HABIT 5 Seek first to Understand, Then to be Understood

Post on 26-Feb-2023

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Transcript of HABIT 5 Seek first to Understand, Then to be Understood

HABIT 5Seek first to Understand, Then to

be Understood

What does this quote mean?

There are 5 POOR Listening Styles:Spacing Out:

• Not listening because our mind is in another place

Pretend Listening:

• Not really listening, but we make comments like “yeah” or “sure” to make it seem like we’re paying attention

Selective Listening:•Only paying attention to the part of the conversation that interests us

Word Listening:•We listen to the words but we ignore the body language and miss out on the true meaning

Self-Centered Listening:

•When we see everything from our own point of view•“Oh I know exactly how you feel!”

What is Genuine Listening?

•Listening with your eyes, heart and ears

● Standing in the speaker’s shoes

● Reflecting on what has been said

Let’s take a moment to listen to what senior mentors Jeffrey and Alex have to say about genuine listening:

Let’s pause and listen to what senior mentors Mia and Kiersten have to say about active listening:

Remember the game, Telephone?

This game was where one person would whisper a message into another person’s ear and then than person would then whisper it into someone else’s ear.

Why did messages get messed up?

What could people do differently in order to end up with the correct message?

Relaying messages and understanding them is MUCH easier if you practice


What is the difference between Active and Passive listening?

Active listening, like Genuine Listening allows the listener to be INVOLVED in the conversation.

The listener may clarify for understanding and ask questions if confused.

The passive listener practices one of the 5 poor listening habits.

The passive listener isn’t able to help the speaker, answer the speaker or offer any guidance because he/she hasn’t been paying attention.

This month, try to think about the following things...

Why is listening important?

What are the characteristics of a good listener?

How can you become a better listener?

How will good listening habits impact your future (education, jobs, relationships, etc.?