Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1935-05-19

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Transcript of Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1935-05-19

:DAY, MAY 18, 1935 -Here


to rent just a few if you wish to fur·

wish equipment for will be ready to

take advantage of furniture depart· comfort and sat·

then by aU of our store millimumof


, .

Iowa Lo.e. Detm Burle WID ,\aDO_e New MemIIen Of

Mortar Board Toda,

, ... MlnMlIOta Takes Hawks' MleaII_

In 6 to 5 Conte8t. See Pile a ~ Pace 6.

10.,,0 C i, y'. N e ~ • pUp • ,

FIVE CENTS I._IJ~ N ..... 8erYIee .. '_I ...... IU .. _ .... Ne_ IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1935 VOL. XXXIV NUMBER 294 ,

Iowa City High School Musicians, National Champs, to Return Today

State to Try Harold Cooper, E. J. Fueling

Royal Wedding Week Opens in Sweden

STOClQHOLM. May 18 (API -Royal wedding week was Inaugu· rated In a drizzling rain today with the arrival of King Leopold and Queen Astrid of t be Belgians, who will be honor guests at next Fri· clay 's marriage of P rincess I ngrid of Sweden and Crown Prince F red· erik of Denmark.

The royal couple were received with acclaim as a Hne of pranCing bOrses, rcsplendent uniforms and glided carriages eacorted them from the railway station to the roya! pal· ace.

Sixty-Three Seniors Get Internships

Graduates of S. U. I. Medical College To Begin Duties July 1

Sixty. three members I>f the 9",110" medical clll8ll haVE> rocelved their In· 1 ernMh~\) appolntmente fOl" the foUow· h,g yeer. Their duties wln cl>m· tnenee lh13 J uly 1 and oontlnue t hrough until J uly I, 1936.

T he Ol>Ctors and their places of In· tUnshlp are: Gilorge El. Allen, Pro­'VIdence hl>8pltal, Delrdll, Mich.; Monroe P Allison, Broodlawns 1108-

pltal, D l9 Moines; Herbert W. Ander­lion, French h08Pltal, San Francisco. ('&1.; Sidney BaIley. St. Louis CllY I,OIIp1tal, St. Louis, MI>.

Egmont H . Burg, City hosJlltal, (C,1eveland. Oblo; Harold C. Bastron, Nebrllak!l. lIfethl>dlet Episcopal hl>8-pllal, Omaba, Neb .. Samuel T. n~rn· 80n, UnlvcrEllty hospital, Il>wa CIty; WO"lhy C. Boden, Olty I>C Detroit He­celvlng hOllPltal, Detroit, Mlch.; Ad­dlBon W. Bl'own, University hospl· tal, Iowa City; Abner Buresh. Gen· kral /lOllI,ltal oC F"esllI> oounty, Fres· ~o. Cal.: P. T. Cas\~, st. Vincent's Ibo.plLa!: Pl>rtland, Ore.

Will iam A . ClUJtle8, at. Mary'" hos· Lllal. Kansas City, Mo.; Dale Duane Cornell. Robe,i. B. Green, Memorial ~081)ltal, San Ant,on lo, Tex.; Sherman J. Deu .·, CI~clnnati ~neral hospl. tal, Cincinnati . Ohll>; Justin M. Done.­!:an, Milwaukee Counly General hos­pital. Wauwautoaa, Wis.; Howam F. Evans. Iowa Luthilran hl>spltal, Des Moines.

Receive Three Superiors In Solo Events

Band to Lead Parade After Demonstration This Morning

Il>wa CLty high school musicians,

undisputed natiOnal champion" of

claas B o"ch .trall and hold rs I>f

lbree more titles In 8010 and en·

8emble event., will return home al

8:1G Lhls mO"nlng al the Rook 18'

land depot.

Parent., leache"8. and towns·

pCOllle are oXI)ected to be on hand

tl) welcome their triumphant must·

clans and tbe high IIChool bQnd will lead a. parude Irom the depot.

In the 8010 and en8emble event. repl>rte<1 by the ASSOCiated. Press al an early hour this morning. Altred .Soucek Wal! undisputed national cha.mplon I" the E tlat clarlnet II<JII> event, and Hans Wlt8chl was one

• Demonstration lor

champion Iowa City

high school musici(Ol-s

at 8:15 this morning

Senator Glass Hits Men Charged With Ownership Proposal Irregularities In Last

WASIIlNGTON, IIl ar 18 (AP) - Ca . A dlrec~ challengo to press oCOclal. mpalgn Iy the government·owned central D~S MOI'N:F~S. May 18 (AP) The bnnk proposaj advocated by Becre- state will be ready for trial "Up!lft tary Morgenlhau tooay was hu rled th arraignment" of ) larold M. at the administration by 8enllotor Cooper. (I>rmer chairman of the G1as.~ of Virginia. elale liquor control commlMHlon. nnd

He Mid It was "not 100 Iato" for E. J . F eulln&'. clemocrntlo Mr. Roo eveJt to seck Inclusion In eha.lnnan. It W&II announced the omnibus banking bill before hl8 by Counly Attorney Carl 1\ . '*lnate subeommlttee ot the Idea of man. federal ownership I>f the reserVE) The ounty o.ttornl'Y" .tatempnt 8Y trm which the pre81dcnt IIIlla yes· Was made In commenting on th terdllY would solve a great. many reported In<Jlotm nt of Iho two men problems. by a. Polk county grand Jury; ·oop.

er on charge..~ or 'VIolating the lit te liquor control act by to.klng pari In an ~Iectlon camp IKn. and F ul· In8' on charges of ft.ultng tl> (lIo a lull Btat ment or campalgn contrl· butlon.e.

Feuling to Appear Feullng, II. New Hampton l'ubllsh·

cr. m('anwhlle had ndvLscd Sh rlCf

Inflation Issue WilJ Chari"" Keeling of Polk c()unty that he w!ll appear here 1I1ond&)' t() D.C'

Demos Say Senate Will Uphold Veto

Not End With Bill, cept service of wurrant and J)08l

W B M bond. Cooper, whO'!ll homo Is u.t arn onus en Mal'!Jhalltown, was said to be In

WASIIINGTON, Mill' 18 (AP)- Slurgls. S. D. Prt'8ldenl Rooscvelt, nCl>ura.ged bl' Tho democratic chalrmon. at New word trom leaders that. bls bon u. Ilamllton, xpre.tl8l'<l eurprls when volO probably would 00 uPheld bv advl8 (! of lho reporled granll jury the Bonate. 8 t down strong wortls action and eald h Ileved the ~Onlght Into th me~sa«e ho will takn )leJ'llonall)' to the eapltal carll' nort w('('k.

New Cl>urago sUHened the r&nks IIf tho bonus oppeeltlon "'Ith the ~pread of the word that tltll presl. dent . would deliver the veto mee­~ago In peN!On, probably Wednes-

cantj')(lign statement InvolvN! "wa. riled with the prOlX'r all'l.horltl~ Itt the prop r tlnte anel lhat v rythlng Is rrgul'l.r and correct."

The I>trf'nR<'1I charged against the

day. at Rock Island station. AdvOClltC6 of th~ bill hastily r •

I wo men IlrtI mlsdcmeanors, pun Ishable UllOn {'OnvlcLlon by 8. ma.xl · mum "enlence of a year In Jail. a $1.000 (lne, or both.

ISlutlied TrllllSl'rlpl eMt thelr 1,Ians and prepared tl>r r qull'k lin() debatele811 vole on tha The gl1lnd jury whloh r&turllPd Ir~ue Immodlalely alter tbe preal- the Indl~tmj'n lu/lt d thft Imn ·

oC til'l> national champlonll ~el eclC<l olent's IlllPearance. scrtpt DC tekllmony lakrn In J\. r~ · In III cello 8010 contl!'ll. BOLh con· , Chock Fa.I'orable t.o .' . It. cenl I ~gls lallve lnvClltlgatlon I>f tho lestants were a warded superlol's, OpllOllltlon to 8. Joint 81)111110n to Hta.tO liquor conl,'Q1 commb -Ion /lnn lhe highes t ranking ]>06lllblO In the hear the presldont WBII ellpl'CMlYl also heard a number of wltn I<

natlo~o.l con lest. Wilschl tleel wllh by Repre&entatlvo Knut.80n (R. not Kummoned by the legislative MArgarel Lucke of Lo Mars tor Mlnn) on the ground that It W.tJ group. lhe cellI> 8011> champlolUlhlp. I,n Infringement on the. IlrerogatJve. Charges JIg .. ln"t Coo""r, whl> roo

o! the hOuse. slyned tho choJrmanshll) of the The bras" sextet. also undisputed national champion with a superior a,ward, Is composed of Floyd lIf all n. trombone; William Swisher. barl· tone·euphonlum; Ralph Dunlap, French horn; and Richard Cam· brldg~, Don F'loyd, and James Mc· Collum, cornets.

Although Iowa City was compet· Ing In nine other solo and ensemhle events, these results were not avall· able at an early hour this morn·

A check I>f BOnate votes durin\( commll!8lon WI th I",""lallve probe Ihe day dlscll>8ed thal Pteeldcnt Wt(l.8 being conclu{"'d. lnvolved re· ROO8evell's rejection 1>1 thO Infla. ports thal he attempted to Influ nee t'onary $2,200,000,000 !'a.tman bonu, J. H . oillna oC I"onda to Wllhdraw bill almost ce,·talnly would be ul' - from a state I~glslatlve Ie<:tl on con· held. test 1n Cavol' or another candidate

A virtually cl>mpleted survey (all- by offering him a job In the state eel to "how a single change In tho liquor '1lspell61ng organization. 36 votes regtalered or announ~·~ ReveJ"8ll I ,ought ngalnst the Inflallonary bill whc:t When he appeared ~fore tho


GARNER SIGNS BONUS BILL II Stunting Escort Plane Strikes I!::==========. Wing of Largest Land Ship

~Altholl!l:h the botlu bill ru('cd I\. cprtain \'eto at the WIli( I1ous(', Vice-Prt'sidcnl GIIl'Jlcr' signt'r] t he measure. 'rh" Texall i~ shown duri.lIg til c rrmony iu which he II, cd IOlll' jJPn . (Asso­ciated P"ess Plwlo)

Winds, Floods Cau e Damage, Deaths in Te a ,Oklahoma

In World; All Occupants Killed . . " " . . . . " . . Three Killed, Two Hurt In Plane Crash

Dead Include IIigIi Officials; W reckqe Falls on ViIlqe

(LIst of _t IIIr d\8ut4n Oft

pa,ft S)

MOSCOW. May 18 ( .... P) - T.ho world'. largest IlUlel plane. tho

FWN1', Mich .• May 18 (AP)-A Maxim GOI'ky, collided with an ell.

"lIl>t and two p&lI8ellgeno were kil l .1 'COrtlni plane today, b roke In mid·

and two other oocupanLs or a trl· B.lr and cruhed to the ground, motored transport plane wer 6erl- brtnglng death to 49 J)6l'11OnII In the

... tUlly Injured hore today wMn tM worsl disaster ever to befall a. pou.

plnne crashed during dedication of eenger 1'lan". .. new airport. The Wl'OCkAp of tbe hVI> &Ir ,",Ips

The dood: IiIond the broken bodlea 0( the vic:·

Thel>dore Knowlee, Detroit, pilot. Ums fell over Lhe village of Bocol,

Mrs. MarY Ruahlow. 34 . I>f Flint.. on tho ouLsklrlJl of MOIIOOW, erush­

onrad Rushlow. 7, 80n at the Ing at leruot O'Ite hl>lIM. but r'CP1>rU' dead w'Oman. tha.t severnl vlllageno died under tbe

W in, MolOl"!J Fall debris failed to find confirmation. lem nt D. Rushl . hu8bQnd qf " [lIved Crull)'"

t he woman killed. OLnd a. th~year· "The Gorky dived crazily and 1 old daughter. were laken to a hl>8pl- wa.tched W1th hl>rror While It went (al In '" eerloua cootcllUon. (I' 'P~ In the air," IIAld one ey"

Knowles' plane, In which ho bal1 'WItness. Ioeen carrying J)M8engers lhrl>ugh. "One house was hll by a. 'IfInc out the day. cruhod as h attempte1 'W Ighted down Ily tour motl>rs, and to tako off from the field with tcn It tore Lhe roof OLnd t he whole aide JlIUIIIengrrs . At an altitude of Ie ... oU the building. The bodl .. of t he Ihnn 200 fert both wlJVl ml>ll>r~ 'VlcUms, lIOOt.o of t hem women 8J\d failed, wltroeMea !!ald. and Rnl>wle1 children, wer strown allout wllh t ho barely slipped It past a gronp of wreckage, many dlamernbered." tent.,~ occupied by a Selfridge field Blamo tor the t.ra8OOY Wll3 fixed

round crew before It struck tho) by SovleL otclclall on the plll>t or ground IUld nosed I>ver. ,ho "mall escortlnc plane, Nlkolat

A CIIghl oC 21 army plan II haJ D1&gln, whOfte lIhlp rammed head· com here to partlclpatfl In the ded- long Into Ihe lelldlns: edge Of t he , 'tltlon of Bishop airport. Orflcer giant 10frutlm Gorky 's wln8' whUe he ImmedIately called IntI> aervlce their '11'08 IItunting In vlolatll>n I>! I>rdera. OWII ambulanc sane! truck. and Blagln died with all 48 occupanLs o~ ~u8hed Ult\ Injured Clve mil • to 8. th mammoth J)8.88Cngtr plane. hl>8plUll. State P'lmeI'III PlanMd

,Five Deatl, S veil Mi~sjug in Palh Of evere ''Twisters'' Dllirhol)or Plane ~aklI Up Soviet oWc:lals announced Lon:lgl't

:II>. Knowl IV'" bUl1ed henOOlh th~ tbat a slat funera l will be aCOl>rded

Af"TUE!, Okltl .. May 18 (AT')

Fivn plm ... n. wcrl' knowlI II nd

nlA'hl and a t Icast 8PVpn lTll8~lng In

a storm thnt wrought an e8tlmntcd

million dollars' domag In Te

and Ok InhorruL.

Four pe''Sl>ns wcre killed and many 1'l>re loJu( d probably fat.'LI\},

In a series of devastating "lwlst r. "

In widelY Hpparatro 8 lions ot north

wr~rkll&'~. IIl1d 11"8 dra.1I when WOrjl· the vtctlma, and Lhat Lhflr fa.m IIlM

To Depart t·r" reached him . The plano brokd wlll be granted epeclal pensliloll" anel In t~ plrce 8S Il Btruek, spllllu!!' a Illonl) Bu m Indemn ity.

15,000 l\Ipmber. Of tho passengers out ontl> the ground. T he el h t women a nd alx chll. - Mrs. RUllhll>W' died 600n a.ft r IIhi dren amon, Ih 37 paaeengers 1000l

Ru. sian Sect Plan WM orl>ught to th hOSPital, aotrl were mombel1J of the famllle.t of (Ita boy dll'd an hour laler. crack cmployC641 of the Central Alr~

Change of Climate The army nJe ... who wltnellllcd t h~ t.ynamlo Institute, on a n excurelon :.-_________ , ___ ..: Hash BIlld Knowles apparently mad ' In l ho p lane.

W RlHN01'ON. MIlY 18 (AP)

W ry ot thl' l't'llA'I,,"s pf'l'Kf'Cutlon

whlrh th<-y chnrge to Cnncullan au·

Il. deeperale !fort to land hJa pla.M A Tnl>ng tho entlro crew of 11 tbat fOnd stili clear the tenta In which lit perlsbed were two I>f the SovIet', Know IJt(l 8OJdlel'l! w ro quartered. m<l8t expert plll>18, Gluroff an e! Mlk. He landed the 'Plane In the only clear haett.

ancl c~ntral TexlUl. thMlllp nnd hove pullllcly J'('Aent· I')mC6 In the area., barely grazing Tho dead J)8MI!nget"s IncluMd

Driving ralnH. Kwpillng ~maJl Nl hy Pfll1u1ln!\, In tho nude, 15 ,000 One tent. M he ca.me (II>Wn . Matrl>8olt, chief produotfon &ng ln eer

s treams Into torrcnLs, accompanied JtlNtt'hN"lI of Ihp RtrnngC RU8IIIall Aviator Dies When the tornadlc T"XOA winds. ct "f Ollkhohorlal are plannlnc tl>

.'100/1 W ft tl'l'8 Iw.vp thplr Rn.skll.tchewan homes 11>1' Plane CrlUhe., Bums In Oklahoma, which ('8Capro tho tho wilds of Paraguayan Chaco. DETRO LT, May 18 (AP~tanl e'l

ut LheAlrodynamlc IMUtute, Kazar. ncovleh , dlreeto r of the Institu te'. 1,IIot cOmmittee and his two children, lind the lnatltute's ohlef mech anlc and h ad bookkeeper.

Fell Tocetber WUJlam Irving Evans, Unlver- Ing. The mlscellaneou8 woodwind

It pM8ed lhe 8Ilnate early last week. Icgl81atlve Investlgallng body, COOI)­d spite the intenllfl antl-vetl> csm- cr 5I.Id he had offered 1>\Illl8 0.

palgn oonducted by Its frleod~. jl>b but tlmt he had dl>nc 81> al the Should 33 vote with the president, reQueet of F' ullng lind Slate Comp·

wind', attack, roo.rlng noorl watel'll I'repllratloJUI (or the futUre ma.ss 'Hausner, PolIsh·Amertcan a.vlatl>r.

In the relflon of AltuK, In the Routh· m"::rallon will be started Monday was klHed t!)daY when t he mono· western corner. lett on (lead and In New York . Dr. EnrIque Borde. 1,lane he was stunting during 8

seven mIMing. nov~. the mlnls tN' (rom Paraguay. ,nemorlal service In tribute. to t h!)

EYe wltnesee. said t ltat tbe IImal­:er plane romal ned wedged Into a lll ;:elge of tho MaxLm Gorky's 'Win8' and that the l Wo rell dl>wnwal"d together . 'rhen t he pilot of the Gl>rky regained control a nd t r Ied ;to COOle down in a g lide.

(Turn to vese 3) group can do no better than excel·

Local Delegation To Attend Convention

lent In Its division, for, according to the Aflsoclatcd Prel!8, the Mason l:lt y gt·oup WOIl a. superior award and undlspuled championship.

Clem A Boyle, Pre6.ldent or the The olher events remaining to be Johnson Cl>unly Young DemocratS heard from aro: snare drum, DUM" Ic'ub, will head a delegatll>n I>f Iowa Means; tuba, SI>I Glaoor; oboe. JOJJfl­OlUa l1ll at the sLa~ youns democraUc phlne Sidwell ; flute, Dorolh.y Soucek; (onvelltlon opening In Dee MOines ~mall woodwind group, J ames lomorrow. Several mem<bers of theilStl'Onk8, Don l!'loyd, and John Web­club and Mr. Bl>yle will leave lodaY IaLe.·; small brass groUl>, James Mc­ror Des 1I101nes. \Collum. Charles Beckman, and Hlch­

Condition "V&ry GraveK

WOOL, DoMletehlre, England (AP) - A n trlclal bUllolln described the condition IMt night of Col. T. E. Lawrence, Engll8h WOl'ld war h~ro,

jU'd Cambridge. Special clarinets, James Strl>nkB

nnd A.'Chle Saltzman; and tbe mls­lellaneous woodwind gro ul> , Lloyd Pierce, Dorothy Soucek, John ' Veb­,.ter, Christian Schrock. and JoJJfl­

.. " very . grave." llhlno Sidwell. Results uf LhebC

I:::============: ovents wUl !be learned when the

Chapter 3: E. A. Baldwin Issues Warrant for Arrest Of Prince Charming

special train arrive.. from Madison. I Memb 1"8 oC the naUonal champion c1a88 B ~rchestra follow:

Harold Ash, Roger Bardsley, Chat'les Reckman, Chesler Ben net. ' ,arren .Herger, RIchard Cambridge, r~obe.·t Caywood, DIOJI,jIo Colfey, Jllmes CotteY'. Catlrerlne Donavan ,

lh veto would be upbeld. troller C. B. 1Il urlagh. On the I>ther hand. &everal lIena- CooP r. who laHt winter was con.

tors whl> voted for lhe bill o"'gl n llll~' vlcted of Violating the state liquor tl.P11 ared to be wavering ht 'VIew I>t control law by allowing J . r .... roy the president's dr~tlc show ot F'armer of Cedar Rapids 10 po88C811

'letermlnaUl>n to kill tho bi ll. The liquor lIIegolly. resigned the chair. -executlve's Intention tl> appear )ler- manshlp ot the alate Uqul>r com. IKInally to presont his veto, a blthElr- mission Apri l 26. tl> unprecedented action. WIUI Mlti Rcv~1"Iit.1 of the Linn counlY Cl>urt ?y administration leaders tl> ha.ve al- oonvlctlon In Ihls case WJIo8 asked "eady mOde ItJJfl lf lel t.

Whelher Mr. ROIlSevelt woull by attorneys for Cooper In & 151· page argument CUed today In the

mako his peraonal appeal on Mon-Hay was uncertain. Hl>use leaders .. tate 6upreme oourt here. Cooper'", !l!ald It might not be poS8lble tl> com. appeal ~ IIOt Cor h8Qrlng at the plete arrangements for a join t Se8- September term of the high court. 'SIon In time to rece ive him. f;lhouH Tho Indlclment ()r ll'eullng by the Ihere be delay th e veto migh t IJQ~ Polk county grand jury wa. bQaed be delivered until midweek, beca.Us'! on an alleged fatlure by the dem!). Clf l\. scheduled JJflnate- house memo C

I !htlc slate central commlttce lO

f}rlal SCM/loe on Tue8My. rgally report severnl pollUcal cam· Leaders Confer palgn conlrlbullons.

Despite Ihe solid front of vote~

furalnst them. Patman bill leade,a Wallace HI-ts in a cl>nCerence tway decided t l> face the showdo,vn Immediately af·

ter tb chief executive delivers his Universities .. .m~e, without proll>nglng t ho Is- /

Th e d ad In the tWIl'lItato Hlt)rm will clt"Cu.~ I>lans thN"() with a dele. late Joaeph. Pilsudsk l, dlotatl>r 01 ar a Included: gatlo 'l or DukhollOl1I-the advancG Poland. crashed a nd burned.

1\, Claud 00 ~ I" 70 II tl , Hundreds oC Polish reslden18 o[ .ra. · e Wd Q, " Ie guard whlrh will arlect a locality Altus tlood. Delrolt whl> hlld ent husiastically

for lh~ new rolQny. ted H.a. I h'· ed J. P. Phillips. G9, and MI"'!. Phil . .lIuppor uaner n ... att.ccrmt lips. 57, In 0. tnrnado near 'I'lmp. Remnants or Sect good·will tllg hlt! Crom the Un ited

son, Te . GeorgI' Crenshaw, 70, In J\. tnrna·

do at ''I8Ohes In Houston county. Tex .

An unldenUfled Ncgro. klll~d o.~

Weldon. Fifteen Injured

J[C'Ortenf'd by rrpOl·te of the suc. ISta.tCl! to Poland, looked I>n In horror ""a., of lh Mennonite experhn nt fta tho 35-year-old t1 yer's red and

sliver monoplane, t he " Ma l1Jbe lL In the Chaco. ",blch hal! ~wn In. Pllsudsk l." HurUed IntI> a boWIe and 10 Yl.'ar,. tl> a comm unity I>f 6,000, 1!ul"llt Into flam ee. Ilnd guaranteed completo religiOUS Wltnea06 said t he r ight 'W1 ng or fJ'f'edom by 1'1U'Il;{uayan law, t he tho IIb lp apparently loosened when Oukhohors have d('('lded to rebuild Hau~er WIUI "wn tlng at a n a lu­

Fifteen prrsons wero Injured In in an ('ven slrMge,' land tile IJfe t ude of 1.000 feet above the Sweet­lhe tornado which howled out Of tho thry s tarted 3G yrnrs ago In Can· est Heart of Mary ohurch where th e­north"'est and leveled the ' .... rc hcR Rcla. meml>rial servlcet! had ended a. Cew community nea,' Crockrlt, In north. They arf.' remnants of 0. sect ex· m inutes II1I.I'1181'.

cenlral Texas. killing Crenshaw. pr lled from RUl!I!la about 1 5. Lit· The p lane wavered. then Cell . From black skies. tbe wind also r rally. the nam O means "s plO"l t There was a terri fic eXlIlosll>n as struck Weldon, Bellot and Cadmor, wre,Urrs." Some went to Canada It crashed and bUl"3t In to flames. set-80uthwest I>t Crockett. and olbr rs II> Cyprus. Dukhl>bors Un!!; th ree hl>U8eS a tlre. One of Ute

Rains abated In most He<:tJonlJ to· have no 8tat~d places or r~remonle8 hl>uses was badly damaged but the night, but flood danger had nol sub- of worship, "" hl>ly days and no occupanLs were not In ju red. aided. Tributaries emptied Inll> al· ordained ministry. T hey deny the rrady overtaxed rlverR. lltgbways divinity or Christ. and glv mystic·

SpeclAtOI'll 811ld they believed be wl>uld have lIucceeded bu t the "mailer plane fe ll awaY and the rlant liner lost equllibrum and wen~ In tI> a nOlledlve.

It WIUI orticla lly ILIIIICrted the pilot: cut off Lhe m<>torll and tha.t there was nl> ex plosion , a lt bough IIhmly a fte r glll ng In Lo the t errlfylng dive t he Gl>rky broke UP a.nd fell 1111 pieces I>ver the village I>C Soooi.

T he ,wl>rkerlf MIre being rewardlld with the ride fl>r thei r m e.ritoril>u. ;a.bor and 32 othel'll we re waltln. n t M08CI>W Cen tral a ll"dnnne f()f' iUtelr tUM! to 8'0 up In the pl&ne. ,l\8.med t or RUMla'" m<lI! t dlatln­g ulahed Cl>ntem'J)l>J'8.rY author.

Ueed lor I'ropIIpnda

A warrant for th e a r rest of J ohn R. /3telnbrunn oC (teno, Nev .• on a charge of )lasal'ctg a bad cl\eck \Vas Issued yestel'day by COunty At· Ior'1ey E. 'A. Baldwin .

and fields were covered. al Interprct.'Lllon to the IICrlpt urell. Twelve Incb 8 of snow covered Fl'equent clashes wit h canadia n

fUe by debo.te. 'B - F B ' I ial ph J)unlap, Elizabeth Eichler, Some on the Patman 8'lde virtually 10' at oys ,)I>n F loyd, Dorothy Gar.ti<ke, Carl ' conceded defeat , b ut warned that ~,

th Pikes Peak regilln and waler. autborltles have krpt these people LEXINGTON. Va.. ?fay 18 (AP) tumbli ng through canyons, dam..'lgetl heCore the publlo In recen t ycal1l.

-Lashing out at "big boys and the

U. S. Aviator Breaks Three More Records

The lIma ller plane wu ao:pm. pany lng Lhe M&Jdm Gl>rky Lo fur­nis h a conlrUt In ~tze (M a motJon J"liClure wltlcb WIUI being taken from III th Ird plane.

Bullt a YCAl' 111"0, the 11_. Gl>rky, 8O-c&lled "Sl>vlet PaI_ or Culture," was IUI8d fl>r pr<JP&ll8.lld,w 1)W'J)088S. It bad a !MlMen~r ca.­PQCtty C>t 75 and carried a. rotary printing PnllJ8 and a complete mo­I'on plcu .Ire prl>ject.lng a.pparatue. Stelnh"un n, 35, wooed and wed

VI l'!fln la Lee Mal'sh , 21 year I>ld junior here, WodneSday a fter a. I>ne day acq ua inta nce, and disappeared Friday morning. His bride aaJd he Went to Chicago on business.

Infprma tlon for the warrant Wal! hied by M. O. Roland; manager of Strub's compa ny, to whl>m Stein· brunn gave a check of -$51 In pa.y. lIlent Cor llll>thell fl>r hu. bride. RI>­land said he wired the Mellon Na.· Ilonal bank In Pltboburgh and no account Was IIl1t ed.

11 WOl! learned tha t th e couple's bill at the J eCferllOn hotel W&8 n l>t P&Jd, and lhat Stelni>ru nn 18Ilued an. other check for $20 to a local bum· Il8a man.

Police In Chlcaio. where he III be: lleved to have gon e, ha'Ve been no­tified to arrel t him, Mr. Baldw!J\ laid.

"'tanwhlle hi. br ide said she \Vould rel!ume her ~tudlu In the un l· vr l'llll)'.

Gill, Sol Glaze r , Dl>n Graham . Ruth ~he Inflation Iatlue wou ld echl> Into Groen, BE'rta {lrlffllh, Helen Hanah, tho next presidential campeJgn ando EJdgar Hlck9. g.,uce Hiscock. Ethel 'wl>uld nol go down wlt.h the F llotmall Kaaper . Edward Korab, Ha rry Lee, ;;'!II. Senator Thomas (D-Okla), Pat· Jule Lli!'OC, DO"otby Lindsay, Ermal man chieftain In the sonate, Core· Ll>ghry. casl the money questiOn woUld bu

strecLs and yards In Manitou, wesq '1'hel.· r41tallatlon has taken t he form fat ,boys." without specLflcally deslg· of CoLl>rado Springs. of nude processions In public places natlng whom he Included In thal The two emergency hospitals for And has reRult1'd In the arrest of cla88. Secretary of Agriculture du~t pneumonia vlcUms In Baca. somp of thl'lr leaders. H enry A. Wallace tOOny declared county, Colorndo. were c\osl'd. I Weleomo Jm'aslon

COtbcrlo.o LOoney , James MoCol· "Ihe controlllng facioI''' In the 193'; In an address to Wllshlngton and Dr. Bordenave said his govern· lum, Calherlne McK night, Floyd ~ampeJgn . Lee sludents lhat certaln people In i ment would welcome lhe ]Jeacelul Maint , Frances Mapes, DUIln~ Mea"". Georg Miller. Thl>mOl! Nel­j8on, R I>1I0 NQrma n. Jean OI18lad. E I­oon ParI1.ek. Ma.rlan P ickering. Lloyd P ierce, R uth P la8ll, Verrf. l'oo.lltor. 'Bern lo& RaMhaw . Pa.u1 IM Ha ns haw. Katherine Reeds. Velml1 Hober ts, Mildred Sap)l, Chrlst la n 'Sch"ock, Ma.rgaret SchrOCk, E leanor IS hel'ma n, Earl Sholly.

MIl'OY J a ne Showers. J 08ephlnQ !bIdwell , Frances Slmpsl>n, Billy ;SImpson, R uth Smltb, Marlin Snl· der, DoroLhy Smith, Dorothy Sou­cek, Richard Bl>ucek, Jobn SPl"(lQtl, Lols Sw1.sher, V;'Ulla m Swisher , P a ­t ricia. T rae Mel , R uth ' Vl>Clcbers. ' erna l Wl\4!ner, J I> h n Webeter. Glena Wesenberg. Ma.ion Whine ry, Rutb WllaUN', Ma.rguerlte ' Voricman . lUeha rd WorLhley. Hane Wltechl. li nd J~C rry Westfll II ,

the United States who feel that Doris Smith Gets "we can /let up an Isle of reluge I Local Invasion of the DuJ<hobOrs. just &8 It did the Mennonites. T hey ~e III

P in America" are doomed tl> dlsap· State osition At poln tment. Temperatures the hacl>. he Bald , an I>II JlOrtuntty

I to cuillvate I he fruita and vcge-

Meeting Yesterday Citing the lack OC fo reign mar· (As recorded ea.cb hour at the tables which comprise their entire Dor13 E. Smith. president of the kate fo r agriCUltural products, Wal· Iowa ()It)' a.lrport, (rom a :30 diet.

Iowa City Federa.lll>n of B uslne!l8! lace a&'lerted It migh t be necessary p.m. t~ 11:30 p.m. yesterday. Tho land woulll be purchased and P rofCllSlonal Women's club. was 10 take out f produetlon In ]036 rrom privale Interests o.L prices elected seoond vlee.presldent I>f t he as much land as W\IB tallen out In 12:30 ............... 63 6:80 ............ 60 ranging from two to t hree dollars state tedera tlon at a eOnventll>n 10. 198 4. 1:39 ............. ... 64 7:30 ............... .li8 nn acre. Thc Dukhobora a re sald De!t Moines yesle" y, according t l> Crltlcl81ng American universities, 2:30 ........... 64 8:30 ..... ........... 56 to have anived 35 years ago In Can· the Asaoclated P reMo the secretar), declared: " I Indict our I 3:30 ..... _ ... - 64 9:30 ............... 55 ada owning noth ing but the ragged

unlvers lUes bocause I leel they , 4:no ............... 03 10 :80 .. .............. 55 clothes they wore. and now they Report 14 Slain have not seen In tbe biological and 6:30 ........... _ ... 61 1] :30 ... .......... .li4 clalm aggregate cash a8l!(lts of more

VIENNA (AP}-Uncontfrmlld re· ' economic fle lds whllL I believe .. re The 1()west temperature recorded than $10.000,000. T his m oney 'Would p,' r ta Yo.i te rday IIIIid 14 Persons were ~he ultima te and tundamental )'esterday wa.~ 45 at 2:42 a.m. go with them to I'aragua.y. s laln In IItreeL fighting III the YUgo-l t r ut hs discovered In economtc and The government there, In addl· glav provlncett of 811>ve l'lla a.nd e ro· political flelclll In the sixteenth cen· WEATHER tlon tl> rellgloua Hberty, guarantees a tla. g rowing from "6 , retuaal of , l u.·y. I am convinced they can find to reign seltle,'S a nd t heir children young ree"u tl8 t.'O per(onn mllllaJ)' I lhem. and the re8u lt~ w ill be bene- IOW:\-Raln SUnday, 8h9W~l'II exemption from m ilitary service and ,llCrvloo III 1Ilacedonla.. Clckll ," i\,()ndny; ,noorrai& iemlK'rature, frcedom (rom tuxatlon fo,· 10 ~oara.

NEW YORK, May 18 (AP)-l"l>u r

Ethiopian Emperor Abolishes Serfdom

more world speed records CM load­carryin8' traMport planes wero smashed by D . W. "Tommy" Tom ­linson and his co-pilot, J ll8eph E. Bartle", today, ma.kJng a tots.! or nine ADDrB ABABA, Ethiopia.. Ma.y 11 new Inwrna.t.ll>nal rna.rk,ll within three (A'p)-In a "weeopIng decree Ethlo­day~ jlla '" monarch . Emperor Halle 8e1aa.

Ono CJf Ihe mariti eeta2>Ullhed tC>day sle, abolllJlted Jl8rfdl>ID tOOaY througb" \\'as an Improve~nt on a. re~ord out the naUoo. whadh they broke 'Mtursday. th," The ruler alllO orde~ .. program

" qtaUzlng the aywtem <It la.nd ta.xa­leavtng Lhe Vnlted Sta.teoI 'IfILh e ight lrecords {, rmer ly held by France. til>n. wbi!)h ottlcta1 announ_nC

T he two pllDte drove tbelr T WA IiIlld wl>uld a dvance tbe count!")' 1.Il00 \wln.mcltored ml>noplan& t w Ice ) ean In oIY!IID.Uon.

a round 8 elOllCc1 1 .000 kilometer eoul'l!fl betweM N_ York, W8.IIhlnl - Jl'amUIee Get .. .... t/,n and. Norfolk at an a verage IIJ)6ed CHICAGO (AP)-&ne ..... ncy too4 of 190.90G miles an hou1'. I>rdera w"re ",,,hed to ILPproltJma.t&o

W ith .10 "pe.y 10011" of 2.000 klll>- lY 15.000 deIIutute Cbl~ fun!U .. grarrtll I>f I!8Jtd (a.pproxtma.tely two yesterda.Y. but many thouand" of 'tOIlll), they oovered .tlt& 1 .242 mUll run I>thera In metropoll. and lltate faced In II t l>ta1 e~lI8ed time of .Ix. bl>ura, thl! grim prGepcct of empty cupo 30 ,"Inutes and ,. ~ • ~ until th" relief cr .... 8Q~ ,

Prof. Daley Talks to A.A.U.W. About International Problems

Elect Three Officers 01 Women's Group Woman's Group At Closing Meeting Chooses Soloists

Reelection ot thre officers to serve for the next. two years wld Ilj discussion by Prof. Clm'&. M. Dal~)'

01 the hls tol'Y de~a.rtment ot "Some Interna\lonal Proolems" closed t his year'" meellngs ot the American As­IIOClatioll of Unive rs ity W ome n y~.s­tcroay noon In Lhe Unlvel'Slly club room~ at I o\\"a. Union. hlrs. C. A. Ruckmlco< wa.« hostess to t ho g roup.

!Ill'S, "'. T . -Mavis , vice-preshlLnL; Mrs. H . F . Wickha m, t reasurer; and \)atherlne 1ullin, historian; W 1'0 the o(ficers 1'<:eloo ted. The Ilre>!ldent :...nd s cretary aro elooted on n lteruat years. Mrs. R. R. VI'hJpplp , presl­!dent, an'} TIl.cle Knease ot tho 1(0 -

manco languages d partmen l, IieCre­tary, are the o!hcl' ofCice rs .

A lIlulL World In consldeling any world Ilrobl~ms,

we mu/ft r emember tha.t the worl(\ Is a unit , ,:lJIll that amlin which ullCd ~o be cons idered as nationa l have I'ono acros~ Iloundlll'les aud become ,·r Inte"natlonal l5Cl>lle , P ro(eo:;or Dal y 8111<1 .

, pc;ik Ing ot tho {It'st ~lroblem, de-1)['csHlon and unemllloyll1e ll l, till "peakel' f'm\lhn.9I""d that \lracllc·.1l1y ull the n.\ tions took partin the \\'011(\ war, an!l so all were a[fected by Ule ,Inllatlon I\ nd deprrss lon that fo\lo\\­cd.

Debts a lIindrnllce J){,bt 1:1 nn Important probll'n\ In

relation to th depression, ProreS.~or Dllley s lltt~d , for It ]llnd ,.,. unr ,ct­tlemel\l at all of tho e lements which

For 8th Concert tor the eighth annual concert to b, presented by tbo c horus or tho Iowa Ci ty \\'oman's club In south rehffil'· f.Rl hall of the music building Satur­day at 8 p.m. werc announL'P.d ye9-t erday by lies. Alexander Ellell, <Jlredor.

~[I·". R~tta. Swlndal wllJ appear as I\llcst r~ad~r, and MI". \Yalton ~lul­tel' wlll play a violin obllgu.to nnoJ

Ia piano solo. SololsLq wJil b<- ~ITS. Emery Trox­

('I, soprano. and Julia Barber. con­t ralto.

Assisting Mrs. Eliott In l)lannlnJ; tb~ concert Is the ChOl'UR exccu­tlv€' board, Including :III'S. J . O. Sen­Unella, :Un;. ·W. J. W""ber. Mm. F ... ~nk Dunner, and Mrs. JlIaull \\'h6<lon Smith, accompanist.

TIl. cOllcert Is ol><.·n to the I)U bll<:.

IGlvanians To Entertain

Local Club, Cedar RafJids Croup Will Fete Wives, Cuests

In oh.l'rvllncp of Kiwanis I nh'r·

nl}tional Night the 10\\,11 City anll

CI'cl.'I.r Hllplds KlwanlanH will en· make UI) th economic conditlO!\K. tel'lnln their wives and guf'sls at n. More thtln , ro, tlOO ,OOO,OOO In War dulJlS alll owed to t hl> nltcu States a lone, sho polnled out.

ThN'e m'o J;/)v~'I\.1 l' .1~on9 why Ihe wal' de')l~ can't lll' pO.\d, th ~pe<lk~r

0,30 dinner tomorrow at the l awn. CJt~, cou ntry club. Tumorrow wll! mUI'k the opC'nlng or t ho Klwanl~ Ini<'l'llulIIloal eonvenllon III Ran An· tanio, T\·x. To obHcl've the Ollen·

" ulu. '['he re Is n O Internaliollal Ing datl', 1{lwllnlH clul," thl'onghout \Illoney, and If th(' !" · wpre ~noul(h gold th .. nallon will be hosts lit dlnnl'I" to q>n.y I hllll , tho nations coulJn't and Ilrllj;11,IllS .hnll,u' to the on ke<>p III 'mM.'lwH un 11 Hound CL'Onomlc' whkh will take Illaco \tl Iowa City. ~ >u,,18, 811<' lI<Ide,l . Dlscll,plllljl" lhl, au· Mol' .. than In p' !"Hons lI1"I' eXlwct. ge..tio n lhal they bo lJUJd In 1:00<1", j ecl to attend the IlInlll'r, whll'h will Pro~ ur Oaley decluL'ed thaI It I", foll",,",',1 by an I·v,·nhlg (I( hrl,lc:,> would neceMllate the sweepln" away I 111;1)'lng anti cJanrlnli to nll'lotllr~ ell al l tarlrf oorrl~l'II, which wouhl plantl lIy Juhnn), !tub)". u1'dlt.Hrn. c"eat!' ullcmllluyment In l it · Unlt'd 'Ph" P1'''1;111111 during the dltuH'r hour Stales. ,{'1w $17,000,000,000 which will Incllld" nn adcll"l'"~ 1>y :\ I'tPI'''' private clllzenH have "west,'lI In [Ul'- ..-ntatlve Cejlur UaJlld~ Klwanlltn, c>lgn boml" will probably not be paid, slnl':lng, and tap d~nclng novelll",. t'llhrr, .he snI,!. Commltl(", ('MIt'men f(.r the pltr·

l\fone)' Wurries IY nr,' A Iherl Sidwell, Interrlull; Tht> rtuctu'tting value of money la I"rnnk Lonnz, R'I('lnl; J. J. MI'Sn·

nnoth,,1' International jll'ohll'tn, 1'1'0- mIU·n., 111'ogra01; and Char"'" .\, le!<>IOI' D,. ley / ... ·pUI·t€'<! und tolel of Huwmnn, period" In which lherl' ",lUI 11rospor- ~------

lty due 10 Innr~lIon, (ollowed \iy a de­pr..,,"IOIl with 11 fl~ tlon . Stu(lents to Attend

Annual Methodist Retreat Picnic Today

A fourth International probl m Is tru.de nn,l commerce, th" Hpeaker I ema rked. T hlH Is n. Jl",fJl III 1!CC.J.use th nations h,we ,buil t up their tariff l'(l /'I'Ier~ ~l n Cf' the ,,"ol'ld wal', anu also

Al'llroxlmately GO ~ll/lh'nls, Includ . lllg hoth the now and old {lnd n \I'

lA'Cnll ~" "urn nn llona ttl'C <l('rJclcnt In colJln,.t olf\ccrs or the differellt ,,,,mc fundum<>ntal SUPllII ~ .

l\t ill tn rism Dt>clal'i ng thnt the munltloM I\lak­

~s MV Ill'c"'€,<! their International­Ism by "~l1 l n ll' 8ullPll"" to lUlyun", l' rofo"80r Dttley pOinted to all In­cr In m nitan><llJ . J\ /loth,'r prob­lem Lq tho u) heaval of t he down­trodd en IC,WH classes with the em­tlhus lR on ./Cla llsm a nd communISm, Prot 8901' Daley said. Since the 1110r1d \V,l t' the na tions have buW up the I!Um~ thing that eau>!cd It , ~nd "EU1'O!le ts to. Ilanger at: going down undcl' Jl~ own sys tem," the 9jle<lker conCl ud('(\.

Shakespeare Club To Have Last Meeting Shnkesp~aro club will hONe Its last

mee ting of the yea r tomorrow at tho 'home of Mrs. B. E . Manville, 120 Richards st reet. A I o'cl()cl< picnic lun cheon wm be fo1l0W('d by a so­clnl hour.

\\,o._ley 1""lJldlltion organization", ·,,111 attend th annuul Methodl.t "tudent I·('treal picnic tblg flrtCl'OOOn <\nd evening at Fountnln fUlulll.

'I'ho gn)uII will Inelile (Jrtlc~l"S from "'".·Iey IcagU", W,·.,lcy plaYl'rH, j(C11>pa Phi, Phi Tau Thdn, and thl' ~ I ethodlst stUdent council. MEllY" 1,01'S of the W(>FJ;.y ~'ollndatl(J1l

boat'd, P·mf. and )II'B. C, J . LaPI,. 1'rof. and )lr.. C. Woody Thomp· ~Oll, thl' Rev. anu ~Ir". ]JalTy .1>. Hcnry, llr. and JIll'S. Carver Thomp· son.

Tho new oWcers wll\ bc Installe" .at II. cumptlrc ceremony. During tho after'noon, e-"m"" wlll bo playe<!. A plcnlo 8U111>er will IJe IICl"Ved to tho group,

Pythian Sun.shine l')"thll'll Sunshine girls will ha"1>

an Initiation ccremony at their tnrrtlng tOlllorrow Ilt 7 p.m. In th" l{nl!,:hts o( PythIa,. hall. Followin.{ inltlatlon there wil l ho a sucial hour.



Ready lor Movies

Her Clll"'CS r~clnc('d by dirt.. nil'. Marion Tulley of operl1t ie rmM is shown as she appears I'('[ul \' to entc' r the moyies. ' be ill to J'PJlOl't in liollywood ,JUIIC 1. (Associated Prc,~s Photo)

Luella Reckmeyer Speaks On Work of Recreational Center

Child Study Groupf Members Hear Talk Catholic Society At Last Luncheon Will Honor Rev.

Explaining the background, fiN!t CoU;ns at Dinner yea.r 's wor k, a nd f u lure pla.llt! of II

Ihe commun lly r ecreational center, r ... uella. R eckmeypr , s upervisol' of the cenler during It~ {Irst y ew:, spoke to Child Stutly l ub memo

ternoon porch.

Ihelr conclud ing luncheon of t he year yo terday at. on Ihe Iowa Union BUn ·

T he center wa.~ organlz€'<! th roue-h the efforts of Il>tere"ted clullwomen who worked quietly for several yeal's, gathel·tng statistics and oon· tacting- clubs, before ]ILl hll Iy 111'0-moting th tl cenler, ah IIaId'

Tells of ('rogrwlt One of the main J) urpoges at t he

centel', which opened In April , }934, was to give bal'M and t,>i rm a. Illace to m .. et fo r recrpallonal purpOIles, e_pecia lly In the evenings, the M I~ake /' report€'<!. The program and regulation. of the cen t!'r have b<'en built Ill' expel'lence, said Miss Heck· meyer.

The recreational cen ter's p ro­ST m has vean ear n ed out by or, g;~nlzin" small clt(l!s, corulucUng a thletic tournaments, 8upervlsin(f a SUmmer playgrOund, establis hing 0.

~hop for woo<lwQrk craltsmu.nshl p, alrr>la 1)0 building, a nd t1ncl'art, oll~ni ng a rending 1'000) equipped wi th boys' and girls' magazInes and bookS, giving' plaYij, a nd g roup sing, I ng, :r.rL .. ~ Rcckllleyer told lllll

Fo!lowmg his Ur"t mass today at fit. PatrIck'. church , tho Rev , Ed­ward ColIlllS, son of Mr. and )1r •. D. W . Coll ins, 311 S. Dubuque str~"t,

wm be hCJllo1't'(] ~)y Sl. Patrlck't! .\,!Jlr and Ro,ary SlJClety I1t a dtnner a t 1:15 In St. PaJ.rlC'k's school.

PlaCl'!f will 00 Iuld (or 100 gues t~

\~ho wll\ Include the new priest's I,arents and other l' 'Iath'~s, local CathOlic cl"rgl' men , ancl Ca1il"ilv Clel'gym"ll from Davcnport, l\fll-'<Oa­

line, Nolan s~tl1em"nt , Ox[ortl , !lfa.l\'ngo, , \'e><t l .Aberty. Cullu.x, JIilIs, (,nd Rlver,.Jd~.

Johanna E. Graf, John Sunier Wed At Bride's Home

Johanna. E. Clrnf, ",Ilo hllll '-n an X-raj' t"chnlclan at unl\"C!'sity hos­I,ltal rvr $ev~ral ,'(!aI'S, and JOh'l H. J' unlel', l elirro musician and j('weln' hllillness man, weI''' married ttt 7:30 Il.m. Frida)' at the home of th,' bride, 1114 E. ' Vashlngtol\ stl,(,(·t. 'fh He\'. ~}"lv""l€'r E . hlllls oWeate<l at tho (.eremony.

Atlen·lIng th; "'€'<!dlng were the hrlde '~ _1>!tl'rM, H~I, n GI·at of Iowa. City, :\lrs. Barney NacJocrln o( Sonih ,\ mann., C1nd MI'S. (1 or '" Schrued~r

group. u( Norway, Ia.. thl> brldegroom's 'The cente r. which Is (or a ll Iowa. il~phew, :'Ia..k II Il(genbotham, anll

Cily boys u.n(\ g\rl~ f rom 9 to 20 Mr. Schroeder. yrars, Is looki ng lor\Va rd to a great· Thl"' couUI wil l bc llt home aCter a cr Hummel' program, wIth pl ans for !JI'\"oral dt'YH' l'WllCrn lr\1), at th€' two outdoor pln.ygro un<ls n.nd or· lll'idl'lI'room's homl', 2t8 N. Dul,u<\u<, gn.nlzI',j kitten ball galllCS at tho Mrcet, tit!! park, ~hl' Paid.

AS LAMSON FACES ANOTHER TRIAL II Mortar BoaM ~~~~~~~~~~~ To A.nnoun~e

Filcing II third trial £or the murder of his wife. Allene, David Lnmhol1 is fOllnd hy the cameraman taking a nap in his cell at I an Jo e, Cal., exhan ted from the strain of waiting fo r tb!' jury's verdict. Af tPl' long hours of deliberation the j ury failed to agree, reporting tlle final ballot as nine to three to convict fo l' ~ecoll d dpgrre 1Il1ll'ller in the secolld trial.

New Members Dean Burge Reveal Name. Meeting Today

women, will announce new tn"PIf!'!I'I'1 (j f Mortar BOllrd at the ~Crelll ony this afternoon t 4 o'cIooo a t P /'cs ldenl' s ]JoJnt. A.Ct.\V6· p.a borB, dressed In cap and gOWllt, _ I calTy\ ng a rose, will form the cu. t(.mary procession trom Currier to President's point preceding­a nnouncement,

A n active llJem1lcr will pi n .. I'OIl

on each now member and dl1l'll' ~ Into the circle as Denn Burg& an. nOunces the selecUon. Follo'lt11! the an nouncemcnt, botl\ old and l1tY girls will Bing "Old Oold," IIIlI ma l'ch to IOwa Union for Inltlat~

li nd dinner. , Two hund red ' junior women '1\ . lended Marla r BOllrtl 's annual jun· ,or breakfast. a t which each 'ju,\. lor voted for 12 new membel'!t or Mor!Jlr Board. From the list of II women receiving the most voteS, t~ active challter has !!elected the ne" nember~ , num bering from t lve to

12, Guests a t the breakfast were Mr.'.

Burg,·, who presided as tooa!mls­lress, a nd E thyl Martin, Mm. C. R. AUl'l1 er, a nd MrH. T. M. Rehder, aU



-. to HOUSE--- I

,,(]v lsors tu Morlar Board; lIra. W. i\f. leowle l', nn tl \lnal officer, Mn. Char les M c L a. u g h II n of OmahB, member of S talf a nd Circle, the or· ranlzatlon which preceded the e,s.

tabllshment o( Mortar Board; and ~ I.eI' mother, ~Irs . ~rge F. Kay.

l~---------------------______ "" 111 1'S. E ugene A. Ql1mpre and lin.

1'1 Betll I'h\ tulm<l at a rushIng party ycslel'-'V~C!k elld !,:uest" at lhe chapter (loy trom ti lo 7 I).m. A buf(ct sup ·

houso Ill~ Kay Welch of (.'Ounril per was scrv('(\. Tht' committee In '3lutf8 nnd EII'.!lllCth l"inley. chargCl was Maxine Schln.nbusch, A2

Phi Omega 1'1 ~f Towa City; VIrginia Sidwell , Al

Walter A. J essup, In~lted guest!, wero un able to altend.

Auxiliary To Honor Guests

Nf'ed for ]o;\:I.l'nslol1 "Although Il IH tOt) SOO'l to ans'

WC!' Ir Lhe cen te,' Illl.!; accOmUIlHhed what it ~el out tu do, It hll,'1 In· ,lllled Into the b'IY!!' and lilr~' at· Ulu,1r~ a I'cstlect for proper ty, lIas kl'Jlt t1wm utt t hl' Htl'~etH lLn<1 out of mischief, I1nd hUH provided Hocla l contacts," IIaId MIAS Heckmeyer.

[h· l~n Narl.·r, (l or .dal' Rallic1". of 10Wl1 City; Eleanor Jane Dn.vk, Reed Auxiliary Will \tos left for hpr homl'. M of Oelwein, and Vlvlatl Lloyel.

Elder Daughters To Arrange Reception For Returniug Grads

Gold Star Wives, Mothel'S to Meet In Legion Building

Oul<1 Htal' mothers nnl! wIves In The IlL'esent noed i n I owa. Ity'l; low" ("lty will I ... ' honored by Iho rec rea tiona l IU'ogl'llm fo r lis youth, Ant<'rlcjln I,rglon auxili'rny at Its nn- Ill< inlerpr!>tecl by MIJ<lf Reckmoyel', lIUHI (lulll Star dln'/wl' tomorrow Ilt Is t o extenu the work or the rccrc· j;:30 Jl.m. In tho dining /'oom oC Ih(' allona l cenlel' into ,mfer nt par lK \m"rlcan Lee-Iun Imlldlng'. of lhe comm un ity and 10 ~ecure co-

'1'he hono/,<'d !(ue~tl!, who are moth- ollemUon belween varlou8 agcncl('s 0/11 01' .\"iwA uf l ow" City mr n who IntereslM In youthR' wrlCal'e, "" cllHI In ;;('·\,Ir .. durin!; the " 'orld \\nr, that a larger n umber of boys ancl nrt • .\f,1l. Ann:l B. llu.rtl.qley, j I rs. glrla may be r ellChell, .lollt> L. l'ulrn,"', ~JrR. Ju lius Schnarc, " With continued community sup' MI·~. "'. H . .l!'ox, .\11'". C. S. LaJ'i.'w, tlort, Iowa City wil l devcluJ) 11 tine ~lr8. 1. J. Glth'ns, lI[rH. Lo"en Owen, l'ccrealiollC11 progrullJ fil l' a ll boye ~lr8. Drh,.Il'"b Hurley, Mrar. John l{el- ancl glrlil," 1II 1Jls Reck mryer 6ald itl 1< her, .\fl'tl. ,\ nn;!. Yan EJ>p!t, l\{l'lI. } ;. conclusion. I. Dltnh a 111 , ~lr~, O. I I. Dunlap, and Al the boolne"1! Illl'pting Pl'Cce(\' ,In< .• [. O. !toland. Ing the altcr luncheon ~I,l'(.'ch the

.!rH. " .. A. Gay Iq chulrman of club ,,()t<,d $0 [or n. camller.hlp <llnn<'I' al·mng{·mE'nts. ~lr9. Elll, which will ntitl c II 0i1'1 Scout to ilt· l.l'I1WC",'cl, IUIfIlsted tby Jlll'1l. Bert tend one wee l,'s 1I('""lon "f !!ummer l,,-wlH, .1'111 t.'k~ chal'g" of a l'rog,'IlIII camp. which will im'lulte "'oullng!J by Mrs. HUlh emyn!' Ilnd song~ by tho Arner­kan J.ej;lun quartette.

A I'\"gulal' bU~inoSjf mooting und 1n­ltluUnn cH~"ny will (olluw ttll' dln­lwr and jJrogmm.

Kappa Phi Alumnae To H01wr Twelve Seniors

Twelve Kallp'L Phi ~enlol's will be gUC~t8 or honor at a breakfast given hy Kappa Phi alumnae this morn· Ing at 7;15 In the .l elhodlBt stu· <lent cell (1'1'.

1Iliriam Kno~r of Delmar, naUon· al tr~;u;orj'1' o[ 1{1\IWa I'hl, wUI al' tcnll tho \JI"eukCaH(. Other gu Hts jll tlIP hreakfasl wlll be !\frs. C. lIor. ton 'falley n.nd Mrs. C. ' Voody rrhomp:-;oll.

I'Jnrh or the seniors will be pro· , nl~d with n. rO"Hago of sweet peas.

by R. J. SCOTT

Lawrence Flaherty Will Wed Eleanor Shaw, S.U.I. Crad

E leanor Shaw of Pocahonta.s, U nl· ve "slly or lown. gradua le, wI ll be· come the hrlde or Lawrence Flaher· ty, a lso or PocahonlD.ll, In a. cpre· mony which will !Jlke place t ornoI" 1'0w morning at t ho Sacred Heart ch urch In Poca.hontas.

Catherine Shaw, C4 of P ocahon· tas, will a t tend ber sister n.' brides· maid . JaCk Flaherty wl\I be his brotber's best man.

The bride, daug hte r of Sla t e Rep· 1'('sen tnllvc and JILl'S. A . J , Shaw, is atn a lumna ot Delta Zeta sorol'lIy. Sho wil l be u tli l'ed In 11 long w hltQ orRn.ndy frocl<, a nd her Blsler In blue organ(ly.

A br a k(ast at tlte pocahontas ho­tel wm Immed ia tely follow the cere· mony. TllP coupl will re.\dr In l'ocaltontns where t he bridegroom Is engaged In the lumber business.

G ' T T c, SI A"lIlf~ Pi A3 oC 1'rl1tt, Kan. ,rve ea lIeS{~(ly ; Bud Zenc1ol' of DavenllOlt Is a IiIlPI1:\. Alpha Thet a

To Present Program 'week enu gur.l at t he chaptrr Wrck end gu,'"t~ at thl' chaptet' The n"NI IlllxlllfU'Y o( UtA l'rc;;:Jy- I",u"e. nOU8~ 1ll'C Agnes K lemmo and MIN

terlan rhuI't'h will ~nt~rtnln at a tea. Si!,'lllll ]'o/u Haydel of t he Uuiverslty o( Mi ,l-Tu"",lny at 3 p.m. In the ehurc!t E I Shelled)" ('3 of ~1 iJ[()rr1, IR 'Ir~otn ,

r «rlnl''l4. 81lendlng (Iw we[·k on<l In Chicago. Alpha XI Delta

Phi GUIllIll" nelta H elen I ... u ndbel·g, A3 of ~Ioll ne, TIL. Is spendi ng the week end at Iwr rome.

Mary H ili , 0 oC Highland Park, f.1Ich ., will bl' It dinner guest III the AIJlM. ,'I n"lla Aororlty house th l~

Commit tee mem bers t:p take.charge or the E lder Daughters. of the Unl· 1 vers l\y's a ltlmnl r l'CepLion durin!; : Comm~neemen t week were ap]lOlnt· cd at a mt'Ctl ng of tho or{l"anlwlloD ),e9tel,{\:).y a ftern oon at Mrs. 1::. A. Rogers' home, 004 Park J1IlIlII. They Ilre ]\f1'S. Ha W e Cameron, Mrs. Elea~ nor Blgg., WInifred Startsman, and

Mrs. L. O. Leonard. I nvite,! to thE> Informal recept'OlI,

which will tako place at 4:30 p.m.

A ]II a,. ~ntltJ€'<!, "Al'O ~ten SUIlCr­lor?," wl'l h,· 1>I'os"nled by a. group from lhp. d"ama depllrtment o( the 10\\'a City \'{omnn'H dub. ]1,11' •• L. C. .ion"" 1M cO!lehln!; the play. 'fb" ClliiL Inr.lllM~ MM<. L. n. n~n"'IIl, MI' •. E. T. II uh\',1r<1, Mrs. J,;1l1" n. Crtlw[ord, ~lnL L. ~1H1H" ~11·.1. J(lm('~ V,", Jnn<'l', .\1"s. 11 . M. Ilul'f'vltz, !lnd Mrs. \\'. T. (:O(.<1wln.

n"lJert )"c",~, .\ ~ of MI!lBOU rl Val· I~y; Fred Dodcl, A 2 of I<'\. Madison, (iPI1<-- Ge~t-it'11 . .A1 or D::wen port; Claude HOglln, Ll or Cherokee; E,I. win AI!)rl ht, A3 ot Iowa City; !I [,

fonl HtUlltOll, A3 of Maquoketa; an.! 1'1<1wurd Walker, A2 of au nell mUrrN, atl~lIUl,{! lh' chapu'r con­vention at DuvenPol"t Friday.

1I100n . Alice StandPven or the Univel'S\ty J une 1 In the main loange Qf lQ"~

of Nebl'osku I. a guest at the housc Union, will be n.1l men and women

.\ lllI,,, Ta u Orn~gll Smith ",111 E/·,wKt PNol'oon of ounc ll RlufCA

I.lay It few piano Il'dlonH, Dnd IS a week end gu""t at the rhailler 'Ielo" White will ~ing n. vocal solo. j,o"Usc. 1'he t~a Is Dllon to lit .. public.

Congregational C/uu'clt Croup Entertains At Spring Dinner' Dance

Se"oolly cltlb of the Congl'l!l"ulonal (hurch nlltcl·t:ilned uL a dlnnPI' !Jance al 6:30 IIl~t !'venlng at y(jud["~ Inn. Spring !\oW"l'S <letorut'~l tlH' !IInner tllJ,lo~, ,,11wl'(' JlII~('('s wer, lalel for 20 cuupleH, nnd pooh womatl ·WfiS IlreRCtHNI an olrl fashioned cor­,·n.ge. The ewnlng was spent UlLUC­lllg to I'adlo music.

Franct'S llartlt>y, At ot nlA'hmol~' .

.s. D., commltl e chairman, w<!-q a;;­sl~tcd by l{ .. lth "'<-ebel' and .\fnrr LOujso Trundy, hoth of I\lwa ('Ity: ;'vls Pixler, A2 or KinA'Alry; Clll1'olt :'la l'lIn, A2 of Cromwell: Ella Subs. Al of Salem, S. D.; and J ames :\fudge, Al o( Ottu mwa..

HOTEL L!Unn. " RAO(ET" PAHlS (l,/'iS)-Amcricnns arc now

"tounng F,'unco" lJy tb,' lhou~D nds wIthout /lolng 10 tho expense of com· Ing to Franco, It WM I('arned today a t lhi< li'l'enrh hotel u.o!lOCio.tion. 'l'ho more <'ClInom\(-al sy'tem n.. IU'acllced In the Unitrd Slat€'R III to wl'ltr (or I ··rpn~h hotel hhel", for which con­tlnuou" I'equests are hl'lng received . 1\101'(' Ihan ([),ono Auch IWIU('st:! were rrr('\v€'<! Ia.'f\: year.

(lll mma. I'hi lIeh~

Oue~ts at tbe c hall t"I' hOUSP thlq ' .,rek end at'(' Jlfnry Jnno SOl'chtig o[ Ft. Madison, Patricia IrL'Ih of

I X~vUlII1, Dorolhy Durlun of \ Vell­man, ;>Ilnry Orr Olmsted an ll VII'. 'Iula llallgnm, ·bolh or Hock Island,

1lI. IMIII 1)elta De\t1L

Doltlt [)C'Hn U.' lta SOI'orlty en ter-


)11'. and ;\lr~. C. I I. Bunke,', 801 Twnfll,!" "tl·t'H, r~tul'tlN1 "'rlrlay ~\"P. inhll( (I'om BI'lsto\\', whcI'(' they hove· ~p('nt HcvC'ral w(\('ks.

:\[r. nn,l lIlrs. CIlIlrieH Galllll'r 1.22 Muscallne avr nuc, lrft l'eMp I'. cluy mornllHt (or a fishing trip to ~lInnesola.

grln. ZWlnggl, firm aSSistant In the ( 1l'culaUl)n d plll'lmf:nt or t he unl ­v 'r"lty Hbml'y, Is 9Pcndlng' tho weele j'ncl at Nurlhfleld, Minn.

Harmun Nichols or Chicago Is " week end gU'''lt at the hOme ot 1\11'. lind Mrs. DonnJd B. Durlan, 0]8 nea rborn street. 111:1'. Nichol. ami

this week . nlum nl who gra.!lUltted before mo. Delh. ZetlL 'rhe EJdt" Dn.ugh lers of tbe Unlve!·

Dorothea NeWland, A4 ot DrnkCil­\'Ille, Is "!lending t he week end In Des Moines.

1\lpht~ Delta Pi W('l'k end g uests a t t he chOp tel'

housCi a r Leona K ing of Spencer \J.nd Betty Skewls of Slorm Lake. 1 . E, Casterline oC T ipton visited hIs daughter, Rao Mal'le, Yl'stcrday.

lIlary ElIzul>eth Irwi n, A1 (}[ Ida. Grov', wl11 spend toduy In Rock ford, m., and Huth Cowser In Sterlln~,

111 .

,'[I'. DUl'lon are f l'llternl ly hrolher~.

Mrs. Clrrl r e 1\1al'sllall of COll a .'

Hlllll(\~ vl.II!'<1 ye;;tcrday w ith Mrs. Deau I ... lerlc, 003 River slreet.

.:Ifahpl Gould, supervisor of the 1'0-

~erv dcpartm nt of th~ unl\'crsltl1 lihl'1l.l'y, 's Rpencllng t he ,,"'Ok cnd in I (>s ;\!OIOPS.

sit y. an organization or women whO altcn!led tho Unlvet'S.i ty of low~ 31

or mOlll yea rs ago, are giving tho r tea lo a llow those a lumni 10 nJe(!t thelt· returning f riends.

W om.en Will Honor I Mrs. John Herman

Mrs. H an y S. Bunker Ilnd Mn. \ Ueorge L. 1I0mer will Ilonor Mrs. Joh n lIerman, who \\1 tb Dr. Hermlll leaves next m onth to reside In Call· t orn la, when t hey entertain mC.'l.· bors of th eir b ridge club at a. lunab· ,'On Wednes<lay at the Bunker hom', SO ~ e . R onalda street.

Girl's Picnic Seventh a nd eighth grade gtrls

at Unlven!lty junior high school m" tor a picnic .sullpe r FrIday evenln! at l ho city park. Following the IU~ pel' games were played.



E.O.S. Club Mem.ber's To Entel'tfl;n Husbands At Conclllding Picnic Wl1iCH 11+£..





Ct\".,.CEL.LOR t>ou..FUS4) 'III+{O WAS SLAIN IN ,o..USl'R,IA'"





U PRoI ~ I I'4G Copyrl,hC, 1~3~. by ~ntral Preu AuoellUon. In.

E.O.S. club mernbprs w ill ente r­ta in t heir hll~bands a.t t llel r las t I meeti ng of th~ y~ar, II. picnic sup­PN' In the gardpns surroundIng Dr. a nd Mrs. Arthur Sle ln(lIer's home, ]03 MelrllsC avenue, Tuesday a t r. p.m.

F ollowing dinner Mrs, Carl ehore, Jr., will s ing spveral RongS Cor t he g l'O U]l,

Club to Entertain At Pot Luck Luncheon

Iowa W man's clUb members he entertained Thursday al a pot luck lunch eon In the city llt1.Tk at I p.m . A bus iness meeting will fol· luw tile luncheon.

The commltteo arra ng ing til!) luncheon IncJud ~s Mrs. L . R. Brown chairm a n, JIll'S. R. J. Phelps , Mrs. AIIH'rt Betz, and Mrs. Mer lo Web· s tpr,


Olle nlOC'k fj()\l\h of ItOC'k Island nepaL

75c for one hour $1.00 for 2 hours


GC4lrl:e EmJllOnR

Dial 37S&

Your Gift

Particularly If It

Comes From Hands

For Graduation Gifl We Suggest:




Hands Jewelry Store

Speel.' Oller'".-0NE WEEK ONLY

A 1.00 BOX OF POWDER and Your Own Selection of Ritz Products for the price oj the preparatio1l$ awne!

It's CHARLES of the Rrrz Powder, of course Sifted through sixteen Bilken .creens, each

6ner than the lasL

Miss Cay Newsom


• will be with us all thi~ week to do the final hlending to accent the loveliness of y ur akin.

lng, 11y hQ RObert Cleve\(

John Jlltal, \Vlh31 hOllPlu Ward ' Jl\ta.1 Tyailitl New r Van ~ City.

Robe \lltal, ! Weltel' \'OU"g~ Wlleke l'oughk \V'lIY, Cily; " City J\l N. J •

l{A.t-l1 lIve lItu, .novel' n that a In 1927

BoaM oA.nnoun~e ew Members Dean Burge . Reveal N~JReI Meeting Today

Adelaide L. Burge, dean II! will announee new tne!nht11

Board at the tTadluln.! this afternoon 'at 4 o'en(

Pr.,.lrlpn!'s point. Active ~ In cap and gownl, - k

a rose, Will form the cu. pr(lCc,sst()O from Currier blq

's point preceding

at the br~llkrnst wore Mr,'. presided as t0Q8tm\s.

Ethyl Martin, MM. C. R. and Mrs. 'l'. 1,1. Rehder, all to Mo.·tar Board; MI'II. W,

, nall~nal omcer, Mn. eo. 11 c La U'gh lin of Omaha,

of Starf and Circle, the or· on which preceded tbe BI·

Ish men t of Mortar Board; and mother, Mrs. George F, Kay.

Eugene A, Gilmore and MIt. A. JeSllup, Invited guest!,

unable to attend.

Daughters To Reception I

Returniug Grads 1 ittoo members ~ take·chal'll'

Daughters of the lin!-I r/'Coptlon during

week were appoint. meeting of the organlwtloD

a ftcrnoon at Mrs. I:l. A­home, GOt Park 11Oad. They

Mrs. Jtattle cameron, MI'1!, E\ea Blgg~, Winifred Startsman, IlJIi

L. 0, Leonard, to the Infonnal recept'on,

wtll take plac& at 4:30 p,m. ne 1 In the main loung& oe Io,,~

lon, will Ibe all mt'n and WOirn!D l nl who graduated beeOr& 1 9t~ El(l~~ Daughters of too Unlver· a n organizallon or women whO

the U nlverslty of Iowa II more years ago, are glvlng til< r to allow these al umni to meet .. returning friends,

, \


rs. John Herman I Mrs. Hal'ry S. Bunker and M"'\

L. Horner will honor Mrs. who wtlh Dr. Henna.

next m(}ntn to I'eslde In call· when they entertain mew·

of their bridg& cl ub at a lunch· 'Yedneooay at the Bunker hom1,

E. Ronalda street.

Girl's Picnic Seventh and elg'hth grade glMI Unlverslly junior hlg'll school JD~

a picnic SU1Jper Friday evenin! tho city park. FollO'lYlng the SU~

games w re played,


POWDER and ofRitzProducta ~n.flrn.t:in" .c alone!

Powder, of course


week to do the final of your akin.

College Will Present Guest Artists Here

The :\fonmouth college acl!ool of

fllW!lc will prrJl('nt a guest artis t llrogrlUJ! OVe!' W U r. Tuesday eve.

~llng, at 9 o'clock. The progl'O.ll\

under the direction of Prof, Glenr.

C. Shaver, will consist of sonn by

.the quart t and solos by several of t he students.

Hlrd Songa a.l Eventide ........ Coates

Rose of i!lly lIellrt ................ LObr Quortet-8oprano, Mildred Orlt·

!tth, Seaton, III. Con­tralto, Isabel Bickett, N wton. 'l'enor, Clnrenc~ PaUerson, Monmouth, III. Baritone, KennctlJ NichOls, Burlington.

Shlpmat('ft of 1I0ne ....... _ ... SanderSOn BIU,ton !lOla-Kenneth Nichols

Pu.· dl cesti ................ ............ Lotti 1)u Blat wle elne b lum ..... Cantor Whem ~Iy caravan has Rested

............................................... ,....... Lohr Tenor Soloe--<:IIU'cnce Pattel'llOn

Carl .elv& ... _ ...... _ ................... Handel Alleluia. ........... _ .. _ .................. _. IIf~ a n Italy . ...................................... BoYd

Soprano solO!t-Mlldred Griffith & Iected Bass 8[)lo .. Protessor Sha.v~r 6elccUolloS from The Mikado

............................ Sir Arthur SuliLvan Tho Wand 11ng )Unstl'el

.. ............................. _ Mr. PattN'son Du t ........... IIUss Griffith and )fr.

Patterson Tho Madrigal ............ the quarte~

The Moon Song ........ :\1189 Griffith 'rhe Flowers That Bloom In tbn

Spring ....... _ ......... _ ... the Quartet Will You R emember (May time)

........... _ ...... _ ............ , ..... , ........ Rombe.·~ Love Me Tonight (Vagabond lOng,

..................................... _ ............... Frlml Soprano and tenor ducls-01l11ss

Grlftlth !lnd Mr. P!lttcrson Th Monmouth college hymn I ...... _ ..................................... GOO<lrlcll A Fla me of White and CrimSOn

................................ _ ............... Farrell Monmouth Loyalty

The Quartet


Airplane Disasters (8 y TIle ASSOCltlled P re s)

Major r a.senger airplane dlsast(.'nl dooth whrn plane caught Clro n ar In rt'Oent y~ar8 Includt'd: (lcOOJ1sluc, CuI,

Oct. 3, 1920- even <1100 In crtlJ!h ~1aruh 31, 1931 - Knuw RucKu oC plan on shOre of Iilnglish channel. and seven oth~rs l<lIIl.u n~r Ba7'" 1',

Seill. 17, 1927 - Seven killed hi Knn, CI"tUIIt o( "'ghts Ing plnn at Hadley ~I"rch ~5, 1933-F.h·\'cn occul>ant8 FleW, N, J. or hou"", and tht<, In plnn" loll d

,'ov. !u, 192i-61X Frenchmrn per- "I\('n craft plungN Into dwelllll& 181md In crrum tn Morocco. nl'lIr lIaywartl, 1.

March 5, 192 -Home mado plnn& June II , 1933-. 'tne k1llo<l In alght-crashed hl an Dlegu, Cal., killing 'N'lnlt pI" nl' cmsh Il~AI' ('hlca!:u . f:v~. ~o\·. '!2, 1933 - Pourt,,'n dlo,l In

May 5, 192 -Seven kllloo In wreck (ull oC HU8slan 8up<'r-al"llnt'r at or mail plan at Pocatello, I<1aho. ], hark,)'/,

Nov. 'I, 1928-Fourt n 1000t lives 1"<1>. 26, 1931-Eil;ht kll <I when "hell plane dived Into Rio de Jan ~lro Hllllle crash",1 Into mountlLln .Ir! l1ariJor. II< r SJ\tt Lake Glty. Ulah,

Nov, Hi, 19~s-.slx klllcd wh 1\ 'l'h" :llaxlO1 aIJrky crw h c u ·"\tllo wings of plane folded at San Ant(·nlo. i.'Hg t (Ipjlth toll .,v<'r IWUnll'<l I" a

March 17, 1929-J.'ourteen kUl~ In I" n<: ... • 1,lan . nccld,'IIt. era9h. of huge BI!:'htscelng plane III lJI~lgl',te cra_lwa, hnw 'vpr, h"vI' Nel\1U"k, N, J. "tt·ounu.·d for bU'!:"I' c11'Uth ttJlI~, lhn

Jail, 2, J929-Tcn killed in colllsion II I Itht, tl (Inll 73 vl~·lirns 111 the ("r. h of I}>llLnc. near Santa Monica, Cnl. of the U, S. navy dlrlodhh' ,\ krun orc

,Tnn. 10, 1930-Slxtcen burnt'd to the N('W .THIIt'y ('OIUl!.

From Here and There News Items of Interest Gathered From

Various Part ' of tIle WorM


$30 a Year


That Wa Salary Paid Teacher In Day of Forty.Nine

In J 49, 1"('.

(or n ye-n. .. 's

In Oct"I"'" 1 .:., CllJ'h Rtudrnt Wiltl 1"'11 u t{.) to (u"nIMh u. halC

conl ut wUtltl III ,(1)" cut tor the 81<>VI', In ord~r to help out In tM 8ohUOI fin ncl'''.

In"lngs ot' 1,,"'1\ Ik'hool WI 1"('.

I,rudued hy Jlleott .\. Swisher oe th. [U\\~l llll' IIIAloriral KO<'INy In IHI' ~Iny \. ue of "The l'aUmpsolll," llIonthly ,Uol,Lknllnn or the ",I,.ty,

L1", Hwl.ht'r bllJl wrlttpn the ~n·

tiN IR II <Ill "Thl' HI lit Etluca· tlull," In "h'{'rv,~n("~ of lhe thl' 0 lIull,lr !til Il.nnlverll;U·y of tll~ ("und· In't of tIl(' rtrst IlecUlHlnry KrhOOI In ,\llItrl"" tIl/> U, I,," Latin IIChtJOI, nc~t(ln, Mn. •

-------r SIXTY·THREE

1'14!IlPN' IMrnlnlr, th nra<1t1my, dlHI he hllfh ..ell"ul IU'9 th~ tagoll 1\' oe,1 hy M.·. Swl hrr In [oIVa edu. clltiun DCllll111rk arwlemy, In 18or;, ha'l ~7u tu.)"nl. I gl.t('I·W trom

n.l' Tile oclat.,.1 l'r UhHI.IN (.\1') q"nlllll !liI'lI I" thn I:; 8\<.t{'.5 Ilntl tl'rrltorles, LQNDON (.\I')-SubwllY \Y""8~n ' W;.I"'1I of hkM hf't~ lK)llle ne,'d JUWlL HchtKllH (or w"l1I'~n fluurlsh.

Medical Students Get Internships

(Continued trom page 1) • slty hORllital, rowa City; Charlos 'Sevle.· Fail, Jr" Broodla\\'ns Polk

ounty hOllllltal, Des Moines; Wal­tor ]tal' tung, St. A nlhony hOllllltal, Oklahoma, Okla.; Lewis E, lledgr­c<lck, San Diego County General hOF­

pltnl, &tn Diego, (.'a.llf,; John C. lIerman. Santa Clara COUllty ho~­

pltal, SJ\n Jose, CalIC.; ITarola O. Ji rsa, City hOfJI)itll.l, AkrOn, Ohio; Robe.·t J. JOhnHoII, Iowa MethOdist l.ospltal, Des .'foinrs,

Georg.' n. Johnston, Anc.ker 1108-rltal, at. Paul, Minn.; Lt'ste, W. Kimberly , Unlv~rl!lty hospital, Jown. City; \\-. O. Kruckenberg, Hal'por I'OI!]Jlta l, Dutl"Olt, Mlch,; J ustin 1'. l.eonol·d, New Rochell hospltlll, ~ew Rochellt', N, Y.; Wlllillm T l.evine, ISI'ael-Zlon hOSlllta), Blwk" Iyn, N. Y.; "Marcue J. Magnussen, CIncinnati Gelleral hospital , Cincin­nati , OhIo.

DwIght A. 1I1atcI', Mary'S Help hospital, San FmnclRro, ClllJr,; Paut Floyd 1I11ner, at. Lukes h.ospitill. Du­luth, Mlnn ,; Stllnley Moon, Unlver­klty hOlml.tal, Iowa City; Joseph ,r. Nem&c, State Ullhel"Sity hOlllllla!, Oklahoma City, Okla,; Harold P. Osterhagen, Henry Ford hoIIJlital, ))&rolt, MIch.

ROgN' L. O'Toole, A ocker hOf:JllI­W, St. Paul, Minn.; T..cvln n. Peek, University hospital, I owa City; Jumes Eo nl'eder, Jr., Biaho) Clark­Iwn :Memorlal hospital, Omaha, Neb,; Phlllll R. Reuben, Cedars of Lero­\1011 hospital, UJs Angeles, Calif.: l'aul Carlton Rlchmond, MissourI Methodist hOS[lltal, St. J OIleph, Mo.;

gerA are Indlgllllnt bccD.u"e newly f~;\r no Jc\\1Rh hOllk. Tho it.,tb,,"I, ,.1. ~1t, PleO\Nlnl ~{'ll\lnury rOllu ... t. Installed ro1)Qt~ meN'ly warn, OVPI' II". hllV" ,l,'ol1n<'<\ thl' Y<":lr t" 188u" .~I th"t ,!UrI! "'l1mlLIl furnl>h "D.Jl a nd oVClr, "Sla.nd clear or Uw gah~:1t !lHhlnll" lI .. pn~e~ tn n'1ll·,\r)'8n •. 1'hey think 1h ... ·• might at 10Mt h, a. "pi a8e" at Ihe beginning 0.' "nil,

As a mattel' of fact they did ~ay " 111('tl~e" wh~n !l1'st IIlHtllll <I, hut an efficiency 1I10n dl'<"hl<'u tho ('xln wOI'd wM Rupeli"hlOuH.

L()!\:OO~ (APl--Fo.· ft1u' th'lt Illhl!'," "" "'ell us nn umltrell , u Moh'lOlllll'd(ln IIl<t"nt'rll IlIllfht I>') "r. I,alr uf thl"k 1/111,,1 Rhoe , 'LIl<l .tlm fenMd, thp- IlrlU,h II,.nn,k.1<t1n· ,',,1" 1'''''11\ furnlHhlllllM. 1'","1LI\lm h:1. 10:1.11111'11 the u. tiC 1111' "If the> RU~"~H8 or p"lItl<-lll d 1110("

WOl,1 "Alluh"-th,· \,.'lI,1c ,John a'~I-on ItM llrogra!ll~,

Tho l,oflular ".\ lIn.h'ft VII~NN.\ (ol I'l--A hUH»and's 1)0(1. numl,..r 1M 11111\" nnnhun~1 ,I lUi "I;,,.t·

!I'm fOl' dlvllrcp on the ground th"t ern Jlr,lhl:lY." 'I'ho mu Ie ""uIIII his wife wouldn't tnke (l lJath (~~ till" ",,""1<'.

trequently u~ he thought 1)I'OI)('r, wa.. I~j ctell by a Vienna dlHtrlrt cou.·t.

'rh cou!'t held the wlro'~ (allll1'!' to bath~ wa.- not n. surrtclent cau",' tor dlvtH"Ce unle.s ~h~ l"rU'l'll d • "plte rCI)('tJ.tcd 11'<Iueflta by her hilS. band. The hushand could not prov~ thltt this was the ca,e.

The decree WaR gl'ant,od, howI'ver, 011 th~ wifc'H pNltion thllt h,"· hus· band hod hUlllillJ1te.l hpl' hdu ... 1' .. 1 • tlV('R and frIends,

DUN'S (.\f'}-Thls R<:utllsh '"wn elalmR to 11(1 Ihl' hlrthplace of 11", n'Ht d un("~.

[)lInR ReolUS 'WI. n )o'rnnriflcJln monk who rrllln"~d thl' HH>I'Nlwnt H<:lllnst the study or thtl ('Iw " •. MInce- t11Pn, an}'on" (IPllllRl'(\ to I, arl1· ng· or Mlow at lellrnlllg- h.'lJI '" I'll

cRlled n Iluner,

LONDON (.\l')-IT, T" Il rnl>ke h1" IWPI! drnlrd U <'''I11I1>1'locl" I )11101 'tt Ikrnsc iJ('c.tlU"(, of fuulty (')'I,.lght, Hl'oolco t" the ~am(l (Iukt g'Cntle-

LH"LEIlOEO, D<>l1mll.l·k (A P)- man who fOCI'ntly II<'t It TW", ""In Tw() young doves w110se wlnl-(s 11Ue] rlI~ht 1"('"orl1 or "('\"('11 l1a~''', 2<1 .been ~ut Hhort l>ecau"c they h,d hourR. bt'tw{'('n A ""tmll" and r.:Il'" returned th,. limes to tMiI" m,HII. lIICI.

erJy ne~t, managl'll tu rNurn til(' The rxamlners I1cel","1 that whlh' (oul·th time as w II-by wlIlklnjf 1111 l1I'oolw S('C8 v('ry \\'ell \l'HlI th nJ.! lhe way, three miles, o( 8)1" taclpR, hiN passt'ng'l'l' would

Aftt'r thlH, tl1e man who had Ill' In a lIol"ry Illight It he "llIIuhl bought them WM so il11flresHl'<I wlih hUIl[H'n to In ak hi,. gl;. > 'R dul"ing their love of borne thal be [X'lmlt- n fllgh!. ted them to stay with their mother,

AAO PAUlA> (,\I')-Jo c l' I.AlNDON (A P)-{:oopcrutlng with Slim, who has ~Ilcnt l11any of his

tho govrrnment In an efrort to 110 )'0111'" of 11(" as II whlto wing, avoid another drougM such as l:u.t (l.Hcr/l"'R hili longevity t" C('IIi>ll<")'.

'~Ulllmer'", England'" mth tuu mILk· AN he "llL~ It: ~rS havo tlgl'eed to make smillieI' "Once In while I hnl"c the IIlI(l tubs, to marry, Ilut I look I.t the I:Irl8

The new ones wUl hol<1 only 20 of today anti dN'lrf(o,1 agnln. t H. sul lon", liS against the (ormel' 28, 'l'hl'Y knolv tuo much."

Why "Pali11l1JS(?st?" Editor Briggs Tells Origin. 0/ Title

\Y hera dOt1fi "Th I1lOl1thly "ubUrutlul1 of the [ow"

t:: Ult" III"tol'l<·,,1 ~ .. d"ty, B't It. un· ,!: 11:11 nnllwt.' In 19~U. \\'ht'u tht' pmJ 'lI'd m"~"ll7jnr. WII~ 111 "mbry-unlo fu l' 111 , .. rfurt wu.~ madl' to glvI it 1111 0.1>111'01' 1'11110 tltI.',

"In ''llI'ly tIIr~ ~," 1!11)"8 Prot JI1I," :~. Jll'ilflrll, 1)1'1'< lit <,<lItor, "Iulllm,,· ",,:sis w"r I)(,r~/lllt{'nt~ Ih"t th. , fru· ~lll Il lm"·t·I". hud IlU"IHPt,"1 to UHI , luurj' t hlln f n('('. 'fhbl Wll." arcom .. flUsher! hr ('<>\'oI"ing tho o .. lgll1ut \\1"11111 9 on Iho parchment, 8Ullel'­Imposing Ihe rl('W on the old,"

Ht"!wlu 111 nllw l' .. "nnslt'uct tho orl­I:llInl works Ill' d."('iI'h.· .. lng the 'ill'" frngml'lltM oC thr partly covI'f\'d and '1'118<'11 lettr""

"''rh~ I'UII",p~est' oontnl1l1 haU· rorguttell "tnrll". tn thl' ~nd tIm. tho "nln!:R of Ihe IlI'ollln of IOlVa lIIay ha\,t· "Iluli!)' [01' the III','sent ""III'I'attnll," said 1'1'orC8>lQr HrlglfH, "This reCollstrl) lion or Illstory I~

11kI' ."'Clpherlng lin nnclent Ilalllllp

John C. Plu'I.h, known at. the

~!~:':8J~;;n~l,chte .. , Mercy hOSP'-



General hospi.ta l, LIncoln, Nell.;

~~wcll~ Rober~~,I~aMclh- U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rxIlst hospital , Des Moines; F1oY'l -V, Rolfs, Dept. oC Bacteriology. <i.U.I" Iowa ~Iy; Warren B. HOS~ ,

City hospital, A leron, Ohio; JllCk Wm. Hovalle, In, Jprsey City J\fedl-cal Center, J eJ'9('Y City, N. J,

Carl :'1. Sagert, Hackensack hos­Pital, HackensaCk, N. J,; AdrIan :T. 'Schroeder, Swt'dlsh hOS111 tal , Seat­tle, Wa.sh,; Ho! rt Ellsworth Shaw. DellI. of Pathology, S.U.I., Iowa. City; Andrew B. Steele, Broadlawn" Jolk Oounty hospital, Des Moines: E , 1Ir. Smlth, University hospital, IOwa City; Paul St llhen. U. a. Pub­he Health \Service; All n F. Ster'­lng, San Bernardino County Char­Ity hosllital, 'an Bl!rnordln<>, Calif" Robert B. <Stump , City hospital, Cleveland, OhIo.

John B. Thielen, Mary'S' Help hos­pital, San Francisco, Cal if.; Paul \Vln810w Tisher, Charles T, Miller h06IJltal , St. Paul, lUnn.; paul Ed­Ward Tramp, Tacoma. General hos­pital, TncoInIl, WllSh.; Richard V. TY8dl11e, New Rochell e hoopltal , New Rochelle, N, y,; Euge ne F. Van Enpg, University hospital, I owa (,Ity.

Robert U . Ward, St. John's hos­])Ital, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; John Alfre<1 Welte .', Y (} U n g 8 tow n hO!l)JttaJ, "oungstown, OlJlo: William Burtol~ Wllolco, Vassar Droth~r8 hOSPital, Poughkeefl81, N . Y.; R obert M. Wray, Unlvcrslty h081ljtlll, Iowa. City; 'Vlllla m D, Yavol"sl,y, J e l"8<')' CIty lIred lca l ' liter, J crsey ClIy. N, J.

HANNOVER (AP}-Atter exton­live s tull,v, R. E. W e.·th of the 11l1J1-J\ov~ .. museum II.nnounood the 1I<'1Ie( that a. I' lolv found In ElMt Frlesla. In J927 Is 2,000 ye.u·. old.

WII held for th of Ambia )) who was critically injured when his lUotol'cycl, rollid(l( \ wifh lllloth l' eycli't in DOI'St:'tshh:e, EnglAnd, Hc took the \lame of haw fo 8voir\ pHhl iei !), ui'lrl' h(' hud Il'd the l\I'ao rel,olt ~lli ll t '['oJ'kish 1'\11(1 in the Wodel war. He i~ , 1Iown at right in his AI'abiall costume and III left on hi~ mOlm'cycl , (Associated P"css Pltotos)


~y J. P. McEvoy and J. B. Striebel







HOLLY,VOOD, Call1., :May 18 -The man Mae lVe8t doesn't "ain't born ,ret."

The actress cav .. thIs reply to It

FroJJy .. 'OOd Interl'iewer a.t1eT answer. Ing q u sUom. by 12 motion plctur:J Mltor. In a d02l!n clUes on " clJaat. lo-cout t91epboM boOik - /JfI.

" IVllllt is your Idea. of tllB (de .. : type of man?" was tbe qUClltlon ,

"The man I don't like ain't born yet," MI84 W ell repUIId. "You aec, <llfrerent men are loteresUnlr for ('1[( 'relit reallOns. I aee lIOIIIebody I like very day. "

STOCKHOLM (AP}-The m08t e:r­tOllllve military mancuvcflI In Swe­den In five )'e0J'8 will be undertakell thla ru ll In th southern pro"IJl(!e oC

kIlO , I( prop salg by th& mlnlat l'Y a re agreed to by parlh.

• 'orlh CUI 'Ihlll 111M .. t:vly c9tnb- Zekc Spo.uldlng, Ouan& Valley, "OliL Goltl," unlveralt)' hYllln, wit. thc (jrst ('dltor of thr public- tlon,

An old 1)IlUm)J8('st ru" 1x>~n .'6-produced on the eO\·.r of thl> morn· >'!Int'. P"rtly rll..NJ I("(t ... " ran 1."

• Tbr lIny huu.'o II! Austin, 1\:xaQ. 118hn1 I1t of t n alato park.. on (\rC'll'on, cowlJoy a nd h is wife, rode where O. I1.nry lived bdo .. " 11-' j!rolln'" ramuli. t<Jr thplr scenic 75 1Il11 .. through a snowslorm to 'IH'on'l' to IItArnry fo,un., ho .. l>t'tlll I",nuiy 01' hi'ttlrl('ftl Int.",·.t I'otl' In N<lVrmb('r l&ctiofl8,


I N THE very beginning the Ford Motol'

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how far Ford has progressed toward the

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the car.

The thousands of modem Ford dealer·

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lions of Ford owners. Other thousands of

dependable garages and service stations

-identified by the Ford sign-proviae


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Looks Like Everybody Bought A ford V .. 8

8urkett-Updegrall Motor Co.

.. _ .. _4 _ JB&II ma,tUP

at tile ,... _ at 10 .... cttF. I ..... •••• tltl aet ., 0-_ of Ku'0I0 a. llf ••

"1II~_pD1l111t1o .... "'~117 ........ _ ,..,.. .., ~.. 11 _to .... 1<17. .' --.

Tile ~t04 ..... Ie _elUlftlT c-1hI04 ta _ tOft ...... bU .. Uo. of all _ 4lapate_ oro4.1t04 te II or .ot etMnrt.o oro4.1lo4 I. IbS. Pl'pe' ........ &lUI IooaI ..... ,ublllh..s h .... ln.

4J1 I'II'b18 Of ropubUcaUoa of opeeIaI .,-1010.. ,," .. Ia arl ..... reeen04.

Dl'fOauL DD'UI'l'WDY ~4 :S. l'rJ'or .. _ ............ Mltor lo/Uo 11'_ Pl70r .......... K .... 1I«ltar .. II ~ Clark •••••• H .... 'la 841to. trUll_ lIorrilt ••••••••••• cttF I14Jto. VJrtrIma Oook .......... Campal 114Ito. Jaok OV.~1 ........... &POrte I14ltor Jt-.ll B .... 1I'OOIl ..... " 1D0rte 114110. Lura II. ._ ........ IIoOlotF MIlo.

BUIIIOIII DU".TIID'1' II. L. WIllla •••••• A4nrtJol ........ . __ C. 0U0t1l •• OIreaJ.U .... w .... .. "'- •• 1ollm14t ......... Ae_taDt

TE.EPIIONJII --..w om. U.l heIety .... u .. ~ 0flIee 41t1

SUNDAY. lI[AY 19, 1935

Tlie Champioru Come Home

ON THE tront page of The Dally Iowan this morning appears an an· nouncemen t or plans fOr g"eell ng Iowa City high school's national champion orchestra members when they arrive from MadIson, Wis. If the welcomo Is In keeping with thl\ group's achievement, It should be heard from ono end or town to the other.

Special recognItion Is due thc or­chestra's conductor, Lloyd F. Swart­leY, who came hero from II1lnnesota lind in swlrt order brought Iowa City high school naUonal recognl· tlon. Last year. It wtll be remem· bered, the hIgh schOOl band under his dlrecllon ranked superIor In the national conlcst at Des Molncs.

For the opportunity or Mr. Swart· ley and his 76 musIcians 10 make the trip to MadIson to compete In the national contest, all Iowa CIty owes gratilude to thoso who con· ducted a beneUt show 'at the hIgh IIChool a week ago and to thoso who contributed generously to the travel tund.

Iowa City. In ract. lhas good rea­eon today to bc proud.

Pressure From The Farmers

THESE COLUMNS the othor day 8'aNe rathe.' back·handed approval to the mUch· publicized "march" or farmers on WashIngton In support of tho AAA.

As a matter or prlnclplp, ali 8uch attempts to force legislation by th lppllcallon of pressuro on legis· lators Is a dangerous thing; btlt con· slderlng tho tact that nearly 1111 leg­Islation Is tainted wIth tho Influenco of pressure groups of one kInd or another, and that most ot such pressure ls ot ar far more Insld loua variety. tho farmer'1I demonstration deserves a certaln amount ot com· mendation.

Now a slmJlar delegation. made up of dairy and fruIt farmers, is reo ported to be gathering st"ength for a propos d trip to the capitol to register Its approval or AAA amend. ments now being consIdered In con· gress. This, too. deserves the sup. pOrt of those who derive satlsfac· tlon from the spectacle of farmers t .aklng theIr Interests In their own hands for a change and using the same weapons that have been wield­ed so successfully by busIness mon and Industrialists tor many years.

But It Is only on that hasls that pilgrimages to Washington can b& condoned. If. It were possible to clear the whole governmental ma.­chinery or the parasitic prelUlure groups which feed upon It, thero would !xl no excuse-a.nd indeed. no necessity-for farmers or Ilny other self· Interested group to descend on W .... hlnglon In order to Impress congressmen with 'their strength. But until Buch purging can be ac· eompllshed. farmers deserve 110])­

plause for their now·found deter· mlnat\on.

What Others Think

The Student Edition (From The D)'e1'lvUle Commereial)

Tho Commel'cial. Illst week. was In the hands of a group of Unlver· slty of Iowa SchOOl of JournalIsm students. Mne made up the staff, a. managing edItor. advertIsing man­ager and assIstants. Society editor. feature writer and two farm editors. 1II8ulng an edItion of a country n&wspaper Is part of the practlca.l work of the student class. . Two groupe are lIent out each year to seleeted newsp~r ofCIces for the experience and the Commercial fel t honored In being selected as one of the seat/! of learning this year.

<Strange 8S It mIght seem. the .-reater number of the group have never had any eX]lCrience In actual neWlllPl\.per work. The accomplish· Illent of producing a fine %8 f)88e

edition Is therctore all the more to the credit at the staft. The publlsh­en and membcrs of the force. whUe It WU a strenuollll week. enjoyed bavlng the cl!lBll here, as It was compoaed ot a tine group of l'OlIIIA'

tolkl who exemplified all the mod·

ern Ideas of newspaper . work. which of course meant something in the way of brushlng up those of U8 who are Inollned to cou.rt the bealten path of routine. New Ideas IIhould b& welcomed at all times.

The flpoelal student edition lPeaIta for iltlelf and much favorable com· ment bas been received at tho Com· mercia.! offloe, whIch we gladly PMS on to the boys and glrlB who mer· lted It.

Tbe boys who have positions in the ne"'spaper plant feel proud of having been a part In puhllBhlng tbe odltlon. and wIsh the members of the stUdent statf every euccell8 In the realms of neWllpaper work.

The complete silence of Dr. Al· bert EllUlteln at the moment he was scheduled to addreu an audience of dlsUngulBhed sclentlBts and others In Philadelphia Inevlt.a!)ly provokes the query: 'Why Ie It that far lellS capable speakers seem neVer to be Il() affected when they arise before audlences?-KAneas City Star.

The birth of a 18·pound baby 18 >'eported In the Carolinas. It prom­laes to make the old spinach con ten. lion II. much evener flgbt. - Des Moines ReglBter.


rt'he convlctton In many quarters that PreSident 'ROOsevelt Is swing· Ing more to tho left WILlI gtven ad· d!'d weight Friday by his somewhat surprising endorsement of Secre· tary Morgenthau's proposal for gov. cmm,cnt ownership of federal re· serve stock.

Such endol'!lement WM ,nr· prislng ehleny because one hanl· Iy would have expected the pres· JrJent to sUck his hand 80 bravO" ly Into the Ilon's moulh, not be­eaulle the proJ)08a.l Is In any way ul1tlOund.

There I. Ullle chance. of cou l'I!C.

that anything of the kind ,viII be accomplished by thIs congress, or by tho next, But the poUtlcal dlf· flculty of gelUng congreSS to adopt such a plan III no measurement of JUt merit.

The omnlbll3 banking bU!, al. ready passed by Ihe houlle IUld 110W before the IlenaU!. provides lor a. high degree 01 centraliza.. I Ion of authority over the led· eral reserve system In Ihe hal1ds 01 the government.


OFFICIAL DAILY BUIJETIN Strange As It Seems By lolia." I

f'o&o I'aI1IIer Proof .uInM TIle AIdMr, JlndcwIac • St.mped BllYeiope aror BeiII7,". 17, 8. PM. 0ftIcIe • ~~~~ . ~


........ ---. .. See Page 7 for Explanation of Strange As It Seems

[ The Washington Parade WASHINGTON, .M .. '\Y lR (lNS)-Bl-1 By KAIU.. M. KAlIN

JXl.rttsan l('gl.lation Is rl~lnl( to fore (Cop)Tight. 1935, InlAlrnatlouai News

laS congresp ~nt r8 homo sll~tch. Servico)

&>nator "Cotton Ed" Smith has

they must he Intelllgcnt a.nd pleas·

ant, and will baVD to pass both mNJical unct ~ucu.tlonal xamlna· tlons.

Vol. X, No. 487

University Calendar

EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Second Semester. 1934·1935

Ma), 1 •• 1935

Wednesday, May %%, 830m" t.o Wedneeday, Mal' !I, • p.m.

Tho regular program of class work will be suspended, and the tollowing eemesler-examinatlon program substituted for It. Classes wUJ meet fO~ examInation In the rooms In which they have been regularly meetln!!, (ex· cept classes In SI'ECIAL GROUPS. A, B, V. D. E and F. as scown In the form helow; and Speech (2). (I). lind (4) as shown at "N.B." belew.

The Program Committee directs Ihe attention of both students. and In· structors and proCesso'·s. to the regulation that there Is to be no deviation. In the case of any examination. from this Schedule.-xcept as authOrize" by the Committee on Admission and Classification. on the student's writ· ten petition. flied in ample linle, supported by the recommendation of the department concerned.-to provide relief from an eXC8Slve number of el<amlnatlons wllhln a single day. DevIation lor the PUrpo!le of getUne through earlier will not !xl permitted.

In the case ot conflicts (within the SPECIAL GROUPS A. B. C, D. E and F) the SChedule 1t8elf. as prCsented below, provides. general method of making adjustments.

All classes whose first weekI)' meetings havo occurred as Indtcated In the reetangles below meet for examInation durilll' the period8 noted at the tops of these three columns. and on tbe da18 noted In tbe rectangles cJlrect.

~~r :,:'::.' "(" """:.:,:'::."" ~ ".

... ..

MONDAY AT I (ErcePt thOle In Special Oroup. A. B, C, D. E.

MONDAY AT • (Sxcept thOfte In Specla.! Oroupe A, B, C, D, E,

and 11')

MONDAY AT 10 (Exoept lh._ In BPOcla.1 Groupe A. B, C. D. E.

An(l )-' )

MONDAY AT 11 (ExcePt lh_ III Special , Oroup. A, B, C. D. lll,

a.nd F)

MONDAY AT 1 (E .. opt lhOlO tn SpecIal Group, A. B. C, D, Bl,

and F)

APEOIAL GROut' A PhYllcs (3) 'Chern (I) Phylrics (ZU) Bot. (I) Ml<lh. (8) Soclol. (S) Oeol. (%) Acot. m

-except pre·medlcal. (For room. "8' Depa.rtment

l!ulloUn noardl)

SI'EClAT, GROut' B All lectlons ot: I!lngll.h (i). (1)

(For rou-mlJ eee Depa.rtment lIuUolin Board.)

SPECIAL GROut' 0 All BeetlO"' or:

Pol . ScI. (2) Econ. (t) Phil. (2) E oon. (I)

Ch.m (2) (Promodlcals) V"'or rooma see Departmen t

lIullolln Board.)

SPECIAL OJ(OUP D All aectlonl ot: }'rcnch (~), (3) }'rench (2), (I)

(For room! Hee Dcpa.rlment BulloUn Board.)

SP]WIAL GROUI' E All aectlona of:

Span'oh (i21. (64) Oerman (1), (1)

(FOr room. lee Department Bulletin Board.)

TUESDAY AT. (Elxce-pt tb08& tn epeclal Group. A, B. C, D, E,

..nd F)

TUESDAY AT I (ExcePt th_ In Spoclal GrouP. A, D. C, D. E.

and F)

TUESDAY AT 11 (Except tbooe In Special GrouP' A, B. C. D. E.

and F)

TUESDAY AT 10 (ElxcePt ,h_ In Speela.l Groups A, B. C, DJ E,

a.nd F)

TUESDAY AT I (Ih:cept tbose In SpeCial Groupe A. B. C. D. E.

Ilnd F)

Tht' mo.,t consplcuoulf cxamplo Is tho NR \, wh ro t\ bl-lxu'Usan com· blnallon of C()(.'s or tho NRA. havo

This mea.surtl, despite eongres- j('lnod to restrlct It. .Ional argument. does Jltl! but le­galize a condition that already OX­

Ists. and to make the pow~r now exrrclsod by the president over the banking lIystem a matter of statute.

long been a thOol'Jl In th admlnlstra-tlon'a 8ido as ohalnnAn or the senate AGI~I.J>SS WEIlIHNG BOUQUET agrlcultul'c con,mlltee. SYDNEl\" (lNS)-'so that she

~IONDiU' AT Z (Except lh08e 10 Specla.l Orou I)' A, B. C. D, E.

SI'ECIAL GROUP l!' All leetlolllJ of:

TUESDAY AT 1 (Except thCJo8eo in Spocia.l Groups At B. C. D. J!l,

In times of normal buslnes8. or even in times of depression or 01 moderate prosperity. lIuch control mIght be lully adequate. But it is when the busintlSlf ma­chine Is runnlng awa.y with it. self that a heavy hand Is need­ed.

Secl'etal'Y Morgen thau's Proposal for government ownership of red· ~ral reserve bank stock and for con· trol of credit through an rul.power. ful reserve board patterned after the supreme court Is the only orrtclal 8uggestlollyet made that would pro· vide II. hand heavy enough to copo with boom condJUons.

If the money 8)'stem I" to be managed at all, the most tick· IIsh problem 18 to put Its man· agement In the hands or 811

ageooy rompietely divorced trom ellh~ buslne88 or political In· nuence. And thai Is a difficult thin, to cJ!).

The supreme court Is probably the Cinest e:lllJDple In the world or a group which, while Its members are s ubject to thell' own Individual bIaSes and undoubtedly are affected by their IlI¥ly conditioning, cannot possibly be cha!rged with playing POUtlC8 or of bendIng to the wl\I on speCial Interests.

Such a croup, BittIng In the cloude of an flCOIIOrnlc Olymp U8.

Iroe of all the crol!8l1llJ'11011eS and the toe pulling characteristic of mundane .fralrs, would be ab­solutely _nUBI to stJeeel!8fot money JIIII.IlIIgement.

That real management of money and credIt with tbe definIte purpO&e of controlUng the price level would be !beneficial seems self~vldent. It Is QuestIoned, ot course, In some quarten; but In the realm of the "exact lICIence" called economlos everythIng Is questioned.

It 1& I_rally reeoplled. however. that 1fIIIlt.er centraliza­tIon of the Amerklan INt.nklnl 8l'Steln! 18 devoutly to be wlRhed. It Is merell' a. question or wheth· er IlODtrol should be let, In the bandll of bank_ to be exercilled for the benefit of tIM... In con· trol, or whether Ii lIIIouid be taken bT the pl'IIrnment to be Ilxllre\8ed bt behalf of the Am· eritan people.

That, really, Ie the fundamental. choice that ehould be m&de. And the alUlwer 18 Ilxpllclt In the quOIt-Uon. -Don Pryor

A bl'lIal'tiR(tn '1IIlte> and house group. Inteo ly IntereslA'd In the ,,'erchant marine, hW< jolnM In re­v1sl0n of the Copeland-Bland bill de­stgne(! to carry out the admlnistra­t'on's fhlp subsidy policy. They want to void legtslatlon thM would L'Crrnanently rest,ict til AJnerluan me"cllant marine.

NO''', Ilepl'e~ntaUv MarVin JOnOll, ctuld kcrp Il for cvcr. ilazel Young O.oldl ng a sImilar position In UIIl chose to havo hcr b.idal bouq uet housc, i~ causing Secretary Wa.lIQ.(.'tl made of artlflclal flowers. ]'1ade of nnd thO AAAmany heart-acbes. Imported wood fibre by 0. few ex·

Jone& allowed the FrazIer-Lemke pel'IA in this city, a.'tltlclal flowers illflaUon farm ~ennanclng bJII to at'e frcquently used as shoulder come out of th& oommlttee, while the ~pray9 but thl~ Is tho first tim AAA amendment" were being h Id Sydney It/l,ll supplied them for wed·

Anoth •. bi-partl!lll11 combination is tlt work in lh house Inter"tatl) com· me.'CQ commission In the bOil!) of rcst"I()tlng the harshnc8" of thu ad· im1nlstratl<m'& anU·utlllty holding

the,"l. dIng bouquets.

company tllJl.

JIe a.Iso aU1lwed the commttt to uppl'OVe altC'rnat1ive JllcNal'Y-Hauge.\ and export debenture tarm plans.

U's orolJlges and grape.Crult for breakfast now, but laler on I t may be

Joncll comes from the 1'eXM Jld.n· hnndle on tbe edge Of the dust and drought belit. HAl can''!'. saYS I\ls colleaguatl, be too friendly to 800\0 Of tile administration pla.ns.

orange Rnd grnpo..Crult "inc Co,' dln- 'DRAIN TRU. 'T' ON TRAMS net. 'SYDNEY. N. S. W. (IN'S)-A stitt

A d<,partmcnt of IU\'rleulture !,)(I)Cf.'- ~eBt awaits those who wlsl1 to be­Imental Irbo ..... lory haa develo)led a como stroot car conductors In Syd­Ill'OCCSS '01' making good wIne out of ney-thcy have to "get by" !l. pay_ <lranges. S"al>e-frult 8J1el also lemons. chologlst. The authorities have de.. trlorlda. conl,'l'OSllmen are trying to creed that the new men must 1m&­gm a low tax on It until Ule buslne/jlj sess Qualities above the aVel'8ge. gets It start. ln addition to being physically fit.


'"Tl4~Ol)~"" WI"TH ,""AT SHEET OF CO~~U~ATel) IRON HIS

APpe,IT& 'WII-\. No'T SE So ~eeN ___ , ~oP~ I


OMmER IS 'GOOSE' DENVf:R (!NS)-Oscar, aged

gander i.\ the city pU"k flock of Canaaa. geeHc, became step rather to Six iusty, hungry, agli little geese whose father liled shortly after theIr blrlh. A widower for several years, hc look the place of the real father In providing a rea,' guard when Ihey crossed the driveway near the park lake.

WARSAW (AP)-Thc,'c W/l,ll only (·no won"UlJl attorney In thls city 10 years ago, but nOlv thel'e are 8~. with 112 mort} (l.t-Lmrlng themselves to ('nter tllJ legal professIon.

\ \0,

ii-aD· ...

.. .. ~ i

&nd Ir)

MONDAY AT 8 (Ib:.cep l tho" In SpecJal Oroupe A, B. C. D, E,

&.d F)

English (4). (3) (For room. teo DGJ)a.rlmeot

lJulletin Hoard I)

TUESDAY AT 3 (ExcePt 'hOI. In S.ccla l Groups At U. C. Df E,

...,4 }'\

a.nd F)

CONFLICTS: In case of conflicting oxamlnatlons tbo- student should report to the Instructor In charge of the first of tho two conllicting Rub· JOOt8 as listed wlthJn the particular SPECIAL GROUP rectangle a.bove wblch Is involved. (Read downward first in 111ft column and then 10 r1iht column.) Tho Instructor wllJ arrange for you a specIal examination. Re· pOI·t to him. or ber, not later thap tba regular clMs hour May 16 or 16; II posslhle. May 8 or 9.

The Ilrsi meeting of the class meanS the first lecture or recItation period In courses having both lecturcs and recitations. and laboratory periods; or In the case of courses Involving only Iaborator)' periods, the first clock·heur of the flr8t weekly meeting. For example. chemIstry 21 meets tor lecturtlll T Th S at 8. Tho flrst regular meeting is. consequently. Tuesday at 8.-and tbe class will meet for examination Thursday. May 23. 2 p.m .• accordIng to the tabular Corm above. Again, physlce (126) meets twice each week, T F, for a Ihreo-hour laboratory exercise, 1·4. Tho period lor the examination. Is. therefore, Tuesday. May 28, 2 p.m.

N.B. All seotions of Prlnclpl~s of Speech (1). (2) and (4) will meet for examination on the days and at the perIods designated beloW. Consult tbe bulletin bOO.rd In Room 13. Schaeffer Hall. fOr l'OOm assIgnments:

1. Wodnesday. May 22: >Section G, 8-10; Section 1. 2·4. 2. Thursday. May 23: Section A. 1·3; Section D. 3-5. 3. Monday. Yay 27: Speech (I). 8-10; Section C. 1-3; Speech (4) 2-4; Section

F. 3-6. 4. Tuesday, May 28: Section H. 8·10; Section B. 1'-3; Sectlon E. 3'0. "ODD" clll8Bes,-namely thooe whoso fU'st or only weekly meetings oc.

cur on Wednesdays. Thuredays. Fridays. or Saturdays. or which meet "as arranlred." will be assigned tor examInation. as announced to each such class by the Instruel-or in charge of tlte class, at one or another of the fOl lowing periods: I

1. From 4 to 6 on any day from May 22 to May 2~. Inclusive. 2. Anyone of the examlnatlon periods assigned, as IndIcated above. fOr

the examinations In the SPEOIAI, GltOlJPS. A. B. 0, D, and F, slnoo for suoh "odd" clM8C8 these five examination porlOOs wlJ\ be found quite avail. able. I I \.1 1 1t!~'1

In connection with any such announoement It would doubtless be well tor the Instructor making the announcement to &$Certain whether any member of his class I. a1read)' under appointment lor examInatIon In some other class for the proposed period. To be sure. It 18 poIIIllbie to have examl. nations In more tha.n one class at any of these lImes.-lf no student Is II

member of more than one of these classes. According to one clause in the formal faculty action providing for a

special semcster-cxamlnatlon program. "the Instructor may use the examl. nation perIOd as he soos fIt provided he holds the class lOt' the full perIod, He may have an oral or a wrItten examination, or both, or neIther. He may continue regular work or ho may use the time for review. or for any phase of his work whIch may seem to him deslrahle at this time."

According to a.nother raculty regulation. which 1s on rscord as adopted by the faculty. a student absent from tho final examInation should be re· ported "Abs."; unle811 the Instructor recognIzes that his work up to this el<amlnatlon has been a failure, In whIch case the final report should be .. Fd .... _ven though the stucleDt may have been absent from th~ final examination . No examination should be gIven. suhsequently. to III Jh a student until after the abSbnce has been excused by the Committee on Ad· ml8ll10n lind rla.8Mfication, as shown by a partially filled special report oard, slgnod iby the Secretary of tile CommIttee, a8 indicating that the ab­sence has been excused and that the student Is authorIzed, subject to the consent and a.t the convenience of the Instructor conCCrnd. to take the final el<a.mina~on.

H. C. DORCAS, Secretary. Program Committee

University Calendar Sunday, MaJ' 1t

6:00 p.m. Mortar Board, Iowa Union Monda)', MaJ' !O

12:00 m. A.F.I .• Iowa Union Tllesday, May !J

6:00 p.m. Annunl business mooting and dinner. Un ... verslty club

General Notice.

Elfmelttary School Open HOUle UniversIty elemenlary achool open hnuse wl1\ be bsld May 21 from 1:80

p.m. to 3 p,m, HElLEN NARBER

(Omellt DIIII, IInllfolin ContlnuecJ on Pale 5)


HOLLYWOOD-There nre. per_ haps. 5.000 actresses In Rol\ywood. One-third o~ them are brulH!ttea and !l. considerable majority at the hghler-balred ones would rElldUy become brunet!tes If asked 10 Play a oertaln role. .

Bu~ 80 fu.·. not one of t hern-/)ru. 'nettes or thOS& who would chup their color-has been chosen to play Ramona. One or the m06t Interest. Ing recent talent quests IS the _rell. fo.· thIs girl. ,

More than a y%r ago, the Fill: company acquIred the rlghtl to Helen lIunt Jackson'a carly Cali. fornla romance and set about find. ing the l'lght girl for the title 1'01" The year has gOIH~ by and the ,Irl hasn't lbeen found. '11\e manuscript IhaS been written. loca.tlon3 hay. been picked, everything III l'Il9<ly fo~ the sta.rt except l'be leading womatt. Two ERJ'Iler Ramoll8s

She must be young. beautiCul, l

skilled actress and. neIther last no:"

least, look the part. Thcre hAv. been many searches In HollywOOd for the right player for thIs picture

that onc. ThlB ono Is not for pub. l1elty purposee.

The role was played once by Do. ]"r08 Del Illo-about: 10 years ar.. In the silent days. Twenty years ago Mary Pickford played the )lQI't­

wllll Henry B. "Whlthllli as AICI!. sandro.

John Stone. who will 8uPerviu the making of .. Ramona.. .. tlrst 01.

,. mlned the Jist of Spanish actressos tut found none who. In 'his opinion, cXllCtly fitted the parL TIIen he 'scanned the roster of other actres. £es and aga,1 n found nO on,;. Pos­sibly II. hundred girls have been In_ terviewed and scl'cen tests hav~ been maile oC two dozen. Rita CtUlslno Testi!d

"Thc average picture could be made wIth anywhere from two to ten dlUcrent heroInes," say. Btone. "but this character Is such a dIs. tinct type that sbc seems to us to demand someone !r\leclal. We [ollt'4 one girl who seemed to Cit thc reo (,uircmcnt" exactly. She 'looked the pa.t.' she Is young, aho can dance. But. alQ6 and alack. she never 11M rlone any nctlng."

'Stone was referring to 16-year-oI4 Rita Canslno. who was discovered in a dancing act. 'She seemed the answer to the produoer's prsyer. The company hlred her. gave her amall roles in several pIctures an1 special d"amallc coaching.

The othr day sh.e WIllI t~

again for the Ramona. '·ole. But Slone and his aSSOCiates sttll won­<ler whether she's 1'Cll.lly a gaM gamble. It's an unusual opportunity to .produce a new star. but 8Cveral hundred thousand doliAI'S Is a lot o~ mUlley to SllCnd on a Illctut'e 8\ar. ~'lI\g an unknown and untl'ainen youllg girl.

So they're stili t"ylng to find' Ramona .


}, thler 'b"oke a window In R. Il. Elako's t,utomoblle. but didn't IaIIt anything. 11e dlsccwered that tbe tar conl,tlned only samples of burial

wreaths. Blake Is a 9alesman lor I

San Francisco floral concern.


ticks, responsible for more deathlla I

Britishi COlumbia than the raUJe. snake. claimed their first Victim 01 th.e year pt the Royal Inland h06~llII

"hen Pat Gaudreau, 8 year old prl. dJed [,'Om paralysiS after being blllfA by a tick a.t the IJase of her ·skull.

$25,000 BEER MUG SANDUS/{Y. Oblo (INSJ-A mil

of bOOr-ahovod along the tar fruD one end to anoth(!'t'-resulted In II .26,000 damage suit. Frank Ernei. the plaIntiff • .saId In 1\ls petJt10n thai a ba.rtenu l' at the I'estau"ant "Ud I

"schooner" of beel' from one end of the lon6 counter to the other, thai the "schooner" struck the "sbell' glass at t he far end. smashing It, .... that a piece e>f g lass struck him 1m

the rjgltt eye, permanently impair' Ing hIs Sight.


.hors8 stealing. an unuaual chaJ1e 1m

Ashtnhula county, John ,Vlsolewllkl. 23, ot Orwell. near here. was rI'~.

a o.le to 15 yeaI' sen lcnce 10 tbe Ohio p nltenllary.


HUBBell Is only a stooent/ lo Iii'! lhlrd year at Mount UnIon coliIS' J.ero hut ho knows 'hls "P'. Ind Q's" about munlcli)al 00UTUr. H' shOUld. for j1e has been clerk at till Alliance municipal court for lit J enrs. 'Vhen Russell gl'tlduat06 fnII Mount UnIon In 1938 be loW ,0 onler law schoo\. Be IA the II­ther ot thrro chl\d.~cn.


While following WIlliam u:. Stmll <lown a street hero, A.ssIa~&J1t ~ ('h I f Walter A. Ch\Wm&Jl //If ~1l10 1<c IssuIng from one of S!ewIi pockets and rushed up ud uUtr· gulshed the blaze. Matches In !lit­,'cns' pocket had Ignited and bUnI!oI a hugc hoI In hIs coat.


thlevea. anyWay. After ~ the hOulJe and eating a IUDCh \Jt iIrI kitchen, the thklve& Wibo ente .... U6 home or MRrtin E. altter here -ed the dishes on the kltchft .. ilnd then fled . They took with ... )rwrlry volul'(\ M '1.000.





LLYWOOD-There arc, per. 5,000 actresses III lIOllywoo4.

~hlrd o~ them are brunette. 1110 cOlIsld ra ble majority Of ~ er-halred ones would readU,

brunettes If Mked to vlay I'olc, ' .

so far, not 0 110 of them-ilru. or those who would ehanK'

color-has been chOlJen 10 pla.y One of the mOllt Interest. talent (Iuests Is tbe eee.rel!.

girl. than a year agO, the Fa.:

acquired thn rights to Hunt ,Jackson's early Cali. romance and eet about find.

right gi rl for th~ tllle rola. hll8 gone by and the girl

lbeen found . The manuscript been wl'IUen, loca.Uons hav~

pIcked, everything Is ready fot except the leading woowt.

Eal1ler Ra,monas must be young, beautiful, , a.ctrCSl! and, neither IMt nor look the po.rt. There have

many searches In HoUywoo4 right player for this plctu ... one. This one Is not for pub.

1'Ole was played once by Do-Del Rlo-about 10 years I.g',

silent days. Twenty years I«G Plcktord played the )JIIrl-

HenTY B. WiIlthall as Ales.

average plctur" could be naywher from two 10

differ!':nt berolnes," saYs Stone, this character Is such a dis. ' typo that sbe secms to u. to

someone S'Peclal. We tour4 who seemed to tit the reo

exactly. Hhe 'looked th~ she I" young, she can. dance.

al8.1i and alack, she never hu allY aoting."

was referring to 16-ye&r·old Canslno, who was discovered danci ng act. IShe _ me<! th~

to the producer's prayer. hired her, gave her

roles In several pictures and dramallc coaching, OIoor day shoO WllJ! I E!Il~

for the Ramona. role. But e and his aS8oclat.e~ slill won· whether she's really a gOO'!

It·s an unusual opportunity 1 nr~h'M a new sial', but Beveral

thousand dollars Is a lol 0:


sti ll lrylng to Clnd •

DI 'APPOINTE\) THIEF LAKE CI1'Y, Utah, (INS)­broke a window In R It t·.utomoblle, Ibut dldn't take

He discovered that liIe


responsible tor more deatt. Id , Columbia than the raIlJ&.

claimed their first Victim 01 year e,t the Royal Inland hoepltal

Pat Gaudreau, S yem' old &lri. ft'Om paralysis a fter being blltel

a tick at the base of her 'skull,

end to anottlC'l'-result.ed In ' damage sult. Frank Erret.

plaintiff, said In his petJtlon tMI """'Le:nn'~r a.l the- r staurant aUd •

er" or OOcr from one end 01 Ion.; counter to the other, tblt "schooner" struck the "speU'

at t he tar end, smllllhing It, and a. piece of g llU!S s tr uck him tD

rlg bt eye, 1>e'l1mancntly Impair' hIs sight.

01 .. 0 CRIM E IS Nb'W i.CO'N~IEAUT , Ohio (IN'!) - fill

lng, an unusual chal'p In county, John WIl!nlewJkL

Orwell, ncar hertl, was gh~D to 15 year 8l'ntcnc8 In tbe

penlt ntlary.


Is on ly 0. stud en In 1110 yeal' at Mount UnIon coIloGt but he know.s h is "P'. aei about municipal COUTta. fte

fo r he has been clerll 01 1111 munic ipa l court Cor JI.I

When Russell graduates frtIII Union In 1938 he In~

te l' law schoo\. He Is tbe fI­or throe rh lldl'en.


following Wil liam It Bt"""" a. strpet here, AlIBI. tant rt!f Walter A. Ch~ , l88ulng from one of sleWII'

and r ushed UP &lid o\lII. lh ~ blau. Matcbea Ia lilt'

Docket had ignited anel \)III'Df'l larg~ holEl In We ooa.t .

COUR'I'EOUS OUlWLA118 TOLElDO, Ohl!) (INS) - P1IIlI' ev~, anyway. Atter ~ hOU1~e and eating a. lunch III ..­hen. ~he th levee w'bo entsl'lll

of Martin E. Rlt ter beN"" dl8hes on the kltobtlL ~

ned. T hey took .. 1&11 ~ va 1 uN! At '1 ,000.

SUNDAY, M.A Y 19, 1935

Students Will Give Recital

.Mwic Department In.


For Today 9:15 p.m.-1'Uml11ar hymM pro­

gram, St. Mary'g church cbo!r, Anun M yer, dIrector.

Io'or Tomorrow Oilers Program North Music Hall o am. - 'Wlthln the claJlsl'oom,

Another oC ihn series of music modern mUSiC, Pror. Phlllp G. CIlI.PP. 9:60 a.m. - Program calendar and

recitals under the direction ot tbo weather report. muSic deparlment will he Present d 10 a.m. - The book shellf, Ell."l In north musIc hall tomorrow at 4 Jewell. p.m. 10:30 n.m. - Yesterday 's mU8lca~

The program Is lUI follows: favorites. SOllata, opus 49 , no. 2 10:·15 a.m. - The hOmemak 1"11

~flr8t mov ment) ............ Beethoven dlar)'. Allegro ma non t roppo 11 a.m. - Within tbe clasroom,

Marjorie Harimann , Shakesil a re, Prof. John W. Ashton. A2 of Crea.t Falls, Mont. 11 :50 n.m. - Program htghltgh ts

T heme and Val'lations ... . Beelh,)Ven a nd wO!Ltber report. Richard Hanson, A1 of Iowa City 12 a.m.-Rhythm rambles.

Marian Lyboort, A1 of cresco 1 I). m.-Radio allis for high !cbools, J e!!'u, Joy of lIl en 's >pooch and dramatic art, P rof. n .. rry

Desiring .......................... Bacit·llell6 O. Barned. Norman Frerking, A3 of Lukota 1:30 p.m. - Illu strated muslcai

Sonata., opus IS chnls, Thorn," C. Collins. (secon dmovement) .... Beethoven 2:80 I>.m.-citizen·s roo·um.

Adagio cantabile 2:45 p .m.-Recorded varletle8. l\1axlne Tipton, Al of Carson 3 p.m.-World o.!talrs In brief.

Noclurne, oPUS 37, no. 1 .... Chopin 3:15 p.ln.-Qrgan melodies. ROberta lI1Unl'O, A2 oC FalrCleld 3:3Q p.m.-Iowa Federa.\ion at Purlta nl ... ..... ....... _._ .. ..... _..... Bassi Wome n's club!! progra m. Iowa lJIrd·

Mary Elizabeth Irwin, land, Pro!' Fred J . lAz<>lI. Ai of Ida. Grove 4 p.m. - Elementary Germa.n,

~candlnavlan Romance .... ....... Bohm Hildegard Stlelow. Evelyn E. lI entzelman, 4:30 p.m.-The How and Why of

Al ot Davenport. Your Radio, Carl Menzer. Nocturno, opus 27, no. 2 ........ Choplu 4:45 p.m.-Afternoon melodies.

Lynn Jetter"on, Al of Woodb!nfl a p.m.-Dinner hOIllr program. Scene and Atr 7 p.m. hlldren 's hour, tno land

(trom Lu isa dl Montfort) , Bergson r( th s tory Ibook. Cecil Garl'l"on, ;\2 or Burlington 7:80 p.m.-Iowa AcntI my or ~cl·

Ducks In ,the Pond ... ....... _ R OS'nr. cnce program, The New Knowledgo Ruby Dempsey. Al OC Dew!tt in City Cleanliness, Prot. E . L. 'V .. t.-

The Fal l' Garden ............... Borodlne erman. Arills Brrunan, A4 of Thornburg 7:45 p.m -Book review, Theta Slg-

I ntermezzo. OPU9 116, no. 4, Brabma ma. Ph!, Luella Rockmeyer. Charlt'll Eble, Al ot Shelby 8 p.m.-MII.!.'ic Ca.tocJll(lnls, Pror.

Meditaticm, opus 72, Frank L. 1\1ott. no. 6 . ........ ..... Tschn!kowsky 8:15 p.m.-Public health talk, Iuwa

1.oulf)o French. A3 ot Deft lIfOlne. .t:;tntc MecUeal 8Oclety. The recital 18 open to the publtc. :30 p.m.-Evening musicale.

Virgillia Suechling Attend Meeting Of Slale B.P. W. C1ub l Virginia Suechtlns, C of Ottum· wa, a me mllC I' of th r Iowa stA-to Planning board, attrnded a s tal meeting of the BUHineS8 a nd prores· llional Women's club at Des Moln 8

ye8terday. Miss Suechtlng will return today.



Only Costs You

tate Sales Tall

Bebe Daniels LYLE TALBOT

JOHN HALUDA Y in a great picture

"Reli.tered Nurle"

at last a famous nurse t ells aU there is to tell about nurses in love.

No.2 Feature A Fast Action Picture

"Tbe Marine. Are Coming"


Bill Haines also showing

Pathe New&-Shows All

A Kartoon Komedy

8:45 p.m.-Foreign trad wOI'k pro· I.<ra.m, Vergll Tacy,

~ 11.m.· Department or 811<) eh PI..,· gram.

Winter Gets First Place In 'Contest Here

Five wlnnel'A ou t of t he 102 pllr· tlclilan t.. In the t reshma.n diction contcAt wrre announcecl yesterday.

First: WlIlJam L . Wlnwr, Al of Ackley: second: Gordon Couchman , Al Of Iowa CIty ; third : William Mc· Coy, Ai of Corydon; fourth: Vltll"t Koppcrsnlltb , A 1 or Davenport. and tirlh : Darrell Huft. At of Clinton ,

Th e th'Rt I)ri,.e WIIll,"I' will l'('Celvo


for 4 Big Days

2 Big Picture

Cost You Only

26c Aftern~n or Evemng

IIIt"l udhl lf • tate SaI~8 Tn

A king with six

queens! Three

Kates, two Annes

and !l Jane! What

a man ! What

a performance! And what a pic· ture!

No.2 Feature

They're so nutty even the squirrels won't have any part of them. The ace comedians of the screen, stage and radio get together and they are


Charlie Ruggles Mary Boland W. C. Fields

Alison Skipworth George Burns Gracie Allen

Pathe News Shows All

THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY====r==::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN Psychiatrists Honor

Dr. W. L Woods

Pianist, 11'111 be featured In a recital

under Ihe d!rectlon Of the music de­

psrtm ent tonlllbt In nOloth mU81c

hall at 7:15. (Continued f rom P ace 4)

I Senior Invitations Sen OrB Wilo have ordered Comm neement invllaUons rna llCCure them

now at the Alumul oUlce, Old Cal)\tol. Please bring your ~IPt.a. GEORGJll W. SEIDL

&>nior Ueception The annual reception for Benlol'll ot all coilege8, candidates tor advanced

'egr t'!I. and their wlvt's or hu"ba.n<ls will 00 FrldRY a ftern oon May 31 1111 persons who e.>:pect 10 r6Ct'iI'e degrc 8 In Jun shOUld list Il~y chan~ In addr al Ille reglNtrar'S office In order lha.l lhoy may receive InfoI" mauon r latlve to /,'TlIduatiun. OFFICE OF TilE PREHIDENT

11m mer ElUployment The nlverll!lY commltlee on 10al1s anti seholnt'l!hlps nnnounce a plan

whereby IJ, limited Iltl m bet· ot mcn stud ntIS can be employed during the summer months, bf'g!nnlng Juno 5, to carn a tolal of $75 each, to be lpplled toward thelr expcn.cs for th. IIChoo! yen.r, 1935·36. Applicallons ire being received at the l'cr.sonnel oWee up to May 2 •. COMMITrEE

Botany lub Botany club wlll meet Monday, May 20, at 4:10 p.m. In room .08 Phar·

macy . botnn~' building. F. M . TurM!1I will speak on "Tho Internal surtace or tollnge leave~, II. correlatiOn wltb tranapft'aUon rate, 8U(1)lIur dioxide Injury, and total chlorophyll." COMMITTEE

Elementary PSychology Dr. WUllnm Malamud, all8lalant director of Psychopalhlc hospital, will

'peak on tM r Il\tlolI~hlp belween l)lIychology and psychopathy In Chern· I.h'y auditorium on Monday, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. All studrnts regl8-lered for el~m~ntary p~YC holo~y will be expected to aUond this lec ture .vhlch will tuke Ihl' place oC tllo f<'gular lecture sections Cor that weel<.


J,P3 q-UI' .\trRin.1 Wor Rml FAscism Flnnl m('(>t!n ll' (or th l.- ""1Il", ter of Ihe IOWa, 'lly Irague agaln,t war

and (l\.IICfsm \\lUI Ire hpld Sunday, May 19, at 3 o'clflck In North anfer· ence room of Iowa. Union, for tho elecllon of ortieers.


" ' OUII'II'S I'hy~lrnJ IO:<luratl')II Stud~nl. arc a_kNl to r"mO"e 011 clothing and equipment Crom th~

lockers In Ih 'Vonu'O's 1l'.l'mnaslum hy June 1. ArllcJ~H lert aflrr Ihul Jate will be conCi!lCatpd. This Includes tbe [acuity rerreatlonnl ~whnm!ng class. lI1ARJonm CAMP

JlhitO!>OI)hlcaJ ( 'hili Annual mil-leal cnn rt of the PhiloMopl11cai club will hP glv~n In th"

lYompn'8 loun"e of r" wa Union on T~"'lllS, May 21, nt 8 p .m. A varlet! prol;'ram " 'Ill he prp"pnt~/l, InchldlnA" Ihp Dohnanyl qulnlet 1)\uYPd hy tho f~ulty qual't et with Or. Clapp at the plano.

n. ("opy or "/(' )Ioiter-" N .. w Tnt (' rnn­

tional dktlnnury, ",'C(,"<1 1'<II110n, whllo th .. other four 11'111 I'f!Ct'!vr " 'cb.ter·8 COli "glatt' <Ilrtfonarl"8.


In the ulH' if' nt city of Charl'slon,

I ~ . C., Ih ~rp nr" nbflllt 100 ()(mmer­('Iul 8hul)8 df1lllng r xclu,lvcly In an . Ilrllll'<!.

Dr. William L. Woods 01 the col· lege of medicine has been clectt-d to membership In the American Psychlntlic association. Dr. C. C. Bnrllngame, chairman of the com· mlttee on pubLic education, announ· ced yesterday.

Walker~ Mallett Will Present Recital Today

Tbe music department will pre. scnt Wjlma. W'aJker, 0 of WMhlng· ton , la., soprano. and Donald Mai· let, G of 0<l8 MOines, bru'llone, In n. recltat In north music hall this afternoon at 4 o'clock.

Stephen B. WIII!a.m8, G ot wcst. Bend, will accompany IIllss Wa. lk· e r, and lI ~ l e n A. Stark " 'Iii accom· pany Mr. Mallett .

The program Is as tollows: o WU8St leh !loch d " Wrg zu·

ruch ............... _ ... _ .......... _ ... Brahms An cine AeoLsharfe ... _ .. _ ....... Brnhms Die ~f!llnac ht .. _ Arahm. Slandcben . ....... . . _. __ ... _ ... -Dmhms

j\fj88 Walker The Pretty Creature .... Old Englll!h Th e Fog· Horn ........... _ ....• _. l1ugh " The Roustabout (Th l'ackrHl011)

.. _ .. _ ....... _ .... _ ............ _ ...... _ .. ITughN' Pilgrim's Song ......... T8eh~lkoll'sky

Mr. Mallett 'rhe Banks ot the Don .. ~10Ul!llorgl!ky Th IIJU8 at Oruzla. ....... Mednlkotf Ovrr the Steppr .Gretchanlnoft Parashll'S Revery nnd Danc(' ..

..... ..... ... ................. \.. .~fou_l'g!!kY .Ml.81! Walkrr

o du m In hOi!! r Abend8tern (from Tn.llnhau r) ....•. Wa~;Mr

Gwlne to Heub'n .. ..... Wolte Largo al t totum (Crum Barlx'i' or

S ville) .. .............. .......... Ro>slnl Mr. Ma.llett

Evelyn Hardman , A4 of Rl)('kwell,

The conwtele program Include!:

SOnata Erolca, opus 50, In C mi· nor __ ...... _ ..... _ ... __ .... _ .. .llacDoweU

" FlOli regum Arthurus" The Coming ot A.rl hur Dance of the Elves Hemnnce The Pru;slng of Arthur

Three Eludea (de la .II1elhode des M"lhede.) ........... ....... _ ........... Chopln NO. I In F minor No. 2 In A flat major No. 3 III D tlat m .. jor

Concerto, OPUS 22, In G minor _ _ •..........•..........• .. .......... _.8alnt·Saens

. Andante 806tenuto A lIeg ro seh crzando Presto The recllals are open to the pub·


Concert Will Honor Dean

Club Will Present Almua] Program At Concluding Meeting

Thr annUAl mualcol ron~rt of the

]>III108Ophlcal club will honor Defln I

Carl E . Sooshore of the gradua:

college for his work In j)8ycholofl' I of music.

Oraduate students of the 1)8ycho- i

logical d~partment will be boet~

ilt th!s IMt meeting of tbe y r,

'ful'flday, May 21, at 8 V.m. a t lo"a. Union.

Fr.atured on the program wilt b~ the Quintet In C Minor, Illnyed b~'

ra (acUity qua rtette with PrOf. PhllIll O. CIUll ll, hC8.d or the department of In'luRle, at t hr plano.

The complete program follows: My Sclf When Young (Persian

_ lOWSAH, FOiiC's-; . . . .. A ' CONTINUOUS


AfAT. 3le 'rlL 5:30

It'. the Old Mantra his very .elf invitl n '

you .. guy. and youse gal" • • to clim b aboard the old bus and

help panIc Ihe nation with one night stands that Itart with hap· plness and end with hysterics, ,'help me I

.'" 1\\\""\\ and AU His Lads

., • NITES 41c

Tux .nc.

\~ GEORG~i\\~_\ See the lads in their toanful dromme., "Fagin, Youse I. a Vip er" .•. with geltures I


«-.. ' -AI)I)";U

" I . A VIC" E\' K"




t ­"I-

Two 'loo~ IIS.u'fHJ or

- I .ot t" N~"'.!iI--




tar t s TOO A'y !

**** ~~~~

4 Big Days STARS l\1agnzine

You'U ~"t Ule s nOOK of your Ufe w hen sereen \:Ikes the chance or lis lite! ""1IIa-

....... 1IIa-'--"W.I

Garden) ... _._ .................... _ Lehman Volga Boatmen

_._ ... __ •... Arranged by Chal lapl R Orvllle BorebEll'll

Sonata In D Mlnor, Op. l OS, BrahlM Adagio Pt-e8to agllAto Amold Small. violin, G of

South Bend, Ind. Loren Cv08ten, plano

l! Re Pastore .. _ .... __ .. __ M.or.Iu1 Belen Payne 8eubore

Tbe On'en-e)'ed Dragon _ .... _ Charles '!'he Barber ot Tur in ... _... RII86eIl Donald Mal lett, G of Des .!I,folnes ~ulntet !n C Minor, OP. I, Doh nanyl

Allegro Scherzo Adagio ql1&81 Andanto Finale (AJlcgro anlmatol

Prot. Philip O. Clapp, plano Prof. Fl"ank E. Keodrie, viola. Arnold S mall, vloll~

Harold cerny, vlolln Vivian Kuhl. cello

ATLANTA, 0 ... (1NS~The raMr. tradltlona.1 ImPlement of aggression. h"" proved luoelt Itkewille n worthy lJ18trumenl ot defense. Armed wltll ,ln ax. Henry Barnes attacked Law. lence Ha.rrnI1, equIpped with a rn.. zor, poUco reported. The two men rought violently tor many mlnut~8 .

Finally, the ax.wlelder was rcmov~ to a hoepltal where s urgeons took a tolal of 150 stitches.

Red Cross T Offer Courses This Summer

Two Am erican Red CraSIJ I raJ,.. schools wl/l be conduoted /G mld,,'estern ar"a this June 0(·

fering instruction In first ald, I lL. saving. swimming, a nd boallng, M,'s. Marlin E . Pederson, executive ecretary or th o Johnoon Cou nty

Red Cros. chapter, announced yo ....

l erda.l'. The schools wlll pe at Camp LI n·

coin at Lake Uubert, M!nn., I\.Od Itt Lake LlIC~ren. Eu reka Spring", Ark. The tralnJng 6ChOOho will be in Ion (rom June 10 10 20.

Th e Red CrOilol is p(lJ'Ucul."lrly In. tel'Cllted In d r veloplng I('adersblp in t he aquatic field and by this metb· od check water acclCklnts without .reducing the tluill of wa.t r sports, tbe secretary said.

AppJloo.ttonll for enrollment may be made wtth the ll8S!8tanC6 Of Mra. Pederson.

The nl"ersity of Xe"ada hlL~ 111-alOG:uratl'd n 8erl 8 or cl1\8lK'8 In bookkeeping f,"- rurm"rs of th{, ~tnl~.


TODAY 26c Continuously TO 5:30

P. M,


For it' eoneoetc(l of Undiluted Merriment - Mixed with Gay Love Ilnd Mad Lovers' Quarrel - Stirred with Exeitement - and Bubbling With Funt


I I •

as 1m ;"e~rie"ct(1 sweelhe4t1'

CLAIRE TREVOR wlKJ wants ffJma"" 'fi rst--:;4n4 It/ways/

WALTER KING II 1elf-cOnf essed exjJt!rt in lfJveit . .

ZASU PITTS. " ",4.itf i" wlliiht~

, ~for tf'OMbk! •

JACK HALEY IS r,porl,,. go", gooiJ /III

Ih, scnd 6j s(a(lJ.1I

.... T A 1 A 81 R [L1 wb" u ,.,s II lik'"

1m ilH-l«Ju I ,

SIEGFRIED RUMANN . .. ~"Ihtg " hof, l . , u,.,fs c/Ds,JI' " >

~EU&DURANT ~iit.,rs, b/lll <

. ",","still! ~:;;~ ,. ~,l: •


p,,.,; ~ ",.", T. K-. v;,,(fti J:7 CI]-' ~

F,,,,, ,IN til] "Man Eati D, Tiser" J:7 &. ",,!It

.J Itoll Cl]1Ir

F OX NEW i'i(' I(BEN




MOW WE lOU MORE TRAM E~ER' 101 ,.i\ •• ,.Ir t~ .. k' ." •• t". ..., 11")11 its \rtIIIInd .... -tilt naIJ-tM 1IOI\d tMIks you I

eulel Twins Lead Davenport to Four First Places, 1935 State Track Crown' BITS ABOUT SpeRTS II II SPORTS

LOOAL * * * STATE * * * Jatem.Uonai Ne,.. Senl.,. Inle .... 11_1 IDllllnttd N.w. IOWA CITY, IOWA UNDAY,


MAY 19, 1935

\lJ!:ORTS 1\


Full ~Hd Wir. Th. AUMlattd 1' ....

Ross Captures Two Places For Iowa City ..

EVERTHING was nll set tor a little prognosticating on the

Big Ten track and field champiol1' ships at Ann Arbor next Friday a nd Saturday And we were discus· Ring the hurdlers. both low and high, when came the report Jesse Owens stepped over the 220 y,\rd lows In :22.9, bIltterlng Charlie Brookins' world record fOI' the event. Th re have been faster times turn· ell In for the low sticks. however.

IOWA DROPS 6 TO 5 GAME TO GOPHERS Hilltoppcr Quartet Lowers Mi1e Relay Standardl to 3 :28

AM8S, MAY 18 (AP)-Scorlng 47 1·2 Iloln,ls, DavenpOl1.'8 well bal· anc d track team, toclay won the Iowa hlg-h school t rack OJld field chnmpion9hlp In the thlrtielh .c· ncwal of the cnrnlval on State field hel·c. North Des Molnea, the 1934 rhamplons, Hnl.hed second with ~Q

points. • •• Win~ers Shove Kelly Bros. Open Softball League Season Today Across 2 Runs ._- ,

So, we Installed the Ohio State flalJh prime fa.vorlte t41 ('op the conference crown for this event, despite tbe lad he hll8 only run the lows twice In cqlJegillte competitiOlllJ. UntlJ yesterday II.fternooll·s time by Owens, he had received IUtle consideratIon on our chart. whil'h was certainly lin o\'er· sight.

In Fina,) Inning Blackman Rep~aces Gosser in Eighth; Haltom Hits Triple

II Meet Strong


paul Ross, Town. Clly hlgh'8 wer· ~Iltile ILlhlele. took liflh In the Ills. eus aJllI fourth ill the javelin for I hreo points.

• •• The genLleman Instnlled as fav­

orite was Phil Doherty of North· western. a cl'~k sprintel·. Doherly, until yesterday, had a time of :24 tor the 220 low'S, but he finished only a yard Or twO behind Owen. 80 his time must have b en UncleI' 24 scconds. Doherty ha.s been im· proving ra.pldly, however, ancl may be able to push Owens In the can· ference meett If the Ohio State star competes In this event.

• ••

MINNEAPOLrs, :May 18 (Speclnl)

-Minnesota evened Ihs tWe> game

series with IOwa here today by shoving over 0. pall' at runs In the ninth Inning to win 6 to 6. The lIawk('yes took the first encountel' )'e>;terday by the same score.

Wolcynskl, Gopher shortstop, dtove In Georgs l~()scOC with the winning rUIl aIter the three.sport athlete had singled in the role ot a pinch hlttel·.

Gophers Score First

The abo\'e foul' hurdlcl'lI, Kenneth Sundbllch of l~ul'du('. Fran-

Team There Fred Otto May Get Hurling Assignment; Opposes Burlingame

With prospects good for a first division ber th, Kelly Bro~. diamondball artists, Iowa City's entry in the Iowa Softball aFl­soeiation, invade Cedar Ra piels tllia lifter noon for the opening tilt of the 1935 ,eason. The Oil­~rs will meet Old Style Lager, II. powerful aggregation bead d by Ray Burlingame, one of the oulStandJng hU I'lel's In the st!lte. A number of tans plan to tallow (he t~am to the PaJ'lol' City.

How they finished: DnvenllOrt-47 1·2; N.D.M.- 40; Cilnton-34; W. W.-2S; Ott.-19; A.L.C.B.-16; E. D.lIf.-15; I"t. DO<Ige-14; Roos. D, 111.-10; Valley Jct,-10; Musca.Une -9; E.W.-9; Sennour-8; Grant O. R,-8; Meohanlcsvlll&-7: l ela Orove-7; Cent. S.C.-O 1·3; Marlon -6; Webstel' Clty-6; PerrY-G; West CheBter-6; Wlnterset-5; CUI'1'01l-4 1-3; 1-lampton-4 1·3; Adel-4; N~wton-4; 0sage-4; Hoi· steln-3; JOWA ('rTl'~1; Grinnell -3; COln-3; Denlson-3; Clear Lake-3; Atlantic-3; Iowa Train· Ing School-2; Teachers high, Ce.lar l'uIl8-2':, Glenwood-2; Pella-2; CI"'ston-2; Burlington-2; Mal'llh.-1; Grundy Center-I; Clarlcjn-I ; M lI{ord-l; ·1'rael'-l.

Summaries: 440 yard relay-Won by Dav.

([feldt, F. Teufel, C. Teufel, Franck); N.D.M., 2nd; Clinton, 3d; Grnnt C. R, 4th; E.D.M. and Marsh. tied for ;'th. ~'lme--:43.8.

With owens and Doherty the Rt~lldoul8 ror the events, the reo malning contestllJ11s Uve In the neIghborhood or :24,% ror the evelll, that il. the low hl1l'«1lor8 liven a. chance to pi lICe. Thel'\) Is ooe "xceptlon, WIRhnlck or J\lllIncsota, who has to his credit a :23 fillt timo for tho lows. That WRS IJlst year, 111111 he hus not al>prollCheil tho timo this senson.

Lowell Gosser lOOk the mound fol' Iowa, and a lthough hit freely, was tight In the pinches with the reo IlUlt that 16 Gophel'S WCl'O lert stranded on the btulCll. The Hawk· eye AOilh0l110ro was removed In the eighth Inning with two mell out after ru JUlillg Into difficulties o.nd Will! rClllact'd by Chu.rllc l3Iackm(ln. But Blackman could n<1l stem the Minnesota. rnlly Ill< lhe home team combed him far throo hits in ths finnl frlUns to Snatch a vlclory.

Purdue cis Gretztnryer of Iowa, .D1l11 Caltlcml'Yer of IJl(lillua, 111111 Barton ________ ------'Smilh of' Chi('ugo will cUlllpetr in titr Rig '1'('11 tt'llrk ami firld'

On the basis of early season games, the loculs aO))ear well fOl'li· fled with pitching and hUling. De· fenslve play has be n thc only Ci lIestion mark to date.

Otto to I'itell

100 yanl dJ1Sh-Won by Cownn (W. \V.); Brown (CI), 2nd ; Bl8Jlk (Oll), 3d; Alexander (Winterset), 4th; Warner (Roos. D.M.), Gth. Time -:10.1.

• •• Iowa's FranciS Cretzmeyer hall

becn hLttlng the IDws around :24.3 and should at lenst gain 0. place In the event. Bob 06good, Mlclligall 8ophomDre who WOn the Indoor high hUl'(lIes champlonshll) March 9 should be considered, but he, too, lias made no oulStAndlng Umes outdoor" this spring.

• •• J'erhllps the more outstllJltlillg

group of low hurdlers ill the conference would Include elm or Wi.collsin, with 11 limo :24.1; Kenneth flandbaeh of Purdue, :24.2: Steuwe or WI~msin, :%4.3; Seltz and Walker of Ohio State, ;24.5, al1ll Hunt of l\llchigllJl. :25. Sei tz took third behind Owens l'osterdny in tho Ohio SllIt&-Northwesterll - WISCOllsil1-CII ieago ~neet.

• 0 •

Of tholle who placell In the Big Ten m~t last year, ani)' three o.l·e competing thiS year, Berwanger ot Chicago (3rd), Clark of Wisconsin (4th), M(l Portman of W19Consln (5th). Berwangel' probably won't compete In the IOW8 next Frlda.y find Portman ha.~ dOlle nothing this yeal·. Clark, however, will undoubt· eQly gain a pla.ce. Almost forgot abOut Caldemeyel' of Indiana, who, althougl, ho rarely competes In tho 1011'S, Is ll. crack hlglt burdler.

• •• The UO rard high hurdles

event has several ouilitanding I)crforlllers, I\~th Willls War,1 of Michigan seemingly the paper willner. ......t fII"II8OlI, tans will remember Ward pulled a mtlSCle In the trials /Iud did not plllCe In the trials and did not place howover, hQ has been In guod form. with the exception of a sllghlly strained lIIu8('lo In the l\f1chlgan·CaJifornll1 meet at JJerkelcy. He has been on the sidelines resting the leg, hut Is reported bac!k In good form ~alu.

MinnesotA opened f stivltles with I a run In their half oC the first In·

nlng when Gallivan, who hurled yes· tertlay, "Ingled to drive In Streich. Iowa eamc hack In th s cond wLLh lwo l'uns garnered mainly through hits by ~'aylor and ClaU"ell. The Old Gold nine Inerea.~ed Its mar· gin stili [u"thur in tbe thh'd when (fouvel' clouted a lengthy double to

Giants Shutout Cinrinnati~ 4-0

Win Gives League Leaders Full Game Over Brooklyn

account ror a run. Tile noriherners CIN"C[;I1NATI, JlIay 18 (,\P)-1'he tied the 8001.., at 3·all with runs Giants didn't feel tho IOS9 or thrco In lhe fOUl'tlt and B('vcn cnn(OIl.

II ltitOIlI 'fl'II)les Flt?..simmona took Ch!lrge oC the dll-"Sk('t'ts" J [nllom found GrOssman

regulal' InJleldel's today when Fred

for 11 Irlple In the eIgh th to Pn.<'~ uatlon :lUU sbut out tbe Reds wllh a two run Hawkeyt' mIll' but again IouI' hils to win 4 to O. the GOllhers came from behind with It wItS tho lleCond shutoul In a 0. mal'kel' In theh' "nJ( Of the In. 1'OW tOl' Fil. alld the fh'llt Buffel'M nlng and the two In the ninth to tUl'P the tables.

( IOWA ;\11. n. 11. ]·O.A.E.

!'It"I.hen., %h .. .. . .... 4 lI e 6 0 T_tl"r, 3b .. . ........ 4 0 I 0 J 0 Of.ckman, rt " p ... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Vll~e.wootl. cI ....... ~ I 2 S I II f ' I"URH"n, lh ......... 4 'l ] '1 .. 0 )[l\>Ion. •• .. .......... 3 lOS 0 0 1(,,110111, It .. , ....... 4 1 1 0 (I 0 lfoover, 0 •.••.•••..• " 0 1 0 1 (I GORser, p & rf •.... 0. 4 0 0 2 2 0

by Cincinnati this BOUSon, exhibitions Included. Tbe VICtOl'y !fave the leulfuo lenders ,L full game llIal'!fIJl over the ~rool"yn Dodgers.

o 'ne g"hott did well cxeept In the first InnIng wh en two hIts and a sac­l'lflro brought In a Otant run. and J/1 tho eighth whcn 1,'lt?..slmmoJ]Jl' single and Lwo Hed 01'1'01'8 rcsu Ited In t wu 11101,<).

Tvllli. .. .... .... , .. 3Q 5 1 26 10 0 NIlW )'01\([ AU. R. II . 1·0.A.E.

1\ [I . It. If. )",O.1\.IIJ.

, t •• lrh. If ...... ",," 3 1 ! 3 0 0 KOj;,tkIlJ (,f , .... . .. ... 4. 0 1 1 0 0 Wol" , n.k1, .......... 8 1 I 2 3 0 Klollow.kl, lb ..... ,. B 1 2 10 0 0 Gam."", rt .......... S 0 2 1 0 0 Hruhn, c ............ SilO 7 " 0 "'.lInll~, 2b .. ....... 3 0 J 1 3 0 I,nol" 3b ........... ! 0 0 0 1 0

~----------------~ Moore, It ............. ~ 1 1 1 1 0 Wt>lntrnulJ, .. I . ..... .. S t 1 0 0 8 Terry, lb ....... , .... SOl 12 I 0 Oil, 5b ........ " .... 4 0 1 I '. 1 [",I Jrr, d ...... " .... 3 0 0 S 0 0 Ho.nlg, •• . .......... C t 2 8 2 0 ( ·lH·(·l nelio. 2b .• • , •• •. 9 0 0 G '- 0 1\Ia.IH'UHOf c .• ...••• .•. 4 0 0 J 1 0 f1'lLVillllmoJ1!~, V ••• 0 •• • 4 l ~ .1. 3 0

,\0 •• , V .............. 1 0 0 0 1 0 Tolals ... " .. , .. '" 83 4 8 21 JO 1 firoSl(ruftn. p .... • . . .. 2 2 f) 0 1 0 Url.om"n, c .. ... ..... 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ('I-s'C1NNATI "II. It. II. I ·O"l.l~. !il"nlon· , ........ , .. , 1 0 1 0 0 0 --------------0 ....... 11.·· ............ 0 0 0 0 0 0 My.... •• . ........... 4 0 1 2 3 0 ltv .. ' ... •• .... .. .. .... I ItO 0 0 RIK"", ab ............ 4 0 0 0 0 0 .~n,en" " ............ 0 0 G • 0 0 Oood01on, rt . ........ 8 0 2 1 0 0

- - - - - - Ilotloml,y, Ib ........ 4 0 0 9 0 0 Total. . ............ 84 a 12 27 D 0 I",mh"rdl. c ......... ~ It 0 3 2 1 .n.U ... 1 lor I ,evolr l.n Olh. flynl, 0' .. ........... 3 0 0 6 0 1 " UI, Ur(l for Stanton In 9th. ComorolOky, It ....... 2 0 0 J 0 0 • u U"tted for 'Kostka In Ufh. 1'001, If ........... . .. I 0 0 1 0 0 • ••• Ran for Uruhu in 8th . K .. nl1Jourl~, 2b ....... 2 0 1 S :I () s.-ore by Inning.: (·.mpb,lI. . ........... 1 0 0 0 0 0

low" ............... , .. 021 000 (12{)-(; NI..... 210 ............ 0 0 0 I 0 0 a"nn~otl\ ... .. ... .... . 100 100 l12--n S('hoU , l' .......... o. 2 0 nO B 0 Run~ bAtted In-GBllh'lln, Taylor, Sullh-an" .. 0 ••• 00... I n 0 0 U U

Claussen, UOO\'er '. 'Vol('J'nskl, 'Vol'lIl1d. JohnRon, p ••.••• .••• . 0 0 0 0 0 0 lIaltom. Bruhn, ROSCoe. TwO bnRe hit .'! - - - - - --Serelth, lIocw~r. Ta.\·lor, \ VOICYllllkl, Tot .. _" 0.0 •••••• • ••• 80 0 427 11 2 three male hlt8-Ualtolll . Se4l1~n bll Kes . Ultftetl ror Kanll)Ourls In 8th. -KOHtka two, Step'hcns. Undcnvood . "Jla.1~tl tor twhoU In 8th. Doub'~ l~lay~Go8!1pr to ChlURNeJl ; \ ' n· ~('ore by Innll1gM; der"'ood t:" Hoover. Le rt on blUlt..- Sew York ....... 0 ••••• 100 000 021-4 Mlooesoia . 16: JoWl). 8. Duses on bll1ls CllletnnaU """"""" 000 000 000--0 -Aalle two, GOSlI.tr 10, GroHMmlln 1 ; ltun ll hattf''' In-T~rr.o1 , OU. !\[aueuHo. lit ruck out by Anse one, 008 er 7: Twu luu:e hlt-Koenl&,. Thr('e bafi~ hlf-(:r081! rt1"" 5. nUN ort-Alljie, 4 fn two Goodman. fi;iu(·f"ltlf.'eti-Terr,y. Cut·dllello.

• • • ood two t hlrdH; Grpssm~n, th,ef\ In i)ollb ..... hly-I.ombardl , AI .vel"R to net-

B b 0 ood "I hlg Band 2·3; GOtiINe" 9 In 7 2·3: rlla"k· foml('s. • ... ft on lUlMe8-"New York O. o sg ,another J.l1 c an milo threr tn one and 01)0 thlrtl . JI lt ('lnclnlJ"tI .to UaJo6 on balJf4- ti'ltr.Jiilnl­

hurd ler who won the i ndoor 70 yal'd b.y .. Ueher: Oro .. ",." (T ... I.,): Go.""r mo •• 1. ""hoI I 2. 8I rlk .... "I_.'lb .. hl1-(!'!Irelch Ilnd Brul1,n).: Blatl"nan ((;ro..- 1110". I, Sthotl S, m to o,t ~cholt 6 I"

highs this IIPrlng, hard ly 1'I"tes bet· m4n). Willi 1,It~ h, ...... III""km .. n. I ....... d 3 Innln .. ". dohn"'n ~ In 1. I· .... d 0011 ter than a fourth, but may pull II. ball-Ilruhn. Wlnnlnll' pltch. r-Gro •• - -T.ornh.lrlll. (.o8lng 1,ll.d,er-Scholl.

o .. au. TMJlna pltcher-Dlaelnna». P DllllreN-KJem. Sears untl I-lnelII. BurpI lac. as he did indoorS. Ken- t'mplrel>-oJensen ond Thoml'80n. TIllie 1 :57. neth Sandbach ()( Putdue, defend·' " I

Ing champion, hill! been beaten thl8 W 11~ Hie d 6 2 yeal' at :14.S by John Bca.l at hi · aU\..er or S ar s to to eago, who failed to pla.ce yesterdllY J in the quad meet In a time of Dol. 0 B ' t B :14.9. 8~0 what. Sandbach Is a eCISIOn ver OS on raves

champjollShip~ at Anll ArLoI' next J<'l'iday aud Saturduy. Saud· ------------­Mannger Teel 'Vatklns announced

yestcrday Fred OUo wOuld probably bach will def('l1(l hi~ 120 yal'{l high hUl'dleR crown, "'0Il laNt y(,I1l'

at hicngo, willI dOp<'stWI gi\'illg ('uldenwyel' of Indiaua, til(' position of rUI1IlN'Up. Culdcmeyel' tied for fir"t in the high jump last year HUt! mAy win, or sl1l'ely pinel', iu both the high and low hurdles. Cr('tznLP,Yl'l', a con~istellt JJC1oformcl', j/o! 1'1ltec\ a place in both ('\'!'nt~, bllt BlIl'tOll 8mith of Chicago is not l'!'gal'!led ~o highly. A1thol1~h roncr<i!'cl a phlCC ill 011(' 01' the other of tit!' hurdle ra('('~. Hmith i ' iJ('ttl'l' known as 11 (jlllU·tcl'mill'l', and in thiN vent, is I'lIt!'c\ IIInollg' till' rit'~t tlll·('r. 'I'hc Big 'rell clllllllpioll~hiJl

Ift'ail' is held IIpxt Fdday Illlt! 8atm'uIlY, May 21 lind 2:;, III Ann Arbor, Mich. }>1'r1iminari('s wil! be held on b'riday.

Oklahoma Wins Big Six Track Championship~ Kansas State 2d

Sooners Grab 65112 r:===========:::: Pojnts" Rain Spoils Record Attempts

1,1 NC,(H--N, N<,b., May 18 (AP)

Sioshln!f OVCr 11 I'fl.ln·dr ' nph('(l cour",'

fol' an ImpoHin ):;, nrl'ny of vlct')rlcs,

the Unlverslly of Oklahoma won it~

first Bil Rix conferonce trncl, and

flelil championship here tocla}!.

The Sooners sc I'Nl Gii 1-2 point'!,

coming lhl'Ough with a rUAh In the late event!! 10 leave thelt· nearest rlv.l, Kansns State, In the real' wllh 63 POinte, N"ebl'llskn scorctl 36 poi nts, Iowa State 32, "lll!6otll'l 20 nnd Kan",'ls, tho Oc!cnulng- challl' Ilion. 24 1-2.

" 'IVO Records Two records f.'11 during the t\\'o·

day eru'nlval both m(lrkH In fieW events and bOth set l.y tho last· place Kansas team. Elwyn Dees' shotput rccord Of 51 feet 3 34 Inch· es sct In the prelimlnarlos ye"ter­dRY withstood today 's bombardment. The 111'cvloug I'ceol'd of liO feet 1 3-4 Inches was sct by D es last year.

Ray Nohle, sturdy 'Kansas SOI)h· om ore, boosted the onftr nce 110le vault record to 13 te I 8 1·8 inches. 'rhe PI' vlous record of 13 fe,t G 5·8 inches was set by Clyde Co(fman of Ka nsas in 1931.

Sor( Trael,

D. U. Team Defeats I}lti Psi's 9-5 For SpeedboU C,.own

J)~'It ,l l lllSil'llI IVOII 1I11(1I~1"I(C!1 elll illt j C) I he inIN'fl'I,lemUy f.I)I'('du:lil chal11piol1~hip ye~ter­

lIllY by defeating I'hl Hallll:! PHi 9 to li. Originllliy stheduled to be ,llavctJ last full, the deciding tilt It,u) \JetIn I)O~tllOned because of 11001' wCRther conditions.

M"1111~rs of the Chlullllionship J)clln l'p"UIIIl SQuad "'He: Glenn Olson, l';u~entl Zlmlho , <,"risU,UI S('IHllitlt, John Ilemlllinger, Hob-rt 1«11)" Jlon Mehrens, Lul'r~'

l"ostel', Itobrr[ Gris"~)hl, 'fhoJllll8 Graham, ,'ncl, Gallagher. Wil­Ihun lIine, Lisle I'lIynl' •• lacl, Dtllr, John ThOlIl))80Jl, J{(lbel'~

ClaH!'lI, ull(1 l)al1 IIise.

Senators Fall To Detroit By 6 to 4 Score

W,\SllING1'ON. May l8 (AP) -Alv in CrOWdl'l' pltrhNl thr DHrolt Tiger~ to a G lo 4 win OVN' Wash· ington loday to send the American league champions one UI) In the CUI'· l'ent scries.

The pelting rain which star tad parly this morning nncl continued through the afternoon softcned the track and sllotted It with puddles AttN' scoring once \11 thr first in the outer lane., I1l1mlnnUng any inning , tllp Tigers !lUShN) aCI'oss Ile1'll to track I·ccol'd. , but failing three rUIlS In the "Ixth as Gehr. to dim the clasij of the \\"cb·footcd inO:t'r hit o"er lhe right firld fence Sooners. and Grccnl){'rg and Goslin S ol'('d

Blanton Licks Dodgel~s, 8-2

Pirates Send Van Mungo to Showers In Fifth Inning

PfT·J".lIlUitOH. May 18 (AP}-Cy

Blalltoll, Pltttlburgh's elevel' fl'esh­man right handcr, chalked UP his "Ixth vJctory or OlD 8elUJOIl today, limiting the Drooklyn DO<I!fers to five hita (or an 8 to 2 victory. It WWI the first Plrnte triUmph 111 three IllaJ't.~.

Van Mungo, Dlanton's rival for fllrik<'out honors. W'IIS lifted after the firth Inning wll n the Buc" bunched five hit.", Including duulblcs by B1an­Lon ami Puut Wa ncr. rOl' (our runs, Jllhnny llu1Jlch gn,ve up the last two l'ounl.el·H.

A 11it and an OI'TW' urought lu the Dodg",' I·uns.

IlltoOKI, \ N 1\ II . U. 11 . I"O. t' . 'E.

get the mound assignment for to­day's ('On test. The strikeout artist, a n wcomer 10 Iowa City, hajJ demonstrated Iblindlng speed blend· ed with a val;cd assortment of pitches in games to date and should come through wllh 0. commendable performance. If he should falter, Watkins will not hrsltate In insert·

Mile rUIl-Won by Anderson (A .L, C.B.); Pattel'son (Seymour), 2nd: Gall (Hol.teln), 3d; Clindlnin (Grin. lI ell). 4th; Purvis (G.C.), 5th . Tlme-4:36.2.

120 yard high hurdles-Won by Pal'sons (Dav); Eggert (Mech.), 2no; Wa~sem (Ft.D.), 3d; DeHoet (New· ton), 4th; Ruble (OLl), 6th. Time­

Ing Tell Fay, wcll I{nown to local :15.7. dlamondball fans.

In the infield, Watkins will prob­abll' start Donnelly at first bal/a antl Ed Sulek, one of tile team's hard est hitters at the hot corner. The keystone combination will be corn posed of J olm Ebert at short· stop and Kerr. a smooth ball hand· leI' at second bRSe.

Outfield Waldo Geiger, "Chip" Fay and

Vic Bclger will cavort In the OUtCl' garden while either J erry POOlel' 01' Ed Howell will get the short field pOllt. Joe llaher will catch. 1~he Dlue and White will I'eturn

homo and ImmctUa,tely begin Ing prepara.tions for a gala ing against Waterloo Friday

mak· open· night

4~0 yard otulh (1st scction)-Won by C. Teur 1 (Dav); lIelman (E,D. M.), 2nd; MAthes (Ooln), 3d; Ander· eon (EW), 4th; WiI"on (Clarion), .lb; Tlme-:50,S,

440 yard dash (2nd scctlon)-Won py ~'. Teuf~1 (Oav); BohnsaCk (WW), 2nd; Perdue (Ott), 3d; Ponte (Train· ing School), 4th; liemphlll (MIlfOJ-d), 6th. Thne-:51.

880 YUI,I relay-Won by N.D.M. (Steven, Bishop. Phillips, LlIC8.!~

Clinton, 2nd; Musc., 3d; GI'llnt C.R .. 4th; Cent. S.C .• 5th. Time-l:31.7,

200 yard low hurdles-Won by Ruble (Ott); Andrews (el); Eggert (Mech), 3d; Munsell (E.D.M.), 4tb; OeHoct (Newton). 5th. Tlme-:%3.i.

Jtlrdun. !h ........... 3 1 Uurh .. r. 2h ,. o •••••••• 1 0 Uurdllll'aruy, cf .•..•. if 0

1 1 " 0 1 0 1 3

~ X at Kelly field. High jump-Won by Ralslon

(West Cllcster); Cornthwaite (Muse), MyIH' (Clear Lake) anel Murphy (Ida

rrf'Y. )ol!i 0 ••• ••••••• , •• S 0 1t.1,} rt .... .. .. • .... S 0 Uo,lJt", rt ....... 00 •• • I 0 ('u('('lnrll.." !ill ........ 4 0 THyh.r, It ............ 4 0 ~trl'}I)J Jb ........ ... 4 0 • .opez, ............... 3 I \Iun,lfn, V •.•.••••..•• 2 0 Ultb"('"h. I' .. , •••••.••• J 0

o 2 o II 1 I o 1 fill I 5 o 0 o 0

o 0 S 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 1 o 0 Z 0 ~ 0

WATERLOO, May l8-The Iowa Grov(') tied for 2nd; lIIanley (C1),

Soilball asSOCiation. one at the tast· 5th; IIeight-5 feet 10 3·4 Inches. est Hoftlba.il leagues In the state, Shot Ilut-Won by Dillon (Roos. will open IlIa)' tomorrow with Mal'· D.M.); Yager (Seymour), 2nd; Ren· !lllnlilown Inva.dlng Chru'les City delman (Dav), 3d; Travis (Bur), 41h; nnd Kelly Bros. of Iowa City play· Carson (Creston), 6th. DI"tance-l , Ing C dar Rapids. £~t

Total. .. ........ ... 3a 2 5 21 9 1 I . \'" Advance information from al OiSclIs-\Von by P eter (Eh

l'ITTillltlllOH ,lll, R.II, 1'0.,\.1i;. club" In the circuit indicate a closc Hal'lmeSR (Osage), 2n" : Dillon (R4lJ3

L. W .. n .... , . ... ..... r, 2 4 0 0 race t.hroughout with the pooHlblll1 y n.M,), 3d; Manning (I'ellll), 4111; Jell •• n, It .. , ........• r, 2 0 0 0 of any team gOing ~hl'ough unde· Ross (1(,). 5th : Distance--128.t rel'l. I'. \\ .u'u. rf .. ..... ,. 4 ! I ~ Sl 00 foaled very scant. Any cdge must' Jovelin-\Von by J)a vis (I'err)'~ '~nulrhan, tt~ ••••••••• S til ,o.

~~,"~;,"'r~'" . ~~ .. ::::::::: ~ ~ ; ~o 19 ~a~lyVe~hetos!,,:n~a:h~~ :~~~~ ~(!lt';)'P, 13'~;" (I~loslas G(I~O),V~i ll ,. i~~~r (:~ \ (lunK. 2h 0 •••••••• • •• 4 1 1 0 '\.

f;r::;~~n~ D ",','.'.::'. '.','.: ~ J J ~ J J ~:e!0~~:8 ~a~e y:~~mlJiOnShll) at 5t~r~~tan~:~\~! 1~:-4 ;~: Tol"l, ............. 31 8 It Zl 6 1 Kelly BI·OR., possessing good pitch· (\Vebster City); Bukcr (WW), 2nd; ~)r.. by innlugH:

Ilrookh'lI .. .. ...... .. .. OO'~ 000 000-% Ing and general all·around atl'ength, Gr08s (NDM), 3d; Cranny (Teacher> t·lll.hurgh ......... . ... 020 (1.10 02·-8 ~hould be a threat. Heinie Jensen high) , 4th; Bracll~y (Creston), 6th.

Run"i Imfttd In (:n,ct', Uordrt8uray. Jrn .. n, I', Waner, ~uhr 1, I" W,mer 2. of Cedar Rapids sees lIltle chance Dlstance-21 feet 5 3·4 Inches. 'rwo bu,. hlto Grtl.e. 1lI0nlon, J'. Wlln- for his outrlt In spite of his out· Medley rellly-\Von by Valley rr. Ruhr. Sto len base Frf';r. S!l(lrlflce--Th,'''o","". IA'II "" b .... UrI",kl,'n ~: standing hurling corps. Jct. (Swink. Rldd~. Floyd, Yager); 1'llI.burJrb 7. UUBe on bulls-tUallton Schukel Chevrolets of Waterloo N.D.M.. ~nd; Ft. Dodge and CII~' 1; \lun,.~ 2; Iloble'h 2. ~trlkt"out;l Ulan. t"" 0. \lUIIXO O. 1111. ot, 'lun8'o, 8 In ha~ made several improvements In ton 11ed tal' 3d; "\V.'V. 5th. Tim&­[j Inoln" : nnb"'h, 3 In 8. Wild ,,1I .' h •• Ils lineup this yeal', including th~ 342 3 -'lanro, nhmtun. LokinK l.it('hf'r lfun· : •. go. addition of AI Lindy from Milwau, 220 yal'd dash-Won by Brown

l 'ml,lr." u"", 1" lr",on ,,,,,I Rigler. kee who won a 19 Inning 2 to I (CI)', Franck (Dav), 2nd'. AlexllIId'r Time I :17, I

game In the semi·flnals of the n!l.· (Winter 'et), 3d; Cowan (WW), 4th; M"HOll Ci ty Wins 1 tlonal tOUl·na.ment last year. LucJ1S (NDM). 5th . Tlme-:22.6.

MANSON (AP) - Mason City high Schuke's feilow·townsmen, J a h n MJle relay-W-on by Dav. (Cu/ll'

'fhe OklllhomllJls turned In seven tirst plaec~, six of them In trllCk events. and thell' victories In hath relays clinched a mpel thry aU but had In their hlp pock et after Kan·

"l'hool'R hard-hitting nJne wan thO DE'ore, boasts several outstantllng mings, Moore, F. Teufel, C. Teufel); state high Sl:hool baseball tau rna. men. N.D.lII.. 2nd; Ott., 3d; Ft. Dodg!, ,,('nt MI'I! ycsterday 'by defeating I Charles City was the last team 4th; GlenwoO<l, 5th. Time-US

011 Owe" .' single. A triple by Ro· Rarlc1i(CI' 4 to 2 In the Cinat game. (Turn to page 7) (New recol·tl. Old record of 3:19.9 g~lI anti a ]lair of single~ account· estRb\lshed by Ottumwa. In 1931).

~d for two more runs in tho ighth. D a1 C M~ · V 11 880 yard dash-Won by OldenbuJ1

consistent. h ut hill! been bav· Ing 80me great blatties with Calde· ST. LOUIS, lIIay 18 (AP) - BIl! UOSTO); AB. R. If. J·O.L\ .F.. sas State faded from the )lleture.

1>t.:'l'IIOIT ;\11. II. If. l'O.A.E. r {e aptures lssourl a ey.. (WW); 1I101·timer (Ad I), 2nd; OllD --------------- (Denison), 3d; Moore (Dav), 41h;

~;?':;'kr~~ I; ·~~~~:::::::: ~ ~ ~ g g ~ Traclr Crown~ Grlennell Second Dean (Traer), 5th. ·J'lm&-2:02.6. meyer of Indiana, whose beat lime ,Yalker racked up hlot fourth vic· ls :14.8. Indoors Caldemeyer took third behind Cretzmeyer of Iowa.

• •• Thlit seems the event in whkh

Cretzme,.er should get coIDc. and he _ rise to the occaaIou and grllb a, second or tbird, Clark of W'-sln, with a. :1409 time, Steuwe 01 WI8COnsin, willi .. :15 flat time. and Kneblauch or l\[lnne8Ota. ;ltl nat, look like place wtnners along wfUt tbe other five or flU:. (Jlark 111111 Steuwe were plaee winners In the fIlial, lau year, gallling fourth and fifth. Sandbarh'8 tillle for the race WlI8 only :15.1. II() tile two couldn't ba.\'e beeH going too fast.

• •• Should t&ke up a field event,

now. and I think m08t fans will lIve ]\fark PanUl{\!'. kut year's jave· lin champion, Q little conslcleraUOll In this 8\'ont. The Iowan won the event 'll'ith a toss Dr 208 feet 2 lnch· .. , jUBt three and one fourtb inches ally 01 Duane PurvIs' bill' Ten rec· ord. lIII'!!e In 1933. Panther delllQted

(Turn to page 7)

tOry of I he season today by pitch·

Ing the St. LoUis cardinals to a 6 to 2 decision over Babe Ru th and th& Boston 13l'aves.

The stylish lett honder f"om East St. Louis now ' has caught up with Dizzy a nd Paul Dean In game9 \VOI\

and iJI the wori(\ champions' lea.ding I)ltellel' with only one defeat. F lint Rhem, a former Ol.tdlnal. started tor Boston, but ltultcd only seven Innings.

Bil l had 0. shutout In his hands until the ninth Inning. Th e fil'st ~ Ight h he ld the BraVes to two hits.

Then .Joe ]\fowry, who fin ishes games for nabe Ru th In lett field, lined a single oVel' Ouroch~I"11 h ead, Thompson hit to Collins ancl the RillPcr took th e sure 1>lay at first Instcrul at trying for a po"slble torcoout at second. This moved J\fpwI'y to second and he scored a run wbcn Lec do U'blecl.

CO@cnrart followe(l with w s Ingle that scored lJee, but tho game end· ed when Wllikllt· atruek out 8poIi1" Cl', nnd Mueller. battln&' tor Smith, flied to '1'crl'y Moore.

IIrb.n'kl, ... .. ....... COl 1 4. 1 Jonlun. Ib .......... C, OIl! 0 0 Kulh. " ............. 2 0 0 0 0 0 ~rOwr)' , I! ........... I ) 1 0 " 0 Il<'rll'er. d ...... • . ... 8 0 0 ! 0 0 TIIomp""o, rf ........ 1 0 0 1 0 0 L .. , .t .............. 4 1 t 2 0 1 ('o~~.,.r.rt. Sb ..... " .. 2 0 1 0 II • Million , 2b .,' ........ COl S 8 0 SOphrer. • ........... 4 0 0 a 1 • Bohm, .. .... . . . . . . .. ZOO 0 0 0

Omaha Pushes Demons Out of Western Lead With 9 to 6 Triumph

DES lIIOINID$, ~Iay 18 (AI')­Smashing the offerlng8 of three op-Smtih, !' ............ 0 0 0 0 0 0

,Uo"" I\'III.. . ......•.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 I)()S!ng pitcl1C'l·s. Omaha's 'Vestcl'll Muell.... . ...... ... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iraguo Pack 1'9 took a. 9 to 6 decision

Total. .. ........ 83 2 8 U 11 2 from Des MoJnes bere today. ·-ll"' tea 'or ll ~hm In 81h. "-Halt ed ter RlnHh In 9th. Score by innlng~:

Omaha ................ 21i 010 130-9 12 1 ~_T_.~L_0_U_I_S _____ A_R_._R_._l_I._1_'0_._i\_.'F._ .. JJet! Moines .. .. .. 001 201 002-6 b 2 \fllrtln, 3b .......... oJ, I Kothrork. rt ......... S 0 Frl .. II, %b ........... '" I I\l f" flwlt 'k , .f .......... s (}

e 0 o ! 1 0 o I 1 13 o 6 I 3 ~ ! I 0

»2 'Battel'lt' - Bucklin and :alcCue; ~ g Taylor, Snms. Wlnfl)l',1 and CI't\nulI.l1. o 0

I. ('olllno, Ita ......... 3 0 1 .... '· ... r .............. 11 T. ~Ioo"" d . ........ 4 I Our{)(· tM"r, IiH •••••• 0 • • 3 2: IV"lk.r, p ............ 2 0

2 0 o I o 0 o I) 8 0

Tol.l. .. ........... %9 8 8 n 11 8 8eore I), Innln«a:

"'I. l.IGul.. .. ..... .... ... 030 000 21·-..0 Do Jon ...... .. .. .. .. ... 000 000 OO~-2

Runs halt "'I In-Dln·oo".... W.lk." ', ft rtln, 1l1" ·'1I. l IM. ('OA('ar",.t. T\\'n h.fl.JI.e hits - Dt.Fe('h .. r. Jor~h,". rb8 n fil lcl , 1I'rloch. I.e • . FI • .,..IMrr--ltothrO/'k, WAlk­.. r . ~nhle I.la.,vi-}(.non tn Jordan; (161. lin" t~ DOf"(W'htr. T.Jf' tf nn b"II~~1l0f.4. Ion 7: !;t. Lonl. 4. Tho •• on bRII_Rrl.", 2. \\,~Ik .. 8, Smith 1. ~lrtk ... "III-II.hU\ 2. \l'.lk .... 4. lilt • • 1'-"""", , til 7 IA­nln~.: IImlth I In 1. 1~ •• 1,,1t: 1.II.her­R~hn'.

Postpone River Swim Until Next Saturday; W ate,. Too Cold

Because of the low jflllPl'rlh ture or Ihe w"tCI·. the lowll nh'er s,vhn wn, postponed yestcrtl lll'.

Collch Dn.I'o A1'U11Jrus1N' lln· lWunced that It ,,'111 be h t'ld ll~;d Sat urduy uUenlooll.

(leh.iuger. :b ........ ~ 1 2 1 2 0 ,. _ l'ole vault-Swart (Carroll). Byer! Uru' l1herfC'. Ib ...... .. " 1 0 8 1 0 110' lin. rf ............ 4 I ~ 8 0 1 TULSA, Okla., M"y 18 (AP) _ OI'S for him and his 120'yard high' (C.S.C.) and Towle (Hampton) tied. KOKt-II, f'1!I .... "."" •• 3 t ! 1 4 0 u. f 1 t I (f't DOd ) 4tb; IIn.vworlh, c ......... Ii 1 ~ 4 0 0 Scoring In 15 of the 16 events sched. hurdle time Of 14 .8 over the water 01' s; orne I " . ge, ..,\1 Owon. 3b ............. !41 00 I II 1] 00 lliecl, Dl'ake university, Des MOines, covered t rack, wns only .2 at a scc. Bader (Gl·lnncll). (;U1. Heill'M ('rowdeor, .. ........... 1 r t 9 1 h S

- - - - - - Ia., today won the Missouri VaHey onel lower than tbe Valley record. nc e . Totltl. . ......... 88 6 1% 27 0 J ~onfel'enco track meet in the rnln Phillips also won second 111 the '.rwo mile l'elay-Won by A.L.eB.

,,'AHIIIN(;'rO); An. II . 1I.1'0.".E. with 65 1.2 pOints. broad jump, tied tOI' second In the (Cone, Skelton, Montgomery, Andl't· ~[Y.r. 2b ... •. . . ..... 4 0 0 3 3 0 Grinncll. a lso displaying 0. well high jump and won foul'th In the 50n); E.D.M., 2nd; Marlon, 3d; W.I'I, l'm,·.II. c' ....... ..... 4 0 I G OO rounded team, scored 38 1-2 points 220·yard low hurdles. 4th; N.D.M., lith. Tlme-8:30.7, nu"u.h, It ........... 3 21 2 _,0 00 0 to win second and tho champion Waite of " 'ash lngton had his own foilonf", 1r ............ 4 litO Tr ... I •• 510 .... ........ 4 ~ ~ 1~ ~ 0 Oklahoma A. ond M. came In third way In the dash events, Bllrlnllll!f Kuhrl, Ib ........... 4 0 with 28 1.2 points, In way ahead on both vents. 1I 11011011, • .. ......... 4 II I) 8 0 0 1,,,..,·, " ..... ....... f 0 I 0 ~ 0 Washing ton university. St. Louis, tUI'ned In 0. fast ~.g 100·yard Whll.hlll. I' .. . ..... 1 0 1\ 0 I 0 nosed out Tulsa. university tor time. ('01'1'010, II ......... : 0 0 I) 0 0 0 It" ..... JI . !' ........... 0 0 0 0 0 0 fourth by 1-2 pOint, searing 22 1·2 Dral,e Triumphs Hh'KloliO ... , ......... 1 0 (I 0 1\ 1\ pOint s. ,VMhburn 's only scoring Drake won five ev nts ancl In Srhull." ............ 1 0 0 0 0 0

- - - - - - was by the lone entry, Schwa.tz, mile ran one, two, thl' e. Gallaghel'. T~"I ... ........ 31 4 II ~1 II 0 I th I" ttl hi- Sh uk n(1 'I ho fl I h A .-TJ',lte" , ... ","llohlll In 7!h \llIIllIlr. W 10 won ~ SIO .. 1U a g vc 0 ocm er a "ay, W J\ 8 \I

·*--Unlt .. 1 , ... Itll B,II In Dill Innio'll. HchoOl fiv polnb!. In that order, took the lead at th ~.or. by Inning.. R,lin H'Ullpt'rs M~et al8l·t and they came In together not ""roll .................. 100 003 o~o-o

W.,hlnRlon ... ..... ... .. 000 100 1:0-1 Th e meet, I'UP off on a soak~d more thn.n three stel's apart. ~Ull1mllrv - ltun!l h"tl ~.. tn-O('h~

.I,,~.r %. Tn .. ; •. O".n ~. Ilollon , 1I0Y- ficici , failed to produce any new In the 880·yarcl l'U/1 tho Oklnhoma, ",orl h, 1'0<. st"". ~. T,,'" b .... 111111- r(\eOl'dR. lIn.rtl shower9 fell thl'ough. Aggles got... bad bl'auk when "unIiNh. Thr('f't hll~" hU'4--"' Rllk~r. RD· ""II . 110m. rllnll-(l.hrh.~.r. Rlnn.. out I he afternoon, and tho final Shields f II whllo Iltulsl ng the bn· !In,·rlrl ••• - . IIlOUoh, Roeell. J)ouhl. evcnt. the milo I'elay, was run In a ton to Barn um . The Aggles had l\J nluv8--(;rhrl"JC'''1'' t ~ Box .. 11 tn ('"ern· B l",rK. l ,rlt on ha~ ....... Il.I'"1I 10; W.oh- i1ownlloUl·. lead of 15 yards but arnum; did h' Klnn~. Ua, •• 0" oollo-<'rowder 1, Clarenco "Red" Phillips, Tulsa.·s not l'Un after htll tCl\mmate stum· \ \' hltt',hlll ,. rOl1llu ln. 1. ~trlkf'o1Jt~ ('r", .. lrr ~. Whll.hlll ., 111, ••• 11 I. 11118 ver~lItllCl Rtal'. turned In lhe b st ill.cd and In jured hIs nrm. GJ'lnlleli "It-"' hlt~hlll 1 In 7 Innlne.: ('","101 .. )lcrflll'man C'e of the day . His 11 1-2 w lit ah~ad to win Ily In h s, with n In I InlllnJrI ttu!lolIt" fI 2; In 1 InniIlIC. III I hy 1,1Ic1 •••• 1,)-WIIllehlLl (Ji<lllell) , polnt>l won Indlvldunl seo l'lng h OIl' Uarl1cs ru nning a nchor.

;--------.-,'1 All.U"ivel·sity Canoe Doubles Will be HeM Tuesday Afternoon

The lilli'll allil Il1St 01 the 1011' river ~\" nts-Ihe IllI·unlvenlt1 ",moo dnubles-wlll be held ...... i1I1Y arternoon ot 4 o'clock, In' I.rles should be phoned or meI~ to ell her Cooeh Armbruster Itt

E. G. (1)IId) Rchroeder. ('ullll will be awarileel to ...

contl·.lonl In the wlllnln, ItIIIII While runner'UlI8 wUl recWf' medltl ~.

\AiMf JlU'o b~l1Ie!'er I\I1II '!'III ( 'lose nt'e tlelt'n"ln, ChAlllploJll,



· F fP' ill'

0"' irull car urn rlld rlln DYI

T IlI'O )lng 9.4 The jum in se(!c wor a bl ot tent nt.C! coo 11Y 193:

01 vide poln In tI field poln (,hie

0' r'lsh aid I

a NUi

Ou prov ecrll

Su all


1hlrd 4:25.1

440 (W); thh'd :43.0.

100 (OS);

(OS), ;j)9,4

Wykl J'(cor,

Oblo Chltn

Sho Chril (W),

J)lsla Hlg

tf~ I (OS),

lourll Browl feel. !

120 C1(tI'k Aluew Time

Javi (W); S

gill' (, lourlh

Pole (OS); I third I

(W). I

880 ; (OS); I

bChmid fourth .

220 (OS); J third; (Now n by Sim

220 Owens S<!lIz (t trlme :~ rccord In 1924, New m :24 by 1934).

81m "'wisher thJrd: Il 2, feet ord. fOI' cago. 23

Twor Mohrhu Ihlrd; r. O:~&.5.

ArJle I

(QUinlan Wiscons ed. l'lrr .-


Opel .­(Ocl

to en ter In getlir bP. Ame, standing Year. MAO lIIado up plp>'ees II lVhal at

CElDAF 1114\: 12 hi IerrOl'S, I{

Id, !Iel I game of B{I'II'II.

Crown · s Captures oPlaces IowaCitv

'" Quartet

Mile Relay to 3:28

Tnwlt Clly high's .... tonk Illth In 1h6 .1Is.

fOIU'Ul ill the Ja.velln lor points.

they fini'lhe(l : Davenport­N.D.M.-40; CUnton-34; W.

Ott.-19; A.L.C.B.-16; E. n. DoiIgo-14; Roos. D.

Valley Jcl.-l0; Muscallne W.-9; Seymour-8; Grant

Mcohanlcsvl1l&-7; )(1a

; Cent. S.C.-6 1·3; Marlon Clty-6; Pel1'y-6;

Chester-6; Wlntel'sct-5; 1·3; llampton-4 loS;

Nf!wton-4; 0sage-4; Bol. IOWA ('JT.\~-3; Grinnell

Denison-3; Clear Iowa Train·

Ich'Jol--2; Teachers high. cedlU' Glenwood-2; Pella-2;

; Burlington-2; Mll/'8h.­Cenler-1; Clarl<.(n-I;


yard rclo.y-Won by Dav. F. Teufel, C, Teufel, Ji'rllnek); , 2nd; Clinton , 3d; Grant C.

E.D.M. and Marsh. tied for

yo.l'(l dash-Won by ())wnn W.) ; BI'Own (Cl), 2nd; Bloek

3d; Alcxander (\Vinte~t),

(Roos. D.M.), 5th. Time

run-Won by Anderson (A.L. Patterson (Scy mour), 2nd;

(Holstein), 3<1; Cllndlnin (Gt1n. 4th; Purvis (O.C.). 5th. 'J'\me-

yard high hmdlcs-Won by (Dav); Eggclt (MectJ.), 2nd; Wt.D.), 3d; De lloet (New·

(Ott), Gt h. Tim&-

yard (la..~h (I.t seello~Won Teur~1 (Dav); Hcnna.n (&D.

nd; MatMs (Coin), 3d; Ander· 4th; Wilson (Clm·lon). 6th;

I'clay-Won by N.D.M. Bishop. Phillips. Luea.<r.

2nd ; Musc .• 3d; Grant C.R., Cent. S . . , 5th. Time-l:!!.7.

yard low hurdles-Won by (Ott); A n<lrows (CI); Eggert

3d; MunHell (El.D.M.), lIh; (Ncwton), 5th. Tlme-:23.1. jump-"'on by Ralston

Chcster); COI'nthwalto (Muse), (Clear Ln.ke) and M' UI'phy ([<I"

tied tor 2nd; Mrunley (CI), JJeI0'1·,t-·5 feet 10 3·4 inches.

<lash-Won by BI'(JWII (Dav), 2nd; Alexander

3d; Cowan (WW). 4tb; (NDM), 6th. 'l'ime-:22.6.

by Ottumwa. In 1934). yal'<I dash-Won by Oldenbur1l

rOI·tlmer (A,lel). 2nd; OIto 3d; MOO re (Dav). 4tb;

(Tr er), 5th. Tlme-2;02.6. va.ult-Swal·t (carroll). Byers and Towl (Hampton) tied

'omell (1.11:. DOdge), 4tl1; (Orlnn ti). I>Lh, Helglrt-JI

InCheB. mil relay-Won by A.L.C.IJ. Skelton. Montgomery, Andel'

l!l.D.M., 2nd; Ma.l·lon. 3d; W.W., N.D.M .• 5th. 'rhne-8:30.7.

The thlnl a.nd last of the lows events-tlls nlHmive"", tloubles-wlll be he ....... ·

.It"rnooll lit 4 o'cktclc, III' h o ulll be phOflIld or maiW

e ither COoch AnnbMl1lter tI

G. (O"d) Schroeder. will be Il.wordt.d to ..­

in tho wlnnl", -' runne r · UJ)8 will I'IIcftf'

,'IU'ObRII1ey"r RI!d ,.. IIffl d~etldin, cluunploal.

SUNDAY, :MAY 19, 1935

Owens Leads Bucks To Quad Meet Win j,-acksa Equals -~i =~=--~orld Marks, A'lI5~ Wins 20 Points


W L Pct.GB Ohio State Sweeps To Victory Over Now York ..................... 16 7 .69G

Wi consill Team Brooklyn ....................... 17 10 .630 1

EVA.'iSTON. Ill .• May 18 (Arl- Chicago .......................... 14 9 .G09 1 .Spectacular Jesse Owens unlimbered St. Louis .... _ .......... _ . .14 12.U 36

hili long. brown IeII' today I.!> better PitIBburgh .................. 14 15 .~ 3 5


THIMBLE THEATER STARRING POPEYE Not., Showing-"Needles on a Haystack"

a~ST THE \.UC,K ~ TOAR vJOUlO HAVE. TO GET SICK JU~ \lJ1-\E.N \ 'lAM eu~'f uE.nl~· ME ARK REN)'i_' 60T TO CUR~ .. 'J',~.-;.o,


NOW B'f GaLt"! l'\l.. HY- IilM UP GOOD



one worid record, match another. and ,cinclnn ettl .............. _ ... 10 14 .417 SA !ruin a !lair aI: meet markR. 8.'l he Boston ........................... 7 15 .31 8 A can'jed OhiO State to an El8BY trl- Philadelpha l. .............. 6 16 .283 9, umph ov~r Wlscon. in, NorthwesUlrn ye~lerd~y'8 Re8u1l8 rnd CIllcago. in tileir annual quad- New York 4; Cincinnati O.

Chisox Rally In Ninth To Defeat Boston

Gomez Pitches Yanks to Win Over Indians

. -------------. !I hit Only once tn !ive uttemJ)lh •. • -------------J Tbe Leailel'll

•1 The Big Six I Arky YauAhllll hit one (lut t)f thn:·e I Home Run Ott. Giants ... _ .............................. 8

, • fOr 0. th,... . IAAllt )088. Jobnny ~ruoro S d . t I" I J tan inn'S }''''': . Athletics .... _ ....................... 8

p,.ppo' Martin alan uphe)(\ lh.. lOS u 110 nil and Immlc J·'oxx 111. ~

tl #------------- J ·nUl'<l. While Sox .................... .. pl'll8ligr ot the BIg ix by implovlni Th' ,\all 111/:: •

rnngulat' track and field party at Pittsburgh 8; l:IrooklYn 2. Dyche tadlum. Philadelphl 1; ChicagO 0 (10 In-

(Ry The A <;O('ll1tt't1 I'I'(',s) Jt)hnl'On. Alb tics ....... _ ... _ .... 1 his batting &\'era/;e )'t'lIll'rday while 0 ,\U R 11 ?d. II R d Juhn Moore, PbllIJ ............... _.1 the other th-e mt'mb(>rs lo..~ trom two "' . .tk,·r. Tmera .... _ 17 72 l~ 30 .417 um.. un \ 'p<;ter Il)' J'>e> ~Iuore. Glanls ............. _ ..... 1 The lue"llreS8lble sophomore Ne- nlng ~

1(1'0 started his afternoon by equal. St. LouiS G; Boeton 2. NOR d S to ]6 JIO!11l. Pepp<'!' ronnf'CtPd tor Vaughan. Pirat<"ll .. 29 111 2~ 4<1 .3~G C; 'hrl • Yanke _ ...... __ 1 Vlluflh:.n. PIrates .......................... 7 two Wts In (out' times up, 1ll1dlng fOUl' johllllOn •• \ thlNIC/I • ~2 90 21 3 •. 3 9 Ili 'ke>, Yank ............. __ ... I l.eague Totals ling Fra~k Wykoft 'ij world record or OM' Today 0 e ut e OX tar Give Indians

n .• S('Co"ds ror the I OU yard duh New York at Clnclnnatl. By S to 2 core To But Two Hit In 3.0 poinL~ to hll mnrk for an ,'I'pn .310. Foxx • • \thl,·tIcM _~~ 7 111 ~ .87~ G"hr!n cr. Tigers .~ .. _._ .. 1 Nrlllonol.. .. .................. _ ....... 123 '1'he leader. Gel'llld Walkl'r, suffered :Martln. C"rdinal., •. ~U SO; .:0 31 .31;~ Rtont'., cnntors _. __ .......... __ . 1 AmN'1 n .. _ ..... _ ...................... lOS /fhen. in betw n turns at the broad Phillvlelphia at Chicago. K

jumping plt. Owens raced ~20 yard~ JJrooklyn at PilU!bIJrgh. eep League Leacl Wllitewa hing lIle blggro~t 1!Hl. <1rollJllnll' til .-117 Uli J. llu",,,. l'hll!iel. _e~ n 17 30 .3~ij IliM,,11I1, Athlctll'l! __ . . .• " t Turl.1 ................ _ ................. ~21l

·~======~~~~~~~§§~~I ~~ !

In 20.7 lICOOnds. only a tenth or a Bostoll at St. Loul8. BOSTOX. Afay 18 (AP)-Aft r be· NflW YORK. 1 18 (AP)-I.eft second s lower than Roland Locke's AMERICA LEAG E Ing h"ld A~orelellS Ilnd to three tllt~ ,y y world standar(l. and rollow~d up with -\V L Pct. UlJ in eighl Inning>!. Ul l agu .Ieadlng Gomez. the "hnrd lurk guy" of thn II bl'roth taking Might over 220 y.1rdS Chicogo ........... _ ............. 10 7 .696 Chicago Whit!' Sox put on a. five-hit Yankf'{'A' pllehing tatt thl~ 8<'lIJIOn. ot JOIV hurdl s In 22.0 seconds. a, l"ew York ..... ................. 15 10 .GOO 2 !'ally In th ninth to nos out Ih& finally got enough backing tOda)' t nth oC a eeeond faster than thO Clev 100'1d .... .. ........... 13 9 .on 2l BoIIton Red Sox 3-2. h r loony. l" win n game ntt r three Illraight n!lCellted world record set by Iowa'e Boston ........................ .14]0 .6 3 26' Right hunder Gord()n "Dusly" def tR. but he had to turn in his Charlie Brooidns In 1924. and tied W&JIhin.;t"n ................ 12]3 .480 5 Rhodes kept Jimmy Oykc • roreca In b}' NOI'mall paul ot California In DetrOit .......................... 12 13 .480 5 check until Minter l1 ayes cnme un to I nlt)Untl I)('rtonnance f the

Iowa~ Want Ads Get Result!J IU3:. ~hlUldelphla ................ 7 15 .318 ,open UIC last !mme. With two year to beat tht' Clev land Intlla1l8 Transfer--Storage 24

Owens' brilliant performanccs pro- St. Lould ....................... 6 16 .23 10 .trlkes a!;ainst hlm liuylll< doulJled to 3 to O. ===:::=:=~~~~~ vldcd 20 or Ohio State's total of 69 1-2 Ye tardilY'S Resull left and liCW'ed on AI Sirnmona' It WM the third . l!'(llght YMkea Ii I polnt8. WlflConsin. packing Its punch hlcago 3; Boston 2. ~ltl" I", 1.,·ke Honul'n.·8 two hogg I' vi lIlry of the Hel'l • an'\ 1Il/l. (In\! B~!1:~~~,~!ER , In the quarter Ollie, high hurdles anll New York a; Clovelanll O. .ent SlmmonM flying homo PI·O lllpt· .. -.- -~ I'

wI, It w hlng tor CI I' I n<l. lind Jl'rel,bi field fvents. was t'eCond with 61 3-4 Phllod 111hil). 3; St. Louis O. tng Mannger Juc Cronin to yank polnlf: ; NOrlhwcdel'l1 had 33 1-4. rund Detroit 6; \VllJIhington 4. 1tI11.1e" roc Jimmy W('leh. IIf(NI !lilt Yal,ks two not he. In thl' Storace II l 'hlca '{o wound up with 4 1-2. Gume Toduy Tho rl'iler piLChcr forcerl OCOIge Mltuldln':H to II('cond. a thcy pn .... '!ed 0'0u COllul ry lI.ullnt

Owen8 achieved his brillrunt uccom- hlcfi!(o at Boo;ton. HUM Iln,l I.uko AII]lllng to gl'uund th 10,11 nA ami Hl'd SOl!. whn loat. Dial 6478 l"l.hm,,,,t In the century withou t the Clf vchnd at N w York. LUt. Bonum manll!;c" to get around (lOfllC2, wh .. h .n ' l hn<l mort. than aid of slal·tlnl; blocks, and with just Detrult at W8.t>hlngton. to third bu. .... and hc brought In lhe thr runs made l)('hlnll him thla 11 ",*geslion of n hreeze at his back St. Louis Ilt Phllndelpbla. • winning run \\ hen Mum'ur Jimmy Oul~lde 01 Owens' work, the meet ______________ IJut 0. timely di ngle Into shol1. rI"ht Allrln~. limited th" Trlbt' lO t\\'o

provided nothing In lha way of cx- tldd. hll pair of Bill IPII hy I~rl A I'er·

ccptlono.i llerfol'mance&. Phillies Down SummarleR: Mile run-Won by Ooorge ]'O.rley

(N); Renda (OS). 9CCOnd; Bllcl,]e (OS), third ; 'Rllckmostel' (N). rOUl'lh . TlmB ( :26.1.

4<10 y!u'd run- 'Von ~JY Crowell (W); H .. ·/; (N). second; Beetham (O!:!). third; Quinlnn (N). fourth. Time :43.g.

f 111(' \(10 AU. R. II . I'O .. I .... ~ 1II-:1n.1 Rlruk out • vpn. TI, ~ec·

'JIll] bluw" 0. 8erntch Mfalr

B · 1 0 Itlltl.ur" lr ......... 8 0 0 2 0 0 rums, to !~'H" Zb .......... 8 1 I i 7 0 whlt-h glllnced orr !AlU O~hrlg'. rollllllHIII". t·t .....•• , .. I t 11 0 0 1I00uro, III .......... 4 I I 111 0 0 J;loVI> Int') right fl Id.


Walters Win O lh''''t ,. .... .... ... ~ 0 0 Ion wn .1101'1".... . . .. ...... 2 0 0 ~ I 0 (r.tll·I"A'1) MI. K. II. I'O.A.E.

I I), kr.. Sb ... . .. .. ... 4 0 I 0 I 0 Game' Roy Hensbaw M ... I, , .............. , II S 1 0 0 ".1.1"·,, II ......... t t1 0 ~ 0 0

Allow Three Hils Tubl. .. ........... ao U H 27 1'1 0 \~rl.lll. r. .. ........ 4 0 00 II 2 10' IIMI . Sb , ............ a 0 •

, 11'lrIJ., t' ............ , 0 1 0 I II '\Hrlll, .r ........... 8 0 t I 0 II

IIICACO. May 18 (AP)-Burky ItO~TO" Ill. R. II. 1'0. I .F.. Tr .. ,kv. '" ........... ~ t1 00 IGO ~ Ou 100 yard dash - 'Von by Owens lIu.II.-.. . .......... a 0 •

(OS)'. Janicki (W). second'. " 'iliA 'Valtcl·s. one-lime third ilo.st>mon, lll.hOIl, 2b .......... S loa G 0 ""1<'" .b ........... a 0 0 0 I U \Il' l":;y l I I PI 11 d I hi tI W tt"ht.'r, 811 ••••••.•• S I III U Hr .. o"I, C •••••••• • ••• 2 0 U 0 I 0

(OS). thir(l; Rich (W), fourth. 'i'lme lur I'd tie 1 0. ell a No. ona18 to II . Juh" ...... II ....... lO t 3 lOP, Ilak. • . .......•.• I 0 0 J 0 0

:09.4 (Fl tuo ls' 'vorl!1 ~or(1 by Frank a SP ctaculal' 10 Inning 1 tn 0 vIc· (·ronl". . .. ......... I 0 1 , t II II.,d". II ............ 2 0 0 0 S 0 ~ , '1;'- h h lI .... ·rrHII , 0 ......... • fI I 2 I 0 Jilllr.krrhuc· kff* •••••. J 0 U tI U 0

Wyk!iff. U.S.C .• ln 1930. New meet tory over t e C Icago Cub .. and flo,,,ulll_ ... ......... 3 0 1 4 0 n I,. Uf."". I' ......... II 0 0 0 0 u won his own gamo with a. .hom Aln""l... rl .. ..... .. . 4 0 j 3 0 0 - - - - - -

ncord. fonner mark by Simpson, I). 10 I"roll , J ~ ......... 4 U 0 10 I 0 To,.1 ............. ~, 0 I U U 0 h sta single which scored hi9 boes. Man· KI""I ••• I' ............ S (I 1 0 H (I . U_ltod .or J!.rd~r In 81h.

o 10. te. 1929, and John Brooks, agel' Jimmy WIL~on . (rom second 1\',I<h. J) ............ 0 0 0 0 I 0 All. II. II . J'O.A.F.· :\ t;W 'OIlIC -------------------

Money to Loa,· 37

I .

WJltchCl!, DlllJIIonds, nln .. , Guns. !\totOi'll, Type",rft • UOIII'II Ie-I and ~ Dall1

Quick Loans On- ~

) IOCK·El'E 00. l en~oor t ow,. Ity Uk. Dlllr·


I,oNO OIST Neil. and leDeraI "'ulln~. Ft.ll1lture QlOYH, crat, ed al>:: IIhlppe4, rJJOMl' ON'S TRANSFER VO. ,

I DIaIeGt4

" llIlI::S AND RUflUlHl1 IIAU1.1·:n. Ln.\Vns mowed. Dinl 6087. CI~~:O. 1;~~~Won Illy Neal (OS); btlS('. ~~~\,,' i~n.i;,;'.·"· .. 32 ~ R e7 I~ 0

Roy JJensho.w, tiny Cub 80uth. (,hl'''IfO .... ... . ..... . rnHl 0Il0 OO!1-3 Christianson (W). second; Rubow paw, held the Phfilles to tbree 8C11.t. 110.1011 ................. 000 100 010-: (IV). third; flt'rwo.ngt>r (C), fOUl lh lIuno batted 10-1;10,,"'0"", 11011" .....

tel'cd hils. lie h"ought obuut his Il)k" , 11. ,John on on. I ('rollin. "'''0 ('.Ill" •• l' ........... 4 0 0 1 " 0 Steamship Agencies flol,.. 3b ............ . 0 % t I 0

])J!Jtance 48 reet 5 3-4 inohes. b .. ",,. Idh __ lItlJif" , nonuN t ""tw,II, \\rrr_ downfall by walking Wfisoll to open I ... r, n . Forr.lI. ~Iul," b •• ..-R. Job,,·

IIlgh jump.-,\Von by 'Valker (OS); th tenth. WUHan went to sccond .nn, ,Ilnul<llI . "aerllh·oo-U.,' • TI.tJ •• tied to\' ~colld and thlrd. Boucher Wor""r. l lollbl~ pl.t-II.... 10 .11'-

on a wild pitch and score(] on 'Val· JllltlK t~ Jlnllll"'i Ua;"'6j to t"''I"II; (OS). and WjClchman (W); tletl for tel" slnglo to lett. IlhOlIo" 10 ('rv'lln '0 I,"hl.r ... : II . 1-' ,,-IOUl'th. Bool and Ma.stcrSOIl iC). ' ~II '0 ('rnnln. , ... It un b .... O-<'hlcan

Wallers a llowe{) seven hits, but ~I 1I •• lon •. u .... An h .. U.....orr 'f1_IJ_ ~:w2n :~\n~::I.ngton (W). Height 6 six times r pulsed the Cubs whcn ~hO':J:. 1~: .... 1:;11.3. oi:~~~~.::::-TJ.ll: ~

men wcre on b1l8e. The ChlcagOtllltl In n In,," (non. oul In Otl.); oil \"I<h 120 yarll high hUl'dles-WolI by threatcned In the clghth when 2 I" 1 Innlnlf. \11111 ,'''.''-TlttJ~. 1.0-

C1n!'k (W) ; )(ellner (W). second; Hack's double, CUylel"s single and In,. III1<her-Rho~o •. Aiuewl' (\IT), third; Seltz (OS). (ourth n pass to Cavarcttn. loaded the Racks Time :H.9. with one out. Hartnett bounCe{) to

Ja.velln throw - 'Von by Horne Vergez at third, who retired HllCk IW); Schlanger ('\V), 1!Ccond; Berwlln- at home. Jurges l'nded the threat geor (C). lhll'd; Tommersin (W), with a pop fly to short. lourth. Distance 186 toot 1 Inch . It was Walter's third start 89 ~

Pole vault - Won by Woosowltz pitcher, Md his Mccond victory. (OSI; Scharf (W). eecond; tied for third and foul·tl1, Haller and Parker _1·1_' _lI_"'_ll_E_'L_'_·l_IL_I ___ A_'_l._R_._U_._I'_O_A_ . .E_'.

(W). Height 13 feet 4 inches. 880 yard run - '\'on by Beetham

(OS); Flemming (N), second; Klein­tochmldt (W). thi rd; smith (OS).

fourth. Time 1;56.9. 220 yard Msh - Won by OWen8

(013); Janicki (W). second; lIeg (N), third; Uich (W). fOUI'lh. Time :20.7 (New meet record. old mark of :21.5 by SlmllIIOn oC OhIo State in 1928-30).

220 yar<l low hurdles-Won by Owena lOS); Doherty (10.'), second; Seltz (OS) , third ; Smith (C), fourth. Irlme :22.9 (BeItel'S accepted world record by Chal'k!s Brookins or 10\\0. in 1924. an<l PlLhI of U.S.C. in 1933. New meet r"COrd, former mark of ;24 by Art J ens o( Northwemern in 1934).

l3It:oo.d jump- Won hy Owens (OS); ewlithel' (N), fteCond; Helstad (N). thlrd; HlIl'onen (OS). fourth . Distance 2, feel 5 1-16 inche8 (New meet rec­ord, former mark by Brooks at Chl­cago, 23 Coot 8 6-8 inches).

n.,III1. %b ....... ... . J 0 • 5 S 0 AII.?t ~t ............. 3 0 0 3 0 0 J. JUAor.. rf ........ 4 oQ 0 0 0 0 , fer«ez. rf ............ 4 0 1 4 0 (, ... ,,1111, lb ........... 2 0 0 10 0 0 Wlloon, c .... . .. ..... S 1 0 1 2 0 Walt.... II ....... .. .. 4 0 ~ 0 I 0 Watkin.. If .. .... . . .. 4 0 0 2 0 0 11)'.... •• .... . .. .. . .. . 0 I 2 Jl 0

Tot.l~ ............. iii I S iii ii '0 CIIIC,o\O O A II. R.lI. PO.A.E.

(,a.lo., I t ............ II q lIf"rnHtn, 2b •..••• • .. a 0 HI.I... rt ............. 4 0 n.ck. 3b ............ 5 0 ('u)'l~r, c t ......•..... 8 0 "aulreUn, 1" ........ . 3 0 U.rp\<,U ............ 4 0 J'urlfetf, ~ , ••..••••••• 2 0 Ueus hsw, I" ..... . . ... 4 0

o 8 I : o 0 2 1 1 I 1 U 1 4 o 1 1 0

I 0 4 0 o 0 4 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 G 0 ! 0

Total. .. ..... ...... 83 0 1 80 1. 0 S<'ore by 1n,nln g8:

l·hllad~l .. hla .......... 000 000 000 1-1 Ohl ..... o .... . ...... , .. 000 000 000 E

·Run. batted Iq-,talt.,... '1''''0 os. hlt-lIa('k. 8 tQJeD "a'sf':~U.1fUI . 1 rt­n~U . Ftlterlticeli--Hakll n, Cuyler, Jurge". Houble uIRy-\\r ll~" .0 \ 'erg-tz. f ,"'t on b"8es-l~h lJ.delph la, 5. Chlca,o ,11. 1\118-~ cn bR 11<+-0 ff ~'81tf:r8 &; IJenfohaw S. Rlrlkeoulo-\\'all,. 6, Hen.haw 4. ,)It by pitcher-B. Walt.", (Cur l.,): hy lIe n8haw (Camilli ). \\' lId 11IlC'h­Ufll1 fiiha.w.


SPORTS (Continued F'rom I'll/l'e 6)

Purvis lasl yl'ar, and bc should dQ tile ""me this year.

• •• So fur this st&llon, .'aJltller's

I)('st legltinll,te Ul1'OW h8.~ beel\ for 210 feft 9 inches, which gained for him the Urllke l'eltlY8 chnmplonshill. III tho Jowu.~lin. nesola Illl'et a wel'll agn !'anlher threw Ule sl1ea.r 215 feel, but fouled the line on tho try. He has been Improving over his at· tempts 01 Ia.'>t year, however, whidl went aroulld 208 Or 2 10 fe I, 11Ilt! we nu.y s/)on H4'e Ihe l ownn get Iho Ju\'elill out to %20 feet.

• ••

Chop",an. r' .... " ... ~ I I t u 0 ~====~==~====~, (jf'hrl,.. lit .••..•••••• I J 1 K • 0 r 1 ..... ·,1. 2b .......... . 0 0 ~ • 0 , llirkn. • ... .. .. .. ... . , I , , 0" I Nf' lklrk, rt ....•••...• I 0 0 ] 0 (·ro •• tII. • ......... SOl 3 0 0 ('onln, D •.••••.•••.• 3 t) .. & I 0

Tol.l. .. ........... 80 a , t7 D 0 ~N)rf" hy fnnloKfil:

rlo,·el .. nd • • . . . . . • . . • . .. 000 000 000-0 , \\.' '\'01''' . . .•..... . . 200 000 IO·-S

Uu..... hnUftl In-Cl ,,,lIrl.. 10 Dlrk~t. Thrf.ttt bK'if hU If-{lroile' U, floltf'! , 110me flln.&--(;ellt'lt, UltkfY. &,erltlC't~hBU­HI"n . Double 111&,l..-I.aU4;"" to U .. llrl .. ; l .on,f'rl tn Of'hrll' 10 rroltf'1 U. l A"rt un ha,t,ff,j-"flw 1'ork G. rlf',,""md •. B .. ~'" nn h811~omn 3 .. lIa .. d .. , I. Slrlk,,· out.. nOl"ex 1. I..,. 'nrown I . lfltlil orr "" .. tltr 6 In 7 Jnnl".-..: T ... Drown 1 fn I. lilt bf I,lteh .. by OOUln (A .. rllI). 1.nolo'II1K IJltf'hf'r--lfarder.

row1rl'"'-. UnHlU'NI, Quinn "uti " co­(Iowan.

Tlmo-I: It.

Athletics Win 3 to 0 Shutout Over Browns


Tho AthleUca gave the St. Louis

Browns a second strallrht whIte·

washing today. beating them 3 to O.

Vernon WlIsltere, Indiana unlver·

slty collegian, s lopne{) the Browns with four hits and struck out. nlnc,

The young le rthunder WIUJ op' posed by DICk Corrmau. who sur· rendered on ly Clvc hIts but had the ill luck to have th m made when they Were most damagIng. The til'. t Mack rUn ot the game was ~cored In the secon(l Inning when Pinky ITlgglns whaled his tlrst homo run ot the season.


veri U,e World Frro Lltt.T1ltur anti Inform", tlon

113 E. WaslJln,tOll • l

Wanted to Buy 61 OALL M. Kl:ldMlllL JlOR LlIOlIElSl

prlo , on men', le(!On~ band clOtho In" Iboe.tl. hall. 8hoe repeJrlng. Dial 1601. 21 W. BurJjnKton.

IlJOHEST PRICES l'AID FOH old go)a. 208 S. Clinton. A. N.


Service Stations

We Fix Flats Bowes Seal Fast Method

Dial 3365

HOlDe Oil Co. lowo. Ave. nl DOdgo St.

New Department Celo Glaze Your Cur

Small cars-$6.00 and up.


Guaranteed • months and good for tlmc Immorta l.

DiaJ 3365

HOlDe Oil Co. "Doc Mile"

Classified Advertising Rates ~ I'ECIAI, C\SII B.tT'&S-A Ipedal dleeoUDt tClr C&IIh wi ll b. allowed on all Claultlod Adverll,,111 aQOOulIC' I,ald wllhln all< day, trom exvlraliOll Gat. or tho ad"

No. of I I Ooe Day I Two Day. I Three Dayal Four DaYI I FIve Day. I Six :Qay.

Wnr.l. I LlneslChargel Calh ICh&rgel CtLllh ICh&rge I CtLIIh ICbar,_1 Caah IChari.1 Ouh I Char •• I £eh

Up to 10 I 2 I .28 I .%5 I .11 I .SO I .4' I .88 I .~1 I .48 I .61 I -¥ I .08 I .£ 10 to 15 I a I .18 I .U I .55 I .50 r .66 T .6(1 1 .771 .,& I .(8 I .® I .tt I . 16 tn 20 I • I .89 I .35 I .77 I .70 I .to I .8~ I 1.08 I .9-1 I 1.17 I 1-" I 1.,0 I :\..18 21 10 %5 I 5 I .50 I .45 I .99 I .SO I }.14 I 1.04 I 1.10 I p8 I 1.45 I l.at I !.el I 1.48 20 In ao I 6 I .61 I .tiIi I 1.11 I 1.l0 I 1.19 I US I 1.56 I 1.41 I U4 I J,.M I 1.'1 I I.'. 31 to an I 7 I .72 I .65 I US I 1.80 I 1.83 I 1.48 I 1.88 I 1.88 I 2.0% I 1.1\4 I lAi' I M% aR to 40 I 8 I .88 I .75 I 1.85 I UO I )57 1 1.70 I 1.09 I 1.90 I 1.81 I 1.10 I us I •. SO 41 to 4~ I 9 I .94 I .84 I 1.81 I 1.70 I 1,\1 I 1.92 I 2.16 I !.14 , 1.80 I t." I J.'. I ;.GII 48 10 50 I 1G I 1.05 I .95 2.09f 1.90 [ US I 1.14 I U2 I !.SS 1 U8 U: I W t l.~ Ii' to ~5 I 11 -1 1.16 T 1.05 "1 I 2.101 1.80 l' Us I us I U! I 8.17 U8 I •. ~ I 8.14 56 to 10 I 11 I J.J7 I 1.11 I UI I UO I u. I U8 I 1.11 I U' I 1.41 1.14 I I." I 8.0

Idlnlmam char,. Uti. 8peelat 10111 t ..... ,.atu fur­nl.hed on ,.equ~1t. Each trOrd In the advtrtleemeJIt mult k «>u8Ie4, Th. J)rttll:fI "For Sal .... ''For Rlllt.· "Lolt." and .lrnllar on .. at tho buinnlnl of ad, ~ to be count.1I ii, tho toW numbat' of wordaIn tho a4. Tho

numblJ' &lid lotter 1& a Wllld iii ...... k ..... t .. u 011.. word.

OI~l!Ie<I IIlJ1olay. 500 ~r It. .111111_ ...... ,.. col mn Inch. U .OO J)fr II ~I"'-!Itl.d ab rUIllI1 In y p. .. wltl lie ""JI~ th. tollowlnl mom In ••

• Cleaning and Pressillll

~.~~. -- -With Our New Equipment, We Are Ab/c to Gh'c You Quantity As Well AB Quality.



Any 2 for $1.00 Dres, es without ornaments, buttons, or buckles

3 for $1.00 LeVora's Varsity Cleaners

Cash and Carry 23 E. Washington

. ~- _.

Auto Repairing


S~e 1.18 for Fender, Dody. and 1)llint wort! on your car.

Gartner lUolor Co. %0;; So. caprtol Dial %61~

For , moothcr Running 1\Iotor anti Ue lter DI'ullcs 'CO

nAY·;Ut\O St'rvlco 325 Eo 1I11lrJlet " root

"Where IIrerior Equipment Prcvails"



WANTED - PLUMBING ANI heating. Larew Co. 110 S. Gllber1

Dial 4153

For Rent-Baby ScaJes


W~k or Moulh Also


Local Instruction-Classes 3(


at IrlRh's Business College 206'h E. Wushlngton St, '

Special Fin Ishlng CllU<Ses in Gregg Shorlhand &: Typing for Teachers . and UJgh School Studenls.


Repair Shop

I WASTED I U t. Ilrlntl U' ,.".r look and Ir.,. .. orIr. lIau ... - "ar - TrunJt. It ...

"'OVOT~~"'~ U4 I'lo. vllotoa

L -

Rpeclal Notices


rerson I Calling Card8 Prln led or Engraved

WILLTAlIl ' Iowa Snpply


I huve rOllllllete detalls 00 all toUI'!! and. teams hlp line •• ()a1J me ror particulars. NORl\IAN FROILAND

,'honA %159 or 4401 . ---------------. "Strnn~e A It SeelDl"l • •

fltran~ us It seems, King Loul 3 X 1 V ",a. Ihe lut king- of Frrul " 10 8l1Cce~d his rather to th~ thronc. lie ~ame to tho throne In 1643-· n(l from th n on unUl the prcsent

I'epubllcan government came inio i)nlng, no king's son ever tollow('(l his (ather to the throne. Yet. every !Inc o( tbe rulcrs. save one. hllIl one or more sons.

TlVo mile run- Won by Price (OS); MQlI1'hu"~n (W). second; Fowler (OS). third; Huffman (OS). fOUl·th. Time

Vmplrt!8- .ewart, 8(lrk and Quill'"' ley.

Duane Purvis would sccm Pan. ther's logical opponent tor rll'st plllCo IlOnor', but the Purdue star Injured a knee while drilling tor the J,;a.st·W ·t fOOtball gallle In San Franci"co Iallt Jan ua.ry. and 11Q.l! been laid up !!ince. Coach ~1al'lI n

or Purdue flald. whit!! the team tralned hpl'e one nlgbt for the Drake rClaya. ~hat l'urv is' knee \Va.., still sllf!. a nd that Ihe javelin star had not apPI'O\lched hl8 last year's ]lOr·

?{cNalr ~Ingled Bob Johnson a~roSl:! the plate in the tourth in­ning. and In the mth Lou Finney whaled a. triple to left center. reg· Istering Rabbit Warsllcl' with the third run.

Apartments and .flats ti, Phone 1615. I ------------M . aI d D ' AQ Fan. SA LE--A. TIQUES. M:AllOO

Louis XLV W8.'l succeeded by h;R I ",rent g-ra.ndson, Loui XV who wag

In turn succeeded hy his grandson. 1.JOuiS XVI. This l'uler hact a 8011.

ut th rull' ot Napolean intervenN\ o roh him of his inheritance. Na­Jolcoo 's son. likewise. did not tol­low his latheI'. because when the Llltle COJ1lOrnl wa.s exJlI'd to Elb!\. h(\ throne w~ OCCUPIed by Loui~

,'VIII. ITo \VIIJ!. chlldl 88. and hid 9;4&.5. .

Mile r elny-Won by Northwestern (QUinlan. Fal'l y. Flemming. Hcg). Wisconsin. second. IOnly teams enter­ed. Time 4 :20.3.


Open Softball League 1 Play Today . ---------------------(ConUnucd From Page 6)

to entN' the Ie IIC but 1000l no Hme In getting a. po' .... erlu l outfit built up. Amcs ha.s Kenny Derg. an out standing hurl r. In its lineup this year. lIIal'ahalltown hall its l' tel made un entirely of comnany em ployees an I Its team 1'('lIlalns BOme IVhat ot a mystery.

lTh"e-2 :()!_ . __ --,. ___

Illinj Regain Big 10 Lead With 8-4 Win

CITAMPAION. 111., May 18 (AI-~ TIIinols recallturcd first place in tho Western conrerence base))a.1t Ulle race today by defeating MIcblgan. 8 to 4.

The victory was lhe lllinl's sevonth In nine conf!lloence games nnd pui thwn a half-game nhead of Chlc(I8o whlcl1 has won Rix and lost two.

SC0J'6 Ly Innlngs: Mich[go.n .... ,. .......... 100 000 008-4 8 ~ 1lIinois ................... 000 020 60l!-~ 8 3

Batteries - Larsqn and Williams; /:'\V'an80n and RuseaU.

Leather Necks Defeat Burlington J.C. 20·1

KBOkuk WIns MACO¥a I II.. May 18 (AP)-1'he CEDAR RAPIDS (AP)--Cracking Leather Necks -o! W~tQrn IUlnois

~ut 12 h its nn(\ Illdc<1 by five RlIlder 'Rlate Teec hers college defeated Bur­Ierrors. Kcok uk dereo.ted Cedar Rap· llngton ju nlol' colle!.'e hero today 20 id~ 'hel'<e IIUft night R to 3 In III first to I. T11 pitching or Wayne Thpmll­game of th~lr 10<'0.1 W~tl'rn I ague ~on and 0. home r un triple and Single Sfrl b~' 00.18981 felltured rm' W estc1'll.


• •• Purvis hall been resting for

mOl'C than a. month, allll is sUU nllt out pf lhe meet. )Je is '" greal competitor and may como tilro l1gh wit It II light. lie and 1'lUlt.lter are the only two out· sb\nding speu tassel'll In the We tern coJ1ference thi IItMOJ1. Van Icier 01 IllinOis, had been llirtlng with 200 reet all spring, but h!\.9 Jlot (Iulte made the grade III L'IlI1\11etition. JJls best loSs is 198 feet. Ed Horne of NOrthwcstern slwuld III in n e~tt.

Ihlrne hll8 II- tuss 01 19~ feet to his "redi!,

FOR .RENT - 2. 3, OR • ROOM USIC an ancrng "* any chost oC drnwers, walnut cen

Apt. 731 Bowery. Call at bOllse nANClNG SCHOOL-BALLROOM ofter 8 p.m. ter table. hanging whatnot, en!

ta.ngo, tap. Dial 6767. Burkle, FOR RIDNT - 4-UooM FURNTSH- hillel. Proteasor Houghton.

~T. WUJS An. 1\. 11. PO.A.E. ed or unfuTnlshed. Close In. Dial o 0 t340. Ilumll, Ib . ...•....... 4 0

Wf~t, ct ............• 0 t llfl. Sb ......... , ... , 0 .'elll)e1". It . . . . . . . . . .. .. 0 1 ... 11. p, .............. 0 Jl t'fllsl ry, c ......... . iii 0 TI'J",.. !b ........... 4 0 HI .. n~~. .. ... , ...... J 0 {'ortman, 11 .... • • • ... 1 0 ) , .11110' .............. I 0 \" fUantl, p •...•..•••. 0 0

o 10 I 1 o 1 1 • , 0 o 8 t , o I o 0 o 0 o 0

00 -----------------t 0 o 0 o 0 S 0 S 0 B 0 o 0 o 0 o 0

FOR RENT-CLEAN, STRICTLY modern apartments. , Dial 6416.

FOR RENT - FURNISI1.F}D APT. Close In. Dial 6539.

MusieaI-Radio Tot.l. . ............ 81 0 4 24 II 0 FOR S LE EIG IT TUBE CABf . !Jolte" rcr ('orrman In 8th Innln,.. A .: ' I - , •

I' I UTA DE wm" net radio, e. .. cellent condillon. DIal An. R. ll. II'O.A.E. Ext. 8100.


Public Stenographer Notary Public

Mimeograpllio/l'-Thesis Rl'Jlsoluwle Prices

1Ilary V. Burns Room 8 paul JIelen Bhlg.

Dial %656 Res. 2327

For Sale Miscellaneous Finn.". II> ........... 4 0 I 12 0 0 ('ramer. er ... ......... • 0 I 0 0 Male Help Wanted 31 VlGOHO - CLIJAN. ODORLESS. John""n. II .......... S I 1 e 0 II ______ .-:.______ concenll'atcd. coml)1 Ie plant fooJ 1'0 ... c .............. t OO e I II STEADY WORK-GOOD PAY ( (I I bs II ...... r' ............ a 0 0 I 0 0 or lawns. 0\\'Cr8, S 11'11 nnd gn~.

table. mahoJ;llny trume n.nd mirror oall wall desk and riling ca.blne'. oall window seat music cabinet. W A. \Yllrren, 714 Calhoun strcet West Liberty, Iowa.

Lost and Found

LOST:-WJlITE COI~ I'URSh contn.lning money on Clinton

Nroot. Will Rpllt monry for returr of Yale key. Lr.a.vc o.t Iowan.

r.OST: YEU..oW OOT.D nULOV.\ watch. Rewnrd. Dial X 8458.

LOST: FEDERAL BOND. RE .. ward. 'Write AA, ,,10 Dally Iowa .

Jgll WItS Intefl'upted by Nano­'~(\n'8 escape from Elba. to rul& 100 loY8, but he returned to the throno , (tel' Napoloon's la.st defeat. LoUi N was s ucceeded by his brother. Charles X. Charles X bad til' '' 'iOn". but the revoluHon ended hL;o rrolgn , and Louis Philippe 1 was th" I'~xt king. This king had rive 'OIlS. but he \Vas s ucceeded by :.;Quis Napoleon. first WI president fi nd then as empe1'Or-aod with hl~

.Icllosltlon In 1870 France became i a republic.

• • • Steam ~ suing !t·om 0 submarino

cl'evlre under the Samoan coral l'\!et.

fit( illUstrated In th abov dra w­Ing, has 1)(\lked th efforts Of thc coral to comlllete the reef. Thea tiny creatures whos <lead bodlelt lr .'1~ I'. .. ..... .... S O, 0 , 0 I1ELIABLE MA.'1 WANTED TO (lens. Dlul 3;;65. 1I0well-Shradrr

• • • 11I .... ln.. 31> .......... S 1 ! 0 4 0 11 fiN J h CI'ehmeyel' will have a chance to \\, ... tI... !h ......... ! I 0 I I 0 , en. on armel's n . 0 nsO,l Drlllr Co.

Rooms Without Board fill make up the I'fl<'r. CllUlnOt grow III _______________ close I}roxlmlty to the steam. Ther \\,1I. hrr •• t' .......... S • 0 0 e 0 county. No expcri nce 01' co.pllnl --------------

~core a. few polnts In this ev nt, - - - - - - needed. Welte tOilay. McNess Co. Wanted-Laundry SUMMER ROOMS: MEN WANT-b h hi hid Tot.l . .......... , .. t7S5!7 10Q Ul ~ as n trow ng aroun ~.\S'A"" b." Innln".: Dept. D. FrccpOrt. III. Ing room In !ratArnlty hOll DA Dlnl ., W,L'ITEDSnIDr. 'T r· ,\Tn.""R'.'. ,.~. 180 reet, whIch will hnve to be t. Loul ......... ..... .. 000 000 ~ • V".. . 31"0 13M. een 5'30 l 730

be t I .. ~t Ih I l·hU.d. lllhl. .. ..... .... 010 110 000-3 Male and Fe al H I 32 Reaaonahle. Called for and de. ". w . an< : p.m . t el'e< "" or e OWM c:nn get lIun. b.l..... 1_~J1I .... ln., lIJ.Nalr, m e e p into ,the first five. Stone Of Michl. Flnnry. TI·, mo run-lIInl.... Th ..... ------------=---- l!verra. Dial 2246.

I"... hU-JI'l ..... T. TIoubl. ""fll- MALE AND FE~f. HELP WA .. J OR RENT: ROOM. DIAL 5747.

ga n a.nd Srevenson ot Indinna. willi throws of 1 4 and 182 rCsJ)CClively, rato above him. Another ma.n. K08lt· chek or lUchlgo.n. who plllcC{1 firth Inst YMI' In thp confcren DlPet, has i>N'n lI11'owing ru'ound IXO feet,

Rt"'''tre. l)f1JmJl I ~ Ba",~. Tift on h."II-St. T •• niJI 7. rlll .... loIphla S, F.ARN QUICK CASU RAISING n o... on hllill!O-()rt r<lfrman S. "'lI- mushrooms in cellar. shM. 0 We. . Wlflre S. MfrlkfoOUI...-.rort"'An 4. wn· , ... r a ~h, .. O. 1II111-olr ('oll"",n G In 1 In. oYe buy crOilS. ·Y0l'llnt!led malol·. nih".: W. lland 0 In 1. LoAI •• pl'rh. r ials furnIshed. Odorless method. -('"frunin. H k it l lmol,_IlI.",,". Koll • • nd Donn~IIT . 00 II·ee. Un I'd. 3848-F'32. LIn·

Tlme-I:S8. coin " ,'enUll. hlcago.


Automobile Accessor ies Alltomohilt'f'I for ~nlp

"on SA T.J':.- g E VB RA T. COOl' l"on flAT.1'l f'TTE.\ p . VBRY· (lOOP loW

autumn!)l le t rllnk. Dial 9112 noonR eIll'S. 'Ilrlr~d rc-<'OI1I1itlonPrl

Ft . wl~k Pu~o anti or e\'en lng1l ISbop.

havc clO6C<l In as neal' as pOflll.blc. ;1't1.\'lng a. d()('ll cyllndrlca.l openln lr (or the s team lhat Issues out of the floor oC tho OCOM.

'XU_Ill': Lightning's blat'k death.

Repairing-Upholstering 28

Il'URNITURE REPAIRING AND pholsterlng. C. E. Stanfield •• Ol

Webster. Dial 2669.


HighSchool Seniors Will Present Play

Class Plans Annual

Church Notices I st. Wenceelau. I the chul'ch l!Chool, a non-ECtana.n

608 III Davenport !lChool 0)( religion tor bo)'JI and girls


Baptism ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON .... ---------------SCripture_Matt. 3:13-17; 2SII9, 201 Acta 2:38, 411 Acta 8:28-39; Rom. 6:1-14,

SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1935

B,. tlae R ... AI"i" Eo BeD And Alfred J. B ... edaer

Pia y E. \V. Neuzil, pastor. Mass a.t 6:30, ' 1:n001' lhe leadership ot Mrs. MUdred

Presentation 7:30, and 9:30 a..m. L. Morgan and her stalf of teacherB.

Thursday, Friday "Big ~earted Rerbdrt," a th~ act

comedy written by Sbphle Kerr and Anna Stlese Richardson, w'lil be pre­sented by 8enlol'8 of Iowa City hlgil achool as their annual class play Thursday and F"rlday evenings at tho high achool auditorium.

The play, with a cast of 13 char· e.ctel'9 headed by RUl!8C1I Snider wbo Il'ated hlJMst oC aJt hJgh IIChool play· ers In the recent play tournament, Involves the domeatlc difficulties en· countered ,by a family 1n which the head ot t he hOUle il8l! acquired a. ]Jermanent groucb.

A technical ataff of 29 studems will as9l~t In tiha prodwtlon. Music will be fUrnished by s tudents under tho dlracUon or Lloyd Swartley, nlUslc jlreclor ot Iowa. CIty echools.

The cast ((1\Lowe: . Russell Snlder, Herbert Kalne88; Bill)' Matthis, Robert Kalnesa; Caro· Ji ne Cole, Elizabeth Kal nees; CathC!'­Ine McKnight and Oretchen Hughes, Martha; Lloyd PIerce, Herbert KJI.I. lIeas, Jr., Jane Gotch, Alice KaJnCl8; Allan Wmlams, Andrew Goodrlch; Betty 1:1olt, Amy IAwrence; Ermal Log'hroy, Jim La.wt'ence; Olga Bocek and Dorothy Aicbcr, Mrs. Goodr:ch; Reed Diltz, Ml!'. OooIklch; Lola Kanak, Mrs. HAvens; and Joh~

llproa,tt, Mr. Haven •. PierllOnnel o( the technical statt In·

eludes: Lola. H ug'hee, director; Ida. Helen

Olin, MalBtant; Herbert F1rUB, stage maOll¥er; Keltb Ta.11mn.n, IUllflstant; Charlee Al'll'I8lrong, Dale Eyman, Robert Johnson, Nathan Lampe, Ke1th L'al ten, Wayne Martin, Md Frank Tallman, members or tbe stage crelV; Helcn 1>rc~ven, Une reader; Barbara Lillick, Icl8. Helen. 011 n, and Caroline Trowbridge, make.up commlttee; Barbara Lllllck, ,I "or>erty chaLnnan.

Mary Burger, Eleanor Parizek, Lois Swisher, Md ;Edna Lucile West, propenty crew; PaUline SlVartz, Bill Ta08W'ell, Mary J anet KeQ.8t, and RlllI!!ell Snider, pLlbllclty crew; Mar· garet PhelP8, bU6lnese manager; and Helen MC]!;lVan, PhYlIl~ W_m, a.nd Dwlll'ht HunlCr, aBIIletanta.

Officers To Inspect Troop

Major Will Hayek Gives Three Medals For }O Year Service

The annual ledel'al Ins[.ectlO'n or II'OOP I, 113th cavalry, Iowa. national ruard. and the squadron headquar. I ers will be cond uoted tomDrr()W by ~ ,lout. Col. Joseph KIng o( Des Moines and Sgt. Fred Fenner. The Inspection will be at 8 p.m. at th~ cavalry stablea 80uth ol Iowa CIty, 'with the public Invited to attend.

Major Will J . lIayek, command. Ing officer of the third squadron, prosented three 10 year !lel'vlce me· dais to members ol tho troop al alll Insp cllon last Monday. Tbey were ",warded to Lieut. Newton L. Mul· (ord, Sgt. Frank Ha"l8ock and /3gt. Leonard yanauach.

Six medalo'l were given to memo t:e rs oC thc lIath cavalry regimental t~am match as follow.: Capt. Albert .1 . Yanausch, First Sgt. Arthur B. !Baldwln, Sgt. George 1-1. Young, CorpoMlls Melvin C. Wren an;) Tl'ancls D. Person, and Wllllarn A. Moerscbcl.

Gypsy Band Member Held Pending Check On Theft of '}38

Mrs. Lulu Mohawk, 35, of Jack· 80n, 1II188.. was being held at the county jail yesterday pending In· vc~Ugation Inlo the theft of $138 rrom Jake Potter oC Tlrtln Friday morning.

l\{eanwhllo, negotiations were be· Ing carried on by a band or SY/l8les, ol which Mrs. Mohawk 18 a mem; ber, (Or a private settlement through an attorney, It was Indicated.

11£1'8. Mohawk W&9 arrested Friday afternooa at Grinnell by A. B. MM­son, police chief, on Information fur· nlshed by Don M;cComall, Johnson Clounty aherltt. BIle was returned here yesterday morning.

Mr. Potter cla:lma be W&9 robbed Friday on a pretext ot fortu ne tel· ling while working In his garden.

Tyrell Case Opens May District Court Term Tomorrow

With petit juro", reporting at the courthou8C tomorrow at 10 a.m., jury trla18 for the Ma.y tenn ot dis· trlct court will. open before District Judge Harold D. Evan •.

The first caae on the docket In­volves the atteniPt of Aden E . Ty. rell to collect 145,000 trom Oeorge Du Pre and P. D. Lehma.n, filling atatlon attendants, and tbe Skelly 011 company tor Injuries received when a. wbeel came off her car near Ft. Dodge lUt .ummer.


all burglans who visit the home ot Mr.. Olivia Mendonca. are like the one who entered her home recently, they will be welcom~. While Mr8. M'endOllOl. 11'&8 &beent, & pro,vler I'anll&cked her houae, removed $! from a bureau drawer, but In hi' haste to leave, dropped & ,6 bill On Ihe kitchen (1001', t-\el proUt: ,3 ,

St. Marr's ,jefferson and Unn

A. J. Schulte, pastor; W. Boeck· manll, lIB8islant pastor. MWl8 at 7, 8:80, and 10 a.m.

, t. Patrick's U8 E. Court

Patrick J . O'RelUy, 1)a8tol·. .. t 7, 8, ~, and 10:30 n.m.

(lhr1sUan %11 Iowa A nnue

1b:45 ILm., nursery and junior prl­'null,), for boys and gtrls wtloae par­en t. are attending the service of wor­ship. 10 '45 a .m., service or worship. The united choirs Will Bing an an­lihem. Robert Buell will alng a .. 010. The Rev. Mr. OWen Will Continue hJs program on "How to Have and to Hold What We Want," his theme be­'Ing "We Want Good Health." Mr •. Dorothy Scheldrup will play two 01'­Kan !lCle~Uons. 5 :30 p.m., BUpper and "oclal hour for all young person •. 6:30 p.m., '8crooby club meetlng and

C. C. Oarrlgues, minister. 9:45 a.m., Ilrogra.m, Bible school for all classe9 f!,0111 adulL to Intermediate. 10:40 a.m ., WOr8~ and communion. Sermon by the minister on "Courage Car Emlur· nnoe." N. C. KephlU-t wlll 'Play the organ. IIlr. and MI' •. Robert Hedges will sing. 10:40 a .m., junior church with oom.nunlon and ml!!l!lono.ry In· 9IJructI0'l . Classes Crom junior to pre..

£chool age. 6:30 p.m., high schonl C. E. In south parlor wLth Austin Hal'­pel', pl'e!ldent. 6 :3~ p.m., Fidelity C. E. In ChUTCb parlors with Clal'tol, Barrie, presldent. Wednesday at 2.30 p.m., W.M.B. will meet with Mra. C. C. Garrigues at tho parson~ge,

lell E. WQ1!hlngton street. Thurs­day at 2:30 p.m., Loyal Helpers' elasa pa.rty at the church. lf08te~, Mr •. M. A. Kindig, Mrs. Stephen SUIIJer, Dnd Mrs. Maude Hess.

Fll'llt Baptist Clinton and Burlington

Trlnit)' Epi8CGP&1 !In E. Vollece

nlchar1 E. McEvoy, rector. 8 a. m., the H<>ly communion. Presenta.­tion of the united t hanks orCering. 9:30 a.m., children's churcil and school u( religion. Music by tbe. junior choir directed by Ralpb Dea\. 10:45 a.m., morning prayer a.nd ser­mon by the rector.

8t. I'aul's Lut'-an Vhapel Jeffcl'!I()n and Gilbert

J UllU8 A. Friedrich, pastor. 9:30 a.m-.. Sunday school. 10:30 a.m., di­vine service. Text, John 16:5 -15, The subject ot 'the IICmlon will be 'One o( the Specla.l FUnctions and Actlvitle~ of the H<>Iy Spirit to R&­prove lhe \Vorld of Sin, of Right· ('ousnC1!S, or Judgment."

When Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized of him in the Jordan river, John felt that Jesus did not need baptism. But Jesus in8i~ted upon ~. Thus he identified himsclf with sinful

humanity, although he had no sin.

At hi. ascension Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into all the world to "m~ke disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," promis· ing them his presence and power to the

end pf time.

On the day of Pentecost 'Peter preached to the people in Jerusalem about Christ and many repented and believed . When they asked . what they should do to be. saved, he said, "Repent and be bap\ized." Tbree thousand were bap~ized in one


~;-~~~~~,l As an Ethiopian high official was retura. ' ing from Jerusalem through the deMIt Philip eam~ upon him reading the acrit-l tures and preached to him of Cbtiat • his Saviour. The man was converted and, Philip baptized him and left bill.

(GOLDEN TEXT-MlLtt. U ;lt.)

Denies Shortage Local Property Owners Launch Spring Building, Remodeling

New Bos8 of 'Met' Rev. Collins To Celebrate Mass

New Apartment, Sev­eral Homes Now Un­der Construction

Showing (alth In Iowa CIty IInti the federal housing administration \l1'Ogram, properly owner. havl' launched the J 935 spring bllLldlng ,and remodeling program.



Bill Merritt

Recently Ord.ained Priest Life-Long Rett­ident of Parish

The Rev. 'Edward F. CoIIIIl.l, N!.

ccntly ordained Catholic ,priest and

the son 'Of Mr. and 'Mrs. D. W. Col.

llns, all S. Dubuque street, will celebrate hl8 tlrst mass tbla ";orn. Ing at 11 o'clock at 'St. Pa.tri<:k·.

Elmer E. Dierks, minister. 10 a.m., the church school. Clall8es arc Im­mediately In 8C88lon. 10:46 a.m., lhe worship or the church. VITgll V. LtI· monds will Bing. Mrs. W. L. Mul· tel' will , lay several organ selections, 11:10 a .m. , sermon by the mInister' On "1'11.1 ChI'lstlan'f) Experience u( the Holy SpIMt." El<pre8ll10nal Pl'r lud for tho chlldl·en. 8 p.m., membcl's oi the Huger Williams club a.ntl their friends will meet at the Baptist stu· dent center to go to the Cedar Vol · ley quarries for a picnic and outdoor meetlng In chargo of tl1 graduato 6tudon.ts.

First Curch of (Jhrtst, Scientist 722 E. Vollege

9:30 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a..m., the lesson sermon. "MO'l'lals and Tmmortals" wilL 00 the subject of the lessun """mon In a ll tho Churches or Christ , Scientist, on Sunday, May 19. \Vl)(lncsday, 8 a.m., testimonial meet· Ing. The reading room at the same address IS open to the public between the hours of 2 and 5 evel')' afternoon lCXCC\lt on Sundays and legal holidays.

S everal new homes and a new Ilpartment building are under con· lItruction and severnl residences are being remodeled.

Founda.Uon (or the new S25,OO~

Commonweallh apartment bulldln..­W8J! laJd yesterday, and work on the htrd-ture \V!Jl colVl\nue tomorroW' by the ,Smith and Burger construc-110n companY, general contractors. 'l'he new nine-apartment building Is hplng built by Dr. W. B. Kell Ilt Eili. avenue and McLean street I'verlooklng the Iowa river.

Licenses Three marrIage lIeellses we l'e lB'

Joued at the clerk of district court's office yesterday. Leo A. Campl!!1 nr Rock (ord , III. , Wa4! licenses '." 'wed Eloise E. Dal'lIng of Daven· port; Jobn H . Sunler to marrf Johanna Graf, beth of Iowa City; " nd Louis Liston to marry DaIsy

ch urch \vhere he WQ.I! baptized and I The Rov. Mr. Collins, WhO Is

UnltarllUl Gill/(ort and Iow8 R\'tnUe

Evans A. Worthley, minlflter. 10 om., Sunday school. 11 ILm .. pubhc l!Iervlce. Subject, "Finding a New l:'atth : How Shall We 00 About ll? ' Fireside club as usual.

l, nlher'lII Church of Our Redellmer (hureh !mil, ContIvlllo

TheOdo re C. )Ielbohm, pastor. 7:30 p.m., llltlJltrated lecturo to be glvel, hI' lhe plUltor with 'PIctures ta.ken by H~nI')' 1I0rst o( Rock IlIland while on ItI. recent 1I'lp to South AmerIca. Topic: "With the Gospel Ln the AI" gel1t\ne." Visitors are wtlc:ome.

Zion IJutheran Joh 1180n a lid Bloom ington

A. C. Proehl , I).l.!!tor. 9 a...m .. Sun· First English I,utheran day school and junior BIble classes,

Dubuquo and ~farket C. O. Duhle, 8ul)erlmendellt. 9:30 W. S. DY81n~r, mlnloter. 9:30 a. ".m .. Forum Blblc cla88 under the dl.

1m .. church school. 10:4[; a .m .. the I cction ot bhe pastOI·. 10:80 a.01,. DI­nw>rnlng .el·vlco. Sermon by the vine l!C rvlce. Sermon by the pastor mlnl8tCI', "TO Whom Shan Wo Go?" on "Oreat Crlscs In Jesus' Fellow· A nth.em, "Come Holy Ghost." 4 p.m., s hip." The chorus choIr will a11\1r. s ludent allsoclatlon olltdoor meeting. '('hera will bo no meetlng ot the

LUthel'all Student 888oclatlon. Methodist EPiscopal

Robert lH. Sweit7.er, treasnr. er of Cook county, Ill., (Chi­eago), said he believed 1111 lIudit of the records of the Couk ~ounty cJcrk's office-a post he held for 24 YC'llrs-would show 110 di~cl'cpallcies. It bad been reported there was It shnrtagc in ('XCI'S or $400,000. (Associ. 2tcd Pr(JSS J'TlOtoQ

Fire Officers Will Attend Ames School

.Jefferson an« DubuI1UO First ['resbytertan FIre Chlct G~orgp K. ... , per and As. Harry OeWlltte Ilenl'y, minIHt\!'l-. Clinton and Market ."stant Cblef Hcrman J. Amish will

0;30 a.m, church 8chool. The older 111011 '1'. J I1ne8, ~Iol'. 0:30 a.m., attend the annual Iowa fire 8chool

$13,ooe lIome Dr. H. D. Kerr 1I1ans construe·

tlon oC a. new $13,000 residence In. ManVille heights In the ncsr future. The new home will be of lateet de· sign and will ,be flnls/'ted In brick veneer. The work will 'bo done by the O. H. Dunlap and Son COOl· PlIny.

Construction started la8t week on " n~w residence for Dr. C. L. GIllies on McLean street. The lower frtruc· I \Ire will be built of brick and the f('Cond story will be frame. Tha ,-ork 18 being dOIH' 'by tbe Hunr.· Ing~r.W'agner company.

1 L T. J enning. Is conrpletely reo modeling his residence ot 418 Clark' ~t r<'c t. All acldltloll I. being built 10 the south side oC the- home, the porch Is being rebuilt, and Interior rl<'cora llng will be done by the Smith and Burger company.

The O. H . Dunlap and Son com· ranI' completed remodeling of the A O. Thomas residence at 221 Mel· '!'o«e a.ven ue last week. The ex­terior of th e home was pa.lnted anri new (Ioors and fixtures were Instal­led.

Hull, both of Iowa City.

Order Dlstrlot Judge Ha rold D. Evan.

elgoed an order In dlotl'lcl courl yesterday directing William R . Cou! . tel' ,to pay U5 a month to Orace L. Coulter and to deliver tho house· ~Iold goods by Jun e I as set forl l1 In a. dlvol'ce decree llUll month.

New Chains Chain lettere shifted to a new

l'llOty In Iowa City yesterday when stamp collections became the ob­;;eet oC a. new chain. A chain to" brtdge players WQ.l! developed via the telcllhonp. A player would I,, · ,'Ite three other. to a "chain bridYe port 1'. " They In turn I~vlte thl·e.l uther persons who have not attonde~ a ohaln <bridge party.

Hol>o Convention IIHoddy" Dawes, who announc-e j

hlmsel( as chairman In charge of th~ arrangements (or Ibe coming Hobo convention, scheduled for May 25, ,.aId YC8terday that the conterenc') IOlght be postponed for several weeks, due to "railroad conditions."

Edward John~oll, Canadian­born tenor, slicceeds the Jul e IIet'bert Witherspoon as mllll· 'l~cr of New York's Metropoli· tan Opcra company. (Assooi­q.tccl Press Pltoto)

Class of 1915 Expects Over 50 at Reunion

){ore than GO members of the

Iowa Clly high schOOl of 1911; ace

expected to attend the reunJon celc-

25 years ot age, hJlS been IL ,lit ••

long member of St. Patrick's parlsb, He Is a graduate or SI. Pa.trick', high school here, and St. Ambr~ college. H e completed his theOlorl. cal .tudles at Kenrick seminary lit

t. Louis, Mo. Otrlcers ot the mass, In addition

to the J1.ev. ,Mr. Collins, Will bu ,the ReV. P . J . O'Reilly, P88tor 0(

St. Patrick's; thc Rev. Thomas LeW' ot Davenport; the Rov. Georlle Voll oC West Burllng·lon; and the Rev. Harl'y Rylln , assistant paator at St. "atrlck's. The Rev. La<> Kon'tcan 01 St. Ambrose college, Davenport, 'V'III deliver the sermon. The Re-.. Fathers "Low, Volz, and Kempf( a.re former Q.l!slstant pastors at St. Patrick's.

Priests In the sanctuary will In· Iluue the Rt. Rev. MRgr. William I', IShannahan, Davent><>I't, vicar "n· ~ral of the diocese and former \III. tOI' of the local church; the Re~. tel ' KuctJrlch, MU,'lCatlne; the Rev. Ben­jamin Barnes, Davenport; lIlld th~

RoV. J. J. Hopkins of Nolan aelll~. I"ent.

A number oC other priests wiU at· iend a luncheon In honor or' tho Rev. Mr. CollllUl at 1:15 p.m.

bratlon June 1 at n~lch's pln~ room, lIe will Ber\'e 80S chaplain at Milf· cy 1l09plta( during the llrleets' an'.

It was announced yeAterday uy the inual retreat and will receive bl,

committee. IlI!l'manent a.ppolntment trom hi. Thc class originally numbel·td lOS, (lshoLl Immediately arter.

of which five had died, 31 \.Ive In

Clll.8.0S will join with th Intermed· ",hurch school. Prot. E. F. Mawn, nt Iowa Slate coll ege In Ames next late department In a decl8lon day " ullerlntendel\1.. BeniOI', junlOl', and TuescJny. The school will continue Ilrogl'llm 10 be held In the main audl· Intermediate depe.r1mcnls. 10:45 a.. throug h Friday. lorlum. 10:30 a.m .. morning wor· m., I\lrlmary and beglnnel's dellal'l- A retired chi ef of the N'w York Io.hll). SCI'mon by the mlnl!!f.er "'l'he Imellls of the church school. 10:45 city flt'e deparlrn.ent, T110mWI 1<'. Mlroculous E lemen't In Religion." n.m .. 1ll'lmal'Y a nd !)(>glnn rs depart- Dougherty, will head the list of Anthem by tile chOrus, and Fletta. ments ,J' the church school. 10:45 gpeakcrs. Othcl' sp~akers Include Clendenin will sing a solo. 1\I'rs. Maud .a m., !IOrvlce of worshll). Sermon by State ~'It'e Mal'shalL John W. Whedon Smith wUl play 8 veral or· the minister, "An UnconvenLlonu.1 Strohm; Chief 1<'l'9nk C. McAuliff!> gan selections. Foilowlng lohe ser· 1'00·tralt nf Jesus." The church chOIr of the Chicago Fire Insurance pa. vice lil I will be an election of dele· will IIIng. Profeasor H. O. Lyte will Irol; Chler J . ''IT. Ju st of Chicago; gate and Ia.y delegate to the annual play three ol'gan ""Iections. 6:30 p. and Capt. Henry Jurgensen o( Min·

Re modeling' Th~ Prof. Fred M. Pownall resl. IntlUlcation Iowa City a nd Johnsen county, and WHAT WOULD YOU DOt

(Jence. 1602 N . DulJUQue road, WIlJ!,' Ray Lenlnger was fined $20 anil 47 live In the stute. Besides nCIlI'ly MADRID (INS)-Franclsco Alon. I emod.eled eal'ly thl" month with costs yesterday 011 an Intoxication. all of those living In Iowa, sevural so, hotblooded youth, hall spent, :new shutters anrl flropl""811 beln" chtl l'ge by Mayor ThOmas E, Martin fl 'om oulslde tbe stu te are pla.nnlng lot ot money at a jeweller's shop In Illdded. A basement reel'eatlonal room ~u police court. to return tor the reunion. his e~forts to bave bls watch ·per. was flnl~hed and the exterior palnt- The committee In charge ot thd form properly. In valn. So at Iut oed. Work wlls under dlrecllon or Crow's Nest tlVentieth anniversary reunion In· he went along to tho shop, IL brlok !lho O. H. Dunlap and Son com· A little black crow threatened yes. eludes the following: 'O lenn Norton. In his hand, blazing with Indlrn&' pany. terday to overshad<>w the publicity Eula. Van Meter, Walter J. Barrow, tlon In his heart. Crash! The brick

Th e sun porch nnd other UpstaJl'II l given lately to a. brown squll'I'cl LoUis L . Lord, Bernice Osborne! sailed thl'ough the w'lndow. "No" Irooms at the Hattie B. Wh&stone I .\·hOn his nest tOllpled fl'O'lIl a. tr09' Larkin, l\larlln J . McGovern, and I've had my revenge!" AloolO lold

conference In Sept.ember. m., the " 'eslmlnlsler fellowship will neo.polls.

Vongregatlonal Cllnlon !lnd JeHel'!l()lI

L. A. Owen, mlnlslor. 9:30

meet at lhe church and loo.ve (or an The pl'ogrnm will be mado up ot ol>cn air meeting and Illcnlc. The pr~('lIcal d~monstrntlol\'~ of the U8()

V6!l(MlI'S will be In cbarge o( C. Wea' o( flr'cmen's equlpmrnt and special·

wealdencc at 12 Bella Vista. Mrs. to the s treet, r veallng (our nickels Edward F. Rate. ,.th~ policeman. . W. Baldridge, 310 S. Governor and one dime at the .bettom ot tho

!'treet, remodeled the Interl<>r ot her neally woven grass "home." a.m., Icy Can,?m. lzed courses on practlcnj work In

Iowa City Insurance Men Move to Form Association

ropc, hose, Ilnd ladd er work tor' th'emen: rh'c department admlnls· tration (01' departm nt officers; and tho care and operation of pUIl\PS.

Thieves Take Goods Completion of the organization o~ Jor the Aetna Life Insurance coni.

nn Iowa City underwrtters assocla.· pany In Des lIfolnes, related tl,,~ From Three Stores tJon by JUne J was the goal set by I Lo T F 'd

'home and a ltered upstairs rOODlE. ','he living room and sun porch nt ,lhe G. A. Yanda. residence, 173U Mu~catlne avenue, were enlarged In.'t week. Th ese projects wera con. tl'acted (01' by the Hunzlng-er.Wag. ~jer company.

Officials Will a group ot more than 20 under. ;history and beginnlnga of lifo Insur· n ne ree rl ay writers here during Ihe last week. J'nee at a banquet In the J ef(er. Three robberies were Committed Discuss Local

T\vo alterna.tJVC8 are being oon- Bon hotel Monday night. at Lone Tree F"lday night, accord· j,ldered by the or,gnnlzatlon commlL· Short Speaks Ing to a rellort I'ccelvcd yesterday H I h P tee, which Includes Ray L. Short. Speaking betore the LIOns and K I. mOI'nlng by Don McComa." Johnson ea t rOJe ect C. F. Huebner, and M. L. Deaton. 'wanls clttbe, Mr. Short cxplalnell county sheriff. .\ local unit of the national under· ..... hy IIle Insurance was a redlstr!· I Thlpvcs cntered the Bert Doehr· Discussion of possIblllties for the writers Q.98()Clatlon may be tormed, hutor of wealth. He Quoted flgurc. ' re.<J Poultry coml>any afOre, the Ben. llroposed (XlIInty health unit In or the group may decide to aW\I. showing that Insurance companies In tceo gl'ocery, and the Shell 011 com· John_on county at th& Chamber of ate with the Cedar Rapids club a~ Ihls country paid more tha.n nlnc pony stallon. Commer.:e luncheon tomorrow wlil a brancil unit. bIllion dollar" to Uvlng policy hOld- Fourteen gallons or gasoline were ~lC led by Dr. Frederick J. Swift,

Reports Given ers during tbe last five "deprcs· takell at the service station, some tdepu.ty commissioner of the !lta.ta de-Complete repOrta of the organ1z.~- @Ion years." old coins at the produce orrtcc, and 'Illlrtment of heaLth.

tlon work and the plans for the fu- . "More tha.n $5,000 a. minute hll3 merchandl"e at th e gl'ocery, aecord· Others who will speak at the meel. ture were given at a brcskfast been Pald to policyholders by In· In!;' to the sherlff's rcport. Illg In thq American Legion building r!'bursday morning, which oOmplete:! .urance companies In th08e five D J H '''1 t t dl a .week's activities. yeaM," he said. "I( we look at the a rc r . . . A nn.aman, sa e •

The local movement resulted (rOM one hundred bJIIlons Of life Insul'. WARSAW (AP~As Il.n ecclllumlo li'<'ctUl' of child hoo.l th and health ed· lIcLlvlties during the last five day!! ance In loree, we could see the valu ') .·eli ( m~'8Ul'e, Preml r Kozlowski ucaUon and Dr. M . E. Barnes, dlrcc­In connecUon wltb the obaervancc or planning ahead II() that toda.y's has announced plans for reduclng tor oC the unlvel'Slty department of o( a naUonal "Life Insurance week." dollars could be 'Put to work to pro. social in~ul'ance charg'('s and can- I.~lth a nd bead of the hygiene de· Addrell8C8 at the various service vide doUars fOr the day after to- ceDing 70 pel' cenl of \ax 8.1'1'00.1'8 o[ \lartlnent. rlubs, a. breakfast and a banque: morrow. ThJs Is tbe real plctur& I ihose whe meet current taxes Johnson county orflCia.'ls who will \Were Included. of lite Insurance 8.8 a. redlstrlbutol' j promptly. attend the meeting are Dr. 1. A.

Martin. L. Seltzer, genornj agep, ot 'wealth." Hankin, city health olflcell'; Mayor -------------~~------------- I ·------------.. Thoolas E . Maplln; Dr. Phllip C.

Sh I Acciden'8 a Habit I Jeans, president or the John80n · T Ilatrol of Sioux City. Included In the I f,3 rIDerS 0 /l8rade \V Ol also bo geveral bands, For Indiana Driver l' Cou nty ~Iedlcal a!l9OClation; City ~o-

Ucltor Samuel D. Whiling; W. N.

Attend State ~ther patr('ls, and drum and bUgle • Leeper, county superintendent o( COI·IIS. 'r~at night. more than 100 CHICAGO, Ma)' 18 (AP~PI·C8I .· ~chools ; and Perr), Qake<l, Jr., presl. tandldal.e8 w'lll cr088 the hot sa.nds, nent Chol'lea M. Hayes, of the Chi. Ilent ot the Junior Cha~r of COlD-

CeremoDIOal with. Mtualistic degrees being given ('ago Motor Cltl~, offered this today In tlI& new Davenport MQ.I!onlc tem- as ''prObably the most remarkabl .)


pIc. o( all acclden ta." More tilan 125 Shrlnerlt from Iowa hrlne dlgnltarlefl throughout lhe

Members of the senior and junior chambel'il have been InvIted to lAke

City a.nd vicinity are J)tannlnr. to counLI')' are CXl)OOted to attend, With

~artJlclJ)a.te In tbe all·state c_mon· tipeclal traIns coming (rom Sioux

lal at Davenport May 28, It was an· nounced here yeaterday. CIty, 0etI Moln811 and Cedar Railids.

With ~.OOO e~pected to attend !rom ThOI 10C'l1 delegation 18 plilnnlng to the s.-.te at large, the affair will be: go n Il11 auto ca.ravan.

the largeat Shrine event In tbe atate' In recent years. ! North CIlroltna has had only f\\.p

OM or the fcaWrM or the- ~re· ' 'women elftCted to the lelillature nlonlal will be a Sh,,!n!' parade With I tllnee woman luffrall'e 1V1UI adQl)ted ~I\O ",hu ~\tr W:hI~ Heirs mounted I In 1919,

"In May, 1931," he IIIlld, "an In. part. ,dIana motorist !lnd hi. wl(e wer') Alruck by a train at a. gl'ade cros­ CONSCIENCE "REFUND" ~lng.

"In ·May. J 932, Ihe- same drive\' 'wit h the Ilame wifo \VIIa stt-uck by the Mille lI·ult, at the ume crOA· Ising."

.. A nd that," Ha)res pointed OUl,

"wos pl'Obably an all-lime l'eCQrd for failul' to obsel'v(' a 111'tleilenl Rnn rotcllt l!I1fN)' 10811011,"

FALMOU'l'H, M&88. (lNS~Who­

ever the party was that broke Into One of the summer campi! near here Last fall, hie coneclence must have l!'oublpd him becaulle when the own. er returned this year he found the oulboo.l'd motor, the lIItotgun, rlne and plAlol, Ahot 11M dlll4Jl~Rred )11111


A COOL DEED BOSTON (INS}-Coolness dlst>lay·

ed toward him by a young gun· man aroused heated teellngs fn the breast o( William F. Cerater, Ja· malca Plaln liquor dealer, but not before Cerater gruned his releao;e from ' a refrigerator Into which ho had been locked arter being robbed oC $78.

MAKI TIMI YOUR IIRVANT T_ ..... t,-ftnl blrthdoy brlnOi ye ........... tha ......... -11 brl.g. yOll lhe NtpOfttlblllty of 1II0king your ....., I. your c~ co_. De... let ,our pnIIINM be ha.......... r.y •• 1-...... "liar" _1dI. Stoll rlghl-wllh 0 .. of th_ accur­ate .nd ........ d.bI. "0.11I0Il .. eo... III a.d _ our M1ect1011.

From $37,50 and up

FUlKS' Jeweler &: Optician

Tile 1811l0III IM/ed·ln·...., ......... tIMIt ... filii laW III ..... , 6-1 ....... Tap .. ntW, II, lilli, IfyIed G·I .......... ..

Dozen Models To

Select From

$70 and up

'-..-----------'. Tb •• ecbaolcal perfora. IDC' DE Ihe reEli,eulor FOIl bu, I. more imponaot to ,.,.' IbID all olber refrl,tUlor IHNA. combioed.

1935 "G. E," FEATURES

Stllnl ... It.el luper '".ur T.mp.ratur. Control Veg.tlbl. Drawer

Cov.red Gil.. 'ood Contlln,r.

Automltlc Ie. 'raplng

G·E ReElllerator _hul .. I. Mated.io.steel, tecIUlte. DO attendoD, 00( "eo oiflol. ",. 001, ,0&I,euloI meclluUa with Eorced. feecI lubriacioa.

Carr I •• , Vtara PtrfonDucII Protecdoa,

Iowa City Light & Power Co. Iitetric R.frlg,rltlon I, Ch .. , In lowl City




