Don't Take the Girl - A Twilight Fan Fiction By: Sparklingwand

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Transcript of Don't Take the Girl - A Twilight Fan Fiction By: Sparklingwand

Don’t Take the Girl

A Twilight Fan Fiction

By: Sparklingwand


All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective

owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no

way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No

copyright infringement is intended.

The characters and events in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living

or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. No part of this fiction may be

reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the author’s

prior approval.

The information provided in regard to diabetes is not intended to, nor does it constitute as

medical or other professional advice. The views and knowledge presented in this story are

strictly that of the author’s. If you seek further information concerning this disorder,

please contact your medical provider or visit

This story has been rated M due to explicit language, strong sexual content and underage


Table of Content

Chapter 1: Age 8

Chapter 2: Age 11

Chapter 3: Age 13

Chapter 4: Age 15

Chapter 5: Age 15

Chapter 6: Age 16

Chapter 7: Age 16

Chapter 8: Age 16

Chapter 9: Age 18

Chapter 10: Age 18

Chapter 11: Age 18

Chapter 12: Age 18

Chapter 13: Age 19

Chapter 14: Age 19

Chapter 15: Age 19

Chapter 16: Age 19

Chapter 17: Age 19

Chapter 18: Age 23

Chapter 19: Age 23

Chapter 20: Age 23

Chapter 21: Age 24

Epilogue: Age 32


Author’s Note

Bella’s Daddy was taking her fishing when she was eight years old…

Don’t’ Take the Girl by Tim McGraw

~ Chapter 1: Age 8 ~

“Isabella Marie Swan!” Charlie cried out.

“Get your tiny hinny down here right now, young lady. If you’re not down here in one minute,

I’m leaving without you!” Charlie smiled. He loved taking his little girl fishing. It was a

special time for them. Renee had always told him it was because deep down he had always

wanted a boy, but Bella held a special place deep in his heart. This clumsy, bright, brown eyed

girl stole his heart the moment she came into the world. No sooner had she been delivered then

she had him wrapped around her little finger. Even as a newborn, she had a head full of dark

chocolate brown curls, and he couldn’t help but want to touch it. She was his. While he loved

his wife with all his heart, Renee could never belong to him like Isabella did.

“Coming, Daddy!” Bella hollered from the staircase. She was dressed in grungy denim overall

shorts and a bright yellow t-shirt. She had the fishing pole that Charlie had bought her last

Christmas in hand, and a smile that could light up the world was plastered across her adorable

face. She simply loved her Saturday trips with Charlie. She loved her Mom, but there was a

special bond with Charlie that she couldn’t live without. He was her Daddy. No one in this

world could take his place.

“There’s my girl.” Charlie beamed as Bella dropped her gear and jumped into his arms.

“You know, you spoil her too much.” Renee smiled as she walked up to them. She group

hugged her husband and daughter and then kissed her daughter on the forehead.

A knock at the door caused Renee to remove herself from the precious family moment. “That

must be Edward,” she said, as she went to answer the door.

Bella looked at her father completely confused. Edward? Bella struggled to think who she

knew named Edward. You could almost see the light bulb going off over her head when it

dawned on her who her mother meant. “Edward Cullen from school?” she shouted at her father.

“Yeah, hon. He’s going with us today.”

“What?!?! Daddy, noooooo.” Bella whined.

Bella couldn’t stand Edward Cullen. They were in the same second grade class. He constantly

made fun of her, calling her a nerd, a dork, a geek, and a few other choice phrases that she never

truly understood. Bella dreaded going to the playground because Edward was always there,

torturing her over bringing a book with her. She was only eight years old, but she had a love for

reading that consumed her. Edward on the other hand was a spoiled rotten, rich kid who didn’t

care about anything but when the next video game was coming out. At least that’s what she

thought of him. What Bella never really understood was that while Edward seemed to always be

picking on her, it simply was because he secretly had a crush on her.

He struggled with liking the Police Chief’s daughter. First of all, it scared Edward to death to be

anywhere near Charlie. The man carried a gun for a living, for goodness sake, and his dad

always told him to respect the law. Well in Edward’s opinion, Charlie was the law. He was the

Chief of Police of the town of Forks, Washington, and you just don’t mess with the head man in

charge. Second of all, Bella was beautiful. Even at the age of eight, Edward knew beauty when

he saw it. Bella was a bit clumsy, yes, but she was flawless as well. He couldn’t help but want

to touch her long brown locks and hold her soft chubby hand. Her teeth were slightly crooked,

and her knees were always scabbed up, but even with that, she was still very beautiful. Third

and finally, he knew that Bella was simply too good for him. She was smart, funny, every boy in

their class liked her, and he knew he couldn’t have her. So, instead of letting this little girl know

how he felt, he picked on her, teased her, just about anything he could to keep her attention on


Edward heard when Bella begged Charlie to take someone else, anyone but Edward Cullen.

“Isabella Swan. That is completely rude and uncalled for, young lady. Carlisle and Esme are

going out of town for the day, and they asked if we could watch Edward. I told them yes since

we were going fishing.”

“Daddy, no. Please not him,” Bella whined

“Bella, what has gotten into you?”

“What about Jake and Billy? There won’t be enough room on the boat for Edward, too. He can

stay here with Mom while we go.” Bella was sure she had an out on this one. While they all

could fit in Charlie’s fishing boat, there wouldn’t be much leg room. She wasn’t about to let

Charlie go without her, so that meant Edward would have to stay with Renee.

“Billy has to work today, honey. He and Jake won’t be joining us. It’s just us three.” He pointed

to them and Edward.

As Renee was ushered Edward into the living room, he’d noticed the look in Bella’s eyes. She

was frightened, and it broke Edward’s heart. He just wanted to get to know her outside the

realms of the schoolhouse. Maybe even become friends, but why would she want to get to know

him? He was cruel and vile to her.

“Please, Daddy. Anyone else, I don’t care who it is…” Bella points at Edward as he is walking

through the front door, “but Daddy, please don’t take that boy.” Bella bit her lower lip as

crocodile tears started to form in her eyes.

Charlie wanted to give into his daughter’s cries, but at the same time he knew she needed to do

this. He knew that she must have her reasons for not wanting Edward to come along with them,

but deep down he also knew that there was something between his daughter and this young boy

standing before him that would one day flourish. Don’t ask him why, he honestly couldn’t

answer, but there was something about Edward Cullen that even at this age, Charlie felt would

take care of his daughter, and that was the real reason why he agreed to take Edward with them.

Bella looked at Edward, and she had a mix of feelings. She had always thought Edward was

cute. He was tall for their age with bright green eyes and a smile that just sent tingles up her

spine. He was missing one of his two front teeth and slightly lisped when he talked. Even with

the front tooth missing it was easy to say that one day Edward Cullen would be a lady killer. His

reddish brown hair was always in wild disarray. Bella found it odd that his hair would stick up

around his head like that. Didn’t he know how to comb his hair after all? But there was the

Edward from school. He was mean. He picked on her persistently. It was almost like he looked

for a reason to pick on her daily. She hated that about him. Why was he so nice to Jessica

Stanley or Angela Webber? What had she done to make him hate her?

“Bella, honey, I know you don’t want him to go, but someday you’ll change your mind.”

Bella huffed and looked at Edward, “Hi, Edward.”

“Hi.” His face blushed a bright red shade.

Charlie put Bella on the ground. “Edward, have you ever been fishing before?”

Bella glared at Edward, “No, sssir.” Edward respectfully replied, with his slight lisp from

missing his front tooth.

Bella huffed.

“Bella, honey, why don’t you go get Edward a pole, and then we’ll head out.”

Bella stomped her feet all the way to the garage. How could a boy never have gone fishing

before? Bella searched through the fishing gear in the garage. She found her old Scooby-Doo

rod and tackle box. She figured she would embarrass Edward enough to prevent him from ever

wanting to go fishing with them again. She was going to show this little boy what it was like to

hang with a Swan.

She headed back toward the living room with her old gear in hand. When she got to the door she

heard her parents talking to Edward, so she stood in the background and eavesdropped on their

conversation. Edward talked so politely to her mother and father. If she didn’t know the real

boy behind the façade, she would have actually thought he was nice boy.

“So, Edward, how are you doing in school?”

“Fine, ma’am. Not as good as Bella, though.”

Renee and Charlie smiled at each other. “Oh, I bet you’re just being modest. I’m sure you’re

doing great in school. I know your parents are very proud of you.”

“Thank you, sssir, but no one in the class is as good as Bella. She is so funny and sssmart.”

Edward blushed again. Bella was surprised to hear Edward pay her any compliment. He usually

made fun of her for being smart. “Everyone in class likes her. “

“Do you and Bella hang out a lot at school? I know she talks about you.” Renee questioned

Edward’s face lit up, “She does? I mean, no, ma’am. Bella and I don’t get to talk much at


“Well, Edward, that’s a shame, but after today, maybe that will all change.”

Bella decided now was the time to intervene. She didn’t want to start talking to Edward, not

now, not ever. She hated him. He was pompous and cruel. Bella had such a high level of

reading; she actually knew the true meaning of pompous.

“Daddy, I found it.” She came bouncing into the room with the pole in her hand.

“Great, Bella.” Charlie stood up and handed Bella’s new rod to Edward and started walking

towards the door. “Come on, kids. Let’s get on the road.”

Edward stood and thanked Mrs. Swan for her generosity and headed towards the door, as well.

Bella was shocked. Her father had given her pole to Edward. Then she shrugged it off. Maybe

Charlie was just trying to make a gentleman out of him.

She quickly kissed her mother and started toward the door. When she reached the door she was

surprised to find Edward standing there waiting on her. He held the screen door open and

smiled. His toothless grin made Bella smile, and then she caught herself and stuck her tongue

out at him.

Edward smiled even bigger. He had the whole day with Bella, and he couldn’t wait. He was

going to befriend her if it was the last thing he did in his life.

Bella, on the other hand, was dreading this day. She could only think of the ammo he would take

back to school with him on Monday. He would have so much to torture her with. She felt

betrayed by her father.

The entire drive to the lake, she cringed. She was forced to sit between Charlie and Edward in

the old red Chevy truck that she and Charlie always took to the lake. The boat was hitched up to

the back, and with every bump and curve in the road she somehow got slammed into Edward.

Even when the curve should have forced her into Charlie, she still somehow ended up bumping

into the Edward instead. He always seemed prepared for the occurrence, almost like he

anticipated it. Because every time she was pushed into him, he somehow touched the bare skin

of her arm to brace her. It shocked Bella, the feeling she got when he would touch her. It nearly

felt like her skin was on fire. Later on in life, she would fully understand what that meant, but

right now it confused the eight-year-old girl. She didn’t understand the tingly feeling. She knew

she liked it, which confused her more because he was her enemy.

The three of them made it into La Push, and Bella’s normal excitement for the day’s events

finally took over her horror of Edward being there. Charlie jumped out of the truck and began

unhooking the trailer and boat as she and Edward unloaded the back of the truck. Renee always

packed a lunch for them in this old, raggedy picnic basket. They had a nicer one but Renee said

she didn’t trust them to not drop it in the water.

Edward smiled at her as their hands accidently touched while pulling out the poles, coolers, and

the tackle boxes.

“So, Bella…” Edward fished for something to talk to her about, “you like to fish?”

She shrugged. “Deduced that all on your own, Captain Obvious?”

“Huh?” It frustrated Edward that she was using big words to just to make him feel stupid.

“Nothing,” she spat off, “Yeah, I like to fish. My Dad and I do it every weekend when the

weather is nice enough.”

“Wow, that’s cool. My dad works a lot. He’s a doctor so he doesn’t get to stay home much.”

“I know, he’s a doctor, you stupid-head.”

Edward found himself blushing again. “I’m not a stupid-head. You’re a stupid-head, you


“No, you are!” Bella screamed as she threw her fishing pole down on the ground about ready to

tackle Edward.

“Kids… Kids!” Charlie bellowed at them. “No name calling. Bella apologize to Edward. He’s

your guest.”

“No, Dad! He’s yours. I don’t want him here. I would prefer Jake. Why Edward? We could

have brought Jake while his Dad worked. But you had to bring Edward Cullen!” Tears streamed

down Bella’s face. This beautiful boy stood beside her with a look of complete horror.

She didn’t want him there. He wanted to spend time with her, but she hated him. He did the

only thing he could.

“I don’t want to be here either. You can have your stupid Jake. I bet he’s as much a stupid-head

as you are.”

Bella’s tears streamed down her face, “At least he’s nice to me. You’re a big, ugly meany, and I

hate you.”

Bella regretted saying those words no sooner then they left her mouth.

“Bella, you don’t mean that.” Charlie felt sorry for Edward. It was clear that he really had

feelings for Bella.

Charlie remembered clearly how he felt with his first crush. Sue Uley, now married to one of his

best friends, Harry Clearwater, was Charlie’s first crush. He was about the same age as Bella

and Edward. Sue was absolutely adorable with her long, dark pigtails. Charlie couldn’t help

himself. He was just as mean to Sue as Edward was to Bella. He constantly pulled on Sue’s

pigtails and made her cry. He just wanted her to notice him, but little did he realize was making

her hate him instead.

Little boys have no clue how to deal with little girls. Hell, grown men struggle with dealing with

women; it’s just a fact of life. Charlie truly believed in the whole Mars-versus-Venus theory.

Bella was crying uncontrollably, and before Charlie could move to comfort his little girl, Edward

walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’m sorry. You are right. I am the stupid-head.”

Bella wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry, too.” She looked up into Edward’s eyes,

and Charlie realized this would be the beginning of something. He wasn’t sure what, but he

knew there would always be something there.

Charlie was smiling as he said, “Okay, you two. On the boat now. We have some fish ing to


Edward and Bella squealed as they hopped on the boat.

Charlie started the engine and began to navigate the boat to his and Bella’s favorite spot. There

was a small area of greenery around the spot that fish liked to hide in. They were always

successful when they fished here.

Bella laid back and just enjoyed the wind in her face. The boat didn’t go very fast. She knew it

was to prevent the water from being disturbed and frightening the fish, but she still loved the way

the air blew in her face. The weather was cool, but Edward had a sheen of sweat building up

around face and neck.

“What’s wrong, Cullen?” She had no idea why she called him that but it seemed to fit.

“Nothing.” Edward was barely able to get out before he was throwing his head over the side of

the boat.

Bella burst out into laughter. She had never seen anyone get seasick before, and seeing Edward

like that just struck her funny. He didn’t think it was so funny. His entire breakfast has just

become fish food, and now this pretty girl was laughing at him. What he wouldn’t give to hide

under the water with the fishes at this moment.

Bella scooted over to him and patted him on the back. “All right there?”

“Yeah. I must have eaten something bad this morning.”

“Uh-huh.” Bella couldn’t help but be sarcastic. She was in her element.

Charlie held back his laughter. He was enjoying watching the show. He had nearly asked Jake

to come with the three of them today, but he was glad he hadn’t. He knew Bella would not have

come out of her little shell she builds around herself if he had. Bella and Jake were the best of

friends, thanks to his relationship with Billy. Jake was two years older than Bella but she had

always been very mature for her age. He was happy to see Bella interact with someone other

than family and the Blacks.

“Really. I think I ate a bad piece of bacon or something,” Edward said, defending himself.

“I believe you,” Bella retorted. She knew what seasickness was, but at the same time she

wouldn’t want to be made fun of so she decided to take the high road and drop the subject.

“You really like the water, don’t you?” Edward asked curiously. He was watching Bella come

alive here on the lake, and it was something he wanted to know more about. She was so pretty,

and out on the water her eyes sparkled with excitement.

“I do.” She suddenly felt comfortable talking to him, “It’s just so tranquil out here. Just me and

my dad… well… and you.”

“Tranquil?” Edward wasn’t sure what she meant. Bella and her big words. He was going to

have to ask his father for a dictionary just so he could understand her.

“Peaceful. Tranquil means peaceful.” She smiled. She would have to remind herself to not use

her extensive vocabulary with him.

“Oh.” Edward smiled. “I bet Emmett would like it.”

“That oaf? You’re kidding, right?”

“Em is my best friend. He isn’t a… oak?”

Bella’s laughter filled the air. “While Emmett looks like an oak… what I said was oaf.”

“Well, whatever that is… he isn’t one, and he would like fishing.”

Charlie continued watching the children as they arrived at their fishing spot. He had never

realized that Bella was such a know-it-all. He blamed Renee and himself for that. Bella hung

around adults for the most part. Of course, that would rub off on a young child. Especially one

like Bella, she soaked up knowledge like a sponge.

“Emmett? Isn’t he the McCarty boy?” Charlie asked. He knew Dale McCarty well. He was

arresting his sorry ass at least once a week for public intoxication. He felt sorry for Dale’s wife,

Vivian. She worked two jobs and somehow still took care of Emmett and kept her sorry husband

out of jail.

“Yesssir,” Edward replied, slurring his S’s.

“Nice kid. You’re lucky to have a friend like that, Edward.” Charlie truly meant that. He had

seen what Emmett had looked like after a particular drunken binge that Dale had been on. He

had spent an entire evening out and came home the next morning to an empty house, stinking

drunk and spitting mad. When Vivian brought Emmett home from school, she’d walked into

hell. He attacked Vivian, accusing her of cheating on him and tried to hit her. Emmett jumped

in the path of Dale’s hand and stopped him. Emmett had gotten the beating of his life, but he’d

stood up to his father. Charlie had pushed for Vivian to press charges and throw his ass in jail

after that, but she kept telling him that a boy couldn’t live without his father.

“Thank you, sssir.”

“Edward, son, you don’t have to call me sir. Just call me Charlie, okay?”

Edward beamed. He had never had an adult ask him to call them by their first name before,

“Yess, ssir… I mean, yesss, Charlie.”

“Much better.” Charlie parked the boat near a tall tree to help keep the kids shaded. He knew

they both had sunscreen on, but he still didn’t want to take any chances with their delicate skin.

This was a rare sunny day in La Push, and he didn’t want the children to get scorched over it.

After settling them in place and making sure the kids were well protected, he turned to Bella,

“Sweetheart, do you mind if Edward uses your new pole? He’s just so much bigger than you,

and that old one would probably snap if he used it.”

The look of pure disappointment spread across Bella’s face. That was her new pole. It was a

special gift from Charlie, how could he just hand it over to Edward like that?

“Yeah sure, Daddy. That’s fine.”

“No, Charlie, I think Bella should use her pole. I’ve never fished before. I would be afraid to

damage her good pole.”

Charlie smiled. He knew that Edward was trying to make Bella happy.

“Well, Edward, if that’s how you feel, son. Okay.”

Bella was relieved. She got to use her pole, and Edward was actually being nice to her. She

couldn’t have asked for anything more. She found herself getting comfortable with Edward. It

unnerved her, but at the same time she kind of liked having this cute boy sit next to her while she


Bella and Charlie threaded the poles and baited them like the pro’s they were. Edward sat and

watched, not saying a word. Charlie would have helped the boy, but he wanted to force his little

girl to do it. Bella was just about to cast her line when she realized that Edward was just sitting

there watching her.

“Aren’t you going to fish?”

“Umm, yeah. I guess.”

“Well, you gotta put a lure on the line, or the fish won’t bite.”

“Which one would you suggest?” Bella smiled. She hadn’t thought about him not knowing how

to bait his line.

She got into her tackle box. She decided to be nice and let Edward use one of her better lures.

She picked out one of her favorites. It was a bright blue spinnerbait. She considered it her lucky

lure because Jake had given it to her on her first day fishing with him and his Dad. She never

used it unless she was having a rough day. Well, she couldn’t think of a rougher day than not

knowing how to fish at all, so it seemed to her that Edward would need all the luck in the world.

She sat her pole aside and took Edward’s. She checked the line to make sure it was sound, and

then gently and methodically put the bait on the line. She was very careful to not get her fingers

caught in the hook.

She handed him the pole and then instructed, “Okay, Edward. Slightly flick your wrist like this.”

She demonstrated how to cast of the line.

Edward mimicked her every move. She continued to instruct him throughout the day. Edward

was finally getting the hang of things by the time they took a break to eat lunch.

Charlie pulled the lunch basket out for them. He handed both Bella and Edward a fruit juice box.

Edward lifted his box to Bella in a toast. She actually giggled at his actions. The more the day

went by she found she really did like Edward Cullen. He was sweet and cute and funny, nothing

like he was at school. Edward, on the other hand, found himself trying harder and harder to

keep Bella’s attention on him.

His little heart fluttered every time Bella Swan touched his hand to help him with his rod. She

reacted so differently to him out here on the water than she did in class. He wondered what the

difference was.

Charlie handed them each a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Bella pulled the crust off her

sandwich and threw it into the water. Edward did the same. Charlie bit into his sandwich and

watched as they giggled and talked about their friends.

“I can’t believe you hang out with Alice Brandon.”

“What’s wrong with Alice? She’s funny.”

“She’s goofy. And what is up with her following Jasper Whitlock all the time? He said she tried

to kiss him under the jungle gym last week.”

“Jasper is her buddy. She would never try and kiss him.”

“Ewww. Alice has cooties. Jasper doesn’t want her cooties.”

“Alice doesn’t have cooties anymore than I do.”

Charlie was silently laughing at this exchange… Cooties. God, how he wished these kids would

keep this innocence. One day in the not too distant future he would find his daughter making out

with a young man, and he would be praying she was still afraid of cooties.

“You don’t have cooties, but Alice Brandon does.”

“Oh, and you’re one to talk. I saw you the other day on the playground with Rosalie Hale. What

is she-- your girlfriend?”

Charlie actually chuckled out loud at that comment. They were just kids, and they were already

talking about girlfriends and boyfriends. God, they started young now days. He wouldn’t allow

himself to remember his youth because he would have to admit to himself that his baby girl was

growing up, and a very sweet young boy had seen his little girl as something more than just the

precious angel that sat with them eating sandwiches and fishing on a Saturday afternoon.

“Grosssss!” Edward slurred.

“Oh, I bet you kissed her.”

“Did not!”

“Edward and Rosalie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G… first comes love, then comes marriage,

then comes Edward pushing the baby carriage!”

“Take that back!”

“No take-backs!”

“Bella Swan, you take that back right now!”

Charlie was completely beside himself with laughter. He knew he might have to break-up a fight

in a few moments, but this was too funny to stop right away.

“Nope. I can’t take back what is true. You love her… you want to kiss her… you want her to

have your babies,” Bella goaded.

“Rosalie Hale has poo-poo breath. No way would I want to be with her.” Edward’s next thought

was that Rosalie was nowhere near as good as Bella, and he wouldn’t settle for something that

wasn’t Bella, but even at the age of eight he knew better then to blurt that out.

Something in Edward’s expression caused Bella to stall on her torment. It was so obvious that

he really didn’t like Rosalie like that, and it had really upset him that she was talking to him in

this manner.

“Sorry, Edward.” She patted him on the hand

Goosebumps fluttered across Edward’s skin where Bella had touched him.

“S’okay.” He smiled. She had willingly touched him.

Bella’s placed her fingertips to her lips. They still tingled from her touching him. Charlie

watched in silent awe. Puppy love was so simple. If only adults could go back to that innocent

love, there would probably be fewer divorces in the world.

The rest of their lunch they ate in silence. Edward would steal silent peeks in Bella’s direction.

What he didn’t realize was that Bella, too, was stealing the same looks. Both of them were

admiring the other. Bella actually found herself thinking that Edward was really cute, and she

wouldn’t mind kissing him. Edward was thinking about how he might be able to steal a kiss

from her without Chief Swan pulling a gun on him.

After eating, Charlie took the trash from the children and packed up the leftovers. “You kids

want to stay a bit longer, or are you ready to go home?”

Edward looked expectantly at Bella. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could, but

he knew if they went home his time with her was over.

Bella on the other hand was thinking if they went home she could take Edward into her

playhouse in the backyard and they could play with her dolls. She found herself really liking

Edward, and the apprehension she had felt earlier that morning about him had completely faded.

“We have a big enough catch today. Heck, even Edward has enough to take home to Mrs.

Cullen to cook. Let’s go home.” Bella smiled at Edward. She was actually pretty proud of him.

He had caught six fish today. Not nearly as many as she and Charlie had caught, but for his first

time he did exceptionally well. She planned on sneaking some of her fish into his ice chest so

Mrs. Cullen would have a good amount to cook up. With her and Charlie constantly fishing, the

Swan’s freezer was always full of fish. They wouldn’t miss the measly few she planned on

sneaking to Edward.

“You sure, Bella?” Edward nearly begged. He didn’t want to leave her just yet.

“Yeah, I’m sure. That way we still have time to go home and play.”

Edward realized she wanted to spend time with him to. Relief flooded his body. “Okay. Let’s

go home and play.”

Charlie helped the kids gather up all their gear and unanchored the boat. He started the engine

and headed to shore. He watched as Bella rubbed Edward’s back trying to ward off the

impending seasickness. I wondered if he had made the right choice bringing Edward along. He

liked this boy. There was something about his sweet toothless grin that made Charlie

immediately trust and like him. He knew one day Edward Cullen would make a woman very

happy… as long as he got his teeth back. The thought crossed his mind, what if that woman was

my daughter?

He was so adrift in thought he had lost track of Bella and Edward’s actions. He pulled his

attention back to them and noticed that Edward was losing his lunch too, over the side of the

boat, but Bella, instead of making fun of him this time, was running her fingers through his

unruly hair and rubbing circles on his back. It was exactly what Renee did to Bella when she

was sick. Charlie smiled at the sweet, simple, and innocent action. Charlie loved his wife with

every inch of his being, and seeing his beautiful wife coming out of his daughter nearly brought a

tear to his eye.

“Son, you okay over there?” Charlie yelled out.

“He’s okay, Daddy. I’m taking care of him.” Bella ran her fingers through Edward’s hair again

trying to keep him calm. Edward moaned and moved his head to meet her little fingers.

“Thank you,” he whispered. “I’m okay as long as the boat isn’t moving.”

Bella smiled. She knew what he meant. When she first started fishing she had the same trouble.

She was never as bad as Edward, but she did feel kind of queasy her first time out. She looked

into his deep green eyes, and her heart panged. She ran her little hand over his cheek and leaned

down to kiss his forehead, “No problem, that’s what friends are for.”

Not another word was said until the boat reached the shore. Charlie pulled up and moved to start

loading the boat on to the trailer. Edward and Bella jumped off the boat and started helping

Charlie. They giggled and talked about nonsense as they performed their task. Bella was

actually happy to be sitting next to Edward in the truck, and if she were honest she would have

admitted that she pushed herself into Edward with every bump and curve of the road back to


When they got home, Bella and Edward ran to the backyard to play. They played everything

from house to school, to dolls and even made a few games up as they went along. A few times

they would get into a fight when things didn’t go the way either of them wanted. Name calling

would ensue, and then Bella would break into tears. She had found that if she cried, Edward

would give in to her. Poor Edward. Little did he know that she would use this tool later on in

his life, as well.

Renee called the kids to dinner, and while they ate, they giggled and continued to talk loudly.

Renee and Charlie had to get on to them a couple of times to calm down and eat. The phone

rang and Charlie answered.

“Hello… Yes… He was a perfect child… He’s eating dinner right now, but you can stop by

anytime… We’ll see you then… Bye.”

Charlie ended the call as he placed the phone down on the receiver.

“Edward, that was your mother. She and your Dad will be here in thirty minutes to pick you up.”

Bella and Edward looked at each other and began to cram their food down their throats. They

didn’t have much time together, and they had to make every second count.

They ran into the backyard and rushed to Bella’s clubhouse, squealing.

Renee picked up their dishes and turned to her husband.

“What the heck happened out on that lake today? Bella didn’t want anything to do with that little

boy when he got here, and from what she had told me about him teasing her, I didn’t blame her.

But now, they’re glued together at the hips.”

“Fate, my love.” Charlie simply said.

“You knew this would happen, didn’t you? When Carlisle asked you to watch Edward you had a


Charlie shrugged and smiled, “I know this sounds crazy, but there is something special about that

little boy.”

Renee leaned and kissed her husband deeply. “Charlie Swan, what am I going to do with you?”

“Love me?”

“I already do.” She kissed her husband once more and then continued with her clean-up from


The door bell rang, and Charlie went to answer it.

Carlisle and Esme Cullen stood at the door. They were both very well-dressed. Charlie couldn’t

recall a time where he had seen either of them in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Not the Cullens.

Dr. Carlisle Cullen was a renowned surgeon, and his wife Esme, just recently went back to work

now that Edward was in school full-time. She had taken time off from her design business when

her son was born. She and Carlisle believed it was best for Edward to have her there for him

until he was in school full-time.

“Come in.” Charlie ushered the Cullens in.

“How was the trip? I haven’t been to Seattle in awhile myself.”

“It was nice-- just a quick getaway for the day. Thank you for asking.”

Renee entered the room and hugged Esme. “How was your trip?”

That started the talk between the couples. You couldn’t say the Cullens and Swans were great

friends, but they were aquatinted enough to know each other’s lives. There was a mutual

respect, especially with Charlie and Carlisle, as they found themselves working together


Finally, Esme asked where her son was.

“Oh, he and Bella are in the backyard playing.”

They all headed towards the back of the house where they could hear the kids laughing and

playing in the backyard.

“He’s such a sweet child,” Renee told Esme.

“Thank you, and your Bella is a beauty,” Esme replied

“Our Edward seems to be taken with her.” Carlisle watched as his son mimicked the exact

movements of the little girl he was playing with.

“As she is with him.”

Carlisle stuck his head out the backdoor. “Edward, it’s time to go.”

“Dad, not yet!”

Carlisle smiled. “Sorry, son, but I have work in the morning. We need to go.”

Bella followed Edward to the house.

“Maybe you can come and play again tomorrow,” she whispered.

“Maybe you can come and play at my house,” Edward whispered back.

Bella blushed. She had never gone to a boy’s house before beside Jake’s, and she didn’t

consider him a boy. He was her best friend.


Edward realized in that moment he loved her beautiful blush. She was so cute when her little

cheeks turned bright red. He would have to make her blush again.

The adults watched in silence at this little exchange.

They walked back to the front of the house, and they bid their farewells. The Cullens thanked

the Swans once more watching their son and started heading toward the front door.

Bella remembered Edward’s cooler and ran to the garage to get it without saying a word.

Edward was heartbroken that after all the progress they had made that day she would run away

from him now.

Bella quickly removed the filets from the freezer that her father had packed away while she had

played with Edward. Usually she and Charlie would have cleaned and filleted the fish together,

but Charlie had let her play instead. She smiled at the thought of her day with Edward. She

never thought she could be friends with Edward, but today had proved her wrong. He wasn’t the

vile boy she once thought he was.

She felt a sense of urgency to get the cooler put together quickly and get back to the Cullens

before they left. She grabbed the fish with the labels that read Edward. She was grateful to see

Charlie didn’t label any other fish because she grabbed about ten more filets and shoved them

into the cooler. She wanted Edward to be able to brag.

The cooler was stuffed, and she closed it up. Rather than running through the house, she opened

the garage door to reach the drive way immediately.

“Wait! Edward! Please wait!”

They were all in the car, and Edward looked so forlorn. Bella couldn’t understand why he

looked so sad. It wasn’t until he had seen her that his face lit up. They smiled at each other, and

he informed his father to stop the car.

Edward jumped out and ran towards Bella.

“I thought you weren’t going to say goodbye.” He smiled his sweet toothless smile.

“I wouldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye. I just didn’t want you to leave without your

fish. You did so good today; I just figured you would want them to eat.”

She handed him and cooler. He took and it and opened it. He realized that there was a

considerable amount of fish in there.

“Bella, I didn’t catch all these.”

“No, but I figured you could use a few more to make a big fish fry. We have loads in the


“Thank you,” he whispered shyly.

“You’re welcome and thank you.”

“For what?”

“For becoming my friend.”

With that, they bid their farewells and made promises for future play dates and playground dates.

Edward got back into the car, and the Cullens left.

That night, Bella said her nightly prayers with Charlie as she did every night, but tonight her

prayers were slightly altered.

She and Charlie knelt beside her bed. She folded her hands and began to pray,

“God, bless Mommy and Daddy. Thank You so much for giving them to me. You couldn’t have

given me a better Mommy and Daddy. Thank You for all I have in my life. Thank You for Jake

and Alice.”

Bella paused and Charlie was about to say “Amen” when she continued her prayer.

“And dear God, thank You for my new friend, Edward. He may be a boy, but thank You, God,

for opening my eyes to him. I know that You brought him to me for a reason and whatever that

reason is, I’m listening. Amen.”

Charlie was surprised by his daughter’s prayer. She always talked more like an adult than a

child, but this was not the prayer of a child. This was the prayer of a woman, and it brought a

tear to his eye. His little girl was only eight, but she was growing up and seeing the world.

Charlie whispered, “Amen.”

“All right, sweetheart, up in the bed. I’ll send your Mother in to kiss you goodnight.”

He tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

“Good night, baby girl.”

“Night, Daddy.”

Charlie turned the light off and was about to close Bella’s door when she heard his daughter call

his name.


“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Can Edward go fishing with us again next week?”

“You bet, baby doll. But what about Jake and Billy? You said we all wouldn’t fit.”

“I’m little. We can make room.”

Charlie smiled. “Okay. I’ll talk to Carlisle next week and set everything up. Now go to sleep.”

Bella squealed and then immediately closed her eyes so Charlie wouldn’t have the chance to

change is his mind.

That was the first night she dreamt of Edward Cullen.

~ X ~

It’s amazing how a few simple hours on an old fishing boat could change the course of two

young children’s lives. Neither would realize what this one day had meant for them until many,

many years later, and even then they would only look back at the moment and smile.

Kiss me out of the bearded barley

Nightly, beside the green, green grass

Swing, swing, swing the spinning step

You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress.

Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight

Lead me out on the moonlit floor

Lift your open hand

Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance

Silver moon's sparkling

So kiss me.

Kiss Me by Six Pence None the Richer

~ Chapter 2: Age 11 ~

Edward and Bella kept true to their promise. They became the greatest of friends. More than

just friends really, they were inseparable. Edward had this kneejerk reaction to protect Bella no

matter what. Now at the age of eleven it was stronger than ever. Ever since that first day at the

age of eight, Edward went every weekend with Bella and Charlie fishing. He had become quite

a pro with the rod and truly enjoyed it. He had also become very good friends with Jacob Black,

Bella’s best friend so to speak, although he felt that he and Bella were much closer than she and


Back at school, Edward’s crowd and Bella’s crowd began to co-mingle. There wasn’t a day on

the playground that you didn’t see Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Bella, Alice and Rosalie together.

Nobody messed with any of them. Actually, they were considered the popular crowd and

everyone wanted to be part of the group.

“Edward, Edward,” Jessica yelled out, waving frantically in his direction.

Edward groaned and leaned into Bella’s shoulder while she was reading her newest book. “Hide

me, please. She won’t leave me alone.”

Bella chuckled at him, “What does she want?”

“She wants me to go to the circus with her. She passed me a note in class yesterday saying her

dad got tickets, and she wants me to go with her.”

Bella pulled her eyes away from her book and looked into Edward’s, raising one eyebrow in

response. While they weren’t technically boyfriend/girlfriend, most people assumed they were

and never bothered them. It upset Bella that Jessica had gone behind her back and asked Edward

to the circus.

“I see. Well, go with her then,” Bella said, with a trace of jealous venom in her voice. She

bookmarked her place and laid her book on the bench. She moved, so Edward was no longer

leaning on her. “I don’t see why you shouldn’t.”

Before Edward could respond that he wouldn’t go without her, Jessica was right upon them.

“Edward, didn’t you hear me calling you over there?”

“I heard you. I was busy though.”

“Doing what? Babysitting Bella and her book?”

That comment boiled his blood. Bella was a million times better than Jessica could ever be, and

he wouldn’t stand for her trying to degrade Bella.

“What do you want, Jessica?” Bella spat out before Edward could remark.

“None of your bees wax.” Jessica retorted. Lauren had noticed who Jessica was talking too and

wanted to get in on the fun. If Jessica could hang out with Bella and Edward’s group, then she

could too.

“Hey, Bella. Hey, Edward,” Lauren sing-songed and smiled really big.

“Hey.” Bella muttered, “Cullen, I’ll let you talk to her alone. I want to go swing with Alice and


“Bella,” Edward reached out for her. He knew the moment she called him Cullen that she was

angry. She only ever called him Edward, and when she was really happy, it was Eddie. He

hated the name Eddie, but when Bella called him that, he actually liked it. She pulled away from

him, grabbed her book, and stood up. “Here, Jessica, you can sit here.”

It was obvious to Edward that Bella was nearly in tears, and it broke his little heart. He really

liked Bella, and while he never asked her to go steady, he just assumed they were together. For

Bella to be broken over another girl, especially Jessica Stanley, was completely uncalled for in

his mind. He wanted her and no one else.

Jessica sat down without another word to Bella, and a grin splattered across her freckled face.

The pain that crossed both of Bella and Edward’s faces was immense. Bella took off running

towards Jasper and Alice, refusing to look back at Edward.

“So, Eddie, can you go to the circus with me?” Jessica purred.

“Don’t call me that!” Edward demanded.

“Why not? Bella does?”

“You’re not Bella,” Edward said matter-of-factly. Jessica looked at him in shock. She knew

that Edward and Bella were friends, but she didn’t think there was anything more to it. No one

ever said they were going steady, so why would it matter if she called him by Bella’s nickname

for him?

Lauren realized that Jessica was about to make Edward mad, so she just walked off without

saying another word. She figured that if she walked away now, she might one day get to hang

with the cool kids.

Edward looked out near the swings. Bella’s head was hanging down, and she gripped the chains

of her swing tightly as Jasper pushed her and Alice. He felt a twinge of jealousy of the fact that

Jasper was getting to push her.

He had to get away from this girl and fast. “Look, Jessica. I don’t want go to the circus with

you. I’m already taking Bella.”

Jessica stared at Edward in stunned silence. What was it about Bella Swan that all the boys


“Why don’t you ask Mike Newton?”

Jessica was insulted. “Ewwww. Mike Newton picks his boogers and eats them.”

Edward shrugged. He really didn’t care about anything but getting back to his friends. That was

all that mattered to him, and he would do anything to get rid of Jessica.

“You’re so dumb, Edward Cullen. Are you and Bella going steady now?”

“No,” Edward answered simply.

“Bella will never see you as anything more than a friend. I would have even let you hold my

hand and maybe even let you kiss me. But whatever.”

Jessica’s words went in one ear and out the other, as Edward stood up and ran towards the

swings to take over for Jasper behind Bella. He didn’t care what anyone else thought about him

and Bella, he only cared about what they thought and felt. And Edward knew deep in his heart

that Bella would always be more than just a friend to him.

Bella looked up and saw Edward running towards them. She dragged her feet along the gravel in

a vain attempt to slow the swing down, so she could jump off. She didn’t want to hear about him

going to the circus with Jessica.

Edward skidded to a stop right in front of Bella’s swing, grabbing the chains to prevent her from

jumping off and running.

Winded, he smiled and leaned into her, “I’m not going with her.”

Bella’s little heart swelled up and tears filled her eyes. A smile crept across her face, “You’re


“No. I won’t go without you.”

A sense of relief flooded Bella, and Edward couldn’t help but smile. He had made his Bella

happy again. While Edward would have loved to have gone to the circus, he would never do

anything to hurt Bella, and going with Jessica was the worst form of blasphemy he could

imagine. Edward had obviously been hanging around Bella too long. Her crazy intellect was

finally starting to rub off on him-- for him to actually know what the word blasphemy meant!

The school bell rang and recess was over. Alice grabbed Bella by the hand, and they ran back to

class. The rest of the day went as normal. Edward and Bella passed notes back and forth talking

about the upcoming fishing trip, and about how Jasper had asked Alice to go steady.

The six friends ate lunch, did their class work, and went home for the day all excited because it

was Friday, and they were about to enjoy their weekend.

Later the night, Edward showed up at Bella’s front door completely unannounced. Even though

he lived about six blocks away from Bella, he had gotten into the habit of riding his bike over to

Bella’s house frequently. While Esme would have had no problem driving Edward over, just so

she could spend some time with Renee, Edward hated having her bring him. He could come and

go as he pleased if he rode his bike, and that’s how they liked it.

Edward banged on the door. He was so excited. He couldn’t wait to share his news with Bella,

but he needed to talk to Charlie before he talked to Bella.

He was in luck. Charlie answered the door.

“Edward?” Charlie felt worried by the expression on Edward’s face and his persistent knocking,

“Is everything okay, Son? Your parents okay?”

Fear gripped Edward. Even though he had spent every weekend with Charlie since he was eight,

the thought of what he was about to ask him scared Edward to death.

“Mom and Dad are fine. I need to talk to you though. Man to man… if that’s alright sir?”

Charlie nearly laughed when Edward said ‘man to man’ in that serious tone. He had grown to

love Edward like his own son and was pretty sure he knew what was coming.

“Sure, Son. Let’s go into the den and talk.”

Charlie led Edward into the den. Renee came out of the kitchen to see them disappearing.

“Baby? Everything okay?”

“Edward just came by to talk to me. Everything is just fine.”

Charlie walked over to his wife and gently kissed her and brushed her hair back out of her face.

He whispered into her ear, “I think he wants to talk about Bells.”

Renee smiled at her husband and nodded. She turned and went back into the kitchen.

Charlie entered the den. Edward had already taken a seat on the couch. Just as he was about to

sit down, Bella came running into the room.

Bella’s face lit up when she saw Edward. It was rather late for him to come over, but she wasn’t

going to complain. It always made her happy to have him near her.

“You’re here! Wanna come up to my room?”

Edward looked to Charlie, praying for a bit of a reprieve. “Edward and I need to talk real quick,

honey. I’ll send him up to you as soon as we’re done here.”

“You’re not getting on to him are you daddy? It’s my fault that he came over so late. I asked

him to come help me study for a math test on Monday.”

Charlie smiled at his daughter. While he didn’t condone lying, the fact that his daughter wanted

to protect this young man meant a great deal to him.

“He’s not in any trouble, sweetheart. We just need to have a talk. I promise I will send him

straight up as soon as we are finished.”

Bella gave a concerned smile and a small wave to Edward. He waved back and winked at her.

Edward hated not telling her what was going on right away. He always told Bella everything.

They had no secrets between them, but he really wanted to talk to Charlie first, and he knew he

would be telling her later.

Once Bella was out of the room, Charlie turned to Edward, “Now, Son, what is it that you need

to talk to me about?”

Edward took a deep breath and pushed out his chest trying to calm his fear, “Charlie, my parents

got tickets for the circus today. They got an extra ticket for Bella, and I wanted to ask you if you

would mind me taking your daughter to the circus tomorrow?”

He exhaled after saying all that in what seemed like one breath. Charlie sat and stared at him for

a few moments. Here this eleven year old boy sat in front of him asking his permission to take

his eleven year old daughter on a ‘date’ so to speak. God, they start young now days, he thought

to himself.

“Will your parents be going?”

“Yes, sir.” Edward responded quickly.

“I trust you to take care of my little girl.”

“Is that a yes? Bella can come with me? With us?”

“Yes,” Charlie chuckled as Edward did a little fist pump and then caught himself. Edward

quickly pulled himself back together.

“Thank you, sir. May I go tell Bella now?”

Charlie shook his head yes. He nearly reminded Edward that it was he who asked him to the

‘man to man’ talk, but he decided it was best to not say anything as Edward was so excited about

tomorrow’s events.

Edward quickly stood up and put his hand out to shake Charlie’s, “Thank you, sir. I promise I

will take great care of your daughter. Bella will always be safe with me.”

“I’m counting on that,” Charlie whispered as Edward turned from him and sprinted towards the

stairs to Bella’s bedroom.



Edward threw the door open to Bella’s room and found her sitting at her desk reading a book.

She had her ear buds in her ears and her iPod lying on her desk. She turned to look at him when

she felt the rattle of the door slamming up against the wall. He felt his chest tighten. She was

already dressed for bed in a purple tank top and a pair of flannel pajama shorts with hearts

scattered all over them. She looked adorable.

She removed her ear buds and immediately scolded him, “Edward, are you crazy coming over

this late? Is everything okay?”

Edward threw himself across Bella’s bed tossing her pillow under his head and smiled that

Cullen grin that always won her heart, “Better than okay.” Bella’s heart fluttered. Now with all

his teeth, Edward had the perfect smile, and his charm just completed the package.

Bella stared at Edward waiting for him to tell her what was going on.

“Your dad has agreed to let you go with me to the circus tomorrow night.”


“Yeah. Isn’t that great? Mom and Dad got tickets today and got an extra one for you.”

“Umm, yeah…great.”

“What’s wrong? I thought you would be happy to go with me?”

“I am. I just…it’s just…well, crap.”

“What? You don’t like the circus?” Edward felt a twinge of disappointment. He had been so

excited. This would be their first real date. That had been why it was so important for him to

talk to Charlie first. He wanted it to be official. He wanted to make Bella his girlfriend. She

was his, and he wanted to let everyone know that. He was going to ask her to go steady at the


Bella looked down. “I like the circus. I’m just scared of clowns.”

Edward burst out laughing before he realized he had done it. “You’re joking right?”

“No. I’ve always been scared of them.” Bella covered her face in shame.

Edward moved off the bed and knelt in front of her removing her hands from her face, “You’re

safe with me. I’ll protect you. Please come with me.”

She looked into his eyes and couldn’t tell him no especially after she knew she was the main

reason why he turned Jessica Stanley down earlier today.

“I’ll go with you… to the circus. I mean.” Bella realized what she was saying and was afraid

Edward would think she was assuming he was asking her to go steady. While she wanted

nothing more than for that to happen, she knew that he just saw her as his best friend and fishing


Before Edward could say anything further, Renee was calling up to him, “Edward, come on

downstairs. Your father is here to pick you up.”

Bella and Edward looked at each other confused. Why was Carlisle there? Edward had ridden

his bike over. Edward looked out Bella’s window to see the darkening sky, and Carlisle’s

Mercedes sitting in the Swan’s driveway. His bike was missing, and so he assumed Carlisle had

already loaded it in the car.

“I guess that means I have to go.”

“Guess so.”

“You okay?”


“Me too.” Edward smiled and then left Bella’s room, closing the door behind him. He

practically did a dance right outside her door. On the other side of the door, Bella threw herself

on her bed and hugged the pillow that Edward had just been lying on. She sniffed the pillow, it

smelled just like him. Just like dirt, sweat, soap, and something that was just Edward. She

smiled widely.

Edward ran down the stairs to find Charlie and Carlisle talking.

“Ah, there he is,” Charlie blurted out.

“Your mother sent me over here to pick you up. It’s getting too late for you to ride your bike


“Yes, sir.”

Carlisle thanked Charlie as always for his hospitality to his son and then ushered Edward out to

the car.

Edward seat belted himself into to the front seat as Carlisle started the engine. “So I take it she

said yes?”

“Yes, sir.”

“So does that make Bella your girlfriend now?” Carlisle honestly had no clue how children

determined that now days.

“Not yet, but she will be.”

“Rather sure of yourself there, son?” Carlisle scolded his son.

“No, sir.” Edward looked down at his hands trying hard to not let his father get to him. Deep

down he knew Bella would say yes. He just knew it.

~ X ~

Bella and Edward decided to forgo their normal Saturday event of fishing with Charlie, Billie,

and Jake to rest up for the circus. They were both buzzing over the upcoming events. Neither

one of them could wait for the evening to finally arrive. Edward phoned Jasper that afternoon

because he had no clue how to finalize things with Bella, and since Jasper was now going steady

with Alice, he figured he could get some pointers.

“Hello?” Jasper’s mother, Mary, answered the phone.

“Is Jasper home?”

“I think he’s playin’ outside. Hold on a sec.” Edward could hear Mrs. Whitlock yell out to Jasper

that he had a call. Her accent always made Edward chuckle. The Whitlocks were from Texas,

and they had a very strong southern accent. Jasper’s wasn’t so strong when he was at school, but

the moment he was near his parents that southern drawl took over his voice.

The Whitlocks moved to Forks, Washington when Jasper was seven years old. Sgt. Major

Ulysses Whitlock had been in the army since before Jasper was even born. Prior to moving to

Washington, they had moved around a lot, when Mary decided that they had moved enough. It

couldn’t be good for Jasper, moving around all the time, so the Whitlocks decided to make

Washington their permanent residence.

“Got it, maw”, Jasper yelled out at his mother as he picked up the phone, “Hello?”

“Hey, Jazz, whatcha doing?”

“Dad has me outside mowing the yard.”

“Dude. That sucks.”

“Yeah, you’re tellin’ me.”

Jasper was already curious as to why Edward was calling. They were guys. They never called

each other. Phones were for girls and talking to your girlfriend only. If boys wanted to talk, they

just rode their bikes over the each other’s houses. He immediately knew something was up.

“Edward, just spit it out. Why ya calling?”

“You know I’m taking Bella to the circus tonight and well…”

“And well, what?”

“I want to ask her to go steady.”

“About damn time. I… I mean it’s about time. Dude, I so hope my mom didn’t just hear that. I

really don’t want my mouth washed out with soap again.” While Mary always blamed Jasper’s

friends for his bad language, he really was picking it up from his father.

“I know that. That’s not the problem.”

“Then what is?”

“How do I ask her?”

Jasper laughed. Edward was humiliated. One of his best friends was laughing at him over

something that was very serious to him

“I don’t know. You just ask her.”

“Easy for you to say. Alice has been chasing you since the day your started school.”

“And you’ve liked Bella since the second grade. Trust me. Just ask her. Bella will say yes.”

“How do you know?”

“I don’t know. I just get a feeling from her.”

“K. I gotta go get ready. Bye.”

“Good luck. Bye.” Jasper got off the phone smiling. He did have a feeling about Bella liking

Edward. Jasper always seemed to have a sixth sense about people’s feelings but he had also

heard from Alice that she did.

Edward went and took a bath and got dressed for the circus. He wanted to look extra special for

his girl, so he actually put on a green button-down shirt with his nicest pair of jeans and his black

high-top converse shoes. He desperately tried to get his hair to lay down flat and had miserable

luck with it. No matter what he did, it still stuck out all over the place. At least Bella always

seemed to like his hair. She always seemed to find a reason to touch it. He really loved it when

she would play with his coppery locks.

“Edward. We’re going to be late. Come on!” Carlisle yelled up at him.

Edward grabbed the single rose he had gotten from Esme’s rose garden earlier that day, and ran

down stairs to find both his parents impatiently waiting for him.

“Oh, baby. Don’t you look handsome?!” Esme cooed as Carlisle rushed them out of the house

and locked up the front door. They quickly piled into the Mercedes and arrived at the Swan’s

residence in record time. Carlisle could be a speed demon when he wanted to be. “We’ll wait

while you go get her.” Carlisle told him.

Edward slid out of the car and grabbed the rose. His palms were sweating profusely. It was just

Bella, why was he so scared? Bella had seen the Cullens pull into the drive and started heading

downstairs. Charlie answered the door and smiled. “Good evening, Edward. Bella is on her

way down.” Renee entered the room carrying a camera.

“Bella, honey, stand right there. I want to get a picture of you.” Bella stood on the fourth stair

from the bottom, and Edward’s heart stopped right along with her. She was stunning. Her thick

brown hair was hanging around her shoulders in large, soft curls, and she actually had on lip

gloss. She was wearing a bright blue blouse with a khaki skirt, and Edward was completely


Bella noticed Edward’s reaction and the fact that he had a flower in his hand made her smile.

Her mother snapped the shot, and Edward walked up to the stairs. “You look beautiful.”

That was all he had to say to make her blush. The blood filled her cheeks bringing them to a

bright crimson. Edward handed her the rose and his heart resumed beating as she sniffed it.

“Thank you,” She whispered and blushed again. “You look nice too.”

Renee could have been a photographer with the amount of pictures she was snapping at the


Charlie came back into the house, having gone outside to the talk to Carlisle and Esme. “Okay,

kiddos. You have to get going or you will be late.” Charlie and Renee each leaned in and kissed

Bella on the top of her head.

“Have fun, baby.” Renee whispered.

“I will, Mama.”

“I’ll take care of her, Chief Swan.” Edward tried to sound very adult as he said this referring

back to their man to man talk.

Charlie had to hold back a laugh, “I trust you, son.”

She followed Edward to the car. He, trying to be a gentleman, opened the door for her. She slid

in and he followed her closing the door.

“Buckle up kids.” Carlisle instructed and drove off.

Edward and Bella giggled and talked all the way to the circus, although all the way there Bella

was getting more and more scared. She hated clowns and now she was about to face a tent full

of them. Her only saving grace was that she knew Edward was going to be there, and he had

promised to protect her.

Carlisle parked quickly and they all climbed out of the car. “Hurry it up, kids. They should be

starting very soon.”

Bella and Edward’s senses went into overload. They could hear the music coming from inside

the big top, the smell of hot dogs, cotton candy, and popcorn mingled with the scent of animals.

The tent was huge with bright red, yellow, and blue stripes. They followed Edward’s parents

closely as they entered the tent. Carlisle ushered them to their seats, and Edward made sure that

Bella sat between him and his mother so she would be surrounded by people who loved her.

The lights died down and spot lights came on moving around the tent in a circular motion. The

sounds of elephants and horses could be heard in the background as the announcer’s voice

boomed over the tent.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages! We, humble performers, would like to

welcome you to the greatest show of our time! Tonight we will wow and amaze you. Show you

wonders beyond your wildest imagination. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!”

Bella’s eyes lit up with excitement. Edward tried to watch the show but found himself

mesmerized by Bella’s reaction. She turned to see him watching her and smiled. “Watch,” she

mouthed at him. “I am,” he mouthed back.

Bella scooted closer to Edward. There was practically no space between them, and Edward took

notice. They ohh’d and ahh’d as the horses were paraded around the center stage. Bella was

completely intrigued by the horses’ masters as they performed all sorts of acrobats on their backs

and never falling off. Edward leaned into Bella, “You okay?”

Bella felt his breath on her neck and fearing movement simply shook her head.

The show continued on. They watched the tight rope walkers and high wire fliers in total

amazement. As the elephants entered the stage, Edward decided now was the time to make his

move. He pretended to yawn. He stretched his arms over his head and as he put them back

down, he let his right arm drape itself over Bella’s shoulders. Carlisle and Esme noticed this

move and had to stop themselves from laughing at their son’s attempt at being subtle.

Bella turned and smiled, but didn’t resist Edward’s touch. He wrapped his long little fingers

around her shoulders, and she moved to where she was cuddled into this side. They sat like this

until the clowns made their appearance on the stage. Bella’s body tightened up with fear, and

she hid her face in Edward’s shoulder. Edward hugged her close and with his left hand held hers

tightly. His encompassing touch calmed her. Neither one watched the show as they were too

engrossed at the moment with the deep connection they were feeling with their touches.

“I’m scared, Eddie.” A tear streamed down her cheek.

“Don’t be. I have you. I will always have you.”

He picked up their hands and used them to wipe the tear away from her face. “My Bella.”

Esme watched as her sweet son showed such compassion toward the little girl he now held in his

arms. It reminded her of his father. Carlisle had always been that romantic and sweet to her.

She was glad to see that it had filtered down to their son.

The show ended very shortly after. Edward and Bella stood up with his parents but never let go

of each other’s hand. Their little fingers remained curled together as if they were glued in place.

“How’d you like the show, kids?” Carlisle asked

“It was great, Dad.”

“Yes, it was great. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Cullen for inviting me.”

“It was our pleasure, Bella.” Esme leaned down and kissed Bella on the top of the head.

Edward’s heart burst with pride as his mother so willingly accepted his girl.

“There is a carnival outside. Would you kids like to go?”

Both kids squealed with excitement and took off running. Carlisle and Esme followed behind

laughing like two kids as well. The first stop was to purchase snacks.

“How about some popcorn and a corn dog?”

“Dad, Bella doesn’t like corn dogs. How about some cotton candy instead?”

Bella lit up. Edward knew her well enough to know that she wouldn’t eat a corn dog and was

willing to take care of her.

“Cotton candy it is.” Esme smiled and ruffled her son’s hair.

They shared cotton candy and popcorn as they went to the Midway. Edward walked with his

arm around Bella’s shoulder as she fed him their treats. He made sure to be very careful as to

not to bite her fingers as she placed the small kernels of popcorn on his tongue. He accidently

licked her finger causing her to giggle. He blushed at the accident causing her to giggle more

and blush as well.

Once at the Midway, Carlisle and Edward took it upon themselves to win the ladies a prize.

They turned it into a father-son competition. Esme and Bella stood back watching and laughing

at their men, who were trying desperately to land a rubber frog on a lily pad target to win them a

stuff panda.

“Oh, come on! That was on there!” Carlisle yelled out as his frog landed on the target and

slipped off into the water.

“Doesn’t count, Dad, if it falls off! Watch the pro work his magic!” Edward carefully aimed his

launcher and slammed the rubber mallet on to the lever. A rubber frog went flying through the

air and landed on top of the attendant’s head. Bella and Esme starting laughing so hard they

were nearly in tears. The attendant kindly walked over to Edward and handed the rubber frog to

him, “We won’t count that one. Nice arm though.”

Edward turned every shade of red imaginable as everyone around him laughed and watched as

he aimed his shot and prepared to send the rubber frog back into flight.

The mallet came down and this time skillfully landed on its mark directly in the center of the

target. Edward had won the grand prize. Carlisle slapped his forehead as Esme and Bella started

jumping up and down screaming. Edward stood there in awe. He had done it.

Bella flung herself into his arms, “You won!” In that moment, time seemed to stand still for

them. The world revolved around only Edward and Bella. Their hearts raced as they stared into

each other’s eyes. Bella’s arm wrapped around Edward’s neck as her fingers gingerly slipped

into his hair and his arms wrapped around her waist. They stood there for what seemed like an


“Ahem,” Carlisle cleared his throat. “Edward, your prize.” They released each other quickly.

Edward turned to the attendant.

The man handed Edward the oversized panda. “Congratulations on both shots.” Edward smiled

at him and turned to Bella handing her the bear. She hugged it close. She then leaned forward

and kissed Edward on the cheek.

“Thank you. This has been the best night of my life.”

Edward’s chest swelled as he touched his cheek, “Mine too.”

He turned to his parents, “Mom, Dad, can we have a minute?”

“I don’t think…”

Esme interrupted her husband. She knew what was about to happen and she wasn’t about to let

Carlisle ruin this for their son, “I need a drink anyway. Bella, honey, would you like


“No, thank you.” She replied politely and with a smile.

“Five minutes.” Carlisle instructed as he was being tugged away by Esme.

Edward waited until his parents were out of sight and then took Bella’s hand. “Let’s go sit


He led her to a bench on the outskirts of the Midway. She sat the panda on the bench beside her

and turned to face him, “Everything okay?”

“Better than okay. This is the greatest night of my life. Thank you for coming with me.”

“Thank you for inviting me.” She blushed. This was her Eddie and at the moment she had no

clue how to talk to him.

He took her hand and laced his fingers through hers. He took a deep breath and looked down at

their hands.



“Willyoubemygirlfriend?” Edward blurted out in one syllable.

“I’m sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.” He was so nervous. Bella hated asking him to repeat


He sighed and looked her in the eye, “Will you go steady with me?”

She opened her mouth to answer, but before she could get one word out, they heard a screeching

noise coming down from the opposite end of the Midway, “Belllllaaaa!!!! Edward!!!!”

Jessica was running up to them with Mike Newton in tow. Edward gripped Bella’s hand and

scooted closer to her as Jessica made her approach.

“You guys came! That is so great. Isn’t it great, Mike?” Mike just shrugged indifferently.

Nothing escaped Jessica’s attention, “So did Edward win that for you?” Jessica pointed towards

the oversized stuffed panda.

“Yeah, he did. It was amazing. You should have seen him.” Bella gazed at Edward and smiled.

“So what? Are you two going steady now?”

“Yes, we are!” Bella said heatedly.

Her abrupt answer surprised both Edward and Jessica. Mike stood there picking nose as though

no one else was around him.

“Yes?” Edward asked.

“Umm-hum.” Bella nodded her head vigorously.

Edward stood up lifting Bella with him. He picked her up and swung her in circles. “Edward,

put me down!” Bella giggled.

Gently he placed her feet on the ground, “I don’t think I will ever be happier then I am in this

very moment.” He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. They both laughed and giggled as his

parents approached them.

They had totally forgotten about the fact that Jessica was standing right there witnessing their

moment until his mother politely asked their names. “Oh, sorry. Mom, Dad, this is Jessica

Stanley and Mike Newton. They are in our class.” Edward wrapped his arm around Bella’s


“Nice to meet you,” Jessica put her hand out to shake theirs. Both Carlisle and Esme accepted

her greeting, kindly.

Before she could say anything else, Edward blurted out to his parents that Bella had said yes. He

hugged his girlfriend tightly. Esme was ecstatic for her son while Carlisle on the other hand was

worried. He felt that Bella and Edward too young to be in a serious relationship. They were

only eleven after all. Esme made him promise that he wouldn’t ruin this for Edward. They were

still only kids, and it wasn’t like they were doing anything inappropriate.

“Good to hear.” Carlisle slugged Edward in the shoulder trying to show the support that he

promised his wife he would give.

“Wow, Bella, you and Edward are going steady. That’s so great.” Jessica said in a monotone


Mike snorted and high-fived Edward, “Awesome.”

Mike’s excitement for the new couple completely upset Jessica. She grabbed him by the collar

and without even saying goodbye took off.

The foursome broke into the laughter at the escapade. “Ice cream?”

The rest of the evening Bella and Edward were more than inseparable, they were impermeable as

well. Nothing could kill the feelings they were experiencing. By the end of the night Carlisle

had finally won Esme a tiny stuffed chicken, and Edward had won Bella two more small stuffed

animals. Carlisle had to admit he was proud of his son’s “mad skills” with Midway games.

It was nearly ten o’clock when they decided to take Bella home. She was so exhausted from the

day’s events that she fell asleep in the backseat, leaning her head on Edward’s shoulder. He ran

his fingers through her soft chocolate colored tendrils and sighed. She smelled like fresh

strawberries and circus fare.

They arrived at her house and Edward shook Bella gently to wake her up. “Bells…” he

whispered, “Beautiful…it’s time to wake up.”

She looked up at him and rubbed her eyes. “We’re home, Bells.”

“Eddie, my Eddie…” she whispered.

“Let’s get you inside. Okay?”

He opened the car door and scooted out, and she followed. Bella leaned back into the car to

thank the Cullens once more for taking her.

“Always our pleasure, sweetheart.” Esme cooed.

“Thank you for joining us, Bella. We had fun.” Carlisle admitted.

As Bella closed the door to the backseat, Carlisle leaned into his wife, “I’m still not sure about


“It’s puppy love, my dear. Trust me. Look how innocent they are.”

Carlisle watched as his son took this little girl’s hand and led her to her front door. He was

proud of his son being such a gentleman and had to admit to himself that this was the purest form

of love. So young, so innocent, and so sweet.

Edward and Bella reached her door, “Thank you again for inviting me tonight. I really did have

a lot of fun.”

“Me too.” Edward looked Bella in the eye, “Sleep well, my princess.”

They stood in her doorway for a few seconds, staring into each other’s eyes, fingers laced

together. Bella knew Edward was nervous but wasn’t sure why. The hard part was over. She

had said yes. They were together, and in her mind she knew they would be together forever.

From the car Esme held her husband’s hand and was whispering encouragement to their son, as

they watched the innocent love unfold in front of them. “Kiss her.”

With that Edward leaned in and kissed Bella gently on her lips. The moment his soft tender lips

touched hers, they both knew this was real and that they were meant to be. Even though the kiss

was quick and gentle, both children felt as though fireworks were going off around them. They

smiled at each other as the kiss lingered on their lips.

“Good night.”

“Good night.”

She opened her front door and walked into the house, locking the door behind her. Edward

walked back to the car with his chest pushed out and his head held high. Bella was his girl and

now everyone knew it. He belonged to her and she to him.

He slid into the backseat closing the door behind him. “Let’s go home, Dad.”

Bella raced up the stairs so she could watch from her bedroom window as Edward slid into his

car. She pressed her fingers to her lips. Her first kiss. She had often dreamed of her first kiss,

and this was more than she could have wished for. Her lips still tingled from where Edward’s

mouth had touched hers. She smiled as they drove away.

When the car was no longer in sight, she went through her normal routine. She quickly dressed

for bed. As she was about to kneel down to pray, a knock on her door startled her.

Her mother peeked her head in the room, “Baby, I heard you come in. Did you have a good time

at the circus tonight?”

Bella flung herself into her mother’s arms. “The best, Mama.”

Renee walked her daughter to her bed and sat down next to her, “Well, tell me about it.”

Bella vigorously described the circus to her mother. The sights, the sounds, the feelings. She

didn’t leave out a single detail. She showed her mother the stuffed animals, including the

oversized panda.

Renee listened with tears streaming down her face. Her little girl had a boyfriend. She could

remember the day she and Charlie brought Bella home. This precious gift that God had given

them, bundled up in a pink blanket, was now sitting before her telling her about a little boy.

“Mama? You okay?”

“Perfect, baby.” Renee hugged her little girl, “So tell me how it ended.”

“He kissed me. Mama…he actually kissed me. It was perfect.” Bella closed her eyes and

touched her fingers to her lips.

“So I take it Edward Cullen is a good kisser?” Renee chortled.

“The best.” Bella replied with a starry look in her eye.

“Well, honey, how about we keep the kiss between us? That’s one secret daddy doesn’t need to

know. Okay?” She knew Charlie would lose it if he found out his daughter had kissed a boy.

Not that he didn’t want his little girl to like boys, but he just wasn’t ready for her to like boys.

“Okay.” Bella hugged her mother.

Renee stood up, “Don’t forget to say your prayers. I love you, baby.”

“Love you too, mama.”

“Night, sweetheart.”


Renee left the room with her heart full. Her baby girl was growing up and had her first crush.

She remembered her first crush. Phil Dwyer had been the cutest boy in school and he liked her.

He was actually her first kiss. It had broken her heart the day Phil told her he was moving

because his father had been drafted to play short-stop for a major league baseball team. Hearing

Bella regale her evening brought back all those old memories to Renee. Renee had been hurt

when Phil left, but she was grateful for the joys of her life and wouldn’t trade Charlie or Bella for


After her mother left her room, Bella knelt beside her bed to pray.

“Dear God. Thank you so much for the blessings in my life. Bless mommy and daddy. Please

take care of my friends, Alice, Jasper, Emmett and Rose. And dear God, thank you so much for

Edward. I know you sent him to take care of me. I promise from this day forward I will take

care of him too. Amen.”

Bella crawled into her bed that night and felt absolutely positive of three things. First, Edward

was her boyfriend. Second, she knew they were meant to be together, that fate had brought them

together. She didn’t know for what or why, but she knew that there was a purpose. And third,

she was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Caught up in the rush, a slow and steady touch, Baby, isn’t that the way that love’s supposed to

be, I can feel you Breathe

Breathe by Faith Hill

~ Chapter 3: Age 13 ~

Rosalie Hale was standing in front of Bella’s dresser mirror trying on different shades of lipstick.

For a thirteen year old girl, Rose, as she liked to be called by her friends, was very physically

developed. Her long blonde hair flowed straight down her back like a sheet of silk and her hazel

eyes sparkled as she stared at herself in the mirror. But that wasn’t what usually attracted the

attention of the boys. It usually was the fact that her chest was twice the size of every other

girl’s in her class.

“What do you think?” Rose turned to face Bella and Alice on the bed

Alice snarled, “I never liked bright red on blondes. I know it supposed to be ‘retro’ and all but…I

don’t know. I just don’t like it. What do you think Bella?”

“I don’t know. You know I don’t really wear makeup.” Bella shrugged. She never liked taking

the time to put makeup on, and Edward had always told her he liked her natural blush so why

cover it up?

Rose turned back to the mirror and puckered her lips, “Well, I like it. I think I’ll wear it next

week at school.” She stood there admiring her reflection which was so like Rose. She knew she

was beautiful and she had no problem letting everyone else know that as well.

“Good thing it’s Colorstay. It would be gone in less than a minute with Royce around.”

Alice perked up at the sound of boy talk. She was totally obsessed with her long time boyfriend

and always looked for a chance to tell the girls about his finer qualities. “Oh my god, I know

what you mean. I have to fight to keep Jasper off me.” Alice giggled. “The boy is all tongue and

hands lately. Not that I mind of course.” Rose and Alice high-fived as Bella stared down at her


“What about you, Bella?” Alice inquired. “I mean you and Edward have to be pretty…well, you

know.” Alice pushed trying to get every detail out of Bella.

Bella turned several shades of red and Rose blurted out, “I thought you and Edward had kissed?”

“We have!” Bella embarrassedly admitted. This was not something she felt comfortable talking

about. Her and Edward’s relationship was their business and in her mind her friends didn’t need

to know every detail.

“Yeah, we’ve all seen him kiss you.” Alice glared at Rose trying to relay to her that cornering

Bella was not the best way to get information out of her, “But you and Edward haven’t…” Alice

cupped her mouth and whispered, “Made out?”

Bella threw herself across the bed covering her face with a pillow. “No.” She screamed in the


Rose came and set on the bed with the other two girls. “You’re telling us that Edward hasn’t

French kissed you yet? You two have been going out for nearly two years and he hasn’t made a

single move on you?”

“It’s not like that. Eddie respects me. He would never try anything that he thought I might be

uncomfortable with.”

“Ok, first off, has he ever tried?”

“How would I know?”

Both Alice and Rose stared at her with vacant expressions. “You’re kidding, right?” Rose


Bella shook her head. She and Edward had had several passionate kissing moments but never

actually made out as Rose and Alice was suggesting. She was afraid that if they did, Edward

would break up with her. There were so many other girls in their class that were so much more

developed then she was and in her own opinion prettier as well. For example, Rose and Alice

had much larger breasts then she did and were both absolutely gorgeous. While she was

showing, considerably, they were already in A and B cups and she was still wearing her training

bras. Why would Edward want to make out with her when she wasn’t as good as the other


“Bella, while I can’t say this about Royce, you can say this about Edward, he loves you. He

deserves the right to kiss you properly. If he doesn’t initiate, you need to.”

Bella knew deep down that Edward really did love her even though they had never actually said

the words aloud. “How? I have no idea how to even suggest making out with him.”

“The next time he leans in for a kiss; wrap your fingers in his hair like this.” Rose leaned into

Alice curling her fingers through Alice jet black mane to demonstrate to Bella what she meant


“Then, slightly dart your tongue out of your mouth so he can see it, like this.” She then pulled

back from Alice, gazing into her eyes with a small smile appearing on her lips as she ran her

tongue over her lips just barely showing her tongue in a very alluring manner. Alice giggled.

“And then when you lean in for the kiss, open your mouth just enough to let him know you are

more than willing to let him slip his tongue inside.” She leaned into Alice and Alice shoved her


“No way am I French kissing you. I get enough from Jasper.” Alice cringed and then all three

girls laughed.

“Suit yourself. But from what Royce tells me, I am one kickass kisser. Besides if you can’t

practice on your girlfriends, how you are going to learn?”

“Shhh.” Bella hissed, “My Dad is downstairs.

The girls giggled and Rose began playing with Bella’s hair.

“Um, Rose… what do I do with his tongue in my mouth?” Bella asked in almost a whisper. Her

cheeks were once again inflamed and she kept darting her eyes around the room waiting

hesitantly for the answer she didn’t really know if she wanted.

Rose and Alice exchanged a knowing glance and figured they should just spell it out for Bella

since she obviously wasn’t a “try until its right” kinda girl.

“Well… like… he’s gonna just kinda shove it in your mouth, cause well, that’s just what all guys

do, but when it’s there you kinda push his tongue with yours softly.” Rose stated.

“Yeah, and if he swirls it around well, you just do that too and kinda try and make a dance out of

your tongues, you know?” Alice piped in with her bit of valuable advice.

“So I kinda just touch it and move it around with my tongue? That’s it?” Bella asked, suddenly

feeling a little let down there wasn’t anything harder to it than that.

“Yeah, I mean your body will just know what to do Bella, that’s what tongues were made for!

Duh,” said Rose with such finality the subject had basically come to a close.

“Look if you’re really worried, practice on your hand a little” Alice said eyeing Bella. When

Bella’s confused gaze was all Alice got in response she continued, “You know… put your hand

into a fist and kiss the gap made by your finger and thumb. Practice using your tongue there…

then you will be ready!” Said Alice with such a knowing look that Rose once again high-fived

her and the room was once again engulfed in silence.

Rose went back to playing with Bella’s hair and Alice was flipping through the latest fashion

magazine she had brought over. It seemed to Bella that it really wasn’t such a big deal after all

and that maybe she had worked herself up over nothing.

“Do you believe in forever?” Bella asked

“I believe you and Edward will be together forever. I don’t know why but I just know it.” Alice


Bella smiled. Alice always seemed to know things before they happened and hearing her say

that just confirmed her own thoughts. So maybe it was time for her and Edward to take it the

next step. They were meant to be after all. What would be the harm?

~ X ~

Six blocks away three young men were sitting in the Cullen’s den playing the new release of

Halo. Edward had had the game for about a week and had a bit of time to practice which helped

him in beating Jasper and Emmett.

“NO! COME ON?!?” Emmett bellowed as his avatar got shot in the head. “NO WAY THAT


Jasper and Edward laughed as Emmett frantically worked the game controller to revive his avatar

and get back in the game.

“This game’s is awesome, Cullen. My Dad won’t let me have it.” Emmett exclaimed.

Jasper and Edward said nothing. They knew how Emmett’s dad was. Neither of them were

allowed to hang out at his house because their parents never knew whether Dale would be in a

good mood or not, and they refused to take a chance that their sons would be there on day when

he was in a bad mood.

The boys played in silence for a moment and then Emmett broke the silence, “Did you see that

shirt Rose was wearing today? When she bent over to tie her shoe I could see all the way down


Edward slugged Emmett in the arm and laughed. “Dude, is that all you think about?”

Emmett’s confused look gave him away, “What else is there to think about?”

Jasper had been trying hard to concentrate on his game but was disrupted by the talk of girls. He

paused the game so he wouldn’t get killed by simply not paying attention. “You have liked Rose

forever, why don’t you just ask her out?”

“Because she’s going steady with Royce King.”

“So?” Jasper exhaled. “Royce is an ass. Just steal her from him.”

“Jasper… dude tone the language down. My mother is in the other room.” Edward hissed.

Jasper fanned his hand out at Edward nonchalantly. “Look all I am trying to say is you just need

to go for her. Rose is the type of girl that wants a guy to be… to be… God, what’s the word I’m

looking for?”

“Assertive.” Edward casually replied.

“Yeah, assertive.” Jasper turns to Edward, “Wow. Bella is really rubbing off on you.”

“What?!? You knew the meaning of the word too. Don’t give me that crap.” Edward disputed.

All three boys laughed and picked up their controllers. They un-paused the game and played in

silence for a few minutes and then Emmett stopped and turned to his two buddies, “How do I be


Both Edward and Jasper stopped playing the game, “You just talk to her. Tell her you like her.

Try to make out with her. That kind of thing. Right, Edward?”

“Ah, yeah, sure.” Edward looked too interested in the paused video game and gave himself


“That’s not very helpful. Give him some pointers on you and Bella. I know you two have been

making out for awhile now. Like, I can tell you that Alice likes it when I kiss down her neck and

I grab her boob in my hand.” Jasper gave a bit of a grabbing motion to demonstrate exactly what

Alice likes him to do.

“What about Bella? I know she has to have some sort of…” Jasper cupped his hand around his

mouth and whispered, “a turn on.”

“Well you see, Bella and I… well we’ve never actually…” Jasper and Emmett stared at Edward


“You’re kidding right?” Jasper scoffed. “You and Bella have been together for nearly two years

and you haven’t even slapped her ass?”

“Language! Jeez!” Edward looked at the door to make sure his mother wasn’t coming in because

he was about to admit something that he didn’t want her to hear.

“Look, I love Bella. I’m not going to do anything that might make her uncomfortable. I don’t

want her to break up with me over something as stupid as me slapping her butt. You get it?”

Edward had surprised himself. He had always known he loved Bella, he had just never admitted

it out loud to anyone, including Bella.

Emmett and Jasper said simultaneously, “No.”

Then Jasper looked at Edward with an evil grin when he realized, “You haven’t even tongued

her, have you?”

Edward felt the heat of his embarrassment hit his ears almost immediately. He shook his head

no, trying with all his might to not face his friends at the moment. There had been many kisses

with Bella that he had felt that would happen. He wanted it to happen but he was afraid of

upsetting her over something so not important.

“Wow!” Jasper swooshed out.

“No way!” Emmett exclaimed, “I don’t even have a girlfriend and I’ve French kissed a girl


Edward feeling even more humiliated. “It’s not like that. I know it will happen. I just want it to

be when she is really ready.”

“You won’t know she’s ready unless you try it.” Emmett advised.

“Look, honestly I don’t have a clue as to how to even try. Okay?” Edward blurted out.

“This keeps getting worse. How do you not know?”

“I just don’t.”

“Look, Edward, man, it’s as simple as parting your lips and just sticking your tongue in her

mouth. It’s nothing more than that.” Jasper provided his expert advice. He and Alice had been

kissing like that for a while and he honestly wouldn’t kiss her any other way.

“Yeah, man, you just roll it around and stuff. Don’t take genius to do it” was Emmett’s valuable


“What if she doesn’t open her mouth?”

Emmett elbowed Edward, “She will.”

Edward looked at Emmett’s suddenly smug expression, “Hey, wait. How did this turn on me? I

thought we were trying to help Emmett.”

“You’re need is much greater than mine.” Emmett chuckled. He slapped Edward on the back

and they continued their game.

Inwardly, Edward was wondering if they were right. Was that all there really was to it? Had he

really not made a move on Bella because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings, or had it been him

not wanting to be bad at it? Bella could have any guy she wanted and yet she chose him. He

didn’t want to cause her to want to change her mind about him and if he was a bad kisser why

would she want to stay? He knew they were meant to be together and the thought of losing her

was the most painful thought that ever crossed his mind. He couldn’t live without her. He

needed her. He needed her like a drug addict needed their next hit. She was his own personal

brand of heroin.

~ X ~

The next day was Saturday and like clockwork, Bella and Edward were at the old red Chevy

truck waiting on Charlie to hook the boat up so they could go fishing. The previous night’s

conversation with the guys played in Edward’s head and he had every intention of discussing it

with Bella but not with Charlie around. He couldn’t help but notice when Bella was

concentrating that she had a habit of biting her lower lip. He found himself wondering what it

would feel like to suck on her lips. She had such a pretty mouth that he suddenly longed to kiss


“Eddie, are you ok?” Bella asked, noticing Edward’s intense gaze at her mouth.

He smiled at her, “Yeah. Just fine. Toss me your tackle box. I have room over here for it.”

Bella handed over her tackle box watching how Edward’s rather developed muscles rippled

under his skin. It crossed her mind that she would really like to know what it felt like to have

him pin her down and kiss her like Rose had described the night before. She shook off the


They all got into the truck and couldn’t help but notice the closeness that was forced upon them

in the small cab.

“You kids look jittery. Are you ok?’

Both quickly answered yes, praying Charlie would drop it quick. Neither wanted the other to

know what they were really thinking about.

For most of the trip they were completely silent. Charlie was aware of this fact as they both were

normally really chatty. He shrugged it off and thought they may be fighting and he didn’t want

to butt into that if it were the case. The less he knew about their relationship the better off he


They arrived at the lake and started unloading their gear as Charlie unhooked the boat.

“Dad, are Jake and Billy coming today?”

“As far as I know they are. Billy didn’t say otherwise.”

Charlie got the boat into the water as Billy and Jake arrived. Jake hopped out of the car. His

long black hair was tied up in a ponytail and slapped him in the face as he came running for

Bella. Jake looked at Bella just as he did his older sisters. He was actually a little more

protective since she was two years younger than him. He was honestly grateful she had Edward

when he wasn’t around to take care of her.

Jacob picked Bella up off the ground and swung her around in his arms. She squealed as the

guy she felt nothing more for than a brother picked her up and swung her around like she was a

baby doll.

“Put me down.” She cried out laughing.

Jacob placed Bella on her feet. “You don’t eat enough. You’re too light.”

“Her mother and I scream at her all the time about that.” Charlie called over his shoulder as he

was walking towards Billy to help him unload.

“I think she’s perfect.” Edward reflected.

“You would.” Jacob chuckled and slugged Edward in the arm but felt a twinge of concern. Bella

was his little sister. Maybe not by blood but definitely by emotion and even though Jacob really

liked Edward and considered him a friend, he didn’t like the idea of Edward and Bella getting

closer. Call it his protective nature but he honestly was afraid of both of them getting hurt.

“Everyone on the boat,” called out Charlie as he and Billy climbed on board.

Bella led the way as Jacob and Edward followed behind her.

“Edward, hey. Pssst!” Jacob hissed

Edward stopped and turned to faced Jacob, “Slow down. I need to talk to you.”

Edward felt a pit in his stomach. He pretty much could read Jacob’s mind at the moment. He

knew that Jacob hadn’t be oblivious to his reactions of Bella and he knew he was about to get his

ass kicked by the one guy he really was hoping would help him out. He and Jacob walked

slowly to the boat as they watched Bella climb in. Edward’s heart beat just a bit quicker as he

watched her jeans tighten around her backside as she climbed in. “What the hell is wrong with

me?” he blurted out to Jacob.

“Honestly, nothing is wrong with you. I’m surprised it’s taken you this long, but this is Bella

we’re talking about here. You have to be careful. I won’t let you hurt her.” Jacob said


“I don’t want to hurt her. I love her but I can’t help the feelings that are in me. How do I know

she is ready?” Edward mentally scolded himself for telling yet another person that he loved Bella

without telling her first.

Jacob could see the sincerity in Edward’s eyes and decided to have pity on the guy. He knew

both Bella and Edward well and he knew that in actuality both of them were ready to take the

step; he just hated the idea of Bella being physically involved with anyone.

“I know you love her and if I wasn’t certain of that I would kick your ass right now for even

thinking what you’re thinking, but putting that aside, the moment both of you are completely

ready, you will just know. It feels like magic. That’s the best way I can describe it. You will be

able to see it in her eyes and feel it deep inside you. Don’t try and force it. Just let it flow. Love

her, don’t force her.

“That’s it? That’s all the advice you have for me?”

“Yeah and you will thank me for that advice later. I promise you that.” Jacob slugged Edward in

the bicep and Edward automatically slugged back. They laughed.

“Are you two boys coming or are we leaving you on the shore today?” Billy yelled out.

“Coming, Pops,” Jacob bellowed.

The two boys ran towards the boat and Edward nearly knocked Jacob into the water trying to

beat him into the boat.

“No fair. You cheated.” Jacob pushed Edward jovially.

“Did not. I won fair and square. Right, Bella?”

“Oh no. Don’t bring me into the middle of this.” Bella giggled.

“You better choose a winner or I think a good tickling is in order,” Edward joked. He knew how

much Bella hated to be tickled.

Charlie and Billy sat back and watched the boys gang up on Bella. “Should we stop them?”

Billy asked Charlie. Charlie simply shook his head no. He knew something was going on

between his daughter and her boyfriend. He felt it in the truck ride to the lake and he was just

hoping to get some insight by watching their actions.

“You wouldn’t!” Bella backed up a bit from Edward.

“I will if you don’t choose the winner.” Edward scooted towards her with his eyebrows raised

and her favorite grin plastered on his face. He raised his hands like claws about to come down on

her and she squealed loudly.

“Noooo! Edward, No!” Jacob sat down on his seat and enjoyed watching the show. Initially he

was going to hold her down for Edward but this was beyond playful and he knew his place was

to sit back and stop Edward if things went too far in front of their fathers.

“It’s your fault, Bells… choose a winner.” As he said this, his hands came down on Bella’s

ribcage and he ran his fingers down the side of her ribs and along the side of her waist tickling

her. She squealed loudly and tried to move away having now backed herself into a corner.

Edward was relentless.

He tickled her until she was breathing heavy. Her pants did something to him. Something he

totally wasn’t expecting. He stared into her chocolate colored eyes and suddenly felt drawn to

kiss her slightly puckered lips.

Not here. Not with Charlie watching. He told himself.

Bella could feel the need rising up inside her. She just wanted to grab his shirt and bring him

down to her. She wanted so badly to feel his lips pressed against hers. God, I pray my father

doesn’t see this.

Jacob seeing things had gone as far as they should under parental supervision stepped in for the

save, “I consent. Edward won fair.”

This pulled Bella and Edward out of their trance which was exactly what Jacob had been hoping


“Yes, yes, Edward won.” Bella whispered as Edward moved to give her space and she pulled

herself upright.

Everyone moved into their rightful seats. Charlie noticed that once again Bella and Edward were

sitting apart. He looked at Billy and Billy nodded back him acknowledging the fact they had

both just seen a moment pass between the two thirteen-year-olds.

“Should I be worried?” Charlie asked his friend.

“You trust Bella and Edward, right?”

He looked over at the three kids who were now talking and preparing their lines for the first cast

of the day, “Impeccably.”

Billy placed his hand on Charlie’s shoulder and gave a small squeeze, “Then you have absolutely

nothing to worry about.” Charlie nodded and starting preparing his line as well.

~ X ~

The fish had not been biting today so everyone decided to call it quits a bit earlier than normal.

They packed up their gear as Charlie and Billy loaded the boat back on the trailer. Jacob said his

goodbyes to his friends. He made sure to remind Edward to not force things when Bella was out

of earshot.

“Come on, Jacob!” Billy yelled out at his son.

Edward nodded to Jacob and then Jacob patted Edward on the back. “Good luck,” he smiled and

took off running towards his car.

The ride home was almost exactly the same as the ride to the lake. All Edward and Bella could

think about was the near kiss that had happened on the boat and both of them had wanted it so

badly. Charlie watched the children from the corner of his eye as he tried to pay attention to the


They stopped at Edward’s house to drop him off.

“Charlie, would it be ok if Bella stayed for a little while? We have a vocabulary test on Monday

and I really need her help to study.”

“Only if you mother is ok with it.”

“Wait right here, I’ll go ask real quick.” Edward hopped out of the truck and took off running

towards the house. Charlie used this moment to talk to his daughter.

“Is everything ok between you two?”

“Yeah. Just fine,” Bella was not giving up any information especially since she didn’t really

know herself. She had been confused by Edward’s reactions to her today. She had no idea what

was on his mind.

Charlie simply nodded as Edward poked his head out the door waving his arm, signaling for

Bella to come in.

Charlie leaned in and kissed his little girl on the forehead, “Have fun, sweetheart.”

“Thanks Dad.” She hopped out of the truck and closed the door behind her. As she arrived to the

door, Esme appeared and waved goodbye to Charlie. Charlie thanked God in that moment that

Esme was there to keep things under control. Teenagers!

“Bella, it’s so good to see you. I’m baking cookies. Would you and Edward like some to eat

while you study?”

“That would be great. Thank you.”

“You two go upstairs and study. I’ll bring them up when I’m done.”

Edward took Bella by the hand and they slowly walked up the stairs towards his room.

Upon entering his room, Bella closed the door behind them. Edward sat down at his desk

rummaging through his book bag to find his vocabulary list. Bella sat down on his bed patiently

waiting for him to find whatever he was looking for. “So where do you want to start?”

Edward pulled out his vocabulary list and handed it over to Bella. “Start at chrysanthemum.”

Bella began drilling him, calling out words as Edward would write them down with proper

spelling and definitions.

After they went through half the list, Bella stood up and walked over to Edward placing her

small hand on his shoulder. She leaned down in front of him to grab the piece of paper that he

had been writing on. The smell of her strawberry shampoo wafted in his face. He inhaled

deeply to take in her scent. She turned to look at him and smiled. They just stared at one

another feeling the magic of the moment happening between them.

Edward leaned into her and whispered, “I just want to try one thing.” And with that he kissed

her. It started out as a sweet simple chaste kiss, but there was a power behind this kiss that

exceeded their normal expectations. Bella dropped the paper in her hand back on the desk (at

least that’s where she figured it was landing) and moved into Edward. She pressed her body into

his and ran her fingers through his silky copper colored locks.

Their lips moved in unison with each other. Each kiss became more urgent. Edward couldn’t

take it anymore. He needed to be closer to her. He turned his body towards the bed and lifting

her with him, he pushed them both down on his bed.

He moved his hand to her face and leaned in and kissed her. Bella curled her fingers through his

hair as he pushed his body down on top of her. The feeling of Edward’s weight on her was

heavenly. She then remembered Rose’s advise, ‘Just open your mouth enough for him to know

you want this’. With the next kiss Edward placed on her lips she slightly opened her mouth

allowing Edward to feel her heated breath against his lips.

Can I do this? What if she is only doing this because she thinks it’s what I want? God she seems

to want this as badly as I do.

In that moment Bella ran her tongue over Edward’s moist soft lips almost as if she were

answering his mental argument. That was all the invitation he needed. He opened his mouth and

let his tongue slip inside her mouth. The sensation was unexplainable. The moment his tongue

touched hers he knew exactly what Jacob had meant. Magic!

It sent tingles down both their spines. His tongue wrestled with hers, fighting for control but

neither wanting to give it. Both of them only wanting to stay locked in this moment forever.

They both feared losing this connection. The power of it was so intense that they craved it.

Edward moved to kiss the corner of her mouth and then trailed kissed down her jaw and neck.

With each kiss he would run his tongue over her delicate skin. Bella shivered underneath his

touch. She was feeling a sensation in her lower regions that she had never felt before. She was

panting as Edward lips found her earlobe and began sucking.

“Eddie,” she whispered. He looked at her and was amazed. She had a flush across her cheek

that made her blush nothing in comparison. He had never seen her look so beautiful in his life.

Bell ran her hands up his shirt feeling his bare chest underneath her finger tips. Edward moved

and in one quick swoop had his shirt over his head and on the floor. He sat on his knees over her

and she lay there in awe of his body. She had never realized how perfect he really was. Even for

a thirteen year old, Edward was very nicely sculpted.

He leaned back into her and without even thinking about it now, he slipped his tongue back

inside her mouth. Bella felt the need to have his weight back on top of her. She ran her fingers

down his now bare back and pushed just enough to let him know what she wanted.

He easily complied allowing his full weight to crush down on top of her.

I want to touch her. I want to feel her but will she push me off her? I’m crazy for doing this. I

know it!

He ran his fingers down the side of her body as his lips and tongue continued to move with hers

so easily now. Bella felt his hand slide across the front of her chest as he cautiously grabbed her

breast in his hand.

Oh God. Oh God. What if I’m not enough? What if he doesn’t want me after he feels that I have

no tits? This has been so perfect and my body is going to ruin this for me!

Edward moaned at the feel of her perfect breast under his hands. Even with the material between

their bare skin, he could still feel her taut nipple protruding underneath the fabric. “Perfect.” He

whispered to her as though he were reading her mind, “You are just perfect.”

All of her inhibitions went out the window when he said that she was perfect. She pulled his face

back to hers and forcefully kissed him with as much passion as she could muster. He continued

to grope her while feeling himself harden. Edward had morning wood nearly every day but

never had he felt his dick harden over such arousal. He was pressing against his jeans and it felt

almost painful. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he wanted to take things slow with Bella, he

would have probably dry-humped her just out of instinct. His body was drawn to her.

It could have been minutes or it could have been hours, neither one knew. All they did know

was this was the closest they had ever been and they didn’t want to stop. Their lips were swollen

from the sucking, small bites and the tongue intrusions but it felt so good.

They had moved to where Bella was now on top of Edward. She could feel his hard cock

pressed against her center and wondered if he could feel the heat from her. What she didn’t

know was he could not only feel the heat but the wetness that was seeping through her jeans.

She stared into his eyes noticing that they were a darker shade of green than usual, and they were

filled with nothing but desire for her. He pulled her down to him and was slipping his hands up

her shirt. He relished in the feeling of her bare flat stomach and sliding his fingers over the silky

material of her bra. As his hands were making their way underneath the silk of her bra, she knew

she owned him and he owned her. There was nothing that could ever get in their way.

Except maybe Esme.

A gasp and the sound of broken glass stopped Edward and Bella in their place. Edward looked

over Bella’s shoulder as Bella whipped her head around to see Esme’s shocked expression.

“Edward Anthony Cullen!” Esme screamed out when she finally found her voice.

Bella immediately jumped off top of Edward at the sound of Edward’s mother scream and

quickly grabbing his shirt and handed it to him. Edward slipped his shirt over his head and

moved to get off the bed as well.

“Mom, It’s not what you think. I prom-”

“Don’t.” Esme put her hand up to Edward to stop him. “Bella, I’m not going to tell your mother

about this, but I am going to take you home right now.” Bella moved towards the door and

turned to look back at Edward. She mouthed, “I’m sorry.” He couldn’t help but smile. She was

apologizing for nothing. He didn’t care about how much trouble he was about to get into, he was

elated by what just happened and he couldn’t wait to do it again. “I love you,” he mouthed to

her with a smile playing on the edge of his mouth.

Esme watched as her son just admitted to this young woman, now standing beside her, that he

loved her. Part of her wanted to jump up and down for joy, but the other part of her wanted to

slap him silly. He had no clue the Pandora’s Box he was opening, but she did and she didn’t

want him to make her mistakes. The other part of her won out. “Come on, Bella,” Esme


“I love you too,” Bella whispered back. It had not escaped her attention that they had finally

admitted this to each other. “Bye, Eddie.”

“Bye, Bells.” He gave a slight wave and moved to sit as his desk.

“We’ll talk when I get back. You understand me, young man?” Esme barked.

“Yes, ma’am.” Edward lowered his head in shame. He wasn’t ashamed of what he did; he was

just ashamed he got caught.

Emse closed the door behind her. She knew that these kids’ hormones were running rampant

and she just wanted to make sure they were safe. She wished someone had been there to help her

as she was growing up. Her parents had always been more concerned with their social status

then with what she was doing. She wasn’t going to let that happen here.

The awkward silence between her and Bella bothered her as she took Bella home. It was just a

six block drive but she could feel the tension.

“Mrs. Cullen?” Bella broke the silence. Esme was relieved. “I’m sorry. It was my fault.

Please don’t punish Edward.”

Esme smiled. This little girl was willing to take the bullet for her son. She felt the anger subside

a bit. This little girl… no wait, scratch that... this young woman was in love with her son, and

she couldn’t think of any other girl she would want to see Edward with. Even with them being

as young as they were.

“Sweetheart, I know it takes two to tango. I’ve done it enough times in my life. He is just as

much at fault as you are. I just want you two to be careful. Things that you don’t want to

happen sometimes do and you and Edward are just too young for that right now.”

Bella blushed, “Are you talking about sex?” She nearly choked on the last word.

“Yes,” Esme said simply.

“No. No! We weren’t going to… No!” Bella stuttered.

“Maybe not, but what you were doing is a gateway. I just want you both to be very careful for

both your sakes. I love you both so much and I don’t want either of you hurt.”

“This was the first time. Just this once. He didn’t hurt me. I promise.”

They pulled into the drive at the Swan residence. “Like I said, I’m not going to tell your mother

about this. However, I really do think you should. You need to talk to her. I know she will help

you sort through the feelings you have.” Esme leaned in and kissed Bella on the forehead. She

felt so connected to this young woman, almost as if she was one of her own.

“Thank you and I promise I will. I tell my mother everything.”

“I’m sure you will. Have a good night, sweetheart.” There was something in Bella’s eyes that

told Esme she was telling the truth.

“You too.” Bella got out of the car and went into the house.

Esme drove home trying to decide how to handle this. If she had her way she would ground

Edward for a month but she knew that wouldn’t fix the situation. So there was only one thing

she could do. The one thing her parents never did and she had to do it before Carlisle got home

or things would get bad and fast. She was determined that Carlisle wouldn’t know what

happened today.

She walked into the house and made a stop in her room before heading to talk to Edward. She

knocked on Edward’s door and he didn’t answer. She noticed the broken plate and cookies had

been cleaned up from off the floor. She couldn’t help but smile. Edward was obviously trying to

suck up to her. She opened the door to find Edward sitting at his desk with his ear buds in his

ears. He was playing a video game on his computer.

Esme patted him on the back and he pulled the ear buds out. “Let’s talk.” She said as she went

to sit on his bed. Edward gulped and then followed her. He noticed she had something in her

hand and was intrigued as to what she would bring to the ‘talk’.

“Edward.” Esme started, “I know you and Bella have been together for quite awhile now. I love

that you two have grown so close but what I walked in on today was rather shocking.”


Esme cut him off, “I’m not saying you were wrong. The feelings you and Bella have are quite

real and natural. It’s just that the two of you are very young and in the wrong situation things

could get out of hand.”

“But Mom…”

She cut him off again as she revealed what was in her hand. “I am not condoning a sexual

relationship between you and Bella…”

“MOM!” Edward exclaimed at what his mother was implying. They had only been making out.

They weren’t going to have sex.

“Edward, I’m serious here...” She handed Edward a foil packet that had the word Trojan

inscribed on the front. “You and Bella are growing up and your bodies are playing funny tricks

on you. If something were to happen I want you and her to be protected. It is your

responsibility as well as hers to make sure that you take care of each other if you do indeed


She couldn’t get the word out. Not that she was ashamed of sex; it was just the thought of her

thirteen-year-old son being in a situation to have sex.

“Mom, please! Seriously! We weren’t going to have sex. We had never even made out until

today. I promise.” Edward was frantic to make her believe him.

“Bella said the same thing.” Esme admitted as a sense of relief came over her.

“What? How the hell could you talk to Bella about this?” Edward’s humiliation worsened.

How could his mother talk to his girl about sex?

“Language, Son. I won’t have you using that kind of language in this house,” Esme scolded.

“I didn’t go into details. I just let her know I understood and I thought she should talk to Renee

about the changes her body was making. Just like yours, she is going through a lot of changes

and needs to talk about her feelings with someone.” Esme pushed the condom towards her son.

“I’m serious take this. Keep it with you at all times. You hear me?”

“What will Dad think about this, Mom?”

“Right now, this is our little secret. You know how your father gets.” Edward nodded his head

and took the condom from his mother. He put the contraceptive in his pocket. It made him feel

like his jeans were being weighed down by simply being there.

“Now I’m not going to ground you. If I did I would have to explain to your father why you are

in trouble and honestly I’ve had enough of this today.” She admitted to her son as he shook his

head frantically agreeing.

“I do however ask that the next time you and Bella... well… you know... just be precautious ok?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Esme stood up to leave the room. When she reached the door she turned to Edward. His head

was still down, “Thank you for cleaning up the mess.”

“No problem, Mom. I figured it was the least I could do.” Edward looked into his mother’s eyes.

He could see his eyes staring back him. It always amazed him how much his and her eyes

looked so much alike. The only real difference was hers crinkled just a little bit around the

edges. She smiled at him and her eyes light up. He smiled back.

“I love you, Son, you know that right?”

“I would never doubt it, Mom.” Esme glanced at her young man child. He was growing before

her eyes and he had found a beautiful young woman who would one day replace her in his life.

She knew that she had just a few short years of belonging that way to him and she planned on

taking full advantage of all them.

~ X ~

Bella walked into her house. She could hear her mother and father talking at the kitchen table.

“Bella? Honey, you’re home early.” Charlie called out to his daughter.

“I was tired so Esme went ahead and brought me home.”

Both Charlie and Renee knew their daughter well enough to know that she was lying. He knew

things had been a little strained between her and Edward earlier that day and was afraid that they

may have gotten into a fight. He was about to question what happened when Bella told them she

just wanted to go lay down. Her parents gave the go ahead and she went upstairs.

She closed the door to her room and laid down on the bed. She closed her eyes and suddenly she

was transported back into Edward’s bedroom. She could feel his warm breath against her skin as

he traced her jaw with his lips. The image of shirtless Edward flooded her memory and she

wanted nothing more than to touch his bare chest again. A knock at the door brought her back to


“Can I come in, honey” Renee asked as she poked her head around the door.

Bella sat up on her bed. “Sure.” She answered.

Renee moved into the room and sat at the foot of Bella’s bed. “What happened, baby?”

Bella burst into tears. She was both happy and sad. She was happy about the connection she had

shared with Edward and sad at the loss of the same connection when Esme entered the room.

She suddenly felt a piece of herself was missing and it was tearing her apart.

Bella laid her head in her mother’s lap and wept. Renee let her little girl cry not saying a word as

she played with her long wavy brown hair. Her fear was that Bella and Edward had broken up,

and she knew her little girl just needed to cry it out.

After several minutes Bella was finally able to speak, “Esme caught me and Edward making out

in his bedroom today.”

A rush of relief flood Renee’s body. She has been expecting this to happen sooner or later, and

she was just glad that her daughter was not crying over a broken heart.

“I see,” Renee said.

“Is that all you have to say? Mama… we were making out.”

“As long as it was only that. Making out I can handle.”

Bella’s head popped up and her expression made Renee laugh. “Baby, your hormones are going

nuts right now. I honestly expected this much sooner.”

Bella laid her head back down in her mother’s lap. “He told me he loved me.”

“Really? Do you love him?”

“I do. I can’t help it. I really love him.”

Renee had known since her daughter was eight years old that this young man would be the love

of her daughter’s life. Nothing she had just been told was even remotely surprising but yet again

she was going to instruct her daughter to not tell Charlie. Charlie was already envious enough of

the affection his little girl showed towards this boy. Knowing she was in love with him and oh,

heaven forbid, making out with him, Charlie would lose total control.

The telephone rang interrupting the conversation. Charlie screamed up the stairs that it was

Edward on the phone for Bella. Renee kissed her little girl and then told her to quit worrying.

This was all natural and she could talk to her anytime. Bella hugged her mother tightly and

thanked her for understanding. She then ran down stairs to get the phone from her father.

“Don’t stay on there too long.”

She shook her head as she took the phone, “Hello.”

“Bells…” Edward’s voice was slightly raspy and she suddenly felt the desire to be near him.

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“Are you ok?”

“Better than I have ever been,” she admitted.

“So you’re not in trouble? Mom told me she told you to talk to your mom. Did you?”

“Yeah. I did. She was really cool about everything.”



“So was mine.”

“But she was so angry when she… you know.”

“I know but we sat down and had a talk. The only bad part about it was she gave me a condom.”

“Oh, my God! You’re kidding right?”

“Nope,” he popped his lips on the last syllable. They both laughed.

“She told me it was my responsibility to make sure we were both safe if we ever… you know.”

Bella sat in silence. She wasn’t sure how to react. They had just made out and suddenly they

were talking about sex. She knew she was nowhere near ready for that and she hoped Edward

wasn’t either.

“Edward? You’re not wanting to… right now… are you?”

Edward realized how Bella was taking this. “God, no! I don’t mean it like that. I mean. Just not

right now. I’m not ready. Are you?”

Bella sighed with relief, “No.”

“Settled. Not until we are both ready. No pressure. I just liked kissing you.”

“Me too. I want to again,” she blushed at her admission.

“Me too.”

The two got rather quiet for a moment and then Edward said, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Good night, my beautiful princess,” he smiled at this sentiment. He truly believed she was the

most beautiful girl on the planet.

“Good night, my handsome prince,” Bella disconnected the call and looked up to see her mother

watching her.

“Wash up and don’t forget to say your prayers,” Renee instructed as she walked away. She

smiled at what little she had just heard of the conversation. Her little girl was embarking on

womanhood and she was going to be there to guide her along the way.

Bella went upstairs and took her bath and got ready for bed. Her parents came in and kissed her

good night. Just before she turned out the light she knelt beside her bed and prayed,

“Dear God. Thank you for my parents. I couldn’t have hand chosen a better set of people to

care for me. Bless them in every possible way. Let me make them proud. And God, thank you

for Edward. Thank you for letting me love him. Please let us last forever. Oh, and thank you

for letting us stay out of trouble for today. That was a close call and I am sure I have you to

thank for that. Amen.”

Bella smiled as she realized there was no doubt in her mind she wanted to make out with Edward

again and very, very soon if she had her way about it. They just needed to be a little more

mindful of their surroundings next time.

With every kiss and every hug, You make me fall in love, And now I know I can’t be the only one,

I bet there’s hearts all over the world tonight, With the love of their life who feel, What I feel

when I’m with you.

With You by Chris Brown

~ Chapter 4: Age 15 ~

“But Dad!” Bella stomped her foot in protest.

“Don’t you dare ‘But Dad’ me, young lady! You spend entirely too much time with that boy. I

never see you with your girlfriends anymore. You’re either on the phone or with Edward and it

has to stop. You need to learn balance Bella or I will step in and force balance.” Charlie


“My other friends have boyfriends too. They spend just as much time with them as I do with

Edward.” Bella rebutted.

“That may be true but I think you need balance. I know you and Edward have gotten rather close

lately. I also know you think I don’t notice what’s going on between you two. I’m not blind,

Bella. I notice the little things he does to you when he thinks I’m not looking. I see ALL!”

The vein in Charlie’s forehead was nearly bulging out as he enlightened his daughter that her

actions weren’t as stealthy as she thought. Just earlier that day, while loading the truck up for

their fishing trip he watched that boy rub his hand across his daughter’s ass, and he nearly came

unglued as to how comfortable she was with his action.

Embarrassment flooded Bella’s body causing the normal chain reaction of a blush invading her


“I don’t know what you think you saw, but Dad, Edward loves me. He has always treated me

good. I thought you loved Edward?” Bella was grasping at straws to try and weasel her way out

of the mess this conversation had quickly become.

“You know I love Edward but you are my daughter, and I’ll be damned if I allow you two to

make some major mistakes because I decided to overlook something that my daughter thinks is



“Seriously, Bella. More time with your girlfriends or no time with Edward at all.”

As Charlie bellowed out this statement, Renee came into the house carrying an arm full of

groceries. Bella ran to mother with tears streaming down her face. Charlie knew he was fighting

a losing battle the moment Renee had come into the room. Renee dropped the groceries on the

counter and hugged her daughter.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Renee asked as she looked into her husband’s angry brown eyes.

“I watched your daughter’s boyfriend make a pass at her today. I refuse to stand for this! I

demand she spend more time with her girlfriends.”

Renee cringed. She knew that her daughter and Edward had a somewhat physical relationship

but she had hoped to keep that from Charlie a little longer. Charlie’s protective nature always

over took his logic when it came to his daughter.

So to try to keep the peace, Renee began, “Bella, I think your father is right here.”

“What?!” Bella and Charlie exclaimed in unison. Neither had expected Renee to agree with him.

“I’m not saying spend less time with Edward,” Renee eyed her husband as she stated this. “I’m

just saying you need to spend more time with your friends. How about you see if Alice and Rose

would like to spend the night tonight?”

“Really?” Bella asked. She turned to see if her father agreed.

Charlie shrugged. He knew this was a temporary fix and in essence he had lost the battle.

“Yeah, why don’t you go call the girls? I just bought a bunch of snack foods anyway. You can

make it a full-fledged slumber party. I’ll rent a few movies. Maybe even do facials. How does

that sound?” Renee hugged her daughter tight and kissed the top of her head.

“Perfect, Mom. Thank you!” Bella took off running towards the den to make her calls.

“How long have you known about them?” Charlie asked his wife simply.

“Awhile.” Squaring her shoulders and preparing for the storm that was about to hit. Hurricane

Charlie was about to be on the move and she knew it.

“Why haven’t you told me?” Charlie was upset that his wife would hide something like this from


“Because I knew you would react exactly as you did today.” Renee responded honestly.

“Of course I did. That boy grabbed our daughter’s ass when he thought I wasn’t looking.”

Charlie threw his hands in the air and quietly roared.

“Which was wrong of him but Charlie, you can’t tell me you didn’t do the same thing when you

were his age? He is madly in love with our daughter as she is with him. This is completely

natural and you know it.”

“No, I don’t.” He huffed and crossed his arms like a child about to throw a temper tantrum,

“They have never even dated, gone steady, whatever the hell kids call it these day… with anyone

but each other. How does she know she’s in love with him?”

It wasn’t that he wanted his daughter making out with every guy that came within a mile radius

of her; he just couldn’t understand how one so young could seriously be in love. And to be

totally honest, he was slightly jealous of the attention Edward got from Bella. He had always

been the center of his daughter’s universe and suddenly he saw he was being replaced.

“She just does. Besides, you were the first one to see that these two belonged together and now

you want to fight it over a simple ass grab. Something you like if I recall correctly.” A playful

smile reached Renee’s mouth as she pulled herself up to her husband wrapping her arms around

him and firmly grabbing his backside.

Charlie’s demeanor melted. He could never resist his wife. He uncrossed his arms and wrapped

them around her. He then leaned down and kissed her deeply. “You are crazy but I love you and

I trust you on this. I just pray you are right.”

“I am baby. Now, let’s send Bella out to play. I want some alone time with my husband before

we are stuck with a house full of girls, thanks to you.” Renee ran her finger across Charlie’s

lower lip and giggled.

“Bella! Go outside and play!” Charlie hollered at his daughter as his picked his wife up in one

quick swoop and carried her off to their bedroom.

~ X ~

After a night of movies, junk food and facials, Bella, Alice and Rose escaped to Bella’s


“What ya’ll want to do? I’m honestly not ready to go to sleep.” Bella declared.

“You’re not dying to call Edward right now?” Rose asked.

“Of course I am but after my father’s reaction today I’m not about to break the rules.”

“What happened?” Alice chimed in.

“Honestly, Dad could have seen a million things. I really don’t know. Edward is simply all

hands lately. I thought we hid it pretty well but I guess I was completely wrong.”

“Wow!” Both Rose and Alice gasped.

“But God, when he touches me…I lose all train of thought. I can’t help it. I just want to latch on

to him and never let him go.”

“Bella Swan?! I can’t believe this. You are actually talking about making out with Edward!”

Rose exclaimed.

Bella felt her cheeks redden. She didn’t understand what it was that changed her but as of late

she couldn’t think of anything but being in Edward’s arms. After every class, at lunch, after

school, they were constantly making out now. His touch melted her to her very core. It did

things to her body that made her want to do more with him but she was afraid of what that might


“Oh, I have an idea!” Alice exclaimed and started rummaging through her overnight bag.

Bella and Rose watched as Alice threw her clothes all over Bella’s floor trying to find whatever

she was looking for.

“I know I packed it. It’s gotta be in here somewhere–ah ha!” Alice shouted as she removed a

Cosmo magazine from her bag. “I swiped it from my mother before leaving. I saw this quiz and

I thought we would have a blast taking it.”

Rose ripped the magazine out of Alice’s hand, “Hey!” Alice protested trying to grab the

magazine back from her.

She slapped Alice’s hand and began to read aloud, “’How Sexually Adventurous Are You?’

Determine your sexual wants and deepest desires by answering these ten simple questions.”

She looked at Alice and Bella with a huge smiled plastered to her face, “I’m so in! Let’s do


Bella him-hawed a bit, afraid that she would be deemed as a cold fish when it came to her sexual


“Oh, c’mon Bella. We all see you and Edward going at it like animals in the halls at school. No

one will see this but us and it will be fun.” Alice begged while peering at Bella from underneath

her eyelashes.

Bella could never say no to Alice, “Fine, I’m in.”

Rose and Alice squealed as Bella grabbed a pen and paper from her desk to tally the answers.

They all sat down facing each other on Bella’s bed,

“Question one”, Rose began, “Your partner starts sensually massaging your neck and shoulders

when the two of you are out having a picnic in a secluded spot, what happens next? A. You make

love right then and there, B. You refuse do anything in public so you swat his hand off like a

mosquito or C. You enjoy the feeling of his hands on your body and let things develop


Alice bounces on the bed, “Oh, oh, A! Definitely A!”

Rose looks at Bella, “A for me too.”

Bella writes down the answers, “Next question.”

“I don’t think so, you have to tell us your answer too” Rose pushes impishly.

“Fine, C.” Bella blushes and writes her answer down.

“Better.” Rose scolds Bella then turns back to the magazine, “Question two, ‘Your Partner

reveals he would like you to wear sexy lingerie when you make love, what do you do? A. He

knows you already wear sexy lingerie when you make love, you just have to find a way to keep it

on, B. Tell him you’ll consider his request but will only do it when you feel comfortable or C.

Ask him what his favorite color is and go shopping’.”

Once again Alice and Rose answer A. “Bella?” Alice chides

“C” She responds as she writes down her answer.

Rose nods and continues, “Question three, ‘Your partner reveals he would like you to put the

condom on him during intercourse you, A. You tell him you’re not comfortable with that and he

needs to do it. B. Tell him you would gladly do it just for a chance to touch him more, C. Ask to

watch him do it this time and you will gladly try next time’.”

All three girls answered B.

“Bella!” Alice exclaimed, “Really? You would do that?”

Bella’s blush brightened, “Yes. I’ve felt him often enough against my stomach…” Both girls

eyed her closely. “Through his clothes of course, but god, I would do it.”

All three girls squealed with laughter.

“Ah, heck yeah, Question four, ‘Your partner suggests he would like you to give him a hand job.

You respond, A. Hell yeah, drop them drawers, baby, B. I don’t think I would or C. I’ve never

done that before but I would’.”

Rose answered first this time, “A, girls. No doubt there.”

“Same here.” Alice cooed

“C.” Bella whispered and wrote their answers down.

Rose and Alice eyed at each other with wondering looks but said nothing.

“Question five, ‘Your partner suggests he would like to give you a hand job. You respond, A.

You had to ask? Can we do it right now, B. Hell no or C. If the right moment presented itself,

then yes’.”

Bella startled both girls when she blurted out her answer, “A!” Bella’s blush covered her face

down to her neck. The mere thought of Edward’s fingers there just sent tingles down her spine.

They all laughed, “Make that three A’s please.” Rose chortled.

“Number six, ‘Your partner suggests that you keep the lights on during love making because he

wants to see your reactions. You reply, A. I prefer the lights off, much better to hide the flaws,

B. Absolutely. I want to see yours too or C. How about candlelight to start off with and work our

way up’.”

“Wow. That’s actually a tough one for me. I’ll say C just because candles are so romantic.”

Rose shrugs

“B for me” Alice simply stated

“I agree with Rose. C for me.” Bella scribbled the answers down.

“Number seven, ‘Your partner asks about your favorite sex position, You advise, A. Any

position you put me in. I want to feel them all, B. Missionary C. Spooning, You like the feeling

of a strong man’s arms around you’.”

“No! No way am I answering that one!” Bella screamed.

“Why not?” Alice questioned.

“Because I’ve never had sex so I don’t know. That’s why.”

“Neither have we but I’m sure I know what I want.” Rose suggested.

“C’mon. This is just for fun.” Alice whined.

“Fine.” Bella huffed, “C, I guess.”

“That’s the spirit! I say A.” Rose exclaimed.

“Me too.” Alice jumped on the bed.

“Surprise surprise.” Bella murmured under her breath and jotted the answers down. Alice gave a

half-hearted glare in Bella’s direction.

“Alright girls, next question, ‘Your partner suggests he would like to perform oral sex on you,

your first response is, A. Right now? I need to shower first, B. Anytime, Anyplace, C. Not even

remotely interested’.”

All three girls responded letter B as Bella wrote down their answers.

“Number nine, ‘Your partner suggests he would like you to perform oral sex on him. Your

response, A. You want me to put what where? B. I’d love to lick it like a lollipop, or C. I’ll try it

only if I don’t gag’.” Rose lay down on the bed and laughed. “You have got to be kidding me

with this? B! Of course!”

“B” Alice shrugged and then asked, “Bella?”


“That’s our girl. Edward would be so happy to hear that.” Rose giggled.

Bella’s face had practically turned a permanent shade of red at this point. Just when she thought

it couldn’t get any worse question number nine proved her wrong.

“Okay…last question. Your partner asks you to describe your ultimate sexual fantasy. You tell

him, A. In the heat of passion he pushes you against a wall and initiates love making, B. He

plays prince charming and takes you back to his castle and makes you his princess or C. too racy

to describe here”

Rose and Alice nodded and blurt out, “C”.

They giggle as Bella writes down their answers.

“You’re gonna make us ask aren’t you?” Alice complains.

Bella holds her head high, “Nope. A”

“Really. You are full of surprises tonight. I would have guessed B for you.”

“I already have my prince charming. I want him to own me now.”

Once again the girls burst into laughter. They each pat Bella on the back as she tallied their


“Well, Rose, you and Alice are in the same category but I must say Alice’s score is higher than

yours. I guess that means she’s just a bit smuttier.” Alice pats herself on the back and laughs.

“Okay. So here we go.”

“Rose and Alice it says, ‘Wild Thing, You Make Your Man's Heart Sing! Some people sky dive.

Others like to explore the world. Your great adventure of choice is exploring the limits of sexual

experience. You're completely open to new things, whether it's bringing edible body paint to bed

with your partner, working your way through the Kama Sutra or daring to do the deed

someplace you might get caught. So long as you're safe, more power to you.’”

“So true.” Alice slaps Rose’s back.

“You’re one to talk. That was yours too.”

“So, Bella, What’s yours?” Alice cooed.

“Mine is, ‘Shy but Very Curious. You're intrigued by the idea of experimenting, but something

holds you back. Maybe you think nice girls don't do naughty things or that you're not sexy

enough to have “really sexy sex.” It's OK to have some doubts or concerns. But keep in mind

that nice girls do have fabulously naughty sex. Your partner certainly thinks you're sexy enough

and chances are he'd love to experiment because you'd be doing it together. Don’t be afraid to

share your thoughts with him. You just might open up a world of sexual delights that you could

never imagined existed.’”

The room blew up in a roar of laughter as all three girls heard Bella’s results.

“You sex kitten you. I’m gonna show your boyfriend. He needs to know what he could get away

with.” Rose joked.

“You wouldn’t. I don’t want Edward to know this. I’m not going to force him into anything.

We made a promise. Not until we were both ready.”

“You’re kidding right? Because it’s obvious you both are ready.” Alice warned.

“Look. Until Edward and I both decide its time, what we are doing is just fine.” Bella returned

the warning.

“Okay. If you say so. I just think Edward would enjoy knowing his sweet little girlfriend has a

bit of a feisty side to her.”

Bella slapped Rose’s arm and threw the magazine and answers on her desk without a care.

~ X ~

The rest of weekend past by quickly and before Bella knew it Monday was upon them. She

overslept that morning so she quickly grabbed her book bag and lunch and rushed out to the car

to meet her mother. The school was only about four blocks away but Renee insisted on driving

her there every day.

“Now don’t forget. I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon so I won’t be able to pick you

up after school.” Renee instructed.

“I know, Mom. Edward has said he will walk me home. I’ll be okay. I have my key and the

walk isn’t far. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Don’t I? What happened with your father this past weekend has me worried. You and Edward

are very close and slightly careless I might add.”

“Look, I don’t know what dad saw but I talked to Edward. He will mind his p’s and q’s where

daddy is concerned.”

“Just be careful, honey. That’s all I’m asking. I know I can’t stop you and Edward from

doing…well, you know but I can ask you to be safe. If you need me to, I’ll set up an

appointment to put you on birth control. Whatever you need. Okay?”

They reached the school and Renee leaned over to kiss her daughter, “I’m serious, baby.” Renee

worried that her fifteen-year-old daughter might not be precautious in the decisions she was

making and she was determined to make sure that both her daughter and her daughter’s

boyfriend were well protected.

“I know. I promise if things progress with us, I will make sure to tell you.” Bella trusted her

mother and knew that no matter what she and Edward did; Renee would support and take care of


Bella hugged her mother and got out of the car. Edward was waiting for her at the front door.

“Hey there, princess.” He waved at Renee and then wrapped his arm around Bella’s shoulders.

“Hey, handsome.”

Bella smiled up at Edward as he pulled her closely to him and whispered in her ear, “I’ve missed


She looked into his sparkling green pools and melted, “I’ve missed you more.”

“Prove it.” Edward challenged.

Now standing on the stairs that led to their first class, Bella turns to face Edward. The only time

she could be eye level with him now is when standing directly above him on the steps of the

stairs. Edward had hit a growth spurt and was nearly six feet tall to her mere five feet. She

leaned in and kissed him. Her lips moved softly against his at first allowing him to feel the need

and want behind the kiss then she pulled him into her as he wrapped his hands around her waist

and allowed his tongue to explore her mouth.

The warning bell that they had five minutes to get to class broke the kiss.

“God, I could kiss you all day.”

Bella trying to catch her breath pulled away from his lips and began kissing him along his jaw

line. She worked her lips up to his ear where she sucked his earlobe into her mouth. She bit just

slightly and whispered, “I would gladly let you. Don’t forget, you’re walking me home today

and we have the house all to ourselves.”

Edward moaned as he felt the strain in his pants begging to escape, “Trust me, I remember.”

She let go of his ear and turned to walk the stairs. Edward slapped her backside and she squealed

as she ran up the stairs, him chasing her the whole way to class.

~ X ~

The day went by as usual, class-makeout-class-makeout-class-lunch-makeout-class-makeout-


Bella and Edward were ecstatic that they were going to be alone for once. They seldom had the

chance to spend quality time together. Normally Renee or Esme were in the next room and both

of them kept a rather close eye on the young couple making sure they weren’t doing things they

shouldn’t be doing.

The walk home was excruciating. They couldn’t get to the house quick enough. Their hormones

were racing and neither could think of anything but getting their lips connected.

Bella opened the door to the house and they walked upstairs to her room dropping their books on

the floor and barely landing on the bed as their lips intertwined.

“God, I’ve needed this.” Edward whispered to her between kisses.

Bella moaned her response.

She quickly moved to get his shirt off. She didn’t get to see him shirtless often and she was

going to take full advantage of this. She ran her fingers up his soft smooth skin and slightly

nipped his neck sending shivers down his spin.

“You mean this?” She asked as she moved his hand to her breasts.

“God, Yes.” Edward massaged her now developed breasts, and was wishing he could get that

shirt off her. He ran his lips down her neck and slid his hand underneath her shirt.

Bella gasped at the feel of his cold hands on her bare skin. “Eddie.”

He moved her shirt up just over her breast and thanked heaven she was wearing a front clasped

bra. He popped the clasp and set her breasts free from their bonds. Her perfect nipples were

erect and he latched his lips to the left nipple as his fingers gingerly ran over the right. She ran

her fingers up his spine and into his hair as his made their way to the other nipple.

“Beautiful. Just beautiful.” His warm breath tickled her.

“Eddie, I need to stop for a moment. Just a moment, baby.”

Edward moved immediately off. He had kept his promise. Never more then she could handle.

He would never force more then she was ready for. Although he felt a small amount of

disappointment flood him. He had really hoped to get a little further today. Even when they

were alone they weren’t really and today there would be no distractions.

Bella had seen the upset look cross his beautiful features and knew what he was thinking. She

pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him deeply. “It’s not that I want to stop, it’s just the button

of my jeans is digging into the skin. I need to change. I’ll be right back.”

“You could change here. I’d love to watch.” Edward smiled her favorite crooked grin. That

usually worked on her.

She slugged him and pushed him away, “You’d like that now, wouldn’t you?”

“Actually, yeah, I would!” Edward exclaimed very matter-of-factly.

Bella grabbed her tank top and cotton shorts, “I’ll be right back.”

“Fine.” Edward pouted as she left the room.

He moved off the bed and started rummaging around the room. He adjusted his extremely hard

dick to a more comfortable position, he knew he would have to take care of that when he got

home but it was worth it.

He moved over to Bella’s desk looking for something to read while he waited and found more

than he had bargained for. Lying on top of Bella’s desk was the magazine that held the quiz she

and her friends had taken over the weekend. Edward flipped through the pages until he came

across a loose sheet of paper folded and placed halfheartedly in between two pages. He began to

read the article and realized it was a quiz and the loose paper was Bella’s answers.

Edward read each question and then referred to the sheet of paper to see how his girl responded.

The more he read, the more painful his already hard cock became. His girl was feisty and she

wanted the same things that he did. They were obviously ready to take the next step. Edward

heard a sound at the door and quickly shoved the magazine under a bunch of papers on her desk

and flung his body back on the bed.

He bounced as she entered in the room and she looked at him suspiciously, “What were you


Edward smiled her favorite smiled, “Just waiting on you. God, you look hot.”

Bella had changed into a pair of blue cotton shorts and a white tank top. She decided to leave

her bra off as she wouldn’t need it for a little while. She crawled back on the bed with him,

straddling his hips. She could feel his erection through her thin shorts and relished in knowing

she did that to him.

“Do I now?” She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and leaned in to kiss him. He gently pulled the

rubber band back out of her hair.

“Leave it down. I love your hair down.” Edward ran his fingers through her soft wavy tresses.

“Gladly.” She weaved her fingers through his tasseled locks as she kissed him intensely.

His hands found her hips and he flipped her to where he was on top of her. He adored how her

hair splayed across the pillow and the look of desire and want that adorned her face.

“What can I do, princess? I want to make you feel good.” He whispered as he sucked small

amounts of skin from her neck into his mouth and trailing kisses down to her collarbone.

“Eddie…are you asking?” Bella’s heart rate was off the charts and she could only imagine where

this was going and… she liked it. The pool of her desire of flooding between her legs and she

rubbed her thighs together to get some friction and alleviate the need.

Edward felt her movement underneath him. “Please let me do that. I want to feel you.”

Maybe what she said in her answers wasn’t true. I pray I’m not forcing her into something she

doesn’t really want.

He ran his hand down her hips and over her outer thigh. “Just say yes. I won’t do it otherwise.”

He slipped his hand around to her inner thigh and she voluntarily opened her legs to feel his

touch. She gasped as his fingers brushed across her warm, wet center but never really touching,

“Do you want me to, Bells?”

She couldn’t breathe. God, I want him too. Should I? God. Yes I should!

“Yes. Please, Eddie.”

Oh my god. She just said yes. I’m going to get to feel her. I’ve dreamt of this for so long. But

wait. She didn’t say to touch her. She just said yes. Yes to what?

“Yes, Bells? Yes what? Tell me.”

“Touch me, Eddie. I need to feel you. Please.”

Edward crushed her lips with his as he slipped his fingers underneath the lining of her shorts.

She squirmed as he moved her panties out of the way and ran his fingers over her slippery slit.

“Oh!” Edward breathed as he rubbed his fingers over the outside of her sex and exploring the

texture of her soft folds beneath his fingers. He kissed her neck and collarbone as he teased her.

She arched her body to meet her touch begging for more.

“Bells, I…can I…I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I trust you.” Bella breathed.

Edward readjusted his hand so he would be able to feel her completely. Using two fingers he

separated her folds feeling the warmth and wetness surround his fingers as he did. Afraid to hurt

her, he slowly slid one finger inside her.

She gasped. “Eddie!”

He pulled his finger back thinking he had hurt but the ache inside him wasn’t sated. He loved

the feel of her around his fingers and he wanted more. So much more.

She felt as though a piece was missing from her the moment he removed himself from her body.

She ached for him. She had a wanton need that only he could cure. “Don’t stop, Eddie. Please.

I need you.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” He buried his face in her neck.

“I promise I will tell you if you do but that felt good. Again.”

He leaned and kissed her. “Okay.”

He moved his fingers back inside her shorts and slowly separated her folds to open the door to

her sweet center. He slid one finger inside her and she gasped.

“Oh, Eddie. Yes. That’s it. Don’t stop.”

Her encouragement sent him over the edge. He began moving his finger inside her. Softly he

thrust in and out of her as his lips connected with hers. The feeling of her around his finger was

indescribable. He felt connected with her and her to him.

“Bella.” His raspy voice full of desire caused her to flood between her legs.

“More, Eddie. I need more.”

Edward felt courageous at this point and slid a second finger inside her. She cried out in ecstasy

as well as a small amount of pain. It felt good to have him inside her but there was a slight

burning sensation that she easily ignored. Her need was much greater than the pain.

I’m doing that to her. I never thought I would ever see her like this. I can’t believe I’m doing

this to her and she is enjoying it! God, I need a release.

He picked up the speed of his thrust. He relished the feel of her wet center dripping around his

fingers. He was amazed at how this felt.

Bella’s breathing began to increase. Something was happening to her that she had never felt

before. The quicker the thrust of Edward’s fingers inside her the stranger she felt. Her body was

starting to shake and a pit was developing in her stomach. She could feel a strange push in her

lower body. Instinctually her walls clamped around his fingers and she cried out as her body

gave into her first orgasm.

She had never felt intensity such as this before. It made her legs feel weak as pleasure flooded

her body.

Oh my. Was that what I think it was? Did he really just do that to me? Can we do it again?

“Bells, you okay?” Edward whispered, mesmerized by the glow on her skin, the flush on her

face and the light sheen of sweat glistening on her face and neck.

“Better than okay. Wow!” She smiled at him. “I want to do that again.”

“Really? Me too.” Edward smiled at the thought that this wasn’t just a onetime only thing. She

wanted him to touch her. To really touch her. And he wanted to. He would strive now to make

her feel that again. He had enjoyed watching the flush across her skin as his fingers worked her

over. She was beautiful in the moment she released and he wanted to see that beauty over and

over and over again.

“Eddie, what if I did that to you?”

Her question threw him off guard. He had read that question on the quiz but it had never

occurred to him to ask her to. He had only wanted to please her.

“You want to?”

“Yes.” She whispered. “I want to badly.”

“Bells, you don’t have to. You know that right?”

“I know. I want to though. I need you to feel what I just felt.” She pulled herself up to kiss him.

He opened his mouth to meet her tongue and let her enter him with all the passion and need she

could muster.

He had already planned on taking care of business when he got home, so what would the harm

be in letting Bella have her way. She had after all let him touch her that way. Why shouldn’t he

let her do the same?


Bella smiled while still kissing him and ran her fingers down his bare torso. She unbuttoned the

top button of his jeans and slipped the zipper down on his fly. Gently she moved so she could

slide them down his hips. Using all her body weight she turned them over to where she was once

again on top of him.

She leaned in and kissed his chest. She trialed open mouthed kissed down his torso as her

fingers moved to release his throbbing hard cock from his boxers.

“Do you do this to yourself?” She asked as ran her hand over the bulge in his boxers.

Edward had never been able to lie to her. “Yes.” He whispered

“When thinking about me?”

“God, yes.”

“Good. You’re going to have to tell me what to do here. I have no idea what I’m doing.”

Tell her what do? Holy shit, that’s hot, Edward thought.


She pulled his boxers down and his dick stood fully erect. She gasped at the sight. He was

perfect. She didn’t have anything to compare to but in her mind he was huge and gorgeous. She

ached to touch him.

She ran her fingertips from the head down the shaft. He moaned at the feel of her fingers

touching his engorged member.

“Bella, do you have some lotion or something we can use?”

“Yeah, sure.” She leaned over him to get her lotion from her nightstand. Her tank top raised

above her belly and he nearly came at just feeling her bare stomach against his throbbing penis.

“Uh. Bella.” She moved off him.

“Eddie? You okay?”

“Beyond.” He exhaled.

“Put some lotion on your hand and then gently wrap your fingers around me. Start at the top and

slowly move your hand down me and just continue in this motion.” Edward demonstrated with

his own hand as to what she needed to do.

Bella circled her fingers around the head of his penis, “Like this?”

“Mmmm. Yes, just like that, baby.”

Bella smiled as she watched the elation on Edward’s face. He was feeling what she had just felt

and she couldn’t wait to make him climax.

She slowly moved her hand down the shaft of his dick and back up again. She was amazed at

the softness of his skin against her fingers. She watched her hand moved up and down him

feeling every inch of him. She had never seen a penis prior to this moment and it simply

intrigued her. His penis would twitch with her thrust. There was a vein that seemed to enlarge

with every stroke making his dick feel more ridged.

I wonder what he would taste like. How would he react if I put my mouth on him? I better not.

He may not want me too. God, look at that glistening at the top. I want to taste that.

As she pulled her hand back up to the head she ran her thumb over his slit. The pre-cum that had

accumulated there had beckoned her. She had to touch it. He had felt her wetness so it was only

fair she got to feel his, right?

“Bells.” Edward groaned.

She began to pick up speed while she gently tugged with each stroke. She was amazed at the

expression on his face. She wondered what he was feeling. Could she really make him feel this

good? His body arched towards her hand with each stroke. He moved in unison with her. Then


“Uhhh. Bella. Stop!”

Bella stopped immediately pulling her hand away. Her heart felt like it was in her throat. She

feared she did something wrong. She just wanted to make him feel good and she was afraid she

had failed.

“What? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“No. It’s not that.” He ran both his hands across her face moving her hair back, “I can’t last with

that fast of motion. I want to feel you. Slow down. Just a bit.”

She exhaled and tried to relax. She placed her hand back around him and picked up motion.

Taking it nice and easy but applying just enough pressure to make his dick twitch with ecstasy.

“Eddie, I want to make you cum.”

“I want you too also but I just want to feel you. Just a moment more.” He pulled her face to his

and kissed her as the she continued to pump up and down on his throbbing member.

His tongue collided with hers and he couldn’t hold on anymore. She continued to stroke until his

body convulsed under her hand.

“Fuck.” He whispered out.

Bella had never heard Edward cuss before. The sound of that word coming out of his mouth sent

fire to her belly. It was probably the sexiest thing she had ever heard.

She sucked his lower lip into her mouth as the stream of semen seeped between her finger tips.

It was warm and sticky and totally Edward. She loved it. She felt his body continue to jerk with

the pleasure of his orgasm.

“Did I do that right?” Bella asked innocently.

“Right? That was beyond perfect!” He kissed her deeply while getting up from her bed and

grabbing a towel out of her dirty clothes hamper. He cleaned himself up and pulled his pants up,

zipping the fly but leaving the top button undone.

“Let me see your hand.” She put her cum coated hand out to him and smiled. She wore his

orgasm with pride. She had done that to him.

He took her hand and wiped away his pleasure. Once her hand was clean, he kissed the tip of

each finger.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?”

“I do because you tell me.” She moved to her knees and faced him. She pulled his face to hers

and kissed him.

“Thank you for today. I was afraid you wouldn’t want this?” Bella breathed against his lips.

“I wouldn’t want this? I was afraid of the same thing. I can’t think of anything but being with


She smiled at his admission. “We’ll take this slowly but we’ll be more open to new possibilities.


“Absolutely!” Edward exclaimed as he picked her up off her bed and swung her around


Still in his arms, she pulled back and looked him into his big green eyes, “Now, let’s study

something other than each other’s bodies. Mom should be home soon and I don’t think she

would like catching you with your hands down my pants.”

“Hmm. Fine by me… if I can do that again.” He placed her on the bed and began to climb back

on top of her. “You know you want me too.”

“Course I do but I don’t my mother to catch us either…so go get some books. It’s time for

homework, Cullen.”

He moved off her with a smile and grabbed his shirt and slipped it back over his head. He then

buttoned the top button of his jeans and grabbed his book bag from the floor. She slipped off the

bed and grabbed a bra and put it on. No way would she let her mother catch her without one.

They were able to study for about thirty minutes before Renee arrived home.

“See, I told you.” She leaned in to him and kissed him as he took his last chance to grab her

backside. He squeezed tightly.

“Yeah but it would have been more fun to play with you until she got here.” He kissed her nose

and then started packing his books. Renee was supposed to take him home as soon as she got


“I love you.” Bella leaned over him whispered in his ear.

He reached up and pulled her into his lap, “I love you too my princess.” He kissed her deeply.

She felt the need hit her centre and cursed herself for not letting him have his way earlier.

“Bella? Edward?” Renee called out.

Bella pulled away and stood up, “Coming, Mom.”

“Actually we already did that.” Edward whispered to her.

Bella slugged him and laughed.

Renee came up the stairs to see Bella moving away from Edward. She noticed the disheveled

state of Bella’s bed and decided in the moment that she had made the right decision to set that

appointment to take her daughter to the doctor for birth control. If they haven’t yet had sex, then

they would soon and she wanted to take no chances on either one of their safety.

“Edward, you ready to go?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Edward replied politely.

“I’ll see you two downstairs then.” Renee winked at her daughter and turned around and left.

“She knows.” Bella whispered as Edward picked up his book back from the floor.

“She knows nothing, Bells. Besides, we didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not like we had sex.” He

pulled her into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

“You’re right.” She looked up at him and smiled. He kissed her chastely and then taking her by

the hand led her downstairs.

Nothing was said on the car ride to the Cullen’s house. Edward and Bella sat in the backseat,

cuddled together as if their lives depended on it.

Renee watched the young couple and couldn’t help but smile. Some may consider her a lenient

parent and that maybe true but she honestly felt why fight it. They were going to do this with or

without her consent. If she could be supportive at least Bella and Edward would be safe with

their choices and no mistakes would be made that could negatively impact either of their lives.

Edward played with Bella’s hair as she laid her head across his chest. Renee noticed the look in

her daughter’s eye and was certain that they were in love. She had the same look for Edward

that Renee carried for Charlie to this day.

They arrived at Edward’s house and he leaned in and kissed Bella. “Thank you for today.” He

whispered to her.

“Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you too. Have a good night my sweet princess. Call me before you go to bed.”

“I will.” She kissed him and then they both got out of the car. He hugged her close. “I don’t

want to leave you.”

“I know what you mean. I don’t want to leave you either.”

“Well, good night, my love.”


Bella moved to the front seat as Edward went into the house.

Once Edward was inside the house, Renee pulled out of the drive to head home.

“So how was your doctor appointment?”

“Perfect health. I also set one up for you today.”

“What, why?”

“Bella, I see it. I know the signs. You and Edward are about to have sex or are having sex and I

think it’s time you are protected. I talked to Dr. Gerandy today about putting you on birth


“You’ve got to be kidding, Mom. We aren’t having sex.”

“That maybe but, Bella, I see it. You two are way too comfortable with each other’s bodies. I

just think it’s a good idea to be precautious. Okay?”

Bella knew her mother meant well and with everything that had happened today her mother was

right. Their relationship was heading in that direction and it would be better to be prepared.

“Okay, Mom. I think you’re right.”

“So you two aren’t having sex?”

“Not yet.” Bella blushed.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a beautiful thing actually. And when you share it with

someone you love…well there is no deeper connection between two people.” Renee pulled the

car into their driveway.

“I just want you and Edward to be careful. Sex is a big step and it has a lot of repercussions.

Just be safe. Okay?”

“We will, Mom.”

~ X ~

That night as Bella kneeled beside her bed to say her prayers she thought about the day’s events.

She was still amazed at how her body instinctually knew what to do. She marveled at the sight

and feel of Edward underneath her hand and how her body had reacted to his touch.

God, thank you for my parents. I know this is hard on them watching my life change as it is.

Thank you for giving me a mother, who is wise, a mother who knows my needs even before I do.

Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for her guidance and friendship. And God, help daddy

understand that I’m still his little girl even though I love Edward. That he will always hold a

special place in my heart. Please watch over Edward as he sleeps tonight. Let him think of me.

I love him and I thank you for allowing me to find my soul mate. Amen.

Bella crawled under the covers and slept soundly that night. Her dreams were filled with

thoughts of Edward’s love and his gentle touch.

Time slows down whenever your around, but can you feel this magic in the air, it must have been

the way you kissed me, fell in love when I saw you standing there, it must have been the way

today was a fairytale.

Today Was A Fairytale by Taylor Swift

~ Chapter 5: Age 15 ~

“Renee, you might want to step outside. A few of the questions I have for Bella maybe personal.

Most young people feel like there are things they don’t want to discuss in front of their parents.”

Dr. Gerandy instructed.

“Doctor, I promise I have nothing to hide from my mother. I would like her to stay please.”

Bella pleaded.

Renee walked over to her daughter who was sitting on the doctor’s table in a paper gown. She

took Bella’s hand, “Baby, I’ll stay but if you change your mind, you won’t hurt my feelings.

You understand that?”

“Yes, mama.” Bella gripped her mother’s hand tighter, “Okay, doctor. I’m ready.”

Dr. Gerandy nodded his head and began, “Are you sexually active?”

Bella cheeks became inflamed. While she and Edward had not had sex, yet, the thought was

there. That was the whole purpose of this appointment. “No.”

“Do you have any reason to believe you are pregnant or might be pregnant?”

“No.” How the hell could I be pregnant if I’m not having sex? What a stupid question.

“When was your last menstrual cycle?”

“About two weeks ago.”

“Are you currently on any medications?”

“No, sir.”

“Are you interested on being put on birth control?”

Bella looked at Renee, while she knew this was the reason for the doctor’s visit, it still

humiliated her that she had to answer this question.

“Yes, sir.” She whispered.

“Bella, there is nothing to be ashamed of here. You are a young woman and birth control is used

for more than just sexual protection. It helps regulate your periods as well as assist with PMS

and the pain of a monthly cycle.”

Bella nodded her head and looked at her mother. She wasn’t sure what to say.

“Doctor, what kind of birth control would you suggest for Bella?” Renee interceded.

“Taking her age into account and the fact that she isn’t currently sexually active, I would suggest

the standard once a day pill. You would have to remember to take it on a daily basis to ensure

optimal effects but I think in Bella’s case, it would be a great place to start.”

“Ok. Sounds good to us.” Renee agreed.

“Do you have any questions for me, Bella, before we get started?”

“No, sir.” Bella whispered

“Alright, I will go get a nurse so we can complete your examination.” He noticed the fear creep

across Bella’s face, “It won’t take too long. I promise. This will all be over before you know it.”

Dr. Gerandy patted Bella on the shoulder and left the room.

“Mama, I’m scared.” Tears threaten to seep from Bella eyes.

Renee hugged her daughter, “Sweetheart, this is nothing to be scared of. He’s just going to

check that everything is ok. I promise it doesn’t hurt. It just feels a bit uncomfortable.

Everything will be ok and I won’t leave your side.”


“Promise, baby.” Renee slightly chuckled as she pushed the hair away from her daughter’s face.

She did everything in her power to calm her daughter down as they waited for the doctor’s


They didn’t have to wait too long. The doctor returned with a nurse very quickly and the

examination ensued.

~ X ~

Exiting the exam room, Dr. Gerandy handed Bella a white paper sack, “All right, inside this bag

is your first month’s worth of birth control. Also your prescription is included. Have your

mother get this filled as soon as you’re about to start your last week’s worth of pills. Make sure

you take them at the same time every day. If you miss a dose, take that missed dose immediately

upon thinking about it. Got that?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Well then, you’re all set. See you next year, Bella.” Dr. Gerandy patted Bella on the back. He

then turned to Renee and shook her hand. “Have a good day, ladies.” He smiled and walked


“Alright, sweetheart. Let’s get out of here.” Renee smiled at Bella as they started heading

towards the exit.

“Renee? Bella?”

Bella and Renee turned to see Carlisle coming towards them. I’m just grateful he isn’t my doctor.

I don’t think I could stop staring if he was. Renee caught herself thinking.

Carlisle was a very handsome and young looking doctor, while in his late thirties he still only

looked like he was in his late twenties. He stood tall and very fit. His blonde hair was combed

perfectly in place and his beautiful smile was slightly downcast at the sight of them there.

Bella’s heart sank into her stomach. She hadn’t expected to see Edward’s dad there.

“Carlisle. I mean, Dr. Cullen, How are you?”

Carlisle hugged Renee and chuckled, “Carlisle is fine here. I’m great. Pretty slow day actually.

Everything ok here?” He asked as he eyed Bella.

“Oh, yeah. Everything is great. Bella just had her first physical today. That’s all.” Renee

shrugged it off as if it were nothing. Bella continued to stand there not saying a word, hugging

her bag.

Mom! No! Don’t tell him that. He’s a doctor for crying out loud. He’ll know immediately what

this is about. God, I didn’t even tell Edward what I was doing today. Jeez. I’m screwed.

“Well, I take it your in perfect health then?” Carlisle directed to Bella with a bright smile.

“Yes, sir.” She refused to look into his eyes.

Maybe he won’t think anything of it. I mean he is being really nice.

“Great to hear, Bella. I know Edward will be happy to hear that as well.” Carlisle gripped

Bella’s shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. Bella saw his eyes linger on the bag she clutched to

her chest a moment too long. She knew that could only mean one thing.

Shit! He knows!

“Well, I have a patient I need to go check on. I’ll catch you all later.” Carlisle gave Renee

another quick hug and walked away.

“That was slightly weird, wasn’t it?” Renee nervously laughed as she and Bella turned to leave

the office. Bella looked behind her to see Carlisle looking over a file with his index finger and

thumb pinching his nose. She knew that he was well aware of what had just happened and

chagrin inundated her.

~ X ~

“Birth control? Why would Renee feel it was necessary to put Bella on birth control unless you

two are sexually active? Don’t you dare lie to me, Edward!” Carlisle screamed at his son.

The family was gathered at the dining room table. This table was only ever used for family

meetings and large holiday gatherings. Carlisle was seated at the head with Esme to his right and

Edward to his left. He stared Edward eye-to-eye as he tried to force the facts out of Edward

concerning his and Bella’s relationship.

“Dad, I swear, we haven’t had sex.”

“Then why the birth control?”Carlisle once again questioned his son as his voice began to raise

an octave higher.

“I DON’T KNOW DAD!” Edward screamed at his father.

“DON’T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THA-” Carlisle blustered at his son.

Esme decided to intercede, “Edward, we believe you.” Carlisle huffed at his wife’s statement.

“He doesn’t.” Edward pointed at his father.

“Look Edward, we just want to make sure you and Bella are safe. If you are having sex, we need

to make sure you’re taking every precaution available. You understand?” Carlisle attempted to

get his voice under control.

Oh yeah? Then why are you jumping down MY throat about the so called precautions we are

apparently taking? God, what a Hypocrite, Edward thought.

“We are not having sex. I promise. What’s wrong with you two? Do you really think I would

be that stupid to have unprotected sex with her?”

“No, son. We just have some experience here. It is very important to us to make sure you and

Bella don’t face some of the things your mother and I have.” Carlisle instructed.

“What your father is trying to say is he doesn’t want you to hurt like I did when I was your age

over something that could be prevented if addressed before it happens. That’s all.” Esme

exhaled and ran her fingers through her hair. She looked at her husband and sighed, “I think it’s

time we tell him.”

“You might be right.” Carlisle pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes while trying to

control his breathing.

Esme began, “As you know, Grandma and Grandpa Platt were never the most reliable people.”

“Still aren’t” Carlisle chuckled and then waved his wife on to continue.

“They always let me do pretty much whatever I wanted. The only problem was they ever

explained the consequences of my actions.”

Esme reached over and took Carlisle’s hand. He gave her a weak smile and she proceeded,

“When I was sixteen, I became pregnant. The boy, the baby’s father, decided he wanted nothing

to do with me or his child. He left me alone.” Edward could see the sadness in his mother’s eyes

as she spoke. “I was afraid to tell my parents as I knew how they would react. They would either

ship me off somewhere until the baby was born and expect me to give it up for adoption or force

me to abort it. I didn’t want either option. I wanted to keep my child.”

“Mom?” Edward eyed his mother. He couldn’t believe they’d never told him he had a sibling

before. It was unfair. He would’ve loved to have a brother or sister growing up. Sure he’d had

Jasper, Emmett, Bella and even Jake, but one of his own would have been great.

“Half way through my first trimester, I miscarried. I had already planned to run away as soon as

I started showing but I never got that far. I didn’t even know what was happening as my body

rejected the fetus. I was frightened and entirely alone as I went to a clinic and they told me what

had happened.

“After I lost the baby, I went through a really bad stage of depression. I blamed myself for the

loss of my baby. I felt if I had known more about what was happening I could have saved her.

Weeks went by and one day I decided to end my suffering and… and…” Esme covered her face

as the tears began to stream down her cheeks.

Carlisle moved to hug his wife. “It’s okay, love. You don’t have to do this.” Edward watched as

his father cuddled his mother. It was sweet to watch such strong love, even if it was his parents.

Esme caught her breath, “I had plans to kill myself, son. I was so distraught over the loss of my

baby; I felt I didn’t deserve to live since she didn’t have a chance to live”

“Oh my god! What? No! Why have you never told me this before?” Edward reached out to

touch his mother’s hand. She took his willingly.

“Because this was a burden I never wanted you to bear, baby, but at the same time I want you to

understand the consequences of your actions. If you and Bella are sexually active then we need

to make sure that both of you are protected. We don’t want to see either of you ruin your lives

over something like this.”

“I understand although I am telling the truth.” It pissed Edward off that someone could be so

heartless and it also made him think. He had never considered his parents being with anyone but

each other.

“But mom, you should know me better than that. I would never leave Bella alone like that guy

did you.” Esme squeezed her son’s hand tightly.

“We know that, baby. It’s just that we don’t want you to even have to face something like that

until you both are ready. You have so much ahead of you such as finishing High School, going

to college, marriage and then children. We just want the natural flow of life for you and Bella.”

Edward looked at his father as he wiped a tear away from his eye, “I promise I will make sure we

are protected if we do... you know. I won’t let what happened to you happen to her. I love her.”

Esme squeezed her son’s hand again, “We believe you. You still carry a condom right?”

“WHAT?” Carlisle’s sadness once again turned to anger, “He’s carrying…” he looked at his

wife and then at his son, “…you’re carrying a condom?” Fear gripped Edward. His mother had

given him that when he was thirteen and it had never occurred to him to really use it until now.

And now that Carlisle knew about it, he was certain this conversation was about to turn badly on


“Yes. I gave him one. I… I just didn’t…” Esme released Edward’s hand and moved to cup her

husband’s face. She gazed into his eyes begging him to understand her reasoning.

Carlisle looked into his wife’s eyes and decided that anger was not necessary. He knew where

her heart was.

“It’s a good idea for him to have one on him at all times.” He turned to his son, “Make sure you

change it out of your wallet every month. The heat can break down the latex. If you need we

can make sure you have a supply but you need to make sure that you keep a fresh one. Okay?”

“Yes… yes, sir. I will.” Edward felt startled by his father’s reaction. He had expected his father

to go ballistic on him. “Mom, can I ask you something?”

“Anything, baby.”

“What stopped you from killing yourself?”

Esme looked at Carlisle and smiled, “Your father of course.”


“I had made my decision so I skipped class one day and was going to head home while everyone

was gone to… well, you know. Your father was a senior and was about to go off to medical

school. He just happened to be passing through the parking lot and saw me in my car crying.”

Esme looked longingly at her husband, “He was so handsome – still is actually. Well, anyway,

everyone in school knew who Carlisle Cullen was. He was senior class president and a soccer

player, but I didn’t get to really know him until that horrible day.”

She ran her finger tips over Carlisle’s masculine features. Edward noticed the love in her eyes

for his father. It sent tingles up his spine as he saw that same look daily in Bella’s eyes for him.

“He knocked on my car window and when I finally rolled it down he asked me if I was ok. I just

cried.” Carlisle kissed Esme with a loving but chaste kiss, “He handed me a Kleenex and then he

told me to move over, he was driving.” She chuckled. “He took me to an ice cream shop of all


“It was the happiest place I could think of taking you. Ice cream always cheers me up. I wanted

to make you happy. I thought you were beautiful from the moment I first saw you there. I

couldn’t let a pretty girl cry. I had to do whatever I could to make you happy.”

Esme leaned and kissed him. “You’ve made me happy every day since.”

“Wow!” Edward gasped, “I’ve never thought about how you two got together before.”

Carlisle and Esme laughed, “I fell in love with your mother that day. I know God sent me to her.

Fate is a funny thing, son.”

“Yes, it is.” Edward whispered as he thought of Bella.

“Just promise us, you will be careful. That’s all we ask.” Esme squeezed her son’s hand and

then released him.

“I promise.” Edward smiled.

Edward began to fiddle with his fingernails as Carlisle and Esme began nuzzling each other’s

necks. Carlisle noticed his son still sitting there patiently waiting for his dismissal.

“You can go now,” Carlisle whispered barely audibly. “I love you, son.”

“Love you too, Dad.”

Edward hugged his father and then his mother. He grabbed a bottle of water and went outside.

He had a lot on his mind and hiking usually was a good way for him to clear his head. Hearing

his mother’s story made him see his parents in a different light. Suddenly they weren’t just mom

and dad anymore. They were real people who had a real history, just like him and Bella. He

loved hearing his parent’s fairytale even if it did have a horrible beginning. He decided that

night he would start writing everything down in a journal. Kind of like his own personal history


~ X ~

“I’m so sorry, Eddie. I really didn’t mean to get you in trouble. Mom made the appointment

without even talking to me about it first. I honestly didn’t think about telling you until I saw

your father there. I nearly died.” Bella begged. She had been embarrassed enough to have the

exam and then the pills handed to her, but to have Carlisle and Emse know she was on birth

control now just devastated her.

“Yeah, well,” Edward sulked. “It would have been nice to be prepared that’s all.”

“Aw, baby, what can I do to make it up to you? You know I would never purposely get in you in

trouble especially over something like this.”

“Well, you know the weather is supposed to be nice this weekend and I’m sure Charlie would

want to go fishing, but do you think he would be upset if we don’t go this weekend?” Edward

whispered to Bella over the phone.

“I don’t see why that would be a problem. We’ve skipped out before. I just have to let him

know. Why? You have plans?”

“Well, I went for a hike in the woods tonight after I talked to mom and dad and I stumbled across

something I want to show you. I figured we could make a day of it, that’s if you’re up for

spending a day alone with me.”

Edward couldn’t see her but he knew in that moment Bella was blushing on the other end of the

phone. The last time they had spent the day together, things had gotten rather spicy between

them. He was hoping to relive that moment again.

“I’m more than up for it.” She rasped.

“God, you’re too sexy for words, Isabella Swan.”

Bella giggled. “Hey baby, the other line is beeping, can you hold on for just one second?”

“Actually, I need to go anyway. I’ll see you in my dreams. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Night, princess.”

“Night, baby.” And with that Bella transferred to the next line.


“Hey B!” Alice’s chipper voice rang over the phone.

“Hey girl, what’s up?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to check on you after your doctor appointment. How did it go?” A long

pause ensued.

“Bella? You still there?”

Bella breathed a deep breath and then sighed, “It was the worst experience ever.”

“Really? What the heck happened?” Alice recalled her first visit. Her mother had insisted that

she be put on birth control as soon as she started her period. She had been scared to death but

once it was done she realized it wasn’t so bad.

“Well, the exam wasn’t so bad other than being spread out like a Thanksgiving turkey before the

doctor. I got over that. It was running into Edward’s dad that did it.”

Alice gasped, “NO!”

“Yeah and apparently he went off on Edward as soon as he got home. I have never been so

humiliated. I hadn’t even told Edward yet and his dad knew.”

“Well look at it this way, everyone knows now and you don’t have to worry about hiding it.”


“What? I’m just saying. I know you and Edward want to have sex, well now you can and no one

can say a thing.” Alice stated matter-of-factly.

“Oh, God!” Heat flooded Bella’s face at the nonchalance attitude Alice had.

“It’s nothing to get all worked up over. It’s just sex. It’s not like you are trying to quote the

Pythagorean Theorem or anything…its just sex.” It wasn’t uncommon for Alice to speak exactly

what was on her mind. Both of her parents were psychiatrists and they had a very strict rule in

their house that they talk about everything in detail. Alice had a tendency to bring that into day

to day life.

“Alice, I gotta go.”

“I guess I will see you at school tomorrow.”

“Ok. Just don’t talk about this with Rose. She’s been so moody lately. I really don’t want her

snapping at me.”

“Agreed. Ever since she and Royce broke up, she’s been nearly unbearable.”

“Thanks. I owe you.”

“Big Time!” Alice and Bella giggled.



~ X ~

The week seemed to fly by as the young couple anticipated the upcoming weekend trip together.

Edward had refused to tell Bella where they were going exactly. She was on pins and needles

with anticipation. Friday finally rolled around and Bella was at the point of begging for even the

slightest clue as to where Edward taking her.

“Eddie, please, just one little hint.” She nuzzled his ear in the lunch room.

“For God’s sake, Eddie, tell her already. She’s about to drive Em and I crazy.” Jasper groaned

while using Bella’s nickname for Edward. He knew how much Edward hated anyone but Bella

using that name.

“Dude, this is just too much fun. I’m not telling her a thing and don’t you dare either.” Edward

snapped back.

Bella looked at Edward with surprise, disappointment and a bit of trepidation. The thought

suddenly flitted across Bella’s mind. Two can play this game. She flicked her tongue lightly

along his jaw.

“Well, if you don’t tell me I guess I can’t make any plans for what I need to wear on this little

trip of ours.” Bella cooed in his ear. Edward knew what she was up to and wasn’t falling for it.

“Oh, My God, you two, go find a room,” Rose angrily growled. She hadn’t been in the best of

moods since she and Royce had broken up. She found out that Royce had been cheating on her

with half the girls in their freshman class, and it not only broke her heart but had hurt her pride.

And with Rosalie, the pride was worse than her heart.

Wanting to help heal Rose’s pain, Emmett piped up, “I’ll tell you, Bella.” He smiled evilly at


“No, you won’t or I promise I will lay every secret of yours out on this table right now. I am

certain that one person at this table would love to hear what I have to tell.” Edward blackmailed.

“You wouldn’t!” Emmett bellowed and Rose’s ears perked up.

“You tell Bella anything about my plans for tomorrow and I most certainly would.”

“Sorry, Bells, you’re on your own here.” Emmett sunk into his chair.

Jasper snickered at how quickly Emmett had backed down. Emmett punched him in the arm

causing Jasper to flinch a bit. “Oww, that hurt, fucker.” Jasper punched him back.

“Boys, chillax. Just tell all the secrets and no one has to get hurt.” Rose scooted her chair closer

to Emmett.

Both boys straightened up immediately.

Emmett cleared his throat upon feeling Rose’s body heat near him. His gut instinct was to reach

over and just kiss her but he was scared of Rose. Everyone was. But he had a strong desire to

want to help her mend her broken heart anyway and he had a plan.

“Fine.” Both Bella and Rose blurted out at the same time. Alice finally made it to the lunch

table. She leaned in and kissed Jasper.

“So what did I miss?”

The whole table blurted out, “Nothing!”

“Damn. I must have missed something good.” Alice whispered, “Stupid Mr. Banner keeping me

after class. Ugh!”

“Well, whatever it was, I didn’t catch it either because these idiots aren’t talking.” Rose brushed

her hand across Emmett’s. She noticed how he tensed up at her touch and she was interested to

see what he was hiding.

Jasper pulled Alice’s chair so close to his, she might as well have been sitting in his lap. “Baby,

it’s really nothing. Edward is forcing silence on us all about where he is taking Bella to


Alice giggled and began bouncing up and down. Jasper lost track of what was going on around

him as he was suddenly mesmerized by Alice’s bouncing chest.

“See, Eddie, even Alice knows and you won’t tell me? I’m feeling rather left out here,” Bella

whimpered as she slid her hand inside Edward’s thigh. Edward’s favorite appendage

immediately responded to her touch. “Please, Eddie. Tell me.”

Edward’s chair grinded against the floor as he moved away from Bella. He knew with that kind

of torture she would surely win and he wasn’t about to give in to her. “You’re just going to have

to wait. But I promise it will be worth the wait.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Bella responded like a spoiled brat. She stomped her feet on the floor and crossed her arms

while she stuck her bottom lip out and pouted. Edward grabbed Bella and pulled her into his lap,

“You know you will be happier if I don’t tell you.” He leaned and sucked her poked out bottom

lip into his mouth eliciting the sound that he wanted from her.

Bella moaned and immediately relaxed in his lap.

“God, I can’t take it anymore! All you stupid happy couples are killing me. I’m out of here.”

Rose stood up with her tray in hand and stormed off.

“Emmett, go after her.” Alice leaned over Jasper and instructed.

“You think so?”

“YES!” the whole table exploded at him.

Emmett picked up his tray and took off after Rose.

No sooner had Emmett disappeared, the lunch bell rang signaling the kids to head to class.

The rest of the day went as normal. Bella gave up on getting what she wanted out of Edward.

She knew it was a losing battle and tomorrow was only a day away.

~ X ~

The next morning Edward was at Bella’s house bright and early. Bella’s laughter filled the air

when she took one look at Edward. Somehow without even trying they had color coordinated.

They were both wearing a long sleeved blue t-shirt with jeans and Nikes.

“Should I go change real quick?” Bella asked.

“No. You know how I love you in blue.” Edward ran his hand down Bella’s cheek. She leaned

her face into this hand. Something about his touch always sent tingles down her spine. Even

now, even after all this time, his touch always sparked a feeling of desire and home in her.

Edward looked around and noticed the house was quiet. “Where is everyone?”

“Oh, mom and dad decided to head to Seattle for the day. They left at like two o’clock this

morning and won’t be back until real late tonight.” Bella shrugged.

“Really? So maybe you want to stay here instead?” He leaned into her with an evil but sexy look

in his eyes.

Bella pushed him away, “No. You have been punishing me all week with this secret; you’re not

getting out of it that easily.”

Edward laughed and took her by the hand, “Well, let’s get out of here then.”

“Do I need to bring anything?”

“Nope, I got everything we need right here.” He patted the knapsack at his feet. He picked it up

and slung it onto his back as Bella locked up the house. They walked hand in hand as they

reached the forest. The plush green trees welcomed them as the ferns under the feet padded the


Bella slipped periodically during the hike but Edward was always ready to catch her. He

maintained patience and poise. There were times he even anticipated Bella’s movements before

she even realized what was about to happen. These two had grown so close that they were able

to read each other’s movements without even speaking a single word.

They hiked for what seemed like hours. It was hard to tell how much time had actually passed as

the trees provided such a thick cover you couldn’t see a bit of the sky.

“Baby, you ok? Do we need to stop?” Edward stopped in his tracks. Bella turned to see what

he was doing.

“No, I’m ok. How much further?”

“Not much now. We should be there in just a bit.” He moved towards her and hugged her up.

“Thank you. I know hiking really isn’t your thing. I just really wanted to share this with you.”

“Eddie, I’m just happy to be here with you.” Bella kissed his neck. She moved away and turned

to start hiking again. She was excited to see this special place that Edward had for them. She

licked her lips and was surprised to taste him there.

Edward had been spot on with his time. Within fifteen minutes they arrived at their destination.

They moved through a thicket of trees that seemed to protect this place from the outside world.

Edward moved a few branches back like a curtain and Bella entered.

She stood in awe of what she witnessed. They were standing on the outskirts of a meadow. A

secret garden hidden in the forest. Wild flowers bloomed and the sun peaked through the trees.

Grass, unlike the normal mushy ferns, swayed in the light breeze that flowed. Edward grabbed

Bella’s hand as she stood frozen in her place. The beauty of such a place astounded her. It was

like this place was specifically made for her and Edward.

“It’s beautiful.” She whispered.

“It doesn’t compare to you but having you here makes it perfect.” He smiled and she felt her

insides melt.

Edward knelt down to the ground and undid the knapsack. He pulled out a blanket and spread it

across the ground as Bella watched. Next he laid out two bottles of water and a couple of

sandwiches. He sat down on the blanket and motioned for her to join him. Still looking around

her she moved to sit beside him.

He reached up and tucked a piece of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear.

“Are you happy?”

Bella found this to be a strange question. “Of course I’m happy. Why would you ask that?”

“I just want you to be pleased. I sometimes feel like I miss the mark.”

Bella heartstrings tugged as Edward admitted his insecurity to her. “There is not a soul in the

world that could ever make me happier then you do.” They were both whispering. There was

something about the meadow that felt sacred. As if noise would somehow detract from the

beauty and serenity.

Bella moved her hand to Edward’s cheek and he leaned into her hand. She ran her thumb over

his bottom lip. Gently, he kissed her thumb and then grabbed her hand from his face. He began

trailing kisses along each finger tip, down to her palm, to her wrist and then pulling her into him,

he kissed her deeply.

“Better stop or we won’t eat,” Edward breathlessly suggested.

“I’m not hungry,” Bella growled as she pushed Edward down to the ground and straddled his


“There’s my feisty kitten.” He chuckled, wrapping his fingers around her waist and gripping her

belt loops.

Bella looked down at him. “What did you have planned for today?”

“No real plans. I just wanted to show you this place and I figured we would let things go

naturally. Whatever happens… happens. But now that I have you like this I plan on taking full

advantage of it.”

The word naturally triggered something in Bella’s head. Picnic… let things go naturally… the

quiz! He obviously knew about the quiz. Her initial thought was to demand which of her friends

told him about the quiz but she figured why ruin things. Two could play this game.

“I really like the sound of that.” She gave her sexiest grin and could feel Edward’s length

developing underneath her. Feeling him against her like that helped her formulate a plan. She

was going to show him feisty kitten indeed.

She leaned into him and kissed him. His willing mouth opened as she slipped her tongue inside.

Her fingernails grazed down the front of his shirt across his nipples which were just as erect as

his cock. He shivered and pulled her into him trying to close the gap between them. She slid her

fingers down to the hem of his shirt and slipped them underneath relishing the feel of his strong

abdomen underneath her finger tips.

She pushed her hands up until she reached his nipples and pinched both just slightly as she

moved to pull his shirt over his head. She wanted to enjoy every part of him and that included

being able to stare at his beautiful form. Edward moved to give her leverage to pull the shirt

over his head. While she tugged the shirt over his head, she made sure to grind her already

dripping wet center into his rock hard cock.

Edward involuntarily moaned at the motion against his body. He could feel the heat of her pussy

and knew that she had to be dripping wet. He longed to slip his fingers in her and enjoy that

tightness, letting the wetness envelope him.

Once his shirt was removed, Bella threw it to the side and pushed Edward back down. She was

controlling the show today and she had no intention of letting him dictate. She raked her

fingernails down his chest as she leaned into kiss him. She moved her hand down to the top hem

of his jeans and ran her fingers along the underneath the fabric, feeling the top of his boxers at

her fingertips as he gripped her ass with both hands.

“I want to feel you, baby.” Edward moaned against her lips.

“You will but I get to feel you first this time.” She whispered into his ear as she sucked his

earlobe into her mouth. She let out a small moan and Edward moved his hands up her back and

undid her bra. She felt the material loosen around her. Bella sat up and pulled her shirt over

head and then slipped her bra off. Sitting before him topless made her feel empowered.

“You want to feel me, baby?” And before Edward could answer she moved to where her breasts

were directly at his lips. He sucked the right nipple into his mouth quickly and hard. Powerful

sensations shot through Bella’s body and before her system could catch up with them, Edward

moved his hand to the left as he rolled the nipple between his fingers. She moaned and pushed

her extremely wet center into his groin.

She ground against his hard cock, lavishing the feel of his tongue circling her breast. Running

her fingers through his soft copper tresses, she gently pulled her torso away from his face.

Bella trailed open mouth kisses down his jaw to his neck where she lightly bit and sucked at his

flesh. He shivered as her teeth grazed against his skin. As she continued kissing down to his

collarbone she moved her left hand between them to his bulging crotch.

“Argh. Bells, ahhh. Oh shit!” He gasped at the feel of her hand sliding across the outside of his

pants across his cock.

She palmed the outline of his throbbing appendage through his clothes as she moved her lips

down to his nipples. Taking the left nipple in her mouth she began to suck. Her tongue swirled

around and Edward moved his hands to her hair. He pulled the ponytail holder out gently,

admiring how her beautiful thick locks flowed down her bare shoulders.

There was nothing more stunning, Edward thought, than Isabella Swan topless, hair ruffling in

the breeze.

Bella ran her tongue from the left nipple to the right and began to suck and even bite a little as

her hand kept a slow constant motion on the outside of Edward’s pants. He squirmed underneath

her just as she had done when he did this same thing to her. She smiled knowing he was feeling

exactly what she had.

Edward was now moving his lower body to match the rhythm of her hand. She moved lower,

trailing kisses along his chest. Bella wanted full access to his entire body. Deep groans escaped

his lips as she dragged her lips down to his bellybutton. She dipped her tongue inside and

enjoyed the taste of him on her tongue. She sucked around his tight abs and then ran her tongue

along the top of his pants

“Bells, what-?” Edward gasped as Bella moved her hand away and started to undo his jeans.

“Shush,” she instructed. “Naturally, remember?” She gave him a bit of a maniacal grin and

unzipped his pants.

What the hell is she doing? Should I stop her? I… damn! She feels so good.

He lifted his hips as she pulled his pants down to his knees. He was still covered by his boxers,

but Bella made quick work of them and pulled them down to meet his jeans at his knees. Once

again Edward’s perfectly hard cock stood at attention just for her.

“I don’t ever think I could get tired of seeing you like this,” Bella mused as she carefully took his

dick in her hand and slowly stroked it as she had the last time. She was much more confident

today and started to feel his balls as well, noticing the difference in texture and how Edward

reacted to each massage and caress. Edward, unable to help himself, reached out to her and

began palming her groin. The heat from her body covered Edward’s hand and he pushed his

hand hard into her jeans.

“I miss your little blue shorts right now. I had perfect access to you.”

“You want access?” Bella asked coyly.

“Yes.” Edward’s answer was barely audible as Bella has resumed stroking his shaft and

increased the pace.

She released his dick and began to remove her shoes.

Is she seriously about to take her clothes off? Holy Mother of Sweetness, I’m going to get to see

this glorious body completely uncovered?

Taking this chance, Edward moved to remove his shoes and pants as well. He wanted to be able

to move, depending on where this day was going to take them.

Bella seeing what Edward was doing stopped, “I will only finish if you promise you lay right

back down.”

Edward nodded in agreement and he lay back down completely naked on the blanket. Bella

stopped to admire the sight before her. He was glorious. His body was rock hard and his cock

was the same. She considered herself truly blessed to be granted access to his entirety.

She smiled and put her fingers into the hem of her jeans and slowly pulled them down and then


“Beautiful.” Edward whispered.

She smiled and blushed ever so slightly, realizing that this was a first for both of them. Once she

had gazed fully upon Edwards’s naked form, she moved back to where she was resting before

and placed her hand back over his now aching cock.

She rubbed the slit with her index finger and gathered a bit of pre-cum. She was so enamored

with the sight of him she didn’t even realize she had stuck her finger in her mouth until it was


As she sucked the fluid off her finger, Edward’s mouth dropped. “Exquisite” She moaned.

Oh my god! She just... that was so fucking sexy. What is this girl thinking? I wish I could read

her mind right now.

Unable to fight the urge within himself Edward moved his hand between Bella’s legs; he wanted

to feel her wetness against him. It felt like years since he had last done this, even though he

knew full well it had only been just over a week ago. She spread her legs thrilled at the thought

of him touching her again and let him slip his hand between them. He was not disappointed to

find her dripping wet.

Bella moaned at his touch and removed her finger from her mouth. I wonder how he would react

if I took him into my mouth? Would he fit?

Her desire and curiosity got the better of her. She leaned down and placed her hand over the

base of his cock, holding him still and pressed a chaste kiss on the head. Edward released the

sexiest sound Bella had ever heard in her life and it spurred her on. If the kiss had gotten such a

reaction then surely if she put the whole thing in her mouth he’d like it, right?

She moved her lips to the head of his cock and wrapped them around him.

“Bells?” Edward nearly screamed.

Momentarily removing her lips she smiled and whispered, “Naturally.”

What the heck is happening? We haven’t even talked about this and why does she keep

repeating naturally? Like it’s some kind of mantra. Ohhhhh… Holy shit!

She knows I found the quiz. I so love this girl.

“Relax. I want to do this. You taste so good.” And Edward nearly blew his load at her words.

I hope he doesn’t get mad about this, Bella thought. I know we didn’t discuss it but really, in a

way, we did. He does know my answers from the quiz. I still want to know who told him. I bet it

was Rose.

With a burst of confidence she slipped her lips around the head of his cock and swirled her

tongue around his slit, licking off more of his fluids that had developed. She rose, looking

Edward in the eye and saw a myriad of emotions flickering across his face. The most dominant

she saw was Lust. She smiled and bent down and kissed the head of his cock, tongued his slit

which she was now very fond of and then instinctually she plunged her lips around him, taking

him completely into her mouth.

“OHHHHHH FUCK!” Edward cried out. His fingers buried deeper into her as she sucked him

hard into her mouth. She moaned against his cock. She sucked and hollowed out her cheeks and

noticed this elicited an even louder moan from Edward. Bella took that as encouragement she

was doing everything right. The sensation of his fingers deep inside her and his dick in her

mouth sent her over the edge. It was sensory overload on her inexperienced body. She bobbed

her head up and down keeping a constant sucking motion as her orgasm over took her body.

Edwards’s eyes rolled back into his head. He could never have imagined anything feeling as

good as Bella's mouth on his cock felt right now. Overcome with emotions and gratitude for

what she was doing he moved to pinch her clit as she came down and fought from coming too

soon himself. He had often imagined Bella exactly like this but feeling her this way was entirely


It was almost too much.


Bella continued to suck his dick, and after a few more bobs she moved back to the top of his

cock and started kissing the slit and tonguing the head of his dick. “Ohhh god” Edward moaned

as she started to massage his balls just as she once again plunged her lips over him. Edward

continued to torture her clit and dripping wet slit all throughout her pleasure assault on his body.

Edward’s dick twitched and he knew he couldn’t last any longer.

“Fuck Bells, baby, I’m gonna cum.”

Bella slightly nodded and continued to suck. She moved her hand from his balls to the base of

his shaft and held firm. Edward realized she wasn’t planning on moving.

“Bells, seriously. I… fuck… I… ahhhhh.” Bella noticed that his cock was beginning to twitch in

her hand and was enthralled by the power she had over him. Edward released his seed into her

mouth. His body convulsed at the feeling of being in her warm wet mouth as he came.

She slowly moved off him, looking at his face. She was not sure what to do next so Bella just sat

there, still holding his cum in her mouth.

Do I swallow it or spit it out?

Seeing the look on Bella’s face, Edward moved to sit up. “Baby, you can spit it out.” The look

in his eye immediately told her what she needed to do.

She swallowed.

Edward gasped as the sight of his girl taking his cum into her body.

“Baby. You didn’t have to do that.” Internally Edward was in awe of the amazing girl in front of

him. He thought it was a myth that girls really did that for guys.

“I know. I wanted to. For you.” Bella leaned and kissed him. He could taste himself on her lips

and instantly his cock was hard again. Bella was very proud of herself. She never imagined she

could be so forward and bold like that. Seeing him and tasting him in that way made her love

him even more in that moment.

“Do I get to taste you?” Edward whispered against her lips.

“Do you want to?”

His cock twitched at the thought of his lips against her swollen wet slit. “Yes. Like you wouldn’t

believe. Yes.”

Bella smiled and kissed him one more time before lying down on the blanket. Edward sat back

on his knees admiring the view. Her chest heaved as she tried to calm herself. He lavished her

gorgeous complex that was flushed from the heat of the moment. She was more beautiful than

any girl in the magazines or on television. He couldn’t imagine anyone being more attractive to

him than Bella lying naked for him in this moment. Her chocolate brown eyes were now more

black than brown with desire and as he moved on top of her and trailed kisses down her belly

and down to her pelvic bone. He shivered as his cock grazed down her body with him. He took

his time kissing her hip bones, noticing she would quiver when he licked over them.

“Spread your legs for me, baby,” he commanded her as he put his hands on her knees and gently

pushed her legs apart. Oh my god, Bella thought, he really can’t say shit like that. It’s like he

oozes sex.

Edward sat back in awe. He had felt this beautiful creature around his fingers but to actually see

her glory was nearly more than he could bear. His cock twitched and he was afraid he would

cum just by looking at her. He ran his fingers over her mound and lavished at the soft curls atop

her most glorious part. He then ran his finger around her clit and along her slit, just barely

dipping inside. Ahhh, home, he thought. He lifted his finger to his lips and smiled. He did to her

what she had done to him. He tasted her on his finger.

Cheater. That was my move, Bella said to herself.

He moved between her legs and smiled. He ran his tongue along the side of her right thigh

sucking her flesh deep into his mouth. He sucked hard knowing he would leave a mark. She

was his and he wanted to mark her as such. Bella groaned at the sensation. Not quite painful but

completely pleasurable.

“Eddie.” She called.

That’s right. You’re mine and you always will be.

He ran his tongue over her mark almost as a seal of his approval and then moved to kiss her

swollen aperture of bliss. Running his nose over her clit, he reveled in the amazing aroma she

gave off. For each brush of his lips and nose ever so slightly over her clit she shivered, just at

the touch of his skin to hers.

Holy shit, he just gave me a hickey. I guess no shorts for me for a few weeks. So worth it


He flicked his tongue along her slit, just barely penetrating her sex. She moaned and bucked

against his touch. He slid tongue deeper into her core and drank from her sweet juices. He

lapped up every drop. He sucked her clit into his mouth as his pushed his two fingers inside her.

Bella screamed in ecstasy and grabbed the blanket beneath her. Her grip tightened around the

blanket as she bucked her hips towards his face.

“You taste so fucking good.” He flicked his tongue over her clit repeatedly until her body was

shaking. This was the most amazing experience he could ever have imagined, seeing Bella

writhe underneath his lips. Why didn’t people talk about this all the time? He thought. He knew

she was on the verge of coming and he couldn’t wait to see her in the throes of passion.

Hoping to send her over the edge, he plunged his tongue inside her with his fingers and moved in

a fast deep motion.

“Ed…Edd…Eddie!” Bella screamed as her orgasm consumed her.

I could spend the rest of my life watching that.

He continued to suck her sweet lips while she came down. He gently pushed his tongue inside

her without his fingers just to enjoy the tightness of her orgasm. The texture of her was one of a

kind and he would remember the feel of her on his tongue in every single one of his dreams from

now on. Her body collapsed and he kissed the inside of both her thighs before leaving one final

big kiss on her belly button. He moved to lie down beside her with a smile plastered to his face.

Her breathing was erratic and he watched as her naked breast bounced with every breath she


“Are you okay, Bells?”

She exhaled and smiled. She turned to face him leaning on one elbow, “Never better. You

amaze me.”

“I do?”

“Yeah.” She leaned in and kissed him.

He smiled.

“I only have one question for you, baby.”

“Ask me anything.”

“Who told you?” Bella eyed his naked form and marveled. There was no way she could be

angry at whoever did it. What just happened was more than worth Edward finding out.

“Told me what?” Edward knew exactly what she wanted but wasn’t going to admit to anything.

He was having fun watching her squirm.

“About the quiz, Edward.” She sat up straight, “Who told you my answers to the quiz?”

“No one did, Bells.” He pulled her back down to him and kissed her. “I found the quiz in your

room by accident.”

She laughed. “So what do you think?”

“I think we will take things as they go. I know I want you and that you want me. I just want us

comfortable when we finally have sex.”

She wrapped her leg over his waist and he cupped her bare ass in his hand. He stared up at the

tree tops that covered them as she laid her head across his chest. “I want our first time to be

perfect. Something special. Not that what we’ve done or where we’ve done this hasn’t been

special. It’s just I’ve always dreamed our first time would be romantic.”

“Then romance is exactly what you will get my love.” He kissed the top of her head as his

fingers caressed the curvature of her apple bottom. She squeezed him tight.

“Why is it every time we do this, my heart feels like it’s losing a piece of its self when we leave

each other?”

“Because it is, Bells. I’m just as much a part of you as you are of me. We are equal halves of a

whole. We are meant to be.”

Bella smiled and kissed him. She couldn’t have said it better had she tried.

~ X ~

That night alone in her bed, Bella found herself recalling the events of the day. Everything was

perfect and their first time would be even better. She wanted to memorize every inch of

Edward’s body and she knew she would. She knew his heart like the back of her hand and now

she would get to know the young man in front of that heart.

“Oh crap.” She said to herself. She had forgotten her prayers. Her parents still hadn’t made it

home from Seattle, and she had spent most of the evening on the phone with Edward–even after

spending the entire day with him.

She got out of bed and knelt beside it.

“God, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to forget to talk to you tonight. I honestly have a lot on

my mind but then you probably already knew that. First off, keep dad and mom safe on their

way home. I love them both so very much. Thank you for their guidance in my life. And God,

thank you for Edward. I love him. I don’t know how else to put it. I never expected this but the

closer we get, the stronger my love for him grows. I ache without him. Thank you for him. I

owe it to you. Amen.”

Bella crawled into bed and fell asleep rather quickly. Six blocks away Edward was wide awake,

lying in his bed, thinking of everything that had happened and planning their future. He would

be sixteen in a month and she would be in four months. He wanted to wait until they both had

celebrated their birthdays and were a year older before they had sex and he had an idea that

would fulfill Bella’s dream of romance.

I can feel the change, The change you've made in me, But will I ever see all the things you see in

me, When you say that I'm one of a kind, Baby, I don't see it but you believe that I'm so strong

and true, I promise you I'll try to be that kind of man…Because you love me like I am.

Love Me Like I Am by Rascal Flatts

~ Chapter 6: Age 16 ~

The sun peaked through into Bella’s bedroom window. Morning had come and was welcoming

her to a new day. She sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes as happiness flooded her soul. Not

that she was happy about the events of the day and the evening. She dreaded those with a

passion. It was the night’s events she was most looking forward to. Today she was celebrating

her sweet sixteen. While she’d been sixteen for five days now, her friends demanded that she

have a party the following Saturday so they could all celebrate. Bella had fought tooth and nail

trying to get out of it. She hated parties. They drew too much attention to her but when Edward

told her he had plans for after the party and they needed this party as cover up for said plans,

she’d conceded. A knock on the door drew her out of her thoughts.

“Knock, knock.” Renee peered around the door, “Are you decent? Daddy is with me.”

“Yeah, I’m decent.” Bella smiled at her mother.

Renee threw the door open with a smile plastered to her face. “Happy birthday, sweetheart!”

“Happy birthday, Bells.” Charlie walked in behind Renee with a small box in his hand. He

handed the box to Bella and stood there by the bed with a slightly nervous look on his face. “It’s

not much but we really hope you like it.”

“Mom, Dad, you didn’t have to get me anything extra. The party is more than enough.” Bella

said as she looked at the small box in her hand.

“We know that, sweetheart, but we wanted you to have this.” Renee hugged her daughter

tightly. “Now open it.”

Bella pulled the ribbon off the box and quickly lifted the lid. She moved the white tissue paper

aside to reveal a set of keys. She looked up at her parents with a bewildered look on her face.


“Baby, like we said, it’s not much but Daddy and I discussed it and we wanted you to have the


“What?!” Tears welled up in Bella’s eyes. Her parents were giving her a vehicle. And not just

any vehicle. It was the very truck that brought her and Edward together. She wrapped her arms

around her mother’s neck and squeezed. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you. Thank you so


“Well, actually thank your father. It was his idea.” Renee hugged her daughter.

Charlie shoved both of his hands in his pockets and kick scuffed his foot against the carpet. He

looked at the floor and blushed. It was very apparent as to where that feature of Bella’s came

from. He was a brilliant red as his daughter scooted down the bed and pounced on him with a

big hug.

“Thank you, daddy.” Bella whispered as the tears spilled down her face. Charlie smiled and

hugged her back.

“You’re welcome, hon. Happy birthday.” He pulled back and wiped the tears from her face. “I

love you, baby girl.”

“Love you too. Both of you.” Bella smiled as she jingled the keys in her hand. Her very own car.

It was one thing that Edward had a car. His parents had given it to him for his sixteenth birthday

and he took her anywhere she wanted to go. His new silver Volvo was nice but it just wasn’t

their truck. She now had their truck and planned on making good use of it. The one time they’d

taken Edward’s Volvo to the meadow it’d ended up getting scratched. While he said he didn’t

care Bella knew Edward loved that car almost as much as he loved her. She hated hiking but had

insisted they do it instead of taking his car. Now, they’d be able to take her truck. Bella could

already imagine the two of them laying in the bed making out like wild teenagers.

Oh, wait, that’s exactly what we are, Bella thought with a smile.

They could simply lay in it and gaze at the stars. While they did have a very physical

relationship, sometimes it was the quiet moments that really displayed their love. The holding of

hands or a look deep into the other’s eyes. Bella could imagine nothing more romantic than lying

in the bed of their truck staring at the worlds beyond.

Charlie stood up and started heading towards the door, Renee patted Bella on the knee and

followed him. “Get up, honey. Alice and Rose should be here within the next hour or so.”

Bella groaned. She still couldn’t believe she allowed them to talk her into them dressing her to

for the events of the day… all of the events. She must have been out of her fucking mind. She

knew they would go overboard, especially for the late evening shenanigans.

Charlie exited the room without another word. His little girl was growing up, and he knew if he

stayed in there much longer he would be blubbering like a baby and he refused to do that. He

had to pull it together before the party that evening. Renee on the other hand was giddy. While

yes, her little girl was becoming a woman, she was also ecstatic about the strong, beautiful

woman she was becoming. To Renee, Bella’s maturity was a reflection on her as a mother and

that meant everything to her.

Renee followed Charlie out of the room and closed the door behind her. She chuckled knowing

that Bella was dreading her friends’ arrival.

As soon as her parents left her room, she hopped out of the bed and began getting ready for Alice

and Rose. She knew it would be too early to call Edward, but he was the most prominent

thought on her mind. She drifted off into a daydream. His messy, copper colored hair blowing

in the breeze of their meadow. His eyes alight with passion for her as his strong hands drifted

slowly down her body. Her heart exploded at the thought of Edward’s touch. So sensitive, so

tentative and so loving. She could never be sated. Her need for him grew stronger and stronger

every day.

“Bella. Earth to Bella!” Alice snapped her fingers in front of Bella’s face. “Damn girl. Snap out

of it.”

“Huh?” How long have I just been sitting here?

Rose laughed, “Wow. You’ve got it bad. It’s a good thing you’re getting laid tonight.”

“Shush! Keep it quiet, will ya? Jeez. I don’t need my cover blown.” Bella swatted her friend’s


Rose’s eyes grew as big as silver dollars and she covered her mouth, “Sorry, Bells,” she

whispered behind her hand.

All three girls laughed. “So everything is set. My parents think that Alice and I are staying at

your house tonight.” Bella whispered.

“Well, Alice is at least.” Rose chuckled. “We expect a full report. You realize that, right?”

Alice squealed, “I can’t believe it’s happening tonight. This is just so romantic. God, you are so

lucky. I wish my first time would have been carefully planned like this.”

“Yeah, losing one’s virginity in the restroom of a local cafe is not what I would call romantic,”

Rose hackled Alice.

Alice punched Rose in the arm, “Shut up. Like I said, it’s not like we planned it the way they

are.” Alice pointed at Bella, “Jasper is a jump in head first kind of guy.”

Rose grinned. “Oh I’m sure his head was just thrilled to jump in there.”

“Well, you’re still a virgin. So how can you judge my first time when you don’t even know what

sex is like?” Alice was pretty pissed at this point and her temper was starting to get the best of


“Al, calm down before you say something you don’t really mean.” Bella placed her hand on

Alice’s shoulder and gave a quick warning squeeze. Alice knew Bella was right but it honestly

hurt her that Rose could be so malicious at times. Her first time may not have been romantic like

Bella’s would be but it had been special to her. Jasper was her world and no matter what Rose

said, her relationship was perfect just as it was.

“Fine. Whatever. Today is about Bella anyway.” Alice directed to Rose and Rose nodded her

head in agreement.

“Okay. First up: hair and makeup.” Alice instructed.

“My hair has to stay down.” Bella ordered.

“What? No! It will look so pretty up. I have the perfect style already picked out.” Alice whined.

“Edward likes it down so it stays down.”

Alice conceded quickly since it was for Edward. This was just as much his night as it was

Bella’s so she wanted it to be special for both of them.

Bella made a few suggestions about how she wanted her makeup to look and the way her hair

should be styled, but for the most part she let Alice and Rose have their way. It was just easier

that way in her opinion.

Rose put her iPod onto Bella’s docking station and turned on one of her favorite playlists to help

them stay inspired as they worked. They chatted about school gossip for the first little bit.

“Oh, I got good one.” Rose giggled, “Did you hear that Mike Newton dumped Jessica Stanley

for Eric Yorkie?”

Alice and Bella gasped, “No way!” Alice rang out.

“Yeah. Apparently Mike has known he was gay since he was a boy but he was afraid to ‘come

out of the closet’…as if we didn’t all already suspect.” Rose twirled Bella’s hair into a roller.

All three girls laughed. “Wow. I guess I need to get my gay-dar adjusted. I really didn’t see

that one coming.” Bella shrugged and then laughed.

“Okay, is it me or is Edward’s dad like fucking hot? I went to the doctor’s office the other to get

my birth control prescription and he was there. I nearly creamed my panties right there. Total

DILF!” Alice danced.

“I know and let’s not forget the illustrious Chief Swan. He could handcuff me any day.” Rose

put her hands in front of herself indicating she was ready to be taken prisoner.

“EWWWWWW!” Bella screamed, “That’s my dad you’re talking about.”

“Yes, and he is a dad I’d like to fuck. Wow!” Rose giggled. “I bet he could do all sorts of things

with his nightstick.”

“Ohmigod.” Bella groaned. She did not want mental images of her father and her friend playing

with his ‘nightstick’ on the day she was going to be with Edward for the first time.

Rose pulled the next roller from the heater and began winding it through Bella’s locks, “Can I

ask you guys something?” She looked up at Bella’s reflection in the mirror and straight into

Alice’s eyes.

“You can ask us anything, hon.” Bella reached up and touched her hand.

Rose smiled an innocent smile, “What do you guys think about… Emmett?”

“FINALLY!” Alice screamed and began jumping up and down. Bella laughed.

“What?” Rose asked, confused.

“Oh my god, girl. That poor guy has been in love with you since the third grade.” Alice cooed.

“So I take it you approve then?” Rose questioned.

“Of course we approve. Emmett is the sweetest guy I know and I can tell you he would never

treat you the way Royce did. He would put you on a pedestal. He would worship you.” Bella

gave Rose a wink.

Rose beamed ear to ear, “He is really hot and honestly could the boy pack on any more muscle?

I mean, my god, he’s stacked.” Rose blushed which was totally unusual for her.

“Looks like Rose has a crush.” Alice winked at her and then started once again working on

Bella’s eye makeup.

Rose blushed again. “Wow, you really do like him don’t you?” Alice asked with a hint of

surprise in her voice. Rose had dated half their sophomore class but she had never seen her react

to a guy like this before. Rose didn’t reply. She decided to change the subject instead.

“So, Bella, has Edward told you where he’s taking you tonight?”

“No. He said it’s his birthday present to me and he wants it to be a surprise.”

Alice pulled Bella’s face up to look at her work, “God, I’m good.” She patted Bella’s cheek and

began working on her lips.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Bella blushed tomato red.

“Sure.” Rose said as she clasped the last roller into Bella’s hair.

Bella looked down at her nails and began scraping underneath. “Stop that! You’ll ruin the

paint.” Alice slapped her hand. “What’s wrong, B?”

Bella looked into Alice’s eyes and felt at peace. Alice was her best friend and no matter what

she would never laugh at her. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

“Of what?” Alice placed her hands on Bella’s face careful not to smudge anything.

“That I won’t be enough; I mean what if I’m not good enough for him?” Bella moved her face

from Alice’s hands and diverted her eyes to hide the tears that threaten to spill over.

Rose moved to stand next to Alice and face Bella, “That’s silly, Bells. This is Edward. The boy

has gone through a lot of trouble to make this the night of your dreams. I don’t think there is

even a slight possibility you could disappoint him.”

“Are you sure?”

“He loves you. God, he can’t keep his hands off of you and from what you’ve told us about your

meadow excursion, I seriously doubt that you will disappoint him. He’s probably at home

jacking off right now just thinking about it.” Alice laughed as the blood rushed to Bella’s face

once again. She practically had to beg Bella to get her to tell them what happened in the

meadow. She knew she would have to do the same thing once this evening was over but it

would be worth it.

“That was seriously fucking hot, Bells. You are so gonna have to step up your game for him

tonight though. This is sex after all. I mean hell anyone can give a killer blow job. But you

have to literally blow him away before you fuck him.”

“Make love, thank you very much. I am not fucking Edward Cullen.” Bella’s anger inflamed.

She knew she would have to bite her tongue just as Alice did. Rose never thought. She was

lacking that filter between her brain and her mouth and so the first thing that came to her mind is

exactly what would come out of her mouth.

Alice slugged Rose in the arm again, “You don’t fuck the guy of your dreams, Rose. Jeez.”

Rose moved to start taking the rollers back out of Bella’s hair and Alice started putting the final

touches on her makeup. Rosalie felt chastised and decided to keep her mouth shut for the rest of

the evening. She’d already offended both of her friends and didn’t want it to happen again. She

didn’t understand why they were making such a big deal though. It was only sex. They made it

sound like it was this big mysterious club and that only they were members. No matter what

term you used, in her opinion, it was still fucking sex.

“Okay. So Rose and I bought you a special birthday gift. You have to open it now as it’s

probably something you don’t want your parents to see.” Alice clapped her hands and giggled.

“You wanna give it to her now?” Rose asked.

“Yeah… why not? We’re talking about what their plans are, we should go ahead.”

Rose smiled a big maniacal smile and went to her bag and pulled out a box. She handed it to

Bella. “I honestly hope you like this.”

Bella looked up at her friends and smiled, “Thank you.”

“Open it!” Alice started jumping up and down.

Bella ripped the paper off the box and pulled the lid up. Once she removed a layer of tissue

paper she realized there was nothing but blue lace in the box. She gasped as she pulled the lace

out of the box to find that her friends had bought her lingerie. It was a blue lace baby doll

nightie with matching lace panties. It was see-through except for at the breast but that might as

well have been see-through as well. Bella loved it immediately.

“We know Edward loves blue on you…” Alice began.

“And we also know how you would want to look sexy but not slutty.” Rose chimed in.

“Thank you. This is just as much a present for him as it is for me. I love it.”

Bella group hugged her friends and they finished up their work on her. While they worked she

drifted off into her happy place, thinking of Edward slipping this little nightie over her head

tonight as he laid her down to make love to her for the first time.

~ X ~

“Dude! What the fuck do you have us watching?” Jake blurted out.

“Have you never watched porn before?” Jasper chuckled as nudged Jake in the head.

“Yeah, but why the hell are we watching it now?”

“Edward needs all the pointers he can get for tonight.” Jasper smiled.

“Oh god,” Edward moaned and planted his face in his hands.

“Dude, did you see that?” Emmett yelled with a mouth full of cheese puffs.

All four guys were sitting in Jasper’s bedroom going over plans for the night’s events. Jake was

sitting in a bean bag chair near the head of Jasper’s bed, Edward in Jasper’s desk chair, Jasper

was spread across the bed and Emmett was sprawled all over his floor. Jasper had shoved his

favorite porno, Harry Twatter and the Piece of Ass, into the DVD player to try and help Edward

with a few pointers on what he needed to do to Bella.

“You don’t honestly expect Edward and Bella to do this shit… do you?” Jake pointed to the TV

as a guy was shoving his ‘magic wand’ into a girl’s ass.

“Why not? That shit is fun!”

“First off, Bella is practically a sister to me and if Edward so much as laid one finger on her like

that I would kill him.”

“Hey, now!” Edward yelled out at Jake. Jake threw a finger up at him indicating that he wasn’t


“Secondly, the only reason I agreed to this hare-brained scheme is because I consider Edward

one of my best friends and the only guy that I believe would take care of Bella, as well if not

better than I would.”

“That’s better.” Edward smiled.

“Now, Edward I have the hotel room reserved in my name,” Jake continued. “We can go and

check in before the party and do all your preparations to the room. From there you are on your

own. Don’t do anything stupid like letting these two fuck faces in the room to destroy it, okay?”

Jake flicked his thumb towards Jasper and Emmett. Jasper flipped Jake the bird but Emmett was

so engrossed in his snack and porno he wasn’t paying attention.

“Perfect. I promise I won’t let these idiots anywhere near us. I have major plans for tonight.

Bella is going to have the night of her dreams. That much is for sure.”

“That’s all good and fine but Edward, are you prepared for what will happen the first time you

stick your dick in her?” Jake put his big brother cap on. His first time was with a virgin and it

scared the shit out of him. Leah Clearwater was his sophomore sweetheart and when he’d

popped her cherry, she’d screamed like she was dying. Jake didn’t want Edward and Bella to

have the same experience. No one had told him how bad it would hurt the girl first time and he

nearly didn’t want to do it again afterward. Of course he did and would have sex every hour on

the hour if he could now.

“What do you mean?”

“What this fucker is trying to tell you is it will hurt her. She may even bleed. Alice did.”

“Really? I don’t want to hurt her.” Edward pinched the bridge of his nose and upon realizing he

was acting like his father, he quit immediately.

“Holy shit!” Emmett nearly spit his coke across the room. “Dude, that bitch just had a dick in

her mouth and pussy. I want to go to Humpwarts School of Sex Games and Debauchery.” Jake,

Jasper and Edward all stopped talking to see what Emmett was blubbering about.

“Wow. Who would have thought watching Professor McDong-a-go teaching transvestition

could be so educational.” Edward chuckled.

“Hell, you think that’s educational, just wait ‘til you see the quid-dick match. That girl sure

knows how to ride a broomstick.” Jasper smirked and then turned to Edward, “Okay, man, you

see how Harry Twatter has HerHinny’s legs wrapped around his neck like that?”


“You so need to do that with Bella. You get really deep inside her. Trust me. You will be able

to feel her spine with your dick if you do.”

“What the fuck. I’m watching here.” Emmett threw a pillow at Jasper.

Edward rolled his eyes and looked turned to Jake, “Okay. So here is the plan. After the party,

Bella’s parents think she is going to spend the night at Rose’s with Alice.” Emmett’s ear perked

up the sound of Rose’s name being mentioned. Harry Twatter was suddenly no longer


“My parents think I am staying here tonight with you three. I’m sure they’ll probably check in

but I know they will call my cell phone so I’m not worried about them.” Edward began laying

out the plan.

“I will take you three with me over to Rose’s to pick Bella up and then Rose has agreed to take

you all back here. Jake, you can leave from here when you all get back. Unless you decide you

want to spend the night with these losers.” Jasper threw a nerf ball at Edward’s head. Edward

knew what he was about to do and dodged the ball easily.

“You think I want to spend the night with the geek squad here? Fuck no. I’m going to see

Vanessa tonight.” Edward tossed the ball to Jake.

“Alright. It’s settled then. I will drive everyone over to Bella’s house for the party and the night

is on.” Edward felt a twinge of worry flutter in his stomach. He wanted this night perfect and

now not only did he have to worry about being caught, but he suddenly had to worry about

hurting Bella.

“You ready to go check in?” Edward asked Jake.

“Yeah. Let’s get this party started.” Jake tossed the ball across the room and hit Emmett in the


“What the fuck? Give a guy heads up when you’re gonna do that shit!” Emmett hollered.

“Why? I bet your head is already up if we checked.” Jake, Edward and Jasper busted out in


“Fuck you all. Hey, Jasper, can I burn a copy of this?” Emmett pointed to the TV.

“Yeah sure, man. Knock yourself out.”

“Cool. You guys go get the hotel room. I’m staying here and burning a DVD.” Emmett hopped

up off the floor.

Jasper, Jake and Edward got up and left Emmett to do his work.

During the drive to the hotel, Edward began to really worry about the night’s events. Jake could

see the change in his demeanor and interceded.

“You know, man, it will be okay. Just take it slow.” He instructed.

“What?” Edward pulled himself out of his thoughts.

“Bella. You can’t avoid hurting her. The pain has to happen. But you can minimize her pain.

Just take it slow in the beginning. Once she gets past the pain, she will love it as much as you

will.” Jake gave Edward’s shoulder a quick squeeze. A moment of queasiness hit Jake. He was

telling his best friend how to fuck his baby sister…sort of. There had to be a line somewhere,


Jasper pulled himself up so his head was between the two front seats, “Jake’s right. I know I

fuck with you a lot but honestly, what you are doing for Bella is really awesome.”

Edward looked at Jasper, unbelieving. Jasper never took anything seriously and suddenly he

was. What the hell was going on here?

“I kinda wish Alice and I had done this instead of just fucking at the moment we felt the need hit

us. Although sex in a public restroom is a total must.” Jasper moved to sit back in his seat


Jake and Edward both rolled their eyes.

“So no matter what, I’m going to hurt her?” Edward gripped the steering wheel hard. The

thought of hurting Bella was killing him. He was afraid now that he wouldn’t be able to go

through with the night.

“Look, man, no matter what, it will hurt her but seriously, take it slow and her pain will go away


“And then you can have her screaming your fucking name all night afterward.”

Jake reached around and slugged Jasper in the knee. “You’re such a fucking idiot!”

“I know you are but what am I?” Jasper punched Jake in the bicep.

As his two friends got into a punching match, Edward allowed himself to drift off. In just a few

hours he and Bella would be alone in their hotel room and he would be making love to her for

the very first time. He had a lot of preparations to complete before this all happened. He was

glad his friends were with him to help him see this through. Bella was going to get the night of

her dreams. He loved her and he felt he owed her that. She had loved him so unconditionally

that he owed her the world and more. She saw him as caring, loving and even sexy. He wanted

to be all those things for her.

~ X ~

“Mr. and Mrs. Swan! Get in here. It’s time for Bella’s unveiling.” Alice screamed at Bella’s

parents from the bottom of the stairs. Charlie and Renee came in from the kitchen where they

had been working on decorating.

“Bella Swan, paging Bella Swan. We’re waiting!” Alice hollered up the stairs. “We may have

to send you up there to get her.” Alice suggested to Rose.

“Nah. She’ll come down.” Rose smiled.

“Isabella Swan, Get your cute butt down here this instant!” Alice screamed. Just then Bella

appeared at the top step. She began to walk slowly down the stairs and Charlie couldn’t help but

stare. His worst nightmare had finally come true.

His baby girl was a woman.

Her deep red halter dress swayed slightly at her knees as she walked down the steps. Renee was

amazed that she was actually in heels and as she eyed the shoes Renee thought she needed a pair

of red buckle top heels like that. Bella had just a small amount of cleavage showing and Charlie

was ready to grab a jacket for her and his gun to keep Edward off her. Her long chocolate

colored hair bounced in subtle waves down her back and her makeup gave her just enough color

to enhance her already beautiful features.

“Wow.” Charlie whispered as Renee took his hand and had to wipe a tear from her eye. Bella

reached the bottom of the stairs and did a little twirl. She giggled like a little girl and Charlie

was momentarily transported back in time. Before him stood a young woman where just a

moment ago a little girl with knobby knees and overalls had stood.

“So? How do I look?” She blushed and that was the finishing touch. The red in her dress added

to the red in her cheeks and she looked like an angel ready for sin.

“Beautiful.” Renee released Charlie and went to hug her daughter being very careful not to

wrinkle anything. “You’re a princess tonight, baby girl.”

“You were always a princess to me,” Charlie mumbled.

“Thank you.” Bella released her mother and flung herself into Charlie’s arms. “I love you,

daddy.” Charlie couldn’t resist. He picked his little girl up off the floor and twirled her around

as she giggled. She was suddenly eight years old in his arms again and he was the only man in

her life. He put her gently back on the ground. “You’re stunning little girl… I mean young


Rose and Alice giggled remembering their earlier conversation about DILF’s.

“The guests should be arriving anytime now. Rose and I need to finish getting ready now that

the Bella of the Ball is ready.” Alice started heading back up the stairs and Rose followed.

“Thank you, daddy.” Bella smiled and leaned in and kissed Charlie on the cheek. She turned

around and skipped up the stairs behind her friends.

“She’s not a baby anymore.” Renee hugged her husband.

“No, and before we know it she will be someone’s wife. How am I going to deal with that?”

Charlie kissed his wife’s hair.

“Charlie Swan, you know that man, who we both know is Edward, will be lucky to have our

daughter. Besides that’s a few years away and you really don’t need to worry about such things

right now. Let her be a teenager before you marry her off and pop a kid or two out of her.”

Renee pushed herself on her the tips of her toes and kissed Charlie. “You know I can help you

get over this really easily.”

“Yeah, how’s that?” Charlie fought back his smile that was slowly creeping across his face.

“The house is all ours tonight.” She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I’ll let you use the


“Woman, you will be the death of me.” Charlie grabbed his wife’s arms and gripped them behind

her back as he kissed her deeply, “Thank god for slumber parties that are not in our house.”

~ X ~

“They’re here!” Alice squealed in her highest pitched voice. “The boys are here!”

Bella and Rose ran to Bella’s bedroom window where Alice was standing to see the guys coming

up to the door. Bella’s heart nearly skipped a beat at the sight of Edward. He was dressed in

stonewashed jeans that hung comfortably on his hips and a white button down shirt with the

sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair was ruffled like usual and Bella longed to run her

fingers through it as his mouth touched her sensitive regions. Rose and Alice had started calling

Edward’s bronze colored coif, his sex hair look. If they only knew what his hair looked like after

intimacy they would totally change their minds on the name for his normal style. But Bella liked

knowing that they would never see Edward in that state. That was reserved for her and her


“And you’re sure about Emmett?” Rose looked over at her two friends as the door bell rang.

“He will be putty in your hands. Trust us.” Alice slipped her shoe on and started heading

towards the bedroom door. “It’s time to party. Maybe we can get confirmation that Mike and

Eric are now an item.”

~ X ~

The music was pumping, teenagers were all over the house dancing, eating and getting

exceptionally loud. It was a party after all. As for the parents, Charlie, Renee, Carlisle and

Esme hid in the kitchen away from as much of the ruckus as they possibly could. They didn’t

mind the music, if they were perfectly honest they listened to it often, but a house full of

teenagers would drive anyone insane.

“Gin!” Charlie rang out. He and Carlisle played cards at the kitchen table while Renee and Esme

gossiped over in the corner of the kitchen.

“Again? Good Lord, you’re a machine.” Carlisle slapped his cards down on the table and cursed


“Play nice over there you two.” Esme chuckled.

“I swear they act younger then Edward and Bella sometimes.” Renee rolled her eyes as she


Esme’s laugh filled the room. “So do you and Charlie have any plans for tonight?”

“Just looking forward to a quiet house.”

“I bet after this party you will be ready to get rid of a house full of teenagers. Edward is

spending the night at Jasper’s house tonight so Carlisle and I figured we would enjoy a nice quiet

evening alone.” Esme winked at Renee suggestively.

“I know what you mean. Bella is spending the night with… wait a minute.” Renee gasped as the

thought hit her.

“Edward is spending the night with Jasper?” She questioned her friend.

“Yeah. Why?”

“Oh my god. Can it be?” Renee began to whisper.

“Can what be?”

“It’s happening tonight. That explains everything.” She chuckled at the thought that her little

girl could be so conniving.

“What are you talking about?” Esme was beginning to feel a little frustrated. Renee had a secret

and she wasn’t sharing with her.

“Don’t you get it? It’s all set in place.”

Esme shrugged, “What is? Renee, you’re not making any sense here.”

“Tonight. Edward and Bella are going to... you know, tonight.” Renee winked at Esme.

Esme stared at Renee for a moment trying to figure out what she was talking about. Then

suddenly it dawned on her. “No!” A smile spread across her face as she realized what Renee was

suggesting, “Tonight? Really? You think?”

“It all fits. Bella usually hates parties but she was excited about this one. Edward and Bella

have somehow orchestrated them both spending the night with friends tonight after the party.

And look at them. They are practically pawing each other while dancing. It’s definitely tonight

and their friends are in on it.”

“I can’t believe I missed the signs.” The ladies giggled at the thought of their children finally

consummating their love for one another.

“Wait, we cannot let Carlisle or Charlie know about this.” She warned Renee. “We have to

keep them busy tonight no matter what.” Esme clapped her hands in excitement.

“Agreed!” Renee said a little too loudly.

“What are you two giggling about over there?” Charlie eyed his wife.

“We were just talking about Bella’s dress and how adorable she looked tonight.” Renee lied


“Too low cut if you ask me.” Charlie grumbled, “Gin. You can’t beat the master, Doc. You

should know that by now.”

“I need a drink.” Carlisle moaned as he threw the cards on the table.

“I have some beer in the garage. Let’s get out of this madhouse for a while.” Charlie and

Carlisle stood up and quickly headed to the garage for some adult refreshment, but not before

kissing their wives.

~ X ~

Off in the living room, now a dance floor thanks to Alice’s mad decorating skills, Bella and

Edward were wrapped up in each other’s arms swaying to the beat of the music. Edward trailed

his finger tips down Bella’s exposed spine. She shivered under his touch as she stood on her

tiptoes to reach his lips.

Edward kissed her willing lips and smiled, “God, you look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” No matter how many times Edward had told her she looked beautiful in their life

together, she still always found herself blushing at the comment.

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

Edward kissed her again. This time he allowed himself to lose just a little control. A control he

was always careful to keep with their fathers were present. His tongue slipped between her all

too willing lips and he felt as though he were whole again. His tongue softly massaged hers and

she moaned gently in his mouth. His dick immediately stood at attention at the sound of her


Down boy, down! I promise you will get your turn tonight.

“Edward, does Mr. Wiggly want to come out and play?”

“Does who… what?” Edward was in complete surprise. His girl had named his dick. He pulled

back from her slightly to look her in the eye. She was nearly a foot shorter than him now. He

loved that fact actually. He felt like her protector, the mere fact that he could hide her beautiful

body behind his made him all too happy.

Bella smirked, “What? I thought Mr. Wiggly was a great name for him.” She ran her hand over

his crotch. Edward involuntarily moaned at the contact of her hand against his dick.

“You can’t call my dick Mr. Wiggly, that’s just mean. It’s got to be manly like Edcalibur

otherwise you will deflate him.” Edward whined, “How would you like if I called my little

friend Lil’ Ms. Muff-it?”

Bella snarled.

“That’s what I thought.” Edward ran his hand between her thighs just barely brushing his finger

tips across her center. Even through the dress he could feel the immense heat penetrating her

panties. He leaned into her and sucking her earlobe into his mouth whispered, “I would much

rather call her Ladybud because she is such a lady and I love to suck her bud into my mouth.”

“Holy shit.” Bella whispered and moved to where she was straddling his leg to get a bit of

friction against ladybud.

“Okay, Edcalibur is the winner. I agree something that big must be named appropriately.” Bella

moaned again, “Edward, I need you.”

“I know, baby. I’m feeling it too. Just a couple more hours and you’ll have me all to yourself

tonight. I promise.” Edward swayed her to the beat of the music.

“So everything is set?”

“Oh yeah… It’s all perfect. Jake, Jasper and I got everything ready this afternoon.”

“I can’t wait.” Bella cooed. “Wait, where was Emmett?” Bella cocked her head to the side.

She knew that Emmett was supposed to be involved in this plan as well.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Edward buried his face in her hair praying he didn’t have to

tell her what they were doing earlier that day.

“ROSE!!! BELLA!!!” Alice screamed across the room from Jasper’s arms, “Our song!”

All three girls began screaming and jumping up and down as Get the Party Started began

playing. Bella quickly kissed Edward and trotted off to meet Rose and Alice in the middle of the

dance floor. Edward, Jake, Emmett and Jasper moved to stand against the wall watching the

girls bump and grind against each other as they danced to the beat of the music.

“If Rose gets any hotter tonight, I’m going to lose my load right here. I should never have

watched that porno today.” Emmett rubbed his hand over his aching dick readjusting it so he

wouldn’t be so painful.

“Dude, we are going to her house afterward, remember. Hook up with that.” Jasper pointed to

Rose as she was sliding down the front of Bella’s body. Alice was completing the Bella

sandwich by grinding her hips up against Bella’s backside.

Edward grasped Jasper’s arm, “Holy shit. Did you see that?”

“Fuck.” Jasper whispered at the sight of his girl’s crotch slamming into another girl’s ass.

“Pull it together guys. You act like three horny teenagers for fuck’s sake.” Jake elbowed Edward

in the ribcage.

“That’s what I am, fuck face.” Edward punched him in the arm. “Just think. In about three hours

I’m going to be between those gorgeous legs.”

“That’s it. I have to get Alice alone for an hour or two. Can I steal a condom man? I know

you’re packing tonight.” Jasper grabbed Edward’s shirt as Bella turned to face Alice and moved

where their legs were interlocking with each other.

Of course Edward had a box of condoms back at the hotel but he still had the one in his wallet

that he always carried. Thank God I changed that sucker out a week ago. Edward thought to

himself. He pulled the condom out of his wallet and handed it over to Jasper.

“Thanks, I owe you. I didn’t even think about bringing protection tonight.” Jasper slipped the

condom into his pocket.

“That’s it. I can’t take it anymore.” Emmett called out to his friends. The song had changed to a

slower tempo and the girls were just swaying to the music. “Wish me luck.”

Emmett walked up to Rose, “May I have this dance?” He asked in his most gentlemanly voice.

He extended his hand to her. Rose smiled and quickly accepted his offer. Alice turned to Jasper

and with her index finger, indicating to him she wanted him on the dance floor right then.

“Well, that’s my cue. I’m gonna go make magic on the dance floor with my girl.” Jasper nudged

Edward as he walked off to meet Alice. Edward was suddenly reminded of that horrible porno

Jasper had made them watch earlier.

“Hey, Edward, you mind if I have a dance with Bells?” Jake asked. He knew that Bella was

Edward’s girl and even though she was basically his sister you still don’t steal a dance from a

friend’s girl without asking.

“Yeah. I’m sure she would like that.” Edward pushed Jake towards Bella. Her face light up like

the Fourth of July when she realized he was coming to dance with her. Jake’s heart ached at the

sight of her. She was still that little girl that used to make mud pies with him in his backyard and

dare him to eat them. He knew what hers and Edward’s plans were and while he couldn’t

begrudge them this experience, and he was honestly grateful they were going to have it together;

he still had this overwhelming need to protect her.

He met her in the center of the dance floor and swept her up in his arms. She laughed as he

picked her up off the floor. “Jake, put me down.” Bella giggled.

Jake kissed her on the cheek and placed her back on the ground. He wrapped his large hands

around her waist and she held his massive arms as they swayed to the beat of the music.

“Happy Birthday, Bells.”

“Thank you. Are you okay?” She could tell Jake had something on his mind and she felt a bit of


“Yeah, I… well…” They stopped dancing and just stood in the middle of the floor looking into

each others eyes.

“Bella, you know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, right? Edward is one of my

best friends and I know you love him but you know, right?”

Bella realized what Jake was thinking and hugged him. She held on tight to him and he finally

hugged back.

“I know. I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t absolutely sure I wanted it. Edward has never forced

anything on me. To be perfectly honest, I’ve been more of the enforcer. He protects me and he

loves me. You have nothing to worry about.”

Jacob released the air from his lungs that he hadn’t realized he was holding. He was so proud of

her. She was such a lady. In that moment, he was happy to be apart of this night and even

happier to be apart of her life.

“You know I love you, right?” Bella whispered to him. Jake looked at her in shock. They had

always implied their sibling love but never actually said the words.

“I love you too, little sis.” Jake kissed the top of her head. “But now I have to give you back to

Edward. Be careful, Okay?”

“No worries. I will be.” Edward walked up to them right on cue. Dilemma was playing and

Edward wanted to dance with his girl one more time before the night ended.

Without Edward even having the chance to ask, Jake moved back, “Your lady, my fine fellow.”

Jake said in a bad British accent. Bella and Edward laughed and Edward swept Bella into his


“I missed you.” He whispered, “My arms require your presence at all times for the rest of the


Bella giggled and pushed herself into his hips, “My whole body requires your presence for the

rest of the night. Thank the freaking lord this thing is almost over. I want to get out of here.”

Bella batted her eyelashes at him and he melted. He grabbed her ass and pulled her body flush

with his and began to grind his hard cock into her dripping wet center.

Bella moaned at the contact and pushed hard up against him to get the friction they both needed

so badly.

Renee had helped Alice put the music selections together for the evening and she knew this was

the last song to be played. The parents came out of the kitchen to find their children groping

each other. Bella’s legs were spread apart, basically riding Edward’s leg as he grabbed her ass

tight into his hands and swayed to the beat of the music.

Both Charlie and Carlisle immediately saw red. “What the hell is that?” Charlie bellowed at his

wife as he pointed at his daughter with her boyfriend.

Carlisle started walking towards them. His intent was to separate them immediately. It was bad

enough the other kids were dancing that close but his son was not to be that lewd. Esme grabbed

him by the arm and stopped him.

“You will not embarrass them like that.” She pulled him back to her. “Instead, how about you

dance with me?”

“I like that idea.” Renee agreed and put her hand out to her husband. “Charlie?”

“But…” Charlie pointed to the kids and then looked over at Carlisle, “We’re going to lose this

battle, aren’t we?”

“I guess if we both plan on getting laid tonight we might want to keep them happy.” Carlisle and

Charlie laughed and shook hands. They took their wives by the hand and headed to the dance

floor. Bella and Edward seeing their parents, pulled apart immediately. The last thing they

wanted was to ruin the night by getting in trouble.

“You have got to be kidding.” Edward blurted out as he watched his parents dancing. He and

Bella had stopped dancing all together and watched as their parents practically made out on the

dance floor.

“What hell is that shit?” Edward waved his hand at his parents. “I can barely kiss you without

them losing their lids and here they are groping each other like teenagers.”

“Way to go, Doctor C!” Jasper yelled out as he and Alice moved off the dance floor.

“Chief Swan has got some moves.” Jessica practically yelled out above the crowd.

Renee, Charlie, Esme and Carlisle were laughing when they realized that they were the only two

couples left dancing.

“I guess we’ve still got it.” Charlie high-fived Carlisle and then kissed his wife.

Shortly after the dance was finished the house started clearing out. The girls were able to get

confirmation that Mike and Eric were in fact secretly dating. If it hadn’t been for Emmett

stumbling upon them making out in the backyard, no one would probably have been able to

confirm it.

Once the last guest left, Rose, Bella and Alice ran upstairs to gather their things. Edward,

Emmett, Jasper and Jacob waited for them to say goodbye, or so that’s what the parents thought.

Carlisle and Esme said their goodbyes to Edward and reminded him to behave himself.

Esme slipped Edward some cash without Carlisle seeing. “Here are a few extra bucks in case

you decide you want to go out or something.

“Thanks, Mom.” Edward slipped the money into his pocket without looking at it. He already

had everything he needed.

Esme hugged Edward tightly. “Be Safe,” she whispered.

“Come, honey.” Carlisle took Esme by the arm. He felt like he was missing something. This

wasn’t Edward’s first sleepover at a friend’s but Esme was acting like it was. She looked at her

husband and kissed him deeply. Whatever he was thinking went out the window because in the

moment all he could think about was getting his wife home to their empty house.

They thanked Charlie and Renee for the lovely evening and they left.

The girls came back downstairs with their overnight bags in hand. The guys trying to be

chivalrous took their bags and led the girls to Rose’s car. Bella stopped to say goodbye to her


She hugged Renee, “Thank you for the night. It was actually perfect.” Well almost perfect but it

will be in about an hour.

“Our pleasure, baby. Go have fun with the girls and be good.” Renee smiled as Bella released


“I love you, daddy.” Bella felt tears burn the corner of her eyes. While she was excited about the

events that were about to transpire, a part of her ached for the simpler times when it had been just

her and her dad.

Charlie pulled his daughter into a tight squeeze, “I love you too baby girl. Happy birthday.”

Bella stepped back and started walking towards Rose’s car. Out of nowhere Edward appeared

beside her. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into him.

“Am I not going to get a goodbye kiss?” He leaned down and rubbed his nose to hers, “Got to

keep up with appearances you know.” His hand slide down her arm and she felt a flood develop

in her panties. He felt her stiffen underneath his touch and he knew exactly what she was


Soon, my love. Soon I will take care of that need you’re feeling.

He leaned in and kissed her. “I love you. Happy birthday.” He made sure to say it loud enough

for her parents to hear.

“I love you too.” She was barely able to get the words out. All she could think about was the

fact that she and Edward were about to make love and she would have him all to herself for a

whole night.

He brushed her hair aside and kissed her jaw and whispered, “See you in my bed rather than my

dreams tonight.” Then released her and went to his car where the guys were impatiently waiting

for him.

Bella walked to the passenger side door and slipped in.

“You ready?” Rose touched Bella’s hand. She may not have experienced this personally but she

did know deep down it was a big deal and Bella was about to take a big step in her relationship

with Edward.

“As ready as I ever will be.” Bella squeezed Rose’s hand. “I know I keep saying this but thank

you both for tonight. I could never have done this without you.”

“That’s what friends are for,” Alice said.

Not another word was spoken on the drive to Rose’s house. Each girl was lost in her own

thoughts. Bella was dreaming of Edward’s reaction to the nightie that was burning a hole in the

bottom of her bag, Alice was recalling Jasper’s request to hook up before he left Rose’s house,

and Rose was thinking about the kiss that Emmett had stolen from her on the dance floor. There

was a spark in that sweet kiss she had never felt with any other boy and she suddenly wanted

more from him.

By the time they got to the house, the boys were sitting out front waiting on them.

“Good grief. You took the long and you still beat us. What the hell?” Rose popped the trunk of

her car to pull the bags out. Emmett rushed to her side and began unloading the bags for her.

She smiled and suddenly felt shy. She never felt shy. She wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Edward drives like a fucking maniac.” Emmett chuckled and ran his hand down Rose’s arm.

He smiled as she shook slightly at his touch.

The maniac walked over to the front passenger door of Rose’s car and opened it for Bella. He

watched as her beautiful legs moved out first. Edward realized in that moment that he definitely

liked her in heels. He had always thought her legs were beautiful but there was something about

how a nice pair of stilettos seemed to bring out the curvature of her legs. He decided he would

have to buy her another pair or maybe a thousand. He offered her his hand as she stood from the


“See something you like, Mr. Cullen?” Bella’s voice was laced with desire. Sex oozed from her

lips and Edward’s dick was instantaneously hard.

“No doubt about it.” He pulled Bella into his arms and kissed her, “You ready, kitten?”

Bella ran her hand down the front of Edward’s pants and slowly moved her hand up and down

against the front of his jeans, “Never been more ready.”

She darted her tongue along the length of his bottom lip and then sucked it into her mouth. “I

need you… here.” She took Edward’s hand and placed it on her throbbing core. Edward

groaned as his already painfully hard dick got even harder at his girl’s boldness.

Groans and laughter filled the air around them.

“Get a room!” Jasper laughed out at them.

“Already got one. Thanks for reminding me.” Edward called back and he rubbed his fingers

hard against Bella’s boiling hot bud. “Even through your clothes I can feel how wet you are. I

have got to get you out of here. Now!” He whispered as his fingers played with her through her

dress. Bella leaned into him aching for his touch.

“For fuck’s sake, get her out of here before you do her right here in the yard.” Jasper yelled.

“Damn it, man. Show some respect.” Jake hollered back as he put Bella’s overnight bag in

Edward’s car. He walked over to the passenger door and opened it for Bella, “Now you two

kiddies run along and play.”

Everyone laughed as Edward escorted Bella to the car. She slid in the front seat and Jake closed

the door for her as Edward walked to the other side and got into the driver’s seat. Jake leaned

into the open window, “Seriously, you two enjoy one another tonight. Don’t rush it. Just…

enjoy it.” He smiled and patted Bella on the head and moved out of the way so they could leave.

Edward rolled up the window and pulled out of the driveway. They could hear everyone yelling

and screaming as they drove off.

Bella turned in her seat to see all their friends running behind them, screaming and jumping and

acting like complete idiots. The guys were giving high-fives and slugging each other while the

girls were hugging and from the looks of it, possibly crying.

“You would think we just got married or something.” Bella turned back in her seat and looked at

Edward. He had a cute smirk on his face that made her just want to kiss him. She threw her

head back in laughter.

“Someday.” Edward mused.

Bella looked at him in stunned disbelief. Was he serious? Her heart nearly launched out of her

chest but she figured it was better not to push the subject. Just take things one step at a time.

“So where are we going?”

“You’ll see when we get there.” Edward slipped his hand on her knee. “I want to play.” He

slowly ran his finger over her knee, rubbing small circles around her kneecap.

“Do you now?” Bella slightly opened her legs and moved her hand over his arm. She glided her

hand to ghost over his and moved their hands further up her leg. Edward gasped at the touch of

her hand. He could feel the heat between her legs as she guided him home.

“I’ve been aching to touch you all night.” Edward slipped his hand up the inside of her thigh

careful not to touch her sensitive core. He enjoyed knowing he was able to tease her just a little

bit. He found her unbearably sexy when she writhed under his touch. He longed to hear her call

out his name whilst in the throes of passion.

“Please. Let me feel you.”

“Yes.” She whispered barely audibly.

Finally. I was beginning to believe that I would have to whack off before I got to touch her.

Edward slipped his hand under her dress. He felt her heat radiating as he played with her clit

outside her panties. “Baby… please?” He smiled her favorite crooked knowing that he was in

control even as he was driving.

“Please what, baby?” Edward murmured as he ran his finger along the outside her panties

feeling the wetness soaking through. He moved his index finger and pushed just slightly so he

could fell her lips move apart awaiting his full entry.

“I need you inside me.” Bella moaned as she pushed her groin towards his playful hand.

“Are you asking me to finger you? Is that what you want?” He tickled her clit, “Are you

wanting this finger inside you?”

“Yes.” She gasped

He couldn’t take it anymore. He moved his hand under her lacey panties so she could access to

her treasure trove. He could feel wetness on the back of his hand from where she had been

pooling into her panties all night. It brought a smile to know that she wanted him just as much as

he wanted her.

He ran his fingers through her soft mound of curls and over her clit, pinching gently. Bella

moaned and squirmed under his touch. He made purchase with her slippery center. He gently

used his fingers to separate her soft folds and slid his middle finger inside her. Bella cried out as

he entered her. He thrust in and out trying very hard not to pull the car over and just take her

right then and there.

“Eddie…” She whimpered as he moved his hand over her clit and began rubbing as he continued

to thrust his finger into her slit.

Damn that’s fucking hot.

She thrust her hips up to his hand. He rubbed her clit with his palm as he continued to thrust his

middle finger into her tight essence. He longed to thrust a second finger inside her but her

panties were a barrier he couldn’t get past. Bella threw her head back against the seat. He knew

just a few more minutes and he could get her to cum in his car.

Yep, car sex will be a must.

Edward trying hard to pay attention to the road as well as his and Bella’s need looked into his

rear review mirror. He pulled his hand out of her panties immediately.

“Fuck.” He whispered.

“What? Why’d you stop?” Bella was nearly in pain over the loss of contact with Edward.

“Baby, I don’t want to scare you but there’s a cop car behind us. You don’t think your father

could be following us, do you?”

Bella jerked her head around and stared with wide eyes at the cruiser following them. It was too

dark to see who was driving.

“Shit. I can’t tell baby.” Bella whimpered. She closed her eyes and prayed to the heavens.

God, I know I’m a little early tonight for our little talk but I really need your help right now.

Please don’t let that be Daddy! I really don’t want my father to find us like this. Please, God…


Now I hold you in my arms, you know you hold my heart and always will. If I could only read

your mind tell me the answer I would find, do you dream of me? And when you're smiling in your

sleep beyond the promises we keep do you dream of me? And after all that we've been through

you’ve leaned on me I’ve leaned on you. Do you dream of me?

Do You Dream of Me by Michael W. Smith

~ Chapter 7: Age 16 ~

Everyone screamed, hollered, yelled, cheered, danced and even cried. Edward and Bella were

finally going to get laid. The same thought was running through each and every one of their

minds…It’s about fucking time!

“WHOOOAAAAA!” Jasper yelled out pumping his fist into the air as the silver Volvo pulled

out of the Hale’s driveway. He grabbed Alice up and twirled her around. His best friend was

about to finally turn in his V-card. They had worked towards this night for nearly two months

and it looked like they would actually reap the rewards.

“Don’t forget to use protection. We don’t need any little Edward’s running around.” Jake yelled

out as the car began to disappear into the distance.

“We love you guys!” Alice cried out as tears began to stream down her face. Her best friend was

about to get the night of her life and she felt a sense of pride in the fact that she had some

involvement in it.

“Fuck her like Harry Twatter!” Emmett blurted out.

“Like what?!” Rose turned to Emmett trying to figure out what he said. Emmett turned bright

red as the embarrassment made its mark across his face and neck. He hadn’t meant to say that

out loud. The last thing he wanted Rose to think was that he was some sex crazed maniac who

does nothing but watch porn and eat cheese puffs all day long.

“Nothing.” He smiled impishly. Seeing Alice and Jasper locked in a tight embrace, Emmett

decided to seize the moment. Carpe Diem.

He pulled Rosalie into his arms and kissed her. She tried to push away at first, just out of pure

surprise, but then suddenly her body melted into him and she wanted him more then she had

wanted anything in her life. His perfectly defined and sculpted body molded with hers like a

hand in a glove. In that one moment, everything just clicked together. She had never felt

happier and unexpectedly, she wanted to feel everything that Alice and Bella had been talking

about earlier that day.

She opened her mouth just enough to invite Emmett inside. Emmett took the cue and slid his

tongue between her teeth. He gently messaged her tongue with his and felt his dick stiffen in his

pants. He had wanted this girl for so long and here she was, finally with him. Contrary to

popular belief, he didn’t take this situation lightly. He was in love with her. He knew it. He just

had to get her to love him back.

“Ahhhemm!” Jake cleared his throat pointedly at Emmett and Rose. With a chuckle he asked,

“Do I need to get you two a room, as well?”

“We want one, too, fucker!” Jasper replied.

“Look, guys, it honestly looks like you need time with your girls. How about I call Vanessa and

just have her pick me up? That way, you can stay here and I have some alone time of my own.”

“I don’t mind taking you back, Jake. Really.” Rose interceded.

“No really. It’s all good. I know she is in town. She can be here in ten minutes.” Jake smiled as

Rose let out a sigh of relief. She really wanted to spend more time with Emmett, and if she took

Jake back to Jasper’s that meant that all the boys would have to leave.

Emmett punched Jake in the arm, “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

“You owe more than one.” Jake punched him back. “So, Rose, what time are your parents

supposed to be home anyway?”

“They won’t be back until tomorrow night actually. Dad had some banker’s convention thing

this weekend and at the last minute Mom decided to go with him.”

“Does she know that Alice is spending the night?” Jasper asked. He had a plan formulating in

his head and wanted as many details as he could get.

“Actually, she thinks Bella is staying here, too.”

“So, there’s no way they will be home tonight?”

“Jasper, what are you thinking?” Alice wrapped her arms around her boyfriend’s waist. It was

always funny to everyone how she looked him eye to nipple. Jasper was nearly six feet tall and

Alice never made it past five feet and that was if she was lucky.

Jasper picked her up off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He kissed her

deeply while groping her ass. “I think Edward and Bella won’t be the only couple having fun


Jake rolled his eyes, groaned and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. He began dialing

Vanessa’s number.

“What do you guys want to do?” Rose asked as Emmett wrapped his arm around her shoulders,

letting his hand dangle just above her breast. She could feel the heat develop between her legs at

the thought of him just reaching down and grabbing her breast in his hand.

“I think I know what we can do.” Jasper grabbed Alice’s ass again and she squealed at his touch.

“Okay, guys, Vanessa will be here in just a minute. She was just around the corner.” No sooner

had Jake said that and a red Jeep Wrangler pulled around the corner. The hard top was off and

you could hear the vibrations of Muse flooding from her kickass stereo system.

Jake beamed as he watched the Jeep pull in front of the house. “Hey there, beautiful,” he said as

he leaned into the passenger side of the car.

Vanessa smiled, “Where ya headin’ stranger?”

“Wherever you are, beautiful,” Jake winked.

Vanessa Wolfe was about eighteen years old with a beautiful copper complexion and long

flowing black hair. Her face lit up at the sight of Jacob. It was obvious she was smitten with

him, but what was even more obvious was he was entirely taken by her as well.

Jacob opened the door and stepped up into the cab of the jeep. Quickly closing the door behind

him, he leaned over and kissed Vanessa, “I wish you could have come tonight. I missed you.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I had to work. Did Bella and Edward make it off okay?”

“Just perfectly. Let’s get out of here.” Jake kissed her again deeply.

“Get him to a fucking room before he combusts. Jeez!” Jasper hollered out at Vanessa and Jake.

“That must be Jasper,” Vanessa laughed and waved at everyone.

“Loser!” Jake flipped Jasper off and smiled.

Jasper, Emmett, Alice and Rose walked up to the Jeep and introduced themselves to Vanessa.

“You sure you don’t want to stay?” Alice politely asked.

“Nah. I think I’m going to take your boyfriend’s advice and find a room.” Vanessa chuckled as

she grabbed Jake’s inner thighs.

“Fuck yeah!” Jasper rang out.

Vanessa and Jake quickly said their goodbyes and left.

The four teenagers headed into the house. The Hale’s home was exquisite. Marble flooring,

large white columns and chandeliers were common place in the Hale home.

George Hale was the manager of Forks Community Credit Union and his wife, Lily was your

typical socialite wife. It had always been her dream to have a little girl that she could parade

around in pageants. When Rosalie was born, she was excited that she had gotten her wish.

Rosalie’s vanity derived from her mother’s lust for beauty.

“Alice, can you come to the bathroom with me?” Rose asked upon entering the house.

“Sure, let’s go.” Alice linked arms with Rose and they headed upstairs.

“Why do girls do that? It’s not like they have anything to hold while they pee.” Jasper grumbled.

“They are going to talk about us. Don’t you know anything about girls? Jeez!” Emmett said


“Yeah. I know how to make them scream my name!” Jasper mocked.

Rose and Alice were hiding out in the bathroom, “What do I do?”

“Rose, you’ve had boyfriends. Hell, you’ve had several. What’s the problem?”

“I’ve never had one where I felt something more than lust before. Emmett is different. He is

sweet and attentive and I don’t know how to act around him.”

Alice pondered her statement for a moment. “Well, I suggest we loosen them up first. Maybe a

drink or two,” Alice suggested.

“Okay. That sounds good. My parents have loads of vodka. We could take a bottle and they

would never notice.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ve never drank before so I don’t really care what we have.” Alice smiled.

“Oh, what about a game?” Rose waved her hands in excitement.

“Perfect. Great idea. But what should we play?” Alice smiled as her thoughts raced to what

kind of games they could play to break the ice.

“I’ve got it. We can play Truth or Dare! I’ll suggest it.” Alice grabbed Rose’s hands and began

dancing with her.

“It’s a plan.” Rose squealed.

Emmett and Jasper had moved into the den. There was a large couch and a love seat set in an L-

shape and a massive TV hanging from the wall. Each took a seat relaxing into the cushions and

grinning at the thought of the day’s past events. They were both thankful that everything had

gone according to plan, and that they were now able to relax and enjoy the company of their

girls. Emmett was hoping that since it was just the four of them staying at Rose’s tonight that he

would be lucky enough to room with Rose and get to know her better. Get to know her body

better as well.

Music started blasting from the surround sound speakers in the den room and both guys turned

their heads towards the entryway to see who had turned it on. To their surprise they were

bombarded with high pitched squealing and laughter as they saw their girls bouncing to the edge

of the stairs both wrapped in a single bright pink sleeping bag.

“Um girls, what the fuck are you doing?” shouted Jasper above the music.

“Bob-sledding, silly.” returned Alice. She giggled and then snorted causing her and Rose to

laugh even harder. At that precise moment the girls collapsed onto the floor and shuffled to the

edge of the stairs.

“Hope you’re ready to catch us!” shrieked Rose as she pushed the two of them forward and

started propelling themselves down the stairs.


Shit, Jasper thought. Both he and Emmett leapt to their feet and charged towards the base of the

stairs. By the time they made it, the girls had somehow slid sideways in their sleeping bag and

were almost rolling down the last section of the stairs. Their laughter and screams were



Unable to right themselves, Alice and Rose tumbled into Jasper and Emmett’s feet, causing them

to lose their balance and collapse on top of each other.

“That. Was. Fucking. Brilliant!” gasped Alice in between fits of laughter.

The four of them were a mess of limbs and sleeping bag. It took them a minute to untangle

themselves. It didn’t help that Rose and Alice were giggling nonstop at the looks on the boy’s


With a final high five, the girls climbed out the sleeping bag and sauntered into the den as though

nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

“Shit, you reckon they do girl-on-girl stuff like this all the time when they sleepover?” Emmett

asked Jasper with a punch on the arm. “Hell, if I know, but I’m willing to spy from now on to

find out!” Jasper laughed, rubbing his arm.

The boys composed themselves, grinning at their girls who were standing by the couches waiting

for them and made their way over to them. The night sure was looking to be interesting.

“Rose, you got anything to drink?” Jasper grunted as he made himself comfortable on the couch

in the den. Rose quickly exited into another room to look for refreshments. She was so happy

that someone suggested it without her having to. She didn’t want to look desperate.

Alice curled up beside Jasper on the couch, wrapping her leg around his waist. His slipped his

hand up her thigh and pulled her leg up further. He had wanted to touch her all night and he

wasn’t about to waste any time now.

Emmett sat down on the love seat and made himself comfortable. As Rose walked back into the

room carrying a bottle of Vodka and four shot glasses, she smiled at Emmett. “Is this what you

were looking for?”

“It’s nice, but I was looking for something more… blonde.” Emmett groaned at himself as his

cheesy pick up line slipped from his lips.

“Dude, you so didn’t just say that?” Jasper razzed Emmett.

Emmett once again blushed and Rose sat down next to him on the couch, “I thought it was

sweet.” She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Rose moved to fill the shot glass and everyone took one. Without a word they all downed their

shots like they were pros, but secretly each one was nearly gagging as the horrible liquid burned

down their throats. A silence filled the room as both couples just stared at one another not sure

what to do next. Do they just start making out? Do they talk? Do they go to separate rooms and

begin what they all knew they came here to do?

“I’ve got an idea.” Alice rang out, breaking the silence.

“Well, don’t keep us waiting, woman.” Jasper teased, “You know how I hate waiting.” He dug

his fingers into her thigh eliciting a squeal from her lips.

“I was thinking,” she giggled. “What if we play a game of Truth or Dare?”

Rose’s head popped up, “That’s a great idea! I want to go first.”

“Okay. Truth or Dare it is.”

Emmett began to worry. He hated this game. He always got fucked into doing some stupid dare

because he would never pick truth. Picking truth usually meant he would have to answer a really

personal question and he didn’t talk much about his life if he could afford it.

“Emmett, Truth or Dare?” Rose turned to Emmett secretly praying he would choose truth. She

immediately had planned on asking him if he wanted to feel her up.

Emmett groaned. I’m in fucking Hell. He thought to himself. “Dare.” His shoulders slumped as

he waited for the fucking dare that was sure to embarrass the Hell out of him.

Having prayed he would choose truth, Rose wasn’t prepared for a dare. She said the first thing

that came to her mind, “Uhmm, I dare you to kiss me. I mean really kiss me.”

Emmett was startled by the dare. He had wanted to do that all night but to have her ask for it

was not something he expected. He leaned in and pulled her close to him. He moved his hand to

her face cupping her jaw and running his fingers behind her hairline. He pressed his lips to hers

without any reservation and kissed her. The kiss began soft and innocent but a fire developed

between them and before he knew it, his tongue was colliding with hers and she was in his lap,

straddling his waist, pressing her groin into his hard cock.

Holy shit, that’s not a rabbit in his pocket. Not only is he packing muscle but he’s packing a

huge dick!

Jasper began to whistle and Alice started to giggle. Emmett didn’t care. He had the girl of his

dreams wrapped around him and he wasn’t about to let his dickhead friend ruin this.

Rose pulled away gasping for air, “Wow.” She whispered breathlessly.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby.” Emmett winked at her. He was feeling more confident after

the kiss they just shared. He squeezed her ass and kissed the tip of her nose for good measure.

For once in his life a dare actually turned out good for him.

Rose slipped off his lap hating leaving him but she wanted another drink. She refilled

everyone’s shot glass and they downed them once again. Since this was technically all of their

first time drinking, the second shot started having a pretty good effect on them.

“Em, your turn.” Alice smiled and leaned in and kissed Jasper on the neck.

“Jasper, truth or dare.”


“Have you ever been skinny dipping?”

Jasper chuckled at the question. It was way too easy to answer. “Nope,” he answered.

“Guess that means it’s my turn now.” Jasper grinned like a Cheshire cat as he turned to Rose,

“Rose, truth or dare.”

“Dare, I guess.”

Jasper inwardly fist pumped. He knew exactly what he wanted to do here, “I dare you to kiss

Alice like you just kissed Emmett.”

Rose smiled. She knew what he was up to. Let’s face it; all guys secretly want to see their girls

make out with another girl…right? She got up from her seat and moved towards Alice. Alice

stood up to meet her, sniggering.

“You okay with this?” Alice asked.

“Yeah. Let’s give them the thrill of their lives.” Rose grinned and moved in towards Alice.

Rose took Alice by the face just as Emmett had done her. She leaned down and placed her lips

on Alice’s. Alice opened her mouth waiting for Rose to continue. It was Rose’s dare, so she

was going to control this kiss in Alice’s opinion. Rose slipped her tongue into Alice’s mouth

making sure Emmett and Jasper could see.

“Fucking Hell, that is hot.” Jasper whispered as Rose continued to kiss his girl. Jasper adjusted

himself on the couch allowing him to readjust his stiff cock. Emmett sat in awe simply nodding

his head and his mouth dropped open to the floor. He had seen this on TV and in porn but to see

it in real life was indescribable.

Rose sucked Alice’s bottom lip into her mouth. Alice moaned to give an added effect. Not that

Rose was a bad kisser but she much preferred kissing Jasper. Rose ran her tongue over Alice’s

lips as she pulled away from the kiss. Both girls sat back down besides their guys and quickly

took another shot.

“Was that good for you?” Rose seductively asked Alice jokingly.

“You know it, baby. I say we dump these two and head upstairs.” Alice replied with a giggle.

“Can we watch?” Jasper nearly screamed.

Alice punched Jasper in the arm, “Perv.”

“What?” Jasper asked innocently. “My girl with another girl? Why the Hell wouldn’t I want to

see that shit? Fuck…it’s my biggest wet dream.”

“My turn,” Alice said trying hard not to laugh at Jasper as she turned to Emmett, “Truth or


“Dare.” Emmett selected once again.

“I dare you to grab Jasper’s ass.”

“What! Fuck no! What are you thinking woman?!” Jasper yelled out.

“What? You expect me and Rose to kiss without question, but when I simply ask for him to grab

your ass and it’s suddenly against the rules? I don’t think so.” Jasper knew there was no winning

this argument. He had just gotten to watch the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his life. He

stood up and faced Emmett.

“Be quick, okay?”

Emmett stood up and stepped forward. He quickly but roughly grabbed Jasper’s ass. Both girls

cried out in laughter at the expression on each guys face.

“EW! EWW! EWWWW!” Emmett cried out as he let go of Jasper’s behind. He wiped his hand

across his pants as though he had just touched the most disgusting thing in the world.

“My ass isn’t that bad.” Jasper felt a little offended. He and Emmett sat back down on the

couches not looking at one another.

“My turn.” Rose called out.

“Alice, Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” Alice said with a shrug.

“How big is Jasper’s dick really?”

“Why is everyone picking on me tonight?” Jasper whined.

“Because you’re so adorable.” Alice kissed him on the cheek and then turned to Rose, “Very big

and perfectly shaped.” Alice giggled and Jasper beamed.

“That’s right, I am!”

“It’s your turn, Emmett.” Rose placed her hand on his knee.

He smiled and then turned to Jasper, “Since tonight is Pick On Jasper Night; Jasper, Truth or


“Fuck. Why me again? Damn it…Dare.”

Alice nearly wet herself laughing at the expression on Emmett’s face when he said dare, “I dare

you to streak down the street and back.”

“OHHHHH!” Rose screamed out in laughter.

“Okay. You got it.” Jasper stripped down to his boxers and headed for the door. Everyone got

up to follow him. He walked outside and was about to take off running when Emmett hollered

out, “Dude, lose the fucking shorts.”

Jasper had secretly prayed no one would notice that he was still wearing them. He slipped the

boxers off and immediately was regretting it. While it was September and still summer time, the

night air was chilled. It hit him and he felt the Jazzmiester try to hide between his balls to keep

warm. “Fuck. It’s freezing”

“Suck it up and run, fucker!” Emmett pushed Jasper down the steps.

“If I suck it up anymore, my dick will be in my ass!” Jasper exclaimed.

“Run and you will warm up.”

Jasper took off running down the street. Emmett and the girls were screaming at the top of their


“Shake that money maker, baby!”

“Naked man running!”

“That’s one hot mangina!”

Jasper rounded to corner and began running back toward them, “Would you fuckers shut up!

You’re going to wake the neighbors.”

“That’s the point, mother fucker!” Emmett called out laughing hysterically.

“Look at all the hair on that mangina! Someone needs a wax!” Emmett was laughing so hard he

could barely breathe. He doubled over at the sight of Jasper desperately trying to get back to


Jasper ran back up to the porch out of breath but laughing at what happened.

“Bring that dick over here. I’ve got to warm him up now or he won’t be any use to me.” Alice

wrapped her fingers around Jasper’s penis and began applying friction. Within seconds the

Jazzmiester was fully erect and ready to play.

“Dude, put that thing away. We don’t really want to see it.” Emmett bellowed as he wrapped his

arm around Rose’s waist pulling her close to him. Watching Jasper get a hand job in front of

him was more then he could bear. His own dick was hard and ready and he wanted to take Rose

right then and there.

“Let’s get inside.” Rose instructed.

Alice and Jasper were pawing each other all the way back into the house. Jasper was still

completely naked but didn’t care. He had to find a place to fuck his girl and quick.

“Guest room, top floor, first door on the left.” Rose instructed them without being asked.

Jasper picked Alice up and took off running upstairs with her squealing the whole way.

Rose turned to Emmett, feeling rather shy, “Want to see my room?”

“Only if that’s what you want.” Emmett replied. He wanted her badly but there was no way he

would take her without her wanting him in return.

“I would very much like that.” Rose took his hand and led him to her room. Bella wasn’t the

only one who was losing her virginity tonight.

~ X ~

“Oh god, oh god, oh god.” Bella whimpered.

“Calm down, baby. It will be okay.” Edward kept both hands on the steering wheel. He gripped

it so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. “Bells, do you have your seatbelt on?”

“Yeah, babe.” Bella readjusted the belt to make sure everything was in place.

“We should be okay. He hasn’t turned his lights on yet so maybe he isn’t following us.”

Edward whispered. He had spoken too soon. Just then the lights on the cop car turned on and

the siren sounded. Edward’s heart leapt into his throat. He knew right then and there it was

Charlie behind them and that he was carrying his gun. He was definitely a dead man tonight. At

least he got to touch his girl one last time before he died.

Edward looked over at Bella. She was an angel in red. This sweet girl sitting beside him had

gone along with his hair-brained scheme in order to have sex with him. He couldn’t believe he

had gotten her into this kind of trouble. He loved her so much. He just wanted to give her the

ultimate birthday gift. Himself.

Edward turned his blinker on to pull the car over; no sooner had he turned his blinker on, the cop

car pulled around them and sped ahead of them.

“It’s not my Dad.” Bella whispered, placing her hand over her chest. She nearly cried at the

relief that flooded her system.

Edward could barely hear her as his pulse was reverberating in his ears. “It wasn’t your Dad,” he

repeated what she had said. His heart was racing and he couldn’t help but laugh. All of the

worry was for nothing. He exhaled deeply, “It wasn’t Charlie.” Relief flood Edward and Bella

both. A nervous laugh escaped Bella’s lips.

Bella grabbed Edward’s hand and squeezed, “Get us to where ever you are taking us now. I

don’t want to take any chances that this night gets ruined.”

Edward smiled, lifted her wrist to his lips, “Your wish, my command.” While maintaining the

speed limit, as he didn’t want to take any chances of actually getting pulled over, Edward got to

the hotel as quickly as possible.

Upon their arrival, they parked in the underground garage. Edward had made sure to secure

parking there when he and Jake checked in so no one would see his car by accident and rat him

and Bella out to their parents. Edward escorted Bella up to the eighteenth floor to their room.

They reached the mahogany door and Edward presented a card key. He smiled at Bella as he

moved their overnight bags to his shoulder so he could swipe the key in the magnetic strip


The light on the reader turned green and the audible sound of the door unlocking echoed in the


This is really happening. I am really about to spend the night with the love of my life. Bella


She smiled at Edward as he opened the door for her to enter. She walked ahead of him and he

shifted again to counter the weight of their bags on his shoulder. He walked in behind her and

the door closed behind them.

This is it, Cullen. Don’t fuck this night up. Operation: Romance Bella in motion. Sex is


Edward dropped the bags on the floor as Bella turned to face him.

“It’s beautiful. Just like I imagined it would be.”

Edward could see a tear in the corner of her eye threatening to escape. He, Jake and Jasper had

spent the better part of their afternoon decorating the room. Vanilla and strawberry scented

candles were strategically placed around the room, ready and waiting to be lit by Edward. Red

and white rose petals had been scattered all over the floor and the huge king sized bed. Edward

had a bouquet of red and white tulips arranged for her on top of the mahogany dresser and his

iPod docking station was sitting beside it. He had made a special playlist for this night. He had

also made sure that the bathroom had candles and flowers arranged in it, as well. In addition, a

small container of strawberry bath salts and a bottle vanilla bubble bath sat waiting on the

bathroom’s vanity for their usage, if so desired.

The room wasn’t elaborate by any means, but it was quaint and Bella was immediately in love

with it. This was their room and it would be forever embedded in her memory.

“I’m so glad you like it, my love. I wanted this night to be perfect for you.” Edward moved to

wrap Bella in his arms.

“For us. This night is for us.” She pulled up on the tips of her toes to kiss him.

“Us,” he whispered as his lips met hers.

Passion ignited between the two of them. His lips melted into hers. He wrapped his hands

around her waist pulling her flush with him. She moved her hands to the nape of his neck and

lightly scratched her nails against his scalp as she ran her fingers through his hair; his lips curling

from the sensation and the excitement of the moment.

His tongue invaded her mouth. He gently messaged her tongue with his enjoying the sensation of

their connection. Every time he touched her, he had a sense of being home. He could feel the

heat of her pussy permeating from her as she ground her groin into his crouch. He wanted her,

he had to have her, and he needed her like an alcoholic needed their next drink. She was his and

they were about to complete the ultimate bond. There would never be any doubt after tonight

that they were completely bonded for life.

Bella ran her hands down Edward’s spine as their mouths continued to collide. The sensation

was common but always felt so new with every kiss and with every touch.

“Bells, baby?” Edward whispered against her lips.

“Yes, Eddie?”

“I want you so badly but I also want this night perfect for us. Let’s slow down just a moment so

I can get everything ready. Okay?” Edward looked down at the beautiful girl standing before

him willing to give all of herself to him and his heart leapt in his chest. He felt as though he

could never love her more than he did in that moment. Of course, he would find out later in life

that he was completely wrong. That his love for her would grow exponentially over the years.

Bella pulled away from him. The loss of the connection felt as though a piece of her died

without him in her arms. Seeing her expression, he leaned in and kissed her on forehead. “I

know how you feel, love. I promise it won’t be long.” Edward smiled her favorite crooked grin

and she felt herself melt under his gaze.

“Okay, baby. I’ll go change then.” She pushed herself up on the tips of her toes and quickly

kissed his lips. She then picked up the overnight bag that Edward had dropped on the floor and

moved to the restroom. She closed the door behind her and exhaled. A smile was plastered

across her face and she knew there would be no removing it.

This is it! Edward and I are finally going to do this. Can I? God, I pray he will be happy with


Bella moved to undress and get into the nightgown that her friends had given her for this very


While Bella was in the bathroom dressing, Edward was lighting all the candles. The scent of

strawberries and vanilla saturated the air. He turned on his iPod making sure the volume was

low enough so it wouldn’t be disturbing but just loud enough to help set the ambiance. He

turned the lights off leaving only the candlelight to illuminate the space.

He un-tucked his shirt and then unbuttoned the top three buttons of his white shirt and slipped his

shoes off, allowing himself to get comfortable. He pulled the sheets and duvet down on the bed

and then sat down on the bed to wait for her.

He didn’t have to wait long. Bella exited the bathroom to the scantly lit room. It was dark

except for the candlelight. Edward was propped up on the bed patiently waiting for her. He

stood up looking at her in marvel. She was a sight to behold. Her long wavy hair hung like

streams of chocolate down her back and shoulders. She stood before him in nothing more than

blue lace. He had seen her naked and was mesmerized at her beauty then, but to see her dressed

like a present for him to unwrap was more then he could bear.

He moved off the bed and in two strides was standing before her. “You. Are. Beautiful.”

Edward whispered to her breathlessly as he cupped her face in both his hands. He found himself

amazed at how his hands enveloped her face. It felt as though overnight his boyish hands that

could barely reach her cheekbone had become that of a man, and he liked the feeling of knowing

he would be a man touching her and not a boy.

He leaned in and kissed her lips gently. She moved to unbutton the remaining three buttons of

his shirt as her lips moved with his. She opened the shirt to show his well sculpted torso.

Running her fingers up his abdomen, he shivered at her touch. He thought he heard her whisper

“Mine” but was too caught up in her touch to really pay attention.

Bella moved her hands to remove his shirt from his body. Pushing the collar back, her fingers

grazed down his bare muscular arms as the shirt slid to the floor. Edward’s passion got the better

of him as he picked Bella up off the floor in quick swoop and gently laid her on the bed.

She looked up at him and smiled as he hovered over her. His green eyes darkened with desire.

She felt the silk that was her panties plaster against her crotch as her own desire seeped into

them. Edward ran his left hand up her leg, starting at her ankle and painstakingly up to her knee,

stopping at her thigh. He completely skipped over her pleasure center and moved his hand up

her body outside her nightgown. He slipped his fingers over her flat stomach and then between

her breasts careful not to touch them just yet. His fingers slid over her neck and then cupped her

face while caressing her hair.

“Edward. Please.” Bella squirmed under his touch. “I need you.”

Her breathing increased and Edward watched as her body begged him to take her. He may never

have had sex before but he knew this body before him. He knew what would make her feel

pleasure and he was going to use what he had in his arsenal to his advantage and hers before he

had to do the one thing he dreaded the most...hurt her.

“I need you, too, baby.” He leaned in and kissed her shoving his fear aside. He was with her

now and no matter what happened tonight she was his life now.

Bella moved to undo his pants. She popped the button and slowly slipped the zipper down.

Edward moaned as her hand grazed his painfully erect dick. “I want this.” She slipped her hand

down inside his boxers and grabbed his dick hard in her hand. Edward threw his head back and

cried out as she slipped her hand up and down the shaft. She rubbed her thumb over his slit

where pre-cum had already been accumulating.

“Let’s get you undressed.” Bella’s voice rasped with desire. She slipped her hand off his dick

and hooking her thumbs into his boxers and jeans she began to yank down, being very careful

not to let the material touch his raging erection.

Edward finished pulling his clothes off for her as he didn’t want to move away from her body for

more than one second if he could help it. Bella lay beneath him and watched as his beautiful

naked form appeared before her. No matter how many times she saw him naked she was always

in awe that this body could belong to her.

Edward leaned in and kissed her neck. He ran his tongue down her collarbone and slipped the

spaghetti straps of her nightie down her arms.

“If I’m to be naked so are you.” Edward whispered. Lust and desire filled his eyes and Bella felt

the pool deepen between her legs. He pushed the nightgown down just enough to expose her

lush breast. He slipped his tongue around the left nipple, sucking it deep into her mouth. Bella

arched her back at the feeling of his lips around her. Edward ran his hand down her stomach

underneath the gown and pushed his fingers into her panties.

“Oh my, baby.” He was astonished by her wetness. He still found it hard to believe he had this

kind of effect on her. He gathered a bit of her juices on to his finger careful not to enter her just

yet but still playing with her folds. He used her wetness to rub his fingers across her clit. She

was so sensitive and her clit was already beginning to swell with pleasure that he just had to flick

it a few times with his index finger and she was withering beneath him.

He moved his lips down her body. Slowly he pushed the nightgown with him, exposing her bare

skin as he went, and kissing every inch he uncovered. He arrived at her stomach were he dipped

his tongue into her bellybutton. He sucked her delicate skin into his mouth and decided tonight

this was where he would leave his mark on her. He lightly bit her stomach and sucked her skin

deep into his mouth. He watched as her delicate porcelain skin changed in color. Mine.

Once he was satisfied with his handiwork, he slipped his fingers into her nightgown and the lace

of her panties and yanked both off quickly in one swift move. He sat up on his knees looking

down at this glorious body that lay before him. He marveled at her heaving breasts bouncing in

front of his eyes and the soft mound of chocolate curls that was the doorway to his most favorite

place on the earth. She was beautiful fully-clothed but there were no words to describe what he

saw before him when she was naked.

Edward moved Bella’s legs apart and lay down between them. “Baby, put your feet on my


She did as instructed and he got the desired effect he wanted. This opened her wide before him

and he could take everything easily into his mouth. He wasted no time with his plans. Using his

fingers, he brushed her curls back and then dipped his tongue between her folds. Bella’s hips

bucked up towards his face as his tongue entered her. Taking this as his cue to continue, he

sucked both her lips and clit deep into his mouth, pulling slightly and thrilling at how she

elongated as he pulled. He flicked his tongue continually over her elongated slit and clit as he

held her pussy suspended in his mouth.

He released her from his lips and watched as her sex returned to normal shape, slightly swollen

and perfectly pink, ready for more love from his mouth. He slipped two fingers into her slit

basking in the wetness there. He glided his finger in and out of her and watched how she shaped

around him. He wished he would be able to see his dick inside her like this. It was the most

beautiful thing to watch his girl get pleasure from his body. He continued to push his two middle

fingers deep inside her and tantalized her clit with his index finger. She grabbed the sheets on

the bed curling her small hands into fists around them as her body reacted to the sexual tension.

“You are so beautiful. Feel me, baby.” Edward whispered as he continued his torture of her

pleasure center. “Relax and just feel me, Bells.”

Bella tried to relax but her body was a jumble of nerves. Every inch of her body cried out for

Edward and there was no way to relax from the feelings he evoked deep in her belly.

Edward slowly withdrew his fingers from her slit and quickly slammed his tongue deep into her

sex. He began to lick hard and quick inside her, drinking in her love juices. Using his index

finger, he flicked her clit repeatedly continuing the enticing torture he had started on her

lovebud. She cried out as she ran her fingers through his hair pulling and yet pushing his face

into her. Her body automatically reacted to the sensations that his tongue and fingers were


Using his other hand, he slipped it underneath her backside, holding her up and lightly licking

and nipping at her center while her orgasm took over. She screamed out in ecstasy, “Edward!!!”

He would never get tired of her calling for him in the throes of passion. It nearly made him blow

his load every time.

As she came down, Edward gently lowered her body back to the bed. He palmed the outside of

her center feeling the wetness saturate his hand. Fear gripped him as he knew this was the

moment. This was the moment they would both give themselves to each other unconditionally.

I don’t want to hurt her. FUCK!

“Bella, are you sure you want to do this?” He asked as he continued to gently kneed her clit and

slit with his palm. He just wanted the contact with her.

What is he so worried about? Does he not want me?

“Of course I do.” Bella smiled and pushed her center into his hand, “Don’t you?”

“Yes.” He whispered, “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

“Baby, quit worrying about hurting me. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy me.” Bella breathed.

Edward shook his head in defeat. He wanted this so badly, the thought of hurting her was his

only obstacle. I can do this. I can do this. It won’t hurt for long…will it?

He reached over to the nightstand and opened the drawer. He removed the box of condoms he

had strategically planted there earlier that day. He pulled one out of the box and laid it on the

bed beside them and placed the box back in the drawer. He sat up on his knees between her legs.

He picked up the foil and was about to rip it open when Bella sat up and placed her hand on his.

“No.” She shook her head.

“What? You want to put it on?” Edward felt confused. They had never really discussed this.

“I don’t want you to wear a condom.” Bella looked him straight in the eye.

“Bells, we need protection.”

“I realize that and every time after this if you want a condom, I am game, but this time I want to

feel you. I don’t want to feel some piece of plastic entering me for the first time. I want you.

Only you.”


“Eddie, I’m on birth control. This isn’t an issue. Just this once. I promise, I won’t ask again. I

just want to feel you for our first time. That’s all I ask. Please.” Bella’s eyes pleaded with him.

Edward placed the foil package on the nightstand. Bella kissed his chest as he moved to lie back

down on the bed.

“And you’re positive?”

“Not a single doubt.” Bella smiled and nodded.

Edward looked down at her. Her hair splayed across the pillow, willingly open for him and

making the request he never expected. She wanted him and nothing more. He almost felt like

crying. He loved her beyond measure.

He kissed her lips gently and moved his body to where it was exactly aligned with hers.

“Please, if this hurts, you have to tell me. I will stop immediately.”

“Edward, quit worrying. I trust you.” Bella smiled and pulled herself up to kiss him. “Baby, I

want this. Unless you don’t, there is nothing to worry about.”

Edward cupped her faced, lifting her slightly off the pillow, he kissed her deeply. “I want you.”

“I’m yours.”

He lowered Bella back to the bed and adjusted to where the head of his penis was at the door of

her womanhood. His hands lay flat on the bed as he hovered over her. She moved her hands to

his chest, attempting to calm him. Inhaling deeply he closed his eyes. I can do this.

He readjusted his torso and then slowly pushed himself inside of her. She cried out as the pain

surprised her. She had expected some pain but the burning was not what she had anticipated.

She felt like she had been winded and stabbed at the same time. The pain was tolerable but the

initial shock caused her to yelp.

At the sound of her cry he immediately attempted to pull back out but Bella grabbed his backside

and held him still.

“No, don’t.” She whimpered.

“But, you’re in pain.” He felt the tears welling up in his eyes. He had hurt her and it broke his

heart. He had caused her pain, something he had vowed he would never do.

“I’m okay,” she whispered. “Just take it slow. Don’t leave me,” she begged.

He lowered himself onto his elbows and kissed her. Her lips quivered underneath his.

“Baby, please. I can’t,” he pleaded.

Bella took a few deep breaths and began to move her body under him. The pain was now

subsiding and the feeling of him inside her made her feel complete. Feeling her move

underneath him, Edward began to relax. The expression on her face was no longer one of pain.

He lost himself in her body. He crushed his lips to hers and slipped his tongue inside her mouth.

He kissed her intensely as he took over the movement of their bodies. He felt the ultimate

connection to her in that moment. Not only was he deep inside her body but to be inside her

mouth as well.

He lay down on top of her, careful to distribute his weight but wanting full contact with her

body. Slowly and methodically he moved in and out. Her breathing deepened and she ran her

fingers up and down his spine. He felt her breasts move underneath him as her breathing began

to increase.

I would never have expected it to feel like this. Oh, my god. This truly is Heaven.

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist as he continued to push himself into her.

She marveled at how she could feel him even deeper inside her. Once she had gotten past the

momentary pain of him first entering her, she was okay. The pleasure far outweighed any pain

she may have felt. He fit her. It was as if his body was specifically designed to be with hers.

Two pieces of a puzzle finally complete.

A light sheen of sweat was developing along both of their bodies as they moved in time with

each other. Instinct took over and it was as if their bodies simply knew what to do.

“Are you okay?” He asked after realizing he hadn’t been paying attention to if she were in any

pain. He was so lost in her body and the thought of wanting to bring her pleasure. The idea of

pain had momentarily escaped his mind.

“Shush,” Bella whispered. “Just feel this.”

Edward realized she was enjoying this as much as he was. The feeling of her tight wetness

enveloping him was all he could think of. He sped up his thrust and she cried out, this time in

delight and wrapped her legs tighter around him.

He fought the urge to cum too quickly. He wanted her to peak one more time, but there was a

pain developing in his groin that he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. Bella

closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers gripping his hair as his thrust

became stronger and harder. His hair at the nape of his neck was wet from his sweating and it

felt cool to her touch.

Without any warning, she felt her stomach clinch and her orgasm began building. Feeling him

inside her was like nothing she had ever expected. His length and girth filling her, the skin and

veins of his shaft tickling her walls as he pushed deep inside her and then the feeling of his

thrust, the sheer movement and friction bringing her body to a whole new level of sensations.

Bella’s orgasm exploded and she threw her head back. She screamed, she laughed and cried all

at the same time. This climax was unlike anything she ever felt before. Her body, her emotions,

they were all connected. She could only think of how much she loved this man on top of her and

the feeling of him being with her like this.

Edward felt her walls clinch around his taut cock. He watched as her orgasm over took her. He

closed his eyes as his own orgasm was building to an uncontrollable brink. Allowing his body to

take over he completely lost himself in the moment. His love for her guided him. Within

seconds he found his release, as well. His seed spilled inside her and they both found ecstasy


Breathless, Edward pulled out and collapsed bedside her on the bed. Both of them were

exhausted from the moment but feeling entirely satisfied mixed with the grief from the loss of

contact. Edward wanting to maintain touching her no matter what, pulled her to him and curled

his body around hers. She could feel the heaving of his chest against her back as he spooned her.

His heartbeat was so rapid but it somehow beat in the same rhythm as hers.

“I love you,” he whispered in her ear as he ran his fingers down the side of her arm and then

sliding them into hers.

“I love you, too. Thank you for trusting us.” She squeezed his hand tightly.

“Always.” He kissed her earlobe. “Are you in any pain?” Protective Edward reared his head


“I’m fine, baby.” She ran her thumb over his while mentally assessing her body. All she felt

was happy.

“I want to do that again.”

“Me too,” she giggled.

He loved how her backside moved against his dick when she laughed. It almost tickled.

“I need to rest first.” Edward felt horrible telling her that but his body was exhausted; and he

knew without a shadow of a doubt he couldn’t do that again for a bit, but he had full plans on

doing it as many times as he could before they left the room.

She moved her face to his, searching for his lips. He complied and kissed her gently. “Rest, my

darling,” she whispered and cuddled up next to him. They both shut their eyes and before they

realized it, they fell soundly asleep. A smile lit each of their faces as they held one another.

Bella woke first. Edward’s arms were still wrapped around her in a vice grip. He looked so

peaceful as he held her close to him. She hated to move but he was so warm and she needed to

cool off. She gently slipped his arm off her. He turned in that moment to lie on his back. Bella

scanned the course of his beautiful naked body.

His dick was slightly hard and she realized that she had never seen him flaccid before. It

intrigued her. A thought came to her that made her internally giggle.

I wonder if I can make him hard in his sleep?

She shimmied down the bed and slipped her fingers around his cock. She could smell herself on

him and it was intoxicating. They smelled good together. She grazed her fingertips over his soft

mound of copper color curls that framed his cock. She curled her fingers around his dick and

began to gently stroke him. Within two strokes he was fully erect but still soundly sleeping.

He groaned in his sleep and she took it as a welcoming sound. She pumped her fist around his

shaft as she leaned down and licked his slit. Pre-cum was already starting to form there and he

tasted so good. A mix of salty and sweet.

Feeling the urge to make him feel good, she slipped her mouth over the head of his manhood.

She sucked the head into her mouth as she continued to pump along his length.

“Bella?” Edward’s groggy voice rang out. “What are you- ahhhhhooooohhhh!”

The look of surprise on Edward’s face sent excitement throughout her body. She knew she had

done the right thing by waking him this way. His moans were like music to her ears.

She firmly cupped his balls in her hands, playing with them as she slid her mouth down the

length of his erection. The head of his penis hit the back of her throat and he jumped at the

contact. She sucked her cheeks in to add tightness around his cock and swirled her tongue hard

around the shaft of his cock.

She sucked hard only stopping long enough to tongue his slit. His body reacted so quickly to her

mouth. He pushed her hair back from her face as her mouth rode him long and hard.

“God, you are so beautiful.”

Bella smiled at his musings but refused to release her hold on his penis. She slid her tongue

down the side of his shaft and then sucked his balls in her mouth.

“Where the Hell…”

Bella moved her tongue around the sack as she sucked each testicle into her mouth. Edward’s

hands clawed at the bed as her tongue did its work. Moving her tongue back up his length she

smiled, “Alice told me to try that.” She giggled.

“Remind me to thank her later.”

Bella moved her lips back over the head of his cock and quickly slid her mouth over his full

length. She lightly grazed her teeth over him eliciting the sound she longed to hear. She began

to speed up her thrust.

“Fuck, baby, I honestly can’t take much more of this. I want to be inside you again when I

come. Please.” Edward cried as her tongue slipped over his sensitive head.

She sucked down on him one more time and then slowly moved her mouth off him. She

watched as his dick bobbed when she released it from her hold.

“Okay, baby. But I want on top this time.”

Edward’s eyes practically bulged out his face as she made her request. “What did I do to deserve


He leaned over and grabbed the unused condom still lying on the nightstand. He gripped the foil

wrapper and broke it open. He moved the latex over the head of his cock and rolled it down.

Bella smiled and made circle patterns on his thighs as she watched him hold himself.

Next thing I want to see is him pleasure himself.

The thought actually surprised her.

Once the condom was correctly in place, she straddled his hips. He sat up, leaning his back

against the pillows. He kissed her as he wrapped his fingers through her much sexed hair.

She moved her hips to where her wet center dangled over his length. He slipped his hand

between her legs and aligned his cock with her aperture of bliss. She smiled as she felt his finger

brush against her pleasure center opening her up for him to enter. Feeling his cock head gently

pushing at her opening he moved his hand. She took her liberty and slid down on him. They

both cried out at the contact. This position allowed them both to feel each other deeper than the

one before.

Bella noticed she was slightly sore but overlooked it. This felt too good to allow a little soreness

to ruin the moment.

She moved up and down his length, allowing him to fill her. His fingers gripped her hips as he

guided her along his cock. She began to feel confidence in what she was doing as she watched

his face change. His eyes darkened with desire and his lips curled as he bared his teeth trying to

hold back his own screams. He had wished earlier to be able to see his cock slide into her. In

this position, he got his wish.

“Baby, let it go. Just feel me.” She implored.

He moved his hands to her bouncing breasts and began to massage as she continued her thrusting

motion on his cock. He rolled her nipples between his fingers. Pinching them just enough to

make her cry out.

Her body reacted to his touch immediately. She felt the fire in her belly begin to burn as her

climax began to rise in her. He filled her so completely in this position. She could feel every

inch of his throbbing appendage barring deep inside her.

Her body exploded as he moved his right hand between her legs and pinched her clit between his

fingers. He continued to roll her nipple between the fingers of his left hand.

Edward couldn’t help but notice that her sexual nectar flowed more freely as she reached her

climax. This made her sex so wet and then when her walls tightened around him, his body

automatically responded. Bella felt his cock twitch inside her. It simply added to the sensations

she was feeling as he came deep within her.

She lay down across his chest, not breaking the connection this time. He pushed her thick hair

away from her neck and gently ran his fingers down her spin. She sighed with contentment.

They were perfect for each other. There was no doubt that they were meant to be together.

They laid there in silence for what seemed like hours but could have only been minutes.



“Are you happy?”


He felt her lips move into a contented smile on his chest.

“I love you. You know that, right?”

“Never doubted it for a second.”

She pushed herself up on her elbow and stared into his eyes. She moved in to kiss him and in

doing so, she caused their connection to finally be broken. Edward groaned at the loss of her

body heat around his cock but kissed her willingly.

“I don’t want to leave you. I want to stay here with you forever.” Bella cooed.

“One day, my love. I promise you that.”

She smiled at him and laid her head back down on his chest. Silently, she prayed.

God, I just simply want to say…Thank you. Thank you for giving me Edward. Thank you for

making me complete. Thank you for allowing this night to happen. Thank you for letting

Edward love me and me love him in return. Thank you!

They both drifted off once again into peaceful slumber, dreading the fact that once morning came

they would have to leave this moment behind them. But also elated at what the future held for

their love.

Now it's all for show ain't nobody gonna get hurt. It's just a daddy thing, and hey, believe me

man it works.

Now come on in boy, sit on down and tell me 'bout yourself. So you like my daughter, do you

now. Yeah we think she's something else. She's her daddy's girl, her momma's world she

deserves respect, that’s what she'll get. Ain't it son, ya'll run along and have a little fun. I'll see

you when you get back, bet I’ll be up all night still cleaning this gun.

Still Cleaning This Gun by Rodney Atkins

~ Chapter 8: Age 16 ~

Morning came all too early for Edward and Bella as the sun peaked inside the curtains of their

hotel room. Bella smiled as she felt Edward’s hard but soft body lying underneath her. She had

fallen asleep practically lying on top of him, and it seemed as if neither of them had moved

throughout the night. Childishly, Bella lifted the covers to reveal Edward’s naked body. She

longed to look at him and his infinite beauty.

Sensing a twinge of tightness in her body, Bella stretched, feeling her joints crack as Edward

moved beneath her.

“Morning, love,” Edward whispered in her hair. “Is the assessment complete?”


“I just assumed you’d be checking to make sure that you’re still intact. No bruises, marks, pain,

that sort of thing.” Edward chuckled as he kissed her hair and traced his fingers down her bare

spine. There was something about waking up next to a naked Bella that he could easily get used


She leaned up on her elbow and looked him in his beautiful green eyes. “You know what

happens when you assume, don’t you?”

“No. Enlighten me.”

“You make an ass out of you and me.” Bella laughed as she looked down to see the expression

on Edward’s face.

“You just called me an ass.” He was shocked and a little wounded, “I just gave you the night of

your dreams and you have the audacity to call me an ass?” Edward smiled mischievously at her,

“You’ll pay for that one, Swan.”

Edward pulled away from her, crouching like a mountain lion ready to attack his prey.

“Don’t you dare, Edward Cullen,” she screamed as she quickly jumped off the bed trying to

escape his grasp.

“The mountain lion stalks his prey, watching her every move. The smell of fresh meat entices

him closer. He concludes that she is at her most vulnerable and prepares for the attack.”

Bella laughed hysterically at Edward’s failed attempt to imitate an Australian accent.

Edward arched his back and winked at her. Bella took off running but was almost caught when

Edward made a dive for her.

“Missed me,” Bella laughed as she stuck her tongue out him.

“You will be mine, Isabella Swan,” he advised her.

Bella stopped and gazed at him for a moment. His words were more than just playful banter and

she knew it.

He smiled and adjusted himself back into his crouch.

“Krickey!! The lion somehow missed his mark. But he’s quick and learns from his mistakes.”

Bella hollered and laughed as she darted away from Edward’s grasp again.

“You won’t catch me, Cullen, so just admit defeat now and save yourself the heartache.”

“NEVA!” Edward bellowed out beating his bare chest.

Neither Edward nor Bella paid attention to the fact they were naked and playing like this. They

felt entirely comfortable with each other, almost as easy as breathing.

Bella jumped back on the bed pushing herself up against the edge. “Edward, stop this, now!”

Edward’s eyes danced as he pounced forward on top of her. He playfully bit down on her neck

as she giggle-snorted.

What was a moment ago a loving caress had now turned into an exhilarating playful tickle. Sure,

they had played like this before, but it had never occurred while they were naked. This playful

banter did things to their bodies they weren’t prepared for.

“No…no…stop…Edward…don’t,” Bella screamed as she tried to squirm away. He sat on top of

her to keep her from escaping.

Edward’s fingers gripped around Bella’s inner thigh as he tickled relentlessly.

“Stop! Stop, Edward!” Bella gasped for air while giggling uncontrollably.

Edward stopped and looked down at her. She was flushed, smiling brightly, her chest was

heaving from the active play. His eyes darted down to her chest and he realized how taut her

nipples were.

Is this arousing to her?

He looked down the length of her naked body realizing that his hand was just within reach of her

soft, naked, warm womanhood. His already pounding heart was viciously trying to escape

through his throat. He wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him as he glanced at her

naked sex. It looked as though it were glistening.

Passion ignited in his veins.

I must be the luckiest man alive to have such a beauty in bed with me. We don’t have to check

out for another two hours. I need her just one more time.

He leaned in and kissed her. His tongue immediately collided with hers as his hand slipped the

short distance up her leg to meet its mark. He wasn’t hallucinating. She really was already wet

as his fingers brushed across her clit and down the length of her slit.

She arched her back, jutting her breast towards him. He moved his lips down the length of her

neck, sucking her delicate skin in to his mouth with each kiss. Even after a night of hot,

passionate sex, she still smelled and tasted divine. He nipped at her collarbone as he continued

to work his fingers around her clit.

“God, I don’t want this to end. How can I make time stand still?” Edward whispered against her

round supple breast.

Bella groaned as he took her nipple between his teeth, and sucked it deep into his mouth. She

ran her fingers through his soft sleep worn hair, gripping tightly. She groaned loudly, ripping at

his hair, as he slipped two fingers deep inside her aching sex. She was swollen all over from

their adventures the night before, but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure she felt

when any part of Edward was inside her.

“Make love to me,” she whispered barely loud enough for either of them to hear.

His head popped up from her chest. He had to make sure he heard her correctly.

“I don’t know when we will be alone again. I want to feel you as long as I can,” she reiterated as

she looked into his darkening green eyes.

He leaned over her luscious naked body and grabbed a condom, quickly ripping the package

open and sliding it over his length. He sat on the balls of his feet, knees facing her. Her legs

spread to where he could see her beauty glistening before him. He pulled her center flush to his

cock and quickly slid himself in.

Bella yelped at the immediate contact. He grabbed her ankles and pulled her closer to him so he

could get deeper inside her. Her backside rested on his thighs as he moved to wrap her knees

around his neck.

Satisfied at how deep he could feel her, he watched as his cock moved in and out of her. He

reveled in the sounds their bodies naturally made as he took her, and basked in the glorious

wetness of her desire as it surrounded his throbbing hard appendage.

Her back was arched as he thrust deep inside her. She threw her head back and fisted the sheets

as she let her body feel the passion that was between them.

His hand held her hips steady as his thrusts quickened. He desired nothing more than to be with

her, to worship her, to make her feel…everything.

Bella tightened her legs around his neck as she felt her body ascend to its climax. The sound of

Edward’s moans turned her on even more as she knew he was feeling what she was. Edward

cried out as he reached his peak spiraling Bella into hers. Both were panting and gasping for air,

but feeling gloriously high from their orgasmic experience. Edward leaned down and kissed her

lips gently as he pulled away from her and lay down beside her. He felt as if a part of his soul

was being ripped away at the loss of their connection.

Will I ever stop feeling that way? I pray I don’t. He mused to himself.


“Hmm?” She turned over to face him.

“I know we have to go back to reality in just a little bit but for a few moments, can I pretend that

you are mine forever and when we walk out of here I won’t be leaving you tonight?” Edward sat

up on his elbow and looked down at her. She had already been smiling but that smile now

stretched wide across her face.

“I am yours now and forever but yes, you can, only if I can too.”

He brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her deeply. “Deal.”

Edward quickly discarded the condom and grabbed the TV remote and turned it on. He wrapped

his arm around her shoulder and laid back, relaxing. Bella wrapped her arm over his chest and

hitched her leg over his waist as she snuggled into his warm body.

They laid in silence, holding one another and watched an old episode of I Love Lucy just

enjoying each other’s company. Thirty minutes later they were up and getting ready to leave

their safe haven. Quick showers, dressing and packing up the night’s effects made them both

feel heartbroken. The evening was everything they had wished it to be and more and packing up

the candles, flowers, and other items brought the end into focus.

As they walked out of the room, Edward turned back looking one more time to make sure

everything was picked up. His mind took him back for a split moment to Bella standing before

him, giving herself willingly to him. That was an image that would stay with him even on his


The drive home was silent as they both relived their night together in their minds. The touches,

the sounds, the smell, everything replayed like a favorite movie on repeat. Edward refused to

release her hand while he drove. He needed to feel her, even if it was simply the warmth of her

hand in his.

Edward pulled up in front of the Swan’s house and suddenly felt fear grip him. Charlie was

outside tinkering with the truck as they pulled up. A smile crossed Charlie’s face when he saw


Bella got out of the car, trying to act nonchalant as to not give her true whereabouts the night

prior away. She walked over to Charlie and hugged him as Edward pulled her bags out of the


“Did you have a nice night at Rose’s?”

“I had a great night, Dad.” Bella made a point to not mention Rose as she didn’t want to lie to

Charlie anymore then she already was.

Edward walked up to them with her bag draped over his arm. “Good morning, Charlie.”

“Morning, Edward. Thanks for picking Bella up for us.”

“My pleasure, sir.” Edward blushed thinking about how he had picked Bella up many times

during the night. She was so light it was easy for him to maneuver her into any position he

wanted her in.

Shit, stop that. I don’t need a hard on in front of Charlie.

“Renee is inside making breakfast. Would you like to stay and eat with us?” Charlie asked. He

really loved Edward. He couldn’t help but like the young man standing before him. He just

simply hated how physically close Edward and Bella were.

“I would love to, but I really need to be getting home myself.”

“Oh…well…ok.” Charlie felt almost relieved at Edward’s declination. It wasn’t that he didn’t

enjoy Edward’s company, but it was nice to have Bella to himself periodically.

Charlie shook Edward’s hand, took Bella’s bag from him and headed into the house.

Bella leaned into Edward. He met her half way, leaning his forehead against hers.

“I don’t want you to leave. Come back tonight. You can sneak into my room. I don’t think I

can handle sleeping without you now that I’ve had you,” Bella whined.

Edward looked up at her bedroom window. With the tree in front, climbing in would be doable.

Why haven’t I thought of that before?

“I know how you feel. I will do my best.” He winked at her and breathed in her scent.

Bella closed her eyes and searched for Edward’s lips, longing for that goodbye kiss.

He pulled back looking at her sweet gentle features. He felt complete just being in her arms.

Edward ran the tip of his finger over her plump, pink lips feeling the moisture there. He closed

his eyes, and met her awaiting lips with a gentle but wet kiss. His tongue slid over her lips,

tasting her once more. She opened her mouth inviting him inside. Edward pulled Bella flush to

his body as he devoured her lips and tongue. He ran his fingers through her hair as she cupped

his face in her hands.

Feeling his need rise inside him he pulled back with a very audible groan. Bella looked into his

eyes wishing she could take care of that need for him but knowing their time was done for the

time being. She pushed herself up on the tips of her toes and chastely kissed him once more

before pulling away and practically running into the house.

Edward felt as if she took half of him with her in that moment, and resolved that he would be

with her again that night, no matter what.

Bella could hear Renee banging around in the kitchen working on breakfast so she went upstairs

to unpack and relax until called to eat.

She had completed her routine and even started a load of laundry before she heard a knock on the

door. She was sitting on her bed reading and texting with Alice about her night when her mother

appeared around the corner.

“Breakfast is nearly ready. Are you hungry?”

“Famished.” Bella breathed thinking about all the calories she had burned in the last twelve

hours. The pain of the night’s events crashed down on her. Her joints ached and her nether

regions felt like a Mack truck had hit it.

Oh ,wait, it did.

That Mack truck was Edcalibur.

And he hit it again and again and again.

Renee looked at her daughter and smiled.

She’s positively glowing. I was right. Last night was the night.

“Did you have a good time last night?”

“The best!” Bella exclaimed, unable to hide her excitement.

Renee decided that it would just be best to get it out there that she knew what happened.

“Are you feeling any soreness?”

“Just a little bit. It’s really not too bad, though. I bet it will subside after a nice, long, warm b–”

Holy SHIT!

Bella had that deer in the headlights look as she realized her mother knew what had happened

and she absentmindedly confirmed it.


Bella’s mind was running a mile a minute trying to figure out how much her mother knew and

how much she needed to reveal.

Renee immediately noticed the change in her daughter’s demeanor. “Baby, I’m not upset if that’s

what you are thinking. I knew about this before you left last night.”

Bella’s jaw dropped and she clamped it shut quickly realizing she had to look like a fish out of

water. “You knew?”

“Of course I knew. I’m your mother.” Renee sounded almost exasperated.

“But why–” The puzzled look on Bella’s face nearly caused Renee to laugh. She knew that one

day Bella would understand motherly intuition.

“Why didn’t I stop you? I knew it was inevitable. At least this way I knew you would be safe

and not lodged in the backseat of his car or something.

“So, this takes me back to my first question, you must be feeling really sore right now, right?”

Throwing her inhibitions to the wind, Bella decided that telling her mother was the best choice in

this situation, “Very much so.”

Renee’s shoulders slumped as the first real question she had pop out of her mouth. “Please tell

me you used protection?”

“Of course, Mama.” Bella smiled at her mother, thinking back to the fact that Edward had been

so determined to use a condom, even when she was on the pill.

Over-protective, love of my life!

Renee exhaled and smiled. She walked over to the bed and sat down besides Bella.

“You don’t have to give me any details but out of curiosity, how many times do you and

Edward…you know?”

“Three total.”

Renee nearly hit the floor. They were virgins, and they had gone that many times? The next

question was inevitable. “Did you…well, crap! There’s just no polite way to ask this question so

I’m just going to ask it. Did you orgasm?”

Bella’s face lit up like the Fourth of July. “Yes, and oh, my God, it was wonderful! He was

wonderful, the whole night was –”

“Wonderful?” Renee chuckled as she finished her daughter’s sentence.

Bella nodded emphatically.

Renee finally let out a laugh as suddenly her daughter was pouring out details she had not

expected to spew from her lips. Renee almost regretted opening the flood gates, but at the same

time, it thrilled her that her daughter trusted her with this information.

Holy shit, this sixteen year old boy has skills. Who would have thought? What the hell are they

teaching these boys in school lately?? Three times! Good Lord, and she orgasmed?! Does she

even know what an orgasm feels like? Of course she does…what am I thinking. My daughter

apparently is one lucky woman ‘cause, Hell, even I don’t always get to orgasm.

He must have a huge penis…EWWW!! I can’t believe I just thought about the size of my

daughter’s boyfriend’s dick! God, what is my life coming too?

“He was just so gentle, Mama, and when he touched me…it was like the heavens had opened

and sent this angel down just for me.”

“Waxing poetic are we?”

Bella laughed at her mother, realizing she may have went a little bit overboard, “Okay, maybe a

little, but it really was magical.”

Renee hugged her daughter as tears streamed down her face. “I’m so happy your first time was

so memorable. I wouldn’t have wanted it to be anything less. And to have such a wonderful

young man love you as Edward does…well, that’s all any mother could ever ask for.”

“I love him. I really love him, Mama.” Bella clung to her mother tightly as she declared her love

for Edward openly.

“I know and I know he loves you too. There isn’t a single doubt in my mind about that fact.”

Renee pulled back and looked at her daughter. Today her little girl was a woman. Time flashed

before her eyes as she remembered this once little girl, growing into the young beautiful woman

that now sat before her.

“I am happy that Edward put forth the effort to make last night the night of your dreams. You

both deserved it.”

“Thank you for being happy for me, and thank you so much for not stopping it. I couldn’t

imagine it being better than it was last night.”

Renee smiled at Bella. “All I ask is that you be careful. I have complete faith in you and

Edward, but accidents can happen. Please, just promise me you will take care of each other.”

“I promise.” Bella returned her mother’s smile as her thoughts drifted to her protective lover.

Renee looked down are her hands. She knew that she couldn’t keep this one a secret from

Charlie. He would have to know and she was going to have to find a way to breaking it to him

lightly. Charlie was going to blow a gasket no matter what, so she would have to be delicate.

Renee took in a deep breath and looked Bella in the eye. “Maybe you shouldn’t eat breakfast

with us this morning.”

“Why not?”

“I hate to do this, but I’m going have to tell your father.”

All of the happiness Bella had felt went right out the window. Her mother was going to betray

her. She was going to tell her father that she and Edward had sex after she had trusted her with

her cherished night.

How could she? How could she betray me like this?

Tears welled in Bella’s eyes, breaking Renee’s heart. She knew she had to do this. There was

no other option. She knew that sex changes the tone of a relationship, and if she didn’t tell

Charlie, she was afraid he would find out in a less pleasant manner.

“But, Mama!” Bella exclaimed.

Renee felt sorry for her daughter. Charlie wasn’t going to take this information as easily as she

had. Bella was his little girl, and he treasured her just as a father should. The thought of a boy

taking her innocence would kill him, even if that boy was Edward Cullen.

“Listen, sweetheart. I have to tell him. Now that you and Edward have had a taste of what sex is

like, you’re not going to want to stop.”

Bella knew her mother was right about that. This morning had proven it. They craved each

other. Even now she was thinking about how his hands felt as they roamed over her body, the

feel of his soft lips pressed into that nook behind her ear, his warm tongue darting out licking her


Damn it, Swan! Pull it together.

“I just don’t want to take chances that your father find out about this by walking in on something

he shouldn’t.” Renee tried to erase the image of Charlie walking in on their daughter having sex

from her head. That would be detrimental to both Charlie and Bella.

“But we can be careful,” she pleaded with her mother.

“Sweetheart, trust me when I say I understand your fear right now. Imagine what I’m feeling

having to be the one to break the news to him.” Renee chuckled. “I would much rather him find

out from me though, and have him deal with the situation, then to have him find out by seeing

something he shouldn’t.”

Bella hung her head knowing she had lost this battle. Her father would know in a matter of

minutes that she was no longer a virgin, and she would be grounded for a month for lying to him.

“Don’t worry about your father. I will handle him.” Renee lifted her daughter’s face. “I just need

to hear one thing from you.

“Promise, that you and Edward will always be safe, or so help me God, I will put a stop to this.”

“Promise.” Bella tried to divert her eyes from her mother’s gaze.

“Good. I love you, sweetheart, and Edward, too. I just don’t want to see something happen

before it’s time. You both have such a bright future, and I don’t want to see children get in the

way of that. I realize that you two might want them someday, but right now is not the best time.”

Bella blushed.

She and Edward had never actually discussed the idea of children. She was only sixteen after all,

but suddenly, the idea of having children with Edward was foremost in her mind.

I can see it now, a beautiful, bouncing, baby boy, with Edward’s eyes and hair and my lips. He

would be my little EJ... Edward, Jr. He would be beyond adorable with Edward’s beautiful

complexion and manly but boyish features. Just to hold the product our love in my arms, seeing

a replica of the man I love sleeping soundly against my chest would be the ultimate gift.

Suddenly, Bella was filled with the image of hers and Edward’s child, and her heart swelled at

the thought of it.

“You understand?” Renee interrupted Bella’s thoughts.

Bella nodded.

“Good. Now I want you to hide out for a little while. Why don’t you go take a bath? A warm

bath will relax your muscles. Also, use some of my bath-salts. That will help the swelling

you’re feeling.”

Renee leaned in and kissed her daughter on the forehead. “I’m going to go face the firing

squad…I mean, I’m going to talk to your father now.” she chuckled at her own joke.

Renee stood up from the bed and started heading towards the door. “Mama,” Bella called to her.

Renee turned back to Bella. “Thank you, for everything.”

“That’s what I’m here for, baby. It’s my job to guide you to the best of my ability.” Renee

smiled, than winked at her daughter. She took a deep breath and exited the room.

Here goes nothing.

“Charlie?” she yelled down the stairs.

“Down here, baby,” Charlie’s muffled voice came up the stairs. He had obviously already dug

into the pancakes, unable to wait for his wife and daughter to join him.

Renee walked down the stairs feeling like someone should be shouting ‘Dead Woman Walking’

behind her. She knew this was the best course of action, but she also knew Charlie would

overreact, as he always did.

She walked into the kitchen to see Charlie sitting at the table already eating. He looked up at her

and smiled. “Where’s Bella?”

Renee gulped. Charlie was in such a good mood, and now it was her job to ruin it.

“Baby, we need to talk.”

Charlie dropped his fork in his plate and looked incredulously at his beautiful wife. He could tell

just by her demeanor that something was weighing her. His mind began to race as to what she

and Bella had just been discussing.

Renee took a seat beside him and placed her hand on his. She took a deep breath and slowly


“Last night…” she paused trying to collect her thoughts.

“What about last night?” Fear began to grip Charlie. “Is Bella okay?”

Renee looked down at hers and Charlie’s hands. He was gripping her tightly and she knew it

would be best to just blurt this out, like ripping a band-aid off quickly.

“Our daughter didn’t spend the night with the girls last night. She and Edward spent the night

together.” Renee inhaled deeply.

Charlie let go of his grip on her hand. He scooted his chair back and stared at his wife like she

were a snake ready to strike. His face began to change colors as he contemplated his wife’s


“She. Spent. The. Night. With. Edward?” Charlie’s face had turned a beautiful shade of blue

from lack of oxygen.

“Calm down. It’s not as bad as it sounds.” Renee tried to control her husband’s temper.

“Not as bad as it sounds? Let’s see if I got all this straight. Our daughter lies to us, sneaks off

with this boy, does things that she shouldn’t be doing, and then has the audacity to show up at

home with him the next morning as if nothing had happened. Do I have everything correct?”

Renee couldn’t do anything but agree. “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.”

“She’s grounded.”

“Charlie, I don’t condone the lying, but it was inevitable. We knew they would have sex sooner

or later.”

“Please don’t use that word. I really don’t want the thought of our daughter having sex in my


“Oh, God, get a grip. Don’t you remember being sixteen?” Renee huffed at his childishness.

That was the problem. He did remember being sixteen and bringing that fact to light just made

things worse for him.

“I’m gonna fucking kill him!” Charlie roared.

Every ounce of blood in Renee’s face drained.

Oh, shit!

Charlie jumped up from his chair and stormed into the den. Renee immediately knew he was

going for his gun.

“You don’t want to do that, honey!” Renee hollered at him, as she jumped up from her chair.

She followed him quickly into the den watching as he pulled his gun from his holster.

“I won’t shoot him. I’m just going to scare him a little.”

“You love Edward. They’ve done nothing wrong.”

“NOTHING WRONG?” He raised his voice before shaking his head, repeating his previous

words, “Nothing wrong. Really?! That little shit fucked our daughter last night and lied to us.

You don’t call that anything wrong?”

Renee had to stop and see it from his point of view. Charlie was right. They had lied about their

whereabouts, and they did partake of premarital sex. But she knew she would have to get his

temper under control, because if he showed up at the Cullen residence with his gun in hand, not

only would Edward have to face Charlie, but Carlisle would surely join in.

Renee shuddered at that thought. Poor kid.

Renee couldn’t help but remember how she and Charlie were when they were young.

Heck, he acts like we didn’t do the same thing when we were kids. It’s not like she will make our

mistakes. We’re taking every precaution to prevent that from happening to her.

Charlie wrapped his holster around his shoulder and walked out of the den. Renee followed

quickly behind him. “You can’t do this. You’re the chief of police. It wouldn’t look right for

you to show up at your daughter’s boyfriend’s house, carrying your gun.”

Charlie grabbed the keys to his cruiser. He was determined to put the fear of God into this kid.

Maybe I can handcuff the little fucker, and take him out to the lake. I could easily leave him

there for the wild animals to eat him. I’ll make sure to leave him naked. Maybe pour some

honey over that little pecker of his and let the birds have their way with him. He will never be

able to touch my daughter like that again.

Renee threw herself between Charlie and the front door. “Charles Richard Swan! I forbid you

from going to the Cullen’s with your gun.”

“You forbid me? Renee, that boy has fucked our daughter. Do you not understand that?”

Charlie’s face was now a gorgeous shade of purple.

“No, he didn’t fuck our daughter! He made love to her. Which, by God, I am happy he did

because if had fucked her I would gladly let you walk out of this house right now with that gun in

hand and scare his little ass. But no, instead he orchestrated the night of her dreams.”

“They had sex!”

“Welcome to the twenty-first century, Charles. Teenagers have sex. They do it every day and as

long as they take precautions, then we have no say so in this matter.” Renee crossed her arms

over her chest as she leaned her back against the front door, barring Charlie from leaving.

Bella could hear her parent’s argument from upstairs. She had been running a bath and needed a

towel, so she exited the bathroom to get a towel from the closet in the hall.

When she heard her mother scream at her father that he wasn’t leaving to go to the Cullen’s, fear

gripped her. Her father was planning on harming the love of her life. She had to warn Edward.

She rushed to her bedroom, forgetting the bath and quickly dialed Edward’s cell phone number.

It rang five times before going to his voicemail. Bella left him an urgent message demanding

that he call her back immediately.

She hung up and immediately called the Cullen’s home number. She paced the floor begging for

him to answer the phone.

“Hello.” Esme’s sweet voice rang over the phone.

“Is Edward there?” Bella’s voice was frantic.

“Yes, Bella, but he’s eating breakfast right now. Are you okay?”

Bella could hear Edward in the background. “Is that Bella?”

Esme waved Edward away from the phone.

“Yes, I just need to talk to him. Please,” Bella begged.

Esme reluctantly handed Edward the phone. “Don’t be too long,” she warned.

“Bella, are you okay? Why didn’t you call my cell phone?”

“I did. You didn’t answer.”

Edward pulled his phone out of his pocket. He realized he still had it on silent and had, indeed,

missed her call.

“My dad knows,” Bella whispered into the mouth piece.

Edward stood there holding the phone in silence, he gulped at her words. He didn’t know how to

react. Fear, relief, pride but mainly fear, gripped him all at once.

“Edward, say something.”

Edward exhaled. “How much does he know?’

“Everything,” she simply replied.

“Fuck,” he whispered.

“He’s coming over there, and he has his gun. Please, get out of there,” she urgently begged him.

“Double fuck.” Edward ran his fingers through his hair. He knew he was going to have to tell

his parents now. There was no way in Hell that he was going to let Charlie tell his father that he

had sex with Bella. That was not an option.

“I’m coming over there, but I need to talk to my parents first.”

“What? No! You can’t. Didn’t you hear me? Daddy has a gun!”

“Baby, calm down. It’ll be okay. Stall him for twenty minutes. I’ll be right there. I need to

face him like a man.”

“A dead man!” Bella shrieked.

Edward chuckled. Charlie scared the fuck out of him, but he knew what he needed to do.

Edward had taken Bella’s virtue and he knew he needed to own up to his actions.

“I’ll be okay. I’ll see you in twenty.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Edward hung up the phone and turned to see his mother never left the room.

“Charlie knows, huh?” Esme murmured.

Edward hung his head. “Apparently so do you.”

Esme smiled at her only child and patted him on the shoulder. “I knew last night.”


“Renee and I knew last night. I guess Renee decided she needed to tell Charlie after all.”

“And you’re not mad?” Edward was astonished by his mother’s reaction.

“Edward, I knew you would do it sooner or later. I hoped for later but I wasn’t surprised. You

and Bella have been exploring lately, and it’s only natural that you take this step.”


“Did you really believe that I thought you were over at the Swan’s studying something other than

Bella’s body?”

Edward’s head shot up to meet his mother’s gaze. She smiled at him and let a small chuckle.

“I remember what it felt like, Edward. I’m not that old you know,” Esme scolded.

Edward smiled and hugged his mother. “I need to go over there. Charlie is on a rampage.”

“Typical Charlie.” Esme let out a loud boisterous laugh.

“Mom, do you think I should call Dad and tell him, before Charlie does?”

“Nah. I already took care of it.”

“What?” Edward couldn’t believe his ears.

How the Hell am I still standing here then?

“I had an inclination that Renee would tell Charlie eventually. I figured I would beat her to the

punch and tell Carlisle. I was quite frankly surprised that he took it so well.” Esme smiled.

“So I’m not grounded?”

“I think facing Charlie is enough punishment for this crime.” Esme couldn’t help but laugh

again. She remembered Carlisle’s pride when she told him what their son was doing.

“I taught that boy too well. I wonder how it will go?”

“Oh, please, tell me you’re not really asking that question.”

“What? I’m just saying. It’s his job to make her feel,” Carlisle slipped his hand between his

wife’s thighs as he nuzzled her ear, “like this. I just pray he makes me proud.”

She came back from her momentary sex induced stupor, and looked her son straight in the eye.

“I will warn you; if Bella comes home pregnant, I will personally slice your balls off. Capishe?”

Edward stepped back from his mother and fought the urge to cover his groin. “Yes ma’am.”

Esme fought off the laughter as she instructed her son to get over to the Swan residence and fix

his mess.

Edward drove quickly, trying to get to Bella. He made this mess, and he was going to fix it.

He pulled into the Swan’s driveway and could hear Bella crying. Her bedroom window was

open and she was resting her head on it waiting for him arrive. She looked up to see him

walking to the front door.

“Edward!” she cried out.

Edward looked up at her and smiled. “I love you, baby.”

He could hear Renee screaming at Charlie, “I swear to God, I’ll do it. I will poke your eye out

with this so you can’t see to drive. Leave the boy alone. He did nothing wrong.”

The front door was thrown open before Edward could even knock. There stood Charlie, red

faced, and Renee pulling on the back of his shirt with her high heeled shoe in her hand.

“You can’t do this Char–”

Charlie and Renee stopped in their tracks as they realized that Edward was standing there.

“May I come in?” Edward asked politely. “I think we need to talk.”

“You!” Charlie screamed, grabbing Edward by the collar of his shirt. “Get your fucking ass in

this house right NOW!”

“Charlie, NO!” Renee pulled Charlie’s shirt again. “Please don’t hurt the boy. Bella would

never forgive you if you did!”

Thinking of Bella’s reaction stopped Charlie in his tracks. He knew his wife was a voice of

reason…most of the time. Their daughter would never forgive him if he killed the kid.

Maybe I can just dismantle him a bit. Break a few fingers. The boy could live without a few.

Charlie released his grip on Edward. Edward stood there fighting the fear that was overpowering

his body.

Renee let go of Charlie’s shirt. Her eyes filled with fear for the young man standing in their


Charlie let Edward pass into the house without saying another word. He closed the door behind

them and made sure Edward could hear him lock the door.

Yeah, little fucker, you can’t get away from me now. Your ass is mine.

Bella ran down the stairs and threw herself into Edward’s arms, sobbing. Edward held her for a

second and whispered to her, “I love you, baby, and what happens now will never change that.

Now go back upstairs. Your father and I need to talk.”

Charlie stared at them in disbelief. Renee felt her heart swell as she watched the tenderness this

boy bestowed on her daughter.

Edward brushed her hair back from her face and gently kissed her cheek. “Please, for me?”

Bella nodded. She glared at her father as she kissed Edward.

If I’m going down, I might as well go down in flames.

She quickly turned on her heels and ran back the stairs, sobbing. Renee followed her daughter

up the stairs, preparing to provide the comfort she needed.

Edward marched towards the den without another word. He walked with his back straight and

his chin held high.

Charlie wouldn’t shoot me in the back, would he? He’s too honorable for that, right?

He was scared to death but was determined to not let Charlie see that fact.

They entered the den and took their usual seats.

Edward cleared his throat and wished for courage. He breathed heavily through his nose and

noticed that Charlie was just staring at him, seething. It was obvious that Charlie was waiting for

him to say something.

“I realize that you know what happened between Bella and me last night.”

Charlie continued to sit and stare at Edward, knowing he would cause the boy more discomfort

with his silence.

“I also understand that you are fully aware that this was a planned event. I’m sorry that we lied

about our whereabouts, but I must tell you that we meant no harm.”

Charlie pinched the bridge of his nose trying to force a calm to come over him. He just wanted

to pull his gun on this kid so badly.

I could do it. The safety is still on, after all. I could easily scare the little shit and get my point

across. No one needs to know.

The little fucker would probably rat my ass out to Bella, though.

“Charlie, I...” Edward began not sure what else to say.

“You fucked my daughter.” Charlie’s voice was distant and cold.

Edward was immediately offended by this comment. “Never!” he practically screamed at


“Then what the Hell do you call what you did last night, Edward? Please enlighten me because

the last time I checked, that was exactly what you did!”

“I would never disrespect Bella like that, sir. I won’t deny I had sex with her last night.

Magical, wonderful sex but I would never fuck her. I would never degrade her like that. I love


Charlie was taken aback by this comment. Renee had said the same thing, but to hear this come

out of Edward’s mouth made it a little bit different.

“That doesn’t excuse the fact that you both lied to us.” Charlie decided a change of tactic was in

order. He still didn’t know how to respond to Edward’s comment and to hear him actually

verbalize his love for Bella stunned Charlie.

“You’re correct, sir. That was wrong and I apologize for that. I’ll willingly accept any

punishment you give for this. Bella only went along because I asked her to. Please, don’t punish


There this little fucker goes again. Always trying to put his self in front the bullet for my


Is that really a bad thing?

No, it’s just odd. What sixteen year old boy would do such a thing?


Now, I’m talking to myself!

“Edward, I’m grounding her. She knew better and she went along anyway. She will be

grounded for a month for both lying and sneaking off.”

Edward hung his head down in shame. He never meant to get Bella in trouble. He only wanted

to give her the night of her life.

“I understand. I’m sorry about that. I really am.”

“No, Edward, you’re sorry you got caught.”

Edward was stumped this time. Charlie was dead on. He didn’t feel guilty about sneaking off

and making love to his girlfriend. He felt guilty that they got caught and she was getting in

trouble for it.

“Yes, sir.” Edward whispered.

Charlie stood up and began to un-buckle his holster. Edward noticed the gun and nearly cried.

This is it. At least I got to make love to my Bella before he killed me. I knew it would only be a

matter of time.

Charlie pulled the gun out of the holster and hung the holster on the coat rack. He examined the

gun quickly and proficiently before un-cocking it and placing it back in its restraint. He smiled

as he looked over at Edward. A light sheen of sweat lined the boy’s brow. Charlie breathed and

reseated himself.

“I like you kid, I really do, but how could you screw my daughter? Neither one of you are ready

for that.”

“With all due respect, sir, what happened between Bella and I last night was not fucking, it was

not screwing, it was simply the act of making love. I love her. I’ve loved her most of my life,

and I only wanted to show her the depths of that love.”

God, this little shit is good!

I just want to wrap my fingers around his throat and strangle the life out of him, but how can I

do that when he says shit like that?

I’m a trained observer and I’ve always been good at telling when people are lying. Why the hell

does this little fucker have to be telling the truth?

God, kill me right now!

Charlie sighed. He was at a loss. He knew that there wasn’t a damn thing he could do. His

anger was beginning to subside.

If I can’t kill the kid, I’ll at least embarrass the hell out of his ass.

“You’re sixteen. What do you know about ‘the art of making love’?” Charlie created air quotes

for emphasis.

Edward felt a blush creep across he cheeks.

“Not much, as I was a virgin as well until last night,” Edward willingly admitted.

Charlie mentally slapped his forehead. I can’t fucking win here!

“Well, tell me this. Were you able to hold your own?” Charlie reveled in watching Edward’s

blush increase.

I got you now, you little shit. You better not tell me about how you made my daughter…agh! I

can’t even think the word!

“I’m not quite sure what you mean by that, but if you are asking if I made her…umm…climax, I

must decline to answer that question. I feel that is between Bella and I, and it should remain that


Fuck! I give up. There is no winning here. At least he respects her enough to not blurt out


“Fair enough,” Charlie replied as he buried his hands into his hair.

Edward squared his shoulders and looked Charlie directly in the eye. Somewhere deep inside he

was finding the courage he needed to face this man sitting before him.

“I hope what happened last night doesn’t disintegrate the relationship you and I have. I’ve

always valued your opinion and respected you.”

I’m been outwitted by a kid. What the Hell is my life coming to?

“Edward, I appreciate that. I just…well, here’s the deal, I don’t want to know. I don’t want to

see anything. When you and Bella are together in my presence, you’ll respect me by keeping

your hands to yourself. I can’t stop you from having…umm… but I can ask you to control

yourself in my presence.” Charlie sighed in defeat. What’s done is done and there was nothing

he could do about it. Renee was right. Losing his temper wasn’t the solution, but he could be

the adult and lay down the ground rules.

“As I said before, I’d never disrespect her or you in that way, sir.”

“I appreciate that. I really do. But I’ll warn you, son, she comes home pregnant I will cut your

balls off and feed them to the wolves.” Charlie made a slicing motion at his crotch for visual

effect. “So I just ask that you be careful.”

Edward swallowed hard. What the fuck is everyone’s obsession with my balls?

Charlie stood up and extended his hand to Edward. Edward stood up and took his hand.

“Sorry about the death threat, kid. One day you might have a daughter of your own. You’ll

understand then.”

Edward laughed. “Yes, sir.”

“Now go upstairs and let Bella see you are still alive before I put her ass in restraints.”

Edward turned to exit the room. He got to the door and turned back to Charlie. “Thank you,


“For sparing your life?”

“No, for allowing me to love your daughter. I promise you she will always be treated as she was

meant to be.” Edward smiled and left the room.

Charlie sat back down in his recliner. He closed his eyes and felt tears stinging his eyes. He

remembered back to a prayer he heard his daughter pray the day he brought Edward Cullen into

her life and he couldn’t help but smile.

Even then I knew there was something different about this kid.

God, I know I may have overreacted today, but do you blame me? She’s my little girl and now

she’s not a little girl anymore. I guess I can’t complain too much, though. If she were going to

fall in love with anyone I guess I’m glad it’s the Cullen boy.

Please, God, give me strength to handle this. Give me guidance and understanding and patience

to keep from killing him. Because unfortunately, I don’t think you’ll give me a get-out-of-jail-

free card on this one.

Please keep your hand on my family and Lord, please protect them both. I won’t be able to

protect her this time and I need your help to do that.

In your name, I pray.


Renee came into the den and watched as her husband prayed. She marveled at the man that sat

before her. She knew it would be a constant struggle for Charlie to share his little girl with the

young man that just went upstairs, but she knew he would succeed…eventually.

Someone told me that love would all save us, but how can that be? Look what love gave us.

A world full of killing and blood-spilling that world never came.

And they say that a hero could save us, I’m not gonna stand here and wait. I’ll hold on to the

wings of the eagles. Watch as we all fly away.

Hero by Nickleback

~ Chapter 9: Age 18 ~

“ARGGG!” Bella screamed, throwing her book across the room.

Edward, entering the room after having gone to get a snack whistled and ducked, trying to avoid

the book flying over his head.

“Incoming!” he bellowed and then laughed until he saw the look on Bella’s face. She was


“Bells, it’s okay. You are ready. Finals are going to be a walk in the park for you.” He took

three steps and was across her room, standing beside her at her desk. She leaned her head into

his hip, seeking comfort from the man she loved.

“I’m not ready. I’m going to fail and then we won’t get the college we want, and it will be

entirely my fault.” Bella and Edward had applied to several colleges conjointly. They decided

they would not go to a school without the other, so every college they applied for had to have a

program they were both interested in or there was no need to apply. Several offers had come in

for both of them, and they were entertaining many of them; however, in the end, they were both

really leaning towards going to Seattle. It was close to home so they could visit on the

weekends, and it also had some really great programs that would fit both of their career goals.

Tears threaten to escape Bella’s eyes. Edward always did everything in his power to prevent her

from feeling any distress or pain. He gently played with her hair, running his fingers from her

scalp down the length of her silky tresses, giving her the comfort she so desperately needed.

“That’s not going to happen and you know it. Baby, you’re ready. You just need to relax.

You’ve had us both cooped up in this room for days, studying. We are as ready as we will ever

be.” Edward took Bella by the hands and lifted her out of her chair and pulled her flush with his


The warmth of his embrace immediately had its normal effect on Bella’s libido. She was

instantaneously wet and ready for his touch. The pool developing between her legs gave her an


“Eddie, my parents won’t be home for few more hours. Wanna help me relax?” Bella pushed

her center into his crotch. He involuntarily moaned as she rose up on her toes and kissed him.

Her lips crashed into his, tongues moving in synchronization. He lowered his hands to where

they cupped her ass and squeezed as their tongues danced with each other. He pulled away,

gasping for air and stared deep into her beautiful brown eyes, “I’ll give you what you want if you

give me what I want.”

She tried to pull out of his hold on her to feign anger. “What? You don’t want me?”

Edward smiled his boyish grin, “I always want you, but I want to get out of this room as well.

I’ll only make love to you if you let me take you to Port Angeles tonight to see a movie.” He

squeezed her ass again and pushed her pelvis closer to his so she could feel his arousal.

Bella attempted to fight against him but her resolve gave in easily. “I don’t want to go. We need

to study more.”

“No movie, no nookie,” Edward said with a laugh and began to pull away from her. It killed him

to do it, but he had to make his point.

She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt pulling him back to her and sighed in defeat, “Fine.

You win. We will go to the movies tonight.”

He smiled and using her ass for leverage, picked her up off the floor and practically threw her on

the bed.

“I’m so glad you said yes.”

A smile spread across her lips as he came crashing down between her legs and his lips

aggressively met hers. The dynamic of the atmosphere quickly changed between them. While

love was deep in their hearts, lust was overpowering their senses.

Grabbing the hem of his charcoal gray v-neck t-shirt, she quickly pulled it over his head. This

began the quick removal of their clothing as they couldn’t get naked fast enough. They threw the

articles as they stripped, not paying attention to where their clothes might land.

Edward always loved when Bella was in a feisty mood. He never knew what they would end up

doing when she was like this. He loved their quiet moments too, but there was just something

about the strong passion that poured out of her when she was wild… it literally took everything

inside him to last long enough for Bella to peak when she was in a kinky mood.

“I want you…NOW,” she growled as she pulled a condom from her nightstand drawer.

Edward quickly took it from her and ripped the foil package open. He slid the rubber over his

aching cock as she watched with longing in her eyes. She began to squirm underneath him


“Baby, take me from behind.”

Edward didn’t think twice. He quickly turned her over on her stomach and pulled her ass

towards him. He ran his finger over her dripping wet folds, moving the moisture around and

watched as her pussy twitched and slightly opened, welcoming him inside. He stretched her lips

apart enjoying the sight of her ass in the air and her tight center beckoning him. He couldn’t help

himself. He had to have a quick taste. Still squatting on his knees, he pulled her to his face. She

bucked her hips upward towards him at his beckoning. He leaned down and using his fingers he

stretched her folds wide open and drove his tongue deep into her gapping center.

“FUCK!” she screamed out as his tongue darted inside her.

He flicked his tongue as hard as he could inside her, lapping up her sexual nectar. He decided in

that instant he wanted her to cum at least once before he entered her.

He loved the way she tasted. There wasn’t anything else like it on the planet. If he could survive

on her juices alone, he would eat from her on a daily basis just for the taste. She tasted salty, but

oh, so sweet. He moved his tongue up and down the length of her open sex and slightly nipped

at her clit. She buried her face in her pillow screaming from the intense feeling that was

developing in her belly.

Edward began to feel even bolder. He moved his tongue up the slit of her backside, just barely

running his tongue along the walls of her anus. Bella bucked her ass against his tongue. He had

never done that before and it was a wonderful sensation. He continued to lick her as he pushed

two fingers into her dripping wet center. Within seconds Bella reached her climax. Her walls

clamped around Edward’s fingers as he continued to work her through her orgasm.

“God, I love to watch you cum,” Edward’s voice rasped with desire.

Without warning he pulled his fingers out of her and aligned his cock with her center. He

gripped her hips to level himself out with her body as he slammed his dick deep inside her. This

intensified her already raging orgasm, and he felt her contract and relax against his cock.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her warm wetness surrounding him. He listened to

Bella’s moans and the sound of his dick slapping inside her. He opened his eyes to watch his

dick penetrating her. It was better than any porno he had ever seen. Not even Harry Twatter

could beat this shit. Her body conformed to his so easily; creating a tight barrier that was so

fucking sexy to him.

He increased his speed as he felt her walls tighten around his cock.

“Cum for me again, baby,” he begged her. “God, you’re so fucking hot.” He moaned as he felt

his own release building. “That’s right…cum for me, baby.”

Bella buried her face again in the pillow as his dick brought her to a new heightened sense of

pleasure. He pumped in her until he too found his release. His cock twitched as his seed spilled

into the condom. He hated the things but knew they were for their own safety. After all, birth

control was not always one hundred percent effective.

Better to be safe than sorry.

She collapsed on the bed still lying on her stomach as Edward lied down beside her, both

breathing very heavy. She turned over to face him. His face was flushed and sweaty. His sex

hair, as Rose still liked to call it, was dripping wet with sweat and sticking up all over his head.

She pulled herself up on to her elbow and wiped his hair away from his face.

“That was amazing, honey. What made you think to do that?” Bella’s voice oozed with post-

coital bliss.

“I wasn’t thinking, baby. I just went with it and your ass is just so inviting.” He leaned in and

kissed her, slipping his tongue in her mouth. This was the only thing he hated about taking her

from behind. He couldn’t kiss her when they were cumming.

He gently brushed his fingers over her taut nipples. She moaned into his mouth at the feel of his

touch. He just couldn’t get enough of her body. He moved his hand down her flat stomach, over

her pelvis, and between her legs. He palmed her swollen center, filling his hand with her still

very wet pussy. He pushed against her clit with the base of his wrist as his fingers moved over

her folds. She ran her fingers through his hair as her lips continued to move with his.

“God, I want to take you again,” he whispered into to her mouth.

“I wish we had time. I know my parents will be home soon though.” She moved away from

him, feeling the ache of the loss of contact. It always killed them both when they had to stop.

She leaned over the side of the bed to try and find her clothes when Edward slipped his fingers

back inside her.

“Edward,” she breathed, “We can’t- ooh. God, you’re insatiable.”

“As are you, my love.” He thrust his fingers while using his thumb to rub her bundled nerves.

“Eddie…that feels-ooh. Please, stop,” Bella whimpered

“What? You don’t want me to finger you? I can stop if you really want me to. You sure you

don’t want to feel this?” He curled his fingers inside her, feeling her walls already starting to

react to his touch.

“Edward, please. I know my parents will be home soon. Are you sure you want them to find us

like this?”

He rubbed the flat part of his palm over her clit as he moved his fingers deeper in her, “Yeah,

you’re probably right. Your dad still carries a gun for a living.” He chuckled.

He pulled his long fingers out of her and she nearly cried from the loss of contact. Her body

jerked involuntarily begging for his fingers to re-enter her.

He put his fingers to his mouth and sucked her juices off. Her mouth dropped as she watched

him taste her. As he slowly pulled his fingers out of his mouth, he turned to her and smiled.

“Simply exquisite. The world’s greatest delicacy and I am the only one lucky enough to ever

taste it,” he moaned.

“You know how advanced vocabulary words turn me on. Stop that.” She giggled as she gently

pushed him.

They both regretfully moved off the bed and began searching for their tossed clothing.

“Eddie?” Bella turned to him as he was slipping his pants on.

“Hmmm?” He eyed her partial naked form wondering if he should take her to a hotel instead of a

movie and just make love to her all night.

“What would you have done if I hadn’t given into going to the movies?”

“I still would have fucked you...” Her favorite grin appeared on his lips, making his now manly

features look boyish once again. “But I’m happier that you agreed to go with me.”

No sooner had they finished dressing they heard the front door open.

Bella mouthed, “See, I told you so,” to Edward as Renee’s voice sang up the stairs.

Edward smirked and mouthed back, “You know you still wanted to.” He blew her a kiss which

in turn caused her to giggle.

“Bella, Edward, we’re home!” Renee thought it would be better to yell at them just in case

something was going on that she didn’t really want to see. To her surprise she immediately

heard them bounding down the stairs. Charlie was just now coming in the house with an arm full

of grocery bags.

He dumped them on the counter. “I can’t believe you bought so much crap. What the hell do we

need all this for?” Charlie grumbled.

Renee rolled her eyes but didn’t respond. Charlie noticed Bella and Edward coming down the

stairs. Edward’s hair was still rather wild even for him and Charlie immediately took notice.

God, do they have to do that in my house? Just don’t think about it. Just don’t think about.

They are both adults. But good grief, she’s my daughter…just don’t think about it, Charlie

chanted to himself.

“Hey, kids. Get a lot of studying done?” Charlie asked trying to not think about what this boy

may or may not have just done to his daughter.

“Yeah, Charlie. Too much if you ask me. If it’s alright with you and Renee, I would like to take

Bella to a movie tonight. She’s had us cooped up in the room for far too long,” Edward


“That’s quite alright, Edward. You two go have some fun tonight.” Renee agreed.

Edward wrapped his arm around Bella’s waist and pulled her close to his side. Bella looked up

at him and smiled with love and adoration protruding off her. Renee smiled as she watched this

young couple before her. They were so in love and it thrilled her to know that such a good

young man would one day take care of her daughter. There wasn’t a single doubt in her mind

that Bella and Edward would one day marry. She just wondered when that day might be.

“What time does the movie start?” Charlie grunted as he began to help Renee put up the


“Eightish.” Bella replied.

“What movie are you going to see?” Charlie asked as he put the last box of food away.

“We are going to the classic theater. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is playing tonight with an encore

showing of In the Good Old Summertime.” Bella looked up at Edward and smiled. Edward ran

his hand down the length of her hair as he was always looking for some sort of contact with her

even if it was completely innocent.

“You let her talk you into that, Edward? Wow, boy, have your father and I not taught you

anything?” Charlie chuckled and punched Edward in the shoulder.

“Leave the boy alone.” Renee scolded Charlie.

“What?” Charlie laughed as he walked up to his wife and picked her up off the floor.

“Put me down this instant, Charles Richard Swan.” Renee giggled and mimicked banging her

fists into Charlie’s shoulders as he twirled with her in his arms. He placed her on the ground and

kissed her gently. Edward and Bella both laughed at her parents’ show of affection. Edward and

Bella both secretly hoped they would be that way in years to come.

“Just gotta teach the boy how to treat his woman,” Charlie joked.

“You better remember how to treat your woman.” Renee pushed him a little and he smiled as he

smacked her on the backside.

Edward continued to laugh at the show as Bella nudged him playfully giving him a bit of stern

look and then laughing herself.

“Actually, Charlie, the movie was my idea. I wanted to get her out of this house and if it means

me watching a couple of old films, then so be it.”

“Well, I just pray you don’t fall asleep during the show. Trust me. She will never let you live it

down.” Charlie chuckled as he moved to retrieve a beer out of the fridge.

“Believe me when I say I won’t. She wouldn’t allow it.” Edward laughed. Besides, I don’t

actually plan on watching the movie. I would much rather watch her.

Charlie eyed Edward wondering what he meant by that. Bella grabbed Edward by the hand and

squeezed tightly.

“Well, we need to be heading out now if we are to make it in time.” Bella suggested as she

tugged Edward by the hand. Edward nodded his agreement.

“You kids won’t stay for dinner?” Renee looked over at the clock to see how much time she had.

“Thank you for the invitation, but Bella is right. We really do need to get a move on if we are to

get there in time.” Edward smiled Bella’s favorite crooked grin.

“Well, you two be careful. Call us if you are going to be later than two, okay?” Charlie


“Yes, daddy.” Bella laughed and walked over to her father, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Be

nice to mom,” she playfully warned her father.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Charlie smiled and hugged his little girl. It pained Edward to let go of her

hand, but he always understood the bond between Bella and Charlie and made sure to not stand

in the way of that relationship. He respected Charlie both as a father and protector. When

Edward was younger it scared the hell out of him that Charlie was a cop and carried a gun for a

living, now as a man he felt he understood Charlie’s need to protect his family and the town he

so loved.

Bella moved to kiss her mother goodbye and then quickly rejoined Edward. “You ready, baby?”

Edward smiled and nodded.

They left the house closing the front door behind them.

“He really does love her, doesn’t he?” Charlie asked his wife unexpectedly.

Renee smiled as her husband was finally beginning to realize the intensity of their daughter’s

relationship with this boy, “Unconditionally, my love, completely unconditionally.”

Charlie nodded and mentally started preparing himself for what he would be facing in the near

future. It was painfully becoming obvious to him that his daughter would one day be that young

man’s wife.

~ X ~

As always, they arrived at in Port Angeles in record time. Edward never followed the speed

limit, which constantly drove Bella crazy. Her father was a cop after all and she felt that after all

this time of being around him, Edward would have a little more respect for the law. It wasn’t

that Edward didn’t respect the law; it was simply the fact that Edward hated driving the speed


They drove around trying to find a parking space close to theater and were forced to park about a

block away. They took a short cut between buildings so they wouldn’t have to walk the full


Coming up to the ticket counter Bella motioned for Edward to kiss her. As usual, he complied

willingly. They stood in line waiting their turn. Edward held Bella close to him as they inched

closer to the front. Bella began to scan the room. She had a tendency to people watch when she

was feeling impatient and needed something to take her mind off the fact that she had to wait.

Bella noticed a woman standing against the wall near the ticket window. She was dressed in a

plaid shirt and black skinny jeans but what drew Bella’s attention to her was the bright red hair

the woman had. It was wild, unruly and brilliant red. To say her hair looked like it was on fire

was an understatement.

The woman caught Bella’s stares and smiled at her. Bella, realizing she had been busted for

staring nodded at the woman and quickly turned her head away. They finally reached the

counter and Edward purchased their tickets for the show. He pulled out his wallet and removed

the necessary cash needed to complete the purchase.

The redheaded woman watched closely as they made the transaction. It made Bella feel

uncomfortable. No matter how many times Edward had told her he belonged to her and wanted

no one else, it still bothered the hell out of her when another woman would stare at him.

How dare she stare at my boyfriend like that?


As they walked away from the ticket counter, the redheaded woman practically sang out to them

in her high pitched voice, “Enjoy the show.” She winked at them and Bella’s blood came to a

boiling point.

“Thanks,” Edward politely responded and led Bella to get their refreshments.

Bella was a stickler for having Sour Patch Kids when she went to the movies. She didn’t care if

they got anything else but she had to have those candies. Edward made it a point to get them for

her no matter what. As they reached the counter to make their purchase, he tugged her by the

hand and pulled her flush with his body. He kissed her gently to reassure her that he was hers,

knowing that in that moment she was dealing with her jealous side. He kind of enjoyed her

jealousy. It let him know that she really cared.

“I love you, baby,” he whispered against her lips.

“I love you too.”

They made their order of candy and soda. Edward had a strict policy that when he and Bella

were together he took care of everything. His father and Charlie both had taught him to always

be the gentleman, so he wouldn’t allow her to pay for anything. He pulled his wallet out again

and quickly completed their purchase. He handed Bella the candy and picked up the soda. He

took Bella’s hand and led her to the attendant’s desk. Bella handed their movie tickets to the

teenage boy taking tickets. He ripped them in half and halfheartedly told them their film was

showing in theater four.

Edward smiled at Bella and led her to theater four. As they arrived to the door of the theater he

stopped. “Do you mind finding us a seat? I need to run to the restroom real quick.” Bella took

the drink from him, pushed herself up to kiss him quickly and then entered the theater. She made

sure to get seats on the very top row of the stadium seating. That was Edward’s favorite place to

sit. He felt it was the most private as everyone else was looking forward toward the screen.

As Bella found their seating, Edward headed to the restroom. He entered and quickly took care

of his business, as he didn’t want to leave Bella alone too long. While washing his hands,

another man entered the restroom. This man stared at Edward with and odd expression on his


Edward couldn’t help but notice this man’s appearance. Not that he was shabby, but he just

looked kind of grungy. He was obviously a good looking guy that enjoyed the grunge style. His

blonde hair was shoulder length and pulled back into a ponytail. His squared shaped face looked

deadest on a task and his blue eyes were fierce and focused.

He nodded at Edward as he moved to a urinal. Edward nodded back but quickly dried his hands.

Something about this guy made him feel very uncomfortable, and he wanted to put as much

distance as he could between them.

Edward left the restroom and rushed to theater four to meet up with Bella. His confrontation

with the blonde gentleman seriously disturbed him. Something told him that wasn’t a chance

meeting, but he tried to shrug it off as paranoia.

As he entered the theater, Bella stood up from their seats and began to wave. Immediately the

paranoia that had threatened to ruin Edward’s night evaporated at the sight of his girl. No matter

how bad his mood might be or how pissed off he was, just seeing her made everything better. It

always felt like a puzzle to him. She was the piece that completed the full picture of his life.

Edward ran up the stairs quickly and moved into their row. They had the whole row to

themselves, which always made Edward happy. He sat down beside her and she offered him

their box of snacks which she had already torn open. He took the box and found his favorite

flavor and slipped it into his mouth. He moaned in appreciation and watched from the corner of

his eyes as Bella rubbed her legs together trying to get a little friction to take care of the need that

was developing there.

He moved his hand between her legs and pressed the seam of her jeans against her sex. He could

feel the wetness from the pool there and his cock instantaneously rose to attention. They both

laughed at each other because no matter what, their bodies somehow always reacted the same

way to each other’s touch. Edward removed his hand and took a sip of their drink.

As the movie started, Bella cuddled up close to Edward as Audrey Hepburn appeared on screen

carrying her breakfast and looking through the store windows at Tiffany’s. Edward wrapped his

arm around Bella’s shoulders pulling her close to his chest. Since they had the row to

themselves, Bella curled her feet underneath her and laid her head on Edward’s chest. The feel

of his heartbeat made her sigh. He was warm and caring and she loved knowing he was all hers.

As the movie progressed Bella felt her passion for Edward become want and need. She pulled

herself up so she could sneak a kiss. Edward smiled at her as he felt her movements. He knew

what she was after and as always he was more than willing to comply.

Edward wrapped his fingers around both sides of Bella’s face and pulled her in for a kiss. Their

tongues danced as Moon River filled the air. Their kisses were gentle, calm but full of power and

passion. Not the same lust as they had experienced earlier that day. This was simply the need to

just be together.

Their kisses never broke. While gasping for air several times they refused to leave each other’s

lips. Breakfast at Tiffany’s was nearly coming to a close in the background as Bella moved into

Edward’s lap. She wrapped her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck as he pulled her

tight against his chest. He ran his fingertips up and down her spine as his lips moved in time

with hers.

“Eddie,” she whispered, “You sure you want to stay for the second feature?” Bella’s heart

pounded in her chest. She loved Edward with every fiber of her being.

Edward smiled. His girl had the same thing on her mind as he did. He wanted the soft passion

that was building between them. He ached for her, he hungered for her, he needed to feel her

gently surround him, to softly make love to her, to worship her as she so deserved.

“I would much rather be somewhere else with you right now,” he whispered back as a smile lit

up her face. He ran his hand down the tip of her spine and gently cupped her backside in his

hand slightly squeezing. He wanted her to know that his mind may be on sex but it wasn’t the

only thing on his mind. He wanted to simply love her.

Bella understood his signals and felt the same way. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him


“Let’s get out of here then.”

She stood up, crawled over his lap, grabbed him by the hand and tugged him behind her. The

credits were parading across the screen as they ran down the stairs practically giggling. Bella

looked back to see Edward smiling and laughing like a little boy sneaking downstairs on

Christmas morning.

I should have gone with my gut and just gotten the hotel room in the first place. I could have

easily rented Breakfast at Tiffany’s to watch there. Oh, well, she is so worth this.

The lobby was practically empty as they walked out. Nothing more than a bunch of teenage

attendants readying to close the place down and a couple making out in a dark corner of the

lobby. Edward paused for a brief moment. He had a funny feeling that he knew this couple. He

watched as the girl, who was pushed up against the wall had her leg draped over the guy’s hip.

He couldn’t see either of them very clearly. Their upper bodies were shadowed by the darkness.

He tried to look closer but Bella pulled his hand and immediately he was pulled back into the

moment with her. He realized the couple had the right idea and began following Bella out of the

lobby again.

Bella and Edward moved through the doors and headed back for the alley they had taken as a

short cut earlier. They were both giggling and stealing kisses as they quickly walked practically

running back to the car. The alley was dimly light by a single street light that was starting to

flicker. It was very erotic as Edward would grab her ass and then run his fingers up her

sweltering center, burying them deep into the seam of her jeans.

Half way through the alley, Edward remembered the stance he seen the couple in the lobby use

and his passion for Bella put him into motion. He yanked on Bella’s hand and pushed her

against the wall. He pressed his body into hers as he crushed his lips to hers. The wanton need

developed so quickly inside her as he hitched her right leg over his hip. She wrapped her arms

around his neck, unable to use her hands as she still had her box of candy in them.

He ground his rock hard cock into her already sopping wet center, feeling the heat of her body

surrounding his. She moaned at the contact and pushed herself closer to him. She pulled away

from his kiss and stared into his eyes. A smile developed on each of their faces when they

realized they weren’t going to make it home tonight.

“I need your cell phone real quick. I need to call mom and dad.” Bella moved her hands around

to Edward’s chest as he reached into his right hip pocket to get his cell phone. He handed her the

phone as he continued to hold her leg up over his left hip and ground himself into her.

Bella moaned as she dialed her parent’s number, “You can’t do that while I’m on the phone with


“Oh, you bet I will. I want you off that phone quickly so we can get where we are going. I need

you naked and quickly,” Edward breathed as he moved his lips down her neck.

Bella’s heart rate and breathing increased as the phone began to ring. Her mother answered on

the second ring.


“Mom. It’s me.” Thank God mom answered the phone.

“Bella? Everything okay?” Renee’s sleepy voice rasped.

“Yeah. You and dad said to call if I wasn’t going to make it home by two. Well, I just wanted

you to know I probably won’t be home until the morning.” Bella gasped as Edward ran his hand

up under her shirt and pinched her nipple through her thin bra and his tongue traveled down her


“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Renee became worried when she heard Bella’s breathlessness.

“Never better,” Bella giggled as Edward nipped at her collarbone.

“Is Edward with you?” Renee started putting the pieces together.

Bella could hear her father in the background, “Baby, is everything alright?”

“Yeah, it’s Bella. She was just calling to tell us they wouldn’t be home until the morning.”

Charlie’s sleepy voice sounded with an okay and a grunt as he must have rolled over and dozed

off again.

“Yes, mom. Edward is with me.” Bella answered honestly. She found herself remembering the

talk she and her mother had after her sweet sixteen birthday party night. That was a night she

would never forget because that was the night she and Edward lost their virginity to each other.

Bella sat on her bed remembering the night she had with her beloved. She was still quiet sore

but every moment of the night had been worth any kind of pain she felt now.

A knock on the door brought her out of her love induced stupor. Bella looked up to see her

mother entering the room and closing the door behind her. Renee made her way to Bella and sat

beside her on the bed.

“Bella, darling, I know what happened last night.” Renee started without any small talk.

This threw Bella off guard entirely. “Really.”

“Please tell me you were safe.”

Rather than lie to her mother she acknowledged the evenings events, “Yes, ma’am. We were

very safe.”

“Want to talk about it?”

Bella found herself within moments gushing all the details to her mother. Something that not

even Alice or Rose could extract from her. Renee sat in silence as tears streamed down her face.

Her little girl was now a woman. She was ecstatic that if they were to do this, at least Edward

had made it a night of passion and romance rather than a night of teenage debauchery.

Once Bella had finished telling her mother everything, Renee simply replied, “I’m so happy it

was everything you hoped it would be. I have faith in Edward and in you. I know you will take

care of each other.’

“We will,” Bella whispered.

“Now for the bad news; I won’t hide this from your father…”

“But, Mom,” Bella interrupted.

“Listen to me.” Renee eyed her daughter patiently. “Now as I was saying, I won’t hide this

from Charlie because now that you two have had a taste you are going to want more. I don’t

want to take any chances that your father walks in on something he shouldn’t. So rather than

him finding out the wrong way, I am going to tell him and let him deal with this information

without blowing his top off.”

“Yes, Mama.” Bella looked down at her hands.

Renee lifted her daughter’s face and looked her straight in the eye, “Don’t worry about his

reaction. I will worry about that. In the meantime, you and Edward must promise me that you

will always stay safe or I will put a stop to this once and for all.”

“Promise.” Bella smiled at her mother.

“Okay. I love you sweetheart and I love Edward too. I don’t want to see something happen

before its time. One day you two might want kids but right now is not the right time for them.

You understand?”

Bella once again was caught off guard by her mother’s response. Children were the last thing

on Bella’s mind and for her mother to even insinuate the fact that she and Edward might one day

be parents made her blush.

Bella nodded.

“Good. Now, you might want to hide out for awhile. I need to talk to your father.” Renee

laughed and then kissed Bella on the forehead.

“Mama?” Bella spoke as her mother stood up from the bed, “Thank you.”

“That’s what I’m here for baby. To guide you.” Renee smiled and exited the room.

“Charlie!” Renee yelled downstairs. “Baby, we need to talk.”

Bella was brought back to reality as she heard her mother say, “Well you two be safe and call me

when you’re on your way back to Forks.”

Edward ground his now throbbing cock into Bella’s center and sucked gently on her now

exposed shoulder. He smiled as he heard Bella finally get off the phone with her mother.

She handed him the cell phone and breathlessly she whispered, “Your turn.”

“I’ll call them from the room.” Edward chuckled as he slipped the phone back into his hip

pocket. He grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply.

“Eddie, we gotta find a room and fast,” she whispered in his mouth.

“I couldn’t agree more,” a voice that wasn’t Edward’s replied. “Yes, Eddie you do need to find a

room quickly.”

Edward’s face lost all color when he realized that they were not alone in the alley. He pulled

away from Bella, making sure her now unhitched leg was secured properly on the ground. He

quickly turned around to face their unwanted company while moving Bella behind his back. Her

breasts were pressed against his spine and he knew that if this guy wanted to get to her he would

have to pull him off first. This thought brought Edward comfort as he knew that this wouldn’t be

an easy feat to perform.

He’d die before he let anything happen to Bella.

Edward focused his eyes on the stranger’s face and realized that he recognized the guy walking

towards them. It was the same man that he had run in to in the restroom. The smile on the guys

face was maniacal. It was the same look he had when Edward ran into him the first time and

Edward suddenly realized that this guy had been staking him out.

“What do you want?” Edward growled. Fear gripped him as the guy pulled a gun from his


“I want what everyone wants.”

“And what might that be?” Edward pushed trying to get Bella’s back flush against the wall to

make it harder for this guy to reach her.

“James, let’s just get this over with.” Bella recognized the high pitched voice. She turned to see

a flash of red just as her right arm was being yanked hard. She was aggressively being pulled

away from Edward’s body and she cried out. A gun was pushed against her temple and a hand

went over her mouth as she attempted to scream. She dropped the box of candy she still held to

the ground.

“Oh, look, Victoria, she brought a snack.” James laughed at his own joke and pushed his gun

towards Edward’s chest. Bella pushed against Victoria trying to get to Edward. Tears streamed

down Bella’s face as Victoria pulled her hair back and Bella felt helpless watching Edward at

gun point.

“Leave her alone,” Edward screamed at Victoria.

“We don’t want her. She just happens to be an innocent bystander. We have been after you all

night, little rich boy. You should have gone with your gut instinct when you seen us in the

lobby,” James snarled.

Fuck! That’s why that couple looked so familiar to me. It was them waiting on us. Damn it!

“Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” James began.

Edward stared at James with a blank expression. Bile was rising in his throat. He only had one

thing on his mind and that was to get Bella to safety. After that he didn’t care what happened.

He couldn’t let anything happen to her. He loved her and couldn’t be without her.

Edward nodded his understanding afraid he might puke.

“Empty your pockets and your pretty little girlfriend doesn’t have to get hurt. You don’t comply

and Victoria will shoot her without blinking an eye.” James’ cool voice warned without any

sense of bluffing.

Edward quickly emptied his pockets. He handed over his wallet, his car keys and even the watch

that grandpa Cullen had given him when he turned eighteen. It all meant nothing to him as long

as it brought Bella to safety.

“Keys go to the silver Volvo parked in lot three in spot twenty-five. License plate number 34C-

MA8,” Edward quoted quickly.

“Cell phone, too, pretty boy,” James spat. “Don’t want to take any chances you call the police

before we can get away.”

Edward slipped the cell phone out of his pocket and handed it over.

“Vic, pat the girl down and make sure she isn’t carrying anything we want.”

Moving the gun to Bella’s spine, Victoria ran her hands up and down Bella’s body checking for


“Her outfit is so tight there is no way she could be holding anything in it but a nice ass and a

perky pair of tits.” Victoria grabbed Bella’s ass as she spoke. Bella cried out at the unwanted


“Leave her the fuck alone!” Edward screamed and moved forward. James pressed the gun

harder against Edward’s chest.

“Wow, Victoria, on second thought maybe taking the girl wouldn’t be such a bad idea. He

seems to want to protect her awfully bad.”

“We don’t need a hostage, James. Just take what he’s got and let’s get out of here,” Victoria


“Look, there’s about three hundred in cash in the wallet plus my debit card and credit card are in

there. Not to mention the watch is worth over a thousand bucks. Please, just let her go,” Edward

begged as he turned to see Victoria’s gun pointed at Bella’s spine and her beautiful hair being

pulled tightly in Victoria’s fist.

“I don’t know, Eddie, while the cash and everything is nice, I bet Victoria and I could teach your

little girlfriend there a thing or two.” James moved his lips to Edward’s ear and whispered

loudly, “I bet that sweet pussy is nice and tight. I could watch as Victoria has her way with her

and then fuck her until she bleeds.” James laughed as he watched Edward ball his fist. “Don’t

that sound like fun, Eddie? A little girl-on-girl action? Hot!” he hissed.

Edward shook with anger and fear. Bella saw the look in Edward’s eyes and knew immediately

that Edward was losing it. If Edward lost his cool she was afraid of what he might do and she

couldn’t bear the thought of losing him.

Bella closed her eyes as the fear she was feeling skyrocketed. She did the only thing she could to

protect the person she loved most in the world.

She prayed.

God, I know you can hear my right now. Protect my Edward. Please God. Don’t let him do

anything stupid in the name of saving me. I can’t live without him. I can’t, God.

Please…God…I can’t live without him. Help us…help him. I need him.

There's no love like your love. And no other could give more love. There's nowhere unless you're

there, all the time all the way. You can't tell me it's not worth trying for. I can't help it there's

nothing I want more, I would fight for you. I'd lie for you. Walk the wire for you, I'd die for you.

You know it's true…

Everything I do. I do it for you.

Everything I Do, I Do It For You by Bryan Adams

~ Chapter 10: Age 18 ~

Renee had just rolled over to go back to sleep when the phone rang again. She reached behind

her, feeling for the phone in the dark. She kept her eyes shut as she pressed the talk button on

the phone. She figured Bella had forgotten to tell her something and she could quickly get off

the phone and go back to sleep.

“Hello?” she answered groggily.

“…don’t want to take any chances and have you call the police before we can get away.”

“Hello?” Renee asked once again not recognizing the voice on the other end. She opened her

eyes and rubbed them trying to get them to focus. She looked at the caller ID. It showed

Edward’s cell phone number.

What was going on?

“Pat the girl down and make sure she isn’t carrying anything we want,” the man’s voice rang

over the phone again. Realizing what was happening, Renee went into immediate action.

Despite the fact that her heart was now lodged in her throat and tears threatened to spill from her

eyes, she knew she had only one course of action to take in order to help them.

Renee turned to her husband and began frantically shaking him. “Charlie! Charlie, wake up!

Wake up NOW!”

“C’mon, hon, I have an early shift. What is it now?” Charlie opened his eyes and turned to his

wife. The look on her face woke him instantly. He jolted upright and grabbed his wife’s free

hand. “What’s happened?”

Many thoughts ran through his head all at once, they were pulled over, they had an accident,

Bella had been hurt but never did it cross his mind that they were in the process of being


“Call. Laurent. Now. Bella and Edward are in trouble.” A hint of desperation leaked into her

voice. Renee was terrified as she continued to try and to listen to what was happening.

Trusting his wife, Charlie grabbed his cell phone and began dialing the Port Angeles Police

Department. Laurent Snyder was the Police Chief and was one of Charlie’s oldest colleagues

and friends. The dispatcher answered the phone on the first ring, “Port Angeles PD, please state

the nature of your emergency.”

“This is Police Chief Charles Swan of the FPD; I need to speak with Police Chief Laurent

Snyder immediately.”

“Yes, sir,” the dispatcher didn’t argue with him as she had spoken with Charlie enough times that

she knew his voice. There was obviously something terribly wrong so she immediately put him

through to Laurent’s emergency number.

While waiting for Laurent to answer, Renee quickly told Charlie what was happening. Fear

overtook her and she broke down in tears as she continued to listen to the perpetrator attack her

children. Edward may not be her blood, but he was her daughter’s choice and that made him her

son as well.

“Charlie?” a gruff, sleepy sounding voice addressed Charlie.

“Laurent, Bella’s in trouble. God, I… fuck! Look I’m sorry for bothering you at this hour, but

they need your help! She and her boyfriend are being attacked right now,” Charlie nearly yelled

into the phone.

“Charlie, are you sure?”

Chief Swan took a deep breath because he knew he’d sounded almost hysterical. As a trained

officer, Charlie knew people took you more seriously when you were calm, cool, and collected.

He needed to pull his shit together and be all those things right now for the kids. Before

continuing, he took another deep breath for good measure.

“I’m positive. They’re in Port Angeles and Edward’s cell phone is in the perp’s hand. He must

have accidentally dialed our number. Renee is listening to the whole thing as we speak.”

“Okay, Charlie I need his cell phone number. We’ll track him through the GPS on the phone.

I’ll send two squad cars out. You and Renee need to get here, now.”

“Agreed.” Charlie gave Edward’s cell number to Laurent and disconnected his call.

“Baby, get dressed. We need to head to Port Angeles.”

“I can’t hang up baby. I can’t-” Her lip began to quiver. She felt like she was holding her

baby’s only hope in the palm of her hand.

Renee shook hard as she gripped the phone straining to hear anything that was happening.

“Honey, we have to. I know you don’t want to leave her, but Laurent is on this. He won’t let us

down. Please…” Charlie reached for the phone. “Give me the phone, baby. We are going to


Renee begrudgingly handed him the phone. She tried to calm her nerves as Charlie ended the

call that connected her to her daughter. She got out of bed and began dressing. A thought

crossed her mind and grabbed the phone again.

“Esme,” she whispered answering her husband’s puzzled look.

Charlie immediately realized she was calling Esme. “Good idea, baby,” he brushed his lips

across her forehead as he wiped the tears from her eyes.

“They will be okay. Laurent is on it. I promise you…they will be okay.” Charlie wasn’t sure

who he was trying to convince more...

His wife or himself.

~ X ~

“Oh come on Eddie, you know you wouldn’t mind seeing that, too. Victoria is hot, and I’m sure

she could teach your little girlfriend a thing or two about how to suck a dick.” James laughed as

he watched Edward clench and unclench his fist.

“Leave her the fuck alone. This is between you and me,” Edward spat.

If you didn’t have that gun, motherfucker, I would have already had your ass on the ground.

“Come on, James, you got what you wanted. Let’s just get the hell out of here before someone

sees us,” Victoria whined.

“Shut up!” James yelled at her. She knew better then to mess with his sport.

I may not know this little fucker from Adam, but all these rich kids are the same. Mommy and

Daddy gave them everything on a silver platter. Even his girlfriend worships him. Probably

only because he’s loaded. He might have thought he was such a big shot until now. I can see it

in his eyes. I’ve cut his sorry ass down to size!

James smirked as he thought of how much of a man he was for holding this little rich fuck at


“What has you so protective of her? Hmm? Is she worth dying for, Eddie?”

“Yes,” Edward whispered without hesitation as he looked at her. Bella’s tear streaked face broke

his heart into a million pieces. All of this was happening to her because some bastard wanted his

wallet. She whimpered causing James to laugh.

James turned to face Bella still holding the gun to Edward’s chest. “She is a beauty. I bet you’ve

had loads of fun with her tight little snatch, haven’t ya, Eddie?”

You’re such an arrogant prick. I bet you wouldn’t even know what to do with a girl like that.

James’ hatred clouded his thoughts.

Edward was pumped full of adrenaline. He wouldn’t allow this monster to hurt her or talk about

her in such a derogatory way. She wasn’t a sex toy, she was the love of his life, and this fucking

bastard had no right looking at her with lust in his eyes.

Realizing that James was no longer paying very close attention to him, Edward took the

opportunity that lay before him. He slammed his fist down on James’s arm, forcing his grip to

loosen around the pistol. Edward and James began to struggle for control of the gun.

Bella screamed as the sound of gunfire reverberated through the alley. She couldn’t see anything

but Edward hunched over James, and the fear of Edward being shot took hold of her.

She had to get to him.

She had to save him.

He was willing to die for her and she was willing to do no less than the same for him.

When it became obvious that Victoria was more concerned for James’ well-being than

monitoring her, she took her chance to escape. Bella dug her fingernails down Victoria’s arm

drawing blood, and kicked her foot back making contact with Victoria’s knee. She hunched

down and howled in pain momentarily letting Bella loose.

“You fucking bitch! You’re going to pay for that,” Victoria screeched.

Bella began to run towards Edward and James. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do to stop

them but she knew she had to try something.

Her attempts were in vain.

Bella hadn’t taken three steps before Victoria found her bearings and quickly pulled Bella’s hair

tight in her fist, stabilizing her movements. She snaked her tongue up Bella’s jaw and the

terrified girl shivered in disgust. “Now you can watch your little boyfriend die and then after

James has his fun with you… well, we’ll kill you, too.” Victoria’s high pitched laugh sent chills

down Bella’s spine as she watched Edward and James continue to fight for control of the gun.

James had been startled by Edward’s boldness. He never expected him to fight back. This

spoiled little rich boy was supposed to cower like all the rest did. Edward threw a punch and

directly hit his mark. James held his nose as Edward pulled back his fist and was about to hit

him again when Victoria screamed, “Stop or I will shoot her.”

Victoria’s gun moved to Bella’s temple and Edward dropped his fist. James punched Edward in

the gut and slammed his gun into Edward’s chest. “That was a very stupid move, my friend.”

James’ voice was muffled by his now broken nose. “I was just having a little bit of fun before I

let you two go but now…well, you’ve pissed me the fuck-”

Two sets of lights began to flash, red and blue. A bright, white light shone into the alley,

illuminating the scene. A voice rang out, “This is the PAPD, drop your weapons, and put your

hands up in the air.”

James looked at Victoria and simultaneously they started running. Bella fell to ground as

Victoria pushed her out of the way. Edward rushed to Bella’s side as police officers ran past

them chasing after their perpetrators.

Bella wrapped her arms around Edward’s neck and whispered against his skin, “I thought I was

going to lose you. I thought he shot you. I can’t ever live without… I… I… Edward!”

He ran his fingers down the length of her hair trying to comfort her. “Bells, I’m okay. Baby…

baby, look at me.” Edward moved his hands to Bella’s face. He cupped both sides of her flushed

face in his hands and gently lifted it to his. He forced her to look at him. Bella obeyed him

willingly and lifted her face. She looked deep into his beautiful green eyes and found peace

there. His soul was her soul. They were two pieces of a whole.

The electric current that always ran through her veins at his touch ignited within her. She pulled

him forward and vigorously kissed him. Their lips moved together with urgency, relief, and

passion. She had to know he was really there and they hadn’t hurt him.

Someone cleared their throat and Bella and Edward looked up to see a tall African-American

man towering over them. He was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt but his badge was very visible on

his belt. His gun was slung over his shoulder and holstered under his arm. He had a very

concerned look on his face as he watched the young couple on the ground.

“Chief Snyder?” Bella gasped as she recognized her father’s old friend. Laurent’s face lit up

when she addressed him. He knew that if she was coherent enough to know who he was, then

she would be okay. Edward stood up first and helped Bella to her feet. He put his hand out to

shake Laurent’s hand.

“It’s great to see you again, sir.” Edward smiled. “Even though I hate that it’s under these

circumstances.” Edward had met Laurent a couple of times during holiday celebrations at the

Swan residence and was grateful for his presence in this situation.

“You too, Edward. Are you two okay?”

“Yes, sir. Just shaken up a bit,” Edward answered calmly for them. It was obvious that Bella

was about to be in hysterics.

Bella’s chest heaved as she started to hyperventilate. Reality was crashing down on her as she

watched Edward and Laurent talk. The world seemed to be spinning, and Bella felt as if her

head was about to explode. She turned pale as a sheet as she suddenly tore herself away from the

moment and retched the contents of her stomach on the ground. As she vomited, Edward

graciously held her hair back from her face.

“We need to get her out of this alley,” Edward advised the chief as he felt Bella start to dry


She stood up straight and searched for something to wipe her mouth. When she didn’t find

anything in her pockets, she went to wipe her mouth on her sleeve.

“Bella, take this,” Laurent handed her a handkerchief that he always kept in his pocket.

“Thank you,” her small voice whispered.

Laurent led them to his car. “I’m sorry, kids, but I’ve got to take you back to the station and get

your statement.” Both Edward and Bella nodded their heads in understanding as they crawled

into the backseat of Laurent’s car. Bella refused to release her hold on Edward and he was fine

with that. Having her pressed against him kept him calm.

“Bella, your parents are on their way here now. They will meet us at the station.”

“How?” Bella rasped.

“My cellphone.”

“You knew about that?” Laurent looked at Edward through his rearview mirror.

“I was the one who did it, sir,” Edward answered honestly. “I knew the last number dialed was

Chief Swan’s. I also knew that if the Chief could hear what was going on, he would send help.”

“That was a big chance you took, Edward. Very smart move but what do you think would’ve

happened if the perp had realized what you had done?” Laurent was intrigued by Edward’s

ability to think in a high pressured situation.

“I knew he wouldn’t realize. He seemed to be dead set on harming me. He only went after Bella

when he thought it would hurt me. There was no way he would actually look at the phone.”

“I see,” Laurent said with a smile. Edward’s intuition had been dead on. I bet he would make a

great cop.

They arrived at the station just as Charlie and Renee did. Bella’s parents moved towards

Laurent’s car as she jumped out and flung herself into her mother’s arms. Tears of fear and joy

streamed down both of their faces as Renee clung to her daughter as if her life depended on it.

And it did.

Renee had nearly lost her mind not knowing what she would find when they finally reached Port

Angeles. All she kept seeing in her head was Bella’s broken, lifeless body. The sight of her

daughter safe and sound was nearly her undoing.

Edward followed Bella out of the backseat only to meet Charlie face on. He reached out to

shake Charlie’s hand and unexpectedly found himself in Charlie’s arms. “Are you okay, son?”

Charlie whispered as a torrent of tears covered his cheeks. Police Chief Swan was usually a

strong man that made it a point to never show emotions in public, but seeing Bella and Edward

safe and sound trumped his normal senses.

Laurent stood near the front door of the building watching the tearful but happy reunion.

Charlie’s grip became tighter around Edward and something about being in this man’s arms

broke Edward’s resolve. He wrapped his arms around Charlie’s shoulders and all the emotions

that he had been holding back during the attack and even afterward flooded through his system.

Tears poured down his face as he fisted the back of Charlie’s shirt trying to gain control of


“Let it out. It’s alright, son. You’re safe now… you’re safe.” Charlie held Edward tight in his

arms, unwilling to relinquish his hold on this young man until Edward had let all of his emotions

surface. He’d always thought of Edward like a son, but in the moment he felt more connected to

him than he ever had before.

Renee and Bella fell silent as they witnessed Edward’s emotional breakdown in Charlie’s arms.

Bella watched as the love of her life clung to her father as though he was his last hope. It broke

her heart to see Edward so distraught. He had stayed so strong for her, during the attack and

throughout their entire life together. Standing there watching him cry for the first time in her life

had a strong effect on her. She suddenly wanted to shield him, to protect him as he had always

done for her.

Bella moved away from her mother and stepped towards her father and her beloved. Charlie

loosened his hold on Edward preparing to make way for his daughter. Edward feeling Charlie’s

withdrawal lifted his head and looked behind him to see Bella walking towards them. He pulled

away from Charlie and grabbed Bella tightly, wrapping his arms around her waist as she gently

ran her fingers through his tasseled copper locks.

“I love you so much and I was so afraid. I can’t lose you. I can’t bear to lose you. You’re

everything. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I’m so sorry.” Edward’s tears fell freely as he

buried his face into Bella’s shoulders. She felt the wetness of his tears seeping into her shirt and

was thankful that he was opening up to her.

Edward gasped for air suddenly trying to prevent an onset of hiccups. Bella tenderly ran her

fingers down his spine and shushed him, attempting to comfort him as he had her earlier.

“Shh. I know, baby. I know. It’s not your fault, Eddie. It was never your fault. We’re safe now.

You saved our lives tonight. We’re safe,” Bella rambled incoherently.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but we need to get this paperwork started so you folks can get some rest.”

Laurent’s deep voice echoed through the darkness. He opened the door to the station, ushering

them towards the building.

“Yes, of course.” Edward looked up at Laurent. “Thank you, sir.”

“My pleasure, son. Just happy we got there in time.”

Edward released Bella from his grasp and wiped the remains of his emotional breakdown from

his face. He pulled Bella close to him as they moved towards the police station.

“What do you mean Edward saved your lives tonight?” Charlie inquired of his daughter as he

took Renee’s hand and they too started towards the station.

“Daddy, it was Edward that called you and Mom when… when…” Bella couldn’t finish her

sentence as she looked up at Edward with admiration.

Charlie’s chest swelled with pride as he took in the young man coddling his daughter. It was

Edward’s quick wit that had gotten Charlie the information he needed to rescue them.

“Edward… I…” Charlie’s voice caught in his throat.

“Charlie, I did what you always told me to do if ever we were ever in trouble…I called you.”

Edward shrugged.

They entered the station and followed Laurent to a conference room. “I need to contact my

parents. They are probably worried sick about me.” Edward sighed heavily.

“Edward, I called you mother already. She and your father are on their way here now. You

father was at the hospital, so he was going to pick your mother up on the way out of town.”

“Thank you, Renee.”

She placed her hand on Edward’s shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. He smiled at her and

tightened his grip on Bella. He was determined that he would not let her go tonight no matter


Carlisle and Esme arrived at the station just as Bella and Edward had finished giving their

statements to Laurent. Apparently James and Victoria had been apprehended so Edward’s

personal belongings were returned to him.

After a quick and tearful reunion with his parents and Charlie taking a moment to thank his

friend for all his help, they all decided it would be wise to get rooms for the night in Port

Angeles, as Laurent had instructed them that Bella and Edward would need to come back in the

morning to complete a line up.

No one objected to the thought of Bella and Edward sharing a room as they had both been

through the worst experience of their lives, and neither wanted to let the other out of their sight.

Separating them would have been almost as cruel as what James and Victoria had done. Besides,

they all realized that it was their intention to spend the night together anyway before the attack

and being adults, no one could really stop them.

Edward and Bella crashed onto the bed without so much as removing their clothing. They

wanted nothing more than to hold each other close and let the nightmare wash away from their

memories. They held each other tightly throughout the night, never once relinquishing their hold

on one another.

Morning came quickly and once Edward and Bella had both identified James and Victoria as

their assailants, they were given liberty to go home. Laurent explained that Edward had been

targeted specifically by James and that Edward was not James’ first assault. He had attacked

about eight other young men all matching the same M.O. Each of them was young, good

looking, and appeared to come from a wealthy background. James usually beat his victim

beyond recognition before running away with whatever was in their wallets. Edward had gotten

lucky though. James hadn’t expected Edward to fight back.

The drive back to Forks was quiet. Since James and Victoria had been apprehended before they

could take the Volvo, Edward and Bella were able to drive it home. They barely spoke two

words the entire ride home but no words were needed. They were safe, they were alive, and they

just basked in the warmth of their love.

~ X ~

“Bella, you’ve got to go to prom. We have been planning for this… well, for months,” Alice


“I don’t have a dress and I refuse to go back to Port Angeles for awhile. I’m sorry. I know it’s

not fair to you two, and I really want to go but I just… can’t.” Tears threatened to escape Bella’s

eyes. While she usually hated parties, she was actually excited about going to their senior prom.

They had all been working on plans for the last four months.

Prom was that weekend and she had stupidly decided to wait until the last minute to get her dress

because she wanted to surprise Edward. That move was going to cost her the prom. The only

place you could get a decent dress was in Port Angeles and after what just happened there barely

a week ago; she couldn’t bring herself to go back just yet. She knew that James and Victoria

were locked away, but the fear was still there and she needed time to get over it.

Rose hugged Bella tightly. “We understand. Don’t we, Alice?”

Alice nodded as she realized she was being an insensitive bitch. It was just that they were all

supposed to go together and not having Edward and Bella at prom didn’t seem right. Especially

since the reason they weren’t going was over a dress.

~ X ~

Friday ended in a blur for Bella. Everyone was abuzz about the prom. Edward tried to act

supportive and understanding as to why they weren’t going but Bella could see his

disappointment. It killed her that she was going to deprive him of this night. She even tried to

talk him into going without her since he already had his tuxedo but he refused to do it.

“If you’re not going, then I’m not going,” was all he would say.

He had picked her up for school that morning and held her tightly between each class throughout

the day. The only exception was right after fourth period when he told her that he had a meeting

with his Spanish teacher that would keep him out of gym class. But like clockwork, when she

exited the locker room from the gym, he was standing there waiting on her just like he normally

would have had he been in class.

Nobody said much as they rushed out of the parking lot after school. Bella didn’t want to hear

everyone talk about a prom that she wasn’t going to be attending because of her own stupidity.

All the way home Edward held Bella’s hand rubbing lazy circles in her palm trying to comfort

her. He made small talk about everything but the prom trying to pull her out of her shell.

He pulled into the Swan’s driveway, parking in his usual spot so Bella would know he was

coming in. Bella noticed that Renee was already home for the day which was unusual. She

usually got home about an hour before Charlie did which always gave Bella and Edward a little

alone time. Bella was flustered by the fact that her mom was early because she desperately

needed some time with Edward. Even if only to cuddle, she just needed to feel his strong arms

wrapped around her.

Bella huffed and rolled her eyes as she looked at her mother’s car as yet another omen of a

pending bad weekend. “You don’t have to come in if you don’t want to. I wouldn’t blame you

since Mom is here.”

An idea struck Bella and she turned to Edward. “Hey, why don’t we go the meadow?”

This was the first time Bella had smiled in days. He loved watching the way her plump lips

would curl towards the heavens like an angel’s wings. He had missed it.

“Maybe in a little while. I just want to relax for a moment.” Edward got out of the car and

quickly walked to the passenger side to open her door. He helped her out of the car and gently

took her hand in his as he led her to the house.

“We can’t really relax with Mom here. Let’s go the meadow. We can relax there.”

Bella’s persistence made Edward laugh. “Okay. Let’s at least go inside and get some water


Bella clapped her hands and jumped up and down with glee. For a moment she almost looked

like Alice.

They walked into the house and Bella stopped dead in her tracks. Starting from the front door,

leading all the way up the staircase was a trail of colorful rose petals. A mixture of beautiful

shades of red, white, yellow, pink, purple, even orange covered the floor. The floral trail artfully

led a pathway directly to her door as she followed the trail closely.

She turned to Edward and he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. “What is this?” Excitement began

building in her. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad weekend after all.

“I don’t know,” Edward toyed with her. “Let’s find out.”

Bella practically ran up the stairs with Edward in tow, laughing. She was so excited that she had

forgotten all about going to the meadow. Bella had no clue what was happening but she knew

whatever it was she would love it because Edward had done it for her.

They reached her bedroom and before opening the door she turned to him. “When did you do


“How else do you think I got out of gym today?” The light in her brown eyes brought joy to his

heart. Here stood his Bella. Happy and beautiful. Oh, how he had missed her and it thrilled him

that it was he who’d brought her back.

Bella giggled and threw her bedroom door open. She stood there in awe taking in the sight

before her. She was actually speechless. Every inch of her room was covered with rose petals.

A huge vase was sitting in the middle of her desk also full of the assorted colored roses. But the

flowers were not what caught Bella’s attention. Standing in the corner of her room was an old

fashion seamstress mannequin and on it was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen.

Her gaze was filled with a silky blue-gray full length dress that almost sparkled in the direct

sunlight. The spaghetti straps hung lazily on the mannequin as the small train flooded the floor

and an opening at the front made the dress remind her of a tulip. It was slinky but tasteful, and it

was designed to fit every curve just perfectly. She couldn’t have picked a better dress for herself

had she tried. She noticed a pair of silver stilettos lay gingerly beside the dress and a beautiful

chiffon shawl lay over her dresser mirror.

She turned to Edward and noticed her mother standing behind him with a huge smile on her face.

Renee had been waiting for them to come home just so she could see Bella’s reaction to her


“Prom is an important rite of passage. I couldn’t let you miss yours over a dress.”

Bella cocked her head to the side. She stared at him unsure how to react. Tears poured down her

face and Edward felt fear grip him at her reaction. He wasn’t sure he had done the right thing.

Trying to gage her reaction Edward started rambling. Renee squeezed Edward’s shoulder,

giving him silent encouragement.

“Bella, I’m…”

“Shh.” Bella smiled and suddenly flung herself into Edward’s arms. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”

She kissed him strong and hard. Her fingers curled up in his arm as she forced her tongue into

his mouth. Edward willing kissed her back but felt confused as to what was happening.

Renee quickly walked out of the room and closed the door behind her to give them some privacy.

She smiled as she thought of all the effort Edward had put into this surprise for her daughter.

When Edward had approached Renee and Esme for their help, they easily complied with all of

his requests. For him to be so young, he was wise beyond his years in regards to Bella’s wants

and needs. The three of them had gone shopping for Bella’s dress and even helped Edward plan

how to present it to her.

“How?” Bella whispered against his lips.

“I got our mothers to help me but, baby, there’s more.”


“Well, first, you will be going to salon to get dolled up with the girls tomorrow afternoon and

then we will share the limo with Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rose. Then, we also have

reservations at that little bed and breakfast on the outskirts of town. I know everyone else is

heading to La Push for an after party at the beach but I figured you might prefer it if we spent

some time alone.”

Bella’s eyes lit up as a smile spread across her lovely face. She couldn’t help but think about the

fact that they were going to have the prom night of their dreams after all.

“Edward Cullen, what am I going to do with you?”

Repeating something he had once heard Charlie say to this exact same question, he smiled.

“Love me.”

“With all my heart.”

~ X ~

Bella stood in front the mirror admiring her appearance. The dress Edward purchased for her

was absolutely perfect. It clung to her curves in the most provocative manner. Her breasts were

accentuated by the slight dip of the silky material and the grayish blue tint of the dress made her

skin look like alabaster. Her long dark tresses hung loosely down her back in beautiful waves

and her makeup was done to perfection, thanks to her day at the salon. She felt excited and

nervous all at the same time. This may not have been their first night together but this was prom

night. It was special and she wanted to make things special for Edward.

“Bella! Edward is here!” Charlie called up the stairs.

This is it!

She draped her shawl around her shoulders, letting it slid gently down her arms to finish the

look, the chiffon fabric feeling exquisite against her skin. One more quick glance in the mirror

and she stepped out of her room. Edward was standing at the bottom of the steps with a corsage

in his hand waiting for her.

Upon seeing her in that dress his heart sped up irrationally. Bella was always gorgeous in his

eyes, even in a pair of sweats and old t-shirt, but seeing her like this took his breath away. Renee

and Charlie stood arm-in-arm watching the scene unfold.

Edward was wearing a black tuxedo and Bella couldn’t help but stare at him as she walked down

the stairs. He was gorgeous and all hers. He smiled his devilish smile and she already felt her

desire pool between her thighs. This was definitely going to be a long night.

Wonder if we can go to the room early. They both thought at the same time.

“Bells, you look… unbelievable,” he breathed.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and took Edward’s outstretched hand. “As do you,


He leaned in and gave her a sweet, chaste kiss and slipped the corsage on to her wrist. Neither of

them had trusted her with a straight pin so Esme had already put his boutonniere on him before

he arrived.

“Perfect,” he smiled as Charlie rolled his eyes.

“Oooh. I need a picture of this!” Renee squealed as she revealed she already had her camera all

prepped and ready to go.

Bella groaned as Edward moved her in front of him and wrapped his fingers over her bare

shoulders, smiling. Bella looked up at him with admiration in her eyes just as the camera

flashed. He bent down and kissed her gently as Renee snapped another picture. Satisfied that

she had enough shots of them, Renee walked over and hugged them both. “Have a great night

you two. I love you both.”

“Love you too, Mom.”

“We will Renee. Thank you,” Edward said politely.

They were heading towards the door when Edward felt Charlie’s hand on his shoulder.

“Edward…I just want to say-”

Charlie choked slightly and Edward turned and hugged him. “You know I will.”

Satisfied that Edward understood him completely, Charlie relinquished his hold on the young

man. “Have a good time, son.”

Charlie turned to his daughter. “I know you are in good hands with Edward but I just want to say

I love you and please, be careful.”

Bella wrapped her arms around Charlie’s neck. “He’ll take care of me. He always does.” She

kissed Charlie on the cheek and turned back to Edward. Bella took his hand and headed for the

front door. Edward smiled at her and then picked up Bella’s overnight bag that was sitting by

the front door and ushered her out the front door.

Charlie whispered “I’m counting on that,” as he watched his grown daughter exit the house.

Renee, hearing her husband, hugged him as they walked to the door themselves to watch their

daughter leave for her senior prom.

Bella stopped momentarily to gaze at the sleek long black limo parked out in front of her house.

She had never been inside a limousine before and she was giddy at the thought. Already waiting

in the limo was Alice, Jasper, Rose and Emmett. As Edward and Bella walked towards the

extensive vehicle, Emmett and Jasper appeared, fighting for space through the sunroof. They

began screaming and catcalling at the happy couple moving towards them.

“Oh, shut up!” Bella blushed and swatted at the air.

Edward felt himself become instantly hard as the color flooded her face and chest. It caused him

to look at the cleavage that he had hoped would show when he bought the dress. It was better

than he imagined.

I have no fucking clue how I’m going to make it through this night with her looking good enough

to eat.

Emmett pretended to feel the slap and gasp as though Bella had indeed smacked him across the

face. He grabbed his cheek and fell backwards from the pretend slap nearly knocking Jasper

over. Jasper flipped Emmett the bird before recalling that Charlie and Renee were still standing

there. He looked at Bella’s parents and Charlie scowled at him. Jasper shrugged at Charlie and


“No drinking!” Charlie bellowed at the kids, still eyeing Jasper, as Bella and Edward got into the


“Yes, sir!” Jasper saluted Charlie as he pulled himself back into the car before he could arrest

him. Jasper immediately poured a round of champagne for everyone once he was settled in his


“Little shit,” Charlie mumbled and laughed as he and Renee watch the limo pull out.

Emmett waved goodbye to Bella’s parents then slipped back into the limo and closed the

sunroof. He wrapped himself around Rose and as the girls began chattering about the evenings


“Did you hear the committee is actually doing a balloon canopy on the ceiling? How nineteen

eighty-nine,” Rose complained.

“And the color scheme…blue and white? Who the hell does that?” Alice chimed in.

“I swear our parents had to be planning this prom,” Rose continued.

Bella sat in silence just basking in the glow of her friends’ excitement. She had thought she was

going to miss this and being here now seemed almost surreal. Edward pulled her closer to him

and whispered “Hey, sexy,” in her ear. Bella moaned involuntarily as Edward sucked her earlobe

into his mouth. She didn’t usually wear earrings and it felt oddly sensual to him to have that

small stone in his way.

Bella moved into the crook of Edward’s side and ran her hand down his inner thigh. No one

seemed to be paying attention to them. Emmett was raiding the mini-fridge; Jasper was trying to

feel-up Alice, who was talking animatedly with Rose about the prom and what everyone would

be wearing.

“Do you think we will make it through this night without finding a quiet corner?” Edward’s

warm breath against Bella’s neck sent tingles down her spine.

Edward’s tongue moved down the length of her neck breathing in her scent. Only Bella could

smell like freesias and strawberries. She was intoxicating. He kissed her collarbone which was

beautifully exposed by the dress and she dug her fingernails into his inner thigh.

“Not if you keep that up,” she whispered.

“Holy shit you two! Get a fucking room!” Jasper caterwauled, feeling a little jealous of Edward

because Alice was still paying more attention to Rose than him.

Alice elbowed Jasper in the ribs. “You’ll get yours. Leave them alone.” She turned to Edward

and Bella. “As you were, please,” Alice said, throwing her hand out as if she were giving them

permission to continue to make out.

Everyone laughed at Alice’s boldness but was unable to continue what they were doing as they

arrived to the school gym at that moment.

The line of limos and cars was astounding. A long procession of taffeta and pastels flooded the

front of the school as everyone was trying to enter the gymnasium. And just as Alice had

predicted, blue and white streamers hung like currents in front of the doors. Immediately upon

entering, each couple was pushed towards a photographer who stood them in front of a wall of

blue and white balloons. Alice groaned as Jasper grabbed her ass just as the photographer

snapped his shot.

“Perfect! I can’t believe you just did that Jasper Whitlock! The balloons are bad enough but now

I will have to explain to our grandchildren one day why Grandpa had his hand on Grandma’s ass

at prom.” Alice playfully slugged Jasper.

“You know you love it, baby. Now, let’s dance while you still have us young.” Jasper grabbed

Alice by the hand and led her to the dance floor.

After their pictures were taken, Edward, Bella, Emmett and Rose followed them to the dance

floor. They danced, they ate, and they laughed and had loads of fun. The night rang on as they

began to announce the nominations for the prom court and the winners claimed their reign in

royalty. Everyone was nearly died of laughter when Jessica and Mike were crowned Prom King

and Queen. But the true highlights of the night came from the exclusive group of friends. Jasper

had started a conga line that even the chaperones couldn’t resist joining and Emmett had

convinced Bella do the Electric Slide. Once Edward, Alice, Rose and Jasper had joined, the

entire gym full of kids and adults had joined the party as well.

Everyone had the time of their lives.

As the night started coming to a close, the dance floor began looking like a ghost town. Small

cliques were gathered around the gym making plans for all the after parties when Eric Clapton's

epic love song, ‘Wonderful Tonight’, started playing. It was almost as if everyone’s best laid

plans were halted as they wanted that last sweet dance of the night. Nearly all the couples

flocked once again to the floor, wanting to experience that wonderful slow dance that they would

treasure in their memories of this night forever.

Edward pulled Bella into his arms and began to slowly rock with her. She laid her head on his

chest and listened as he sang to her. “We go to a party and everyone turns to see this beautiful

lady that's walking around with me-”

The feel of his warm breath against her ear, as his beautiful voice softly sang those magical

words to her, began to fill Bella with desire. His fingers trailed down her exposed back as he

continued to lead her on the dance floor. His angelic voice continued to serenade her and they

were no longer at the prom. She was with the love of her life, only, in their meadow.

“I feel wonderful because I see the love light in your eyes and the wonder of it all is that you just

don't realize how much I love you…”


“Hmmm?” His voice hummed with contentment.

“Let’s get out of here.”

Eric Clapton finished with, “As I turn out the light, I say ‘my darling, you were wonderful

tonight. Oh my darling, you were wonderful tonight’,” as Edward took Bella by the hand and led

her to the door. His heart filled with the love for the beautiful lady that was entirely his for the


~ X ~

Edward and Jasper had parked their cars at the school earlier that day knowing they would all be

going their separate ways that evening. They decided that the limo was only needed for the ride

there, mainly for the effect. Edward slowly led Bella to his car, wanting to let the evening sink

in. He loved her so much and wanted everything to be perfect.

“I love you,” he whispered.

Bella looked up at him as they reached the car. “I love you too.”

Edward turned to her and his body took over. He pressed her up against his car and kissed her

lips. She met his eagerness with her own. Her back leaned into the side of the car as his body

pressed against the front of her. She could feel Edcalibur grinding into her stomach and she

longed to feel him deep within her.

“Bells,” Edward whispered against her lips. “I simply want to make love to you tonight… to

worship every inch of you.” Bella nodded her agreement as Edward reached around her, and

opened the door for her. She slid into her seat and within minutes they were at the B&B.

Tonight, Edward’s maniac driving became useful.

It was nice and quiet as Edward pulled their bags out of the back of the Volvo. They walked into

the front of the house and were immediately greeted by the sweetest old woman.

“Welcome to the Malory Bed and Breakfast. My name is Charlotte. Do you have a


Edward smiled at her. “Yes ma’am. Reservation for Cullen, Edward.” Charlotte looked through

a huge old register book.

“We don’t use computers here. My husband, Peter, believes it takes away the classic feel of the

place,” Charlotte explained as she found Edward’s name. “Oh, here we are. Edward Cullen

party of two. Please sign here.” Charlotte pointed to a little section next to Edward’s name in

the book. He took her pen and signed in.

“Such beautiful penmanship. You just don’t see that in young people anymore.” Charlotte

stared at Edward’s signature for a moment and then pulled out a brass key. “It’s the third door

on the left. Just a reminder, breakfast is served between seven and nine in the morning. We

would love to see you and your beautiful… wife there.” Charlotte eyed Bella in her prom dress

and smiled. It seemed to her an odd color for a wedding dress but in this day and age nothing

surprised her.

Bella blushed at the older woman’s remark and was about to correct her when Edward replied

smoothly, “Thank you, Mrs. Malory. We would be delighted.” It didn’t escape Bella’s attention

that Edward hadn’t corrected Charlotte but in fact wrapped his arm around her waist and drawing

her closer to him. Charlotte smiled as the young couple walked towards their room remembering

how she and Peter were when they first got married and envied the ‘newlyweds’ on the

wonderful road ahead of them.

Edward smiled at Bella as he unlocked and opened the door. Excitement and adrenaline coursed

through her veins as she walked inside. The king-sized bed in the middle of the room was

adorned with soft white cotton sheets and white down comforter. The brass head and foot board

made her think of a sled. Soft billowy curtains flowed down the windows and a light blue hue

was painted on the walls.

Edward closed the door behind him and locked it. She turned to him and felt every nerve in her

body ignite with passion for the man that stood before her. She had wanted this moment to

arrive as soon as she had seen Edward in that tuxedo that evening. He looked so debonair and in

a way Bella was imagining this was their wedding night. She suddenly realized that she longed

for the day that she would be Mrs. Edward Cullen.

“Eddie…” She couldn’t even finish her thought before Edward was upon her. His mouth

collided with hers; his tongue eagerly entered her awaiting lips. Her fingers were slipping his

tuxedo jacket off him as he walked her backwards towards the bed. She felt her knees hit the bed

and gracefully sat down. Edward stood before her, his eyes dark with desire as he began to

unbutton his shirt. Bella leaned down to start undoing the straps on her heels when Edward

stopped her.

“No, leave them on.” His voice dripped with sex and Bella couldn’t help but comply with his


He removed his shirt and she watched as he merely let it fall to the ground. Edward bent down

on one knee before her. He lifted her left foot and placed it on his knee as the split of her dress

fell open revealing her shapely legs. He ran one hand up her leg, stopping just short of her knee

and gently unbuckled her shoe with his other. He slipped the shoe off and repeated the same

move with the other foot. Bella’s skin burned with longing as his hands move over her legs. He

placed her now bare feet back on the floor and lifted her from the bed. She watched as his hands

slipped behind her back and unzipped her. The dress billowed to the ground leaving her standing

before him in nothing more than the white lace thong she had paired with this dress.

“Exquisite,” Edward whispered as he eyed her hungrily.

Her nipples were taut and pink as he leaned in and nipped at them. Bella threw her head back at

the feel of his teeth grazing her breasts. He sucked one nipple into his mouth as he supported her

back with both of his hands. She felt the pool of her desire fill her panties and she ached to get

them off.

“Edward, I need you… I want you… right here.”

She reached for his hand and led him to her melting hot center. He pressed his fingers into her

sex and began to grind against his fingers for the friction. Unable to bear the feeling of her

through her panties he looked her in the eye and asked, “How much do you like these?”

“I have several. Why?”

He answered by ripping them away from her body. If it hadn’t been for the sound of the material

ripping she wouldn’t have even realized what he had done. “Much better,” he murmured as he

drove his fingers between her thighs. Bella cried out as he slowly pushed two fingers inside her.

He thrust his fingers deep into her center as he grabbed her nipple between his teeth and

sucked… hard.

Bella’s knees started to buckle underneath her as her body reacted to Edward’s assault. Feeling

her losing control Edward gently laid Bella down on the bed without losing his connection with

her. He kicked his shoes off and continued push his fingers deep inside her and using his thumb,

began rubbing her clit. Bella’s orgasm was intense as Edward pulled his finger out of her and

moved to kiss her lips.

Catching him off guard, Bella used all her weight and turned them over so she was on top of

him. She straddled his hips and pushed herself down, feeling his chest against her as her tongue

danced in his mouth. She kissed down his neck, moving gently down his collarbone and then

grazed her teeth over each nipple watching them become as erect as his cock.

Edward let out a moan as he ran his fingers through her lush hair. She moved to down his chest

and dipped her tongue into his belly button. Her fingers gently unbuttoned and then unzipped his

trousers. She tugged his pants and boxer briefs down, exposing his rock hard cock.

Bella felt her own desire trickle down her leg as she eyed Edward’s now bare body. Seeing him

exposed and open to her always left her feeling unworthy. Somehow, she thought to herself, she

must have done something right in a previous life for this gorgeous man to belong to her and

trust her so easily.

She raked her nails over the head of his cock causing his dick to slightly jump. She smiled at the

reaction and moved to slip her lips over the head. She was suddenly faced with resistance as

Edward put hand over himself blocking her from the lollipop she so desperately wanted to suck

on. The look on her face nearly made Edward laugh. He could almost read her mind. ‘Why the

fuck are you cock-blocking me?’ the expression she held asked.

He answered her unspoken question. “I said I wanted to worship you. I can’t very well do that if

you are all the way down there.” He smiled playfully at her as she moved to her elbows and

looked at him.

“What do you propose here?”

“I want you here.” He pointed to his lips and slightly sat up, grabbed her hips and turned her to

where she was laying stomach down directly on top of him, with her sex right in his face. To her

amazement, it left her in perfect alignment to take his dick into her mouth.

She grabbed his throbbing hard cock in her hand and wrapped her mouth around it. Edward let

out a moan that vibrated against her clit. He brushed away the gentle curls that covered her

sweet treasure and then sucked her clit deep into his mouth, nipping at the bundle of nerves. He

felt her jump at the feel of his teeth nibbling at her clit which in turn caused her to suck harder on

his cock.

“Slow down, baby. I need to last. I want to cum inside you.” The feeling of her mouth on him

as he was taking her in was almost more then he could bear. He got so lost in the feeling of her

mouth sucking tightly around him that at moments he almost didn’t realize what he was doing to

her. He dipped his tongue inside her letting her know to keep going, he just needed her to slow


Bella heeded his warning but only minutely. She moved her tongue over the slit licking the pre-

cum that had accumulated there. There was something about that milky white liquid that caused

a frenzy in her. She wanted more… she had to have more… she needed more. What she didn’t

realize is Edward was feeling the same way as he drank in her sweet nectar.

I have got to figure out how to bottle this. Essence of Bella.

Using his fingers he separated her lips just enough to slide his tongue inside her, letting her

juices flow down his throat. She wrapped her fingers around his throbbing appendage and used

them as a sheath while wrapping her tongue around the head of his cock. She moved her hand

up and down with her mouth making a barrier that allowed Edward to feel like he was deep

inside her. As her fingers reached the bottom of the shaft, she gently fingered his testicles which

caused his achingly hard cock to twitch in her mouth.

God he is gorgeous. If he only knew how beautiful he was, especially now in all his glory. He

looks like a fucking Greek god. I bow before him and worship him.

“Baby, I want you,” he moaned against her sex.

Bella pulled away and felt Edward’s mouth momentarily attach once more to her aching center

and suck her deep into his mouth. She loved when he sucked all of her in. There was no way to

describe the feeling she got when he engulfed her. He released her and she felt her swollen sex

ache for his touch.

She turned to face him and her lips crushed into his. She could taste herself on his lips as

simultaneously he could taste himself on hers. They both devoured one another as Bella aligned

herself with his cock. Before Edward had a chance to put a condom on, she slid down on his

dick. He cried out against her mouth. It had been years since he felt her bare skin against his

dick and it felt so, so good.


“Shh. Feel me.”

Bella moved her backside up and down painstakingly slow, allowing Edward to feel deep inside

her. She felt her climax develop. It started in the pit of her stomach and moved its way down to

her center, flooding her spine and even down to her toes. Her arms felt like jelly as she impaled

herself upon him.

“Bella, baby, I’m about to-”

Bella placed her mouth over his lips and kissed him deeply, silencing his pleas. She was

relentless and wanted this. What was the point of her birth control habits if they didn’t throw

caution to the wind every once in awhile?

Edward quit fighting and relaxed feeling himself deep inside her. The warmth that surrounded

him made his already aching cock twitch to life. He could feel her, all of her. This was so much

different then when he had a condom on. Her heat was direct and her wetness covered him

completely. He lost himself in her body, leaning up and biting her on the shoulder and sucking

her skin into his mouth.

He cried out as she moaned feeling the depths of their love as they rocked against each other. He

felt her walls crush his cock as she reached her peak only making him cum along with her. He

thrilled in feeling her warm wet folds surrounding him as his orgasm overpowered him. He dug

his fingers into her hips helping her to quicken her thrusts and heightened their orgasms.

Bella collapsed on top of him as her jellified body came down from the intensity. She basked in

the feel of his sweating torso underneath her, feeling her chest flush with his and listening to the

sound of his hard breathing as he came down from his climax. She thrilled in feeling his skin

against hers, his still twitching penis inside her keeping their connection from being severed.

She was amazed that they both had this much power over each other, and it never ceased to

amaze her that after all this time she could still want him with so much passion and desire.

Edward wrapped his arms around her and simply held her there. His heart rate was skyrocketing

and his body felt as though every limb had been rigorously worked out, but he had never felt

better in his life. He held her tight to him brushing her hair away from her face. He didn’t want

to lose his connection to her. He was only complete when inside her. He needed to feel

complete in that moment.

Bella moved up and kissed his lips, “I love you…forever.”

“Forever,” he whispered back.

Bella laid her head down on Edward’s chest. She wrapped her arms around his torso, closed her

eyes and began to silently pray.

God, I know I say this a lot but thank you for this man that shares my bed with me tonight. I

pray that one day he will share my bed every night but until that day comes I thank you for these

sweet gentle moments we have together. Thank you again for saving us and allowing us to be

each other’s strength through this past week of hell. Guard us and keep us safe.


That night they slept together soundly. Both filled with the same dream. They dreamt of a night

in the not too distant future, much like this one but it would be their first night as man and wife.

Both longed for that night to come so much that their dreams were constantly filled with a time

where they would always wake up to each other and never have to leave.

When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth. You love me for who I am. Like the stars

hold the moon, right there where they belong, and I know I'm not alone.

When my world is falling apart, when there's no light to break up the dark, that's when I look at

you. When the waves are flooding the shore and I can't find my way home anymore…

That's when I look at you.

When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus

~ Chapter 11: Age 18 ~

“Don’t you dare say, ‘I told you so,’ Edward Cullen! I swear, I will kick you in the family

jewels if you do.” Bella fought the smile on her face as she threatened Edward’s most prized


Edward cupped his crotch in his hand and blurted out, “I. TOLD. YOU. SO!” His tell-tale smirk

played at the corners of his mouth, revealing that crooked smile and was enough to make her go

over the edge.

“AGGGHHHH!” Bella screamed as she pounced on Edward, laughing uncontrollably. He fell

backwards on Bella’s bed grabbing her by the waist.

She leaned in and kissed him. “I know you did, but you don’t have to rub it in.”

“Who? Me? I would never do such a thing.” Sarcasm dripped from his tongue.

“Congratulations, baby. I can’t think of a better person to receive this honor. I really am so

proud of you.”

Bella moved off Edward’s lap and allowed him to sit up. “I’m nervous. I have no clue what I’m

going to say.” She nervously played with her fingers as her eyes were downcast, staring at the


“You’re valedictorian, Bells, it will come to you.” Edward laughed as he flipped her over,

pinned her to the bed and kissed her deeply. “You need to stop worrying and believe in yourself.

You’re magical!”

“I won’t get anything done if you keep that up,” Bella giggled. “I have to get my speech turned

in to Ms. Cope by Wednesday for the principal’s final approval.”

“Well, I guess I will leave you to your work. I need to talk to Charlie anyway.” He stood up;

releasing her from the cage he’d created with his strong arms so she could pull herself up.

“Really? What do you want to talk to Daddy about?”

Edward chuckled. He thought it was so cute that Bella still called Charlie ‘daddy’.

Edward puffed out his chest and grunted as he spoke. “None of your business, woman! This is

man talk.” He beat on his chest in a Tarzan-type fashion as Bella laughed hysterically at him.

“You look like an ape!” Tears streamed down her cheeks from her laughter.

Edward enjoyed watching Bella laugh. Her face turned bright pink, her chest heaved causing her

breasts to rise and fall in a very enticing manner, and her beautiful mouth shaped itself in the

most succulent and adorable fashion. He had every line of her face memorized.

Edward brushed the tears from her eyes as he leaned in and quickly kissed her. “Hey, did you

eat some candy or something without me noticing?”

Bella eyed him suspiciously. “No. Why?”

“I just wanted some if you did. You taste really sweet.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

“Don’t I always taste sweet to you?” Bella giggled and pulled him down on her by his belt


Edward wrapped his arms around her as he leaned in for another luscious kiss. Her plump lips

and sweet breath were beckoning him. “Always, baby. You just taste a little bit sweeter today,

that’s all.” He kissed her lips once more and released her from his hold. He winked at her and

left her alone in her room to stew over her valedictorian speech for their commencement


Edward went down the stairs two steps at a time. He went into the kitchen where he found

Renee cooking and Charlie reading the paper. He held back just out of sight, observing the

magic that was Bella’s parents’ marriage.

“Can you believe the crime rate in Seattle? I hate thinking about Bella and Edward going to

school there.” Charlie, being a cop, always complained about the crime rate even when there

wasn’t a bit of news indicating any recent criminal activity.

“Baby, they’ll be just fine. At least they will be close to home.” Renee emptied a pot of boiling

pasta into a colander, straining it in the sink.

“Humph!” Charlie grunted. His brow furrowed as it always did when he worried over his

daughter. Edward smiled, observing that Bella had learned and mastered this trait from her


“Ahem,” Edward cleared his throat to announce his entrance.

“Hey there, Edward,” Charlie said as he put the newspaper down on the table, folding it neatly.

“Hungry, dear?” Renee asked as she poured the now strained pasta back into the pot.

“Always, but I actually wanted to see if I could talk to Charlie for a moment.” Edward gave her

a debonair smile. She giggled like a school girl and turned back to her work. It was obvious to

her why her daughter was so smitten with this young man.

“What’s up, son?”

“Um, can we talk in private, maybe? It’s kind of personal.”

“Are you okay, Edward?” Charlie felt a wave of concern tide over him.

“Yes, sir. Just fine. I would just like to have a man-to-man talk, if that’s okay with you, sir.”

Charlie felt a jolt of déjà vu occur as he was suddenly transported back in time to an eleven year

old Edward, standing before him asking him the very same question before taking his daughter

on her first date to the circus. Charlie couldn’t help but smile as he thought about how much this

young man had grown up since that day. It amazed him to think that this child could become

such a strong, responsible man. However, fear slightly took hold of Charlie as he realized that

Edward wanted to talk to him alone. That could mean only one thing…

Edward was finally going to ask him.

Charlie stood up and nodded towards the door. “Yeah sure, let’s go into the den.” He smiled as

he walked over to the fridge and pulled out two beers. If he was going to have to face this

conversation, he was going to need a little refreshment to do it, and he wasn’t about to drink

alone. Being a police chief had its benefits, he knew he could give Edward a beer and no one

would question him on it.

Renee subtly eyed him as he removed the drinks from the fridge. Curiosity was getting the better

of her as Charlie was fighting a smile that threatened to overtake his face.

Charlie handed the beer to Edward and extended his arm, indicating for him to lead them to the

den. As Edward walked out of the kitchen, Charlie turned to Renee. “You don’t think… do


The pained look on Charlie’s face finally made Renee giggle. “I think so,” she whispered.

“Damn it,” Charlie chuckled.

“Be nice,” Renee warned her husband.

Charlie circled his head with an invisible halo and smiled at his wife. Her heart always jumped

at his smile. Every time she thought she couldn’t love him any more than she already did, he

would smile and suddenly she would realize she was wrong.

She blew Charlie a kiss as he walked out of the kitchen. She was bubbling over with so much

excitement she had to call Esme and find out if she knew anything.

After they walked into the den, Charlie sat down on the recliner facing the couch where Edward

took his seat. The feeling of déjà vu simply wouldn’t cease for him.

“So, what can I do for you?” Charlie popped the top of his can and took a long gulp.

Edward held the can in his hands unsure what to do with it. On one hand, a little liquid courage

would be great about now, but on the other hand the Chief of Police was sitting no less than three

feet away from him and could arrest his ass for popping the top.

Is he fucking testing me?

Answering Edward’s unspoken question, Charlie said, “I feel if we are men talking here, than we

should be able to have a beer while we do so. I promise you won’t be arrested if that’s what

you’re worried about.” Charlie chuckled at the relieved look that crossed Edward’s handsome


It’s not like he didn’t know the kids drank, but to his relief, they’d been responsible about it.

That’s why he felt comfortable giving the beer to Edward.

Charlie had to admit Edward was a good-looking kid. His daughter definitely had great taste.

The boy was charming, had good looks, great family values and was capable of supporting her.

There was nothing Charlie could find wrong with this young man. This slightly disappointed

him as he desperately wanted to find a reason to tell Edward, fuck no, you can’t marry my

daughter. She’s my little girl and it’s bad enough you’ve had your grubby hands on her.

Edward popped the top of the can and took a swig.

Breathing heavily, he looked over at Charlie and smiled.

Where the hell do I begin?

“Okay, Edward, the suspense is killing me here. What did you want to talk about?”

Edward took another sip of the beer and then placed the can on the table in front of him.

“Well, you see, Charlie, since the night Bella and I…” Edward ran his fingers through his unruly

copper colored locks and sighed. Charlie, realizing the night Edward was referring to was the

night of the attack, involuntarily tensed up. That had been the worse night of his life and he

really didn’t want to relive it if he could prevent it.

“You see, since that night, I have been really thinking about something and I wanted your

opinion on it.”

Charlie relaxed. Maybe this wasn’t going to be the talk he thought it would be after all.

“Chief Snyder said something to me during all that mess and it got me thinking about my

future.” Edward took a deep breath, smiled, then blurted out, “I want your opinion of me

becoming a cop.”

Charlie nearly spewed the swig of beer he had just taken all over Edward. He coughed as he

tried to get the frothy brew to go down his throat. This was the last thing he’d ever expected of

Edward. He always thought Edward would follow in Carlisle’s footsteps and become a doctor.

“I won’t lie to you, Edward. You have the intuition that a cop needs and you have a great

personality that people would respond to.” Charlie took a deep breath and continued. “But it’s

hard work, the hours suck and the pay is shit.”

Edward smiled. “The money is not a concern to me. I have my trust fund that would support me

and Bella even if neither of us ever works a day in our lives. I do, however, never want to feel

that helpless again. Ever. I wanted to protect her and I was powerless to do that.” Edward’s

smile disappeared and determination replaced it.

“I can’t and I won’t feel that way again,” Edward stated through clenched teeth with a hardened


“Hard work doesn’t scare me, long hours I can handle, but I need to know that you- as the Chief

of Police- could honestly see me in this position.”

Charlie placed his beer on the table and bent forward putting his elbows on his knees, staring this

young man in the eye. “Have you talked to Bella about how you feel?”

“No, sir. I came to you first. I wanted your opinion before I discussed it with her. Seattle U has

a great criminal justice program, so none of our plans have to change, but I didn’t want to jump

head first in this if you thought it was a crap idea.”

Charlie grinned. He felt honored that Edward would value his opinion so highly.

“Knowing you as long as I have, son, I would say yes. You would make a fantastic cop. And if

you do decide to pursue this path in life, I will not only be there every step of the way for you,

but I will also offer you a job.”


“Absolutely. It’s the least I can do for what you did for Bella.”

Besides it will ensure that you and Bella return home.

Charlie picked up his beer and took another drink. Edward did the same.

“Thank you, sir. I can’t begin to tell you what a relief it is to me that you feel this way.”

“I think you will make one hell of a cop, Edward, and it would be to my benefit to have you on

my force.”

Edward smiled and took a large gulp of his drink. He feared that the next topic he needed to

discuss may skew Charlie’s views just a bit.

“Was that it, Edward?” Charlie could see the wheels in Edward’s head turning.

“No, sir. I uh… need to um, ask you another question.”

Fuck. This is it. I thought I was going to dodge this bullet today.

“Ask away, son.” Charlie downed his beer quickly wishing he had time to grab another.

“Well, you know Bella and I are going to Seattle this fall and well…” Edward took a huge drink

from his beer praying for the courage to spit this out.

“Well, sir, I would really like to marry her before we go. I want to ask your permission to marry

your daughter.”

Charlie let out the breath he didn’t realize he had been holding in and laughed. “I was

wondering when this was going to happen.”

Edward looked at Charlie, baffled by his reaction. “I don’t think I follow you.”

Oh, fuck. What if he says no? What do I do if he says no?

“I expected you to ask me this question much sooner, honestly.” Charlie laughed.

Edward’s shoulders slightly slumped as he relaxed. Charlie’s laughter was promising. He took a

long draft of his beer and finished it off realizing that Charlie still hadn’t answered him.

Charlie eyed him and a playful smirk crossed his face. He stood up and walked over to the rack

where he hung his gun and holster. He pulled the gun out of the holster and looked down the

barrel. He then cocked and un-cocked the gun. Edward’s eyes grew wide as silver dollars as he

watched Charlie handle his gun.

Oh, shit, this is it. He is finally going to kill me. After all this time, a marriage proposal is what

sent him over the edge.

Charlie re-holstered the gun and turned to Edward. His silence was starting to wear on Edward.

Edward couldn’t help but wonder what Charlie was thinking. He really wished he could read

minds at the moment.

Charlie walked around the recliner, still silent and looked back at Edward. A stern look crossed

his face that made Edward almost shake with fear.

“So, Edward, why should I let you marry my daughter? You just informed me you aspire to

become a cop. Why would I want my only daughter to live that kind of life when she could

marry a doctor or lawyer and live a life of luxury? Let’s face it, being a cop’s wife is a difficult

life after all.” Charlie stood tall, slightly spread his legs, and placed his hands behind his back in

a military manner.

Edward nearly choked on his own saliva. “I’m sorry? But, you just said…” Edward suddenly

felt afraid and very confused. On one hand, Charlie had told him he would make a great cop; on

the other hand, Charlie apparently didn’t want to his daughter to marry one. It seemed almost

hypocritical to Edward for Charlie to react this way as he, too, was a cop and his wife had to

endure that life style.

“I know what I said, son, but I want to hear your thoughts.”

“My thoughts?”

“Yes, your thoughts. What makes you so special?”

“Well, I can comfortably provide for her?” Edward’s response came out more as a question then

an answer. By this point, he was beginning to have a nervous breakdown.

Charlie glared at Edward and exhaled through his nose. “Money isn’t everything, you know. I

want to know what makes you think you are the right choice for her. What do you bring to the

table that no one else could?”

I saved her life… doesn’t that account for something?

“Well, I have always been there for her. I love her with all my heart and-“

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Any boy could say that Edward. I want to know exactly what makes you


“I… well…” Edward raked his fingers through his hair, practically pulling it out by the roots.

What the hell does he want from me?

“Do you understand the gift I would be giving you if I say yes to this? Not only would I be

giving you my pride and joy, but Bella would be giving you herself if she accepts. That is not

something to toy with. Marriage is a huge responsibility. Are you really ready to take on a

wife? You are only eighteen after all.”

This angered Edward. How dare Charlie throw age in his face when he himself married so

young? Edward knew what he wanted in this life and that there was only person that would ever

make him happy. Age was not a factor here. Only the love and devotion he felt for Bella was.

“Honestly, there is no right answer here and I know it. Yes, I may be young and, yes, marriage

is a huge responsibility but I am more than ready for it. I have loved your daughter since I was

eight years old. I nearly died the day you agreed to take me fishing because I would finally get

to spend time with her, to get to know her. I love her more and more everyday and if you give

me your permission to marry her, I will make it my life’s ambition to make her the happiest

woman in the world. I guess what I am really trying to say is that I love her, and I will do

everything in my power to make sure that every day of her life is the happiest day of her life.”

Charlie tightened his scowl and glared at Edward. He tried to keep the charade up but couldn’t

help but laugh when he noticed the expression on Edward’s face. The kid was so determined and

his answer was probably the best answer that Charlie had ever heard. He decided the poor boy

had been put through enough agony for one night.

Charlie walked over and slapped Edward hard on the back. “I’m just messing with you, son. It

would be my honor to give you my daughter’s hand in marriage. I couldn’t think of a finer man

for her to marry.” Edward’s soul filled with joy. Bella was going to finally be his forever...

that’s if she said yes.

After talking to Charlie for several more minutes, Renee called everyone to dinner, effectively

ending the conversation. Edward and Charlie walked into the kitchen as Bella came down the

stairs. Charlie and Renee’s eyes met. Her eyes grew big as he smiled at her then slightly

nodded, acknowledging that he had indeed agreed to let their daughter marry this boy and that

their little girl most likely would be planning a wedding soon.

Renee’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and she was forcing herself to not scream and dance in

the middle of the kitchen. She was dying to ask Charlie how everything went but would refrain

until dinner was over. It had to be good though because Charlie and Edward were smiling.

Bella grabbed a piece of garlic toast as she sat in her seat next to Edward.

“Dinner looks great, Mrs. S,” Edward complimented Renee as often as he could. His father

taught him early on that if you get the mother’s approval then you will eventually get the

father’s, as well. Apparently Carlisle had been right.

“Thanks.” Renee tried hard not to stare. She was bubbling over with excitement but was trying

to rein it in, as to not reveal prematurely what Edward and Charlie had just discussed.

She sat down at the table and looked over at Bella. She didn’t look like she felt very well.

“Bella, baby, you look awfully pale. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Mama. Just a little tired.”

Edward reached over and rubbed his hand over her arm. “Are you sure, baby? Your Mom is

right; you don’t look like you feel all that well.”

“I’m fine, sweetheart. I just need to eat something and get a good night’s sleep. Don’t worry.”

Bella placed her hand over Edward’s and then winked at him. He relaxed as she began dishing

out her pasta. The mindless chatter of dinner began but throughout dinner Edward, Charlie, and

Renee all had one thought on their minds…

When was he going to ask her?

~ X ~

“Why do I feel like we should be singing and dancing right now?” Emmett shouted down the

hall as he, Rose, Alice, Jasper, Edward and Bella all walked towards the exit of the school.

Other seniors crowded around them rushing to exit as it was the last day of high school, and

everyone was ready to get to the beach to celebrate.

Emmett pretended to pull a comb out of his back pocket and proceeded to air comb the sides of

his hair back as though he were Danny Zuko. He then skid across the floor in front of the group,

popping the collar of his black polo up and began to sing to Rose. “I got chills, they're

multiplying and I'm losing control, 'cause the power you're supplying… It's electrifying!”

Rose giggled and pretended to throw a cigarette on the floor and stomp it out. She threw her

arms out towards Emmett and started shaking her hips as she danced towards him. “You better

shape up 'cause I need a man and my heart is set on you. You better shape up you better

understand to my heart I must be true!”

Emmett wrapped his arm around Rose’s waist and began singing at the top of his lungs, “You're

the one that I want, you are the one I want, Oo-oo-oo, honey, Oo-oo-oo, the one I need, Oh, yes

indeed!” He took her hand and swung her out and pulled her back to him in a smooth dance


“Dude, it’s a good thing you didn’t try out for the Glee club because you fucking suck!” Jasper

covered his ears trying to block out the noise. Alice’s boisterous laugh echoed through the halls

over the loud scuttle of students.

Emmett cried to Jasper as he twirled Rose around, “Oh shut up, Putzie!” He pulled Rose into a

dip and faced Alice. “And you! Beauty school dropout, grab your boy there and get your ass a-


Bella and Edward laughed at the commotion, believing that they would get away from this

ruckus unscathed. But Emmett had better plans. He was too happy and they weren’t getting

away without joining the fun. He turned and hollered at them, “Oh no, Rizzo! You better grab

Kenickie there and get your ass a-movin’, too!”

Edward scowled at Emmett and pulled Bella close to him.

“Oh, look, Danny! Rizzo and Kenickie are making up!” Rose laughed as she pointed over to

Bella and Edward.

Edward, with his arm draped over Bella’s shoulders, leaned over her to look at Jasper. “Dude,

how about we put him out of our fucking misery?”

Jasper gave Edward an evil grin as they high-fived and started moving towards Emmett. Emmett

noticing their stalking moved behind Rose for protection. “You wouldn’t dare hit Rose!” He

yelled as he maneuvered her to block the force inching towards him.

Alice and Bella stood back and laughed as Rose was now encompassed by the three guys. She

was screaming at the top of her lungs for them to help her, but they refused after she joined in

with Emmett on razzing them.

Edward grabbed Rose by the arm and pulled her away, leaving Emmett wide open for a tackle.

Rose squealed as she ran over to Alice and Bella who were now laughing uncontrollably.

Jasper tackled Emmett to the ground as Edward began to knuckle the top of his head. “Not the

hair, asshole!” Emmett screamed out as he flailed his arms trying to protect his head. The girls

howled with laughter as people continued to pass by watching the show.

Jessica and Lauren walked past them rolling their eyes. On the outside they acted like this group

was nothing more than a bunch of immature idiots but deep down they still longed to be a part of

that crowd.

“Fine! I’ll quit! Just let me go!” Emmett hollered for mercy as he wrestled with Edward and

Jasper on the ground. They finally relinquished their hold on him but only after they had

horribly messed his hair up.

Emmett stood and tried to straighten himself up as everyone laughed and began heading towards

the door again.

“To the beach?” Edward asked the group.

“To the beach!” They sang in unison.

~ X ~

Friday morning, Bella woke with a jolt. She had had the weirdest dream but was unable to

remember what it was and that bothered her. She had felt queasy and a bit dizzy but was unsure

whether that had anything to do with the dream. It left her feeling a little bit weak. She was

grateful that those feelings subsided quickly after she ate.

It must be the jitters about tonight. God, I need to get my nerves under control.

Since there was no school for the seniors, she had spent the day in her room alone preparing for

the graduation ceremony that evening. Edward had promised he would spend the day with his

family, considering his grandparents were coming to visit from out of town for the event. He

invited her to join them but she wanted more time to prepare for her speech, so she wouldn’t get

to see him until the ceremony.

By the afternoon, she felt calmer and ready for the evening’s events. She dressed in the little

black dress that Renee had bought her just for this occasion. It was quarter sleeved, knee length,

V-necked and accentuated every curve. The cotton material made her feel sexy, but also very

professional. Her only problem was that if she left her bright yellow gown open at anytime, she

ended up looking like a yellow-jacket ready to sting someone.

She slipped her shoes on and headed downstairs to her waiting parents. To her surprise, Jacob

and Billy were also waiting in the living room.

“Jake!” Bella squealed as she ran into his awaiting arms. He hugged her tightly.

“You didn’t think I would miss this, did you? My two favorite people are graduating tonight.

No way would I miss seeing you two receiving your diplomas.” Jacob laughed.

“Aw, thanks, Jake. Edward will be so happy to see you there,” she replied simply. She looked

around the room and noticed that Jacob’s fiancé was missing. “Is Vanessa coming?”

“Yeah. She’ll meet us there. She’s coming straight from work.”

“Alright, well, let’s head out of here. I want to get a good seat.” Charlie placed his hand on the

small of Renee’s back, leading her out the door. Billy followed as Jacob ushered Bella out as


They arrived at school and a crowd was already gathering in the gymnasium. The service was

being held inside today due to the overcast skies. They expected some heavy rain and didn’t

want to take any chances of all the guests getting drenched and the equipment getting ruined.

Bella’s queasiness suddenly reappeared again. She felt like she would lose the contents of her

stomach in seconds. Jacob rubbed her back, noticing the change in her demeanor. “Are you

okay? You look like a ghost.”

“Just nerves.” Bella took a deep breath trying very hard not to vomit. Her mouth was filling

with water and her head was throbbing. It was a good thing that the Cullen’s arrived at that very

moment. Edward always had a way of calming her down and seeing him took the horrible

sensations away.

Those feelings were immediately replaced with pride, love, and sexual desire. Watching Edward

walk towards her in his black slacks, a pale yellow button down shirt, and his yellow gown

draped over his shoulders flying in the wind made her panties practically melt off of her.

Only Edward could look like sex on legs in graduation attire.

Bella was still carrying her gown over her arm with her cap in her hand. Edward eyed the dress

she was wearing as his family walked up to the Swan’s group. She was delectable in her little

black dress and he found himself trying to adjust the hard-on that had developed in his trousers,

somewhat inconspicuously. Jake gave him a sideways smirk in understanding.

“Hey, baby,” Edward whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arm around her waist. He gently

kissed her temple and inhaled her sweet scent.

She leaned into his body and relaxed in his arms. Peace encompassed her. “Hey, yourself,” she

whispered back. Edward and Bella watched as their parents made their introductions of each

other’s extended friends and family.

“And this beautiful young lady must be Edward’s Bella.” A warm feeling spread through Bella

as she was thrilled at being called Edward’s, even by his extended family. Edward’s

grandmother leaned in and hugged Bella. She couldn’t get a very good grip as Edward would

not release his hold on her. He hadn’t seen her all day and the agony of that nearly killed him.

“We’ve heard so much about you,” the older woman stated with a smile. “Edward was right.

You’re beyond beautiful.”

“Thank you, ma’am, and it’s nice to meet you, as well.” It was obvious to Bella that Carlisle got

his dashing looks from his father, but he most definitely had his mother’s caring blue eyes and

warm, beautiful smile.

Grandma Cullen moved to allow Grandpa Cullen to get to Bella. Grandpa Cullen shook her

hand and made a comment about her being a natural beauty and that Edward was a lucky man to

have her. She blushed crimson which made everyone laugh. Edward pulled her closer to him

knowing how this kind of thing always made her self-conscious. She was under enough stress as

it was. “The pleasure is all mine,” Bella politely replied, diverting her eyes from the elderly


Bella noticed the principal heading directly towards them. “Good evening, folks. Would you

mind if I steal Isabella? We need her backstage.” Everyone nodded and continued talking as

Principal Meyer motioned for Bella to follow him. Bella was reluctant to leave Edward. She

hadn’t been able to see him all day and having him near her now was like breathing after being

under water for several minutes.

Noticing her hesitation, Edward leaned in and whispered, “I’ll be back there in just a moment. I

promise, my love.”

Bella nodded and smiled and follow Principal Meyer to the locker rooms behind the stage area.

They went over last minute details. She explained that Bella would remain backstage until her

name was called to receive her diploma. She would be the last name called and she would give

her speech upon receiving it. Bella’s speech would be the last of the ceremony and to signify the

end, Bella would throw her cap in the air.

Principal Meyer walked out to the stage and called everyone to order as the commencement

ceremony began. Bella stood backstage watching from the sidelines, shaking. Her fear of being

center of attention was back and it was crashing down on her fast. She felt as though she would

bolt out the door and probably would have, if Edward hadn’t sneaked up behind her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her jaw. “Baby, you weren’t thinking of

running were you?” he chuckled. It always amazed her as to how well he knew her. It was

almost as if he could read her mind even though she knew that to be quite impossible.

“You look beautiful tonight and you are going to knock ‘em dead.”

Bella sighed. “Are you sure?”

“You bet I am. I’m so proud of you, Bells.” He kissed her neck and that sent fire through her

veins. She had missed him so much and her body immediately reacted to his touch. His hands

slid down the length of her hips as he pulled her back flush against his body. She could feel

Edcalibur greeting her on the small of her back and it caused her own desire to flood into her

silky panties.

He brushed her hair away from her neck and sucked the delicate skin into his mouth. Bella

moaned her pleasure. “I missed you today,” she breathed.

“Mmm. Me, too,” Edward moaned against her skin as he nipped at her neck. His hands moved

up the contours of her body searching for their mark. Upon reaching her breasts, he gently

cupped them, pressing them together so he could ogle the cleavage that was very visible through

v-neck of this perfect dress. He continued to make love to her neck as he rubbed his thumbs over

her taut nipples causing her to moan.

“We shouldn’t be doing this right now. You need to get to your seat. They will be calling names

soon,” Bella warned, although she secretly was praying he wouldn’t stop.

He answered those prayers as he pulled the stretchy cotton away from her body and slid his hand

inside the top of her dress feeling her hard nipple against his palm. He massaged her breast with

his hand as she turned her face to meet his. Her kiss ignited his blood and he felt out of control

as he ground his hard cock into her backside. He wanted her, needed her.

She hungrily sucked his bottom lip into her mouth, as he pinched her achingly hard nipple

between his thumb and finger. Bella lifted her arms over her head, wrapping them around his

neck and ran her fingers through his hair, pulling just enough to elicit a moan from him. Her

dress had moved up her thighs when she lifted her arms which didn’t evade Edward’s attention.

While still toying with her breast, he moved his other hand up the length of her now exposed

thigh. What he found between her legs left him hungry for more. The feeling of her drenched

panties beneath his fingertips made his need for her greater. He pushed his fingers against her

clit, feeling that hard bundle of nerves under her panties. He rubbed her nipple and clit

simultaneously sending waves of pleasure down her body.

“Fuck, Edward!”

Hearing Bella cuss was more than he could handle. He quickly turned her to face him, pushed

her back up against the wall and devoured her lips. Picking her up off the floor, she snaked her

legs around his waist as he ground his painfully hard cock into her center. “Do you see what you

do to me? I can’t go a day without being near you.”

Bella stifled a loud moan, trying not to bring attention to them. Using his knees and the wall to

hold her up, he slipped his hand between her thighs and pushed her panties out of the way

finding purchase with her hot wet center. He kissed her hard, stifling the sounds of her passion

as he quickly thrust two fingers inside her. Her body bucked against him as the friction of his

fingers heightened her arousal.

Sucking her tongue into his mouth, he toyed with her as he thrust his fingers deep inside her.

She dug her fingers into his scalp, practically ripping at his hair as her body began its ascension.

Just then they heard Alice’s name being called. That was his cue to get back into the gym as he

would be called very soon.

They stopped in mid-action. Looking deep into each other’s eyes, they could see the agony they

both felt from the idea of losing their connection. The thought alone was almost unbearable but

the action was much worse. He quickly released her, making sure her feet were firmly planted

on the floor before stepping away. She felt the shock of his release all over her body as she had

not fully reached her peak and her body was aching for the impending orgasm it was expecting.

He kissed her gently and ran his fingers over her lips letting her taste herself. “Granddad is right.

I am one lucky bastard.” Edward saw the look of loss in her eyes. He sighed as he leaned in for

one more kiss. “I want you and I will have you before the night is over, my love. Knock ‘em

dead out there.”

“Eddie…” she whispered, her voice barely audible. She fought the urge to reach for him and

hold him there.

“I love you.” He cupped her face and kissed her softly and placed his cap on his head before

walking casually into the gymnasium and took his seat.

Bella felt flushed, weak, and almost angry. She was nearly there. Just a few more seconds and

she would have been completely relaxed. Now she was all wound up and about to give the

speech of her life.

She watched from the sidelines as Edward received his diploma. She could hear the roars of

applause coming from both of their families as he crossed the stage and took that binder from

Principal Meyer.

“Jasper Whitlock,” Principal Meyer called Jasper to the stage to receive his diploma. Jasper

walked across the stage. As he took the diploma, he swiped the back of his hand across his

forehead and then turned to the audience giving two thumbs ups. This solicited the response he

wanted as the crowd roared with laughter. Jasper returned to his seat as Principal Meyer turned

back to the podium.

“Tonight, I have the esteemed honor of presenting this year’s valedictorian. This young lady has

been noted by her classmates as a great friend, a team player and most likely to succeed. While I

agree entirely with her classmates, I would like to add my own observation of Isabella Swan.”

The crowd shouted, screamed, whooped, and hollered as Principal Meyer called Bella by name.

Bella slipped her gown on and placed her cap on her head waiting for her cue to head to the


“Miss Swan is strong in character. She is diligent and a hard worker. Her academic scores alone

prove that to be true. She always has a smile on her face and a nice word to say. She brightens a

room the moment she walks in it; she is brilliant and funny. Ladies and gentleman, it is with

great honor that I introduce to you this year’s valedictorian of Forks High School- Miss Isabella

‘Bella’ Swan.”

Edward jumped up out of his seat clapping and cheering, causing the rest of the crowd to the do

the same as Bella took the stage. It was obvious that she was nervous but she smiled into the

crowd and subconsciously searched for Edward. He was her focus, just looking at him kept her

calm. Principal Meyer handed Bella her diploma and shook her hand. She walked to the podium

and cleared her throat. She finally found Edward in the crowd. He smiled and nodded at her as

he and the rest of the crowd took their seats. Bella took a deep breath and nervously smiled,

looking down at her prepared speech.

“Thank you, everyone,” she humbly began. “I would like to start by saying congratulations to

each and every senior sitting here tonight. We each worked hard to obtain this piece of paper

that will, one day, open doors for us in the real world. Some worked harder than others… yes,

Jasper, I’m referring to you.” The crowd laughed at her joke as Jasper stood up and took a bow.

“But we each have memories and experiences that will stay with us for the rest of our lives.”

Bella looked over the crowd. She felt a sense of nostalgia wash over her as she looked into the

faces of her friends and family. There were her parents who had always been there to guide her

and comfort her. Her father, sitting happily next to his wife with his huge grin on his face, his

arm wrapped around the back of her chair while she sat happily snapping away pictures for their

family photo album. Her friends sitting proudly in their graduation gowns- Emmett and his

passion for life, Rose and her love for beauty, Alice’s sense of knowing things before they

happened and Jasper’s uncommonly good sense for knowing people’s feelings and how to adapt

to them. Her eyes traveled over to Jacob, her best friend and confidant, sitting next to his father,

Billy, who was more like an uncle then a friend of the family. Then there was Carlisle and

Esme, who were like second parents to her, but most of all there was Edward. He was the light

of her life, her best friend, playmate, study partner, shoulder to cry on, but most of all he was the

love of her life, her soul mate. Each of these individuals helped make her who she was and she

would never forget them.

“Many of us look at today as being the end, the end of high school, the end to life as we know it.

While you are correct to a certain extent, you must also remember that today is the beginning.

We begin our lives today. Some of us will go off to college, some will go out and see the world,

others will begin jobs and settle down but one thing is for sure, we will always take with us the

love, the friendships, and the knowledge that we have obtained these past few years in high

school. May your journey into the future be bright and may your hearts guide you to the paths of

greatness. Congratulations, seniors, and may life bring you everything your heart desires.”

Tears streamed down Bella’s face as she took her cap off her head and threw into the air. The

senior class rose from their seats, screaming and crying as they each threw their caps in the air.

Applause roared throughout the gym as their friends and families celebrated with them in their

triumph. Bella wiped the tears from her eyes as Principal Meyer gave her a big hug and then

took her place to dismiss the crowd.

Bella walked off the stage towards Edward. Her heart ached from the loss of the life they had

known but longed for the life they would now face with each other. She had no idea what life

would bring them, but she did know they would face it together.

Edward swept her up in his arms and kissed her tenderly. “You were fantastic. I am so proud of


Bella’s sweet breath washed over him as she leaned in and kissed him once more. “Thank you,

Eddie.” The gang came running up to them all excited as they made plans for that evening’s

party at the Cullen’s house.

“We did it!” Alice’s high pitched squeal rang out as she pounced on Edward and Bella. Edward

laughed as he held Bella close to him. Bella smiled and nodded.

“You bet your ass, we did.” Emmett high-fived Alice. “You were great up there, Bella.”

Emmett gave her his most dashing smile.

“Yeah, Bella, you were wonderful.” Rose hugged Bella around Edward, as he yet again was

unwilling to let go of his girl.

“Bella, are you okay? You’re awfully pale, even for you,” Jasper observed.

Bella nodded and moved in closer to Edward. He held her tightly as they watched and waited for

their families to make it through the crowd.

The world was spinning. Nausea set in and Bella’s body felt like it was turning into jelly. She

was leaning hard into Edward’s side. “Bells, baby, are you okay?” Edward’s worried tone sank

into her brain but she couldn’t respond.

What’s wrong with me?

Bella looked up to see her family crossing the gym towards them. Renee’s smile faded as she

noticed her daughter slumping into Edward. Jake looked at his cell phone disapprovingly and

slipped it into his pocket. Bella could see the expression on his face change as he looked at her.

Carlisle looked as though he were about to take off in a sprint towards them. “Don’t let her go!”

Carlisle yelled to Edward. Edward’s only thought of his father’s request was why in the world

would I?

Bella’s breathing quickened and her body slumped as she lost control of the feeling in her legs.

She faintly heard people calling her name, and she wondered why they sounded so far away.

So many things ran through her mind at once. But the one thing that came into focus was that

she needed help. As always in a time of crisis, Bella prayed.

God, help me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Something is terribly wrong. Oh, God,


Everything went black…

Sing to me the song of the stars, of your galaxy dancing and laughing again.

When it feels like my dreams are so far,

sing to me all the plans that you have for me over again.

I give you my destiny. I'm giving you all of me.

I want your symphony, singing in all that I am.

At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.

So, I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray.

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours.

I know now you're my only hope.

Only Hope by Mandy Moore

~ Chapter 12: Age 18 ~

Sunshine beat in through the window of the hospital room. The room was sterile and pristine,

but felt dismal in light of the recent events. The sound of beeping machines penetrated the

silence of the small space. Edward looked over the body of his beloved as she lay in her hospital

bed, covered in tubes from the machines that were making so much noise. The white walls with

floral accents and pale blue comforter on the bed left him feeling even more depressed than he

already was.

“Bella? Baby, come back to me.” Edward’s voice cracked with agony.

Esme‘s heart broke as she watched her only son, grieving.

“Just talk to her to her, Edward. She can hear you,” Carlisle peacefully instructed his son.

“Dad, it’s been three days.”

“Her body is fighting right now but her vitals are strong. She will come back to you soon. Just

have faith.” Carlisle wrapped his arm around his son’s slumped shoulders and gave a tight


Alice walked over to the other side of the bed, gently picked up Bella’s hand and looked Edward

square in the eye. “She will be okay. I know it. She’s going to wake up at any moment and yell

at all of us for standing around her like this. You know how she hates being center of attention.”

Edward forced a chuckle. “That’s why I was so proud of her for making that speech. It went

against every fiber of her being.” Edward raked his fingers through his hair. “God, this is my

entire fault. I should never have talked her into doing it. I should have helped her escape instead

of distracting her. I should have–”

Esme stood up and walked over to her son. She stooped down in front him and cupped his face

in her hands. “This is in no way your fault. No one knew. She’s never shown any symptoms

before now. You cannot blame yourself for this.”

“The stress of the speech did this, I know it. I was the one who talked her into doing it, so yes,

Mother, this is my fault.”

“We don’t know that the stress of the commencement ceremony is what did this to her. DKA

doesn’t develop over night. Her body was struggling for awhile.”

Charlie and Renee entered the room, both looking careworn. Renee’s eyes were dark from lack

of sleep. “Any change?”

“Unfortunately, no.” Carlisle looked downtrodden. “But her vitals are strong and she is reacting

well to the insulin.”

Alice leaned over Bella’s body and placed her hand over Edward’s. “I have to head out but I’ll

be back a little later. I’ll bring Jasper with me when I come back. Call me if there is any


“I will. Thank you for being here.” Tears formed in Edward’s eyes and threatened to escape.

“You and Bella are my best friends,” Alice simply stated.

She released Edward’s hand and walked over to Charlie and Renee. “Call me if you need

anything. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Renee whispered as she hugged the small girl up in her arms.

Charlie ruffled Alice’s hair like a dog, soliciting the evil look he anticipated. He needed the

laugh and she was always an easy target. Alice glared at him for a moment and then slammed

into Charlie’s chest, hugging him tightly. He was startled by Alice’s display of affection, but he

hugged the young woman in his arms as if she were his own daughter. He never realized how

much she had meant to him until this moment. He appreciated her comforting presence. “Thank

you,” he whispered to her.

“Anytime.” Alice released Charlie, took one more look at Bella, smiled, and then left the room.

Charlie moved over to the other side of Bella where Alice had just been. No one dared ask

Edward to move from her side after the first night. Edward had thrown a fit that would make a

six year old proud when his parents had suggested he leave and go home with them.

“No way! No way in Hell am I leaving her!” Edward screamed.

“Son, you need to let her family have time with her,” Esme begged.

“She is my wife… I mean, she will be my wife and I refuse to leave her side.” Edward’s eyes

pleaded with Charlie and Renee to let him stay. Without a second thought they agreed to let him

remain with Bella. They decided that they would take shifts to allow each other to sleep, eat, and


Charlie wrapped his fingers around his little girl’s dainty, frail hand. “How did I not know she

was a diabetic?” Charlie asked himself out loud.

“Not even she would have known, Charlie. Many times the symptoms are simply overlooked.

People can go their whole lives without knowing why they don’t feel quite right. Bella was

healthy for all intents and purposes, and I won’t be able to pinpoint the exact timeframe that the

DKA went into effect until she wakes up. I have my suspicions, though.”

Edward’s head shot up. “You’ve had your suspicions and you never told me?”

“You’ve had enough on your mind. It’s just a thought really and I won’t be able to confirm until

she’s awake.”

“’Confirm’ what?” Bella’s voice cracked and her eyelids fluttered open like the wings of a

butterfly. “Eddie?” she rasped.

“Oh, my God, baby!” Edward was up and out of his chair in the blink of an eye. “I’m here, baby.

I’ve never left you. I’m here.”

He smothered her face with sweet, wet kisses as their parents watched their intimate reunion.

Charlie felt a pang of jealousy that Edward was her first thought. He felt as though he had

officially lost his little girl to this young man, but was grateful that if he had to lose her to anyone

that it would be Edward.

“What’s going on?” Bells looked at the faces of each her loved ones as her eyes came into focus.

There was Edward, who was practically in the bed with her, her father, Charlie, gripping her

hand as though it were his only hope, her mother, Renee, and Esme hugging each other at her

feet and Carlisle, trying to push past Edward to get to her.

“Bella, how are you feeling?” Carlisle asked as he eyed a machine over head.

“A little weak but other than that I feel fine. Will someone please tell me what is going on?”

Bella heard the beeping of a machine pick up pace as Edward began brushing her hair back from

her face. His smile was feeble but sincere.

Carlisle moved past Edward and shined a light in her eyes, “You’ve been unconscious for three

days, Bella. What is the last thing you remember?”

Bella blushed. She was suddenly remembering the feel of Edward’s hands on her right before,

“The speech. I remember giving the commencement speech.”

“Good, that’s good. What else?”

Bella racked her brain, “I remember Edward holding me and then seeing Jake. He seemed upset.

Is he okay?”

Bella looked at Edward with concern for her friend, “He’s fine. Vanessa wasn’t able to come to

the ceremony. He’s very worried about you though.”

“I’m so sorry,” Bella regretted saying it as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

“You have nothing to be sorry about, don’t you dare apologize for this. We all love you, we

have the right to worry about you,” Edward quickly retorted.

Feeling the need to continue with his examination Carlisle asked, “Anything else you


Bella thought long and hard for a moment, “I remember seeing you running towards me.”

“This is good. Your memory doesn’t seem to be effected. That’s great news,” Carlisle lifted the

sheet at her feet. “Tell me what you feel when I do this.” He ran his index finger over the pad of

her foot.

She giggled and pulled her foot away, “That tickles.”

“Wonderful. That’s a great sign. It means you don’t have any nerve damage.” Carlisle smiled at


Bella looked at her father and then over to Edward, “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

Carlisle answered, “Bella, you collapsed after your graduation speech. Your blood sugar

skyrocketed over five hundred due to a condition you are suffering from called diabetic

ketoacidosis, also known as DKA. You’ve been in a diabetic coma for the last three days.”

“Diabetic?” Bella toyed with the word on her tongue. She had read as much as anyone else had

about diabetes but never would she have thought she would have such a condition. She took care

of herself for the most part. This made no sense.

“You’re a type one diabetic. Type one is most commonly known as juvenile diabetes,” Carlisle

advised, “you’ve probably had this for a long time and just didn’t realize it until the DKA


“DKA? What is that?” Bella asked, feeling confused.

“DKA is where your body has a shortage of insulin and starts burning fatty acids to compensate

for the lack of insulin causing ketones to be produced. These ketones can build up in your

pancreas, liver and kidneys, causing many different issues. DKA usually occurs when a diabetic

hasn’t been following a set treatment and their body undergoes undue stress.

“Have you noticed any of these symptoms lately: weakness, shakiness, nausea, disorientation,

shortness of breath, sweet scent on breath or body and or headaches?”

Bella nodded. “All of them, actually.” Charlie gripped her hand tighter.

“That explains why you have tasted so sugary lately.” Edward ran his fingertips over her lips.

He gazed into her beautiful brown eyes, feeling betrayed and whispered, “Why didn’t you tell


Charlie rolled his eyes and involuntarily groaned.

Oh, Hell, does he have to do that shit right now? I know I gave him permission to marry her but,

God, does he really need to flaunt his connection with her in front of me. He knows what she

tastes like? What the fuck is that about?

Forget it… I don’t want to know.

She is still my little girl with or without Edward and I should still get to play my part as her

worried-as-Hell and over-protective father, for Christ sake. I know I need to get over this. I just

feel like I’m losing her. First to him, now to diabetes. I can’t fucking win here!

“I thought it was just stress or exhaustion, and it would just pass.” Bella pressed her cheek into

Edward’s hand.

“How long you have you been feeling these symptoms?” Carlisle now had Bella’s chart in front

of him and began writing information in it.

Bella looked up at the ceiling. “The first time I felt this way was the night of the mugging.”

“That’s what I suspected.” Carlisle quickly jotted some information down.

“I remember that.” Edward looked at his father. “She got really sick in the alley. I just figured

she was in shock.”

“She was and that’s what started the blood sugar rollercoaster she’s been on.” Carlisle looked up

from the chart and turned his attention to Renee and Charlie then back to Bella and Edward. “If

the mugging hadn’t occurred, we probably wouldn’t have found out she was a diabetic until she


Bella’s skin began to blush a bright red at the thought of her being pregnant as Edward grinned at

the very same thought, imagining a little Bella running around his legs calling him Daddy. One


The look on Carlisle’s face wiped the happy expression off of Edward’s. “What is it?”

“I hate to bring you this news but I feel it’s important. Edward, I know you plan on marrying

Bella one day.” Bella, caught off guard, turned to look at Edward. He smiled and shrugged at

her. Carlisle quickly continued realizing that Bella wasn’t fully aware of Edward’s intentions.

“But you two must understand that if you do conceive a child, it could potentially be fatal for

Bella, and possibly the baby as well.”

Bella looked at her mother. Esme was now hugging Renee as tears welled up in both their eyes.

Charlie looked down at his little girl and felt as if his heart was being ripped out. Edward kept

shaking his head, as if denying what he just been told. True they weren’t ready for children now,

but one day he planned on having them, and he only wanted them with his Bella.

Tears ran down Bella’s cheeks as she felt the weight of what Carlisle just said. “You’re saying I

can’t have children?”

“No, Bella, I’m saying you can’t have children, I’m saying I strongly advise against you having

children. DKA is a serious condition that will never go away now that you’ve had it. It can be

controlled but there is always the possibility that you blood sugar can go out of control again.

Childbirth can cause undue stress on your body and next time we might not be so lucky.”

“I understand,” she whispered as she looked Edward in the eye.

I should have known my luck would run out one day. I’ve been blessed with Edward for ten

years but why would he want me now?

~ X ~

Bella was released from the hospital a couple of days later. She had been given a regiment of

insulin shots and given a clean bill of health. Edward hadn’t left her side once while she was in

the hospital and for that she was grateful.

Charlie had demanded no visitors at the house for a day or two, other than Edward, so Bella

could get a little bit more rest after being released from the hospital. She woke early Saturday

morning to the sounds of giggling and hollering outside her bedroom window.

She peaked out the window to find all her friends sitting on the front porch waiting for her.

“Get down here, sleepyhead!” Emmett hollered up at her.

Bella quickly dressed and ran down the stairs. She found her most cherished friends waiting on

her. Edward was at her side within seconds, picking her up in a huge hug as he twirled her


“It’s great to see you outside again,” he whispered as he planted a sweet kiss on her lips.

Alice jumped from the porch railing, hitting the deck gracefully. She wrapped her arms around

Bella’s waist, temporarily pushing Edward out of the way. If it had been anyone other than

Alice, Edward would have protested but he had always held a special place in his heart for the

little pipsqueak.

Edward quickly reclaimed his rightful place at Bella’s side, once Alice had stepped away.

“Well, look who decided to join the land of the living, again,” Emmett’s booming voice sounded

over the yard. Rose rolled her eyes, smiled and quickly hugged Bella, unwilling to get in

Edward’s way.

“So, is it true you taste like candy? Can I lick you?” Jasper walked towards Bella with his

tongue sticking out. Before Jasper could get anywhere near Bella, Edward was standing between


“Think again, fucker. I’m the only one that gets to lick her.” Jasper laughed as Edward blushed,

realizing what he had just said.

“Good grief!” Alice slugged Jasper and laughed.

Bella looked at all her friends and was grateful for their warm welcome home. “I love you,

guys,” Bella murmured.

“Oh, don’t get all sappy on us, now, Swan!” Emmett pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

“Ah, dude,” Jasper nudged Emmett in the ribs. “She just admitted she loves me. I’ve known it

all along. Now we just have to break it to Edward,” Jasper jested.

Edward punched Jasper in the arm. “Break this!”


Charlie stepped outside the door and cleared his throat. “Are you kids coming inside?”

Bella looked expectantly at Edward. “Actually, Bella, I’m going to go with Emmett and Jasper

for a little while. I’ll see you in a bit, okay?” Edward smiled his most charming smile at her.

She felt her heart ache at the thought of his leaving. However, she couldn’t begrudge him the

time with his friends. He needed it after being cooped up in a hospital and then the house, with

her, but she still felt a little selfish.

Alice and Rose surrounded Bella, “Of course, we’re coming inside.” Rose winked at her.

“Okay. I guess I will see you later then.” Bella leaned in and kissed Edward tenderly.

“I won’t be long, I promise.” He rubbed his nose to hers, in an Eskimo kiss, then turned away

from her and headed for Emmett’s Wrangler.

Bella nodded at him and walked into the house with her girlfriends and father. Renee showed up

at the door just as Edward was walking away. “Edward,” she called out. Edward turned his

head questionably in response to his name being called. She mouthed the words, “All set?”

Edward smiled at her giving her two thumbs up and got into Emmett’s Jeep. As soon as the boys

disappeared from sight, Renee entered the house suddenly feeling very excited.

Bella, Alice and Rose walked upstairs to Bella’s room. Everything looked exactly the same as it

did when she went down stairs except for one slight change. Lying on her pillow was a pale blue

envelope addressed to her in Edward’s handwriting and a beautiful, lilac colored rose.

Bella swiftly snatched up the envelope and flower. She sniffed the fragrant rose and smiled.

Edward had always been partial to roses. She gently placed the rose back on her bed and stared

the envelope keenly. She half expected it to open itself, just like on Harry Potter, but was pulled

from her moment of insanity by a playful shove from her best friend.

“Open it!” Alice squealed.

She laughed at Alice’s impatience and ripped it open. Rose and Alice giggled with excitement

as she extracted a letter from the envelope. She unfolded the white piece of parchment and a

little purple heart fell out. Bella bent down to pick the heart up off the floor and went to read the


“Don’t read that just yet!” Alice exclaimed.

“Yeah, read the note first,” Rose interjected.

Bella gave each girl the evil eye as she came to the realization that they were in on the little

surprise. All three girls laughed as she promptly obeyed. As she read, Renee and Charlie subtly

entered the room watching their daughter with anticipation.

My Dearest Bella,

Welcome home.

I want you to know that I fall in love with you more and more every day and I have a very special

gift I would like to give you. However, you must follow the clues I have laid out for you in order

to get it. Each clue is written on a colored heart coordinating with the rose that is left with it.

The next clue can only be found once the previous clue has been solved. Tonight I take you on a

journey through our past. You’re the love of my life and I want to take a moment and remind

you of exactly why I love you.

Alice and Rose have the keys to the Volvo. Please utilize it for you are about to embark on a bit

of a trek and I want you in something reliable.

I love you and will see you at the end of your journey.

Yours Always,


Bella looked up at the faces of her loved ones watching her. Each one had an expression of

anticipation on their face causing her to reread the note again for good measure. She dropped the

sheet of paper on the bed next to the rose and opened the purple heart in her hand. She read the

first clue aloud.

“Our journey begins seven years ago, where a clown might scare a steady date, and midway fun

do panda’s play. But in this place a love will start, for there you will find your next heart.”

Alice had the car keys dangling from her fingertips with a huge grin plastered to her face. “What

are you waiting for? Go!”

Bella looked at her mother and father. “You knew about this?”

Renee nodded excitedly. Charlie walked over to his daughter and hugged her up in his arms,

“Don’t think, Bells. Just go.” He released his daughter and slightly nudged her towards the


Bella clapped her hands and squealed with Alice and Rose. She grabbed the keys from Alice’s

outstretched fingers, picked up her rose from the bed, quickly hugged everyone and tore out of

the house in a full sprint.

Parked in its usual spot was Edward’s silver Volvo. She swiftly got in and adjusted the seat

appropriately for her to drive. His legs were so long compared to hers. There was no way she

could drive from his position.

There was no doubt in her mind where she was going. She needed to get to the fairgrounds

where the circus had been held. She just wondered how she was going to get inside once there,

considering it was currently closed.

She found herself laughing because she was driving like Edward, speeding towards her

destination. She was at the fairgrounds within minutes of her departure and to her surprise a

security guard was posted right outside the entrance, holding a sign with her name on it. She

quickly jumped out of the car and headed towards the older gentleman.

“Isabella Swan?” His voice cracked slightly as he called her by name.

“Just Bella.” She smiled at him.

He handed her a white rose. She smiled and thanked him. He nodded at her and motioned for

her to follow him. She trailed quietly behind him observing how different the park looked at

twilight with no one around. They stopped abruptly in front of a booth in the midway. She

recognized the place immediately.

“Your next clue can be found here,” the security guard instructed. He stepped back and watched

her search. He had done this as a favor for Dr. Cullen, who had been so good to his wife in her

last days. When the doctor advised him that this was for his son, Alec couldn’t help but think of

his wife of fifty years and miss her. Jane would have been so excited about something like this,

as she was always the hopeless romantic.

Bella searched around the catapult were Edward had won her the panda bear and found nothing.

She went behind the booth to see if maybe the clue was hidden inside near where he hit the

attendant on his first shot. She came up short-handed. Frustrated, she sat down on the bench and

stared at the game booth for a moment. She sniffed the rose and pondered the clue. Midway fun

do panda’s play…a steady date?

Could it be?

She realized she was sitting at on the bench where Edward had asked her to go steady. She

began to feel around underneath the bench and to her amazement, found her next clue. Pulling

the snow white heart out of the plastic covering, she began to squeal as she read.

Ahead in the future a beautiful girl will find, a night of secrets where bodies collide. Your next

clue lies in a place of magic where lobbyists discover a love defined.

Bella toyed with this clue in her head. She and Edward have had many nights of passion

together. What night was he referring too? Secrets and a place of magic? She was stumped.

Alec, noticing her puzzled expression, pulled something from his pocket and played with it for a

second. He looked down at her, smiled and handed her a matchbook. “Maybe this will help.”

Bella looked up at Alec and thanked him. She flipped the matchbook over between her fingers

while still pondering the meaning of her next clue. Upon inspecting the matchbook, she

recognized the name of the facility that was imprinted on it. She realized that it was from the

hotel that she and Edward had spent their first night together. A place of magic, this was the

hotel they lost their virginity to each other. That was the night he was referring too. A night of


She giggled at the thought, and once again sniffed the rose, bringing back the memory of their

secret rendezvous in which they made love for the first time on a bed covered in rose petals.

Bella jumped up and took off running out of the fairgrounds, yelling her thanks to the security

guard as she did. She climbed back into the car and drove fifteen minutes to the edge of town

and the hotel that would always hold a special place in her heart. She pulled up in front of the

hotel as the flood lights turned on. Night was now looming upon her as the sun was casting its

final shades on the pavement. The stars were starting to appear in the night sky that was

unusually clear for Forks.

Bella walked into the hotel lobby and began to frantically search around the chairs, tables, and

even the front desk. She wasn’t paying attention to anyone watching her but she knew they


Bella was startled when Jessica Stanley walked around to where she was searching under the lip

of the front of the desk. She looked up to see Jessica staring down at her, dressed in the hotel’s


“I didn’t know you worked here,” Bella stated.

“Just for the summer. Now, are you looking for something?” Jessica practically snarled.

Bella stood up from her crouch and straightened her t-shirt. “Edward may have left a note at the

desk for me. Is there any way you can check?” Bella politely asked. She had no time to deal

with Jessica’s crap at the moment and she really needed her help.

“You’re not a guest here, are you?” Bella felt the urge to slap Jessica’s smug look off her face.

“Not tonight… but I have been in the past.”

“Well, we aren’t supposed to take messages for non-guests but I guess I can check behind the

desk for you.” Jessica marched herself behind the desk and immediately went to where she

knew her manager had placed Bella’s message before leaving. The manager had given Jessica

specific instructions concerning the message before she left but since her manager was no longer

there, Jessica felt this was the perfect time for retribution.

She removed the heart-shaped note from its storage location and the orange rose that

accompanied it. She felt the pang of jealousy sweep over her as she watched Bella’s face light up

over the contents in her hand. “Is this what you are looking for?”

“Yes. That’s it. May I have them please?” Bella put out her hand towards Jessica to accept her

rose and note.

Jessica pulled back on the contents in her hand. “What’s this all about anyway?”

Jessica sniffed the rose, eyeing Bella as her fist clinched from the sight of Jessica smelling her

flower first. Jessica then turned the note over in her hand. It pissed her off that it was sealed in

plastic covering, preventing her from reading it before handing it to Bella.

It would serve her right if I could. Perfect Bella has the perfect grades, the perfect boyfriend, and

the prefect life. She could deal with a little suffering now and then.

“I’m not sure to be perfectly honest,” Bella replied politely but secretly wanted to rip Jessica’s

hair out of her head.

“Edward, huh? He was always one for the dramatics. Are you sure he isn’t gay?” Jessica

maniacally grinned at Bella. “Oh, I bet he and Mike would make a cute couple.”

“Oh, trust me. The way he makes me scream every night…” Bella closed her eyes as in lost in an

erotic thought. “He’s far, far from gay.”

Trying not to lose her patience with Jessica more than she already had, Bella smiled and asked

for the note again. This girl was not going to ruin her and Edward’s fun over her petty jealousy.

Realizing that Bella wasn’t going to succumb to her incessant badgering, Jessica huffed and

reluctantly handed Bella the heart and flower. Bella ripped the plastic cover off and began to

read silently.

“Well, that’s just rude. Read it aloud for Christ sake. Jeez!” Jessica’s nasally voice whined.

Bella raised her eyebrow at her, but rather than fight with Jessica and ruin the moment she began

to read out loud.

“The stars above, the earth below, a beauty of wonders does the world behold. And in this place

our love does grow, your next clue lies ‘Somewhere Only We Know.’”

Bella smiled knowing exactly where Edward was taking her. She just prayed she could get there

before total nightfall. She would need to see in order to complete her hike to the meadow. Bella

clapped her hands and bounced with glee.

“I take it that meant something to you then?” Venom rolled off Jessica’s tongue.

It should have been me that Edward is doing this for. It should have been me.

“I know exactly what it means. Thanks.” Without giving Jessica any further information, Bella

casually walked towards the exit of the hotel. Suddenly boldness overtook her. She’d had this

boiling in her since she was eleven years old and Jessica tried to make a move on Edward.

She swiftly turned to Jessica. “You know, he will never love you, right? You might as well give

up hope. Edward is and always has been mine.”

Without giving Jessica a chance to respond, she turned on the heel of her foot and strolled out of

the hotel. She was determined to not to give Jessica any satisfaction and she was afraid that she

would accidentally trip and fall in her haste. Once out the doors she ran towards the Volvo,

climbing in and rushing towards the mountain and their meadow.

~ X ~

Edward had everything planned out perfectly. He left just enough time for Bella to get to the

meadow before it was too dark for her to hike by herself. Emmett and Jasper had helped him

plant the clues and even dropped him off at the mountain so he could set up the final stage.

“Fucker, you’re making me look bad. Alice wants to know why the fuck I won’t do shit like this

for her.”

Edward laughed. “Sorry, man. I can’t help it. Bella just…I don’t know…she’s…she’s like the

wind to me. It’s almost like I can feel her even when I can’t see her.”

“See? That’s the kind of shit that gets me into hot water with Alice. I love Alice with all my

heart; I just don’t know how to do all that romantic crap like you do.”

“Ha! I guess I’m lucky. Rose doesn’t like the sappy shit. As long as I tell her that her ass looks

hot in those jeans, she’s happy.” Emmett shrugged.

Edward rolled his eyes and groaned while Jasper stared at Emmett incredulously. For all the

effort Emmett put into chasing Rose, he really didn’t understand the need to keep the chase

going once they were caught. It was what kept things fun. And with Bella having just had a near

death experience it made Edward realize he would happily chase her and prove his love every

single day of forever if he got to keep her by his side.

Emmett, the stupid fucker just hadn’t realized it yet. Edward inwardly chuckled. One day he will.

“What? It’s the truth.”

Edward, ignoring Emmett, turned his attention back to Jasper’s issue. “If you want, I’ll help you

come up with a kick ass romantic evening for Alice.”

“Seriously? You would help me with that? You know it’s not that I hate romance… if I did, I

wouldn’t help you all the time. It’s just I have no clue how to do it,” he said with a hint of

wistfulness in his voice.

“We’ll hook you up. I promise. She will walk away never doubting how much you love her

again.” Edward patted Jasper on this shoulder and sat back in his seat thinking of what he was

about to do for Bella. He was about to take the biggest step of his life and the anticipation of the

moment coursed through his veins.

~ X ~

Bella hiked for what seemed like forever. She was lucky enough to reach the meadow just as the

last bit of sunlight diminished in the sky. The shroud of trees covering the entrance was enticing

her. She felt this was the end of her journey and she would find Edward on the other side

waiting for her.

Grasping the three roses in her hand, she pushed aside the tree limbs and was amazed at the sight

that lay before her.

The sky above was clear showing the full moon shining down on the grassy knoll. In the center

of the meadow was a small round table, covered in a white linen table cloth that was gently

blowing in the wind. Candles burned brightly on the table surrounding a vase of multicolored

roses. Bella couldn’t help but notice that she held all the colors in her hand but one.


She looked around the perimeter marveling at the beautiful candle lanterns lining the trees

protecting the meadow from intruders.

Out of the shadows, Edward appeared. His beautiful tasseled hair blowing gently in the wind as

his red button v-neck t-shirt shaped the contours of his physique revealing his toned muscular

body. Bella marveled at how his stonewashed jeans hung just right on his hips as if to entice her

to strip them off him. He was a picture of a sex god and he was all hers for the taking.

As he walked towards her with a smile playing across his gorgeous features, Bella couldn’t help

but notice that he was barefoot and carrying a single red rose in his hand.

“Bella,” he breathed out, his voice just above a whisper. Every part of her body ignited at the

sound of him calling her by name.

“This is beautiful.” She gestured to their surroundings.

Within three steps he was in front of her. He took her hand in his and tenderly kissed the top it,

never breaking his gaze into her eyes, “Yes, you are.” He handed her the red rose and watched

as she breathed in its scent.

Edward pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Her veins were boiling with the passion

that was racing through them. Her true love, her world stood before her in all his infinite beauty

and charm, wanting nothing but to be with her.

“Thank you. I needed this,” she whispered against his lips, thinking back to earlier when she

was told the news that would change their futures forever.

“It’s only just begun, my love.” He kissed her again. “I do, however, need to talk to you about

something very important and possibly life changing, before I give you your gift.” This piqued

her interest. “What I have to say might…well, let’s just say it might change your mind on if you

want the gift or not.”

“Nothing could persuade me against a gift from you.” Bella kissed his jaw.

“Let’s see, shall we?” Edward smiled and led her to the table. Her poured her a glass of

sparkling cider and handed it to her as she took her seat. She nearly laughed at the fact he didn’t

give her alcohol. He was taking her new diet into consideration already. She laid the roses in

her lap and took a sip of her refreshment.

He sat down opposite of her, pouring himself a glass. “I’ve been thinking a lot about my future,

our future, and I think I finally know what I want to do with my life.” He huffed blowing his

hair out of his sparkling green eyes.

“I’ve always told you I would support anything you wanted. I know you’ve been up in the air as

to what career path you want to take for awhile but I know it will work out.”

“That’s exactly what I am talking about. I have finally chosen what I want to do.”

“Oh, really? I figured you would have at least talked to me about your thoughts before just

jumping in head first.” Bella felt a little left out.

He reached over and took her hand. “I know I should have talked to you about this first, but I had

to know if I would be any good at it before I made my decision.”

Bella nodded feeling a little confused and concerned.

What is he talking about?

“You remember the other day when I told you I needed to talk to Charlie?” Bella nodded. “I

asked him what he thought of me becoming a cop.”

“A cop? But Daddy being a cop has always frightened you.”

“That’s true but ever since the night we were attacked I’ve felt the pull towards this. I can’t

really explain it, but in a way James did something good that night. He showed me the path I

need to be on.”

“So, what you’re saying is you want to be a cop and rather than talk to me about it, you discussed

this potentially life altering decision with my father?”

“Look, I’m sorry about that. I really am but I just needed to know if Charlie thought I could

handle it before I mentioned it you. This is in no–”

Bella put her hand up to stop him. “Baby, it’s okay. I respect my father’s opinion completely. If

he believes this is a good career path for you, then I do as well.”

Edward looked at Bella with a startled expression, “You’re not mad at me over this?”

“Why would I be?” Bella shrugged. “You saved my life that night. Quick thinking and wits like

you have are the perfect qualities needed to be a good cop. With your intuition and your

wonderful personality, you will go far on the force. I know it.” Bella leaned over and rubbed the

top of Edward’s hand. “And as for you talking to Daddy, I think it was a wise decision. I’m glad

you trust him.”

Edward was out of his seat and at Bella’s knees before she could blink. He took both of her

hands in his and kissed each of her wrists. “What did I did do to deserve you?”

“It is I who doesn’t deserve you.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

“There’s one other thing.” Edward looked up at her sheepishly. “Your father has offered me a

job when we’re done with school.”

“Really! That’s wonderful.” Bella felt excited about this piece of news. She wrapped her arms

around his neck and hugged him. Tears continued to trickle down her cheeks.

He pulled back, gently wiped the tear from her cheek, and kissed her. “Would you like your gift


She nodded her head excitedly as his eyes began to dance with anticipation. An adorable smirk

played across his face as his played with the four roses lying in her lap. The glow of the

candlelight moved the shadows over his face, and she felt her heart beat at the beauty that was

Edward Cullen.

“Each of these roses has a special meaning and I have incorporated their meaning into moments

of our life together. I know we’ve been given some really crappy news this week but I wanted

you to know that you having children isn’t important to me, and it has no precedence over my

feelings for you. I love you and our love has grown through the ages.”

Edward picked up the lilac rose and brushed it over her cheek. “Purple means love at first sight.

Isabella Swan, my heart was yours the very first day I saw you playing on the playground and

when your father offered to take me fishing with you, I can’t even begin to describe the feelings I

had in that moment.

“That day ranks as one of the top ten greatest days of my life. I am so grateful that my dad

wanted to take my mother for a romantic day away. If he hadn’t I may never have had you in my


He placed the rose on the table in front of her and picked up the white rose. “A white rose is the

symbol for innocence.” He inhaled the scent of the rose and then touched it to her nose.

“When we were eleven, you went somewhere with me that you probably would never have gone

with anyone else. You took a chance with your best friend and went to a circus. There, your

innocent best friend finally found the courage to ask you to be his. A request he has never once


Bella smiled and chuckled. “It’s funny, but the same person that was there to witness my

acceptance that night was at the hotel tonight holding my clue.”

“You’re kidding!” Edward laughed out loud. The sound echoed through the meadow,

momentarily breaking the serenity of the place. “Talk about ironic.”

Ironic? Why ironic? Unless… no, it can’t be… can it? Oh my God!

This is it!

This is really happening!

He did all this to ask me to marry him, didn’t he?

“Yeah, she wasn’t too excited about it either.” Bella leaned in and kissed Edward deeply.

Yeah, definitely not gay, she thought smugly.

He pulled away before he lost control of his senses. It never failed to disorient him when her lips

touched his. He always lost track of what was going on around them and he couldn’t afford that


Edward took the orange rose into his hand and brushed it over her other cheek. “Orange stands

for desire. I can’t help that every inch of who I am desires nothing more than to be with you.

“When we were sixteen, we gave in to our desires and consummated our love for each other. I

want you to know that not a day goes by that I am not thankful I shared that moment with you

and every moment thereafter.”

This is sweet and all, but just fucking ask me already! The anticipation is killing me.

The answer is YES!

It’s always been yes!


I will be the future Mrs. Edward Anthony Cullen.

God, YES!!!!!

Bella gently kissed his upturned lips. “I couldn’t even imagine being with anyone but you.”

“Last, and certainly the most important is Red. Red embodies passion but also eternal love.”

Edward lifted the rose from her lap and brushed it across her lips. He then placed the rose on the

table and reached into his pocket.

Oh shit!


“Miss Isabella Swan, I have loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you. Even at the age of

eight, I knew that you were the only girl for me. My love for you is as eternal as this rose


Bella’s breathing began to pick up pace. She had no doubt in her mind what was coming next.

“I have determined my life is only complete with you in it. You are my friend, my partner, my

confidant, my lover, but most of all, you are my soul mate.”

Edward’s breathing became erratic for fear of what her answer would be when he finished what

he started.

What if she says no? She could say no. I know she loves me but what if she doesn’t want to

marry me?

He inhaled deeply and pulled his hand from his pocket, “Will you marry me? Will you be my

wife?” He opened his hand to reveal a platinum band with a beautiful square cut diamond in the

center. The diamond was encrusted by smaller diamonds creating a boxed in effect. Embedded

diamonds lined the band making it sparkle in the candle light.

“Edward,” she gasped his name in awe of the beautiful ring he presented to her.

“Just say you’ll be mine forever.” Edward looked her in the eye and took her left hand patiently

waiting for her answer.

“Yes,” she whispered as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her face lit up with the anticipation as

she watched him maneuver the ring to her finger.

He slipped the ring tenderly on her hand and gently kissed it as if to seal the bond between them.

“It’s beautiful. How did you–?” Bella stopped herself from asking how he afforded it. It was the

most precious stone she had ever seen and even though she knew Edward had his immense trust

fund, she would never have expected him to spend that kind of money on a ring such as this.

“It was my great grandmother’s wedding ring. Grandma Cullen brought it with her when they

came to town for the graduation. Mom told her my plans and she felt that Granny would have

wanted you to have this.

“And it seems as though this ring was meant specifically for you. It fits you perfectly. I don’t

even think I will need to get it sized.”

“It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

“Only when you’re in my arms.” Edward stood up and held his hand out to her. “Dance with


Bella marveled at the soft lights from the night sky and candlelight circle around the air as she

accepted his hand. He leaned over and pressed play on the iPod station centered on the table. A

piano played softly as Tony Bennett’s voice filled the air around them with his deep soulful tone.

Someday when I'm awfully low, when the world is cold,

I will feel a glow just thinking of you

and the way you look tonight.

“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world tonight. I promise I will spend the rest of my

life making you just as happy as you’ve made me.” Edward twirled Bella around and brought

her back close to his chest.

And that laugh that wrinkles your nose, it touches my foolish heart, lovely don't you ever change.

Bella giggled as Edward gracefully bent her back in a dip and gently kissed her neck. He then

pulled her back up and buried his face in her hair breathing in her scent.

Keep that breathless charm, won't you please arrange it,

‘cause I love you just the way you look tonight.

Bella moved her hands up Edward’s neck and slipped her fingers into his hair. She pulled his

face to hers and kissed him. She slipped her tongue between his willing lips as he pulled her

flush to his body.

“‘Cause I love you just the way you look tonight”

“Edward?” She whispered against his sweet lips.

“Hmm?” he hummed.

“You already make me happy. I can’t imagine ever being happier then I am right now with


“I love you.”

“And I love you.”

Bella closed her eyes and rested her head on Edward’s firm chest. She listened to the sound of

his heart beating, the rustling of the wind in the trees, the linen cloth moving with the wind, and

crickets singing their nightly love song. She breathed in the scent that was specially Edward

mixed with the aromas of the meadow and felt her world was complete.

“What are you thinking?” Edward ran his fingers down the length of her velvety soft hair.

“I want an August wedding.” She looked up in his eyes to see his reaction, “I want to go to

college as Mrs. Edward Cullen.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. August it is.”

The smile that spread across both their faces at this new revelation that their wedding would only

be months away, was blinding and could have lit the night sky. Never before had these two

lovers felt more at home than they did in this perfect moment.

Bella closed her eyes and leaned back into his chest, “We’re actually doing this? We’re getting

married!” She ran her fingers up his chest, letting them linger on his pecs as she eyed the huge

diamond now adorning her finger.

“Only because you said yes.” Edward smiled and kissed the top of her head feeling bliss

encompass his body as Isabella Swan would officially belong to him forever.

~ X ~

Later that night while Bella sat on her bed with her mother, her future mother-in-law and two

best friends regaling them with the tale of Edward’s proposal, Edward was downstairs getting

husbandly advice from his father and soon to be father-in-law. Emmett and Jasper had been

banned from the celebration on the account of Edward not wanting his friends to divulge sexual

advice in front of the parental units.

Edward was beaming from the excitement of Bella accepting his proposal. The guys could hear

the girls giggling upstairs and they all three laughed.

“Maybe I should go up there and tell them to pipe it down a bit,” Charlie suggested as he handed

Carlisle and Edward a beer.

“Are you out of your mind? You couldn’t pay me enough to go up there right now.” Carlisle

popped the top of his beer and chugged.

Edward eyed his father. He had never seen him drink like that before. Sure Carlisle had often

enjoyed a lemon-drop martini in front of him, but to gulp a beer down like this was not part of

his father’s normal demeanor.

Charlie sat down at the table opposite of Edward and Carlisle and picked up a deck of cards.

“Five-card tonight?”

Carlisle nodded as Charlie began to deal out the cards. Edward suddenly felt very grown up. No

longer was he a boy, he was one of “the men”. He had never sat in a game of poker with his dad

and Charlie before. Usually, he was upstairs with Bella or out on a date during these man


Edward popped the top of his beer and looked at his cards. He nearly spit his beer across the

table at the sight of his hand.

Holy fuck.

A full house.

“So, Edward, now that you are joining the ranks of husband-hood we probably need to give you

a few pointers.” Charlie smiled at Carlisle with a knowing look.

“Thank you?” Edward replied, making it a question, not sure what to expect from these two men.

“For starters, what you did tonight-- now that you’ve shown her a little romance, you will have

to keep that shit up. They eat it up and it will always get your ass out of a sling when you’ve

fucked up,” Carlisle blurted out as he laid two cards on the table signaling to Charlie for his


Edward was stunned. First, by the drinking and then the cussing. Who was this man sitting

beside him?

“And believe me, you will get your ass in a sling. It’s inevitable.” Charlie added.

Charlie nodded towards Edward’s cards indicating it was his turn. Edward swiped his hand over

showing he didn’t need any. This caused both Charlie and Carlisle to look at him suspiciously.

“Secondly, be prepared to eat a burnt dinner for the first year. “ Charlie chuckled. “No matter

how good of a cook they were when you were dating, that shit just seems to fly right out the

window when they walk down the aisle. It’s like the honeymoon kills their cooking abilities.”

Carlisle nodded as he and Charlie finished their beers. Carlisle got up to get another round and

noticed Edward had barely touched his.

“That’s another thing. This,” Carlisle indicated to the beer he was throwing over to Charlie,

“will become your best friend during guys’ night. When you’re with your wife, you will have to

be rather careful as to not to allow any bodily odors to seep out in her presence. That means no

burping, farting, snorting, spiting, zilch. They will pull that potpourri crap out and then the

house stinks to high Heaven.” A look that could only be defined as horror began to cross

Edward’s face.

The girls laughed again, echoing down the stairs, causing the guys to temporarily stop their

conversation and look up at the stairs. Renee came trampling down the stairs. “Sorry, guys, we

girls just needed a quick drink.”

She went to the fridge as the three men watched her. She pulled out several sodas and a bottle of

water for Bella. She then turned to Edward and gave a very adoring smile before heading up the

stairs again.

“Well, son, you did it now. Every woman upstairs is currently in love with you.” Charlie

laughed. “I guess that makes us uncultured swine.” He thumbed between himself and Carlisle.

“Speak for yourself. I taught my boy well.” Carlisle laughed as he took another drink and folded

his hand. “He’s got your daughter eating out of his hand, doesn’t he?” Carlisle’s smug look

caused Edward to laugh.

“Shit, any man could have a woman eating out of his hand if they pulled the stunt Edward did


Charlie raised his bet and Edward ensued.

Should I lose to my future father-in-law?

Fuck it…nah!

“I call, Cullen.” Charlie laid down his cards to show two pair.

Edward flopped his hand down on the table showing his full house, queens over eights.

Carlisle’s mouth dropped as he turned to Charlie. “Holy shit! He beat you!” Carlisle patted

Edward on the back, “I’ve been playing this fucker for ten years now, and I have never been able

to beat him. You come in and in one hand wipe his ass over the coals.”

Edward took a sip of his beer. He was having more fun watching his father and Charlie become


“So, another piece of advice and this is a good one so listen well,” he scanned the room shiftily

with his eyes and lowered his voice. “You must ALWAYS remember that no matter how right

you really are always wrong," Carlisle spoke frankly and was supported with a sharp

head nod from Charlie.

“And don’t try to make sense in an argument. It only further enrages them,” Charlie interjected.

Charlie handed the deck of cards to Carlisle to begin the next deal.

“God, yes. If you listen to nothing else we have said tonight, you must listen to that one. Oh,

and one more thing son? If she ever asks you does this dress make my butt look big, no matter

what, the answer is NO!”

Edward chuckled at this piece of advice. He couldn’t help but think that with the beautiful

specimen of a fiancé he had upstairs, he would never have the need to lie about her ass in the

first place. God, he really was a lucky bastard!

As the father’s continued giving poor Edward their drunken advice, the girls squealed and

giggled as Bella showed them the clues and ring. The roses were now sitting in a lovely vase on

her nightstand as a reminder of her beautiful evening.

Rose eyed the ring carefully, turning Bella’s hand over and over, checking every angle of the

stone. Once she was satisfied she smiled, giving her seal of approval.

“He gets this from Carlisle, you know.” Esme held the hearts in her hand and grinned.

“Really?” Bella tired to imagine Carlisle as the hopeless romantic. She chuckled at the thought.

“And it only gets worse with age.” Esme laughed and patted Bella’s knee. “Trust me, you’ll love


“So, when’s the wedding?” Renee took Bella’s hand to have another look at the ring.

“August thirteenth.”

“Wow! That’s gives us so little time to plan.” Renee started counting days in her head.

“We want to be married before we go to school.”

“Sounds reasonable to me. Might as well since you’d end up living in sin otherwise.” Alice

chuckled as she high-fived Rose. Bella blushed even though she knew her Mother and future

mother-in-law were well aware of hers and Edward’s intimacy, she still never wanted it spoken

of in front of them if she could help it.

“Bella you have to let me do your hair. I know Edward loves it down and I can just imagine it

under a veil,” Rose begged.

Alice cuddled up next to Bella on the bed and purred, “You’re gonna let me plan it, right?”

Bella groaned. “You know I don’t want a big hoopla.”

“Oh c’mon, you can’t do that to me, to us. This is the greatest day of your life. You have to

make it memorable. Think of Edward. You know he would die to see you walking down the

aisle to him. Please let me plan it. Pleeease!”

“Nope, we are running away to Vegas and eloping,” Bella snarked.

Alice huffed and crossed her arms pretending to pout as Rose and Renee chuckled at the evil

look that crossed over Alice’s face. “YOU. WOULDN’T. DARE!”

“No, but it was fun to watch your face just now.” Bella laughed as she hugged her friend. “Yes,

you get to plan the wedding and yes, Rose gets to be my beauty consultant, but I get veto power.

If I don’t like something or want it changed, it gets done. Fair?”

Bella knew that Alice was correct. While she would have rather run away and get married by

Elvis, Edward would want the big wedding. He was sentimental and she wouldn’t ruin his fun.

“Fair!” Rose and Alice chimed in unison.

“So, have you discussed the honeymoon plans yet?” Rose was already contemplating were

Edward should take Bella for their honeymoon in her head. Her mind immediately went to

Edward taking Bella to a tropical beach or a resort island.

“Shoot, what about the honeymoon sex? HOT!” Alice chuckled.

Bella shot daggers at her friends, as she blushed a thousand shades of red as she glanced over at

Esme. Renee and Esme burst out laughing at Bella’s friends and their uninhibited boldness.

Feeling Bella’s embarrassment, Esme leaned in and whispered into her future daughter’s ear,

“He’ll make that perfect too.”

“Of course he will. This is Edward we are talking about here. Holy Hell, the boy doesn’t know

how to do anything half-assed. Look at what he did just for you two to lose your virginity.”

Rose blurted out.

“Rose!” Bella all but screamed, as she chastised her.

“What? It’s not like they didn’t know already anyway. Hell, the clues are laying on the bed for

Christ sake.” Rose shrugged her shoulders and looked over at Esme and Renee showing her

pearly white teeth.

Renee and Esme laughed uncontrollably. “Trust us. We know…everything!” Renee tried to

catch her breath as she spoke.

Bella diverted her eyes from her mother and Esme by looking down at the ring on her finger. It

felt like it was a missing link that she didn’t know was missing until it was there.

“I can’t believe it didn’t need to be sized,” Esme stated, noticing Bella’s gaze, “It was almost as

if it was meant to be. Like fate had a hand in all this.”

“It’s gorgeous. How long has it been it the family?” Rose asked.

“It was Carlisle’s grandmother’s wedding ring. When I told Elizabeth, Edward’s grandmother

that Edward was planning on proposing to Bella she insisted that he use this ring. I’m glad she

did too. It’s a perfect match for them.”

“We have so much to do and so little time to do it in. We need the perfect dress, flowers,

decorations, music. The atmosphere has to be timeless just like you and Edward.” The wheels

in Alice’s head were already buzzing with plans and excitement. “I say we head to Seattle next


“We can, but after Edward’s birthday. It’s only a week and half away,” Bella retorted.

“Agreed.” Alice jumped on the bed and pulled Bella up with her. Before they knew it, all five

women were giggling like school girls and beating each other up with pillows. They continued

discussing the plans for Bella and Edward’s upcoming nuptials well into the night.

After everyone went home for the evening, Bella laid her head on her pillow thinking about her

evening. She closed her eyes and could see Edward’s eyes staring back at her. She smiled as

she mentally felt his arms wrap around her and his body cuddle next to hers.

She opened her eyes and the illusion disappeared. Bella took this moment to internally pray.

God, thank you for all of the blessings in my life. Thank you for being there for me during my

time of need and as always thank you for my wonderful family and friends. Thank you for the

magic that is Edward Cullen and allowing my future to be intertwined with his. Keep us safe

and guide us through our impending future. I don’t deserve him but he seems to want me.

Please help me not let him down.


Bella curled up in a ball and fell asleep where she dreamed of the night when she would finally

go to sleep next to her husband.

While looking through your old box of notes, I found those pictures I took that you were looking

for. If there's one memory I don't want to lose, that time at the mall you and me in the dressing

room. I told myself I won't miss you but I remember what it feels like beside you. I really miss

your hair in my face and the way your innocence taste, and I think you should know this…

Better Than Me by Hinder

~ Chapter 13: Age 19 ~

“I need you,” her voice rasped, drenched in desire. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too, baby.” He leaned in and kissed her. The feeling of her tongue slipping

into his mouth as she sucked his bottom lip into hers nearly made him lose his load.

“Tell me how you want me.”

His arousal became painful as he felt her hand slip down inside his flannel pajama pants. She

stroked his hard cock in her hand as her tongue darted out along his jaw line.

“I want you just like this.”

She began to pick up speed with each stroke. He felt himself lose control as her fingers slipped

over the length of his manhood, enticing him to climax. She ran her thumb over the head of his

cock and gathered the wetness there to use as lubricant. She moved her hand back down the

shaft and firmly stroked him, thrilling in the feel of his cock in her hand.

“Bella, baby, please. I can’t last like this.”

“Then let go.” She nipped at his jaw and with that he came…hard.

Bella removed her hand from his pants, and a mischievous smile appeared on her face. She

whispered in his ear, “Looks like you get to sleep on the wet spot.”


Edward woke with a jolt. He sat straight up in his bed, covered in sweat and his own copulation

and entirely alone.

“Fuck!” he exclaimed, as he raked his fingers through his hair. Feeling rather pissed off, he got

out of the bed to change his sheets and his night clothes. He really was going to have to sleep in

the wet spot.

I should sneak over to my fiancé’s house and have my way with her. It’s the only way I’m going

to get any, anytime soon.

Just the thought of the word fiancé excited him. Soon, he would be able to call Bella his wife

and instead of waking up alone, she would be right by his side…forever.

Edward quickly finished changing the sheets and his clothes, before discarding them into the

washing machine so no one would know about his mishap. He made sure to grab a towel to

place on the wet spot to try to prevent any seepage.

Knowing that in just a few short hours he and Emmett would be helping Jasper out with planning

his romantic date for Alice, Edward decided that going to Bella’s would be a bad idea.

Thank God Jasper is doing this date for Alice. Maybe I can get some alone time with my girl,

because this lack of sex thing is killing me. Hell, I didn’t even get a birthday fuck.

Since he proposed to Bella, they hadn’t had any sexual contact. Alice never left Bella alone long

enough for him to even cop a feel. She was always around working on the wedding plans. It

was about to drive both Edward and Bella crazy.

Not that they weren’t ecstatic about the wedding but since they chose a date that was only a

couple of months away, they had no time to waste. This, unfortunately, meant no time for

sneaking away for the sexual rendezvous that they had both become very accustom to.

~ X ~

“I can’t believe you pulled this shit off, Cullen. Alice is going to totally freak!”

Edward smiled as he showed Jasper the email he just received indicating that Jasper and Alice’s

seats for the Hinder concert were indeed confirmed.

“How the Hell did you pull this off? That concert has been sold out for weeks.”

“I have my ways.”

Edward didn’t want to tell Jasper about how many favors he called in just to get those tickets.

He was determined that he was going to have some alone time with Bella, and he didn’t care if

he had to pay for the damn tickets himself.

Alice had already planned for a weekend trip to Seattle for wedding shopping. Edward figured

this would be the perfect getaway for him and his bride-to-be, and, also, the perfect opportunity

to fulfill his promise to Jasper.

“Okay, Jazz, have you thought about where else you want to take her?”

“I have and I am drawing a blank. Everything just doesn’t seem good enough.”

“Dude, this is Alice we’re talking about here. She’ll love it all.” Emmett shoved yet another

cheese puff in his mouth.

“Do you keep a lifetime supply of those things?” Jasper snarled.

“What? They were in the pantry. I was fucking hungry. Jeez!” Emmett scoffed.

Jasper rolled his eyes at Emmett and his cheese puff loving ways.

He then turned his attention back to the matter at hand. “Well, I thought about taking her to a

romantic dinner, but that just doesn’t seem good enough.”

Edward chuckled. “It’s a great start.

“May I suggest taking her shopping?”

Emmett jumped on Edward’s bed next to Jasper. He felt something lumpy underneath the covers

and pulled a towel out from underneath him. “What the fuck is this?”

Emmett dangled the towel in the air in Edward’s face. “On second thought, don’t answer that.”

Edward quickly grabbed the remnants of his wet dream from Emmett’s hand shoved the towel

into his bedroom closet. He all but slammed the door shut as a blush spread across his face.

Jasper and Emmett fell into a fit of hysterics, practically falling over each other from laughing so

hard. The color of embarrassment and anger flooded Edward’s face.

“Needing to get laid, are we?” Jasper said in between bouts of laughter.

“I wouldn’t have this problem if your girlfriend would leave my fiancé alone for a few hours. I

feel like I’m going to fucking explode.”

Emmett lay over the bed laughing so hard that cheese puffs were coming out of his nose.

“Do we need to buy you a pocket pussy to satisfy your needs?” Emmett joked.

“I’ll even pitch in for some lube,” Jasper added as he and Emmett high-fived.

“Enough! We’re here to discuss Alice’s date, not my lack of sex life.”

“Fine,” Emmett said, trying to control himself. “What if you take her to a sex shop? Maybe get

some toys to play with back at the hotel. Rose loves that shit. Oh, then Jasper you can get

Edward his pocket pussy.”

Edward smacked Emmett across the back of his head. “Romance. Get a clue.”

Jasper laughed at the expression on Emmett’s face. He really didn’t understand the concept of

alluring a woman.

“Okay, what about this? We all know Alice loves clothes. What about taking her clothes

shopping?” Emmett shoved another puff in his mouth as Edward and Jasper looked at him


“That’s not a bad idea, but what about this, Jasper?” Edward smiled as he patted himself on the

back for his own brilliance. “What if you take her lingerie shopping? You can have her model

several pieces for you and then buy your favorite for her.”

“Then afterwards, I can take her back to the hotel and peel it off with my teeth." A grin spread

across Jasper’s face as he thought of Alice in a sexy vixen piece as his teeth would graze over

her bare thighs. Instantly, he was hard.

While he didn’t admit it to Edward, he too, was feeling a little neglected since the whole

wedding business had started. Alice was always at the Swan residence, discussing color schemes

or dress designs and girly shit like that. She didn’t have time to think about anything else.

“Okay, that’s it then. Dinner, shopping, the concert, and a night of sexual tryst with my

girlfriend, what else do I need to do?”

“Now that we know where, we have to do come up with the how.”

“You actually go through all this shit just to make Bella happy?” Emmett scoffed.

“Isn’t Rosalie worth it? I remember a time when you would have bent over backwards to just get

close to her. Now that you have her, you don’t think that keeping things alive is just as


Edward had hit home and Emmett knew it. He had been feeling like Rose had been distancing

herself from him for a few weeks. He wanted to believe it was the wedding, but he knew better.

Rose had started pulling away around their graduation and it really did concern him.

“You’re right. Sorry.”

Edward nodded. Emmett had recently told him about his feelings, so Edward was well aware of

what was going on. Emmett’s biggest fear was that Rose didn’t love him anymore and wanted to

break things off before they went to college.

“So, here’s what you do.” Edward looked down at his watch, wondering what Bella was doing

at this moment.

He smiled and returned to the matter at hand. “The girls want to go shopping almost as soon as

we get to Seattle. We will check in at the hotel and let them go have their fun. That will give us

the time to get everything into place.”

“Sounds good to me. What do I need to do?” Jasper was starting to feel excited. He could now

see why Edward loved doing this stuff for Bella. He felt like he was connecting with Alice in a

way they had never connected before.

“Personally, I suggest getting a limo for transportation. It will make Alice feel special, it

prevents you from having to drive, and it will give you more time to enjoy each other.”

“I love that idea. I’ve always wanted to fuck her in a limo.” Jasper’s mind drifted away to Alice

wrapped around him…

“Earth to Jasper, come in Jasper.” Emmett was waving his hand in front of Jasper’s face.

“Sorry, zoned out,” Jasper said as he refocused on Edward. “Continue, please.”

“Okay, so tomorrow, you need to get lover-boy over there dressed up in a tuxedo hand-deliver a

formal invitation to Alice’s house, cordially inviting her to a night of fantasy and wonders.”

“Hell, no. I don’t fucking plan on wearing a tux again until your wedding day. No way! You

can do it Edward. You’re the romantic here anyway. I’ll just fuck it up,” Emmett screamed as

once again, cheese puffs went spewing across the room.

“Em, that’s the whole point. She will expect it from me. It will totally throw her if you show


Emmett huffed but conceded. He knew with both of them against him that he was a goner.

“That’s basically it. Just make sure to set up reservations for the restaurant, the lingerie store, the

limo and you already have the concert tickets. Once those things are done you’ll be ready to

give Alice a night she will never forget. Just make sure that you make love to her...don’t just

fuck her brains out. You will ruin the effect of the whole night if you do that.”

Jasper had to laugh at Edward. Contrary to what Jasper led them all believe, every time he was

with Alice he made love to her. He knew every contour of her luscious body, what every sound

she made meant and made sure to worship her incessantly. He just didn’t flaunt it the way

Edward did.

“Not a problem. Don’t fuck her in the ass. Got it,” Jasper jested.

Edward laughed as Emmett asked, “Why not?”

Jasper rolled his eyes as if Emmett hadn’t even spoken.

Two days!

Just two more days.

God I really hope my dick doesn’t explode before then.

~ X ~

Alice came running into Bella’s bedroom, waving a piece of paper and shouting like she had just

won the lottery. Alice was literally squealing as she ran and hugged Bella around her waist.

“You are not going to believe this!” Alice exclaimed.

“Alice, please don’t tell me you want to change the invitation style again. I don’t think I could

handle that,” Bella whined.

Alice pulled back and looked into Bell’s big brown eyes. “No silly, Jasper has pulled an


Bella laughed at Alice’s comment. “What do you mean by that?”

“He’s trying to do something romantic. He’s so cute,” Alice cooed.

She handed Bella the invitation and Bella immediately recognized the handwriting. Edward was

obviously involved.

Bella smiled as she read aloud.

“Miss Mary Alice Brandon,

Jasper Whitlock cordially invites you to an evening of romance, excitement and fantasy.

Please meet him in at the front of the Edgewater Hotel at seven o’clock on Friday, the twenty-

second of June.

Comfortable, casual attire required.”

Alice squealed again as Rose entered the room.

Bella felt a twinge of worry for a moment as she took a good look at Rose. She was pale and

seemed a little tired. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, which was totally out of the norm for her,

and she had a on a huge t-shirt, which could only have been Emmett’s.

Bella’s silent concern was immediately addressed. “I just got out of the shower when I got your

voicemail. I rushed right over here? Are you okay?”

Alice started jumping up and down as she ripped the invitation out of Bella’s hand and gave it to


“This was delivered to my house a little while ago, by your boyfriend,” Alice said to Rose.


“He was dressed in a black tuxedo. He looked so uncomfortable that I just had to take a picture.

It was too funny not to capture.”

Alice showed Rose and Bella the picture of Emmett on her phone. The poor guy was obviously

sweating and extremely uncomfortable.

All three girls laughed as Rose quickly perused the invitation.

“Edward’s behind this,” Rose said as she handed the invitation back to Alice.

“Oh, my God, why do ya’ll keep saying that?” Bella exclaimed.

“Because it has all his call signs on it, and there is no way that Jasper or Emmett would have

come up with this on their own. Besides, this is Edward’s handwriting.”

Bella laughed and had to agree with her friends that Edward was deeply involved in this scheme.

“But I do know that Edward wouldn’t have suggested this, so Jasper had to ask.”

“You think so?” Alice’s eyes brightened even more. She figured Edward had begged Jasper to

take her out, which was fine with her, but the thought that Jasper actually wanted to do this made

the whole thing a thousand times better.

“I know so. I know Edward better than I know myself, and I can tell you that Jasper had to ask.”

Alice squealed and giggled and then without warning went into wedding planning again.

Rose and Bella groaned. They were sure that before this wedding was over, one or both of them

were going to attempt to kill Alice.

~ X ~

Forced to take two vehicles, Bella and Edward were disappointed that Emmett and Rose were

forced to ride with them instead of Jasper’s spacious Land Rover L2. They were really hoping

for a little alone time in the car before they got to Seattle but Alice had filled the L2 with loads of

luggage preventing anyone from being able to ride in the backseat properly.

They were all grateful to get out of the cars, after a three-and-a-half-hour trip from Forks to

Seattle. By the time they arrived to the Edgewater Hotel, poor Emmett’s legs were nearly numb

from being squished into the tiny Volvo.

The hotel was gorgeous. It had a rustic but classic, cozy but elegant feel to it. The girls were

ecstatic that they each had a room overlooking the oceanfront and they all had rooms in the same

hall as each other. Each room had a Jacuzzi tub, a huge king-sized bed and a stone fireplace,

perfect for a romantic getaway.

No sooner had Edward closed the door behind them that Bella was on top of him practically

ripping his clothes from his body.

“God, I’ve missed you,” she mumbled between kisses as she pulled his t-shirt over his head and

discarded it quickly.

Edward teeth nipped at her neck and reveled in the intoxicating scent that was his Bella. His

hands slipped under the hem of her tank top, relishing the contours of her flat stomach beneath

his finger tips when a knock on the door brought them out of the lust induced stupor.

“Don’t you two even think about it!” Alice’s high pitched voice screamed from the other side of

the door.

Edward and Bella stopped in their tracks. How the fuck did she know?

“Bella, I hear you breathing in there. Get your clothes back on. We leave in ten minutes, and

no, Edward, that is not enough time for a blowjob!”

Edward shrugged as he backed away from Bella, slowly.

“Damn, she’s better than my mother,” Edward muttered then laughed, as he remembered his

mother walking in on them making out once.

Bella was fuming. Alice knew that Bella had been frustrated lately and here she was cock-

blocking again.

What the fuck?!?!

Edward sat down on the bed as he slipped his shirt back over his head. “Sorry about that. I’ve

just missed you terribly.”

Bella leaned in and kissed him deeply. She lavished the feeling of his tongue inside her mouth.

“No worries, Eddie, I promise I will fuck you later.” She smiled as she watched his eyes darken

with lust. She knew how he felt about her cussing. It always brought the animalistic tendencies

out of him.

“Oh, forget Alice. I’m taking you, now.” Edward reached up and grabbed her shoulders

bringing her down on the bed.

“Take me you sexy beast!” Bella giggled as Edward towered over her.

He barely had his lips to hers when the banging on the door resumed. “Bella, get out here right

now or I’m coming in there to get you!”

They could hear Rose laugh, Emmett wolf whistle and Jasper holler at Alice’s comment.

“Fine!” Edward exclaimed as he pulled himself away from his future wife. “But if my balls

explode, it’s the fucking pipsqueak’s fault!”

Bella laughed as leaned forward and kissed Edward’s crotch. “Don’t do any exploding until

tonight when I can have my way with you,” she said in her most seductive voice.

Edward groaned at Bella’s close proximity to his cock. He could easily drop his pants and pop

that bad boy right into her mouth. She ran her hand over the outline of his hard cock and smiled.

“Tease,” Edward whispered as he watched her eyes light up with lustrous delight.

“You love me that way.”

“I love you every way.”

Alice began banging at the door again and started counting. “Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Bella yelled out which only brought on more earsplitting laughter.

“Perverts!” she exclaimed as she opened the door to find Emmett and Jasper nearly in tears from


Bella reached up on the tips of her toes and kissed Edward. She made sure to give everyone a

good show as she kissed him deeply. They guys caterwauled as she pulled away from him.

Edward was stunned by her boldness. That was the type of kiss that only happened behind

closed doors.

Bella walked away with the girls as Edward readjusted the small child that had developed in his

pants and closed the hotel room door behind him. She briefly turned to see Emmett put Edward

in a chokehold, laughing. She wanted to run back to him and lock themselves away for the

weekend but knew that was impossible.

At least we have the night.

Rose gave Bella shotgun as she wanted the backseat to stretch her legs. Alice was determined to

drive so the girls took Jasper’s Land Rover while the guys took Edward’s Volvo.

Alice’s driving was a thousand times worse than Edward’s could ever be. She weaved in and out

traffic, sped like a demon, and braking was simply not an option.

“Slow down,” Bella cried out as Alice nearly hit the car in front of them.

“We have a time limit here, ladies. I have a hot date tonight. No way am I going to be late.”

Within a two hour time span, the girls had picked and ordered Bella’s flowers, bridesmaids’

dresses, shoes, caterer, DJ, and Bella’s wedding gown.

Bella had to deal with a disgruntled Alice on their way to the mall because she vetoed the ice


“Alice, c’mon. That’s just a little over the top, and you know it?”

Alice muttered, “Whatever,” under her breath and kept her eyes on the road for once.

“You’re not mad at me, are you?”

“Nah, I understand, I guess,” Alice replied with a weepy voice.

“Rose, help me out here. Tell her that…” Bella turned to see Rose had fallen asleep in the


“Wow, we must have worn her out.”

Alice turned the radio down and they sat in silence until they reached the mall, trying to give

Rose some quiet time.

Rose woke up as soon as the car was parked, because basically Alice had slammed on her brakes

to park the car. She seemed a little disoriented but came around quickly.

They walked the mall with a few stores in mind. Bella wanted to hit Victoria’s Secret for a few

items and Alice wanted to get a new pair of shoes for her hot date that night.

The girls walked into the shoe store and Alice went crazy. She acted like a child in a candy

store. She had to try on damn near every pair of shoes that her sweet little fingertips came into

contact with.

Rose and Bella decided since they would obviously be there a little while that they, too, would

look around for a bit.

After trying on a few pairs of shoes Bella noticed on the top shelf several pairs of boots. A pair

of knee high, black leather stilettos caught her attention. The heels alone had to be at least three

to four inches. They had a pointed toe and the leather felt like butter underneath her fingers. She

couldn’t help herself; she had to try them on. The moment the boot slipped over her foot, she

fell in love. They fit her so perfectly, almost as if they had been made for her. Even though they

weren’t her normal style she couldn’t help but want them.

“Wow, Bells, those are hot.” Rose smiled at Bella, knowing that even though they looked great

on her, Bella wouldn’t buy them.

“Do you think they’re me though?”

Rose nodded, “I think they look gorgeous on you. You should get them.”

Bella smiled, wishing she could afford them.

Rose smiled back and went to look in the mirror at a pair of tan colored Gucci heels she was

planning on buying.

Bella began to unzip the boots when Alice roared, “Don’t you even think about it Isabella


Bella jumped in the air at the sound of Alice’s voice.

“Those look friggin’ hot on you. You’ve got to buy them.”

“Alice, I don’t have three hundred bucks to spend on a pair of boots that I’ll probably only wear

once. I need to use my money for the wedding.” Bella pulled the boots off and placed them back

in the box. With a broken heart she returned the box to the shelf.

Rose returned with her shoes and motioned to the box sitting on the shelf. “You’re not getting


Bella rolled her eyes at her friends. They both came from money. While her parents were okay

financially, they weren’t doctors, bankers or psychiatrist like her friend’s parents were. The only

one who came close to her financial status was Emmett and that was only because his father

couldn’t hold a job down to save his life. There was no way that they could afford to blow away

three hundred dollars on a pair of boots.

Alice pulled something out of purse and handed it to Bella. She glanced at the card in Alice’s

hand and could see a faint ‘Isabella’ inscribed.

“What the heck is this?” Bella felt flushed as she looked at the piece of plastic in her hand.

“Edward thought you might find something you liked, so he gave this to me so I could force you

to get it.” Alice smiled a Cheshire cat grin.

“You have to be fucking kidding me.”

Rose laughed. “That boy thinks of everything.”

Alice pointed to the top shelf and Rose reached up and grabbed the boots for her. Alice tucked

them under her arm along with the six pairs she had for herself, and marched up to the front


“Alice, wait… don’t do this. I don’t need those,” Bella begged as she chased after Alice.

Alice turned to her abruptly. “Bella this isn’t about need. It’s about want. Edward wanted you

to get something special, you want the boots. I see no issue here.”

“AGHH!” Bella screamed as they reached the counter.

“Give it up. There is no arguing with her when she is like this,” Rose advised.

Bella knew she was right and signed the receipt, taking the boots with her.

As they exited the store and started towards Victoria’s Secret, Alice got a text from Jasper.

ur ass looks hot n those jeans

Where r u

Watching u walk

Alice looked around but didn’t see the guys anywhere. She assumed that Jasper was pulling her

leg. It would be nearly impossible to hide Emmett. She did one more look around before they

walked into Victoria’s Secret and began shopping.

The girls each went separate directions once they entered the store. Alice headed straight for the

lingerie, Rose headed towards the fragrances and Bella made a bee-line towards the bras and


Bella looked at several different sets but the one that stood out to her the most, was a pair of

black lacy panties with a row of tiny pink bows lining the bottom and matching bra. She liked

the fact that both the bra and panties were completely sheer and frilly.

She grabbed that set along with a red and blue set. She walked over to the lingerie to see what

she could find there. Instead, she found Alice scoping a hot little number.

Alice turned to see Bella heading her way. She held up a bright green garter set, “What do you

think of this one?”

“I like this one better.” Bella picked up a baby blue set exactly like the one Alice was holding.

“Of course you do. You should try that one on. Here, while you’re at it, try these on, as well,”

Alice tossed three skimpy pieces into Bella’s arms.

Bella rolled her eyes but took the pieces. “I guess I need to find a fitting room.”

She took the lingerie and headed straight for the sign that said dressing rooms.

Alice continued shopping, determined to find something cute to wear for her date that evening.

While she continued browsing, she received another text from Jasper.

I really liked the green 1

Alice looked around and smiled. He was obviously watching her, stalking her. She couldn’t

help but find it sexy.

She decided to play this little game and put the green piece away as if she wasn’t going to get it.

Her phone buzzed again.

Ah baby. That’s just being mean

Show urslf & I’ll get it

Jasper, Emmett and Edward appeared out of nowhere. “Stalking much?” Alice blurted out as

they approached her.

“I couldn’t help it. When I saw your fine ass walking out of the shoe store, I was just drawn to


Alice laughed and playfully slapped him. Jasper pulled her up into a sweet but hot kiss.

“Where’s Bella?”Edward asked coyly.

“And Rose?” Emmett looked over her head trying to find his Rose.

“Rose disappeared over there somewhere.” Alice pointed towards the fragrances as Emmett

trotted off towards where Alice had indicated. “And Bella went to try a few things on.”

Edward smiled mischievously. “Really?”

Alice rolled her eyes as Edward stalked off towards the fitting rooms.

Bella was admiring her reflection when a knock on the door startled her. “This room is taken,”

she called out as she clasped the top of her chest. She chuckled when she realized that the door

was locked and no one could get in.

“Bells, open up,” Edward’s voice floated through the door.

“Edward, is that you?”

“Yes, now open up. I want to see.” She could hear the smirk behind his words and he knew she

couldn’t deny him when he spoke to her in that tone.

Bella opened the door and stood behind it. She had the black lace bra and panties on and she

didn’t want to take any chance that someone else might see her. Edward slipped into the fitting

room, closing the door behind him. He turned to see her standing in front of him wearing

nothing but a black see-through set of lingerie.

He stood there for a moment with him mouth gaped open. Oh holy fuck, that is MINE, he

thought. He closed his mouth with a pop and smiled.

“Wow, you look...amazing.” He bit his lip but not before a devilish smile appeared on his face.

He couldn’t help but grin as he gave his future bride a once over from head-to-toe.

Sensual, sexy, exquisite, beautiful, luscious, like royalty...the list goes on and on.

All those words still didn’t sum up the wonder that was the woman before him.

Bella blushed at his compliment which just added to the allure of the outfit. Edward inched

forward and slowly pushed her hair off her shoulder, behind her back. He exhaled deeply and

smiled as he exposed her breast covered in delicate black sheer fabric. Her nipple peeking

through as it was pert and ready for his attention.

His body was magnetized to hers. He couldn’t think of anything but his need for her. With more

force than he would usually use with her he pushed her up against the wall.

It’s been way too fucking long, was his only thought in this moment.

His lips inches from hers, their bodies molding together, his gazed fixated to her beautiful brown

eyes. “Tell me you want me. Tell me you need me,” he said in a tone so seductive she forgot to

breathe for a moment.

“Here?” She whispered, finally snapping out of her daze and realizing what he was suggesting.

“Right here, right now” he said forcefully once again. “If you say no, I’ll walk away but I pray

you don’t.”

Please don’t say no. Please don’t say no. Edcalibur couldn’t stand the rejection at this point. If

she says no, I might just have to go in the next stall and service him myself. Please don’t let it

come to that…Just say yes!

Bella could feel her stomach clinch at the thought of him making love to her in public. She felt

her arousal begin to pool between her thighs, telling her that she had to have him.

Hell, I can be that girl! Alice is always telling me that I need to be more adventurous. This will

show the she-devil herself!

She smirked sexily at Edward as she nodded her head in agreement.

Edward’s mouth came crashing down on hers as his hand quickly found purchase with her

scantily clad breast. A deep moan escaped her chest as he pushed his body further into her.

She was so molded to him, she couldn’t tell when he ended and she began which only made the

heat between her legs increase with fervor. She could feel his pulsating cock pushing against her

stomach and all she could think of was getting him inside her to fulfill this need that had been

developing in her for weeks.

Bella trailed her fingernails down his chest, enjoying the electric current that flowed through her

bloodstream when she touched him. She felt the minute twitches and shudders that coursed

throughout his body in reaction to her touch and reveled in it.

His tongue took charge and invaded her mouth as his hands wrapped around her back,

unclasping the flimsy bra and letting it fall to the floor. She completely forgot that she was now

predominately naked in public with her fiancé doing very risqué things. He certainly hadn’t

forgotten this fact however.

He trailed kisses down her jaw to her neck where he sucked her sweet skin into his mouth,

careful not to leave a mark. He knew Alice would kill him if he marked her in the next six

weeks with the impending wedding.

Bella’s fingers trailed down to his jeans where she unbuttoned him. She gently but quickly

pushed them down releasing Edcalibur from his holds. She involuntarily smiled at the sight of

him as she always did. She would never tire of the sight of her gorgeous fiancé’s physique.

Wrapping her fingers around his hard cock, she slowly began to massage his ever so smooth

skin. She enjoyed the feeling of his dick in her hand. It gave her a power she would never be

able to describe.

She felt Edward tense up at her touch and knew that he needed more. She pushed her hand down

and brought it back up in several quick thrust. Edward moaned audibly against her collarbone as

he bit down hard, suddenly not caring what Alice wanted.

Bella cried out at the feeling of his teeth on her skin. The thought alone of what they were doing

was making her so wet she could barely control her own actions.

“I can’t take this anymore. I need you…now,” Bella whimpered as she begged her beloved to

make love to her.

Looking directly into her lust filled eyes, Edward slipped the panties she was wearing off and

stood back from her body, admiring once again the perfection that was Isabella Swan, the love of

his life, the woman that would one day very soon be his wife.

Whatever I did to get so God damn lucky, I’ll never know, but I’ll forever be in their debt.

As he stared at her beautiful form he was suddenly distracted by something. He could see her

amazingly pert ass, yet she was still facing him. This wasn’t a normal dressing room. They were

in a three-hundred-and-sixty degree dressing room where nothing but mirrors lined the walls to

allow the patron to see their intended purchases from all angles.

I’ve struck GOLD!

Edward’s mind went wild as he realized he could watch them make love in this room from all


Without warning, he pushed her back against the wall before picking her up off the ground.

Instinctively, Bella wrapped her legs around his waist as she felt his throbbing appendage brush

along her slick folds, teasing her clit.

Oh, thank heavens!

Knowing what he was about to do, he winked at her cheekily. He gently placed his hand over

her mouth attempting to smother the cry that escaped her lips as he swiftly entered her in one

hard and frantic movement.

“Shh, baby, I know it’s difficult, but we can’t get caught.”

Hell, who am I kidding? I ready to fucking scream from the rooftops!

Edward moaned against her neck as he removed his hand from her lips. He relished in the sheer

pleasure of once again being buried deep inside of her warmth. The perfect feel of her body

connected to him so intimately. Her soft skin rubbing against his was bringing his body to new

heights and new sensations. Embodying the fact that she was his and only his.

Bella nodded her head unable to say anything for fear of what might escape her lips. She closed

her eyes and felt as Edward thrust deep inside her. She raked her fingernails against his scalp

relaying to him her need while enjoying every inch of him that filled her. Her body reacted so

quickly to him that she knew she would climax soon.

She arched her back effectively ramming her tits in Edwards face and pushed her head against

the wall to allow Edward deeper access. The quiet thump of Bella’s head on the mirror alerted

Edward too exactly where he was again.

“Bells, open your eyes.” He coaxed softly, knowing she was lost in her own bliss and rejoicing

that he was the one to bring her there.

She quickly did as she was told. She opened her eyes to find his deep green eyes, so full of lust

and love, staring back her. There was something else behind his eyes though. Was it mischief?

She couldn’t quite place the emotion she saw fluttering there, but it made her insides curl in


“Watch,” Edward whispered as he motioned with this head at the mirrors on the wall. Confused

she tilted her head as he once again thrust deep inside her. She bit her bottom lip, stifling the

gasp that attempted to flow from her mouth.

She let her mind wander as she looked at her surroundings. Immediately, she could see what he

was referring too. She watched as their bodies connected at every angle. It was so beautiful how

well they fit together.

We really are made for each other.

The sight of their bodies wrapped together in the art of making love made her want to cry and

scream all the same time.

He thrust deeper inside her as they watched in unison, marveling, at how their bodies reacted to

one another.

Their eyes danced together as they watched the light sheen of sweat that had now formed on her

naked body, the way his ass cheeks clinched as he carried her weight around his hips and the

movement of their forms as he buried his cock completely inside her. It was complete and total

sensory overload and she couldn’t help want to make this moment in time stand still. She knew

that this was one of those rare moments that would forever be burned in her memory.

Bella knew she couldn’t last much longer. She felt the heat build within her stomach and her

legs felt numb the way they always did when her orgasm was about to erupt. She pulled

Edward’s face to hers and kissed him with as much passion she could muster. This sent forth the

energy she needed to reach her climax.

Edward felt her walls clinch around his dick and gave three more good pushes to keep her going

before he, himself, found his own release. Their cries were muffled by their frantic kisses, as

their eyes still managed to wander and marvel at the sight around them.

He felt her come down and had the sudden urge to keep going. He knew, however, that they

were in public, and their friends were waiting on them to get back.

Hmmm, I wonder how long it would take them to realize what we’ve just done.

Shit that was hot!

As he released Bella, making sure she was planted firmly on the ground. He kissed her gently,

pulling her bottom lip into his mouth. She moaned a sound of total satisfaction.

“That was a great prelude to tonight’s events,” she whispered against his warm lips.

“What an understatement, my darling.” He pulled back and smiled at her.

He took one last look around his now favorite place in Seattle. He smiled, as he burned the

memory into his mind. He would forever refer to this place as “the mirror sex room”.

He backed away from Bella, giving her the space she needed to start getting dressed.

“Buy all of this,” he stated with finality, motioning to the pile of fabrics now strewn across the

floor, as he began to re-adjust his own clothing.

Bella looked at him incredulously. “Yeah we need to talk about that card you gave Alice.”

“I knew you wouldn’t take it from me so I gave it to the pipsqueak.” Edward shrugged as he

pulled his pants up.

“You’re right, and you shouldn’t have done it.” Bella felt a small amount of anger rise in her.

“Listen, you’re about to be my wife. This is something you will have to get used to. I plan on

spending the rest of my life lavishing you with all the finest things this world can offer you. This

is only the beginning, baby. What’s mine will be yours. I have never kept that a secret. You

know what I am and who I am.”

Bella slipped her shirt over head and gathered up the things she was trying on.

“I know. I just felt like you didn’t trust me.”

Edward grabbed her and pulled her back to him. He kissed her and smiled. “I trust you with my

life. I just know how you are. You don’t mind me showing up with a gift for you but when you

have to buy it yourself you freak out. I just wanted you to get something you liked.”

“Fine, you win. I guess I’ll get everything I have here.”

Edward laughed loudly. “You bet you will.”

“So, what’s my credit limit?” Bella asked jokingly.

Edward raised an eyebrow and chuckled. “You sure you want to know?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t,” she huffed.

He looked into her eyes and then kissed her nose. “Unlimited.”

Bella’s mouth dropped open as she realized what Edward had just said.

“Did you even look at the name on the card?”

“Not really. I didn’t even touch it. Alice still has it. I just signed the receipt.”

Edward laughed again as he helped her with her purchases and they exited the dressing room.

They found their four friends waiting for them near the front counter.

“Feel better?” Emmett chuckled.

“Much, thanks for asking,” Edward responded nonchalantly. “Alice, can I see Bella’s card?”

Alice rummaged through her purse again and pulled the card out of her wallet. She handed it to

Edward and smiled.

“That will be two-hundred fourteen dollars and twelve cents,” the cashier quoted.

Edward handed the card to Bella. She looked at the piece of plastic and her eyes darted back to

her future husband in disbelief. His beaming smiled filled her with warmth. Her eyes snapped

back to the card. She had to reassure herself that she was seeing this correctly. She couldn’t

believe her own eyes as she re-read the name on the card.

Isabella Cullen.

~ X ~

They separated from the men after they left the mall. The guys said they had one more errand

they had to run and the girls wanted to get Alice back so she could get ready for her date.

Of course, the girls wanted all the gory details of Bella and Edward’s sexcapades in the fitting


“I told Jasper that’s what he went in there for,” Alice crooned.

“Well, my God, it was obvious. The boy was about to go nuts.” Rose laughed at her pun.

Bella was so red it looked like her permanent coloring by that point. They arrived back at the

hotel and Alice rushed to get dressed. She had to be back downstairs by seven and that gave her

a little over two hours to get dressed.

Bella and Rose unloaded the purchases from the Land Rover, advising Alice they would bring

her stuff to her room. Once everything was unloaded and accounted for, Rose said she was still

feeling tired so she went back to her room to lie down.

After her tryst with Edward in the dressing room, Bella felt like she severally needed a shower,

so she too headed back to her room alone.

Bella grabbed her body wash and shampoo and headed towards the bathroom when she realized

they had this huge Jacuzzi tub available for her. She ran the bath getting the water as hot as she

could handle it. She piled her hair on the top of her head and slid down into the tub to soak.

Bella turned the jets on a low setting, laid her head back, closed her eyes and enjoyed the heat of

the water mixed with the feel of jets messaging her body.

A hand slipping up her leg, under the water, caused her to open her eyes. She was faced with a

smiling Edward who had found his sweet spot. He used the tip of his finger to make deep circles

into her clit as he leaned in and kissed her.

Bella let out a soft moan at the feel of Edward’s hand arousing her again. He couldn’t help but

enjoy the sound as he knew she was reacting to him. There was always something about the fact

that no matter where or when, he had control over her body and only he could get her excited

like this. It made him feel empowerment.

“I would love to join you in there, but we’ve got to get downstairs in a few minutes. Jasper is

about to make his grand entrance. But if you’ll permit me, I promise to finish this after dinner.”

Edward, begrudgingly, removed his hand from the water and dried off as Bella let the water out

of tub. She stood up and was about to exit the tub when Edward offered her his hand. She

accepted his gentlemanly offer, graciously. She reached for a towel but Edward was already

ahead of her.

He used the towel he had just dried his arm off with and began gently patting the water off her

body. He kissed each spot the towel dried. He completed a slow progression, as he started from

the top of her head down all the way down to her feet.

She moaned with each kiss, wishing she could take this back to the bedroom and just make love

to him all night long. When he came to her ladybud, his tongue darted out as he kissed her. The

feel of his tongue sliding over her bundled nerves made her cry out in absolute pleasure.

“And you call me a tease,” she playfully slapped his shoulder.

Once completely dry, she went back into their room where she dressed in a denim miniskirt, a

baby blue tank top, and her new boots.

Edward just stared as she zipped them up around her legs.

“Holy fuck,” he exclaimed.

“What? Not me, are they?” Bella felt self conscious. The boots were definitely not her normal

style, and now she was afraid Edward didn’t like what she had spent his money.

Edward was momentarily at a loss for words. He pulled her off the bed and kissed her.

“I absolutely love them and I forbid you from taking them off tonight. My baby has a pair of

fuck-me boots.”

Bella’s laughter filled the room. It thrilled her that Edward liked them. A knock at the door

pulled them back to reality.

“C’mon you guys,” Alice exclaimed.

“She really knows how to kill a mood, doesn’t she?” Bella whispered to Edward.

“She’s your friend. I don’t claim her.” Edward and Bella laughed as they opened the door and

followed Alice, Emmett and Rose to the lobby.

There, in the front of the hotel, was Jasper. He was dressed in black jeans, combat boots, a

Hinder t-shirt with a dozen white daisies in his hand. He was standing up through the sunroof of

a sleek black stretch Hummer as Heaven Sent thrummed out of the limo.

“Miss Brandon, your chariot awaits,” Jasper smiled brightly as he indicated towards the


Alice squealed with glee as she hugged Bella and Rose. “Don’t wait up for me. I plan on getting

laid in that thing.”

Edward rolled his eyes, realizing that Alice and Jasper were a lost cause when it came to

romance. But at least they were a lost cause together. They were happy and that was all that


The chauffer opened the door for Alice and she slipped in. Within seconds she was up in the

sunroof with Jasper. She was barely tall enough for her shoulders to make it through the

opening. She laughed and kissed Jasper. They turned and waived at their friends as they were

whisked away.

“I’m starving,” Emmett informed the group once Alice and Jasper were out of sight.

“I’m a little hungry too. Wanna grab a bite?” Edward turned to the girls and asked.

“I’m game.”

Everyone turned to Rose. “Honestly, I think I want to lie down for a moment. Can we go a little


Emmett wrapped his arm around her, trying to draw her closer to him. She pulled away slightly,

then realizing what she had done, attempted to rectify the situation and hugged him back. The

look of rejection crossed poor Emmett’s face, but he quickly shrugged it off.

“How about Edward and I go pick something up and bring it back here? We can eat and maybe

watch a movie or something.”

When Rose didn’t answer immediately, Bella piped up, “That sounds like a great idea.”

“Great, we’ll be back then,” Edward turned and kissed Bella sweetly and pulled his keys out of

his pocket.

“Anything special you want, Rosie?” Emmett whispered in her ear.

“Whatever you get is fine with me.” she shrugged.

Emmett dropped his head and walked towards the Volvo with Edward. Rose immediately turned

back into the hotel and started towards the elevator. Bella watched as the guys drove away and

then chased Rose into the hotel.

“What the Hell was that?” Bella called out to Rose as she entered the elevator.

Bella barely made it before the doors shut. She caught the door and slipped inside.

“Rose, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Rose answered casually.

They reached their floor and Rose took off towards her room. Bella followed.

“Talk to me.”

They walked into Rose and Emmett’s room, and Bella was startled to see that Rose hadn’t even

unpacked. That was totally unlike her. The only thing hanging in her closet was Bella’s

wedding dress (which they had decided to make Rose the official guardian of since Edward

would peak , and Alice would be out most of the night).

“Want me to help you unpack?” Bella asked trying to establish some form of communication

with her friend.

“We’re only going to be here another night, so there’s really no need to un–”

Rose cut off her sentence and ran into the restroom, slamming the door behind her.

Bella, feeling extreme concern for her friend, followed her in to find her with her head hanging

over the toilet, vomiting.

Bella dropped to her knees and pulled Rose’s gorgeous blond hair back off her neck and held it

as Rose wretched the contents of her stomach.

Once she felt certain she was finished, she pulled away from the toilet and sat flush with the

bathtub. She leaned forward pulling her knees to her chest and covering her face with arm. She

was overcome with tears.

Bella got up and pulled a washrag from the towel rack. She wet it down and handed to Rose to

wash her face.

“Talk to me, Rose, what’s going on?”

Rose began to mumble almost incoherently.

“He’s never going to want me after this. Why would he? I’m just a…just…” She became

nearly inconsolable.

Bella rubbed circles on Rose’s back as she cried on her shoulder.

“Are you talking about Emmett?”

Rose nodded her head yes.

“I don’t see how you could have done anything that would turn Em away from you. He loves


Rose sat up straight and looked Bella in the eye.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Of course I am. I don’t have a single doubt that he loves you.”

“I don’t doubt him loving me, but what I do doubt is him staying.”

“Why? I don’t understand.”

“Bella,” Rose’s voice hitched as she tried to speak. “I’m pregnant.”

Bella, sighed deeply, then hugged Rose tightly and silently prayed.

God, give me the strength to be there for my friend. Help me show her the positive in this

situation and that her fears are for naught. Emmett loves her and would want to stand beside

her during this trying time. I know it. I’ve seen it. Lord, please give Rose the strength to face

this head on and give me the guidance and patience to be there for her along the way.

And God, please give me the strength and understanding in my own situation. I want so badly to

give Edward a child one day. I know what the risks are but I’m willing to face them head on if I

have to. Please, God, guide Rose and me through this.


Well, now you're my whole life, now you're my whole world,

I just can’t believe the way I feel about you, girl,

Like a river meets the sea, stronger than its ever been,

we've come so far since that day,

and I thought I loved you then.

I can just see you, with a baby on the way,

I can just see you, when your hair is turning gray,

What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more… but I’ve said that before.

Now you’re my whole life, now you’re my whole world,

I just can’t believe the way I feel about you, girl,

We'll look back someday at this moment that we're in,

and I'll look at you and say

and I thought I loved you then.

Then by Brad Paisley

~ Chapter 14: Age 19 ~

Bella’s gut wrenched at the sound of those words from Rose’s lips.

I’m pregnant.

The one thing in the whole world she would never be able to give Edward, the one thing she

would never experience, and here was Rose facing it square in the face.

She held her friend closely, letting her cry out her frustrations. Once Rose seemed calm enough

Bella handed her another wad of toilet paper to blow her nose. Rose robotically accepted and

proceeded to clean herself up. They both knew that Edward and Emmett would be back soon

with dinner.

“Rose,” Bella whispered, “Can I ask you a question?”

“I think you just did,” Rose halfheartedly chuckled.

Bella rolled her eyes but a small smile escaped her lips at Rose’s apparent attempt to make light

of the situation.

Rose smiled at her and nodded her head in approval.

“How long have you known?”

Rose diverted her eyes from her friend. She was ashamed to answer this question.

“Since graduation.”

Bella felt shocked but even more so, hurt.

I thought we were friends. Does she not trust me?

“But why haven’t you told me… before now?”

“Bella, I can’t even tell Em.” Rose looked down at the floor, fidgeting with her hands, “It’s just

with everything that happened at graduation and after…” Rose looked up at Bella, her eyes

filled with a look of pure terror. She didn’t look like her normal, confident self. She was more

nervous than ever before, worried and unsure of herself. “I couldn’t be the one to put my

problems on you.”

Bella wrapped Rose in a warm hug, “No matter what is going on in my life, I want you to come

to me. You understand me?”

Rose fought back the tears that were once again welling up in her eyes again. “I will.” She

pulled away from the hug and began to reapply her make-up.

Bella sat on the edge of the bathtub and watched her in the mirror. She admired Rose’s skill at

beautification. Even without thinking or having any motivation behind her actions, the end result

always made up a more beautiful Rose.

“You really need to tell Emmett,” Bella stated matter-of-factly.

“I know,” Rose whispered.

“Tonight. Like right now. When the guys get back, Edward and I will leave you two alone so

you can talk. Rose, you can’t hide this from him. He’s going to be a father. This is life-


Rose turned to Bella with a look of fear overshadowing her beautiful features, “I don’t think I

can. What if he wants me to get rid of the baby? I can’t do that. I want this child. I know it’s

way too soon in life for me to be raising a child, but this baby is mine. I won’t give him up and I

refuse to kill him.”

Him? So, she knows it’s a boy already?

Bella nodded her head in understanding.

Bella stood and once again hugged her friend. “I would feel the same thing, but still he needs to

be told. I really don’t think he will react the way you think he will. I know you know him better

than I do, but I really think that he loves you and will stand by you no matter what decision you


Rose gave Bella one more good squeeze and turned back to the mirror to finish the last touches

of her makeup. She pondered Bella’s words in silence.

Maybe I am overreacting, but I really don’t know.

Rose turned her eyes to look at Bella’s reflection in the mirror and mused, “Bells, I just don’t

know. He’s so gentle and so sweet. Honestly, my biggest fear is that he will feel obligated to

take care of me and the baby. I don’t want him to give up his scholarship to try and support me.

I just can’t let him do that. I won’t force him to give up his life…his dreams… for this.”

“You don’t have too. He can still take that scholarship. People go to college and raise children

all the time. This’ll be no different.”

Rose smiled, her beautiful white teeth showing for the first time in days. A glimmer of hope was

filling her soul. She knew Emmett loved her. There was never any doubt of that. She feared

losing him more than anything, but she just couldn’t see letting the product of their love go


“I have a stupid question.” Bella didn’t wait for permission to ask this time. She simply blurted

out, “How did you get pregnant in the first place?”

Rose laughed loudly. “Well, you see, Bella, when a man and a woman love each other–”

“I know that, what I meant is: didn’t you two use protection?” Bella rolled her eyes as she had to

explain herself.

“We never do.” Rose replied as Bella’s eyes grew big, “I’m on birth control. We saw no need in


Bella sighed in relief for her friend, “Obviously there was.” Suddenly, Bella felt thankful for

Edward’s obsession with multiple forms of birth control.

“It wasn’t that. I lapsed in my birth control. I went a week without it because I kept forgetting

to go to the drug store. I figured I had enough in my system that I didn’t need to worry about it.

Boy, was I wrong.” Rose laughed at her own stupidity.

“Ah, makes sense, I guess.” Bella shrugged her shoulders trying to understand Rose’s way of


The key swiping through the door’s key pass brought them quickly out of their conversation.

Emmett entered the room first, carrying an arm load of white paper sacks and a stack of DVD’s.

He smiled at Rose and Bella, who were now unpacking Rose’s bags.

Seeing Rose in a better mood lightened the load on Emmett’s heart. He had spent the better part

of the past hour telling Edward about how he had felt Rose was pulling away from him.

“I think she brought me here to break up with me.”

“No. Rose loves you. She looks at you like you hung the moon. I don’t think that’s it at all.”

Edward turned the corner, pulling up in front of the Chinese food restaurant.

“She just seems so… distant. She constantly pulls away from my touch. She barely talks to me.

It’s like she‘s shutting me down. I can’t lose her, Edward. She’s my whole world.” Emmett

looked at Edward with desperation in his eyes.

Edward patted his friend’s shoulder. “You’re not going to lose her. Just talk to her. When we

get back, Bella and I will leave you two alone. You’ve got to bring her out of her shell. I think

there’s more to this then you realize.”

“You think?”

Edward nodded, “Just talk to her. Tell her how you feel. There is something about telling a girl

your feelings that always opens them up. Trust me on this.”

“I do. That’s why I came to you. Jasper would just tell me to fuck her brains out.”

Both men laughed as they went inside to order their food.

Edward followed Emmett into the room, carrying four paper cups. He smiled at Bella but she

couldn’t help but notice the look of warning in his eyes. She found herself nearly laughing when

she realized that they both had the same thought.

Rose and Emmett needed to be alone.

Edward laid the glasses on the kitchenette table as Bella walked up to him and very subtly

wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him into a heated but chaste kiss.

“I would like to finish what you started earlier,” she stage-whispered.

“Would you now?” he asked her playfully.

Bella hummed her approval.

Rose and Emmett knew what their friends were up to. While they knew that Bella and Edward

really did need the alone time, they also knew that their friends were trying to look out for them,

as well.

Edward turned to Emmett and Rose. “Do you mind if we don’t stay for dinner?”

Bella smiled at Rose trying to relay now was the moment to give Emmett the news.

“Nah, man, we understand. But at least take your food with you. You’ll need your strength,”

Emmett jested.

Edward grabbed their food out of the bags as Bella hugged Rose goodbye.

“Tell him,” she whispered softly in Rose’s ear.

Rose nodded her head in acknowledgement as Bella released her.

“Guess we’ll see you guys in the morning,” Edward said.

“Night.” Bella called out as she walked out of the door, Edward following closely behind her.

No sooner had Edward closed the door that Emmett turned to Rose and asked, “You feeling

hungry, yet?”

“Not really.” Rose shrugged as she continued to put her clothes away.

Emmett slammed himself into the chair and pulled his box of chow mien from the bag. Rose

watched him from the corner of her eye as he speared at the noodles, but not really eating them.

They both obviously had a lot to say but neither knowing how to start.

Rose turned to the closet and continued hanging clothes. She pulled Bella’s oversized garment

bag from the closet and laid it across the bed. She unzipped the bag to reveal Bella’s wedding

dress. She ran her fingers over the smooth fabric secretly wishing the dress was hers, but

knowing once she told Emmett her secret, he would discard her.

Suddenly, she felt Emmett’s breath on her neck. “It’s beautiful.”

Rose nodded in agreement and started to close the bag. Emmett gently took her by the shoulders

and turned her to face him. He could see that she had been crying and the thought of his strong,

overbearing Rose crying literally crushed him. He had always admired her strength as much as

her beauty and he knew it was his fault she was broken.

“I’m sorry. Whatever I’ve done, I am so sorry,” he whispered to her as he looked deep into her

hazel eyes.

“You haven’t done anything wrong, Em. This is all on me. Every bit of it.” Tears began to

stream down Rose’s eyes. Emmett rubbed them away with his thumbs. He didn’t want to stop

the flow of conversation that he was finally getting out of her. So rather than hanging the dress

back in the closet, he moved her to the opposite side of the bed, away from the dress.

They sat down on the bed facing each other as Rose took a deep breath. “Em, I really need to

talk to you about something. I’m sure you’re going to hate me for this but I can’t hide it any


Emmett gulped for air. “I knew it,” he whispered.

“What?” Rose questioned.

“You did bring me here to break-up with me. I’ve felt you pull away lately, and I just thought

maybe I was imagining it. I understand though. I was always amazed at how a wonderful girl

like you could love an ox like me. I don’t blame you. You deserve so much better than me.”

“Emmett McCarty! Is that what you really think? That I don’t love you?” Anger flashed across

Rose’s face and Emmett suddenly realized that he was all wrong about his assumption, but he

was too far deep in this now and had to admit his true fears.

He always felt he wouldn’t be good enough for her. He wasn’t rich and romantic like Edward,

he wasn’t suave and popular like Jasper, he was nothing more than a jock and a jokester. His

father was the town drunk which had caused him to grow up before his time, and so he tried to

compensate for that by acting like a fool at times.

Emmett had been working a full-time job since he was sixteen and most of that money went to

help support him and his mother. He really didn’t care what happened to Dale. His father was

nothing more than a byproduct in his eyes. He constantly begged his mother to leave Dale, but

she always refused.

He vowed to himself that he would never be like his father. When he married, he would treat his

wife with the utmost respect, and he would kill himself to make sure she was well taken care of.

And when they had children, he would never beat them as his father had him. While Dale hadn’t

taken a swing at Emmett in a couple of years, not since he started playing football and bulked up,

he still occasionally tried to hit his mother, Vivian, and that alone infuriated Emmett. He

couldn’t understand why his mother wouldn’t leave Dale. He was certain they could survive

without him.

“I’m not good enough for you, Rose. I’m no idiot. I see it. You’re used to the finer things of

life, and I’ll never be able to give you those things. I understand and respect your decision, and

want you to know that I love you. I’ll always love you.”

Emmett smiled as a single tear fell down his cheek. He’d never cried before this moment. Even

when Dale would beat him within an inch of his life, he never shed a tear. He felt that as a man

he shouldn’t cry, but in this moment his heart was breaking, and Rose would be taking the

broken pieces with her.

Rose sat stunned at Emmett’s declaration. She knew he loved her but she never realized how

much until now. She threw her arms around his neck, startling him.

“You silly man. I’m not breaking up with you. I’m afraid you’ll leave me when you hear what I

have to tell you. That’s why I’ve been pulling away. I was preparing myself for the heartache

I’m sure to face.”

Emmett felt relief wash over him. He couldn’t think of anything she could tell him that would be

worse than her breaking up with him.

He pulled her up into his lap holding her close to his chest. “Whatever it is, we will get through

it. That’s if you want me.”

Rose sighed and cuddled into his chest. “I’ll always want you, but I don’t know how to tell you

this. I don’t want you to hate me for ruining your life.”

Emmett pulled her away from his chest so he could into her eyes. “I could never hate you. Just

tell me. I promise you there is nothing you can say that will make me hate you. Nothing.”

Rose inhaled deeply and blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”

Emmett sat back from her and just stared at her for a moment. “Pregnant?”

Rose nodded her head. She could see the emotions playing across Emmett’s face but couldn’t

decipher what they were exactly.

“So, we’re having a baby.” He repeated the newfound information, still taking it all in. “You

and me? Like a little bundle of joy-type baby?” Emmett puzzled.

“That’s exactly what I mean and I won’t hold you back if you want to walk away. I wouldn’t

blame you. You’ve got your scholarship and I know you’ve worked so hard for that, Em. Please

don’t hate me. I can’t bear that thought.”

“Hate you? You thought I would hate you over the fact you’re carrying my child…our child?”

Emmett pulled Rose close to him and squeezed her tightly. “We’re having a baby!” he laughed

loudly. He had thought all this time that Rose wanted to get away from him when she was

indeed feeling the same insecurities about their relationship that he was, only hers were deeper

and more complex.

He stood up, holding her in his arms and began dancing around the room. He then gently placed

her on the floor, bringing her into a deep, passionate kiss. These were the kisses he missed. She

was relaxed in his arms again as their lips melded together. Here in this moment, his Rose was

back, plus one.

He moved his hands to her hair, running his fingers through the silk he loved so much. His

whole world was standing before him. Not only the woman he loved, but the child they had

conceived together.

He picked her up and gently laid her down on the bed. She watched as he tenderly put Bella’s

wedding dress back in the closet. Rose noticed how he eyed the dress longingly as he zipped up

the garment bag and closed the closet door.

I bet he’s having the same thoughts I was about that dress.

He sat down on the bed and looked over the beauty that lay before him. She was always

dazzling to him, but suddenly she was radiant in his eyes. He looked for subtle changes but

couldn’t find any.

“How long have you known?” he whispered.

“Since graduation.” She diverted her eyes from his gaze.

“And you’ve held this secret that long?” He turned her face towards him and smiled.

“I didn’t want to lose you.” She sighed as a single tear fell down her cheek.

Rose was startled as Emmett’s lips came crashing down on hers. Hearing her say that she feared

losing him, as much as he had her, was enough to do him in. He had longed to hold her, to make

love to her, to simply love her for weeks, but she had kept pushing him away. Now that all the

walls she had built up against him were down, he was finally able to love her the way he longed

to. He planned on taking full advantage of having the woman he loved in his arms and merely

loving her as she deserved.

Rose reacted so willingly to his advances as she had missed him, as well. The strength of his

arms, the way his body enveloped her as they made love, the sweet rhythm of his heartbeat

against her chest as he filled her completely. She loved Emmett more than life itself and that

was saying something for Rose.

Emmett was her whole world and it didn’t matter to her where he came from. He worshiped her

and she him, and that was all that was important to her.

Emmett pulled his shirt over his head as she relished the ripple of each muscle in his abdomen.

He was beautiful, her exact equal in every aspect. His pale, smooth skin felt like silk to the

touch. She moaned her satisfaction as she ran her hands over his hard abs, and giggled as his

soft, brown, curly hair wisped wildly when he threw his shirt across the room. Passion ignited in

her and she couldn’t help but release the weeks of pent-up fear and passion on him.

She pushed him aggressively on the bed as he laughed a strong boisterous laugh. “There’s my

sexy tigress. God, I’ve missed you.”

Rose crushed her lips to his as she quickly unfastened his pants. She moaned loudly as she

enjoyed the feeling of his tongue attacking her mouth and his hands groping her breast. She

moved to pull his pants off and leaned back on the balls of her feet, looking at the perfection that

was Emmett.

His hard body rippled under her hands, and she reveled at the sight of his long, hard,

uncircumcised, penis. Emmett was the only guy she had ever had sex with, but she had given

Royce a hand job and it was a much different feeling between the two. Where Em’s still had

smoothness when he was hard, Royce had been all veiny and ridged.

She couldn’t help but enjoy Emmett’s penis more. She, Alice and Bella had often discussed the

differences between circumcised verses uncircumcised. She tried to explain that it felt like she

was getting to open a present every time they made love but the girls wouldn’t hear it. Both

Edward and Jasper was circumcised and they were obsessed with the fact that it made them more

sensitive. And while her girlfriends thought it would be gross for their boyfriends to be

uncircumcised, she couldn’t help but love it. Emmett was complete for her. That was totally

sexy in her opinion.

“No fair. You have me naked and yet, you’re still fully dressed.” Emmett toyed with the hem of

her shirt, running his fingers over her flat bare stomach. “I want you,” he whispered gently.

Rose smiled playfully and pulled her shirt over her head and leaned in and kissed Emmett’s

chest. She ran her tongue down his bare chest, nipping at each nipple aggressively. He moaned

as her teeth grazed over his bare skin.

He slipped his hand between her legs and began rubbing hard against her jeans, enjoying her

warmth and the feeling of her wetness starting to seep through the denim.

Emmett cleared his throat playfully. “I thought I said I wanted you naked.”

“You’re just going to have to wait,” she growled.

Emmett laughed at her, and abruptly sat up while simultaneously pushing her playfully back on

to the bed. He straddled her hips and began unbuttoning her jeans when a thought hit him. They

usually got pretty rough when having sex. It wasn’t uncommon for them to pull out toys to use

on each other.

What if my dick hits the baby in the head? I don’t want to cause my child permanent brain

damage simply because I wanted to get laid.

He suddenly feared making love to his girl.

Rose watched as a panicked look crossed Emmett’s features. “What’s wrong?” she questioned.

“Would it be better for the baby if I fucked you in the ass?” Emmett asked innocently.

“What?” Rose sat up, effectively pushing Emmett off her.

“Well, I don’t want to hurt the baby. I figured if we had anal sex instead then I wouldn’t have to

worry about harming the baby.”

Rose laughed causing Emmett to blush.

“Em, if I wouldn’t let you fuck me in the ass before I got pregnant, what makes you think I

would now?”

“But it’s safer, right?”

Rose wrapped her arms around Emmett’s neck and kissed him. “You won’t harm the baby by

having regular sex.”

“Are you sure? I really don’t want to hurt her and what if my dick scares her? I’d never be able

to live with myself if that happened.” Emmett felt so naïve, but he wanted to make sure that

their little girl was going to be safe and happy.

Rose burst into laughter. “Sweetheart, your dick won’t go anywhere near the baby. He will be

perfectly safe.”

Emmett’s face fell despondent. “So, we’re having a boy?”

“It’s too early to know. Why?”

“You called the baby a him. I just figured maybe you had some sort of motherly intuition that

told you it was a boy.”

“No. I just want a boy.” Rose smiled serenely.

“Really? I figured you would want a girl like I do.”

“You want a girl?” Rose was surprised by Emmett’s admission.

“Yeah.” Emmett’s face turned red as he watched Rose’s eyes dance with laughter at him. “So

when do we find out if we’re having an Emmelie or a Robert?”

“Robert?! Ugh, that’s a horrible name.” Rose bellowed, scrunching nose in disgust, before

huffing out a laugh, “Oh, and I assume you’d want his middle name to be something lame

like…I don’t know, Thomas?

“What’s wrong with Thomas?” Emmett shrugged.

“Puh-lease, Em. Let's be sensible about this..."

They both laughed at the fact they were already arguing over the poor child.

Emmett pulled Rose to him and they lay down on the bed, in silence, each of them thinking

about the child that was now developing inside Rose. Their child.

Rose couldn’t help but dream about the bouncing baby boy she would give Emmett. Her mind

took her to a place where she was watching Emmett play football as she and their little boy set

out a picnic lunch on the green grass of the stadium. Later, Emmett and their little boy would

wrestle and maybe throw a ball around as she packed up their lunch. They would do all the

things that father and sons should do together. She would give Emmett the chance to have a

relationship with his son that he should have hand with his own father.

Emmett, on the other hand, was dreaming of the little girl he could dote on. A beautiful replica

of the woman he loved so intensely, he didn’t think he could contain the love he had for her, so it

would have to pour over into the love he would have for his daughter. He would buy her frilly

little dresses and sit back and watch, as his wife and little girl paraded around the house

modeling for him. Then at night he would read her a bedtime story, tuck her into bed, and then

kiss her goodnight.

Emmett broke the silence. “Rose?”

“Hmm?” Rose hummed.

“Marry me,” he whispered.

Rose’s head shot up to look Emmett in the eye. “Are you serious?”

“Yes. Marry me. Let’s be a family. I don’t want anyone but you, so let’s do it.”

“Emmett, I’m already putting enough on you with a child. I won’t be a burden as well. I won’t

force you to go college with a wife and child.” Rose felt tears stinging her eyes but she fought to

hold them back. She wanted to marry Emmett, but she refused to put more on him then he could


“Why not? If Edward and Bella can do it, why can’t we? I want to marry you. Give me one

good reason why we shouldn’t.”

Rose stared at Emmett in disbelief. This was really happening. Just hours earlier she thought he

would leave her over the news of their child, and now, he was suddenly determined to make the

biggest commitment to her that he could make by marrying her.

“Your scholarship. I don’t want you to lose that. You’ve busted your ass to get it, and I refuse

to be the reason you lose it.”

“I won’t lose my scholarship if I get married. If anything, that will help us further. You have no

reason, unless…” Emmett suddenly felt the pang in his heart again.

Maybe she really doesn’t love me. Maybe she won’t marry me because she really doesn’t want

to be with me.

Rose pulled Emmett’s face to hers and kissed him deeply. “That’s not it,” she said, answering

his unspoken question.

“Then what is it?”

“Are you sure you’re not just asking me this because I’m pregnant?”

Emmett smiled at her. “I would’ve asked eventually. This is just sooner than I expected, but not

something I wouldn’t have done on my own.

“Marry me.”

Rose sat in disbelief. He had once again admitted to her something she never expected. He had

already planned to one day ask her to marry him. She had only one answer for him.


Emmett hollered as he suddenly couldn’t contain his happiness. Not only was his girl having his

baby, but she had agreed to become his wife.

Rose laughed as Emmett pulled her to him, and finished what he had started earlier, by making

love to her all night long.

~ X ~

The next day everyone stayed in the hotel with their respective lovers. Each basking in the much

needed alone time. Alice and Jasper recuperated from their hot date. Emmett and Rose slept

soundly, dreaming of the life they were about to embark on, while Edward and Bella made love

all day long. They only stopped when necessary, not sure when Alice would come barking

orders for them to get ready for their bachelor and bachelorette parties being held that night.

“Are you really getting a stripper?” Bella playfully whined.

“I hate to admit it but Jasper has this sick twisted idea that a stripper is a right-of-passage of

some sort. Hell, even Alice is all for it. Personally, I’m perfectly content staying right here all

night and watching you strip for me instead. But the guys refuse to allow that.”

Bella laughed. In reality she had suggested the stripper to Alice, who in turn, had suggested it to

Jasper. Jasper immediately jumped on the idea. No way in Hell was he going to refuse the

opportunity to look at naked boobs with permission. Besides, Jasper thought it would be fun to

watch Edward come out of his normal, gentlemanly shell.

Bella knew the girls had a party planned for her while in Seattle and she thought it might be fun

for Edward to let loose. He was always so uptight when it came to other women. She knew he

watched porn and had even watched it with him, but he was so critical of how the women looked

in comparison to her. While she was flattered beyond belief, she also knew Edward needed to be

the young man that he was and enjoy things that made weddings fun, like stag parties and


“You’ll have fun, baby. Just sit back and enjoy a lap dance or two.” Bella ran her hand down

the length of his torso effectively ending the conversation.

~ X ~

The evening came too quickly for Edward. He had been so content being locked up in their hotel

room all day that he could’ve continued the process thru the evening on to morning. However,

Bella eventually got up and got dressed, forcing him to do the same.

He watched as she applied her makeup in the same mirror that he was styling his hair and found

himself smiling uncontrollably.

So this is how it will be. I’ll get to watch this gorgeous creature every morning like this, and

then every night I will be the lucky bastard to remove the day’s effects from her.

God, what did I do to deserve all this?

“You look like the cat that finally caught the mouse.” Bella cooed.

Edward laughed. “Just admiring the view, that’s all.”

Bella smiled. She watched as his fingers meticulously worked his already messy hair, trying to

bring order to chaos. She hopped up on the counter in front of him and moved his hands. She

worked his hair into her favorite style as he melted under her touch.

“Relax, baby. We’re both going to have loads of fun tonight.” Bella kissed his lips as she put

the final touches on his ‘sex hair’. Edward stood back from her and checked her handy work in

the mirror. She apparently had his style memorized better than he did. It was perfect.

“I know, sweetheart. I’m just missing you already.”

“Me, too.”

A gentle knock at the door brought them out of their cocoon. Bella walked to the door and

opened it to find Alice standing with her hand raised, ready to knock again. Bella smiled at the

little nymph standing before her.

“What? No screaming to get my ass out here or you’re gonna chop Edward’s dick off?” Bella

greeted Alice playfully. Edward winced at the thought of losing his favorite appendage.

“Sorry about that,” Alice apologized. “I know I’ve been wedding-plannerzilla lately. I never

meant for things to get so out of hand. I just wanted you to have the perfect wedding, and I took

it a little overboard.”

Edward walked up behind Bella and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling Bella close to

him. He looked down at the pipsqueak and smiled. “We appreciate it, Alice. We couldn’t do

this without you.”

Alice grinned and wrapped her arms around Bella, effectively creating a group hug between

friends. Jasper came around the corner and felt relieved. He had tried to tell Alice last night that

she had gone crazy on everyone with the wedding planning, and it seemed his word reached


He ran up quickly and threw his arms around the group hug, slamming Alice into Bella and

practically picking the group up in the process.

“Dude, I seriously don’t want to make out with you with our girls between us,” Edward laughed.

“So, I guess I have to wait to make out with you later then?” Jasper batted his eye lashes

flirtatiously at Edward.

“You know it, baby,” Edward said in a high-pitched voice and giggled.

He and Jasper continued their banter as Emmett and Rose came walking down the hall, beaming.

They stopped as the couple approached them. Even though Bella had given Edward the news of

the baby already, he couldn’t wait to hear Emmett’s reaction. He knew beyond a shadow of a

doubt that Rose’s fears were for naught. Emmett truly loved Rose and having a baby with her

would only make their relationship stronger.

The spirited group hug turned to face the couple as Emmett announced, “I know some of you

already know, but I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops tonight so… We’re having a baby!”

Rose blushed as Emmett pulled her to him and the rest of gang shouted with excitement of the


“This truly is a night to celebrate,” Edward said as they started towards the lobby. Bella grabbed

Rose’s hand and started skipping down the hall. They both stopped abruptly when they realized

Alice had yet to join them. Edward and Emmett, not paying attention to the fact that their

girlfriends had stopped in the middle of the hall, nearly slammed into right into them.

They all turned to see Jasper trying to flag Alice back down to planet Earth. Her eyes glazed

over and she had an eerie smile on her face.

“Is she okay, Jasper?” Bella called out to Jasper.

“Ali, are you coming?” Rose coaxed her.

Jasper and Alice were still standing where the group hug had previously taken place. Suddenly

she snapped out of her silence as her jaw nearly hit the floor and her eyes began darting around

the room so fast she looked like she was about to have an epileptic fit.

Alice burst to life with such vigor that Jasper was stunned and took three steps back to clear way

for a now busting Alice.

“Oh, my god… a baby. A baby! Just think of all the mini-clothes, the adorable ribbons and the

hair. Oh! Oh, and the onesies, and a pink room!” Alice tapped her finger on her forehead, “No,

wait, maybe it should be green— just in case, you never know! Sometimes it’s best to not be

gender specific. Ooo! But if it’s a girl, we can paint its mini nails, and…” Alice’s rant trailed

off into an unknown language. Alicese, as Jasper liked to call it.

She bounded down the hall towards the girls. They stood there staring at her and laughing as she

was nearly in a full run, screaming plans for the baby.

“Ha, suck on that, Rose. You, too, now have to endure the wrath and destruction of

Plannerzilla!” Bella cackled as Edward hugged her up thanking his lucky stars that Alice had

another project to devote her time to and his days of being cock-blocked by Alice were nearly


The three girls took hands and started towards the lobby again as their men followed behind

them, laughing. They all regaled each other with the events of the evening as they exited the

building. The men followed the girls to their limo that was patiently waiting for them. Brief

goodbyes separated the men from the woman as the ladies set out for their evening’s


The men knew that Alice had planned for the girls to follow some sort of bachelorette checklist

or something crazy like that since Rose and Bella both weren’t allowed to have alcohol. Alice

had stated that a male stripper wouldn’t be any fun if they couldn’t drink while they watched, so

they were going to do something completely different but potentially more fun.

The guys headed back into the hotel as they planned a crazy guys night there, in honor of

Edward’s upcoming nuptials. Edward had made it perfectly clear he had no intention of trying to

get into a strip joint. He hated the idea of Jasper hiring a stripper, but at least she was coming to

them, and they could expel her at any time he wanted.

They entered the banquet room that had been reserved for them. Emmett and Jasper had

decorated it in blown up condoms and crazy colored streamers. He laughed when he read the

sign on the wall that proclaimed, ‘Another One Bites the Dust’.

Edward settled into a plush leather seat as he contentedly listened to Emmett and Jasper as they

conveyed their previous nights to him. He smiled as both of his buddies’ excitement bubbled

over. Usually, he was the one with the crazy stories and it felt almost comforting to be on the

other end of the conversation.

Part of him wished for Jacob to be there. This party would’ve been complete with Jacob’s older

brother persona. He had always felt connected to Jake in a way he never felt with Emmett or

Jasper. Of course, they were his buddies, his comrades, his mates, his best friends, but Jacob

was more like his older brother. It also helped that Jacob also looked at Bella like a sister. It

made it much easier to talk to Jake when he didn’t know what to do about Bella.

Jacob had recently married Vanessa and was now off at college in Alaska. Edward hadn’t talked

to him in a few weeks. The last conversation they had was when Edward called Jacob to tell him

that he and Bella were getting married and to ask Jacob to be his best man. There was no way

for him to pick between Jasper and Emmett so he figured this would be the safest route to take.

An extremely tall bellboy brought in a cart full of food and alcohol. The guys watched as he set

up the table and as he turned to face them, Edward nearly fell out of his chair in surprise. It was


“You didn’t think I would let my little brother have a stag party without me, now did ya? When

fuck-face called me, I knew I had to be here.” Jacob rushed over to Edward and hugged him up.

“Congrats, buddy. I’m so happy for you and Bells.”

“Thanks,” Edward said as he hugged Jacob in a bear hug.

Jacob released Edward and turned to Jasper, “What the fuck, douchebag? I thought you said

there was going to be a stripper here?”

“There is. She should be here any moment. I surprised the fuck out of Alice when I made the

call myself.”

The room burst into a roar of laughter as everyone knew that Jasper would have normally just let

Alice do something like that, and that it probably bugged the Hell out of Alice that he didn’t let

her this time.

They continued talking when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“Open up, this is the police,” a soft but firm female voice called through the door. Jasper

clapped his hands together as he got out of his seat and went to open the door.

Jasper’s mouth dropped to the floor as he took in the scantily clad stripper dressed in a tight pair

of dark blue spandex shorts and a cop’s uniform shirt that was four sizes too small. The way she

was dressed wasn’t what actually captured his attention. It was the fact that the stripper that

stood before him was someone he knew. “I have a warrant here for the arrest of one Edward

Cullen,” she smiled wickedly at Jasper.

“Lauren, what the Hell are you doing here?” Jasper whispered as he suddenly realized that every

pair of eyes in the room was staring at them.

“You hired me, silly.”

“You’re the stripper?” Jasper could feel the heat rise in his face. Edward had already been dead

set against their fun and now this. He would never accept a stripper that they knew. Their entire

night just went out the window.

“My friend Cathy was supposed to work for you tonight, but she caught a stomach bug, so I’m

here to take her place.”

“You can’t be here!” Jasper raked his finger through his hair. He knew he was in trouble.

Maybe he could call the agency and get another girl.

Yeah, that’s what I will do.

Edward, the ever-constant gentleman, walked up to Jasper and Lauren and rather than hurting

Lauren’s feelings decided to play along.

“I’m Edward Cullen, officer, is there something wrong?”

“My sources state that you’ve been a naughty boy and I have a warrant here for your immediate

arrest,” Lauren quoted her line.

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. Do

you understand these rights as I have read them to you?”

Edward smirked. He realized that Jasper had specifically requested the stripper be a cop to

commemorate his career choice.

“I do, officer, but I have the right to make one request,” Edward smiled at her.

“And that would be?” Lauren raised an eyebrow at him. It wasn’t uncommon for her to get

special request, but she was honestly surprised that the innocent Edward Cullen would want

something extra.

“I request that instead of you completing your normal routine, you play a game of strip poker

with us. It puts us all on an even playing field and you’re still doing the job you came here to do

tonight. Whatcha think?”

All the guys around him gasped at his request, except Jacob who burst into a fit of laughter. It

was so like Edward to try and change the situation to accommodate his beliefs.

“Are you serious, Edward?” Lauren was suddenly out of character. She had expected him to

request something like he wanted to see her ass crack or to motorboat her tits, never had she

expected this from him.

“Yes,” he replied very simply.

“I love it,” Jacob continued his roar of laughter.

“Well, okay. You’re the bachelor after all. You do have the right to make such a request. What

shall we play?”

“How about five-card stud?” Edward remembered how well he did against his father and soon to

be father-in-law at this game and felt he would be safe with it. He definitely didn’t want to be

sitting in his skivvies in front of anyone, especially Lauren, and the bonus was that he could

watch his friends lose and embarrass the crap out of themselves.

“That works for me, stud.” Lauren winked at Edward.

Everyone else agreed to the game pretty quickly. Emmett pulled their chairs around the table as

Jasper grabbed a package of cards and began shuffling them.

Lauren sat beside Edward and leaned over to him. She softly whispered, “Do you want me to


Edward silently shook his head no. If he was being forced to deal with a stripper, especially one

that he had gone to school with, he was going make sure she kept as much of her clothing on as

he could.

Edward leaned over and whispered in Lauren’s ear, “However, I think Emmett needs a lesson in

modesty. So, if you could help me out with embarrassing him, you would be doing me a

massive favor.”

He winked at Lauren and she smirked, nodding her head in agreement.

“Okay, the rules of the game are as follows: one, the individual who gets down to their

underwear first is the loser. Since Lauren has the least amount of clothing on at this point, she

will forgo the ante.”

“That doesn’t seem fair,” Emmett bellowed. He was here to see boobs and Edward was trying to

take that fun away.

“My party, my rules,” Edward chided.

“Two, well… there’s really only the one rule. Standard playing rules apply after that,” Edward

laughed as he realized that he had sounded like a total idiot at that moment.

Lauren patted Edward on the hand and smiled. She had always wanted to hang out with this

group in school but never quite fit in. The moment she had seen Edward’s name on the

reservation, she knew she wanted this gig.

The game pursued and Edward was surprised to find that Lauren was actually pretty good at

poker. Every time Emmett was getting cocky with the hand he was dealt, Lauren would look at

him and slowly sip on the straw to her drink, or run a finger across the collar of her “barely-

there” shirt and distract him.

Each time she did this, Emmett forgot what he was supposed to be doing and lost each hand that

he was dealt.

Lauren rarely lost a hand but when she did lose, she lost big. Emmett and Jasper were ecstatic

when she finally lost her top and of all things to Edward’s straight flush.

“Talk about ironic. Here you are, Edward, trying desperately to keep her clothes on and it’s your

fault she has to sit there topless,” Jasper bellowed out.

Edward’s face turned downtrodden, but Lauren just smiled. “Edward, it’s my job. I’m really

cool with it. No big deal.”

“Speaking of which, how did you get into this job?” Emmett inquired as he dealt out the next set

of cards.

“Long story but I will tell you I’ve been in Seattle for the last three weeks, and have made more

money in those three weeks than my mother makes in a year. It’s not a glamorous job but it

more than pays the bills. Plus, I meet a load of interesting people. I honestly like it.”

Emmett dealt out the cards and the game continued.

Emmett was now sitting in his boxer briefs, socks and his NY ball cap. He somehow found it

amusing to take his shirt and pants off first while everyone else was going for their socks and

watches. Typical Emmett.

The further they got into the game, the more they realized they actually liked Lauren’s company.

She wasn’t nearly the bitch they had always thought she was, but then she also was away from

Jessica, and they had never dealt with her outside those realms.

Jacob lost the first game, Lauren lost a couple, but Emmett nearly stank up the joint with his

inability to play poker.

“Hah!” Jasper laughed. “You don’t play poker against a Texas native. We’ll kick your ass every


“Whatever, fuck-face! I’m Illinois-born, and I’ve nearly kicked your Texas ass every time.”

Edward laughed as he punched Jasper in the arm.

“So, this is what you guys are really like. You’re not as stuck up as we all thought.” Lauren


This comment halted the game.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jasper suddenly felt offended. No one had ever accused them

of being stuck-up before.

Lauren shrugged realizing the comment was meant as part of her internal monologue and now

they knew her true thoughts.

“I don’t know. In high school, you guys were The Untouchables, in a way.”

Jacob laughed, “You called them The Untouchables?”

Lauren laughed and nodded in response to Jacob’s question. She had really found herself liking

Jacob. He had kind eyes and his personality was a great conglomeration of all three of the other

men at the table.

“Paradoxically, yes.”

“We weren’t untouchable… were we?” Emmett shrugged, kind of liking the fact that people

thought of him as important.

“It’s just, well, even from elementary school, you guys were always with your girls. No one

does that. I can’t even begin to count how many boyfriends I’ve had, and somehow you three

have had the same clique since, forever. No one could get near you. You were the most popular

kids in school but also the most unavailable.”

Jasper laid down his hand and yelled out, “Take it off, Cullen. C’mon, you can do it.”

Edward slipped his shirt over his head and laid it down on the table. Lauren just stopped and

stared. Edward’s bare chest was more beautiful than she ever anticipated. She couldn’t wait to

call Jessica and tell her about this night. Jessica was never going to believe her.

“You make us sound like celebrities or something.” Edward took the cards and began to shuffle.

“To us, you were.” Lauren answered honestly. “You were the group everyone wanted to be a

part of. You were cool, gorgeous and smart. You all seemed to have it together and for one of

you to even talk to one of us was like talking to Brad Pitt or something.”

“Wow, you sure had them fooled,” Jacob nudged Edward in the ribs.

Edward wasn’t sure how to react to this information. He had never realized what the other

students had thought of him and his friends. They had always been together but it never

occurred to him that people really paid attention to that.

The game continued as well as the friendly banter.

Finally, Edward’s thoughts got the best of him. He turned to Lauren and smiled shyly, “I’m

sorry we made you feel that way.”

Lauren nodded her head, “We’re cool. I now know the truth and realize that you’re not the

arrogant prick I thought you were.” She joined in the laughter of table when she realized that no

one was upset with her honesty.

“Nah, honey, he really is an arrogant prick.” Jasper chuckled.

After several hours of play and nearly everyone losing at least one round, Lauren packed up her

stuff and prepared to leave.

“Thank you for the evening,” she turned the guys before she walked out the door. “I can’t

remember the last time I had this much fun.”

“Our pleasure,” Jacob smiled at her. “It’s been rather enlightening.”

Jasper pulled a wade of cash out of his pocket and handed it to her.

“Whoa, I don’t carry enough change for this. Well, maybe the hotel will let us break this up at

the front desk.” Lauren eyed the roll of cash in her hand.

“No change needed. You earned every penny and then some,” Edward hugged her, which

surprised the Hell out of her. She hugged him back and grinned. She could officially die and go

to Heaven. She had been in the arms of Edward Cullen.

Where the fuck is a camera when I need one? Jessica will never believe me. Ugh!

“Thank you all.”

“No, thank you.” Emmett laughed. “You got ol’ sourpuss here out of his shell; that’s something

we’ll never forget.”

Once again the room broke into laughter and after hugging the rest of the guys, Lauren left

feeling like she had finally made it into the ‘in’ crowd.

The guys quickly cleaned up their mess after her departure, and made their way up to their

rooms. It was well after two in the morning, and they figured the girls would be back by now.

Edward walked into the room to find Bella lying on their bed wearing nothing but a pair of red

lace panties and a book in her hand, enjoying the silence. Her eyes popped up as he walked into

the room. She smiled his favorite smile and he felt the undying need to be near her again.

He smiled and pulled his shirt over his head, rushing to get into the bed with her.

“Hi, baby,” she whispered, as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

“God, I missed you.” His lips quickly found her neck as she gently placed the book on the

nightstand beside them.

“I missed you, too. Did you have fun? A couple of lap dances get you ready for me tonight?”

Bella found herself moaning as his hand greedily began to massage her breast.

“No lap dances, and there isn’t another woman on this planet that can get me as excited as you


Bella pulled away and looked at him with a fire in her eyes. “Hold on, I thought you got a

stripper? I wanted you to have the experience. Don’t tell me Jasper fucked that up,” venom

filled her words.

“You wanted the stripper?” Edward suddenly felt confused.

“Of course I did. I know how you are. I just wanted you to let loose and have fun tonight. I

know you love me and want only me. I just thought you to should enjoy the right-of-passage

that a man takes when he’s getting married.”

He kissed Bella deeply. He then told her about their night and about Lauren. Bella’s anger

dissipated as he retold the evening’s events. She couldn’t help but laugh hysterically at the

situation he found himself in, and apologized for putting him there.

“Next time, I’ll make sure I’m with you. We can have a lap dance together,” she chuckled.

“Really?” Edward’s eyes suddenly bugging out of his head.

“Yeah, sure. It might be fun.” Bella shrugged and kissed him as they lost themselves in each

other’s bodies, forgetting about the events of the night.

Later that night while Edward slept, Bella found herself wide awake. Her mind was racing with

all the details of the wedding, and the fact that she and Edward would be married in a little over a

month. She knew the wedding was coming together soundly, and she shouldn’t be worried but

fear ached inside her. Was Edward giving up the chance of having a child of his own to be with

her? Would she really be able to make him happy? Was she really enough?

As a tear streamed down her face, she once again prayed.

God, it’s me again.

Please give me a sign that what we’re doing here is the right thing to do. I don’t want to

disappoint him, to deprive him of the life he should have. He has so much to give and I’d hate to

be the reason that he doesn’t get the chance to be the father he was meant to be.

I know it sounds petty and childish, but God, I really want to be everything for him. I just feel

like I’m not enough. Please help me get past this. I love him so much that my heart aches for


Please help me figure this out. Show me that this is the right decision.


Bella cuddled into Edward. Even sound asleep his body migrated toward hers. He moaned as he

wrapped his arms around her.

“I love you,” he whispered in his sleep.

Bella smiled and whispered, “I love you, too.”

God always has a way of working miracles, and Bella was lying the in the arms of hers.

Night after night, when I didn't sleep

But that was before you lay beside me

When all of my demons were dancing with me

I'm glad you came down 'cause I was in too deep

Never saw the chemistry that was there with you and me

It's been a long time coming

Just waiting on an angel to take me out of my hell

I'm falling for you

Just dropping out of thin air

You came out of nowhere right out of the blue...

When heaven sent you!

~ Chapter 15: Age 19 ~

"I don't know about this, Bro. It just doesn't seem like me," Jasper grumbled.

"Trust me. Alice will think you hung the moon if you do it," Edward encouraged, as he shoved

Jasper toward the counter.

"I need a dozen white daisies, please," he requested from the sales clerk. The pretty clerk smiled

and quickly proceeded with completing his order.

"Well, if you're sure. I guess I'll do it. It just seems so eighties." Jasper paid for the flowers and

turned to see Edward smiling and Emmett hunched over a floral arrangement.

"Do you think Rose would like flowers?" Emmett asked, staring blankly at the flowers.

"What girl doesn't like flowers?" Jasper replied.

"I'm sure she would love some, but I think tonight might be a bad idea for flowers in your case,"

Edward advised.

Emmett turned to Edward with confusion muddling his expression. Edward pointed to Jasper and

Emmett immediately understood. Rose would probably assume the only reason she got flowers

was because Jasper was getting Alice some. He quickly exited the flower shop with his friends

and put the flower idea on the backburner.

While walking toward the car, Edward started calling out their check list to Jasper. He wanted to

make sure that Jasper had not forgotten anything. "Okay, restaurant reservation?"

Jasper muttered, "Check."

"Concert tickets?" Edward unlocked the car, walked to the driver's side and opened the door.

Jasper leaned over the hood of the car sarcastically replying, "Yes, Edward. Check."

The three men got into the vehicle closing the door behind them. Emmett had taken shotgun

since they were going to drop Jasper off at the rental company.

Edward continued his checklist. "Private lingerie viewing?"

Emmett snickered. Jasper leaned forward in his seat and slapped Emmett across the back of his


"Fuck! That hurt, asshole," Emmett bellowed.

"Well, stop being such a douche then. Besides, that was your fucking idea, genius. Or don't you

remember?" Jasper chided.

Emmett mumbled something but didn't say another word.

"CHECK," Jasper answered sternly.

Edward laughed at his friends’ exchange. He had been friends with them since grade school, and

he didn't have a single memory of them that didn't end in one of them hitting the other.

"Okay, you two. Knock it off. Now, we have the flowers obviously, so that only leaves the


"Am I forgetting anything?" Jasper asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Other than picking up your girl? Nothing that I can think of," Emmett said with a shrug.

"No, man, I really think you're ready for this. You're going to knock her socks off," Edward

encouraged as he started the car and drove them to Jasper's final location. They had been

planning this date for weeks, and the fruits of their labors were about to pay off. Jasper was

going to have Alice all to himself for the night. No wedding planning, no Plannerzilla, just his


This made Edward happy because it would be the first time he had his fiancé to himself since he

proposed to her. Alice had been taking up all Bella's time with the wedding, which made it

difficult for Edward to have any alone time with the love of his life.

The only one who was uncomfortable about the evening was Emmett and that was simply

because Rose had been very out of sorts lately. He feared she had grown tired of him and was

about to break up with him. That scared Emmett more than his father's fist. He was in love with

Rose. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that he was, however she continued to push him away

and he feared she no longer felt the same.

Edward and Emmett dropped an extremely nervous Jasper off at the rental company to retrieve

his limo while they headed back to the hotel. Jasper had taken Alice on many dates, but nothing

like what he had planned for this evening. He was determined to show her that he loved her

wholeheartedly. She deserved that much from him and so much more.

She stuck by him when he told his father he didn't want to go to college, and that his goal was to

go into the music business. His own father threatened to ship him off to military school and even

disown him, but Alice wouldn't hear of it. She was determined that Jasper would achieve his

dream of making it to the top, even if that meant that they had to run away together.

Jasper smiled, thinking about all the times that Alice had been there for him, and about how

much he loved her. She was his world and tonight he was going to show her how much she really

meant to him. He finalized all his arrangements with the rental company and a sleek black stretch

Hummer was pulled around front. It was perfect; just what a rock star's girlfriend belonged in.

The driver jumped out of the front and raced to the back, where he opened the door for Jasper.

"Good evening, sir. Where to?"

I could get used to this.

Jasper gave the man the address to the hotel and sent Alice a text telling her he was on his way.

He could only imagine the shrill sound she made the moment she received that text. This date

was all she had talked about since he sent her the invitation. Well, the date and Edward and

Bella's wedding.

Jasper instructed the driver to pull in front of the hotel and he waited for his girl to walk out.

God, I can't believe I let Edward talk me into this shit. Fuckin' eighties.

Jasper stood up through the sunroof, holding the daisies in his hand and had the driver turn on

Alice's favorite Hinder song. He watched as she walked out of the hotel, her eyes lit up, and the

most beautiful smile careened across her lips. Her tiny mini-skirt didn't leave much to the

imagination, and Jasper had to fight off the images that flooded his mind of that skirt hiked up

around her waist as he had his way with her.

Tonight was about making Alice feel wanted and desired, not about getting his dick some. Even

though he prayed it would come to that.

Edward and Emmett both gave him a thumbs-up, indicating this was exactly what he needed to

do. Jasper smiled his best smile and announced, "Miss Brandon, your chariot awaits."

Alice squealed and hugged her girlfriends goodbye. The driver opened the limo door for her and

she slipped in. Her girlish laugh filled the air in the limo. Jasper helped her into the sunroof with

him. She beamed at him, drawing him in for a deep kiss.

"Wow," he whispered to her.

"The night is young, baby. I'm just getting warmed up." Alice's smile went from excitement to

lust. Jasper knew that look all too well and was thrilled at the thought of Alice being aroused, but

was even happier that she seemed happy with what she had already experienced.

They turned to their friends to wave good-bye. Jasper had to help Alice peek through the

sunroof, as she was too short to do it completely on her own. They waved and laughed as the

driver started the limo. Once the hotel was no longer in sight, they crawled into the limo and

closed the sunroof.

"Thank you," Alice whispered shyly.

"For what?" Jasper felt confused. There wasn't a shy bone in Alice's little body and she seemed

totally out of her norm at the moment.

"For all of this. We've all grown to expect this from Edward, but it's nice to be the recipient

every once in a while."

Jasper's heart broke. Sitting here in front of him was the most beautiful of angels, sent from

heaven just for him. She believed in him when no one else would, she loved him when everyone

else saw nothing more in him than a jokester, The Jazzmeister, and all she wanted was time that

was set aside just for her. He vowed in that moment that he would never let her feel that way

again. He would worship her as she deserved. She had already given him so much, and it was the

least he could do to repay her for her love.

"You deserve this and infinitely more," he whispered, pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

Alice gasped as their tongues danced together in perfect harmony. She gently moved to his lap,

straddling him, pushing her chest into his, as her fingers played with his hair. Jasper moved his

hands up her thighs, enjoying the feel of her perfect soft skin under his fingertips. He moved his

hand up under her skirt and grabbed her shapely bottom. His eyes flew open as his finger

massaged against her naked skin.

He pulled back from her lips and smiled, slipping his fingers between her legs, only to confirm

his thoughts. Alice was naked under that tiny skirt.

"You likes?" she whispered in his ear, nipping at his delicate skin.

"Likes? I loves," he growled, pushing his finger in between her wet folds.

Alice hummed and thrust her molten hot center down on his single finger. He curled it slightly

inside her, reaching the spot he knew if pushed just right would make her scream. She buried her

face in his neck as she fought back a scream from the immense feeling of his ministrations.

The vehicle came to an abrupt stop and Jasper looked out the window, realizing they were at the

restaurant. The rest of this would have to wait until the end of the evening. Jasper kissed Alice

sweetly. "I love you," he whispered against her lips.

"I love you, too."

Alice slid off Jasper's lap just in time for the driver to open the door. She smiled as she discretely

exited the car. Jasper followed, enjoying the view of what he knew was under that tiny skirt.

Down, boy. Later. Trust me. She will take care of you, too.

Jasper took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. He escorted her into the restaurant to

begin what would hopefully be the best night of Alice's life.

~ X ~

Jasper was grateful when dinner was finally over. The entire time they ate, he watched Alice's

mouth and found himself envying the lobster for being in there. He couldn't get out of the

restaurant quickly enough and he was even happier that the WaMu Theater, where they were

going for the concert, was only a block away from the restaurant.

Thanks to Edward and his ability to get pretty much anything he wanted, they were seated

quickly and even provided with backstage passes for after the show. Alice was beside herself at

the fact she would actually get to meet the band.

Everything had been timed just perfectly and they arrived just before the show was about to start.

The opening act was awesome. A local group called AWOL was debuting in mainstream that

evening and would be joining Hinder's All American Nightmare tour in the upcoming year.

Jasper got lost in their music. They had a great rock sound with a slight country twist. Totally up

his alley. He longed for the day that he would be able to stand on a stage and perform like that.

He didn't know how he would get there, but he was determined he would someday.

The lights went down in the auditorium and an announcer's voice reverberated throughout the

building. "Ladies and Gentleman. The WaMu Theater is proud to present…Hinder."

The strum of the electric guitar shook the room, sending vibrations through each of their bodies,

as smoked flooded the stage. Lights streamed across the stage, brilliant reds, greens, blues, and

yellows, causing the smoke to have an eerie look to it as it continued to fill the stage.

"Are you ready to rock tonight, Seattle?" Austin Winkler, Hinder's lead vocalist yelled out to the


Alice and Jasper screamed with the rest of the fans, but he was momentarily sidetracked when

Alice jumped and her skirt slid a little further up her legs.

"I said, are you ready to rock, Seattle?" Austin screamed out.

The crowd went wild, as Hinder walked out on stage.

Joe Garvey played that first visible note on the electric guitar eliciting more screams from the


Austin's voice growled, "Got my attention, when she walked in, turning heads with a tiny skirt

and sexy grin…"

He bent down reaching out to the audience, brushing quickly over their hands. "We're gonna be

up all night, doing things her dad won't like, so far from sober that I'll have to slam through my


Alice reached up and with a little help from Jasper was able to touch Austin's hand. She

screamed with excitement when he winked at her and smiled, then reached out to Jasper. Jasper

reached and gave his hand a quick slap as Austin moved on to the next person.

They were so close to the stage, they could practically see the sweat dripping from Cody

Hanson's face as he slammed the drums.

Excitement coursed through their bodies as the band played. Song after song, excitement flooded

the atmosphere. No one stayed seated. It was impossible to be seated as the band filled the huge

auditorium with their masterpieces. Jasper and Alice could sing each song word for word, and

joined with everyone else in doing so.

As the night started slowing down, Austin began singing one of their favorite ballads. Jasper

pulled Alice in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, as they swayed to the

beat of the music.

Jasper hummed the lyrics in Alice's ear as Austin sang, "I really miss your hair in my face, and

the way your innocence tastes, and I think you should know this…"

Without realizing it, they were transported into their own little bubble. No one was around them.

They were alone, as the band played solely for them.

Jasper leaned in and kissed Alice's neck. He loved the way she tasted on his tongue, and her soft

moan when he touched her caused crazy things to happen inside him.

Alice closed her eyes, the beat of the music swaying her as Jasper tantalized her. His tongue

teased her neck, caressing her skin, as his fingers grasped her hips. She raised her arms over her

head, wrapping them around Jasper's neck. Her nails gently scratched the hair at the nape of his

neck as he pulled her flush with his body. She grinned and continued to sway, feeling his hard

cock against her back.

He slowly joined her rhythm in the dance, as his hands slid down her body. He closed his eyes

and swayed his hips with hers, playing with the hem of her tiny miniskirt. He skimmed along her

legs, feeling the soft skin of her inner thigh and the heat permeating from her hot center.

He leaned in and whispered, "I want you so bad, ma petite mimi."

Chills coursed down her spine as his breath lingered on her neck. She slowly moved her hands

down his arms, linking her fingers with his.

When Jasper was like this, there was no stopping him, and she never wanted to. She loved the

fact that a simple touch, a breath of a word, a lingering kiss, would send them both completely

over the edge.

Sure, there were times when she envied the sweet romance that was Edward and Bella, but deep

down Alice thrilled at the raw passion that was her and Jasper. Jasper simply had to pierce her

soul with his cobalt eyes and it was like she could feel everything he felt. In that moment, their

souls were connected and they were no longer two halves of the whole, they were a single entity

unable to survive without the other.

They had so much control over each other's bodies, that words were never needed to relay what

each of them had on their minds. It was always about the feeling, the need, that controlled them

and while Jasper would never admit it verbally to her, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that

Jasper secretly survived off of their desire for each other.

His hand slipped under her skirt, cupping her bare sex, gently massaging her with the palm of his

hand. She laid her head against his solid chest as his fingers toyed with her soft, wet slit. Jasper's

fingers moved in time with the music and their dance, bringing Alice to the brink but never

letting her completely go over the edge.

His pushed his two fingers inside her, relishing the feel of her desire coating him, his palm

resting against her warm clit causing her body to shake with the feel of his touch.

"I really miss your hair in my face, and the way your innocence tastes, and I think you should

know this, you deserve much better than me," Jasper crooned in her ear as the sound of the music

filled the air.

Alice's movements became bolder, dancing against Jasper's hand, bending her knees to meet his

fingers with each thrust.

Jasper swallowed hard, trying to control his body while Alice led them in their sexual tango. His

fingers teased her, pushing her only so far before he would back away, letting her body relax just

enough to begin again.

"Please," Alice begged.

A playful smirk toyed over Jasper's lips. His fingers rubbing and teasing until finally he entered

her again. His body reacted immediately to the intense relief rolling all over her. He moaned as

she moved up and down his body, her sexual dance continuing to bring him to the brink of no


With each thrust of his fingers she would push against his hard member, now buried deep in her

back, causing him to tense up, fighting to control his urges.

Alice lifted her arms, wrapping them around Jasper's neck again pulling him down to her. She

leaned into his ear and whispered, "Had enough yet?"

"Fuck, no, but if you keep this up I'm going to fucking jizz in my pants," he growled.

She chuckled and grabbed his hand. Jasper groaned at the loss of contact, but followed without

hesitation as she proceeded to lead him out of the building.

"Baby, where are we going?"

"The limo. I need you now and I can't wait a minute longer." Alice reached the main entrance

when Jasper pulled back, stopping her.

"But…but…but…Hinder?" Jasper stuttered.

She shrugged. "What about them? We get to meet the band later, and I want you, now!"

"Then what about your romantic evening?" Jasper argued, feeling guilty.

He had this whole night planned out and taking Alice in the limo was not part of the plan. He

knew he wanted his girl in every way fathomable, but in the back of the limo defeated his

purpose for the evening. She deserved to know she was his world, more than just a sex toy, she

was his everything.

Alice turned to face him. She pushed herself on the tips of her toes and placed her hands on his

face. "Jasper, I'm not Bella. You don't have to wine and dine me. I love us the way we are -

spontaneous, exciting, uninhibited. Those things are the things that make us tick. Not planning

and elaborate dates. While I love all this, don't get me wrong, I love you for who you are, and not

what you think I want you to be."

Jasper was stunned for a moment. All this time he had believed that Alice wanted him to be more

like Edward, when in fact it was totally opposite, she loved him because he wasn't Edward.

He pulled her to him, kissing her long and hard. Her body melting into his, as his fingers grazed

her backside. He had never wanted her more than he did in moment.

Jasper took Alice's hand and led her out of the theater, searching for the limo. He wanted to

scream when it was nowhere to be found. He looked down at Alice, her eyes full of desire and


"Fuck," he whispered.

"I plan to," she giggled, leading him towards the back alley.

The alley was dark and secluded but they could still hear the sounds of the band playing from


"This is so much better than the limo. Here, I get you and I get to listen to Hinder live," she

murmured against his lips, pushing him against the wall.

Jasper chuckled, nipping at her bottom lip. "Win, win," he whispered.

"Win, win," Alice moaned.

Without thinking, Jasper picked up Alice up off the ground. Her legs immediately straddled his

hips and he turned pushing her back up against the wall.

Alice threw her head back, giving Jasper full access to her neck, where he roughly kissed and

nipped, relishing the taste and feel of skin on his tongue.

"Jazzy, please," she begged. Her hands moved down his chest, the feel of brick wall catching the

material of her skirt, as she found his belt buckle. Expertly she unhooked his belt and popped the

button of his jeans.

His lips trailed down her neck making contact with her collarbone. He bit down hard muffling

his own moans, as she swiftly released his throbbing hard cock from the confines of his jeans.

She stroked his cock several times, her thumb rubbing along his slit, collecting his desire on her

finger, kneading it gently into his skin. She pushed and pulled, eliciting a hiss from his lips

before aligning him with her molten hot center, impaling herself on him. They both groaned as

he entered her, stretching her, owning her. Her body enveloped him, and immediately they felt as


Jasper leaned forward, pushing his weight into her, bending his knees just enough to provide

further support. He could hear the sounds of the wall scratching at Alice's clothes as they moved

in time with the song. He groaned as her body tightened around him.

He knew her body almost better than his own and he knew with just the right amount of timing

and pressure she would come completely undone around him.

The music silenced inside theater but they were so lost in each other's bodies that they didn't

even realize the concert was over.

Jasper thrust forward, pushing Alice hard into the wall, sending her over the edge. As her body

convulsed around him, he lost control letting his own orgasm take over. They came hard, the

groans filling the night air.

"I love you so much," Jasper whispered in her ear, as she pushed his sweat soaked hair back.

"I love you, too," she gasped, panting hard.

"Watching you two makes me miss my girl at home," a gruff voice broke their moment.

They froze in their place, unable to move, fearing a cop had caught them.

"Hey, man, it's cool. I didn't see anything but the vocal show was fucking awesome. Put your girl

down. I promise I won't watch…much," Austin Winkler chuckled as a puff of smoke filled the

air around him.

Jasper eyed Alice, unsure how to handle the situation. She silently nodded, giving him

permission to adjust them.

Jasper slowly slid Alice down the wall, making sure she was covered. It was one thing for him to

be seen, but she was his girl and no one should see her naked but him.

Jasper tucked himself away as Alice made sure she was completely clothed.

They both walked towards Austin, feeling embarrassed at the situation they now found

themselves in.

"Wow, too bad I didn't see what was going on. With all due respect, man, your girl here is

fucking hot," Austin proclaimed, exhaling another puff of smoke.

"Thanks," Jasper replied taking the blunt from Austin. He toked it and handed it to Alice.

"Hey, wait, I remember you two. You were the hot couple making out during Better Than Me.

Fuck, I missed you guys after you left."

"Oh, my God. You saw that?" Alice exclaimed, handing him the blunt.

"Took everything inside me not to stop the show just to watch. That was probably the best show

I've seen in a long time."

Alice blushed and Jasper felt the need to suddenly defend his girl's honor, but before he could

say anything, Austin pointed toward their badges.

"VIP's, huh?"

"We were until you busted us just now," Jasper mumbled.

Austin took another hit and handed it back to Jasper. "Are you fucking kidding me? If you

weren't already VIP's I would be inviting you in as my personal guest. You two have balls for

fucking in an alley." Austin laughed.

Within minutes the remaining members of the band joined them outside. Formal introductions

were made quickly as Austin regaled them with stories of Jasper and Alice's sexcapades.

Jasper watched Alice as she became bolder and began filling in the parts that Austin left out,

laughing and carrying on with the guys. She no longer blushed as Austin described what he

could see from the stage. In fact, she didn't seem ashamed that they were caught. She almost

seemed proud of the fact that they knew she belonged to him.

He couldn't imagine how he got so lucky to have a girl like Alice. One that wasn't shy about her

body or their sexuality and entirely devoted to him.

"So, are you both in college?" Cody asked.

"Alice starts this fall," Jasper answered quickly.

"And you, man? You're not going to college?" Joe asked.

"Nah, college just isn't in the cards for me." Jasper shrugged, pulling Alice to him. He was

feeling slightly buzzed and his body was already aching for her again.

Joe took the last hit and asked, "Well, what do you want to do?"

"Jasper's a musician," Alice answered proudly. She knew he would shy away from the

conversation, but something inside her told her that now was his time. She knew that this was his

chance to make it in the music world, that fate was stepping in and giving him the upper hand.

All he had to do was grasp it.

"What do you play?" Austin asked, intrigued.

"He plays the guitar, but his true talent is his vocals," Alice bragged.

"Alice," Jasper hissed.

"Dude, is she your manager or your girlfriend," Cody teased.

Jasper blushed while Alice beamed.

"Please forgive my girlfriend. She tends to get a little overzealous at times."

"Fuck, man. Don't apologize. She's a keeper." Austin laughed.

"Look, we gotta go do that VIP thing, but what are you two doing in about two hours?" Joe


"Nothing, nothing at all," Alice chirped.

Jasper turned to Alice in shock. He had set up her private lingerie viewing after the VIP tour.

They were supposed to be there in two hours. He cleared his throat about to say something when

Alice gave him the evil eye.

"Great," Cody and Austin exclaimed together.

"We are getting together with AWOL after this thing is over. How would you two like to join

us?" Joe invited.

Alice nudged Jasper in the gut and replied, "That would be awesome, count us in."

"Sweet," Joe said, as he opened the door.

The band members followed him in. Jasper wrapped his arms around Alice, forcing her to not


"You two comin'?" Cody asked.

They could hear Austin laugh and exclaim from inside the building, "They already did that."

"We'll be there in a second," Jasper answered with a chuckle.

"Okay. See you two lovebirds inside."

The alley door closed and Jasper quickly turned Alice to face him.

"What the fuck was that? Our date? None of this is going as I planned," he growled, his fingers

ripping through his hair.

Alice took his face in her hands, effectively interrupting his rant.

"Jazz, whatever you have planned for later I'm sure we can do another time. This is a once in a

lifetime opportunity, a moment to let who you are really shine. Not only that, but you get to

fucking hang out with Hinder. How many people can say that?"

Jasper laughed. He knew she was right, but he wanted this night to be about her and here it was

turning into a night about him.

Before he could voice his concerns, Alice piped up, "I know what you are thinking, and think of

it this way. This is not only a great opportunity for you but for me, too."

Jasper nodded and pulled her into a deep kiss. "How the hell did I get so lucky to find you?"

"You didn't find me, Mr. Whitlock. I found you," Alice cooed against his lips. "Now, let's get

inside. We have a VIP spot to fill."

~ X ~

The sounds of guitar tuning filled the air, as everyone settled into whatever chairs and sofas they

could find in the hotel suite. Alice sat on the floor between Jasper's legs watching diligently as

both Hinder and AWOL pulled out their equipment.

Austin quickly introduced the members of AWOL to Jasper and Alice.

"Chris here plays the drums," Austin pointed to a slender guy with light brown hair, a five

o'clock shadow and pale green eyes. Immediately, Alice liked him. He seemed cocky but sweet

as a small smirk teased his lips.

"This here is Alex. He plays the piano." A young red-headed man waved at them. His smile was

huge and sweet, and his emerald green eyes shone bright against his pale white skin. Jasper could

swear that Alex was no older than he and Alice.

"And last, but certainly not least, Brad," Austin said as he slapped a bald guy on the back. Brad

was short and stocky, but loud. He laughed hard and nudged Austin back.

"You bet, fucker, not least. I'm the best and you know it," Brad teased.

"So, Brad, I take it you're the lead singer?" Alice asked.

"For now. I play the guitar and prefer to do backup. We lost our lead singer recently, so I've

filled in until we find a new one," Brad explained.

Alice eyed Jasper, trying to relay to him that this could be his opportunity. Jasper pretended to

ignore her. He had it set in his heart that nothing could be this easy, and they were just there for

the fun of it.

"Do you guys do this often?" Jasper queried.

"It's a great way to unwind after a long night," Joe explained, handing Jasper a beer.

Jasper nodded taking the beer that was being handed to him. He popped the top and took a drink.

They offered one to Alice and she graciously accepted.

"So, tell us about this new album," Chris said as he finished helping Alex set up the electric


"Well, you guys already know about the All American Nightmare tour," Cody replied.

"Yeah, and hopefully we will have our new lead singer before that begins. It would fucking suck

to lose that opportunity," Brad complained.

Austin and Joe nodded in agreement.

"That's actually going to be the first single released. The song rocks, but the single I really like is

The Life. I look forward to that one being released. I think it will go far," Mark King explained.

Mark started strumming his guitar as he sang, "So this is the life they talked about, this is the I

can't live without. When the real world crashes down, oh, if they could see me now. When all the

dreams are all your own, turn to nightmares all alone. It hits you right between the eyes, this is

the life."

The room went silent as Mark's voice carried the last note. The words of the song rang loud and


"The dream is always beautiful, but you never see the road you have to take to reach that dream.

You give up so much to obtain that goal, and while you gain so much in the end, you find

yourself wondering if it was worth the torture," Joe mused.

"Wow," Alice whispered.

The sound of Mike Rodden on the bass broke the spell. Everyone started talking, laughing,

drinking and smoking again, acting like nothing had happened, even though in the back of each

one's mind they were thinking about the pains and joys of following one's dreams.

"So, Austin told us you play some," Alex asked Jasper.

Jasper smiled, trying to downplay his talent. "A little."

Chris stepped up the Jasper and handed him a guitar. "Let's hear it."

Alice moved away from Jasper's legs, turning to face him, as he pulled the guitar strap over his

shoulder, adjusting himself comfortably.

He strummed the strings gently, getting a feel for the instrument. He hummed the cords closing

his eyes, letting the music lead him.

Jasper's voice rang clear, as a twinge of his southern drawl leaked into the lyrics. "How do you

talk to an Angel? How do you hold her close to where you are?"

Alice's smile grew as she watched Jasper settle into his element. Brad, Chris and Alex were

glued to Jasper. The hush in the room was deafening as Mark, Cody and Mike motioned to

Austin and Joe to listen.

"How do you talk to an Angel? It's like tryin' to catch a falling star," Jasper sang.

Brad joined Jasper in the harmony, "Tell me, tell me, the words to define the way I feel about

someone so fine."

Alex's fingers flew over the keyboard, the sounds of the piano flowing harmoniously with the

guitar. Within a matter of seconds, AWOL had completely joined Jasper in the song, following

his lead. The southern flare from Jasper, with the twinge of rock, was the perfect combination for

the group.

"How do you talk to an Angel? How do you hold her close to where you are? How do you talk to

an Angel? It's like trying to catch a fallin' star…" the group sang.

"Yeah, Yeah, oh oh," Jasper crooned, effectively ending the song.

Jasper stopped playing and looked around the room to see each person staring directly at him.

Chris, Brad and Alex were staring at Jasper, with huge smiles on each of their faces.

Austin was the first to speak, "I guess this means you guys are on the All American Nightmare


"What?" Jasper asked, confused.

"Dude, didn't you feel that?" Chris asked.

"Seriously, man. That was…well, shit, that was awesome," Alex added.

"You're it. If you want it, that is," Brad stated.

"He'd be a fool not to want that," Mike yelled.

"Wait! Hold on…what the fuck are you talking about?"

Alice crawled into Jasper's lap, beaming. "Baby, they are asking you to be the lead singer of

AWOL," she cooed in his ear, an I-told-you-so-smile teasing her lips.

Jasper's face went from confusion to complete and total surprise. "Seriously? I was just fucking


"Dude, if that was just fucking around, I can't wait to see you in full form," Brad said with a huge


"Jasper, this boils down to you. We three would love to have you. There's no doubt in our minds

that you fit, but do you think you fit?" Alex asked respectfully.

Jasper looked into Alice's eyes, searching for answers, and answers he found. Her eyes swam

with opportunity and excitement.

"But, baby, if I did this, I would be on the road while you're in school," Jasper whispered.

"We will be okay. I'll work hard and graduate early. We can make this work. This is your break,

baby. You have to take this," Alice pleaded.

Jasper looked into Alice's eyes and felt peace. He knew she was right. This was his shot, but he

still had a few things he wanted to mull over.

He looked up at the group, nine pairs of eyes watching him, waiting for his answer.

Jasper kissed Alice sweetly, and after several minutes finally spoke. "I want this. I really do, but

I would like to ask for some time to think."

Brad patted Jasper on the back. "No problem, man. Take some time. Think it over and let us


Jasper sighed, relieved. What was supposed to be a nice night out with his girlfriend, turned into

the night to change his life.

The rest of evening went smooth. Alice and Jasper spent hours, singing, drinking and simply

enjoying the company of both bands. The longer Jasper and Alice were with AWOL, the more

comfortable Jasper became with them, making his decision easier and easier.

On their way back to the hotel, the sun just barely peaking over the horizon, Alice whispered,

"I'm the reason you want to think about this, aren't I?"

"I don't want to leave you," Jasper replied, brushing her hair back from her face. Her hazel eyes

drooping nearly closed in sleep.

"But you aren't leaving me. I'll join you during breaks and you will be home periodically and

when school is over, I'll travel with you," she mumbled.

"You're not going to want to travel like this, Baby. You want a career in fashion. Traveling with

your boyfriend isn't ideal for that life."

"Didn't I tell you?" Alice's voice was muffled by the impending sleep.

"Tell me what?" Jasper whispered, kissing her forehead.

"Brad told me tonight that they don't have a manager. I'm changing my major. I'm studying

business management. I'm going to be AWOL's new manager," she said with a sleepy smile

Jasper pulled back, looking at her. "Are you sure? You've wanted fashion for as long as I've

known you."

"As your manager, not only do I handle the business but I also have final say on the band's


"You’re serious," Jasper said in pure amazement.

Alice nodded as Jasper's lips came crashing down on hers. His kiss firm and wanting. Alice

melted into him, sleep suddenly forgotten.

"How did I get so fucking lucky?" he murmured against her lips.

"You haven't seen luck yet," she whispered as the limo came to a stop.

Jasper took Alice by the hand and led her through the lobby.

"Out of curiosity, where else were we supposed to go tonight?" she asked as they entered the


"I arranged a private viewing at Zovo's," he stated nonchalantly.

Alice's mouth dropped in surprise. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a flash as she kissed

him reverently. "I'm the lucky one," she whispered pushing him against the elevator wall.

They barely made it to their hotel room before their clothes were being ripped away. In one

night, everything either of them could have asked for was falling into place, and they could do

nothing more than celebrate their love and futures together.

~ X ~

The next day was quiet. All three couples decided to take a day for themselves.

Jasper and Alice spent most of the day sleeping and making plans.

"So, I've been thinking."

"That's never a good thing. That's usually a method for disaster," Jasper deadpanned.

"No, seriously." Alice glared at him.

Jasper nodded with a smile, pulling her into his lap. "What have you been thinking, sweetheart?"

"Well, with Bella and Edward's wedding going on, and you still kinda on the fence about

AWOL, I was just thinking we shouldn't tell anyone until you have agreed to join the band."

Jasper nodded agreeing with her. It was best for no one to know until he had made his final


"Our little secret, for now."

Alice smiled, extracting herself from his clutches.

"It's time." She giggled.

"Ugh, I'm still exhausted from last night. Do we have too? I know Edward would love to get out

of this if he could?" Jasper whined. Normally he wouldn't have an opposition of spending an

evening with a stripper, but so much was still whirling in his head from the night before.

"Yes, you have too. He's your best friend," Alice scolded.

Reluctantly, Jasper got up, getting ready, alongside Alice, to give their best friends the bachelor

and bachelorette parties of their lives.

He mused to himself as he watched her work her art on herself, that if he was to take AWOL up

on their offer, he would miss opportunities like this. There were so many draw backs to living

one's dreams but so many rewards.

Looking at Alice and thinking of his friends, he realized that no matter what his decision, they

would always be home to him. They would love him and support him in every endeavor. In that

moment, he decided to take AWOL up on their offer. With everything going on, he would wait

until after the parties to tell Alice. Deep down, he knew she already knew the answer, she had

known it before they even asked him.

Little did Jasper know that this one decision would change the course of his and Alice's life

forever, but it was a life that neither of them would have ever been able to live without.

I see your Momma and the candles and tears and roses

I see your Daddy walk his daughter down the aisle

I feel my knees start to tremble as I tell the preacher, don't she look beautiful tonight

All the wonderful words in my head I've been thinking, You know I wanna say ‘em all just right

I lift your veil, angels start singing such a Heavenly sight.

I smell the jasmine floating in the air like a love song,

Watch my words draw sweet tears from your eyes,

Bow our heads while the preacher talks to Jesus

Please bless this brand new life

Lost in this moment with you, I am completely consumed, my feelings so absolute,

There’s no doubt

Sealing our love with a kiss, waited my whole life for this, watching all my dreams come true

Lost in this moment with you.

Lost In This Moment by Big and Rich

~ Chapter 16: Age 19 ~

The click of her bedroom window opening startled Bella awake. She gripped the covers over her

chest as she watched a tall, lanky figure climb into her bedroom.

“I came as soon as I could,” Edward whispered into the dark room.

“Baby, what are you doing here? You know it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!”

Bella released the bedding and jumped out of bed to help Edward into her room.

“It’s the day before the wedding, so this doesn’t count,” Edward pointed his finger between her

and him.

“It’s after midnight so it’s the day of the wedding. You shouldn’t be here,” Bella whispered


“Semantics,” replied simply, shrugging his shoulders, “Besides, does this mean there’s going to

be a wedding? Because after your last text, I wasn’t so sure.”

Edward pulled Bella into his arms and kissed her deeply.

“I’m sorry. I just had to see you. The subject of you having cold feet isn’t something that should

be discussed via text messaging,” Edward’s anxious whisper sounded in the room as he closed

her window.

Bella crawled back into the bed and wrapped herself back into her blanket. Edward crawled in

beside her.

“Eddie, you really shouldn’t have come over.” Edward pulled Bella close to him, spooning her.

“You’re having doubts, so you bet your ass I needed to come over. What’s this all about?”

Edward’s voice cracked, and Bella could hear the concern laced in his words.

Bella remained silent. She didn’t know how to tell him about the weeks of pent up of agony that

had finally come to a boiling point tonight when Alice did her final wedding dress fitting. Alice

was cooing about how perfect Bella and Edward’s life would be, and how she wished Rose and

Emmett’s baby was already here so it could have a role in the wedding, and something in Bella

just snapped.

She knew their life wouldn’t be perfect because she wasn’t perfect. She was flawed and Edward

deserved perfect. She’d held him back all these years, and she didn’t want to hold him back any

longer. The old adage, ‘If you love someone set them free’, was running on repeat in her mind

now and she couldn’t shut it off.

“Bells, talk to me.” Edward nuzzled his nose into Bella’s neck drinking in her scent.

“What do you want me to say?” A tear trickled down her cheek.

Edward brushed her hair away from her neck and whispered, “Tell me you love me and you want

to marry me.”

Bella turned to face him. Even in the dark she could see his beautiful green eyes dulled by the

tears that he had obviously cried.

“I do love you, but I don’t know if I should marry you,” she sighed as she buried her face into his


“Why? Did I do something wrong?” Edward hugged her closely. “Please, baby, I need to

know. I have to fix this. I won’t lose you. You’re everything to me.”

“I’ll never be able to give you the child you deserve, your own flesh and blood. I can’t be the

reason you’re deprived of that right and honor.”

Edward suddenly felt extremely frustrated. “We’ve talked about this. Yeah, one day I want to

have a child with you, but that’s in the far future. And like I said before, I don’t care if we adopt.

There are thousands of children who need a good home, and we’ll be the lucky parents to

provide that to them. I’ll be happy just to have you by my side for all eternity.”

“I do want to marry you. I want you so much, I’m just afraid you’ll wake up one day and regret

the decision.”

“Isabella Marie Swan, I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember and maybe even before that!

There’s no way I will EVER regret the decision to marry you.” Edward’s voice had risen above

a whisper causing Bella to suddenly be alarmed that her parents may have heard their argument.

Bella placed her hand over Edward’s mouth. She couldn’t hear her parents stirring so they

obviously didn’t hear his rant, and if they did, they decided they didn’t care since Edward and

Bella were getting married in a few hours, anyway.

Edward felt Bella release a breath she probably didn’t realize she was holding in. Then he felt

her smile as she released his mouth and nuzzled further into his neck, gently brushing her lips

against his sensitive skin.

“Does that mean yes, you’ll marry me tomorrow…I mean today?” Edward smiled as he leaned

in and kissed her forehead.

“I’ll be the one in white,” she joked.

Edward pulled her face to his and kissed her deeply. His tongue collided with hers as her body

melted into his. His hands wrapped around her waist as he pulled her on top of him without

breaking the kiss.

“Look me in the eye and tell me you’ll be mine forever; that this nonsense is behind us, and we’ll

be man and wife this time tomorrow night,” Edward whispered against her lips.

Bella pulled away and looked into his eyes. With a big smile she replied, “Yes, I’ll marry you,

Edward Cullen. I’ll belong to you and you alone until death do we part.”

Edward squeezed her tightly and laughed wholeheartedly, before once again cupping his mouth

to prevent from waking Bella’s parents.

Bella giggled at Edward’s response and kissed him once more. “Now get out of here before my

father finds you here and cuts your dick off.”

Bella slipped off of him but not before she had the chance to run her fingers down his sculptured

torso. Even through his t-shirt, she could feel his taut muscles flex at her touch.

“Oh, what do I care? You’re marrying me!” Edward exclaimed.

“You’ll really care when we’re stuck playing cards on our honeymoon because you’re dickless,”

Bella chortled.

“Point well taken.” Edward kissed her again, slipped out of the bed, and miraculously climbed

back out of her bedroom window, without breaking a limb.

Bella watched as he walked towards the car. He turned abruptly and gave her that beautiful

crooked smile. “Four o’clock, this afternoon, I’ll meet you at the altar where we will face our

friends and family, as I make you mine forever,” he proclaimed in a loud whisper.

“Until then,” Bella breathed out.

“Until then, my love.” Edward climbed into the Volvo and sped away, leaving Bella alone in her


She closed her window and turned to look at her bare room. They’d already packed up

everything they didn‘t need right away and shipped it to their apartment in Seattle.

She crawled back in bed, and suddenly felt very lonely. Between the bare room, the lack of

Edward’s body heat, plus the excitement of the impending wedding, Bella found sleep hard to

come by.

The buzzing of her cell phone broke the silence. She picked the phone up knowing it was

Edward before even looking at the screen. She smiled as she read the text.

Sleep well Mrs EAC. ILY. From Here to Eternity

Bella felt as if her heart would burst right out of her chest, she was so happy. She quickly sent

him a text back.

U 2 my future husband

She put the phone back on her nightstand and curled up in the bed trying to force sleep to come

when her phone buzzed again.

I luv Cing & hearing u call me husband

Bella laughed. She quickly replied.

I do 2. Now sleep or we’ll miss our own wedding

She held the cell phone in her hand staring at the screen. She knew he’d reply back, and her

waiting was quickly rewarded.

Our last nite 2 sleep alone. Dreaming of u beside me. ILY

Bella giggled and replied with a quick ‘I love you’ and turned her phone off knowing that

Edward would talk all night if he could.

Bella said a short prayer and fell asleep, dreaming of the man she would soon commit herself to

in the holy bonds of matrimony.

~ X ~

The hustle and bustle of the day had everyone in a complete frenzy. Alice had sent Bella to the

salon with Rose to get her manicure, pedicure and waxing, while she went to the church to put

the final touches on the decorations.

“Now don’t forget, I set her up for a full wax. Don’t you dare let her weasel her way out of it.

I’ll be pissed if she comes back with hair that shouldn’t be there,” Alice commanded Rose.

Rose laughed, “Yes, ma’am!” Rose saluted Alice, and Bella bounded down the stairs.

“Ready?” Rose asked.

“As I’ll ever be.” Bella replied.

They dropped Alice and the dresses off at the church on their way to the salon.

Bella was fine with the manicure and pedicure, but when it came time for the waxing she reacted

exactly as Alice had predicted. She freaked.

“No way! No way in Hell am I getting waxed there!” she bellowed loud enough for the whole

salon to hear her.

“Yes, you will. Now get your ass up on that table and prepare to be waxed.” Rose demanded.

“No! I won’t.”

“Bella, don’t you want to do something special for Edward on your honeymoon? He’ll never

expect this and you know he’ll love it.”

Rose did have a point. Bella and Edward had talked about her shaving in the past but never

actually did anything about it. It had always just been talk. She had made sure to keep her lady

regions well-manicured but never had she ever done anything like this before.

“But it’s going to be painful. I can’t, Rose, I just can’t.”

“Oh, suck it up, Swan. A little pain is worth the pleasure later.” Rose shrugged.

“Pleasure?” Bella looked at her friend, suspiciously.

“Yeah, pleasure. I get this done every three weeks. Emmett wouldn’t have me any other way

and honestly neither would I.”

“Oh, my God! You’ve got to be kidding.” Bella shrieked.

“No, I’m not. Alice and I have set you up with our usual girl. She is quick and the pain is


“Wait, wait, wait! Alice does this too?” Bella suddenly felt out of the loop.

“We asked you once and you freaked, so we never asked again.”

As per Rose’s instructions, Bella stripped her pants and panties off and wrapped the towel

around her waist. She lay down on the table and waited for the technician to come into the room.

Rose was sitting on the chair near Bella’s head reading the most current edition of US Weekly

magazine. Rose ogled the magazine like it was the Holy Grail or The Bible.

“Get this, Brangelina are apparently thinking about adopting another kid. God, what does that

make now? Twenty?”

Bella tried to pay attention to the sound of Rose’s voice to calm her nerves. Unfortunately it

wasn’t working as she had hoped. Suddenly, Bella shot up off the table.

“Rose, I seriously can’t do this. I love Edward, but I just don’t think I can handle this kind of


“Fuck, Bella. Lay your ass back down on that table or I will tie you down myself,” Rose


Bella lay back down. “So when is Senorita Weed Whacker supposed to get in here? I have a

draft going on down there.”

Rose rolled up her magazine and smacked Bella on the forehead. “Put your big girl panties on

and deal with it. You’re getting waxed and that’s final. Geez.”

Bella stuck her tongue out at Rose and razzed her. Rose flipped Bella the bird and laughed.

“By the way, the technician is Asian not Spanish, so don’t call her Senorita, okay?” Rose went

back to reading her magazine as Bella’s legs started bouncing with a nervous twitch.

After a few seconds Bella replied, “You know, I can’t put my big girl panties on. You won’t let

me put panties on, remember?”

Rose laughed and shrugged. “Now that’s what I call a delayed reaction. Well, forget the panties.

Suck it up like a big girl and just spread your legs like you would if Edward were down there

ready to give you the tongue lashing of your life.”

This is nothing remotely like a tongue lashing!

A lashing, yes, a tongue lashing, No!

Mmm, Edward’s tongue.

Bella blushed as she imagined Edward between her legs. She couldn’t wait for the evening to

finally arrive, because she would be making love to her husband for the first time.

After a few excruciating minutes, the door flung open and little bitty Asian woman bounced into

the room wearing a white lab coat.

Holy fuck! I didn’t realize I was getting a physical. What the fuck is a doctor doing here?

“You must be my bride! Isabella?” the little woman was perky and very hyper.

No wonder Alice likes her.

“Bella,” she corrected.

“Right, Bella. I won’t forget that.” She smiled a brilliant white smile and turned to Rose.

“Rosie! Am I getting you today as well?”

“Nah, you have me next week though. I’m just here for moral support for this one. She’s being

a total pussy.” Rose laughed.

“Well, she’ll be a bare pussy when I’m done with her,” the technician turned to Bella again, “By

the way, I’m Mai.”

Mai pushed her hand out to shake Bella’s. She politely shook Mai’s hand and then laughed. She

couldn’t help but think this woman was the Asian equivalent of Alice. Even in stature, they

could be twins.

“Now that we’re friends, you can trust me when I say this won’t hurt a bit. It’s like pulling a

Band-Aid off.

Rose snickered at Mai’s remark.

“Hey, now, you’re killing my mojo here. I gotta get her comfortable, or I won’t be able to create

my masterpiece.” Mai slapped Rose’s knee and grinned. “Now, let me see the canvas I have to

work with.”

Mai sat down in a rolling chair and moved to where she could discreetly look between Bella’s

legs without displaying her goodies to the room.

Rose continued to read her magazine as this experience was nothing new to her. She was just

following orders from Sergeant Alice and preventing Bella from bolting.

“Ahem.” Mai said as she moved Bella’s legs from one side to the other. “Ah, honey, we will

have you perfect with no problem. We’re doing the full Brazilian right?”

Rose looked up from her magazine. “Oh, yeah. Get it all,” she chuckled as she returned back to

the magazine.

“What’s that mean?” Bella began to feel the bile rise in her chest.

“No worries. We’re just taking everything from both the front and the back.” Mai patted Bella’s

knee and pulled her wax cart towards them.

“What!!” Bella screamed.

“Calm down, wuss. It will be over before you know it. Besides, it’s disgusting to take the front

and not the back. That shit’s just not right.” Rose glanced at Bella and chuckled. Secretly she

was enjoying this. Bella had always been so conservative, and watching her step out of her

bubble was something Rose refused to miss. She had actually volunteered to be Bella’s

babysitter during this little adventure.

Before Bella could try to get away, Mai already had hot wax slathered over a bit of Bella’s lady

regions. She was stuck. There was no getting out of this.

“Now, lay back and relax. It will only sting for a moment and then it’s over.”

Bella lay back and tried to think of anything but what was happening. She felt as the soft wax

paper flattened along the upper portion of her groin, then it happened. Mai ripped the paper back

and Bella’s body automatically reacted to the instant pain she felt.

Bella screamed out, “AGHHHH! Cedric Diggory!!!!”

Mai stopped in her tracks, and Rose looked up from her magazine both laughing hysterically.

“You didn’t just go all ‘Forty Year Old Virgin’ on me, did you?” Rose tried desperately to catch

her breath through her bouts of laughter.

Bella blushed a brilliant red as Mai picked up another strip and slathered more wax on her groin.

“I thought that was just a myth. I never thought I’d ever hear anyone actually do that. Bella,

you’ve just made my day.”

After twenty minutes of agony, Bella was completely bare. Mai smoothed on some cooling gel

and handed Bella a towel.

“Girl, you may hate me right now, but I can tell you that your man is going to love me to death.”

Rose laid her magazine down and looked over at Bella, “See, that wasn’t so bad. Now, Edward

will get the wedding present of his life.”

Bella popped Rose on the arm and sat up.

“There are washrags in that cabinet and more towels if you need them. Rose and I will go

outside while you clean up. Soap is on the sink. If you need more cooling gel, it’s beside the

soap. Make sure you clean yourself well so you don’t feel itchy and get blotchy from scratching.

You’ll ruin my work if you do that.” Mai instructed, with a wink, as she and Rose stood up and

headed for the door.

“Just come on out when you’re done. We’ll be waiting out here for you.” Rose and Mai exited

the room and closed the door behind them.

Bella stood up and dropped the towel that was wrapped around her waist. She was disgusted by

the gooey, green, cooling gel and went to quickly clean it off her.

Once she was clean, she stood in front of the full length mirror and just stared at her freshly

manicured body. It was red and sensitive, and she couldn’t see her backside, but it felt like her

front side did though, which told her that it too was just as devoid of hair. She had to admit, it

did look nice to be hairless in that area though, and then her mind drifted to how Edward would

react to seeing her like this.

She quickly dressed and walked out to where Rose was animatedly talking to Mai.

“There she is.” Mai called out to Bella.

“How you feeling, champ?” Rose chuckled.

“Swollen,” Bella replied, honestly.

“The swelling will go down in about an hour or so. Otherwise, what’d you think?” Mai looked

at Bella with excitement in her eyes.

“I think I’ll have a very happy husband.” Bella blushed. She realized that she had just publically

referred to Edward as her husband for the very first time.

“That’s what I like to hear. Another satisfied husband will join my ranks tonight.” Mia cackled.

Bella paid Mai for her services. As they left the salon, Mai yelled out, “Congratulations on the

wedding, Bella, and you, too, Rose on the baby!”

They both waved goodbye to Mai, and headed straight for the church where Alice would surely

be freaking out by this point.

Bella sat uncomfortably in the car staring out the window, watching the trees fly by. She felt her

swollen sex throbbing between her legs and shifted to try and get more comfortable. She smiled

as she once again began to imagine Edward’s reaction to the wax job.

Her eyes fluttered back into her head as she closed her eyelids and daydreamed.

Mmm…Edward’s hands slipping down my back as he unzips my dress. My dress slides down my

shoulders and falls to the floor, revealing the lingerie I bought especially for him. I kiss him as

he moved his hands down the length of my body. He drops to his knees as he slips my panties

down around my legs. He stops. He looks up at me with an indescribable expression on his

face, as he ogles my newly bare ladybud. He looks up at me with longing in his eyes and says…

“Bella? Bella, we’re here.” Rose waved her hand in front of Bella’s face bringing her back to

reality. “You’re grinning like an idiot. I take it you were thinking of Edward between your

legs?” Rose raised her eyebrows twice and laughed.

“Shut up, Rose!” Bella bellowed and pushed her shoulder.

They got out of the car and entered the church. Bella gasped as she walked into the foyer and

saw the engagement picture of her and Edward blown up and displayed. Standing next to the

picture was a vase full of red roses and a sign indicating the Swan/Cullen Wedding at four

o’clock. Bella smiled as the full reality of the day came into focus for her.

Rose and Bella walked into the auditorium where they found Alice sitting on the platform, under

the wedding arch, with a serene smile on her face. She held a red rose in her hand and was

breathing in the scent.

“Oh, fuck,” Rose exclaimed, “She’s finally cracked.”

Bella laughed as they walked down the aisle towards Alice. Alice stood up and met Bella half

way down the isle. “Oh, no, you don’t! You’re not allowed to walk down this aisle for a few

more hours.” She hugged Bella tightly.

“The place looks beautiful,” Bella cooed as she kissed the top of Alice’s head.

Garlands of flowers streamed the length of the church, flowing harmoniously along the walls and

benches, and joined seamlessly together at the arch centered on the front stage. The fragrance

was intoxicating, as the smell of roses, freesia, honeysuckle, and daisies permeated the room.

They dripped from the arch as if they were growing wildly, but there was an elegant order to

them. White and black mesh bows were tied at the end of each pew, and beautiful white carpet

was placed down the center aisle.

The lights were turned down low as soft music was on continuous play through the sound

system. Bella felt a lump in her throat as she realized in less than two hours, she would be

walking the length of this aisle to finally join herself to Edward as his wife. Tears began to flow

down her face. She looked at her two best friends to see that too were crying.

Bella began to laugh and pulled Rose into a group hug with her and Alice.

“Thank you both for this. There’s no way I could’ve done this without you two. I love you so


“Love ya, too,” Rose whispered softly.

“Okay, enough of this. We’ve got a bride to finish beautifying.” Alice pulled away from Bella

but not before giving her one more, tight squeeze.

Alice took Bella by the hand and led her and Rose upstairs to the minister’s office where they

were to get dressed.

Two hours later, Bella stood in front of a full length mirror admiring the final product of Alice

and Rose’s handiwork. Her dress was simple but elegant. The sleeveless, tight-fitting bodice

accentuated her lovely curves. The bodice was designed to look almost like a corset, as the long,

elegant satin of the skirt flowed down into a beautiful train. She had been determined that she

wanted nothing fluffy, but it had to be white, and it had to be form fitting at least to the hips.

And because Alice was Plannerzilla, they succeeded in finding the dress of her dreams.

Her long hair flowed in gentle waves down the length of her back as a small rhinestone headband

crowned her head holding her veil in place. Alice and Rose had done Bella’s makeup in a way

that looked so natural you almost couldn’t tell she was wearing any. It made her look flawless as

a bride should look on her big day.

A knock at the door brought her out of her silent reverie. Alice and Rose had left her alone to

apply her finishing touches, while they were down stairs rounding up the men, and making sure

Emmett was in place to usher the guests to their seats.

Bella turned to see Charlie standing at the door in a black tuxedo, staring at her.

“How do I look?” Bella smoothed out her dress.

“You look angelic, honey.” Charlie choked back the tears that threatened to escape him.

Bella flung herself into her father’s arms. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“I love you,” Charlie whispered into the tulle of Bella’s veil.

God, I’m going to miss you. My baby girl is all grown up.

“Love you, too,” she whispered back.

Their father-daughter moment was interrupted as Renee entered the room. Renee’s heart swelled

with love, as she witnessed the loving embrace of her husband and child. Charlie released Bella,

turned and wrapped his arm around his wife’s shoulders.

Renee had a small blue box in her hand with a red bow on top. She was grinning from ear to ear

as she looked over Bella. “Baby, we have something for you. Alice was very specific on what

you could and couldn’t wear with the dress so we thought this would be a good idea. It’s your

something old and something blue. We hope you like it.” Renee handed Bella the box and then

wrapped her arm around Charlie’s waist, closing the gap between them.

Bella opened the box and revealed a delicate, white gold choker with a heart shaped sapphire

dangling from it. The metal was intricately weaved in a delicate pattern and it was small enough

to accentuate Bella’s neck.

“It’s perfect,” Bella whispered as she looked up at the two people who had devoted their lives to

make sure she was cared for properly. “Thank you.”

“I wore that same choker on my wedding day. Your father and I just had the stone changed out

in it. Originally, it was a pearl.” Renee smiled as Charlie pulled away from her to clasp the

choker for Bella.

Bella knew she had recognized it from her parents wedding pictures, but it made the gift even

more special knowing that her mother had worn the same choker on her wedding day. Bella

turned to the mirror and was amazed how this simple accessory completed her ensemble.

Alice came barging into the room effectively breaking the mood of the moment.

“It’s time!” she began jumping up and down. Bella chuckled as she watched Alice readjust

herself in her dress. Bella had chosen a quaint dress for her bridesmaids. The dress was

sleeveless, knee length, white satin with a black lace slip over top and black satin trim. She had

chosen to use the black and white as her color scheme for her nuptials. She felt that since her

flower arrangements were so vibrant in color, that it would be the perfect contrast and balance.

Rose walked in behind Alice and stopped to admire Bella as the blushing bride.

“Renee, Emmett is waiting at the bottom of the stairs ready to escort you to your seat,” Rose


Renee quickly hugged Bella and kissed Charlie, then headed down the stairs.

Alice handed Bella a small gift bag. “This is from Rose and me. It’s your something borrowed

and something new.”

Inside the bag were a delicate handkerchief and two blue satin and lace garters.

“The handkerchief is mine. I want it back,” Alice chided as she slipped the hanky into the top of

Bella’s dress. “I figured you’re probably going to bawl like a baby up there, and I’d rather you

have something elegant to wipe your eyes with instead of your hand.”

Everyone laughed at Alice’s crassness.

Rose stooped down on her knees as Alice raised Bella’s dress to reveal her slender thigh. The

photographer was snapping pictures as Rose gently glided the garters up her leg. “One is for

Edward to throw and the other is for him to keep,” she advised before anyone could ask the

obvious question.

The melodic sounds of ‘Forever in Love’ began to filter into the room.

“That’s our cue,” Rose said as she stood up from her crouch.

She grabbed her bouquet from the preacher’s desk, quickly kissed Bella on the cheek and moved

towards the door. Since Bella had been friends with Alice since kindergarten, she had chosen

Alice as her maid of honor. It was the hardest decision Bella had ever made. She wanted them

both to be her maid of honor. Rose had been so accepting of the decision though. She told Bella

that she was simply honored to be a part of her special day and that being a bridesmaid was more

than enough for her.

Rose exited the room as Alice grabbed both hers and Bella’s bouquet. Bella’s bouquet was an

assortment of red, white, orange and lavender colored roses, while Alice and Rose carried a

bouquet matching the flowers of the church. Bella’s bouquet had been Rose’s idea to symbolize

the marriage proposal. Bella loved the idea immediately as this was also a symbol of Edward in

her mind.

Alice placed the flowers in Bella’s hand, pulled her veil over her face, and gently hugged her.

“Now, just stand at the door. Once I reach the altar the wedding march will begin immediately.

That’s your cue to get your happy butt down these stairs.”

Alice turned towards the door and then looked over her shoulder at Charlie, “And, Charlie, make

sure she doesn’t fall on her face as she comes down the stairs in those heels.”

Charlie laughed at Alice as she exited the room.

He moved towards Bella and took her hand, “You ready, sweetheart?”

Because I sure as Hell am not.

Bella smiled at her father and nodded her head.

“Are you sure? We can still make a run for it, you know. There’s a limo waiting outside. All we

have to do is sneak out the back door.” Charlie winked.

I’m not joking. If it means keeping her as my little girl forever, then I’m more than willing to run

away with my baby girl.

Bella laughed as she playfully slapped Charlie on the shoulder. “I think I’ve been ready to marry

Edward since I was eight years old.”

I was afraid she would say something like that. Damn it. At least it’s Edward.

Charlie smiled as he thought about the day that Edward Cullen had come into their lives and how

it had led them to this moment. His heart was filled with joy and sadness as he led Bella to the

door and waited for their cue. The grand melody of the Wedding March filtered up to them and

he clasped her hand in the crook of his elbow. He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek as he

started to escort her out the door and down the stairs.

Bella walked down the stairs keeping her eyes on her feet. She was determined she wouldn’t

fall. As she and Charlie reached the bottom of the stairs, she relaxed and looked up. She hadn’t

gotten the full effect of the decorations earlier. Now dim white lights twinkled in with the tulle

and flowers making the room look as if it were glittering. A soft haze filled the room giving off

that romantic garden feel you only see in the movies.

The congregation stood up in respect of the bride coming down the aisle, but her focus was

entirely on Edward in that moment. He was standing at the front of the church with Pastor

Webber on his right and Jacob on his left, wearing a black tuxedo with a white vest peeking out

from underneath and a white silk tie. His tailor-made tuxedo made him look both regal and


Bella’s heart beat wildly in her chest. Charlie had to keep her from running down the aisle. He

chuckled as he whispered to her, “Pace yourself, baby. He’s not going anywhere.”

Give me the chance to enjoy my last moment of you as my baby girl.

After what seemed an eternity to her, they finally reached the altar. Charlie lifted Bella’s veil

and kissed her cheek. He then turned to Edward and extended his hand to him, as Edward

stepped down from the platform to meet them. Charlie and Edward shook hands and then

Charlie gently took Bella’s hand and placed it in Edward’s. Edward wrapped his fingers through

Bella’s as his heart nearly exploded from his chest. He feared his hands to be sweaty but he

couldn’t help it. It wasn’t nerves that had him so tensed up, but pure adrenaline flowing through

his veins as the excitement of this moment took full effect. He finally was marrying his Bella.

Edward walked Bella up the steps to the minister standing beneath the arch, as the minister

asked, “Who gives this bride away?”

Charlie’s voice slightly broke as he replied, “Her mother and I do.” Charlie then sat down next

to Renee on the front row. He hugged his wife and kissed her temple as the tears that had

threatened him earlier had finally escaped him. He had just given his pride and joy away to

Edward, and while he couldn’t think of a better person to give her to, he still felt a loss. He had

to remind himself that he wasn’t losing his daughter; he was just gaining a son.

“Please be seated,” the minister said as he signaled with his hands for the congregation to be


Edward leaned over and whispered in Bella’s ear, “You take my breath away.” Bella’s heart

skipped a beat or three as she felt his breath on her neck.

Edward straightened up as Pastor Webber began the introduction of the ceremony.

“Dearly, beloved, we are gathered here today before the sight of God and this company to bear

witness in the joining of Edward Anthony Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan in bonds of Holy


As the minister continued speaking, Bella stopped fighting the tears and let them flow. She

pulled out the handkerchief that Alice and Rose had given her and was grateful to her friends for

thinking of everything in that moment. She turned to look at Edward, only to find him wiping

tears from his eyes as well. He looked at her and smiled.

“I love you,” he mouthed to her.

“I love you, too,” she mouthed back.

They were brought out of their loved induced haze as Pastor Webber said, “At this time, Alice

Brandon and Jasper Whitlock have prepared a surprise for our happy couple.”

Alice handed Rose her bouquet and walked toward Jasper and picked up a microphone. Jasper

strapped his guitar around his chest and began strumming on the strings. He leaned into his

microphone, “Edward and Bella, we’ve all been together a long time, and on this special day we

wanted to show you how your love for one another has been truly inspirational.”

Jasper and Alice began to sing in perfect harmony.

“Better than I was

More than I am

and all of this happened

by takin' your hand

And who I am now

is who I wanted to be

And now that we're together

I'm stronger than ever,

I'm happy and free.

Oh it's a beautiful thing

Don't think I can keep it all in

And if you asked me why I changed

All I gotta do is say your sweet name.

It's your love, it just does something to me

It sends a shock right through me

I can't get enough

And if you wonder about the spell I'm under

Oh it's your love.”

Jasper and Alice finished the song and returned to their respective positions in the bridal line.

Bella and Edward whispered their thank you’s to their friends as the preacher began to speak


“May I have the rings please?” Pastor Webber asked. Alice and Jacob each handed him the

rings. He placed them on top of his open Bible.

“Please face each other,” the minister instructed the bride and groom.

The preacher announced, “Edward and Bella have chosen to write their own vows. Edward,

please begin.”

Edward took both of Bella’s hands in his, “Isabella Swan, I’ve loved you from the very first

moment I saw you. I remember the first time I spoke to you like it was yesterday. We were in

the first grade, outside enjoying recess, and you tripped over my legs on the playground. You

blushed and ran away from me so quickly that I had to chase you down to see if you were okay.

You were crying and I wanted to wipe your tears away, but I was afraid of how you would react.

But I remember watching you, admiring your strength, and I knew there would never be another

woman in this world for me.

“It wasn’t until a year later that I was actually able to get you to see me as more than a boy or a

bully. My heart ached daily wanting to get to know you, and I think if it hadn’t been for your

father agreeing to take me on a fishing trip, I may never had had that chance. There isn’t a day

that goes by that I don’t thank God for blessing my life with your love.

“Bella, you’re my morning star, my sun and my moon. You’re the center of my universe. My

whole world revolves around you. I promise from this day forward to honor, love and cherish

you as you rightfully deserve until death do we part.”

Tears streamed down Bella’s cheeks as he kissed the inside of her wrist.

“Bella,” the minister urged.

“Edward,” she whispered, “my love grows for you more and more each day. Even when I think

to myself there is simply no way I could love you more, I look into your eyes and I find I was

mistaken. You are my heart, my soul, my exact other half. Today, I unite myself to you, heart,

mind, body and soul to make a unity that will never be broken. I promise to love you, to honor,

and to cherish you as my husband until the day that death separates us.”

Pastor Webber handed Edward Bella’s ring. “Please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee


Edward slipped the wedding band on Bella’s left hand, “With this ring, I thee wed.”

Bella took Edward’s ring from the minister’s hand. “Bella, please repeat after me. With this

ring, I thee wed.”

Edward’s hand slightly trembled as Bella took it in hers and slipped the ring gently along his ring

finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

“By the power vested in me by the State of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Edward, you may kiss your bride.”

Edward gently placed his hand on Bella’s jaw and pulled her to him. The moment his lips

touched hers they felt as if their souls were finally as one, connected as they were meant to be for

all eternity. After a few moments, Jacob cleared his throat and the crowd started laughing. Bella

and Edward were completely lost in the moment of the kiss. Edward pulled away and laughed as

Bella blushed a brilliant red.

Pastor Webber chuckled and shook Edward’s hand. Bella and Edward turned towards the crowd

and smiled.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my esteemed honor to be the first to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Cullen,” the minister said with pride. The crowd stood up, cheering and clapping as

Edward took Bella by the hand and led her down the aisle.

They stopped at the front pews where their parents were waiting for them. Renee pulled Bella

into a hug as Carlisle shook Edward’s hand. Each parent had their moment with the bride and

groom, before releasing them to complete their first walk together of their new life.

Edward and Bella walked down the aisle relishing the moment. Alice met Jacob at the arch and

followed Bella and Edward down the aisle. They were then followed by Rose and Jasper and

Bella and Edward’s parents.

The wedding party stood in the foyer, chatting and hugging, as the preacher announced there

would be a party at the reception hall next door from the church. He then instructed the crowd

that everyone was invited to join them in the celebration of this happy union.

Edward and Bella were the first to walk into the building and were amazed to find it decorated

very similarly to the church. The dance floor was surrounded by about a hundred small round

tables with flowing white table clothes. Each table had a lit candle surrounded by an

arrangement of the same flowers used during the ceremony. A larger rectangular table was set

up perpendicular to the stage for the wedding party to watch the festivities.

Tables of food were set up along the wall, and their four tier wedding cake was centered along

the side of the room. They had an open bar set up and a DJ sitting in a booth playing soft music

as their guests entered the room.

Edward kissed Bella as he led her to their table. It didn’t take long for the party to get good and

going. After everyone ate, Alice led the happy couple to their cake where they proceeded to do

the traditional cutting of the cake. Camera flashes brightened the room as Edward gently slipped

a piece of cake in Bella’s mouth, careful to not get any on her. The room exploded with laughter

when Bella smeared it all over his face. Edward was shocked that Bella had actually followed

through with such a cliché.

She helped him clean his face, and he led her to the dance floor. The DJ stopped the music and

announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen.” Edward pulled Bella into his

arms and smiled.

“You know I’ll never get tired of hearing us called that. Dance with me?” he whispered to her.

“Always.” Sounds of sighs and cooing flooded the room as she pulled up on her tiptoes and

kissed him.

The soulful sound of Etta James filled the room as Edward twirled Bella along the dance floor

effortlessly. He dipped her back, causing an eruption of clapping, cheers, catcalls and whistles

from the crowd watching. Bella laughed as Edward pulled her back up and continued leading her

along the dance floor.

Bella rested her cheek on Edward’s chest as their dance came to a close. A tap on Edward’s

shoulder stopped them.

“May I cut in?” Charlie asked.

Edward released Bella from his hold, and handed her over to Charlie with a smile and a nod.

Alice signaled for the DJ to play the song that had been selected for the father-daughter dance.

While not as graceful as Edward, Charlie was able to successfully lead his daughter in their

dance. They both remained silent in reverence of this moment. Charlie wiped a tear from his

eye as he looked down at his little girl, now a woman, a married woman.

“Don’t cry, Daddy,” Bella whispered as she wiped another tear from his face.

Charlie smiled and leaned into her small hand, “I’ll always love you, honey. Remember that.”

“I will, Daddy,” Bella sighed.

Guests quickly filled the dance floor effectively ending their bonding moment. Before she knew

it, Bella had danced with her new father-in-law, her best friend, Jasper, Emmett and several other

friends of the families. Finally Edward got his wife back in his arms just in time for Emmett to

hit the stage and start singing ‘I’m Too Sexy’.

Rose groaned as she screamed, “Don’t you dare take your shirt off!”

Bella screamed out, “Take it off!”

Edward and Rose shot her a look of disbelief.

“Don’t encourage him,” Rose exclaimed.

Edward laughed as he watched his wife enjoy the festivities of their day. A day he knew he

would never forget as long as he lived because Bella finally belonged to him solely.

Mine, all mine.

Rose managed to keep Emmett from removing his clothes during his song.

As Alice walked on to the stage, Emmett politely handed her the microphone, and turned to the

crowd to take a bow. As he turned to walk off the stage, Alice slapped his ass. Emmett turned to

her in surprise as Rose roared with laughter.

“That’s what you get, Big Sexy, now stay put. I’m not done with you yet,” Alice chortled.

“Alright, can I get everyone’s attention? Ladies, tonight I have a special treat for you. To help

our happy newlyweds out on their honeymoon expenses, we are auctioning the fellas off tonight.

Now, unfortunately, Edward is off the table. Bella owns his ass tonight, but the rest of these fine

specimens that have graced our company this evening are up for grabs. Married or not, ladies,

you must fight to get your man with the highest bid.”

The women began to scream and laugh as the men groaned and looked around in anticipation.

“Now, Ladies, here are the rules: The lady with the highest bid will win two hours with her

respective gentlemen at the time that she and he so choose. Your prize must comply with your

wishes, no matter how great or small they might be, as long as they can be performed within the

two hour allotment. The only exception to this rule is you’re not allowed to ask for sexual

favors, as we auctioning off some married men here, and we respect their wives completely.”

Laughter filled the room as some of the woman pretended to be upset by this rule.

“Also, once you’ve won a bid, you can no longer bid on another item. All sales are final and


Alice looked around the room, “If everyone understands and agrees then this auction is now

open. Our first item up for bid is Big Sexy here.” Alice turned to Emmett, who was now twenty

different shades of red, and laughed. “Do a turn for us, please. Let these ladies see the


Emmett quickly turned on his heel and then faced the audience with a huge smile on his face.

“As you see ladies, we have a strong specimen of manhood here. Let’s start the bidding at ten


Bids began flying around the room as women began screaming and shouting to win Emmett.

Edward nearly hit the floor when Bella stood up and screamed, “I’ll give you sixty for him.”

Edward pulled Bella back down in her seat. “What the Hell, love? You want to replace me so

soon?” Edward whined.

“Not at all, baby, I just thought it’d be fun to make him unpack our stuff at the apartment,” Bella

replied simply.

The room exploded in laughter as they witnessed Edward and Bella’s exchange.

“One hundred dollars,” Esme’s voice floated over the roar of the laugher.

The room went silent as Emmett’s mouth dropped to the floor. “I’ll give you one hundred for

him,” she repeated.

“Going once, going twice, sold to Esme Cullen for one hundred dollars,” Alice cried out.

Emmett walked off the stage beaming. “I just got me a MILF,” Emmett hollered as Edward

buried his face in Bella’s neck, knowing his mother knew exactly what that meant.

“You’ll think MILF, when you’re pulling weeds in my garden next weekend,” Esme snickered.

Emmett’s face blanched when he realized she wasn’t joking.

Jasper figuring he could totally beat Emmett in bids, ran up on the stage to stand beside Alice.

“I’m next,” he told her.

Alice shrugged and began, “Next item up for bid is Jasper Whitlock.” Jasper strutted in a circle

as Alice introduced him. “Once again we will start the bidding out at ten dollars.”

The room fell silent. “Ten dollars, do I hear ten dollars for this fine, young man?”

Still no one bid. “Okay, Five dollars, do I hear five dollars?”

Jacob leaned over to Edward and Bella, “I put the word out earlier about the auction. Everyone

is doing this on purpose.”

Edward laughed so hard tears began to flow, as Bella leaned over her husband and smacked her

best friend’s hand. “That was cruel,” she scolded.

“Well, someone needed to knock fuckface on his ass for once,” Jacob howled.

“One dollar,” a small voice broke the silence, “I’ll give you one dollar.”

The silence in the room became deafening as Grandma Cullen slowly waddled towards the stage

with one dollar in her hand waving it in the air. Terror gripped Jasper as he watched the little old

lady make her way towards him.

“Anyone? No one’s willing to bid on me?” Jasper begged.

The silence was broken by the cackling laughter streaming from Edward, Emmett and Jacob.

“Sold, to Grandma Cullen for the grand total of one dollar,” Alice called out as she desperately

tried to mask her laughter.

Jasper turned to Alice, mortified. “How could you?”

“What, I get you all the time. I have my money saved for someone else,” Alice replied giving

him an evil grin.

Edward leaned over to Bella and whispered, “I love you, Mrs. Cullen.”

Bella’s heart fluttered at the sound of her new name. She turned to him and kissed him, “I love

you, too, Mr. Cullen.

Jake was auctioned off after Jasper. A bidding war ensued between his wife and Alice. Alice

finally won when she bid two hundred for him. Charlie was sold to Rose for three hundred.

Everyone got a good laugh when Rose bounced up and down screaming, “I’m having DILF


As Charlie sat back down he turned to Renee and Esme and asked, “What’s a DILF?”

Carlisle roared with laughter as Esme leaned over Renee and whispered to Charlie, “Dad I’d

Like to Fuck.”

Charlie’s blushed brightly, realizing what Rose had just said about him.

Carlisle was called to the stage next. He slipped his hands into his pockets as Alice started the

auction. “Ladies, here we have the very fine doctor. A surgeon who I am sure is very good with

his hands. Let’s say we start him at the same price we did the Chief. Do I hear fifty for the good

doctor and father of the groom?”

Women around the room went to screaming. The bids started flying quicker than Alice could

keep up. Esme leaned in to Renee, “What are you waiting for? You’re going to bid on him


Renee leaned over, “I told you I would, but I’m waiting for the right time. Just watch.”

“Five hundred, I hear five hundred,” Alice called out into the microphone.

Renee stood up, “I’ll give you one thousand for this item.”

The room went silent. The Chief’s wife just bid a thousand dollars on another man. What they

didn’t realize is Esme had given her the money because she could no longer bid on a man, and

she was a bit jealous of all the women vying for her husband’s attention.

Alice pulled herself together, “One thousand, to Renee Swan, going once, going twice…sold to

the Chief’s wife.”

The room exploded as Carlisle whispered a thank you from the stage. Renee nodded her head,

then leaned over to Charlie and explained what just happened. Relief flooded Charlie when he

realized that his wife didn’t break his bid record over Carlisle. It wasn’t the money that worried

him, he felt slightly jealous that his own wife would pay such a handsome price for the doctor.

The auction continued until all the men were accounted for. The ladies paid their money and

proceeded to collect their IOU certificates for their winnings.

Alice brought the money to Edward and Bella in an envelope. “Don’t open it until you get to

your destination,” she whispered in Edward’s ear.

Edward slipped the envelope in his pocket and proceeded to take his wife to the dance floor for

one last dance. Everyone joined them on the dance floor but they didn’t notice. In that moment,

it was only the two of them, and they were floating on air. Bella’s hands rested on his chest as

Edward cupped her face in his hands. As their feet shuffled softly along the dance floor, Edward

gently kissed his wife.

The soft kisses left a tingling sensation on their lips. That feeling was all too quickly interrupted

as Rose walked up and extracted Bella from Edward’s grasp.

“She has to get out of this dress, Edward,” Rose explained as she tugged Bella’s arm.

“I’ll get her out of that dress,” he cockily replied.

Rose smacked him on the head as she pulled Bella away, and rushed her upstairs where they had

set up a changing room for her.

Alice, Esme, Renee and Grandma Cullen were all standing there waiting on them. They each

gave her a hug as they all began to quickly work to get her out of her dress and release her hair

from her veil.

Within minutes, the five ladies had Bella dressed in her baby blue dress suit. The jacket was

curve hugging, and the knee length pencil skirt made Bella’s legs look like they went on for


Alice removed one of the garters and readjusted the other under her skirt. They quickly took her

back down stairs to find Edward standing towards the front door of the building talking to a

group of men. He stopped and watched as Bella entered the room. Bella walked up to him and

kissed him.

Jacob called out, “Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. I need all the single men to

gather over here if you will, please.”

Every unmarried man in the building formed a half moon circle around them. Edward lowered

to his knees as Jacob offered Bella his hand. Bella lifted her leg to Edward as he placed it on his

knee. He pushed her skirt up just enough to reveal the garter. He sexily ran his fingers up her

leg as the men started hollering. Bella could see the look of desire in his eyes as he smiled at

her, and then leaned in and kissed her right above the knee. He proceeded to grip the garter with

his teeth, and pull it down the length of her leg.

Bella felt the heat rising in her body as she watched her husband straighten her leg to full length

to remove the garter. He slipped the garter off and gently placed her foot on the floor. He took

the garter from his teeth, stood up and kissed her. He then popped the garter at the group of men


The crowd erupted as Edward turned around to see who caught it. There was Jasper standing in

the back of the group of men, holding the garter in his hand with a look of utmost surprise on his


Edward turned and shook Jacob’s hand and then kissed his bride. “Are you ready?” he asked.

Bella nodded at him as Alice started calling out to the crowd to grab their packets of birdseed as

the bride and groom would be leaving the party. She picked up Bella’s bouquet and handed it to

her. “You’re going to need this in just a few minutes,” Alice instructed.

Bella felt the tears well up in her eyes as her parents came over and hugged her and Edward both


“Welcome to the family, Son,” Charlie whispered in Edward’s ear as he gripped Edward into a

tight hug. “I’ve always thought of you as a son. Now, it’s just official.”

“Thank you, Chief,” Edward whispered back.

Bella, her mother and Esme cried while they held each other for a few moments. They released

her back in to Edward’s grasp as Carlisle walked up to them for his turn.

Carlisle shook Edward’s hand and pulled him into hug, “I’m so happy for you both. You’re

starting out on the right path in this life, and I couldn’t have asked for a better man to be my

son.” Carlisle wiped a tear from his eye as he turned to Bella. He hugged her and whispered,

“Whip his ass into shape. You’re the only woman in the world who can. I love you, sweetheart.

Welcome to the family.”

Bella gently kissed her father-in-law on the cheek and whispered back, “You know I will.”

Edward took his wife by the hand and led her out of the building. Everyone was lined up waiting

for them with birdseed in hand. They stopped at their cluster of friends and bid their farewells.

Jacob hugged them both up in his massive arms. “Take care of each other. Promise me you will.

I don’t want to have to whip either of your asses.”

Bella and Edward laughed as they agreed to his demands.

“Fucker, you finally did it. Congratulations. I’m so happy for you,” Jasper chuckled. He was

now wearing the garter on his arm just above his elbow. Bella popped it and then hugged him.

“Take care of Alice for me while I’m gone. Don’t let her go all Plannerzilla on Rose. Okay?”

“Anything for you,” Jasper sniffled, but tried to mask his reaction.

Alice started getting impatient, “Your limo is waiting. C’mon!”

Edward took Bella by the hand and led her to the car. Birdseed pelted them profusely as they

walked past. Edward tried to block Bella as best as he could from getting beaten up by the tiny

seeds, but it was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to protect her entirely.

They reached the black stretch limousine as Bella turned to the crowd and cried out, “Ladies, the


The girls began to scream and ran into the center of the aisle awaiting the toss. Bella watched

them line up and laughed. She turned her back to them and tossed the bouquet behind her,

aiming for Rose. The crowd erupted as she turned to see Alice holding the roses in her hand,

squealing and jumping up and down. “I caught it!”

“Dude, that’s like a sign. You catching the garter and her getting the bouquet. Fucker, that

means you’re next.” Emmett laughed as Jasper blanched.

“He’s right.” Jake leaned into Jasper, “You’re screwed, fuckface. Be prepared, you’re joining

the ranks of us married men.”

Emmett and Jacob high-fived as Jasper laughed. Jasper knew he wanted to marry Alice one day,

he just wanted to wait until they were both ready.

Bella laughed as Alice ran up to her and hugged her. “Now, go make love to your husband,” she

said a little too loudly causing another bout of laughter.

Bella blushed as Edward leaned in and kissed her. “Trust me, she will,” he facetiously replied.

Charlie groaned as Carlisle laughed, “Thank God, I don’t have a daughter.” He nudged Charlie

in the ribs, as Charlie covered his face trying hard to extract the thought of his daughter having

sex from his head.

Bella blew a kiss to her friends and family as she slipped into the limo. Edward followed her in

as he waved at the crowd.

“See you all in three weeks,” he called out from the limo window as the limo started to drive off.

Bella leaned over him and watched as the people she loved most in the world started to fade into

the distance.

“Are you okay?” Edward relaxed on the leather seat, pulling her into him and kissing her.

“Better than okay. Elated,” she whispered against his lips.

“So the plan is we’re staying at the hotel tonight, and then off to Seattle in the morning, where

we will fly out and spend the next three weeks in…”

Bella gently kissed his lips effectively ending Edward’s incessant planning. “Just enjoy this

evening as it’s the first of many of in our new life together,” she whispered against his lips.

She laid her head on his chest listening to the sound of his heart beating. It was a slow rhythm

that could easily lull her to sleep. She found herself breathing in time with his heartbeat. Bella

was mesmerized by the fact that her heart actually beat at the same pace as his. Their hearts truly

did beat as one.

Edward kissed her hair as he sighed in contentment. He breathed in her scent, closed his eyes,

and laid his head back against the headrest. In just a few minutes he’d be taking her to his bed

and would officially make her his. While he knew they’d been lovers for a few years now, this

felt like the first time to him. Bella was no longer just his girlfriend, she was his wife. She was

the woman that willingly chose to give herself to him. He was determined that she would never

regret giving him that gift.

Bella moved closer to him. She wanted to eliminate any space between them. When she’d

comfortably wrapped herself in his warm body, she closed her eyes and silently prayed.

Thank you, God. I’m finally home.

To really love a woman you let her hold you

‘til ya know how she needs to be touched

You've gotta breathe her, really taste her ‘til you can feel her in your blood

And when you can see your unborn children in her eyes,

You know you really love a woman

When you love a woman, you tell her that she's really wanted

When you love a woman, you tell her that she's the one

She needs somebody to tell her that you'll always be together

So, tell me have you ever really ever loved a woman?

Then, when you find yourself lyin' helpless in her arms,

You know you really love a woman…

Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman by Bryan Adams

~ Chapter 17: Age 19 ~

Edward woke the next morning relishing in the warmth of his wife against him.

My wife

How I love the sound of that.

He opened his eyes and rubbed them hard before looking down at the angel that curled up in the

crook of his side. A smile of pure contentment crossed his face.

The events of the evening came flooding back to him. The beautiful ceremony where he

professed his undying love for his bride, the reception where they enjoyed the celebration of their

nuptials, but it was consummating the vows that Edward replayed continuously in his mind.

He and Bella had been intimate for a while, but making love to her as his wife for the first time

was sensory overload. He actually felt tears invade his eyes as he recalled her first climax as his

wife. His mind drifted to the moment she was underneath him, moving in harmony as he

connected with her on more than just a physical level but an emotional level, as well. He could

see the love in her eyes, the desire that dripped from her lips, the feel of her warm body

surrounding him, knowing she was making him hers completely.

Now this glorious creature slept soundly next to him, lying naked in his arms, looking more

beautiful than he had even seen her in all their life together. Her long brown curls splayed across

the pillow as she draped her arm over his chest and her leg over his. He felt safe in her arms, as

if cocooned in an impermeable shell of her love, but helpless in the same instance. She owned

him in a way that only a woman could ever own a lover. She possessed him. The last thing he

thought of when he went to sleep was of her, and she was the first thought that entered his mind

upon waking.

He sighed and smiled. “I love you, Isabella Cullen,” he whispered.

She stirred and stretched slightly against his naked form. “I love you, too, Edward Cullen,” she

murmured, readjusted herself against him, deepening her hold on his body, and then drifted back

into sweet slumber.

Trying not to jostle her too much, Edward leaned over her and grabbed his watch off the

nightstand. He chuckled when Bella mumbled, “Just five more minutes, baby, then I’m all yours


“While I would love nothing more than to take you again, my love, we need to get up so we can

get to the airport on time. I would hate to miss our flight.”

“Just five more minutes, baby. Please,” Bella begged.

“I’ll take my shower first,” Edward said as he kissed the top of her head.

Bella’s grip on him became nearly impossible to escape. “Nope, that’s not good for me. I want

my husband in the bed with me.” She looked up at him and smiled. Edward felt his heart

explode in his chest with pride as her words hit his ears... husband.

He cuddled into her and pushed her hair back from her face. “How can I deny my wife?”

“You can’t,” Bella replied very matter-of-factly.

Edward smiled knowing his wife had already concluded she had all the power. He curled up

next to her and lay with his arms holding her tightly to his chest. He felt her lips crawling up his

neck in search for his mouth. Obligingly, he ended her search as he crushed his lips to hers.

Bella moaned at the contact and Edward felt his body ignite with fire at the touch of her mouth to

his. He would never tire of simple moments like these where their hearts beat as one.

He pulled away all too quickly knowing if he let it continue, they wouldn’t leave the bed and

they had an eighteen-hour trip ahead of them. He kissed her swollen lips once more and

regretfully slid out of her arms.

He turned back to look at her, now propping her head up on her elbow, watching him as well.

“You’re one sexy man, you know that?”

Edward felt himself blush. Bella often told him she thought he was handsome, but it was always

when she would call him sexy that he would feel conscious of her words. He adored the fact she

thought he was beyond good-looking, but that he was the epitome of sex to her. He knew she

could have any man she wanted and yet he was her choice.

Her favorite crooked grin flashed across his rugged features as he mischievously kneeled on the

end of the bed. He grabbed her legs and pulled her towards him revealing her beautiful naked

form. His eyes feasted on her bare skin, all of her bare skin, and he exhaled. He ran his fingers

tips over her freshly manicured center as she bucked her hips towards his hands.

“This, my love, is a must from now on. I don’t care the cost. I will never tire of seeing you like

this,” he said as his fingertip slid down her bare, wet center.

Bella moaned at the contact from his hand. She moved her hand to meet his between her thighs

as she pressed his fingers deep inside her. “You sure you like it?”

“You tell me,” he murmured as he pulled his hand away from hers long enough to pull her hips

to his face where he devoured her.

His mind drifted back to the night before when Bella revealed the white garter set with the

crotchless panties that she had specifically chosen for their wedding bed. She dropped her

clothes to the floor in front of him as he willingly watched his wedding present sensually unwrap

before his eyes.

She seductively crawled up the bed toward him, running her lips up the length of his body and

gently settled into kissing his lips hungrily. He felt her reach between the two of them and then

lift her finger to his lips.

“You see what you do to me, Mr. Cullen?” she whispered as she slipped her moist finger into his


Edward moaned as he quickly flipped her over wanting more than just a taste. He wanted the


Bella giggled as Edward sucked the sensitive skin of her neck into his mouth, while his hands

slipped down the length of her body. His hands cupped her slippery sex when he stopped dead

in his tracks. He pulled away from her, only to stare into her eyes and smile.

“What’s this?” he questioned as he rubbed his finger over her soft skin.

Her voice slightly cracked as she replied, “Your wedding present.”

He moved down the length of her body and slightly pulled her legs apart for a better peek. His

wife was bare, completely and totally bare in every sense of the word. He could see every inch

of her womanhood and he felt himself salivating of the thought of tasting her like this.

Bella began to feel self-conscious as her husband sat there and just stared at her. There.

Oh, God, he hates it.

I never should have let Rose and Alice talk me into this.

I know how he loves me for me. I should never have changed myself for this.

Bella tried to close her legs when she caught Edward’s gaze. She felt the blood rush to her

cheeks as her eyes locked with his. She watched as his beautiful green pools deepened with lust

and desire for her. His smile spread across his face, and before she could move to hide herself,

his face was buried between her legs. He sucked her clit deep in his mouth, soliciting the

response he was hoping for. Bella squirmed and wiggled as he relentlessly teased her with his

tongue. He worshipped her, making sure her needs were satisfied before he even considered his


It wasn’t until he heard her beg him to take her that he realized his face was still between her

legs. He felt the tug of her fingers in his hair as she cried out his name over and over again. He

marveled as she withered under his touch and finally he took her as his wife. He made love to

her as if it was their first time.

Bella remained amazed that Edward never mentioned to her what he thought about what she had

done to her body. It seemed obvious to her that he must have enjoyed it because his hand never

left her pelvis. Even when they were just talking and cuddling, he petted her there. He seemed

to relish the softness of her skin, which in turn sent fire coursing through her veins and inevitably

led them to making love all night long.

Bella tugging at his hair and crying out his name brought him back to the moment where once

again he had lost himself in the depth of her body.

Edward flicked his tongue against her one more time before noticing the alarm clock on the


“Fuck!” he exclaimed.

“I would call it making love but fucking is good too,” Bella jested as she pushed herself back

towards his face.

“No, baby, we need to leave in twenty minutes. Holy fuck! Have I really…”

Bella smiled coyly and replied, “Been between my legs for thirty minutes?”

He returned the smiled and leaned and kissed her swollen aperture of bliss. He murmured

against her skin, “Yep, no matter the cost.”

Bella giggled as he lowered her hips and leaned down on her and kissed her deeply. She sighed

as she tasted herself on his lips and moaned at the feel of his manhood so close to her opening.

She longed for him to push in, to relieve the ache that burned within her for his body.

“Mrs. Cullen, will join me in the shower?”

“Do you think that’s wise, baby?”

“Nope,” he laughed heartily against her lips as he pulled her off the bed, throwing her over his

back as he ran them towards the bathroom.

In a rushed frenzy, Bella and Edward had their belongings packed and were checking out of the

hotel just as Alice and Jasper arrived to pick them up. Alice was determined that she and Jasper

would drive them to Seattle and pick them up upon their return.

Alice squealed as Bella appeared at the hotel lobby exit. She threw her arms around Bella’s

waist and bounced.

“Bella Cullen, you look like you just got fucked every which way from Sunday,” Alice blurted


“Alice!” Jasper exclaimed. While Jasper was usually the one that enjoyed sexual banter, he was

slightly embarrassed at Alice’s exuberance about Bella and Edward’s wedding night.

“What? Look at her. She’s flushed, her hair looks like shit, she has bags under her eyes, and her

lips are swollen as Hell. She looks like she was ridden hard all night long. Shame on Edward,”

she chuckled.

“What the fuck did I do?” Edward asked incredulously, as he exited the hotel, overhearing the

end of their conversation.

Bella wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck and kissed him gently. “You made love to

me all night and now Alice is chastising you for it. She seems to think we should have slept last


Edward smiled into his wife’s lips as his mind flooded with images of her laid before him in pure


“Who needs sleep? I want to take you back in there right now and relive last night.”

“Okay, you two love birds. If you want to make it to Seattle on time for your flight, we need to

get your happy asses in the car now,” Jasper called out as he closed the trunk.

Alice squealed and ran to ride shotgun as Bella and Edward climbed into the back seat of

Jasper’s SUV.

They all laughed and talked and teased the newlyweds during their trip to Seattle.

“But Edward, did you have to suck her lips raw for Christ’s sake?” Alice moaned.

Bella placed her fingertips over her extremely plump lips and chuckled at the tenderness of them.

“You think those lips are raw? You should see…”

“Ewww! Gross, man!” Jasper bellowed.

“What? The JazzMeister suddenly doesn’t want to talk about sex?” Edward teased.

“You’re married now. It changes things,” Jasper replied as he looked at Edward in the rearview


“It’s still just me and Bella, Jazz. No need to get flustered.” Edward leaned up in between the

seats and whispered into Alice’s ear, “By the way, thank you.”

Alice turned to him and looked at him, and confusion flashed across her face. “For what?”

“Bella told me you and Rose put her up to the waxing. Thank you. It was the best wedding gift

a man could ever get.” Edward smiled a devilish grin and Alice’s laughter filled the car.

“You horndog!” she cried out.

Edward settled back into his seat and smiled. He pulled Bella next to him and without realizing

it they quietly fell asleep to the hum of the Land Rover’s engine.

~ X ~

“Wake up, sweetheart,” Bella whispered into Edward’s ear.

Edward roused, shifting in his seat. He blinked several times and realized they were at the drop-

off lane at the airport. Jasper was pulling the luggage out and placing it on the baggage check-in

dock for them while Alice stood on the sidewalk with a large white envelope in her hand and was

talking to the airline attendant.

Edward and Bella slipped out of the car and joined them.

Alice handed Edward the envelope. “I pulled this out of your luggage. I hope you don’t mind.”

Edward hugged her. “Thanks for taking such good care of us.”

“Edward, did you even look in this envelope last night?” Alice inquired as Jasper put the last

suitcase on the dock.

“Time just got away from us. I really didn’t have a chance to. I knew you had the proceeds

from the auction along with our passports and travel papers in here but I figured that was it.”

“Open it,” Alice encouraged.

Edward opened the package and his mouth gaped open like a fish out of water.

He was correct in assuming that Alice had all their travel documents in this one location, but he

failed to notice the wad of cash stashed in the envelope.

“Alice?” He stared at her.

“You’re right. It does include the proceeds from the auction last night,” she answered with a


“But… this… how?”

Bella took the envelope from Edward’s grasp and looked inside. Her heart sank as she realized

there had to be at least twenty grand in this package.

“Your grandmother paid handsomely for Jasper,” Alice laughed as Jasper beamed.

“Yeah, one dollar my ass! Try adding four zeros behind that. I was the highest paid bid,” Jasper

childishly stuck his tongue out at Edward.

“I’ll get you fuckers for that one, just so you know,” Jasper warned.

Edward laughed and hugged Bella to him. He pulled their passports and tickets out of the

envelope and handed Bella her respective papers.

Alice threw herself into Bella and Bella petted her gently. “I’ll miss you. Three weeks is going

to be such a long time.”

“I’ll call. I promise.” Bella kissed the top of Alice’s head as Jasper shook Edward’s hand and

pulled him into a ‘guy’ hug.

“Take care and be careful.”

“We will,” Edward took Bella by the hand and led her inside the airport.

They obtained their boarding passes and went through security pretty easily.

“First stop. Dallas, Texas,” he said as they boarded the plane. “We have a two hour layover

there. I figure we can check out the airport. I hear the thing is massive, practically its own city.”

“Well, they do say everything is bigger in Texas,” Bella chuckled as she settled into her first

class seat. Edward had insisted it would be first class all the way.

They cuddled into each other and were both asleep before the flight had barely taken off.

“Sir?” Edward felt a slight nudge on the arm.

“Sir, it’s time to go.”

Edward looked up to see a lovely flight attendant smiling down on him.

“We’re here,” she advised him.

“Oh. I’m so sorry,” Edward suddenly felt embarrassed when he realized that he and Bella were

the only two on the plane.

“No need. You and your wife looked like you needed the rest,” she smiled brightly.

Edward looked at Bella and smiled. She looked so content for sleeping in an airplane seat. She

was curled up into him, sleeping so peacefully.

“She’s quite lovely,” the flight attendant observed.

“That she is,” Edward beamed.

“How long have you been married?”

“Less then twenty-four hours. We’re on our honeymoon,” Edward replied as he nudged Bella to

wake her up.

“Congratulations. Where ya’ll headin’?”

Edward suddenly recognized the southern accent the flight attendant had. It was apparent to him

that she was from Texas. She sounded just like Jasper.

“Greece.” He nudged Bella again as her eyes fluttered open.

“I hear they have some of the most beautiful beaches and the sunset is something else.”

“That’s what we hear too.”

Bella opened her eyes and smiled at him. He kissed her gently.

“Baby, we’re in Dallas.” He pulled her to her feet and retrieved their carry-on bags. He thanked

the flight attendant for her kindness and they exited the plane.

“Wow, they weren’t kidding about this place,” Edward observed as they entered DFW

International Airport.

They were lucky that their flight landed in terminal C and their next flight was leaving out of the

same terminal. They did not have to struggle finding their way through the airport.

Bella laughed as she dragged him towards the first shop she saw. It was a Texas-themed gift

shop and she immediately went to laughing at all the merchandise. She picked up a shot glass

for her father that had an armadillo with tire tracks on its back. She then found a t-shirt for

Jasper that had a flaming pitchfork pointing towards a Lone Star. Bella laughed as she read the

shirt aloud, “Ya’ll can go to Hell. But as for me, I’m goin’ to Texas.”

Bella felt Edward’s heated breath against her neck as he chuckled. “That’s perfect for Jazz.”

She turned to Edward and was startled to see he had picked up a black felt cowboy hat and

placed it on his head.

“How do I look?” Edward winked at her and gave her a cocky grin.

“You look like a Tim McGraw-wannabe,” Bella teased.

Edward cocky grin dropped into a frown and he moved to take the hat off his head.

Bella stopped him and pushed herself up to meet his lips. She kissed him deeply.

“Actually, baby, on second thought, I think you should get it. I’d love to ‘Save a horse, ride a

cowboy’,” she whispered in his ear.

Edward blushed and tipped his hat at her. She winked at him causing his blush to deepen, but he

wasn’t anticipating the sudden ache in his belly to fulfill her voiced fantasy.

They made their purchases, ate, did a little exploring and before they knew it, their two hour

layover was over. They slept through the ten-hour flight to Madrid and then cuddled for the two-

hour flight from Madrid to Athens. By the time Bella and Edward arrived in Greece, they were

bouncing with excitement.

“This is your Captain speaking. We at American Airlines would like to thank you for joining us

today on flight fifty-six seventy-one from Madrid to Athens. We’re pleased to be a part of the

one world alliance and hope you enjoyed your flight. Currently the temperature is a balmy

seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit, twenty-four degree Celsius. The time is approximately four ten

in the afternoon. Please stay seated until the fasten seatbelt light has been turned off. Once

again, we would like to thank you for choosing American Airlines for your travel needs. Have a

good day.”

Bella stared out the window at the tarmac feeling rather antsy. As soon as they could, they

exited the plane and quickly found a taxi.

Edward and Bella marveled as they passed through the Plaka to reach their hotel. They planned

out where they wanted to go first as the sights of the city passed in front of them. Their cab

driver was extremely friendly and more than willing to give the lovebirds pointers on the sights

they needed to see before leaving the capital city of Greece.

Upon reaching the Royal Olympic hotel, they checked in and went to their suite to freshen up

and relax from their long trip. As Edward showered, Bella made sure to call their family to let

everyone they made it safely.

As she talked to her mother, she sat down in the beige leather chair and stared out on the window

at the beautiful trees. She could see a slightest hint of Grecian pillars peeking above the trees.

She figured they belong to one of the beautiful temples or one of the historical landmarks they

peered at on their way to the hotel.

Edward came out of the bathroom wearing a towel low on his hips as he dried his hair with

another. Bella nearly dropped the phone as she gazed at this sex god before her.

We are definitely in the right city. He is obviously no mere mortal.

Edward caught her gaze and felt his body react involuntarily. He feared that he would be tenting

his towel soon if he didn’t get control of his libido.

He sat down in the chair facing Bella and wrapped the towel he was using to dry his hair, around

his neck.

“Yes, Mom. We will.” Bella replied to her mother as she watched Edward kneel to the floor.

“Is it beautiful there?” Renee gleefully inquired.

“It’s beautiful,” she told her mother trying not to make a sound as Edward trailed his fingers up

her calf.

“How long are you there again? I know I wrote it down somewhere.”

Bella could hear rustling going on in the background.

“We’re in Athens for the next eight days and then head to Santorini for the remainder of the


Bella tried to keep her composure while talking to her mother as Edward trailed warm, wet

kisses up her leg.

“Why not stay longer in Athens? There’s so much for you to see and do there.”

“I told you already, Mom. Edward wants to go to a beach.”

Bella stifled a moan with her fist as he snaked his fingers up her torso and began unbuttoning her

blouse. He nipped at every inch of skin as he exposed her neck and collarbone.

“Wait? Santorini…didn’t I see that in a movie?” Renee racked her brain to remember.

“Mmmhmm, it’s the same island you’ve seen in the second Tomb Raider movie –” Bella cut her

sentence off as Edward slipped her shirt off her shoulders and worked to unfasten her bra.

“I hate to rush…hey, wait a second, isn’t it like two in the morning there?” Bella puzzled causing

Edward to chuckle as he pulled her bra away from her chest.

“Yeah, your dad just got home. I’ve been up waiting for both of you.” Renee chuckled as

Charlie yelled out to tell Bella and Edward ‘hi’ for him.

Edward sucked Bella’s pert nipple into his mouth as his hand slid up her skirt, inching closer to

where he knew she wanted him.

“Tell…Daddy…I…said…hi…” she panted out.

“Will do, sweetheart. Call me when you can. I love you.”

“Love you, too, Mama.”

Bella breathed heavily as Edward’s fingers slipped under her panties and began massaging her

tight bundle of nerves.

She quickly hung up the phone.

“Edward Cullen, what the Hell was that?”

Edward continued teasing her, relentlessly. His lips glided up her thighs, leaving a trail of fiery

kisses in their wake.

“That was my way of telling my wife I want her. I can’t help it if she wanted to talk on the

phone instead.”

Bella slunk down into the chair, giving Edward the access he needed to remove her panties. He

slipped his hands up her legs, successfully pulled the fabric away from her body. Within a

matter of moments, the remainder of her clothing was discarded, as well as the towels he was

wearing. He pulled her out of the chair, and kissed her deeply.

Normally, Bella would have giggled and squirmed at his actions, but there was heaviness in the

air that stifled her normal reactions. Electricity crackled between them, connecting them in a

way they had never felt before.

It always amazed them that just when they thought they could not love each or desire each any

more, something like this would happen proving them once again wrong.

They faced each other on their knees, in worship of the lover before them. Edward gazed into

the liquid pools of chocolate that were Bella’s eyes and sighed. He felt as though he could see

his own soul in her eyes. He pulled her to him and closed the gap between them. He gently laid

her down and made passionate love to his wife on the floor of their hotel room.

Hours later, they still lay on the floor, wrapped up in each other’s body, looking out the paned

window, watching the sunset.

“I’m sorry we didn’t go out today. We still can if you like.”

Edward ran his fingers through her hair as a soft moan escaped her lips. She was content just

being in his arms, knowing she was forever with him and the night wouldn’t come to an end.

“I’m happy right here. We have a whole week in Athens. This was the perfect way to begin our

journey, if you ask me.”

Edward felt relieved. He only wanted to make her happy. Forever.

“Let’s go to bed, baby,” Bella suggested.

Edward picked her up off the floor and carried her to their bed, falling quickly asleep with her

wrapped up in his arms.

~ X ~

It amazed them how quickly a week in Athens went by. They visited the Parthenon. Bella

laughed as Edward got cheesy and told her that the Greek goddess Athena did not hold a candle

to her and that she truly was a goddess.

Of course, Bella could not resist doing the same thing to Edward when they visited the temple of


They were amazed by the architecture of the structure. The initial construction of Zeus’ temple

began somewhere around the sixth century BC, but wasn’t actually completed until the Roman

reign of Greece, in the second century AD. Edward gasped when he realized it took over six-

hundred years to complete the temple of Zeus.

Bella became excited when she realized it was the temple’s pillars that they were able see from

their hotel window. It made her feel even closer to the history and the beauty of such a

magnificent city.

They spent a day in Psiri, also known as the meat-packing district, enjoying the music, the art

galleries and the abundance of nightclubs. Bella and Edward appreciated the fact that the legal

drinking age in Greece is eighteen. They were determined to try things that they normally

wouldn’t get in the States; so, when a bartender suggested that they try Ouzo, they gladly

accepted his suggestion.

Ouzo had a fruity taste and went down smoothly. Before they knew it, they were plastered and

heading back to their hotel.

Upon Edward and Bella entering the cab, the driver knew his night was going to simply get

worse. He rolled his eyes at the drunken couple as he asked in a thick accent, “Where can I take


“The Royal Olympic Hotel,” Edward told him as he wrapped his arm around Bella’s shoulder

groping her breast.

Edward could swear he heard the driver groan at the request but they were quickly off.

The cabdriver once again rolled his eyes and sighed as he tried desperately not to watch Edward

fondle his wife in the backseat. He had to admit that Bella was a beautiful woman, but he really

did not care to watch Edward slip his hand up her dress.

He did find himself chuckling for a moment when Bella slapped Edward’s hand and reminded

him they weren’t alone. They were all giggles, sensual kisses and sexual innuendos as the driver

distractedly tried to keep his eyes on the road.

Part of him hoped Edward would get bold enough to let him see a nipple or something. It would

at least make their loud and obnoxious behavior more bearable and worth the ride.

When Bella giggled and hiccupped, the cab driver blurted out abruptly, “Σε παρακαλώ μην

κάνεις εμετό στο αμάξι μου. Είναι αδύνατον να καθαριστεί.”

“I’m sorry, s-sir?” Edward asked desperately trying not to slur his words.

“Δεν είμαι η μητέρα σου, μην περιμένεις να καθαρίζω πίσω απο εσένα,” the cab driver grumbled

under his breath.

“What did he say?” Bella asked with a giggle.

“I don’t know, baby. It’s all Greek to me,” Edward said nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

It was not until Bella was wallowing in laughter that Edward realized what he had said. He too

laughed as he watched her in her drunken state enjoying their friendly banter.

“Say s-something in Greek to me, Eddie.”

Edward leaned forward to the cabdriver, “I know we’re a pain in the ass, but can you help me out


The cabdriver’s first instinct was to translate for Edward, but to give him some off the wall shit

like Έχω τρεις όρχεις or χοίρου μου μυρίζει καλύτερα τότε την αναπνοή σας instead of what

Edward was actually asking. Instead, he decided Bella was too beautiful of a woman to insult in

such a way.

“What’s ‘You take my breath away’?” Edward asked.

“Με συνεπαίρνεις,” the cabdriver replied.

Edward leaned back and whispered the words into Bella’s ear. The atmosphere in the cab

drastically changed as she listened to him recite everything the cabdriver told him.

“Η κάρδια μου ανήκει μόνο σε σένα.”

Bella sighed, having no idea what he was saying but knowing that it sound beautiful dripping

from his lips.

“Γίνε δική μου για πάντα, Bella,” he whispered in her ear, “Μαζί για πάντα.”

The cabdriver sighed as he realized there really was a great love between them. His bad night

suddenly changed as he delivered the young couple to their destination.

“Είναι μια ευχαρίστηση,” the cabdriver said.

Edward paid cabdriver and bid him a good evening as he rushed his wife to their hotel room to

complete what he had started.

~ X ~

The next day they left out for Santorini. They looked forward to this part of the trip as they

planned on doing nothing more than spending their days on the beach and making love all night


Bella had often heard of the beauty of the Greek Islands, but even when she and Edward were

booking this trip, she never expected to encounter such splendor. She had always believed in the

existence of God, but upon setting foot on the Santorini Island, she knew she was seeing one of

God’s greatest pieces of art.

They once again checked into their hotel. To their surprise, they had a bit of an ache to go home.

They missed their family and friends. The ten-hour time difference between Greece and

Washington made it difficult to keep in touch as often as they wanted to.

They stayed in the Oia Village, which was very close to the Armeni Beach. They spent most of

their days there. Oia was famous for its spectacular sunsets and they truly enjoyed them. They

spent hours on the beach just waiting for the sun to set. During the day when they weren’t

basking in the sun and getting sun-kissed skin, they enjoyed visiting the shops and landmarks in

the village.

On their next to last night in Santorini, they decided they would join a local party that was being

held on the beach.

Bella had purchased a beautiful white sundress and decided this was the perfect time to wear it.

She loved how her little yellow bikini peaked out from underneath it. Her long wavy hair

cascaded down her back and her skin, now slightly tanned from their time on the beach,

darkened against the harsh white of the dress. Edward found himself looking for reasons to

touch her.

Bella struggled with the same issues. When Edward walked out of their hotel dressed in a white

linen shirt and a pair of khakis rolled up just slightly above his ankles, she nearly came undone.

His soft hair was slightly redder than usual, thanks to the kiss of the sun. With no styling

product in his hair, Edward’s hair was in complete disarray, and she had to force herself not to

run her fingers through it.

They both struggled to keep their hands to themselves on their short trip to the beach. No sooner

had they got out of the car, Edward was rushing to get them on the dance floor. He needed to

feel her close to him and dancing was just another form of sex in his opinion.

Bella felt her desire pool drastically between her thighs as she allowed him to take her to the

makeshift dance floor on the beach.

She relished the feeling of the sand between her toes as Edward wrapped his fingers around her

tiny waist. He pressed his body up against hers as the sensual music filled the air. Twilight was

upon them and they lost themselves in each other as the sun plunged down in the sky flashing a

brilliant prism of colors in the air and sending a heat across their skin.

Edward dipped Bella back, running his hand between her breasts stopping only where her pelvis

met his. She closed her eyes, lavishing the feel of his warm hand trailing down her stomach. He

pulled her back to him and wrapped his arms around her enveloping her.

Her hands curled around his firm backside as they swayed to the rhythm of the music. Edward’s

lips found purchase with the smooth skin of her neck. He trailed lavish kisses down her neck

causing her to shiver momentarily with the desire growing harder in her belly.

“Edward…” Bella’s breath was deepening. She gently dug her nails over this taut skin, feeling

his backside clinch under her grasp

“Hmmm?” He attempted to keep himself in check as he continued rocking her to the rhythm of

the music.

“I want you,” her heady whisper barely reaching his ears.

His eyes flew open. His blood ignited with the passion. Those simple words created a monster

inside him that only she could tame.

“I need to touch you, Eddie. Please.”

“Now?” he choked out. He stopped moving. She had stunned him in place.

It wouldn’t be the first time they made love in a public place, but it was the first time Bella had

suggested it.

“Right here, right now.” Bella smiled coyly at him. The look in his eyes told her everything she

needed to know. She knew she had him.

She longed to touch him, to make him feel desired as he constantly did her. Her un-sated lust for

him grew every day. She knew how he always worried about making her feel good when they

made love. She wanted nothing more than the same for him, and that need was overpowering

her senses in this moment.

“Are you sure?” Edward felt he needed to give her the chance to back out but he secretly prayed

she wouldn’t.

She smiled a seductive smile and nodded her head in agreement.

He took her by the hand and led her off towards a caved area on the beach. When he was sure

they were far enough away from prying eyes, he pulled her into a secluded area, covered by

rocks, and gently but aggressively pushed her against the rocks.

He devoured her lips as his tongue slipped deep within her mouth. His fingers ghosted over her

breasts but he felt a moment of pain when Bella pushed him away from her.

“No, baby,” She used every ounce of force she could muster and pushed him up against the rock

where he had just had her. She dropped to her knees in front of him as her fingers began to undo

his belt and unbutton his pants.

“Bella,” he whispered, feeling slightly confused.

“I want to you to feel me, baby. Just close your eyes and feel me,” her voice exuded sexual


“But…” Edward tried to argue. He thrilled in making her feel pleasure. He never wanted to take

advantage of his wife. He always felt they had an equal sexual relationship but his father had

instilled it in him that it was his responsibility to make sure she got hers before he got his.

“No,” she repeated as she pulled his pants and boxers down his legs. Her eyes widened as his

extremely hard erection sprung forward, released from the confines of his pants.

She wrapped her fingers around his hard cock as he leaned back against the rock, unwilling to

argue with her again. She moved her hand painstakingly slow, from the base of his cock to the

head. She relished in watching his head lull as she moved her hand around him.

She swirled her thumb over the head of his cock, collecting the pre-cum that was starting to

accumulate and picked up speed around the shaft. With her other hand, she cupped his balls and

rolled them between her fingertips.

Edward plastered his hands against the rock as his wife worshiped him with her hands. His eyes

flew open as he suddenly felt the warmth of her mouth sheath his manhood.

Bella gently sucked him into her mouth, running her tongue along the shaft as she deepened her

hold on him. She grazed her teeth over his length as she came back up. She tickled his slit with

her tongue, lapping his desire into her mouth. She relished in the taste, knowing that soon he

would spew his full desire into her.

As she picked up speed, her lips tucked in just enough to cover her teeth, allowing her to feel her

mouth tighten around his pulsing cock.

“Bella…” he whispered.

She moaned against him and he lost control. He placed his hands on her head and led her up and

down his extremity. Bella was startled by this, but extremely turned on. Edward had never

guided her head like this before.

She sucked him harder, determined to show him how much she liked his loss of control. He

gripped the sides of her head, as he felt the head of his cock slam into the back of her throat. She

moaned her appreciation and continued sucking, lapping and nibbling down his dick as though it

was the world’s greatest delicacy.

Edward’s dick twitched in her mouth and she knew it would not be much longer before he

released his desire. She longed for that moment. She wanted him to feel as she often did. She

wanted him to let go and just enjoy this without the worry of making her cum first.

Bella sucked vigorously as his dick began to twitch harder.

Edward released his grip on her head, her gorgeous locks leaving his fingers. He looked down

on the beautiful woman that was literally sucking the life out of him; he was amazed at how even

on her knees before him, she looked like a goddess.

My Goddess.

“Bella. Baby, slow down. I want to be inside you… when I… when…”

Bella sucked him harder, as she was determined to not allow him to win this one.

Not this time.

She moved her hand around the shaft of his cock as she guided her mouth and hand

simultaneously down his length. She aggressively took him, not allowing him to stop her.

His body shook as his impending orgasm overtook him. The first spurt of warmth flooded the

back of Bella’s throat as she greedily drank him down. She continued to suck and lick as his

orgasm took over his body. His hands stationed in her hair, as she swallowed every last ounce he

gave her.

“Σε αγαπάω,” he whispered as his wife licked him clean.

Bella smiled with his semi-hard cock still in her mouth. She waited until he came down from his

orgasm before releasing him.

She stood up, wiping her lips with the back of her hand, with a look of pure pride on her face.

“Damn, woman. Where the Hell did that come from?” Edward gasped as he pulled her to him.

“I’ve needed to do that for a long time. You just never let me.”

She reached up to kiss him. He relished in the taste of his pleasure still lingering in her mouth.

He pulled away abruptly and looked her in the eye. “What do you mean?”

“Edward, you always please me. Even during foreplay, you please me. You seldom let me do

the same for you. I just wanted you to see that you do deserve to feel this, us, like this. You

know, you don’t always have to get me off, just so you can find your own release. I enjoy

pleasing you too. It makes me feel sexy to know I can make you feel what no other woman will

ever make you feel.”

Edward looked at her incredulously. Not a day went by that his wife didn’t amaze him and today

was no exception to that rule.

“You are and will always be the only woman who will ever make me feel what I just felt.

Please, feel free to do that to me any time the urge hits you. That was totally fucking hot.”

Bella laughed as Edward pulled his pants up and readjusted himself. He smiled at her in return

and took her hand leading her toward their car.

“Don’t you want to go back to the party?”

“Baby, have you ever heard of a mulligan?”

“Isn’t that a golf term or something?” she asked, wondering how golf had anything to do with

them going back to the party.

“Yes, it is. It means to do over. I’m taking you back to the hotel for a mulligan, Mrs. Cullen.

But this time, I get to be the one who makes you cum.”

~ X ~

Later that night, Bella lay in the arms of her husband, feeling sated from the wonderful oral sex

he had bestowed on her. They were returning to Washington the next day and while she missed

their family and friends, she hated the idea of the leaving this all behind.

They had connected on so many levels while in Greece. She was determined they would have to

visit again as this was the place they truly became man and wife.

She sighed as she closed her eyes for her nightly prayer. No matter what, she never forgot this

ritual, even if it was at three o’clock in the morning and she was exhausted beyond belief from

the previous hours of love making with Edward.


I know going home tomorrow is a must. While I’m dying to see Mom and Dad, not to mention

everyone else, I don’t want to leave what Edward and I have developed here. The real world

will invade our life tomorrow and I won’t lie, I’m scared to death.

I’m not scared of losing Edward’s love; I just don’t want life to get in the way of us deepening

that love.

I know this sounds silly. I’ve just seen so many relationships fail because people let life get in

the way. Please, help us stay connected and deepen our love daily.

Bless our family and friends and keep us safe on our return flight home tomorrow.


Bella closed her eyes and slept soundly knowing that her life was really beginning tomorrow,

and it would be the best life because she got to share it with her best friend, the love of her life,

her partner… Edward.

I wanted you to know

That I love the way you laugh

I want to hold you high and steal your pain away

I keep your photograph

And I know it serves me well

I want to hold you high and steal your pain

Because I'm broken when I'm open

And I don’t feel like I am strong enough

Because I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

Broken by Seether

~ Chapter 18: Age 23 ~

“Oh my, God, Edward. Thank you so much for doing this for me today,” Emmett exclaimed

nearly out of breath, as he was steadily throwing a backpack together for Emmelie.

“Quit worrying about it,” Edward smiled at his friend who was in a frenzy of dolls and snacks.

“Emmy, get in here, baby girl. Uncle Edward is here to take you to the park,” Emmett shouted.

A flash of blonde streaked across the room as Edward was trampled by a giggling little girl.

“Unkie Edword!” Emmelie exclaimed as she giggled and pounced into her favorite ‘uncle’s’ lap.

“Hey there, pretty girl. You ready to go to the park?”

Emmelie glanced in her father’s direction. She patiently waited for his declaration that she was

indeed ready to go.

Emmett laughed at the sweet little face looking at him. She had Rose’s flowing blonde hair and

perfect alabaster skin with his dimples, set off by the most sparkling blue eyes. Her plump pink

lips smirked as she awaited her father’s confirmation that she and Edward could leave.

“Emmy and I are going to have a blast today. Aren’t we, Emmy?”

“Yep,” she giggled.

This wasn’t the first time Edward had taken Emmy, but Emmett was a rather protective father

and he always struggled to let his little girl go. Edward couldn’t begrudge him the feelings. He

would be the same way if he were in the same situation. He sat on the couch, holding Emmy

close, waiting patiently for Emmett’s okay to take Emmy to the park.

Emmett tossed the backpack on the couch next to Edward. “Here, make sure she doesn’t swing

too high and that she has her lunch at eleven. Oh, and make sure she has plenty of potty breaks


“Em, dude, calm down. I promise I’ll take good care of Emmy.” Edward stood up from the

couch with Emmy hanging off his hip, clutching tightly to his neck.

Emmett clapped his hand on Edward’s open shoulder, “I know you will. I’m sorry. I’m just…

ahhh. I wasn’t expecting to be called into work today, and Rose is at some school thing, and I...”

“Just come by the house after you get off work. I’ll take Emmy there after we’re done with the

park. Bella should be home from the hospital by then. Everything will be just fine.”

“Thanks, man. I owe you one.” Emmett picked up the backpack and handed it Edward. He

leaned in and kissed Emmy on the forehead.

“Now, you be good for Uncle Edward, okay?” Emmett instructed his daughter.

“I will, Daddy. I love you.”

“Love you, too, baby girl.” Emmett pulled her away from Edward long enough to hug and kiss

her once more and returned her to her Godfather. He watched as they walked out of the house,

fighting the urge to call work and tell them a little white lie to get out of going in.

He observed from the window as Edward locked Emmy in her car seat, making sure she was


He smiled as he recalled the day he told Edward he wanted him to be Emmy’s Godfather.

Edward was elated by the news. Emmett could not think of anyone else that he would trust with

his little angel.

Emmett and Rose knew that they had made right decision choosing Edward and Bella to be

Emmy’s Godparents. There was never a doubt in their minds of that fact. Edward and Bella had

been with them through the thick of things.

The hardest moment of Emmett’s life was telling his father about Rose’s pregnancy. While

Rose’s family was excited about the baby and the wedding, Emmett’s father had not been so

endearing. He screamed at him, cursed him. Called Rose more names than Emmett cared to

count, and by the time it was all said and done, Emmett had packed his meager belongs and left,

never having looked back.

He and Rose went to college, got married, and were blessed several months later with Emmy.

There were times during college they thought they wouldn’t make it, but with the help of Bella

and Edward, they always seemed to push through. Even now, in a pinch like this, Edward was

more than willing to help take care of Emmy’s needs. Emmett was eternally grateful to have a

friend like Edward.

It was pure luck that when they all moved back to Forks, that they were able to find a houses a

block away from each other. Emmett had finished college with high marks and was interning at

an architecture firm in Forks. Rose had decided to become an elementary school teacher. She

found her calling with children when Emmy was born.

Bella was the only one, out of everyone, still in school. She was determined to become a

pediatrician. When Bella had relayed the news to Carlisle that she wanted to be a doctor, you

would have thought that it was his very own daughter telling him she was walking in his

footsteps. He was so excited that he practically begged her to come back to Forks to complete

her clinical rounds. Carlisle pulled strings and made sure that Bella could come home to

complete her studies.

True to his word, Charlie offered Edward a job after college and Edward willingly accepted.

Edward had taken some time off to help Bella set up their house when they moved home.

Charlie was perfectly fine with Edward’s time off. He was just happy to have them finally


As Bella needed to continue her studies, Edward was determined to make their house was a

home very quickly. He was grateful for his mother’s decorating skills, as she became a

whirlwind of patterns and samples, but she successfully helped him create the perfect

environment for him and his Bella.

Jasper became the lead singer for a band named AWOL, and Alice became the band’s manager.

They were the perfect power couple. With Jasper’s vocals and Alice’s mad Plannerzilla skills,

the band was making a splash in the rock music industry. They had already released their first

album and were working on producing a second. Their hit single, Confederate Runaway, made it

to number twenty on the Billboard charts within a month.

They were on tour, which constantly kept them on the road, but they never missed a moment to

come home to Forks to be with friends and family. Everyone was excited the day Alice called to

tell them they finally got married in front of Elvis during one of their gigs in Vegas.

Alice was meticulous as the band’s manager. People learned rather quickly that you don’t mess

with Alice Whitlock. When she said jump, you asked how high, or she would show you how

high by kicking you in the ass. It was Alice’s way or the highway, and thanks to her

organizational skills, the band was destined to be one of the greats.

Edward waved at Emmett, bringing him out of his nostalgia.

Edward got in the car and drove away, taking Emmett’s reason for living with him.

The ride to the park was quick. Emmy jabbered about her new dolly and how she liked school.

“I wish I could go to school all day like the big kids, but they won’t let me. They say I’m too


Edward smiled at her innocence. “Miss Emmy, give it time. You’ll get your chance.”

“Unkie Edword?”


“When I grow up, I want to be a teacher like Mommy and doctor like Auntie Bell. They’re so


Edward looked in the rearview mirror at the precious cargo in his backseat. Her blue eyes were

huge and sparkling, and her words were so sincere that he couldn’t help but smile.

“You can be anything you want to be.” Edward parked the car in front of the playground.


“Really. I’m sure your Mommy and Aunt Bella would be proud of you for wanting to become a


Edward got out of the car and began to release Emmy from her confines of the car seat. She

seemed deep in thought for a four year old, and Edward wished he could read her mind at that


“You okay, sweetheart? You need to go to the potty?”

“No. I’m fine.” Her little forehead wrinkled slightly.

“What is it, honey?” Edward was itching to get inside this little girl’s head. He had to know

what was making her suddenly so quiet.

He pulled her out of the car seat and placed her gently on the ground, grabbing her backpack.

“Unkie Edword, you said I can be anything I want to be, right?” she asked inquisitively.

“That’s right, and you can be.”

“Can I be pretty like Mommy and Auntie Bell?” she looked down at her feet, kicking the dirt.

Edward stared at the little girl for a moment unsure where this was coming from. It amazed him

that even at this age, little girls felt insecure about the way they looked. He recalled how Bella

had always seemed so lost in her own skin when they were just a few years older than Emmy,

and he realized that she probably had felt the same way as this beautiful little girl does.

“Between you and me? I think you’re already prettier than Mommy and Aunt Bella, but don’t

tell them I said that, okay? We wouldn’t want to make them jealous.” Edward smiled as he

watched Emmy’s eyes light up.

“Okay. I won’t.”

Edward kissed Emmy on the top of her head and began walking towards the playground. He

looked behind him to see Emmy still standing by the car.

“You coming, sweetheart?” Edward motioned towards the park with his head.

Emmelie squinted her eyes together and blurted out, “Will you marry me, Unkie Edword?”

Edward laughed loudly. This little girl was definitely Rose’s child. She had no qualms or fears.

She just went for what she wanted.

“I would, but I’m already married to Aunt Bella,” Edward played.

“Oh, okay. I’ll marry both of you!” piped up Emmy.

With a chuckle, Edward shook his head and explained to the precious child that you only got to

be married to one person.

“But if you weren’t married to Auntie Bell, would you?” Emmy persisted.

“Well, then I’d marry you in a heartbeat.” Edward winked at her.

Emmy squealed and took off running towards the swings, clumsily tripping and hopping along,

as her little feet ran faster than her brain could keep up. Edward followed behind her, laughing at

the encounter he just had with a four year old. Deep down it made him long for his own child.

He ached to be a father, but he did not even want to discuss children until Bella completed

college. He wanted her to have everything in this life, and they had more than enough time to

think about adopting children later.

Edward sat down at a table and watched Emmy swing. She squealed as she got higher and

higher. Her blonde hair flowed behind her as her little legs pushed her to the limits.

“Not too high, Emmy,” Edward called out to her.

Emmelie looked at Edward and grinned. Edward laughed and mumbled under his breath, “What

are we going to do with you?”

“You have a beautiful little girl,” a beautiful strawberry blonde woman observed as she jogged

towards Edward.

Edward smiled, recognizing her immediately. “Thanks. She’s my best friend’s daughter.”

The young woman ran up to Edward. She stopped her jog and put her hand forward to shake.

Edward willingly took it and smiled.

“You ready for tomorrow?” she asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. How about you? You ready to have to deal with the rookie?” Edward

joked with his new partner.

Charlie had introduced him to Sergeant Tanya Fulton just days earlier. Charlie raved about how

she was the best, and he would have no-one but the best out with Edward, showing him the


“Well, if I can keep you from being killed on your first day, then I’ll say it will be a successful


Edward laughed. “This is Forks for Christ’s sake. I’m sure the worse I will ever see here is

someone doing forty in a twenty.”

“You never know, Rookie. Stranger things have happened. I must warn you though. I lose one

out of every ten rookies I get. Usually by my own hand,” Tanya joked.

Edward’s eyes popped open with fright for a moment until he saw the playful smile cross her

gorgeous features. While Edward was not in the least bit attracted to Tanya, he still could not

deny she was a beautiful woman. Her long, curly, strawberry blonde hair was pulled up in a

messy ponytail. Her soft angular jaw was clenched with her smile. She was petite, but

fearsome. Edward knew if there ever was a fight, he wanted her on his side.

Tanya laughed. “If you’re half the man the Chief claims you to be, I think we’ll get along just

fine, Rookie.

“Just don’t be late. I would hate to have to kick your ass on the first day,” Tanya winked at


“It’s a good thing it’s me coming to work with you instead of my wife then,” Edward laughed.

Tanya noticeably looked at Edward’s left hand to see the platinum band sparkle on his finger.

The good ones are always taken…or gay.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot. You’re the Chief’s son-in-law, right?”

Edward smiled and nodded.

“Unkie Edword, come push me,” Emmy yelled out in glee.

“Well, it looks like duty is calling you. You had better get to it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Tanya

started jogging in place again.

“See ya tomorrow, bright and early.”

Tanya flashed Edward another smile as she jogged away.

“Unkie Edword!”

“Coming, Honey, coming.”

~ X ~

A few hours later, Emmy’s head bobbed and her eyes fluttered, as she tried desperately not to

fall asleep in the backseat of Edward’s black Volvo. Edward enjoyed the moment of quiet time.

He watched the pretty little girl fight sleep and almost envied her.

When they arrived at the house, Edward pulled her out of her car seat and cradled her to his

chest. Bella’s Jeep Liberty was parked in the driveway, alerting Edward that she was home from

the hospital. He walked in the house with Emmy in his arms.

“I’m in the kitchen,” Bella called out.

Emmy’s head shot up off of Edward’s chest. The nap was officially over.

Oh, well, it was a good 10 minutes, he thought wryly.

“Auntie Belllll!” she squealed.

Bella came out of the kitchen to find Edward setting Emmy down on the ground. Emmy

barreled towards Bella, flinging herself into Bella’s arms.

“How’s my favorite girl?” Bella squeezed Emmy tight in her arms.

“Good. Unkie Edword said he would marry me today.”

“He did, did he?” Bella glanced in Edward’s direction and chuckled as she watched her

husband’s face turn bright red.

“Yeah, and he told me I’m pretty, and he took me to the park, and I got to swing, and he talked to

a pretty lady, and…” Emmy rattled off quickly as Bella led her into the kitchen.

“Whoa, baby girl, slow down,” Bella chuckled. “Did you have fun?”

“Uh, huh,” she shook her head vigorously.

“Good. Why don’t you go play in the backyard? I’ll get you a snack together.”

Emmy kissed Bella on the cheek. Bella placed her on her feet and watched as Emmy exited the

house. She turned to Edward with a mischievous look in her eye.

“So, you’re trading me in already?” Bella quirked her eyebrow as she turned to the pantry to get

Emmy a snack.

Edward stood at the kitchen door eyeing his wife gingerly. He realized she was already out of

her scrubs and in a nice shirt button down shirt and a pair of jeans that fit her ass in all the right

places. He fought to control the urges that raged inside him. He wanted to peel her out of her

clothes and do as many naughty things to her body as he could think of in twenty minutes, but

knew he couldn’t with Emmy just ten feet away.

“I told her I would marry her if I wasn’t already married to you,” Edward said as he stalked

towards his wife playfully.

Bella slowly backed out of the kitchen towards the living room, when she realized that Edward

was pursuing her. “Sure, I see how it is. Maybe you have a thing for blondes. A little young for

you though, don’t you think?” Bella wrinkled her nose and squinted her eyes.

Edward inched towards his wife. His mouth curved in her favorite crooked grin.

“Ah, Cullen, are you worried that a four year old could claim me? I thought you were more

secure in our relationship.

“Although, I have to admit, she is pretty darn cute. If I was going to replace you, she would

make a great substitute,” Edward snickered.

Bella stopped in her tracks. She stared at Edward incredulously for a moment, but quickly

realized that was a mistake as Edward pounced her, gently knocking her to the couch, landing on

top of her.

Bella laughed loudly as Edward’s lips made purchase with her neck. He sucked her delicate skin

between his teeth, nibbling and tasting her. His heart picked up speed at the close proximity he

had to her. Even after four years of marriage, she still held his attention in every way.

She pushed against his chest playfully, until his hand snaked up her hip and cradled her breast.

She suddenly realized where this was heading.

He squeezed her breast in his hand and whispered, “I missed you today.”

Before she could respond, his lips came crashing down on hers. She melted in his kiss. No

matter what mood she was in, Edward’s lips had a magical healing touch, and they always took

her to a stage of euphoria.

His tongue slid along to length of her bottom lip, begging for entrance, which she obligingly

gave him. His tongue cradled hers as they danced in a familiar rhythm that was just she and


The kiss ended all too abruptly as they heard a giggling coming from the kitchen. They realized

they now had an audience. Emmy stood at the kitchen door watching them with a huge grin

plastered to her sweet face.

“I want to play tickle,” she exclaimed as she came running towards Edward and Bella. Edward

moved off of Bella, regretfully, whispering, “Later, my love.” He turned towards the bouncing

little girl and smiled.

“You sure you want the tickle monster to come out after you. He’s been in hiding for a while,

I’m sure he’s just aching to get his hands on a pretty little girl like you,” Edward teased.

Emmy’s eyes lit up as she stopped in her place. She watched as Edward began to stalk towards

her. She squealed and took off towards the backdoor. Edward bounded towards her, grabbed

her up in his arms, and began to tickle her relentlessly.

Bella watched the scene before her and laughed. She enjoyed seeing Edward with the child and

felt an ache in her heart, one that was constantly there. She would never admit it to Edward,

because she knew how he felt about her education, but she secretly wanted a child. The one

issue that Edward wasn’t even willing to entertain was she wanted their child. He wanted to

adopt and she wanted a baby of their own.

The one time she did mention it him, he lost his temper with her, which was something he

seldom did. Bella had seen him angry before, but this was beyond anger. There was something

in his voice that she couldn’t quite place, but if she had to define it, she would have called it fear.

“No! The answer is no. When the time is right, we’ll adopt but I refuse to risk your life just so

we can conceive. It’s not worth to me, Bells. I refuse to lose you.”

“But that’s just the thing. With all the medical technology we have, it will be very little risk to

me. Edward, I want a baby. Our baby. And with constant medical supervision, I can conceive

your child, our child. Please.”

Bella’s heart broke at the look in Edward’s eyes that day. He was obviously in pain over the

idea. She wasn’t sure where the pain was coming from, but she assumed it was his memory of

her diabetic coma. She knew those three days were probably the hardest days of Edward’s life,

and he was determined to not relive a moment like that, even if it meant they would never have

children of their own.

She laughed as she watched Emmy sit on top of Edward’s chest tickling him. His laughter filled

the air as he played inexorably with the little girl.

“I give up. You win!” he exclaimed as Emmy stared down at him with a look of pride on her

face. She jumped off his chest, and Edward got up off the ground.

“Auntie Bell, can I have some juice?”

“Sure.” Bella retrieved Emmy’s juice from the refrigerator and sent her back outside to play. It

was a rare beautiful day in Forks, and she wanted Emmy to enjoy it as much as possible.

She extracted the vegetables for their dinner from the refrigerator as well and placed them on the

kitchen island. She began to quickly dice up carrots as Edward walked up behind her and

wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Where were you just now, baby?” Edward asked as he kissed her jaw.

How the Hell does he do that? He reads me like a freaking book.

Bella wasn’t ready to go down that track so she blurted out the first thing she could think of,

“Emmy said you talked to a pretty lady at the park?”

Edward tightened his grip on her and began trailing kisses down her neck.

“I ran into my new partner at the park,” Edward answered nonchalantly with a slight shrug to his


“Oh, yeah, Dad told me about her. Tina, right?”

“Tanya,” Edward corrected as he pulled her hips back towards him effectively giving him the

friction he sought from her body. Bella felt his already hard cock against her backside and


“So, is this for Tanya or me?” Bella’s jealousy peeked.

Edward pulled her hair to the side and began sucking at her neck. “You, baby, always you.

Besides, you know blondes never do it for me.”

“Blonde, of course she’s a blonde,” Bella grumbled.

“You’re so fucking sexy, when you’re jealous,” Edward whispered in her ear as he nipped at her


“Should I be…jealous?” Bella asked carefully.

“Nope. She doesn’t have even one ounce of your beauty or hold on me as you do. Strictly

professional.” Edward ran his tongue along the contours of Bella’s ear as he felt her shiver in

his arms.

Bella dropped her knife and turned to face Edward. His lips reached hers instantly, taking care

of her need.

“I want you. As soon as Emmy is gone, I’m taking you, right here on this counter,” Edward

whispered against her lips as he pushed his aching cock into her stomach. He turned his body

just enough to cover his actions in case prying little eyes came through the door.

His slid his hand down the length of her body, and he slipped his fingers along the seam of her

jeans. He pushed his fingers towards her center, using her jeans to give her a feel of what he

planned on doing to her.

Bella moaned in delight as the material pushed against her clit. She wanted to rip Edward’s

clothes off right there and fuck him for everything he was worth, but alas, there was a child in

the backyard playing who prohibited that.

Edward worked his fingers against her center, pressing the fabric deeper into her, eliciting the

sounds he was dying to hear.

“Yep, I think this counter will do nicely for what I have in mind for you,” Edward hissed in her

ear as he sucked her lobe into his mouth.

“And what might that be?” Bella teased.

Holy fuck, I love when he talks dirty to me.

“Well, the kitchen is for eating, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. I plan on eating that

peach between your legs until you scream for release, but it won’t be my tongue that gives that


Edward pushed his fingers harder into her center causing her to moan from the pressure.

“I’m going to slam my cock deep inside you,” he whispered in her ear, “then I’m going to make

you cum, hard. I’m going ride you until you come down, and then I’m going to watch as you

suck your juices off my dick and cum in your mouth.”

Bella moaned loudly as Edward provided her a wonderful mental picture.

“But what about Vanessa and Jacob?” Bella rasped.

“What about them?”

“They’ll be here for dinner in about an hour.”

“Well, we’ll just have to make it quick,” Edward suggested.

“Edward, we’ve never been able to do a quickie and you know it.” Bella chuckled as she raked

her fingers through his hair and pushed his face towards her neck.

Edward chuckled as he ran his tongue down her soft throat. He moaned. “God, I just want to

taste you.”

Bella grinned mischievously, as she slipped her hand down the front of her pants, gathering just

enough of her desire to tease him. She extracted her hand from her pants as a puzzled Edward

watched. Bella ran her fingers over his lips, leaving a trail of her juices glossing his lips. He

grabbed her hand and sucked her fingers in his mouth, licking them clean.

“Was that out or in?” he asked with his eyes closed.

“In,” she nipped at his jaw, “just barely in.”

Edward shuddered at the thought of his wife’s fingers being inside of her most secret place.

“Do it again, but let me feel you do it from the outside of your jeans. I want to feel your fingers

move,” he demanded.

Bella felt him push his cock harder into her stomach, begging for friction. She slipped her hand

back down the front of her jeans and down her panties. Edward cupped the front of her sex

through her jeans, as she buried her fingers deep inside herself. She moved them in and out,

leisurely, curling just enough to hit the right spot.

Edward moaned as he felt the motion of her hand inside her pants, and her body withering

against his.

“I want my cock right there,” he told her as he pushed her hand further up inside her. Bella bit

her bottom lip trying not to cry out. She closed her eyes and picked up speed, wishing it was

Edward feeling her like this.

“Cum for me, baby. Let me see you cum.” He pushed again on her hand.

“Eddie,” she panted heavily as his lips crushed hers.

“Just think, I’ll be inside you,” he thrust her fingers deeper insider her, “filling you up

completely, just like this.”

Bella threw her head back as her release overtook her, hard and deep within her core. Edward

crushed his lips to hers masking the sounds of her cries with his mouth. She removed her hand

from her pants, and Edward quickly licked her fingers clean, soliciting another moan from

Bella’s lips.

He stared into her eyes as he sucked her fingers, hard. She could see his lust for her in his

beautiful green pools, causing Bella to blush. Her gorgeous scarlet color reached from the tips of

her ears down her neck and chest. Edward laughed when he realized how excited she was still,

and how he could easily have his way with her.

He waited until she calmed down and released her from his grasp. He moved away from her just

enough to allow her to compose herself.

“Was that good for you?” he teased.

Bella blushed brighter and smiled. Edward’s laughter filled the room.

“Never doubt that I won’t get what I want, and, Isabella Cullen, I constantly want you.”

Bella playfully slapped his arm as she moved to wash her hands in the kitchen sink.

Edward quickly checked on Emmy who was still playing with her dolls in the yard, none the

wiser as to what just happened in the house.

Bella picked up her discarded knife and continued cutting up carrots for her Paprika Chicken.

Edward soon started helping her with dinner by making the garden salad. They made a great

team and had the food prepared before anyone arrived.

Emmy and Edward were sitting on the couch watching classic cartoons when her parents arrived

to pick her up. Bella answered the door, ushering Rose and Emmett in.

“Daddy!!” Emmy shouted as she ran towards her father’s open arms.

“Did you have fun today?” Emmett asked.

Emmy nodded vigorously at her father. “Unkie Edword took me to the park and then the tickle

monster got me. Then I got to play outside and then we watched cartoons,” Emmy said without

taking a breath, while she beamed at her parents.

Emmett picked her up off the ground and Rose leaned in and kissed Emmy’s cheek. “Hey, baby


“Hi, Mommy.”

“Thanks for watching her today, guys. This means the world to us,” Rose turned to Bella and

Edward who were now standing arm and arm.

“Anytime,” they said simultaneously, soliciting a chuckle out of everyone.

The doorbell rang. Bella once again answered the door to find Vanessa and Jacob beaming at

her with a bottle of wine in their hand.

“Hey, you two. Come on in.” Bella escorted them into the house as Jacob handed her the bottle.

Greetings occurred between everyone when Jacob leaned into his wife, “Baby, can I tell them,


“Jake, you’re like a child. Would it kill you to wait?” Vanessa teased.

“Tell us what?” Emmett asked. He deplored secrets and now that he knew they had one, he

wanted it exposed.

Jacob looked at Vanessa with his huge, brown, puppy dog eyes, pleading with her.

“Fine. Fine. Tell them.” She laughed.

“We’re having a baby!” Jacob exclaimed.

The room exploded in cheers and laugher. Congratulations spilled from everyone’s lips, but

Edward watched Bella closely at the news. While she was obviously excited for her friends, he

could see the smile did not reach her eyes and knew exactly what she was thinking.

“How far along are you?” Rose asked.

“Two months,” Vanessa declared. Jacob wrapped his arms around her tightly kissing her.

“Dinner is ready,” Bella said trying to change the conversation.

“You’re staying right?” Edward asked Emmett and Rose.

“Nah, we don’t want to intrude,” argued Rose.

“Nonsense. You’re staying.” Bella grabbed Rose by the arm and led her to the kitchen. Emmett

followed willingly. He never turned down Bella’s cooking. It was the only time he got a decent

meal that he didn’t have to cook. Rose couldn’t boil water without burning it. Therefore,

Emmett did most of the cooking in the McCarty household.

Dinner went relatively smooth. Baby talk ensued but nothing that wasn’t too difficult for Bella

to handle. Mainly, Rose and Vanessa discussed how her body would change and made fun of

the impending fathers. Edward let go of Bella’s hand only long enough to eat.

After several bottles of wine, good food, great conversation between friends, and a sleepy

Emmelie, the couples decided to call it a night.

Edward helped Bella clean the kitchen after everyone left. Neither spoke a word as they worked.

Both felt heavy-hearted but were afraid to speak their minds to the other. They figured it was

better to remain silent and prevent a fight then to voice their thoughts and go to bed angry.

That night, Edward held Bella in his arms as she silently cried herself to sleep. He wiped the

tears from her eyes, masking his own tears and regrets for making her feel this way. He knew he

could give in but he feared losing her too much.

He barely slept the entire night as he weighed the options of giving his wife what she wanted and

taking the chance of risking her life, or standing his ground and adopting, inevitably insuring that

she would be safe.

When four o’clock rolled around, he decided he couldn’t take his thoughts anymore. He got up

and went for a quick jog, blaring the music in his iPod as loud as his ears could handle so he

wouldn’t have to think. He then came home, shaved, showered and dressed in his new Forks

Police Department uniform.

Brown? Why brown? Why couldn’t they be blue?

Edward sat on the edge of the bed. He stared down at her curvy silhouette under the white linen

sheet and his heart swelled with love for her. She was an angel, sleeping soundly in their bed.

He looked down at her and realized that she was the love of his life, his best friend, and the

mother to his unborn children.

You win, my love. I can’t fight that heart of yours. You deserve the right to be a mother. I’ve

known that all along. I just can’t bear the thought of losing you, but I promise tonight, I’ll tell

you everything and I will give you the child you…we so rightfully deserve.

Edward leaned in and kissed Bella on the temple. She moaned and turned facing him. Her eyes

opened and she smiled sleepily.

“Gone so soon?”

“Yeah, I have to be there by six.”

Bella eye-fucked him, “You look sexy in that uniform, Officer Cullen. Promise not to take it off

when you get home. I think I may need to be arrested.”

“You have been a rather bad girl. I may just have to handcuff you and take you downtown,” he

said as he pointed to his crotch.

Bella laughed but suddenly became serious. “I love you. You know that. Nothing in the world

could change that.”

Edward leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. “I love you, too, Isabella Cullen, and don’t

you ever forget that.”

She ran her fingers over his rugged jaw. She felt a loss when he got off the bed and walked out

the room.

~ X ~

Edward’s day started out in a frenzy of paperwork. I9 forms, W2 forms, payroll forms, new hire

orientation agreements, and the list just seemed to go on and on. Charlie took him on a tour of

the facility and showed him his desk and locker.

By about lunchtime he was ready to do something other than sign his life away for the Forks

Police Department.

He went to lunch with Charlie and Tanya and got better acquainted with his new partner. He felt

he could get along with her relatively easy. She seemed very down to earth, not shy in the least

likely bit, and Charlie hadn’t been exaggerating. She really did know her stuff.

“So, Rookie, you ready to get out of the office after lunch, and do what you came here to do?”

Edward looked at her inquisitively as he took a bite out of his hamburger. Charlie laughed as he

watched Tanya razz his son-in-law. If anything, it was going to be fun watching Edward get his

ass kicked by a girl. Not even Charlie would mess with Tanya. She was overbearing enough on

a normal day but everyone ran for the hills when she was on the rag.

“What’d you have in mind?” Edward asked.

“Well, I was think we could patrol a bit. I know the Chief is dying to get back to his card game.”

Charlie laughed and agreed. “How else do you think I defeat your father every week at poker?”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

“It better be. Your ass is mine, now,” Charlie teased.

“What are we waiting for, Rookie? Get your ass in gear. We leave in five,” Tanya barked her

orders at him. Edward jumped into gear thanks to basic training, he knew that when your

superior told you to do something, you had better do it and quickly.

Edward shoved his last bite down his throat and was at Tanya’s squad car before she could even

retrieve her keys from her desk.

“Good, at least you know your place,” she said as she noticed him on the passenger side patiently

waiting for her.

Edward nodded and got into the car. He quickly fastened his seatbelt and prepared for whatever

Tanya was ready to throw at him.

“Ready, Rookie?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

They patrolled the small town of Forks for the rest of the day. For the most part, it was

completely boring. They did more talking then anything. He learned that Tanya was originally

from Denali, Alaska, where her family still resides. She got tired of the snow and ice, so she

moved to Forks for the change in climate.

She had two sisters, Kate and Irina, and her parents Eleazer and Carmen Fulton all remained in

Alaska. Her older sister, Kate, was married to a guy named Garrett, and lived in a huge house

somewhere in Anchorage, while her younger sister, Irina, still lived at home with their parents in


She had a baby brother named Vasilli, but he died shortly after his birth. When Tanya told him

that story, Edward nearly wept for her loss. Her baby brother was kidnapped and murdered,

which is what led Tanya to inevitably become a cop.

Edward told her about Bella and his group of friends that were like family to him.

By the time the day had ended, they had stopped two cars and given one ticket for speeding, but

they had gotten to know each other really well.

When they got back to the station, Charlie had already left for the day. Edward headed for his

car when Tanya shouted out, “Hey, Cullen.”

Edward noticed it was the first time since he met her that she didn’t call him ‘Rookie’. “Yeah?”

He called back to her over the hood of his car.

“We’re all heading to Crazy Pete’s, want to come?”

“My wife is probably already at the house and I should get home to her,” Edward called back as

he watched one of the other guys climb into Tanya’s car.

“Call her and have her join us. I’d love to meet the woman who captured your heart.”

“Okay. I can do that.” Edward wasn’t sure if Bella would want to join them but he hoped she

would. He really wanted to fit in with his new colleagues. Charlie had told him about Crazy

Pete’s, and he didn’t see the harm in going for one or two beers.

“Great!” Tanya exclaimed.

Edward climbed in his car and called Bella.

She answered on the first ring, and Edward could hear in her voice that she was happy that he

had called her.

“So, how was your first day, baby?”

“Great. I got to go out with Tanya. She’s actually pretty nice contrary to what everyone seems

to think about her.” Edward smiled. He thought about how she seemed so eager to get to know

him. She asked questions about his life and even patted him on the shoulder a couple of times.

He thought they connected as two partners should.

“That’s great, baby. I’m so happy for you,” Bella exclaimed. “Are you on your way home?”

“Actually, that’s why I’m calling. Everyone is going over to Crazy Pete’s, and they asked me to


“Oh. What time will you be home?”

Edward could hear the dejected tone in her voice. Her enthusiasm deflated.

“I’m not sure, but I wanted to see you if you would like to join us. Tanya seems to really want to

meet you.” Edward was excited by that idea. He wanted Bella involved with everything that

was his life and, this was no exception.

“Sure. I’ll join you,” Bella’s spirits lifted again, and Edward internally laughed at how they

affected each other so.

He got off the phone with Bella just as he arrived at Crazy Pete’s. Bella had assured him she

would be there within the hour. She just wanted to change out of her scrubs and have a shower


Edward entered the bar and found Tanya sitting at the bar alone. The other three officers were

playing darts and sucking their beers down as quickly as possible.

“Glad you could make it, Cullen,” Tanya patted Edward on the knee as he sat down in the

barstool next to her. “Is that wife of yours coming?”

“Bella will be here later. She just got off work and wanted to go home and change first,”

Edward said as he motioned for the bartender.

“We’re here in uniform, it’s not like we care,” Tanya snarled. When Edward glanced in her

direction with a disapproving look on his face, she smiled and shrugged.

Edward ordered a beer, and Tanya ordered two shots of Tequila.

“Let’s commemorate your first day on the job, shall we?” Tanya suggested as she passed

Edward a shot.

“What the Hell. Bells will be here soon enough to drive me home, if need be.” Edward popped

the shot and chased it with his beer.

Before he knew it, Tanya had successfully gotten five shots in him, not to mention the four beers

he drank.

Shit, where has the time gone and where’s my baby Bells?

“One more shot, Cullen. Let’s do a body shot this time,” Tanya smirked as she grabbed his

thigh. Edward pulled away from her but agreed to do the shot. All the while, something was

nagging at him that this situation was getting out of control, and he needed to pull the reigns in

before something bad happened.

He licked his wrist and salted it. Before he could put it in his mouth, Tanya grabbed his wrist,

sucked the salt off, and threw her shot back. She held on to his wrist as she sucked on the lime

seductively into her mouth. Edward felt himself blush.

This isn’t right.

He pulled his arm away from her and re-salted his wrist. He licked the salt and followed her in

the shot. When he bit into the lime, he could swear he heard her moan.

“Loosen up, Edward,” Tanya chortled as she moved behind him and began to rub his shoulders.

“You’re so tense.”

Edward pushed her hands off him and gave her a disapproving look. Tanya moved back to her

seat with a shrug. Out of obligation he felt he should follow, yet something was nagging at him.

He checked his watch again and realized that Bells should be arriving any moment. Relief and

happiness flooded through him.

“S-so, is it true that you’ve never fucked anyone besides your wife?” Tanya blurted out.

“I don’t think that’s any of your busy-business,” Edward slurred.

“Oh, c’mon. S-seriously. We’re all friends here,” Tanya threw her arm out, motioning around

the bar, “You can’t tell me you never even gone down on another girl… right?”

Edward leaned against the bar, plopped his head on his hand, and smiled. Warmth flowed

through him as his mind drifted to the idea of going down on his wife. That was one of his

favorite pastimes and here this woman was trying to degrade it.

“Nope,” he replied with a certain pride in his voice. He reveled in the knowledge that Bella was

his one and only.

“Really? Wow. That’s fucking nuts. How did you know she was the one for you if you hadn’t

tried anyone else?”

“I just knew. I’ve known since I was eight years old that Bella was the only girl for me,”

Edward bragged.

“No fucking way! Seriously? You’ve been with your wife since you were…”

“Eleven years old. She became my… my girlfriend,” Edward took a sip of his beer, “she became

my girlfriend when we were eleven.” Edward smiled remembering the look on Bella’s face when

she said yes.

“So, let me get this straight. You’ve never even kissed another girl than?”

“Nope,” Edward closed his eyes, thinking of his wife’s warm luscious lips against his. He

audibly moaned at the thought of her tongue slipping into to his mouth.

Edward unconsciously adjusted himself, as his became increasingly more aroused at the images

of his wife in the throes of passion flooding through his mind.

“Wow. That’s truly, fucking ridiculous.” Tanya laughed as she eyed Edward.

“She’s my soul mate,” he spat back defensively. Even drunk, Edward felt insulted by Tanya’s


Edward knocked back the rest of his beer and turned to see Tanya standing next to him, staring at

him. The look in her eye was feral and crazy, and Edward felt his stomach churn uneasily at the

sight of her.

“Edward, hold still. I’ve got an idea.”

Tanya placed her hands on Edward’s face and looked him in the eyes. Before Edward could

respond, he felt Tanya’s lips pressed against his. Her tongue was running along his bottom lip

and she was practically shoving it into his mouth. It felt wrong, unnatural and even in Edward’s

drunken state, he knew this wasn’t right.

A gasp behind him pulled him instantly out of his drunken haze. He turned to see Bella standing

at the door of bar, staring at him. Her beautiful brown eyes filled with tears at the sight before

her. Her heart pounded in her chest as Edward pulled out of Tanya’s grip. She shook her head

as if trying to clear the image of him with Tanya out of her head. Bella turned on her heel and

walked out the door. She could hear Edward screaming at her but refused to turn around.

She jumped in her Liberty and hit the road, skidding out. Bella watched as Edward ran out of the

bar, chasing after her. He waved his hands frantically at her and she could hear him screaming

her name, but she refused to stop. She couldn’t face him. Not yet.

She saw him remove his phone from his pocket and half expected hers to start ringing but it

didn’t. Part of her was relieved but the other part was disappointed. While she probably

wouldn’t have answered, she wanted him to make the effort to try and contact her.

Her heart beat rapidly, and she choked back the tears as her thoughts ran rampant. She saw him

kissing another woman. Her sweet, loving, romantic, endearing Edward was kissing another

one. How could he explain that? How could he do that to her? Just that morning, he had

claimed an eternal love for her, and in less than twelve hours that was shattered right before her


Traitor tears streamed down her face, and she fought vigorously with her emotions as she tried to

push them aside so she could see to drive.

As soon as she was far enough from the bar, she pulled the car over on the side of the road, put

on the emergency brake, and cut the engine. She slammed her head into the steering wheel and

let the tears flow freely. Her body heaved with grief and disappointment.

She thought about calling someone, anyone, who could advise her on what she needed to do, but

the humiliation she felt, prevented her from calling her friends. She didn’t know what else to do,

so she prayed.

“God?” she prayed aloud.

“What just happened here? Tell me this is all a mistake. Tell me I’m dreaming. Tell me I didn’t

see that woman’s lips attached to my husband. Please, tell me I’m overreacting.”

Bella heaved, “Tell me what I’m supposed to do now, because for once in my life, I don’t know.

I would normally ask Edward, but this was…I just don’t know how to…”

Bella looked to the Heavens and felt a moment of peace. Bella exhaled and turned the car back

on. She wiped the tears from her eyes and lifted her head high. She knew where she needed to

go. She knew there was only one person to talk to. She checked her mirrors and pulled back on

the street. Her car knew where it was going and it was leading her straight home.

Everything I know and anywhere I go

It gets hard but it won't take away my love

And when the last one falls,

When it's all said and done

It gets hard but it won't take away my love

I'm here without you, baby,

but you're still on my lonely mind

I think about you, baby

and I dream about you all the time

I'm here without you, baby,

but you're still with me in my dreams

And tonight, girl, it's only you and me.

Here Without You by 3 Doors Down

~ Chapter 19: Age 23 ~

Bile rose in Edward’s throat as Tanya’s grip tightened around his cheeks and her lips met his.

He took her by the shoulders and pushed against her to extract himself from Tanya’s clutches.

“What the fu–” Edward began, when he felt her presence in the room. He heard a gasp escape

those beautiful lips, and he immediately knew what his wife had just witnessed.


He watched as Bella’s expression turned from happy to hurt to anger in a matter of seconds, and

the bile that had entered his throat when Tanya kissed him, threatened to expel itself all over the


Bella shook her head and stormed out of the bar.

“Oh, Edward, she’s just overreacting,” Tanya chuckled, and sat back down at the bar with a

proud smile on her face, “She’ll get over it. Geez.”

“What the fuck is your problem?” Edward spat with venom lacing his voice. His eyes shooting

daggers at Tanya, quickly took off out the door to follow after his wife.

Tanya laughed and ordered another beer, muttering, “He’ll be back.”

“Bella! Please wait. I can explain. Baby! Please!” Edward screamed, as Bella peeled out of the

parking lot of Crazy Pete’s.

He ripped his cell phone out of his pocket, and quickly dialed Bella’s number. No answer. He

tried again, with the same results. He figured Bella was ignoring his calls, and he really couldn’t

blame her. He probably would have acted the same way.

On second thought, I think I would have walked up to the fucker and killed him, but then my baby

girl has always been much more compassionate than I am.

God, I love her.

“DAMN IT!” Edward screamed, ripping at his hair.

He looked down at the cellphone, which was nearly being crushed in his hand, and a thought

came to him. He quickly dialed Charlie’s number.

“Swan,” Charlie answered after the first ring.

“Charlie, its Edward.”

Charlie could hear the panic in Edward’s voice, and feared something had happened to Bella.

“What is it, son?”

Edward quickly described the situation to Charlie.

He listened to Edward’s story, and anger fueled inside him. He had heard rumors of Tanya

making passes at several of his officers, but never thought anything of them. They were all like

family, and no one had made any official complaints, so he never addressed it with her.

“I’m on my way up there. Don’t go back in the bar. You hear me, Edward?” Charlie warned.

“I won’t, but Charlie, I’m worried about Bells. She left here in such a frenzy.” Edward choked.

He felt the hot tears stream down his face. The nice buzz he had was completely gone, leaving

only anger and agony in its wake.

“She just got off the phone with Renee. She’s on her way here.”

Edward felt relieved. She was going home to her mother. He wished he could be there to

comfort her, but was glad that Renee would be.

“Stay put. I’ll be there in ten.” Charlie hung up the phone.

Edward walked over to his car and got into the driver’s seat. He laid back, closed his eyes, and

waited for Charlie to arrive. A rap at the window startled him. He opened his eyes to see Tanya

standing there.

“Need a ride?” She called through the closed window with a smile.

Edward opened the door, anger flowing through his veins like fire.

“You fucking bitch!” He screamed as he got out of the car.

Tanya laughed. “You act like this is my fault.”

“It is your fault. I never asked you to kiss me. You did that all on your own.” Edward slammed

the car door, and towered over her. He balled his fist, fighting the urge to hit her.

“You did too ask for it,” she yelled back indignantly.

“Your body language was all I needed. Adjusting yourself in front of me, the starry-eyed smiles,

the pucker of your lips… Let’s face it, you were begging me, whether you want to admit it or

not.” Tanya smirked and winked at him.

“And if you want to finish what we started, I’ll gladly take you back to my place, and show you

what a real woman can do to that body of yours.” Tanya raised her eyebrows suggestively and

licked her lips.

“You sick bitch,” Edward’s words seethed, “You really think I’d want someone like you when I

could have someone like Bella?”

“That mealy-mouthed excuse of a woman you call a wife? C’mon, Edward. She couldn’t even

face me. She ran like the little wimp she is. You need a strong woman, and she most certainly

ain’t,” Tanya snarled.

Edward bent down to Tanya’s ear. He felt Tanya shudder at his proximity as he whispered to

her, “And you think you’re the right woman for the job?”

“You know I am,” she breathed.

“She’s more of a woman than you’ll ever be. And once I get a chance to explain what you did,

she will open herself for me, and I will do things to her that you can only ever dream of me doing

to you,” Edward hissed.

Tanya gasped and shivered.

“I promise you, I’ll have her screaming my name, as I make love to that perfect, sweet, little

body of hers. She’ll wither and moan, as I bring her body so much pleasure that she’ll be

begging me to never stop, and all you’ll ever be able to do is jack-off to your sick, twisted

dreams of having me in your bed.”

Edward chuckled as Tanya let a little moan escape her lips.

“You get to live with the thought that you’ll never, ever have my dick or any other of my

extremities anywhere near your skanky ass, but Bella? She will own me for the rest of this life,

and even after that.”

Tanya whimpered as Edward moved away. “You make me sick,” he susurrated.

Tanya looked up at him and smirked as though she knew a secret that he didn’t.

“No matter what, you still have to work with me tomorrow, and I’ll work on your resolve. You’ll

break just like the rest of them have,” Tanya said with the cockiest expression Edward had ever

seen on anyone’s face before. “I’ll win this one. I always do,”

He laughed loudly, “That’s where you’re wrong.”

Tanya cocked her head to the side slightly confused.

“Did you really forget who I was? Could you seriously be so stupid that you forgot that I’m the

Chief’s son-in-law?” Edward cocked his head to the side and smiled, “Oh, my, God, you did.

Well, guess what? I’ve already called him. He’s on his way here, right now.”

Tanya’s cocky expression faded quickly at the realization she had indeed forgot about his status.

She never intended things to go this far with him. She just wanted to toy with the rookie, but

when he started getting all hot and bothered by their conversation, she figured he wanted her as

much as she did him.

“No worries. The Chief will believe me over you.” Tanya shrugged.

“Are you really that delusional?” Edward scoffed.

“I’m a woman. They always believe the woman over the man. Sorry, Rookie,” she said, hoping

Edward would believe her bluff.

“That may be how you work, but I’ve known Charlie all my life, and I can promise you that’s

not how he works.”

Edward crossed his arms, and leaned back against his car, as he watched Charlie pull into the

parking lot.

Tanya turned to see the cruiser pull in, and turned to Edward with a deer in the head light look on

her face. Edward laughed at her expression.

“Not so sure now are you?” He smirked, and waited for Charlie to get out of the car.

“What the Hell is going on here? And what the fuck are you doing here still in uniform?”

Charlie bellowed as he got out of his car, slamming the door shut.

It had never crossed Edward’s mind that he was in uniform, but no one had mentioned anything

about changing to him either. He leaned back, and waited for his superior to answer such a


“Well, uh, you see…it’s like this, Chief,” Tanya stammered.

“Shut your pie hole, Fulton. I already know about your little stunt.” Charlie turned to Edward,

“Please, tell me why you are still in uniform?”

“Honestly, sir, no one suggested that I change, and since my superior was also in uniform, I was

unaware that it was an issue. It’s duly noted for the future, and won’t happen again.” Edward

felt like doing an end-zone dance for having just thrown Tanya under the bus.

Charlie smirked. He knew Edward was telling the truth. He never admitted it, but he had caught

his people in uniform several times in uniform while out drinking. He usually said nothing as

long as they didn’t throw around their power, but today, he wanted to make sure they all knew he

was aware of their behavior.

“Cullen, you’re on warning. I never want to see this happen again.”

Edward nodded his head in understanding.

“I know Greer and Anderson are here. Where are they?” Charlie asked.

“They’re still inside, sir,” Edward answered.

“Go get them!” Charlie demanded.

Edward ran inside Crazy Pete’s to get the other two officers.

“Chief, I can explain,” Tanya began with a sweet smile on her face.

“By all means, please do,” Charlie replied.

“Well, you see, Cullen was coming on to me, sir. He demanded that I kiss him. I tried to stop

him. I tried to warn him that this wasn’t a good idea. I even reminded him of his wife, and he

told me he just didn’t care.”

“Is that so?” Charlie asked.

“Yes, sir. I know you wanted me to show the rookie the ropes, but sir, I just don’t think I’ll be

able to do that. Not after this little encounter.”

“So, would you like to file sexual harassment charges against Officer Cullen?” Charlie asked.

Tanya pumped her fist inwardly. She knew Charlie would believe her over Edward, and now the

rookie was totally fucked.

“No, Chief. I think partnering me with Greer again will be enough to fix the situation.”

Charlie wasn’t fooled by Tanya’s sickly, sweet innocence. He had worked with her long enough

to know her true personality. He knew that if Edward had indeed come on to her, she would

have been more than ready to file charges against him. It was simply her nature to be vindictive.

The fact that she said no, confirmed Edward’s side of the story. Relief flooded Charlie’s senses.

He hated the idea of having to doubt Edward’s word, but it was his job to get all the facts before

making his final decision.

“I don’t think that will be an issue,” Charlie said, as Edward, Greer, and Anderson exited the bar.

“Chief?” Benjamin Anderson asked. He knew immediately something bad must have gone

down, because the Chief did not come to the bar very often.

“Did you see what happened between Cullen and Fulton?”

Fuck! Anderson thought to himself.

“Yes, sir,” he replied, making sure to not catch Tanya’s eye. He had had his own encounters

with Tanya, and feared her wrath.

Tanya had promised to keep his secret, as long as he didn’t tell the Chief anything about their

little rendezvous. He did as she asked because he was afraid of his own wife finding out about

his moment of weakness with Tanya. It had only happened once, but he felt sick at the thought

of it. She pulled the same stunt on Cullen that she pulled on him. Only difference was, Edward

had escaped the devil’s snare, and he wasn’t so lucky.

He could feel her burning gaze on him.

“Well, Anderson?” Charlie placed his hand on his hips, waiting for Ben to answer.

Ben retold the whole story from his point of view. While he couldn’t hear what was being said,

he could tell that Edward had not made any sexual advances towards Tanya, and that it had been,

in fact, the other way around.

Charlie nodded and turned to Riley Greer. “And you Riley? Is this what you saw as well?”

Riley was fuming. He had just spent that night with Tanya, and slept with her that morning. The

fact that she was hitting on Edward in front of him had already pissed him off.

“Actually, sir, I would like to add that Officer Cullen tried to evade Officer Fulton’s advances by

pushing her away, but she ignored his request.

Take that, you bitch, Riley thought.

“I see,” Charlie said as he rubbed his chin.

“They’re lying!” Tanya screamed.

“Fulton, zip it!” Charlie shouted. “I have the victim and two witnesses with nearly the same

story. I believe you might want to find yourself a good lawyer. You’re going to need it. As of

this moment, you’re on suspension. I.A. will be in touch with you very soon.”

He turned to the other three officers, “Edward, you’re coming with me. The rest of you, get your

asses home, and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day at work.”

Edward followed Charlie to the cruiser and got in. He suddenly felt excited and nervous about

seeing Bella. Charlie would tell her this wasn’t his fault, and then he could take her home and

put this mess behind them.

They drove in silence until they reached the house. Bella’s Jeep was parked out front.

“Edward, she was really upset about what happened. I figure you should know, this probably

won’t be easy.”

Edward felt his heart sink in his chest. His wife doubted him for the first time in their lives. He

wasn’t sure how to react to this situation, but he knew groveling was in order.

He got out of the car, and headed towards the house, prepared to face the music.

~ X ~

Renee was standing on the front porch, pacing, as her daughter pulled up to the house. Bella had

called Renee telling her, vaguely, what happened. She listened quietly as Bella cried over the

phone. What Bella wasn’t aware of was that Edward was on the phone with Charlie at the same


When Bella arrived at the house, she immediately noticed that her father’s cruiser wasn’t in the

drive. She had an inkling of an idea as to where he might be, but she shrugged it off. She

needed her mother, and that was all there was to it. The thought of talking to Renee gave Bella a

sense of peace, and she knew that God had to be leading her home.

Bella quickly parked her car on the street in front of her old house. She threw her cellphone in

her handbag, and practically ran into her mother’s awaiting arms.

“There, there, sweetheart. It’ll be okay,” Renee whispered in Bella’s hair as she rubbed small

comforting circles on her back.

“How, Mama? How will it be okay?”

Bella looked up at her mother, suddenly feeling like she was eight years old and crying because

Edward Cullen had made fun of her.

It always comes back to him, doesn’t it? My life has been intertwined with his from the day we

were born, it seems.

“Come inside. We’ll have some tea and talk.”

Renee ushered Bella in the house, and led her straight to the kitchen where she put on a pot of


Bella sat down at the table in her old spot, and gently placed her hand on the chair next to her.

That had always been Edward’s seat when they were growing up. He was at her house as much

as she was his, and she felt a tug of loss in her heart. He was her best friend before he was

anything else, and she felt the pain of that weighing on her.

Renee sat down across the table from Bella, and put her hands out to her daughter. Bella

willingly took them, and let the tears fall again.

“Baby, Edward called your father,” Renee began.

“I figured he did. I just wish he would’ve…” Bella choked. She still wished Edward would

have put forth an effort to call her, even if she still felt she couldn’t talk to him.

“He said he tried, but you wouldn’t answer,” Renee finished Bella’s unfinished statement.

“No, he didn’t. I would’ve heard the phone ring.”

Renee shrugged, not sure what to tell Bella. All she knew is Edward was in complete meltdown

mode, and Charlie was on his way to get him.

“Mama, how could he do this to me?” Bella released her mother’s hands, and covered her face.

“I honestly don’t believe he did. Charlie told me about Edward’s new partner, and I nearly shot

your father for pairing them together.”

“You mean that woman kis…that was Tanya?” Bella realized she ran out of the bar so quickly

that she didn’t have a clue as to who was sucking her husband’s face off.

“Yeah, baby, that was Tanya. Your father feels sick for what happened, and I assure you, he will

take care of it.”

A fire appeared in Renee’s eyes that Bella had only seen maybe twice in her life. Her mother

was livid, beyond pissed, and if looks could kill, Tanya would be one dead bitch.

“He didn’t attach that woman’s lips to Edward’s face. That’s all on Edward,” Bella exclaimed.

How could he do this to me? My Edward?

Maybe it was a good thing I accidently fell asleep. I got to see a side to him I didn’t know


“I’m not trying to defend Edward, sweetheart, but I do think you need to hear him out,” Renee

instructed sternly.

“I just don’t think I can face him right now, Mama,” Bella cried.

“Baby, you’re going to have to. Edward and your father are coming back here,” Renee


She hated seeing Bella like this, but she knew that her daughter and son-in-law needed to work

this out and quick. Edward was innocent, and Bella needed to understand that.

Bella sniffled and nodded. She picked up her purse and opened it looking for a tissue. She

noticed her cellphone light blinking, indicating she had missed calls and messages. She puzzled

for a moment, when she mentally slapped herself. The phone was still on silent from being at the

hospital all day.

She quickly picked up the cellphone, forgetting about finding a tissue, and began scanning her

missed messages.

Eight missed calls, eight voicemails and twelve text messages all with the same premise.

“Bella, baby, please call me back. I promise it’s not what it looked like. You’re the only woman

for me. You always have been, and you always will be. Please, baby, call me. I need to hear

your voice.”

Bella’s felt a lump in her throat as she listened to the next message.

“Bella, I love you. I love only you. I love your heart, your mind, your soul, and your body.

Please, baby. I need to tell you what happened. Call me. I’m so lost without you. Please.”

Tears flowed freely as she looked over her text messages. They were pretty much exactly the

same as the voicemails until near the end when he had sent her a MP3 file.

Bella quickly downloaded the file to her phone, where she and her mother listened as the vocals

of Buckcherry filled the room. Her chest constricted as she listened to Edward’s musical


“Bella?” Edward’s voice broke her reverence. He rushed to her side, slid to his knees, wrapping

his arms around her waist, as they cried together. His face was buried in her stomach as the last

note of the song lingered in the air around them.

Renee and Charlie slipped out of the kitchen to give them some privacy.

“Baby, I’m so sorry. I promise. I didn’t kiss her. I never want anyone but you. You have to

believe me,” Edward begged.

Bella pulled his face away from her belly. “Edward, what were you doing with her?”

Edward moved to his normal seat, and pulled her knees towards him. “We were just having a

couple of drinks. I was waiting for you.”

“That was more than just a couple,” Bella interjected.

“I admit I lost track. I didn’t mean to. She just kept them coming, and I kept watching the clock

waiting for you to show up. I just…Hell, I don’t know what I was thinking, baby. I just know I

was thinking of you the whole time,” Edward groveled.

“But her lips, her hands…Edward, she kissed you. That doesn’t just happen,” Bella exclaimed

as anger filtered through her body.

“Baby, believe me. I didn’t kiss back. I swear on my life, I didn’t kiss back.” Edward’s chest

heaved as he watched his wife’s expression change. Her anger sent boiling waves over her skin,

that he could physically feel as he continued to hold her knees.

“Let’s just go home. We can talk about this at home,” Edward implored.

“I can’t,” Bella said sternly. She wiped her eyes, as her tears had stopped flowing.

“Please, baby. I can fix this. You have to let me fix this.”

Edward felt his chances slipping away quickly, and didn’t know what he could do to persuade

his wife to come home with him. He just wanted to hold her, and take the pain he had inflicted

away, but he saw the resolve in her eyes, and knew in that moment that she was not going home

with him.

“I just need time to think,” Bella whispered.

“You don’t believe me,” he murmured as his head hung down to his chest.

“It’s not that. I just need time. Just a day to…I don’t know. Wrap my head around this, I


Edward conceded, “Okay. I’ll go stay at my parents’ house tonight. You go home.”

“I can stay here. You can go home,” Bella rebutted.

“No. I did this. I need to be the one to stay away until you’re ready. I’m sorry and I love you. I

promise, this isn’t what it seems, and you’re still my one and only. I’m more proud of that than I

ever was.”

Bella leaned in and kissed Edward. Their lips fused together as every emotion they had both

been feeling exploded into that one kiss. Tears flowed, as Edward slipped his fingers into his

wife’s luscious hair, holding her face to his. Bella’s fingers caressed Edward’s face as their

hearts beat violently in their chests. His tongue slipped across her lower lip, begging for

entrance. For the first time in her life, Bella denied him access to her mouth. She pulled away

from the kiss, pressing her forehead to his. Her breathing was erratic, and she felt as if her heart

was being ripped out of her chest.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you, too,” he whispered as he kissed her nose, feeling the sting of rejection.

He got up from his seat and headed for the door. He turned to see Bella sitting in the same

position with her face in her hands, her body heaving from crying. His initial instinct was to run

up to her, cover her in kisses, and steal the pain away, but he knew that in this case, his normal

instinct would only make things worse.

“For what it’s worth, the entire time tonight, you were the only woman on my you

always are.”

Edward left the room, and asked Charlie to drive him to his parents.

Renee walked into the kitchen, and held her daughter in her arms, letting her cry. Charlie was

gone for a short time, having dropped Edward off at his parent’s house. He walked back in to

find Bella still crying in her mother’s arm, and couldn’t help but feel this was partially his fault.

He never in a million years thought that Tanya would force herself on Edward. He believed in

Edward, and wanted nothing more than for his son-in-law to succeed. He paired Edward with

Tanya simply because she was the best.

He walked over to his wife and daughter, and wrapped his arms around them. He covered them

as though he was trying to protect them, when Bella’s head popped up with a look of disgust in

her eyes. Charlie backed away, and felt suddenly on the defensive as Bella pulled away from her

mother. She poked her finger in her father’s chest.

“How could you partner him with her? How…Why…” Bella screamed. Her breathing was

erratic as she balled her hands into a fist, and began punching her father’s chest.

Charlie held his tongue as Bella beat on his chest. “That bitch had her hands on my husband

because you partnered them together! Daddy, how could you do this to me?”

Bella continued to beat Charlie’s chest with her fist, her emotions exploded against her father,

and Charlie stood his ground waiting for his daughter to calm down. He knew Bella needed to

blame someone and at this moment, he was just glad to be her punching bag.

Renee sat, watching as her daughter released her pain on her father, and cried. Her heart was

breaking for her child, and there was nothing anyone could do to fix what happened.

Bella moved to slam her fist again against Charlie’s chest one more time when she lost her

balance causing her to trip and fall into his awaiting arms. She cried as Charlie stood holding his

baby girl, repeating how sorry he was, and that she needed to forgive Edward, that he had done

nothing wrong.

Charlie held Bella tight until she was all cried out. He offered to drive her home, but she

declined. She kissed Charlie and Renee goodbye and left.

Upon arriving home, she felt out of place. This was her and Edward’s home, and he wasn’t

there. A sense of loss enveloped her. Edward was always there, he was the reason this was

home to her, but for the first time since they were married, she felt alone.

A wave of hurt hit her so hard in that moment, she hunched over, clutching her chest, as if trying

to keep her body from literally falling to pieces.

She made her way into the bathroom, showered, and lethargically got into her empty bed, crying

herself into a dreamless slumber.

~ X ~

Before she realized it, nearly a week had passed, and she felt more lost and confused than she

had the day she told Edward she needed time. Charlie told her that Internal Affairs had closed

their case in Edward’s favor. Tanya was being terminated for sexual harassment and conduct

unbecoming an officer.

Friday rolled around and her heartache wasn’t subsiding. She knew her heart wouldn’t stop

aching until she had Edward back in her arms. She talked to Edward every night on the phone

before bed, and listened intently as he had recounted the details of that night to her. He spoke

with so much sincerity, she had no doubt he was telling her the truth. She was positive that she

had forgiven Edward, but her pride was getting in her way, and she had yet to ask him to come


She knew she had made such a scene about the situation that she felt ashamed to admit to

Edward that she had been wrong. So, she continued to let him beg for forgiveness.

Her alarm clock went off, and she begged the sleep gods to allow her just ten more minutes of

rest, since she really wasn’t sleeping well at night. She missed feeling Edward’s warm body

pressed next to hers while they slept. She hadn’t spent more than one night away from his

sleeping form since the moment they were married. At night he always migrated to her in their

sleep, and she knew it was because they were inseparable, until now.

She reluctantly crawled out of the bed, and headed into the bathroom where she turned the water

on for her morning shower.

She undressed and slipped in under steaming hot water. Bella let the water wash over her,

running over her head and shoulders, relaxing her muscles. Her mind began to wander, as it

usually did in the mornings. She closed her eyes, and could feel his breath against her neck.

“Bella, I need you. God, how I need you,” her imagination played Edward’s voice to her.

Her heart fluttered as she felt his hands clasp on to her waist and pull her to him. Her back

flatten against his chest as he gently ran his fingers through her hair, massaging shampoo into her


God, I love the feel of his hands in my hair.

Bella opened her eyes to find she was still alone. She quickly closed her eyes as the soap she

had been rubbing into her own hair was now in her eyes.

“Baby, let me in. You know I would never do anything to hurt you. You know my heart and my

body belong to you. Please, let me touch you.”

Bella gasped as she felt Edward’s hand slide down her hips and cup her sex.

“Please, let me in,” he begged as his fingers grazed over her slit, but not penetrating.

“I want you, too. So bad,” she moaned out loud. Her eyes flew open, noticing her hands were

still bundled in her hair. Her body knew his touch so well, it could recreate it vividly.

She realized in that moment what she had to do.

She quickly rinsed off and got out of the shower. Looking at the clock, she knew Edward would

already be at the station. She ran a comb through her wet hair and blow-dried it straight. When

Edward was in a really kinky mood, he liked her hair down and straight. She knew how he loved

to pull on it as he came.

She then put a little mascara and lip-gloss on. Edward had never liked her with a lot of makeup

on. He always said her natural beauty was perfect, and needed no enhancements.

She looked for an outfit to wear, and found nothing that seemed appropriate for her reunion with

her husband. She was a woman on a mission, and she had to look the part.

Her eyes searched through the closet, and landed on an old khaki trench coat Edward had worn

frequently while they lived in Seattle. A plan formed in her mind as she grabbed the trench coat

off its hanger, and slipped it over her bare shoulders. She tied it tightly around her waist, and

looked into the full-length mirror attached to their bathroom door.

She did a quick twirl, admiring the way the coat fit her. What was a waist length coat on

Edward, hit Bella right above the knee. She slipped on her ‘Fuck Me’ boots, as Edward so often

called them. The boots and the coat were the perfect combination. The coat was the perfect

length, just barely showing the tops of her knees allowing her boots to accentuate her slender


She quickly glanced at herself one more time in the mirror, grabbed her purse, and walked out of

the house locking the door behind her.

At work, Edward was an absolute nightmare to be around. He was in a constant state of

unhappiness, though he tried desperately not to let it affect the job. However, everyone around

him could clearly see the decline in his demeanor and his overall performance.

By Wednesday, he was hitting rock bottom. He called his best friends, and asked them to meet

him for lunch. He sat and sulked as they made small talk. It wasn’t until Emmett smacked him

upside the head, that he finally recounted his awful story.

Emmett and Jacob listened diligently while Edward described the details of the situation. As he

replayed the scene to his friends, his own role in this matter had come to fruition. Jacob and

Emmett basically ridiculed him for his ignorance. They told him that he was no smarter than a

fucking pre-pubescent teenage boy who had never been around girls before. It was then he

realized just how naïve he was about Tanya’s intentions. All the questions, the touches, the

glances at him would have been blatantly obvious to anyone who had “game” as Emmett had

labeled it. Since Edward never even considered another woman in his life, all the sexual

innuendos simply bypassed him at the time.

Ever since he had sat down with Jacob and Emmett, he had constantly been berating himself for

his actions. He was now well aware that he fueled the fire by not recognizing how his ignorance

to Tanya’s interactions would be interpreted by her. He did not, however, forgive her for so

obviously crossing the line by kissing him, when he had clearly stated that he was madly in love

with his wife.

I mean really, is she fucking blind?

The past week had become a chore to him, a way to pass time as he continuously thought of

ways to apologize and make this up to Bella.

Bella drove faster than usual, as she couldn’t wait any longer to see her husband. She knew it

was crazy to show up at the station dressed like this, but the need was too great. She figured

Charlie would let her steal her husband for an hour, and that was about all she needed to take

care of business.

She arrived at the station to find Edward’s car was there, but Charlie’s cruiser was nowhere to be


She walked into the station, her nerves going crazy and stepped up to the front desk. There was

a young woman sitting at the desk that Bella didn’t recognize. She asked to speak with Office

Cullen, and the young woman quickly called back for Edward.

Edward walked up front, and felt his heart jump into his throat at the sight of Bella in front of


What’s she doing wearing my coat?

“Bella?” Edward said, breathing out her name in relief.

“I’m sorry for bothering you at work. I just…I just needed to see you,” she breathed.

“I’m so glad you’re here. Do you want to c’mon back?” he asked as he opened the door, waiting

to escort her into the office area. She nodded and followed him through.

“Maggie, when the Chief comes in, can you tell him I’m in conference room six?” Edward

asked the young woman at the front desk.

“Sure,” Maggie smiled at Edward, and went back to typing.

Edward led Bella down the hall and into conference room six. He closed the door behind him.

He turned to find Bella pulling the blinds.

“I’ve missed you so much, Bells. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am to see you here,”

Edward breathed as he started to move towards his wife.

Bella turned around with a seductive look on her face. Edward knew that look well, but was

confused by her expression at this moment. He figured she was here to talk, and he was prepared

to beg, plead, whatever it took to obtain her forgiveness.

She slowly untied the knot around her waist as she walked towards him.

“I’ve missed you too, Officer Cullen. I’ve missed you so much it hurts.” Bella pounded her fist

over her chest gently, indicating her heartbreak.

Edward watched as his wife stalked towards him. Her collarbone now showing as her coat was

slowly falling off her body.

“I know I’ve said it already, but I’m sorry baby. I really am. I love you so much.”

“Shhh, Eddie. I know you love me, and I’m tired of all the words. I just want to feel you. Quit

telling me you love me and show me you love me instead,” Bella cooed.

“Bella, I…”

Bella reached Edward, and pulled his face down to hers, crushing her lips to Edward’s

effectively ending the conversation. Her lips melded to his as she gently sucked his lower lip

into her mouth and nibbled it lightly. He moaned loudly as her fingers gripped his hair, and

pulled his already disheveled locks aggressively.

“I need you, Edward. I want you. Don’t you want me?” Bella begged.

“God, yes!” he exclaimed as he picked her up, by her waist, and pushed her onto the conference

table behind her. His lips hungrily kissed down her neck as his sucked her skin deep into his

mouth, not caring if he made any marks. His angel was in his arms after a week of Hell, and he

simply had to taste every inch of her.

Being without Bella was like being without air. He was finally able to breathe again as his lips

made purchase with her exposed collarbone.

“Oh, God,” she cried out as he sucked her skin into his mouth. She yanked his hair, and scraped

his scalp with her nails causing him to moan loud.

“Make love to me, Eddie,” Bella whispered in his ear.

Edward’s face shot up, and heat coursed through his veins. He finished untying the coat,

internally cheering, knowing what he was about to find. He pushed the fabric down to expose

his wife’s beautiful body. He gasped at the sight of her naked before him.

“Baby, I don’t have a –,” he started to say condom, but mentally slapped himself for nearly

screwing up this perfect moment. He had already decided he wanted to try and have a baby

with Bella, and he might as well get used to not grabbing for that rubber every time he made love

to her.

“Don’t worry about it, baby,” she said trying to comfort him. “Show me you love me, show me

you want only me,” she whispered as she pushed her bottom to the edge of the table. She placed

each boot-clad foot on a chair spreading her legs enough to expose her glistening wet folds to


“Uhhh,” Edward grunted as he dropped to his knees before her. He felt like a man who had been

traveling through the desert with no food or water. Bella was his mirage, and he was going to

die happy in her arms.

He smiled as he gazed upon her naked body. He had always wanted to fuck her with these boots

on, and this was his moment. He lifted her foot off the chair, and started kissing up the length of

her toned leg. He licked every inch of her inner thigh, relishing the taste of the desire that had

trickled down her legs.

Oh, God, how I’ve missed tasting her.

Simply divine.

He reached her center, looked up at her, and smiled. She pushed herself towards his face, only

for him to skip over the one place she wanted him most. He continued to suck and nip at her

other leg, devouring it as he had the first.

Bella whimpered and moaned, pushing her pelvis up towards him, begging him with her body to

take her.

“How do you want me, baby? Tell me what you want me to do to you…that only I can do to

you,” he ordered her as he bit hard on her inner thigh leaving a bright red mark.

Bella screamed at the feel of his teeth marking her. Edward nearly silenced her, but stopped

himself. He was enjoying her throwing caution to the wind, and he was going to take advantage

of it.

She pushed her fingers down between her thighs, and spread herself open for him. “I want you

to suck me off, baby. Then I want you to fuck me until I forget this last week ever happened.”

Edward grinned as he planted his face between her legs. She had wanted exactly what he had,

and he couldn’t wait to taste her again.

Thank you, God, for make-up sex.

“Gladly,” he replied as he teased her with his tongue.

He sucked her slit deep into his mouth, pressing the flat of his tongue against her tender skin.

Bella cried out at the contact. He flicked his tongue deep within her, as she gripped his hair for


He slowly slipped his tongue in and out of her sweltering, wet center, bringing her quickly to her

the brink.

Edward backed off just enough to prevent her from going over the edge, causing her to whimper

for the release.

“Not yet, my love. You’ve made me wait, and so now I’ll make you,” he declared as he

continued to make love to her with only his mouth. He watched as she withered and squirmed

under his ministration, her body begging him for more.

He marveled as she took his hand in hers, and then began to massage her clit with his fingers.

He let her guide his hand to where she needed him most. She pressed his fingers deep into her

clit as he continued to lap at her slit.

Edward lifted his eyes to see Bella smiling at him provocatively. She gently moved his hand up

her stomach, over her breast, using his wet fingers to slowly rub circles over her hard nipples.

Bella moaned with each movement, and bucked her hips into his face. He sucked her clit into his

mouth, quickly flicking it with his tongue.

Edward nearly came as she painstakingly moved his fingers from her breast, and took them into

her mouth. She sucked hard, relishing the taste of his skin mixed with her desire. He accidently

bit her clit, not paying attention to what he was doing, as his fingers in her mouth enamored him.

He was afraid he might have hurt her until he noticed the look on her face was pure pleasure. He

heard her chuckle and moan as his teeth continued to nibble at her tender bundle of nerves.

Bella smiled and winked at him as she removed his fingers from her mouth, and once again led

them down between her legs. Edward sat back on the balls of his feet as he watched his wife

push two of his fingers inside her.

He tried to control his own climax as he observed her masturbate with his hand. She pushed his

fingers deep inside her, and guided them to just the right spot. He curled them slightly for her

giving her just what she wanted and needed.

When her walls clenched down on his fingers, her whole body trembling, bringing her the

orgasm she longed for, he couldn’t take anymore. He had to be inside her.

He stood before her, pushing her flat down on the conference table, exposing her bare sex to him.

Bella lifted her arms over her head, crossing her wrists as she watched him quickly strip out of

his uniform.

“I still want to take that off you, Officer Cullen,” she rasped.

“And you will tonight when I take my wife to bed for the first time in a week,” Edward advised

as her leaned over her body, centering himself between her legs.

Bella cried out as he entered her, filling her completely. She was suddenly whole again, no

longer feeling alone, as Edward moved inside her. This was home. Wherever Edward was, was


“You fit me, Bella,” Edward grunted. “No other woman in this world was designed to fit my

body the way you do. Feel that, baby,” Edward moaned as he pushed deep into her.

He clasped one hand over her wrists, which were still extended above her head, as he flattened

his other hand beside her head to support his weight. He rode her hard and impiously, relishing

the delicious sounds of her wet center against her throbbing hard appendage.

“Holy shit,” Edward cried out.

Bella screamed out his name as Edward brought her to her climax. The vibrations of her body

shaking and squeezing his sent him over the edge, as they came together.

Edward fell on top of her, kissing her shoulder, whispering ‘I love you’ to her repeatedly.

He released her hands and wrapped his arms around her waist, still inside her, fearing the loss of

their connection.

“I love you, too, and I’m so sorry. I completely overreacted. Can you forgive me?” Bella

whispered in his hair as she ran her fingers through it.

Edward lifted his head, and looked into her eyes. “No, you didn’t. I should’ve walked away and

hung out with the guys until you arrived. This is entirely my fault. Please forgive me, baby. I’ll

spend the rest of my life making it up to you, if you’ll let me.”

Bella smiled and nodded to him. “I’ll hold you to it, Eddie,” she laughed.

They lay connected to one another for a while, enjoying the feeling of their bodies reunited, until

a knock at the door interrupted their silent love.

“Everything okay in there?” Charlie’s voice rang through the door.

“Yes, Chief,” Edward called out, laughing.

“Just checking. Proceed,” Charlie chortled.

Bella blushed when she realized how loud she must have been, and that the whole office was

now aware of what they were doing.

“Oh, God. This is totally humiliating. I wasn’t planning on doing this here,” Bella told Edward

as he got up, and began to get dressed.

“I’m glad you did. That was fucking hot, woman. Best makeup sex ever,” Edward laughed.

Bella slipped the coat back on, and quickly tied it around her waist. She tried desperately to

straighten her hair, and then clutching Edward’s hand, followed him out of the conference room.

No sooner had they exited the room did they receive a round of applause.

Bella’s blush brightened as she tried to divert her eyes from everyone in the room. She could tell

that everyone, including her father, was clapping for them.

Edward took a slight bow and laughed.

The laughter quickly ended when Tanya walked into the office. Edward’s body stiffened next to

Bella’s causing her to lift her eyes.

She zoned in on Tanya and hatred coursed through her veins.

“Get your stuff and get out,” Charlie instructed.

“You!” Bella screamed.

The whole room went silent as Bella let go of Edward’s hand, and marched defiantly towards

Tanya. Tanya wasn’t much taller than Bella, but in this moment, Bella seemed to tower over


“You fucking skank. How dare you make a pass at my husband,” Bella shrieked.

“Bella, baby,” Edward called out and lurched forward to try and stop his wife, only to be

apprehended by Charlie, who was shaking his head at Edward.

“Look, I don’t know what they told you, but we were drunk, and things just got a little out of

hand,” Tanya said defensively. Bella was now face to face with her, and she could see the hatred

boiling in Bella’s brown irises.

Tanya decided she could easily take Bella down, and since it was obvious that no one was going

to stand in her way, she was going to provoke this mousy princess.

“You might want to consider the fact that it was rather easy for me to get your husband all

excited while you were away. Maybe you need to tighten the leash on him,” Tanya sneered.

“You fucking tongue raped my husband, and you think that’s okay?” Bella scoffed. “You just

don’t get it, do you, you fucking whore? My husband loves me, wants me only. You’ll never be

more than trash to him,” Bella spat.

“That’s not what his body language told me when I kissed him,” Tanya jeered.

“Seriously, bitch? That’s all you got to go by? Well, I don’t need body language to tell me that

Edward desires only me. He just fucked me hard in conference room six, and I bet if you walk in

there right now you can smell the awesome sex we just had still permeating in that room.”

“Yeah, right!” Tanya guffawed. “As if someone like you would be bold enough to do that in a

police station, with your father ten feet away. Besides, if Edward wanted hot sex, all he would

have to do is ask. I’m sure I could make what you supposedly just did, seem like a wet dream.”

Bella felt the heat rise inside her. She saw red, and before she knew what she was doing, she

slapped Tanya square across the face.

Tanya grasped her cheek, staring at Bella with amazement, disbelief, and rage as she flung

herself at Bella.

Riley caught Tanya before she could reach Bella, and held her back.

“Let me at her. No one hits an officer, and gets away with it. I’ll arrest her ass for this,” Tanya

shrieked as she bucked against Riley’s grasp.

Charlie stepped up and smiled. “Actually, you’re no longer an officer, and have no rights to

arrest anyone. Now, if you would like to lodge a complaint against Mrs. Cullen, I’ll gladly take

it. I would, however, advise against it, as you have seven witnesses that will all state in a court

of law that you not only provoked Mrs. Cullen, but that she acted in self-defense.”

Tanya glanced around the room, peering into each set of eyes, staring back at her. She knew that

there was nothing she could do. The silly little princess had everyone wrapped around her

mousy little finger.

She ripped herself out of Riley’s arms. “Let go of me, you fucking idiot.”

She turned to Charlie, “Just mail my shit to me,” she shrieked as she stormed out the door,

making sure to slam it behind her.

The room stood still for a moment until Edward rushed up to Bella, picking her up off the

ground, swinging her around, laughing.

“Holy shit! Who are you, and what did you do with my wife?” Edward howled as he placed a

deep kiss on her lips.

Charlie walked up, and patted her on the shoulder. He smiled as Edward placed Bella on her


“That’s my girl. I knew I raised you right. Good to see you two back together again. I thought I

was going to have to kill our boy here if you didn’t forgive him soon,” Charlie laughed.

“Yeah, he’s such a brooder,” Ben piped in.

Bella looked into Edward’s green pools, and felt herself get lost in his gaze. She was floating on

cloud nine, having not only made up with him, but having put the tramp in her place.

“Cullen,” Charlie called out, “take the rest of the day off, but clean conference room six before

you leave. I don’t even want to think about what just happened in there.” Charlie visibly

shuddered causing another bout of laughter to ensue around the reunited couple.

“Thanks, Chief,” Edward replied as he walked Bella out the front door.

“Forks Police Department, how may I direct your call?” Bella heard Maggie say as she and

Edward walked out to her car.

Edward pushed her against the car, slipping his hand between the folds of the jacket, and cupping

her still wet sex. He knew she was dripping because he came inside her, and he could not wait to

take her home, and tell her his plan for their future.

Bella moaned, and kissed him as he ran his fingers along her warm body.

“Go home. I’ll meet you there in about an hour, after I finish cleaning the conference room,”

Edward instructed with a chuckle as he released his hold on her.

Bella whimpered at the loss of contact, but nodded her head, and got into her car.

Edward leaned in the car and kissed her gently.

“I love you, Isabella Cullen, and nothing in this world can ever take that away from us.”

“I love you, too. I’ll see you in an hour. Come upstairs, and I promise you won’t be

disappointed as to what you find,” Bella teased.

Edward kissed her deeply and laughed, “God, I’ve missed you. Never leave me again.”

“You got it.”

Edward pulled back and closed the door. He watched as she drove away, and then went back

into the station.

“Oh, umm, Edward, the Chief wants to see you immediately,” Maggie screeched upon seeing


“Everything okay?” Edward asked, feeling slightly panicked.

“Just get in there.”

Edward walked through the station, and headed straight for Charlie’s office. He knocked lightly,

and heard Charlie call out to enter.

“Close the door,” Charlie instructed.

“Look, if this is about the conference, I’m on it. I’ll have it cleaned in a jiffy,” Edward advised.

“Sit down,” Charlie indicated towards a chair. Edward sat down quickly, trying not to upset his

father-in-law any further.

“Okay, Laurent, he’s in here. What’s this all about?” Charlie asked.

Edward felt confused for a moment until Laurent’s voice sounded from the speakerphone.

“I’m sorry for calling like this, but I felt you guys should know firsthand. James Carter was

released three days ago on parole, and has yet to contact his parole officer. At this point, we’re

pretty sure he’s probably heading to Forks, if not already there. Be on the lookout for him.”

“What makes you think he’s heading here?” Edward asked.

“His cellmate advised us that he kept talking about the one that got away, and that as soon as he

had the chance, he would rectify that situation. Look, this guy is dangerous, but he had a clean

record in jail. They had no reason not to let him go. I just want you to take precautions.”

Edward and Charlie could hear the distress in the Laurent’s voice.

Edward racked his fingers through his hair, “So, what you’re basically saying is you believe

James is tracking me down?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. I must warn you, he’s got unparalleled senses, absolutely

lethal. I’ve never seen anything like him in my twenty years on the force,” Laurent advised.

“We’ll keep a look out for him. Thanks for letting us know,” Charlie said.

“If you need anything, I’m a phone call away.”

Charlie hung up the phone.

“Look, we don’t know for certain that he’s here. We’ll keep you and Bella under constant

watch. This bastard won’t come near either of you.”

“Bella!” Edward exclaimed, “She’s at the house alone.”

Edward pulled his cellphone out and called Bella. He wanted to tell her to turn around and come

back to the station. She didn’t answer her phone.

“Charlie, I’ve gotta get to the house, now.” Edward flew out of his chair, and headed for the


“Wait. I’m coming with you.” Charlie grabbed his keys to the cruiser, and headed out the door.

~ X ~

Bella got home, feeling on top of the world. She called Carlisle, and told him she wouldn’t be

making it into the hospital. Carlisle gladly let her take the day off to reconcile her marriage.

She got out of her car and skipped to the front door like a little girl. She stuck her key in the

lock, and realized it was unlocked.

I guess in my haste, I forgot to lock it. Oh, well.

Bella walked in the front door, closing it behind her. She set her purse down in on the front

table, and headed towards the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks when she heard a snicker

coming from the couch.

“Wow, it’s amazing what five years can do to a woman’s body,” James hissed.

Bella felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end when she turned to see James stalking

towards her.

“Isabella Cullen, is it? It wasn’t until I went to trial that I learned your name, sweetheart, and I

believe it was Swan then, wasn’t it. So, that Eddie fucker married you, huh? What’d he do?

Knock you up?” James sneered.

Bella tried to bolt towards the door only to have her attempts thwarted by James. He slammed

her against the floor causing her coat to rise up on her legs. Bella cried out as pain shot through

the back her head, where it had slammed against the wall.

“What’s this?” James asked as he ran a finger up her leg, stopping at the hem of the coat. “Just

getting home from a little sexual romp with the husband, are we? What a lucky guy. Well,

guess what, sweetheart? I plan on having my fun with dear ol’ Eddie, as well. You think he’ll

remember me?”

Bella screamed as James picked her up from the floor by her hair.

“You won’t get away with this. Edward’s a cop. You’ve just royally fucked yourself,” Bella


“Ah, that just makes this all the more fun. The best game yet. I not only get the one who got

away, but I also get a cop. Two for the price of one,” James sneered.

He pulled out a gun, and instructed Bella to sit in the armchair that was facing the front door.

Bella’s cellphone rang. He pulled the phone from her purse, and laughed manically when he saw

Edward’s name pop up on the caller id.

“We just have to wait until he gets home, and judging by this, it won’t be much longer.”

James stationed himself at the front window, watching for Edward, while still pointing the gun at


“Ahhhh, right on schedule. Now the game really begins.”

James moved to stand beside Bella, holding the gun to her head as Edward came barreling into

the house.

“Bella! Bella! Answer…” Edward screamed. Bella could hear Charlie yelling at him to wait.

“You should have listened to the old man,” James chuckled at Edward, as he stopped dead in his

tracks upon seeing James and Bella. He could feel his heart in his throat, as he witnessed Bella

sitting in his favorite chair, shivering in fear, tears streaking her face.

“You’re alone because you’re faster, but not stronger. I hold your balls in the palm of my hand

right now, and be prepared, my friend. I plan on squeezing hard. You’ll never fuck with me


“James, just put the gun down. We can work this out. Just let her go,” Edward said as he

stepped closer.

“Nah, I like her right where she is.” James looked down on Bella, and realized how he could

really make Edward squirm. “On second thought,” he ripped Bella out of the chair, pushing the

gun hard into her temple, “Eddie, why don’t you tell your wife to get comfortable. Tell her to

take her coat off.”

Bella shook in fear as Edward felt the bile rise from his stomach. Edward knew what James was

trying to do, and there was no way he would ever degrade his wife like that.

“No. She looks just fine to me,” Edward responded.

“Afraid someone might see her? You weren’t so worried about that earlier today, were you?”

James dragged the tip of his gun down the side of Bella’s face and neck.

“Leave her alone. This is between you and me. Just let Bella go,” Edward growled vehemently.

“I told you I would have her tight little snatch, and I wasn’t fucking kidding, Eddie. My dick

will be in your wife’s pussy, and I think you should watch what a real man can do to her,” James


“FUCKING LET HER GO, ASSHOLE!” Edward screamed, fighting to keep from losing his


“ARE YOU DEAF? I said she stays,” James screamed. “Tell her to take her coat off.”

“No! Just put down the gun, and walk out of here. No one will stop you. Just please, leave her


“Tell her to take it off or I blow her brains out all over your pretty little house,” James snickered.

He pushed the gun flush with Bella’s temple. Bella whimpered as she prepared to remove her

coat, and bare all.

Charlie ran into the house, and whipped his gun out as he evaluated the scene before him.

“TELL HER!” James roared as he watched Charlie enter the room.

Bella closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face, and began to pray.

Please, God, help us. I don’t see how we can get out of this without you. We need your help

right now. God, please intervene…please.

Edward shook his head no, all the while, drawing his gun and pointing it directly at James’ chest.

“I’m asking you one last time, put the gun down and let her go, or I’ll shoot.” Edward cocked

his gun.

“Wrong answer!” James screamed as he cocked his gun, and wrapped his finger around the


“NO!!!” Charlie shouted.

The world seemed to stand still as the unambiguous sound of gunfire filled the living room of the

Cullen home.

Maybe I'd fight it if I could

It hurts so bad, but feels so good

She opens up just like a rose to me, when she's close to me

Anything she asked me to, I would

It's out of control

But I can't let go

I'm a house of cards in a hurricane

A reckless ride in the pouring rain

She cuts me and the pain is all I wanna feel

She dances away just like a child

She drives me crazy, drives me wild

But I'm helpless when she smiles

Helpless When She Smiles by The Backstreet Boys

~ Chapter 20: Age 23 ~

The fall breeze blew into the house, swirling the air with the smell of blood, sweat, gun smoke

and tears.

A scream stuck in her throat, threatening to escape, but refusing to do so.

The world seemed to be playing in slow motion as the events unfolded around her.

Bella could hear her husband screaming at the perpetrator to put his gun down, and let her go.

She could hear James laugh, and cock his gun, pointing it directly at her head, but it wasn’t until

the gun fired, that Bella seemed to detach herself from the situation.

“NO!” Charlie screamed, lunging toward Edward.

The sound of gunfire reverberated through the house. Bella was certain this was her time, and

she was just happy that she and Edward had had their chance to correct things before she died.

She opened her eyes, having not realized she shut them, to see James’ limp body lying at her

feet. His maniacal laugh and hoarse gasps filled the air around her.

Edward stood before her, holding his now smoking gun, shaking uncontrollably. Tears welled in

his eyes, causing the world to suddenly whirl back into orbit for Bella.

Charlie was behind Edward, coaxing the gun out of his hand, telling Edward he had done the

right thing.

Charlie spoke into the radio on his shoulder, “I need an ambulance at 5408 Forrest Lane

immediately. Code 11-8 34S Stat. Man down. I repeat, we have a man down.”

A muffled female voice replied, “10-4, Chief. Code 11-8 34S acknowledged. Ambulance in


Edward stared at Bella, unable to move. She knew that he was in shock, and even though she

was just as frightened, she pushed her fear down inside her. Her husband needed her, and that

superseded any other emotion she felt.

She ran to Edward, flinging herself in his arms. He gripped her so tightly, she was afraid he

would crush her ribcage.

“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” he whispered, as he nuzzled her hair.

“Shhh. Hush now, baby. It’s over. It’s all over,” she comforted her husband. “You did what

you had to, baby, in order to save my life. It’s over now,” she murmured against his chest.

“Bella,” Edward rasped, “I thought he shot you. I thought…oh, God,” Edward cried as he

squeezed her tighter. Bella gasped for air, but didn’t move from his grasp, knowing he needed


“That’s right, a gunshot wound to the chest,” Bella could hear Charlie instruct the paramedic

behind Edward.

Medics rushed around her and Edward, who were still gripping each other tightly, to get to

James’ body.

“Hart, he’s still breathing,” the first medic called out.

The second medic rushed over to James, and began to work on him.

Bella could barely register the gasping sound of James’ breath as the medics frantically worked

over his paling body.

“Looks like the bullet could have grazed his right lung. He’ll need surgery stat. On the count of


“One, two, three,” they called together, as the two paramedics lifted James onto a gurney.

Edward’s body went limp in Bella’s arms. Tears flowed freely as a third paramedic approached

them. “Officer and Mrs. Cullen, I need to make sure you two are okay. Please follow me.”

Neither moved. Edward was falling apart, and Bella refused to let go of him as long as he

needed her.

“Please, ma’am. You have blood on you. I have to check you out,” the medic instructed.

The sound of blood being on Bella brought Edward out of his hysterics. He pulled away from

her to see blood spattered down the left side of her coat, with splatters on her face and hair. He

nodded towards the paramedic, and followed him out to one of the two ambulances parked in

front of their house.

They sat Bella on the bumper of the ambulance, as the medic checked her vitals. People were

starting to crowd around to see what had happened.

“Mrs. Cullen, can you please remove the coat, please? I need to assess any and all possible


“I wasn’t hit,” Bella replied, looking into Edward’s eyes.

“All the same ma’am, we really need to do a thorough checkup,” he replied.

Well, this has turned out to be the world’s worst idea I have ever had.

Next time…strip tease.

Hell, there better not be a next time.

Bella chuckled as she looked at the middle aged man before her. He was so sincere, and was

simply trying to do his job, but Bella knew she was about to make his day.

“Sir,” she whispered, “I’m not wearing any clothing under the coat.” A look of amusement, and

then horror, streaked across his face. “So, you see, I can’t take it off,” she replied simply.

“Did your assailant rape you, ma’am?”

The question threw her and Edward off guard. Bella watched as Edward tensed up at the thought

of James touching her in that way.

“What? No!” Bella exclaimed.

“All the same, Mrs. Cullen, I’m going to suggest that a rape kit be conducted on you, just as a

safety precaution.”

Bella looked at Edward for help.

“Jones, is it?” Edward asked politely, “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. My wife wasn’t raped.

Of that, I can assure you.”

The paramedic nodded, and continued with his evaluation. He figured, who was he to argue with

a cop?

Bella sighed with relief.

The paramedic ran his fingers down the back of her head. It wasn’t until he placed his fingers on

the center of Bella’s skull, that she remembered James throwing her across the room. She

winced as the paramedic rubbed his hand over the swollen lump on her head.

“Mrs. Cullen, I think we need to take you to the hospital. You have a contusion on the back of

your head, and I think we need to have a CT scan performed on you, to ensure you don’t have a


Charlie walked up behind Edward, “I’m sorry, son. We need you right now.”

The whirling sound of an emergency siren filled the air, as the ambulance carrying James, sped

past them.

Edward looked at Charlie, and then back at Bella. Fear gripped him as he realized she was about

to be taken away from him.

Bella looked at the medic, “I’ll have Chief Swan drive me to the hospital as soon as my husband

can join me, but not before.”

“No, baby,” Edward interrupted, “you need to be checked out. I’ll be there as soon as I can,”

Edward promised. While he didn’t want her to leave him, he knew he still had a job to do. Most

of all, he needed her healthy.

“He’s right, Bells. You’ll just be in the way here. I’ll send Anderson up to the hospital in a bit,

to take your statement. Go, get checked out,” Charlie demanded.

I hope she doesn’t think I’m being cold. I just need my baby girl safe.

Bella closed her eyes, and flashes of the past hour’s events rushed before her. She gasped as she

recalled Edwards feral expression as his gun went off, the frightened and concerned look on

Charlie’s face as the gunshot reverberated through their little house, and the sound of James’

laughter dying down as he stumbled back and hit the floor beside her.

She agreed to go to the hospital, knowing that her father and husband wouldn’t accept no for an


“Can I quickly change first?” Bella asked meekly.

All three men looked at each other and then back at her, slowly nodding their acceptance.

Bella walked back into their house, and immediately her eyes trained towards the living room

where James’ blood was now splattered on her hardwood floors.

She quickly diverted her eyes, as she felt Edward’s strong arms around her, guiding her to their


Edward closed their bedroom door as Bella walked into their closet to find clothes. She grabbed

her favorite pair of jeans and a blue long-sleeved t-shirt. She hastily changed her clothes.

Edward sat at the edge of their bed, watching her as she dressed.

He was amazed at how calm she was after such an event. He could still feel his muscles tight,

and was still shaking from not only firing his gun, but having shot a man.

She’s a rock. Guess that’s what I get for marrying a cop’s daughter.

He inwardly chuckled at himself as he felt the need to just hold her. He wanted to coddle her,

and instead, she was doing that for me.

“Bella?” He looked at her as she pulled the t-shirt over her head.

Bella walked to him and knelt before him. “What is it, baby?”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, hesitantly.

Bella smiled at him. She knew that she should probably be hysterical, but for some reason, the

idea of her, Edward, and Charlie miraculously walking away unscathed had calmed her.

Bella kissed him gently. “I would tell you if I wasn’t, baby. While tomorrow I may feel

differently, right now, I just thank God for watching over our family today.”

Edward hugged her close, breathing her scent in, deeply. She was his Bella, sweet, gentle,

sometimes erratic, and completely unpredictable, but still his Bella.

A knock at the door caused them to pull a part and prepare to enter reality again.

“Mrs. Cullen, are you ready, ma’am?” the paramedic asked through the shut door.

Edward hugged his wife once more before escorting her out of the bedroom, and back outside to

the waiting ambulance.

The afternoon lulled behind the clouds, making the day appear gloomier than it already was.

The paramedic loaded her into the back of the ambulance, thankfully allowing her to sit on a

bench instead of being strapped to a gurney. Edward climbed inside, and kissed her tenderly.

“I won’t be long, baby. I love you so much.” His fingers wrapped around her cheeks as he

pulled her in for the sweetest of kisses. So much was said in that one chaste kiss. She felt his

love, his fear, his courage, his strength, and his weakness, all in his lips.

He released her, and hopped out the back of the truck, closing the doors behind him.

The sirens began as Edward watched, with a heavy heart, as Bella was hauled away from him.

“Renee is going to meet her there. Let’s finish this, so we can get to her,” Charlie called out to

Edward, as he re-entered the house.

Edward watched the ambulance disappear, carrying his life, his wife, with it. He then turned

towards the house to do his duty as an officer. While his wife was, and would always be his first

priority, he was still an officer, and had taken an oath to protect and serve the people. He had

always admired Charlie for that, and today he would follow in his mentor’s footsteps.

As Edward entered the house, a silence resounded around him. He looked into the eyes of other

officers on the scene, and felt his stomach sink. Something was wrong, and he could feel it in his

bones. Charlie looked at him with grave sorrow in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, son. I just got the call. James Carter passed away while in transit to Forks Medical.”

Edward felt his knees buckle beneath him, as he came to the realization that he had, in fact, just

shot and killed a man.

Charlie gripped Edward’s shoulder and squeezed it tightly. “There was nothing you could’ve

done differently. He would’ve killed Bella. I’m certain of that. He was just toying with you


Charlie felt his heart sink in his chest for his son-in-law. He had to fire his gun in the line of

duty a handful of times in his life, but never had he killed someone. He watched as Edward

processed the information.

Edward tried to control his breathing. He struggled with the idea of him taking another human

life. He had killed a man, albeit a very bad man, but still a man nonetheless.

While the remaining evidence was collected throughout the crime scene, Edward and Charlie’s

statements were taken. As soon as they were allowed, Charlie took Edward to the hospital to be

with Bella.

~ X ~

Bella was released from the hospital several hours later, after undergoing what seemed like every

test known to man. By the time she was released, half the town was sitting in the waiting room,

patiently waiting for news on her condition.

This was the biggest thing to happen to their sleepy little town in, well, forever, and the fact that

it not only happened to a Cullen, but also the Chief’s daughter, was big news.

While Bella despised the publicity, she knew she had to face it. With Edward on her right, her

mother on her left, and the protective covering of the rest of their family and friends behind

them, they quickly gave their statements to the press, and left.

Both Bella and Edward’s parents had offered to let the young couple stay with them since their

house was still considered a crime scene, but they desired nothing more than time alone together.

They loved that their families rallied around them, but with everything that had happened during

the past week, especially the past twenty-four hours, they needed time to reconnect.

Charlie took them to a hotel, with a promise of returning the next morning to take them to get

their car, amongst other things.

“Edward, I hate to do this, but I’ve got to put you on a temporary leave of duty. It’s standard

procedure while the investigation is conducted,” Charlie regretfully informed Edward.

“You’re only doing your duty,” Edward said, as he hugged Charlie.

They said their farewells to Charlie and went inside the hotel.

Once checked-in, they each took a shower, and then lay down in the bed. Neither having

anything more on them than the clothes on their backs, they chose to sleep in the terry-cloth

robes provided by the hotel. Charlie had offered to take them to get some clothing, but they were

both so exhausted, they declined the offer.

Edward pulled Bella close to him, and held her tight against him. His body formed a protective

covering around hers, as they molded together as one. They laid in silence, allowing the serenity

of the moment to wash over them. They were safe and together, and that was all that counted.

“Baby,” Edward whispered, breaking the reverence.

Bella hummed her response as he pushed her damp hair away from her face.

He said nothing more. He just needed to hear her voice. He needed to know he wasn’t

dreaming, even though they had just been through the nightmare from Hell. He needed to know

they were safe and together. That was everything to him.

Within moments of the unspoken admission of love and devotion, they both feel asleep. Not

once did they move from their current sleeping position. Their minds and bodies,

subconsciously, were too afraid to separate, unable to handle the loss of contact. Even with

everything that had happened that day, and the past week, they were finally home. Finally.

~ X ~

Several weeks passed before they were eventually allowed to return to their home. At first they

both were apprehensive about being in the house, with everything had occurred there. Edward

even suggested they sell the house, but Bella would not allow it. While there were times that the

events of the fateful night would replay itself in her mind, she had always imagined them raising

their children in this house.

After a very thorough investigation, James’ death was deemed a justifiable homicide. Edward

was not charged with any criminal intent, and was quickly reinstated to active duty.

Life seemed to go along as normal. August turned to September and before they knew it, Bella’s

birthday had come and gone.

With everything that had occurred recently, Edward put the baby idea on the back burner. Their

relationship felt different to him, in a way, stronger. He knew now, more than ever, was the time

for him to suggest the idea of having children, but he needed the moment to be perfect.

Bella noticed the differences as well. She trusted him more than she had before, she actually

believed she was worthy of him. She felt her constant need to be near him was stronger, and she

noticed that sex was different. He had always been consumed with meeting her needs, but now

he was consumed with meeting their needs as a couple. She also was aware of the fact that he no

longer used a condom, but since she was still on the pill, she pushed any additional thoughts out

of her mind. She figured he was just trying to deepen their connection.

One night, near the end of September, Edward felt it was time to tell her what his hopes and

dreams were for them.

After a quiet dinner, and a peaceful evening, they retired to bed. Edward curled up with his wife,

as he usually did at night, playing with her long locks, lulling her to sleep.

“Baby?” she began. “Are you alright? You’ve been really quiet tonight.”

Edward decided it was now or never, so he smiled, and turned her to face him.

“I’ve had something on my mind, and I’m not sure how to…well…I’m not sure what to…,”

Edward stammered.

“Baby, just say what you need to say. You know I’ll always listen.” Bella smiled as she

flattened her hands against his bare chest, and kissed his nose.

Edward closed his eyes and blurted out, “I want a child.”

Bella felt her heart sink. They were back here again. He wanted to adopt a child, and she

wanted to carry his baby. This was an impasse they seemed to always hit, but with neither

willing to give, they were never able to cross.

“I know, Edward, but I…”

Edward placed his finger over her lips. “Let me finish, my love.”

Bella nodded her understanding, causing Edward to remove his fingers from her mouth. He

kissed her gently.

“I want to have a baby,” Edward confirmed with a smile.

Bella tried to process his words. They had so many different meanings. Was he really saying

what she thought he was saying?

“I want to have a baby with you. I want our child, our offspring, growing, nurturing inside you,”

Edward rattled.

Bella tried to control her emotions, desperate to let Edward finish. She had to know if he was

being serious.

“I want to watch your belly grow and swell. I want to sing lullabies to our unborn child. I want

to fight over baby names. I want to see you with the glow of motherhood. And when the time

comes, I want to hold the product of our love in my arms, admiring the fact that this tiny person

has your eyes and my nose.” Edward inhaled deeply and smiled.

Bella looked at him incredulously.

Did he just say what I think he just said?

Is this really happening?

Bella pinched herself.

“What did you do that for?” Edward asked.

“I wanted to make sure I hadn’t fallen asleep, and was now dreaming,” she giggled.

“You’re not dreaming, my love. I’m totally serious. I want our baby. I talked to dad about this

the other day, and he confirmed everything you’ve been saying. He told me with constant

medical attention, you could carry a child full term with minimal, to no complications. You

might have to go on the insulin pump or something like that, but you could, I mean, we could do


Bella fought the urge to say ‘I told you so’.

Edward sat up abruptly, kneeling in the middle of their bed. He laughed loudly as he grabbed

her hands and pulled her to him. “Isabella Cullen, I’m asking you to have my child. Make a

baby with me?”

“Why do I feel like you’re asking me to marry you?” Bella laughed loudly with him.

Edward scrunched his nose at her joke. His eyes were dancing with glee. There wasn’t a hit of a

doubt in her mind now that he was anything but serious.

Suddenly serious as well, she replied, “It would be my honor to carry your child.”

The atmosphere in the room changed from playful to thick with want and need. Edward looked

into the eyes of his wife, and could see his unborn child there.

He pulled her to him, still kneeling in the middle of their bed, and kissed her.

“You’ve just made me the happiest man in the world,” he whispered against her lips.

“Thank you,” Bella murmured as the pressure of tears pricked her eyes.

His fingers trailed down to her hips pulling her close to him. “When can we start?”

“Right now,” Bella teased.

Edward laughed. “You know what I mean. How long until your birth control is out of your


“A week or so,” Bella replied with a shrug.

Disappointment clouded Edward’s features. “That long?”

“A week really isn’t that long, honey.”

“I guess not,” Edward grabbed Bella and playfully tossed her down on the bed, straddling her.

Edward leaned down, and kissed her belly. “Hey there, little one. I’m gonna be your daddy. I’ll

be doing my darnedest to give you a home in there as soon as possible.” He looked up at Bella

and smiled. “I can’t think of a better place to spend your first nine months of life. I almost envy


Edward slipped down, and kissed her pelvic bone. “Almost,” he whispered as he ran his tongue

along the hem of her pajama shorts.

“Hmmm,” Bella moaned at the contact.

“You know, baby, practice makes perfect,” he said with a grin.

“Mmmhmm,” she moaned again, as he fingers skillfully slipped her shorts down her hips.

He sat back on the balls of his feet staring at her now naked lower half. His fingers gently

nudged her legs apart to give him a full view of her slick, glistening womanhood.

“Damn, baby, already ready are we?”

Bella blushed as he slipped his finger down her center, gathering her wetness on his fingertip.

He stuck his finger in his mouth, and sucked deeply, causing Bella to moan louder. Her body

ached for him to take her, and here he was teasing her.

He removed his finger from his lips, and began massaging her clit, flicking her bundle of nerves

quickly, watching as her body lifted off the bed towards him.

“Relax baby,” he whispered. “I’ll take care of you.”

He continued to torture her clit as he reached down with his other hand and slipped two fingers

inside her. She cried out at the feel of him inside her. His ministrations made her squirm and

cry, begging him to take her.

“You want me, baby?”

“You know I do,” she begged.

Edward flipped her over, lifting her backside in front of him. He relished the look of his wife’s

body before him. He thrilled in her trust of him and willingness to be so submissive to him. She

moaned and squirmed as she anxiously waited for him to take her.

He ran his palms over the beautiful skin of her bottom and squeezed, separating her just enough

so he could see both of her tight apertures glistening before him. Her sweet, wet lips, separated

just enough that he could see her pulsing nerves inside her.

He leaned in and bit her on her right cheek, causing her to yelp. He ran his tongue over the teeth

marks he left, checking to make sure he hadn’t harmed his sweet apple, before running his finger

along her puckered tight orifice. He had never entered there, but he knew she enjoyed him

teasing her with his tongue and fingers.

He massaged the bundle of nerves with his fingertips. Using her own wetness as lubricant, he

slipped one finger inside her. She moaned as the sensation of him taking her in this manner

overtook her body. He slowly pushed his finger in and out of her, watching as her body

surrounded him.

His own erection had become blissfully painful, straining against the fabric of his pants. He

removed his finger from her, causing her to groan at the loss of contact, and pulled up off the bed

where her back faced his chest.

“Raise your arms, beautiful,” he instructed her.

She willingly obeyed. Edward slipped her tank top over her head, exposing her round pert

breasts. She now sat naked before him as his lips made purchase with her neck. He sucked her

succulent skin into his mouth as his fingers trailed down to her ample breasts. He pinched and

rolled her taut nipples between his fingers as he began rub his aching cock against her back.

Bella reached behind her, wrapping her fingers around the back of his neck, holding his face to

her neck. She could feel his teeth sink into her, and yelped at the heavenly pain he inflicted. He

pulled her nipples, elongating them and let them go, causing her breast to bounce slightly against

her body. The sounds of her cries reached his ears instantly, helping to keep him in check. He

was in the mood to play rough, but never wanted to harm her. She was his world, and he

respected her with every inch of his being.

His fingers worked their way down until they were plunging inside her. He diligently worked

her until she was screaming his name at the height of her orgasm. He loved hearing her cry out

for him, feeling her body succumb to his demands.

He roughly pushed her back down on the bed as he aggressively removed his sleep pants,

releasing the beast that was aching to bury itself deep within her. He lifted her hips to meet his,

and without warning he pressed deep inside her.

Bella screamed at the contact, enjoying the way he filled her. His body molded around her as he

lay across her back. She turned her face to kiss him, as his body brought the sense of pleasure

they both ached for.

He savored the feel of her ass pounding against him as his cock delved deep inside her aching


He no longer had to ask her if she were ready. He knew her body so well, he could simply tell

that she near the edge. Her smell, her face, her sounds, the texture of her desire flooding

between her legs, and the way her walls would clamp down on him, were all indicators to him

that she was on the verge. He knew a simple kiss on the neck and flick of her clit would cause

her to climax, hard.

Bella screamed out as she came. Her body shook uncontrollably as Edward pushed himself

inside her, as deep her body would let him. One more hard push and Edward came with her. He

pressed his fingers into her belly as he came inside her. She knew by his actions he was

reminding her that while this was just practice, he was giving her the gift she longed for since

she was sixteen. Soon she would be pregnant with his child, and she couldn’t fathom a better

gift in this world.

“I love you,” he breathed as he pulled out of her gently laying her down on their bed.

“I love you, too.”

He kissed her gently as his fingers trailed down to her stomach, and slowly rubbed circles over it.

She felt her flesh goose bump under his fingertips, causing her to giggle and squirm.

“Get used to it, baby. When our child is in there, I promise my hands and lips will be here as

often as permissible.

Bella giggled at his declaration and nodded her acceptance. He pulled her into their normal

spooning position, and pulled the covers over their still naked bodies. He pulled her hair away

from her neck and kissed her gently.

“What do you want the babies name to be?” he reverently asked.

“Edward Charles if it’s a boy,” Bella stated.

“Wow, you didn’t even have to think about that one, did you?” Edward laughed. “I love it


Bella grinned.

“And for a girl?”

“Reneesme Carlie,” she blurted out, blushing at her once again quick admission.

She had honestly picked these names out when she was a teenager, and couldn’t think of any

other name that would be suitable for her child.

Edward stopped rubbing her stomach, lifted up on his elbow, and looked down on her bright red

face. He chuckled at how, even after all these years, he still could never get enough of her blush.

“That’s a little more out there compared to Edward Charles. Why the crazy name for a girl?” he


“Well, I wanted Renee, but I love Esme so much that I couldn’t leave her out either. So I put

them together, Reneesme,” she explained.

“Okay,” he chuckled, “surprisingly, that makes perfect sense. And Carlie?”

“I figured if we did it, with the mother’s names, we would have to do it with the father’s names

too,” she laughed.

“I love the idea. Not so sure about the names, but I’m game on one condition.”

Bella turned her face to see his. “And what might that be?” she asked, lifting her eyebrows.

“We have to call her Carlie. I can’t think of a suitable nickname for Reneesme, and we would

have to have one. The name is quiet a mouthful after all,” he said, as he leaned down and kissed


“What, you don’t think Nessie would be a good nickname?”

“Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not naming our child after the Loch Ness Monster. She

would be tortured in school,” he nearly yelled.

Bella snorted at his theory, causing them to both laugh.

“Fair enough. If it’s a girl, we call her Carlie,” she said as she relaxed in his arms. He lay down

next to her, getting comfortable.

“Good night, my love,” she whispered.

“Good night, sweetheart. And good night Edward Charles Reneesme Carlie,” he sighed as he

placed his hand flat on her stomach.

They drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the beautiful child they would make.

~ X ~

Edward leaned on the kitchen door, watching Bella belt out her favorite Christmas song into her

wooden spoon. Her eyes were shut as she sang and danced in time with the music. The house

had been decorated with every Christmas decoration imaginable, but Edward couldn’t deny he

felt the Christmas spirit in the presence of his wife.

The voice of Brenda Lee was muted by Bella’s singing, as she diligently made the pumpkin pies

she had been commissioned to bring to Edward’s parent’s house for the annual Cullen Christmas

party. Edward loved this time of the year. Friends and family gathered together to celebrate the

season, forgetting the woes of life, and simply felt thankful for the joys in this life.

The song changed and Bella looked up to see Edward standing there watching her. She blushed

but began singing directly to him.

“I don't want a lot for Christmas; there is just one thing I need,” Bella bellowed as she slinked

towards him.

Edward laughed loudly as his wife put on her most seductive face. He would be lying if he

didn’t admit he was a little turned on by the way her body moved towards him.

“I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. I just want you for my own,” she

continued to sing as he wrapped her arms around his neck, and slithered down the length of his


Edward wrapped his fingers around her hips as she danced and sang in his arms.

“More than you could ever know. Make my wish come true...” she sang softly in his ear.

“All I want for Christmas is you,” she kissed him gently, but Edward wasn’t having gentle. He

laughed loudly as he wrapped his arms around her, and leaned her back, kissing her deeply.

Bella giggled as she extracted herself from his hold, and went back to making her pies. Edward

leaned back up against the door, and continued to watch his wife in her element.

“Knock, knock!” Jasper’s voice rang through the house.

Bella dropped her spoon and squealed, as Jasper and Alice appeared at the kitchen door.

“You’re here!” she shrieked as she flew past her husband, and pulled Alice into a big hug. Bella

could hear Edward gasp slightly when Bella picked Alice up off the ground. She tried to ignore

his over protective nature.

Edward’s reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Alice. She glared at him a moment, but continued

bouncing with Bella. Edward and Jasper shook hands and did their ‘guy hug’, as their wives

squealed and chattered incessantly.

“You look different. Did you do something to your hair?” Alice asked.

“You haven’t been home for six months, I’m not surprised I look different,” Bella chided.

“It’s not that, Bells, it’s…” Alice looked Bella up and down. “I just can’t put my finger on it.”

Bella could hear Edward snickering.

“C’mon, I have pies I have to finish,” Bella squealed as she grabbed Alice by the hand and

dragged her into the kitchen.

She slipped an apron over Alice’s head, and they commenced their baking and catching up.

Edward helped Jasper unload their car, since the Whitlock’s were spending the holidays with

them. Alice had suggested that they stay in a hotel, but Bella wouldn’t hear of it. She was

determined they would take the guestroom.

By the time the guys had everything unloaded, and placed in the guestroom, Bella and Alice had

the pies in the oven, and were sitting at the table chatting.

The time passed quickly as they spent it catching up with old friends, and preparing for the

evening’s festivities.

They drove over to Edward’s parents together, still giggling and chatting. No sooner had

Edward parked the car that Emmett was throwing the car door open and pulling Alice out,

twirling her in his arms.

“Put me down you great big oaf!” Alice squealed with laughter.

He placed Alice on her feet as everyone gather in front of the Cullen house.

The sound of a turtle dove broke through the laughter and the reunion when Emmy called out,

“Auntie Ali, carry me.”

Alice picked the little girl up off the ground and kissed her. “My goodness, sweetheart, you’ve

grown.” Emmy giggled.

“Before long she’ll be the same height as you, Alice,” Rose teased.

“Shut up,” Alice slapped Rose on the arm as they entered the house.

Esme had done a number on the Cullen home. Mistletoe hung in every doorway, the Christmas

tree was brightly light with hundreds of gifts decorating the floor, a fire was burning in the

fireplace, and the smells of a fantastic feast filled the house.

“It looks like Santa Claus threw up in here,” Jasper said as he nudged Edward in the ribs. “God,

I’ve missed this,” he mumbled, thinking no one could hear him, but Edward heard every word.

Edward hugged him quickly around the shoulders letting him know he understood. Jasper

smiled as and hugged back.

The house quickly filled with guests. Half the town seemed to be packed in there, chatting,

eating, and celebrating the season.

Edward kept Bella close by at all times. Even when Bella would slip into the kitchen, out of his

grasp, he followed her with his eyes.

“Is it me, or is Edward being more clingy then usual?” Alice asked Rose.

“He’s been that way for about a month or so, now. I figure it has to do with…” Rose stopped

her sentence, not wanting to bring up the past.

“Oh, c’mon now? That’s honestly a story I would love to hear,” Emmett bellowed.

“Which one is that?” Charlie asked.

“I heard rumor that our sweet Bella bitch slapped that skank?” Emmett cracked.

“Emmett, language,” Rose scolded as she slapped Emmett’s bicep.

“What?” he started to ask until Emmy tugged on his pant leg. “Oops.”

Bella came out of the kitchen as Charlie went into the details of Bella and Tanya’s confrontation.

Edward sat back and laughed as Bella’s face got brighter and brighter red.

“Edward was actually going to try and stop Bella from slapping her. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t

allow that. She deserved more than she got,” Charlie laughed.

“But what was Bella doing at the station anyway?” Jasper asked innocently. He and Alice had

gotten the abridged version of this story, and he was excited to get a play by play at this point.

Edward answered, “We were making up.”

“Edward, you ol’ sly devil. You fucked your wife at the police station?” Jasper blurted out.

Bella groaned and covered her face. The room burst out in laughter.

“It was a good thing I was late to work that morning is all I have to say,” Charlie scowled at

Edward and Bella.

“The rest of us had to endure their make-up session though,” Riley yelled out over the crowd.

“I don’t want to hear shit out of you! You weren’t the one who had to delete the surveillance

tapes from conference room six,” Ben bellowed.

“Wait! Hold on? You mean Eddie and Bellie made a sex tape?” Emmett screamed.

“I’d bet my Gucci purse, they’ve made more the one sex tape in their lives,” Alice chuckled.

“Ah, man. We could’ve blackmailed them with that shit,” Jasper chuckled as he nudged Emmett

in the arm. “There’s a million secrets I would’ve loved to get out of Edward’s head.”

Bella groaned and hid her face in Edward’s shoulders.

“I didn’t train my son to act like that in public. That had to be his father’s doing,” Esme said as

she looked over at Carlisle.

“What? Should I be ashamed my son knows how to show his woman a good time?” Carlisle

asked with pride.

“Dad!” Edward shouted.

“I’m just saying, my son has balls if he got his wife off in a police station,” Carlisle chuckled as

he took another sip of his lemon martini.

Rose threw her hands up in frustration as there was obviously no saving her child from the

language tonight.

“Well, if I ever catch you two doing something like that again, I’ll arrest both your asses,”

Charlie instructed.

Bella’s blush was so red she was starting to look splotchy. Edward wrapped his arms around

Bella’s waist and pulled her to him. He began to rub lazy circles along the contours of her belly.

Bella relaxed in his arms as Alice watched intently.

“Hey, Bells?” Emmett called out. “Have you thought about taking the show on the road? Or

maybe you should go on Jerry Springer. That’s it! The episode can be called ‘Jailhouse Babes’.”

The room burst into laughter as Jasper started pumping his fist in the air, screaming as loud as he

could, “JE-RRY, JE-RRY, JE-RRY!”

Bella was saved from further embarrassment when the Blacks walked into the house. All eyes

zoned in on Vanessa’s oversized belly. She was absolutely glowing, and Jacob looked like a

proud peacock.

“Sorry, we’re late. I had to stop and get ice cream for Vanessa,” Jacob said with a chuckle.

“We have ice cream in the kitchen,” Renee told him.

“I told her that, but she wanted Caramel Kettle Crunch,” Jacob shrugged.

“I had a craving,” Vanessa whined.

“Well, if it was for a craving, he did the right thing to take care of you,” Esme comforted her.

Jacob walked up behind Vanessa and wrapped his arms around her, mirroring Edward and

Bella’s stance.

In that moment, the pieces fell together like a jigsaw puzzle, everything simply clicked into place

in Alice’s head.

“Oh, my, God!” she screamed. “You’re pregnant!’

“Well, thanks for the update, Captain Obvious, but all can tell that Vanessa is having a baby,”

Rose chuckled.

“Not, Vanessa,” Alice corrected her, turning to Bella. “Bella is pregnant.”

A smile crept over Edward’s features and Bella blushed brightly. Edward tightened his grip

around her waist slightly, and kissed her neck. The room had stood still waiting for their


“What do you think? Should we tell them?” Edward whispered to where only she could hear.

Bella smiled and nodded her head. Edward laughed and looked around the room.

“We were planning on telling you guys differently, but since the pipsqueak always seems to

know these things ahead of time, I guess now is just as good a time as any.” Bella placed her

hands over Edward’s, cradling her belly.

“Bella is, indeed, pregnant.”

The room burst into cheers, as their family and friend offered up their congratulations.

“Best Christmas present ever,” Renee cooed, as she and Esme hugged Bella up, stealing her

away from Edward.

The guys gathered around Edward. “Dude, you’re fucked. In just a few months, she’s going to

be sending you all over the place for all kinds of crazy shit. Just wait. It’s coming,” Jacob


Carlisle patted his son on the shoulder as he said, “You think that’s bad? She’s going to start

waking you up in the middle of the night, doing one of two things. She’s either going to jump

your bones over a really hot dream she just had, or she going to get pissed off at you for

something you did in a dream. Either way, you’ll get no sleep.”

“And don’t forget the baby twenty?” Emmett blurted out.

Every father moaned at that comment.

“The baby twenty?” Edward asked.

“Dude, your wife is about to start eating like a cow. Only problem is you will too. Now while

she is eating for two, you’re still only eating for one. Before you know it, you’ve gained twenty

pounds,” Emmett explained.

“And that shit doesn’t come off easily,” Charlie interjected.

Everyone laughed as the guys continued giving Edward pregnancy advice, while on the opposite

side of the room the girls were talking about baby clothes, dimples and tiny little feet.

“Oh, you have to let me take you shopping while we’re here,” Alice squealed.

Before Bella knew it, everyone was touching her. Even though she wasn’t showing in the least

likely bit, it was like the fact everyone knew something was growing inside her that made them

want to be near her.

The oddest thing happened when Vanessa touched her. Vanessa’s baby started kicking


“Wow! He’s all excited,” Vanessa laughed. “He’s kicks all the time, but never like this.”

Bella placed her hand on Vanessa’s belly, as Vanessa did the same to her. They both felt

something that neither of them could explain, but they both knew it was significant.

“Mama?” Emmy asked.

“Yes, sweetheart?” Rose replied.

“Where do babies come from?” Emmy’s eyes shined with innocent curiosity.

“From Heaven, darling,” Esme answered for a stunned Rose.

“You mean Auntie Bell and Mrs. Black have Heaven inside them?” Emmy inquired.

Alice leaned in and replied, “They have a very special piece of Heaven inside each of them right

now. One day, they will be connected again here on earth.”

Emmy whispered secretively, “Are they Angels?”

“Not Angels, but close to it,” Alice said as she kissed the little girl.

As the night came to a close, the girls hovered around the kitchen, helping Esme clean up. The

guests had all left, and it was just close friends and family.

The guys had all sat down at the dining room table, and were playing a game of poker, telling old

stories about memories long past. The girls cleaned and hovered around the pregnant women

and Emmy, talking about babies, husbands, how everyone’s life had turned out.

“You know, Alice, it’s your turn next,” Renee hugged Alice.

“Jasper and I have been talking about buying a house here in Forks, for when we’re ready to

settle down, and have a family.” Alice looked out the window gazing at the stars. It was a rare

clear night in Forks, which made the snow on the ground look beautiful and serene.

“Really? You could be here for Edward and me when we have the little one,” Bella squealed.

“It’ll be awhile. AWOL still has a long way to go, but they’ll make it. They just went platinum.

Jasper is so excited.”

“That’s awesome,” Rose exclaimed.

“It leaves little time for a family right now, but hey, if Sharon Osborn can do it, then so can I,”

Alice laughed.

Emmy, having fallen asleep in Rose’s arms, shut the party down.

“Merry Christmas,” Carlisle called out to everyone as they left the house. He wrapped his arms

around his wife and smiled. Carlisle felt pride for the man his son had become, and the wife

Edward shared his life with.

The drive home was quiet. Everyone was exhausted, but simply elated. Christmas was four

days away, everyone was back together, safe and sound, and there were going to be blessed

additions to their group.

After spending a few minutes with Jasper and Alice discussing the holiday plans, Bella and

Edward went to bed.

They curled up into one another in silent reverence. Bella closed her eyes for her nightly



Thank you so much for all the joys in my life. Thank you for bringing my family and friends

together as a whole for the holidays. Thank you, God, for this wonderful precious life growing

inside me. Our child might be small right now, but it’s still a blessing nonetheless. Give me the

strength to nurture our child and please, Lord, prevent any unforeseen dangers from occurring.

This baby feels right, as it’s the product of true love, and it will be raised knowing that love was

what brought it into this world. Please guide Edward and me through this child’s life and

growth. Help us be the parents ours were to us. Good, kind, loving, understanding but also

disciplined and strong.

All these things I ask for in your name.

“Amen,” she whispered.

“I often wondered what you did every night when you seemed to disappear from me for a few

moments.” Edward prodded, “Do you pray every night?”

“I do. I figure if there really is a higher power out there, I want him on my side,” she said with a


“Very smart, Mrs. Cullen. What did you pray about tonight?” Edward yawned, fighting back


“I asked God to protect us, our family, and our child,” she returned the yawn with a chuckle.

“That’s beautiful, Bells. I truly believe he listens to you. After all, you’re an angel,” Edward

whispered as his eyes fluttered closed.

Bella could hear the purr of his heavy breathing in her ear. She felt complete. Her friends were

home, her family was healthy and safe, her husband loved her, and above all their child was

growing inside her. Life, in this moment, was perfect.

When I see your smile

Tears roll down my face I can't replace

And now that I'm strong I have figured out

How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul

And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one

Seasons are changing

And waves are crashing

And stars are falling all for us

Days grow longer and nights grow shorter

I can show you I'll be the one

I will never let you fall

I'll stand up with you forever

I'll be there for you through it all

Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

~ Chapter 21: Age 24 ~

Bella lay in the bed, her huge belly protruding upward, as Edward’s head lay softly on top of her

stomach, listening to the baby and singing.

“From your head, down to your toes,” Edward sang, drawing a line along his wife’s belly.

“You’re not much, goodness knows, but you’re so precious to me, sweet as can be, baby of


“Oh, Edward, hurry. Feel this,” Bella screeched with glee as she guided his hand across her bare

bulging stomach.

“Is that the baby kicking?” he asked, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He had tried so many

times throughout her pregnancy to feel the baby kick, but his attempts we always thwarted. To

finally feel his child move in the womb had him thoroughly elated with fatherly pride.

“She’s telling her daddy she loves the sound of his voice. She always gets so excited when you

sing to her,” Bella replied with a chuckle.

Edward leaned back down and kissed Bella’s stomach. “I’ll sing to you forever. That’s a

promise, my sweet angel,” he whispered.

Bella gently played with Edward’s hair as he continued to hum to their unborn child. They

squealed and cooed every time the baby would make a movement. She especially seemed to

respond to when Bella and Edward would laugh together. The sound of her parents happy

seemed to make her happy as well.

Edward’s hum was nearly a purr as Bella tugged tenderly at his hair. She ran her hand down his

bare shoulders, feeling the muscles in his back contract under her fingertips. She watched his

flesh goose bump at the feel of her gentle ministrations.

His lips made purchase with her stomach. He kissed her gently as his hands cradled her large


“I love you, sweetheart,” Bella whispered to Edward.

He looked up at her, and smiled. She was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Her skin

radiated the glow of a mother, her eyes filled with both love and lust for him, and the sound of

her voice told him exactly what she was thinking in that very moment.

They had been lucky enough that this pregnancy had been extremely easy. Because of Bella’s

incessant need to stay healthy, she worked-out every day, she had maintained a healthy diet, and

while she had to use the insulin pump, her blood sugar had been easily regulated throughout the

whole pregnancy. Edward counted his blessings that both his wife and child were safe and


Now, she was a couple of weeks away from her due date, and they were both aching for the baby

to finally arrive.

Bella smiled at him playfully. Edward sensed his wife’s need for him as he slid up the length of

her body, and gently kissed her. She moaned softly against his lips.

“I love you too, my darling,” he whispered back.

His hand slowly slid up her bare stomach, underneath her camisole. She closed her eyes, and

moaned softly, as his lips moved to her neck.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?” Edward asked as he nipped at the delicate skin of her


“Mmmhmm, tell me,” she quietly demanded.

His hand slinked up her ribcage, “Where do I begin? Hmm, maybe I should start right here?”

He cupped her breast in his hand, sliding his thumb over her pert nipple. “Yes, this is a very

good place to start.”

Bella moaned, as Edward kneaded her breast, slowly with his large hand. What was normally a

handful to him was now overflowing in his grasp. He gently tugged on her nipple, making the

already pebbled skin, tighten under his grip.

She closed her eyes, letting the sensation of his hands on her body wash over her.

Her body felt so different now, yet so much the same. Her breasts were bigger, her skin seemed

softer, and there was the obvious baby bump that thwarted most of his attempts to make love to

his wife. That didn’t stop him though. He desired her more and more every day, and her

carrying his child made her all the more beautiful in his eyes.

He ran his fingertips along her chest to the other breast. Instantaneously, her other nipple was


“But then there’s these lips,” he said, as he slipped his hand out from under her silk nightie.

“These lips, these gorgeous, plump, sweet tasting lips that I could kiss all day long without

stopping for air,” he whispered as he drug his thumb along the length of her lips.

Bella bit his thumb, sucking it deep into her mouth. Edward closed his eyes as her tongue teased

the pad of his thumb.

“Kiss me, Bells,” his voice, laced with desire, demanded.

He quickly removed his thumb from her mouth, and crushed his lips to hers. His tongue traced

her bottom lip begging for entrance, which she willingly gave him. Their kiss was so

encompassing. His tongue fought with hers for control, as her fingers gripped the hair at the nap

of his neck, tugging just slightly.

He moaned in her mouth, fighting the urge to pounce her. His fingers slowly pushed her

camisole over her bare breast where he teased her sensitive skin, relentlessly.

He moved his lips down the length of her neck, sucking her skin deep in his mouth, devouring

every inch of her, tasting her, relishing her. He flicked his tongue along her collarbone, and

smiled as she shivered under his touch.

“Eddie, please don’t tease me anymore. I don’t think I could handle it,” Bella begged.

“You take my fun away,” he teased, a mischievous smile formed on his face.

Bella smiled, but knew immediately he would soon have his way with her. “Never, my love.

I’m just asking that you make love to me.”

“My pleasure,” he said, as he tugged her top over her head to expose her bare breasts fully. He

watched as her breasts bounced. His eyes bounced in time with them, causing him to have the

urge to shove his face between them. He could just imagine the weight of her voluptuous tits on

his face.

His lips immediately consumed her awaiting mounds. She squirmed as his tongue slid over her

pert nipples, sucking her deep inside his mouth. He bit her ever so slightly causing her to cry out

from the sensation.

He looked up into her eyes, now burning with passion, and smiled.

“Should I tell you my favorite part of your glorious body?”

Bella whimpered.

His hand slid down the length of her body, and slipped underneath her silk pajama shorts.

He ran his fingertips over her pelvis, just where her baby bump ended, allowing her to feel his

fingers close to her heat.

“I love your sweet spot, most of all, and the fact that it belongs to me, and me alone, drives me

insane. I love the way you feel when you’re wrapped around my cock, I love the way you smell,

and most of all, I love the way you taste.

“I miss tasting you, my love. I miss slipping my tongue between your legs, and watching your

body react to the pleasures my tongue and mouth would bring you.”

Edward slipped a finger between her hot folds, feeling the slickness that was pooling there, and


“You’re insatiable, baby,” he murmured against her lips, as his fingers pushed inside her wet


Bella cried out, spreading her legs wide for him to have easier access. Her breathing increased

as he pushed his finger further up.

“More, Eddie,” she pleaded.

Edward slipped his finger out her, causing her to cry out from the loss. He sucked his finger in

his mouth, moaning at the flavor that was only her, on his tongue.

“You want to know the first thing I plan on doing when the doctor gives you the all clear after

the baby arrives?”

He moved down the length of her body, tugging on her pajama bottoms.

“What?” she rasped, as she lifted her hips as high as she could for him to remove her shorts.

He gently striped off her shorts, leaving her completely naked before him. He sat back and

stared at her beautiful body. He knew how uncomfortable it was for her when he went down on

her, but he longed for that moment that he could truly taste her again.

“I plan on eating you for hours. I want you so swollen that you’ll beg me to stop, and when I

finally do, I plan on flipping you over, and taking you from behind,” he stated ever so boldly.

Bella swallowed hard, as he staked his claim over her body. She missed being free with him.

While their lovemaking was still quite enjoyable, it was still not the same since her belly was in

the way. She missed when Edward would get aggressive with her, and flip her into the positions

he wanted her.

His eyes raked over her. He never understood how some men didn’t see their pregnant wives as

gorgeous. Bella was always beautiful to him, but laying before him naked, desiring him even

when he knew she was uncomfortable, there was nothing more enticing, more sexy, than that.

He dipped his fingers between her slick folds, and brought her desire to his lips sucking it off.

She squirmed begging him with her body to fulfill her need.

“Fuck,” he whispered as he relished the sight of her open before him.

He quickly removed his own sleep pants. He could no longer deny the need that was thrumming

his veins.

He heard Bella’s intake of air as he revealed himself to her, and he smiled.

She watched as his perfect body was exposed to her. Edward had maintained his perfect

physique throughout her pregnancy, and for that, she was grateful. Of course, it did not hurt that

they worked out together every day. Edward had been such a huge part of her support system.

He loved her unconditionally, and that was worth everything to her.

Bella had been determined she would stay healthy for him and their baby. Since she was

working so hard, Edward also worked hard to stay healthy.

She exhaled loudly as he lay down beside her. He turned her so that he was spooning her. She

pushed her back against his stomach, feeling his erection flush with her body.

“You comfortable, my love?” he asked, sweetly.

“Yes, baby,” she replied back, her voice laced with desire. It meant so much to her that he

always considered her comfort first, but right now, she needed him buried deep inside her. There

was only one person in the world that could make her feel complete, and she longed for him to

connect with her, mentally, emotionally and most of all, physically.

Edward pushed her hair above her head, as he licked his lips and sucked the skin of her neck

deep into his mouth. He wrapped his arms around her chest, pulling her tighter against him and

centering himself with her sweltering heat.

“Wrap your leg over mine, baby. I’m dying to feel you,” he commanded.

Bella’s breath hitched as she lifted her leg and placed it over his. She felt the head of his cock,

teasing her, and she pushed down, to feel him.

Edward hissed at the contact, and couldn’t control his reaction. He pushed deep into her, causing

her to cry out as he entered her. They had become masters of making love while spooning, and

while he couldn’t get as deep as he liked, he thank his lucky stars, he still got to be connected to

her this way.

He held her close to his body, as he gently pushed himself inside her, feeling her body contract

around him.

“Slowly, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

Prior to her pregnancy, he was able to regulate her orgasms. Now, her body was so sensitive that

upon entering her, she practically spasmed out of control.

She moaned loudly, trying to control her body, but finding it extremely difficult.

He loved her gently with his body. Their fingers intertwined across her belly, while his lips

kissed her neck. They moved rhythmically together to bring them both to climax.

Bella gripped his fingers tightly as he filled her, completing her. It wasn’t just enough that he

gave her a child, but the fact that he still desired her, when some men would have seen her as just

another fat, pregnant woman, made her love him all the more.

He felt her tighten around him again, and watched as a single tear rolled down her face. Sex had

become so emotional to her during the latter part of her pregnancy that she would often cry as

she was about to climax.

At first, he feared he was hurting her during their lovemaking. It was not until she explained that

when she was near her peak, her heart felt like it was going to explode right out of her chest with

love for him, that he understood the connection. He realized she couldn’t help but cry. Her body

released not only the pleasure of the orgasm through her tears, but also revealed the love that

brought her to the ultimate high.

He laughed momentarily at her explanation, but later learned to read this as another signal that he

had her close.

He pushed a little faster, helping her reach her climax first. As she screamed out his name, he

kissed her neck, whispering his love for her, and finally let himself lose control. Their fingers

tightened together around her waist, as he gave one last hard push, found his own release.

“How did I get so lucky?” he asked as he sucked her earlobe between his teeth.

“I’m the lucky one,” she rasped.

They lay connected in silence, listening to the sound of each other’s breath. When Bella’s

breathing deepened, Edward realized she had fallen asleep. He moved away from her, finally

pulling out of her, when she grabbed his arm.

“Don’t leave me, Eddie. Please don’t leave,” she cried.

“I’m not going anywhere, my love. I was just readjusting. That’s all.”

She sighed, and fell into a peaceful slumber. He lay, and watched her for a little while, sleeping

soundly. He moved her hair away from her neck, and marveled at the beauty that lay before him.

She belonged to him as he did her, and his heart swelled with pride and contentment. He leaned

in and kissed her. “I love you, Isabella Cullen. Never forget that.”

“Mmmhmm,” she murmured, sleepily.

He smiled as he positioned her belly on a pillow to support her back better, then curled up, and

went to sleep beside his beautiful wife and child.

The next morning, he let her sleep in. They had their weekly doctor visit scheduled for

midmorning, to make sure everything was still going smoothly with the pregnancy. Charlie

always gave Edward the morning off for these visits, as he was just as excited to hear how his

granddaughter was doing, as Edward was.

“Bella, baby. It’s time to get up. We have to get ready,” Edward nudged her.

Bella’s eyes opened. She smiled lazily at her husband. He leaned in and kissed her gently. She

stretched her arms and legs out fully. Edward chuckled. His wife reminded him of a cat

stretching after a long nap. She smiled at him and tried to roll out of the bed. Edward laughed as

Bella tried to heave herself out of their bed.

“Don’t just stand there, help me,” Bella bellowed.

Edward offered her his hand, and helped her out of the bed.

“God, I’ll be happy to see my feet again,” she complained.

Edward laughed loudly. That had been her biggest complaint. Most women complained about

the weight gain or the swelling. Not his Bella. She hated not seeing her feet with a passion.

He watched as his wife waddled into their bathroom. He laughed at her grumblings while she

took her shower.

“Edward! Baby, can you grab me a towel? Mine fell on the floor, and there’s no way in Hell I’m

going to try to get it.”

He walked into the bathroom to see her poking her head out of the shower, water dripping down

her face, and he couldn’t help but want her.

“Come here,” he instructed her, still holding the towel in his hand.

She stepped out of the shower, careful not to slip on the tile, and walked towards him. The water

glistened on her body, as he took the towel and dried her off. He began at the top her head,

squeezing the water out of her hair, and slowly maneuvered down her body, making sure every

inch of her was dry.

When he reached her belly, he leaned in and kissed it. “Good Morning, baby girl. We get to see

you today,” he cooed.

Bella chuckled as she ran her fingers through his disheveled hair.

“Get ready, baby. We have to leave in thirty minutes,” Edward told her as he stood up straight.

He pulled her to him, squeezing her bare behind, and kissed her.

“If only we didn’t have to leave so soon,” he whispered against her lips.

Bella moaned her agreement, snaking her hand down the front of his pants. She giggled as she

felt his hard cock, straining for escape from its confinement.

“Seriously, get dressed, or we’re not making it to the doctor’s office today.”

Bella reluctantly got dressed.

Their drive to the doctor’s office was quick, and they were surprised when they got to their

appointment early. Bella immediately headed to the receptionist desk to sign in.

“Bella, how are you today?” Angela asked, as she pulled out Bella’s chart.

“Great. Tired, but great,” Bella replied, looking up at Edward with a smile.

“You two are one of the cutest couples I’ve ever seen.” Angela giggled.

Angela had moved to Forks three years earlier, after finishing college. She had always wanted a

small town life, and Forks seemed to be the perfect fit. She enjoyed working for Dr. Masen.

While it didn’t give her much of a chance to meet single men, she did enjoy working with

expecting mothers and the beautiful babies.

The Cullen’s were a rare treat for her. Angela enjoyed staring at the gorgeous man that was

Officer Cullen, but she loved watching how tentative he was to his wife’s needs. She prayed that

one day she would be lucky enough to find a man like him.

“Thanks,” Edward replied with a smile.

He led Bella to a seat as they waited for the doctor.

While waiting, Edward held Bella’s hand, rubbing lazy circles along the top of her wrist and

thumb. He leaned in and kissed her nose, eliciting a chuckle from her. Every woman in the

waiting room sighed as they watched Edward, dressed in his uniform, show his pregnant wife so

much affection.

“I’ll never tire of that,” he whispered.

“What? Of all these women ogling you?” Bella asked sarcastically.

“No, all the women in this room are ogling you, sweetheart. I never get tried of letting people

know that you’re mine,” Edward whispered as he leaned in and kissed her gently on her plump,

pink lips.

She looked around the room and realized he was right. They each gave her a big smile, as if to

say, ‘you got yourself a keeper, girl’.

“Isabella Cullen?” a nurse called out.

They were quickly escorted back to an examination room.

The nurse pulled a cart into the room, and meticulously set up the equipment for the doctor.

“Please change into the robe. The doctor will be with you in a few moments,” the nurse politely

said as she exited the room.

Bella did as she was told and was seated on the examination table when Dr. Masen entered the


“How are you both this morning?” the gorgeous British doctor asked.

“Good,” Bella and Edward replied in unison. All three adults laughed at the impulse reaction.

Dr. Masen quickly composed himself. “Since we’re about two weeks out from your due date, I

would like to proceed with a sonogram first. Just so we can see how the baby is developing.

Bella, if you will please lie back, we’ll get started.”

Bella lay back on the table, and Edward wrapped a white sheet around her pelvis. The doctor

lifted the cloth robe, revealing her huge stomach. She closed her eyes as he slathered her with

the blue goo used for the sonogram. A sense of nostalgia washed over her. Her mind drifted

back to the first sonogram they had.

“Doctor Masen will be with you in a moment,” a kind older woman advised them.

Bella was dressed in the medical robe as instructed by the nurse. She felt like a child seated with

her legs dangling from the examination table, waiting for the doctor to enter the room.

Edward was looking curiously around the room, opening drawers, and pulling out stuff he

should not be touching. Edward slammed a drawer shut when the door opened, and in stepped

the doctor.

If Edward hadn’t been in the room with her, Bella would have sworn Edward had stolen a

doctor’s coat and was teasing her. She did a double take between her husband and her doctor.

The similarities were uncanny. The old adage that everyone in the world has a twin crossed

Bella’s mind as she gazed upon the gorgeous doctor.

Just my luck, she thought, I would get a handsome doctor.

“Good Afternoon,” Dr. Masen politely greeted them, in a thick British accent.

Dr. Masen talked with the couple a few moments, getting what Bella considered was too much

information. He was kind, but she struggled with not staring at the man.

He informed her he wanted to do a sonogram, to see how far along she was. He left the room for

a few moments, and sent the nurse back in with a cart.

She set up his equipment and quickly left.

Dr. Masen returned and started the sonogram.

“This might feel cold,” he warned her, as he slathered blue goo on her belly. She was starting to

show, and laughed as the doctor had to practically slap Edward’s hands off her stomach.

The more she started to show, the more Edward’s hands stayed on or near her stomach. He was

drawn to her baby bump, like a moth to a flame.

“Ohh,” Bella jumped as the cold liquid hit her warm skin. Edward took her hand, offering any

comfort he could give.

They watched as the doctor took a mouse looking device, and began running it over her

abdomen. Dr. Masen would stop for a moment, click a button or two, and then begin again.

Bella had observed this procedure while doing her rounds in the hospital. She knew that the

doctor was measuring the length of the fetus, and the circumference of its head, to gauge the

fetus’ gestation rate.

After several moments of concentrated silence, the doctor looked at the young couple and smiled

brightly. “Would you like to know the baby’s sex?”

Edward looked at Bella expectantly. He was dying to know if he was getting a boy or a girl.

Bella nodded at him with a huge smile on her face.

“Please, doctor. What is it?” Edward asked.

“You’re having a little girl,” Dr. Masen replied as he pointed to a dark area on the monitor.

“A girl?” Edward whispered.

Bella felt fear and disappointment grip her. She was afraid he was upset that he didn’t get a



“We’re having a girl!” Edward exclaimed as a huge smile spread across.

“YES!” he hollered as he jumped into the air, and his fist punched towards the sky.


Bella and Dr. Masen laughed as they watched Edward’s comical display of excitement. His grin

was plastered to his face as he attempted to compose himself.

He looked at the doctor and then at his wife, with pride in his eyes.

Dr. Masen laughed boisterously at Edward’s excitement. He always enjoyed watching the face

of the expecting father’s initial reaction to the child’s sex. While the mother was always excited

no matter what the sex of the child was, it was more fun to him to see the father’s surprised

expression. Whether it was happy disappointment or complete excitement, like Edward was

displaying, he never tired of this moment.

“Are you okay, baby?” Bella asked, still unsure of Edward’s reaction.

“We’re having a little girl. A little girl, Bells. Our little girl.”

Bella looked to see a tear trickle down his cheek as he leaned in and kissed her. Their private

moment was interrupted by a rushing sound filling the room.

It sounded like water hitting a beach, the wings of a humming bird fluttering, and the wind

blowing in the trees. The sound moved so quickly it was hard to tell what it could be.

“She’s perfect,” Dr. Masen broke their reverence. “She has a very strong heartbeat.”

Edward watched the screen as the sound of his child’s heartbeat filled the air. He could

physically see the movement on the screen as her heartbeat became the most beautiful music to

his ears.

“Beautiful,” Edward whispered, as the tears now flowed freely. He looked down to see Bella

staring at him, crying.

“You’re happy?” she asked weakly.

“I’ve never been happier than I am in this moment. I now have the two most beautiful women in

my life. How could I be happier?” he replied to her.

“Bella?” the doctor asked, “Dr. Cullen?”

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Bella blushed, realizing she had just been caught daydreaming.

Dr. Masen chuckled, “I said you could get dressed now.”

Edward and Dr. Masen assisted Bella in sitting up on the table, helping her slide to the end.

“Thanks, Doc,” Edward extended his hand to the doctor.

Bella chuckled as she watched the two men shake hands. It still struck her as bizarre how

closely they resembled one another.

The doctor left the room, and Bella got dressed. They left the office feeling excited. Any day

now, their little girl would be in their arms, and they would be a complete family.

~ X ~

Later that night, Bella lay in bed with Edward. She cuddled next to him, cradling her belly. Her

mind wouldn’t shut down, so she lay in the dark, listening to her husband’s soft breathing.

Suddenly, pain shot through her lower abdomen and spine. She had felt pain like this before

when she had a bout of Braxton Hicks. She worked to breathe through it, and shrugged it off.

She closed her eyes, and returned to listening to the sound of Edward sleeping. She felt so

comfortable in his arms. The world was a safe place as long as she had him with her.

Fifteen minutes had passed when she felt the pain again.

Damn it. I just want to rest for Christ’s sake.

Realizing she would not be able to get comfortable, and unwilling to wake Edward up, she gently

extracted herself from Edward’s grip. He whimpered in his sleep at the loss of her body heat.

She smiled as she watched him search for her in his sleep.

“I’ll be right back, my love,” she inaudibly whispered.

She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a drink of water. Out of habit, she checked her

blood sugar and was satisfied with the results.

As she was still wide awake, she went into the living room to watch early morning television.

She desperately tried to get comfortable, but comfort evaded her. Her back was hurting, slightly

tingling, and those sharp pains were still coming about every fifteen minutes.

She growled as the next wave of pain shot through her legs.

Could I be in labor?

I better start timing these.

Bella looked up at the clock as the pain subsided in her back. It was four in the morning, and she

hated the idea of waking Edward for a false alarm.

After about an hour, she realized that pain was starting to get worse, and it was now coming at

quicker intervals. She knew that she still had time, and she wanted to give Edward a little longer

to sleep, so she continued waiting, desperately trying to get comfortable.

By six-thirty, the pain was becoming unbearable. She knew she needed to get to a hospital, this

baby was about to make her grand appearance to the world. She was just about to try and walk

back upstairs to tell Edward they needed to go, when he appeared.

“Baby, is everything okay?” a look of concern crossed his face.

“I think we need to go to the hospital,” Bella weakly said.

“Is something wrong with the baby? Are you okay?” Edward was on the floor and at her knees

within seconds.

Bella ran her fingers through his disheveled hair and smiled. She pulled him to her, and kissed

him tenderly.

“We’re perfect. But, baby, its time,” she whispered against his lips.

“Time for wh –”

Edward’s face paled slightly and then excitement streaked across it. Bella smiled as she watched

his eyes dance with realization.

“Now?” he blurted out

She nodded her head and smiled, just as another contraction hit her. This was the first time she

cried out from the pain.

“Baby, we really need to go now,” Bella warned as she tried to breathe through the pain.

“Okay, I’ll get dressed and grab our bags. You stay right here,” Edward jumped up like a

cartoon character. His body was reacting quicker than his mind.

“Eddie, can you hand me the phone. I need to call mom and Esme,” she whimpered.

He did as she asked and ran up the stairs. By the time he got back, Bella had already called their


Edward helped her off the couch and quickly helped her dress.

“They’re going to meet us there,” she whispered as Edward slipped her shoes on her feet. His

smile was ever widening, but clouded by concern. He knew she would have to go through pain,

but it still killed him to watch it.

They moved to the car, and within a flash, were standing in the hospital checking her in. A nurse

brought a wheelchair to her, and had her sit down. It was perfect timing, because another

contraction occurred at that moment. They were getting stronger and closer together.

Bella explained to the nurse that her contractions were coming approximately every eight to ten

minutes, and that she had been feeling them since four that morning.

Edward’s head popped up at that information.

“Why didn’t you wake me?” She could see the anger in his eyes, but felt no guilt. He needed

the rest, and she would never begrudge him that.

They got her into a room, and before she knew it, the room was buzzing. She had changed into a

hospital gown and was fighting the tears as her next contraction came with a force of a thousand


An anesthesiologist came into the room to give Bella her epidural. Edward cringed when the

doctor had Bella lean forward as far as she could. The needle had to be as long as his arm. The

anesthesiologist told Bella to hold Edward’s hand, she was going to feel a slight pinch, but not to

move if at all possible.

It’s official. I’m no longer the biggest thing inserted into her beautiful body.

While the doctor had given Bella a local anesthetic prior to the epidural, Edward could tell Bella

still felt a slight twinge of pain when the needle was inserted into her spine. Bella seemed to

relax completely when the medication started entering her system. Before he knew it, his

beautiful, loving wife was laughing and smiling, and asking to see their family and friends.

Renee and Esme were cooing over Bella, and Carlisle was hovering over the nurse as she hooked

Bella and the baby up on a heart monitor. Charlie was watching TV in the corner, trying to

pretend he wasn’t in a hospital. At one point, Edward almost felt aggravated when the mothers

pushed him away from his wife, so they could both be near her at the same time. He didn’t think

he was being selfish in the fact he wanted to constantly be at her side. She was his wife after all,

and she was about to deliver his child into the world.

“Eddie?” she whimpered, bringing him out of his funk.

My wife needs me. Take that, women!

Edward jumped out his seat, and was pushing past his mother to get to her. “What is it, baby?”

Esme and Renee chuckled at his reaction. They both remembered watching their own husbands

respond just as Edward was doing, and it was fun to finally be on the outside looking in.

“Jasper and Alice? Have you called them? I want Alice here.” Tears began to stream down her

face, and Edward gently pushed them away with his fingertips. He smiled and reassured her, “I

called them the moment we got here.”

“Will they make it on time?” she queried.

“They were in Portland. They should be here before we know it.” He leaned in and kissed her

nose, as they both sighed. Everyone they loved most in the world was going to be there for the

birth of their child. There could not be a happier moment in their life.

“I’m here now. Get out of the way. I know everything about birthin’ babies,” Emmett bellowed

as he carried Emmy into the room, with Rose behind him, rolling her eyes.

Rose walked past her husband to Bella’s side. She touched Renee’s shoulder and smiled.

“How you doing, preggo?” Rose teased.

“Oh, you know, about to pop a watermelon out of my vagina. Nothing unusual about that,

right?” Bella said with a playful shrug.

“Gross. That was a mental image I could have lived without,” Emmett’s voice boomed, as he

placed Emmy down on the floor.

Emmy crawled up into the bed with Bella, placing her hand on her tummy. “We’re having a


“Looks like it,” Dr. Masen replied to the child as he walked through the door. The room stopped

as they looked upon the young doctor. He was dressed in black slacks, a blue button down shirt,

with a wildly colored tie, and his white jacket hanging nicely over his trim physique.

He walked over to Bella and squeezed her foot. Emmy looked at him curiously and then back at

Edward who was standing beside his wife holding her hand. “Unkie Edword, when did you

become a doctor?” she asked.

Everyone in the room laughed as the child voiced the strange resemblance between the two men.

“What’s your name?” Dr. Masen asked.

“Emmelie. But I like you, so you can call me Emmy,” she stated very matter-of-factly. “I like

your glasses,” the little girl flirted with the cute doctor.

Dr. Masen smiled at the little girl as he pushed his black, square rimmed glasses up his nose.

“Well, you have on a lovely dress, darling.”

“Mommy says it makes me look like a little lady.” Emmy fluffed her pinky flowery dress up.

“Your Mum is quiet right,” the handsome doctor winked at Emmy causing her to blush.

Once again, the room was in an uproar as this child stole the heart of the young doctor.

“Well, Emmy, how would you like to be my assistant?” he asked with a smile.

“Sure!” she exclaimed.

Dr. Masen nodded towards Emmett and Rose, silently asking permission to touch their child.

With a polite nod from her parents, he picked her up off the bed.

“Well, as my assistant, I need you take all the adults into the hall while I check on the baby and

our patient. Do you think you can handle such a job?”

Emmy’s face lit up and she nodded. The sweet doctor put her on the ground as she took her

Daddy’s hand.

“C’mon everyone,” she ordered, tugging on her father’s hand.

Everyone filed out of the room, giving Edward and Bella privacy. Dr. Masen quickly reviewed

her monitor’s print-outs and smiled.

“You’re feeling no pain at all, are you?”

“No, sir. Why do you ask?”

“You’re having a contraction right now.” Dr. Masen smiled at her. “It looks like they’re coming

every four minutes now.”

Bella looked up at Edward and shrugged. The doctor did a pelvic examination and found she

was dilated eight centimeters.

“I’m sorry, doctor, but I really need to go to the bathroom.” The doctor smiled and assisted

Edward in helping Bella get out of the bed. Her feet touched the floor, and as she started

walking towards the lavatory, she felt fluid trickle down her leg. She looked down to see a flood

of water on the floor, and felt humiliated. She figured with the epidural, she must not have had

control of her bladder.

She blushed a bright red and was about to apologize for the mess, when the doctor hit the nurse

call button.

“I need a clean-up in delivery room two. Dr. Cullen’s water just broke,” Dr. Masen advised as

he turned to Bella. “I take it you don’t need to go to the loo now, yes?” he laughed.

Bella blushed brighter as she shook her head. A nurse came into the room with a new dressing

gown for Bella and mop.

Minutes later, Bella was dressed in a fresh gown, and was back in her bed. Her friends and

family were allowed back in the room to give her company.

“It shouldn’t be much longer now. I’ll return in about an hour to check on you,” the handsome

doctor instructed, as he patted Emmy on the head, and left the room.

Emmy crawled back in the bed with Bella, and everyone picked up right where they left off

before the good doctor entered the room.

Within minutes, Emmett leaves to go and get everyone something to snack on. When he returns,

he has everything he bought stacked in a wheelchair. He handed everything out, and with a

mischievous grin, winked at Bella.

“Hey, Edward.” Emmett called out. “You wanna ride?” Emmett twirled the wheelchair around

in a circle.

“Hell, yeah!” Edward exclaimed as he let go of his wife’s hand.

“That’s not meant for playing with, boys,” Carlisle reprimanded.

The men ignored Carlisle. Edward hopped in to the chair, Emmett began running him around the

room. Edward curled his legs to his chest as Emmett cornered around Bella’s bed.

Even Carlisle had to laugh as Emmett hit the corner of the bed, sending Edward flying out of the


“My turn!” Emmy laughed at her uncle sprawled across the floor.

“Oh, no, you don’t!” Rose demanded.

“But, I want to play,” Emmy cried.

“Sweetheart, Uncle Edward could have been badly hurt. We want to keep you safe,” Charlie

told the child.

Emmy huffed and curled back up against Bella, when suddenly Bella felt a contraction. It wasn’t

like what she had felt when she came in, but she knew exactly what it was.

“Ow,” she whispered.

“What, are you okay?” Edward was by her side, squeezing her hand.

Carlisle looked at the print-out from the monitor. He immediately called the nurse. “We need

Dr. Masen back here STAT. Bella’s contractions are now thirty seconds apart.”

The nurse acknowledged Carlisle’s request.

Within minutes, Dr. Masen returned to Bella’s room, now dressed in scrubs, with two nurses by

his side. He asked Emmy to usher everyone out of the room, because he was going to help the

baby come out to meet her.

Emmy squealed with delight as she pushed Rose’s legs to get them moving.

Edward was standing beside his wife when Bella asked, “Can Carlisle stay?”

Carlisle looked surprised.

“You’ve constantly been here for me throughout the pregnancy. I just feel more comfortable

with you in the room,” she explained.

“I would appreciate the help, Doctor,” Dr. Masen said to Carlisle.

Carlisle nodded his understanding, and gently kissed his wife as she left the room.

“We love you, honey. We’ll be right here waiting for you, and that granddaughter of ours,”

Renee said as she blew Bella a kiss, and departed the delivery room.

Once everyone had exited the room, Carlisle closed the door behind him, and walked over to


Dr. Masen quickly went to work getting everything set up. He pulled a cart towards the end of

Bella’s bed, and asked Edward and Carlisle to help move her, placing her feet in the stirrups.

He placed a sheet over her legs, providing her a discrete covering. He studied the charts, and did

a pelvic exam.

“She’s ten centimeters and fully dilated. We’re ready to go,” he instructed a nurse.

“Okay, Bella, when I tell you to push, I need to push from your abdomen. Keep your breathing

as steady as you can, but I need you to push hard.”

Bella nodded while holding Edward and Carlisle’s hands tight.

After a few moments, the doctor commanded, “Bella, push!”

Bella silently pushes as hard as she can.

“If you need to scream, than scream. It honestly helps,” the doctor instructed.

Bella nodded. Edward leaned down and kissed her.

“It’s almost over, baby,” Edward whispered in her ear, fear and excitement plaguing him.

“PUSH!” Dr. Masen exclaimed.

Bella pushed, feeling the tightness in her stomach. She cried out as the doctor told her to hold

down on her stomach.

“You’re doing great. Just one more, good push.

“Bella, push. Push, now!”

“AGGGHHHHH!” she cried out while she pushed as hard as her body would let her. She

gripped Edward and Carlisle’s hands, using their strength to help her push harder, their hands

turning white it seemed from the pressure of her grip. Neither man complained. They were just

happy to help her any way they could.

“That’s it. That’s it. Hold down! She’s almost here!”

Edward watched in amazement as their child appeared in the arms of the doctor.

“Edward, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?” Dr. Masen asked politely, holding out a pair

of scissors to Edward.

Edward smiled at his wife as she nodded her approval.

He took the scissors from the doctor and snipped this thick cord connecting his child to his wife.

Dr. Masen handed the slippery baby over to a nurse who quickly swaddled her up in a pink and

white blanket.

“Time of birth: four-twenty-one, pm.” He instructed the nurse that she was measuring the baby.

She wiped the infant down, and wrapped her loosely in a blanket.

The nurse walked over to Bella and handed the child to her. Bella looked down on the sweet

face, and instantly fell in love.

“Carlie,” she whispered.

“She’s beautiful, you two,” Carlisle hummed as he used the blanket to wipe Carlie’s face.

“She’s her mother,” Edward murmured. He looked down on his beautiful wife. She was sweaty

and pale, but all smiles. “God, I love you.” He leaned in and kissed her.

The nurse took Carlie back, so the doctor could continue to work on Bella. He allowed her to lie

back on the bed while he sutured her.

“Edward, if you will, please press that button on the wall with the stork on it,” the doctor


Carlisle chuckled as he nodded towards the button.

Edward smashed the button and looked at his father and the doctor curiously. “Why did I just do


“You just sent the announcement out that a baby has been born to the halls and waiting room,

son,” Carlisle explained.

“It plays Brahms Lullaby to all those who are waiting,” Dr. Masen stated.

Edward took Bella’s hand and kissed it. Bella smiled as she watched Edward’s eyes fixate on

the nurse holding their baby.

“Go to her, honey,” Bella whispered as she kissed his hand.

“Are you sure?”

Bella nodded. Edward leaned forward, kissed her forehead, and followed Carlisle to the baby’s


Carlisle and Edward blocked Bella’s view of the baby’s bed. She could see Edward’s eyes dance

as the nurse offered to let him hold her. As Bella watched her husband with their child, she

suddenly felt weak. Her body felt like it was numbing. She was about to say something to the

doctor when she heard the baby cry.

“My little girl, is she o–”

Suddenly, Bella’s voice was muffled by the loud beeping sound from the monitors connected to

her. Edward turned to see her eyes roll and flutter shut as her head fell against her chest.

“Bella!” he cried out as he passed the baby to the nurse, and ran toward his wife.

Dr. Masen was on his feet and at Bella’s chest within seconds, with his stethoscope to her chest.

His expression changed quickly. He started pounding on her chest.

“I need a crash cart in here, STAT!” Dr. Masen yelled towards the nurse who was sprinting out

of the room.

“What’s going on? What’s happening to her?” Edward begged as he took Bella’s hand.

Carlisle watched in horror as the heart monitor reflected the slow decline of her heartbeats.

Edward looked at the doctor who was now frantically pumping on his wife’s chest. His mind

went into panic mode.

I can’t lose her. God, no. She can’t leave our baby and me alone.

“This can’t be. This just can’t be. Her pregnancy was perfect. She’s healthy. Why is this

happening?” Edward looked at his father with tears streaking down his face.

The nurse returned with a cart, pushing Edward out of the way. She quickly set the equipment

up, handing Dr. Masen the paddles.

Edward stepped back toward his father, watching as another nurse entered the room, and

wheeled the baby out.

“What the fuck is happening?” Edward yelled. At this point, the room was moving so quickly,

no one was able to answer him.

Edward turned to his father. “What’s happening to my wife?!” he cried out.

Carlisle watched Dr. Masen and nurses as they moved into position. Carlisle loved Bella as if

she was his own daughter. He was so proud of her the day she told him she wanted to go to

medical school. He called every colleague he had in Seattle, determined to get her every amenity

he could. She was a Cullen after all, deserving all the rights that went with that name.

Carlisle’s heart sank in his chest as he watched Dr. Masen work on Bella. His mind was on

autopilot. He was used to working on other people’s loved ones, watching as they struggled for

life, but it was entirely different when it was your own. He felt helpless, and Dr. Carlisle Cullen

did not like that feeling.

When Edward’s father didn’t reply, he turned back to Bella. She lay on the bed, bare chest, her

face was pale, and her eyes were closed. He could see her breathing was now shallow, and fear

gripped his heart.

The sound of the long beep from the heart monitor, made the world seem to stop. Edward ran

towards her bed, trying to get to his wife.

“Bella, No! No! You can’t leave me. You can’t do this to me. You promised everything would

be okay. You fucking promised. Fight! Please!”

“Get him out of here!” Dr. Masen cried out.

“She’s my wife. I won’t leave her!” Edward screamed at the doctor, as he pushed the nurse


He leaned down and kissed Bella’s lips. “I love you, baby.”

Tears welled in his eyes and started to beg, “You promised. You have to keep that promise.

Carlie and I can’t do this without you. Bella, we’re two halves of a whole. I can’t live without


The line on the monitor flattened out completely. The only sound in the room was a high-

pitched beep signaling that Bella’s heart had finally stopped beating.


“Get him out of here, NOW!”

The nurse pushed Edward, trying to get him out of the room. When Edward fought against her,

Carlisle stepped in.

“No, Dad, please. I need to be with her,” Edward begged.

Carlisle dragged Edward from the room. As the nurse closed the door behind them, Edward

could hear Dr. Masen cry out, “Fight, Bella! Damn it! I’m losing her.”

Edward turned to his father. Carlisle’ face was ashen in color. Edward could see trepidation in

his father’s eyes. As a tear trickled down Carlisle cheek, Edward lost control.

“No, no, no, no! This can’t be. Tell me, this is all a nightmare. This just can’t be.”

The family came out of the waiting room to find Edward dropping to his knees in front of

Carlisle, wrapping his arms around his father’s knees.

“Please, Dad, you have to tell me my wife is going to make it. Dad!”

Carlisle looked down on Edward and shook his head. He couldn’t lie to his son.

He lifted his head to see everyone staring at them. Charlie was holding Renee in his arms, as

tears streamed down their face. Emmett pulled Rose and Emmy into his arms, while Alice and

Jasper, who had finally arrived, were holding Esme, trying to keep her calm.

They were all unsure as to what was happening, but they knew whatever it was, it was bad.

“Dad, please,” Edward pleaded, on his knees.

“I can’t, son.” Carlisle whispered back.

A feral scream echoed the halls of Forks Medical, as Edward cried out in agony.

He closed his eyes, feeling his chest collapse, as his heart broke into a million pieces. His whole

world was shattering around him. His wife was fighting for her life at this very moment, and he

was separated from her.

He found himself wondering what she would do. She was always so much stronger than him.

In the middle of the hospital floor, gripping his father’s shirt, Edward silently prayed.


I know You and I have never had a one-on-one conversation before now, and for that, I’m sorry.

However, I know, You’re listening. I know You can hear me. There’s not a doubt in my mind that

You’re real. My Bella has been talking to You for years, and I know she would never waste her

time if You weren’t really listening.

She’s struggling. She’s fighting for her life. I know You can see that, but she needs Your help.

We have a baby girl that needs her mother. I need her. I can’t live without her.

Why would You let me find her when I was so young, if You planned for us to end this way? I

can’t believe You would do that. This can’t be happening. Please, God. I’ll do anything.

Anything You ask, it’s Yours.

If you need a life for a life, take mine. Take my life instead. Please, take the very breath that

You gave me. Take the heart from my chest. It’s no good without her anyway. Make this my

first and last request. God, take me out of this world, but please… don’t take the girl.

Remember when I was young and so were you

Time stood still, love was all we knew

You were the first, so was I

We made love and then you cried

Remember when

Remember when we vowed the vows, and walked the walk

Gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard

We lived and learned, life threw curves

There was joy, there was hurt

Remember when

Remember when thirty seemed so old

Now lookin' back it's just a steppin' stone

To where we are, where we've been, said we'd do it all again

Remember when

Remember when we said when we turned gray

When the children grow up and move away

We won't be sad, we'll be glad, for all the life we've had

And we'll remember when

Remember When by Alan Jackson

~ Epilogue: Age 32 ~

“Bella, No! No! You can’t leave me. You can’t do this to me. You promised everything would

be okay. You fucking promised. Fight! Please!” Edward screamed at his wife. Her eyes were

shut, and her breathing was ragged. The machines in the room were making all sorts of God

awful noises, but none of that mattered. His wife had to fight for her life. There was no other


“You promised. You have to keep that promise. Carlie and I can’t do this without you. Bella,

we’re two halves of a whole. I can’t live without you. BELLA!!!”

Edward jolted upright, sweat pouring from his body. He struggled to extract himself from the

sheets that had tangled around his legs. His heart was racing as her name escaped his lips,


He looked over to her side of the bed, cold and empty. He wiped away the tears that had been

streaming down his face, rubbing his hands hard over his face, attempting to calm himself. He

picked up her pillow and pulled it to his face. He inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of his wife

that lingered there. He clutched the pillow to his chest as the morning light peered into the

bedroom, telling him it was a brand new day.

Edward sighed, as the bedroom door flung open, and a small brunette with bouncing curls came

flying into the room.

“Daddy! Get up!” Carlie exclaimed.

He chuckled and placed the pillow in its rightful spot, as his little girl jumped on the bed with


“C’mon, Daddy. Get up. It’s time to go fishing,” she pleaded, tugging on Edward’s arm.

Edward laughed, pulling the child into his lap, as he began to tickle her. She squealed at her

father’s relentless tickling, struggling to get away from him.

“Stop!” she cried out breathlessly.

Edward released the child from his loving grasp, laughing. “Now, go get dressed. I’ll meet you

downstairs for breakfast.”

Carlie jumped off the bed and ran out the room. Edward watched his precious little girl, and

remembered how Bella was at that age. Carlie reminded him so much of Bella when she was

eight. She was taller than Bella had been, but she had the same knobby knees, and was just as

much a klutz as his wife was. Carlie was his angel, the most precious gift his wife had ever

bestowed on him, and he loved her dearly.

He crawled out of the bed, still slightly shaken from his dream. It had been years since he had

dreamt of the fateful day. A day that had been so full of so much joy yet so much agony. He

knew what had brought the dream on, but it still didn’t make the feelings any easier.

After showering and dressing, he went downstairs and prepared breakfast for his child. Today

was their special day. Just as Charlie had taken Bella every Saturday to go fishing, Edward did

the same for Carlie. This was their time together, just to hang out. He loved the quietness of the

lake, and the constant yammering of his little girl. Occasionally, Charlie would accompany

them, but for the most part, it was just him and Carlie.

Edward placed the pancakes on the table and called up for Carlie to come eat her breakfast. She

came bouncing down the stairs, and entered the kitchen. As they ate, she talked about school,

about the impending summer, and about Jacob Junior.

Jacob and Vanessa had given birth to a bouncing baby boy four months prior to Carlie being

born. They named him Jacob Ephraim Black Junior but dubbed him J.J. for short. Because

Vanessa worked at the hospital, Jacob and Vanessa had moved to Forks, allowing J.J. to be in

same class as Carlie.

“J.J. is just so vile, Daddy,” Carlie complained. “He’s always picking on me. He calls me a nerd

and a stupidhead.”

Edward had to hold back his laughter. His little girl was being serious. He could not help but

remember doing the exact same thing to Bella. He desperately longed to get her attention at that

age, and the only way he could was by teasing her. It seemed that Jacob’s son was now in the

exact same boat he had once been in. Of course he wasn’t too sure how he felt about that. They

were only eight after all.

“Honey, I’m sure he doesn’t mean it. He’s just a little boy. They really don’t know how to talk

to little girls. Trust me that will change when you get older.”

Carlie huffed and crossed her arms, giving her father the evil-eye for sticking up for J.J. Edward

laughed. He couldn’t contain it, she was so much like her mother, and she reacted just like Bella

would have.

“Well, I think J.J. is a great big ugly boy, and I hate him,” she sulked.

“Your mother used to say the same thing about me,” Edward informed her, with a smile.

“Really?” Carlie picked her fork back up and began to eat her breakfast. She listened to her

father retell the story of her mother and him when they were her age. She laughed at the thought

of her daddy actually getting seasick and her mommy caring for him.

“So, you see, baby, I’m not defending him. He’s being very mean. I just think he doesn’t know

how to talk to you, and he desperately wants to.”

“That’s no excuse. It’s not like I’ve got cooties or something,” Carlie brooded.

Edward leaned across the table and touched his daughter’s cheek. “You’re just like your mother

when she was your age.”

Carlie beamed at him. She loved knowing she was like her mother; she idolized her.

“I miss her,” Carlie said.

“Me too, baby.” Edward ruffled Carlie’s hair, and went back to eating his breakfast.

“Is Grandpa Swan going fishing with us today?” Carlie asked with a mouthful.

“We’ll definitely have company on today’s trip,” he secretly replied to his daughter. He feared

her reaction to the news of J.J. joining them on today’s trip.

Jacob’s father, Billy, had been really sick and forced into a wheelchair. Jacob and Vanessa were

going to spend the day at Billy’s place making it more suitable for his new lifestyle. They had

asked Edward if he would mind taking J.J. for the day, so he wouldn’t get in the way. Edward

complied immediately. He appreciated the fact that his friends had such confidence in him that

they didn’t mind him taking care of their child alone.

“Goodie,” Carlie cheered, excited to have the additional company on their trip. She loved her

father with all her heart, but she enjoyed showing off for her Grandpa Swan as well.

They continued to eat in silence, when they heard the front door open.

“I’m home,” Bella called out.

Carlie’s face lit up, as she dropped her fork, and ran towards the door to greet her mother. She

flung herself into Bella’s arms, as Edward rounded the corner, and leaned against the door

watching his wife and daughter.

“Hey, baby,” Edward smiled seductively at his beautiful wife.

“Hey yourself, handsome,” she sighed.

“Rough night, I take it?”

“Not too bad, actually,” Bella replied, kissing her daughter and placing her on the ground.

“How’s the baby doing?” Edward inquired.

“When do we get to see him?” Carlie cried out, bouncing between her parents.

“Baby Jackson is doing fine. I kept my eye on him all night. He’s a tough little guy. He’s

strong, just like his mother, and spunky just like his father. Hopefully, we’ll get to see him

tonight,” Bella said, laughing.

Carlie bounced in excitement at the thought of seeing the new baby.

After several years of being on the road with AWOL, Alice and Jasper decided to call it quits

and settle down. They created their own production label, basing it in Forks, so they could be

near friends and family. When they announced they were pregnant, no one would believe them.

It wasn’t until Alice actually made an appointment to see Dr. Seth Clearwater that they all finally

believed her. Dr. Clearwater had replaced Dr. Masen at the hospital when he had decided to

make a move to Dallas, Texas, several years back to start his own medical practice. They all

hated seeing Dr. Masen leave, but it was the opportunity of a lifetime, and they couldn’t

begrudge him that. Besides, Dr. Clearwater was a great replacement for the young British doctor

at Forks Medical.

Dr. Clearwater was a young gentleman, who moved to Forks right out of college. He and Bella

hit it off rather well, allowing them to make a great team during deliveries at the hospital. He’d

care for the mother, and she’d care for the child, providing the most optimal care. After a couple

of years of working together at Forks Medical, they decided to start a practice together. It was a

great partnership, and a very well respected business in the little town of Forks.

Dr. Clearwater was more than happy to take Alice on as a patient, which allowed Bella to see

more of her friend during her pregnancy. Alice continued to work on the label throughout her

pregnancy, managing the business, thus allowing Jasper more time to record and talent search.

Unfortunately, at seven months of gestation, Alice’s body was just too small to carry such a large

baby, and she went into premature labor.

Jackson Brandon Whitlock was born nearly two months premature, but still weighed six pounds

seven ounces. Alice and Jasper had decided that Dr. Bella Cullen was the perfect candidate for

their child’s pediatrician, seeing she was practically family, thus her being at the hospital for

nearly four days straight, constantly monitoring Jackson’s progress.

“Spunky, huh? Wait until I tell Jasper you called him spunky.” Edward chuckled, pulling his

wife into his arms. Carlie rolled her eyes, and went back to the kitchen to finish her breakfast.

She was used to her parents being what she called ‘lovey-dovey’, and would much rather not

watch it.

“Don’t you dare tell Jasper I called him that. I could only imagine what he would say.” Bella

playfully slapped Edward on the chest, as he lifted her chin, kissing her deeply.

“I missed you last night, Dr. Cullen. The bed was quite lonely without you,” Edward whispered

against her lips.

Bella giggled as she felt Edward’s hand slipped up the back of her shirt, tracing his finger up her

spine. Bella pushed herself up on the tips of her toes, slipping her fingers into his messy locks,

and kissed her husband passionately.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you tonight. I just needed to make sure Jax would be okay. I owe

Alice that much,” Bella whispered, kissing the tip of Edward’s nose.

“When will Jackson get to go home?” Edward asked, releasing his wife, and following her into

the kitchen where Carlie now sat finishing her breakfast.

“I discharged him this morning. Alice and Jasper are taking him home today. He really is a

strong little guy. I think it will be just fine,” Bella cooed.

Bella made herself a plate, and sat down beside Edward, as they quietly ate their breakfast.

Being at the hospital, and watching Alice and her child struggle, brought back memories that

Bella had buried deep inside. These were memories that she had only shared with one person,

simply because they were all about him. Edward.

Edward and Carlie finished their breakfast, and excused themselves to get ready for their fishing


Bella sat at the table, nibbling at her breakfast, as her mind drifted back in time to eight years

earlier, when her own child was born.

Her husband was so cute as he held the squiggly little thing in his arms. He beamed at the baby,

so proud of the love they had made together, manifested in this tiny little infant. The baby began

to cry. Fear crossed Edward’s face, afraid he may have done something wrong.

Bella could hear her child crying, and in that moment, nothing else mattered. Her child needed

her. It didn’t matter that her arms and legs felt like jelly, nor did it matter that her heart felt like

it was trying to break through her ribcage. All that matter was Carlie was crying.

“My little girl, is she o–”

Her throat constricted, and she couldn’t finish the sentence. She could hear the sounds of the

machines around her signaling that something was terribly wrong. She desperately wanted to tell

Edward to not to worry about her. To just find out why their baby was crying, but Edward

handed the child back to the nurse, and rushed to her side.

She looked down to see Dr. Masen listening to her to chest. “I need a crash cart in here, STAT!”

the doctor cried out, as he quickly removed his glasses, throwing them on a table, and pulled her

hospital gown away from her chest.

She watched as Edward took her hand, and began to scream at the doctor. “What’s going on?

What’s wrong with my wife?” The normal tingles she would always get whenever Edward

would touch her, shot through her hand and down her body. While she felt the pain of whatever

was happening to her, there was something about his touch that seemed to overpower that pain.

She felt connected to him, as she always did when he touched her.

Dr. Masen began frantically pumping on her chest, trying to keep her heart beating. “Doctor, do

you hear me? Tell me what the hell is wrong with my wife?” Edward exclaimed.

The doctor seemed to ignore Edward’s questions, as he pushed against Bella’s chest, and started

to count to himself, “One, two, three, four…”

“It’s weird watching this from up here, isn’t it?” a small familiar voice asked her.

“I beg your pardon?” she asked, turning to see a young boy standing beside her. She recognized

this boy immediately. It was Edward, only he was once again eight years old. He smiled that

toothless grin she had loved so much, and her heart melted. She had forgotten how adorable he

really was at that age.

“It’s weird watching them do that to your body, isn’t it? No matter how hard they work, there

can only be one of two outcomes. You honestly never know how this will turn out.”

“What do you mean?” Bella asked the child.

Before he could reply they both heard Edward scream, “You promised everything would be

okay. You fucking promised. Fight, Bella! Please, fight! If not for me, then live for Carlie.

We need you, baby. Please…”

“It’s rare to see two souls as connected as you two are. Most people search all their lives to find

the second half to their soul, and never find it. Here you have such a precious gift to have found

yours,” Little Edward said with a smile.

“Connected? You mean as in soul mates. So, soul mates really exist? It’s not just a myth that

lovers make up to give a reason for their connection?” Bella found this thought to be

astonishing. She always knew that she and Edward had a special bond, but she never realized

how deep it actually went.

“Oh, yes, my love. Every soul has a partner. A twin soul if you will. That’s how God created


“And, Edward is my twin soul?” Bella looked down at her husband, as Carlisle and a nurse

struggled to pull him away from her.

“Can’t you feel it, Bella? Even now? Don’t you feel the need to go to him, to comfort him, to

save him from this agony?” Little Edward pointed towards her husband as the door shut behind

him and Carlisle, leaving her alone to watch the doctor and nurses work on her body.

Bella could feel the tug at her heart for Edward. She couldn’t think of anything else, but

comforting him, and making his pain go away.

“C’mon Bella. Bloody stay with us! One, two, three–”

Dr. Masen ran compressions on her chest, frantically trying to keep her heart beating. “Where

the hell is the bloody Dfib?” he cried out.

Bella turned to Little Edward, “Am I going to die?”

Little Edward smiled, and chuckled. “Well, that really all depends on you. At this point, the

choice is entirely yours. If you want to live, you’ll live. Otherwise…” he trailed off, looking

away from her.

Bella could feel Edward’s agony coming from the other side of the door. She was drawn to him,

but she could also feel the pull of peace coming from somewhere. She wasn’t sure where it was

coming from, but it was warm and very comforting. Happiness flooded her soul from one

direction, while agony and grief inundated her from the other.

“If I die, will he be okay?” she asked, pointing towards the door.

Little Edward’s face dropped. “It’s nearly impossible for a completed soul to survive without its

mate, once it’s been joined together. Rarely, will one survive without the other.”

“Charge the paddles,” Dr. Masen called out to a nurse, sweat pouring down his face.

She slathered gel all over the flat surface of the paddles and handed them to the doctor.

“Charging to two-hundred,” she replied.

The buzzing sound of high voltage electricity filled the room as Dr. Masen rubbed the two

paddles together, preparing to shock Bella’s heart.

“Clear!” the doctor cried out.

Bella felt a jolt of electricity careen through her as the doctor placed the paddles over her chest.

“Bella, I know you can hear me. Think of your Edward and your Carlie. They need you.

Please, bloody fight. Find the will to live,” Dr. Masen hoarsely whispered to her body.

Bella breathed in deeply, listening to the doctor willing her to live. She felt the peace near her

again, and turned to see Little Edward looking almost sad.

“You feel it, don’t you?” he asked, with worry in his little eyes.

Bella nodded her head, and turned back to watch the doctor inject her body with something.

Edward screamed from the hall, and the peace she had been feeling quickly fled from her. She

looked down at Little Edward, as he silently pleaded with her to go to her Edward.

Without thinking, Bella ran to be at Edward’s side. She slipped through the door, and abruptly

stopped in her tracks. The sight before her was heart shattering. Edward was kneeling on the

ground, crying uncontrollably, as the family stood around him and Carlisle. He was gripping

Carlisle’s shirt, ripping it from the hem of his slacks, begging his father for relief.

“I can’t, son. I just can’t,” Carlisle whispered, as he placed his hand on Edward’s head. Tears

flowed freely from Carlisle’s eyes, as he watched the agony of his child.

Bella reached out and touched Edward, surprised to suddenly be able to hear his thoughts.

She heard him pray to God, to take his life instead of hers. That he couldn’t live without her.

Life wasn’t worth living if she wasn’t in it.

Bella turned to Little Edward and cried, “That can’t happen. I won’t let him die. I can’t let him


“Only you have that choice, Bella. Only you can save both of your lives, and the life of your


“Carlie?” Bella sighed. Her child, that’s what this was all about in the first place. She had been

determined to give Edward his own child, a child she felt he deserved. A child she felt they both

deserved. She went through everything for the love of her own child. The thought of giving up

on that now seemed like a great travesty to her, after everything they had been through.

She turned back to her Edward, her hand still on his shoulder, when she felt that usual tingle, that

bit of electricity that flowed through her every time they touched.

“Bella,” her husband whispered, “I know you can hear me. I don’t know why, but I just do.

Please, don’t leave me. I need you.” She was startled. Edward’s lips had not moved. He was

still crying uncontrollably, now ripping at his hair, trying to gain control of the situation.

Bella looked over at the child beside her, with a puzzled look on her face. Little Edward laughed

at her expression, and answered her unspoken question, “That was his soul, Bella. It knows

you’re here. Answer him.”

“Answer him? How? He can’t hear me. Can he?” Bella rebutted.

“Yes, he can. Maybe not in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense, he can. Your souls are

as one. They speak to each other, even when you are not aware of it. Haven’t you ever

wondered how you both knew something about the other, even before the other told you? That’s

because the soul knows what’s deepest inside you, and when two souls are connected as one,

they speak as one.”

Little Edward placed his hand on Bella’s Edward. Her Edward’s head shot up, as he inhaled

deeply, looking around the hall. His eyes looked past his family and friends gathered around

him. He was searching for something or someone. It was as if he knew something was there

watching him.

“Talk to him, Bella,” Little Edward encouraged, as he stepped back from them.

Bella stepped in front of her Edward, and took his face in her hand, “My darling, I’m here. I’m

so sorry I’m putting you through this pain. I love you so very much, but I’m at peace here. You

don’t know what this feels like.”

Edward shut his eyes as tears streamed down his face. “You promised me. We belong together,

just you and me. Always,” his soft voice flooded her mind.

Bella’s heart jumped in her chest and she knew the doctor was still frantically working on her.

She looked over at Little Edward and he smiled. She leaned in and kissed her Edward’s lips and

in that moment, no peace could tear her from him. She was connected to him, bonded to him and

without him, nothing else mattered. She nodded her head and leaned in to his ear, whispering,

“You’re right. I made a promise, and I intend to keep it. I will be here for you and Carlie,


“Charging to three-hundred,” the nurse called out behind her.

Suddenly she was back in the delivery room with her body. She looked around to see that eight

year old Edward was still with her.

“Now’s your chance, Bella. What will it be? Will you return to your soul mate or will you leave

him behind?” Little Edward slipped his tiny hand in hers. Bella jumped at the tingling sensation

she felt from that small hand. It felt warm and comforting, as well as inviting and familiar.

“Clear!” Dr. Masen cried out, slamming the paddles against her chest.

“Choose now. You only have moments left,” Little Edward instructed quietly, tightly squeezing

her hand.

Her body jerked with the electricity flowing through it. She turned to look at little Edward and


“You’ve made the right choice, my love. You are completing us again,” he smiled as he kissed

her hand, suddenly no longer the eight year old version of Edward, but her Edward standing

before her.

“I love you,” she whispered to him.

“As I love you. Now come back to me. I’ll be waiting for you, along with our daughter,” he

whispered, kissing her gently. “Always, my love. Always.”

“Clear!” The electricity struck her chest one last time, and Bella opened her eyes to look up at

the handsome doctor’s face. The monitors connected to her body started to steady in its pace.

The loud beeping sounds that had alerted them that something was wrong were now gone,

leaving only the sound of life in the room.

Relief flooded Dr. Masen’s expression, as tears began to slowing trickle from his eyes.

“Welcome back, dear. You gave us a bit of a fright,” he chuckled.

“Edward?” her voice rasped as she asked for her husband. Her eyes rolled back into her head,

and everything went black.

What seemed like minutes to Bella were actually hours to everyone else. She woke up to the

sound of Edward singing, gently.

“Baby, mine, don’t you cry. Baby, mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart, never

to part, baby of mine,” Edward’s melodious voice softly filled the room.

Bella opened her eyes, to see Edward sitting next to her bed, rocking, with little Carlie swaddled

in a pink blanket in one arm, and his other hand resting on top of hers. She gasped when she

looked behind Edward, and saw Little Edward standing there. Little Edward smiled his sweet

toothless grin, and placed his hand on Edward’s shoulder.

“Thank you for coming back to us, love.” Little Edward whispered as he blew her a kiss, and

then merged with her Edward. Edward inhaled deeply as Little Edward disappeared. He looked

down at his beautiful wife, to see she was now awake.

“Hey, you,” Edward whispered, leaning down to kiss her.

“Hi,” her voice rasped from her chest. “Is she okay?”

“She’s perfect. Just like her mother.”

“Edward, I’m–”

Edward placed his fingers over her lips, preventing her from completing her apology. “Always,”

he whispered to her. She then heard the sound of a little boy laughing in the room, sounding

happy and free and she knew it was little Edward telling her he understood and they were once

again complete.

The doorbell rang, bringing her back to reality.

“Bells, can you get that please?” Edward called down to her.

She answered the door, to find Vanessa and J.J. standing there. J.J. had a fishing pole in his

hand, ready for the trip.

“Sorry, we’re late,” Vanessa said as Bella ushered them in the house.

“No problem,” Bella smiled at Vanessa as Edward joined her, wrapping his arm around his

wife’s waist.

“Say hello, J.J.,” Vanessa instructed her child.

The boy looked down at his feet, his beautiful russet skin, turning darker as his blush heated his

cheeks. “Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen,” he whispered.

“Dr. Cullen, sweetheart,” Vanessa respectfully scolded the child. J.J. blushed brilliantly,

embarrassed by his mistake. He opened his mouth to correct his error when Bella interrupted


“No, he’s right, Vanessa. I am first and foremost, Mrs. Cullen. He’s perfectly fine,” Bella

smiled at the young boy, placing her hand over her husband’s that lazily lay on her stomach.

J.J. looked up at Bella and smiled. His big brown eyes reminded her of his father. There was a

kindness in the child’s eyes that made her smile.

“You ready to catch some fish today?” Edward politely asked the young boy.

“Yes, sir,” J.J. looked down again, his hair falling into his eyes.

A sharp intake of air was heard from the staircase as Carlie reacted to Edward’s question to the


J.J.’s eyes shot up when he heard Carlie. A huge smile careened his face, as terror appeared on

hers. Bella watched as his eyes saddened by Carlie’s reaction to him, and remembered seeing

that exact same look in Edward’s eyes the day that Charlie took him on their first fishing trip.

She squeezed Edward’s hand, silently asking him if he could feel the connection between this

boy and their daughter. Edward squeezed back, in reply. They both smiled, knowing that fate

had a funny sense of humor. It was true what they say, all things come full circle, and here they

stood at the beginning again.

~ X ~

Later that night, everyone gathered at the Whitlock residence to see Jax for the first time, since

being released from the hospital. Alice and Jasper beamed proudly as everyone cooed and

cawed over the tiny little infant.

“He’s adorable,” Rose giggled, holding the little guy in her arms. “Ems?” she whined.

“Oh, hell, no, woman. Two are my limit,” Emmett scolded his wife, pointing between his son,

who was coloring with Carlie and J.J. in the corner of the living room, and his daughter sitting

beside Edward on the couch.

Everyone in the room laughed as Rose pouted about her husband’s rejection.

“He really is …oh, what’s the word I’m looking for Bells?” Edward squeezed his wife’s

shoulders, causing her to blush.

“Ah, yes. Spunky. That’s the word I’m looking for. He really is a spunky little fellow, isn’t


Bella elbowed Edward in the gut, knocking the air out of him.

“Spunky? You’re callin’ my kid, ‘spunky’?” Jasper questioned. “Why don’t ya just call him

jizz, and get it over with?”

Six year old Carter looked up from his coloring book, and asked, “What’s jizz, Uncle Jasper?”

Carlie slugged Carter in the arm. “Don’t you know anything? Never repeat anything Uncle

Jasper says!”

“Why not?” J.J. asked.

“Because, Mommy says that Uncle Jasper has a potty mouth, and I don’t know about you, but I

sure don’t want my mouth to become a potty,” Carlie stated confidently.

Laughter filled the room as Carlie blushed, realizing the adults had been listening to her.

“First you call my kid Spunky then you tell your little girl I have a potty mouth. What next, Dr.

Cullen? Are you going to tell me that you and Alice made out in high school?” Jasper teased.

“Well, actually, there was this one time…” Bella trailed off, laughing at the expression on all the

men’s faces.

“Kids, go upstairs and play. Bella has a something she needs to tell us,” Jacob suggested,

pointing towards the staircase.

Vanessa popped him on the back of the head, effectively stopping the conversation.

“So, Edward, Charlie was telling me the other day, that he will be retiring soon,” Jacob quickly

changed the subjected.

“That’s the rumor,” Edward shrugged.

“More than a rumor from what I hear. He was telling me that he has suggested to the town

committee that you should become the new Police Chief.”

Bella smiled proudly at her husband. It was indeed true. Charlie had decided that he wanted to

retire and spend more time with his granddaughter, so when he went to discuss this with the town

committee, they asked his opinion on his replacement. Charlie immediately suggested Edward.

Not merely because Edward was his son-in-law, but because Edward was one of his finest

officers, and had killer instincts.

“Nothing is set in stone. It’s still only a rumor,” Edward replied, trying to downplay his


“That’s awesome, man. You really should be proud of that accomplishment. You’ll get it. No

doubt about it,” Emmett encouraged his friend.

“Well, I have great news,” Alice piped up. Rose handed the baby back to her, as Alice instructed

her husband to tell their friends the good news.

“One of the groups we discovered and recorded has been nominated for a Grammy,” Jasper

informed his friends proudly.

The all congratulated Jasper and Alice on their success. Not only did they have their new baby

boy, but also their production company was now more than simply a small label.

“Hey, Uncle Jasper, do you think you could hook me up with an autograph or two for my

collection,” Emmy piped up, finally looking up from her blackberry. Even at the age of twelve,

it was obvious that Emmett and Rose were going to have their hands full with this raving beauty.

“I’ll see what I can do,” Jasper laughed.

“Cool,” she replied, going back to whatever she was doing on her phone.

Bella looked around the room and felt a sense of peace and contentment. Nearly everyone she

loved and cared about the most, sat in this very room, chatting and enjoying each other’s

company. She knew that life was not always easy, and there were bound to be rough roads ahead

for each of them, but she had learned that it didn’t matter as long as you were with the people

you loved the most.

Edward leaned in and kissed his wife’s temple. “Penny for your thoughts?” he whispered in her

ear, so only she could hear him. The room around them was lively and vibrant, as their friends

chatted and played with the new baby, but once again, Bella and Edward were lost in their own


“I was just thinking about what you told me earlier regarding Carlie and J.J.,” she replied,

looking over at her daughter and Jacob’s son.

“It does seem odd, doesn’t it? Actually, I would say more like amazing.” Edward smiled and

kissed her gently.

“What is, my love?” she whispered against his lips.

“How just a few hours on a small fishing boat can somehow bring two souls together, that would

not have come together otherwise.”

“What are we going to do about those two?” Bella asked, as J.J. leaned over and kissed Carlie on

the cheek. Carlie blushed a bright shade of red and giggled. She leaned over and brushed J.J.’s

hair away from his face, tucking it behind his ear, and whispered something to him.

Edward hugged his wife tight and smiled. “The same thing our parents did with us. Be patient

and supportive.”

Bella nodded and kissed his neck, “And continually pray for the best.”


Marcie21: My dear, it was you that persuaded me to write in the first place. You’ve stayed beside me

through thick and thin, and I can’t say thank you enough for your encouragement and friendship. You are

dear to my heart, and I will forever be grateful for you in my life.

DreamingOfEdward1: Missy, I know we’ve had our ups and our downs but in the end we’ve always

stuck by each other. You have become a priceless asset in my life. I value your friendship and your

opinion more than you will ever know. You inspire me, coach me and at times even kicked me hard in

the ass to set me back on course. I owe you a great deal. Thank you, my friend.

VronniePantz: Vron, what can I say? You fucking rock my world. Your sense of humor and love for

life has been such an inspiration to me. I loved our midnight soundboard sessions. I will never forget the

countless hours we spent thinking of different ways to get Edcalibur in a whole heap of trouble. Thank

you for everything.

TwiMonents: Jackie, you were my biggest cheerleader throughout this story. I used to look forward

getting the tweets from you begging for the next segment to show up in your inbox. You are probably

one of the most selfless individuals I have ever met. Your kindness knows no bounds. You are truly a

beautiful person and I am so lucky to be able to call you my friend.

I would also like to thank Writing4Roses, HisSparklyness, DemiCNeal, jdbeaner, and St_Angel_S.

Each of these ladies assisted me in proof reading and/or pre-reading this story. I cherish each of these

women deeply. They are all strong, caring, talented women, and I feel beyond blessed to be able to call

them friends.

Then there is my wonderful graphic artists’ candykizzes24 and kstewandrpattz. They both have such a

wonderful talent for bringing the written word to visual form with their banners, manips and collages.

They totally rock my world with their wonderful talent for visual art and I am forever in their debt.

And last but certainly not least, I wish to extend a big special thank you to all of my loyal readers. I know

I say this often but I truly mean it. I am nothing more than words on a page without you. You mean so

much to me and I owe you for your undying support.

Greek-to-English Translations in chapter 17 provided by @Annakitwi.

Please don't vomit in my car. It's impossible to clean out. = Σε παρακαλώ μην κάνεις εμετό στο

αμάξι μου. Είναι αδύνατον να καθαριστεί.

I’m not your mother, don’t expect me to clean up after you = Δεν είμαι η μητέρα σου, μην

περιμένεις να καθαρίζω πίσω απο εσένα

I have three testicles= Έχω τρεις όρχεις

My pig smells better than your breath = χοίρου μου μυρίζει καλύτερα τότε την αναπνοή σας

I love you = Σε αγαπάω

You take my breath away = Με συνεπαίρνεις

Be mine forever = Γίνε δική μου για πάντα

My heart belongs to you = Η κάρδια μου ανήκει μόνο σε σένα

Together forever = Μαζί για πάντα

It’s been a pleasure = Είναι μια ευχαρίστηση

Author’s Note:

I originally came up with this idea while picking my son up from school. The song ‘Don’t Take the Girl’

by Tim McGraw was playing on the radio at the time. I looked in the backseat of my car, and my little

redheaded boy smiled back at me with his two front teeth missing. Immediately I saw Edward in his

green eyes. I came home and pitched the idea to the girls that would soon after become my editing team.

And it just went from there.

Thank you all for the love and support you’ve given throughout this story. You don’t know how much it

means to me to still get PMs from people telling me how much they adore Edward and Bella in this fic.

Thank you all again and as my old pal C.J. Reiner would say… “Write from the heart.”