Green building(Ecological architecture

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Transcript of Green building(Ecological architecture

Green building(Ecological


1. Introduction

1.1 Ecological building concept and meaning

The so-called eco- architecture is based on the

local natural environment , the use of ecology , the

basic principles of building science and technology and

means of modern science and technology, reasonable

arrangements and organizational relationship between

architecture and other relevant factors , and between

buildings and the environment makes it an organic

combination, but also has good indoor climate regulation

climatic conditions and biological ability to meet

environment for people to live a comfortable life ,

forming a virtuous circle between systems people ,

architecture and the natural environment.

In today's world, with the rapid increase in

population and human predatory exploitation of resources,

resulting in sharp drop in resources, ecological

imbalance, environment is severely damaged, the question

of survival and development of humanity and the global

environment intensified between the ecological crisis

almost to the extent of the explosive. In the face of

grim reality, a lot of insight come to realize that

humanity itself is part of the natural systems that

support the environment and their solidarity. If the

environment is destroyed, it will seriously threaten the

survival and development of human and other organisms on

Earth. So that in urban development and construction

process, we must give priority to ecological issues, and

place it on the economic and social development as

important or even more important role ; while also

further the vision, take into consideration the problem

of rational use of limited resources, that we develop

today should be " not only meet current needs without

sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet

their needs ," which is the basic meaning of the 1992

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

" Rio Declaration " put forward ideas for sustainable

development, it is the common choice of the human

society, but also the behavior of all our criteria(Chi

Nan University, 2006). Building and creating an

environment to play in the human impact on the natural

environment aspects important role , therefore , in line

with the principles of sustainable development needs to

be designed , the impact on resources and the efficiency

of energy use on health, the choice of materials such

aspects Integrative thinking , making it meet the

requirements of the principle of sustainable development.

In recent years, the construction of the theory put

forward the theory of ecological construction and

ecological city , is the natural ecological principles as

the basis to explore the relationship between people,

architecture , nature between the three, as human beings

to shape one of the most reasonable and comfortable

environment for sustainable development . Eco-building is

the direction of the twenty-first century architectural

development.(High-tech ecological architecture [M], Lee

Huadong, Tianjin university press,09,2002)

1.2 Details to consider ecological building

Developers did not carry out an investment ,

should consider their own investment yield , but due to

the development of eco-building is a few years ago ,

technology is relatively new, and because of the small

number of completed construction adopted in the new

material and technology also no mass production, so now

for the traditional building construction costs

increased. As an architect , their own programs in order

to be adopted, it must take into account the feelings of

the developers , to find a balance between ecology and


Another point is to consider the technical

ecological building . Although today's society of science

and technology , many new materials, new technologies

continue to chant created, but there are some new

materials or new technology did not go through a real use

, it must differ between the laboratory and the real

natural environment Therefore, during the design, while

not excessive pursuit of the latest technology or the

latest materials, so it may cause the consequences of


1.3 Kuala Lumper City Center- The biggest and the most

famous shopping center in Kuala Lumper ,Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur is the seat of the Parliament of

Malaysia. It is the most populous city in Malaysia, with

a population of 1.6 million in the city proper as of

2010.It has a population density of 6,696 inhabitants per

square kilometer (17,340 /sq mi), and is the most densely

populated administrative district in Malaysia. Kuala

Lumpur is a primate city as it has an estimated

metropolitan population of 6.9 million as of 2007.

(Department of Statistics, Malaysia, 2010)




city Kuala Lumper

Kuala Lumpur City Centre is a multipurpose

development area in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The area is

located around Jalan Ampang, Jalan P. Ramlee, Jalan

Binjai, Jalan Kia Peng and Jalan Pinang. Designed to be a

city within a city, the 100-acre site hosts the tallest

twin buildings in the world, shopping mall, hotels,

office buildings and several hotels. A public park and a

mosque is also built on the area and open to everyone.

(WIKIPEDIA,GOOGLE) It seems to fit for the high demand

of consumption in Kuala Lumper.

Figure 2- The night view of KLCC

The picture above shows the night view of

Kuala Lumper City Centre. It actually looks so beautiful.

But the fact is Kuala Lumpur City Center has some ways to

improve to achieve ecological building. Such as the Kuala

Lumpur City Centre has a large scare of artificial

lighting cover the huge body of building all the night,

it cost a large unite of electricity consumption. The

lighting technology has to be developed significantly

today. The new technology can reduce the energy

consumption to make it more ecological. If also has a

large space to improve the ecological by use the

architecture technology. Some technology is improving the

water management, and some are improving the lightning

performance and ecological environment base concept of

ecological building.

2. Problem statement

2.1 Very high energy consumption of electric and water

Because of the artificial light cover of Kuala

Lumper City Centre keep lighting all night long. We can

image that how high the electric consumption about it.

The energy conservation technology is on lamp is use the

LED technology and energy changing technology. And use

the solar panel and waterpower to supply the electricity.

Figure 3- Solar panel roof

The high consumer demand must have the high

consumption of energy to support . Water is another

energy that we use always. According to the climate of

Malaysia. The average rainfall is 250 centimetres (98 in)

a year. So that The rain water recycling system is

really a good choice. For example collect the rain for

toilet flushing.

figure 4- rain water recycling system

2.2 High cost for ventilation system

Even all the shopping mall in Malaysia have a

high cost for ventilation system because of the sub-

tropical climate. Kuala Lumpur City Centre needs more

indoor green area. Green area provides the oxygen for

human. And the other reason is the green area can help

the building absorb over heat from solar energy. The

green area has a special specific heat capacity to

balance the thermal of buildings

Figure 5- Indoor green wall

2.3 Poor technical of maintenance and high cost for

maintenance and repair

The building maintains normally cause the large

payment. Such as the cleaning and repairing. The use of

new architecture ecological technology can improve the

functionality of the material. It can help the Kuala

Lumper City Centre to reduction the payment and waste.

Use this way to make the theatre more economically.

2.4 Air and water pollution

The bigger shopping mall is, the more pollution

it made. Kuala Lumper City Centre has to improve the

purification system of itself when discharge the water

after using them

3. Research objectives

From the design goals point of view, the general

functional modern architecture and spatial design goals

and meet the functional needs , the need to create a

suitable public space ; ecological building at the same

time meet the functional and spatial needs , emphasizing

achieve resource intensive and reduce environmental


Eco-building emphasis on resources and the

environment , emphasizing the building throughout the

life cycle to reduce the consumption of resources and

energy and reduce environmental pollution , roughly

summed up , eco- building throughout the life of the

basic goals are:

1. Reduce the consumption of resources and energy

2. Minimize the pollution from construction

3. Protection of the natural environment

4. Create a healthy and comfortable indoor and outdoor


6. Make the building ecological, economic balance

4. Research scope The scope of research is concentrate on discussion below is:

1. Study area is focuses on Kuala Lumpur City Centre shoppingmall area

2. The questionnaire focuses on the affective of architecturetechnology using in Kuala Lumper City Centre for improvingthe sustainability and ecological aspect.

3. The architecture ecological technology focuses on theecological, economic and social area.

4. To support the affect of using technology. This research isuse the test to provide result and recommendation.

5. Research Hypothesis

The researcher investigation is improving the ecological

aspect of Kuala Lumpur City Centre to examine the

ecological of Kuala Lumpur City Centre. The researcher

highlights three hypothesis and assumed that:

1. Use “Architectural Ecological technology” to improve

the sustainability of Kuala Lumpur City Centre.

a. H0=the architectural ecological technology can not

improving the sustainability of Kuala Lumpur City Centre.

b. H1=the architectural ecological technology can

improve the sustainability of Kuala Lumpur City Centre.

6. Research Questions

1.What is ecological building?

2.What factors are affecting the ecological of Kuala

Lumpur City Centre?

3.Why Kuala Lumpur City Centre needs to improve

ecological aspect?

4.What kind of architecture technology can improve the

sustainability of Kuala Lumpur City Centre?

5.What is the contribution of using ecological


7. Indication of research method

1. Personal interview to Kuala Lumper City Centre and

take some specimen images and find the part has

relationship about what topic research.

2. Make use of search sites to Search the information

about ecological building on the internet.

3. make assumptions to answer the problem

4. Conducted a questionnaire survey and collect the data

and analysis the data

Literature review

1.0 Introduction

In the 21st century , as people 's attention on

growing a greener future , green building will be more

and more conscious of green carbon will also be more and

more popular . Promote green low-carbon buildings , both

in the field of construction to implement the scientific

concept of development , improve quality and efficiency ,

building livable cities, the inevitable choice with

international standards , but also to promote the

construction industry, changes in development,

construction and real estate to promote the

transformation and upgrading internal demand . Many facts

prove that seek "green turn" in Chinese , is entering a

critical period , " low-carbon green building"

construction and development.(Wang Qijun . Traditional

Chinese residences [M] . 2006. 10)

Comfortable, healthy , and efficient living

environment is our common pursuit. Just as the negative

effects of different levels of the "sunshine after the

storm" a lot of livable homes and grand public buildings

in the construction and operation of the process,

inevitably consume a lot of natural resources and

energy , and the environment arising. At the same time to

improve and enhance the quality of living environment,

and how to promote the effective use of resources and

energy, reduce pollution, protect resources and the

environment, is the key problem facing the construction

industry , but also the industry 's efforts to resolve

the major issues(Ecological building energy efficiency

technology and case analysis, China Electric Power

Press,2007). The concept of sustainable development

integrated into the architecture of the whole life

process, namely the development of green building has

become an inevitable trend of future development of

building technology.

2.0 Definition of green building(ecological


Green building "green " and " building" should be

a person living space , the more perfect combination of

the natural environment and energy saving , does not

refer to a single sense of three-dimensional green , roof

garden, but represent a concept or symbol refers to the

building harmless to the environment , natural resources,

make full use of the environment , but also known as

sustainable building , ecological building , return to

nature building , construction and other energy saving.

Green building refers to the construction of the

entire life cycle (planning, design, construction ,

operation, dismantling , re-use ) , to maximize

conservation of resources ( energy, land , water,

materials ) , to protect the environment and reduce

pollution , providing people with health, applicable and

efficient use of space, building in harmony with nature.

Conceptually, green building mainly contains three

points: First, energy saving, the saving is in the broad

sense , including the " four " mentioned above , the main

emphasis on reducing the waste of resources ; second is

to protect the environment , emphasis on reducing

environmental pollution , reduce carbon dioxide emissions

; Third, to meet the requirements of people use, to

provide people with "healthy ", " apply " and "

efficient" use of space.(Chi Nan University, 2006)

3.0 Concept of green building design

3.1 energy conservation and efficiency

Make full use of solar and other renewable energy

sources, the use of energy-efficient building envelope

and heating and air conditioning to reduce the use of

heating and air conditioning . Set air cooling system in

accordance with the principles of natural ventilation ,

so that the building can be effectively used in summer

the prevailing wind direction . Building is adapted to

local climatic conditions and the overall layout of the

flat form

3.2 Adapt to the environment , protection of


Building design should take full advantage of the

surrounding natural site conditions, to maintain the

continuity of history, culture and landscape ; fully

consider the architectural style of the local ecological

environment under climate characteristics , scale to

maintain coordination with the surrounding environment ,

to minimize the negative impact on the natural

environment . Green building is a building suitable

climate , climatic characteristics that follow low-energy

building design.

For exsample the Huizhou architecture is typical

of the type of building microclimate regulation , very

hot summer , to the room will feel very cool. Huizhou

architecture mostly two-tier structure , occupied the

first floor , second floor, piled straw and grain, grain

and straw became insulation, building upper and lower ,

the temperature difference between inside and outside as

much as 5 degrees difference . Huizhou architecture kiln

is the seasonal heat storage in the ground , and then

used for the construction of heating or cooling

temperature, to save energy.(Chinese residents in Myanmar to

hold lion dance competitions

3.3 Conservation of resources

In selecting building design , construction and

building materials , and are considered rational use and

disposal of resources. To reduce the use of resources,

and strive to make use of renewable resources.

Conservation of water resources , including water

conservation green. Green building design and management

should be optimized , select the appropriate

technologies, materials and products, rational use and

optimize the allocation of resources , reduce the

possession and consumption of resources , maximize the

efficient use of resources , and actively promote the

comprehensive utilization of resources, to extend the

building whole life, enhance its performance and

adaptability.(Tsinghua University,2003) Green building is

a can actively interact with the environment ,

intelligent , adjustable system. Therefore , it requires

an outer layer material and structure of the building ,

on the one hand as an energy conversion interface, the

need to collect, convert natural energy and prevent loss

of energy; the other hand, the outer layer must have the

ability to regulate the climate to eliminate, reduce and

even fluctuations in climate change , the indoor climate

to stabilize , and the realization of this ideal must

depend largely widely used in the construction of high-

tech future.(Apaa Golsen, ecological building,01 2002)

3.3.1) Rational use of green building materials, local

materials ( mainly wood ) , try using a smaller impact on

human health of building materials, including no

radiation , low volatility , low active material ;

addition, paints, glues , adhesives, select tile , carpet

, wood and insulation , in addition to considering the

excellent performance , but also began to emphasize did

not release toxic substances

3.3.2) Focus on the use of energy-saving wall insulation

materials . Exterior wall thermal insulation materials

are thermal insulation materials, only the general

population in terms of heating and air conditioning ,

maintenance through the use of insulation materials,

energy savings of 50 % to 80% on the existing basis.

3.3.3) Green building advocates the use of solar and

other renewable energy sources . For example : the use of

air conditioning condensation heat domestic hot water as

an auxiliary heat source , the use of solar and

geothermal energy to produce hot water , as hot water in

daily life . The use of solar photovoltaic power systems

to support their daily lives. Laying optical fiber in

concrete, can often be monitored under load conditions by

force member, self-healing concrete practical

applications available. Surface of the building material

to breathe through the multifunction organization can

purify the air inside the building and reduce the

temperature. Open shape memory alloy materials can be

used to adjust the louver vent or air conditioning system

automatically adjusts the bright sun . The surface of the

solar cell structures can provide energy for heating and

lighting needs (Jinan old buildings,2007).

Whatever the technology , the use of green

building is always based on resource conservation

(reduce), recycling (reuse), the production cycle

(recycle) , and several other aspects . Secondly , in the

form of green building energy must be conducive to the

collection of the outer buildings will no longer be

"internal" and "external" dividing line , but will

gradually become an interface with multiple functions.

Green building materials and forms will be diverse,

especially in the outer layer of the material will be

highly integrated , efficient and versatile , and, with

the development of high-tech . Construction industry will

maximize the absorption of advanced technologies , can

create a more suitable living , highly tech building

harmonious environment with nature(The modern city design

theory and method[M],2001)

3.4 Comfortable and healthy living environment

Green building should reasonably consider users'

needs and strive to create a beautiful , harmonious

environment. Improve building indoor comfort , improved

indoor environmental quality, safety , reduce

environmental pollution , while creating the conditions

for people to improve work efficiency.

3.5 harmony between nature , architecture and


Green building core content is to minimize energy

and resource consumption, reduce damage to the

environment , and as far as possible will help improve

the living quality of the new technology , new

materials : to have a reasonable siting and planning, as

far as possible to protect the existing ecosystem reduce

the impact on the surrounding environment , and give full

consideration to natural ventilation , sunlight ,

transportation and other factors. To achieve efficient

resource recycling, to make use of renewable resources.

Adopt solar, wind , geothermal, biomass and other natural

energy as possible. Minimize waste water , waste gas,

solid waste emissions , the use of eco- technology and

resources harmless waste disposal . Control various

levels of indoor air pollution chemical substances to

ensure that indoor ventilation, good sunlight conditions.


Propose of "Green building" architectural design

and technology to bring a change in philosophy on .

Creating suitable for people to live, work and other

social activities carried out at the same time , maximize

resource utilization, reduce environmental pollution ,

which is a given era of science and technology workers

building the glorious and arduous task, but also our

society should bear responsibility. (The high-tech

ecological architecture development, China Architecture &

Building Press,09 2008). Green building is the current

situation with the dangerous nature of human beings to

survive , constantly on the verge of imbalance seek

sensible strategy, it warned people must rebuild harmony

between man and nature organic unity , realize the

coordinated development of social economy and high levels

of natural ecosystems , establishment of symbiosis

between man and nature interest , ecological and economic

prosperity of the relationship between the sustainable

development of civilization.(Wang Qijun . Traditional Chinese

residences [M] . 2006. 10)