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i«C*i. f '^' -im0e«i'-'-


ESTABLISHED MAY, 1896 wnfe^OL. X2LU^ .^^ • "^^i^'T^ggf-- -IHltf AbSAS. X/ Ffi«P» ^"'-rnlij >>' u'-t>. *-'V:- A YEAB^b.




Fowls Must Fi^«e Largely Food Prodoction Pbuis

^ During War.


(10M UiliM V. Pilbwt, Couiktr Home Demonstration Agent)

Uncle Sam urges us to double egg proikietion this year.

Never in the history of our country, has the call for more poultry l>een' a» urgent as right At tiujktime. Our meat supply is short and more poultry will heli solve the {urobtem. More poultry, means more eggs and more eggs and poultry . meat means a greater food supply. Poultry can be raised at a lower

quicker than anjr otiier kliid of live stock. ' .

In the ror^I sections there should'be at le^t 100 hens kept on the farin! Of counbe this de­pends on the size of the farm and amount of grtlin Taised, the availahl^ jiqutprngHt; "knd the

gritj shell and water. The pro­portion will vary with the condi­tions under which the hens are kept. Confined fowls need more green food and meat food than do farm fowls. A ration that has been used with excellent suc­cess is as follows: For scratch feed, 2 parts cracked com and 1 part oats; for a dry mash, 2 or S parts com meal and 1 scrap.

Prince William CQUn -did well last year in the production of poultry afld ecx>- Why not do at least fifty per cent better for 1918?


Tuesday^—Real EsUte Im-I vestment Co. against Peter J.

Tiaie to Get Heady for Spriaf Work—FaxBier M—* Nol—

LoM ValoaUe 11a«. (C. A. MoBtcomuT, CoBBty> Axent.)

Now is a good time to prune grapevines and fruit trees while the weather is too bad to do oih-

part.beef er early spring wprk. Labor is, \ and'will be scarc» this year. One can not depend upcm- Mcariny ]Mr

lUGmVE CAUGHT ' B(DENVER.COLO.'^AJ^'^-°"'"°'~'°'"^''r^-' ^^ir

..L ^ ^ ^ ^ - T * ' * ! Correction of erroneous ^ on Tiwada;


, g^aamgnt ^f ^^g, against T. B. YoB«g Garriwm Protab^ Will Flickinger.administrator of Sam-

Be Brought to Ooiirt ! u« I'lickinger; further ordered Naat Waak. I thai said TT B. Fliddnger be re-^LI—T ITiinded »4;5fr-Br«ntsville dUtrlct

> at CoartlMi

Infwmation has reached the "^Jf^^*^««»®o«»ly chargwi, public that W. W. Garrison, a fu-, •»^ ,? cents penalty. gitiv« from justice, haa^been w- *^^^ '• «• Conway and Dea-pfehended by the police in Den- ?**" Asbiyry Robmson appointed

— ^ , ver, Colo. Special .OfBcer R. M.' Jr"8tees of Pilgnm^ Reirt Bap-

ti°M»j^liit can be « i « n tb the findc It is unwise to attempt inore h«lB than can be pnqpeiiy

Icswd for. Xhe jwesent average ^^f^^Bripalit Jo eftty Sfrlteas per ^ihxvi. The Naiefits of this te-^creaa 'will remain after Amer- lea's men' and womcp-^tJ ^ e pant and at h<Hne—mtve made 4Nnocraey saf e. ;.

1 Chickens as a by-yoduct of


Examine and repair all farm "^J'"-* ' "''* "^^ j " i ^ * ^P®" -uw-uuus. «iu ivymMi mu xatiu ^ ,j j^ expected that young machinery, harness, etc, now sa QiBTison will be brought to trial that when weather for outside at <mce. He was indicted with w»ric comes there will be no de- ottiersin December, 1915, for the

unlawful use of funds in the of-

congregation January 12, 1918. Allowance to petit jurors.

' Chancery. ' Monday—F. HuntonHox, com-

mittee, against W. S. Athey, et B lay in getting ready to Wow and r f 7 , ^ ""« <>' ^"V' u'". ^5* '* - A1 reoort Thoi^k H Lio« a p^ppDo 4., J- -4.1.—T».tr-7..u-/». _^ 4. nee of the county clerk, knd sen-\f^' report oi inomas il. Laop,|» PAFgllSTt»^ «ther thmgs faat have to tanced to one year in the state' P**=** ^ commissioner, confirmed |t

t wait untiiweatheroon^tioDB are penitentuBy. He was^released *°^ y^y^°?*'y^- . RaOroad

Matty ConjfeatloB

DifficoltiM in of ProoMit'lXdBve^ies

Places ^Avorable. P^th iP*^ now.'

Do the getting ready at the-June term of court under bond of |2,n<W anrt failaH »/> >p-

1, especially com, so as to in-. . - , . ^ ,. sure a good stand, so far 88 ger-

A number of comphunta have ^ ^ y ^ , ^ is concerned,- thus in-been iWeived from our subscrib- , ^ , „ ^^ yi^^ ^ ^ J^^„ y ^

^ Jaboi* by having less repluiting * rnu w ^ 1 _i « ^ •**>• P *" t^e fwm and giu^

wqnes of The^uriudpforiptiy dea crops^and purcl«se aU peed

era in various sections df t county, who fail to receive thi

every i wedc. Bv^rr Friday aft- neccsaaryi A great flhortago of "nf'

which sentence had been sus­pended.

JSis parents, Mr, B. Garrison, left Manas^ two years ago and are living in Col­orado.

Robert E. Herreil, also indicted with Garrison, returned of his own volition in October, ,made a

\ (J .T Conifir, Secretary) The annual meeting' of the Ru­

ral Road Improvement League of Pnnce WilUam County wiB be held at the courthouse at 10:80 a. m., Tuesday, February 19, and among oth^ thinga will <yscukB the propositieo of the improvemmt of the county roads.

This will be one of the most important meetings e v ^ held in iPrince William county, as it will

thierein, and will have for its ob-the iaiprovem^l~oT OBF T«ir„ p w r t ^ t ' - * t. J«ct the improvement-oT oir

John R. Fick et als afauwt F. •i,«_»-»,*„Z«r ^^A A^iA^ .^ A. Fick et als. dismissed I thoroughfares, and decide, aa "—!:<-__:. TT—*« ~T •• far a s n n a a i K I a «->»> ^K^al- T » ^ O O B Z ^ ; j 3 t , ^ ^ : : ^ t f t h e S ; ; ; ; ' I ' ^ ^ e ; ; ^ - i->xmie M l ^ B r ^ y n e r - ^ ^ - < « • .a« possible, theT>eSt meai« against Mary C. Sisson et al. Commissioner Thomas H. Lion

and.Mrs F'^'^**** to pay sum of $9L86 to Robert Brawner uid tne sum of

(yarrisou tnd waa^img otiMtr parties In

available for such improvement. There will be 1iiiiiii»>i||1 recog-'

nized road experttffMiM^ the

from the press t h e ^ of pa- j ^ ted. Knot. whaty«i a « g ^ l ^ J ^ t T ^ ^ J * ^ pers are earned, to the Manassas <-» A _i-_* :„ „ ' „.wiL ^*2L*^^®?.^ Ri^imond

^ i ! y . - . ^ ^ I n ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ amouHt^-s«rinl nmlnd onrf r^r^ hs^^'^y^An^rrrnrrrtjif \r„A^ J J. tttetf-4<»-4owu subsuibeis and j„^ a;:^-^::::::^^^.* — —-^ BgT. Thornton pwSding, fad

[ be in session again neict week. The grand jury repcnrt^

*91.86 to Mary C. Sisson,.fort"®**^*' ^ ^ ^ * • " " ' the Wflmer Brawner, her son, '. jpwpoatticm, giving ttidr /»iewB

Taesdayd>—Lewis A. Jackson from all 8tandp<Mnta, u. against Hester Carter Jackson—these addressing the marriage annulled; said i f w i s ' , ^ be r. S. L. Vonon A Jackson given gusiody of[ T«t«ni their infant eon, "Lewis JacksoQ; iSnaL decree.

T. Edward Jasper against Etta ftf filtwttwa _*

thxti ^Tr^^f^k'L^'"^^^^^'^ same is true reganfing fer-at 4:55, 5:12, 6:52 and 8 o'clock, if,,,^^ ^„ „;,. „.,x ,J^^^„, tilizers, do not wait until about

-general famuiif: JOad

The postmaster tells us thai the i ^ ^ l l s ^ r h . ^ Z ^ I 1 ! 3 "^ iw«8entn»mts and no inctt^ ««Lt^ ««. »«„f /,,w. *«.«. iH^ **"* y *• *'**'** faeftWB poiKAasing moats and the prison eells in tk*f papers are sent out from Manas- fertili«Bfe There Is not only a colhty jail «Se unoccupied. - m —iTlr.^l^ M?' - » .'shortage of-this eemaiDdit^ bui ataitunaiy of proceedingB follows L - 4 l ^ j f f l * ' however, railroarf tfce transpflktation must ha « » ^ ^r^T""^ l^' - ^ ne«.lv «MKr-fir


Onhr Ililrty-Sevdi Oat tif SlO f aii to Cniply With Undo

g MB, aJMIBlW ill ilW:g4«i!t, Highway Commisaion.

It is hoped ^ery p^noa fed-Hiterested fe - thia aubjeci

will attend the m e e t e » " i ^ he

• * : ^ > ^ j ^

prepared^ to expresa Us views en the subjebt. Tliere wiUhe re-freslunarts «»ved for the#e who attepd and, the pui^wee is to se­cure a census of the .views of

one and decide updn soma

^ ^their feed in the waste materials that otherwi

liaiajgejsach. that^gaj expect-the mi^ servjee that

JSwa- woaidf Wa to Another in^xurtaat thing that

should he

9i|iit« and ho dii

£riaffii"'yntiam^llilirhr wlijch the ^vertothtg itiparats wad < >inty taued to embmlt ^hdr ,roag^BipjBgB.iwiy beaettiM on

' i ?^!?***l™^*^ > , aco«ttdaiK5« a pr«H;»« bwia, not o«]^ for omr ^ . , ^ . , _-no with the draft regnlatiOBaiFonr'j^u—.i _«i_^ti,k.. lu.i r .^fe—

litfeful purpose. The attention Tha morning miil Ut Richmond tended totf^Aeeessaiy a*d that is »!*»<««» ^ v ^ orfferad pf thjeaearedaad »ii4aini|(||t ige i T ^ r ^ n S i ! ! T^ '^^^^ and Ubor they require tfa»,:fet_<^> the north, which^K^^^ ' _ ^ \imii>^t^mh»rur , ^ and should not re<>ui«. the em- Jogialtoou,sub^bert S ^ T ^ l ^ g ^ ' S ^ ^ ^ & t S ^ ^ \I^M..U^^'»«^^^^'^»'^'

- i^-:

•; ^ —:-.-.—-» — -— :- , .„ , —i , •- ^ «m, nan '•'^^pv nw jn. \wcnimf oer lerm prei Pteyment of addi ^mal h»«»d ^ H>wa; Prace WUStoj^ h ^ beea ^i^^i^ ^e left in the houses ftt ordered Wed. •workers.—On seme fwins chicly'' ernvmg m the Virginia capital y,^jn \nrttalh«r. Q»dor eortifying feat Thus. S?

,M Otetac LM5|yrtto Kuasy, " '

,ejis actually pay for theipselves stt^atee* to cause grave eencera The two' (Stoses of para8 iee i^*S?*I^^^^i*f*^^ ^'*'^ iheSr. deatgudao^ «rf ychart « goi^^Wfcagd ba«n«« eg. ^r^ ^ and mites shduM w.S!Snr*!!i!Sy IT • r f T ^ Ti^ »,y«»a,, <t««.tic6,

ledtlraweek. Thetnwkhai

I ACT lOR f'laittftttft-

•^#rs , ^«.- ^ r^ j ^ ~ ^ considered. Tho Uee Stay <« iwT nMe«ng' oTthe bdaia^of su- ZMnJTI^ls^v^

ikey help to pajnfoi^thi^- «*ttea.week, TbetnuhaabMa the fowia b«th d ^ aad mght f « 4 l s ^ M 2 ^ a ^ «mtit.lprt t^ «tt. ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ oiui» IVMby the i^?oaactionflfTna.|fn»m twbto^i^aehiMrslate wfr x&r«^are i dead. '

:hich.yheiugaBarlyjm^^^ day since Ch^gtaaal, ^ W combatiug thto dJUHK jifatom ^'^.l^?.?!'!*^"*^^ ^?-^!?^''° i>Mer V*a Vti^ PmthSSSSSt: ' increases the value of &e,<»Id, and the ralhray finds it im- j^y^t iMwder »»inimr .t»i J ^ ^ church tnistees elected ^t a «^ir^^-Ir -M a Z r_.,_k,^ t„ , oV» it„' IX^«i^ insect powder, s^ftilwr and many, aeealon of .the quarteriy confer-

^^m-JmHi will pio lflaa p o a ^ e to^ake its achedrie. f h. varinn, .pT^^H^nn on rnrr nf fhr ^rr^nnan rirrnit nf A:A leastjuttnjr<i^lB«lEii^^iurTIJ«fiTmp^

2be made liB inaloable i s comdwr- ^~^ "" "--•—"—' ; ^ ^ fertiliser.

gatr mtaaajjaiyeiaar

Gaorgc D. AdwiMoa, Ifwnws>,jB Stanqia-in Prince William Act* •••!i?°^ • •• "'^ tha month of January

jing totii^ G. Raymwid

, as the louse * « Methodist Episcopal GhunA,! a,t»d. . ¥ « * to RJeheaead is earned by powder, ar^ good ProbaMy the ^ ^ T^f'^oi'^ai^*^^?r^^ J**» ^*^' '^^' M««—»• thia. train and ig<» j f ^ . ' T c h e a p e t a m H ^ method to get • g f f j i f f e y V E I l i S i S S ^i!^ i^l^ c,^.,^,^,!^

^ The eariy hat(*e* chicken » f*«i€b»es ordera to be sent-on ^ . ^ ^^ mercuric ointihenf asa^^Oa^^uan; H. C. M e ^ e r r g r C r > ^ ! T L ElHat:^!^^ ^ pnly the eliiefaea |iiat > H *<» Newport News concerning the ^n, ^ ^ v»Mt&ie mixed togeth. » « w ^ S?^^^ W«*5 H' WiOUce B ^ S ^ ^ D ^ r f r i - . di.L^"'' ®**

'».» winter eggs, but it is the movement of Umted Sta*es_v«B-.„, Take aUttle of this mixture, S*"^N ^*****?"^' * T **i J* »*«» ««y H«rfB», N«ta«flla» ^ «<«»rt . . Cxiascock, A> A. utascock and J. i itmtmA •• -. War A

_^rti£Si^. who ia directiAf the wort, uf the War

I Savings' Ownlnitloe—ef^-^(iaoa-•"^'^-^ eonvtr. -The meiBthty

best able tai>^thatand

'« tibe county at 1^^. early

«la,4where every de i^ cduhts y ^ ^ the size of a pea, and imfce 4a>a>eaaBwiM3r

Haldol la.a«te".

aolds. Bethel church lM»d.

WSUam eomtr. 'The shows the s ^ of 1,208 $6

War Sayings Stamps and 2 ^ 2&-7mmSS:mm.\^^^J''^!!^ ^^'Ljf*'^^ '^'^^ St«7nT« The T)f-

;i«i«aiinghy^«¥iTe3a(Bl6enr#8erj paper fails to co^ ' » « * » « « » » to render it h t t - j , ^ B , . ^ ^ ~ 2 S ^ ^ " miHfh. Eariy hat«d*«8ubecjiber8 about the Mtuatk«.[ T^nii ies inhabit, daring tte

win iqcreaae the number 4ili, Mking them to. ba^as patient aa^ny^ cracks and crevices of .the i"lKe"ofT6wfi.aBdIhe numbw^of[pOMiDie aw

|pgapK)dueed|^Btpea|. ItwiO Some of our subscribers have waDs, roosts and nests.

to thi» cas^^motion of re:-tn qnuhi the writ W j fwy

the two sued in this cause pontinned. , execute

- . , haw tfUisted. _^- - ^ ^ , meUiods that have proved excd- H^ojMato J. Sayers, execute H,^,^^ B. L. H«rri». c*k«d. Ileaa IHcser tflids andltrds that r>ne so far as Ui suggest that we jent>« fighting this dasa aDe <rf the Uwt will and testament of i pwrfywA

188.06 and the goal fer Pebnary is set at410,00e.

Sake in each part of tiie edon^ , ^or January wme aa foBew>%

A e first iignre denpting the mnn-ber of stampa and the seond


ky in the winter months.' go to press a day ahead to reach'«»«yin« ^ith Iim»aiih»hitf u d ^ ^ ' ^ Sayers; deTOaaed,again«t ;y„^ j ,^ C«wwn. Wten^fctei^ «•-- « » nombei of aS-ciait staapa: ^ ^^.-vidual it nnane more them eariier, but we hardly think T ^ j^ru^lnr . Z j i Z T T i . . - . , ^^A.^^^. '":^ ° - i v i . r " ^ ' " ^ — '-^ 1 A<aewvill>.ft. 4;Briatow,&.7;

iKopdrtl6n Vfll live; he wlU not Mjly bof^

ve h0.jilMKBtmj

t -ktnioeiHi emalsioM.v Limw- .i^fltfendtota givea-tht _ sidphorls wuiaidered Uie liettwr. to tUe gnmnds of defeasB. stat- i ^ ' ^ ; . ^ p^^^Wiwiii

— 'W," gJUl^ Mekter. Tol«*». 0M» rCatharpiirr-^ II; niimfriew, S. 3 ; ireni npotf-^mtr "to, They are pr^areTtHe-aaroe-l^ay tap ippecialty when, how iai;u> che.f«^7iine. Slunp. i f a U ^ ^ atfgwttejff that mid Uar ««« pifrtaoae as tar the dariri- wftwii aViiilam nete was paidi


:i is j iclMilB will be laifet; and _ ^ wffi get more eggs whoi eggs

1% $' # e acarce, for eafIr-hatched p>ai-fetfl Win lay in the wintoi

L5m,^C^^lf!^:th«reby. ,^ spray for #B«Lt»e8c:r Tsrar-

For pa&ioQe reasons we h^-tate to make the streiuiotia com­plaint to the Poateffiee Depart­ment which nca-mal ^SMS woaU recommend. We ace tnisthw her dau^to-, Mn. Natiiaa

Lat us remember tiiat feeding that the critical period will aorm ffliaeffer, of M^ the only factor ia winter, be part aad^ups doing e g beat <o tbdy-iua^ year. lateffra^Btrwffi

lo t s . SAMJE GSFTiiAH Mrs. Sidlie-Cf Fmaa died yes­

terday evening at the~ home of

.f «° t««l »8*i"»t ^aM, crifl^ ^ 1 , ^ DaMfriii: t an. *^^ ***'^- - 1 Wia»toa Kiaa. p. B . Burke against L. G. Cren- g,^

agg prodaijfcm.' Mr. N. E. B. I rdieve the aitoatioo- , _ . llUoott, state poultry agent, B^ys j * Ne amount of good food wiH —The Washington and Lee

iSHke a j;ood laying hen—she University ambulance unit has "must be bred to lay." It is ako arrived safely somewhere in Eu-

—tree that ^ood food will not he rope, according to a cablegram -turned into eggs profltabtj' fflft- just received by President Henry ^

less the hen is properly cared Loon SiAith from Pr«f. Forest Baker, of Cidiftmia; DaaielBak-"We should rememl^ these Fleteher, who ia in charge of the er, of Bridj^water, tnd~M<

take place tomorrow at her fbr< mer home, Bridgewater, Va

I Mrs. Coffiaaaa was the daa^-ter of the late Beajamin and Mary Keriia, of Bridgewater. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. Shacffer: four saps, Benjamin

shaw Coal Co., cause dismissed., yiy,,t^n y iaaae A.Miller appointed guar- j„^ ^nJ*^

dfam of Mary F., Stella B. a n d ' j o ^ , ^ ^ EttftF. Miller, aged 19, 16imdj 3 ^ _ , i , ( ^ _

yiara iwpecUvely. gnargm j ^ ^.y ^Jwi CmthMrpin, mOtM. -mtO fl,5W bond, Wittt ^yeland ColMMarooiorMl. Seese aa bis surety.

K M. C. Dodge atfaimt Hul-ffci| 4k Qarkson,. on i«>peal—4is-

MJrO; -^

JtgfBa, 9, ff) QrtBwviIKO, 5( Hitymaftetpl^ .^T" K ^ > A ©i.

20,0;Qnantieo,117, 7T; N<d»rri!}e,\76, 38; Neabeco, 1, 0; Oeooquan, 0, 0; Th<m>agb-fire, 1,17; WeBingtem, 0; W»-

. terfaB, lyO^Woodtari^^ M^ 0;

against West Tom Aabiora imeobmom, Jai»M >««••, Qnaatieo.


W.S. wood Hutchison, petitioB, coatinued.

Ifitfy E. Fklc «nd J. R. Fick ^ against H. B. Hutchison, tres-l ' p a ^ continued to Tuesday in ftef ? . ,

week of April. * —A «*art«

Riclwjd Henry Cough, NokMvOk, «B-list«d.

, Prnkatf iDavid Cole, LoUiMvilta, Md.

__J&ttt8 whenjcomparing the results unit. • - ^ different rations. Good feed-

.iag consists of the wise use of had spent the intervoiing tune at the ambalaaee service takt-

f *

wise ^ ^ e mo6t economJca] material at

'^and. Tnerp ;.- n.- .mc best ra-ff^'V Hf::s >'.'-.'.'. * 'M what

thpy like an 1 t.TPv kr,,'ii ,.est how much :o r-at. Th-- ra'-.'-T: rr. j>l

' contair. a variety .f ftvd? prair. meat food, rrilk teed, green f XK;.

The Washington and Lee aad Peyton, of Washiagton, F>L-;

' ^ and four sisters, Mrs. John H. F1<H7, of Harrisonlmrlr; Mrs.

ranee te grand Jurors. Common wealth, against. W. E.

. on appeal, dinminaedI

A diarter was issued recent-ly by the state Cerpomtten Com-



1\ U

(B. W. OiHhef

SoereUry) ute moot important

meetiags^of the year wfll be heU by the Farmers' Inatitute, Fri-BayTFelwruary T5. ~The p r ^ r u i r which will extend int<t the after-Boon. is as f^ows: .

Electioa of officers. .Addnas—^^^ona and Its Culti ^miaaioti ^to the Leeda.Miuiqr,

XSrrn Shaeffer. S, f J«i"«; "|J i Markham, capital stock. 110,000. * ! ^ h y T I r i r ^ . Derr. oT N. E. Garber appointed trustees: v „1 * *!„ - 1 . Fairfax. 0 Valley Church house, on peti- The object of the association, aa, Sandwich I...nch. served at the

ing camp at .\llentown, Pa. • IJanid Hedriek and Mrs. Samuel tioo of council meeting of church •. stated in th« charter, is to plant,. yj ^ r Among those who sailed with the.Flory. of Nokesvillc, and Mrs-unit were J. E. Bkhardson. Nor- Jacob Miller, of BriPtow. She folk : R .A. Kelly, Remingt«i; W. was twice married, first to John " .'.,-Kt: ' . '-om. and J. L. Baker and then to Robert Coflf-?vL rr.« '.X \:r.v:or. man, who died two ycArs ago.

la BPMitsviUe district May 10, 1917.

R. S, Vcach. an at torn <i regn-larly i>..alifie<i to practice ;aw in t ie CO ;rt? oi ' r,.s t.ate admitted •.. practice m Lhis court

farm aiid dev«k>p orchard iMida. The officers are Gilbank Twigg, Markham, president, and J. Don­ald RK'hards, Warren ton, vice-

^presiaent and secrelary".

Bo Addrcfi--

arid Ai.a, •. F-r- .;: -

••)f Agt-;f;.;t

.mjr. The Ap: .\\'j of ' < :r,:v.r;- ..i.

St.i e.'- r'!?partment ire




Address on Bahalf of Aluami la PrcMiitalioB of P»^4-

At the presentstioa of the ser­vice flag which was jriven'by the AlunuM Association to JtfanasMM Hiffh School, BQ account of which ^IM given in the issue j;>f'Feb­ruary 1, the following addresr was made by Lieut. George C. Round: - - -

I am honored today by an in-tcreating duty by the Alumni of




tite High School Association, through Miss Ruth Smith, its '{A'eMdent. It is to present, to the Agricultural High School the service flag which "1 /low show y<Hi.

I do>not know who originated the "Selfvi<» F l a ^ idea nor where it wta lOrigiRated but it *mti8i tie a thing of recent date find to, hie it setini^ of deep slg-n teane<e and I have tried to in-terpret its meanihg as today It ifl

which you are permitted .to live and tlw «^yB whfch have been, pointed out to you today in which all of you can serve your fellow men in co-operation with our great government, and now, as I leavf* 3";^::3j|p|^^puardiaa''' and cisre iiiis beautiful and* sig­nificant bafiner, to be preserved for future generations, I com­mend to you the petition in #hich ^ou all joined at the open­ing of these exercises, taught to h«™.% b. the„™. rf «-4^'^^^tH^^M.


- °^iBQte> Virginia, ' " Him About a System Build­

ing Tonic and it Wasn't But a Few Days Be­fore he Was OA Hit-

Feet Again.

and which feema to embody our best desires for humanity and our ambitions for ourselves. —"Thy kittfdom ceme, thy will l>e done heaven!

oA earth as it is m


prteented to my own mind. Hie «fii3b fields the flag seems to be <X '4eilp red, which I taice it most, aigiiify the demtib^t of. the wbiid^ this gi'eit wdiid cmiffiet.

-Red, tfe mont Mai^i^ir of ie61-ore, seems to h^ret^i^theigmrt iinBifi^ " f ^nSail^i; Sooth, Eatrt itld West ttfr «St-i g6Yefnmi«t4 -hhad, ^rtiai^,""g

The Greenwich correspondent of the Warrenton Times gives

e following recipe for OU ory Bread: Four cups of white ftour, 2 and

2-3 cups orn meal, dVs cups cold Water, 1 cake yeast, 3 cups luk,e warm wat^i*, 3 tablespoons su

H »

gar, 1V4 teaspoons salt, 3 table-spboris of shortening. .Stir corn Ineal injUt ct>ld water,'boil ten tiiitiut^, cod; (Bssolye yfeast in tlie lukewjum water and add .to jeornmeat rnurii. Sift sugar, salt and one cup flour, stir into com

and yeaist Mixture. B^nit thMou^M^ and set to rise in' a " ~ place for ig hours. Beat' wan

some ffiatis iind In MSitik Ibeiiony to jto olK In^^TMts ls b^ms to

•- be iKustivted jdrt'iI6*roB"a'tre-

of tbe%iti»AaB f£mpi 'jmd'a^<»n-ttht' figo tm^maHia T^ Frenoli Sev^dufidft. lid: joa & ^ and ptij tiia^ A^h^ri^ iinii'jr-I^ Wise cjiSthafl6ldEid s ine Meiiiniit^ff instm» lJofiJt&L^<^#td "kn 4 t i ^

tH^rom^y, add ^bortekdbir, re­mainder of ftoQjr, kneiGd w«ii iet to rise lA^iS^ih'tSSiiSle in buUc,.

8,1et 1 ^ until dou-t^^WPW fW. )»•<» i n i i d e ^ mren

ftfrtRyaaruto. • -'' .•.iiiiJ.p^iiB.i't' "i"!!;! >r'. - A -

Anay Job *^uygn>'* May Be

dicate fc^^Hineifliy.

Ipenter r )Hr«settt8, J t ^ t , the,«; punty of liuffteAe toff aetohefe; > of chailctj^; w M ^ grujshing Amgrtc

my now-

c^ wmi^

'1 iiad. to stop^ carryiiig the mail^on the doctor's orders and i ie told me I had consumption. I was short winded and could not wallc any distance without get­ting all weak and put of wind and would have to sit down. JJy appetite was poor'aiid digeauon v«ry bad. "i'would feel pumb all over at times and cramps in my muscle would be followed by a sen^tion like a thousand needles sticking In my flesh. Then pains would run ovePAiy shoulders and I gneas ISiid liasre «H the symp--toma of consumption. I couldn't eat .scarcely anything and what I did eat ifUdnt seeqi to eto me any good," says Mr. M. E. Wright, a well known resident vi l^ringwood, Va., BarboiJr^s P. O.

R6w-naiany thMtuudd pe<^Ie live in. deadly fear that they have' a temiitB dJHWWiB auch HB' edb-sQmptiMi' when in ideality iKesyJ have notlung of the kind. N«-


l^amn ^ t t ^ ^ 01*1; 8TH ST. AND PENNA. AYE

W A S H I N G T O N , D.


— FOR —

UTTLETOTS r GROWING GIRLS .MISSES —It is the deeping Vear that atands the test of ckwc inspection. * —When yon UNPIN a garment, yon will be dtdighted with the many tea! eomfott features H poqoeapea. ;. . .._ .., _ .,.._ _ ,



ture warns us jn many wiys of Jsr|. breakdown. TH6~>yBtemjne%d8 ittin, iron, iron. Everjr da^Cthe' Moed requires iron ^ edrich, Jnilify and streng^en you. Fdod thjese days t^^tains too little^or. our own good. The alk ve Well known £attiKr,'4ii. t i l ing iiow he

"A genttennm in Roanoke rec-#901 t t Cii|Qi> &»mami <»bk>,:on^ni Kied Add iTon nqoerd as |gnnid<ly tlwrt tw<» G«rmat> iiHw a: jwiat aytitem hiiilder

in the' In 4 with him. In 4 few « b ^ I.

iftd'liriw'coar<i:eat t&iything and my apty I ooifld e a i ^

the least bit- - i t

TtfB M!|tlli Mwifeiiaicaa fctfees in ti!#1ii^as^i fitR France, ^vatcat gMd-a^^H^-^ng^^fiprarite olcl ciji ^OM'JIIRI Why, a^^tu- lev . wy^didn't-hurt m«. tlto

. . . V , • . - T I I f r»- i I 1 I 1 . . . 1 * - »iL ^ — 9 9 = — J - . J '

—Brighton GariabadSIemingwear is made Af Jbwt quality flaandvttas, the woiksMBsh^ to siqierior, ther^ore thelKurmenta giy« kng and sattofactery SMrrtee.

^^VER *AJUNI0N7'' «-It fa made onfy Jfy Nc^ttm Cadsbad Ci»»aiiy a^d ^mglTt yoa aa Um of the pwfeetlni of these garttenfs. /^

n i e PAJVNION COAT, beiiv iMnMninW JiUMl»d to tka traoMr pkri i m "omwls ^ " and wads axooodaiaiiu^uid. middle ,0t«ldb . i ^ PJ^^fK^iiaa jio l»tAtfi^BWN6-«r^[^itlto>*d|stn9 «t tt^u^akt I I M wkleh to many |i«^ee«i4«t stand; «4p«riii]&ciiik^ - — , ^ ^lmtto»andfiir


Pn|«id«i»ftr'<9ite^ iif^$USto1M.^Siri^ "


*r;€|iiUrm^s SlMpais witk iDvbik|j»fe i i«b^, fto^rtttaftOTJ^aapJigWliJO^tofob; Otim-aiilip ax« Ami .fSe to ftUOt.


^HtgewM of prettily striped ganndstt* witirl>t»i<,lripmit;

JfTnrf TOiir rhndniii u r i i j l jiiii wifl M»il ••>. fiw

^ -



eidiaUiJ al >Urietta,'ahie, later |6yiit i)fce> upind-^gav^ me new being assigned to theRto fa^ 'g^gtJ l i arid that -wafl back in diyMtfa; M^iAealiA to <JtfL F. V.;|3^X4 »ittep_Ij[niMaQl^.AcidJ^ •s^^m,-^ mi add;; t ^ • iOnwOl^i^a^:!^^

in th(B RiuhWw yi^on der date af^Noyen^er l^[i^l7. stars of blue, whidh wiJD call to

frontln thTuSr™ ^"^ •^^^^ deserted. HrffoKd and Qoariey i ^ t s . I I aten t hacl. in fll frv- Ri.,» ! ™ 2 L ° « T ^ ? i S " y^^^ arrested as d^pertelrfi. <^. i i«t ,time,)>at one bilious sp^T-

bovjj of ^ m « L - ^ T . « ^ U *"•* i«B«rt# tlHrt wen whp finye yoa pan take it-and just ga,«i .Auuwiw*. loere " theif. iuHB« JO Jbtford andJbput your woficM^^

tlottHBy~stffl~are Wife'tift' diri- ""' ' " ' " "

• MatUB^aa. room on. .UiiiL iiirt for more-namea^ which w%^au ^^^ doubt, aroiaar in-ttie sUaiuoiui times yet to come^

Last night as I lay on my bcxi, trying to formulate something to

-I Uial to

] ^ y « r x t l i a n ^ G o i n j ^ U p ! ^3l3fcgypii; waat i b and itia»t«f ^wteg; fwm hBpteinent«h«v«

think of *o«na<qj iroi;m«tfi woird-iiig to place andtoftpa^ this 'Service F U | t t Jj^-^j^ia^ vetft back si](^ yews to the Sepho^ more exlMbiltion oCtJhe Wwrtysff

f h l WM then-weciiffly

da.s« nf 'j52, pf which a member. I wa^


thinking of my *hna matr H •John -Emoiy Aadtuiii, who has t/^

He -ar the donor of rffn^^ ^ dullais ftir IhB eaw i]f Am^iy childTBLMd agfd people;mid in my waldnff vision i ntajfti U s oration on that occasion, cloaing with the impreiirive prnioaacc^ meat ef tlie wo(iiB,J1W hood of God i9d ^ B n ^ H h o o d ^ of Man." . ^^

Thtti was tk« «rst^tioie I recall heariiv this cofloeaftioa ol* words. I have «ftoe baaid thmi since sad DO doufat you have h^rd them. 1 de not soppose the tAmae was original with my t:Uus-mate, but thsiTuapresaed m« then and impress n e mow as ondoobtedly the two most pio-fooTSd ideal 6f our Tiumsaa exist-(^Twe. f^npeeiafly do they now i

Teprwertt thr almg of nut Aowri- i can nat«»n in its world-wide era-1 sade amonjr the peoplea of the wor: ^ And the>' fitly represent' 'h:- .--'V id pals indicated tjy-the-f VT. .1: tlajr which I now present

Quhg^abeut this wonderful me#^ ^ cme that prc&ib}^ a Wt oi p e o ^ dwfl know ia tftttt'it wffl sto^ bleedi|ig jii^t aa j bon as appU6d.

g^ l ion~^ Mpfiftijf w ' ' " " it stepped.

ftnfefc •Itkeelw WeH flyfltoimtoiMri 'op so |(6od ti^re isn't any. dim^r of ooBta^gg d^teasea. eit3^>" YqjiirB truJbr. iC-E. ^ ^ g ^ .

p~lBve*ybody, for d r t j .yeaies, rhas Jaown the » al us of iraa-f^-i^

SQiU A F { y ^ ^ ^ * j ^ ^ ^ ^ fei^'cogcehtitflg

t^mao ttaifit bk>ed, stoouMih ^vi medicine^- The trade

tatSa A-I-H Is a giiaruitee of f i ^

Brtly in original /botiHea


I rorjrrs' friend?, i">r


"ra m

Evei'ytiifants ' to Eat 1

tfy hne embraces Staple 4HBfl Fancy <jrocerie« Q o e ^ v a r e , Tin and

Enamel ware

fXikW K a)h>tfiC£fi


ttadrmaz^ en boittte and carton. ^QR i twittys ouac« bottle today. { 1 ^ k few drops hi each glass t(f pi^ foa < k ^ far the n«xt f«^ days apd see w ^ . iron wiHj^ f<H- jrour appetite, energy, strengtli, blood, and systeii gen­erally. Most tSi druggists have Add &Tsa Mln^rsL ~tsStx bottle today, a/large twelve eunee bot-4 e usBaSy sells for aboot fl.00.

Sold % ManftssBs by W. Fnd Dowdl and by good drnggist^

•TThars a fine jojx." saj'S the eatiefled cp»to»er, wkese print- i iBf order has been filled by the JevmaTs job tiepartneat. See' oar work and LTBI OUT ctootalinn.* on cards, > ter heads, ^tate-ments, envelopes sale bill?., pro-crs*s . ratalojrs. eie. High lyrade printine in one or two col­ors. ^ti^facdoB guaranteed.



is. niade from be«t tnsterials. baked In an op-tOKlate oreD, handled by neat^etean. care­ful workmen. Ask for it— accept no qt'-er, Wf Al25 h»ve « nice QUlC < LUNCH CCHWTEII satisfy yoor appetite. PaH line of tfowfttiaoory.

!••• RxtritctHw nf T«»tK.

D R . r..!'\ I f O f 3£!NTIS'


F E B R U A K t "f!* i t f*^'


The Mi Journal PAGE THREE

lanassas m u s n o (vcsT riuoAT ArrBSMooK BT

Tk Hautm J«VHt PaUbkiig C«., he. Entered a I tht- i'uet Office at Manaa«»» Vir^nia, as Hecond t^afls Itfajl Matter

1.00 A¥MF.W

Friday, FetmuurS, 1918

Prince William te«t not oniy lives and those who atand ready their own com before plantfog, for the sacrifice will feel a thrill but also that obtainad fnm the ©f jey to read fee w<Hrds of ant b«t seed dealer?. army chaplain, M jor Donald

Prof. Stone's fears apparently Guthriertwo yeara with a Caaa*^ are justified by his own experi- dian regiment: merrt-:>":-3y^gi^8t ^wfcdl»mx.rr• "^VuWWiliown quite

of com grown in Fairfax ly 5,000 soldiers. I have never


SLACKERS JUL American', slackers look

alike to the Kaiser. They make him smile. They au^ better friends of Germany than his se-' cret, <f ents in Amej;ica. retMei

ears county which in ordinary years, 'judging from their history and appearance, would be safely con-sld i ed thoroughly good seed. Only forty-one per cent of the kernels germinated at all, and only thirty-six per cent sent out good shoots. This information may be of great value to the "Prince William farmefr TTie ed-itorial in question follows:

While everybody knows that good seed wUl be sci rce when {planting tinje rolls around, no­body knows how scarce it will be. Those who have made a germina-tioh test of their com are the most alarmed about the seed corn situation because they find very little oom with a record as

]hi|^ as fifty per ceht of germina­tion. Those who are not in the habit of t e s t ing their BPPH royp

be slackers. Let them buy leMit Stamje ai^ h Ip. to win the war. . .

^^.'j 0 | m WAR AIMS "'What'we demand in this war,

i^erefore, is nothing peculiar to ^purnelveB. It Ja^that-tefr ^»^(r

:4fon which, like our, own, wishes to liye its own-lifetHeUarihlne ILir

m ivdi Votor garters " ^ ' i»<*«^:*>y. •PP«^<*»' are likely to oe sadly disappoint-' edv For some reason coni that looks an right shows a very low p«ie«itage of jteinHuatiMt wkMi

about the seed for the next cr(q>, and the only way to knolv is to

^ made fit and safe to live in; jad pyrticuhjjgijaatjt >^ "'"'<'' [ Y«"Mw«» ^laed-to taking the |

~S^fOT every peace-loving na-

*iW* institutk>ns, oe assured of add fiur dbd£i^ |>y /the

her poppies of #ie world force and sel&h aggres-


lead, is prou^JtD' boast the dia-tinction of b^ng the_ first state in Hhe ulB^ iu~liiiih& the ean-muchiha. Oiirtpf;t|j|e&r^<^-

, ni||;-dul^, wfajtlr was ^ t e r ^ i iMizly siir years agaiin Ifottoa

way county by Miss Ella G. Ag-

lewon fe« in effect fAvt^M^ m.:frhi« »,-fageat. haa grown the state or-

^ d<me to lis. The vt ^ ^ w world's peace, txten^aogtt, ^

tm'B lieMHtge oL January 8.r




known one who was afraid to die. They a l count it a great thing to give their lives for thair, coun­try. And 90 per cent of the men whom I. have seen <fie and who prayed at all, prayed the simpie prayer of their childhdod: *NoW I lay me down to sleep.' " ^

So in their last day they re­turn £6 the Motber-tJuTght pray­er that seemed forgotten. '

All else being finished |^e sol­dier remembers the words and th6 voice of his Mother-.-aiid the Mother knows at last ^ e friuta of her love, and her pra >era.—r Columbus Citizen.'


She didn't ;aiae htr boy to b« a fighter;

they went and took Mm from fcef'imt the aamti*

off the blighter, « ^ Aiid (bti^ atrm]i)pod a Mt at khald

oir)i£k fntiM.

iShe didirt raise her boy to "6e 1 letw.

it.—' Asta, to dr

And I felt vitiiia my twid tiieM myatkal

A««9raac«i, «U was confkrmed -rnhm there came

A voice, tuned in Its deep vibrstioB to the Ugheet

Symphony of eerth. an;

Thia ia My Selovod Sen; and yet— a n d yetr—

Why am I heret Waf He not greater tiotn Hevodias fax - inr ven­geance? '

Or Herod in His IsstT J B M 14»ly a vote* eryinc in the wfl-

demoM T Only a voice T"

With agony of countenance, Jiorn vt Deepalr, he turns, and hurtling down ~~" thepi'iaoii, flndsaonn^ Who, faithful in their diacipleahip, Have followed him to bd* dungeon. Ronaing them from sle^,heexelaims:

"Walcel Wake! My belovod foUowen, go fliid Him, the

Man of. * <i«liie«, and «ak Hiaa why ai» I tana ' bound? Was the angelic mesaagit d«aiv|red my

fatiter A deluaionT 'Are the pcomises of God

' sattght? Is He the Promised One of Israel, or

look we for anothw?"

Is all prophecy fulfined! My wittk U done.

Wtwn priaoB walla X-go to t ^ Parat dise of God.

Jan. 16, IfllJ. —M. H. BO WEN.


AL Sl;Vrii0(GE

*t)Bly Two Votes Cast Is Re-

In Jounat

No slfiep 'came of Ms heart.

An night h* lay %ide.eyed a^pota-dering. At that

Myatoioiis hoar, the death of* night aad birtb of da;

"Do the women of Prince Wil­liam want to vote?" was a ques­tion recently asked in The Jour­nal, following Representative Carlin a offer to suffragists to submit the question to the^ wo^ men of Virginia. Only two wo-mea among our latge eirclia of

[readers were interested to the extent of expiresung their opin-

tion and l^ese two voted tor the • affirmative. ' I "Yes, we do want the vote," is {the sentiment of Mrs. M. M. Washington, <rf Greenwich, who adds with conviction, "and, if we get it, we will vote conservative­ly and intelligently." . The other reply came from

law of prof, pnnond Stone, who thinks that "suflkiant answex ' to Mr. Carlin'is j^posal i» found Jii aJeliter writfa^ hy trA?. v^ ehtihe, plesidenf of tji*} Equal

thia matter, ttud couW say to us, Tou may think that you want the vote, but we thmk it would be unwise to give it to you iiuw ; wait another generation or two 'i' ,WF"Does_ h<t <a^^lw knou' '• ---

the delegatlOTnrvirginia wo­men who called upon him in Washington declined this plan of his because they knew that such a straw referendum could place no obligation of a binding natifte upon an/ member of the legisla­ture or upon the male voters in the final referendum? That it would, therefore, be a waste of time and money? _ _ •

"Does net he see that we see through his camouflage? That he is simply trying to put off the final ctecislon ? And, does he not know that the march of dem­ocracy "4 n"ot be stayed, that ri|:ht and justice will prevaii, though Virginia congressmen be blind, thou^ t h ^ refuse to tee that this American p e ^ ^ rofiop to have^ a govamffKint whi*h rests u]KtB tha «<m»%nt of the governtd, that w« Are t^ have

MisJi y ^ . Brtoman. a tister-bi* ^ , ^ ^ „ ^ a ^^ «wwf«iw,'woT men will irbte ?"

none; But the^ earned off her »*tii«te

tapper „ And they coached b n ia the tednle

She didnt raise imr- h«f to° b* a

BOW state demonstration

feresi and for our own' pjir^ We faaSs^on wMch gaye dfmon ' ^ very dearly that u n l e e i ' j i i » - | ^ ^ > ^ ^ ^ ^ « ^ Jtt<«>sf^^^ o^ him wh«i the oMBiir Bee be d<me to othera it wflf not ^" - - ^ -" fg nia counties and which now

haa Ji KermgaeBJ ^ hggr ^"•j^'^r^ strat&m ^ EBnt tk of whi(£ I'Wnce'Wi ia one of

Tbda : not A 8t^te{ ' ^"fl ie MMQn is withoni ita c^-

ningcIdSiC '"^ ~^,

"TBaT Baker liaa SCOflEil BHtfEMBEBS^ Ojyerwhelmtngly refuted \ the , __„__—_, ,—

•charge that the War DfepajblmenL When a nUanchild attains his liaa fallen doWn oil i ts^b, is g^- full statnre and puts am^ «hild-«aHy admittecfe- ^ iktt8wer-«A"ti>in*8 <%eft are timep irtea leaves t^e Senate Mffitaiy Com-' Ills own mother feels he is a

in no anviaUa iight before aod secretly nM>tuma the loss of t country. The entire scheBre her baby who so loved and i^ ac?Hffwti»"i, wifK tta nut. Bended BPon he ^ "r^ man iff I

-credited. BUfiports, The biggest

stands dis- Btrong and kindly—but he ir so mistake independent—-fee doesn't need

_. tijSLj0^ar^P«wuim(^_8e«ms,to lia'&% made wis tnis raising of an' where t raising of an' wnere are all the lessons she iuSy '<S 1300,066 men trained tauj^ the child's stumWiBg

fSr liifiTiiirilat: aer. tongyteT^iaagterej y^re .Mtfe-.

Aad she l o o ^ caOad tfaa Govamiaaut

Whea it-Hiibk him .off hia tagimea .of

• ii^S^ . . - -And corrupted hiia iwth spqd^ fififi

' ' anigteat.. •• '-.• "_. a » x ^ ^ lalse hir ^y ^ m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^

dafaiaaJ Ha s>wa.

'tutf. wliipped iaifeo a • ' aad bona.'.

. Off bnMW'

ghe didnt raise begr t» b»^ a • shooter—. N ^

Ifor-^mything, |n faet, eaw^t a Bat ttM7 baad^ h«a * - "-tutor Aad-


• --••X.

s Flushed with joy Bfxni of aeabig Him..Who * P ^ W Suffrage I.«ague of Vitfima, and T h , ^ m ± r J ^ ' ^..,^.Jpubiishedin the Richmond Time.

tt» Baptist titspa with ixpaetaat

•prang' ten

Dufinf the past two weeks it ,-_ . I has been our lot to bear a good JWapttch of Jwraary 14. TWs ^SSf W^^mmeat B^aTISeTwmr

And In a voica deep with «Birtioii he • cr iedt .

^iSbat «* ! he?" iUmninad,

Thair yofaea vBwant.witfaTMiiijiiMiy aad \ r.-iove,;^ ,•":,. .•, ,: y ; _:•„ Aad UM heart ef «wu luaiik ia Mtb

1i($pe. Be • tetter, pttfoUshed St I requeif,"f<sno»8


DmUs ailir^k, aad rifink hadt to their ''"a.fcaifca . .. . ^''-.-''' -•• . ' ^ ^

the .Atay taadiu


Brra-i'teni jegardiiig the xiassifieatioh of certJunHfk^tdxnr ¥l%faMtrd

tive C. € . Carl& of one m|n say Bi?npttjiiing likn * j ^ ^ ial|tfa» district proposes Uiat

tne wbit« weanen of ^ .Vira^aia 10xall diecade whether they shall be given thie rigl t of puffnige By voting <m, the .ij ieation l£em-sehws,itk>f)ii.hejPot realw

"If tbey take my boy Fm to have the diciceaa of a tune putting in that ortira acreage of wheat —but rm gt^ng to do it to lelp feed him—grlTl bust A ~

' ' -Tiui'a.the^^aa pirii ^pu^ am Uwt. spirit with-

hitely conceded t i e gjit of tite stand.| |te,wM^'prbpsi^^ <» irhdR ij tter, naiiJMy,' upt W9-Wn, V Uke iitcau ttie cf ptole of

^fibid i(Mh vl'&tUfm takea. oa the bloctm aipd";

Putty o< IMWKII, and ttie lighttesa itf thsH^i^

Anjteed with Bghfci prtaeace


.^k± J^e^^kMWLhia^eldn. l i a r


Si* <ytet zaiae her boy aa { bwr«t ••• tokt .ye^— , •,. ' ' ' ."

To livfe imon the mHitary itlan; But -they jeut liUB, twck

' just a sridier But every, siugle incii of him




. •p^ fa » A«. «»K>, w fh « HitHT with ao^nany naege that Ma ma

>. -While Hemon'a snowy ereat ia bgtbed ia ^ "


^4hat number landed in France, "vwthbul taking the American y e q ^ more cwnpletely into ita

"cdnfidQKF ter.vll" matters not atrietay nittasy seuets. "^ds mistake tho aaodiiry: wiO

ture mind travels far bey<i»d the pSwier oi hers to follow. L WhCT» -are the prayers .aba

tmrtai him itiiil the -Vea^ tjror-« she taught tite? "Are tiwy

do gotten and loet now td ^u4 a^-vBteg ta guard amunst in future, sufficient, careless, half-Bkq)ticia

neople trusted to res^t ciem whan kept

unjust informed

be man who saeaaa to feri no nocd^f eriti- God, &is words or &is church.

of I And then comes war i^ eitdm what the government is doing, the man-child for a soldier. liMdt.of publicity al the War De- f For a f e ^ hoias or dayB the pirtmenfa kctivitiea afforded slu^w of .the parting to come • » . the<««»ortunityforthemiachiev. soon—the parting Uiat may be ova aecoaatiaBs winch hkvt b e o fivL restorea te the taothtr the proved groundless 1^ a dwrnaf a«i who is her chikl, passionate «< the ffcta—facts wkkh the t«Kler-^Wicitoas of l i t peace DohUc was entitled to know k»g " d wdfara—eager to be in ho-ajou—TlmaaJXispatch. liiieBce cBnging to theaUrta

of her mother-kyriB again and seeking'^ aU, warm itreng^ to carry with him into the great jftjtoIir^|i,ditatioiu gtrugiJe. But stA Hi goes lo " ^-^'—' his man's task without confaee

TEST AND KNOW We ar» indebted to Prof. Or-

mond Stone for a Aort editorial from the Nations Stockman and . fVmM-, under the capdcai.'^a^ k g his need of God as he haa a»d Know." Prof. Stone fean confessed anew kiaaead of Moth that, "owing to the exceptional, er. Her prayer he atrtyUi, gravi weather of the past year much Iy,bacause 6f his fear to hurt ot tire corn grown jnj'rince Wil- her, and her own worn testament

tiie German^agenta/inLcad^^ couflMy?: Geinian. agimt ? ,JiM> tok.:;,Wl>ffeay^^?^nMiar ,Tive ineiit deur jxi you. S^MOKT [farmfr ^o.saya In a ^uwiteii-

litok IgebUiiir 1iBrift»gfe-er ti<n? '-.-,' ' y-' "T)berfrBe »^Hsee^;Mt;ff w^'irig'(^ n>^ 'ari>oai*blis <tf "^ecidi^ my W doesn't get de-whetha^ they AitH becbma seitf- ferred dasi^flcaaatf I iwn net »-governing members oi the eMi-m i ^ ^ mr ronain under the giiairdihn^^ilp lyf


eoSsaig to seed that towey <md to whedb—see if Ida." And «ood pe(^fe^ tljoie are IcAt ci tiua/i^ W o ImmiT thani, yftn Wiywr fj ai aa

^^^oL'^b^'^^^f'^.'^y other great issue that .may'and they are'nottiing more than <H so^w, awl tears, have tiie gol «l " ^ P for dedsioii ? Can any - pa»mal representatives of Kai-

praadrnd tv thaB>. ' j proposiliim be nioni^fundamental! »er ^K l eim im and vitid tlian the.quiHjUuB uf'soi1<urto-1iie^siordir of women

With divine fire. Uftiag hia teada in exaltationjto [ ^ .•. ./^^

"Again, does he not know ius we know, that if women voted

and duhhai. They **« tmi woqwi

The Promised Oar^oH&iarf! indeed only a votee

attaiaiit lur Bfc[^

than Teateas vri^ ate minguided into thei a«irne& tfi. tiieir Satanic

ri^S^^riyO^^^aamarl^- TSjisaf.^; "I ^ ^ iire;:; parvarle^

up thvvaiim^ ^ Heavieat

They Ue upon a barren ledge tfri^ upon whoee

^••^ji^ li«Hg I W iiyJMMr

re t. rvctvenBove lm*i hear tihe veiee ef-pra^ ecy, fte in Him ^ *

•j'eyeBt' an each a vote ifbtdd ha.hinding.(Hi. •o one? Doea he not know, as

« know, that the l«gi«Iataw .of Virginia could thoefbre disre­gard tile wiafaes of wosmn in

tradscd tmk mi^ z ^ t thfaik-tug 'eoauMmHy«-- Loai(ipan ror;' •''' ~"

The Sjnmi-*: WMth ^

liam county that tjpefied last fifi iie carries-wHh W » hceaaeeTie


as early as usual. fluit.W&aaeoin-ingly cared for properly, and that now iooKS wea, is neverthe-lep" anf.t Tof 5 ^ 4 , " Tf this sh. .. ; : •;: ine CA^' . he .<?»> s, it is r&a.'*;:H *•- .•-,;.•"*•' :he aame m tru« eK*r«ht^rf rnAivir.p It essential that th ^ ^ar-r,p-« -1

loves his mother and not beeaoee he loves the word of God.

But in the thick of battle and the midat of death the soldier again finds tlie God of bis Moth­er Mo!ner« who prav wth

; f l , n g ' ^t i f j . - tw • f . r I r>.

uh- .flir

my Spoken by Anglic lipa?

g\ ^ toel~ll>e Powar of His love aad

Who knew Him not? Aad-ia. tke aa-cred waters of

Jocdan. did .1 net biqitise Wm at

Forertmner* Did I not feel wlthia

law and prophecy

- -^ • •MANASSAS FRID / 8, 1918


Private E. IT. Merrill, of Camp Ijt*, f€eefltly vi»it«4 fri«[}4» here. Mr. Merrili was the prin-cipal of the hifirh 8chool-h«re la«t. year and was weicemed by faia

•^ Misa ' Katae Uc«Rerille spfeirt the week-end with Miss Edith Laws.

Mia^ EtheL Holliday and Mr.

j^>ent the past week with tiz. m6 Mrs. J. W. Holliday.

JUiflfl Bloanor Smith spent Sat­urday at 'The Manse."

Misses Sue A. Brown and Elsie W. Dulin ^re spending the v^eek-end in Washington.

Mr. 0. R. Dennis has rented "Irland" fbr-the year of 1318.

"Keeoeyes" nlll probably noe write the Greenwich notes much longer, as he i s * ! Class 1, Divi­sion A, but he will continue to write each week until called to the colors,

the death of our old f r i e n d , ^ . Sussex Delaware Davis, which occurred in Baltimorev He was well known in our town and will be greatly missed by his many

MINNIEVILLE da} atteinoon at o y'clock. Miss May Leachman spent I -Miss Myrtle Merrill, oflnde-j Tuesday nig-ht at her home at

So many groundhogs were out perident Hill, vHjitMirt the homejiiristow t»a«« their shadows that It looks


like we were- just eatering an-|Cfintly other winter.

Pile hauling and s l e i ^ riding ^ ^ i ^ i ^ p i d e m i c ^ ^ " OorroBaV --,' -Ji**

A number of people were 4ii»-appointed not to have chuBch services Sunday. - Mr. George White, cif Alexan­dria, was a guest at the home of Mi>. and Mrs. C. E. CUrke Tues­day and Wednesday.

Miss Lucile Ciarke and Mr. D. C. Alexander visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E., Clarke' Monday.

Private John T. Glarke, of Camp Lee, Spent Sunday at ^is home here. His many friendis in the communtty expressed re­gret that h l s . ^ y among them was so shott.

Little Miss Bemice Davis,

of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Abel Ire-

Mr. Gordon Davis has return-

friends here. Messrs'. J. P.. CockeriUe and E.

W. Reid spent the week-end it Washington. , , . ^ . . ^ ,

which' them Lu rKLuiu to Camp Lee. was closed the latter part of last week on account of the heavy

Mr. and Mrs. E, A^ W t o ' haveKJcpnSiene jwri Wmdaor^Droune are spendkig the \rinter announced the engagement of andjIJessni. J. L. Hinton, W. / their daughter. SBss Ahiiie MT T>ane J s ^ ; Uwie, Jolffi^RpaSel Taylor, to Mr. C3arence Mone^ of Quantke. The weddiaf will take placaon the 20th. '

—Rev. J. R. Cooke, who haa b e a i " on the siclTKaFfbr the paKTweek, . has entirely recovered.

Mrs. Badger Smallwqod Mid Mrs. J."BriJ6oir&i~dS'WeW£k list

B m f j g Y •

Mrs. Lawlw i^turhed ' ^ o t o Fauquier county last week to

TRe winter at

Rev. H. Q> Buw ailod hia^p^g^ ular appointment at the Ketho-dist Church here Sunday after-Bww at S o'fiuelL T-.l^ fltf!!^ was weB stteMled.'

Goldie, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. Irfifi Tnl'.iitd^fr

pneumonia, but la imjH-ov ing, according to a letter receiv­ed here by Mrs. Davis' slater, Mrs. J. L. Hinton.

Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Clarke, l o s se s Octe Greene and Lucile Clarke accompaivied Private John T. Clarke SMday evening; to Woodlsndge, where he left

ed to his home. provintT: FRECKLES:

"GAINESVILLE Mr. John M. Piercy visited in

Fredericksburg last W£^. Mr. Wallace Kercy, of Camp

Meade', Md., who has been quite sick at his mother's home in Fredericksburg, is much better and has returned to his duties at the camp. i

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wood and Mr. Palmer Smith Were Manas­sas visitors on Monday.

l^r- Clarence R. Painter is vis­iting relatives in and Philadelphia.

Mr. Robert H. Florance is able to be out again after his recent illn^ui^

Mr. W. Norman Sinclair is im-

Misses Mae Walter and AJabel Pence apeiit the week-end in Washington, attending_the Billy

His hand is ioi-^unday meetings.

daughter of Mrs. Blanche Davis, of Pennsylvania, has been quite proving, after having a very sore ill of pneumonisi, but is imMt>v-* arm for the past few weeks. ^

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clafke had as their guests on Sunda^vMr. and Mrs. P. E. Clarke, wtuses

past Private Mack Davis, of Camp

McClellan, Anniston, Ala., who h«8 been the guest of his Ikther, Mr. John Davis, the past two weeka, left Tuesday to retam to camp; -

tl Effectiveness or meifectiveness depends altogether upon the pur-

W ^ i n g t m i t * * ' ^ ^ * ^ oTpurify, and propw and improper compounding of drugsi We see no reason AM be-Keve thtt the failure of any drugs or imy combination <^ drugs when we fill the prescripr IMUt lor the veJy simple reason

BROAD RUN Xieut.'l'Ved^^^giwH^ who is

stationed at Camp Custer, has been visiting his family here.[HAYBIARKET.

ljars..,Dwune and the Miflses


- > . ,, —.,,, „ i . / j -I --».-. w-arles mile left Wedhes-riarence Bailey, Willie Wmdaor;* day for Washington and New D. G. Alexander an i - (a*r le8 York, where she iriU spend a few Bafley.


Mrs. Horace DeVau^h J s ^ ^ ^ - ^ , _ . - _ , „ _ ^ t _ visifang ixTWaahiiagtiMf a n d T M - l ^ ^ "timore. Her sistw, Mnr. W e ^ awMtlng^^M^to chel, is ill in Baltimore.

> Miss Fead Baber, ef Stafford,' sp«nt the . week-end hen with Misa Arztdlah Dunn.

Mra. WiUitai. E. King and her sIsleT, M I M Aftullah l>imn7

t ; Friday at the home of EZZZi'""—^•""—T- — - -

JkaoBg those who «ttendad|BMBag rfrfterj)!! Mitamay. the box soddifdi at were Miaaea Etta Tfcpaeott and

B«Uehaven and Gertie

«en<m sad Lertar AaiaaottL-

urday nightiid^ wjKr b^rted $un-day iu tUtt gnivcytrtl it i^oA-ley Ghurfth. -

Charles Armentroat, l E e ^

^ weidc-


Ml!8. "tunied

^nniam E. Kin« haa re­in W«sh-

extatded v i i ^ inigtcm, after ftn to htf mother. Dunn.

Rev. C. W. Beard will hoy sei[-victo at FwK»t Bill Church Sun-'

daya_bgfore g(«(g to her home in San Francisco. — :—^ - Maj<Mr~ ESdward, P , Beye^l^y

visited his home last week. Mar jor Beverley is now atajtioned at

Miss Sue Ri^wneV is yiaiting friends in Washington.

Cassiiis aiid Henry Didany have entjered the'Manassas High School. ^ ^

Mr. and Mffl.' P. M. Waller l ^ t for Kanaaar en Saturday. ^

'"{ C. Dulany ,waa''»

Mra. F. P. Dix>uiie, Mra. Diaoawi^, Mrs. Eklward P. etjgy.Jllutf Audrey Mae!

^(re. W. ^ . Bhode^ 3 ^ is in TCn»»>»y»t<-y HosPftal, Wj^iny. ton» hopn


e.» is m^ro\ 'to retoni to hiear.

Washington, spent end^ with hl^ parwits, Mr. Mrs. R. P. Aijmentrout. ~ ~

Mrs. Steveita and IS^ ESiaa Woodyard went to Washington Saturday to hear Silly Simday andTetnrneU to MayuuaaacartHe: following M<mday.

Mrs. H. A. ^Shbemidcer .haa been on the sidk list. . V, -^ ~

Who6pmg-«wg^~i8 pasivaleirtL i« this n«ghboriH>wL- ^ "" —

Mr. G. B. Sho«naker ami Mc Bean attended a nwriaon picture show at BrentsvUte Satorday evening.

Miss Ruth Bibb viirited loioe-aiinf, Mr« VJfjrf^

Mr. Owen Do«e was a gaeai at the home of Mr. R. P. Amfttt-trout .Sunday;—SKjOfWEDt^.

w«*p«W"i mUSm^,


The older residenta of the community say t i t» aopir ia' the deepest seen here in mneteen years. c ,

Miss EMna Calveit ia viaillug


f Wchad in atoek the first of tMa year twenty-five hUHdredfauabeteof <ayaM»rdgrajjeBeed. pHiMag<ta

"Vaiaetf wiuim a Factni« of t h r u mil6« «r '"^'^

Mr. CJeil F^tz^^ter was itor.. ^

Mr. A. Armstrong h*8 sick at his home here.

Mr. A. R. Wilkihs was a nassas visitor Wednesday.

a re-




that we use only the purest and the highest powere4«d^fi^ ^''^^ eniploy every knowledge and ad-vantoge of training and safety meithods in their compounding. If these things mean anything to you, thfey will mean that herei^-^ ter we win fin ybttr prescrtpUoiis.

FHARMACT Hayiaarkei,. Ya. .


For U. S. Government, Ordnance Depot Construction Work

HIGHEST WAGES PAID Time and One-Half Paid for Orert iaM after 6 Houf* ~~ E x c d l e a t Board and Sleeping AccoauitMKlaUons



Snuth, Hauser and Maclsaac, Inc. ' Gty ^midoymeiit Office

W4-E Pratt St, BaWmorerMifc Or Ciiilis Bay Md

Flfffna, Via., and on the faetter and,dleaaeatM^t fanos ^ thia aed^m..-


7 We could today aeU this wlurfe lot of orchard grass. M three dollars per' buahd i e wholeaale' dealov in Baltimore, Marytand, or LooiitviUa, Koi-•ra.fcy, «w SPnfr OAStt »T<»»pt fAf til* fmirt thmt

" <!g|iiueuta of'gijtog aeeC to the above pctets are embargoed by the Railway Company. t Tkcrefucw* are now offering thte-OKCHABD GfcOSIg-reUM, la aky ^HiMitity, a t T W t T P O i y LABS ANAI HKVKN'nf.yiVK. CKNIH W a t f BDSHEL-^mhJcct to c h a i m «f prlti wlthiMrt • • t k c and TERMS SPQT CASH ONLY. At

her Liucle and aunt; ICr. and Mrar Aifonto Calvert, of Agjuewrille.

The Mrssesl{i^Ti8ltadBa.tfaeic4^ guests on Monday' aftemooBr Misses Eleanor tM Edith Hoop­er and Messrs. B^nie Reid Mid Wilson Merchant. Ice cream and cake were served.

Misses. Bfyrtle Johasoa and Emily Graffam escaped injury Monday afternoon w h « the bug­gy in which tll*y were chiying ran against a.porch where they were to alight Little damage was done to the vehide.

Mr. and Mrs. Williams visited at Uie home of _Mr." wuiiami^ mother at HoadTey Thoraday.

Mr: and Mrs. Warfidd Brawn-er visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. BrawTier's sister, MrsJCiag.

Mr. William Austin, whp re-centiy returned from a WaslH ington hospital, has returned to the iiQspitaL _

Mr. Ernest Reid haa moved his mill to Accotink. wh<>re he will t>*> einph -ed by The government.

f H yod heed Orchard Crasa aow ia ypur oppe|'» iunity toiwy at Ha iuatjkBjt"wdqer-

^ b ^ - e o € H l ^ A N , T H E P I A I N ^ Y A .



.Mr r **'

' •' .Mmnii-tne sruesu

Annie Cline and Mrs. U'id -^ re the guests of

- ; - - ,1 - -^ " f lv inK' ' t n p .

>. (J r e M;-.- »


X fi^m X ^9

e have enUsted m tiie United States Fb6d Administration and in doing so we pledge ourselves to give our' <ms-

~%Qmi&rs the benefit of fair and mod-^ rate prices, selling at no mcnre than a reasonable profit above cost to us*

us a call and be convinced^ -

MADDOX & BYRD Member of United States Food Adminbtra


- ^ ^




"vil^tlTl"'« c c t h ^ ft FREK niC M





UKmw^^fs A iETFBR Fj o» FRANCE

oiJuT XT a


htiiiilliwi?^ TIafs to

T n ? ^ a y to make two blades of grass grow where one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag­nesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twHnty-five years, and out produced them afl, and the reason for it is because it con­tains Magnesium and Oxide <rf Iron in right proportion to Cal- twentv veara old ciura Carbonate, and the U n i t e d j ; ' : ^ ^ J®*^*,*^^ States Agricultural Department

DniYersb ot Virpia Hea4 air KiMc SdU^ 8|irtMa of

- Vinrtatii

(Mlcffft, GradoBtc, Law, M«ll-» cine, Enfineering . >

LOAIi FUNDS AT4ILABLS to deserving ttadeata. $10.00 covmn all eorts to Virginia stadents ip .UM Awdmife' PegM-faBenti. 8tfaA-'4at-



-:- .l^^^ll-

Hiftriftt CMMMMlrHMiKS; {Mfcc


Always fnmi 165 tcl §00 fe

ioar W » V | rortciPa. fl ' JOC rvlf iDia

TAKE N a n c E S i ^ N I N S T A T R Last message of Soldier jo His

FARMS FOR I AEE 3-room nouse, anudl orchard,

Confederate E

m Year Bool: I W i ; p ^ l f f T —came -Rr l«chmona-and after «»*ir<^with a lighi, h(!iu-t Aid a states that Magnesium u abii<K lately necessary to ^lant growth and nothing else win tiUte ite place. ^Qd orders to Comwell

two weeks qiade up the money— | 5 0 ( ^ t o mak^ a bAHo n ascen­sion. The oldest citiien said on

Supply Co., Manassas, Va.; A. S. the day he was to go up that RobertsMi,; WeB^}gt«B, Va.; U^ there never had beat one in Rcdlins, Bnstow, Va., or dinet to as and same will have pr^inpt at­tention.

Leesburg Ume Co.; loc. B. V. WHITE. M«iiai«r


Cnaeriente In Veteran Writes


of IT:

^ The last letter of Ueut. Edwin i f c ^ n S ^ r * ' * ! ^ in aCttffl isi i l^tS^**^'' 10,1917: .

France, G6od Friday, ~ April 6. 1917

Dearest Mother and Father: We are going U|f td an attack

Mr. Editor: Will you-give an old Confederate spa<^ in your highly appreciated paper if> give an account of the first balloon seen iij Virginiar:lt was tu R i c h ^ •short-time, amUam gotnrto^ mond in September, 1858. I was living in that city and was just

A nun from the North—New York, I think.

Richmond before. I was a salesman at the time in

a large wholesAle and retail dry-goods boose up on Broad street, a- new venture, a^^ivcJunood was then but a (we-horse town. T^e R. F. & F: rallwaY r a n t o w n Broad street to 8th and there had be«i nothing in thit street but sRudl estafaSishmeiits''unin Crenshaw, Qtuuies 4k C6. opened up. on Broad between 3rd and ;4th. Thwe were twelve of us in tkfl houwimd the irtA said half of us couJ4 go to see the balkxn.

The ascension was. to be at the ^ fairgcaunds, onejnne'west of Hj lar,

IbrU^ Grsflii «il1J

the capitpl.^ Wo c|»|^lot8 as. to who should go andi of course, I drew a bl^n]^ i ^ had to stuy in t h e ^ n r l I had subscribed fifty rcentoto Qie 9>50O and all wSo belped to ~i|u»e the (kM) had tick etsT^hich e«rried them throuch <%» S^te/for hatf of tho pike of adinjisaion, tl^e adnussitm fe^ be-ffigftf^rftnti

>aB9> , x j

- :_^a:^*sl»naki^w»l OMKteJibout ^ ^ * ? _ g , ^ y friends.^ 2 p. ;«r I Mar hBBi 8«B|&^Aafcf o^^ the c i i j , « i b e r i sp^dc'in the

_-UlEkCTO*B— o. I., • c o r n , .. jKB.MAjnow. •.8.w&Knxt». •' j.9rsttrm. WATU-aOBKHTS. B.Mltt.ja'


Th« patriotic duty ot^mnerarad

crop md food pr«dactioo.- tetea-aive fanning and atrdtadag, and ttinlltitirtl iMnnflai laliwi.lwaiiiaii wMi pdopor to tukw of csopo, ao aa to Increaae and IIBIMQ^ tlw Cer-. -tfiitr and pmdnrtls' imaaa -at-tiia^ bud, .are aU vital.and tMceaa^ry cooaMMBtiotw at tlia prnara jjIaM

Wpo^'s Deacriptiv* CaMog For inialvvatb^iiUkst atid aaoat


Ftrm and GardeD SttSs }Ami tttlm about tba baa> cropa <fr •row, both for profitand bone

JUita-f— Oatalaj aai frtiaa a«-3&M»>nd QoviBr S>edi .gs<4

PoCaioM. S M d Oate. oniBsr Parra Se«& Reqtdred.




Geo. D. Baker Undertaker—

•adBarvc*, • ^ Oaitaesuu


Having detonnined to devote our irhois time to the Real Estate

fymuafiee to>ti|eM> geAerftir h7 Miidt^aB Vi^ffirtj leg uik and reqayt thoae havtejr prop-ertjr to Brt IJie same witn oa prnnptly.


leave this note, to btf sent to you, in case, by God's will, this is to ba my final wo^k.

I have mai&rmy coDtmt^on, liuaic

determination to do all that I possiWy can to help in this fight against eyil for God-andbu-manity.

I ^0 not think of death or ex­pert it, but I am not afraid of it and will give my life fi adly if it is asked.

It is my greatest comfort that I Jcnov ^ u » too,.«dU gladly give all that is a s k ^ and live on bap-jitty doing aU i^at cioi be don«,-grateful to God for his'ace^t-mce of our sacrifice.

-Tt)day- the -news- earae to us here tBat the United Statea had joined the Allies, so I go with the happy eonseiousness that I am and you arc fighting for our dear fi^ as thousand^ of -Anaericaiis h i t ^ before lia in the iause- of

47a, Rrooai hooae, Mcfaard, MA, hay YmxK, |1,000. fiOa, S-foom beaaa, barn, oatbiiihMBga,

orchard, riTar-bottom, 5 oow* and Sbeifara, IS.7M.

163a, amall hoaae, auaaral raacnrad, $1,200. _ ^

100a, l-room booaa^ orclkiurd, goo^ boUom land, |1,600.

104a, tt^room boM«, ootbuiidinta, •1,760.

204a,' e-FDon bofQsa, oatboitfinca, t8.W. ' -

•OOa, 7-rooia booaa, larga bant, or-

It may be a ccmfort to you to kn6W~thafT have a 83«at^ cwnS-pany of comrades, m»i and o ^

imtgA- ^^^'' '^'^K^W*"^'^•yf"T"^. jci^tem^ Sc^yaUi^ •# i- he was

artond, test he shooll

siinscft the current turned and SIH/U l i e WCUL tTu* w l 0 1 111»« :;.

i In tho jneantiine a thamder-storm came up and that mgU; h^ landed u a^laz^ jpiae ^]iirih~lL forest about fifteen miles 'up in Ssnoverv eouBty, « i a r Ashland; droieliinK w«4.aii4 <3BM)^ tf«i^ having beei well pdtad w ^ hail. 1 ^ - — •'•:' '- •

lattd a woqn ii rfal examjd^ a n d ^ r^-^ SQ^tio^ qf ooorag^ and onsel-TB^^J

gtta Om

The tree was cut down next day. and his fine •machine, very mudi injured,^ was iHought to Ri^unpnd fmr-rtqiairs. We sold qvdte a k>t of fineailk to repair it. tTJie old silk was cut iip in

t» dad tmMj ^Mi moi'^W^ •***^ ^^ " ^ *** ' ? ' mt± bast

€ . J A M B E T Z B A O D . Oppw Ky. 8t*tta»—

Aadticenacdfalbllliiir L ^ A v « . , i u i Cocimocac. U M I M M . Vi.

ProfBpt attaatioo ffueo •II orders Pno« • • low u gDndMmre uxl maiM-ial 'ill jni-tfiT. METAUC CASKETS CARRIED IK SrfOCK

If you reaUy want the N E W S of the county Th« journal will g ive it tn yi->'; '"•[-•r - •a-r'oi< for*a year f r>r T~.t ^f^siar, m advan'^p

Efff»MKl Battflr~- fof tke large cotton plantov had his whole lorce J i the fWd. thfe-

I^.Q^Jbztst-hsteds with an over-artr an lU^Jwiifc igdingf them. -Obe was a.poor, (rid man


Vsriooa sizes priced Irosa 85 cents up

Send for catalogue and partic-olars. Metal Carriers will last for years—no breakage. No wni>ping or labelling necessary

Ha^&MAtmco. t i Z B T 31. and I2I4-I8TJ;a.. 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, . .

t/eA cests each as~ soctvenljrs. They fwind ready sate; I wish T had mine now.

He left Richmond and Soutli to o ta« iAptMe;


an ascynslon at C<riumbia. S. C

eehi, aH filled with detenninatlon and cheerful courage. ~My deafest love to Sue and

Howard and their children; Mar gie and Billy. My heart is fu& of Icratitade tor having such love a s ^ y have giveta me. My dear-

You havii \ 2 O T ^ tttiiaK;

me my .faHli

•Air m y love «pd Q94,^e88 you botfa. Your son, Bdwiit:


N c | M AnrestAd l i far l ively Cluwe.

Fox chasea have been in vogue Tierw alt^th^ jgiirtMc»_jMit coiunasity exper^need ^ new kind of chase" the other day in the ftwin^of a Wooif ehase^ wbea Mr. I^«niey W o ^ had an ai>. coontiM^ witi) a negro, t l i t u ^ i i Gregg, who failed to regfi^^ promptly a i^ who ignored ' questionnaire. Mr. Wotdf ar-n ^ a d him, and when he went to

7 acres »375.

9^ u i in , 9-riKim liouie', Mi orchard, •eOO.

14 «cr«a, i-ro«m boua«, orchard, fflOO. j 10 acrea, K-room booaa, orchard, f760.


ohard, |3,o0a. 210H, large dweiliiit;.'i, orchard,


60 acres in aod, $7,600. 200a, dairy farm, 7-r«oin boose, iargti

ban, opebard, lOOa in aod, |«,ut)0. Cat«ljg»._

% Have you ever had oar prices on JOB WOM^ ? in these dajra i t i a s d i j b know in advaaec botk the qoalitjr and the ttatiAA THE JOUBNi^' _

s > ^FPBBflBI

G>riiweU Supply MANASSAS

Sdl die ChamiMcm Oeibi Saver

ALMOST any, wparatnr wffl do fairiv good woxfc whan ifcJa^ brand now, perfectly adjnatad and skimminc warm tmk

4-imn fraabanad -cows. Bat a aepanfm- cant always ba new, eoWs eanft aiwmya b»

freab, nor can yon always sapanita your milk whil« it is at 85 or M d^yreaa. bi otbar w«rai,'y6ar MpsrathiKis done itedSr practical cMtditSeiu, and tba senude tbiac to .da^ to gat a p n » - . tieal aaparator. i - '' ,

T h e N E W B e Lanral ift tfa^ n x M t jMi^agUcBj •ap<ur»toiryou c a t t bti^y

w . ^ , . ^ «•«-*< > iy i^f^T-ntn/rtut jna aaii ilwiinil npiiii In aHi i vndar anr ana all condittena of nQk and toBoparstaM, «ad

"ivar BrwBl fiJUtyfitm thidniesa, — '-" rlf jr«w ir«at.t« owB-a sapsraur tbat wur4*

Ita wwk b«ttOT tlua M F •tbac, sad d» » vttlMat MMtaat tlnk«rlac aad aSfn tt«r1^-)aWBe bnrfk-anr-i

tills i»itiwnat >•• siw^i ?%£ rf tte mti^ faayrore—ati la tke KBW Q*

year- <• >v c«w ewntr, UM- tww***^ inaale . BsUe •IHnc lyttMn aad Oe aaar • • N r la*^

ICBU f osed In •« tfcer Bake tt


m cottep-tacteng seawo. "Pro

who had lost a leg. hi blissf ui ignoranec of the eam-ing excitement who^ th6 Aadew of the man m "the air cAme ovw them. One old woman roDed her eyes upward and riioated; "JeMS is coming." .Overaacr and J A took to their heda for dear Ufe. The one-leued man had to stand 1 ^ groond and it so happened »T»ef t » f haflftftii <•*»». wf th in ton

yards of him. The airniaa wwe a littie irtiite c a p S ^ t on Ids rad head. His hidr hong down mud large, daric gogglea were strap-pedto his eyes. —— .

The negro had aever'seen any-ibi&g like it bef oca. Thaold W -man had said that '^esus is com­ing" and so when the stranger was near him, he fell on his knee and critA out in an aaxioas tone, "Howdy, Mars' Jesus. How (fid you leave your pa?".

Three months lat#r the bal-jloon made its last asoension. in

.» .-.r ^u^r --oJmodttieaP^**"***' ""^ ^^^ '^'^ .*'^' '"***-nsf^rre^ 7 -lejv-fTM. T. C. ANDERSON.

Manassas Transfer Co., W S. A THEY, Propr.rtor.

p u t ^ ^ l^deo i fa on him the gro struck him a severe blow ia' the face, causing H s neee- to Meed^JWhile he vrats recovering ma presCTce of nand, Crfegg ^ ^ maidnir a dadbffor Kbcirty. H e foMaiired Art resid<ntial portiop of the Vffiage, thence over fidkm

Mr. C. W; lUtahire and Bfr. CSban «»-natei Mr. Woolf hi tlie efaaaik. ARer an «&wsiay»J6»gLQiiie th«gr proctired hones from |fr. Robt. Ludtts, ST. T h e n ^ r o w a s fina^y captlB«d aboat f o w miles from town near the residence of Hi»..JSda Pteeh.. Bat for tte faSara of Mr. Wa^Ts g in to respond to his tooehr there imuld have becM flowers and music it ThBtBtooi'a- hcHne;^ Mr^: Wo(^


toik the ^naoner to Warrcnton iMSt that afterBool—Uppervffle correapoBdcinee to the Wai i i iUiu TiSMS. '

Accordtef to a^epc^ by the AsMiicui conaol at GcBsva* Swiss tivestock qaotatiotfs nsar the end of 1917 were: Oxen, each f2S«; bdUa, flTO; cows, $260; calves, 1180; young pics, i l 4 ; sheep. 114; fat ho | s , pec pound, 3S centi.

amitnr» und The entire wheat crop in

France has been reqmsitionad by the French government.

• I B

When you tbisk (^porebasmg a watch, a rii^, a sevf or bfoodi imi, <H* other jewelry, remember we can (foppty your wants, llott anythior 'i Ik^

^Mitrag goods line-frUl be iocmd neie^ at IB cttractiye price.'

ffack I c fn i asi Robf « OMNI


Henry K. Field & G>^ L f n b ( » ^ / S I H ^ , U t b , Dom^s, Sash.

Kindt and Building Material OF AlO. K I N D S .

E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D . Offlw: N'T. llr N. Union Street. Pactorr No. Ill .V Lee Str^t. ALEXANDRIA, VA




a former

«as4o the property south of ^w

—Mr. A. B. Davis, resident of. Manasaaa, has Joeen ill of pneumonia at hia home in QarendoO. He is aaid to'be re-coverins-

— The Manaiwa^ Graded school f reijcht con^stion, snow and bad cloeed yesterday by order of the weather greneraily has prevented

moyed fH|HK=»efaod board, in-im effort to pre- their^jeinjr deliveied. Nothing the Nutt bun^^ow near Manas* vent an eiHdemic of measles i|i definite aa to when oil will be r»-

—Capt. J. P. Leachman, of the Home Guards, has announced a ^ . j ^ , -^ ^ ^^^ -^^^^^ meeting tomorrow at 7:50 p m ^ ^ ^ and wiU be at the at FABtfim rymnaiyiTn in"tf«n. g^ , <rf--Wgke8vm« jomorrOTr of the Town Hall.

—Rev. Roacoe M Mea49)v^

the community, 'and the three ceived can be learned by the m r-

day will laat until Itmday, Feb- ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW ruary 18. ' •

I MIM Susie Adams, of Wash-—Jncome Tax Deputy CoUec-; jngton, has been the guest of her

\xx T. E. Hudson has been in Ma : brother-in-lalv and sister, Mr. nassaa at the New Prince WU- ^nd Mrs. W. P. Larldn. hear Wd-liam yesterday and today to give lington


LiUian Walker in.


r!- ^^^^


privilege to withhold such pay-

Private John L. Hynson, Sup­ply Company, 318th- Infantry, -

Taxpayers are advised of their I C y ? P - ^ ^ spent se veral days this week with his parents, Mr.

pastor of the Baptist churches at ment until June '15, but are urged *"^ *^"- ^- S- Hynson. Hamilton, Watwford and Round \ on patriotic grounds to make the Hill, Loudoun county,"has re­signed to accept ^commission as chaplain in the United States Navy.'

--Miss San^Frances Mauck and Mr. Vemie Carter, both of 1 norougniare, were qui<;u7 xuar-ried Wednesday mondng at the parsonage of fkAnart - United |it is expected that the examina-Brethren Church by Rev. L. C. tion will proceed in accordance

payment immediately.

— The physical examiiiation of registered men in the first class, which was to have begun after all q,ue8ti<»inaire8 had been sulHnitted, has been deferred un­til further ordCT» are received through the Adjutant General.

—CoL E. B. White, of Lou­doun county, federal food admin­istrator for Virginia, has an-aounced hie deciaion td become a candidate forjooofress £n>m Uie eighth oongressiaiial distrki, anhjA<>t tn tfta /jopvKratic pri-mary in the summer.

with original plans in a few days, when tile Adjutant G«ieral will be in receipt of certain changes in the regulations ojncerning ex-juninatimis.

—On Saturdky night, Januaiy 26th, «t a hegro dance about two ^A miA.h*tf m i k f a h n w AB?ii««-

' ville (Rappahannock county) (Hi A _-.*!.- .uK..». ^^,,„«jTA*fa«hotN.l*: Anderson, Sam, —^Ainoog the fxaaex% ordered, j » v nr j i l^uJl

^ J i_ rOT 1.J »-- T> r> •* lEd and Rob Wood, colore<^ shpt t»duty in Waahington, D..XL,i&i j vi irj i^r^^-zir^ '^^ Natie^irAnny, who h«» b^t^'^^'^'agton; a^r-«*Sr^r^SEo aaiigned to the Adjutant Gen­eral's (rfBce. Lieut, Pine is a grandaen of Mrs, Pine, jpf Ma­nassas, ind tiw Ikate A. l. Fkte.

—Mr. L. l fedman. _4efHity cfacic, has ntnrsed frMi Ifeab-ace, where be atteadid th4 fupe.' ^\ nf hi* if rf«>, Ml* BSm K0Sa,^AUA ^MM»ay UK* wagr i>een repetSglnrjiranwaaa Two lias been fDi^^KnI^f<»' smhe time. She ia aarvivad 1^ hwr Sosbasd, Mr. Walter NtJH, and <MDpe child."^ , •• • :Jc~r ":-'"r—;--

—Oden.Jfoeeda left Monday

is a membw of theJtcgr^ com club and won the Blackabucg scholarship offered by the Ma-

worked ioT F. M. T«n>. The three negroes'made thdr escape butlsere cultured Tuesday by tbe sheriff of Rappahannock county above Flint Qi& andJand-ed in jail.awaitang trial tor mur-davT--f BUqtpar IJeBHxnwt.

—"Sondsy night mgww" hw<»

i Ijadies-w^ five At town • not far-from, l^e business district have returned from church two Sun­day-evenings in rei ent we pks to

tered in their ahseoee. (tee of evening to attend the. farn«ra'| the ladieft-iMttras as that^otiii-«hort.gniafe:at MaJBkaburg.

th^. are awyie, bat that thc^ fotmd ami^ evidenee of a thor­ough investigation of the h(»ne.

tional Bank fl€ Manassas for the injr this reiBoii the.UM|iea sus-best and cheapest yield of com, pect that the intrudes were ip IIu piwliuiml KWlmiHnls ul Li>ich ot inon^, not tetliz^ o m . [that the ladies are wisdenouj^

—Members ^4 the AxictitHt t<ibjow that Maoassas pMsesseik Bridge Club are giving a bridge t w ^aak& whkh affor i imrtee^ party this 6V|»iAg at the New,<^*«^.***"»**l'»rtMdiyiailaM^ Prince TR liam Hptid for the ben-J *«•«-efit of theR«d Cnwa. Mrf. H. W. _'rhe cddttated gitotding ark Rosser, propriety' of the ho te l . ' (^ ^ gg disposed of Wednesday hag pfferai the awft nf thff hntri jp t^e eiieuit cuuft of Fairfir dining room, vA tfw ^ m ^ k » co^ty. Judge J. B. T. lliomton fees will be tamed over to tie'pre^dinj,^ ^jje^ Edward Heath. ^ •001 fund df the Red G XMS.

sr., Jos. Heatii, Jas. Davis and

county, win be awarded tte of gwHy of conducting gMafaii^ this ci seat in l£e contested ekcti«ij*«* sentenced by the coori to brought hy Mr. fi. A. iSinriMr, m- " " ^ ^^^. °«>nths each in jafl cording to advkes tnm Rkb-' and pay fines «f |M0 iach. The

Rev. George W. Crabtree, of Catlett, was a guest at th^ home of Mr. W. J. Aahby last week. He was accompanied home- by Miss Lilla Ashby and Mr. Worth Storke. who spent Sunday aijfiiu. Pr«biree's home in Catlett. ,'

-'^SSr.'ajia WW. Robert Htltwr Evans, of Baltimore, and their little daughter, Dorothy Vir­ginia, have been visiting Mrs. Evans* mother, Mrs. Winifred Smnes; aiid MfrEvtaA' tf^€Bts; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Evans. '

Lieut. Percy S. Haydon, who has been in Fort Leavmworth, JLUIS^ araised.Wediifflday after­noon t^ spend >aome time here with hio paiwata, Mr. an^ Ifeer W. H. Haydon. kMB been ill in R a t months.

Lieut. Haydon the hospital at

-far .MBsaral

Mr. W. M, a Dodge, of Hay-market, and his young son, w « ^ Manassas visitcMs yesterday.

Private W- Marshall Haydon, 23rd Engiaeera, who ia. in oonp aJTBelvoir, Fairfax coi9i^,jijfieht the wedc-ad witiMiis parents, Mr. SMI M«a. W . g. Haydaa, near


Buss YietoAne ri icoiy ex- |vaah~ ington, was the week-end truest jof Miss Marion l^utks, at.tiiejri BBcbjrjfe—7—

% -


CpBUuttef Made:-cDr.

ik^ ^ nrtrt St«Bp&

A m^tin^ of the Manassas uhapier ul • the Americaa "iEeS Gross was held at the Town HaU Monday evening, Chairman G«o> •G.-Tyler yreaiding.—The ati ance wiui qpiall op aceoimt of the extremely eotd weaker. Thei meeting opened with ';;America'' ahd the iavocatioo was offeneil by Rev. Bamett Qri'««i«»Y, T^^ minutes were read by ^le tary, Misa l^uy Lariijn, and t^-proved.

Mayor W. C. Wagener made &

iSan rdkf ludld Mrs. T. B. Haiaea reported for Miss RiXf , knit-

lUatt supewHwr, three ahipqie«t»

SATURDAY Olive Thomas

. . in . , "MADCAP S^ADGE"

Most Unruly Minx Ever Cao^U by Camera

—-^TUESDAY -Jack Gardnor

. . in . . 'THE RANGE BO^"

A lled-BkMKled Photo D n n a of Western IMf


Robert Warwick . : . . in . .

"SILENT MASTERS I'm and Fifteen Cmte

Be Sore to See this One




. . in. . ~~'. "THE ROSARY^

As Good as Any


The January rpU of Konor for GM tLidgm SA»A, -teacher, foUvws

NtunhH- of pupfla enrpOad, 90. •' Average d a ^ attendsnee, 2A.27. Jeaaie Elli«>tt.^L»imi Wright. RtjMt

is that a laan shall be Judged by his efficimcy, by what he accomplishes, and aaA hy what he claims he can do. Not abrays itOL nsoally.liis accoBtpDsh is jadged by the care lie ases in serviag his income, his acciuaalaUoii. Tlib l ank cordially welcoaes accotnto of twm—t BUB, MOH who realize they eooU aoeeiapliah wmn if tbay only hadaatait.

Ilie Piioples National ^ a n k :i , .OF.MANASSAS, V A ^ ^

Our Sogul t : > 1 t ia a pleasure to'Serve you."


£arhai;t,iLac{]« Hortoio, C^aad ffiUeott, LMI Leaman, Myrriti Potter, Kdward Potter, Jesse Eariiait, Brawn Bnida, llsbel Barbae,. EUzabeth Wrigiit, Jielen CkHrnwrii, Reaqr JSmaaa, SaaetQ BarbM, Sobert Brom, I t e o a s Pot-t«r, Vemoa CennMU^rXaMoiM J&nia, and Waiter Tirfwm. '

Ttese TreBcnt'evarr ^ 7 .WW* Ma­bel BaiJMe, Lorile HvtOB, Oaod SU-«ka.^ailCT^BrB^*a. lMw«a VOft^]

Prof. Lucas has* smarted drill-iagliis students in military tac-lnoiasical treat at venters recent-tiba. Mr. J. Hid Rams^, a for-mer rtadent who is aow a'jnem-her. <it the National .Army at Camp Leii, says he owes a great cUal to the inilitary training re-oaved at Eastern. He was nade a coipoFti a short time ago.

TiN^ asw^atttdeirts hif^ enter*

liam Cottle, pfFagretteville, W, yan and Mi^.l'kiiiip.xitPenn^k

ThomAs Potter, B M J 'Ww&ti^BiSBtftty'^*^*' Wri(^it aad Dane; Wr^clit.

Btoagh'g arnf.

A purty was givm in Voor-hees S>D Statorday evening; Hke featores werev danring . and a For-Sale ^ Twa mares; one S

S I 1 " 1 L R l & t r « » ^ ^ 1 ' * ° ' ° * * * '^^™*' inctadin^ Cad-lhave, ao-far invested^fH2.50 ft '* *'mf. " 1 385 i*eaet<raaiA«gewte-hqdMM* wing> War Sayings stamps. • '_

sn* dancing and tableaux. -

Prof. La^rove, Prof. Mosnn' and Prof. .Mufilberger' gttye a



ly, rendering sdections f<Hr two TfoBas-andjaano.

The. Friday siji^t Jeffersoniao Liters S o « [ ^ program ifrill consist'of each men l)er telliQg the aad, sw;eet story of his life. Bverytme will sit arotmd the fire, eat a^ies andpopcom and gen-

ed siaee thfi-lM^diys Mrl ^HK endly iBwe-a stecy-tefling t&ne. The yoang ladies are gtang to

givrh'tfolrmlal pafjyaooaDL-: 7«e iwd»Ui«& team48£tiorliI

8oiakm(m tr^ Wet&ie day nMir% ing.

DUtiMeut members <rf Eaaton

of knitted goods aggregatog fif-momfc-ihH WUi he the report > ° t e » « and fine was the lowest j ^ ^ ^ ^ „ ^ ^.ttoTforty sweat-of the Houat u>muuttBe uu |H1V- aBewed uadtr the law. Two wf! - A^I^ ^i^l* -^.^Lri-: . . ^ "ers^ ^iree pairs <rf wrirtleta, 900 ileges and etecUoiia today, UieTe-' ; * * ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ^ T a m r t a i i«r¥v^^ragg»ah^^ port having hem pteijared H»y-y-^aaa c t w o t xumtBy pBaqea.|^ ^^^ iadiee of Manasaas. Gat-ChainaanJCfejatBoaaofce. l«aiHy to playing.thf game and

fwere fined |10U each and dis- Lhaipu, ueco^nHa aad W^S-a ^xuu eaca ana on- -i^^an

—Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Lqia-'diarged. The gamUing a r k . t ^ ^ * j _* o ,v,K -f n,4^o-r . » — . • W ^ ' ^ T L ^ * « » « » « « * « » •*»,r Announcemmt waa made of ? T h 1 5 ^ 5 ^ ' ncmOrr^ whkh was ratded-Jammry 20, ^^^ appointments of the execa-

f ^ *^^*"« f** " *'"** ^^'^ » ! ^ : r H ^ ^ . J i ^ ^ o f sur-Lipscomb, m France. Mr. Lipa- eooaty. I i • . . , .^_ !; L , c^bwhatedaaaflekliieikaiidi ^ L««^ d r « « ^ ^ J < ^ . G. T- Lyon, is now at Geoerar Pershin^i' T"*^ *»*??^¥Lto «»1 oU is cEajrman-^rWwmmittee « hea&aafter« in France. His **™« aenooaly fWt throughout mihtary rehef. and Mr^ C. M. wife, who WM fomieriy Miaa *>»? « « ^ ^ " ^ « « y **»Vl« • » ^ ^ • ^ ' [ ^ ' • ^ ^ Wri^it, of IMstMr m maMiag^''*^^^"*^^ ^^ l i^to at B i^t , P. Smith, treasurer of the cb^i-her hon»€,iB--Waahliitoii. i"»^ **•** * ^ **> diacontiBae the t«sr sehoel eommittee, of which

' 'use of oilstogesrsi^ta the Fair-^Mrs. C. R. C. Johnson is chair-. —William HmryHiBter, a na- fax^erald. It has been over a man Mrs. Harrell will be as-

tive ^Fauquier, died at lus week since thejast_ddivery of sisted b^ Mrs. George D. Baker home in ZaaeaviHe, OIHO. Tnea- coal nq y«'m«ii . <« p/MaTby'*"^ ^"^ * ^ Spiaa Mati>r{aiii day. Januarj' 22. He was a Con- the tank wagons and since Fri- have bem ordered and work wiU federate veteran betrntging to the day last the supply on sale iiss begin at onfce. Mrs. R.-S. Hy&-Wairenton Rifles and had Hved bem exhausted. Vienna and aoa remains at the JKsd of we-in Otto since ^967. He is ^mv other towiB in the county all re- man's work, tomaerty Imown as vi%-ed by his wife, two daughtAs p^t being without ofl or with ^military relief-anH in« sort, two aisters, Mrs. jnly a very limited supply on The secretarj reported the re-Mar _, E . Jlefliii, Grafton, W, Va^ hand, h is stated the Falls ceipt of thrift utampa from Dr. and Mr."* '/-^ i Goujrh. Gaines- Church agency of th.- StAnriard C. R. C John,* - ^ ho ha." ofFpr-viH'- ,^-- • ' -othfTS. Mr. R. U ' O i l Company has >f r\\ :-i:-.x ' tr r •• '••' "•'•> '"'rTTi f.vp w r Mintf'T, •*'!' i.Tr.if:.". ^ ' Va . aad c a n loaded » ,• • >i •;• • .. ;.- vi, a . r : • : -. > -a.-h . a.f.- '.r. T J M -Mr. R T MlnUr ' "•>:»-

- ' that^e are in a powtioa to offer you at a gckxi price: -

G>rii King Manure Spreaders, Hoosier Complanten, Hoosier Drilk and Lime Sowers, Weber Wagons,. J*ogul and^Tit^ Espies {ife fcyl ttt«L„

J. I. Case Plows, btemational—^vpt f - -^-Wheel Cultivators, Deering Rakes,

Mowers and Binders

HATOXJCKrmJGGIES Primrose and Siarj^s Sep^atora

Manassas Feed, Supply and Implemeot Co. ' E\/ERYTHING FOR T H E FARM-

m roivs

F - T , ^ - ^ -l3pK*i*»' "T—-r-z*ii35^




MFB. J4|MMSC#^^AaD#t -ftitt r ^ turned from a visit to her dauj^-ter, Mrs. Hattie Woolfenden, of ^*^^j|j|uaK| - She^.ya8 ac-


cdiripaiSeaDy ^er" uv son.

The. ladies of the Bellehaven Branch of the American Red <;;roB8 met recently at the home of Mr8.^ary P. Thornton to dis­cuss Igoittingr and other work to be done for the soldiers.

Messra-Thomas J. Woolfenden and Walter M. Woolfei^dfci^taiade a buBiBess trip to Mrtiaimaa Fri­day.

The community was disap-

I pointed that Rev. Bamett Grim-sley cotild not fill his resular ap­pointment her« Sunday.

Messrs. Allen Liming and El-van Keys, of Joplin, were Kopp -visitoni during the,week.«9id.

J<r8. Hattie Woolfendrai, of Washington, visited relatives in thia neighborhood Monday uad Tuesday. .

Ifiss R,ay. Luck spent the jweek-eod at her lumie^ .!!Hifl^ land Farm." ^ _

The average attendance bl^jruest of Mrs Holmes Seho<ri for tbe mo||t& of January was 16.65.

Mr. H. J. Carr, postmaster at Brictow, was <m ttoute 8 M(»d«y with our regolJur canSer, "ib. H. E. Fleming.

Th« t iHithfield Q h ^ held its monthly meeting at th»^ry school hou8« SaturdayL^xening, MJ-. E^v *^TTl|h|Cf"^'"'' "^^ prograifl included the foildtj'feg numbers: Business session, in­strumental music by Miss Har­riet Simsfion and Mr. CliSord Lowe; "The House by the Road," Miss Lena Strobert; "Is It Any­body's Business?" Miss Annie Kincheloe; "Canning the Kais^

Father Jan otiiciated. . Mrs. Hill celebrated h«r eigh-

19, *i the home of daughter, Mrs. Ida Hayes. A««g^y^^^gj^ present, i^erjf Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Florencfe, mT^!^99l^ burg, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Fairbanks, Mrs. Kincbeloo, Mr. Hill, Mr. Fairbanks and Mr. Briggs, all of whom wished Mrs. Hill many qiore bright a,n4 bi4n>y birth­days.

Jfr. Richard Bamee has re-


tMSimiffiS- t ^MHbuec^VHVi^th

ily to work on my farm Bristersburg; prefer man with son old enough to do farm work. J. L.Harrell, ManassaH, Va. 37-2

Mrs. Mary Bausd.-wha been visiting here, has returned

Mr. Jtot Weber, of Indepen­dent Hillr made a bwi^efls trip through this neifl^barfaood Sat-

. "urdayra oming. • ' . Messrs. Lawrence Movntjoy,' CarHon Davia ind n /Bry ih N « -ioaB were K ^ visitors Smiday.

Mr. Winter Woolf<md» WOMI » visitor *at H a y f t ^ and Caoova Sunday.

An entertainment was given «t nohnca adMfflfcSfttwrdfg^^ niag for the tten^t of tbe com^

tte proc«<b h w n g ^ y ^ M **1P*^ ly betweerrthe tions.

Tlie &ext meeting of A e BeQb->i»vMt Tiraneh, <rf the Aaaerjean

E. M Miss Elsie Fairbanks. ,

Mr. Samuel Kincheloe, wl o is woikihg at Quantico, Iqwnt Sun­day at his hotn? here.

Hr . and Mrs. E. M. Briggs en-tertained abottt thirty guests Friday eyiteixw. Games imd^ra-^ d e were inrtwlgifd in until a late hour, after which a ddightfol Slipper w i i s e r r e d . " "

Miss ^fewse Iloywiee i«-wi ^le sick Sat — ' —

Misaee Elide Fairlwnks and

to Washington. Mr. Andrew Kincheloe spent

Sunday and Monday with his aaa^Jb. Wi& Ki^dtelee, wjbe* ia iU.

er," Misses Fairbanks and Simp- i^ntly lost a fine horse. son; "The Sabbath Day ^ba. Ending," Miss Lucye Kincheloe; '*What Would You ^aD JiT Ray Fairbanks; "When My DoUy Died," Miss Helen Cheslock;. "Somewhere in France," Mns El-fiie Wmdsor; instrumental duet, Miss Simpson and Mr.^l^we; "At the Opera,',' Miss Myrtle Merrill; reiuling by Mr. Briggs, reading of "The Crooked Bean Shooter" by Mr. Fairbanks, and "Ainerica."

Miss Mjrrtle Merrill, of Inde­pendent HiH, whorls teactmig school at Forest Hill, is a week­end visitor at SmiiMeki, as the

Briggs and

IN MEMOKIAM In sad bnt loving nmambrsBM of

oar hoalMuid cail fkth«r, Charia* Duan, who departod tM^ Uf* two rmn »go today, Febrnanr i, UK. The month of Vtibmmty tiaea amre is

To na the •addaet-effta year, Because it took frma oa away, Ow hMhaiid#t>d tuibm two yaSn •<»

, t«gy^ . He anifered moch, he mnrmured a«^ As w« wmtehod Urn day by day, Untfl at last with bnkcn hewta, .W»a«w hint peaa away.

By Hia Wtta and ChiMfan.

T|IESPASS "HCfTKE ^ F*vi"g nirrK'iffM! the irfaee

known as the GU Stone i^ace, all jersens are forbidden to remove wood or timber or trespaaa on

For Sale.—Two thoroughbred Duroc Jersey brood sows; due to farrow the latter of April or ear­ly in May. a W. Bojdes, R. 2, Manassas, Va.

Store for Rent—Two -with—medetn—teyiw Center street, opposite Prince William Hotel. Good (q^ening for harness businesa. For par-dculars, lee or wiile E. Wood Weir, Box 298. Maiiauas,ya.87-8

H Wt (Bkea4oQlu_.,

f We are offering a week-end medai cadi week In one-iwund box chocolates. Thh week we have chocoiate^^overed pineapple and cherries. H M price is 43 cents per poond. If they are not equal to any 60 cent pmchase anywhere else In town we win refond the 43 cents and yos keep tiae eiM>ee-

"Ttave goirioplesss'your

Beginning F^nt»ry 1 and.un-til further Mtiee I wffl give one Twaaty-iye Cttat Thrift SUmp with every $6 ouA tHurehaaC' W. C Wagener. 37-tf

H We stifl have p&niy of WHItE FLOim. The price is tower than war floor. WIO be b e t t e r -get a barreL

H We want EGGS, POUI.TRT and all kinds ef FURS. ._: ^


Sewing k specialty—Mrs. S. S. Stolia, Nb^s^De, Va. "Bg

Wanted->-50,0i«r~ white cross ties. See us and get prices. M. Lynch 4 Co.-

MONEY TOLBSND in $1,000 to |6,d06 on real first trust CTA. SSndi&, Iqmey.

Wanted—Men to

Harriet *Sittgpsd«i and Oifford Lowe and Cailtan HiU wesre recent guests ef Ifiss Lueye Bnehrfoe.' ., •- ' • •' [

, rf Duairiasr

suae in any manner nndar jpeii-itty «f !##. •" r '"~ "' : = : - : : t r E D G A B SOUTTEfc Cherry ffiH, Vfc

was a SmiOdWd visitor Sunday. xBe ^euef^i

fiel^aos is sWfl^ ridins. AjS^

tbeVaa»a[ Hr-^lHanrKet^^, i^Woodbridge./'

A quiet but prdtty wadding

i t


Rev. A. J. CJimmihgs^ pTctuR is now m B^eiiaven C%ureh. It js an excdlent likmess of our

-fhrfmtrjggitftr. who~pa>Mtched a t Bdlel^^en for twenty-Ave yeaia.

> Mr. b . Bryan NbrmJn was a BeDlair visitor Tuesday.

Miss Ethel Tolson was a visi-tor at Holmes School Monday.


Many of tfas KiH>pites are toliear

B I ^ Sunday, the Hvangeffig^' _A Junior Red C ioss will be^r

ginlTw! shnritty" SckooL

-aAXMASKEI M r . H u ^ l

brother andTlSt

J * -

and UTB. Wade C. Payne. Mrs. A. W. Amphlett had a

~ ~ ^ ^ f m 1 i 8 t SatuHay ittg the d u t h of ha father, Mr.

-1>. A Boyntmi, at Ms haaMi fa Jacksonville, Fla.

Mrs. N. T. DePauw and Mra. H. J. Gates, the latter of Louis­ville, Ky., are speeding a few days together in Baltimore. ~

l i f e paptls of Haymarkct HIgfc School are nbearunk f o r W en­tertainment to be i ^ e n on Washingt<»'a birthday for the joint b^efit of tbe Bed Cross and Y. M. C. A.

The surgical dressings Kukr. \ room will be open Tharaday aft-

—— emoonof next week ftTlftMtlBL

the GaflioBe CtimmA.when Miss Carrie Benaack became the bride

S d i d o i ^ t ^ ^hu(* Sati^di^ fa February. The - etmrnuttee in iiAasege i s cwnposed DfTMiiat.-T.jof | Ir . Hichad UmaoS^ W. Lyfln, Mrs.~MMy P. Thata-}^

. ton and Miss Miud L. Norman, Mr. T. W. Msnsfid4 of J t f ^ s -

.saa, s p ^ Ute week-end i n , » i s seis^borfaood.

liTdTICE TO TAXPAYXBS mtd corporation tax books are

te my haada f w eoBectiim^ AB ^ g e g a r g jyejnolMad^auribjmi^^ less taxes are paid-m ^.before;

±i«^i^-^^*?«i5ffl^^^S£ eentwfflbeadacOT.

J. u . WAMIS, oergeasv.

f lra -Insuraaca—'it you are •ftaid of Mutual Assessments, taTf gar <ad line eomnanies. If yoti don't like the increasing cOd line rates, try our MutualT Take ypur choice. We represent iMth kinds. AaMllu_Cjgijuratiog.._ja

to Tuesday and Fridiy after-BOORf, as \ t iwre IHB bee» emeqteney cafl for a t teast'TOfr smal) sponges and as many more as can be made during this month.

S t Paul's Church was c}w»«»d on Sunda;. .. ••t fir lack r.f ;.,i., but i* . «\;>v,-',i inat it ^»,.. ,> orx"-" •".:.= > ;nday tnf j = .semet at II o'clock. M

CIGAREfK YOITLL e f ^ this real r

Bui-ley qgaratta Ifs.^ fan of flavor—just ais good

dairy farm or in d ty idant wages.. J^Pi^. by J ^ a r parson to C. Tfaompson, i t .S . W.« JVaiduagtrnviLiL

Wanted^r—Marrtsd nuta farm work h i oncsf^JKar |rice'~to good'man. Wm. D. Shatnt , Bristew,'Va. 8 0 4 1

House for rait—C^reom dweU-ing wfth modem improvements. G.3a^mot»d Eaf ""'^ "" VaT

t m y ; it, but ff y ^

tttitsf owl IkM fatal,! dnip ma » eacd aaSr_ .aaUoiyda. S a i l J. Auatis.


cjMitmcnciBgj^ plff^peetyi Twenty-two head <rf cows and

1 ^ First-Class Dairy Govn^ wilt t» "freifr and d ^ nJ^

tlirce yeaf-okHifeifewrtir alt the cow» have tdbercufin terted by Burean

torlo, nine hort, two wagon, two old wagonij ^Qolk wagon, two buggies, ooni{>lete dairy outBt, including separator, two n&ilk co<Mers, milk cans, stove, etc.; fanmng imfMemoits, consyting of drill, mowing machine, rake,duk harrow, two turapiows, rkfii^^aKvalor, threexme-horse waUdng cutevators, two smoothing harrows, lot of com and fodder, cowpea hay and^imothy najr; s<»tK houseb<^ goods and other articles too numerous to inenBon.

* TERMS:—Sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that ffffi^iot A credit of six months will be given^ the purchaser cxecutvig interest^Eearing, negoliabie not^^with approved iigkurity ,i»ayable «t The^NatioiMJ Bank of Manassas. Noth-mxlohe removed uat3 terms of sale are complied with.


r.i^ -:^iBiii»^* JTBWf BlSS AS" * vr o^^Stf*'^ ^^ filSXir, fMSfi/Anrt, Bw ' .2! l^


Lieut. Rowid W M

It 18 due the numagement of the Industrial School for Colored Youth that it should be knows that it iB a miHta)fe about a meet­ing for politicfri purposes beiqc hdd there duS ng thte recent ox-citing political ^"Tf'g^ As one of the trustees oTthe instito-tkm I have nia4e an investiga­tion and iaoA the facts as folknrs:

The faii meeting of the trus­tee board was aet for Thursday, October 26 last, apd pormiasion

Referring ag^ain t< the sp<j<.ial object of this letter, i wili say that at the January meeting of the bcQu^ the following entry, was made on i ts minutes: \

"Kijqr Boimd reported to the^ board the criticisni he had

of the 8cho(d gnitinds for a polit-i a d meeting. Tlie principal re­ported that no such meeting had beeh held. It was thereupon mrve4> seconded, and unant-m< isiy carried that the trustees i<e-«flinn the long-standing posi­tion taken by t t e board that IK> meeting of a partisan naturs be held (m the grounds of the sdMml a t any time wbah.w.i.'*'

There is but one mittfake in this entry. I am not a major and never was one, but as there is now another "Lieut. Round,"


You Let Him Give You AB the Help He Is

Bcadty to Girc?

was grvcB to a committee to hold * < « m ^ faa^ for tha col- ? "^ Qot refuse to a^war to the

advanced title when desirable to distjngnish betweim us. /

During my inveitigation re> fared to, I found that there waa but one pbraoo on the schotfl grounds, among aU the faeoity, emi^yees and p«qiils who had tltadified himadf <>r noting and I

ored people on that day. I present at the board meeting and took oecasicm to kxdc ov«r the exhibits which I found* exceed ingly creditable, eqiedatty those originatmg iHth the Ihdastrial ScbodL I saw and heard notk-iBg 6f Any pohtical gathenngr If there had beoi one, I ti&& jjoould aot ascertain how he voted. would have known i t

Sfmirdays after, 4-heard that some of tlioaa interested m the county fair, bat win did-aot he^ long to the school, had invited the two dntididal«s for t i e house of delegates' tp discuss Qie i s s i ^ oFthe ekctun at the ii^r~SS: soon asiit' was €oa*A mAi liow-ever,. th^ there wis h nde against miilimeetiBipr ^ from ti» fpniidt irin

prjjvid*-^. ,. demonstration agent many farm­ers fail to take advantage of his services. They don't feel exact- j ly free to go to him for advice, and they therefore stand in the vay^ of the deaoonstrator doing the good that he otherwise would. There has be^i much discussion about the duties of the denoonstration agent, and in ORHv to ulaii f' the siittation, the Extension Service has made a bst of his duties. Bead over thia list of ThiajEs the Coimty AgAt Should £h>," and sat if yon are letting your county.agent h ^ you and your county u mwji as you should:

1. He «icourages commosi^ eo-<H>eration.

Z.-'Fromotes impnnrcd melli-ods in crop producttoo.

3. lBtn;Mbices m ^ ipsd better livestnrk. , 1_



7 '^Some fought and some saved and together

I will add that during the twen-^F^our yean the sehoet has been in existenae, I have been thdr-onghly^ conversant wttii its af­fairs and have found -a diqxMi-tioB on the part of aH, w nearly afl toocemed, to ooofine Hyeat-sdvcs stnctiy to. thear Impcwiaat-

school, no attfrnpt bring about the jm^Kwe meet­ing. ••• •'• ' ' ' ' " '•'

The institution is snpiiQrtQd Yxs, persons •< aB pavti a «B4 finas ; all seetiMBa mid Is tional in its i iy te ic t tr tr^ i t l f ta irV^^?:^ ^^^^^ th<|-vet«an new and^porS^fiSictki^to J S l ™ ' * ? ^ ^ fill aod^t is the liBey of „ „ /MatXed Amencan, wh» is gomg

Asa|iesa}taf'vqr <|utiesl vations I caa oswaEMRMl <^ ^

fof^^migbrm School to^tkeeonfideaee 'oiT^oarcitiaens. "',

V GEOECffi C. HO&KD^ Fatfraarr 4, »1B. ' '


4. Assists in the proper man­agement of farm bu^ness.

%, EstaUishes /"boys' fegticid-tural d u ^ fbr imiaovai nrt in pra&actioB «( oaiB^ ^ ^ t*y, etc

6. Assisto In mariceting aad HatrihatioD. ,

7. A¥Jlf» w thf <ipntrol of l sy

the VfV was won fl This 19 the stoiy the young folb of the future witt read in their history books at school. Every 25-cent Thrift Stamp will help to place the German Kaiser-and hJs murderers where they ought to be and gjve us

chdezs «Bd oflMt ntrol at aa^nai

8. Wdr|B for the of piant <fi HjtMfn :'.


«nd hig*, sudi hh llaStiii«s,~3ie.~ ^ •"'

th: Aids in ittstamivK.,draii]K

oopatnictifiB of fazm bi|d4-

hwarA *^ tpftf^ H Side compUeatioiiB. It has, I ««•»«"« tlisi whik spiritaaa: think, h f f nf gtwitHpoed to ail * °^^^?* ' '^^ ^^ ^ ^ 'J™* ^ the people of Norlheh^V^cmai T * ? * ^ ' ^ ^ «ew«al more in the pau a b d ^ ^ ttat oar *»ft^ ««^T»«te. 1* is not wart r^nntrv^i; »Mdlv«d^ —r M a f f ^ . ' ^ *"°^- 'H' ni iS BQ-maB

.lu Uite qjuuliy wte WbuM rttha the world-'-itaeB--is- _ _ _ _ _ _ with famine in « » d i w e ' a ^ be "•>*»* *«* '<* ^ k « » ia»nt

olved, snrh J-Htntin— a » « L ^ y ° < ^ ^ ' ° ^ ^ t } ' ^ ^ ^ > -ouftn the tmX besi flung T?/ mating it warm for emr boya «ver then by knttthqr sol&n'

school has hewAtted our own,'**^***^ While .oUioa have community by the ejgjeafitare •""""J*^**"**™* aa ama-

and nuBors' of war £ram tin aii^ltr^fr.^finis is

haittiag «—y at thoae

mv< special value. ', . ' • -• ~.

Aside from h^ho* and-wwe important eohwideraHoBJ the

of bundreds ui UlJSapBite~ buildings, imavvfaneBts aad far maintenance, it is but justice to say that the f nafwrt of the institution are hurgefy dependgrt j-.i a group of friends m New York city, .whorliave ocsaaiaed themselves into "The New York-Manassas AlWQCTataOn" and arp

necessary for the president is Mr. Onrald

lag, sUs^^MraAC-^aM lAAUS^—

>Me9tj» igf Wk.~ ^ = IS. AawfchrHtaaiiatyW


vicfUify aodTpeace in a worid made sdFe for democracy

^ Evay Wax Sayings Stamp is a loan to youf jjoy— « m e n l and will brmg you 4 per cent intoe^ It wiU help to feed, clothe and train sokfiei;;, and^buy^ rife, guns, sheB^4anlp^ ainala^

8 Wffl Saveis a ^^ Bm War Saving

arf honieLjand in F i c ^ ^ The s' tw^ aedominajtiQiis* and tfie $ 5

A i for lh«»ii at juty jMiik, pea ofice or



Ht'Ttau ayitsua tt crop ra> tattons for the imwoveaieat of

lahor thraaghout the year. IC "He iqreaenta. tke

aad naWanal ajgricnltanl «iea,«adeaahtvetlie of UiB rupprto in tkpsat asiy time it is'

tlH CAte CHRAPnt sweatera. He has emapleted two jmd a half of than aad'tk^H^ are afl'of seaenoa pntportiaBa

for big Mr. 16ms

• »ee their eaug}^ the

to. Get

lard, editor of the Eveaag Post and the Gordon"' Battle, tmt vl ifew York's most promnieirt attor­neys,* partner^ man, who is mteresM thing That state of V irga i^ York Association i

•t^TwncBT-t wmnic, ac l a ^ BMB-a, ViL ber* aad iBstmcted by the lady,. *T • x»_ -^ *^-^^ member, of his f t a . S . w h o 1 « i " « P ™ - = No. 8 tin eaa. witii

•iao hard workers in thi cause,.

special cffo^ to nent endowmenL '' ~

Every state superintendent pjoiic "InstrucSflB^ from Ifr. ^lassey to Mt. Steames haa vis­ited the aclxMd aad they have ^jit their agents to inspect 1 ^ school fp»m tim* to tiaM'aad for the last eight or ten years the ^tate has ma in taped thei<e wlUi the hdp of the local faculty a suhMMT iiiWHisI far toaahars> At the tiaPwbcp anew

yHAT aJMsrr ci. ASS UAN2 I at pace mt Om aStr wiS

I aot stand fw aaany weeks: Or­ders wffl be aoat fay sight draft

sitoae the editorial tripod of tbe ,<^ bank, so yoa wfflhaveptaity Uaioa-Sfeir visited the eaii^tvi«' OUMT^mz^ jiW tOHKH^B Stir visited tke eoontyi eaiatol Mopiday aad watefaed the P*** *'^''' o' ^o' ""^ in, as it draft madiracry la't te cmmtyl"*^ «iark»a«aeewwklarae«api»«f>B'»>««*bi|iped.: Lefs^et boon. TV ywirt f fiaiitsil atrst [theorders m and take advantoga ty <rf appellanta^Bid tlnar who ."^ *** 1"^^ ^ ' ' ** """^ ** were diauftisAed with UMir tftratioB. Mr. Goggia aaya

A caa company at Ca^iridge, Md.,. haa iqst written a letter saying for the eafllBst tnafe Qiey wifl fandak eaa« at tke foBow-

scdder hemmed cap, two aad one-

UMMI, aad Now 2, aaa^ e « faad fiipenihg, fSO pa* 1,000, f. o.

b. CaadxMl^ 1 ^ ^ 9 ^

i or las WaL ra to tlia oitai, wantjag CM* gn

osed to be a tinle when to

on ran*

.--iastK eadorsement. At one of receat board meetrnga, Mr.

Crosby, of Faoqiner,

poaaible what yov wiU aded, as it is going to be very hard to get tin cam later hi the aeaaoB; also thcTwiUbe snichhi^ar


obtained, pursuant to the new . . ^ ^ ^ . .. . > onstitotion of 1902, Govcraor ^ " j ^ * ^ ^ - d i v i d u a l

•'' : ? ! l ! ! l ! ^ * * ! * ^ ^ ^ whe,ri«ii.te them « a S f r * . to ,—sa mea aad gixca tham odkagd I LILLLAN V

0<vj»r T. Crosby, of Fanqaier ,^erVn i-T . \ ^ " ^ ^ ^ r * • « * . . . , , u ^ _ . .Star (Brookneal). J A g m t .iAPLstant aecretar>~ of the-treas-^ ! now in E i rope on a war, j^j,^ j ^ ^ j^^j , ^ ^ Janaar>- 2S. FoUowing • n , r-^.-rH by oor ^j ^^^ y^^^ ^^^ ^It^Hinc I^iw > farmers

p'°ai«^ that he



"ffene pe^Ie adfml your firq^—no Neiw Tork ^diarp^s. ^ will pay you to talk it over aiid get our rates s z

uT^ ann Ku^frestions madei

and 3i.-a»« !»o •>!'

^r' ' - ^20 hill h^ h:-moraai to i t s efficjency

••XT "esti-

Mis& ley Nails cLcri Janaar>- 2S at hpr borne near Sterling. Lou- > farmers willing to employ •ioun > .uDiv A' the age of nuw-: -'Cfa scfaooiboya. th*aducationsl

- - ra.: • ifTered from xhc ^-'hor-tj^^ of niinois have ar-:.: - • - ; Ik-- :or - - ^ . - • '^'F'""- ar . ••"' -, «ivp farm courw-.

:-:-cw- ••~v*T*r'<i-.-;*h . frc'rr PVbr';arr 1 to May 1 Lipscomb'sTire Insurance Agency .