domestic violence and education

Post on 22-Feb-2023

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Transcript of domestic violence and education

Domestic Violence

Definition of Terms

Domestic : devoted to home life or household affairs.

Violence is the use of physical force to injure people or property.

In terms of section 2 of the act, Domestic violence means any controlling abusive behaviour that harms the health or safety of the applicant and includes physical, sexual, emotional, economic abuse, intimidation and harassment .Domestic violence Act [1] of Botswana,2008.

Types Of Domestic Violence

PhysicalPsychologicalEmotional SexualEconomicVerbal and non verbal

Cause of Domestic Violence

Intergenerational cycle of violenceExcessive dependence on the abuserSubstance abuseJealousy

Impact of Domestic Violence in a Learning Environment

Their ability to learn may be compromised because of exposure to domestic violence.

Students may bring worries and fears into the classroom.

They may be distracted; miss hearing positive statements made by teachers and friends, and may pay more attention to negative response


They may be impulsive, distractible, or withdrawn.

Use of violence in school or in the community

Become abusers in their own relationships later in life

Use of drugsCommit crimes especially sexual assault


Domestic violence occurs in every culture, country and age group. It affects people from all socioeconomic, educational and religious backgrounds .

Over two thirds of women in Botswana (67%) have experienced some form of gender based domestic violence in their life time.

A smaller, but high ,proportion of men (44 %) admit to perpetrating violence against women.

There are also under reported cases of men as victims of gender based domestic violence.

Nineteen out of 25 children (76%) reported that they witnessed violence towards mothers in the home prior to parents’ separation.

contSeven out of 19 children who witnessed family violence vividly recalled incidents when the physical violence imposed on their mothers was severe and life-threatening.

Not only did children witness violence between parents, but some five of the 19 were victims of physical abuse themselves.

The other four children reported violence by their father directly against them


Intervention strategies need to be put in place to assist the victims of domestic violence.

Raising public awareness of the impact of domestic violence in the society.

Empower women and men, girls and boys in self-awareness for self-management skills to prevent and respond effectively to domestic levels at all levels.


Create a comprehensive and deeper understanding of causes and consequences of domestic violence in school and out of school youth , men, women and parents.

ConclusionIn the 19th Century, Martin Luther King said ‘nothing good ever comes of violence’ 500 years later I think that statement rings true ,especially in families and especially where children are concerned.