Hand-Book Land-Charters, Etc

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Transcript of Hand-Book Land-Charters, Etc




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A Han d-Book to the Lan d

Charters , an d other S ax on ic

Documen ts

J O H N FA R L E ,M . A.

Formerly Fellow and Tutor of Oriel College




anAR o






THIS b ook has grown to something b eyon d its firstdesign . A further tex t-b ook b eing requ ired when

the availab le things were ex hausted , it was to haveb een just a few specimens of lan d-charters, so groupedas to ex h ib it roughly the con trast of genu in e an d

Spurious . On thi s prin ciple the b ook was b egun

and so far proceeded wi th that the first sheets b ear

perman en t traces of a plan which was afterwardsen larged . At an early stage of the w ork, when I

was discouraged by some in ceptive difi culties, I had

the happin ess to ob tain the help of my frien d theRev . Charles Plummer, of C orpus Christi College inOx ford ; an d this imported in to the task an elemen tof pleasure, which had an ex pan sive effect . As any

improvemen t suggested itself with the progress of

the work, I adopted it without stopping to questionwhat the effect would b e on the symmetry of the

whole. Accordingly, I have to confess that the FirstPart con tain s some pieces which wou ld n ot have b eenthere

,if I had had from the b eginn in g a matured

prevision of the grouping of the S econ d Part . Thisis a defect in form which I thought it well to in cur ,rather than m iss any possib le gain in the way of

critical discrimination .


Upon a con sisten t plan ,the First Part should have

con tain ed n o documen ts from the Worcester Chartulary (Hem ing), which forms the b asis of Group ii inthe S econ d Part ; n or shou ld there have b een any fromthe Rochester Book b ut in Group iv . The gift of

Osric to Bath shou ld n ot stan d where it is (p . 6) anymore than that of Headdi to Glaston b ury (p . A

good gen eral in dication of an original documen t (inthe First Part) is the presen ce of con traction s . Thisis due to the circumstan ce thatmany ofthe b est documen ts were prin ted straight off from the volumes of

the British Museum Facsimiles . The studen t who hashan dled the Codex Diplomaticus w ill n ot find i tstrange that an ab b reviated tex t Shou ld b e a token of

h igh quality. Where the documen ts cou ld b e com

pared either w ith the original man uscript or w ith a

facsimile,they have for the most part b een prin ted as

they stan d and the con traction s have b een kept . The

wan t ofun iformity , whereby con tracted and ex pan dedtex ts are in termix ed , wi ll n ot b e without its advan tage . The un ex pan ded documen ts wi ll afford ex ercisein reading con traction s, for which the ex pan ded tex tsw i ll supply the key.

In the In troduction I have ven tured to eman cipatemyself from the authority of Kemb le in two mattersof great importan ce, on e chron ological and the othercon stitution al . As regards the former, I have onlyex ercised a right of choice b etween his statemen tand an other ; b ut as to the latter, I have taken uponmyself to rej ect his view of the elemen tary scheme


of English l ife, an d I have offered an en tirely n ew

ex position ofmy own . If I am right in my opin ionthat the man orial system was part of the first plan tation , it ought to approve itself by the lumin ouseffect which n ew truth gen erally has in l ighting up

places that are dark . And I seem in my own m in dto have foun d it so — for it has awaken ed most unex pectedly a n ew in terest in the Don ation ofE thelwu lf

,a prob lem which I had long ago ab an don ed

as hopeless . If I have n ow con tributed anythingtowards the solution of this old an d ackn owledgeddifficu lty,

it has b een wholly due to the light whicha n ew elemen tary truth threw upo n the gen eralsituation ; the ex planation grew n atural ly out of the

n ew con ception of the fun ctions of the lord of the

man or , an d if it shou ld b e approved, it w ill ten d toconfirm that view . This ex plan ation did n o t presen titselfun til after the In troduction was in type, so thatit had to go in to a footn ote

, where , though con

dens ed, I hope it w i ll b e in telligib le1.

The study of these documen ts has its place as a

n atural an teceden t to the study of Domesday Book,

an d the two studi es are in fact two parts of on e

whole. The progress whi ch has b een made in the

kn ow ledge of the great tax ing-b ook, as eviden ced b ythe recen t appearan ce of Domesday S tudi es ,


to promise a n ew era of en qu iry in to our early his

S ee pag e lx ix . Lord Selb orn e’

s b ook, ‘An cien t Facts an d Fiction s

con cern in g Churches and Tithes’

in whi ch a chapter is de

voted to the Don ation of E th elwulf, appeared too late for me to

b enefit by the use ofit.


tory. We in our day enj oy a great advan tage over

the men of any former gen eration , in that we can

have the very reflection of the original in our han ds

an d read it at our ease , as light as a pamphlet, an d

almost as cheap. It is to the late Lieut.-Gen eral S ir

Hen ry James,Director-Gen eral of the Ordn an ce S ur

vey ,that we owe the facsimiles of Domesday, an d

w ith them also three volumes of facsimiles of lan dcharters, an d other documen ts, which were editedan d tran slated by Mr . W . Basevi San ders . The

ex ample ofprin ting facsimiles of these early charterswas given by the authorities of the British Museum ,

the First Part of whose work is dated in 1 873 ; and

it was con tinued w ith resu lts so mu ch the more im

portan t, as the origin al documen ts at their di sposalex ceed in value all other collection s put together .

The four volumes of British Museum Facsimiles were

edited byMr. Bon d,who has S in ce b ecome the Prin cipal

Lib rarian . These in valuab le pub lication s are n ot

merely the stimu lan ts of historical curiosity —ratherlet us say that as they furn ish those ex tern al criteriawhich are the true coun terpart of the in ternal eviden ce,they complete the data upon which criticism is towork,

and impart to historical studies a scien tificquality.

The period in which we live w i ll b e characterisedb y and bye as the period in which great provin cialLib raries were foun ded . N ow is the time to storeup some things which wi ll ere long b e in accessib leand b eyon d price, an d among such I wou ld reckon


the three sets of Facsimiles ab ove describ ed . If any

b orough is so happy as to have a Lib rary Committeewhi ch th inks that something shou ld b e acqu ired b e

yon d the stan dard of immediate deman d , perhapsthey might b e disposed to look favourab ly uponthese great n ational pub lication s . For b ooks l ikethese ten d to awaken local in vestigation and to illustrate the lan d we live in , the lan d our forefathers1400 years ago took possession of, the lan d in whichthey have through toil an d struggle and vicissitudes

grown to b e a mighty n ation,the lan d they have

made illustrious and classi cal ; an d there is n o kin dof study so varied , so healthy, or so favourab le tosocial gen iality, as a study which has coun try for itsobject , and especially a coun try in which all men

are in terested,

The t ime may perhaps come when the average aim

of life w ill b e somewhat modified,when a larger spherew i ll b e accorded to the in tellectual part, when com

merce w ill b e relin qu ished for con ten tmen t as soonas a modest competen ce is assured , when men w il lcu ltivate a garden of their own

, and w ill seek in

b ooks n ot merely an odyn e from care and passiveamusemen t, b ut materials an d tools for the ex erciseof their men tal en ergies .

Then w ill rise a deman d for su ch b ooks as I haven amed, and I w ill n ame an other of like nation al rankw ith them, the N ew English Diction ary, n ow issu ingin Parts from the C laren don Press-a work of unpre

cedented compass, a work which is a lib rary in itself,


a work which (apart from its design ) affords , to an

ex ten t that is tru ly marvel lous,a first in trodu cto ry

key to every kin d ofhuman kn owledge .

I close this Preface as I b egan it, w ith gratefu l

ackn ow ledgmen ts to Mr . Plummer , n ot on ly for his

con stan t an d valuab le help, b ut even more for thesolace of his compan ion ship ; an d at the same time I

thank theDelegates of the Press for the readin ess w ithwhich they promoted my w ish for a coadjutor.




( I ) Genuin e Records Dated

( 2 ) G enuin e Records UndatedPart II . SECONDARY DOCUMENTS .

Group 1 (single sheets)Group 2 (Worcester Chartulary)Group 3 (Fab rication s in the n ame ofKing A thelstan )Group 4 (The Rochester B ook)Group 5 (Documen ts of the Peterb orough Chroni cle type)Group 6 (The Sax on Renaissan ce)Group 7 (A Bath Book at Camb ridge)Group 8 (The Chartularies ofA b ingdon)Group 9 (A Book from S t. A lb an ’

s )

Group 10 (Ab stracts made in the Thirteen th Cen tury)Group 1 1 (The Crediton Ro ll)Group 1 2 (A Chartulary ofGlastonb ury) , 1 4thcen tury .

Group 1 3 (A fifteen th cen tury Register of the Ab b ey of

Shaftesb ury)Group 14 (The L ib er Alb us at Wells)Group 1 5 (Rhyming Records)






P . 20 1 , l . 1 9, add T . p. 206, S . 11 7

l . 2 1 , for Sun db ury read Sunb ury

9, for 39 read 36

3 26, l . 1 8 for K 3 ? read K 37 1

41 7 , heading, for Group X read Group XI

1. 14, for mongeus read mongeus


AMONG the less ex plored remain s of Sax on an tiquityare the numerous legal documen ts ofwhich the largestand b est-kn own collection is that by J . M . Kemb le, insix octavo volumes

,under the title ofCodes Dz

p Zomatieue


Sawoniei. S ome in con siderab le addition s to thiscollection were made by Thorpe in his Dip lomatarium

Anglicum ; b ut what distinguishes this volume,and

g1ves it a value peculiar to itself, is that all the Sax o n

portion s are furn ished with a tran slation in a parallelcolumn . Thorpe n eglected to indicate for the reader’


con ven ien ce what were the n ew pieces in his vo lume,

and hen ce it is n ot easy to sum up the total n umb er

ofdeeds when his are added to those ofKemb le. But

we are safe in saying that the total n umb er would fallunder 1400 . Mr. de Gray Birch is n ow engaged inmaking a n ew co llection

,which is to b e as comprehen sive

as possib le, and we are told that it will emb race b etweentwo and three thousand documen ts . It is en titled Cartularium Sax onicam, and two volumes have alreadyappeared . W e must n ot ex pect to find that the sub

stan tial addition to Kemb le’

s material will b e in pro

portion to the numerical in crease of the documen ts .

Kemb le first reaped the field, and he left for his suc

cessors little more than glean ings. But there is this

great advan tage in a collection which is thoroughlyex haustive—that it improves to the full the chan ces of

illustration by comparison ,and such illustration may

often rise from records of an inferior order,which have

b een hitherto neglected . In many a later and, perhaps,


sloven ly ab stract, there may b e something preservedwhich is n ot elsewhere to b e foun d 1

But, though as yet imperfectly ex plored , these docu

men ts are n o longer so ob scure that it is necessary for

an editor to advocate the utility ofthem . The writings ofhistorian s and con stitutionalistS—such as S ir F. Palgrave,Dr. S tub b s

,M r. Freeman

,J . R . Green ,

Professor Pollockin England, and N asse

,Kon rad Maurer

,S teen strup,

Gneist ab road—have ab un dan tly demon strated theirimportan ce, and even to some ex ten t populariz ed the

kn owledge of them . For the rich and peculiar information they con trib ute towards the early


history of

property, society, and in stitution s ; for the man ifoldlight they cast upon the English language ; they are

b egin n ing to b e almost famous and if more were

n eeded for their recommendation ,it might b e added

that their very defects , con fusion s,and deformat1on s ,

offer for the cultivation of the critical faculty such an

admirab le field of ex ercise as can hardly b e found any

where else in the world .

The matters which deman d ex planation in thesedocumen ts are so n umerous and so various, that it willhardly b e possib le for me to touch on them all in these

preliminary pages. Perhaps the N otes and Indices at

the end of the volume may serve in some respects as

a supplemen t to the In troduction . But here I find

it n ecessary to guard again st the danger of b eing desultory by a defin ite selection

,and the parts of this

1 The increased b ulk of the collection is not wholly due to thein sertion of deeds that were unkn own or disregarded by M r. Kemb leb ut further by the in corporation of pieces n ot of a strictly diplomaticcharacter, such as profession s of obedien ce b y n ewly-elected b ishops,papal correspondence, and other ecclesiastical documen ts in defence of

which the editor pleads that they serve to illustrate the deeds by theside ofwhich they stand.


wide subject which I propose to keep b efore me are

First, The outline and structure of the Lan d-charteror pub lic gran t of land , including some n otlce of the

marks ofdegen eracy ; Secon dly, The relation s b etweenland-tenure and the elemen tary frame ofE nglish S





and Lastly, The varying condition s ofthe two languagesemployed in the composition ofthese documen ts .


The whole institution of written con tracts is withour people an adopted practice, which they had learn edfrom the Roman world . S till, there is a local characterab out our deeds, and ifwe compare the Frankish mun imen ts, or their formula-b ooks, we shall easily see thatwith a b road gen eral liken ess, there is a well-definedspecific difference.

The earliest documen ts are rather vague in outlin e,runn ing sometimes in to the address ofan epistle (25 h) ,b ut at length the land-charter assumes a very defin itefo rm con sisting of the following parts o r memb ers

I . The Preamb le. 2 . The Gran t. 3 . The Sanction .

4 . The Description . 5 . The Date. 6. The S ignatures.

Each ofthese parts will admit ofa few ob servation s .

i . The P reamble is sometimes prefaced with an In

vocation ,or it may b e that the Invocation itself con

stitutes the Preamb le,as in the Charter ofHloiiari A.D .

679 (p. When the Preamb le is ex ten ded,it will

con tain either a pious reflection upon the tran sitorynature ofearthly things, and the duty ofmaking a gooduse of them or else a commendation of the practice of

recording con tracts and gifts by the use of writtendocumen ts

,1 96 t.

The theme ofdocumen tary contracts reminds us that


our an cestors had b ut recen tly b egun to make use of

written conveyances, and that the practice was b ut im

perfectly estab lished . Their an cestral u sage had b een

to convey land by a symb olical act like that ofcuttinga sod and han ding it to the n ew own er

,in the presen ce

of witn esses legally qualified1. Thus the right, or at

least the origin ,of own ership depen ded for its eviden ce

upon living testimony, which was liab le to acciden ts an dcon tingen cies, and in n o case could last b eyond a certainterm of years. When writings b egan to b e usual


ceremony ofthe sod was n ot dropped ; the old symb olismand the n ew record wen t on together.

The veritab leconveyan ce con sisted in theperforman ce ofthe symb olicalact in the presen ceofthe qualified witn esses the writtensheet was (or purported to b e) b ut the record and memorandam of this formal tran saction . In a royal gran t of

the eighth cen tury, the king is made to say to the

gran tee‘But b ecause there is n eed of cam lest our gran t

of to-day b e in the future disowned and called in

question ,I have thought fit to prepare this documen t

(bane paginam) , and together with a turf of the foresaid lan d to deliver it to thee ; whereby I preven t n oton ly my successors whether kings or prin ces, b ut alsomy own self, from dealing otherwise at any time withthe said lan d than as it is now settled by me.

(p. 50 t)2

The documen tary hab it did n ot for many cen turies1 When lan d was given to a church the sod was laid upon the altar .

Mr. Plummer says that in Irish fed for altdir, fdd fri altoz

r (lit .

sod upon , sod to, the altar) is a regu lar phrase for church lands. Four

Masters, A . D . 645 (where O’Donovan

’s n ote is misleading) Chrom


S cotorwm, Ro lls Series, p . 90.

3 Where a letter is added to the number of a page, it is to signify asfo llows : t = top ; h = high ; m = middle ; l= low ; b = b ottom ; r = re

peatedly. For other ab b reviat ion s, see p. 479 .


would help himself to a prologue out of a ready collection ofsuch composition s, like the Frankish Formulab ook ofM arculphus.

What I have called the Preamb le, is divided by Kemb lein to two parts, the Invocation and the Proem

,an d he

closes his ex amination of the Proem with five gen eralrules which I here tran scribe for the b en efit of the

critical studen t.1 .

‘That the early charters have generally a simpleform .

2 .

‘That in the cases which are ex ception s to thisrule, it depends more upon the n ature of the con ten ts


than upon their amoun t or complication , whether thedocumen t is, or is n ot, to b e received as genui ne.

3 . That allusion s to the approaching end of the

world,are n ot to b e taken as eviden ces offorgery such

b eing found in Gregory’

s letters, and in Marculf’s and

other formularies.

4. That complicated proems,filled with Greek words


such as cosmi, p rotop lastoe, eater and the like, are confinedto the period sub sequen t to the commen cement of the

ten th cen tury. If foun d in documen ts professing an

earlier date,they are strong evidences offorgery.

5 .-That narrative proems are suspicious, whatever he

the supposed date ofthe instrumen ts in which they are

found .

ii . The Grant. Here we must n otice the person s

b etween whom the tran saction passes, the estate con

veyed, and the condition s attached to it.1 . The names of the Gran tor and Gran tee are for the

most part Stated either in the formula Ego M dono tibz’


(54 h) ; or Ego M dono cuidam eomiti (min istro, ab bati,episcopo) nomine N (96 l) .

x ix

A motive is often added , which is either ofa religiousnature ; e. g . for mg soul

s ease,and for b op e of eternal

reward, 1 37 m p ro redemp lz'

on e an imae meae, 304 In ; or

it in timates services performed ; e . g . dabo E dehzobop re

feclo meo fidelissz’

mo, (gran, 75 1 ; I give and gran t to mg

fallbfn l lbane Ealdb ere for b is b umble obedience and

because to me b e batb zn all bl ings been always a failbfil l

servan t, 1 24 t ; on idam meofidell min istro n omineEadnlfo1 73 m ; Q naprop ler ego Eadredns rem Anglornm celera

rnmgne gen tium in clrcn iln persisten linm gubernator el

rector Cn idam mib i fidellsslmo mln islro Oswig nomz'


ootion is elns sollerlz'

a eln sdemgne p lacalns obsegnéo dig

nalns snm imperllre bis denas mansas,1 82 1 ;—209 In ,

293 t‘

. S ometimes in this place a valuab le con sideration en ters ; pro eins amabz


llp ecun ia, 1 5 7 b , 242 h .

2 . In the more importan t in stan ces the effect of the

Gran t is to convey a man or with the village that isupon it, with seign orial rights and hereditary po ssession . We find n othing ab out occupation tenures,n othing which invo lves any agricultural details. In a

certain n umb er of in stan ces the estate is leased fora term of lives

,after which it is to revert to the repre

sentative ofthe gran tor. There are many documen ts ofthis kin d by Oswald , B ishop ofW orcester and his suc


(e . g . 207 1, 234 and they are mostly for

1 It is curious and in teresting to see the same formu la in Scotlanddown to the l 6th cen tury In the year 1 504, the b arony or man our

ofAuchin leck (pron oun ced Afieck) in Ayrshire, which b elonged to a

family of the same name with the lands, having fallen to the Crown byforfeiture, James the Fourth , King of Scotland, gran ted it to ThomasBo swell, a b ran ch of an ancient family in the county of Fife, stilinghim in the charter di lecto fami liari n ostro and assign ing, as the

cause of the gran t, pro b on o cl fidelc’

servit’io nob is prcestito .


L ife ofJohnson , anno 1 776 in Dr. Birkbeck Hill’s admirab le edition ,vol . ii, p . 41 3 .


three lives (sometimes for on e life, 248 h) , after which

the lan d is to revert to the S ee. But these are n ot

coordinate with the land-charters ; they form a classapart, as will appear in the n ex t section . U sually‘ the free and en tire fruition of the land with all its

advan tages, its woods, its waters, its b irds and b eastsand fishes

,is made over to the gran tee,

in full and nu

restricted possession and with complete power ofdisposal .The great b ulk of our documen ts imply royal gran tsof territory with perpetual and testamen tary rights, andwith all the privileges of superior ten ure which estab lishlordship. The testamen tary clause, usually un limitedon ionmgnep ost se rolnerlt b eredi derellngnal

—is in a few

M ercian gran ts by Offa and Burgred, limited to

gran tee’

s descen dan ts or kindred or even heirs male 1 .

The land which is gran ted is common ly characteriz edas terra juris mei


’an ex pression which is ex plained by

Kemb le as‘ the King

s common of pasture.

S ee n oteo n p. 453 . This seems to me un satisfactory. I take itto mean

‘ land in my jurisdiction ,in my right, ofwhich

I have the disposal .’

In a Mercian deed of A.D. 8 1 1

(8 7 1) there is an in teresting variation of the phrase,

Coenuulf rex has terrulas su i propriae puplicae juriscum predicto con cilii con sen su


i . s . lands of b is own

prop er pn blz'

c rigb t, which would seem to mean lands at

his disposal in his pub lic capacity. Kemb le seems to

have generaliz ed from an acciden tal comb ination likejuris mei ad pascendum 35 t .This assertion ofright we see comb in ed with an other

by which it is limited , n amely, cum con sen su et licen tia

meorum optimatum,

and this phrase is so con stan t inthe earlier cen turies that the con sen t of the witan must

1 See Kemb le, Cod. Dipl . vol . i, p. x x x u f.

x x i

have b een regarded as in dispen sab le to the king’

s act of

b estowal . Offa ofMercia den ied the right ofEcgb erht

(a former king of Ken t) to give lan d with hereditaryright (83 b ) , presumab ly without co n sen t of the witan .

This con sen t is almost un iformly alleged in all gran tsb efore the middle of the n in th cen tury, e . g . Ecgb erht

of W essex 1 07 m E thelwulf 1 20 h, 1 23 b fEthel

b erht 1 25 b ZEthelred 1 37 h b ut the phrase is omittedby [Ethelb erht (A. D. 863) 1 33, by Alfred 1 57 , by

fEthelstan 1 73m ,by Eadmund 1 75 b , by Eadwig 1 94 h ,

by E thelred 209 m. The folcland thus appears to haveb ecome almost assimilated to royal demesne.

3 . In these gran ts, there is on ly one limit to plenarypossession ,

and that limit is con stan t. It is that ob li

gation which is kn own by the name of the trinoda


The trlnoda necessitas or threefold burden inciden t toall property in lan d, was also sometimes called commnn is

labor, generalis incommoditas, onus inevitabile. The three

b urden s were fgrd, military service ; (2 ) brieg-bo’


repair ofb ridges (3) bnrb-bo’

t,repair offortresses . The

Latin phrases for the specific b urden s were subject tovariation s ; b ut the most prevalen t terms were ‘

ex peditio

et pon tis arcisque restauratio .

In 858 (p. 1 26 b ) it isab sque ex pedition e sola et pon tium structura et arcium

mun ition ibus.

In the vern acular it is b utan wall

geweorce an d b rycg geweorce and ferd socnel ’

(242 m) .

1 A difficulty has been made about the b ridgebote ; some have evenproposed to understand roads, or embankmen ts across low ground, bythe word br z


cg e or p ons . Moritz Heyn e, in his tractate Ueber d/z'


Lage and Con structi on der Ha lle Heor o t,thought that the b ridges

mean t in the trin oda necessitas were the draw-b ridges crossingthe moats of the b urghs ! I can not see what occasion there ever wasfor making a difficulty in the matter ; I suppose it ro se from an


In ecclesiastical leases church-rate is sometimes addede. g . 248 h.

The duty of the trin oda necessitas is un defin ed as to

quan tity. Kemb le cites two ex amples (In trod . p . lii)in which the gran tee is to b e required to sen d on Ex

p editio on ly so many men . Of these ex amples one

is plain ly post-N orman (K2 14), and the other may b eseen b elow, p. 48 h .

The Gran tee receives his land in full own ership , withcomplete freedom of testamen tary power and alien ation .

He has moreover n o services to perform in return forthe land

,as the occupiers offo lkland have. In the lan d

b ook, ofwhich the Latin part is g iven in b riefab stract

b elow, p. 1 66

,these clauses run as follows —n t ille cam


ngo ewosa servitn tis,camp ratis ,p ascn is, s ilvis, ricn lis,

omn ibnsgne ad cam n tilitatibns, rite pertinentibas, liberaliter

ac mternaliter, gnamdin civat babeat etp ost generalem gni

omn ibus certas incertnsgne b omnncn lis constat transitam,

cn icnngne snccession is b eredi colnerit, imp erp etnnm dere

lingnat. Variation s ofthe same formula may b e seen on

p. 1 24 h, 1 33 n , 140 h, 142 1, 1 73 1.

Such a privileged estate is called in Latin libertas,

lib erty or franchise, and i t is said to b e held liberaliter,1 96h ; and in English the estate or the charter con veying it is called FREOLS 1 97 1, or FREOLS 1360 2 2 1 l, and therestoration of this fran chise where it had b een in terrupted is describ ed by the verb GEEDFREOLSIAN refran

ex aggerated notion of the b arb arism of the Sax on era, as if there were

at that time n o b ridges to speak of, and as if the rivers were on lycrossed by fords. But there were undoub tedly many good stone b ridges,

which had b een b uilt by the Roman s , and of this we might be sure

even if we had not the direct eviden ce of Beds . But he says in H . E .

i . 1 1 , that the cities, b ridges, an d roads , to the south of the wall ofSeverus, bear testimony to the Roman occupation .

x x iii

chise,1 97 1. In a gran t by Edward the Confessor it is

thus ex pressed : aeterna liberalitate imp ertior K769 .

Towards the end of this period we find the jurisdictionattaching to such estates describ ed as sacn and socn


and team,infangentbg

"and flgmenafgrmtb , &c. ,

formulaevery familiar to all who have dipped in to our legal antiquities, b ut n evertheless rather ob scure. And thiswill seem on ly natural when we ob serve that thoughthe terms themselves are pure Anglo-Sax on , yet the

tran smission of them has b een mostly through N orman

scrib es,who did n ot understand what they wrote, and

could n ot spell the words. Kemb le says that sac and

soc,&c . ,

is n ot foun d in any genuin e gran t b efore thetime ofEdward the Confessor. I go a step further and

add,that I do n ot kn ow of any genu in e grant of


s that has the sac and soc in it. I should b ein clin ed to look very narrowly at any land-b ook purporting to b e of the Sax on period which had sac and soc.

But here I make a distin ction b etween a land-charterand a deed of general confirmation where estates are

enumerated in a land-roll . Such is KS I 7 , purportingto b e of the year 1 065 , and having the Sac an d S ec

clause —here I leave the question of gen uin eness open .

But if the clause is n ot foun d in Sax on land-b ooks,it is

foun d in writs,and as an ex ample I would poin t to a

writ of Cnut’

s,b elow p . 233 ; a documen t which seems

to b e quite ab ove suspicion .

W hen this formula appears in land-charters or evenin confirmation s of territorial possession s which purportto b e older than the N orman Conquest, it is mostlyan alteration which took place in a later redaction ,

under N orman rule -but there is in generaln o reason for suspecting any misrepresen tation in regard


to the powers or rights claimed by the use of this formulaas having b een ex ercised during the Sax on period . Thisis on e of the in ciden tal lights which b ring to our kn owledge the fact that the Sax on charters are very in ex plicit,that they implymore than they ex press, that they in dicateon ly by gen eral phrases those territorial prerogativeswhich were sufficien tly guaran teed by local tradition .

There is n o reason to doub t that these terms repre

sen t in ciden ts ofthe superior ten ure, though it is hardto defin e the ex act limits of the class to which theyb elonged . By TOL was mean t the right of a lord tohave a tariff of his own within his domain ; to requireof those ~who conveyed goods through his territory to

pay something for the accommodation of the road or

the water-way. By TEAM was mean t the legal recog

n izan ce of b argain s and con tracts,which primarily

b elonged to the Tything ,b ut which upon certain

man ors cou ld b e held by the lord’

s agen t. By INFAN

GENTHEF was mean t the right to ex ecute justice upon a

thief taken within the domain . S ometimes UTFAN

GENTHEF is added , claiming the right to deal with thethief taken offthe man or. By FLYMENAFYRMTH is mean ta claim to appropriate the whole or a part of the fine

ex acted for harb ouring proscrib ed person s . These are

b ut b ranchlets ofthis memorab le formula. The n ucleusupon which they cen tre, and the term which is of the

highest importan ce, is SOON . This is the commonb asis, the right of the lord gen erally, the prerogative of

the man or, in deed the Sax on term which was super

seded by the N orman ‘man erium.

This is a word of

the earliest period of our history, and on e that yet livesas S oke or S oken in many local names. It mean t jurisdiction ,

from the verb SACAN discuss, con tend. At the


of sanction is quite ab sen t from our land-charters.

The Frankish formulary may b e seen in the Codex Dipl .vol . 1

, p. lx iv .

iv. The Descrip tion or Perambulation . The b oundariesof the lan d are describ ed

,starting from such a poin t,

or such an object,an d passing through a series of

station s,un til the starting-po in t is reached again . As

a gen eral rule this part of the deed is in English ;sometimes however in Latin or a mix ture ofLatin and

English . It must n ot however b e imagin ed from the useof the vern acular in this part that this memb er I S morenative than the rest of the deed. It is just the con

tinuation ofan old Roman usage, the formula ofwhichmay b e seen in the b ook ofHygin us, the lan d-surveyor


It is the formula that was used by the agrimen sores of

the Empire, when they had to describ e irregular ground ,which did n ot well admit of their rectangular system of

men suration and allotmen t .S till , there is a true originality in the phraseology of

the topographical description ; the ex pression s are in

themselves very genuin e, and they prove this qualityby growing in depth and attractiven ess to the patien tstuden t. It sometimes happen s that a conversationalremark

,n ot alien " to the busin ess

,is in terjected in

passing , which has an en liven ing effect,like a human

figure in a landscape. Thus,1 97 f, bonus is seo maéd

gemaene z by the way the meadow is common .

These peramb ulation s offer an attractive field for localinvestigation ,

as it is n ot improbab le that some ofthemmight still b e verified with the aid of the maps ofthe

Ordnan ce S urvey, and a good knowledge of the local1 Hyginus, ed . Lachmann , p. 1 14, quoted by Mr. Seebohm, English

Vi llage Com. pp. 9 , 375 .


names,in cluding those of the fields


, paths ,lan es

,and any other lan dmarks . But here it must b e

admitted that little is kn own of the original accuracy

of these description s. How far the lan dmarks weretaken down from actual peramb ulation ,

how far the

details were gathered from the memory of some old ihhab itan t

,whether the b ounds ofany town ship b eing on ce

in writing were ever revised, or whether they served fora common formula for deeds con cern ing that town shipfor ever after

,-these are poin ts which might even yet

b e tested by actual survey, and with the further aid,

where it may b e had, ofold man orial maps. M eanwhile,we may safely assume a general verity of outlin e in the

b etter sort ofdocumen ts,though the degree ofaccuracy

remain s un tested 1 . There are indeed occasional specimen s

which we cann ot hesitate to pron oun ce worthless, havingeviden tly b een made up with some arb itrary variation sfrom an earlier deed to which we can poin t . Thus

the peramb ulation on p. 290 , which is clear and welldescrib ed, has eviden tly b een the chief source from whichthe clumsy farrago in K I 1 98 has b een trumped up .

From an ex amin ation of the Ab ingdon chartularyNasse argued that, . in the smaller gran ts, the peramb ulation s describ e the b oun ds of the whole common fieldof the town ship,

and n ot the particular piece or pieceswhich are dealt with in the con veyan ce . This seems

prob ab le ; b ut it is much to b e wished that these boundaries could b e subjected to patien t investigation by localfield club s. According toM r. C . S . Taylor, the b oundariesofman ors as describ ed in the Charters will gen erally b e

1 The facts being ofa patent nature—his notissimis confiniis circumcin cta 5 1 b

—jux ta termin os videlicet antiques et indigenis certissimos .

B0199 .


foun d to agree with the parochial b oundaries as markedon the Ordnan ce map l .

But apart from the iden tification of the b oundariesand the verification of the area ofa given an cien t tran saction

,there are in ciden tal po in ts which are curious

and worthy of investigation . For ex ample : our documen ts sometimes speak of an ‘Avon which is n ot foundin the Maps . It wou ld b e in teresting if local enquirycould estab lish the fact that there have b een morestreams b earing that British n ame than there are n ow .

Another poin t to b e ob served is the way in which thelocal n ames impinge upon Folk-lore and the o ld

mythology. The more promin en t poin ts have b eenn oticed by Kemb le and others lately M r. H . Bradleyadded a n ew and in terestin g surmise that HOdes ac


446m ,may give the clue to the name of Rob in

Hood 2.

v . The Date. In this memb er we have to n otice an

importan t documen tary improvemen t,an improvemen t

which originated among ourselves,and which o ther

n ation s have copied from us.

W e take up the discussion at the poin t where itwas leftbyM r. Kemb le . He urged that the use of the eraAn n oDomin i must have b een in troduced in to this coun try byAugustin e and his fellow-missionaries 3

,and he earn estly

comb at-cd the idea of referring it to so late a date as

that of Bede or his times . He relied upon the factthat the era was certain ly kn own and used in com

putation b efore the mission of Augustine —b ut the

1 An A n alysis of the Domesday S ur vey of Gloucesterskire. ByCharles S . Taylor , Vicar of S . Thomas theMartyr, Bristo l p . 45 .

2 For other ex amples see Glossary vv. B éowa, Eomer, Fitela, Grindel ,Hermddes porn ,

Hn aefiéah, Scucca, Scylf, T eowes porn .

3 Echoed b y Thorpe ; Dip lom. Pref. x x .

question as it arises here is,n ot whether the era was

already ex isten t, b ut whether it was made use of in

the practical affairs of life. The question here is—Atwhat time was the era in troduced in to deeds of con

tract ? W e shall see that it dates from Bede’

s time, and

was largely due to Bede and that from_

England b egan

a practice which has spread through Christendom.

This enquiry must b e kept altogether distin ct fromthe scien tific work of chron o logists . The gen eral ruleof history is that chron ological standards have come in

late,and even then they have b een little regarded by

the general pub lic and have b een very limited in theirfield ofapplication . The chron ological standard ofGreekliterature is that of the Olympiads, b ut Thucydides didn ot reckon the years of his history by Olympiads ; hison ly constan t era is measured by the duration of the war

which he describ es. In Xenopho n’

s History,the date is

on ly on ce stated by the Olympiad , and that in a passage

which is suspected . And when the literary use of thisera had b ecome estab lished , it did n ot ob tain a un iversalapplication . N ot a single G reek in scription has b een

found with the Olympiad upon it .The Roman era from the Building ofthe City

is common ly found‘

in Latin historian s, b ut it was n everused in ordinary life . N either pub lic acts n or privateletters were dated by it, n or has a single inscription b eenfoun d with the era A. U . 0. upon it. Thus it appears

that an era may b e in ex isten ce, and yet so confin edin area, that its gen eral utility is un thought of.The Era of the In carnation had b een determined in

the course of the en quiries which were made for the

purpose of fix ing the time of the Easter festival . The

calculation s originally took their start from the Cruci


fix ion ,and by a sub sequen t inferen ce they arrived at the

era of the In carnation . It was in the year 532 thatDionysius Ex iguus, aRoman ab b ot

, put forth his scheme

in itiating the chron ological system which ultimatelyprevailed , an d which is kn own to u s by the familiar ex

pression Ann o Domin i . M r. Kemb le thought it safe

n ot on ly to assume that these tab les must have b eenbrought to Britain by Augustine in 597 , which is emi

uen tly prob ab le, b ut also to infer that the use of thisn ew era must have b een at once appreciated and gener

ally adopted, an inferen ce which is as con trary to the

particular evidence as it is to the general an alogy of


Ab out the same time that Augustin e came hither,Gregory ofTours was engaged in writing his history, andthough this was already three quarters ofa cen tury afterthe pub lication of the Easter Tab les ofDionysius , yethe takes n o n otice whatever of the n ew era. S till moreweighty is the n egative argumen t from the vo lumin ouswritings of his con temporary Gregory the Great


does n ot men tion the Dionysian Era. It was the hab itof that pon tiff to date his letters b y the regnal years of

the emperors and letters so dated may b e seen in sertedin Bede

s Ecclesiastical History as they were copiedfrom Roman archives. This is the more forcib le as

Gregory the Great was somewhat of a reformer in the

matter of the Calen dar. He in itiated one improvemen twhich though b ut feeb ly supported at the time and thenlong n eglected , has sin ce b een un iversally adopted . For

he discarded the Old and ob scure division s of the mon thin to N on es

,Ides, Calends ; and he n umb ered the days

serially from the b eginn ing to the end of the mon th as

we do n ow. Ex amples of this method are n ot common ,

b ut it may b e seen in our documen ts, e. g . 8 b :‘ in

men se maio in die septima’

and again 1 7 t where the

elder formula is added as an in terpretation tertia decima die men sis J un ii quod est Idus Junn and again

The history of our modern hab it of dating by An n oDomin i was b riefly this. Early in the six th cen turyDionysius Ex iguus was con tinuing the Easter calcu lation ofCyril , which had ex tended to a period of 95 years

and whi ch was then ex piring . He n ot on ly produceda con tinuation of an other 95 years upon the lines of

Cyril , b ut he prefaced his Tab les with an argumen t

(Episto la ad Petron ium) which had the happy effect ofremoving an old cause of strife and dissension b etweenthe East and the W est .

But while his method was the same as Cyril’


was one highly importan t in novation . The B ishop of

Alex an dria had n umb ered his years by the DiocletianEra

,as was usual in Egypt. Dionysius altered this, and

substituted the Era of the In carnation . His motive isb est told in his own words

Q uia S . Cgrillns primnm cgclnm ab anno Diocletiani cen

tesimo gn ingnagesimo tertio coep it, ct n ltimnm in ducento

simo gnadragesimo sep timo terminavit, nos a ducentesimo

quadragesimo octavo anno ejusdem tyrann i potins gnam

princip ie in cb oan tes, n oln imns cn'

rcn lis nostris memoriam

imp ii etp ersecntoris innectere, sed magis elegimns ab Incar

natione Domini nostri Iesn Cbristi annornm teinporap rac

S o he, as he says, not choosing that his work shouldserve as the memorial of an impious and persecutingtyran t, framed his n ew Tab les upon the Era of the

In carnation , and thus he in troduced a change which


slowly and gradually pervaded Christendom. The EasterTab les were sub sequen tly con tinued by Isidore, Beda, andothers, according to the era A .D ., and this era from b eingthe con stan t medium ofthe Easter Tab les gradually b ecame familiar. For a long time it was confin ed to the .

Calendar, then it passed in to literature, and then in to theActs of Syn ods b ut it took cen turies to b ring it in tocivil use. Beda was the first to plan t it in literature,as in his De Temp orum Ratione

,cap. 45 , en titled De

Ann is Dominicae Incarnation is,and still more con spicu

ously in his History, which is chron ologically framedupon it . Indeed this way ofreckon ing time holds so

con spicuous a place in the structure of his History as to

suggest the idea that the skeleton of his work was a

series of an nals arranged upon a scale of years An n o

Domin i , like the work of those English chron iclerswho must b e regarded as his successors in the

historical office. Two hundred years b efore he fin ishedhis history, this era had b een the basis of scien tificcomputation in the study of a Roman ab b ot, and ithad got so far as to b e posted in an n ual n otices uponchurch doors

, b ut it required a further movemen t tob ring it in to literature and correspondence and the

tran saction ofb usin ess. Beds , in his De Ratione Tem

p orum,has recorded the following in ciden t —In the year

70 1 some of his b rethren—that is, b rother-monks of

Jarrow orWearmouth—b eing in Rome at Christmas-tide,saw a n otice po sted up on the tab lets of S t. Mary


church, ofwhich they made a copy there and thenFrom the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ the years

are The motive of this graphic little narrative isofa scien tific nature—namely to settle the chron ologicalinterval b etween the Birth and the Death ofChrist, and


in terval of tran sition ; it b espeaks a time when ecclesi

astics knew the era well en ough, b ut had n ot acquiredthe pun ctual hab it of using it ; which is indeed verymuch the way in which the matter stands even n ow witha section ofthe letter-writing commun ity at the presen tday. Here then we have a formal epoch, a poin t of

time from which it b ecame ob ligatory to attach the dateAn n o Domin i to a particular class ofdocuments.

Thus it appears that the documen tary usage of the

Christian Era estab lished itselfin Englan d b etween the

death ofBede in 735 , and the year 8 1 6, when the praotice was enjoin ed upon all b ishops in regard to Syn odalActs. And we are justified in con cluding that this nowun iversal practice comes down to the modern world fromthe han d of the Ven erab le Bede, that it grew and pre

vailed first of all in Englan d , that it passed from thisto other coun tries, and that ultimately it was adoptedat Rome itself, which in this particular was a tardyfollower ofAnglian practice 1

U nder Charles the Great and his early successors theera was rarely used

,and during some of the Karling

reign s it was n eglected altogether. S o much was thisthe case that Charles the Fat (d . 888) has b een creditedwith the introduction of the practice ; and although thisIs In correct, yet so slow was the progress which it madeon the con tin en t that it did n ot b ecome general in Franceand Germany un til the ten th cen tury.

1 The materials of the above argument , ex cept what these documentscontrib ute, may be found in Ideler, b ut I am n ot aware that it has yet

been presented in any English book . I must however add that I am

indeb ted to my [lately departed] friend Mr . Dale of Ballio l College forhaving called my atten tion to it, and that my ideas on the sub ject haveb een much en larged by the conversation of another friend, Mr. Boase

of Ex eter College.


It has b een asserted that this era was estab lished bythe authority of the see of Rome 1 . Such an assertio nlooks strange by the side ofthe fact thatMab illon foun dn o papal documen t so dated b efore Leo IX in the middleof the eleven th century. And even after this time theera was sparingly and mistrustfully used in papal b ulls,n or was it un til the fifteen th cen tury that it came to

b e systematically adopted in the city of Dionysius ;the first Pope who so used it b eing Eugen ius IV (143 1

An other way of characteriz ing the year, is by the

which is often added in our documen ts.

This term is n ot used to sign ify an era ; it does n ot

measure the presen t time by any fix ed epoch in the

past ; b ut i t defin es the year by its b eginn ing and its

en d,and gives the place which such a year holds in one

of the small cycles of fifteen years which followed on e

an other con tinually. At first the use of this cycle wasfiscal, b eing con n ected with the trib ute due from pub liclan ds , which was n ewly assessed every fifteen years, andthe n ew rate was ann oun ced by pub lic N otice (indictio);This recurring even t was naturally of great in terest tofarmers

,and it gen erated a mode of popular chronology

which was found to have qualities that fitted it fordiplomatic use. The ideal epoch from which In diction s b egan to run

,is B . C . 3 , three years b efore our

Era ; and it seems n ot impro b ab le that in some partialsen se they were actually in use from that epoch. But

practically the In diction , as a n ote of time, starts fromA .D. 3 1 2 , the first year ofC on stan tin e

s undivided empire ;

An d Kemb le is under this impression all through . See his Intro

Ideler, Handbii ch der Chron o logie, 11 . 366 if.

c 2


and towards the end of the fourth cen tury it is founden tering in to dates . Its advantage lay in the fact thatit afforded a mean s of defin ing any given year at a timewhen the ordinary mean s were failing —the con sular

years b eing un settled by the irregular appoin tmen t of

the con suls,and there b eing n o un iformity of practice

as to when the year b egan . The formula of such a

year of the Indiction ’

(or b riefly,‘such an In diction

indicated a well-defin ed and particular twelve mon ths,

b egin n ing always with S eptemb er 1 and ending withAugust 3 1 . This was a welcome gain , and the In dictionwon great repute. Duran ti

,writing in the thirteen th

cen tury, says : Tan tae fuit auctoritatis in dictio , ut

nu llus sin e ea fieret con tractus, n ec privilegium ,n ec

testamen tum,n ec alia scriptura sollen n is : et etiam hodie

eandem ob tinet auctoritatem’ 1


S ometimes a charter is dated by the regnal year of

the reign ing king : according to Thorpe our earliestex ample of this is K 1 75 , a charter ofCoenulf ofMercia,A .D . 798 . Compare 295 b .

vi . The Signatures . These are n ot autographs . The

names appen ded to an Anglo-S ax on deed are n ot the

man ual sub scription of the signataries : they are all

scrib e’

s work. And further,it is n ot the names them

selves that con stitute the sign atures . The essen ce of

the signature con sisted in making the ‘sign

of the

Cross,which presumab ly may have b een at the outset

traced by the han d ofeach of the signataries . In A.D. 73 2

it is ex plicitly said that king ZEthilb erht wrote the Signof the cross But in general the appearances

suggest that the crosses too were prepared by the scrib e,

and that each sign er perhaps wen t over it with a dry

1 Diction c ry ofChristian An tiqui ties v. Indiction .


pen or laid a finger upon it 1 . There is therefore n othingautographic in these lists of witn esses they are simplya written record of the fact that such person s assistedat the ex ecution of the deed .

The terms for the emb lem of signature are in Latinsignum,

and its dimin utive sigillum—in English rode

tacn,103 h mid cristes rode tacne, 1 1 0 m . The simplest

formula recordin g the act is signum man us illins,

’e . g .

9 , I 4 , 26 t, 2 8 m , 55 t, 59 m , 333 1.

The force ofcustom in such matters is very strong and

lasting ; so that we can no t from the ab sen ce of manualsub scription con clude anything ab out the gen eral pro

gress of the art ofwriting , much less ab out the inab ilityof individuals to write. In a gen uine deed of the eighthcen tury by W ihtred of Ken t , the king says pro ign o

rautia litterarum sign um san ctae crucis ex pressi

(p . 333 note) . The gen eral inab ility to write at firstwould have set the custom which afterwards operatedcollectively


The ratification by such signatures is of two kinds .

A person may S ign either as a party to the tran saction ,o r

as a witness on ly (5 2 t) . These two function s are prettyclearly distinguished , even where the generic phrasesign um manus run s throughout, as on p. 9, where the

1 In KS I 6* the king says — in hac cartula coram sub n otatis testib us

manu propria domin icas crucis depingo signum .

2 Mab illon q uoted this in stan ce, and added two parallels, one of the

eighth cen tury by Tassilo , duke ofBavaria,an d on e in the nin th cen tury

b y Herib aud, comte du palais under Lewis 11 (A .D . 8 73 ) as if these

proved gen eral inab ility to write . The authors of the N ouvean Trait éde Diplomatique ,

produced a fourth ex ample in the case of Gui Guerra,

count of Tuscany . But it was urged b y Dr. Maitland ,‘Dark Ages ,

p . 1 3, that the fact of a man’

s name being written for him by a scribe is

no proof that he was unab le to write , though no doub t such was often

the fact . The very uniformity of the n on-subscrib ing hab it ex cludesall argument touching individuals .


g iver is distinguished as such in the attesting list whichin other respects is un iform . S uch a distin ction seems

to attach to those whose consen t wou ld naturally havebeen asked for the disposal of pub lic lan d (p. 46, 59 m ,

1 0 2 t, 1 S ometimes the signatures seem to represen tthe delib erative coun cil , as p. 1 08 .

In stead of sign um the diminutive sigillum sometimes occurs

,as a mere variety ofex pression andwithout

any distinctive mean ing . The first sen se ofthis dimin utive b ecame merged in its later sen se of seal

,and this

m isled Hickes,who condemn ed any charter wherein a

sigillum was said to b e affix ed . This error was correctedby Kemb le. Hickss was however so far right in his

general position , that the genuine documen ts ofthe Sax on

period were n ot ratified with seals,at least n ot un til the

time ofEdward the Confessor 1 . Whether this n egativeassertion can b e made ab solutely concern ing all the

earlier reign s, is perhaps still open to question —b ut such

is the gen eral state of the case. This is the more re

markab le,as S ir F. Madden ob served long ago , inasmuch

as the practice of sealing had prevailed among the Franksfrom the time ofC lovis 2.

S ealing was however something more than a national orlocal cu stom . The use of seals is on e ofthe in stitution s ofthe elder world ; it is almost as old as the art ofwriting ,

and,b eing a rudimen t ofprin ting ,

it may b e said to make

the sister arts of writing and prin ting coeval with one

an other . The an tiquity ofseals is familiar to us in the OldTestamen t ; in Jeremiah x x x ii . we see the seal associated

1 A charter of Edward the Confessor, gran ting the man ors of Cleygate (Surrey) and S taines (Berks) to the Ab b ey of Westmin ster, is

exhib ited under glass in the Chapter House there. This charter has

a seal appended on a self-strip of the vellum .

2 A rchaeolog ical J ournal, vol . x iii . p. 355 .

x x x ix

with a purchase-deed. In the earlier Christian cen turies

seals were ordinarily impressed on wax from rings oftenset with gems

, b ut sometimes they were made in a simplemetallic matrix

,like that of Dagob ert I (A .D. 62 8-38)

which is ex tan t, b earing the king’

s face,and the legen d

DAGOBERTvz REx FRAN CORUM1. The importance of the

seal in pub lic tran saction s is represen ted by the titles ofhigh officers to whom the several kinds ofseals were con

fided in theHo ly Roman Empire the E lector ofMain z asImperial Chan cellor, was Keeper ofthe S eal ofthe Empire ,and he wore it roun d hi s neck on high occasion s of state .

In England we have the Lord Keeper of the Great S eal ,who is the Lord Chan cellor ; the Lord Keeper of the

Privy S eal and another great Official in Scotland iscalled the Keeper of the S ign et

z. It is with referen ce

to this official seal that a pub lic n otary in S cotland iscalled a Writer to the S ign et, a circumstan ce which

gain s in historical in terest from the fact that it was the

profession ofS ir Walter S cott’

s father.

After the Conquest,the use of seals

,at first confined

to kings and great men , passed gradually in to generaluse

, and by the thirteen th cen tury it was regarded as a

n ecessary part of a deed,and from that time for some

Cen turies every man who had importan t dealings had a

seal ofhis own . The hab it is n ow effete seals are on lyused by corporation s ; in private tran saction s the figure

of sealing is retain ed b ut the authen tication depen dssolely upon duly witn essed sub scription .

The ab sen ce of seals from the tran saction of pub licb usin ess in the Sax on period is further remarkab le from

Dictionary ofChristian A n ti qui ties, v. Seal .9 The Earl of Glasgow is Lord Clerk Register and Keeper of the

S ignet—according to Whitaker for 1 887, p . 301 .


the fact that eminen t men had their own private ringsand seals at that time, which they used for the


tication ofn otes and letters by sealing for so we mustunderstan d those passages where we read ofthe ‘in segl

b eing sen t as a creden tial, un less we suppose that thering or seal itselfwas sen t to give certain ty to an orderor message


The order ofthe signatures is availab le as historicaleviden ce ofrank and preceden cy, and so it has b een usedby Mr. Freeman in an in stance quoted b elow, p. 2 2 7 .

W e know that the sen timen t was strong in the firstcen tury from Juvenal’s Third Satire 8 1


‘me prior illesignab it ?

shall such as he S ign b efore me ? But itmust b e added

,that there are ex amples of a disregard of

strict preceden cy in favour ofa fan ciful order of signatures. In K I 1 8 (Heming) Offa ofMercia sign s first,his queen Cyn ehrib last b ut on e

,and then ,

last of all,

their son ,Ecgfri

’Ofilius amb orum .

In the eleven th cen tury we see the preten ce ofsign ingis sometimes ab andon ed , and a mere enumeration of

witnesses inserted in stead ; as with the goodly company242 b .

A few more remarks upon the degen eracy of thesedocumen ts

,in addition to what has already b een said

inciden tally. Their depravation is for the most partassociated with progress of time and change of cir

Two matrices of seals are preserved in the British Museum ; one of

Godwin e, a Than e ,

’and an other of ‘E lfric.

’The latterwas erroneously

q uoted by S ir F . Madden as Leofric in A rchaeo logica l Journa l, x iii.

Also in the same case a leaden b ulla of Coenulf, king of Mercia, 800

8 1 0,which Mr . Franks thinks was probab ly taken from a document of

foreign tran saction . It is on ly reasonab le to suppose that in diplomaticin tercourse with peoplewho used the seal we should have done the same .

Con cerning a seal of Olfa, king of Mercia, see D ictionar y of ChristianA n tiqui ties (Smith and Cheetham) , vol . ii . p . 1 8 7 2 and BC z 59 .


Here however it must b e added (and this fact makes ithard to lay down gen eral rules), that there is hardly any

feature in spurious deeds b ut something like it may b e

foun d in those which are genu in e, e . g . 8 7 m .

It is however a b road feature of spurious documen tsthat they are industrious in ex planation and allusion .

They import historical even ts, as if to rivet themselvesthe more securely upon the time purported , and by thevery effort they b etray themselves 1 . S ometimes the

documen tary is merged in the n arrative ton e of the

historian,as in BO62O, partly given in this volume

, p.

2 90 . Historical even ts SO imported are Often quite correct .

It would b e too much to rank such allusion s as trustworthy evidence which might safely b e used as authoritysole —b ut when o ther groun ds , even by themselves im

perfect, ex ist for giving prob ab ility to such statemen ts ,they may b e made availab le, n ot on ly in confirmation ,

b ut

even in ex ten sion of our knowledge . A good ex ample isK 233 . This document

, purporting to b e of A . D. 833 ,

is man ifestly spurion s ; b ut it alludes to an assemb lyof the magn ates of the realm conven ed by Ecgberht totake coun sel ab out the Dan ish invasions

,and there is

every prob ab ility that such a meeting was held ab outthat date z. But when in K73 1 , Cn ut is made to ad

dress his thanes as twelfhynde and twyhynde as we

have n o other ex ample of ‘ twyhynde’ than es

,and as

this documen t b ears other suspicious marks , it is n ot

availab le as historical material . I n KS I 6* ,Edward the

Confessor says manu propria domin icae crucis depingosignum,

et meae imagin is adn ecto sigillum .

This documen t b eing aman ifest fab rication , we might have treated

I See Kemb le , Introduction , p. 89 .

2 S teenstrup Vikingetogen e, p. 39 .

i i

with undeserved con tempt the men tion of the king’


seal with his own image upon it, ifwe had n ot kn own

from ex tan t impressions that it is a fact. The S eal ofthis king is the first of the Great S eals of Englan dwhich form an un b roken series down to our own day.

It b ears the full-faced figure of the king seated ; withthis superscription


This section would n ot b e complete without a few

remarks upon the ex tern al and material form of thesedocumen ts . The originals are upon parchmen t, and a

few of the earliest are written in un cial or minusculecharacters. A word that will frequen tly meet thestuden t’

s eye is Chirographum , common ly spelt Cyro

graphum . This G reek word for a Han d-Writing, issometimes b laz oned out large on the upper margin o r

the under margin ,or b oth ; e. g . 242 , 243 , 244, 247 .

It seems to apply particularly to Con tracts,and the

practical import was, that the agreemen t b eing writtenthree times upon on e skin

,with this word stretched over

the in terval b etween the copies, the kn ife was then

passed through the two in terspaces and so throughthe middle ofthe letters ofthis word

,leaving the upper

apices on one copy and the lower relics ofthe same wo rdUpon another copy, in such a man n er that the originalon en ess ofany two of the copies could at sight and without perusal b e verified, if n ot by comparison with on e

another, at least upon the production of the third .

When the skin had b een thus divided in to three,one

part was taken by each of the con tracting parties, and

the third deposited in a place of security. E xamples2 16 b , 2 36 h, 244 1, 247 m .


THE systematic study of these documen ts was firsten tered upon by Dr. George Hickes, in his DissertatioEp istolaris, 1 705 . S in ce his time the chief ex plorer inthi s field has b een Mr. J . M . Kemb le, whose results are

seen in the Prefaces to his Codex Diplomaticus, and inhis later work The Sax ons in England.

The en quiries of Hickss were limited to the techn icalities, such as the poin ts of eviden ce of gen uin en ess or

the reverse ; but Kemb le, after having made a carefu ltechn ical an alysis, proceeded to study the documen ts asmaterials for the illustration of our early con stitution .

His en quiries led him in to a recon struction of our

unwritten in sular history,and the lin es which he laid

down , though challenged here and there , still con tin ueto furn ish us with the curren t tracings of our earlyin stitution s

,and con stitute the basis of the outstan ding

discussion .

He availed himselffreely of that Comparative Methodwhich in his time was a n ew discovery ; and he drewmaterial from the kin dred n ation s to serve in rebui ldin gthe early framework of English society. A remarkab lecompleten ess of outlin e was thus attain ed ; b ut theb en efit must b e accepted with caution . In order to use

his work profitab ly the studen t must di stinguish b etweenthose things for which we have domestic eviden ce in our

own documen ts,and that which has b een taken over from

comparative analogies . The Comparative Method is afin e aid to recon struction when cognate sources mutually

1 1 x lv

supplemen t each other’

s flaws and defacemen ts ; b utwhen the en tirety of any in stitution is guaran teed byforeign sources on ly, the improved method of en quiry isapt to b ecome a snare. It is n ow gen erally admittedthat something of this kin d happen ed to Kemb le in his

picture of the ‘Mark’

as the un it of our early socialstate.

Kemb le says : Among the Anglosax on s land so heldin common was design ated by the names Mark

,and Ca

or Shire The word MEARC occurs repeatedly in the

documen ts, but n ever in the sen se of the area of occupation , still less in the political sen se of the occupyingcommun ity 2

. What Kemb le calls ‘ its restricted and

proper sen se ofa b oundary (KS . 1. 43) is the only sen se

it b ears in our records 3 . Kemb le imagin ed the Marks

as primary un its which were grouped in to di strictsb earing the name of Ga.

’This is en tirely derived from

1 S ax ons in E ngland , i . 36 . The word shi re S CIE has b een much

discussed ; it seems to me that the territorial sen se is secon dary, andthat the primary sense is simply that of fun ction or office. In the

o ldest glosses it represen ts pr ocwratio , d isp ensati o , n ego tiatio . Sweet ,

Oldes t E nglish Tex ts , p . 624. Thi s is the sen se in all the three placeswhich Kemb le relied on in his chapter on the Shire , from the Laws

of In i , S ection s 8 , 36, 39 ; though in the third in stan ce the thought of

area is simu ltan eous.

’1 Sax ons in E ngland, i . 42 , 53 .

3 The most man ifest ex amples are such as in 200 b , to Oswities

mearce and Eadwoldes , to the dividi ng line between Oswi th and

E adwo ld . The doub tful cases, ifany, are few . The compound mearc

lon d sign ifies, n ot the land of the commun ity, b ut land on the b order ,

outlying wild or forest land . K emb le’

s meare mot occurs b ut on ce ,

in a poor documen t, stigmatized b y himself,in the form mercemot

K 568 an d it may very well have mean t a moot for the b usin ess ofthe

moorland. Formearcbeorh, which he tran slates M arkhill,’saying it is

n ot at all of rare occurren ce, I kn ow b ut three places, as given in the

Glossary . I see in the recen t N umb er of the Bosworth-To llerDictionary that this compound is ex plain ed (rightly as I think) A

b ill which forms part ofa b oundary.


the comparative sources,and it is n othing less than the

in troduction ofa word unkn own to our in sular li terature .

Kemb le thought that he had recovered the term Ga

as equivalen t to German Gau district,and that its ex

isten ce and con stitution al use was vouched for by thedocumen t prin ted b elow, p . 45 8 ; whereas the appear

an ce was deceptive, and those n ames are b ut gen itive

plurals in -inga some of them ill written .

An author is at lib erty to b orrow what terms he

pleases from historical analogies if they will aid him as

techn ical terms in the ex pression of his mean in g ; b utthe studen t must b e warn ed again st accepting them as

iftheywere b ased upon domestic eviden ce . In Kemb le’s

recon struction ,Mark and G5. are n ot historical b ut

theoretical terms. This b eing on ce un derstood, it willb e recogn ised as an open question whether his Mark

theory is justified by further ex am ination . Accordingto Kemb le, each Mark was an agricultural commun itymanaging its own affairs with repub lican equality and

simpli city, there b eing as yet n o man orial lords. And

although at the first momen t of full historic light wefind man orial rights everywhere, yet this he con sideredas a departure and a degen eracy from the local auton omyof the primitive settlemen t, an d he traced it to some

abuse ofpower.

Mr. Kemb le’

s sketch of the cradle of our in stitution shas by n o mean s given gen eral satisfaction , b ut it can n otb e said that in the criticism it has un dergon e it hasreceived any defin ite or sub stan tial rectification . Littleis gain ed by rejecting the terms he adopted ifthe sub

stan ce of his plan is retain ed —the real source of his

weakn ess is in the defective nature of his elemen taryplan . That the con querors did really estab lish some

11 x lvii

such an agricultural system as the Mark, seems to b e qui tecertain . Tacitus at on e end, and the agricultural Re

ports at the other, estab lish the fact so well , that it mustb e taken as immoveab le and ax iomatic.

The Mark was a volun tary association offree men , who laid downfor themselves, and strictly main tain ed, a system of cultivation b y

which the produce of the land on which they settled might b e fairlyan d eq ually secured for their service an d support ; and from parti

cipation in which they jealously ex cluded all who were n ot b orn,or

adopted, in to the association .

Sax ons in E ngland, i . 54.

So far is common groun d — but when he goes on to

develop the Mark-courts as at first qu ite in depen den t oflords, and to tell us that ‘

even long after the down fall ofthe primaeval freedom ,

the lord himselfhad b een on ly thefirst Markman —we are led by our data to part companywith our guide. Our con ten tion is n ot so much again stwhat Kemb le asserts, as again st what he den ies. W e

have n ot a word to say again st Kemb le’

s Mark as an

agricultural system, ex cept that the picture is mutilatedin its social and political relation s. It will b e the aim

ofthe following pages to show that from the first therewas an authority over the Markmen ,

and that the lordof the man or is an essen tial memb er of the originalsettlemen t .The in fluen ce ofKemb le

s Mark theory has b een verywide, and its con sequen ces may b e traced even where

the theory itself is n ot accepted for there is a sort oftacit assumption that the b eginn ings were differen t incon stitution from anything that history reveals, and

that b etween the b egin nings and the time when evi

dences b ecome availab le an agrarian revolution had

taken place. The lords of man ors are thought to haveattain ed to their position through usurpation of powerby lucky memb ers of the commun ity who somehow had


emerged from the primitive equality and had grown

powerful~ over the rest. Besides the arb itrary nature of

such a conjecture, en tirely un eviden ced , there is the a

priori improb ab ility that such a fortuitous evolutionwould have resulted in a n et-work oflittle local domin ion swherein a highly organ iz ed structure is comb in ed withthat b road iden tity of family liken ess with which the

man ors, un der all their min or diversities, are so con

spicuously stamped .

In the study of these lan d-charters we are driven byvery n ecessity to con struct for ourselves a plan and a

picture of the original lan d distrib ution of the coun try,

and therewithal to form an elemen tarysketch ofthe wholesocial an d political fab ric ; for without some such a planin the min d it is n ot possib le to get any defini te idea of

the nature and b earings of the tran saction s represen tedin these writings. The large n umb er of documen ts ofone gen eral type which time has spared us , is such as tosuggest that as


a b ody of writings they have a sign ifi

can ce b eyon d that of a fortu itous aggregation of tran sfers, which may just shed some in ciden tal light uponthe page of history. The circumstan ce that a large

proportion of them concern mon astic lan ds has perhapshad a m isleading effect . It has b een thought sufficien tto refer the whole collection to the religious en thusiasmof our simple forefathers in the days when Christiani tywas recen t among them , and so to ex plain the Gran ts asso many offerings ofpiety or superstition . There is n ot

a little in the documen ts themselves to flatter such a

view of the case. And in deed it is true so far as

it goes. But as an ex planation it is : by n o mean s com

men surate with the facts to b e ex plain ed . It may seem

to cover a large part, but it man ifestly does n ot cover


sib ility is n ot .otherwise provided for, as in the ease of

destruction by rioters, or by wreckers 1 .It must b e remembered that the military hun dred

con tain ed twelve ten s, and accordingly We find in the

in tern al division of the Hun dred there were twelveHynden s,

or, as they afterwards came to b e called,Tithings . The two words mean the same thing , for the

word HUND at first meant, n ot 1 00 but'

1 0 . In HYNDEN

we see a femin in e ab stract sub stan tive derived from hundin its elder sense, with umlaut of the u . And this ex

plain s the terms TWELFHYNDE and SIXHYNDE as ex pres

sive of ranks of men . The former was originally a

captain of 1 20 , the latter of‘

60 men2

The first in ternal work to b e done by the Hundred,’


soon as they had leisure to look ab out them, would bethe lan d distribution . This '

would naturally b e con

ducted upon tradition al prin ciples and according ton ation al custom, ex cept where the n ovelty of the cir

cumstan ces required some innovation in detail or led

perhaps un con sciously to the creation of some n ew formofin stitution .

The allotted lan d was of two distin ct kin ds. Certain1 When N ottingham Castlewas b urn t

by the mob in 1 83 2 , the Hun

dred was sued, an d the own ers recovered damages to the amoun t of

Annual Registerfor 1 83 2 Leicester : The Duke ofN ew

castle i) . the Inhab itan ts of the Hun dred ofBrox towe .

Within the last two or three years destruction of property at election s has come upon the Hundred, an d ratepayers have had occasion

t o learn that the Hundred 1s nOt dead. The Hundred 1s still alive asa fin an cial divi sion . My frien d M r . A lfred Hill writes me from

Birmingham I am a Commission er of In come Tax , Land Tax , and

Inhab ited House Duty for the Hundred of Hemlingford.

He adds

that this Hundred was rated”

to pay for the Birmingham riot'

s of 1791and of 18 39.

2 The twelfhynde man’

s life-price was 1 200 shillings, I nc 70 ; b utthis does n ot appear to me to con tain the reason of the name—rather

to b e a con sequen ce ofit .

11 li

lan d was given ab solutely to every head of a fam ily an d

in deed to every free man,for a perpetual inheritan cein

the fam ily, and subject to n o b urden s b ut such as were

e lemen tary and essen tial as con dition s of gen eral security.

Other lan ds were ass ign ed ,n ot to in dividuals

,b ut to

each town ship as a corporate b ody, every memb er ofthe

town ship having his share in the use and enj oymen t ofit according to traditional custom . When all presen tdeman ds were satisfied, there still remain ed lan d un

allotted , an d th is was the property of the nation,this

was the row LAND, or as it was also s ometimes popu larlycalled N o man

s lan d , NANES MAN N ES LAND1

The historical word , which designate d lan d allottedun der the first of these condi tion s, was most likely fiDEL 2.To thi s correspon ds the Frankish alod

,n ot by any ety

mological affin ity, b ut by a practical equivalen cy of sig

n ification . The word aloal 3,in its latin ised form (11003215772

1 ‘The vi llage green s whi ch still ex ist in many parts of the coun try ,may fairly b e regarded as a remn an t of old un appropriated common

land .

F . Po llock, Land L aws , p. 39 .

2 The word édel is ofhigh an tiq uity, b e ing found in every Teuton icdialect , an d it had early passed to a secon dary stage of sign ificat ion inwhi ch it was expressive of n ob ility ofdescen t . This divided sen se mayhave b een the causewhi ch led to the con tin en tal in vent ion ofthe term

a lod. At the time of the English coloni zation édel must have b eenalready tinged with the secon dary sense even in our dialect, b ut it wasstill serviceab le in its original an d proper sense as a design ation of the

family inheritan ce, an d it seems to have b een used as the gen eral termfor the patrimon ial estate whether great or small . It is perhaps some

eviden ce ofthis that with us édel b ecame the gen eral word for home or

native coun try , and in Latin studies the recogn ised eq u ivalen t ofpatria .

1? Thi s term is resolved b y Grimm in to al an d 6d (A .S . é AD) i . 6 .

Whole or so lid property. R . A . 493 . Th is derivation was, I b elieve,n ew ; b utfeodum had b een derived long ag o fromféo an d ad b yWachter,


um German icum, q uoted b yRob ertson , Char les V,vol i . n ote 8 ,

in timating that it was stipen diary, an d gran ted as a recompen se for

service .

Both these derivation s are sustain ed b y the authority of

Dr. Murray in the N ew Diction ary ; v. A lod.

d 2


or allodimn , first en tered this coun try with the N orman s,

and appears often in Domesday. N ot on ly was the

estate and residen ce of the n ob le called his EDEL ; b utalso I imagin e that each detached hut in the village or

in the fields, with its b readth of curtilage ab out it,and a few acres of croft or paddock aroun d, was the EDELor private estate of the common er 1 .To the secon d class of allotted lan d b elongs the

much-question ed term Hide H iD,HIGID. What was

the relation of this word to the former as a questionof termin ology ? Was it an other word for the same

thing , a mere equ ivalen t ofEthel ? This seems to haveb een Kemb le

s view ,as he puts the two words upon a

level , but he is n ot very ex plicit upon the poin t.Certain ly the same n atural title was at the base of

b oth kin ds.

of property ; b ut heir-lan d and common

lan d must have had their several design ation s, an d wew ill suppose (at least provisionally) that these two

terms were thus distributed . This at least appears

certain ,that the term HiD is as old as the time of

the very first settlemen t . The un iversality of its use

and the ob scurity of its defin ition are two threads of

eviden ce which seem to con verge upon the cradle. On

the other han d,there is n o in dication of a higher

an tiquity than the time of the colon iz ation ; the wordis n ot foun d in any of the sister dialects, and is dis

tin ctly an in sular term . As to the portion of the soil

1 Modern authorities call this EBEL either ‘family land,

as M r. H .

Cab ot L odge in his Anglo-Sax on Lan d Law’

(Essays in A nglo-S ax on

L aw, Boston , U . S . an d Lon don or heir-lan d, ’

as ProfessorPollock in his L and L aws

, p . 1 9 1 . The latter phrase is supported bythe term ERPES , 1 491. This is the term salica of the Franks ; Grimm,

R. A. 493 . In g2ym there is a remarkab le ex pression Edferiies caldland,

which seems to indicate lan d of thi s nature .

11 liii

which it designated, I thi nk Kemb le’

s view must b e

preferred, that it applied particularly to the arab le lan dm including perhaps the rights of pasture whi ch wereappen ded to the arab le.

Beyon d the village of the common ers an d its circuitofEthel-lan d lay the common arab le field with its en

vironmen t of meadow an d pasture . These lan ds wereenjoyed in common by ru les of an cien t custom whichwere admin istered by officers an n ually chosen . Each

household had its share in all the various parts and sortsof lan d accordin g to the working ofagricultural custom .

Each househo ld had a househo ld’

s portion ,called in

Latin casatus, wanena, manaa, &c . , and these Latin wordsrepresen t the vernacular HiD.

When the work ofdistrib ution was fin ished , there re

main ed wide tracts ofun appropriated lan d, and such sur

plus lan d was the property ofthe nation , and was calledFOLC LAND ; in Latin term commun is, 394 1. It was com

pletely an alogous to the pablicn s agar which occupies a

promin en t place in Roman histo ry. This was the greatreserve fun d of the nation , by which the pub lic servicewas provided for, an d from which were made those

gran ts and laen s which we shall come to by and bye .

In the mean time it will b e useful to take a gen eral viewof the situation .

But first , there is on e little remark to b e added ab outthe folk-land . Apparen tly n ot all folk-lan d was held bythe n ation at large, it was n ot all kin g

s folk-lan d, terrajuris mei .

’ W e find men tion ofT ithing-lan d TEOiSUNG

LOND 1 64 b ; and it seems reasonab le to infer that theHun dred held lan d 1 . In deed , as there must have b een

1 I do n ot un derstan d K . Maurer’

s reason ing in Uebersckau, i . 69 ,where he concludes that in England theHundreds had n o common lan d.


ex pen ses atten ding the busin ess of the Hundred, it isn ot clear how these were to b e otherwise met . The

Hun dred and the Tithing were the first elemen tarycen tres of admin istration , on e ofwhich has kept up a

con tin uous fun ction even to our day, while the other hada b roken an d patched career


The system was originally military,an d out of the

m ilitary grew the civil admin istration . It is sometimes

difficu lt to follow Kemb le so as to verify the con sisten cyof his views ab out the first organ isation of Englishsociety. In particular, I can n ot recon cile his democraticMark w ith a sen ten ce like the following , a sen ten cewhich rivets atten tion by its in trin sic probab ility, and

which I perceive also has had a strong attraction for

Dr . S tub b s, who recurs to the idea more than on ce.

Kemb le’

s words are there can b e n o doub t that some

kin d of military organ isation preceded the peacefu lsettlemen t, and in many respects determ in ed its modeand character (Sax o ns, i . p. This fru itful ideahas had n o organ ising effect upon Kemb le

s treatmen t ,

He shows from N ordstro'

m, that in Sweden , b esides common fields of

the village (b ys-alman n ingar) , and n ational lan ds (lands-alman n ingar) ,there were also lan ds of the Herad, a division like our Hundred

(haraths-alman n ingar) , an d the parallel is more forcib le than any

thin g suggested again st it . S ee S tub b s, Con st. H ist , 0. v. p . 97 n ote .

A s to the Shires , however, which have b een coupled with the Hun

dreds in this question , I do n ot think that in early times they did holdpub lic lan d.

1 The later in stitution of the FRID BORH or Frank Pledge, p legiumdc stando ad rectum

,which ran in person al groups of ten , fidejassz


decen nalis, must b e carefu lly distinguished from the territorial area of

the origin al Tithing. But there is also a sen se in which the two

in stitution s must b e associated ; for the later in stitution seems to

have b een a sub stitute for the original Tithing which had b ecomeeffete.

11 lv

nor, so far as I have ob served, upon that of sub sequen tcon stitutional historian s . N othing can b e. much further

from the idea. of m ilitary organ isation than Kemb le’


idyllic sketch of the self-governmen t of the ceorls.

Ofall principles ofmilitary regimen t there is n on e so

n ecessary or so elemen tary as this, that all men mustb e un der a captain , and such a captain as is ab le tocomman d prompt and willing obedien ce. W e haveab undan t ex perien ce that this was recogn ised as the

most elemen tary prin ciple in Anglo-Sax on politics ,

Upon this military prin ciple I con ceive the Englishsettlemen ts were originally foun ded, that each severalsettlemen t was under a mi litary leader, and that thismil itary leader is the an cestor ofthe lord ofthe man or.

There appears in our early histo ry an order of men

who are man ifestly in a position of superiority b ut of

an in termediate an d sub ordi nate kin d ; they are calledGESIDAS . They are distin ctly recogn ised in the earlyLaws as constituting on e of the division s ofsociety, b utare n o more heard of after the eighth cen tury . The

term fades away as that ofpEGN comes in to promin en ceand I ven ture to suggest that thi s order of men , for

whom n o local hab itation has yet been foun d, are thecommission ed officers ofthe in vading ban ds and the firstincumb en ts ofour man orial lordships .

Kemb le has in deed assigned to the gesiiias a sphere,

and in his famous chapter on The N ob le by S ervice’


has made the developmen t ofour most prom in en t in stitution s to turn upon the agen cy of this order ofmen .

But whatever the merits ofhis argumen t as an ex planation of the growth offeudal n ob ility, it seems to me

quite wide of the mark as con cern s the nature of the

lord ofthe man or.


The gesiiias b eing iden tical with the comites sur

roun ding a p rincep s in the description of Tacitus, hetraces their growth in to a little stan ding army ab out theking , a b an d much admired by the simple ceorl , whoon ly sees in the in stitution a troop ofvolun teers readyto take the m ilitary duty of his han ds, little suspectingthe danger with which his own order is threaten ed .

These gesiiias are (we are told) men who have ab an don edtheir freedom to live in m ilitary in solen ce un der a lord ,b eing all the while in their own person al rights n othingb ut men ials the un free chattels ofa prin ce Gradual lythe freemen are overawed , and rights of lordship are

estab lished over them , and in this overb earing usurpationwe are in vited to recogni se the origin and growth of a

n ew n ob ili ty upon the ruin s of the an cien t orders eorliscand ceorlisc alike


“ this n ew growth gives also thedevelopmen t of the man orial lordship —for what took

place ab out the person of the king took place also (weare to ld) in the several commun ities, and so the man oris represen ted as a deductive result from the comitatus

or m ilitary in stitute of the royal court.There is n o direct eviden ce for this represen tation , b ut

Kemb le,having comm itted himself to the assertion that

the first colon ists lived in Marks which were so many

auton omous little repub lics, foun d it n ecessary to reconcile this theory with the fact that when the open daylight of history succeeds to the ob scure dawn of the

Mark,all village commun ities are found to b e living

un der lords. This tran sformation had to b e ex plain ed ,

1 Professor Po llock (L and L aws, p. 29) says : ‘K emb le’

s opin ion

that this relation [that of the gesifi] in volved the loss offreedom can

on ly b e called the eccen tricity of a man ofgenius. It is disposed of

by Konrad Maurer, Kritische Ueberschau, ii . 39 1 sqq .


things, whi ch sprung out of the same elemen ts and

have a n atural similarity, b ut wh ich n eed on this verygroun d the more carefully to be di stingu ished, namely ,

the man orial system and the feudal system These two

systems are from on e n est, and that n est the comitatus,the b an d of compan ions in arms who follow chieftainor king ; and springing from this common paren tage,they have a family liken ess apt to deceive ; for, much

as they have in common , they b elong to differen t times

and circumstan ces, and even the character of the

comitatus itself differed at the b irth of the two . The

man or sprang from the comitatus of the Chieftain , the

adven turer the feudal system from the comi tatus Of thelong-estab lished king . The man or is far older thanthe feudal system an d has over-lived it ; the man or hasseen the feudal system come and go , and yet there isl ife in the man or .

Upon the origin Of man orial rights there are two

chieftheories , an d Mr. Scrutton has aided the di scussionby providin g these rival theories with techn ical n ames,

calling the elder of the two , that authoriz ed by B lackston e

,the Zegal theory ; and the modern on e, which

has sprung out of later econ omic and historic en quiries,the h istorical theory. According to the legal theory,

the lord of the man or is the ab solute own er of the soil,an d whatever rights or ben efits the communi ty enjoy,they owe to his con cession and clemen cy. Accordingto the historical theory, on the con trary, the Man or isa degen erate tran sformation of the Free commun ity,

through the aggrandisemen t and usurped powers Of on e

con ceived opin ion , whi ch he referred to when con veni en t , like any

ax iom . Thus in Man ors, where the territorial jurisdi ction ofa lordhas usurped the place of the old Markmoot, &c.

’KS i . 54.

11 lix

of its memb ers —the Freemen of the Town ship havin gsunk down in to the Villein s of the Man or 1 .

M r . Scrutton thinks that there is room for bo th thesetheories , inasmuch as the historical theory may wellrepresen t the state of things in Englan d b efore the

N orman Con quest, while yet the legal theory may

furnish a correct legal statemen t of man orial relationsfor the period which followed after W illiam ’

s gran t orregran t Ofalmost all the lan d ofEnglan d


Athwart these rival theories comes Mr. S eebohm’


ingen ious argumen t as if to effect a compromise b e

tween them , or rather to b len d them together in o n e

con tinui ty of histo rical developmen t . He urges thatthe Sax on in vader foun d in Britain a system of agriculture which is the true an teceden t of the man or .

Upon his view of the case the legal theory triumphs ;n ot , however, to the ex clusion of the hi storical theory ,

but rather by its sub ordination and ab sorption . The

orig inal type is the Roman villa with its gang of

slaves , and from this the man orial system has b een

developed through the wise an d human e policy of the

lords . Thi s theory assigns to the who le commun ity on a

Sax on estate a servile origin , and whatever its defects ,

it does at leas t afford adequate ex plan ation for the in1 The L aw Q uarterly Revi ew, Octob er , 1 88 7 . I have to thank

Mr . Whittuck, ofOriel Co llege , for putting this Article in to my han d,an d for other go od suggestions .

1 My impressi on is,that the so-call ed historical theory (as usually

stated) does n ot represen t a state of things that ever ex isted at all .

I do n o t den y that en croachmen t took place ; there always is en

croachmen t b y every order of men when in a po sition to encroach .

It seems to me that th ere was a growing tenden cy on the domi nicalside of the Soken to ab sorb the common ers , an d to assimilate them

to the con di tion of the customary tenan try. But I con tend that we

can n ot find in such encroachment an adeq uate cause for the origination

ofman orial lordship.


ciden ts ofservile tenures, which are n ot so well providedfor in the historical theory.

The objection which has b een raised again st M r.

S eeb ohm’

s view is that it leaves n o place for those free

proprietors, who (it is well kn own ) were n ecessary to thecon stitution ofa man or. This objection may b e put in

an other way. It may b e asked—Where then are all

the rank an d file ofthe con quering Sax on host ? They

could n ot every on e of them step in to the place of a

wealthy Roman o-Briti sh proprietor, an d b ecome the

progen itor of a race of man orial lan dlords. These cer

tain ly b ecame allodial own ers, and they must b e ao

coun ted for in any theory that purports to b e complete .

What favours Mr. S eeb ohm’

s View is the strange paucityof free ten an ts in Domesday. But here we must b earin m in d that in the course of 600 years many causes of

declin e might occur, which would press heavier on the

small proprietor than on the man of lib eral estate 1.

IfM r. S eeb ohm’

s ex plan ation can n ot b e accepted as

satisfacto ry an d fin al, I b elieve that he has con siderab lyadvan ced the discussion , an d has b rought the prob lem

1 On e such cause we see in operation b elow,2 75 111 . But I thin k

there is an other matter to b e con sidered . I s it certain that we rightlyun derstand the ‘ lib eri homin es ’

of Domesday ? The earlier sen se of

Latin li ber an d English free, with their derivatives, may sometimes

escape ob servation . The following q uotation presen ts the case with

doub le-b arrelled authority‘An d how keen and true is this criticism on the changed sen se

of the word lib erty —“ A great many words have changed their

mean ing. The word liberty, for ex ample, had at b ottom among the

an cien ts the same mean ing as the word domin i on . I would be freemean t

,in the mouth of the an cien t, I wo uld take p ar t i n govern ing

or admin istering the S tate , in the mouth of a modern it mean s,I

wou ld be i ndep enden t. The word liberty has with us a moral sen se ;with them its sen se was purely politica Matthew Arn o ld, Essaysin Cri ticism, Joub ert.’

I I lx i

much n earer to solution than it was b efore . The Roman

Villa does seem to supply with a remarkab le fitn essthat domin ical elemen t in the Man or

,which is alien

to the free agricultural Communi ty, and which can n ot b ederived from it but by a violen t an d arb itrary hypothesisof aggran disemen t and usurpation .

But , on the other han d, the idea that a co-tillageCommun ity was developed out of the servile householdof a Villa

,is surroun ded with an atmo sphere of im

prob ab ility. The process may n ot b e in con ceivab lein itself

,b ut what are its relative prob ab ili ties when

compared with that ob vious ex plan ation which is alreadyin possession of the field, n amely, that the con queringSax on s when they settled upon their n ew territorycon tin ued those hab its of agriculture in which they hadb een reared ? If we accept at Mr. S eeb ohm

s han dsthe domin ical side of the man orial con stitution , we

must on the other han d con tinue to derive the Common

Fields from those free an cestral customs for which our

tex t is Tacitus l .

1 It is recorded ofAristo tle that he advised the conq ueror ofAsia to

govern his Greek sub jects as a presiden t , b ut the con quered races as a

master . This wise coun sel aptly represen ts what to ok place at the

English Con quest ofBritain . The course which Alex ander did n ot take,though advised by the greatest ofpo litical phi losophers, our forefatherswere led to take b y their political instin ct in fo llowing the lead of

circums tan ces. The con querors foun d a system of agriculture workedb y fami lies of slaves in Roman villas ; they kept what they foun d, on lyputting an English lord in to the place of a Roman o-British domin us ,an d so wi thout fu rther change they foun ded the ‘ domain


‘ villof the English man or. The gesi


, who was a lord to the co n queredpeople, was b ut a captain an d presiden t to his own kin dred. This

striking paral lel is from Grote,H istory of Gr eece, 0. 94. He q uotes

Plutarch , F ortun . Alex . M . p. 3 29 ; 06 yap, (i) ?’

p r o'


Aq s aux/68 015

Aevev 0 131-43, 7 039 p21!"

EAAq ow fiyepovmc’

bs “rois BEBad pors fiemrormc



x pémevov, ciAAd icon/6s film y Oebeev (ippOO’


ital ELM Aax rns 1 6W


v vopa'

n ,K.T .A.


When the CEORLAS received their land, they proceededto divide an d admin ister it accordi ng to traditional rules,subject however to this addi tion al circumstan ce thatthey were plan ted as an army corps, an d tran sacted all

their affairs un der the ruling hand of a comman der,that is to say, un der the presiden cy of a commission edofficer. The military character of that officer con tin uedfor cen turies, an d even outlived the N orman Con quest ;b ut a civil character was engrafted upon the m ilitarycharacter, as this officer was held respon sib le for legalityand local order towards h is superior drib ten , the bundredee

That which has occasion ed the difficulty in the

history of the man or is its composite n ature, b ut thisdifficulty ex ists on ly on the a ssumption of perfectsimplicity and equality at the outset — the difficultyvan ishes if the man or had a composite origin . The

m ilitary officer settled with a suitab le provision by

the side of his company ,

is the lord by the side of

free own ers. W e have n ot to resort to any theory of

en croachmen t on the part of some overgrown ceorl ,as the votaries of the historical theory have foun d itn ecessary to do ; n or n eed we make the lord the gen eroussource offree rights as in the legal theory n or thirdly,we are n ot driven to b ase the growth of a commonagriculture upon the sagacious ingenuity of lan dlordsas M r. S eeb ohm does. All the essen tial parts and

memb ers of the man or are foun d in the germ of the

origin al in stitut ion .

Thi s view is qu ite compatib le with the acceptan ceofalmost all that recen t authors have said ab out commun ity of lan d and rotation of tenure all that systemwhich we n ow un derstand


by the Village Commun ity.

II lx iii

That sy stem has been ab undan tly evidenced by modern

agricultural Reports , which have directed pub lic attention to the remain ing traces ofcommon-field cultivationin association with man ors. The time is hardly b eyon dthe reach ofliving memory when this system was sti ll

prevalen t in some parts of the coun try . The recon

structed picture of the life of our first coloni sts on theVillage Commun ity

plan is true so far as it goes,b ut it is n ot the whole truth . By the side of

,and in

a kin d of presiden tial authority over, thi s agriculturalrepub lic was seated a lord , who had his own separatedomain and an estab lishmen t of slaves an d of tenan tsin various degrees ofservitude or ofpersonal depen den ceupon his will .

In later times,when tenures are described by legists ,

we find the man or in possession of two courts, thecourt baron and the customary court ofthe copyholders .

This duali ty of admin istration within the man or is the

natural and mature outcome of a duality that was

stamped upon the primal Settlemen t . The court b aronis the origin al court of the free settlers un der a presi

den t ; the secon d court is a developmen t, an d thi sdevelopment con sists who lly in the growth and ex pan

sion of n ew rights to the limitation of that ab solute

power which the lord enjoyed at the outset 1 .

The modern man or with its two courts and‘


systems o f agriculture ex i sting and working along sideby side is but the faithful con servation of the o rigin al

1 -My sub ject does n ot requireme to speak ofth e Court Leet , M an se

it was n ot in separab ly in ciden t to a Man or of common right, as the

Court Baron was . I gladly pass it by, b ecause I can‘

find n o lightupon its history . Dr . Stub b s can on ly say that the gran t of s ac and

800 is prob ab ly the b asis of the Court Leet . Genet. Hist , i . 85 .


type. These two courts are the Organ s of the two

groups of population , whi ch may perhaps at on e time

have b een discriminated by the two terms which are

n ow used syn onymously,namely, township and rill. The

town ship is the settlemen t of the free men ,the rank and

file of the con quering n ation ; the vill is (I apprehen d)the seat of their captain , as a territorial lord . And whatthe lord was in his village or his b atch of villages thatthe king was over the n ation . Both are of the same

momen t and of the same motive. Much of the en qu iryin to the Growth of the Royal Prerogative might haveb een spared, if it had b een seen that the royal officewas military in its in ception , and hen ce we might ex pectto see it elevated and imperial in its n ature, even at the

earliest date at which eviden ce b egin s to b e availab le 1.

The royal character is a n atural developmen t from thatofa chieftain with his coun cil of war aroun d him 2

M ost surely Remb le’

s in stin ct led him right , when hefix ed upon the gesiiSas as an order ofmen aroun d whomthe prob lem revolved . These are the words in which he

1 ZEthelb erht’

s Laws, cap . 8 , 1 5 . Stub b s, Const. History, 7 1 .

Gn eist has a n ote on the clever mon ograph ofA llen,Inquiry in to the

rise and growth of the Royal Prerogative in Englan d ( 1 8 in which

he says : ‘In the b ackgroun d on e can perceive in thi s author the idea

ofusurpation and a con tin ual dislike ofmonarchy everything that is

immature an d an omalous in the developmen t of kingly power he ac

cordingly places in the foregroun d.

The H is tory of the E nglish

Consti tution , tr. Ashworth ,vol . i . p . 1 7. The same kind of prejudice

is only too perceptib le in Kemb le . It sometimes leads him in to ex tra

vagan t errors (as it seems to me) ofinterpretation , or at least helps tocon ten t and confirm him in them ; e . g. Cod. Dipl . In troduction , pp .

5 3. 56

The history ofthe Coun cil after the N orman Con quest is developedin the Arn old Priz e Essay of 1 860 b y Mr . Dicey ; en titled The P rivyCounci l. Repub lished 1 887 (Macmillan ) .


ofwords importing compan ion is so n umerous as to Ob

scure the fact that amidst such a vocabulary ofcomradeship there was on e word and on e on ly which represen tedcomes in the Tacitean sen se, and in the sen se whichin terests the con stitutional hi storian . It was Alfred’


employmen t of the word to tran slate the titular comes

ofBeda that led Kemb le to the discovery which he hasemb odied in the ab ove dictum .

The most ordinary word for compan ion is GEFERA,

from faran to go . Etymologically, this is the mostex act represen tative of comes. It is ob liquely repre

sen ted in the German G efahrt e. In 421we have thesign ature ofa cinges gefera.

In the poetic literature we have GESTEALLA, on e who

shares the same place (steal) ; ear l gestealla, compan ionat a prin ce

s shoulder ; fyrdgestealla, marching comradehand gestealla, close compan ion ; lind gestealla, shieldfellow ; will gestealla, chosen comrade .

A rarer poetic word is GESELLA,dweller in the same

hall (sail) ; when ce hand gesella in the Beowulf. Curren tas an ordinary word in German G e se l l e.

An un common word is GEPOFTA , of ob scure etymology,which is glossed colibertus, contubernalis, cliens .

A word of great importan ce is GENRAT, which is

ex tin ct in modern English , but lives in Dutch g e n o o ts chap, an d German G en o sse compan ion ,

G en o s

sen sch aft society. It is con n ected with NROTAN enj oy,

and it rests upon the idea Of fellowship in domesticaccommodation s, especially the common fire and the

common b oard . The phrases are B ilIoD GENEAT tab lecompan ion , BALD GENRAT Old comrade, HEORD GRNRAT

hearth-fellow the first and third in Beowulf, the otherin Maldon .

But of all this set ofwords the one whi ch has had

the longest and most promin en t ca reer is GEREFA,still

ex tan t in English reeve, and the secon d part of s/zerg'


Scin GEREFA,a word whi ch Grimm’

s derivation (Rec/alsallerl/lilnzer, 753) based upon the shelter of a common

roof and rafter. If phon etic laws ex clude this etymo

logy, the derivation from an adj. ex cellen t , seems

con trary to analogy1

. In the Parker Glossary (8th cen

tury) occurs the en try P roceres, geroefan


It seems

to b e gen erally agreed that any con n ection of this wordwith the Frankish grap lzio and the German title of

n ob ility G rafmus t b e ab an don ed , and that these wordsare to b e traced back to the Greek ypdctew write 3 .

W e come n ow to the term which alon e is capab le of

ranking with EORL and CEORL , n amely GEsiD . In M oeso

Gothic it appears as ga s in tha, from s in than to travel—the n

, which in our word is merged , retain s its placein the modem German G e s i n de and its dimin utiveG e s i n de l . The presen t sign ification of these words incurren t German takes a humb le range, b ut this is

perhaps due to degen eracy, as the figure which the

word makes in the Lomb ard laws implies a certaindign ity, n ot un like that of the English GESfD 4


1 Kemb le himself, who is the author of this derivation,did n ot like

the adjective for a source, an d therefore he feign ed a sub stan tive réfclamor. S ax ons , ii . 1 54. His two argumen ts again st Grimm

s derivation seem to me un satisfactory

, b oth of them.

2 A t an early date this word b ecame so official that we seldom fin d

it in its first sen se of compan ion . It is, however , sometimes in ter

mix ed an d confused with GEFEBA in the M SS .

,an d in particular may

b emen tion ed the L aw of Inc, 63 , where HIS GEBEFAN is in the Latin

version rendered socios suos.

3 Weigan d, v . Graf; Skeat, v . Reeve.

4 In a Tab le ofWergilds Gasin dius max imus .ccc. so lidi . Ga

sindius min imus .cc. solidi .’ See Rob ertson, S cotland

s Early Kings ,ii . 278 .


In M iddle High German the G es i n d e is a militarycompan ion or man-at-arms

, an d this is apparen tly thesen se which the word had common ly b orne at the de

parture of‘the Sax on s from their mother coun try. It

was n atural that this word should rise in value and getin ten sified through the organi sation and struggle ofthe

invasion,where I apprehen d the gen eral term for the

well-b orn officers was GESID . Of all the titles of com

pan ion ship hitherto en umerated n on e b ut GEs'

H) seems

to have b een capab le of the most familiar and atfec

tionate epithet—‘swmse gesib as,

as it is in Beowulf.But what particularly justifies the aphorism ofKemb le,is the fact that thi s term actually supplan ted the

‘ termEORL as a design ation of the n ob le in con tradistin ctionto the common er. I do n ot kn ow that a clear in stan ceof EORL in this origin al sen se can b e foun d after theLaws of Aethelb erht

,though there are many passages

where it might seem so to the unwary reader.

In the early laws, the GESYBappears as the local policeofficer. In the Laws ofIne (b efore A . D. 694) i t is assumedand implied that there i s m every town ship a gesib .

This is a un iversal in stitution the local admin istrationofpub lic order rests everywhere upon the gesi


On e of the most importan t fun ction s that devolved'

upon the gesitSwas the outlook again st b an ished men ,

a duty which implied the cogn iz an ce of strangers i n

gen eral . The harb ouring of such outlaws was called

flymena farmer

,and thi s is a crime of which we learn

the importan ce by the n umerous and emphatic repetitionof the san ction s. The pen alties were at first ruin ous,but they appear to have grown more len ien t with the

progress of society and the growth of security . Whatdeman ds our atten tion at thi s poin t is the remarkab le

fact that the penalty fell n ot on ly upon the actualoffen der, b ut likewise, and w ith equal weight too , uponthe gesiaman . Thus it is laid down [ no 30 : If a man

ofceorl’s degree b e charged with harbouring a fugitive ,let him clear himself on penalty of his wergild . Ifhe

cann ot clear himself, let him redeem himselfwith hisown wergild, and the gesib man do likewise w ith his

wergild .

The mean ing of this is plain . The gesifi

ought to be so vigilan t as to know what is going on ;

and ifthe law is in fringed without his kn owledge, suchign oran ce in a chief official makes him partn er in the

guilt .N or is this the only tex t which eviden ces the strin

gen oy ofthe gesibman’

s ob ligation s as a guardian ofthe

pub lic peace . In [no 50 we read : Ifa gesificund man

makes peace w ith the king or the king’

s alderman for

memb ers ofhis communi ty, or if it b e with his lord thathe makes peace for unfree or free, he, the gesiiS, takesn o share of the fin e in such a case, b ecause he did n ot

choose to keep people out of mischiefat home.


we see that the gesib had ordin arily his share offin es

arising from the admin istration of justice in hi s di strict,and this is in itself .a mag isterial privilege. W e learnmoreover from Ine 23 , that the gesi

’6 shared escheats

with the king himself. ‘Ifa foreign er is slain , the kinghas two-thirds of hi s wergild the other third goes tohis son or relation s . If he has n o relation s, the kinghas half, and the gesiti half.

Who then were these GEsiDAs who con stituted an

order of such n ation al importan ce, whose ranks suppliedthe en tire staff of the primary local magistracy ; and

how came this title to import so much more in Englishthan in any cognate dialect ? My surmise (already


implied) is, that they are the original captain s an d

officers of the Con quest ofWessex , men of eorli sc b irth,the cO-adven turers who organ ised and led the invasion ,

an d who ob tain ed a share of the conquered soil dulyproportionate to their services or con trib ution s to thesuccessful ven ture 1 .

All we kn ow of the gesi’c'S is in perfect keeping with

the character of a military officer, who had n aturallydeveloped in to a local prefect of police. But while theordinary duties of the gesiti in time of peace were of

a police nature, this does n ot alter the fact that hisfun ction is primarily and essen tially m ilitary. He is a

military officer to whom in the relax ation or ratherin termission of mili tary duties a district of po lice ad

min istration has b een assign ed . I say in termission ,

b ecause I imagin e that garrison s were still kept up in

every Hun dred or small group of Hun dreds, and thatevery village was required to march out its con tingen twhen the season of the year came roun d . On such

occasion s of muster the same b an d of men wouldsupply the garrison as soldiers (FIERD), an d work at

repairs of forts and b ridges in the district aroun d, and

thus the ob ligation s of their ten ure as describ ed in thelrz

nocla necessitas wou ld b e di schargedz.

W e saw ab ove that Kemb le had j oin ed the term GEsiO

1 It is n ot without force as a parallel , that the warrior kings of

Macedon ia conferred upon their choice an d favour ite troops, the heavycavalry, composed wholly or chiefly of n ative Macedon ian s, the hon o

rary designation of The Companion s. Grote, H istory of Greece,0 . 9 2 .

2 W e catch a glimpse of the local military admin istration in Sax .

Chr . 894 (p . 9 2m of my ed . ) where the king’

s than es are seen at


that is to say, posted in their several garrison s (set him aet paem

geweorcum) . Compare also of pam n iehstum b urgum.

Chr . 9 2 1

(p . I o6b ) . These ‘works’

an d b urghs’

I apprehend to b e n o other

than the green earthworks so familiar to our eye all over the coun try.

comes, on to the two terms EORL an d CEORL, which ex

pressed the first simple division offree society. It has a

vital relation to those terms. For the GEsiDAs were an

order of men who sprang out of the eorlisc ranks b ut

gain ed a n ew distin ction by special service. Presen tlywe see the term EORL drops out of use, and remain son ly as a word in Epic poetry

1. W idely differen t the

fortun es of these two cardinal terms EORL and CEORL , for

while the latter kept its place all through , the former

was supplan ted in life by a series ofsub stitutes. Already

in Winlmecl 5 , we see the gesidcand man and the cz'



divide society : the same in Inc 5 1 , 54 . From the time of

In c the gesitSdi sappears from our laws , and after lin geringa momen t in the Alfredian literature is lost altogether


The term which steps in to its place is pEGEN , and in

2 29 h we may see all free society comprised in pEGENAsand CEORLAS . After the Sax on period we see an otherterm figuring as the an tithes is of CEORL, namely kn igfilin the thirteen th cen tury everybody was either of

kn ightly or of churlish b lood . This termhad its growthand character impressed on it in the Sax on period ,though it does n ot yet make a promin en t figure . See

Glossarial Index,v. Cn iht . In the thousan d years from

the fifth to the fifteen th cen tury we see a train ofwordssucceeding on e an other in the same office, and if theyfail to b e ab solute equivalen ts, it is b ecause of changes

in the times, and n ot in the relative social in ciden ce

of the terms. These words are, eorl, gesith , than e,kn ight, squire, gen tleman . The last two run ab reast .

1 It should b e n oticed that with Cnut came in a secon dary use of

EOBL, its titular use which though wri tten in Sax on form : is really theScandinavian Jarl . See 2 29 1.

2 With one remarkab le ex ception , to b e n oticed b elow. See p. lx x vu .


The fun ction s of this order of men were rather indefin ite, and upon this quality their peculiar usefuln esshi nged . The gesiiS had n ot much , if any, routin e ad

m in istration,b ut a gen eral respon sib ility that things

should go right . Others called out the Fierd, othersw itn essed b argain s or fin ed trespassers, others parcelledout the fen cing or gave the ploughs their daily taskb ut the Gesifi meanwhi le took accoun t of the mi litaryduty and ofthe admin istration of the law ,

an d ofthe faircon duct of the co-tillage . If any dispute arose, he waslooked to as the arb iter ; ifa question of law

,he was the

in terpreter. While min or officials admin istered the rigidletter ofthe law,

he was there to supply the elemen t ofelasticity when occasion arose . In later days whenthe man orial courts were presided over by the steward,the lord still retain ed the prerogative of equity ; he waschan cellor in his domin ion 1


The b earings and in fluen ce of such an order ex ten dedupwards an d downwards . To them the people lookedup as to their n atural leaders, through them opened thevista from the plough to the thron e, and the sen se of

n ational un ity was cultivated or sustain ed . Much of

the spirit of this Office has in later cen turies passed in tothe ranks of the parochial clergy, who in some sen se

were in stituted by, an d who for some purpo ses n ow are

the genu in e represen tatives of, the early gesi’das. For

it is to such an in strumen tality that we must tracethe hitherto imperfectly ex plain ed estab lishmen t of our

parishes. The parish priest was at first a priest engagedb y the gesiiSand his people for the regu lar admin istrationamong them ofthe word and sacramen ts. In this, which

1 Scriven , On'

Copyholds , p. 339 ; and In dex 12. Court Baron .


recen tly formed parishes the parsonage is, if possib le,placed n ex t the church ; but in those an cien t parisheswhich grew by nature and without design , the groupingof the church with the man or house is the typicalarrangemen t . This man or house may be taken in b ulkto represen t the seat of the gesith or than e ; and thereare places where, the man or house having changed site,the earthworks of the Sax on man sion are still ex tan t .

Local archaeologists w ill do well to form a hab it of

looking over the church-yard wall . The most remark

ab le in stan ce kn own to me is that of Laughton in theW est Riding . Earls Barton in N orthampton shire, the

place with the remarkab le Sax on tower, has a moun dand di tch which tell the same story. Such a Sax onman sion was Often the successor of a Roman villa. In

M r . S eeb ohm’

s map ofWymondley,in Hertfordshire, we

see, as it seems to me, the banks ofa Sax on fortified houseoutside the church-yard wall, on a site richly stored withRoman remain s.

The admirab le cemen ting of society which was thusachieved was prob ab ly due to n o on e man

s policy, b utto the half-con scious wisdom of n ational in stin ct . Per

haps it may have been partly a con tinuation , partly an

improvemen t upon a like distrib ution of eorl and ceorlin the old coun try. It is dangerous for the state whentwo widely differing con dition s ofmen live side by sidew ithout con stitutional provision for their soun d mutualrelation s and their healthy influen ce upon on e an other

six teen th in stan ce ofZEthelwulf’s Don ation is preserved in the Register

of Sherb orn e Ab b ey, n ow in the Phi llips Lib rary at Chelten ham . It

is n either in Kemb le n or B irch ; b ut it is (min us the preamb le) inHearn e

s Collection s,n ow b eing edi ted b y M r. Dob le for the Ox ford

Historical S ociety ; vol. iii. p. 450 ; with a sight of which I have b eenkindly favoured. )

“ as in the Fran ce of last cen tury and the Irelan d of


It may surprise the reader to learn , that the gesitSwhose traces have b een so careful ly followed , does n ot

appear by that n ame so much as on ce in all our lan dcharters. This, however, is only b ecause the gran ts are

ex pressed in Latin ,for the gran tee is sometimes styled

comes,which is the equivalen t of gesiO, and sometimes

he is styled min ister, i . e . begen ,a title which

, as we saw ,

succeeded to gesi’o. F or all purposes of constitutional

argumen t the comes and the min ister are iden tical .Whether un der the on e or the other title, these gran tsare directed towards the en dowmen t of a local squirearchy, as a guaran tee of legality and order, and as a

mean s of emb racing in a b ody politic all the parts ofascattered population . If we have in our han ds fewer

gran ts made to comes or min ister than of those whichwere made in favour of religious houses, this is n ot

b ecause the latter were historically the more numerous,

b ut b ecause they have had better chan ces of preservation . The monastic gran ts are n ot the types, b ut theyare rather to b e con sidered as an imitation an d a varietyof those which were made to lay han ds. The who lemust b e looked upon as a gen eral movemen t and as the

ex pression ofa policy for which a deman d was felt, and

perhaps a deman d that was always still in advan ce an d

n ever qu ite overtaken by the progress Ofen dowmen ts 1

In the gen eration s n ex t after the first Conquest, the

primary settlemen ts sen t off n ew swarms. It is in

1 In confirmation of the gen eral view here taken of the order of

society,I may poin t to a remarkab le passage in 3 7 b , 40 h , where

comes, p resbyter , diaconus, clericus , monachas, stand in that order, as

a list ofpersons removab le from office.


these, plan ted without circumstan ce of war, that we

must look for the reproduction of the simple Mark, the

lordless village Commun ity. That there were town shipsin the coun try w ithout squ ires we can see by Domesday,where we read from time to time of an estate held as a

Man or by two , or five,or n in e freemen

1 ! When we

come upon such a case we seem to see a settlemen t uponthe simplest plan ,

without a gesiO, as in Kemb le’

s Mark.

But the recogn iz ed po licy was, to follow the type whichwar had in itiated, and to plan t a . roy ally comm ission edOfficer by the side of each rural commun ity.

The real difliculty of our prob lem is to recon cile thisman orial jurisdiction with the fun ction s of the Hun dred .

The gesi’d was plain ly sub ordin ated to the Hundredes

caldor, and that fun ctionary was his immediate caldorman . But the in ciden ce of sub ordination is ob scure, andespecially the relation of the Man or to the Hynden or

original Tithing .

The area of the Hun dred framed within itself a

complete system of magistracy an d local authority b othmilitary and civil. W ith n o clerks, n o writers to speakof, all tran saction s were in commun ity . N ot a head of

cattle could change han ds, b ut the tithing-man an d wit

n esses must take accoun t ofit . The b usin ess of on e was

the b usin ess of all. All life was communal , an d the

ranks were in terwoven . W ith the king’

s represen tativealways in view , and yet the dai ly admin istration of so

popu lar a kin d that it was shared in turn by all truemen ,

there grew up that full and n eighb ourly un derstan ding whi ch con stitutes mutual confiden ce and makes

a nation compact.It is to this con solidating in ternal policy that I would

1 Only here again , havewe caught the true sen se of lib eri homin es

lx x v11

attribute the u ltimate supremacy of W essex . When

everything else was dissolved, W essex alon e provedequal to check the Dan es in the matur ing stages ofavictorious career. The sub sequen t un ion of the coun trymade the system ofW essex the system of the whole :and thi s has b een the making ofEnglan d, an d the b asisofn ational sturdin ess.

An d as strength lay in the n ative policy of comb ination , so Cnut

s sub division in to provin ces proved whenhis strong han d was withdrawn to b e a mere disruptionwhich gave the n ex t in vader an easy victory .

Our n ation al solidity was however to prove its mettlein the ordeal of the N orman Con quest and its sequel .In the Sax on period the n ation had made that healthyand rob ust growth which en ab led it , when apparen tlyoverwhelmed by the in vader, to assimilate what it likedofthe foreign elemen t

,an d n ot to be assimilated by it .

The provision made for the gesith forwards us an otherstep in the history of the lan d-settlemen t . So far as

the Ethel and the Hide, there is n o appearan ce of the

in strumen tality of written records . Al l facts affectingproperty were so paten t , the hab its of life were so in terdepen den t among the memb ers of the commun ity thatthe common memory was a sufficien t archive. Our peoplein the old coun try had used n o writings for the tran saction ofb usin ess, whether con veyan cing , testamen tary, orotherwise. But , n ow ,

having b ecome masters of thisislan d, they had come within the pale ofRoman civiliz ation , and here it b ecomes a question of great curiosityan d in terest whether we should say that they graduallyadopted the legal usages which they foun d estab lished in their n ew coun try , or whether we shou ldrather say that the usage of the Roman world was


first b rought home to them along with other Roman

in fluen ces at the Con version . In either case we here

en coun ter a n ew in stitution , and one of which it ishardly possib le to ex aggerate the importan ce. Here

ditary estates, having all the desirab le attributes of

Ethelland, were created by governmen t charter.

When the king an d his witan made such a gran tfrom the folklan d , the con cession was written on a

sheet of parchmen t , and that sheet , in Latin pagina,libellas

,scriptura, documentam,

cartula,was in the ver

n acular called BOC a b ook ; and the nature of the ten ureso created is ex pressed by the n ame of1360 LAND. These

gran ts carry with them the gen eral purport of b eing

made in con sideration of services ofa superior kind , andthey are given with seign eurial rights (lib eraliter) , andwith ex emption from a variety of services which we

shall have to con sider presen tly. These lan d-gran tsare something more than con veyan ces, they are the

creation of a parliamen tary title, and the approved

parallel is a private Act of Parliamen t 1 .

There is on e attrib ute which we must part icularlyn otice as an emin en t distin ction of b ooklan d, n amelythis, that it carried with it the power of testamen tarydisposition which Ethelland did n ot. Every lan d-b ookhas a clause of this type—ita at cn icnmgne oolnem

tp ost se

fieredi derelingnat z so that he may leave it to what heirhe w ill after his day. Ex amples 1 24 h , 1 33 m ,

1 40 h ,

1 42 1, 1 73 1. This attribute differen tiates b ooklan d fromthe con dition s of feudal tenan cy. In b oth cases the

own er is an officer settled on lan d,an d the circumstan ces

have en ough in common to accoun t for the difficultywhich some writers have ex perien ced in discrimin ating

1 Kemb le, S ax on s, i . 305 . Po llock, Land L aws (ed. p. 191 .

them. But this testamen tary freedom of b ooklan d,

wh ich implies a power of alien ation , is an in ciden t of

full own ership which was den ied to the feudal tenan t .Besides its direct information ,

the clause just quotedhas also an in direct and collateral value ; it n ot on lytells us of the rights of b ooklan d , b ut it implies (bythe fact of its careful in sertion ) that there were ten ureswith differen t con dition s . An d this differen ce is furtheremphas iz ed by the word imman is which en ters in to thisclause in the course of the ten th cen tury z—cl p ost so

caicnmgue sibe'

p lacaem'

t keredi immunem derelingnat, an d

after his time he may leave it to what heir he willun-subject to paymen t , 209 1, 293 h . Here we perceivethat there were lan ds which ifdevised by testamen t weresubject to a paymen t . These were the loan-lan ds , andthis paymen t is seen in the W ills, and it is that whichb ecame the Relevium .

Thi s gran t Of full own ership is followed by a sepa

rate clause (sometimes distinguished by a Cross of its

own,e . g . 1 33 1) of ex emption from all services ex

cept the in evitab le and un iversal three . Ex amples 1 73 l ,1 8 1 h

, 1 94m , 2091. This clause again con veys to us

n ot on ly direct, b ut also in direct information . It n ot

on ly describ es a privilege of b ookland , b ut it also re

flects a side-light upon the ten ure of those who hadleen s on the folklan d, a ten ure which is here the tacitobject ofcomparison .

The gen eral aim was to estab lish the n ation according to its immemorial tradition s in the two classes of

eorl and ceorl, gen tle and simple, that the who le population might b e always in presen ce of a superior, that agradation of ranks m ight b e provided, as a guaran teeof legality and


social order. The inherited distin ction


b etween n ob le and freeman was n ot on ly perpetuated ,b ut was prob ab ly systematiz ed as it n ever had b eenb efore, an d this as an immediate con sequen ce of the

logic ofeven ts. To con vert an army in to a civil societyis an un dertaking that calls for the main ten an ce of

disciplin e , and this disciplin e was carried out by the

gesib as. In the Laws of Inc, 5 1 , we see two classesof these officers, on e landown ing (lan dagende) and theother n ot lan down ers (un lan dagende) . I un derstan d bythe latter such gesi

’Oas as had n o family estate, whether

ethel or b ooklan d b ut were provided for in the commonfield . I conjecture that such a gesiiS would have a

doub le portion ,n amely two Hides .

The gesiiias were at first on ly so many military and

police oflicers station ed at the villages over the lan d ;and some, perhaps the bulk of them ,

remain ed to theend ofthe period, with little change in their con dition .

Even these however acquired the prevalen t title of

Than es (pegenas) , an d gain ed some degree of politicalascen dency over the ceorlas b eyon d what was n ative tothe original con stitution . The advan ce which was gain edby this more stationary section of the gesiiSas was so

much taken away from the powers of the originalHyn den or Tithing , a sub-division which was the firstto fall in to desuetude. But the more favoured sectionof the gesitSas acqu ired a jurisdiction which supplan tedthe original fun ction s ofthe Hun dred itself; and thesemay perhaps represen t the estates which in moderntimes have b een called Hon ours, by a tran slation of the

Sax on term A'

R or LANDAR. And in this con n ection wefind the term GESI

O n ot qu ite ex tinct in the twelfthcen tury, for it crops up in the so-called Laws ofHen ry I

(vi . 1 ) in the compound sides so’

cn (as if gesto’es so



tex t is prin ted b elow (pp. 149—1 5 1 , and n ote) , and we

gather from it that it could n ot b e held by'

a woman ,

and was n ot hereditary, and cou ld n ot b e testamen tarilydevised, b ut that the con tinuation of it in the familydepen ded on the will of the king . Such a tenurewas called a LAN i . e . loan , and the word was used inthe same sen se in German L eh en , which has n ot b ecome

ob solete, but still surv1ves b oth in the simple form and

in a multitude of compounds redolen t of old feudalrelation s.

The leading characteristic of lien lan d was this, thatthe len der n ever fin ally divested himself of his originalright , an d the lan d was a lways liab le in certain con

tingen cies to revert to the original own er or his repre

sen tative. In the b ulk of in stances the own er was theS tate, and we see it reverting to the S tate in p. 1 49 ,

where it seems to b e in the power ofthe king (naturallyin gemot) to decree its con tin uan ce in the family.

There is n o reason to think that the succession was

ordin arily di sturb ed ; but the holder of loan-lan d hadn ot a legal right of testamen tary b equest .When folc land b ecame lé n land it seems to have

remain ed liab le to certain b urden s peculiar to itself, andwhich are in keeping with its n ature 1 . Being essen

tially n ational property it might b e used when requiredby the king an d his chief Oflicers ; it was b oun d to helpwhen a house had to b e b uilt for the king

s service ;and we see special remission of such ob ligation s e . g .

p. 1 00 1,1 1 2 m , 140 h , 397 1. It is a like class ofb urden s

from which the lan d is ex empted that E thelwulf got

1 The affini ty between the liab ilities an d the nature of the propertyseems to have suggested the expression in K 1 1 8

, trib utum pub licalium rerumf

lx x x iii

booked to himself (p. 1 20 In ) but here we gather thaton e ofthe b urden s in ciden t to such lan d was to aid in

the ex ecution ofjustice, as in the pursuit and capture of

a thief. To b e ex empted from such liab ilities Eadulf,b ishop of C rediton , gave to Athelstan in the year 933

six ty poun ds ofsilver (p. 1 70 h) .Our eviden ces justify us in saying that it was a re

cogn ised principle that this lan d , b eing pub lic, must b e

employed in the pub lic behoof, whether as reward of

pub lic services don e in the past, or as a retain er an d

guaran tee for the future discharge of such services .

That such a prin ciple was acted upon can b e sufficien tlydemon strated . The largest recorded gran t offolklan dis foun d in the Chron icle un der A .D. 648 , where we readthat Cenwalh gave to his relative Cuthred iij basen dolondes b e ZEsces dun e.

The n ame of Ashdown stil lsurvives on the Berkshire hills to the south ofDidcot,and the gran t probab ly represen ts a large part of thatcoun ty. It seems clear that there was a m ilitary ob li

gation attached to the gran t ; that this territory was

the b astion of Wessex again st the dreaded power of

M ercia, and that the corollary ofCuthred’

s possessionwas the defen ce of that b order, and a con stan t posture of

vigilan ce again st invasion . Presen tly, in 661 ,W ulfhere ,the king ofM ercia, did invade the territory and harriedit, b ut got n o further than Ashdown . Again , in 8 7 1 ,

we find the Dan es arrested in their westward course at

Ashdown , and they have to fight a great b attle there.

A less con spicuous in stan ce ofthe same prin ciple isthat where, in A . D. 997 , a gran t of b ooklan d in Cornwall is made subject to coast-guard duties, whichOb ligation is incorporated in the trin oda n ecessitasclause, 295 1. These are ex traordinary cases, but they

f 2


seem to furn ish eviden ce of the principle which wasunderstood to rule all dealings with the pub lic land .

Our chief source of information as to the kin d of

duties which were ordinarily and n ormally attached to theenj oymen t of a laen on the folklan d is foun d in the

clauses of ex emption for those privileged b en eficiarieswho received their lan ds subject 50 duties of a higherorder. The ordi nary b en eficiary was liab le to b e calledupon to en tertain the king and those in authority un derhim , an d to furni sh such person s with a house of callwhen they were upon their j ourn eys in the pub licservice. Inter alia

,they had to provide for the faesting

men ,

perhaps the relays of men who garrison ed theforts and acted as a rural po lice ; then they owedto their chi ef patron the king some gratification s as if

he were their private lan dlord, such as the fostering of

dogs and falcon s ; and gen erally they would seem tohave b een at hi s service in all that con cern ed theapplian ces of sport . S o even to our own day has itb een n o un common thing for a ten an t-farmer to haveab out him a couple or so ofyoung fox hounds which hekeeps and rears for his lan dlord’

s use. In those daysthe sitter on a laen n ot on ly kept the dogs b ut the dogkeepers too . A more importan t and on erous duty waslaid on the holders of these lan ds. They were b oun d toaid the ex ecutive in the prosecution of justice again stcriminals, even if we may n ot almost say that theylargely con stituted the ex ecutive of the criminal law.

This part of their duty was called WITE BE DEN ,in Latin

res penales criminal con cern s. It seems they had to

pursue and capture a malefactor and presumab ly toun dertake hi s custody un til he could b e b rought to


lx x x v

A good illustration of these liab ilities may b e seen

( 1 00 1) where the king says M oreover I will free theaforesaid lan d from all subjection in worldly matters,from en tertain ing the king , b ishops, lords , aldormen ,

b ailiffs, keepers of houn ds, horses, hawks ; from b oarding and lodging all those who are called “faesting men ,

from all services works b urden s or in conven ien ces—whatmore or less shall I enumerate or say

—from all lia

b ilities greater and less, kn own and unkn own,let the

lan d remain in all respects free for evermore, ex ceptingthese four things which n ow I w ill n ame : ex peditionagain st pagan en emies, b ridge-b uilding , fo rt-makingor removing.

Again , 1 26 l , thekinggran ts ex emption in thefollowingterms ‘ in such a mann er that from all over-lordship of

royal tributes and compulsory works and criminal concern s and thief-capturing and every worldly burden ,

saving alon e fyrd and b ridge-b uildi ng and b urg-making

it is to remain secure and ex empt , &c .

In K 1 063 the ex emption is thus worded — ‘ lib eramab omn ibus terren is ditficultatibus omn ium gravitudinum ,

sive a pastu regis, prin cipis, ex actoris, et ab omn i aedificiorum Opere, trib uto , a parvaredis, a tax ation ib us

quod dicimus witereden n e, omn ium rerum secularium

perpetualiter lib era sit , ex cepta ex pedi tio n e et pon tisaedification e,

etc. That is : the lan d to b e free fromevery burden in the n ature of a lan d-tax , from en tertain ing king, prin ce, reeve, an d from all b uilding work,

tribute, post-horses, from the liab ilities calledwiTE RE DEN ,

etc. The ob ligation to pay gafol in kin d for the provision ing of the king

s villas is sometimes given indetail, e. g . 3 1 I b


1 What relation this has (if any) with the tenure n ow kn own as


The tenan t of such a laen on the folklan d, ifhis farmwas n ear the chiefroutes, must have had to keep Open

house perpetually, and thi s was prob ab ly on e of the

mean s of form ing our good old-fashi on ed coun try inn swhich of late years have b ecome so rare. In K 261 we

see the English word for this in defin ite ob ligation ,

namely CUMFEORM , which in K 25 8 is thus ex pressed inLatin , ab hospitorum [i . e. hospitum] refection e,


providing refreshmen t for callers, presumab ly on lycal lers who are on the road in the pub lic service 1 .

It resulted from this state of things that fiscal ditficultice were unkn own ; there was n o an n ual revenue tob e raised. All things were con sumed where they arose ;

there was n o system of collecting provision to a cen tre ,or of dispen sing it from a cen tre. The king and his

court made their stated progresses from on e royal vill toan other, and enjoyed the fruits of the earth where theyhad grown . All ex pen ses of governmen t and admin is

tration were met by the proceeds of lan d on the groun dwhere they were in curred, first of all by the system of

the trinoda necessitas,and n ex t by the Ob ligation s of the

sitters on the laen lan ds . As all holders of lan d wereb oun d to a yearly term of military service

,an d as they

actually did serve even in peace, there was always a

ready mean s ofb ringing an army in to the field . Eventhe navy was supplied by local mean s. Every coun tyhad to produce its con tingen t of ships according to itshidage, and the m in or details of arming and out-fittingwere con ducted on the same footing . We find n o in

stan ce of gen eral tax ation earlier than A .D. 99 1 , when

Gavelkind, I will n ot here enquire -I will on ly po in t to an uncommon

passage in 334 b , which may possib ly have some b earing upon it .1 For more ex amples 1 33 b , 140 h .

ten thousan d poun ds were collected to b uy offthe Dan es ;

this happen ed during the reign ofE thelred five times

altogether, and these are the on ly in stan ces of pub licimposts in mon ey which we meet with in the AngloSax on period . S o completely did the lan d-system pro

vide for all the b ran ches ofpub lic ex pen diture1.

S uch was the gen eral plan of the distrib ution of the

lan d in the Sax on period . So far as I can judge, it was

politic and econ omical —calculated to favour in dustryand good n eighb ourhood , and likewise to promote themoral and religious improvemen t of the people. Thatit was well adapted to educate a nation politically, andthat it did so educate them, n eeds hardly b e said . The

History of Englan d is the sufficien t vin dication of the

wisdom of our early in stitution s .

I do n ot forget that there were ab uses, and that theab uses had serious con sequen ces . W e kn ow that in courseof time some fam ilies possessed an altogether disproportionate share of lan d (2 2 2 h) , and it is n ot difficult toimagin e the sort of arts by which in fluen tial men mightaccumulate gran ts of b ooklan d or laen land. It was in

deed this,join ed to the ex cessive developmen t of private

jurisdiction s,which made the richer n ob les too powerful ,

and reduced the king to isolation and impoten ce . It

was thi s that caused the wretchedn ess ofthe later reign s,this that gave W illiam his opportun ity, and it was justthis that his policy rectified , by rein stating the king ina position from which he might n ot on ly reign b ut also

govern .

1 On this sub ject , how much was don e without the medium of

mon ey, see Freeman , N . C . , i . 369, on the assessmen t for raising a fleetin 1008 . If the method was clumsier

,the risk of malversation was

less. A useful outlin e of the heads of pub lic ex pen diture in the

fifteen th cen tury may b e read in Sir John Fortescue’

s fifteen th cen turyEnglish in his Governance ofEngland, c. 6 ; ed. Plummer p. I 20 .


But n ow to b ring the whole argumen t to a poin t at

its b earing upon our lan d-charters. Diverse as are the

aspects which the ten ures assumed,there is a un iformity

of prin ciple un derlying all the varieties which restoressimplicity. The lan d was assign ed for pub lic services.

This is repeatedly declared in the gran ts, especiallythose which are made to a gesiiS or a than e, comiti orministro meo, and these are gran ts of lordship, i . e . of

man ors. These were n ot merely social position s, b utwere offices of trust and jurisdiction , and upon themreposed the good order of the coun try gen erally. The

lords of the man or presided over the admin istration of

justice, the military organi zation in cluding the roadsand b ridges as well as the forts, an d also over theagricu ltural econ omy. They were n ot the agen ts of

daily admin istration , b ut they were gen eral surveyors.

The lan ds b ooked to them for these services are the

same as our man ors, and the prin ciple on which theywere b ooked is the same prin ciple as that on whichla ns were gran ted though the terms are very differen t .The real state ofthe case is ob scured by the fact that

so large a proportion ofour lan d-charters are in favourof monastic in stitution s. This is supposed to b e some

thing differen t in prin ciple from the gran ts to gesitS orthan e but it is n ot so . In b oth cases alike, the b roadan d gen eral prin ciple of the con cession was pub l icutility ; the b est mean s for en suring legality an d pub licsecurity and good n eighb ourhood, and the gen eral welfare moral and religious . Here it is that the leases ofthe b ishop ofWorcester

,already n oticed in the previous

S ection 1, afford a most acceptab le light . These are the

in strumen ts by which the house gave to the estate a

1 See p. x v f.


There had b een a time in the b eginn ings of our

Christian ity when lan ds gran ted to religious houseswere ab solutely ex empt from pub lic b urden s, an d we

see this roun dly ex pressed as a fun damen tal prin ciple inthe first captel ofthe laws ofW ihtred, A . D . 699. But

we kn ow that this worked b adly and led to dangerousabuses, of which Bede complain ed in his epistle toArchb ishop Ecgb erht and although the pecu liar modeof tenure called jn s ecclesiasticnm does n ot appear tohave b een quite di scon tin ued, yet the gen eral rule incharters gran ted to religious houses in and after theeighth cen tury was to subject them to the same b urden swith laymen


The time in deed came roun d again when all ten uresun derwen t a n ew change, an d then the original immun ity was restored to the lan ds of the Church , whichwere held subject on ly to divin e service, ex actly as in

the old law ofW ihtred. This was the change whichfo llowed the N orman Con quest , when ecclesiastical lan dswere again held free ofmilitary service infran/t almoiyncas it was called, that is to say, In free alms


After the N orman Conquest all the varieties of tenurewere assimilated to laén-land . Every other kin d of ten urewas ob literated, and all the lan d of the coun try was

made to assume the character of Loan land, whereoftheking was held to represen t the origin al own er

3. The

1 This is the mean ing of the ex clamation of Bon iface, that in n o

part of the world was such servitude imposed on the church as among

the English . Hallam, Middle Ages, chap. vii . Part i ; vol . ii . p. 141

(ed . 1 81 S ome of the lands of ecclesiastical corporations to this day are

an cien t b ookland, which has b een held without a b reak from the

origin al Sax on charter . S ee Professor Po llock, L and L aws , p. 35 .

3 Mr. Freeman (N orman Con q uest, vol. iv . p. 25 n ote) was the firstto point out the conn ection b etween a sen tence in the Chronicle 1066

Loan land was the n earest approach made in the Sax on

period to the n ature of that feudal ten ure, which wasrapidly matured after the N orman Con quest . On e of the

con sequen ces of this tenure was the gen eral suspen sionfor cen turies of the devising of lan d by testamen tarybequest. In Sax on times , as we have seen

,this pri

vilege attached to on e form of tenure on ly, n amelyBooklan d . It was a well-un derstood rule of Sax onlaw, that every species ofproperty was stamped with itsown prin ciple of succession . This was determin ed bythe n ature of the original acquisition . The éfiel lan dwas hereditary according to an cien t custom it wen t itsown way, there was n o place for a W ill . How the Hidelan d passed is n ot plain ,

b ut when we con sider the interests of the commun ity in the co-tillage, we can n otsuppose that it could b e b roken up at the discretion ofa

testator. Most likely it attached to a house, the house of

an éfiel, and remain ed un divided —or, if di vided, therewere limits set to the process ofsub-division

1. It is very

tempting to see in the tran sm ission of the Hide thenatural and proper occasion for the in ciden ce ofBoroughEnglish . Where the house rather than any part icular

and sydda/n heora land boli tan , and an in ciden tal n otice in Domesday,ii . 360 : Han c terram hab et ab b as in vadimonio pro x i . marcis auri,

con cessu Engelrici, quando redimeban t Anglici terras sn as . If thi s

does n ot n ecessarily carry with it an y alteration in the character of

the ten ure , if it is only an ex traordin ary even t which like the ordin aryand periodi cal Relief tax es the tenan t b ut does n ot disturb the ten ureyet, in practical working, it afforded the starting

-poin t for a n ew

assumption in the legal doctrin e of tenures,and it in troduced the ideal

prin ciple that all land is held ofthe sovereign .

1 On this poin t very telling are M r. S eeb ohm’

s data from the

Middlesex Domesday, of ho ldings in the defin ite grades of hides ,

half-hides, virgates , and half-virgates. E nglish Vi llage Commun ity,

p . 92 . Compare also p. 77 ; where however I do not agree with him

as to the reason un derlying.


memb er of it was the un it of the commun ity, thereseems a fitn ess in pitching upon the youngest memb er

to personate it, for in him gen eration s are stretched tothe longest and tran sfer ofhan ds is made rarest ; he is theon e longest tied at home, and surest to b e foun d when a

corporate duty is to b e claimed of the house ; he is at

on ce the most in sign ifican t and the most serviceab le,and his elder b rothers have had their n urture b efore him,

and have had time to move away and b etter themselves.

So long as the word ofTacitus held good—snp erest ager,

there is always more lan d so long the natural right ofthe youngest to take the homestead and its b elongingsis very easy to un derstan d , and this arrangemen t seems

to fit well with the ten ure of edel and did in the earlytimes 1 .

Oflaén-lan d we kn ow that it did n ot give the holderthe right oftestamen tary disposal , an d yet n evert helessit was as a matter offact b equeathed byW ill . The kingcould give permission , with the approval of his coun cil

(2 2 7 m) , and we see W ills which ackn owledge the n e

cessity of the royal con sen t and some which even pro

vide for the con tingen cy of its b eing withheld . On

p. 2 1 7 may b e seen a formal permission by the kingin Coun cil (n ot without on erous con dition s) that a

1 On the sub ject of Borough English, see E lton , Origin s of E ng lish

History, 0. 8 . Of the various ways in which jun ior-right has b eenex plain ed, he treats on p. 1 98 ff. S ome have thought the custom

merely pervers e ; such was the opin ion of N . Bacon , Laws of England ,1 739 The custom was catched we kn ow n ot how ,

and b y the

n ame may seem to have b een b rought in by some whimsical odd Anglethat mean t to cross the world.

S ir H . Main e associated it wi th the

prerogative ofthep aterfami lias ; the un eman cipated son b eingpreferred

in the inheritan ce . But when we con sider the wide and variousdi strib ution of u ltimogen iture as describ ed b y M r . E lton , a doub t

may rise whether any on e ex planation , however plausib le, will availto cover all the instances.

x ciii

certain W ill may stan d . Here we have a sufficien tex planation of the petiti on ary preamb le which appears

in many of the W ills 1 . The prayer was accompan iedwith a valuab le presen t, which gradually assumed thecharacter of a paymen t


for the con tinuan ce of the

property in the family. Un der the matured feudalsystem this was the Relevium , the relief, recovery,

paymen t made for the retaking up of the estate. The

further determination of the heir according to the ruleof primogen iture for the m ili tary conven ience of the

lord made W ills superfluous, and they in fact ceased as

in strumen ts for the succession to lan d un til the end of

the feudal period 2 .

The tenan cy of the domin ical side of the man or hasb een un n oticed in the ab ove ; it makes little figure in

our documen ts , though it has filled a large space in

modern legislation . The domain was farmed first by thelord himself in the home farm (IN LAND 376 m , EC609)n ex t , by GERI

JRAS who paid him ren t in lab our and in

produce and in mon ey, 2 76 f, 376 f; and thirdly, by cot

tiers who cleared the wild lan d of the domain,and

occupied the essarts : 385 b , 388 t h , 394 m . These

are the lordarii and cotarii of Domesday. They are

the INWARE and UTWARE of 235 b . These two classes of

domin ical ten an ts are apparen tly the an cestors of the

modern copyholders.

1 Kemb le made out of this an argumen t to prove the servile status

ofthe gesiOas ; so hardly b estead was he to main tain his theory.

2 ‘Complete freedom of dealing with land b y Will was a result of

the ab o li tion of military ten ures, an even t which may b e taken as

marking the full close of the mediaeval stage of the law . The

Act of the first Parliament ofCharles I I for ab oli shing the militaryten ures and their inciden ts was passed in Pollock , Land Laws,p. 1 24 f.



THE subject of this Third S ection is the two languageswhich are employed in these documen ts, namely, the

Latin and the English, in b oth ofwhich the variation sofform are n umerous and in teresting .

1 . Of t/ie Latin in Mesa documen ts. The tran saction swhich these writings purport to record are Spread overa range of time from the seven th cen tury to the

eleven th , an d the genuin e originals are comprehendedwithin that limit . But

,in asmuch as they have b een

the subject of tran scription ,revision , recon struction , and

the most varied man ipulation , down to the s ix teen thcen turv the resu lt is that we have here to deal inon e part or an other of our field with variation s of

language ranging over the n in e cen turies from the

seven th to the six teen th .

At first the deeds were wholly in Latin , or with an

occasional word in English, then the languages weresometimes mix ed , 87 m especially in the description of

the b oun ds, 142 m ; and at length the b oun ds were

ex pressed wholly in English .

In the seven th and eighth cen turies the Latin is initself a distin ct feature of in terest. It is so rude as tosuggest a doub t whether the school-Latin of the scrib edid n ot retain some m ix ture of the vernacular Latin of

the Roman provin ce1. Gradually it b ecomes more

1 H . C . Coote, Romans of Britai n , p. 465 , con sidered that we have inthe Latin of the earlier documen ts the n ative forms of curren t or

tradi tional Latin whi ch from the Roman period long con tinued to

survive in this island. E specially he cited the expression‘ trin oda

n ecessitas,

as a form ofwords that does n ot ex ist either in Gaul orSpain , though the b urden s to which it refers were as usual in those

countries as in Britain , and he therefore thought that it was a phrase


grammatical an d literary ; in the ten th cen tury it isrhetorical and turgid ; in the secon dary period whenimitation has set in , we get the earlier varieties curiouslyaltern ating , n ow strong grandiloquen t Latin

,n ow

feeb le and barbarous —the most curious of all is where

the good Latin scholar of the thi rteen th cen tury setshimself to make a deed of the eighth, and accordinglytries to b e barbarous

,b ut some sub tle b it of Latin

culture a n ice use of the subjun ctive) slips in tohi s fab rication

,he little suspecting what a tale it will

tell some future day. It will b e con ven ien t to followthe order of time, and n otice first the Latin of the

earliest documen ts .

It would b e a m istake to suppose that this infima

Latin itas were a thing to b e scorn ed as destitute of

in terest . On the con trary,it is rich in relation s which

are in teresting and curious in a high degree.

( I ) First among these po in ts of in terest must be

accoun ted any ray of light they may seem to afford as

to the relics of curren t Roman speech in thi s islan dafter the date ofthe English Con quest .

(2 ) Its pecu liarities sometimes illustrate the dis

turban ces which have happen ed in the tran smission of

Latin classics, and which have ten ded to in troducesome of their various readi ngs .

(3) S ometimes we catch glimpses of the history of

forms or sign ification s of words which characteriz e theearly stages of the modern Roman esque languages. The

same may be said as to tran sition s of idiom or of

Syn tax .

(4) It is n ot un in teresting to ob serve sometimes that

which had b een in vented by the Roman s ofBritain and inherited b ythe Sax ons.


the Latin catches the in fluen ce of the living Englishof its time.

By atten tion to these poin ts we shall see how veryun satisfactory it is to b len d all the Latin writings of

the Darkand M iddle Ages un der the on e in discriminatedesignation of M onastic Latin .

The Latin we haveto con sider is n ot monastic un til we come to thelater stages of its career.

ORTHOGRAPHY. The most con spicuous divergen ciesfrom the received orthography are those which con cernthe lab ial series P , B ,


1 . B for V ; imp leberint (impleverin t) 35 m ; silla

(silva) 1 0 1 h ; eaarrabi (ex aravi) 1 2 1 1 ; conberterc

(con vertere) 1 24 1 ; bicissitndo (vicissitudo) 1 a6 t ;

n iben tinm (viven tium) 1 37 b ; cil itate (civitate) 1 38 hcalcata (caveata) 1 86 t ; octabo (octavo) 2 84m ; debolissimo

(devotissimo) 2 88 t ; l ica (vica z vico) 2 88 h .

In verb s of the first and secon d conjugation s thischange ten ds to confuse the ten ses, as the differen ce of

B or V is often the whole differen ce of form b etweena Preterite an d a Future verb . The con tex t gen erallydetermin es the ten se, e.g. memorabimns (memoravimus)9 t, and I am n ot aware of an in stan ce in which it hasbeen the cause of amb iguity in these documen ts, as ithas b een in classical authors.

2 . U (V) for B : these are fewer, sin i (sib i) 93 h ;linenti (lib en ti) 1 26 t ; lineralo (lib erab o) 1 26 h ; linertas

(lib ertas) 1 26 1. In the Vespasian Psalter the future-abit is written -avit (Sweet, Oldest Englisii Ten ts,

p . This mix ture of B an d V has b een a sourceof various readings in the tex ts of the classics, and of

disputed mean ing ; thus Juven al Sat. iii . 1 68 , n egavit

and n egab it ; ix . 80, servab it and servavit .


always display the approved token s of con cord inGender, N umb er, an d Case. For ex ample, 1 2 1 m, Si

gn is autem nnii is, &c . A few particulars may b e addedin detail

as to Gender : in ip sa an tememorato die 8 b ad imaginem

snnm 1 75 b ; p risco relatione 1 76 t ; other ex amples on

1 0 1 f. In documen ts purport ing to b e by Offa nobile

ti esanrnm 396 h ; tale ti esanrnm 398 m .

as to N umb er ab omn i gravitatibns 1 00 b .

as to Case nos omnes consensernnt 1 3 2 b .

There are some Case-en dings to b e n oted ; e. g. vires

(viri) 48 h b ut the most peculiar is an ab lative singularin -as, gen erally ofthe first Declen sion , but n ot alwaysserias (serie) ; ignorantiae avaritiaeve 6 1 1 ; cam ignor

antiae et insipientiae 62 t ; can itiae (can itie) 3 1 6 1. A

singular in stance is servita (a cun to sit immun is servitu)1 94 m .

These ex amples will suffice to show that the readerof the earlier documen ts must pass lightly over the

flex ional term inations, although the confusion here is

far less than that which is seen in the M erovingianwritings, and especially in the formulae of Marculfus .

In fact,we find ourselves at the great turn ing-poin t in

the hi story of the Latin language, b etween the an cien tand themodern ,

b etween the vernacular and the scholastic.

Flex ion b eing n o longer understood , an d b eing writtenon ly by din t of b lin d tradition al hab it, the prin ciple of

coheren ce is transferred to the collocation and the on lyway to read such Latin is to shut on e’

s eyes to the

grammar of fiex ion ,looking on ly at the stems of the

words and reading it as if it were a modern language.

On the on e hand , flex ion had fallen away from the livingparlan ce, or ifretain ed it had n o syn tactic value ; on the

other han d, elemen tary education was in decay (of thisfact Gregory of Tours is the w itn ess an d the ex ample),perhaps less so in Britain than in Gaul —when acciden ceis recalled to Latin compo sition , it is due to the

scholastic revival, the Ren ascence of the seven th and

eighth cen turies , of which the seat was at first Anglia,and then Fran klan d.

In this conn ection it will b e in teresting to trace a

few indication s of the affin ity ofour specimen s to thatcolloqu ial vernacular Latin whi ch gen erated the M odernRoman esque languages. Both in the sign ification and

in the symb olism ofwords , as well as in on e con spicuousverb al flex ion , we may see the modern usage an ticipatedin the old literary speech, or what represen ted it .

As to S ignification p arens relative 1 3 b ; caasa thing ,

affair 48 h p ietas mercy, pity,

10 1.

As to Symb olism : illn t monasterium 1 1 1 b , has littleof the demon strative pron oun ab out it, and is n early ifn ot quite equ ivalen t to ‘the mon astery ; so also illacongregatio 1 1 8 1. Thi s is already a Defin ite Article .

Perhaps this will be the right place for a peculiaruse of the Conjun ction gaatinns z in order that, 1 76 t ,406m and see sive

,sea in the Glossary.

Of peculiar in terest is the pluperfect subjunctive,when put where classic Latin ity used the imperfect or

perfect subjun ctive . Thus curavi atfacilins p otn issent

(possen t) 83 h ; si gnis scire desiderat gnare danc donam

dedissem (dederim) 1 0 1 m ; rogavernn t dominnm al batem

at dedisset (daret) 406 l . The in terest of such ex amplesis enhan ced by the fact that this pluperfect subjun ctivewas the selected on e of several forms of preterital sub

jun ctive which survived through the tran sition and was

con tinued in the younger vernaculars ; thus in the verb

g 2


ease,the French subjun ctive of the past ten se is n ot

from 688 625 orfuem’

t, b ut from faisset, i. e.fi t


In matter of Syn tax our early period is characteriz edby an Accusative Ab solute : manen tem flame dcnation is

ckartulam in ma n ifiilominusfirmitate 8 1,14 h, 33 m .

To the early period b elongs also a tenden cy to in troduce poetic caden ces : super etfiem regnans in sedibus

altis ima ct alta omnia ma dicione gubernans 1 33 h ; or

hero ic collocation s : in lesus atgue vitalis sp iritus in cor


li came infiereat 1 76 t ; to which we may add the

elab orate rhyming COlOphOIl , 2 83 1.

Yet,mingled with all this an tique or rustic oddity,

we see the little b egin n ings and crude efforts of the

Renascen ce which reaches n ot to maturity, n or coversthe whole composition ,

un til late in the ten th cen tury,

and hardly even then . Among such I suppose we

must reckon those prepositional compoun ds in whichthe prefix is studiously reclaimed (Tacitus-like) from the

ob scurity of assimilation ; conm ens (corruen s) 1 75 b ;

inrigu z’

s (irrigui s) 1 76m , 1 8 1 m ; inmzmem (immun em)209 1.

W ith the progress of the Latin revival is mix edalso an amb ition of Greek, and we witn ess some rather

grotesque affectation s in the strain after eruditionthus fastidiosam melancoliae nausz

am abominando

p erépsema guisguz’


amm abjiciens 1 69 b ; cosmi sotfier 1 891 ;anivemis sopfiz


w stadium intento mantis conamine sedulo

rimantiéus 209 h.

Here we fix the b eginn ing of that period in whichthe Latin may with propriety be called monastic. ’

The Latin of the time b efore the ten th cen tury and

1 Cornwall Lewis, Romance Languages, pp. 1 88,19 1 .


On this groun d such an in congruous phrase as cou

demuaturumfore 407 m ,might suggest suspicion , b ut in

that place it seems probab le that it is an hon est b lun der.

S ometimes the Latin is ex pressed with an Englishsyn tax , as : cum [tie testibus gut eorum uomz



p tu tigueseuut 62 h ; sewagiuta eotidorum urgeuti 3 1 5 1 ;


ue p ersouie t ome (where [Jerem ie stan ds for a

gen itive case,and the origin al pattern is amigee h ides

man ) I 3 2 m , 3 14 h ; a n ew turn is given to the phrase,3 1 8 t ; and to these we may add the familiar b en edictory phrase, fiateut et beue utatur 3 1 9m ; fetz




in diebue eorump egfrueu/tum 1 32 m . Cf. Beow. 1 045 , 2 8 1 2 .

2 . Of t/Ee Eugtz’

elz in tfieee documents.

The gen eral rule is that the con veying portion is

in Latin , while the description of the b oundaries is

in English . But with the progress of time thereis an in crease in the proportion of Sax on to Latin .

The oldest deeds are in deed all in Latin,or have

just a n ame and perhaps two or three peculiar wordsin English ; towards the end of the period we geten tire deeds in English . An d, as to the form of the

n ative language, if we confin e ourselves to genuineoriginals, or to tran scripts made w ithin the Sax on

period, we find two chief types of the old vern acularEnglish . These are the Ken tish and the W est Sax on .

The early M ercian specimen s are in Ken tish , as b eingthe stan dard dialect of the time. W e fin d n othing thatcan b e called N orthumb rian . Almost all the tran saction s b elong to the south , and rarely have any relationto lan d n orth of the Humb er. There is in deed K25 ,in which Ecgfrid of N orthumb ria en dows Cuthb erht

and his successors with Crayke and Carlisle ; b ut this

piece is an ill-disguised adaptation of a paragraph in

Beda H. E . IV. 2 8 , with the help of some other authoritywhich is reflected in S imcon ofDurham . i . 9 .

The n orthern archives were ex posed to two destructive epochs, first , the Dan ish ravages of the n in thcen tury,

and then the harrying of the N orth byW illiamin the eleven th. The on ly relics

,or rather traces, that

have yet b een recovered,of n orthern diplomacy, must

b e sought in that low stage of degen eracy which is

represen ted by our Group XV.

On page 1 02 and following pages may b e seen threewritings in the Ken tish dialect, the first of whi ch is

furn ished with a tran slation . I here add a tran slationofthe san ction which is appen ded to the third , 1 06 1I , Luba, the humb le han dmaid ofGod, appoin t and

estab lish these foresaid b en efaction s and alms from myheritab le lan d at M undlingham to the b rethren at

Christ Church ; and I en treat , and in the n ame of the

living God I comman d, the man who may have thi slan d and this inheritan ce at Mundlingham,

that hecon tinue these b en efaction s to the world’

s end. The

man who wil l keep and discharge this that I havecomman ded in thi s writing , to him b e given an d keptthe heaven ly b lessing ; he who hinders or n eglects it ,to him b e g iven and kept the pun ishmen t of hell


un less he will repen t with full amends to God and tomen . Fare ye well .

W e may recogn iz e traces of Ken tish as late as A .D.

934 (1 7 1 f) , in the to and tell for Matt .The west Sax on prose falls in to two periods, repre

sen ted by the names ofAlfred and ZElfric. The Alfredian

prose is the n atural link b etween the old Epic languageand the most mature developmen t that prose attain edb efore the ab rupt termination of its growth by the


N orman Conquest A few characteristics of the Alfredian stage of English will b e useful here. The lateran d b etter kn own language is assumed to b e mostcon ven ien t as a stan dard of comparison .

I . In Case-endings a for e, as, minus lafordus 240 1 ;

mid add (éfBe) 1 64 h.

2 . In the termination of the Plural Preterite -nu for-on


'we ridun we we ewmdan 1 64 t ;

(hi e)forgeafan 1 64 b .

3 . Adjective or Part iciple in con cord with N ounFeminin e, en ds in -u : fiwonne bi

B enyu spcee geendedu

gif=when is any cause en ded if&c.

,1 64 h. The same

form characteriz es the N euter Plural ; menegu We

geflitu ,many di spute ab out succession 145 m .

4. The comb ination sd for st,as , wesdan 1 88m ; wesde

weard 1 88 b .

5 . The peculiar con struction whereby a dual Pron ounof the First Person is jo ined with a Proper Name to

ex press‘I and N ,


‘min e and N’


; as, neatf nuoer

Brentinges z z halfmin e and Bren ting’

s,1 79 m 1 44 mN .

6. There is on e more pecu liarity which I cann otomit. Th is is an old con struction in which verb s of

deprival take a doub le governmen t, n amely the Dativeofthe person deprived and the gen itive to ex press the

privation ; a con struction made famous by Beowulf 5 ,and occurring in prose literature, so far as my ob servation goes, on ly in Alfred

s tran slation s. This con structionis to b e seen b elow, 2 1 2 h ; oftean E tfriee dis tret‘er

tandes and mm he deprived ZElfric his b rother of

lan d and possession s.

These details are n ot on ly of gen eral philologicalin terest ; they have a practical value in documen tarycriticism, especially in cases where we have to do w ith


of men . But it may b e due to a differen t and in deedan opposite cause. It may b e that the very ab sen ce of

professional in fluen ce, of everything that can b e calledrout in e, wou ld favour this vitality of old words and

phrases. S ome of the ex amples of Al fredian English

given ab ove are collected from documen ts many years

later than the time of Alfred . Occasionally theyappear in the m idst of good English of the ripest preeN orman developmen t . This is part and parcel of then ative character of these writings . This occasion alarchaism is pure simplicity and rusticity ; it is a proofthat although a n ew style had sprung up sin ce thefresh revival of Latin studies

, yet the con versation and

correspon den ce ofthe coun try still retain ed much of the

complex ion of an earlier stage. An d these writingshave this peculiarity, that they are nu-b ookish, thatthey are full of the ton e of con versation or free cor

respon den ce, in short , qu ite easy and un con strain ed.

In particular the W ills have a domestic homely simplicity and sincerity which is cheering and refreshing .

There is n othing formal in them , b ut such as on e

patriarchal frien d might write to an other describ inghow he in ten ded to dispose of his goods, and using theliving words that came to han d . Ex amples 2 1 5 ff.In the documen ts which have b een tran scrib ed, or in

whatever sen se re-written , or even originally composed,after the N orman Con quest, there is foun d a greatvariety of sorts of Anglo-Sax on ,

we might almost say

a grotesque variety.

The first gen eral movemen t which draws our attention is the formation ofChartularies or Registers. These

were b ooks in to which the separate mun imen ts of a

religious house were tran scrib ed and so collected together.

Of these collections the earliest n ow ex tan t, and possib lythe earliest that ever was made, is the W orcesterChartulary, written in the gen eration of the N orman

Conquest, from which specimen s are taken to form our

Group II of S econ dary documen ts .

W ith thi s we may class a b ook which was put

together in the following gen eration , the RochesterChartulary, which forms the subject of Group IV.

It was compiled un der Ern ulf, b ishop of Rochester,1 1 1 5-1 1 2 5 . The gen eral character of these earlyChartularies is hon est tran scription ,

and they are the

b est of their kin d .

Of the stimulus given to the art of fab rication by

the changed condition s of life after the N orman Con

quest,Group III afl

ords a curious ex ample.

The twelfth cen tury offers some remarkab le features .

Ofthe documen ts which were copied or compiled duringthis cen tury, we ob serve two kin ds. In the first sortthe English is left free to its n atural change in the

process of deflex ion iz ation ; and it is with such specimen s that Group V is occupied . Here we come uponthe overlapping ofEnglish an d Latin ; Latin tex ts, as

most affected by N orman lawyers , seem to engross

atten tion ; old writings n ow appear in duplicate, Englishand Latin

,and it is n ot always easy

' to say which of

the two is the original , or whether b oth alike are

products of scholastic ingen u ity. The twelfth cen turywas in our documen tary history a b ilingual age, an age

ofLatin and English 1.

1 When the old n ative language fell in to con tempt, Latin translation swere made of English deeds, and then the ori gin als would sometimes

b e n eglected an d left to perish . The following is from Chron icon

A bbatiw Rameseién sis, edited b y the Rev. W . D. Macray in the Ro lls


Priority ofatten tion to Latin , with a growing n eglectof the mother tongue, was the prevailing tenden cyin the first half of the twelfth cen tury b ut thencame a reaction , perhaps on ly partial and local , ofwhichour best specimen s are in a b ook from W in chester.

Thismovemen t is the subject of Group VI .

Here we see that the studious reviser and compilerof the old n ative mun imen ts has become awake to thesign ifican ce an d characteriz ing value of the an cien t

grammar,and he has b ecome a studen t of Old English

composition , which he pursues as diligen tly as ever hestrove to compose sen ten ces in Latin . Con sequen tlywe ob serve all the token s of a Ren aissan ce of the

Mother tongue. Just that mix ture of crudity and

scrappy splendour which characteriz es the Latin com

position of the tyro is here di splayed in vernacularefforts. This school has n ot in deed ab an don ed the

study of Latin documen ts, b ut their first atten tion is

engaged by the English . It may perhaps b e thatthey seek n ot so much to b e in tell igib le as to b e im

posing —b ut qu ite apart from the desire to produce an

effect upon the in spector, the study has man ifestlyengen dered a real taste for the royal style of the oldlanguage and a sin cere passion to master the charm of

it. M oved though we sometimes are to smile at the

S eries, 1 8 86. The unkn own author speaks much of his lab ours of

tran slation —donaria un iversa fere A nglice scripta inven imus,

inven ta in Latinum idioma tran sferri curavimus, p. 65

—1itterisAnglicis q uas n os in Latinum tran stul imus, p. 1 1 1 ;

—alia dona infiguris Anglicis n eglecta reman serun t , p. 1 1 2 —

q uam de Anglico con

vertimus in Latin um, p. 1 5 1

-de Anglico in Latinum ad posterorurn

n otitiam curavimus tran smutare, p. 1 61 —un iversis itaq ue cartis q uae

in archivis n ostris Anglica barb aric ex arata inven imus, n on sin e

difficultate et taedio in Latinas apices transmutatis, p. 1 76. For these

references I am indeb ted to the kindn ess ofMr . Macray.


the mother tongue, it has gon e far in degen eracyGroup XI and the following groups ex hib it thisdecaden ce in the fourteen th an d fifteen th cen turiesunder varying aspects.

It will b e readily perceived that a great characterof these tex ts is their diversity, and the variety of

materials they offer for in creased kn owledge of English.

S ome words n ot heretofore recogn ised will b e foun d inthe Glo ssary ; particularly I would men tion ro

d a

clearing in the forest , related to the Dutch‘


stub b ing ; see W eigan d vv. Rod, Roden ,Reuten . Here

we have the source of our peculiarly English word forhighway road

,a word which awaited ex planation . Be

sides this n ew and hitherto un n oticed n oun , we find

also the tran sitival verb therefrom , viz . re’

dan to clear

groun d1

. Ano ther word n ot previously un derstood, isZaeu a run n ing stream , the source of the west coun tryZaire in the same sen se, and of our local termination s inJ ake, as in Snip take.

S ome of the o b scurer words suggest in terestingqueries. Thus, is snoc the older form ofour nook ?

1 The verb to reed for to clear out a stab le, is still current in Devonshire. They also talk ofr eeding out a dreng (drain ) . In an Ordn an ce

of the Commission ofSewers for the Fen s (A .D . 161 6) it is ordered thatthe Old Ea “

shall b e roaded an d clean sed to the old b ottome and

an tien t b readth . Wells’

H istory of the B edford Leuel, ii . 45 . I n ow

understan d this roaded,

which I did n ot b efore. Upon this Mr.

P lummer writes : To me as a N orthern er the word to red (so we

pron ounce it) is perfectly familiar Shall I red up the hearth ?

Shall I red up the room l” Where a S outhern er would say do up

or clean up .

” —It has b een argued that the Sax ons were n ot road

makers, on the groun d that they took the Roman name for a road,

street. But so far as language affords eviden ce, they were road-makers,b ecause they enriched the family tongue with a n ew word therean en t ,namely, r oad itself ; n ot found in German , which has on ly the Romanstreet (S t ras se) and the native way (W eg) .

III cx i

Here I had in ten ded to collect the relics of the

British dialects which are sprinkled in parts of thesetex ts

,but by the length to which this In troduction has

already run , I am deterred from Open ing a n ew theme.

' To assist the studen t in reading the ab b reviatedwords I here reprin t Kemb le

s list ofcon traction son orum .

b : b us.

1 uel.

7 and , et.

If autem .

nero .

per , prae, pro .


pro .

ter .

id est .

est .

q,. q . qui , quaa, quod .

0 con .

Os 7 sub con sen si et sub scripsi.

Q sens'

7 sub con sen si et sub scripsi.deum , dei, deo .

diis. diio . etc. dominus,domin o , etc .

a. 11 . am . um .

pi". pi s. phr. presbyter. (prin ceps) .

prm prin ceps.

diaC. diacon us.

Sb diaC sub diaconu s.

arc' diac’ archidiaconus .

ops. e'

pi. episc episcoPus.

arc eplsc. archiepisc0pus .







andlanges wealles, ob n oriSlanan t6 stra’ete j swa eastfram straBte ODdoddinghyrnan ,

ongean b radgeat. S iquis


augere uoluerit han c ipsam don acion em ,augeat

illi dominus dies b on os . Et si praesumpserit min uere aut contradicere, in con spectu dei sit damnatus et

san ctorum eius,hic et in aeterna saecula, n isi emen

dauerit an te eius tran situm quod in ique gessit con traChristian itatem n ostram. Hoc, cum con silio Laurencuepiscopi et omn ium prin cipum meorum

,sign o san ctae

crucis confirmaui,eosque iussi ut mecum idem faceren t .

Amen .

Add it . Chart . 1 9 , 7 8 8 . A .D . 6 7 4 ?

B . iv . 1 .

W u l fh e r e

king of the Mercian s, conveys to Berhferth a relative 5

Manentes in perpetuity, at Dilingtun . He had received forthe land thirty man cuses of pure gold. The date DCXXII I I

b eing inapplicab le, I have adopted Mr . Bond’

s correction ,

which by supplying one letter makes DCLXXIIII the lastyear but on e ofWulfhere

s reign .

Q REGNANTE in perpetuum Domin o Deo uiuo et uero

sin e fine u llo in aeternum ,cuncta tempora lab entis

seculi in uelocitate deficiun t adque ad in star umb re

meridian o tranando decidan t, et cotidie uolendo n o lendoque de hoc seculo lab imur. Ideo magn Opere cogitandum est ut cum caducis et temporalib us reb us aeterna

premia comparare ualeamus in coelis ; memor illin s exempli de quo Domin us dix it : S icut aqua ex tinguit

ign em ita elemosina ex tinguit peccatum . Ob quamcausam ego Wulfhere rex M ercen tium gen tis pro amoreomn ipotentis Dei ct illins fidelis min istri b eati Petri


apostoli , et quia in euangelio dictum est Dilige prox imum tuum tamquam temet ipsum,

et reliq ua : ideo cumconsen su et licen tia amicorum mccrum et Optimatum

meorum dab o BerhferOe propinqus meuS aliquam partemagri in hereditatem perpetuam, id est V man en tes


ub i ruricoli n ominan tur Dilingtun ,cum campis et S iluis

et omn ib us uten silibus reb us ad isto agro pertin en te ;aeternaliter ac perseuerab iliter possideat ab endi vel dandicuicumq ne eligere uoluerit . Hoc agram lib eratum est

cum x x x mancusis cocti auri, et semper lib er permaneatomn ib us hab en tib us, ab omn ibus duris secularibus n otiset ign otis, praeter arcem atque pon tem ac uulgare militiam . S i quis uero quod n on ob tamus [hoe in aliquo]frangere uel min uere temptauerit seiat se anathematum

ab omn ipoten ti orum n isi hic cum satisfacion e

dign e Deo et homin ib us emenda[verit] [ha]n cmeam donation em sign o cruci s x rr perscrib ere iussi

ege suisque ptipien tib us perscripsi . >X< W ita ep .

>X< Totta ep. >X< Ofa prin ceps. >X< Eadb riht princeps .

>X< Tepra prm . >X< Cyn red prifi . >1< Eadbald mi n

44 Hearnb riht mm i n Eada >X< EOppa >I< Ofa 44 Actaest autem haec donat’ afi ab incarnat’ Dfii DCXXIIII .

Haec sun t confin ia istius ruris —aerest andlong dilingb roces 15 hI n to leofn es 15 b e suiSan pab roceXXX acera 13 eft to pa b roce andlong b roces 15 on

an dlong b roces to harm ealdan straete up andlong

straete b e halh 13 west on bon e feld up

rihte i prim gemaerum andlong heges to ald

lhe rifllan b e fifacerum in Ca lacu andlong haerelace n orpmestan fenn es in b rocces b rOc 15

eft in dili[ng b roc]E ndorsed i n a hand of the 1 0th cen t.

‘dillingtun .

’B .


C . C . C . Camb . cx i . 5 9 . 6 NOV. 6 7 6 .

K 12 .

O sr i c

king of the HWiccaS , gives land b eside Bath for a monasteryof nuns. The place had b een distinguished as a seat of

heathen ido latry, and therefore the more to b e selected fora Christian foundation . Osric had b een converted by Oftfor(Beda iv. and had founded the Sec ofW orcester .

This documen t is on ly preserved in a Register b ook b ut

Mr . Kemb le passed it W ithout challenge. Mr. ,Thorpe (Dipl.

p . x x ) Spoke of it as a charter ‘the genuin eness of which

there appears n o reason to question ’

; and as perhaps the

earliest unden iab le in stan ce of reckon ing by the year Ann oDomin i . The deed of Wulfhere (ab ove) was unknown to

Mr. Thorpe.

we c minis qui aniacmt tinitati Batter.

44 REGNANTE ac gub ernan te regimon ia regn i Osriciregis, an n o recapitulation is Dion isu ,

id est ab In car

natiOn e domin i n ostri Iesu Christi, sex cen tesimo sep

tuagesimo sex to,indiction e quarta, men se N ouemb rio ,

VI II° . idus n ouemb ris . Cum n ob is euangelica et apostolica dogmata post b aptismi sacramen tum

,deo suffra

gan te , fuissen t delata, et omn ia simulachrorum figmenta

ridiculosa funditus diruta, turn primitus ad augmen

tum catholice et orthodox e fidei pon tificalem dumtax at

cathedram erigen tes, iux ta sin odalia decreta con struere

censuimus. At uero n un c cum gratia superna longelateque profusius en itesceret, cen ob ialia etiam locasparsim uirorum sparsimque u irginum deo famulan tium


erigenda statuimus,ut ub i truculen tas et n efandus prius

draco errorum deception ib us seruiebat, N un c n ersa n iceecclesiasticus ordo in clero conuersan tium domin o patro


C o tt . Aug. ii . 2 . M ay , 6 7 9 .

K 16 . B . i . 1 .

H l o dh ar iking ofCantware, gran ts to Bercuald, ab b ot, land in Than et,and in Sturry. Has Sturry Court, the remain s ofwhich are

n ear Sturry church, had any historical con n ection with thisproperty ? The di ction is an illiterate Latin ; n ot as if learn tby grammar and at school. Besides intern al eviden ce, theoriginality of the documen t is attested by the uncial and

doub tless contemporary penman ship. A rigorous criticismmight con sider this as the earliest of our genuin e charters .

But at this rate we Should have to give up all the charters

ofthe Seventh cen tury, ex cept this and on e other . For there

are but two of them t hat are ab solute Originals.

{4 IN ii d n ostri saluatoris ihu Xpl ego hlotharius

rex can tuariorum pro remedium an imae meae don o terram in ten id que appellatur uuestan ae tib i b ercuald.

tuoque monasterio cum omn ib : ad se pertin en tib us campis

pascais meriscis S iluis modicis fonn is piscaris omn ib usut dictum est ad candem terram pertin en tia sicuti n un c

u sq : possessa est iux ta n otissimos termin os ame demon s

stratus et proacuratoribus meis eodem modo tib i tuoquemonasterio conferimus ten eas possideas tu posterique

tui 'in perpetuum defen dan t a n u llo con tradicitur cum

con sen su archiepiscopi theodori et edrico filium fratris

mei n ec n on et omn ium prin cipum sicuti tib i donataest ita ten e et posteri tui z—quisquis con tra han c donationS uen ire temptauerit sit ab omn i x pian itata separataset a corpore et sanguin i diii n ostri ihu Xpl suspen sus

man en tem han c donation is chartulam in sua n ihilominus

firmitate et pro confirmatione eius manu propria signumsce crucis ex praessr et testes ut sub scrib eren t rogaui .

actnm in ciuitate recuulf. in mense maio in d septimaIn ipsa an tememorato die adiunx i aliam terram in sturiaiux ta notissimos termin os a me demon stratus et pro


acuratorib us meis cum campis et siluis et pratis sicuti

an te memorab imus supradictam terram . ita ista sit a

me donata eodem modo cum omn ib us ad se pertin en tiain potestate ab b

Sit in perpetuum a me donata a

n ullo con tradicitur quod ab sit n eque a me n eque a

paren tib us meis n eque ab aliis . si aliquie aliter fecerita do Se damnatum sciat et in die iudicii ration emreddet do in an ima sua

>I< signum manus hlothari regis donatoris.

signum manus gum bercti.

>X< signum manus geb redi.

>X< sign um man us o sfridi.>I< signum man us irminredi.

Signum manus aedilmaeri .

Signum man us hagan i.signum man us aeldredi.

Signum man us aldhodi.

S ignum man us gudhardi.

>I< S ignum man us b ernhardi .>I< sign um man us uelhisci.


In Beda v . 8 we read that Berctuald who was Ab bot ofReculversucceeded Theodorus as Abp . Can t. in 693 and Smith identifies himwith the Bercuald of this deed.

Dodl . W ood . 1. 14 9 (collated ) . 6 Ju ly , 6 8 0.

11 19 .

H ead d i

b ishop ofW in chester, grants land to Hengils ab b ot of Glastonb ury. Kemb le admits this charter to b e sub stantiallygenu in e, n otwithstanding an error of the indiction

,which is

n ot ofmuch accoun t in a modern copy. Haddan and S tub b s

regard this as the n ew or Sax on foundation of the ab b ey of

Glastonbury, the territory ofwhich had recently been taken


from the Briton s. The first name in the roll ofGlastonburyab b ots was Hengils or Hemgils. H& S . iii. 1 64.

REGNANTE ac gub ernan te n os domin o n ostro IesuChristo ! men se Iulio

, pridie n onas,Indiction e quin ta,

ann o in carnation is eiusdem DcLx x x . N ichil in tulimus

in hunc mun dum,asrum n ec auferre possumus ; ideo

terren is celestia et caducis eterna comparanda sun t .Q ua propter ego Eddi episcOpus terrarn que dicitur

Lan tocal,tres cassatos, Heglisco abb ati lib enter largior

n ecn on terram in alio loco,duas man en tes

,hoc est in

in sula qui girum cingitur hinc atque illin c pallade, cuiusuocab ulum est Ferramere . B en ique solerter peto , ut

n ullus post ob itum n ostrum hoc donatiuum in irritum

facere presumat. S iquis uero id temptauerit, sciat Se

Christo ration em redditurum .

>X< Ego Eddi episcopus sub scripsi.

Au l . T rin . f. 3 8 . Jun e , 6 8 6 .

(H arl . 6 8 6 . f.

K 2 7 .

E ad r i c

king of Can tware, grants for an adequate price, namely tenpounds of silver

, certain land of his right to the monasteryof St. Peter at Canterb ury (St . Augustine

s) . The gran t iswitn essed by Abp. Theodore.

IN n omine saluatoris, cuius pietate 1 regimen assequti

sumus, quo eciam gub ernan te regnamus, et omn ia quaehab ere cogn oscimur ipso largien te hab ita possidemus !

Pro qua re ego Eadricus rex Cantuariorum, a praesen tidie et tempore, terram iuris mei, quamuis praetium com

peten s acceperim,hoc est argen ti lib ras decem ,


monasterio beati Petri apostolorum principis quod situm

est iux ta ciuitatem Dorouernis, una cum con sen su me


Harl . 4660, fo l . 1 . A .D . 6 9 1 or 6 9 2 .

K 3 2 .

E th e l r ed o f M er c i a

gran ts 30 cassati at Hen b ury and Aust to the church at

W orcester . For the prob ab le identity ofwt Austin with the

Augu stinws do ofBeda ii . 2 , see Haddan and'

Stub b s,vol. iii.

p. 40 ,n ote b .

44 APOSTOLUS Paulus de ex tremo iudicio man ifestis

sime loquen s ita dix it omnes en im Stab imus ante trib unal xpi ut recipiat unusquisque prout gessit S iue b onuS iue malfi etiam ipse diis in enang suo man ifestat

dicen s Ib un t impn in suppliclu aeternum in sti autem in

u ita' aeternam Hoc san e tremendii et terrib ile di omn i

poten tis iudicm omn ib us est n ob is perhorrescendii . Q ua

propter ego E thelred x po donan te rex M ercen sm pro

ab solution e crImIn u meoru et pro amore (ii u iuentis

terram qui uetusto uocab ulo nun cupatur Heanb urg et in

alio loco set Austin hoc est circiter in illis duob ’ locisXXX . cassatorum Oftforo meo uen erab ili episc . in prOpriam

possession em tradidi ad i115, ecci ia'

. b eati Petri prln CIPl Sapost . quae sita est in Uueogorn a ciuitate ci


I an tiquis

confin iis et captura pi sclu et cum omn ib’


campo 1 in silua 1 in fiumin e ad se rite pertinen tib’ illi

pfruan tur in aeuu ; similiter etiam ab secu

larib us omn ibus seruitutib’

leuis sin t in

ppetuum lib erati n isi tan tu et ex pedition e

con tra hostes ii S'

f. seruan tib us minuen tibus

uero 1 con sempiterna. amen .

>X< Ego aethilred rex pprifi'

. donation é’

corrob oran s,

titulo scae crucis sub scripsi.

>X< Ego headda ep'

is con sen . 7 sub s.

$4 Ego oftfor epl sc donation é quam a rege [accepi]propria manu conn o taui .


{4 Ego torhtuuald con sen . 7 sub .

Ego eaduuald con sen . 7 sub .

Ego cille con sen . 7 sub .

Ego osfrith con sen . 7 sub .

Ego ecgfrith con sen . 7 sub .

Ego tuddul consen . 7 sub .

Ego guthlac con sen . 7 sub .

Ego sigiuuald con sen . 7 sub .

[Ego folchere] con sen . 7 sub .

[Ego b erhttred] con een . 7 sub .

M S . C o tt. Aug . ii . 2 9 . M arch , 6 9 2 or 6 9 3 .

M S . C o tt .Vesp . A . ix . 141 .

K 3 5 . B . i . 2 .

0 6 t h i 1r ed

a relative of Seb b i king of the East Sax on s, grants land on

the n orth b ank of the Thames to Ethilb urg, ab b ess of Bed

danham. This is from an Original in un cials, and a specimen

ofthe writing was given b y Kemb le . Besides king Seb b i andthe don or

,it is signed by Erconwald b p . London

, W ilfrid bp.

York, and Haedde b p. Win chester . This is the other of the

two ab solute Originals Spoken ofunder May 679 .

>X< IN n omine a . ii. Ihu . Xpl . saluatoris. Quotiensscrs ac uen erab ilib : locis uestris A liqu id offerre uidemur

Hestra n ob is reddimus n on n ostra largimur. Q ua

propter ego Ho[di]lredus paren s seb b i prou in cia Eastsex an orum Cum ipsius con sen su propria uolun tate

Sana men te in tegroq : con silio Tib i hedilb urge ab b atissaeAd augmen tum monasteru tui quae dicitur b eddan haam

perpetualiter trado et de meo iure in tuo tran sscrib o

terram Quae appellatur ricingahaam b udinhaam deccanhaam angen lab eshaam Et campo in silua quae dicituruuidmundesfelt Quae S imul sun t con iuncta XL. manen


tium usq : ad términ os quae ad eum pertinen t Cumomn ib : ad se pertinentib : Cum campis siluis '

pratis et

marisco U t tam tu quam posteri tui teneatis possideatisEt quaecumq : uolueris de eadem facere terra lib eramhab eatis potestatem Actnm men se martio et testesconpeten ti n umero ut sub scrib eren t rogan i S i quis con trahan c donation is kartulam uen ire temptauerit aut cor

rumpere An te omn ipoten tem dfii et ihm x pm filium

eius et Sbm sEm Id est in separab ilem trin itatem S ciat

se condemn atum et separatum ab omn i societate x p'


M[anen tem] han c kartulam donation is in sua n ihilominus firmitate et ut firma et incon cussum sit donumtermin i sunt autem isti huius taerre cum quib : accingitab orien te writolab urna ab aqu ilon e centin ces triow and

hanchemstede ab australe flumen tamisa S i quis autemhan c donation em augere uoluerit augeat dS

b ona sua in

region e uiuorum cum sc1s S ll lS sme fine amen

£4 Ego seb b i rex eastsai‘

r pro confirmation e sub scripsi.

Ego oedelraedus donator sub scripsi . >X< Ego ercnuual

dus episccpus con sensi et sub scripsi . Ego uuilfridus

epiS’ con sens et sub sp. >X< Ego haedde ep



s con sii et Sb .

Ego guda p? et ab b as con sen tien s subS’

. >X< Ego egc

baldus p°


et ab con seii et sub'



>X< Ego hagona p'

f et ab b con s et sub'



>X< Ego hoco pr et ab b con S’

et sub'



S ig »1<num manus seb b i regis .

S ig >1<n um man us sigiheardi regis .

S ig >1<num man us sueb redi regis .

E ndorsed in con temp oraneous hands, De terra qua donauit

Odilredus .

’XL . manentium karta de con and in a later

but ear ly hand, pis is seo b oc to b ercingon .—Thefo llowing memoranda

also occur, Exhib a



Berk 601" J . de Colet iiij n on Marcii Ann o di’iiRegestfi


in regio regest’

fandfii 1 535 . J. Rhesen RegestS’

. B .


under Mercian supremacy, and the licence of .ZEdelred is

ob tain ed. But it is Coenred (n ot fEdelred) who sign s as

o verlord. This seeming in congruity led Wan ley, p. 2 62 ,

7 7 , to condemn thi s documen t as Carta ut videtur fictitia,

etsi valde an tiqua ’

b ut the suspicion turn s to confirmationwhen we con sider Beda V. 2 4, where we read that .z


after ruling for thirty-on e years, b ecame a monk in 704, and

gave the kingdom to Coen red.

>I< IN n omin e a a ihu x p1 saluatoris Q uamuis

Solus sermo sufiiceret ad testimon ium attamen p can tellafuturorum temporum n e quis forte posterum fraudulen

tam ign oran tiae piaculum perperam in currat idcirco

scedulis saltim uilib : p ampliore firmitatis supplimen ton ecessarium reor adn ectere Q uapmpter ego sueab raed

rex eastsax on orfi et ego paeogthath cum licen tia cedel

redi regis comis aliquan tulum agri partem pro remedioan imarum n


farum uualdhario epISc in domin io donaredecreuimus id-z XXX. cassatorum in 1060 qui dicitur

tuican horn incpuin cia quae nun cupatur middelseax an

Haec autem terra his locorum limitib : designatur ab

orien te et austro fiumin e tamisas termin ata a septemtrion e plaga torren te Cuius uocab ulum fiscesb urna

Possession em autem b aius terrae taliter ut supradix imus

Cum campis sationalib : pascualib : pratis palludib : piscuariis flumin ib : Clusuris omn ib : quae ad eam pertin entib us in domin io supra dicti epS

c possidendam

ppetuale iure tradidimus et lib era habeat pomstammagendi quodcumq : uoluerit porro ut firmior huin s donation is largitio iugiter seruaretur etiam testes adiunx imusquorum n omina sub ter ten en tur in serta S i quis nerosuccessorum n rorum han c donation is n


fae mun ificen tiii

augere et amplificare maluerit auget dfis partem eiusin lib ro uitse S i quis e diuerso quod ab sit tyrann ica

potestate fretus infringere temptauerit sciat se an te tri





b unal x'

pi tremib undum ration em redditurum Man eatq

n ilhominus in sua firmitate haec kartala scripta An n o abin carnation e dhi a D

_CC .I III .



d1c II . tertia decima diemen sis iun u quod id iun ii .

>X< Ego coen redus rex merc hanc terram waldhario


c pro remedio an ime mess in domin io donare decreuiin loco qui dicitur tuiccanham et lib en ti an imo ppriamanu crucé infix i .

44 ego ciolred mer'


han c donation em quam an tedonauit ppin quus meus coen raedus rex 7 ego confirmaui

in loco arcen cale et Sig sce crucis ex pressi .

ego headda eps con sen si et sub scripsi{4 ego cotta ab con . et sub

44 ego sueb raedus rex eastsax on u propria m .

44 ego peohthat Sig m5. inposui

ego friodored Sig fii

coenheard S lg m

44 cudraed Sig 111

( 4 uilloc Sig iii 44 aelric S lg m {4 sceftwine Slg

>X< eadred S lg 44 lulla S lg In 44 wulfhat Sig>I< cymmI S lg 44 cyn rlc S lg m 44 tudun a S lg

pagara mg 44 eadberht S lg

E ndorsed by a con temp oraneous hand, Tuicanham ;’and by a

hand of the 1 2 th cen tury, Sueb red Rex dedi t tuickenham Waldhario

episcopo . Latine.

’B .

C o tt. A ug . ii . 8 8 . Jul y , 700 or 7 15 .

K 4 7 . B . i . 4 .

U u i h t r aed

king of Can tware, gran ts land to the church (basilica) at

Lyminge, Kent. The don or signs with the cross b ecause ofhisign oran ce of letters . The alternative dates are Mr . Kemb le


Mr. Bond follows him,but with the remark

,that in Gervase



ofCanterbury the gran t is referred to 693 . All these yearsfall within the reign ofWihtred.

44 IN n omin e d'

Ii i di'

n ostri ihu x ii i . Ego uuihtredus

rex can tuariorum prouiden s mihi in futuro decreui darealiquid omn ia mihi donan ti et con silio accepto b on umuisum est conferre b asilicae b eatae mariae gen etricis diquae sita est in loco qui dicitur limingae terram 1111

aratrorum quae dicitur pleghelmestun cum omn ib : ad

eandem terram pertinen tib : iux ta n otissimos termin os

id est beg lfi g et meguuin es paed et Stretleg terrulae

quoq : partem eiusdem di gen etrici b eatae mariae S im iliter in perpetuum possidendam perdon o cuius uocab ulum est rumin ingseta ad pastum uidelicet on ium tre

cen torum ad australé quippe fiumin is quae appellatur

liminaea termin os n ero huin s terrulae ideo n on pon imus

quon iam ab accolis undiq : certi sun t . Quam don ation emmeam uolo firmam esse [in ] perpetuum ut n ec ego Seu

heredes mei aliquid inmin uere praesuman t . Quod Si alitertemptatum fuerit a qualib et persona sub an athematis

interdiction e sciat se praeuaricari ad cuius confirma

tion em pro ign oran tia litterarum 44 sign um scae crucisex pressi et testes idon eos ut sub scrib eren t


rogaui id est

b erhtuualdum archiepiS’

c. uirum uen erab ilé’


44 Ego b erhtuualdus epi sc rogat[us] con sen si et subscrIpSI .

44 S ignum man us uuihtredi regis 44 S ignum ma

n us aethilb urgae reginae44 S ignum manus enfridi. 44 S ignum manus aedil

fridi. 44 S ignum manus hagana

44 S ignum manus b otta. 44 S ignum manus b ern

haerdi 44 S ign um manus theab ul

44 S ignum manus frodi 44 S ignum manus aehcha

44 S ignum manus aesica.


44 Han c autem libertatem ego Aethelb aldus,

Merciorum,sign o san ctae crucis confirmabo. 4

Eguuin us episccpus. 4 Ego Uuilfridus dux . 44

Aetheluuard dux . 4 Ego S tronglic dux . 4 Ego

b erhtus min ister. 4 Ego Eadb erht min ister. 44

Oba min ister. 4 Ego Eaduulfmin ister.

A .D . 7 18 .

E t h e l b al d

king of the Mercian s, grants to Begia S ix cassati of land fora monastery at Daylesford in V


4 EGO Aethelb ald,dIuIna dispen san te gratia Mer

cen sium rex , terram sex cassatorum , iux ta fluuium,cu i

n omen est Bladaen, prope uadum

, cui uocab ulum est

Daeglesford, pro redemptione an imae meae,serno dei,

quem uocan t Begia, in possession em iuris ecclesiasticilib ertatisque tradidi ; ita ut in ea monasterium con

strueretur et seruorum dei hab itaculum fieret ea tamen

condi tione in omn ibus reb us donaho illi n oti et ign otis 1

regis S iue prin cipis, lib era perman eat in'

sempiternum .

S i quis autem han c donation em meam uiolare tempta

uerit, sciat se in tremen do ex tremi iudicii dei ex amineration em deo redditurum .

4 Ego Aethelb aldus rex propriam meam donation em

con sen si et sub scripsi . 4 Ego Uuilfrithus episcopus

con sen si. 4 Ego Eadb erht con sen si . 4 Ego Aethelri c

con sen si . 4 Ego Cyneric con sen si . 4 Ego Aelfraed

con sen si . 4 Ego S igeb ed con sen si . 4 Ego Osraed

con sen si.Acta est autem hec donatio , an n o In carnation is Christi

DCCXVIII . Indiction e x .

1 Mr. Kemb le proposed to correct thus Ea tamen conditione donaho

illi, ut in omn ibus reb us, notis et ignotis, &c.


B odl . W'

o od . i . 201 (collated) . 20 Jul y , 7 23 .

K 7 1 .

king ofthe Sax on s, gives ten cassati of land to ab b otHemgisl.

Kemb le ob serves that this charter can n ot be of the in scrib eddate 663 , b ut may well b e of 7 2 3 .

‘It b ears marks of

authen ticity, b ut the year of the In carnation has b een in terpolated, an d falsely calculated from the Indiction .

4 IN n omin e dei patris omn ipoten tis ! An n o in carnation is saluatoris human i gen eris DCLXIII . Indiction e

sex ta XII I°

. kalendas Augusti scripta est haec pagina

priuilegii . Ego In i rex Sax on um , pro remedio an ime

mee aliquam partem terre don an s impen do , id est

decem cassatos,Hengisli ab b ati

, cum pon tificis n ostricon silio , con sen tiente Baldredo qui hanc terram do

nan it ei per petition em S ergheris per me donatio hecimperpetuii sit confirmata ut n ullus infringere audeat .

Terra autem hec sita est in mon te et circa mon tem

qui dicitur Brente ; hab en s ab occiden te Sab rind, ab

aquilon em Ax am,ab orien te Termic, ab austro S iger.

S iquis n ero cupiditate in lectus uoluerit irritam facere

han c donation em,sciat se ration em domin o redditurum .

4 Ego Heddi episcopus con sen tien s propriis man ib us

sub scripsi .

Hec en im sunt n omina testium sub rogatorum pos

terioris temporis, pro maioris mun imin e firmamen ti .

4 Ego Baldredus rex . 4 Ego Athelbaldus rex .

4 Ego Hereuualdus speculator eccli‘

é dei , cum multisaliis. Isti prefati, n e sequen tiii rapacitas praece

den tium irrumperet in stituta, hiis uerb is inhib ition em

indidisse uiden tur. S iquis autem quouis dein ceps tem

pore hoc infringere, tot n ob ilitatis gradib us rob oratum , psumeret ius, sit a consortio b en e merentii



anathema, rapaciumq, collegio adplicitus temeritatis sue

commissa luat, sub diris den tib us salamandri,cerb eriq,

rictib us reatum ex soluat proprium sin e fine semper

moeren s . S iquis nero b en iuola in ten tion e potius praedutus haec ex acta decern it

, possideat b ona sempitern acum b en e meren tib us.

Rubri cated, Carta Regis Inc (16 Brente .

’ -The margin hasBRENTE in large illuminated capitals.

Chart . Dec . 87. Cap . Ci cestr . A .D . 7 25 .

R eg . B . x vi ii . 5 . ib id .

K 1000 .

N u n n a

king of the South Sax on s, grants land to Eadb erht (the first

bp. S elsey, Beda V. I 8 ) —Stated as 2 0 trib utarii in the b odyofthe deed, b ut in the endorsemen t 2 0 hides. K emb le

s tex t,

here reproduced, was made from a mutilated origin al at

Chichester, the lacunae b eing partly supplied from BishopReed

s Register there.

[4 REGNANTE perenn itus deo ac domin o n ]'


o ihu x Po

simulq : spIu sco par[aclit]o in trib : peon is un a deitassin e fin[e perman sura. Q ua de re un icuique cogitandum

quan tum S ib i sufjficiat possessio ut cii reb :~ tran sitoriis

lab entib usq : Sib i aeterna pre[paret praemia quod huin su itae praesen tis q uib usque n olen tib us] 1 uolentib : adppinquat termin us . Q uamob rem ego n un na rex a[ustraliumSax on um aliquas telluris partes pro amore dei et coeles]tis

patriae uenerando ep’


o eadb erhto in suii st in (i i seruitifi

lib erato [assen su sacculari aeternaliter con scribo et fir

miter ad] episcopale'

sedem adtingens cfi totis ad es’


<ptinen tib in campis in siluis [mon tan is pascuis piscarus

terra quae uocitatur] hugab eorgii et set den e .x x . tributarios lib en ti an imo attrib uo . S i quis au[tem success

orum meorum quod ab sit han c donationem] mea in


meae largitus sum terram quae dicitur Aactun e, trium

man en tium, Bucan comiti meo ; firmiter possidendam

b en ign issime trado , con tra eius pecun iam . Ita largitus

sum terram han c prefato comiti meo,ut perpetuum S it

hab itaculum seruorum dei,diuina suffragan te gratia,

sollicite in so seruetur. Han c autem donation em S i

quis tiran n ica potestate infringere uoluerit,sciat illum

in ex amin e deo ration em redditurum .

4 Ego Aethilbald rex M ercen sium propria manu

S ignum crucis impressi . 4 ego Uuor episcopus con

sen si . 4 ego Torthere episcopus con sen si . 4 ego

Tida con sen si . 4 ego Osfrid con sen si . 4 ego Aethil

mod con sen si . 4 ego Puda con sen si . 4 ego Uuil

b roth con sen si . 4 ego Eadb erht con sen si . 4 ego

Uuilfrat con sen si . 4 ego Oua con sen si . 4 ego Tu

n ualud con sen si . 4’

ego Peot con sen si . 4 ego Teol

con sen si . 4 ego Theodor con sen si.Actnm autem hoc mcae concession is don um ann o

domin icae in carnation is DCCXVII 1 . indiction is x .

1 The date 7 1 7 is erroneous, and is n ot on ly refuted by the Indiction ,

b ut b y the date of Un or, on e of the witnesses . On the other b and, 7 2 7agrees with the Indi ction , and is con sisten t with the dates of Unor and

Torb here.

’ K .

C ott . Aug . ii ; 9 1 . 20 Feb . 7 3 2 .

K 7 7 . B . i . 6 .

.ZE t h i l b er h t

king ofKen t, the second of that name, grants to the ab b otDun land used for salt-works n ear the L imen . The form

is almost that of an epistle addressed by the grantor to thegran tee. A specimen of the writing is given in the Codex

Diplomaticus, and the whole piece is facsimiled in the BritishMuseum Series .

4 IN n omine dili d'


saluatoris ui Ihu x pi . Est ter

rula quaedam id quarta pars aratri un ius iux ta limi


naoe sali coquendo accommoda quam ego aethilb erhtus

rex can tuariorum dudum praestiteram an tecessori tuohymoran et tn 0 ab b a praesbyter dun iam per

tempora plura me an n uen te eadem usus es praesta

tion e. Han c ipsam ego n un c terrulam iuris mei n on

p pecun ia aliqua saeculari sed p remedio tan tum an i

mae meae tib i et ecclesiae b eatae mariae cui tua prae

est sollicitudo ita trib uo et don o ut a praesen ti die et

tempore uestrae sit potestatis eam semper hab ere ac

possidere qualiter n ob is placuerit . E t ius regium in

ca deinceps n ullum repperiatur omn in o Ex cepto dumtax at tale quale gen erale est in un iuersis ecclesiasticis

terris quae in hac can tia esse n oscun tur. Et ut iugiter


suam haec ipsa mea donatio hab eat sub ter

hic signum soac crucis ex [praessi] testesq : illius ut

sub scrib an t petam.

[Actnm est] die uicesima feb ruaru men sis ann oregn i n ostri septimo . Indic[tion e q]uinta decima

dorouern i

Et in super ego aethilb erhtus rex addidi huic donation i quam p remedio an imae meae dedi in omn i ann ocen tumXX

plaustra on usta de ligu is ad coquen dum sal.

Item dedi ei cen tum iugera eiusdem ruris in loco quidicitur sandtun termin i n ero terrae illius hec sun tab orien te terra regis ab au stro fiuuius qui dicitur

limenaee ab occiden te et in septen trion e hudan fieot .

4 signum soac crucis qd scripsit aethilb erhtus rex

atq : donator.

4 Ego tatuuinus epl sc ad petition é’


regis sub scripsi.

4 Ego alb in us ab b as iub en te piissimo rege aethil

b erhto sub scripsi .

44 signum manus b althhaeardi .


4 signum manus byn nan .

4 signum man us aean b erhti.4 signum man us aethiliaeardi.

E ndorsed in cm ear ly ha/nd, Sand tunes b oc and in a later


’B .

C o tt . N ero E . i . 3 8 8 . 24 N ov. 7 23 or 7 2 8 or 7 3 41

H emi n g 7 .

K 7 9 .

ZE t h i l b al d

king of the Mercian s, gran ts to Cyn eb urh 6 cassati at Bradan

lach (Maiden Bradley, S omerset. K) .

4 DONANTE domino n ostro Ihesu Christo ! Ego

Aethilb aldus rex M erciorum terram iuris mei VI .

cassatorum,cui uocabulum est Bradan laeh, pro redemp

tion e an imae meae Cyn eb urge trado ; ut fiat eius possessio in perpetuum et cuicumque uoluerit tradere, uelin u ita illius uel post ob itum eius, [potestatem] hab eattradendi. S i quis temptauerit hanc don ation em fraudare ,seiat se reddere ration em in die iudicn . Hu ic donation ioptimates mei testes sun t quorum n omina infra ex pressa

sun t .4 Ego Aethilb aldus rex M erciorum confirmationem

han c confirmaui propria manu . 4 Ego Uuor episccpus.

4 Ego Offa confirmaui. 4 Ego Eadb erht confirmaui .

4 Ego Uualdhere confirmaui. 4 Ego U uilfrid episco

pus. 4 Ego Aldb erht confirmaui. 4 Ego On tuuin i

confirmaui .

Han c cartam compo sai in 1111 . feria VI I I . kal . decemb .

passio sancti Chrisogon i martyris .

1 The a4th ofN ovember fell on a Wednesday in the years 7 1 7, 723,72 8, 734, 745, 75 1 , and 756, b etween 7 16 and 75 7. But as Unor b ecameb ishop in 72 1 , and died in 73 7, while Uu ilfrith died in 743 , we must

ex clude 7 1 7, 745, 75 1 , and 756. Kemb le i . 95 and ii . p. x i .


psumat aut possit adducere man u pprio sign um see

crucis sub ter in hac pa[gina faciam testesque] ut sub

scrib an t petam, quisquis ig id q, pro an ima mea donaui

aut [donatu]m inlibatum permanere pmiserit hab eat

commun ion em b eatam cum psen te Xpl ecclesia atq, futura,Si quis autem n on permiserit separetur a societate [n onsolum] sb orum hominfi sed etiam angelorii man en te hacdonation e n ra n ihilominus in sua firmitate


actnm men se septemb rio die indié’

,I I

,an n o regn i a


44 ego aethilbald rex sub scripsi

44 ego dan ihel episC’


4 signum man us Ob a,

4 signum man us Sigib ed


4 hoc etiam iterum confirmatu a b eorhtuulfo regimercIoru In u1co regali uuerb urgeuuic4 Ego b erhtuulf rex merE han c meam don ationem

et<pdecessoris mei ethilb aldi regis cum sign o sce crucis

xpi confirmaui,his testib : eon sen tientib : et quorn n omi na

hic con tin en t ad indulgen tia delicto rum meorfi atq,

pcessoris mei aeb elb aldi regis . S i qu is autem successoru

meoru regu aut phcipfi 1 thelon iariorii han c donation é’

n ram infringere 1 minuere uoluerit seiat se separatfi a

congregatione omulu scoru In tremen do die indien ,n isi

prius digne emendauerit,

4 ego berhtuulfrex mere 4 ego tatnoth 8 1318

4 ego ceoln oth aré‘


pis 4 ego hunb erht dux

4 ego saeb ryb regina 4 ego mucel dux

4 ego ceolred epis 4 ego hun stan dux

E ndorsed in a hand of the ro th cen tury,‘An es occles ryne (P)

on[lo]nden ethib ald rex merciorum san cte an [d]ree aposto li duro . (P) etb eorn episcopo in hereditatem .

B .


C o tt . Aug. ii . 3 . A .D . 7 3 6 .

K 60. B . i . 7 .

.ZE th i l b al t

king of the Mercian s and of all the S outh Anglian pro vin ces,gran ts land of 1 0 cassati to Cyn ib erht , to b u ild a coenub ium

in the district ofHusmera by the river Stur . This is theStour ofStaffordshire and W orcestershire, on which is S tourb ridge, and which join s the Severn at Stourport. The n ame

ofCyn ib re lives on in K in ver alias K intore and probab lyMoerheb is n ot un conn ected with Eymore Wood. Is this

the germ of Kiddermin ster ’

! This fin e document is coevaland is on e of our three uncial writings , and it was selectedb y Mr. Kemb le for one ofhis Small facsiin ile specimen s .

44 EGO Aethib alt dn o donan te rex n on solum mar

cersium sed et omn ium prouin ciarum quae gen eralen omin e sutangli dieun tur pro remedio un imae mcae et

relax ation e piaculorum meorum aliquam terrae partieulam id est .x . cassatorum uen erando comite meo

cyn ib erhtte ad con struendum coen ub ium in prouincia

cui ab antiquis n omen inditum est husmerae iux ta

fiuuium uocab ulo Stur,cum omn ib us n ecessariis ad eam

pertin en tib . cum ctipis siluisq . cum piscariis pratisq . in

possession em ecclesiastieam b en ign e largiendo trado .

I ta ut quddiu‘ uix erit potestatem hab eat ten endi ac possi

dendi cuieumq . uoluerit uel cc u iuo uel certe postob itum suum relinquendi est autem supradictus ager in

circuitu ex utraq . parte supran ominati flumin is hab en s

ex aquilone plaga siluam quam n omin an t cyn ib re ex

occiden tale uero aliam cui n omen est moerheb . quarum

parsmax ima ad praefatum pertin et agrum Si quis autemhan c donation em uiolare temptauerit seiat se in tre

men do ex amin e tyran n idis ac praesumption is suae do

rationem terrib iliter redditurum.

scriptum est autem haec cartula ann o ab in carnation e


dhi fii ihu x p1 septincen tissirn o tricessimo U1 indictione

quarta4 ego aetdilbalt rex b ritann iae propriam donationem

confirman s sub scripsi.

4 ego un or episcopus con sen si et sub scripsi.4 ego uuilfridus episé

. iub en te aethilbaldo rege

sub scripsi .

4 ego aethilric sub regulus atq . comes gloriosis

S lml prInp l s ethilbal[di] huic donation e con sen si et

sub scripsi .

4 ego ib e ac si indignus ab bas con sen si et sub

scripsi .

4 ego heardb erht frater atq . dux prefati regis con

sen si et sub scripsi.4 ego eb b ella con sen sum meum acomodan s sub

scripsi .

4 ego on oc comes sub scripsi.

4 ego Ob a con sen si et sub scripsi.4 ego Sigib ed con sen si et sub scripsi

4 ego b ercol con sen si et sub scripsi

4 ego ealduuft con sen si et sub scripsi

4 ego cusa con sen si et sub scripsi

4 ego pede con sen si et sub scripsiEst autem agram in memorata silua moreb cui uoca

b ulum est b rochyl quem ego edilbalt rex suntanglorum

fidele duce atque comite meo cyn ib erhtte in ius ecclesiasticam cum supradicto agro largiendo donau i.

E ndorsed by a hand of the ro th cen tury,‘N orb


again by a later hand, of the 1 1 th cen tury ,

‘N orO stur . (Ethelbad

rex .

’B .


supradi ctae dei famulae Dun nan,man ifestissime describ i,

praefataeque ab batissae Hrotuuari reddi, eiusque posses

sion em monasterii firmissimam esse damnato n imirum

cc,atque anathematiz ato syn odi sacratissimae decreto ,

qui cartam illam sub scription is agri primitiuam vel per

furta, uel quolib et modo fraudulen ter auferendo sub ripere

praesumpserit . Atque hoe deeern it sacra synodus, ut

post ob itum eius,Sicut an te Statutum fuit a sen iorib us

eius, ad episcopalem sedem castrum Uueogernen sis lib erhie

,cum terra, reddatur.

4 Ego N othelmus, gratia dei archiepiscopus, ca

n on ice sub scripsi . 4 Ego Dan iel episccpus sub scripsi .

4 Ego Uuor episccpus sub scripsi. 4 Ego Incguuald

episccpus sub scripsi. 4 Ego Uuilfrith episcopus sub

scripsi. 4 Ego Alduuulf episcopus sub scripsi . 4 Ego

Aluuine episcopus sub scripsi . 4 Ego Forthere episco

pus sub scripsi. 4 Ego Cuthb erht episcopus sub scripsi.

4 Ego Hereuuald episcopus sub scripsi .

T ex tus R ofi"

. 119 . April , 7 3 8 .

K 8 5 .

E ad b er h t

king of Kent, gives land to the b ishopric of Rochester .

After the Signature of the grantor , several other Sign atariesfollow,

who u se the same royal style in that they make their

comites to confirm and sub scrib e. Mr . Kemb le has dwelt onthis deed as con clusive eviden ce of the plurality ofkings inKen t at this date. Sax ons i . 1 49 .

4 IN n omin e domin i dei n ostri Ihesu Christi ! Ego

Eadb erht , rex Can tuariorum,donaui aliquam partem

terrae pro remedio an imae meae atque indulgen tia delictorum meorum

,episcopatui b eati Andreae apostoli, ac

uen erab ile n iro Ealdulfo,eius ecclesiae an tistiti

,in re


gionequae uocatur Hohg, in loco qui dicitur AndscohesL

ham,id est decem aratrorum,

iux ta aestimation em

prouin ciae . eiusdem. Huius uero terrae possession emita praedicto episcopo largitus Sum, cum omn ibus ad

eam pertin en tib us, id est campis, siluis, pratis, piscariis ,salsilagen e, atque omn ib us uten silib us eius, iux ta n otostermin os con stitutos . Hoe quoque praecipimus ut n ullus

praesumat propinquorum [m]eorum uel successo rum

[m]eorum han c don ation em meam minuere infringere

quoquomodo . S i quis uero,quod n on credimus, con tra

praeceptum meum huic donatione meae malib olo an imo

con trarie temptauerit, seiat se in die iudicii rationemdeo redditurum ,

man entem tamen hanc cartulam

n ihilominus in sua firmitate . S i quis nero magis defendere augere uoluerit, addat deus b ona eius in termuiuen tium .

4 Han e quoque donationem meam ego Eadb erht rex

can tuariorum propria manu confirmaui et S ignum san ctae crucis infix i testes quoque idon eos commites meosconfirmari et sub scrib ere feci . 4 Ergo Uuilb aldus

commites meos confirmari et sub scrib ere feci . 4 Ego

Dimheahac commites meos confirmari et seribere feci .4 Ego Hosb erth commites meos confirmari et serib ere

feci . 4 Ego N othb alth commites meos confirmari et

scrib ers feci . 4 Ego Ban ta commites meos confirmari

et serib ere feci . 4 Ego Ruta commites meos confir

mari et serib ere feci. 4 Ego Tidbalth commites meosconfirmare et serib ere feci .

4 In n omin e domin i dei summi. Ego Alduulfus epi

scopus inprimis pen itus ign oraui quod a Dorouernen sis

ecclesiae praesuli et rege hac kartala confirmata esse de

b uisset, postea agn oui, et tam diligen ter postulaui ab

archiepiscopo N othelmo et rege Aethilberhto, praesi



den te meo largitore Eadb erhto , ut ipsi manu sua hancdonationem corrob orassen t : et sic in metropolitan o urb e

perfecte compleuerun t. Actnm mense April . indie . v1 .

Ann o ab in carn . Christi DCCXXXVIII .

4 Ego N othelmus gratia dei archiepiscopus testiscon sen tien s sub scripsi kan on ice. 4 Ego Aethilb ertus

rex praefatam donation em sign o san ctae crucis confirmavi.4 Ego Beornheard testis sub scripsi. 4 S ignum ma

n us Tunan . 4 S ignum manus Balthardi. 4 S ignummanus Eanb erhti.

C o tt . Aug . ii . 101 . A .D . 7 40.

K 8 6 . B . i . 8 .

ZE th i l b er h t

king of the Cen tware, had granted land and right offishingto the ab b ot of Liminge, who was at the time of grantingCuthb erht, n ow Archb ishop. This documen t is ab ove sus

picion ,though the year and the Indiction do n ot agree. Mr.

Kemb le proposed A .D . 740,the date ofCuthb erht

s consecra

tion , a year ofwhich the Indiction is viii, for which iii wouldb e a likely error.

4 IN n omine a di saluatoris ni'

ihu Xpl . Pro

uab ilib : desideriis et petition ib : pu s assen sum semp’

praeb ere gloriosi‘

i con stat esse et recti‘

i et tum max ime

cum eadem desideria et petitiones ad dilatandum et au

gendam uitam x p1 sacerdotum eiusq : seruorum respiciunt


qua de re ego aethilb erht rex can tuarioru pro

remedio an imae mcae capturam pi sciu quod est in ostiofiumin is cuius n omen limin aea et partem agri in quasitum oratorifi S C I martin i cum edib : piscatori

i et

ex tra‘

eam quartam parté aratri circa eundé locum et


4 S lg man aldberhti prefeeti

4 S lg maii aetheln othi

E ndorsed by a hand of the 9th cen tury, Limenea boec,’and

o ther words n ow i lleg ib le ,and by one of the 1 2 th cen tury,

‘ Ethelb ertus Rex dedit piscationem in limene et alia quedam ad ecclesiam

sancte Marie de limonea.

’Latine .

B .

Can terb ury Charters M . 3 63 . A .D . 7 42 .

C o tt. C laud . D . ii . 30.

L amb eth 1212 , f. 308 .

K 8 7 . T . 26 . S . i . l .

E t h e l b al d

king of theMercians, in syn od at Clovesho , heard the PrivilegeofW ihtred recited , and with the approb ation of all presen t

b e confirmed it .-Besides the three MS S . ab ove given ,


document is also found n earlywhole in the Sax on Chron icle F(Cott. Domitian A . viii. Kemb le printed it from Cott.Claud.,

taking the Signatures from the Can terb ury MS . :

Thorpe followed Kemb le’

s tex t,adding at the foot some

variations from Cott. Domitian . The tex t here printed isfrom the Ordnan ce Survey Facsimile ofwhat Wilkin s calleda faulty MS . at Canterb ury

(H S . iii. It is faulty,and it is very rude in grammar b ut I apprehend it is n earestto the original, and that all the others are improved copies .

For comparison the Lamb eth copy is appended.

4 REGNANTE in perpetuum deo et domino n ostroihesu christo ann o uero domin ice in carnation is DCCXLI I .Indiction e X . et regn i aeb elbaldi regis Merciorum

XXVij. syn odus congregatum fuerat in loco ce[leb ] riub i n ominatur clofeshos de diuersis eccle[sia]rumdei . Et hutilitatibus presiten te autem eodem syn odo

aeb elbaldus rex cum suis optimatibus n ecnon cutb erhtus

uenerab iles archiepiscopus eeterisq ne episccpis s[imul]n ecessaria diligen ter ex aminantes de statu


totius christian itatis uel de symbolo ex antiquo sane

torum patrum in stitution ib us traditam esse uel qualiter

in primordia nascen tis ecclesie iub eb atur habere ant

ub i honor cenub iarum secundum n o rmam equitatis

seruaretur hec et is similia anetic in quiren tes undiq ue

an tiquas priuilegias recitan tes tandundem peruen it ex

rogatu aeb elberhti regis Cantiecoram omn ibus legatarlibertas ecclesiarum dei. Et in stitutio uel preceptum

wihtredi regis de elections dominarum'

cenub iarum in

regno can tuariorum : quomodo uel qualiter secundumimperium et election i archiepiscopi fieri Stare precipitur .

Po st 60 hoc priuilegium lecta et in ter S6 ex aminata an teregis et episcoporum presen tia fuisset : placuit itaque

omn ibus parit crque condix erun t n ee u llum aliam tam

n ob ilem tamque pruden ter con stitutum in uen ire potuissen t secundum eccles iasticam di sciplinam . Et hoe

adnuentes S tare seu ab,omn ib us firmare rectum esse

sancserun t Ideo que pro hac re Ego aeb elbald rex

merciorum pro salute an ime mee et pro stab ilitati regn imei nee n on ex petition i : aeb elb erhti regis can tia seu

pro reueren tiae cutb erhti archiepiscopi hoc idemmn n ifica man u propria mea sub scribo ut per omn iah[on or] et auctoritas et securitas christi ecclesie citrahumb ren sis flufio [a n ulla persona] den egatur

omn ium cenub iarum In terra can tie tam in libertate a secularium seruicn s quam etiam in omn ib us can sismaio ris min orisque Secura perman et et S icut supradictus

pro se suos que con stituit ad seruandum per

omn ia irrefragabilis et immutab ilis usque ad terminusseculi perdurare precipimus Si quis autem regum suc

cessorum nostrorum seu epis[coporum] uel prin cipum

hoe salub re decretum inf[ringere temptauerit , reddat]rationem deo '

omnipotenti in die tremendo Si comes


uel presby

ter diaconus clericus aut mon iales huic institution i restiterit S it su i gradui priuatus et a partici

pation e corporis et sanguin is christi separatas et alien usa regna dei, n isi an te ea satisfaction e emendauerit quotsui malo superb ie in iqui egessit quia in euangelio

dictum est quicumque ligaueritis super terram : critligatum et in celis. Et quecumque solueritis super

terram orit Solatum et in celis.


Ego eb elbald rex diuin o suffragio fultus gen tisM erciorum regen s imperium : signum san cte crucis subScrib o .

4 Ego cub b erhtus arehiepiscoPus propria manu

sub scripsi.

Ego uuita episcopus con sen si et sub scrIpSI .

Ego torhthelm episccpus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego willfredi episccpus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego cub b erht episcopus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego huetlac episccpus consen si et sub scripsi.

Ego eanfrib episccpus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego ecglafepiscopus con sensi et sub scripsi.Ego aluuig episcopus con sen sI et sub scripsi.

Ego hauwald episcopus consen si et sub scripsi.Ego dan iel episcopus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego aldwulfepiscopus con sen si et sub scripsi .Ego eb elfrib episccpus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego herewald episccpus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego sigega episcopus con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego redwulf episccpus con sen si et sub scripsi .Ego Ofa patricius con sen si et sub scripS I.Ego aldwulfdux con sen si et sub scripsi.Ego aeb elmod indolis merciecon sensi et sub scripsi.Ego heardb erht dux con sensi et sub scripsi.Ego eadbald dux con sen si et sub scripsi.4









sub scrib ens confirmo : ut per omn ia libertas, hon or, aucto

ritas, et securitas Christi Ecclesiae a nulla persona denegetur,sed Sit lib era ab omn ibus secularibus servitiis

, et omnes

terrae ad illam pertinentes, ex ceptis expedition e, pontis et

arcis con struction s . Et Sicu t ipse praefatus Rex Wihtredus,

pro se suisque con stituit servandum,ita per omn ia irrefra

gab iliter et immutab iliter perdurare praecipimus. S i quisautem Regum successorum n ostrorum

, seu episcoporum,vel

prin cipum hoc salub re decretum infringere temptaverit, reddet

rationem Deo omn ipoten ti in die tremendo . Si autemcomes

, presbyter, diaconus, clericus vel monachus huic institutioni restiterit, sit suo gradu privatus, et a participation e

Co rporis et Sanguin is Domin i separatus, et alienus a Regn oDei, n isi an te placita satisfactione emendaverit

,quod malo

superb iae in ique gessit. Scriptum est en im Q uaecun queligaveritis super terram, crunt ligata st. in caelo : et quaesolveritis super terram,

crunt soluta st in eselo .

H emi n g 26 (co llated ). A .D . 7 16—7 4 3 .

K 90.

E th i l b al d

king of the Mercians, grants land at Aston and N otgrove(Glou . ) to Osred, a scion of the royal race of Hwiccia


of trib ute ; so he pay his ecclesiastical dues—This gran t

afterwards passed in to the possession of the Church at


4 S IT n omen domin i b enedictum in secula! Ego

Aethelbaldus, deo dispen san te rex Mercen sium, terram

x x . cassatorum , id est X . et V1 11 . in loco quem dicun t aetEastun e et ad Natangrafum min istro meo ualde fideli ,q ui est de stirpe n on ignob ili prosapia regali gentishuicciorum,

Osredo , in possession em iuris aecclesiastici,

pro~ redemption e an ime meae

,largien s con cedo ; q ua

tinus eo uiuen te possideat et regat, et post Se cuicumqueuoluerit hominum possidendum,

lib erum arb itrium


hab ens, derelinq nat ; et ut ab omn i tributo uectigalium

operum ouerumq ue saecularinm sit lib era in perpetuum,

pro mercede aeterne retrib ution is, regali po testate decern on s statuo ; tantum ut deo omn ipoten ti ex eodem

agello aecclesiastice seru itutis famulatum inpendat.

Haec autem testamen ti traditio perpetualiter posteatradita est sancte Mariae Uueogernen sis monasterii

pro ipsius regis salute .

4 Ego Aethelb ald rex Mercen sium ,han c donationem

meam sub scrib o .

4 Ego Uuilfrithus episcopus. 4 Ego Huita episcopus. 4 Ego Torhthelm episcopus .

4 Ego Cuthberht episccpus . 4 Ego Alhuig episcopus. 4 Ego S igebed episcopus .

This synd pa lan d gemaera set Eastune he E thelb ald

cyn ing myrcua geb ocade Utele b isceope in to sce marian .

rE rest ofTureanwyllas heafde en dlang straete on Cyn el

messtan on Mylenweg po nn e andlang hrycges on Heort

ford pan en an dlang streames on Buruhford on foron 17aspelstowe pon an on a eandene on S eofenwyllas mid

deweardan of ham wyllan to Balesb eorge sub an ponn eon Cealcweallas ponan eft on Tureanden e andlang eft on

Tureanwyllas heafod. Dis wees gedon py geare he weesngaen from Cristes fleescnesse DCCXLIII . on ham cyn ehame

he is gecyged Bearuwe.

H emi n g 20 (co llated ) . A .D . 7 43—7 4 5 .

K 9 5 .

E t h 1l b al (1

king of the Mercian s, remits to Milred, b ishop ofW orcester,

the port-dues on two ships at Londontown hythe. An

in teresting Specimen of eighth century English ; and our

earliest ex ample ofa genuine Charter wholly in Sax on .

4 IN misses dryhtnes n oman haelendes cristes ic


aeb elbald myrcua cin cg waes b eden from paem arfnllan

b isceope milrede paeti ic him aléfde and his paem hale

gan hirede allen édbade tuegra sceOpa pe paertOlimpendeb eOb peti ic him forgefe pa paem eadgan petre apostolaaldormen in paem myn stre peéwiab pact is geseted inhuicca maeg

’de in haere stowe pe mon hateb weogerna

oester haere b en e swyb e arfulre geb afunge ic waes syl

len de for minre Sawle laecedOme t6“Son paeti for minum

synnum . hi he6 geeabmedden paette he6 waeren gelomlice pingeras wib drihten swy

’cie lustfullice paforgeofende

ic him alyfde alle n édbade tuégra sceopa 17a he paerabaedde b eOb from paem n édbadernm in lundentun es

hyb e ond naefre ic n é min e lastweardas 116“

23a n édb aderas 1

ge’dristlaecen pat heOhit onwenden 0666 12011 wib gaen

gifhe6 pat nyllen syn heOhonne aman snmade from daeln eomen cge liceman and b lOdes fisses drihtnes hiielendes

cristes and from alre n éweste geleafulra syn he6 ascetiden e and asyndrade nymb e he6 hit her mid ping


bOte geb éte.

4 Ic Aethelb ald cin cg min e agen e sylene trymmende

ic heO wrat . 4 M ilred b isceop pare halegan rOde

tacen he heron gefaestn ode. 4 Inguwald b isceOp ge

b afiende he hit wrat. 4 W ilfrib b isceop he hit wrat.

4 Alda cinges gefera he hit wrat .

1n édb ab eras M S .

S pelman’s C on ci lia i . 2 5 6 . (M S . R eg . 1 3 . D . 2 , f. A .D . 7 49 .

K 9 9 . T . 3 3 .

E th i l b a l d

king of the Mercian s, gran ts to monasteries and churches the

priv ilege that their lands Shall b e ex empt from royal and

pub lic b urden s, with the ex ception of b ridge b u ilding and

the defence ofthe country.

4 PLERUN Q UE contingere solet pro incerta futurorum


et meritorum man ipuli multipliciter maturescun t in

coelis . Q ui uero haec b en igna men tis in ten tion e atquein laesa cog itatione custodierit

,aeterna claritate

,co ro

n etur, ornetur, glorificetur. S i qu is hoe

, quod ab sit,cuiuslibet personae, tyran n iea eupiditate in stinctus, con trahanc donation is cartulam

,sacculari poten tia fretas,

uen ire n ititur,

sit sub an athemate Iudae, proditoris

domin i n ostri Ihesu Christi . Ad confirmandum uero

hoe n ostrae b en ificentiae munus,hii testes adfuerunt, et

n ostri magistratus optimates et duces fidelissimique

amici con sen serunt et scripsernnt .

4 Ego Aethelbald divino faltus sufi’

ragn s, hn s Sta

tutis con sen tiens, confirmandoque signum crucis araui.

4 Ego Huita Mercen sis ecclesiae humilis episccpus

sub scripsi . 4 Ego Torhthelm gratia dei episccpus

S ignum crucis infix i . 4 Ego Headb erht primatnm

tenen s subscripsi . 4 Ego Eada his Statutis con sen tien ssub scripsi . 4 Ego Cyn eb erht his gestis con sen tien s

sub scripsi. 4 Ego Bercul patricias his don is eon sen

tien s sub scripsi . 4 Ego Friothuric co nsentien s sub

scripsi . 4 Ego EOpa his Statutis con sen tien s sub scripsi.

4 Ego Eadb ald sub scripsi. 4 Ego Byrnhelm sub

scripsi . 4 Ego M occa sub scripsi . 4 Ego Aldceorl

sub scripsi . 4 Ego Alhmund sub scripsi .

Huius scedulae scriptio domin icae in carnation is afi

DCCXLVIIII . indictione secunda in loco celeb re cuiusuocab ulum est Godmundeslaech XXXIII . an no Aedelbaldi regis peracta est.

This tex t is slightly conflate b asing upon Spelman’s first form,

K took something from the second . The MS . referen ce given by K(and T ) represen ts (as now corrected ) Spelman

s second form—Thereare several privileges of this kind in ex istence, as may b e seen in

H St S . iii . 238 if. The o ldest, and that which has stood for the typeof its class , is the Privilege of W ihtred to the foundation in Ken t,606—71 6 though ex tan t on ly in a late copy, it seems to retain genuine

features of the original.


A ddi t. Chart. 19 , 7 8 9 . A .D . 7 5 9 .

K 105 (from H emin g

B . Ii . 2 .

T h r e e B r o th er s

E an b er h t , U h c t r e d , A l d r ed ,

every on e ofthem a regulus, and apparen tly ofthe provin ce of

the Hwiccas , give to ab b ot Headda for pious uses, ten cassatiaet Onnanforda. The place is unkn own .

4 IN n omin e dii i’

rfi i il‘i n x pi saluat[oris] n ihil intulimus in hun c mundum uerum n ee auferre quid possumus idcirco terren is ac caducis seterna et caelestis

patriae praem ia mercanda sun t . quapropter : cum licen tia et pmission e piissimi regis offan merciorum .

n os tres german i un o patre editi . eanberht atqueuhctred n ecn on et aldréd praetio redemption is an imae


strae ii ign oran tes In futuro prodesse si quid x p1

memb ris lib en ter impendimus donauimus tib i headda

ab b . terram iuris n ostri decem cassatorum . aet on nan

forda confin iae tamen eiusdem terrae : ab australi plagauuisleag . ab occiden te rindb urna, a septemtrionale meos

gelegeo , ab orien t uero onnandun cum campis siluis pratis

pascuis cum omn ib ad se ptin en tib n s . ut q uidquid ex inde

agere uolueris lib eram hab eas arb itrium donan di in tuo

sit potestate. n umquam n os heredesque n ostros ullo tem

pore : con tra han c donation em é’

é uen turos quod S i quis

praesumserit in magn o uel in“

modico in rumpere, sit se

paratus ab omn i societate x ptian orum st in ex amin e : districti iustiq : indicis praesumtion is suae poenam incurrat.ad cuius cumulum n ihilominus firmitatis testes 604

i a 0 0 O

petente n umero ut sub scrib eren t rogauImuS . et IpsI

signum seue cruels Inpraeserunt. peracta est autem haec


donatio in men se feb ? indictione x ua

. an n o nero ab in

carnatione x p1 dec°l° niii[i] . et isti testes con sen seruii t4 ego offa rex meré

huic donation i consen si et subscripsi

4 ego eanb erht regulus osensi et sub .

4 ego uhctred regulus osen si et sub .

ego aldred regulus osen si et sub .

ego milred epl scop osen si et sub .

ego tilhere ab b as osen si et sub .

ego cusa ab b as osen si et sub .

S ig manus acanS ig man us dilran

S ig man us b ob b auS ig man us bynnan

S ig manus b erhtuuald

S ig man us tilb erhti ab b ;T







Written in round characters of the semi-un cial Irish type. B .

In the Codex Dipl . this record is prin ted from Heming’s Chartulary,

which was compiled in the eleventh cen tury : b ut sin ce Mr . Kemb le’


time the original has been found, and,n otwiths tanding two or three

discrepan cies, it affords a valuab le testimony to the accuracy of Heming.

Heming’s most importan t defect is that he does not give all the

signatures ; and these, in the present case, throw light on the person s

of the gran tors .

C ott . Aug . ii . 26 , 2 7 . A .D . 7 64 .

K 116 . B . i . 9 .


king of the Mercian s, made an ex change of lands with ab b otS tidb erht . This is dated 764. At the close of the centurythis deed was owned by Pilheard, and b e ex hib ited it b eforekingCoenulfin syn odatCealchythe, and itwas there confirmed.

The handwriting ofthe first deed is Very Irish —that of thesecond, though rather more Sax on , has strong Irish features.


et per pecun ia“

. a pi i ssimo iam ti'

i domin o meo regemerelib ertatem terraru illarii con secutus Sii id est CC

solidis et ut postea in dieb : meis uel successoru meoru

omn i an n o x x x 7 ut ab omn ifi fiscaliii redituu opernoneruque seu etifi


. popularium con eilioru uIndictis n isitan tum praetiu p ptio lib erse sin t in ppetuii . Trium

tsmen causarum puplicar. ratio reddatur hoe-e instructio

pon tui'

i et areis ueru etiam in ex pedition is necessitatem

n ires V tan tum modo mittan tur. Huius rei gestehifideles testes aderan t ques haec cartula ophendit .

At n o ego Coenuulfus do dispen san te rex mere

propriae donatiOn is mee lib ertatemsign o sese crucislib en tissime S ub scrib o 44

4 ego aethelheardus do largien te arc epi s S ig uene

randae cruci s i npSSI .

4 ego un uuon a epi s osen 4 ego uuigb erht epis osen s

4 ego aldulfepis osen 4 ego alhheard epis

4 ego n tol epis osen 4 ego tib ferb epis

4 ego eadulfepis osen 4 ego uuihthun ab

4 ego deneb erht epis oseii 4 ego b eonna ab

4 ego hab ob erht epi s osen 4 ego folb red ab

4 ego cyn eb erht epi s osen

4 ego coenuulf di dono rex mere osen tiendo sub

scrib o

4 ego heab ob erht

4 ego seb elmund

4 ego esn e

4 ego heardb erht

4 ego ceolmund

4 ego wigga4 ego cydda

4 ego cub red

4 ego osulf


4 ego b eornn ob'

4 ego cynhelm

On the face of the Char/rter is thefo llowi ng ins cr ip tion by a

hand of the 1 2 th cen tury Ofia Rex dedit Stidberhto ab bati terrain

in Middelsex e.

’B .

1 Ca li chyth] The iden tification of this name, whi ch is more commonlywritten Calchy6 or Cealchythe, with Chelsea, is the sub j ect of a detailedn ote in Haddan and S tub b s, iii . 445 ; where it is said that the form

Chelsey appears first in A .D . 1 5 54.

T ex t . R611 . 125 . A .D . 7 5 9-7 6 5 .

K 114 .

S i ger ed

king of halfKen t , gives land to Earduulf b ishop ofRoches

ter. The conveyance is made by writing and by the deliveryof a sod. At first the writing was on ly a memorandum of

the performan ce ofthe symb olical act, b ut it came in process

of time to b e regarded as the very conveyan ce itself, and thenit superseded the ancient ceremony. Palgrave, Engl. Commonwealth, i . 1 42 .

4 IN nomin e domin i dei saluatoris n ostri IhesuChristi ! Q uamuis parua et ex igua sin t , quae pro

amissis ofi’

erimus,tamen pin s omn ipoten s deus n on

quan titatem muneris,sed deuotion em offeren tium sem

per in quirit . Q ua (16 re Ego S igeredus, rex dimidiae

partis prouin ciae Can tuariorum ,tam pro an imae mcae

remedio, quam pro amore omn ipoten tis dei, terram ara

trorum XX . quae appellatur Aeslingaham ,tib i reueren

tissimo episcopo Earduulfo san ctae Hrofen sis ecclesiae,cum un iuersis ad se pertin en tib us campis, S iluis, pratis,pascuis, paludibus et aquis, et cum omn i trib uto quodregib us in de dab atur, in potestatem , cum con silio et

con sen su principum meorum,lib en ter in perpetuum per

don o ; ut possiden di uel hab en di Siue uendendi, uel

etiam tradendi cuicun que uoluerit, lib eram per omn ia


hab eat potestatem . San e quia cauendum est, ne hodier

nam donationem n ostram futuri temporis ab n egare

ualeat st in amb iguum deuocare praesumptio , placuit

mihi han e paginam coudere, et una cum cespite terrae

praedictae tradere tib i ; per quam n on solum omn ibusmeis successorib us regum S iue prin cipum, sed etiam mihiipsi pen itus in terdico , n e aliter quam nun c a me con stitutum est

,u llo tempore de eadem terra quippiam agere

audean t. Quod Si qui forte ob seruare n eglex erin t, et

ab sque digna satisfaction e praesentis uitae i'

mpleuerin t

infelices dies, audiant uocem aetern i indicis sub fin e

mun di dicentis ad impios : Discedite a me,maledicti


in ign em aeternum, qui praeparatus est diab olo et angeliseius. Q ui n ero eurauerin t custodire n ihilque in rogarin t

aduersi,audiant uocem c lementissimi arb itri

,in qu ien tis

ad pics : Uen ite, b enedicti patris mei, percipite regnum

quod n ob is paratum est ab origin e mun di . Adiectis 1111 .

daenb eris in commun e saltu ,hoe est Uueald se nuestra


Billincgden ,Cealcbyras, Meosden

,Rindigsel .

4 Ego S igeredus rex han c donation em a me factam,

S ignum san ctae crucis propria manu scrib endo,firmaui

coram Bregouuin o Archiepiscopo . 4 Ego Bregouuinus

Arehiepiscopus, ad petitionem donatoris an te praedicti,con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 S ign um manus Hereb erhti

Abb atis. 4 S ignum man us Baere Abbatis. 4 S ig

n um manus Brun o Ab b atis. 4 S ignum manus Aes

cuualdip resbyteri . 4 S ignum manus Ecgb aldi comitisatq rie praefecti. 4 S ignum manus Ealdhuun i . 4 Sig

num manus Esn e. 4 S ign um man us Badohardi .

4 S ignum manus Aethelnothi .

4 Ego Eanmundus rex han c piam donation em su

prascriptam propria manu rob orandam hoe Signaculosan ctae crucis ex pressi, in loco cuius uocabulum est


sic in mere fieot . et hoe predicth douh ad cumulh maioris

firmitatis sign o see cruci s x pi ann o dhicae in carnation isDCC .LXXII II perstrin x imus cum sacerdotib us et se

n ioribus populi more testiii sub scrib endo .

4 S ignh man us ofi’

ae regis suprascripta confirman tis.

4 S ign u manus iaenb erhti archie'

pi. 4 S ign u man us

cyn ethrythe regin ae. 4 S ignh manus eadb erhti epi .

4 S ignh manus aldb erhti ab b . 4 S ignh man us b ror

dan prin cipis. 4 S ignu man us b erhtuuoldi pri n cip.

4 S ignum mah eadbaldi ducis . 44 S ignu man b ror

dan i '

pfeeti . 4 S ignh mah folcb erhti ab b . 4 S ign u

mah byrhthun i ehi . 4 S igh mah ceolulfi ep'

i. 4

S igh mah b otuuin i ab b . 4 S igh man aetheluuoldi ab b .

4 S igh mah eadb erhti ab b . S ign mah esn i . 4 S ighmah eadb erhti. S igh mah bOb an . 4 S igh mah b adohardi . 4 S igh man uuigheardi . 4 S igh man cian i .4 S igh mah hearsdi. 4 S igh mah suithun i .

E ndorsed in a hand of the l i th cen tury‘ boc to héh ham —in

one of the l eth cen tury, Oha Rex dedit b eah ham Ian berto archiepis

copo . latine. and in one of the 1 3th cen tury,‘Archiepiscopi .

’B .

A .D . 7 7 4 .

M i l r e d

bp. Worcester,disposes of the monastery of W ithington in

Gloucestershi re, which had b elonged to successive ab b esses

Dunn e and Hrotavari, b ut had fallen in to W orcester Cathedral. It is n ow gran ted to Aeb elburg for her life, and thenit is to come b ack to the church at Worcester. S ee ab ove


A .D . 7 36-7 37 .

4 DOMINO et saluatore n ostro perpetualiter regnan ti !Ego M ilredus Christi trib uen te gratia humilis Haicciorum episcopus, terram mon asterii quod n ominatur Un i

dian dun,quod situm est in occiden tali parts dan ii qui

dicitur Tillnob . XXI manentia, quam uidelicet terram


Oshers sub regulus Huiceiorum Dunnan famulae dei ut

esset iuris ecclesiastici tradidit,con sen tien te Aethelredo

regi Marcion um. Illa autem praefatam terram post se

reliquit possidendam filiae suae, Hrob uuars scilicet ah

b atissae, cum con scien tia atque licen tia Egcuuin i reue

ren tissimi episcopi ; at illa praedicta Hrob uuara ab ba

tissa mihi in ius propriae lib ertatis atque possession islargita est. N un c ergo cum licen tia seruorum dei

, qui

sub meo regimine dei prouiden tia con stituun tur, lib en ter

Aeb elb urge hon orab ili ab b atissae,

filiae Aelfredi,earn

trado ita tamsu ut ipsa u iuen te hab eat et po ssideat, et

post ob itum eius ad aecclesiam b eati Petri prin cipisapostolorum quae sita est in Uueogerna ciuitate

,ub i et

pon tificalis cathedra Huiceiorum con stituitur pro aeterna

redemption s an imas meae iterum reddat . Haec cartulascripta est an n o ab in carnation s Christi . DCC .LXX .1111 .

in diction s XII . his testib us confirmantib us.

4 Ego M ilred episccpus han c meam donation em

signo crucis confirmab o,ea condition e ut illa Aspel

b urh illud monasterium aet U ueogernaeestre1cum om

n ib us b on is quae ib i sun t post diem eius ad U ueoger

n en sem quoque reddat aecclesiam,Sicut praeceptum erat

patris eius Aelfredi.1 P set Uu idiandun .

Ch art . C o tt . vii i . 3 4 . A .D . 7 7 8 .

(T ex t . R ofi‘


K 13 2 . B . i i . 4 .

E c g b e r h t

king of Kent, grants to Diora b ishop of Rochester, half a

plough-land, and a marsh. The gran tee is addressed in the

S econd Person as b elow A .D . 78 5 .

This is a test documen t for the Tex tus Rofi’

en sis. It is

found in that Register, and was thence copied by Mr.


Kemb le : it is n ow known to b e ex tan t in coeval writing,which has b een facsimiled in the British Museum series .

The comparison results in a testimony of the highest kindto the Rochester chartulary.

4 IN n omin e dhi hi ihu x'

pi . pietatis ben eficium

quod quisq : fidelium pro x PI rsueren tia sern o di fideliter

dho seruien ti misericorditer con tulerit x ho hoe conferre

din oscitur. nam ipse in fine mundi ad electos suosloquen s dicturus est . cum un i ex min imis meis fecistismihi fecistis. idcirco ego egcb erhtus rex can


t. han c

domin icam sen tsn tiam memoriter retinen s et piis ope

rib us db in stigan ts adimplere curab o tib i dioran b ro

fensis ecclesiae an tistiti aliquam partem terrae iuris mei

lib en ter con cedo id est’

dimidiam un ius aratri partemub i n ominatur b r6mgeheg S imul et mariscem uocabulo

scaga st ut per omn e ab hac die st dein ceps sub sequen s

tempus cum n otissimis termin is omn ib usq : utilitatib us

ad eam rite pertin en tibus tuo proprio iuri aeternaliterb ahen dam possidendam tradendamq : cuicumq : homin um uolueris hilari concedo an imo huius autem marisei

terminus est aqua pen s undiq : circumperfusa. S i quisergo heredum successorumq : meorum con tra han c piamdon ation em meam uen ire fuerit an sus st temerare eam

inuido maliuoloq : temtauerit an imo Sit an athema mara

n atha. manente hac chartula in sua n ihilominus stab ilitats quam rob orare propria manu curan i et alios idon eosreligiososq : testes

ut’ id ipsum ageren t adhib ui quorum

n omina infra carax ata con tin en t-ur. Actnm ann o dhicaeincarh .dcclx x viii . in ciuitate dorouern i.

4 ego egcb erhtus rex can t hanc donationem meam

sign o crucis x hi rob oraui.S

4 ego iaenb erhtus archi epi sh testi s consen tiens subscripsi.


dicta inrita fian t n isi scriptis confirmsmur. Quare egoHeab oredus

,deo dispen san te supplex Huiceiorum epis

copus, in simul etiam cum con sen su et consilio totiasfamiliae meae quae est in U uegerna ciuitate con stituta,

diligen tissime scrutan s cogitaui atque de pace uel Statuaecclesiastica rimatus sum . Equidem de aliquibus

agellis conflictation is quaerulam cum Ofi’

an o,rege M er

ciorum,domin oque dilectissimo n ostro hab uimus . Aieb at

en im n os,sine iure haereditario propin qu i eius, Ae


b aldi scilicet regis, hasrsditatem sub domin io in iustohab ere ; id est

,in loco qui dicitur ast Beathum XC

man en tium , st in aliis multis locis hoe est,aet S tretforda

XXX . cassatos : ast S ture XXXVI II . S imili etiam uoca

b ulo ast S ture in U smerum 1XIIII man en tium


Brsodun e X11 in Homtun e XVII cassatorum. Haecautem praefata con ten tion is causa in sin odali con ciliab ulo demissa in loco qui dicitur ast Brsgen tforda.

Reddidimus quoque illo iam n ominate regi Ofi’


n asterium illud celsb errimum ast Babum ,sin e ullo eon

tradietion is ob staculo, ad hab en dum,uel etiam, cui

dignum dux isset, ad tribuendum semperqus perfruen

dum,iustis eius haeredibus lib en tissime con cessimus st

in australe parte fiumin is ib i iux ta quod dicitur EafenXXX cassatos addidimus

, quam terram mercati sumas

dign o praetio a'

Cyneuulfo rege Uuestsaex na. Q ua

propter idem ille praefatus rex Offa, ad reconpen sation is

satisfaction sm ,et pro unan imitate firmissimae pacis,

praefata loca aet S tretforda, ast S ture, ast Brsodun e, inHomtun e, aet S ture in U smerum

,ex tra omn i con tro

uersion is et ammon ition is causa, ea lib ertate ad supra

dictam aecclesiam n ostram,id est in Uuegerna ciuitate,

lib ertas con cessit, ut n ullo maiore cessa alicuius rei

essen t sub iectae, quam praememorata Sedis episccpalis.


N ec n on st trium an norum ad se pertin en tes pastiones,id est , VI . con uiuia lib en ter con cedendo largitus est .

N un c ergo ego Offa dei gratia rex praescriptam lib ertatem terrarum , pro remedio an imas meae concessam


syn odo aet Bregen tforda, una mecum con seden te l am

b erhto archiepiscopo, n ee n on omn es episcopi, ab b ates et

prin cipes con senseru n t et sub scripserun t. Propria manu

Signum sacratissimae crucis Christi pro firmitatis Stab i

1imen to con scripsi. Con scripta est haec cartula ast

Bregentforda, ann o ab in carnation s Christi DCC .LXXXI .

Indiction s 1111 .

4 Olfa,rex Merciorum . Iaenb erht archiepiscopus.

4 Brorda princeps . Eadberht episcopus.

4 Berhtuuald prin ceps . 4 Hygsb erht episcopus.

4 Eadbald prin ceps. 4 Aspelmod episccpus.

4 Esn e princeps. Ecgb ald episccpus .

4 Eadbald prin ceps . Ceoluulf episcopus.

4 Eadb erht prin ceps. Heathoredus episcopus.

4 Diera episcopus. 4 Gislhere episcopus.

4 Aetheluulf episcopus. 4 Eadb erht episccpus.

4 Heardrsd episcopus . Aldb erht episcopus.

1act S tu/re i n Usmerum ] On the Stour in Worcestershire. See

above, A .D . 736 (K

T ex t . R ofi'

. 127 . Before 7 8 5 .

K 160.

E c g b er h t1

king ofKent, grants land to Diora bp . Rochester (765-78

who is addressed in the second person .

4 IN n omine domin i saluatoris n ostri Ihesu Christi !Omn em igitur homin em,

sicut frequen ter coelesti magisterio adhortan te didicimus

, qui sub christiana religion s

n itas coelestis praemia con sequi desiderat, n ecesse est ut

in praesenti pietatis insistat Operibus, et terren is rebus


atque tran sitoriis, in quan tum deo largien te sufiieiat,

Sib imet aetern a mercatur b on a, suasque preces ad diui

nam peruen ire clemen tiam cotidie citius per hoe faciat ,

quod ipse aliorum in suis n ecessitatib us lib enter ex au

diat atten tius rem in i scen s,quod quibusque religiosis pos

tulation ib us tan to lib en tius tan toque promptius con sen sus

praeb en dus est, quan to st illis qu i precatores sun t, utiliorres secundum hoc uisib ile saeculum n un c impertitur, et

illis qui con cessores ex istun t , pro impertito Opere pietatis

ub erior merces secundum inuisib ile postmodum trib uetur.

Q uamob rsm ego Egb erht, rex Can tiae, tib i dilectissimoepiscopo Dioran ,

atque tuae aecclesiae quae in hon ors

san cti Andreas apo stol i con secrata est, pro remedio an imae meae

, cum con sen su meorum optimatum atque principum, terrain iuris mei decem aratrorum

,in loco ub i

n omin atur Hallingas, cum omn ibus scilicet ad eam per

tin en tibus reb us, iux ta termin os indigen is certissimos,

cum campis, S iluis, pratis, paludibus, piscation ib us, uenation ibus, aucupation ib us, lib enter ten endam possidendam

qus concedo . Ita ut quicquid de ea agere uolueris,

lib eram per omn ia in perpetuo potestatem ten sas.

Quisquis igitur haeredum successorumque meorum hanc

donationem meam augere atque amplificare uoluerit,

hab eat b eatam commun ion em in praesen ti cum diligentib as deum

,st in futuro perpetuam cum omn ib us san ctis .

Quisquis autem maliuola men te de illa immutare aut

inminuere temptauerit, separstur a societate n on SOlum

aeternae felicitatis omn ium sanctorum , set etiam in

aetern a posna cum scelerum snorum crudelib us comparticipib us sit condempnatus. At n ero ut han c donation emmeam quilib et hominum aliquando n on possit irritamfacere, manu propria Signum san ctae crucis sub tus in

hac pagina facere curaui,testesque religiosos ut idipsum


Among the Signatures is Ecgfrib the son of Offa, who he

came fellow-king with his father in 78 5 , and Higeb erht theMercian archb ishop, whose elevation took place at the same

time. Sax . Chron . 7 8 5 : H&S . iii . 446 d.

44 IN n omine dei summi et saluatoris n ostri IhesuChristi

,ipsoque in perpetuo regn an te dispon en teque

suauiter omn ia,terrena quoque sceptra et regalia iura

temporaliter distrib uente . U nde et ego Ofi’

a,rex M er

ciorum,aliquam terrain pro remedio et salute an imas

meae tradam,id est

,sex aratrorum

,ub i n ominatur

Trottesclib , ad aecclesiam b eati An dreas apostoli et ad

episccpium castelli quod n ominatur Hrofescester, ub i

b eatus Paulinus pan sat, quam etiam episcopalem sedemmodo in praesen ti rite regit Uuaermundus religiosasan tistes. Hanc itaque supradictam terram ad han e con

dition em perpetualiter b ahen dam et possidendam con

cedo,cum omn ibus ad eam rite pertin en tib us reb us,

cum campis, S iluis, pascuis , pratis, pastination ib us, et

cum propriis termin is . Huin s autem terrae termin isun t isti ; ab orien te et a meridie Boerlingas, ab occi

den ts U urotaham,ab aquilone M eapaham .

Ad han e quoque terram pertin en t in diuersis locis

porcorum pastus, id est uuealdbaera,ub i dicitur Holsn s

pic b i S ii b an sé,Eppan b ryeg ,

n on longe ab 60 locoLangan b ryeg . Quisquis n ero con tra han c don ation iscartulam callido malignoque tractatu con traire prae

sumpserit, n ousrit se, quisquis ills fuerit, in discreto

dei iudicio S in istrae’

partis socium fore, et a Christi etdei corpore sanguin eque segregandum. Manen te hascartula in sua n ihilominus firmitate propria man u sig

n aoulo crucis Christi rob orare curan i, et testes religiososet con sen tien tes, id ipsum agen tes adhib ui


n omina cum propriis cruciculis infra adn oten tur. Actnmann o domin icas incarnationis DCCLXXXVI II .


4 Ego Offa rex M erciorum,han c suprascriptam do

n ation em meam hoe S ignum crucis impressi . 4 Ego

Ecgfrib rex M erciorum,testis cOn sen tien S sub scripsi .

4 Ego Cyneb ryb regina con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego

Iaen b erhtus, gratia dei archiepisc0pus, S ign um crucis

Christi impressi . 4 Ego Hygsb erht archiepiSOOpus

sub scripsi. . 4 Ego Ceoluulf episccpus sub scripsi. 4

S ignum manus Brordan i praefecti . 4 S ign um manus

Berhtuualdi. 4 S ignum man us Eadbaldi . 4 S ignummanus Ceolmundi.

H arl . 4 660, f. 7 . A .D . 7 8 9 .

H emin g 7 .

N ero E . i . 3 8 8 .

K I 5 G.

H eath o r e d

bp. W orcester,versus Wulfheard son of Cussa, b efore the

coun cil at Celchyb'

,touching the inheritan ce ofHemele and

Duda. The decision was in the b ishop’

s favour. See againb elow A .D . 803 .

4 SABCULI n amque lab en tis tempora uelocius usn to

aerem tranan t . ideoque omn es firmas Statution es seriaslitterarum adn otamus n e forts in posterum aliquis ign oran tiae auaritiaeue ea decreta infringers praesumat

quae uen erab ilium uirorum fiun t n erb is confirmata.

Ann o domin ici in carn ation is indictionsn ero Xl l

a‘. qui est ann us XXXI . regn i ofi

an Strenuissimi

M erh regis factum est pontificale con ciliab ulum in locofamosa qui dicitur celchyb praesiden tib : duob : arcepi sIamb erhto scilicet et Hygb erhto median te quoq : offanrege cum un iuersis principib us suis ; ib i in ter alia pluraaliqua con ten tio facta est in ter heathoredum epiS st

wulfheardum filium Cussan de haeriditate hemsles st


dudas quod post ob ith suorii n ominaren t ad weogerna

caestre,hoe est in tan b eorgas et b radan legs uoluisset

ergo uulfheardus 1 illum agellulum auertere ab ecclesia

praefata in weogornaeaes'

f cum ign orantiae st in sipien tiae

[S i potuisset . Tune ille episcopus] illum refutab at cum

his testibus qui sorum n omin a infra scripta liquescun tcoram syn odali testimon io . Et aieb at quo d ei rectumn on fieret u lli alio post se tradere praeter et [an tedi]ct€iciuitatem hoc est weogrin aeaestor. Et propter eorum

prece et amore qui illam terrain [adqui]sierun t 7 ad

ecclesiam prefatam dedissen t ill i senatores familiae con

sentien tes fuerun t ut illud custodiret et hab eret diemsuum . Tun e arc epi sc S imul cum un iuersis prouin ciali

b us spish ita fin em composuerun t st recon ciliauerunt . u t

wulfheardus terram possideret tamdiu uiueret 7 postquam uiam patrum in cederet sine aliqua con tradiction s

[illuc ad] weogorn en se ec[clesiae] terras atq : lib ellus

cum semetipso redderet [ub i corpora requiescun t hemeles

st dudas ]2

4 Ego offa rex mere. osen tiendo imposui.

Ego iamb erht di gratia are. ep ossn s. et sub s.

4 Ego hygeb erht S im1t arc ep osen . 7 sub s.

4 Ego ceolwulfep. OS 7 sub .

4 Ego heardred ehOS 7 sub .

4 Ego unuuona ep OS .

4 Ego heab ored eh. os .

Ego ceolmund eh.

4 Ego asb elmod ep.

4 Ego cyn eb erht ep.

4 Ego wermund ep.

4 Ego b oduin e ab .

Ego n tsl ab .

Ego fordred.


cili i con sen tiebat, quod episcopus praefatus salua manu

accipiebat in con tenditum suam prOpriam praen ominatam terram

,et hoe cum confirmation s san ctae crucis

4 Ego Offa rex Merciorum,sign o san ctae crucis

confirmaui. 4 Ego Ecgferb filiuS regis, co n sen si st

sub scripsi. 4 S ign um Hygsb erhti archiepiscopi .4 S ign um Aeb elheardi archiepiscopi . 4 S ignumCeoluulfi episcopi . 4 Heab ored episcopi . 4 Cyn s

b srhti episcopi . 4 Den eferb episcopi . 4 W igmund

ab bas. 4 Brorda dux . 4 Alhmund dux . 4 Byn n a

dux . 4 W igb erht dux . 4 Heardb erli t dux . 4

U ob a dux .

1 Compare p. 62 Ego hygeb erht similiter arE.

C o tt . N ero E . i . 3 8 7 . A .D . 7 9 6 .

K 17 0.

E c g fr i th

king ofMercia, grants 3 cassati ast Huntsnatun to Aehel

mun d and the deed is dated at Bath. The Signature‘Eadulf elsctus

is that of the elect bp. of L indsey, who

ruled that diocese forty years until A .D . 8 36. H&S . iii.

4 SAECULI namque lab entis tempora sicut umb rae

fugien tes sic uelociter tran ant,uarieque euen tuum S tatus

in cogitation ss hominum con scendun t . Q uaprOpter ego

Ecgfridus rex Merciorum con cedo meo fideli prin cipiAspelmundo 111 . cassatos ast Huntsnatun lib eraliter ad

possiden dam , pro ereption e peccaminum meorum, Sicut

an tea Uhtred et Aldred Beornhardo concesserun t . Et

hoe gestum est in celeb ri uico qui Sax on ice uocatur aetBab um

,his testib us con sentientib us .


4 Ego Ecgfridus rex han c meam donationem confir

mau i . 4 Ego Brihtricus rex . 4 Ego Aspelhardusarchiepiscopus. 4 Ego Heab ored episcopus. 4 Ego

Eadulf electus. 4 Ego Forb red ab bas . 4 Ego

Brorda prin ceps. 4 Ego Aspelmund. 4 Ego Ead


M S . L amb eth 1212 , p . 3 12 . A .D . 7 9 8 .

K 101 9 .

E h e l h ear d

abp. Can t. in syn od at Clovesho,recovered an equivalent in

K ent for the monastic estate of Cookham,of the acquisition

and loss ofwhich by Christ Church, Canterb ury, an eventfulstory is told.

4 REGNANTE imperpetuum deo et domin o n ostroIhesu Christe l Ego Ae

’Oelhardus larga omn ipo ten tis

dei gratia annuen te Dorob ern en sis aecclesiae‘


politanus, cum praestan tissimo rege n ostro Cen ulfo ,

conuocan s un iuersos prouin ciales episcopos n ostros , ducesst ab b ates st cuiuscun que dign itatis uiros

,ad syn odale

con cilium in locum qui n ominatur Clouesho ,ib i so llicito

ab eis scrutin io quaesiuimus qualiter apud eOS fides

catholiea hab eretur,et quomodo christiana religio ex er

ceretur. Hiis ita ex quisitis, una omn ium uocs ita

responsum est : N otum Sit patern itati tuae, quia Sicut

primitus a sancta Romana et apo sto lica sede, b eatissimo

papa Gregorio dirigen te, ex arata est,ita credimus ; et

quod credimus ab sque amb iguitate, quan tum possumus

ex ercere satagimus . Postq uam autem super hiis ub erius

tractatum est, ita ex orsi sumus : N ecessarium est,fratres

charissimi,aecclesias dei et uen erab iles uirOS qui iam

multo tempore terrarum dispen dio et ab sumptione ciroF


graphorum miserab iliter lab oraueran t, corrigsre. HIIS

dictis, prolatas sun t in scription es monasteri i quod uoca

tur Coccham in medium,terrarumque S ib i adiacen tium ;

quod uidelicet mon asterium , cum omn ib us ad illud pertinen tibus terris, rex in clytus M erciorum Aeb elbaldus

aecclesiae saluatoris quae sita est in ciuitate Dorob ern ia

dedit ; u tque illin s donatio perseueran tior fieret,ex

eadem terra cespitem et cun ctos lib ellos praememorati

coen ob ii, per uenerab ilem uirum Cub b ertum archiepiscopum misit

,et super altars saluatoris pro perpetua

sua salute, pon i praecepit . Sed post mortem praefati

pon tificis, easdem in scription es Deeiheah’ et Osb ertus,

quos idem pontifex alumn os nutriuit, malign o aeti

Spiritu furati sun t,

et Cenulfo regi Oceiden talium

Sax onum detulerunt ; at ills,accipiens Statim testimon ia

litterarum , praedictum coen ob ium cum omn ib us ad illudrite pertinen tib us suis usib us coaptauit, n eglectiS prae

n ominati archiepiscopi Cub b erti dictis st factis . Item ,

Bregwinus et Ian b ertus archiepiscopi per S ingulas

syn odus suas, questi sun t de in iuria aecclesiae saluatoris

illata ; st apud Csnulfum regem Oceiden talium Sax on um,

et apud Offam regem Merciorum qui u idelicet saspe

memoratum coen ob ium Coccham et alias urb es quam

plurimas Cen ulfo rege ab stulit,et imperio Merciorum

sub egit. Tandem Cenulfus rex sera ductus poen iten tia,telligraphia, id est, lib ellos quos a supradictis homin ib us

Dasiheh et Osb erto in iuste perceperat, cum magna

pecun ia, aecclesiae Christi ih Dorob ern iam remisit,

humillime rogan s 116 sub tan tae authoritatis anathemate

periclitaretur. Herum rex Offa praememoratum coen ob ium Coccha

m,sicut sin e litteris accepit, ita quan to

tempore uix it,detinuit

,et ab sque litterarum testimonio

suis post so haeredibus reliquit . S ecun do autem anno


rex pius n ridus haeredi tario iure possidendum donauitatque con scripsit .

1 i. e . relecti .

C o tt. N ero E . i . P art 2 . 3 8 8 . 6 Oct . 8 03 .

(E arl . 4 660 f. collated.

Hemi n g 8 .

K 18 3 . T . p . 46 .

D e n e b er h t

bp .W orcester, in Coun cil at Clovesho , records the settlementof the dispute b etween the See ofW orcester and Wulfheard

son ofCussa. See ab o ve,A .D . 7 8 9 .

lintanlworgr 8: B raoanlrab .

4 IN n omine du i n'

fi ihu x p1 . Ea quae seenu

dum ecclesiasticam disciplinam ac syn odali decretosalub riter defin iun tur quamuis solus sermo sufiiceret

tamen pro euitanda futuri temporis amb iguitate fide

lissimis scripturis et doeumentis sin t cbmsndata, Q ua

propter ego den eb erhtus ehus fui memor pristinaslocution is an tecessoris mei heathoredi st wulfheardi

epi s Ci rca terras illas aet in teb eorgas1

et aet b ra

dan laehe tune wulfheardus iterum coram sin odali testimon io con firmauit cum sign o cruci s x p1 deneb erhto eho

et eius familiae in weogorna ciuitate ut ille uoluisset

umquam auert-ere ab ecclesia pren ominata n isi u t

an te ueraciter ac firmiter defin itum hab uit ut hoe per

omn ia firmum et fix um in ter eos ppetuo mauerst. Haeccomemoratio facta est in loco qui dicitur clofesh6

ah incarnat’

domn i c DCCC°

. 111° IndiEXI . pridie n ona

rum octob rium his adstipulan tib us.


ab elheard arEi ehs.

aldwulfehs .



wulfheard ehsi

alhmund eps.

tidferb ehs.

wermund ehs .

ego koenulfrex mere . 4 ego aldred prin ceps.

osen si 7 sub s. 4 ego heab erht prin ceps .

ego b eorn ob prin ceps . 4 ego cso lwald pri nc.

ego cyn ehelm pri n . ego wiega pri nc .

ego wigli eard pri n . ego byrnwaldpri n c .

8 2 1—8 2 3 .

B remesgraf.

Csolulf rex wilnade Cass landes est b remesgrafan to

heaberhte be"

3 to his hirede 3“

Ca sends b e his eercndwreocan

to wulfhearde to in tanb eorgum j heb t b est he cuome to him 3to b asin b igum 6a dyde he swee Ca heo him to spraecon se

b isceop 3 his weotan ymb b eet land b est he his him genb e“


heo maehten b on e freodom b egeo tan 3”

6a wees he eabmodlice

ondeta b est he swa walde j to him wiln iende wees b eette heo

him funden swylce londare swylce he mid arum on beon

mehte 3 his wie b eer on byrig b eon mihte on his life.

69. sends he mon n to“

696m eerceb isceope j to eadb erhte j to

dyun s“

J him heht seecgan Ceet he wilnade b ees londes est

intanb eorgan . 6a se eerceb isceop j eadb erht hit weeran ern

diende to cyn inge. 6a cuom dynn e to geleerde b on e cyn ing

b est b e his n o gepesf wees .


a wees b igen“

J hlaforde londunb efiiten eghuees j seobhan a 06 his daga ends .

Kemb le appears to have prin ted this deed from the Harleiantran script , which is in

ferior to Heming, as Heming is to Co tt , N ero . I

have corrected it b y Cott . N ero , so far as that authority goes, viz . to

he sends in the endorsemen t, and then by Heming.

1 intanb srgan Heming in tan b srgum E arl.

ego weren b erht eps.

ego den eb riht eps .

ego wib riht ehs.

ego alhheard epS .

ego osmun d epS .

ego wihthun eps.


Cott . Aug . ii . 61 . 12 Oct . 8 03 .

K 18 5 . B . ii . 6 .

E t h e l h ear d

abp. Canterb ury, in Council at Clovesho , estab lishes theprimacy of the See of Can terb ury, and ab olishes the metropolitan dign ity which 0119 had in stituted at Lichfisld. Thisimportant record, which disposes for ever of the archb ishopricofLichfield, is preserved in its o riginal form, to b e seen in the

British Museum,and it is among the facsimiles edited by

Mr . Bond.

GLORIA in ex celsis do st in terra pax li omin ib s b onaeuolun tatis.

4 S cimus autem quod multis in dm fideliter con

fiden tib us n otum et man ifestum est et n ihil tamen illis

placab ile in so n isam est qui in gen tib us anglorum

commoran tur quod offa rex mercie in dieb us iaenb erhti

arcepi s cum max ima frauds hon orem st un itatem sedisS C I agustin i patris n ostri in dorouernensi ciuitate diuidereet discindere praesumsit et quomodo post ob itum pree

disti pon tifieis asb elheardus arcepi s di .gratia dona‘


illin s successor post curricula an n orum erga plurima diecclesiarum iura limina apostolorum st apostolicae sedisb eatissimum papam leon em uisitare con tigit in ter aliasn ecessaries legation es etiam discissionem in iuste factam

archiepiscopalis sedis n arrauit et ipse apostolicus papa

ut audiuit et in tellex it quod in iuste fuisset factum Statimsui priuilegii auctoritatis praeceptum posuit st in b rittann iam misit et praecipit ut hon or SCI agustin i sedis cumomn ib us suis parrohhiis integerrime redin tegraretur iux ta

quod SES gregorius n i’

ee gen tis apostolus et magister con

posuit et hon orab ili arEepiseopo ae’Oelheardo in patriam

psruen ien ti per omn ia redderetur et coenuulfus rex pins


i ita compleu it cum senatorib us suis ann o uero


tolicis mun ition ib s statuimus ub i sem euangelium x pi

per b eatum petrem agustin um in prouin cia anglorum

primu prqdicatur et deinde per gratiam SCI Shs latedifi

usum est. S i qu is nero con tra apostolicus praeceptiS

et n ostroru omn ium an sus S it tun icfi'

. x'

pi scindere et

un itate'

She di ecclesiae diuidere S eiat Sé n isi digneemendauerit quod in ique con tra sacras can on es fecitaetern aliter esse damnatum 7

His St n omi na Scorn epi scoporfi et ab batum qui prae

scriptum cyrographi cartulii’

. in syn odo qui factus est eet

clofeshoum . ann o adnen tus dhi DCCCIII cum signo scae

cruCIs x pi firmauerun t 7

4 ae’delheardus ar


CepiS. 4 den eb erhtus epi s .

4 alduulfus epiS. 4 uuihthunus epi s .


4 uueren b erhtus epi s . 4 tidfrib us epis

4 alcheardus epi s 4 uulfheardus epi s .

4 uuigb erhtus epi s. 4 alhmun dus pi s ab .

4 alhmundus epi s . 4 b eon na pi s ab .

4 osmundus epi s . 4 f’


rb ré d pi s ab .

4 eaduulfus epiS'

. 4 uuigmun dus pi s ab .

E ndorsed in a con temporary hand ,

‘Epistnlas and in a

hand of the 1 2 th cen tury,‘S criptum quomodo adn ichilatnm sit per

E thelardum archiepiscopum archi epiSCOpatus Licisfelden sis q uod fieri

deb uit con tra gcclesiam can tuarien sem. per ofi'

am regem.

’ ‘ latin e.

B .

Can terb ury Charters, C . 1 9 5 . 12 Oct . 8 03 .

K 1024 .

T . p . 5 0.

S . i . 4 .

E he lh ear d

Abp. Cant. in syn od at Clovesho , and un der mandate from

Leo III , decrees that secular persons are n ot to b e elected as

lords ofmonasteries. The Signatures are peculiarly interest


ing, as giving an idea of the compo sition of the’


coun cil of the time. SeeH S . iii. 547 b for further details

and identification s.

4 EGO Aeb elheardus gratia dei humilis san ctae dorob ern en SiS ecclesiae archiepiscopus un ian imo consilio totiussan cti syn odi congregation ib us omn ium monasteriorum

quae olim a fidelib us christo domin o perpetuam in lib ertatem dedita fuerun t . In n omine dei omn ipo ten tis et

per eius tremendum indicium praecipio S icut et ego

mandatum a domn o apostolico Leon e papa percepi Ut

ex hoe tempore n umquam temerario ausu super hereditatem domin i laicos et saeculares S ib i praesuman t domin os eligere S ed Sicut in priuilegiis ab apostolica sededatis hab etur seu etiam ab apostolicis n iris in in ition ascentis ecclesiae traditum est per sanctos can on es veletiam a propri i s possessorib us monasteriorum con stitu

tum ea regula et ob seruan tia discipline sua monasticaiura studean t ob seruare. S i ergo quod ab sit ipsi hocn ostrum mandatum st domn i apostolici papae spreuerin tet pro n ihilo ducun t S cian t se an te trib un al christin isi an te emendari uoluerin t, ration em reddituros Haec

sun t n omina san ctorum episcoporum et uen erab ilium

ab b atum et prqsbyterorum et diacon um qui cum totius

san cti syn odi con sen su pro confirmation s predictae rei

Signum sanctae crucis sub scripserun t.

4 Ego Ae’OelhearduS gratia dei archiepiscopus doro

b ern en sis ciuitatis Sign um san ctae crucis sub scripsi.

4 aeb elheah ab bas 4 Unlfheard presb iter 4 b e

ornmod presb iter

4 feologeld presb iter ab b as 4 wern ob presb iter 4

U ulfred archidiaconus

4 Ego aldulfus liccedfeldensis ecclesiae episccpus sign um crucis sub scripsi .


4 hygb erht abb as 4 mon n presb iter 4 eadhere

presb iter

4 lulla presb iter 4 wigferb presb iter 4 cub b erht

presb iter

4 Ego werenb erht legoren sis ciuitatis episccpus Sign um crucis sub scripsi.

4 alhmund presb iter ab bas 4 for’Ored presb iter ah

bas 4 eadberht presb iter 4 eadred presb iter 4 ean red

presb iter

4 b eonna presb iter ab b as 4 uuigmund presb iter

ab b as 4 b erhthaeb presb iter 4 aspelhaeh presb iter 4mon presb iter

4 Ego eadwulf sydden sis ciuitatis episcopus signumcrucis sub scripsi .4 eadred presb iter ab bas 4 plegb erht presb iter 4

hereb erht presb iter

4 daeghelm presb iter ab bas 4 eaduulfpresb iter 44

heab ored presb iter

4 Ego den eb erht wegoran en sis ciuitatis episcopus

S ign um crucis sub scripsi.

4 hyseb erht ab b as 4 paega ab b as 4 coenferi‘i pres

b iter

4’Oingcferb ab bas 4 freob omund ab bas 4 selergd

presb iter

4 Ego wulfheard hereforden sis ecclesiae episcopus

signum crucis sub scripsi.

4 cub red ab b as 4 dyege presb iter 4 heab obald

diacon us

4 strygel presb iter 4 monn presb iter 4 werferb

4 Ego W igb erht scirab urnen sis ecclesiae episccpus

S ign um crucis sub scripsi .

4 muca ab b as 4 b erhtmund abbas

4 eadb erht ab bas


ut hab eat lib ertatem commutandi uel donandi in uita ‘


et post eius Ob itum ten eat faeultatem relin quendi cui

cumq : uolueris n ullus regum’


episcoporum uel

principum psen tium uel futurorum ista S it con temn ers

ausus Sin autem redat ration é’

cord do et coram angeliseius in die reuelation is a n ri ihu Xpi amen

4 ego coenuulf rex merC’

han c donatiOn em con sen

S iendo sub ,

4 ego cub red rex can tiee han c donati ons’ mea'

sign osees cruCIS x p1 firmabo 7 sub scrib o

4 ego wulfredus gratia di archiepi s song 7 sub

4 ego coenwald con sen si 7 sub scripsi,

4 ego osuulf con S 7 sub

4 ego ealdb erht eon s 7 sub

4 ego wealh cons 7 sub

4 ego eeb elieard con S'

7 sub

4 ego b erhtn ob conS 7 sub

4 ego ceolnob conS 7 S ub

4 wulfred arEepi S

4 alduulf épi s

uuerenb erht epi s 4 b eor‘

n’mod epi s

4 den eb erht epis 4 W igb erht epi s

tidferb epi s 4 alhmund epiS

4 alhheard epis wiohthun epi s'

4 eaduulfepi s 4 W igmund p? ab

4 wulfheard epi s 4 b eon n a pr ab’

Endorsed in a hand of the 10th cen tury,‘hegyb e b orn Oreo


and in a hand ofthe 1 2 th centwry, Cudred rex cantiee edelnoho

preefecto latine’

. B .


Endorsed by Aetheln oth and Gaen burh, 805—8 3 1


4 Aetheln oth se gerefa to eastorege and gaenb urg his wif

areeddan hiora erfe beforan W ulfrede arceb iscope and aethel

hune his masseprioste and esne cyninges thegn s suas li uether

hiora suae leng lifes were foe to londe and to alre ashte gifhie b earn heb b e thonn e foe [ii

—Jest ofer hiora b oega dagas to

londe and to ashte. gifhio tho nn e b earn n eeb b e and wulfred

archib iscop lifes S ie thonn e foe he to thaem lends and hit

forgelde and theet wiorth gedaele fore hi ora gastas suae

aelmeslice and suae rehtlice suae he him seolfa on his wis

dome geleorn ie . and this [s]prece naen ig mon uferran dogor

on naenge othre halfe oncaerrende sie n imn e suae bis gewrit


4 Uulfred arcepi s . 4 Aethelnoth .

44 Feol[o]geld pr ab . 4 Gaenb urg.

4 Aethelhun pr . 4 Esne.

4 Cuthb erht pr .

pisses londes aran thrie sulong ast haegethe thorn s . and

gifhiora othru o ththe b aem siith forgelimpe b iscop that loudgebycge suas hit 2 thonn e geweorthe.

Tran slation z—A etheln oth , reeve of East Ken t , and Gaen b urg, his

W ife , declared their succession b efore Ab p. W ulfred an d A ethelhun his

chaplain , and Esn e, a than e ofthe king’

s . Whi chever of the two shouldsurvive should take to the land and to all the property if they have a

child, it is to take, after b oth their days, to the lan d and property : ifthey have n o child and A b p. W ulfred b e alive, then he is to take to theland, and pay for it , and distrib ute the worth for their souls in the wayofalms, and as justly as he in his wisdom may learn . An d this b eq uest

let n o man in time to come divert in any o ther direction than as this

writing con tain eth .—Ofthis land are three sn lun gs at Haegethe thorn s ;

and in case of the prior decease ofon e or b oth,the b ishop is to b uy the

land as it then stands .

1 This en dorsemen t by the purchaser and his wife is after Kemb lefrom the S towe M SS . For language and for con ten ts it is remarkab le .

N otice gastas for the usual sawla.

1 his K .


C o tt. Aug . 11 . 5 5 . A . D . 8 05 .

L amb . 1212 . f. 3 14 .

E 18 9 . B . i . 13 .

E th e l h ear d

ab p. Canterb ury, b y syn odal decree, restores to the b rethrenof Christchurch land formerly given them by Aldhun ,


which, by the rapacity of some king, they had b een unjustlydeprived. The penman ship is remarkab le, and it was selectedby Kemb le as on e ofhis few specimen s.

J? EGO aedilheardus metropolitanae ciuitatis in dorob ern ia arc epi s pro amore dfii n i’ ihu x pi et pro ab solution e meora criminfi torram quattuor aratroi‘ n omin e aet

hum an in occiden tali parte b eorahames sEae familiaeecclesiae x pi in propria possessionem donaho et ob secro

in n omine diii omn es pon tifices u ros successores ut

omn e b onum quod in illa terra lucrificetur fratres sib isingulariter ad men sam suam hab ean t et ad alteramn ecessitate facian t qua illis b on a et spon tan ea uolun tate

max ime utile uideatur . Han c fmominatam torram quidamhomo b on us n omin e aldhun qui in hac regali n illa inhuu


ciuitatis praefectus fu it pro in tuitu aeternae

mercedis fratrib us n'

fis ad men sam tradidit sed s'


ecclesia XPI sme n orma iustitiae cum rapacitate cuiusdam regis de sua terra priuata est et n os aux ilian tedfio iterum illam insto et syn odali iudicio restituere huics


cae familiae curauimus rogamus etiam amicos n'

fos idest reges et pontifices et omn es qui potestatem in hac

prouin cia hab ean t. ut semper augere his fratrib . et ii

minuere suum b onum dignen tur et certe credimus

eo magis dm omn ipoten tem illis augere aeterna b on ain caelestibus regn is .

actu fuit DCCCV. ann o in carn a’


Xpl xm . indiction e

testiu n omina hic infra carax ata sun t


Mynde.—The deed is further interesting as an early ex ample

of on e wholly in Sax on ; and it is worthy of remark that it

contain s n o born ,that sound b eing throughout represented

b y“5 . A specimen is facsimiled in Cod. Dipl . , and the whole

by Mr. Bond, who describ es the writing as rounded minus

cules, partly following the Irish type.

Mr. Kemb le datedthi s piece 805

—8 3 1 , but Haddan and Stub b s have shewn thatit cann ot b e later than 8 1 0 . Dialect K en tish.

4 l o osuulfAldormonn mid godes gaefe ond b eornb ryb min gemecca sellab to can tuarabyrg to cristes

cirican b aet lond set stanham stede. x x . swuluncga godeallmehtgum 7 b ere halgon gesomn un cgae fore hyhte 7fore aedlean e daes aecan 7 daes towardon lifes , 7 foreuncerra saula hela 7 uncerra b eam a. 0nd mid micelre

eadmodn isse b iddab dwt wit moten b ion on dem gema

n on de“Baer godes diowas siondan 7 da men n da b aer

hlafordas waeron 7 dara mon na de b iora lend to b aerecirican saldon . 0nd daettae mon un ce tide ymb tuaelf

monad mon geuueordiae on godcundum godum 7 see

on aelmessan suae mon hiora doed,

Ic don ne uulfredmid godes gaefe a'

i n epi s das forecuae

denan uuord fulliae 7 b eb eode daet mon ymb tuaelfmon ad

hiora tid b oega dus geuueorb iae to an es daeges toosuulfes tide ge mid godcundum godum ge mid ael

messan ge aec mid higna suesendum,don n e b eb eode ic

daet mon das ding selle ymb tuaelfmonad of liminum de

dis forecuaede‘

n e’ loud to limped of daem ilcan lé nde aet

stanham stede. cx x . huaetenra hlafa. 7 XXX. den ra. 7 an

b rider dugunde . 7 . III . seep. 7 tua fiicca. 7 . U. goes. 7 . x .

hen nfuglas . 7 . x . pund caeses gif hit fuguldaeg sie, Gif

hit don n e festen daeg sie. selle mon unege caesa 7 fisces 7

b utran 7 s egera daetmon b egeotan maege . 7 x x x . omb ra

godes uuelesces alod daet limped to XU . mittum . 7 mittanfuln e hun iges. odda tuegen uuin es . sue hwaeder suae


mon donn e b egeotan maege 0nd ofhigna gemenfi godiidaer aet ham mon geselle. cx x . gesuflra hlafa to ael

messan for hiora saula. suae mon aet hlaforda tidfi doed.

Ond das forecuedenan suesenda all agefe mon dem

reogolwarde 7 he b rytn ie swae higfi maest red sie 7

daem sawlfi soelest. aec mon daet weax agaefe to ciricican

7 b iora sawlam nytt gedoe de hit man fore doed. aec ic

beb eode min um aefterfylgendi‘

i de daet lon d heb b en aet

b urnan daet hiae simle ymb . XI I . monad foran to “


tide gegeorwien ten hund hlafa 7 swae feola sufia 7 det

mon gedele to aelmessan aet dere tide . fore mine sawle 7

osuulfes 7 b eorndryde‘

aet cristes cirican’

7 him se reo

golweord on byrg geb eode foran to hwon ne sio tid sie.

aec ic b idde higon dette hie das godcundan god gedonaet dere tide fore b iora sawlfi. daet eghwilc messepriost

gesinge fore osuulfes sawle twa messan twa fore b eorndryde sawle. 7 aeghwilc diacon arede twa passion e forehis sawle twa fore hire 0nd eghwilc godes diow gesingetwa fiftig fore his sawle twa fore hire. daette ge foreuueorolde sien geb litsade mid demweoroldcundum godam

7 hiora saula mid dem godcundum godum . aec ic b iddo

higon daet ge me gemyn en aet dere tide mid suilce god

cunde gode suilce iow cyn lic dyn ce. Io de das gesett

n esse sette ge hueder ge for higna lufou ge deara saulade haer b eforan b iora n amon auuriten e siondon .


E ndorsed, by a'

nearly contemporaneous hand his is gesetnes osulf

ond b iarndryde ;’

and by on e of the 1 2 th cen tury, wi th the ex cep tion ofthe date, which is added later,

‘An n o DCCCVI Osulfus alderman dedi tS tanhamstede ecclesie christi tempore W lfredi archiepiscopi . An


B .


C o tt . Aug . ii . 4 7 . 21 April 8 11 .

K 19 5 . B . ii . 11 .

W u l fr e d

abp. Canterb ury, who was a con siderab le landown er in Kent,ex changes land with Christ Church. H&S . vol. ii i. p. 55 7 .

4 IN n omin e altithron i di summi regis aetern i. Egouulfred dii i in spiran te gratia x p1 ecclesiae an tistes preueren tia dm a ihu x p1 . ac p deuotissimo sin cerae

caritatis affectu , et p ex piation e piaculorum mccrum seu

etiam p mutua commoda uicissitudin is agellorum nrorum

quorundam hoc n erb i gratia q familiae xpi ecclesiaeid pprle a s frib ; in perpetuae hereditatis facultatb

tribuens donab o terram trium aratrum meae pprie iurisin regione easterege quae in ib i ab incolis folcuuin inglon d uocatur atq : iterum etiam in eadé

region e eosterege

meae <pprie hereditatis ruriculfi un ius aratri illis trib ;adheren s pdictis n i‘ae fratern itati on byrg ad possidendfi

reddo . Haec quattuor q'


aratra ita mihiin ppriam p

tinerun t con dicioné illa 1g tria aratra idb eet folcwin ing lon d on eosterge 7 unum aratrii ib i in

n tae terrae medic et liminUm coenuulfrex mihi cum suis

primis dign itatum gradib : cum ceteris agellis donauerit .

pro illius agelli conparation e on magon setum aet geard

cylle terra decim man en tium quem acyn eb ryb ae adqui

rere 7 ccnparare curaui Sed illud aratrum unu on

liminu de quo pdix imus id 8 Cast wyn nhearding lon d 7b ab b ing lond 7 an iocled on uppan ufre quam terram

id —e aratrum illud aet liminfi ad x p1 ecclesia1 trib uam

p agello illius aratri q ffib : n i‘is sieut fidix i tradidi on

eosterge et illud iam dudum etiam xpi ecclesiae ppriumfu it

,In super etiam addidi o n eostorege quin tum aratrum

ffib : nr'

is concedendam q a reacoluensae ecclesiae prius


agros hereditario iure serib ere Sed post ea b eataememoriae aeb elheard arEepis


a rege offa adquirere studuit

i115. torram cfi in tegra lib ertate ad x p1 S ed 7ipse aeb elheard arEepis


n i" paulo an te ob itum suu cum


suassion e ami corfi ffib : uris illam terram cum illa lib ertate 7 cun ctis rob : rite ad eam ptin en tib : restituere

demandauit ut illi terrefructib : utilitatisq : usib : ffs predemtione an ime illin s p


petue secundi‘

i suum placitii

tan tum in diio frueren tur quamob rem frs ac familia n fa

illa quattuor aratra ipsius terreaet b urnan p'

prie illorum

iuris hereditate’ mihi in ius pprie ac p'

petue hereditatis

arb itrium tradidei‘t ad tran smotation is uicissitudine' illin s

terre on easterege quam pdix imus,mihiastam lib eram 7

secaram Ifomn ia b ahendam fruendamq : pfpetue7 ad trahen dam secundum meae uolun tatis placitum arb itriumq

in acau dederun t 7 eon sen tien tib : an imis cun cto rumq

man ib : crucis sign aculo lib en ter sub scrib en tib : atq : hoc

etiam difin i‘ui’mus 7 firmiter reconcilian tes coram idoneistestib : rob orauimus ut tota illa terra quam ipsi tradiderun t mihi aet b urnan tam immun is ab sq : alicuius con

tradiction is ob stacula p'

petue fieri posset sicut illa terrao n eostorege quam illis dederam eis p


petue inuiolab ilem


é desiderio .

S i If q ab sit aliquis maliuola audacia han c uram



If tyrann idé'

inuadere i infringere tem

tauerit n ouerit se an te trib unal summi 7 tremen diiudicis xpi c

é ration b redditurum n isi illud priusdigna satisfactione emendauerit et si qualib et n i‘ae

partis condicio inn ocen s 7 in con taminata reperta ipsiusrei fuerit seu forte utraq : suae

<ppriae iuris po ssessiosalua 7 in tegra ration e ad pristine hereditatis gremiumreuertetur pars If illa que rea 7 deprauata fuerit suae

ppriae partis rea priuetur et iustum arb itrorum iudicium .


sub ire cogetur ib iq : iuste districtiones accipiat sen tiatq

satisfaction em

4 ego uulfred gratia di arEepi s huius recon ciliation isn iae uicissitudin é


s ign o scae crucis x p1 con firmab o 7sub scrib o

4 ego b eornmo dus epi s osen'


7 s ub s

4 ego wernob pi"

7 ab osen s 7 sub

4 ego b eornwinepi 7 ab oson s 7 sub

ego feologeld pi"

7 ab osens 7 sub

4 aeb elhun pr osen s 7 sub

4 ceolstan pr osen s 7 sub

heamund pr osons 7 sub

4 osuulfpr osen s 7 sub

heremod pi osen s 7 sub

tudda pr. osen s 7 sub

4 deorn ob pi"osen § 7 sub

abb a pf osen s 7 sub

4 gub mund pi"oecus 7 sub

b adaheard pi"osons7 sub

cub ric pi osen s 7 sub

4 hunferb pr osen s 7 sub

uuiln ob pr osen s 7 sub

4 dryhtn ob pr oson s 7 sub

4 eangeard pr osen s 7 sub

4 aeb elheah pi osen s 7 sub

4 ealhun pr osen s 7 sub

4 deneb erht dial con sen s 7 sub

coenhere dia'

osen s 7 sub

tilred dia'

osen s 7 sub

b illheard dié’

. osen s p sub

4 dudd dia'

. osens 7 sub

4 goda diaosen s 7 sub s


4 b runheard dia osons'

7 sub

4 uulfheard osen s 7 sub

4 osmun d osen§ 7 sub

Actnm H'

hoc an n o domin icein carii .dccc .x i . indictioneH .iiii“. imperii H


coenuulfi regis .x v . an n o . presu

latus Ifwulfredi arcepl s ann o .Vi . dieHundecimo 12] mai

in loco pelara in ciuitate dorouern ia regnan te dii o sinefine, amen

Endorsed in a hand of the 1 2th cen tury, .VI . Commutatio qua

randam terrarum in ter archiepiscopum W lfredum “J fratres ecclesieChristi id est folquin ingland .iii. aratra an eastreie . j .i . aratrum in locoq ui dicitur b iri .

“J .i . in 1000 q ui dicitur dunwalingland pro b urn e .iiii .

aratrorum latin e b on um.

’B .

1 It appears on the facsimi le as ifecclesiae had first b een written , and

then corrected to ecclesia.

C o tt . Aug . Ii . 10. 1 Aug . 8 11 .

K 1 9 6 . B . i . 14 .

C o e n u u l f o f M er c i a

grants to abp. Wulfred two and a half hagan’in Can ter

b ury. This was don e at a coun cil held in London . The

ceremon ious formality of the deed is remarkab le. We see

that land in a b orough was subject to the trin oda necessitasn o less than in the open coun try.

4 IN n omin e di sammi regis aetern i . Ann o at

Incarnatl oms eiusdem diii saluatoris mun di ihu Xpl .


0. indiction e ucro . IIII

‘. Porro (q imperii piis

simi regis merCIoru coen u‘


lfi 1 an no . x v°. praesulatus

etia uulfredi archipon tificis ann o . VI°

. prama kalendari‘


die augustarfi in loco pelaro Oppidoq : regali lundan iaeni ou concilifi pergrande collectfi hab ebatur. in quo uide

licet ipse rex coen‘


ulf atq : uulfred arc epl sc cum


concili i decreuerat . U t perpetue sin t lib erate ab omn ib

puplicis trib utis et a cun ctis regalifi reri‘

i uel operum de

b itis . siue priuclpu seu ducfi uel procuratoru aut etiamab omn i saeculariii causaru rerumue grauidine ex ceptis

his deb itis. id 6 po n tis in struction é’

. et con tra pagan osex pedition é

. atq : arcis mun itioné d istruction emfie Cum

tamen hoc un iuerso populo oportun itas summa poposcerit

et n ecessitas ex imia hoc agendfi cunctos undicumq : cc

herceret. tunc et illi rite sua redden t

4 Ego coen uulf dhi misericordia rex merCIor huinsn i

ae dation is ac lib ertatis remun eration é’

men te con sona

propriisq : man ib : cruc1s x p1 sign o confirmare rob orareque

st[atui] .4 aelfpryb regina con sen tiens sub scripsit.

sigred rex sub scripsit.

4 uulfred archi epi s xpi gratia con sen tien s sub scripsit .

4 den eb erht epi s sub scripsit .

b eornmod epl S sub scrip.

aeb eluulfepi s sub scrip.

heardb erht prinC’

sub scrip.

b eorn nob prin'

é sub scrip.

cyn ehelm prin é sub scripeadb erht dux con s sub scrip .

ecguulfdux cons sub scrip .

eanb erht dux con s sub s.

heahferb dux cons sub s.

cyneb erht ppm eius sub .

coenwald ppiii eius sub .

aeb elheah pedes sessor sub .


urg ab b a sub .

seleb urg ab b sub scripsit.

cub red pr sub scripsit.









E ndorsed in an ancien t hand,‘

grafen ea in a hand of the


1 0th cen tury,‘swib hun ing land,

and ‘

grauan ea ;’

and in a hand ofthe 1 2th cen twry, Con ci lium cen ulfi regis in q uo dedit suib hunigland

et grauen eaW lfredo archi episcopo .


B .

1 The scrib e wrote coenulfi, and a correcting hand has intimated

an other u over the line. This occurs three tim es in the early part ofthe deed, and after that the uu is duly written in its place .

1 A t Can terb ury Augu stin e heard of an old church of the Roman

period , and by the king’

s help he recovered it, an d con secrated it ‘ in

n omin e san cti Salvatoris .

Beda, E . H . i. 33 . Afterwards it came to b e

called Christ Church. That is Canterb ury Cathedral.

Ch art . A n t . Can tuar . C . 12 7 8 . A D . 8 12 .

K 1 9 9 . S . i . 6 .

C o e n u u lf

king of the Mercians, ex changes land in the eastern parts of

Kent with Ab p. Wulfred, who was a private landown er .

4 In n omine dei summi regis aetern i. An n o quoquein carnation is dei et saluatoris mundi DCCC

°x 11


indictio n e. V. Regn i quoque glorio sissimi merciorum

regis coenuulfi Ann o XVI° Praesulatus etiam an n o

uulfredi archiepiscopi VII0. IN ter alios quoque deo

adn uen te b onarum rerum euen tbs uerb i gratia placuititaque regi coen uulfo atque uulfredo archiepiscopo q uorundam commutationes agellorum amb ob us conpeten tius

in orien talib us can tiae partib us sapien tibus eorum con

sen tien tib us 1 firmiter peragere . Ita quoque primitus

uulfred archiepiscopus hac interposita ratione aliquam

terrae partiun culam hoc est duarum man en tium in

loco ub i sueordhlin cas uocitan tur iux ta distrib utionem

snarum utique terrarum ritu can tiae an su lung dictumS on in alio loco mediam partem un ius man siunculae idest an ioclet ab incolis ib i

ecgheanglond appellatur.

Quam terram uidelicet Uulfred archiepiscoPus plenario


ac dign o comparauerat praetio ab uulfhardo praesbytero

iam dudum Aeb elheardi b onae memoriae archiepiscopisib i ad possidendum atque fruendum per omne modumS eu etiam cum libertate sieut et ipse illam terram con

parare et possedere opten uit Id est ut iure hereditario

perpetuae possederet et ab un iuersis etiam terren is difii

cultatum n otis et ign otis condicion ibus ac tributis siueab omn i opere puplico aedificiorum aut in quolib et ducatu perenn iter lib era frueretur et sua sic utilitate qualecumque sib i dei don o praeuideret terram derelin queret

illam . UNde igitur christi gratia uulfred archiepiscopus

candem torram sib i tam prOpriam et quam lib eram ha

b endam fruendamque in suum proprie arb itrium conpa

rare plen iter ut praedix imus pracurab it . Atque etiamin super sic regi coen uulfo dare atque ad rei puplic e

condicion is donare decreuerat ub i uel cuicumque utilitatisib i fore uideretur. Pro agellorum Tran smutatione

Uerb i gratia istorum qui in partibus sub urb an is regisOppidulo fefresham dicto fieri uideb an tur Hoc est terrae

particula duarum man en tium id est an sulung ub i ab

incolis grafon eah uocitatur. Ab aquilon e hab en s termin um suuealuue flumin is A plaga orien te suib hun ing

lond A parte occiden tali ealhfieot Ab austro sighearding meduue ond eac suithhun ing lond . Atque rursum

in partibus australi in regione on liminum et in loco Ubiab indegen is ab occiden te kasingb urnan appellatur de

mediam partem un ius man siun culae id est an ioclet ad

id in super addito illo litore foris maritimo cum pristin is

termin ib us cun ctis ad eam usquam rite pertinentibusDei gratia quoque rex Coen uulf has praedictas terrulas

uerb i gratia aet grafou aea atque iterum aet casingb ur

n an litoreque illo cum omn ibus undecumque legitimis

limitib us campis salsuges pascuis siluis pratib us paludibus


4 Ego eaduulfepisc con sen tion s sub scripsi.4 S ignum man us cub redi pr .

4 S ign mail ploesa ducis.

4 S igii maii cyn eb erhti reg ppi n q .

4 S igii mah aeb elheah péd sec .

Endorsed in a hand ofthe I I th century‘

granan ea -tn a hand ofthe I 2 th century Commutatio terrarum inter K enulfum regem et Wulured archi episcopum pro suerdling et ecginglan d grauen ea et casinb urne

latin e —and in a hand of the I 3th century Carta Ceonulphi Regis de

S uordlinge q’

dedi t W ulfredo archiepiscopo .

1sapien tib us corum con sen tien tib us. A s if the archb ishop too had

his witen agemot . S ee ab ove, p. 69 ,

‘se b isceop and hi s weotan .

S o

Thurstan abp. York,in his charter to Beverley, says, et con silio mccrum

b aronum .

S tub b s, S elect Charters, part iii .

S omn er’s An t . Battely . App . p . 3 5 . A . D . 8 13 .

K 200.

W u l fr e d

abp. Can t. havi ng reb uilt his monastery ordain s that thememb ers of his familia may have and use the houses theyhave b uilt, and may also give or b equeath them b ut on ly tomemb ers of the congregation . This is granted as a favour oncondition of their greater devotion to their duties and con

stan t attendan ce at prayers . They are als o required to u se

the common refectory and dormitory.

4 IN n omin e san ctae saluatoris dei et domin i n ostriIhesu Christi . ann o ab in carnatione eiusdem dei et re

demption is mun di DCCC .XIII . Indict. VI . praesiden te

Christi gratia archipon tifice Uulfredo m etropolitan osedem ecclesiae Christi quae sita est 'in dorouern ia



tate a nn o VII . apiscopatus eiusdem archiepiscopi diuinaac fraterna pietate ductus amore deo aux ilian te renouan do et restaurando pro honore et amore dei sanctummonasterium dorouernen sis ecclesiae reaedificando refici

aux ilian tibus eiusdem ecclesiae presb iteris et diacon ibus


cun ctoque clero domino deo seruientium simul . Ego

Uulfredus misericordia dei archisacerdos pro in timo cordis affecta dab o et con cedo familia Christi hab ere et

perfruere domos quas sin i proprio lab ore con strux erun t

iure perpetuo hereditatis mun ificen tia illis u iuen tibus

seu deceden tib us cuicumque relinq uere uel donare n elucrin t unusquisq ue lib eram hab eant faeultatem in eodem

mon asterio donandi sed n ec alion i foras ex tra congrega

tion i. Ita etiam in Christi caritate ob secran s precipio

omn ib us successorib us meis hanc praedictam donationem

inconcussam et in uiolatam salua ration e seruandam sed

sin e semper in euum. hac tamen condition e ut deo

humiliores et gratiores omn ium b eneficiorum dei semper

ex istan t seduloque frequen tation s can on icis horis ecclesiam Christi uisitent orantes ac deprecan tes pro seipsis

propriis piaculis et pro aliorum remission e peccatorummisericordiam domin i imploren t . N ecn on domum re

fection is et dormitorium commun iter frequenten t iux ta

regulam monasterialis disciplinae uitae ob seruan t. Ut

in omn ib us hon orificetur deus et uita n ostra et b on aconuersatio n ob is n ostrisq ue proficiat in b on um . S i

quis illorum per audaciam suae malae uolun tatis han c

praedictam con stitution em in ritam hab ere et in ob liuionem deducere et congregare con uiuias ad uescendum

et b ib endum seu etiam dormiendum in propriis cellulisseiat se quisqu is ille sit reatum se esse propriae domi etin potestate archiepiscopi ad habendum et cuicumque ci

placuerit donandum k manentem itaque han c kartulamin sua n ihi lomin us firmitate.

4 Ego Uulfred gratia dei archiepis'


sign o san ctaecrucis Christi firmans sub scripsi .

4 Ego uuern oth pr ab coii 7 sub scripsi.

4 Ego wulfheard pr con 7 sub .


4 Ego heamund pr coii 7 sub .

4 Ego osuulffir cofi 7 sub .

4 Ego ceolstan pr cofi 7 sub .

4 Ego tudda pr 0011 7 sub .

4 Ego diorn oth pr cofi 7 sub .

4 Ego guthmund pr coii 7 sub .

4 Ego cuthb erht pr coii 7 sub .

4 Ego coenhere 0011 7 sub .

4 Ego b runheard con 7 sub .

4 Ego haehferth con 7 sub .

Wh ile the form is that ofan ex ten sion of lib erty, it seems plain lya politic con cession of rights which had b een already u surped, with a

vi ew to arrest the progress ofen croachmen t and restore some elemen ts

ofdiscipline . The limit here put on right of property within the pre

cin ct,was necessary to preven t the acqu iremen t ofab solute possession .

The appropriation ofhouses with limited freedom oftestamen tary disposition is the very utmost that cou ld have b een con ceded , without

disso lution ofcen ob it ic life . W e may gather from this how seculariz edthe monasteries had b ecome, and how deeply rooted were those de

gen erate customs which Dun stan’

s reformation at length plucked up .

C o tt . Aug . ii . 7 7 . A . D . 8 14 .

E 204 . B . ii . 12 .

C o en u u l f

king ofMercia, grants land of ten ploughs at Bex ley to Abp.

Wulfred. A very interesting deed, with much in it to

stimulate local research ; as for ex ample —Is there an Avonin Ken t ?

4 IN n omine sc1 saluatoris di et a a ihu x p1 .

Regnan te ac gub ernan te eodem diio ib u S imulq : spu sEo

gub ernacula in imis et in arduis dispon endo ub ique regitlicet

sermo Sapien tium consiliumq : pruden tium stab ilis


man eat tamen ob incertitudin e temporalium rerum

diuin is n umin ib us mun iendo p'

scrutando p ign otis et

incertis euen tis stab ilienda rob orandaque in do uino et


4 ego denebyrht cps con'


7 sub

4 ego uulfhard cps con § 7 sub

4 sign um man us eadb erhti ducis4 signum man us ealhheardi ducis .


4 signum manus ceoluulfi duc is.

E ndorsed in a hand of the l o th cen tury to byx lea,’and in a

hand of the 1 sth cen tury,‘Kenulfus rex W luredo archiepiscopo b ix le

x . aratrorum .

’ ‘ latine .

’B .

H arley Charter 8 3 . A 1 . A .D . 8 14 .

E Z O7 .

B . ii . 14 .

C o en u u l f

grants to Suib n ob‘

comes’ land free for himselfand his heirs .

This document was thus describ ed by Kemb le in 1 8 3 9 An

original ofCoenuulf ofMercia,n ow in a case fo r the inspection

of visitors.

’Cod. Dipl . VI . x vii. But Mr . Bond pronoun ces

it to b e ‘ late n inth century.

Vol. iv. p. 7 .

4 IN n omin e di summi . Igitur ann o dfice incarn ation is DCCCXIIII regni ucro n i

i a do con cessi XUIII .Ego coenwulf rex merc suib n ob e meo comite terramI aratrorum in propriam possession em et lib ertatem

Sib imet uel suis heredibus in ppetuum fruere pdon ab o

S cilicet. iux ta silua quae dicitur caert cum campis cum

siluis cum pascuis cum pratis x v carra de fen o capien tia cum un o. molina 7 waldb era wiolhtringden 7“Born ingabyra 7 b eardingaleag 7 focgingabyra 7 speld

gisella 7 hegeb onhyrs 7 hrib den 7 cun den 7 b egcgebyra

7 spon leoge 7 b et firhde b ituihn longan leag 7“


sub tun e 7 b a suadas illuc ptin en tia cum an tiquis ter

min ib us lib erabo pdictam* terram a n otis caus is 7 ig

n otis a magn is uel modicis aetiam n omina testium infraadscrib untur pro cautella futuri amb iguitatis augentis


han c donation em meam a misericordissimo diio aeter

nam b enediction em con sequan tur z—Si quis uero regum

uel prin cipum seu pfectum hunc libertatem meam in

fringere aut min uere uoluerit S ciat se separatum cc In

die indien a con sortio sooru Il l Sl dign e emendauerit an tereatum suum

4 Ego coenwulf gratia di rex merE han c donation em meam cum sign o sC

e crucis confirfii 7 sub sCr.

Ego aelf’b ryb a regina merC oseii 7 sub sbr.


i s






Ego uulfred ai’


pi CE7 sub sCr.

Ego alduulfepi cs 7 sub sbr.

Ego werenb ert epi o'

s 7 sub sbr.

Ego den eb ierht epi o§ 7 sub sé'

r .

Ego eadwulfepi cs 7 sub sbr.

Ego wulfhard epi o§ 7 sub sfz'


Ego tidferd epis os 7 sub sbr.

Ego sib ba epi cs 7 sub sbr.

Ego b eornmod epi as 7 sub scr.

Ego aeb eln ob em08 7 sub sbr.

Ego W igb erht em08 7 sub sfir.

Ego wigb eng epI os 7 sub sé’


Ego wilheard pr ab b cs 7 sub sé'


Ego W igmund pr ab os 7 sub sCr.

Ego reb hun pi"ab 03 7 sub sbr .

Ego piot pi"ab 0§ 7 sub scr.

Ego tidhald pi ab 08 7 sub sC’


Ego wulfhard pr ab o§ 7 sub sCr.

Ego cu’dwulfpi

"ab 7 sub sCr.

Ego heardb erht dux os 7 sub sCr.

Ego b iorn no’d dux os.

Ego dyn ne dux os .

Ego eb elheah dux o§.

Ego mucel dux os .


4 Ego Sigered dux os'


4 Ego aeb elmod dux os .

4 Ego wigheard dux as .

4 Ego eatferb dux cs.

Ego wulfred dux os .

Ego eadb erht dux os .

Ego ealhhard dux o'



Ego ciolhard dux cg.

Ego b iornhard dux os .

Ego b ofa dux .0§ .

Ego ecgwulfdux Us .

Ego cudred o'



Ego wulfred o§.

4 Ego wighard 0g.

4 Ego eadwulfDE.


Endorsed in a contemp orary hand, 4 b e suib’


es b oec

and in a later hand‘tunes b oco .

B .

S omn er’s An t . Battely . App . p . 12 . A . D . 8 14 .

E 205 .

C o en u u l f

king of Mercia, grants to Abp. Wulfred, a piece of land inhis right, ab out thirty jugera, at a place called Binna '

n ea,

situate b etween two rivi gremiales of the river S tar.

4 IN n omine san cti saluatoris dei et domin i n ostriIhesu Christi

,regnan te ac gub ernan te eodem domin o

Ihesu simulque spiritu san oto gub ernacula in imis et inarduis dispon endo ub ique regit ! Licet sermo sapientium con siliumque pruden tium stab ilis perman eat, tamen

ob in certitudin e temporalium rerum,diuin is n uminib us

mun iendo, perscrutando, pro ignotis et incertis euentis


stab ilienda rob orandaque in deo uiuo ~

et ucro sunt.


C o tt. Aug . ii . 9 3 . 17 S ep t. 8 22 .

K 216 . B . Ii . 1 5 .

C e o lu u l f

king of the Mercian s and Kentish men, grants to Abp . Wul

fred land in the provin ce of Kent called Mylen tun (Milton ) .The ex emption s are remarkab ly describ ed, and so are alsothe n ecessary ob ligation s. S everal con sideration s are allegedfor the gran t, the con cluding on e b eing a gold ring of seven tyfive man cuses.

vThe deed is a good ex ample ofungrammaticalhalf-vern aculariz ed Latin .

4 IN n omin e ihu x p1 saluatoris mun di qui est et

qui erat et qui uenturus est per quem reges regun t et

diuidunt regna terrarum sicut dispen satur un iuerseterre distribuit secun dum mensuram sui propriae uoluntatis ita iedem di gratia conceden te ego ceolwulf rex

merciorum uel etiam con t-wariorum dab o et con cedouulfredo uen erab ile art‘epis


aliquam partem terre iurismeg id est .u . aratro in prouincio can ticub i n ominaturmylen tu


in propria. potestatem ad ab endum possidendum commutandumq : uel etiam post se relin quendamcuicumq : ci karorum placuerit cum omn ib us usis ad

eam rite pertinen tib us cum campis silb is pratis

pascuis aquis molin is piscation ib us aucupation ibus

uenation ib us et quicquit in se ab en tibus in superetiam hanc pdictam terram lib erab o , ab omn i seruitutesecularium rerum a pastu regis episcopie prin cipumseu

, prefectum ex actorum ducorum can orum uel

equorum seu accipitrum ab refé tion e et hab itu illo rumomn ium q ui dieun tur faestingmen ab omn ib us lab orib usoperib us et onerib us siue diflicultatib us quit plusmin usue n umerab o uel dico ab omn i grauitatib us magiorib us minoriis n otis ign otis undiq : lib erata perman eatin efum n isi is quattuor causis que nun c n ominab o ex


pedition e con tra pagan os o stes et pon tes con struction e

seu arcis mun itione uel destructione in eodem gen te et

singulare pretium foras reddat secundum ritum gen tesillius et tamen nullam penam foras alicui persoluat setsemper sin e aliqua ui u llin s cause in in tegritate liberet secura perseueret, uulfredo episcopi et eredib us eius in

posterum cum certissimis termin is suis ab orien te cyme

sinc in australe se ho le welle et occiden te dioren teab aquilon e scorham silba similitur qui dicitur cert ab

occiden te et aquilon e greotan edesces lon d in orien tecyme singes cert et in austra ondred item in ondrede

pastum et pascua porcorum et armen tum seu caprorum

suis locis in hyrst sc‘


ofing den snad hyrst et si quisscire desiderat quare han c donam tam deuotissime de

dissem uel lib erassim seiat illi recitatur quod imprimis

pro amore di omn ispotentis et pro uen erab ili gradui

preticti pon tificis seu etiam con secration is mom quamab cc eodem die per di gratia


accepi n ec n on pro eius

placab ili pecun ia id est anulus aureus ab ens .lx x .u .

mancusas ut ab eo accepi

Actnm est ann o domin ice in cdti .dcccx x n . indicti'

.x u .

die uero'

.x u . kl octob in loco regale qui dicitur bydictun is testis con sen tien tib us et scrib en tib us quorumn omina infra aben tur

4 ego ceo lwulfrex merciorum han c meam donatio nem

proprio manu sub scrib o

ego wulfred arhCepi s con sen sien s sub scribo

ego eb elwald epis osen si 7 sub scrib o

ego reb hun ep1s osen si 7 sub scrib o

ego wulfheard epi§ osen si 7 sub scrib o

ego heab erht ep1s Usen si 7 sub

ego sigered dux osen si 7 sub

ego eadb erht dux Osen si 7 sub


4 ego wulfred dux Osen si 7 sub

4 ego muca dux osen si 7 sub

4 ego eatferb dux osen si 7 sub

4 ego b ofa dux osen s 7 sub

4 ego piot pi’

s osen s 7 sub

4 ego eadbald

4 ego cyn eb erht

4 ego wighelm

4 ego headb oard 4 ego tunred

Endorsed in a hand of the l o th cen tury,‘mylen tun ,

and in a

hand of the 1 2 th cen tury, Celulfus rex merciorum dedit VVluredo archi

episcopo mylen tun .

’ latin e .

B .

C o tt . Aug . Ii . 19 . A .D . 8 3 1 .

K 22 8 .

T . p . 4 6 5 . B . ii . 1 9 .

E adw al d an d C y n e b r y b

with the advice of their friends,settle the succession to the

land at Chart (Kent) . A genuin e contemporary specimen of

the Kentish dialect, that is to say, of the English of the

South in the earlier stages of its culture.

4 DIS is geb inge eadwaldes osb eringes 7 cyneb ryb e

eb elmodes lafe aldormonn es ymb e b et lond et cert b ehire eb elmod hire hlab ard salde wes hit b ecueden osb earte

his b rob ar suna gif he cyneb ryb e oferlifde 7 sib b an

n en iggra meihan da ma b es cynn es ac hia hit atuge yfter

hira dege swe hit him b oem rehtlicast 7 elmestlicast were

b onne hebfab eadwald 7 oyne1 b as wisan b us funden e

mid hira friandum gib eadweald leng lifige b onn ecyn eb ryb geselle et b em londe et cert .x . b usenda gifhe gewite er b on n e hia his b arna sue hwelc sue lifes sieagefe b et fech ond atee 2 sue hit soelest sie forb a hit b ege


4 ego herefreb pi"cs

4 ego wynhelm ared’


4 ego wunb eald Os

4 ego wermund OS

Translation -This is the agreemen t ofEadwald the son of Oshere

and Cyn ethryth the relict ofEthelmod the aldormon , ab out the land at

Chartwhich Ethelmod her lord gave her. It was b equeathed to Osb erthis n ephew if he had overlived Cyn ethryth, and after him n o more of

the relatives of that kin ; b ut she was to dispose of it after their time in

such a mann er as Should b e most right and pious for them b oth (i . e . fo r

E thelmod and Cynethryth ) . Accordingly Eadwald and Cyn ethryth

with their friends have devised the fo llowing arrangemen t —IfEadwaldlive longer than Cyn ethryth he is to give on accoun t of the land at

Chart ten thousand : ifhe die b efo re her, then whichever ofhis childrenis then alive is to pay that mon ey , and devise the estate as may b e b est

for those who acquired it. There is n o relative n earer ofkin to Ethelmod than Eadwald, whose mother is his n iece ; and therefore it is most

n atural that he should have the land, and his children after him, and so

devise as to them may seem most ex pedien t for those who lawfullyacquired it .

1 Cyn e[b rib ] Thorpe, as ifrectifying a scrib al error, b ut I apprehendthis was a recogn ised form of speech , though it appears b ut rarely in the

literary remains . S ee my Sax . Chron . A .D. 590 (A ) , and p . x x ii,n o te .

2on iatee K. 85 B . I fo llow Thorpe

s reading ofthe manuscript .3 SO MS . ; b ut Sb K .

C o tt . Aug . Ii . 5 2 . Ab ou t A .D . 8 3 1 .

K 229 .

T . p . 46 8 . B . ii . 21 .

E al h b u r g an d E adw eal d

their b equests from the land at Burn e to Christ Church,Canterb ury.

—Also the b equest ofEalhhere to the same, fromthe land at Denglesham. In contemporary Kentish, like theprevious numb er.

4 DIS sin dan geb inga ealhb urge 7 eadwealdes et

b em lan de et burnan hwet man elce gere ob b em landeto cristes cirican b em hiwum agiaban scel for ealhburge

7 for ealdred 7 fore eadweald 7 ealawynne .x l. amb ra


mesltes 7 x l. 7 cc . hlab a .i. wege cesa i wege speces

i . cald b rib er iiii web ras x goes .x x henfugla

. I III . fob ra weada 7 ic ealhb urg b eb iade eadwealde m in emmege an godes n aman 7 an ealra his haligra b et he

b is wel healde his dei 7 sib b an forb b eb eode his erb um

to healden n e b a b wile b e hit cristen se4 7 suelc mon se

b et lond heb b e eghwylce sun nan dege x x gesuflra hlafa

to b are cirican for ealdredes saule 7 for ealhb urge 4

Dis is sia clmessc b e ealhhere b ehead ealawyn ne hisdochter et b englesham et .iii . sulungum elce gere . c

peii to cristos cirican b em b igum 7 suelc man so b isseslandes b ruce ageb e b is fiah an godes gewitn esse 7 an

ealra his haligra 7 suilc man sue hit awege b on n e se hit

on hi s sawale nas on b es b e hit don het

E ndorsed in a hand of the 1 2th cen tury,‘donum ealhb rege quod

instituit donari de b u rn e familie ecclesie Christi, ’ ‘ I tem do num ealh

b ere ad Opus famili e ecclesie Christi de terra de b englesham an glice.

’B .

C o tt . Aug . Ii . 9 2 . A .D . 8 3 2 .

K 23 1 .

T . p . 4 7 4 . B . ii . 22 .

L u fa

her b equest for her soul’s n eed to the b rotherhood at ChristChurch, Can terb ury. In Kentish Sax on 1 .

4 IO lufa mid godes gefe ancilla di wes soecende 7smeag ende ymb min e sau l b earfe mid ceoln ob es eerce

b iSCOpeS geb eahte 7 b ara hiona et cristes cirican willa ic

gesellan of b em serfe b e me god forgef 7 min e friond to

gefultemedan elce gere .lx . amb ra maltes 7 . cl . hlafa .l .

b wite hlafa .cx x . elmes hlafes .

2an hri ber an suin .iiii .

web ras .ii . wega spices 7 ceses b em b igum to cristes

circean for min e saule 7 miura frionda 7 mega b e me to

gode gefultemedan and b et sie simle to adsumsio scae


marie ymb .x ii . monab end sue eihwelc mon swe b is londheb b e min ra aerb enumena b is agefe 7 mittan fuln e

hun iges .x . goes .x x . henfuglas.

4 Ic ceolno b mid godes gefe erceb isSmid cristes rodetacn e b is festn ie 7 write

b eagmund pi geb afie 7 midwrite4 b eornfrib pi


geb afie 7 mid write4 wealhhere pi

4 osmun d pideimun d pi

4 aeb elwald diaS

werb ald diaS

sifreb diaS

swib b erht diaS

b eornheah diaS

aeb elmund dIac

wighelm diaS

lub orI<

4 Ic luba eab mod godes b iwen b as forecwedenan

god 7 b as elmessan gesette 7 gefestn ie Ob min em erfe

lande et mundlingham b em hiium to cristes cirican 7 ic

b idde 7 an godes lib gendes naman b eb iade b aem men b e

b is lan d 7 b is erb e heb b e et mundlingham b et he b as

god forb leste ob wiaralde en de se man se b is healdan

wille 7 lestan b et ic b eb oden hebb e an b isem gewrite Se

him scal‘d' 7 gehealden sia hiab en lice b’


edsung se his

ferwerne ob b e hit agele se him scald 7 gehealden hellewi te b ute he to fulre b ote gecerran vville gode 7 man numuen e ualete

E ndorsed in a con temp orary hand, 4 lufe binog gewrit,’and

i n hands of the 1 2 th cen tury,“ luue mu lier quedam dedit ecclesie

Christi munlingham tempore celnob archiepiscopi,’

and ‘ ix anno


4 Ego ecgb erht rex hanc meam donationS sign ii

cruc1s x p1 Inpressi.

Ego ,cialn oth gratia di arch cps han c pdictS dona

tion S cu S igno soac cruels x p1 rob oraui 7 subscripsi .

4 Ego b eornmod eps con s et sub sS.

4 Ego alhstan eps con s 7 sub sS.

4 Ego coen red e'

ps con s 7 sub sS.

Ego osmod dux con s 7 sub sS.

Ego uulfhard dux con s 7 sub S.

4 Ego eanuulfdux con s 7 Sub S.

4 Ego b ofa dux con s 7 sub S.

Ego drihtn oth ab b conS 7 sub s

4 Ego freodoric ab b con S 7 sub S

Ego heab erht diaS con s 7 sub

4 Ego b eornmod m con s 7 sub s.

4 Ego hean oth I'


I con S 7 sub S.

Ego oshere fii con s 7 sub S

Ego alhhere iii con S 7 sub s

Ego lulla m con s 7 sub

On the back of-theCharter is written by a hand ofthe l o th cen tury,

Sand tun es b oc and by a later hand, Egb ertus Rex dedit c. l. iugera

ad ecclesiam sancte Marie de Sandtun .

Latin e .

B .

1 Kemb le corrected the false date from the witn esses’n ames : and

M r. Bond ob serves that the corrected date is more consistent with the

handwriting of the deed. B . i, p. vi.

C o tt. Aug . Ii . 64 . A .D . 8 3 5 .

K 23 5 .

T . p . 46 9 . B . 11 . 23 .

A b b a

a Reeve, his will—which has something ab out it suggestive ofa marriage settlement.

4 10 ab b a geroefa cyb e 7 writan hate hu min willais Pact mon ymb min serfe gedoe aeftermi nu daege aerest


ymb min lon d pe ic haeb b e 7 me god lab 7 ic act min iihlafordfi hegset, Is min willa gifme god b earn es u nnau

wille b eet hit foe to londe aefter me 7 his b ruce mid minu

gemeccan 7 Siob b an swae forb min cynn b a b wile be godwille b eet b eara aen ig sie he lon doe weorb e sie 7 lan d gehaldan cun n e

, gifme b on n e gifeb e sie b eet ic b earn b e

geotan n e mege bonne is min willa best b it haeb b e minwiif b a bwile b e hia hit mid clenn isse gehaldan wile 7min b rob ar alchhere hire fultume 7 past lond hire nytt

gedoe 7 him man selle an half swulung an ciollan deneto hab bann e 7 to b rucan n e wib b an b e he b y geornliocarhire b earfa b ega 7 b ewiotige 7 mon selle him to b emlonde iiii. ox an 7 .i i cy, 7 .l. scepa 7 aen n e horn , gif

min wmf b on ne hia nylle mid clen n isse swae gehaldan

7 hire liofre sie ob er hemed to n iomann e b on ne foen

min e megas to b em londe 7 hire agefen hire agen gif

hire b on n e liofre sie an myn ster to gangan n e ob b a sub tofaran n e b onn e agefen hie twaegen mine megas alchhere

7 aeb elwold hire twa b usen da 7 fon him to b em londe,7 agefe mon to liminge .l. cawa, 7 .v . cy, fore hie 7mon selle to folcan stane in mid min ii lice .x . ox an 7 .x .

cy . 7 .c . cawa .7 .c. swina 7 higum an sundran .d.

pend wib b an b e min wmfpeer b e nuge innganges swae

mid mi nu lice Swae siob b an yferran dogre swae hwaeder

swae hire liofre sie , gif higan b on n e ob b e hlaford Pactnylle hire myn ster lifes geun nan ob b a hia siolf nylle

7 hire ob er b ing liofre sie, bon n e agefe mon ten hund

pend in n mid min ii lice me wib legerstowe 7 higum an

sundran fif hun d pend fore min e sawle, 7 ic b idde 7b eb eode swaelc mon n se b eet min lon d heb b e b est he aelce

gere agefe b em b igum act folcan stan e .l . amb ra maltes

7 vi . amb ra gruta 7 iii . wega spices 7 ceses 7 .cccc .

hlafa 7 an hrib r 7 .vi . scop 7 swaelc mon n seb e to


minum serfe foe b onn e gedele he aelcum messepreoste

b in nan cen t mancus goldes 7 aelcum godes b iowe pend, 7to sSe p

etre min weergeld twa b usenda 7 freob omund foe

to minusweorde 7 agefe b er aet feower b usenda 7 him mon

forgefe b er an b reoten ehund pen ding 7 gifmine b rob araerfeweard gestrion en b e londes weorb e sie pon n e ann ic

b em loudes, gifhie n e gestrionen ob b a him sylfii aelles

hwaet sele aefter b iora dege ann ic his freob omunde gif

he b on n e lifes b ib,Gif him elles hwaet saeleb b onn e ann

ic his min ra Swaestar suna swaelcum se hit geb ian wile 7him gifeb e b ib , 7 gif beet gesele beet min cyn n to b anclane gewite b eet b er b eara nan n e Sie b e londes weorb e

Sie bonn e foe se hlaford to 7 b a higon act kristes cirican

7 hit minum gaste nytt gedoen , an b as reden n e ic hit

b ider selle b e se monn seb e kristes cirican hlaford sie‘


min 7 min ra erfewearda forespreoca 7 mundb ora 7an his hlaford dome


b ian moten,

4 ic ciolnob mid godes gefe eerceb iSCOp b is write 7b eafie 7 mid cristes rode tacne hit festn iae


ic b eagmund pi b is b eafie 7 writeic weerhard pi ab b is b eafie 7 write

4 ic ab ba geroefa b is write 7 festn ie mid kristes rodetacue

aeb elhun pr b is b eafie 7 writeab ba pr b is peafie 7 writeW igmund pi b is write 7 b eafieIofpi b is b eafie 7 writeosmun d pi b is b eafie 7 writewealhhere diab b is write 7 b eafieb adan ob diaS b is write 7 b eatieheab erht diaS b is write 7 peaflen ob wulf subdiab b is write 7 b eatiewealhhere sub diaS b is write 7 b eafie


heanbyrg in circuitu ofi silua ad eam ptin en tem et Cum

campis et pratis 7 cum omn ib ; uten ssilib S et cum putheis

salis et fornacib us plumb is 7 uillis et omn ia illuc ptin en 4tia in ‘

caelestem culmen generaliter p totum gen tem mer

ciorum et pro ab solution e criminum n rorum lib eraliter

lib eramus a modicis et a magn is can sis a n otis et ign otis praeter uallis et pon tes con struction em Factumhaec donatio in craeft an n o domin icae in carnation is

.deccO. x x x 0. uiO, indiS uero x iiii° regn i H'

a a do con s

cessi .uiio . p redemption e an imae mcae placab ile atquedilectab ile mente praedicta loca lib erab o cum un iuersis

casallis q; ipsis locis un iuerSIs S t sub diti ho‘


modo paeuum lib erab o a pastu regis 7 prIn CIpu 7 ab omn i ostruction e regalis n ille et a difficultate illa qua n os sax on ice

faestingmenn dicimus haec omn ia men te con cedo spontan co S citote ergo nos q

i han c lab en s regn ii p’

t me

ob tin eatis qare hoc munus 7 han c lib ertatem scripsi 7serib ere pcipi q in dm meu desidero et in 3 in effab ilem

mIserIcordiS Ofido ut diis fir ihs x ps meas iniqi tates quas

p ign oran tiam feci ds delere faciat Credo p hoc b onuma cun ctis me emundare dignet

q scriptii peccatfi ib i

emenda ub i n ascitu r modo posteros meos p gloriosi‘

i 7 If

mirab ile n omen dili uI ib u x p1 humili'

t supplico ut ele

mosin S quS in altitudin S caeli culmin is in manus diiidata: hab eo commun it

p me 7 p totfi gen tem merCIoru


b en ign it’

stare demittetis 7 multiplicare dignemin i

4 ego uuiglafrex mere 4 cyn eb ryb regina

4 ceoln ob archiepi 4 cyneferb epi'

4 raephun


4 eaduulf epi'

4 heab erht‘


4 eaduulfepi 4 alhstan epi'

4 b eormod


4 husa epi 4 cunda epi'

4 ceolb erht epi’

4 cyn red epi

mund Sb 4 uueohtred ab


helm ab 4’

egb sigred dux han c donationem sign o

crucis x '

pi Ofirmaui

4 mucoel dux 4 tiduulfdux 4 aepel

hard du'

x 4 Cyneb erht dux 4 aePeluulf

dux 4 alhhelm dux 4 humb é rht dux


aelfstan dux 4 mucoel dux 4’



aldred 4 aldb efht 4 aelfred 4 hwithyse


werenb erht .

4 Wulfred 4 wiglaf 4 eanu ulf 4 alh

mund 4’

b erhtuulf 4 eaghard

4 b es friodomwaes b igeten aet wiglafe cyn inge mid

b aem tuen tigum h ida aet iddes hale end b aes loudesfriodom aet haeccahammid b y ten hida lon de aet feldab i weoduman end mucole esninge b aet ten hida lon daet croglea haeb ben heora deeg 7 aefter heora (liege

agefe mon b aet land in to daere halgan stowe in tow


Endorsed in con temporary hands P b is is hean b irige friodom se

wees b igeten mid b y londe set iddeshale 7 set hean byrig ten hida b ees

londes “

1 act felda’

ten hida on b eansetum .

’ ‘

j b iscop gesalde sigrede

aldormenn sex hund scillinga o n go lde .


1 mucale aldormen n ten hida

lond as t crog lea. and in a fourth hand, wiglafeinig.

B .

1 The expression illut monasterium simply mea'

ns the monastery .

SO in a Mercian deed of 840, recen tly di scovered, we find ‘ illa congre

gatio’foi' the congi


egation .

S ee b elow, Cub uulf 840 .

C ott . A ug . ii . 20, 21, 3 7 . A .D . 8 38 .

K 240.

B . i . 17 ; Ii . 26 , 27 .

E cg b e rh t


ofWessex and his son" f; with abp; Ceolhbth,

held a Council at Ki theymade


a Reconciliation or Concordat b etween the Royal House of

Wessex and the Metropolitan See.

4 REGNANTE in perpetuum diio db n i o sab aoth . Con

gregatfi est uen erab ile con cilium in illa famosa loco quaeappellatur cyn inges tI


In in region e sudregie. Presiden telfhuic eadem d6 denote congregation e ceoln otho arS episéceterisq . perplurimis epi sc . n ec n on ex cellen tissimis

regib us a s ecgb erhto et aetheluulfo cum omn ib us

gen tis sue optimatibus . Omn esq . in unum con sonamen te. ac sincerissima cordis in ten tion e spiritaliu saecu

lariiiq . reru n ecessitatib ; in ter semet ipsos commun e

con silio scrutan tib us . quomodo pax et un ian imitas ecclesiarum di totiusq . populi xpian i eorum seculari dicion i

per di'


ptis gratiam sub iecti firmissimi dilection is

uin culo seruari potUisset . Inter ea u0 aprefato uenerab iliarc epIsS ceolnotho flagitatum quod aregib ; pren ominatis ecgb erhto et aetheluulfo illis in sempiternam aelemo

synam illum agrum aet mallingum ad ecclesiam xpi quaesita est in dorouern ia ciuitate reddidissen t. quod an te sb aldredo rege ad can dem ecclesiam perdonata est . sed a

quib usdam dictum est quia cum recto lib ertate facta n on

esset . quia in fugatu eius con scripta et con cessa fuisset.

Tun c u°

pro in tima caritatis affecta precib us episS

adnuen tes cum con silio ac licen tia omn Iu sapi en tii corumspiritalium secularifiq . gradu ii qui in ib i congregatifu issen t. hoc prefatum agrum aet mallingum pro sempiterna salute an imaram suarum ac spe remuneration is

esterne ad pren ominatam ecclesiam x p1 In perpetuamhereditatem cum omn i lib ertate b en iuola men te tradidissen t . Hac u

° con dicion e in terposita haec prenominatadonatio firma permaneat. quod n os Ips i n riq . heredessemper in posterii firmam inconcussamq . amicitiam ab

illo aio episb ceoln otho eiusdem congregatione ecclesie


tion em et istam confirma‘

ti cum sign o Sbe cruci[s] Xpl

rob 7 sub .

4 Ego bmgmund pi ab conS 7 sub .

Ego uuerhard pi ab conS 7 sub .

Ego b runhard pi conS 7 sub

4 Ego hysen oth pi conS 7 sub

4 Ego hun red pi con S 7 sub

4 Ego W igmund pi con S 7 sub

4 Ego b eorn n ob pi con s 7 sub

4 Ego osmun d pi" con s 7 sub

Ego heab erht diaS conS 7 sub

4 Ego b adan ob diaS conS 7 sub

4 Ego uuealhhere diaS conS 7 sub

4 Ego n ob wulf S diaS conS 7 sub

Ego ceolwulfS dia'


conS 7 sub

Pro ampliore itaq : confirmation e itera adducta haec

scedula cord aetheluulfii regS et o ptimates eius in n illaregali qui appellatur


fiuiltfin his testib : eon sen tientib : et

sub scrib en tib : quori‘

i n omin a sub ter praenotata St.

Ego aeb eluulfrex con s et sub .

4 Ego alhstan epis'

c conS 7 sub

Ego eadhfin episS conS 7 sub

S ign ii ma'

wu lfhardi pr m

4 SigmS aeb eluulfi pi in

4 S igmi eanwulfi pi in4 Sig ma eadberhti diaé

4 S igmd. seb elheardi minIS

S igm5. ecgb erhti min i s4 S igmi . alhstani min Is

4 S ig Ind osmundi min iS

4 S igma hudan m in i s

S igm5 . 6srici min istri


4 S igmi ceolraedI min i s

4 S ig ma uulfiafi mInIs

4 An n e ah in carnatIo x p1 Dccb .x i II Ii . indiction e.

iI . primo u idelicet an n o regn i eb eluulfi regis post ob itum

patris sui factum est uen erab ile con ciliab ulum omn iumepisccporii qui cru

n’t in australe parte flumin is humb re

in loco quae dicitur set astrau ib ique pro firma stab ilitatehec eadem scedula adducta est. et cum S ig crucIS Xpl ab

hiis testib us rob orata quorum n omina sub ter praen otat[a]cernen tibus clare patescun t.4 Ego ceolnob gratia di donante dii o archi epi han c

recon ciliation em iterato uice confirmen s signum scecrucisex araui et in n omine si e trin itatis omn ib : fidelib : ob ser

uandum pcipio .

4 S ig mi alhstan i ep .

4 S igmi helmstan I em4 S igmi humb erhti epi

4 S ig ma cyrredi2em

4 S igmi cyn eferb i epi

4 S igmi raeb hun i epi

4 S igmi heab erhti epi

4 S ig mi ceolb erhti epi

4 S ig ma b eorhtredi epi


4 S ig mi uuillredi em4 S igmi cub uulfi epi

E ndorsed by a hand of the 1 2 th cen tury, Egb ertus et ab ulfus‘

filius ejus'reges celn ob o archiepiscopo ad opus ecclesie Christi prius a

b aldredo rege datam et po stea ab latam rediderun t mellinges . S imu l cumcondition e firme pacis in ter illos et ipsum et successores corum.

‘Latin e.

B .

1 Two writings in all respects Similar were to b e made of this

Reco n ciliation , on e for each of the high con tracting parties . It is a

remarkab le fac t that three copies of this Reconciliation are preserved inthe Co tton Lib rary ; and that two of them are in the same character

and style, b ut the thi rd is very different . They are all facsimiled as

ab ove indicated. I was curious to form an Opin ion ab out their age ;

and I am glad to b e ab le to say that I had judged them all three to b e

con temporaneous b efore I had seen that M r . Bond had come to the

same conclusion in the Preface to his second vo lume . The ab ove isprin ted from B . i . 1 7.

1cynredi K . corr .

M S . L ee-W arn er . A .D . 8 40.

Arch . Journ al , 1 8 7 3 .

C u b u u l f

b ishop of Hereford, and the congregation of his church,

grants to [Elfstan dux,four manen tes for three lives, sub

ject to a ren t charge, with reversion to the monastery of

Bromyard, which is n ot otherwise kn own . The man or of

Bromyard b elonged to the church ofHereford at the Domes

day Survey.

4 IN n omine arci poli conditoris. Ego cub uulf

divina dispen sation e x i i ecclesiae antestis, n ecn on

et illa congregatio1

si ae ecclesiae hereforden sis cum

con sen su et licen tia Berhtwulfi M erciori regis, damus

aelfstan o duce terram .iiii . man entifi in n illa qui jux taflumine q’

dr from situm est, ut hab eat hen eq : perfruat

in diem trium hominum. et postea sin e ullo ob staculo

in tus tota reddatur ista terra ad monasterio qui drhromgeard. et qui agru hab eat semel semper in ann o

ad Bromgearde de agro isto reddat .xv. modios de pura


tidie in struimur oraculis hoc solum supesse b omin i inomn i lab ore suo quod lab orat sub sole et in cun ctis


possidet dieb : uan itatis suae S i quid in elemox sinari lar

gitate piis intentus operih: ex penderet prox imoruq : com

mun icanda n ecessitatih: ;p possib ilitate uirium faciat sib isecundi saluatoris pceptum amicos de mamona in iquitatis qui eum recipien t in esterna tabern acula qua de

re ego aetheluulf do aux ilian te occiden '


sax oii rex cum

con sen su ac licen tia episcoporii et prin cipium meoru

aliquan tulam ruris partem uigin ti man en tifi mihi inhereditatem ppriam descrihere iusi id me ad hab endiet ad pfruendi

i cum pratis et pascuis cum campis et siluiscum aquis curren tiii et in curren tiii et iteri qualicumq :

put me placab ilis sit aeternaliter relin quendum1 Terra If

pdicta lib er et securus omn Iu rerum pmaneat id

regalii et principalifi trib utum et ui ex actorum opern

S iue poenalifi causaru furisq : conphensione et omn isacculari grauidine sin e ex peditione et pon tis in struotion e S cripta If huius donation is pagina an n o do

min ici incarnation is .dccc°x luiia. in dict'

.x a. Territoria

uero ista sun t orum uigin torum cassatorum qui aethel

uulfe regi om homme 2 senatores eius concedissen t IN

illo loco qui nun cupater dornuuarana ceaster secunda dienatalis dii i coram idon eis testib : quorn n omina in fraaspicien tium coulis carax ata liquescunt [Erest o n merce

cumb b on ne on grenan pytt b on n e on b on e torr set

mercecumhes aewielme b onn e on den e waldes stan b onneon b one dic b aer esn e b on e weg fordealf b on on of dun eon b ees waelles heafod b on n e b aer of dune on b roc ob

tiddesford b onne up on b roc ob heottes die to b aereflodan from b eere fiodan of dun e b eer fyxan die to b roce

gaab 7 b onne ofdun e on b roc ob saé b onne from b yre

Ian ‘

stane up on broc ob smalan cumb {ram smilan


cumb es heafde to graewan S tan e b on on wib ufan b ees

waelles heafod on oden colc b on on on b one healdan weg

wib huitan stan es b on on to b aem b eorge b e mon hatebint b aem holn e b onon an haran stan b on on on secgwmlles

heafod b on on on b a b urg eastewearde b on on on b a lytlan

b urg westewearde b on on to straete b onan b en iob an wudaon geryhte ut on hreodpé l b on n e up on afsn e ob b aet b e

se alda suinhaga utscioteb to afene b on ne b e b aem hagan

on an ne heorg b on ne on sueo rdleage waelle b on on on

wulfwaelles heafod b on on on wealweg on b on e S tan act

b aere flodan from b am stan e forb on b one herepab on

b on e dic b on o n ofdun e ob wealdenes ford b on on on b on e

holan weg b on on of dun e on b ré c on hun b urgefieot 7b eer to saé .

S i quis Ifhuius mun ificen tia con lation em quouis tem

pore qualib et occasion e cuiuslib et etiam dign itates uel

pfession es uel gradus puertere uel in irritam deducere

Sacrilega psumption e temptauerit Sit a con sortio x piecclesiae et a collegio Si orii hic et in futuro dispartitus

parsq : eius cum auaris et rapacib zq : ponatur et commun ion em hab eat cum indas scarioth qui tradidit diim S i

quis H'

pia in ten tion e poti n s pditus haec rob orare hac de

fendere curauerit amplificet ds portionS eius in hereditateiustorfi

et cum omn ib us sin e fin e gaudeat,

4 ego aetheluulf rex ad confirmandi han c donation i

uen erab iliter trophei sign ii Si te crucis ex arrab i4 Sigmi aeb elbaldi fii reg 4 Sig mi o srici prm 4

S ig ma osmundi min 4 S ig ma ecgheard min i ,4 Sig mi lulling mi n 4 uulfiafi ab b 4 Sig ma

ecguulfi min 4 S igmi lnlluc min istri ,4 ego alhstan epi sc cons et sub 4 S igma ceorliprm


4 S ig mi uulfraed mi n S ig ma alhstan min 4 S ig

mi milraed mi n

E ndorsed in a hand of the l o th cen tury,‘to hamme .

’B .

1 M r . Kemb le in Cod. Dipl . vol. ii. p . ix ,has called particular

atten tion to this deed as illustrating the nature offolcland. Cf. ZEthel

b erht , A . D. 8 58 .

1’ Blunderfor on homme .

Chart. Can tuar . C . 12 8 0. A .D . 8 48 .

K 243 . S . i . 8 .

B er h tu u l f

king of Mercia gran ts to his than e Forthred n in e hides of

land in perpetuity.

;P IN n omin e domin i . Ego b erchtwulf cyn ing sileforb rede minum b egn e n igen higida

1 lon d in wudo

tun e in ece erfe him to hiob b an ne 7 to S iollann e

b aem b e hit wille mib eab modre hern isse him to geeor

n igan ofer his daeg cisseb eb eorg feower treowe b yl

7 eanb urge mere tihhanhyl 7 ut b igeht tu higida

lond in erfe ece. 7 he salde to lon d ceape x x x man

cessan 7 n igen hund scillinga. wib b aem londe him in

ece erfe . Ic b erhtwulf rex b as min e gesaldn issetrymme 7 faestna in cristos rode tacne 7 in his b aere


7 in his wotona gewitn isse aerist saeb ryb

regina cyn eferb episcopus alchhun episcopus

b erchtred episcopus deorlaf episcopus ceored

episcopus wichred ab bas aldred ab b as muceldux hun b ercht dux b urgred dux aefstan

cyn eb erht dux sigred dux alb erht dux aldreddux mucel dux hun stan dux eadwulf b eornob

wulfred mucel aldred wicga eadgar b aldred weren

b erht eadred aeb elwulfpresb iter heab erht presb iter

ecghun ecgheard b eornhaeb aldred .


seu p ex piatione piaculorummeorum et ob solution e crimin um


eorum dab o et con cedo meo fideli min istro ealdhere p eius humili ob oed’


en tia et qia mihi in omn ib us

rebus semper fidelis min ister ex titit don o hei aliquampartem terre iuris mei in

<puincia can tuariori hoc

unum aratrum ub i ulaham n omina? sin i auendum et

possidendi feliciterq : in dies eius perfruendum et postdies eius cuicumq : hei eredi placuerit derelin quendumliberam per omn ia abeat potestatem cum


campis siluis

pratis pascuis aquis uenation ib : et cum omn ib : u tilitatib us

rite ac recte ad can demterram pertin entib : han cH'


supran omin atam et ulaham ego eb elwulf rex ab omn iseruitute regali operis in tus et foris magn is ac modicis

n otis et ign otis perenn i desiderauo 1. n isi his tan tum trib

causis hoc ex pedition e et arcis mun ition e pon tisq

con struction e hec terra suprascripta et ulaham his n otissimis termin ib : undiq : circumcin cta est ab occiden te hodoworb a ab aq

ilon e win té rhur‘


ab orien te prata illa toliminge ameritie b romteag hsi quis uero heredi successoruq :meorii han


meam donation em i liuertatem seruare

uoluerit sci nct ei desup'

henedictio sempiterna hsi li'

aliquis q ab sit diab olica temeritate in stigatus surrex erit

qi han c liuertatem 1 mun ificen tiam infringere 1 min uere

aut in aliut conb ertere quam a n ob is con stitutum est

temptauerit seiat se coram x po iudice et celesti ex ercituration S redditurum esse nisi prius digna satisq : placauili

faction e do et hominib : emendare uoluerithactum est lf an n o domin ice in carnation is .dccc.lu .

indictii i . his testib : con sen tien tib us et sign o si e crucisx pi confirman tib : quoru hie nomina infra ac in scedula

karax ata atnotant”

4 ego eb elwulfrex hanc meam donationem cu S ignosce crucis x i i rob 7 suhsi


4 ego cialnob us gratia di ari epi s han c donationemconsen si 7 sub S

4 ego ebelb earht rex han c don ation em cum sign oSi e crucis x p1 rob 7 sub S

4 ego lu llede dux OS 7 Sb scr

4 ego eb elmod dux OS'

7 Sb scr

ego eadred dux OS 7 Sb sci

4 ego elfred fili regi s OS 7 Sb

ego eb eric dux OS 7 sb sci

ego dudue Ii i OS 7 Sb

ego cyneheard iii OS 7 Sb

ego wiohtgar Ii i OS 7 Sb

ego cialmund m

ego milred Ii i

ego lulla Ii i

4 ego wullaf Ii i

4 ego eb elred Ii i

E n dorsed in a con temp orary hand, b is sindan b es landeshec et u luham ealdheres landes i n a la ter hand ‘


; and in a

hand of the l ath cen tury,‘Rex ethelwlf dedit vleham halden e 2


latine .

B .

1 Sic M S . It perenn itir lib eran o K .

2 haldene is what the N orman scribehad made of the n ame Ealdhere ;

having misread the Sax on p as n . Kemb le, Cod . Dip . vol . i . p. x liii, has

given some curious instan ces ofsimilar errors .


o tt . Aug . Ii . 66 . A .D . 8 5 8 .

K 2 8 1. T . p . 119 . B . ii . 33 .

E b e l b ear h t

king (of Kent) makes an ex change of land with‘

his thaneWii llaf.

4 REGNANTE in perpetuum dtic do n io omnipoten ti

sabaot ego eb elb earht rex cum’

Consen su ac licentia


meci n secularium Optimatfi diuin orumq : p'

sonarfi liuenti

an imo dab o et concedo meo fideli min istro wullafe ali

quam partem terre iuris mei hoc .u . aratra in illa locoub i wasngwelle n ominat in b icissitudin em alterius terrehoc et mersaham han c terrain supran omin atam et

wassingwellan ego eb elb earht ab omn i seruitute regalioperis eternaliter liuerab o sicut an te fuerat illa prenomin ata terra et mersaham hec sun t eten im marisci q : adcandem terrain rite ac recte ptin en t q


ega an te ab uerat

id est an wiwarawic q an te sub iecta erat to wii 7 tolean aham 7 et feb resham .i . sealtern 7 .ii . wena gang midcyn inges wen i to b lean b em wiada 7 .iiii . ox num gers

mid cyn inges ox num an wiwarawic .x x x . statera kasei etitem .x . statera in alia W iwarawic 7 .x x . lamb a 7 .x x .

fehta hec li terra suprascripta et wassingwellan his n o

tissimis termin ib : an tiqitus circii


iacen tib us ab occidentecyn inges folcland

1q ab et wighelm 7 wulflaf ab aq

ilon e

cub rices dun heregeb eland ab orien te wighelmes land a

meritie b iscepes land to cert .ii . q : molina ad illam ean

dem terram ptinen tia una an wassingwellan alia an

hwiteceldan hec sun t pascua porcorum quot n ostra linguadenb era n omin amus hoc lamhurnanden orricesden

teligden S tan ehtandenn et illa silua. sandhyrst n ominat

q : p’

tinet to wassingwellan han cq : liuertatem huic eodemagel


ulo illo q : wullafe similiter et wassingwellan cum

con sen su ac licen tia meci n optimatum liuen ter largi tus

Sum ut omn ium regalium tributum et ui ex actorum

operum et penalium reru prin cipali domination e furisqconprehen sione

2et cun eta seculari grauidin e ab sq : ex pe

dition e sola et pon tium structura et arcium mun ition ib

secura et inmun is p'

man eat Si H'

aliqis q ab sit diab olika

fraude deceptus et mundana cupiditatae inlectus hoc in

fringere i irritum facere conauerit seiat se a con sortione


eb elb earht cyn ing wullafe scalde his b egne wib ob rum

sue miclii lande et mer‘

sahi '

se cyning sei lde 7 g‘


Wullafe fif sulung landes et wassingwellan wib b em fif

Sulungum et mersaham 7 se cyn ing dyde b et land et

mersaham him to folcl'

ande b a hie b em lan dfi iehvverfedhefdan b utan b em merscum 7 hutan b em sealtern et

fefresham 7 b utan b em wioda b e to b em sealtern


E ndorsed in a con temp orary hand,‘

4 b i s siondan b es larides

b oc et wassingwellan ,

an d in a hand of the 1 2 th cen tury,


tatio terrarum in ter eb elbeartum regem j wullafum latin e .

B .

1 This deed is remarkab le as b eing on e of three on which we de

pen d for our kn owledge of the nature of Folclan d . S ee ab ove , ZEthel

wulf, Dec . 26, 847 : Schmid, Gesetze, p . 5 77 : and a deed b earing the

n ame ofOffa in the Tex tus Roffen sis, given b elow among the Secon daryRecords .

2 Kemb le iden tified the formula ‘

principali domiii'

ation e furisque

comprehen sion e’w ith the jurisdiction of in fangen thefand u tfangen thef

which has n ot b een foun d b efore the time of Edward the Co nfessor in

any other docum ent that is ab ove suspicion . Cod . Dipl . vol. i . p . x lvii .But after all, I think it is here mean t as an immunity and n ot as a

jurisdiction .

C od . W in ton . 112 . A .D . 8 5 8 .

K 105 8 .

S w i b u n

grants Fearnham to Aeb elhald, his king, for life, and Aeb el

b ald gran ts ,it after his time to the b ishop and church at

Win chester fo r evermore.

4 REGNANTE inperpetuum domin o n ostro Ihesu

Christo summo et in eff'

ab ili rerum creator'

e ac moderatore, omn ium tempora qui sua multimoda disponen s

poten tia, temporib us ut uoluerit finem impon et ; i ccirco

cun ctis agendum est ut hic, b on is actib us, futu1ae b ea

titudin is foelicitatem adipisci merean tur. Q uapropter

ego Swib un , diuina prouiden te gratia, W eritanae accede

siae episcopus, c‘

um con sen su et licentia eiusdem aecé le



siae congregation is, hoc est presbyteris, diaconibus, et

omn i clero con sen tien tibus, dedi atque con cessi dilectissimo domin o meo et reueren tissimo Oceiden talium Sax

onum regi JEb elb aldo, terram .Lx . cassatorum in loco

qui dicitur Fearnham,ita ut hab eat atque possideat

praefatam teri am quamdiu in hac uita praesente uix erit,

sine ulla n ostrorum successorum con tradiction e uel con

ten tione, cum omn ib us ad se pertin en tib us, hoc est,

campis, siluis, pascuis, pratis, piscariis, atque omn ia inomn ibus ad candem terram pertin en tib us . Ego autemZEb elb ald, dei gratia, Oceiden talium Sax onum rex

,don o

atque con cedo pro dei amore atque an imae mcae remedioet paren tum mccrum ,

hoc est aui mei ZEgelb erhti regis

et gen itoris mei Ab ulfi regis, post ob itum meum ab hac 1»

praesen ti uita ipsam teri am,hoc est .Lx . cassatorum in

loco praen omin ato aet Fearnaham,episcopo et omn i con

gregation i W en tanae aecclesiae ; et tam rato ac stab iliten ore quilib et episcopus et illa san cta congregatio ean

dem terrain ten eat atque possideat propria potestate ac

uolun tate sihimet ad b ahendam, et nullus iam licen tiam

ulterius hab eat Christi n eque san cti Petri illam terrain

praedictam alion i dandi n eque ab strahendi de 1110 loéo ,

similiter n ullus licen tiam Christ i n eque sancti Petrin eque an sus sit ulterius illam terram praedictam rogandi

in b en eficium ; terra autem iamdicta S it inperpetuum

lib era ab omn i regali seruitio et omn ium saecularium ,

quamdiu fides et christian a religio in Anglorum gen teincon cussa perman eat, praeter ex pedition em,

et pon tium

constructionem,et arcium munition em. S i quis autem

han c n ostrae satisfaction is donationem augere uel amplificare uoluerit

,augeat omn ipoten s deus dies eius pros

peros . S i uero quis infringere uel mutare praesumpserit,n oscat se ante f tribunal Christi redditurum

ration em,K


.n isi prius satisfaction e emendauerit . S cripta est autemhaec cartula an n o domin icae in carnation is .DCCC .LVIII . in

loco qui dicitur Amb eresb urg, testibus his con sen tien ti

thus quorum n omina infra scripta esse uiden tur .

4 JEb elbald rex . 4 Iudib regin a. 4 Swib un

epiSCOpus . 4 Osric dux . 4 Cyn ewulfdux .

4 Beorb wald ab b as . 4 Beornred ab bas . 4 O S

mun d min ister. 4 Beorb helm min ister . 4 Dud

damin ister. 4 W lfhere min ister. 4 E b elred

min ister.

Where judgmen t is difficult, I am glad to rest on the autho rity.of Prof. R . Pauli , Alfred, p. 80 , n ote :

‘ Ungemein merkwiirdig ist die

von keiner Seite her z u b ezweifelnde Urkunde hei Kemb le C . D .

C ott . Aug . ii . 16 . A .D . 8 5 9 .

K 2 8 2 . B . ii . 3 4

P l egr e d

b ought of E b elmod (dux ) land whereof part b elonged to

Wilburge wella, an in teresting name as Shewing the‘

naturaliz ed form of the Latin villa

,of which the o rdinary Sax on

equ ivalen t was liaga.

4 IN n omin e almo trin o diuin o an‘

n o’

domin ice incarnation is .dcccluiiii. indictione septem ego plegred

aliquam terre un culam emi‘

et’ 1

eb elmode duci sex

cen tis denari i s hoc est an healf tun que an te pertineb atto wilhurgewellan b et land healf 7 healfn e tun hiistermin ib us circumcin cta ab oriente cyn iges heiweg a

meritie stret to scufeling forde ab occidente stur ab

aquilon e cyn inges lan d'

7 halfn e wer una prata on b urg

wara medum sub eweardum 7 an n orb eweardum b urg

waramedum healfmed 7 meahselog an cyn inges Stretehan c casam supran ominatam ego eb elmod plegrede

.donaho Sib i ab endum et possidendam feliciterque in

dies eius perfruendum et post dies eius cuicumque ei


Chart . Can tuar . M . 3 6 9 . A .D . 8 60-8 6 8 .

K 2 9 3 .

T . p . 127 . S . i . 9 .

E a lh h er e

conveys land which he has sold. A mutilated b ut interestingpiece. Alfred is among the Signataries. Mr. Sanders

edited this document more completely than Kemb le or

Thorpe had done, and we b en efit thereby.

4 IN n omin e domin i ego ealhhere dab o et con cedooswige et weahtrseb e aliquem partem terreuirgas in latitudine con tra eius pecun ia que accepi ab eo

hoc est cc . et lx x . denarios ex his

lan d in miridiewin esland in occiden te tucenan land et in

aquilon e puplica semita hereditatem

illis hab endum et possidendum feliciterqué in dieb us

corum perfruendum derelinquendum

lib eram per omn ia hab eant potestates et Si quis hancmeam don ation em ser b en edictio Si

autem ab sit quod n on optamus ut alicuius person is homocum diab olica t infringere aut

minuere temtauerit seiat se an te trib unal christi ratcionem et homin ib us emendare u this testib us con sen ticien tibus et con scriben tib us quorumn o ego eb elb earht rex han c mea

n em cum uex illo san cte crucis christi rob orab o et sub

scrib o ego ego cialn ob archiepisc0pus con

sen si ryhtwald dux ego mucel min ister ego eastmun d min ister ego ealh ego elfred

filius regis hos omn es con sen serun t et signo sancte

crucis conscripserunt ego eb elwine min isterego eb elstan et ingan b urgware ego eb elhelm et

cn iahta geoldan1

ego herewin e ct herreb Ego

1 K . and T . gealdan ; S . gegildan =guildsmen ; but this rests on a pro

cess of expansion .


Chart. A n t . Can tuar . M . 14 . A . D . 8 63 .

K 2 8 8 .

T . p . 121 .

S . i . 10.

ZE th e l b e r h t

king of the West Sax ons and also of the Can tware, gran ts to

his than e Ethelred lan d at Mersaham . The b ounds are in

mix ed Sax on and Latin .

>X< In n omin e trin o diuino regi regnan ti in perpetuumdomin o deo hsab aoth cui paten t cuneta pene tralia cordiset corporis terrestria simul et celestia n ecn on super ethersregn an s in sedib us altis ima et alta omn ia sua dicione

gub ernan s cuius amore et etern is premu s >1< ego eb elb earht rex occiden talium sax on um n ee n on et cantuario

rum dabo et con cedo meo fideli min istro et principi meo

e’oelredo aliquam partem terre iuris mei hoc est VIIII .

aratra in illa loco hub i n ominatur mersaham in sempiternum hereditatem sib i ab endum et possidendum feliciterque in dies eius perfruendum et post dies eius cui

cumque hei heredi placuerit derelin quendum lib eram per

omn ia hab eat potestatem cum campis siluis pratis pascuis aquis uenation ib us pascuis porcorum simulque ma

riscis et cum omn ibus utilitatib us rite ac recte ad

eandem terram pertinen tib us hoe feci pro eius humilihob oedien tia simulque pro eius placauili atque conpe

ten ti pecun ia quam ab 00 accepi hoc est cccc .tos . mau

ousas auri purissimi han c autem terram supran ominatam

et mersaham £4 ego eb elb earht rex ab omn i seruituteregali Operis in tus et foris magn is ac modicis n otis et

ign otis perenn iter liuerauo n isi his tan tum tribus can sishoc est ex peditione et arcis mun itione pon tisque con

structione et illud foras reddat quot sin i in tus facien diappetat hec autem terra pren ominata his n otissimis ter


min ib us circumcingitur a meritie et ab occiden te sturusque b lacanri

’oe ab aquilon e et ab orien te eadwealdes

b ocland to b radeburnan estque una semis aratra ab

orien te sture quae iacet at confin ium usque garulfi regismin istri to mersaham 7 meda b e castau ee sue

“tier mid

riahte to b em lande limpa’d un amque salis coquinariam

hoc est I sealtern steall 7“Ber cota to in illa loco ub i

n omin atur herewic et 1111 carris tran sduction em in

silba regis sex ebdomades a die pen tecosten hub i alterihomines silbam cedun t hoc est in regis commun ion e hec

sun t pascua porcorum que n ostra lingua sax hon ica den

b era n ominamus hoe est husn eah efreb ing

denn herb edingdenn pafingdenn W idefingden n

b leccingden n n ee n on x x statera caseiof mersce ad mersaham reddatur et XL agn os et XL

uellera on ium et duorum dierum refectio uel x x x .

argen teis hoc est semi cum lib ra redimatur hsi quis ucroheredum successorumque meorum regum prin cipum

daeum optimatum siue ex actorum han c meam donation em seruare uoluerit seruetur ei desuper b en edictio

sempitern a hsi autem ab sit quod n on optamus alicuius

person is homo diab olica temeritate in stigatus surrex erit

qui han c meam don ation em uel liuertatem infringere uel

minuere aut in aliut con b ertere quam a n ob is con stitutumest temptauerit seiat se an te trib unal sammi et etern iiudicis ration em esse redditurum n isi an te digna hsatis

que placab ili faction e deo et homin ib us emen dare stu

duerit hacta est autem hec eadem donatio uel liuertas inilla loco que uocitatur b iren efeld ann o domin ice in carnation is DCCCLXIII indiction e x 1 his testib us con sen

tien tib us et sign o sancte crucis christi confirman tib us

quorum hie n omina infra ac in scedula patefacta li



>X< ego osulfarchidiaco nus con sen si et sub scripsi.44 ego ealhstan con sen si et sub scripsi.>X< ego sigefreb archidiacon us con sen si et sub scripsi.

ego diarweald sub diaconus con sen si et sub scripsi..ego sefre

VB sub diaconus con sen si et sub scripsi.ego osmun d con sen si et sub scripsi.ego dudda con sen si et sub scripsi.ego b eagmund con sensi et sub scripsi.ego osweald con sen si et sub scripsi .ego lulla con sen si et sub scripsi .ego ob a con sen si et sub scripsi.

ego lulla con sen si et sub scripsi.ego hunfreb con sen si et sub scripsi.ego lulla con sen si et sub scripsi .ego eadulfconsen si et sub scripsi .ego osb earht con sen si et sub scripsi .ego wealdhelm con sensi et sub scripsi.ego ealdhere con sen si et sub scripsi .ego diara con sensi et sub scripsi .ego garulf con sensi et sub scripsi.ego elric con sensi et sub scripsi.ego dudda con sen si et sub scripsi .ego eb elwulfcon sen si et sub scripsi.

Ic eadwald sello 7 forgeofu pis lon d et Wifeles b erge

agustines b igum in to b iora b eode minre sawle to are 7to leedome 2 7 iow fer godes lufe b idde pet ge hit min resawle nyt gedeo 7 me hit for gode lean ie eow to elmessumamen .

En dorsed i n a hand of the 1 1 th cen tury,

‘merse ham —and inone of the 1 2 th cen tury :

‘Rex ethelb ertus dedit merseham ethelredo

ministro suo . latin e .

1 And two cots there.0T . But i and there cots too and likewise

the co ts there .

2 S o MS . Thorpe has lecdome, which he translates medicamen t.


C o tt . Aug . 11. 9 5 . A .D . 8 6 7 .

K 29 4 . B .

E t h e l r e d

king of the W . Sax on s and the Can tware gran ts in perpetuityto W ighelm a priest, in a place called S t. Martin ’

s Church,a

spot of land with a little homestead upon it.

( 4 IN n omine di summi regis etern i ego e’oelred rex

occiden talium sax onum n on et cantwariorum cum con

sen su ac licen tia meorum optimatum dab o et conce‘do’

meo fideli amico wighelme prs unam sedem in loco qdicitur SC I martin i ecclesia mihhi ad elemosynam et


nam modicam uillulam at candem sedem cum recte

pertinet hec sun t termina circumgacen tia ab aquilon e

puplica strata ab occiden te hina meteren a meritie hina

gemen e weg ab orien te terra at sé'

m agustinum han c

pdictam dotion em pro remedio an ime mee proq ; spe

remun eration is etern e in sempiterna ereditatem conceden do don aho sib i ab endii et possidfi feliciterq : in dieseius pfruendum et post dies eius cu icuq : e1 eredi placueritderelinquendum lib era


. per omn ia ab eat potestatem et ab

omn i seruitute regalifi secularifiq : difficultatfi in tus et

foras magn is ac modicis pen n iter lib erabo supplicab o

q z ego e’6elred rex 7 in alme trin itatis n omin e firmi



pCIPIO omn ib : successorib : mei s qui cuque sin t reges 7episcopos l prin cipes 'l modo u ib en tib : i qui po st 1110futuri sun t p fidem SCI martin i confessoris x p1 ut num

quam aliquis han C n ram mun ificen tiam infringere psumat

Siq uis u° quod n on optamus alicu ius persson is homo dia

b olica temeritate in stigatus surrex‘

erit’ 1 quod han c mea

mun ificen tiam mutare aut min uere temptet minuatur

pars eius de terra u ib en tifi ipseq’ reus an te trib unal

terrib ili particeps ex istat illoi"

qi filifi di et uendiderunt


et crucifix ei t n isi an te dign o satisfaction e do et omin ib ’

emundare uoluerit : Hanc lib ertatem prescripta'

, cu his

testib ’ ifra namin atis firmiter i ihu x po Cir signaculo sce

crucis Ofirman tes rob orauimus Actii lf an n o ab lear

n ation e dn 1 .dccclx v u. indictione .x v .

i’dorob ern ia

cib itate

>X< ego eiSelred rex anc mea donatione cu S lgn o sce

cruel s x p1 rob orab o 7 sb sci‘


ego eastmund dux Os 7 sb sci"

>X< eg‘


ealhheard ab Os 7 sb sci"

>I< ego heremod pb OS 7 sb scr

ego mucel mi OS 7 sb scr

>I< ego b eorhtn oii mi OS 7 sb sci"

ego forfired mi OS 7 sb sci

>X< ego e’

Selwulfmi OS 7 sb sci

>X< ego eiSelred mi OS 7 sb scr

>X< ego acca mi OS 7 sb sci

ego b iarhtwulfmi OS 7 sb sci“

ego mann el mi OS 7 sb scr

IN n omin e dfii eodem regi regnan te ego cialnoifi

gratia di ai’

eps han c donation em eiieredi regis cu signasee crucis x pi rob oro 7 Ofirmab o

ego b iarnhelm pr ab Os 7 sb sci‘


n oiiheard pr Os 7 sb sci‘


b iarnfreii pr OS 7 sb sci

ego osmun d pi OS 7 sb scr

ego wighelm pi"OS 7 sb sci

ego eiSelweald pr OS 7 sb sci

{4 ego eardulfpi OS 7 sb sci

44 ego b iarnhelm pr OS 7 sb sci

( a ego tidweald pi"OS 7 sb sci‘

>I< ego b eorn red pi"OS 7 sb sci


uirgis et in latitudo .iii . haec sun t termin ib : in orien te

eiSelmund pi in meredie deib earht in occiden t ciolulf inaquilone hemma haec omn ia dab o eanmunde pro coupeten ti pecun iam quam ab eo accipio iii cx x . denarios

argen teis in sempitern am hereditatem S ib i hab endum et

possidendum feliciterq : in dies eius perfruendum et postdies eius cuicumq : ei herede placuerit ad derelin quendumlib eram ab omn i seruitute regali sub gection e lib errima

quan do xpiana fides in terra seruatur eternaliter per

man eat hoc ipsumq : omn ib : successorib : n ris In n omineomn ipoten tis di ob seruare precipimus 7 si quis hoc

seruare uoluerit seruet eum omn ipoten s ds Si quis uero Iftyran n icam potestatem fringe aut min uere uoluerit seiatse anathematum coram xpo et angelis eius n isi an tedigna satisfaction e emendare uoluerit do 7 homin ib

man en te hac cartula in sua n ihilhom in um firmitate

rob orata his testib : eon sen tien tib : ac scrib en tib : quorumhic n omina infra scripta sun t

>X< ego eiSered rex han cmeam donationem cum uex illo

see Cl‘

llClS x p1 rob orab o et sub scrib o

>I< ego cioln o’S gratia di archepi sc OS 7 sb

ego heahmund eleci episS OS 7 Sb

ego eb elwulfdux Os 7 sb

ego dryhtweald dux OS 7 Sb

ego eastmund dux OS 7 Sb

ego garulf Ii i OS 7 Sb

ego ecgb earht Ii i oS 7 sb

ego ecgferb iii OS 7 Sb

ego acca Ii i OS 7 sb

ego wyn sige Ii i OS 7 Sb

>X< ego eb ered ii) OS 7 Sb

ego dudda Ii i 9 S 7 sb

ego lulla Ii i OS 7 Sb


>X< ego eiielweald m Os 7 Sb

>X< ego eiielmund m OS 7 Sb

>X< ego eacca m Os 7 sb

>X< ego eb elweald m Os 7 Sb

>X< ego eb elweald pr Os 7 Sb

>X< ego osmun d pr OS 7 Sb

>X< ego ciolulf Iii OS 7 Sb

E ndorsed in a con temp orary hand, 44 ciolulf sealde eanmunde

his mege S isn e tuun b etwix eum wib cx x’ in go erb e eiieredes cyn inges

trio ls 1 his handseten selen an d in a somewhat la ter han d,

>X< aefielerae geb ohte et cialulfe“

8a strete siiiiian has‘

S is land haefde“

6a; haer b e aeften sten t '

Vii' fan fet an b reede‘

6e to S issum lande b elimpeii suis innan

“Set land an Sara wistrsete an lucaenan gewitn esse



hyldefr iiies j an cuiSulfes“

1 an bymman“

1 an eadulfes“

1 an b iarhth


1 Seer n e gebyrefi an ham lands; an folcses folcryht to lefaennaat umaes b utan twigen fyt to yfaes drypaa


and i n a hand of the l eth cen tm y ,latin e .

’B .

1cognato . See the first endorsemen t.

2 The memorandum in the endorsemen t ab out a right of two feet

as easemen t for the eavesdmp as against the pub lic way, is highlycurio us . M r. Co ote says : ‘The easement thus referred to is the jusstillicidium vertendi in tectum vel arcam vicin i, Dig. 8 . 2

, The

Romans in B ri tain , p . 362 .

Kemb le, S ax on s in E ngland, cap. 11 , p . 45 , treated this as a restrain t

upon the owner who is b ound to leave this margin upon his possession ,

and not b uild to the verge, lest a n eighb our or the pub lic Should b eann oyed thereb y. And this suits the tex t b est . He refers to Plutarch ,

S o lon 2 3 , for an alogous rules of the A then ian legislator , whereb y thecu ltivator must leave a margin of five feet un cultivated , and may n ot

plan t a fig or olive tree n earer to his b o unds than nin e feet .

C o tt . Au g . A .D . 8 7 5 .

K 307 . B . ii . 40.

E aran l f

grants to his friend W ighelm a piece of land at Ham,with

all the rights conveyed to himself byAlfred, king oftheWestSax on s and Cantware .

IN n omine a regnan tis per omn ia ac disponen tis


ub ique omn ia cuius melliflua largita'

te ditatus ego earddulfus dab o ac con cedo amico meo wighelmo aliqua? partS

terre iuris mei iiaet is an swulung 7 an iocleta in illoloco ub i ab in colis dietii est set heime cii eadé

’ lib ertate

qua aelfredus rex oecidentaliii sax onu n ecn on aet can twa

rloru mihi in ius prOprIu cu multorfi fideliii testimon iodon auit hec facio pro eius conpeten ti atq ue mihi placab ili

pecun ia quS ab eo accepi id est .c. uigin ti mancusas auri

purissimi ista aeten im terra prefata‘


is termin ib us

undiq : elrcueln eta in orien te hei , fleot in occiden te

puplica Strata in aqu ilone hiredes seota to presta tun e 7 se

mersc se to i3am ilcan lan de b elimpiS qua‘

é aelfredus rex

ad augmen tfi prediete donation is tradidit set ih meridie

puplica Strata oh S ane ford isti sun t termin i huius pren ominati marisci in orien te hiredes mersc to presta tun ein occiden te heferfieot in aquilone ha' fleot in meridie illaipsa terra aet hdme 7 an cinges b ocholte

1 fifwen a gang

frei. lacfi ob sumermessan hec omn ia dab o ei in . sempiternahereditaté


sib i hab endfi aet possidendii feliciterq : in

dies eius perfruen dii aet post dies eius cuicumq : ei herede

placuerit derelin quen dfi lib era'

per omn ia hab eat potestatSin tus set foris magn is ac modicis n otis atq : ign otis cu

czi pis siluis pratis pascuis piscation ib us omn ib usq : ad ea

rite hae recte pertin en tib us hoe ipsumq : omn ib : succes

sorib : n r1s In n omin e omn ipoten tis di ob seruare praecipi

mus ut quSdiu cristianafides in terraseruetur lib eraab omn iregali seruitute aetern aliter perman eat n isi his tantii tribcausis id ex pedieion e set arcis munitione pon tisq : eon

Struction e si quis lf hoc seruare uoluerit seruetur ei

eterna b en edictio in celis S i Ifab sit quot n on ob tamus ut

alicuius person is homo diab olica temeritate in stigatus

surrex erit qui han c donati on e Infringere uel minuere

temptauerit seiat se rationS esse redditurfi set a do et


hand of the I 2th century,

‘Eardulfus dedi t hamme amico suo W igelmo

q uam dederat ei elfredus Rex . latin e .

’B .

1 In vielen Urkunden ertheilen die K o n igeWeide Mast und Holzb erechtigungen aufun cultivirtem Lande un d b esonders In Waldem , die

mitunter Walder des K b'n igs [K mitun ter auch gemein e Walder[K 96] genann t werden . Erwin N asse

, Ueber die mittelalterlt'

che Feldge

metnsehaft, Bon n , 1 869, p . 2 1 .

M S . S towe , ed . M an n in g . A .D . 8 8 0—8 8 5 .

K 3 14 .

T . p . 4 8 4 .

A l fr e d ’s W i l l.

{4 IO ZElfred cinge, mid godes gife 7 mid gebeahtunge [Eb eredes erceb isceopes 7 celra Westseax en a

witena gewitnesse, smeade ymb e mi n te sawle bearfe,

7 ymb e mi n yrfe b eet me god 7 mi n e yldran forgeafon ,

7 ymb e b eet yrfe b eet Ab ulf cinge, mi n feeder, {is prim

geb r6’c‘5rum b ecweeb

,Ab elb olde 7 E b erede 7 me

, 7 swylc

fire swylce lengest weere, b eet se fenge té eallum . Ac

hit gelamp b eet .ZE’delb old gefé r, 7 wyt fEb ered, mid

ealra Westseax ena witena gewitnesse, un cern e deel OB

feestan E b elbyrhte Cin cge, un erum meége ; on b e ge


edene b e he hit eft gedyde une swagewylde swahit as

wees,as wit hit him ob feestan . 7 he as swadyde, ge


yrfe, ge b eet he mid unere1geme

inan b egeat , 7 b eet he sylf

gestrynde. Dei hit swa gelamp b eet ZEb ered feng,

i521 b eed ic hine, b eforan drum witum eallum , b eet wytb eet yrfe gedeeldon , 7 o

he me ageafe mi nn e deel . Baseede

he me, b eet he naht eab e ne mihte t6de’

élan,forb on he

heefde ful oft e'

er ongefangen : 7 he cweeb b ees b e he on

unerum geme’

man geb rfice 7 gestrynde, eefter his deege

he nanum men n sel n e {ib e b onne me : 7 ie b ees b it

wees wel gepafa. Ac hit gelamp“Beet we ealle on hei.»


b enum folee geb ro’

eude we’

éron ba Spreece wyt ymb e

un cre b eam ,b eet hy samre are b eporftan , se

elde un c on

b am b roeum swa un c seelde : b zi we'

éron we on gem6te

aet Swin b eorgum ; b e: gecwe’

édon Wit on W estseax ena

wi tena gewitn esse, b eet swei b e'

r un cer leng we'

ere,b eet

he gefib e 6b res b earn um bara lan da b e wyt sylfe b e

geaton , 7 bara landa b e un e Ab ulf cingc forgeaf b e

fEb elb olde lifien dum, bfitan b am b e he fiS prim geb r6

b rum geeweeb : 7 b ees uncor e’

egb er 6b rum his weddsealde

,swab er uncer leng lifede, b eet se fenge e

egb er

ge t6 lande ge to madmum 7 té callum his e’

éhtum ,

bfitan bam de’

éle b e nuoer gehwe’

éb er his b earn um b e

eweeb . AC hit gelamp b eet fEb ered cingc gefé r ; b zi n e

me nan men n nan yrfe-gewrit, n é


mi n e gewit

n esse, bmt hit e’

en ig 6b er weere bfitan swawit on gewit

n esse eer gecweedon . Dei gehyrde we n ii manegu yrfe

geflitu : mi ba leiedde ie Ab ulfes cinges yrfe-gewrit on

fire gemé t aet Langanden e, 7 hit man areé dde beforan

eallum Westseax ena witum . Del hit aré d wees, ba

b eed ic by ealle,for mi n re lufan , 7 himmi n wedd b ead

b eet ie b yra n eefre ne’

enn e n e on cfib e forb on b e byon riht


écon , 7 b eet b yra nan n e wandode 116 for min an

lufan 116 for mi num ege, b eet by b eet folcriht arehton ;bylees een ig man eweb e, b eet ic mi ne me

egcild, Ob b e

yldran , Ob b e gingran ,mid w6 fordémde 7 by b a ealle

té rihte gerehton 7 cwe’

édon ,b eet hynan rihtre riht ge

pen can n e mihtan ,n é on b eim yrfe

-gewrite gehyran :

“mi hit eall agai n is on b eeron ob b i n e han d b on n e ihit b ecweb e 7 sylle swa gesib re han da swa fremdre,

swab er b e leéfre Si z”

7 hi ealle me b ees hyre weddsealdon 7 hyra handseten e, b eet


b e hyra life hit ne'


man n eefre n e onwende on mi ne fib re wi san ,bfitan swa

swaic hit sylfgecweb e aet balm nyhs tan deege.,





Ic ZElfred Westseax ena cingc, mid godes gife 7 midb isse gewitnesse, gecweb e hfi ie ymb e mi n yrfe willeeefter mi num deege. ZErest 10 an Ezidwearde mi n um

yldran suna,b ees landes eet S treetnezi t on Tricon scire,


7 Heortingtfines, 7 b a b beland ealle b e Le6fheei h hylt,-7 b eet lan d aet Carumtfin e, 7 eet Cylfan tiine, 7 eet Burn

hamme, 7 eet Wedmfir ; 7 10 eom fyrmdig bam hiwum

eet Ceodre b eet byhin e ceé san 3on b e gerei d b e we eer

gecweden heefdon , mid bam lande aet Ciwtfine 7 b eim

b e b eertb hyrab 7 ic him an b ees landes eet Can tuctfine,

7 eet Bedewindan , 7 aet Pefesigge, 7 Hysseb urnan , 7 eet

'Sfittfine, 7 aet Le6dridan , 7 eet Aweltiine . And ealle

b a bb cland b e ie on Cen t heeb b e, 7 mt b am nyb eran

Hysseb urnan , 7 mt Cyseldene, agyfe man int6 W in

tanceastre, on b a gerad b e hit mi n fwder é r gecweeb ,

7 b eet min sundorfeoh b eet ie Ecgulfe ob feeste on barn

neo b eran Hysseb urnan 7 barn gingran min an suna

b eet lan d eet Eaderingtfine, 7 b eet aet Dene, 7 b eet eet

Meon e, 7 b eet eet Amb resbyrig, 7 eet Deon e

, 7 eet S tu

remin ster, 7 eet Crifie, 7 eet Crueern, 7 eet Hwi tan cyrican ,

7 eet Ax anmfib an, 7 aet Bran eceseumb e, 7 aet Columtfine,

7 aet Twyfyrde, 7 eet Mylenb urnan , 7 eet Ex anmyn ster,

7 act Sfib eswyrb e, 7 eet Liwtfine, 7 b a lan d b e b eer téb yran ,

b eet syn d ealle b e 10 on Wealeyn n e heeb be bfitan

Trieon scire. And mi n re yldstan déhter b een e ham eet

W elewe 7 b eere medemestan , eet Clearan , 7 eet Cen

defer ; 7 b e'

ere gingestan b on e ham eet Welig , 7 aet

.ZEsetIi n e, 7 eet Cippenhamme ; 7 fEb elme, mi nes b r6b er

suna, b on e ham aet Ealdingb urnan , 7 aet Cumtfine, 7 eet

Crundellan , 7 eet Beadingum, 7 eet Beadingahamme, 7aet Burnham, 7 eet Dunresfelda, 7 aet ZEscengum ;

ZEb elwolde, mi n es b r6b or suna,b on e ham eet Godel

mingum, 7 eet Gyldeforda, 7 eet S teén ingum ; 7 C s .


godes fultume. And 10 wille b a menn b e b e landhabhab , b a word gele

estan b e on mi n es feeder yrfe

gewrite Standab , swa swa by fyrmest magon : 7 ie

w ille gif ic e'

en igum men n e’

én ig feoh un lean od heebb e,

b eet mi n e magas b eet huru gelean ian . And ic wille b amen n b e ic mi n e b c


icland b ecweden heeb b e, b eet by b itn e asyllan ofmi num cynne ofer heora deeg ; ac ic wille

[ofer] hyra deeg b eet hit gange on b e nyhstan han d me,

i tan byra hwylc b earn heeb b e ; b on n e is me lebfast

b eet hit gange on b eet Stryn ed on b e weiepned healfe, b a

b wi le b e e’

en ig dees wyrb e Sy. i n yldra feeder b eefde

gecweden his lan d on b e spereb ealfe, n eé s on b a spin l

healfe ; b on n e, gif ie gesealde eian igre wi fhanda b eet he

gestrynde, b onn e forgyldan mi n e magas, 7 gif by hitb e b an lib b endan hab ban wyllan gif hit elles sy,

gange hit ofer byra dwg swa swa we e’

er gecweden

heefdon : forb on ic cweb e, b eet hi hit gyldan ,forb on hy

fob to mi num b e 10 syllan m6t swawifb anda swaweep

n edhanda swab er ie wylle . An d ic b idde on godesnaman 7 on his haligra b eet mi nra maga nan n é yrfe

weerde,n e geswen ee nan n e


en ig cyrelifb ara b e ie fore

geald, 7 me W estseax ena witan té rihte gerehton , b eetie hi m6t lestan swafreo swabe6we, swab er ic wille ac

ie,for godes lufan 7 for mi n re sawle bearfe, wylle b eet

by Syn heora freolses wyrb e 7 b yra eyres ; 7 ie on godeslifien des n aman b e6de b eet by nan man n e b rocie, n é

mid feos manunge, n é mid neé n igum bingum,b eet by ne

m6tan ce6san swylcne man n swylce bywyllan . And ie

wylle b eet man agyfe b am hiwum eet Domrab amme

b yra landb éc 7 hyra freols, swylce hand té ce6sen n e

swylce him le6fast sy, for me 7 for E lfieede, 7 for b e

frynd b e he6 fore pingode 7 ic fore pingie. And séc

man 5350 on cwieum ceape ymb e -mi nre sawle bearfe, swa


b it b e6n maege, 7 swa hit eac gerysn e sy, 7 Swei ge me

forgyfan wyllan .

1un crum Thorpe who translates ,

‘that which b e wi th our common

property had acq uired.

2 ‘A t S tratton in Cornwall. ’

T . See S tub b s, Con stit. Hist . i . p . 1 00 .

3 A S there'

are charters ofEadwig, Eadgar, and Eadmund, which are

dated from a royal home at Cheddar, M r . Thorpe un derstan ds b y the

hiwan either the king’

s vessels or else the memb ers ofa religious b onsethere , having a legal right to choo se their lord. The latter seems most

favoured b y the singu lar term ‘cyrelif b elow, and the light afforded b y

the con tex t there . See Bosworth , ed. T oller, v. Cyrelif.

M S . S towe . Lye , App . Diet . A .D . 8 7 1-8 8 9 .

K 3 17 .

T . p . 4 80.

E l fr ed d u x

his will,addressed to king Alfred and others concern ed.

44 Xp. Ic Elfred dux hatu writen 7 cyb an an b is

sum gewrite Elfrede regi 7 eallum his weotum 7 ge

weotan 7 Se swylce min um megum 7 minum gefeorum

b a men b e 10 min es erfes 7 min es b oclondes Seolest onn

b eet is b onn e Werb urg min wif 7 un cer gemen e b earn

b eet is b on n e est serestan an Sonderstede 7 on S elesdun e

x x x n: hida 7 on Weste rham x x hida 7 on Cloppaham

x x x hida 7 on Leangafelda VII hida 7 on Horsalege

x hida 7 on N etelamstyde VII hida. IC Elfred dux

sello Werb urge 7 Al b b ryb e un cum gemen um b earn e

eefter min um dege b as lon d mid cwice erfe 7 mid

earb e 7 mid allum bingum b e to londum b elimpab

7 twa busendu swina ie b eom sello mid b em londum

gifhit hio gehaldeb mid b are cleen n isse b e un cer word

gecweedu seondan 7 b io geb renge eet senete Petre mintwa wergeld gif b et godes wille seo b eet heo b eet feereld


age ; 0nd eefterWerb urge deege seo Alhb ryb e b a londun b efliten on S onderstyde 7 on S elesdun e 7 on Lean

gafelda. 0nd gif heo b earn heeb b e feo b eet b eam tob eem londum eefter hire gif heo b earn neeb b e feo

b onn e an hire reb tfeederen sio n este b ond to b em lon deond to b em erfe 7 swa hwylc miura feedrenmega swa

b eet sio b eet hine to b an geb agige b eet he b e ob orolond b egeotan meege 7 wille b onn e gebycge b e b alond eet hire mid halfe weorb e . 0nd swe hwylc mon

swa b eet sio b eet b es londes b ruce ofer minn e deeg on

Cloppab am b an n e geselle he CC pen inga eghwylce gere

to Ceortesege for Elfredes sawle to feormfultume .

0nd ic sello [Eb elwalde minum suna III hida b oc

londes II hida on Hweetedune an es hides an Ga

tatun e 7 him sello b eerto C swina 7 gif se cyn ing him

geun n an wille b es folclondes to b eem b oclonde b on neb ab b e 7 b ruce gifhit b eet n e Sio b onn e selle hio himswa hwab er swa hio wille swa b et lond on Horsalege

swa b et an Leangafelda 0nd ic sello Berb tsige min ummege an hide b oclondes on Leencanfelda 7 b eerto C .

swina 7 geselle hio C . swina to Cristes cirican for me

7 for min e sawle 7 C to Ceortesege 7 b on e ofereceumon gedeele gin d myn sterhamas to godes Cirieum in

Sub regum 7 in Cen t b a bwile b e hio lesten willen ;Ond ic sello S igewulfe minum mege ofer W erburge

deeg b eet lon d an N etelhamstyde. 0nd S igulfgeselleof b em londe C pen inga to Cristes cirican . 0nd eg

hwyle b ara erfewearda b e aefter him to b eem londe foeb onn e ageofen hio b a ilcan elmessan to Cristes cirican

for ZElfredeS sawle b a bwile b e fulwiht sio 7 hit man

on b eem lan de b egeotan meege ; Ond ic sello Eadredeminum mege b et lon d on

Fearn lege eefter [Eb elredes

deege gif he hit to him geearn ian wile 7 he geselle


give him on e oi the bther, whi ch she pleases, oftwo estates ab ove givento her, ofwhich the on e was seven the o ther ten hideS .

’From this we

learn an importan t differen ce b etween hocland and folcland, that the

former could, the latter could n ot, b e will ed . And we gather that folc

lan d could n ot go to a woman .

Moreover , in thi s will, we catch a glimpse ofthe large herds ofswin ewhich the Sax on landown ers kept .

This Elfred the testator was the person who gave to Christ Churchthat b ook which is known as the Golden Gospels. and whi ch is n ow at

Stockho lm . It is facsimiled in Bask's Grammar, and by Prof. West

wood,1 868 .

Can terb ury Archi ves . A .D . 8 8 9 .

S . i . 11 .

S u i t h u l f

b p. ofRochester , with the b rotherhood there, grants land ,to

Biorhtwulf a priest. This was first pub lished in the Fac

similes ofthe Ordnan ce Survey.

>1< REGNANTE in perpetuum domin o n ostro ihesuchristo Omn ia regna huius lab en tis uitee regn orumque

dispen satores ab in itio histius saeculi cum uelocitate

deficien tes eeciderun t Ideo fugitiuis ex mortalib us reb us

mterna gaudia promerenda sun t, qua propter ego swib u

ulf episcopus 7 b a b igan eet hrofes cestre,dabun t

b iorhtuulfo presb itero aliquam partem terre in pro

u incio cantie in region e que uocatur haddun id est

dimidium un ius aratri pro eius placab il i pecun io in

hereditatem sempiternam iure hereditorio tib i ad hab endum eet possidendum feliciter perfruendum in dies taoseet post dies tuos cuicumque herede tib i placuerit derelinquendum lib eram per omn ia hab eas potestatem. Haec

sun t est en im termin i histius predicti agelli circumia

een tia b iSCOpes mearc ann orb an east b e hunesb iorge ob

ciolmundes mearce 7 b es lan des in erefwe sub Ob er

haddane middewearde 7 Ob er b an e calden tun steall Ob


cinges mearce 7 sub b e cinges mearce ob b an e myclan

del n orb an 7 west b e cin ges mearce ob ciolmundes wioda

7 west b e b y wioda andlanges b are rode ob b an e pyt 7east fram b y pytte b urh b an e wioda wib sub an hunes

b iorge 7 wen weg b y lande Ob er ciolmundes lan d toealdan Strete

,heec sun t prata que ad illam terram

pertinen t ..1 . Et b ioocan lea 7 an sub healfe strodes an cyn inges

medum b a b e b eerto b elimpab .

An n i domin i n ostri ihesu christi DcccLx x v III scriptaest hec cartula his testib us con sen tien tibus eet sub scri

uen tib us quorum hie n omina ten en tur ad scripta>I< Ego suuib ulf episcopus hen c donation em sign o

san cte crucis christi eonfirmavi,

>X< Ego sigehelm dux con sen si et sub scripsi>I< Ego ealhhere min ister con sen si et sub scripsi44 Ego dioruulfpresbyter consen si et sub scripsi>I< Ego earduulfpresbyter consen si et sub scripsi>x< Ego sigeb earht presbyter con sen si et sub scripsi44 Ego ciolmund archidiaconus con sensi et sub scripsi>X< Ego ealhstan diaconus con sen si et sub scripsi

Endorsed 44 Eadgar cyn incg ofhi s agen re handa sealde pas b ocleofrice on para gewitn esse be her b en ipan standap. dunstan archi epis

COpus >X< athelwold episcopus . oswald episcopus . eelfhere dux . eelfwin e

frater eius. 44 wulstan mini ster . osgar ab b as . ealdred min ister .

eadelm min ister. wulfheh min ister . leofstan minister. eelfheh min ister .

wulfsigeminister. byrhtric min ister . wulfsige minister . leofric minister .

Suipulfus episcopus roffens is et con uen tus

dederun t b iortuulfo dimidium aratri at haddun

v latin eHaddane booc.


C ott . Vesp . A . v . 16 9 . A .D . 8 9 6 .

K 107 3 .

T . p . 13 9 , from H emi n g .

E b elr ed of M ercia

held a great coun cil for revision of government, and it wasat this W itenagemc

it that Werferb b ishop ofW orcester re

covered from on e fEb elwald the woodland ofW oodchester

(Gloucester) , which had b een given to his see by king [Eb elb ald. This woodland had b een appropriated to the con ter

min ouS estates of Bisley, Aven ing ,Thorn b ury, &c.

,for all

which an n ex ation s a S ingle man is an swerab le, named E b elwald. He does n ot pretend to dispute the b ishop

s claim,but

petition s the enjoyment on lease for his own time and that ofhis son Alhmund.

>X< RIXIENDUM ussum dryhtene b e’

em b e'

elenden Crist!fEfter b on b e eegei n wees chta hund win tra and syx an d

hand n igon tig efter his acen n edn esse and b y fe6wer

te6b an geb on ngére, b zi bygére geb e6n [Eb elred salderman eells Mercna weotan té somn e t6 Gleaweceastre

b isceOpas, and aldermen ,and alle his dfigub e, and b eet

dyde b e ZElfredeS cyn inges gewitnesse and leafe and

he6 b a b eé r smeadan hfi he6 rihtli cost heora peOdseipeiagb er ge for C ode ge for weorlde gehealden mehton ,

and 60 mon ige men ryhtan ge godeundra hada ge

weorldcundra, ge on lon dum ge on mei bara pinga b ehe6 on forhaldn e wé


ran . Dei cyb de W erferb b isceop

bam weotum b eet him we”

ere forn éh eall b eet wudulondon gerezi fad b e t6 W uduceastre b elomp b eet ZEb elbaldcyn ing gesealde t6 Weogorn aeeastre him t6 éere

aelmessan,W ilferb e b t6 meestlonde and t6 wudu

londe ; and b eet seeds b eet hit weé re sume gen umen t6

Bislége, sum t6 ZEfen ingum,sum t6 S eorran stane, sume

t6 Dorn byrig b ees b e b e wénde ; b ei cwe’

edon eall b a


[Eb elhfinn es and eac Alhmundes his agen es sunu : and

b iis se ceastersetna preOSt hit gerad and se .ZEb el

waldes geneat mid hin e, eé rost on Grin n eb le’


b an on on Roddan b eorg sylfn e, b an on on Smececumb

b an on on S engetlége, b an on on Heardan lége b eere is

Ob er n oma Drygan lég,b eet swai on b a leessan N eegles

lége, and swai t6 zEb elferb es londe. Dii s him gewi sede

se [Eb elwaldes mo[n ] b a geme’

eru swahim b e aldan b éeryhtan and wised6n .

1 Thorpe suggests gerad.

1 Gemyblege T .

Translation 44 U nder the governmen t of our Lord and SaviourChrist ! When there was gon e 896 years after his b irth , an d in the

fourteen th Indiction,in that year summon ed alderman E thelred all the

Mercian coun cilmen together to G loucester ; b ishops, an d aldermen , and

all his n ob ility ; and that he did by king A lfred’

s kn owledge and leave ;and they then there delib erated how they could rightliest order their

people as well b efore God as b efore the world, and likewise to right

many men b oth of the Spiritual and ofthe temporal orders in respect of

lands and o ther things b esides, wherein they had b een in jured. Then

did b ishop W erferb declare to the coun cilmen that he had b een dis

possessed ofwell-nigh all the woodland b elonging to Woodchester, which

king E b elb ald had given to Worcester for a perpetual alms o n his own

accoun t , and for mastland and woodland to b ishop W ilferb : an d that

he said had b een partly taken to Bisley, part to Aven ing, part to

S corran stan, part to Thornb ury, as b e supposed. Then said all the

coun cilmen that justice should b e accorded to that church as well as toany other ; and immediately upon that E thelwald ex pressed himselfashaving n o wish to dispute the right, and he said that b ishop Aldb erht

and Aldhun had b een formerly ab out the same b usin ess, and he said

that he had always for his part b een disposed to render full right toevery church and so he mildly yielded it up to the b ishop, and ordered

his yeoman , Eeglaf b y name,to ride with the citiz ens

chaplain who

was called W ulfhun , and he,shewed him all the b ounds as he read to

him o ut of the old b o oks, according as king .ZEb elb ald had origin allydefin ed and gran ted it . Then did E b elwald however make request to

the b ishop and to the society that they would graciously allow him to

en joy it for his lifetime and that ofAlhmund his son ; and how that

they would hold it on loan from him and the society, an d he wouldn ever, n or would either ofthem , deprive him ofthe swi ne-pasture thathe had let him have on Long Ridge for such times as God should give


it him and he then [Ethelwald spake the word that whoever held it,ex cept the lord ofthat church to whom he had restored it

,would always

ho ld it under God’

s displeasure, with the ex ception ofAl hm un d, an d

that ex ception made upon the understanding that he was to main tain

the same frien dship with the b ishop as he (ZEthelwald) had don e . If

however it should come to pass that A lhmund refused to main tain that

friendship, or ifhe should b e con victed ofa crime which wouldmake himin capab le ofholding lan d, or , a third case , ifhis end should happen first ,that then the lord ofthat church should take to his land, as the Mercian

coun cilmen at that GemOt had settled it, and as the deeds ofthe landdirected them . And this was don e with the wi tn ess OfE thelred alderman , an d of .ZEthelfleed, and of ZEthulf alderman

,and E thelferb

alderman , and A lhhelm alderman,and Eadn oth

,and ZElfreed, an dW er

ferb andE thelwald pri est, an d his own kinsmen E b elstan and [Eb elhun

and likewise A lhmund his own son and thus the citiz en s’

priest rode

the b oun ds an d ZEb elwald’

s yeoman with him, first at G inn eb leah, an dthen ce on to Rodb orough itself, thence to Smececumb

,thence to Sengst

leah,then ce to Heardan leah , otherwise called Dryganleah , an d so on to

the lesser N eeglesleah, and SO to E b elferb’

s lan d. Thus did E thelwald’

s man guide him over the b ounds as the Old deeds directed an d


Chart . An t . Can tuar . F . 1 5 0. A .D . 8 9 8 .

K 3 24 . s . i . 12 .

E l fr eed u s

Sax on um rex, grants in perpetuity to aldormen S ighelm one

manen s at Fearn leag (Farleigh on the Medway ab o ve Maid

stone) and one large wisce to go with the land. This mayb e a


or marish ; and Mr . Sanders cites Domesdayfor eel fisheries at Farleigh . He also n otes that Eadweardthe heir to the throne is styled rex in his father

s lifetime.

>X< IN n omine domin e ego eelfreedus gratia dei sax onumrex meo fideli duce sigilmo

1concedo in perpetuam

possession em terram iuris mei un iusque man en tis in loco

qui dicitur fearn leag et an myclan wisce vi. eeceres

meede in to b am lande an n orb eweardre wib eadweald

S ib irhtign e2pro eius amab ilii pecun ia ut ab eat et posse

deat quam diu uiuat postque suum ab ac uita decessum


lib eram ab eat potestatem dan di cuicumque placuerit actaest autem ha c donatio an n o ab incarnation e christiDCCCXCVI II . in loeo qui dicitur wulfamere hiis testib us con sen tien tib us quorum n omina infra karax ata esse

fiden tur

>X4 ego eelfred rex sax onum han c meam donationem

sign o senete crucis confirmo .

{4 eadweard rex han c regis donationem Stab ilito

{4 ordlafdux . >14 b eorhtsige min ister. 44 eadweald

min ister. 44 eegfeib min ister.

44 sigulf dux . >X4 osferb min ister. >X4 eeb elstan

sacerdos. 44 eadhelm min ister.

44 wullaf dux . 44 wulfhere min ister. >X4 cub ulf

min ister.

Q4 Ista autem praefata terra hiis termin ib us circumcin cta esse uidetur.

44 eerest easte weerd b eet eelde b ocland to fearn leagelib b onn e is b eet sub lan d gemeere b ees cinges west andlang b ees fyrhb es 0b b on e b radan weg b e uppan scet tofealen es forda b onn e b elt mede weege b eet n orb lan d


Endorsed —wlfredus Rex dedit sigilmo terram in farnlege

fearnleg latine fernleah

1 Under the year 905 the Sax on Chron icle preserves a circumstan tialrecord of the death of Sighelm aldormen ofKent , who is almost cer

tainly the gran tee of this deed ; join ing with him another Ken tishalderman Sigulf who here appears among the Signataries : an d with

these two is immediately jo ined the name of Eadwald cynges pegn ,

whom we may iden tify, ifwith less certain ty, yet with little doub t , asthe same person with the Eadweald min ister


who is a signatary, andthe Eadweald S igb rihting , who was a con termin o us lan dl ord.

2 For S ib irhtingn e, a strong adjectival accusative ofthe patronymic .

3 The b ounds are b riefb ut rich in material . Eastward was the old

b ook-land at Farleigh and thi s old b o ok-land we take to b e East Farleigh , while the estate here conveyed is perhaps West Farleigh, or thegerm thereof. And though the southern meer b lends somewhat vaguely


ppetuam hab endi possidendique pro comutation e

illius terre in Stan tun e .


x cassatarum que priuserat foras con cessa in domin ium regalem pro

lib ertate illius monasterii sed n os iterum cum

licen tia et testimon io pantorum pcerum merceorum

comodauimus ea condicione ut Sit sub domin iosen ioris illin s eclesie et ad men sam sed et

terram iii man en tium que dicitur cahing leeg ad

mensam illins congregation is ppetualiter donauimus que an tea in trium hominuminum diemforas con cessa fuerat ista a e supradicta terra

44 id est in east hope st in peating tun e lib era scriptacon stat ab omn ium <psonarum ingo seruitutis N OS

{4 etiam condon auimus kalicem aureum pen san s

x x x man cusos ad istam 11 di amore b on oreq ; uirgin is uenerab ile mildburge ab b atisse

ut securius possimus pfrui huius terre possesion emea condicion e ut

<pman eat indesinen ter semp in

ista eelesia q uamdiu cussa pman eat

n isi sub iurem istius eclesie ad illorum

men sam Si n ecessitas euen erit acta est H'

istachartula an n o domin ice in carii decec°i° in

in ciuitate scrob b en SIS trinamagestas

conseruet con seruantes condemnet leden tes hii

sun t testes huius chartule

ego eeb e‘


>X4 ego eeb elfled


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

eeb elswib



ein eb urg

the bottom of the charter ar e the upp er p ortion of the letters

E ndorsed,

‘east hop and in a han d of the 1 3th cen tury ,

‘donum efiredi‘


de esthop scilicet stowell patteneia.

B .

A ddi t . Chart . 19 , 7 9 1 . A . D . 9 04 .

B . iii . 2 .

W e r fr i th

bp. Worcester, grants to Wulfsige his reeve one hide in

East tun .

C 0 R 0 G R A P H V M

RIXIENDUM on ecn isse u ssum drihtn e heelende

criste seb e all b ing gemetegab ge on heofen um ge

on eorb an pees infleescn isse b y gere be agen wees

docce win tra 7 iiii win ter 7 b y uii gehou gere ic

.uuerfrid b isco‘


mid min es arweorb an heorodes geb a

fun cga 7 leafe on weogern a ceastre sylle wulfsige min um

gerefan wib his holdum meegene 7 eadmodre hernesse

an es hides 10nd on easttun e swa swa herred hit heefde

on b reora mon na deeg 7 all b eet inn 10nd b eligeb an dieutan e 7 bon ne ofer b reora monna deg agefe monn efl:



b aet lond b utan eleon wib ercwide in n to weogerna

ceastre 7 b is seondan b ara mon na n oman b e b eet geb afedon 7 mid cristes rode tacn e gefaestn edon 44 uuerfrib

b iscop 44 cynehelm ab b 44 uuerfrib pi s 44 eadmun d prs44 b erhtmund pi s 44 tidb ald pi s 44 hildefrib pi s 44 ecfrib

pi s 44 eaduulfpi s 44 wiglafpi s 44 oslac diacon 44 eynab

diacon 44 b erhtb elm 44 wigheard 44 monn 44 earduulf44uullaf 44 b erhtb elm 44 heahred 44 cyn elaf 44 uulfred 44

cynehelm 44 uulfric 44 cenfrib 44 hwituc 44‘

cynelaf 44

ceolhelm 44 uullaf44 ealhmund 44 earduulf44 uulfgar.

E ndorsed,‘un lfsiges lond b oc

; d nd in later hands ,‘heast

unesb oc and Eadward seni or .

B .

Chart . An t . Can tuar . C . 12 8 2 . Ab out 9 07 .

K 3 2 8 .

T . p . 169 .

S . i . 13 .

A n o n ym o u s M em o r i al

or petition , in form of a letter, addressed to the king, whocan b e n o other than Eadweard the son of Alfred. The

petitioner informs the king how he has dealt with five hides

of land at Fonthill (Wilts) , which b ecame his in the mann er

describ ed, and he prays the king that what has b een done

may stand. The resu lt appears on the b ack 1.

44 LEOF ic b e cyb e b u hit wees ymb b eet 10nd eet

fun tial b a fifhida b e eeb elm higa ymb spyeb b a helmStan b a undeede gedyde b eet he eeb eredes b elt forsteelb a ongon higa him specan sona on mid ob ran on spe

cendan 7 wolde him ob flitan b eet lon d b a sohte he me 7b eed me b est ic him weere forespeca forb on ic his heefde

eer onfongen est b iscopes hon da eer he b e undeede gedyde

b a spece ic him fore 7 b ingade him to eelfrede einge


7 nafre to nanan wo on b e gerada b e b e his me ub e 7:

b e me b a t on wedde gesealde 7 we ridan b a to b onandegan ie 7 wihtb ord rad midme 7 byrhthelm rad b idermid a b elme 7 we gehyrdan ealle b a t he b on e ab b e

fulan ageaf b e we ewadan ealle b a t hit wa re geendodu

Speee b a se dom wees gefylled 7 leof hwon n e b ib engu

spa e geendedu gif mon n e mag n owb er n e mid feo n e

mid ab a geendigan Ob b e gif mon a lcn e dom wile on

wendan b e a lfred cing gesette hwon n e hab b e we b on n e

gemotad 7 he me b a b oo b a ageaf swa b e me on b on

wedde a r geseald hafde sona swa se ab agifen was 7 ic

him geb et b a t he moste b es londes b rucen b a bwileb e he lifde gif he hin e wolde b utan bysmore geb ealdan

b e on ufan b a t ymb an Ob er healf gear nat ie hweb er

b e ymb tua b a forsta l he b e un la den ox an a t fun tial

b e b e mid ealle fore forwearb 7 draf to cytlid 7 b in emon b a ra t aperade 7 his speremon ab redde b a Sporwreclas b e he fieah b a torypte b ine an b reb er 3 ofer b a tn ehh b a he a tsacan wolde b a sade him mon b a t totaen e b a Swafeanulfpenearding on wa s gerefa b a gen omeal b a t yrfe him on b a t he ahte to tyssebyrig

‘1 b a ascade

ic hin e hwy he swa dyde b a cwa b he b a t he wa re b eof

7 mon gerehte b a t yrfe cinge forb on he wa s cingesmon . 7 ordlaf feng to his lon de forb on b it wa s his la nb a t he on sa t he n e meahte n a his forwyrean 7 tu b in ehete b a flyman b a gesahte he b in es fa der lie 7 b rohteinsigle to me 7 ie wa s a t eippanhomme mit te b a ageaf

ic b a t in sigle b e 7 b u him forgeafe his eard 7 b a are

b e he get on geb ogen hafb 7 ic feng to minan lon de 7sealde b it b on b iS00pe b a on b in e gewitn esse 7 b inraweotena b a fif hida wib b on londe aet lidgeard wib fif

h idan 7 b iscop 7 eel hiwan forgeafan me b a feower 7 an

was teob ing lon d b onn e leof is me micel n eodb earf b at


b it mote stondan swa hit n u gedon is 7 gefyrn wa s gifhit elleshwa t b ib b on n e seeal ie 7 wylle b eon gehealdenon b on b e b e to a lmessan ryht b in ob .

In dorso : -44 7 a b elm higa eode of b am geflite b a

cing wa s a t wo rgemyn ster on ordlafes gewitn esse 7 on

osferb es 7 on oddan 7 on wihtb ordes 7 on a lfstanes b ys

b lerian 7 on a b elnob es .

1 Helmstan being con victed of theft, a claiman t to Helmstan’s

land, named E b elm Higa, thought it a good time to push hi s claim .

The petitioner had stood godfather to Helmstan at his confirmation , and

Helmstan resorted to him in his troub le . SO he took up his godson’


cause, and spoke for him to the king ,who was then Alfred The king

thought it Should be referred —an d petitioner was one of the referees .

Helmstan produced his title ; and at Wardour (Wilts) , where the kingthen was , the referees met to decide . Al l were agreed that Helmstan

might b ring his oath, b ut JEb elm demurred ; and so they went beforethe king . They found the k ing in his b ower washing hi s hands . Theyto ld him what conclusion they had come to , and why

—and ZEb elm stood

with them in the chamber . When Alfred had done washin g, he askedE b elm why he was n ot satisfied ; adding, that he could not think of

anything fairer than that Helmstan should vouch it by oath if he could .

The petitioner then spoke, and said that Helmstan wou ld see what he

could do —and so the king named a day. N ow it was n ot an easymatter for Helmstan to muster the requisite number of co-jurors, andso he once more sought the petition er

s aid . This was gran ted on

condition that the reversion of the land shou ld be his . The oath suc

ceeded, and Helmstan was again in quiet possession . But in less thantwo years he sto le ox en

,and they were tracked, and he had to run for

it ; and in his flight he got a great b ramb le-scratch across the n ose,

which made part of the evidence against him . The sheriff was down

upon him,and sei zed hi s land in the king’

s name : those of whom he

held Ia n-land reentered : and the present king pron ounced hi s b ani shmen t . Still Helmstan foundmean s to propitiate the kin g, acting throughpetitioner, who was then wi th the king at Chippenham . He revokedHelmstan

s outlawry, allowed him a place to live on , and con sented to

let the land go in its appoin ted course. So the petition er b ecame pos

sessed of the land , and he had sin ce dealt with it, and he hopes theking will allow the arrangemen t to stand —A po stscript on the backrecords how E b elm Higa yielded the dispute (the king being at War

min ster) in the presen ce of witn esses .

2= a rest .

3 b rember .

Tisb ury, 3 m . from Fon thill. Wardour is close by.


Chart . C o tt. vi i i . 16 . 12 N ov. 9 3 1 .

K 3 5 3 .

B . 111 . 3 .

E th e l s tan ,

premising that the things b elow are peripsema quisquiliarum,

while the things ab ove are ad in star pretiosorum mon ilium,

grants to his trusty than e Wulfgar 9 cassatae aet Hamme

(Ham , W ilts) lib eraliter ac eternaliter. In the Sax on there

are two words , b eowa and grendel, that recall the Beowulf.The date is elab orate ; and the place is in u illa omn ib usn otissima que leowtun nun cupatur.

Appended is gran tee’

s W ill , in writing of another type,b ut apparen tly co eval . The pro vision s are calculated (ifkn own ) to en sure the good conduct of the relatives duringthe testator’

s lifetime. The land at E scmere is reserved fordisposal by a n un cupative W ill.

4 PREDICTA Siquidem tellus his termi n i s ci rcum

cin cta Clarescit ; a rast 6n eastewardan 6u lin leage

geat 7 b onn e on lin leage middewearde 7 b on on

sub rihte wib b ara Stan ceastla 7 b onn e of b a-m Staneeastlum to pyddes geete b on on to oswaldes berghe

b on on ondlong herpob es o n b urghardes an stigo b on neforb to b ares an stigon b on on 6n b eardan leage middeweerde b on n e sub 6h gerib te ondlong hen n a den eob hit cimeb to b a re die b on n e west ut b urh henna

leah ob hit cimeb to b a re efese b on n e an orb b e wyrt

walan b a t 6n efen b on e greaten a se b onn e n orb ondlong

b ees‘


lin ces b est on b ofan hangran ; b on n e ondlong

hagan on wifiling falod westeweardn e ; b oii n orb ofer

dun e 611 meos‘

b’line westeweardn e ; b onne a dun e on

b a yfre on b eowan hammes heogan on b remeles

seeagan easteweardn e ; b on ne on b a b laean grafan . b ofi

n orb b e b em 7 heafdan . to b a re seortan die . b utan an an

a ere ; b oi1 to fugel mere to b an wege ondlong weges .

to ottes forda b onon to wudu mere ; b oii to b a re


Ab b —Aelfric. Eadwine. Aeb elnob . Biorhtsige. Seaxhelm.

Ii1 —Odda. Wulfgar. Aeb elstan . Aelfheh . Aeb elferb . Aelihere. Aeb elwold. Eadric. Aelfwald. Buga. Aelfric.

Ealhelm. Aeb elstan . Beorhtulf. Hefa. Aelfric. Aslf

sige. S igeric. Aeb erio . Aelfheh. Swib ulf. Wullaf.


b elm . Eadric. Aeb elweard. Aeb elmund. Ealhhelm .

A eb eln ob . Wulfsige. Wyn sige. Aelfhelm. Aelfric.

Aelfstan . Wulfric. Aeb elmund. Burherd. Wulfsige.

Beorhtric. Aeb elstan . Aeb elm. Wulfn ob . Wulfma r .

Wulfb old. Wulfsige. W ihtgar. Aelferd. Wulfric. Ael

fric. Aeb elweard. Eadulf. Aeb elsige . Wiferb . Wulfhelm. Cyred. Aebelstan . Aelfn ob . Aelfsige. Aeb elstan .


E ndorsed i n a con temp orary hand,

bis is ba s landes b oo eet

hamme in one of the 1 2 th cen twry, Donum hamme latin e et anglicein on e of the 1 3 th,

‘Adelstan i Regis’

and i n on e of the 16th,

‘this is

the landes b ooke of heme in y° Sax on Chareter W olstan Rex B .

4 I0wulfgar an ba s landes a t collinge b urnan ofer minn edag eeffan hiere deeg 7 heo tilige un cer b egea sawla bearfegema nelice b a r on 7 feormige brie dagas ba godes beowas

ba r min lic reste‘

on bon e gemynd dag’

7 selle bam ma sse

preo ste fif pen ingas 7 bara obra a loum twegen 7 ofer hieredeeg to winte ceastre bam n iwan hierede for min e sawle to

hab b enn e 7 to b rucenn e 7 n a ofbam myn stre to sellann e 7

10 an ba s landes eet inge pen n e ofer minn e dag a ffan to

brucenn e 7 to b ewitann e 7 ba t heo b a b b e a loe gere to bamtun e ealra gearwa stma ba brie da las 7 bon e feorban to

cyn etan byrig bam godes beowum for min e sawle 7 for mines

feeder 7 for min es ieldran fa der bonne ofer hiere dag in tocyn etan byrig to ba re helgan stowe for wulfgares sawle be 10hit in selle 7 for wulfrices 7 for wulfheres be hit a rest b egeatto hab b en n e 7 to b rucenn e 7 neefre at to sellan ne

u bon ne an

10 ba s landes a t craft ofer minn e deeg wyn sige 7 a lfsige 7

ealleS ba s be ic ba r on b egite 7 ic an ba s landes aet denfordaofer minn e dag abelstan e 7 cyn estane gif hie me ob 13 onryht gehierab

V7 ic an ba s landes eet buter mere

1ofer minne


dag byrhtsige twegea hida 7 ceolstan es sunum an es gif hie

me ob b a t on ryht gehierab U 7 10 cwebe on wordum b e

a scmere on minum geongfi magum swelce me b etst ge

hierab u

7 ic wille b afi’

e feormige of bam brim da lum a t inge'


ba godes beowas a t cyn etan byrig brie dagas on twelfmonbum

a nn e da g for me obern e for min n e fa der briddan for min n eieldran fader 7 10 an ba s landes a t hamme afi


an ofe'

r min n e

dag 7 heo tilige beer on uncer b egea sawla bearfe 7 feormige

brie dagas ba godes beowas beer min lie reste on eastron 7

ofer hiere deeg in to w‘


n te ceastre to bam ealdan hierede

to Size trinitate to ha b b en ne 7 to b rucenn e 7 nafre ut to

sellan n e u


E ndorsed in a contemp orary hand, Her swutelab b wu lfgar

genpe hamme in to ealdan mynstre after afian da ge b ys wi fes .

B .

1 Buttermere, 2 m . S . E . of Ham .

2 This Will is translated by Thorpe, Dip lomatari nm, p . 495 .

C o tt . Aug . A .D . 9 3 3 .

K 3 62 .

B .

E t h e l s tan

sells a charter of immunity to the b ishopric ofCredi ton .

4 FLEBILIA fortii detestanda totillan tis sch piacu ladiris ob scenehorrendeq ue mortalitatis circumsepta latratib us n on n os patria indepte paeis see[u] ros sed quasifetide corruptele in uoraginem casuros prouocan do em

mon en t ut ea toto men tis conamin e cum casib us suis n onsolum despieiendo sed etia[m] uelut fastidiosam melaneolie nausiam ab ominando fugiamus ten den tes ad illud

euangelieum date et dab itur uob is Q ua de re infima

quasi peripsema q[uis]quiliarum ab icien s superna ad

instar pretiosorum mon ilium eliens an imum sempitern is


in gaudu s fien s ad nan eiseendam melliflue dulcedin is

misericordia[m] perfruendamq : infin ite letitia iocundi

tatem ego abelstanus per orb ipatran tis dex iam apicetotius alb ion is sub limatus eircumquaq : b asilicae in hon ored[i] SSorumq : eius dedicatas prout potero ab an tiquo rituuectigalium redimam quod sib i mei an tecessores usur

patin e deereuerun t hab ere n un c nero pro di omn ipo

ten tis amore et b eate di gen etricis marie ueneration e

scorumq : oml um auctoritate n eenon pro uen erab ilis epi

eadulfi placab ilis pecun ie dation[e] id lx lib rarum

argen ti tan tam lib ertatS episcopatui eridien sis ecclesieperdonare diiudicaui ut sit perpetualiter tutus atq :

mun itus ab omn ib us secularibg seruitutib ; fiscis regalib3

trib utis maio rib ; et min orib ; atq : ex pedition alib ; n idelicet tax ation ib ; omn iumq : rerum n isi sola ex pedition e

et arcis m[u]n ition e S i quis autem post h6c sub dolacauillation e deceptus n ostrum n on perhorrescat maehinari

decretum seiat sé n ouissima ac magna ex amination is die

classica archangeli clangente salpice b ustis spon te patentib ; somata iam rediuiua propellentib ; cum iuda proditore infaustoq : pecun iarum compilatore sui sq : 1mp11ss1m1s

fautorib ; sub aeterne malediction is an athemate edacib ;

in numerab ilium tormen torum flammis S ine defectu periturum Acta est ha c pfate lib ertatis mun ificen tia

deooc x x x iii domin ice in carnation is an no indiction e

vi his testib 3 con sen tien tib ; Signumq : crucis x iii ad

pon en tib ; quorum n omina infra carax ata essemon stran tr

4 Ego abelstanus gratia di largien te totius b rittan nierex fifatam lib ertatem cum sigillo S



e crucis confirmaui

4 Ego wulfhelm dorob ern en sis ecclesie archiebs

eiusdem regis largitatem cum tropheo sSe crucis eon



tweonan twam b iorgum b on on on pa b b eles hol b ononon meare b iorh b on on on pis b erh ; 7 b is synt b a den

b a ra b e to b issum londe mid rihte belimpab hlos

dion u swana dion u gehag b olt pren tsan b law ruwan

b iorg eegwealdes cumb wa ter b orn eofor sol b yrran

mere b ioh‘


an dun wib ig wic garunga leah hudelinga soydd scealces hom b roc hyrst byring falod

fa stan falod ha cinga hleah .

E lab orately dated, in ciuitate opinatissima quee win teceaster nun cupatur tota populi gen eralitate sub alis regiee

dapsilitatis ouan ti perscripta est ; cuius etiam in con cussefirmitatis auctoritas ‘


is testib us rob orata con stat quorumn omina sub tus caracterib us depicta

1an n otan tur ;

R z—Aebelstanus Singu laris priuilegi i ierarchia preditus rex .

Abp z—Wulfhelmus dorob ernen sis. Wulfstan us eb oracen sis.

S ub reg z—Howeel. Iubwel . Teowdor . (and a fourth whose

name is illegib le.)Ep

—Aelfwine. Eadulf. Cenwald. Biorn stan . Diodred.

Wulfhun . Wyn sige. Aelfred. Tidhelm. Burhric. Ael

fred. Conan . Wu lfhelm. Cyn sige. Wired. Sa x elm.

Aescb erht.

Ab b z—Aelfric. Eadwin e. Aeb eln ob . Biorhtsige.

Dux —Aelfwald. Osferb . Aeb elstan . Urm. Inhwa r. Halfdene . Osulf. Uhtred. Aescb erht. Aelfstan . Scule. Hadd.

m z—Ordheh . Aelfgar . JEb elelm . Aeb elwold. Eadstan .

Aeb ered. Wulfheh . Wu llaf. Wulfgar . Wulfma r. Wulfn ob . Odda. Wulfgar . Aeb elstan . Aelfhah. Wulfsige.

Wihtgar . E lfhere. Eadric. Aeb elwold. Eadwald. Ael

fric. Eadmund. Wulfric. Hun . E b elb erht. Wyn sige.

Aeb elferb . Aelfstan . E b elmund. fEb eln ob . Eadn o b .

Ab ulf. Ha b red. S igered. Eadwald. S igeferb . Ead

weerd. [Eb elsiga ZElfstan . Wulfric. E lfsige. Biorhstan .

ZElfsige. Biorhtelm . Eadsige. Tiob con . Wulfsige. Eel

helm . Wulfstan . Berhtric.

1gemotb iorh . Kemb le thought this might be the meeting-place of


the Shiremoot and that the mearcb iOrh ( =markhill ) must be the placewhere the markmen were wont to meet . S ax ons in E nghznd , Book 1,c. 2 , p . 56.

C ott . Aug . i i . 23 . A .D . 9 3 9 .

K 3 7 7 .

B . iii . 9 .

E Pe l s tan

grants to his faithful thane Eadulf 1 2 man sa at Meapham.

4 REGNANTE in perpetuum diio n i o ihu Kpo omn iade summo ca li apice uisib il ia et inuisib ilia ordinab iliter

gub ernan te presen tisque u ita semper curriculo cotidie

decrescen te ac n ob is mortalib us temporalia gaz a n ecn on

et lucra possessionum inan iter fruen tibus facescun t ac

defluun t Q uaprOpter ego E bELSTANUS diuina mihiadridente gratia rex anglorum et ouragulus totius b ryt

tan n ia aliquam partem terre iuris mei perpetuali don ation e lib en ter con cedo cuidam fideli meo min istron om i n e eadulfo . XII man sas in illo loco cui ruricoleapellatiuo usu ludib undisque uocab ulis n omen in diderunt a t meap ham quatinus ille b en e perfruatur ac

perpetualiter possideat quamdiu istius caducis sei i uitamten ere presumet et post sé cuicumque uoluerit oeu

corrob orauimus perhen n iter heredi derelin quat in aeter

nam hereditaté’

S it autem predictum rus liberfi ab

omn i mundiali ob staculo cum omn ibus ad S é rite pertin en tib us campis pascuis pratis siluis ex ceptis istis

tribus ex peditione pon tis arcisue con struction e S i quisautem quod n on Optamus han c n iam difin ition em elation is

hab itu inoeden s infringere temptauerit perpessus Sit

gelidis glaciarum fiatibus et penn in o ex ercitu malignorum spirituum n i s1 prius Ia guIS pan iten tia gemi


tibus et pura emendatione emendauerit Istis termin ib us

predieta terra eircfigyrata esse uidetur pis syn t ba lan d

gema ro to meap ham on suban 7 on westeweard setl boiin orb fram setle to n etles stede to ba re ban e bonan n orbon gerihte andlang hrycges ob b redles stede ba t forbbonan to fearn leage geate boii n orb bonan to cob b ahammes mcaree bonan east on gerihte to heorot felda

geete fram bam geete east 7 sub on b ludes b eorh ofbarnb eorge forb b e bare mcaree ob bone calewan stoc bon ansub to b lacan meres geate ba t sub bonan on bone Oranforan wib eastan ecgulfes setl west b e bam oran eft

toweard setle bis synt ba den b a ra on wealda be ba rto

gebyriab b e suban ea stan ihtan hyrst 7 oeolan hyrst 7b e n orban ea geleean camp 7 gumb rihting hyrst 7ceorla den

Acta est hac prefata donatio Ann o ab in carnation e an i i ihu x p1 .H DCCCCXXXIX Indictione . x 11 .

4 Ego abelstan us rex totius b ryttann ia prefatam donationem cum sigillo see crucis eonfirmau i .

4 Ego wulfhelm dorob on en sis a ccieareb lepi s eiusdemregi s donati on em cum trOpb eo agIe Cl

ll Cl S con SIgnauI

4 Ego a lfheah win tan ien sis a ecie e'

ps triumphalemtI Opb eum agie Cl

ll ClS 1npress1

4 Ego beodred lundon ien sis a ceieebs con signaui

4 Ego eenwald eps predictum donum con sen si

4 Ego wulfhun eps con sen si

4 Ego oda eps confirmaui

4 Ego wulfhelm eps con signaui

4 Ego b urhric e'

ps con sen si

4 Ego abelgar eps rob oraui

44 a lfhere dux 4 abelwold mi

44 wulfgar dux 4 a lfred mi


religiose see mon ialis femin e uocitate ZEDELSWIbE x

man sas largiendo eondonau i illio ub i uulgus priscorelation e uocitat .ZET OSWALDING uillam Q uatinus illab en e perfruatur ac perpetualiter possideat dum huius

lab en tis eui cursu tran seat in lesus atque uitalis Sbs incorruptib ili oarn e inhereat et post Sé cuicumque uoluerit

perenn iter heredi derelin quat eeu supra dix imus in a ternam b ereditatS S it autem predictum rus lib er ab omn imundiali ob staculo cum omn ib us ad se rite pertin en tibuscampis pascuis pratis . S iluis . siluariique n emorib us

ex cepto istis trib us ex peditione pon tis arcisue cOadifi

catione . S i quis If quod n on Optamus hanc n iam difi

n ition em elation is hab itu in oeden s infringere temptauerit

perpessus Sit gelidis glaciarii flatib us et penn in o ex ercitamalignorii spirituii msi prius In rigms poen iten tia

gemitib us et pura emendatione emendauerit Istis ter

min ib us predicta terra circumgyrate esse uidetur pis

syn t ba lan d gema ro to oswalding tun e a rest a lfgyb emeare on eastan ob teting ford boil bonan west ob don e

bonn e bonan ob eadgife mearce bon n e bonan to ba sb iscopes mearce to cirringe of cirringe n orb bon an toemeoing mere to oswalding tun e hierb holen hyrst 7byrht tring den 7 eoreding den 7 liceing den 7 here

ferbes lea 7 dyn n ing den 7 cyrbring hyrst 7 triphyrst 7 in snadis in to oswalding tun e 7 seo mad a t

b run es forde 7 seo mad a t b eo b roce hierb in to oswaldingtun e Acta est hec prefata donatio Ann o ab in car

natione diii a ihu x iii DCCCCXL Indictione XIII

4 Ego eadmundus rex anglorum prefatam donationem

cum S lg i llo see cruel s confirmam

4 Ego wulfhelm dorob onen sis acco’re archieps eiusden

o 0 0 o 0 oreg is donati on em cu tropheo agIeeruCIS con SIgnauI

4 Ego eadred eiusdem regis frater con signaui


44 Ego beodred lundon ien sis aeeie eps con signaui

4 Ego a lfheah win tan ien si s a ccle ebs triumphalemo o o otropheu agIe cruci s 1npress1

44 Ego eenwald ebs predictfi donum con sensiEgo oda ebs confirmaui

Ego a lfric ebs con sign aui

Ego wult i n obs con sen si

4 Ego wulfhelm ebs con signaui

Ego b urgri e eps con sensi4 Ego abelgar eps rob oraui

44 alfhere dil x

wulfgar dux

a thelstan dux

uhtred dux

odda m1

a lfric mi .

eadmun d mi .

wulfsige mi .

wullaf mi .

wihtgar mi .

abelwold mi

4 a lfred mi .

44 wulfgar . mi .

a lfsige mi .


E ndorsed in a con temp orary hand,£

44 bis Is oswalding tunes

boo be eadmund cing geb ocade a belswibe [on ] ece yrfe’

, and in a hand

of the 1 2 th cen tury, Rex edmundus dedit oswalding tun cuidam

femine nomine ebelsuibe‘

. latine .

’B .

ordeah . mi .


. mi .



a lfsige . mi

abered mi

abelmund mi .

wulfhelm mi .

wulfheah . mi .

wulfsige mi .

wulfn ob mi .

a b elstan m i

a b elsige mi

ean ulf. mi .


C o tt . Aug . A .D . 9 44 .

K 3 9 9 . B .

E adm u n d

grants to Aelfric, b ishop (prob ab ly of Ramsb ury) 30 man sa

in i110 1000 ub i iam dudum solicolg illius region is n[omen]inposuerun t eet b addan byrig 7 to doddan forde 7 to efer

dune (Badby, Dodford, and Everdon , S . ofDaven try, N orthants) . The b oundaries are rich in descriptive terms and make

mention ofWatling Street.

4 DIS sin t ba land gemara 7 se emb egang baralanda to b edden byrig 7 to doddan forda 7 to efer dun eb a t is boii a rest a t b addan byrg westeweardre 7 n orb eweardre a t bam lytlan toclofenan b eorge boii on

gerihte of b am b eorge n orb to wearge dun e b etweox

ba lytlan twegen b eorgas ba t beer n orb 7 lang b a relytlan die a t ba s grafes en de ob b a smalan b ornasb oi1 of b am born um tip on b a lytlan dun e middeweardre boii of b a re diine east on fox hylle easteweardre bob geub e ic a lfwin e 7 b eorhtulfe ba s leas 7ba s hammes b e n orb an ba re lytlan dic b on lib b a t

gema re on gerihte of f6x hylle n orb eweardre on bon eholan weg a t hin de b lypan 11011 of hinde hlypan o n

bone wylle a t bam lea ufeweardan of b am wylle on

b a t heorot sol of b am heorot sole norb on gerihte on

b on e b eorg boii ofb am b eorge on gerihte to b am lea

b forb b e lea on wib igwylles heafud of b am wylle

n orb on gerihte on b a b Ornehtan dun e to omn es bam

geete a t ba re calden byrg ba t fram b am geete on

gerihte east to ma r pytte boii ofb am pytte on gerihte

to b am stane a t barn wylle wib n orb an ma res da l ,

boii sub on gerihte 7langwaelinga stra t on bon e wegto weodun inga gemare boil west 7 lang weges on b onelytlan b eorg b a r Se stoc S tod b at bonan sub rihte on


toclofen on n orb weardre 7 on westeweardre baddan byrgActa é st ha c prafaeta donatio An n o ab incarnatione

dii i a ihu x iii dceecx liiii indictione ii

R z—Eadmundus rex anglorum. Eadred eiusdem regis frater.

Eadgifu eiusdem regis mater .


ps z—Oda dorob onen sis eccie archiefis. Wulfstanarchiefis.

E133 z—Deodred lundon iensis ecc

’le ebs. Aelfheah Win te

n ien sis eciceebs. Cenwald. Aelfred. Aebelgar. Wulfsie. Wulfhelm .

Dux z—Aebelstan . Aebelwold. Aebelstan . Ealhhelm. Ab elmund.

MIS —Wulfgar . Eadmund. Aelfsie. Aelfstan . Wulfric. Aelf

sie. Aebelgeard. Wulfric. W ihtgar. Aelfred. Aebered.

E ndorsed in a hand of the 1 s th cen tury,

‘Badeb i’

; and i n one

of the 1 3th, Baddeb i .’B .

C ott. Aug . A .D . 9 46 .

K 407 . B .

E adm u n d

grants to Ordhelm and Aelfwold,two b rothers

, a piece ofhisown inherited land in perpetuity. The notice of a Kentishterm is interesting.


AE TRINITATIS Immin en tibus uitecaducis termin is qua in n os sceleris licet on ere pressin utu diuin o statIIti Tamen domin ica prosequen tes

mon ita prout quimus sedm illud euangelii ub i dicitur

date et dab itur uob is Q uaprOpter ego EADMVNDVS rex

anglorii ceterarumque gen tium in circuitu persisten tium

gub ernator et rector quibusdam meis homin ibus id est

duob us fratrib us ordhelmo et alfwoldo aliqua por

tion em hereditatis mee in a tern ei possessionem concedo


-18 1

quod cantigen e sedm suam propriS linguam dicun t an

ivcla te et in super x segetes vb i ruricoli app'


usu ludib undisque uocab ulis n omen indiderun t E T

GAMELANWYRDE eatenus ut hoc dieb us su is possidean ttramitib usque uite sue et post Se cuicumque sib i placuerit post hoc tradan t hereditario a ternaliter ceu pre

dix i illis Maneatque prout iam predix eram donu 1studab omn i solari seruitio ex inan itum cum omn ib us


ad se

rite pertinen tib us campis pascuis pratis siluis ex

cepto istis trib us ex peditione pon tis arcisue con

structione S i quis autem quod n on optamus b an e n ram

difiin ition S elation is hab itu inoeden s infringere temptauerit perpessus sit gelidis glaciarum fiatibus et penn in oex ercitu malign oru spituum . N isi prius in riguis pen iten tie gemitibus et pura emendation e emendauerit 1

Istis termin ibus predieta terra circumgyrata esse u i


pis syn t ba lan d gema ro to gamelan wyrbe subfealcing rip ob sa widan floot meare on west hand a t

bara hina lan de to folces stan e 7 bonn e ba s b iscopesmeare on n orb healfe 7 on east healfe ut to saActa est hac prefata donatio An n o ab in carnatione

dii i n i i ib u x p1 dccccx lvi indictione iiii4 Ego eadmundus rex anglorum prefatam donatio

nem cum sigillo S69 eri’icis oonfirmaui

4 Ego oda dorob on en sis accio archieps eiusdem

regis donation em cum sigillo sce eri’iois conclusi

4 Ego a lfheah wintan ien sis a ccio ebs triumphalemtropheum agie cri

’icis inpressi

44 Ego b urgric episcopus con sen si

4 Ego a lfred episcopus confirmaui.

4 abelwold dux

4 abelstan dux


4 eadmun d m is

wulfric 11118

4 a lfsige mIS

a lfstan m i s

a lfwold m i s

a lfgar miS

a lfwold mis

b eorhtSIge 11118

4 abelsige mISa lfric mi s

E ndorsed in a con temp orary hand, 44 bis is ba s landes b oo a t

gamelan wyrbe and in on e of the 1 2th cen tury, Rex edmundus dedit

gameling wyrthe ordelmo et alfwoldo latine B .

1 S i qu is emendauerit .

’ Verb ally identical with the correspondingclause in 940 above.

C o tt. Aug . ii . 8 3 . A .D . 9 4 7 .

K 413 . B .

E ad r e d

grants to Oswig a thane for his devotion , b is denas mansas

quod anglice dicitur twentig hida in i110 1000 ub i iam

dudum solicole illius region is n omen inposuerun t E T

MEARSE T HAM . The rhetoric of the San ction is remarkab le.

4 ISTIS termin ib us pre[dic]ta terra eircfigyrata esse

uidetur bis syn t ba lan d gema ro to mearsa tham on bon

born b e n orban eadriees stan e bon on up to b een stedeb etwih bam twam hammfi of b ean stede swa forb on

ba ruwan apuldre bon on on esn es ham of esn es

hamme on cusesstede b eorh of bei b eorge on tun les

weorb easteweardne bon on burh ba ige on bon e fulanb roc ofbei b roce 7 lang streames on bone b la c pol of

bam pole ut to bi. b eorgum ba t bonon on b ecces ham


boc a t mearsa tham be eadred cing gebocode oswige his begne on see

yrfe and in one of the I 2 th cen tury, Rex eadredus dedit duas man sas

id est duas hides apud mericham oswic min istro suo latine.

’B .

Chart . Cott . V111. 11 . A .D . 9 48 .

K 421 . B.

E ad r ed u s

b asileus anglorfi ceterarumq : genti u in circuitu persisten tifi

gub ernator et rector restores to the church in W inchester1 00 man see in Duntun and Eb lesburne which had b een

gran ted by Cynewalh in the early days of Christian ity (inex ordio x biane religion is) and confirmed by Cyn ewulf andEcgb riht, b ut sub sequently reoccupied by later kings. The

original deed is defective ; b ut a copy in the W inchesterRegister helps us to make out the terrier 1 .

[DIS syn d b a lan d gemere to dun tun e erest oferawan

crundu]l on wereb an hylle on fyrdinges lea on eb les

hum an to afene on pysere on b e sub an lace on

earn es b eorh on die a t b eoredes [treowe on b on eherepab to headdan grafe bon ne on b on e ha]gan to

pytan wyrb e on dyre b roc on welewe on b a die a t

hieeles wyrb e bonne ofer b one feld on b egan ut burhb remb er wudu [on b on e sten enan Stapul andlang here

pab os to fob ban wylle an lang herepab es to b a s b agan

code to fager hylde forde on b on e b egan on coorles

[b l]awe on crawan crundul b onne on b a [yferan gemere on eb lesb urnan on stret ford 2 on hrof]an hriean lang w eges on b a die to bymera cumb e 7 b a r

b wyres ofer.

b reo crundelas ofer b a stra t b wyres oferb a dune to wudu [b eorch hylle ofer herigan cumb on

yb lesburnan on b eord]une on b a s hlinces a nde on

b one smalan weg ofer b ig cumb on b am smalan

wege on b ane stan on b a t ha b westeweard on b one


beorh [to b em rig wege b onn e east endlang b rigweges to b rytfor]dingea lan d sceare b sub on stra tford :f Acta est heec bfata donat an ab ' incarh dil idccccx lviii indict


E ndorsed in a contemp orary hand,‘

bis is b a s lan des boc at

dun tune b e eadred cyngc ednywon geb ocode si a trin itate and sea

petre . and paulemg to ealdan mynstre w

; in one of the 1 3th cen tury,‘

[D] UNTUN confirmatio Regis’

; and in one of the 1 6th cen tury,

Alredus in man erio de Dun ton in eb lesb urnam x lv

mansas .

B .

1 Thi s copy is printed in fu ll by Mr . Bond, vol . iv, Pref. p . 6 . But it

is n ot ex act to call it a‘

perfeot copy of the Cotton Charter n or has it

b een altogether overlooked b y Kemb le, who used it in his vol . iii, p . 42 7 .

1 Thi s is S tratford Tony on the Ebele°

(here called yb lesburne) astream which run s into the Wiltshire Avon . On this stream is Eb b es

bourne (our eb lesb urne) , and on the other side of the Avon is Down ton .

The b oundaries of this gran t touched on those of the Brytfording com

munity , for which there is now Britford outside Serum.

Can terb ury Ch arters , R . 14 . A .D . 9 4 9 .

C ott. Aug . ii . 5 7 .

K 42 5 .

B . 111 . 15

S . i . 15

E ad r ed

gran ts the monastery of Reculver to Christ Church, Canterb ury. Mr. K emb le (C . D. ii. p. viij) called thi s a very important charter.

It asserts that it was drawn by the handofDunstan .

[4 ] MULTI S itaque uitiorum bstrign s men tes humanasin cen tor fraudulen tus piugulando [deludit nun c In qua

promissis quas i prolix ioris uitae studiis decipitE n un creb us migran tib us puicaciter qasi n ecessariis inlicit !

in iea etiam Stigia infern i supplicia tamqam leuia et


transitoria suggerit l quatinus miserorum corda in cupi mditate lasciuiaq ue en eruit

dissoluat i secumque cab eata

ad tartara ducat ; S ed SSi uiri bsago spu b estiales boognoscen tes insidias scuto b ona uolun tatis coronati quicquid in semetipsis terren u sen tiun t indesin en ter atquenauit Opib ; S CIS ex hauriunt unde disscoriatis cora x po

ihu meritis rutilan tes Simillima titanei fulgoris luce

psen ten t’

; De quorum peon io tuba SSa scriptura re

hoban s in ter alia testimon ia ppen S Ius In tellegenda a S

ha c gemina aurib us resultando<pfudit i Beati quorum

uestimen ta alb a sun t in con spectu dii i Et alib i Iustifulgeb un t sieut sol in regn o patris eoru ; Huius ergodiIiei con spectus et pai n i amore regn i pfusus unden ob is uictus restat sine dub io certus de quo

1 dii s dix itb eatus qui manducab it pan em in regn o di [Ego EADRED

REX diuina gratia totius alb ion is] monarehus et primicerius x po regi meo in thron o regn i penn is ppetualitersub thron izato l e oon cessis mihi ab eodem lab ilium gaz is

rerum [accepti tirocin n quarto mei terrestris regn i] ann oad templu sue in conbhen sib ili dedicatum um i In urb e

dorob ern ia ODONE archiepiscopo metropolitanam cathedram bsidente et regn i celestis sup arua b rittann ica

[c]lanes [bpor]tante 3 monasi ium raculfen se b is den issen isque estimatum cassatis in i ius ex



riusq ; [cum]omn ibus ad hoc rebus rite

.ptinen tibus Siue litorum Siuecamporum agrorum saltuumue Sicut inferius territorie<pmulgan tur humillime atque deuotissime sin cero cordein

.ppetuum ius quamdiu x bian itas uigeat p meis ab

luendis ex cessib us indeterminab iliter inpendo; S i quisautem '

q ab sit tirrann ica fretus potestate regalis episcopalis S iue homo alicu ius dign itatis hoc decretum a

do mihi con latum infringers temptauerit ! S iue huiuScedonation is a bfata ecclesia uel passum pedis segregauerit


Ego uulfhelm episc. permission é pfudi 4Ego eadhelmab bas deuotus in hoc bstiti 4

Ego osulfdux con sensi et humiliter asstiti 44

Ego eadmund dux lib eIis con silio aderam 4

Ego a b elstan dux prompto-an imo con sen si

Ego eadgifu regis gen etrix bfati an imo b an e bfatamletab undo in x bo largitionem oh . optab ilem remun era

tion é’

concessam Sign i eorrob oration e salutiferi humillime

con signaui 4

Ego dun stan indignus ab bas rege eadredo imgpan te

han o domin o meo hereditariam kartulam [diotitando]conpoSui . et propriis digitorum articulis


4 His in quam limitibus hec telluris particule cir

cumgirari uidetur ZEreSt on n orb healfe 7 on wesb an

ofyfinga ho ut on sa [a b elferb eS' londe]

3swa forb b e

san de ob n orb muban from n orb mub an to maoan b roce

bonan to some wege Of a rne wege to eanfiade mub an

of eanfiade mub an on meare fieotes mub an of meare

fieotes mub an eft on eanflade mub an Pon ne on easthealfe to mylen fieotes mub an ob sub tun of S ub tuneandlang b roces to h ab e ma ringe b onn e on sub healfe of

b ab e maringe to Stoccum of Stoccum an l ng Stra te ob

SSe agustines meare [e sSe agustines mearce] ob b ré candlang b roces ob stan b ryeg sub from Stan b ryoge ob

wifelinge to cristo[s c]iricean gema re frO’

c[ristos cirican

gema re] ob ealdan b ege on west healfe ofealdan hegeto feax um b onn e west from feax fi to oeldan to cinges

gema re from cinges gema re ob gata gehaggewesb eweerd banon on yfinga ho 7 swa ut on sa

4b on ne

S iendan feower sulung 5 b innan ea b a s lan des be gebyrebinn to raeulfe on tenet iiii sulung 0nd an lees on warub e gebyreb inn to raeulfe b on ne is ealles ba s landes


x x v sulunga 7 an



ng on c[eolul}fing tun e sub b e

weelde bare cirican to b ote

E ndorsed,‘Rex eadredus dedit monasterium de reculf ad eccle

siam Christi o

’. latine

1 I nstead ofde quo, Cott .

has defuictoq-which becomes in telligi b le

when wefin d that Can t. has S . uictu wri tten over de quo as a g loss .

Mr . Bond inferred that Can t . is the original from which Cott. was

copied, b ut the other divergencies do n ot fully bear this out . It seems,

however, that Can t . does in the main represent that original , and it hasb een used here (as it was by K. ) for the basi s of the t ut ; the deficienciesbeing Supplied from the better preserved Cotton .

Those who study;

emendation of manuscripts will find this'

an in

teresting case . The ignoran t scribe has shewn the fidelity of his craftin his ‘defuictoque

’he has altered some letters, b ut he has n ot lost a

single on e . It should b e rememb ered that the Sax on s has much in

common with the Sax on f.

1 These words, which in Cott. and Can t . are in serted here, are in Can t .

also written in Gothic Capitals round the margin of the document .

3 H ere Can t. has n ot the words a b elferb es londe or if i t ever hadthem, they have diseqcp ear ed i n the damaged margin . The same re

mark app lies to the words fr6'

S i e agust ines mearce, below .

1 I n Can t. the words down to see arewri tten above the line, and this

seems the in tended p lace of inser tion .

5swulung Catt , and so in every recurren ce of the word .

C o tt . Aug. ii . 44 . A .D . 9 49 .

K 427 . B .

E a d r e d

grants t0 ,

his intimate friend Wulfric 1 8 man sa at Welford(Berks) in ex change for other land in Cornwall.

4 IN JETERNITATE PERENN I Cosmi sother oma Iura

regnOrfi ab alto celi culmin e gub ernan s ac dispo n en s

qui quidem scien tie dona mon strando indeficien ter con

Spicitur c‘

elum ac terra camposque liquen tes lueen tem

que glob ii lune titan iaque astra 1 sua ineffab ili gratiaretin en s ac custodien s Q uapropter EGO EADREDVS diuina indulgen te clemen tia rex anglorum cuidam mihi


intimo precordialis afi’

ectu amoris fideli immo'

et priui

legio dilection is in omn ib us mihi caro uocitato n omin eVVVLFRICO XVIII man sas dedi in illo loco ub i iamdudfi

solicole illius regl on l s n omen inposuerun t JET WELIG

PORBA pro commutation e alterius terre que sita ‘



cornub io narratur ub i ruricole illius pagi b arbaricon omine appellan t PENDYFIG quaten us hab eat ac possideat quamdiu uiuat et post se cuicumque sib i libueritsuperstiti derelinquat in aeternam hereditatem S it au

tem predictfi rus lib er ab omn i mundiali ob staculo cum

omn ib us ad se rite pertin entib us campis pascais

pratis siluis ex cepto commun i lab ore ex pedition e

pon tis arcisue coaedification e S i quis uero hominum

hanc meam donation em cum stultitie temeritate iacti

tan do infringere certauerit sit ipse grauib us per colladepressus caten is in ter flaml uomas tetrorum demonum

cateruas n isi prius hic ad satisfaction em uen ire ma


Istis terminib us predicta terra circumgyrata esse ui

detur pis syut pa lan d gemmro to weligforda serestofwin es treowe 7 lang dene baet up on bon e weg bon onon b radan leage n orbeweardre on an ne ham 7 1v8mburh

ut bon e lea on ann e ham supeweardne on 17a ealdan hege

raewe in on wopig hangran of pa hangran on scilling

hangran bon on on b radan ham westeweardne on pa

hamme on cardan hlaew on 195. hlmwe on lamb urnan

bon on up on deoran treowe ofpa treowe on bon e ele

b eam styb bon on on ceolbaldes wylle of pa wylle on

cyta sihtes ford ofpa forda to wulfrices gemeere bon onto hord h lin ce ufewea


dum ofpa: hlin ce on sihtre meede

n orbeweardre swa for}; on cen elmes stan ofpa: stane on

bone grenan weg on pa:wege to rige hamme bon on ut

on 17a lam pyttas on pane crundel of65. crundele on bon e


>I< mlfsige mis {4 eelfred mis

>X< wulfric mis ’l‘ osferb mis

fig“E ndorsed by a contemp orwry handf‘

>X< his ispara x iriii hida b ocset welig forda be eadred cin g gebocodewulfrice his begne on ece yrfe

wib pass landes gewrixle be on wealh is a t pendyfig by on e of the l athcentury,

‘carta de Weliford by one of the l gth, prima and

by on e of the 1 5th, Iste Rex concessit istam terram cu idam amico suo

carissimo .

’B .

1 zEneid vi . 7 24, 725 .

C o tt . Aug . ii . 43 . A .D .~ 9 5 6 .

K 45 3 . B . iii . 19 .

E adw i g

rex et primicerius . totius Alb ion is grants to a than e'


5 cassati in loco qui dicitur Tademaer tun in hereditatem perpetuam.

Dis sjrndon“

ba land gemaero aet tademaertun e b ara .v.

hida aerest : of eadwardes mylne 13 on’da caldam die

ofb aere die on maer b roc ofmaerb roce onJ


eastre sic of“

8am sice on maer stan of maer stan e on“

San e ealdan

garan of”(San garan a b e heafdan a be heafdan “

13on“b on e

b roc of“bam b roce ongean stream 15 on

b riscb ed ofb am

riscb edde 15 on“b on e weg 13 sub -

7 lang weges 13 on 15

slaed “

b of b an slaede up on pa coge 15 7 lang coge on

heort wyllan ofheort wjrllan on -“Ba ealdan n e 15 7lang

stjfge on“

b on e maer t of“

8am pi tte on wilbaldes cogeofwilb aldes ecge 13 eft on eadwardes mylne

Acta est autem haec donatio an n o ab incarnatione

dfiica .dcccclvi. indict .x iiii. regn i autem mei primo anno ;

R z—Eadwig rex Anglorum. Eadgar frater eiusdem regis .

Abp z—Oda.

s —ZElfsige. Osulf. Brihtelm. Wulfsige. Dan iel .


Dux z—ZEb elstan . E b elsige. ZElfhere. Eadmund. [Eb el


wo ld. E b elmund.

Mt z—E lfgar. Byrhtfer‘

b . .ZElfheah. ZECelgeard. fElfryd.


E ndorsed in a contemp orary hand, dis‘

is' “

Sara ov hida. boc ast

tademaer tune”

be eadwig cyning geb ocap b rihtrice on ece i rte .


i n one of the l ath century, carta de tademertona .

’I II .

’ B .

C ott . Aug . ii . 4 5 . A .D . 9 5 6 .

K 44 5 . B . iii . 20.

E adw i g

egregius Angulsax onum basileus caeterarumque pleb iumhincinde hab itan tium gran ts to Eadmund on e of his n ob les I 6

cassati with all rights and legal immun ities.

pis sin t pa land gemaero to ann inga d[u]ne aerest on

ya deopan ripe b e eastan b remre swa west ofer b remre

to cumb haema gemaero swa b e cumb haema gemaera toden tun n inga gemeere of den tunn inga gemeere swa tosun tinga gemeere swa b e suntinga gemaere to b idelinga

gemeere swa p[on ]ne for]; east b e b idelinga gemeere operto b remre bis sint 17a den stowa b roc hyrst 7 b eaddan syla 7 set fyrnpan 7 b lipW ic 7 strod Wic.

R z—EadW 1g gra di totius b rittann ice telluris rex . Badgar

eiusdem regis ff .

Abp z—Oda dorouern en sis aecclae archipsul .[Bp] z—Oscytel. Osulf. Byrhtelm. Apulf.

Dux z—JEpelstan . Byrhtferb . E pelstan . E belsige.


s —E lfsige. W ulfric. E pelgeard. ZEIfheah. E lfgar.

Byrhtferis. Apelwold. Wulfgar. Alfwold. E lfsige.

E ndorsed i n a con temp orary hand, $14 his is para ox vi hida b éc

set ann inga dune pe eadwig cing gebocode eadmunde ealdormen on ece

yrfe .

’and in on e of the 14th cen tury, Concessit istam terram cuidam

optimati suo .

’B .


Chart . C ott . viii . 12 . A .D . 9 5 6 .

K 450. B . iii . 21 .

E aaw i g

grants to Wulfric (princeps) 7 cassati in perpetuity with -alllegal immun ities.

;P ANNO b erdice incarnation is dcccclvi indictione

.x iiii . Eadwig numine cwlesti gen tis geuuisorii 1 orien talifiq : n ec n on occiden talii


i simul etiaaquilonaliii sax onuarchons cuida' meoru pr1n01pu que n onn ulli uocitan t

n oto uocamine wvlfric .vn . cassatos perpetualiter tradoillic ub i uulgariter dicitur wt meleb roce quandiu hic

corpus an imatii hab ere uideb itur n'

fi don i priuileglu sib iuendicet et postero den ique suo quemcuque elegerit

perenn iter impertiat cii campis pascuis pratis siluisc tellus a cuncto sit immun is seruitu n isi pon tis et

arcis ac ex pedition is iuuamine S i quis aute’ infringeretemptauerit quod ab sit seiat sé ratione’

reddituru corado et angelis eius n isi prius hic digna satisfaction e

emen dare satageritIstis termin is amb it’ prwdicta tellus pis synt pa

land gemwro to meleb roce wrest of hreodb rycge 7 langst


wte on fearn inga b roce 7 lang mearce on meleb roces

ford east 7 lang mearce on bunree lea n orbeweardne bon on

7 lang weges on cinges dic bon on 7 lang mes t ce on holanweg of pa wege on pa ea op midne stream 7 langstreames on hreodbrycge 7 se haga an ham tune be

pwrto gebyret

”P Ego eadwig rex anglorii indeclinab iliter con cessiPP Ego eadgar eiusdem regis ff cona


’l‘ Ego oda archieps cfi sign o-sel; crucis rob oraui

>1< Ego wlfsinus presul sigillii agiecrucis impressi


rum ac cartarum scedulis sun t rob oranda ne fortuitu

casu successorum progen ies posterorum ign orato preceden tium patrum cirographo inex tricab ilem horendorum

b arathrorum uoragin em incurrat Q uaprOpter ego EAD

GAR totius b rittann iw gub ernator et rector cuidammin istro qui a peritis WULFRIC appella[tu]r uocab ulo

r ura que si Ob cuiusda'


en saculi causa in terdicta fueran t perpetualiter restituo wternam lib ertatem conceden s

quatinus {ipse quandiu in hoc mortali deguerit sec[u]losine alicuius hon eris grauitate lib erali



possideat et postsue u ite ob itum quibuscumq


sib i placuerit heredib usincon taminata derelin quat hec eten im sun t terrarumillarum n omina que rex prefatus wulfrico wternaliiflib erauit wscesb uruh 7 den iceswyr

’d garanford cifan lea

stanmere ceadelanwyrb b ox oran b ennanham wyr

tingas ticceb urnan steddanham tullingtun pwccin

gas pun ingas n itimb re S i quis den ique quod n on

Optamus han c n i‘am lib ertatem cupiditatis liuore depressiuiolare satagerin t agmin ib ; tetre caligin is lapsi uocemaudian t ex amination is die arb itris sib i dicen tis discedite

a me maledicti in ignem wternum ub i cum demon ibus

ferreis sartagin ib ; crudeli torquean tur in poena Si no n

an te mortem digna hoc emendauerin t poen iten tia Dediten im predictus min ister regi prefato cen tii .x x . mancusas

auri probatissimi causa huius lib ertatis S cri[p] ta . 6.

n amq° b aius lib ertatis cartula an no domin icae in carn a

tion is .dcccc.lx . his testibus con sen tien tib us quorum in

ferius n omina secundum un iuscuiusque dign itatem

carax [an tu]r

>I4 Ego eadgar rex han c lib ertatem 44 Ego osweard m

con cessi 44 Ego osulf iii

$14 Ego dun stan archieps é'

firmaui >X4 Ego uulfgar fi'



Ego oscytel archieps rob oraui 44 Ego osulf iii

44 Ego osulfcps Esolidaui 44 Ego uulfgar m

44 Ego byrhthelm eps corrob oraui 44 Ego wulfhere m

44 Ego apulfeps con cessi 44 Ego wpelsige iii

44 Ego alfwold cps con sensi 44 Ego aelfsige iii

Ego abelwold ab b depin x i 44 Ego wulfhelm iii

Ego wlfhere dux 44 Ego whelsige in

Ego wlfheah dux 44 Ego wlfred iii

44 Ego wpelstan dux 44 Ego ealdred ii i

Ego abelwold dux 44 Ego wpelsige in

Ego byrhtno’d dux 44 Ego wlfheah iii

44 Ego eadmund dux 44 Ego wlfwine fri

whelmund dux 44 Ego whelwine iii

44 Ego wlfgar mis 44 Ego ealdred iii

Ego wlfwine iii 44 Ego leuin cg m

44 Ego byrhtferfi m 44 Ego wlfwig m

Ego wpelsige m 44 Ego wlfwin e m

44 Ego eadric FD 44 Ego wpelweard mEgo osweard

m 44 Ego wpelferii fi'


E ndorsed by the same hand, 44 b is is ealra para landa freols beeadgar cyn ing geedfreolsade wulfrice his begene on ece yrfe and i n a

hand of the I 5th centur y,‘Concessit istas terras



seculari .’B .

C o tt . Aug. ii . 3 9 . A .D . 9 61 .

K 4 8 7 . B . ii i . 23 .

E ad gar

totius Brittan n iw gub ernator et rector, grants 2 2 cassati,loco

qui celeb ri Rimecuda 1n un cupatur on omate

, to the Church at

Ab ingdon .

His metis fifatfi rus hinc in de girat’. Dis synd pa

land gemwra to rimecuda ofpwre b r éa 7 langé s on b iccan pol of pain pole on dyrnan ford Ponne is


seo mwd . gemwne of bamforda on lucan b eorh of hamb eorge on pisteles we of pwm acum on b roclea ford of

pwm forda on 19a stigele of pwre stigele on cuttes mwd

ofpwre mwde on afen e up on wudeb urge b line of hamhlin ce On lind ford ofpwm fords on home set: troh ofbaem

troge on bone hwpenan byrgels ofham byrgelse up to wind

geate ofwin d ges te on spon ford of pwm forda on bonefulan ford of ham forda on mules cumb of mules-cumb eon bon e herepab 7 lang herepabes on piofa cumb of pamcumb e on b lype b urnan ofham b urnan on leofan mcareeon 173. die of pwre die on pa b remb el pyrnan of bwre

pyrnan on b urhrydin cg ford on pa mwd. lace ofpwre laceon bon e haran wifiig bon ne is seo mwd gemwn e ofPamwipige on afen e up on san dford of ham forda on a


woldes mearce of his mearce on undern b eorh of bwmb eorge on bon e haran wibig of baem wipige eft on 17ab ricge pisses lan des is ealles x x ii hidaAn n o . domin icae in carnation is .dcccclx i . scripta est

haec carta his testibus con sentien tibus quorum inferiusn omina carax an tur

R z—Eadgar b ritan n iw anglorum monarchus.

Ab p—Dun stan dorob ern en sis wclesiw archiepus. Oscytel

aeb oracensis b asilicae priamas insegn is.

Bp z—Osulfpresul. Byrhtelm b leb i di famulus. Abulfpontifex . jElfstan antistes. Oswold l'egis di catascopus.


b z—Apelwold.

Dux z—zElihere. fElfheah. JEpelstan . Apelwold. Byrhn ois.

Eadmund. ZEpelmund.

1h z—ZElfgar . E lfwine. Byrhtferb . E pelsige. z’EpelWine.

Osweard. E pelsige. Osulf. Uulfgar. E pelsige. JElf

sige. Wulfhelm . zElfsige. fElfred. Ealdred. Alfwold.

E ndorsed i n hands of the 12 th and i 3th cen tur ies, Carta regis


wt wipiglea be eadgar cing hwfb‘

gebocod Cenulfe on éce yrfe in a

hand of the 1 s th cen t., wipiglea. above which has been wri tten in a

hand of the 16th cen t.,‘Donum Edgari regis factum Cenulf de terris

vocatis and in ano ther hand of the 1 6th cen t. ,“961 Carta Edgari

Regis de Phiphide continente quatuor Mansas cum omn ibus pratis silvispascuis campisque, Sit ab omn i regali servicio libera , ex ceptis tribusreb us arcis munitione, pontis constructione, et hepidicione.

’B .

Trans lation These are the landmeers to W ithiglea : First at

Ucingford, from the ford straight to the small way, along on the

way to Pod’s hi ll, from that hill to withy slade, from the slade straight

to b roken hill [P landslip] , from the hill to Woodford, fromthe ford

straight to Lull’

s hill, from that hi ll forth along the highway toCynulf

’s tree , from the tree straight to Main stone ho llow, from the

ho llow along the way to W ithilea gate, from the gate along by thedyke and so back to Ucingford .

Harley Charter 43 , c . 3 . A .D . 9 62 .

3 24 90. B . iii . 2 5 .

E ad gar

totius b rittann iw gub ernator et rector un i matrone cui no

cabulum certa astipulation epfertr a s LFLAiD, gran ts 7 mansw,

illo in loco ub i a ruricolis uulgariter CEORLE SWYEDE . pro

latum est cum omn ibus, &c.


His metis rus hoc giratur

Dis syndon pa land gemwro to ceorles wyr’b e Of

caforda 7 lang cwyrnburnan“

13 hit cym“8 to man nan

mcaree bonne pan on 7 lang weale hyrste forts b e ananb urnan 15 hit cymb eft on mannan mearce 7 on asan

bon ne panon 7 lang heges 15 hit cym’d to an re dene

yon ne swa for’6 “p hit cymb on bone b urnan be scyt to

culan fenne bonne swa for’

b 7 lang bws hum an 15 hit

cymiS to Oswib es mearce ] eadwoldes bonne forts7 langheges be scyt of pain human 13 hit cymiS to Strwte swa

forts7 lang strete “

15 hit cymiS inn on mearcellan bonn eforb 7 lang mearcellan

fi hit cym’6 pwr cwyrnb urna 7


mearcella sceotai‘i togwdere bon n e forb 7 lang cwyrn


15 hit cymiS eft in on caford.

An n o domin icae in carnation is dcccclx u scripta est

hwc carta his testib us con sen tientibus quoru i nferiusnomina n otan t’ .

R z—Eadgar rex anglorum.

Abp—Dun stan archieps. Oscytel archieps.

Bp z—Osulf. Byrhtelm.



b :fl Apelwold.

Dux z—jElfhere. fElfheah. i elstan . Apelwold.

m z—fElfgar. i Elfwine. Byrhtferii . Wulfhelm. E pelwine.

E ndorsed in a hand of the ear ly l ath cen tury ,

‘Carta E dgari

regis de cherlesworde cuidam E fileade.

’con tinued i n a later hand ,

que per istam et per propriam cartam reddidit manerium sancto


and i n one qf the 1sth cen tury,‘ Carta Edgar de Chrles


’B .

1 Below,under 99 1, we shall see this property the sub ject of b equest

in the Will of E pelfiwd .

Archaeologi cal Journ al , 18 5 7 . After 9 62 .

B ad gar

was kingwhen the lands at Send and Sundbury were b oughtby Dun stan in the manner related.

SE fruma waes “baet mon forstwl wune wimman wt

Icceslea ZElfsige Byrhsiges suna : Durwif hatte se

wimman . D5. hefeng E lfsige“b one mann wt Wulfstane

Wulfgares fader. Da tymde Wulfstan hine té E fiel

stan e aet Sun nanbyrg . Ba cende he tem. let Eoneforb erstan forb éh

Bon e andagen . ZEfter“Sam bwd

.zElfsigewgiftes his man nes and he hin e agif1 and for

geald him mid twam pundum. Ba bwd Byrhferfi eald


o rmann .ZEpelstan hys wer for“bam témbyrste. Da

cww’d [Epelstan lSwt he nwfde him té syllane . Da

cleOpode Eadweard tEpelstanes b ré lior, and cwwiS, ic

hwb b e S unnanb urges b é c lie un cre yldran me laéfdon ,

lwt me b wt lan d té han da ic agife pin ne wer barn

cynge . Dei cww’S rElSelstan “b eet him leéfre wwre


hit t6 fyre olSlSe fléde gewurde.

Bon ne he hit wfre

geb ide : as cwwlS Eadweard hit is wyrse East uncer

nalSor hit n eeb b e : i551 wws as swa. and forb ead Byrh

ferfi Ewt lan d E lielstane. and he off'

erde and geb éh

under W ulfgare wt N or’S healum . Binnan barn wéndun

gewyrda. and gewat Eadred cyng : and feng Eadwig ti’


rice. and wen de JElSelstan hine eft in té Sunnan byrg .

ungeb etra pinga. Bageahsode“

Bwt Eadwig cyng and

gesealde“Bwt lan d Byrn rice. and he feng té and weari

ZElSelstan ut. gemang’Sam getidde iSwt Myree gecuran

Eadgar té cynge . and him anweald gesealdan ealra

cyn erihta. eageséhte [E’delstan Badgar cyng and bwd

démes. vs wtdémdon him Myrcna witan land b utonhe his wer agulde

8am cynge swa he Ob rum eér sceé lde .

as nwfde he hwanon . n e he hit Eadwearde his b reb er

ge’6afian n é lde. as gesealde se cyng . and geb écte


lan d JEEelstane ealdormen n . té hwb b enn e, and t6 syl

lanne for life and for legere“5am him leofostwwre. eefter

Cam getidde Beet Ecgferfi geb éhte b é c and lan d wt.rE

’delstan e ealdormenn . on cynges gewitn esse and his

witena swahis gemedo wwron . heefde and b reac 06 his

ende. as b etwhte EcgferVB on halre tungan . lan d and

bé c on cynges gewitn esse Dunstane arceb isceOpe to

mundgenne his lafe and his b earne. Da he geendod

wws as. rad se b isceOp té sam'

cynge. myngude’Swre

munde and his gewitn esse. as cwwiS se cyng him té

andsware. mine witan hab bali wtreel5 1 Ecgfer’Se ealle


to the king by not vouching hi s warran ty as he undertook to do . E delstan having n o mean s

,his b rother, Eadweard ,who possessed the charter

of Sun bury, although E delstan held the land, proposed to pay the fine

for him, if he would give up the land to him. This E b elstan refused,and con sequently b oth lost it . The sheriff turn ed E fielstan out of it ,

and seized it n o doub t to the king’

s hand, the old proprietor takingrefuge as a tenant upon Wulfgar

s land. But Eadred dying, [Eb elstantook advan tage, prob ab ly of a change of sheriff, to return to his land ,

ungeb étra pinga,

”withou t having mended matters ,—without having

made amends . But Eadwig learning this, granted the land to Beornric,who turn ed E b elstan out and took possession . In the mean while therevo lution in Mercia took place, and Badgar was elected king in the

coun tries north of the Thames. E b elstan now seems to have had some

hope that he might find some favour with the new king, and b rought

his case before him. But the law was clear enough ; Eadgar’

s witan

decided as Eadwig’

s had done, and [Eb elstan was condemned to pay his

wergyld for the Teambyrst , or forfeit his land. On this occasion , as

before, he had not wherewithal to pay, and ob stinately refused to lethis b rother do it, and consequently again both lost it . The king now

granted it to E b elstan , one of his ealdormen , and gave him a book orcharter, on which occasion it is certain that the old charter, in Ead


s possession , was annulled . From this time, the old owners, E delstan and Eadweard, van ish altogether, the property is in E fielstan the

ealdorman , and his devisees. It now appears that one Ecgfertl b ought

the land of him in full and entire property, and en joyed it til l hisdeath . He made it over in trust to Ar chb ishop Dunstan , as it appears ,to the use of his widow and child . This act he is describ ed to haveex ecuted “ halre tungan ,

”with a who le tongue, i . e. with a sound, un

impeached right to bequeath ; b ut after this he appears to have diedunder circumstances of suspicion , and the witan behaving him to haveb een felo de se, confiscated all his property, and delivered it as an

escheat to the king. He gave it now to .ZElfheah, the ealdorman . And

when Dunstan , on b ehalf of the widow and chi ld, claimed the land of

Eadgar, he received for answer, that the man was a suicide, and that

the estates were escheated. Dunstan now offered to redeem the escheat

by paymen t of Ecgferb’s wergyld ; b ut the king rejoined, that if he

paid that, Ecgferli might perhaps be allowed to lie in a c lean grave, i . e. ,

in consecrated ground, b ut, for the rest, that the whole matter washanded over to E lfheah . Under these circumstan ces the Archb ishopmade up his mind to pay a large sum for the two estates, amountingin all to thirty hides, or nearly 1 000 acres, and ZElfheah made him a

clear title, upon the warranty of the king’s gran t, and the authorisation

of the witan thereto . I may mention , that in addition to several interestin g ex amples ofwhat may be called the symbo lism of the AngloSax on law, this charter con tain s the on ly evidence we have of escheat

for suicide, in the Anglo-Sax on period .


‘The b egin ning was that some one sto le away a woman at Icceslea

from .ZElfsig, Byrhtsige’s son : the woman

’s n ame was Thurwif. Then

ZElfsige detected the person in the possession ofWu lfstan , Wulfgar’s

father . And Wulfstan teamed her to E delstan at Sun bury. Then he

gave notice of Tedm, b ut let it go by default, and did not appear at the

term . After that JElfsige claimed his property , and he gave it up, andpaid him damages with two pounds . Then Byrhtferti the ealdormansued E b elstan for his wergyld, for making defau lt of tea

m. Then

said JECelstan that he had no means to pay with . Then called out

Eadweard , E b elstan’

s b rother, and said :“ I have the charter of Sun

b ury, which my an cestors 1 left me ; give me the possession of the landinto my hand, and I will pay the king your wergyld.

”Then said

JECelstan that he wou ld rather it should all sink in fire or flood , than

that he should ever ab ide that. Then said Eadweard,“ It would b e

worse, that n either of us should have it .

”Then was it so , and Byrht

fcr b forbade E delstan the land, and he decamped, and took serviceunder Wulfgar at N orthhale. Meanwhile fortune changed, and kingEadred died, and Eadwig succeeded to his kingdom , and E b elstan re

turned to Sunb ury , wi thout having mended the matter. Then Eadwig

the king discovered that, and gave the land to Beornric, and he tookpossession and cast ZEiSelstan out . Meanwhile it happened that theMercians elected Eadgar king , and gave him the power to ex ercise all

the rights of royalty . Then E b elstan sought king Eadgar, and demanded judgmen t and the witan of Mercia condemned him to forfeit

the land,un less he paid his wergyld to the king, as he Should have done

to the other, before . Then had he no means, n or wou ld he allow hisb rother Eadweard to do it . Then the king gave and booked the lan dto E lielstan the ealdorman , to have and to give, in life and in death , to

whom he b est pleased . After that it befell that Ecgfertf b ought thecharter and land from E fielstan the ealdorman , by witness of the kingand his witan , as his covenan ts were, he had and en j oyed it to his end.

Then did Ecgferd wi th a who le tongue bequeath land and book to Archb ishop Dfmstan , by witn ess of the king , in trust for his widow and

child. And when he was dead, the b ishop rode to the king and put him

in m ind of the trust and of his testimony ; then did the k ing give himthis an swer, My witan have deprived Ecgferfi of all his estate, b y the

sword that hung on his hip when he was drowned.

”Then the king

took all the estate he had,twenty hides at Send, ten at Sunbury, and

gave them to E lfheah the ealdorman . Then did the b ishop tender his

wergyld to the king ; then said the king , that that might b e Offered

him,in con sideration of a grave in con secrated ground : b ut he had

gi ven over the whole discussion to E lfheah . In the six th year after

this , the archb ishop b ought the land at Send of .ZElfheah the ealdorman ,

for n inety pounds ,and that at Sunb ury for two hundred mancusses of

gold, un beclaimed and unforb id , again st every man soever up to that

date , and he warranted him the land[s] as his property, even as he had


given it him that had it to give, and as the king had granted them to

him , even as hi s witan had adjudged1our parents, yours and mine.

A ddi t. Chart. 19 , 7 9 3 . A .D . 9 6 9 .

B . iii . 2 9 .

E ad gar

grants I 5 cassati at p slea to his faithful thane Alfwold 1

His metis prwfatum rus hinc inde giratur Dis syn t

pa land gemwra to wpslea of hysse b urnan on wendles

dun e eastewearde of wendles dune on flitanhyll panonon bone hwitan mor 7 sippan b e fen n e on bon e heafodweer bone lytlan b law bon on to

pwre apuldre pwr ]7a

preo land gemwru togwdere gap w6b urn inga 7 wafan

dun inga 7 wpsleainga fram 17am déorgete ofer ponehaéj) to 12am cfimb e bon on ymb e westlea ofham lea on

bone heafod wcer se is on wpsleainga gemwre 7 on

Wafandun inga Ponon 7 lang bwre ealdan Strate on dun

nes b law pon on o n pon e ealda‘


ford on bws fen n esheafod andlang feun es up on pwre dune to pwre


b lacan

pyrnan to pam ealdan stapole of ham stapole eall on

b iitan fé tes eige of fé tes eige in on bon e b lundan ford

7 lang streames of Pam streame on crangfeldinga dic

ofPwre die on bon e ealdan coll pytt pwr papreogemwrutogwdere gap crancfeldinga 7 mercstun inga 7 holacotan ofPam preom gemwron on pon e ealdan mapuldre

of ham mapuldre on pone sidan healh of pain sidanheale a b e 11am heh hylte in on bone langan pé rn of

ham pé rne eft in on hysseburnan of hysseb urnan eft


easteweardere wwndles dfine ; Anno ab incarnation e

dil i n i‘i ihu x'

pi dcccc lx uiiii S cripta est huius dona


sequium quandam ruris particulam 11 et dimidium uide

licet man sas quod solito uocitatr n omin e wt caldin ccotancum omn ib us ad se rite pertinen tibus lib eraliter con

cessi ut ipse uita comite fideliter perfruatur et post uitesue termin um duob us qu ib us uoluerit cleron omis derelin quat quib us etiam ex hac u ita migratis rus predictumcum omn ib us uten silib us ad usum primatis ecclesie (i i inweogern e ceastre restituatur immun is bon n e is bws

loudes bridde halfhid be oswold arceb isceop sel’


his begne to b é c lon de swa he hit him wr heefde tofor

lwten to lwn londe wgpwr ge on eariS londe ge on hom


44 Ego 6swold archiepiS

44 Ego wyn sige prb t

44 Egg wpelstan prb tEgo wlfsige prb t

44 Ego eadgar prb t

Ego wistan prb t

44 Ego eadward prb t

44 Ego wpelsige prb t

44 Ego wulfward diaé’

44 Ego wpric diafr’

E ndorsed, 44 bis syndon pa lond gemwru into caldingc cotan 15

is wrest on ruhwwllan of ruhwwllan j long sices on bone weg Of pwm

wege an b utan pone garan eft on bone weg of pwm wege a b e pwm

heafod londe 15 eft in “

b Ober heafod 10nd an e bwile pwn ne in he furh 13andlong fyrh anb utan

15 heafod lond t swa on cyne b urge lond gemwre“

b andlong gemwres on 13 heafod lond of beam heafod londe eft on bone

weg of pwmwege on hlydan andlong blyden on bone heafod weg of bwm

wege on bone hyll of bwm hylle on pa dic wt erawan borne of pwre die

on cwrent 15 endlong cwrent on pa mylen dic on pwre die on pa dene“


endlong dene on bone grenan weg of pwm wege on pa furh of peers fy'


a b e pwm heafdan to b reodun inga gemwre to pwre fyrh bws b isceopesat londes 15 andlong fyrh to pwm heafdon of pwm heafdon to pwmheafod londe swa anbutan

b heafod lond f) innan pa furh “

b andlong

godingc d1ac

leofstan diaé’


i n cl

cynepegn cl

wulfgar clleofwine cl

ufuc cl

wlfn oiS cl

abelwold cl

wula iS cl


fyrh on sub b rde pwt andiong b roces baet eft in rugan wwllan an d

in later hands ,‘ E pelredi regis .

’and ‘

caldicoto : ii hidw et dimi

dium .

B .

Chart . C o tt. vi ii . 14 . A .D . 9 8 7 .

K 6 5 7 . B . iii . 3 3 .

E fie l r ed

grants I o ploughlands at Bromley to his than e m elsige .

The same estate appears A .D . 8 62 to have b een con veyed byking [Ethelb erht to his thane Dryhtweald : K 2 8 7 B. ii. 39 .

44 Altithron o in wternum regnante un iuersis SOphiw

studiii iten to mtis conamin e sedulo riman tib ; liquido

patescit quod huius n itas periculis n imio ingruen tib ;terrore recidiui termin us cosmi apprOpinquare dinoscun tur ut ueridica x p1 promulgat sen ten tia qua dicitsurget gen s con tra gentem et regn um aduersus regnum

et reliqua Q uaprOpter ego wfielrwdus fauen te supn o

n umin e b asileos industrius anglorii cqterariique gen tiumin circuitu persistentium quandzi telluris particulaid est

x aratrorii illo in loco ub i a ruricolis b romleg dicit"

cuidam mihi Oppido fideli min istro qui a n otis n 6to

wiielsige n un cupatur onomate in perpetufi'

. possesswn e

donan do donaui ut hab eat et possideat quaidiu n inat inwterna



et post sé cuicumq ; sib i placueritheredi inmun e derelinq uat S it auté predictum rus lib erfi

ab omn i mundiali ob staculo cum omib ; ad Se rite pertin en tib ; ca


pis pascuis pratis Siluis ex cepto istis trib usex pedition e uidelicet pon tis arcisue mun ition e S i

quis igitr han c n i‘am donation é in aliud quam con sti

tuimus tran sferre uoluerit priuat con sortio sew di ecclw

wternis b arathri incendiis lugub ris iugiter cum iuda XPI

proditore eiusq ; complicib ; pun iatrsi n on satisfactions

emendauerit congrua quod con tra n i’

um deliquit decretfi



Istis termin ib ; predicta terra circumcin cta clarescit

wrest an n oriSan fram ceddan leage to langan leageb romleaginga meare 7 leofsnhwma . ]7ann e fram langanleage to

8am w6n stocee . pann e fram“6am wé n stocee

b e modinga hwma mcaree to cin ta stigole pan ne framcintan stigole b e modinga hwmamearce to earnes b éameCarine fram earn es b eame crwg swtena haga on easthealfe Sced hit to leowsan dén e “Ban n e fram leowsan

den e to swelgende han ne fram swelgende crwg setena

haga to siox slihtre“Bann e fram seox slihtre to fearn

b eorhginga mearce fearn b eorginga meare hit seed tocystan inga mcaree cystan inga meare hit sced sutian toweard setle

“Bann e fram weard setle cystan inga mearc

to wichwma mearce Ean ne seo west meare b e wichwma

mcaree ut to b ipple styde bonn e fram hipple Styde toacustyde to b eohhwma mearce fram acustede to ceddanleage Con ne b elimpaiSpwr to

’6am lan de fifdenn an

on ut wealda b roccesh[a]m Cass denn es n ama’

. 7 bwsOfires den nes nama swnget b rye b illan 6ra is pws Priddan nama bon n e twa den n an glwppan felda An n o abincarnatione dn i n i

i dcccclx x x vii indictione x v his

testib ; con sen tien tib ; quorum n omina infra scripta sun tscripta est auté hwc cartula 7

44 ego wiSelrwd rex anglorum hu ins donation is lib ertatem regn i totius fastigiii ten en s lib en ter con cessi

44 ego dun stan archieps doruern en sis ecclesiw cum

sign o scae crucis confirmaui

44 ego oswold eb orace ciuitatis archipresul crucistaumate adnotaui

44 ego wlfstan cps con sen si44 ego wlfheah eps adquieui

44 ego whelsige eps con solidaui


geb ocode 195. apie on ece yrfe 7 b etwhte hit“5 5. b iscope

eardulfe to b ewiten ne 7 his wftergwn can“6a b etweonan

tam wearC hit ute 7 hwfdon hit cyn egas eadmundcin c ”

da geb ohte hit wlfstan heahstan in c wt Swm cin cemid hun d twelftigan man cesan goldes 7 Crittigan

pundan 7 t him scalde mwst eal wlfeh his sun u

wfter eadmunde cincge“8a geb ocode hit eadred cine

wlfstane on ece yrfe pa wfter wlfstan es dwge wws wlfehhis sunu his yrfe wwrd 7 13 he b eleac

1on halre tungou

7 ofteah wlfrice his b reb er landes 7 whta b utan he hwwtwt him geearn ode

“25a for fiwre b rob or sib b e geub e hehim earhiiSeS 7 crwgan 7 wues fordes 7 wulda hames

his dwg“

23a oferb ad wlfeh b roiSor 7 feng to hislwne Pa hwfde wlfric suna eadric hatte 7 wlfeh

nwnne 6 2 geuiie wlfeh psi. eadrice earhiiSes 7 crwgan

7 wulda hames 7 hwfde him sylfwn es ford 19a gewatcadrie wr wlfeh cwideleas 7 wlfeh feng to his lwn e


hwfde cadrie lafe 7 n an b earn’

pa genpe wlfeh hire hiremorgen gife wt crwgan 7 stod earhiiS 7 wulda hd

7 lytlan b roc on his lwn e 6a hi eft geiiuhte ha na'

b e

his feorme on wulda ha? 7 on”Cam obran wolde ac hin e

geyflade 7 he“5a swnde to ham arceb iSCOpe dun stan e

7 he 08 to scylfe to him 7 he cww]; his cwide b eforan

him 7 he sette wun e cwide to cristes cyrican 7 ob ern eto size andrea 7

“Bail hriddan sealde his lafe 6a b rwc

syiiiian leofsunu Curh”p wif

Be he n a eadrices lafe Ewnecwide 7 herewade pws arceb iscopes gewitn esse rad “8a

inmon “Ba lan d mid 19am wife b utan witena dome pa

man 15 as: b iscope cyb de“ba gelwdde se b iscop ahn unga

ealles wlfehes cwides to earhiiSe on gewitn esse wlfstanes

b iSCOpeS on lundene 7 ealles pws hiredes 7 b ws wt

cristes cyrican 7’dws b iscoPes wlfstan es an hrofes

ceastre 7 wulfsies pre‘


stesPass scirig mann es 7 b ryht


waldes on mwre weor’

b e 7 eslra east can twaren a 7 westcantwarena 7 hit wws gecnwwe on sub seax an 7 on

west seax an 7 on middel seax an 7 on east seax an pse arceb iscop mid his selfes aiSe geahn ode gode 7 see

andrea mid pd b ocan on cristes rode “

8a lan d he leofsun uhi toteah 7

’Swn e a}? n a Wulfsige se scirig man as hé

n 61de to “Sws cinges handa 7 pwr wws god eaca ten

hundan man nan b e pan e a’6 sealdan

E ndorsed i n con temp orary hands ,‘uuldeam .

’ ‘sal sapien tiw.

’B .

1 lcac K . and T . They seem n ot to have used the Cotton Charter.


Isto tali ordine fuerun t illw VI . sulingw, quae vocan tur Uuldeham ,

primum venditw ecclesiw San cti Andrew aposto li de Hrofecestra, et

postea ex tractw, et iterum emptw ipsi ecclesiw, ac tandem , per beatum

Dun stanum archi episcopum, juramento mille virorum eidem ecclesiw

acqu isitw, et jure hereditario in wternum relictw.

44 Rex E thelb erhtus primum hereditaverat de Uuldeham apo stolum

San ctum Andream, et ecclesiam suam in Hrofecestra wtern o jure, etcommisit illud man erium Eardulfo episcopo Hrofen si ad custodiendum ,

et ejus successoribus . Igitur in manib us successorum ab latum est

iterum aposto lo et ecclesiw suw in man ib us regum ,ita quod plures

reges, unus po st alterum habuerun t illud postea,u sque ad tempus regis

Eadmun di . Tun c quidam prob us homo n omine E lfstanu s Heahstanin c

emit illud a rege Eadmundo , et dedit ei pro illo centum duodecim

man cas auri, et XXX . lib ras denariorum . Hujus pecuniw maj orempartem dedit postea ipsi regi E lfegus filius ipsius E lfstan i . Postea,mortuo rege Eadmundo , Eadredus rex hereditavit inde prwdi ctum E lf

stanum in wternam hereditatem . Itaque po st mortem b ujn e E lfstan i,prwfatus E lfegus, qui regi Eadmundo dederat majorem partem pecun iw

pro patre suo propter Uuldeham, successit hui c [Elfstan o in heredita

tem . Q u i statim con clusit, et omn in o confirmavit totum quod pater

suus in vi ta sua fecerat . Hic autem fratri suo ZElfrico et terras atque

pecun ias patris sui ita plen e sub trax it, quod ipse E lfricu s n ichilomnin o inde poterat hab ere n isi servitio illud ab eo promeru isset, quem

admodum quilibet ex tran eus . Tsmen prwcogitatus tandem ZElfegu s,

pG ter con sangu in itatis fraterni tatem, con cessit illi Earhetham , et

Crwiam, et E inesfordam, et Uuldeham,in dieb us vi tw suw tan tum in

1 The Latin is evidently ofmuch later date than the Sax on , b ut of

which it is a u seful paraphrase, elucidating some passages where the

Sax on seems ob scure . T .


prwstito solummodo . Itaq ue mortuo E lfrico E lfegus statim omn ia

prwstita sua, quw fratri suo viven ti prwstiterat [resumpsit] . ZElfricus

autem hab uit filium n omine Eadricum, E lfegus vero n on hab uit . Et

ideo E lfegus concessit illi Eadrico Earhetham ,et Crwiam , et Uul

deham, et retinuit in manu sua .ZEinesfordo Mortuu s autem ipse

Eadricus ab sque commendatione'

vel distrib utione rerum snarum , tun c

iterum E lfegus accepit prwstita sua omn ia. Hab eb at etiam ipse

Eadricus ux orem, et n on liberos. Hac de causa con cessit ZElfegus illividuw don um dotis suw tan tum quod ci dederat Eadricus, quando eam

primum accepit ux orem in Crwia. Et tun c reman sit Litelb roc et

Uuldeham in prwstito suo . Postea, quando ei visum placitum fuit,

accepit firmam suam in Uuldeham , et in aliis voleb at similiter faceresed iterum infirmatus est. Et quia infirmatus valde, misit ilico ad

archiepiscopum Dun stanum ut ven iret ad eum, et locutus est ci in locoillo qui vocatur Scelfa. Ib i coram archiepiscopo fecit ZElfegus com

mendationem sive distrib utionem omn ium rerum snarum , et constituit

unam partem ecclesiw Chr isti Cantuariw, et alteram partem ecclesiw

A ndrew, et terciam partem ux ori suw. Postea fuit qu idam Leofsunu ,

qui ux orem Eadrici n epotis E lfegi relictam accepit sib i in ux orem et

per ipsam mulierem in cepit frangere constitution es E lfegi, quas fecerat

coram archiepiscopo , et vituperare archiepiscopum , et testimon ium ejusirritum facere. Tandem mu lta stimulatus cupidine, cum illa mulieresua, quasi quedam secu i


Itate illin s ux oris suw inductus, in travit in

terras illas, ab sque con silio et judicio sapientum virorum . Q uod ub i

archi episcopus audivit, Sin e omn i mora indux it statim calumn iam pro

prietatis in omnem distributionem ZElfegi, cui ipsemet aifuit, et quw

per cum facta fuers t. Diem ergo placiti hujus rei con stitui t archi epi

scopus apud Erhetham, per testimonium E lfstan i episcopi Lundoniw,

et ZElfstan i episcopi Hrofecestrw, et totius conven tus ecclesiw Chr isti

Can tuariw, et omnium orientalium et occiden talium Can tiw, et Wulfsii

presbyteri, qu i tun c vocatus sci rman, id est , judex comitatus, et Briht

uualdi de e ewurtha. Ad ultimum ita n otificatum in Suthseax a, et

in W estseax a, et in Middelseax a, et in Eastseax a, quod archiepiscopus

Dun stanus, cum lib ris ecclesiastici j uris, et sign o cru cis Christi, quamsuis man ibus teneb at, sui solius juramen to, acq u isivi t wternam heredi

tatem Deo et San oto An drew aposto lo omn es terras illas, quas Leofsun usib i usurpabat . Ipsum vero juramentum archiepiscopi accepit Uulfsi

scirman , id est, judex provin ciw ad opus regis, quandoquidem ipse

Leofsunu illud suscipere noleb at . Insuper ad hoc perficiendum fuit

hoc quoque max imum adjumentum, temporib usque futuris max imum

securitatis probamen tum , quod decies cen tum viri electissimi ex omn i

b us illis supradictis comitatibus juraverun t post archiepiscopum in

ipsa cru ce Christi ratum, et wternwmemoriw stab ile fore sacramentum

quod archiepiscopus juraverat .


hyre lwfe. 7 gif him god lifes geun ne len cg penn e un c

he he gefultumige 15 wlc para yinga stan de be 10

gecweden hwb b e

E ndorsed in a hand of the 1 2 th cen tury‘ to b occinge and in '

a hand of 1 3th cen tury, Esperio dedit b ockinge ecclesiw christi Ann o

dcccc° . x cviiO .

1 Thorpe adds also a later version from B . P . Can t. Ff. 2 . 33

44 Her kib’

efi Aiieric on his write hwam he an ouer hi s day be ahts

be him God alen t haued. Pat is son e erst m in e louerd syx ti markesgoldes min e suerdes mid fetele j perto tueye hors j tueye targen ‘J tuefrengen . And 10 an Lefwin e min e wife al pat ic leue hire day and

ouer h ire day go pat 10nd at Rockinge into Cristes kirke pen hirde forunker b oiiere soule j for mine fader be it her begat al buten an hide

ic an in to te kirke be prest be per God peweii . ‘J ic an pat lond at

Begen e b e westen strete in to Seyn te Paule be b isscop to lihten and

heron Godes folke cristendom to delen . And ic an perto pe tueye hide

be Edric gaueliti ilke ib er mid half pund mid acre garen . And ic an

b e esten Strete b u b e wudes j feldes Alfstan e b isscop in to Coppingforde .

1 be heges on Glesene . And ic an pat lond at N ort hoo half in to Seyn teGregorie on Subyf. and half in to Seyn t Eadmunde on B idricheswrii .

N u b idde ic ten e b isscop Ali stan pat he amun igie mine laue.

“J patbing pat ic her leue and gif him God liues unn e leng pan unc pat

he fultume bat alle pinge stonde be ic q uefien hab be.

Can terb ury Charters , B . 1 . A .D. 9 9 7 .

K 7 04 . T . p . 5 3 9 .

S . i . 17 .

E th e l r e d

allows the W ill of fEtheric wt Boccinge to stand. The

widow was in danger of losing her estate, b ecause of an o ld

charge of con n ivan ce with the invader, which had b een

b rought long ago again st her husband, and was n ever quitted.

When she came to the king at Cookham with the heriot,the question was revived. Her advocates were Abp. [Elfric

and rEiSelmwr ; and the king allowed the Will to stand,

under condition that She gave her Morn ing-gift to Christ

church, C an terb ury, for the king and all his people. This

is a Cyrographum (see In troduction ) : and the halvings of


that word b oth ab ove and b elow this gewrit, show that thiscopy was the middle on e of three, confirming the statemen t

at the close. It is endorsed with the date 9 97 ; in a latehand

,it is true ; but this date suits the names . The deed

can n ot b e later than 999, for in that year Lyfing,who here

signs as Ab b ot (of Chertsey) , became b ishop of W ells . It

could n ot have b een b efore 995 , when E lfric b ecame arch

b ishop, and Godwine b ishop.

44 Her swutela6 on bison gewrite hu w6elred kyn ing

gen6e pwt wherices cwyde wt b occinge standau mostehit wws man egon earon wr w6eric for6ferde pwt 6am

kincge wws geswd baet he wwre on ham un rwde pwt man

sceolde on east sex on swegen underfon 6a he wrest pydermid flotan com 7 se cincg hit on mycele gewitnyssesigerice arceb isceOpe ey6de be his forespeca pa wws for6ws lan des pingou wt b occinge 6c b e in to cristes cyrceanb ecweden hwfde pa wws he bisse spwce wgper ge on life

ge wfter ungeladod ge ungeb ett 06 his laf his hergeatu

ham cincge to cocham b rohte pwr he his witan widan

gesomn od hwfde 17a wolde se cing 6a spwce b eforan

eallon his witan up hebb an 7 ewas6 pwt leofsige caldorman 7 mwn ige men baere spwce gecnwwe wwron pabwd seo wuduwe wlfric arceb isceop 6 c hire forespecawws

7 w6elmwr pwt hig pone cin cg bwdon pwt heo mdste

gesyllan hire morgengyfe in to cristes cyrcean for 6 on e

cin cg 7 ealne his leodscype wi6 6am 6 e se cing 6aegeslican on spwce alete 7 his cwyde standau moste pwtis swa hit her b eforan cwy6 bwt lan d wt b occinge in tocristes cyrcean 7 his o6re land are in to o6ran halgan

stowan swa his cwyde'

swutela6 l7a god forgylde pamcincge geti6ode he 6ws for cristes lufan 7 sancta marian

7 san cte dun stan es 7 ealra pwra haligra 6c wt cristes

cyrcean resta6 paes costes 6e heo pis gelwste 7 his

cwydefwste stede peos swutelungwwspwrrihte gewriten


7 b eforan ham cincge 7 12am witon gerwdd ; his Syndon

6wra man na naman 6 c 6 ises to gewittn essewwron wlfric

arceb isceop 7 wlfheh b isce0p on win taceastre 7 wulfsige

b isceop on dorswton 7 godwin e b isceop on hrofeceastre

7 leofsige ealdorman 7 leofwin e ealdorman 7 wlfsige

ab b od 7 wulfgar ab b od 7 byrhtelm ab b od 7 lyfin cg

ab b od 7 alfwold ab b od 7 w6elmwr 7 ordulf 7 wulfget

7 frwna 7 wulfric wulfrun e sunu 7 ealle 6a 6egn as 6c

pwrwidan gegwderode wwron wg6er ge ofwest sex au

ge ofmyrcean ge ofden on ge ofenglon1. pissa gewrita

syndon 6reo an‘ is wt crystes cyrcean O6er wt ]9ws

cinges haligdome 6ridde hwf6 seo wuduwe.

E ndorsed in an 1 1 th cen tury hand, E6elred cing u6e w6erices

q6e hi s lafe ito x ps circe 6et his b occig . Teri ZEluric ai' epi


in a hand of the i 2 th cen tury,

‘anglice and in a hand of the

1 3 th cen tury , E6elred’

rex ccfirmauit testaiiitii Edrici qui n ob legauit

Bockinge Ann o dcccc°

1 wg6er ge ofWest Sex au ge of &c.

This gives an ex cell ent view Of the chief political division s of the

country, which Cnut afterwards more defin itely organ ized and formed

in to four distin ct governmen ts . Freeman , N . C . i . 448 .

Reg . de Burton (pen es W . P aget) . A .D . 1002 .

11 12 9 8 . T . p . 5 43 .

W i l l O f W u l fr i c

The founder ofBurton Ab b ey’1


44 IN n omine domin i ! Hér swutela6 Wulfric his

le6fan hlaforde his cwide and eallon his fre6ndon . Dwt

is 6wt ic gean n mi num hlaforde twa hund man cessa

go ldes, and twa seo'

lfor hilted Sweord, and fedwer horstwagesadelod and twaungesadelode, and 6a wwpna 6a


ert6 gebyria6 ; and 10 geann wlcum b isce0pe .v. man


fwder hit him b egeat ; and 10 b ecwe6e M6rcare 6wt

lan d wt and 6wt wt Deogende6orpe, and 6wt

wt Hwi tewille, and 6wt wt Clune,and 6wt wt Barle

b urh,and 6wt wt Duceman nestfine, an d 6wt wt M6res

b urh, and 6wt wt Eccingtfine, and 6wt wt Bectiin e, and

6wt wt Donecestre an d wt M6rligt1’

i ne ; and 10 geann

his wife Aldulfestred ealswa hit mi stout mid mete and

mid mann um ; and ic geann E lfhelme minan meage

6ws landes on Paltert ii ne and 6ws 6e Swg6 me b ecww6 ;

and is gean n E tielri ce 6wt lan d wtW ib b etofte, and 6wtwt Twongan ,

his dwg,and ofer his dwg gal 6wt lan d 5 for

mi ne sawle and for his mdder and for his in t6 Byrton e

and 6 is sin d 6a lan d 6e ic gean n in t6 Byrtone, 6wt iswrest Byrton 6 6e 6wt myn stre on sten t

,and S trwton


and Br6mleage, and Bedin tii n,and Gageleage, and

W itestfin,and Laganfo rd an d S tyrcleage, and N iwan tfin

wt 6a”

ere wi e, and Wwdedun ,and 6wt little land 6c ic ah

on 66er N iwan tfin e, and Wyn eshylle , and Sfittii n ,and

Ticenheale,and wt S cen ctfine

, and wt Wi cgestan e, and

wt Halen,and wt Remesleage, and 6wt wt S ciplea, and

6wt wt S 1i 6tfine, and 6wt wt Actii n e twegra man na

dwg, ealswa6a foreword spréca6 ,and Deorlafestfin ,


6wt 6wrt6 here6 ,6wt is Rudegard, and mi n litle lan d

on Cotewaltfine, and Lége mid eallon 6am 6wt 6wrt6here6

,Acofre mid 6am 6e 6wrt6 hwre6 ,

6wt is Hilum ,

and Celfdum,and t es6urn e

,and 6wt heregeatland

wt Sfittfine,and M6rlége, and Brwgeshale, M6rt1i n and

cal se6 s6cna 6c 6wrt6 here6,and 6wt land 6iderin n wt

Wyllesleage, and Oggodestii n ,and Winn efeld, and S n o

deswi c in t6 Mdrtfin e, and 6wt wt Ta6awyllan and 6wt

land wt ZEppelby 6e ic geb 6hte mid mi num feo , and wtW estii ne

,and Burhtfin

,and sed hi d wt S cearnforda in t6

W iggestan e, and 6wt wt Hereb urge byrig, and Ealdes


wur6e, and ZElfredingtfin e, and Eccleshale, and wtWad

dii ne, and an hi da wt S ceon ; an d 10 geann 6 on hiredein Tamwurdin 6wt lan d wt Langandii ne ealswai hi hit

me Her té lé ton ,and hab b an hi 6 on e b ryce healfn e and

healfn e 6a munecas in t6 Byrtii ne ge on mete, ge on

mann on, ge on yrfe, ge on wlcon bingon ; an d se b isceop

f6 t6 his lande wt Bub andii n e and f6 n 6a mun ucas int6

Byrtii n e t6 6an 6e o n 6am lan d is, ge on mann on

, ge

on eallon pingon ,and 6wt land 6am b isceope wt 6wre

syle. And ic wi lle 6wt se cyng b ed hlaford 6é s myn

stres 6c ic getimb rede and 6 39m landei ra 6e ic 6yderin nb ecweden hwb b e, Gode t6 lofe and t6 wurdmynte, for

mi nan hlaforde and for mi n re sawlan ; and [Elfri c arce

b isceOp and ZElfhelm mi n b r66or 6wt hig b é n mundand fre6n d 7 and forespreocan in t6 6wre S towe wi6 wlcn e

geb orenn e man,heom t6 nanre agen re whta b i

itan in t6

sanctus Benedictus regole ; and ic gean n mi nre god

d6htor M é rcares and Ealdgy6e8 6wt land wt S tra’éttfin e

and 6on e b ule 6 e wws hire ealderméder ; and in t6 6an

myn stre wt Byrtii ne an hun dred 9 wildra horsa and .XVI .

tame hen cgestas and 6wrt6 eall 6wt ic hwb b e on lib

b andan and on licgendan , b fitan 6am 6e ic b ecweden

hwb b e. And God wlmihtig hin e awende Of eallum

C odes dreame and of ealre cristen ra gemanan se 6e 6 is

hopige t6 him swa swa m

hit nylle sylfd6n n e eac nanum 66mm ge6afian . Ualetein Christo .

Rubric. Dis is se6 freé lsb é c t6 6an myn stre wt Byr

tii ne 6 e ZE6elred cyng wfre éceli ce gefreode Gode t6 lofeand eallon his halgan t6 weor6unge, swa? swa hit Wul

fri c gesta6elode for hin e and for his yldrena sawle, and

hit mid munecon gesette 6wt 6wr wfre inn e 6é s hades


menn un der heora ab b ude Gode pedwian eefter sanctusBen edictus twainge.

1 Mr. Coote has cited this Will in proof of the vast estates of the

Sax on aristocracy .

‘A king’

s thegn devises eighty estates—wholetown ships lying in the counties of Gloucester, Lan caster, Worcester,

York, Warwick, Ken t, Surrey, Derb y .

The Roman s of Britain , p . 467.

He might have added Cheshire. Peculiarly in teresting is the n otice of

wild and tame horses . See Freeman , vol . i . p . 379 .

2 walcon K . The tran script from which K prin ted is late, and a few

errors have b een corrected ; specimens on ly are recorded .

3 This is the an cien t name for the district now the Coun ty of Lancaster . Of the N orthumb rian kingdom orkshire is the only one of

the ex isting subdi vision s which dates as a shire b efore the Conquest ;

Lan cashire is a modern denomination for the coun try b etween Rib b leand Mersey, which in Domesday is reckoned to the West Riding .

S tub b s, Con st. Hist . i . 1 09 . In the following ‘on Wirhalum we see

W irrall in Cheshire .

1 E lfhelme K.


éreste Byrtone K .

7 fre6n t K.

3 to my god daughter [the daughter] ofMorcar and Ealdgyth . T .

9 b undra K.

C ott . C laudi us B . vi . 103 . C . ix . 125 . A .D . 1006 .

E 7 16 . T . p . 5 4 9 .

T h e W i l l o f ZE l fr i c, ar ch b i sh o p

O f C an t er b u r y1

44 HER sutela6 hii .ZElfri c arceb isceop his cwyde

gedihte. Dwt is wrest him té saulsceate he b ecww6

int6 Xpes cyrcan 6wt lan d wt Wyllan , and wt Burnan ,

and Risenb eorgas ; and he b ecwa6 his laford his b esteseip, and 6a segelgera


éda 6art6, and -.LX . healma, and

.LX . b eorn ena ; and he wilnode gif hit his lafordes willawwre 6wt he gefwstnode in t6 sancte Alban e 6wt lan dwt Cyngesbyrig ,

and fenge sylfwi6 6am eft t6 Eadul


ine and he b ecww6 6wt land wt Dumeltfin int6


Gif hwa 6is awende,‘

hwb b e him wi6_

God gemwne .

Amen .

1 E lfric died on the 1 6th of N ovemb er 1006,and was b uried at

Ab ingdon . That monastery was remembered in his will, and the willis found in the Ab ingdon Register . It is tran slated in Dean Hook’


L ives of the Archb ishops , vol. i . p . 45 2 : where an in teresting n ote of

ex planation is appended . Stub b s, Con stitutional History, i . 1 16. Of

pecu liar in terest are his b equests of ships . He gives the king his b estShip, with rigging , and military equipmen ts . But a still more re

markab le and valuab le record is that of the Ships b equeathed to two

shires . It appears that in land shires as well as those on the sea

b oard had to provide Ships for the navy . This proves the hightiquity of ship

-money . See Sax . Chron . 1 0 1 8 and my n ote there ; alsoFreeman

, N orm . Con q . i . 370 .

2 Ripan K .

‘at Tewin T . tr . : b ut Great Tew.

3 ann e K . T .

Can terb ury Charters . A .D . 1015 .

E 7 Z Z . T . p . 5 5 7 .

18 .

E ide l s t an w6 e1i n ghis W ill . He was on e 1 of the six son s ofKing [Ethelred byhis first wife JElflwd. An other of the S ix was Eadmund the

famous Iron side who is men tion ed in this Will. The Will isrich in terms descriptive ofhorses, and armour , and articlesOfEnglish workman ship.

44 ON godes wlmihtiges naman Ic wpestan wheling

gesutelige on Pysan gewrite hu ic mine are and min ewhta geunn en hwb be gode to lofe and to min re sawle

alysednesse and mines fwder whelredes cynges be ic hitwt geearn ode pwt is wrest past 10 geann pwt man ge

freoge wlcn e wite fwstn e man be 10 on spwce ahte and

10 geann in mid me pwr 10 me reste Criste and San cte

petre bws landeS wt eadb urgebyrig he ic geb ohte wt

minan fwder mid twam hun d mancusan goldes b e gewihte and mid fif pundan seolfres and hwt land wt


mere lafan he ic geb ohte wt minan fwder mid priddehealf hund man cusan goldes and bwt land wt mordun e

be min fwderme tolet ic geann in to baere stowe for un erab egra sawle and ic hin e bws b idde for godes lufan and

for san cta marian and for san cte petres pwt hit standaumote and pass swyrdes mid pam seolfrenan hiltan hewulfric worhte andton e gyldenan fetele and bone b eh

be wulfric worhte and bone dren c horn be ic wr wt Pamhirede b ohte wt caldan myn stre an d ic wille pwt mann ime pwt feoh he wpelwoldes lafme ah to gyldann e be icfor hire are gescoten hwb b e and b etwce wlfsige b isceope

in to ealdan myn stre for mine sawle Pwt syn d .XII . pund

b e getale and ic geann in to Cristes cyrican on cantwara

byrig bws lan des wt holungab urnan and bws be‘

perto hyr6b utan pwre anre sulunge be 10 sifyr6e geunn en hwb b e

and pws lan des wt garwaldingtun e and ic ge[an n ]pws landes wt hry6erafelda in to n un nena myn stre sanctamarian ‘

pan ces and wune seolfren ne male on .V. pun

dan and in to n iwan myn stre wn n e seolfrenn e hwer on

fif pundan On pwre halgan prynnesse naman he seo

stow ys forehalig an d 19 geann to scwften esbyrig to pwrehalgan rode and to san cte eadwearde para .VI . pun da beic eadmunde minan b re6er gewissod hwb b e and ic

gean n minan fwder whelrwde cynge jaws landes wt cealctun e b utan 11am ehta hidan be 10 wlmwre m inan cn ihte

geunn en hwbb e and bws landes wt n orptun e and bwslan des wt mollin tun e and bws seolferhiltan swyrdes 6e

ulfcytel ahte and bwre byrn an be mid morcere ys and

bws horses 6 9 purb rand me geaf andpws hwitan horses

be leowine me geaf and ic geann eadmunde minanb re6er ]7ws swyrdes be offa cyng ahte and pws swyrdesmid ham pyttedan hiltan and anes b randes and an es

seolforhammenes b lwd hornes and para lan da pe icQ


ahts on east englan and pass lan des wt peacesdele and

ic wylle bwt man gelwste wlce geare ane dwgfeorme painhirede in to elig of pysse are on sancte wheldry6e mwssedwg and gesylle pwr to myn stre an hun d penegaand gefede beer on pwn e dwg an hun d pearfena and sy

wfre seo wlmesse gelwst gear hwamlice age land Se beage 19a hwile he cristendom stande and gifpa n ella6

pas wlmessan gefor6ian be 6a lan d hab b ahgange seo ar

into sancte wheldry6e and hic gean n eadwige minanb reber an es sylfer hiltes swyrdes and 10 gean n wlfsige

b isceope pwre gyldenan rode be is mid eadrice wynflwde

suna and anes b lacan stedan and ic geann wlmwre

laws landes wt hamelan dene be he wr ahte and ic b iddeminn e fwder for godes wlmihtiges lufan and for minan


past he pass gennn e be ic him geun n en hwb b e and ic

gean n godwine wulfn o6es suna bws landes wt cumtune behis fwder wr ahte and ic gean n wlfswype minre fostormedor for hire miclan earnungan pass lan des wt westtune

be ic geb ohte wt m inan fwder mid pridde helf hun dman cusa goldes b e gewihte and ic geann wlfwine minanmwssepreo ste pws landes wt heorulfestun e and pwsmalswyrdes be wi6er ahte and mines horses mid minan

gerwdan and ic geann wlmwre minan disc bene parachta hida wt catringatune and anes fagan stedan and

mines targan and laws sceardan swyrdes and ic geann

sifyr6 9 lows lan des wt hocgganclife and anes swyrdes

an d an es horses and mines b ohscyldes and ic gean n

whelwerde stameran and lyfingepws landes wt tywinganand ic gean leofstan e leowines b re6er cwattes beere lan

dare be 10 wr of his b re6er nam and is geann leom

mwre wt b igrafan pws lan des be ic him ear of nam and

ic geann godwin e drefelan para preora hida wt lutegaresheale and ic geann eadrice wynfiwde suna bees swyrdes


their signing in several documen ts is as fo llows —B 6elstan , Ecgb riht,Eadmund

, Eadred, Eadwig, Badgar . There is also a deed (K. 1 304)in which E 6elstan Signs for himself and b rothers .

The Canterb ury tex t here printed is superior to that of the WintonRegister, which K . followed . I have adopted the date in the endorse

ment thoughwritten in the 1 3th century, because it is quite in keeping .

Arc . C . C . Can tuar . A . D . 1016-1020.

K 7 3 2 . T . p . 3 12 .

G o dw i n e

his marriage contract, made with Byrhtric, whose daughterhe wooed

. This Godwine appears to b e a Kentish than e,

ofwhom n othing farther is known . Mr. Thorpe took it tob e a record of the second marriage of the famous Earl Godwin e a n otion which Mr . Freeman corrected in N orm. Conq.

i . 467 .

44 HER swutela6 on 6ysau gewrite 6a foreward 6eGodwine worhte wi6 Byrhtri c 65. he his dohter awo

gode. Dwt is wrest 6wt he gwf hire aries pundes gewihta goldes, wi6 6on

1 6c he6 his spwce underfenge,

and he ged6e hire 6ws landes wt S trwte mid eallan 6ou

6 e 6wrt6 hér6 ,and on Bfirwaramersce 66er healt hun d

wcera, and 6a’

ért6 prittig ox na and twentig Cfina,and

tyn hors, and tyn pedwmen . Dis wws gespecen wt

Cin cgestfin e b eforan Cn ute cincge on Lyfinges arce

b iSCOpes gewitnesse, and on 6ws hiredes wt Cristes cir

can , and .ZElfméres ab b odes and 6ws hiredes wt san cte

Augustin e, and ZE6elwines sci re geréfan and S iredes

ealdan , and Godwin esWulfeages sunu, and [Elfsige cild,

and Eadmér wt Biirham and Godwin e Wulfstzi nes sunu,

and Kar[l] 6ws cineges cn iht . And 63 man 6wt ma’


fette wt Byrhtlingan , 6aeOde 6yses ealles on b orh2 E lf

gar Syredes sunu, and Erer6 preOst on Folcestan e, and


of Doferan Le6fwine pre6st, and W ulfsige pre6st, and

Eadrwd Eadelmes sunu, and LeOfwin e e elmes sunu,

and Cenwold Rust, and LeOfwin e Godwines sun u wt

Hortfine,and LeOfwin e se reade

,and Godwin e Eadgeofe

sunu,and Le6fsunu his b 166er. And swahww6er heora

lwng lib b e f6 t6 eallan w[h]tan ge on 6am lan de 6e icheom gwf, ge O[n ] wlcon pingan . Byssa pinga is gecnwwe e

elc dohtig man on Kwn t and on Sfid-S ex an,on

pegenau and on ceorlan ; and 6yssa gewrita syn d pref) ,an is wt Cristes cyrcan , 66er wt san cte Augustin e, and

pridde hwf6 Byrhtri c self.

1 6 one K . and T .

2on borh. Eleven names are given as security for the fulfilment of

the contract, making, with their principal , the normal tale of twelve

G ospel B ook at York . A .D . 1020.

C n u t

his man ifesto ofpolity in England.

CNUT cyn ing gret his arceb . 7 his leodb iSCOpas, 7

purcyl eorl , 7 calle his eorlas, 7 ealne his leodscype,

twelfhyn de 7 twyhynde, gehadode 7 lwwede, on Englalan de freondlice ; 7 Ic cy6e eow 6 ic wylle b eon holdhlaford 7 un svvicende to Godes gerihtum 7 to rihtre

worold lage ; Ic nam me to gemynde 6a gewritu 7 6aword he se arceb . Lyfing me fram pam papan b rohte of

Rome, 6 10 scolde wghwwr Godes lof upp arwran , 7

un riht alecgan , 7 full fri6 wyrcean ,b e 6wre mihte be

me God syllan wolde ; N u newandode ic n a minumsceattum 6a bwile be cow unfri6 on han da stod N u

ic mid Godes fultume 6 to twwmde mid minum scat


tum, ha cydde man me 6 us mara hearm to fundode

hofi us wel licode, 7 ha for ic me sylt mid ham man

n um he me mid foron in to Denmearcon he cow mwsthearm of com, 7 6 hwb b e mid Godes fultume foren eforfangen , 6 cow nwfre heon onfor6 han on n an un fri6

to ne eym6 ha b wile he ge me rihtliee healda6 7 min

lifby6 ; N u 6ancige ic C ode [Elmihtigum his fultumes,

7 his “mildheortn esse, 6 10 ha myclan hearmas he us

to fundedon swa gelogod hwb b e, 6 we n e hurfon han onn enes hearmes us asittan ; ac us to fullan fultume 7 toahreddingge gyf us n eod by6 . N u wylle 10 6 we

eallé eadmodlice Gode ZElmihtigum han eian hwre mildheortn esse he he us to fultume gedon hwf6 Nu b iddeic mine areeb . 7 ealle min e leodb . 6 b y ealle n eodfulle

b een ymb e Godes gerihta wlc on his en de he heomb etwht is ; 7 eac min um ealdorman num ic b eode 6b y fylstan ham b iscopum to Godes gerihtum 7 tominum kyn escype, 7 to ealles folces hearfe ; Gif hwaswa dyrstig sy, gehadod o66e lwwede

,Den ise o66e

Englisc, 6 ongean Godes lage ga, 7 ongean min necyn escype, o66e ongean worold riht

, 7 n elle b etan 7geswican wfter min ra b twcinge, hOn b idde IC hureyleorl 7 eac b eode 6 he 6wuc unrihtwisan to rihte

geb ige gyf he mwge Gyf he ne mwge, hoii wille icmid un cer b egra erwfte 6 he hine on cards adwwsce,

o66e ut of earde adrwfe,sy he b etera sy he wyrsa ; 7

eac ic b eode callum minum gerefum b e minum freondseype, 7 b e eallum ham he hi agen , 7 be heora agenum

life, 6 .hy wghwwr min fole rihtlice healdan , 7 rihte

domas deman b e 6wre scira h gewitnesse, 7 swylce

mildheortn esse hwron don swylce hwre scire b riht

hince, 7 se man aeuman mwge 7 gyf hwa heoffri6 igeo66e forena forliege sy he emscyldig wi6 me ha


Select Charters,’ p . 75 . To himI am indeb ted for a copy of the tex t,and to Can on Raine for a minute collation .

The date is almost limited by in ternal eviden ce to 10 20, the year inwhich Cnut return ed from Denmark . It must be after 10 1 8 , the yearin which the two races agreed in Ox ford to live together under Edgar


law (Sax . Chron . On the other hand, Thurcyl, who is here ad

dressed, was outlawed in 102 1 .

M ac Durn an G o spels , L amb eth A .D . 1020.

W u lfs t an

abp. York,n otifies Cnut the king and fElfgyfu the lady, of

the consecration ofJEtheln oth ; and asks on his b ehalf thathe may b e worthy Of the possession s which had b een enjoyedby his predecessors.

44 W ulfstan areeb gret cnut cyn ing his hlaford 7wlfgife ha hlwfdian eadmodlice 7 ic cyhe in c leof6 wehab b a6 gedon swa swa us swuteling fram eow com wt

hit 6 wheln ohe 6 we hab ba6 hine n u geb letsod n u

b idde ic for godes lufon 7 for eallan godes halgan 6 gewitan on gode ha mwhe 7 on ham halgan hade 6 hemote b een hwre hinga wyrhe he Ohre b e foran wwron .

Dun stan he god wws 7 mwn ig oher 6 hes mote b eoncall swa rihta 7 gerysna wyr6e 6 in c b y6 b am hearfiiefor gode 7 eac gerysen lie for worolde.

M ac Durn an G o spels , L amb eth . A .D . 1020.

Arch . Journ al , 1 8 5 7 .

C n u t

his W rit, to en sure fEtheln oth a peaceab le en try into thetemporalities of the archb ishopric 1 . The tex t is followed byMr . K emb le

s tran slation and n ote.

44 Cnut cyn eg gret ealle mine 6 7 mine eorlas, 7 min e

gerefan on wlcere scire, he ZEheln o6 arceb 7 se hired wt


Cristas cyrcean land inn e hab b a6 freondlice 7 ic ey6 e

cow 6 ic hwb b e ge un nen hi 6 he b eo his saca 7 soen e

wyr6e 7 gri6 b ryces 7 ha scene 7 forstealles 7 infan

genes heofes, 7 flymena fyrm6e ofer his agen e menn

b innan b yrig 7 b utan 7 ofer Cristes cyrcean 7 oferswa feala hegna swa 10 hi tolwtan hwb be 7 10 n elle 6wn ig mann ab t hwr on teo b uton he 7 his wicn eras for

hi . ic hwb b e Criste has gerihta forgyfen minre sawle tocoere alysendnesse 7 ie n elle 6 wfre wn ig man n hisab reee b e minum freondseipe.

Trans lation . 44 I , Canute , the king, greet all my b ishops, and myearls, and my reeves, in each shire , in which Archishop E thelnoth and

the b rotherhood at Christchurch have land, fri endly. And I do you to

know that I have granted him hi s privilege of Sac and SOcn , an d Grith

b ryce and HamsOcn , and Forstall, and Infangthief, and Flymenafirmth,in town and out of town , and over Christchurch, and as many thanes asI have allowed him . And I will not that any man Shall meddle inaught therein ,

save himself and his stewards seeing that I havegran ted these rights un to Christ, for the eternal salvation of my soul ;and it is my will that no man b reak this,—ou my friendship : (i .e . on

pain of losingThe foregoing writ of Cnut is probab ly the earliest we possess,

of thi s form . It is possib le that they were in use at all periods Of the

An glo-Sax on rule, but till the time of Cnut, we have n o instance of

them. Under Eadweard the Confessor they became common . I lookupon these in strumen ts as the n atural con sequence of, and as the pub licann oun cemen t of the in vestiture in the temporalities of the see . Uponthe election of a prelate and confirmation by the crown , he no doub t

made suit for all the seign orial and other privileges attached to hi s

barony, and this I presume is the p aten t b y which his jurisdi ctions , &c .,

are secured to him . It is addressed to the usual administrative officers,and it removes their jurisdiction from all the b ishop

’s lan ds and tene

men ts . He is to have his own Sac and SOcn , i . e . , right to hold plea,and his infangenn e heef, or thief taken on his man ors , i . e ., the criminaljurisdi ction . AS E 6elno6 became Archb ishop in A .D . 1020

,and these

letters paten t must have been issued very shortly after the event, wehave a to lerab le certainty as to the date ofthe documen t . The formularycon tinued to be repeated in the charters Of the N orman kings long after

its mean ing was en tirely forgotten .

1 This Writ was prepared by Mr . Kemb le for the Archwological


Journal in 1857, b ut it has not yet been included in any collection .

Professor Westwood discovered it in the Evangeliary ofMac Durnan

at Lambeth ; and he gave a facsimile of it in his ‘Palwographia


He thinks it is wri tten in the same hand as the two gran ts in

Cot . T iberius, B . iv. namely, K 1 3 23 and K 1 3 2 5 z—below, A .D . 1035 .

This would almost imply that the presen t writing is n ot strictly con

temporary with the event . See Smith’

s Dict ionary of Christian An

tiquities, v. Investiture.

A ddit. Chart. A . D . 1003—1023 .

B . iv. 13 .

W u l fs tan

abp. York and bp. Worcester, grants to Wulgyfu half a

hyde at the Pear-tree, for her time and two heirs : after

whom it is to revert to the church ofW orcester. A Chirograph, and a n ob le original .


E Naturw rerum uarie et lab en s seculii istis succe

dun t téporib ; ita ut quis quaui s sub uero testimon ioeon stitut

9S it aliquando fraudulenter aut aliquando ob li

uiosam ducit men té’ ideo quicquid huiusscemodi rei

facim9in scedulis serib endo adnotam

9N un c ego

wulfstan9 diio puiden te arehipon tifex quandam telluris

particulfi id est man sam dimidiam in 1000 qiuocatr

pyriae cuidam matrone cuius uoeab ulii est wulgyuu ob

huins erga me b en iuolen tia i n mscpprifi condon e ut

duob ; quib ;cfique post se uoluerit derelinquat heredib ;

et post wiogorn en si eccle reddat“ inmun is S it auté

hec tellus a mundiali seruitio lib era ex ceptis trib ; ex

peditione pon tis urb isue restauration e His eteni metis

prefata tellus eircfigyraturDis Syndan hwre halfre hide lon d gemwru up wt hwre

pirian 6 is wrest forn ongean hwre cyrcan Ollung hwre

hegreawe on wglardes mersc Ollung hwre hegreawe in ne


halgan weres S[6’

s E]gwines he hit in to hei. myn streb eget 7 gauge wg6er ge cyricsceat ge teo6unge in to

hsi halgan myn stre swa he mycele hearfe ah 6 hi don

7 toll 7 team sy agiten in to hsi myn stre b utan he hit

geearn ian mwge to hit 6c hwfi ah myn stres geweald

7 wfi'

hreora man na dwge gange 6 lan d in mid i men

7 mid . Vi . ox an 7 mid . x x . sceapu 7 mid . x x . weeru

gesawen es corn es

7 hyssa gewrita synd . iii . an li6 on wigra cestre wtS ea marian myn stre 7 o6er li6 on eofes he


ime 7

hridde hwf6 w6elmer S e he his gehealde gehealdehine god 7 se 6e hit awende O66e gelytlige gelytlige

god his mede on pa toweardii life b utan he hit wr hisen de he deOppor geb ete 7 his wws gedon b e hyssawitena gewytn essw he herwi6 ny6an awritene standa6

6 is wrest wlfgeofu seo hlwfdie he hws mynstres walt

7 wulfstan arceb iscop

7 leofsige b iscop

7 byrhtwold b iscop

7 wlfsige abb

7 wlfwerd ab b

7 leofsige ab b

7 afa ab b

H ickss Diss . Ep . p . 11 . A .D . 1020—1026 .

K 8 03 .

T . 3 7 3 .

G o dw i n e

had fully ex culpated himself from a charge which BishopLeofgar had b rought again st him and it was don e at Lichfield.

Her swutela6 an [6 issum gewrite] 6wt Godwin e Ear

haeun eorleglafeorlleofwin e ealdormanleofric 7 eadwin ebyrhtteg munuc

byrhtwin e’

7 wlfsige In


wiges sunu hwt6 gelwd fulle lade wt 6an un rihtwife 6e

Ledfgdr b isceop hyn e tiht ; and 6wt wws lwd wt L icitfelda.

Kemb le dated thi s memorandum ‘before 1 056 because he thought

of Leofgar, for a b rief Space b ishop of Hereford, as related in Sax .

Chron . C . 1 056. It seems more in accordance with the text to conn ect

the tran saction with a b ishop of Lichfield of the same name. H ickes

says the original is in the famous Book of the Gospels kn own as the

Gospels of St . Chad at Lichfield.

C ott. T ib . B . iv. 8 6 b . A .D . 103 5 .

K 1323 .

C n u t

by hisWrit protects Abp. fE6eln o6 from the Sheriff’

s attemptto reassess the archiepiscopal estates.

4 Cnut cynge grdt Eddsige b isceOp, and [Elfstzi n

ab b od, and ZEgelri e, and ealle mi ne hegnas on Cen tfredndli ce ; and ic cy6e edw 6wt ic wylle 6wt fE6elnd6

areeb isee0p werige his landdre intd his b iseeOpri ce mi

ealswai. he dyde wr [Egelri c wwre gerdfa, and si 66an he

gerdfa wws for6 O6 6 is . An d ic n elle n é ge6afian 6wt

man 6am b isce0pe wn ige un lage b edde, b ed geréfa se 6e

b ed.

C ott. T ib . B . iv. 8 6 . A .D . 1035 .

K 13 25 .

C n u t

his Writ for restoring to the archb ishop an estate that hadbeen wrongly alienated.

4 Cnut cynge grdt Eddsige b isceop, and [Eelfstan

ab bot, an d .zEgelri e, and ealle min e hegenas on Cen tfredndlice ; and ie 0563 edw 6wt ic hwb b e geunnen


E 6elnd6e arceb iscope ealre 6are landai re 6e ZElfma’


hwfde and mid rihte in td Cristes eyricean gebyra6 ,b in

nan b irig and b ii tan , on wuda and on felda, swa] full andswafor6 swa

i [Elfri c arceb isee0p hyre wedld o66e wh ighis forgengena.

1 If the E lmwr here dispossessed is that E lmwr Byrlingwhose nameis coupled A D . 10 16 in the Ab ingdon Chron icle with that of the traitorEadric, as aiding the invaders, it might follow that Cnut was n ot re

strained from doing justice by his sen se of ob ligation to disloyal aid.

Addit . Chart . A .D . 1033-103 8 .

B . iv. 19 .

B y r h t eh

b p.Worcester, gran ts to Wulmwr two hides of land in Eastonfor three lives, and then to revert to S . Mary

s at Worcester .


4 In n omin e dhi Ic byrhteh l’

) mid godes ge6eahte 7 hws arwyr6an hiredes on wigerna ceastre 7on ealra hwra 6egena gewitnysse in to glwawe ceastre

scire ic cyhe 6 ie gean wulmwre minum ch ihte twegrahida lan des in east tun e for his godra gearnunge swa

ful 7 swa for6 swa he hit hwfde under leofsige l’

) 7un der me sy6han hwb b e he 7 wel b ruce hreora mannadwg to rihtere geyrsumnysse in to 6wre halgan stoweto wigerna ceastre b utan he hit forwyrce Base is to

gewitnysse se hired on wigraceastre 7 on glwawe

ceastre 7 on eofeshom 7 on press oran


4 Ego earn i Ego wilstan prb

4 Ego earnwi Ci Ego wulstan prb

4 Ego leofric min is'


Ego b erhtmwr cl

4 Ego b erhtwin e prb

44 Ego wulfward prb :

4 Ego eadwig diacon


E ndorsed in con temp orary hands,“earkyteles b dc to tapan

halan and “ Harold sen ior.

”B .

C o tt. Aug . ii . 8 5 . A . D . 103 8 .

B . iv . 21 .

K 7 5 9 .

T . p . 5 6 7 .

B i sh o p JE lfr i chis Will .

4 HER swytela6 on hissii gewrite hu wlfric b willehis are b etdon he he under gode gedrn ode 7 under ch utekyncge his leofue laforde 7 sihhan hwf6 rihtlice ge

b ealdan under b aralde cyn ege ; 6 is honne wrest 6 ic

gean 6 lan d et wilrin cga werha in to sde eadmunde for

mira saule 7 for minas lafordas swa ful 7 swa for6 swa

he hit me to handa let 7 ic gean 6 land wt hun stan estun e b e wstan b rdke 7 mid han lande et holme in to sde

eadmun de 7 ic wille 6 ha mun ecas on byrig sellansyx tig pun de for han lande et tices welle 7 et doecyn cge

ic gean 7 6 herto gehdra6 7 ic gean leofstan e dwcane hwtmylne land et grimas tun e swa ful 7 swa for6 swa ie hit

ahte 7 ic gean mine eyne laforde b aralde' ii . mare

gol 7 ic gean mire hlefdigenan mare gel 7 gelwste man


wgelriee iiii pund mire fat fylre 7 sela man minacn ihtas ha mina Stiwardas witan x x x x pun da 7 fif

pund in to elig 7 fif pund in to holm and fif pund

wulfwarde muneke minn e mwge 7 fif pund wlffwh’


min swmestre 1 7 ic wille 6 man sella 6 land et wal

a man 15 feoh

singa ham swa man derast mege 7 gelesta mid 63 11 feo

swa ic gewissod hwb b e 7 ic wille 6 man selle 6 land

et fersa feld swa man derast mwge 7 recna man iunga

b run an mare gol 7 mid han laue scytte man minab orgas 7 ic gean wlfwin e minan preoste et walsinga

ham . x x x akera et egge me‘


ra 7 uui prouast hab b a

hon e ofar wean 7‘

ie gean’

wdwin e mun eke ha mylneet gwyswte he ringware ahte 7 ic gean wlfwig preoste

6 lan d et ryge dune he ic b ohte to leofwen n e 7 ic

gean 6 myln he waln o6 ahte in to sde eadmunde 7 ic

gean sib riht 6 lan d he 10 geb ohte on mulan tun e 7ic gean 6 fen he hurlae me scalde in to wlm ham ha

preostas to foddan ; 7 ic gean in to hox n e ha preostasan husend wer6 fen 7 ic gean 6 fen he wlfric mescalde in to holme 7 ie gean hon hage b in n on n or6

wie for mire saule 7 for ealra he hit me geu6on in to see

eadmunde 7 ic gean han hage into sce petre b inn onlunden 7 ic gean iungre b run 6 healfe husen d fen

E ndorsed in a hand of the 1 2 th cen t.,‘E lfricus episcopus

Walinguuorda Hun stan estun Grimestun‘



Wulnothi Masuram apud N orthwicum .

’B .

The scene is in East Anglia, and the b ishop is probab ly one of

the two E lfrics who successively filled the See of Elmham, and of

whom only on e date is kn own , namely, 1038, the year in which the firstdied and the second succeeded . Stub bs,

‘Registrum Sacrum An glicanum,

p . 1 69 . The language has a tinge of the Anglian dialect.

1 Originally written seswmestre.


Addi t. Chart . A .D . 1042 .

B . iv. 23 .

L y fi n gbp. Worcester, with permission ofKing Harthacnut

, grantsto ZEgelric, two hydes of land, with all legal freedom,


three lives.

4 IN ures drihtn es naman hwlendes cristes ic LEOFINC

b isceOp mid hafunge 7 leafe HEARDACNUTES cynges 7 hwsarwurhan hiredes wt wigornaceastre ge iunges ge ealdes

geb oeige sumn e dwl lan des minan holdan 7 getreowan

hegen e ham is E GELRIC nama 11’



cdtan hwb b e he 7 wel b ruce1 for his eadmodre geher

sumnysse 7 for his licwur6an sceatte hwt is hwt he hithwb b e 7 well b ruce his dwg 7 wfter his dwge twam

erfewardum han 6e him leofest sy 7 him b etst to

geearn ian wylle 7 he hit hwb b e to freon wlces hingesb utan wall geweorce 7 b rygc geweorce 7 ferd soen e

God wlmihtig hone gehealde he has ure sylena 7 ure

gerwdnyssa healdan wylle on wlce healfe gif wn ig

hon ne sy uppahofen 7 inb lawen on ha ofer hyda hwre

gewttredan deofles lare 7'

wylle has ure sylena gewem

man o66e gewonian on wn igum hingum wite he hin eaman sumadn e mid annaniam 7 saphiram


on ece for

wyrd b utan he hit her i n wur6liee geb ete gode 7man num Dis wws gedon hy geare he wws agan fram

cristes gebyrtide an husend win tra 7 twa 7 XIII win tra

Dis is seo gewitn es 6 is hearhacn ut cyng 7 wlfgeofuhis modor 7 LYFING b 7 call se hired o n wigraceastre 7 wlfward . b . 7 se hired on eofeshomme 7

godwine ab b od 7 se hired on win celeumb e 7 leofriceorl 7 ealle ha hegenas on wigraceastre scire ge

englisee ge deh isceC Y R O G R A P H V M


melen tun 7 se haga b innan port he wgelric him Sylfan

getimb rod hwfde 7 wfter heora twegra dwge fo se

arceb isceop eadsige hwrto gyfhe leng lib b e hwnn e hio66e loc hwa his wfter gencga hwn ne b eo b utan sum

heora freonda ha land furhor on hws arceb isceopes ge

mede ofgan mage to rihtan gafole o66e to ohranforewyrdan swa hit man hwnne findan mage wi6 hon earceb isceop he han n e lib b e 7 hises is to gewitnesseeadweard cyneg 7 wlfgyfu seo hlwfdige 7 wlfwin e b

7 stigan d b 7 godwin e b 7 godric decanus 7 eal Se

hired wt cristes eyricean 7 wulfric abb ud 7 eal se

hired wt see augustin e 7 wlfwine abb ud 7 siweard

ab b ud 7 wulfno’d ab b 7 godwine eorl 7 leofric eorl

7 atsur roda 7 wlfstan steallwre 7 eadmwr wt b urh

ham 7 godric wt b urn an 7 wlfwin e se reada 7mwn ig man hwr to eaean ge gehadude ge lwwede b in

n an b urgan 7 b utan 7 gif wn ig man on uferan dagan

gehadud o66e lwwede hisn e cwyde wille awendan

awende hin e god wlmihtig hrwdlice ofhisan lwnan lifeinto helle wite 7 hwr a wun ige mid eallan hi deoflan

he see la6lice wunung b etwht is buton he he deopporhit geb ete wr his en de wi6 crist sylfn e 7 wi6 honehired N u syn d hissa gewrita hreo an is innan cristes

eyricean 7 oher wt see augustine 7 6 hridde hwf6

wgelric mid him sylfan

C Y R O G R A P H V M .

E ndorsed i n hands of the 1 2 th cen t.,‘Eielric b ig Tempore

eduardi regis et cadei archiepiscopi de cert de stuting et meletun

E ilric b igge dedit cert et stuting et meletun tempore eadwardi regis

et eadsi archiepiscopi et ecclesie Christi fratribus ad uictum et uesti

tum ‘An glice z’and in hands of the i 3th cent.,

‘x vii ’

;‘An no M °

x liiij scripta B .

To thi s document b oth K. and T . have added a later transcript or


version , which K. calls an English tran slation made in the 1 3th

cen tury, ’ and T . calls ‘a later copy of the ab ove in the Kentish Dialect .

The manuscript reference is Reg . 0. C . Cantuar . C . v. 1 I . I prin t from




Hyer soutelet on hisen ywrite embe ho uorewarde 6c Edelrich wrogte

wi6 Edsige archeb iscop at 6an londe at Chert 6c Chelno6 archeb iscop

b ogte at Hele6en han heyn e mid hi s ogene Sheatte j E6eluf kin g hitybokode Ceoln o6 archeb iscope on eche yrue. Dis sind hanne he uore

werde 6et E6e1rich hab be 6et land at Chert hi s day and wfter his dage

go het land 6an archeb iscope Eadsige an hand. suo ygoded suo hem

bam yrisen mage. and S i66en hire b eyre day agen sy Edelrices and

6 3 3 archeb iscopes Edsiges . hanne go his uorespekene land in to Cristeschereche mid mete and mid mann en al suo hit stondet uor E6elriches

sau le and for Eds iges archeb iscopes 6ah Godes heuwen to n ostre and

to Shrude he 6erin ne Godes lof hreugen shulle dagas and n igtes. And

E6elrich geft 60 landboc 6c 6erto yber6 on hi s line Criste and 6ah

hirde him to ech6es elmessc. An d b ruke E6elrich and Esbarn his sune

6are o6re land here tueyre dey to han yleke uorewerde he E6elno6

archeb iscop and Edelric er ywrogten . Dat is Stutin ge and Meletune "Jas hage b inne port 6c E6elrich him self ytimb red hauede' and efter

hire tueyre dage uo se archeb iscop Edsige 6ert0 gef he leng lib b ehann e hy o6er b wo his eftergengle 6anne by. b ute sum of hyre frende6et 10nd fur6er on has archeb iscopes ymede ofgon mage to rigten

gauelleo o6re to odre uorewarde suo hit man 6anne uinden mage wi6

6ane archeb iscop 6et han lib be. And 6 isses is to yw itnesse Edward

king . and Elfgiue sy leuedi and Elfwine b iscop and Stigand b iscop .

and Godwine b iscop j Godrich decan and al se hired at Cristes cherche

and W olfri6 ab ot o and al Se hired at Seyn t Austin es [j man ie ab ottes

and hierles“J man ie O6re men yhodede and lewede b inn e b urg and

b ute. And gef eny man on ure dag-en .

yhoded o6er lewed 6 isn e quyde

wille awende awende hine God almigti ra6lice of 6is [lene] liue in tohelle witc o and 6er a woni e mid alle 6ah deulen 6e se lodliche won inge

hi s b itagt. b ute he he diepper hit ybete er his ende wi6 Crist sali neand wi6 han hird. Nu send 6 is ywrite 6rie. On is at Cristes chereche

o6er at Seynt Austine and 6et hridde hauet E6elrich mid him selue.


C ott . Ch . viii . 9 . A .D . 1045 .

K 7 8 1 .

B . iv . 3 1 .

E adw ear d

king of the English and of all Alb ion grants 7 cassati atMeleb roc to ZEIfwine 1 , b p. W in chester, with all legal immun ity. The b oundaries and date are as follows.

ISTIS namque termin is ! amb itur predicta tellus ; Dissyn d ha

landgemwra to myle b roce wrest of hre0[db ric]ge on twrstan stream andlang streames on hnut

scyllinga mcaree 7 swi andlang mcaree on hone holanweg of han holan wege 7 lang mcaree on fearn inga

b roc and swi 7 lang mcaree on myle b roces ford 7swi east andlang [m]caree on hunres lei n or6eweardne

hi nan 7 lang weges on cynges die and swim7 langmcaree on hone o6ern e holan weg ofham wege on 62

ed 7 se wer stede b e su6an hreod b ricge fit hurh honestream on hws cynges stw6 and swa 7 lang streames eft

on hreod b ricge 7 se haga on hi mtune he hwrto gebyra6 Ann o domin icw in carnation is Mill . quadra

gessimo quin to in[d]ictione . X iii . et n ullis epactis

atq : un o con curren te rotantib us i haec regalis concessio

atque donatio facta est sub astipulation e primatum

quorum n omina hic carax ata sun t.Trans lati on —These are the bounds at Milbrook . First from

Reed-b ridge to Twrstan stream, along the stream to the border of the

N utshalling folk, and so along the b order to the hollow way, from the

hollow way along the b order to the b rook of the Fearni ng folk ; andso along the border to Milb rook ford, and so east along the b order toThunor

s leigh at its north end, then ce along the way to king’s dyke,

and so along the b order to the other hollow way, from that way on to

the water, (and the weir-stead to the south of Reed-b ridge) out throughthe stream to the king’

s Stathe, and SO along the stream back again toReed-b ridge.

—And the residen ce in Hamton that thereto pertaineth .

1 Codex W intonien sis fol. 76 b , has this deed with the name of EarlGodwine for b ishop E lfwine. K .



monasterialis quandam ruris particulam ii . quoq : man

sas et unam pticam qui a gnotis uocitatur n omin eNORD TUN quadam meo min istro qui nun cupatur

Dodda Cum omn ib us ad se rite ptinentib us Campis

pascuis pratis siluis lib eraliter con cedo ut ipsehab eat et possideat quamdiu uiuat et post uitam suam

ad epiSCOpalem sedem sine contradiction e restituatur

S it au'

E terra ista lib era preter pon tis arcisue restauratione et commun i ex peditione n ecn on et aecclesiastice

cen sus Dis is “Baere twegra hida b oc 7 anre gyrde set

n or6 tune 7“6a feower aeceras

“beerto of’Sacre styfycunge

in to 6am twam hidan 7 6a meede 7 fion e graf“b e beerto

mid rihte toligeiS 7“


5 139

aeceras meede on afan

hamme be sce oswold geaf b ercstan e in to“

8am lande

7“Kiss synd 19a land gemaero in to

6am grafe aerost of“Baere dun e andlang baere rode 06 hit ejfmiS b en eoiflan

stan enolle pan on on gerihte to cwenn hofoton of

cwen n hofoton b e n oriSon 17am mere pan on on gerihte

et‘t Up on 6a dune>I< Ego EADUUEARD rex anglorum han c prefatam do

nationem con cessi44 Ego EALDREDUS EPS Donaui>1< Ego [Egelwig abb Ego b rihtric m i n

>X< Ego Godric abb Ego aegelric mm

{4 Ego Eadmund abb Ego godric min

{4 Ego wulstan sac Ego ceolmaer mm

>X4 Ego wulfwig sac Ego atser mi n

44 Ego wylstan sac Ego aestan mm

44 Ego aelfstan sac Ego eadric m ifi>X< Ego godric sac


Ego b rihtwin e mm

44 Ego godric diac’

Ego n oriSman min

44 Ego godwine dia'



Ego arngeat miii

E ndorsed in con temp orary hands,‘to noriStune

; and ‘Ead

wardi iunioris.

’B .


M S . B odl . Au ct . D . 2 . 16 . f. 1 .

C od ex E x oni ensis .

Harl . 25 8 . f. 125 .

K 9 40.

T . p . 428 .

L e o fr i c

the first b ishop of Ex eter ; his benefactions to his n ew


>I< Her swutela6 on“Bissere x pes b ec hwaet Leofric

b haef’


ge don in n to 8 6'

s Petres min stre on ex an

ceastre peer his b isceop stol is 15 is 15 he haefii

ge in n od 15 aer ge utod wees purh Godes fultii 7 purhhis fore spraece 7 purh his gaersuma

13 is aerost 15

land aet culmstoke 7 15 land aet b ran ces cumb e 7 eet

scalt cumb e 7“p" lan d eet sé

e maria circean 7 13 landaet stofordtune. 7 act spearcan wille 7 15 lan d aet mor

ces hille 7 sidefullan hiwisc 7‘

p‘ land eet b rihtrices

stane ‘

7 15 lan d eet toppes ha'

me heah pe harold hitmid un lage ut nam


15 lan d act stoce 7 13 land eet

sydeb irig 7 15 land eet n iwan tun e 7 set n or’



15 lan d eet clist pe W id haefde.

Don ne 5's pis se eacaon land


ii be he hasi’o of his agen fi 15 myn ster mid

ge godod for his hlaforda sawlum 7 for his agen re

175. Godes peowfi to b igleofan pe for heora sawlum


pingian sceolon ’


ys scrost 13 lan d eet b em tune 7act est tune 7 set ceommen ige 7 13 lan d eet dofiisc 7act holacumb e 7 set supwuda 7 he n e funde 13a he to

195. myn stre feng n an mare landes 13e Dider ynn gewyldeweere poune twa hida landes aet ide 7 paer on naes


kynnes n an mare b uton .VII . hruiSeru . Donne jrs

pis seo oncnawenn is be he 11m god mid ge cnawen 7$6111 petrum in to 17am halgan myn stre on circlicfi

madmum 13 is 15 he haefiS 13ideryn n ge don . II .b

roda 7 .II . mycele geb onede roda b utan ob‘





silfrenu swur rodfi 7 .II . mycele x'

pes b ec ge b on ede1

7 .III . ge b onede scrin 7 .I . ge b on ed altare 7 .v. silf’


caliceas 7 .HH . corporales 7 .I . silfren pipe 7 .v. fulle

maessereaf 7 .II . dalmatica 7 .III . pistel roccas 7 .IIII .



acon es han d lin 7 .I II . can terkaeppa 7 .I I I. can terstafas 7 v. paellene weofod sceatas 7 VII . 6f b raedelsas

7 .II . taeppedu .II I . b erascin'

7 VII . setlhraegel 7 I II .

rieg raegel 7 .II . wahreft 7 .VI . maesene sceala 7 .II . ge

b on ede hnaeppas 7 .IIII . horn as 7 .II . mycele ge b onedecandel sticcan 7 .VI . leessan candel sticcan ge b on ede

7 .I . silfren stor cylle mid silfrenu stor sticcan 7 .VIII .

laeflas . 7 .II . gu'

Bfana 7 mere 7 .VI .midreca 7 .I . fird

ween cyste 7 133er n zeron aer buton .VII . upp b angene

b ella 7 n u peer sin d XVI . upp hangene 7 XII . han db ella 7 .II . fulle maesse b ec2 7 .I . collectan ea 7 .I I .

pistel b ec 7 .II . fulle sang b ec 7 .I . n iht sang 7 .I . ad

te leuaui 7 .I . trope 7 .II . salteras 7 se 13ridda3saltere

swa man singiflon rome 7 .II . ymn eras 7 .I . deorwyrfie

b letsing b oc 7 .III . o’6re 7 .I . englisc xpes b oc

7 II . sumer raeding b ec 7 .I . win ter reeding b oc 7 regulacan on i coru 7 martyrlogium

47 .I . canon on leden 7

.I . scrift b oc on englisc57 .I . full spell b oc wintres 7

sumres 6 7 boeties b oo on englisc 7 .I . mycel englisc


logued first ; and among these the tran slation (presumab ly Alfred’s) of

Boetius de Consolatione, and the famous volume ofAnglo-Sax on poems

which to .thi s day remain s still unremoved from the sacred place . A

memorandum of this sort might b e made either b efore or after the

death of the benefactor it would probab ly b e n ot at any wide intervalon either side of that even t, which happened in 1 072 . Among the

Ex eter deeds is on e by William A .D . 1 069 gran ting to Leofric most of

the lands named in this memorandum as Leofric’

s own benefaction .

The tex t is that of the Oxford Codex , which being a Gospel Book givenby Leofric to Ex eter probab ly contain s what was con sidered as the

original document . On fol . 6 verso of the MS . is this entry‘Hun c tex tum dedit leofricus eps geete sCi petri apii in ex on ia ad

utilitatem successorb suorii S i quis illum ab stulerit etne sub iaceat

malediction i fiat fiat fiat‘Das cristes b oc gef leofric b 8 80 petro callum hi s eeftergengum

into ex an cestre gode mid to penienne"J gif b ig aenig man utab rede

heeb be he godes curs j wraeb‘


e calra halgena.

From Mr . Thorpe'

s preface to hi s edition of the Codex Ex on ien sis

it appears that there is a triplicate of this documen t in another Leofric

MS . preserved at Camb ridge.

1 The very b ook from which this document is n ow printed is not im

possib ly one of these ‘mickle Gospel Books .

2.I I . fulle maesse b ec.] One of these may b e the well-kn own Leofric

Missal , now Bodi . 5 79, from whi ch someManumissions are given b elow.

3briddan MS S .

4 martyrlogium .] [P] now at C . C . C Camb ridge ; vide Nasmith’s

Catalogue of the Parker M S S ., N o . 1 96.

5scrift b oc on engli sc.] Proved by the inscription to be N o . 1 90 of

the same catalogue. The same number con tains capitu la de canonib us,’

which may b e the preceding‘can on on leden .

’Though this may also

b e N o. 19 1 , Can ones Lateet Sax e o lim Ex on . eccl . peculium .

6.I . full spell b oc win tres and sumres .] Wanley, p . iden tified

this with the Martyrologium, N o . 1 96 in Nasmith’s Catalogue. But it

seems more natural to iden tify the latter with the ‘Martyrologium ’of


s list ; and to understand this ‘spell boc ’

(with Thorpe) as a

yearly cycle of Homilies .

The book which is kn own as the Codex Ex onien sis.

8 These words are in the Cod. Ex on . in a somewhat later hand ; but n otin the Ox ford Codex , which presen ts an erasure that has b een left b lank .


M S . Bodl . 5 7 9 (coll ated ) .F ol . 1 a.

E n tr l e s

in the Leofric Missal, in the B odleian Lib rary. In Mr .

W arren’

s complete edi tion ofthis Missal ( 1 8 8 3) these tex tsare given with tran slation s.

Hun c missalem LEOFRICUS eps dat eccle scé'

petriapIi in ex onia ad utilitatem successoru suorfi . S iquis

illfi in de ab stulerit efine sub iaceat malediction i

FIAT FIAT. Confirma hoc dfs'

qd Opatus es in n ob’


Das b oc leofric b isceop gef scO’

petro 7 eallii his

eeftergengum in to ex an cestre gode mid to benien n e

7 gif\


een ig man ut ab rede heeb b e he godes cursand wreeb b e ealra halgen a.

(5) Halwun hoce on ex cestre freode heegelfieede hirewiman pi hy b octe 7 tilde for hire sawuale crist 7 size

peter 7 ielle cristes halga hi'

wurb e wrab 13e hi heefre ge

pywie afii1.

(4) Her kyb on bisse b ec 13 eeilgyuu gode alysde hig 7dun na 7 heora Ofspring aet mangode to .XIII . man cson

7 eeign ulfport gerefa and Godric gupa namon 13 to llon manlefes gewittn isse 7 on leowerdes healta 7 On

leowin es his b rob or 7 on eelfrices map happes 7 on

sweign is scyldwirhta 7 heeb b e he godes curs 13e piseefre un do a, on ecnysse Amen

F ol . 1 b .

(I ) Her kyb on b yssere b ec 13 godwin e b laca b ohtehin e sylfne 7 his wyf 7 his ofspring eet willélme hosethe

mid .x v. sci’ll’ on edmeeres gwittn i s p. 7 on eelwies 7

on dunn inges 7 on seemeeres 7 on eelmeeres 7 on ealles

bees hundredes on cuic lan de 7 eelfric hasl na beet tollfor pees kynges han d 7 heeb b e he godes curs 17e hit eefreun do . afi

1 .


(3) Her kyb on b ysse b ec 15 edwy b eorn eges sunu lysdehyn e and his wif and his cyld on edwerdes deege cynges

ect hunewine hega suna ut of toppesham lan de akyn

stan es ge wittn l sse pr . and a leofsuna ge wittn isse a wun

forda 7 an eelfrices hwita 7 on wycinges b at swegen es 7on seewines lufa sunu 7 on leofsies 7 on eelfsies

(2) Her kyb on bissere b ec 13 ediuuu seeuugeles laf

b ohte gladu eet colewin e wyb healfe pun de to cepe 7 totolle 7 eelword port ge refa n a 13 toll 7 peer to was gewitn iss leowin e leowordes b rob or 7 eelwi b laca 7 a lwinese cyng 7 land byriht 7 Alca 7 S eewerd 7 heeb b e

he godes curs be pis eefre un do on ecn isse Ar'


i .

1 This Entry has b een slipped in at a comparatively late time between the b enefactor

’s Title , and the En try which had taken possession

of the foot of the Title-page . It occupies this place simply b ecause itwas the on ly remain ing b lank . The following Entry, that which 00

cupies the foot of l i tle-page, came to be there b y a similar necessity.

For n ot un til the back of the leaf was full did any one in trude privateb usin ess on the page of the b enefactor. Both the private En tries on

fol . 1 a are later than all those on fol . I b . And further, ifwe ex amin e

the three on fol . 1 b , we qu ickly see the order in which they have b eenen tered. The first spot taken up was the top of fol . I b , the nex t was

the foot of the same page the third took the space b etween the former

two . When fol . 1 h was full, then the foot of fol . 1 a was occupied,

and last of all that which n ow stan ds first and crowds up close toLeofric

’s san ction . I have indicated the order by figures.

F o l . 8 a.

freode huna ect ocmund tun e on mides sumeres

messe eeuen for 19011 7 for be on feower wegeson b run es gewitn esse


preostes 7 on ealra beera


>X< b irhtric freode hroda ect curi tune on sunnadeege

ofer pen tecostenes messe daig on preosta

calra para hyred preosta 7 on p


meesse deeg on wulfn opes ge witnysse maesse preostes 7on celra 13eera hired preosta.

£4 eadgyfu gefreode eebelgyfewun cildes wif on feowerwegas on middes sumeres meesse eefen eet b reeg on

b run es gewittn isse meesse p 7 on wulfnob es meesse p 7on eallra beera hyred preosta.

1 Mr. Davidson suggested that this 0rdgar may have been the

famous ealdorman of Devon , who died in 97 1 . He lived at Tavistockand the places here men tion ed are n ear that place . Mr . Warren com

pleted Mr. Davidson ’

s idea with the suggestion that perhaps Eadgifu

was the wife of Ordgar . This wou ld assign the con ten ts of fol. 8 b to

the ten th cen tury. An y hesitation on this point may b e relieved byn oting that this page is not (as our other Leofric pieces are) first-hand.

The las t two entries may possib ly be original ; b ut all the upper part

of the page looks like a con tin uous transcript or register made from

older records .

Fo l . 11 b .

Dis synt pa men 13e syn t anb urge b etwin on ead

gyfe ab b edysse 7 leofrice ab b ode aet 1353 lande eet sto‘c’

tune wulfsige edwig 7 cytel 7 den ise 7 godwine 7hunwin e 7 sweta 7 edwig b oga 7 b run f) . 13 se ab b odhit heb b e his deeg 7 eeft


his deeg in to myn stre.

Fo l . 3 7 7 b .

Her cyb on bisse b ec 13 b rihtmeer eet holacumb e heefb

geb oht hine 7 eelfgifu his wif7 hira eild 7 hira ofspringect rocgere derindig to t i pundfi eefre to freolse on

dudeman n es gewitn isse preostes on ex an cestre 7 on

leofwines pf on hwita stan e 7 on eelfgeeres port gerefa 7eelfweerdes portgerefa be 15 toll namon for bees cynges

han d 7 leofweerdes his b rob or 7 edwin es leofede suna 7oteres dyrlinges suna 7 eelfgeeres eelfrices suna 7b lakeman es 7 leofrices seewin es suna 7 dun stan es see

win es suna 7 randolfes 7 alb oldes 7 smewines on

holacumb e 7 eegilweerdes eelfsies suna 7 eelfmeer cynges


suna 7 eelfsiges mid be’

i b erde 7 edwine leofrices suna 7

edwin e edmeeres suna 7 edric on hré na b ricge 7 on

ealles bees hundrides gewitn isse on holacumb e 7 heeb b e

he cristes curs 7 SEa marian 7 sEs petr’

be bis eefre un do

7 on ealles bees hundrides gewitn isse on ex au cestre.

C odex E x on i en sis .

Q u ittan ces an d Man umi ssion s

from the E x eter Book (collated) . These are n ot in Kemb le.

They are in Thorpe, but dispersed. Here they are given in theorder ofthe manuscript, with subjo in ed referen ces to Thorpe.

F o l . 4 a.

Her kyb on bissere b ecc 13 Rotb erd apoldraham eweeb

saccles W illelm his b rob er sun e of poldraham lan de 7 of

elcre craurigge Dar to is iwitn is Reinald preost 7

Dunn ig . 7 Dalfin . 7 Seuara 7 S ewi . 7 G irard 7merescald a cuic sculdur gealdulesc

Willelm . 7 Ricard . 7 W ulfricc . 7 Rau 7 Ricard 7inna b usc se web ba se web ba

Herb erd 7 S egar 7 Alger 7 Alger 7 W illelmse stiwerd wianard swetleber

Rogere 7 Rotb erd . 7 Ricard osan na f’

7 S emer 7uppa cote edwies meg

Iob el . 7 Ascetill . 7 R0tb er .d S e b e biss eure un dO .

hab b e he Godes curs . 7 sea Maria . 7 ealle Cristes ge

coren a 5. b utan en de Amen . (T . p . 64

Her kyb on bissere b oc b Oter 7 his eild cwede

saccles Aluric bane Reda 7 his ofspring . 7 bar to isiwitn is Alword 13


s . 7 Alured p . 7 Waltere se caii . 7Theodb ald 7 S emer Cipspon es sune 7 Waltere se

Flemig17 Gesfrei Hoel 7 Randolf se cordewafi 7

Alwin e M odi 7 Alwi Kya and Alger Ox awamb 7S


Ailwerd 7 Iordan 7 Martin 7 Osb ern HauOc 7W illemot Q uikeuot. 7 Ricard se Flemig n am fcor

penegas to tolle. Se be biss mare undO hab b e he

Godes curs 7 S é'

a Maria and ealle Cristes gecorena

ab utan en de. Amen . (T. p.

Her kib on bissere b ecc b Gesfrei Foliot cweb saccles

Semer Aluredes meeg 7 call his Ofsprigl

. 7 bar to ysde f


iwitn is Ricard se portreua . 7 Rau Theodb . 7 Waltere

pafard spalla sadelhack

7 W illelm . 7 W illelm . 7 Ailwerd . 7 S euara . 7 Edmer

Burwolles f’

. S eb e bis un do . hab b e he Godes curs . 75563 Marie 7 ealle Cristes halgena a b uten endeAmen . (T . p.

Her kyb on bissere b ecc b Ab elicc B icardes swuster

scirreua eweeb Hrodolf S ewies sune an Alfin tun e saccles

ofelcre crauigge1

. Dar to is iwitn is Ricard Se portreua

7 W illelm Lamb i‘, Dunn ig Eorlawine. Rein erAluric Spoe Rotb erd Paddig W iggere Dalfin Got

selin gorpittel Leggefot Iohan Osb ern CeacaRotbern S cean ca Brihtric Ailword Algar f

RicardTren card Iordan se prb . Ricard 7 call b hun dred of

Alfint. S e be bis nu (16 hab b e he Godes curs 7 S ee

M arie 7 ealle Cristes halgena a b utan ende. Amen .

(T p. 645 )1 ig= ing occurs repeatedly in these entries.

Fol . 4 b .

Her kyb on bissere b é'

c 13Waltere Wulwordes sun e

ureode Abeluue in na SEes Petres min stre ouer his feederi c his feder saule to alisedn isse 7 his on Viuien es ge

witn isse 7 mestre Odo 7 mestre Leowines 7 God


ofelce crafigge 7 bar to is iwitn is Rau Teodb . sune

7 Teodb . his sune 7 Atsun se hwita Hrob ulfAlca s’


cuta kig pagen es s’

alka s’

hoelHemeri Philippe Ricard Gefi

rei Herb b 7 Gollein

fab er uidic

Ailwerd 7 his b f Rau (le Salcei Herlawin e Brihtmer

Se be bis mare un dfi hab b e he Cristes curs 7 see Maria

7 ealle Cristes halgenaab utan ende. Amen . (T . p.

F ol . 5 a.



W ita b a be n u b eob 7 b a te cumen e sy bat ycOsb ern Ex ecestre b iscop

1gef leaua b am mun che on

Sancte N icholaus min stre to hringinde hyre tyde b edage 7 b e n ihte hwann e hi efre willat swa swa b e

limpb to hire andeb ern isse b ute an Cristes massen iht

7 31ester sunneue 7 San cte Petres and Paules massedeg.

And beos leaua burh hyre ab b ed Hen ri 7 to foran him

7 his mun chun 7 to foran callum mynum can unche

in nan min um capitule of myn e 7 hyre eallre helf swafastlice ys ysett bat n on man after bys b as ysettingeun don n e mage. And for byse leaua twy3ys elce gere

bat is an Palmsunn endeg 7 Cristes upstigan deg to

processiun mid barn can un che by gan sceule. (T . p.

Below this is a‘fragment of an en try ; the effective portion is

gone .

Gebern , Bp . 1 072—1 103 .

F o l . 5 b .

Herkyb on bissere b écc bW illelm1 b isceOp ofEx cess

tre eweeb Wulfric Pig freoh 7 saccles ofba lan de aTeigtun e aban e de

eg be ma dide Osb ern b isceop 7 Leofric


b isceOp ofbe geelle min stre in na 13 n iwe 7 hine freodefor Godes luue 7 Sfiee Maries 7 ealle Cristes halgena

7 for bara b isceOpa saule 7 for his saule to alisedn esse .

Dar to is iwitn iss Algar se b isceop ofCon stan ce2 .7 se priorof Plimtune 7 se prior of Tan tun e 7 se prior of SEesN ichol’ min ster 7 se prior ofS é


esAndreas . 7£eowin e secanon 7 Waltere p . 7 W illelm p . 7 Rodb erd se Blun d .

7Klurlc p 7 Osb ern se kape’l' W ifim 7 Osb ern W ilim 7

011 00

Barthb l . Odo . 7 Hugo . 7 Hugo . Willm Edw’


. Alger

mahtille s dan


i s’

. 7 Iordan his s’

. Randolf7 Rau . Waltere . Os

hauoc jalewa s’


b ern Ascetil b uta port S euara Dunn ig Rau

selewies s’

Teodb ald W il‘lm 7 fela ob ra be ma n emn a n e meg .

Se be bis efre nu do hab b e he Godes curs 7 Sfia Maria

7 ealle Cristes gecorena e butan en de. Amen . (T .


1 William Warelwast, Bp. 1 1 0 7-1 1 36.

3 Algaru s, Bp . of Coutan ces 1 1 3 2—1 1 50, Gams

, Series Episcoporum ,

p . 542 . Freeman,N orm . Conq . , vo l . v. p. 362 , points out that he was

prob ab ly an Englishman (E lfgar) : a suppos ition which is strengthened

by this occurrence of his name in an Eng lish documen t .

F o l . 6 a.

Her cyb on bissere b ec 13 Brun ing Cola sunu geb ohte

Roting eet Colewyn e 7 ect Leofa freoh 7 sacleas ut of

Sceft b eara on Seerla ge wytn isse bees portgereua 7 on

Hub erdes 7 on .ZElwerdes 7 on [Elgares Paiardes 7on Wyllelmes his suna 7 on Godwyn es Colwyn es suna

7 on Esb ernes zElwerdes suna. 7 heb b e he Godes curs

be bis eefre undo Amen . (T . p. 63

Her kyb on bissere b ec 13 Teolling geb ohte fElword


S tamera 7 Edwin e his b rob or eet Coluwin e to VII . man cson to cepe 7 to tolle 7 [Elword port ge refa n am 13 toll .

7 her to is ge witn esse Hib el ect C ulumtune 7 S ee

wulf 7 Uitula 7 Eadmun d 13 . 7 Sn elling Tullingessun u 7 Leowin e Leowerdes b rob or 7 [ElfgarHelle b ula.

7 heeb b e he G odes curs be bis eefre un do e on ecn isse.

Amen . (T . p .

Her kyb on bissere b ec 13 Leowme Lunden isca 7Ialdgib his wif geb ohton [Elfilde eet Touie to feower 7six tuge pen egon 7 ZElfric Hals n am 13 toll inn an Touiesb ure for bees kynges han d . 7 her to is ge witnesseRob salin p. 7 Ailword diacon 7 Alwin e deacon 7Dun stan Peon ing . (T . p .

Her kyb on bissere b ec 13Wulward b ohte Leouede eet

Hierdinge Eadn ob es sun e wib v. sci’rl. to cepe 7 to tolle

7 13 toll n am Garwise gerefa to Toppes b amme on

Smecwin es ge witn esse preostes 7 on Alwin es pr. 7on Ailwordes eet Oteri 7 on Dun n inges Tailiferes


7 on

Ailwordes Luunges sunu 7 on Dunewin es 7 on God

w in es eet Hina tun e 7 on Hierdinges 7 on Brihtmares

Alfgares suna. 7 se be biss un do hab be he Godes curs ab uten ende. Amen . (T . p.

Her kib on bissere b ec b Regen ere b ohte Alfrib e at

Regen olde bam mun eke at Cuicu wib V . sciii . freoh 7sacles uppan Cuiclande to b eonde on fridome on Ed

meeres gewitnesse p . 7 on Edwines bas gerena 7 on

Rodb erdes 7 on Agelrices at S tan lin ce 7 on ealles bashundredes on Cuicu . 7 Alfric Hals n am 13 toll . 7 hab b eGodes curs be hit eefre un do . Amen . (T . p. 6

Her kib on bissere b ec 13 S ewine Pinca b ohte hine


Her eyb on bissere b ec 13 Leowin e Feala sunu b ohtehine silfne 7 his ofspring eetWulfworde Alfrices sunu at

Iacob es cyrca to healfe punde on W illelmes gewitn esse

preostes 7 on Godwin es pr. 7 on Arnoldes pi". 7 on Edwin es

pr. 7 on Bartholomeus Floheres suna on Floheres 7 on

Algares Pagardes 7 on Cona 7 Algares Leofleede suna

7 Haim 7 Oter Dirlinges sunu Edwacer Agelword

Ofstanes sun u Osb er Alwordes sunu Alfsta on

VVunforda Edwi N ob ol Ocing Agelword Puddingdiae. 7 on ealles ba[s hun]dredes on Ex cestre to ceo

sende him hlaford 7 his ofSpring swa hweer swa hig

woldon . 7 Alword portgerefa 7 Alwin e Dirlinges abumfangon to bam tolle for bees cynges han d. 7 hab b e he

Godes curs 7 celra halgena be bis eefre un do. (T . p.

Her eyb on bissere b ec 13 Edib Leofrices docter Loccesb ohte hi silne 7 hire ofspring at Hul to IIII . 7 XX .

p. on W illelmes gewittn isse stiwerdes 7'

on Agilwerdes

W udinges 7 on Edmeres preostes 7 on Edwies Hreawa

suii 7 on Huscarles 7 on Algeres pr oge Godwin es

preost. 7 on Leowines Lunden iscea. 7 hab b e he Godescurs 7 ealra halgena be hit eefre un do . (T . p.

C od . E x on . 7 a.

T . p . 608 .

G i l d s

at W oodb ury and other places associated with the Canon sofE x eter .

On Cristes naman 7 8 6'

s Petrus apostolus an gildscipe is gegaderod on Wudeburg lan de se b . Osb ern 1

7 ba can on icas in nan SOS Petrus min stre on Ex cestre

hab ab underfengen bone ilcan geferscipe on b rob orree


denn e gemeen elice forb mid ob rum geb rob rum . N u dob

hig ect eelcum heorb e to gecnawn isse bam can on icon

ann e pen ig to Eastron eelce geare 7 ealswa ect eelcum

forb farenum gildan est eelcum heorb e eenn e pen ig tosawul secote se hit b onda se hit wif be on bem gildscipe sindon . 7 bat sawul gesceot sceulon ba can on icas

hab ban 7'

swilce benisce don for b ig swilce b ig agon todon e. 7 bis sin don heora nama be b eob on bam gildscipe .

Brihtwi W iln ob Ealdwin e Leofric Brihtmeer

Alfric Eadmeer Edwin e Algar Edwi VVlword

Alword Edwin e Godwi Osgod Ab eleoue Brihtmeer

Godric .

On Wudeb urge lande is eac an Ob er gildscipe gega

derod Criste 7 S'


e Petre 7 b ig dob toMartin us meessan

ofeelcum heorb e an ne pen ig in to S é'

s Petrus min stre bamcan on icon and eelc sawul gesceot ealswa eet eelcum

heorb e ann e pen ig . And bis sind beera man na name.

Kytel Deoderic Sac.


Of Clistun es gildscipe Isaac f) . Almeer Godwine&0

OfColatun esgildscipe Orb ric p. Almer Ailwine Ste.

OfAlwin es gildscipe on Wudeb irig Alsten Leawine

Ailwine &0.

OfBridafordes gildscipe Edwine W lfric Seewin e


OfClistwike Waltere ii . Eadmeer Leowine &0.

Ofbam gildscipe on Lege AilW I p. Tyrri P .W iflm .


OfHnutwille Godric Alwine Edwine &0.

OfColatune AlwineTreddasunu Godric Ai lric 8 m.

Of S idemub a Algar Ailric W lwin e &0.

OfHalsforda Ilb erd 13. Edwin e Alwin e &c.


OfHwita stane Edz i Godric Edwin e 850.

OfEx amub a Godgib Esgar Edrid &c.

1 Osb ern , b p. Ex on 1072—1 103 , was the successor of Leofric.

2 Here follow more names ; and so also in the other groups.

Dean an d Chapter, E x eter .

8 . ii . E x on . 1 5 .

B o u n d ary

on Dartmoor. N ot in Wan ley’

s list. Pub lished first byMr.

Davidson ,in 1 8 76 in the Tran saction s of the Devon Associa

tion ,viii. 396 ; and again in 1 8 8 3 in the J ournal of the

Archaeological Association ,x x x ix . 30 1 : quoted b elow.

b is is peading tunes landscaro beer eescb urne ut scyton dertan stream Ob wede b urn e ut scyt up an ~wede

b urnan ob wib imor ofwib imore on cealfa dun e middeweerde ofcealfa dun e o[b ] sufon stan as ofsufon stanu on

hyfan treow of hyfan treowe on hord b urh of hordbyrg on deor ford of deor forda on langa stan of langastan e on eofede tor of eofede torre on hean dun e fore

wearde of b een dune on bon e b lindan wille of b am

wille on writelan stan of bfi. stan e on ruwa b eorh of

ruwan b eorge on fyrs pen n offyrs penne on wyrt cumesheafod ofwyrt cumes heafde on rammeshorn oframmes

hom e on lulca stile oflulca stile on wice cumes heafod

on lymen stream ob woggawill lacu ut scyt on ba laceob wocga willes hafod ofwocgga willes heafde on bon eweg ob ba greaten die of beere die on bon e wille on bees

mores heafod on be lace to beere sweliende of b eere

sweliende on yederes1 b eorh of yederes b eorge


standun 2

[n ib e] weerde Ob ba gretan linde of beere

lin de on dyra sneed middewear[d]ne of dyre. sneede on


actual boundary, which is tradi tionally stated to have had carved upon

it the arms of the see of Ex eter. As b ishops, before the Conquest,certainly did n ot bear arms in the modern sen se, it is clear that thetradition does n ot preserve a literal fact. It serves only to Show some

connection between the stone and the b ishops of Ex eter.

1yeb eres S .

2stan dun [nib e] . Mr . Davidson ’

s reading of a much defaced part ,which Mr. Sanders leaves almost b lank .

C . C . C . Can tab . 111 .

K 9 3 3—9 3 7 .

T . p . 640.

E n t r i e s

n ow in a Register of Bath Ab b ey. Ob viously this is n o t

their original place, and Wan ley (p . 1 49) thought the leafhad b een taken from the Gospel Book to b e mention ed n ex t.

(1) >X< Her swutelab on bisse cristes b ec 13 leofen ob

eegeln ob es sunu eet korstune heefb geb oht hine 7 hisofspring fit eet eelfsige ab b .


7 ast eallon hirede on b ab onmid fif oran 7 mid .XII . heafdon sceapa. on kascilles 2 ge

witn esse portgeréfan 7 on ealre beere b urhware on bab on .

crist hin e ab lende be bis eefre awende.

(2 ) 44 Her swutelab on bisse cristes b éc 13 eegelsige

ect linn cfime heefb geb oht wilsige his sunu ut ect eelf

sige ab b . on b ab on 7 eet eallon hirede to écean fréote.

(3) >1< Her swutelab on bisse cristes b éc 13 eegelsige

byttices sunu b eefb geb oht hildesige his sunu fit ect

eelsige ab b . on b ab on 7 eet eallon hirede mid syx tigon

penegon to écean fré ote .

(4) 44 Her swutelab on bisse cristes b éc 13 godwig se

b ucca heefb geb oht leofgife ba deegean ect n orb stoke 7

hyre ofspring mid healfan pun de eet eelsige ab b od toecan freote on ealles bees hiredes gewitn esse on bab on .

crist b ine ab lende b e bis eefre awende.


(5 ) >X< Her swutelab on bisse cristes b ec 13 eelsige ab b .

hmfb gefreod godwine b ace aet stan tune for b in e 7 forealn e bon e hired on b ab an on seemann es gewitn esse

7 wulwiges eet prisctun e 7 eelfrices cermes .

Professor Skeet writes that this leaf, now in MS . 1 1 1 , has un

doub tedly b een removed from MS . 140 . It was the outside leaf of

MS . 140 ; and that which is n ow the first leaf in this b ook was on ce

the second .

1 [Elfsige (ab b ot) died 1 087 . Dugdale, Monasticon 11 . 257 (ed .

1 Hascilles T .

C . C . C . Camb ridge 140.

K 13 5 1 .

E n t r I e s

in the Benet manuscript of the Sax on Gospels, the book towhich also b elon ged the five previous en tries . The two sets

of en tries are un ited by a commun ity ofplace and ofperson s.

The place is the Ab b ey of Bath,and the chief person s are

ab b ots, or b ishop, or prior. The en tries are here ranged in the

order ofthe manuscript, b ut this is n ot n ecessarily the o rder

of time ; and the figures to each entry are an attempt (provisionally) to indicate the relative dates ofthe tran sactions .

(6) 44 Her swutelab on b issere cristes b ec 13 eelfwig

se red heefb geb oht hine sylfn e fit a t.

eelfsige ab b od 7eallon hirede mid an on pun de. bar is to gewitn es eall se

hired on b ab an . crist hin e ab len de be bis gewrit awende.

(7) 54 Her swutelab on bissere cristes b ec 13 edricaet fordan heefb geb oht segyfu his dohtor eet eelfsige

ab b od and ect bam hirede on bab an to écum freote 7

call hire ofspring .

(1 1 ) 44 Her swutelab on bisse cristes b é'

c 13 aelfric scot

7 eegelric scot synd gefrefid for eelsiges ab b odes sawie toecan fre6te. pis is gedfin on ealles hiredes gewitn esse.

(1 3) 44 Her swutelab on bissere cristes b ec beet siwineleofwies sunu aet lin cumb e hafab geb oht sydefleede ut


mid fif scyllingum 7 pen egan aet iob ann e bamb iscope

17 eet callon bem hirede on b abon to ecum

freote 7 b erto is gewittnesse godric ladda 7 seewold

7 his twegen sunan scirewold 7 b rihtwold.

(14) 44 Her swutelab on bisse cristes b éc 13 iob an n

heefb geb oht gun n ilde burkilles dohter eet gode leofenab es lafe to healfan punde on

.ealles hiredes gew1tnysse.

crist hine ab lende be bis gewrit awende . 7 he b eefb hi

b eteeht criste 7 See petre for his moder sawle .

(8) 44 Her swutelab on byssere cristes b ée b Sebwi

hagg eet widecume heefb gedon fit his twegen sunu eett

eelfsige ab b ude on ealles hiredes gewitn esse.

(1 5) {4 Her swutelab on bisse cristes b éc 13 lifgib eet

forde is gefreod 7 hire twa cild for bon e b iscop iohan n

7 for ealne bon e hired on b ab on on eelfredes gewitnesse

aspan ia.

( 16) >14 Her swutelab on bisse cristes b oc be forewordan be be prior

2on b aban 7 ealle ba geb robran hab hab

gemaked wib seewi 7 wib beodgyfu his wif. b is b wehab b ab heom geun n en of godes healf 7 of 5 . mar . 7of sc

e petres 7 of ure ba b roberreedden e 7 ba b edreedden e for life 7 for debe geleend heom b land of beereStreet be ure wees b eore b us on to rymende ba b wile behi lib b eb . 7 hi us bar togen es gifeb 16 hi us hyrsumienwylleb 7 holde b eon mid eallan bam



b i magan 7cunn en 7 eefter b eore tweire deeie seewies 7 b eodgyfehi~

gyfeb b eore b us 7 b eore lan d 7 ure criste 7 sbe

petre to bam b me hi feegere un derfo 7 holdlice for

b eore sawla b eo . her is to gewitnesse osward preost

7 will . b e clerec 7 hugo be portgerefe 7 b eoring 7

leoffric 7 heabewulf 7 b urehhard 7 wylwi 7

geosfreei 7 mlfword be smib 7 edwi scredes sune 7rob b . be frenccisce. (T . p .


an imae suae super altare san cti petroci coram istis testib us . leofric prespiter. b udda prespiter. morhaybo pres

piter. deu i prespiter . hresmen diacon us. custen tin 1 laicus.

wurlowen 2 laycus. u t lib ertatem hab ean t cum semin esuo sin e fine. et maledictus sit qui fregerit han c lib ertatem .

9 . bes ys bees man n es name. b e byrhsie gefreode et

petrocys stowe byhstan hate 3 b lun tan sun u on eebelhide

giwitnyse hys agen wyf 7 on byrb 1s1ys meese preostes


on riol 7 myrmen 7 wun sie morheebbo 7 cyn sie priost .

In the Revue Celti que i . 332 if. these manumi ssion s were prin ted

from the MS . b y Mr. Whitley ‘

Stokes ; and b e analysed the Corn ishnames . The reader will be glad of a few illustration s from his hand .

1custen tin ,

“ b orrowed from Constan tinus . N ote the loss of the nin the first syllab le and the umlaut of the a in the second .

2 wurlowen,

“ lowen =W elSh leguen ( leguem’

d laetitia) now llawen .

j oyfu l .” The prefix wur is ex plain ed a few lines lower down .

3 = hatte, was called, is called.

Fo l . 7 b .

23 . wuenumon 7 hi re team moruiw hire swuster 7hire team 7


7 his team . wuarun gefreod her

on tun e. for eadryde cyn ige. 7 for eeb elgar .

2 b isc0p an

tb as hirydes gewitnesse b e her on tune syn dau .

24. Hoc est n omen illin s homin i s quem lib eravit

perem . pro an ima sua. gurien t .

3super altare san cti

petroci coram istis testibus. adelces presb iter. morhaedo

diaconus . gueedret . clericus . vale v1ve In Kim.

1 wurgustel. guetel is Welsh gwystl hostage ; O.H.G. gisal.1 ZEb elge[ard] W . S .

3 Gurien t Wurgen t. In thi s and [other ex amples] the gur war

is the inten sive prefix Gau lish ver Old Welsh guor gar-z Old

Breton uuor guor (Grammatica Celtica, ed . 2 ; 895 ,

Fo l . 8 a.

26. Q4 Marh gefreode leb elt 7 ealle hire team for


eadwig cyn inge on his agen reliquias 1 . 7 he hie het

leedan hider to myn stere 7 her gefreogian on petrocys

reliquias on thees hirydes gewitnesse.

27 . Her kyb on bissere b ee 13 eeilsig b ohte ann e

wifmann ongyn ebel hatte 7 hire sun u gyb iccael . mt

burcilde mid healfe punde aet beere cirican dura on

b odmine 7 scalde eeilsige portgereua et maccosse hun

dredes mann . iiii . pengas to tolle. ba ferde eeilsig to be

be menn b ohte 7 nam b ig 7 freode uppen petrocys

weofede eefre sacles. On gewittnesse bissa goderamanna13waes isaac messe preost. 7 b leb cuf

2 iii . p. 7 wun

mug m .p. 7 wulfger iii . f) . 7 grifiub3 fi

1 .p. 7 n oe m .p.

7 wurbicib m . p. 7 eelsig diacon . 7 maccos. 7 teb ion

modredis‘1sun u . 7 kyn ilm. 7 b eorlaf. 7 dirling 7 gratcant.

7 talan . 7 gif hwa bas freot ab reee heb b e him wib

criste gemen e. amen .

28 . Hoc est n omen illius mulieris codgiuo quaelib erata fuit pro an ima maccosi centurion is super altaresancti petroci in Vigilia adventus domin i istis testib usVidentib us b oia decanus . godricus fir. sewin us fir. eli

diaconus. wulgarus diaconus . godricus diaconus. elwin e

diaconus. edricus clericus . elwinus. elwerdus . sicteicus .

waso wulwerdus. et alii quamplurimi de b on is homin ib us. S i quis tam temerarius sit qui han c lib ertatemfregerit anathema sit a deo et ab angelis ejus. amen fiat .

1 I . e. relics which were the private property of the master. (Oliver. )1 b leb cuf. Better Bleyb cuf 1 29 b . Here we have a compound of

b ledk W. b laidd , Br . b lei z , wolf. In the Corn ish vocab u lary theword is written b lee


t, leg . b lei tk. The Old Breton names E ledio, B lee


bar a , F ou-b lez'

d con tain thi s word so in Liber Landavensis (OldWelsh)B ledud, B ledre


s , B ledbmf, B ledgar , Ar tie-b leed .

1grifiub . The common Welsh name G rifud, G raf ud

, anglicised

Grzfii th.

‘1 modredis . Sax on genitive of Corn ish M odred, Old Breton Mae



F ol . 8 b .

30. Her kyb on bissere b ec“

b aelfric eelfwines sunu

wolde beowian putraele him to nyd beowetlinge bacam putrael to b oia 7 b ed his fore spece to eelfrice his

b reb ere. ba sette b oia bas spece wib eelfrice. 13 wes 13

putrael scalde eelfrice viii ox a eet bere cirican dura eet

b odmin e. 7 gef b oia six tig penga for bere forspeece.

7 dide hin e sylfn e 7 his ofspreng eefre freols 7 saccles

fram bam deege,wib eelfrice 7 wib b oia 7 wib ealle

eelfwines cyld 7 heora ofspreng. on bissere gewittn isse.

isaac messe preost 7 wun n i ng p. 7 sewulf p. 7 godricdiacon . 7 cufure prauost. 7 wincuf. 7 wulfwerd. 7 gestin

thes b isceopes stiwerd. 7 artaca 7 kin ilm . 7 godric map.

7 wulfger. 7 ma godra manna.

Fo l . 12 9 b .

34. Heer eyb on bison b ée 13 eelwold gefreode hwatfifar hys sawle a peetrocysstow adegye 7 eefter degye. an

eelger ys gewittn isse 7 gotric 7 wallob 7 gryfyib 7b leyb cuf7 salaman . 7 heb b e he godes curs 7 sbs . petrocus 7 eealle welkyn es seas. be b b rece b ee ydon ys .

amen .

F o l . 13 7 a.

36. Wulfsie episccpus lib eravit aedoc filiam catgustel

pro an ima sua et eadgari regis super altare san cti petroci cyngelt et magn us et sulmeab

1. et iustus et

rumun et wengor et luncen et fuandrec et wen

deern 1. et wurb ylic

3. et eengor et in isian et b ren ci

et onwean et rinduran et lywci .

1 “ The su l here and in [other Cornish names in these entries] constantly occurs in Old Breton names [ex amples given ] . It probab lymeans ‘


(Welsh, Corn ish , and Breton sul borrowed from Latin

I do n ot see why borrowed.


settlemen ts on other estates, and their intermarriages withgebdras of other man ors


>I4 Dudda wees gebur in to Heeb felda 7 he heefde breodohtor an hatte Deorwyn Ob er Deorswyb briddeGolde 7 W ullafon Heeb felda b eefb Deorwynn e to wife

7 zElfstan eet Taeccingawyrb e b eefb Deorswyb e to wife

7 Ealhsten fElfstanes b rob ar b eefb Golden to wife .

B wite hatte wees b eocere in to Heeb felda 7 Tate hattehis dohtor weesW ulfsiges modor scyttan 7 Lulle hatteWulfsiges sweostar Hehstan b eefb to wife on W ealaden e.

Wifus 7 Dunn e 7 S eoloce syndau in byrde to Heeb felda.

Duding hatte W ifuse sunu sit on W ealaden e 7 Ceol'mun d hatte Dunnan sunu sit eac on Wealaden e. 7ZEb eleah hatte Seolecan sun u Sit eac on W ealaden e 7

Tate hatte Cenwaldes sweostor M esg heefb to wife on

W eligun 7 Ealdelm Hereb ryb e sunu heefb Tatendohtor to wife . W eerlaf hatte Weerstan es feeder wees

riht eeht to Heeb felda heold b a gresgen swyn .

>X4 Brada hatte wees geb ur to Heeb felda 7 Hwite

hatte bees Bradan wifwas gebures dohtor to Heebfelda

seo Hwite wees W eerstan es 7 W eerb ryb e 7 Wyn b urge

bridde modor. 7 se Weerstan sit eet Wadtune heefb

W in n es sweostor to wife 7 W ine heefb W eerb ryb e‘ to

wife. 7 Dun n e seet on Wadtun e wees inbyrde to Heeb felda

7 Deorwyn hatte hire dohtor b eefb Cyn ewald on Mundden e to wife 7 Deornab hatte hire b rob ar b ib mid

Cyn ewalde. 7 Dudde hatte W ifuse dohtor S it eet

VVilmundeslea. Cyn elm hatte Cenwaldes feeder wees

geb ur in to Heeb felda 7 Manna hatte Cenwaldes sunu

sit aet Wadtun e un der Eadwolde.

>I4 Buhe hatte wees Dryhtlafes moddrige wees afaren

ut ofHeeb felda in to Eslingeden e 7 fiEbelwyn 7 Eadugu

7 IEbelgyb heo weeran b reo gesweostra 7rI

‘ilewine 7


Duda wa rou eelle beere Buge b earn 7 Ealhsten Tilewin e sunu 7W ulfsigeEaduge sun u 7 CeolemJEbelgyb e

sunu 7 Ceolstan 7 Manwine. pis eyn com ofFeldaDeorulfCyn eburhe sun u 7 his twa sweostar 7 Cyn ric

eet Cleefring heora eam. pas men syn d Tatan megas eetHeeb felda b ees geb ures.

1 These geb firas“ boors were the agricultural population of the

man or, who tilled it and paid rent in produce, in mon ey, and in work.

They were serfs, adscrip ti g lebce, and the lord had a proprietary in terestin them, which gives the motive of this record . The Hatfield serfs

had relations at Datchwortb , Walden , Welwyn , Watton,Munden ,

Wymondley, Essenden . The memorandum appears to be of the 1 1 th

cen tury. Mr. Seeb ohm identifies these gebures (as a class) with the

villani of the same places in Domesday. E ng lish Vi llage Commun ity ,

p . 1 39 . He adds that on some manors the pedigrees of villan i or nativiwere kept even after the Black Death.


THI S Group comprises documents which are preserved inS ingle parchments as the primary records are ; b ut whi ch,

un like those, are n ot con temporaneous with the date assigned

to the transaction ; and yet, on the other hand, probab lynot later than the eleventh century.

C o tt. Aug . ii . 8 6 . A . D . 680.

E 1 8 .

B . iv. 2 .

C eed u al la

king ofWessex , granting land to bp. Wilfrid at Pecganham

and places adjacen t -on e of the Signataries being Aldhelm,

who had the charge of drafting and getting the documen t

e tten .

44 IN nomine saluatoris a ib u x p1 N ihil intulimusin hun c mun dum uerum n ee enferre quid poterimusidcirco terrenis et caducis aeterna et ceelestia supernee

patriae premia mercanda sun t Q uapropter ego ceedualla

dispon en te diio rex rogatus a uen erando uuilfrido aspisCopo ut S ib i aliquantulam terram ad sufi


ragium uitae suae

suorum qui secum conuersaren tur et in diuin o

serui tio huius peregrinetion is quzi'

. uir uen erandus diutius

peregit pro relax ation e cr1m1nu et perpetui premii re

ceptaculo largiri dign arer cuius precib us an nuen s

terrenam S ib i possessiunculam de que sugerere uidebatur

pro remedio an imemeae lib enter inpendi et han c liberteté' sub estimation e lx x trib uteriorum tax auimus in

illo loco qui dicitur pecgan ham aliisque locis circumqueque adiacen tibus hoc est scrippan eg ceorla tun

b ucgan ora b eorgen stede n orth b eorgen stede crymes


hem se n orthra mundan ham other mundan b em et

haec omn ia uen erab ili u iro uuilfrido cum con sen su et

deuota confirmation e ecgualdi sub reguli in potestatemproprie domination is pro sue n imis scitatis con uersa

tion e et n roa peccatorum relax ation e redigimus in

super addidimus ffibus suis do seruien tibus ad ecclesiam

SCI an dree super ripam positam o rien talé portus qui

dicitur uedring mutha '

tram quee dicitur, tang mere

x trib uteriorum ut eis q uamdiu fides catholica regn ethinc n ecessaria corporalis usus specialiter preb eantur

S i quis ucro quod ab sit contra heec(decreta firmiter

statute con traire et ea soluere conatus fuerit n ouerit Sé

an te trib un al ex ami n l s x p1 ration em redditurum et

hab ere partem cum iuda traditore dfii a ib u x iii in

infern o inferiore Haec sun t territorie ad pecgan ham

pertin en tia primit9ab occidente uedring mutha per

illum portum ad locum qui dicitur ho lan horan fieot et

sic ducitur in leng port inde ad aquilonem to un n inglande sic ad orien tem on fisot super illud quod diciturinufes ford inde in locum qui dicitur cynges uuic et

sic ad locum qui dr langan erse in de on lox an leageet sic in locum qui dr heb b es ham inde in pon tem thelb ryeg et sic ad aquilonem iux ta palustria loea super

haec ad locum qui dr hylsan seohtra et sic ad orien tem inuueermundes hamm hin c in uuadan b laeu ab illo 1000in fisc mere et Sic in b ryn es fieot sicque dirigitur in

mere Sed et hi sun t termin i pertin en tes ad tang mere

primitus of hleap mere per uiam puplicam ad terram

hean tun en sem ad angulfi circienum ide in locum horse

geheeg et sic ub i dr b een erse hin c ad eelrithe ab

ipso riuo ad frax inu unum et sic ad locum cealc mere

hin c ad headan screef ab illo loco to lulen treouue et

sic in tatan ham sic ad rise mere ab illo loco to b leep


sium sed etiam in circuitu populorum quibus me diuinadispensatio Sine meritorum suffragio preesse uoluit

uen erab ili seruo di ean b erhttae ab bati agrum .x . cassatorum in domin ium Xpl ecclesiae pro redemptione an imae

mcae et pro ex piatione facin orum meorum lib en ter

con ceden s largior est autem terra illa iux ta siluam

quam dicunt toccan sceaga hab en s in prox imo tumulum

qui hab et n omen reada b eorg .

Endorsed,‘reada beorg.

’B .

C o tt. Aug . ii . 8 7 . 2 6 Jul y , 8 05 .

K 190. B . ii . 8 .

C u t h r ed

king ofKen t, with licen ce ofCenulfking ofMercia, conveysland to Abp .Wulfred. Mr. Bond says the writing is


later,and retouched.

44 ANNO ab incarnatione dm a ib u x PI decc°u° in

diction e x iii ego cub red rex can tiae cum licen tia coenulfi regis merciae octab o ann o regn i mei a do ocessi

wulfredo seden ti in archiepiscopatus solio duorum ara

trorum terrae in p'

petuum donaho est itaq : terra illa con

posita in occiden tali parte x u manentium quae dieun turb ocholt hec duo aratra supra bdicte a quib zdam campus

armen torum id est hrib ra leah appellan tur hoc lfmodoquasi pro conparation e in fitio x x x man cusarum illi han c

fin ominatam terram tradere curab o ut commun em silbam

secun dum an tiquam eon suetudinem cum ceteris b omin ib us ab eat potestas quoq : ipsi detur ut in lib ertate terramb ehcet quamdiu uiuat 7 postea cuicumq : hominum

uoluerit in aeternam lib ertatem derelinquat si quis han clargit


onem illi augeat augeatur illi a do u ita Si quisdemin


erit quod ab sid deminuetur sib i gloria in x'


n isi satisfacsione emendauerit


huius confirmation is signa in celeb errimo loco hacleahn ominato ex pon un tur in uii ° 3 8 ° kas agustus die sab b ati

quo tran sfiguratus est x bs

44 ego coen uulf rex mere con sensi et sub scri 44 ald

uulf ep1s 44 werenb erht ep1s 44 deneb erht ep1s

44 eaduulf epi'

S 44 wulfhard ep1s 44 alhheard ep1s

44 tidferb epi s 44 osmund epi s 44 wiohthun epl s

44 wig[b e]rht epiS 44 alhmund ep1s 44 bernmod

ep1s 44 abh 44 ab 44 wern ob ab

44 dudan ab 44 feolageld ab 44 ego cub red Tex’

can tiee OS 7 sub 44 heab erht dux 44 b eorn n ob dux

44 cyn ehelm dux 44 tiduulf dux 44 wicgga dux

44 ceolward dux 44 ceolberht dux 44 dyune dux

44 wighard dux 44 byrnwald dux 44 heardb erht

comes 44 cub red pf.

E ndorsed in a hand of the 1 0th cen tury ,


to whi ch

i s added i n a hand of the l eth cen tury,‘duorum aratrorum Cub red

rex cantiee VVluredo archiepiscopo pro x x x marcis auri .’ ‘ latine .

B .

Smith ’s B eda, p . 7 6 8 . A .D . 8 2 5 .

B ickes Diss . E p . p . 8 0.

E 219 . T . p . 7 0.

B e o r n u u l f

king of the Mercian s,sate in coun cil at Clovesho . There was

a very great suit con cern ing the swin e-pasture at Sutton . It

appears to have b een an action in the n ature ofan appeal, asthe American legist has ob served. The Bishop ofW orcesterappeals from a decision of the Swangerefan , who were Com

mission ers ofW o ods and Forests,on the ground that they

had disregarded the old estab lished rights of his conven t .

TheW itan allowed him and his chapter to take the oath,

which was admi n istered at Worcester,and ofwhich Heme

the Swangerefa of Sutton was an eye-witness ; and so the


b ishop’

s claim was estab lished. A b ad copy ofa rare piece.

N othing seems n ow to b e kn own of the original, whichB ickes describ ed as charta autographe S omersiana.

44 IN n omin e trin o diuin o qu i est deus b enedictus insaecula. Amen . by gere b e wes from cristes gebyrde

agan eahta hund win tra and x x v and SIO eefterre in

dictio wa s in rime and wees b iornwulfes ri ce merena

cyn inges 155. wees sion ob lic gemfit on b a re mé ran stfiwe'

b e mon hateb clofeshoas and b eer se siolfa cyn ing b iorn

wulf 0nd his b iscopes 0nd his aldormen n ond alle b ewioton b isse b ifide b e'er gesomnade we


éron bawees tiolomicel sprec ymb wuduleswe tO Sfib tfine ongeegum weston scyrhylte

1 waldon b a swangeréfan b e leeswe forb ur

gedrifan 0nd b on e wudu gebiogen1 b on hit aldgeryhto

wéron b on cua b se b iscop and b are hina wiotan b et hi6him n éren mei ran ondeta b on hit araded wa s on Aeb el

b eldes deege b rim hun de swi na messt ond se b iscop b e

tugen 3ahten twade b ees wuda 0nd b ees meestes . b ei


éhte uulfred arceb iscop 0nd alle b a wiotan b et se

b isc0p 0nd b a b igen mfisten mid ab e gecyb an b et hit

suaware are'

eden on Aeb elb eldes deege 0nd him mare tO

n e sfihte on d he b e son a se b iscop b eweddade eadwulfe

b e’

ém aldormen b ees ab a s b iforan allum b e'

ém wiotum

0nd him mon b on e geladde ymb x x x n eehta tO b aem

b isc0pstole et wiogoerna ceastre in b e tiid wa s bama

suangeréfa t6 sfib tfine 0nd he rad b eet he wa s et ceastreand b on e aab geseeh 0nd gesceawade suahin e his aldormon héht eadwulf ond he b in e hweb re n e gré tte. Hii

sun t n omina et uocab ula qui in syn odali con cilio fueruntcongregati.

44 S ignum men us Biornwulfi regis M erciorum . 44

W ulfred arehiepiscoPus con sensi han c condition em.

44 Oeb elwald episccpus con sen si. 44 Hreeb hun episco


domin icein carnation is .dcccx x x uiii . indictione .i . Ego

ecgb earhtus rex cum con sen su dilectissimi filii n r1 eb elwulfi regis dab o deb otissimo episcopo meo b eornmodo

aliquam terre partem iuris mei quattuor aratrorum in

loco que dicitur sn odding lan d 7 et holan b eorge ut

b ehcet et possideat et cuicumque uo luerit relinquat ita

ut predicta terra Sit liuere ab omn i regali serb itia.

4 scripta est hec cartula in b ica regali que dicitur

freric b urne is testib us con sen tien tibus et sub scrib en tib us

quorum infra n omina ten entur et un am molinam in

torren te qui dicitur holen b eorges b urne et in mon teregis qu


n quagin ta cerrab as lingn orum adiectis quattuor denb eris hweton stede b eah den hese helmanhyrst4 Egcb erht rex . 4 eb eluulf rex . 4 Cialn ob

arhi ebe 4 b eornmod epsc . 44 ealhstan epsc .

4 eadhun epsc . 4 Cynred epsc . 4 Ceolb eorht

epsc . 4 uulfheard dux . 4 eb eluulfdux . 4 eanulf

dux . 4 hereb earht dux . 4 eb eluulf dux . 4 eb elb eerd

et in orien te ciuitatis hroui u num uiculum.

E ndorsed in a hand of the l o th century, 44 snodinglandes b oc

iiii aratrorum and in a hand of the l gth cen tury, Rex Ethelb rich

dedi t b eormodo Episcopo sn odiland et Holeberg.

’B .

C otton Charter vii i . 3 2 . A .D . 8 62 .

K 2 8 7 .

B . ii . 3 6 .

E th el b erh t

rex occiden talifi sax’

seu cent’ —to his thane Dryhtwald ten

ploughlands at Bromley with ex emption from all b ut the

three inevitab le b urden s. Mr. Bond characterizes the wr1t1ng



as a‘ later imitation . See ab ove, Primary Documents,

A .D. 9 8 7 .p . 2 09 , perhaps the true document after which

this has b een fab ricated.

HZEC sun t etH termin i bdicti agelli c1reu Iacen tie

An n orb an fra'

ceddan leage to langan leage b romleaginge meare 7 liofshema b en n e fram langan leage tob arn w6n stocee 1 b an n e fram b em w6n stocee b e modinga

heme mcaree to cin ta stiogole b an ne fram cin ta stiogole

b e modinga heme mcaree to earnes b earne b an ne fram

earn es b earne cregsetn e hage an eesthalfe seed hit to

liowsan dene b en ne frem liowsan dene to swelgende

b an n e fram swelgende cregsetne b ega to siox slihtre

b ann e fram siox slihtre to fearnb iorginga mearce fearn

b iorginge meare b it seed to cysten inge mearcecystan inga

meare b it sced sub an toweard setle b enn e fremweard

setle cysten inga meare to wichama mearce b ann e sio

west meare b e wichema mearceut to b ipplestyda b an n e

frem b ipplestyde, to acustyde to b ioha‘


hema mearcefram acustyde to ceddan leageb an n e b elimpob b er to b em londe fif den n an an ut

walde b roccesb am b es den nes n ame b es ob res den n esn ame ? sa nget b ryg !b illan ore is b es b riddan name

b ann e twe den n an gleppan felda; actum hec mee

donatio ann o bscripta in loco que dr willherestrio coram

his testib : qui haec osen tien tes sub scripserun t quorn b icn omin e infra ten en ti‘adscripta z—an no domin ice in carna'


.dccclx n .

E ndorsed in a hand of the 1 5th cen tury,

‘ b romlegh Ethelberth7

rex . B .

1 w6n stocce. The wdnstoc Mr. Kemb le had n o hesitation in trans

lating Woden’

s post .

’S ax ons, bk. i, c . 2 , p . 5 2 , n ote.


H arley Charter 4 3 C . 1 . A .D. 9 09 .

B . iv. 10.

E adw ear d t h e E l d e r

praising written records,and saying that at the time of his

division of the diocese ofW in chester he was asked by bp.

Frib estan to renew the title-deeds Of the church for the

lands given by successive kings and especially that privilegewhereby the land ab out the city, estimated at 1 00 man sa or

more , was to b e assessed as on e Man se on ly. The lands thatbp . Denewulf so freely leased out are to return to the church,b ut the king may retain for his day those which Den ewulf

leased to him . This piece is of a type repeatedly occurringin Cod. Winton ; such are K 1 090 , 1 09 2 , 1 093 , 1 094, 1 095 ,1 096.

HZEC cartula scripta ert an n o dominé’ in cernaidccccviiii in dict x ii his limitib : b oc rus undiq : cir

cfidatur et in tre amb itum suu multas uilles complec

titur quaru n omine in colis liquido clareseunt b n ut

scillinc tamen et ceolb olding tfin quae due uilla con

tiguee n on sun t c man en tifi quan titatem pficien tes

indumen tis cleri deseruien tes n on his limitib ; set <ppriis

et ratis termin is amb iun tur4 ZErest on icenan eet b romb rigce up 7 lang weges to

hlidgeete ban on 7 lang slades to b ean stede 13 b e b egan

to seerneegles forde 13 up b e swa b elinge to sugeb roceb a t forb b e mcaree to cules felda forb b e gehrihtfi gemeere to stodleage swa to ticn es felda 13 to meercden e

swe to tappeleege swa forb to scipleage 13 to b redanersce swa to ba re ealdan cwealmstéwe 13 forb b e

deopan delle b b e craweleainga mcaree to bacegeateforb b e mearce to b a rn ealdan falde swan orb 7 cast tohearpab e e b e hearpab e to heafod stoccu Swa b e hideb urn inga gemeere on icenan 13 fip b e streame 13 swa

wib easton wordige bonan b e rihtre mcaree to b aem


o n ane die 7 lang dices on drygeen b ré c beet swe

7 lang dices on meerwelle b ré c 7 lang b roces on ma r

welle of meerwelle on ba t heafod long on gerihte to

stra t bonn e east 7 lang stra te Ob ba ra Stra ta gela to

b[on ]en rihte n orb on dlong weges 0b be heafdo b on ma r

weg 7 lo ng meer weges 13 c’

mb utan ceorla graf on fost

b ré c of fost b rOce'

ou bone hlib weg 7 long weges on

hin a gema ro 7 long hina gema res on be b lyden 13 of

beer b lyden on be stan b ricge 7 long healb tun es gema res ou rise den e ba t of rise dene on gerihte on beet

briex of ba'

briex e on be Street 7 long straete on holanb ré c 7 long b roces on herpab ford on tame 7 long tame

13 eft on hrybera ford Haec certe scripta é’

an n o dn i ceincarnation is dcccclvi indiction e x iiii.

E ndorsed in a con temp orary han d,‘

bis is seo leub oe to cubenesdune to ban twen tigan hidan be Eadwig eyn e geb ocede a lfhere his

ealdormen on ece yrfe and i n one of the 1 2 th cen tury,


certa de codesdona.

B .

D . an d C . W estm . A .D . 9 62 .

S . ii . 6 .

E ad gar

granting land at Sunb ury to his kin smen JElfheh.



Sanders says it is n o t in K . n or T . ,n or mentioned by

Wan ley. Compare p . 2 03 ab ove.

12 ALTITHRONO in aeternum regnan te un iuersis SOpb iee

Studium in ten to men tis conamin e sedulo riman tib us

liquido patescit quod huius uitae periculis n imio ingruen tib us terrore recidiui terminus cosmi appropinquaredin oscitur ut ueridica christi promulgat sen ten tia quedicit. S urget gen s con tra gen tem et regn um aduersus

regnum et relique . Quam ob rem ego EADGAR totius


b rittann ia basileus quandem ruris particulam decemu idelicet cassatos loco qui celeb ri eet SUNNANBYRIG n un

cupatur uocab ulo propinquo meo mihi oppido fideli qui

ab huiusce patriee gnOsticis ZELFHEH appellatur uocab ulo

pro ob sequio eius deuotissimo perpetue largitus sum

hereditate ut ipse uite comite cum omn ib us uten silibus

pratis u idelicet pascuis siluis uoti compos b ehcet et po st

u ita sua termin um quib uscumque uoluerit cleron omis

inmunem derelin quat. S it autem predictum rus omn iterrene seruitutis ingo lib erum trib us ex ceptis rate uide

licet expeditione pon tis arcisue restauration e. S iquis

igitur b an e n ostram donationem in aliud quam con stituimus tran sferre uoluerit priuatus con sortio san cta dei

ecclesia a tern is b arathri incendiis lugub ris iug iter cum

iuda christi proditore eiusque complicib us pun iatur si

n on satisfaction e emendauerit congrue quod con tran ostrum deliquid decretum. His metis prefatum rus

hin c inde giretur.

Dis S indon be land gema ro to sun n en byrig . jErest

on sun nan byg1ben on endleng streames on cruden scyp

steal benon ofer b e meede on eclesb roc 7 lang b roces onb e mearcdic 7 lang dices on hwa te den e n orb eweardre of

hwa te den e on be ob re mearcdic ylang dices on co tteshyrste westewearde ofcottes hyrste on riscmere of risemere on eadb ryhtes b law of bem hlawe on bon e ellenstub b on on on mearcwill ofmearcwille on duddes hyre of

duddes byre on bon e clofenan b eorh of bem b eorhge on

sun nan hyg1

7 her hyrb to tynn gyrda of ba re madeto halgan forde 7 eelce geare in to sunnan byrig of b urh

wuda fiftig fob ra wudes 7 fiftig swina ma sten .

An no domin iceincarnation is DCCCCLXII scripta est

haec certa his testibus con sen tien tib us quorum inferiusn omina n otan tur.


44 Ego eadgar rex anglorum con cessi . 4 Ego

dun stan archiepisc0pus corrob oraui. 4 Ego oscytel

archiepiSCOpus eonfirmeui. 4 Ego osulfepiscopus con

solidaui. 4 Ego byrhtelm episcopus acqu1em . 44 Ego

o swold episcopus confirmeui . 4 Ego abelwold ab b as .

44 Ego a lfhere dux . 4 Ego a lfheah dux . 44 Ego

abelstan dux . 4 Ego abelpold dux . 4 Ego b eorht

n ob dux . 4 Ego byrhtferb min ister. 4 Ego a lfwine

m in ister. 4 Ego abelsige min ister. 4 Ego wulfhelmmin ister. 4 Ego eebelwin e min ister. 4 Ego eelfsige

m in ister.

1Q u . error for byrg ?

H arley Charter 43 C . 5 . A . D . 9 66 .

B . i1i . 2 7 .

E ad gar

gran ts I o cassati at N iwenham to a n ob le matron ofhis own

kin que ab istius patria gn osticis eleganti E LFGIFV . apelletur uocamin e.

pIs sin t be gema ru to n iwanhamme Catten ege in ton iwanham ofbem heebnen b irigelsen up 7 lang dic in nanma r wege up 7 lang meer wege beet up on weerddune

ba r ba t cristel ma l stod of ben up on be reeden slo ob

beere ealdan byrig ofba re reeden slo on beet crundel ba rSe hage utligeb. Of ban erundelle in nan mid slade

7 lang mid sla des on be gragan b ane of beere graganhan e 7 lang hearpden e on ceelfe leage n eobeweerde of

ceelfe leage ab e hagen 7 b e ban ealdan wege in on 13

b ec sibben 7 lang b eces on tamese 7 lang ea on cattanege.

E ndorsed i n large letters, 44 b is is b ara x hida land b oc a t

n iwanham be cadger cyn ing gebocode aelfgife his magan on eceyrfe.

B .


infra carax ata fore uiden tur . Dis ys seo landsceru ~ totrefwurab o eerest a t pollicerr ba n ne b e beere die and

leng weges bonn e ofbem wege bon n e on be lytlan die on

east healfe weges to poll ha scen adun e b e bem b roce toryt cendeurion bon ne b e bem b roce to earn n ib b ran todeumeen coruan ben on 7 lang weges to crucdreenoc

ben on to carrecwyn n 7 eft ben on to pollicerr. Dis is seo

lendscaru to trefueloc serest to beere die bonn e fram diceadun to bem b roce of bem b roce to crouswrach 7 langweges on be die ben on to meyn b ib to cruc mur ben onto earn wlicet 7 lang beere to bem b roce benon 7 langstremes ob tuow wa ter eft b e beere die. Dis is seo lan dsceru to crucwa b a rest eet n an t b uorb tel 7 lang stremes

ob lenb run n ban an to cestelmerit ben on west to wucou

gen idor west andlang dic ob b roc ben on to foutoumorgeonec ben on adun e to b roce beer hit a t fruman

wa s . Dis lendgema ro to trefdewig eerest aet

pen nhal megler sub to bem wege benon to bem fordeOngerihte to erliwet ben on forb 7 lang stremes to lyneen in ben on up to penhal meglar.

4 Ego eadweard rex anglorum b oc donum cum

triumpho agie sen ete crucis. 4 Ego dun stanus archi

presul confirmaui . 4 Ego a b elwoldus episcopus con

testor . Ego aelfstan us episccpus en n ui . Ego wulfsige

episccpus condictaui et sub scripsi. 4 Ego a lfiere dux .

4 Ego a b elwyne dux . Ego b ryhtn ob

dux . Ego leofwine dux . Ego a lfweard min ister testor:Ego a lfsige min ister testor. Ego leofwyn n e min istertestor. Ego b ryhtma r min ister testor. Ego a lfgar

min ister testor.

Quisquis igitur hoc n ostrum donum con seruare imo

augere inhianter desidereuerit ampliuicetur dies Illius

at post ob itum transire mercatur feliciter ed regna


polorum . S in autem quod ab sit et deum et semetipsum Ob liuiscendo aliquis motere temptauerit an athemasit et dies illias n on dimidiauei‘it et gloriam dei cum

cho ris angelorum n equequam uideet in term uiuen tium .

1 Read corporea . These three hex ameters occur again K I 29 7 .

C o tt. Aug . ii . 9 0. A .D . 103 9 .

K 7 5 8 . T . p . 3 3 8 .

B . iv. 20.

H ar o l d

surnamed Harefoot,lay grievously sick in Ox ford, n ot ex

pecting to li ve , and b ishop Lyfing from Devon shire was wi thhim . A deputation arrived from Christchurch (Can terbury) ,to represen t to the king that certain dues at Sandwich had

b een seiz ed in the king’

s n ame and kept two years from the

b rotherhood. On hearing this, the king changed colour,and

swore that it was not his do ing : an d so it came to light thatthe whole thing was a plot b etween zE lfstan the ab b ot of

S t . Augustine’

s and those who acted for the king.

The narrative is well told, and the man uscript is good ;but n ot contemporaneous.

On the date Mr . Freeman says Mr. Kemb le dates thedocument in 1 03 8 , b ut it is clear that it must, as S ir Hen ryEllis says, b elong to 1 03 9 , or perhaps to the b eginn ing of

N orman Conquest, i. 563 , n ote .

HER kyb on bison gewrite 13 harold king let heridansandwic of Xpes cyrcean him Sylfan to handa 7 heefde

hit him wel n eh twelf monab 7 twegen ha ri‘n ’


timan swa beah fullice eall ongean godes willen

7 agen celra bara halgena be restab inn on Xpes cyrcean

swa Swa hit him Syb b an sorhlice ba rafter agiode

7 emanc bisan S iben sib e 1 wearb a lfstan abb a t Site A

7 b egeat mid his smeh wren cen 7 mid his golde 7seolfre eall dyrn un


ga eet steorran be be wa s ba s


kinges rades men u 13 hi'

gewearb se bridde pen ig of

ba re toln e on sandwic be geradde eadsige arceb be he

bis wiste 7 cell se hired a t xfi es cyrc”

: b etweonan heom

13 man sen de a lfger mun uc of x bes ci'

to b arolde

kingce 7 wa s se king be b innan ox ena forde swybe

geseocled swe b b e lag orwen e his lifes be wa s

lyfingc b ofdefenen scire mid bem kin cge 7 ban credmunuc mid him be com cristes eyre sen d to pa b

7 he forb be to bem kin cge 7 a lfgar mun uc mid hi

7 o swerd a t hergerdes hfi. 7 ban cred 7 sadon bi kinge

13 he ha fde swyb e agy’

rlt wib crist b b e a fre sceolde

n iman a n ig bing of Xpes eyre be his foragengceondydon bider in n sadon bfi, kinge be emb e sandwic 13b it wa s hi to han da geriden be lag se king 7 eswear

tode eall mid bare sage 7 swor sybben under goda lmihtin e 7 un der ealle helgan berto 13 hit n afre n a s

na his rad na his dad 13 man sceolde afre sandwic don

ut ofx pes eyre be wa s sob lice gesyne 13 b it was ob reman na gbeaht na s na heroldes kinges 7 sob lice a lf

sten es ab b odes rad wa s mid paman n en be hit of x pes


ut gera ddon be sende harold king a lfgar munuo

agen to bei arceb eadsige 7 to eallon x pes eyre mun ecan

7 grette b ig ealle godes gretin cge 7 his 7 b et‘


b ig

sceoldan hab ban sandwic in to x pes cyrc swe full 7swa forb swa b ig hit afre hafdon on a n ies kinges dage

ge on gafole ge on streame go on stran de ge on

witan ge on eallon pa: bingen be hit afre a n ig kingfyr


est hafde a t foren hi be a lfstan ab b bis of

ex ode be com he to eadsige arceb 7 b ad hin e fultumes

to be’

i hirode emb e bon e briddan pen ig 7 hi b egen be

to eellon geb robran 7 b a don bone hired 13 a lfstan eb b

moste b eon ba s briddan pen iges wurb e of ba re tolne

7 gyfan bit hirede x 13d ac by forwyrndon heom


D . an d C . E x on . A .D . 105 9 .

8 . ii . E x . 14 .

E adw ear d

granting to bp. Aldred land in Cornwall. N ot in K . or T .

See ab ove p. 2 95 .

4 CUM diuine maiestatis poten tia secun dum uelle

crearet omn ia homin isque speciem ed suam crearet

imagin em in uidus omn ium b onorum succin ctus fraudemalorum ipsius homin is esse sui; malign itatis pen itus

deprauauit posse. S ed misericors condolens fragilitati

se ipsum sub egit humen itati quatenus futurorum pre

scius lib eraret per semetipsum quod ipse omn ium ma

lorum radix illex it ad in teritum . Huius rei memores

n os n ostrique con similes ci persoluemus gratias ut

oportet perpetues qui n os lib ertati dedit et saluti .Un de dignum ducimus de b on is temporalib us que con

cessit dominus uite sufi'

regari uen iamque mereri sic

diuiden tes tran sitoria ut dum defecerimus recipiamur

in etern a tab ernacule quum velud umb ra que modouiden tur tran sib un t omn ia. Q ua propter ego EADWEARD

rex anglorum eorumque confin ium n utu dei con

pun ctus totiusque regn i monarchia fun ctus Optimatum con silio cuidam fideli meo episcopo n omin e aldredo

quandem partem telluris trado id est trefwurab o et

trefueloc trefgrueb et trefdewig cum omn ib us ed se

rite pertin en tib us campis siluis pratis piscarn sque

lib eram ab omn i regali cen su ex cepta ex pedition e


mun imine eo ten ore ut perpetue possideathereditate dumque un iuerse cern is uiam in trauerit

cuicumque lib eat perpetuo possidendam relin q uat.

Acta est autem hec donatio an n o millesimo lviiii ab

incarnation e domin i indictione x ii epacte x v his


testibus con sen tientib us quorum n omina in fra sun t pren otate bis is see landscaru to trefwurab o a rest eet

pollcerr b en n e b e ba re die 7 lang weges bon n e ofbemwege on b e lytlan dic on easthalfe weges to poll ha scenadun c b e bem b roce to ryt cendeurion bon n e b e b em

b roce to earn nybb ran to deuman coruan benon 7 langweges to crucdra n oc benon to carrec Wynn 7 eft b en on


pollcerr. pis Se landscaru to trefueloc a rest to ba redic bon ne fram dice adunc to b em b roce of b em b roceto crouswrach 7 lang weges on b e die ben on to mainb iw to crucmur ben on to carnwlicet 7 lang b a re tob an b roce b en on 7 lang stremes ob tuow weter eft b e

b a re die. 1915 is seo land sceru to crucwab a rest a t

n an t b uorb tel 7 lang stremes Ob lenb run benon tocestel merit ben on west to wucow gen ib or west 7langdic ob b roc ben on to fon ton morgeonec ben onadun c to b roce b a r hit a t fruman wa s . pis is seO

landscaru to trefdawig a rest eet penheel meglar sub to

bem wege ben on to b em forde o ngerib te to erliwet

ben on forb 7 lang stremes to lyncen in b en on up to

penhal megler .

4 Ego EADWEARD rex anglorum han c donationemcum triumpho agie crucis impressi . Ego S tigendus

archiepiSCOpus christi ecclesie conforteui . Ego Kyn

sin us arChiepiscOpus eb oracen sis ecclesiecon sen si . Ego

Leofricus episccpus ex on iensis ecclesie confirmeui et

sub scripsi.

. Ego Dodica episcopus assen sum preb ui.

Ego Alfwoldus episcopus testis fui. Ego E lfwinus ab bas

con solidaui . Ego n eln ob us abbas corrob oraui . Ego

Haraldus dux . Ego ZElfgar dux . Ego Tostig dux .

Ego Leofwin e dux . Ego Gerb dux . Ego Byrhtricus

n ob ilis . Ego dodda min ister. Ego ordulf min ister.

Ego a lfric min ister. Ego eeglward min ister. Ego


Leofn ob min ister. Ego Wulfn ob min ister. Ego Leofwin e min ister. Ego Eadma r min ister.

Huius ucro predii donationem optamus et uolumus

esse perpetuam et omn i contradictione securam n equechristianum Se fateatur q ui earn infringere con etur



Si quis in hoc con sen serit quod ab sit pen erum ultio

n ibus S it ab istis testibus tamdiu addictus quo edusque

per ignem uren tem deb iti huius persoluat n ouissimum


The Latin of thi s deed is in a sort of rude rhymes.

D . an d C . W estm . A .D . 105 1—106 5 .

S ii . W estm . 10.

B e dw ar d

hiswrit toWilliam bp. London , &ci confirming to St. Peter’


Westm. the estate of Stain es, and e vill in London named

after the said estate.

44 EADWARD kin cg grettWillelm b iscop 7 Haro ld eorl

7 Esgar S tealre 7 eallemine begues 7 min e holde freondOn middelsex an l freondlice. Ic kybe eow b icc wille

7 ice arm 13 See Peter 7 be geb rob ra on westmyn stre

hab b en to heora b ileofan 13 cotlif stan a mid bem landesta n inga haga wib inn on lundon e 7 fif7 brittig hidasokn e ba r t6 mid eellfi


i cc hab b e for

minre sawle elesednysse in to ba re halgan stowwe

gegyfan 7 a lce ba re binge be beer tfi mid rihte ge

hyrab On cyrcan 7 on mylnen on wuda 7 on feldenon leese 7 o n b a b e on madfi 7 on é itfi on wa terfi 7

on weru 7 on eelli’

i bingu Swa full 7 swa forb swa byon ealdfi timan in to stana sokn e geléd wa ron Ob b e

me selfen fyrmest on handa Stodan . And ice ann heom


tiam judicum pra sten tissimorum,id velim scias, clarissimum

Hickesium Chertularium hoc inter pretiosissima regn i monu

mente numerasse.

For some few of the deeds in thisRegister we have an older authority, namely, Cott. Nero

E . I,which Kemb le assign s to A .D . 1 000 . In t hese Registers

Ofthe 1 1 th century the vast b ulk is genuine, and some speci

men s have b een admitted into Part I . But artificial fab rication is already at work ; and these early collection s

,b eing

of kn own dates,afford us some valuab le indication s for

diplomatic criticism .

C ott . T ib . A . x i ii . fi'

. 15 an d 167 . A .D .

-7 17—7 43 .

C o tt. N ero E . 1 . f. 3 9 1 .


ZE t h i l b e l d

granting 8 cassati to bp.Wilfrid, whose episcopate affords themost limited assign ab le date for this piece.

4 EGO Aethilbald diuina in spiran te gratia rex S uthanglorum terrem VI II . cassatorum quae n omen hab et eetBaecceshoren , pro redemptione an imae mcae, ut sit

iuris aecclesiastici, reueren tissimo'

episcopo Uu ilfrido

lib en ter largitus sum ; n otis b eec terra limitib us ab

aliis litem discern it agris, mon tis ed meridiem uersus

b aud parua-m ob tinet partem ,ed orien tem uia regia

septa ab aquilon e fluuialibus cingitur undis, paludib usdyssis certis determinat illam .

44 Ego Aethilb ald rex meam donationem pro domin ofactam signaculo sacratissimae crucis confirmo . 4 Ego

Uualhstod episccpus sub scripsi . 4“

Ego Uuilfrith sub

scripsi. 4 Ego Oba sub scripsi. 4 Ego Aethilric

sub scripsi. 4 Ego S igeb ed sub scripsi .

There are three copies, two in Tiberius, and one in Nero ; with

un importan t variation s.


C ott. T ib . A . x iii . f. 16 .

C o tt. N ero E . i . f. 3 8 9 . A .D . 7 5 7 .

K 102*

. B irch 1 8 3 .

E e n b er h t o f th e Hw i c ca s

and his two b rothers, granting to Milred, bp . Worcester, 30cassati at Tredingtun , co . Worcester.

44 REGNANTE inperpetuum domin o deo Sab aoth '‘

Dum certum con stat omn ib us orthodox is ac catholicis

uiris,quod istius uolub ilis uitae tran sitoria u idelicet

tempora momen tan eis cursibus termin o adprOpin quere,

et inreuoceb iles esse iam prae’

teriti dies,n ec

n on eu

n orum curricula cum suis men sib us in priorem statumnunquam reuerti a nul lo creden tium dub itatur et cae

tera quae resten t sub sequen tie nullam facere moremfestinando ad finem pro certo n oscun tur . Idcirco ego

Eanb erhtus, deo praedestinan te' 1

regu lus propriae gen tisHuiceiorum simulque german i mei mecum, Uhtredus

uidelicet et Aldredus, eadem uocab uli dign itate et im

perio fungen tes ,’

his an te dictis man ifestissimis can sisin structi, quatinus cum istis saecularib us reb us quaecitius tran sire con stan t, aeterna paradisi preemie quaesempiterna esse scimus lucrire ualeamus

’ 1,aliquam agelli

portion em, pro remedio un imae n ostrae, M ilredo uene

ran do an tistiti, ed sedem pon tificelem et ad aecclesiam

b eatissimi apo stolorum prin cipis San cti Petri , ub i cor

pore paren tum n ostrorum quiescun t, quae in U ueger

n en si ciuitate fundata est,ter denos cassatos, id est


uicum qui n uncupatur Tredingtun , in duob us locis, inaltero quater senos

,in altero b is tern os, iux ta fiuuium

qui dicitur S tuur, iisdem termin ib us adiacen tib us quib usTyrdda comes an tea ten ebat

,lib en tissime in commune



largiti sumus ; ut semper seu n ob is uiuen tib us seu in

Christo dormientib us,digne remun eratio in sanctarum

o ration um, cum missarum sacris celeb retion ib us


eadem aecclesia die n octuque, deo patrocinan te, fideliter

reddatur. S i quis vero , quod ab sit, han c mun ificen tiam

n ostram, pro deo omn ipoten ti con cessam , plurimorumque

con silio corrob oratam, quorum infra n omina pon un tur,eueritiae aestib us succen sus et diab olica preesumptionein citatus

,infeliciter in ritam facere praesumat, sciat se

ab aetern e requ ie separatum ,et cum Iuda impio traditore

aetern is dempnation um legib us men cipatum . S i quisuero augendo multiplicare uoluerit, Christi in stin ctusamore 3 , augeat deus partem illius in remun eration e

iustorum ,ub i an imae san ctorum fulgen t in gloria. His

hin c inde sub scriptis termin is praefata certissime circum

giratur tellus.

Dis syndau b e lendgemaru t6 Tredingctfin e . Of

S tfire on b e S tei n Scale b onn e b e b ei n heafden b a t on

b e dfin es ende ; ondlong dfines b a t on sci re mé re ; of

sci ran ' mé'

re b eet on Brficnan byrh ; of Brficnenbyrh on

b a t rib ig ; ondlong rib iges on mfirseei b of mOrseeb e

on S ib ryb e wellen ; of S ib ryb e wellen on rydme'


fifewarde ; of reOdme’

édwan 011 haran S tan ; of haran

stan e on b e langan dic ondlong di ce b eet on b on e pytof b eim pytte b a t on refidwellan ; of refidwellen b a t o n

b on e ofer ondlong ofres b a t on S tei nford ofS tanforda

ondlonges b are lace ; ofbare lace sfib b e b em heafdon

b a t on rahweg ; b a t ondlong rehweges on rahden e ;

b a t b onn e on W eidb eorgas ; of Weidb eorgan b a t on

b one rycweg ; of ryewege on hwate dfine ; of hwatedfine on b on e stapol ; of b am stapole on b e mardi e ;ondlong di ces b a t on S tfires stream.

4 Ego Eanb erht b ane n ostram communem don e


C o tt. T ib . A . x i ii . f. 3 4 . A .D . 7 5 7

K 126*

. B irch 219 .

0 ffe

grantingW ick on thewest ofS evern to Milred,bp.W orcester.

W e have the b oun ds in two forms, of which the unmix edSax on is man ifestly the original.

4 OMN IBUS patet fidelib us quod b ic n on hab emus

man en tem ciuitatem ,iux ta gloriosi doctoris gen tium

Pauli uocem, quon iam per momen tan ea succeden tium

temporum curricula et carn is fragilitetem ,omn ia lab en tis

uitae sub sisten tia festinare uiden tur ad fin em . Propterea ego Offa, rex Merciorum diuinae misericordie

gratiae, pro adquirende deificae remun eration is requie,

an imaeque mcae remedio et salute,et meorum facinorum

releuation e, terrem cum fin ib us su is,quae pertin et ad

uillam quae uocatur W ieen,sitam in o cciden tali parte

S aferne, regio uten s potestate, don o lib ertati, et M ildrede

pon tifici perpetue haereditate trado in possession em iurisaecclesiastici, ed laudem et gloriam et hon orem altissimidei

,omn iumque sanctorum nunc et omn i tempore see

culi . S i quis ergo b an e n ostrae donation is elemosin em

minuere uoluerit et delere,auferatur et deleatur memorie

eius de lib ro uitae, et cum Iuda Christi traditore cre

matur aeterna comb ustione ; et An nania et Saphiresen tiat iram ultion is diuinae

,n isi in praesenti u ita

emendauerit condigna satisfaction e .

Haec en im sun t n omina finium terrarum ad supra

dictam uillam adiacen tium . Primus de Tamede mfib an

recto cursu in OS Wyn ne b a ce ; deinde in Wude mOrsic ex tenditur in Wa tan si c sic statim in locum quae

dieun tur bakes ; proinde in ueterem n ellem de illauelle usque in S ecmares oren ; sic recto cursu i n pulles


camp ; sic in longum usque ad born b rycge inde quoquein Kaderapull ; de Caderepulle in Beeb e b rycge de

b oc ad in troitum hypes mfir ; de ipsa mfire in Coforet

brOc in illam hagen ; post illud ad tumulum uocitatum

kett ; ex kette usque ad mo n ticulos ; ex in de uero in

Laweru ; sic usque ad atsice ; post usque ad quercum

quae nuncupatur seip ac ; inde autem ed locum dictum

greaten a spen ; et ex 00 loco ad hreadan slob ; deindeuero ed alios mon ticulos ; postea uero ad uiam quaedicitur P i f ei c ; recto itinere ad eesdem fif ec ; proinde

autem ad breom gemaran et ex illo loco recte occidentissemita in illam di e ; sicque protenditur in kyllau b rygc

deinde in Syllweg ; sic ex tenditur in hab ihtan leahge ;

et ita in ffilen Sloh ; post hinc supra Buttinge graf inlocum dictum Eclesb rfic, qui terminus adieeet in Doferic


usque ad Safern e quod tran sit in ore Temede.

Dis syn d b e landgeme'

era in tO Wi een . fErest of

Temede gemyb an ; endlang Temede in wyn n e b a ces

gemyb an ; of wyn n e b ace in wuda mOr ; of wuda mOrein wa tan si ce ofb em wa tan si ce in b e bakes and of

b em b ekan in b e ealdan di e ; of bare ealdan di e in

secges mére ; and of secges mé re in b es pulles heafod

endlong tOborn b rycge ; Of born b ryccge in kadera pull ;of kadera pulle in b eka b rycge ; of b echa b rycge in

forewerdan hipes mfir ; of barn mfire in n on coforb b rfic

of b eim b rfike in n on b on e b egan ; a fter b eim hagen

in n on kett ; of kette in b e hlawes ; of b em hlawen in

Lawern ; ofLawern e in b a t ei tsic and after bam si ce

inn on b e seip ac ; and of b are seip si c in b e grei tan

a spen ; an d swa in b hreei de St ; of b em slo in n on

b e b lawes ; and of barn hlawan in fi f acen e weg ; and

after b eim wege in n on b e fi f ace ; of b eim acan in n on

brim geme’

éren ; of brim gemaran in leege b urnan ; of


b are human t6 mile stan e ; of b em stane on b e haran

apeltrefi of bare apeltreOin n on Doferic afterDofericein Saferne and en dlang Safern e in Temede mfib en .

The former importan ce of the villa ofWick is testified b y manynames on the west side of the river. The Latin version occasionallyadds something to the Sax on e . g. ad tumulum vocitetum kett .

C ott . N ero E . 1 . f. 3 90. A .D . 7 5 7—7 9 5 .

C ott . T ib . A . x ii i . f. 107 (bis) .K B irch 123 .

O ffa

granting 3 3 cassati to the church at Worcester.

4 REGNANTE in perpetuum domin o,un iuersite tis

creatore ! Ego Offe rex M erciorum,aliquem partem

terrarum,id est XXXII I . cassatorum ,

in ius aecclesiasticee

lib ertatis Uuigorn en sis largior, eet S cottarib ; quemtemen agram fluuio , quem dicun t Afen ,

con stat in terlu i ;is demum sub regulus III . postea cassatos ruris siluatici

largien do addidit , eet Hnuthyrste. Istis termin is praefatum rus cingitur, in primis Balgan dun ,


W estgraf, Heofen till,Baddandun

,hoc est in occiden

tali parte flumin is ; in orien tali plaga Wudanb ergas ,

Ruggenb roe, Bromhlinces den e ; in de on S ture ; ondlonges S ture usque in Afen e .

Addidit etiam praedictus Offa 111 . cassatos in alio locosiluatici ruris, usitato n omine Hellerelege, pro remediosuae an imae in . eiuitete Wegorn en si : his termin is cin

g itur : ZErest on Leon tan b a t cume on b lacan mére

b on on b a t cume in b e geepan linde ; b on on b a t cume

on lindwyrb e swa b a t cume on Cionden ; ofCeonden

b a t cume on Reodmfire b on on b a t cume on b e greatenac ; b on on b eet came in b e reeden sole ; b on on b eet


7 XL . cyse . 7 VI . leng bero . 7 pritig omb ra rues cornes.

feower amb ru meolwes, ed regalem vicum Hoe itaque

cum con sen su et con silio pontificum et senatorum meorum

firme foedere dejudicaverun t . N ulla regalis vel princi

palis eut aliqua“sa cularis dign itas de n ostra hereditate

plus his in modico vel in magn o appetendo , per vim

aut petition em aliquid ex igerit, ab sque hoe tan tumquod haec pra sen s cartula con tin et Hi sun t testes

4 Ego Offe gratia Dei rex hoc regi singulis an n isstatum censum men us mcae propria sign o con

firmo . 4 Ego Ecgferb ejusdem regis filius con sen si etsub scripsi. 4 Ego fEbelheerd archiepiSCOpus con sen siet sub scripsi . 4 Ego Heab ored episccpus con sen si etsub scripsi . 4 Ego Un uuona episcopus con sen si et

sub scripsi. 4 S ignum Brordan i petricn . 4 S ignumBeon n an i ab batis . 4 S ignum Alhmundi ab b atis .

44 S ign um W igmundi ab batis. 4 S ignum Forb redi

ab b atis . 4 S ignum Byn na principis . 4 S ignumE sn e ducis. 4 S ignum [Ebelmund ducis. 4 S ignumAlhmund ducis. 4 S ignum W igb erht ducis. 4 S ignum W igcgan ducis . 4 S ignum Eadgar ducis.

4 S ign um Alhmund ducis.

1 N ot in MS . N ero .

C o tt . T ib . A . x i ii . f. 13 . 2 5 Dec . 8 41

C o tt . N ero E . l . f. 106 .


T . p . 9 2 .

B er h tu u l f

king of the Mercian s granting to Bredon ab b ey ex emptionfrom the b urden of festingmen ,

for a valuab le con sideration .

4 AIO 1 et a lto domin o deo Z ebaoth regnan ti in


aeuum z. S iquidem human i generis prosapia de primo

patre et metre oriun dus in hoc saeculum uen it, et sic

per longe uege temporum Spatia diuersis n ation ib us

dirimun tur, ut ien itor coelestis b ib liothecae et uas election is

, praedicator egregius, apostolas Paulus dix it,

praeteriit en im figure huius mundi,quomodo uelocitate

dies et an n i deficiunt : et iterum sagax Sophiste , quiquon dam S olymis diues regnauit in aruis 3


n ersu cecin it dicen s, N on semper licet gaudere : Fugithora qua iacemur. Et ideo sun t omn es n ostrae serialiterarum epicib us confirmandes 4

,n e posteris ex memoria

lab ere possit quicquid facta praeceden tium patrum ac

regum firm iter statuerun t . Q ue de re , ego Berhtuulf,

domin o dispon en te rex Merciorum,m ihi et omn ib us

Merciis in aeternam elemosinam,donan s donaho Ean

mundo uen erab ili ab bate et eius familie on Breodun e,

cum licen tia et testimon ie ob timatum gen tis M erciorum,

han c lib ertatis gratiam , id est, ut Sit lib eratum et Oh

solutum illud monasterium in aetern itetem ab illis incommodis quae no s Sax on ice lingua festingmen dicimus


Christo domin o teste et omn ib us san ctis in celis tamdiu fides catholica et baptismum Christi in Britann iaseruetur . Ob huius rei gratia, ipse ucro supradictus

Eanmund ab b as et illius sancte congregatio Breodun en sis

monasterii dederun t mihi et omn ibus Mercis regaliter

perfruendum et possedendum ,in famoso uico in Tome

worb ie, magnum discum argen teum uelde b en e operetum ac faleratum in magn o pretio , et C .XC . man cusas in

euro puro similiter etiam decen tauerun t duodecim

uicib us C. psalterios, et C .XX . misses, pro Berhtwlfum

regem, et pro illius ceros amicos,et pro omn em gen tem

M erciorum,ut corum lib ertas firmior ac steb ilior per

maneat in evum, et ut illius regis memoria et amicorum


eius, qui han c pietatem in elemosinam sempiternum

omn ib us Mercis ille congregation e on Breodun e donauerat

,in eorum sacris oretion ibus iugiter perman eat

u sque in evum . In super, in dei omn ipotentis n omine,

et n ouem ordin ib us angelorum,et omn ium electorum

Christi, praeceptum pon imus

,ut nullus un quam regum

uel prin cipum ,aut alicuius person is homo, magn is S iue

modicis, in aliquo tempore han c preescriptam lib ertatis

gratiam infringere ausus sit,sed semper stab ilis et in

discussa firmiterque firmeta ille congregation e on Breodun e coram deo et homin ib us iugiter perman eat in evum .

Haec autem cartula caraxata est ann o domin ice in carnation is DCCC°XL1. Indiction e 1111 . in die n etalis domin i ,in celeb re uico on Tomeworb ie

,his testib us con sen t-i

entib us,et S ign um crucis Christi Scrib en tib us , quorum

sub ter n omina n oteta sun t .

4 Ego Berhtuulf, largiflua dei mun ificen tie rex

M erciorum,b en e meam lib ertatis gratiam ac omn ium

M erciorum cum sign o sen cte crucis firmiter con signab o .

4 Ego Sab ryb regina con sen si et sub scripsi . 4 Ego

Cyneferb episcopus con sen si . 4 Ego Aldred episcopus

con sen si . 4 Ego Berehtred episcopus con sen si . 4 Ego

Heab erht episcopus con sen si . 4 Ego Cub uulf episccpus

con sen si . 4 Ego Eanmund ab b as con sen si . 4 Ego

W ihtred ab b as con sen si . 4 Ego Ceolred ab b as con sen si .

Hearne has passed over this document with the most meagre

n otice. Was he ashamed of it ? Thorpe called it ‘A choice specimen

ofmonastic Latin in the 9th century .

1 Agio N (Hearne, p.

1 honor N adds .

3 hex ameter.

‘1confirmanda K.


quam episcopo donaui, signo crucis Christi mun io et

confirmo . 4 Ego ZEthelswyb regina han c donationemregis con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego Tumb erht epi

sccpus . 4 Ego Ceorred episc0pus. 4 Ego Alhun

episcopus. 4 Ego Byrhtred episcopus . 4 Ego Cub

uulf episccpus. 4 Ego Hun b erht dux . 4 Ego

Beorhtno b dux . 4 Ego Eeldberht dux . 4 Ego

Mucel dux . 4 Ego Ab ulf dux . 4 Ego Beornb erd

dux .

4 Ego Eadred dux .

Whether genuin e or the product of a later age, this documen t

may contain good material for the history of London . The Westgate

here is,according to J. R . Green , Con quest, p . 457, the

‘N ewgate’

of later days .

C o tt. T ib . A . x iii . f. 18 . A .D . 8 8 9 .

K 3 16 * .

T . p . 13 5 .

A l fr e d

and ZEthelred of Mercia gran ting a man sion or court inLondon to Werfrith, b p. Worcester, with market dues.

4 SEDULE namque n on n ullis,et max ime per in stan tis

uitae turb idam discordias rab iem,in hac decrepite fin is

mundialis can itiee 1 con tingere solet , quod Simplicem

memorab ilis praecordii oculum turb in es Ob liuiosae oh

scen itatis quetien tes reuerb erant, seu n eb ulae n egle

gen tiarum n ub iferis deprauation um fuscetion ib us e recte

possessio n is iure radian tem iustitiee Phoeb um ob n u

b ilan t quepropter n ecesse cuilib et b omin i est, ut literatoriis epicib us omn ia


etquisita seu possessa, ob praesentium Siue succeden tium cautelam,

quae a catholicis uel

heroic is n iris cuiuslibet personae maIOrIS minorisue

potestatis, deo eiusque san ctis per celorum celsitudin em

tradita sun t, etiam testimon io et rob oration e ipsorum


firme ration is serie firmen tur,rectoque carax an tis stilo

in scedulis n oten tur. Ann o igitur postq uam almifiea

celestin i lumin is gemma, per agrum uirginalis pudicitiee

human o gen eri desiderab ilis mistici spiramin is specimine

en ituit, octingen tesimo octuegesimo n ouo , indiction e .VII .

cuius den ique splendoris et gratiae n ob is iub are radian te,

ego rElfred rex Anglorum et Sax onum ,et fEb elred sub

regulus et patricius Merciorum,cum testimon io et li

cen tia seu con sen su senatorum ,epiSCOporum seu ducum

utriusque gen tis, pro releuatione facin orum n ostrorum,

et pro adq uirende deifice remun eration is requia 1,U na r

frib o , ex imio Huiceiorum an tistiti, ad aecclesiam U nco

gern en sem,in Lundon ie unam curtem quae uerb otenus

ed an tiquum petrosum aedificium,id est, eet Hwaet

mun des stan e a ciuib us appellatur, a strata pub licau sque in murum eiusdem ciuitatis, cuius longitudo est

perticarum XXVI . et latitudo in superiori parte perticarumXI II . et pedum VII . et in inferiori loco perticarum x 1 . et

VI . pedum ,ad plen am lib ertatem infra totius rei sempi

tern eliter po ssidendam,in ecclesiasticum ius con scrib i

mus,et con ceden tes don amus et in tro urn em et trutinam

ad men surendum in emendo S iue uen dendo ed usum,

S iue ad n ecessitatem propriam et lib eram omn imodis

hab eat ; et totius deb iti uel pen e fiscalis,uel pub lice

rei, n isi ed domin ium episcopi ecclesie U ueogern en sis

quae in tus con tingat , ab solute persistat. S i autem forisuel in strate pub lica seu in ripe emtorali quislib et

snorum merceuerit, iux ta quod rectum sit,thelon ed

manum regis sub eet ; quod S i in tus in curte preedicta

quislib et emerit uel uendiderit,thelon deb itum ed me

num episcopi supra memorati reddatur ct semper

quamdiu unda sacri b aptismetis popul i Anglorum S iueSax onum per fidem Christianae religion is aspergen tur,


seu ipsorum auctoritatis domin io urb s London ie hab ilissub iaceat

,ad Uueogern en sem ciuitatem sub dita persistat.

Con testamur et ob secramus un ius cuiusque personashomin um

, praesen tium S iue sub sequen tium,ut hoc

n ostrum donum in uiolatum et in tegrum , S ieut presen s

pagina testatur, perman eat. S i qui uero, ut n on optamus

, serpen tin o suggestion is demon ica tox ico infieti,

huius tramitis seriem in eliq uo tempteuerin t foedere,

n ouerin t se cum An na et Z ephire hereb ica aetern e

an athematis machera perforandos , n isi prius digna satisfaction e emen dare meluerin t . Haec autem sun t n ominaillorum qui huic n ostrae donation i testes et con sentientesfuerunt

,et trophico sen ete crucis uex illo rob orantes

propriis man ib us sub scripserun t.

4 Ego'

ZElfred rex Anglorum et Sax on um,han c

donation em confirmen s, sign o crucis sub scrib o . 4 Ego

JEb elred sub regulus et patricius Merciorum han c don etion em signo crucis sub scripsi. 4 Ego b elfleed

con sen si . 4 Ego Uulfred episcopus con sen si . 4 Ego

Alhard episcopus con sen si . 4 Ego U ua rfred episcopus

con sen si . 4 Ego Deneuulfepisccpus con sen si . 4 Ego

U ulfsige episcopus con sen si .

Apparen tly a later writing than purported : it has the inflation

of the time ofEadgar, or perhaps that inflation im itated and ex aggerated.

But it has good material in it . The Curtis or Court in London here

conveyed was called ‘E t hwa tmundes stane,’

and this Mr . Kerslake(A n ti quary, July, 1 8 80) in terprets by means of the sculptured stone in

Pann ier Alley, N ewgate S treet . On this Stone, which has b een often

engraved, e . g . Hon e’

s E very Day B ook, ii . 1 1 35, is the figure of a man

sitting upon a panni er, with the date 1688 . N ow ‘maund’

is a wellkn own provin cial word for b asket or pann ier or hamper : and Mr.

Kerslake justly asserts that in Devon shire a large b asket is hardlykn own b y any other name . S ee also Halliwell, v . Maund. The pure

form was mend ’

; Epinal Gloss . Cojinus , mand.

If n ow the mund

in hwa tmund might be this mand then hwa t-mundes stan would b e

the stone of the wheat-maund, and the antiquum petrosum adificium



THE ThirdGroup con sists of six deeds ; the first a genuineon e

,the others later recon structions. All of them are alike

in the n ame of king Athelsten ; b ut the latter five b ear

the mean ingless date of ‘DcLx x indiction e x i

,and while

all the five are n early un iform with o ne an other,they are

un like the first or any kn own deed ofAthelstan .

The eccentricity of the date (i. e. as regards the An n o

Domin i—for the Indiction suits with A . D . 9 38 , a year of

Athelstan ’

s reign ) is such as to suggest a close relation shipb etween these writings . It is n ot supposab le that a b lunderso sen seless should have occurred repeatedly and indepen

den tly. The fact that four of the five concern one house

strengthen s the likelihood of their literary affin ity.

Ofthese five deeds, three are preserved at Ex eter ; on e isin the British Museum ; and one is in the W illiam SaltLib rary at Staffo rd. The three at Ex eter gran t lands inN ewton

,Culmstock, and Hrocastoc these may b e symb o

liz ed by the in itials N, C ,

H . The one in the BritishMuseum grants land at Monkton and may b e called M ; the

remain ing deed grants land at Topsham and may b e called T .

The en quiry into the real date of these pieces is helpedforward by the fact that Mr . Bond has given an independen t

opin ion upon on e ofthem,b ased solely on the eviden ce ofpen

man ship . He has assign edM to the 1 1 th cen tury (B . iv . Pref) .But it is from N that we seem to get most light. This is

a Bodmin instrument. I t purports to b e a gran t by kingAthelstan to the monastery of St. Petrock, and Mr. Davidson

(who had the originals in hand and could see more than facsimiles Show) was struck with the closen ess of its resem

b lan ce to T,

‘n ot on ly in the character of the writing, b ut

also in the direction of the lin es,which are en tered along the

b readth instead of the length of the parchmen t.’


This N is a very stately piece of work,and superior in

style of ex ecution to all the others of the b atch . It lookslike the type and model, di rect or indirect, ofthe whole 670

series. It is isolated, n ot on ly by a distinction of air,b ut

also by the place of its original home . These characteristicsseem to suggest that with N originated the error ofdate


that when the Ex eter monks wan ted to recon struct theirmun iments, they b orrowed this writing for a pattern . And

we have an in timation that they might wan t to recon structtheir titles. In K 7 2 9 (not a first-rate authority, b ut prob ab ly right in this) it is said that the charters of the church

at Ex eter had perished in the Dan ish troub les . For the

Domesday commissioners they would n aturally like to havetheir titles in good presen tab le form .

Such fab rication s were rather a formal impo sture than an

act ofdishonesty—to judge by the lights and hab its of those

times. It was a restoration of lost evidence to support a

real and ex isting right. All we otherwise kn ow is in favourofa good con struction ,

as to the sub stan ce of these fab rica

tions . The head-piece to this group appears to b e a genuin e

deed ofAthelstan ,and if so

,it estab lishes the rightfuln ess of

T,and suggests a like inferen ce for the others This argu

ment was advan ced by K emb le (C . D. ii. p . Vij .) against thecondemnation ofB ickes. In his Dissertatio Epistolaris, p. 6


Hickes had pronoun ced H and C to b e egregia doli et impostura ex emple b ut K emb le

, poin ting out that TC is a warren t for the sub stantial veracity ofT

,a deed lab ouring under

the same chiefground of charge as H and C,claimed a gentle

con struction which would shield the whole b atch ejusdemfurfuris

,in Hickes

s con temptuous phrase . Thisgenuine deedwill further serve to show how far this 670 group is from

the native form ofAthelstan ’

s deeds. I call it TC, b ecause

it concerns Topsham, and lies at Canterb ury.


Can terb ury Charters , E . 206 . A .D . 9 3 7 . (TO. )K 3 6 9 .

S . i . 14 .

A t h e l s tan

grants to St. Peter’

s at Ex eter land at Topsham, which isdescrib ed first as a mense and afterwards as a hyde.

4 IN x p1 n omin e atq : uirtute sagaci in tuendo pspectucasus lepsusq : condicion is human e; de que aecclsiastes

U en itas uan itatii in quid et omIe uanitas et ido mer

can da St a in e caducis dicen te ueritate Thesaurizate

nob is thesauros in 0910 et ceta. Q ue ppt ego a b elstaun s rex monarchus totius b ryttann ie in sule fiente dO


ruris particulfi'

. id unam man sam ub i ign ostici

uocitan t toppesham lib en'

t con cedo ad monasterii SC I

petri apii ex on ien sis a ccle p remedio an ime mee inaeternam lib ertaté’

hab en di qufidiu fides x piena pmen eet .

Inmun is amodo iste ager pman eet ab om1 cen su regaliex cepta commun i lab ore quod n otfi omib : S i q


amodo hen c n i‘em donation e ammouerit sciat se db

con tra iturfi ire n on mihi quia ab illo potestaté eccepi .Territorie auté

istius agri hec St. .ZErest fram toppes

oran up on ex au on bone n earan team pol benon up on

ex au bonn e of ex e on be smela lace of ba re lace eft

on em ben on up en dlang ex e on bon e uferan teamp61

ben on up on ex an Stream Ob pfile upp of pole on bon eealdan herpab to dyran treowe ben on sub on wynfordup on strefi


. on wyndeles cumb middeweardne up on be

pyrian ben on andlang die on bone weig east endlangweiges on bare dice hirnan endlang dic ut on clyst .

en dlang streames eft on tOppes oran bis synd ba re an re

gyrde landgema ro eet a se hyrste be gebyreb into ba rehyde a t toppes hamme eerest fram a schyrste to a se


omn ipotentis nOmin e et in sen ete trin itatis hon ore ut

nul lus hominum in eliquo tempore umquam ausus fuerithan c n ostram donationem minuere aut frangere in ali

quo sed semper stab ilis et in con cusse permaneat tam deo

quam et homin ibus usque in etern um tempus . S i quisautem hoe munus in aliquo frangere uel minuere tempte

uerit sciat se corem deo et san cte marie ration emredders n isi hic prius celeriter emendet corem idon eis

testib us. Huius agelluli temin i 1 hec sun t . E rest fram

toppes b oren fip an ex au on bone n earan teempol ben onlip on ex au ba n n e of ex au on be smalan lace eft en ex au

ba nn e fip anlang ex an on bon e uferan teempol ben on fip

on ex au stream Ob pole fip ofpole on bone ealdan herpobto dyran Streowe 1 banan sub on wynford up on stream on

wyndeles cumb middeweardne fip on be pyrian ben onan lang dice on bon e weg east anlang weges on ba re dicebyrnan an leng dice ut on clyst an lang streames eft totoppes b oren .

4 Ego a b elstan rex anglorum b ane n ostram don etionem cum sign o crucis impressi . 4 Ego eadmun dindolis clito con silium dedi . 4 Ego wu lfhelm archie

piscopus con solidaui. 4 Ego beodred episccpus sub

scripsi. 4 Ego a lfheah episccpus adquieui. 4 Ego

b rihtelm episcopus con sen si . 4 Ego eadelm episcopus

faui. 4 Ego a b elgar episccpus con clusi . 4 ab elstan

dux . 4 a lfhere dux . 4 eadmund dux . 4 abelsigedux . 4 Odde min ister. 4 wihtmund min ister. 4

eeb elmod min ister. 4 deormod min ister. 4 wulfgarmin ister. 4 osulfmin ister.

Kemb le said that this piece‘ is apparently a faulty copy of the

last .



Dean an d

Ch ept er, E x eter . A .D . (N .)8 . ii . E x on . 3 .

A t h e l s t an

gran ts to the monastery of St. Petrock one cassatus at

N ewton . This deed is n ot men tioned by B ickes or Kemb le,

and it has n ever b een prin ted in any Collect ion . Thisseems, upon our presen t data, to b e the piece after which the670

series took form.

4 ANNO domin icef incarnation is DCLXX. Indiction e

XI . Ego a b elstan rex totius b ryttann ie in sule dab o pro

etern a retrib ution e et pro ex piatione en ima meeunum

cessatum in loco ub i ab in colis uocitatur a t nywan tun e

deo et san cto confessori petroco ad monasterium eiusdem san cti ut hab eat quamdiu fides catholica in gen teanglorum perman eat. Precipimus et ob secramus in dei

omn ipoten tis n omin e et in san ctae trin itatis honore ut

nullus hominum in eliquo tempore umquam ausus fuerithan c n ostram donationem minuere aut frangere in ali

quo sed semper stab ilis et in concusse permaneat tam

deo quam homin ib us usque in a ternum tempus. S i qu isautem hoc munus in aliquo frangere uel minuere temptauerit sciat se corem deo et san ctis eius ration emredditurum n isi hic prius celeriter emendet coremidon eis testib us. Huius agelluli termin i hi sun t. pis

sin d be landgema ro to nywan tun e . (Erest on wuduford bon n e upp on stream ob bone lyttlan b roc bonn een dlang b roces ob hreodmores heafod bonn e on gerihte

sub ofer dune to lodden b roces awylman bon n e adun con lodden b roces Stream ob toric bonn e upp on toricstream eft to wuduforde .

4 Ego a b elstan rex anglorum hen c n ostram done

tion em sign o crucis impressi . 4 Ego eadmun d indolis


clito con silium dedi . 4 Ego wulfhelm archiepiscopus

con solidaui . 4 Ego beodred episcopus subscripsi .

4 Ego a lfheah episcopus adquieui . 4 Ego b rihthelm

episccpus con sen si . 4 Ego eadhelm episccpus favi .4 Ego abelgar episcopus con clusi . 4 a b elstan dux .

4 a lfhere dux . 4 eadmun d dux . 4 eb elsie dux .

4 odde min ister . 4 wihtmundmin ister. 4 a b elmod

min ister . 4 deormod min ister. 4 wulfgar min ister.

4 osulfmin ister.

Mr. Davidson says that this deed represen ts, almost undoub tedly,a genuine gran t , in the year 938 , byAthelstan , to St . Petrock

’s , Bodmin ,

of the land which is n owN ewton Petrock , on the east b ank ofTorridge,

N orth Devon . The b oun daries are easy to trace . Toric Torridge, is

especially n oticeab le. In Domesday, N ewton is held by the priests of

Bodmin , and assessed as one hide. Journal of Brit . Arch . Association ,

vol. x x x ix . part iii.

Dean an d Chap ter , E x eter . A .D .

K 3 7

S . ii . E x on . 1 .

A t h e l s t an

gran ting Six perches of land at Hrocestoc to the monasteryat Ex eter.

4 ANNO domin ice in carnation is DCLXX . indiction e X1 .

Ego a b elstan rex anglorum dab o pro eterna remun era

tion e et pro ex piation e an ime mee sex perticas ub i

in colis uocit’hrocasté c deo et senete marie ed monas

terium quod incolis uocitatur ex e ceaster ut habeat

quamdiu christiana fides in gen te anglorum man eat

precipimus quoque et ob secramus in dei omn ipotentis

n omine et in trin itatis honore ut nullus hominum in

eliquo tempore ausus sit frangere uel minuere. S ed

stab ilis et in con cusse permaneat . S i autem aliquis hoc


Dean an d Chapter , E x eter. A .D . (C .)K 3 7 3 .

S . Ii . E x on . 2 .

A t h e l s t an

giving five cassati at CiIlmstock (Devon ) to the monastery of

Ex eter.

4 ANNO ab in carnatione domin ice DCLXX . indiction e

XI . Ego a b elstan rex anglorum dab o pro eterna retrib ution e et pro ex piatione an ime mee; quinque cassatos

ub i in cole uocitan t culumstocc deo et sen ote merit;n ecn on et sancto petro prin cipi apostolorum a d monasterium quod ab in colis n ominatur ex anceaster

b ehcet quamdiu fides catholica in gente anglorum ma

n eat precipimus quoque et ob secramus in dei omn i

poten tis n omin e et in sancte trin itatis hon ore ut n ullushomo in aliquo tempore umquam hen c n ostram donation em infringere ausus sit. S ed stab ilis Sit corem deo

et homin ibus usque in seculum. S i quis autem hoc in

aliquo frangere vel min uere temptauerit sciat se in

eterna dampnation e pun iri n isi hic celeriter emendet .

Huius agri termin i hec sun t . E a st on hecapenn foreweerd adun on secgwyll ben on on creducc boii an lengstreames on culumford ofbam forde to bo rn wylle ben on tob ryd wylle ben on to ba re a n lipan a c ben on an leng her

pob es on heenhangran middeweardre benon on hwit

b eorh ben on on gerihtne on fengel benon on gerihtne to

b em ealdan geweorce benon on byricb angran bofi fip on

gyran t6rr benon on bone hwyrfel benon on bon e born

ben on on peonmyn et easteweard ben on ongerib te on be

lace adun on culum lip of culum on b e calden lace on

b urhgeardes worb ig ben on o gerihtne to rancumb ben onwest on gerihtne b e coge on hecapenn foreweardne.


4 Ego a b elstan rex anglorum hen c meam donationem

cum sigillo senete crucis impressi . 4 Ego eadmundindolis clito con sen si. 4 Ego wulfhelm archiepiscopus

dictaui. 4 Ego alfheah episcopus adquieui. 4 Ego

a b elgar episcopus n oteui . 4 Ego b rihtelm episccpus

faui . 4 Ego wyn sige episcopus con clusi . 4 wulfgardux . 4 a lfhere dux . 4 a b elstan dux . 4 oddemin ister. 4 wulfhelm min ister. 4 a lfheah min ister.

4 a b elferb min ister. 4 wihtgar min ister.

This deedis linked to M,not on ly by the common error, b ut also

by a peculiar grammatical confus ion in the first lin e .

Add . Chart . A .D . (M .)B . 111 7 .

E t h e l s t an

granting °On e mansa at Mun eca tun to the monastery at

Ex eter. Mr. Bond has judged thi s wri ting to b e of the

1 1 th cen tury. B . iv, p . 7 .

4 ANNO ab incarnatione domin ice dclx x in dict x i.

Ego a b elstan rex englon dab o p eina retrib ution e et p

expiatione an imemeeunem man sam ub i in co leuocitan tmun eca tun do et S69 marien ec n on et SCO petro pincipiaploaad mon asterlu qd ab in colis n ominat1 ex au ceaster

ut b ehcet quit. diu fides catholica in gen te anglorum

man eat picipim9

q et ob secram9in di oml ptis n oie st

in site trin itatis hon ore ut n ull9 homo in aliqO té


umqud han c n i’

am donetion é’

infringere ausus sit set

stab ilis S it cora do et homin ibu; usq in sclm S i qis


f hoc in aliq° frangere 1 minuere téptauerit sciat se

in etna dzi pn ation e pun iri ni hic celerit

Effl deb huius

agri imin i hec St a rest of sceoca b roceS forde Upp on


stream ob b a r seo die on fehb Swa andlang ba re die of

ba re dice byrnan swa adfin on bone cumb on be laceadun on be lace on ceacga b roc adun on ceacga b roc on

ba re dice ende swa east on be die ofba re dice byrn answe sub on be (110 .ou bon e beod herpeb west on herpeb

eft to sceoca b roces forde4 Ego a b elstan rex angloa han c meam donation é

cum sigillo see crue1s 1mpSSI 4 Ego eadmund indolisclito con sen si . 4 Ego wulfhelm erchiebs dicteui

4 Ego a lfheah eps adquieui . 4 Ego a belgar eps

n otaui 4 Ego b rihtelm eps feui 4 Ego wyn sige

eps con clusi 4 wulfgar dux 4 a lfhere dux

4 ab elstan dux . 4 odde mi 4 wulfhelm m1

4 a lfheah mi'

4 a b ferb mi . 4 wihtgar m1 .

Endorsed in hands con temp orary with the wri ting of the charter,Mun ecatun es b oo and ‘ to muneca tun e

; in a hand of the early

part ofthe 1 3th cen tury, Regis a delstan i demunecatun and in hands

of the early 1 4th cen tury, Carta Adelstan i Regis super manso'


olign vocebetur mon eketofi modo temen Ex chestre pro fundacione

Ecclesie .

’ ‘Carta Adthelsten i Regis con cessa Beato Petro de manso

quod an tiquitus uocab atur moneketofi‘

ad monasterium’ quod nun c nun ~

cupatur ex echestre [ad fundandum monasterium*] et diuise mensi

sun t hee primo de scokeb roc forde sursum per tinum etc . ut infra

patet .

’ ‘Deuon .

’B .

Erased .


TH IS Group is taken from the famous Book at Rochester

(“Tex tus Rofi’

en sis,

”edited by Hearne, which con

tain s Laws and Charters, and which is said to have b een

compiled from the original documents by Ernulf, who wasBishop ofRochester

,1 1 1 5

—1 1 2 4. Kemb le took thirty-threedocumen ts from this Codex , and marked only five as Spurious.

These five are the con stituen ts ofour present Group.



archiepiSCOpus con sen si et sub scripsi .

4 Ego Aldhuun ab bas sub scripsi. 4 S ignum'manus

S uuithuun . 4 S ignum men us Aethilhuun . 4 S ig

n um menus Esn i . 4 S ignum menus Egb aldi . 4 S ign um menus Uuighead. 4 S ignum menus Bunan .

4 S ignum menus Heeb eorhti. 4 S ignum menus

Tiidheeh .

T ex t. Rofi‘

. f. 130. A .D . 7 61 .

K 144 *

B irch 242 .

E t h e l b er h t 11

king ofKen t, gran ting land to Diora, bp. Rochester.

4 IN n omine dn 1 n ri ihu x'

pi cui paten t cun eta

pen etralia cordis et corporis Ego ethelb erht rex1

cantuarioru con cedo hrofen sis ecclesiae an tistiti deorenaliq uan tulfi terre iuris mei intre men ia supradicte

ciuitatis in parte aquilonali id est fram doddin c

byrnan 0b b e b radan geten east b e wealle 7 swa eft

sub 0b b aet east geat 7 swa west b e strete ob doddinc

hyrnau . 7 b reo hagen b e eastan porte b uten wealle 7b ar to feower eeceres ma de b e westen eé hoc in

eucmen tu monasterii tib i cceSSI SC I andree U t mee

don atio inmob ilis permaneat semp. Et S i qu is han cmee donation é

augere uoluerit augeat db s ci uitd.

S i quis ii tun c minuere presfiserit sit separatus a con

spectu dii i in die iudicii n isi prius emendauerit en teeius tran sitfi qd n equiter gessit.


Actfi domin ice incarnation is DCCLXI . 4 Ego ethelb erhtus rex b an emeei donation e signo see crucis Cfirmaui.

4 Ego geen b erht archiejg’

is corrob oraui . 4 Ego deora


eps con signaui. 4 S lgn u menus uualhard. 4 S lgmen us ub an . 4 S ig men us udan 4 Sig menus

ealhere. 4 Sig menus dudec. 4 SIg menus wullaf.

The origin al parchment is ex ten t in the British Museum, Cott .

Chert . vi . 4 ; fac simile B . iv. 5 . The hand is imitative of earlywriting ,

b ut Mr . Bond judges it to be probab ly of the eleven th century .

”It is

fu ll of hi storical(mistakes . The date 761 (altered to 78 1 b y a cor

rector) is n ot much amiss, though the Chronicle puts the death of

E thelberht in 760 we must allow a little for the unsettled state of

the chron o logy of that time . But it was years after hi s death when

Diora b ecame b ishop of Rochester , and Ian b ryht archb ishop of Can

terb ury . Moreover , the original parchment styles Ethelberht king of

Wessex and of Ken t, thus confounding the history of the eighth

century with that of the n inth . This error was rectified by Ernulf orhis learn ed assistant, whose tran script is in other respects faithful .That the fab ricator had his eye upon pattern s of the eighth cen tury wemay see from the following which is a genuine deed ofW ihtred thefather of E thelberht of Ken t. It is K43 , B irch 97 ; and the originalis in the Ashb urnham Collection .

4 In n omine dei di'

n ostri ihu x p1 Ego uihtredus rex cantuariorum

prouiden s mihi in futuro decreu i dare aliqu id omn ia mihi donan ti et

consilio accepto b onum u isum est conferre b assilicae beatae mariae

gen itricis di‘

quae sita est in loco qu i dicitur limingae terrem .II II .

aratrorum quae dicitur Uuieghelmes tun cum omn ibus ad candem

terrem pertinen tib us iux ta n otissimos terminos id est b ereueg et me

guin es peed et stretleg quam donationem mefi uolo firmam esse in

perpetuum ut 1190 ego seu heredes mei aliquid minuere praesuman t .

Q uod si aliter temptatum fuerit a qualibet persona sub anathematis

interdictione sciat se praeuaricari ad cuius confirmation em pro ign o

ren tie litterarum 4 signfi'


éae crucis ex pressi et testes idoneos ut

sub scriberen t rogaui id est b erichtualdum archiepiscopfi uirii uenerab ilé'


4 Ego b erichtualdus epiS’

c rogatus con sensi et sub scrib si . 4 4 S ign um menus uihtredi regis . 4 S ignum menus aedilb urgee regin ae .

4 S ignum men us enfridi . 4 S ignum menus aedilfridi. S ignum

menus hagana. 4 S ignum menus b otta. 4 S ignummen us bernhaerdi .

4 S ignum menus theab ul . 4 S ign um menus frodi . 4 Signum

menus acheb e . S ignum menus aessice . 4 S ignum menus adda.

4 S ignum menus egisberichti . actum in men se iulio indictione x me .

E ndorsed —b a s lendes b oo eet Berdelhames wicum , nun c W igelmignetun , and pichtredus rex Ce

. ed ecclesiam de Liming Dielme

stun . I III . arat’.

1 Here the original fab rication adds the words occidentalium sex onfi

necnon,”whict rnulf omitted .


T ex t. R off. f. 12 3 . A .D . 7 64 .

K 111*

Birch 1 9 5 .



gran ting land to Eardulf, bp. Rochester. That which makes

this Spurious deed valuab le is the formula Sicut o limhab uerun t comites et principes regum Cantia

,et cum omn i

trib uto quod regib us jure competit—end again , cum con

sen su prin cipum”—formu la which seem to b e b orrowed

from genuin e records, and to illustrate the n ature offolc land.

Schmid, Gesetz e, p. 5 77 . There is a primary record which

men tion s folc land,ofA .D. 8 5 8 (K

4 REGNANTE in perpetuum domin o n ostro IhesuChristo ec cun eta mundi iure iusto moderamine regen ti !

Ego Offe rex Merciorum,regali prosapia M erciomm

oriundus,atque omn ipoten tis dei dispen satione eiusdem

con stitutus in regem, con sideren s et reeolen s quod uas

election is ueracissimis in n otuit uerb is, quod istis tem

porib us in st-eren t tempora periculosa iccirco unus

quisque de semet ipso plen ius poterit agn oscere, quodquan to quis in hoc terren o hab itaculo longiorem pro

trex erit uitam,tan to ueraciore esse omn ia quae olim

an tiqui uates implenda esse preedix erun t. Iccirco n e

cessarium dux i ut pro in tercession ibus plurimorum,

pro uen ia meorum delictorum,et requie perpetue adi

piscenda an imae meae, aliquid ex his quae mihi largitorb on orum omnium Christus dominus donare dignatusest

,id est

,terrem aratrorum uigin ti in 1000 cuius uoca

b ulum est Aeslingaham,quae etiam iacet ad occiden

talem partem flumin is Meduuuaeian ,con tigue ipso

fiuuio,cum un iuersis termin is suis ad eem rite com

peten tibus, cum campis, siluis, pratis, pascuis, palu

dibus et equis,sieut Olim habuerun t comites et prin

cipes regum Cantiae, et cum omn i tributo quod regibus


Coheeren t uero huic terrae in commun e saltu denb eriII I . Holan spic et Lindhrycg et Peedenhriecg . 4 Ego

Botuuin i humilis ab b as con sen si et sub scripsi . 4 S ig

n um menus E sn e. 4 S ign um men us Uhtredi. 4 S ig

n um menus Broerda. 4 S ign um menus Eadbaldi .

4 S ignum men us Berhtualdi . 4 S ignum menus Bob ba.

4 S ign um menus 09 0. 4 S ign um menus Huuithyse .

4 S ignum menus Esne fratris eius. 4 S ignum men us

Badoheardi . 4 S ignum men us Egb aldi . 4 S ignummenus Suithhun i. 4 S ignum menus Eangesli.

T ex t. R off. f. 13 9 . A .D . 8 5 5 .

K 27 6"

E t h e lw u l f

king of the W est Sax on s, granting to Dunn a villa in

Rochester , which is called castellum Hrob i ; and the remark

is made that the “Sax on”equivalen t for “

un a Villa”is an


”By a codi cil in English, Dunn b equeaths the

property to St. Andrew’

s, subject to his wife’

s life in terest.

4 IN n omine trin o diuin o l Ego Etheluuf rex Occi

dentalium Sax onum n ee n on et Can tuariorum , pro de

cimation e agrorum,quam deo donan te, caeteris min is

tris meis facere decreui,tib i Dunn e min istro meo , dab o

un em uillam,quod n os Sax on ice an hage dicimus, in

meridie castelli B rohi, et X. ingere e meridiano plagauilluli illius adiecen tia, necn on et duo iugera preti et x .

carros cum siluo hon estos In mon te regis, et commun io

n em marisci quae ed illam uillam an tiquitus cum recto

pertin eb at. Et hoc ipsum tib i ad hab endam et possiden dem con cedendo donamus

,et post dies taos cui

GROUP IV. ow n or CENTURY x 11 . 337

cunque haerede tib i placuerit derelin quendem, cum

plen a lib ertate hab eas potestatem . Han c praedictam

donationem et lib ertatem ego Etheluulf rex deo do

nan te, perfeci ann o diicee incarn ation is DCCCLV. in

diction e III . hoe est, diuina gratia largien te, quandou ltra mare Romam perrex i, corem his testibus qui hoc

mecum con sen tiendo sub scripserunt .

4 Ego Aeb eluulf rex hen c meam donation em et lib ertatem cum sign o san ctae crucis Christi rob oraui et

sub scripsi. 4 Ego Ceoln ob archiepiscopus con sen si etsub scripsi. 4 Ego Aeb elb erht rex con sen si et sub

scripsi . 4 Ego Lullede dux con sen si et sub scrip

4 Ego Aeb elmod dux con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego

Aelfred filius regis con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego

Eadred dux con sen si et sub scripsi . 4 Ego Aeb elric

dux con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego Cin eheh milescon sen si et sub scripsi. 44 Ego M ilt ed miles con sen siet sub scrIpSI . 4 Ego Ceolmund miles con sen si et

sub scripsi . 4 Ego Lulle miles con sen si et sub scripsi .

4 Ego Aeb elred miles consen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego

Uulflaf miles con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego Aeb elred

miles con sen si et sub scripsi. 4 Ego U uaehtgar milescon sensi et sub scripsi. 4 Ego Dudue miles con sen siet sub scripsi. 4 Ego Osb erht miles con sen si et sub

scripsi. 4 Ego S igen ob miles con sen si et sub scripsi .

4 In n omine domin i ! Dunn hafab b as bOc geseld

his wife, 7 b a t lan d b e b a t an gewriten is

,an godes

est ; b a t hiO hab b e hire deeg 7 his b rfice ; 7 efter hiredage geselle b it on b ees hei lgen apostoles n emen sancte

Andreas b em hirode in,mid un nan godes and his

halgen a, for unc bfitu 7 ealle un cre cldren ; bfitan hi

hit mit unnan hiredes ofgan t6 rihtan gafole, swa swa

b yt his gebingian magan , bfitan a lcen b ra de Ob b e



b eswi ce 7 his b onn e se hired hit geearn ian mid heora

godcundna sse ofer twelf mon ob 7 stande simle midcwide sefi bOC on b a s hiredes han da.

T ex t. Rofi'

. f. 141 . A .D . 8 8 0.

K 3 12*

zE t h e lw u l f

gran ting land to the church ofSt. Andrew at Ro chester.

4 REGNANTE in perpetuum domin o n ostro Ihesu

Christo l Ego Aeb elulf,rex Sax on um

,dab o pro re

medio an imae mcae terrem ed aecclesiam san cti Andreaeapostoli Christi et Suuib uulfo episcopo aliquam partemin illo loco quae dicitur Cucolan sten atque aecclesiam

san cti M ichaelis archangeli . Hi sun t termin i triumaratrum circumiacen tes. In orien te

,M iodowa ge ; in

meridie, Heallingware meare fip wib b elles méres ;

in occiden te, Briogen ing b ei ra meare ob n orb dfine

n orb an ; in aquilon e,east andlanges dfine ob cinges

meare and fit fram cinges merce ob b e aldan stre’et ;eei st b e b ei re aldan strate ob hlib ; and b enan fit b e

b ein b lib e ob b e eei M edewegan . ut b ehcet et pos

sideat et cuicun que uoluerit illo uiuen te seu morien te

derelin quat, et post se tradendum con cedamus liueram

ab omn i seruitute cum omn ib us ed se rite pertinentib us, cum furis comprehen sion e, et cum omn ib us reb us

quae ad aecclesiam san cti An dreae pertinen t, cum

campis, siluis, pratis, pascuis, paludib us, in min imis et

in max imis, n otis et ignotis . S i quis uero, quod ab sit,haeredum successo rumque n ostrorum donationem immu

tare aliter uelminuere studeat,sciat se imprimis omn ipo

tentis dei iram in currere, et uiuen tem in hec uita


C o tt . Fau st . A . in'

. f. 109 . A .D . 106 6 .

K 8 2 9 .

E adw ar d

his gran t of Pershore and Deerhurst to St . Peter’

s, Westmin ster.

4 EADWARD king grét Ealdred erceb isceop an d

W lsté n b isceop and VVlfwi and alle mi n e heuedmen

and mi n e begues and mi n e Si rréfen and alle mine

holde frefind on W igercestresi re an d on Gloweestre

si re and on Ox n efordsci re frefindli c. ICC ki b e cfiw

b at ic wille and b et iCC en b at sain te Petre and b e

geb rOb ere on W estmin stre hab b en tfi here b ilefan b e

cotlife Perscore and Dorhurste mid allen ban lendenand mid alle b ei n b erewi can b e ice hab b e for mi n re

sei ule alé sedn esse in tfi b ei re balagen Stowe gegifan , and .

alc b ei re buge b e b ei rtfi mid rihte geb ired, mid kirkanand mid milnen

,mid wide and mid felde, mid lase

and mid bab e,mid me

eden and mid eyten ,mid wateren

and mid weren and mid allen bugen ,swei full an d

swfi forb swa h10 on elden dagen intfi b ere Sficne

geleyd wzi ren ob e meselfen firmest on hande stfidan .

An d icc an heom eft elswa'

. b at hi hab b en bartfi sece

and s6cn e toll and team ,infangeneb éf and fiemen es

fermb, gri b b riche and heimsOcn e, forestal and mis

ken n inge, and alle Ob ere rihte on allen bngen b e

b ei r fipei springab , inn e tid and fit of tid,b inn en b urh

an d bfiten b urh, on strate and of strei te ; forb ei n icn elle n ab eswon geb afian b at any man atb rede Ob b e

gefib e mi ne gife and mi n elmesse Swamikel b at Si an

aker lan des b as b e on ti nyes mann es dages in tfi bancotlifen geb ired, ne eft b at b ar any man any on sting

heb b e on any bngen ob e on ti ny timen b e strande n e


b i len de bfiton Se eb b od and b e geb rfib ere in t6 b an

min stre. And icc wille an d fastli ce b eb efidde b at b ar

fre6d6m and b ér mundb irdn esse b e6 strang and stabelfast in tO b ei re halagen stowe

,God t6 lufe and sain te

Petre t6 wrdminte and tO gewealde, ei on éee erfwerd

n esse . Amen . God cfiw alle gehealde. Amen .

M S . E arl . 6 9 6 8 . f. 6 .

K 8 3 7 .

E adw ar d

granting Wedmore to S t . Andrews at Wells .

4 EADWARD king grét Haro ld er],

and Ailnfid

ab b ot,and Touid sehi re réue, and alle mi n e bein es on

Sumerseten fré ndli che ; and ich kyb e cOw b a t ich

heb b e gegefen Giso b iscope b a t land at Weodmfire

and alch bare binge b a s b e b arinn e mid richte t6

byreb ,in ne t6 his Clerken b ilaua a t senete An dree a t

W illen,mid saca and mid Sficna, s full and SWO

forb sw6 hit me syluen on hande Stfid, mid eallon b e

forwyrhten b e me fib er mi n on aftergengan tO hondeb ogen wyllon on callen bingen for mi ne sawle and for

mi n es fader and for allre mi n ra yldrena sei wlan b e

b on e b isceopstfil gesteb elob on . And gif emig man sig

b at mi n e g ife awendan wyllen ,eiwende hin e God al

mihti fram his an syn e and fram a lre cristen n e man na .

And ich wille b a t se b isceOp bichte priuilegium b artfi

b i mi non fullan gelifan .

4 Eadwerdus rex Haroldo comiti , Ealn odo ab bati,et omn ib us b alliuis su1s S umersetee, salutem ! S ciatis

me dedisse Gison i episcopo ad susten tation em Cleri ,aecclesiam b eati Andreae in Wellis terrem de W ed

more,Cum omn ib us pertinen tiis suis

,adeo plen e et


lib ere S icut unquam plen ius mihi menu Stetit eut alien i

praedecessorum meorum per omn ia, pro an ime patris

mei et en imabus an tecessorum meorum qui dictam

sedem episcopi statuerun t . S i quis autem han c meam

donation em praesumpserit euertere,auertet cum domi

n us e conspectu suo et a con spectu omn ium fidelium .

U olo etiam quod idem episcopus isto geudeet priuilegio ,et uos emici mei ipsius sitis coediutores.

C laud . B . vi . 114 .

C laud . C . ix . 130.

K S 4O.

E adw ear d

his writ to the authorities and than es in Berkshire, thatAb ingdon min ster Should ex ercise free and independen tjurisdiction in Horn emere Hundred, and that n o royal or

local Officer Should act without the authority of the Ab b ot.Stub b s, Con stitu tion al History, i . 1 0 7 .

4 EADWARD cyn inge gré t Hercman b isceop, and

Harold eorl,and Gfidri c, and ealle his begenes on

Beerrucscyre frcfindli c ; and ic cyb e cfiw b a t Ordri cab b ud and eel b a t hired on Ab b endfines myn stre b e

mi n re unne and gife frigeli ce heb b an and wealdenHorn emé res hun red on hyre figenre en dwealde on

écere worulde, and swa b a t mi n scyrgeréfe Ob b e mOt

geréfe b ei r hab b an ani Sficn e Ob b e gemfit bfiton b es

ab budes figen he’

ése end unn e .

4 Eadwerdus rex selutat Hermennum episcopum

et Haroldum comitem,et Godricum , et omn es suos

b arones 1 de Beerrucscira amicab iliter ; et ego osten douob is quod Ordricus ab b as et omn is congregatio Ab

b endonen sis monasterii meo concessu et don o lib ere


Ob er halfe hundred Swa bwile man swa] b e men ab e

sen ete Marie and san ctus Ben edictus and se ab b od

and b e geb rfib re in tfi Remesege hab b en b e sficn e on

eallen bingen ofer heom and b et market a t Dfinham

b i wa tere and b i lende,mid in lede and mid fitlade,

and mid callen b ei n gerihte b e b artfi hered , swei wel

and Swei freolice swa iC hit meself b etst ti b te. And ic

n elle geb efien b a t fin i men b is gelytlige mid an ige

binge. And in alcer sci re b e’ér san ctus Ben edictus hafblan d inn e his sace and his sficn e, tol and team


infangen b efif, wib in n e b urb e and wib fiten and on alcestyde, b e len de and b e strande

,b e wude and -b e felde,

swai hwylc men swe? b a sficn e {the san ctus Ben edictusheb b e his frefidfim on eallen bingen swai wel an d swe


freoli ce swfi. ic hit meseolf b etst ei he eihwa r in Enge

lan de ; and ealle b e gyltes b e b elimpeb t6 mi n e kin ehelme in n e 101 and in n e Eastern e and in n e b e hfiliwuee a t Gangdagas on ealle bingen el swai iC he6

meseolf ab e,and tolfreo ofer eelle Engleland, wib in n e

b urb e and wib fitan, eet gfires cepinge and on africe

styde, b e wa tere and b e lende . And 10 forb efide

Godes forb ode and min b at n ei n man b is geofe n e

lytlige n é eiwende. And gif e’

én i man hit eiwun ige mid

afra n ige binge of b i n b e 10 heb b e hé'

r geunn en on

b eosen gewrite, Si he gesyndred fram Criste and fram

eallen his halgan . Amen . Dis writ wa s gemaced

a t W indlesoren on feorb e Easter dag on Eadgib e ge

witnysse bare cwene and Godwines corles and Heroldeseorles.

4 Eadwerdus rex Anglorum S tigendo archiepiscopo,Ailmero episcopo, Girb comiti, Toli uicecomiti, et omn ib us min istris suis de N orb folke et Sub folke et un iuersis


aliis fidelib us suis per totem Angliam con stitutis tam

clericis quem laicis, salutem ! N otifico n ob is me con

cessisse deo et san ctae Mariee et sancto Benedicto et

ZElfwin o ab b ati de Ramesia sacam et socem ,tol et

team,et in fengeneb ef, fihtwite et ferdwite, forestall ,

et hamsokn e, grib b riche, et schipb riche, et se upwarp,

in omn ib us rebus apud Bremcestre et apud Ringstedeita b en e et lib ere sicut ipse ea melius et lib erius b eb eoin littore merin o alicub i in Anglia, omn esque rectitudin es et iura quae ib i ego ipse unquam hab ui ; uolo

etiam ut soce quae est infra Bichamdich in omn ib usad san ctum Ben edictum Ramesien sem pertin eat ita

plene ét perfecte sieut eem ipse b ab ui , et omn es rectitudines quas rex ib i potest hab ere ; uolo preeterea ut

san cte M arie et san ctus Ben edictus et ab b as et fratresRamesiae hab ean t socem in omn ib us super omn es

homin es qui sunt motwrb i,ferdwrb i

,et faldwrb i in

illo hundredo et dimidio,cuiuscunque homines sin t .

Con cedo eis etiam mercetum de Dunham per aquamet terrem, cum induction e et eduction e, et cum omn ib usrectitudin ibus quae ad illud pertin en t, ita b en e et lib ereS ieut illud ipse un quam melius hab ui ; et n olo peti utaliq uis hOC in aliquo imminuet. In omn i quoque co

mitatu ub i san ctus Ben edictus hab et terrem con cedo eis

sacam et socem suam,tol et team,

et infengen eb ef,

in fra b urgum uel ciuitatem et ex tra,ub ique in terre

et aqua,in b osco et plen o, cuiuscunque fuerit soce


b ehcet san ctus Ben edictus lib ertatem suam in omn ib usita b en e et plen e sicut ego ipse alicub i b eb eo in toteAnglia ; hab ean t et omn es forisfacturas quae pertin en tad regiam coronam meam in natali domin ico , in pasche ,et in sancte eb domede rogationum,

in omn ib us reb us

sicut ipse b eb eo, et per totem Angliam infra ciuitatem


et ex tra, in omn i foro et ennuis nundin is et in omn ib usomn in o locis per aquam et terrem, ab omn i telon iiex ectione lib eri sint. Prohib eo itaque dei prohib itione

et mee n e aliquis hen c concession em meam mutet autminuet. S i quis uero aliquid horum quae in hoc scriptocon tinen tur temerare praesumpserit, segregatus Sit ille aChristo et ab omn i sanctorum eius consortio . Haeccerte facta fuit apud W indleshorem in .IV. die eb do

madae paschalis sub testimon io Eadgib ae reginae, Godwin i et Heroldi comitum.

1 A remarkab le ex pression , like have the fran chise.

” OftheBrehon

Law we are to ld that “ The primary local trib unal was a quas i court

b aron , called the A irecht, composed of freemen of a certain status . The

inferior Classes were écoma airechta, that is, imp ares curiae.


clop cedia B r itann ica, v. Brehon Law.

H arley Charter , 111 . B . 4 9 . A .D . 115 5 .

H e n r y I I



is gran t oftemporalities to Theob ald, archb ishop ofCenterury.

H. bURH godes gefu a ngle lendes king gret ealle

mine b issce0pes 7 ealle min e corles 7 ealle min e scirereuen 7 ealle min e bein es frencisce 7 englisce on bensciran be Teob alt erceb 7 se hiret a t x bes chyrchen

on Can tuereb irg hab bad lan d inne freondlice 7 ic kebecow 13 10 heb b e heom geun n on 13 hi b eon eelc berelende wurbe be hi eafdon en Edwardes kinges dege 7

on W illelmes kinges min es furber eeldefader 7 on

Hen rices kinges mines eeldefader 7 saca 7 scen e on

stronde 7 on streame on wudan 7 on felden tolles

7 theemes grithb riches 7 hamsocn e 7 forstalles

7 ifengen es thiafes 7 fleamen e frimthe ofer b eoreagene men b inne”. Burgan 7 b uten swe ful 7 swe


Philippo episcopo Baiocen si et Arn ulpho Episcop‘o

Lex ovien si et Theo .

3 Cancellario et Reginaldo ComiteCorn ub ie et Rob erto Comite Legrecestren si et H .

de Essex e Con stebulerio‘1 Apud Eb oracum .

E ndorsed Carta Regis Henrici .11 . de sacha et socnel

This was first printed by Mr . de Grey Birch in the Tran saction sof the Royal S ociety of L iterature, vol . x i . N ew Series, p . 3 1 2 ; and

sin ce by Mr . Furn ivall in “ Anglia,”1 884. We may con sider thi s as a

genuine original deed of 1 1 5 5, and as such it is useful for testingthe date of copies made in the twelfth cen tury .

1 Compare the other version .

1bamgan M S . (B irch)—bimgan (Furn ivall) .

3 Apparen tly for Tho . i . C . Thomas Beket , Chan cellor 1 1 54-1 1 62 .

1 Henry of Essex was disgraced in 1 1 5 7 ; and the on ly time that

Henry II . was at York b efore that date was in Feb ruary 1 1 55 (Eyton ,

Itinerary ofHenry II .) So this record, if genuine, is fix ed to a month .


THE S ix th Group is chiefly from a Singular and remark

ab le b ook in the British Museum (Add. MSS .

common ly kn own as Codex W in ton ien sis. From this fine

manuscript Kemb le took 1 8 5 documents. It b elongs to theletter end of the 1 2 th century. Though varying much in

quality, it may b e characteriz ed gen erally as ex hib itinga scholastic attention to the ancien t forms of the language.

The study of old models is sometimes overdon e ; there are

features in the orthography that can only have b een derivedfrom ex amples older even than the originals themselves .

E specially is this to b e ob served in the frequen t sub stitutionof cc for plain e as if the compilers were an x ious to b e as

archaic as possib le, and as if they b ad old Kentish specimen s b efore them. The whole effect of this b ook is to

impress us with the idea (which other writings support) ofan Anglosax on Renaissance at the close of the twelfthcentury.



C od . W in ton . f. 115 b (Collated ) . A .D . 8 5 6—8 5 8 .

K 105 7 . T . p . 11 5 .

E b elw u l f o f W e s s e x

Confirming to the Church at W in chester the privilege of

Ciltecumb,to b e assessed as one hide, b ecause Kinegils gave

it to Birinu s, and sub sequentkings had confirmed it b ecause


s land ought to b e freer than secular holdings ; b ecausewhen he was in R ome he had promised this to Leo ; and in

this act his son Alfred who travelled with him had also

engaged, and had pledged hi s children (Should b e haveany) to the same ob ligation . Moreover

,the king engages

to pay tithe ofall his landed estates .

ON ba s n emen b e on eces lifes b ec on heofon en be

awrit b e her on life wel gecwemab . iC ab ulf kyn ingc

on b ysum gewrite geswutelie b e Ciltecumb es freulse b on e

b e kyn egyls kyn ingc be a rest kin inga cristen gewearb onwest sex au his fulluht feeder SCe b irine b is00pe ge ube .

7 sibben eelc beere kyn inge be after ob ran on westsex an wa ron gefrib odon 7 gefyrb redon , beah be he


on gewrite ne Stode ob hit to me com be n u se nygobakyn ingc eom . Eec iC her geswutelie ba t iC bisne freolsa t foren sC

e petre on rome 7 bem halgen papan leoneSwa gefa stn ode swe swa me 7 eallen b eod scype gewearbon englalend a r ic to rome fore. 13wa s ba t mon a llesb ises freolses are afre for ane hide werian scolde 1 . for

bem be godes er a fre freogre b eon sceel bon n e a n ig

woruld ar . 7 min sun e eac a lfred be mid me for

7 ba r to kyn inge gehelgod wa s. ben papan on han d

gesealde ba t he b isne freols afre gefyrbrian wolde. 7his b earn gif hi God a n igre ge ube. to bem ylean

spritten wolde. IC eac b e foren bemylcan papan

eelle be lan d are b e iC on angle beode hafde .

gode into halgen stowon . for me 7 for ealle beode,


geteob ode. 7 on Rome. b e bes papan fyrbrunge 7

leaue. myn ster ge worhte. Gode to loue 7 see marianhis halgen meder to wyrbmyn te . 7 ba r englisce scole

gesette be afre n ihtes 7 dages for ure beode Gode

bywien scolde . 7 be be ie on card com . iC on cyb de

ealle folce hwa t 10 on rome gedon hafde. be ben codan

by byses gode 7 me swybe georne . 7 heom eell bis

swybe wel licode. 7 cwa don bat heora ban ces bis on

ecnesse stande.

N u helsie ic burh be halgen brimn isse

7 scs petrus 7 ealne ben e haligdom be ic on rome forme 7 for ealn e beod scype gesohte. bet nafre n e

kyn ingc n e abelingc n e b iscop n e ealdorman n e

begen n e gerefa. b ine Silfne swa earme forwyrce ba t he

bisn e freols gelyttlie be b e swylcre gewittnesse gefeSt-n od

is . buton tweon an se be hit deb he ab ilhb gode 7 see

petre 7 eallan bem halgen be on romes cyrcean restab .

7 him seluan ece hellewite ungesa ligliee getilab . Eac

se halga forsada papa leo godes curs 7 SCC petres 7celra halgena 7 his on ba n e gesette be bis afre un do .

7 eac eall bes beodscype ge on gehedoden ge on lawedan

13 ylce dyde be iC on gean com 7 him bis cybde.

This piece is wri tten in a hand which is distinct not on ly fromthat of the b ody of the b ook , b ut also from any of the additionalentries, ofwhich this is one, n ear the end of the volume .

1 Namely, se freols . the privilege .

1 Thi s is the original form of the Latin phrase In Domesday,Defendit 39 pro una hide

C od . W in ton . f. 6 9 (collated ) . A .D . 900.

K 107 7 . T . p . 143 .

E adw ear d o f W e s s e x

records that in the days of his grandfather E thelwulf andhis father Alfred

,it was settled that Alfred should have the


lang b egan to wocces geete. b enen endlang b egan (intyrwen es Sledes b eefed .

bon n e en dlang hagen fitt tob itan 2

cn olle on b on e li t hagen . endlang beere born

grafen bwyres ofer hysseb urnan on gosda ne. bonneandlang ba s weges be lib endlang gosdan e bwyresofer in waldes weg . bon ne andlang weges on bon eb eorg eet wa cces trefiwe. b enen on b uten b ig dun e

born es t6 b runes hemme. bon n e andleng b egan to bem

grundeliesan pytte. b enen on gerihte endleng b egan

to hremmes den e. b andlang b egan on b a re caldenmapolder b e sub zi n tutan ma re. bonn e en dlang b eganon sot ceorles a cer b enei n ofer b e dan e fipp b e wyrt

walan . bon n e on b uten bon e garan on bon e piwin b len .

b on ne on b uten b one garan on b one b iwindlan b on ne

en dlang mearcweges to wifan StOCCC . b en en en dlangb a s calden weges to b radan leei . b on ne an weste weerd

geepan garan . b en en to ba re haran epoldre. bon n e

7 lang di e fitt on terstan on bon e syberen steb . bonn e

7 lang Stebes. 13 b e n eob an b eemwe’ér on bon e n orberesteb. andleng Stab es aft on twyfyrde.

Thi s deed is rare and valuab le for the record of services duefrom the peasan ts ; among whi ch occurs the duty ofmaking en closuresat the proper season of the year. Each is b ound to fence six teen

yards in hi s own time. Cited by Nasse, Commun ity, tr . Ouvry , p . 1 8 ;

and b y Mr. Seeb ohm ,E ngh


sh Vi llage Com , p. 1 62 , as an instan ce

of servile tenure on an English manor .

1 Con j . K .

1 b ican K .

C od . W in ton . f. 5 9 (collated ) . A .D . 8 7 9—9 09 .

K 108 6 . T . p . 147 .

D e n ew u l f

and the Society at Win chester gran ting Ia n-land to kingAlfred after his day to return to S t. Peter .

4 Denewulf b isceop 7 b e bywen ou' W in tancezi stre .


a n la nab r’Elfrede his deg XL. hide len des a t Alresforda.

eefter beere la ne be Tun b ryht b isceop eer alende his

yldran . 7 agan wés on b eet gerad bet he gesylle a lce

geei re to ha rfestes emn ihte Dreo pund to gafole 7 eyre

sceattas 7 cyresceat weorc. 7 ben ne ba s n eod 1 b ib his

men ~ b eon gearuwe ge tfi ripe ge to hun tob e. 7 efter hisdege gfinge seo er

2u n b e 3 fii tan in to SCe Petre.

b is syut bare wi tena hendsetena 7 b ere hina‘1 b e on

ba re geb afunge weron . Deet is Den ewulf b isceop. and

Tate 5 b isceOp. and Byrn stan b isceop. and W ighelm die

conus . an d [Ebelstan clericus. and Eadwulf clericus . and

jE lfsten clericus . and W ulfstan clericus. and W ulfric

clericus. and W in sige clericus . and W ulfred clericus . and

Beorhtsige clericus. and E lfsige clericus. and W ulfhelm

clericus . and Wulfsige clericus . and W iglaf clericus .

and JEb elm clericus. and Cyn estan clericus . and Ab eric

clericus . and Drub ger clericus. and Wulfred min ister .

and Beorn ulf min ister. and W in ste n min ister. and

Ab ulfmin ister.

1nub MS .

1 b ar MS .

3umbe MS .

1 “ inmates T .

5 According to Stub b s , Regis tram S acrum A nglicanum, there is no

b ishop of the name of Tate at this period ; nor any Byrnstan , ex cept

Beorn stan , who was Denewulf’

s n ex t successor b ut one .

M S . Cod . W in ton . f. 3 2 . 2 3 M arch ,


9 3 1 .

K 1102 .

ZE b e l s t e n

rex Anglorum, &c., gran ting to Ab b ot fElfriC land at Clerc,

N . Han ts . The b ounds are as fo llows.

PRAEDICTA siquidem tellus his termin is circumcin cta

claresoit . ZErest on east healfe ba r Ecelesb urn e scyton aleb urn an ; and Swa subweerd up andlang Ecclesb urnon to bem meereb roce ; endlang bere calden die toOcotan stapole and ofCa otan stapole to bon crundele be

A e


se igb on stent and ofbam crundele on baet lange granetofbam lange grafette subeweardon to bon hn ottan seale

on S ea-rleage s’ten t ; ofbam seale to bon pmbe ; up andlang

pabes to baere apoldre, and b e eastan Bun teles pyte forb to

bam ealdan adfin i ; ofbamfin ie up to bam ealdan eleb eame

ofbam eleb eam e to bam hricgwege ongean bon e haran

born ; west andlang weges to baere easteran die ; subandlang die on bone lytlan pab ; ofbam pabe on gerichteto secges geate ; of secges geate an dlang pabes tohamleas seeagan ; and swa sudlang pabes on hremres

wyrbe ; bon n e utt on bon e herpab ; bon ne andlang

herpabes to bere ealdan stret on subeweardon and on

easteweardon bam lan de ; and swa west andlang stretto b radan hamme middeweardon ; of b radan hamme

up to witan hamme of witan hamme on bon e miclanhaeslwrib wib n eobon baet grafet ; of bam haeslwribe

o n gerihte wib baes lytlan stanb eorges up on heeslhille ;

of bam stanb eorge ofer ba, den e b e suban hilgrafon

to bon lytlan stan b eorge ; of bam stan b eorge to bonoberum lytlan stan beorge b e eastan hulgrafum ; swa

andlang bees lytlan hricges b e bere westmearce ob

bone miclan b lin e sudlang hlin ces ob bon e lytlan

eastlangan b line set n orbeweardon bam’

m iclan hlin ce ;andlang bees lytlan hlynces baet ofer ba den e on bes

hlinces heafod up an gomanan hylle ; swa on gerihte

n orbeast ofer gemanan hylle ; to bam herepabe be scytto meres byrig ; east andlang herpabes to ho lan wege ;and nyber andlang holan weges ; bon ne lib b e westan

wege .X . eceras to bon easteran lande 5 forb n orb and

lan g weges to bon herepabe be scyt to baere byrig towest C leran west andlang lierpabes to bere miclanflodan set Eadrices coton of baere flodan n orbwest

to baers miclan apoldre ; west on gerihte wib suban ba


Christo ! Ego ZE’Selstanus rex et rector totius huius

Britan n iae in sulae, largien te domino et omn ib us eiussanctis

,has terras don o aeternaliter familiae aecclesiae

san ctae trin itatis quae est in W in ton la ciuitate, in tusad refectorium fratribus et ad uestimen ta ; sed et qui

cunque episcopus qui tun c superfuerit illiusque aecclesiaeregimen ten eat, eos de suis propri i s episcopalibus uillis

plen iter pascat, sicut ab antiquis temporib us illi hon orab ili familiae a uen erab ilib us patrib us con stitutum fuit .

Haec autem sun t n omina uillarum huius meae donation is ; 1100 est in monasterio quod ab in colis Enedford

nun cupatur .x x x . cassatas et in n illa quae uocitatur

CEOLBALDINCTUN .X . man sas, itemquei n uilla quae diciturfEscmeres weorb .X . cassatos. Et praecipio in n omin esan ctae et indiuiduae trin itatis ut hae supranominatae

terrae sin t aeternaliter lib erae ab omn i ingo terrenaeseruitutis

,ex cepto ex pedition e, et arcis pontisque con

structione. N ecn on et hoc praecipio in n omine omn i

poten tis dei, quod n ullus rex aut episcOpus, uel aliquis

alius poten s, sit tam audax ut huius meae donation is

condictum commouere seu confringere praesumat. U olo

itaque ut haec supradicta familia semetipsam pro me

trib us djeb us in an n o pascat,’

hoc est in festiuitate

Omn ium San ctorum,et quamdiu christian itas perman

serit in hac in sula sin t illi mei in tercessores ad domin um .

S i quis n ero han c meam donationem adaugere uoluerit,

adaugeat deus praemium eius in regno coelorum . S i

quis autem in stituerit minuere, min uatur merces eiusin regn o dei, n isi prius cum satisfaction e emendauerit .

N ecnon et praecipio ut omn es corum terrae quas mei

con sanguinei seu aliqui fideles illis dederun t in hac

eadem lib ertate sin t . Hoc n ero con stitutum fuit inregali u illa quae ab omn ib us From n un cupatur, ann o


domin icae incarnation is .DCCCC .XXXIIII . indiction e .VII .

.XVI I .

‘ kalen das Ian uarii, cum corum testimon io quorumn omina infra con scripta uiden tur. b is syndon bara

.x x x . hida gemeera to En edforda. [Brest of afenan

east stabee upp on ba di e to bam weallum ; of bam

weallon endlang heerpabees in to lOrtan hleewe Of lo tte nhleewee east andlang furh on ceaster herpeb ; of bam

heerpabee andlang farh on dolh crundeel : of dolh crun

deele forb andlang weeges on bon e eeben en byrigeels ;

ofbam byrigelsee to beere reeden han ee Ofbeere readan

hanee andlang street on igean seab of igean seabee on

bon e greaten hling ; of barn hlin ce an dlang drafee on

bouee hlinc aet wad deenee Ofwat deene endlang furh on

bonee rugan b eorg of bam rugam b eorge andlang furh

to amwican ; ofamwican to b lacan deen ee ofblacan deenee

andlang street on bon e ford Ofbam forde 7 lane streames

on bonae b radan igeob of bem igeobe andlang streames

to beere ealdan dic eet hrisc steorte ; of barn hrisc

steorte on bone greaten b lin e ; Ofbam greatan hlin cee.

andlang fyrh on bonae ruge sled ; of bam rugan slede

on bon e flit garan ; of barn flit garan on fitelan sladees

crundeel ; Ofbam crundeele 7 lang bees smalan weges on

be rugan hylle, eet beere ealdan furh ; endlang furh to

bam ealdan lagan ; of barn ealdan lagan to eescdeen e ;

of eescdeen e andlang bees smalan weges to rodmundes

deen e ; on bees hlin ces heafod ; Of bees hlinces heafdee

7 lang bees smalan weges on bonae flit garan ; Of bam

garan 7 lang ba re ealdan di e on bon es wide geat ; Of

bam widan geate forb to bam heafod stoccan ; banon

7 lang die on Randa ford .

{4 Ego .ZEbelstan us Angul—Sax on um n ecn on et totiasBrittan n iae rex

, gratia dei regn i solio sub limatus,

signo san ctae ' crucis hoc corrob oraui et confirmaui.


>X< Ego Huwal sub regulus. >X<Ego Wulfhelm archiepiscopus . >X< Ego W ulfstan archiepiscoPus. 44


Deodred episcopus . 44 Ego Wulfhun episcopus . >X<

Ego .éElfheah episcopus. >X< Ego Oda episcopus . >X<

Ego fiElfred episccpus. >X< Ego ZElfheah episcopus .

44 Ego [Ebeelgar epiSCOpus. r} Ego Burgric episcopus .

>X< Ego Cenwald episcopus. >I< Ego ZElla episcopus .

44 Ego Wyn sige epiSCOpus . >X< Ego Tidhelm episcopus.

>X< Ego Cyn esige episcopus . >X< Ego W ulfhelm episcopus. up Ego fElfred episcopus. >X< Ego E lfwald

dux . vb Ego fEbeelstan min ister. >I< Ego Oddamin ister. >X< Ego fEbeelstan min ister. >X< Ego Wulfhelm min ister. .x. Ego fElfhere min ister. 44 Ego

fElfheah min ister. >X< Ego Wulfsige min ister. >1<

Ego W ulfgar min ister. >X< Ego ZEbelmund min ister.

i s Ego W ulfgar min ister. >X< Ego W ulflaf min ister .

>X< Ego Wulfmer min ister. >X< Ego fElfheah min ister.

>X< Ego ZElfric min ister. >I< Ego W ulfnob min ister.

>X< Ego fEbelstan min ister. ( 4 Ego Eadric min ister .

Rubri c . pis is bara .x x x . hida b oo to En edforda, and bara .X .

eet Ceolb oldin cgtune and bara .X . eet E scmeeres wyrbe. Donum E belstan i regis.

The same in Sax on .

M ID Godees gifee! Ic fEbelstan Ongol-Sax na cyn ing

and . b rytmnwalda eallms byses iglandees, burh Godees

seelene and ealra his halegra, bas lan d eecelice seelle

in to san ctae trin itatan bam hiwum to hira b eodlandeeand to hregltalee ; beet is bonn ee eet En edforda .x x x . hida,and aet Ceolb aldinctuna .X . hidee

,and eet E scmeeres

weorbee .X . hida. And ic wulla beet bas lan d burhwun ienon eecelecum freodomee from eeghwelcum eorblecum

beowdomee, b utan firdee and fwstmngeweeorcee, and


gar min ister. 4 JEbelmund min ister. 4 W ulfgar’

min ister. 4 Wulflafmin ister. 4 W ulfmeer min ister.

4 fElfheah min ister. 4 ZElfric min ister. 4 Wulfric

m in ister. 4 Wulfnobmin ister. 4 fEbelstan min ister.

4 Eadric min ister. 4 fiEbelwald min ister. 4 W igar

min ister. 4 W ulfric min ister. 4 E lfsige min ister.

4 fElfsige min ister. 4 E lfheere min ister. 44 ZEbel

gerd min ister.

A fine ex ample of the An glo-Sax on studies kept up at Win ichester in the twelfth cen tury . The translation of rector totius hu ius

B ritann iee in su lae in to b ryt eenwalda eallees“

6yses iglandees is happilycharacterised by Mr . J. R . Green as

“an instance of the literary

archaism and afiectation of the time (The Con ques t of E ng land

( 1 88 p . a remark which is equally applicab le, though with a dif

feren ce, b oth to the time of the purported date, that is the ten th

cen tury ; and to the time of the manuscript, that is the latter partof the twelfth cen tury .

C od . W in ton . f. 8 5 a (co llated) . A .D . 9 46-9 5 5 .

K 117 3 . T . p . 4 9 9 .

ZE ’S e lw o l d eal d o rm an

his will . -The writing contain s o n ly a portion of the Will ;the rest b eing nun cupatory. It is n oticeab le that leen-landsare treated as hereditary and testamen tary.

HER geswutelad ba t Eadred cing geube beet lan d aet

W ilig . ba twelf hida. to scrud fultume 1 bam hirede in toEaldan myn stre.

LEOF 2 fEbELWOLD ealderman eyb hi s leOfan oyn e

hlaforde Eadred cynge hu ic wille ymb e ba landare be'

i c eet min e hlaforde geearn ode. ZErest Gode 7 beerehalgan stowe aet bam b isceop stole eet W intanceastre

bam b isceope 7 barn hiwum beet lan d est W ilig . ba twelfhida. to sorud fultume. beet hi me on heora geb edd .

reden n e heebb en . swa swa ic him . to gelyfe. 7 175m


cinge min n e heere geatwa.

3 feower sweord. 7 feowerspeera. 7 feower scyldas . 7 feower b eagas. twegen on

hund twelftigum mancosun . 7 twegen on hund eahtatigum . 7 feower hors . 7 twa sylfrene feta. 7 min umb re6er eadrice beet lan d eet Ocehum an . 7 eet eecscesdun e.

7 aet eegham . 7 aet wessinga tune.

47 fEbelstane minee

b reb er bet land aet b radan weetere. 7 bet wt N iwan tfin e.

7 .ZElfsige mine b re6er suna bet lan d eet carcel . 7

E lfstan es suna min es b robor bmt lan d mt Cleran . 7 eall

beet yrfe bee ic heebb e on laene lendum . b on ne wylle ic

beet beet sie gedeled for mine sawle swa swa'

i c n u barnfreondum seede bee ic to spreec .

1 Compare the allowan ces for livery in themediaeval college statutes ;they were contin ued in some colleges almost if n ot quite down to our

times . Stub b s, Con s t. H is t. iii. 5 3 1 .

2 Mr. Thorpe takes L eaf as a pren omen ; I take it as an episto laryaddress to the king = S ire, My lord.

3 Here Mr. Thorpe remarks that had Mr . Hallam kn own thi s and

other like tex ts, he would n ot in his “ Middle Ages have put theearliest trace of the heriot in the reign of Canute . The heriot was on lydefined by Canute .

1 Is W essingatun the same as Wassingtun gran ted by Eadred to

Eadri c A .D . 947 Or, ifWassingtun isWashington b y S teyn ing (Suss . )is Wiston , close by there, possib ly our W essingatun ?

C od . W in ton . f. 111 b . A .D . 9 8 5 .

K 6 5 2 .


ZE 'Be l r e d

gran ting his faithful friend [Elferd 1 1 man see aet Micla

mersce (Michelmersh n ear Romsey, Ran ts) .

4 MUNDUS iste tran sib it et qui eum diligit, qui

domin um diligit man eb it in aeternum ! S ic diligendus

est mundus ut n u llus ab utatur eo ; male utitur mun

do ille q ui philargyriam retinet in clauso uiscere tan

quam heram principalem,quia mundana retinen do


minuun tur, tribuen do multiplican tur, in tonan te apo

stolica fon e, Quid hab es,quod n on eccepisti S i acce

pisti, quid inde gloriaris quasi n on acceperis ?’Adeo

decan tan te psalmigrapho , ‘Domin i est terra et plen i

tudo eius, orb is terrarum et un iuersi qui hab itan t ineo .

Q uamob rem ego [Ebelredus rex Anglorum prae

n oscen s quorsum praedicta tendan t,

scilicet ad dili

gendos homin es b on is morib us adornatos,concedo cui

dam meo amico fideli n omin e ZElferd q uandam telluris

particulam, id est .XI . man sas in loco uulgari uocita

mine eet M iclamersce, quatinus u ita comite hab eat

ac peren n iter possideat ; cum autem in teritum com ;

mun em aduen ire cogn ouerit, cuicun que sib i lib uerithaeredi post se commendet in propriam haereditatem .

S it autem praedicta tellus lib ere. ab omn i saeculari


endiculo,cum omn ib us quae ad ipsa loca pertin ere

di n oscun tur,tam in magn is quam in modicis reb us


campis, pascuis, pratis, siluis,ex ceptis istis tribus,

ex pedition e, pon tis arcisue coaedificatione, an athematis an tiquis cartulis

,ita ut n ichil ualean t ultra

, etiamsi iterum emergan t. Han c n ero meam donation em

cupientes min uere uel mutare uel frangere hab ean t

portionem cum illis quib us dicitur, ‘Discedite a me

operar n in iquitatis in flammas ign ium.

n 1s1 prius poe

n iten tiae digna satisfaction e emenden t. Est autem

praedictum rus talib us circumdatum termin is. fErest

ofTerstan Upp on Iww cumb ; ofIwwa cumb e on ween

hyrste ; of weenhyrste on bon e ealde iw ; bon on e of

bon iwe to Lullan setle ; of Lullan setle to b eocera

gen te ; of b eocera gen te to horsweges heale ; of horsweages b eale to eeppen lega ; of heeppen lege to Higsolon ; of Higso lon on feestan ac ; of feestan ac on

feora b urnan eewylman ; of feora human to ceomman


bon nee licgeab ba breo gyrda on obeere heealfee fromee eet

e arn leeagee on geemeen um landee.

Ru br ic.—Dis is ”

Sara .III . hida land b oc eet W estwuda and tiara

.l l I . gyrda aet Fearnlege 6c E Oelred cing gebocode Leofwine his huntan

on ece yrfe .

C od . W in ton . f. 4b . A .D . 9 9 6 .

K 129 1 .

ZE'Be l r e d

b asileus Anglorum adjudges to the church of SS . Peterand Paul at Win chester , at the request of Bp. E lfheah


a certain haga which a lady of the name of E lfswyis had

granted for that service, b ut her in ten tion had b een fraudalen tly defeated. The b oundaries are in teresting for the

names of streets in Win chester.

Dis is bes hagan emb egang be .ZEbelred cing geubein to Baldan myn stre, ofer Wulfsiges deeg preostes .

fErest fram Leofan hagan west andlang cypstreete obhit cymb to flees[c]mangere streete ; andlang fleesemangara straete bet it cymb to scyldwyrhtan a straete ;andlang scyldwyrhtana straete east eft beet hit cymb toLeofan hagan .

Ru bwe —b is is “Sees hagen b oc on Winceastre and

“Oes healfan

weres aet Breegen tforda and“

Oecs eecersplottes‘

Oe fleerto li6, Oe E Oelred

cyn ing geq God elmihtigum and his halgan apostolan Petre and Pau leinto Ealdan mynstre on ece inhyrn esse.

H arley Charter 43 C . 4 . Before 9 9 11.

B ib l . P ub l . Camb . Ff. 2 . 3 3 .

K 6 8 5 . T . p . 5 19 .

B . iii . 3 5 .

E l fl eed

her Will. Begin s by reciting that of JEbelfleed, the second


queen of Eadmund. In Sax . Chron . D. 946, she is called‘JE belfleed ofDomerham


and that estate comes first in the

disposition s of this Will. The estate of Charlesworth was

conveyed to E belfleed in 962 . Ab ove, p. 2 00 . The ortho

graphy reminds u s ofCod. Winton .

DIS is eebelfleed‘

e'cwyde b is serest b

ic gean mi nu

hlaforde bes landes aet lamb urnan 7 bee s aet ceolsige 7eet readingan 7 feower b eagas on twam hund man cys

goldes 7 iiii pellas 7 iiii cuppen 7 iiii b leda

7 iiii hors 7 ic b idde minne leonan hlaford for godeslufan 15 min cwyde standan mote 7 ic nan O


Oer n eb b e

geworht on godes gewitn esse 7 ic gean bees landes eetdomar hame in to glestinga byrig for eedmundes cingessawle 7 for eeadgares cinges 7 for mire sawle 7 ic

gean bes landes aet hamme in to cristes cyrcan est can twarebyrig for eadmundees cin g es sawle 7 for mire


sawle 7 ic gean bes landes aet wude ham b eeorhtnoiSee

eealdormen 7 mire swustmr hyre deeg 7 ofor hire degin to sca marian cyrcan eet byorcingan 7 ic gean be


landes eet hed ham b eeorhtnoiSee ealdormen 7 mireswuster hmora deeg 7

eefter heeora deege in to paulusbyrig eet lundeenee to b isceop hamee 7 ic gean beeslandees aet dictun ee in to ylig to sé


ee eebeelOryO 7 to

hire geswustran 7 ic gean bara twegra landa eet coh

hanfeldeea 7 aet ceeorles weorbe b eeorhtn o’Oee eealdormen

7 miree swus'

E hire deeg 7 ofer hire deeg into scee ead

mundes stowe to byderices wyr6e 7 ic‘


an bees landesaet fingringahc

) b eeorhtn oOe eealdermen 7 mire swus'


hiree deg 7 ofer hire deeg in to scee peetres cyrcan a t

myres igee 7 ic geean bees landes aet polstede heeorht

n ob e eealdormeen 7 mire swusf hire deg 7 ofor hiradag in to stoey 7 ic geean bees landees a t hwifersce in to


stocyofer min nae deg 7 ic geean b eeorhtn oiiee eealdermen

7 m ire swus'


ba s lan des a t street forda hire deeg 7 ofer

hire deeg ic his geean in to stocjr 7 ic willee b lauanham ga in to stoce ofeer bes eealdermannes deeg 7 mireswu st 7 10 gean bees lan des ect byliges dynee in to stoeyofer bees eealderman es deeg 7 mire swus


t 7 ic gean


bara landa est peltendun e 7 et myres ige 7 eet gren

stede in to stocy ofer min nes dsag 7 ofer b eeo rhtnob eseealdorman n ees 7 ofeer mire swust 7 10 gean bes Iandeseet ylmeseeton b eorhtn o

’de eealdormen 7 mire swus


hiradeeg 7 ofeer hira dwg ic his gaean eeadmundee 7 ic an

beeree aree hide eet borpee in to hedleege for mire sawle

7 for mira eldrena ofer [min ne deeg] 7 ic gean“Oeera .x .

hida est wicforda sib rihte m in u meegee ofer minn e deeg7 ic gean eegwinee mi nu gereefan bara . uii hida eet hed

ham ofer minn e 2 deg swa hit on eeald dagu gestod

7 ic geean b rihtwolde minu cn ihtee bara twegra hida on

dun n inc lan de ofer minn ee deeg 7 ic an alfwolde min u

preoste tweegra hida on dun n ing lan de ofer minn e deeg7 ic gean eebeelmeere mi nu preeoste tweegra hida on

dunn ing landee ofeer 3 min n e deeg 7 ic gaean eelfgeeate

mmu megee twegra hida on dunn ing lande ofar min naedeeg ic geean

“Bees landees eet weealdinga feelda orawa

mira magan oueer min n ee deeg 7 ic wille 15 man frigeeheealue mine men on elcfi tun e for mine sawlee 7 bman dele eeal healf b yrue b ic heeb b ee on eelcfi tune formire sawle .

ZElfleed geeswytelab on bis gewrite hu heeo wilehab ban gefadad hiree eehta for gode 7 for worldee eerest

b ic an mmu hlaforde bara . viii . lan da eef'


mi nu dege

b is crest eet douorcortee 7 act fulan pettee 7 aet eeles

forda 7 eet stanweegun 7 eet byreetune 7 eet leexadyne


fingringaho 7 bara six hida bee b myn stmr on stent

7 ic gecan efteer crawan dege bes landes aet wealdinga

felda in to sub byrig to scee gregoriee ealswa min swestar

hit er foreewyrde ; 7 ic gean in to eelig scee petre 7 scee

eebeeldrybe 7 s'

ée wihtb urhe 7 scee sex b urhe 7 see

eeormenhilde ber min es hlafordes lichoma rest bara breolanda be wit b uta geheotan gode 7 his halga

4 “

b is eet

rettendun e be wes min morgangyfu 7 aet seegha 7 aet

dictun e ealswa min hlaford 7 min sweestar his or

genban 7 baree anre hide eet ceeafle be min swystar

b egeat 7 bes b eeahges gemacan be man seealde min iihlaforde to sawle sceeatte 7 ic gean eeb elmeere eealdorri



bes lan des eet lellinge ofer mine deg mid mete 7 mid

man nu eealswa hit S ten t on bet gerad 15 he b eo on mi nu

life min fulla freond 5 7 forespreca 7 mira man na 7efter min ti dege b eo bara halgan stowe 7 beree are ful

freond 67 forespeca ect stocee be min e yldran on restab 7

ic gean bes landesmt lissingtun e eiSelmere mines hlafordesmege mid mete 7 mid mannfi ealswa hit S tent 7 hin eeadmodlice b i1d'de b he min fulla freond 5 7 mundiend

b eo on minfi dege 7 eff mi n u dege gefelste b”

min cwide

7 mira yldran standan mote ; bis sin d ba lan d mearca tobyligesdyne of “8a b urnan eet humelcyrre frahumel

cyrre to heregeres heafode fra'


heafode eef'


se, ealdan hege to“Bare gren e eéc bo


fi forb

15 hit cymb to bare stan straete of bare stan straete

7 lang soryb b e b"

hit cymb to acan tune fra acyn tun e bhit cymb to rigendun e fra

rigindun e eeft to bara b urnan

7 beer is lan des fif hida pis sin d ba lan d gemeera tohwifer mirsce 7 to polestede ofloppandyn e to scelfleegefra


, leage to mercyl 7 lang mercyle in to sture 7 langSture to leofmann es gemeere 7 lang leofmann es geemeere

to amalburnan fra amalb urnan to n orb felda“

Sofi forb



to b ind heecce fra b in d heecce to dudan hwcce fri

tudan heecce to gi ddincgforda fra giddingforda to hun tstede fra hun t stede to hwitincghé frfa


. hwitingho to

wudeman n es tun e fre'

i. wudeman n es tun e to ceeresige

geemeere fraceeresige gemeere to heedleage gemeere fra

heedleage geemeere to hligha gemwre fre’

i hlighagemeere

eft to loppandyn e to hwifrmmera landes 7b e sex

E ndorsed in a 1 2 th cen tury hand,‘ZElflaed Ceorlesworb e and


B .

1 This will is b y T . dated ‘circa by B .

‘after But if

the Byrhtn ob so often named is the hero of Maldon , then the date

must b e before or in 99 1 , unless we take 993 as the date of that battle .

2 mimimze M S .

‘1 The —n final is dropped .


fullafreod M S .


fulfreod MS .

TH IS group is from a Manuscript in the Parker Lib rary

at Corpus Christi College, Camb ridge : N o . cx i . describ ed byWan ley, p. 1 49 ; the con ten ts of which are as Ken n ettsays

principally matters appertain ing to the Monastery of


’I add some particulars for which I am indeb ted to

Professor Skeat. The b ook is in good early writing to p .

1 2 9 , of which the earliest part is pp. 5 5—1 2 9 ; at p . 1 1 6

(back) is the date 1 1 36 . On p . 1 3 1 is the date 1 2 5 8 . At

the end are some paper leaves which go to the 1 sth cen tury.

0 . C . C . Camb . cx i . 13 9 . A b o u t 9 3 8 .

E S 5 6 .

A t h e l s t an

gran ting to [Elfheah his faithful than e land, ub i ab in colis

n ominatur Feornb eorgan ,ofwhich the b ounds are as follows.

DIS sindan 'b a landgeme’

ero b e t6 Fearnb eorgan

R b


gebyriab . Of Fearnb eorge west on b on e weg t6 barnstanum ; of bam stanum siib on b on e weg ob b e and


ifda ; of b arn andheafdum on b a hlin cre’

ewe fip t6

b eé re di e b e n orb an st6dfaldon b onn e fo rb on b a di c

t6 meé rflOdan b e eastan lillinglea b on n e forb andlang

b ees sub eran weges ob b eet lang trew ; b on ne forbwest on b one weg ofer Beocumb t6 b am ste

incrundle ;

b on n e n orb on b on e smalan weg wib eastan b r6cenan

b eorg t6 bam wege b aé r east ligb ; b onne forb on

b one weg t6 cytelfl6dan b e westan mules cumb e b eé r

b a wegas twisligab b on n e forb t6 Scyldmé'

re b onn eforb on b e furh to furcumb e ; andlanges furcumb es

middeweardes t6 b eé re den e ; b on n e forb on b a denut6 b e


éra wega gemyb an ; b onn e forb t6 b am hwi tan

wege t6 b arn haran borne ; of barn hw’

itan wege on

Fearnb eorg ,and se leag b e eastan catmére b e b e


gebyreb ; b eet is on b on e wege b e ib t6 S tan leage ;

b onn e forb si b b en siib on b on e stan ihtan weg ; of

S tanmé ringa gemeere ; b on n e forb on b on e smalan weg

t6 b arn fulan wege se hatte stific weg ; b eet is Catme

éringa geme’

ere and b ees lan des t6 Fearnb eorgan ;

b onn e forb andlang b ees weges fit on b one felde ; andb on n e ealle b a hangran b etweonan b am wege and

barn b e t6 S tanleage ligb gebyriab ealle t6 Fearn e

b eorgan .

C . C . C . Camb . cx i . 143 . A .D . 9 49 .

K 424 (App . vol . vi .)

E ad r ed

his confirmation of land gran ted to ZEbelmeer . This docu

men t has much that is curiou s and suspicious ; e. g. the

signature, Osulf ad Beb banb urh heahgerefa (Freeman ,


tion is DCCCC.XLVIIII et tertio praefati regisann iculo , talioptimatum stab ilitate con scrib en ti um .

4 Eadred rex et rector. 4 Oda aercab iS’

. 4 Wulfstan archiepiSCOpus . 4 Deodred pon tifex . 4 fElfheh

praesul. 4 E lfric et W ulfsige episcopi . 4 ZElfred

an tistes . 4 ZEbelgar pon tifex . 4 Koenwald monachus .

4 W ulfhelm b ig. 4 Cyn sige con sul . 4 Aldred epi

SCOpus . 4 ZEbelwald praesul pontificale cum augustoeulogiam cum iub ilando dogmatiz aui o Ead

geofu felix . 4 Howel regl. 4 M orcan t


Cadmon . 4 Osulf ad b eb b . hehgi". 4 fEbelstan

dux .

4 4 U rm eorl ; atque 4 Alhhelm comes .

4 3 Uhtred eorl . 7 grim . 4 fEbelmund alderman .

4 Eadric prin ceps. 4 S eule eorl . 4 fElfgar comes .

[Elfstan miles 7 Eadmun d begn . E lfsige miles 7Wulfric begn Berhferb m iles regis . W igstan ab bud 7Aldredus Dun stan ab bud . 4 Eadhelmus 7 .ZEbelgeard.

Berb tsige miles . 4 r’

Ebelmeer praeses [Elfheah miles

7 Eadsige. Hi porro praefati primates regale prae

rogatiuum scrib endo con signab an t cum triumphali uex

illo solidan tes . Omn es san cti dei b eatificent hoc b en eflcium stab iliter con seruan tes . S i qui uero fraudulen ter

han c regalem lib ertatem minuendo den ihilen t, ad n i

hilum redigan tur, n isi dign e coram deo satis et satisfacian t

,emendan tes in melius quod n ecligenter de

liqueran t. Adtendat un usquisque fidelium quod im

peret auctor Christus Date et dab itur uob is : amen .

Con tulit n empe hic mas e'

nz magn o regi 11

°corn ua auro

argen toque decorata ut eo lib erius hoc praerogatiuumrob oretur.

E ndorsed. Lond eet Cendeles funtan j eft Eadred cing hit ageaf

E belmere wib beem ilcan land a on ece yrfe beem be him leofast seon .

1 ‘J Coll . Error of the copyist for the proper name Andeol . (K .)2 S ic in Ms. (K .)


C . C . C . Camb . cx i . 15 5 . A .D . 9 5 1 .

K 4 3 0.

E ad r ed

gran ts eetern aliter to W ulfric his faithful than e 2 5 man see in

a place called eet Cifan lea (Chieveley 4 m . N . ofN ewb ury,Berks) with pasture quae in quodam mon te hab etur , for hislife and with power to will it. It is perpetually free of all

b ut the three b urthen s.

ISTIS termin is praedicta terra circumgyrata esse

uidetur. Dis sin t b a landgemara t6 Cifan lea. fE rest

of catb eorge andlang weges on ZEb elunes born ; b on onandlang weges on sealhangran eastewarde ; b on on and

lang weges on b a byrgelsas ; b on on andlang Bydenhé ma gemefares on b a haran apoldre ; b on on on Orhe


gemeere ; andlang b ees geme’

éres on C iltewudes gemeé re ,

t6 b an stan e ; b on on west andlang weges t6 b an heecce ;b on on andlang gemeé res t6 b an crun dele ; b on on and

lang geme’

eres t6 b an 6b rum crundele ; b on on t6 b an

w6n stocce ; and b aé r t6 wuda ; b onon on b a syrfan°

b on on ofer hean hrycg ; b on on on b ees cinges hagan ;b on n e b e’ér west endlang hagan on Hneefleage sub e

weerde ° b on on andlang hagan t6 b alm beece ; of b arn

b eéce b eer n orb fit an b on e lytlan heé b feld ; b on on and

lang weges b e Win terburn inga gemé re b e westan b abrecaldan byrig on b on e stan ihtan weg ; of b i n wege t6

b an stancystlun ; b on on on b a andheafda ; b on ne b eé rwest on b een e b urnan b iitan .VI . eecrun ; b onne b e

er n orb

an furlang ; b on n e b eer west ofer b a twégen b eorgas t6ban hearpab e ; n orb en dlang herpab es on b radan ford ;b e

ér west andlang b urnstowe t6 Ibb an stan e b onn e b ar6st andlang weges on standene ; b on on west t6 b anwurtwalan ; b on on n orb on sceap hammes ; b onon on

gerihta b aé r tfinwegas fitscettab ; b onon on gerihta t6


b eere haran apoldre ; of bwre haran apoldre burh b on et i

i n t6 b an ruwan crun dele b on on andlang gemeeres on

b one lytlan b eorh up on mules dun e ; of b an b eorge

andlang gemwres on hrycgweg ;‘

andlang hrycgweges

Ob catméres gemwre ; b on ne b eer 6st andlang gemeeres

on Puttan pyt ; of b an pytte andlang gemwres eft on

catb eorh .

These b ounds , which are prin ted in K Vi . 234, are from another

M S .,namely Cott . Claud . B . Vi . 39 : and they seem fu ll of promise

for an en terprising club like that whi ch has its headquarters at

N ewb ury.

C . C . Cam b . cx i . 147 an d 15 3 . A .D . 9 5 6 .

R 44I .

E a dw i g

to ab b ot E b elwald and the monastery at Ab ingdon restores

with the con sen t ofhis n ob les twen ty man siun culw ofwhichthe b ounds are such as to en courage local investigation . It

is n ear Ox ford, and the names of Bagley and Sunn ingwellare COIl Spl Cll Oll S .

ET his limitib us haec telluris particula'


u idetur. JErest on Temese b e sub an fordwere b eere

li p on b a di e on Eoccen es gwrstun sfib weardn e b on ne

ondlang di e-t6 Eoccen ; ondlong Eoccen es t6 ab b odes

di e ; ondlong di e t6'

eealdanwylle ; of eealdanwylle on

b wt rise sle’

éd middeweard ob Beorhtwoldes m6r ; b wt

b eer on b a di e ; ondlang di e t6 mearcforda ; b on ne fip

ondlang b r6ces ob byt cymb t6 emn es bwm ealdan


eghrycge ; b on n e on gerihte b etweoh Potteles tre6won b on e ellen styb b wt b eer on wuduford on Sun n inga

wylles b rOO ondlang b ré ces t6 dun nanforda b wt bwron b wt wib igb ed ; b onn e on b on e healfan eecer n orb e

weardne ; b on n e endlang fyrh t6 b on heafdon ; b eetb e


er sub ofer b one healfan weer ; b eet b e'

er east on b e


Ofn emfib an t6 iwes heafdan of iwes heafdan on


éwe ; of stanre’

ewe on hwi tan heal ; of hwi tan

b eale on iwden e ; of iwden e'on b radan m6r ; of b radan

m6re on Twyfyrd ; of Twyfyrde o n wstege pul l fit

in nan Sa’efern .

Trans lati on of the B oundari es :—These are the land-meers at

Tydenham . From Wye-mouth to Yew’

s head, from Yew’s head to

S ton e-row, from Stone-row to White heel , from Wh ite heel to Yewden ,

from Yewden to Broad moor, from Broad moor to Twyfyrd, from Twyfyrd to Astey poo l out in Severn .

1 Mr. Seeb ohm ,E . V. C . , p . 1 50 , iden tifies ZEstegepul with Ashwell

Grange Pitt , which is now the northern limit of T idenh am .

Diuision es et con suetudines in Dyddan hamme1


On Dyddanhamme synd .x x x . hida .IX . in lan des and

XXI . hida gesettes landes. To S trwt syn d .XII . hidaXXVII . gyrda gafollandes ; and on Swuern e .x x x . eyt

weras ; to M iddeltune .V. hida .XIIII . gyrda gafol

lan des .XIIII . cytweras on Swuern e : and .I I . hwcweras

on weege ; to Cinges tun e .V. hida sin d .XIII . gyrda

gafollandes and .I . hida b ufan die b wt is nu eac gafol

land,and b eet utan hamme is gyt sum in lan d

, sum

hit is b an scipwealan to gafole gesett to Cynges

tun e on Swuerne .x x 1 . cytwera, and on wwge .XII . to

Biscopes tun e syn d .III . hida, and .x v. cytweras on

wwge ; on Lan dcawet syn d .III . hida. and .II . hwe

weras on wwge . and . III . cytweras. Ofer eall b eetland gebyrab eet

gyrde .XII . pwnegas, and .l III . wlmes

pen egas, wt wlcum were b e b in nan b am .x x x . hidanis gebyreb wfre se Ob er fisc b am lan d hlaforde, an d

wlc seldsynde fisc b e weorb lic.

byb , styria, and mere

swyn ,healic Ob er swfisc ; and n ah man nwn ne fisc

wib feo to syllann e b onne hlaford on land byb wr

man hin e him gecyb e. Of Dyddanhamme gebyreb


micel weorcreeden . Se gen eat sceal wyrcan swa on

lande, swa of lande, hweb er swa him man byt, and

ridan , and auerian,and lade leeden

,drafe drifan


fela ob ra binga don . S e geb ur sceal his riht don,

he sceal erian healfne weer to wiceworce,and rwcan

sylf b wt seed on hlafordes b erne gehaln e to cyrcscette

sa hweb ere of his agen um b ern e to werb olde .XL .

mwra Ob b e an fob er gyrda ; Ob b e .VII l . geocu hyld

.I II . eb b en tyn e, weertyn inge .x v. gyrda, Ob b e dichefiftyn e ; and dicie .I . gyrde b urhheges , ripe Ob er healfne

weer,mawe healfn e ; on ob ran weorean wyrce, a b e

weorces mwb e. Sylle .VI . pen egas ofer estre, healfnesester hun ies to Hlafmwssan .VI . systres mealtes toMartin es mwsse an eliwen godes n ettgernes . On b am

sylfum lande S ten t seb e .VII . swyn heeb b e b wt he sylle

.I II . and swa forb a b wt teob e,and b ees n ab ulws mwsten

reeden e b on n e mwsten b eo .

1 This seems the natural place for this Memorandum ; which is

prin ted in K vol . iii . p . 450 , referring to the M S . C . C . C . Camb . cx i . 7 1 .

C . C . C . Camb . cx i . 7 4 . A .D . 1061—106 5 .

K 8 22 .

E l fw i g

ab b ot ofBath lets to Stigand 30 hydes of land at Tidenham(see ab ove K45 2 ) for ren t in money and six porpoisesand herrings.

—K ’

s date 1 060—1 066 is n ot ex act ;

Aldred did n ot b ecome archb ishop, n or Gisa b ishop until1 06 1 Tostig was ban ished in 1 065 .

44 HER swutelab on b isum gewrite b eet [Elfwigab b ud , and call seo geferrwden on Bab an ,

hwfb geleet

en to S tigande archeb iseeop .x x x . hyda lan des wt

Dyddenhamme his deege wib .x . marcan goldes and

wib .x x . pundon seolfres ; and wfter his deege ga byt


eft in to b am halegan myn stre mid mete and mid

man num,swa full and swa forb swa hit b wn n e byb ;

and .I . mare goldes to eaean and .VI . merswin and

.x x x . busenda hwryngys wlce care. Dis ys to ge

wittnysse, Eadweard cin in cg ,and Eadgyb seo hlwf

dige, and Ealdryd archeb isceop, and B ereman b isceop,

and Gisa b isceop, and Harold eorl, and Tosstig eorl ,and fEb eln ob ab b od

, and ZEgelwig ab b od, and E gyl

sige ab b od,an d Ordric ab b od

,and Esegar steallere,

and Roulf steallere, and Bondig steallere, and man ega

ob re gode men n b e heora n aman her awriten e n e

syndon . And gyf wn ig man n si swa dyrstig b eetwylle b is awendan

,si he aman sumod fram Criste and

fram sancta Marian and fram sancte Petre b arn haleganapostle and fram eallum Cristes halegum eefre on

eecnysse b uton he byt eft b e rab or geb ete.

Mr. Seeb ohm, E . V. C . , p . 1 54, suggests that this was an

arrangemen t for mutual conven ien ce whereb y the Ab b ot of Bath got

herrings from the east, and the Archb ishop got salmon from the west .

The porpoises are seen in the western n o less than in the eastern sea ;

b ut they do n ot n ow ,and prob ab ly n ever did, come up the Severn

estuary as they do up the Thames . My friend Mr . Mayhew was in

a schoo l of porpoises in the Thames as high as the Medway . As

I wr ite this (Dec. 1 8 84) the papers tell us of a porpo ise getting up the

river to Westmin ster, where he was shot and landed . The cured

porpo ise and herrin gs wou ld travel down west on the cattle that was tob ring back the salmon . For porpoise as an article of food, see Hawker,Footsteps in Far Cornwall .


THE eighth group (which largely con cern s Berkshire) isfrom the Chartularies of Ab ingdon , namely Cott . Claud. B .

vi. of the latter part of the twelfth century, and Cott. C laud.

C . ix of the thirteenth. Still some feeb le token s ofthatscholarly taste which we noticed in the six th group. Such


weges ob ba readan han e of bare han e n orb andlang

b ees smalan weges t6 Totancumb e ; wt b arn b eorge ;

b wt swa n orb on gerihte andlang b ees smalan weges

t6 b on herepab e ; b wt t6 b ees lin ces ende ; b wt swa

forb n orb andlang weges o b Ordstanes di e ; b wt andlang

di e ; of b e'

ere di e wib n orb an b wt yrb land ; b onn e b ibam yrb lande t6 b e

ére lace b e '

ib on S tocwelle ; b on n eof S toewylle n orb andlang brfices t6 bwre d

i c b e'


wb eling mearcode ; b eet andlang di e t6 b e’

ere sceap

wwsean on b eeeen b r6e ; b on ne endlang haccan b r60es

t6 b uddes ige ; b wt swa forb n orb andlang b rfiees wib

westan hunddes ig bwt fip andlang b wra andheafda t6

b e'

ere lytlan di ce en de,and bam n orb andlang b ara and

heafda t6 ban langan cyrstel-mwle wt hwb dfine ; b wt swa

n orb andlang b ws smalan pab es on b e'

i dic stice ea t6

b on st6dfalde b wt swaeab andlang bwre calden di e ob

[Eb elstanes tre6w steal t6 bwre di ce byge ; b wt swa

sfib east andlang di e b e Byrgwylla gemwre ; b at swa

sfib ést ofer b on e m6r t6 e inges borne ofe inges

borne t6 sulgeate of sulgeate b e wyrtwalan t6 b on


ifan mapuldre of b am mapuldre on b a lace ;b wt on gerihte on Westwylle ; b en on fib re n aman


éb wt Ammanwylle.

1 These five thorns with their numerical designation s remind Mr.

Plummer of an old grass road in hi s father’s n eighb ourhood (Stratford

Tony, Wilts) , on which the miles are marked by trees . In K 5 54 theb oundaries con tain a similar series of five stones .

C ott. C laud . B . V1 . 3 7 . A .D . 9 47 .

K 115 9 .

E ad r ed

rex Anglorum, &c. , cuidam mihi fidelissimo comitique

dilecto n omin e Eadrico, gran ting b is denas man sas, quod

Anglice dicitur twen tig hida, in a place called wt Wassinga


tun e. The gran t is in perpetuity, and free of all b ut the

in evitab le b urden s.

The b ounds are so rich in b old terms that if the place isWashington n ear S teyn ing in Sussex , it ought to b e capab leof iden tification by local enquiry.

Is this the same,or a contermin ous property, with that

which Edgar grants to b ishop [Eb elwold in 963 , K 1 2 50 ?

DIS syn don b a landgemwre t6 W asingatfin e. [Erest

on duhan le'

a ofduhan lea on readan wylle ofreaddan

wille t6 Lydgeardes b roge ; of Lidgeardes b eorge t6

Tatmonn es apoldre ; of Tatmon n es apoldre t6 Den e

b urge hleawe ; of Den eb urge hlee’

iwe t6 stanb eorge ;

of stanb eorge t6 Hab eb urge hleawe ; of b am hle’


t6 heregrafe ; ofheregrafe t6 twam b eorgum oftwam

b eorgum t6 hremn es dfin e ; of heremn es dfin e t6 hidanholte ; of hidan holte b wt t6 wigan campe of wigancampe t6 b en nan b eorge ; of b am b eorge t6 b lwccan

p61e ; of bam pfile t6 b e'

ere apuldre ; b on n e t6 dfinan

heafde ; b eet t6 Hun es en olic b on n e eft on duhan lea.

Dis syn t b a den b e bwrtOgebyrigeab ; Wyn b urgespeer,and bre6 erochyrsta, and Horsham , and Yfl

eles leah ,

and Heeslwi c, and Gatawi c, and Ridanfald, and S cecalwie

,and Hundswdingfald.

C lau di

u s B . Vi . 3 3 . A .D . 9 5 5 .

K 117 1 .


E ad r e d

restoring to the mon astery at Ab ingdon the vill of 'Ab ingdonwhich had b een lost to the monastery in the troub lous timesof his grandfather Alfred, tempore quo archipiratw totemhan c in sulam devastan tes pervagati sun t . Al so lands at

Cumn or and other places, of which however the king is tohave a lease for his life . The b ounds are as follows .

.ZEREST on Eoceenforda ; fip andlang Eoccenes t6


ab b es di e ; b eet t6 cealdan wulle ; b eet t6 mearcforda ;andlang b rfices Ob b ene grén en weig ; andlang weigest6 b rfice ; b eet t6 Wudufo rda ; b wt adfin e b e b rfice ob

Pippelrib iges fitscyte ; b wt burh b wt den emOr a b e

rib ige t6 guman graue ; b wt t6 Pippelb ricge ; b wt on

b ene s’

ic wt bwre ffilan we ; b wt t6 hwglea on b wn e

b radan mére ; bwt 5, he wyrtwalan t6 b r6mcumb es hea

fod b wt on gerihtum t6 Ab b endfin e t6 b e'

ere portstré te ; b eet andlang stré t on hiwege ; b wt t6 Ecgun es

wyrb e b enn e on b acgan leah b wt on scwceling weer

b eet fit on S tanford b wt t6 n b e forda andlang lacefit on Temese b wt on forb mid streame wib fifan

miclan ige on Cearewyllan eft wib n eOb an b erige on

Temese ; b et b ér fip b e streame ; b wt on b acgan b roc ;b eet on heafces oran ; bwt on holan den e b eet on

Tidewaldes wylle ; an dlang b rOces fit on Temese ; b eetforb mid stré

me ob geafling lace ; andlang lace eft fit

on Temese b wt fip b e streame on Occenes grestfindie ;

b et ab e di e on Eccen ; b wt b ér fip eft on Eccenforda.

fEb eleainguude, Colman ora, and Geateseumb e hyren

in t6 b ys twen tigum bi dum ,b a 1c sylf stundum gerad

stundum gere6w,and rfimodli ce gescarode me sylfum

and m'in um foregengum and eftyrgengum t6 é cum

rymete,for Gode an d for worulde, Gyf hwa burh

de6fles lare genyrwe b eet ic Gode and san cta Marianmeaglum m6de on éce yrfe geseald hwb b e, drihten his

andweald genyb rige hé r and on éen esse, nymb e he

mid fulre dwdbfite gein n ige b wt he on firum drihtn e



grénan weg andlang weges t6 b e’

ere gedrifonan fyrh

andlang fyrh Ob hit cymb on b wt wi de geat . b e eastan

Welandes smib b an . Huius don i con stipulato rum n o

m in a in ferius n otata uiden tur.

4 Ego Oda archiepiscopus con sen si . 4 Ego Wulfstan archiepisc0pus rob oraui. 4 Ego fElfsige episcopus rob oraui . 4 Ego fE lfwold episccpus corrob oraui .

4 Ego Wulfsige episcopus suppressi. 4 Ego Osulf

episccpus ann ui . 4 Ego Byrhtelm episccpus con stitui .4 Ego Cenwold episcopus con spex i . 4 Ego Cyn sige

episcopus sub scripsi . 4 Ego Leofwin e episccpus con

sen si . 4 Ego [Eb elstan dux . 4 Ego Eadmun d dux .

4 Ego fElfsige min ister. 4 Ego ZEb elsige min ister.

4 Ego .ZElfn ob min ister. 4 Ego [Elfgar min ister.

4 Ego Byrhtferb min ister.

C o tt . C laud. B . vi . 4 5 . A .D . 9 5 5—6 .

C o tt . C laud . 0 . ix . 110.

K 1216 .

E adw i g

granting to E b elwold ab b ot Of Ab ingdon 2 0 cassates at

three places, whereof two b ear the familiar names ofHinkseyand Wytham ,

b ut the third is called Seofocanwyrb ‘.

ISTIS termin is circumgyrate asseritur an te,scilicet ,

supra dicta terra. Dis sin don b a laudgeme’

éro b wses

bfirlandes t6 Ab b endfin e, b wt is gadertang on bre6

genamod, b wt is Hengestes ig and SeOfocanwyrb an d

ihtham . ZErest on Meagb e ford ; b wt mid streame

on S tanford ; forb mid streame wib fitan Cytan igge

on b a landlace ; ofb é re lace on s cweyling weer ; b eet oniwege t6 yfemestan leage b wt on preOsta leage ;b wt t6 Catleage ; b eet t6 cyb ban stei ne of b e

ém stei ne


on b a brio gemwru ; b wt innan ruwan leage t6 b r6gan

gete ; b wt t6 sundran edisce on b on e greatan born ;

ofb an borne on cotan healas ; b eet on T idclan cumh of

b een cumb e on Tetanhylle ; ofTytanhylle t6 b wn heei

fodwege ; on dlong cumb ee t6 sam hecce ; of b am

hweee t6 pab e stocee ; b wt t6 plum leage ; b eet on

Frib ela byrig ; b eet t6 ydyr leage ; of ydyr leage t6

b am stei n e ; b wt on Temese wt Eanflwde gelade b eeamid streame b wt hit cymb eft on n b a ford . His

autem uocab ulis diuulgari uiden tur termin i agrorum

u idelicet, praedictorum .

The date of this document, if genu ine, is fix ed to a few mon ths .

For Eadred died 2 3 N OV. 955 ; and Dun stan (who signs ) wen t into

ex ile early in 956. Stub b s’

Dunstan , pp . lx x x vi , lx x x ix . The b ishops’

signatures are in agreement .

1 I am informed b y Mr. Mowat of Pemb roke College that there isn ear Botley a farm n ow bearing the name of Seacourt, and that this is

apparen tly a disgu ised form of Seckworth , the n ame (according to Pro ~

fessor Hussey) of a lost Sax on Vi llage , which can on ly b e our Seofo

canwyrb .

C o tt . C laud . B . VI . 4 6 . 13 Feb . 9 5 6 .

C o tt . C lau d . C . ix . 111 .

R I Z OS .

E adw i g

ruler of all Alb ion , grants ab b o t [Eb elwold a wood at

Pangb ourn e of somewhat o ver 60 acres, to b ui ld the church

of S t . Mary at Ab ingdon . The b ounds are as follows

fEREST on Pangan burnan ; b wt on b a die ; b wt a b e

di e on'b eene hagan ; b wt on cristelmwlb eam ; b wt

andlang b egan on b e born ihtan leage ; b wt forb on

Brygford ; b wt 5 he b egan on stanwege ; of st'einwege

ab e weortwalan o n b a flec yras b wt ab e weortwalan

on masan mére of b eim mé'

re on Cub ulfes cot stowe ;c e


of b am cot stowum on Pangan burnan ; bwt fip mid

streame eft on b e di e .

C o tt . C laud . B . vi . 7 5 . A .D . 9 5 8 .

K 1219 .

E ad gar

rex et primicerius Merciorum grants to Eanulf a thane I 4man siun culw at Duclingtun .

DIS sindon b a landgeme’

ero t6 Duclingtfine .XI III .

ida and b e ealdan eyricean wt ZEst-lea and bwrtfi .XL .

weere and Byrnan lea eel in t6 Duclingtfin e . E rest of

Duclingtfin e on wen ri e en dlang wen ri ces on b on e bygeof b eim byge on b e ealdan lace ; andlang lace on

b e n orb ea endlang streames on Folgorhyrste n eob e

weerde ; b on on on b e ealdan di e en dlang die b wt sfibeft on wwn ri c fip ongean stream on b on e ealdan fordofb on e forde fip on b e ri b e an furlang wib sfib an b a

cyrican ; andlang ri b e on b e wurtwalan ; b wt fit burhb one hagen on b urhdi c fifeuuearde ; of b e


ere di e on b e

ealdan rOde of bwre r6de on S cottes healh 1 ; of b eim

heale on U uen b urge byrgge ofbwre b rucge on b e. di e ;

andlang di ces on Easthe’

eme gemwre on b one higet6 ban heafdan ; on gatebyrnan ; of b eere byrnan on

b lace byrnanr

on b a die of bwre byrnan t6 uurtwalan

t6 ban furan ; andlang fura on b e ealdan di e t6 b an

ellen e ; andlang di ces t6 ban 6b ern ellene ; of b an

ellen e t6 bwre apoldre ; b en on t6 EEglesuullan b r6ce ;

fip on gean stream on Stanford ; of ban forde on ffigel

slwd of b eim slwde on cOluullan b rOC ; andlang b rfices

o n swyllan b eales ; of b an healan on Hastinges lace ;andleng lace on b one eastream : and twégen hemmes

wt LOppedeb orn e hyrab in t6 Duclingtfine.


b ricge on Temese ; ondlang Temese t6 ban born styb b e

wt C ingtfin inga gemeere ; b onn e t6 b an heab an byrg

elese b onn e on b e meardi c b e eastan [Elfsiges cotanandlang di e 5 t6 b an peeb e ; b on n e ofer b on e m6r on

b e heafde ; b wt on b one weenweg ; andlang weges t6

bwm born styb b e wib b one weg b on ne on E occen on

b wt m6rslwde é stweerde ; andlong Eoccen b wt eft on

b e me’

érlace. Dis sin d b a landgemeé ra t6 Earmundes

lea. fErest of Sandforde on b e ffilen lace ; en dlangb ws geme


erhagan fit t6 ban coten b onan andlang

gemwres on heaseldi c, andlang strwte u t on styrian p61andlang bwre di e east t6 VVasan ; b on on on Hrocan

leage n orb eweerde, andlang di e on fifewearde hwgdfin e ;

b wt fip on S n oddes hylle fifewearde t6 ban haran staneb on on t6 b een ealdan wulfhagen b on n e andlang

slwdes b wt t6 lwees forde ; b onn e endlang Luccingeseft on Sandford.

C o tt . C laud . B . Vi . 7 5 . A .D . 9 62 .

K 123 8 .

E ad gar

to his faithful thane Eadwin e 2 0 men sae wt Mordun e in

perpetuity and utmost freedom . The b ounds would prob ab lyafford good en tertainmen t to the archwologists of Bridge

n orth . It was Mr . Oswald Cockayn e who first po in ted out

(Shrin e, p . 1 6 1 ) the true locality, which Kemb le had mistaken . This terrier is repeated with variation s

,b elow,

fEb elred, A .D . 1 008 .

DIS sin d b a landgeme t6 M6rdfin e. ZErest on

higford ; of higforda en dlang HreOdb urnan on Uuorf;

andlang strémes on Purtan ige uuestwerdne ; o n Pur

tan ige n orb euuerdan eft fit on Worfe stream andlang

streames on wudeb ricge b enon fit on eesclace b eer eesclaee


fylb fit on Wuorf; fip ongean stream on b ees langanfurlanges eastende ; b en ne east on b e ealdan die ; of

b aere calden di e on Grindewylles lace an furlang ; b anonon YE tden pwn on b one ellen styb ; b enon a b e ccge

on b e médemunga ; of b eere médemunge n ib er on b oneealdan uuib ig on E ttan pennes leece ; b on on on hortan

ford ; of b on forde o n filican slwd ; andlang sle’

edes on

b on e ealdan wylle ; b onn e fit on headdan dfine sle’

ed ;

endlang slwdes ob b radan weg ; of b radan wege end

lang slwdes fit on hagford.

C o tt . C laud . B . Vi . 7 0. A .D . 9 64

K 12 5 2 .

E ad gar

gen tis Anglo rum et b arb arorum atque gen tilium rex ac

prwdux gran ts to his queen E lfb ryb land at Easton in or

n ear Blewb ury, Berks.

DIS sind b a landgemwra t6 Easttfine. .zErest ofhecce

b r6ce on rugan di e ; b onn e andlang weges on b oneffilan forde ; of b an ffilan ford on Ezi nulfing born ; of

b an borne on b one hwi tan holan weg ; of b an hwi tan

wege en dlang langan dfine b wt eft on b on e stan ihtan

weg of ban wege on b on e crundel ; b onon on gerihta

o n b r6chy11e slwd ; of ban slade on hiecan born b ononofer BleObyrigdfine on heecceleei s die ; b on ne andlang

bwre di e b eet eft on hweee b rfic.

C o tt . C lau d . B . vi . 8 6 . A b ou t 9 7 7 .

K 127 c.


E adw e ar d

giving to fElfstan (fidelis antistes) 1 3 man sw at KingstonBagpuz e on the Ock near Ab ingdon . The Si qui s clause is


even more than usually anathematic, and recalls the Infern oofd mon .

DIS sin d b a landgemwro t6 Cyngestfine weer onderweere. fErest of Eoccen e on mé reborn ; ofmwreborn eon b e heafodeeeeras ; b an non on Swan esig on b on e

calden garan middewearde ; of b an ealdan garan and

lang riht gemwres on ZElfre[de]s b eorh ; b eet andlangriht gemwres in nan Cyngestfin ; andlang riht geri b on

b one pyt b eneo ban Cyngestfin ; swa andlang riht ge


eres on b on e born fit on Temese ; andlang Temese

on b e ealda gemwre fip andlang gemeeres on ZElfb ryb estei n of b an e stei ne andlang di ce ; of b e

ere di e andlangriht gemeeres b eet eft on Eoccene.

Tran s lati on -These are the b ounds at Kingston , field by field .

First from Ock to meer-thorn : from meer-thorn to headacres : thenceto Swan sey in the middle of the Old gore from the old gore right

the meer to Alfred’s b arrow : so along the meer into Kingston : right

along the b rook to the pit below Kingston : so right along the meer tothe thorn : out on Thames : along Thames to the old meers : up alongthe meer to ZElfthrith her stone : from the stone along the dyke fromthe dyke right along the meer, and so back again to Ock.

The same b ounds are given in another grant of land at Kingston ,

K I 2 77 .

C o tt . C laud . B . vi . 9 6 . A .D . 9 9 5 .

K 12 8 9 .

E b e l r e d

gran ts to E belwig 5 man si in Eardulfes lea, that had come

in to his hands by forfeit. The story is told in the deed of

gift. There were three b rothers living together , and a man

of theirs stole a b ridle ; the own ers of the b ridle capturedthe thiefand foun d it upon him,

and b eing assaulted by themasters of the thief(the three b rothers) , theyfought, and twoof the b rothers were slain ; the third b rother with the thiefescaped and got into the church of St. Helen 1

. ZEthelwigthe sheriff of Buckingham and Win sige the sheriff ofOx fordallowed the slain men to have Christian b urial, b ut Leofsigethe ealdorman wen t to the king ab out it, and charged the


endlang m6res ob b en e b radan herepab b wt on bwraweere b eafada b wt hit sticab on Humb ra endlangHumb ra b wt on roppen b rOC foron ongean stei ngedelf

andlang rOpan b rfices on hafocgelad eft andlang roppenb rfices b wt hit cimb on roppen ford bwr hit e

ér onfeng .

C ott . Claud . B . VI. 9 2 . A .D . 1008 .

K 1'

305 .

E b elre d

restores to the monastery of Ab ingdon an estate at Mordun

which ZElfgarh iS agen t had wrested from that society for theking


and he moreover adds thereto the gift ofa homesteadat Crocgelad . See ab ove, Eadgar, A .D. 962 .

DIS sind b a landgeme'

éru t6 MOrdfine. fErest on

b igford ; of higforda andlang HreOdb urnan on W orfandlang stré ames on wurtan ige westeweardn e ; ofwur

tan ige n orb eweardan eft fit on W orfe stream ; andlang

streames on Wudeb ricge ; b an on fit on wsclace b e’


easclacu fylb fit on W orf fip ong‘

ean stream on b ws

langan furlanges east ende ; b en on east on b e ealdan

di e ; ofb e’

ere ealdan di e on Grindewylles lace an furlang ; b en on on wtten pen ,

on b one ellen stub b en on ab e ecge on b e médemunga ofbwre me


demungee n ib eron b on e ealdan wib ig on wtten pen nes lwce ; b en onon hnottanford ; of b an forde on filiean slwd ; andlangslwdes on b on e calden wylle b on on fit on headdandfin e

Slwd ; andlang slwdes 0b b radan weg ; of ban b radanwege andleng slades fit on b igford , and wune b egan on

Croegelade b e se cyn og bwrtOforgifen hwfb .


C o tt . C laud . B . vi . 105 . A .D . 101 5 .

K 13 10.

E b e l r ed

gran ts to the b ishop of Sherb orn e, episcopo qui ab ipsis suw

cunab ulis infan tiw Bearhtuuold nun cupatur vocitamin e, some

land at Cildatun (Chilton ,Berks) which had b een forfeited

by Wulfgeat, a thane. For the career of this man see

Freeman , N . C . i . 355 .

HIIS nam confin iis prwdicta cingitur terra. B restofWeiddfine en dlang weges t6 ban grestfine swaand

lang b ws grestfines di e t6 b an wege on ezi stanwyrb e

b wn e tfin ; swa en dlang weges t6 bwre di ce byrnan ;swa endlang di e in non b wn e wsc ; of b an e wsce in n on

b an e ealdan mwre ; ofb ane ealdan mwre inn on b e b rwce ;of ban b rwce andlang b eces inuon rOdstub ban ; swa of

r6dstyb b an t6 loddere born e ; swa of loddere born e t6

flecge stan e ; of fleege stane'

t6 ban ferngaren ; of ban

ferngaran eft on Waddfine t6 ban calden b ece. An d

b is sind bwre wuduhwre landgemaru wt Dwelége b e

hé rt6 hyrab . B rest of b rim heecce t6 Dudemwreshele ; of Dudeme

eres hele t6 merclége ; of merclége on

stei n lé'

ge of stei nlége t6 bwre dfinlége ; of bar dfinlégeswaeft in n on b an e hwee.

C o tt . C laud . B . Vi . A .D . 103 3 .

K 7 51.

C n u t

rex et primicerius tocius Alb ion is, grants to ab b ot S iwardand his b rethren at Ab ingdon , aliquan tulam ruris particu lam

tribus comparatam cassatis in a place called Mytun (Mitton ,

W ore. K .) with all legal ex emption s.

HIS metis prwfatum rus hin c inde gyratur. Dis sin ‘dbara .III . hida landgeme


éra wt Mytfine. B rest on


leomenan a b e healfon streame ; swa of leomenan on

doddan le’ew ; of b arn le’

éwe o n b on e haran born ; of

b am borne on b on e b radan mére ; of b arn mé re on

twceles b rOc ; a. b e healfon stréame on Auene ; andlangAuene ab e healfon stréame eft on leomen e.

C ott. C laud . B . vi . 110. A .D . 105 0.

K 7 9 2 .

E adw ear d

rex et primicerius totius Alb ionis regn i, gran ts to the church

at Ab ingdon eight man sw n ear the river Kenn et,which

Eadric quidam rusticus on ce had. See Coote, Roman s ofBritain , p . 3 7 2 sqq .

ISTIS termin is prwdieta terra circumgyrata esse ui

detur. B rest on Cyn etan wt S ceolles ealdeotan ; b wt

fip en dlang strémes 0b Eadgife gemwre ; swa n orb innan Hydden e ; b an on n orb on lamb urn inga mwrce ;

swa. é st andlang mearce Ob B lfwiges me'

ere ; swa sfib

andlang geme’

eres on Hyddene ; swa sfib b e gemwreb wt eft in n an Cyn etan strém .

C ott. C laud . B . vi . 115 . A .D . 105 4 .

C o tt . C laud . C . ix . 130.

K 8 00.

E adw ear d

granting 3 man sw at Sandford to St. Mary of Ab ingdon ;‘ in commun i terra,

a Latin term for folc land (F. Pollock,

Land Laws, p . here rendered in corrupt Sax on byon b arn gemannan lande.

DIS sin d b a landgeme'

éra t6 Sandforde on balm ge

mannan lende. B rest of stub b ucwere ; swan orb wfterb e

ere Temese be healfan stré'

me in t6 Sandfordes lwce ;

swa andlang bwre lace in t6 San dforde ; of Sandforde


meo Eegfrido , pro amore omn ipoten tis dei et huius

sancti in tercession e,terram x x x . man en sium in locis

quorum sub inferun tur n omina,domin o meo Ihesu

Christo ad aecclesiam sancti Alb an i,ub i ipse tyro pri


in passion e uictima effectus est, iure perpetuo

perdonab o . q ue delectab ilius hanc donation em per

ficio, quia superna proteceio tam n ob ile temporib us n os

tris thesaurum quod diu fuit clausum et huius terraeindigen is abditum

,reuelare diguete est . Haec itaque

sun t supradictarum uocab ula terrarum, aet U uin es

heune XI I . manen sium cum termin is suis ; et S celfdune ,siue

Baldin igeotum,trium man en sium ; quorum scilicet

trium manen sium terminati sun t hec, S uanab urna, Heortmere, S tretuuealeb roc . Item uero X . man en sium ub i dicitur S euccanhlau

,uel Fen n tuun cum silua quae cogno

minatur Ho rwudu,cum termin is suis ; B t Lygetun e, V .

man en sium quam uidelicet terrem Alhmundus ab b as,

ex pedition em sub terfugien s, mihi reconciliation is gratiadab atPerscripta est autem huius donation is cartula ann o

domin icae inearnacion is DCCXCV . indictione v. et regn iOflan is x x x v. Sub 1111 . nonas Maias, in 1000 q ui diciturB t b eranforda.

C ott . N ero . D . A .D . 7 9 3 .

K 16 2 * . B irch 26 7 .

0 ffa

founding the Ab b ey of St . Alban ’

s .

4 REGNANTE domin o n ostro Ihesu Christo in perpe

tuum ! Deeet igitur ut regalis b en ign itas omn ipoten tis

dei et san ctorum martyrum quan tum ualeat hon ori

preuideat. Quia honor dei,et pia in san ctis eius


deuotio , stab ilitas est regn i terren i, et prosperitas lon

gaeuae uitae et indub itata aetern ae mercedis retrib utio .

U nde ego Offa rex Merciorum,cum n rido filio meo ,

et omn i consen su syn odali, pro remedio et salute an i

marum n ostrarum ,terrem quinquagin ta man sionum in

locis infra dictis, id est,Ub i dicitur aet Caegesho , man

sion es x x x 1111 . , on daet Heanhamstede, VI . man sioneset S tanmere .X . man sion es, cum segitib us , pratis, pascuiset siluis, et omn ibus reb us mob ilib us uel fix is

,ad ea

pren ominata loca rite pertinen tibus, domino meo Ihesuet san ct-o Alban o martyri , cuius reliqu ias , in spem

prosperitetis praesen tis et futurae beatitudin is diuina

ostendit n ob is gratia, in ius monasteriale tradens donaho

quatin us perpetuo iure prefata terra, san cti martyrisAlb an i ecclesiae deseruiat . Et per magn um omn ipo

ten tis dei n omen et terrib ile eius iudicium adiuro , immoet impero, quod n ullus superuen ien tib us temporib us, seurex seu episcopus aut alique magna uel parua persona,aliquid (16 his meis don is quae deo et san oto martyri eiusdedicauero , immutare, seu enferre, seu immin uere prae

sumptuose audeat ; n e aliquam molestiam aut ecclesiaeaut siluis ad eam pertinentib us inferre presumet


sit lib era omn ino ab omn i trib uto,et n ecessitate


regis, seu episcopi, ducis, indicum, eomitum,ex actorum

etiam ,et operum quae indici solen t

,n ecnon et ex pedi

tion is et omn i edicto pub lico , perpetuo eam lib ertatedonaho . Sed ob secro quatinus studean t superuen ien tes

reges aux iliare, defendere, et curam illias ecclesiaehab ere in omn i b on itate, sieut et ego hab eo ut sit illiset regn o eorum b en ediecio et proteceio a domin o deo et

san cto eius martyre in perpetuum . S i autem quisquam

loci huius curam n on hab uerit uel cum melitiose tractauerit

,sciat et sen tiat san cti martyris seipsum b en edic


tione priuari et ration em an te trib unal Christi redditurum. Hoe uero monasterium cum his prefatis terrisW illigoda presb iter hab eat et regat dies suos

,et mona

chicam in eo uitam viyat doceat,et quantum ualeat

erigat. Post dies autem illius, eligen t sib i fratres

cum con silio illius ~

episcopi1qui super eos crit, si b eb en t

dignum et monachicae uitae eruditum, ex semet ipsisquem uoluerin t . S i autem,

quod n on opto , accideritquod ib i dign us n equeat inuen iri, preuideat ille episco

pus, cum con silio fratrum, qui illud mon asterium dignesecun dum regulam monachicae uitae gub ernare sciat et


Iam iamque, iterum iterumque, in n omine domin i precipio et adiuro , quatinus in eo loco regula san cta Ben edicti ab b atis doceatur et ex ereeatur

,quan tum possib ile

est, perpetuo iure. Etsi ipsa elemosina oret ad dominum

pro facien te, tamen ob secro ut assiduae in tercession es

pro an ime mea,et amicorum meorum,

canon icis horissemper in ea ammonean tur ecclesia : quatin us omn ipo

ten tis dei clemen tia, quae tale thesaurum temporib usmeis, gentib us et pOpulis Anglorum aperire diguete est


mihi quoque aeternum coelis thesaurum cum san ctis suisdonare dignetur. S cripta est haec cartula ann o domin icae in carnation is DCCXCII I . indictione I II . ann o ucroOffan i regis Merciorum XXXVI . in loeo celeb ri qui diciturCelchyth, praesen te syn odali conuen tu ,

testib usque infran ominatis confirmata. Data die regnan te domin o n ostroin perpetuum .

44 Ego Offa han c donation em meam sign o crucisChristo confirmo . 4 Ego Eefridus similiter con sentio

et sub scrib o . 4 Ego Ceoluulfus rex ad ipsum con

sen tio . 4 Ego Cenuulfus rex con sen tio . 4 Ego

Beornulfus rex . 4 Ego Ludeeha rex . 4 Ego


lato , con don o ad san cti et ex imu huius patriae pro

tomartyris Alban i coen ob ium, quandam iuris mei

portiunculam, cassates equidem senas,b in is in locis

semotas,unam scilicet

,ub i ab accolis usitato n omine

dicitur Fleamstede, et quinque ub i n oto uocitamine

ob olim castellum iam pen e dirutum Auson iea linguadiceb atur Uerulamium

,quod n os uulgariter dicimus

t lingaceester, ub i et ipse san ctissimus Christie.gon ista uaria pro fide Christi sustulit tormen torum

cruciamen ta. Hoe sagaciter meo reuoluen s an imo

iustius fore multo , locum in q uo passus est, suo aeterna

liter mancipari coenob io almifieo , quam diutius fisco

regali uel cuilib et terren o andacter sub iacere negotio .

Decen s est en im ut locus quem suo sacratissimo ago

n izan s pro Christo aspersit et sacrauit cruore,ad ipsum

perpetualiter reuertetur locum, ub i et ipse martyrio

ex pleto , capite trun cato,b rauium coeleste et immer

eessib ilis uitae meruit coronam . Hoe n empe mcaedapsilitatis emolumen tum lib en s sub aeternali lib ertatelib erum concedo , sicut ab auus praedecessor meus Offa


scilicet,rex inclitus, omn ia quae ipse ad ipsum coe

n ob ium con tulit lib ertate ditauit. Eadem inquam

lib ertate n on solum hanc possessiunculam lib eram lib en sstatuo, sed etiam quicquid a meipso uel a qualib et per

sona maiori S iue min ori ab heri et n udiustertius,et ex in

usque ad termin um istius tran sitorii regn i , uitaeq ue

lab en tis ex trema datum fuerit ad supradicti martyris

tumb em,sub hac lib ertatis et ren ouation is cartula

aeternali lib ertate perman eat lib erum . Et n e forte quis

praesen tium uel magis futurorum amb igct quae sit illalib ertas

, qua ipsum coen ob ium rex b en euolus Offa

ditauit, et egomet nun c confirmando ren ouaui, dicam

plan e, quod omn imodis cuneta illius monasterii pos


sessio nullis est Ob n ox ia fiscis, scilicet, n ee ex pedition is,

n ec pon tis et arcis aedifieamin e,n ee iuris regalis frag

min e,n ec furis apprehen sione, et ut omn ia simul com

prehendam ,n il deb et ex solui

,uel regis praeposito , uel

episcopi, uel ducis, uel ullius homin is, Sed omn e deb itumex soluan t iugiter, qu i in ipsa possession e fuerin t


praedicti martyris mauso leum,secundum quod ordinau

erit ab b as, qu i ipso praefuerit coen ob io . N otum etiam

uob is cupio fore quan tum pretium pro hoe ipso ab bas

ipsius coen ob i i n omin e Leofricus mihimet con tulit,

quando illud graue uectigal Den is ex soluebamus ; prae

stitit n empe mihi ducen tas lib ras auri et argen ti , ex

eppen sion e Dan orum,et pro foen ore ipsius pretii accepit

a me u illam quae dicitur Eadulfinctun , q uin quagin ta

quinque man sas hab en s,et has etiam sex man sas . Et

n un c gratan ter ipsemihimetmen te b eneuola reddit prae

dictas q uin quaginta quinque man sas, et con ten tus est in

ipsis sex mansis,pro dueen tis lib ris ; ideoque hanc lib ertatis

et ren ouation is seedulam facilius adeptus est. Perman eat

itaque praedicta possessio, cum omn ib us uten silib us ad

se rite pertin en tib us, sub praedictae lib ertatis chirogra

pho n oti compos. Et quisquis n ostrae hoe liberalitatis

don um augmen tare men te maluerit iocunda, sen tiet se

don is per hoe loeupletari diuin is . S i autem,quod ab sit


uspiam quis laruarieo attactus in stin ctu men te hoe sub

dola machinatus fuerit adn ullare, uel quippiam in peiusquam eon stituimus tran suertere, sua pro audacia a coetu

in hac uita an athematiz etur fidelium,et In tremendo dei

ex amin e astan tib us eoelorum agmin ib us hominumque


n ecn on et horrendis Ereb i uernulis palamcunctis damn etur cum b eedis

,auern i crueiamen ta sine

fin e luiturus,n i an te ob itum condign e emendauerit.

S cripta est autem huius lib ertatis cartula decursis an n isD d


ab in carnatione Christi .DCCCC .XC . n ouen is terque b in isin cursu millenario equidem sex to

,his testib us fauen ti

b us quorum hic dign itates cum on omate con templari

ualeb is.

C ott. N ero D . i . f. 14 8 b . A .D . 9 96 .

C o tt. N ero D . i . f. 1 5 2b .

K 69 6 .

E b e l r e d

king of all Alb ion ,&c.,

reendows the monastery of St.

Alban ’

s and appeals to an old charter given by Ofi'


4 OMN IPOTENTIA diuinae maiestatis inefl'

eb iliter

un iuersa gub ernan te ! Licet regalium dign itatum de

creta, et an tique priorum temporum priuilegia, per

manen te in tegritatis signaculo fix a iugiter ac firma

perseueren t ; attamen quia plerumque tempestates et

turb in es saeculi fragilem humen ec uitae cursum pulsan tes con tra superna domin icae sanction is iura illidun t,iccirco stili officio ren ouanda et eartarum sufl


ragiis sun trob oran da, n e forte successura posterorum progen ies,ign orato praeeeden tium patrum chirographo , in ex trica

b ilem horrendi b arathri uoragin em in currat ; n ee indelib era ex ire queet, don ec iux ta ueritatis senten tiam

cun cta usque ad n ouissimum quadran tem deb ita plen issime reddat. Q uaprOpter ego B b elredus


Alb ion is eaeterarumque gen tium in circuitu persistentium, mun ificente supern o largitore b asileus, in eertumfuturorum temporum consideren s euen tum, cun ctisque

succeden tibus desideran s esse con sultum, et ut ipse intremen do magn i iudici i die

,san ctorum patrocin iis

suffragantibus haereditatis supern ae eohaeres eflicimerear,

deo omn ipoten ti, et san cto Alban o gen tis Anglorum


antes,armis spiritualib us con tra uisib iles et inuisib iles

hostes, pro n ob is et pro omn i populo Christian o dimicaren on cessen t, quatenus eiusdem b eati martyris in tereeden tibus meritis

,siue in praesen ti, siue in future

, S iuein utraque uita, Christo pro n ob is uirtutem faciente


uictoriam quandoque de in imicis n ostris,n oti compotes

adipisci mereamur. S i quis autem,malign o spiritu

in stigan te, huic decreto repugnare temptauerit, sciat se

alien um esse a con sortio san ctae dei aecclesiae, et partici

patione sacrosancti corporis et sanguin is domin i n ostriIhesu Christi ; et in n ouissimo tremendi iudicii die


n ouerit se in infern o inferiori, et in aeterna demnation e

mergendum,et per auctoritatem praefati martyris, sciat

se ab sque ullo termin o sin e fine eruciandum,n isi digna et

congrua satisfaction e citius emendauerit quod contradeum et san ctum martyrem eius delinquere n on timuit.

Ann o domin icae in carnation is .DCCCC .XCVI . indictione

.VIII . scriptum et renouatum est huius lib ertatis chiro

graphum, his testib us con sen tien tib us quorum inferiusn omina secundum un iuscuiusque dign itatem ordinate

carax an tur.

4 Ego B b elredus Anglorum basileus henc renouation is et lib ertatis cartam serib ere iussi . 4 Ego

B lfricus Dorouern en sis aecclesiae archiepiscopus huicscedulae signaculum san ctae crucis imposui. 4 Ego

Ealdulfus Eb oracen sis aecclesiae archiepiscopus huicdiffinition i eon sen ten eus ex titi. 4 Ego B lfheah Huinton ien sis aecclesiae episccpus huic chirographo similiterassen sum praeb ui. 4 Ego Uulfstan episcopus con sen si .4 Ego B lfheah epi scopus corrob oraui . 4 Ego Ab ulf

episccpus con signaui. 4 Ego Wulfsige episccpus con

solidaui. 4 Ego Ordb riht episcopus consigillaui . 4

Ego Goduuin us episccpus confirmaui. 4 Ego Ealdred


epiSCOpus con clusi . 4 Ego B lfb ryb regina. 4 Ego

B lfuueerd ab b as. 4 Ego B lfsige ab b as . 4 E 0 0

Uulfgar ab b as. 4 Ego Leofric ab b as. 4 Ego

B lfhere ab b as. 4 Ego B lfuuold ab b as . 4 Ego

Brihtnob ab b as. 4 Ego Ken ulfab b as. 4 Ego B b el

weerd dux . Ego B lfric 4 dux . Ego B lfhelm 4 dux .

Ego Leofsige 4 dux . Ego B b elmwr 4 min ister.

Ego Ordulf 4 min ister. Ego W ulfricus 4 min ister.

Ego W ulfgeat 4 min ister. Ego Wulfheah 4 min ister.

Ego Brihtmwr 4 min ister. Ego Leofwin e 4 min ister.

Ego B b elweard 4 min ister .

If this is a genuin e documen t,or the represen tative of such, it

is prob ab ly the source from which the two preceding have b een derived.

C ott . N ero D . i . f. 1 5 0 b . T .R .E .

K 9 4 5 .

O s w u l f a n d E b e l g y b

arrange to en ter into fratern ity with ab b ot Leofstan and the

monks of St . Alb an ’

s . This is on e of those charters of fra

tern ity which by the fourteenth cen tury had b ecome a

mark for the satirist. See Piers P . (C) iv. 67 and Skeat’sn ote. A much older ex ample than this may b e seen in

K 2 2 6. The arrangemen t is that the estate is to b e vestedat on ce in the ab b ey, b ut the don ors are to enjoy it for theirtime

, paying a yearly ackn owledgment to the ab b ey, whi ch

has it entirely after their death . As a seal of this covenan tplan ted on the soil of the place, a church under the name of

S t. Alb an is to b e b u ilt in the Village, and the ab b ot is togran t the timb er for the structure. The witn esses are n o t

on ly certain person s by name,b ut also the whole congrega

tion that assemb led to the dedication of this church and

said Amen to the con veyan ce.

4 HAEC est cartula quae demon strat conuen tion em


illam quam fecerun t Oswulfus et B b ilib a ux or sua cum

domin o ab b ate Leofstan o et monachis aecclesiae san ctiAlban i

,quando in troierunt in fratern itatem illorum.

Dederunt autem inprimis Oswulfus et B b elib a ux orsua domin o ab bati Leofstan o et monachis aecclesiae

san cti Alban i ad in troitum fratern itatis eorumdem

propter caritatem .XX‘i

. solidos , ob tulerun tq ue deo ac

san cto eius martyri Alban o cum magna deuotion e illam

terrem quae dicitur wt S todham sicuti ipsi illam ea die

melius possideren t. q ue factum est cum con sen su ac

licen tia regis Eadweardi atque reginae Eadgyb ae, scilicetut et ipsi participes essen t istius don i et retribution is

eiusdem con sortes in regn o coelorum . Ipsi autem ,

scilicet Oswulfus et B b elib a,hoe don um deo et san oto

fecerunt Alb an o pro an imab us eorum cun ctorumque

con sanguineorum snorum, quatinus in futuro iudicio

uen iam mereantur percipere peccatorum ; specialius

tamen illa n ob i[li]s matrone , uidelicet B b elib a, hen c

donation em fieri ob tinuit a praesente domino suo , hoc

est Oswulfo, pro an ima prioris domin i sui U lfi qui

sib i illam trib uit uillam. Postea autem rogauerunt

amb o dominum ab batem Leofstan um ut dedisset eis

ligna ad aedificandam in eadem uilla aecclesiam in

hon ore domin i n ostri Ihesu Christi et san cti Alb an i, utet haec aecclesia sib i in specialissimum fieret proprietatissign um, et ut ex il la die ob n ullius euentum eausae

eam ullo modo amplius san ctus perdere posse Alban us ;ea tamen condition e

,ut quamdiu illi uiueren t terrem

illam in suum usum hab eren t, cum licen tia domin iab b atis Leofstan i simul et monachorum ; et hoe tali

paeto, quod Ob istius rei agn ition em un oquoque an n o aduictum proprie monachorum .x x . solidos daren t q


superstites ipsi fuissen t. Huius rei testes sun t,


M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 3 05 . A .D . 68 7 .


C eadw al a o f W e s s e x

gran ts land to Christ Church at Can terb ury.

4 ANNO domin icae incarnation is .DC .LXXXVI I . Ego

Ceodwala rex cum con iuge mee Ken edrib a con cedimus

tib i pastor Theodore archiepiscope et familiae aecclesiae

Christi in Dorob ern ia terrem iuris n ostri nom ineGeddingge et Uudetun ,

scilicet terrem IIII . aratrorum

pro spe salutis aeternae, lib eram ab omn i sacculariseruitio , ex ceptis ex peditione, pon tis et arcis con structione .

S i qu is eas a iure praedictae aecclesiae enferre conatusfuerit, n isi deo et homin ib us satisfaciat

, perpetuo anathemate feriatur ; ad cumulum autem confirmation is ego

Cen uualh cespitem praedictae terrae super san ctumaltare saluatoris posui, et propria menu

, pro ign oran tialitterarum

,signum san ctae crucis ex pressi et sub scripsi.

Ash b urnh am (S towe) , N o . 1 .

M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 305 .

K 43 . B irch 9 7 .

W i h tr ed

king of the Cantware, gran ts land to the church of St. Maryat Lyminge. The an cien t deed ex ists as ab ove.

4 IN n omin e dn 1 di'

n ostri ihu x iii Ego uihtredus

rex can tuariorum prouiden s mihi in futuro decreu i darealiquid omn ia mihi donan ti et con silio accepto b on um

u isum est conferre b assilieae b eatae mariae gen itricis diquae sita est in loco qui dicitur limingae terrem .IIII .

aratrorum quae dicitur Uuieghelmes tun cum omn ibusad candem terram pertin entibus iux ta n otissimos termi



n os id est b ereueg et megu in es peed et stretleg quamdonation em mea uolo firmam esse in perpetuum ut n ee

ego seu heredes mei aliquid minuere praesuman t . Quodsi aliter temptatum fuerit a qualib et person a sub anathe

matis in terdictione sciat se praeuaricari ad cuius eon

firmationem pro ign oran tia litterarum 4 sign u scee

crucis ex pressi et testes idon eo s ut sub scrib erent rogan iid est b erichtualdum erehiepiscopu uIru uenerab ilé .

4 Ego b erichtualdus epi sc rogatus con sen si et sub

scrib si. 4 S ignum menus uihtredi regis . 4 S ignummenus aedilburgee reginae. 4 S ign um menus enfridi.

4 S ignummen us aedilfridi. 4 S ignum menus hagana.

4 S ignum men us b otta. 4 S ignum men us b ern

haerdi . 4 S ignum men us theab ul. 4 S ignum men us

frodi . 4 S ignum manus aehcha. 4 S ignum menus

aessice . 4 S ignum menus adda. 4 S ignum men us

egisb erichti. actum in men se iulio indiction e x me .

E ndorsed Dws landes boc wt b erdelhames wicum nun c wigel

mignctfin .

”an d “VVichtredus rex Ca

. ad ecclesiam de Liming Wiel$ 7 )

mestun . IIII . erat Birch .

M S . Lamb . 1212 . p . 3 10. A .D . 7 47 .

K B irch 17 3 .

E ad b e r t

king of Ken t gran ting to the ab b ot of Reculver the dues of

on e ship at Fordwieh .

44 ANNO domin icae incarnation is .DCC.XLVI I . ego

Eadb ertus rex Can tiae cum con sen su Optimatum meo

rum,Bregowin i archiepiscopi et caeterorum prin cipum

meorum,con cedo aecclesiae quae est apud Raculfe, et

tib i Deneheah ab ba tuaeque familiae, pro salute an i

mee meae, uectigal et trib utum un ius nauis in portu


ac uilla quae dicitur Forduuic,ad opus, ut praefatus

sum,familiae san ctae Mariae quae in iamn ominata

aecclesia deo seruiun t . S imulque praecipio in n omineomn ipoten tis dei praefectis, praepositis, et actionaru s,

et omn ib us fidelib us qui in illo portu b eb en t uel hab iturisun t aliquam potestatem,

ut haec mea don atio Sit stab ilis

et firma imperpetuum . Quod si aliquis, quod ab sit ,hoe meum donum uiolare praesumpserit, a deo et sanctiseius separatus, diab olo et angelis eius sit con iun ctus .

Quod S i una nauis praedictae familiae perierit co llisione,fraction e, aut uetustate, iterum restituan t aliam,


ead con ditione hab eant,et sic in perpetuum.

M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 3 23 . Ab ou t 7 47 .

K 1005 . B irch 17 6 .

E ar du l f

king of Ken t to Eadb ert,ab b ot of Reculver, gran ting land

at Perhamstede.

4 EGO Eardulfus rex Can tiae tib i uen erab ilis Ead

b erte ab b a,tuaequae familiae con sisten ti in loco qu i

dicitur Raculf, con cedo terram un ius aratri in loco

qui n ominatur Perhamstede,cum omn ib us ad eam

pertin en tib us, lib eram ab omn ibus saecularib us ser

uitiis .

M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 3 10. A .D . 7 8 4 .

K 1013 . B ir ch 243 .

E alhm u n (1

king ofKen t to Wetred,ab b ot ofReculver, land at Scildwic:

4 AN NO domin icae incarnation is .DCC .LXXXIIII . Ego

Ealhmundus rex Can tiae do tib i Wetrede hon orab ili

ab b ati tuaeque familiae degen ti in loco qui dicitur


M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 3 15 . A .D . 8 09 .

K 102 5 . Birch 3 2 9 .

C en ul f of M ercia

conveying to Abp .Wulfred land for a sum ofmon eyweighedand other land for the church .

4 ANNO domin icae in carnation is .DCCC .1X Ego

Cen ulfus rex Can tiae con cedo W lfredo archiepiscopodilecto mihi terrem iuris mei septem aratrorum quaedicitur Bereham, pro eius competen ti pecun ia, id est

trigin ta lib ris deneriorum. Item in alio loco in Can tiadedi eidem uenerab ili n iro ad opus praefatae Christiaecclesiae et monachorum ib idem deo seruien tium

terrem urg mti quinque iugerum n omin e Ib b inctun

lib eras ab omn ib us saecularib us an x ietatibus,ex ceptis

commun i ex pedition e, pon tis et arcis con struction e.

M S . L amb . 1212 . p . 3 20. A .D . 8 3 5 .

K 1043 . B irch 414 .

A b b e s s C y n eu u ar a

grants to Hunb ert land at Wirksworth, for which he is topay a yearly ren t in lead for the church at Can terb ury.

4 ANNO domin icae in carnation is .DCCC .XXXV. ego

Cyn euuara ab batissa‘

con cedo Hun b erto duci terram

iuris mei n omin e Wyrcesuurb e, ea condition e ut omn ian n o det aecclesiae Christi in Dorob ern ia pro gab lo

plumb um trecen torum solidorum ed opus aecclesiae

eiusdem archiepiscopo Ceoln ob o et successoribus eius .

Hoc donum meum de praedicta uilla praefata aecclesia

in perpetuum omn i ann o b ehcet. S i quis han c meamdonation em Christi aecclesiae in Dorob ern ia ab stulerit,

perpetuo anathemate percussus, diab olus cum possideat

in societate snorum.


M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 3 20. A .D . 8 44 .

K 1047 . B irch 44 6 .

E b e lw u l f

confirming a grant of land by Osulf to Christ Church .

4 ANNO domin icae in carnation is .DCCC .XLI III . prae

sen te B b eluulfo rege et B b elstano filio eius, Ceolonob oquoque archiepiscopo , et Tatn ob o presbytero tun e quidemelecto ad episcopatum Dorob reu i

,id est ciuitas Ro fi


confirmatum est donum Osuulfi ducis quod dedit aeccle

siae Christi in Dorob ern ia,hoe est Estre S tanhamstede


quam terrem praefatus rex B b eluulfus proclamauit

lib eram ab omn i saeculari seruitio , ex ceptis ex peditione,

pon tis et arcis con structione.

M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 32 1 . A .D . 8 9 5 .

K 107 2 . B irch 5 7 2 .

P l e gm u n d

the archb ishop, gran ting land to Christ Church.

4 ANNO domin icae incarnation is .DCCC .XCV. Ego

Plegomundus, gratia dei, archiepisc0pus con cedo aec

clesiae Christi terrem quae uocatur VVefingemerse,iux ta

flumen quod uocatur Rumenea, lib eram ab omn isacculari grauitate, ex ceptis ex peditione, pon tis et arciscon struction e.

M S . Lamb . 1212 , p . 3 21 . A .D . 9 23 .

K 109 8 . B ir ch 637 .

W u l fh e lm

archb ishop ; his purchases of land.

4 ANNO domin icae incarnation is .DCCCC.XXIII . W lfel

mus archiepiseOpus comparauit undecim agros mille


denar us puri argen ti iux ta stratem quae dicitur Ealdanstrate, in occiden te k uin inglan d, in aqu ilone Cingesdie .

Item comparaui quosdam agros qui ab incolis n omin an tur VVedland

,et W lfreb ingland, iux ta locum qui

n ominatur Rib erceap. Hiis termin is circumdatur praen ominata terra. In orien te, pub lica strete ; in australi

parte, terra Brihtulfi ; in occiden te, ciuitas Dorob ern iae ;in acqu ilon e, Burhuuare b ocaceras.

M S . L amb . 1212 , p . 3 23 . A .D . 9 4 8 .

K 1160.

E ad r ed

grants to the Metropolitan Church the man or ofTwickenham.

44 ANNO domin icae in carnation is .DCCCC .XLVIII . Ego

Eadredus rex, pro amore dei, ad profectum an imae mcae



ero munusculum sanctae metropolitan ae aecclesiae in

Dorob ern ia ciuitate, uillam scilicet n omin e Tuuicaham ,

in prouin cia M idlesax onum, super fluuium Tamisiam

sitam, cum omn ib us ad eam rite pertin en tib us, lib eramab omn i sacculari grauitate et fiscali trib uto, ex ceptis

ex pedition e, pon tis et arcis con struction e. S i quiscu iuslib et sex us

,ordin is

,uel dign itatis, hoc memoriale

meum corrumpere temptauerit, deleatur memoria eiusde lib ro uitae, et robur eius sin e refrigerio aeternaliter

con teratur.

C ott. Aug . ii . 6 7 . P en tecost, 9 66 .

Can terbury Chart. 0. 207 .


T . p . 218 .

E ad gar

granting to the monks of Canterb ury the vill of Sandwichwith all its lib erties and royalties. This is a forgery, and

yet it claims n o more than actual right. Here we see the


ton ien sis an tistes con sen si 4 . Ego M alcolm rex

Cumb rorum sub scripsi 4 . Ego Dufnal uidi fi4 . Ego

Oskitellus Eb oraeen sis archiepiscopus sub scripsi 4 .

Ego Osuualdus Uuigorn ien sis episcopfis con sen si 4 .

Ego Kin euuardus ab bas M ideltun en sis sub scripsi 4

Ego Iacob sub regulus signum apposui 4 . Ego Iukil

sub regulus signum apposui 4 . Ego S iferch sub regulussign um san ctae crucis apposui in festo Pen tecostes inciuitate Acaman n i 4 . DCCCCLXVI .

XI .

TH IS group is from a roll in the British Museum, marked

Cotton Roll ii. 1 1 ; it is n early five feet long, and contain stwenty-on e documen ts, all relating to Crediton . The writingindicates the close ofthe thirteen th cen tury, and the docu

men ts here prin ted are the first five upon the roll. They

are n ot in Kemb le or Thorpe ; b ut the whole roll was com

mented upon in the J ournal of the Archwological Association

,vol. x viii and later Mr. Davidson made these five the

subject of a study in the Tran saction s of the Devon shireAssociation for 1 8 78 . It is from his pages that the tex t,tran slation s, and n otes are here reproduced, with alteration s.

A .D . 9 3 8—9 .

A declaration by B b elgar, the second b ishop of Crediton(934—95 3) of the pardon s or indulgences which he had

ob tained for all b en efactors ofCrediton min ster . The man

ner ofhis procuring them was remarkab le ; and it happenedin the days of king Athelstan (as so many other apocryphalb en efaction s did) ; and he was much assisted by pope Leo .

There were two popes of that name during the reign of

Athelstan .

Hich 1egger b ischob b e b ude

2alle min e afther co

mende to cridin ton es min istre bat be geuen isse3



hich b e het “efther bat bet hich for soc sain te marie

min istre for mire pride and to rome hy wende 5 . and

bar hich hon tromede 6 sove yer and more an thar me

b ifore hylomp be reue q uene on heuene marie 5d n e

dede me to scrifte go to ban holiepOpa leon and b e his

lore do . And b e me radde an b idia ones similissamui s 7

on rome and b ehithe 8 to giuen isse to b ote mire mereleuedie 9 and to mire cherche. And bar hich b e geth


of souen tin e archeb ischob es to bousen t dages to gifienesseof hure sinna alle ban e min istre criditones aginn


godieras of b ute hende heuereche day to coriide and

the worke b itrende and for adbelston synge1 1

. And of

Ober b ischopes on esten de romes b urg an d on westendeof bas moun tes mougeus

1 2 feour bousen t dages and

sonn e dages t ofhober areheb ischOpes'

t b issopes on

bisser side bas moun tes on wale londes be ich alle hisogte hober b i wise sende so mi scrift was bru bousenddege



souen e. Of bru areheb ischOpes on b ruthude

if ofhyre onderhischOpeS on bousen t dages t S i x sti

dages. Of feour areheb ischOpes of hirlonde'

t of hireondersetele b ischopes n unhenn e hon derd dages


t tin

dages. And bo hich com hom to ban gete on bancherchay hich silf sinfol hi astahelede bar I

on hondred

dage in helfben gete euemore wo so b ith 1 3 for wreccheedger. And bo hich b elgede bane cherichayat b echere


hurn e at hon dreid dage. An d eft hich b usbide1 5 to rome

for mire lacthere 16 to b ote t se holiepOpa lion baygeuen isse iuesn ede


t morede hit mid on bousend daget a wirgede alle baye be hit asbide t banemin ist

r of

eridian ton e wib sette. S iime d iea x i i cccc . lx x x .

Trans lation —I , Egger (B thelgar) , b ishop, declare to all my suc

cessors at Crediton min ster concerning the indulgen ce which 1 Ob tainedafter that I quitt St. Mary’

s min ster (i . e. Crediton ) for my pride,

E 0


and wen t to Rome . And there I fell sick seven years and more , and

there there appeared b efore me the compassionate queen in heaven ,

Mary, and b ade me go to shrift to the holy Pope Leo , and act accordingto his direction . And he told me to con tinue one half year at Rome,

and ob tain indulgen ce for the mending of my great sickn ess an d for'

my church . And there I ob tain ed from seven teen archb ishops two

thousand days’indulgen ce of their sin s for all the founders and b en e

factors without end of Crediton min ster, who shou ld day b y day come

and aid the work ; and for King Athelstan . And from other b ishops

on the east of the city of Rome , and on the west of Mon s Jovis, fourthousand and seven days . And from other archb ishops and b ishops on

this side of the moun tain s in foreign lands, whom I sought , or to whom

I otherwise sen t—so my shrift was—three thousand and seven days .

From three archb ishops in Bruttia and from their under-b ishops ,on e thousand and six ty days . From four archb ishops of Ireland, andfrom their under-b ishops, n in e hundred and ten days . And when I

came home to the gate of the church en closure , I , my sinful self,estab lished there on e hundred days for the b en efit for evermore of

him whosoever shall pray for the wretch (ex ile) Edger . And when I

con secrated the church en closure—at each corn er, one hundred days .

An d again I j ourn eyed to Rome for amends of my guilt ; and the

ho ly Pope Leo con firmed the indulgen ce, and increased it by on e

thousand days ; and cursed all those who should reject it,and oppose

the church of Credi ton . Total of the days,

That this documen t is a forgery in its details, as in dating the

indulgen ces from the time Of Athelstan , there is n o room to doub t ; b ut

it does n ot fo llow that the min ster had n o title to the indulgen cesenumerated . Migne, N ouvelle E n cyclopedic Théologique, vol. x x vii,gives


A .D . 1 006 as the date of the first authen tic documen t conveyingindulgen ces as an endowmen t to a church . These were all partial, andlimited in time , as in our documents ; the first plenary indulgen ce isthat of Pope Urb an to promote the first Crusade in 1 095 .

1 l o .

2 b eb eode .

3 forgifennes .

5 6un trumode .

7semissis annus ?

9 ?lefeb e .

1° b egeat .

11cynge .

12 moagens. The Alps where Hann ib al crossed are in Alfred’


Orosius (in M S . Lauderdale on ly) called ‘Mun t Jof,’

and there is

n othing an swering to this in the original tex t . B b elweard says thatB lfgifu ,

daughter of King Athelstan , was married to a king ‘ jux taJupitereos montes,

i .e . n ear the Alps .

1 3 b it .

1‘ wlcere.

15 besib ode.

16 leahtere17afeestnode.



s quitting Crediton ,and as the see was n ot tran s

ferred un til after L ifing’

s death, this documen t seems to

approach very n ear to the character ofa mere false inven tion .

Her kied on bise iwrite bat hich luuiglb ischop at

mine fuyrsibe2 wrem cditofi hi min istre to bare cherche

ofex amchestre for min e leuc b roberen to h wreyrighe at

min e out ganhes iuesn ede bay geuenisse bat egger be

lufminetheude b ischop b i tende in to c’

diamton es min istreand b eg bat alle obere b ischopes sidbe of min e dageswere igeue and b i gite 3 of Ober b ischopes hek

‘1 hichhab b e out igadere

5of b okes fale 6 if id6 7 in on obe

messe b oc at sain te marie 8 weuede to gadre hi b roght 9

bar me hit schel i Sfi10

. And in on Ober b oke bat hatte

pen iten cialis hodde 1 1 to hourde and. ich hit itrimde mid

on hondreit dages ofb ute en de and ich on cursie bat hitoberuise isette t hek alle bare churcha yvo . S umma

tosei’ ven ie x li ann’

cc . dies'


x vi dies Et fit hoc diisI I I

W Ex o ii ep'

S dedit ad colib ;12

altare eece XIII dies in re

mi ssi on e poeoe.

Translati on -Here is made known by this writing that I , L ivin g,at my ex it from Crediton min ister to the church of Ex eter, feeling at

my departure compassion for my dear b rethren , con firmed the indulgencewhich Egger (B thelgar) , the b ishop dear to my people, b estowed upon

Crediton min ster, and also (the indulgen ces) which were given by other

b ishops since, (and) of my day, and which were procured by other

b ishops also I have gathered out ofmany b ooks, and have done (copied)in to the mass b ook at S t . Mary’

s altar, b rought together, where it mayb e seen . An d in another b ook that is called Peni ten tialis b ook .

And I confirmed it with one hundred days without end. And I invokecurses on those who shall otherwise appoin t, and also on all the Church


foes .

Total of the whole indulgence, forty-one years, two hundred and six

teen days .

Concern ing the ab ove three documents Mr. Davidson wrote as

follows in 1 8 78 The first question which arises is this : Irrespectiveof the sub ject-matter of these declaration s, inasmuch as

,if genu in e,

they must be renderings of real compositions of the dates ascertained,

is it possib le to believe that there ever ex isted An glo ~Sax on originals,


which b y repeated copying, or b y having b een written from dictation ,

could have b ecome distorted into the singular forms which appear here P

Thi s is a question upon which on ly ex perts are qualified to speak . Some

have suggested that the peculiarities of this composition are due to a

Devon shire dialect of Anglo-Sax on , or to the west-coun try mode of

pron oun cing the Old English tongue . Again ,it has b een n oticed, and

must b e admitted, that some of the ex pression s which seem the strangest

are n ot the most unaccoun tab le . N othing is at first S ight more mon

strous than the phrase, To than holiapopa leon‘

. Yet thi s is not veryfar off in sound from thewords. Tothem halgen papan Leon .

” Worse

distortions of spelling than this occur in the names in Domesday.

Adbelstan syn ge again may have b een written from the dictation of

some on e who,seeing


”in the charter , read it with a soft c, as

we pron oun ce cin cture .

”Stil l, when every allowan ce has b een made ,

the verdict is on the whole unfavourab le . Professor Earle, though de

siring n ot to speak con fiden tly on a matter of such ob scurity, thinks itimpossib le there ever could have b een genu ine originals of which thesesen ten ces can have b ecome perversion s . This judgment, however, doesn ot ex tend to the fourth—the land charter—which, in Mr . Earle’


opin ion , does Show traces of havin g been derived from a genuin e

source .

’ Mr . Davidson has passed away ( 1 885 ) since our last sheet wasprinted, an d I cann ot recall on what data my then opini on was founded .

But n ow,after careful ex amination ,

I think it possib le that they all(ex cepting perhaps N o . 3) represen t o lder writings .

1 Liuing .

1 forb sib e .

3 begiten . 9 60.

5utgegadrod .

6 feala.

7gedOn .

8 The dedication saint of Crediton min ster was B . V. Mary , as maybe seen ab ove, p . I 70 , in a genuin e charter .

9geb réht .

1°bwr man hit sceal geseon .

11 hodde to hourde .

I cann ot trans late thi s, and I have n ot thoughtMr . Davidson ’

s tran slation prob ab le en ough to reprin t . But one thing

strikes me upon the manuscript View of hodde. The letters dd are n ot

in the scrib e’

s natural hand ; they look like half-imitation , as if the

scrib e was halting b etween the two notion s, of either ex pressing some

half-caught sen se , or of drawing the characters after hi s ob scure copy .

It seems to me prob ab le that what he had before his eyes was boc, completing the description of the b ook as Pen iten eialis b oc .

’For the rest

I have nothing to suggest . Thi s is importan t as bearing on the

question of the o riginal composition of these strangely corrupt pieces .

11 adcolentibus . ?

A .D . 1018 .

Eadn oth, bp. Crediton (whose signature is found in deeds,A .D . 1 0 1 2—1 b orrowed mon ey ofBeorhtn oth

,and pledged

to him certain land by the river Creedy.


In n OIe dn 1 a ihii Xpisti . Ich eadn od b ischob kibeon bis writon bat ihc o n b orgede .x x x . marca goldes b elead wigte 1 to minre lon d reddinge at b eorhtn ob e and

ich ge sealde him an e gurde londes to underwedde b i

oridia to ban foreword bet he hab b e his deis ou’

his deisb e quebe ban e schuch bfi. be him lnnest bu


be in banlon de sten t bis his sint balondes imeara bare gurd b ioridia. Brest on schokeb rokes ford bann e east on ban

pabe on bei litel gore estwerd su b on bell dede lake on


clia. Opon gen strem on ban elpen ian aker 3 bann e

est on bfi h’

pabe eft on schokeb roces ford bis her istowitnesse cn ut ching wolstan archeb isehop


t luwing

archeb ischop t b ritglob b ischop, and gedn od b isch0p,and b urthlob b ischop 5d adbelwin e b ischop and b ristyn e

‘1 b ischop and adbelword elbern eman and adbelwoldab b ot . and bet hyred of ex an cestre and bet hired of


dihamto ii and bis ibidde be b ischop ban e borg ton toex amcestre and to tot-tenesse and to lidauorde and tob eardestaple. Pax sit hoe s

uan tib ; t in ffi sit hoe

frangen tib3. And bisses iwrites idoua is on cridiamton e

mid hure elder b oken .

Tran slation —In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .

I , Eadno b , b ishop, make kn own by this writing that I b orrowed

thirty marks of gold, of pub lic weight, for the managemen t of myland, from Beorhtn ob and I delivered to him a ten emen t ofland by theCreedy in pledge, on the understanding that he should have i t for hisday, (and) after his day b equeath it to whomsoever might be dearest toh im so far as stands in the land . These are the b oun daries of the

land—of the ten emen t b y the Greedy . First at Schokeb rook ford ;

then east along the road to the little gore ; eastward south to the stilllake on the Greedy ; up again st the stream to the solitary oak thence

east to the high road that (leads) b ack to Schokeb rook ford . There

are to witn ess Cnut, king ; Wolfstan ,archb ishop ; Living, archb ishop ;

Brihtwold , b ishop ; Eadnob , b ishop ; Burhwold, b ishop ; B b elwine,

b ishop ; Brihtwine , b ishop ; B b elweard, ealdorm an ; and B b elwold,

ab b ot ; and the household (monastery) at Ex eter ; and the household(monastery) at Crediton . An d of this the b ishop sent notice to the


facta per omn ia in hec parte illwsa con servare volentes,et perpetue permanen te auctoritate n ob is a Domin o credita, dictas indulgen tias, n ecn on et sen ten tiam quammemorati prwdecessores n ostri in perturb atores seu

Violatores earundem provide tulerunt—confirmavimus.

N OS itaque, de Dei omn ipoten tis misericordie, et omn iumsan ctorum meritis confisi, gratiam gretiw adcumulare

cupien tes, omn ib us dietw ecclesiw b en efactorib us, sive

piw devotion is causa illam quoeunque tempore Visitan ti .bus

,de injun ctfi S ib i quadragin ta dies miseri

corditer relax emus. Et, n e istud futuris temporib usaliquib us vertetur in dub ium

, prwsen tem paginam,se

cundum con suetudin em temporis modern i , sigilli n ostriimpression e dux imus rob orandam .

—Datum Criditonw,

ann o gratiw x ij°

. kal. Jan uarii, scilicet diesan cti Thomw apostoli .


C . C . C . Ox f. N o . 44 9 . 2 Jun e 119 4 .

The following hull of Celestine III supplies a good hi s

togical illustration to thi s section . It is here prin ted for thefirst time by the kind permission of the Presiden t and

Fellows ofCorpus Christi College, Ox ford, from their menuscript Cartulary of St . Frideswide ; and I am in deb ted formy acquaintan ce with it to the Rev. S . R. Wigram,

who is en

gaged in editing that b ook for the Ox fordHistorical Society.

Celestinus Episcopus servus servorum Dei un iversis

Dei fidelib us per totem Angliam con stitutis salutem et

apostolicam b enediction em. Quon iam ut ait apostolus

omn es Stab imus an te trib unal Christi recepturi prout

gessimus in corpore sive b onum sive malum oportet n os

diem mession is ex treme misericordie operibus preven ire


et etern orum in tuitu seminare in terris quod reddente 1

Domin o cum multiplicato fructu recolligere valeamus in

coelisjeertam spem fiduciamque ten en tes quon iam qui parceseminat parce et metet et qui semimat in b en ediction ib usde b en ediction ib us metet Vitam eternam . Cum itaque

dilecti filii n ostri Can on ici san cti Frideswide de Ox enfordie Ecclesiam domos et ofli cinalia n ecn on et ornamen ta ecclesie vehemen tis ignis in cendio comb usta 2 in

ceperin t reparare et ad con summacion em ejusdem operiseis n on proprie suppeten t fecultates un iversitatem ves

tram rogamus et ex ortamur in Domin o et in remissionem

vob is injungimus omn ium peccatorum quatinus divin iamoris in tuitu et vestre salutis ob tentu eisdem Can on icis

Vel eorum n un ciis pias elemosinas conferatis ita ut ipsivestra

et aliorum fidelium sub vencion e adjuti in ceptumopus feliciter con summare valean t vosq ue per hec et aliab ona que feceritis Domin o in spiran te ad etern e felicitatis

gaudie mereamin i perven ire. N OS vero de Dei misericordia confiden tes omn ibus elemosinam eis et ecclesie sue

trib uen tib us vere confessis et pen itentib us de injun ctaeis pen iten cia x x dies condonamus . Datum Lateran oiiij N on . Jun ii pon tiflcatus n ostri ann o quarto .

i . e . redeun te.

MCX C . Comb usta est ecclesia sanctw Frideswidw cum max ima

parte civitatis Ox enfordi’ee. Chron i con Thomas Wykes . A n n . Monasi .

Rolls S eries, vol. iv. p . 43 .


THI S small group of b oundaries is offered as a specimen

of a chartulary of the fourteenth century, Bodl. Wood i,

a chartulary of Glastonb ury, written ab out 1 350 . The

terriers have all b een collated, and the peculiarities of the

writing (n ormaliz ed by Kemb le) have b een studiously kept .


Such are mis-spellings, andmis-join ings ofwords, which Showthat the scrib e did n ot understand what he was copying.

B odl . W ood i . fo l . 1 8 3 . A .D . 6 8 1 .

K B irch 61 .

B al d r 6 d

gran ting to ab b ot Hamgisl land at Pen nard (S omerset) .Of Oban leighe up end Lang b rokes to eatanLeighe

ban en est endlang S lades of ban slade on bon b ourn e so

to collamburi and est to standelue ben en n orth en dlangweies to bere sten en e b rugge on ben olden pil and soa

en dlang mores out on b ru .

In S . 11 . there is a facsimile of an o lder form of this deed on a

single parchmen t, the property of the Marqu is of Bath . It is a writing

of (or , in imitation of) the early part of the n in th cen tury . The b oun

daries are thus given z-Of eob b anlege up an leng b roces to totan legethon on east endlang Sledes of the slgde on thon e b urnan sue to

cullan b yrig"

1 east to stangedelfe thon on n orth an lang uueges to

there stgn enan b rycge on thone aldan pyll ‘J sua endlang mores ut

on b rinn .

B odl . W ood i . fo l . 19 1 . A .D . 7 2 5 .


B irch 14 3 .

I n i

granting to Glastonb ury Ab b ey XII manen tes at Souu ig

(Sowey) , Somerset.

Brest ofW ilb rittispathe on midde pedredistrcm a dounendlengestremes on Bridweres mere ban en n orthrigt

endelang midmores on kari ban en up endlangkari on

hamelondes mere on poholte ben en south b i lin e endlangmidward mores est on W ilb rithes pathes mores .

F . H . Dickin son Esq . (ofKingweston ,Somerset) , says that this

Sowey is a tract of land on ce surrounded with water, and comprisingthe modern parishes ofMiddlez oy, Weston Z oyland, and Othery.


Dis sand pa lan d i mare to Corfand t6 b lechenenwelle

pare .VII . hide. Arest of wikenforde. an leng wiken of

scylenford. of S cylen'

forde ? on richt wege . of pan ne

weie on 0116 disean . panen ? on b lechene of penn e

welle. on pane b lin e. an lang hlinkes on an n e dich ;

panen on e po eelde rode. on lang r6de § onn e b o aldestodfald. ofpan en felde ! on ann e dich . suth an lang

die on bare herepab ; of b en ne herepab suth an lengsawendun e on an n e dich on lang dich ? ope clif. pan en ut

on se . pan en sen t pis pat westrene lan dimere of 8 6 one

b e stod (lie pan en forb b e wertrumen on ann e stanweal

of pen ne welle bweres ouer smalencumb e of be born eupwarde panen forb b e cuise on e pat N orthene stoddich . of pare dich ? on an n e stan en wal n ord on langwalles !on stan wege ; an lang weies ! on an ne dic. paii

n orb an lang dich ofpare di che l on Wi ccan . ofWichen ?

on an ne born 7 pan en ? on ann e diche. of pare diche’.

on an ne born e ; 7 pan en n orth on iricht wege. ofpane

i wege !on alfstan es pab . pan e forb b e eficli f on aueres

b roc 2 adun c an lang b rakes ? op pan e b ige. ofpan e b ige1

on an ne born . pan n e suth on irichte on an n e mor

a dun e. an lang mores . on Wicean . up an leng wicean ?eft on Wi chenforb 1

1of= ob ; or p erhap s on , thr ough in termediate on .

1aueres b roc. The other terrier con tain s, though not with identical

connection , the expression on Auenes b r6c and perhaps we Shouldcorrect aueres to auenes .

M S . E arl . 6 1 . fo l . 13 b . A .D . 9 66 .

K 5 22 .

E ad gar

gran ts to the nunn ery ofShaftesb ury certain land which hi sgrandmotherW infled had given long ago , b ut the deed ofcon

veyance had b een lost, and therefore this n ew one iswritten .


Dis sanden be landimaren at uppidele. of pidelen

streame ? on hlosstedes crundles supecge ? ofpan e crundleon pet mere sled . of bat mere slede on b eo herepepe.

an lang herepab es ? on mearhhilde mére . of mearhhilde


re fon pan e hab en e b erielese on mi dde pane punfald.

ofpen n e punfalde ! on pidelen stream . of pidelen streme

an lang b urn stowe on greten li nkes. suth coge ofpane

greten linke on chellen b erghe ? b eft on. pidelen streame.

and se made b e frome pet to pen ne tun e ib ereth.

The place Uppidele is one of the numerous places on the Piddlein Dorset, which are n amed after that river . It would be in terestingto verify the spot more n early, if on ly for the light which this deedmight throw on the term crundel,

’ in case it sign ifies any permanent

ob j ect .

M S . H er]. 61 . fo l . 2 b . A .D . 9 8 4 .

K 641 .

E b e l r e d

assures to the convent of nun s at Schaftesb uri certain landsat Tisseb iri (Tisb ury, n ear Hindon , Wilts) which his predecessors had gran ted in ancien t days, b ut which had b eenresumed by his grandfather Eadmund. He had given to thecon ven t Buctican lea (Butleigh, S omerset) in place of it, and

then dowered hi s queen B lfgifu with Tisb ury. B lfgifu

wan ted to leave Tisb ury also to the con ven t for her own part,b ut after the death of Aelfgifu king Eadwig

jus mutavit ,hoc ipsum sib i ui delicet Buctican lea accipien s, san ctoque

coen ob io prefatam terrem wt Tisseburi perpetualiter at

tribuen s .

Rus n ero praefatum hus metis in circo rotatur. Dis

sen t pa landimere. pare twen tiwe hiwe at tisseb iri.

arest b e cigel mare scheth on n odre en dlang stremes

0d gofesdene. pann en f to pere twichen en : of pere

twichen e i on W ilb urge imare ? on pan e grene wei on

Wermundes trew. ofWermundes tre ? a dun richt in ne

pe imade. ofpane mipon f anlang stremes on pane ealde


W deforde ? on pare gren e wei on n e pe heued stokes. of

pen n e heued stocken 3 forb b e twelfaceron pat it comet towealwege. ben en ? to b ig wege. pann en ? to Wdesfloda ;pan n en f to suthames forde . An lange hege reawe pat itcomet to n odre. an lang N odre . On semen e. An lengsemen e to rodelee. pan en ? on pere hwiten meres . pan

n en ? on mapeldere hille pan n en i on b e stigele. pann en ?

on sapcumb e. pann en forder west on cures rigt. penn e

eyrder it n orth o n poles leage ; pan n en ? on mane b roc.

b en en i on wib ig b roch. ben en ? on sidi ni c mor pan nen

forb on cn ugel lege and on hiclesham. b an n en ? on meare

wei of pan e wege anlang hrigces to inpedeforde. an

lang weges pat it camet to fun t geal on pon e herpob .

pan n en ? to gifiean cumb e. an lang cumb e to Stanweie.

An lang hrygges f to b ere litden lege. pann en on 160

fri ches imare. forb b e gemare ? eft on fun t al of fi ntesb rigce. an lang hrigces to alfgares imare forder b e his

imare ob heued stoccas pan en ? to cigel mere b roke. an

lang stromes eft on n odre.

A n eighb ourhood of old celeb rity , that ofWardour Castle . In

the terrier we recogn iz e Chilmark (cigel mare) , and the river Nadder(n odre) , and a stream that run s in to it called by a name (semene) thataccounts for Semley and Semwick . An other historical place, Fon thillAb bey , is also here (fun t geal) , and probab ly the local peramb ulatorwou ld make out a great deal more.


TH IS group, which is represented by one importan t documen t

,is from the L ib er Albus ii . of the Dean and Chapter

ofWells. The codex con tain s documen ts of a date as low as

1 49 3 , b esides tran scripts ofan cien t things . It has b een wellex plored byF. H . Dickin son ,

Esq .,ofKingweston , S omerset ;

and our tex t is printed from his article in the 1 8 77 Pro

ceedings of the Somersetshire Archwological and Natural


et augere voluerit augéat ci Deus presen cia b ona et

celestia gaudia eon sequatur. S iquis vero quod n on

Opto in stigante Diab o lo hoc frangere vel minuere an sus

fuerit dispereat de terra memoria ejus et n omen ejusdeleatur de lib ro viven cium .

Termin i vero predicte terre hi sun t .

4 Dis syn dau ba lan d gemwro wt Banawelle.

B rest wt hylsb rokes ea willme east on bon e cumb eall

ab utan losa leh swa west on bon e cumb St swa west ofdam cumb e to b ib riege. of b ib ricge in to ture b roc. of

ture b roke in to locx s of lox s in to b ridewell to pan teshyd ford . to fule welle ut on bon e mwre of dam mwre

on ealden wrin n in to catt widige up ford b e cyng rodaeest in bone wrinnwst streame ford . bat byt cymd in

bone hyls b roc up bat byt cymd wst inn e be eee willme.

4 Dis syndan be lan d gemwru in to Cumb tun e B reston hryges torr of hrygestorre east on bon e smelen weg

&lang wwges on calmes feeld eastweerde swa &langwwges on bon e scyte swa on bon e n ordern n e weg on

be stygela swa &lang weges on cearee rode of bwrerode on ufe weerde calewen swa rihte nyder on be send

seabas bon e rihte on bon e holan weg &lang wwges on

ceolc b roc &lang b roces ut on°

reod rwwe on ax e to

wwde wwr swa &lang eaa to wiht hyrste of deere hyrste

on be b lin dan ea. swa wst on ax e &lang streames On

lox an leng lox an up on cyrces gemeero on hertun es

gemwru swa up ofer duna est on hricges torr.

And wt hiwisc bwre v hida c weere mwde b e sudan .

heawican St et ceoddormyn ster Viiii heordas 85 b gemena

lan d uf b ufen melc wwge eall seo wyrd on sundran

8: se wudu of dam forde up en dlang ceodder cumb es on

hean nwss. of dam n eese on be gemwr ac on eadb rihtes

cumb e endlang cumb es wst b byt cymd ut on bon e feld .


U t autem que agimus per posteritates sib i suc

ceden tes rate et inviolata quean t esse An n o domin iceIn carn acion isM ill . lX . Vii. Indict. vi hac privilegn con

firmamus kartula que apoerifas quaslib et vel anterioressi que huic forte n on con sen serin t irritas faciat esse et

multorum testium quorum con silio hec sun t diflin itasub ter ann ectimus n omina. S i quis hoe mee parvitetisdon o Deum san ctumque Andream spoliaverit in reme

diab ili percussus anathemate etern e dampnacion i sub

jaceat 4 Ego W illhelmus rex Anglorum crucis titulomeam confirmo don acion em 4 Ego M athyld reginaeodem sign o adhib eo confirmacion em 4 Ego S tigendus

archiepisc0pus con sen si et sub scripsi4 Ego Aldrwdus archiepiscopus confirmavi

4 Ego Odo episcopus fraterRegis con rob oraviEgo Hugo episccpus con solidaviEgo Gotfrid episcopus consign avi

Ego Hereman nus episcopus con sensi

4 Ego Leofricus episccpus n on renui

4 Ego Gilmwr episcopus enn ui

4 Ego W illhelmus episcopus lendavi4 Ego Egelricus episcopus con firmo

4 Ego Walterus episccpus faviEgo W ulfsig episcopus confirmavi

4 Ego Remigius episccpus con signavi

4 Ego B bclnod ab b as 4 Ego Leofweard ab bas 4 Ego

W ulfwold ab bas 4 Ego W ulfgeat ab b as 4 Ego W illhelmus dux 4 Ego Walbeof dux 4 Ego Eadwin e dux4 Ego Rotb ertus frater regis 4 Ego Rotgerus princeps 4 Ego Walterus Gefeheard 4 Ego Hugo Demun tforz 4 Ego W illhelm de curcello 4 Ego S erlode burca 4 Ego Rotgerus Derundel 4 Ego Richardfilius regis 4 Ego V

Valdtere fleminc -4 Ego Ramb riht

r f


fleeminc 4 Ego burstan 4 Ego Balduinus de wartenb eige 4 Ego Othelheard 4 Ego Heimericus 4 Ego

Toug min ister 4 Ego Din n i 4 Ego B lfge arde thorn e4 EgoW illhelmdeWalvile 4 Ego Bundi stallere 4 EgoRotb ert stellere 4 Ego Rotb ert de ylie 44 Ego Rogerus

pincerna 4 Ego W ulfweardus 4 Ego Herding 4 Ego

Adz or 4 Ego Brix i 4 Ego Brihtric.

In the Article already referred to may be seen Mr . Dickin son ’s

tran slation of the b oundaries , together wi th his commen ts which are

full of local kn owledge .

Mr. Freeman ex am ined the signatures and came to the conclusionthat the person s cou ld all have met at one and only on e particular time.

The meeting of these b ishops and these earls, together with the Q ueen ,

is perfectly possib le in the summer of 1068 it is n ot possib le earlier orlater .

’The date given in the deed is right according to the Indiction ,

b ut wrong Ann o Dom in i, and Mr. Freeman attrib utes this to an error of

tran scription . He finds traces of an English scribe in the title dux

where a N orman would have used comes ,’

in the ab sen ce of a title fromRobert ofMortain who was a Coun t in N ormandy, and in the description of Robert ofMon tgomery as ‘

prin ceps .

’Tofig, the Sheriff of the

shire con cern ed, sign s as min ister, i .e . begn . The name ofWalter Gifiordis spelt in a very English way Gefeheard . The only suspicious ex pres

sion is rex applied to Harold, who is so carefully described as comes

by the compilers of Domesday ; yet even these have on ce let slip theword regnavit of him . Or may thi s rex

’b e due to the tran scriber ?

This piece represen ts the Court of William as b eing as yet more

English than N orman . N o English Earl or B ishop has yet b een

removed from his post. A crowd of Englishmen are still called to theAssemb ly and sign its acts . (P roceed ings of S omerset. Arch . and N at.

Hist. S oc . vol . 23, part 2, pp. 49 sqq .)

IN this group we have three specimen s ofthat last stagein the descen t of Sax on documents

,in which they were cast

into popular rhyme.


Na b e he 116 that ilk Gome,I will forsaye that he come,(That wit ye weol or and or)Til sain t John myn stre dor ;And ther i will (swo Crist me red)That he b et his misded,Or he b e cursed son on on

W it al that servis sain t J ohn .


hit swa b etid and swa es,

That the man in mansing es

I sai yow ouer fourti daghes,

(Swilke1 than b e sain J ohn laghes)

That the chapitel of Beverlike

Til the scirif of Everwike

S en d their writ son onen ,That this men sedman 5 b e ten .

The scirref than say i ye,W itouten any writ one me

Sal n imen him (swo Crist me red)And in to my prison lede,And held him (that is my wilt)Til he b et his misgilt .

If men reises n ewe laghes

In any o ther kinges daghes,

Be they fromed,b e they yemed

W it yham of the mynstre demed,

The mercy Of ye misdeéd,

Gif i saint J ohn,swo Crist me red.

Yif man b e . cald of limes or lif

Or men chalenges lan d in strif

W it my b odlaik,6 wit writ of right,

Y wil sain t J ohn have be might,That man tharfor n oght fight in féeld, .

N owther wit staf .n o .wit shéeld


Bot twelve men wil i that it telleSwo sal it b e swo b éer ib elle.


And he that him swo werne mayOvercomen be he ever and ay,

Als he in feld war overcomen ,

The cravan tise of him b e n omen .

That yet8 i God and sain t JOhn »

Her b efor iow and ever ilkon .

If man b e founden slan idrunkend, 9

S terved o n sain J ohn rike 10

His agb en men withouten swike

His aghen b ailiffs make ye sight,N an other coron er have the mightSwa mikel fredom give i ye,Swa hert may think


or eghe sée.

That have i thought and forb iséen ,I will that ther euer been

Samen ing and myn stre lif

Last follike 11 W itouten strif,

God help alle thes ilk menThat helpes to the thowen . Amen .

Prin ted after Kemb le, who followed the Monasticon . The

variation s are those of the Lan sdowne manuscript, a paper tran script

of the 1 7th or 1 8th cen tury. This I learn from Mr . (19 Gray Birch,

who has kindly len t me hi s unpub lished proofs of this and the two

n ex t pieces. The dialect is n orthern , b ut n ot so strong in this as

in N o . 3, where note especially the use of at as a con jun ction Dr .

Murray in the N ew Engli sh Dictionary regards this as ’

at, a worn-downform of that ; saying that it was very common in 14th

—1 5th e. , that it is

rare even in Scottish wr iters after 1 500 ; b ut still in regular use in

northern dialect speech, as, I sed’at 1 wad, and I did .

1 MS . hest come and meldrel.'1 M S . see s.

3 MS . that the men sings is .

1 M S . whilke .

5 MS . his man serman .

5 MS . god lake.

7 MS . swa here well . 8 MS . hat .9 MS . founden dronken .

1° M S . St . Iohn s rike.

1 1 MS . for euer.


N . M on . ii . p . 13 3 .


T . p . 17 9 .

E t h e l s tan

confirming to the Chapter .of Ripon their lib erties and


4 In n omine san ctae et individuae trin itatis! ADELSTANUS rex dei gratia regn i Angliae omn ib us hominibussuis Eb oraci, et per totem Angliam,

salutem . Sciatis

quod ego confirmo ecclesiae et capitulo RIPONENSI pacemsuam 1

,et omn es lib ertates et con suetudin es sues, et con

cedo eis curiam suam de omn ibus quaerelis et in omn ibuscurl IS de homin ibus S . W ilfridi, pro ipsis et b omin ib us suis, vel contra ipsos, vel in ter se ad invicem ,


quae fieri p et judicium suum pro Frodmortell

et quod homines sin t credendi per suum ya, et per suum

na ; et omnes sues terras hab itas et hab endas, et homin essuos ita lib eros

,quod n ec rex Angliae, n ee min istri eius ,

aliquid facian t vel hab ean t quod est ad terras suas vel

ad socem capituli. Testib us G . archiepiscopo Eb oracen si ,et P . praeposito Beverlaci.

1pacem suam. This seems to mean their right of sanctuary . Com

pare the nex t piece. Cf. Ducange v. P am.

N . M on . 11 . p . 133 .


T . p . 1 8 2 .

A popular version of the forego ing.

Wyt all that es and es gen

That ik King ADELSTANAs gyven als frelich as I



And to the capitell of sein t W ilfrai,


king l’

Ofli ce de garder de son Forest de hundred de Chelmeret Daun cing in Com . Essex in taile appiert per Record in

Lescheker escrie modo seguen te

Iehe Edward KingHaue yeven of my Forest the keepingOf the hun dred of Chelmer and Daun cing

To Randolph Peperking ,and to .his kynlyng ,

W ith Hart 85 Hyn de, Doe and Bucke,

Here 85 Fox e, Catt 85 Brooke,

Wyldfowle with his flocke,

Partrige, Fez an t Hen,85 Fez an t Cooke.

W ith green e 85 wilde stub and stockeTo keepen ,

85 two yeomen by all their might,Both by day and eke by n ight,And Hounds for to houldG ood

, swift and b ould,

Four Greyhoundes, and six e raches

For Hare and Fox e 85 wylde CattesAn d therefore yche made him my b ookeW itn esse the Bishop ofW olstone

And b ooke ylern ed many on e

And Sweyn e of Essex our b rotherAnd tekyn him many other,And our S teward Howelyn e,

That b esought me for him .

Far as these records are removed from any genuine documen taryform , they do in all probab ili ty preserve (as J . R . Green , Con quest ofE ngland, p . 2 2 2 has said) the memory of actual grants . These rhymes

can on ly have had vogue with the peasan try, and therefore they suggest

a strong sen se of attachment to the monastery under which they heldtheir lands . I do n ot kn ow whether it is possib le that such rhymesi-ould ever have had any sort of value as legal eviden ce in this coun try,though such a state of things is recorded of Ireland . Among the kindsof evidence admitted by the Brehon Law in disputes about land was

laidh (can tus) or history in the form of a poem pub licly recited.

E n cc Op aedia B ri tann i ca, ed . 9 . v . Brehon Law . A discussion ab out

rhyming records took place in N otes and Q uer ies ab out October 1 885 .


AFTER much hesitation as to whether K 5 70 shouldb e in cluded in our selection or n ot, it was put aside.

Had it b een admitted,it would have b een placed in the

First Group ofthe Secon dary Documen ts. Kemb le stigmatiz ed it, b ut M r. Bond has passed it without remark ;and M r.Macray, who kindly ex amin ed it at my request;saw n othing suspicious in the handwriting. It was the

difficulty of classing it (added to its great length) thatkept it out ; in the other scale were its many peculiarities

,and its S ing


ular wealth of words. This last consideration has n ow prevailed . M uch of Kemble

s shortG lossary was got from this on e piece, and as we haveemb odied his words, we foun d in the revision of our

Glo ssary that it would b e b etter to prin t this piece thanto make repeated references to a documen t which was n otin the reader’

s han ds .

C o tt. Aug . ii . 6 . A .D . 9 7 2 .

N . M on . ii . p . 4 16 .

K 5 7‘


. B . iii . 3 0.

E adgar

granting to the monks ofPershore perpetual freedom in the

choice of their ab b ot. To this is appended a terrier of the

monastic lands, and the san ction . After which follows, in a

much smaller hand,a series of b oun daries ; the larger hand

is again resumed for the date and sign atures.

AOrthodox orum uigoris welesiastici mon itu creb er

rime in struimur ut illi oppido sub iecti suppedi

ten tes famulemur qui totias mundi fab ricam miro in



ab iliq serie disponen s micocrosmum adam uidelicet

tandem quadriformi plasmetum materie almo ad sui

similitudinem in stin ctum spiramine un iuersis que in

infimis formauerat un o prob and[i] causa ex cepto uetitoqpreficien s paradisiacee amo


n itatis iocunditate con laterena wua scilicet comite decen tissime collocauit laruarice pro dolor seductus cauillatione uersipellis suasib ilisq

tergiuersetion e uiragin is pellectus anathematis alogiaamb ro pomum momordit uetitum et sib i ac posteris inhoc wrumn oso deiectus swculo loetum promeruit per

petuum Vatieinan tib us siquidem profetis et

cwlitus supern i regis diuturna clan destin o presegia dogmate promen tib us n itide orthodox is eulogium ex su

pern is deferen s n on ut iudworum seditiosa elingue

fatetur loquacitas sed priscorum atq modernorum

lepidissimam amb ien s faeundiam arrianas sab ellianasqproterendo n en ias anagogico infrustran s famin e n osq ab

Ob tun Si cwcitate umb remin is ad supern orum alecrimon iam

patrimon iorum aduocan s angelus supern is elapsus limin ib us in aurem in temeratae uirgin is ut euangelica pro

mulgan t famin e S tupenda cecin isse uidetur carmina .

Cui welesia tota catholica eonsona uoce eltihohando

proclamat . Beata es uirgo maria que credidisti per

ficien tur in te quw dicta sun t tib i a diio M irum dictuincarnatur uerb um et ineorporatur scilicet illud de quo

euangelista superemin en s un iuersorum altitudine sen

suum in quit In prin cipio erat uerbum et uerb um eratapud deum et 68 erat uerb um et rlf. Q ua uidelicet

sumpta de uirgin e in carnatione an tiquee uirgin is fecinus

demitur et cun ctis mulieribus n itidis prwcluen s tauma

tib us decus irrogatur In tacta igitur redolen te x iiidiuin itate passaq

’ ipsius human itate lib ertas addictis

clemen ter contigit seruulis Hine ego EADGAR altithrono







E EERTH . v in GRAETUNE . v . in



. v . in BROCTUNE . iii . in to II’LEORYRI . I . [in to] LANG


iii . in AOTUNE . . in SUTHSTOCE . 7 on HIL L’

EARE 7 on


DEORHAM . x in LONGANEGE . v . on LIDANEGE . Vi in


STURE x in BRADAN UUEGE x x in COLTUNE . v . in

UU IGUUENNAN X et ad usum conficiendi salis duob us inlocis . x viii . doliorum situs on middelwic . x . 7 on

n eodemestan wie . viii . et duarum fornacium static on

UUICTUNE et uas quod dicitur westrin cge cum uno

man so et dimidium man si in loco qui dicitur HORTUN

eiusdem perpetualiter sin t lib ertatisTempore siquidem quo rura quae d'

no denoto con cessian imo in iuste a 86a di welesia ab lata fueran t perfidi

quiq n onas sib i hereditarias kartas usurpan tes ediderun t'

sed in patris et filii et Sps scI n omin e precipimus ut

catholicorum n emo eesdem recipiat sed a cun ctis

repudiate fidelib us in anathemate deputen tur ueteri

iugiter uigen te priuilegio S i quis n ero tam epilempticus

phylargirie seductus amen tia quod n on Optamus henc

nrw mun ificen tiw dapsilitatem ausu temerario infringeretemptauerit sit ipse alienatus a con sortio sé

w di welesig

n ecnon et a [par]ticipation e sacroscI corporis et sanguin isihu x pi filii (i i per quem totus terrarum orb is ab antiquohuman i gen eris ,

in imico lib eretus est et cum iuda x bi

proditore S in istra in p[ar] te deputatus n i prius hic


digna satisfactione humilis pen ituerit quod con tra scam

(i i welesiam reb ellis agere presumpsit n ee in uita hec

practice uen iam n ec in theorica requiem apostata oh

tineat ullam sed wtern is b arathri in cendiis tru sus cu

anan ia et saphyra iugiter miserrimus crucietur

Dis sindon ba lond gemwra bwre tun londe be in to perscoren b elimpab wrest of piriforda on be dic endlangdie on

be pyrigan of bwre pyrigan on bon e longan apuldre of bemapuldre on deep (2) morn o (2) wyllan ofbwre [wyllan] to bemhlwwe (


l) [b ]e bwre h to bwnin cg[es b yrig] ofb eeni n‘



b yrig to wealh geete of wealh geete to mwr cn olle of mwr

cn olle on lind hoh of lind ho on clottes mor of clottes more

o n mwr pul on‘ ’i ong pulles on afen e of afene on calden

wyllan of calden wyllan on wyrb b lin e ofwyrb b lin e [on hor]pyt ofhor pytte on culfran mere of bwm mere on hag

b roc b ryeg of b roc hrycge on be ealdan di e of b eere

die on swyn e of swyn e on reod die of b eere die on weorces

more of bwre mere on be twycene of bwre twycenan on behwsel rwwe ondlong streames on hor wyllan of hor wyllan

ondlong die o n cymmen leahe of bwre leahe on swfern

ondlong swfern to hem stede ofham stede on ropleah geat ofbwm geete ondlong die 15 on east mor bwr on be rode of

b wre rode on heab eb urhe weorbyg of bwm worb ige ondlong

hrycges to bysceopes swyn hege ondlong heges on b eartan

weg of b eartan wege on calfan leahe b ondlong die to hwb

helan of hwb halan on be ealdan dic ondlang die on piddes

meres weg of bwm wege on be ealdan die of b wre die on

wad b eorges ofwad b eorgen to be hlyp gee te of b wm geeteon seeltan mere of bem mere on sub mwduan ofbwre meede

ondlong sices b on yrse ondlong yrse on hwitan dun e of

hwitan dune on lusb or of lusb orn e on fulan pyt of pa pytte

on b eornwynn e dene ondlong den e'

b on hymel broc eet wudu

forde endlang b roces on ox en ers endlang sices to ban stan

gedelfe of b em stan gedelfe on be dic ondlong die on b un igb urnan 7 lang burn an b on hymel b roc ondlang brooes to


b eeeen leahe on be calden dic 7 lang mwr weges on ceafor

leahe of bwre leahe on be heg stowe of bwre heg stowe on

b ennuc a[ndl]ong hennuc b on be b orn rwwe eastrihte b hitcyme to ban rah hege wfter

b5.’ hege a b e bem ofre b eft on

be dic 13 on pidelen stream 7 lang streames on afene endlangafen e b eft on piri ford pis sind bara feower tuna londgemwra wihtlafes tun 7 eadb rihtin cg tun 7 n iwan tun 7

wlflwde tun wrest of pidelen on be calden die of bwre dic

7 lang wura on be heafde to win ter b urn an of win ter b urnano n hina gemeeran on bone ealdan weg of ban wege on tittendun e of titten dune on byligan fen of b yligan fenn e on

wix ena b roc ondleng b roces on pidelen 7 lang pidelen b eft on

wihtlafes gemwre Dis sind be lond ge[mw]ra into fleferb

wrest of pa ealdan slwde on winter b urnan of bwre b urnan

on ban e swyn hege 7 lang heges on comeres mwduan of pa

mwduan on hodes ac of bwre eéc 7 lang heges to bwm wege

7 lang weges on winter hum an 7 lang b urnan on hereferb es

maduan bonan in b sic of bwm sice in bwne cumb of be

cumb e on be ealdan dic 7 lang dice in pidelen 7 lang pidelento b radan heme ab utan b radan heme eft in pidelen 7 langpidelen eft to bwm slwde . pis sind be 10nd gemwra tohusan treo wrest of bwre strwt 7 long die to b radan forde7 lang b urnan


’scale weorpan ondlang seale weorpan to c61

forde of col forde 7 lang bwre miclan die on alr b roc 7 langb roces on b eornan mor of be more 7 lang die on feower

gemwra of beb gemwron to born lehe of born lehe 7 lang diceft on be strwt Dis sind bws londes gemwra in to langandun e wrest of swfern on wiferb es mwduan hege of pa he


on bon e b rieg of bit hricge on bon e wulfhagen midn e of bitwu lf b egan to be b rym gemgran of bwm b rym gemwran to

pis b rece of'

pis b rece to tidb rihticg heme of ben heme on

pyrt b roc 7 lang b roces to pyrtan heale of pearten heal [tob ajgan geete of hagen geete to twy forde of twy fyrde to luf

b ecc of luf bece b etweonan dun e of bwre dune on‘h


cumb of pa cumb e on swyn geat of swyn geete 7 lang coge bon heeb brieg of heeb riege on senet rieg ofsenet ricge on see


to syl b eame of syl b eame to crome of crome to hwiten

wyllan ofbwre wyllan to hagen geete ofhagen geete to bwreblacan we of bwre we on be sen d seab as of be.


seab an in

temedel of temedel on be lytlan b ecas benen e of

grindles b ece swa b gemwre ligb in temeden of temeden

on b utan cldres ege’

b eft in temeden endlang temeden b eft

in mew pul pis sind be lond gemwra in to ac tun e wrest onhorse b roc of horse b roce in heafoc rycg of heafoc ryoge on

b ilin cg b ro‘c

’of byling b roce in at leahe geat of at leahe

geete in be b lyden of bwre b lyden in bycera feld of bycera

felde on sand ford of sand forde in scotta pwb of scottenpwb e in gyslan ford of gislan forde on sond burn an of sond

b urnan on sceadwwllan of secadwellen in lam seeban oflam '

seeb en in leden e of leden e in lin lenhe of lin leahe in saltere

weg of sealtera wege in hean ofer ofhean ofre in sub b roc of

sub b roce in west b roc of west b roce in clwg wyllan of clwg

wyllan in wb elstan es graf of wb elstanes graue on hengestes

healh ofhengestes heale eft in horsa b roc Dis sind bare

. viii

. land gemwra in to sub stoce wrest of mwdden e weste

weardre on b eadue byl 7 lang dene on b eden pyt of papytteon wsc wyllan b roc 7 lang b roces on afen e 7 lang afen e on

b roc hardes ford of bam forde on swyn b urnan of swyn

b urnan on fun tn cs b urnan of fun tn cs b urnan on b remer leahof b remer lea 7 lang den e on stan leah of stan lea on seonecan

dene 7 lang den e on ehan feldes geat bonn e on gate wyllan of

gate wyllan on eyn cges crundlu of cyn cges crundlan 7 langden e on rise more of rise mere on wsc dene of wsc den e

on hord dene of hord dene on bone holan weg on lub in ewudu on fileb leahe of filet leahe on wb elan wyllan of be



wyllan adun c on stream 7 lang streames up on b yrdo wyllan

of hyrde wyllan on cyn inge crundel of cyn inge crundele on

rycg weg 7 lang weges on bon e stapol of be stapole on beb lyden ofbwre hlydan up endlang streames of bwm stre‘


b e b eeiden b on mihan lea easteweardn e on bone garan up

7 langweges ofbewege b e heefdan b eft on mwd b eorh pissind be land gemwra into deor he


me wrest of sulan forde on


loddra wellan bon on on bydyn eel b i ab b an grafe to b ryde

wyllan b swa on eeean treo bon on on miclan mwdua b on hydb onn e on hygeredin


g weeras 7 swa b i clop weere ufa in

sulig cumb bon on on mus b eorh b swa to wb eredes wellan

b on on on clwg weg b e cirie stede b swa b i sadol hongren on

fearn b eorh wuda on gemwr b roc b eft on sulan b roc4 Dis sind be land gemwra in to b eo leahe wrest of b eo

leahe on cun din cg weeras of cundin cg weeran on fearn b ealesoffearn healan on b urh leahe ofb urh leahe on geahes ofer of

geahes ofre on stan geat of stan geete on wulferes wyllan of

bwre wyllan on deawes b roc of bwm b roce on mapoldren

geat ofbwm geete on b eerdyn cg ford of b earding forde eft on

b eo leahe pis sind b e lend gemwre into gyrd lea wrest ofgyrd lea on colle of colle on mwr die of mwr dice on b lacan

mearcan of b lacan mearcan on bone hwb garan on dagarding

weg of dagarding wege on ac wyllan of ac wyllan on b radan

apoldre of bwre apoldre on mwres b orn of b en b orn e on

smalan b roc of smalan b roce on cin ctun es b ro‘

c’of bwm

b roce on dyrnan ford ofdyrnan forde on b rom halas of b romhalan on hwiten leahe ofhwitan leahe on leomman n in cg weg

b onan on colle of colle on meos mor ofmeos more on ciondan

Of ciondan on spel b roc b on an on b ulan wyllan of b ulanwyllan on be langan we of bwre langan we [to] mundes dene

ofmundes den e on colle of00116 eft on gyr‘

d’leahe Dis

sind be land gemwra bws londes be lymp‘

b’to sture b is

b on n e wt wresten den ewaldin cg hommes ende scyt on sture

bon n e scyt se di e b hit cymb foren to byrnan scylfe bonne

bonan 7 lang bwre calden strwte 15 hit cymb on mwr b roc

7 lang mwr b roces 15 hit cymb to langan dun e ende bon on bhit cymb to pos hliwan bon ne of pos hliwan to sealt mere

of scalt mere on fugel mere offugel more on steepen hlin c of

steapan hl in ce on b are b roc of b are b roce ymb wyden cumb'

of widen cumb e to hwb hylle bon on on stan hlin ces ende

bon on on rum b eorgas bonne b onan to cealc seeb en of cealc

seeb en to tilb egn es triowan bonan to meox b eorhym bonan

to pehtunes triowan fra'

pehtun es triowan to pioles clifan b(1 8


7 lang pioles clifes middeweardes to clop hyrste bonn e of clophyrste on be dic be ligb on sture pis sind be land gemwrato b radan wege wrest of mwr ende on pes b roc bonon on beheafde wt west mwduwan of west medwen on be heaf[dan ] bon bistel more of beb mere 7 lang slwdes in pincan dene of

pin can den e 13 up on beorna dun e ufewearde bonon on bon estapol of bwm stapole ofer bon e ealdan feld b on fugel hlww

ofbwm hlwwe on egsan mor of b an more up endlang dune bon bwddes wellan of bwddes wellan on b rer hlww of bwmhlwwe on n orb ham onb utan n orb ham 7 lang bwre ealdan

die “5 on sand b roc of sand b roce on b ord rib ig of b ord rib ig

on‘ hor pyttes ribig of li or pytte 7 lang fura b on cadan

myn ster bon on on be coge b on be sealt strwt 7 lang strwt on

be calden die wt n en es man nes lende of bwre die on asan

wyllan of asan wyllan on bristlinga den e of b ristlinga dene

ufeweardn e b on be calden die wt wad b eorhe 7 lang dic eft o

mwr cumb e

Ann o domin icw in carnation is decco lx x ii scriptaest huins mun ificen tiw singrapha

h’is testibus con sen

tien tib us quoru Inferius n omina sedm un iuscuiusq

dignitatem utriusq ordin is decusatim diio disponen tecarax an tur

Ego cadger b rittann ie anglorfi monarchus hoe tau

mate donu agIe crucis rob oraui

Ego dun stan dorob ern en sis welesie archIepS eiusdem



g’is b en iuolen tiam confirmaui

Ego oswold eb oracen sis b asilicw primes huic regalidon o adsen sum preb ui

Ego ab elwold W inton ien sis presul edis can on ica sub

scriptione men u ppria depin x i

Ego wlfstan lundon ien sis cathedre pon tifex signumsew crucis lwtus impressiEgo alfwold scireb urnen sis cathedre an tistes hoe in

tepidus donum corrob oraui


Ego leofric m Ego wlfeah m

Ego wlfelm m Ego leofstan m

Ego leofsige m Ego wlfric Ii i

Ego wulfric Ii i Ego wb elweard m

Ego godwine m Ego b rihtrie Ii i

Ego wlfric iii Ego leofa fn

Ego ealdred m Ego b rihtrie iii

Prefata quo‘

q" b is trium iugerorum quantitas

et duo predia in famosa urb e quw ab accolis dicitur

wygorne ceastre eccidun t quw sub eiusdem condicionelib ertatis perpetualiter in n omin e dii i n fi ihu x bi hab eri


E rasur es in the Charter .


e8m . UUERBUBGEUUIC . This royal residence of the Mercian kingsis men tion ed again in K 2 1 7 thus : in ui lla regali qui dici tur wer

burying w ie. Both forms mean the same, the town of S t. W erb urg.

M r . Kerslake has main tain ed with great force that this place is Hoo

S t . Werb urgh on the estuary of the Medway, and this iden tificationcon trib utes something con siderab le to a more importan t con ten tion of

his,that Clovesho is Cliffe at Hoo . Supremacy ofM ercia

, pp. 47, 53 .

W erb urg was the daughter ofWulfhere , king ofMercia.

35t . JURIS ME I . This formul a occurs again 1 33m,aliquam partem

terre juris mei ; and 41 1 1, and often . Kemb le, S ax ons, B ook i . c. 1 1

ex plain s it as‘the king’

s common of pasture’

; a right of common

en joyed by the king, ealdorman and gerefa in n early every part of

England ; whi ch right they could alienate to others, p. 293 .


Hertford, which was presided over b y Theodore in the year 670, as re

lated b y Beda, H . E . iv . 5 , it was ordain ed

Septimum , Ut his i n anno syn odus congregetwr ; sed quia diversa

causee imp ediun t, p lacu i t omn i bus i n com/man e

,u t K a lendis A ugustis

i n loco qui app ellatur C lofeshoch, semel i n ann o congregemwr .

Where thi s on ce famous place was, whi ch is written Clofeshoch,Clofeshos , C lofeshoas, has b een much q uestion ed. The similarity of

the n ame has led to its iden tification with C liffe at Hooe in the angleb etween the Medway and the Themes, and this opin ion has lately b eenrevived an d strenuously main tain ed b y M r. Kerslake in his pamphleton The S up remacy of M ercia . His po in t is that a road out of the

cen tre of Englan d came to the n orth b ank of the Thames opposite

C liffe,that the river was there crossed b y a ferry, that it was a high

way out of Mercia to Can terb ury, an d hen ce the eligib ility of the

situation for a syn od. After the two great syn ods under Theodore at

Hertford and Hatfield, the syn ods were provin cial and mostly un derMercian prin ces, an d when n ot at Clovesho, were at Cealchyb , which

is gen erally supposed to b e Chelsea, though Sun n ing has also b eensuggested (Hefele, E ccles . Coun cils) . Thus it seems n ecessary to find

454 NOTES .

Clovesho in Mercia, or somewhere con veni ent for Mercian kings.

S omn er suggested Ab ingdon , b ecau se Sheovesham was said to b e the

o lder name of that place, and he thought Sheovesham might b e

iden tified with Clovesho,c b eing put for s. But the time when c an d

s thus changed places was cen turies later . However, G ib son adopted

this View , in which the cen tral position of Ab ingdon was perhaps of

more weight than the etymology. Kemb le said : ‘I en tertain littledoub t that Cloveshoas was in the coun ty of G loucester an d hundred

ofWestmi nster,’S ax ons, 11. 1 5 . In an other place he suggests that it

was n ot far from Deerhurst, Tewkesb ury, and Bishop’

s C leeve : perhaps at Tewkesb ury itself, 11 . 1 9 1 . Stub b s says : ‘Clovesho , a n ow

forgotten place in the Mercian kingdom, prob ab ly n ear London ,’

Cons t. H ist. i . 23 1 .

381. EGO OFA PATRICIUS . This is an in teresting sign ature, b ecause

of the ob scurity an d curiosity which attends on the an teceden ts of the

great king ofMercia. Lappenb erg, i . 2 2 3 .


smeadow and also Suithun ’

s land. Here the

simple an d first mean ing of the termination -ing is plain ly seen ; it

signifies n ot on ly son of, b ut anything of. The patronymic usage, as in

B lfred B b elwulfin g, Alfred son of Ethelwulf, is on ly on e special application of a form that differs little in its original sen se from a

gen itive case . A s a patronym ic it occurs on p . 1 02, Eadwald Oshering,

Eadwald son ofOshere.

951. bANON EAS T ANDLANG KRABOE, &c . : thence eastwar ds along

the b oun ds to duck p oo l. Here the meare is plain ly a lin e ; and so

again 1 7gm , boNNE GE D S IO MEARC FORD ANDLANG BLIDAN : n ow the

b oundary p roceeds a long the B li the strea/m.

Mear/re (f.) sign ifies very much the same as our word mark at present

a sign , a lin e of division . Thus we have a verb mear cian,to make a

mark,and from this an oak with some well-kn own marks upon it was

called (3551) seo gemearcode ac wt Al erb urn an = the marked oak at

Alerb ourn e. Just ab ove in the same con tex t we find 8 6 0 gemearcode

wfse= the eaves of the wood where the mark is .

The word signified a lin e ofb oun dary, and also the b elt ofwild landaroun d the cultivated area of a village , and thus it sometimes appears

as iffor a march or width ofn eutral land b etween two communities .

In this sen se we have ( 2 10h) , Broml eaginga meare and Leofsnhwma

the march of the Bromley folk an d the L ewisham folk . In'


sen se we have the compound mearc-lond, for the land lying in such a

position .

456 NOTES .

therefore he thought the-a

ngas witn essed to the original seats of the

Marks, while n ames in -ingaham,820. were due to filial settle

men ts or coloni es from the d ingas . Th ese derivation s have a sub stan tialvalue of their own qu ite independen t ofthe Mark-theory, and I am the

more in clin ed to b elieve them real b ecause they comm en d themselvesto the historical judgmen t of my friend M r . Boase ofEx eter Co llege .

1 03t . N Is EDELMODE ENTG MEGHOND NEOR DES CYNNES DANNE EADWALD z—Ethelmod has n ot any n atural heir n earer ofkin than Eadwald.

The term meghond has b een written meihond just b efore . The fir stpart is meeg (pl . magas) relation , and the second is simply the word‘hon d

’in that techn ical sen se in which the Latin manns was u sed ;

Main e,A ncien t L aw

, p. 3 1 7 . W e have the word hand u sed by itselfas an ab stract term for party inheriting, as I48h, ac ic wille ofer b yradeeg Oeet hit gange on 5 a nyhstan hand me = b ut I will that after theirday it go to the competen t party who is n earest of kin to me. An d

lower on the same page we have hand for the patron and protector of

a monastery. The Society at Domerham is to choose its own protector,

swylce hand to ceOsenn e swylce him leOfast i .

On p. 1 1 1m we read and se mann se to lon de foe agefe hire

erfe hon da x iii pund pendinga’

and the man who takes to the landis to give her n atural successor 1 3 pound of penni es

—in compen sation ,

as I suppo se, for what that heir loses through this b equest to the

monastery. I imagin e that this compound erfe handa (whi ch Thorpe

did n ot un derstand) is con structed on the same prin ciple as meghond

ab ove . In A lfred’

s Will we have the compound cot/”hand : gif ic

gesealde aen igre wifhan da”Oeet he gestrynde if I have given to any

female inheritor property whi ch he acq uired ( 148m) .

I o 5b . MINBA FRIONDA AND MEGA DE ME To GODE GEFULTUMEDONmy friends and relatives who helped me in to the property ; as alsogefultemedan just ab ove.

I ogh . pE LONDEs WEORDE S IE AND LAND GEHALDAN CUNNE as longas there is any on e of my fami ly who is qual ified and legally ab le toho ld lan d.

1 09m . SUD To FARANNE to travel south ; i . e . go ab road, perhaps

to Rome . S ee Vigfusson’

s Dict . v . S uOr .

n ot . GIF HIE NE GESTRIONEN ODDE HIM SYLFUM E LLES HWE T SE LE,&c. if they (my b rothers) do n ot b eget heir or somewhat else happento him when he is there i . e . or ifthey do b eget heir who should diewithin a certain time .

1 1 2t . FORNACIBUS PLUMBIS . An ything to do with Chaucer’

s‘forn eys

ofa leed, ’ P ro logue, 202 ?

NOTES . 45 7

1 1 3m . Kemb le thinks it prob ab le that all estates of folcland were

chargeab le with paym en ts to the ealdorman,and that these gifts to

S igred and Mucel were by way of indemn ity for rights dimin ished bythe privilege gran ted to Hanb ury . S ax ons , ii . 140 .

1 2 2m . N IGEN HIGIDA LOND . Throughout the who le Sax on period

the chief ex pression of q uan tity in lan d is hid , and yet the greatest

di versity of statemen t is foun d in regard to the measur e of the H ide,

n ot only in the writings of modern scho lars, b ut also in the an cien t

authorities . S ome of the difficulties will disappear of themselves ifwefollow the sub ject in historical order.

The word hid is purely in sular ; it is n ot foun d in any ofthe kindreddialects . But the dialects Offer awordwhich is a very close eq uivalen tin sen se, and perhaps n ear of kin too z—OHG . hnoba, huopa , ho


OS . hO'

va ; German has the two forms, H igh Dutch hn be an d Low

Dutch hufe. Thi s word sign ifies a lot of lan d equal to 30 acres,and

Weigan d con n ects it with haben have, possess . A kin dred idea liesat the root of our higid or hid

,if it is related to hiw family, when ce

hiwisc adj. for a family, a family’

s lot of lan d, the G represen ting the

W ,as in the doub let forms hiwan , higcm , the memb ers ofa fratern ity .

Perhaps hfiw an d hnfe are b ut two forms of on e word, an d the Latin

civ-is an other cognate—it has the rule-right Lautverschieb ung. I t

may b e some confirmation that in the Shaftesb ury Register (Groupx iii) the x x man see at Ti sb ury are called the twen tiwe hiwe .

Bede affords strong eviden ce for the con n ection of hid with hiw,

insomuch as he uses fami lia in the same statistical man n er in which

hid is used, and Bede’

sfami lia was afterwards rendered hid, hiwscip e,hiwisc

,b y A lfred in all b ut a few of the in stan ces . Thus in E . H .

iii . 2 5 singulae (x n ) possession es decem eran t familiarum = wees pees

landes ealles cx x hida ; possessio decem familiarum tyn hida

landes —iv . I 3 don avit torram octogin ta septem familiarum sealde

seafon an d hundeahtig hida landes —iv. 2 3 accepit locum uni us fami

liae onfeng an es hiwscipes stowe—v . 20 don avit terram decem fam ili

arum sealde tyn hi wisca [v . l . hida] landes mon asterium

trigin ta familiarum=myn ster x x x hiwisca [v. l . hida] . He does also(ex ceptiona lly) use the wordfo lc for familia ; iii . 24, speaking of the

N orth Mercian kingdom,he says -q ui sun t, ut dicun t , familiaram

quin que millium = fif pfisen do folces ;—and of the S outh Mercian s,

q uorum terra est familiarum septem millium para lan da is seofon

pfisendo folces . When he in this form gives us the ex ten t of en tire

districts by families, it is man ifest that his n umb ers are n ot like thoseof a house to house census, b ut rather a statistical estimate b ased


upon the land-ten ure . Thus of Than et in i . 25 : Tanatos in sula n on

modica, id est , magn itudin is jux ta con suetudin em aestimation is Anglorum, familiarum sex cen tarum : and of the Isle ofWight in iv . 16 est

autem men sura ejusdem in sulae, jux ta aestimation em Anglorum,mille

ducen tarum familiarum .

Besidesfami lia there are many Latin words which during the Sax onperiod represen t hid, and all of the same aspect ; such are casatus

(from casa house) mostly written cassatas, mansa (seldom ma/nsus) ,

man si o,mansiuncula, man ens , terra un ius aratri . The ex pression terra

tri butari i , has b een sometimes iden t ified with the hid , as by Schmid v .

Hid, b ut I think it b elongs to a differen t species of tenure .

There is ex tan t a memoran dum of the hidage of districts, in the

form of a b rief an d so to say tab ular statemen t in 34 items . There

are five several copies of it, on e in Sax on and four in Latin . Theyare all pub lished b y M r . de Gray Birch in the Proceedings of the

British Archa ological Association , 1 8 84. The Sax on copy is n ot on lythe o ldest ofthe five

,b eing ofthe l o th or 1 1 th cen tury, b ut it con tains

traces ofarchaism which suggest a much higher an tiquity.

1 Myrcn a lan des is prittig husend hyda peer mon eerest myrcna hast .

2 W ocen sastn a is syfan pusend hida. 3 W estern a cac swa. 4 Pec

sastn a twelf hun d hyda. 5 Elmed sastna syx hund hyda. 6 Lindes

farona syfan husen d hyda mid haehfeldlande . 7 Sub gyrwa syx hun d

hyda. 8 N or‘

g gyrwa syx hun d hyda. 9 Eastwix na priu hun d hyda.

1 0 West wix n a syx hund hyda . 1 1 Spalda syx hun d hyda. 1 2 YVi

gesta nygan hund hyda . I 3 Herefin n a twelfhund hyda. I4 Sweord

ora pryu hund hyda . 1 5 G ifia bryn hund hyda. 1 6 B ioca pry hun d

hyda. 1 7 W iht gara syx hun d hyda. 1 8 N ox gaga fif pusen d hyda.

I 9 Oht gaga twa husen d hyda. Pest is syx“J syx tig pusend hyda “

1 an

hun d hyda . 20 Hwin ca syfan busend hyda. 2 1 Ciltern sastna feower

pusend hyda. 2 2 Hen dr ica bryn husend hyda “

j fif hun d hyda. 2 3

U n ecungga twelf hun d hyda . 24 Avo sastn a syx hun d hyda. 25

Faerpinga preo hund hyda is in middelenglfi Ferpinga. 26 B ilmiga1

syx hund hyda . 2 7 W iderigga eacswa. 2 8 Eastwilla syx hund hyda.

29 W estwilla syx hund hyda. 30 East engle brittig pusen d hida. 3 1 .

East sex en a syofon pusen d hyda. 3 2 Can twaren a fiften e pusend hyda.

33 Sup sex en a syufan pusend hyda. 34.West sex ena hund busend


I) is ealles twa hund husend‘

J twa feowertig pusend hyda“J synan

hund hyda.

1 Or perhaps B i lunga (Birch) .

460 NOTES .

In the second part of the 1 2th cen tury, the Dialogus de Scaccariosays con cern ing the Hide : Ruricolee melius hoc n orun t ; verum sicut

ab ipsis accepimus,hida a primitiva in stitution s ex cen tum acris con

stat . Stub b s,S elect Charters, p. 200 . Spelman v . hida, q uotes a

Malmesb ury codex whi ch says : virgata terrae con tin et x x iv acras, et ivvirgatae con stituan t unam hidam , et v hides con stituun t feodum militare. According to this the hidewould b e 96 acres, b ut thi s is peculiar ,and the authority is n ot clear . The most prevalen t statemen t in

medieval writers makes the hide 1 20 acres . The conflicting statemen ts

led to the inferen ce (ex pressed b y Selden ) that the hide was n ever adefinite superficial area at all

, b ut an estimate,varying with places

and circumstan ces, of land en ough for the sub sisten ce of a family, orsuitab le to b e the un it of tax ation . Again st this however Kemb leset himselfto prove that it was a defin ite quan tity, which he fix ed at

30-33 acres. He accoun ted for the great di versity of statemen t, b y

the supposition ofa large and a small acre.

M r . Eyt on (Dorset Domesday) has arrived at the con clusion that

the average Hide in Dorset was b etween 200 an d 300 statute acres.

In certain in stan ces where it is manifest that the Hide varied widelyeither way from this average, he treats it as an omalous an d due to

disturb ing causes. He finds that in places where the lan d was more

valuab le or more desirab le b y reason of local advan tages, such as

water privileges or accessib ility, a less quan tity of land was assessed

as a Hide, and this he calls s up erhidation , overstatemen t of hidage .

The opposite ex treme was when by royal favour towards an own er

the ex ten t of the lan d was rated at a n omin al figure, which M r .

Eyton calls b eneficia l hidation , b ecause it carried with it a relativelysmaller tax ation . Thus he q uotes an in stan ce in which the DomesdayHide is n ow represen ted by at least 4000 statute acres, an d an other in

which it is represen ted b y as little as 84 acres . Between these

ex tremes there are great in equalities, b ut the area of the coun tyyields a quotien t of ab out 2 30 acres for the equivalen t of the Hide

in Domesday.

These con clusions are n ot so in compatib le as at first appears, b ecauseKemb le proceeded on the theory that the hide was on ly the arab le,an d that indefini te additions of pasture and wood were implied. M r .

Eyton on the other han d reckon ed the whole area of the coun ty, anddivided it by the numb er ofhides recorded in Domesday.

Other ways of ex plaining hid have b een and still are curren t .

Ken n et, followed b y Ellis, associated it with hat, and the verb hydanhide

, shelter. Mr. de Gray Birch adheres to this derivation . Thi s

NOTES . 461

changes the root of the word b ut n ot the essen tial idea of the thing.

It implies a form hyd (n ot hid ) an d so does an other derivation, that of

Grimm, who referred the origin of the word to a differen t association

of thought . He derived it from hyd corium, b east

s hide ; on the

groun d that the land was meted out with leathern thongs. Th is

derivation is approved b y M r . S eeb ohm, who fin ds further confirmation

of this idea in the historical fact that the Frisians paid to the Franksa trib ute in hides.

142m . AN CINGES BOCHOLTE in the king’

s beechwood . There are

other places in which the b eech is men tion ed, e . g . A s to


s statemen t that there was n o b eech in Britain , see b elow,

p. 473 . It is remarkab le that Dr . Daub eny in T rees of the A n cien ts,

1 865 , p . 7, thought that the b eech‘was n ot kn own in Holland n or

prob ab ly in England or Irelan d at the time of the N orman Con quest

an Opin ion which Caesar had prob ab ly helped to form,and which is

corrected b y our documen ts . The Welsh n ame for the b eech is f a, a

word apparen tly b orrowed fromfagns, an d dating from the time of the

Roman occupation . Dwellers on or n ear the chalk di stricts ofEnglandare too familiar with the con spicuous an d b eautiful seedlings of the

b eech n ot to feel con siderab le doub t as to the accuracy ofJulius Caesar’


statemen t that the tree, though presen t in Gaul , was wan ting in

Britain .

George Rolleston , S cien tific P ap ers , 4c , edi ted byDr . Turn er ,

1 884 p. 3 24.

1 44m . WYT ZEDEE ED. An old idi om for I an d E thelred literallywe-two Z Ethelredf1 481. B E T MfNEA MAGA NAN NE YBFEWEARDA NE GESWEN CE NAN

NEN IG OYBELIF, 850. W e may here n otice as an in teresting point in

Grammar that the n egatives are multiplied with a profusion hardlyanywhere equalled ex cept in Greek at the mo st perfect period of its

prose . Moreover, what is rather a rarity, in n e geswenee ndn we see

the adverb ial pron oun which enforces the n egation written in all its

natural fuln ess, an d n ot yet reduced to n et. The whole passage is so

remarkab le as to deman d tran slation .

‘And I pray in the n ame of God an d his sain ts that n o on e of my

kinsfo lk or heirs di sturb any ogre lif of those which I paid for , and the

wi tan ofWessex warran ted my right to leave them either free or unfree

at my will ; b ut I , for God’

s love and my sou l’s n eed will that they b eworthy oftheir freedom and their choice and I command in the name

of the living God that n o man molest them,n either in the way of

property claim, n or in any way; so as to preven t their choosing what

man soever they will .’

462 NOTES .

Kemb le says ‘Cyrelif is a person who has a right of choice, or who

has ex ercised a choice these must have b een poor men ,free or un free

who had attached themselves person ally to A lfred, volun tarily or n ot .

He sees in their permi ssion to choose what protector they will, a con

firmation of hi s view that the manumi tted serf did n ot b ecome fullyfree, b ut was ob liged to fin d himselfa lord.

But I doub t ab out cyre lif b eing a person ; I thi nk it must b e a

condition of life. The compound myn ster lif‘

, which ,in the tenth

cen tury mean t simply a mon astery in its con crete form (as in

Dan ish nuanhliv) had earlier mean t mon astic life as we see it p . 1 091,

where hire mynster lifes geunndn mean s‘

gran t her admi ttance in to

the society an d life of the min ster.

S o I think ogre lif'

here ex presses

the in stitution ofa set ofcon dition s, devised perhaps b y A lfred himself(as the word occurs only here) whereb y freedom should b e either pro

moted or protected again st the en croachmen ts ofpowerful men .

148b . ON CWICUM CEAPE,lit . i n live cattle ; which mustmean in actual

earn ings, the year’

s produce, curren t in come, as opposed to testamen taryb equest, and corporate b en efaction s, which came afterwards to b e

called the dead han d.

HIT CIMED TO DEERE BEESE . B ONNE ANORD BE WYRTWALAN&c . ti ll i t cometh to the edge of the wood, and then con tinuously n orth

by the root-stumps ti ll you come abreast of the great ash. W e meet

w ith wgrtwala repeatedly in the b oundaries. It sign ifies n ot a singleob ject , b ut a con tin uous b ank of old tree-roots (often much ex posed)along the edge ofthe wood. It is Often a con spicuou s feature dividingthe wood from the open field. They who peramb ulate or b otanize

or go out to hear the b irds,or in any way love the coun try, kn ow

it very well.The word is a compound of the rare word wal= rod

, stick, staff,

which occur s on ce in U lfilas, Lk 9, 3 in ace . pl . walun s from n om .

walus= stafi) with the well-kn own wyrt, a gen eric word for tree or

plan t . In Friesic the rare word occurs in a compound walubera

staffb earer, i .e . pilgrim . In the poetic fragmen t‘The Ruin


walan are the upright tree-stocks in a timb ern house. The same

word indicates horiz on tally b uilt timb ers in a ship’

s gunwale. In

S .E . S omerset there is a district in which the name Wales is veryfrequen t as a designation of hamlets an d Ob scure spots ; thus CastleWales, Hickn oll Wales, Shelf Wales, occur in the parish of S . Cad

b ury. The n ame recurs in this way through man y adjoin ing parishesin a district that may b e defin ed as lying b etween Bruton and

Milb orn e Port ; and in the same district the word wales is also a

464 NOTES .

an d on e that is b uilt on an artificial elevation , such as that which may

still b e seen in the Castle Field west of the churchyard at Laughton

eu-le-Morthen,Y orkshire . A t fir st the word wou ld designate on ly

the timb ern edifice, then the whole elevation woul d b ear the hon ourab leappellation of a stock . How hon ourab le this n ame was is attested

b y the n umb er of Stokes to which great fam ily n ames b ecame after

wards attached,as Stoke Courcy, S toke Damerell

S toke Gifford , S toke Lacy, Stoke Man deville . In A lfred’s tran slation


s Dialogues, Casinum as the paren t house ofthe Ben edict in es

is called the stoc wic .


-Sax on L iterature, b y J . Earle ( 1 8 84)p. 200 . In K 1 053 the b oun ds come in n an pa heafods toccas .

This word as a n ame elemen t had that privilege which hdm had

b ut which tun n ever attain ed, of b eing a prefix as well as a suffix ;thus we have n ot only Basingstoke , Hal stock

,Plymstock , Tavistock ,

Woodstock , b ut also S tockb ury, Stockwell ; an d S tockton is almost as

freq uen t as Hamton . The Sax on s adopted the word uilla ,and popu

lariz ed it in to wella, and so we have wella an d hdm as in terchangeab leterms . I think that s toc made a third, and that it is comb in ed with

wella in the n ame Stocwella (38oh) .

Forsteman n, whom I looked in to after writing the ab ove, gives the

fo llowing illustration ,and I may say confirmation . Ahd. stoch, nhd .

stock trun cus geht zwar meisten s auf die stehen geb lieb en en Wurz elstOcke gefallter Baume

, doch ist in an deren Fallen,namen tlich wo

das Wort als Grundwort un d im S ingularis erschein t, eher an die

Bedeutung von Berg z u denken (vgl . un ter From this

it results, that I n eed n ot have b een so careful to explain how a

moun d should b e called a stoc, for it seems this figurative use was

already estab lished in the Old homes b efore our people moved. These

two views might easily b e b len ded together , b ut I prefer to leavethe in vestigation as it was written . I will only add the ex ample ofa

stock of b ees. I prefer to derive thi s from the figure of a house

pitched on an elevation , rather than to adopt W eigand’

s ex planationv . Bien en stock (mb d . b in estock) urspr . hohlerHolzklotz zur Aufnahme

ein es B ien en schwarmes,dan n b evolkerter Bien enkorb .

An d I must further add that in the Blickling Homilies, S imon

Magus con ten ding with SS . Peter and Pau l b efore N ero, proves hisdivin e mission b y flying off a tower , b ut he falls ‘

on bon e stocc b e

pa re stwn en an straete be is haten Sacra u ia’

on the stock by thestony street called Via sacra.

‘Da genamon men eft pon e stoc on

weg, and feower syllice stanas on baere ilcan stowe alegdon’


wards men took away the stock, and placed four huge ston es on the



spot . Here the editor, Dr . Morris, translates stoc by

b ut I do n ot see what this mean s . I can n ot think of any individualstructure b y the side of the road that could b e called ‘

the stock ’


and I suspect it must b e the b ondi ng masonry which held the road

together, and ofwhich our curb-ston es are a smaller ex ample .

S in ce all this was in type I have seen the following passage in the

Chapter on Con struction of Roads in M r . Middleton ’

s A n cien t Rome

( 1 885) p. 478 .

‘The lava paving was b ordered by a massive curb ,

u sually of tufa, peperin o, or travert in e. The latter was used in the

Forum Magn um along the Via Sacra.

In K 569 occurs a femi n in e stoccen which Kemb le glossed ‘


a place full ofstocks or logs .

The passage run s thus to baere ealdan

stoccen e San cte Andreas cyricean = to the Old stokken of S t . Andrew’


church . I can n ot accept K’

s gloss . The stoccen may b e the en closureof palisades aroun d the church ; b ut then the n atural word was tunor egrctun or lictii n ; I think however it was the terrace which had

b een raised, on which St . A ndrew

s had stood, b ut it had decayed,and only the emb ankmen t remain ed. This word also en ters in to

place-n ames, Stoken church S tokenham (Devon ) . The latteris pron oun ced locally Stokkenh am .

1 7gm . boNNE GE D, &0. N ow the b oundary goes forward along the

B lithe westward so far as where the lake shoots out in to B lithe above

the stone bridge then n orth along the lake up to the dyke, and then

a long the dyke, 850. Compare 2661.

It is importan t throughout these writings to ob serve that a‘ lake ’

is n ot a pool , b ut a stream of run n ing water. Thu s a b oundary often

fo llows the course of a‘ lake


andlang lace, 38 2m, 386b , 394b , and

such a stream is called a b oun dary stream, gemeerlacu 3871.

The inland b asin ofwater is at this stage of English SE, as it stillcon tinues in German to b e S ee e. g. Scoffoces see, 951.

An other word for the same is mere, 38 2h .

Thi s ‘ lake ’

for run n ing water is a genuin e English word, and it

is still widely curren t in theWest ofEnglan d, in Devon an d S omerset,

and prob ab ly Dorsetshire . If we are n ow more familiar with the

word as mean ing a pool, it is on e of the thousan d proofs of the deep

tinge our language has taken from the Roman esque . ProfessorSkeat infers from a passage in the P eter borough Chron icle that the

word was b orrowed‘ immedi ately from the Latin ; n ot through the

Fren ch . The phrase occurs un der A .D . 656 meres and laces (p. 3 1 of

my edition ) in a passagewhi ch (as I have shown in the In troduction )was written in the twelfth cen tury ; and though I do n ot think that

E h

466.NOTES .

‘ laces i n this place is either Latin or Fren ch , yet if it is either, it

is surely Fren ch .

1 96m . N ITIMBRE . The form n i is a good an d estab lished form for

n iw in composition . In the Ben edictin e Rul e, ed. SchrOer, p . 96,


chapter is thus headed—Be n icumen ra (v . n i3cumen ra) geb rob ra

an dfenge=Of the man n er ofreceiving n ew-come b rothers.

2061. To pAM BALDAN S TAPOLE . This word recur s again an d again

in the b oundaries,where the course of peramb ulation comes to a

stapol, and goes from the stapol . Thus on“tion e stapol 3o6h ; to

Ceo tan stapole 353b . In K 1 053 the stapo l is the poin t of outset an d

return ; in K 1 1 3 1 (Group vi . ) gaecges stapol seems to mean geaces,

i. s . cuckoo ’

s staple in K 1 80 b icau b itch ) stapol . In a S towe M S . ,

A .D . 843 , eet staen an steaple Sweet , p . 436 ; an d in our 1 841, as if the

material were usually timb er .

The association s b y whi ch this term is accompan ied are gen eral ly sovague that the frequen t repetition s add little to our kn owledge of it

b ut there are two or three ex ception s to this . In K 209 we havesibbe stap ol, the stapol of kin or peace ; in K 59 2 rElfheres stapol

and in K 1 1 77 we see that it is n ex t the herpai’

i ; in K 543 it seems

to b e at the lin e ofa dyke : on 5 a ealdan dic, andlang die on b een e


Kemb le in hi s glossary ex plain ed the word as an upright post or

pillar, an d there can b e n o doub t that the word does occur in that

sen se , in passages which may b e seen in Grein . A lso in ZElfric’


vocab ulary we find patronas stapul ,’which indicates the king-post of

a timb ern roof.

A spec ial in terest surrounds this word from its occurren ce in the

Beowu lf 9 26, in what is perhaps the most impressive scen e of the

who le poem ; where king HroOgar‘Stod on stapole

’= stood on the

staple. This phrase has greatly ex ercised the editors and critics .

Rask proposed an emendation stapole, and then the phrase wou ldmean he stood on the terrace, on the high b ank which ran roun d

the Hall .’ He was supported b y Grundtvig, b ut this emen dation

has n ot b een gen erally approved the modern b ooks keep the reading

stapole of the manuscript . The renderings have b een variousstun d an der Stufe (Ettmfiller) ; an der Schwelle stehend (Simrock)stand an der hOlz ern en M ittelsaule Heorots (Heyn e) . The pruden t

Grein however, though he kn ew of n o o ther sign ification of stap ol

than stipes, columna, yet indicated his suspicion that this sen se willn ot do for the place in Beowulf. N evertheless, the latter rendering

is n ow in possession of the field, ‘stood by the pillar.

Strange, that

468 NOTES .

would ex plain such local names as S taple, Stapleford, Staplegrove,S taplehurst, S tapleton . In S ussex there is the Hundred of Staple,which in Domesday 6b , is the Hun dred of S tapleham,

and in this

Hun dred there is a Four Cross roads called S taple Cross , perhaps theplace of the Old stapol. Upon the whole it seems that stap ol in our

documen ts emb races the ideas ofMarket an d Court .


the march of the Bromley folk an d the Lewisham folk, ’ is

paren thetical ; an adjectival phrase descriptive of the ‘ lang leah’

just named. I cann ot ex plain the n in L eofsnheema ; b elow p. 2 89,

in an other copy of this peramb ulation ,it stands Liofshema.

2 261. AND MALSWYBDES tE w1DAB AE TE = an d the monumen tal

sword that Withar owned. In the poetry metl is a poetic and hon our

ab le design ation for a sword,and it is also used for the Cross , which

is cristen mdl. It has b een sometimes suppo sed that the term thus

used had referen ce to in scription s on swords, b ut this wou ld n ot ex plainthe tran sference of it to the Cross. It seems rather to stan d in its most

elemen tary sense of token,emb lem

,an d so mon umen t

, perhaps keepsake the presen t sword may have b een regarded as an heirloom .

2 39m . LfN ACERAN . These lin aceras seem to b e fields used for

the growing offlax . In 385b we meet withfl ex oecyras, and in K 1 198

fl erhammas. In 448h there is lin leah. If the crop could give n ame

to the ground, it would seem that special areas were reserved for flax ,

which it is n ot hard to understand, as the crop is, I b elieve , on e that

requires special man agemen t .

These lin aceras have left their n ame in the haml et of Linacre,

which is situated upon the Salewarp b etween Upper and Lower

Tappenhall and although J ohn ston e’

s Gazetteer does n ot

article it, yet it-may b e found in the in ch Ordn an ce M ap (Sheet 54)an ob servation for which I am indeb ted to my friend M r . Shadwell,ofOriel . An d this local name shoul d b e interesting to Ox ford men ,

for in it we may pretty safely recogn ize the origin of the hon oured

n ame ofThomas Linacre, M .D . ( 1460 after whom is named the

Linacre Professorship of An atomy at Ox ford —on e of those distin

guished men who made Oxford famous at the b rightest momen t in

her history.

254b . ON FEOWER. WEGAS . Manumission at four cross roads was

a very an cien t custom . Grimm , B echstalterthiimer, p . 2 1 1 , quotes LexRip . 72

—‘Manumissio in quadrivi is : ducat servum in quadriviumet dicat sic : de quatuor viis, ub i volueris amb ulare, lib eram

hab eas po testatem.

In our laws , ,Hen . I . 78, 1

Q ui servum

NOTES . 469

suum liberat in ecclesia, vel mercato, vel comitatu, vel hundreto


coram testib us et palam faciat , et lib eras ei vias et portas con scrib at

apertas, et lan ceam et gladium, vel quae lib erorum arma sun t,in

man ib us ei ponat .

’In the history of Ramsey 29, E thelstan

, son of

Man n i, per omn es terras suas

,de trigin ta homin ib us numeratis


decimman umi sit , q uemadmodum eum sors docuit,ut in q uadr ivio, posit ,

pergeren t q uoeun que voluissen t (qu oted by Kemb le, Sax ons i .2 75m . HEO NAM (T ) . Kemb le reads it heanon , i .e . all those

men who stooped their heads (to slavery) for their meat in the

evi l days. He b e lieves thi s to b e a so litary in stan ce in our records

b ut there is a like tale of the Briton s in Gildas, Hi st. B rit. x vii.,and of the Franks in Gregory of Tours vii . 45 . Marculf ii. 2 8 givesthe formulary b y whi ch, among the Franks

, a deb tor surren dered

his freedom to his creditor. Sax ons in E ngland, i . c . 8 . Freeman ,

N . 0. iv. 293 .

2 751. pIGEDE (T ) . Kemb le reads pingede (which must b e also themeani ng ofThorpe

s reading) , and he explain s thus —When a crimin alcould n ot pay a legal fin e

,he was compe lled to render himself to the

plain tiff, or to some thi rd party who (b y agreemen t with the plain tiff)paid the sum for him

, and this was called pingian . S ax ons i . 1 97 .

She had relieved Gospatric of them and had paid their deb ts to him .

M r . Freeman, N . 0. iv. 294, thinks that thi s in ciden t points to as late

a date as 10 70 .

z 76m . HEOLD DA GRE GAN SWYN . He kept the gray swine.

‘ I

cann ot ex plain the di stin ction in ten ded .

’ Kemb le, I b . i . 2 26. In the

same plac e he has some ex cellen t remarks upon the pedigrees It is

prob ab le, nay even certain ,that such records were preserved in all

lordships : they were the original court-rolls , b y copy of whi ch the

unfree tenan ts, perhaps also the poor freemen , held ; who were thusthe an cien t copyho lders .

2 86m. S E BIS COP AND DARA HfNA W IOTAN = the b ishop and the advo

cates of themon as tic househo ld . This hina is a short an d syn copatedgen itive plural, which writ long would b e hiwena or higena . The

n omin ative plural hiwan or higan sign ified the memb ers ofa family ina co llect ive way of speaking, an d b y tran sferen ce the expression is

common ly used for the person ality of a religi ous corporation . Com

pounded with sin,which mean s complete, perpetual , thorough, we

have sinhiwan for a married couple . This usage of hiwan is of

very high an tiquity, and it is foun d in essen tials the same in

OHG . and in Icelandic . An other word of the same stock , hired ,

is used for the religious society and also for the society of the king’


470 NOTES .

court , an d this word is n ow represen ted in modern German by’

Hei rath wedding.

It appears due to the frequen cy of this shorten ed gen itive pluralhin a that two popular sub stan tives were formed from it , fugue and

hind . In Devon shire the hyne is the superior servan t ofa farmer, who

is placed over the lab ourers, a farm-b ailiff, foreman . In this sense

hind (the d is ex crescen t) is used in Y orkshire and Lin coln shire ;in the York Herald for 1 3 March

,1 886, a hind advertises thus

H ind. Wan ted a situation as H ind, to man age a Farm .

Then it is

applied to lab ourers in gen eral as may b e heard in the Lothian s ; an d

the term is hon ourab le, indicating that the men are memb ers of the

family . It has b een in wide use, b ut appears to b e despised and mis

un derstood in N orfolk, as M r . Joseph A rch resen ted the applicationof it to his con stituen ts, asking his an tagon ists how they would liketo b e called goats 1 (N . and Q .

,1 3 March and 3 April, A t an

early date it b ecame a gen eral word for man,

as in the York MysteryPlay ofthe Resurrection 1 97

Of ilke a myscheue he is medicyn e,

and b ote of all ;

helpe and halde to ilke a hyn epat on hym wolde call .

Gawin Douglas has used it to tran slate colon i in [En eid i . 1 2

ten uere colon i

Thair was an e an cian t ciete hecht Cartage

Ouham hyn es of Tyr e held in to heretage .

S ee n ote on hid, p. 457 .

292h . ON pA HLYDAN'

pE T OF pE E[E] HLYDAN . The [e] was origin

ally there , b ut it has q uite disappeared b y some strong ab rasion to

which the vellum has b een ex posed. The same phrase recurs 448h

and b . The n omin ative would b e seo hlgde, b ut what the word means

I do n ot kn ow .

2941. bE R pE T CRISTEL ME L STOD : where the Cross used to stand .

This spot was iden tified b y the memory of a Cross that on ce had stood

there , an d this is the gen eral sign ifican ce of ‘Cross where it forms

part of local n ames,although the hi storical fact is recorded on ly in a

few in stan ces , like Charing Cross . Every on e who reads these b oun

daries must b e struck with the frequen cy ofCrosses we come to the

red rood 29 1 t ; the old rood 377t, 386m ; to San langan cyrstel maele379m ; to a cristelme

elb eam, 385b , which seems to b e a tree surmounted

b y a Cross z—un less indeed it means the tree of a disman tled Cross,

472. NOTES ;

hylle (K698) Crow’

s crundel on Weretha’

s hi ll ; sometimes it is stan

crundel (3o 7h) ston e crundel : in on e place we have a triangular

crundel,on bon e pryscytan crun del (H 1 1 98 ) and from such ex amples

he came to the con clusion that crundel was a British word signifyi ng

a tumulus or b arrow,akin to the Welsh carnedd, a calm or heap of

ston es.


s view seemed to get some support from words ofKemb le ina paper on heathen in termen t . Kemb le had said I think

, when we

b ear in min d how very numerous an d widely Spread over all Englan dwere the Ston e-b eds, Circles, Dolmen s, an d the like, that the very raren otice ofthem in these documen ts (the Charters) is strange an d un in

tell igib le.

S o Thorpe asked whether the missing monumen ts are n ot

our Crun dels

I have in my possession two tracings, made for me man y years ago

b y my departed frien d, M r . Davidson , from a manuscript (I b elieve)in the Chapter Lib rary at Ex eter . These tracings b oth represen t the

same thing, n amely Plym croundel’

; an d b oth drawings are so in

scrib ed in a han d of perhaps the 1 4th cen tury. The croundel here

seems to b e a circular pon d formed upon the course ofthe river,an

artificial round lake, through which the river run s. N ow if crun del

was a roun d pond, Thorpe’

s difficulty disappears , for a pon d with an

island in the middle was in early times a favourite device of lan dscapeorn amen t . The descriptive expression s which we find with the

n umerous crundels do n ot help u s much . The word stan woul d as

well apply to a roun d pon d, as to a mound, either might b e or n ot b e

of ston e . The adj. rough seems more fit for the heap : to San ruwan

crun dele (3 74t) ; and the same may b e said of Lillan leewes crundel

( 387r) b ecause this might b e the crundel of L i lla’s tumulus . The ex

pression crun deles su’

8ecge, 42 7 (Group x iii) , cru/ndel’

s sou th-edge,might pass for either, though for the moun d it seems most fit ; b ut

Fitelan slaedes crun del (357) certainly soun ds like the tomb of a hero .

But there is a singular adjun ct in K 1 1 77 rin da crundel is this

b ullocks’

crundel ?

Altogether, Leo’

s idea seems to have most plausib ility ; on ly I don ot think the last part is-wel, b ut rather -del= a ho llow, a ho le . In

this way crundel would b e much like what our people in Australia calla water-ho le ,’ only that theirs would b e always n atural, ours mostlyartificial . I figure to myselfthe crundel as like on e of those puddledreservo irs ofwater for the sheep which we see here an d there on Salisb ury plain . In on e place a crundel is ‘deep,

and though it is in a

charter ofGroup x iii, it may b e worth quoting. In K 392 , the b ounds

NOTES . 473

run oulong“

San e herepab’

e on Sen e depe crun del= along the great high

road on to the deep crundel . What deep thing could they come to

along the herepa‘

li b ut a pond ?

There is a place (4481) which looks as if the crundels were in

a water-course : ofgate wyllan on cyn cges crundlu ofcyn cges crimd

lan andlang den e on risc mere = from Goat-wells to King’

s crundels,

from King’

s crundels along the hollow to Rush-mere. Lower down in

the same page we have a cgn inga crundel ; an d thi s designation might

suggest either a stew-pon d to store fish for the royal progresses, or

a kings’

cairn ,

’tumulus Ofkings .

In 2941, baet crundel peer se haga utligep, I do n ot see what the

description mean s .

S in ce this was in type I have foun d the fo llowing in some Homi liesof the


lh velfth Cen tury, E . E . T . S . ed . Morris, p. 1 39 . It is there

said of John the Baptist dwelling in the wildern ess that he ches bere

crundel to halle and eorfihole to b ure’= chose there a crun del for

his hall, and an earth-hole for his b ower . A recen t n ovel en

titled ‘John Herring’describ es a family housed in a Croml ech on

Dartmoor .

35 81. BEYTE N WALDA . Here the word is given as the equivalen t ofrector

, 356t and on the n ex t page we have brgtenwealda for r ex,

357b . This title has b een the sub ject of much discussion . S ir F .

Palgrave saw in this title a trace of the con tinuan ce among the Sax on s

of the imperial idea and in stitution of the Roman s ; again st this

Kemb le, S ax ons ii . 8ff. , argued strenuously,main taini ng that the first

part Of the word has n othing to do with Britann ia, as the form Bret

walda in the Parker M S . of the Chron icle had led people to suppose .

He main tain ed that the true form is that of the tex t b efore us and of

the rest of the Chron icles, and that brgten here mean s ex ten sive,and

indicatesmerely the vague leadership whi ch the strongest ofthe Sax onki ngs at any given momen t would b e ab le to ex ercise in relation to anyof his fellow-kings. Hi s argument is very strong, an d seems to b e

clen ched b y the ex amples of this prefix bryten in poetic compoun ds,

which may b e seen in Grein b esides on ce adjectivally in Caedm on i i .

68 7, breotone bold = spacious man sion s. Kemb le in jured the effect of

his reason ing b y a certain wrathful heat in whi ch he did n ot spare the

very manuscript which con tain ed the impugn ed form B retwalda, b ut

declared it the worst of the set, whereas it is the b est b y a great

in terval . This has confused some people’

s ideas ab out the relativevalue of the Chronicles, and it has weaken ed the effect of Kemb le


argumen t upon those who kn ew how wrong he was ab out the manu

474 NOTES .

script. The whole question b etween Palgrave an d Kemb le has b eenrevised b y M r . Freeman

,N .O'. i. 542ff., n ot without great enlarge

men t ofits b earings .

37oh . boNNE FORD ON DA FUBH To FUROUMBE . This perhaps mean s

thenforward to thefir-tree at F ircomb e.

Caesar in his description of Britain (B . G . v . 1 2 ) says ‘Materia

cuiusq ue gen eris ut in Gallia est , praeter fagum atque ab ietem .


apparen t sen se of this is that Britain has every sort of timb er which

Gau l has, ex cept b eech an d fir . That is to say, there was n o b eech n or fir

in Britain at that time . But thi s is so con trary to all o ther groun ds of

eviden ce, that it has b een doub ted whether the Latin might n ot mean

something else . It has b een suggested that perhaps praeter in this

place might mean n ot ex cept b ut besides an d then the mean ingwouldb e that Britain has all the timb er that Gaul has, b esides (its wellkn own ab undan ce of b eech and fir . I con sulted a Latin scholar on

the poin t , and he said that he could b elieve Caesar to have b een misinformed

,rather than that he had ex pressed his mean ing in such a

man n er . However , this ex plan ation has satisfied man y en qu irers ,

an d among o thers Dr. Rolleston,in the E ssay on trees in his

collected Scien tific Papers and Addresses,b y Dr. Turn er and Dr.

Tylor, p. 78 1 .

The authority ofCaesar is so great that we n eed n ot wonder at the

various efforts made to justify hi s words . M r. I saac Taylor in Words

and Places,’ ed. 6, p. 249 , says, In n o S ingle in stan ce thr oughout the(Sax on ) charters do wemeet with a n ame implying the ex isten ce ofanykind ofpin e or fir

,a circumstan ce which curiously corrob orates the asser

tion ofCaesar , that there was n o fir found in Britain .

Iffir-trees and

names from the fir are to b e found they are certain ly n ot freq uen t, an dn ot con spicuous, and have n ever yet b een n oticed . A S Kemb le says‘Th e trees most freq uen tly named in these lan d-b oun daries are the

oak, ash , b eech , thorn , elder, lime,and b irch .

S ax on s, i . 5 2n . But

as Caesar’

s information ab out the b eech is n ot corrob orated by our

records , so n either (I thi nk) is that ab out the fir . In the tex t Fur

comb e is , I thin k, so called from the fir-tree,and I iden tify it with the

presen t Comb e Farm in the parish ofFarn b orough, Berks.

This is the only in stan ce I can produce from these documen ts of a

name from the fir-tree, b ut there are (I take it) other places wherefir-trees are men tion ed. What has ten ded to ob scure this fact is the

formal iden tity of the word for fir-tree (furh) with that for furrow

(furh) . But we may discriminate them in two ways. The furrow

is Often er spoken ofin the singular numb er, the fir-tree in the plural


change in the tenure, an d that much remain s n ow as it was in Edwy’


time. The haml ets of Stroat , M iddeltun ,n ow called Tidenham ,

Cingestun ,n ow kn own as Sedb ury, Biscopestun or Bishton , still stretch

across it in order from the Severn to the Wye, the course of Offa’


Dyke may still b e traced, and Lan caut n estles as of old un der the

b ank ofwood from which it derives it n ame,

p . 39 .

377b . GA HYT EFT,let i t go back again to the minster . It n ever

did go b ack again ; the church ofBath n ever recovered their land at

Tidenham. For on S tigand’

s disgrace it wen t to W . Fitz osb orn,and

when his son Roger reb elled in 1075 , it escheated to the king, an d itwas king’

s lan d at the date of the Survey.

389m . rex ac prcedux . On the singularity of the title p rcedux ,

and of the sign ificance of this and other peculiar ex pression s in the

royal style Of these documen ts, see M r . Freeman, N . C . i . 55 2 .

396m . SCUCCAN HLAU ; goblin’s, fiend

s low. This is the pure Sax on

form Of the n ame Scutchamfly’

which the rustics give to the greatb arrow over Wan tage (K S . ii . which we suppose to b e iden ticalwi th the Cwi chelmes b laew of the Chron icle 1 006. Below

, p . 42 I r, we

havea schokeb rok in Devon,a n amewhich mean s sen ecan broc demon


b ro ok . Does Shockerwick (Wilts) b elong here ? This word scu cca

was the n ative word for Satan in our early Christian literature, un tilit was superseded b y deqfo l. It is still a n ame of dread in Suffo lk .

Belated travellers see the dog Shock ; and it is told how he was

on ce seen even in Beccles church . To Shakespeare it was a vaguen ame of ab omination—‘

curs,shoughs .

’ M acbeth, iii . I . U lfilas

renders Oatpbwov ské h s l .


IN . This is only a rather ab n ormal orthographyfor W igelming tun . And here we have an in stan ce of the termination

-ing in a merely gen itival sen se ; in the later en dorsemen t the placeis called W ielmes tun ,

which is after the tex t , U uieghelmes tun .

4l ot . actionar iis. In the Parker G lossary of the eighth cen turythere is actionar is (= actionar11s) folcgeroeb um

’an d ‘

acti onabatur

scirde in zElfric’

s there is acti onator folcgerefa.

41 3h . Dorobreui id est ciuitas Rofi. The old n ame of Rochester

took several varieties of form . In the Itin erary it is Durobrovis in

Tab . Peut . B oib is . Bede , 11 . 3 is careful t o add and explain the

English form ofthe name in civitate Dorub revi , quam gen s Anglorum a primario q uon dam illins q ui diceb atur Hrof


cogn omi n at .

’The Tex tus Roffen sis gives the n ame as civitas Hrofi

33 1m, and Hrofib reui 3b ; which latter is a remarkab le compromise

b etween the Latin an d English forms. Camden made a suggestion

NOTES . 47 7

process of time con tracted th is n ame so , that it came to be named

Roi b is and so b y addition of ceaster was called Hrofeceas ter, and n ow

with us more short Rochester , and in Latin Rofi'

a, of on e Rhufius as

B ede guesseth : b ut it seemeth un to mee to retain e in it somewhat

of that old n ame Dur o breois (tr . Ho lland , p. 3 Camden’

s sugges

tion goes again st the perso n ality ofHrof an d supposes that hi s n ame

has developed itself out of the closing sounds of the Latin name in its

Often est employed form of the locative case .

4361. b o d la ik. Th is is the Y orkshire form of AS . BODLAO procla

mation ,ordi n an ce, decree. In the Chroni cle ofPeterb orough A .D . 1 1 29

(p . 2 5 8h in my edition ) n e forstod n oht ealle pa b odlaces = all those

ordinan ces wen t for n othi ng—where the word has b een mi ssed and

is n ot in the G lo ssarial Index .

442t. micocrosmum adam. Perhaps the metathesis is of value as a

mark of time, indicating that the term was a n ovelty. But an yhow

we may ask ; Had the revival of letters in England got so far as

li mpb/rooms b y Edgar’

s time ? Gervase of’


lb ury spells it microscosmus,an d he seems to in troduce it as a sort of due

fcbor ov (to judge by theshort ex tract in Du Cange) , Et Graecus homin em microscosmum


est min orem mundum appellat .

’Affectation of Greek mani festly

plays a part in the porten tous verb osity which fo llows.

444m . WESTBIN CGE . I fo llow Kemb le and prin t this as on e word ;

it is true there is a chasm in the middle, thus ‘west rin cge (whi ch

M r . Bond has faithfully reproduced in hi s prin ted tex t) , b ut I ven tureto think it is n ot mean t for a divi sion , although I am q u ite ign oran t of

the mean ing of the term .

44oh. pi s S IND 6A LAND GEME EA INTO GYBD LEA . The bo undaries

of Yardley on the eastern side ofBirmingham . The lin e run s first toCOLLE, i. e . the river Co le, whi ch lower down in its course towards

the Tame has given n ame to Coleshill ; and then in BBOM HALAS wemay recogn ise Bromwich Hall , especially as the n ex t step is ON HWITAN

LEAKE,n ow represen ted b y Whateley Hall close to Bromwich . From

this we make for the Cole again b y a way that has the striking name

of LEOMMAN INCG WEG (l lover’

s way) , an d there is in the Ordn an ce

M ap, ex actly in the right place, a stretch of road that arrests the

eye, and is marked as The Green Lan es .

Then the lin e strikes theCo le and again leaves the Cole, b ut it is n ot apparen t whether the

river is crossed or n ot . But the n ex t step is to MEOS MOB, and on the

opposite side ofthe Cole is an ancien t site with the un common name

of Max stoke, in the precin cts of which occurs M orewoods Barn .

En ough has perhaps b een said to indicate that there is here some

478 NOTES .

attractive material for the scholars and archaeologists of the region

an d thi s remark applies n ot to thi s single peramb ulation only, b ut toa great deal else in this long an d collectan eous record.

449m . ON BULAN WYLLAN at Bu ll-wells . This bu lan seems likely tob e gen itive of bu la b ull , a word n ot yet recogn iz ed b y any glossaristex cept Leo . S ee Skeat v. Bul l. If n ot from the b ull , what else can

have given n ame to these springs'

l The Vocab ularies give us bu la for

the Latin b ulla, a trinket worn as a person al orn amen t . Springs of

water might possib ly b e n amed after thi s ob ject through mythicalassociation s, as of the prin cess who lost her b ulla in the spring and a

frog b rought it to her again , which frog turn ed out to b e an en chan ted

prin ce . Such a groun d of naming is n ot impossib le , b ut its area must

have b een very limited. In K I 247 there is b ulan dic and h ere it

is hardly possib le to thin k of an ything b ut bu ll-dyke. In K 1 33, a

documen t which I regret to have omi tted, if on ly b ecause of that valuab le guidan ce ofLatin mix ed with Sax on —we have et sic in longumaggeris to b uloan pytte,

which I un derstand thus ‘and so along the

dyke to b ullock’

s pit—(taking bulca for dimin utive of bu la, n ow

bu llock) . See Bosworth-Toller v . bu lluca. M ay the bu lcan p yt haveb een a rude amphitheatre for b ull-b aiting ? The literary word for b ullwasfearr .

4491. To BYRNAN S CYLER, to Byrna

s shelf. This Byrn a woul d

seem to b e a mythological person age, perhaps divin e. For a shelfb elongs to a Divin ity ; in the Edda Odin

s ex alted seat is a skidlffrom which he overlooks the world, it is Hl iti-Skialf, hill-shelf. In

K 595 we find up to Hnaefes scylfe .

’And hen ce the Swedish dyn asty

in the Beowulf are Scylfingas, which may b e rendered shelfers,much

as we say b en chers.

’In the Mendips just over Ax b ridge there is

a hill called Shute Shelf, and I b elieve there are other local nameswith Shelf. S ee Scelfdiin , Scelfléah, in the Glossary .


ab redan . take away . 253h .

abso luta. ex empt. 3 1 71.ac . f. oak. 1 98 t .

acan a . g. pl. oaks. 3ogh .

A c leah . Oakly, Ken t. 5 1h.

aclofen . cleft. 35 1m .

acti onar ius . agen t . 41 0tN .

aeuman . 230b .

adfin i . limit . 354t. Du Cange v.

A fiin i s (CR ) : ash-heap of b ea

co n (K) .ad le . d . sickn ess. 255h .

adoptirus , adop tativus. K 1

adran c . 203 . EB . 1 7 , 26.

adr in can . to die b y drown ing.

adu n e . down . 301 r.

adwaescan . 2 3oh .


eb aere . man ifest . K 8 74.

aec . Ksh . eke . 801. 8 1h .

é c . o aks. acc. pl. 1 98t.


ec . dat. sing . 198t , 3551.

é cc . oaks. 309b .

secor . 111 . field, ager ; acre.

aecerh aeg . m . field-hedge. K 549.

aecersp lo ttes . 3641.

asoer tyn i n g . fencing. 3 77h.\

aedl ean . K sh . reward. 8oh .

aefi sc . 29 1 t.

aefsan . d . aefse .

aefse . f. eaves, edge ofwood, 355m.

eefter . according to , KaTd, secundum


aeftergen ga. m . successor. 253h .

aegefaele li b era. K 1 070 .

aegera. (K sh . ) gen . pl . eggs. 8ob .

seg’lier . either, each . 145h .

aah t . property . 1 45h . 2 76m.

aelc . each, every . EB . 5 2 , 7.

selces . gen . ofeelc . 242m .

E lesfo rd ,A1resford, Essex . B . 366b .

E lmh am . E lmham, N orf. z41m.

E lr ith e . d . eel ~ stream . 2 8 2b .

E n esford . Eyn sford, Ken t . 2 1 211 .

aen laen an . lease . 353t.

.ZEp slea. Apsley, Bedf. 206h .

aerb en umen a. (Ksh . ) g. pl. ofheirs .

1 06.

é reafe . detected. T . p 230 .

wren de . n . errand, b usin ess .K 1 302 .

am . 11 . dwelling, b uilding. Seeb eOd-ern

, t igel-aern an .

case . 111 . ash . 1661, 1 79h.

E scesb uruh . Ashb ury,Berks .

1g6m .

E scesdfin . Ashdown , Berks . 383h .

.ZE scmeres w eo rp. Ashmansworth ,

Han ts . 356m .

E slin gah am . Ken t . 491.eet for et, and . 295m .

set . at ; ofor from (a person ) 235b ,2 53m .

aet b r é dan . wrest, rob . 2 5 1 b . 3o 3h .

wt b ro den . pt . ibid .

aetd éman . refuse . 202m.

aetsacan . deny the charge, 164m .

aewy lm . m . river-head . 2 3m,1 20b ,

3 25b .

agele . Ksh . pres . sub j . n eglect. 1 06.

ag iab an . K sh . pay. 1 04b .

agif (ageaf) . gave b ack, 20 1b .

ag io de (a-eode) . turn ed out . 297b .

ago n . they ought. 265h. EB . 29, 2 1 .

agui d e . should pay off. 2 2 3m .

ah n u n g ca lumn ia p roprietatis,claim . 2 1 2b .

ah reddan . get rid of. 1 64m.

ahreddin g . deliveran ce . 2 3oh .

ai o (agio ) . a‘

yiqv. ho ly. 3 1 2b .

alé n ed . len t . z 1 5h .

alaetan . dismiss . 2 1 71.alen de (alaen de ) . 353t .

aldgeryh to . old rights . 2 86m .

ald orman . superior Officer. 2 861.al é fde . would remit. 42t .

alm ou sen d . in fran c almo ign e . 435 .

ND . v . A lmoign .

alo ‘

li . ale . 8o b , 1 1 1 t, 3 1 1 b .

alr . alder . 4461,altri nsecus. in and out, promis

cuously. K 1 2 78 . Du Cange :“q ui

a sese in vicem longo separan tur

locorum in tervallo .

alyfde (aléfde) . 42h .

aly sde . redeemed, b oughtfree . 253m .

aman sum ian . ex commun icate . 378 .

am b er . m . f. measure of 4 b ushels.

pl. amb ru , 3 1 2t . Vcb . situla,urna ,

cadus, lagena, amp hora .

omissa (admissa) , tran sgression . 491.

amun d ie . protect, act as guardian

to . 2 1 5h. 367t .

I gran t . 366b . EB . 29, 1 1 .

an (0n ) . prep . 1 09m , 1941.

an b urge (on burge) , for surety .256m.


an daga. appoin ted day. 163h, 201 b .

an dagian . adj ourn . 1 63b .

an d eb ern i sse (en de b yrdn isse) .rule

,routin e , 206m .

an d h eafo d . n . heading, head-piece

un ploughed head-land of a field.

3 70t , 38oh . SV. 380 .

A n dscoh esham . L . 33t.

an fen gre . more acceptab le. 2 5 1 b .

A n gema'

Srifigtun .Angmering, Suss.

147t .

an g i ld . n .

“S in iple paymen t T . p .

1 30n . BC35 3 .

an n . he gran ts. 2 5 11. EB . 29 , 1 1 .

A n n in ga dun . Anni ngton , Suss.

1g3m .

an nao = ic ge-an . K 932 .

an st igo . path (uphill i) . 1 66.

an st ig o n . 1 66.

an syn e . coun tenan ce . 341 1.

anw eald . m . sway,empire . 202m.

anw ed . pledge . secu rity. K499 .

an x ietates . b urden s , worries. 4 1 2h

ap arade . 1 64m .

“ discovered ”T .

ap ocrif’

as . unauthen tic. 433t .

A p sleain ga . g. pl . Apsley, Bedf.ap ul der . apple-tree. 1 791, 373h .445h .

ar . f. a large estate,“ hon our .

”203 ,

2 241, 2 26h , 3491. land ar . lx x x .

arsedan . read out loud . 145r.

aracd en . decided . 2 861.

a/ratrwm. lan d measure . 33t . SV. 395 .

archisacerdos. archb ishop. 93t .

areccan . pron oun ce . 1451.

arful . gracious . 42h .

armario lum. cab in et. K 8 16.

armen tum. ox .

arp enna. BC785 . ND . v. Arpen t .

asa . ass . 45oh . ND . v. A ss.

asittan . apprehen d . 2 3oh .

ast i iiu de . came ofage . K499 .

asw earto de . turn ed livid . 298m.

at (ad) . to . 1 37h .

ateon . to deal with, dispose of.

aucupation es . rights offowling. 581.

au er ian . a sort ofcorvée-work . 377t.

ND . v . Average .

Au stan (act) . 631.A u st in (eet) . A ust . 1 2m .

avern us . hell . 4o 1 b .

aw o go de . wooed .

awun ige for awan ige .

48 1

A x a. R . A x e, Som . 2 11.

A x an mfi‘

Ba . A xmouth, Dev . 1 46m.

at . m . oath . z 1 3h, 2 861.apum . son-in-law. 264m . (Sibam.

B acegeat . Han ts . 2901.

B acgan leah . Bagley, nr. Ox ford.

375hB adalacin g .Balking,Berks.K 1 165

1 247.

B addan b yr ig .Badby ,N han ts . I 78h .

B ad imyn cgtun . Badmin ton , G lon .


b we . m. b eck, b rook . 3731, 379b .

B aeccesh o ra . 304m .

b aed . requested. 2 0 1 b , 2 1 71. EB . 1 6,1 2 .

Baeddesw ella. nr . Broadway,W orc.

45oh .

b aeren . barn . 3s1h . ND . v . Barn .

b aerl ice . adj. of b arley. K 1 2 57 .

-b aer0 ,-b er0 . n . pl. (1) swin e-pasturein woods .

b aet . K 1 1 8 . error for BE G.

b aldan hry cg . 4471.B an aw el . Banwell

, Som. 43oh .

b ara b ro c . 4491.

basi leus. king. 293t .

basi lica . church . 333m .

b at sw egen . b oat-swain . 2 54t .

B abum (act) . Bath . 56m.

b e . prep. ab out , by, on pain of. 2 301.

b ead . Offered. 203 . EB . 1 6, 8 .

B eaddi n gtun .Bedhampton Han ts .

b eah . ring, co il, b racelet , 365h .

B ealdan h ema. Baldon , Ox f. 395h .

b eam . tree . 2 1011 . 289.

B ean setum . 1 1 3n .

B ean stede . Ban stead, Surr . 1 8 21.

Ban stead, Han ts . 290h.

B eardestap l . Barn staple , Dev . 42 11.

b ea m. 11 . child, b airn . 145t, 2 1 2 .

b earn um . dat . pl . b earn .

b eam . 111. wood, copse .

B earru c scyre . Berkshire . 3421.

B eath um (eet) . Bath . 56h.

B eb er b urn e ( = Beferb urn eK) .b eaver-stream .

b ec . n . b eck, stream. 294b .

b é c . f. dat . b eech . N . p. 461 .

b é c. dat . sg. b é c . EB . 3 2 , 25 .

b eccan leah . 446t.


b ecw e‘

lian . b equeathe. 145h, 1471,148h .

b ed . 11 . plo t, b ed . See ri se-b ed ,

w i’b’

ig-b ed .

b ed en . pt . b egged. 42 t. EB . 1 6, 1 2 .

B ed er ices wy rp. B ury S t . Ed

munds, Suff. 2 1 5h.

B ed ew in dan . Bedwin,Wilts . 146h .

b e ga. attend to . 1 09h .

B egceb yra . Bedgeb ury, Kent . 961.

b eg itan . acquire . 2 1 51, n o t . BC5 29.

b eh é fre = u ti lior. K 10 70 .

b e leao . settled. 2 1 2 b . EB . 20, 3 .

b elimp o‘

li . b elongeth . 2 891.

b e lla. b ells . 2 501.

b é n (synd) K I 1 I4.

b en . f. petition . 42h.

b en efici am. b en eficiary lease. 1 291.

b en i ob an . b en eath . 1 2 1 .

B en n an ham . B en ham,Brks. 1g6m.

b e n u ge . have full right of,1 091.

EB . 29, 24.

b eo cere . b eemaster . 2 76h ap i a

ri us , Veb .

b eo d . tab le . 1 36b .

b o é d em . 11 . tab le-hall, refectory.

b e é d lan d . land to supply the tab le.

B eo leah . lBeoley, Woro . 449t.

B eoh h aema. g. pl . Beckenham,

Ken t ? 2 10m.

b é o n . summon ed. K499. EB . 1 6, 5 .

B eorcham stede . K39 .

B eo rcin gas . Barking, Essex . 3671.

B eo rgan s tede . B ersted, Sussex .

2 8 1 b .

b eo rh , b eorg . m . hill, moun t. 1 2 1 ,

= tumulus,2 84t, 383h.

‘B erg.

b eo rn en a. g. pl. coats ofmail. 2 2 2b .

B eo rnw o ldes saetan . 447m.

B eow a. Nm . 1661.-b era . wood-pasturage . 961.

b erascin .

“ b ear-skins (T ) . 2 50m.

b erd e . d. b eard. 2 5 7t .

B ereu eg . B erwick , Ken t . 1 8h .

b erewic . f. b arley-yard, hamlet.3021, 340m . ND. v. Berewick.

b eri dan . seiz e, occupy . 2971.b ern , barn , 37711.b eswic . deceit . 338t .

b etaeh t . part . committed, given upto . z 3om, 2441.

b etan . amend. 230m,23 1h .

b etech an (b eté can ) . commit, en :

trust . 347t. ND. v . Beteach (andBetake) .

b eté on . di spose of. 240m. ND . v .


e .

b ew eddade . engaged. 2 861.

b ew i o tige . K sh. procure . l ogh .

b ewi tan . see to , ex ecute. 2 1 2 t .

b i bli otheca. The B ib le. 3 1 3t . ND. v.

Bib le.

B icau stapu l . K I SO .

b ice . b itch 197b , 3831.B idelin ga . g. pl. B idl ington in

B ramb er, Suss . 1 931.

b ige . m. b end. 3861.

b igl eofa (b ileofa) , 249b .

b ilaeua (b ileofa) . 341m .

b ilefa (b ileofa) . 34011 .

b ileofa . support . 249b , 3021.

b i lin g b ro c . 448h.

b in emn ed . declared. 1 l 1 r.

b in n an .within .~

port, in town . 244t.

b in n an ea. b etween two streams

of. Latin I n teramna . 99h .

h io de . tab le, refection .

B ioh ah ema (Beohhwma) . 2 891.b irigels . b urial-place . 2 941, 379b .

b isceop ham . a b ishop’

s residence .

365m .

b iscOp sto l . b ishop’

s seat, S ee. 249m

,2 861.

b itu ih n . b etween . 96h.

b iw in dla . 35 2m.

B ladaen . R . B laden ,W orc. z om.

b laec p yt . n aphtha pit 3831.

ND . v. Bleak, B leach .

b leed h o rn . b last b orn . 2 2 5b .

B lean H eanhr ic. Blean forest,Ken t . 4101.

b leda . 365h .

B leo b yrigdfin . B lewb ury Down ,

Berks . 379b , 3891.b letsin g b Oc . benedictionale. 2 501.B litie . R . 1 79t .

b 16d w 1'

te . n . fin e for drawing b loodby vio len ce .

B o b in gseata. K 1 75 .

b é c . f. b ook, charter, con veyance.

1 771, 2 5 1 t .b o c aceras . chartered fields . 414h.

B o ccin g . Booking, Ess. 2 1 5m .

b c’

Jc h o lt . b eech-wood. I42mN . 2841.


b u t pu tt . K4IG.

b atta , b utt , firkin . 1 1 9t .

B yd en haema. Beedon , Berks. 373h .

B yderices wyrt . BuryAb bey . 3651.

B yd ictfin . 1 0 11.

b yge . m . b end, turn . 37 1 t , 3761.b yh t . m . angle, b ight . K 3OS .

b y l igan fen . 446h .

-b yras . 111 . pl. ? b rakes, ccpses.

130339B yraetu n . Layer Breton , E ss . B .

366b .

b yre . wood-pasturage . 961. 2931.

b yr igel s . m . b urial , grave.

b yrn an scy lf. 4491N .

h yr st . n . b urst, b reak in hill-Side .

E 5 59 .

B yr stan . 4o 2h .

b yr‘lien . f. load, charge , duty. K 942 .

b y sm o r . disgrace , scandal. 164m .

b ytm e . f. b ottom . K 1 36 where“ b ytin e is wrong.

b y tt . K 5 7 1 . ? target, the b utts .

B y x lea. Bex ley, Ken t. 95h .

Cadan myn ster . 45oh.

Caeafle . Cheveley, Camb . 368h .

C aeges h o . Cashiob ury, Herts. 397h .

Caelic b yth . Chelsea , M idd . 47h .

Caeo rles w eorp. Chelsworth , Sufi".

C aeres ige . Kersey, Suff. 369h .

C aerswy l . Cresswell. K442 .

C aert . Chart Sutton , Ken t . 961.

caese . cheese . 8ob .

cald wy l l . cold well . 445m .

calew an . 1 74h . calu .

cal iceas . chalices . 2 5oh .

calu . b ald,b are

,callow . Rabi. 951,

1 74h .

camp (campus field, plain . 1 83t .

can d e l-st iccan . candlesticks . 2 5cm .

can ter kaepp a . chan ter-copes (T )250m .

can ter stafas . chan ter-staves (T )2 50m .

C an tu c . Q uan tock, Som. 146h.

cap tura p i scium. fishing rights. 1 21.

C an twara b urh . Can terbury . 365h .

carax are. to write. 3 14m , 3 1 7t.C arn 1118 b ran . in Cornwall . 296h .

C arn w li cet . Osh . 296h .

car raba . cart-load. 2 88h .

Carreewy n n . Csh . white ston e .

296h .

car tula , lan d-charter. K I 77 .

C arumtfin . Carhampton , Som. 146h .

casallis. 1 l 2m .

cassatas. a hide of land. SV. 395 .

castellum. city, town . 6oh.

casu la . hut . 1 9b .

C atmaerin ga. Catmore,Berks. 3701.

C atr in gatfin . Catherington , Han ts.

2 26L

C attan eg . 294r.

causce . things . I tal . cosa , Fr. chose

causa: puplicae , the three n eces

sary b urden s . 48h .

C eadelan wyr’

b . Chaddleworth,Berks . 1 g6m .

ceafo r . cockchafer . 446t.

C ealcm ere . Chalk—mere. ? 28 2b .

cealc p yt . chalk-pit . K 593 .

ceal c sea‘

5 . chalk-pit. 449h.

C ealcw eallas . Chalkwells,Glou .411.

cealf. calf. 294b .

C ealf lo ca . Challock , Ken t. 1 1 1h.

ceap . cattle . 148h ; b argain . 247r.

ceap street BO63O.

C ear wy l . Charwelton , Nhants.

l 7gb .

ceastel (L . castellum) . village , huts.

I 66m .

-ceast er (L . castrum) . f. -caster,~ chester,

~oester ; city.

C eddan l eah . 2 891.

C el chy th . 61 b , 398h .

celd . n . a ccpious spring,“Keld

(N . England) K . Q ueue.

celia . 1 1 9t . ale . Plin . XX11 fin

Florus ii . 1 8 Oros . v . 7 ; = aela“

8 ,

Felix Vita S . Gadlaci . Prompt .Parv . pp . 9 . I 9S .

C en defer . Can dover, Han ts. 1461.

cen n an . to declare , prove . 20 1 .

cen sus , reven ue. 3 1 5b .

cen turi o . ? hundredes caldor. 2 731.C eo dre . Cheddar , Som . 146h.

C eo lb o ld in g tun . Chilb olton ,Han ts . 2 90m, 356h .

Ceo lselden . 2Chi seldo n ,Wilts. 35 I t .

C eo l s ig . Cholsey, Berks. (p ron .

Choseley) 365h .


ceorl . 2 29h, 35 1h . lx vff.

Oco rlagraf. Chalgrove, Ox on . 29 2h .

C eo r la tun . Charlto n . 2 8 1 b .

C eo rles w y‘


O. Chelsworth,Suff.

2001, 3651.

C eo r tesege . Chert sey, Sur . 1 50h .

SC . i . 1 7 1 n .

cep e . purchase-mon ey. 2 54h .

cespes . turf, sod . 50t . 66h , B0296.

cessas (census) . 56b . Du Cange in v.

Geste l m eri t . K estlemerris in S .

Kevern e, Cornwall . 296m.

C é twu du . Chetwo od, Bucks . 371m .

G ifan leah . Chieveley,B erks. 196

m . 373h .

C ige l m arc. Chilmark,Wilts. 4281.

C i ldatfin . Chiltern , Berks. 393h .

C i lla ri‘b‘

. Childrey,Berks .

C i ltacum b . Chilcomb,Han ts . 349h .

C il te wud es gemaero . ChilternForest (K) . 373h .

C i o llan d en . Chillenden,Kent .

l ogh .

cip a . 263m . Chapman (T) .c ircan lad . K 530 .

ci rci us . the N orth . 5 1b . Du Cange“ in iis [old deeds] Circius proBorea Seu A quilon e saepissime ao

cipiendus est .

”Old French Cier ,

cerce, cierce, ciers R oquefort .

ci rcian us . 2 8 2b .

circ s teal . church place. K 5 59.

cir ic . ? cross. 449t .

cir ie sceat . church-due at Martin

mas (N ov . See S chmi d .

cir ic s é cn . church privilege, san c

tuary, jurisdiction .

cirographum. conveyan ce, 65b , 196t,2 1 6b . x liii .

C ici tas Aeaman i . Bath . 416.


tas S crobbensis. Shrewsb ury .

1 60L

C iwtfin . Chewton ,S om . 1 46h .

C laen e fe ld . Han ts . 2 9 1h .


en um legere . consecrated grave .

203 .

Oleara . Clere, Han ts . 1461, 361h .

cleron omus . heir. 208 . 293h .

clif. n . cliff. 450t .

C lifw ara . Clifl'

e, Ken t . 55r.

clito . eild, aefieling 3 23h . K457 .

el iwen . skein , 377m.


C l ofesh oas . where ? 36bN , 631, 651,68m , 7 2h , 2 86h, 453 .

clofen an b eo rh . cloven hill . 2931.

C lop p ah am . Clapham, S ur . (K) .I 49L

clop hyr st . 450t .

clo t . clot-b ur Arctium lappa . 445m.

elu d . mass, lump, clod . K4OS .

cn ih t . m . b oy, page ,‘kn ight .

z 19b ,2 2 51, 2 2 7t, 2 2 8 b , 2 381, z41 t , 366m . 311166191. SC . i . 1 56. lx x i .

cn o l . m . kn oll . 248m ,267t, 38 1m.

C o b b a h am . Co b ham,Ken t .

C o cch am . Cookham ,B erks . 66r.

C o ch an fe ld . Cockfield,Sufi

. 3671.C oh h anfel d = Cochan feld.

co l . coal . 4461.C o lan h omm . Co lham

,M idd.

0011. Cole R . Woro . 449m .

collectan eum 2 501.

C o ll es hy ll . Co leshill , Wilts .

C o llin g . Coo ling, Ken t . 5 1 b .

co ll p ytt . coal-pit, Bedf. 2061.

C o ln e . Earls Co ln e,E ssex . 367m.

C o lum tfin . Collumpton ,Dev . 1461.

comes, 24t, 2 9m, 3 1h, 33r , 47b ,8 31, 961, 2 85m,

295t .

commodando commodan t,of leasing

lan d. BC648 n ot in Du Cange.

commun io . common . 1 34, 336b .

commun is terra. fo lc-land. 3941.

concivis societas. BO9O5 .

congestio . co llecting troops . 2 83 .

con lateran a . con sort . 442h , 45 1h .

conp aratio . 2 841.

conp rehensio . capture . 1 z om.

Con stabu lar ius . 348t.

con tenditum . 64t .

con tra . in ex change for . BC536,638 .

cop p ed . polled, pollarded . 35 1b .

C o rf. Corfe Castle, Dor . 42 7t.

co rn . corn . 3 1 2 t .

corographwm (chi rographam) . 1 611.C o rsa b urn a . in Wilts . (K) . 1 51.co rn an . Osh . circle-place. 296h .

Cor '

vi n i ensis . Ramsb ury, Wilts .

co stes . pass‘

Oe , on condi ti on that .

z 1 7b .

co t . n . cot, cottage. 388r, 394m.

K55 1 .


co tlif. n . hamlet. 3021, 34oh.

co ts tow . hamlet. 385b .

co tu . pl. cot . K 55 1 .

craefede . demanded. 2 59m.

crsefin ge . d . claim, demand. 2591.

C rsega. Cray, Ken t . 2 1 2r .

C rsege , R . Cray, Ken t . 951 .

cram p u l . 447m.

Cran cfeldin gaC ran field, Bedf. 2061.

craui gge = crsefinge . 258m.

cravan tise . submission . 436b .

C raw eleainga. Crawley, Han ts.


creg setn a. 289 .

Ori d ia . R . Greedy, Dev. 4z 1 t .

C ri d iam ton , Crediton ,Dev. 42 11.

cri stel m eal . 11 . christian sign , cross.


cri ste lms’

el b eam . 385b .

Cro chyrsta . 38 1 1.

croft . 111. small field. 239m . BC . 954.

Cro glea . Crowle, Wore. 1 1 31.

Orom b e. Croom d’

Ab itot , Woro .


C ro p tun . Croftun . Ken t . B .

C ru sern . Crewkerne, Som . 146m.

cru c . Osh . ? hill or cross . 296r.

C ru c W 888 . Grugith , Cornw . 296m.

crun del . 1 90b , 2941, 353b N ,

C run d elas . Crondall nr. Farnham ,

Han ts. K 595 .

Grymes h am . Sussex . 2 8 1 b .

Gu es s h am . Cux ham, Ox . K 3 1 1 ,6 1 .

Cu cgo lan stan . 338m.

C u leford . Culford, Sufi'

. K691 .

cu lfre . clove . 445m .

Cu lin ga Cowling, Ken t . 55r .

C u lum . R . Culm, Devon . 3 2 7h .

Culum sto cc . Culmstock , Devon .

3 2 8h .

cam b . m . a comb e. Welsh cwm.

1 841, 446111.

cum b . a l iq uid measure . 3 1 1 b .

Cum b h sema. Comb es , S uss . 1 29m .

Cum b r in cgtun . Comb erton , Woro .

443b .

cum feo rm . f. en tertainment for

t ravellers . K 26 1,T 102 .

Cun d en . Comb den , Ken t. 961.cu n n ian . try. 1 631.

cup . m . (n .) ? a hollow. K I49 .

8 cows’

cup pa. cup. 365h .

ouragulus . caretaker, chief, 1 73mN .

cu rs . malediction , curse. 2 53h.

curtis. f. court, man sion . 3 1 71 .

cu st leah .


gen es dun . Cuddesdon , Ox . 29 11.

1 053 .

ew eeb . q uag, marsh .Fr . q uab . K547 .

cw ealm stow . f. killing-place . 2901.

11 105 3cw ic . livi ng. 148b , 1491.

Cwi celmes b laew . Scutchamfly b ar

row, over Wan tage . 39 1h .

cwi de .m .wi11,testamen t . 2 1 21, 2 1 7r,

2 2 21, 365h.

cwi deleas . in testate . 2 1 2m.

Cwyrn b urn a. R . mill b urn . 200b .

n r. Chelsworth , Sufl‘


cyl . ? en closure (K) . 8 21.cy1d (ci1d) . ch ild, children . 25413.

Cylfan tfin . Chillingtrm,S om . (K) .

146h .

Cy ll in cg co te . K ilcot, Glou . 444h .

Cymesin c . Kemsing, Ken t. 1 0 1h .

cyn eham . royal man or. 411.

cyn e hlafo rd . royal lord. 2 2 11.

eyn e rih ta. g. pl. royal prerogatives .

202 .

cyn escip e . royalty . 2 301.

C yn ete . R . Ken net. 394m.

Cyn etan b urh . Kin tb ury. 1681.

C yn ges b yrig . Kingsb ury, M id.

(K) .C yn ges steort . K 5 56.

C yn i b re . Kinver, Staf. 29hcyn iges h eiweg . The king 8 high~

way,’1 301.

Cyn i n ges cua 10n d . king’

land. Ken t . K 201 .

C yn in ges tun . Kingston . Sur. 1 19t.

cyn li c . fitting. 8 1h.

cyp in g . fair, market. 2 3 11.cyre . cho ice


cyrelif. I 4SIN .

cyre sceat .

‘church-shot ’

(T .) 2 36t,3s3t

cyric sceat . 2 36t.

cyr icstede . K 5 7 1 . 58 7 .

cyrstel me’

el . cross. 3 79m, 380m.

oy ss.. g. pl. cheeses . 3 1 2 t.

Cy sse stan . Keston , Ken t. K 7OO.

cysts . chest. 2 501.


Dydimere tun . Didmarton, Glou.

dyn estede . K 535 .

Dyrn an fo rd . W orc. 449m .

Dyrn geat . nr . Ham, Wilts.

dyrn un cga. slyly. 297b .

dyrs tig . audacious . 230m, 2 3 1r,

3 78h.

ea. f. river, stream.

é aca . addition , 249b .

E ad b rih t in cg tun . ?Ab b erton ,Woro . 444t .


fi. ale . 35 i h .

E aldan b yri . Oldb ury on the Hill,Glou . 444h.

eald efader . gran dfather . 346r.

eald lan d .


Zé t'

lel. 32 7m.

caldo r . govern or . K563 .

eald o rd om . chief au thority . 2 19b .

Vcb . ducatus , pr imatas.

eald orman . 193b , 2021, 2 1 7m,2 3cm.

SO. § 49 .

ealdum t iman (0n 302b .

ealh . m . edifice, temple.

E alh flec t . 901.

eam . un cle. 2 77t. S heim.

ea race . watercourse . K 1064.

E arh i‘

S . Erith , Ken t . 2 1 2b .

earn . eagle . 1 84m , 2 89h .

eard . dwelling-place . 1 64l . .

car‘Se . d .

“crop (T ) . 149b .

car'B10n d . arab le . 208h . BC608 .

E asterege . Eastry. Ken t . 8 2h .

B astern e . Easter-tide . 344m.

eaw a. g. pl . ewes . 1 091.


Bm o d l ice . humb ly. 691.

E ccan treo . 449t .

ecclesiasticum jus, 3 l ym.

E ccyn cg tun . Eckington , Worc .


é ce . perpetual . 1 95m.

e cg . m . edge. 389t , 447t.

E cgh ean glo n d . 89h.

ecn y s . etern ity . 2 531.

edesc , ed i se . m . pasture , cdz’

sh,etch. 10 1h, 385 t , 447t . SV. 377.

edg ift . restitution . K499 .

edis (cedes) . church. 4501.

edm elt id . K 1 08 8 .

edn yw on . n ewly. 1 85 .

efese . edge ofwood, caves. 1661.-eg,-ig . f. island.

ege . fear. awe. 1451.egesl ic . dreadful . 2 1 71.egsan m o r . awfu l moor . 450t .

e ige . d. island. 206.

e ihw elc . 1 06.. Ken tish for eegh

w i le .

e itum . d .pl . eyots . 30 2b .

eleb eam . elder or privet, 3 791.el len . elder-tree . 3861.

e l len ‘

s tu b . elder stump . 293b .

e llen styb . 389t .

emn ih t . equ in ox . 35 1h , 353t.en d e . distri ct, region . z 3om .

en d em es . unan imously. 299t .E n ede m ere . duck poo l (n r. Bex

ley) . 951. (51116.E n edfo rd . En dford, Wilts. 356h .

en gli sc . English. 2 5oh.

en ta b laew . hill ofthe dwarfs. K 75 2 .

E o ccem . Ock R . Berks . 38 1 b , 3871.B ofes h am

,E ou es h am . Evesham

A b b ey, W orc. 2351.

E omer . Nm. 446m .

eo r l . 2 291. 1Xf . n . v . Jarl .

c or‘

S . earthen fo rt . 3 2 7h . b urh .

c o r‘

iSb yrg . earth-fo rt . 3 2 7h , 39 1h.

eo rb g eb erst . land-slip. 3 79b .

E ow n iglad . Even lode, W orc.

epacte . Epacts. 295b .

erectafides . orthodox y. BO4I O .

erfes . heir-land . 149 PL 19 2 .

ern d ian . send word. 69h.

ers 445b .

erse . m. l stub b le-field. 2 8 2b , 2901.E sn e . Nm. 1 201.

e st . favour , grace. 2 23b , 3371.e t (set ) . at . l o zh

,1 26r, 1 301, 2861,

3 I 5L

etel o n d . pasture. BC5 24.

E x au myn ster . E xmin ster, Dev.

I 46L

evt . river-islet. 340m.


B. BO63O .

facescun t. 1 73 n ot in Du Cange.

fadian . dispose of. T 5 2 2 .

faeles graef. 447m .

feesten d ic . fort-ditch . 95h.

feestin g m en .

ofiicers on King’


errand (T ) . 1 00b , 1 1 2m.

fagan fi oran . K340.

fah . spo tted, dappled. 2 261.


fald . fold. 290b , 448h .


Bi . 343b .

faleratus . emb ossed, furn ished. 3 1 31.

BO5 24.

falo d . m. fo ld, stab le. 1 661, 1 7 2h .

fami lia. hired, the conven tual


San . K 1 293 ; dative (b ad form) offab u . maternal aun t.F ealuw es lea. Fawsley, Nhan ts.

1 7gm.

F earn b i o rg in ga. Farn b orough ,

Ken t. 2 89m.

F earn ham . Farnham,Sur. 1 29 .

F earn lege . Farleigh ,Ken t . 1 50b .

fearn lesuu e pascua p orcorumregis , K 2 77 fearn

F eax um . n r . Reculver , Ken t. 1 881.

F eb res h am .Faversham ,Kn t. 1 261.

F efr es h am . id . 90111.feh ta . 1 26m .

feld lan d . 115 29 .

F elh h am . Felpham, Sus. 147t.fen , feen . n .mud

,dirt ,fen . z41r , 446h .

fech , feo . 11 . mon ey. 2 20b . 2 2 3r .

feorm . f. ren t in kind. 1 1 1m,2 1 21.

feo rm fu ltum. aid ofrefectio n . 1 50h .

feorm ian . supply with food . 169r .

feow er w egas (0n ) .'

2 54. 2 55 . 256.

ferd so cn . 242m .

ferdw i te (fyrd wi te ) . 343m.



8e . fit for fyrd. 343b .

festin gm en . 3 1 31.

fetel . sheath . z 1 5m .

P ifac . Five Oaks . 3ogh .

fih t w i te . 11. penalty for fighting.


fi l i can . 389h ; fu lica , coot.

fi n dan . arrange . 244h .

F in gr in ga h é . Fingringhoe, Essex .

367b .

fin ie . limit. 354t, 355m , 363t.

fi rd ween . travelling carriage. 2501.firh de . 11 . 96h .

F i sces b urn a . 161.

F i scn ees . K 1 79.

F it ela . Nm. 3571.

fix ce res. immovab le property. 397h .

fi x n o‘

li . fishing, fishery . K 1 09 7.

fl eescman gere . b utcher. 364m.

fl eah . fled. 1 64m.

P lefer‘

b . Flyford, Worc. 446h.


fl eo t . run ning stream, fleet. 1 2 1 .

fl ex acyras . flax-fields . 385b .

fi icce . flitch . 80b .

fl it gara 35 71.fl 6d . m . flood. Voh.

fl 6da. m. flood. K 535 .

fl é de . f. flood. 1 20.

fl é dh ammas . K 2 24.

flo ta. fleet,2 1 7h .

flo tan ry cg . 4471.

flyma. b ani shed man . 1641.

flym en a fyrm‘

S . f. run away-harb ouring. 2 33t .

F o cg in ga b yra. Hocken b ury,Ken t . 961.

fo lc lan d . pub lic land. 1 26m

1 50m .

fo lc ryh t . common law . 141h , 1 451.

F o lcun i n in g lan d . in Eastry,Ken t. 8 2r .

fo lgafi . fo llowing, fo llowers. K 55 7 .

fon e. (pan/77, vo ice, 362b .

fon nie. 8m . N ot in Du Cange ; per

haps from faml b efore it was

changed by umlaut to fen . EP .

5 1 2 7.

foran o n gen . over again st . 39 1h ,

392 t

for b é h . eluded. 201 b . EB . 76, 10 .

fo r b eretan . go b y default. 20 1 .

fo rd . m . ford . 206.

fo r d ealf. delved. 1 20b . EB . 1 7 , 1 5 .

for deman . prejudice . 1451.

fore . for. 80h .

fo r eald od . decayed. 25 1 t.

fo re cy ddo n . made it kn own to .

K 1 302 .

foresp eca. f. advocacy . 2 74.

fo r esp eca. advocate . 1 62h,z 1 7r, 2 2 1

fo resp reec . advocacy. K49 2 .

fo restal l . 34oh. 3431. S ee Schmid,

G esetz e v. forsteal .forew ord . agreement , b argain ,

coven an t . 2 201, 2 2 3b , 2 2 8m .

fo rewyrd . pl . con dition s . 243m .

forewy rdan . (1. pl . 243b .

fo rfan g . m . cattle-rescue . T 384 .

fo rgef. gave as a gift. 203 .

forgyldan . make good , indemn ify,148m,

201 b,z i 7b .

forgy lt . con demn ed. 2 2 3b .

forleortan . surrendered. K 3 1 3 .


forn agean . fron ting. 32 7m .

fo rstan d an . sign ify. 1 47h.

fo rsteal . forstalling. 2 3317.

fo rwyrcan . forfeit , un do . 1 641, 2 1 9,2 38b . EB . 76, 1 0 .

forwyrh tan . ru in ed person s. 341m .

forw yrn an . refuse . 298b .

fo ss . di tch, fossa . K 1 36.

fo ster lan d . 11 . land for susten an ce

ofrecipien t . T 2 2 7 .


1$r . load. 1 05t, 293b , 35 1m, 377b .

8 111361 . ST641 .

fé tm e’

el . K461 .

fran ca . javelin . z 1 5m .

F r en cisc . Fren ch . 2 70b .

F reo’

liomu n d . N 111 . n or.

freed om . fran chise, charter. 691.

freo ls . m . freedom . 1 41h , 1481, 2 561,2 7511. 3491

fré o ls b oc . charter . 2 2 | b .

freo l sm an . freedman . K694.

freon dredd en . frien dlin ess. 1 5gr.

F resan tun . Freston,S uff. 367b .

friad om . K sh . charter . BC536 .

F r iged eegestreow . Friday ’

s tree.

38 7m.

frigelice li b ere . 3421.

fro dm o rtell . 438h , 439t.

fruere (frat ) , en joy. 961.


B8 6011 . f. san ctuary.

fugatus ex ile. 1 141.

fu geln o‘

IS. fowling. K 7 I 5 .

fu gelsle’

ed . K 5 56.

P u ge l m ere . fowl-mere . 1 66b , 449b .

ful . fou l . 95r, 1 7gm .

F 1’

11e w yl . muddy well . K442 .

fulle . pl. full, complete . 2 501.

fu l gere . K sh. full well. 1 1 1h .

fu l lim. K sh . I con firm . 80h .

fulluh t feeder . god-fath er. 349m.

fultum . help. 2981, 360r, 4561.

F un tgeal . Fon thi ll,Wilts . 1 68m .

fu ra. g . pl. furrows. 29 1 b .

fure . g . sg. furrow. 29 1b .

furh . furrow, tren ch . 2081, 357r,384t, 38 7h.

furh . f. fir-tree, 37omN . 3861.


s comp rehensio . thief-capture ,338L

fu rlan g . n . furlong. 3731, 387h .

fyhfan g (feohfang) . m. guiltymon ey-taking. T41 1 .

fy lstan . support . 230m.

fy lb . falleth . 39 21.

fyrd . f. military levy .Vcb : castrum,

ex peditio, prcep aratio ex ercitus.

fyrd s é cn . f. 242m .

fyrd street . K449 .

fyrdw i te . 11 . fin e for default as tofyrd . T 359

fyrh . d . gully. 1 79h, 3571.fyrh

Be . enclosed plan tation . 1 58m.

K 595fyrmdi g . 146h.

fyr s . m . furz e . 2661.fyt . feet. 14Ih .

fyx an di c. 1 20b .

gutlum. ren t. 41 21. gafol.

g eer suma . treasure . 2491.

gafelap. ren teth . 2 1 51.

gafo l . ren t . 244h, 2981, 337b , 353t.

gafo l b wre . ren t-b arley, 35 1h .

gafo l lan d . let for ren t . 3 76r.

gafo l m eed . 35 1h .

gafo l t in in g . hedging don e as ren t .

35 1m .

gafo lwu du . firewood as ren t . 35 1m.

galh treow . gallow-tree. K443 .

G ain g . East Ginge in Wan tage

Hd. Berks. (Gaing, Dd. 8a.) 38 7h .

G am e lan wyrt . Fo lkeston e . 1 8 1h .

gan gdagas . Rogation Days . 344m .

gara . ju tting gore of land. 2 3h ,2081

, 35 2m, 448h.

gare . wf. 2 1 51. K61 . KS . i . 3 1 9 .

gares cep in g e annats nundin is

e44m 346k

gata. ofgoats . 1 88b .

G ata tun . Gatton , Sur . 160m.

gau cl tin i n g . fencing for lmd.

35 1m .

gaziferus . lucrative . 3 1 5b .

geafl in g lace . 38 2m.

ge ge . b oth and. 242b .

geeettred . en venomed . 242m .

geahn ian . to claim . z 1 3t .

geah sian . hear of, learn . 147h . EB .

ge an I gran t. 365r.

geap . spreading, 3 l o b .

geard . m . enclosure, yard.

G eard cy lle . Yorkhill, Heref. 8 21.

gearhwamlice . annually, 2 26h .


g ery sn e . fit, meet. 149t.

g eryth e straight forward. 1 2 1

g eseeh . saw . 2 86b .

g esah te . pleaded . 1641.

g esaldni s . gran t . 1 2 21.

g escaro d e . appo rtion ed. 38 21.

g esceawade . b eheld . 2 86b .

g esceo t . n . scot, paymen t . 265h .

g escygean . to shoe . T6 I6.

ge seted . pt . situate . 42 t.

geset lan d . let to ten an ts. 376m.

gesib . kin . 145b .

gesomn un cg . assemb ly. 80h .

gestaoefi an . foun d . 2 2 1 b, 341 1.

g est é d . stood,constitutum est . 366m .

gesufl . 8 1 t , 1 05h . S ee sufol.

g esyn e . man ifest. 298m.

g eteld . ten t. 2 23m .

g et id de . it happen ed. 202 .

get i l ian . earn . 3som .

g et i‘

Sian . con sen t . z 1 7b .

g epeef. con sen ting. 69b .

gepafa . con sen ting party . 144b , 1 631.

g epafian . acq uiesce , permit . 3o 3h .

g epafun g . con sen t, agreemen t. 42h ,


g epeah t . coun sel, purpose . 2 38b ,298m.

gepeah tun g . advice . 144h .


fiian . 1 1 0h . 1 gepicgan (T ) .gepicgan feed off, 2 86.

gepin gian . b argain . 337h .

g e‘

S ri stleecan . dare . 42m .

g epyw i an . en slave . 2 53m .

geun n an . Xan eaea t . 2 2 7m .

g e upe . gran ted . 2 1 2m, 349m.

g e d‘


e for gefi t ige . 340b .

g efi t ige . alienate . 3o 3h .

g euu eo r‘Siee. hon our . 80r.

G euui ssi . l g4b . K . i . x x iv.

gew eal d . governmen t. 2 36t.


S eet . set to work . 299h .

gew earp (me and was agreed

b etween me and 349m .

gew emman . pervert . 242 .

g ew i tn i s . witn ess. 1 551, 2021.

g ew oman . to ob literate . 1 5 1m.

g ew o n i an . dimini sh . 2421.

g ewr ix l . ex change. 1 92t .

g ewri t . writing, writ . 2 55m .

gewy l de . adj. sub ject . 144, 2 50t.

g ewyrda. times. 202h.

was taken ill,ge yfl ad e

he fell sick . 2 1 21.

g ib . K sh . if. 1 0 2 b .

g ife‘

S e . gran ted . l ogh , 11oh .

G i fle . Ivel valley , S om . 146m.

g i lda . gu ild-b ro ther . 265 t .

g i ldreed en . guild-righ t . K 942 .

g ild scip e . m . guild-b rotherhood.265r .

G leest in ga b urh . Glaston b ury.

365h .

G len cin cg . trib utary of Ledden ,W or . 4471 .

G lepp an fe ld . 2 891.

g o d cu n d . divin e. 8o r.

g odd oh to r . goddaughter. 2 2 1m .

G o delm in gum . Godalming,146b .

go dfeeder . godfather . 2 1 9 .

g o es . K sh . geese . 8o b .

g o s fu gl . goose-fowl . 1 1 1h

G é sig . Go o sey , Berks . 38 7t, 8 7m .

greeg . gray . 1 2 1 t, 294b .

greew an stan e . grey ston e . 1 2 1 .

graf. m . grove . 2 39h , 248r, 35 1 b ,

448m, 449t

grafet . n . 354r , 355h .

G rafou eah . Graven ey , Ken t . 901.

G raftfin . Grafto n , Wo ro . 444h .

grap hium. register . 1 83b .

grau et (grafet) . n . 354t .

gravido. 1 z om , 1 261.

gravi tas. b urden on lan d. l oo b , 41 31.

gr é fan , greefan . ho le, quarry . 166b .

gremium. lap. 84b .

G ren dles mere . n ear Ham, Wilts.


gr estfin (geerstfm) . grass enclosure.


gr é tte . greeted, challenged 286b .

G rim astun . Grimston e, N orf. 2401.

G rimes di e . K4R6.

gr in dau b ro c . K 1 063 .

G rin de l . K 59 , 5 70 .

G r in deles pytt . Worc. K 59 .

G r in dewy l . a stream . 389t, 39 21.

G r in dl es b ece . 448 t.



b ryce . m . b reach of the peace.

z est. 3431


dt . meal, ‘

grout .

’1 09b . Voh.

(Sh ute.grun deliesa b ottoml ess. 35 2h

gun den lin g rycg . 448 t.


Gun des stige . K 2O9 .

G u n dw in e . Nm . K 957 .


S fan a . b an n er . 2 50m .

gylte s . 344m 345b .

gyltw i te (gyldwite ) . fin e for un

paid tax . K 5 14 (vi .gyrd . f. ? yardland or lan dyard.

248h, 3 2 2b , SV92 , 94. 35 1m,

364t. 376m

G yr d leah . Yardley, Wore. 449m.

gy rn de . b egged. 299t.

h ac, h eec . hatch,half-gate. 3931.

H acap en . 3 2 81.

h accan b roc . 38oh .

had . order . 2 2 1 b . EP . 326.

h eec w eras . 376m .

H eed leah . Hadleigh , Suff. 369t .

h eeg . m . hedge . K 354.

h eeg reew e . hedgerow . K I 93.

h eerfeest . autumn . 353t .

h eerin g . herring 378 t .hmrin gc tim a . herring season . 2971.

h eesl wr i d e . hazel copse. 1 791.b eese l re'ew e . haz el row. 4451.

h eesl wr ip. m . haz el thicket . 354m .

111 . heath . z o6m .

n . 1 84b .

h eepen . heathen . 2941, 3 79b .

H eepfeld . Hatfield, Herts . 2 76r.

h ee‘

Ggara. 449m .

h ee‘

B h alan . 445b .

h ee‘

8 h y l l . 449b .

h ee‘

Bb rieg . heath-ridge. 447t.h ee

lii h t . heathy, 3ogh .

H afin gseo ta. K 1 75 .

h aga, en clo sure , 8 7m, 95r ; town

house, 1 941, 2 391, 244t, 2 89h

2941 ri lla , 3 361, 364r, 447h

civ'i tatis hab itacu lum, 4o 2h .

B agen a treon . L . 4 1 01.

h al . hale, soun d. 2021, 2 1 2b .

h alas . pl . HEALH . 449m.

h aligd om . chapel . 2 1 8h .

H al lin gas . Hailing, Ken t . 58m.

h am , h om . m . en closure pl. ham

mas. 377m . 386b . 3871. KS . 1.

3 20 .

ham ,h aam . vi lla, home.

H ama . Nm .

ham ettan . to home’

serfs. K 1079 .

KS . i . c8 fin .


H amfl eo t . Hamfleet, Ken t . 1 92h .

H am leas sceaga . homeless wood .


h amm . in closure. 2 8 21.

H amm e (eet ) . Ham, Ken t . 1 42 t.

Ham , Wilts . 166h.

hammum . K I 1 77 .

ham soon . domus invasio . 2 33t ,


ham steal . homestead . K 1 2 3 .

h am sted e . homestead . 4451.

ham s tede . homestead . K 5 70 .

H am tun . S outhampton . 1941,246m .

han . f. hon e,’

ston e,1 74t , 294b ,

35 7h, 380t . K 1 1 99 . n . Hein .

H an ch em stede . in E ssex . 14m .

h an d . person as holder,taker ; e .g .

meghond, waapn ed hand, wifhan d.

h an d ledo n . han dled . K9 29 .

h an d l in . handcloths . z 5om.

h an d seten . signature. 141h, 145h,1 63113 3 53b .

b an gra . slope . 3701.h an gra. hanger . 1 661, 190, 363b .

h an gw i te . penalty for miscarriageofjustice.

har stan . hoarston e . 1 2 1 t .

hassu c . m . coarse grass . K655 .

h assukes m o re . K 1 74.

H at B athum . Bath . 7h .

h atte . was n amed. 2 76.

haw e . m . a look-out . K 1 61 .

H eadan scraf. 2 8 2b .

h eafo c . hawk . 448h .

h eafo d . 11 . head. 206.

h eafo d lan d . head-land,2081, 2g1b .

h eafo d sto ccas . 290b , K442 .

h eah deo r h un d . staghoun d. K492 .

h eeb gerefa . 3 7oh.

h eal . corn er. 447h . Veb .

h ealdan . hold, keep.

h ealh . m. hall . 95m . 206b , 386m.

h ealh tu n . 29 2h .

h eal ic . superior, lordly . 3 76b .

h ealma. ofhelmets. 2 2 2 b .

H ean b urg . Henb ury, G lou . 1 2m.

Han b ury, W or . 1 1 2t , 3 1 1m .

h ean ersc . low arrish . 2 8 2b .

H ean ham sted e . 397h .

H earg . Harrow, M idd . K 2 20 .

h earm . harm, damage. 230r.


H earp den . 294b .

h easel dic . haz le-di tch . 388h .

h eb b an . raise . z 1 7m.

H ecen es b an gra . K 75 2 .

b eege . f. hedge . 1 67t .

H ed h am . Much Hadham,Herts.


H ed leah , Hadleigh, Suff. 366b .

h ege . m . hedge . 447m .

h egstow . 446h.




o rn . n thorn e,Ken t .


h ent , commanded. 2 86b . EB . 1 8 , 3h eiw eg . highway . 1 301.

h el . m . K 556.

h e la. K sh . health . 8oh .

h eld e . slope . K98 7.

h e lle W ite . hell ~

pains , 2441, 3som.

h emed . marr iage . 1 09m .

h ea est . stallion . 2 2 11.

H en gestes ig .H inksey,Berks. 3841.

H en n a leah . Hen ley, Wilts . 1661.

h en n fu g l . hen-fowl . 8o b .

h en n u c . m . 446h.

h eon o n (v. they stooped. 2 75m.

h eo r o d . chapter , co llege . 161 1.

h eor o t sol . hart-mire . 1 781, K 1 1 8 .

h eo rfi. hearth . 265r.

h eor‘

S p en ig . Peter’

s penn y. T432 .

H eort in g tun . Hardington , S om.


hera . mistress, lady. 361h.

h erdi ce . 194t .

H eregeardi n gc h iwi sc . Harden

Huish,Wilts . K 2 7o .

h eregeat lan d . 2 201.

h ereg eatu . heriot . 2 1 7m,2 2 3m.

h erep e35 . m . military road. 1 z 1h,

1 84m, 3 2 21, 392 t.

h erestre’

et . K 569 .

h eret o ga. dum. K 530 , 557, 61 2 ,680, 68 1 , 68 2 . fibergog.

h erew ian . scorn , spit upo n . 2 1 21.

h erfest . autumn . 35 1h .

h ergee. d. fan e . 47h .

H ergeardes h am . Harrietsham,

Ken t . 247m .

H erm o d es po rn . K 1 74. BC z 79.

b erp a‘b

fo rd . highway ford. 292h.

h erp sac. ?heritage. 439h .

h erw i6 . herewith . 2 36m .

h ese . b rushwood (K) . 2 88m.

h iab en lic . K sh . heaven ly. 1 06b .

h ic = ic . I . 2 26h .

h id . f. hide of land. 457ff.H ideb urn in ga.Headb ourn e,Han ts.

z och.

H ige leah . Han ts . 29 1h .

b igen . fratern ity. 2 86m .

h igid . hide. 1 2 2rN . BC5 24.

h ign a (hina) . the b rethren . 2 26.

h igweg . 3 75h.

h i loan . i leen . 3 5 1h .

H i ld es dun . Hillersdon , Bucks.

(K) . 37 1m.

H i ldes hlww I lsley, Berks. 2 7411 .

h im feowrum . them four. 147h .

hin a. g. pl . of the b rethren . 1 37m ,

1 8 11, 2 86mN .

h in cstes grefa . K 597.

h in d .

lten th . K 5 38 , K S . i . 1 1 3 .

H in d esl ep . hin d’

s leap. K 530 .

h ired . m . con ven tual household,chapter , 2 1 2b ,

2 1 5m,2 24h , z 71 r,

299h .

h ired p reo st . co llegiate priest, 255 .


ed . K . 461 . 1 097.

hi w efor hi da, hides. 4281.

h iw i sc .h ide. 35 1h . mansa,K454.

B095 2 . SV. 395 .

h lab ard . K sh . lord. 10 21.

h lse st in g . toll on loading. T359 .

h leeu . 2 8 21. mon ticu las, 309 13.hl af-b ry t ta . b read-Spen ser . 255m.

hl afhw eet . b read-wheat . 35 1h .

hl aford . lord . l ogt, z 1 5m , 2 2 1h .

hl au,hlaw . m . mound, low. 206.

291 b .

H leap-mere . 2 8 2b .

H leo b yr i . Cleob ury, Sa10p. 444h .

h l idgeat . 2901.

hl in c . m . b ank , link, linchet. 1661.hl in c reewe . turf b alk . 370t. SV.

38 2 .

hl i‘

li . n . hill , emin ence.

hl i‘

5 w eg . hill-way, 292h.

hlu tto r . clear . 3 i 1h.

hlyd . lid. K649 .

b l yd e . f. 292hN , 448h .

b l yp e . f. leap'

1K S I 3 .

h lyp geat . 445b .

H n eefl eah . 373m .

hn eep . m . b owl . 2 50m . Slapf.Hn u t hyrst . 3 10m.


H y sseb urn e . 146r.


li . f. shore, ht’

the. 42m.

I b b in et i’

i n . Ken t . 41 1h .

I ccawu r’S . Ickworth , S uff. K.

I o en e . R . Itchen , Han ts . 290b is .

I cen h i lde w eg . Berks . 379m , 38 31.

I de , n ear Ex eter 2 5013. EP . 5 1 1 7.

i edem . 100h .

i ehw erfed . ex changed . 1 28t.

ifih t . ivied. K624. BC630 .

ig (f. ) island. 1 8 2b .

ign osti ci for gn ostici . 3 2 2h .


E. m . islet 354t .

I l lan leh . Monks E leigh, Suff. 3671.i lle, i lla, as def. art . 1 1 81, 3ogr .

immun is. n ot liab le. 2 091, 2 341,293b .

in b eer’li . home-b orn . K 1 079.

in b law en . inflated . 242m .

in b yrd . in b orn , b orn on the estate .

2 76h .

in cerr e . alter . 1 2 3t.

i ncessum i .e . vectigal. 2 71.in cl ifa . chamb er . K 59 1 .

in con taminata . rg6b .

indeterminab i li ter . without limit of

time. 1 86b .

indictio . I ndiction . 2 86t .

in do lis . 38b , 30 7D, 3 23h . Indolis vel

Indoles , A dolescen s .

”Du Cange.

in fan gen th eof. jurisdi ction overthief taken on the estate . 233t,

343m .

-in g, 9OIN . EP . 3 1 8 .

i n g (in ) . 1 8 5h .

in g . m . meadow . T .

I n g p en . Inkpen , Berks . 1681.

inl an d . domain . 1 61 b , 3 76m .

i n lade . water-passage in land. 344h .

in scrip tiones . title-deeds . 66t .

i n sigle . 11 . seal in a ring ; writ.

1 64r ; x l. SC . 73 11 .

I n tan b eorgas . In kb errow , W or.

62t , 681.

In teb eorgas . Inkb errow, W orc.


in terdicta. 1 96.

inw are . 2 35b .

i o cled . 8 21. ST58 2 .

i o clet = % mansiun cula . 89b , gob .

i co leta.


(S ) 142t . SV. 396.

Jus ecclesiasticum . 30b , 5 3t . BC348°

jur is mei . 2 5t, 35t , 45m, 33 2m.

katalectico versu . 3 1 3h.

kin eh elm . crown . 344m .

K o rstun . Corston,S om . 268m.

kyn escip e . royalty . z 3om .

ky‘lS (cyb ) . makes kn own . 2 53 .

I o l . Y ule , Christmas . 344m.

i ow you . 8 1 b .

isen g rafas . K 1 1 1 8 . l iron-mi n es.

KS . ii . 70 .

iugiter . perpetually. 2 5h , 2 7h .

iw . m yew . 3621, 376t .

iw i tn i s (gewitnis) . 2 58h .

lacu . f. stream . 1 79mN , 3061, 3 2 21,

3761, 38oh .

lacum .


l Epiphany. 142m.

lad . ex culpation , purgation . 2 3 1 t ,2 37t .

lad ,ladu . f. water-way, path .

le’ece . leech, doctor . 388m .


eced ém . healing. 42h .

leedan . carry. 1 4sm. b eat the

b ounds . 1 55h .

lé fan . to leave . 2 1 5m.

lmfel . m . spoon . 250m . Edffel.leeg h ry cg . 3741 .

leen . f. p ra sti tum. 1 641, 2 1 2r,

z 14t, 3 53t . Vceb . commodum,

depositum, commendatum, fenus.

See Introd. lx x x ii , x c.

lmn lo n d . 2o 8h . 361h . KS . 1. 5 1 7.

1513 8 . pasture . i 8 8h.

imten . handed over. 203h . EB . 19,2 7 .

leew ede . lay fo lk . 244m.

L eex adyn . L ex den , Essex . 366b .

laf. f. relict, widow. z 1 2m.

lagu . law. 2 291.

lah . len t . l ogt . Ieifjen. EB . 1 9, 34.


B. n . lathe (Ken t) . K 1 2 5 8 . K S .

ii . 47 .

lam seaii . loam-pit . 448h .

lan d er . landed estate. 2 1 71, 2 2 1b,

237m .

lan d b o c . land-charter. 199b , 243b .

l i 648 , 8 1 6.

lan d fech . KS . n . 329 .


lan d hlaford . landlord. 376b .

lan d scarn . portion of land. 1 85t,266m

,296r, 30 1m .

lan e . f. lan e. 4t . K485 , 549 .

L an gafelda. L ingfield, S ur . 1491.

L an g p o rt . long town . 28 2m.

L an to cal . 1 0h .

larvaricus . diab olic. 4011, 442h.

lastw eard , successor. 42m.


lili c . hateful . 2441.L au an h am . Lavenham


. 366t.

L auin gtun . Barlavington , Suss .

2 3h .

lead gedelf. lead-mine.

leaf. perm ission . 2 2 7r.

l é ah . m . lea, peaty (1) ground.

1 78m . 385b .

f. 4451.

lsab e geat . 448h .

L ean ah am . Lenham,Kent. 1 26b .

lecd ome . v . 1. 1 36b .

L echam sted e . K 208 .

L eden . Latin . 2 5oh.

L eden e . L eadon R . ,W orc. 447h .

leger . b ed, grave . 2021, z o 3h .

legerstow . b urial-place. 1091.L en b ru n n . Csh . 296m.

leod b i scop . suffragan . 2 3cm.

leo d scip e . 2 1 71.leof. S ire. 1621, 1 64b , 23 2m.

L eofsnh eema. Lewisham, Kent.

2 10t .

l eo‘

lS. song. 2 5 1 t .

libellas for b oc . 66r.

li ber vi tae. 3081. 4141. BCSZ .

libera= é gefeele. K 1 070 .

liberaliter . seign eurially. 64b ,l g6b ,

208h , 3 1 5m, 37 1m.

liberare. give. 631.

libertas . privilege. 2 84b , 31 3b , 3 1411 ,

3 1 5r .

110. b ody, corpse. 2 58b image, portrait.

licema. b ody. 42m.

l ico de . was pleasing. 3soh.

li cwur‘

ti. acceptab le . 242b .

l ictfm . churchyard. BC605 .

L imin eea. R . Limen e,Ken t. 24h,

29b , 34b .

L imi n gee. Ksh. Lyminge, Kent.1 8h , 109L


lin aceran . flax-fields. 239mN .

lin d . f. lime tree. 266b , 4471 ; tiliaVeb .

li n d h oh . lime~ tree hill . 445m.

l inl an d . flax-land. K 3OS .

l in leah . flax-groun d. 166h .

L in n ci’

im . L in comb , Som. 2681,269b .

L iofsh ema, Lewisham, Kent. 289t .

L iow san d en . 2 89m.

lip p erd . K 559 .

L issin gtun . co . Essex . 3681.

115 . mi ld,soft. 3 1 1 b .

l ip. flows . 380h . EB. 20, 2 .

L iw tfin . ?Devon . 146b .

100 . n . b argain , agreemen t. 2

L o ddan b ré c . 3 25b .

L o ddra w ellan . 449t .

l of. praise. 2 29b , 2431.

10n d ar . estate, hon our. 691.

l o n d ceap . purchase mon ey. 1 2 21.

lon e (lan e) . K 549.

L o n gan l eag . Langley, Kent . 961.

lo n g o n gerih te . straight along.

292 t.

L o x a. R . 2 8 2m.

L o x an leah . 2 8 2m.

lnerire (lucrari) . 3051.ludibundus . ridiculous, queer. 1 73m,

i 8 1 t.

L ufb ec . 447t.lufe-eu . love . 145m.

L u lan treow . 2 8 2b .

L un den tun .


London . 42m.

Lunden ia . Lon don . 2 71.lu st full ice . heartily . 42h.

L yn oen in . Osh . 296m.

ly sd e . released . 25413.lytel . little . 354h .

machera . sword. g1 8h.

madmum . (1. pl. treasures. 25oh.

meed . f. mead. 1 761, 3 7 11.meed lacu . meadow-stream. 198h.

mmdw e . meadow. 445b .

meeg . kinsman , b rother , 1441, 147t.meeg e i ld . 1451.

meegen . valour, efficiency. 161 b , EP .

3 16.

meegen stan . 3 2 7hN . K 1056.

meeg8 . ,province. 42h.

K k



el . n . sign , mark, esp. the Cross.

K 266. EP . 437 .

meer b ro c . b oundary b rook . 1 92m,

44711 . 4491meer cn o l . b oundary kn oll . 445m.

m e’

er d ic . b oundary dyke. 306b .

m eer h ege . 447m .

m eé r lacu . 388h . gema’

erlacu .

meer p ul . b o un dary poo l . 445m.

m e’

er p yt . 1 921, K442 .

mé r stan . 19 2m,K442 .

mé r w eg . b oundary-road. 2941,


messen e . 2 5cm .

“ b rasen T .

maesse b é c . missals . 2 50t.

maesse reaf. pl. massrob es. 2som.

meesten . mast for swin e . 293b .

m eesten reeden . 1 5 5m, 377m.

mee'li . dignity, merit

,rate. 2 32m,

a77hmagas . relati ves. 2 77t .mal swy rd . 2 261N 2 2 7t.

an cu s . gofa 10013, 1 2 21, 2 841.

manens . hide . 1 5m and passim .

man eri um. z o lm.

mansa = hid, 1 8 21, 2341, 38oh.

mansiuncula . id . 89h.

m an un g . claim . 1481.

marc . 5 ofamater ia . wood, timb er. K 236.

maw pu l . 447h , 448h .

M ayn b ip. Csh . 296h.

meagl . mun ificent . 38 2b .

m ealmeh t . sandy. K 290.

m earc . f. b oundary, mark. 951N ,

1 5 2b , 1 53t , i 7gm, 1 881, 1941,1 98m,

200r, z i ch, 3551.

mearcb eam . KS . i . 75 .

mearcb i o rh . mark-hill . K 364, 535,624. K S . i . 56. x lv.

m eare d ie . mark-dike. 2931.

M earcella. R . z o l t .

mearc fo rd . 38 2t .

mearcian . mark . 380h .

m earclan d . moor , K633 .

m eare w eg . mark-way. 1 g1t, 35 1h.

m earc w il l . mark-foun tain . 2931.

M ear seet h am .M erstham, S ur. 1 8 2l .med . meed

,reward. K 8 2 1 .

m edemest . middle. 1461.m ed emun g . f. 389h .

mediampartem. half. 89, 90.

Malmesb ury.

megh on d . natural heir. l o3t.

m e ih an da (K sh . ) i . e . meghond .

1 0 21. See h an d .

M eldu n en sb urg .

1 5m .

mele . m. cross . 2 25m .

M ele


b roc. Mi llb rook .Han ts. 194h .

24 t.

M el en tun , M ilton n r. Can terb ury .


m em erin n . K663 .

M eo leen b eo rg . Han ts . 29 1h .

M eo lu c cum b . Han ts . 29 i h .

meo lw es . ofmeal . 3 1 2t .

M eon e (eet) . Meon, Han ts. 1 46m.

M eo s dun . 2 83t .

M eo sgelegeo . Moseley, Woro. 451.M eo s hl in c . 1 661.

M eo s m o r . 4491.

m eo z . 449b .

m eran . d . famous. 2 86h .

m erc . 2501“ flag T .

mercem é t . K 568 .KS . i . 5 5 .

M ercstun in ga. Marsto n , Bedf.206L

mere . m . lake, mere. 951, 38 2h .

mereswi n . porpoise . 378t.mersc . m . marsh , K 537 .

M ersctun . Merston , Ken t. 5 1 b .

met s in c . K 556.

M iclam ersc . M ichelmarsh, Han ts.

362h .

microcosmus . man . 44t .

mi d ealle . altogether. K 1 302 .

m i dreca . mattresses ? or caskets,Veb . 25cm.

min ister. than e. 1 24t, 1 26t, 1 33h ,

1 35m. See In tr .

misellus . poor, unworthy . 47b .

mi sken n in g . wry pleading. 3401.

T3 59 . SS . 5 25 .

missn riwn . mass vessel . T 2 . But see

Du Cange.

mi tta= 2 amb ers . 35 1h . T460 .

mobi les res . movab les . 397h .

m oddrige . maternal aun t . 2 76h.

M o din gah ema.Mottingham ,Kent .

2 89 .

m6r . m . moor. 3 71h , 3741

m orgen g ifu . morn ing-gift . l 6gb ,

2 1 2m . 2 1 71, 368h .

m6r ele’sd . moor slade. 388h.


o llun cges . K 55 1 .

o llun g . 2 34b .

omb ra. 8 0b . 3 1 2t . See amb er .

omerlo n d . K 5 86.

o n b yrg . 8 1 , 8 2 .

o n cn aw en n i s . ackn owledgmen t.2 50h .

o n cu‘

Se . wo uld b lame . 1451.

o n d eta . consen ting . 691, 2 86m.

O n dred . Andred, Ken t . l o lm.

o n efeu . ab reast of. 1661.

o n fen g . b egan . 392h .

o n geegum . 2 8 7n .

o n gean . against, in ex change for.

o n n (an ) . I gran t . 14gm . EB . 29 , 1 2 .

o n sp eee . f. imputatio n . 2 1 71.

o u st in g . claim . 3o 3h, 340b .

o n talu . claim . K929 .

o nw en dan . pervert . 42m.

6ra . In . shore, edge, b ank . 1 74h .

o ra. 113 Of 58 . 268111 .

o rde l . n . ordeal. T432 .

o reste . K S I 3 .

o rf. cattle . 25oh .

o rfkyn n es . 2 50t.

O rh eema . Care , Berks. 389h .

O ri ces pu l . Woro . 447t.

O rri ces d en . L . Ken t . 1 261.

o rthodox us. 1 8 7t

o rwen e . despairi ng. 298b .

o s =gemy6an . 308b .

O ter h o la . otter ho llow. K 543 .

o'6er h ealf. on e and half. 164m .


Efeestan . en trust . 1441, 146m , 1 47b .

65re . others, other on es. 2 5oh.

Pmccin gas . Patching, Suss. 1g6m .

pa ll en . costly stuff, silken or velvet.z 5om . n . v . pell ; Leo p. 5 1 8 .

p een . head (British) . 389t .

p aa‘

li . m . path . 388t .

pm‘l’ifeld . pathfield. 95m .

pagina . written deed. 50t,

pagin ali ter . documen tarily. z ym.

p aginem. documen t . 35h .

P an gan b ur n e . Pangb ourn , Berks:3851.

pan torum. mi

l/Tani . I60h.

parafritkus . posting-horse. T67 .

pastinatio. 601. in Co lumella groundprepared for vines n ot in Du


patricius . 1 1 t, 3 1 7h .

P aul u s b urh . S t . Paul ’

s, London .

365m .

p an sat. rests. 6oh .

paw (ecclesiae) . san ctuary. 438 t.

p earro c . m. en closure i n the Open

coun try, park . 951 BC778 . Vcb .


P eattin g tun . prob . ShrOpsh . l 5gb .

pecun ia . cattle . K 1 089 .

pedesecus . 1 z 7h .

pedes sessor 88b .

P efes ig . Pewsey, Wilts. 146h .

p e llas . skin s, furs or rob es, or hangings . 365h. Vcb . p urpuram.

p en . n . cattle-pen . K48 5 .

P en cric . Penkridge, S taff.p en d in g . penny. l 1 0t.

P en dyfig . Cornwall . 1 90h, 192t.p en ig . m . penny . 265t.

P en nh al . Osh . 296m.

penn in o . 1 8 1m .

p enga= waeg. a wey ofcheese. T467 .

P eon myn et . 3 28bN .

p erpes. 2 831.

perp etua li ter . 291 1.

P erscora. Pershore , W orc. 34oh,

445b .

p ertica . perch . 3261.

p es b roc . 450t.

P euen i sel . Pevens ey. BCz 59.

p hi largyria. covetousn ess. 361h.

p i d des m eres w eg . 445b .

p ietas. mercy, favour. 101 (n ) ; b ene~

faction . 3 14t .

P ih tes lea. Pytchley, Nhan ts .


p in can d en u . fin ch valley . 4sot .

pincernus. b u tler . 35b KS . ii . 1 1 1 .

P ip an . R . Pipa. K 1 1 8 .

p ip e . pipe. 2 50m .

p irie (p irige) . wf. pear-tree. 3 2 2b .

EB . 2 , 2 5 .

P irifo rd . W orc. 445b .

p i s b rece . 446h.

piscation es . rights offishing. 5 81.

p i stel b é c . Epistle-b ooks. 2501.

P i steles e’

ec . L . 1 98t .

p iw in‘

Bla for b iw in dla. 35 2m.

p lacabi lis. acceptab le. l o lm.

P legh elm es tun . Ken t . 1 8h.

P lumweardin g . ofPlumweard. 951.


p o ca lege . K 705 .

P o in cg w ic . Powick, Wore . 447m .

p 61. m . po ol . 1 8 2b , 3 2 2b , 37 1 1, 38 8h .

P o lli cerr . Polkerris in S . Kevern e.

296t, 3c 1 h.

P o lsted e . Po lstead, Suff. 368h.

P o pu l fi n ige . poplar lan dmark .

363t .

p or corumpastas uuealdbaera. 601.

p o rt . m. town .

p o rtger é fa. port-reeve. 247m, 2 73h.

K S . iii. 1 73 .

p or treua . port-reeve. 258h .

p o rt stre’

et . 39 1h .

p o rtw eg . 387b .

p o s h l iwan . 4491.

p rcedux . 38 91nN .

p raefed us. gerefa, reeve . 36t, 501.K S . ii. 1 2 3 . SC . p. 1 1 3 .

p reestare, gran t as leen . 25t .

p raestatio . 2 5t.

pra sti tum. LE N .

pra naricari . 3331, 409t.

P ren tsan b l aw . Ken t . 1 72t.

P rescora . Pershore ,W orc . 2 38b .

P resta tun . Preston,Ken t.

p r ic porn . z 91 b .

p rimicerius. ofa king . 383t .

primicherius . the Dean .

67 .

pri ncep s . ealdorman . 641, 1 94t. SC .

5 49privi legia. charters. K 3 23, PL 1 9 2 .

p rocuratio monasteri i , 3 1 1 advo

catio mon . Ducange.

p ro lix ius . prolongedly. 3 19m.

p u l , pul l . m . 3 76 . min .

P u n eceswur'iii . Ponsworthy (Dart

moor) , 267t .

P un in gas . Poyn ings, Suss. 1g6m.

P yddes geat . Wilts . 1 66m .

pyrige (p iri e ) . pear-tree . 445b .

pyrt b ro c . 446h.

pyrtan b eale . 446b .

P y sere . Wilts, S . of Salisb ury,1 84m .

p yt , p yt t . m . pit . 2061, 387b .

pytted . diapered. 2 25b .

B acul fcestre . 410t. See Reculf.

rad . rode . 202,2 861. EB . 20, 2 1 .

reeoan . 3 77t.

ra d . couns el, rede. 2 2 7m,298m.


reedan . read. 145m, 2 1 8t.reed es man . adviser. 298t.reew e . f. row. K 776.

rah d en . ro e-vale. 306b .

rah h eeg . 446h .

rah w eg . 3061.

R ame sege . Ramsey, Hun t . 343m.

read . red. 2 941.

R eada b eorg . name of a tumulus .

2 84h .

R eadin gas . Reading, Berks. 365h .

r eatus . guilt . 2 5 t.

reconci liatio . Con cordat . 1 1 5 1 .

R ecuul f. Reculver, Ken t. 8b , 1 8 8b .

redan . to clear lan d, stub . 1 7gm.

FO. 78 . Weigand v . reute.

relevatio . relief. 3 1 7h .

reé d me’

edw e . reed-meadow. 3061.

r eog o lward . 8 1r .

ri eg reegel . man tle. 2 50m .

r im . coun ting, reckon ing. 286t .

r ima. rim, verge . K 5 50 .

r in da crun del . K 1 1 7 7.

R in gstyd e . Ringstead, N orf. 3431.

rip . 1 8 1 .

r ip el . K547 .

r isc . m . rush . 1 791.r i scb ed . rush-b ed. 1 921.

R i se d en . rush vale . 292h.

r i sc h ealh . 447m.

ri scm ere . rushy pool. 2 82b .

ri scsle’

ed . K44 1 .


iS. f. small stream. 95r, 1g3m.

R ifier ceap . L . cattle-market. 41 3h .


lSig . n . streamlet . 29 1 1, 3061, 45oh .

ro ccas . rochets . 2 5cm. 81011 .

rod f. a clearing in the wild,road. 1 53t, 248m,

K 354, 1 2 29.

BC562 . sealt rod.

ré a f. rood, cross. 2 50h, 29 1 t .

rod a land-measure, rood.

BC608 .

r6d styb b an . 393m.

ro d e tacn . sign ofcross . 1 o 3h, 162 t.

ru es . ofrye . 3 1 2 t .

rfih . rough. 35 71. 37 11. 374t. 3791rum . space . 141m.

rum b eo rgas . 449b .

R umen ea. Romn ey R ., Kent. 41 21.

R um in in g seta . Ken t . 1 8m.

rum odli ce . lib erally. 38 21.

ru n e . read rime . 3431.


ru sce . f. l rushy groun d. K596.

rara . man ors, farms . 4441.

ry cweg (hrycgweg) . 306b .

ri met . 38 21.

S abrina. S evern . 2 11.

saccle s . 2 58h .

sacu an d s o on . 2 33t, 343m . x x ivf.

sado l h o n gra. saddle hanger. 449h

s e’

e . f. lake, pool . 951, 198 t.seed . n . seed. 3 77b .

S eegh am . Soham, Suf. or Camb . ?

368h .

seelen . gift. 1 4 1h .

sama. arb itrator. CR . 303 .

seemestre . z41 t .

S een get hric. Sundri dge , Ken t.

2 101.

seetan . occupation . 447m.

S afern o c . Savernake forest. K 1 1 09 .

sage . d . tale, report . 298m .

salamander , 2 2 t .

sali coquenda . 1 071.salpice. trumpet. 167h .

salsilagene. 33h . Salina, ub i sal


Du Cange.

salsuges. salt-marshes. gob .

sa lsugines. 8 71.salteras . Psalters . 2501.

S aluu erp e . Salwarp R .

,W or. 19r.

2 391. 4461

samen in g . commun ity . 43 7h .

sanctimon ialis . n un . 3 1m .

san d . f. mission , depu tation . 298b .

san d b ro c . sandy b rook . 45oh .

S an dford . near Ox ford. 385t .

S an dh yr st (silva) . 1 261.Sandhurst, Ken t . 4101.

san d ih t . sandy. 2 39m .

san d seas. san d-pit . 448h .

san g b é c . hymn b ooks. 2 501.

sar tag o . fryingpan . 1 961. Vcb .

sationalis . arab le . 1 1h, 161.

saul sceat . soul-soot . 2 2 21.

S aren ica lingua. 3 1 31. BC636.

S ax on ice. 64b , 1 1 2m, K 589 .

sceecelin g eecer . 38 2h, 384b

S eaga. n ame ofa marish . 54m .

scalu , f. 2 hovel Sco t. sheal .’


sceaddgen ge . shad-season (T ) . 2 19 .

sceadda. of shade. 2 19m.

scead w ellan . 448h .

sceaga. shaw , wood. 166b = si lea ,

2 84t . K 5 7 1 . n . sk é gr .

secala. dishes . 2 5cm . g cbale.

sceap h ammas . s heep-closes . 3 73b .

sceap w eesce . sheep-washing. 38oh.

sceardan swyrd es . 2 261, 2 2 7t .

s ceardan b eo rge . scarred hill .B0978 .

sceat . b e discharged, paid. 2 2 3b .

sceat . mon ey. 24211, 243m .

sceatas . sheets. 250 .

sceaw ian . K 755 .

sceaw in g . to ll on showage ofgoods .

K 77 I .

sced . z 1 0r, 2 89h .

scedu la . sheet . 1 1 7m , 1 34h, 1 96t.

S celfdun . Shelton , Beds. 396m.

S celfl eah . Shelly, S uf. 368h.

S ceo ca b roc . 3 29bN .

scé o ldan . they owed. 2 23b .

S eeo n . Sheen , S ur . 2 2 1 t .

sceOp a (scip a) . ofships . 42m.

sceo rt . short. 3 75t .

sceo ta‘

B. they flow. z o rt .

scid h reec . a sort ofrick . 35 1m .

S cildw ic . Sheldwick, Ken t . 4 l o t.

scip b ryce . j etsam and flotsam (T) .343L

scip fylle‘

li , scip e6011 naucnp letio .


s outfit. Kvi . 240 . SC . 1 05 .

S cip leah . Han ts . 2901.

seip w ealas . 3761.‘Welsh naviga


’K S . i . 3 20 .

scir ac . shire oak. KS . i . 75 .

sciran . shear . 35 1m .

scir gerefa. shire-reeve . K S . 11 . 1 57 .

scir igman =juderc comi tatiis . 2 I 2 b ,

2 1 3h , 2 14L

scirlett . 2 39m .

scirpegn as . gen tlemen of the conn e

ty K 1 337. SC . 5 73 .

S cokeb ro c (S ceo ca b ré c) . 3301.scolasticus. scholar. 2 83h .

sco le . school . 350t .

S corh am . Shoreham , Ken t . 101h .

sco tta p ee‘

8 . 448h .

S co ttari‘

li . Shottery. Warw .310m .

screef. n . cavern , hole . 2 8 2b .

S creew an leg . 3 2 7h .

scri ft b oc . shrift-b ook . 25oh.

scrin . pl. 25oh .


soon . f. jurisdiction . 2 201, 242m,

302 1 , 346b , x x iv, lx x x ; revenue ,K 563 .

s o ele st . Ksh. b est. 8 1h .

8 61. f. soi l, mud. 1 781, 362b . W ei

gand v. © uble.S o len t e . The Solen t ; I . ofWight .


8 6m . f. arb itration . 163m.

s on a. immediately. z 1 5m.

sop cupp a. sop cup . 367t.sop hia. W isdom . 295t .

S o n n i g . Sowey,~ z oy, Som . 4261.

S pachry cg . L . 951.

spmc . f. charge, suit. 203h , z i 7m,

2 24b .

sp ec . b acon . 1 05t. S ee sp ic .

sp edum . T I 24.

sp el b ro c . 4491.

sp eld gi sel la . K 207.

sp ell b oc . sermon-b ook . 2 50b .

sp e l stow . 4 11.

sp e6w . succeeded. 299h . EB . 2 1 , 28 .

sp ere h ealfe . male side. 148h .

sp eremon . 164m .

sp ic . b acon . 105b , 109b . 6 1366 .

sp in lh ealfe . femal e side . 1 48h.

sp on weg . K 556.

sp or . track , foo tmark . 164m. g pur,

sp rmc . f. suit . K9 29 .

sp rittan . train , educate . 349b .

stabulator, 405b = stallere , 43 2b .

staca . pin , stake . T 2 30 .

S te’

en in gas . S teyn ing, Sur . 146h.



S . river b ank , wharf. 246m .

stallere . marshall , master of horse,con stab le.

stan . m . stone . K61 .

stan b eorg . cairn . 354r.

stan b ri cg . ston e b ridge . 292h .

stan ceastla. sto n e-castles. 166m.

stan cest il anus acere us lap idu/m.

K I S0 .

stan crun del . 386t. N . K47I ff.stan cy stlun . 3731.S tan d en . stone vale. 373b .

stan eh t . stony. 1 261,1 74m, 3731.

stan gedelf. stone quarry. 392t,


S tan hamstede . S tanstead, Ken t.

80h .

stan hl in cas . 447h .

S tan m ere . S tanmere . Berks. 1g6m.

stan raswa. ston e-row. 376t.stan scale . 3c6m .

S tan tfin . S tanton , Som. 269t.

S taun ton'

, S . W or. 447h .

stan w eal . ston e-wall . K 388 .

stap o l . m . 2061N , 306b , 448b , 450h.

EP . 3 16.


B. b ank . 3521.

steal . place , stall . g telle.steallere , Marshal . 3021, 378r. KS .

11 . 3 .

steapan cn o lles soya. K I 23 .

steapan b lin e . 449b .

s teapan lsab e . 4471.steda. steed . z zor .

sted e . m. place , stead. 246m.

sten t . standeth . 141h . EB . 1 2 , 20 .

steort . m . spit of land. 1 79h, 357m .

S teu ech ew o rde . K932 .

S teu i ch es wr'

Be . K907.

sticap. 3 55t l.S t ific w eg . 386m . K 1 164.

S tinn cw eg . K 762 .

S tifi n geh é me . K I 253 .

styfycun g . 248h.

st ig . T61 2b .

stige . f. n arrow path . K61 .

st igel . 2 1 0h, 3s1 b , 4471.stip e stan . B0905 .

S tinecleia . K 5S I . S tukeley , Hun t.

st iw ard . steward. z 41 t, 264m.

stiiilic . firm, decided. K 1 1 26.

sto c . In . stock, log. 1 74h , 1 78bN ,

1 79h , 1 881, 290b .

sto ccen . f. K 569 . N . p. 465 .

s to d . stud. 2 2 7t .sto dfald . horse-paddock . 37oh,37 I t . K I 1 8 2 .

S to dh am . S tudham, Herts. 4o 5h.

S to d leah . horse-field. Han ts . 2901,

35 1 b .

S todmersch . horse-marsh . 1 1 .

sto n i stel . K 392 .

sto r cylle . censer. 2 50m.

stor st icca. in cen se-stand. 250m.

stow . f. (sacred) place . 2 1 7b , 2 19r,2 251, 367r.

street . f. street. I 79h , 1 881, z och.

S treetn eat , S tratton , Corn . 146t.

stran d . strand. 340b .


stream . m. stream . 3o6h, 32 21.

streon es h alh . K 1 358 .

S tr

gtfo rd . S tratford-on-Avon (K) .

5 h .

Stratford Tony, Wilts . 1 841.

strod . 4471.s tryn ed . 11 . line ofinheritan ce. 148h .

stu b , styb . m . stub , stump. 375h ,3791 . ellen stub . pornstyb .

S tur . R . S tour , Ken t . 99h .

se. 4991.

S tur em in ster. S turminster, Dors.

146m .

S twria . S turry, Kent . 8b .

S tuur . R . S tour . 29h , 3o 5h, 368h.

sty cce . piece, portion . K 2O9 , 308 .

styri a. sturgeon . 376b , 388h .

S tyv ec lea. T 3S 2 .

S uan a b urn a. Swanb ourn e,Bucks.

396m .

euan geré fa . swineherd-reeve. 2 86r.

subjecti o . liab ility. BC538 .

subregulus . under-king. 3 1 8m.

su cgan graf. 375t.S u eo rdleage weelle . 1 z 1h .

S uerdhl i n cas . 891, g1 t .

su esen d o . lux uries. epu la Zan tiores

gaude. 801, 8 1 t .

sufo l , sufi . milk-cake. 8 1h . gesufl .

sufiragium . support . 28 1 .

sugerere. suggest . 2 8 1 .

su in h aga. swin e-yard. I 2 1h.

su lb . plough . K 495 .

su lun g . K sh for ‘hide.

77m , 89b ,

901, I 2 8t, 1 89t, 2 2 5m. SV. 54,

395 . Du Cange v . So linum.

su n derfr eo ls privilegium. K 7 1 5sun derlon d . sundered land. K 586.

sun d orfeoh . separate property.

146m .

sun dr o n separately. z 5 1m .

S un n an b urh . Sun b ury, M idd.

293t .

S un n in gawy l . Sun n ingwell ,Berks,l .

Séggyr ig . Sudb ury , Suf. 2 1 51, 368t.S udregia . Surrey. l 14t.

S uuealuu e . R . Swallow,Kent . 901.

swaf o n . was down upon him.

1 641. EB . 2 2,2 1 .

swan-gerefa. swin eherd-reeve.

2 86h. Veb . sub ulcos swanas.’



lSer . whichever. 145t b,148r .

swelgen d . swallet . 2 10, 266b ,2 89m . Veb . vorago .

Sw eop erla . R . Swepela. K 550, 646.

sw eor rod . n eck-rood . 2 23b .

sw in c‘

lS. toileth . 299h .

sw in es h eafo d . K 586.

sw in geat . 447t.

sw in g‘

8 299h .

swin h ege . 446m .

sw ul un g . ploughland. 80h, 142t .

S ee sul un g .

swur r6dum . (1. pl. n eck-roods .

2 5oh .

swu telatli . shows, appears. z 1 7r.

swu telun g . declaration , eviden ce,documen t

,n otice. 2 1 7b , 2 32m .

swyllan h ealas . 386h.

swyn e . 2445m .

swyrdhw ita . sword-furb isher. 2 27t.

sy le . f. d. 2 2 1 b .

sy len . f. gift . 421, 141h , 242m.

sy lferh ilt . silverhilted. 2 26h .

syrfe-an . service-tree, sorbus . 373m.

tacc= swin sceade . T 263 .

T ad emmrtfin . Tadmarton , Ox f.

1 92m .


ecin g . injun ction , direction . 2 2 2t,2 30L

T eepp eleah . Han ts . 2901.'I'ame . R . Thame, Ox f. 292h.

T amede . 308b . v. T emede.

T an g mere . 28 2b .

T ap en h alan . Tappenhall, W or.

239t .

targe . f. target , small shield. z 1 5m.

2 I 6L

teage . a stri p of land. Icel . teigr .

T467. BC339 .

T eale b urn e . a stream runmng In to

Ock (Berks) at Goo sey. 3871.team . m . vouching. K 805 .

team p 61. b reeding-pool . 3 2 2r.

t eap er . K sh . taper. 1 1 1h.

telga. po le, stock . 951.

telligrap hium. con veyan ce. 661,1 I 5L

telon iari i . to ll-gatherers. 27h.

tem (team) . 201 . x x iv.

tem b yrst . evasion ofvoucher. 202t .

T emede . R . Teme (W ore ) 447b .


T eme del . Teme vale. 448h.

temerare. 346h .

T en id . Than et. 8h .

tenor . tenure . K3OS .



in g . tithing, decania. I64b .


Bun g . tithe. decima . 2 36t.

T eow es b orn . K 1 74. BC z 79 .

termin atio . b oundary. 3 7 1m.

terrenas. territorial . 293h .

terri toria. b ounds, terrier. 28 2m

title-deeds,K I 30 7.

T erstan . R . Test , Han ts. 3621.

th e l b rycg . timb er b ridge. 2 8 21.

thelon . to ll . 3 1 71.Theodoice. Teuton ically. BC442 .

T i oce b urn e . L . goat-stream . 1 96m

291 t .

T ices w el l . T itchwell, N orf. 2401.

T icn es fe ld . Han ts . kid’

s field. 2901.

t i d . season , tide . 8 1 r .

T ige . Marks T ey, E ssex . 367m.

t ige l eern an . tile-kiln s . K 595 .

t igel leah . b rickfield. K 1 1 37.t i lde . 2 53m.

t i lian . provide . 2 23m.

Nm . 449b , K 165 .

tio lo m icel . pretty much . 2 86h .

to (eet) , ap ud. 241m . EB . 70 , 8 .

to emn es . ab reast of. 355t, 3 741.

t oft . m . hillock (ofo ld ruin ) .K 192 .

t o l . 11 . right ofto ll . 2 53m.

to l an d team . 2 36t, 3401, 343m.

t o l frco . to ll-free . 344m .

t o liegen . part, divide. 32 7h . EB .

76, 2 2 .

to ln . f. to ll . 298t b .

T o ric . R . Torridge, Devon . 3 25b .

t6rr . m . tower , peak . 1 2 01, 3 2 8b .

t o ryp te . scratched . 164111 .

t o t é on . seiz e . 2 1 3h .

T o th am . Great and Little Totham,

E ssex . 367111 .t o tw eeman . 2 29b .

tox icum. poison . 3 1 8h.

trahere (tractare) . g1h .

trames. path . 1 8 I t , 3 1 8h .

tran smotare. ex change .

transmotatio . 8 31.'I‘refdew ig . Cornwall . 295l, 3001.

T refgru ed . Cornwall . 2951, 3001.'I'refwalo c . Trevallock in S . Ke o

verne, Cornwall . 3001.

T refwurab o . Trerab o , a man or in

S . Kevern e,Cornwall . 2951, 3001.

treow steal . 380m .

tresel . K650 .

tribunas. 405b . KS . 11. 1 1 7.

trib utarias. 2 23b , 2 8 I b , 2 8 2 b .

T rico n scir . Hd. of Trigg, Corn .

146r . SC . 545 .

trimoda for trin oda . 283t.

troh . m . trough . 1 98t.

troh hyrcg . 4471.trop ere . trop ari um. 2501.

troyohicn s. 3 1 8m .

T ro ttes clib . Trottersclife, Ken t.


trutina. scales, b alan ce. 3 1 7m.

T u cin cgn aes . 55h .

T ui can h om . Twickenham,M id.

16m, 41 3m .

T ul lin gtun . Tillington ,Suss . 1 g6m.

tumulus. 2 84.

tun . In . en closure, farm . 3661. 8mm.

tun 10n d . 445h .

tun steal . K 636.

tun w eg . 373b .

tun ge . tongue . 2021, 2 1 2b .

T urcan den . Turkdean , Glou. 411.

T urcan wy l . Glou. 411.

turfh le6 . turf-moun d. K 536.

tweede . two thirds . 286m .

tw e lfh yn d e . 2 291. See Introd. l .tw i sla. confluen ce . K 1 1 03 .

twi sled . pt . Split . K 535 .

twi sl i (g )an . to fork . 37oh .

twy cen e . f. meeting ofroads. 445m.

Twyfyr d . Dev . or S om . 1 461.

Glou . 376b .

twyhyn de . 2 291. See In trod. l .tymde . vouched . 20 11.

U edrin g mu th a. 2 8 2r .

Uer ulamium. S t . A lb ans . 4o oh .

u fer . adj. 244m .

uillula . 1 37h .

Ul an h yrst . Owl-b urst . K 589 .

u n b efi iten . un disputed. 69b .

un c . us two . 33 7b . EB . 46, 23 .

n u oer . of us two . Sch ,2 1 51.

un oula . 1 301.

un deed . crime. 162r.

un der . (swore) by. 298m.

U n dern b eorh . 198m.


w egegeleeton . crossways. 3791) .Vcb .

comp ita .

w el . adv. mold. K 1 30 2

W e lan d . Waylan d smith. 384t.

w eleg . m . wi llow. I 79t, 375m.

w elesc . 80b .

W elew e . Wellow, Sum. 1461.

W elkyn es . ofWelsh kin . 2 741.

w e lla. villa, farm . CR40n . 1 301, 449t

w en a (weegna) . waggon s . 1 42m .

W en ri c . R . Windrush , Ox f. 386h .

W eodm é r . Wedmore, S om . 341m.

w eofo d sceatas . altar-covers . 2 50m

w eo rces m ere . 445m .

w eo rc reed en . corvé e-work . 377t.w eo ro ldcun d . secular . 8 1 1.

w eo r'lie . capab le , competen t .109hN .

w eo r‘

Bli c . valuab le. 376b .

w eor‘

lSyg . 4451.

wer . m‘

. a man’

s legal value. 202 t,203t .

w er . m . weir. 1 6m.

w é rgeldpeof. T4 I I .

wergi ld . n . life-price . l 4gb .

w erian . defend ; this is the 8 6 de

fendere p r o ofDomesday, 23 7m,


w é rsted e . weir-place. 246m.

w erun a (t) . 1 301.w esen d h o rn as . b ison b o rus.K I 290.

W estb urg . Westb ury, Glou . 3 l 1r.

w estrin cge ? 444mN .

W est wu du . Westwood, Han ts .


w e‘

S eras . wethers . 3 1 1 b .

wi e . hab itation . 691 en closure,2 20m .

w i can . d. ? copse . 363t.

wiccea. witch. 2 3 1h .

W i ch eemam eare . 2 89m.

w icn ere . b ailiff. 2 33h , 346b , 347t .

w idan . from far . z 1 7m,2 1 8h. EB .

43 , I 1

W idecum . W idcomb , S om. 270h.

W i d ian dun . Withington , Giou.

5 2b .

w ifhan da . female side. 1 48m. See

h an d .

wig . b attle. K499 .

w i l . m . fountain . 2661.W ilb urge wella .W ilb urh’

svill. 1 301.W ilig . Wiley, Wilts. 3601.

W illan (eet Wells, Som. 341m.

w i ln ade . desired. 69r.

w i ln ed e . petition ed. 1 55h .

W ilrin cga werp. W orlingworth ,S uf. 2401.

w immen . woman . 2 53m .

W in dleso ren . Windsor . 3441.

W in terb urn a .W interb urn e ,Wilts.

1 24L

W in terb urn in ga. of the Winterb ourn people.

w i o da . K sh . wood. 1 28h .

w i orth . price, purchase-money.

7 7h .

w io tan . coun sel. 2 86.

W irh alum . Wirral . Ches . 2 19b .

w irh an gra . 379m .

wi se . f. mann er, arrangemen t


men tary di sposition , 1 02b , 1 1 1 t,

1 5 1 1, 25 1 t.

w i ss ian . 2 2 51.

w i strmt . highway. 141h .

w it . we two . 368h . EB. 46, 2 2 .

w ita . councillor. 2 1 21, 2 1 7m.

w i tefeest . penally en slaved . 2 2 3b .

w i te reeden . pen al b usin ess. K 2 751 048, 1 063 . BC48 3, 485 . EP .

5 3 24w i te peow . convict slave . K 593,

1 079 .

w ip. cumgen . towards ; w i‘lShu itan

stan es . 1 2 1t ; dat. again st ; prep.

ofprice, like o’

wr i r ov. 2 35b W i‘



lirum su e m iclum lan de , inex change for an equal q uan tity ofland. 1 2 8t acc. again st ; W i


po n e w odan . 299n .

w ifigan . Oppose . 42m.

w i‘

lSercw ide . dispute . 1 62t.

w i‘

sig . m . withy. 1 98 .

w i tiig b ed . withy plot . 374b .

w i‘

liufan . ab ove. l 2 1 t.

W ipig lea. Widley,Han ts. 199m.

w i tun . 2981.

w i x en a b ro c . 446m.

W 6 . wrong, in justice . 1451,w6h ceapu n g . illegal traffic.

w oman . to can cel . 1 5 1m .

w om b e . f. a hollow. K 559 .

w 6h sto c . 2 10t , 289n , 373m .

W orgemyn ster . Warmins ter,

Wilts . 165h.


w orb'

ig . m. homestead. 3 28b .

W o tan h lin c. K 543 .


dfie . wrath. 253h .

wran g .

wrat . wrote . 2 55m. EB . 23, 34.

w ra'

5 . angry, wroth . 253m.

wreclas . 1 64m .

wr id e . thicket ? 1 791.wr o cen a s ty b . 379r.

W ro tah am , Wro tham,

W u deb urg . Woodb ury , Dev . 264b .

W u d o tun . Woo tton , Glou. 1 2 2h.

wu du . m . woo d.

W u du ceas ter .Woodchester . Glou .

I 54L

wu du croft . K 59 .

W u du h am . Woodham Mortimer,

E ssex . 3671.

wu du lesw e . forest pasture . 286h .

wu du r ima, edge (rim) of wood.

K 5 50 .

W u ldaham . Wouldham, Ken t .

2 1 1 b .

wu lfh eega. 388m, 446h.

wulfp y t . K 75 2 .

wu lfru sce . K 596.

wu lfsle’

ed . K485 .

W un cges dun . 355h.

wura. Wyre Piddle , W or . 446h.

wurt wala. 336m=wyrtwala.

wycew eorc . week-work . 377t.wy l . 111. well, spring. K61 .

wy ll e . f. K 354, 650 .

wyn del . 3 2 21.

W yrb e . Berks. 38 71.W yr tin gas .Worthing, Suss. 1g6m.

wy rttruma. roo ting-place. I 79h .

wyr twala. row of stub s . 1661N ,

38 2h .

Y fin gah o . nr .Reculver,Ken t. 188m.

Y lig . E ly. 3 .65m

Y lmeseeto n (eet E lmsett, Sufl‘


366h b .

ymn eras . hymn b ooks . 2 501.

yrfe . n . heritage . 1g5m, 36 1h .

yrfe g efl i t . dispute ab out inherit

ance. 145m .

yrfe gewri t . testament . 145r.

yrfeweerd . ex ecutor. 2 1 2b .

yrse . ? a stream. 445b .

yr'5 . f. ploughing, arab le land.

yr'Blan d . arab le. 380h. BC5 24.


peet . un til . 2 861.peeti . that, at. 42t .

pan c . consen t , approval . K929 .

peafi e . K sh . I con sen t. l 1 0r.

pegen . than e . 2 29h, 2 33h, 242b .

lx x i ; = baro , 342 . Sb egen.

pen ian . to serve . 2 53h .

D en in g den . Than ington ,Ken t .

41 0L

peni n g man . serving man . 1471.

pen in g man n a gem é t . K 1 2 58 ;K S . ii . 47 ; SC . i . 1 86.

b en i sce . pl. divin e services . 265h.

peo d h erp et'i. main highway.

33oh .

peo d scip e . n ation . 2 3 1 t .

peod w eg . chiefroad . 2 3h.

peoffan g . thief-capture.

peow b eerd e . slave-b orn . K 1 079 .

peow d om . servitude . 2 19b .

b igode . fed,sustain ed ? 2 75m.

pin geras . in tercessors. 42h .

pin gian . in tercede. I 47r.

pin greeden . in tercession . 2‘

Bi owas . K sh. servan ts . 80h.

“8 0m . 111 . thorn . 1 83t, 206.

D orn b yr ig . Thorn b ury, Glou .

1 54b .

po rn ih t . thorny . 1 781, 385b .

porn reew e . thorn-row . 446t.

porn sty b . thorn-stub . 388r.

pridde h alf. two an d a half.208h.

pr iez . n . 292h .

gri st lin ga d en e . 45oh.

ruh . n . trough . K 1 1 8 .

Bryh . f. coffin .

pr i scyt e . triangular. K 1 198 .

pun res lea. Thunor’

s ley. 246m,

1 941.

bwyres . athwart . i 84b , 35 2r.

pyfel . m. copse, thicket . 1 83t,

esst .

Byrel stan . perforated stone. 1 20b .

pyrn e-an . thorn-scrub . 375t, 3861.

pywian . serve. 3soh .


Ab ingdon ,197h , 2 23 , 342 , 374 , 38 1 .

384, 387 ; the church ofS t.Helen,

390 °

A cton ,


zzElfgifu , q u . Cnut , 232 .

Z Elf


heah, bp. Win ton , 1 71 , 2 1 8t,

3 4ZElfleed sr. A lfred


1 48b , 1 59 .

ZElfric, ab p. Can t . , z i 7m hisW ill,2 2 2 .

b p. E lmham , 241 .

b p. Ramsb ury, 379.

.ZElfsige , ab . Bath, 268f.

.ZElfstan ,b p. Elmham ,

2 1 5 .

E lfthrith , q u. Eadgar , 389.

fElfwerd, ab . Evesham ,235 .

ZElfwig, ab b ot ofBath, 377 .

ZE lfwin e,ab . Ramsay

, 343 .

E lfwine,b p . Win ton , 246.

.ZElIneer Dyrling, 2 38 .

E thelb ald, Kg. Mercia,1 9, 20, 23 ,

26. 2 7. 29. 36. 40. 42. 283.ZEthelb ert, Kg. Ken t

, 3 the Laws

of,lx viii .ii . Kg. Ken t, 2 5 , 34, 332 .

Kg. Wessex , 1 33 .

.ZEtheIfleed, q u . Eadmund, 365 .

E thelgar, bp. Crediton , 416.

.ZEthelhard, abp. Can t., 65 , 70, 73 ,78 .

E thelmeer , b p. E lmham, 343 .

E theln o th , abp . Can t.,2 3 2 .

E thelred , Kg. Mercia,1 2 , 3 1 .

i,Kg. Wessex , 1 37.

ii,209, 39011.

ealdorman ofMercia, 1 54, 1 59,

3 1 7.

E thelstan , Kg. 16611, 320, 416,


son ofKg. ZEthelred, 2 25, 2 28 .



qu . Burhred, dr.E thelwulf

,sr . A lfred , 3 16t.

E thelwine,minister, 198 , 199, 20 1 ,

294 ; dux , 2 1 1 , 296 ; amicusDei (Flor.) FN . i . 2 89 .

E thelwold, ab . A b ingdon , 384, 385 .

E thelwulf, Kg. Wessex, 1 161, 1 2 3 ;

hi s Donation ,lx x iii .

b p. Sussex , 8 7.A lb ion ,

383h, 385 .

A lder trees, 3551, 4461, 447t .

Aldhelm,2 83 ; ab b ot of Malmes

b ury,1 5 ; b p . Sherb orn , 2 8 1 .

A ldred, ab p. Y ork , 378 , 433.

A le men tion ed, 8ob , 1mt .A LFRED, 1 32b , 143h, 1 57, I 62b ,

165 , 3 16, 3 19 ; his W111, 144,

456 ; his tran slation ofGregory’


Dialogues, 464.

Alfredian E nglish , cmfl'


A lfreton 2 2 1 .

A lhun , b p. W orc ., 3 1 5 .

A llen, R oyal P rerogative, lx iv.

Almoign e ten ure, l 14m.

A lresford (Han ts ) , 291 , 353 .

Amalarius,his b ook , 2 5 11.

Amesb ury (Wilts ) , 1 3oh , 146.

A ndred, the forest, 1 07, 41 1 .

Angmering 147.

Appleb y 2 20 .

Apple-trees, 445h the b road appletree,

449m ; the hoary, 373h.

Ashb ury (Berks) , 1g6m .

A shdown (Berks) , 383 .

A sh-trees, 1661, l 7gb , 2 8 21, 447m.

A spen-trees, 2o6h, 3ogh 81; b .

A ston Blank 40.

A ust 1 2 .

Aven ing 1 54.

‘A von ,’

1 z 1r, 3 19m, 3631, 445m,

44611, 448111 .


Camden , Wm. , 476.

Can terb ury , 1 0, 5 1 , 65 , 78 , 8 2 , 86,

1 04, 1 39 , 1 8 5 , 2 1 5 2 2 1 72247 '

Can terb ury Cathedral, St . Saviour


8 7m,89 ; Christ Church,


Carhampton 146h.

Ceadwalla,Kg. Wessex

,2 8 1 .

Cealchythe, 47b , 61 b , 453 .

Cenwu lf, Kg. Wessex , 66.

Ceoln oth,ab p. Can t .

,l 1 5b .

Chaddl eworth (Berks) , 1g6m.

Chalgrove 292h.

Chalk pits, 449b .

Chart (Ken t) , 1 0 2 , 243 .

Chartularies ofAb ingdon , 37 8h.

Chaucer , a query, 456.

Cheddar 146h, 467.Cheese mention ed, 801, l o 5t, l ogh,32 1 t.

Chelmer Hundred 440.

Chelsea 45Chertsey (S un ) , 1 50 .

Chewto n 146.

Chichester , 2 2 .

Chieveley (Berks) , 16gm, 373 .

Chilmark (Wilts) , 430 .

Chimn ey,a haml et in Bampton-in

the-Bush (Ox f. ) 2 50t.Chilton (Berks) , 393 .

hippen ham (Wilts) , 146.

Cholsey (Berks) , 2 2 3 .

Church door, 2 73h, 436.

Cioln oth, ab p. Can t. , 1 l om.

C leob u ry (Salop) , 444.

C lere (Han ts) , 353 .


e at Hoo (Ken t) , 453 .

C list 249 , 263, 3 2 2 .

Clovesho , 36, 63, 65 , 7 1 , 286.

Cnut, Kg. , 393 .

Coast—guard S ervice, 2951.Coats ofmail, 2 2 2b , 2 251.Cob ham (Ken t) , 1 74h .

Cockayn e, Oswald, The Shrine, 388.

Codex Ex on ien sis, 25 I t , 2 57.Codex W inton ien sis, 348 .

Coenred, Kg. Mercia,1 7t.

Coenuulf, Kg. Mercia, 48 , 65 , 75, 86.

C o llingb ourn e (Wilts) , 168m.

C ollinson , H istory of S omerset, 271 .

Collumpton 146.

Common Land, 3631, 36415.

Compton (Berks) , 383.

Con cordat, l 14t .

Confirmation,a strong tie, 16z b .

Coni sb orough (W. Rid ) , 2 1 9 .

Conveyances, _old on es repudiated

and den ounced, 362m .

Cookham (Berks ) , z 1 7m.

Cootc,H .C . , TheRomans inBri tain ,2 2 2

, 394, x civ.Opford (Essex ), 2 1 5 .

Corfe (Dora ) , 428 .

Corn ,rye, 3 1 2 t .

Corn ish Local N ames, 2951, 296.

Dialect,2 7 1 .

Corston 268m.

Court Baron , lx iii, lx x u .

Court Leet , lx iii .Cows, 1 09r, 2 2 81.

Crawley (Han ts) , 290h.



ton the bpric. of, 169,


rewkern e 146.

rosses, as landmarks, 2941, 363b ;The Red Rood, 29 1 t ; The Old

Rood, 386m.

as decoration s of house or

person ; worn on the n eck, 2 231 ;of silver, 51b . weight, 2 25m ; of

go ld, 2 26h .

Cuddesdon 29 11.

Culm R . 3 2 7.

Culmstock 249, 3 28 .

Cumn or (Berks) , 38 1 .

Gumton (Berks) , 383 .

Cuthb erht, abp. Cant ., 35 , 37.u6b erht 2 751.uthred, Kg. Ken t

, 75 , 284.

Cynethryth, Ofla’

s queen, 5 2 61 ,

8 2 .

Cyn ewulf,Kg. Wessex , 56.

Damerham (Wilts) , 148b , 456.

Dan iel,b p. Win ton , 3 2 .

Dani sh thanes,242 b .

Darlaston 2 20.

Dart R .,266m.

Dartmoo r (Devon ) , 266.

Datchworth (Herts) , 2 76.

Davidson , J . B . ,2 55f, 266f

, 320,

3 26, 416, 419 , 47 2 .

Dawlish (Devon ) , 2 50t .Daylesford 20.


Dean (Han ts) , 146.

Deer, wild, 1 781 ; the roe , 3061.

Deerhurst 340 .

Den chworth (Berks) , 1g6m .

Den eb erht, b p. Worcester

,68 , 8 7.

Den ewulf,b p. Win ton

,290 , 35 2 .

Den ford (Berks) , 168 .

Dialogus de S caccar io , 460 .

Dicey, Professor, The P r ivy Coun cil,lx iv.

Dickinson , F . H . , 426b , 43oh.

Didmarton 444.

Dionysius E x iguus , his era An n o

Domin i,

’x x x f, x x x v .

Diora,b p . Rochester

, 33 2 .

Docking 240 .

Dodford (N han ts) 1 78 .

Dodoc, b p. Wells, 43 1 .

Domesday Book , 2 77 , 459 , 1x .

Donation of ZEthelwulf, lx x iii.Don caster (W. Rid. 2 20 .

Doves, 445m .

Down ton (Wilts) , 1 84n .

Drinking-horn s, 2 25h .

Droitwich 1 9m .

Ducklington 386.

Duckman ton 2 20t.

Ducks, 35 7t.

Dun stan,ab p. Can t . ,

1 98 , 2 02b , 2 10 ,2 1 21

, 385m ; Sain t,

z 1 7b , 2 3 2 .

Eadb erht, b p. S elsey, 2 2m.

Eadb erht, Kg. Ken t, 3 2 , 54, 33 1 .

Eadgar, Kg ,1 97fl


, 20 2m, 38 7 .


s law ,

z 3 1 t .

Eadgyth , q u . Eadweard, 378 .

Eadmund,Kg. English ,

1 75 , 3 79 .

Eadn oth , b p. Crediton, 4 2 1 .

Eadred,b r. Eadmund, 1 76 Kg.

20 2h, 380fl


, 38 5n .

Eadric, Kg. Ken t,1 0 .

Eadweard i , 146t , 1 58 , 1 62 , 2 90 .

ii,295 , 389 ;

‘Sain t ,’

2 2 51

iii , 3 78. 394Eadwig, Kg ,

2 0 2h ,291 , 384, 385

Eagles, 1 84m ,2 89h , 38 7h.

Ealdred, bp . W orc.

,247 ; ab p. Y ork


Ealhmund, Kg. Ken t , 41 0 .

Ealhswith , q u . A lfred, 1 471 .Eanb erht ofthe Hwiccas , 305 .

Eanmund rex 50b .

5 13

Eardulf,Kg. Kent

, 41 0 .

Earduulf,b p. Rochester

, 49 , 334Earls Barton (N Han ts) , lx x iv.

Easthope (Salop) , l 5gb .

Eastry (Ken t) , 77t, 8 2b .

E b b esb ourn e (Wilts) , 1 841.

E cgb erht , Kg. Ken t,83b .

Ecgb ert , Kg. Wessex,2 8 7 .

Ecgfritb , son of Offa, 3 1 1 Kg.

Mercia, 64.

Ecguald, sub regulus, 2 8 2 t.

Eddi (Heddi) , b p . Win ton,10 .

Egmere z41m.

E lder trees, 2931, 363t , 375t , 3861,389t.

E lford (Staff ) , 2 1 9 .

E lton , Origin s of E nglish History ,~

x cu .

Ely, z41 t.

Emendation of tex ts,1 89h .

English b ooks, 2 50b .

English College at R ome, 350t .

Ernulf, b p. R ochester

, 330 .

Epic language , lx x i, ciii .Episto lary form ofgran t , 2 5 , 54Essen den 2 76.

Everdon (Nhan ts ) , 1 78 .

Evesham,2 35 , 2 38 , 242b .

Ewes,1 09m .

Ex ecution , places of,E x e R . , 3 2 2 .

Ex eter,249, 3 2 1 , 3 2 8 .

E xhall 2 2 1 .

E xmin ster 146.

E xmouth (Devon ) , 2 26.

Eyton,M r .,

Dorset Domesday ,

Farleigh (Han ts) , 363 .

Farleigh (Ken t) , 1 5 7 .

Farn b orough (Berks) , 3 70 , 474.

Farnham (Sun ) , 1 2 9 .

Feoffmen t,x vii .

Ferry with machinery (l) , 1 98h .

Fersfield 241 .

Fishi ng rights,Flax , 2 39mN , 385b .

Flyford 444, 446m .

Fo lklan d, 1 2 2

,1 2 8 .

Fon thill (Wilts) , 1 62 , 1 64m , 430 .

Fordwich (Ken t) , 409 .

Forgery, 41 81 allegation of, 4441.

Fratern ization 79 .


Freeman , E . A . , 434 History of theN orman Con quest, 195 , 2 2 8 , 26 1 ,3 7 1 , 469 , 1x v, 1x x x vii, x c .

Frithestan,b p. Win to n , 2 90 .

Frome R . 1 1 81.

Frome 356.

Furz e,2661.

Gallows, 2901.Garford (Berks) , 1 96m.

Garston (Wilts ) , 1 5 .

GAUDY, at Can terb ury, 79 ann uallyfo r thr ee days at A ll Hallowtide,for the b rethren ofHo ly T rin ity,Win chester, 359t .

Gawin Douglas, 470 .

Geese, 801, 1 05 t, 1 1 1h .

Gengb erht (Iaenb erht) , ab p. Cant . ,

4fl o

Gib son , his View ab out Clovesho ,


Gilds, 264f.G isa, b p. S om.

, 341 , 378 , 43 1 .

G ittisham 42 7 .

G laston b ury, 1 0 , 2 1 , 42 5 .

G loucester , 1 s4m , 2 38 .

Gn eist, H istory qf the E nglish Constitution , lx iv.

Goats, 1 88b .

G odalming (Sun ) , 146.

Go ld mon ey, 2 o 3h , z 1 2 t,z 1 5m,

2 1 8b . 247h , 3 1 3b . 377b o

Go ld orn amen ts, 37 2b .

G o ldsmiths ; Wulfric,2 2 5h .

Grafton 444 .

Graven ey (Ken t) , 88 , 90 ,

G reek words used, 1 89b , 36Ih, 362 t .

Green ,J . R The Con quest ofE ng

land , 3 16, 440.

Greenstead 367 m .

Gregory the Great ; P astoa l Care

and Dialogues , 2 5 1 b .

Grimm , Rechtsaltar thumer, 467 ,

468 .

Grymb aldus sacerdos, BC5 7 I .

Guildford (Sun ) , 146.

Ham Faversham , Kent) , 141 .

Ham (Wilts) , 166 .

Han b ury 1 1 1, 3 1 1 .

Harleston 2 19 .

2 26.


Haro ld,eorl, 3 78 ; ‘

re x,


Harrietsham (Ken t) , 2 47 .


,242 .

Hastings 455 .

Hatfield 2 76 ; synod of,

453Hawks, W ild, 448h.

Haz el , 4451.Heab erht

,Kg . Ken t

, 335 .

Heathen b urial places , 1 79t, 1 98h ,2941, 3 7st. e79h

Heathored,b p . Worcester

, 56, 6 1 .

Helmets, 2 2 2 b .

Hemgisl, first ab . Glaston .,2 1 .

Henb ury 1 2 .

Henry 346.

Henry ofHun tingdon , 459 .

Hen s,1 1 1h .

Hercman,b p. Ramsb ury

, 342 .

Heriots, 2 23m .

Herrings , 378 t.Hertford, syn od of, 453 .

H ickes, Dr. G .

,hi s criticisms, 3 2 11.

H igham (Ken t) , 5 1 1.Hinksey (Berks) , 384.

Hlothari,Kg. Kent

,8,1 1 .

Hoar S ton es, 3061, 388m .

Holcomb 2 50t .

Ho lme z41 t .

H on ey, I I Ih , 377m .

Horn emere Hun dred, 342 .

Horn (in strumen t ) , 1,09h , 372b .

Ho rses, wild and tame, 2 2 11,2 27t,

2 28L

saddled, &c . , 2 I 8h , 2 261.

as gi ft-horses

,2 25 b .

Horsham 38 1 .

Hox n ey (S ufli ) , 241 .

Humb er R . 1 1 7m.

Hun stan ton 240.

Husingtree, 444 , 4461.

Hussey,Dr. , late Prof. Ecol . H ist. ,

38 5n .

Hygeb erht, abp. Lichfield, 6 1 62 .

Iaenb erht , ab p. Cant ., 5 1 , 6 1 .

Icken ild W ay, 3 79m , 38 3r.

Ickleton S treet, Berks, 374b .

Ide (Devon ) , 2 501.Indulgences , history of

, 41 8 .

Inc,Kg. Wessex

,2 1 the Laws of,

lx viiiff.


Mowat,J . L . G . Pemb roke Co llege,

38 5n .

Munden 2 76.

Mundham , N orth (Suss 28 2 .

Murray, Dr . , N ew E nglish Dicti onary, 437 , i x , 1i .

Myn de, yearly, 80 .

N adder R . (Wilts) , 430.

N aphtha (l) , 3831.N ewgate, 3 I 6h .

N ewgate Street, 3 1 81.

N ewtimb er 1 96mN .

N ewton (Devon ) , 249 .

N orfo lk, 343 .

N orton (S taff) , 2 1 9 .

(Devon ) , 249 .

N orwich , 24 1 .

N otgrove 40 .

N othelm,abp . Cant . , 3 1 .

N un cupatory will , 1 66, 2 1 21, 361h.

N un eham 2 94, 395t.

N un na,Kg. Sussex

,2 21.

N ursling (Han ts) , 246 .

Oakley (S taff) , 2 1 9 .

Oaks, the holy oak,

3 7 1 r .

the mighty oak,

447t .

the smo oth oak,


the b lack oak,

448t .

the tall oak,

449m .

Ship Oak,

3ogh b .

‘Five Oaks,

3ogh .

the green oak,’


the fou l oak, ’

38 2h .

the great oak,

3 l ob .

Rob in Hood’

s oak (1) 446m .

Ock R . (Berks) , 3 74, 38 1 , 38 7 .

Oda,ab p. Can t. , 1 86, 384.

Odo , b p . Bayeux , 433 .

OFFA ,Kg. Mercia, 26, 38 , 47 , 5 1 ,


s Dyke, 476 .

Offa ofE ssex, 3 1 1 .

Offham (Ken t) , 247 .

Oftfor , b p. Worcester,1 2m.

O ldbury 444.

Oliver ,Monasticon Dioceseos Ex oni

ensis, 2 7 1 .

0rdgar, ealdorman ,2 56.

Ordric , ab . A b ingdon , 342 .

Oscytel, ab p. York,198 .

Osen ey 2 23 .

Oshere , sub-kg. Hwiccas , 3 1 .

Osric , K g. Hwiccas,6.

Oswald, ab p. York , 2 07.

Othery 426.

Otters, 2 391.

Ox en ,2 23t, 2 2 81.

Ox ford, 2 3 1 t, 2 98 t .

Padstow 2 74m .

Pagan en emies, 83m , 88t , l o 1 t .

Pagham 28 1 .

Pangb ourn (Berks) , 385 .

Parker L ib rary,C . C . Coll . , Cam

b ridge, 269 , 369 .

Patching 1g6m.

Pauli,Prof. Reinhold

,1 30 .

Pear-trees men tion ed, 445h .

Peldon g6ym .

Pennard 4 26.

Pershore 2 38 , 340, 441 ,

443, 445Persius , his b ook, 2 5 1m.

Petrock, St . ,2 73h .

Pewsey (W ilts) , 146.

P iddle, R . 446.

Pirton 443 .

Po llock , Prof. , Land Laws, 394,li,lvi , x c, x ciii .

P on sworthy (Devon ) , 267t.Porphyry, 2 5 1h .

Porpo ises, 376b , 3 78t .

Portrait in a seal 1641.Powderham

,2 57m.

Powick 444. 447m .

Poyn ings 1 g6m , 455 .

Prosper, his b ook , 2 5 1h .

Pruden tius,his b ooks

,2 5 1h .

Psalters, 2 501.

Q uantock 146.

Rain e,Rev. Can on , 23 2t.

Ramsb ury (Wilts) , bpric. of, 1 78 .

Ramsey (Hun ts) , 343 .

Raven s,267t .

Reculver (Ken t) , 8b , 1 861, 1 88b ,4092«Redb ridge (Han ts) , 246.

Rib b le R . ,2 1 9 .

Rings, 2 231.

Ripon (W. Riding) , 438 .

Risborough (Bucks) , 2 2 2 .


Rochester, 3 , 2 7 , 3 2 , 49 , 53 , 57 ; 59,

Rodb orn e (Wilts) , 1 51.Rolleston 2 1 9 .

Rolleston,Dr .

,o n b eech and fir in

Britain, 461 , 474.

Rome, S t . Peter’

s,149b .

Ruckirige (Ken t) , 4101.Rul e ofS t . Ben edict

, 3g8m.

Salcomb e (Devon ) , 249 .

Salt L ib rary, 3 2 3 .

Salt S treet,

l 7gb , 450h .

Salt-works, 1 91, 2 5t, 33h, 8 71, 1071,1 1 2 t , 1 34h , 444m .

Salwarp R .

,1 9, 2 39 .

Sanders,W. Basevi


S u rvey Facsimi les, 29 2 , 3 2 5 .

Sanderstead 149 , 1 50 .

San dford 394.

Sand-pits, 448t .

Sandwich (Ken t) , 2971, 41 5 .

S chmid, Gesetz e der Angelsachsen ,

455Sco tch firs

, 475 .

Scrutton , M r. , L aw Q uarter lyReview

,lix .

Seal-rings, 1 641.S eb b i

,Kg . E . Sax on s , 1 3 .

Sedb ury 476t .

Sedulius, his b ook , 2 5 1m .

S eeb ohm,Eng lish Vi llage Com

mun i ty, 2 77 , 352 : 376, 378 : 461 ,lix ff, x ci.

S elden , 460 .

Selsey 2 2m .

S emley (Wilts) , 430 .

S emwick. (Wilts) , 430 .

S end 20 1 , 203 .

Severn ,R .

, 2 1, 376, 378 , 445m,


S ewold,ab . Bath

,z 7 1t .

S haftesb ury 42 8 .

Shakespeare , illustration from, 476 .

Sheen 2 2 1 .

Sheep men tion ed,1 05t, rogh, 283t.

pasture for 300, 1 8m .

meadows for, 389h.

wethers ,’

3 1 1 b .

Ships and Ship-tackle

,2 2 2b , 2 2 31.

Shockerwick (Wilts) , 476.

S idb ury (Devon ) , 249 .

INDEX . 5 17’

S idmouth (Devon) , 265 .

S igered, Kg. halfKen t, 49 , 33 1 .

S igeric, ab p. Can t.

, 2 1 7h .

S ilver mon ey, 377b .

S ilver plate, 3 1 31, 367 t, 372b .

S iward,ab . A b ingdon , 393 .

Skeat, Prof. , 1 1 , 269 , 369, 405 .

S laves, penal, 2 23b .

legally adjudged, 2 24b .

self-so ld,z y5m.

Sn odland (Ken t) , 2 88h.

Sn odsb ury 444 .

Sod, symb olical delivery of, 50t .So lsb ury, n ear Bath , 475 .

S on ning (Berks) , 453 .

S outhampton , 246m.

S outhstoke,


Sowey 426 .

Spelman, 460 .

Spon sors at Confirmation , 1 62b .

S tag-hun ting, 2 2 7t .

S tain es 30 2m .

S t . A lb an s, 39581

S tanmore (Berks) , 1 g6m.

Stanstead (Ken t) , 79 .

S tatius , 2 5 1m.

S taverton (Devon ) , 249 .

S t . Augustine’

s,1 0

,147, 2441, 2451,

247m .

St . Chad,Gospels of, 2 37.

S tealing ofdeeds , 3 1 .

S tedham 1g6m.

S teyn ing 38m .

S tigan d , ab p. Can t . , 343 , 377, 433S t . Martin

s (Can terb ury) , 1 37.

S toke Can on (Devon ) , 3 2 7.

S token church 465 .

S tokenham (Devon ) , 465 .

S tokes, Mr . Whitley,2 72 .

Ston e b ridges, 1 79t 85 m,1 881, 29 2h,

38 7b .

S tour R . (Ken t) , 1 1 , 98 .

(S taff) , 29 .

305 , 3 10 .

Stratford T ony (Wilts) , 1 841, 380n .

Stroat 476t.

S tub b s, Dr., 2 3 1 b Constitutional

H istory, 1 2 3, 342 , 1x iii.S elect Charters, 2 3 2t, 460 .

Reg istrant Sacrum Anglica

num, 2 4 1 , 3 53 .

Dunstan , 385 .


S turmin ster 146m.

S turry (Ken t ) , 8 .

Succession to land by customarylaw, 2 2 31.

S ueab raed, Kg. E . Sax on s, 16h.

Suffolk, 343 .

Suithulf,b p. Rochester , 1 5 2 .

Sun b ury 20 1 , 293 .

Sundridge (Ken t) , 2 1 0 .

Sunni ngwell (Berks) , 374.

Sussex , 2 8 1f.

Swegen , father ofCnut, 2 1 7h .

Switihun ,bp . Win ton ,

1 2 8 .

Swin e, pastures for, 601, 1 72 t .

large herds of, 1 091, l 4gb , 1 50,293b .

Swithulf, b p. Rochester, 338 .

Swords, b equeathed , 1 10t ; silverhilted, 2 1 8b , 2 2 5h , 2 26h ; with

gold scab b ard, 2 2 5h ; with pitted

hilt,2 2 5b ; a sword with a hand

marked on it, 2 2 7t.

Tacitus, German ia, 455 , lx vi,lx x x ix .

Tadmarton 1 92 .

Tailifer, 263 .

Tamworth (Staff) , 2 19, 3 1 31, 3 1 5 .

Tapers, 1 I 1h .

T eme R . 447b .

T en ts, 2 2 3m .

Test R . (Han ts) , 246.

T ex tus Roffen sis, 53 .

Thame R . , 292m .

ThamesR . ,294b , 374, 38 2, 385 , 388 .

Than et, 8 .

Theddelthorp 2 20t.

T heob ald , abp. Can t .

, 346.

Theodore, ab p. Can t .

, 453 .

Thom b ury 1 54.

Thorn s as lan dmarks, 379.


s thorn ,


the hoary thorn ,

3 70m.

‘the go b lin’

s thorn,


the great thorn ,

385 t.


s thorn ,


thorn with seat,

1 7 1 b .


s thorn,208b .

Thorpe , Dip lomata/rinm,2 28 , 47 1 .

Codex Ex on iensis, 2 5 2 .Thundersfield 146 .

Thun or,heathen god, 246m.

Thurki] , eorl,

2 291, 2301, 232 .

T idenham 375 , 476t.Tisb ury (Wilts) , 1 65 , 4 29 .

Titchb ourn e (Han ts) , 1 g6m .

Ti thing, sub division oftheHundred,164b .

Tofig, min ister, 434.

Topsham 249, 3 2 2 .

Torridge R . 3 26.

To stig, eorl , 378 .

Totn es 42 I .

Tredington 305 .

Trees the tall tree ,’ 3 7011 .Friday’

s tree ,’

38 7m .

B eora’

s tree ,’



s tree ,’

1g1 t .

Cyn ulf’

s tree ,’

1 99m.


s tree, 449 b .

Trigg (Com ) , 146r.

Trottersclife (Ken t ) , 60 .

Turkdean 41 .

Twickenham 1 7h , 414m .

Twyford (Han ts) , 35 1f.

U pton 444.

U uilfrid, b ishop, 2 8 1 .

Vigfusson , Dr. , Icelandic Dic

tionary, 456.

Vigfusson and Powell , Co rp us

P o eticnm B oreales, lx v .

Village Commun ity lx ii.Villula

,John de, 2 7 1 .

Walden (Herts) , 2 76.

Waldhere, bp. London ,16m .

Walsingham (N 241 .

W altheof. dux , 433 .

Wan tage (Berks) ; 147.

Wardour (Wilts) , 1 65 430 .

Warmin ster (Wilts) , 165 .

Warren,L eofric M i ssal, 2 53 .

Washington 38 1 n .

Watling S treet , 1 78h.

Watton (Herts) , 2 76.


s smi thy, 384t .

Wedmore 146h , 341 .

Weirs for taking fish, 376m.

Welford (B erks) , 1 89 .

Wellow 146.

Wells 341 .

Welwin (Herts) , 2 76 .

Qt larenhon 131325 5 , QBxforb .




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