boys


The matron and the maid ,Around the Saviou r’s throne rejomeI n robes of light arrayed .

They cl imbed the steep ascent of heavenThrough peril

,to il

, and painO God

,to u s may grace be given

To follow in their train .

N ot Peace,bu t awm


F ORTH went the heralds of the ‘Cross,No dang ers made them pause

They counted al l the world but 10 55For thei r great'Master’s cause.


2 . Through looks of fire and words of scorn,Serene their paths they trod

And , to the dreary dungeon borne;Sang prai ses unto God.

3. Friends dropped the hand they clasped before ,Love changed to cruel hate,

And home to them was home no more“ 1‘

Yet mourned the 'y not thei r fate.

4. Inal l his dark and dread array,Death rose upon their sight

Bu t calmly still they kept their way,And shrank not from the fig ht .

5. Like themal l dang er ‘

l et u s brave,What we deemr ight pursue;

And e’en the gentle chains of love


Shakeoff , to seek the True 1

Ou r Mas ter. 1

HOU art our Master Thou ofGod the Son,

Of man the FriendBy Thee alone the victory is won

Our souls defend

2 . Thou art our Master may we love Thy wordThy Spirit give ;

May we obey ,Thee as our risen LordH

Obey and live.

3. Thou art our Master'

! with Thy cross, Thy crown,Thou Cru cified

Nowfrom Thy starry throne look g errt ly down,

With u s abide 1

2 86 HYMN S OF

4 Thou art our Master through the narrow wayThou once didst tread


Lead Thy di sciples upward to the day,Thou living Head

Thou art our Master at Thy feet we cas tOur burdens now


The yoke of love we take O bind u s fastT0 Thee we bow.

S. D . Robbin s.

Tl ze Son (7 .l /an .

OSON of Man Thy name by choice


Our hope , our joy, our l ife,Make u s l ike Thee , whose gentle voiceWas never heard in strife .

2 . Holy and harm less,u ndefiled,

On earth Thou wert aloneCome from the depths of heaven



To make the lost Thine own

To be aglory in our night,

And bring u s'

from above,The way heaven

’s children l ive,al l bright

With self- forgetting love.

4 In al l things like Thy brethren made,

0 teach u s how to beWith meekness



I n al l things like to Thee .

I .’

B SUS,unto whom we pray


Chri s t the Life,the Truth

,the Way,

2 88 HYMN S 0 11

2 . Let me not fret becau sel

of evi l men

Smooth Thou each angry ripple of my soul,Reviled


,let me not revile again


And ever let Thyhand my warmth control.

3. When tru th i s overborne and error reigns ,When clamou r, lords i t over pat ient lovqGive the brave calmness which from wrath refrains


Yet from the ste'dfast course declines to move.

4. When l oye no ref uge finds but s ilent fai th ,When meekn ess fain would hide its heavy head,When tru stful tru th

,shunning the words of wrath


\Vait s for the day of right, so long delayed

5. Beneath the load of crosses and of caresOf thwarted plans

,of rude and spiteful words ;

0 bear me u p, when thi s weak flesh despai rs,And the one arm faith leans on is the Lord’s .

Led by C/z2231.

I.F EEBLE , helpless , how shall I5

Learn to l iye an d learn to die ?Who

,0 God

,my g u ide shal l be ?

Who shal l lead Thy child to Thee ?

2 . Blessed Father, gracious One,Thou hast sent Thy holy SonHewill give the light I needHémy trembling st eps will lead;

ro R q

Throu gh t ln s world , u ncertam, dimgLet me

ever lean on HimFrom His precepts wi sdom draw,

1 5 O'



lMake Hl s l 1fe my sol emn law.


4. This indeed arid thought and word,Led by I esus Chri st the Lord ,1 a( l

t xl n my.weaknes s,thus shal l I 1

Leafrn t o live, and learn to die 5- 1

5. Learn to live 1n peace an d love,“Like the perfect ‘ones above ;Learn to die without afear


Feeling Thee,my Father, n ear.


W H Fu m e”:rl “

D ream and Deed.

. DEAR Master,in whose life I s ee


Al l that I would but fai l to be,Let Thy clear light for ever shineTo shame and guide thi s life of mine !

2 . Though what I dream , and what I do,I n my weak days are always two ,


Help me, oppressed by things undone,0 Thou whose deeds and dreams were

N vain t he name of _Chris t we b ear '

Unless the heart of Christ we share.Throu gh fait h and charityal oneI s Christ received, ancl fel t , ahd known


2 . I n vain the name of Chri st we bear l

Unless t lre fai th of Christ we share. 11

Not words alone, but deeds shall prou eThe


g faith that works by love

I n vain the name of f “

hr1s t we bearUnless the Cross of Christ we share .’


The path that leads u s to the skiesDemands love’s perfect sacrifice.

I n vain the name of Christ we bear,Unless the love of Christ we shareThat love that bids the dying l ive


And whispers on the Cross,Forgive .

T/wmas L . Harris .

L ! MO

0 MASTER, let me walk with TheeI n lowly paths of service free

Tell me Thy secret help me hearThe s trai n of to il, the fret of careHelp me the slow of heart to moveBy some clear winning words of loveTeach me the wayward feet to stayAnd gu ide them in the homeward way.

2 . 0 Mas ter, let me walk with TheeBefore the taunting PhariseeHelp me to bear the sting of spite,The hate of men who hide Thy light


The sore distru st of souls sincereWho cannot read Thy

ju dgmen t s clear,The dulness of the mult itudeWho diml y gues s that Thou art g ood.

3. Teach me Thy patience st il l with TheeI n closer, dearer company,I n work that keeps fai th sweet and strong,I n trus t that triumphs over wrong,I n hope that sends a sh ining rayFar down the future’s broadening way,In place that only Thou canst give ,With Thee, 0 Master, let me l ive


Ah 1 would we jo i n that blestarray,And follow in the m ight

orHim , the .Faithfu l

and the The,

I n raiment clean and white

We fig ht for truth, we fig ht for God,Poor slaves of l ies an d si n .


He who would fig ht for.Thee on earthMus t firs t be true within .

Then,God of Truth

,- for whom we long,

Thou who wilt hear ou r prayer,Do Thine own battle in our hearts,And slay the fal sehood there.

6 . Still sm i te s ti ll burn ' t i ll naug ht i s leftBu t God



own truth and loveThen


,as morning dewcome


down ,Rest on as from above :

7 . Yea, come then, tried the fire,From every l ie set free


Thy perfect t ru th shall dwell ‘

in u s,

And we shall l ive in Thee.

E servants of the Lord,Each 1n his officewai t ;

Observant Of Hi s heavenlyword,And watchful at His gate.

Let all your lamps bebright,And t rim the g olden flame ;Gi rd 1ip your loin s, as in His sig ht ,Forawful 18 His'name .


Mark the firs t signal of His hand ,

S PORT of the - changefu l multitude,Nor calmly heard, nor understood,

With bonds and scorn and evil wil lThe world requites it s prophet s still.

2 .

‘Men fol lowedwhere the H ighest ledFor common gifts of dai ly bread,And gross of ear, of vision dim,

Owned not the godlike power of Him .

3. Vain as adreamer’s word to themHis wai l above JerusalemAnd meaningless the watch Hékept,Through Which His weak disciples slept.

Yet shrink not then,whoe’er thou art


For God’s g reat'

pu rpose set apart,Before whose far- discernin'g eyes


The future as'

the present lies.

I . G. Whit t ier.

C.M .

HOW blessed, - from the bonds of s inAnd earthly fefiters f ree,

I n singlen ess of heart and -ajm,

Thy servant, Lord, to be I


2 . No voice of thunder I ex pect,But follow calm and sti ll


For love can eas i ly divineThe loving Father’s will.

Howhappily the working daysI n th is dear service fly !

How rapidly the closing hour,

The t ime of rest draws nigh

4. When al l the fai thf ul gather home,A j oyful company


Then where the Master ever i s,

Shall His blest servants be.

Lu t/zer .

T/ze Grace of Cl zrz'

s z‘


MHAT grace, O Lord, and beauty shoneAround Thy steps below

What pat ient l ove was seen in al lThy life and death of woe

2 . For ever on Thy bu rden’d heart

A weight of sorrow hungYet no ungentle

,mu rmuring word

E scaped Thy silent tongue

Thy foes m ight hate,despi se


Thy friends unfaithfu l prove,

Unwearied in forgiveness sti ll ,Thy heart could only love.

Oh give u s hearts to love l ike TheeLike Thee

,O Lord

,to grieve

Far more for others’ s ins,than al l

The wrongs that we receive.


Which ends uncertain ty.

an d)


An d casts the fal sehoodou t .

3. 0 True One, give me truth 1And let


i t q tl ehch i n me 1 l

The thi rst of thi s long - craving heart,

And set my spiri t free.

0 truth ofCod destroyThe cloud

,the chai n

,thewarp ,

Dawn tothi s stormy midnight be,My bright and morning Star .


Way , Tru t/z , Lif e. L.M . 6 l i11es.

L IGHT . whosebeams i llumine al lFrom twilight dawn to perfect day,

Shine Thou before the shadows fallThat l ead our wandering feet astrayA t mom and eve Thy radiance pour,That youth may love, and ag e adore.

2 . 0 Way throu gh whom ou r souls draw nearTo ypn eternal home of peace .

Where perf ect love shall cas t ou t fear,An d eag h

’s vain t oil and wandering cease

I n strength orweakness may we see.

Qu r heavenward path, 0 Lord, through Thee.3. 0 Tru th before whose shrine we bow,Thou priceles s pearl for al l who seek


TO Thee our earl iest streng th we vowJThy lovewil l blhss thepoor and meek ;When dreams ormi sts beg u ile 0 11r s ig ht,TurnThou our darkness intol igh


4. 0 Life . thewell that ever flowsTo slake the thi rst of those that faint,


I n earth’s last.

hour of fleeting breathBe Thou our Conqueror over death .

WHO wil l”

their God obey,

And to His precepts bow,

I n will and wish to serve Him , theyHis thoughts and ways shall know.

Sav1our, Thy searching word“

I inly would receiveAnd have with God the one accordThatmysteries doth perceive.

3. Break ,break, thou hindering bond

Pride of self- wil l, away‘

From darkening air of earthly groundRai se me to light of day.

4. Let i t my purpose beThe will divine to do


That from delusion I be free,

"And truth divinemay know.

G. B . B ubz'

er .

LORD, speak to me,


that I may speakIn l iving echoes of Thy tone

As Thou hast sought, so let meseek'

Thy erring children,lost and lone.

2 . 0 lead me, Lord, that I may leadThe wandering and the wavering feet


0 feed me,Lord

,that I may feed

The hungry ones wi th mannasweet.

0 strengthen me,that

,while I stand

Fi rm on the rock and strong in Thee,

I may stretch out al oving handTo wrestlers with the troubled) sea.

4 O teach me,Lord, that I may teach

The prec iou s things Thou dost impartAnd wing my words , that they may reachThe h idden depth of many aheart.

5. O hl l me with Thy fulness,Lord


Until my very heart o’erflow

In kindl ing thought and glowing word,Thy love to tel l

,Thy prai se to show.


f zg wz'

t/z Ckrz'st .

THE toil of brain,or heart

,or hand


I s man’s appointed lotHe who God’s call can understand,Will work

,and murmur not.

2 . Toil i s no thorny crown of pain ,Bound round man’s brow for s in

True soul s from it,al l strength may gain ,

High manliness maywin .

3. O God 1 who workes t hi therto,Working in al l we see,Fain wou ld we be, and bear, and do,As best i t pleaseth Thee.

300 HYMN S OF. 1

5. The work is .Thine, not m ine, 0 Lord,I t i s Thy race we ru n

Give l ig ht , and t hen shal l al l I doBe well and tru ly done.

Hhrafiu s Bonar.

F lowers ze'z'

flwu l M 17 . C.M .

RUNE thou thy words, thy thoughts co ntrolThat o’er thee swel l and throng

They will condensewithin'

thy soul;And change to purpose strong.

2 . But he who lets hi s feel ing s ru nI n


soft lux urious flow,

Shrinks when hard service mu st be done,

And faints at every woe.

3. Faith’s meanest deed more favour bears.

Awberehearts and wills are weighed,Than brightest transports

,choicest prayers


Which bloom thei r hour, and fade .

j. H . N ewman .

B u ilding on MeRock. I rreg u lar.


and Master,These saymg s of Thine,

Help me tomake themDoings ofmine

Words that like beamsOf humani ty shine,

By them l et me build upThe holy

,d ivine.

2 . Not on the sand , Lord I0 not on the sand


On the rockn on the rock,Let my heri tage stand.

Beyorid the'

floods rag ing,Beyond the iu de’ storm,

Where the rain'



an not mju re,

N orl ightning deform .

Not On the sand , 1:d l n 35“

0 not on the sandOn the r


the rock;Let my



Saviour and -Master,These saying s of Thine;

Help me to make themDoings of '

m in e.E . Pax ton

T/ze Labau rers are Few.

. O H,still in accents sweet and st rongSounds forth the ancient word


More reapers for white harvest fields ,More labourers for l the Lord .

2 . We hear the cal l in dreams no moreI n selfish ease we lie,

Bu t girded for our Father’s work,Go forth beneath His sky.

Where prophets’work andmartyrs’ blood,And prayers of sain ts were sowh,We

,to their labours entering in ,

Would reap wheretheyhave strewn .

4 0 Thou , whose call our hearts has stirred,To do Thywill we c


Tbrust in our sickles at Thy word ,And bear ourharvest home.

30 2 HYMN S OF

N OW i s the seed - t ime God alone,

Beyond our v151on weak and dim,

Beholds the end of what i s sownThe harvest t ime i s bid with Him.

2 . Yet unforgotten where i t l i es,Though seem ing on the desert cast


The s eed of generous sacrificeShall rise with bloom and fruit at last.

And he who blesses most i s blestFor God and man shall own his worth


Who toi ls to leave as his bequestAn added beauty to the earth .

1 . G.

CHR I ST ! lead onI’l l follow Thee,

Though,dayl ight gone,

I cannot see.

2 . Let me but hearThy voice so sweet,Then I ’l l not fearWhate’er I meet .


every pathThat I must tread,

Tby presence hathA l ight to shed.

D raw Thou my heartI nto Thy way,

Where’er Thou art15 always day.

HYMN S or f "

5. Thou hast pas setl ton before our faceThy footsteps orr thewaywet race0 keep u s

,aid u s byThy


g raceWe fol low Thee.

H . Bonar.

0 IT i s hard to work for God ,To ri se and take His part,

Upon this battle -

fi eld of earth,‘

And not somet imes lose heart.

2 . He hides H imself so wondrously,As though there were no God

He i s leas t seen when al l - the powersOf i ll are most abroad .



! God i s other thanwe thinkHis ways are far above


Fat beyond reason’s height, an d reachedOnly by ch ildlike love . ‘

Workman of God O lose not heart ,Bu t learn what God i s l ike

And in the darkest battle - field

Thou shalt know where to strike.

Thrice blest is he to whom i s givenThe instinct that can t ell ‘

That God 'i s on thefiel d, when HéI s most i nvis ible.

6 . B lest too i s hewho can divineWhere the real right doth l ie


And dares to take the s ide that seems x flWrong to man’s blindfol d ey




7 . Then learn to Scorn the prai se of '


And‘learn 110 l dse with God

For Jesu 's won the world through shame,

And bec‘a s thee His road.

GO forward,Christian soldier


Beneath His banner trueTheLordH imself,’ thy Leader,Shall al l thy foes subdue.

His love'

foretells thy trials ,He knowsJthine h‘ourl y' need

He can , with bread of heaven,Thy fainting spi ri t feed .


2 . Go forward, Christian sol dier,Fear not the secret foe ;

Far moreare 0’

er thee WatchingThan human eyes can know.

Trust only Christ, thy Captain ,Cease not towatch and pray

Heed not the treacherous voicesThat lure thy soul astray»

I "

3. G0 forward, Chiis t ian sol dier,N or dream of peaceful rest,

Till Evil’s host is vanqui shedAnd heaven is al l possessedTill Christ Himself shal l call theeITo


lay thine armour by, I

And wear,in en d less glory


The crown ofvictory.



4. Go forward, Chri stian soldier,Fear not the gathering n ig ht i:

The Lord has been thy shelter,The Lord wil l be thy light .When morn His face revealeth


Thy dangers al l are pastOh

,pray that faith and virtue

May keep thee to the l ast i

T/ze Path of D u ty.l 8.

ONWARD ,onward, thou gh the region

Where thou art be drear and loneGod hath set aguardian legi onVery near thee,— press thou on

2 . By the thorn - road,and none other


I s the mount of vi s ion won'


Tread i t withou t shrinking,brother

Jesu s trod it,—press thou on 1

3. By thy t rustfu l , calm endeavour,Guiding


,l ike


the s u n,

Earth - bound hearts thou shalt deliverO, for their sake, press thou on 1

HOU long disowned , revi led, oppressed,Strange friend of human kind


Seeking through weary years arestWithin our hearts to find

2 . How late Thy bright and awful browBreaks through these clouds of s in

Hai l, Truth divine , we know Thee now,Angel of God , come ih .

3 HYMNS 0 1?

The race i s not unto theswif t,The battle to the strong


When dawn her judgment - days that siftThe claims of right and wrong.

And more than thou canst do for Tru thCan she on thee confer,

I f thou,0 heart, but give thy youth

And manhood unto her.

6 . For she can make thee inly bright,Thy self- love purge away


And lead thee in the path whose l ightShines to the perf ect day.

Who follow her, thou gh men deride”


I n her strength shal l be st rong; ‘

Shall see thei r shame become t heir pride,And share her triumphfi on g r .

F . L . Hosmer.

fiailp fintp anh g iscipl im .

Tfze D z’


ne/zess of Common L if e.

W E pray nomore , made l owly wise,For mi racle and s ign

Anoint our eyes to see wi thinThe common , the d ivine



2 . Lo here 10 there no more we cry,D ivid ing with our cal lThe mantle of Thy presence, Lord ,That

,seam less, covers al l .

3. We turn from seeking Thee afar,And in unwonted ways,To build from ou t our dai ly l ivesThe temples of Thy prai se .


4. And if Thy casual com ings, Lord,T0 hearts of old were clear,What joy should mingle with the faithThat feels Thee ever near

5. And not the less shal l hearts be pure,Nor less shal l worship be,When Thou art found in al l our life,And al l our l ife in Thee .

F . L .

T/te Lowly Lot .

THOUGH lowly here our lot may beHigh work have we to do


I n fai th and tru st to follow HimWhose lot was lowly too.

2 . Our days of darkness we may bear,Strong in aFather’s love


Leaning on His almighty arm,

And fix ed our hopes above .


l ives,enri ched with gentle thoughts

And loving deeds,may be

A stream that st i ll the nobler growsThe nearer to the seal

4 To duty firm ,to conscience tru e


However tried and pressed,

I n God’s clear sight high workwe do,I f webut do our best.

Thus may we make the lowliest lotWith rays of glory brightThus may we turn a crown of thornsI nto acrown of light.


C .M .

O LORD with toi l ou r days are fil l edThey. rarely) leave u s’ free

0 give u s space to seek for graceI n happythoughts of Thee.

2 . Yet hear u s,l i ttle though we ask

0 leave u s not aloneI n every thought

,and word

,and task


Be near u s,though unknown .

3. Sti ll lead u s,wandering in the dark


Sti l l send u s heavenly foodAnd mark, as none on earth can mark


Our struggle to be good.

N one5} as Livet/z to [ f z’


W E wonder and adoreGod’s workings to explore,

Arid trace one purpose through themal lLive to himself can none


D ies to himself n ot one,

Together bound are great and small.

The law of sun and star,

Of thihg s near and.


Runs through the changeful l ife of manLives to himself can none,D ies to himself not one,

Moves on,for good or il l



plan .

By s implest dai ly need,By smallest triflin g deed,

31 2 HYMN S OF

"J’wyfiose and D eed.

‘NZHATThou wilt, 0 Father, giveA l l i s gain that I receive

Let the lowl ie st task be m ine,

Grateful,so the work be Thine .

2 . Let me find the humbles t placeI n the shadow of Thy graceLet me hnd in Thine emp l oyPeace that dearer i s than joy.

3. I f th'ere be s ome weaker one,Give me strength to help him on

I f abl inder soul there be,

Let me gu ide him nearer I hee.

4. Make my mortal dreamscome trueWith the work I fai n would doClothe wi th lifethe weak intent


Let me be the th ing I meant


ng wil l : God.

HROU GH al l this l ife’s eventful road,

Fai n would I walk wi th Thee, my GodAnd find Thy presence l igh t around ,And every step on holy ground .

2 . Each blessing would I trace to Thee,t

In every,g rief Thy mercy seeAnd through the paths


of duty move ,Consciou s of Thineencircli ng love.

3. And when theangel Heath s tahds by,

Be thi s my streng th that Thou art nighAnd th i s myjoy, that 1

' shall be f

With these who dwell in l ig ht withThee.

Wil l iam Cased ] .


Peace amid Tu mu l t. L .M.

CALM Soul of al l things make it m ineTo feel

, am id the ci ty’s jar,

That there abides apeace of ThineMan did not make, and cannot mar l

2 . The will to nei ther strive nor cryThe power to feel with others, giveCalm ,

calm me more l nor let me dieBefore I have begun to l ive .

ALL around u s , fair with flowers ,F ields of beauty sleeping lie ;

All around u s clarion voicesCal l to duty stem and high.

2 . Thankfully we will rejoice inAll the beauty God has givenBut beware it does not win u sFrom the work ordained of Heaven .

3. Following every voice ofmercyWith a trusting, loving heart,Let u s in life’s earnest labourStill be sure to do our part.Now

,to - day, and not to -morrow,

Let u s work with al l our mig hg .

Lest the wretched faint an d perishI n the com ing stormy night.Now

,tod ay

,and not to -morrow


Lest, before to -morrow’s su n ,We too

,mournfull y departing ,

Shal l have left our work undone.

314 LHYMN S OF 4

N OT m haste,my heart

Have fai th in God and wai t ;Although He seems to linger long


He never comes too'


2 . He never comes too late,

He knoweth what i s beetV ex not thyself— it i s in vainUnti l He cometh

,rest .

Unti l He cometh,rest


Nor grudge the hours that rollThe feet that wai t for God— ’tis theyAre soonest at the goal.

4 Are soonest at the goalThat i s not gained by speed


Then hold thee sti ll, 0 restless heart ,

For I shal l wai t His lead .

Bayard Taylor.

A Prayer f or £ 242. C.M.

FATHER in heaven to whom my heartWou ld l ift i tself in prayer


D ri ve from rn'

y soul each worldly thought,And show


Thy presence there.2 . Each moment of my l ife renews

The mercies of the LordEachmoment i s i tself agift


To hear me on to God.

Help me to break the galling chain sThis world has round me thrownEach pass ion of my heart subdue,Each darl ing sin d i sown .

316 HYMN S OF 11

2 . Give me,within the work that call s tod ay


To see Thy fin g er g ently beckonin g onLet struggle grow to freedom

,work to play

And toil,begun from Thee, to Thee be done.

I lay each humblest hope with in my prayerTo Thee no high seraphic aims I bring ;My dai ly bread , rest, strength for common careYet al l i s t ru th within my off ering.

4. And Thou whose fire forms rubies out of clay ,And bids dull charcoal into diamonds burn


Add Thou the grace,while for Thy help I pray


And thi s poor earth - cry into musi c turn .

Ou r Citiz enship in Heaven .

GOD who know’s t how frai l we are


How soon the thought of good departsWe pray that Thou wouldst feed the fountOf holy yearn ing in our hearts .

2 . Let not the choking cares of earthTheir precious spri ngs of l ife o’erg rowBut

,ever g uarded by Thy love,

S till purer may their waters flow.

To Thee,with sweeter hope and tru st


Be every day our spirits givenAnd maywe, while wewalk on earth,Walk more as cit izens of heaven.

Wm .

Redeeming Me,Time.

HE l iveth long who l ivethwellAl l else i s l i fe but flung away ;

He l iveth longest who can tell.

Of t ru e things trul y done each day.


2 . Then fil l’

each hour wi th what wil l lastBu y up the moments as they g oThe life above,when this i s past,I s the ripe fruit of life below.

Sow tru th,if thou the true wouldst reap

Who sows the false shall reap the vainErect and sound thy conscienceFrom hollowwords and deeds refrain .

4. Sow love, and taste its fruitage pureSow peace

,and reap its harvest bright

Sow sunbeams on the rock and moor,

And fin d aharvest - home of l ight.H . Bonar.

THR I CE happy souls, who , born fromWhile yet they sojourn here,

Thus al l their days with God begin,And spend them in His fear.

2 .

’Midst hourly cares may love presentI t s incense to Thy throne

And , while the world our hands employs,Our hearts be Thine alone .

3. As sanctified to noblest ends ,Be each refreshmen t sought

An d by each various providenceSome wise instruction brought.

4. When ‘

to laborious duties called,

0 : by temptations tried,We’ll seek the shelter of Thy wings


And in Thy strengt h confide.


5. As diff erent scenes of l ife ari se,Our grateful heart s would beWith Thee, am ids t the social bandI n sol i tude with Thee.

I n solid,pure delights like thes e,


Let al l our days be passedN or shal l we then impat ient wish ,N or shall we fear the las t.

LORD of might and Lord of glory,

Humbly do I bow before TheeWith my whole heart I adore Thee ,

Great LordLis ten to my cry, 0 Lord .

2 . Pas s ions proud and fierce have ruled me,Fancies l ight and vai n have fooled me,But Thy train ing s


tern hath schooled me


Take me for Thy Child, O Lord.

Groping dimand bending lowly,

Mortal vi sion catcheth sl owlyGlimpses of the pure and holy


Open Thou m ine eyes,0 Lord .

4. I n the deed that no man knoweth,Where no prai seful trumpet bloweth ,Where he may not reap who soweth ,

There; Lord,Let my heart serve Thee , O Lord.


O SA INTS of old not yours aloneThe search for God shal l be ;

We take the glory for ou r own'


Lord we are seeking Thee .

2 . Not only when ascends the songAnd soundeth sweet the wordNot only with the Sabbath throng,Our souls weald seek the Lord

We m i ngle with another throng,

And_other words we speak

To other bus iness we belbn g ,Yet sti ll our Lord we seek.

4. We woul d not to our dai ly taskWithout our God repair,

Bu t i n the world His presence ask.

And seek His glory there .

5. 0 every where, 0 everyday,Thy grace is sti l l outpou redWework, we watch , we strive,“ we pray,Behold Thy, seekers, Lord I

T. H .


Thy heavenly g race impart,And fix my frai l, inccms tan t heart

Henceib rthmy chief desire shal l be,To dedicate myself to Thee.To Thee

,my God, to Thee


2 . Whate’er pursuits my time emplby,One thought shall hl l my soul with joyThat silent

,secret thought shal l .be,

That al l my hopes are fix ed on Thee.On Thee

,my God, on Thee

Thy glorious eye pervades al l spaceThou

rt present, Lord , in every placeAnd

,wheresoe’er my lot may be,

Still shall my spi ri t cleave to Thee.TO Thee

,my God, to Thee

4. Renouncing every worldly thingSafe ’neath the covert of Thy wing


My sweetest thought henceforth shall be,That al l I want I hnd in . Thee.

In Thee,my God , in Thee

Tl ze Sou nd Lif e.

PURE in'

heart and free of s in,

Upright in thy daily path,

Fair without and true within ,Free from anger, safe from wrath .

2 . Mighty in thy silent powerOf great vi rtue over wrong


Beautifying every hourBy thy bearing, brave and strong

By thy mercy to the weak,5

By thy justice to the low,By thy grace unto the meek,By thy kindness to thy foe.



4. Thou ~art free frompass ion’s rage,

Thou art free from envy’s‘ sting


Thou canst others’ griefs assu age,

Canst to others comf ort - bring .

5. Peace and rest are in thy soul,

Bringing joy into thy life,Outward storms around thee roll,Bu t they bring no inward strife .

And a s inner,t ired and worn ,

Weary of this l ife,at length

Findeth in thy words new hope,

Findeth courage i n thy strength .

HOW happy is he born or taught,Who serveth not another’s will

Whose armour is his honest thoughtAnd s imple truth his highest skill

2 . Whose pass ions not hi s masters are ;Whose soul i s still prepared for death ,Not tied unto the world with careOf prin ce’s ear or vulgar breath

Who God doth late and earl y prayMore of his grace than goods to lend

And walks with man , from dayto day,A s with abrother and afriend .

This man i s freed from servil e bandsOf hope to ri se, or fear to fallLord of himself, though not of lands,And havi ng nothing, yet hath al l .

L .M .


l il l uminatimt anh ®aibanca

LEAD u s,0 Father

,in the paths of peace

Wi thout Thy guiding hand we g o astray,And doubts appal

,and sorrows still increase

Lead u s throu g h Chri st, the true and l ivingway.

2 . Lead u s , 0 Father, in the paths of truthUnhelped by Thee

,i n error’s maz e we grope,

While passion stains and folly d ims our youth ,And ag e comes on uncheered by fai th and h0 pe.

3. Lead u s,0 Father

,in the path s of right

Blindly we stumble when we walk alone,

I nvolved in shadows of adarksome nightOnly with Thee we journey safely on .

4 Lead u s , 0 Father, to Thy heavenly rest,However rough and steep the path may be,

Through joy or sorrow,as Thou deemes t best,

Until ou r lives are perfected in Thee .

Gran t as Tby Lzzg/z z‘

. L .M .

GRANT u s Thy light, that we may know,The wisdom Thou alone canst give

That truth may guide where’er we g o,

And V 1rt u e bless where’er we l ive.

2 . Grant as Thy l ight , that we may seeWhere error lurks in human lor


e,And tu rn our doubting m inds to Thee,And loye Thy simple word the more?

3. Grant u s Thy light , that we may learnHowdead is l ife ,

from Thee apartHow sure is joy foral l who tu rn“ To Thee an undivided heart.


4 Grant u s Thy light, in grief and pain ,To lift our burdened heart above

And count the very cross again,An d bless our Father’s hidden love.

Grant u s Thy light, that we may t raceA pledge of life in seem ing death

And own the grave a resting - place,Nor dread at last to sleep beneath.

6 . Grant u s Thy light, when , soon or late,A l l earthly scenes shal l pass away,

In Thee to hnd the open gateTo deathless home and endless day.

L .

Lead, K z'




n /zt .

EAD,kindly Light

,am id the encircling gloom

Lead Thou me' onThe night is dark

,and I am far from home

Lead Thou me on 1Keep Thou my feet I do not ask to seeThe distant scene one step enough for me.

2 . I was not ever thus, not prayed that ThouShouldst lead me on .

I loved to choose and see my path but nowLead Thou me on

I loved the gari sh day and,spite of f ears


Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years

3. So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it stillW il l lead me on

O’er moor and f en,o’er crag and torrent

,ti ll

The nig ht i s goneAnd, with the morn, those angel faces smileWhich I have loved long since

,an d lost awhile.

jo/mHen ry N ewman .

326 U HYMN’


Lig lzt , more I z'

g fit .

L IGHT, more light to sh ine upon myway,Light from the source of the eternal day

0 l ight, more l ight, but not the l ight that fil l sThe heart with pride

,and fai th and feeli ng kills .

2 . 0 light, more light, for clouds are gathering rifeLight

,and more l ight

,but still the l ight of l ife 3

0 light, more l ight upon my cross, and HisWhose dying was the l ife of men , and i s

3. Lo the light cometh that shal l never ceaseSoon shall the vei l be l ifted be at peaceLight

,and more light shines from the eternal shore


Light of the l ife that dieth nevermore

Tlee D ivine Care.

F thou but suffer God to guide thee,

And hope in Him through al l thy ways ,He’l l give thee strength , whate’er betide thee,And bear thee through the evil days .Who t rusts in God’s unchanging loveBuilds on the rock that nought can move.

2 . What can these anx iou s cares avai l theeThese never- ceasing moans and s ighs ?What can i t help if thou bewai l theeO’er each dark moment as i t flies ?

Our cross and trial s do but pressThe heavier for ou r bitterness.Only be still

,and wai t His leisure

I n cheerfu l hope, with heart contentTo take .whate’er thy Father’s pleasureAnd al l - discerning love hath sent.


We follow Thee through unknown paths,

Since al l to Thee must tendThy judgments are amighty deepBeyond al l fathom - l ineOur wisdom i s the childl ike heart


Our strength,to trust in Thine .

2 . We bless Thee for the skies above,

And for the earth beneath ,For hopes that blossom here belowAn d wither not with deathBut most we bless Thee for Thyself


O heavenly Light within,

Whose dayspring in our hearts di spelsThe darkness of our sin .

Be Thou in joy our deeper joy,

Our comfort when distressedBe Thou by day our strength for toil ,And Thou by night our rest.

And when these earthly dwellings fai l,

And.T ime’s last hour is come


Be Thou , O God , our dwel l in g ~,place,

And our E ternal Home.

F. L . Hosmer.

Gu idance and Prol eet z'

érz .

O 0 0 1) of Bethel by whos e handThy people sti ll are fed

Who through thi s weary pilgrimag eHast al l our fathers led .

2 . Our vows , ou r prayers we now presentBefore Thy throne of graceGod of our fathers be the GodOf thei r succeeding race.


Through each perplex ing path of lifeOur wandering footsteps gu ideGive u s each day our dai ly bread,And raiment fit provide.

0 spread Thy covering wings aroundTill al l our wanderings cease,

And at our Father’s loved abodeOur souls arrive in peace.

Now with the humble voice of prayerThy mercy we imploreThen with the g rateful voice of praiseThy goodness we’ll adore.

P. Doddrz'

dg e and M

271] Way .

THY way, not m ine , 0 Lord,However dark i t be l

Lead me by Thine own hand,

Choose out the path for me.

2 . Smooth let it be or rough,

I t will be still the bestWinding or straight

,it leads

Right onward to Thy rest.

I dare not choose my lotI would not if I m ightChoose Thou for me, my God

So shall I walk aright .The kingdom that 1 seekI s Thine so let the wayThat leads to it be Thine


E lse I must surely stray.

Horat z'

u s Bonar.


SHEPHERD of I srael,hear my prayer,

And to my cry give heedShepherd of I srael

,lead me where

Thy hocks in safety feed .

2. Whether upon the barren hills ,Or in the desert bare,Strike but Thy rod , the purest ri ll sAnd greenest herbs are there.

The shadow of am ighty rockI s i n that weary land

And heavenly dew fal ls on the flock,

Protected by Thy hand.

Lead me, oh 1 lead me to Thy foldEarth has no rest besideShepherd of I srael

,known of old


Be Thou my only gu ide.

T/ze [Vearfl ess of God.

A T cool of day, with God I walkI n garden’s grateful shade ;

I hear His voice among the trees,

And I am not afraid .

2 . I see His presence in the nightAnd

,though my heart i s awed,

I do not quai l beneath the sightOr nearness of my God.

I cannot walk in darkness long,My Light i s by my s ide

I cannot stumble or g o wrongWhile fol lowing such aGuide.

C. M .


He L eader}; M e. C.M .

THE Lord’s my Shepherd , I ’l l not want,He makes me down to l ie

I n pastures green : He leadeth me

The quiet waters by.

2 . My soul He doth restore againAnd me to walk doth makeWith in the paths of righteousness,E

en for His own name’s sake .

3. Yea though I walk in death’s dark vale,Yet will I fear none illFor Thou art with me



Thy rodAnd staff me comfort sti ll .

4. My table Thou hast furn ished,In presence of my foesMy head Thou dost with oi l anoint,And my cup overflows .


5. Goodness and mercy al l my l ifeShal l su rely follow me

And in God’s house for evermoreMy dwelling place shall be.

23rd Psalm, Sebkfi

437 . Tfiou l zas l Tau g fil mef rom 710) YOI/l /7. C .M .

O GOD ,who wert my Chi ldhood’s love,

My ripening years’ delight,A presence felt the l ivelong day,A welcome fear at night.

2 . With ag e Thou g rewes t more divine,More gloriou s than before

I feared Thee with adeeper fear,Because I loved Thee more.


Father I what hast Thou grown to now IA joy al l Joys above,Something more sacred than afear,More tender than a love

4. With gentle swiftness lead me on ,Dear God to see Thy face

And meanwhile in my narrow heart ,0 ,make Thyselfmore space

F . W.

Fai/zerly Care.

ALM IGHTY Father of mankind,Oh Thee my hopes remain

And when the day of trouble comes ,I shal l not tru st in vain .

2 . I n early days Thou wast my Guide,And of my youth the Friend

And as my days began with Thee,With Thee my days shall end.

3. I know the Power in whom I trus t,

The arm on which I leanHe will my Saviour ever be,Who has my Saviour been.


4. .My God, who cau seds t me to hope,When life began to beat,

And when astranger in the world,Didst gu ide my wandering feet .

5. Thou wilt not cast me 0 6”when ag e

And evi l days descendThouwilt not leave me in despai rTo mourn my latter end.

334 HYMN S or

6 . Therefore in l ife I ’l l tru s t to Thee ,I n death I will adore

And after death I ’l l sing Thy praise .

When death shall be no more.

Divine Profeetz'

on .

I TO the hills will l ift m ine ey es,From whence doth come m ine aid.

My safety cometh from the Lord,

Who heav’n and earth hath made.

2 . Thy foot He’ll not let sl ide , nor willHe slumber that thee keeps .

Behold,He that keeps I srael ,

He slumbers not, nor sleeps.

3. The Lord thee keeps the Lord thy shade,thy right hand doth stay.


moon by night thee shall not smi te,Nor yet thes u n by day.

4 . The Lord shal l keep thy sou l He shal lPreserve thee from al l i ll .

Henceforth thy g oih'

g out and inGod keep for ever wi ll.

12 11 ! Psalm , Scotch Version .

God my S l zep/zem’.

THE God of love my shepherdTo watch me and to feed

I shall not want , for I am His ,

He careth for my need.


To fertile vales and dewy meadsMy weary, wandering s teps


He leads,

Where peaceful rivers , soft and slow,Am id the verdant lands cape flo

Though in abare and rugged way,Throug h deviou s lonely wi lds I st ray,Thy bounty shal l my wants begu ileThe barren wilderness shal l sm i leWith sudden greens and herbage crown ’d


And stream s shal l murmur al l around .

Though in the paths of death' I tread,

With gloomy horrors overspread,

My steadfast heart shall fear no i ll,For Thou

,O Lord

,art with me stil l

Thy friendly crook shal l give me aid,

And gu ide me through the dreadful shade.j .

AFE acro ss the wat ers .

Here in peace we standSee the wrecks of EgyptStrewed along the sand.

2 . Safe across the waters,Foes for ever g one,Nowwe march in safety,God our Guide alone

’Tis the s i lent desert,Sand

,and rock, and waste

But the chain i s broken,And the peri l pas t.


This our“ watchword still,

Oi th'

elwondrou s hilL

Forthe' journey g irded,



ou' our way,

(The pillar- cloud above t is,g

Guide by n ight and day.

6 On through waste and blacknes s ,O’er our desert mad

On t il l Salem greets u s ,Cityfof our God

Horat iu s Bon er .


thé su'

n doth beat upon'


From aburning, clou dless sky.



I long for,


Rock that hig heru

is than I .

S trang e fandwild the scenes around me,And


no aid.fromman

‘ i s nighBut


a shelter Th0 u can s t ‘

giive me



Rock that higher is thah 1.


Treacherous guides have me forsaken ,Many paths deceive my eye

Thou alone canst help and save me,

Rock that higher is than I .

N ig ht is fal l irig dark and dreary, 1Help me, or I


s ink'

an d dielGdahd me whel

l thelig‘

ht shal l fail {meRock that higher is than I?

338 31 HYMN S OF:

444 .

GOD { whil e g enerat ions lfleeLike leayes before Thy face,

Through endles s ages Thou wilt beThy childreh’s


dwell ing - place.

2 . Great Shepherd of the c0 uht1’

es s lflock,

Where’er they rest or roairi ;Their cheering sun

,their sheltering rock,

Their everlasting home.

3. Our sainted fathers , whereare’ they ?

They slept, they woke in Thee,And here in memory’s l ight to - day,

They walk serene and free .

4. 0 Thou who l ed’

s t our s ires of old,


( Theirgrateful children lead ;Thy flock 1n shelter safe enfoldI n sunny pastures feed 1

5. Still guide our foot st eps 1n the wayThat c l imbs the morningThy law,

0“God ou r cloud by a

y,rThy love our fireby n ig ht



THE changing centur es, 0 GodFu lfil Thy perfect ihou g lit .

Theancient paths the fathersAre widening i nto highways broadBecause Thy hand has wrought .

340 HYMN S OF I ”f

4 A l t Thou the S trong i 1110

To Thee, then , though the air be th ickwi th night,I trust the seem in g unprotected Right


An d leaVe theWrong.

5. Art Thou theWi se ?TO Theef then , wou ld I bring each u sel ess rcare,And bid my soul unsay each idle prayer,

And hush - i ts cries . f

6 . Art Thou the Good ?To Thee, then , with a th irsting heart I tu rn ,

And at Thy fountai n stand and hold my u rn ,A s I have s tood .

7 . Forg i ve the cal lI cannot shut Thee from my sense or soul,I cannot lose me in the boundless whole,

For Thou art A l l .Fran cis E . A bbot .

OD of my l ife and al l my powersMy everlastin g Friend !

Shal l l ife,so favoured in i ts dawn,

Be frui tless in i ts end ?

2 . To Thee, O Lord, my tender yearsA trembl ing duty paid ,With gl impses of the m ighty GodDelighted and afraid .

From parent’s eye, and paths of men ,Thy touch l 'ran to meet }

I t swelled the hymn , and sealed the prayerl ;’Twas calm ,

and strange; and sweet I


And felt the edge of eager thought,It the kihdl ing hlood

Thy dew came down ; my heart was ThineI knew nor doubt non s trife 1

Cool now, and peaceful as the grave,

And strong to second life.

6 . Still will I hope for voice and strengthTo glori fy Thy nameThough I must die to al l that’s miii e,And suff er al l my shame.

Tl ze of s e.

I AM not sent apilgrim here,My heart with earth to fi ll

Bu t I am here God’s grace to learn,And serve God’s sovereign will . "

2 . He leads me on through sm i les and tears,

Grief follows gladness sti l l. But let me welcome both al ike,


Since both work out His will.

3. I know not how this hindered lifeMay l

iife’s vast ends fu lfil



knowsg— and that life is not lostThat answers bes t


His will..

1 1

4' No service in itself is small


None great,though earth it fil l


But that i s 'small 1that seeks it‘s own,And great that seeks God’s wi ll.

Then hold my ‘hand, most gracious Lord,

Guide al l my goings st illAn d let this be my life

’s on' e aim,

To dol

or bear Thy will.

H e Ru le of God.

AKE Thine own way with me, Good Lord,Thou cans t not otherwise than bless

I launch me forth upon a sea

Of boundless love and tenderness.

2 . I will not fear Thee,O my God .

The days to come can only bringTheir perfect sequences of love,Thy larger

,deeper com forting.

3. Beneath the Splendourof Thy choiceThy perfeet choice for me



restOutside i t now I dare not l ive


Within it I mus t needs be bles t.

4. Oh . i t i s l ife indeed to l iveWithin this kingdom strangely sweet ;

And yet we fear to enter m ,

And l inger wi th unwill ing feet .

5. We fear this wondrous rule of Thine,Because

}we have not reached Th

‘y heart

ot venturing our al l on Thee,We may nbt know how good Thou art .

1 Jean S . l g ot z .

HYMNS 0 11

4. Al l I ask for is , - enough :Only when the way i s rough ,Let-


rod and staff impartStrength and cou rag e,tomy heai‘g

5. Should Thy wisdom,Lord


3Trials b rig and sharp folr'


Pai n or sorrow, care or shameFather g lor ify Thy name , 1

6 . Let meheither faint nor fear,


él iii g stil l that Thouart near,I n the course my Saviou r trod,Tending s t il l to Thee, my God .

fwifl fi Gander .

Hé LCM Ct/l Me.1 C.M .

I1 littl e

Yet can I fear no il lHe who hath gu ided metil l nowWill be my leader sti l l.

1 1‘

2 . No burden yet was on me l'


dO f trouble or of care, it 1

But He


my trembling step hath stayed,And given me st rengt h to bear.

I came not h ither ofmy will 1"

Or wisdom of mine‘

own :

That higher POWer upholds m e sti l l,

An d stil l m ust bearme oh .l

‘ J v'

u t_


I knew not of thi s wondrousvearth ,

N oi' dreamedwhat blessing s layBeyond the gates of ht


man birth7

”2 “To glad my future way.



A s l ittle I ‘


What. love maywai t t o weleome me,

What fel lowships be mme

6 . I know not what beyond may lie ,Bu t look

,in humble fai th


I nto a larger life to die 1

And hnd n ewbirth in death

7. He will not leavemy Sdu l fot

rlorn 1

"I sti ll must find '

Him t ru e ,Whose mercies have been neweach



And every evening new.

11 11“ i



8. Upon,

His providence I lean,

As lean in faith I must 5The lesson of my life hath been


A heart of gratefu l trust

Gu ideand"Friend.

WHEN the light of day 15 waning,

When the night is dark and'


God of Love, in sti l ln ess reigning,Teach me to bel ieye Thee near.

2 . When my heart 'is faint and droopin g,When my faith is weak an d coldKindly to my weakness stooping,Draw me upwards as of old.

3. Nearer to the peace unbroken,Nearer to the changeless calm,

Al l my wisb aprayer u n spokenJu , : u 1 Al l my life asilent psalm .


Teaéh ine tb ab ide in patien ée1

A l l the l ittle s toPm s of t inie'

f '


Making every day’s temptat iohsP

Steps for'

faI terin g feet t'

o cl imb.

Let me find Thee in my sorrow,Nor forget Thee in

my joyAnd from Thee my sunshine borrow,And by .Thee '

myg laom destroy.

6 . God.of day, . the

‘dark dispel l ing, 1

Gu ide,Redeem er


,Friend ;

God pf Lave, in stil lness dwelling ,

Lead me to my journey’s end.E dmu nd M . Gel dart .

. S PEAK to u s , Lord , Thys e1f reveal,While here on earth we roveSpeak to our hearts

,and let as feel

The kind ling of Thy l ove.

2 . With Thee conversi ng, we forgetA11 t ime, and to il , and care ;Labour 15' rest, and pain i s sweet,I f Thou

,my God, art there.

Thou callest me to seek Thy face’Tis al l I wish to Seek


To attend the whispers of Thygrace,And hear Thee inly Speak.

1; Let thi s my happ1es t hours employ,t

T il l I Thy glorysee,Enter into my Master’s joy,‘And find my heaven iii Thee. I

348 HYMNS OF 1

Ti l e g rowAu cid with Thy pies enpe bright,And know the peace of holiness within .

2 . Yet not al one as Light pervadinfl

g come0 Thou D ivine One

,meet u s as aFriend !

Only with Thee‘

IS every heart at homeS tay with as


' bes t and truest,to the



I f in our thoughts,by Thee made calm and clear,

The brightening image of Thy face we see,What hour ofal l our lives can be so dearAs this still hour

,0 God

,we spend with Thee l

L . Larcom.

C .M .

. I WOULD commune with Thee, my God,E’en to Thy seat I comeI leave my j oys, I leave my sm s


And seek 111 Thee my home.

o “

2 . I stand upon the mount of God,With s u n l ig ht


in my sou lI hear the storms in vales beneath


I hear the thunders roll

3. Bu t I am calm with Thee, my God,Beneath these glorious skies ;

And to the height on which I stand,Nor storm s nor clouds can rise.

4. 0 this i s l ife,0 th is i s joy


1 ? My God,to find Thee so I

Thy face to'see, Thy voice to hear,

And al l Thy love to know.

1 . 1 G.


B. B u bz'




from the world, 0 Lord, I ,fleeFrom strife an d tumult far

From scenes whereevi l wages st i llI t s most successful war.

2 . The calm 'retreat,‘ the silent shaiie


With prayerand praise agreeAnd see’m by Thy sweet bounty madeFor those who follow Thee.

There,i f Thy Spirit touch the soul,

And grace her mean abode,Oh with what peace, and joy, and love,She communes with her God

4. There,like the nightingale

,she pours

Her sol itary laysNor asks awitness of her song


Nor thirsts for human praise. 1

5. Author and guardian of my l ifeSweet


sou rce of l ight divineAnd

,al l harmonious names in one


Our Father— Thou art m ine

6 . What thanks I owe Thee, and what love,

A boundless,endless store


Shall echo through the realms above,When time shall be no more.

0 MASTER of my soul ,To whom the lives of men ,

That floated once upon Thy breath,Shall ye t return again

350.HYMNS OF A 4

2 . Give me the eyes to see, AGive me the ears to hear,Give me the spi ri tual senseTo feel that 'Thou art near.

3. So when this earthly mi stFades in the azu

,re sky


My soul shal l s t il l'

beclose toAnd in Thee cannot die.

Drawmg N ear 10 God.

F ROM every fear and doubt, D Lord,I n mercy set u s free,

While in the confidence of pray erOur hearts drawnear. to Thee.

2 . I n al l our trials,st ruggles

,joys, '

Teach u s Thy love to see,

Which by the disc ipline of life .

Would draw u s unto Thee.

0 11i l ives, devoted to Thy will,Our sacrifice shall be

And then 'will death , whene’er it come,Bu t draw u s nearer Thee.

T/ze Tfiaug /zt qf- Gva’.

THE thought of God, the thoughtWho liest in my heart ,

And yet beyond imagined spaceOutstre tched and present 13m,



3. Like‘

pléasan t thoug hts of thosewe' loye,Which are of self apart,Which nei ther “

day nor night removeOu t of the lovi ng heart

4. So al l day long, and tal l the night,

Lord , let Thy presence be l Jl'

Mine air,my breath , my shade, myl ight

M y self absorbed in Thee.J. S .

B . Man sel l .


m f z'

on . 8 s . 6 l ines .

O THO U ,with whom

,in sweet content,

The soul that loves Thee shall abide,Grant that Thy Sbirit mayBe sent; “ I

That by i ts influ ence pni'itiedAnd touched and blessed

,we may be free,

Father and Friend t o dwell with Thee.

2 . 0 fire our hearts wi th quenchles s loveFor


men,and for Thy truth divine


That we may g uide to th ings above,Where m Thy heavens eternal sh ineThe strong attractions of that homeFrom which

,when found

,no soul can roam .

3. And if upon our lonely way,We faint and c ry to Thee for aid


Then , 0 ou r Father, g i'want we pray


That,by u s trembl ing and afraid


May walk the Leader of ou r race,Fill ing with l ight and Joy the place. '

) U I‘

4. Crown u s with love, and so with peace,Tran sfig u re dut y to delight ; i

Our l ips inspi re,o'ur fai th inc rease,


Brig hten'

with hope'

ou r darkest night.


Bring u s from earthly bondage free ,To find our heaven in serving thee.

Long z'

flg f or G0d.

AS pants the hart for cooling stream s,When heated in the chase,So longs my soul, 0 God , for Thee,And Thy refreshing grace .

2 . For Thee, my God, the l iving God,My thirsty soul doth pineOh when shall I behold Thy face


Thou majesty divine ?

How long, my Strength, my Hope, shall ILike one forgotten mournForlorn , forsaken , and ex posedTo my oppressor’s scorn.

Why restless,why cast down

,my soul

Hope still,and Thou shalt sing

The prai se of Him who is thy God,

Thy health’s eternal Spring.

Psalm x iii , Tate and Brady.

Qu iet Rel ig ion . 7 . 6 . 7. 6 . 7 .


,my inward ear,

An d bid my heart rejoiceLet my quiet spiri t hearThy comfortable voiceNever in the whirlwind found


Or where earthquakes rock the placeStill and silent is the sound


Soft the whisper of Thy grace.7.


4 HYMNS or

2 . From the worl d of s in and noise,And hurry, I wi thdraw ;For the small and inward voi ceI wai t wi th humble aweS ilent am I .now an d st illDare not in Thy pres ence move

To my wai ting soul revealAll the secret of Thy love.

G/zar les

T128 Silen t Hou r. 6 . 5.

A S the storm retreatingLeaves the vales in peace


Let the world’s vain noisesO’er our spirit s cease.

2 . Sounds of wrath and striving,Man with man at war


Heart s with heaven contending,Hear we now no more.

Now the hours of stillnessWondrous vi sions show

Heaven unfolds before as ,Angels come and g o.

4. Holy human faces,From earth’s shadows free


Look with love upon u s,

Bid u s patient be.

A lmost we discern them,

A lmost read thei r smile,

A lmost hear them saying,Wai t ali ttle while.”


7 . Let hol ier l iv ing witness bearTo life thereby bestowed

And words and deeds of m ight declareOur conference wi th God.

Saving Grace.

V IEW me, Lord, awork of Thine !Shal l I then lie drowned in night ?

Might Thy g race in me but shine,

I should seem made al l of light .2 . But my sou l still surfeits so

Ou the poi soned bai t s of sin,

That I strange and plainer growA l l i s dark and foul within .

3. Cleanse me,Lord

,that I may kneel

A t Thine al tar pure and whiteThey that once Thy mercies feel


Dwell no more on earth’s delight.

4. Worldly joys l ike shadows fadeWhen the heavenly light appearsBut the covenants Thou hast made


Endless,know not days nor years .

5. I n Thy word,Lord

,i s my trust,

To Thy mercies fast I flyThough I am but clay and dust,Yet Thy grace can l ift me high .

Thomas Camfion

WE Come to Tfiee. L .M .

L I KE ti red children,Lord

,we come,

We turn our wandering footsteps home ;We scarce the narrow path can seeOur strength i s spent - we come to Thee.


2 . I n busy life, wi th cares oppressed,Longing and faint we seek for rest,And find i t when

,on bended knee,

For one brief hour we come to Thee.

Slowly with pain we onward moveForsake u s not , 0 Lord of loveThe dawn is nigh

,the shadows flee

Father of Lights,we come to Thee.

A . R. I reland.

l et as not Fal l .

LORD am id paths diverging wide,Ou r untaught footsteps need agu ide,

Keep u s,oh keep u s , near Tby sideLet u s not fall .

2 . Lord we are blind and deaf and lame,Our only strength is in Thy Name,Great i s our fear to bring it shame

Let u s not fall .

Lord 1 evermore Thy face we seekTempted we are

,i ll - trained and weak


Keep u s with lowly hearts and meekLet u s not fall.

Al l Thy good work in u s complete,

And place u s dai ly at Thy feetThy law, Thy charge, Thy peace are sweet

Let u s not fall.

Often does grateful memory castA backward look

,and view the past


Till hope grows bright that Faith will last,

And never fal l.


K I N G of mercy,King of love


Whose I am,in whom I move


Perfect what Thou hast begun,

Let no night put ou t th is s u n 1

2 . Grant I may, my .chief desire


Long for Thee,to Thee aspire

Let my youth, my bloom of days,Be my comfort , and Thy prai se

That hereafter,when I look

O’er the sull i ed, s inful book,I may find Thy hand thereinWiping out my shame and sin .

Only Thine,O Lord

,the art

To reduce astubborn heartAnd

,since Thine i s victory


Strongholds should belong to Thee.

Lord,then take it leave i t not

U nto my di spose or lotS ince I would not have it m ine0 my God, let it be Thine

Henry Vaug han (1 6 14

Remember Me.

OTHOU from whom al l goodnessI lift my heart to Thee

In al l my - sorrows, conflict s , woes,

Good Lord, remember me 1

36 0 HYMN S OF

4. Return , 0 holy Dove, return,Sweet messenger of rest

I hate the s ins that made Thee mourn,

And drove Thee from my breas t.

The dearest idol I have known,Whate’er that idol be

Help me to tear it from Thy throne,And worship only Thee.

So shal l my walk be close wi th God,Calm and serene my frame

So purer l ight shal l mark the roadThat leads me to the Lamb .

D ivine Ws z'


on .

I LT Thou not vi s i t me ?The plant beside me feels Thy gentle dewEach blade of grass I see

From Thy deep earth its quickening moi sture drew.

2 . Will Thou not vis it me

The morning call s on me with cheering tone,And every h ill and tree

Has but one voi ce,the voice of Thee alone.

3. Come for I need Thy loveMore than the flower the dew, or grass the rai n

Come,l ike Thy holy dove


And, swift - descending, bid me l ive again .

4. Yes Thou wilt vi si t me

Nor plant nor tree Thine eye delights so well,As when , from sin set free,

Man’s spi ri t comes with Thine in peace to dwell .Jon es Very.


WHEN the world around u s throwsAl l its proud, deceiving shows,

Yet the heart no danger knows,Help u s , Lord most holy

When like sheep we g o astray,When we cast Thy g ifts away,When we only seem to pray,Help u s , Lord most holy I

By the joys that look above,By the pains our fai th to prove,By the conquering power of love,Help u s

,Lord most holy l

4. To our sinf ul selves to die,

Bad desires to crucify,

And to set our hearts on high,Help u s

,Lord most holy l

Tbu s to do Thy Wi l l below,

Dai ly in Thy g race to grow,More and more Thy love to know,Help u s

,Lord most holy

Spiritual D edem z’

ozz. L .M .D.

H OW dare we pray Thee dwell withinThese hearts defil ed by wilful s in ?

Yet, Holy Ghost, do not depart,Leave not to earth our earthly heartBu t if Thou seest u s erring still


Oh bend to Thine our stubborn will,

36 2 HYMN S OF

And bring 11s to the fold again,

I f need, by chasti sement and pain .

2 . Bring u s,by al l the powers of sense


By al l the course of providence,By i nmost conscience, not yet dumb,By al l the past, by al l to comeBy God’s best gifts— His Son to die,And Thee our hearts to sanctifyB ring u s , before our sun g o down,To bear the cross

,to win the crown.

John K ebl e.

M ed of

OT only for some task subl imeThy help do I implore

Not only at some solemn timeThy Hol y Spiri t pour

2 . Bu t for each daily task of m ineI need Thy qu i ckening power

I need Thy presence everywhere,

I need Thee every hour.

Each action finds in Thee its spring,

Each joy Thy love makes bright,

Each footstep i s Thi ne ordering,Each grief shines in Thy light

My Heaven in Time.

ATHER divine,thi s deadening - power control,

Which to the senses binds the immortal soul ;Oh

,break this bondage, Lord I I would be free,

And in my soul would find my heaven in Thee.


Tbe Sou l .

N 7HAT i s thi s that sti rs wi th in ,Loving goodness

,hat ing sin


Always craving to be blest,

F inding here below no rest ?

2 . What i s i t and whither,whence


This unsleeping,secret sense


Longing for its rest and foodI n some h idden

,untried good ?

”I i s the Sou1

,— mysterious name

Him i t seeks from whom i t cameWhile I muse

,I feel the fire

Burning on,and mounting higher.

4. Onward , upward , to Thy throne,0 Thou I nfin ite, Unknown 1Sti ll i t presseth

,till i t see

Thee in al l,and al l in Thee.

T/zy K z'

ndl z'

rzg Love. 1 0 . 1 o.

ATHER,in Thy mysterious presence kneel ing


Fain would our souls feel al l Thy kindling love :For we are weak and need some deep reveal i ngOf trust

,and strength, and calmness from above .

2 . Lord,we have wandered forth through doubt andsorrow ,

And Thou hast made each step an onward oneAnd we will ever t rust each unknown morrow,Thou wilt sustain u s ti ll its work i s done .


In the heart’s depths apeace serene and holyAbides and when pain seem s to have its will,

Or we despai r,— O may that peace rise slowly,Stronger than agony

,and we be st il l I

4. Now,Father


,in Thy dear presence kneeling


Our spiri ts yearn to feel Thy kindling loveNowmake u s strong we need Thy deep revealingOf trust, and strength, and calmness from above .

S . jo/mson .

Tbe Open Sou l .

L I E open,soul around thee press

A thousand things divineAl l glory and al l holinessA_re wait ing to be thine.

2 . Lie Open, soul be swift to catchEach glory ere i t fliesLife’s hours are charged

,to those who

With heavenly messages .

Lie open,soul the Beautiful

That al l things doth embrace,

Shall every passion sweetly lu ll,

And clothe thee in her g race.

Lie open, soul the great and wiseAbout thy portal throngThe wealth of souls before thee lies


Their gifts to thee belong.

Lie open , soul 10,Jesus wai ts

To enter thine abodeMessiah lingers at thy gates


Let in the Son of God.


6 . Receive Him,soul He with Him brings

The blest ones from aboveThe heavenly hosts stretch forth their wing sTo seek and know thy love.

7 . Lie open,soul in watchfulness

Each brighter glory winThe I nfin ite thy peace shall bless


And God shall enter in .

A spin : l ion .

TH IRST ING for a l iving spring,

Seeking for ahigher home,

Resting where our souls must cl ing,Trusting



,we come .

2 . Gloriou s hopes our spi ri t fil l ,When we feel that Thou art nearFather then ou r fears are st ill ,Then the soul’s bright end is clear.

3. Life’s hard conflict we would Win ,Read the mean ing of l ife’s frownChange the thorn - bound wreath of sinFor the Spiri t’s starry crown .

4. Make u s beautiful withinBy Thy Spirit

’s hol y lightGuard u s when our faith burns dim,

Father of al l love and might

Sin(ere Prayer.

E LP me, my God, to speakTrue words to Thee each day

True let my voi ce be when I praise,And trustful when I pray.

36 8 HYMN S OF

And as the evening wi nd sweeps by,He needs mu st feel hi s God as nighMust needs that unseen Presence own ,Thus always near

,too long unknown.

Howsmal l i n that upl ift ed hour,Temptat i on’s lure, an d passion’s power !Howweak the foe that made him fall


How strong the soul to conquer al l

A m ighty wind of nobler willSends through h is soul i ts qu ickening thrillN 0 more acreature of the clod,He knows himself a child of God.

Carol ine Gilman .

An A spiration . 7s.

WOULD that I were better that to Childhood’sfervent soul

The strength were joined of solemn years,o’er

which life’s noon doth roll

2 . The strength to think, to feel, to do, only the holyRight,

To yield no step in the awful race,no blow in the

fearful fig ht .

3. I would that I were better, that I loved with hol ierzeal

That source of love whose goodness wide ou r heartsso poorly feel ;

4. That I could feel, as well as know, He i s that Onewe seek,

When our bl ind creeping souls ex plore earth’s desertcold and bleak.


5. O God and Father, holiest Lord ! touch yet Thycreature’s heart,

And to my weak and wearied powers the life of lifeimpart.

Make me to love Thee ! in that love,strength


and l ife shall flow,

And as Thy wi ll is done in heaven, I shall do i t onearth below.

Frances Power Cowe.

N earer z‘é God.

N EARER,my God, to Thee,

Nearer to TheeE’en though it be across

That rai seth me,

Still al l my song shal l be,Nearer, my God, to Thee,

Nearer to Thee .

2 . Though, l ike the wanderer,The su n gone down


Darkness be over me,

My rest astone ;Yet in my dream s I

’d be

N carer, my God, to Thee,Nearer to Thee.

There let the wayappearSteps unto heaven;

Al l that Thou sendest meI n



g iven ,

Angels toi

beckon meNcarer, my God , to Thee,

Nearer to Thee.2 A

370 HYMN S on

4. Then,with my waking thoughtsBright with Thy prai s e,

Out of my stony griefsBethels I ’l l rai se

So by my woes to beNearer

,my God , to Thee,Nearer to Thee .

T/ze God of al l Grace.

TERNAL Father,Lord of al l ou r good


Revive these heart s of ours that '

need Theestill


And take away whatever may have stoodToo long between u s and Thy righteous will.

2 . A long these paths of t ime lead ever on,

Nor let u s wander from Thine up'ward wayBy day or night we cannot walk aloneGuide Thou our feet

,so shal l we never stray.

3. We bless Thee for the th ings whereby we riseFrom wrong and weakness to our being’s height

We bless Thee for thefai th that never d ies,

And hopes which keep u salway strongand bright.

4. We prai se Thee for al l l ights on earth that shine,Reflect ing l ight D 1y 1ne undimmed an d pure

We prai se Thee for that perfect love of Thine,Which i s of al l thi ngs here most real and sure.


0 help u s,through the prayer of fai th ,

More firm ly to bel ieveFor sti ll

,the more Thy servant bath,

The more shall he receive .

4. 0 help u s , Savi our, from on high,We know no help but Thee

0 help u s so to l ive and die,As Thine in heaven to beI

Have Mercy.

H AV E mercy, O Father !To Thee do we cry


,and wayworn


To Thywin g s we flySpeak peace to our soulsWithout Thee we die.

2. We wander in darkness ,0 , grant u s Thy light 1

We stray from the pathway,

Lost,lost in the night

0 ,be Thou our g u ide,And lead u s aright

W. H.

I g ive 771315e toPrayer.

G IV E myself to prayerLord

,give Thyself to me


And let the time ofmy request;Thy t ime of answer be. 1


My thoughts are like the'

reeds ,

And t remble as they grow,I n the sad current of a lifeThat darkly runs and slow.

I am as if asleep,

Yet conscious that I dreamLike one who vainly strives to wakeAnd free himself

,I seem.

4. The loud distressfu l cryWith which I cal l on TheeShall wake me, Lord, to find that ThouCanst give me liberty.

I give myself to prayerLord

,give Thyself to me

And in the time of my distress ,O haste and succour me

Then be my heart , my world,Rehal lowed unto Thee

And Thy pervading glory,Lord


0 let me feel and see IT.

Silent M u szhg .

LORD,when in silent hours 11

Upon myself and Thee,

I seem to hear the stream of lifeThat runs invi sibly.

2 . Then know I what I oft forget,


How fleetin g are my daysRemember me, my God , nor let


My end bemy disprai se


3. 0 think upon me for my good,Though little good I doMy hope and my forgiving FriendThou hast been hitherto .

4. And I would l ive in such acourse,That men to me may say,

O whence has t thou thy joy and force ?What i s thy secret stay

5. My joy, when truest j oy I have,I t comes to me from heavenMy strength , when I from weakness rise,I s by Thy Spirit given .

6 . And while He shines as He has shone,Whom Thou hast made my stay,Life can but gently float me on


Not hurry me away.

flims t , § nhmiz z iom nu b QDhehimcz .

A 71 U nmu rmu rz'

ng .Heart.FATHER, whate’er of earthly bl iss

Thy sovereign will denies,

Accepted at Thy throne of grace,Let thi s petit ion rise

2 . Giveme acalm,a thankful heart,

From every murmur freeThe bless ings of Thy grace impart,And let me l ive to Thee.

3. Let the sweet hope that Thou art m i neM y path of life attend

Thy presence through my j ourney shine,And crown my j ourney

’s end.

Amt S teele,


4. And still to al l who seek thy wayThe wondrous power i s given


That while thei r footsteps press the clay,

Their sou ls ascend to heaven .

5. Through pain and death I can rejo1ce,

I f but thy streng t h be m ineEarth hath no mu sic l ike thy voice


Life owns no joy like thine.

6 . Spir it of Fai th I’l l g o with thee,

Thou,if I hold thee fast


Wilt gu ide,defend

,and strengthen me,

And hear me home at last.A n ne Bron te.

Til e Peace of Faz’

t l z.

FATHER humbly we reposeOur sou l s on Thee

,who dwel l ’s t above


And bless Thee for the peace which flowsFrom faith in Thy paternal love .

2 . Though every earthly tru st may break,Unfail ing m ight belongs to Thee

Though every earthl y friend forsake,

Unchangeable Thou sti l l wilt be.

3. Though griefsmay gather darkly round,They cannot h ide u s from Thy sightThough vai n al l human aid be found


Thou every cloud canst tu rn to l ight.

4. A l l th ings Thy wise design s f u lfil,

I n earth beneath and heaven'

aboveAnd good breaks out from every i ll


Tbrough fai th i n Thy paternal love.Wm .


L.M .

Y God I thank Thee may no thoughtE ’er deemThy chasti sements severe

Bu t may this heart, by sorrow taught,Calm each wild wish , each idle fear.

2 . Thy mercy‘

bids al l nature bloomThe su n shines bright, and man i s g ayThine equal mercy Spreads the gloomThat darkens o’er his l ittle day.

Full many a throb of grief and painThy frai l and erring child must know

Bu t not one prayer i s b reathed in vain,Nor does one tear unheeded flow.

Thy various mes sengers employThy purposes of love fu lfil I

And’mid the wreck of human joy


May kneel ing faith adore Thy willA

Pafien t, 0 Heart. 1 1 1o.

ATHER,to Thee we look in al l our sorrow


Thou art the fountain whence our heal ingflows ;

Dark though the night, joy cometh with themorrowSafely they rest who on Tby love repose.

2 . When fond hopes fai l an d skies are dark before u s,

When the vain cares that vex our life increase,

Comes with its calm the thought that Thou arto’er u s


-And we grow quiet,folded in Thy peace.


Naught shall affright u s on Thy goodness leaning,Low in the heart faith singeth stil l her song

Chastened by pain we learn l ife’s deeper meaning,

And in our weaknes s Thou dost make u s strong.

Pat ient, 0 heart , though heavy be thy sorrowsBe not cas t down , disquieted in vai nYet shal t thou prai se Him when these darkenedfu rrows


Where now He ploweth, wave with golden grain .

F . L . Harmer.

A l l as God wil l s .

A LL as God will s who wisely heedsTo give or to withhold


And knoweth more of al l my needsThan al l my prayers have told.

2 . Enough , that bless ings undeservedHave marked my erring track

That wheresoe’er my feet have swerved,Thy chastening turned me back.

That more and more aProvidenceOf love i s understood ,

Making the springs of time and senseBright with eternal good

4 That death seem s but a covered way,Which opens into l ight


Wherein no bl inded chi ld can strayBeyond the Father’s s ight

No longer forward or behindI l ook in hope or fear,

Bu t , grateful, take the good I findGod’s blessing now and here.

j . G.


So to the heart that knows Thee , Love E ternal 1There i s a temple

,sacred evermore


And al l the babble of l ife’s angry voi cesD ies in hushed st illness at it s peaceful door.

4. Far, far away, the roar of pass ion dieth,And loving thoughts rise calm and peacefully


And no rude storm,how fierce soe

’er i t flieth


D i stu rbs the soul that dwells , O Lord, i n Thee l0 Rest of rests 0 Peace serene, eternalThou ever l ives t, chang ing nevermore

And in the secret of Thy presence dwellethFulness of j oy, both now and evermore.

50 4 . [f i f eg z’

vetk qu iet ,w/zat can make trou ble? 1 0 5.

1 . U IET from God Howblessed ’t i s to keepThis treasure the Al l -merciful hath given

To feel , when we awake and when we sleep,I t s incense round u s l ike abreath from heaven

2 . To sojourn in the world , and yet apartTo dwell with God

,and sti ll with man to feel

To bear about for ever in the heartThe gladness which His Spirit doth reveal .

3. Who shal l make trouble then ? Not evil mind s,Which hi re a shadow o’er creation lour.

The soul which peace hath thus attuned, findsHowstrong within doth reign the Calmer’s power .

4 What shal l make trouble ? Not the hol y thoughtOf loved ones lost for that will be apart

Of those undying things which peace hath wroughtI nto aworld of beau ty in the heart.


What shal l make trouble ? Not slow wasting painNor e’en the threatening, certain stroke of deathThese do but wear away, then break the chainWhich bound the spirit down to th ings beneath.

Sara/z J. Wil l iams .

L.M .

I . I N quiet. hours the tranquil sou lReflect s the beauty of the sky

No passions rise or billows roll ,And only God and heaven are nigh.

2 . The tides of being ebb and flow,

Creating peace without alloyA sacred happiness we know


Too high for m irth,too deep for joy.

L'ike birds that slumber on the sea,Unconscious where the current runs


We rest on God’s infin ityOf bliss

,that circles stars and suns.

4. His perfect peace has swept from sightThe narrow bounds of time and s pace,

And looking up with Sti ll delightWe catch the glory of His face .

T/ze S treng l fz of my Lif e. C.M . 6

GO not far from me, O my S treng thWhom al l my times obey

Take from me anything Thou wilt,

Bu t g o not Thou awayAnd let the storm that does Thy workDeal with me as i t may.


2 . On Thy compas s ion I reposeI n weakn ess and distress

I wi ll not ask for greater ease,

Lest I should love Thee less.0 ’ti s ablessed thing for me

To need Thy tenderness .When I am feeble as achild


And flesh and heart g ive way,Then on Thy everlasting strengthWith pass ive trust I stay,

And the rough wind becomes a song,

The darkness shines l ike day.

4. Deep unto deep may call, but IWith peaceful heart can say,

Thy loving - kindness hath a chargeNQwaves can take away

Then let the sto rm that speeds me homeDeal with me as i t may.

A nnaL . Waring .

T/ze Goodness of s e. L .M.

FATHER beneath Thy sheltering wingI n sweet security we rest


And fear no ev il earth can bring,


I n l ife,in death

,supremely blest.

2 . For life is good whose tidal flowThe motions of Thy will obeys

And death i s good, that makes u s knowThe Life divine, that al l things sways.

And good it i s.

to bear the Cross,

And so Thy perfect peace to winAnd nought is i ll

,nor brings u s loss,

Nor works u s harm, save only s in !


Howsad and strange our l ives had been,Howfull of mystery 1

2 . Bu t forthe l ight which comes from TheeTo shine upon t he way,

Howdark our path in l ife would be,

How cheerless day by day0 happy thought, that we are ThineOur l ife i s wrapt in Thee

The human linked with the divineFor al l etern i ty.

The wrong,the fal se

,must pass away

With al l things not of Thee,

The darkness vanish in the rayOf truth and purity.Good only can immortal be,Evil at last shall fall


The right mu st win the victory,And God be al l in al l .

i] . P. Hawkins .

7715 Cry of t/ze Con triteHéarz‘. 1

F ROM the recesses of a lowly spi ri t,My humb le i prayer ascends 0 Father,

hear i tUpsoaring on the wmg of fear and meekness,

Forg ive i ts weakness .2 . I kn ow, I feel , how mean and how unworthyThe trembling sacrifi ce I pour before TheeWhat can I off er in Thy presence holy,

But s in and folly ?

3. For in Thy sight, who every bosom viewes t ,Cold age ou r warmest vows, and vaiii our truest


Thoughts ofahurrying h‘our, our lips repeat them,

Our hearts forget them .

We see Thy hand i t leads u s,i t snpport s u s

We hear Thy voice it counsels and i t courts u sAnd then we turn away, and still Thy kindness

Pardons our blindness.

0 how long su ffering, Lord ; but Thou delightestTo win with l ove the wandering : Thiou invites t ,By sm iles of mercy, not by frowns or terrors,

Man from his errors .

Who can resist Thy gentle call,appeal ing

To every generous thought and gratefu l feeling ?Thy voice paternal, whispering, watching ever ?

0 let me never.

LORD . I believe ; Thy power I own ,Thy word I would obey

I wander comfortless and lone,

When from Thy truth I stray.

2 . Lord .

I believe ; but gloomy fearsSomet imles bedimmy sight

I look to Theewi th prayers and tears,

And cry for strength and l ight.

3. l ord I hel ieve but Thou dost knowMy faith is cold and weak (fl

Pity rrfy frai l ty; and bestowThe confidence I seek.

2 B


1 1 4. Yes I‘

I believe and only ThouCans t give my soul reliefLord to Thy tru th my spiri t bow”Hel p Thou 'my unbe lief 1


fig { fie [ nwhz'



T,HOU who dost ‘

al l things g ive,Be not Thyself for


g otNo longer may Thy chil drehI iyeA s if their God were not !

2 .

IBu t every day and

.hour,. S 1nce Thou dost bless us thus,In


s tfll in creas ing light and powerReveal Thyself to u s

3. Until our fai th shall beStrong er than words can tell ,

And we shal l live,beholding Thee


0 Thou I nvis ible !

MyGod, I l ove Thee : .not becauseI hope for heaven thereby,

Nor becaus e they who love TheenotAre -los t eternal l y.

2. Not yvith the hope. of gaining aug ht,Nor seeking a reward

But as Thyself. hast loved me,O ever- loving Lord


388 HYMN S 0 1“

Oh ou r loveless natu re sh ine,Come to u s in power D ivine,Give u s love and make u s Thine

Help u s,Lord

,to love Thee.

More than friend , however nearMore than al l we hold most dearMore than al l in heaven or here

Help u s,Lord

,to love Thee.

Not from dread of wrath or woeNat for al l Thou wilt bestowFor Thyself whose love we know

Help u s,Lord

,to love Thee.

Though there were no heaven to gain,

Though there were no place of painS ti ll our love wou ld not be vai n

Help u s,Lord

,to love Thee.

I f we feel Thy bounteous care,

I f our lot be poor and bare,

I f Thou sm i te and if Thou spare,

Help u s,Lord

,to love Thee.M Woodward.

B LEST be Thy love,dear Lord,

That taught u s this sweet way,Only to love Thee for Thyself,And for that love obey.

2 . 0 Thou , our souls’ chief hOpe,'

We to thy goodness flyWhate’er we are

,Thou canst protect

Whate’er we need, supply.


To Thee we both resignBy night we see, as wel l as day,I f Thy light on u s shine.

4. Whether we live or die,Both we submi t to Thee

I n death we live as well as l ife,

I f Thine in death we be.

j . A u s t in ,

CALM me, my God, an d keep me calm, .

While these hot breezes blowBe l ike the night - dew’s cooling balmUpon earth’s fevered brow.

2 . Calm me,my God , and keep me calm ,

Soft resting on Thy breastSoothe me with holy hymn and psalm


And bid my spirit rest .

Yes,keep me calm

,though loud and rude

The sounds my ear that greetCalm in the closet’s solitude,Calm in the bustl ing street

4 Calm in the hour of buoyant health,

Calm in my hour of painCalm in my poverty or wealth,Calm in my loss or gain

Calm in the sufferan ce of wrong,

Like Him who bore my shame,Calm ’mid the threatening, taunting

' thron gWho hate Thy hol y Name



6 . Calm as the hay hf Sun or star, l M N

Which Storms 'as sail in vainMoving un ru ffied through earth’swaiTh’ eternal calm to gain I L

Horat z'

w Bonar.


771g ? Yeaven’

ly Treasu res .


O UR portion 'is net here, O'


Our riches are in TheeAnd where our weal th; i s safely stored,There


,our hearts would be.

2 . W here moth‘

and rust corrupteth riot,

Nor t hief breaks through to s teal,


chan g e and troubleare forgot,Our treasures we con ceal .

3. For naught can take T'hy peace '

away,Nor aught Thy grace impai r,

And naught can make Thy love decayAnd al l ou r wealt h is there .

4. No tarn i sh comes upon our gold,Our silver is most fineOur raiment never wax eth old


Our jewels,Lord, are Thine .

Then let u s hold on cheerfullyThe

lpath which Thou hast t rod

Our wealth 111 Thee . our heart s with Thee,

Al l bid with Chri st in God.

Wal ter; C. Smith.

i427 fi ning : f or Good.


HEN gladness gi ld s our prosperous day,And hope is .by frui tion crownedfv



3. And when Thy heavens shine on me,O teach me what they say,

Howwinsomely they ask my heartTo joy in God alway.

4. And when my tasks are sad and hard ,0 teach me what they mean , j

Howearnes tl y they ask my sou l,A lone on God to lean .

Yea every hour, and in al l ’thmg s,May I my Father see

And l ive a l ife 0 17 child like tmsg— m

My heart at res t i11 1Thee. j . P. Hopps .

T I LL will we t rus t,though eart h seem dark and


And the heart faint beneath His chastening rodThough rou ghand steep our pathway

,wornand weary,

Still will we trus t in God.

2 . Our eyes see dim ly 1111 byfaith anointed ,And ou r bl ind choosing brings u s grief and painThrough Him alone who hath our way appointed,

We find our peace again .

Choose for u s, God nor let our weak preferring ‘s e

Cheat ou r poor soul s of good Thou has t designed ;Choose for u s

,God Thy wisdom 15 unerring

And we are fools and blind .

4. Let u s press on , i n patient self~denial ,Accept the hard ship, shrink not from the lossOur port ion lies beyond the hour of trial ,

Our crown beyond the Cros s .


MANY things in l ifethere ariaPast our understanding far,

And the humblest flower that growsHides a secret no man knows.

2 . A l l unread by ou ter senseLies the soul’s eitperien ceMysteries around us riseWe

,the deeper mysteries

While we may so l ittle scan'

Of Thy vast creation’s plan,

Teach u s,0 our God, to be

Humble in our walkwi th Thee ii4. May we trust, through ill and good,Thine unchanging Fatherhood


And our highest wisdom find

I n the reverent heart and m i nd iC learer Vi sion shall be ours


Larger wisdom,ampler powers


And the meaning yet appearOf what passes knowledge here .


S u bmz’

rs z’

on .

AUTHOR of good to Thee I, tu rn ;

Thy ever- wakeful eyeAlone can al l my wants di scern,Thy hand alone supply.

2 . 0 let Thy fear within me dwell,Thy love my footsteps guideThat love shall v

‘ainer loves ex pel


That fear al l fears bes ide .L



since, by pas sion’s force s ubdued


Too oft, wi th stubborn willWe bl indly shun the latent g ood;And grasp the spec1ou s 111 ;

4. Not to my wish, but t o mywant,Do thou thy gifts su pply

The g oodmnasked in mercy grantThe ill, thou g h


asked, deny.


T/ze £4110 7; of Tru s t . 6 .


,howhappy should we be

I f we could cast our care onThee,

I f we fromself could rest ;And feel at heart that Oneabove;I n perfeCt '

wisdom , perfect lo'


I s‘working for the bés t.

2 . How far from this our dai ly l i fe,Howoft disturbed by anx ious strife,By su dden Wi ld alarm s


1 .

0,coul d we but relinquish al l

Our earthly props,and simply fall

Oh Thine Alm ighty arms

Could we but kneel and cast our load,

E’en while we‘pray, upon our God}

Then ri se with light ened cheerSure that t he Father

,who i s nigh

To stil l the famishe‘d raven’s cry,

Wi l l hear 11111 that we fear.1

4. We cannot tru st Him as we shoul dSo chafes weak nature’5 restless moodTo cas t its peace away


DEAR Lord ahd Iiather


of mankind,Forg iye our feverish ways

~Reclothe u s in our righ‘ tfu l m indI n purer l ives Thy servi ce find,I n deeper reverence

,prai se .

2 . O Sabbath rest by Gal i leeO cal m of hi l ls above

Where Jesus knelt to share with theeThe silence of eternity


I nterpreted by love i

3. With that deep hush , subduing al lOur words and works


that drownThe tender whisper of Thy call


As noi seless let Thy blessing 15111As fell Thy mannadown .


4. Drop Thy stil l dews of quietness,

Till al l ou r strivings ceaseTake from ou r souls the strai n and stressAnd let our ordered l ives confessThe beauty of Thy peace .

5. Breathe through the pulses'

of desireThy coolness and Thy balmLet sense be dumb

,— i ts heats ex pi re

Speak through the earthquake,wind

,and fire,

0 still small voice of calmj . G.

T/zy W711 be done.

MY Cod, my Father, while I stray,

Far from my‘

home , on life’s rough way,

0 teach me from my heart to say,Thy will be done !


Thbil g h dark my path and sad my lot,Let .mebe still ahd murmur not ,Or breathe the prayer divinely taught,

Thy will’ be done 1What though in lonely grief I sighFor friends beloved

,no longer nigh,

Subm iss ive stillwould I reply,

3 Thy will be done I

I f Thou should’st call me to resignWhat most I prize, i t ne’er was m ine ;I only yield Thee what i s Thine

Thy will be done 1

Let bu t my fainting heart be‘

bles t

With Thy sweet Spirit for i ts guestMy God

, to.

Thee I leave the restThy will be done I

63Renew my will from day to day,B lend it with Thine, and take awayA l l that nowmakes it hard to say,

Thy wil l be done i

7 . Then when on earth I breathe no more.

The prayer, of t'

m ixed with tears before;I’l l sing upon ahappier shore,

Thy will be doneC. E l l iot.

WUZ be done.

E see not,know not al l our way

I s night, - with Thee alone is dayFrom out the torrent’s troubled d rift


Above the storm our prayers we lif t,Thy will be done 1


2 . The fleshmay fail , the heart may faintBut who are we tomake complain t, . 1

Or dare to plead, in t imes l ike these, 1

The weakness of our love of ease ?Tbywill be done1.

We take with solemn thankfulnes sOur burden u p, nor ask it less ,And count i t joy that even weMay s u fi


,or wai t for Thee, 1

Whose will be done

4. Though dim as yet in t in t anddine,We trace Thy picture’5 wise design


And thank Thee that our ag e suppl iesI ts dark rel ief of sacrifice.

Thywill be done l r'

Fearless Tru s l

COMM IT thou al l thy griefsAnd ways i nto His hands

To His sure truthand tender careWho earth and heaven commandsWhopoints the clouds their course,Whom winds and seas obey

He shal l direct thy wahdef ing iéét ,He shal l prepare thy way.

2 . Give to the winds thy fearsHope, and be undismayed

God hears thy sighs, and counts thy tears,God shall l ift Up thy

'head .

Throu gh waves,through clouds and storms


He gently él ears thyway : n 1 1

Wai t thou His t ime so shall th is nigh tSoon end in joyou s day.


40 0 HYMN S OF

4. Then sorrow,tou ch

’d by

Thee,grows bright

With more than rapture’s ray 1 1 .

As darkness shows'

u s worlds of lightWe never sawby day.

Thomas Moore.

MY Father, i t i s good for me

To trust and not to trace,

And wai t with deep hum i lityFor


Thy reveal ing grace.

2 . Lord when Thy way i s in the’


And strange to mortal sense,

I love Thee in the mystery,


tru s t Thy providence .

3. I cannot see the secret thingsI n this my dark abode

I may not reach with earthly wingsThe heig ht s


and depths of God.

So fai th and patience wai t awhileNot doubting, not in fear ;

For soon in heaven my Fatherls sm i leShal l render al l things clear.

Then Thou shalt end time’s short eclipse,I t s dim uncertain nig htBring in the grand apocalypse


Reveal the perfect l ight.

TIzou doés t 211 7729n wel l .

THOU doest thin g e'



God only wise and triie l


My days and nights alternate tellOf mercies always new.

2 . W i th sacred toils o’erpres sed,I sink in welcome sleep

I wake in darkness and unrest,Yet patient vigil keep.

Soon finds each fevered dayAn d each chill n ight its bournNor zeal need droop

,nor hope decay,

Ere rest or light return .

Bu t,be the night - watch long,

And sore the chastening rodThou art my Health, my Su n , my Song,My Glory, an d my God

Thy sm il ing face lights m ineI f veiled

,i t makes me sad

Even tears in darkness,star - l ike



And morning huds me glad 1"

For weeping, wakefial eyesI nstinctive look above


And catch,through openings in the skies


Thy beams,unslumbering Love

Hours spent with pain and Thee,

Lost hours have never seemedNo those are lost

,which but mig ht be

From earth,for heaven


8. I t s lim i t— its reliefI t s hallowed issues— tell

That,though Thou cause Thy servant grief


Thou doest al l things wellIfV. M . B u n t ing .

2 C

40 2 HYMN S OF

W E bless Thee for Thy peace, 0 God,Deep as the unfathomed sea,

Which falls l ike sunshine on the rOadOf those who tru st in Thee.

2 . We ask not, Father, for reposeWhich comes from outward rest


I f we may have through al l l ife’s woes

Tby peace within our breast.

3 That peace which s u fl'

ers and i s strong,

Trusts where it cannot seeDeems not the trial -way too long,But leaves the end with Thee .

4. That peace which flows serene and deep,A river in the soulWhose banks a l iving verdure keepGod’s sunshine o’er the whole.

5. 0 Father, give our hearts th is peace,Whate’er the outward be,Till al l l ife’s disc ipl ine shall cease


And we g o home to Thee.

Sorromf u l yet

WE prai se Thee oft for hours of bl iss,For days of quiet rest

Bu t O how seldom do we feelThat pai n and tears are best.

2 . We prai se Thee for the shin ing sun,

For kind and gladsome waysWhen shall we learn

,O Lord

,to sing

Through weary n ights and days ?


FATHER,I pray for power to take

And u se the things I have arightFor strength and wisdom that shalf makeMy l ife aprofit and delight.

2 . I ask not that for me the planOf good and i l l be set aside ;But that the common lot of manBe nobly borne and glori fi ed.

And though I may not always keepMy steps i n places green and sweet,

Nor hnd the pathway of the deepA path of saf ety for my feet

Yet grant that when the tempest’s breathShal l fiercely sweep my way about,


make not sh ipwreck of my fai th,I n the unbottomed seaof doubt

Bu t ri s ing over s in and strife,May Thine own peace be shed on me,

Till Thou be found in al l my l ife,And al l my life be given to Thee

C/ms tem’

ng Love.

BENEATH Thine hammer, Lord, - I l ie'With contrite spiri t prone

Oh,mould me


t il l to self I die,

And l ive to Thee al one2 . With frequent disappointments sore

And many abitter pain,

Thou labou res t at my be ing’s core

Til l I be formed again .

3. Sm ite, Lord Thine hammer’s needfulwoundMy baffled hopes confess


Thine anvil i s the sense profoundOf m ine own nothingness .

4. Smi te, till, from al l i ts idols free,And fil l ed with love divine,My heart shal l know no good but Thee,An d have no will but Thine.

F redericH. Hedg e.

TbaObedience of t lze Life.

K ING of comforts, King of life,Thou hast cheered me

And when fears and doubts were rife,Thou hast cleared me.

2 . Not anook in al l my breastBu t Thou fil l’s t it

Not athought that breaks my restBut Thou kill’st it.

Wherefore with my utmost strengthI will prai se Thee

And as Thou g iv’

s t l ine and lengthI will rai se Thee.

4. Day and night, not once aday,I wil l bless Thee

And my soul in new arrayI will dress Thee.

5. Not one m inute in the yearBu t I

’l l m ind Thee

As my seal and bracelet hereI will bind Thee.

Hen ry Vau g han (1 6 14


z‘l z u s . C .M.

INCE without Thee we do no good,

And with Thee do no ill,


Abide wi th u s in weal and woe;In act ion and in will .

2 . I n weal,— that while our lips confessThe Lord who gives

,we may

Remember,with an humble thought


The Lord who takes away.

I n woe,— that while to drowning tears

Our hearts their joys resign,

We may remember who can tu rnSuch water into wine.

4 By hours of day, — that when our feetO’er hi ll and val ley ru n


We sti ll may think the light of tru thMore welcome than the su n .

By hours of n ig hg — that when the airI t s dew and shadow yields,

We still may hear the voice of GodI n s ilence of the fiel ds .

6 . And when sleep comes on u s like death,

A l l soundless , deaf and deepLord teach u s so to watch and prayThat death may come l ike sleep.

7 . Abide with u s,abide with u s


While flesh and soul agreeAnd when our flesh i s only dust,Abide our souls with Thee.

E l izaéet lz Barret t Brown ing .

Stref zg l /z z'

n Weakness . L .M .

WONDROU S Fatherhood of GodThat in our weakness findeth strength


And in our waywardness , a rodTo fit u s for Thy heaven at len g th


Lord, bring u s to that morrowWhich makes an end of sorrow


Where al l sai nts areOu holy day.

4. Where al l the saints rest who have heard Thy call ,Have risen and s triven and now rejoice in rest

Cal l u s too home from sorrowTo rest in Thee to -morrow

I n Thee our BestI n Thee our Al l .

ABOV E thi s changefu l cl ime,

And al l i ts s trifes and jars,U ntroubled, pat ient, pure, subl ime,Shine on the steadfast stars .

2 . Beyond our l ife’s unrest,An d sorrow’s moaning night


A realm there is,serene and blest


Where dwells eternal l ight.Might I that region gain,So j oyous, calm,

and fai r,

There , surely, would my heart attainHeaven’s heal ing, perfect air IVain dream to seek sweet easeI n things afar, unknown

Within,0 Lord, sh ines Thy true peace,

Where Thou dost come alone.Transcending time and place,Thy blessing maketh blestGive now, 0 God, Thine inward grace,And then I shall find rest.


Prayer f or Peace. 1 0 .

MMORTAL Love, within whose righteous willI s always peace

O pity me, storm - tossed on waves of illLet passion cease

Come down in power within my heart to reign ,For I am weak , and struggle has been vain.

2 . The days are gone, when far and wide my willDrove me astray

And now I fain would climb the arduous hill,

That narrow wayWhich leads through m i st and rocks to Thine abode ;Toiling for man

,and Thee , Alm ighty God.

3. Whate’er of pain Thy loving han d allot,I gladly bear

Only, 0 Lord, let peace be not forgot ,Nor yet Thy care,

Freedom from storms, and wil d desires within ,Peace from the fierce oppression of my s in .

4. 8 0 may I , far away, when evening fall sOn life and love


Arrive at last the holy,happy halls


With Thee aboveWounded

,yet healed sin - laden

,yet forgiven

And sure that goodness is my only heaven .

Res t and U nres t . 1 0 5.

THOU,the primal Fount of life and peace


Who shedd’s t Thy breathing quiet al l around,

I n me command that pain an d conflict cease,

And turn to music every jarring sound.

410 HYMN S’



2 . Howlongs each depth within the weary soulTo taste the l ife of th is benignant hour


To be at one wi th Th ine untroubled whole,

And in i tself to knowThy bushing power.3. Make Thou in me

,O God , through shame and pain ,

A heart attuned to Thy celestial calmLet not the spirit’s pangs be rou sed in vain


But heal the wounded breast with soothing balm.

4. So, firm i n steadfast hope , in thoug ht secure,I n fu ll accord with al l Thy works of joy,

May I be nerved to labours bigb'

and pure,

And Thou Thy child to do Thy work employ.

5. In One who walked on earth , aman of woe,Was holier peace than even this hour inspiresFrom Him to me let inward qu iet flow,And give the m ight my fail ing wil l requires.

6 . So this great universe , so He,and Thou

.The central Source and wondrous Bound of things ,May -fil l my heart with rest as deep as nowTo land and seaand air, Thy presence brings .

jo/mS ter l ing .

l il y Times are in Tby Izand . C. M . 6

FATHER ,I know that al l my l ife

I s portioned ou t for me

The changes that are sure to comeI do not fear to see

I ask Thee for apresent m ind,I ntent on pleas ing Thee.

2 . I ask Thee for a thoughtful love ,Tb rough constant watching wi se,

412 HYMN S or

3. O blessed life the soul that soars,When sense of mortal s ight i s dim


Beyond the sense,— beyond

,to Him

Whose love unlocks the heavenly doors .

0 blessed life heart,m i nd

,and soul

From selfish aims and wishes free,

I n al l at one with DeityAnd loyal to the Lord’s control .

5. 0 l ife how blessed how divineH igh l ife

,the earnest of ahigher

Father,fu l fil my deep desire

And let this blessed l ife be m i ne.PV. Tz


a’d Matron.

A i Res t in God.

MY heart i s resting, O my God II will give thanks and sing

My heart is at the secret sourceOf every precious th ing.

2 . I th irst for springs of heavenly l ife,And here al l day they ri se

I seek the treasure of Thy love ,An d close at hand it l ies .

3. Mine be the reverent, l istening love,That wai ts al l day on Thee

The serv ice of awatchful heartWhich no one else can see.

4. The fai th that, i n ahidden wayN 0 other eye may know,

Finds al l i ts dai ly work prepared, _

And loves to have i t so.

5 My heart is resting, O my God !My heart i s in Thy care

I hear the voice of joy and praiseResounding everywhere.

A . L . Wan'

ng .

Perf ect t/zroug /z S ufi n’

ng .

N 7E suf fer in thi s world below,Hard training here we undergo,

Full many apang and many athroe.

2 . We su fi'

er,and we know not why

I n vain with tear - dimmed eyes we tryThe reason of our pain to spy.

We su ffer,and we only know

That wider knowledge cometh so,

And love and faith more ample grow.

4. We suffer,and we taste in pain

The richer life where death is gain,

The death of self,by strong love slain .

We suffer,and we grow more strong


More patient,thoug h the end be long,

More sure to rai se the harvest - song.

Prayer f or S treng t/z . 1 o. 1 o. 1 o. 1

E ask not that our path be always bright,

Bu t for Thy aid to walk therein arightThat Thou , O Lord, through al l i ts devious way,Will give u s strengt h s u fficien t to our day

For this,for this we pray.


2 . Not for the fleet in g Joys that earth bestows,Not for ex emption from i ts many woesBu t that, come joy or woe, come good or i ll ,With childlike faith we tru st Thy gu idance still,

And do Thy holy wil l.

3. Teach u s , dear Lord , to hnd the latent goodThat sorrow yields, when rightly understood 1And for the frequent joy that crowns our days


Help u s with grateful hearts our hymns t 0 '


Of thankfulness and prai se .

4. Thou knowest al l our needs , and will supplyNo veil of darkness hides u s from Thine eye,Nor vainly, from the depths , on Thee we callThy tender love

,that breaks the tempter’s thrall,

Folds and encircles al l .

B lessed are May t/zaz‘ Mou rfl . L .M .

O DEEM not they are blest al oneWhose lives apeaceful tenor keep

The Power who pities man has shownA b lessing for the eyes that weep .

2 . The light of sm i les shal l fil l againThe lids that overflowwith tears

And weary hours of woe and pai nAre prom i ses of happier years.

3. There i s aday of sunny rest,For every dark and troubled night

And g rief may bide an evening guest,But joy shall come with early light.


B ear 0 72 C.M .

BEAR on , my sou l the bitter cros sOf every trial here

Shal l l ift thee to thy heaven above,

Bu t shal l not enter there .

2 . Bear ou,my soul on God rely

Del iverance will comeA thousand ways the Father hathTo bring His children home.

7715 Recompm se of Reward. C.M .

H OW shal t thou bear the cross that nowSo dread aweight appears i‘

Keep qu ietly to God,and think

Upon the eternal years .2 . B rave qu iet i s the thing for thee,

Chiding thy scrupulou s fearsLearn to be real from the thoughtOf the eternal years .

3. Thy cross is qu ite enough for thee,Though little i t appearsFor there i s h id in it the weightOf the eternal years .

He practi ses al l vi rtues well ,Who hi s own cross reveres,

And l ives i n the fam il iar thoughtOf the eternal years .

F . W. Faber.

C .M .

HOU,who our faithless heart s canst read ,

An d know’s t each weakness there





trembl 1ng , faint, with Thee we plead,0 turn not from our prayer

2 . We cannot grasp from hour to hourThe truths Thy gospel sai thThen aid u s by Thy heavenly power ,JAn

d so in crease our fai th ,

3. That we may trust Thy guardian care,When no kind hand we seeThat we may l if t our souls in prayerUndoubtingly to Thee.

4. Help u s to gaze on things unseenBy eyes of mortal s ightTo pierce through earth’s dark veil

,and glean

Some beams of heavenly light.

5. Thy glorious presence may we see,When earth’s last tie i s riven

In faith'

then tru st our souls to Thee,

Till we awake in heaven .

j . Baldwin B rown .


H OPE on , hope on , the golden daysAre not as yet a- dawningThe m i sts of nightPrecede the light


And usher in the morning.

2 . Hope on , hope on , though black the cloudsB lack shadows intertwining,

Yet calm and st ill,

O’er heath and bill,

The stars will soon be shin ing.2 D


Hope on , hope oh, th rough frost and snow,Through trouble

,toil, and sorrow

Through wind and rai n,And tears and pain ,

The su n shall p ierce to morrow.

4. Hope oh , hope on , though friends be few,And dark the way before thee,

A God of loveFrom heaven above

Shal l shed His radiance o’er thee.Goq

fi'ey Tbring .

£0 113 111111 § gmpathg .

A Prayer f or Love. C.M.

LORD Thy heart wi th love o’erflowed,Love spoke in every breath

Unwearied love Thy l ife declared,

Love triumphed in Thy death .

2 . And Thou hast taught Thy followers hereTheir fai thfulness to prove,

And show their gratitude to Thee,

By l iving still in love .

3: May we the lawof love f u lfilI n every act' and thought

Eachzang ry pas sion be subdued,Each selfishaim forgot.

4. Teach u s to help each other,Lord


Each other’s sorro'w‘

share'Let each his frien dly aid afford ,And feel his brother’s care.

5. I n holy love may we increase,By Thy good Spirit



g race

Till we Thy perfect image bear,

And see Thee face to face.


.11 4. Give the love,i n kmdnes s shown ,

Living not for self alone,

Making others’ good her ownHear u s

', we

Give the love to anger slow,

Fearing seeds of strife to sow,

Never helping strif e to growHear u s

,we beseech Thee .

6 . Give the love that thinks no ill ,And with power of gentle wi llCan the voice of slander still

Hear u s , we beseech Thee.

Give the love that will abideTrue and firm



however tried ,And abrother’s fault will h ide

Hear u s,we beseech Thee.

8 . Give the love that fai th makes blest,

Hoping always for the best,

Even when with doubts di stressed 1

Hear u s,we beseech Thee.

Give the love that foe or friendSlight or wrong cannot ofi'


True,endu ring to the end

Hear u s,we beseech Thee.

Give the love for which we pray,

Love that never can decay,

Never fail or pass away 1

Hear u s , we beseech Thee.


LORD ; what offering shall we hringA t Thine altars when we bow?

Heart s,


the pure,unsull ied spring

When ce the kind afl'

ect ion s flowQuiet thoughts at peace wi th al lW rongs forgiven into rest

Syin pathy intent to cal lSorrow from the wounded breast

2 . Willing bends to lead the blind ,B ind the wounded

,feed the poor

Love,embracing al l our kind

Charity , with liberal store .

Teach u s,0 Thou heavenly King

Thus to show our grateful m ind,Thus the accepted ofierin g bring,Love to Thee and al l mankind

Tfie Worship of Love.

H E prayeth well who loveth wellBoth man and bird and beast,

For he hath ofiered to the Lord-Who giveth to his least .

2 . He prayeth best who'

loveth bestAl l things both great and small,

For the cl ear God who loveth u s

He made and loveth al l .

42 2 HYMNS opEaz


t/z,Hope, and Cfiarz


ty .


,and Charity— these three ;

Yet i s the greatest Chari ty.

Father of l ight these g ifts impartTo rriine and every human heart }

2 . Faith,that in prayer can never fai l

Hope, that o’er dou bting must prevail

And Chari ty,whose name above

I s God’s own name,for God i s love .

56 2 . T/ze Lawof Lava,

I . POU R'

forth the oil,

- pour boldly forthI t wi l l not fail

,unti l

Thou fail est vessels to provideWhich it niay largely fil l .

2 . Make channels for the stream s of love,Where they may broadly ru n

And love has overflowin g stream s ,To fil l them every one.

3. But if at any time we ceaseSuch channels to provide


The very founts of love for u sWill soon be parched and dried .

4. For we must share , if we would keep,That bless ing from aboveCeasing to give we cease to haveSuch i s the lawof love. R. C.

56 Charity . n C.M .3.

I . O GOD I whose thought s are brightest l ight,Whose love runs always clear,

To whose kindwi sdom sinning soul s i

Am idst thei r s in s are dear

4 4 HYMNS OF 1

Give as they aboun 'd, 1


Till the poor have breathing - rspace,

Wiser than the m i ser’s hoardsI s the giver’s choice

Sweeter than the song ofbirdsI s the thankfu l voice.

4. Welcome smi les on faces sadA s the flowers of springLet the tender heart s be gladWith the joy they bring.

N 7E give Thee but Thine ownWhate’er the gift may be

Al l that we have i s Thine alone,

A t ru st,0 Lord

,from Thee

2 . May we Thy bounti es thusAs stewards tru e receive

And gladly,as Thou bl eSses t


u s,

To Thee our firs t - fru its give.

0 hearts are bruised and dead ,And homes are bare and cold

And lambs,for whom the Shepherd

Are straying from the fold.

4. To comfort and to bles s,To find a.balm for woe ,To tend the lone and fatherless;I s angels’ work be l ow.


The Captive to release, a

To God the lost to bring,To teach the way of life and peace,I t i s aChri st - l ike thing.

And we believe Thy word,

Though dim our faith may beWhate’er for Thine we do, 0 Lord,We do it unto Thee.

IV .


W. ,

God is Love, and Love is God.

ETERNAL Love, increase withinThe love that saves the soulSubdue each ri sing pu l se of sin


And make u s whole.

2 . These human hearts in weakness tu rnTo Thee, 0 Love mos t


s trong

For help when pass ions fiercely burn,

And work our wrong.

3. Let then Thine inward aid appear,Thy strength within our breast

And we fromills , and pain, and fear,Shall triumph wrest.

4. May vi sions of Thine unseen g ooclLead where we bl indly gropeReveal the world’s beatitude,And boundless hope .

5. And may we always keep the sightO f this earth’s heavenlier sideSee Love Divine maintain the right


Howe’er defied.


6 . That God i s love, and love i s God,

Only love’s heart can knowThe roughest pat h man ever trod


This tru th may show.

James Bel l .

Fait/z; Hope,and Love. L id.

HAT though our hopes,once fai r and bright


Have ended in adarksome night,

Fai th points u s to another morn.

Al l bright and radiant, though u nborn.

2 . What though in ag e we ne’er enjoyThe dreams of youth without al loy


Sti ll hope will brighten al l our wayAnd cheer u s to life’s latest day.

3. Greater than fai th,or hope beside


I s love,which ever must abide .

This tu rns life’s wastes to fountai ns sweet,And lays its treasures at our feet.

4. Thus do these angels, given in l ife,Help u s to bear i ts woes an d strifeAnd thereby i s a foretaste giv


enOf the del ights and bli ss of heaven.

‘Glhe fiiu ghom of $ 0 11 on fiarflt

L .M .

SOMET IMES gleams upon ou r sight,Through present’ wrong, the Eternal Right

And, stepbys tep since time began,We see the steady gai n of man ;

428 HYMNS OF .

But never rose wi th in hi s breast tA trast so calm and deep as now 31

Shal l not the weary find a rest ?Father, Preserver, answer Thou:

’Tis dark around,

’t is dark above,Bu t throu gh 'the shadow streams the su n

We cannot doubt Thy certain loveAnd man’s true aim shal l yet be won .

TheHoly Land. C.M .

N 7E g o not on a pilgrimage,A s those who went of old

The Holy Land around as l iesOf whi ch we have been told.

2 . I see i t when the morning sunDoth ri se o’er land and sea

The moon’s m ild beams,the s i lent stars

Reveal i t unto me.

3. I n al l that’s good

,in al l that’s fai r


' I see i t’s glory shineAs in the Holy Land of old ,The ancient Palest ine.

4. And brighter yet, in days to come,Shal l sh ine i ts wondrous l ight,

Till al l the earth i s holy land ,With heavenly radiance bright.

5. We g o not on apilgrimage,As those who went of oldThe Holy Land around u s l ies


Of whichwe have been told .

jam s Very .


LL before u s lies the wayGive the past unto the wind .

Al l before u s is the dayN ig ht and darkness are behind.

2 . Eden,with its angels bold


Love, ‘

arid fl owers , and purity.I s not ancient story told,Bu t aglowing prophecy.

3. I n the Spirit’s perfect air


I n the passions deep and kind,In the life that has no care


Pu rest’

Eden we shall find.

4. When the soul to s in hath died,True and beautiful

,and sound


Then al l earth is sanct ified,

And our Paradise is found .


I N Thee my powers, my treasures, l iveTo Thee my l ife must tend ;Giving Thyself, Thou al l dost give,0 soul - s u fficin g Friend !

2 . And wherefore should I seek aboveThe Ci ty in the sky


Since firm in faith,and deep in love,

I t s broad foundat ions lie ?

Since in a life of peace and prayer,Nor known on earth nor prai sed


By humblest to il , by ceaseles s care,I t s holy towers are raised.


4. Where pain tbe soul hath pu rified,And penitence hath sh riven


And tru th i s crofwned and g lorified,There — only there— i s heaven:

COME , kingdom of our GodSweet reig n of l ight and love,

Shed peaoe, and hope, and j oy abroad,And wisdom from above .

2 . Over our spiri ts firs tEx tend Thy heal ing reign ;

There raise and'quench the sacred thirst

That never pai n s again .

3 Come , kingdom of our GodAnd make the broad earth Thine ;

S tretch‘

o’er her lands and i sles the rod

That flowers with grace divine.

4. Soon may al l tribes be blestWith fru it from Life’s glad tree

And in i ts shade like brothers res t,Sons of one fam i ly.

J. John s .

574 . H'

eawn z'

s H'

ere. 8 . 7. 8 . 7.

I . H BAV EN is here where hymn s p f gladnessCheer the toilei’s rugged way

I n th is world , where clouds of sadness ,

Often change to night our day.

2 . Heaven i s here where m i sery l ightenedOf its heavy load is seen

Where the face of sor_


brig htened

By the deed of love hath been —7

HYMN S OF2 . Never was to chosen race

That unstinted t ideflconfinedThine is every time and place


Fountain sweet of heart andmind !

Breathing in the thinker’s creed,

Pulsi ng in the hero’s blood,

Shaping noblest thong ht and deedSti l l inspi ri ng t ru th and good.

4. Consecrat ing heart and song,

Holy book and pil grim way,Qu el ling strife and tyrant wrong


Widening freedom’s sacred sway.


of ages richly poured,

Love of God unspent and h'

é ,

Flow st ill in the prophets’ word,

And the people’s l iberty 1S .jo/zmon .

Tl zeD escen t of Go'

dlon Man.

S END down Thy truth , 0 GodToo long the shadows frown


Too long the darkened waywe’ve trod

‘Thy tru th,0 L ord , send down

2 . Send dow'

n "

IjhySpirit free,Tillwi lderness and town

Ohe temple for Thy worship beThy Spirit

, 0 send down

Send down Thy love, Thy life'


O ur les ser l ives to crown,And cleanse them of their hate and ’strifeThy living l ove send down I


4. Send down Thy peace, 0 LordEarth’s) bitter ‘voi ces drown

I n one deep ocean of accord'

: I l

Thy peace, 0 God, send down

q l

FATHER,let Thy king dom come,

Let it come with l iving power ;Speak at length the final word


Usher in the triumph hour.

2 . As i t came in days of old,I n the deepest hearts ofmen


When Thy martyrs died for Thee,Let it come

,0 God


Tyrant thrones and idol shrines,

Let them from their place be hurledEnter on Thy better reign


Wear the crown of this poor world .

4. 0 what long, sad years have gone

o va:

Since ThyChurch was tan g ht’

this brayer0 what eyes have watched andweg tFor the dawning everywhere.

Break,triumphant day of God,

Break at last, our hearts to cheer ;Eager sou l s and holy

son g s

Wait to bai l Thy dawning here.I

6 . Empires,temples




May they al l for GOd be wonAnd

,in every human heart ,

Father, let Thy kingdom come.’I

2 E

434 HYMNS oh" "


ITY of God howbroad an d farOutspread thy wal ls sublime

The true thy chartered freemen are,Of every ag e and cl ime.

2 . One holy Church,one army strong


One steadfast h igh int ent ,One working hand

,one harvest song,

One K ing Omnipotent.

Howpurely hath thy speech come downFrom man ’

s primeval youth 4 l

Howgrandly hath thi ne empit‘e g rownt

Of freedom,love

,and t ru th .

4. Howgleam thy watch‘

fires through the nightWith never fainting ray .

Howrise thy towers, serene and brig ht,To meet the dawning day.

I n vain the su rge’s angry shock,I n vain the drifting sands ;

U nharmed upon the E ternal RockThe E ternal C ity stands .

W/zere is Me Cz'


y of God 63. 6

OTHOU not made with hands,Not throned above the skies

Nor wal l ’d with shining wal ls ;Nor framed with stones of price,More bright than gold or g emGod’s own J erusalem I


Just ice reig ns through al l its hall s.

We are‘

bu ilders of d

A l l our j oys aridHelp to rear its shi sA l l our lives are b u il dmg - stones .

4. Fort hat City we must labour,For its sake bear

,pai n and grief

I n it find the end of l iving,And the anchor of bel ief.

And the work'

that we have builded,Oft with bleeding handsand ’

téars,Oft i n error;


oft i n angu ish,


not peri sh with our years


6 . I t wi ll last and shine t raJn sfig u red,

I n the final reign of Right ;I t will pass into the splendoursOf



City of the Light.

g ea'

flt nub Emmfil ‘iflmm

WHEN”the day of toil IS done,

When the raceof l ife is run,Father gran t Tby wearied oneRest for evermore

2 . When the strifel

of s in 15When



7 - 7 - 7 -5~

Be Thy g raeivou s word f u lfil led, f i. 2

Peace for eve rmore! 1 11; m


When the darkness melts awayA t the breaking of the day,Bid u s hail the cheering rayl ; 'H 1

4. When the heart by sorrow- rtried

Feels at leng th it s throb s sub side;Bring as al l tears are dried



i I4

JoyWhen for vanished


days we yearn,Days that never can return,Teach u s in Thy love tolearnLove for evermore ' !

When ‘the breath of li fe is flown , . 1

W hen thegravemust claim i ts own,Lord of life ! be ours Thy crown - t

Life for - evermore

7 716 lRest of [mmortal z'

éaiWHERE shall “

rest be found,Rest for theweary sou l ?

’Twerevain the ocean depths to sound,Or pierce to either pole

2 . The world can never giveThe bli ss for whi ch we sigh ;

’Tis not the w/zo/e of life,to live

Noral l of death , to die.Beyond this val e of tears



There 18 a life above,

Unmeasured by theflig htl

of yearsAnd al l that life is love.

4. Here would we end ourquestAlone are found in .TheeThe life of. perfect love

,— the res t A

Of innn ortal ity. J. Mbfl tg‘omefy .



HOU GH home be dear, and l ife be sweet,And thankful hearts God’s bounty greet


Yet rings at t imes the message clear,

Our soul s’ true ci ty i s not here.”

2 .

’Mid changing scenes of joy and pain,There comes agai n and yet againA vis ion of the changeless rest,Where God’s own face shal l makeu s blest.

And through the web of earthly life,

I t s grief and gladness , work and strife,There runs a thread divine

,to tie

Our Time - l ife to the life on high .

0 help u s,Lord

,with thankfnl heart

To grasp each day’s eternal part,And build ou r home on that calm heightWhere saints do walk with Thee in l ig ht.

E l laS . A rmz tag e.

Tfze God of 2716 L z’


ng ; L .M . 6 l in es .

OD of the l iving, in whose eyesUnveiled Thy whole creation l ies 1

A l l souls are Thine we must not sayThat those are dead who pass awayFrom thi s our world of sense set f ree,Our dead are l iving unto Thee .

2 . Released from earthly toil and strife,With Thee i s hidden sti ll thei r l ifeThine are their thoug hts, their works, their powers,


Depth of peace, of power theHe ight

2 . Let myl ife be b id iri Thee


When my foes are gathering roundCovered with Thy panoply


Safe within Thy holy ground.

Let my l ifé be bid in TheeFrom vexation and annoy

Calm1n Thy tranqui lli ty,Al l my mou rning turned to joy.

4. Let my l ife be hid in TheeWhen my strength and heal th shal l fail ;FLet Thine immortali tyIn my dying hour prevail.

Let my l ife be h1fl'

m Thee "

I n the world , and yet above ' V3

Hid 1n Thine eterni ty,I n the ocean of Thy love .

T/ie Cry of Fraz'

l zjf .

LOWLY and solemn beThy children’s cry to Thee,

Father divineA hymn of suppliant breath ,Owning that l i fe and deathA l ike ereThine.


2 .

When earth al l s u'

ccoiiriii gz‘


Shall disavow ;

I n faintness are cas t‘down

Sustai n u s, Thou 1T3. By Him who


bowed to takeThe death -

‘cup for ou r sake, t

The thorn , the rodFrom whomthe last dismayWas not to pass, ayvayAid u saO


4: Tremblers beside the grave,We cal l on Thee to save,

Father divineHear


our suppliant breath,

Keep tt s in lifeand death,

Thine,only Thine

THROU GH the night of doubt and sorrow,

Onward .g oes the pilgrim band,Singing soiig s


wot: ex pectation ,

Marching tothePromised Land.

2 . Clear before u s throu g h the darkness,Gleamsand burns the guiding Light ;Brother clasps the hand of brother


Stepping fearless throhg h the night.

Oné the Light of God’s own PresenceO’er His ransomed people shed,Chasing far the gloomand terror


Brightening al l the path we tread

4. One the objec t of our jou rney,

One the earnest looking forward,

5. One the strain that l ips of thousandsLift as from the heart of one

One the conflict , one the peri l ,One the march in God begun

6 . One the gladness of rejoicingOh the

far eternal shore,

Where the One A lm ighty Father,

Reigns in love for evermore.

7 . Onward,therefore

, pi lgrim brothers,Onward with the Cross our aid

Bear i ts shame, and fig ht i ts battle,Till we rest beneath its shade.

B . s . Jng etézan n ,tr. 5. E u ring Gou l d.

TbaAng el s of Me Home.

ONOT when the death prayer i s said,The life of l ife departs .

The body 1n the grave i s laid,I t s beauty mou r hearts .

2 . A thol x midnigh t, voices sweet,L ike f ragrance, fil l the roomAnd happy spiri ts ’ noiseless feetCome brightening through the gloom.

We know who sends the vi sions bright,From whose dear side they came

We vei l our eyes before Thy light,We b l ess our Father’s name 1

v37 HYMNS OF I A!i ‘ I l " [ ho

' l -fl d dT h

Ou your bright Wings,by morning given,

U p to cel es tial ;air. r ' 1 11 !

2 . Away, far, faraway,From thou ghts by pas smn given,

Fold me in blue,sti ll

,cloudless day,

0 bles sed thoughts of heaven 1

Come 1n my tempted hour,Sweet though ts , and ye t agai n I


er s inful wish and memory showerYour soft

,effacing rain

Waft me where gal es divineWith dark clouds ne’er haye striven ,


l ivin g founts for ever shine,O blessed thoughts of heaven

Fel iciaHeman s .

TflaCommumou of Me f iz zflzfiz l .

THEY whose courseon earth15 o’er,

Think they of their brethren more ?They before the throrie who bow,Feel they for their brethren now ?

2 . Yea, the holy dead have stil lPart in al l our joy and il lOne in heart , and onc _

in love,F

We below, and they above.


3. Yet in song, and s igh, and prayer,Eachwith other bath a share 1

With each other joinJthey here,

In affection , doubt, and fear.

4. So'with them our hearts we'


Share their work, ahd join their -

praiseBlessed pledge that (we ,shall ,be1Joined

, QLord, in bliss with Thee.

594. A£21442at Evening m e} Lisa. 6 l ines.

ATPevening time— when day i s done ,


s gl ittl e day i s near i ts close,Andal l


theglare and heat are gone?

And g entle dews f oretell reposeTo crown


my faith beforethe night}At evemn g t ime let there be light

2 . At evening t imeT when labour’s past ; t

Though storms and toil s have marredmy day,Mercy has tempered every blast

,“ H

And love and hope have cheered the wayNow let thepart ing hour


be bright;A

At even ing . time let therebe l ight

3. God dothsend light atu even‘

ing time, 1

And bid the fears ; the doubtings fleeI trust His prom ises sublime1His glory


now 15 r1sen ohm'


His full salvat iqn i s in sight}At evening time, therenow is light. ‘

1 l

4 f l

L .N .

1 . N 0 angel comes to u s to tel l vb t i'9 V '

aGlad news of our beloved dead


Nor at the old fami liar boardThey si t among as breaking bread.


2 . Three days'we'

Wait before the tomb ,’

Nay, l ifeilon g years and yet nomore,For al l ou r passionate tears

,we find

The stone rolled b ackward from the door.Yet are they ri senas He is


risen l

For no et ernal loss we g rieve.Blessed are they who ask no sign ,And, never having seen, bel ieye

CHI LDREN of the heavenly K ing,As ye journey, sweet ly s ing ;

S ing your Saviour’s Worthy praise,

Glorious in His works and ways ”T

2 . We are'

travelling home toGod,In the way the fathers trodThey are happy now ; and we



theirhappiness shall see.

Lift youreyes, ye sons of Light !Zion’s city i s in s ightThere our endless home


shal l be,

There our Lord we soon shall see.

4. Fear n ot,brethren joyful stand

On the borders of your landJesu s Christ

,your Father’s Son,

Bids you undismayed g o on.

5. Lord ! obediently we g o,Gladly leav ing al l belowOnly Thou our Leader be,And we st ill will follow Thee l 7

448 'HYMNS 0 1r

WO FT as we run the weary way,That leads through shadows unto day,

With trial sore amazed,We deem ou r sorrows are unknown,Our battle joined and fought alone,Our victory unprai sed .

2 . Fai thless and blind, we'

cannot traceThe witnes ses who wat ch our race,Beyond the senses’ ken ;

The mighty cloud of al l who diedWith fai thful rapture, humble pride,For love of God and men 5

3. And One, the conquemr of death,Captain and perfecter of faith,Who

,for the j oy of love


End ‘ured the Cros s, despis ed the shame,Awakes in u s the bat tle flame,And wai ts for u s above.

4. With patience, then, we run the race,With Joy and con fidenceand grace,


I n quiet hope and power ;Cast off the sin s that check our speed ,The weights that fai th and love impede,Withstand the evil hour.

5. For heaven 15 round u s as we move ,Our daysai e compassed with i ts love,I ts light 15 on our road

And when the knel l of death1s rung,

Loud hallelujahs shal l be sungTo welcome u s to God .



H OW gently flow the si lent years,

.The seasons one by one IThe feeling grows each month that goesThat life must soon be done .

2 . O weary ways of earth and men0 self more weary still

Howvainly do you vex the heartThat none but God can fil l

I t i s not weariness of lifeThat makes us wish to die

Bu t we are drawn by cords which comeFrom


out eterni ty.

4. Eye has n ot seen, ear has not heard,N 0 heart of man


can tellThe store of joys God has preparedFor

tbose who love Him wel l

0 may those joys, one day be ours,Upon that happy shore ;

And yet those joys are not enough,We crave for something in ore.

Yea peace i s someth ingmorethan jby,Even the joys above

For peace of al l created thing s,I s l ikest Him we love .

Bu t not for joy, noryet for peace,I

Dare we des ire to dieGod’s will on earth is always joy


Always tranqui ll ity.8. To die , that wemight sin no more,

Were scarce ahero’s prayer2 F

450 M am m ow

And glory g rows as g race matu re s, BBC

Anti .petis nte lows to seem , 1

And yet we‘long and long to die,

Not for Thy g reat rewards, O GodNor ferThy Peace— but Thee

J j, l= | E


J V.

l ‘

1 Tbe Final Rest. L .M .

FA ITHF U E heart sweet peace has t thouI n God’s eternal bosom now .

Dhst sink s to dust 1n calm repose ;I nto its rest the spirit goes .

2 . The 1532that was thy l ife while hereI s now thy heavenlyatmosphere ;God’s heayten enspheres u s round, and thouI n Him, art nearer to u s i



1 °

3. So then we cry, F arewel l arid Hail .

B rave heart, t_

hy work shal l neve r fail,And we who here a friend deplo‘re,Have gained 1n heaven one angel more.







T O Th e,e O Lord, I yield my spi ri t,2

Whggo b1eak’s t In love th is mortal chain

My life I but frorri Thee“

i nherit,And death becomes my chiefest gain .

I n Thee I l ive, l n Thee i die,Con tent é for Thou art ever n igh!

452 HYMNS OF ''


T126 Silen t [ and L .M .

OD g iveth quietness at last .

The common way once more is passedFrom pleading tearsand l in g erihg s fond,To fu ller l ife and love beyond .

2 . What to shut eyes‘

hath God revealed ?What hear the ears that deathhathpealled .

What undreamed beau ty, pas s 1ng show,Requites the loss of al l we know ?,0 s il ent land, to whichwe move ,Enough, if there al one be l ove ! '


And mortal need can ne’er outgrowW lmt i t i s wai ting to bestow

J. G.

fi e Evéhz'

ng of l zf e;

HEN on my day of life the nig ht is fall ing,And

,in the W inds from unsunn ed places blown,

To earth we gave thy body,Thy spi ri t to the sky,We saw i t s brig ht owin g s growing:And knewthat thou must fly.

Now we can l ove thee trlily,For nothing comes between 1 1

The senses and the spi ri t, 1

The ‘seen and the unseenLifts the eternal shadow

, i

The si lence bursts apart,

And the soul’s boundles s f u tureI s pres ent in the heart .

I hear far voices out of darkness cal lingMy feet to paths unknown

2 . Thou who,hast made my home of life so pleasant,

Leave not its tenant when its walls decay0 Love divine

,O Helper ever present


Be Thou my strength and stay.

Be near me when al l el se is from me driftingEarth, sky, home’s pictures, days of shade andshine


And kindly faces to my own upliftingThe lo


ye whi ch answers mine.

4. I have but Thee, my Father let Thy spi ri tI n that dread hour my sinking heart uphold

Then my frail v l ife in Thine, though nought I meri t,For evermore unfold.

J. G. Whi tt ier and W.

S LOWLY,slowly darkening


The evening hours roll onAnd soon behin d the cloud - landWill sink the setting sun .

2 . So, round my path, life’s mysteri es

Their deepening shadows throw ;And

,as I gaz e and ponder,

They dark and darker grow.

3. Ye t sti ll,amid the darkness


I feel the l ight is nearAnd

,in the awful silence


God’s voice I seem to hear.



4. His‘yoice I hear albove me 5

I t says—Wait,Trus t

,and Pray

The night will soon be over,


5. Father the l ight and darknes sAre both alike - to TheeThen , to Thy wai t ing servant,Alike they both shall be .

6 . That great unending future,I cannot pierce it s shroud, 1.

But I nothing doubt , nor trembjl


God’s bow 15 on the cloud.

7 . To Him I yield my spi ri t ;On Him I lay my load ;

Fear ends wi th death ; beyond it'I nothing see but God.

8. Thus moving towards the darkness,

I calml y wai t His call,Seeing and fearing nothing


Hopin g an d t ru sting al l .

T/ze ‘Lanel z'

ness of Deat l z .

HOU must g o forth alone, my soulThoumu st g o forthal one,—i

To other scenes,to other worlds;

That mortal'


ot known.

a Thou must go'

forth alone, my 50 111”

To tread the narrow vaJeeBut He

,whose word 18 sure, hath said

His comfort s shall not fai l

1156 HYMNS2 . Memories

,al l too bright for tears , I



Crowd around u s from the pas tHewas fai thful to the last


Faithf u l through long t oilsomeyears.Al l that makes


for human' good,

Freedom rig hteousness , and tru th ,These the objects‘ of his you th



Unto ag e he still pursued .

4. Meek and g en t le‘

was hi s soul,Yet i t had aglorious m ight ;Clouded m inds it fil led with l ight,

Wounded spirits i t made whole.

Hop ing , trtiD

St ing f layhim down .

Many i n the realms aboveLook


for him with eye s of lovei‘

. 1

Wreathing his immortal crown .

T/zeD eath of a Comrade.


and Saviour of thehostOf Chri stian chivalry

We b l es s'

Thee for our comrade tru e,Now summoned up to Thee.

2 . We bless Thee for hi s every stepI n faithful following Thee

And for his good fig ht fought so well ,And crowned with victory.

We bless Thee that h is humble loveHath met with such regard :webless Thee for his blessedness,And for hi s rich reward .

FA ITH 41m) LIFE.' " i

LORD,1t belongs not to my care 1

Whether I die or liveTo love and serve Thee '

is.m y share,And this 'Thy grace must give.

2 . I f death shall bruise this springing seed,Before i t come to fru it }The will with Thee goes for the deedThy life was in the root .

I f in the path of grief I tread,Christ’s footsteps too are there;Those foots teps

take away my dread,For I His light shal l share.

Come, Lord, when grace has made me meetThy blessed face to seeFor if Thy work on earth be sweet


What will Thy glory be ?

My knowledge of that l ife is smal l,The eye of fai th is dim

Bu t’tis enough that Christ knows al l ,

And I shal l be with Him .

MY Fathe r’s house on high,


Home of my soul, how near IAt times

,to fai th ’s foreseeing eye 7

Thy golden gates appear.

458 1 HYMNS OFtm2 . Ah 1 then my spiri t faints

To reach the'

land I loiye,The bright inheri tance of


,inlts , .

Jerusalem above ,

3. Yet clouds will i nterveneAnd al l my prospect fl ies I:

Like Noah’s dove, I fl i t betweenRough seas and stormy skies.

4. Anon the clouds depart ,The winds and wat ers cease,While sweetly

,o’er my g ladden

’d heart

Ex pands the bow ofpeace.

5. Beneath its glowing archA long the hal low’

gi -ground,I see angel ic arm ies march ,A


camp of fire around .

6 . I hear at mom and even,A t noon and m idnight - hour


The choral harmonies of heavenEarth’s Babel - tongues o’


7 . Then,then I feel that He


Remembered or forgot ,The Lord, i s never far from me


Though I perceive Him n ot .

f ame: Mon tg omery.


,my happy home; f

When shal l I come to thee .P

When shal l my sorrows haVe an end, .

Thy joys when shal l l l t seef?o

HYMNS OFThere evermore the sai nts do si t


And evermore they s ing .


Jerusalem,my happy home,

Would God I were in theeVf c- u ld


God my woes were at an end,Thy j oys that I might see 1

( I F . B‘

O SH IN ING city of our God,

And shal l we see thee hereThy pearly gates and golden streets ?I t doth not yet appear.

2 . O heal ing tree of twelvefold fru i t iO river pure and clear 1

And shall we touch,and shal l we taste ?

I t doth not yet appear.

0 crowned and white - robed choir on high,Our elder bre thren dear I

And shall we blend our songs with yours ?I t doth not yet appear.

4. O rainbow throne ! O cou rt of HeavenAnd are ye truly so?

Or s igns of things we cannot yetI n fai ntest semblance know ?

For Thine appearing, Lord, I wai t :Be thi s enough for me,

I f I may see Thee as Thou art ,And

then be l ike to Thee


OW pleasant are thy paths , 0 DeathLike the bright

,slanting wes t,

Thou leadest down into the glowWhere al l those

heaven - bound sunsets g o,Ever from toil to rest.

2 . Howpleasan ti

hre thy paths,'


O DeathThithbr where sorrows cease


To anewlife,to anold past,

Softlyand s i lently we haste‘

I nto a‘ land of peace.

3. Howpleasant are thy paths, 0 Deat h 1B en éhi1dt e


h , after play,Lie down withou t

the least alarmAnd sleep in thy maternal armTheirl ittle iife away.

4. Howpieasant are thy paths; 0 DeathStraight to ou r Father’s home

A l l losswere gain that gained u s thisThe sight of God, that s ingle bl issOf the g rand


world to come I

Memories of the Dead. C.M .D.

1 . ITsingeth low in every heart,1We hear it each andal l ,

A sepg of those who answer not,However we may cal l.

HYMNS 0 1“

They throng the silence of the breastWe see them as of yore,

The kind,the true, the brave, the Sweet,

Who walk with u s no more.

2 .

’Tis hard to take the burden up,

When these have laid i t downThey brightened al l the joy of life


They softened every frown .

But O,

’tis good to think of themWhenwe are troubled soreThanks beto God that such have been ,A lthough they are no more.

More homel ike seem s the vast unknownJSince they have enteredthere ;To follow them were nbt so hard


Wherever they may fare .

They cannot be where God is not,

On any seaor shore,

Whate’er betides, Thy love abides,

b u r God for evermore.

A l l Live u nto God.

LORD of Life, where’er they be,Safe in Thine own etern ity


Our dead are l iving unto Thee.Hallelujah

2 . A l l souls are Thine,and, here or there,

Theyrest within Thy shelt ering chre “One Providen ce alike theyshare.

‘1 Hal l elujah l


Our Father,give them alway


res t

O pity where they went astray, t .

'And pardon e’en their bes t.

6 . As they may need still d_eign to bringThe helping

' of Thy grace,'

The shadow of Thy g uardian wingOr shining of Thy face.

7 . For al l thei r sorrows here belowBe boundless joy and peace,For al l thei r love

,aheavenly glow

That nevermore shal l cease .

Phitahers of the D ivine Naz‘are. L .M.

GOD ofou r fathers in whose s ightThe thousand years that sweep away

Man and the traces of hi s m ight,

Are but the break and close of day

2 . Grant u s that loire of truth su bl imeJThat love of goodness and of Thee,

\Vhichmakes Thy children in al l t imeTo share Thine own eternity.

"J. Pie'

i'pon t .

Tru s t and [f ar


Y God, I rather look to .TheeThan to my fancy fond, 1 J

r'And Wai t, t ill Thou reveal to me 131 I

That fai r and fariBeyond mi l nA


2 . I seek not of ThyEden - lan'

d~The form s and hues to know


What trees ih ‘

mysti c order s tand ,What strange

,sweet waters flow

What duties fil l the heaven ly day,Or converse


g lad and kindOr how along each shining wayThe bright processions wind .

4. O sweeter far to trust in Thee.


While al l is ye t unknown ,And through the death - dark cheerilyTo wal k wi th Thee alone.

I iiTheé,my powers, my


treasures l iveTo Thee my l ife must tendGiving Thyself, Thou al l dost give,0 soul - s u fficing Fri end .

TH INE for ever God'

of love,Hearu s from Thy throne above

Thine for ever may'

we beHere and in eternity.

2 . Thine for ever Lord of life,

Shield u s through our earthliy st rif e ;Keep

u s in the righteous way,B ring u s to the realms of day.

3. Thine for ever 0 howblestThey who find in Thee their rest s

Saviour, Guardian , Heavenl y Frien d,O

defend u s to the end.

2 G


466 HYMN S ‘OF :


U s; Thy frail and trembling she‘ep


Safe alone beneath Thy careLet as al l 'Thy g oodness shar


5. Thine for ever Thou our Gu ide uAl l ou r wants by Thee snppl iediA l l pur sins by Thee - forgivemf n u

Lead u s , Lord, from earth to Heaven .

OR al l the sain ts,who from their labours rest


Who Thee by fai th before theworld confessed,Thy name, 0 Jesu , be for everbless ed.

Al lelu ia .

2 . Thou wast their reek,their fortres s

,arid their m ight



Lord, thei r Captain in the well - fought fig htThou

,in the darkness drear, their Light of light.

A l lel u iaflfl


3. 0 may Thy soldiers, fai thful , tru e, and bol d, !Fight -as


the saints who nobly fought ofhld,

And win ,with them

,the Victor’s crown ef '

g old.

Al lelu ia

4. O blest communion ,fel l ows hip divine I

We feebl y struggle , they i n g lorys hin eYet al l are one in Thee, for al l are Thine!


5. And when the strife is fier ‘ce,the warfare’

rlong ,

Steal s oh‘ the ear the distant triu rriph- song ,And heart s are brave agai n, and -arms are strong.

lA Il el u ia


For when the soul lay bound belowA heavy yoke of form s and creeds,

And noneThy word of truth could know,O

’erg rown with tares and choked with weeds,

Thy strength, 0 Lord , i n that dark night,


Bymouths of babes Thou didst ordai nAnd Thy free tru th went forth with might



N ot empty to return again .

With lifted song and bended knee,

For al l Thy gifts we prai se Thee, Lord I ,

But chief for those who made u s free,The champions of Thy holy word .


1 ,

S I NG of themartyrhost ,

Al l who have died,

Counting for God well lostEarth’s bl iss and pride ,

2 . Thei r names are names'

of kingsOf heavenly li ne

The pride of earthly th ingsThey dared resign.

3. They bore the ,Spirit

’s sword

And faith’s strong shield ;They f ou ght for God the LordOn many a fiel d. .



4. Though hard their earthly lot,’Mid hate and scorn,

I n l ife regarded not,I n death forlorn

5. Yet blest that end of woe,And those s


ad daysOnly man’s blame belowAbove

,God’s prai se .

So did the l ife of painIn g lory ceaseLord God,maywe


attainTheir home of peace

PRAI SE Him, world wi thout begin ning,Firs t that left : our Father’s han'd


Primal souls unsoiled by sinningEre the younger Earth was manned

Ye the fu ll - come kingdom share,Praise Him, al l ye sain ts that were.

2 . Prai se Him,world that now is g oin g

Wrapt in dusty raiment stillPurer than we dream of , glowingLike the énows 0 11 early


hil l

True the vi sion,thou g h afar

Praise Him, al l ye saints that are.

Praise Him, world wi th judgment ending,Praise Him; ye that shal l be bornClouds of souls hencefor th ascendingEver till the general mornWider

,-wi ser Church I see

Prai seHim, al l ye saints to be.

HYMNS OF4. Way, and truth, and l ife dieeerning 3

Are they fewwhom Christ has saved ?Christ an answer nowf

ret u rn in g J JPoi nts to those His love has layedOh that, as Time’s r1y er rolls,Al l the saints wereal l the


soulsW. P/z ilpoz.

The Chu rch Trzumphan'

t . 6 8

STAND up before yourA multitude so bright , b r


Saints,martyrs , and confes sors al l

I n radiant robes of whiteThe Church below would join you now



r sad‘


oulwbu ld raise“a 898

F tom earthly tears and g loomy fearsl 1


I n aglori ou s act of praise.

2 . Ye,— ih the f est oi



‘holy will, i

As part s of thegreat hrmame'


0 11'

dis tan t'

service sti l l. 51

A wearyband, in foreign land ;Long ex i le we may see,

But fai th can rise to yon fair skies2For awhile with you to be.

Ye,—in the ligh t of God



hubhed fromal l alarm,

Ou t of the wild and Surg ing ‘walves ,

Have passed into the calm;No sinfu l stain, no grief, no pain, 11Can ever. mar your hymn ; JBut fears of death they, ol oy eur


And the mis ts ' aromgl d mmdjpl jk'

s t q

472 HYMNS OFWithin the veil 1 God make as strong 3 1

Such work as theirs to great ly do'


I . W. Chadwick.

F ORal l Thy samts'

, 6 Lord !Who strove in Thee to l ive,

Who foll owed Thee,obeyed


aOur grateful hymn receive .2 . For al l Thy saint s

,O Lord

Accept our thankful cry,Who counted Thee thei r great reward


And strove in Thee to die.They al l , i n l ife and deathWith Thee


,i n theirview


Learned from Thy Holy Spiri t’s breathTo su ffer and to do.For thi s Thy name we bless,An d humbly pray that we

May follow them in holines s,And l ive and die in Thee.

ATHER and God ,mine endl ess doomI s hidden in Thy Hand ,

And I shall kn ow not what i t is,Till at Thy bar I stand.

2 . Thou knowest what Thou hast decreed" '

u Forme in Thy. good will 1I,in my helpless ignorance,Must t ru stfully lie sti ll .

3. What can I do but tru st Thee; Lord ? 1

Fon Thou art God alone I


My soul is safer in Thy hands,Father than in my own .


4. That Thou art God i s my one joy,Whate’e


r Thy will may be,Thry glory wi ll be mag nifiedI n Thy last doom of me !

ARK the song of ju bilee,Loud as m ighty thunder’s roar,

Or the fulness of the“


When it breaks upon the shoreHallelujah for the Lord 1

;God Omnipotent shal l reign ;Hal lelujah let the wordEcho round the earth and mai n.

2 .

‘f Hall elujah Hark the soundFrom the centre to the skies,

Wakes above,beneath



A l l creat ionis harmonies

See the battle flag s are furled,Pain and 'evil cease to move

And the k ingdoms of this worldAre the kingdoms of His love.

3. He shall reign from pole to pole,With ill imi table sway

He shall reign when,l ike ascroll,

Yonder heavens have passed away IHallelujah , ’neath His rodDeath and sin and hell shall fall


Hallelujah Man in God,God in Man

,be al l in al l.

f ame: Mon tg omery an d S taf f ord A Brooke.

. l i HYMNS GF l A l

Ou r d hewi th God) 0 8 ‘ 1 L M.

1LL countries are my Father

fis llands

We may in al l lift hp purehand s,And with acceptance on Thee cal l‘. l

2 . Those ban ishJ’d are that g o from


hee,Strange to Thy service


,and grace


Thy kingdom, or their Father’s face.

May but my sou l dwell near my God,And walk with Him in fiai thand love


No matter where be my abode, 1

Still in His glory mu st I move. . 1 1 1

4. O loose '

these chain s Of Sin and flesh ;Enlarge my heart inJThy commandsCould I bu t l oVe Thee as I wish ,



How light w'ou ld be ial l bfiher bench.

't .t Richard Bax ter.

The l arg er Hope.

0 YETwe trus t that somehow g oodWill be the final goal of i l l,

To pan gs of nature, s ins of (wil l,Defects of doubt, and taints of blood

2 . That not hing walks withlaimles s f eet 5;

That not one life shal l be destroyed ,Or cas t as rubbi sh to the void ,

When God hath made thepile complete.3. Behold

,we know not anything ; [ t

wecan bu t t ru s t that g ood shall fallA t last— fai' off— at la'st

,to al l ,

And every win ter chan g e to spring.

“61112 Qtlmrrlt aah its mark.

THE Fai thfu l men of every lahd,‘

Who Christ’s own rule obeyThe holy dead of every t imeThe Church of Christ are they.

l l d J I

2 . The saints who die and leave u s now,The good of long ag o I

Women and men ; and'

childreii you n'c


g ,

Stil l l iving here belo'


Who have the same étérnal hope;The same unceas ing care


One universal hymn of pfaise,Of1e commén voit e of prayer.

4. Sin'

ce we are members,then

,of Chri st


Howholy sh0 111d we be,Howfai thful toI n truth and 7

Si nce we are al l made One in Him;Howgentle should we prove,

Howpeaceful in our wg ys and words ,~How tender in ou r love ! 1 1

6 . So shall our Head , at al l t imes near;Dwell in His members blest ,

To lead as in His Chu rch on earth“Safe to His


Chu rch at rest I

7 1128 Holy Catiwil ic.

C/zu rc/z .

O NE holyChurch of God appearsThr


ough every ag e an d race,Unwasted by the lapse of years,


U n chah'

g ed by chahg in g plaée.

2 . Frqm oldest time,on farthest shores,

Beneath the pine or palm,


One Unseen Presence she adores,'


With silence or with psalm.

Her pri ests are: al l God’s faithful sons ,To serve the world rai sed t1pThe pure in heart



bapt ised onesLove

,her communion cup.

4. The tr1‘

11hThe soul her sacred page

And feet on ,m



s errand swif t,Do make~her pilgrimage.

5. 0 l iving Church,

”thine erraincrspeed,Fu lfil thy task sublime ;With bread of life earth’ss hu ng er feed ;Redeem the evil time .

Ti e God of ou r Fat/zers .

E come unto our fathers’GodTh’

eir rock is our salvationThe Eternal Arms

,their dear‘


We make our habitation ;We bring Thee


,the prai se they brought,

We seek Thee as Thy saints have soughtIn every generation .

2 . Their joy unto their God we bringTheir


song to u s descendethThe Spiri t who in them did sing



To u s His music l enaethHis song in them,

in u s , i s oneWe raise it high

,we send i t on ,

The song that never endeth .

Ye saints to come, take up the strain ,The same sweet theme endeavou r 1




Unbroken be the gmlrden c hain tKeep on the song for everSafe in the same dear,

dwel l ing -

p11aee, 1

Rich wi th the same eternal grace, f fBless the same bound less G iver 1T. H . Gil l .

“ 1 .

‘N '

A nnwersafy . C.M.

I( ll

- I

E l ove the'

venerab lé house -T

0 1111 fathers bu ilt to God : 1

I n heaven are kept their1g rét efu lQows,t Thei r dust end ears the sod .

2 . Here holy thoughts a l ig ht have shed' “


Trom many aradiant face51

And prayers of tender hope haw?spreadA perfume through the place



an x iou s heart s have‘


on dered hereThe mystery of MC,

And prayed the eternal God to cheetTheir doubts, g1md abid their strife.

4. From humble tenemen t s arou ndCéme Up the pens ive trat

iAhfl in the chnrt h a1bIe's siir'

néf onhd 3N

Which fi lled thei r homesagain.

“ I

5. For'


and pwpeepgimighty l oyerThat


from theGodhegdfiowmn g


them the ll ife of heaven ghove,Springs from the life bel ow; ’v

6 . They live with God, thei r homes are”dustYet here their chi ldren prf ,

And in'

t i s fleet in g l ife time trus t '

Tofind the narrowWay.

” “ 7 a3“


2 . T0 1Thee we rai se no mou t h ful song,N 0 note of sad despair,But joyful praise from heart and tongueFor al l our hopes to Thee belong,A11mercies rich and rare.

3. As in a land'

of summer flowers,

Our steps have wandex’d freeAnd glad and bright have been the hoursWhen we have felt our noblest powersAwake to fol low Thee.

4. Thy waters clear have sung in rillsBeside ou r dustyway,

And borne the musieof the hillsAlong the vale’ of human ills,A song of golden day.


5 0 Father,hel p Thy people here,


As oft in seasons g one,To hear the voice that ca ners fearAnd fil l s the soul ‘wi th heaven l y cheer,While months and years roll oh .

6 . For Thine i s al l thework we do,

Al l l ight and grace are ThineFrom day to day

ou r fai th renewAnd keep u s to the


tru thm g r


e true,More full of Love D ivine.

Cf l u rc/z Anm'


COME to Thy~hou se, 0 King !To Thee Thy people kneel

Accept the homag e that t hey bring,And al l

‘Thy grace reveal .


2 . For many years this groundService and song hat h known ,From hearts that sought Thee in the soundOf worship al l their own .

The ancient and the newThe ordered and the free,The elders’ trust

,the prophets’ view,

B lend in rites to Thee.

4. And still let ag e to ag e,Through triumph and through loss


Walk by that pure and hallowed page,Dear Saviour

,to Thy Cross .

B i nd by the Gospel’s tieThe future to the past


And, as the father’s earliest cry,Hear Thou the children’s last.

Pas t and Presen t .

HOU glorious God, before whose faceThe generat ions pass away


A s to our eyes the tender graceAn d marvel of each shining day

2 . We thank Thee for the joy sublime"Of years so rad iant with Thy power,That al l the best of endless timeSeems granted to the fleet ing hour.

We praise Thee for the surer right,

The clearer message from aboveThe lengthening day, the shortening night,The wiser m ini stries of love.

2 H

482 HYMNS OF 1

We bless Thee for the friends we m i s s,

Who made our peace and'

s til led our painWe trust Thee tenderly for this


To bring u s to their arms again:

We magnify Thy holy 'nameAnd

,while in Thee our hearts rejoice


Strong be our will s through prai se and' b lame

To do the bidding of Thy voice.I/V. Chadwick

F rom Generafz'

on fo General zon .

OL IGHT, from ag e to ag e the same,For ever l iving Word


Here have we fel t Thy’

kindl ing flame,

Thy voice within have heard .

2 . Here holy thought and hymn and prayerHave winged the spi ri t’s powers


And made these walls divinely fai r,Thy temple


,and ours .

What vi s ions rise above the yearsVVhat

,tender memories throng

Till the eye fil l s with happy tears,

The heart with grateful song .

4. Vani sh the m i sts of time and senseThey come

,the loved of yore,

And one e nc ircling ProvidenceHolds al l for evermore.

Oh,riot in vain thei r to il who 'wrou g ht

To b u ild fai th’s freer shrine ,NOr theirs whose love and hope and thoughtHave watched the fire divine.


Their streami ng tears together flowFor human - guilt

,and mortal woe

Their ardent prayers united ri se ,Like m ingling flames in sacrificel

4 Though death the earthly bond shal l rend,Their severed spiri ts then ascend


And in the bli ssful realm s above,

Again unite in endless love. A n naL . Barbdu la’


T/ze Pumose of a L .M. 6 1i n es .

T O Light, that shines in stars and soulsTo Law, that rounds the worlds with calmTo Love

,whose equal t riumph rolls

Through marty rs ’ prayer and angels’psalm,

These walls are wed with unseen bands;I n h'olier shri nes not built with hands .

2 . Here be the wanderers homeward ledHere l iving streams i n fulness flow

And every hungering soul be fedThat yearns the E ternal Will to khow

Here conscience hurl her stern replyTo Mammon’s lust an d slavery’s l ie.

Speak , Living God, Thy full command,Through prayer of faith and word of power,That we with girded loins may s tandTodo Thy work and wai t Thine hour

An d sow, mid pat l en t toils and tears,For harvests in serener years . Samu el John son .

L .M. 6 l i nes .

EARY of al l thi s wordy st rife,Thes e notions, forms, -andmodes, and names,


To Thee,the Way, the Truth , the Life,

Whose love my , s imple heart in flames,D ivinely taught at last I fly,W ith Thee and Thine, to live and die.

Forth from the m idst of Babel brought ,Parties an d sects I leave behind

Enlarged my heart, and free my thought,Whene’er the latent truth I hndThe latent truth with joy to own,And bow to Jesus’ name alone.My brethren


,and kinsmen these,

Who do my Heavenly Father’s willWho aim at perfect hol iness


And al l Thy counsels to f u lfilAthirst to be whate’er Thou art


And lovethei r God with al l thei r heart.From these

,howe’er in flesh disjoined


Where’er dispersed on earth abroad,

Unfeigned , unbounded love I find,And constant as the l ife of GodFountai n of life from whence it sprung


A s pure,as even

,and as strong. C.

The Faz'

t/zf ul .

OME ,let as join with faithful souls

Ou r song of fai th to sing,One brotherhood in heart are we,An d one our Lord and King.

2 . Faithful are al l who love the truth:And dare the truth to tell


Who steadfast stand at Go'd’s right hand,

And strive to serve Him '



And fai thful are the gentle heart sTo whom the power i s given


O f every hearth to make ahome,Of every home aheaven .

4. Oh m ighty host no tongue cari tellThe numbers of its throng‘


No w'ords can sound the'

mu s ic vastOf’i ts grand bat t lé- song.

From step to step i t win s its wayAgainst the hosts of s in '


Part of the bat t l efield i s won ,And part i s yet to win .

6 . Then join with fai thful heart and strong,

And bravely onward g oThe triumphs that awai t u s yetAre greater than we know.


. S . Taf raid .

H E IR of al l the ages, IHei r of al l that they have wrought

Al l their store of emprise h igh,A l l their wealth of precious thought

2 . Every golden deed of thei rsSheds its lu stre on myway

Al l thei r labours , al l their prayers,Sanctify thi s present day.

Hei r of al l that they have earnedBy their passion and thei r tears

Hei r of al l that they have learnedThrough the weary, toi l ing years


In love thé l r nam’ es enshrining,We take the blessing givenOur l ives

,with thei rs entwini ng,

We give to tru th and heaven .

A Prayer f or U n ity.

LORD,from whom al l blessings flow,

Perfecting the church below,

Steadfast may we cleave to Thee .Love the myst ic union be .

Join our fai thful spi rits,join

to each'

,an d


al l to Thineu s throu g h


the paths of peace .

On to perfect hol iness .

2 . Move,and actuate

,and guide ;

D ivers gifts to each dividePlaced according to Thy wil l


Let u s al l our work f u lfilNever from our office moveNeedfu l to each other proveUse the grace on each bestowed


Tempered by the art of God.

3. Sweetly may we al l agree,Touched wi th softest sympathyThere i s neither bond nor free


Great n or serv ile,Lord

,i n Thee

Love,l ike death

,hath al l destroyed


Rendered al l distinctions voidN and sects , and parties fal l,Thou

,O Christ

,art A l l in al l .


A Prayer f or U nify. m s . 6 l ines .

ETERNAL Ruler of the ceaseless roundOf circling planets singing on their way ;

Guide of the nations from the night profoundI nto the glory of the perfect dayRul e 1n our hearts that we may ever beGuided

,and strengthened, and upheld by Thee.

2 . We are of Thee, the children of Thy lovle,The brothers of Thy well - beloved Son 9

Descend,O Holy Spiri t 1 l ike adove,

I nto our hearts,that we may be as one,

As one with Thee, to whom we ever tendAs one with Him ,

our Brother and our Friend .

We would be one in hatred of al l wrong,

One in our love of al l things sweet and fai r,

One with the joy that breaketh into song,

One with the grief that trembles into prayer,

One in the power that makes Thy children free,To follow truth

,and thus to follow Thee.

O clothe u s with Thy heavenl y armour, Lord ,Thy trusty shield, Thy sword of love divine.Our inspiration be Thy constant wordWe ask no victories that


are not Thine.

Give or withhold,let pain or pleasure be


Enough to know that we are servmg Thee.

j . W.

A Prayer f or Peace.

ESTORE,0 Father

,to our t imes


res toreThe peace which fil l ed Thine infant churchof yore,


.t E re lust of 'power had .sown the seeds of s trifeaaAnd quenched the newb orn charities of life.

2 . O'



eyer more may differing judgments partFro


m kindl y sympathy abrother’s heartB u t

,l inked in one

,believing thousands kneel

And share with each the sacred joy they feel .3. From soul to soul

,qu i ck as the sunbeam’s ray,

Let concord spread the universal dayAndvfaithb y love lead al l mank ind to Thee ,Paren t of


peace,and Fo

u n t i of harmony 1‘

77h: WorkW‘tfie C/zm


c/z .

HOU , whose glad summer yieldsFit increase of the spring,



we sow these li ving fields ;Bless Thou the harvesting.

2 . Thy Churchmust lead arightLi fe’5 work, left al l undone,

Ti ll(founded fast in love an d l ight,Earth home to heaven be won .

3. Grant, theh, Thy servants , Lord,Fresh s t i en g th from hour to hour

Through speech and deed the l ivirig wordfi nd utterancewith power,

4, To keep the chi ld’s faith bright,

To strengthen manhood’s truth ,And set the ag e - dimmed eye al ightWith heaven’s eternal you th

5. That in the time’s stern strife ,With saints we speed reform,

U nresting iii the éalm of l ife ,U nshrinking in the storm. S . f akum



Home M issions .

LOOK from Thy sphere of endless day,0 God of mercy andof m ight

I n pity look on those who strayBenighted

,i n this land of light .

In peopled vale, in lonely gle n,I n crowded mart, by stream or sea,

Howmany of the sons of menHear not the message se

'nt from Thee:Senaforth I

hy heralds , Lord, to callThe thoughtless young , the hardened old,A s cattered homeless flock

,t il l al l

Be gathered to Thy peacefu l fold .

4. Send them Thy m ighty word to speak,

. Till fai th shall dawn , and doubt d epart,To awe the bold, to stay the weak,Andhind and heal the broken heart .Then al l these wastes

,adreary scene


That make u s sad den as we gaz e,

Shall grow, with l iving waters , green,And l ift to heaven the vo1ce of prai se.

IV. C. Bmam.

God af ou r Salaatz'on .


1 r. I

ORD of our life, and God of our salvation ,Star of ou r night, and Hope of every nation,

Hear and receive Thy Church’s s upplication,Lord God A lm ighty.

2 .See round Thine ark the hungry bill ows curl ingSee how Thy foes thei r banners are unfurl ingLord

,wh ile thei r darts envenomed they are hurling


Thou canst preserve u s .

3. Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armour faileth,Lord

,Thou canst save when deadly s in as saileth.

Lord,o’er Thy R0 ck nor death nor hel l


Gr 'ant u s Thy peace , Lord .


'Qr-an t u s Thy help t il l foes v

are backward driven,

Grant them Thy truth that they may be forgiven,Grant peace on earth


,after we have striven


Peace iri Thy heaven .

Lat in,tr . P.

6 .

THOU,whose al m ighty word


Chaos and darkness heard,

And took their fl ight,

Hear u s,we humbly pray

And where theGospel’s daySheds not i ts glorious ray,Le t there be light.

2 . Thou who didst come to.


On Thy redeem ing wing,

Heal ing and sight,

Heal th to the s ick in mind,

Sight to the inly blind,

0 now,to al l mankind


Let there be Iight . ’

3. Spirit of truth and love,

Life - giving,holy Dove


Speed fort h Thy flig htMove on the waters’ face


Bearing the lamp of grace,

And in earth’s darkest placeLet there be light.

494 HYMNS or .

Gat/zer as in . 1 0 .

1 .GATHER u s in,Thou Love that fil les t al l

Gather our r ival fai ths within Thy foldRend each man’s temple -vei l, and bid it fall,That


we may know that Thou hast been of old1 Gather u s ln .

2 . Gather as in we worship only TheeI n varied nameswe stretch acommonhand

I n diverse forms a common soul we seeI n many ways we seek one promi sed land

Gather u s in .

3. Thine i s the mys t ié l ife great I ndiacravesThine i s the Parsee’s s in - destroying beam ;

Thine i s the Buddhi st’s rest from toss ing waves ;Thine is the empire of vas t China’s dream

Gather u s ih .

4. Thine i s the Roman’s strengt h without his prideThine i s the Greek’s glad world without its graves ;

Thine is Judea’s lawwith love beside,

The truth that censures and the grace that savesGather.

u s i n

5. Some seek a Father in the heavens aboveSome ask ahuman image to adoreSome crave a Spiri t vast as l ife and loveWithi n Thy mansions we have al l and more

Gather u s in .

7 716 Smbd of flu Gospel .

OU R,blessed Gospel

,glorious news for man ,

Thy stream of life o’er springless deserts roll

496-HYMNS or

3: Let the people prai se Thee , LordEarth shall then her frui ts aff ordGod to man His bless ings give ;Man to God devoted l iveAl l below

,and al l above


One 1n Joy and l ight and love .


The I ndu ction of aM z’


s fer. C.M .

FATHER of the l iving Chri st,

Fount of_

the l iving WordPour on the shepherd and the flockThe Spiri t of the Lord.

2 . Am id this m ingled mysteryO f good and i l l at strife,

Help them,0 God

,in Him to find

The Way, the Truth, the Life .

That way together may they tread ,That truth with joy receive


That l ife of heaven , on earth begun ,Through cloud and sunshine live.

4. One may they be in fai th and hope ,A s one in works of love,Till al l be one in Christ and TheeIn the great Church above.

Tl ze 0 rdz°

7ial z'

on of aM in is ter .

HRI ST t o the young man said, Yetone thing more

I f thou would’st perfect be,


Sell al l thou hast an d g ive it to: the poori

2 . W i thin this temple Christ again, unseen ,Those sacred words hath said

And His 1nv1s ib l e hands to - dayhave beenLaid on ayoung man’s head.

And evermore besidehim orr his wayThe unseen Chris t shall move,

That he may lean iipon His arm , and say,

Dos t Thou , dear Lord, approve ?

4 Beside him at the marriage - feast shall be,To make the scene more fair

Beside him in the dark GethsemaneOf pain and midnight prayer.

O holy trust O endless sense of restLike the beloved John ,

To lay his head upon the Saviour s breast ,And thus to journey on .


LORD , who dost the voices bles sCrying in the wilderness


And the lovely gifts increaseOf the messengers of peace


Thou whose temple is with men,

Show ’

u s Thy true priest again .

2 1

498 HYMNS OF2 . I n the holy place may heThy immediate presence seeOr through barren deserts led


ShowThy people heavenl y bread,While his l ips

, at Thy control,Warn , in struct, i nspire, console.

Give him for hi s priestly dressFai th and z eal and righteou sness.

Then ; lest al l Thy gifts be lost,Breathe Thy gift of Pentecost


Love,whose many - languaged fire

Finds each li stening soul’s des ire.

A Prayer f or

POU R out Thy Spirit from on highLord

,Thine ordained servants bless

Graces and gifts to each supply,

And clothe Thy pries ts with righteousness .

2 . Within Thy temple when they standTo teach the truth

, as taught by Thee,Saviou r

,l ike s tars in Thy right hand

The angels of the churches be

Wisdom and zeal and fai th impart,Firmness with meekness from above


To bear Thy people on thei r heart,

And love the souls whomThou dos t love

4. To watch and pray, and never faintBy day and night stric t guard to keepTo warn the sinner, Cheer the saint ,Nou rish Thy lambs, and feed Thy sheep

150 0 HYMNS OF_

And hence with grateful hearts torday,

Thy own before Thy feet we lay. d 1'

2 . Thy will was i n the ’

bu il ders’ thought

Thy han d un seen am idst u s wrought ;1Throu gh mortal motive


,and plan


Thy wise eternal purpose ran .

2 . I n weakness and in wan ti


e call0 11 Thee for whom the heavens are smallThy glory 15 Thy children’s good


Thy joy Thy tender Fatherhood .

4. 0 Father deign the se walls to bles sFill with Thy love their emptines sAnd let thei r door a

gateway be

To lead i s from ourselves to Thee !f . G. Wizit t z


T/ze Dedication of a Cf mrdzs

O GOD, accept the gift we bring,

This house of prayer at last completeNowas agratefu l offeri ngWe glad ly lay i t at Thy feet .

2 . A l l was Thine own ere i t was ours ,And since ’t i s ou rs ’tis Thine the more,For we are Thine, and al l our powers,0 Thou

,our L ife, whom we adore.

Long be these wall s a‘

lovin g home ,Where rich and poorshal l brothers beWhere strife and envy may not comeWhereal l may dwell in charity.

4. Long.

be thi s spot a sacred place,Where burdened hearts shal l meet to pray,Look upward to aFathe r’s face


And fin d their burdens melt away.


5. .This church we dedicate to Light,To Light ofTru th

,and Light of


To Hope,to Fai th

,to Prayer

,to Right


To man on eart li, to God above .

f . T. Su nderland.

. W ITH the sweet word of peaceWe bid ou r brethren g o ;

Peace,as ariver to increase,And ceaseless flow.

2 . With the calm womd of prayerWe earnestly commendOur brethren to Thy watchful care,E ternal Friend

With the dear word of loveWe give our brief farewel lOur love below and Thine above


With them shall dwell.

4. With the strong word of faithWe stay ourselves on TheeThat Thou , O Lord , in l ife and death,

Their help shalt be.

Then the bright word of hopeShall on our parting gleam


And tell of joys beyond the scopeOf earth - born dream.

6 . Farewell in hope and love, 1

I n faith, and peace, and prayer

Ti ll He, whose home i s ours above,U nite u s there


HE Lord God bless and keep thee,And make His face to shine

Upon thee, t ill His gloryReflected i s i n thine.

2 . The Lord be gracious to thee ;Thy daily needs supplySustain thee when way- weary


Nor let thy cruse ru n dry.

His countenance upon theeThe Lord lift u p, and giveThee peace through al l thy journey


And al l thy past forgive .

And be His love thy solace,

Thy never - fai l ing storeThe perfect rest of perfect peace


Be thine for evermore.B . Greenwood.

GOD be wi th thee Gently o’er theeMay His wings of mercy spread

Be His way made plai n before thee,And His glory round thee shed l

Safely onwardMay thy pilgrim feet be led

2 . God be wi th thee l With thy spiri tHis abiding presence be,

Till thy heart that peace inheri tGod alone can give to thee 1

His indwel l ingHelp, and heal, and set thee free.

Tfieodore C. Wil l iams .


Make as one with Him,our Head,

Thou in Him,an d He in u s .


‘Whi le to l ips with prai se that g low,This Communion cup we press



Father, let u s growMore like Him we here confess.



3. Reconcile u s by Thy Son,I n whose name on Thee we cal l

Make u s perfect, al l in oneWe in Him

,and Thou in al L

Commu n z'

én .

A HOLY air i s breathing round,

A fragrance from aboveBe every soul from sense unbound,


every spiri t love.2 . O God, uni te as heart t o heart ,

I n s ympathy divine,That we .be never drawn apart ,And love not Thee nor Thine.

3. Bu t by the Cross of J esus taught,And by Thy gracious word,

Be nearer to each other brought,And nearer to the ‘


4, A. L z'


Remefl zéerinzr fifirzs t . 7s . 6 l in es .0

N 7HEN arise th'




ou ght s of s inWhen the worlcl


ou r hearts would win


When to selfishpleasure given, 4 ,

Droops thel ove that blooms for heaven,Lord

,we wou ld remember Thee 31

Thou wilt our Redeemer be.

2 . When,with footsteps fai nt and slow,

Duty’s upward path we g o ;When

,by toils and hardship pressed,

I 1

Round we turn to look for rest,Lord

,we would remember Thee

Thou our Guide and Strength wilt be.

When the way grows dark and cfréhf

When,beset by doubt an d fear


W e can see no beam of light 1

Struggling through the thickening night,

Lord ,‘

We wbu ld remember TheeThou our Comforter wilt be.

Remember Me.

REMEMBEPMe, the SaviourOn that forsaken night


When fromHis s ide the hearest fled,And deathwas close in s ight.

2 . Throug hal l the fol lowing ages’t rack


The worl d remembers yetWith lave and longing gazes back,And never can forget,

Bu t noneb f u s has seen His face;Or heard the words He said

And none can now His looks retraceIn breaking of the bread . .



. sHYMN S OF 1

4. O blest are theywho haye not seen ,And yet bel ieve Him s ti ll lThey know Him

,whe n His prai se they mean ,

And when they do His wi llWe hear His word along our wayWe see His light aboveRemember when we strive and pray,Remember when we love .

Commu n ion .

BE known to u s in breaking bread,But do not then departSaviour

,abide with u s

,an d spread

Thy table in our heart .2 . There sup with u s in love div in e

Tby body and Thy blood,That livi ng bread

,that heavenly wine


Be our immortal food.

BEFORE Thine awful presence, Lord,Thy sinful servants bow

Trembling to speak the solemn word,To frame the sacred vow.

2 . The sins in hou rs of weakness wrought, 1The vain


thlng s loved bef ore,The wanton deed and word and thou ght,Lord

,we renounce once more.

3. Once more we vow the holy fai thTo keep unstai ned and trueOnce more we prom i se unto deathThy holy wi ll to do.

50 8 ?HYMNS 0 11 a

2 . 0 bond of union, strong, and deep0 bond of perfect peaceNot .e’en the lifted Cross can harm,

I f we bu t hold to thi s.

Let but His spi ri t be ou r own ,Then swift our feet shal l move


deeds of pure self - sacrifiée',And the sweet tasks of love.

OrzoLifi .

PLANTED i n Chri st, the l iving Vine,This day, with one accord,Ourselves

,in humble fai th and joyA

We yield ‘


Thee, O Lord

2 . Joined in one body may we beOne inward l ife partake

One be our hearts,one heavenl y hepe

I n every bosom wake.

I n prayer , i n effort , tears'

,an d toi ls,

One wisdom be our gu ide ;I

Taught by one Spi ri t from above,I n Thee may we abide.

Tbe B read and Water of I ’VE.

GOD,u n seeh, but ever near; 1

Our ble ssed.rest art Thou !

And we, in love that hath no fear,Take refug e with Thee now.


2 . Al l soiled with dust our pi lgrim feet,An dweary with the way,

lwe seek Thy shelter from the heatAnd burden of life’s day.

0 welcome in the wildernessThe shadow of Thy love

The'stream that spring s our thi rst to

The manna from above.l

4. Awhi le bes ide the fount we stayAnd eat this bread of Thine,Then gorejoicing on our way, '

Renewed with strength divine.


ACCORD ING to Thy gracious word,I n meek hum i l i ty


This wi ll I do , my dying Lord,I will remember Thee .

2 . Thy body, brokenfor my sake, ,

My bread from heaven shal l beThy Testamental Cup I take,And thus remember Thee.

Remember Thee, and al l Thy pains,And al l Thy love to me

Yea, while abreath, apulse remainsWill I remember Thee.

And when these fai l ing lips g row dumb,And


in ind and memory flee,

When Thou shalt in Thy kingdom come,

Then. Lord , remember me.



f } Mon tg omery .

510 HYMN S or

Before Commu nion . 1 0 .

ERE,O my Lord, I see Thee face to face ,

Here would I tou ch and handle things unseenHere grasp with firmer hand the eternal grace,And al l my weariness upon Thee lean .

2 . Here wou ld I feed upon the bread of God ;Here drink with Thee the royal W ine of heaven

Here would I lay aside each earthly load ,Here tasteafresh the calm of s in forgiven .

3. Thi s i s the hour of banquet and of song,

This i s the heavenly. table spread for me

Here let me feas t , and, feasting, sti ll prolongThe brief bright hour of fellowship with Thee .

Horat iu s Bow ,

Af ter Commu n ion . o . 1o.

0 0 soon we ri se ; the symbols di sappearThe feast

,though not the love

,i s past and gone

The bread and wine remove, but Thou art here,Nearer than ever, sti ll my shield and sun .

2 Feast after feast thus comes an d pas ses byYet pass ing

,points to the g lad feas t above,

Giving sweet foretaste of the festal j oy,

The Lamb ’s great bridal feas t of bl is s and love.Horat iu s



Food Celes z‘z'al . 8 . 7.

T HE King of love my Shepherd is,Whose goodness failet h n ever

I nothing lack if I am His,And He i s m ine forever.

5m 'HYMN S or

3. Oh,dwel l within u s when we turn

Back on our earthly way,And maywe by Thy pres ence learnTo serve Thee more each dayz,

OME, ye disconsol


ate,whe're’er ye langui sh

Come to themercy - seat,fervently kneel

Here bri ng your wounded hearts, here tell yourangu i shEarth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal .

2 . Joy of the'

deéolate, light of the straying ,Hope of the peni ten t , fadeles s and pure,

Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying,Earth has no sorrow that heaven '

cannot cure.

3. Here see the’ Bread of l ife see waters flowin gForth from


the throne'



'pure fromabove ;Come to the feast of love come, ever knowingEarth has n o sorrow but heaven can remove .


rif ual Fel lows l z z} .

W E join with al l , in every place,Who celebrate the undying g race

That bowed in death to save our raceW i th al l

,upon the land and sea,

That lowly bend the adoring knee,And

,Saviour, n ow remember Thee

2 . “fil th al l i n chamber lone that makeTheir prayer, in pau se of pain, and breakThe bread, and of the cu p partake :


With al l , in reverent throngs , that nowW ithin Thy Temple loving bow,And breathe the sacramental 'vow

3. With al l ou r kin beyond the foamWho find, thoug h in far land s they roam,

Still in Thy love their l ife, their homeWe joinwi th al l , where’er they be,Who bend commemorative knee,And nowin love remembenThee.

T126 C'


oiz .

YE followers of the I’rince


of Peace,Who round His table draw ;

Remember what His spirit was ,What His peculiar law.

The ldve which al l His bosom fil led

D id al l His actions guid‘

e ;A I I

I nspired by love He lived and taugh t;I nspired by l ove




died .

1 )

3. Let each the sacred law fu lfil,

Like His be every mindBe every temper formed by love


And every action kind .

4. Let none who call themselves His friendsD isgrace the honoured name,

Bu t by anear resemblance proveThe ti tle which'

they claim.

T/ze Song of tire Redeemed.

ING we the song of those who s tan d'Around the etemal ' throne, a

Of every kindred,clime

, and land,aA multitu de u nkn own;

2 K

514 1 HYMN S OF”

2 . Life’s poor di s tin cti ons vani sh hereTo - day the young, the old,Our. Saviour and; His flockappear;One Shepherd and one fold.

3. Toil, trial, su ff ering, stil l awai tOW earth the pilg rim throng

Yet l earn we, in our low es tate,The Church t riumphan t

’s Song.

4. Worthy


the Lamb, for s inners slain,”

Cry the redeemed above,Blessing and honour to obtain


And everlas ting love .

Worthy the Lamb,

” on earth we s ing,

Who died our soul s to save ;Henceforth, 0 Death

,where 15 thy sting ?

Thy victory, O Grave ?”

Nowhallelujah , power and prai se,To God in Christ be given ,

By al l who tread these earthl y ways ,And al l the blest in heaven .

1 “ '1 TileMarl er’s Prayer.

ET here in peace to th'

mk of HimWhose lates t though t s were ours

N o selfish love shal l come to dimThe prayer devotion pours .

2. No, not for these alone I pray 1”Our dying Mas ter said

Though on His breas t that moment layThe loved dis c iple’s head ; 1 1

516 '


By whom the words of l i fe were spokeriJ'

And in whose death ou n sins are .dead

2 . Look on 'the heart by sorr 'owbroken ,

Look on the tears by sinners shed,

Andhe Thy feas t to u s the token ,

That by Thy grace our souls are fed.

1Reg inald

7 718 11113241 of C/zris f .

FATHER of eternal g race,Glorify Thyself in me ;

Meekly beam ing in my face,May the world Thine image see.

2 . Humble, holy, al l resignedTo Thy will

,- Thy will be done

Give me,Lord

,the perfect m ind

Of Thy well - beloved Son .

Counting gain and glory loss,

May I tread the path H e trodDie


with Jesus on the Cross,Rise with Him to Thee

,my,q .

fil anég omery .

O GOD ,accept the sacred hour

Which we to Thee have givenAnd let thi s hallowed scene have powerTo rai se our souls to heaven .

2 . Sti ll let u s hold till l ife departs,

The precepts ofThy Son ,Nor let ou r thoughtless

,thankl ess heart s

Forget what He has done.


3. His utru e disciples maywe l ive,From al l éorru pt ion free,

And humbly learn l ike Him to give '

Our powers,our wil ls toThee.

S . Oz'

lman .

Abide in me. I OS.

B IDE in me, O Lord, and I in Thee !From thi s good hour

,0 leave me nevermore

Then shall the discord cease,the wou nd be healed,

The Iife- long bleeding of the soul be o’er.

2 .

-Abide in me o’ershadowby Thy love

Each half- formed purpose,and dark thought of


Quench,ere it rise

,each selfish

,low desire


And keep my soul as Thine, calm and divine.

3. Abide in me there have been moments blest,

When I have heard Thy voice and felt Thy power,

Then evil lost its grasp,and passion hushed

Owned the divine enchantment of the hour.

4 These were but seasons, beautiful and rareAbide in me, and they shall ever be

Fu lfil at once Thy precept and my prayerCome

,and abide in me, and I in Thee

Wa1k in tile L z'

g l zt .

“ [ALK in the light, so shalt thou knowThat fellowship of loveHis Spirit only can bestow


Who reigns in light above .


2 . Walk i n thel ight,and thou shalt find

Thy heart “made tru ly‘

His,Who dwe l ls in lclou dles s l ight enshrinhd


Walk in the light,and thou shalt own

Thy darkness pas sed away,Because that light hath on thee shone


I n which i s perfect day.

4. Wal k in the l ight,thy path shal l be

Peaceful , serene , and brightFor God

,by grace

,shall dwell in thee


And God H imself i s Light.

330 111) flaptism.

Baptism of a

T OThee

,O God in heaven


This l ittle one we bring,Givi ng to Thee what Thou hast given


Our dearest offering.

2 . I nto aworld of toilThese l ittle feet will roam


Where s in i ts puri ty may so il ,Where care and grief may come.

0 then let Thy pure love,

With influ ence serene,

Come down,l ike showers

,from above


To freshen andmake clean.


WHEN from the Jordan ’s gleaming wavec

Came forth the sin les s One;A voice athwart the heavens flashed,Lo, my beloved Son 12

2 . The Baptis t, giai ing'

on His face '

With the soul’s radiance bright;Beheld U pon His sacred headA snow - white dcive al ight.

Now,with bapti smal waters tou ched,

Thy children,Father, see

While heart and soul , and m ind and s trength ,They consecrate to Thee.

4. Send down on them Thy holy dhve,Thy spiri t u ndefiled

Be ehch in pu rity and fai thThy we l l - beloved child .

Oh,help them in the wildernes sTo conquer doubt and s in,

To see above them sti ll Thy peace,And hear Thy voice within ;

Samuel Long f el low.

LET chi ldren hear the mighty deedsWhich God performed of old,

Which in our younger years we saw,And


which our fathers told.

2 . He bids us make His gl ories known “ .

H isworks of power and grace


Through every ris ing race.

Our lips shall tell them to our sons,And they again to theirs,That generat ions yet


u nborn

May teach.

them to their,

heirs .[ J l '

4. Thu s they shall learn l n God aloneTheir hope securely standsThat theymay ne

’er forget His works,

Bu t practise His comman ds.

I n tercess ion f or C

STAND ING forth on life’s roughFather

,guide them

Oh I we know not what of harmMay be tid e them

’Neath the shadow of Thy wing,Father

,hide them

Waking, sleeping, Lord , we pray,Go beside them.

2 . When in prayer they cry to Thee,

Thou wilt hear themFmm the stains of s in and shame

Thou wilt clear them’Mid the quicksands and the rocks


Thod wilt steer then}I n temptation, trial, grief, 1

Be Thou near them.


Lord , reeeive t hemI n the world we know must be

Much to grieve themMany striving oft and st rong

To deceive themTrustf ul , in Thy hands of love

We must leave them .

T/26’ Arm”! of Faz'

t/z .

WE bless Thee , Lord , for each dear l inkThat binds our souls to Thee

How sweet on al l Thy grace to think,Bestowed so variously.

2 . Of godly forefathers to know,

And elder sai nts di scernWith hymns inspired of yore to glow


From olden books to learn 1

We thank Thee that amother’s loveUnfolded Love divine

How tenderly Thy handmaid stroveTo make u s early Thine

4. Thine early grace our thanks doth rai seThat bade u s heavenward yearn ,That made u s glad to s ing Thy prai se


And glad Thy ways to learn .

We bless the tender pains that soughtOur you n g ,


sof t sou ls to win ,Unti l Thy Spirit strongly wroughtAnd sweetly reigned with in .

T. H . Gil l




1 . O PERFECT Love,~-al l human thought t ran

lspending ,

Lowly we kneel l n prayer before Thy throne,

That theirs may be the l ove which knows no ending,Whom Thou for evermore dost j oin in one.

2 . 0 perfect Life,be Thou their fu ll assu rance

Of tendercharity and steadfast fai th,Of pat ient hope , an d qu iet, brave endurance,With chi ldl ike tru s t that fears nor pain nor

' death .

3. Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow,Grant them the peacewhich calms al l earthly strife ;

And to life’s day the gl orious.

unknown morrowThat dawns upon et ernal love and life .

Dorot/zy Blomfiela'


ETERNAL Love, whose lawdoth swayThe worlds in ordered cour se,And works in human hearts it s way

With sacred force

2 . To Thee ou rwai ting hearts we lift,This solemn

,j oyful hour


And ask Thy Spirit’s tierfect gift,For marriage dower.

Thy hand the sacred l inks hath wroug htThat bind two souls in one

Thy highest mysteries thus are taug ht,Thy heaven begun .




This sajcramen t of loveBreathe in the trembling human 'vow

Strength from above .

Then through what scenes the unknown roadOf outward life may roam,

A flame that on Thine altar glowedShal l l ight the home. E 1450 . 5. A rmitag e.

cgl’tmming Emma.

Awake,my Sou l .

AWAKE,my soul and with the sun

Thy dai ly s tag e'

of duty ru nShake ofi


dul l sloth , and joyful riseTo pay the morning sacrifice.

Wake and l ift up thyself,my heart

And with the angels bear thy part,Who al l night long unwearied singHigh praise to the eternal King.

A l l prai se to Thee who safe hast kept,And hast refreshed me while I sleptGr


ant, Lord , when I from death shal l wake,I may of endless light partake.

Lord I my vows to Thee renewScattermy s ins asmorning dewGuard my firs t Spring s of thought and will,And with Thyself my spirit hl l .

D i rect,control , suggest this day

Al l I design , or do, or say,That al l my powers , fwith al l thei r might,In Thy sole glorymay twite.


God, from whom al l bles sing s flowHim ,

al l creatures here belowHim above

, ye heavenly host - lFather, Son , and Holy Ghost.

T. Ken ,1637.

L .M .

LORD God of morning and of n ightWe thank Thee for Thy gift of light

As in the dawn the shadows fly,We seem to find Thee nowmore nigh .

2 . Fresh hopes have wakened in the heart,

Fresh force to do ou r dai ly partThy slumber- balms our strength restoreThroug hout the dayto serve Thee more.Yet whilst Thy will we would pursue


Oft what we would we cannot doThe s u n may stand in zen ith skies,But on the soul thi ck m idnight l ies .

4. O Lord of l ights ’ti s Thou al oneCans t make our darkened heart s Thtine ownThough th is new day with joy we see,Great dawn of God we cry for Thee t

5. Prai se God,ou r Maker and ou r Friend

Prai se Him through time, t i ll t ime shall endTill psalm and song His name adoreThrough heaven’s great day of Evermore.

7 726 Daily Opporl z mz'


O T IMELY happy, t imelywi se,Heart s that wi th ri sing morn ari se l

52 8 a 'HYMNS or 4.

For the new(miracle of dawning lig ht,

Flushing t he eas t with prophecies of day, I

We thank Thee,0 ou r God

2 . For the fresh,l ife that through ou r '

being flowsWit h its fu ll tide to strengthenand to blessFor calm sweet though ts , u ps pringing from mpose,To bear to Thee their song of thankfulness


We prai se Thee, 0 our God

3. Day uttereth speech to day, and night to nightTells of Thy power and glory. So would we,Thy children


,with the morning ligh t


Or at sti ll eve, upon the bended knee,Adore Thee

,0 our God

4. Thou know’s t our need s

,Thy ful ness will sup


plyOur blindness, - let Thy hand still lead u s on


Til l,vis i ted by the dayspring from on high


Our prayer,one only, Let Thy will be doneWe breathe to Thee

,O God

PV. H . Bu rl algr/z .


Ear ly Morn ing fi fy flm. S.M .


KLY the holy hymnBreaks on the morning air 3


Before the world with smoke i s dimWe meet to offer firayer.


While flowers are wet with dews;Dewof our souls , descendE re yet the s u n the day renews,O Lord

,Thy Spirit send

Upon the bat t lefiel d,Before the fig ht begins ,

We seek,O Lord , Thy shelter ing shiel d

[I o g uard u s f romou r sin s .


4. On the lone mountain side, 2

Before the morning’s light} l

The Man of Sorrows wept and crieiAnd rose refreshed with m ight.

O hear u s , then , ‘

for weAre very weak and frai l ;We make the Sav 1our’s name our plea,Arid surely must prevail .


5 Q

716 .V

O LORD of lif e, .Thy qu ickening yoice

Awakes my morn ing song ; 1I n gladsome words I would rejoiceThat l to Thee belong; 9 3


2 . I see Thy light, I feel Thy wind .1

Earth i s Thy uttered wordWhatever wakes my heart and rriind


Thy presence i s , my Lord .

Thereforel choose my hig hest part,And turn my face to Theé;Therefore I stir my inmost heartTo worship fervently.

4 . Lord,let me l ive and act this day,

Still ri s ing from the' dead ;

Lord,make my spirit good and gay

GWC me my daily bread.


Within my heart, speak, Lord, speak.


My heart al ive to keep '1 1

Til l the night comes,and

,labourd one,

1h Thee 1 fall asleep m H

2 L

530 HYMNS OF 1 1

BEG I N the day withGod !He i s thy r1s 1n g s u n ;

His i s the radiance of thy dawn,

His the fresh day begun.

2 . S ing anewsong at mornJ oin the g lad woods and hill s ;

J oin the fresh winds and seasand plain sJoin the bright flowers and rills

3. Awake,cold lips

,and s ing

Arise, dull heart , and prayLift u p, 0 man , thy heart and


éyesBrush slot hful n ess '


4. Cas t every weig ht as ideDo bat t le


with each s inFight with the fai thless world withott t ,The fai thless heart wi th in 1



5. Look u p beyond these clouds ,Thither thy pathway l iesMount u p, away,


and l inger not,

Thy goal is yonder skiesH. Bonar.


ly g reed.


God,Thou giver of al l good I


ch ild ren live by dai ly food ,And

daily must the prayer ‘

be said,Give u s thi s day our dai ly bread 1

2 . The l ife of earthand seed i s Thine ‘r;

Suns glow; rains fal l, by powerdiv‘ineThou art i n al l . ne t - e

en t he powers5By

'which we toi l for bread are ours.


3. Now noon sit s throned , her g olden u rn'Pours fort h the sunshine t Laug h and burnCornland and meadow, lake and sea1

Lord of my l ife , pour love on me.

4. S low comes the even ing o’er the hil l,

The labour of the world i s'

stil l ;Homeward I g o, and muse of Thee— { OFather of Home, abide with me.

5. Nowdroops the dark, but worlds of light,Hidden by day, f u l fil the nightI nfin ite Sti llness

,s i lent sea

Of Tru thand Pdwerhflo


wover me.

6 . 0 Thou , whose l ove the night has madeOutwearied earth and man to aidWho givest labour

,and then rest,

Give me the peace that filzl s T hy bréaet .S iapf ord A .

‘ Brooke.


O FATHER,hear my morning prayer,

Thyaid impart to me,

That I may make my l ife to - day

Acceptable toThee.2 . May thi s desi re my spiri t ru l e ;

And as the moments flySometh ing of good be born in me,

« Somethi ng of evi l d ie .

3. Some grace that seeks my heart to win,With shining vi ctory meet


Some s in that strives for maste ry,F ind overthrow complete .

4. That so throughout the coming dayThe hours shall carry me

A l i ttle farther from theworldjrA li ttle nearer Thee.




A nof/zer Day .

GOD l'

I thank Thee ~f or'

each sightOf beauty that Thy hand doth give,

For sunny skies and air and lightO God

,I thank Thee that I live I

2 . That life I consecrate to TheeAnd ever, as the day i s born,

On wings of joy my soul would flee,Arid thank Theefor another morn .

Another’ day in which to castSome


s ilent deed of love abroad ,That

,greatening as it jou rneys past ,

May do some earnest work for God.

4. Another day to do , to dare‘ To tax anew my growing streng thTo arm my soul with fai th and prayer,An d so reach heaven and Thee at length .

0 Loan,ourGod

,0 Light of light,

W ho art Thyself the day,Our chants shall break the clouds of nightBe with u s while we pray .

2 . Who madest al l,and dost control


Lord , wit h Thy touch divine,Cast out the slumbers of the sou l ;The rest that i s not Thine.

3: Each sin to Thee of years gone by,Bach hidden stai n l ies bareWé shrink not from Thine awfu l eye,Bu t pray that Thouwouldst s pare.

534 HYMN S or . 1

4. Redeemer send Thy pierc ing rays,That wemay hear to beSet in athe


l ig ht of Thy pu re gaze,And yet rejoice in Thee.

Roman B revz’

ary , tr. f . E Newman.

T/ze L zlg fit of l /ze l ord.

OW,when the dusky shades of n ight

,retreat i ng

Before the sun’s red banner,swiftly flee

Now,when the terrors of the dark are fleetin g ,

O Lord, we l ift our thankful hearts to Thee,2 . To Thee

,whose word , the fount of life uns ealing,

When hil l and dale in thickes t darkness lay,Awoke bright rays across the dim earth s teal ing


And bade the eve and mom complete‘the day.

3. Look from the height of heaven,and se nd to cheer u sThy light and truth to gu ide u s onward stillS t il l let Thy mercy, as of old , be near u s, 1And lead u s safely to Thy holy hill.

4. So, when that mom of endless l ight is waking ,c_

And shades of evil from i ts splendours flee,Safe may we rise, the earth

’s dark breast forsaking,

Through al l the long bright day to dwell wi th Thee

L .M.

OW that the daylight fil l s the sky;

We lift our hearts to God on highThat He, i n


al l we do or say, ~Would keep u s f ree from harm to - day.

2 . May He restrain ou r tongu es from strife,And shi eld from anger’s din our l ife,And guard with'watehfu l care ou r eyesFrbm earth’s absorbing van i ties.

l HYMNS 6 1”

Li fe,l ight, and bloom

Now, with resi stl e ss ray,

Chase al l our clouds away,

An d with Thy heavenly day“

4 Ou r sou l s i llume !

3. Spirit, in whom We 0

Thouwho dost yearn to giveA11 heart s Thy restWhen earthly joys take flight,Cheer Thou the earthly nig ht,And in themorn ing lig htSti ll be our guest. i

4. And when the E ternaLMorn,

From d eath’s deep night shades born,

Our eyes shall see,Father Thy Word, Thy Breath,Thy Christ

,who conqu ereth

Sorrow and sin.

and death,Our trust ghal l be


f/z'fl ee. i f m Jl Jo.

T I LL sti ll wi th Thee , wh‘

en purple morn ingI L) .

When the bird waketh,and the


Shadows fleeFai rer than morni ng, lovel ier than the daylight,Dawns the éweet con scion


, 1am with Thee

2 . A lone With‘ f l‘

hee,amid the niyst ic shadows,

The solemn bush'

of natu re newl y bornAlone with T beein breathless adoration ,I n the calm dew and freshness of the mom .



Still,still with Thee, as toeach hew- born morningA fresh and solemn splendour sti ll i s given,

So doth this blessed consciousness , awaking,Breathe. each day, nearness unto Thee and

"heaven .

4. When sinks thesoul, subdued by toil , to slumberI t s closing eye looks uhto Thee in prayerSweet the repose

,beneath Thywings o

ershadowin g ,Bu t sweeter still to wake and find Thee there.

So shall i t be at last , in that bright morning,When the soul waketh

,and life’s shadows flee

O ! in that hour, fairer than daylight’s dawning


Shal l rise the glorious thought, I am with Thee

A nof/zer B l u e Day . 6 . 5.

S O here hath been dawn i ngAnother blue day

Think‘wil t thou let i t

Slip hseless away ?2 . Out of eternity

.Thi s newday i s bornI nt o etern ityA t night will return.

3. Behold it aforetimeNo eye ever did ;

So soon it fox; everFrom al l eyes is hid.

4. Here hath been dawningAnother blue dayThink wilt thou let it'

Sl ip useless away ?Thornas Carly le.

h ' "1


H HYMNS OR. . m od 1 Gimming fi g urines.

Down around the weary worldFal ls the darkness, 0 how stil ll s the working of Thy wi l l I A

Mig hty Maker ! Here‘

arn I,

-Work in me as s ilently,


Vei l the day’s di stracting sight s ,Show me heaven’s eternal l ights.

3. From the darkened sky come forthCountless stars . A

’wondrous birth !


may gleams of glory dartFrom thi s dim abyss

,my heart.

4. Living worlds to view be broughtI n the boundless realms of thoughtH igh and infinite des ires ,Flaming like those upper fires .

5. Holy Truth , E ternal Right,Let them break upon my sightLet them shine , serene and st ill


And with light my being fi1L .

6 . Thou,who dwellest there

,I know,

Dwellest here'within me too


May the Perfect peace of God,Here, as there, be shed abroad.

7. Let my soul at tuned beTo the heavenly h



,beyond the power of sound,

Fi l ls the Universe ardu nd.

'24 9

HYMNS OF0 may my soul on Thee repose ,And may sweet sleep my eyelids closeSleep that shal l me more Vigorous make‘To serve my God when I awake !


4. Teach me to l ive that ] may dreadThe grave as l i ttle as my bedTeach me to die that so I mayWith joy behold the endless day.

5. Prai se God,from whom al l b l es smg s flow

Prai se Him,all creatures here below

Angels and saints, His name adoreWith prai se and joy for evermore

SAV I OUR,breathe an evening bless ing,

E re repos e our spiri ts sealS in and ;want we come confessingThou canst save , and Thou cans theal .

2 . Though destru ction walk arou nd u s,

Though the arrow past u s fly,Angel guards from Thee surround u s,We are safe if Thou art nigh.

Though the night be dark and dreary,

Darkne ss cannot hide from TheeThou art He, who never weary,Watches t where Thy people be.

Should swi ft death this night o’ettake'


An d our cou ch become ou r tomb,1 1

May the heavenly morn awakens,Clad in brig ht an d deathless bloomu


WEET evening hour,sweet evening hour

That calms the air,and shuts the flower ;

That brings the wild bird to her nest,The infant to its mo ther’s breast.

2 . 0 season of soft sound and hue s,Of twilight walks among the dews,Of feelings cal m

,and converse sweet


And thoughts too sac red'

to repeat

3. Dear God , as earth recedes from sight,Open the quiet of Thy light


And call thefettered soul above,

From s in and grief, to peace and love.

4. Be with u s in this evening timeWhen feelings flowand wishes climb ;Thy Care disperse our earthly careHear

,and receive our parting prayer.


Til e Evem'

ng Sacrifice.

THE s u n i s s i nking fast ,The daylight dies

Let love awake,and pay

Her evening sacrifice.

As Chri st upon the CrossHis head inclined


And to His Father’s handsHis parting soul resigned;

H. F .

6 .


I n whomv

al l spi ri ts l ive.

4. So now beneath His eyeWould cal mlay


res t ;

Without.awish or thought

Abiding in the breast,

5. Save that His wil l be done,.Whate’er betide


Dead to herself,and dead

. I n Him to al l beside .

6 . Thu s‘

wou ldll l ive

,yet now

'Not I , but He'

I n al l His powerand loveHencef orth al ive in me.


ng Prayer .

THE day i s past and overA l l thanks , 0 Lord , to Thee l

I pray Thee that offen celessThe hours of dark may be.

0 Saviour,keep me in Thy S ight


And save me through the com ing night.

2 . The joys'

of day are overI l ift my heart to Thee

And cal l on Thee that s inlessThe hours of g loom

may be.

0 Saviour,make their (larknes s l ight,

And save me through the poming night 1


Through the glory and the graceOf the stars t hat vei l Thy faceOur heart s ascend.

Holy, holy, etc.

When,for ever from our sight

Pass the stars—é th'

e day— the n ight,

Lord of angels, on our eyesLet eternal morning rise,

And shadows end.Holy

,hol y, etc. Mary A . Latitbu ry.

Re/um of zfie‘


F IND ING no place of rest,

Safe from the swelling tide,

The dove resought her nestAt eventide

Cl eaying the tempes t darkWith eag er flu t t’rin g wing,Steadfast to gai n the Ark

E re sun sett ing.

2 . From f ru i tless earthlyQuest,And hopes by fears betrayed


Seeki ng,l ike her, therestFrom which I ’ve s trayed

Over the wintry wold,Over the wreck - st’rewn sea,Through dangers manifold


U pwbom e by Thee,

Father,I homeward fly,

Longing Thy face to see,

And lose, without as igh ,Myself in Thee !




el fold my timepin'

g Wings

4. See how the floods pi'ev'

ail ,

Mocking my labouring flig ht .

B reak throug h these cloil ds that veilThee from my sight 1

Rebuke these spectral f ears ,The brood ing. darkne ss sm i teSpeak, Lord Thy servant hears

Let there be light !

Burdened with many cares,

Helpless to Thee I clingWilt Thou not heed my prayers

For strengthening ? l 4

Pu t forth Thy hand.

to g uideNerve Thou my fail ing mightHelp , Lord, the seadivide— T

Hold back the nig ht

Carest Thou 'not to save ?Uphold my feeble willAnd to the threatening wave



Say, Peace, be still 3”And when

,at eventide


Love’5 olive leaf I win,

Lord, open Thy heart wide,And take me in 1

2 M

f fH‘




GOD that: mades t earthand heaven ,Darkness and light

Who the day for toil hast gwen,For rest the

‘nig ht u


May Thinefl

an g el-

‘guard defend u s

S lnmber sweet Thymercy(56 114 95 .

Holy dreams,

and hopes at tend u sThis l ivelong -n ig h’


2 . When we ih' the mom awaken,Guide tis Thy way



Keep our love and tru th’

u nshaken

In work and playI n our dail y task be near u s ,I n temptation keep and hear u s,And with holycounsel cheer asThe livelong day.

Guard u s tvakiné,'

g t1aid tis sleeping,An d



etiwe die,May we in Thy mightykeepingA l l peao


efiil l ie

Thou wilt not in death forsake u s ,But to fuller li fe W i lt wake asg 1

And to nob ler.servioe take 115 1 I

With Thee on 'hig h.

R. Herbert,‘5. A .

Brooée, R.

Tfic s z‘

zee t Myer.

OFTLY the s i lent nightFal leth from God,

Ou weary wahderersOver life’s road

548 m m or

2 . Rest ! calm ly. res t 1 t

I n silence al l !

At twiligh’t hour,To slumber fall .

3. Dream sof t ly'


Of happy daysOf bles sin g s


sen t

Of l ife well spent,

To God’s hig h pra1se

Dream! softly dream!4. Sleep ! safely sleep

Without one fear IFor n ight and day,I n love alway,The Lord i s near 1S leep ! safely sleep !

A . N .

[ 71 S leep.

He giveth His beloved in s leep.

D]OT in ou r waking hours aloneHis constancy and care are known


Bu t locked in slumber fast and deepHe gi veth to u s while we sleep .

2 . What giveth He ? From toil release,Quiet from God, night’s starlit peaceTil l with the 'comin g of the momWe greet the day, l ike i t new- bom.

3. And in the sleep that we call deathHe sleepeth not, nor s l umbereth,r

Bu t sti ll sustain s the s ilent s oulUnti l t he shadows backward roll .



To know the touch ofmortal painA l l weakness 'past

,eadb fewer riven,

For earth the larger l i feof heaven :Sti ll let u s say the ancient wordsIn l ife, in death we are the Lord’s,”

And t ru st aail l to His love to keef), J

Who giveth to His own in sleep.

Evening I n tercessz'

ons . 7 6 .


_S bright temple in the skies,Nlgbt is pp

n ing slowlyLet our song l ike incense ri seFrom apries thood holy

Sacrecl flame,I n Chri st

’s name,In our censers laying,We come humbly praying .

2 . For our loved ones al l we prayThou

God, looking hither,

See’st the near and far awayIn one glance tbg ether

Seen by TheeThey andwe,

Both that One Eye tinder,

A t e not'

far asunder3. When the sai lor on the deep

Rests on ‘

his ru de pi l low,Rocked

’al itt le ,honr to sl eep :

Ou the heaving billowSave

'Lord, sa‘

veFrom st orm wave

Guide with gentle mot ionOl er the pathless ocean.

55° ? L HYMN S OE

Where the s ick l ie wearil y,

’ i 1 i

Tos s ing i n thei r sorrow; r

Would t hat it zwere morrovwl '

Oh ! repressSore d istress 1 1

Give them calms weet s leeping ,» I

I n theirnight of weeping. iv ,rJ,

5. Where t he tempted may have strayedInto scenes of danger



not vi rtuebe betrayetl t


,to defend her !

With strong arniShield from hatin


Or from the trial , rather,Keep them,

Holy Father

Where the peniten t has g one,To his cham ber weeping,Leave

,ah I leave him not al one,

Bitter vigil keepingBreathe, O Lord ,Some soft word


Al l that true peace speaking,His vex ed


heart i s seeking.

S tar lamps now are fil ledwi th fire;Heaven’s broad dome reveal ingLord

,we are a lowly chein, -


A t Thy threshold kneeling,'


Yet ou r song . d 1

Ev’n among 'Gf

Angels’ songs ascending,

Holds Thine ear attendi ng.


M t


HYMNS OF. Swift to i ts chose ebbs out l ife’5 l i ttl e day é p


Earth’s Joys grow dim,i ts glories pass away

Change and decay in al l around I see'

;' 1

0 Thou who changest not,ab1de with me I

I need Thy presence every pass ing hourWhat but Thy grace can foil the tempter’5 power .


Who like Thyselfmy guideand stay can be ?Through cloud and sunshine; 0 abide with me

4. I fear no foe,wi th Thee at hantl t o bl ess

I ll s have no weight,and tears no bit terness

Where i s death’s st ing? whe re, gvave,"aihy victory?I triumph sti ll , i f Thou abide wi th me .


5. Hold Then theC ross before my clos ing eyesShine throug h the g loomfland poi nt me to the

Heaven’smorning breaks,and earth’s vai n shadowsflee .I

I n l ife, i n death, 0 Lord , ab ide with me I

l .

n iz l at Evemngfizme. 7 .

OLY Father, cheer our way I

With .Thy love’s perpetual ,rayGrant u s every closing

Light at even ing- time. ,

2 . When youth’sbrig hthes s disappears,Heal our sorrows , calm our fearsGrant u s in ou r later years

Light at evening - time.”

Great Life - giver he Thou znig hl 1Wheh' in


mortal pain s we l ieJ"Grant os

,as we éome to die ,

t Lig ht at evening - t ime g


1 4. Then rejoicing more and more,We shal l see

,our troubles o’er,

Lig ht at mom'

mg - t im‘e. 171

8 .3t3. 6 .

ERE I sl eep,for every favour

This day showedBy my God ,

I wil l blessmy Saviour .

2 . O my Lord, what shal l I renderTo Thy Name,Still the same,

Gracious, good, and tender ?

3. Leave menot , but ever love meLet Thy peace e

Be my bliss,Till Thou hence remove me.

4. Vi sit me withThy salyat ionLet Thy caf eNowbe near

Round my habitation;

5. Thou,my rock, my ghard! ihy tower,Safelykeep,While I sleep


Me , with an Thy pewer'


6 . So,whene’er in


death I slumb‘er;


me ri seWith thewi se,

Counted in their number.

1! IHYtMNrS 0 ? A

748 .

3 1 L°



1 . H OW calml y theevening oncemore is descending,As kirhd as apmmis e, as s til l as aprayer ;

O wing of the Lord , in ~Thy shelter befriending,May we and our hou seholds continu e to share

2 . The sky, l ike the king dom'

of hea ,ven is open r} ?

0 enter, my soul , at the gloriou s gatesThe s ilenceand smi le of His love at e the token ,Who now for al l domed; invitingly wai ts .

3. We come to be sootheii‘

with His mercifu l heal ingThe dews of the night cnre the wounds of the day

We come, ou r life’s worth and its brevity feeling,With thanks for the '

pas t ; for the future we pray.

4. Lord,save u s from folly be withu s in



Sustain u s in work ti ll the timé'

of 0 1mrestWhen earth’s day zis oven, may heaven

s to -morrowDawn on u s , of homes long ex pected possessed.

T. T. Lync/z .

Evem f zg Pr




O GOD,whes e daylight leadeth down

I nto the sunless way,Who

,with Thy sweet repose, dOSt crown

The labou r of the day.

2 . Takeit , o Lotti, and make it cleanWith Thy forgiveness dear

That so the thing that m ight have been,To -morrow may appear.

3. And when my thought .15al l astray,Yet th ink Thou on in me ;

That with the new unsullied dayMy soul wake fresh and free.


Waken s lme tolwbrkI may rise ‘with joy and s ing 7“

God has tam ed my night to day.

S topf om’A B rooke.

. N OT one day alone shal l beGiven

,0 God of love

,to Thee

Work and rest al ike are ThineBrighten al l with love divine.

2 . Throug h the pass in g of theweek,Fath


er,we Thy presenceseek

’Midst this .world’s decei tfu l maz eKeep u s , Lord , in al l our ways .

0 what snares our path beset0 what cares ou r spiri ts fretL'et no earthly thing

,we pray


Drawour souls from Thee away.

4. Thou hast set ou r dai ly task ;Grace


and streng th from Thee weask ;Th6 u our joys and griefs dost sendToiThy will our spi rit s bend.

Still in du ty’5 lowly round, 1

Be our patient footsteps fou nd ; 1

With .Thy eou n sel guide as“

hereTil l 1n glory we appear. Ameh

. BEHQLD u s , Lord, a lit t le space,F1om dail y tasks set free,




And'met «within rThy holy place

.b 9 To rest awhilewvith Tihee .

1. 1

2 . Arou rid u s rolls the ceaseles s tideOf business

,toil , and care,

Ahd scarcely can We t'1ir11aside'

For onebrief h?“ of prayer. “


3. Yet these are not the on l y wall sWherein Thoumayst be sou ghtOh homel iest work Thy - bless ing fall sI n tru th and pat ience wrought.

4. Thine is the loom,the forg e,


the mart ,The weal th of land and sea

The worlds of scienceand of art ,Revealed and ruled by Thee .

5. Then let u s prove our heavenly bi rth,

In al l we do and knowAnd claim the kingdom of the earthFor Thee

,and not Thy foe.

6 . Workshall be prayer, if al l be wroughtAs Thou wouldst have it

done ;

And prayer, by Thee inspired and taught ,I tself with work be one.

E l lerton .

L .M .

THE 51111 i s gone, the long clouds breakAnd sink atl own his golden wake

Behold u s meg now; Work i s done,

To seek Thy grace.at '

eve ns ong t u .1

558." HYMNS OF

2 . Break to u s , dealer of man’s bread, a‘

Food fresh fromheaven 'as manna spread,Lest of the poi sonous fru its of deathEat the sad sou l ‘that hu n g ereth.

We wou ld not meagre gifts down - call ,When Thou dost yearn to yield 115al lBu t for thi s l ife, th is l i ttle hour,Ask al l Thy love and care

,and potver.

Show u s Thy pureness here; on earthm give u s birth .

I L15h or dare to wait

I n better worlds abetter state.

Bu t save u s now, and cleans e u s nowReceive each sou l , and hear its vow 1


My Father’s God,on Thee I cal l ,

Thou shal t be my God, and my Al l .”I

S darker, darker, fal l aroundThe shadows of the n ight ,

We gather here, wit h hymn and prayer,To seek the eternal Light . I

2 . Father in heaven, to Thee are knownOur many hopes and fears ,

Our heavy weight of mortal toil ,Our bittern ess of tears .

We pray Thee for al l abs ent fri ends,Who have been with u s here

And i n our secret heart we nameThe distant and the dear. I

560 3


N ig ht , s tafry- crowned, arise[Sb beatit ifn l may

-heaven beWhen li fe’s last su nbeam d ies.

THE radiant morn hath passed away,And spent too soon her golden store

The shadow’s of depart ing day S

Creep on once more .

2 . Our l ife i s bu t afading dawn ,I t s g lon ou s noon howqu ickly past - e

Lead u s, 0 Chri st, when al l i s gone,Safe home at last ;

Where light, and l ife, an d j oy,

and peaceI n undivided empire reign,

And thronging angels never ceaseTheir deathless s train

Where sain tsare clothed in spotless whi te,And evening shadows never fal lWhere Thou , E ternal Light of Light,

Art Lord of al l . Amen.

7 715 Heavenbt Gu es th I OS.

LORD,who by Thy presence ‘

has t made lightThe heat and burden of the toi lsome day,

Be with me al so in the s ilenvn ight ,Be with me when the daylight fades away.


2 . As Thou hast.

given me strength u pbn the way,

As Thou hast s hared t he lab’


s of the day; 1Sb al so Heigh to s hare and b less my rest. 1

3. How sad and cold, if Thod be absent , Lord; I

Theevening leaves me, and my heart howdead .

Bu t,if

‘Thy presence grace myhnnib le boarflfI seem with heavenlymanna to be feid .

4. Fraughtwith rich bies'smg , breath ing sweet repose,The calmof evenmg settles cin my

I f Thou bewith me when my labours close,’

No more is needed to complete my rest .‘

5. Come,then , 0 Lord , and deign to be my guest,

“After the day

’s confu s ion , toil, and din0 come to bring me peace

,and Joy, and rest,

‘‘0 8 ‘

To g ive salvation , and topardon lsinCC] . P.

- S;5ifla,




§ unbay é’timwing fipmns l 1 .


A IL, holyi'est ca'

lm herald’

of that day,Whe‘


h l l the toils off time shal l pahshwayFirst gift of God,


as l ife on earth begang‘


We welcome thee, O Sabbath made ‘

forman i

2. Lord of the Sabbath, l ift 0 111: heartThat inThy light we now mayal lBy Thee created , loved, redeemedIn Thee aloneis everlasting rest.

56 2 HYMNS on o


3. Now on the way to our eternal home , I . 3

To The e,true Sabbath of ou r souls

,we come

I n al l ou' t’

path,though countless mercies shine,

The glory and the brightnes s,Lord , are Thine.

4. I f in the cool of day we find Thee near,Thy voice awakes no dark foreboding f ear] ;We hear Thy s tep in every rus t l ing


bteeze, I

Thy shadow glances from the waving trees.

land enjoys her Sabbath s , Lord, and st il lThy peace on earth breathes sof t from val e tohi l l,Yet l ives the hope

,wherever man hath trod,

IA rest remaineth for the sons of God l

J I Wl l zamf f rom .


HA I I : sacred day of eart hly rest;Frbm toil and t rouble free

Hai l qu iet spi ri t,bringing peace

And joy. to me.

2 . A holyg s t il lihess , breathing calmé ,

On al l the world around ,Uplifts my sou l, 0 God, t o Thee,

Where rest i s fou nd.

I 3.“Al l earthlyt things appear to fadesAs ; r i s ing high and highbr,

1 fit .

'.The yearn ing voices - s trive to jo in 1

The heavenly choi r.

4. those, who sing with sai nt s below I‘

songs of heavenly love, (1

Shal l s ing, when songs onearth haye ceased,Withsaints above.

564 HYMNS pr“

And love so deep and fervent,That t ries to make it pure

I n His' dear presence findin g

The pardon that we needAnd then the peace so lastingCelest ial peace indeed

76 2. s e Consecrafed Day .

AGAIN ret urns the day of holy restWhich , when He made the world, Jehovah

blest,When , l ike His own, He bade our labours ceas e,And al l be pi ety

, and al l 5 A

2 . Let u s devote this' consecrated dayI"

To learn His wi ll,and al l we leam


fi beyL

In pure rel ig ion’s


hal lowed duties share,And j oi n in pen itence , and join in prayer.

3. 8 0 shall the God of mercy, pleased , feceiveThat on ly‘

t ribu te man has power to giveSo shall He hear, while fervently we rai seOur choral ham iony in hymns of prai se.

4. Father pg heaven, i n whom our hopes confide,Whose power defends u s , and whose


gu ide'


I n l ife our Guardian , and~i n death our Friend


Glory supreme be Thine, t il l , t ime shal l end .

DEAR ,hall owed, peaceful day !

With thee comes pu res t bl i ssA


Find we so fai r as thi s ? 6

2 . Like l ittle isles of'


Scattered through life’s rough seasA l l rou ncL‘ them beat the waves , storm- drivenAl l calm and st ill on these .

3. Sweet day of rest and calm,

With heavenly sunshine brightWhose very air i s heal ing balmTo those who use thee right

4. The worLd i s hushed the dinOf work - defy life i s oferThe weary sigh ts and sounds of s inDi stract the sense no more.

5. We hear the blessedword ,We bend the knees and pfayOh

,may our very souls be stirred

Tolisten and obey

6 . B lest days that help u s on

A long the heavenly roadSteps ever upward

,— one by one


I nto the res t '

of God

Day of

0 DAY to sweet religious thoughtSo wisely set apart


Back to the si lent strength of lifeHelp


,my wavering heart.

2 . Nor let the obtrusive lies of senseMy meditations draw

.From the composed, majesticrealmOf everlasting law.


1HYMNS 0 11 1

3. Break down whatever hindering shapesI see , or seem to see .re


And make my soul acquai nted withCelestial company.

Beyond the wintry waste of deathShine fields of heavenly l ight ;Let not thi s inc ident of timeAbsorb me fromtheir sight.

Hail , Hazy n /zx.

H A I L,holy Light 1 the ytéorld




lAs morning breaks and shadows fly ;

Al l nature blends her myriad voicesTo greet the

dayspring from on high.

2 . Break { 0 1th in glory far ex cell ing;0 Light eternal, Love divine !Let Thy bright beams

, al l'

shades dispel lmg ,

Around u s and with in u s shine.

The heavenly hosts fall down before Thee,And Holy cry, nor ever restThe sai n ts on earth with them adore Thee


Creator,Sav1our, Spi ri t bles t !

O God , ifwe could duly prai se Thee, V

Could we bu t‘

speak the l ove we see’As sweet a song as angels rai se TheeOur Sabbath morn ing hymn shou ld be.

5. Accept,O Father, we en treat iThee, ‘

The worship which Thy children tbring

Oh grant u s grace in' heaven to greet Thee,And with al l sain ts Thy love t to s ing .

t l i l r' 1 5’

d P. Parker .

'HY MNS OF £ 7

Rest which the weary know,Shade ?mid the noontide glow,Peace when} deep griefs o


Cheer u s thi s hour LJ

3. Come,Light serene end sti ll ,

Our inmost bos oms fil lI

Dwell in each breastWe


knowno dawn but ThineSend forth Thy beam s divi neOh


our dark souls to shineAxid thake u s blest .

4. Exalt our low desi resQuench reckless passion’s fires

Heal eve ry weu ndOur stubborn spirits bendThi s i cy coldness eridOur wayward steps amend


While heavenward bou nd.

Robert of France, tr. Ray Palmer .

O FATHER though the anx i ou s fearMay cloud to -morrqw’

s way,Nor fear nor doubt shal l enter hereA l l


al l beThine tp- day.

2 . We will not bring divided heart sTo worship at Thy shri ne

But each unholy thought departs,And l eaves the temple Thine.S l eep

,sleep to - day, tonmen t ing cares

Of earth and fpl lyport} ; JYe shall not dim the l ight that streamsFrom thi s ce les tial morn .


4. A t least until to - morrow waitKeep back your harsh control

To - day ye shall not desecrateThe sabbath of the soul.

A . L . Barbau ld .

joy in God.

O N this, the hol ies t and bestOf earth’s dim days —the dayof rest

0 ,let my happy port ion be

To find supreme delig ht in Thee,I n Thee

,my God, in Th

ee .

2 . These precious hours I would improveI n fervent prayer

,in sacred love ;

From earth’s distracting pleasures flee,To find my every joy in Thee


I n Thee, my God, in Thee .

When,humbly kneel ing at Thy throne


With deep distress my guilt I owrf ,0

,let my contri te spirit see

What boundless mercy dwells in TheeI n Thee

,my God, in Thee.

4. Thus on each day of holy rest,May I with heavenly joys be blestAnd in abrig ht eternityHavemy undying blis s in Thee,

I n Thee,my God , in Thee.

C .M .

O THOU who hast Thy servants taughtThat not by words alone


' HYMN S OFBut by t he fru i ts of ho l i nessThe life of God is shown l '

2 . While in Thy house of prayer we meet,

And call Thee God and Lord ,Give u s aheart to follow Thee


Obedient to Thy word .

When we our voices l ift in prai se,

Give Thou as grace to bringAn ofi


erin g of unfeigned thanks,And with the spi rit s ing .

4. And in the dang erous path of l if eUnhold u s as we g o,

That wi th our lips and i n ou r l ive sThy glory we may show.

7 725 B lessing; of Wors/zzp. L.M.D.

U R Father, God not face to face,May mortal sense commune with Thee,


l ift the cu rtains i

of that placeWhefe dwel l s Thy secret majesty


wheresoe’er ou r spi ri ts bend ,I n reyeren t faith and humble



Thyprom i sed bless ing wi ll descend ,And we shall find Thy Spi rit there.

2 . Lord 1 be the spot where now we meet,An open gateway into heaven ;

Here may wé‘

sit at Jesus’ feet ,And


feel our man y sins forgiven.Here may desponding care l ook iip,

And sorrow lay i ts bu rden down ,


S OV ERE IGN and transforming grace,We invoke Thy q u ick’n ing power ;

Reign the spi rit of th i s place,Bless the purpose of thi s hour.

2 . Holy and c reat ive LightWe invoke Thy kindling ray

Dawn upon our spiri ts’ night,


ou r darkness into day.

3. To the anx iou s soul impartHope al l other hopes above

Stir the dull and hardened heartWith a longing and a love. .

4. Give the struggling peace for stri fe,

Give the doubting light for gloomSpeed the liv ing into life


Warn the dying of their doom.

Work in al l i n al l renewDay by day the life divine

A l l our wi ll s to Thee subdue ,Al l ou r hearts to Thee incl ine.

TIze Hou se of Wors/z z'


U NTO Thy temple, Lord , we comeW ith thankful hearts to worshi p Thee

And pray that th i s may be our homeUnti l we touch eternity :

2 . The common home of rich and poor,Of bond and free, and great and smallLarge as Thy love for evermore,And warm and bright and good to al l .


3. And dwell Thou with u s in this place ,Thou and Thy Chri st , to gu ide and bless

‘1 ' Here make the w‘ell - spring s of Thy g race

Like fountains in the wilderness .

4. May Thy whole tr‘

pthbe spoken hereT—

hygospel light for ever shine 5Thy perfect love cast o

'u't al l fear,

And hfiman life become'


Sabéat/z s mn .

WE meet again this Sabbathday,Our prai se and

And,as we calml y sing and pray



Ou r m inds to'

Heaven ascend .

2 . With thoughts of God and hopesofHeaven ,.An d with fai th’s mystic ’sight,We gaze;as though the 'veil were riven


I nto yon world of light.

And when we leave this hallowed fan eAnd to our homes retu rn ,There may we prove t hat not in vainOur hearts within os burn .

Resulting from Ou r fiiety,As here we pray and s ing,

Home and i ts loved societyWith holier blessings



Towork an d fires ide g o'

we back,The better for our prayer


And strive that home shal l n ever lackLove’s sweet ambrosial air.


HOU g ivest Thy res t, 0 Lord z s the: din i sst i lled

Of man’s unquiet. careA sacred calm, wit

'h Thy deep presence filled,Breathes through the s i lent air.

1 d I'

2 O leave u s not,through long and darkenegl hours ,

I n night of woe and s in,

Bu t pour Thy day with al l i ts radiant powers,Upon the world within.

Purge from our hearts the stai ns so deep and foul

g (wrath and pride an d care 3. o‘


Send Tliine own holy calm upon the souhAnd bid it settle there.


4. Banish thi s craving self, that still has soughtLord of the soul to be j H

Teach u s to tu rn to fellowin en bil ii Lthou ghtTeach u s to turn to Thee. I

Teach u s to love Thy creatu res great ancIlsmall


To l ive as mThine eye,


Thou who has t freelygiven Thy love to al l ,Thou who to‘

al l art nig h;

H A I L to the sacredThe day divinely g ivei‘ry


When mén to God thei r homag e piety


And earth draws near to heaven . 0

2 . Lord , i n thi s sacred hour, 1

Within Thy courts we bend 1A

And bless Thy love, and own Thybower,- 0 hr Father and our Friend .


6 . My l ifted eye , withou t a tear,The lowering storm shal l See ;

My steadfast heart shall know no.fear ;

That heart wi ll rest on Thee. .Helen M . Wil l iam .

Tl ze B eau g f of f l u Lord: C.M.

N OW l et il s see Thy beauty, Lord,As we have seen before ;

And by Thy beauty qui cken u'sTo love Thee and adore.

2 .

’Tis easy,when with simple m ind

Thy lovelines s we see,

To con secrate ourselves afreshTo duty and to Thee.

3Ou r every feverish mood 13 cool ed,aAnd gone i s every load ,When we can lose the l ove of self,And find the love of God.


’Tis by Thy lovel iness.

we’re wonTo home and Thee agai n ,

And as we are Thy children tm‘e,

We are mo re t ruly men .


5. Lord , i t i s comin'


toourselves 3’ ‘fi‘

When thus we come to Thee'


The bondage '

of Thy Ioveli nessI S perfect

' l iberty.

6 . So nowwe come to ask ag ai ng .

What Thou hast p f ten given, 1.

The vision of that l ovel inessWhich is the l ife of heayen .

§ unhag fi bmini3g innin g .

Evcnmg Prayer .

I 1

ARK the evening cal l toprayerlLay we down each earthly care


Still we every anx ious fear,Owning thus that God i s here.

2 . Father from our heart s removeEvery veil that hides Thy laveHere the spiri t’s eye unsealHere Thy glory now reveal.Lord

,in whom our spirits l ive

Thou dost heavenly guidan ce g iveAs a shepherd, leading stil lHearts subm i ssive to Thy will.Quiet every pas sion wi ldSpeak

,as to Thy prophet - child

Grant u s child - l ike hearts, that we

May be wil l ing, Lord, as he.

Send u s holy calm withinCleanse u s from the stains of s inBe each heart asacred shrine,Sti ll and pure

,an d wholly Thine.

6 . Kindle,Lord

,the altar fire


May the holy flame aspireThoughts of love and contri te sighsBe our Vesper sacrifice.

Evening Prayer. 75. 6 l in es.

H BAVENLY Father, by whos e careComes agai n this hour of prayer !

I n the evening stillness weGrateful raise our hearts to TheeTo our spiri ts, as we bend ,Peace and holy comfort send .

2 . Gladly we Thy presence seekFather l to our spirits speak

2 o


Cal l u s from theworld awayStill ou r pass ion’s restless play ;On ou r inner darkness shineBend our wayward wi l ls to Thine.

I n thi s quiet eventideMay our souls with Thee abide,Own Thy presence

,feel Thy power,

Throug h thi s con secrated hourAnd from peaceful vesper- prayerPurer, stronger spi ri ts bear .

Eveil ing [101mm

I T i s the hour of prayerDraw near and bend the knee


And fil l the calm and holy airWith voi ce of melody l

O’erwearied with the heatAnd burden of the day,Now let u s rest ou r wandering feet


And gather here to pray.

2 . The dark and deadly blightThat walks at noontide hour


The m idn ight arrow’s secret fl ight

O ’er us have bad°

no powerBut sm i les from loving eyes

‘Have beenaround ourway,And lips on which abless ing l ies


Have bidden u s to pray.

O blessed i s the hourThat l ifts our heart s on high

S.M .D.

' fi

Like sunlight when the tempests lower,

Prayer to the soul i s nig h“


580 HYMNS or2 . An inner light, an inner calm,

Have they who trust God’s m ighty arm,

And hearing do His willFor things are not as they appear,I n death i s l ife, in trouble cheer,So fai th is conqueror s ti ll .

3. Thus would we l ive and therefore prayFor strength renewed

,that we may say,

Our life i t upward tendsI f we who s ing must sometimes sigh


Yet life,beginning with acry,

In hal lelujah ends .T. T. Lyndz .

God in [ 1129 Tample.

GOD i s i n His holy templeEarthly thoughts be si lent now


While with reverence we assemble,

And before His presence bow.

He i s with u s now and ever,

When we call upon His name,

A iding every good endeavour,

Guiding every upward aim.

2 . God i s in His holy temple,

In the pure and holy m ind ;I n the reverent heart and s impleI n the soul from sen se refined

Then let every low emotionBanished far and silent be,

And our souls in pure devotion,

Lord , be temples worthy Thee .


L IGHT of l i fe,0 Saviou r dear,

Before we sleep bowdown Thine earThrough dark and day, o

’er land and sea,

We have no other hope but Thee.2 . Oft from Thy royal road we part


Lost in the mazes of the heartOur lamps put out

,our course forgot


We seek for God,and find Him not.

3. What sudden sunbeams cheer our sightWhat dawning risen upon the nightThou g iv’s t Thyself to u s , and weFind guide and path and al l in Thee.

4. Through day and darkness, Saviour dear,Abide with u s , more nearly near,Till on Thy face we l ift our eyes


The Sun of God’s own Paradise.

5. Prai se God, our Maker and our F riendPraise Him,

through time,til l time shal l end


Till psalm and song His name adore,

Through heaven’s great day of Evermore

Evening fi fymn .

A T even,ere the sun was set


The sick,O Lord, around Thee lay

O,in what divers pain s they metO

, wi th what joy they went away I2 . Once more ’ti s eventide

,and we


Oppres s’d with various ills

,draw near

What if Thy form we cannot see ?We know and feel that Thou art here.

582 HYMNS 0 1? v0 Saviour Chris t

,our woes di spel

For some are s ick,and some are sad


And some have heif er loved Thee well,

And some have lost the love they had

And some have found the .world 15 va1n,

Yet from the world they break not freeAnd some have friends who give them pain


Yet havenot sought afriend in Thee ;

And none,0 Lord

,have perfect rest


For none are wholly free from sinAnd they who fai n would serve Thee best


Are conscious most of wrong within.

6 . O Saviour Christ, Thou too art Man ;Thou has t been troubled



Thy kind but searching glance can scanThe very wounds that shame would hide

7 . Tby touch has still i ts ancient powerNo word from Thee can fru itless fall

Hear, i n thi s. solemn evening hour,And in Thy mercy heal u s al l .

Even ing Hymn .

ATHER supreme Thou high and holy One,

To Thee we bowNow,

when the service of the day i s done,Devoutly now.

2 . From ag e to ag e unchanging, stil l the sameAl l good Thou art

Hal lowed for ever be Thy holy nameI n every heart 1 1


4. Grant u s Thy fieace throughout our earthly l ife,Our balm i n sorrow

,and our stay in strife

Then,when Thy voice


shall bid ou r conflict ceas e,Call u s

,0 Lord , to Thine eternal peace .


N OW ,on land and seadescending,

Brings the night i ts peace profoundLet our vesper- hymn be blendingWith the holy calm around .

Soon as dies the sunset glory,

Stars of heaven shine out above,

Tell ing sti l l the anc ient storyThei r Creator’s chan geless love.

2 . Now, our wants and burdens leavingTo His care

,who cares for al l


Cease we fearing,cease we grieving


A t His touch our burdens fall .As the darkness deepens o’er u s


Lo,eternal stars ari se

Hope and Fai th and Love ri se glori ous,

Shining in the Spirit’s skies .


ng f lymn .

O UR day of prai se i s doneThe even ing shadows fall

But pass not from u s with the sun,

True Light that l ig htenes t al l I2 . Around the throne on high


Where night can never be,

The white - robed harpers of the skyBring ceaseless hymns to Thee.


Too faint our anthems here ;Too soon of prai se we tire

Bu t O,the strains how full and clear

Of that eternal choir !

4. Yet,Lord

,to Thy dear will


If Thou attu ne the heart ,We in Thine angels’ '

music stillMay hear our lower part .

Tis Thine each soul to cal m,

Each wayward thought reclaim,

And make our life adai ly psalmOf glory to Thy Name.

6 . A l ittle while,and then

Shal l come the glorious endAnd songs of angels and of men

I n perfect praise shall blend .

1 . E l l erton .

Close of Even ing Prayer .

T HE day Thou gavest, Lord, i s ended,The darkness falls at Thy behest

To Thee our morning hymns ascended,Thy prai se shal l hallow now our rest .

2 . We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleeping,

While earth rolls onward into light,

Through al l the world her watch i s keeping,

And rests not now by day nor night.

As o’er each continent and i slandThe dawn leads on another day,


The voice of prayer is never s i len t,Nor dies the strain of praise away.

1 ( 1tA D

The sun,that bids u s rest, is wakwiOur brethren ’neath the western s y,

And hour by hour fresh hearts aremakingThy wondrous doing s heard on high .

5. So be it,Lord Thy throne shall never,

Like earth’s proud empires , pass awayBu t stand and ru le, and


grow for'


Till al l Thy children own Thysway.

E l l erton .

Close of Hob} Day .

N OW that our holy day i s done,Our day so blest and bright,

Lord,through the grace of Thy dear

Vouchsafe u s rest to - night.

2 . Put thoughts of worldly strife aside,Let love and fai th increase

Grant u s , on th is calm eventide,Thine own best gift of peace.

3. Faint echoes of our sacred songsShall haunt each weary brain,Even in sleep the heart prolong sOur holy Sabbath strai n.

And in our busy waking hours,0 Father

,sti l l we pray,

Let mu s i c from immortal bowersLight en the toils of day.


5. The cloudsare round u s ,and the snowdrift'

s thi cken0 Thou

,dear Shepherd

,leave u s not to sicken

I n the waste n ight, our tardy footsteps quickenA t even ing bring u s home.

I . Skel torz .

Even ing Hymn . 75. D.

HE day i s done, the sacred day of thought andtoil i s pas t,

Soft fal ls the twil ight cool and grey on the tiredearth at las t

By wises t teachers wearied, by gentlest friends oppressed


I n Thee al one,the soul outworn

,refreshment finds

and rest.

2 . Bend,


graciou s Spirit, from above,l ike these o’erJ

arching skies,

And to Thy firmamen t of Love lift up these longingeyes ;

And folded by Thy sheltering Hand,in refuge st ill

and deep,Let blessed thoughts from Thee des cend

,as drop

the dews of sleep .

3. And when refreshed, the soul once more puts on newlife and power


0 let Thine image, Lord, alone gild the firs t wakinghour !

Let that dear Presence dawn and glow fai rer thanmorn’s firs t ray,

And Thy pu re radiance overflowthe splendour of

the day.


4. So in the hastening even, so in the coming morn ,

When deeper slumber shal l be given and fresher lifebe born,

Shine out true Light ! to guide my way am id thatdeepening gloom


And ri se,0 Morning Star, the firs t that day- spring

to illume

5. I cannot dread the darkness,where Thou wilt watcho’er me,

I smi le to greet the sunri se, because Thy smi le Isee ;

Creator, Saviour, Comforter ! on Thee my soul iscast

At morn , at night, in earth, i n heaven, be Thou myFirs t an d Last.

Su nday Evening Hymn . 8.

THE day of prayer i s ending,Our feet must homeward g o

The shades of night as cendingCreep o’er the world below

Bu t still the mountain - summits fairGlow with the light of praise and prayer.

2 . Here in green pastures guiding,Thou


,did’st lead Thy flock

Here from l ife’s noon - day hiding,We found the cooling rock

Bu t now we leave the hills of prai seTo tread again earth’s common Ways .

3. To life’s du l l path returning,

And duty’s narrow sphere,


The vis ion witnessed hereSti ll may Tby spell of peace and powerBreathe strength for every toilsome hour .

E . S . Armitag z .

A Song of Tru s t .

0 LOVE D ivi ne,of al l that i s

The sweetes t sti l l and best,

Fai n would I come and rest to - nightUpon Thy tender breast.

2 . As t ired of s in as any childWas ever tired of play,When evening hush has folded inThe noises of the day.

I pray Thee , tu rn me not awayFor

,s inful though I be,

Thou knowest every thing I need,

And al l my need of Thee .

And yet the spi ri t in my heartSays

,Wherefore should I pray

That Thou shouldst seek me with Thy love,Since Thou dost seek alway ?

And dost not even wai t untilI urge my steps to Thee

But in the darkness of my l ifeArt com ing stil l to me.

I pray not, then , because I would ;I pray because I must

There i s no meaning in my prayer,But thankfulness an d tru st.


3. Part in peace such are the praisesGod

,our Maker, loveth best ;

Such the worship that uprai sesHuman hearts to heavenly rest.

4 Part in peace our du ties call u s ;We must serve as well as prai se

Ask not what may here befal l u sLeave to God the coming days. 5. F . A dams.

Ou r Closing Psalm. L .M .

OW while we s ing our closing psalm,

With reverent l ips and glowing heart,

May peace from out th’ eternal calm

Rest on our spiri ts as we part.2 . May l ight, to guide u s every hour,From Thee

,E ternal Sun

,descend ;

An d st rength from Thee, Almighty Power,Be with u s now, and to the end S . Léng f el low.

fi lm § caz ons of the £3317.

A t t/ze Parting of 1716 Ways .

BACKWARD looking o’er the past,


,with eager gaze,

Stand we here to - day, O God ,At the parting of the ways .

2 . Tenderest thoughts our bosoms fil lMemories al l bright and fai r

Seem t o float on spirit - wing sD ownward through the s ilent air.

3. Hark ! through al l their musi c sweet ,Hear you not avoi ce of cheer ?

’Tis the voice of Hope which si ngs,

Happy be the com ing year 1”


. 4. Father,comes that voice fromThee 8 0 8

Swells i t with Thy meaning valsh7Good in al l the future stored, 1Good evolv

ed from al l thepast“


HE year is gon e, beyond recal l, 1W ithal l i ts

.hopes and fears;With al l i ts bright an d g laddening smiles,With al l its mourners’ tears .

2 . Thy thankful people prai seThee, Lord,For countles s gifts received;

And pray for grace to keep thJe - faithWhich saints of old el ieved .

To Thee We come,0 gracious Lord,

The new - born'

year to blessDefend ou r land from pestilence,Give peace and ‘

pl eiiteou snes s .

l . .

Forgive this nation’s many sins ,The


growth of vice restrain ,And help u s



l with sin to stri‘


IAnd crowns of l i fe to gain .

From evil deeds tbat s tain the pastWe nowdesire to flee

And pray that future years may -al lBe spent, good Lord, for Thee.

6 . 0 Father, let Thy watchful eye ‘

Still look on u s in love;That we may praise Thee, year by year,As angel 's tl o above .

Meau x Braviam', t it. R2 P




ren of Me Day . C.M.D.

THE old year’s long campaign i s o’er,Behold a


new begunNot yet i s closed the holy war,Not yet the triumph won .

Not yet the end,not yet repose

We hear ou r Captai n sa'


Go forth agai n to meet your foes,Ye children of the day.

2 . Go forth,firm fai th on every heart,

Bright hope on every helmThrough that shal l pierce no fiery dart,And thi s no fear o’erwhelm.

Go i n the Spi ri t and the mightOf Him who led the way

Close with the legions of the night,

Ye chi ldren of the day.

3. So forth we g o to meet the strife,We will not fear nor flyWe love the holy warri or’s l ife,His death we hope to d ie.

We slumber not,that charge in view


Toil on while toi l ye may,Then night shal l be no night to you


Ye children of the day.

4 Lord God the High and Holy One,Thine own su stain, defend

And give,though dim this earthly sun ,

Thy true light to the endTil l morn ing tread the darkness down ,And night be swept away,

And infin ite, sweet triumph crownThe children of the day.

596 HYMNS 0_



Ring out the gr i ef that saps the m i nd ,For those that here we see no moreRing out the feud of ri ch and poor,Ring in redress to al l mankind.

4. Ring ou t a slowly dying cause,Andanc ient forms of party strife,Ring in the nobler modes of l ife,

With sweeter manners , purer laws:

Ring out fal se pride in place and blood,The civi c slander and the spite

Ring in the love of truth and right,Ring in the common love of good”

Ring Ou t old shapes of foul di seasetRing out the narrowing lust of goldRing out the thousand wars of old,Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Rin g in the valiant man and free,The larger heart, the kindlier handRing out the darkness of the land,Ring in the Chris t that i s to be.

A not/zer Year.

‘NZE LCOME from God, 0 gladThy paths al l yet u ntrod,

But prophecy and prom1se, al l

0 glad new - year of God I

2 . Another year of setting suns ,Of s tars by night reveal ed,

Of spri nging grass,of tender buds

By win ter’s snow concealed.


3. Another year of summer’s glow,

Of autumn’s gold and brown,Of waving fields, and ruddy fru i tThe branches weighing down .

Another year of happy work,That better i s than play

Of simple cares , and love that growsMore sweet from day to day.

Another year of baby mi rth,And Childhood’s blessed ways

Of thinker’s thought, and prophet’s dream,

And poet’s tender lays .

6 . Another year at beauty’s feast,

At every moment spread ;Of silent hours when grow distinctThe voices of the dead .

Another year to follow hardWhere better sou ls have trod

An other year of life’s delightAnother year of God 1

Anotfier Year.

ANOTHER year is dawning ;Dear Master, let i t be,

I n working or in wai ting,

A nother year wi th Thee !

2 . Another year 'of mercies,

Of faithf uln ess and grace ;Another year of gladnessIn the shining of Thyface.


Another year of progress,Another year of prai se


Another year of provingThy pres ence al l the days.

Another year of servi ce,

Of witness for Thy loveAnother year of train ingFor hol ier work above.

Another year i s dawning ;Dear Master

,let i t be


On earth , or else in heaven ,Another year for Thee


REAK , new - born year,on glad eyes


Melodious voi ces moveOn , roll in g Time thou canst not makeThe Father cease to love.

2 . The parted year had winged feetThe Saviour sti l l doth stayThe New Year comes bu t, Spiri t sweet,Thou goest not away.

Our hearts in tears may oft run o’erBut


,Thy smi le st ill beams

Our sins are swell ing evermoreBut pardoning grace sti ll s treams ,

4. Lord from this year more servi ce win,More glory

,more delight

0 make its hours less sad with sin,I ts days wi th Thee more bright !


Each day, each year, prolong s the chainWhere pleasure al ternates with pain .

2 . N ewprecious '

ob‘l igations come,New sanctities of love and home,New tender hopes

,new anx i ous fears


And sweet experiences of tears .Old tastes are lost, old thoughts grow s trahg e,Old l ongings gradually change


Old faiths seem no more cl ear or true,

Lost i n the full l ight of the new.

4. Though much be taken , much i s left,Not al l forsaken nor bereftFrom change on change we come to rest


And the las t moment is the best.

Tl ze Glory of til e Spr mg .

THE glory of the Spring how sweetThe new - born life how glad I

What joy the happy earth to greet,In new, bright raiment clad

2 . Divine Renewer, Thee I bles sI greet Thy going forth

I love Thee in the lovel ines sb I



renewed earthf

3. But 0 ,thesewonders of Thy grace,

.These nobler works of Thine ,These marvels sweeter far to trace,These new - bi rths more divine

4.These sinful souls Thou hal lowes t ,These hearts Thou makest new,

These mou rning sou l s by Thee made blest,-1I ' These fai thl es s hearts made t ru e


5. This new - born glow of fai th so strong,This bloom of love so fair


This new ‘ born ecs tasy of song,And fragrancy of prayer I

6 . Still let new l ife and strength upspring,Still let new joy be given ;

And gran t the gl ad,new song to ring

Through the new eaithand heaven T. H . Gi l l .


THE spring - tide hourB rings leaf and flower,

With songs of life and loveAnd man y a layWears out the day

In many a leafy gr‘ove.Bird


,and tree,

Seem to agreeTheir choicest gifts to bringBu t thi s poor heartBears not its part


In i t there i s no spring.Dews fall apace,The dews of grace


Upon this soul of s in ;An d love divineDelights to ShineUpon the waste within.Yet , year by year,Fruits , flowers , appear,

And birds their praises singBu t this poor heartBears not its part,

I t s winter has no spring.

6 0 2 HYMN S OF 1

B . Mome/l .

L IFE that makest al l thing s new,The bloom ing earth

,the thoughts ofmen ,

Our pilgrim fee t,wet with Thy dew,

I n gladness h i ther turn again

2 . From hand to hand the greeting flows ,From eye to eye the signal s run


From heart to heart the bright hope giows ,The lovers of the Light are one.

One in the freedom of the Truth,

One in the joy of paths untrod,One in the soul’s perennial youth


One in the larger thought of God.

The freer step, the fuller breath,The wide horizon’s grander view


The sense of l ife that knows no death ,The Life that maketh al l things new

Lord let Thy love,

Fresh from above,

Soft as the south wind blow,Cal l fo rth i ts bloom,

Wake its perfum e,

And bid its spices flow.

And when Thy voiceMakes earth rejoice

And the hi ll s laugh and s ingLord

,make thi s heart,

To bear i ts part,

And j oin the prai se of spring.

6 0 4 HYMN S OF

8 15. Summer L tlgizt . 1 15.

I . UMMER suns are glowing over land and sea;Happy light is flowin g bountiful and free.

2 . Everything rejoi ces in the mellow rays,A l l earth’s thou sand voices swell the psalm of prai se .

3. God’s free mercy s treameth over al l the world,And His banner g leameth everywhere unfurled .

4. Broad and deep and gloriou s as the heaven above,Shines in m ight victoriou s His eternal love.

5. Lord,upon our bl indness Thy pure radiance pour


For Thy loving kindness make u s love Thee more.

6 . And when clouds are drifting dark across our sky,

Then,the ve i l upl ift ing

,Father, be Thou nigh .

7 . We will never dou t hee, thou g hThou veil Thyl ig ht ;

Life i s darkwithout Thee ; death with Thee i s bright.8. Ligh t of light ! shine o’er u s on ou r pilgrim way,Go Thou still before u s to the endless day.

For a F lower Service.~ PA INTER of the fru i ts and flowers ,We own Thy wise designs,

Whereby these human hands of ou rsMay share the works of Thine

Apart from Thee, we plant in vainThe root

,and sow the seed

Thy early and Thy latter rain,

Thy s u n and dew we need.Our toi l i s sweet with thankful nes s,Our burden i s our boon

The curse of earth’s grey morn ing i sThe blessing of i ts noon .


Why search the wide world everywhere,i

For Eden’s unknown groundThat garden of the primal pairMay never more be fou nd.

5. Bu t , blest by Thee, our patient toilMay right the ancient wrong,

And give to every cl ime and soilThe beauty lost so long.

6 . I t s earl iest shrmes the young world sought,I n hill - groves, and in bowersThe fit test ofl’

ering s th ither brought,Were Thy own fruits and flowers.

7 . And st il l with reverent hands we cullThy gif ts

,each year ren ewed ;

The good is always beautiful,,The beau t iful i s g ood. I . G. Whit t ier.


NGE mate the l iberal year laughs outO

’er richer stores than gems of gold ;Once more; with harvest - song and shout,I s Nature’s bloodless triumph tol d.

2 . O favours every year made new IO blessings with the sunshine sent !The bounty overruns our due


The fulness shames our discontent.We shut our eyes

,the flowers bl oom on

We murmur, but the corn - ears fi llWe choose the shadow

,but the sun

That casts it , shines behind u s stil l .Now let these altars

,wreathed with flowers

And plied with fruits, awake again

Thanksgiving for the golden hours,


The early and the latter rain j. G. Whit tier.


N OW sing we a song for the harves tThanksgiving and honour and brai se,

For al l that the bountifu l GiverHath given to gladden our days I

2 . For grasses of upland and lowland,

For fru its of the garden and field,For gol d which the mi ne and the prai rieTo delver an d husbandman yield I

And thanks for the harvest of beauty,For that which the hands cannot hold ;The harvest eyes only can gather


And only our heart s can enfold I

4. We


reap i t on mountai n and moorlandWe glean i t from meadow and lea

We garner it in from the cloudlandWe bind i t in sheaves from the sea.

But now we sing deeper and higher,

Of harvests that eye cannot see ;They ripen on mountai ns of duty,Are reaped by the brave and the free

6 . And these have been gathered and garnered ,Some golden with honour and gain


And some,as with heart’s - blood, are ruddy,

The harvests of sorrow and pai n.

0 Thou,who art Lord of the harvest,

The Giver who gladdens our days ,Our hearts are forever repeat ingThanksgiving and honour and prai se I

IV . C. Gannet t .

6 0 8 HYMN S OF

O LORD of heaven , an d ea ahd sea,ToThee al l prai se and g

Howshal l we show our l ove to T cc,

Who givest al l ?

2 . The golden sunshine,vernal air



1 t

Sweet flowers and fru i t, l loye declareWhen harvests ripen

,Thou art '


Who g ives t al l.

3. For peaceful homes,an d heal thful days,

For al l the blessings earth displaysWe owe Thee thankfulness and prai se,

W 116 g ivesi al l .

4. For souls redeemed , for , siu s forgiven,For means of grace and hopes of heavenFather

,what can to Thee be given,Who g ives t al l ?

5. We lose what on ourselves we'

spendWe have as treasure wi thout end,Whatever

,Lord , to Thee we IendjWho gives t al l .

6 . Whatever,Lord

,we lend Thee


Repai d a thou san dfold'

wil l beThen gladly wi l l we give to Thee


Who givest al l

7. To Thee , from whom we'

al l receiveOur l ife

,our gifts

,our power to give.

0 may we ever with Thee I'

rve, ,

VVho givest al l.5

C. l Vord'



LORD of the harvest, i t is right .‘

nemeetThat we shou l d lay oblat ions at Thy feet ,With joyful A ll eluiaI

2 . Sweet i s the praise that foll ows toldand prayerSweet is the worship that with heavenwe share,

Who sing the Al leluial

3. We toiled and prayed, and Thou hast heard on

Hast cheered our hearts and changed ou r suppliant cry

To fes tal Allelu iaI

4. So sing we now in tune with that great song,That al l the ag e of ages shall prolong,

The endless A l leluia I '

5. To Thee,O Lord of harvest

,who hast heard


And to Thy white - robed reapers given the word ,We sing ou r Allel uiaI

6 . O Christ, who in the wide world’s fallow leaHast sown in blood the precious seed, to Thee

We sing our AlleluiaI

7 . ToThee,O Holy Ghost

,whose gracious rain

And l iving breath hath fed the sacred grain,We sing ourAllelu iaI

8. Yea, west and east the harvest men


wen t forthWe come ”has sounded to the south and north .

Atmorn sing A llelu iaIl

9. I n fields of home,in nel ds far far away,

Toilers for Jesus hail the goldenday.


A t noon s in g Al leluiaI2 Q


The winds of God have blown with l iving breHis dews have fallen on the ‘plains of death .

A t eve sing Allelu iaI

Tea, forsweet hope'

f u lfil led,new hope begun


S ing A llelu ia to the Almighty One,

Adoring Al lelu ia!

Glory to God I the Church in pat ience'

cries ;

Glory to God I the Church in bl is s repl ies,With endless Al leluia!

Samuel 1 . S tone.

Harves t .

W E plough the fiel ds , and scatterThe good seed on the land

But it i s fed an d watered'

By God’s alm ighty hand

He sends the snow in winter,Thewarm th to swell the grain,The breezes and the sunshine,Andl s


of t refreshing rain .

Al l good gifts around us .

Are sent from heaven above ,Then thank the Lord, 0 thank the .Lord,

For al l His love I

2 . He on ly i s the Maker e .

Of al l things near and far. . Be paints the Wayiide flower,

He l ig ht s the evening starThe winds and wayes obeyHim,

ByTI im thebi rds are fedMuch'

more to u si s chi ldHe gives outlhail y bread.

6 i § HYMN S OF I”

5. O,by each mercy4 sen t u s ,And by each grief and pain

By blessings l ike the sunshine,And sorrows like the rai n


6 . Our barren hearts r'nake frui tful,Wi th every g oodly g race, l I

That we Thy name may hallow,And see at las t Thy face.

A id‘zm m. L .M .


O GOD I i n Thy autumnal skiesThy dying woodlands glow and flame

And wheresoe’er we turn ou r eyes

All -

conquering Life ! we trace Thy name .

2 . I3rig ht emblem of that tranquil fai thWhose even ing beams Good morrow give


Each leaf, transfig u red, mutely sai th,

“A s dying, and, behold I we live.”

3. God of the l iving,— not the dead .


Like autumn l eaveswe fade and fleeYet reigns eternal spring 0 ’erliead,Where sou l s for ever l ive to Thee. .

Close of Harves t F estival .

GREAT God, whose presence stil l abidesWhere’er Thy children be,Give to our wayward hearts to restNow, evermore, i n Thee .


2 . Then not in vain,O Lord of life


Our prayers and hymns to - dayThe g lednes s of our harvest songShall cheer our onward way.

mm ! AND hi FE.

“ J 3. And though the winter foll ow fas tOn autumn’s fadin g glow,

Thy ne’vér- dying love wil l shine P

Where al l ‘


e labb u rs of Thy sain tsMake one

g reat .harves t


My soul its vows would pay;He leads the floweryseasons on,


And gives the sto rm its way.

The winds ‘

ru n backward to their cavesA t His divine command,

And the great deep He folds withinThe holl ow - of His han d .

He clothes the grass, He makes the roseTo wear her rich attire

The moon'

He gives her pati ent grace,And al l the stars thei r fire.

4. He heat s the hungry raven’s cry,,And sends her young their food,

And through our evil intimatesHis purposes of g ood.

He stretches out the north, H e bindsThe tempest in His careThe mountains cannot strike their roots80 deep He is not there.

6 . Hid in the garmen t of His works ,We f eel His presence still

With u s, and throug h u s fashion ingThe mystery of His will.

6 14 HYMN S OF

T I S winter now the fallen snowHas left the heavens al l coldly clear

Through leafles s boughs the sharp wind blows,And al l the earth l ies dead and drear.

2 . And yet Thy love i s notwi thdrawnThy life within the keen air breathes ,Thy beauty pai nts the crimson dawn


And clothes the boughs with g l it t’ring wreaths.

And though abroad the sharp wind blow,

And skies are chi ll,and frosts are keen,

Home clo ser draws her ci rcle now,And warmer glows her l ight within.

4. O God, who g iv’

s t the winter’s col dAs well as summer’s joyou s rays,Still warm ly in Thine arms enfold,And keep u s through life’s wintry days I

T/ze C/zang z'

ng Seasons . D.

LORD of the s ilen t'

win terfBeneath whose skies of gray,

The frost - bound fields lie cheerless,Bu t wai t abrighter day

I f human hearts are dreary,Bym i st s of sorrow chi lled,

Give patience to the weary,Till they with peace be fil led I

2 . Lord of the joyou s spri ng - t ime,When leaves and buds appear,

And lengthening days of beautyRenew the softened y ear


Al l His year of wonder don e I/

2 . Prai se Him for His bu dding green,Apri l’s resu rrec tion - scenePrai se Him for His sh ining hou rs,S tarring 21

711 the land.


flowers I

Prai seHim f or His summer rain.Feeding

,day and night,


the grainPrai se Him for His‘ t iny seed,Holding al l His World shall need !

4. Praise Him for His garden root,Meadow grass arid orchard fru i tP raise for hills and val leys broad ,Each the tabl e of the Lord !

Prai se Him now for snowy rest,

Fall ing soft on Nature’s breas t ;Prai se for happy dreams of bi rth


Brooding in the qu iet earth !

6 . For His year of wonder done,

Praise to the Al l - Glorious One IHearts, bow down and .voices, singPrais e and love and thanksgiving !

Anot/zer Year.

F OR Thy mercy an d Thy grace,Constant through another year


Hear our song of thanld'

u lneSS, 1Father, and Redeemer, hear I



I n‘ the pathless wilderness .

Be ou r true and living Way.

3. Who of u s death’s awful roadIn the com ing year shall treadWith Thy rod and staff, 0 God,Comfort Thou his dying bed ,

4. Keep u s fai thful , keep u s pure ,Keep u s evermore Thine own

Help , 0 help u s to endureFit u s for the promis ed crown .

fl ankf u lness .

GREAT God, we s ing that mig hty hand,By which supported s till we stand

The opening year Thy mercy shows, 1

That mercy crowns it t ill it close.

By day, by'night

,at home


Still are we guarded by our GodBy His incessant bounty fed,By His un


erring counsel led.

W i th grateful hearts the past we ownThe future, al l to u s unknownWe to Thy guardian care commi t;And peaceful leave before Thy feet.

4. I n scenes exalted or depressed,

Thou art ou rjoy, and Thou our rest'


Thy goodness al l our hopes shall rai se,

Adored throughout our chang ing'

days .

6 18 HYMN S OF 1

5. When death shal l interrupt these songs,And seal in s ilence mortal tongues,Our Helper

, God , in whom we trust,Shal l keep our souls and guard ou r dust.

M z'

d Serwce.

ACROSS the sky,the shades of night

This winter’s eve are fleet in gWe deck Thine house

, 0 Lord , with light,I n solemn worship meeting

And as the year’s last hours g o by,We lift to Thee our earnest cry,Once more Thy love entreati ng.

2 . Before Thy mercy,Lord



we how,To Thee our prayers addressingRecounting al l Thy mercies now,And al l our sins confessing ;Bes eeching Thee

,thi s coming year


To hol d u s i n Thy fai th and feat ,And crown u s with Thy blessing .

We gather u p, in thi s brief hour,The memory of Thy mercies

Thy wondrous goodness,love

,and power,

Ou r grateful song rehearses 1

For Thou hast been our Strength and Stay,I n many adark and dreary day

Of sorrow and reverses .

4. Then, 0 great God , in years to come,~Whatever fate betide u s ,Right onward through our journey home,Be Thou at hand to gu ide us 1


I f in ThyServi' ce every hou r 1

welived and moved with TheeII f you th i n al l it s bloom -a

nd mig htA By Thee were sanct ified,And manhood found it s chief delightI nworking at Thy side.

2 .

’Tis ne’er too late,while life shal l last


A new lif e to begin’Tis ne’er tqol ate to leave the pas t,And break with self and sin .

And we this day, both old and young,Would earnestly aspireFor hearts to nobler purpose st rung,And phrified desire.

Nor for ourselves alone we plead, l

Bu t for al l fai thful soulsWho se rve Thy cause by word or deed ,“Whose names Thy book ennol s .

0 speed Thy work , victo rious K ing I‘

And give Thy workers m ight,That through the world Thy truthmay ring,And al l men see Thy l ight I

E . S .


HAPPY i s the man who hearsI nstru ction’s warning voi ce

And who celestial wi sdom makesHis early, on ly choice .

2 . Wisdom has treasu res greater fa'


Than eas t or west unfold


nd her rewards moreprecious areThan al l their stores of gold

She gu ides the young with innocence,I n pl easu re’s path to tread ;

A prown of glory she bes towsUpon the hoary head.

According as her labours ri se,So her rewards increaseHellways thewage of’pleasant ness,And al l her pat hs are peat e.

3 W heel Bru ce.

GO forth to life ,Qchi ld of fi rth IStill mindful of thy heavenly birth

Thou art not here for ease or sin ,Bu t manhood’s noble crown to win .

2 . Though passion s fires'are in thy soul ,Thy spiri t can their flames control ;

” Though tempters strong beset thy way,Thy,

spirit is more strong than they.

Go on , from innocence of youth ,To marily pureness

,manly truth ;

God’s angels'st il l are near tosaveAhdfi

'od Himself doth help the brave.

4. Then, forth to l ife, 0 child of earth IBe worthy of l thyheayen ly birth IFor noble service thou art hereThy neig hhojurhelp, thy God rever


S . Long f el lmo.

6 2 2 HYMNS OF

l o 15 on flze Side 7

GOD’S tru mnet wakes the s l u in beringworld

Noweach man to his postThe red - c ross banner is unfu rledWho joins the glori ou s host ?

2 . He who , i n feal ty to the t ru th,And counti ng al l the cost,

Doth consecrate his generous youth,He j o in s the noble host.

3. Hewho, no anger on hi s tongue,Nor any idle boast,Bears steadfast witness again st wrong,He j oins the sacred host.

He wbd, with calm , undaunted will ,Ne’er counts the battle lost


But,though defeated, battles still ,

He Join s the fai thf ul host.He who i s ready for the Cross ,The cau se despi sed loves mos t,

And shuns not pain or shame or 10 53,He j oins themartyr host.

Tbs Army of tile Cro'

t s.

EJO ICE , ye pure in heart ;Rejoice, gi ve thanks, and si ng

Your festal banner wave on high,

.The Cross of Chri st, your King .

2 . Bright 'youth and snow - crowned ag e,Strong men and mai dens meek


Rai se high your free ex u lting song,God’s wondrous prai ses Speak.

‘ S.M.

.3 HYMNS OF 1.

2 . Though Thou turn my joy to tears ,Fai th to dou b t, and hope to fears ;

Sti ll, Lord, l et the summon s come.

3. Shouldst Thou b‘ id me lay as ideAl l that fosters earthly7 pride; 1Lét thewalk the lowly way, I

I f Thi ne arm may be my stay.

4. ShehlaThy cAl l that feeds mine

«Take it f Lord; if in it s plaCe,Shine the b rightness of Thy face.

5. Sea],then, Lord, iny heart toThee;

Set it for Thy service freeLife and joy are tru ly m ineI f whate’er


1 have i s Thine .

Forward. I 2

F ORWARD I be our watchword,S teps and voices joined3

Seek the t hings before u s ,Not a look behind ;

B u rns the fiery pil larA t our army’s headWho shal l dream of shrinking


By Jehovah led ?Forward , throu g h the desert ;Through the to il and fight ;

J ordan flows before us , g

.Zion beams with l ig htL r 1


Al l through you th and manhood,Not a thought behindSpeed through realm s of natu re,Climb the steps of graceFaint not , t ill around u s

Gleams the Father’s face.Forward, al l the l ifetime,Climb from height to he ightTill the head he hoary,Till the eve be light.

Forward, flock of Jesus ,Salt of al l the earth ,Till each yearn ing purposeSpring to glorious birthSick

,they ask for healing ;

Bl ind,they grope for day

Pour upon the nationsWisdom’s loving ray.

Forward, out of errorLeave behind the n ightForward, through the darkness,Forward into light I

GOD of the earnest heart,

The trust assured and still,

Thou who our strength for ever art ,We come to do Thy will.Upon the toilsome way,By saints serenely trod,

2 R


Bearing the bu rden of the day, 1

Would We '

g o forth, O God I’G


ain st doubt and shame and fear,

In human heart s to strive,

That al l may learn to love and bear ,To conquer self

,an d l ive


4. To draw Thy bless ing down ,‘

And bring the wronged redress,

And give th i s gloriou s world its crownOf tru th and righteousness .

No dreams from toil to charm,

N o trembling on the tongu e ,Lord

,in Thy rest may we be calm,

Through Thy completeness strong.

6 . Thou hearest while we pray0 deep within u s write


W ith kindl ing power,0 God, to -



Thy Word Ou earth be Light I ”

S . [ 1751150 74

THERE’S astri fe we al l must wage,From l ife’s en trance to its close

Blest the bold who dare engage,Woe to him who seeks repose I

2 . What, our foes ? Each thought impurePas sions fierce that tear the soulEvery i ll that we can cureEvery crime we can controlEvery su ffering which our handCan ,

with soothing care, assuageEvery evil of ou r landEvery discord of our ag e.


4 Be our st rength in hours of weaknessI n ou r wanderings

,be our gu ide 1

Through endeavour, fai lure, danger;Father, be Thou at our s ide.

E l ernal You tfz .

OUNG souls,so strong the race to

And win each height sublime IUnweary st il l would ye march on ,And sti ll ex ulting climb

2 . Walk with the Lord I along the roadYour strength He will renewWai t on the everlasting God ,And He will wai t on you .

Burn with His love I your fading nrcAn endless name wi ll glowLife from the Well of Life requ ire


The stream will ever flow.

Ye shall not faint, ye shal l not fail ,Still in the Spiri t strongEach task divi ne ye sti ll shal l hai l,And blend the ex ulting song .

Aspi ring eyes ye still shall rai se,And heights sublime ex ploreLike eagles ye shall sunward gaze,Like eagles

,heavenward soar.

6 . Your wondrous port ion shall be th i s,Your life below

, aboveE ternal youth

,eternal bl iss


And everlasting love.T H . Gil l .



S Life is the Holy LandWe, Lord, Thy crusader band,

Shrived by Thee from pagan sin ,Shrine of God

,man’s heart , would win.

2 . On our shield Thy cross we bear,By our side Thy sword we wear,Shield of fai th

,so stout, so strong

Sword of truth,so bright, so lon g .

3. Courage,Lord

,we seek from Thee,

From the foe we would not fleeManful we would steadfast fig ht ,Strike from dawning until night.When at last the fig ht i s done,When the Holy Land is won,Where the victors part the spoil


Rest Thy weary ones from toil,

Gift u s with the conqueror’s crownA t Thy feet we lay i t down,Deeply feeli ng

,not our own

Thine the glory, Thine al one.Gewg e Dawson .

Tl ze [ f eavefl ly A rmou r.

RM,soldiers of the Lord I

The fig ht i s set with wrongTake shield and breastplate, helm and sword


And s ing your battle song .

2 . Stand fast for Love,your Lord I

Fai th be your m ighty shield,

And let the Spirit’s burn ing swordFlash foremost in the fiel d.

630 HYMN S or

Truth be your gi rd le strongAnd Hope your helmet shineWhene’er the batt l e seemtoo long


And wean ed hearts repine.4. With news of Gospel Peace

Let your swift feet be shodYour breas tplate be the RighteousnessThat keeps the soul for God.

5. And for the weary day,And for the slothful arm,

For wounds , defeat , distress , dismay,Take Prayer

,the heavenly charm .

6 . From strength to strengt h” your cry

Your bat t lefield the world IStrike home, and press where Chri st yourHis banner has unfurled .

Tru e to fil e B et/ér Self .

F OLLOW thy better heartFollow thy better will

And so thy better selfI n thy best self f u lfilTo thy best self be true.

2 . To hold an honest hand,To own an honest name


To know an honest heart,

I s more than weal th or fameTo thy best self be true.

3. Whate’er the worldmay say,

However pride may boast,That thing i s best for theeThat helpeth others mostTo thy bes t “ se1f be true.

Fu lfil l ing t/ze Divine Pumas? C.M.

REAT Lord of Life I what length of daysHast Thou ass igned to me

How far along life’s pleasant waysShal l I be led by Thee ?

2 . Must love be quenched, and labour cease

I n darkn ess , ere the nightOr shal l my l ife

’s long day of peaceAt evening time be light ?

3. Lord,closely veiled the future lies

Bu t may I work Thy willFrom morning’s glow ti l l daylight dies,And Thine own aim f u lfil

4. That ere the s ilent angel’s handBe on my brow impressed,My earthl y task completed stand,And nought remain but rest. A ndrewCfialmers.

Camam l ion .

AKE my l ife, and let it beConsecrated

,Lord, to Thee

Take my moments, and my days,Let them flow in ceaseles s prai se.

2 . Take my hands, and let them moveWith the impulse of Thy loveTake my feet , and let them beSwift an d beautiful for Thee.

3. Take my voice, and let me singAlways


,for my K ing

Take my l ips , and let them beFilled wi th messages from Thee.

4. Take my s ilver and my gold ,Not am i te would I wi thhold ;Take my i ntellect, and useF u o r n n n u ro r 0 c T h n n ri n c f r h n n c n


Take my will, and make it Thine,I t shal l be no longer m ineTake my heart, it i s Thine own,I t shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love , my Lord I pourAt Thy feet its treasure- storeTake myself, and I will beEver


,al l for Thee .

E R.


GOD , whose law i s in the sky,Whose light is on the sea,

Who livest in the human heart,

We give ourselves to Thee.

2. I n fearless, world - wide search for truth,

Whatever form i t wear,D r crown or cross , or fame or blame,We Thine ourselves declare.

3. In love that binds mankind in one,That serves al l those in need ,Whose law i s helpful sympathy,In this we’re Thine indeed.

4. I n labour, whose far- dis tant endI s hringing to accordThe real fact with highest hope,We fol low Thee

,O Lord !

5. To trhth, to love, to duty, then,Wherever we may be,We give ourselves and

,doing this


We give ourselves to Thee.M inot ] .

C.M .

W E are l iv ing, we are dwelling,

I n agrand and awful timeIn an ag e on ages tel ling,To be l iving i s sublime .

2 . Will ye play, then , wil l ye dall y,With your mu si c and your wine ?

U p I i t i s the A lm ighty’s rally

God’s own arm hath need of th ine.

3. Oh I let al l the soul withi n you ,For the Truth’s sake

, g o abtoad

Strike I let every nerve an d s inewTell on ages, tel l for God.



Teac/z me to Live.EACH me to l ive I ’Tis easier far to dieGently and s i l ently to pass away

On earth’s long night to close the heavy eye,

And waken in the g lariou s realms of day.

2 . Teach me that harder l Iesson— how to l ive ITo serve Thee in the darkest paths of l ife

Arm me for conflict new , fresh vigour give,And make me more than conqueror in the strife.

3. Teach me to l ive for se l f and s in no moreBut u se the t ime remain ing to me yet

Not m ine own pleasure seeking as before,Wasting no precious hours in vai n regret.

4. Teach meto l ive I no idler let me be ;But in Thy serv1ce, hand and heart employ,Prepared to do Thy bidding cheerfu llyBe th is my highest and my holiest joy.

E l len Barman .


2 . Woe, woe to him , on safety bent,Who creeps to ag e from youth,Fai l ing to grasp hi s l ife’s intent


Because he fears the truth.

Show forth thy light I I f con science gleam,

Cherish the ris ing glowThe smal lest spark may shed its beamO’er thousand heart s below.

4. Face thou the wind, though safer seemI n shelter to abide.

We were not made to si t and dreamThe true must firs t be tried.

T/ze Heaven ly Ladder. L .M .

ALL common things , each day’s events,That with the hour begin and en d


Our pleasures and our discontents ,Are rounds by which we may ascend .

2 . The low desi re, the base design,That makes another’s vi rtues lessThe revel of the treacherou s wine,And al l occas ions of ex cess

The longing for ignoble th ingsThe strife for triumph more than truthThe hardening of the heart that bringsI rreverence for the dreams of youth .

4. Al l thoughts of i ll al l evi l deeds,

That have their root in thoughts of i llWhatever hinders or impedesThe act ion of the noble wil l


5. Al l these must firs t be trampled downBeneath our feet

,if we would gain


I n the bright fields of fai r renown,

The right of eminent domain .

Play f/ze Man .

GIRD your loins about with truthLife wi l l not g o always smoothSinging lightsome songs of youth

Play,play the man .

2 . Learn wi th justi ce to keep pace,Spurning what i s vile and base,And bravely ever set your face

To play the man .

Fear not what the world may say,

Hold the straight and narrow way,I n the open light of day,

And play the man .

4 They will call you poor and weak,Being merciful and meekHeed them not so you must seek

To play the man .

Have the cou rage to be true,

Stead fastly the right to do,

Loving him that wrongeth youPlay, play the man .

6 . Trust in God,and let them mock ;

They will break, as they have broke,Like the waves upon the rock

Play, play the man I

638 ?H YMN S or

I rreg u lar.

ARCH on , manch cm , ye soldiers true,I n the Cross of Chri st confiding ,

For the field i s set,and the hosts are met ,

And the Lord His own i s gu iding.

2 . We march to fig ht with the powers of night,That hold the world in sorrow ;

And the broken heart shall be healed of its smart ,And arise to aj oyful morrow.

March on , etc.

3. We fig ht against wrong, with the weapon strong,Of the Love that al l hate shal l bani sh ;

And the chains shall fal l from thedown troddenth rall


As the thrones of the tyrant vanish .

March on ,etc .

4 Long, long is the fig ht , but the God of rig htI s ever watch ing near u sAnd prayers that ri se to the l i stening skiesLike a song of hope shal l cheer u s .

March on , etc .

5. Till the sunrise broad , of the day of God,Shall shine on the V i ctor’s glory


And earth at rest, in her Lord confessed,Shal l rejoice in the finished story.March on

,march on

, ye soldiers true,I n the Cross of Chri st confidihg ,

For the field i s set,and the hosts are met ,

And the Lord,His own i s guiding.

E . S .


Am z z'

tag e.

ju s t as I um.

UST as I am,Thi ne own to be,

Friend of the young,who lovest me,

To consecrate myself to Thee,0 Jesus Christ, I come.

2 . I n the glad morn ing of my day,My life to give

,my vows to pay,

With no reserve and no delay,With al l my heart I come.

3. I would l ive ever in the light,I would work ever for the right,I would serve Thee with al l my might,Therefore

,to Thee I come.

4. Just as I am , young, strong, and free,To be the best that I can beFor tru th

,and righteou sness , and Thee ,

Lord ofmy l ife, I come.

5. With many dreams of fame and gold,

Succes s and joy to make me boldBut dearer st il l my fai th to holdFor my whole l ife, I come.

6 . And for Thy sake to win renown,

And then to take my V i ctor’s crown,

And at Thy feet to cast it down ;0 Master, Lord, I come .

Marian n e Farm'

ng /Lam.

Ear ly Consecrat z'

on . C.M .

LORD I in the fu lness of my m ight,I would for Thee be strong

While runneth o’er each dear del ight,

To Thee should soar my song .


2 . I would not give the world my heart,

I wou ld not feel my strength depart,And t hen Thy service prove.

I would not with swift - wing ed zealOn the world’s errands g o

And labour up the heavenly hil lWith weary feet and s low.

0 ,nbt for Thee my weak desires ,My poorer

,baser part I

0,not for Theemy fading fires,The ashes ofmy heart I

0 ,choose me in my g olden time II n my dear joys have part IFor Theethe glory of my primeThe fulness ofmy heart I

6 . I cannot, Lord, too early takeThe covenant divine

O,ne’er the happy heart may break ,Whose earliest love was Thine I

T. 11.

Tl ze L if ewort}: l iving . 75. 6

LIFE , and light , and joy are foundI n the presence of the Lord

Life with ri chest blessings crowned,

Light from many fou n tain s'

poiireciLife and light and holy joy,None can darken or destroy.

2 s



2 . Bring to Him l ife’s brightes t hours, 1He will make them stil l more bright

Gi ve to Him your nobles t powers,

He will hallow al l your m ight.Come to Him with eager quest


You shall hear His high behest.

3. A l l yeu r questi ons large and deep,Al l the open thought of you thBring to Him

,and you shall reap

A l l the harvest of His truth .

You shall find in that great store,

Largest love and wisest lore.

4. Then,when comes l ife’s wider sphere,

And i t s bus ier enterprise,You shal l find Him ever near,Looking with approving eyes

On al l honest work and true,

His dea‘zr servants ’ hands can do.

5. And if care shou ld dim your eye,And life’s shadows come apac


e,You shal l find Him ever nigh


I n the glory of His face,Changing sorrow’s darkest nightI nto morn ing clear and bright.


' 1 A Psalm qf au r Day

T IIE days that were, the days that hre,Grow into days of God ;

With psalms of cheerful trust We t readWhere Christ’5 own freemen t rod.


2 . Teaéh u s, Lordl Thy wisdom, d 1

Whilewe seek men’s Jlowe ; J

May the m i nd be humbledAs we knowTheem oreLet the larg er V is ionBring the childl ike heart, 1 31 1

And our deepe r knowledge 1 1,

Holier zeal im part.

Should our fai th be palsiedBy the touch of doubt ,Should ou r hearts grow empty,”Fa1thles s undevout ,Lord , in men y lead u s

To our spring s I l‘l Thee,‘Whereare heali ng waters

Plentiful and free.

Should Thy facebei



ou r spiri ts’ sight,Speak through human kindnes sHShine through Nature

’s l ight,I n the face of loved onesOr the ties of hOme

Only,grac iou s Father,

To Thy children come .

5. Save us , Lord, from seekingEarth’s unhal l owed g dalw,

May ou r life - long pas sioh’

Be the love of soulsLet u s l ive and labou r,Father

,i n Thy sight,

Through the grace of Jesu s, 1‘

B the S irit’s mi ht.y P g5. Oakl ey.



LOVE for al l I and can i t be ?Can I hope i t is for me ?

I,who strayed so long ag o,Strayed so far, and fell so low ?

2 . I,the di sobedient child. r

Wayward, passionate, and wildI,who leftmy Father’hhome,I n forbidden ways to rm

3. I , who spurned His loving holdI, who would not be control ledI,who wou ld not hear His call ;

I ,’ the wilfu l prodigal I


4. To my Father can I'

g o ?

At His feet myself I ’l l throw ;I n His house there yetmay bePlace; a se rvant’s place, form e.

5. Seepmy Father wai ting standsISee, He reaches out His hands IGod is love I I know , I see,There is love for me— even me I

S .

C.M . D .

I HEARD the voice of J esus say,Come unto Me and rest

Lay down, thou weary one, lay downThy.head u pon My breast. ’

I camel to Jesus as I was,

Weary,and worn

,and sad ;

I found hi Him a resting - place,And He has made ‘

me glad.


2 . I heard the voice of ‘

} es u s.say,

Behold,I freely give

The li ving water th i rsty one,

Stoop down, and dri nk,“

and live.I came to Jesu s

,and I drank

O f that l ife - giving st reamMy th irst was quenched

,my soul revived,

And now I l ive in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesu s say,“ I am thi s dark world’s Lig ht ;Look unto Me

,thy morn shal l ri se,

And al l thy day be bright.”

I looked to Jesu s,and I found

I n Him my Star, my Sun ;And i n that l ight of l ife I ’l l walk


Til l travelli ng days are done. H. Bonar.

COME unto Me, ye weary,And I wil l give you res t.”

0 blessed voice of J esus ,Which comes to hearts Opprest ;

I t tell s of benedict ion,

O f pardon,grace

,and peace


Of joy that hath no ending,Of love which cannot cease.

2 . Come unto Me, ye wanderers,

And I will give you light.”

0 l iving voi ce of Jesu s,Which comes to cheer the nightOur hearts were fil led with sadnes s,Andwe had lost our way 1

But He has brought u s g ladnessAnd songs at break of day. A


DRAW nigh to God,He will draw


n ig h to youHowsweet the prom i se

,sweet and ever true.

2 . Make Him bu t room,He seeks to enter in ,

To bring thee peace for pai n,and heal thy sin .

3. He loveth al l no longer fear and doubtHis heart i s wide

,and none will He cast ou t.

4. Come then i n tru st and unto God draw nigh,

Live in His l ife,and thou shal t never die.

l/V. G. Tarran t .

87 1. r o.

PEACE I perfect Peace I thegi ft of God withinI t cometh not ti ll grace hath ccinqtiered s in .

Peace I perfect Peace I when al l of self i s slain ,And

,l ost i n God

,no earthly cares remain I

3. Peace I perfect Peace I when at His feet we fall,And fil led with love proclaim Him A l l in


al l I

4. Peace I perfect Peace I the fru it of vi ctory won IPress on

,brave heart

,t il l l if e’s brief day i s done.

5. Peace ! pe rfect PeaCe I aforetaste here is givenThe tru sting soul e’en now may fin d i ts heaven I

6 . Peace ! perfect Peace ! 0 Savi our ! Al l divine !Lead Thou me on u nti l Thy peace is m ine I

8 72

1 . TAKE me, 0 my Father; talt e'


ne 1

Take me, save me,through Thy


That which Thou wouldst have me, make me,Let Thy will in me be done.


Long from Thee my fo’

ot steps s trayingThorny proved the path I trodWeary Come I now,

and praying,Take me to Thy love, myGod I

2 . Fruitless yearswith grief recall ing,Humbly I confes s my s in

At Thy feet, 0 Father, fall ing,To Thy household take me in .

Father, take me I al l forgiving,Fold me to Thy loving breast

I n Thy love for ever living,I must be for ever blest I

I nvitation .

SWEET 15. the Spi ri t’s strainBreathed by soft pleadings inly heard,

By al l the heart’s deep fountains stirred


By conscience and the written word,Come


,home agai n I

The Church repeats the (22111By high thanksgiving, lowly prayer,By days of rest and fostering care,By holy rites that al l may share,She whispers, Come,” to al l .

Let himwho hears say, Come I”

I f thou hast been sin’s wil l ing slave,I f thou art risen from that grave,Thy sleeping brethren seek to save,

3And hal l the wanderers home.



Freely fo'r every ch il d ofwoe 1

The streams of l iving Water flow,And whosoeverwi l l may g oWhere heal i ng fountai ns burst .There drink and beati res t

On Him who died for Thee believeThe Sbirit

’s quicken ing grace receiize

N 0 more the Godwho seeks thee, grieveBe holy and be


bl est .A n yt ime.

I F ILLED me with the fear of hell ,And thought i t was the fear of God ;

I did not seek to love Him well,

I only trembled at His rod.

2 . O dreary time Iwi thout agleamOf love Divine ‘

to g ildjt s wrath ?Oweary time I ,

without a stream C ,

i oy in God to cheer my pathu ‘

Bu t now I know the fear of God ;And al l the peace i t doth im


partAnd walk along ajoyous roadfi,


IWith heaven unfolding in my heart .

0 blessed Chri st I that did’st,disclose

The love that sought me“

whee I f el l ,And broke my bonds that I arose,And cast from me the fear of hell .

0 blessed Chri st I O blessed Cross I T.O blessed Spi ri t I that showed hie,

How terror i s eternal loss ,And trust i s immbrtal ityt



0 love of God most f ull ,0 love of God most free


Come warm my heart , Come fil l Fiy sbu l,

Come lead me unto Thee .l

U \U

2 . Warm as the glowing sun,So shines Thy love on me

1I t wraps me round with kindly care,1 )I t draws me unto Thee.

0 loveo f God,etc.

3. No foe can cast me down,

No fear can inake me flée,

No sorrow fil l my l ifewi th i ll ,Thy love s u rrou ndet lime.

0 love of God,etc.

4. The wildest seai s calm,

The tempest bri ngs no fear,

The darkest night is full of l ight,

Because Thy love 15 near.0 love of God, et c. ,

I triumph over sin,

I put temptat ion downThy love

, 0 God , doth give me streng thTo win the V i ctor’s crown .

0 love of God most full,

0 love of God most free,1 1

Thou warm’s t my heart, Thou fil l

s t my sou l ,With m ight Thou s tren g thenes t me.

359mm fer .Qlihil hrm. t

. GOD bless the ll i ttle childrenThe faces sweet and fai r,


The bright young eyes , so strangely wise,The bonny silken hai r.

2 . God ldvé the little children,

The angels at the doorThe music sweet of little feetThat patter on the floor.

3. God help the little children,

Who cheer 01'1r saddest hours ,‘

And shame our'

fears for future years ,And give u s winter flowers .

4. God keep the l ittle children,

Whom we no more can seeFled from their nes t and gone to rest ,Where we desire to be.

Tbe C/tila'


s Cal l .

B SU S,the child ren are call ing ,Oh , draw rie

Fold the young lambs in Thy1b056 m,

Shepherd d ear.

2 . Cold is our love, Lord, and narrowLarge is Thine ;

Faithf u l and strong and tenderSo be m ine I

Thou ou rmpthersWeary they

B less al t our sisters and brothersAN 1g ht and day.

Fathers theiiiselves are God’s children,

Teach them sti l lLet theGood Spirit show al l men



’wisé will I "A nn ieMailman .





s good and great and t ru e ,A l l that i s and i s to be


Be i t old or be it new,

Comes,0 Father

,comes from Thee.

2 . Mercies dawn with every day,Newer


,than before


And the sun’s decl ining rayLayeth others up in s tore.

Not abird that doth not singSweetest prai ses to Thy Name,Not an insect on the wingBut Thy won ders doth proclaim.

4. Far and near, o’er land and sea,

Mountai n top an d wooded dell,

Al l in singing, sing of Thee ,Songs of love in efi

ab le.

May we al l , wi th songs of prai se,Whils t on earth , Thy name adore,Til l with angel choirs we raiseSongs of prai se for evermore.

GOD make my life al i ttle l ig ht,Within the world to glow

A l it tle flame that burneth brig ht,Wherever I may g o.

2 . God make my life a littl e flower,That g iveth


joy to al l ,Content to bloom in native bower.A lthough its placebe smal l.


LORD, this day Thy children meet,I n Thy cou rts with will ing feet

Unto Thee thi s day they rai seGrateful hearts in hymns of prai se

2 . Not alone theO

day of restWith

tThy worship shal l be blest

I n our pleasu re and ou r glee,

Lord,we would remember Thee.

3. Help u s unto Thee to pray,

Hal lowing our happy day IPrem Thy presence thus to winHearts al l pure and free from s in.

4 Al l our pleasu res here below,

Savi ou r,from Thy mercy flow

Litt le children Thou dost love,

Drawour hearts to Thee above

GOD,who hath made the dais ies,

And ev’

ry lovely thing,He will accept our prai ses,And hearken whilewe sing.

He says, though we are simple,Though ignorant we be,Sufi

er the l i ttle children ,And let them come to Me.

2 . Thou gh we are you ng and s imple,I n prai se we may be boldThe children i n the temple


He heard in days of old :


And if our hearts are humble,He says to you and me,Su fl

er the little ehil dren ,

And let them come to me.

3. Therefore,we wi ll come near Him,

And solemnly we’ll singN 0 cause to shrink or f ear HimWe’l l make ourvoices ringFor in our temple s peaking“He says to you and me,Su ffer the l ittle child re n,And let


them come to Me.

FATHER,lead me day by day,

Ever in Thine own '

sweet wayTeach me to be pure and true,Show me what I ou ght to do.

2 . When in danger,make me brave

Make me know that Thou canst saveKeep me safe by Thy dear s ideLet me in Thy love abide.

3. When I ’m tempted to do wrong,Make me steadfast, wise, an d s trong



And, when al l alone I stand,Shield me wi th Thy m ighty hand .

4. When my heart i s full of glee,Help me to remember Thee,Happymost of al l to knowThat my Father loves me so.


0 0 I u l 0

2 Tl


6 58 HYMN S OF

When my work seems hard and dry,May I press on cheeri ly ;Help me patiently to bearPai n and hardship, toi l and cam.

6 . May I see the good and brightWhen they pas s before my sight ;May I hear the heavenly voiceWhen the pure and wise rejo ice.

7. May I do the good I know,Be Thy loving child



Then at last g o home to Thee,Evermore Thy child to be.

Witat can we dof orjes u s’


N 7E are but l i ttl e children weak,Nor born in any high estate

What can we do for Jesus’ sake,Who is so high and good and great ?

2 . 0,day by day, each Christian childHasmuch to within ;A death to die for Jesus’ sake


A wearvwar to wage with sin .

When deep within ou r swel l ing heartsThe thoughts of pride and'

ahg er iise,When bi tter words are on ou r



ng u es ,And tears of pass1on 1n ou r eyes

4 Then we may s tay the angry blow,Thenwe may check the


hastywbrd,Give gentle answers



again, ~And fig ht abattl e for our Lord.



6 . Through the long night watches,May Thine angel s spread

Thei r white wing s above me,Watching round my bed .

7 . When the morning wakens,Then may I arisePure , and fresh , and sinlessI n Thy Hol y Eyes . S . Baring -Gou l d .

cjiamil g anb Qtoun trg .

A Family Ga£12erz'

ng .

HOU Gracious Power,s e mercy lends

The l ight of home , the smi le of friends,Our gathered flock Thine arms enfoldAs in the peacefu l days of ol d.

2 . Wilt Thou not hear u s while we rai se,

I n sweet accord of solemn prai se,

The voices that have m ingled longI n joyous flow of m i rth and song ?

For al l the bless ings l ife has brought,For al l i ts sorrowing hours have taught,For al l we mou rn , for al l we keep,The hands we clasp; the lov

ed - that sleep

4. The noont ide sunshine of the pas t,These bri ef , bright moments fadin g


fas t,

The stars that gild our darllten in g years,

The twilight ray from holier spheres

We thank Thee,Father I let Thy grace

Our loving,circle st ill embrace.

Thy mercy shed i ts heayen l y


s tqre,Thy peace be with u s evermore I


ORD God, our strength and fortress IWhy should we doubt or fear ?

Thou art our ex pectat ion ,Thine advent draweth near.The mountain paths are glowingBeneath their beauteous feet,Whose songs

,l ike sunl it fountains,

Leap forth their Lord to greet.

Tbrough changing generationsAccording to Thy word


The seasons,treasure - laden


Thy faithfulness record.

Nature’s benign handmaidens,

Seedtime and harvest,come


Types of Thy resurrection,

And heaven’s great harvest - home.Lord

,hasten Thine appearing I

D i sperse these clouds that hideThe haven we are nearingGive light at eventide.Speak to u s through the darkness


Some word of prom i se give ,And every doubt shall vanish,

And every hope shall l ive.

Our childhood needs ahelper,

Our manhood needs Thine arm,

Our weakness adefender,

Our restlessness Thy calmThy Fatherhood our covert


Thy love our safe retreat,When stormy wind and tempestAgain st our refuge beat.


The ages wai t Thy com ing,Thy Church responds How long ?When shal l these n ights of weepingGive place to joyous song ?God of al l consolation IThy kingdom come

,we pray


Thy will b e done,t il l heaven

And earth shall pass away.

A Family Gat/zer z'

ng .

I N thi s glad hour, when chi ldren meet,And home with them their chi ldren bri ng,Our hearts with one affection beat


One song of prai se our voices s ing.2 . For al l the fai thfu l , loved and dear,

Whom Thou so kindly, Lord, hast given ,For those who still are with u s here


And those who wai t for u s in heavenFor every past and present j oy,For honou r, competence, an d health,For hopes which time may not destroy,Our soul’s imperi shable wealthFor al l

,accept ou r humble prai se

Stil l bless u s , Father, by Thy loveAnd when are closed our mortal days ,Unite u s in one home above . Hcmy Ware.

Family s rz'

s tmas . L.M .

ATHER above, Thy name i s love,Thy gifts are more than tongue can tell

Each circl ing year brings Thee more near,With in our grateful hearts to dwell.

2 . Our Chri stmas prai se to Thee we rai seFor untold blessings rich and rare


For fru itful year,for Chri stmas cheer



A throne without Thy blessingWere labour wi thout rest

The cottages posses s ingThy blessedness are bles t.

4. Bless Thou our hands unitedBless Thou our hearts made oneUnse 'vered and unblightedMay we through l ife g o on

Here,in earth’s home

,prepari ng

For brighter scenes aboveAnd there for ever sharingThy home of perfec t love.

B .

Aésen t L.M .

ALM IGHTY Father,God of love


Hear from Thy throne of light aboveThe prayer

,that now to Thee ascends


For blessings on our absent friends .

2 . Our loved ones we commend to Thee,Who , crossing o’er the restless sea,Or wandering through a foreign land


Sti ll l ie with in Thy m ighty hand .

I t i s Thy world where’er they.

g o,

Thy su n that sh ines on al l bhlowAnd wemay sti ll be one in Thee ,Whose loveencircles land and sea.

4. We cannot wander from Thy sight ,Thy presence nl l s the morning’s l ightAnd when the evening shadows fal l,Thy shel tering love enfolds u s al l .


5. Thou seest,even whilst we pray ;

Our absent loved ones far awayO shield them with aFather’s care,And al l their joys and sorrows share.

6 . Be‘with them when the day i s bright,

Be near them in the gloom of nigh t;And guide until the end shall comeOf life’s long day— then lead them home.

H . P. Hawkins .

A ng els of jesu s . 1 1 . 1 .

ARK I hark I my soul I angel ic songs are swel

l ingO’er earth’s green fields and ocean’s wave - beat

shoreHowsweet the truth those blessed strains are te l l ingOf that new life when s in shal l be no more I

A ng el s of 7mm ,ang el s of Zég lz t ,

S ing ing towelcomeMepilg rims of f l u 71{ g‘

l z t

2 . Rest comes at length5 though life be long and dreary,The day must dawn , and darksome night be past ;

Fai th’s jou rney ends in welcome to the weary,And heaven

,the heart’s true home

,will comeat last .

3. Angels ! s ing on,your fai thful watches keeping


Sing u s sweet fragments of the songs aboveTill morning’s joy shall end the night of weeping,And l ife’s long shadows break in cloudless love.

F . I V. Faber .

T/ze D eaf }: of a Cfii/d . C .M .

ANOTHER hand i s beckoning u s,

Another cal l i s givenAnd glows once more with angel - st epsThe path that reaches heaven.


2 . Alone unto our Father’s willOne thought hath reconc iled

That He whose love ex ceedeth oursHath taken home His child.

Fold fzer,0 Father, in Thine arms,

And let l ter henceforth beA messenger of love betweenOur human heart s and Thee .

Still let fier m i ld rebuking standBetween u s and the wrong,

And l iar dear memory serve to makeOur fai th in goodness strong .

T/ze Ang el s of t/ze Home.

H AND i n hand with angels ,Through the world we g o

Brighter eyes are on u s

Than we blind ones know.

2 . Tenderer voices cheer u sThan we deaf will ownNever

,walking heavenward


Can we walk alone.

Hand in hand with angelsSome are out of sight,Leading u s



I nto paths of light .

Some soft hands are carriedFrom ou r mortal grasp ,Soul i n soul to hold u s

Withafirmer clasp .


2 . The arm s of wicked menDo Thou with might res trai n

God save the Poor IRaise Thou thei r lowli nessSuccour Thou thei r distressThou whom the meanest bless IGod save the Poor I

Give them staunch honestyLet thei r pride manly beGod save the Poor I

Help them to hold the rightGive them both truth and m ightLord of al l Life and Light I

God save the Poor I Robert N ico”.

Ou r Native Land.

OD bles s our native landMay Thy protecting hand

Sti l l guard our shoreIMay peace her power ex tend,Foe be transformed to friend


And Bri tai n’s rights dependOn war no more I

2 . May ju st and righteous lawsUphold the public cause


And bless our i sle IHome of the brave and free


Thou land of l iberty,

We pray that s til l on theeKind heaven may smi le.

Not on thi s land alone,But be God’s mercies knownFrom shore to shore I


And may the nations seeThat men should brothers be


And form one fam i lyThe wide world o’er I

God Save Me Peopl e.

WHENwilt Thou save the people ?0 God of mercy


Not kings and lords,but nations I

Not thrones an d crowns,but men I

Flowers of Thy heart, 0 God, are they

Let them not pass , l ike weeds, awayTheir heritage a sunless day.

God save the people I2 . When wilt Thou save the people ?

O God of mercy,when

The people,Lord , the people,

Not thrones and crowns,but men I

God save the people Thine they are,Thy children

,as Thine angels fai r

From vice, oppression , and despair,God save the people I

E benez er E l l iot t .

Ou r Cou ntry. C.M.

LORD,while for al l mankind we pray ,


Of eirery cl ime and coast,0 hear u s for our native land .

The land we love the most I2 . Our fathers’ sepulchres are here,

And here ou r kindred dwellOur children too —how should we loveAnother land so well I


0 guard our shores from every foe,

With tpeace our borders bl essWith prosperous times our c it ies crown


Our fields with plenteousn ess .

4. Unite u s in the sacred loveOf knowledge

,t ruth

,and Thee

And let our hi ll s and valleys shoutThe songs of liberty .

Here may religion pure and m i ldUpon our Sabbaths smi le

And piety and vi rtue reign ,A'nd bless ou r native i sle .

6 . Lord of the nat ic "3. thus to TheeOur country we commend

Be Thou her refuge and her tru st,Her everlasting Friend.

Ou r Cou ntry . 7. 6 . D .

O BEAUT I FUL, our country !Be thine anobler care

Than al l thy wealth of commerce,Thy harvests waving fai r

Be i t thy pride to lift upThe manhood of the poor

Be thou to the oppressedFair Freedom’s open door !

2 . For thee our fathers su ffered,For thee they toiled and prayedUpon thy holy al tarTheir will ing lives they laid .



5. Let fai th,and hope

,an d charity,

Go forth through al l the earthAnd man in holy friendship beTrue to hi s heavenly bi rth .


tal Sandaya

ROM Thee al l skill and sciehce flow,

A l l pi ty,care

,and l ove

A l l calm and courage, fai th and hope,0

,pour them from above I

2 . And part them,Lord

,to each and al l


As each and al l shall need,

To rise like incense, each to Thee ,I n noble thought and deed .

3. And hasten,Lord, that pe rfect day

When pai n and death shal l ceas eAnd Thy ju st ru le shall fil l the earthWith health

,and l ight

,and peace

4 When ever blue the sky shall gleam5And ever green the sod

And man’s rude work deface no moreThe Paradise of God.

7716 Voyag e of £27 4

STAR of Morning, brig htly sh iningOn s in ’s dark and trou b led



Point i ng out Love’s highdes ig nipng r“ Shine s e on


1 . I .’


ND LIFE.2 .Star of Fai th , when winds are mockirgAl l my toil , I look to TheeSave me on the billows rocking,

Far, far at sea.

Star of Truth , 0 safely guide meTo the haven of the freeStrong temptations long have tried me,

Far, far at sea.


4. Star of Love, whereThou art dwell ing,There no syren song shal l be 1

There no moaning, there no swelling,There

,there no sea.

905 Sada! D is tress .

LORD of life and death, we comeI n sorrow to Thy throne,

Yet not bewi ldered , blind and dumb,Before some power unknown.

2 ; The scourge is in our Father’s handThe plague comes forth from Thee

0 , give u s hearts to understand,And fai th Thy ways to see I

Forgive the foul neglect that broughtThy chastening to our door' ;The homes uncared for

,souls untaught ,

The unregarded poor.

The slothful ease,the greed of gai n


The wasted years,forgive

Purge out our sins by needful pain ,Then turn, and bid u s l ive.

2 U


5. So shall the l ives for which we pleadBe spared to prai se Thee st il l


And we from fear and danger freed ,Be s trong to do Thy will.

U THOR of Light ! our Father in the Heaven !Our days are dark with evil’s gathering gloom

Hear Thou the prayer from sufi'

ering heart s u p- driven ,Thy Kingdom come I

2 . Sti ll nati on preys on nat i on sti ll the strongTrample the weak

,and multiply the sum

Of open violence and shameles s wrongThy Kingdom come I

3. Sti l l,while the few heap weal th on wealth i ncreased,

The many lack ; stil l Lazaru s craves each c rumbThat fall s in heedless was te from D ives’ feas t

Thy Kingdom come I

4. To heal the want that bars from hope and healthA toil ing, su ff ering multitude, while some

D rag u sel ess l ives beneath the load of wealth ,Thy Kingdom come I

5. To bridge the gu lf that widen s more and more’Twix t class and clas s, that chi l l s to deadness numbThe rich man’s sympath ies, and sours the poor

Thy K ingdom come I6 . To bid the storms of s in and s orrow cease ,

The voice of passion and of stri fe be dumbTo give the weary rest, the troubled peace,

Thy K ingdom come I


LORD,lead the way the Saviou r went,

By lane and cell obscure,And let Iove’s treasures sti ll be


spen t ,

Like His,U pon the poor.

2 . Like Him through scenes of deep distressWho bore the world’s sad weight


We, i n thei r Crowded loneliness,Would seek the desolate .

For Thou hast placed u s s ide by side,

I n this wide world of il l ,And

,that Thy followers may be tried,

The poor are with u s still .

4 Mean are al l offering s we can makeBut Thou has t taught u s , Lord,

I f g iven' for the Saviou r’s sake


They lose not their reward.W


. Crom el l .

'Prayer of f il e Aged.

EST fortheweary hands i s g oodAnd love, for hearts that


But let the simple h'

abitudeOf upright souls be m ine .

2 . Let Winds that blow from heaven refresh,

Dear' Lord,the langu id a1r

And le t the weakness of the fleshThy s treng th


of spirit share.

And if the eye m ust fal l of light,The ear forget to hear,


Make clearer still the Spirit’s sight,More fine the inward ear.

4. Be near me in m ine hours of need,To soothe

,or cheer, or warn ;

And down these slopes of sunset lead,As up the hi lls ofmorn .

l z'

t t z'


A Tfianksg iw’

ng Remembrance.

N counting al l the precious boonsFor which the grateful feast is spread,



u s not forget that chiefAmong our treasures are our dead.

2 . Let u s give thanks that they have l ived,And on our l ives such radiance poured


That with the su nshine of the pas tOu r later, lonelier years are st ored .

3. And that, removed from longer shareI n these brief fest ivals of earth


We feel their l iving presence sti ll ,The angels of our home and hearth.

4. A light su rpass ing s u n or s tar,A breath more sweet than bu rsting flowers,The m inistry of souls beloved,Gone hence, and yet forever ours.

5. 0 Father I let ou r deares t thanksBe for the feast immortal 'paid


death has set heaven’s lamps aflame,And Thouart nearer through our dead.



Ou r Fatfierland.

T O Thee, our God, we flyFor mercy and for graceOh

,hear ou r lowly cry


And hide not Thou Thy face.0 Lord , stretch forth Thy m ighty hand,And guard and bless our Fatherland.

2 . A rise,O Lord of hosts

Be j ealou s for Thy name,And drive from out our coastsThe sins that put to shame .O Lord

,stretch forth Thy m ighty hand ,

And guard and bless our Fatherland.

Thy best gifts fromon highI n rich abundance pour,

That we may magnifyAnd prais e Thee more and more .

0 Lord, stretch forth Thy mighty hand,And '

g u ardand bless our Fatherland.

The powers ordained by Thee,

With heavenly wisdom blessMay they Thy servants be,And rule in righteousness.O Lord

,stretch forth Thy mighty hand


And guard and bles s ou r Fatherland.

The Church of Thy dear SonI nfiame with love’s pure fire,Bind her once more in one,And l ife and tru th inspi re.

O Lord, stretch forth Thy m ighty han d ,And guard and bless our Fatherland.


A i Sea.

ROCKED in the cradle of the deep.

I lay me down in peace to sleepSecure I rest upon the wave


For Thou, O Lord I hast power to save.

2 . And su ch the tru st that still were m i ne,

Though stormy winds swept o’er the brineOr though the tempes t’s hery breathRoused me from sleep to wreck and death .

For stil l I knowthat safe with TheeThe spirit of Thy child would beAnd calm and peaceful i s my sleep,Rocked in the cradle of the deep.

For Moreat Sea. L .M . 6 l in es .

ETERNAL Peace , whose word of oldI n the great basi ns poured the main,

And shut with in thei r rocky foldThe unnumbered flocks of ocean’s plai nOh hear u s I whil e the bil lows roar,For those who sai l from shore to shore.

2 . Great God , whose path upon the deepI s . s t il l unknown, but who dids t keepThy ancient people, when the windAnd Egypt fol lowed fast behindOh hear u s

,when our prayer to Thee

A scends for those we love at sea.

0 Thou,who for the Psalmis t made

The .storm acalm,and brought him th rough


The surging ocean unafraid,Unto the hithe he long ed to view

To al l who sai l the waters rude,Give equal trus t and forti tude.

S topf om’

A Brooke.

Wanderer) : 156/77m .

O GOD,from Thee we would not stray

Reveal to u s Thysel f, the Way IRecal l u s , claim u s when we roam I

Thou art our country and our home.

2 . With Thee,in Thee , alone is rest

Thou art our East, and Thou our Wes t.Our little l ives of Thine are partNo boundaries bar u s from Thy heart.

Through starless night, through m i st andThou art the shore toward which we sai lWe bid farewell to friends most kind


Bu t never leave Thy love behind.

And none are alien, none are strange,Met in the Love that cannot changeWe al l are brethren in Thy SonThe Father and the children one.

Lu cy Larcom

Tfie Comz'

fl g Race.

THESE things shal l be I a loftier raceThan e’er the world hath known shall

With flame of freedom in their soulsAnd light of knowledge in their eyes .


2 . They shal l begent le, brave, and st rongTo spil l no drop of blood

,but dare

Al l that may plant man’s lordship firm


On earth , an d fire, and sea, and air.

Nation with nation , land with land,Unarmed shall l ive as comrades free

I n every heart and brain shal l throbThe pulse of one fratern ity .

4. Man shal l l ove man with heart as pureAnd fervent as the young - eyed joysWho chant their heavenly songs beforeGod’s face with undiscordant noi se.

5. New arts shal l bloom of loftier mould,And m ightier music thri ll the skies


And every l ife shal l be asongWhen al l the earth is paradise .

6 . There shall be no more sin, no shame,Though pai n and pas s ion may not dieFor man shal l be at one wi th GodIn bonds of firm neces sity.

jo/mAdding ton Symomh.


LORD , how are they increased that l trouble I me

many are they that ri se a gain st me.

Many one there be that say of my soul There i sno help I for him I in his God .

But Thou,O Lord, art I my de l fender : Thou art

my worship , and the lifter up of my I head.

I did cal l upon the Lérd with my I voice and He

heard me out of His holy bill.I laid me down and s lept

,and rése up a I gai n

fdr the Lord su s I tained me.

Salvat ion beléng eth unto the Lord : and Thyblessing I is up on Thy I people.

Evening prayer.


HEAR me when I call , 0 God I of my I righteousn ess Thou hast enlarged me when I was in d i stress


have mercy upon me and I hear my prayer.O ye son s of men , how long will ye tu rn my glory

into I shame how long wil l ye love vanity, and I seek ]after I fal sehood ?But know, that the Lord hath set apart him that i s

godly I for Him Isel f : the Lord will héar I when I cal lu n to Him .

Stand in awe, and sin ne t : commune with your .own heart u pén your bed , and be I st ill .O tter the saeri fices of righteousnes s r and pfityour I trus t in the Lord.

There be many that say : Who will I shew u s

any I good ?Lérd

, I l ift Thou up : the light of . Thy fI conata Inance up on as . .1


Thou hast put gladness I in my I heart : more thanin the time that thei r com I and their Iwine in - Icreased.

I will both lay me down in I peace, and I sleep : forThou , Lord only makest me I dwell in I safety.


O LORD our Lord , how ex cellent i s Thy name in Ial l the earth : who hast set Thy I glory a I bove the Iheavens .Out of the mouths of babes and suckl ings hast Thou

or I dained I strength : that Thou mightes t stil l theenemy I and the a I venger.When I con sider Thy heavens , the work of Thy I

fin g ers : the moon and stars I which Thou I has t or IdainedWhat i s man , that Thou art I m indful of I him and

the son of man I that Thou I vis itest I him ?For Thou hast made him a l i ttle lower I than the

angels : and hast crowned Ihim with I glory and Ihonour.


Thou madest him to have‘dominion over the works I

of Thy I hands : Thou hast pi’

i t I al l things I underhis I feet.Al l

' I sheep and I ox en : yea and the I beasts I ofthe I

fiel d ;

The fowls of the air,and the fish I of the I sea: and

whatsoever passeth through the I paths I of the I seas .


I Lord our I Lord : how ex cellent is Thy I namein Ial l the

I earth.



Morning prayer.


GIVE ear to my I words 0 I Lord : con I s ider my lmedi I tat ion .

Hearkerr unto the voice of my cry, my King I andmy I God : for unto I Thee I will I I pray.

My voice shal t Thou héar in the I morn ing, 0 I'Lordin the morn ing wil l I direct my prayer unto Thee Iandwill I look I u p.

For Thou art a God that'

has t no I pleasure inwickedness : n éither shal l I evil I dwell with I Thee.

Lead me O Lord I in Thy righteousness : makeThy way I s t raight be I fore my I face.

Let al l those that put their t ri’i s t in IThee ré Ijoicelet them ever shout for joy because I Thou de Ifendes t I them .

Let themalso that I love Thy I name hé I j oy I fu lin I Thee .For Thou Lord wilt I bless the I righteous : with

favour wilt Thou I compass him I as with a I shield .


I W ILL give thanks unto Thee , O Lord,‘

with my Iwhole I heart : I wil l spéak of Ial l Thy I marvellou s Iworks.I wi l l be glad an d re I joice in I Thee : yea, my

songs will I make to Thy Name, 0 I Thou Mos t IH igh.

The Lord shal l en I dure for I ever : He hath alsopre I pared His s eat for I judgment.

PSALMS AND CANTICLES.Which have said , With our tongu e wil l f I we pre - Ivai l : we ‘are . they that ought to speak I who i s Ilord I over u s ?

For the Oppression of the poor, for the sighingof the needy, now will I arise ” I sai th the I Lord :“I will se t him in safety irom . ihim that I pu fi


eth.Iat him .

The wordS '

of the Lord are I pure I words : evenas the s ilver

,which from the earth i s tried and

pdrified I seven t imes I in the I fire.

Thou shalt kéep I them,0 I Lord : Thou shalt

preserve them from this I gener I at ion for I ever:Cons ider an d héar me, O I Lord my I God : l ighten

mine eyes,les t I I s leep the I sleep of death

Lest m ine enemy say, I' have pre I vai led a I

gain st him : and thos e that trouble me re I joicewhen I I am I moved.But I have tri

i s ted I in Thy I mercy : my heartshal l re I j oi ce in I Thy sal I vation .

I will sing I unto the I Lord : because He hathdeal t I bounti I fu ll y I W i th me.

Oh that the salvat i on of I srael were com e ou t ofZion ! when the Lord bringeth back the captivity Iof His I people z


Jacob shal I rejoi ce, and I I srael Ishal l be I glad .


LORD,who shall dwél l i n Thy I taber I nacle z



who shal l res t u p I on Thy I holy I hil l ?Even he that leadeth an I u ncorru pt I l ife : , and

doeth the thing which i s right, and spe'

aketh the It r uth I from his I heart.He that hath used no decei t i n his tongue, nor. done


évil ' I to his IJ friend : and I hath . not I slanderedhis I neighbour.He that setteth not by . himself, bu t i s lowly ' in

his I own I eyes : and maketh m lich of I them that Ifear the I Lord .

He that sweareth unto ,his neighbour, and disap I

poin tethhim I not : though it , Iwere to his Iown I hu rt.He that hath not given his money up I onusury : nor taken te Iward ' a Ig ains tcent .Whoso I doeth thes e I th ings ; shall I no I ver


Morning prayer.

PSALM 1 6 .

PRES f RVE I me O I God : for in Thee I do I I putmy I t rus t .O my soul, thou hast said I unto the I Lord : Thou

art my Lord , I’have I


nothing I good with ? out Thee.The Lord is the port ion of m ine inheritance and I

of my I cu p : Théu I shal ain - I tain my I lot .

The lines are fallen unto me in I pleasant I places :yea, I I have a I goodly I heritage.I have set the Lord I always be I fore me : because

He i s ‘

at my right hand I I shall I not be Imoved.

Therefore my heart is g lad and my*I glory re I

joiceth my flésh I also shal l I rest in I safety. .


Thou wilt not leave my I soul in I sheoln either wilt Thou s uffer Thine 11o I one 1to I seecor I ruption . c


Thou wi lt shew me the path of life, in'



sence i s I fulness of I joy : at Thy right hand thereare I pleasures for I even I I more.

1 3‘

PsALM I 7.

H EAR the . right'

0 Lo'

rd ,<attend I u nto my I ~e'rygive ear unto my prayer t hat goeth not I ou t of Ifeigned I l ips i I I

Let my sent ence come ferth I from Thy I presencelet Thine eyes behold the I things I that are I equal . JI'

Thou hast proved mine heart,Thou hast ' vi si ted

me in the night,Thou hast tried me and shal t I

find I nothing : I am -


t rpos ed that my I mouthshal l I not trans I gress .Concern ing the I works of I men


by the word ofThy l ips I have kept me from the I paths of I thede I stroyer.Hold up my goings I in Thy I paths : that my I

footsteps I sl ip I not.I have cal l ed

u pon Thee, for Thou wilt Ihear meO I God : in cli ne Thine ear unto I me andrI hearmy I


speechv wrx U

‘She Thy‘ lmarvel lou s loving -k i ndn es s, 0 Thou that

Savest by T by . rig ht u hand them which pdt . their Itrust in I ,

Thee ; fi‘om , thés e that I ris e I up aa I gainst

C I . J 1 ‘

Keep me as the épple'

! of the I eye : hide the

finder the ir shadow - I of Thy I wings,From men 'who


are -Thy hand , 0 I LorcI : from

thi s I lifes ": ‘Qfis i orme, I shall behol d Thy I face in I rig h teousn es s .cJmhal l be satisfiedwhen I


» I iwakaI withThy I l ikeness. : 0 I l


Thou hast given me the defen ce of I Thy sal Ivation : Thy right band al so shal l hold me u p, and

Thy loving cor I recti on shal l Imake me I great..Thou shalt make room enough 1

1nder me I for to Ig o z that my f ootsteps I shall not I slideThe Lord l iveth

,an d blessed be

,my I st rong I

helper : an d praised hé the I God of I my sal I vation.


THE Lord I is my I shepherd : I’

I shal l I not I wan t.He maketh me to l ie down in I green I pas tures

He leadeth me be I s ide the I sti ll I waters.Hé re I s toreth my I sou l : He leadeth ime in the

paths of righteou sness I for His I name’s I sake.

Yea, though I Walk through the val ley of'


shadow of death,

I’ will I fear no I evi l for Thou



with me, Thy rod and Thy I s taff they I comf ort Ime.

Thou preparest a table befot e me,in the presen ce

of them that I trouble I me Thou ahoin tesh my headwith oil , my I,cup I ru nneth I over.Surely goodness and mercy shal l follow me al l

the days I of my I li fe : and I wil l . dwell mi thehouse I of the I Lord for I ever.


Morning prayer.


:THE heavens declare the I glory of God : and thefirmament I sheweth His I handi I work.

Day’unto day I u ttereth I speech : and n ig ht unto I

n ight I sheweth I knowledge.


rICLEs. 693

There i s neither I speech nor I language : thei r Ivoice I is not I heard .

Thei r ' li ne 15 gone forth through Ial l the I earthand their words to the I ends I of the I world.


I n them hath He set a tabernacle I for the I sunwhich is as a bridegroomcoming ou t of his chamber,and rejoiceth as a I giant to I run hi s I cou rs e.

His going forth i s from the end of the heaven,aiid’his circuit I unto the I ends of it : arid there i snothing

'hid I from the I heat there: I of .

The lawof the Lord is perfect, con - I verting the Isoul : the tes timony of the Lord is sfire I making Iwise the I simple.' The precepts of the Lord are right, re I joicin gthe I heart : the commandment of the Lord i s p1


en I lighten I ing the I eyes .The fear of the Lord is clean, en I du ring for Iever : the judgments of the Lord are trifle and Irighteous I alto I gether.

-More to be desired are they than gold, yea than Imuch fine I gold : sweeter also than I honey I andthe I honeycomb.

Moreover by them i s Thy I servant I warn ed : andin keeping of them I there i s I great re Iward .

Who can tinder I s tand His I errors : cleanse Thou Ime from I secret I faults .Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuou ssins, let them not have dominion I


over I me : thenshall I be upright, and I

shal l be I free fmm I greattrans I gres sion .

.Let the words of 'my mouth and the meditat ion '

Iof my I heart : be acceptable in Thy sight 0 Lord,my I streng th, and Imy re I deemer.



2 4.



HE earth i s the Lord’

s, and the I Iulnes s there Iof the world, and I they that I dwell - there - I ih .

For .He hath founded it u p I on the I seas : andestabl ished I i t up I on the I floods


Who shal l ascend into the hil l I of the I Lord z



who s hal l s tand I in His I holy I place ?He that hath clean hands and a pure I heart :

who hath not lifted up his soul unto I vanity, nor .

sworn de I oeit f u l ly.

He shal l rece ive the blessin g'

from the I Lord ; andrighteousness from the I God of I His sal I vat ion .

Lift up your heads 0 ye gates, and be ;ye llift

up ye ever - I las ting I doors : and the King of Iglory I shal l come I in .

Who i s thi s I Ki ng of I glory: The Lord s trongand mig hty, the I Lord Im ig hty in I bat tle.Lift up your heads 0 ye gates , and be ye lift up

ye éyer I las tin g I doors : and the King of . I glory Ishal l come I in .

Who i s thi s I King of I glory The Lord _ of hosts IHe is the I K i ng of I glory .

Evening prayer.

PSALM z 5.

UNTO Thee O Lord do I lift I up my I s oulmy God I t ru st l n Thee I let me not I be .a I shamed .

They that wai t on Thee shal l I not be a I shamedthey



al l be asham ed that trans I gres s with [ou ta I cause :

Shew me Thy I ways , 0 1 ] Lord : and I teachImeThy I paths .




.Exami ne me, O I .Lord



Iprove q'

né : trymy Irein s I and my I heart .



For Thy loving - kindness i s be I fore mine I eyes'

and I' have I wal ked I in Thy I t ruth.

I have not sat wi th I vai n I persons : neither wil lI'

I g o i n I with dis» I semblers .

have hated the congregat ion of I evi l I doers :and I wi ll not I s i t with the I.Wicked.

II I wil l wash m ine I hands’ in I innocency : so will I

compass Thine I al tar O I'

Lond ;

That 1 may pu blish with the'voice I


of thanks Igiving : and tél l of I al l Thy I wondrou s I works:


' Lord , I l ove the habitat ion of I Thy I house : andthe place I where Thin e Ihaonour I dwelleth


1130 1111119 p rayer.

PSALM 2 7 .

THE Lord i s my light and my salvati on , whom I

shal l I I fear : the Lord i s the s tren gth of my l ife,'

of whom I shal l I I be.

a I fraid ?Thoug h an host should encamp

again st me,my

heart I shal l not I fear : though war should riseagainst me, even I then wil l I I be I confiden t .One thing have I . desired I of the I Lord : that I

wi ll I I s eek I afterThat 1 may dwell in the hou se of the Lord al l

the days I of my I li fe : to behold the beauty of theLord , and to in I qui re I in His I templex

PSALMS AND CANTI CLES.For in the I t ime of I troubl e He shall hide I me

in I His pa vil ion .

I n the secret of 11 15 tabernacle I shal l He I h ideme : He shall set me I up u p I on a I rock.

Hear, O Lord, when I cry I with my, l voice : havemercy al so u p I on me, and I answer I menWhen f Thou said st, Séek I ye My I face : my heartsaid unto Thee

,Thy I face, Lord I wil l I I seek.

Hide not Thy I face far I from me : pt1t not Thy lservant a I way in Ianger.Thou hast I been my I help : leave me not, neitherforsake me

,O I God of I my sal I vat ion.

When my father and my I mother for I sake me :

thén the I Lord will I take me I u p.

Wai t on the Lord, be of good courage, and Héshall I strengthen thine I heart : yea I wai t thou I onthe I Lord.


G I VE '

urito the Lord I O ye I m ighty : give 1'

1n to

the I Lord I glory and I strength .

Give unto the Lord the glory due Iunto His I nameworship the Lord I in the I beauty of I holiness .The voice’ of the Lord i s upon the waters


God of glory I thundereth thé I Lord i s up I onmany I waters.The voice of the I Lord i s I powerful the voice of

'the I Lord 15 I full of Imajesty.

The Lord sitteth u p I on the I flood : yea, the' Lord I sitteth I King for I ever.The Lord will g ive strength I unto His I peoplethe Lord will I bless His I people with IPeace.


'l ‘ 9

Evening 3prayer.


1 s 1 Psw s e

I W ILL ex tol I -Thee, O I Lord : for - Thou “ has tl ifted me mi,

and hast not made my ides . to*1re - Ij oi ce I over I me.

1 . 111

0 Lord my God, I cried I u n to Thee : and I Thouhast I healed I s e 11 1 J I"

O Lord,Thou hast broug ht Up my Sdu laI from the I

grave : Thou hast kept me al ive, that I shou ld’


go I down I to the I ISit.S ing unto the Lord

, 0 . ye I sai nt s bf ] His u and

give thanks at the re I membrance I ofH is I ho lines s .For His anger endureth -abut amomen t ,

I in 'Hisfavour i s I l ife : weeping may

’end ure for a night, b u tjdy I cometh I in the Imorn ing : 112 5 1 !

And in my prosperi ty I said , I shal l névér I be ne' Imoved : Thou


,of Thy goodness hast Imade

my I h il l so I s trong.r i

Thou didst turn Thy I face I from me : an dzI'I IO i

was I troubled .

Then cried I ' unto IThee, O I Lord : yea I prayedto my I Lord right I humbly.

What profit is there I in my I blood : when I g o Idown to the I pi t ?Sha the dust g ive thanks I unto Thee : or shal l

. it de I clare Thy I tru th?Hear

,O Lord

,a1id have Imercy up I on me: Lord,

be I Thou I my I helper.Thou has t turned myhéavmess I in to Ioy : Thouhastput off my sackcloth, and I girded I me with Ig ladnes

ls .

Therefore shal l every good man siii g of Thy praise

with I out I ceasing : O my God, I will give thanks Iunto I Thee for I ever.


For the wérd ofo


he I Lord i s I right : and al lHis works are I done in I tru th.

I He loveth'

rfg hteo‘

u s i l ness and I‘

ju dgmeht : theearth i s f 1’111 of the I goodness of the I Lord.

By the word of the Lérd were the I heavens Imade : and al l the host of them by the I breath , of

His I mouth .

He gatheret h"thewaters of '

the sea tog ether Ia’sa I heap He layeth .

(1p the I deep as Iin aIstorehou se.Let the éarth fear the Lord : let al l the inhabi

tants of the wérl d I stand in I awe”

pf I Him.

For He spake and I i t was I done :'

He commaridedand i t I s tood I fast.The counsel (if the Lér‘d I s tandeth for I ever : thethoughts of His heart to I al l I gener I at ion s.

1“ Blessed i s the nat iohwhose Géd I is the I Lordand the people Whom He hath chésen I for His I ownin I heri tance.The Lord looketh from heaven

,He beholdeth‘ 411

the I sbmsI

of I men . He fashioneth thei r hearts alike,

Hé con I s idereth I al l their I works .Behold , the

'eye of the Lord i s updm I them thatfear Him'

: upon them that I hope I in His ImercyTo deliver their I soul from I death : and to keep I

them ‘

a I live in I fam i ne .Our soul wai teth for the Lord ; Hé i s ou r I help

and I shield : our heart shal l rej oi ce in Him,because

we have t rtis ted I in His I holy I name.Let Thy mercy

,O Lérd I be u p I on u s : accérd

ing Ias we I hope in I Thee.

PSAiLM 341

I W ILL bles s the I‘


at I al l times : His praiseshal l I ever be I in my Imouth .



sbu l' shall make her bo'ast I in the I Lord : the

humble shall hear there I of Iand be I g lad t

O magn ifythe I Lord With I me : and let (15 ex I al tHis I hame t o I g ether.I



ght the Lord Ian d . He I heard me : and deli~vered me from Ial l my I fears.They looked unto Him Iand were I iig htened : an dtheir I faces were I not a Iaharrl edwThis poor man cried, and the I Lord I heard him :

an d saved him I out of I all hi s I t roubles.The angel of the Lord encampeth round about Ithemthat I fear Him and I — de I l ivereth I them.

0 taste and see that the I Lord i s I good blessed i sthe I man that I t rusteth in I Him.

1 0 fear the Lord I ye ‘I—Lis I sai nts : for there is no I

want to I them that I fear HimThe young lions do lack and I’

su ffer I hu nger butthey that seek the Lord s hall Inot want Ianygood I thi ng,The eyes of the Lord are up I on the I rig hteou s :

and His ears are I open I unto their I cry .

The Lord is nig h unto them . that aré of a I,broken Iheart : and saveth such as I be of a I contri te I spi rit.Manyare the afiiict ion s I of the I rig ht eou s bu t theLord de I l ivereth him I ou t of t them I al l .The Lord xecleemeth the 56 111 I of His l servants

and none of them that trfis t in I Him I shall be Idesolate.

Evening prayer.

PSALM 36 .f uTHY mercy,

O Lord,is I in the I heavens : and Thy

faithfulness I reacheth I unto the I Cloud s.LThy righteousnes s is like i the I great I mountainsThy jfidg men t s I are a I m ighty I deep


How ex ce l lent i s Thy loving I kindness , O‘ IGodtherefore the children of men put the ir tru st '



the I s had ow I of Thy I wi ngs .They shal l be abundantly satisfied with the plén

teou snes s I of Thy I house : and Thou shaltmake themdrink of the I river I of Thy I pleasures .

For wi th Thee i s the I fountain of I l if e : in Thylight I shall we I see I l ig ht .0 con t inheThy loving- kindn ess unto I them that Iknow Thee : and Thy righteou snes s unto them I thatare l t ru e of iheart



FRET not thysel f becausebf I evil I doers neitherbe thou envious against - the workers of in d I iqu ity.

Tr ust i n the Lord and I do I good : and I follow Iafter I fai thfulnes s .Delight thyself I i n the I Lord : and He shall g i ve


the de I s i res I of thy I heart .Comm i t thyway -u nto the Lord , t ru s t I al so i n I Himand I He shall I bring it t o I pass .He shal l brin g forth thy righteousnes s I as the I lightand thy judgment Ias the I noonday.

Res t I in the I Lord : and wai t I eatient I ly forHim.

Cease from anger, and for sake I wrath fret notthyself in any I wise to I do I evil .The rnéek shal l ih I heri t the I earth and shal l del ight themselves I in the a I hu ndance of I peace .The Lord knoweth the days I of the I upright : and

their inheritance I shall en I dpre for I evenThe s t eps of agood man are ordered I by the I Lord

an d hé de I lighteth I in His I .



.Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear I u nto my Icry : hold not Thy I peace I at my I tears ,1For I’am a I stranger I wi th Thee and a Soj ourner,

as Ial l my I fathers I were.O spare me that I 'may t e I cover I s trength before


g o I hence and I be no I more.

PSAL'M 40 .

I waited pat iently I for the I' Lord and He inclined

(mto Ime,and I heard my I c ry .

He brought me al so out of the horrible pit , ou t ofthe I m ire and I clay : and set my f eet upon the rock,and I ordered I my I goings .And He hath put anewsong I in my I mouth even

21 thanks I g iving I unto our I God.

.Many shal l I s ee it , and I fear and shal l pfit their It rust I in the I Lord .

Bles sed is the man that hath set hi s hdpe'

I in the ILord : and


tu rned not unto the proud,




as I g o a I bou t wi th I l i es .0 Lord my God , great are the wondrou s works

which Thou hast done,and Thy thoughts whiéh I


areto I u sward : and yet there i s no mama

that érdereth lthem I unto I Thee.I f I shou ld declare them and I speak of I them :

they should be more than I ’ am I able I to ex I pre ss .Sacxifice, and meat -ofi


erin g , Thou I wouldest I notb tit m ine I ears I hast Thou I Opened.Burnt - ofl'

ering s , and sacrificefor s in, has t Thou I notre I quired : theu I said I I Lo, I I come.I n the volume of the book it i s wri tten ofme, that I

should f u lfi l . Thy will I O my I God I’ del ight


todo it , yeaThy law I is

‘with I in my I heart


I have declared Thy righteousness in the great I congre I g at ion : lo, I will not ref rai n my lips, O I Lord,and I that Thou I knowest.I have not bid Thy righteousnes s with Iin my ]heart :

my talk hath been of Thy truth I and of I Thy sal Ivafion .

11 have not kept back Thy lovi ng I mercy and I tru thfrom the I great I congre I g ation .


not Thou Thy mércy f rom Ime, O I Lordlet : Thy loving - kindness and Thy truth I al I waypre I serve me.

For innumerable troubles are come about me ; my

sins have taken such hold upon me, that I am not ableto I look I up yea, they are more in number than thehairs of my héad, and my I heart hath I failed I me.

O Lord,let i t be Thy pleasure to de I l iver I me :

make I haste, O I Lord, to I help me.

As for me, I am I poor and needy : but the I Lord l ,thinketh up I on me.

Thou art my Helper I an d Re I deemer : make no

long I tarrying I O my I God .

Evening prayer.

PSALM S 42 , 43.

As the hart panteth I after the I water brooks so'panteth my soul I after I Thee, O I God.

My soul thi rsteth for God, for the I living I Godwhen shal l I come and ap I pear be I fore God ?My tears have been my méat I day and I n ightwhile they continuall y say u nto


mé I Where“

is nowthy I God ?

‘When I” re member these I things : I pour I outmy I soul I in me.


796 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.For I went I wi th the Imu lt i tude : I went Wi th

With the voice of I j oy and I prai se : W1th a, multitu de that I kept I holy I day.

Why art thou cas t down I O my I s ou l ; and whyart thou dis I qu iet I cd with I in me ?


g Hope I thou in I God : for I shal l yet praise Himfor the I help I of His I coun tenance .

A The Lord will command His loving kindness I inthe, ! day t ime : and in the nig ht His song shal l bewith me, and my prayer unto the I God I of my I l i fe.0 send. ,ou t Thy light and Thy truth I let them I

Lead me : let; them bring me to Thy h(jly Ihil l and IgoI Thy I dwell ing.

Why art thou1 cas t déwn IQmx I sowl and whyart thou d is I qu iet I cd with; I in me?Hope I thou in I God : for I shal l yet prai se Him,who is the heal th of my I countenance Iand my IGod.

PSALM 46 .

G6D i s our I refuge and I strength : avery present Ihelp in trouble.Therefore wi ll we not fear though the I earth be

moved : and thoug h the mountai ns be carried intothe I midst I of the I sea;Though the waters thereoflal grag e and I swelLI

thpug h the mountain s shake Iwith the I tempestthere I of . 5;I

here '

is . a ri ver, the streams whereof make g ladthe l City PEIGod : theholy PI4“?Off thatébesnaciei lof the I Most I H igh .

God is in the midst : sf hss u sl ié 51121114395 be Imoved : God shall I help her, and I that‘right Ig early;


For i t i s Thou that savest (15 I from ou r I enermes

and pL’

i t tes t them I i n con I fu s ion that I hate u s .

We make our boast of Ged I al l day I long ‘

: andWil l prai se Thy I Name for I even


O CLAP your han ds together I al l ye I peeple : Os ing unto Ged I w i th the I voice of I melody.

For the Lord i s high, and I to be I feared : He 15

the great King up Ion I al l the I earth .

0 sing prai ses,sing prai ses I unto ou r I God : 0

sin g prai ses, s ing I prai ses I unto our I King.

For God is the King of al l the I earth : s ing ye Iprai ses with I u nder I s tanding.

God reigneth I over the I nat ions : God sittethup I on His I holy I s eat.The princes of the people are joined unto thepeople of the I God


of I Abraham : for God, whois greatl y exal ted

,doth defend the earth, as i t I

were I with a I shield.

PSALM 48 .

GREAT i s the Lord and greatly I to'

be I praisedin the city of our Géd, in the I mou ntain [ of His Iholiness .Beautifu l for s ituation

,the joy of the Whole earth I

i s mount I Zion : on the sides of 1the north, thecity Iof the I great I King.

God i s knéwn I in hef I palaces : fdr I aI s ure I

And as we have heard,so have we seen ' in the

c i ty of the Lord of hosts,in the city

,I .of ou r I God :

Ged wil l e I s tablish I i t for I ever. n


We have thought of Thy loving - I kindness, O IGod : in the midst I of Thy I temple.

According to'

Thy name 0 God, so is Thy praise{into the I ends of the I earth : Thy right I hand is Ifu ll of I righteousness .Let mount Zioii rejoice, let the daughters of IJudah be I glad : hé I cause I of Thy I judgments .Walk about Zion , and g o I round a I bou t herand I tell the I towers there I of .Mark ye well her b tilwarks, com I s ider _


palaces : that ye may tel l it to the I gen e I ration Ifollowing.

For thi s God is our God for I ever and I ever : He

will be our g fiide I even I un to I death.

Evening prayer.

PSALM 50 .

THE Lord, even the most mighty I God , hath Ispokeri : and called the world from the rising up ofthe su n {i nto the I going I down there I of .Out of Sion hath I God ap I peared : in I per I feet Ibeauty.Our God shall come , and shall I not keep I si lencethere shall g o before Him a consum ing fire, and amighty tempest shall be I sti rred up I round a I boutHim.

He shall cal l the héaven I from a I bove and theearth , that I He may I judge His I people.Gather My saints together I unto I Me : those thathave made a cove I nant wi th I Me by I sacrifice.

And the heaven shall de I d are His I righteousness : for I God is I Judge Him I self.Hear, 0 My people, and I Wi l l I speak : I Mysel f

7m PSALMS AND CANTICLES .wi l l testify against thee , O I srael, for I am . God Ieven I thy I God.


I will not reprove thee because of thy sacrifices ,

nor for thy I burnt I off erings : Which are al - I waybe fore Me.I will take no bfil IOCkI ou t of thine I hou se : nor I

he - goat I out of thy I f olds .For al l the beasts of the I forest are I M ine : and

so are the cattle up I on a I thou sand I hi l l s.I know al l the fowls I u pon the I mountains : and

the Wild beaSts of the I fiel d are I i n My I sight.For the '

whole world i s I M ine : and I al l that I i sthere I in . .

Offer un to God I thanks I giving : and pay thyvows I unto the I Most I High .

And call upon M6 in the I t im e of I trouble : sowill I héar thee, and I thou shalt I prai se I Me .

And whos o of fereth Me thanks and prai se, he Ihonoureth I Me : and to him that ordereth his conversat i on right wi ll I I shew the sal I vat ion of IGod.


HAVE mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy Iloving I kindneSs : accord ing unto the multi tudeof Thy tender merc ies I blot out I my trans I gres «s i on s .Wash me throu g hlyf rom I mi ne in I iqu ity : and I

cleanse me I from my I s in.

For I acknowledge I my trans I g res s ion s : an dmy I s in is I ever be I fore me.

Against Thee, Thee ocu ly I have I I smned : and


this I evil I in ThyI sight . I


,Oh that


I had wings I l ike a I doyefor then would I flya I way, and I be at rest.Lo, then would I


I wander far I OH and re I maid Iin the I wilderness .Evening, and morn ing

,and at noon wil l I pray,

and I c ry a I loud : and I He shall I hear my I voice .

Cast thy burden upon the Lord,and Hé


I shallsus I tai n thee He shal l never suff er the I rig ht eou s Ito be I moved.

In God have I Ipu t my I tru s t : I Will not beafraid what I man can I do unto I me.

Thy vows are up I on me, O I God : I wil l rend er Iprai ses I unto I Thee .

For Thou hast delivered my I sou l from I deathwil t not Thou del iver my feet from fall ing, that Imay walk before God in the I light I of the Ii l iving ?

PSALM 57 .

BE merciful unto me,O God

, bemércif u l I unto I.mefor my I soul I tru steth in I Thee.Yea

, in the shadow I of Thy wings : I ' I will Imake my I refuge .

I will cal l unto I God most I high: unto God that Idoeth I good to Ime.

He shal l sénd from I heaven and I save me : Godshal l send forth His I mercy I and His I t ru th.

Be Thou exalted, O God, a I bove the I heavenslet Thy glory I be above I al l the I earth .

‘My heart i s fix ed, 0 God; my I heart is I fix ed : I'

will I s ing and I give I praise.“

Fox“ the greatnes s of Thy mercy . reacheth I untothe I heavens : and Thy I tru th I unto the I clouds .


Be Thou exalted, O God, a- I bove the I heavenslet Thy glory I be ab ove I al l the I earth.

P SALM 63.

O GéD Thou art Imy I God : éarlw il l I I seek IThee.My soul thirst eth for Thee my flesh I longeth for IThee : to see Thy power and Thyglory, as I have Iseen Thee I in the I sanctuary.B ecause Thy loving - kindness i s I better than I l ifemy I l ips shall I prai se I Thee .

Thus will I bles s Thee I whi le I I l ive : my mouthshal l praise I Thee with I joyf ul I li psWhen I remember Thee u p I on my I bed : and

meditate on Thee I in the I n ig ht I watches .Because Thou hast I beenmy I help : therefore un derthe shadow of Thy I wings will I I re I joice.

Evening prag et .


PRAISE wai teth for Thee, O God, in I Zion : andunto Thee shall the vow I be per I f ermed.

.0 Thou that I hearest I prayer (into I Thee shall Ial l flesh I come.I niquities me I vai l a I gai nst me as for ourtransgressi ons

,Thou shalt I purge I them a I way.

' Blessed is the man whom ThouIchooses t , and

causest to approach I unto I Thee that hé may Idwell I in Thy I courts .We shal l be sat isfied with the goodnes s I of Tby Ihouse : the holy Iplace I of Thy I templ e.



ble things Thou wilt answer I u s inrighteousness :



I God of I can sal I vat ion .

Thou that art the confidence of al l the ends I ofthe I earth : and of them that are afar I off up I onthe I sea.

Who by his s trength s et t eth I fast the Imoxmtainsbeing I girded a I bout with Imight.Who s til leth the roaring of the seas , the roari ng I

of thei r I waves : and the I tumult Io f the I peoplesThey also that dwell in the u t termps t parts are

afraid I at .Thy I token s : Thou makest the outgoings

of the morning and I evening I to re I jo i ce .

Thou visites t the I earth, and I waterest it : Then Imakest i t I very I plen teeu s tThe river of God 18 I fu ll of I water : Thou provides t

them corn,whenThou hast I some I paved the I earth.

Thou wateres t her I furrows a I bu ndau t ly : Thou Isettlest the I ridges there I of .Thou makest i t I soft with I showers Thou I bless

est the I springing there I of .Thou crownest theyear I wi thThy I goodness : ThyIpaths I drop fatness .They drop upon the pastures I of the I wildernessand the li ttle hil ls re I j oi ce on I every I s ide.The pastu res are clothed with flocks , the val leys are

coVered I over with corn : they shou t for I j oy, t hey Ialso I s ing.

PSALMS 6 6 , 6 8.

MAKE ajoyf ul noi se unto God I al l ye I lands s ingforth the honour of His name I make His I prai se Iglori ous.Say unto God , Howwonderful art .Thou I in Thy !works : al l the I eart h shal l I worship I



l 1

7 16 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.Let the peopl e praise I Thee, O I God : yea, k t I

al l the I people I prai se Thee.0 let the nati ons be glad, an d I s ing for I joy : for

Thou shal t j udge the people righteously,, and g overnthe I nat ions up I on I earth.Let the people prai se I Thee, O I God ; let I al l

the people I prai se Thee .Then shal l the earth I y ield her I i ncrease : and

God, even I our own I God , shal l bless u s.'

God I shal l I bless u s : and al l the ends of theIearth shall I fear I Him.

PSALMS 7 I , 73.

I N Thee , O Lord , do I put my trust ; let me neverbe piit I to con I fus ion del iver me in Thy righteou s :ness, incline Thine éar I unto I me, and I save me.

Be Thou my stronghold , whereunto I may I alwayre I s ort : Thou hast gi ven commandment to saveme, for Thou art my I rock I and my I fort res s.Thou art my hope I O Lord I God : Thou art my


i s t I even I from my I you th .

Go not far from I me, O I Lord : 0’my I God

make I haste to I help me.

I will pat iently a I bide al I way : and wil l I praiseThee Imore and I more.I wi ll g o i n the strength of the I Lord I God : I

will make mention of Thy righteousness I even of IThine I only.

0 God Thou has t taught me I from my I youthand hithert o have I

' de I clared Thy I wondnou s Iworks .When I am old and grey - headed, O God, for- Isake me I not : unt il I have shewed Thy s trength


unto thi s generation, and Thy power to al l I themthat I are to I come .

Thy rig hteousn ess, O God, i s I very I high : 0

God I who i s I l ike unto I Thee ?Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort meon I every I s ide : so will I praise Thée and Thy Ifaithfulness I O my I God.Whom have I ’ in I heaven but I Thee : and therei s none on earth that I I de I sire be I fore Thee .

My flésh and my I heart I fai leth : but God i s thestrength of my heart I and my I port ion for I ever.

Evening prayer.


HOW lovely are Thy dwellings, O I Lord of I hostsmy soul hath



des ire and longing to én ter the Icourts I of the I Lord .

My heart I and my I flesh : cry ou t I for the I living IGod .

B lessed are they that dwél l I in Thy I house : theywill I sti ll be I prai sing I Thee .

B lessed is the man whose strengt h I i s in I Theein whoseheart are the I high I ways to I Zion .

Passing through the valley of Weeping they makeit £1 I pIaée of I springs yea, the early rain I covereth Ii t with I bless ings.They go from I strength to I strength : every oneof them in Zion ap I peareth be I fore I God.

0 Lord'

God of hosts I hear my I prayer : give Iear

, 0 IGod of I Jacob.

A day in Thy courts i s I better than a I thousandI had rather stand at the threshold of the house ofmyGod than I dwel l in the I tents of I wickedness.

7 18 PSALMS AND CANTICLES .For the Loed God is a s u n and shield, the Lord

wi ll give I grace and I glory : no good thing Wi ll Hewithhold from I them that I walk u p» I rightly.


I Lord of I hos ts : bles sed i s the. man that Iputteth his I trus t in I Thee.


LORD, Thou hast been fayou rable I u nto Thy Iland : Thou hast brought back the cap I t iv i I tyof I Jacob.

Thou hast forgiven the iniquity I of Thy people '

Thou hast I covered I al l their I s i n .

Wilt Thou not revive I u s a I gain : that Thypeople I may re I j oice in ITheeShew u s Thy I mercy, O I Lord : and I grant u s

Thy sal I vation .

I will hear what God the I Lord will I speak ; forHe will speak peace unto His people and to Hissaints

,but let them not I tu rn a I gai n to I folly.

Su rely His salvat ion i s.

nigh I them that I fearHim that glory may I dWel l I i n


our I land .

Mercy and trtith are Imet to I gether : rig hteou sness and I peace haye I ki ssed each I other.Truth shall sprmg I ou t of the I earth : and rig hteous

ness shall I look I down from I heaven .

Yea, the Lord shall give that which 15 I good : andour I land shal l I yield her i ncrease .

Righteou sness shall I g o be I fore Him and shallset (19 iii the Iway I of His I steg s.

yf o ~PSALMS AND CANTICLES.For I have said

,Mercy shall be bui lt I up for I ever

Thy faithfu lhess shal t Thou es tabl ish in theheavens .The heavens shal l prai s e Thy I wonders, O I Lord :Thy fai thfulness also

,in the congre I g at ion I of the I

saints .O '

Lord God of hosts,whoi s a strong Lord I l ike

unto I Thee : or to Thy I fai thfulness I round a I bou tTheeThou ru l es t the raging of the I sea: when the waves

thereofa I ri se Thou stillest I them.

The heavens are Thine,the earth I al so i s I Thine

as for the world and the fulness thereof I Thou has t Ifounded I them.

Justice and judgment are the habitation I of Thy Ithrone : mercy and t ruth shall I g o be I fore Thy Iface.Bles sed 15 the people that know the I joyful I sound

they shal l walk, 0 Lord, in the I l ight I of Tby I cou ntenance.

I n Thy name shal l they rejoi ce I al l the I day : andin Thy righteousness I shal l they I be ex I alted.

Blessed be the Lord for I ever I more : A'

I men,'

and I A Imen .

Evening prance

PSALM 90 .

L6RD,Thou hast I been our I dwell ing - place : in

al l I gener I at ion s .

Bef ore the mountai ns were brought forth; or everThou hads t ‘

fovmed the earth I and the I worl d : evenfrom everlasting to ever I lasting I Thou art I God.


Thou t u rnest 'man I to dew I struction and sayest ,Re I turn ye I children o f Imen.

For a thou sand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday Iwhen it i s I past : and I as a I watch in the Inig ht.Then carriest them away, they Iare as a I sleep : inthe morning they are l ike I grass which I groweth I up.

I n the morning i t fléu risheth and I groweth I up t inthe evening it I i s cu t


I down , and I withereth .

The days of our years are - three - score I years and Iten : and if by reason of strength I they be I fourscore I yearsYet i s their s trength I labour and I sorrow : for it i ssoon cut 63 Ian d we I fly a I way.

So teach us to I number our I days : that we mayapplyour I hearts I unto I wisdom.

Retfirn,O I Lord, how I long and be I gracious I

unto Thy I servants.O sati sfy u s early wi th Thy I mercy : that we mayrejoi ce and be I glad I al l our I days.Make u s glad accord ing to the days wherein Thou I

has t af Ifiicted u s and the years where Iin we I haveseen I evil .Let Thy work appear I unto Thy I servants : and

Thy Iglory I unto thei r I children.

And let thebeauty of the Lord our God I be u p I onu s : and establish Thou


the work of our hands uponu s , yeathe work of ou r hands as I tab l ish I Thou I it .

HE that dwellethHigh '

: shall abid em ighty.

PSALM 91 .

m the secret plaee'

of the I 'Mos t

under the I shadow Iof the Al

2 2


I wi ll say of the Lord , He i s my refuge Irandmy I fortress : my God, in I Him I wi ll I I tru s t.He shal l del iver thee from the snare I of the I

fowler : and I from the -I noisome I pesti lenceHe shal l cover thee with His feathers

,and under

His wmg s I shal t thou I tru s t : His tréth shall I‘


thy I shield and I bu ckler.Thou shal t not be afraid for the I terror by I night

nor for the I arrow'

that Ifl ieth by I day ;For the pesti lence that Iwalketh i n I darkness

nor ‘

for the des I tru ction that I was te th at I noonday.

Because thou hast made the I Lord thy I ref ugeand the Most I Hig h thy


I habi I tat ion ;There shal l no evil be I fall I thee : neither shal l

{ my I plagu e come I nigh thy I dwell in g.

For He shal l give His angels charge I over I theeto keep I thee in I al l thy I ways .They shall bear thee tip I i n their I hands : lest

thou dash thy I foot a I gain st a I'stone.

Because he hath set hi s love u pon Me, thereforewil l I ’ de I l iver I him : he shal l '

call upon Me,and I

I wi ll I answer I him .

I wil l bé with I him i n I trouble : and will I shewhim I M y sal I vation .


Morning prayer.

PSALM 92 .


i s agood thing to g ive thanks I un to theand to s ing praises ' unite Thy I name


I 0High .



O COME , let u s sing I unto the I Lord : let u s makea j oyful noi se to the I rock of I ou r sal I vat ion.

Let u s come before his presence I wi th thanks Ig iving : and make a joyful I noi se unto I Him with Ipsalms .For the Ldrd i s a I great I God : and agreat I Kin

a I bove al l I gods .I n His hand are the deep places I of the I earththe strengt h of the I hi l l s is I I—l is Ial so.The sea i s His I and He Imade it : an d His hands I

formed the I dry I land .

0 come let u s worship and bow I down : let u s

kneel be I fore the I Lord our ImakerPér I He is ou r I God : and we are the people of

His pas ture, and the I sheep of I His I hand.

Evening prayer.

PSALM 96 .

O S ING unto the Lérd a I new I song : sing untothe I Lord I al l the I earth .

Sing unto the Lord I bl ess His I name : shew forthHis sal I vat ion from I day to I day.

Declare His glory a I mong the I nati ons : His Iwonders a I mong al l I people.Honou r and majesty I are be I fore Him : strengt h

and I beaut y are I i n His I sanct uary.

Give unto the Lord,0 ye kindreds I

‘ of the Ipeople : give unto the I Lord I glory and I strength .

Give unto the Lerd the g lory d iie . I u nzt o His Iname : bring an ofl


erin g an d I come I intoHis I cou rts.

PSALMS AND CANTICLES.O worship the Lord in the I beauty of I holiness

let the whole wérld I stand in I awe of I Him.

Say among the nat ions that. the I Lord I reigneth

Hé shall I judge the I people I righteously.

Let the heavens rejoi ce, and let the I earth be I gladlet the searéar I and the I ful ness there I of .Let the field be joyful, and al l that I i s there I in

then shall al l the tree s of the weed re I j oice be I forethe I Lord.


For He cometh, for He cometh to I judgethe Ifi rth : He shall judge the world with righteou sness,and the I people I with His I truth .


P SALM 97 .

THE . Lord reigneth, let the I earth t e I joice : letthemi

il t it u de of I isles beI glad there I of .Clouds and darkness are I round a I bout Himrighteousness and judg ment are the found I ation I ofHis I throne .


heavens de I clare His I righteousness : andal l the I peoples I see His I glory.

Zion héard Iand was I glad : and the daughters ofJudah rejoiced becauseof Thy I judgments I O Lord .

For Thou,Lord

,art high above I al l the I earth :

Thou art exalted I fi t a I bove al l I gods .Ye that love the Lord I hate I evi l : He preserveth

the souls of His saints, He del ivereth them ou t ofthe I hand I of the I wicked .

Light is sown I for the I rig hteous : and gladness I~for the I upright in Iheart .Rejoice 1n the I Lord ye righteous : and give thanks

at the re membranee I of His I hol iness.


morning mag enPSALM 98.

O S ING unto the Lord aI new I song : for Hé hath Idone I marvellou s I th ings .

His right hand and His I holy I am hath I g ot teiiIHim the I victory.

The Lord hath made kn tSwn I His sal I vation His

righteousness hath He openly shewed in the I s ig ht Iof the I nations .He hath remembered His mercy and His t ruth to

ward the I hou se of I I srael : al l the ends of the earthhave seen the sal I vat i on I of our I God.

Make ajoyful noise unto the Lord I al l the I earth :make a loud noi se and re I j oi ce, aiid I smg I prai se.Sing unto the Lord I with the I harp : with the harp ]

and the I voice of a I psalm.

With tri’impet s and I sound of I cornet : make ajoyful noi se be I fore the I Lord the I K ing.

Let the sea roar and the I fu lness there I of : theworld and I they that I dwell there I in .

Let the floods I clap their I hands : let the hill s bejoyful to I gether be : I fore the I Lord .

For He cometh to I judg e the I earth : w1th rig hteou snes s shall He judge the world I an d the I peoplewith I equ i ty.


THE I Lord I reigneth an d Hé i s I hig h'hbov


e Ial lthe I people.Let them prai se Thy great and terrible I name for I

i t I i s I holy.


I wi l l behave myself wisel y in a I perfhct I WayOh , when wilt Thou come unto me ? I wil l walkwith in my house I with a I perfect I heart.I will set no wicked thing be I fore m1ne I eyes :

I hate the work of them that turn as ide, it I shal l not Icleave to I me:A froward héart shal l de I part from I me : I

’wil l Ikn ow no I evi l I thing.

Whoso slandereth hi s neighbour, him wi ll I I send I

off : him that bath a high look an d a proud beart Iwil l not I I I suff er .Mine eyes shal l be upon the faithf u l I 04

“ the I landthat I they may I dwel l wi th I me.

He that walketh ia' a I perfect Iway : be I shall Iserve Ime.

He that worketh decei t shal l not dwél l with I inmy I house : he that tel l eth l ies shal l not I tarry I inmy I s ight.

'PSALM 10 2 .

HEAR my I prayer, O I Lord : and lét my I crycome I unto I Thee .

Hide not Thy face from me in“

the I t ime oftrouble : i ncl ine Thine ear unto me when I

O I answer me I speedi I ly.

My days are like a shadow I that de I clinethand I I am I withered l ike I grass .But Thou

,O Lord, shalt I abide for I

ever : ‘


Thy memorial I unto al l I gener I at 1ons .

Thou shalt ari se, and have mercy up Ion I 2 10 11for i t i s time to have pity upon hér I yea, the sett ime i s I come .

For Thy servants take pleasu re I in heraI'

s tones

and have I love I for her I dust ,

PSALMS AND CANTICLES.So the nations shall fear the name I of the I Lord

and al l the kings I of the I earth Thy I glory :'The Lérd hath I built up Zion : He hat h causedHis I glory I to ap I pear.


He hath regarded the prayer I of the I des ti tu teand de I spised not I thei r de I sire .

He hath looked down from the height I of His Isanctuary : from heaven did the I Lord be I holdthe I earthTo hear the groaning I of the I prisoner : to loosethose that I are ap» I po int ed to I death .


He weakened . my strength I in the I way : Hé Ishortened I my I days .

1 I said, O my Ged take me not away in the I m idstof my I days i Thy years aré ~throu g h~ I out al l Igene r I


ations .

Of old hast Thou laid the‘

fou n dation I of the Iearth : . and the heavens are the I work I of Thy Ihands .They shal l perish

,but Thou I


shalt em I dure theyshal l I all wax I old like aI garment .A s avés tu re ' l shal t T hou I change them : andthey I shall -be I changed.Bu t Thou I art the I same : and Thy I years shal lhave no I end.


morning ptag er.


BLE SS the Lerd I O my I soul and al l that withinme I bless His I hol y I name.

730 PSALMS AN D CANTICLES .Bles s t he Lord I O my I soul : and Lf Of ' I g

'et frot Ial l His I benefitsWho forgiveth I al l thy I s in : who ! héal eth al l

th ine ih I firmit iesWho redeemeth thy l ife I from de I s truction : whocrowneth thee with loving I kindness and I tender Imerc i es ;Who sat isfieth

‘ thy mouth with'

I good I things : sothat thy youth is t e I newed I l ike the I eagle

’s .The Lord ex ecuteth righteous ness and I j udg

ment : for I al l that I are op I pressed . 1

He made known His ways I_

unto I Moses : Hisworks I unto the I children of I I srael .The Lord i s £1111 of com I pas s ion and I mercy

long sufi'

ering I and of I great I g oodness.He wil l not I always I ch ide : neither wil l He I keep

His Ianger for I ever.He hath not deal t with 135 after our I s in s : 1nor

rewarded 6 5 ac cording to our in I iq u it ies .

For as the heaven i s high a I bove the earth : sog reat i s His I mercy toward them that I fear Him.

A s far as the eas t i s I from the I west : so far hathHe removed I ou r trans I g res s ion s I from


u s .

Like as a father I pitie th his I chi ldren : so theLord I pitieth I them that I fear Him .

For He I knoweth our I frame Hé t e I membereth

that I we are I dus t.A s for man , his days I are as I grass as a flower ofthe I fiel d I so he I flou risheth.

For the wind pas seth over it I an d i t i s I gone : andthe place there I of shal l I know i t no more.But the mercy of the Lord i s from everlasting to

everlasting upon I them that I fear Him : and His

righteousness I unto I children’s I ch ildren .


them do the fowl s of heaven have thei r habitation,whi ch I s ing a Imon g the I branches .He watereth the hil ls I from a I bove : the earth i s

satisfied with the I fru it'

I of Thy I works .He causeth the grass to grow for the cat tle , and

hérb for the I service of I man : that he may bringforth I food out of the I earth



And wine that maketh glad the I heart of Iman :

and bread that I streng theneth man’s I heart.He appointed the I moon for I seasons : the s f m I

knoweth his I going I down.

Thou makest darkness, and I i t i s I night : whereinal l the beas ts of the I fores t do I creep I forth.The young l ions roar after their prey, and séek

their I m eat from I God : the s um ariseth, they . g et

them away together, and lay them I down I in their Iden s .Man g oeth forth untohiswoxkand I to his I labou r


m- I t il the I even I ing .

O Lord how manifold are Thy works, in wisdomhas t Thet’t I made them I the earth i s I f u l l


I ofThy I riches.So i s th i s great and I wide I sea: wherei n are

th ing s creeping inm’

imerable both I smal l and In I

give thém thei r I meat in I clue I season .

That Thou givest I them they I gather Thouopenest Thine hand I they are I fil led with I‘ g ood.

Thou‘hides t Thy face I they are I t roubled Thom

takest away their breath , they die and re I turn I totheir I dust.Thou sendest forth Thy spiri t, they I are cre Iated :

aad Thou re- I newes t the I face of the I earth .”


The glory of the Lord shall eh I du re for I everthe Lord shal l re* I joice I in His I worksi


{ homing Draper.

PSALM 1 0 6 .

O GIV E thanks unto the Lord, for I He i sciou s : and His I mercy en I dureth for I ever.Who can ex press the noble acts I of the I Lord

or I shew forth I al l His I praise ?B lessed


are they that I alway keep I judgmentand I do I right eous - f I ness.Remember me

,O Lord

,according to the favou r

that Thou béares t I unto Thy I people : 0 visit I me

with I Thy sal I vationThat I may see the fel icity I of Thy I chosen : andrejoi ce in the gladness of Thy people, and give Ithanks Wi th I Thine ih I heritance.

PSALM 1 0 7 .

O GI VE thanks unto the Lord, for I He is goodfor His I mercy en dureth for I ever.Let the redeemed of the I Lord say I so whom Hehath redeemed from the I hand I of the I enemy ;And gathered them out of the lands

,from the eas t

and I from the I west : from the I north and I fromthe I south.

They wandered in the wilderness in a I sol i tary iway : théy I found no I ci ty to I dWel l in .


mg ry I and I thirsty : their I souls I fainted I inthem.


Then they cri ed unto the Lord I i n thei r I t roubl eand He del ive red them I ou t of I thei r .d is I tresses.And He led them forth by the I right I way : thatthey m ight go to a I c i ty of I habi I tation .

0 that men would prai se the Lord I for His I goodness : and for His wonderfu l works I to the I chi ldrenof I men

For He sat isfieth the I longing I soul : and ffl leth

the I hungry I soul wi th I goodness .Such as si t in darkness and in the I shadow of I

death : being bound I in af I fiiction and i ron .

He hath broken the I gates of I brass and CM the Ibars of I i ron in I sunder.0 that men wou ld prai se the Lord I for His ghod

ness : and for His wonderful works I to the I chi ldren'

of I men

And let them sacrifice the sacrifices I of thanks - I

gi vi ng : and declare His I works I with re I jok ing"They that g o down to the seain ships , that


do biis ines s I i n great I waters : these see the works of theLord

,and His I wonders I in the I deep .

He maketh the I storm a I calm : so that the I wavesthere I of are I s t ill .Then are they glad because I they are I quiet : so

He bringeth them unto I their de s i red Ihaven .


0 that men would prai se the Lord I for His I goodness : and for His wonderfu l works I to the I childrenof I men !

Bvehtng prayer.PSALMS I 1 I I 2 ,

I W I LL give thanks unto the Lord wi th m); I who le Ih eart : in the assembly of the upright and I i n the Icongre I gat ion .


Morning fi tag et .

PSALM 1 1 6 !

« I LOV E the - Lord, be I cau se .He hath'

I.heard thé Ivoice I of my I prayer. 1

Becau se He hath incl ined His ear I unto I thetherefore will I cal l u pon Him as I long I as l I live .The sorrows of death compassed me, and . the painsof the grave gat I hold tips I onme : I

I found I trou bleand I sorrow.

Then called . I“upon t he néme . | of the Lord : 0

Lord , I beseech I Thee , de : I li ver my I souLGracious i s the I Lord , and I r ighteous : yea I ou r I

God i s I mercifu l .The Lord pre I s erveth the I s imple : I was brought

low Iand He I helped Ime.

Ret urn unto thy rést I O my I soul : I for the Lordhath deal t I bounti I fu l ly I with thee ; a

For Thou hast delivered my I sou l from I death :m ine eyes from tears Iand my I feet from I fal l i ng.

What shal l I render I unto the I Lord : for al l His Ibenefit s I


towards I me ?

I wil l take ‘

the cup of sal vation,and cal l on the

name I of the I Lord : I Wi l l paymy vows unto theLord in the I presence of I al l His I


I will offer to Thee the saerifiéé I of thanks I givi ngand will cal l upon the I name I of the I Lord .

I wil lz

pay my vows I unto the I Lord z"in the I

presence of Ial l His I people .

PSALM .1 1 8 .

O GIVE thanks un to the Lord,for I f l e is I gloodw

for H is Imercy eu dureth for I ever.


Le t them now that féar the I Lord I say : that His Imercy en I dureth for I ever.I called upon the Lord I in dis I tress : and theLord I heard me I and de I l ivered me.

The Lord i s my strength I and my I song : and isbe I come Imy sal I vation .

Open to me the I gates of I righteousne ss : I wi llg o into them and I I will I praise the I Lord .


i s the gate I of the I Lord into I which the Irighteous I enter.I wi l l praise Thee, for I Thou has t I heard me : and

art be I come I my sal I vation .

The stone which the I bui lders re jected i sbecome the I head I of the I corner.This . i s the I Lord’s I doing : it i s marvellous I inour I eyes .This i s the day which the I Lord hath I made : wewill rejoice Iand be I glad in I it .Thou art my God, and I I will I praise Thee : Thouart my I God I I wi ll ex I al t Thee .

0 give thanks unto the Lord for I He i s good : forHis I mercy en I dureth for I ever.

Evening ptag et .

PSALM 1 I 9.


BLESSED are the undefiled I in the I way who walkin the I law I of the I Lord.B lessed are they that I keep His I testimonies : and

séek Him I with their whole I heart.Thou has t commanded u s to kéep Thy I precepts I



dil igent ly : 0 that my ways wére di I teched to IkEepThy I statutes .Then shal l I not I be a I shamed : when I l have

respect un to I al l I Tby com I mandmen ts ! t i

Thy word have I hid I i n my I heart that I mightnot I s in a I gainst I Thee.

I have rejoi ced in the way I of Thy It es timoniesas I i n al l I manner of I riches.I will medi tate I in Thy I precept s : and have t

e Ispect I unto Thy I ways.I will delight myself I m Thy I statutes : 1

’will I notfor I get Thy I word.

Open I Thou m ine I eyes : that I may b ehold wondrou s I th ings I ou t of Thy I law.

I am a s t ranger I on the I earth : hide not I'Tby

com mandmen t s I from me.

MY s oul cleaveth I unto the I dust : qu icken Thoumeac I cording I to Thy I word .

Remove from me the I way of I lying : and g rant ]me Thy I law I graciously.

I ncli ne my heart unto Thy I testimonies : and Inotto I covetous I ness .Turn away m ine eyes from be~ I holding I vani tyand I qu i cken me I i n Thy I way.

I remembered Thy jtidgmen t s of I old, 0 I Lordand I have t e I ceived I comfort.Thy statutes have I beenmy I songs : in the I house I

of my I pi lgrimage.Before I was troubled I wen t ad I stray :

"but nowhaye - I I kept Thy I Word .


I t i s good for me that I ’ haveI- been ai I Hictedthat I I ‘mig ht I learn Thy I statutes


I will never forget I Thy com I man dmen t s : f orwith them I Thou hast I quickened me.

I’am I Thine, O I save me : for I ’ have I spu g ht I

Thy com mandmen t s .

The ungodly laid wai t for me to de stroy mebut I ’ will con I s ider I Thy I testimonies .I see that al l things I come to an I end : but Thy

commandment I i s ex I ceedin g I broad.


RiGHTEOU S art I Thou , O I Lord : and I upright !are Thy I judgments .Thy testimonies that Thou I hast com I mandedare I righteou s and I very I fai thful .Thy word i s I very I pure : th

’erefore Thy I servan t Iloveth I it .Thy righteousness is an éver I lasting I righteousness : and Thy I law I i s the I truth .

Trouble and angu ish have taken I hold on I meyet Thy commandments I are I my de I l ights .The righteou sness of Thy tes timon ie s i s I ever - I

last ing : give me tinder I standing and I I shal l I l iveI cried wi th I my whole I hear t : hear me

,O Lord I I

will I keep Thy I statutes .I Make Thy face to shine u p I on Thy Iservant and Iteach I me Thy I statutes .Great peace have they who I love .Thy I law : and I

nothing I shall oi I fend them .

Let Thine hand help me, for I’ have I chosen Thy I

precepts : I have longed for Thy salvat ion,'

0 Lord,an d

Thy I law i s I my de I l ight .Let my soul live, and i t shal l I prai se Thee : and I

let Thy I judgments I hel p me.


I bat'

re gone astray like a I lost Is heep : 0 seek Thyservant, for I do not fior I get I Thy com I mandmeri ts.

Evening prayer.

PSALM 1 2 1 .

I’I WILL l if t up m ine eyes I unto the I hills : from Iwhence I comethmy I help .

My help cometh I from the I Lord : who Imade Iheaxien and II earth.

He will not stiffer thy I foot to be I moved : Héthat I keepeth thee I will not I slumberBehold Hé that I keepeth I I srael

' shal l I neither Islumber nor I sleep.

The Lord I i s thy I keeper : the Lord is thy shadeu p I on thy I right I hand .

The s u n shall not smite I thee by I day : nei I therthe I moon by I night.The Lord shall preserve thee from al l I evil : Hé Ishal l pre I serve thy I sou l .The Lord shal l preserve thy going ou t and thy Icoming I in : from this time forth

,and I even for I

ever- f Im ore.

PSALM 1 2 2 .

1 - I WAS glad when they said I unto I me : Let u s go

into the I house I of the I Lord .

Qu r feet are standing wi th I in thy I gates O'

IJe Irusa I lem .

Pray for the - peace I of Je I ru sal em they shal l Ipros per that I love I thee.Peace be with I in thy I walls : and pros I perity

with I in thy I palaces .


will now say IPeace I be with I i n thee lBecause of the house of the I Lord our IGod : I

wi l l seek I thy I good.

PSALM 1 2 4.

I f i t had not been the Lord who was on our side ,l et I I s rae l now I say : i f i t had not been

“the ‘


who was on our s ide, when I men rose I up ar I gainst; 1

Then the waters had I over I whelmed u s : theri theprou d waters I had gone I over ou r I sou l.Our help i s in the name Iof the ILord whoImade I

heaven and I earth .


Morning prance

PSALM 1 25.


THEY that trust in the Lord shall hé as I mo'

u n t IZion : which cannot be removed I bu t a I hideth forever.As the mountai n s are round a I bout Jea I ru sal emso the Lord i s round about His people from I henceforth I even for I ever.i

For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lotof the I righteous les t the righteou s put forth theirhands I unto in I iqu ity.

Do good,0 Lord

,unto those I that be I good : and to

them that’

are I upright I in their I hearts .As for such as tu rn as ide unto their crooked ways,the Lord s hall lead them


forth with the workers I ofin I iqu ity but peace shal l I beau? I (m l I SIaCL i n

744 PSALMS '


Evening prayer.

PSALM 130 .

OU T I of the I depths : have I cried I unto I Thee, O ILord .

Lord I hear my I voice : let Thine ears be attentiveto the voi ce I of my I suppl i I cations .I f Thou


,shouldest I mark in I iqu ities : O


ILord I who shal l I s tand ifBu t there is for I g ivenes s with I Thee : that I

Thou I mayest be I feared .

I wai t for the Lord,my I soul doth I wai t : and in

His I word I do I I hope .

My soul wai teth for the Lord more than they thatwatch I for the Imorning : I say, more than theythat I watch I for the Imorn ing.

Let I srael hope in the Lord , - for wi th the Lord Ithere i s Imercy : and wi th I Him i s I plenteous


re Idemption .

And Hé shall t e I deem I srael : from I al l I hi sin I iqu it ies .

PSALM 131 .

LORD , my heart is not haughty, nor m ine I eyes Ilofty neither do I ex ercise myself in great mat ters, ori n I th ings too I h igh for Ime.

Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as achild that i s weaned I of his I mother : my sou l i seven I as a I weaned I child .

Let I srael hope I i n the I Lord : from I henceforth Iand for I ever.


{ not hing prayer.


L6RD,t e I member I David : and I al l I hi s ai - I

flict ion s .

How he sware I unto the I Lord : and vowed untothe Imighty I God of I Jacob.

Surely I will not come unto the tabernacle I of my Ihouse : nor I g o up I into my I bed .

I will not give sleep I to m ine I eyes or I slumber Ito m ine I eyel ids,Until I find out aplace I for the I Lord an habita

t ion for the I m ighty I God of I Jacob.Arise

,O Lord I into Thy I rest : Thou , and the I

ark I of Thy I strength .

Let Thy priests be I clothed with I righteousnessand lét Thy I saints I shout for joy.

For the Lord hath I chosen I Zion he hath desiredit I for His I habi I tat ion .

This is My I rest for I ever : here will I dwell I forI I have de I sired it .I will abundantly b lés s I her pro Iv1510 n : I

'wi llSatis I fy her I poor with I bread .


I will also clothe her priests with sal Ivationand her saints shall I shout a I loud for I joy.

PSALM 133.

BEHOLD, how good and how I pleasan t i t I i s : forbréthren to I dwell to» I gether i n I unity.

I t i s like the precious ointment upon the head, that


ran down upon the beard , even IAaron’s I heard

that went down to the I ski rt s I 'oi‘ hi s I garmentsAs the dew of Hermon and as the dew thatdescended upon the I mountain s of I Zion : for there theLord cormnanded the bl es sin g , éven I l ife for I evermore.

Evening prayer.

PSALM 134.

BEHOLD,bless ye the L ord , al l ye servan t


s I of the ILord : who by night stand in the I house I of the ILord .

Lift up your hands I in the I saiicltuary and Ibless I — the I Lord .

1 1 m .

The Lord that made I heaven and I earth : b léss Ithee I out of I Z ion.

t . t a A

PSALM 135.

o m u se,

the Lord, laud y e‘


I of the ILord : prai se


ii, O’

ye I servan ts I of the I LordYe that s tand in thehou se I of the I Lord : in the

courts of the I'

hou se I of our I God .

O prai se the Lord for the I Lord.

i s I g racwu s : Os ing prai ses unto His I Name, for I i t i s I lovel y.Thy Name

,QLord, en I dureth for I ever : so dothThy memorial , O Lord

,from one gener I at ion I to

an I other.

for His Imercy en I dureth f or I ever .0 give thanks unto the I God of I g ods : for His I


en - I d u reth for I eve r. ml ; i l

748 PSALMS AND CANTICLES .u s m i rth, saying

,Sing u s one of the ] songs of I

Zion .

How shal l we sing the I Lord’s I song : in I — a Istrange I land ?I f I forget thee I O Je I ru salem : lét my rig ht I

hand for I get her I cunning.

I f I do not remember thee,let my tongue cleave to

the roof I of my I mouth : if I prefer not J eru salema I bovemy I chief I j oy.

PSALM 138 .

I WILL prai se Thee with my I whole I heart : beforethe gods will I ’ s ing I prai se I unto I Thee .

. I wi ll worship toward Thy holy temple , and prai seThy name for Thy lovi ng - kindness and I for Thy . ltru th : for Thou has t mag n ified Thy word a I bove Ial l Thy I name .

In the day when I cried Thou I answeredst Imeand s tren g theneds t mewith I strength I in my I sou l .

A l l the kings of the earth shal l prai se I Thee, O ILord : when they héar the I words I of Thy Imouth .

Yea,they shall s ing in the ways I oi the I Lord : for

great i s the I glory I of the I Lord.

Though the Lord be high,yet hath He respéct I

u nto the I lowly : but the proud He I knoweth a Ifar I off .Though I walked in the m idst of trouble I Thouwilt re Ivive me : Thou shal t stretch forth Thinehand against the wrath of mine enem ies

,and I Thy

right I hand shal l I save me.

The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me ;Thy mercy, O Lord , en I dureth for I ever : forsakenot the works I of Thine I own Ihands .


Evening Drag “ .

PSALM 139.

O LORD,Thou hast searched me I out and I known

me : Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising,Thou u nders tandes t my I thoug ht a I far I ofii


Thou compassest my path and my I lying I downand art ac I quain ted wi th I al l my I ways .For there i s not aword I in my I tongue : but 10 l O

Lord, Thou I kn owest it I al to I gether..Thou hast beset mebe I hind and be I fore : and Ilaid Thine I hand up I on me.

Such knowledge i s too I wonderful I for me : i t i shigh

,I I cannot at I tai n I unto it .

Whither shal l I g o'

from Thy I Spiri t : or whithershall I ’ I flee I from Thy I presence ?I f I ascend up into héaven I Thou art I there : if I

make my bed in sheol,behold I Thou art I there I

als o.

I f I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in theuttermost I parts of the I sea: even there shall Thy handlead mé

,and Thy right I hand shall I hold me.

I f I say, Stirely the Idarkness shall I cover me : eventhe night I shal l be I light a I bout me.

Yea the darkness hideth not from Thee, but thenight shineth I as the I day : the darkness and thelight are I both a I l ike to I Thee.I' will I prai se IThee : for I am fearfully and I won

der I fully Imade.Marvellous I are Thy I works and that my I soul Iknoweth right I well .5 How precious also are Thy thoughts unto I me, O IGod : how g reat I i s the I sum of I them !



I f I should count them,they are more in number I

than the I sand :”when I awake I3am I sti ll with I

Thee.Search me, O God, an d I know my I heart : try me

and I kn ow my I thoughtsAnd see if there be any

I wicked way I_in me : and

lead me in the Iway I ever I lasting.

PSALM 1 4 1 .


Lord, I cry I unto I Thee : .make haste unto mé, g iveear unto my voi ce Iwhen I I cal l u n I to Thee.

Let my prayer be set forth before I Thee as I incense : and the l ifting up of my hands Ias the Ievenmg Isacrifice.

Set a watch , 0 Lord, be I fore my I mouth : keepthe I door I of my I l ips .I ncline not my heart to any evn thing

,to practi se

wicked works wi th men that I work in I iqu ity :‘


let me not I eat I of thei r I dai nties .Butmine eyes are unto Thee, O IGod the I Lord : i n

Thee i s my tru s t, leave I not my soul desti tute.


{ bot tl ing prayer.

PSALM 1 42 .

I CR I ED unto the Lord I with my voice : with myvoice unto the Lord d id I I make my I suppli ca I tion.I poured

.out my complaint . be I fore l Him : I

shewed be I fore I Him my_ I t rouble.

752 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.Quicken me, O Lord , for Thy I name’s I sake : for

Thy righteousness’ sake I brin g my I sou l out of Itrouble.

Evening prayer.

PSALM 1 45.

I WI LL ex tol Thee, my I God, 0 I King : and I willbles s Thy I name for I ever and I ever.Every day I wil l I I b les s Thee : and I wi ll praiseThy I name for I ever and I ever.One generat ion shal l prai se Thy works I unto an

other : and shal l de I clare Thy I m ighty I acts .They shall abundantly utter the memory of I Thygreat I goodness : and shal l I s ing I of Thy I righteou sness .The Lord i s gracious and I ful l of com I passionslow to anger I and of I great I mercy.

The Lord i s I good to I al l : an d His tender merciesare I over I al l His I works .A11 Thy works shall prai se I Thee, O I Lordand I — Thy I sai nts shall I bless Thee.

.They shall s peak of the glory I of Thy I kingdomand I talk I of Thy I power.Thy kingdom i s an éver I las ti ng Iking dom : and Thy

domin ion endureth through I out al l I gemer I at ion s .

The Lord upholdeth I al l that I fall : and rai se th upal l those I that be I bowed I down .

The eyes of 411 I wai t upon I Thee and Thou givestthem thei r I meat i n I clue I s eason .

Thou openest Thine I hand : and sat isfies t the

desire of I every I l iving I th ing.

The Lord is righteous in Ial l His I ways : and I hol yin Ial l His I works .


The Lord is nigh unto al l them that I cal l u pon IHim to 2411 that I cal l u pon iIHim in I trut h .

He will f u lfil the desire of I them that I fear HimHe also will héar their I cry


Iahd will I save them .

My mouth shall speak the prai se I of the I Lordand let al l flesh bless His holy I name for I everand Iever.


146 .

PRAISE the Lord 0 my I sou l : while'


I l iye wi llI



the I Lord .

I will sing praises I unto my I God‘while I I have


Iany I being.

Put not your I trust in I princes : nor i n the son

ofman , in I whom there I i s no I help.

Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob I for his Ihelp : whose hope is I in the I Lord his I God ,Who made heaven and earth; thesea, and 411 that Ii s there I in : who I keepet h I truth

‘ for I everWho ex ecuteth judgment I for the op I pressedwho giveth I food I to the I hungry.

The Lord I looseth the I pri soners : the Lordopeneth the I eyes I of the I bl ind .

The Lord r’ai seth them‘ that are I bbwed I downthe Lord I careth I for the I righteous .


The Lord preserveth the strange rs, Hé telieveththe fatherless and I widow : but the way oi athé

wicked He I tu rneth I upside I down .

The Lord shal l I reign for I ever : even ihy God 0Zion, u nto I al l I gener Iat ion s.




{ b owing prayer.

PSALM 147.

PRAISE I ye the I Lord : for i t i s good to s ingprai ses I unto ou r I God ;For I i t i s I pleasant : and I prai se i s I come I ly.

The Lord healeth the I broken in I heart : Hébindeth I u p thei r I wounds .He telleth the number I of the I stars : He calleth

them I al l ~ I by thei r I names .Great i s our Lord , and great I i s His I power : His I

wi sdom i s I infin I i te.The Lord l ifteth I up the I meek : He bringeth the

ungodly I down I t o the I ground.

Sing unto the Lord I wi th thanks I giving : s ingprai se upon the I harp I unto ou r I GodWho covereth the heaven with clouds

,who pre

pareth rai n I for the I earth : who maketh grass to Igrow u p I on the I mountai ns .He giveth to the I beas t his I food : and to theyoung I ravens I which I cry.The Lord taketh pleasure in I them that I fear

Him : i n those that I hope I in His I mercy.

Prai se the Lord - I O Je I ru salem : prai se thy IGod I O I Zion .

For He hath strengthened the bars I of thy I gatesHé


hath I blessed thy I children wi th I in thee.

He maketh peace I in thy borders : and fil leth

thee with the I fines t I of the I wheat.He sendeth forth His commandment u p I on I

earth : His word I runneth I very I swiftly.


Beas ts and I al l I' cat t le : creeping I things atid Iflyin g I fowl,K ings of the earth and I al l I people : princes andal l I j udges I of the I earth ,Both young men and .maiden s I old men and I chi l

dren : let them prai se the I name I of the I LorduFor His name a I lone is I ex cellent : His glory is

a I bove the I earth and I heaven.

PSALMS 149, 150 .

PRA ISE I ye the I Lord : s ing unto the Lord a newsong

,and His prai se 1n the I congre I g at ion of I sai nts .

Let I srael rejoi ce in IHim that I made him : let thechildren of Zion be I j oyfu l I i n their I K ing.

Prai se I ye the I Lord : praiseGod i n His sanctu ary,prai se Him m the I firmamen t I of His I power.Prai se Him for His I mighty I acts : prai se Him

according I to His I ex cellent I greatness.Prai se Him with the I psaltery and I harp : prai se

Him with stringed I ins tru I ments and I organ s .Let everyt hing that hath b reath I prai se the I LordPrai se I ye I the I Lord .


Morning prayer.


CANST thou by searching I find out IGod : canstthou find ou t the Al I mighty I to per I fection ?1 He 18 high as heaven , what I canst thou I do : deeperthan the grave I what I canst th ou I know ? l ‘


Behol d I go forward, but I He is not I there : andbackwards I but I I cannot per ceive Him

On the left hand where He doth work, but I I cannot be I hold Him : He hideth H imself on the righthand I that I I cannot I see HimBu t He knoweth the way I that I I take : when Hehath tried mé I I shall come I forth as I gold .

He i s of one mind I who can I tu rn Him : if He cutoff or shut up, or gather tog ether I who can I bin der IHim ?

He i s wi se in heart and I mighty in I s trengt h : Heremoveth the mountains I and they I know it I not.He shaketh the earth out of i ts place, the pil lars Ithereof I tremble : He spreadeth out the heavens, andwalketh on the I waves I of the I sea.

He knoweth the place where light dwelleth, andwhere is the I place of I darkness He laid the foundat ion s of the earth , and placed the I corner I stonethere I ofWhen the morning stars sang to I gether and al l

the sons of God I shout I cd for I joy.

With Him i s I wi sdom and I s trength : Hé hath Icounsel and I under I standing.

When He giveth quietness, who then I can make Itrouble : when He hideth His face I who then I canbe I hold Him ?Behold He breaketh down

,and i t cannot be I built

a I gain : He shutteth up a man , and there I can be Ino openi ng.

He discovereth deep things I out of darkness : andeverything that i s hid I bringeth He I forth to I light.Dom inion and iéar I are with I Him : He makethpeace I in His I high I places .Lo

,these are a part of His 'ways, bu t how lit tl e is I


under I s tand ? 3 1

Evening wag er.



HAPPY I S the man that I findeth I w i sdom : and theman that I getteth I under I standing .

For the merchandi se oi .it i s better than the me;chan I d i se of s i lver : and the gain there I of than Ifine I gold.

She i s more precious than I rubies and al l thethings that thou canst desi re are not to bé com - Ipared I unto I her.Length of days 15 in I her right I hand : and in herI

left hand I riches and I honou r .Her ways are I ways of I pleasantness : and I al l

her I paths are I peace .

She I S a tree of l ife to them that lay I hold I on herand happy 15 I every one that t e I taineth her.The Lord by wisdom hath I founded the I earth

by understanding hath I He es tabl ished the Iheavens .


By His knowledge the depths are I broken I upand the I cloud s drop I down the I dew.

I f thou criest after knowledge,and liftest up thy

voice for I under I standi ng : if thou seekest her ass ilver

,and searchest for I her as I for hid I treasu res ,

Then shalt thou understand the I fear of the I Lord ;and I find the knowledge of I God.

Eccmz smsrhs .

TRfiLY the I l ight i s I sweet : and a pleasant thingi t is for the I eyes to be I hold the I sun.



And the cal f and the you ng l ion and the I fatl itn gto I gether : and a I l it t l e I child shal l I lead them .

They shal l not hurt I nor de I stroy : in I al l My Iholy I mountai n .

For the earth shall be .full of the knowledge I ofthe I Lord : as the I waters I cover the I sea.


O LGRD I Thou art my God : I will exalt Thée II will I praise Thy I name,For Thou hast done I wonderful I things 2 Thy

counsels of ol d are I fai thful I ness and I truth .

For Thou hast been a strengt h I to the I poor : astrength to the needy in I h i s d i s I tress ;A refuge from the storm

,a shadow I from the I

beat : when the blast of the terrible ones is as a Istorm a I gainst the I wall.And the Lord will destroy I i n this I mountain : the

face of the covering I cast I over al l I people,And I the I vei l : that i s I Spread over I al l I nations .He will swal low tip I death i n I victory and theLord God will wipe away I tears from I off al l I faces ;And the rebuke of His people shall He take

away from (iii I al l the I earth : for the I Lord hath Ispoken I it .And i t shal l be sai d i n


that day, Lo I this i sour I God : we have wai ted for I Him, and I He will Isave u s .

This i s the Leta, we have I waited I for Him : wewi ll be glad , and -re I j oi ce in I His sal I vat ion .

In that day shall thi s son g he sting in the I lan dof I Judah We have a strong ci ty, salvation wi l l Godap I point for I wal ls ar

’f bulwarks .



6 pei1 ‘

l ye'

the I gates : that the righteous nationwhich keepeth the I truth may I enter I in .

Thou wil t keep him in perfect peace, whose mindi s I stayed on I Thee : 'hé I cause he I trusteth I inThee.

Trust yé in . the I Lord for_| ever : for in the Lord

Jehovah is I ever I lasting I s trength.

Evening prayer.


THE wilderness and the soli tary place I shal l be Iglad : and the : desert shall rejoice and I blossom Ias

rose .


I t shal l I blossom a I bu ndan t ly and rejoice I evenwith I joy and I s inging.

Strengt hen yé the I weak I hands : and con I firmthe I feeble I knees .Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be s tron g Ifear I not behold your God will come withvengeance,e

’ven God with a recompense I He wil l I come an d ]save you .


Then the eyes of the blind I shal l be I opened : and

the ears of the I deaf shall I be u n I stopped.

Then shall the lame man .leap I as an I hart : andthe tongue of the I dumb shall I s ing.

For in the wilde rnes s shal l I waters break I ou tamd I streams I in the I desert.The parched ground shall be I come a I pool : an d

And ahighway shal l be there Iand a Iway : and i tshal l be call ed the Iway of I hol i~ I mess.I No lion shall be there, wonany ravenous beast shall


g o I up there I en ‘

z b l’it the t e I deemed shal l I wal k Ithere.And the ransomed of the Lord shal l return , and

edme to I Zion wi th I songs and with everlas t ing Ijoy up I on their I heads .They shal l obtain I j oy and I g ladnes s : and sérrow

and I s ighing shall I flee a I way.


COMFORT ye, comfort ye my people I sai th you r IGod : speak ye cémfortably I t o Je I rusa I lem.

And cry unto her, that her warfare I is ac I compl ished that hér in I iqui I ty i s I pardoned.

The voice of one that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way I of the I Lord : make s traig ht in

thedesert a I highway I for our I God.

Every valley shall I be ex I alted : and everyméu n tain and I hi ll shall I be made I low.

And the créoked shal l I be made I s traight : andthe I rough I places I plain .

And the glory of the Lérd shal l I be t e I vealedand al l I flesh shal l I see it to I gether.A voice said, - Cry l and he said I What shall I Ic ry : al l flesh i s gras s , and al l the goodl i ness there6 f i s I as the I flower of the I field .

The grass withereth,the I flower I fadeth : but the

Wérd of our God shal l I s tand for I ever.0 Zion that bringest good t idings, get thee up in tothe I h igh I mountai n 0 Jerusalem that bringest goodtid ings

,l ift I up thy I voice with I strength .

Lift i t tip, be I not a I fraid : say unto the ci tiesof Jfidah, Be I hold I you r I God !Behold, the Lord God wi ll come with stron g hand,



THU S saith the high and lofty One, that inhabitetheternity, whose I name i s I holy : I dwel l in the I highand I holy I placeWith him also that i s of a contri te and I humbl ed

spiri t to revive the spi rit of the humble, and to revivethe I heart I of the I contri te.I will bring the blind by away that they know not I

of I will lead them i n paths I that they I have not Iknown.I will make darkness I l ight be I fore them : and I

crooked I things I straight.When thou passest through the waters I I will be Iwi th thee : and through the rivers , they I shall not Iover I flow thee ;When thou walkes t th rough the fire, thou shalt I not

be I burned n either shal l the I flame I kindle u p I onthee.For I ’ am the I Lord thy I God : the Holy Oneof

II sra I el , thy I Saviour.I'

,even I I , am the I Lord : and bes ide Me I there

i s I no I Savi ou r.For a small moment have I ' for I saken I thee : but

wi th great merc ies I wi l l I I gather I thee.I n a l i ttle wrath I hid My face from thee I for a I

moment : but with everlast ing kindness will I havemercy on thee

,sai th the I Lord I thy Re I deemer.

For the mountain s shall depart, and the hill s I bere I moved : but My kindness shall I not de I partfrom I thee,Neither shal l the covenant of My peace I be re I

moved : sai th the Lord I that hath Imercy I on thee .


Evening prabet .


HOW beautiful up I on the I mountains : are the feetof Him that I bringeth good I tiding s,

ub l ishethpeace that bringeth g ood I ti dingsof I good that publisheth salvat ion ; that saith u nto IZion I Thy God I reignethThy watchmen shall I l ift up the I voice : wi th thevoice to I gether I shall they I sing ;For they shal l sée I eye to I eye : when the I Lord

shall I Bring again I Zion.

Bréak I forth into I joy : sing tog ether, ye was te Iplaces I ofJe I ru sal em ;For


the Lord hath I comforted His I peOple : Héhath t e I deemedJe; I ru salem.

The Lord hath made bare His I holy Iarm : in theeyes of I al l the I nations ;And al l the ends I of the I earth shall see the salvat ion I of our I God.


AR ISE, sh ine, for thy I l ight _is - I come : and the

glory of the I Lord is ri sen up I on thee .

For behold , the darkness shall I cover :the I earthand I gross I darkness the I people ;Bu t the Lord shall a I ri se upon I thee : and Hisglory I shall be I seen u p I on thee,And the Gentiles shal l I come to thy I l ight : an d

kings to the I brightness I of thy I r is ing.

Lift up thine eyes round a bou t, and I see : al lthey gatheg themselves to I gether, they I corne


to Ithee ; n .


766 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.Thy sons shall I ar and thy daughtersshal l be I nursed ITherefore thy gates shall be I Open com I t inual lythey shal l not be I shut I day nor I night ;That men may bring unto thee the forces of the IGentiles and that their I kings I may be I brought.Violence shal l no more be héard I in thy I landwasting nor de st ruction with I i n thy I borders ;Bu t thou shal t cal l thy I wal ls Sal I vation '

and I — thy I gates I Prai se.The sun shal l be no more thy I l ight by I dayneither for brightnes s shal l the I moon give I l ightunto I thee ;But the Lord shal l be unto thee an éver I last ing I

l ight : and thy I God thy I glory.

Thy sun shal l go I n o more I down : nei ther shallthy I moon with I draw it I selfFor the Lord shall be thine ever I las t in g I l ight

and the days of thy mourning I shall be I ended .


{ homing prayer.


IT i s of the Lord’s mercies that wé are I not consumed : because I His com I pas sions I


fai l not.They are néw I every I morn ing : great I i s Thy Ifai thful I ness .The Lord i s my portion I sai th my


I son ] : therefore I will I I hope in Him .

The Lord i s good unto them that IJ‘wait I for Himtothe I soul that I seeketh I Him.


beams com ing otit of His hand, and' thére was the Ihiding I of His I power.Before Him I went the I pesti lence : ahd b fn'

n iiig Icoals went I forth at His 1feet. 1 1

He stood and Imeasured the I earth : He behéldt,and I drove a-

I sunder the I nati ons ;And the everlas ting mountains were scattered, theperpetu al I h i lls did how: His I

'ways are I ever - Ilast ing.

The mountains I saw Thee, they I trembled : theoverf lowing of the water I passed I by ;The deep I u ttered His I vo ice

: and l ifted I up His Ihands on I h igh.The sun and moon st ood still 1n their I habi I tation

at the light of Thine arrows they went , and at theshining I


of .Thy I gl i ttering I spear.Thou wentest forth 'for the salvation ] of Thy Ipeople : even for sal I vat ion with I Thi ne a I nointed.

A lthough the fig t ree I shal l not I bl oss om : neithershal l I frju it be I i n the I v inesThe labour of the I olive shal l I fai l : and the I fieldsshal l I yield no Imeat ;The flock shal l be pun

t off I f rom the I fold : andthere shall hé no I herd I in the I stallsYet I will rejoice I_ in the I Lord : I wi ll joy id


the IGod of I my salv I (ration : c im

Evening pcag er.‘


MY heart rejoi ceth I in the I Lord : m ine horn is exal bed in the I

Lord ;

My mouth i s enlarged I over' m i ne I enem i es : bev»cadse I

re I joice in I'


hy sal I vati on,


There iS '

none hol y Ias the I Lord : for I there is Inone be I side Thee,1For the Lord is a I God of I knowledge : and I byHim I actions are I weighed.

The Lord kfll eth, and I maketh a I l ix e : He bringethdown to the I grave, and I bringeth I up.

The Lord maketh poor, and I maketh I riCh : Hebringeth I low, and l ifteth I up.

He rai seth up the poor I ou t of the I dust : andlif teth the I beggar I from the I dunghill,To set them a I mong Iprinces : an d to make them

in I herit the I throne of I glory,For the pillars of the earth I are the I Lord

’s : Héhath I set the I world up I oh them.

He will keep the feet of His sai nts, and the wickedshal l be I silen t in I darkness : fdr hy I strength shal l Ino man pre I vai l.

.The adversaries of the Lord shall be I broken to Ipieces ou t of heaven I shal l He thun der -

u p I onthem.

The Lord shall judge the en ds I of the I earth : and

He shall give s trengt h unto His king and exal t the Ihorn of I His a I nointed.






1 6

BLESSED be Thou, Lord God of I I srael ou r IFatherfor


I cv I er and I ever.Thine, O Lord , i s the greatness Iand the I power

a'nd ; the the I victory I and the I majes ty.

Foral l that i'

s I in the I heaven : and I in the I earth.

i s I Thine ;Thine is the king dom jo I Lord : and - Th6u art

ex I alted as I head above Ial l . .v




iBoth ri ches and honour heads of IrThee : andThou I reignest I over I al l ;{ And in Thi ne hand i s I power and I m ight and i nThine hand it i s to make great

,and to give I s treng th I

U II tO Ial l . 1

N ow therefore; bar I God , we I thank Thee : and Ipraise Thy I glori ou s I name.

e 1


{ homing prayer.


W I SDOM is gl o ri ou s,and neve} I fadet‘h a


Iwayshe i s eas ily seen of them that love her, and I foundof such as I s eek her.

She goeth about seekin g sfich“

as be I worthy I ofher i and meetet h I them in I every I thou g hbFor the beginning of wisdom i s the de I si re of

dis I cipl ine : and the care of I‘ discipJI line is I love ;An d


l ove is the keeping I of her I laws : and theg i ving heed unto her laws i s the as I s uran


ce .of Ii ncor ruptionAnd i ncorruption maketh (is I near unto I God :

therefore the desire of I wisdom I bringeth a I

She i s a treasure unto mén that I never I failethwhich t hey that fise be I come the I friends of I God.

For she is sthe breath of the I power of I God :jandaipu re influ en ce I flowin g I f rom


the Al I mighty.She i s the brigh tness of the ever I lasti ng I l ig ht :

the u rii Btéed mi rror . of the power of God a‘ nd the Iimage I of His I goodness .


'Unto such as repent, He g ran te th I them t e I turnand comforteth I t hem that I fai l in - I pat ience,

Ye that fear the Lord be I l ieve I Him‘


f or

good, and for ever , I last ing I j oy and I mercy.

Look at the generat ions of I old and I see : did everany tru s tjn the,

Lord andwere confounded, or whom Id id He I ever des l bi se ?Return unto the Loi5d


arid for I sake thy I s insmake thy. l prayer hé- I { one His I face.



Turn again to' the Most High; and tu rn away I fromin I iq u ity : for He?will l ead thee ou t o fdarknes s Il in tothe I way of I l ight.As adrop of water tihto the séa,


a1id as a I g rain'

bf Isand : so are a t housand years to the I

days Iof c~ Itern ity.

fl u'

JI .


is GédI I- patient with I men : and poureth Iforth His I ‘mercy u

p I on them.1

The mercy ofman i s to I ward his I neighb our : butthe mercy of the Lord I i s up; I on al l I 1

He reproveth,and I bhas tefieth,and I teacheth : and

bringeth a I gai n as a I shepherd his IffiocktFor the Lord is fu l l of 'compass ion and mercy, l on g


erin g and I very I p itiful :'who shal l ofincl ou t ‘His

noble act s , and who shal l tel l ou t the I number f of IHis I,mercieé?

T1111: Boofi”oi? R


et ATxolft .‘

H6 LY I Holy I Holy : Lord IGod I Al I mighty,Who I wast and ] art : and I art ] — to I come.worthy art I Then; 0 I Lord 13to receive I glory

and Ihom u'

rvand I power l


ForThou hast cre Iated I al l thing s : and according ;to Thy will they Iare and I were cre - Iaxed“



Thou I King of I saints.Who shall not fear Thee

,O Lord

,and glori I fy

Thy I name : for I Thou I only art I holy. i

Prai se our God al l I ye His I servants : yé that‘

Ifear Hini both'

I smal l and I t{greatFor the Lord God


em I n ipoten t I reignet h

We give Thee thanks; 0 Ler'd I Got’l Al Imig



who”art and I wast and m to I comeBless ing and g lory and wisdom, and thanksgiving

and honour, and I power and Im ight : be unto 6 111” IGrid for I ever And I ever. I


looming prayer.

Ecmasmsmcu s ,

LET u s c'

all to remembran ce the I great and I good .

through whom the I Lord hath I wrou ght great I gloryThose who were leaders of the people by thei r I

jddg inent : g 1v1ng counsel by their I ancier I standingand I foresight ;Wise and eloq1

1en t I in their I teachings and

throng h kn owledge'

and'might fit I helpers I of the I


A l l thes e were honoured in their I g ener I ati onandwere the I glory I of their I tunes .There be some who have lef t a I name be I h indthem i whose remembran ce i s sweet as I honeyI inal l I mouths ;


And there be some who have I no me I morialwho are peri shed as I thou gh they had I never I been .

But thei r righ teousness has I not been for I gottenand the glory of their work I cann ot be I blotted I out.Their bodies are I bu ried i n peace : but theirname I l iveth for I ever I more .

The people will tél l I of their I wisdom : and the son

g regation wi ll I show I forth their I prai se.For the memorial of virtue I i s im mortal : because

i t i s known wi th I God and I with I men .

When it i s present, man kind take ex I ample I ofit : and when it i s gone, they I earnest I ly de I s ire

I t weareth a crown , and I triumpheth for I everhaving gotten the victory striving for I unde I filedt e I wards.The righteous shal l be in ever I lasting re Imem

brance : and the memory of the I just I shal l be Iblessed.Though a good life hath I but few I days : yet a

good I name en dureth for I ever.Though the righteous be over I taken by I death

they shal l be at rest, their sou l s are in the I hand of IGod .

Though they peri sh from the I s ight of I men : yetis their hope I fu l l of I immor I tal i ty.


BLéSSED I are the I dead : who die in the I Lordf rom I henceforth ;Yea, sai th the Spiri t, that they may I rest from their Ilabou rs 5and their I works do I fo llow I them.

What are these who are arrayed I in whi te I robesand I whence I came I they ?



' THOU GH I speak with the tongues of mén I and of Iangels : and I have not I chari I ty,

I em -become as I sounding I brass or Ias a I t inkli ng I cymbal .

‘And thou g h t I have the I gift of I prophecy : andunderstand al l mysteries I and al l I knowledge,And though


I have al l fai th , so that I’ could re I

move I mountain s ’: and have not I charitv I zam I

n oth ing.

And thoug h I bestow al l my g éod s'

to I ieed the Ipoor and though I give my I body I to

‘ be I burned,And I have not I chari ty : it I profiteth I me . I

n oth ing.

Chari ty su ffereth l ong"and ?is k i nd , charity I envieth I not : charity .vaunteth not herself I i s not Ipu ff ed I upSeeketh I


not 'her'

I own i s not easil y prov'

oked Ith inketh I no I evil ;Rejoiceth I not zin ' in o


I iqu ity : - hfit re I joiceth I inthe I t ru thBeareth al l things, be Izlieveth I al l things : hopeth I

al l things,en I du reth I al l th ings . r

Charity I never I fai let h : bu t whether there hé I prophecies I they shal l I fai l ;Whether the re be tongues I they shal l I ceasewhether there be knowledge I i t shal l Ivanish ar Iway.

{For we I kh ow° i n I part : and We I prophea I sy in I

part ;But when that wh ich iS '

I perfect is . I come : thenthat which i s in I part shal l be I done a I way. .


nowwe s ee I through a glas s I darkly : sbfit I

then I face t o I face ;


’Now I Iknow in Ipart : bu t then shal l I know, even

as I also I I am I known .

1 And nowabideth fai th , hope, charity I thes e three :b1

1t the I greatest of I these i s I charity.

l lSorntng

sir. LU KE'

I : 6 8.

BLESSED be the Lord I Go’

d bf ] read : for'He hath

visited I and re I deemed His I people.And hath raised up a


mighty sail I vati on I for u s :in the I house of His I servant I David .

As He spake by the mouth of His I holy I prophetswho have béen I s ince the I world be I ganTo perform the mercy promi sed to I our fore Ifathers : and to re I member His I holy I covenant. ‘That wemight serve Him I without I fear . in hdli

ness and righteousness I al l the I days of our I iife.

To g ive knowledge of salvation I unto His Ipeopl efor the re I mission I




I s ins .Through the tender mercy I of our I God f wherebythe da'y spring from on I high hath I visited I asTo give lig ht to them that s it in darkness, and iiithe I shadow of I death : and to g uide our feet I intothe I way of I peace .

1 JOHN 111.

BEHOLD what manner of love the Father hath be Istowed u



f I on as'

that wé fshou ld be I cal led the I

sons of I God .


Now are we the son s of Godfland it doth not v/yet

appear I what we I shall be : but we know that whenHe shal l appear, we shal l be l ike Him, , for wé shall Isee H1m Ias He I 1s ~


And every man that hath thi s I hope in I himpu rifieth himself I even as IHe 15 I pure.He that loveth not I kn oweth not I God : for I God I

i s I love.N 0 man hath seen Géd at I any I time : if we love

one another, God dwellet h in u s,and His I love is I

perfected I in u s .

God i s I love : and he that dwel leth in love, dwellethin IGod, and | GOd in I him

Evening primer.


1 .

MY soul doth magn i I fy the I Lord : and my spiri thath re Ijoiced in I God my I Saviour.


For He I hath re I garded : the low estate I of His Ihand I maiden.For, he I hold , from I henceforth : an gener Iation sshall I cal l me I bles sedFor He that i s m ighty hath done to I me g reat ]

th ings : and I holy I i s His I name.And His mercy i s on I them that I fear Him : from

g éner ation to I gener I at ion.

He hath shewed strength I with His I arm : He

hath scattered the proud in the imagi n I ation I oftheir I heart.He hath put down the mighty I from their I seats

and exalted I them of I low de I gree.



ye s tars'

hf heaven I bless ye‘

the I Lor'

d z'

pfaiseHim and I magnify I Him for I ever.O ye showers and dew I bless ye the I



d prai seHim and I magn ify I Him for I ever.

u 1 d

O ye winds oi l God I bles s ye the I Lord : praiseHim and I magnify I Him for I ever. t


a - c‘


O ye fire and héat I bles s ye the I Lord : praiseHim and I mag n ify

IHim for I ever.0 ye frost and cold I bless ye the I Lord : praise

Him and Ilmag n ify: I-Iim for I ever.

0 ye ice and Snow I bless ye the I Lord : praiseHim and I magnify I Him for I ever.

O ye l ightnings and clouds I bless ye the I Lordprai se Him and Imag nify I Him for I ever.0 ye winter and sfimmer I bless ye the I Lord

praise Him and I magnify I Him for I ever.0 ye nights and days I bless ye the I Lor

'd - z prai seHim and I magn ify I Him for I ever.0 ye l ight and darkness I bless ye the I Lord

prai se Him and I mag nify I Him for I ever.0 ye moim tain s and hil ls I bless ye the I Lord

prai se Him and I magnify IHim for I ever.0 al l ye green things upon the earth I bless ye the ILord : praise Him and Imagnify IHim for I ever.O ye seas and floods I bless ye t he I Lord : praise

Him and I magnify I Him for I ever.O ye whales, and al l that move in ,

the waters I bl essye the ILord praise Himand Imag n ify IHim forI ever;0 al l ye fowls of the air I bless ye the IJLond :

prai se Him andI I magnif y I Him for I evet .0 al l ye beasts and‘ cat tle I bles s ye the I Lord

prai se Him an d I magnif y I Him for I ever, E. 5'

lO ye children of men I bless ye the I Lp td : prai se

Him and Imagn if y I Him for I ever. 1


0 let I srael I bless the ] Lord : praise Him and Imagnify I Him for I ever.0 yepriests of the Lerd I bl es s ye the I Lend : prai se

Him and Imagnify! I Him forI I ever.0 ye servants of the Lord I bless ye the I Lordpraise Himand l l magnify I Him

’ for I ever.ye o $pirits and souls g f the rig hteoyts bl ess xye

Lord : praiseHim and I magnify I Him for I ever.0 ye holy and humble men of heart I bless xc th

e ILord : praise Himand I magn ify IHim for I ever.

Evening prayer.

. AND I heard agreat véice out of I heaven I sayingBehold the tabernacle of God i s wi th men, and I HeWill I dwel l withI them.

And they shal l I pe His people : and (Sod Himselfshall be I with them, and I be their God .

And God shall wipe away al l téars I from thei r ]eyes : and there shall be 110 more death I neither I sorrow nor crying.

Neither shal l there be I any more I pain for thefermer things areI passed a I way.

And he shewed me that g re‘ai city, the I holy Je- Ixu gal em :

Idescéndin g I out of I heaven from I God.


And I sawno I temple there I in : for theLord GodAlmig htyand the Lamb I are the I temple I qf it.Amq the c1ty had 11 0 | need of the I su n : néither of

the Imoon to I shine I in it. ,

BFor the g léry of IGod


did I l ig hten it . and - the

Lamb i s the I light thereI I of .

“find the natiqn s of themIwhichiare I saved]

: shal l Iwalk in the l l ig ht q it. u i h 1


Ad d the kings of the earth do I bring their I gloryand I honour I into I it .And the gates of it shal l not be sh tit at I al l by I day

fdr there I shall be I no night I there.‘


G6 d so I loved the Iworl d : that He gave His I onlybe I gotten I Son ,That whosoever bel ieveth in Him I should not Iperi sh : but I have ever I last ing I li fe.Therefore Wi th angels I and arch I angels : W1thspirits of I just I men made I perfect,And wi thal l the I company of heaven we laud and

mag ni I fy Thy I glorious I name,Evermere I prai s ing I Thee : and saying, Hol y, hol y,

h(SIy I Lord IGod of I hos ts ,Heaven and earth are I fu l l of Thy I glory : glory

bé to I Thee, O I Lord Most I High.


{homing primer.

PSALM 6 1 .

HéAR my I cry, 0 I God : at I tend u n - I to my I

Fmm the end of the earth wil l I cry unto Thee,when my heart i s I over I whelmed : lead me to then ick I that i s I higher than I I .

For Thou hast béen a I shelter I fo r me : and a

s tréng I tower I from the enemy.

I wil l abide i n Thy tabernacle I for I ever : I Wil ltrt

xs t 111 the I covert I of Thy I wing s.

784 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.up I on His I name : declare His doings among thepeopl e, make mén tiori that His I name I 15 ex I alted :S ing unto the Lord , for He hath done I ex cel len t I

th ings : this 15 I known m Ial l the I earth .

Cry out and shout; thou 1n I habitant of I Zion : forg reat i s the Holy One of I srael in the Imidst of Ithee.

Evening prayer.


I CR I ED ' unto God wi th my voice, even u nto Godwith my I voi ce : and He gave I


ear I unt o I'


I n the day of my troub le I I s ought the ] Lord : mysoul re I fu sed I to be I comforted .


I remembered God I and was I troubled : I com


and my I sp irit was I over I'


Thou boldestmi ne I eyes Iwaking I am so trotibled Ithat I I cannot I speak.

I have considered the I days of I old thé I yearsof I ancient I times .

I call to remembrance my I song in the night : Icommune withm ine own heart

,and my spiri t Imaketh I

dil igent I search .

Will the Lord cast I _ofl


for I ever : andwil l Hé be Ifavourable I no I more ?I s His mercy clean I gone for I ever : cl oth His

prom i se I fai l for I ever- I more ?Hath God forgotten I tobe I g racmu s hath He inanger shut I up His I tender merc ies ?And . I said, This i s my in I firmity : ' but I wil lremember the years of the I right hand I oi. the Mos t IHis tL

I wil l remember the works of the Lord : surel y I ,

will remember Thy I lwonders I of I ol d.


I will meditate also of Ial l Thy I work '

: and I tal k I

Thy way, 0 I God, ”i s I holyviwho is so great a IGod as Iou r I God ?

«Thyway is in the seaatil hy zpath in the I g reat Iwaters : and Thy I footsteps Iare not I known



EarfO Shepherd‘ of

' I srael, Thou that leadestJoseph I like a I flock : Thou that dwel lest betweenthe I cherubims shine I forth .

Turn u s again,0 God, and cause Thy I face to I

shine : and I we I shall be I savedThou hast fed (15 with the I bread of I tears : andgiven (i s I plenteousness of I tears to drink ;Turn Thee again

,0 God, look I down from I

heaven hé I hold , and I vi sit Thy I flock.

And so will we not g o I back from I Thee : 0 letu s l ive, and wé shall I call u p I on Thy I name ;Tum u s again I O I God : shew the light of Thycountenance I and we shall be I saved.


THE Lord I i s my I shepherd : I'

I shal l I not Iwant .He maketh me to l ie down in I green I pastures

He leadeth me be I s ide the I st i l l I waters .Hé t e I s toreth my I 50 111 : He leadeth me in thepaths of righteousness I for His I name’s I sake.Yea, though I walk through the vall ey of the shadowof death, I

'will I fear no I evi l : for Thou art with me,Thy rod and Thy I s taff they I comfort I me.


786 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.Thou preparest a table before me, i n the pres ence

of I them that I t rouble me : Thou anointes t my headwith oil , my I cup runneth over.Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me al l the

days I of my I life : and I will dwell i n‘ the house






788 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.But Thy years are countless I as the I stars : from

everlasting to éver I lasting I Thou art I G od .

Hadst Thou not remembered our I low es I tateand bent to 135 with Thy I testimonies I from of I old,We had been in darkn es s .and the I shadow of I

death : and the light of Thy I countenance I had been Ihid .

But the firmament de I clareth Thy I glory : theIprophets pro I claim Thy I judgmentsThe righteous wonder at Thy IAW I i n their I-heart

and the songs of Zion make I mel o I dy to I Thee.

Lo 1 these are a part I of Thy I mercies : yet howlittle a I portion i s I heard of I Thee 'GLORY BE TO THE FITHER I AND TO THE I SON



,I s: Now, AND I EVER I



COMFORT ye, comfort ye my people I sai th you r IGod : speak ye comf ortably to Jerfisal em, and


I cry Iun to I her.That her warfare I i s ac oomplished that hér

in I i qu i I ty i s I pardoned .

For she hath received of the I Lord’s I hand double

for Ial l I her I sin s .

The voice of him that c rieth in the Wil dernes s Prepare ye the way I of the I Lord make s traight in the

dés ert a I highway I for our I God .

Every val ley shal l I be ex I alted : and everymou ntain and hill I°shal l be I made I low.

And the crooked shall be I made I straight andthe I rough I places I plain.


And the glory of 1 the Lord shall I be re I vealed :and al l fiésh shal l I see I it to I


g ether.

For the mou th I of the I Lord : hath I spok I en I it .


BLfiSSED be the] Lord I God : for He hath not lef tHim I self with I out a I wi tness ;But hath spoken by the mouth of His I holy I pro

phet s : which have béen I since the I world be I g an ;That we should serve Him I without I fear : in holiness and righteousness al l the I days of our I life.Through the tender mércy I of our I God : a dayspring from on I high hath I visited I u s ,Giving light to those who I s it in I darkness : andguiding our feet I into the way of I peace.Howbeautiful up I on the I mountains are the feet

of I Him that I bringeth good I tidings .That I publisheth I peace : that proclaimeth glad Itidings I of sal I vat ion .

He shall not I s trive nor I cry : nor cause His voiceto be I heard I in the I street.A bruised reed shal l I He not I break and the smoking I flax shall I He not I quench .

He shal l not fai l nor I be dis I cou rag ed : til l Hehath establi shed I equ ity I on the I earth .

The spiri t of t he'

Lord shal l I rest u p I on Him

the Spiri t of wisdom and I under I standingThe spiri t of I counse l and I m ight : the spiri t ofknowledge I and of the I fear of the I LordAnointing Him - to preach good tidings to the Ipoor : to bind I up the I broken I hearted ;To comfort I those who I mourn to proclaim

I liberty I to the captives ;

790 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.The opening of the prisons to I those Who are Ibound to announ ce the new Iyear I of the ILord.


THOU art fai rer than the I ch ildren of I men full'


g race are - Thy lips , becau se God hath I blessed IThee for I ever.G ird Thee ”with Thy sword upon Thy thigh , O IThou Most I M ighty : according to Thy I worship Iand t e n own.I n Thy majesty I ride I prosperously : because of I

truth Imeekness and I righteou sness .

Thy throne i s the throne of God for I ever and Iever : a s ceptre of eq u i ty is the sceptre I of Thy lkingdom.

Thou loves t rig hteousness, and I hates t in I iqu ityTherefore God , Thy God, hath anoin ted Thee Wi ththe ‘

oil of I gladness a I bove Thy I fellows .I will make Thy name to be remembered in I al l

gener I ation s : theref ore shal l the people praise IThee for I ever and I even

PSALM 72 .

G I VE the king Thy I judgmen ts , O I God : and Thyrighteou sness I unto the I king

’s I son .

He shall jtidg e Thy I people with I righteou sness sand


Thy I poor with I j udg I ment.The mountains shall bri ng I peace to the I people ;and the I l i ttle I hi l l s by I righteousness.And I He shal l I j udge : thé I poor I of the I people .

He shal l save the children I of the I needy : and‘

shall break in I p1eces the op- I pressor. '

1 . 0 — 4 ‘


And auen shal l be I bless ed in IHim an I nationsshall I cal l Him I bles sedBl es sed be the Lord God, the I God p f I I srael : who

only I doeth wondrous I th ings.And blessed be His glori ou s I name for I ever : and

let the whole earth be fil led wi th His g loryy A1 ]menand I A I men .

l ent .


M, .55

GIVE éar to my I prayer, O I God : and hide notThysél f I from my I suppli I cat ion .

At tend unto I me and I hear me : I mourn 1n mycom I plaint and I make a I n oise.

My heart i s sore I pai ned with in me and the

terrors of I death are I fall en up I on me.

Fearfulnes s and trembling are I come up I on meand I horror hath I over I whelmed me.

And I said, Oh that I had wing s I l ike a I dove : forthen would I flya I way. and I be at I rest .Lo then wou ld I wander I far I ofi

aand remain I inthe I wil der I ness .

I would hasten I my es I cape : from the I windy Is torm and I tempest.As for me, I wil l I call upon I God : and the I Lord Ishal l I save me.

Evening and morning and at noon will I pray and I.cry a I l oud : and I He shall I hear my I voice.I t i s He that hath del ivered my I soul in I peace

yea, even God I that eh I du reth for I even .

0 cast thy bu rden upon the Lord, and H6 I shal lsu s~ I tain . thee and shall not suffer the I right eou sto I fal l for I ever.


A L ITANY OF PEN ITENCE .LbRD, who knowest al l things, and lovest al l mén Ieven as Thou I knowest : Thine i s Imight and I willto I save u s .

With Thee i s tenderness and I multi tude of I merC1es : in pardonin


g the'

sin s of years, and I not chastising I wil lingly.

-Remember not, Lord, the shame of to - day, nor thedark story of I days gone I by : but after Thine infinite I pity I deal 'with I u s .

Let Thy love plead with Thee,to takea I way ou r I

s ins and to save us I even I as our I fathers .Save u s from al l hopeless shame Iand re Imorse

and deliver (15 in I every I‘

day of I judgment.Save u s from al l hardness of heart

,and al l I bl ind

ness of I soul : and from al l things that separate usfrom each I other I and from I Thee.Make our thoughts the l ively echoes of I Thy com I

mands and win our af I fection s I for Thy I kingdom.

Help u s to o ff er to Thee the sacrifice I of the I l ifeand to ful I fil Thy I will in I well - doing.

For Thy name’s sake perfect Thy I work in I u sand let us I l ive Ias Thy I children .

Our hope is in Thy I goodness for I ever : 0 let u snot g o hence til l our eyes have I seen I Thy sal I vat ion.



ALM 1 0 2 .

FOR Zion’s sake will I ’ not I hold my I peace : andfor Je rusalem’s sake I I I wi ll not I rest ,Until the righteousness thereof g o I forth as I bright


ness : and the salvat ion thereof ] as a I lamp that Iburneth .

I have set watchmen upon thy wal l s I O Je I t usalem : which shal l never hold their I peace I day nor In ight .Ye that .make mention of the Lord I keep not Isilence : till He establ ish and make Jerusalem aIpraise

u p I on the I earth .

Awake,awake, put on thy I strength , 0 I Z ion : put

on thy beautifu l garments,O

Je I ru sal em, the I bolyICi ty.Awake, awake, put on strengt h, 0 arm I of the ILord awake as i n the anc ient days, iIl the I gener - Iat ions of I old .

O Lord , be g rac iou s I unto I u s : we have wai ted forThee

,be Thou our salvation I in the I t ime of I trouble.

Our transgressions are mult iplied be I fore I Theeand our sin s I testi I fy a I gai nst u s ;But be not wroth very I sore, O I Lord neither re

member iniquity for ever I for we I are Thy I people .

Thou shalt arise and have mércy I upon I Zion forthe time to favour hér I yea, the set I t ime i s I come.For Thy servants take pleasure I i n her I stonesand I love the I dust there I oi.So the Gen t iles


shal l fear the name I of the I Lordand al l the I kings of the I earth Thy I glory.When the Lord shall I bui ld up Zion : Hé shal l

ap I pear I i n His I glory.

He wil l regard the prayer I of the I dest i tu te : and Inot des I p ise their I p rayer.This I shall be I wri tt en for the I gener I at ionto I come ;


He was Oppres sed and IHe was ai Iflicted : yet

He I opened I not His I mouthHe i s brought as alamb I to the I


s lau ghter : and as

a sheep before her shearers i s dumb, soHe I openeth Inot His I mouth.He was taken from pris on and from I ju dgment

and whoshall de I clare His . I gener I ation ?For He was cut off out of the land I of the


I l ivingfor the tran sgress ion of My I people Iwas He I st ri cken .


HOLY is Tby name, 0 Lord, Thou art I God a- Ilone Thy glory i s in the earth and héaven , and Thy Iwi tnes s in I al l the I nat i on s,Who hath not heard of Thee from the vision I of

Thy I prophets : and met Thee in the I secrets I ofthe I heart ?Our fathers have tol d fis Thy I wonders of I old :

how Thou cal ledst them by the tender voi ce I of the IS on of I ManAnd there in we too I weary and I lis tening : s til l I

find I — our I rest.With Thee maywe l ive as children I with a I father

lovéd with an I ever I lasting I love ;Seeking not our own I wi but I Thine : that we

may be perfect as I Thou I art I perfect .Lay on u s the cros s of others’ I sorrows : if thus

we may fu lfil the I heal ing I su fferings of I Chri st.Rem ind u s i n every trouble I of the I sou l : that for

th i s cause I came we I u nto thi s I hou r.And when at las twe commi t our spiri t I unto I Thee

receive u s i nto the higher Iman s ions I of Thy I hou se .




the world, the I Son ,'

Lord I Jesussti r up Thy strength and help us , we I humbly be Iseech I Thee.By Thy cross and precious blood Thou I hast re - Ideemed u s : save u s and help we Ihumb ly be - I

seech I Thee.Thou didst save Thy disciples when I ready to I peri sh

hear u s and save (15,we I humbly be I seech I Thee.

Let the pitifulness of I Thy great I mercy : loose u s

from our sins, we I’

humbly be I seech I Thee.

Make i t appear that Thou art our saviour and Imighty de I l iverer : O save u s

,that we may prai se

Thee,we I humbly be I seech I Thee.

D raw near, according to Thy promi se, from the Ithrone of Thy I glory : look down and hear ourcrying, we I humbly be I seech I Thee.Come again and dwell with us , 0 I Lord, Chris t IJesus : abide with u s for ever, we I humbly be Iseech I Thee.And when Thou shalt appear wi th I power andgreat I glory : may we be made like unto Thee I inThy I glorious I kingdom.

Thanks be to I Thee, O I Lord : Alle I l u ia IA - I men.

(Boob f t ibag .

12. PSALM 2 2 .


MY God , my God, look upon me ; why hast IThou for I saken me and art so far from my health ,and from the I words of I my com I plaint ?


O myGod I cry in the day- t ime, b tit Thou Ihearest Inot : and in the night - season al so I I I take no I res t .And Thou con I t in u es t I holy : 0

'Thou Iworship ]of I I srael .Our fathers I hoped in I Thee : they trusted in Thee ,

and Thou I didst de I l iver I them .

They cal led uhon Thee I and were I holpen : theyput their tru st in Thee I an d were I not con - I fou nded .

But as for me,I am aworm,

and I no I man : averyscorn of men , and the I outcast I of the I people.A l l they that see 111 6 I laugh me to I scorn


: theyshoot ou t their lips, a

nd I shake thei r I heads Isaying


He t ru sted in God, that Hé would de I li ver I himlet Him deliver I him,

i f I He will I have him.

0 g o not from me, for trouble is I hard at I handand I there i s I none to I help me.

They pierced 'my hands and my feet, I may tél l I al l


my I bones : they stand: I s tarmg an d I looki ng up- I

on me.

They part my I garments a I mong them : andcast I lots u p I o n my I ves tu re.But be not Thou far from I me, O I Lord : Thou art

my succour I haste I Thee to I help me.

13. PSALM 6 9.

SKV E I me, O I God : for the waters are come in Ieven I unto my I soul .I stick fast in the deep m i re, where no I ground I i s

I am come into deep waters, sothat the I floods ru n I

I am weary of crying, my I th roat 1s I d ry : my sightfai le th me for wai ting so I long up I on my I God.


14 .

0 J

BEH6 LD the I Lamb of I God : which taketh awaythe s in I of the I wo .rldHe i s despised and t e I jes ted of I men : aman of

sorrows, I and ac I qu aintedwith I g rief .

And we hid as it -were our I faces I from .Him : He

was despised, and I we és I teemed Him I not .S l

i rely He hath I home our I griefs : and I cart iedour I sorrows .Yet we did es I teem him I s tt icken vsmit ten of IGod I and ai I fiicted.

But He was wounded for I ou r trans I g res s ionsHéwas I bru ised for I our in I iqu it ies .

The chasti sement of ou r peace I was u p I on Himand with His I stripes I we are I healed.

Al l we l ike sheep have I gone a I s tray ; we havetu rned every one I to hi s I own I wayAnd the Lord hath I laid on Him the i n I iqu ity Iof u s I al l .Reproach hath I broken my I heart and I I am I fu ll

of I heaviness .And I looked for some totake pity, but I therewas Inone : and f or comforters I but I I found I non e.I s it nothing to you , al l I ye that pass I by z l

behold,and see if there be any sorrow I l ike u nto I my I s on ow.

Eas ter five.

15 PSALM 3d

S ING unto the Lord , .0 ye I saints of . |H is »:'

and g ivethanks at the re I membrance I of His I holiness.For His anger endureth I but a I moment : and I



His I favour is I lif e ; 0


Weeping may en I dure for a I night but I joycometh I in the Imorning.

And - in ; my prosperity I said , I’ shal l I never be I

moved : Lord, by Thy favou r Thou hast made my Imountain I to s tand I strong.

Thou didst hide Thyf éce, and I I was I t roubl ed : Icried to Thee, O Lord, and unto the Lord I I made Isuppli I cation .

What profit is there in my blood, when I g 6 , I downto the I pit : Shall the dust praise Thee ? shall I itde I Clare Thy I truth ?Hear, O Lord, and have I mercy up I on me . : O

ILord, be I Thou my I helper.To the end I that my I_g lory - z may s ing prais e to IThee and I not be I s ilent.


HE was taken from prison I an d from I judgmentand whoshal l de I clare His I gener I at ion ?For He was cut off out of theland I of the I living

for the transgression of My I people I was He I s tricken.

For Thou wilt not leave my I sou l in I s leeol neitherwilt Thou s u fl


er Thine I Io I One to ] see cor Imp.

tion.Lift up your heads, 0 ye gates, and be , ye l ift up ye

ever I lasting I doors and the King of IGlory I shallcome I ln.

psalms for Eas ter.

17 PSALM 2 .


WH’Qdo the I heathen I rage : and the peoples

i- Imagine aI vai n I thing ?The kings of the earth set them selves

,and the rulers



take Il chu nsel to I gether agai nst ' the '

Lordflanda I gai nst His a I noi nted I saying, J t


. H“


’i Let as bréalh thei r I bands a- l I su n dae : and ~éas ta~ Ifway thei r I cords II fi‘

om u s x f l'

i 3I u ' M H

He that sitteth in the I heavens shal l I lau ghl zfl theLord shal l I have them I in de Iris ion .

I 1“"I

Then sliali - He ISpeak unto t heu i I in His Iwrat hand vex them I i n His I s ore di s I pleasure ? 4 11q

Yet have I ' I setI My I K ing U pon -My IcholyI Ihil l

of I Zion .m I 1


I will declare the decree,the Lord hath’

said I u nto'

IMe : Thou art My'Son, this day'have I I be? I got ten IThee .


Ask of IMe,and I shal l give Thee the hisathen for I

Thine l n I heritance : and the n tt ermoSt paas gof the Iearth for I Thy pos I sess ion .

H ‘

PSALM i6 .

iPRESfflW E I me,O I God : for in I Thee do I I put

my I tru st ; c'

-O my soul thou hast said u nto the Lord , Thou - I art


l Lord : I haVemothin g I g ood Wi th» I ou t I Thee.

The Lord is the port i on of m ine inheri tance and I of'Thou I s hal t main -

‘ I tainmy I lOt. ‘ I

n' The l ines are fallen u nto mein Ipleasant I places;

yea I I have a I goodly I heri tage.V.‘

I have set the Lord I always he I fore me : becauseHe 15 at my right hand I I 7shal l I not be I moved .

Therefore my heart i s glad and my I glory rg Ijoiceth : my flesh I alsoshal l

I rest in I hope. '1

For Thoa wilt not leave my ]'

soul in the I g raveneither wilt Thou s u fl

er Thine Hol y I One t o I seem g p t lbn .

I ' iP 'l '

1 31 1 .

80 4 PSALMS AND CANTICLES.This i s the day which the I Lord hath I 'made : wewil l rejoi ce I and be I glad in I it.

20 . canticle for Eas ter.

CHR IST i s risen I from the I dead : and become thef irs t I fru i ts of I them that I slept :For since by I man came I death : by man cameal so

the res ur I rect ion I of the I dead.

f f I we be I . l ieve :- that Jésus I died and I rose

a' I gai n :Even so them al so who I s l e ! p m I Jes u s : Wil l IGod I bring with I Him.

Chri st being rai sed from the dead I d ieth no I moredeath hath no more do m in i on I over I Him ;

For in that He died,He died unto I s in I once : b u t

in that He liveth, He I l ivet h I u nto I God .

Likewise reckon ye also you rselves I dead unto I s inbut al ive unto God through I J esu s I Chri st our I Lord .

Set you r afi’

éct ion on I things a I bove : not on Ithings I on the I earth .

For Iye are I dead : and your life i s I bid with I Chri stin I God.

1 When Chris t who i s our life l shall 94» I pear : thenshall yealso ap I pear wi th Him in I g lory.


21. cant icle torascens ion Dag .

THOU art g one up on high, Thou has t led eaptiVitycaptive, and received I gifts .for I men yea, even forThine enem ies that the Lord God mig ht I dwell a


The Lord I gave the I word : great was the I company I of the I preachers.Howbeautiful are the feet of them that preach the I

gospel of I peace : and bring glad I'

t iding s of I good Ithings.

sound is gone ou t into I al l I lands : and theirwords into the I ends I


of the world.Let al l the I angels o( I God : wor I I ship I

(Am! Psalm 13,

22 . ml bttsumag .

O GIVE thanks un to the Lord , and cal l u p I on His Iname : tell the peoplewhat I things I He hath I done.

let your song s be of I Him,and I prai se Him

ad let your talking be of I al l His I wondrous I work&Seek the Lord I and His I strength : séek His I facefor I ever I more.The Lord I gave the I word : and great was thecompany of I those who I pu bli shed I it.His salvation i s nigh unto I those who I fear Himthat glory may I dwell I in the I land .

Mercy and truth are I met to I gether : righteou sness and I peace have I kissed each I other.Truth shall flou rish I on the I earth : and righteousness shall I look I down from I heaven .

?The Lord will give st rength I unto His I peopPe : theLord will give t'm to His I people the Ibles sing of peace.

B lessed'

are the people whose streng t h I is from IThee : and in whose I heart are I Thy I ways ;;Tleach u s to


do Thy wi ll, for .Th6u I art ou r I God :0 l et Thy


good Spi ri t lead 1154mm the I paths of I


l ' I 0 31431 ‘I l. m

23 0 11t Sau bag 1 . m

IPIEAR IO I Isiah] : the L6 td our I






one ILord.


And thou shalt love the Lord thy C6d wi th Iallthirié I heart : and

‘with alll

thy 561q atid with I al lthy Im ight


15 ,‘I II C



Worthy 'i s the Lamb ] that was I s lain i’to receivepower, and ri ches, and wisdom, and s trength , and Ihonour

,and I glory, and I blessing.

Bless ing, and honou r,m rchg lory, and power be untoHim that sitteth u p I on the I throne : and (into the


ILamb for I ever and I


ever.1 omedépth I of the I Relies . I36that’if h

S (IheefIit


ciman d I k a l edg e of I d3mm

t unsearchab le I afe His I jucigmen tlsIJ:



ways I past I finding I out .1 H Ii

For Who hath knbwri the inhiti I of the Ihortfa6r I

who hath I beenIHis I counsel lor ?

. H , ,


1 '



{a ' 111

WE prai se I'

Thee, O I God : We l acknowl edg e IThee to l be the I LordJ . 1 r

'9 :

Au fihe éarth dOtheI'W S l’rip I Thee : the I Father ]ever I las tmg H i

'wc 1 r 0 1 I1 l 111

To Theealumg el s I crya I loud . the heaven s and I

al l the Ipowers theze q l in .‘

To Thee , Chembim and I Seraph Iim : 10 6 11 74tinual II

H6 ly IHoly Hol y : L6rdJIzGod of 'I Saba I oth‘


thieaxéq and cfiam-hea-re I fu l l : 612 thedk majes ty qofThy I glory. £23113 l dt F1


JO b 6 1'd, have I mercy u p I on u s have I mer I Cyup I on u s .

0 Lord, l et Thymércy I l ighten up I on u s : as our It ru st I i s in I Thee.

O Lord; in Thee I have I I t rusted : lét me I nexier Ibe con - I I founded.


Lo ! at length the true Lig ht z l ig ht for every man iborn I in t o the I world ;Kindling the face of them I that me- I ceive i t : itil l

they be I corb e the I son s of I'

God . ,

Cease blinding g léries I of the heavens : .which'

Inone conid

l see and I l ivedf H

Cease gros s darkness I of the I earth : where the

righteous pot I forth thei r I hands and I fearThe vei l between ' i s I taken a I way : an d the I

m ingl ing I day- spri ng I comesN 0 longer is the dwel l ing of eternal life too I brig ht

a I bove : and the perishable I world too I dark be Ilow.

The Son of C6d hath I dwelt a mong u s f t’

il l of Igrac'e I and I t ru th . 1

The Sen of M5111 has gone up on I high : madeped ect throu gh sfif fering I for the I holy of I h ol ies.’Hé I i s our I peace : g i ving u s access by 6 ne spirit I

ta the I FatherNo mére I s trangers and I ex i les : but fellow - t it iien$

with the bain t s I and of the I household of I God.

0 Lord o A lmig hty ! we had I said of I Thee “ Thythéu ghts are I n ot as

I ou rBut Thou hast looked on u s as with the pity I of aI

man and rai sed 65 to I t hink the I thfmg ht s of I God.

We had said, Our rig hteou snes s meacheth 116 1 I


unto I Thee : nor to the I holy ones I of Thy I‘

presenceBu t Thou hast made one fémily I there and Ib


ereone living commdn ion of I seen and I u n I seen .

We had said, Thou layest men fast in éVer- I lasting I sleep” bu t 10 ! they s leep into I ever I las t ing Iwaking.


1 B lessed be the Lord God, that g ivéth 'I beauty for Iashes : and the garmen t of préise I for the I spirit of Iheavixiess .

26 . PRA ISE.WE praise Thee in Thy I power, 0 I God : weIpraise Thee I in Thy I sanctity.

We praise Thee who reignest in the I f u rthest Iheavens : we prai se Theewho dwellest in our ia s t

souls,our Lord and I hidden I Comfort I er.

N 0 voice can di’t ly pro I claimThy greatness 5noheart can comprehend Thy goodne ss , 0

'Thou I Fatherof I al l our I spi ri ts .The longings of the s pirit are I inex - I hau s tible

only I Thou canst I f i ll the I heart .When it i s empty, and I aching I for JThee hfing er

ing and I thirsting I for Thy I righteousness,1 Thou I visi test I it : with I peace u n I speak I able.With Thee there is no misery to I the dis I tressedbut sorrow is I hallowed, and I pain i s I sweetened .

And hardship i s as sfiag ed ,'

and I fear is I ciflmedfor Thine own nature i s blessedness

, find Thou I makes tThy Iworshippers I bles sed .

Yea, blessed I i s Thy I presence : O"IL ord Iimos t Iholy

' B lesseki : i s i t to dwell with'Thée and to’

I knowThee : to rés t on Thee I and to I serve


Fhee.- 3 m


Blessed Bbal l ithe Imat i o-ns I be ; when I Thy‘ I'g loryi s I recogn i z ed . 3 13

When'all whofiove I'

rThee u Ln ite to su ccou r I andto I1 Streng them

u s i n l ife or death, i n thf s and ihal eyery lIifp t i to be gThine i n deed, as I. we 1are ; InT-hine in Iright.

ehéerfu l lyfl t oi I s trive I loyal l y : 1m Sufier

méek1l to eh I joy I thankfull y“8 0 shall we love Thee I while we I l ive Itake I of Thy I j oy ;And triumph over sorrow, ahd ful I fil Thy I work


and be numberedwith Thy, saint s , and I die I on Thy Ibosom.

t i'


“ i r S c i



1 t u 1'

. 1 1 5d

MARVELLOUS things of the Lord ou r I God havewe heard I en d ou r fathers have I'tol d 11s , 1,

Repeat to their children His Iancient II prais e) : thatthe generat ions may I set their I hope IHIJGod. I :

They that trust i n the Lord , shal l hé as His Ihotly Ih il l : which I cannot I be .re - dmoved”As the m ent aan s are rou nd ,a1 I bou t Je I ru salemso the Lord en s I compasseth I t hem for I ever .1.

61 ,

. The - secret of the Lérd u is with I them that IfiearHim : i n the ‘

t ime of trouble He hideth I them in I ,Hispa I vil iom 1

I n the day- time He leadet h thém I with afI clou dand m the night I wi th aI l ig ht of . I fire. 1. 1 ir”

.1 1

Though they fall , they I,cast l Idown : for the «Lord up . I hpldeflu the


m IWtiih Hisarm . {o i

1 They.shal l noehe iaf rérid of1I1cvil I t idings : [fior thei r It imes are I

‘in His I hands . :3 r‘ 110 125 1 o! seti l


As a barmer'

from thy wal ls,an én s ig n I from a- I

far : is the I tes t i I mony of I I srael . I

For darkn ess I covered the I earth : and g ros s ldark I ness the I people ;B u t the Lord arose as a I l ight


u p I on thee : 13nd

His I glory was I s een u p Ion thee ,1 1"

Til l the Gen tiles came I to thy l light : and thywallswere cal led sal vation I and thy gate s Iprai seswewi l l remember the I days of I old : the years ofthe right hand I of the I Most I H igh ; 1 1

We wi ll meditate ‘


I al l His 'Iwork : and writeHis I law u p I on ou r I hearts .O Lord; Thou art aGod


that I does t I wondersThou hast declared Thy I sel f a I mong the I peopl etThyway i s I in the I sanctuary : who is so great aIGod as I ou r I God ?


HOLY i s Thy name, 0 Lord ,

‘ Thou art I God a.


1 |lone : Thy glory i s i n the earth and héaven , and Thy Iwitness in I al l the I nat 1on s .

Who hath not heard of Thee from the vision I ofThy I prophets : and met Thee in the I secret s I ofthe I heart ?Our fathers have told (is Thy I wonde rs of I old i

how Thou cal ledst them by the tender Ivoi ce of theSon of I Man.

1 ,

And therei n we too I weary and I l i s ten ing : s tfl l Ifind I —our I rest. 1 1

With Thee maywe l ive as children Iwi th aI fatherlovéd with an I ever I lasting I l ove I

Seekihg not our own I wi l l, bu t I Thine . that wemay be perfect as I Thou Iart I perfect . I '


Lay on as the cross of others’ I sorrows : if thuswe may fulfil the I heal ing I sit f ferin g s of I Chri st.Remind u s in every trouble I of the I soul : that forthis canse I came we unto this I hour.And when at last we commi t ou r spirit I unto IThee : receive u s .in to the hig her I mansions I of Thy I

.30 .

I WAS gladwhen my compan ion s I said unto Imecome, i t I 15 our Iholy I day ;Let u s g o into the house I of the I Lord let tis Itake sweet I counsel to gether ;1Let our feet stand wi His I gates : and heart

and voi ce give I thanks Him .

Blessed be the temple hal lowed I by His Inamepray for I peace with I in i ts Iwal ls ;Peaee to young and old that I enter I there : . peaceto every soul a I biding I there I in .

For friends’and brethren’s sake, I will never I ceaseto I say : Peace I be with I'in I thee !What , thot1g h for Him who fil leth I heaven and Iearth there can hé no I dwell ing I made with I handsWhat

,though His way i s in the deep, and His

knowledge too I wonderful I for u s : and before HimweIare as I children that I cannot I speak ;Yet , touched by the altar’s I l iving glow : we learn

as an I infant to I lisp His name,

And try the wings that I beat for His I refuge: andflée as aI hird I to the I,mou n ta


1n .

0 Lord, when we cry u nto Thee.

from the deepand . wai t for Thee as I they that I wai t for the Imorn ing



The have 111111111 to the sighof the Thou w” I

I not (ieN'iot O Lor

id, shal l We feel after Thee m these Icou rts low : not long Wil t Thbu héarkeii to Ithese I l ips.

Our fhfhlé’rs Thou hast tailed to Thy "I higher Iprai se : and gathered to their fathers must I ail the IChildren I be.

Let the deadand l iving praise .Thee, O God,a I bowie,be I low : let al l the g éner I at ion s I prai se I Thee.

Let 0 the g lorified ct’



I of the I first horn :whose names


m theI hook'

of I l ife ;an gel s

I i n the height'

I p rai seI Thee :1 ‘



lwel le heavens 1" J

on earth I prai se IThee ; the del ightof whose wisdom I S I i n theI children of I men .

0 house of t lie I Lord’s I prai se

". peacehe toI


that I love'



I f I' for I get I t liee : ma


ymy right I hand for I g eti ts I cunning.




, d

SiNC no more the I song of I Moses :‘ lift orihigh

the I sdng Iof the I Lamb W

For the form er thin g s have I”

passed a I way and'heaven ahid earth I havebe I come I new.



Je I ru salém , Je I ru salem: thy children re-’I

insed I to be I gather'

ed ;Bu t a Zion of héEIVen ly I pat tern dei I


scen cis

wheee‘ hdildér 111111 1mafthr 1s I’God “ W

The tabe rnacle of Céd I 15xwith I

(men : Hi

e tlwél l eth11 151111 I tem


ples I madeWith I'hands. 1

The terrible of ‘

0 111 I’Iioly Je I rusalem:

”are the

Lord God Him I sel f Iand the I Lamb ; ~"l ‘ I

8 16 PSALMS AND LCAe cu ss.

He i s found of them that I sought HimI not : .andpursueth the 56 1115 that I had for I gotten I Him.

0 Lord,‘

g ive un to ;Thy. peopl e a pure speechfl that

they may call u p I on Thy I name : to Isérve IThee

with I one con I sent ;To preach glad tidin gs I unto the Imeek : ancl pro~claim the acceptable I year I of the Lord.





[THE Lord is ou r Creator, we wil l I glori fy Him

ou r Father,and we will love Him M .Saviour, and I

we will I t ru st in I Him.

.Praise .Him I h eaven and I earth : al l that is ‘abéve

and be - I l I pmis e I Him .

Praisé I Him,my I sou l : al l that is with in me I

prai se I H im .

The Lord i s plen'

teous 111 I lovi ng I kindness : andal l His I ways are I ways


of Imercy.

Day after day I night af ter I night : the (miverseprof I cla1ms His I good I mesa .

Al l things de I dare His I lqve : i t shine § in thebrightness of the and in the I beauty of I 'fieldand I flower.

Thé I food that I noun sheth : kind friencls and

happy I homes are I al l His I gifts.'The Lerd i s the ISaviom - of I s inners : mag nip I fyHis I hol y I name.

He delivereth the wicked from the bonds of miqu ity,He heal eth the I wounded I sou l : He giveth eyes 130the blind and ears to the deaf, joy to the sérrowf u l Iand new I l ife to the I (l ead ;D ail y He goeth through ou r street s and lmécketh

at our I doors : ofi'

ering the bread of I l ife to I starvin g I ch ildren.


‘ With base ingratitude t hey revile Him and transgress His will

,for they I know Him I not : yet He has

love .


and corri- f I pas sion I unto the I wicked .



His nature is love,anger and véng eanpe He I

knoweth I not : Hé i s patient Iand long I suffering.

He delighteth not in the misery of the I sinnerand will not I su ffer I hi1i1 to I peri sh .

He i s the Good Shepherd who goeth about to I. seekand to I save : and rejoiceth I when the I lost is . Ifound.

His mércy I vanq u isheth I sin : and who can measurethe lengt h and breadth and depth of I His re

deeming I love ?


BLESSED be Thou , Lord God I of our I fathers : an d(Stir God


who tfirnes t the I shadow'

of I night into Imorning ;Who makest night and day I darkness and I l ight

and l'

ig htenes t our eyes I that they I sleep not in Ideath .

Thou Eternal and I n éffabl e I Fountain of I Liferenew our souls with Thy breath ing, and I make u s t Ichild ren of I l ight.Teach u s to do the thing that pleaseth Thee, for,Thou I art our I God : an d let not our days be spent invanity - I nor ou r I years in I sorrow.

Remove from u s foolish thoughts, and :l et not ourears be quick‘ to I evi l I sound : but be open to the ih -

_Istru cti on I of Thy I oracles.Let ou r speech be ou t of the ab t’mdance of a, | pure I

heart : and help u s to do some work which may beao. I ceptab le Ii n Thy I s ig fhzt . a

I nto Thy hands we h emmend our spiri t I s og l , and I3F



body : of which Thou art Creator, Saviour, Restorer,O I God I of I tru th.

Give Thy strength to Thy servants and help Thy Ichildren : who I put their I t ru st in I Thee.


WE thank Thee,Lord

,for the I day that i s I gone

make bright to I u s the I com i ng I n ight.When l ife’s long day i s I grey with evening make

light to I u s the I time of ag e.

Cast as not away in the I t ime of I weakness : bu tbe our strength and ou r I Friend when I s trengt h Ifai leth u s .

Perfect Thy I strengt h in I u s : and when day i s farspen t I l ig h ten I our I darkness .A s the Lord has granted H i s lov ing - kindness I inthe I day time : at even will we lift up ou r hands in thesanctuary and I prai se the I God of our I l ifeThrough al l chances and changes IThou a- Ihidest

and givest as I songs I in the I night .Lord, as we add I day to I day : let u s not Iadd I

s in to s in .

I n whatsoever we have s inned , let (is re I pent Itrul y : and help I Thou our I um'

e I pent ing.

Let Thy mercy be greater than I al l our I offencesand beyond our g1'1 i lt I let Thy I love a I bound .

Heal , O Life - giver,every I wound of the I past : take

away the shame , and cleanse u s I from our I s in .

Vouchsafe,O God I rest to ou r ] weariness : and

visi t u s with visions of wisdom and Iwith t e I freshing Ipeace .

Shelter our s l t’imber wi th the I wing of Thy I pi tyand when we awake I may we be I s ti ll with I Thee.



LORD , who knowest al l thi ngs , and lovest al l men Ieven as Thou I knowest : Thine i s Imight and I willto I save u s .

With Thee is tenderness and Imulti tude of Imercies in pardoning the s i ns of years, and I not chas It is in g I willi ngly.Remember not

,Lord , the shame of to - day, nor the

dark story of Idays g one Iby but after Thine infin ite Ipity I deal wi th I naLet Thy love plead with Thee to take a I way ou r I

sins : and t o save u s I even I as our I fathers .Save u s from al l hopeless shame I and t e I morse

and deliver 135 i n I every I day of I judgment .Save u s from al l hardness of


heart, andal l I blindness of I soul : and from al l things that . separate (15from each I other I and from I TheeMake our thoughts the l ively echoes of I Thy .

com I mands : and win our af I fect ion s I for Thy I'

Help u s to ofl'

er to Thee the sacrifice I of the I l ifeand to ful I fil Thy I wil l in I well - doing.

For Thy name’s sake perfect Thy Iwork in I u sand let (is I l ive I as Thy I children. ‘

Ou r hope is in Thy I goodness for I ever : 0 let u snot g o hén ce ti l l our I eyes have I seen Thy sal Ivan

t ion .



LET al l Thy works prai se Thee O I Lord i ah'


Thy children t e I j oice in I thanking I Thee.Thine i s our breath, and I Thine du r’I likeness


82 1

Thou qu ielcen es t our minds, and makest I fine '

the Isprings of conscience .

, From Thee '

came ancient revel Iat ion and I -Writings n d eep sayings of Iprophe ts and Ison g s of I praise .From Thee are al l the wise words of I olden I time

: the counsels of trt’ith, and I worship of I prayer and II 1

O everlafit inn éach'

er I of man y Ikishd from Theecome the I workers of I good for I ever:Thine are the revivers of godliness I in the I world

and the sewers of I winged I seeds of I t ru th .

Thine; O.

Lord, is the great company I of our Iancestors ; the sacred truth - tellers and brave Ipatriots 1 v


A l l makers of story and song and the masters of Iharrhony are I Thine : and thewire I s ufi


er I ers for Ig oodness1"Whoever has I vanquished I evil : and in fai th andhope I g one throu g h I labour for I right.1 Lord;-

let not al l T hy work I be in I vain : wherebyThou dost redeem ou r race, that it may par I take I ofI"Play I


g lory.

I f s tories'

of ol d t t ime fade, and earthl y I parables Ifail : let Thy kind ness be ever new

,an d I t ruth be

come I perfect I in u s,

Open to u s the door of fai th, and of a new mind,and of - I- deepil ins ight i and the God of . ol d will beknown as the Livi ng I Friend.


BLESSED is the nation whose God i s the I Lordthe people that Hé

‘ hath I chosen for I His in I heritance. 0 1 .


d I l a h

82 2 PSALMS AND CANTI CLES.Open ye the I gates : that the righteous I nat ion

may I enter I in .

For when the rig ht eous are in authority the I peoplere I j o i ce : but when the wicked bear I rul e the

' I

peopl e I mourn .

Woe un to thee , 0 land , when equity I cannot I enterwhen judgment i s I turned a way I backward ; .I .

When ju s ti ce standeth a I far I off : and tri'

tth i s Ifallen in the I s treet ;When thy rulers fol low I after re I wards : and

their I eyes are I bl inded with I bribes ;When none bringeth his I su it with I ju sti ce : and I

no one I pleadeth with I truth .

Blessed art I thou , O I land : when thy I law 15 I not Islackened ;When thou makest thy I rulers I righteousnessand I —thine I officers I peaceWhen each despiseth the I gai n of op I press ion

and shaketh his I hands from I holding I bribes ;When he respecteth not the person I of ;the I poor

nor honoureth the I person I of the Im ighty ;But in righteousness I serveth the I people : and

establisheth true I judgment in thy I gates .Then shal l violence be n o more I heard in thy I

land : wast ing and de I stru ct ion with I in thy Iborders .Then shall jfis tice roll I down as I waters : andrighteousness Ias a I m ighty I st ream.

And thou shal t call thy Iwall s Sal I vation : and I— thy I gates P rai se.For righteousness ex ; I al teth a I nat ion : and in

jds tice i s a t e I proach to I any I people ;And i n righteou snes s hath the I- Lord I called thee

and given thee I for a I l ight to the I kingdoms.



g rass wf t lrereth, the I flower I fadetzh b'ut ’


friérey bf the I Lord en I dureth for I ever. r a I 3


AWAKE andpra1se God I in His I goodness : rejoicel

and s ing, ye children I of the I Most I H igh .

Come before Himwith Im i rth and I song : and beglad 1n the Imult itude I of His I merc ies .He hath fil led the I heavens

'with I l ight :'

and madethe eye to sée I and the I heart to I love .




lif t up your souls I with thanks I givingfor I His a I bounding I beauty.

Beauty i s spread t o I on the I h il l s and'

the Ivalleys are I full of I flowers .

Cons ider the l i lies of the field I how they I growand al l

the g reen things that'

make Ipleasant'


u r Icommon I ways .Full of wonder i s the I l ife of I summer : and th i s

earthly peau ty i s but a part I of His I glory and Ib les s i1ig .

Tjhe riches of God I cannot be I measiired : and eye

hath not seen nor ear head the th ing s pre I paredfor I those who I love Him .

42 AUTis iN .

Ti m summer i s past , the I autumn‘

is I borne'


the heavenly bles sings I are on I everyI side :

The Lord crowneth the year I with His I goodnessand seed - t ime and I harvest I do not I cease.

.1 He hath . mad e His su n to shine and


His I raim tofall : on the I evi l I and the I good .

I n'

the fields they reap'

what I they have I sownand gather the I vin tag e - I from the I vineyardm u l l i .


Bl es sed be d f or the light and I dew of I heaven :and for the prec ious things I brought fort h I by the Iearth.


the I‘ fiel ds be I joyful and al l the sons of - mén

be I glad be I fot e the I”LordB lessed be Thy I name , 0 I God : for thedays Thouhast given fis I iii this Iwarld of I Thine.

swif tly do they pass, yet have we ‘time to en - I joyThee I in them : and to I serve I Thee wi th I love .i 1


THE Lord God comes”out of the hiding - place ofthe I north : He roll s the thick I snow I storm be - I

A t the breath of His mouth vas t I clouds are Igathered : He utters His command , and I al l the I riversare I frozen .

He gives wings to the waters I of the I air : andsends flakes of I snow I without I number.:They l ie deep on the mountain side

,and between

al l the blades of grass I in the I val ley : they cover theyoung I com I in


the I furrow g .

The“bushes droop, and the fir trees shiver with

their I burthen : the strong oak groans, and the ]chestnut’s I pride i s I broken

The 50 11 looks forth np Ion a' whité I wfidemes s

and 111 the deep traaiil lity I every I sound i s I heard .

The .voice of -song has perished I from the Iwoodland : the wild


birds seek p1ty Iat the I hand of I man .

wi ll take the éu tcas t I to his Ihome ? who ishe that lighteth fire on the I hearth I that 15 I desolate .

Lord God of st’m shine I and of ] s tbrm : be Thouour strength Iwhen Thou I sendes t I Winter.


Thou knowest al l the paths I on . the I mountain san d provides t shel ter i n the deep I places I of the Irocks .Light i s Thine, and I darkness i s I Thine : . the

tempest makes a way for Thy counsel , and prayergoes I up to IThee in stil lness .The year as i t rolls i s fill ed I with Thy I fulness

al l i ts chan ges are shadows of Thy I thought a I bidingcon I t inual ly.


Thou,O Lord, art I near tosu s I tai n b1


1t far I offto I under I stand .

Thou that moves t I through things I temporal : leadu s into the I rest wh ich I i s e I ternal.


THE strain uprai se of j oy and prai se , Alle I l u ia

To the glory of their KingShal l His fai thful people I s ing

All e I l n I ia :'

A.lle I ln ia !

And the choi rs that I dwell on I highShall re- eché I through the I sky :

Al le l 111 ia Alle I ln ia!

They through the f ields of I Paradi se whoI roamThe blessed ones , repeat from I that brig ht I home

Alle I l u I ia: Alle l n I ia

The planets glittering on their I heavenly I wayThe shining constellat i ons I j oin and I say

Alle l ln ia : Ane l u I ia!

Ye clouds that onward sweep,Ye winds on I pin ions I l ight


This i s the st rai n, the eternal s train , t he Lérd A l Im ighty I loves I Al le I l n I ia:

This 15 the song,the heavenly s ong ,t that ~Christ Him I

self ap Iproves Alle I l n I ia .


Wherefore we sing fheth‘

heartahd véice I£55k ingia

And children’s voi ces echo , an swer’

l mak I inge-

I l u

p from 511mén I'


hu t‘


f m'

u red

A l lel t’

iia I to the I LordWith A llelu ia I ever I moreThe Son and Sp 1rit I w


e‘a I dore.

Prai se hegiven '

to‘the E . I ternal I OneAl le I ln I la z Al le I l n I ia: Alle I l u I 121 I

1 ‘ " Amen .I


morbs of anthems .

abvent .

COMFORT ye, comfort ye My people, sai th your God ;speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem ; and cry unto her,that her warfare i s accomplished

,that her in iq u ity . is

pardoned. The voice ofhim that crieth in the wilderness — Prepare ye the way of the Lord : make straightin the desert a highway for our God, E yery valleyshall be exalted

,and every mountai n and hill made

low,the crooked straight, and the rough places plai n.

And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed,and al l

flesh shall see it together ; for the mouth of the' Lord

hath spoken it .G. F . Handel .

2 .

ARISE, shine for thy light i s come, and the glory ofthe Lord is risen upon thee For behold


shall cover the earth , and gross darkness the people ;but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shal lbe seen upon thee. And t he Gentiles shal l come to thylight

,and kings to the brightness of thy ris ing.

S ir G. E lvey .

SLEEPERS,wake : avoice is cal ling ; it i s the watchf

man on the wal l s I thou city of Jerusalem . F or 10 ; the‘

Bridegroom comes ! Ari se , and take you r lamps ;


Hallelujah ! Awake ! His kingdom i s at hand . Go

forth to meet your Lord.Fel ix Mendel sso/m.

4 .

IT i s high time to awake out of sleep, for now i s oursalvation nearer than when we believed .

The night i s far spent ; the day i s at hand . Let u stherefore cast ofi’ the works of darkness, and let u s puton the armour of l ight.

Bam by.


,brightness of the everlast ing Light,

and Su n of righteou sness . O Dayspring, come andenlighten them that s i t in darkness and i n the shadowof death. Come, Lord Jesus ! Lord Jesus , come !

S ir I . Sh in er.

6 .

SEND out Thy light and Thy truth ; let them lead me

and let them bring me to Thy holy hill . 0 God , thenwill I g o unto Thy altar. On the harp we wi ll prai seThee

,O Lord our God . Why, 0 soul, art thou sorrow

ful,and why cast down with in me ? Sti ll tru st the

loving - kindness of the God of thy strength ; and mytongue yet shal l prai se Him who hath pleaded mycause.

C. Gou nod .

7 . Chris tmas .

THERE were shepherds abiding in the field, keepingwatch over their flocks by night. And, 10 , the angelof the Lord came upon them,

and the glory of ' theLord shone round about them : an d they were soreaf raid . And the angel sai d unto them


Be sileai t , 0 al l flesh, before the Lord, for Herai sed up ou t ofHis holy habitat ion;



com e,al l ye fai thful,

Joyful and triumphant,

0 come ye, 0 come ye to Bethl ehem ,

Corrie and behold HimBorn , the

.King of Angels ,

O corhé, let u s adore Him,

0 come, let u s ad ore Il irh , _

0 come,let u s adore Him

zChri st the Lord.

Amen .

J. Bam éy.

10 .

BEPIOLD,1 bring y


wi good t idings“bf great joy,

which shall be to al l people .

For unto you i s born th i s day in the city of DavidfiaSaviour; which i s Chris t t he Lord :Glory to God in the hig hes t , ' and on earth peace,

g oodwill towards men .

S ir f . 6 035.

11 E piphany.

FROM the ri sing up of the s u n even unto the g oingdown of the same, My nain e shall be great among theGentiles ; and m every place incen se shall be off ereduntoMy name .For My name shal l be great among the1133151185


Thus sai th the Lord . Amen .

S ir F . A . G. Ou sel ey.

12 1 1 1

QPRAI sE the - Lord I O praisenhe Lot i rafl trye

heathen . Prai se Him,al l ye iHis


merciful kindness i s ever more and more towards u s,

and the truth . of1 the Lord endureth .for ever : Hismerciful kindness is ever more and m ore towards u s .

-0 pra1se the Lord 1 Amen.

13. l ent .

SEEK ye the Lord while He may be found ; cal l yeupon Him while He i s near.

“ Let the wi cked forsake his way, and the unrighteousman his thoughts : and let him return unto the Lord ,and He will have mercy upon him and to our God,for He will abundantly pardon.

I . V. Roberts .

CQM §ORT, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, for untoThee do I l ifL up my soul.

l 15.

COME unto Me, al l ye that labour and are heavyladen , and I will give you rest . Take My yoke uponyou ,

and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly inheart. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is l ight.

I .

16 .

LORD,for Thy tender merc1es’ sake, lay not our

sins to our charge,but forgive that i s past ; and give

u s grace to amend°

ou r s inful l ives,to decline from

s in and in cline to virtue,that we may walk with a

perfect heart bef ore Thee nowand evermore.


17 .

UNTO Thee have I c ried,0 Lord

,and early shall

my prayer come before Thee , O Lord . Consider andhear me, O Lord . Lighten m ine eyes that II s l eep n'otin death .

‘ Turn Thee,O Lord , and deliver my soul ,

0 save me for Thy mercy’s sake . Amen .

S ir G. L . E lmy.

18 .

TU RN Thy face'

f rom my s in s , and put out al l mym is deeds. Make me a clean heart, 0 God ! and renewaright spirit wi th in me. Cas t me not away from Thypre sence, and take not Thy Holy Spiri t from me.


T/wmas A twood.


Y E people , rend your heart s , and not your garmen ts ,for your transg res s ions : even as El ijah hath sealed theheavens through the word of God . I therefore say toye, Forsake your idols, return to God : for He i s slowto anger, and merciful , an d kind, and grac ious, andrepenteth Him of the evil .I f with al l your hearts ye truly seek Me, ye shal l

ever su rely fin t l Me ; thu s sai th our God . 0 that Iknew where I m ight find Him, that I m ight even comebefore His presence !0 come, ev

’ry one that thirsteth , 0 come to thewaters

,0 come unto Him ! 0 hear

,and your souls

shall l ive for ever.


ALL ye who weep , 0 come unto Me ; I will comfortyou . Al l ye who su ff er, 0 come to Me ; I will console

-836 worms or ANTHEMS .

Res tore unto me the j oy of Thy salvation , and upholdme with'

Thy free spi rit ..


Then wi l l I teach transgressors Thy ways, and

s inners shall be converted unto Thee.

25. palm 511mm; 11110 130 113W eek.

DAU GHTERS of Jerusalem , weep not for Me,bu t weep

for“ yourselves,and for you r ch i ldren.

S ir G. E lwyn,

26 .

BLESSED i s He who cometh in the name of the Lord .

Hosanna in the highest .C. Gou nod .

I S it hothing to you , al l ye who'

pass by? Beholdand see if there be any sorrow like unto My sorrow.

S ir FflA . G. Ou sel ey.

O LAMB ofG od that takest away the sms of theworld, have mercy upon u s. . Grant u s Thy peace.

C. Gou nod.


O JERU SALEM ! Jerusal em ! whi chkil les t l the .pro

phet s , and stonest them that are sen t_

u n tp thee, howoften wou ld I have gathered thy children together, as ahen doth gather her brood under her

,wing , and ye

wou ld not ! I f thou hadst known,even thou

,at least

in thi s thy day, the things which belong unto thypeace ; but now they are hid from thine eyes .Daughters of Jerusalem,

weepnot for Me, but weepforYourse lves, and for y ou r child ren .



30 .

J'ERU SALEM ,thou that ki l lest the prophets , thou that

stonest themwhich are sent unto thee, how often wouldI Ihave g athered unto Me thy children, and ye


Wou ld


To Thee,O Lord , I


yiel d my spiri t,Who break’s t in love this mortal chain ;My life 1 but from Thee inhe


ri t,

And death becomes my chiefest gain .

In Thee I l ive,in Thee I die


Content,for Thou art ever nigh . Amen .

Fel zx IVI c/zdel ssofin .

31 .

O SAV IOU R of the world,who by Thycross and

preciou s,

blood hast redeemed u s,save u s

,and help u s ,

we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord.

S ir ] : Go”.

32 .

SURELY He hath hom e our griefs , and carri ed oursorrows . He was wounded for our transgressions ; He

was bruised for our iniqu ities the chasti sement of ourpeacewas upon Him.

G. F . Handel .

33. Eas ter.

CHRI Sh‘ i s risen from the dead. Hallelujah ! I n


He died , He died unto s in once ; bu t in that Hel iveth


l iveth unto God. Christ is risen from the

dead. Hal lelujah !1 . v

S ir G. E lva,


34 .

HE was cu t 63 out of the land of the l iving ; for thetran sgression oaf Thy people was He s tricken .

Bu t Thou didst not leave His soul in hell,nor didst

Thou su ff er Thy Holy One to see corruption .

Lift up your heads , 0 ye gates and be ye l ift u p, yeeverlast ing doors

,and the King of Glory shal l come in .

Who is the King of Glory ? The Lord strong andm ighty

,the Lord m ighty in battle . Lift up your heads


0 ye gates, and be ye l ift up ye everlasting doors , andthe King of Glory shal l come in . Who is the King ofGlory? The Lord of Hosts

,He i s the King of Glory .

G. F . Handel .


THE Lord is my strength and my song, and is

become my salvat ion . Open to me the gates ofrighteousness that I may g o i nto them , and give thanksunto the Lord . The same stone which the buildersrefu sed i s become the headstone in the corner. Thisi s the day which the Lord hath made we will rejoiceand be glad in it . Hall elujah ! Amen.

H’. H. Monk.

36 .

MV hope i s i n the Everlasting that He wi ll save youand joy i s come unto me from the Holy One, becau seof the mercy which shall soon come unto you from theEverlas ting

,ou r Saviour. I sent you out with mourn

ing and weeping, but God will give you to me agai nwith joy and gladness for ever and ever.Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead ,

and Chri st shall give thee light . Likewise reckon yeyoursel ves to be dead i ndeed unto s in , but ali ve un toGod, through Jesus Christ ou r Lord . Let not sin reign in

your mortal body, that ye should obey the lus ts thereof .


O h cloudy wings let glad words fly;Through the soft blue of echoing skyRing out, 0 trumpets sweet and clear

Through death , through deathImmortal l ife is here.

Word; by Marg a”! Deland,'

F . Root .

BREAK forth into j oy,s ing together y


ewaste placesofJeru sal em : for the Lord hath comfort ed His people.

Hehath redeemed Jeru salem. The Lord hath madebare His holy arm in the sight of al l His peopl e .

Hymns of prai se then let u s sing,A ll elu ia.

Unto Christ our Heavenly King,Al leluia

Who endu red the cross and grave,Al lelu ia.

S inners to redeem and savezAllelu ia. Amen .

41. ascens ionLEAVE u s not

,neither forsake God of ou r

salvati on . I n Thy presence i s the fulness of J oy.

Ye men of Gal il ee,why stand ye gaz i ng up into

heaven ? Thi s same Jesus,which is taken tip from

you into heaven,shal l so come in l ike .man ner as ye

have seen Him g o into heaven .

Thou art gone up on high . Hal lélujah'

! Thouhast led capt i vi ty captive , and received g i fts for men

yea, even for Thine enemi es— that the Lord Godmight dwell among them. Hal lelujah .

I Amen .

S ir S tainer.


42 . W hits unbag

I F ye love Me, keep My commandments.And I wil l pray the Father

,and Hé shall g ive you

another Comforter, that He may abide with you foreverEven the Spiri t of truth .

‘ Amen.


BEHOLD,how good and joyful a thing it i s for

brethren to dwell in unity ! I t i s like the preciousointment upon the head, that ran down unto the beard,even unto Aaron’5 beard ; and wen t down to the ski rtsof his clothing, I t i s l ike the dewof Hermon, whichfell upon the hill of Zion . For there the Lordprom ised His blessing, and l ife for evermore.

J. Clarke Whitfield.

44 . (trinity S unbag .

CQME up hither, and I wi l l shew thee what shall behereafter. And 10 ! a throne was set in heaven


on the throne One stood And“

a rainbow was roundabout the throne . And the elders knelt before thethrone, clad in white raiment, and on thei r headswere crowns of gold . And from the throne camethunderings and lightnings, and voices crying, dayand nightHoly



,Lord God of Hosts , God Alm ighty,

who wast, and who art, and art to come.




holy, holy i s God our Lord,‘

the Alm ightyOne He

that is, and He thatwas , and is to come.


46 S t . {Ncbael aiib al l Eng els .

TH EREFORE wit liang el s and archang els , and W 1thal l the compan y of heaven ,

we laud and magloriou s name ; evermore prai s ing Thee and saymg ,

Holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts heaven and earth arefull of Thy glory . Holy


,Lord God of Hosts .

Glory be to Thee,O Lord most h igh .

ANGELS ever bright and fai r,

Take,0 take me to your care

Speed to you r own courts my flig ht,Clad in robes of '

raimen t white .

G. F. Handel .

48 . Satnts ’ mag s .

BLEST are the departed who 1n the Loni are sl eepin g , from hen ceforth for evermore ; they rest f rom theirlabours, and thei r works fol low them.


BUT the Lord is m indful of His Own ; He remembersHis chi ldren . Bow down before Him

, ye mighty, forthe Lord i s near u s .

Mendeln obrz .

50 .

HAPPY and blest are they who have endured ; forthough the body dies, the sou l shal l l ive for ever.



O TASTE and See how gracious the Lord is ; blessedi s the man that t rusteth in Him . 0 fear the L ord; yethat are His saints for they that fear Him lacknothing. The lions do lack and su ffer hunger ; butthevwho seek the Lord shall want no man ner of th ingthat IS good.

S ir 7. em and S in e. S u l l ivan .

56 1

YR shall dwell in 1 the’ land that I 'gave to your

fathers ; .and ye shal l be My people, and I' wi l l be your

God ?

I wi ll m ifltiply the fru it of the tree, and the increaseOf the fiel d. 1 . 1

And the desolate land shal l be ti lled,whereas i t lay

desolate, in the s ight of al l that pass ed byAnd they shall say, This land that was desolate i sbecome l ike the garden of Eden .

Give thanks unto the Lord,His mercy endureth for

even , .

OH blessed i s that land of God ,Where saints abide for everWhere golden nelds spread far and broad ,Where flows thecrys tal river.Oh bless ed, thrice blessed ,The strains of al l i ts holy throngWi th ours to day is blending ;

. Thrice blessed 13 that harvest songWhich never hath an endin g : Amen.

S ir ] . S tamer.



(56 116 1111 11156 .

. 1 a As pants the hart for cool ing streamsWhen heated ih’ the chase,

So longs my sou l ,'

O God,for Thee,

And Thy refreshing grace.

For Thee,my God, the l iving God,

My thirsty soul doth pine :Oh l when shall I behold Thy face,Thou Majesty divine .


O LORD ,my God, hear Thou the prayer Thy servant

prayeth ; have Thou respect unto his prayer. HearThou in heaven Thy dwelling - place

,an d when Thou

Iheafrest ,'Lord, forgive. » 1


6 0 .


SWEET i s Thy mercy, L ord I

Before Thy mercy~seatMy soul adoring pleads Thy word,And owns Thy mercy sweet.Where er Thy Name 15 blest


Where’er Thy people meet,

There I delight in Thee to rest,

And find Thy mercy sweet. .

Lig ht Thou ourweary way,Lead Thou our wandering feet ;

That while we stay on earth we maySti ll find Thy mercy sweet .Thus shall the heav’n ly host

'I—Lear al l ou r - songs repeat,To Rather, Son, and Holy Ghos t ;My joy

,Thy mercys weet q Amen .


by } : S .

‘E . Man se”. S ir Bam by.


6 1.

HOLY , holy, holy i s the Lord our God, glorious inHis high abode . Angels praise the heav’n ly King,men on earth His glory s ing.

AM! Vog ler.

6 2 .

LIKE as the hart desireth the waterbrooks,so

panteth my soul af ter Thee, O God . Why art thouso full of heaviness

,O my soul , and whyart thou so

d isqu ieted wi th in me ? 0 put thy tru st i n God .

6 31 1

A DAY i n Thy court s i s better than a thou sand : . I

had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God ,than to dwe l l in the tent s of wickedness . For theLord God i s a


sun and shield : the Lord will givegrace and glory : no good thing will He withholdfrom them


that walk trprig‘

ht ly. O Lord of hosts,

blessed i s the man that trusteth in Thee.

6 4 .

I F with al l your heart s ye tru ly seek Me, ye shallever surely find Me thus sai th ou r God . Oh I that Iknew where I m ight find Him

, t hat I m ight even comebefore His presence 1Cast thy burden upon the Lord , and He shall sustain

thee ; He never wi ll su ffer the rig hteoes to fall : Hei s at thy right hand . Thy merCy

Lord i s great, andfar above the heavens. Let none be made ashamedthat wait upon Thee .



6 8 .

T EACH me Thy way' 0 Lord : I will walk in ,fI


truth .

' 0 kni t mvheart to Thee that I may fear fThyname. 0 turn Thou unto me havemercy uponme.

6 9.

WHAT shall 1 render unto the Lord for al l Hisbenefit s t oward me ? I


will take the cup of salvat ion ,and cal l . u pon the Name of the Lord . I will pay


myvows unto the Lord now in the presence of al l Hispeople. Prai se ye the Lord

A . H . Brown .

70 .

GIV E ear,0 Shepherd of I srael , Thou that leadest

J oseph like aflock. Thou that dweIles t between thecherubim, sh ine forth. Hallelujah .


Borl n ziahséi.

7 1.

THE Lord i s in His holy temple : let al l the earthkeep si lence before Him .

S ir G. E lvey .

72 .

I WAS glad when they said unto me,We will g o into

the hou se of the Lord .

‘ For there i s the seat of judgment

,ev’n the seat of the house of David. O pray

fhr thepeace b f J eru salem : they shall prosper that lovethee . ”Peace the within thy wal l s ,I and pl en teofisnesswithin thy palaces . Amen .

1 S ir G. E lvey .



O COME , every one that thirsteth , 0 come to thewaters ; come un to Him. Ch em

,and your soul s shall

l ive for ever.Fel ix M endel sso/m.

74 .

I W I LL arise and g o to my Father, and will say untoHim


,I have s inned against Heaven an d before

Thee,and am no more worthy to be called Thy son .

R. Cecil .

75. Bwts s { homing b g mn .

MORN awakes in s ilence, still in the vaulted sky, starswith fading lustre g em i ts canopy ; hail, then, hai l, fai rmorning

’s gleam ! Prai se to Him who kindleth everysunny beam ; swell your grateful voices, bend in adoration

,prai se the Lord of Light ; Lord of every land and


’d in boundless might.

Fran z Abt .

Evening 3111116 111.'

THE radiant morn hath passed away,And spent too soon her golden store


shadows of departing dayCreep on once more.

Ou r l ife is but afading dawn,I ts glorious noon how quickly past !Lead u s, 0 Chri st , when al l is gone,

Safe home at last,311


Where saints are clothed in spotless white, .8?1 1 aAnd evening shadows neve r falhg 141 3 1 1

Where Thou,E ternal Light ofll ight ; m m !

Art Lord of al l . 1 11 u ilH . H . Woodward .


1 :' 1 To

God en high Be thanksand praise; Hm I

Who deig ns ou r bonds to s ever; 'o I x 1

'His cares ou r drooping Sou l s uprais e,And harm shal l reach u s never

On Him we rest, with fai th assu red ,Of al l that l ive the m ighty Lord ,For ever and for ever.

r rm 1 Fél ii Mendel sso/zfl ? ‘

78 : 1" I J

- IGOD i s a Spirit : and they that worship H iin must

worshipHim in spi rit and in tru th .

1 . 1 S477 B’. S . Bennd tm .

79 3u btlate M ,1 1 1 1 . .r..

0 BE Joyful in the Lord , al l ye lands serve the Lordwith gladn ess , and come before His presence with asong. Be ye sure that the Lord He 15 God ; i t i s He


that hath made u s , and not we oujRSQb’es ; we are 151315people and the sheep of His pasture. Qg oJyour wayi nto H1s g ates with thanksgiving , and into r

His courtswi th prai se . Be than kful unto Him,and speak goodof His name. For the Lord i s graci ous , His mercy i severlasting, and His tru th endurethfrom generation togeneration . Glory be to theJFather, and 'to the Son


and to the'HolyGhost; as it was in the beg inning, i snow

,and ever Ishalfl he, woi

'ld twithbutf end f ' ‘3- 1


8 2 Gantate Domino.

0 S ING'u n to the Lord anew song

,for He hath done

marvellous th ings . With His own right hand andwith His holy arm hath He gotten H imself the victory.

The Lord declared His salvat ion ; His righteousnesshath He openly showed in the sight of the heathen .

He hath remembered Hismercy and truth toward thehouse of I srael , and al l the ends of the world have seenthe salvat ion of our God. Shew yourselves joyful untothe Lord, al l ye lands; sing, rejoice, and give thanks .

Prai se the Lord upon the harp s ing to the harp witha psalm of thanksgiving, with t rumpets also andshawms . 0 show yourselves joyful before the Lord theKing. Let the seamake anoise, and al l that therein is , '

the round world and they that dwell therein . Let thefloods clap their hands

,and let the hills be joyfu l

together before the Lord , for He cometh to judg e theearth ; with righteousness shal l He judge the world,and the people wi th equ ity .

Glory be to the Father,and to the Son, and to the

Holy Ghost, as i t was i n the beginning , i s n ow, an dever shal l be, world wi thout end.

E . Ban nett , Mm . Doc.

83. E eu s { N set eat un

GOD be merciful unto u s,and bless u s, and show u s

the l ig ht of His countenance, and be merciful unto u s ,that Thy way may be known upon earth , Thy savi ngheal th among al l nations . Let the people prai se Theay


O God ; yea, let al l the people prai se Thee . 0 let the

nat ions rejo ice and be glad, for Thou shalt judge the


folk righteously, and govern the nations upon earth .

Then shal l the earth bring f orth her increase, and God ,even our o‘

wn God,shall give u s His bles sing. God

shal l bless u s , an d al l the ends of . the world shall fearHim .

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to theHoly Ghost , as i t was in the beginning, i s now,


ever shall be,world without end.a

84 . l if t up g ou t heart s .

L I FT up your heart s . We lift them up unto the Lord .

Let u s give than ks unto the Lord our God. I t i s meetand right so to do. I t i s very meet, right, and ourbounden duty

,that we should at al l times and in al l

places g ive thanks unto Thee, O Lord , holy Fatheralm ighty

,everlasting God.

Therefore, with angels and archangels and al l thecompany of heaven , we laud and magnify Thy gloriousname

,evermore prais ing Thee and saying


Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven andearth are full of Thy glory . Glory be to Thee

,O Lord .

Bam by.

8 5.

BLESSED be the God and Father of our LordJesus Christ

,who, according to His abundant mercy,

hath begotten u s agai n unto a l ively hope,by the

resurrection of Jesus Chri st from the dead,to an in

heri tance incorruptible an d u ndefiled, that fadeth notaway

,reserved in heaven for you who are kept by

the power of God , through fai th unto salvation readvto be reveal ed at the last time. Bu t as He who


hath called you is holy, so b e ye holy in al l mannerof t onversat ion . Pas s the time of your - s ojourninghere in fea r See that . ye l ove one another; wit h apure - hea11t , f ervently. aBei.n g 1.born again y not O f cor;ru ptib le seed , but of incorruptible , by the word y


God ; for . al l flesh’

i s g ras s , and fal l therg lorymf man

as the flower of gras s . The . gras s rwitherethg'

and the

flower thereof fal leth away bu t the word 0 6 the, Lord

endureth for evermore.Dr. S . S . Wes l ey .

HEAR my prayer, O God, incl ine Thine ear,'Thvsel f from my petition do not hide 1“Take heed to me

,hear how m prayer:I Inou rn


Without Thee al l 15 dark , I have nog u i.The enemyshouteth— thé godless come s tIpi u ity, hatred upon me they cast ; i. f

j r P

The wicked oppress me— oh where shal l'

l fly?Perplex ed and bewildered O God

,hear tny t ry .


My heart?is sorely pained withinmy biea’

s’t ,3 1

My soul with dead lyterror i s oppressed.


Trembling and fearf ul ness upon mefal l I










ror overwheImed,Lord

,hear fee


cfalO torthewirig s of adove


I. 1 ”J

Far away would I rove,I n the wildern ess build me a nest ,lAnd t emain there for ever at 'rest .

. J’


11 1 211

87 -1‘

-l 1"

’ ~. J31 ' 31

u .JU DGE me,'

O GIodJIand fplead hny cau se l agains t an

u ngodly nation .

'O deliver md firom deeeit fu l gand

11t men !»For Thou art: the God'

oof my s tren g thqdfi)

1Why dost cThOu cast me f rom Thee B. Wherefore mbum


as the f ose . It shall blos som abundantly,’

and rejoicewi th joy and s inging. Say to them . that.’are of afearful heart

,Be stron g, fear no t : behold you r God

wil l come,even God : He wil l come and Save you .

Then shal l the lame man leap as a hart ; and thetongue of the dumb s i ng ; for in the wilderness shal lwater break ou t, and st reams in the d esert . And a

h ighway shal l be there, an d it shall be cal l ed the wayof ho l iness ; the unclean shall not pas s over it . .Bu t

al l the redeemed shal l walk there. And the ran somedof the Lord shal l return

,and come to Zion with songs

and everlasting joy upon their heads ; they shallobtai n joy and gladness, and sorrow and s ig hing shallflee away.

Dr S S W Iey.65

92 .


at t imes a stillness as of even,Steeping the soul in memories of lo



As when the glow i s s inking out of heaven,

As when the twi light deepens in the grove.

Comes at t imes a sound of many voices,

As when'

the waves break l ightl y on the shore,

As when at dawn the feathered choi r rejoices,S inging aloud , because the night is o


Comes at t imes avoice of days departed,

Oh the dying gales of even borne.Sinks then the travel ler, faint and weary - hearted,Long is the way,

” i t whi spers,and forlorn .

Comes alt last avoice of thril ling gladness,Borne on the breezes of the ri s ing day ,Saying, The Lord shal l make an end of sadhesSaying, The Lord shall wipe al l t ears



S ir H . S . Oakl ey.




IT came even to pas s, as the trumpeters and s ingerswereas one to make one sound to be heard in prai singand thanking the Lord ; and when they l ifted upt heir voi ce wi th the trumpets and cymbals arid withinstruments of music, and prai sed the Lord, saying,for: He i s good ; for His mercy endureth for everthat then the house was fil led with a c10 ud , even thehou se


of the Lord “

so that the priests could not standto min i ster by reason of the cloud : for the glory ofthe Lord had fil led the house of the Lord . Hallelujah.

Amen .

Rev. S ir F . A S . Ou seley.

FROM Thy love as aFather,O Lord, teach as to gatherThat Life


will con quer DeathThey who seek thin gs eternalShall ri se to light supemalOn

’win g s of lowl y fai th.


I W ILL lay me down in peace, and take my rest ;for it i s Thou , Lord , that makest me dwell in safety.

A . H. Al arm ,M u s . Doc.

96 .

THE way i s long and weary, the path is bleak and bare,Our feet are worn and weary

,bu t we wil l not despai r.

More heavywas Thy bu rthen, more desolate Thy way.

0 Lamb of God, who takes t the s in of the world away,Have mercy


u pon u s .


The snows l ie thick around u s in the dark and g loo'

hiynig ht) . 5

’ I H 1 3 .c 1 l .

An d the tempes t wail s above u s , and the stars haveihidjtheir l ight ; 1

Bu t thicker was the 1 dar

cimes s rouaad cflalvary

s crossn i thathday l 9 1 111, 0 12 11 1 1 ?1 s t u nn er“

0 Lamb Of JGOd, who takest the sin efithfi worldlaway,.Hawe mercy upon u sdu. 6 1 l 31 1 5 1 111 111

1 1D”11 54“ “M 537 { I i S - IW éW ll


1 1 1 1 1d ?n'

u n

“11 [ 11 1i 1’i i' 1

LAMB of God,whose awful beauty

Shines within the darkest place,So that an ghlhveil théir

faces, I

And the l ittle’

ches 'find g iace‘Agnus Dei, Ag nu s Dei

Suf fer £15Thy feet t oItrahe


Lamb of q cl;whose perfectwhiteness<1

“ brows no shadow of a stai nSu ffer u s Thy fallen spiri tsSomething of Thy l ight to gai n . 39

.1 v.

1 1 1 11” lPumfy-ns. by Thy nal n .1 1 ? 1 1; m1

Lamb bf God , whose love so wondrou sOh our cal lous natures came


Making of our very passions

1 IM M S.Dei, Ag nus Dei I 1 1

Sanct ifyms t hrou g h Thyl'

namq .r a l '


1,1 Jesu Chrisbe, Agnus De i ! n""1 l 0

Words by Sara}: bVil l z'

am b’

111 3: f l‘ 1 S N HB . Sykes .


No part ings yonderTime and space never

Agai n shal l su nd er.Heart s cannot sever

Dearer and fe nder,Hand s clasp for ever.

None want ing yonderBought by the Lamb .

Al l gathered underThe ever - green palmLoud as night’s thunderAscends the glad psalm.

A . R. Gau l ,



A holy air is breathing rou nd ,A quiet heart , submissive, meek,A thousand years have come and gone,A voice upon the midnig ht air,A voice byJordan’5 shore,Abide in me, O Lord , and I in Thee ,Abide with me . fas t falls the eventide,Above this chang eful clime,According to Thy g raciou s word ,Across the sky, the shades of n ig ht,Again , as even ing

s shadow falls ,Again returns the day of holy rest ,All arou nd u s , fair with flowers ,Al l as God wills who wisely heeds , .

All before u s lies the way,Al l common thing s , each day’3events ,All cou ntries are my Father s lands, .

All~gracious, al l loving, g reat Father of Lig ht I .

All 15 over- fought the fig ht ,All lands and peoples, al l the earth,All people that on earth do dwell , 1

A l l scenes alike engaging prove,All that’5 good and g reat and true,All that in this wide world we see,

All thing s are Thine no gift have we ,

All thing s praise Thee— Lord most high,All u nseen the Master walketh,Almig hty Father, God of love,

86 1


Almighty Father ofmankind,

Almighty Father . Thou didst frame ,Amid the din of earthly strife ,And al t Thou come with u s to dwel l


And didst Thou love the race that loved not Thee ?And now, belovéd Lord , Thy soul resign ing,Angels holy ,Another hand 15 beckoning u s ,Another year is dawning


Anoth ar'

Df lab oneyA rm , :cilgi

qer of the orig,

l l J K i l n

Art Thou the Life ? .

Art thou weary , art thou 'far/gur

i ,d1 l

A s darker , darker, fall around ,As Mawknelt and dropped her


tears ,As pants the hart for cooling streams ,

As the storm retreating, .1

As with g ladness men of old, . l 1

At al l times praise the Lord , 2.

A t cool of day, withGod I walk , 1 I

A t even , ere the su n was set,A t evening time— when day is done,A t Thy call , 0 V oice divine , 1

Author of good . to Thee I tum ,

Anthot of light . our Father in the Heaven,Awake, awake, and for the stfi fe ,Awake my soul . and with the su n ,Awhile in spirit , Lord , to Thee ,


1: 1 r

Backward looking 0 ’

er the pas t‘, a ";é W

Bem oh , my soul . the bitter cross , 1'


Bear Thou my burden , Thou whohear’st my shit '


Behause I knew not when my lifeBefore Thine awfu l piésence,Beg in the day withGod l .

11. 1 ' t

17Behold , the Bridegroom.

comethm the middle '

of the 1 11 f

1 n ig ht , b


oH 1 L' l r z é4/

Béhold u s , Lord , al ittle s pace , 1

1 W5}Bei t nown to as in breaking breath ” ' l6 7gBelieve not those who say,

H j"

Be l ig ht and g lad in God rejoihet ' '


l f l 1

, 275

Beneath the shadow of thé Cross ; l' l

BeheathThine hammer, Lord I l l ie; 1? 11




Be t he to every inmost thou g ht p N l 1 [m i l 1 15 11“ I 1 1113


Day ofwratht O dreadf u l day,Day 15 dying m the wes t,Deal gently with 115

,Lord ,

Dear Fn end whose presence 111 the house,Dear, hallowed , peacefu l day .

Dear Lord and Father of mankind,Dear Lord . Thy light Thou dost not hide ,Dear Master, in whose l ife I see,Descend to Thy Jerusalem,

O Lord, .

Despised I S the man of grief,

Dismiss me not Thy service , Lord ,Draw nig h to God , He will dxawhig h to you ,Earth shal l melt with ferven t heat,Ere I sleep, for every favour,Enduring soul ofal l our li fe


Eternal Life, whose holiest Child to day,Eternal Father Lord ofal l our goodEternal Light 1 E ternal Light 1.Eternal Love, increase within ,Eternal Love, whose lawdoth sway,Eternal Peace, whose word of old ,Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless rou nd ,

Fair are the feet that bring the news,Faith , Hope , and Charity— these three,

111 the world , 0 Lord , I flee ,Father above , Thy name is love,Father and Friend , Thy light, Thy love,Father and God ,

m ine endless doom,

Father beneath Thy sheltering wing,Father divine, this deaden ing power control ,Father, hear the prayer we o ffer,Father, I know that al l my life,Father, I pray for power to take,Father, I well may praise Thy name,Father in heaven to whom my heart ,Father, in Thy mysterious presence kneeling,Father, lead me day by day,

“ "Father, let Thy Kingdom come ,Father of al l— we urge as our strong pleaFather of eternal grace,Father of world and sou l ,Father supreme Thou high and hol y One,


Father, Thy wonders do not sing ly stand ,Father, to Thee we look 111 al l ou r sorrow ,


Father, to u s Thy children , humbly kneeling,Father, whate’er of earthly bliss ,Father, while we break this bread,Father, who in the olive shade,Feeble, helpless, howshall I ,Fierce the su n doth beat upon me,Fill Thou my life, 0 Lord myGod ,Finding no place of rest ,Foes were wmu g ht to cru el madness,Follow thy better heart,Follow to Calvary,For

,al l the saints who from the1r labou rs rest,

For al l Thy gifts we praise Thee, Lord ,For al l Thy saints, O Lord 1For common g ifts we bless Thee, Lord ,

For Summer’5 bloom , and Autumn’s blig ht ,

For the beau ty of the earth,For the d ear love that kept as throug h the nig ht ,For Thy mercy and Thy grace , .

Forth from the dark and storm sky,Forth went the heralds of the t oss,Forward ! be ou r watchword ,Fountain of Life I in Thee alone 15 Light .

Fountain of Life, most pure, most brightFountain of lig ht and living breathFrom al l evil , al l temptation,From day to day, from year to year,From every fear and doubt , O Lord,From fretfu l care and worldly stri fe,From Thee al l skill and science flow,

From the eas tern mountains ,From the recesses ofa lowly spirit,

Gather u s in , Thou Love that fil les t al lGird your loins abou t with tru th ,Give me, my God , to feel Thee in myjoy,Give me

.O Lord, aheart. of grace ,

Give praise to Him who built the hills,Give u s , 0 Fount of Purity ,Glory to Thee, my God , this night ,Go forward , Christian Soldier,God and Father, great ‘ and holy



God be with thee . gently o’

er thee,

God bless the little children ,God bless our native land ,God draws acloud over each g leaming morn ,

God 15 Love : His mercy brightens,

God giveth quietness at last,God 15 in His holy temple,God is my strong sal vation,God make my life a little l ightGod moves in amysteriou s way,God of love , to Thee we owe,God ofmercy, God of grace ,God ofmercy

, God of love 1God ofmercy, loving al l ,God ofmy life and al l my powers,God of our fathers in whose sight


God of pity, God of grace ,God of the earth , the sky, the sea,God of the earnest heart ,—God of the l iving , .

in whose eyes ,God that madest earth and heaven ,

God’s brig ht temple 111 the skies ,God’s trumpet wakes the slumbering world,God, who hath made the dais ies,Go forth to life , 0 child of earth IGo not , my soul , in search of Him,

Go not far from me, O my Strength,Graciou s Father, hear our prayer,Graciou s Power, the world pervading,Gracious Spirit , dwell with me,Grant u s Thy light , that we may know,Great Father, well Thou know’

s t that oft,Great God ,

we sing that mighty hand,Great God , whose presence still abides,Great Lord of al l . our Father God ,Great Lord of Life ! What length of days;

Hail , holy Lig ht the world rejoices,Hail , holy rest calm herald of that dayHail sacred day of earthly rest,Hai l to the sacred day,Hallelu jah 1 Song of gladness,Hand 111 hand with angels ,Hark . hark 1 my soul 1 ang elic songs are swell ing ,


I cannot find Thee 1 still on restless pinion,I fil l ed me with the fear of hell ,I g ive myself to prayer,I heard the voice of Jesus say,I little see, I l ittle know,

I long for household voices gone,I look to Thee in every need ,I pray to know Thy peace ,I see the wrong that round me lies ,I think of Thee, my God , by night,I to the hills will lift mine eyes,I vex ed me with atroubled thought ,I worship Thee

,sweet W i ll ofGod i .

I would commun e with Thee, my God ,I would that I were better that to childhood svent soul ,

I f thou bu t su fi'er God to guide thee,I’

l l praise my Maker with my breath ,Immortal by their deed and word ,Immortal Love, within whose righteousI n Christ we read the Law,

I n count ing al l the precious boons,~ I n life’s earnest morning,I n quiet hours the tranquil soul ,I n the beginning was the Word ,I n the Cross of Christ I glory,I n the hou r ofmy distress,I n the hour of trial ,I n Thee my powers, my treasures, live,I n this glad hour, when children meet,Into the eternal shadow,

I n vain the name of Christ we bear,I t came upon the midnight clear,I t fell upon asummer day,I t is fin ished— al l the pain,I t is fin ished ! Man of Sorrows,h i s the hour of prayer,I t s ingeth low in every heart,

Jerusalem, my happy home,Jesus , Brother, Friend,Jesus cal ls u s o’er the tumult,Jesu s Christ is risen to - day,Jesus has lived, and we woul d bring


Jesus ou r Lord 1 who tempted wastJes u s shall reig n where’er the s u n ,

Jesu s , the children are calling,Jes u s , u nto whom we pray,Joy to the world ! the Lord is come,Ju st as I am , Thine own to be,

King of comforts , King of li fe,King ofmercy, King of love,Know wel l , my sou l , God’s hand control s , .

Lead , kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom ,

Lead u s , 0 Father, in the paths of peace,Let al l men know , that al l men move,Let al l the world in every corner s ing,Let children hear the mig hty deeds ,Let every voice for praise awake,Let my life be hid in Thee,Let the whole Creation cry,Let u s , withagladsome mind ,Lie Open , soul around thee press,Life, and lig ht, and joy are found ,Life ofages richly poured ,

Lift u p to God the voice of praise ,Lift up you r heads, rejoice,Lig ht of my life myGod whose power,Lig ht of the w ,orld we hail Thee 1Like tired children , Lord , we come,Lo, God 15 be l e l let u s adore,Long ag o the lil ies faded ,Long hath the night of sorrowreig ned ,Long , long have men l ip

- homag e spent,Look from Thy sphere of endles s day,Look u p, 0 man behold , the same,Lord amid paths diverging wide,Lord, as to Thy dear Cross we flee,Lord , for the erring thought,Lord

,from Thy blessed throne,

Lord , from whom al l blessing s flow,

Lord , g ive me lig ht to do Thy work, .

Lord God , by whom al l chang e is wroug ht,Lord God ofmorning and of nig ht,Lord God, our strength and fortress, .

Lord grant u s grace to mount, by steps of g race,


Lord have mercy when we pray,Lord ! I bel ieve Thy power I own , .

Lord , I was blind I cou ld not see,Lord 1 in the fulness of my mig ht ,Lord , in this du st Thy sovereig n voice ,Lord , in whose mig ht the Saviour trod,Lord is it ours to entertain ,Lord , it belongs not to my care,Lord , it is good for u s to be , .

Lord Jesus,when we stand afar,

Lord , lead the way the Saviour went,Lord ot al l being ! throned afar,Lord of might and Lord of glory,Lord of nature, whose command,Lord of our life, and God of our salvation,I ord of power, Lord of 1n ig ht , .

Lord of the harvest , it is rig ht and meet,Lord of the silent winter,Lord of the worlds above ,Lord , speak to me, that I may speak,Lord , this day Thy children meet,Lord, Thou hast been our dwel l ing place,Lord , Thou hast formed m ine every part,Lord Thy children guide and keep,Lord , we thank Thee for the pleasure,Lord , what off ering shall we bring ,

Lord , when in silent hours I m u se,Lord, when we bend before Thy throne,Lord , while for al l mankind we pray,Lord , who dost the voices bless ,Lo, the day of days is here ILove for al l ! and can it be ,Love me, O Lord , forg iving ly ,Love of love as deep and free,Lowly and solemn be ,

Man’s li fe is the Holy Land ,Many things in l ife there are ,March on ,

march on , ye soldiers true,Master no ofiedng costly and sweet,Master, where abides t Thou ?Met here 1n peace to think of Him,

’Mid li fe’5 strange vicissi tude,Most ancient of al l mysteries ,


0 Beautiful , our country,O Blessed Life ! the heart at rest,0 Christ . lead ou ,

0 day to sweet religious thought ,0 deem not they are blest alone,0 Everlasting Lig ht ,0 Faires t Born of Love and l ig ht,0 fai thfu l heart . sweet peace hast thou ,O Father hear my morning prayer,0 Father . humbly we repose,O Father, in Thy Father 5 heart,0 Father of the Living Christ,0 Father though the anx ious fear


0 for that flame of living fire,0 give thanks to Him who made,0 God, accept the gift we bring,O God, accept the sacred hou r,0 God, enshrined in dazzling lig ht ,0 God , from Thee we would not stray


O God in Tby autumnal skies,O God, in whom we live and move ,O God , I thank Thee for each sig ht,O God mine inmost soul convert,O God , not only in distress,O God of Bethel by whose hand,0 God of Truth , whose living Word ,

0 God , our help in ages past,O God the darkness roll away


0 God, the Rock of Ag es ,O God , Thou g iver ofal l good,O God Thou in Thy love didst make ,0 God Thy power is wonderfu l,0 God , what sacrifice can I

— O God . while generations flee,O God . who know’

s t how frail we are,0 God, whose daylight leadeth down,0 God, whose law 15 in the sky,O God , whose presence glows 1n al l , .

0 God . whose thoughts are brightest lig ht ,0 God , whose voice the ag es hear,O God , who wert my chil 1 |hood

s love,0 God , u nseen , bu t ever near,0 happy band of pilg rims ,0 happy is the man who hears , .


0 happy pair of Nazareth0 help me

,God , to cast out sin ,

0 help u s , Lord . each hou r of need,0 Holy Child of Bethlehem,O how the thou g ht of God attracts ,0 it is hard to work for God,0 Li fe that makes t al l thing s new,

0 Lig ht, from ag e to ag e the same ,

0 l ig ht, more lig ht to shine u pon myway,

0 Lig ht of life, 0 Saviou r dear,0 Lig ht whose beams il l umine al l ,0 littl e town of Bethlehem,

O Lord and Master of u s al l ,0 Lord, how happy shou ld we be,0 Lord , in me there lieth noug ht ,O Lord, in whom are al l my spring s,O Lord of heaven, and earth, and sea,0 Lord of hosts , al l heaven posses sing ,O Lord of life, and death, we come,O Lord of life, and love, and power,O Lord of life, Thy qu ickening voice,0 Lord of life, where’

er they be,0 Lord, ou r God, 0 Lig ht of lig ht ,O Lord Thy heart with love o’

erflowed ,O Lord , Thy heavenly grace impart,O Lord, tu rn not '

l by face away ,O Lord ! where’er Thy people meet,0 Lord , who by Thy presence has t made lig ht , .

0 Lord with toil ou r days are fil led ,0 Love divine and g olden ,0 Love divine , of al l that is ,0 Love divine, that s toops t to share,0 Love divine, whose constant beam ,

0 Love of God . how s trong and tru e ,0 Love that wilt not let me g o,0 lovely voices of the sky,0 make me, Lord , Thy statu tes learn .

0 Mas ter of my sou l ,0 Master, let me walk with Thee ,

0 mean may seem this hou se of clay0 Name, al l other names above,0 not when the death -

prayer is said ,

O Painter of the fru its and flowers,0 patient Christ when long ag o,


0 perfect Love, al l human thoug hts transcending,O praise the Lord ou r God ,

O quickly come, dread Judge ofal l ,0 sacred Head, nowwounded ,

O saints of old not you rs alone,0 shadow m a sultry land,0 shining


city of our God ,0 Sin of sins . from sou ls of light,0 sometimes gleams upon our sig ht,0 Son of God, our Captain of salvation ,0 Son ofMan Thy name by choice ,0 Source divine , and life ofal l ,O suffering Friend of human kind0 Thou from whom al l goodness flows


0 Thou great Friend to al l the sons of men ,

0 Thou , in al l Thy mig ht so far,0 Thou in lonely vigil led ,

A O Thou not made with hands ,0 Thou , the great Unknown , Unseen ,0 Thou, the primal Fount of life and peace,0 Thou to whom , in ancient time,0 Thou to whom our voices rise,0 Thou t rue life of al l that live ,0 Thou unknown , A lmighty cause,0 Thou who art of al l that is ,0 Thou , who as our knowledge grows,0 Thou

,who deig nes t from above,

0 Thou who dry’

s t the mourner’s tear,0 Thou who hast at Thy command


0 Thou who hast Thy servants taught ,0 Thou , whose liberal su n and rain , .

0 Thou whose power 0 ’

er moving worlds presides,

0 Thou with whom m swee t content,0 timely happy , timely wise,0 when did lips such grace declare ?0 when shall we behold,0 where shal l rest be found ,0 wondrous Fatherhood ofGod0 Word divine, like healing balms,O worship the K ing,


al l glorious above ,O worship the Lord 1n the beauty of holiness .

0 yet we trust that somehowgood ,O’er the dark wave ofGalilee ,Of al l the precious gift s, 0 Lord,


Praise to God , and thanksgiving ,Praise to the Holiest in the height ,Pray , children . pray,Prune thou thy words , thy


thoughts control ,Pu re in heart and free of sin ,

Quiet from God 1 Howblessed ’

tis to keep,

Receive Messiah gladly,Rejoice . the Lord i s King,Rejoice to day with one accord,Rejoice, ye pure in heart, .

Remember Me, the Saviour said,Rest for the weary hands 15 good ,Restore, O Father, to our times restore,Ride ou . ride on in majesty .

Ring out, wild bells , to the wild sky,Rock ofAges 1 cleft for me,

Rock of Ages 1 shelter me

Rocked in the cradle of the deep,

Safe across the waters,Saviou r ! again to Thy dear name we raise,Saviour and Master,Saviour, breathe an evening blessing,Send down Thy truth , 0 God .

Seven times He spake , seven words of love ,Shepherd of I srael , hear my prayer,Shine forth , Eternal Source of Lig ht ,Showme myself, 0 holy Lord,Show pity, Lord ,Sign ofaglorious l ife afar,Silent , like men in solemn haste ,Since without Thee we do no good ,Sing A lleluia forth in duteou s praise,Sing forth His high eternal name,S ing of the martyr host ,Sing to the Lord ajoyful song,Sing we of the Golden City,Sing we the song of those who s tand ,Sing with our m ight and uplift our g lad voices , .

Slowly, by Thy hand unfu rled,Slowly, slowly darkening,So here hath been dawning,


Softly the silent nig ht ,Soldier of the Cross obey, .

Son of the living God . oh, cal l u s ,Sovereig n and transforming grace,Speak , for Thy servant heareth,Speak, Lord , u nto Thy people speak,Speak to our hearts , 0 Father, say,Speak to u s Lord , Thyself reveal ,Spirit divine ! attend our prayer,Spirit of Faith be Thou my g uide,Spirit ofGod , descend upon my heart,Spirit ofGrace, Thou Lig ht of Life,Spirit ofmercy, tru th, and love,Spirit of power, and tru th , and loveSpirit of Wisdom g u ide Thine own ,Sport of the changefu l mu ltitude,Stand upand b less the Lord,Stand up before your God ,

Standing forth on life’s rou g h way,Star ofMorning, brig htly shining,Stay, Mas ter, stay upon this heavenly hill ,Still , still with Thee , when purple morning breaketh,Still will we tru st, thou g h earth seem dark and dreary,Still with Thee , O my God ,Strang ers and pilgrims here below,

Strong Son ofGod , immortal Love ,Summer su ns are g lowing over land and sea,Su n of ou r souls, Thou Saviou r dear,Sweet evening hou r, sweet even ing hourSweet is the Spirit’s strain ,Sweet was the hou r, 0 Lord, to Thee ,Sweetly the holy hymn,

Take me, O my Father, take meTake my life, and let it be,Take, 0 Lord, my faithless heart ,Take Thine own way with me, good Lord ,Teachme, my God and King,Teach me, O Lord , Thy holy way,Teach me to live ’

Tis eas ier far to die,Teach u s to prayThe chang ing centu ries , O God,The crown, the palm of sain ts in Parad ise,The dawn of God’s dear Sabbath,


The day is done, the sacred day of thoug ht and toil ispast“

The day 15 past and o1 er,

The day of prayer is ending,The Day of Resu rrectionThe day Thou gavest , Lord , is ended ,

~ The days that were, the days that are,The faithful men of every land,The glory of the Spring how sweet ,The Go dof love my Shepherd is ,The head that once was crowned with thorns,The King of love my Shepherd is,The livelong night we’ve toiled in vain


The Lord God bless and keep thee,

The Lord is come on Syrian soil,The Lord is in His Holy Place,The Lord 15 King lift up thy voice ,The Lord 15 rich and merciful


The Lord’5 my Shepherd , I ’11 not want ,The Lord my pasture shall prepare,The Lord will come and not be slow,

The morning walks upon the earth ,The mourners come at break of day,The nig ht is come, wherein at last we rest,The old year’s long campaign is o’er,The one whole truth I seek ,The past is dark with s in and shame,The radiant morn hath passed away,The Saviour— what anoble flame,The Shepherd yearned not for one fold ,

The Son of God gave thanks,The Son ofGod goes forth to war,The spacious firmamen t on high,The spring - tide hou r brings leafand flower,The su n is gone , the long clouds break ,The s u n is sinking fast ,The thought ofGod , the thought of

'l hee,The toil of brain , or heart , or hand ,The wondrous voice within ‘

the mind ,The year is gone , beyond recall ,The year is swiftly wan ing,There is aBook who runs may read,There’s astrife we .al l must wage,There’s awideness in God’s mercy,


Throned upon the awfu l tree ,Through al l the winding ways of life


Through al l this life’s eventful road ,Through good report and evil , Lord,Through Him who al l ou r sickness felt ,Through the night of doubt and sorrow


Thy ceaseless, u nexhausted love,Thy goodness, Lord , ou r sou ls confess ,Thy home is with the humble, LordThy home , 0 Lord, is everywhere,Thy kingdom come— ou bended knee ,Thy way is in the deep, 0 LordThy way, not mine, 0 Lord,’Tis winter now the fal len snow,

To - day be joy in every heart, 2

To God .mos t high draw near 1To Him who children blessed ,To Him who 15 the Life .of life, .

To Light , that shines 1n stars and sou ls,To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love,To sacrifice— to share,TO the Cross , 0 Lord, we bear,To Thee, O God , in lieaven ,To Thee, O God , we render thanks,To Thee, O Lord , I yield my spirit, .

To Thee, our .God , we fly,To Thine eternal arms, 0 God ,To u s have distant ages,Too soon we rise ; the symbols disappear, .

’Twas at this hour, upon the world’5 great day,’Twix t gleams of joy and clouds of doubt,

Unheard the dews around mafal l ,Unto Thee , abiding ever,U nto Thy holy table, Lord,Unto Thy temple, Lord , we come,Upon the hills the wind is bleak and


col d,

V iew me, Lord, awork of Thine l

Walk in the l ight, so shalt thou know,

Wat ching al l through the weary night,We are but little children weak,We are living, we are dwel l ing , 1

I 0 1 l


We ask not that ou r path be always brig ht,We bless Thee for Thy peace, 0 God ,

We bless Thee, Lord ,for al l this common life,

We bless Thee, Lord , for al l the joy,We bles s Thee, Lord , for each dear link ,We bring , O Lord , ou r hearts to Thee,We cannot think of them as dead ,

We come u n to ou r fathers ’God ,

We foll ow, Lord , where Thou dos t lead ,We g ive Thee bu t Thine own ,

We g o not on apilgrimag e ,We join with al l , in every place,We love the venerable hou se,We meet ag ain this Sabbath day,We name Thy name, 0 God,We need Tru th’s tender lessons taughtWe plou g h the helds , and scatter,We praise Thee, Lord , with earliest morning ray,We praise Thee oft for hours of bliss


We pray no more, made lowly wise ,We see not , knownot al l ou r way,We su ffer in this world below,

We walk by faith, dear Lord, and not by sig ht , .

We wonder and adore,Weary ofal l this wordy s tri fe,Welcome from God , 0 glad newyear,What grace, O Lord , and beau ty shone,What is this that stirs within ,What means this glory round ou r feet,What shall I do, my Lord , my God ,What Thou wil t , 0 Father, give !What thou g h ou r hopes , once fair and bright,When al l Thy mercies , O myGod ,When arise the thoughts of sin ,

When cou rag e fails , and faith bu rn s low,

When dark the sky that overhangs my sou l ,When firs t the stream of life runs low,

When from the Jordan’s gleaming wave,When g ladness g ilds ou r prosperou s day,When haras sed sore with passion’s cry,When I su rvey the wondrous Cross ,When I srael , of the Lord beloved ,

When my love to God grows weak,When on my day of l i fe the nig ht is falling,



When our heads are bowed with woe,When spring’s soft breath , and softer showers ,When the dark waves round u s 1 0 11


When the day of t 0 1l is done,When the light of day is waning,When the Lord of Love was here,When the paschal evening fell,When the weary, seeking res t ,When the world around u s throws,When Thou rebukes t me for good ,When Thy soldiers take their swords,When wilt Thou save the people,When winds are raging o

’er the upper ocean ,Where high the heaven ly temple stands ,Where is thy God, my soul PWhere is your God ? they say,Where shall we learn to die ?Where’er have trod Thy sacred feet ,Wherever through the ages rise ,While s’hepherds watched their flocks by mg ht ,While Thee 1 seek , Protecting Power,Who will their God obey,Whom should we love like Thee,Why shou ld we vex ou r foolish minds ,~Wil t Thou not visit me ?Wind s have their hour of calm,

W ith the sweet word of peace ,Within our Father’s hou se of prayer ,

Ye followers of the Prince of Peace,Ye holy angels bright,Ye people of the Lord,Y e servants of the Lord ,You ng souls so strong the race to run,

884 INDEX OF AU THORS.Beach , S . C. , 2 41 , 294.

Bell , James (1 851 250 , 2 87 , 394 , 489, 542 , 56 6 , 6 41 .

Bernard , S t . , of Clairvaux (1 091 by ] . M . N eale, 1 80 .

6 73.

Binney , Thomas (1 798 2 6 .irks , Thomas R. (1 8 1 0 6 74.

2 74, 353. 417 .

1 1 2 .

740 1 741 °

Blomfiel d ,Dorothy

, 709.

Boe th iu s , H . (b . about 340 .

Bohem ian Brethren , Hymn s of the ,

Bonar , Horat ius (1 80 8 1 1 , 20 , 51 , 87 , 259, 2 65, 372 , 384,

432 442 484. 51 7 . 6 86 687 . 7 1 7 . 80 9. 86 7Bowrmg , S ir ] 1 792 25, 47 , 191 , 51 0 .

Brigh t , W 1l l 1am (b 333, 350 .

Bron te , Anne (1 8 19 31 1 , 352 , 497 .

Brooke, S topford A . (b . 15, 77 , 94, 1 2 6 , 1 2 7 , 1 65, 1 8 1 , 2 0 0 ,

2 73. 335. 354» 356 , 435. 543. 598 . 631 . 694. 720 . 739. 746 .

Brooks , Char les T . (1 8 13 292 , 6 0 0 , 72 7 , 824, 896 .

Brooks , Ph i l l ips (1 8 3 1 0 2 .

Brown , J. Bal dwin 1 82 0 554.

Brown ing , E l i zabe th Barret t (1 80 9 539.

Bru ce ,M ichael (1 746 2 0 7 , 431 , 438 , 835.

Bryan t , W . C. (1 794 6 1 , 550 , 657 , 70 6 .

Bu b ier , G. B. (1 823 386 , 457 , 514.

Bu lfinch, S . G. (1 80 9 56 ,145,

Bu n t ing , W . M . 532 .

Bu r leigh , W . H . (1 8 1 2 424, 50 2 , 50 7 , 519, 52 1 , 549, 7 14.

Hu rman , E l len E . (1 837 854.

Bu rn s , J. D . (1 823 35, 41 8.

Bu rn s , Robert (1 759 32 2 .

Bu t terworth , J. H. , 258 .

Campbel l , Jane M tr. 82 2 .


, Thomas (156 7 468.

Carlyle, J. D. (1 7 8 1 80 4) 329.

Carlyle , Thomas (1 795 7 29.

Cary , Al ice (1 820 76 4 , 82 6 .

Cary , Phoebe (1 824 536 .

Caswal l , B . (1 8 14 31 0 ; tr. 735.

Cawood , J. (17 5 99.

Cenn ick , John 1 7 1 8 596 , 747 .

Chadwick , J. W . (b . 6 1 6 , 62 8 , 643, 653, 797 , 80 1 ,Chalmers , A ndrew(b . 850 .

Chandler , J. 1 80 6 tr. 1 1 6 .

Chapin , E . (1 8 14 77 1 .

Charles , Elizabeth (b. 140 , 190 .

INDEX ; OF AUTHORS.Clapp , E l izaT . (1 8 1 1 57 1 .

Clarke ,James Freeman (1 8 1 0 131 , 323, 413, 6 2 4, 70 1 , 70 2 .

Clau diu s , M . (1 740 822 .

Clips to110 , J. B. 587 .

Clu te,O .

,876 .

Cobbe,Fran ces Power (1 82 2 1 84, 487 .

Coleridge. S . T . (1 77 2 56 0 .

Collyer , Robert (b . 774.

Conder,G. W . (1 82 1 275.

Conder, Josiah 0541 2 , 451 .

Coster , G. T

Cotterill , Jane (691 7


1 825)Cowper, Wfll iamfi31 57 , 59, 6 8 , 159, 458 , 473.Cox e, A. C. , 173, 853.

Crippcm , T. G. (b . tr. f rom the Latin 334.

Croly , Georg e 1 780 257 .

Cross , AdaC . 1 844 76 1 .

Crosswell , W .- 1 851 90 8.

Dav is , T . , 84.

Dawson , C. ,1 89.

Dawson , Georg e (1 82 1 846 .

Deland , Margaret , 36 1 .

Dendy , J0 hn , 0 7 .

Denny , Sir E. 1 796 132 , 382 .

Dix , W . C. (1 837 1 1 8,86 8.

Doddridge , Philip (1 70 2 95, 339, 379, 41 6 , 470 , 831 .Doddridge , P. and M . Bru ce , 431 .

Doddr idge, P. and J. Ell erton , 80 4Dorr , Ju l iaC. R. , 256 , 650 .

Dou dney, Sarah , 793.

Down ton , H . (1 8 1 8 830 .

Edmeston , J. (1 791 733.

Edwards , M . B. , 880 .

E11ert 0 n , J. (1 82 6 1 7 6 , 2 23; tr. 296 , 582 , 585, 6 14, 753,76 6 7 89. 79I 792

Elliott , Charl r‘ 36 6 , 527 .

E ll iot t , Ebenez er (1 78 1 899.

Ell i s , Sarah (b . 433.

Emerson ,R. W . (1 803 639.

Everet t , W illiam (1 839 298 , 324.

Faber , I rederickWill iam (1 8 14 30 , 31 , 38 , 69, 1 74, 341 ,893

Farn ingham , Mar ianne, 86 1 .

Farrar , Frederic W . (1831 82 .

F. B. P ,(1 6 1 6 ) 6 13.Foote, Hen ryWilder (1 838 463.Ford , C. L . (1 830 1 62 .

886 INDEX OF AU THORS.Fox , W . J. (1 786 7 , 1 77 ,Fran ck , Johan n (1 6 1 8 1 6 .

Freckleton,T . W . (1 82 7 388 .

Froth ingham , Nathan iel L . (1 793 8 , 1 63, 6 1 8 , 678.

Froth ingham , O . B. (b . 833.

Fu rness , W . H . (b . 373. 4 1 1 . 480 . 492 . 51 2 .

Gannet t , W . C. (b . 7 0 , 93, 8 1 8 , 829.

Gaskell , Wi ll iam (1 80 5 36 8 , 40 2 , 40 7 , 414, 498 , 609, 6 77 ,

7 72 90 2

Geldart , Edmu nd M . (1844 453.

Gerhard t , P. (1 60 7 529.

Gibbons ,Thomas (1 2 0 2 70 .

Gill , T . H. (b . 1 8 19 , 14, 19, 91 , 1 14 , 154 , 155, 2 19, 2 43,

323.254. 30 5. 419. 46 7 . 477 . 557 . 638. 7 0 7 . 86 8. 81 1 .

2 .

Gilman , Carol ine (b . 1 794 486 .

Gi lman , S . (1 791 698.

Gladden , Wash ington (b . 376 .

Gotter , L . A . , 1 85.

Gran t , S ir R. (1 785 2 .

Greg , Percy , 304 , 90 6 .

Greg , Samu el (1 80 4 150 , 6 0 6 .

Greenwel l , Dora, 1 1 0 .

Greenwood , J. Brooke (1 828 540 , 6 7 1 , 738 , 888.Gri swold , Florence T . , 42 1 .

Gu ion , J eanne M . B. (1 6 48 57 .

Gu rney , J. H . (1 80 2 364.

Ham i l ton ,J. (1 8 19 832 .

Harri s , Thomas Lake (1 823 230 , 232 , 238 , 375.Has tings , T . , 6

80 .

Hatch , Edwin 835 244 , 459.

Haverg al , Fran ces R id ley (1 836 387 , 80 7 , 851 .

Haweis , H. Reg ina1d (1 838 85.

Haweis , Thomas (1 734 472 .

Hawkes , Hen ry W . (b . 1 843 1 29, 87 1 .

Hawkin s , H. P. , 09. 892 .

Heber , Reg inal d 1 783 65,1 15, 1 20 , 36 7 , 695, 696 .

Heber, R. S . A . Brooke , and R. Whatel y , 739.

Hedge , Frederic H . (1 80 5 1 78 , 537 , 575, 773.

Heman s , Fel icia(1 794 1 0 5, 1 6 6 , 588 , 592 .

Herbert , Georg e (1593 43.

Herber t , George , andJohn Wes ley , 405.

Herr ick ,R. (1591 31 8 .

H iggin son , T . W . (b . 63, 30 8 , 569.

H il l , Thomas (1 8 1 8 2 03.H in cks , Thomas (b . 1 87 , 780 , 781 .

Hogg ,James (1 77 2 2 83.

Holland , J. G. (1 8 19 2 6 8.

888 INDEX 0 11 AU THORS.Lu ther , Mart in£14834Lynch

éT -


T (1 1 8 5. 7 1 . 97 . 1 04. 240 . 31 7 . 377 . 493. 494.74 . 7 4

Lyte .H . F. 66 . 281 . 6 6 2 . 734. 745

Macdonald , Georg e (b . 2 89, 314, 337 , 344, 370 , 7 1 6 , 749.Mace, Frances L . (1 836 91 0 .

Macleod , N orman (1 8 1 2 855.

Mam,R. (1 776 327 , 6 29.

Marchan t , J. 31Marriot t , J. (1 780 — 1 825 659.

Martin,H . A . , 1 7 1 .

Mart ineau , James (b . 72 , 144, 164.Mason , Carol ine A . (1 823 434, 445, 7 22 .

Mason , J. (d . 42 , 6 2 .

Mason ,W . , 76 2 .

Massie , R. (1 854 tr. C. J. P. Spi t ta, 758.Matheson , Ann ie (1 853 525, 878 .

Matheson , Georg e (1 842 55, 1 2 8 , 6 6 0 .

Matson ,W . Tidd (b . 1 833 133, 363, 546.

Mau de ,Maxy F. (1 848 62 1 .

M eaux Brewary,tr. F. Potts , 80 2 .

Merrick , James (17 20 523.

M et rical An thems , 1 78 , adapted from , 276 .

M i les , Sarah (1 80 7 2 0 2 .

M ilman , H. H. (1 791 1 60 , 1 88 , 31 2 , 491 .M il ton ,John (1 6 0 8 2 29, 2 63.Mohr , J. (1 792 1 0 1 .

Monod , Theodore,869.

Mon roe , E . . 1 72 .

M 0 nsel l ,J. S . B . (1 8 1 1 3, 1 09, 137 , 149, 1 79, 30 2 , 326 ,

Mon tgomery , James (177 1 6 , 54 , 96 , 1 70 , 2 60 , 56 1 , 583,6 1 2 . 631 . 6 66 . 6 79. 6 85. 693. 697 . 7 85

Mon tgomery , J. , an d S . A . Brooke , 631 .

Moore , Thomas (1 7 79 45, 530 .

Moore. T . ,and T . Has tings , 690 .

Morr i s , E li zaF. (1 82 1 1 0 .

Morris , Lewis (1 833 595, 8 1 0 .

Morri son ,J. (1 749 2 2 6 .

Mou l tr ie ,Gerard (1 829 2 24, 255.

M u d ie , C. B . (18 1 8 863.

M u lhol land , Rosa, 551 .

M u rphy , A. C. , 153.

Neale , J. M . (18 1 8 tr. 146 , 11 . 1 80 , 11 . 198 , tr. 20 6 , 593,tr. 725, tr. 26 , tr. 736 .

N eumarck , G. 1 62 1 42 8 , 60 1 .

N ew, Herbert (1 820 482 .

Newel l, Wil l iam (1 804 663.


N ewman , Cardinal J. H . (180 1 1 1 1 , 297 , 390 , 426 ; tr. 7 23.N ewton , J. (1 7 25 2 2 0 .

10 0 11, Robert (1 8 14 897 .

N oel , Baptist W . (1 799 46 .

N orton ,A . (1 786 499.

Oakley , C. S . (b . 249, 360 , 865.

Oberlin , J. F. (1740 420 .

0 510 1 , E . (1 798 342 .

Owen , Fran ces M . , 70 8 .

Packard , Charlotte M . , 2 69, 756 .

Palgrave,Fran cis Tu rner (b . 315, 316 , 347 , 42 9, 580 , 7 1 2 ,

786 .

Palmer , Ray (1 80 8 tr. 76 7 , 87 2 .

Parisian Breviary , tr. J. Chandler , 1 1 6 .

Parker , Edwin P. , 148 , 765.

Parker , Theodore (1 81 0 135.

Parson s , Lyman , 52 .

Percy , Frances A . , 72 1 .

Phelps , Au s tin , 80 .

Ph ilpot , W . (1 823Pierpoin t , (1 785- 1 86 6 4, 6 19.Pierpon t , S . (b . 1 835 293.

Pigot t , Jean S . , 449.

Pl umptre , E. H. (1 82 1 142 , 299, 385, 6 56 , 838.Popple , Marie ,654.

Potts , F tr. 80 2 .

Procter,Adelaide Anne (1 825 286 .

Psalm x x i i i . , Scotch V ersion , 436 .

Psalm cx x i . , Scotch V ersion , 439.Psalm x l ii i . , Tate and Brady , 46 4.

Pu sey , P. (1 799 11 . 658 .

Quarles , J. (1 6 2 4 2 79.

Rands, W . B. (1 82 6 50 .

Rawson , Georg e (1 80 7 252 , 440 , 531 , 594, 6 10 , 6 2 7.

Raymond , W . S . , 194 .

Reed , A . (1 787 237 .

Rinckhart , Martin (1586 277 .

Robb in s , S . D . (1 823 369.

Robert I I . of Fran ce (970 7 67 .

Robertson ,W . B. (1 82 0 743.

Rob inson ,G. Wade (1 838 490 .

Rob in son , R. H. (1 842 746 .

Roman Breviary, 750 .

Roman Breviary , tr. by ] . H. N ewman , 7 23.Rorison , G. (1 82 1 34.

Rosset ti , ChristinaG. (1 830 541 .


Ru s sell , F. A. R0 110 , The Ho11. (b .

Ru ssel l , Wi ll iam (1 798Sad ler , Thomas (1 82 2 1 7 , 88 1 .

Savage , M inot J. (b . 852 .

Saxby , Jane Euphem ia(1 8 1 1 586 .

Scot t, R0 bert Al lar1 (1 80 4 37 .

Scott , S ir Wal ter (177 1 450 .

Scu dder , E11za(b 2 4, 2 7 , 2 8 , 2 1 2 , 399, 572 , 6 20 , 795.Sears , E . H . (1 8 1 0Shairp, J. Campbell (18 19 86

S idney , S ir Ph i lip (1554 49.

S i ll , E . R0w1and (1 841 577.

S impson , Jane Cross (1 8 1 1 90 4.

Skel ton , J. , 794.11

Smi th , F . ,89.

Smi th , Samu el F . (1 80 8 683.

Sm i th , Wal ter C. (b . 83, 32 8 , 37 1 , 874.Smi th , W 1111am (1 80 8 1 82 .

Spain , Eig hth Cen tu ry ; tr. J. E llerton, 296 .

Sparks , W . P. ,235.

Spi tta, C. J. P. (1 80 1 38 1 , 758.

Spurgeon,C. H. (1 834 7 15.

S tan ley , A . P. (1 8 15 1 13, 152 , 1 6 1 , 1 6 7 , 2 13, 231 .

S teele , An n (1 7 1 6 495.S tephen , S t . , the Sabaue (7 25 11 . J. M . N eale, 146 .

S terl ing , John (1 80 6 2 2 , 544 .

S tone,Samu el J. (b . 44 , 2 25, 6 25, 803, 82 1 .

S towe ,Harriet B. (b


. 503, 699, 7 2 8.

Su nderland, J. T . , 6 69.

Symonds , John Adding ton (1 840 91 7 .

Tarran t , W . G. , 141 ,870 .Tate , Nahum(1 652 1

Taylor , Bayard (1 825 2 6 6 , 41 0 .Taylor , Em ily (1795 694, 7 6 8.

Taylor , Jerem (1 6 13 158 .

Taylor , John 1 750 2 84 , 332 , 559.Tennyson ,Al f red , Lord (1 80 9 2 1 0 , 633, 80 5.

Terren , W . S . , 649.

Ters teeg en , Gerhard (1 697 1 8 , 251 .

Thomas , D. (1 8 13 313.

Thring , God frey (b . 1 19, 2 88 , 30 0 , 555, 757 , 760 , 879.

Thru pp , J. F. (1 853 1 25.

Top lady , A . M . (1 740 875.Trench , R. C. (1 80 7 6 0 , 56 2 , 6 0 2 .

Tu ckerman , J. (1 778 478.

Tu t t iet t , Lau rence (b . 2 2 7 , 397 , 425.Twel l s , H. (b. 1 823 787 .

THE followingfirs t


ed i t ion of

DR . FEL I X ADLER , N ew York.

RE V . DENDY AGATE , B .A . ,Manchest er.

RE V . CANON A INGER, The Temple, London .

MRS . ALEXANDER, The Bishop’s Palace , Londonderry.M 158 ALEXANDER for Hymn by the late DR. W. Lm osmr


Mas . ELKANAH S . ARM ITAGE , Rotherham.



REV . JAMES BELL, Wycli ff e Chu rch , Hu ll.RlGHT -REV . DR . B ICKERSTETH, B ishop of Ex eter.DR. JOHN STU ART BLACK IE , Edinbu rg h.REV . T. W. JEX BLAKE, D .D. , Worcester.REV . J. V I LA BLAKE , Chicag o.

RE V . JAMES BONAR, Greenock, and MR. N . M . BONAR,Edinbu rg h , for Hymns by the late Dr. HORA '


REV . PH ILIPS BROOK S , Boston , U .S.

MRS . BALDWIN BROWN for Hymn by the late Rev. J.


M RS . BUB I ER for Hymns by the late Rev. G. B. BU B IER.MESSRS . BU RNS OATES , Paternoster Row, for Hymns by

the late Rev. Dr. FABER, and for permit t ing a fewverbalalteration s.

11m . JOHN w. CHADW ICK , Brooklyn , N ewYork.892


acknowledg men ts appeared in the

th is book, wh ich was publ ished in


RE V . ANDREW CHALMERS , Wakefield .

MRS. E . RU N DLE CHARLES , Au chterarder.REV . J. W. CH IGN ELL , Ex eter.M I SS FRANCES POWER COBEE , Dolg elly.RE V . ROBERT COLLYER , N ew York.

REV . JOHN ELLERTON , M .A. , Wh i te Rodin g , '

Du nmow.

THE VEN ERA BLE F . W. FARRAR, D.D., Dean of Can terbu ry.

RE V . J. W. FRECKLETON , Isling ton .

REV . W . H. FURNESS , D .D . , Ph i ladelph ia, U .S.

REV . CANON FURSE , Westminster, for Hymn s by the lateRev. Dr. MON SE LL.

REV . W. C. CANNET’I‘ , Chicag o.

The M ISSES GASKELL , Manchester, for Hymns by the lateRev. WM . GASKELL .

MRS. GELDART , Croydon , for Hymn by the late Rev. E. M .


MR. THOMAS H . G ILL, Sh irley Hou se , Ken t.REV . ALAN GREENWELL, M .A.

, for Hymn by the lateDORA GREENWELL .

MRS. GREG, Macclesfiel d, for Hymns by the late Mr. SAM U ELGREG.

REV . DR . EDW IN HATCH ,Ox ford.

MRS. H . P. HAWK INS , Bedford .REV . H. R. HAWE IS , M .A .

, London .

MR. J. T. HAYES forHymns by the late Dr. NEALE.REV . F. H. HEDGE , D.D . , Cambridg e, U .S .

REV . THOMAS H INCKS, B .A . , Leig h Wood , Bristol .DR. OLI VER WENDELL HOLMES , Beverly, Massechasetts.MRS . HOOD for Hymns by the late Rev. E . PA X TON HOOD.

RE V . J. PAGE HOPPS , Le icester.REV . F. L. HOSMER , Cl eveland , Ohio.

RIGHT REV . DR . HOW , B ishop of Wakefield.

MESSRS. HOU LSTON SONS, London , for Hymns fromHymns 0 11 the Holy Commu n ion by ADA CAMBR IDGE.THOMAS HUGHES , ESQ. , Chester.

M 1SS JEAN INGELOW for Hymns from “ Holy Song s andCarols.”

MR. ISBISTER for Hymn by the late Rev. Dr. NORMANMACLEOD.

MR. E . P. LAMPORT of Natal for Hymn by his father,the late Rev. WM . LAMPORT .

REV . JAMES LEGGE , M .A. , Leeds.


MRS. LYNCH, Hig hg ate, for Hymns by the late Rev. THOMASLYNCH.

RE V . SAMUEL LONGFELLOW , Cambridg e , Massachu setts,for his own Hymns , and Hymns by his brother the late H. W.


MES SRS. MACMILLAN 81 CO. for verses from LORD TEN N ?son

s In Memoriam,

”for Hymn by the late Rev. CHARLESK INGSLEY , and by the late Princ ipal 8 114 111? of St . Andrews.

REV . JAMES MART INEAU , LL.D . , London .

REV . DR . MATHESON , S t. Bernard's Parish, Edinbu rg h.M 158 ANN IE MATHESON , London .

REV . W . TIDD MATSON , Sou thampton .

MR. LEW IS MORRIS for verses from Song s of TwoWorlds.”MR. C. E . MUD IE , London .

MESSRS . NELSON 81 SON S for Hymns by the late Rev. J. D.


CARD I NAL NEWMAN , The Oratory, Birmin g ham.

PROFESSOR FRANC I S NEWMAN , Weston - su per -Mare.

REV . H. OAKLEY, Sheffield, forHymns by his brother, the Rev.SHERM AN OAK LEY .


The VERY RE V . DR . PLU MPTRE , Dean of Wells.s s I SABEL RAWSON forHymn s by the lateMr.

RELIG IOUS TRACT SOCI ETY for Hymn s by the late MissC. ELL IOT .

REV . DR. SADLER , Hampstead, for Can ticles f rom “ The Ten

Services ” edited by him and Dr. MA RT INEAU .

RE V . M I NOT J. SAVAGE , Boston , U . S.

MRS . FRANCES A. SHAW, Bewdley, for Hymns by the lateMiss HAVERGAL.

RE V . D 11. WALTER C. SM ITH, Free Hig h Chu rch, Ed inbu rg h.MRS. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, Hartford, U . S.

MR. A . STRAHAN , Covent Garden , for Hymn by Miss SARAHW ILL IAMS.JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS, ESQ. , LL .D. , Davos Platz ,Swi tz erland.

REV . DR. DAV ID THOMAS , S tockwell, London.

REV . GODFREY THRING, M.A. , Hornblot ton Rec tory,Somerset.

MR. A. CHEVEN I X TRENCH for Hymns by the late Archbishop TRENCH.



For Bapt ism , Adm is s ion int o the Chris t ian Church ,The L ord’

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