Guitar Store Inventory - IdeaExchange@UAkron

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Transcript of Guitar Store Inventory - IdeaExchange@UAkron

The University of Akron The University of Akron

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Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects

The Dr. Gary B. and Pamela S. Williams Honors College

Fall 2021

Guitar Store Inventory Guitar Store Inventory

Alexander DiDonato

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation DiDonato, Alexander, "Guitar Store Inventory" (2021). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1443.

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Guitar Inventory System

Alex DiDonato

Senior Programming Projects

Spring 2021


The Problem 3

Analysis 6

Design 10

Interfaces at design time 25

Database Documentation 37

Test Data 38

Interfaces at run time 40

Conclusion 46

User Manual 47

What is the problem


The problem I want to solve is that I want to make a better program to track our inventory

and give our customers a chance to be order even if it is out of stock. I also wanted a priority list

so people can still order an item even out of stock. I am trying to find a way to integrate a

database into a website so customers can see when an item would go out of stock and how many

are left. I chose this project because I have a profound interest in guitars and doing inventory as

I work at Drug Mart. I also might want to open up a guitar business in the future and this will

give me an idea on how to do my website. I intend to solve it by making a website that

implemented a database to track the amount of stock left.



Employee side







I used this to analyze how users and suppliers would act in some scenarios and how events

would play out. The customer would buy an item and the supplier would note that the amount of

a certain guitar would decrease. I put in things that both would do and create possible scenarios

that this application would be used for.



This was the brainstorm phase for all of my use cases. I extracted the common nouns like

customer, order, and stock and created use cases. I also extracted things from each of the nouns

to form database tables and the foundation of the project.



The Domain classes that I decided to use were to identify certain aspects of a guitar, like brand

name, model, name, and year made. Other tables used different domain classes, such as

employee and customer first and last name to make sure that the correct person is identified. The

order status table used classes like itemOrdered and Order date to correctly identify the date of

the order. All tables also use Id as the primary key to accurately keep track of all of the data. All

of the domain classes will be listed below here.


EmployeeId, FirstName, LastName, Username, Password


Id, Brand, Model, YearMade, Amount, Price


OrderId, OrderDate, Brand, Model


CustId, CustFirstName, CustLastName, ItemOrdered



This ERD was a rough draft of how I was originally going to do this project. The shipments part

of it was changed to Guitar Inventory because I had no way to look at guitar inventory. The List

represents the priority list of people who ordered an item that was out of stock, which is related

to the orders because that shows that a customer ordered an item out of stock. I also related

orders to every entity because that is the centerpiece of keeping charge of stock.




This is the Domain Model class diagram with the tables for the database. I have the Employee

class separate because it has no relation to anything and its sole purpose is for security. The

other three tables are for keeping track of inventory and who has ordered something out of stock.

The order has many to many with the Guitar Inventory because many guitars can have many

orders at once. Priority List has one to many because one person could have one guitar or many




This is the state machine diagram that states that when an item goes to 10 or 3, it will do these

actions. When the amount hits 10, a message should pop up saying, “only 10 left, hurry before it

is too late.” When an Item hits 3, a message on the employee side should say, “only 3 left, place

an order for this item.”



When an Item hits 3, a message on the employee side should say, “only 3 left, place an order for

this item.” The bottom one is if the customer clicks buy it now and there is no more guitars. The

system will pull up the priority list and the customer fills out his or her information.



This is the activity diagram stating all possibilities when a user clicks buy it now. The system

will check if the item goes under 10 or less and act according to the programming. If it is 10 or

less, pull up the only x left message. If it goes under 3, the program tells the employee side to

order more stock. If there are none left, the Priority list page pulls up and the customer enters

their information to be sent to the priority list table.



This is the use case table that puts together the use cases into one table. This tells us all of the

possibilities and interactions between the customer and the supplier. All possibilities including

what happens as the amount decreases and eventually hits 0. The supplier will interact on the

last three cases as the customer directly influences the system by hitting buy it now.



This is the normalized Database schema with the tables for the database. I have the Employee

class separate because it has no relation to anything and its sole purpose is for security. The

other three tables are for keeping track of inventory and who has ordered something out of stock.

The order has many to many with the Guitar Inventory because many guitars can have many

orders at once. Priority List has one to many because one person could have one guitar or many







This is the Psuedocode for the website and how it is supposed to interact with the database. This

code is what sends data to the Employee portal and updates it there as well as on the website.

This code also has queries to make sure that the right item is being modified when the buy it now

button is clicked for a certain guitar. I also have a query to check if the amount for the guitar is

at zero, the following If then statement determines that if the item is at zero, cue the

OrderOutOfStock page, otherwise, the program continues as usual.



This is the user interface for the customers online guitar website. I made it as simple as possible

to make sure it interacted with the database. When the user clicks buy it now. The 20 on

whatever product they clicked went down to 19, then 18, and so on so forth. This change was

also reflected on the employee side in the guitar inventory page as it would show the change

there as well.





This is the security used for the employee side. This makes sure that the user logging in is in the

database before continuing. If someone tries to enter in their username and password and it is

not in the employee table, they will get denied access.




After you log in and get into the employee side. You will the Order status page pop up, and on

the bottom of that are two buttons. From there, you can click on the two buttons down on the

bottom that say “Priority List” and “Guitar Inventory”. The Guitar Inventory button takes you to

the Guitar Inventory Page and the Priority List takes you to the Priority List. When you go to

either of those pages, the format is the same and you can add things to the Guitar Inventory or

the Priority List. At the bottom of the two pages, there are also two buttons at the bottom that

say “Priority List” and “Order Status” for the Guitar Inventory Page and “Order Status” and

“Guitar Inventory” on the Priority List page. The Order Status, Guitar Inventory, and Priority

List pages are functionally identical. You can move around to each different page and edit the

tables on all of these pages.


Interfaces at design time



Source code







Database Documentation









Invalid data

I tested putting in a string for the amount even though it says it must be an integer. When I put

that in here, it would not let me move textboxes because the information in the textbox is not an

integer and it would not move unless someone corrected it.


Valid data

I tested this as valid data and this is how an entry should be entered into a database. I did this as

main testing to see if the program would run okay.


Interfaces at runtime







Error messages




A. I was able to bring most of my vision to reality but some corners had to be cut in order to

make some deadlines. I was able to bring the main concepts that I wanted but tiny details

had to be cut. Making the employee portal and the website were fine, the main issue I

have is integrating the database to the website.

B. The problem that I did not anticipate was the scope of the project as it should have been

bigger. I only had the employee side because I was trying to cut corners because I

thought it was too big and it was too late to do anything about it.

C. I learned how to connect a database to a website and how to apply the concepts I learned

in Systems analysis into this project. This also teaches me time management as I had to

balance this project, other classes, and life events that I did not expect to happen.

D. Considering this is only version 1 of my project, there is still a lot more I could have

done. For example, I could actually add a login form for the customers and make it more

like a shopping site as well. Other minor things that I would worry about are bug fixes

and changes to make the program run better.


Users Manual

This manual will show you everything you need to know about using this application, whether an

employee or a customer. To use the employee side, enter your username and password, and then

hit the log in button. This takes you to the Order Status page where you can see all of the orders

that have been placed. From there, you can click on the two buttons down on the bottom that say

“Priority List” and “Guitar Inventory”. The Guitar Inventory button takes you to the Guitar

Inventory Page and the Priority List takes you to the Priority List. When you go to either of

those pages, the format is the same and you can add things to the Guitar Inventory or the Priority

List. At the bottom of the two pages, there are also two buttons at the bottom that say “Priority

List” and “Order Status” for the Guitar Inventory Page and “Order Status” and “Guitar

Inventory” on the Priority List page. All of these buttons function the same, you click on a

certain button and they take you to the page that is listed on the button.

Customer Side

For the Customer, They will go to the shop and see 10 guitars that have a buy it now button on

all of them. When you click buy it now on any of the guitars, the number below it will go down

one as that shows it was purchased. When the amount hits 0 and you click buy it now, it will

take you to the OrderOutOfStock page. This is where you will insert your first name, last name,

and item you tried to order. When you click submit, a page that says you will be in contact with

us shows up, and the order you submitted gets sent to the PriorityList table in the database.