Geodiversity audit and Action Plan for Bistrita Ardeleana Gorge (Bistrita-Nasaud County, Romania)

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Studii și cercetări de Geologie-Geografie, 19, Complexul Muzeal Bistrița-Năsăud, 2014, p. 61-73



Ioan BÂCA1

Abstract Geodiversity Audit is an inventory and assessment process, wich represents the basis for

elaborating the Geoconservation Action Plan. The geodiversity includes the abiotic factors (rocks,

minerals, soils, landforms) that sustain the life on the Earth, and owns economic, social, environmental,

tourist and educational functions. This study proposes an audit of geodiversity from Bistrița Ardeleană

Gorge, and an Action Plan for future planning and tourist valorization projects by local and county

authorities. Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge is a geomorphological subunits located in the eastern part of

Bistrița-Năsăud County, in the Bistrita Bârgăului commune and on the Bistrița Ardeleană River, at the

border between Călimani Volcanic Plateau (Dealul Negru-Poiana Cofii) and Bârgău Mountains (Bridirei

Ridge-Dealul Pietrei-Ariniş). Normal and periglacial modeling exented on volcanic conglomerates from

here has generated a spectacular landforms represented by the residual slopes, residual ridges and rock

formations (walls, towers, poles, apostles). By their configuration and geomorphometry parameters

(height, width, slope, energy, fragmentation) these landforms has a great potential for engaging in

scientific and recreational activities (hiking, scrambling, ghyll scrambling, gorge walking, rock hopping,

rock climbing, rappelling, via ferrata, tyrolean traverse, canyoning, mountain biking).

Key words: geodiversity, geoheritage, geoconservation, action plan, geosite, Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge,

volcanic conglomerates, activ leisure


Definig geodiversity

The geodiversity is a concept used by geologist in the 1990s to describe the variety of

abiotic nature. After Stanley (2001), ”geodiversity is the link between people, landscape and

their culture: it is the variety of geological environments, phenomena and processes that make

those landscapes, rocks, minerals, fossils and soils which provide the framework for life on

Earth”. Other definition states that the geosdiversity ”is the geological diversity or the variety of

rocks, fossils and minerals and natural processes” (Prosser, 2002), ”geodiversity underpins

biodiversity” (Burek, 2001), and ”represent the abiotic factors, which together with biodiversity

give a holistic view of the landscape” (Burek, 2002), and ”the variety of earth materials

(minerals, rocks, sediments, fossils, soils and water), forms (folds, faults, landforms) and

1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.Corresponding author:

Ioan Bâca, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Bistrița Extension, Andrei Mureșanu

St., 3-5, Bistrița, Romania, E-mail:

processes (tectonics, sediment transport, pedogenesis) that constitute and shape the Earth, either

the whole or a specific part of it” (Gray, 2003).

The geodiversity, it`s an important part of geosystem, wich has more function, such as:

a)economic function: it provides the raw materials for building (stone, clay, gravels, sand), the

fuel (coal, oil, gas), metals for industry, and the soils for agriculture;

b)social function: the location of many settlements is influenced by the distribution of mineral

resources (coal, oil, metals), water (ground waters, surface waters), soils (fertile or less fertile),

and landforms configuration (orientation, altitude, fragmentations, energy, slope);

c)environmental function: geodiversity plays a major role in defining the landscapes (landforms,

soils,natural and anthropic processes); the complex relationships between geology, natural

processes, landforms, landscape, soils and climate are fundamental to the distribution of habitats

and species; geodiversity plays a key role in environmental regulation (reducing pollution,

buffering climate change, filtering, purifying and storing water);

c)tourist function: spectacular geology forms the backdrop to many of most popular tourist

locations, and the geosites are often of great recreational and tourism value, inspiring people to

enjoy or learn about nature;

d)educational function: many geodiversity sites are used for outdoor education, because they

provide a chance to study ancient volcanoes, caves, environmental changes, and collect and

record fossils or minerals.

Along with biodiversity and cultural creations, geodiversity it`s part of the total assets of a

geographical area, and its knowledge is needed to establish the geological and geomorphological

sites and to elaborating the strategies for protection and conservation of natural heritage.

The geodiversity of an area may be considered to be a support for the other components of

the environment, and encompasses:

-sites or natural features which are deemed worthy of some form of designation or protection for

the quality of Earth heritage features displayed;

- sites or natural features where representative examples of the area's Earth heritage may be seen;

-sites and natural features currently employed in interpreting Earth science;

-resource potential for geotourism and education;

-the whereabouts and nature of past and present working of mineral products;

-the influence of earth science in shaping the man-made environment, urban landscapes and

architectural heritage;

-natural hazard management;

-the inter-relationship and inter-dependence between Earth heritage and other interests, for

example biodiversity, arcaheology, history.


To accomplish this study were taken the following steps:

-consulting some Geodiversity Audits and Action Plans and Reports drawn up for specific areas

(Australian Natural Heritage Charter, 1997; Australian Natural Heritage Charter, 2002; Durham

Geodiversity Audit, 2004; Local Geodiversity Action Plans –Setting the context for geological

conservation, 2006; Doncaster Geodiversity Assessment, 2007; North Pennines-Geodiversity

Action Plan, 2010);

-consulting literature in geodiversity issues (Azevedo, 2006; Brilha, 2005; Burek, 2001; Burek,

Potter, 2002; Burek, Potter, 2006; Farsani et a., 2011; Gordon et al., 2012; Gray, 2003; Gray,

2008a; Gray, 2008b; Martinez-Frias et al., 2009; Kiernan, 1996; Kiernan, 1997; Kozlowski,

2004; Nieto, 2001; Pemberton, 2000; Piacente, Coratza, 2005; Prosser, 2002; Ruban, 2010;

Soutberg, 1990; Sharples, 1993; Stanley, 2001);

-consulting works about Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge (Naum, Butnaru, 1989; Rusu, 1998; Bâca,

Șteff, 2010);

-conducting field for inventory and assessment geodiversity in Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge

(Bistrița-Năsăud County, Romania).

Study area

Geographic location

The Bistriţa Ardeleană Gorge are located in the eastern part of the Bistrița-Năsăud

County, in Bistrița Bârgăului commune (fig. 1), are oriented in the WNW-ESE direction, have a

length of 6 km and connecting The Bistrița Bârgăului Depression and Colibița Depression (fig.


Fig.1.Geografical localisation of Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge in Bistrița-Năsăud County

Fig.2. The Geomorphological system Bistrița Bârgăului Depression-Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge-Colibița


Bistriţa Ardeleană Gorge were carved in the volcanic conglomerates of Călimani Plateau

(ashes, sands, gravels, andesitic blocks) from the upper pliocene by paleo Bistrița River who has

its spring in Poiana Calului area (the present Repedele creeek), and was heading westward where

it met with paleo Bârgău River (paleoTiha) at Prundu Bârgăului (fig. 3).

The antecedent and epigenetic brain of this river is confirmed by the two levels of erosion

in the gorge, located at 1000-1110 m (upper level) and 800-900 m (lower level) (fig. 4). Bistriţa

Ardeleană Gorge were carved in the volcanic conglomerates of Călimani Plateau (ashes, sands,

gravels, andesitic blocks) from the upper pliocene by paleo Bistrița River who has its spring in

Poiana Calului area (the present Repedele creeek), and was heading westward where it met with

paleo Bârgău River (paleoTiha) at Prundu Bârgăului.

Fig.3. Geographical position of Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge in Easthern Carpathian Chain

Fig.4. Erosional levels in Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge

The geodiversity of Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge

Fluvial and periglacial modeling exercised on volcanic conglomerates of Călimani Plateau

has generated a variety of forms, wich, depending on their genesis, can be grouped as follows:

a)fluvial landforms: narrow and deep valleys, inclined slopes, narrow heights, riverbeds, terraces,

alluvial fans;

b)periglacial landforms: microcanyons, gorges, residual slopes, residual peaks and ridges, cliffs,

excavation, cryonivale funnels, ravines, rocky formations (needles, towers, columns, walls,

apostles), steeps, caves, debris slopes, steps and waterfalls;

c)biogene landforms: animal paths, excavations, grassed mounds, steps on the riverbeds;

d)anthropogenic landforms: concrete dams, forest roads, trenches and pits, steeps, concrete

surfaces, bridges, leveled surfaces, mounds.

For identify this types of landforms it was elaborated the inventory and assessment sheet

(table 1).

Table 1. The draft of Geodiversity Inventory and assessment sheet

Area Genetic landform type Landform type Observations

Fig.5.The geomorphological map of Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge

Regionaly geosites/geomorphosites

To determine representative geosites in Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge the following criteria were



-scientific value;

-ecological value;

-aesthetic, recreation and amenity value;

-education value;

-economic value;


Main geosites taken into study were Șoimu Valley, Stegea Valley, Repedea Valley and Piatra

Mare massif, which are distinguished by outstanding geological and geomorphological features

(table 2)

Table 2. Regionaly geosites in Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge


Șoimu Valley

Stegea Valley

Repedea Valley

Piatra Mare Peak


Forest road

Forest road

Forest road


Scientific value Erosional processes

in volcanic


Erosional processes

in volcanic


Erosional processes

in volcanic


Erosional processes

in volcanic


Ecological value Forests, mammals,

birds, reptiles

Forests, mammals,

birds, reptiles

Forests, mammals,

birds, reptiles,

protected area

Forests, mammals,

birds, reptiles

Aestetic value Residual rocky


Residual rocky


Residual rocky


Scenic point,

residual rocky


Educationl value Residual landforms,

forest ecosystem,

consequences of


Residual landforms,

forest ecosystem,

consequences of


Residual landforms,

flood erosion


protected area

Residual landforms

Economic value Forest exploitation, capture hydropower

plant, collect the

berries and


Forest exploitation,

collect the berries

and mushrooms

Forest exploitation,

collect the berries

and mushrooms, capture hydropower


Collect the berries

and mushrooms

Threats Deforestation, floods


Deforestation, floods


Deforestation, floods



The Geodiversity Audit and Action Plan


The purpose of this audit was to assess and identify key geodiversity in Bistrița Ardeleană

Gorge, and to elaborate an action plan for geoconservation of this site, and for its sustainable

recovery through recreation and tourism.

The objectives of the audit and action plan are to:

-provide information on the geological and geomorphological history of the area and its

relevance to the Bistrita Ardeleană Gorge and the wider north flank of Călimani Plateau (Dealul

Negru Ridge);

-highlight the importance of the area in the development of earth sciences (geology,

geomorphology, biology);

-identify key sites of geodiversity interest, including an assessment to establish economic value

and tourism potential, access conditions and recreational opportunities, geoconservation

challenges and opportunities, education and learning opportunities, current site use;

-illustrate any geological connections with landscape and biodiversity, built and cultural heritage

(Repedea Valley Protected Area, Bistrița Bârgăului commune);

Strategic planning guidelines applicable to the area include:

-to conserve the natural environment (periglacial landforms, ecosistems, rivers);

-to protect and manage areas designated for their scientific interest (Piatra Mare massif, Repedea

Valley, Stegea Valley);

-to protect, enhance and encourage appreciation of the region’s landscapes;

-to conserve the Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge by respecting and protecting its setting, conserving its

physical features, managing change, and controlling access and tourism impacts in a sensitive


-to promote a sustainable approach to the provision of tourism infrastructure (scenic points,

observation towers, stop overpoints, tourist panels, tourist paths, climbing routes);

-to establish a world-wide image for Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge, as and attractive places to visit;

-to enhance and develop the ‘distinctiveness’ of the region as a key element of its tourist product.

This action plan is intended to guide the work in the Bistrita Ardeleană Gorge and could be

divided into five sections (table 3):

-enhancing local understanding of geodiversity;

-collecting and managing information on local geodiversity;

-conserving and managing local geodiversity;

-construction of facilities for tourism and leisure;

-achieving geopark status.

Table 3.The structure of Action Plan for Bistrița Ardeleană Gorge

Themes Objectives Actions

Timescale Costs Partners Observations

Enhance local




Rise awareness and interest of local communities, local authorities, and tourists

Field trips, video projections, symposium, development of brochures, location of information boards

2014-2016 In work Bistrița

Bârgăului City

Hall, Babeș-






Harta Verde




and managing


on local


Implementation of a database

Development of questionnaires Processing information from the locals

2014-2016 In work Babeș-Bolyai


Harta Verde







and managing



Development of strategies

The establishment of thematic routes, identify high-value geosites

2014-2016 In work Bistrița

Bârgăului City


County Council


Harta Verde




Agency of




Construction of facilities for tourism and leisure

Tourist exploitation of the area, increasing the income of the local population, promoting the image of the area

Arranging places to rest, observation towers, information boards, camping

2014-2016 In work Bistrița

Bârgăului City


County Council







Protection and conservation of geodiversity

Drawing up the specific documents

2014-2016 In work Bistrița

Bârgăului City


County Council





Agency of


Harta Verde



Stakeholders implicated in this Action Plan are The Local Council of Bistrița Bârgăului

commune, The Council of Bistrița-Năsăud County, tourist organizations (Călimani Club,

Schreiner Sport Club Association), bike associations (DHL Bistrița, Urban Bistrița, etc.), County

Mountain Rescue Team Bistrița-Năsăud, tourist services providers, etc.


Bistriţa Ardeleană Gorges, through the landforms of detail, through access made easy

(County Road) and by proximity to the centres that provides tourists (Bistrița, Prundu Bârgăului,

Colibița) is a representative tourist destination in the County of Bistrița-Năsăud for travel sports

activities (hiking, climbing, canyoning, scrambling, mountain biking), and for didactic activities

by students and master students of Faculty of Geografy and Phisical Education and Sport from

Babeș-Bolyai University-Bistrița Extension. This audit has removed the natural potential of this

area that requiers for the future a series of strategic actions for the geoconservation and for

development and exploitation of this tourist destinations, among which can mention: the marking

of hiking, scrambling and mountain biking trails, the placing of direction indicator to certain

sights and informative panels, the marking of climbing routes and their equipment with insurance

assets (anchors, hooks), the arrangement of resting places and scenic platforms, establishment of

via ferrata routes and their corresponding equipment, fitting bike park in Poiana Stegea, etc., all

of which can be included in a geopark/theme park of adventure.

The actors involved in these activities are: Local Council of Bistrița Bârgăului commune,

Bistrița-Năsăud County Council, the Directorate For Youth and Sport Bistrița-Năsăud, Babes-

Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca by the faculties of Geography and Physical Education and

Sports from Bistrița Extension, County Mountain Rescue Team Bistrița-Năsăud and the service

providers in the area.


Auditul Geodiversității și Planul de Acțiune pentru Cheile Bistriței Ardelene (județul

Bistrița-Năsăud, România).

Geodiversitatea este un concept utilizat de geologi în anii 1990 pentru a descrie varietatea

abiotică a naturii. După Stanley (2001), "geodiversitatea este legătura dintre oameni, peisaj şi

cultura lor, este o varietate de medii, fenomene şi procese geologice care fac din aceste peisaje,

roci, minerale, fosile şi soluri cadrul pentru viaţa de pe pământ". Prosser (2002) afirmă că

geosdiversitatea "este diversitatea geologică sau varietatea de roci, fosile, minerale şi procese

naturale" , care ”stă la baza biodiversităţii" (Burek, 2001), şi "reprezintă factorii abiotici, care,

împreună cu biodiversitatea oferă o holistică a peisajului" (Burek, 2002). Gray (2003) consideră

geodiversitatea "o varietate de materiale (minerale, roci, sedimente, fosile, soluri şi apă), forme

(culte, falii, forme de relief) şi procese (tectonice, transport de sedimente, pedogeneză), care

constituie întreaga planetă sau o parte specifică a acesteia". În acest context, studiul de față și-a

propus identificarea și evaluarea diversității geologice și geomorfologice din Cheile Bistriței

Ardelene în vederea elaborării unui plan de acțiune pentru geoconservarea acestei subunități

geografice și pentru valorificarea sa durabilă prin activități recreative.

Cheile Bistriței Ardelene sunt o subunitate geomorfologică situată în partea de est a

județului Bistrița-Năsăud, pe teritoriul comunei Bistrița Bârgăului și pe râul Bistrița Ardeleană,

la limita dintre Platoul Călimanilor (Culmea Dealul Negru-Poiana Cofii) și Munții Bârgăului

(culmea Bridirei-Dealul Pietrei-Ariniș). Modelarea fluvială și periglaciară exercitată asupra

aglomeratelor vulcanice de aici a generat un relief spectaculos, reprezentat prin văi adânci și

înguste, abrupturi, versanți reziduali, creste și formațiuni stâncoase reziduale (ziduri, turnuri,

stâlpi, apostoli), culoare crionivale, văiugi, surplombe, grote, trene de grohotișuri.

Prin configurația și parametrii lor geomorfometrici (înălțime, lățime, pantă, energie,

fragmentare) aceste forme de relief prezintă un potențial atractiv deosebit pentru practicarea unor

activități recreative de drumeție, ascensiune montană, rock hopping, escaladă, rapel, via ferrata,

traversare tiroliană, canyoning și mountain biking.


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