Documentation Control Panel

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Transcript of Documentation Control Panel


Control Panel | Documentation

Management System for the Santos Cinic

October 2013


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As we are now in the electronic era, almost all the businesses throughout the world are

influenced by the contemporary ways of conveniently using the modern technology. One of the

many ways is creating a system to help different companies and organizations. A system makes

transactions easier and more convenient so having one would be of great help for the

development of a business.

To improve our skills in Information Technology and as completion to the subject IT 313

Systems Analysis and Design, we, the proponents are tasked to search for a client and make a

system that will benefit the needs of the chosen organization.

The proponents have selected a client, the Santos Clinic (Malolos) Inc. to be the subject of this

project. Santos Clinic is an ambulatory surgical clinic, a family-owned business, and is well-

known for their services in ophthalmology since 1916. They have established a strong foundation

and have gained the trust of lots of patients from different places. The organization also includes

services for ears, nose and throat, making them a better choice for consultation. However, the

organization still manages their records manually. They retrieve and store data in cabinets and

file organizers which make transactions slower. They do not have a system to organize and

manage their pharmacy and the overall files of the clinic. Knowing these problems, the

proponents have the responsibility of building a system for the Santos Clinic that shall help them

in establishing transactions needed for the business.


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This project aims to create an EENT Management System which will cover the File Management

System, Inventory System and POS. This system shall help the client in improving their services

and transactions, management of the pharmacy and organization of files which will introduce a

better and more efficient way of storing and retrieving their files. To accomplish the objective of

this project, we aim to provide the client easy access of their files. This allows them to organize

and retrieve data in a more convenient manner rather than using a manual system which makes

the recovering of data a difficult task. In order to establish a more secure way of storing data, the

file management system will be created. This will ensure that important records are safely

compiled and cannot be easily damaged by natural occurrences such as heavy rains and floods.

This will also ensure that only authorized persons can access the important files. Another is to

provide an organized inventory system which will help in managing the stocks in the pharmacy.

Lastly, to further satisfy the need of the client, we will also create a point of sales systems which

will help them in making faster transactions regarding payments and to be able to accommodate

larger amount of people at a time.

The ones involved in this project are the proponents, the administrators of the organization

together with their employees and clients of the business. The administrators and employees are

responsible for providing good facilities and making sure that their clients are well

accommodated. Providing different services that benefit the clients is also needed for a better

establishment of the business.

The project manager has the authority of requiring the status of the system that will be created.

She may oblige the proponents of including specific features in the system and may advise the


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proponents whether to disclose or not some of the confidential information obtained from the

organization. The role of the administrators is to make sure that the system that will be created

will be for the benefit of their clients and ensure that it will be used accordingly by the business.

Overview of the Current State of Technology

When it comes to the matter of the betterment of mankind, healthcare has always been and will

always be one, if not the most, of our concerns. The preservation of wellness of one’s body, as

well as the treatment of ailments will remain important for as long as we exist. That being said, it

is imperative that the efficiency of healthcare services be as maximized as possible. Several ways

to achieve said maximization of efficiency have been applied since the start of the practice of

medicine itself, and with the importance of information and the focus on its management,

collection and usage, technology happens to play a major part not just in the development of

healthcare and medical services, but in every existing industry as well.

As the field grows and information technology becomes a more crucial part of the medical

world, there comes a transition of how information is handled: from old-fashioned management

practices of using paper to more efficient electronic management: the Hospital Information

System (HIS) and the Hospital Management System (HMS). The 2011 International Conference

on Social Science and Humanity gives this introduction about the two:

“Hospital Management and Information Systems can be defined as massive, integrated systems

that support the comprehensive information requirements of hospitals, including patient, clinical,

ancillary and financial management. Hospitals are extremely complex institutions with large


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departments and units coordinate care for patients. Hospitals are becoming more reliant on the

ability of hospital information system (HIS) to assist in the diagnosis, management and education

for better and improved services and practices. In health organization such as hospitals,

implementation of HIS inevitable due to many mediating and dominating factors such as

organization, people and technology.”

Patient records that used to be stored and organized in a file cabinet now have a better form, such

as with the Electronic Health Records (EHRs). In the United States, 89% of those who responded

to a recent Wall Street Journal poll named “Benefits of Electronic Health Records Seen as

Outweighing Privacy Risks” described themselves as "Very/Somewhat Confident" in their health

care provider who used electronic health records compared to 71% of respondents who

responded positively about their providers who didn't or don't use electronic health records. The

improvements are not limited to the medical field alone, but also include related fields such as

finance: transaction documents such as receipts and sales invoice that were once required to be

written are now automatically generated, thereby lowering the time needed for transaction

processing and the total time people have to wait in queues, not to mention eliminating the errors

due to handwriting. Backups of important documents can even be made electronically, and

patient information can be easily made available to the responding medical staff. Supplies can

easily be monitored, with the staff being notified when stocks run low.

Facing this tremendous increase in efficiency, the current focus for the HIS and HMS lies in the

extension of data itself and the issue of privacy when used in conjunction with cloud computing,


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but the potential for a secure transfer of data across hospitals that eliminates the fear of data

infringement remain possible.

Cause and Effect

The Santos Clinic’s problems results mainly from their lack of a more modern way of organizing

their records, their use of a manual system, which makes their processes much harder and slower.

Such as the way they register new patients and whenever their registered patients go in for a

check-up, it’s hard to look for his or her records manually. Again, because of that, the

transactions at the information and cashier become too slow whenever there are lots of people.

Another is that they don’t have confinements, seeing that they are an ambulatory surgical clinic,

because of that, all their patients are outpatients.

SWOT Analysis

Figure 1.0 SWOT Analysis


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Established Reputation and Client Base

The Santos Clinic has a strong foundation since it was first established in 1916. As a result, they

have a number of regular patients from different places since they've been in the business for

quite long and which also fosters loyalty among their clients.

Adequate Facilities

Aside from the clinic used during consultation and check-ups, they also have their own

pharmacy where patients can buy medicine and an operating room where minor operations can

be performed.

Renowned Services

The Santos Clinic is well-known for their services in eye treatment, with its doctors exhibiting

expertise in their chosen field and profession.


Poor Record Management

The clinic has poor management of their patient's records because all of these are written, which

increases the chances that a mistake due to handwriting occur. Also, if, by chance, that a

patient’s record gets misplaced, it will be hard for them to locate and reorganize.

Insufficient Computer Resources

The clinic does not have enough computer resources to be able to handle a system, and the staffs

are not expected to be completely proficient in using a computer.


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Long Transaction Queues

Patients usually wait in a queue for a long time for their turn because the setting of appointments

is done manually, which creates some dissatisfaction in some clients.

No Data Recovery

The clinic uses a file cabinet for the storage of patient records. In case something happens to the

patient records (i.e. fire, flood), the data written on them cannot be retrieved, which will cause

trouble to their regular clients.

Incomplete Existing System

The Santos Clinic happens to be using an incomplete system, one that currently handles all

transactions of the establishment including accounting, billing, payroll, etc. The system’s

incompleteness forces the clinic to handle some transactions manually. This results in slower

transaction times and lower efficiency.


Upgrade Potential

The clinic has the means to add or upgrade their devices and facilities if ever there are new of

them that are introduced in the market.

Expansion Potential

The clinic has enough space within the area that can still be used for expansion in case of future

construction of buildings.


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Data Instability

Most documents, if not all, are susceptible to damage done by natural occurrences, and most

have no backup and are written which puts them at greater risk of being ruined.

Competitor Upgrade Potential

If the clinic is out-dated in terms of technology and their competitors are capable of acquiring

and/or possesses advanced technology then they might exceed the clinic’s performance.

Increasing Professionals

The rise in the number of graduating ophthalmologists may result in an increase in competitors,

which in turn may affect their business.

The proponents aim to address the weaknesses stated above by creating a user-friendly system

someone who cannot use a computer well can use, that manages the clinic’s patient records and

other information digitally, without the need for handwriting and prints documents which in turn

shortens the transaction queues. By dealing with the weaknesses, the strengths will be affected

positively as well. The proponents also aim to create the system as something that can adjust

itself in case of future expansion, with an automatic record back-up to prevent data loss. The

system itself creates an opportunity to lessen the chances of the threats occurring mentioned



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Root Cause Analysis

The Santos Clinic is using manual recording of files that is why their transactions are slower than

other clinics that are using systems with database. Manual recording causes them to lose some of

the patients’ records and for them to wait longer when retrieving their records.

Some of the patients are not satisfied of the client’s services. Retrieving patients’ records and

making transactions to the client’s cashier takes a long time when there are many people in the

clinic. Records might be lost or even destroyed by termites on shelves.

These errors are the result of some flaws in the manual system. Employees are only part of the


The solution to these problems is developing a POS, Inventory System and Information System

or the EENT Management System. This system will enable the authorized employee to create,

update or retrieve records in a database. Computerized transactions produce accurate and

desirable results in terms of file management.


General Objective

This project aims to create an EENT Management System for our client, Santos Clinic (Malolos)



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Specific Objectives

Easy access of file records

By creating a file management system, we will be able to help them in retrieving information

more conveniently. In this way, we can also eliminate their use of filing cabinets which causes

misplacement, loss and difficulty in accessing different files.

Promoting a secure storage of data

Knowing that the organization’s files are written on papers and stored in filing cabinets, the file

management system will help in storing files needed for the business. Keeping important files in

cabinets can cause disturbance and inconvenience to the organization. By the use of a system,

these different files will be more secured and organized and will also ensure that only those

authorized personnel can access the information.

Organized Inventory System

Having a pharmacy inside the clinic, creating an inventory system will help them in managing

their stocks and will help keep information updated regarding the medicines.

Shorter queues

By creating a point of sales system, we will be able to help them in establishing faster

transactions regarding payments. Using a manual system for this transaction causes the patients

to wait for a long time to finish their transaction especially when they are trying to accommodate

a large number of people at a time. It will also help them keep track of their sales.


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Scope and Delimitations

The study is about the improvement of the Management System of Santos Clinic and its

subsystems. It includes the development of a centralized database that will support its

subsystems which includes the Record Management, Inventory and the Point of Sale.

The scope of this study is about the Clinic’s Record Management System including the patient’s

records, the admin or user will be able to register a new patient and view, edit the patient’s

information, their consultation, the treatment(s) they were having, and the medicine records. This

study also involves an Inventory System, which holds the stocks inventory; the user will be able

to view or edit the list and remaining stocks of medical supplies, it also includes transactions

with the supplier; the user will be able to view the list of the suppliers and edit supplier records.

Lastly is the Point of Sale. The POS will have the receipt from the payment of the patient’s

checkups and the medicines that they might buy.

There would be limitations in this study due to the confidentiality of the records. The system can

only be accessed with a username and password which will only be given to the admin and other

selected employees.


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Significance of the Project

This study will be a significant endeavour in promoting good and organized work within the

workplace. The developed Management system for the Santos’ Clinic will ensure efficiency and

accuracy in manipulating the files and records of the clinic’s day-to-day transactions.

Moreover, this will show the advantage of using a technical way of managing and organizing

records compared to the manual way, which is the exact problem of the Santos Clinic. They use

the manual way which causes their transactions to be slower and less efficient. This system

would benefit Santos Clinic in a way that they will be able to accommodate more patients. They

will be able to register new patients faster, and they will be able to schedule their patients more

efficiently. Also with this, the admin will be able to monitor the processes such as the

transactions with the suppliers of medicine, the stocks movements, and they will have more

accurate information about everything that happens inside the clinic.

Theoretical Framework

In accordance with the aim to create a system for our client, we have discussed several methods

within ourselves in order to come up with one that would attend to our client’s needs the most,

one that would make developing the system easier or one that would comfortably do both

without sacrificing too much of one aspect. In light of recent advances of technology, and

considered with the help of the ever-useful availability of information, our research had led us to

use the waterfall model.


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The waterfall model enables us to make changes to the basic design, as there are a number of

phases active at one point of time. In case there are any errors introduced because of the changes

made, rectifying them is also easy because of drawbacks. This helps to reduce any oversight

issues. It is a more relaxed approach to formal procedures, documents and reviews. It also

reduces the huge bundle of documents. Due to this we have more time to devote to work on the

code and don’t have to bother about the procedures. This in turn helps to finish the system faster.

Conceptual Framework

The development of any system normally requires major sets of activities. The Systems

Development Life Cycle is a set of activities developers use to build an information system. It

helps in establishing a system project plan, since it gives overall list of processes and sub-

processes required in developing a system.

The first phase is Planning, this is where you identify the scope of your system and ensure that

the project is feasible. In our system, we first defined the problem which is the clinic’s use of a

manual system in their transactions.

The second phase is Analysis, where you understand and document business needs and the

processing requirements of the new system. In here, our group asked questions and observe their

transactions, we also studied their current system and look for the problems to know which ones

to change.


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The third phase is Design, where in you design the solution system. This is where you develop

the architectural structure. This is where we designed the User Interface, coded the program and

develop a database.

The fourth phase is the Implementation, where in the system is built, tested and installed. In this

part of the cycle, the objective is not only to have reliable, working information system but also

to ensure that the users are all trained. If we were to implement the system, this is the phase

where we have to make sure that the system is working well and the users expected to use this is


The last phase is the Support, which keeps the system running productively during the years

following its initial installation. This is where the maintenance enters. You make sure that even

after a long time of usage, the system will still be as functional as it was first installed.

The EENT Management System

Santos Clinic, the client in this study, is a well-known EENT clinic in Malolos. They’ve been

servicing patients since 1916, though they started treating in the eye area, they’ve since expanded

into Ear, Nose and Throat. That being said, they have a fairly large number of patients coming in

and out every day, new people registering and old ones getting schedules and being treated.

We’ve discovered that aside from their accounting department, which includes the payroll and

other payments of the clinic, they were handling all their transactions manually. Meaning, they


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were accepting new patients, and registering them in written form, causing their dealings to be

slower and more time-consuming. The process in their inventory which includes their transaction

with the suppliers is also in written form. And even the way their patients pay for their

consultation is in manual form.

With this, we asked them if we could observe their dealings and transactions, and ask questions

regarding their day-to-day processes to develop a Management System which consists of a

Record Management System, an Inventory System and Point of Sales. The said System will help

their transactions be faster and more efficient than the one they were using. This will also get

them positive feedbacks from their patients since this will make their patients wait less. Another

is their file managing, it will be more organized and easier to handle since they won’t have to

look for a patient’s record manually in lots of file cabinets with lots of folders and papers. The

backing up of their files will also be easier, unlike in their system as of present which, in case of

catastrophe such as fires and floods, might wipe out their records.

With our Record Management System, they will be able to save, edit and delete a patient’s

information more effectively with the use of database, and will be able to back them up as well.

The medicine records will be easier to handle as well. When it comes to the Inventory System,

the transactions with the suppliers will be more organized, and the managing of the stocks will

be easier to manage. Lastly is the Point of Sales, with this, the process of payment will be faster

since they will only have to pull out the patient’s check-up and treatment from the database

unlike with their way of looking through stacks of papers.


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With this kind of system though, there will only be certain people who will be given access, such

as the admin, who will oversee the whole system, the cashier person, who’s in charge of the

accounting department, the person who handles the pharmacy inside the clinic, and the

receptionist who is in charge with the registration, and check up scheduling of the patients.

System Objectives:

User Requirements

A good system is useless if the users meant to use it can’t understand its flow. Because of that,

the developer must take in consideration the requirements and the capacity of the end users. If

the user has a technical background, it would be easier since the flow will not be foreign to him,

only a little instruction will be needed if none at all. With users who do not have technical

backgrounds though, you will have to consider everything, from the User Interface, to the flow

of the system. It needs to be easily understood, should be user friendly, and would have to be

based on their capacity to manage and maintain it.

System Requirements

Record Management:

Registers new patient

Edits patient’s information

Adds and edits medical history


Adds new medicine


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Edits medicine information

Update Stocks

Manage transactions with the suppliers


Generate receipts

Record financial transactions with the patients

Interface Requirements

The way each system works depends on its user Interface, the more complicated the harder to

navigate. A user interface should be organized. The buttons must be recognizable, if it is an icon,

the user should be able to know its use by just looking at it, if it’s a label, it must be readable.

The labels should also be placed accordingly. If it is a label for a textbox, it must be placed near

the text field. Next would be the content. The contents should be grouped depending on what it is

about. If it is a registration form, everything that should be filled up for registration should be in

one form.

System Scope and Limitations

In using a system such as this one, there will only be a handful of people who will be given

access and will have the knowledge on how to use and facilitate it. First will be the Admin, the

one who handles everything technical within the clinic, she’s the one who knows and will

understand the flow and how the system functions. Another is the accountant, since she’s the one

in charge of the billing department and everything about the accounts that includes not only the

patients’ but also the expenses and the money that enters and exits the clinic. Last is the


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receptionist, the one who will manage the file records of the patients, she’s the one in charge of

registering new patients and giving check up schedules to the old ones.

The admin being the head of the technical department is the person who will be in charge of the

whole system, the one who will maintain it. She has to be finished with a course in line with

technology such as IT or Computer Science. She has to have an understanding of the system’s

flow. The accountant must be at least computer literate and can be taught on how to use the

system, or at least the system of the Point of Sales. Last is the receptionist, like the accountant,

must also be computer literate and can understand how to use the system. With these

backgrounds, the system will be useful with all their transactions. They should use our proposed

systems because of their work, not only will this make every process easier, but the time

consumed will also be lessened. Though there might be some obstacles that they may encounter.

Since not all of them are familiar with using a system, the processes may still be just like before,

slow, since there will be errors, there will be confusions with the flow of the system and they will

have to familiarize with it first.

In order to develop this system, we made use of Java as our development environment, in

developing the User Interface, to make the system more user-friendly, and in coding the main


Physical Environment and Resources


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It cannot be denied that there will always be requirements when developing a system, only that

the said requirements change according to the situation and the complexity of the development.

Resources also play a vital part in development and deployment, as much as its software and

hardware aspects. That being said, what follows is a short discussion of the resources involved in

the development and the resources recommended in case of deployment.

The system, being developed in the Windows platform, makes use of the Java programming

language, which in turn uses the JDK (Java Development Kit) and the JRE (Java Runtime

Environment), and the Netbeans as the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Database

considerations were attended to with the use of MySQL, a RDBMS (relational database

management system. It could be said with certainty that cost-efficiency and quality of software

chosen have been balanced as much as the proponents are concerned.

The developed system requires the client computers to have the latest JDK and JRE installed.

The system is guaranteed to operate without any trouble in any computer unit as long as it has

the following: LAN card in case of network connections, printer for reports, mouse and keyboard

as input peripherals and a monitor for output.

Design and Implement Issues

The need for a Management System for various applications has long been felt. This study

presents broad perspective of design and implementation issues of an integrated management



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The computerization of any manual system must be planned carefully before a technical system

is selected. A sufficient record-keeping system must exist before the conversion to a technical

system takes place. Once selected, the supplier of the computer must provide what the customer

requires. Also, the supplier must be able to provide support services after the system is

implemented, such as maintenance and security. User capabilities and technical background must

also be considered, and each step of the implementation phase must be thoroughly

communicated to everyone who will use it. Lastly, to provide the most accurate information,

files must be maintained and updated in case of changes


Our proposed management system is made up of three subsystems. The Record

Management, Inventory and the Point of Sales.

There are three people who can access the system. The admin, who oversees the three

subsystems. The cashier, who uses the Point of Sales (POS), and the receptionist who

uses the Record Management.

In the Record Management, the receptionist could Register new patients, could edit a

patient’s information and could add and edit medical history.

In the Inventory, the one handling the inventory could add new medicine, could edit

medicine information, update Stocks and manage transactions with the suppliers.

In the Point of Sales, the cashier will be able to generate receipts and record financial

transactions with the patients.


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Point of Sales, Inventory and Record Management can be considered as more efficient,

advanced and easier to use compared to their manual system.


More respondents for better accuracy. If we had more time and resources, we will aim to

achieve this and have more details.

Another branch would be good for all the patients to be accommodated.

Create a website where in they can have online reservations for patients to have their

checkups scheduled.

The proposed system enrichment designed by programmers based on the finding of the

study should be utilized because it gives more understanding for the people who use it.

The doctor may have his own system where in he/she will know his/her patients one by
